17 90 TO 1873, INCLUSIVTE.
i I I 1
Date. No.
Abdominal and back supporter and truss combined. R.J. Cundiff...............
Abdominal and spinal supporter............... J. C. Zachos.................
Abdominal and uterine supporter................ J. A. Campbell...............
Abdominal and uterine supporter............. E. J. Harding...........
Abdominal and uterine supporter combined....... Z. Waters.................
Abdominal supporter................-....... M. G. Briggs.............
Abdominal supporter............................ H. B. Conant..................
Abdominal supporter............................. E. Dexter...............
Abdominal supporter............................ M. Faloon.....................
Abdominal supporter............................. S. S. Fitch...................
Abdominal supporter...---...... L.D. Fleming.................
Abdominal supporter.............................J. Funhouser.................
Abdominal supporter............................. E. K. Gale....................
Abdominal supporter...........................B. A. Grover..................
Abdominal supporter.............................J. W. Gurley................
Abdominal supporter............................ E. J. Harding.................
Abdominal supporter.............................E. J. Harding...............
Abdominal supporter.............................W. Henderson and J. Greenawalt.
Abdominal supporter............................ S. L. Hockert.................
Abdominal supporter..................... J. W. Hood..................
Abdominal supporter........................ I. J. H. Howard..............
Abdominal supporter............................ H. R. and G. W. Hubbard......
Abdominal supporter...................... A. F. Jennings...............
Abdominal supporter....................... A..T. Kirk...................
Abdominal supporter........................... M. L. Knapp..................
Abdominal supporter.._........................ A. I. Lonsbury...............
Abdominal supporter.......................... M. M. Merrill................
Abdominal supporter............................ J. M. Milligan.................
Abdominal supporter............................J. A. Morrell...................
Abdominal supporter......................... M. W. O'Meara..............
Abdominal supporter...................... J. L. Porter.........
Abdominal supporter............................ M. F. Potter.................
Abdominal supporter............................ J. V. Richardson.........
Abdominal supporter.......................... H. H. Thompson.............
Abdominal supporter............................ J. Thompson.................
Abdominal supporter............................ A. B. Weaver..............
Abdominal supporter............................ J. White, S. N. Marsh, and H.
Abdominal supporter............................. W. M. Young.............
Abdominal supporter and corsets combined........ S. A. Moody..................
Abrading and polishing wheel................ E.C. Merrill.................
Abrasion, Form of rubbing surfaces for regulating. C. Schiele...........................
Abrasive powder................................. J. Russell.....................
Accelerating washer.............................. M. Cass.............
Accelerating wheel-head.......................... D. H. Tuttle......_...._...
Accordeon..................................... A. Faas...................
Accordeon....................................... E. Pries..................
Accordeon....................................... C. F. Zimmerman........
Accordeon....................................... C.F. Zimmermann.........
Accordeon, &c.............................. F. Goetze and D. Miiller.......
Accordeon, Construction of....................... A. Faas...............
Accordeon, Method of tuning...................... E. A. Robbins............
Accordeon, Musical notation for.................... C. F. Zimmermann.......
Accordeon-strap............................C. F. Zimerman..................................... C.F. Zimmerman.....
Accordeon, Valve of.............................. C. M. Zimmermann.........
Accordeons, &c., Tuning reeds of................ M. and N. Schneider......
Accoucheur's chair............................. N. W. Smith..........
Account-indicator, Commercial.................. C. Brunschwiler..........
Ac:outerments, Cavalry............................. K. Mizuer.............
Accouterments, Mode of slinging.............. W. D. Mann..................
Acetate of cooper or verdigris, Manufacture of.... S. Dempsey................
Acid, and in the application ofl the same for various S. Stevens...................
useful purposes, Production and manufacture of
Acid and other liquids, Apparatus for concentrat- J. Hughes...................
ing sulphuric.
Acid and other vessels, Cap to prevent the burst- J. Matthews...............
ing of carbonic.
Acid and paint from material used to purify gas, J. Hughes...................
Manufacture of.
Acid and phosphates, Manufacture of phosphoric.. T. A. Genth.................
Acid and water-proof composition for coatingcloth. H. W. Johns...........
Lynchburgh, Va.........
New York, N. Y.........
Lima, N.Y..............
Saint Louis, Mo......
Bloomington, Ill........
Boston, Mass............
Geneva, Wis..........
Quincy, Ill..............
Bloomington, Ill........
New York, N. Y....
Newark, N. J........
Rockingham County, Va..
New York, N. Y......
Momence, Ill..............
Petersburgh, Va.....
Saint Louis, Mo........
Saint Louis, Mo......
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Milwaukee, Wis........
Mount Sterling, N. Y......
San Francisco, Cal......
Middletown, Conn.......
Sherman, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill...........
Painesville, Ohio.......
Somerville, Tenn.......
Boston, Mass..........
New Albany, Ind......
Chicago, Ill..........
New York, N. Y.......
Kirksville, Mo............
Kaneville, Ill.........
Milwaukee, Wis......
Washington, D. C......
Milwaukee, Wis......
Carthage, Ind..........
Canajoharie, N. Y.......
Trempealeau County, Wis.
New York, N. Y--......
Charleston, Vt.......
Frankfort, Germany....
Bath, Me.............
Caroline, N. Y......
Williamson, N. Y Y-.. -.
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.._
New York, N. Y.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphlia, Pa....
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New Orleans, La......
Shutesbury, Mass......
New York, N. Y.........
Detroit, Mich...........
Detroit, Mich........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y....
June 7, 1870
July 16,1872
Apr. 10, 1841
Mar. 24, 1868
July 27,1869
Feb. 6,1872
Aug. 2, 1853
June 5, 1866
June 16, 1868
Mar. 19, 1850
Dec. 31, 1845
Oct. 6, 1868
Mar. 14, 1846
July 5, 1859
July 22,-1873
Feb. 2, 1869
July 15, 1873
June 25, 1867
Sept. 8, 1868
Dec. 11, 1847
June 24, 1862
Apr. 17, 1849
Aug. 25, 1868
May 28, 1872
Jan. 28, 1851
Nov. 11, 1851
July 8, 1873
Feb. 10, 1857
Mar. 17, 1868
Mar. 12, 1850
May 25, 1869
May 18, 1869
Aug. 29, 1871
Nov. 22, 1864
Nov. 19, 1867
Sept. 27, 1859
Sept. 28, 1843
Dec. 24, 1867
May, 1864
Dec. 7, 1869
May 21, 1850
Jan. 22, 1867
Aug. 29, 1827
May 17, 1824
Aug. 12, 1856
June 21, 1864
July 10, 1866
Aug. 2, 1870
Oct. 28, 1873
June 13, 1854
June 12, 1855
Jan. 3, 1871
Jan. 29, 1867
July 22, 1856
Sept. 27, 1845
Oct. 16, 1849
June 29, 1869
Jan. 16, 186i
Dec. 8, 1863
Feb. 4, 1813
Aug. 27, 1867
May 28,1867
Apr. 22, 1873
103, 992
129, 202
2, 041
75, 902
93, 144
123, 326
9, 896
55, 252
78, 946
7, 186
4, 336
82, 702
4, 425
24, 630
141, 137
86, 539
140, 778
66, 022
82, 001
5, 395
35, 683
6, 353
81, 510
127, 352
7, 916
8, 515
140, 585
16, 602
75, 695
7, 175
90, 389
90, 191
118, 645
45, 193
71, 246
25, 597
3, 289
72, 710
42, 591
97, 671
7, 385
15, 511
43, 226
56, 319
106, 018
144, 025
11, 062
13, 044
110, 719
61, 698
15, 401
4, 212
6, 795
52, 064
40, 849
68, 321
65, 227
138, 171
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Stapleton, N. Y........... May 28, 1872 1 27, 350
Philadelphia, Pa........ Aug. 2,1859 24, 931
New York, N. Y.......May 10, 1870 102, 824
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Acid, Apparatus for concentrating sulphuric......
Acid, Apparatus for generating carbonic.........
Acid, Apparatus for generating carbonic.........
Acid, Apparatus for generating carbonic..........
Acid, Apparatus for making nitric................
Acid, Apparatus for making sulphuric...........
Acid, Apparatus for producing sulphurous........
Acid as a substitute for other solid acids, Preparing
Acid by lime decomposition, Margaric, stearic, and
Acid compound for use in baking and cooking....
Acid, Concentrating apparatus for sulphuric......
Acid concentrating-pan, Sulphuric...............
Acid, Concentrating sulphuric....................
Acid, Concentrating sulphuric......................
Acid for dyeing woolens, &c., Mixing............
Acid for extinguishing fire, Mode of collecting and
storing carbonic.
Acid from carboys, Apparatus for discharging.....
Acid fiom oil-refineries, Modc of recovering spent.
Acid fromn petroleum-refinery, Mode of utilizing
the waste.
Acid generator, fountain, and other vessels, Carbonic.
Acid in liquids, Apparatus for ascertaining the
amount of
Acid, Manufacture of acetic......................
Acid, Manufacture of acetc......................
Acid, Manufacture of horacic.....................
Acid, Manufacture of citric......................
Acid, Manufacture of nitric..........................
Acid, Manufacture of pyroligneous..............
Acid, Manufacture of pyroligneous.............
Acid, Manufacture of solid fatty.................
Acid, Manufacture of stearic..................
Acid, Manufacture of stearic....................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric............
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric...................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric.............
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric.............
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric...............
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric.................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric.........................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric..................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphuric..................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphurice and hydrochloric..
Acid, Manufacture of sulphurous...........
Acid, Manufacture of sulphurous..................
Acid, Manufacture of sulphurous.................
Acid, Method of manufacturing sulphuric..._.....
Acid, Method of purifying acetic................
Acid, Obtaining pure sulphurous...........
Acid on sheet-iron, Method of neutralizing.......
Acid, Pan for concentrating sulphuric............
Acid phosphate of lime, Method of preparing.....
Acid, Process for making sulphuric.............
Acid, Process for making sulphuric..............
Acid, Putitfying acetic........................
Acid, Purifying acetic...........................
Acid, Purifying pyroligneous....................
Acid, Purifyinsig pyroligneous or acetic..........
Acid to cane-juice, Method of applying sulphurous.
Acid used in refining petroleum, Process of recovering the.
Acids, Apparatus for manufacturing fatty.......
Acids, Evaporating and concentrating sulphuric
and other.
Acids from leather, Removing....................
Acids, Mode of preparing vegetable...............
Acids, Preparing wooden vessels for holding......
Acids, Process for purifying pyroligneous and
Acids, Receivers or carboys for the manufacture of
muriatic and other.
Acids, Separating oleic and stearic..............
Acids, Treatment of fatty.......................
Acoustic apparatus...............................
Acoustic auricle..................................
Acoustic drum..................................
Acupuncture instrument........................
Acupuncture instrument.........................
Acupuncture instrument..........................
Acupuncture instrument, Mold for making........
Adding and registering numbers, Instrument for..
Adding and subtracting register..................
Adding figures, Instrument for...................
Adding numbers, Instrument for.............
D. Ashworth and R. Eaton....
W. H. Bate...................
B. Bates...................
L. Kimball..............
P. O'Reilly..................
S. Ravenel...............
M. Hatschek.............
E. N. Horsford..............
Woburn. Mass...........
East Somerville, Mass....
Baltimore, Md............
Bradford, Mass..........
Providence, R. I.........
Charleston, S. C...........
Pesth, Hungary...........
Cambridge, Mass........
May 26,1868
Dec. '20, 1870
Apr. 5, 1870
June 11, 1872
Mar. 24, 1857
Apr. 25, 1871
Mar. 22, 1870
Apr. 2-2, 1856
H. Seybert and L. Vanuxem... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 16, 1830
J. E. Launer..............
W. T. Clough...............
P. Marcelin and J. Saunders..
D Ashworth and R. B. Eaton..
J. D. Loftus..............
H. Young.....................
E. Thayer....................
New York, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J...........
Greenpoint, N. Y.........
Woburn, Mass.....,......
Chelsea, Mass...........
Rochester,N. Y...........
Worcester, Mass...
Feb. 29, 1867
July 1, 1856
Apr. 28, 1868
Mar. 19, 1867
Jan. 1, 1867
Nov. 19, 1833
Nov. 16, 1869
78, 352
110, 190
101, 415
127 893
1(i, 879
114, 042
101, 011
14, 722......
62, 277
15, 222
77, 202
62, 919
60, 759
120, 259
42, 803
W. Gee......... New York, N. Y......... Oct. 24, 1871
L. S. Fales.......... New York, N. Y........Nov. 23, 1869
R. M. Smith...............Baltimore, Md........... May 17, 1864
J. Matthews.................. New York, N. Y.......... May 13,1873 138, 908
H. Twitchell..................Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Feb. 15,1870 99, 976
C. J. T. Burcey...............
A. and M. Pirz................
F. Gutzkow...................
W. K. Johnston.............
H. M. Baker............
M. E. Converse and A. T.
A. H. Emery..................
L. A. De Milly..............
E. DeBassano and A. Brudeun.
F. C. A. Bock..................
L. Chandor....................
D. E. Contaret..............
C. Hiurichs..................
D. Jackson....................
A. Monnier..................
J. Saunders..............
J. Smith and J. R. Savage.....
A. H. Tait..............
E. Thomson and W. H. Greene
H. M. Baker.................
N. P. Akin...................
P. Marcelin.................
P. Marcelin and E. Ende......
J. Hargreaves..............
A. A. Fesquet...............
J. Albrecht...................
E. A. Harvey.................
P. Marcelin ani J. Saunders..
E. N. Horsford................
B. Bell..................
H. Holland....................
J. F. Cavarly.................
T. L. Oldenu...................
C. F. Binder.................
C. C. Parsons.............
T. Byrne....................
R. G. Loftus..................
M. Work......................
W. T. Clough...............
M. W. Fry...................
N. S. Allison and B. Kugier....
W. Archdeacon.............
C. C. Parsons...........
Black Rock, Conn........
East New York, N. Y....
San Francisco, Cal........
Memphis, Tenn........
Williamsburghi, N. Y......
Rindge, N. I1., and Lowell,
New York, N. Y.......
Paris, France............
Brussels, Belgium........
Copenhagen, Denmark....
St. Petersburg, Russia....
Roxbury, Mass.........
New York, N. Y........
W\ralworth, England.......
Camden, N. J..........
Brooklyn. N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.._.......
New York, N Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Washington, 1). C......
Philmont, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
New Orleans, La.........
Paterson, N. J............
Marseilles, France.......
New Orleans, La. ---........
W ilmington, Del.......
Green point, N. Y....
Cambridge, Mass........
Boston, Mass....._.....
Westfield, Mass..... _...
Flushing, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y........
Baton Rouge, La..........
Chelsea; Mass.............
Sept. 12, 1871
Mar. 2,1869
Mar. 25, 1873
May 24, 1870
Oct. 11,1870
May 26, 1868
Aug. 8, 1865
Sept. 8, 1868
Aug. 27, 1861
June 29, 1869
May 31, 1864
June 13, 1854
Sept. 7, 1852
Aug. 13, 1872
Aug. 11, 1857
Nov. 25, 1873
Feb. 16, 1864
Feb. 9, 1869
Sept. 23, 1873
Jan. 26, 1869
May 21, 1872
Feb. 13, 1872
June 12, 1860
Aug. 24, 1839
Aug. 30, 1864
June 29, 1858
May 8, 1866
May 12, 1868
Apr. 14, 1868
Nov. 7,1811
Dec. 27, 1859
Dec. 5, 1871
Mar. 8, 1870
June 20, 1871
Feb. 23, 1869
Sept. 4, 1860
June 14, 1864
118, 788
87, 365
137, 072
103, 340
108, 090
78, 264
49, 247
81, 884
92, 004
42, 985
11, 050
9; 249
130, 432
17, 976
144, 9028
41, 647
86, 881
143, 202
86, 200
127, 008
123, 713
28, 678
1, 203:
44, 053
20, 755
54, 538
77, 826
76, 763
26, 588
121, 586
100, 553
116, 142
87, 193
29, 860
43, 157
127, 957
144, 328
129, 204
96, 721
93, 270
4, 735
22, 691
27, 165
16, 485.....
6:, 917
84, 854
102, 262
82, 686
79, 272
109, 619
79, 272
24, 481
23, 537
27, 418
- 95, 876
24, 990
99, 53
106, 999
39 222
103, 288
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Oct. 5, 1858
Newark, N. J...........June 18, 1872
Guyandotte, W. Va.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
Nov. 4, 1873
June 5, 1812
July 16, 1872
Nov. 9,1869
A. Baumgarten.............. New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 3,1869
J. S. Gwynne...............
J. C. Appenzeller...........
D. D. Stelle...................
E. G. Hyde...................
S. Sawyer.....................
A. R. Brown.................
A. R. Brown.................
G. Herrick....................
A. R. Brown.................
N. Spofford and C. Corliss.....
H. A. House................
C. Corliss..............
J. B. Newbrough.............
1. W. Aradt....................
J. Ballou......................
B. B. Brown..................
J. T. Campbell...............
G. W. Chapin.................
G. B13. Fowler...............
J. Groesbeck................
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New Brunswick, N. J.....
Irvington, N. J...........
Boston, Mass.............
Litchfield, Micih..........
Albion, Mich..............
Albion, Mich............
Albion, Mich.............-.
Haveihill, Mass...........
Bridgeport, Conn..........
Haverhill, Masi........
Saint Louis, Mo............
Green Bay, Wis..........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Delaware, Ohiio...._......
Rockville, In(l...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chic:lago, Ill...............
Philauclphia, Pa........
Sept. 3, 1846
Jan. 25, 1859
Feb. 14, 1860
Jan. 27, 1857
Oct. 24, 1834
Jan. 1, 1867
Dec. 15, 1868
Apr. 2'6, 1870
Oct. 6,1868
June 23, 1868
Nov. 29, 1870
June 23, 1868
June 21, 1859
Apr.. 12, 1859
Mar. 13, 1860
Oct. 19, 1869
Aug. 9, 1859
Feb. 8, 1870
Sept. 6, 1870
July 14, 1863
Mar. 1, 1b70
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Adding-machine....................E. M. Hamilton............... New York, N. Y---------.......... July 18, 1871
A dding-m achine................ J. H arris, jr.................. Roxbury, M ass----------............ Jan. 1, 1 61
Adding-machine............... A.L. Hatiield................. Lewisbumgh,Pa........... Sept. 26,1854
Adding-machine.......................... I. G. Hubbs................... New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 19, 1856
Adding-machine........................... M. C. Jeffers.................. New York, N. Y.......... Sept.29, 1863
Adding-machine...... D. Kohler.................... Sunbury, Pa........."...June 6, 1834
Adding-machine................... F. T. Leilich.................. Frederick, Md......... Aug. 23, 18 0
Adding-machine.................... G. Lindervos................ Point Arena, Cal.......... June 24, 1873
Adding-machine...................... D.R. Nelson...............Jackson, Ohio......... Apr. 24, 1860
Adding-machine............................. J. B. Newbrough.......... Saint Louis, Mo........... Sept. 28, 1E58
Adding-machine................................ N. Ockerland............ New York, N. Y.......... July 26, 1870
Adding-machine................................. V. Parks...................... Fort Wayne, Ind......... Mar. 5, 1867
Adding-machine........................... I. Parmelee................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Jan. 25, 1870
Adding-machine............................ S. Pool..................... Chapel Hill, N. C..... Sept. 23, 1873
Adding-machine................................ T. Rossiter................... New Haven, Conn..... Aug. 3,1869
Adding-machine.................................. N. S. Saxton.................. Riverhead, N. Y......... Nov. 13, 1855
Adding-machine...........................C. E. Spear................. Gardiner, Me........-.... Aug. 30, 1870
Adding-machine........................... A. M. Stephenson.......... Manteno, Ill...............Mar. 25, 1873
Adding-machine.................................T. T. Strode............... Mortonville, Pa.......... - Oct. 2, 1860
Adding-machine.................... T.T. Strode.................Mor tonville, Pa-......... Aug. 1, 1865
Adding-machine...-.......................E.A. Swain................. New York, N. Y...------..... Jan. 11, 1870
Adding-machine...........................F. F. Warner.............---------------... Chicago, Ill------------............. Dec. 27, 1870
Adding-machine...........................C. H. Webb................. New York, N. Y......... Mar. 10,1868
Adding-machine.......................... C. Winter................. Piqua, Ohio--------..............-- - Apr. 12, 1859)
Addomoter....................................... J. Burns..................... New York, N. Y........ Aug. 24,1858
Addometer....................................... L. N. Nutz................... Alton, Ill..............Aug. 17, 1858
Address.case for railway.car..................... S. W. Downey.............. Piedmont, W. Va.......... Jan. 28, 1868
Address printing-machine.................. H. Julien.................. Ottawa, Canada........ July 28, 1868
Addresses, &c., Machine for printing----...-------. J. A. Bar-ington............ Fredericktown, Ohio...-.. June 14, 1859
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Apparatus for J. A. Campbell............. Georgetown, Canada...... Jan. 17, 1860
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Apparatus for G. Hutchison................ Allegheny, Pa............ Sept. 6, 1859
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Apparatus for C. K. Marshall................ Vicksburgh, Miss......... Nov. 1, 1859
Addresses on newspapers, Machine for printing.. N. Bowlus................... Middletown. Md.......... May 1, 1860
Addresses on newspapers, Machine for printing.. S. D. Carpenter............. Madison, Wis........... May 5, 1857
Addresses on newspapers, Machine for printing... E. P. Day............... New York, N. Y.......... June 6, 1854
Addresses on newspapers, Machine for printing... D. B. Tiffany and S. W. Soule.. Xenia, Ohio, and Milwau- Mar. 20, 1860
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printing.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printing.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printing.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printimg.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printing.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printlog.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Machine for printing.
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Printing..........
Addresses on newspapers, &c., Printing........
Addressing letters......................
J. A. Campbell...............
Bue, is.
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Jan. 20, 1863
R. W. and D. Davis.......... Yellow Springs, Ohio...... Sept. 6, 1859
D. Fuller..................... Cherry Valley, Ill......... Sept. 15, 1863
J. C. Gaither.................. Somerset, Pa............. Apr. 7, 1868
J. Lord...................... Pawtucket, Mass......... Sept. 7, 1858
A. H.Nordyke............... Richmond, Ind............ Mar. 1, 1859
117, 169
31, 016
15, X65
40, 105.....
106, 701
140, 146
2: C06
21I, 621
1:5, 717
62, 677
99, 226
143, 184
9.1, 30
13, 800
100, 881
137, 107:?0, 264
49, 168
98, 720
110. 520
75, 3'
23, 637
21, 243
21, 236
73, 881
80, 285
24, 364
26, 831
25, 337
25, 974
28, 059
17, 194
27, 580
37, 432
39, 913
76, 433
21, 429
41, 234
8, 175
30, 259
36, 393
121, 931
137, 599
116, 567
64, 502
93, 527
136, 323
108, 038
121, 00
47, 142
92, 444
32, 763
86, 680
114, 032
41, 369
26, 827
23, 787
25, 363
31, 109
137, 373
83. 859
92, 519
142, 263
133, 550
45, 887
52, 983
90, 768
86, 308
38, 539
60, 646
84, 313
74, 993
129, 560
113, 342
71, 821
79, 778
M. and C. Peck and R. W.
H. Moeser...............
S. W. Soule...................
J. S. Brown...................
W. H. Clague and R. B. Randall
F. A. Darling................
G. A. Davison................
R. Dick................
G. Gibbons..................
S. Holton.....................
J. McFatrick -.................
J. K. Rukenbrod.............
N. E. and G. WV. Warren.......
New Haven and Orange,
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C.........
Rochester, N. Y.....
Fayetteville, N. Y'...-.
Montana, Iowa.........
Buffalo, N. Y.........
Meriden, Conn...........
Middlebury, Vt.......
Lena, Ill..................
Salem, Ohio..............
Cleveland, Ohio, and Hillsdale, Mich.
Lena, Ill.................
Jan. 12,1864
June 24, 1851
Oct. 2, 18C
Sept. 9, 1862
Dec. 19, 1871
Apr. 8, 1873
July 4, 1871
May 7, 1867
Aug. 10, 1869
Feb. 25, 1873
Oct. 4, 1870
Dec. 12, 1871
Apr. 4, 1865
July 13, 1869
Addressing-machine, Feed-rack for............... W. H. Henderson and W. H.
Addressing-machine, Newspaper......-..-.... H. A. Gage.........................
Addressing-machine, Newspaper.............. C. K. Marshall...............
Addressing-machine, Newspaper............... P. O'Conner................
Addressing newspapers, &c., Apparatus for....... W.M. Doty...............
Adudressing newspapers, &c., Machine for.......... J. Battey...................
Addressing newspapers, &c., Machine for--------.......... G. Schuh.....................---------------.
Addressing newspapers, &c., Printing-press for.... G. Henderson................
Adliheive material.......................... A. J. Russell.................
Adjustable bit... ---------........... F. Jonas....................
Adjustable box for arbors, &c................... B. D. and H. E. Kay..........
Adjustable bracket.............................. J. H. Davis...................
Adjustable bracket............................... J. B. Morrison...............
Adjustable chair............................... A. Chase....................
Adjustable chair................................ R. A. Thompson..............-----
Adjustable chair................................. T. Weaver...................
Adjustable clamp................................ W. G. Floyd.................
Adjustible clamp................................ C. S. Meeker..................
Adjustable gage................REJones.............R.E. Jones......
Adjustable hanger..........................R. A. Stratton................
Adjustable miter................................. P. A. Snyder.................
Adjustable press................................. N. C. Stiles....................
Adjus'able seat................................... I. Cook.......................
Adjustable seat.................................. B. N. Hemenway..............
Adjustable seat......_........................L. Postawka.....--..........
Adjustable seat-fastener.................... V. T. Thornton..............
Adjustable spring................................. A. Roff.......................
Manchester, N. H......... July 9,1861
New Orleans, La......... Feb. 9, 1869
Youngstown, Ohio....... Apr. 25, 1871
New York, N. Y.......... Jan 26, 1864
Honeoye Falls, N. Y...... Jan. 17. 1860
Madison, Ind............ Apr. 26, 1859
Allegheny, Pa.............. Sept. 6, 1859
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 2, 1861
Burlington, Iowa...... Apr. 1,1873
Fall River, Mass.......... Nov. 10, 1868
Chillicothe, Mo........... July 13, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y-............ Aug. 26, 1873
North Weare, N. H....... June 11, 1861
Beaver Falls, Pa.........l. Dec. 3,1872
Harrisburgh, Pa.......... - Jan. 10, 1865
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y..... Mar. 6, 1866
New Haven, Conn........ June 1, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 26, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa......... May 12,1863
Jersey City, N. J.......... Dec. 18, 1866
Middletown, Conn....... Nov. 24,1868
Saint Louis,Mo........... Mar. 3, 1868
Rockland, Me............ July 16, 1872
Cambridge, Mass......... Apr. 4, 1871
Belleville, Mich........... Dec. 3,1867
Southport, Conn......... July 7, 1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Officee from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i i
Adjustable table..............................
Adjustable wrench................................
Adjustable wrench........................
Adjustable wrench........................
Advertiser, Balloon........................
Advertising-apparatus, Panoramic...............
Advertising-box to lamp and other posts, Clamp
for securing. -
Advertising-cabinet, Electric......................
Advertising-device. ---------
Advertising-device.-.------ -----------------
Advertising device.............................
Advertising directory.....----------------------
Advertising frame----------------------..
Advertising -frame................................
Advertising-"frame, Electro-magnetic -..........
Advertising lamp.................................
Advertising -lantern..............................
Advertising machine..............................
Advertising-medium, Ornamental.............---------....----
Advertising, Mode of----------------------..............................A dz...-..................
Eolian-attachment, &c., Manner of adjusting the
pitch of reeds for.
Adrated liquids, Draft-pipe for:..................
Aerated liquids, Mode of preparing...............
Airated water, Manufacture of---...--.------..
Aerating and mixing substances, Apparatus for... -
Aerating liquid, Apparatus for..................
Aerating liquid, Apparatus for...................
Aerating water.....................................
Aerator, Flame....................................
Aerial car.........................................
Aerial car........................................
A irial car..........................................
Aerial car.........................................
A rial car-------------------------------.........................................
Airial carriage and way..........................
Aerial carriage and way.._
Aerial carriage and way -------------------
Aerial machine..............................._.
Adrial machine..................................
Aeirial navigator..................................
Aerial navigator.................................
Aerial railway....................................
Aerial railway----------------------.......................-----............
Aerial ship------------------------------........................................
Aerial transit, Method of........................
A irostat..........................................
Airostats or balloons of various forms, Manner of
directing the course of.
Aerostatic jack..................................
Agare Americana, Machine for dressing the leaves
Agare-plant, Machine for dressing the leaves of
Age to wine, Process of imparting..........
Ageing alcoholic liquors and producing vinegar,
Apparatus for.
Ageing alcoholic liquor.............................
Ageing alcoholic liquors, Mode of...................
Ageing and mixing liquors, Apparatus for........
Ageing and purifying spirits....................
Ageing and refining wine and liquor, Apparatus
Ageing-apparatus for whisky and other spirits....
Ageing-apparatus for whisky and other spirits...
Ageing liquors and spirits and for producing aromatic ethers, Process for.
Ageing liquors, Apparatus for..................
Ageing liquors, Apparatus for mixing and........
Ageing spirits........
Ageing spirits, Apparatus for.......
Ageing spirits, Apparatus for....................
Ageing spirituous liquors, Apparatus for..........
Ageing whisky and other spirits, Apparatus for...
Ageing wine................................
Ageing wine and liquor, Apparatus for............
O. C. Dodge-------------..............-....
A. Hotchkiss-------------..................
J. Magee---------------...-..........-........
A. Sedgwick..................
E. L. Moodie..................
G. W. Hawes-------------.................
A. Berthoud..................
W. Hebdon.......-.........J. A. Royce..................
J. Berthoud...................
P. McCosker..................
H. W. McAllister............
J. D. Parsons..-------------................
W. C. Harris, A. R. Roseman,
and H. B. Hutchins.
I. Beziegler.............
H. H. Browne................
A. Davis-------------------
J. E. Emery...--------------
C. Peabody and P. H. Delaney.
R. F. Rankin................W. Raphael...................
W. H. Reiff...................
W. S. Webb...................
B. F. Stillwell................
D. G. Howell..................
B. S. Moulton................W. H. Sadler and J.M.Drysdale
J. Sonnedecker-----------................
J. Brooks---------------....................E. Boesch....................- -----
T. L. Wright...-------------
I. W. Sylvester.--..-----. ---.
J. O. Belknap- --..........
E. Wieb---------------.....................
P. H. Bradley...............
G. W. ingalls...-------------
C. Horst...................-----------------
0. F. Stedmnan.................
P. H. Vander Weyde........
G. McCoy....................
E. L. Pratt....................
E. L. Pratt.................
T Warker..................
C. D. Simons and J. J. Riondel.
C. L. Browne..................
O. Abbruzzo..................------------
I. W. Forbes....-----------......-....
F. Just and A. Koellener......
A. P. Keith--------------.................
E. Oakes......................
D. Towse........--------.............-----
D. Towse- --................
D. Towse-.----------------
L. C. Crowell................
J. A. Elston...................
A. Kinsella.................T. Moy and t. E. Shill.....
Z. Stone....--------..---------..............
J. A. A. Fountaine............-------
R. Montgomery...............
M. Braun---------- ------
R. A. Cheesebrough...-...
S. Andrews....--------------..............
M. Muzzi.....................
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Sharon, Conn............
Usquepaugh, R. I.......
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
Savannah, Ga.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Lee, Mass.................
Paris, France.............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Chicago, Ill...............
Albany, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
Lowell, Mass.........
Albany, N. Y........
Detroit, Mich...........
Columbus, Ohio...........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Providence, R.I.....San Francisco, Cal.......
Danby, N. Y...........
Danvers, Mass..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Cincinnati. Ohio..........
Boston, Mass.............
San Francisco, Cal......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
New Orleans, La.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Portland, Me............
Concord, N. H...........
New Orleans, La.......
Westfield, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass................
New York, N. Y..........
Charleston, S. C.....
Washington, D. C.-.-_
St. Margherita, Italy._...
La Porte, Ind............
Buffalo, N. Y............
Easton, Mass.--- -...
Rishmond, Ind............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
West Dennis, Mass..-..
Elston Station, Mo........
Cascades, Wash.......
London and Mile End,
Kinsmans, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..-.
Cape Vincent, N. Y
New York, N. Y.......
Perth Amboy, N. J........
Bologna, Italy-...-....
Date. No.
Nov. 20,1860 30,671
May 4, 1852 8, 922
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 393
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 306
Mar. 18, 1873 136, 930
Dec. 19, 1871 122, 005
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 260
Nov. 26, 1861 33, 772
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 208
July 9, 1867 66, 637
Nov. 18, 1862 36, 937
Sept. 30, 1873 143, 365
May 30,1871 115,494
May 11, 1869 90, 017
Feb. 18, 1868 74, 530
Apr. 30,1872 126, 367
June 16, 1868 78, 923
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 637
Apr. 4, 1871 113,409
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 707
June 29, 1869 92,137
July 30,1872 130, 070
Apr. 25, 1871 114, 198
Feb. 23, 1869 87, 228
Nov. 17, 1863 40, 648
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 675
Oct. 15, 1872 132, 314
Apr. 13, 1869 88, 910
May 5, 1868 77, 545
Dec. 14,1869 97, 756
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 890
Dec. 12, 1871 121, 923
June 25, 1867 66,055
July 11, 1871 116, 799
Nov. 15, 1859 26, 136
Aug. 24, 1869 93, 957
Dec. 23, 1851 8, 608
Sept. 27, 1845 4, 210
Jan. 7, 1873 134, 710
Feb. 4, 1868 74, 175
Apr. 23,1867 64, 019
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 449
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 788
Apr. 8, 1862 34, 916
Aug. 16, 110.
May 12, 1868 77, 799
July 21, 1868 80, 107
July 16, 1872 129, 401
Oct. 10,1865 50, 365
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 415
Aug. 30,1870 106, 862
Dec. 10, 1867 71, 921
Dec. 10, 1867 71, 922
Dec. 10, 1867 71, 923
June 3, 1862 35, 437
Aug. 13,1867 67, 739
June 3, 1862 35, 453
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 381
May 12, 1868 77, 850
Feb, 5, 1867 61, 824
Sept. 11, 1866 57, 949
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 629
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 406
July 5, 1864 43, 449
Oct. 16, 1844 3, 799
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 475
July 21, 1868 80, 122
Apr. 23, 18o1 32, 143
Mar. 5,1861 31, 616
July 11, 1865 48,728
Mar. 4, 1873 136, 470
Oct. 18, 1870 108,388
May 21,1867 64,990
Jan. 9,1872 122, 513
July 28, 1868 80, 459
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 275
Nov. 29, 1870. 109, 611
Oct. 1-2, 1869 95, 703
May 4, 1869 89, 748
July 16, 1872 129, 440
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 226
Sept. 27, 1870 107, 658
July 13, 1869 92, 633
May 18, 1869 90, 120
Oct. 19, 1869 96, 056
Mar. 7, 1871 112, 485
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 179
May 14, 1872 126, 722
A. V. Ojeda................... San Francisco, Cal.......
D. Bickford --_------------_Boston, Mass............
E. J. y Patrullo -.--........... Merida, Mexico...........
E. J. y Patrullo............... Merida, Mexico...........
J. Searle...................... San Francisco, Cal........
R. D. Turner....--------------- New York, N. Y.........
H. Purdy....................
J. L. Martin..................
S. C. Bruce......-............
J. M. Crafts.................
R. D. Turner.................
Burlington, Iowa....
Baltimore, Md.....
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
T. P. Greeley.................. Boston, Mass.............
W. P. Martin-............... Millersburgh, Ky........
C. L. Fleischmann............. Washington, D. C.......
R. I). Turner.................. New York, N. Y..........
S. C. Bruce.................... New York, N. Y..........
A. Caldwell................... Lexington, Ky............
E. L. Morse................... Saint Louis, Mo..........
P. M. Papin.........-.......Saint Louis, Mo...........
R. D. Turner................. New York, N. Y..........
J. Peiffer and S. Richards.-... Valonia, Pa.............
F. Haeck.................... Brussels, Belgium....
A. Luquet and P. Huerne...... San Francisco, Cal.....
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Ageing wine and spirits, Apparatus for...........
Ageing wines and liquors....................
Agitating and heating substances, Apparatus for..
Agitating and kneading substances, Apparatus
Agricultural boiler...............................
Agricultural boiler.............................
Agricultural boiler................................
Agricultural boiler...............................
Agricultural boiler... -........................
Agricultural boiler.............................
Agricultural boiler............................
Agricultural boiler...............................
Agricultural boiler and steamer..................
Agricultural digger..............................
Agricultural fork................................
Agricultural fork.......
Agricultural forks, shovels, and hoes, Handle of...
Agricultural implements, Blade for..............
Agricultural implements, Combined...............
Agricultural implements, Combined...............
Agricultural implements, Disk for................
Agricultural implements mounted on wheels, Leveling attachment to.
Agricultural machine.............................
Agricultural steam-apparatus.....................
Agricultural steam-boiler......................
Air and gas, Apparatus for mixing...............
Air and gas engine......................_
Air and gas engine........................
Air and gas engine........................
Air and gas engine...........................
Air and liquid cooler- - --....................
Air and making ice, Apparatus for cooling........
Air and other substances, Cooling.................
Air and steam engine............................
Air and steam engine, Combined.................
Air and steam for actuating engine, Process for
Air and steam jet to promote combustion....,.....
Air and supplying boilers therewilh, Heating....
Air and water warming apparatus for dwellings...
Air, Apparatus for compressing................
Air, Apparatus for compressing..................
S. C. Bruce....................
A. Luquet...................
G. Nebeker..................
W. Adamson......................
C. M. Cloud..................
F. Farquhar.................
J. H. Havland, G. W. Cronk,
and J. F. Antisdel.
P. H. Inman and C. B. Withington.
H. A. Mears.................
H. A. Mears.................
J. Murdock..............
D. R. Prindle.................
R. S. Hazen, sr...............
A. L. Kennedy...............
T. Beale.....................
C., A., and C. N. Clow..........
R. M. Hine...................
W. Scott.....................
L. Lehmann..............
C. R. Rand..................
E. T. Bussell...............
B. F. Cook...................
E. C. Bellinger...............
L. S. Robbins.................
V. Pardee.....................
T. C. Hopper...............
A. H. De Villeneuve.......
D. Dick.................
J. F. Haskins........
0. Trossin..................
D. E. Somes.................
T. D. Kingan.................
D. E. Somes.................
F. B. Blanchard..............
0. M. Stillman................
W. M. Storm................
G. M. Copeland...........
G. E. Hibbard...............
L. C. St. John----------
W. Arthur..................
J. B. J. Mignon and S. H. Rouart.
New York, N. Y......
San Francisco, Cal.......
Wilmington, Del..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Feb. 9,1869
Mar. 11, 1873
June 26, 1866
Apr. 18,1865
Grinnell, Iowa....... Sept. 2, 1873
Richmond, Ind.......... May 3, 1870
Janesville, Wis......... Nov. 19,1872
Janesville, Wis......... Jan. 16,1872
Rockford, Ill.............
Rockford, Ill.....----------
South Carver. Mass......
East Bethany, N. Y.......
Calmus, Iowa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Milford, Ill..........
Port Byron, N. Y..........
Throopsville, N. Y........
Floyd Court-House, Va....
Monee, Ill..............
Dubuque, Iowa.......
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Olema, Cal..............
New Orleans. La........
Barnwell District, S. C....
New York, N. Y..........
Trenton, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Paris, France......-......
Meadville, Pa..........
Fitchburgh, Mass......
Berlin, Germany....
Washington, D. C......
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Washington, D. C.........
Waterville, Me...........
Westerly, R. I...........
New York, N. Y.....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Fond du Lac, Wis........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Paris, France...........
June 24,1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 14,1871
July 7, 1868
Sept. 3, 1872
Nov. 8, 1870
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 8, 1857
Oct. 28, 1856
Dec. 30, 1873
Nov. 15, 1870
Feb. 14, 1871
June 11, 1872
Nov. 12,1867
Aug. 4,1868
Nov. 19, 1833
May 26, 1868
Feb. 6,1829
Dec. 12, 1871
Mar. 19, 1872
Apr. 9, 1867
July 16, 1872
July 2-2, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 12, 1867
July 10, 1855
Aug. 9, 1864
Apr. 5, 1853
Feb. 26, 1867
Dec. 16, 1873
Oct. 7,1851
July 25, 1865
Mar. 19, 1867
136, 741
55, 886
142, 326
102, 671
133, 097
122, 723
145, 517
120, 894
79, 685
130, 996
109, 019
62, 594
18, 804
15, 976
146, 0-26
109, 226
111, 871
127, 677
70, 804
80, 795
78, 235.....
121, 719
124, 671
63, 619
129, 337
141, 189
101, 392
145, 659
70, 909
43, 803
9, 654
62, 397
145, 568
8, 413
48, t:86
63, 075
133, 046
33, 797
41, 309
53, 068
53, 385
93, 964
98, 846
94, 905
54, 655
64, 677
96, 223
131, 286
124, 404
51, 158
127, 332
123, 312
144, 005
124, 405
138, 339
123, 067
38, 637
28, 578
32, 595
103, 121
133, 004
89, 390
130, 627
146, 055
143, 634
47, 328
120, 094
129, 631
102, 397
140, 524
104, 362
130, 296
144, 390
142, 452
117, 285.
120, 597
143, 3-29
129, 791
73 283
75, 042
120, 095
110, 573
Air, Apparatus for navigating the................ C. McDermott............. Monticello, Ark.......... Nov. 12,1872
Air, Apparatus for navigating the..... --------------W. F. Quimby.............. Stanton, Del--------.............. Nov. 26,1861
Air, Apparatus for purifying and cooling........ A. S. Lyman---..------------. New York, N. Y......... Jan. 19, 1864
Air, Apparatus for lemoving dust and gas from... J. D.Whelpleyand J. J. Storer. Boston, Mass-----------.............. Mar. 6, 1866
Air, Apparatus for supplying a continuous flow of. B. Rouquayrol............ Paris, France...........Mar. 20, 1866
Air, Apparatus for transmitting power by the me- H. Call........................ Concord, N. H----------- Aug. 24, 1869
dium of.
Air, Apparatus for transmitting power by the me- H. Call...................... Concord, N. H............ Jan. 18, 1870
dium of.
Air apparatus, Fresh...... -------....................... J. McNeven......--------------- New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 14,1869
Air bath, Compressed............................ P. T. Ware............... Toronto, Canada.......... May 8, 1866
Air bath, Hot and cold........................... S. M. Landis..---------------.. Philadelphia, Pa...... May 14, 1867
Air-blast engine................................. J. Grimm................. Saint Louis, Mo........... Oct. 26, 1869
Air-brake.............................................. T. Luce................... Richmondville, Mich...... Sept. 10, 1872
Air brake and signal, Steam-power................ G. Westinghouse, jr.......... Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 5,1872
Air brake for catr.---...--...---------------------- L.. Dwelley.............. Dorchester, Mass...-...... Nov. 28, 1865
Air- brake for railway-car..................... C. Fogelberg.................. Boston, Mass........ May 28,1872
Air- brake for railway-car..................... T. O. Ward.................... Paw Paw, Mich......... Jan. 30,1872
Air -brake, Locomotive........................ G. Westinghouse, jr.......... Pittsburgh, Pa............ Oct. 28, 1873
Aih-brake, Steam............................. G. Westinghouse, jr......... Pittsburgh, Pa......-...... Mar. 5, 1872
At,-brake, Steam-power--------------------........................-- H. L. McAvoy.............. Baltimore, Md-... --Apr. 29, 1873
Airu-brake, Steam-power........................... G. Westinghouse, jr........ Pittsburgh, Pa -...Jan. 23, 1872
Air by exhaust-steam, Method of heating........... A. C. Fletcher............... New York, N. Y........May 19, 1863
Air by steam, Apparatus for heating.............. J. Hollingsworth.............. Chicago, Ill -......---.. - June 5, 1860
Air-chamber............................................ R. Creuzbaur.... Travis County, Texas..... June 18,1861
Air-compressing apparatus........................ B. T. Babbitt............. New York, N. Y...-----..... May 17, 1870
Air-compressing apparatus........................ B. T. Babbitt.-............ New York, N. Y-------.......... -Nov. 12, 1872
Air compressing apparatus........................ F.S. Dumont....-...-... New York, N. Y.......... - Apr. 27,1869
Air-compressing apparatus........................ G.D. Emerson------... ----.--. New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 20, 1872
Air-compressing apparatus........................ J. Ericsson-----...--------.. --- New York, N.Y.......... ---- Dec. 30, 1873
Air-compressing apparatus...--.--..-................ R.S. Parde..-..---.-...... San Diego, Cal--..-......... - Oct. 14,1873
Air-compressing apparat us...................... J. S. Patric-.............. Victor, N. Y.............. Apr. 18,1865
Air-compressing apparatus........................ J. S. Patric............... Rochester, N. Y--------........... Oct. 17, 1871
Air-compressing apparatus......................... J. B. Waring-----...--------.. - South Norwalk, Conn..... July 16,1872
Air-compressing apparatus, Hydraulic............. M. Hey...................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 26, 1870
Air-compressing apparatus, Hytraunlic............ C. Moore.-----.----------... ---.. Jersey City, N. J.......... July 1, 1873
Air-compressing apparatus, Hydraulic............ - W. D. Seal-------... --------.. -Washington, D. C......... June 14, 1870
Air-compressing engine-.......................... J. F. Haskins...---------.. - Fitchburgh, Mass-......... Aug. 6, 1872
Air-compressor................................... H. H. Day-.....---------------- New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 11, 1873
Air-compressor..---------------------------- H. P. Fairfield...-----------.. - Boston, Mass.............. Sept. 2,1873
Air-compressor, Hydraulic........................ M. Hey................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 25,1871
Air-compressor, Hydraulic...................... W. E. Prall................. Washington, D. C......... Nov. 7,1871
Air-compressor or blower......................... L. Chase...................... Portland, Me........... Aug. 12. 1973
Air-compressor or blower..................... L. Chase...................... Portland, Me-....-.. _- Sept. 30, 1873
Air-condensing and storing by the pressure of J. Cochrane..--.-----------. New York, N. Y.......... July 23,1872
water. Apparatus for.
Air-condensing apparatus.......................... H. J. Bailey- --..-. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Jan. 14,1868
Air-condensingapparatus---------. --- H. Moore...------..------- Bangall, N. Y............. Mar. 3, 1868
Air-condensing apparatus...................... J. S. Patric l.................... Rochester, N. Y........... Oct. 17, 1871
Air-cooling and ice-manulacturing machine.......I J. Kraflert................... Hoboken, N. J............ Dec. 27, 187
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Air-cooling apparatus............................
Air-cooling apparatus.................
A ir-co o lin g p ro c e ss..........................
Air-cooling ventilator............................
Air-cushion for doors.............................
Air cylinder, Compressed.........................
Air-draft, Subignis...............................
Air engine and motor............................
Air engine, Compressed..........................
Air engine, Compressed...........................
Air engine, Compressed..........................
Air engine, Compressed- ---------
Air engine, Compressed...........................
Air engine, Condensed.....................
Air-engine or fan-blower....................
Air-engines, Air-compressing apparatus for.......
Air-engines, Method of distributing the air over
the heating and cooling surfaces of.l
Air-flue register........................
Air flue with the chimney-pipes, Descending......
Air for illuminating purposes, Apparatus for carbonizing.
Air for illuminating purposes, Apparatus for carbonizing.
Air for preserving animal and vegetable substances, Mode of drying and purifying.
Air for use in the arts, Heating...................
Air from cases, Apparatus for expelling....
Air from liquors on tap, Method of excluding.....
Air-furnace for melting ores and refining and heating iron with stone-coal.
Air, gas, &c., Apparatus for compressing.........
Air heater and cooler......................
Air-heater and steam-condenser, Compound.......
Air-heater and steam-condenser, Compound.......
Air-heater and steam-condenser, Compound.......
Air-heater, Tubular.......................
Air-heating apparatus, Compressed................
Air-heating furnace..............................
Air-heating furnace..............................
Air-heating furnace..............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace.......................
Air-beating furnace --------
Air-heating furnace.............................
Air-heating furnace.............................
Air-heating furnace............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace -...
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace..............................
Air-heating futnace...............................
Air-heating furnace.......................
Air-heating furnace.......................
Air-heating furnace--- - -
Air-healing furnace......................
T. D. Kingan..................
N. S. Shaler..................
E. H. Grant.................
F. Villard...............
J. W. Wetmore-----------...............
G. W. W. Goodwyn........
S. Randall....................
W. Alworth...................
J. B. Atwater...............
D. Bickford.................
J. R. Cameron...............
P. Chick..............
W. Denkmann...............
J. Ericsson..................
J. Ericsson...................
J. Ericsson..................
J. Ericsson...............
J. Ericsson.........
E. Langen and N. A. Otto.....
F. J. Laubereau...............
J. J. E. Lenoir................
R. Lord.................
A. S. Lyman..........
T. McDonough................
H. Messer---------------....................D. Myers....................
J. R. Napier and W. J. M. Ran-.
H. Norman and C. F. Dietrich.
H. M. Paine...............
J. R. Peters................
B. F. Rice................
A. K. Rider..................
P. Shaw...................
O. M. Stillman................
O. M. Stillman...............
S. Wilcox, jr................
S. Wilcox, jr..................
S. Wilcox, jr................
S. Wilcox, jr................
A. O. W ilcox............
J. A. Woodbury, J. Merrill,
and G. Patten.
J. A. Woodbury, J. Merrill,
and G. Patten.
P. A. Ensign..................
D. Bickford..................
A. M. Smith.................
W. M. Storm.............
W. C. Turnbull...............
A. Parsey.....................
G. C. Hawkins...........
E. Buckup...............
Date. I No.
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Newport, Ky...........
Washington, D. C.........
Mount Eaton, Ohio.......
Erie, Pa.....- --...........
New Orleans, La........
Providence, R. I...........
S cran to n, P a..........
Chicago, Ill..._. _....
Boston, Mass............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Taunton, Mass............
Washington, D. C......
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York,N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Cologne, Prussia..........
Paris, France.............
Paris, France..........
Pawtucket, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Middletown, Conn......
Roxbury, Mass............
Chicago, Ill..........
Glasgow and Govan Parish, Great Britain.
New Orleans, La........
Worcester, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Clinton, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
East Abington, Mass......
Stonington, Conn..........
Stonington, Conn.........
Westerly, R. I.........--
Westerly, R. I.........
Westerly, R. I...........
Westerly, R. I...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Winchester, Boston, and
Charlestown, Mass.
Winchester and Boston,
Adrian, Mich..........
Westerly, R. I.............
Chicago, Ill.............
Troy, N. Y.............
Baltimore, Md.........
London, England..........
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y.. _
July 1,1873
May 30, 1865
Feb. 16, 1869
May 29, 1866
Sept. 2,1873
Mar. 1,1870
Mar. 12, 1811
May 28,1872
Mar. 13, 1866
June 6, 1865
Nov. 12, 1867
Dec. 18, 1866
Dec. 16, 1862
Nov. 4, 1851
July 31,1855
Apr. 15, 1856
Dec. 14, 1858
Oct. 9, 1860
Aug. 13, 1867
Apr. 10, 1849
Mar. 19,1861
Sept. 17, 1861
Feb. 28, 1854
Sept. 23, 1856
Jan. 6,1863
Nov. 15, 1870
Sept. 19, 1854
Feb. 25,1873
Nov. 30,1858
Nov. 18, 1862
Apr. 5, 1859
Jan. 17,1871
Oct. 24,1871
May 2,1854
June 26,1860
June 26, 1860
May 3, 1859
Nov. 20,1860
Nov. 20,1860
Sept. 19, 1865
July 19, 1853
May 17, 1853
Oct. 4,1853
Oct. 2, 1866
May 15, 1860
Aug. 8, 1871
Sept. 23, 1851
Apr. 17, 1860
July 31, 1847
Jan. 10, 1871
Dec. 10, 1872
July 2,1850
140, 375
47, 991
87, 041
55, 180
142, 540
100, 282.....
53, 097
48, 043
70, 800
60, 474
37, 155
8, 481
13, 348
14, 690
22, 287
30, 306
67, 659
6, 301
31, 722
33, 308
10, 576
15, 771
37, 299
109, 338
11, 696
136, 259
22, 219
36, 964
23, 495
120, 325
10, 868
28, 910
28, 911
23, 876
30, 700
30; 701
50, 061
9, 871
9, 739
58, 397
28, 248
117, 825
8, 380
27, 938
5, 205
110, 915
133, 713
7, 470
99, 692
43, 264
44, 560
66, 786
142, 497
54, 686
17, 073
12, 425
56, 338
100, 240
100, 241
100, 212
81, 781
140, 466
4, 622
5, 436
4, 301
3, 636
11, 847
6, 238
7, 780
27, 530
5, 114
7, 082
2, 994
16, 348
40, 033
10, 447
20, 640
5, 118
19, 781
4, 140
W. L. McDowell.............. Philadelphia. Pa...-... Feb. 8, 1870
J. Macomber.--------------- Greenwich, N.Y.......... Nov. 19, 1811
W. A. Simonds---.. -... Boston, Mass...-.......... June 21, 1864
W. A. Simonds................ Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 4,1864
E. D. Brainard...............
J. A. Morrell.................
D. Clavidge...................
A. F. Boyd....................
T. Gregg......................
S. Bidwell....................
W. Sage................
L. Perkins...............
B. F. Sturtevant..............
B. F. Sturtevant.............
B. F. Sturtevant...............
R. R. Hawley................
H. Bushnell..................
J. Barker.....................
J. Barker.....................
E. Barrow...................
R. L. Bate...................
J. Bradley..................
W. Brvent.--. ----
H. Bushnell.................
P. H. Carman............
G. Chilson..................
R. T. Crane.................
D. Culver...................
H. A. Engels................
C. Fowler....................
G. Fox...---------------...
J. D. Green and E. Ivers.....
W. H. Harris................
C. R. Harvey................
J. P. Hayes..................
W. Hickok...................
T. D. Ingersoll................
A. Janes......................
Albany, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Muskingum County, Ohio.
Connellsville, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Durham, Conn............
London, England..........
Jamaica Plain, Mass......
Jamaica Plain, Mass......
Jamaica Plain, Mass......
Normal, Ill..........._
New Haven, Conn.....
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md.............
New York, N. Y..........
Adrian, Mich...........
Saint Albans, Vt........
Boston, Mass..............
Ha tford, Conn............
Brooklyn, N. Y.............
Boston, Mass...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Hartford, Conn..........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Hartford, Conn..........
Hartford, Conn...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
New York, N. Y...-..
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.....
Monroe, Mich........
New York, N. Y._.-......
July 16,1867
Sept 2,1873
May 15. 1866
Apr. 21, 1857
Mar. 16, 1814
Nov. 8, 1864
Feb. 20, 1855
July 10, 1866
Feb. 22, 1870
Feb. 22, 1870
Feb. 22, 1870
Sept. 1, 1868
July 1, 1873
July 7, 1846
Feb. 8,1848
Dec. 11, 1845
Apr. 1, 1862
June 24, 1844
Oct. 24, 1854
M ar. 27,1849
June 29,1869
Nov. 19,1850
Mar. 20, 1860
May 15, 1847
Feb. 12, 1850
July 10,1829
Mar. 10, 1843
Jan. 6, 1857
Sept. 22,1863
Jan. 24, 1854
June 22,1858
May 15,1847
Mar. 30, 1858
Aug. 9, 1845
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
1 1 1
Air-heating furnace...............................
A ir-heating furnace.......-----------------------
Air-heating furnace-----------------------...............................
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace.......................
Air-heating furnace.......................
Air-heating furnace.............................
Air-heating furnace.............................----------------------..
Air-heating furnace...............................
Air-heating furnace-----------------------...............................
Air-heating pipe, Connecting the joints of........Air in dwellings, &c., Mode of securing pure and
Air in heated apartments, Apparatus to effect the
hydration of.
Air, Keeping air-springs supplied with..........
Air, Machine for blowing uniform currents of..... --
Air, Moistening, cooling, and warming...........
Air-navigating apparatus........................
Air of rooms with antiseptic vapors, Apparatus
for impregnating the.
Air- or gas engine....-------------------------
Air, Paper reservoir for compressed...-.--..
Air-pipe, Furnace.....-------------------------
Air, Process for cooling.......................
Air-purifying apparatus in the manufacture of
A ir-spring for railw ay-cars...........
Air spring for railway-cars, &c., Compressed....
Air-springs, Automatic vent-opener for..-.
Air-supplying apparatus....................
Air-tight box, case, &c..........................
Air-tight can.................................
Air-tight can...---------.----------.----------
Air-tight jar...-----------------------------
Air-tight vessel, Constructing...---------------.
Air to air-chambers, Mode of supplying...
Air to be used as a motive-power, Apparatus for
heating and cooling.
Air to furnaces, Applying heated................
Air-trap for steam and other enginery...........
Air, Treating diseases by condensed...........
Air with gasoline, Apparatus for charging.....
Air with hydrocarbon vapors, Apparatus for
Air with hydrocarbon vapors, Machine for charging.
See Bell alarm.
Blast-furnace alarm.
Door-bell alarm.
Electric fire and burglar alarm.
Electro-magnetic alarm.
Electro-magnetic house-alarm.
Electro-magnetic temperature-alarm.
Hat-body-machine alarm.
High-water alarm.
Letter-box alarm.
Locomotive-engine alarm.
Low-water alarm.
Milk-boiler alarm.
Money-drawer alarm.
Nautical alarm.
Portable alarm.
Portable-box alarm.
Portable burglar-alarm.
Railway-switch alarm.
Railway-telegraph alarm.
Steam-boiler alarm.
Steam-pressure alarm.
Tidal alarm.
Till-lock alarm.
J. Liddle- --................
J. MacGregor,'jr...........
E. D. Norcross..............
J. S. Sumner--------------..................
J. H. Sutton......................
J. M. Thatcher...............
U. Tiffany..................
G. W. Wilson...............
G. W. Wilson.................
J. M. Wilson..................
J. Young....----------------
D. E. Somes--------------...................
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 26, 1856
Wilton, N Y.............. Mar. 5, 1850
Augusta, Me............. Feb. 24, 1852
Newton, Mass............. Mar. 5. 187-2
Honesdale, Pa........... Mar. 13, 1855
Bergen, N. J............. Nov. 19, 186,7
New York, N. Y.....------ Mar. 20, 1849
Chelsea, Mass............ Feb. 28,1865
Chelsea, Mass........... June 11, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 2, 1873
Franklin Furnace, Ohio... Mar. 7, 1854
Washington, D. C......... Oct. 11, 1864
15, 613
8, 758
124, 229
12, 533
71, 244
6, '205
46, 601
65, 784
142, 363
10, 617
44, 671
P. J. Schopp................... Louisville, Ky........... May 31,1870 103, 665
S. G. Randall.................
J. Griffin......................
D. E. Somes...................
T. Green......................
A. J. Sax......................
P. Shearer...................
C. WV. Wailey-------------.................J. P. Dawson----------..................S. Morey....................
D. E. Somes................
J. E. Cox..................
H. F. Hayden................
E. A. Tuttle...................
G. M. Alsop---....-----------
J. Corriston..................
P. G. Gardiner..............
L. Bissell...............
J. Walther..........H. W. Adams............
J. G. Staunton.............
C. Barry....................
W. J. Gordon...............
G. M. Ramsey............
T. C. Taylor..............
P. H. Vander Weyde......
W. Hidden and J. Reeves.....
J. Silsbe............
G. W. Blake..............
O. Stone....---------------
B. Pickering................
H. M. Paine.................
Middlebury, Vt...........
Harpersfield, N. Y........
Washington. D. C......
New York, N. Y.....
Paris, France............
Reading, Pa.............
New Orleans, La.....
IDes Moines. Iowa......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Washington, D. C..._....
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Washington, D. C...._...
Brooklyn, N. Y..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Sandusky, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y........
Newark, N. J.............Brooklyn. N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa -........
New York, I. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphio, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.......
Tyrone, N. Y..............
New York, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Milton, Ohio.............
Newark, N. J.............
Apr. 5, 1859
Mar. 1, 1859
Feb. 5, 1867
Aug. 12, 1873
June 20, 1865
Sept. 3, 1861
Sept. 1, 1868
july 9, 1872
Apr. 8,1812
Oct. 3, 1865
Mar. 29,1870
Dec. 19, 1871
Nov. 14, 1871
Sept. 23, 1862
Oct. 13, 1868
June 1, 1869
Oct. 11, 1841
May 27, 1873
Dec. 27,1870
Jan. 3, 1865
Aug. 18, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Nov. 19, 1867
Feb. 27, 1866
Aug. 21, 1866
Aug. 10, 1858
Aug. 8, 1837
July 13, 1869
Oct. 24, 1865
Dec. 11, 1866
Feb. 23, 1869
23, 497
23, 084
61, 886
141, 785
48, 352
33, 7215
81, 713
128, 864
50, 286
101, 353
121, 942
120, 912
36, 498
83, 043
90, 657
2, 307
139, 346
110, 414
45, 766
81, 243
87, 840
71, 215
52, 909
57, 412
92, 511
50, 641
60, 417
87, 192
52, 876
H. B. Myer................... Cleveland, Ohio.......... Feb. 27, 1866
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Alarm-gage for steam-boiler.......................
Alarm-gage for steam-boiler, Steam and water.....
A larm -lock.......................
Alarm-lock-- -----------------------------
A larm-lock........................................
Alarm-lock- - - - - - -
Alarm-lock... l.............................
Alarm-lock------...- -.......
Alarm-lock, Burglar...............................
Alarm-lock, Burglar..............................
Alarm-lock, Burglar.....----------------------
Alarm-lock, Burglar...........................
Alarm-lock, Burglar...........................
Alarm-lock for doors....ical........................
Alarm-lock for money-drawersors.......................
Alarm-lock for tillsmoney-drawers................................
Alarm-lock for tills..............................
Albuarm-lock for tills........................
A lbum-clip............................-............
Album, Construction of...........................
Album, Machine for cutting the front edge of
Album, Photograph.-......................-..Album, Photographic.............................
Album, Photographic-...........-...............
Album, Photographic............................
Album, Photographic......................
Album, Photographic......................
Album, Photographic...............
Album, Photographic..........................
Album, Photographic.........................
Album, Photographic......................
Album, Photographic......................
Album, Photographic............................
Album, Porcelain and card..................
Album, Stereoscope and photographic........
Albumen and prussiate of potash from blood,
Manufacture of.
Albumen from blood, Process of purifying and
Albumen, Manufacture of..................
Albumen, Preparation of........................
Albumen, Process for manufacturing..........
Alcohol and other pure distillates, Manufacture of.
Alcohol and other spirits, Manufacture;f.........
Alcohol and spirits, Purifying.....................
Alcohol, Apparatus for heating by vapor of.......
Alcohol, Apparatus for purifying............ _-.- _Alcohol, Apparatus for rectifying....-.....
Alcohol, Apparatus for rectifying..............
Alcohol, Apparatus for rectifying.............
Alcohol, &c., Distillation of.................
Alcohol for burning.fluid, Carbonated............
Alcohol from apples, Extracting................
Alcohol from common spirits by steam, Extracting.
Alcohol from olefiant gas, Mode of manufacturing.
Alcohol from water and other heavier fluids, Separating.
Alcohol from whisky, Apparatus for separating...
Alcohol, Method of treating grain for the manufacture of.
Alcohol, Process for purifying.....................
Alcohol, &c., Process ol purifying.................
Alcohol, &c., Process of treating maize, barley, and
other cereals for the manufacture of.
Alcoholic and other spirits, Apparatus for treatment of.
Alcoholic liquid, Apparatus for concentrating and
Alcoholic liquid, Process of purifying and refining.
Alcoholic spirits from tomatoes. Manufacture of...
Alcoholic spirits, Manufacture of.......
Alcoholic spirits, Manufacture of.............
Alcoholic spirits, Manufacture of..................
J. H. Thorp...................
J. Whitmore...............
G. W. Grader and B. F. Cowan.
S. A. Andrews...............
F. Brewster.................
G. N. Bruster................
J. Cone......................
A. B. Crane.................
C. Fleischel...................
E. Herbster..................
H. L. Hervey.............
H. L. Hervey.................
B. F. Irvine and T. A. Hitchcock.
H. Lockwood...............
C. E. Pierce..................
J. S. and R. Porter...........
C. Schnepf...................
N. Seubert...............
N. Seubert.................
T. P. Sink................
G. J. Swingle.................
J. T. Taylor..-..............
J. H. Thorp.................
S. I. Trask.........
O. D. Warner...............
J. WV. Wells..................
J. Ziegler.....................
N. Cheek.................
D. Edwards..............
S. T. Heiminway...........
A. Isensee...................
G. Jacobs...................
F. Girard...................
A. Iske.................
G. Kimball....................
D. K. Miller..................
C. Tucker...................
A. Hathaway...............
C. E. Rankin................
C. Well.................
J. D. Mets...............
S. D. Burlock.............
J. F. Tapley_..............
J. W. Beackley...............
E. D. Griggs..................
F. Grunel...............
W. Matthews.............
E. Maynard..............
J. D. Mets...............
J. D. Mets...............
C. E. Pr6tat...............J. F. Tapley..............
R. Van Velthoven..........
R. Van Velthoven and J. H.
J. C. Spooner................
J. Q. A. Tresize.............
A. H. Hirsh.................
New York, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass............
Memphis, Tenn.......
Farmers' Valley, Wis.....
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Factoryville, N. Y......
Yellow Springs, Ohio......
Newton, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Windsor, Conn..........
Windsor, Conn........
North La Crosse, Wis.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Waterford, N. Y......
Marietta, Ohio........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Fairton, N. J.............
Davenport, Iowa..........
Newnan, Ga............
New York, N. Y......
Guilford Centre, N. Y....
Bristol, Conn..........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Baltimore, Md.........
Chapel Hill, N. C........
McConnellsville, Ohio.....
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
Indianapolis, Ind.._....
Washington, D. C.....
Havana, Cuba........
Lancaster, Pa...........
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Bernville, Pa.........
Bloomington, Ill........
Charlestown, Mass........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
Dubuque, Iowa....
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Springfield, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Waterbury, Conn.......
Geneva, Switzerland......
New York, N. Y.......
Washington, D. C........
Dubuque, Iowa..........
Dubuque, Iowa........
New York, N.Y.........
Springfield, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Springfield, Mass.........
Zaneaville, Ohio........
Chicago, Ill.............
Dec. 6,1870
July 27, 1858
Dec. 14, 1858
Sept. 18, 1866
Mar. 16, 1869
May 19, 1863
June 24, 1856
July 16, 1872
June 15, 1852
May 4, 1869
Feb. 9, 1858
Apr. 13, 1858
Dec. 7, 1869
Apr. 12,1859
Sept. 26, 1871
Mar. 5,1867
Oct. 31, 1871
June 1, 1869
Aug. 24, 1869
Dec. 6,1870
Jan. 30, 1872
Oct. 17, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Feb. 5, 1856
Jan. 19, 1869
Sept. 7,1858
Apr. 10, 1860
Aug. 4, 1868
Aug. 12, 1840
Jan. 7, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
June 25, 1867
Mar. 14, 1871
Jan. 7, 1868
Oct. 18, 1870
Apr. 16, 1867
May 7,1867
Aug. 6, 1867
May 6, 1862
Mar. 29,1864
Apr. 4 1865
Dec. 6, 1864
Aug. 9 1870
May 31 1864
May 2., 1862
May 14, 1861
July 29, 1862
Aug., 1864
July 21, 1863
Nov. 2k, 1863
Nov. 1,1864
Mar. 16,1869
Oct. 38, 1866
Oct. 11, 1865
Mar 20, 1866
Nov. 17, 1863
Nov. 28, 1865
109, 971
21, 040
22, 287
58, 043
87, 905
38, 556
9, 019
89, 762
19, 295
19, 926
97, 513
23, 591
119, 403
62, 683
120, 541
90, 962
94, 137
109, 954
123, 305
120, 125
112, 987
14, 209
86, 116
21, 457
27, 856
80, 599
1, 722
73, 182
73, 897
66, 090
112, 585
73, 013
108, 363
63, 922
64, 598
67, 540
35, 173
47, 120
45, 314
106, 232
42, 922
35, 310
32, 287
36, 011
43, 696
39, 300
40, 702
44, 890
87, 804
59, 323
50, 521
53, 354
40, 654
51, 181
107, 158
107, 112
72, 625
60, 835
59, 891
104, 343
50, 884
50, 668
43, 805
41, 685
10, 349
51, 369
9, 951
92, 640
43, 555
111, 791
45, 002
93, 127
84, 455
65, 108
122, 423
43, 348
P. Jacques................... IParis, France............. Dec. '21,1869
G. Bourgade................
G. Bourgado.......
J. M. Fuchs...............
J. F. Collins..................
J. F. Collins..................
C. C. Parsons...........
T. K. Anderson..............
C. J. Falkmann............
A. A. Foubert and J. G. B6quet
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Painted Post, N. Y.......
London, Great Britain....
St. Helier, England, and
Paris, France.
H. Lamotte.................. London, England..........
M. Thompson............ Saint Louis, Mo.........
A. Fries.............. Cincinnati, Ohio........
S. Casey............. Lebanon, Me............
A. Wolcott--..--------------.. East Bloomfield, N. Y....
A. and N. Wolcott...-.-... Bloomfield, N. Y..........
E. A. Cotello - -............... Paris, France............
B. F. Greenough.............. Cincinnati, Ohio..........
A. V. H. Webb........--..... New York, N. Y..........
W. M. Watson............. Tonica, Ill...............
L. Atwood................. Boston, Mass.........
C. C. Parsons............... New York, N. Y.......
A. Fleisechmann.......... Olmiitz, Moravia, Austria.
R. D. Turner................. New York, N. Y..........
F. Haeck........................Brussels, Belgium.........
F. Schleifer................ San Francisco, Cal........
J. S. Williams--------------................. Cinnaminson, N. J......
J. Neely and S. Allen---..---... Buckinghamn County, Va..
I. J. Rolfe and J. Rogers..... "Nevada City, Cal..........
M. Thompson................ Saint Louis, Mo...........
Sept 6, 1870
Aug 9, 1870
Dec 24, 1867
Jan.,1, 1867
Nov 20, 1866
Junts 14, 1870
Feb 13, 1849
Nov 7, 1865
Oct. 24, 1865
Oct. 23, 1866
Aug 9, 1864
July 11, 1865
Mar 17, 1834
Oct. 6, 1835
Mar 19, 1827
Feb 23, 1864
Dec.. 20,1853
Aug. 28, 1841
Dec. 5, 1865
Aug. 23,1853
July 13, 1869
July12, 1864
Feb. 14, 1871
Nov. 8,1864
July 27, 1869
Nov. 24, 1868
May 28, 1867
Feb. 6, 1872
June 28, 186;4
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Ale and beer cooler................................
Ale and beer, Cooling.........................._
Ale, beer, and water cooler.......................
Ale. beer, and water cooler.....................
Ale, beer, &c., Apparatus for cooling...............
Ale, beer, &c., Apparatus for fermenting...........
Ale, Brewing.....................................
Ale, Pneumatic apparatus for drawing............
Alembic, Vaporous............................
Alizarine, Process of preparing...................
Alkali-can, Caustic...............................
Alkali from marine salt and kelp, Extracting......
Alkalies. acids, and salts, Package for caustic......
Alkalies, acids, &e., Package for..................
Alkalies, acids, &c., Package for putting up caustic
Alkalies, &c., Box, can, or vessel for putting up
Alkalies, Box for preserving......................
Alkalies, Box for putting up caustic.............
Alkalies, Device for putting up caustic..........
Alkalies, Encasing caustic........................
Alkalies for making soap, Putting up............
Alkalies, Manufacture of caustic................
Alkalies, Manufacture of phosph ates of the......
Alkalies, Metal can for putting up...............
Alkalies, Method of putting up caustic...........
Alkalies, Mode of preparing carbonated and caustic
Alkalies, Pacting caustic.........................
Alkalies, Preservation of caustic...............
Alkalies, Process for recovering waste..........
Alkalies, Process of manufacturing caustic.......
Alkalies, Putting up...........................
Alkalies, Putting up caustic......_.............
Alkalies, Putting up caustic......................
Alkalies, Putting up caustic...................
Alkalies, Recovering waste........................
Alkaline carbonates, Manufacture of..............
Alkaline carbonates, Manufacture of..............
Alkaline chromates, Manufacture of.............
Alkaline liquors used in treating straw, wood, &c.,
Method of saving and uti!izing the.
Alkaline silicates, Manufacture of................
Alkaline solution, Process for evaporating.......
Alkaline solution, Apparatus for evaporating and
Alkaline solutions from treating straw, Re-using..
A lloy.............................................
Alloy, Bronze..-...............................
Alloy, Flux for treating...........................
Alloy for dentists' use..........................
Alloy for filtering oils and for the manufacture of
paint, cemnient, &c., Metallic.
Alloy for forming eyelets......................
Alloy for hardening iron......................
Alloy for harness-trimming, &c., Metal...........
Alloy for journal-boxes, &c........................
Alloy for journal-boxes............................
Alloy for journal-boxes...........................
Alloy for journal-boxes and bearings, Metallic.....
Alloy for lining water-coolers, tanks, &c........
Alloy for making plates and sheets................
Alloy for making water-meter......................
Alloy for mold-board and other parts of plow......
Alloy for plow mold-board, Metallic.............
Alloy for points of lightning-rods...............
Alloy for preventing fr:ction in machinery......
Alloy for producing ornamental coatings on metals.
Alloy for sabots of projectiles.....................
Alloy for sheetmetal.............................
Alloy for the manufacture of metal sheet, foil, &c
Alloy for the manufacture of plow mold-board....
Alloy for the manufacture of spoons and forks....
Alloy for tubing..................................
Alloy, Journal-box................................
Alloy, Journal-box................................
Alloy, Journal-box................................
Alloy, Metallic....................................
Alloy, &c., Metallic composition for fusible........
Alloy of aljiminium..............................
Alloy of aluminium...............................
Alloy of copper and tin............................
Alloy of copper for bearings.......................
Alloy of copper, zinc, and aluminium..............
Alloy ol iron, zinc, and nickel.....................
Alloy of manganese..........................
Alloy of manganese, Manufacture of............
H. Guth....................
J. Mackintire...............
M. Reynolds..................
I. Erskine....................
L. J. Wolf...................
F. Zeitz...................
A. W. Lake..............=
C. Clifford..................
H. Andes.......
C. Merot....................
C. Graebe and C. Liebermann..
C. Barry.....................
P. Hickey...................
E. A. Thomas..............
J. Nazro....................
J. H. Seibert................
J. H. Seibert................
J. H. Seibert...........
H. Pemberton and B. Heinemann.
G. Thompson................
H. Pemberton..............
G. Thompson..............
G. W. Humphrey............
J. W. Wyl6................
L. Prang..................
B. Tanner....................
H. Everett..............
T. C. Taylor.................
K. Lieber....................
W. H. Balmain.............
J. Seiberling...............
H. M. Baker................
H. Pemberton...............
J. Reakilt.................
J. Reakirt..................
T. C. Taylor...............
E. A. Thomas...............
G. Howland....................
L. Chandor................
H. De Grousilliers..-........
R. A. Tilghman...............
S. Pettebone.................
T. Elkenton...................
C. Heaton.....................
M. L. Keen and H. Burgess...
J. H. Dugan...........
E. Martin.................
F. P. Pfeiffer...............
W. Schrier..................
H. W. Wright.................
G. M. Levi and C. M. Kiinzel..
T. Brown.................
E. Mourier and J. F. E.Vallent.
M. M. Johnston..............
J. Webster..........
G. B. Brayton...............
H. L. Macker and G. W. Marston.
A. A. Randall.................
G. W. Disman............
T. Firth......................
J. Garratt, sr..................
G. Sherman..................
Z. E.Fobes......
J. D. Griineberg..............
J. S. Barden..................
O. F. Burton............
S. L. Madge..................
S. Spratt.....................
W. H. Saunders...............
H. Aiken...................
T. Taylor..................
T. D. Jackson.................
L. Brandeis.................
W. Magee.........
H. W. Wright..............
J. S. Barden................
J. Fidler......................
B. F. Lawton.................
B. F. Lawton...............
H. B. Babcock...............
B. Wood..................
M. G. Farmer........
M. G. Farmer........
A. E. Lavroff...............
C. J. A. Dick..................
J. Baur........
0. Boyden..................
E. Savage..................
E. Savage..........
New York, N. Y..........
Somerville, Mass..........
New York, N. Y...........
Bowling Green, Ohio......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Adams, N. Y..............
Adams, N.Y..............
Wilkesbarre, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Frankfort-on-the-Main and
Berlin, Prussia.
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia. Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pbiladelphi, Pa.....
Allegheny and Natrona, Pa
East Tarentum, Pa........
Allegheny City, Pa....
East Tarentum, Pa.......
Pompey, N. Y....
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Boston, Mass.............
New Brighton, England...
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Charlottenbergnear Berlin,
Saint Helens, Great Britain
Philadelphia, Pa......
Rochester, N. Y.........
East Tarentum, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa....-.....
Brunswick, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
Berlin, Germany.....
Philadelphia, Pa...
Niagara Falls, N. Y..-..
June 28, 1859
Sept. 2, 1856
Apr. 19, 1870
Nov. 26, 1872
May 25, 1869
June 7, 1870
Jan. 26, 1869
Apr. 23, 1867
Oct. 12, 1869
Nov. 5, 1818
Oct. 5, 1869
Oct. 13, 1868
Mar. 17, 1868
Apr. 24, 1866
Jan. 6, 1197
Feb. 6, 1872
Mar. 19, 1872
June 18, 1872
Apr. 30, 1867
Sept. 15, 1857
Nov. 27, 1866
Oct. 21,1856
Mar. 25, 1873
Oct. 7, 1873
May 29, 1866
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 20,1867
Feb. 27, 1866
Dec. 15, 1868
Dec. 20, 1870
Aug. 14, 1860
Apr. 24, 1866
Feb. 8, 1859
July 7, 1868
Jan. 26,1869
Feb. 6, 1866
June 30, 1863
Aug. 25, 1863
July 14, 1863
Oct. 21,1873
Oct. 31,1848
Dec. 3, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 7, 1863
New York, N. Y.........Mar. 20, 1866
Royer's Ford, Pa.......... Feb. 7, 1865
24, 556
15, 662
102, 041
133, 362
90, 415
103, 955
86, 234
63, 994
95, 628
95, 465
82, 914
75, 547
54, 230
123, 544
124, 859
128, 176
64, 251
18, 214
60, 051
15, 957
137, 137
143, 430
55, 158
123, 743
67, 859
52, 910
85, 015
110, 189
29, 625
54, 093
22, 888
79, 599
8, 319
52, 465
39, 080
39, 653
39, 213
143, 755
5, 897
71, 783
53, 298
46, 244
145, 409
25, 206
57, 184
103, 089
141, 529
120, 984
16, 170
16, 771
71, 307
94, 532
90, 337
133, 237
98, 107
69, 783
12, 788
13, 427
29, 525
122, 716
71, 479
94, 936
61, 997
98, 874
7, 008
122, 408
137, 279
93, 137
5, 895
70, 513
119, 091
77, 793
94, 935
15, 804
13, 465
13, 466
6, 502
27, 590
38, 301
44, 086
118, 372
125, 549
40, 388
8, 114
99, 001
102, 324
Bloomfield, N. J..........
Waterbury, Conn.......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Logansport, Ind.......
Glastenbury, Conn........
Brussels & Liege, Belgium.
Georgetown, N. Y........
Paris, France.............
New York, N. Y...._
Birmingham,Great Britain
Dec. 9, 1873
Aug. 23, 1859
Aug. 14, 1866
May 17, 1870
Aug. 5, 1873
Nov. 14, 1871
Dec. 9, 1856
Mar. 3, 1857
Nov. 26, 1867
Sept. 7, 1869
Boston, Mass........May 25, 1869
Boston and Cambridge, Nov. 19, 1872
South Braintree, Mass.... Dec. 21, 1869
Chesterville, Ohio......... Oct. 15, 1867
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... May 1, 1855
Indianapolis, Ind...... Aug. 14, 1855
Memphis, Tenn......... Aug. 7, 1860
Troy, N. Y............... Jan. 16, 1872
Spring Mills, N. J....... Nov. 26, 1867
P. ovidence, R. I.......... Sept. 21,1869
Jersey City, N. J.......... Feb. 12, 1867
Toledo, Ohio....... Jan. 18, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio...... Jan. 8, 1850
Carroll County, Tenn.... Jan. 2, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.........Apr. 1, 1873
Washington, D. C......... July 27, 1869
Brooklyn, N.Y............ Oct. 31, 1848
Brooklyn, N.Y.......... Nov. 5, 1867
Jamaica, N. Y.......... Sept. 19, 1871
Taun on, Mass.......May 12,1868
Providence, R. I........... Sept. 21, 1869
New Albany, Ind......... Sept. 30,1856
Troy, N. Y............... Aug. 21, 1855
Troy, N. Y............... Aug. 21, 1855
New York, N. Y....... June 5,1849
Nashville, Tenn.......... Mar. 20, 1860
Salem, Mass.......Apr. 28,1863
Salem, Mass............ Sept. 6, 1864
St. Petersburg, Russia..... Aug. 22, 1871
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Apr. 9, 1872
New York, N. Y..._...... Oct. 27,1863
Newark, N. J............. May 27, 1851
West Meriden, Cone...... Jan. 18, 1870
West Meriden, Conn...... Apr. 26,1870
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Alloy of metals in forming water-pipes, &c., Art of
ufacturing and uniting.
Alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper................
Alloy or bell-metal...............................
Alloy or bronze................................
Alloy or metallic compound for bearings, &c.....
Alloy to imitate precious metals, Metallic........
Alloy to imitate silver, &c......................
Alloy to imitate silver...........................
Alloy to resemble silver..............................
Alloys of aluminium and vulcanite, Combination of.
Alloying copper, iron, &c., by cementation, Mode of.
Allumettes, Machine for making paper............
Almanac, Perpetual.......................
Almond-peeling machine................
Alphabet block....................................
Altitude of the sun, Instrument for taking;.._....
Alum and fertilizers from mineral phosphates,
Manufacture of.
Alum from lignite, Mode of making.........
Alum-making, Preparing clay for..............
Alum, Porous............................
Alum, Process for manufacturing...............
Alumina, alum, and other aluminous substances,
Manufacture of sulphate of.
Alumina, Manufacture of acetate of..............
Alumina, Manufacture of sulphate of.............
Alumina, Manufacture of sulpho-acetate of......
Alumina, Process of manufacturing sulphate of....
Alumina, Treatment of sulphate of...............
Aluminium and calomel, Manufacture of..........
W. A. Shaw...............
H. WV. Wright................
H. L. Macker.._.............
G. M. Levi and C. M. Kiizel..
C. Adams.....................
L. Sibert.....................
H. L. Macker................
A. Schmitte and H.A. Levallois
A. E. P. Baudvin..............
N. C. Fowler............._ _.
M. Sorel...................
B. B. Lehman................
W. Gibson...................
H. Wathew...................
S. L. Hill....................
E. H. Muldaur...............
E. B. Nourse.......................
J. H. R. Reffelt..............
J. Clark......................
H. Colby.....................
F. Yeiser........
P. Spence...............
G. Troost..........
H. D. Pochin............
H. Pemberton..............
J. H. Wurtz..................
H. Pemberton.................
G. T. Lewis..................
H. Pemberton.................
G. T. Lewis..................
M. J. Funcke.................
A. A. Croll..................
L. T. Corbelli and V. Raitti....
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 31, 1867
Glastenbury, Conn......
Boston, Mass...............
Brussels andLiege,Belgium
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Boston, Mass.........
Paris, France...........
Paris, France.......
Yarmouth Port, Mass.....
Paris, France.........
Lebanon, Pa........
Lanark, Scotland.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Dover, Del...............
Eaton, Ohio..............
Hoboken, N.J........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y......
Lexington, Ky.......
Newton Heath. Manchester, Great Britain.
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Salford, England.......
Allegheny City, Pa......
New York, N, Y.........
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Allegheny City, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Eichelskamp, Prussia.....
London, England.......
Florence, Tuscany, and
Baltimore, Md..........
Newport, Ky.........
Florence, Tuscany, and
Yarmouth, Mass.........
Aug. 5, 1873
Aug. 27, 1872
May 23, 1871
Nov. 5, 1872
Mar. 15, 1870
Jan. 23, 1872
Nov. 19, 1867
Sept. 16, 1873
Feb. 14, 1865
Sept. 17, 1838
Mar. 26, 1867
Oct. 10, 1865
Oct. 30, 1866
Nov. 13,1866
July 8, 1873
Oct. 2, 1866.Jan. 2,1866
Mar. 13, 1866
Feb. 22, 1870
Feb. 8,1859
Dec. 13, 1870
Mar. 3, 1817
Oct. 21,1856
Oct. 6, 1868
Oct. 22, 1859
Jan. 1,1867
Oct. 30, 1866
May 19,1868
Oct. 30, 1866
Jan. 23, 1841
May 28, 1867
Oct. 26, 1858
Sept. 3,1867
July 15, 1873
Oct. 26, 1858
Feb. 7, 1865
July 14,1863
Mar. 18,1862
Feb. 13, 1872
Mar. 21,1865
Feb. 9,1864
Feb. 16, 1864
June 11, 1867
Aluminium, Apparatus for and method of casting. J. B. Bean....................
Aluminium, Electro.deposition of.............J. A. Jeapon..............
Aluminium, Preparation of..................... L. T. Corbelli and V. Raitti...
Aluminium with vulcarnite and other materials,
Amalgam and mercury from ore-pulp, Machine
for collecting.
Amalgam, Device for straining gold and silver....
Amalgam for coating harness-trimmings, &c.....
Amalgam, Process for refining....................
Amalgam, Separating and collecting gold and silver.
Amalgamating and collecting gold and silver......
Amalgamating and collecting gold and silver from
ore, Apparatus for.
Amalgamating-apparatus, Method of elevating
the mercury in.
Amalgamating gold and silver....................
Amalgamating gold and silver...............
Amalgamating gold and silver....................
Amalgamating gold and silver.................
Amalgamating gold and silver, Apparatus for.....
Amalgamating gold and silver, Apparatus for.....
Amalgamating gold and silver, Apparatus for.....
Amalgamating gold and silver, Apparatus for....
Amalgamating gold and silver, Apparatus for.....
Amalgamating gold and silver, Machine for......
Amalgamating gold and silver, Machine for.......
Amalgamating gold and silver, Machine for.......
Amalgamating gold and silver, Machine for.......
Amalgamating gold and silver, Process of.......
Amalgamating gold and silver. Process of........
Amalgamating gold and silver, Process of.......
Amalgamating gold and silver ores, Apparatus for.
Amalgamating gold and silver ores, Process of....
Amalgamating gold and silver with lead, Apparatus for.
Amalgamating gold in tailings, Apparatus for...
Amalgamating gold, Machine for.................
Amalgamating gold, &c., Process for.............
Amalgamating gold, Process for.............
Amalgamating gold, &c., shaking and rocking
table for.
Amalgamating gold with mercury...............
N. C. Fowler..................
Z. Wheeler----------------.................... San Francisco, Cal.......
T. Varney.....................
H. L. Macker.................
W. Bruiickner.................
S. W. Wood..............
H. W. AdamsandW. S.Worthington.
W. P. Parrott and J. J. Bordman.
W. H. Butler...............
J. N. Phelps..............
O. Hofmann...............
A. K. Eaton..................
S. Longman................
I. M. Phelos-...----------....
G. B. Simpson...............
J. S. Diltz...........
R. McCully...................
J. Oliver...................
H. H. Scoville and P. W. Gates
J. J. Storer..................
A. B. Crosby.................
J. C. Dickey.................
J. Hoeniger...................
T. Varney.................
A. B. Paul and J. L. Wood.....
J. Tunbridge..................
J. N. Wyckoff...............
L. E. Itivot..................
P. T. G. Stockman...........
H. L. Fulton...................
T. A. Pratt...................
F. N. lu Bois.................
F. N. IDu Bois...............
C. C. Knowles................
A. Behr and W. J. Ward......
M. Foreman and J. R. Math
San Francisco, Cal.......
Boston, Mass.............
San Francisco, Cal........
Cornwall, N. Y.......
New York and Newtown,
Boston, Mass.............
72, 919
141, 530
130, 814
115, 220
132, 744
100, 937
122, 901
71, 072
142, 760
46, 347
63, 265
50, 430
59, 324
59, 603
147, 722
58, 463
51, 864
53, 115
100, 119
22, 913
110, 084
15, 934
82, 747
7, 737
60, 780
59, 238
78, 005
59, 239
65, 175
21, 923
68, 548
140, 924
21, 922
46, 230
39, 251
34, 708
123, 712
46, 875
41, 565
41, 588
65, 593
49, 975
44, 775
128, 623
10, 734
21, 204
116, 865
52, 456
41, 763
87, 216
132, 919
44, 343
44, 898
46, 546
45, 144
35, 876
35, 904
95, 931
145, 603
50, 296
73, 839
121, 554
55, 273
121, 296
34, 948
53, 590
7, 546
47, 384
58, 088
42, 568
37, 688
40, 874
61, 3.3
121, 827
124, 873
43, 983
32, 686
45, 534
48, 480
Chicago, Ill............ Sept. 19, 1865
New York, N. Y....... Oct. 18, 1864
Ellsworth, Nev-........ July 2, 1872
New York, N. Y.......
Brooklyn. N. Y.....
Chicago, Ill........
Washington, D. C....
Mount Ophir, Cal.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Ophir, Cal................
Chicago, Ill..........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
New York, N. Y.......
San Francisco, Cal.......
San Francisco and Independence, Cal.
Newark, N. J........
New York, N. Y....._
Paris, France;...........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill............
Marysville, Cal...........
Chicago, Ill..........
Black Hawk, Colo.....
Lowell, Mass.........
Black Hawk, Colo........
Apr. 4,1854
Aug. 17, 1858
July 11, 1871
Feb. 6, 1866
Mar. 1, 1864
Feb. 23, 1860
Nov. 12, 1872
Sept. 20, 1864
Nov. 1, 1864
Feb. 28, 1865
Nov. 22, 1864
July 15, 1862
July 15, 1862
Oct. 19, 1869
Dec. 16, 1873
Oct. 3, 1865
Jan. 28, 1868
Dec. 5, 1871
June 5, 1866
Nov. 28,1871
Apr. 15, 1862
Apr. 3, 1866
Aug. 6, 1850
Apr. 25, 1865
Amalgamating-machine..................... M. B. Dodge.................
Amalgamating-machine..................... E. Heath....................
Amalgamating machine, Gold and silver.......... Z. Wheeler....................
Amalgamating ores, Apparatus for............. A. Bassett......_.........
Amalgamating ores, Apparatus for...............J. Tunbridge............
Amalgamating ores, &c., Apparatus for...--.. G. D. Vyckoff... -...........
Amalgamating ores of silver, Ptocess of......... W. R. Frink................
Amalgamatingoresoftheprecious metals, Methodof F. IDibben..............
Amalgamating ores, Process for--...--------------... W. F. Stewart................
Amalgamating-pan......................... S. W. Bullock............
Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 18, 1866
Black Hawk Point, Colo.. May 3, 1864
San Francisco, Cal........ Feb. 17, 163
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 8, 1863
Virginia, City, Nev....... Jan. 22, 1867
Newark, N. J.......... Dec. 12, 1871
Oil Ci y, Pa........... Mar. 19, 1872
Virgi a City, Nev.... Aug. 30, 1864
New Ytrk, N. Y........ July 2, 1861
Austin, Nev............. Dec. 20, 18(4
Elizabeth, N. J............ June 27, 1865
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromnt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Amalgamating-pan--.....--------------------------- I. S Parke-...----..--........... --Virginia City, Nev........ Oct. 14, 1873
Amalgamating-pan, &c., Composition for coating.. C. H. Golding................. Virginia City, Nev........ Jan. 16, 1866
Amalgamating-pan for gold and silver ores....... - -. I. S. Parke----------------.................... --Virginia City, Nev........ Apr. 18, 1871
Amalgamating-riffle..............................J. JS. Briggs...-........... Michigan Bluffs, Cal... Mar. 1, 1859
Amalgamating the lprecious metals...........-.....J. B. Beers..----------------- San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 20, 1867
Amalgamating the precious metals-------------................- H. J. Smith......-.......... Boston, Mass.............. July 9, 1867
Amalgamating the precious metals--................ L. R. Streeter.--...-..----........ Lowell, Mass -..-........ May 29, 1855
Amalgating the precious metals and preventing J.S. Phillips...----------------............. -San Francisco, Cal........ May 16, 1871
the loss of mercury.
Amalgamating the precious metalb, Apparatus for J. B. Atwater......-----........ Chicago, Ill--------------............... Dec. 15, 1863
Amalgamating the precious metals, Apparatus for E. J. Fraser-.----------------.. San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 30, 1872
Amalgamating the precious metals, Machine for.. E. Coleman---...----------------. San Francisco, Cal...... Aug. 18, 1863
Amalgamating the precious metals, Mode of..... C. A. Seely.................New York, N. Y -. May 2, 1865
Amalgamating the precious metals, Polishing ore I. W. Forbes.................. LaPorte, Id.............. May 30, 1871
to aid in.
Amalgamation, Cleaning pulverized ore so as to I. W. Forbes.................. LaPorte, Ind.............. May 30, 1871
Amalgamation, Composition for preparing gold W. Gluyas.................... San Francisco, Cal........ Oct. 11, 1859
and silver ores for.
Amalgamation of gold and silver...-------------. A. B. Crosby............. Greene, Me.............. Sept. 26, 1871
Amalgamation, Preparing ores for...-............. A. B. Paul.................... San Francisco, Cal........ Nov. 19, 1872
Amalgamator..........----------..........--................ S. F. Ambler................. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 4, 1862
Amalgamator.................................... J. B.Atwater.................. Chicago, Ill.............. July 25, 1865
Amalgamator.................................... J. and E. W. Barker......... Baltimore, Md............ Jan. 18, 1859
Amalgamator.................................... J. A. Bertola................... New York, N. Y--...----.. Oct. 20, 1857
Amalgamator..................................... J. C. Brewster................ New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 8, 1870
Amalgamator.................................... J. A. Brock.................. Chicago, Ill--...---.--.--.. May 1, 180
Amalgamator..................................... E. Brown -.................. Chicago, Ill.....-------------- Oct. 23, 1866
Amalgamator.................................... G.W. Carter................ San Francisco, Cal........ Feb. 7, 1860
Amalgamator................................... F. P. Cavanah............. Pioneer Mills, N. C........ May 3,1859
Amalgamator....................................S. F. Charles................. Dahlonega, Ga -........... Sept. 25, 1866
Amalgamator.................................. T. J. Chbb................... Brooklyn, N. Y..... Aug. 8, 1865
Amalgamator................................... T. J. Cliubb................ Brooklyn, N. Y........... Aug. 6, 1867
Amalgamator.................................... A. M. Churmch................Augusta, Ga......... Jan. 25, 1859
Amalgamator........................................... M. H. Collins................ Chelsea, Mass............ Nov. 21, 1865
Amalgamator..................................... F.W. Cro-by............ New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26, 1867
Amalgamator.................................... J. Curtis.._...................New York, N. V.Y.......... Dec. 28, 1835
Amalgamator..................................... J. Curtis.......... New York, N. Y -........ Dec. 28, 1835
Amalgamator................................... J. Curtis...--------------------- New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 28, 1835
Amalgamator -------...........-----......--.................. G. S. Curtis and T. Tripp..... Chicago, Ill.............. Apr. 17, 1866
Amalgamator................................... A. G. Day.....................New York, N.Y.........Sept. 26, 1865
Amalgamator................................... L. Eddleblute............ Garden Valley, Cal._... Dec. 27, 1859
Amalgamator................................... J. W. Evans............... New York, N. Y........... June 3, 1856
Amalgamator................................... G. B. Field................... New York, N. Y......... Aug. 27, 1867
Amalgamator..................................... A. L. Fleury.._.............. New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 14, 1868
Amalgamator................................... J. B. Forrissier........N..... New York, N. Y......... June 25, 1867
Amalgamator.................................... S. Fountain.................Silver City, Nev.......... Apr. 28, 1868
Amalgamator....V............................ W. M. Fuller................ Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 10, 1866
Amalgamator.................................... S. Gardiner, jr................. New York, N. Y........ Oct. 9,1855
Amalgamator................................. H. A. Gaston................. Austin, Nev......... Mar. 27, 1866
Amalgamator................................... H. A. Gaston................ Nevada City, Cal.......... Sept. 3, 1867
Amalgamator......................................... P. W. Gates.................. Chicago, Ill..............Oct. 24, 1865
Amalgamator..................................... W. Gluyas......... San Francisco, Cal.. Aug. 7, 1860
Amalgamator.................................... A. W. Hall...................New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 6,1864
Amalgamator..................................... A. WV. Hall............... New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 28, 1865
Amalgamator......................................T. Halsted................. Fredonia, N. Y......... July 25, 1865
Amalgamator..................................... H. Halvorson................. North Cambridge, Mass.. Oct. 17, 1865
Amalgamator.................................... E. Hamilton................. Chicago, ll............... Feb. 27, 1866
Amalgamator......................................... T. Hansbrow.................. Sacramento, Cal........... Oct. 27, 1863
Amalgamator.................................... K. Hazen.......... Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 6,1859
Amalgamator....................................... F. G. Hesse.................. San Francisco, Cal..... Oct. 8, 1867
Amalgamator.................................... F. G. Hesse.................. San Francisco, Cal........ Nov. 12, 1867
Aumalgamator..................................... J. M. Hill..................... Angel's Camp, Cal..... Jan. 1,1861
Amalgamator.................................... H. L. Hopkins............. San Francisco, Cal........ Sept, 27, 1864
Amalgamator................................. A. Horn....................... Silver City, Noev.......... Nov. 19, 1867
Amalgamator..................................... A. Iorn...................... Silver City, Nev....... Aug. 4, 1868
Amalgamator..................................... R. W. Howard.........W..... arwick, R. I............. June 18, 1867
Amalgamator................................... W. H. Howland............... San Francisco, Cal........ Oct. 25, 11 59
Amalgamator.................................. W. W. Hubbell...............Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 8,1867
Amalgamator.................................... A. Hunter.................... San Francisco, Cal........ May 7, 1867
Amalgamator................................... S. Johnson.................. San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 13, 1869
Amalgamator.................................. W. Kendrick.................. New York, N. Y.......M. ay 29, 1866
Amalgamator................................... E. N. Kent................... New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 4, 1855
Amalgamator................................ J. Kenyon.................. Black Hawk, Colo......... July 19, 1864
Amalgamator...................................I. W. Knox................... San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 24, 1860
Amalgamator.................................... G. C. Langtry and G. Emmett Gold Hill, Nev............ Feb. 20, 1872
Amalgamator....................................G. A. Mariner and J. Kune.... Chicago, Ill......... Oct. 6, 1868
Amalgamator..................................... L. (i. Marshall...... -....... San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 7,1862
Amalgamator.................................. F. Maxson................. San Francisco, Cal...... Oct. 18, 1859
Amalgamator..... G. E. Mills...................New York, N. Y....... June 26, 1860
Amalgamator...... F. Morris......... San Francisco, Cal....... Mar. 25, 1873
Amalgamator.................................... G. M. Norton........... San Francisco, Cal...... Sept. 18, 1860
Amalgamator..................................... A. F. W. Partz.............. W rtshorough, N. Y..... July 14 1863
Amalgamator.................................... A. B. Paul........ Nevada, Cal..... Aug. 27, 1861
Amalgamator....................................C. C. Peck.................... Black Hawk, Coio.. - Feb. 21,1865
Amalgamator.................................... C. C. Peck....... Black Hawk, Coln...... Nov. 21, 1865
Amalgamator...................................W. Robbins and E. Swasey.... Hiudsdale, Ill., and Buck- Apr. 21, 1868
port, Me.
Amalgamator................................. J. A. Robinson,jr.......San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 22, 1867
Amalgamator.................................... ). E. Rose.................... Cin:innati, Ohio........... Jan. 15,1867
Amalgamator.................................... H. P. Russ.................. San Francisco, Cal... -.. Mar. 22, 1859
Amalgamator.................................... H. H. Scoville, jr.............. Chicago, Ill.............. May 30, 1865
Amalgamator.................................. A. J. Senatz and G. W. Knowl- Sacramento, Cal........... Apr. 30, 1867
Amalgamator.................................... G. B. Simpson................. Washington, D. C......... Apr. 17, 1866
Amalgaiiator................................ R. and WV. T. Smith............ Caronde:et, Mo............ Apr. 7,1868
Amalgamator.................................... L. Solomon................... New York, N. ".......... Dec. 7, 1858
Amalgamator...................................J. T. Stuats.................. N w York, N. Y.......... Mar. 13, 1866
143, 635
52, 040
23, 072
67, 842
66, 529
12, 988
40, 894
12, 196
39, 550
47, 577
115, 293
115, 294
25, 787
119, 264
133, 172
34, 286
48, 887
22, 616
18, 485
99, 630
28, 136
58, 981
27, 035
23, 881
58, 335
49, 232
67, 498
22, 704
51, 021
63, 221..........
54, 062
26, 576
15, 037
68, 175
73, 241
77, 183
53, 805
13, 645
53, 435
68, 359
50, 572
29, 545
44, 140
46, 560
48, 930
50, 534
52, 846
40, 406
25, 333
69, 564
70, 839
44, 422
71, 011
80, 739
65, 912
25, 933
69, 672
64, 534
88, 963
55, 114
13, 879
43, 589
27, X90
123, 918
82, 730
34, 115
25, 840
28, 885
137, 088
30, 085
39, 240
33, 159
46, 492
51, 079
77, 097
61, 465
61, 262
23, 313
48, 030
64, 258
54, 028
76, 538
22, 245
53, 194
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I -I
Amalgamator ---------------------------
Amalgamator -----------------------------
Amalgamator and concentrator....................
Amalgamator and ore-concentrator............
Amalgamator and ore-crusher..............
Amalgamator and ore-mill...........
Amalgamator, Cylindrical........................
Amalgamator, Electrical.......................
Amalgamator for collecting gold and silver.....
Amalgamator for collecting gold and silver.....
Amalgamator for guld and silver..............
Amalgamator tor gold and silver...................
Amalgamator for gold and silver.................
Amalgamator for gold and silver................
Amalgamator for gold and silver, Electro-magnetic.
Amalgamator for gold and silver, Voltaic......
Amalgamator for ores of gold and silver.........
Amalgamator, Gold...............................
Amalgamator, Gold.............................
Amalgamator, Gold.............................
Amalgamator, Gold
Amalgamator, Gold.............................
Amalgamator, Gold.............
Amalgamator, Gold...............
Amalgamator, Gold...............................
Amalgamator, Gold and silver.....................-------
Amalgamator, Gold and silver....................
Amalgamator, Gold and silver.....................
Amalgamator, Gold and silver....................
Amalgamator, Ore........................---.......Amalgamator, Re immersing.....................
Amalgamator, Shoe for............................
Ambrotypes, Method of mounting.................
Am bulance........................................
Ammonia-gas engine..................
Ammonia, Manufacture of.........................
Ammonia, Manufacture of carbonate of............
Ammonia, sulphur, and other products from gaslime, Preparation of.
Ammoniacal and other liquids, Apparatus for evaporating.
Ammoniacal-gas engine..........................
Ammoniacal-gas engine...........................
Ammoniacal-gas engine.....................
Ammoniacal-gas-engine feeder................
Ammunition box, Military...................
Ammunition for fire-arms, Fixed...........
Ammunition holder for cartridge-box, Fixed... -_..
Ammunition holder for cartridge-box, Fixed.....
Ammunition in chests and boxes, Packing......
Amulet, Metal....................................
Anmsthetics, Instrument for administration of - --.
A nchor...........................................
S. Standish...................
A. M. Stetson................
G. Stevens....................---------------
C. C. Stevenson.............
W. L. Strong..................
S. G. Sturges..................
A. Swazey...................
J. Thomson..................
T. Tripp.....................
T. Tripp and G. S. Curtis.....
T. Tripp and G. S. Curtis......
T. Varney..................
Z. Wheeler...........:........
J. D. Whelpley and J. J. Storer
J. White...................
S. E. Woodworth............
S. E. Woodworth and J. S.
J. N. Wickoff and T. M. Fell..
G. Johnston and E. G. Smith..
J. Scott.......................J. Burrell---------------.....................A. B. Paul..--------------
T. M. Fell............
J. H. Rae......................
J. A. Bertola.................
J. S. and HI. Curtis.............
W. H. Deviar.................
P. G. Gardiner..........
W. A. Palmer................
T. Varney......................
A. B. Paul..................
J. H. Rae----------......-----...............
W. M. Fuller.................
W. Ball...-.................
1. Brevoort...............
R. H. Collyer................
A. K. Eaton..................
J. H. Fisher..............
D. Leibee.....................
A. S. W right.............. -..J. N. Wickoff and T. M. Fell...
H. W. Adams...............
H. Boll liehoff.................
M. Lafli...-----------------..
H. Pietsch---------..........-------........J. M. Beath..................
J. R. Miller----------------..................J. H. Bullock..........
J. S. McClure................
G. W. Arnold................
C. Britain...................
J. M. Hayward...........
B. Howard..................
E. R. McKean.................
M. Pinner.................
D. H. Rucker, J. E. Allen, and
J. S. Smith.
W. Slatter....................
A. WV. Siis..................
C. Fellier......................
E. Lamm......................
A. Paraf......................
S. R. Divine...................
R. J. Everett.................
Residence. Date.
Pacheco, Cal.............. Jvn. 15, 1867
San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 26, 1856
San Francisco, Cal........ June 29, 1869
Gold Hill, Nev--......-...... ---Apr. 19, 1870
San Francisco, Cal........ May 7, 1867
Newark, N. J-----......------...... Sept. 16, 1866
Chicago, Ill............... Nov. 5, 1867
Gibsonville, Cal....-----------May 25, 1869
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 17, 1866
Chicago, Ill ".------Apr. 17, 1866
Chicago, Ill --------------Apr. 17, 1866
San Francisco, Cal...... July 12, 1864
San Francisco, Cal........ Nov. 29, 1864
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 11, 1866
Bangor, Me............ Aug. 28, 1860
Murphy's. Cal.........- Apr. 9,1861
San Francisco, Cal........Nov. 27, 1860
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mel- Nov. 27, 1860
vin Mines, Va.
Auburn, Cal.............. July 9, 1867
San Francisco, Cal........ May 24, 1870
Central City, Colo......... Jan. 28, 1862
Silver City, Nev.......... May 13, 1862
New York, N. Y -......... Jan. 1, 1867
Syracuse, N. Y........... Oct. 13, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... July 29, 1862
Chicago, Ill................ Feb. 23, 1869
Valley Township, Mo..... Mar. 18, 1862
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 4, 1864
San Francisco, Cal........ Nov. 18,1862
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 16, 1862
San Francisco, Cal......June 1, 1869
Syracuse, N. Y............ Feb. 20,1872
Chicago, Ill............... Dec. 24, 1867
Chicopee, Mass............ Sept. 9, 1851
San Francisco, Cal....... Aug. 30, 1859
New York, N. Y.....-..... June 6, 1854
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 6,1860
Placerville, Cal........... Feb. 2. 1858
Middletown, Ohio......... Jan. 1, 1856
San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 15, 1854
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Or- July 26, 1859
ange Mines, Va.
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 29, 1864
Burlington, Iowa.......... Mar. 7, 1865
Chicago, Ill.............. Mar. 5, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 7, 1862
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 20, 1864
Frederickshurgh, Va...... July 2, 1850
Gold Hill, Nev............ May 12, 1868
Mobile, Ala.-.....-...... Nov. 1, 1859
Morgantown, W. Va..-.. Apr. 5, 1864
Saint Joseph, Mich....-.. Aug. 11, 1863
Boston, Mass.-------------May 16, 1865
New York, N. Y.......... June 27, 1865
Washington, D. C......... Oct. 11, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... ------ Jan. 27, 1e63
Washington, D. C........ Nov. 6, 1866
61, 274
15, 619
91, 878
102, 177
64, 458
58, 119
70, 64;
90, 409
54, 074
54, 075
54, 076
43, 535
45, 289
58, 010
29, 837
32, 022
30, 781
30, 783
66, 499
103, 377
34, 238
35, 253
60, 7 09
83, 091
35, 987
87, 248
34, 673
44, 525
36, 963
37, 185
90, 777
123, 932
72, 626
8, 344
25, 242
30, 567
19, 246
11, 541
24, 902
45, 214
46, 632
62, 639
34, 072
45, 468
7, 478
77, 868
25, 977
42, 152
39, 460
47, 719
48, 404
44, 643
37, 518
59, 459
47, 992
39, 595
121, 909
124, 495
67, 447
86, 142
127, 470
Allegheny City, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France.............
New Orleans, La..........
Thann, France............
New York, N. Y........
Bridgeport, Conn.........
May 30, 1865
Aug. 18, 1863
Dec. 12, 1871
Mar. 12, 1872
Aug. 6, 1867
Jan. 26, 1869
June 4, 1872
L. S. Fales..................... New York, N. Y.......... July 27,1869 93, 072
E. Lamm---------------------...................... New Orleans, La..........
W. H. Laubach............... Philadelphia, Pa..........
W.H.Smith and F.Y.De Coppet New Orleans, La........
E. Lamm------------------...................... New Orleans, La..........
J. J. Hirschbuhl............... Louisville, Ky............
G. Conover------...---------. Middletown, Conn.........
J. W. Cochran................ --------------New York, N. Y.....
J. W. Cochran................ New York, N. Y.........
F. L. Hagadorn...--.......... Baltimore. Md -...........
G. W. Griswold............... Carbondale, Pa............
E. West...........................................
O. W illson.................... Aurora, Ill................
W. J.Armstrong and C. Browne Brooklyn, N. Y............
A. B. Babbitt................Taunton, Mass.....-.......
E. I. Barlow................. San Francisco, Cal.......
A. Bradford................... Raynham, Mass..........
C. F. Brown................... Warren, R. I.............
C. F. Brown.................. Warren, R. I..............
C. A. Chamberlin.......... Allegheny City, Pa......
C. A. Chamberln---........ Pittsburgh, Pa............
C. A. Chamberlin---...-------. Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. Coffin.................Jamaica Plains, Mass....
T. L. Dalton---------------................... New York, N. Y.........
P. Dinzcy................... Bartholomew, West Indies
J. D. Greene---............. Cambridge, Mass.........
R. V. D. Guinon..............Brooklyn, N. Y............
J. WV. Habberley............... South Malden, Mass......
Z. Hall......................... Den:is, Mass.............
July 19, 1870
May 28, 1872
July 29, 1873
Dec. 5, 1871
Feb. 18, 1862
Feb. 23, 1864
Mar. 17,1868
Mar. 17,1868
Nov. 26, 1867
Jan. 17, 1854
May 19,1803
Dec. 10,1867
Nov. 5, 1867
May 23, 1871
Nov. 30, 1869
Mar. 1, 1864
May 22, 1866
Jan. 26, 1869
Apr. 19, 1864
July 11, 1871
Sept. 16, 1873
June 27, 1865
Jan. 6, 1857
June 12. 1866
Apr. 13, 1869
Apr. 3, 1855
Oct. 12, 1868
Nov. 25, 1873
105, 581
127, 250
141, 242
121, 527
34, 423
41, 684
75, 625
75, 626
71, 298
10, 435.....
71, 934
70, 498
115, 011
97, 342
41, 754
54, 847
86, 206
42, 346
116, 806
142, 769
48, 370
16, 356
55, 593
88, 781
12, 622
82, 940
144, 901
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to?'73, inclusive-Continued.
i -i
Anchor----------------------------------........................................... F. Howes....................
Anchor...----------------------------------W. M. Hughes................
Anchor..........................................----------------------------------.. C. T. Julius...................
Anchor------........................................... -------------------------- W. A. Kentish............
Anchor....................................-....... --- F.J. Latham.................
Anchor........................................... ----------------------------------A. H. Law.............
Anchor.................................................. G. A. Lloyd and C. A. Stewart.
Anchor..------------------------.............................----------............G. A. Lloyd and C. A. Stewart.
Anchor........................................ C. E. Marshall..........
Anchor................................. F. Martin........... F. Martin.....
Anchor.......................................... E. P. McCarthy and J. Johnston.
Anchor......................................... E. R. C. Morgan...............
Anchor......................................... J. W. Morgan................
Anchor.......................................... G. C. Pattison................
Anchor........................................... G. C. Pattison................
Anchor.............................................. G.C. Pattison..........
Anchor.......................................... G. C. Pattison...............
Anchor.......................................... G. C. Pattison............
Anchor......................................... G. C. Pattison...............
Anchor.......................................... D.C. Pierce..................
Anchor......................................... D. C. Pierce...................
Anchor.......................................... W. H. Porter.........
Anchor..........C............................... C. W. Roeden.................
Anchor..........................................J. W. Russell and D. Joline....
Anchor....................................... W. W. Smith.................
A nchor..........................................
A nchor..........................................
Anchor and life-preserver, Combined floating......
Anchor, Apparatus for working..................
Anchor-cable of iron-clad vessels, Means for the
protection of.
Anchor, Cast-iron.........................
Anchor, Cat-block for freeing a ship's............
Anchor, Compound..................
Anchor, Floating.........................
Anchor, Floating drag or...................
Anchor for animal.............................
Anchor, Grappling............................
Anchor shackle, Second...........................
Anchor shackle, Second..........................
Anchor, Ship's...................................
Anchor-stopper, Cat-head...................
Anchor-stopper, Cat-head...................
Anchor, Water...........................
Anchor-well and anchor...........................
Anchors, Making and fagoting....................
Anchors, Means for casting.......................
Anchors, Mode of recovering lost................
Anchoring stationary machinery.............
Andiron and fire-place.....................
Andiron and fire-place.- ---- -..........
Andirons, Construction of........................
Andirons, Construction of..................
Andirons, Construction of feet of brass...........
Andirons, Manufacturing...................
Andirons, Pedestal feet for..................
Andirons, Preparing and finishing................
Anemometer, Electrical..........................
Angle-iron cutter.........................
Angle-iron, Machine for bending.................
Angles, Gage for determining...................
Angler's combined float and sinker...............
Angler's float....................................
Angler's reel.............................
Angulometer, Plane..............................
Aniline colors....................................
Aniline colors, Compound of......................
Aniline colors for dycing and printing, Method of
E. Snell..-----------------.....................W. Williams..................
F. Wittram..................
F. Wittram................
J. Humphries...............
A. Campbell................
H. W. Harkness...........
I. Newton....................
J. S. Stoddard...............
G. W. Duncan................
S. N. M iller...................
G. L. Baker..................
A.F. Lewis.................
P. H. Raiford.............
A. S. and T. J. Trafton...-..
G. Gilmour...............
T. Leavitt.................
N. P. Isaacs and J. Raisbach..
J. L. Hanly..................
G. H. Babcock...............
W. H. Barker..................
P. H. Jackson............
T. L. Baylies................
S. R. Bryant.................
E. Davidson..................
G. Gibson...--..-------------
B. H. Heitmann.............
H. Higgins...................
J. B. Holmes.........
J. B. Hopkins...............
W. Stacey.............
N. W. Wheeler........
R. and T. Winans............
J. Tucker and J. Judge........
C. B. Whittemore............
S. Boone....................
J. T. Dee and I. Murray......
W. Dexter................
J. B. Logan...................
W. Pye..................
J. B. Sargent..................
J. Stickney..................
F. Passy.....................
J. Sweet.....................
J. Cochran..................
J. R. Remington..............
E. Smylie....................
J. Griffiths..........
WV. Wilson...................
E. Smylie.........
E. Smylie................
G. R. Stuntzs.................
F. S. Baldwin...............
B. Dearborn...............
A. McGuffie..............
D. Bell.......................
H. Taylor....................
E. C. C. Kellogg..............
J. W. Hoard.................
J. A. Terrell................
W. H. Bradley...............
J. Mullaly..................
C. L. Noe................
E. Thayer...............
G. E. C. Delaire...--.-.-...
E. Zinssmann...............
A. S. L. Leonhardt...........
Boston, Mass...........
San Francisco, Cal......
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..-....
San Francisco, Cal......
San Francisco, Cal.....
San Francisco, Cal......
Digby, Nova Scotia....--.
Marseilles, France.....
San Francisco, Cal........
Mumbles, South Wales.....
Saltney, Great Britain....
Boston, Mass............
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md........
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md....
Clayton, N. Y...........
Clayton, N. Y.........
Great Britain...........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Tottenville, B. Y..........
Newcastle-on-Tyne, England.
London, Great Britain.....
Saint Louis. Mo.........
San Francisco, Cal......
San Francisco, Cal......
Washington, D. C........
Jersey City, N. J.......
Bristol, Conn..........
New York, N. Y.........
Palmyra, N. Y.........
Bath, Me............
West Roxbury, Mass......
Astoria, N. Y............
Shopiere, Wis..........
Houston, Tex............
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Chelsea, Mass.......
Malden, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal......
Providence, R. I........
Windsor, Nova Scotia.....
New York,N.Y......
Richmond, Ind...........
New York, N. Y......_
Providence, R. I.........
Port Richmond, N. Y......
Hoboken, N. J.......
Orleans, Mass......
New York, N. Y....-...
Dennis Port, Mass......
Kittery, Me..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md............
Washington, D C.........
Millbridge, Me..........
Boston, Mass.------..
Le Gros, Ind...------.-....
Fredericktown, Mo.....
Winchester, Conn.......
Blountville, Tenn.......
New York, N. Y.-..---........
New Britain, Conn........
Baltimore, Md..........
Paris, France.........
Berkshire, Mass.........
Batavia, N. Y... - -...
Lowndes County, Ala....
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y....._
Greenfield, Mass..........
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
Superior, Wis.............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Boston, Mass...........
Buffalo, N. Y........
Butfhlo, 1. Y............
United States Navy......
Hartford, Conn........
Providence, R. I...........
Bloomfield, Ky............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Bergen Point, N. J...4.....
Worcester, Mass......
Paris, France............
New York, N. Y..........
Berlin, Prussia............
Dec. 22, 1868
Feb. 28, 1871
Jan. 1,1867
May 2, 1848
Aug. 21, 1866
May 17, 1870
July 9, 1867
Oct. 12, 1869
Oct. 17, 1865
Mar. 19, 1861
Dec. 1, 1868
June 21, 1864
Apr. 20, 1869
Feb. 23, 1869
Jan. 24, 1871
Jan. 24, 1871
Sept. 18, 1866
Feb. 2,1869
May 3, 1870
May 3, 1870
Jan. 7, 1868
Jan. 7. 1868
Mar. 18, 1842
Nov. 24, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
Feb. 4, 1873
Aug. 29, 1869
Mar. 16, 1858
June 9,1868
Apr. 27, 1869
Mar. 16, 1858
July 3, 1860
Aug. 24, 1858
Feb. 9, 1864
July 2, 1836
Apr. 28, 1863
June 29, 1852
Feb. 12, 1867
Aug. 22, 1854
June 8, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 10, 1857
Jan. 3, 1860
July 5, 1845
May 14, 1867
Aug. 7, 1866
Dec. 13, 1870
Nov. 27, 1855
Apr. 19, 1859
Feb. 27, 1855
Jan. 23, 1866
Dec. 5, 1865
May 16, 1865
Jan. 10, 1860
Apr. 28, 1857
Apr. 6,1869
Dec. 27,1864
June 11, 1867
Jan. 29, 1861
Nov. 19, 1829
Aug. 13, 1867
Sept. 3, 1867
Aug. 20, 1867
Apr. 30, 1872
May 17, 1814
Mar. 27, 1860
Nov. 16, 1821
Aug. 17, 1858
May 4, 1805
June 23, 1868
Feb. 26, 1811
July 1, 1836
May 16, 1846
July 12, 1843
Mar. 15, 1827
May 16, 1832
Feb. 1, 1827
Feb. 2-2, 1827
Feb. 4, 186-2
July 1, 1873
Apr. 29, 1808
Dec. 9, 1873
Dec. 15, 1863
Dec. 20, 1864
Nov. 13, 1866
Dec. 12, 1854
Feb. 2,1869
Sept. 22, 1868
May 20,1873
Jan. 28, 1873
Aug. 26, 1862
July 30, 1861
Mar. 24, 1868
Sept. 12, 1865
85, 228
112, 247
60, 903
5, 547
57, 339
103, 205
66, 665
95, 698
50, 542
31, 726
84, 565
43, 273
89, 232
87, 109
111, 145
58, 128
86, 439
102, 583
102, 584
73, 035
73, 036
2, 497
84, 304
73, 758
135, 450
49, 688
19, 659
78, 852
89, 454
19, 638
28, 965
41, 530
38, 356
9, 076
61, 983
11, 555
91, 042
88, 346
16, 821
26, 684
4, 096
64, 762
56, 873
109, 998
13, 847
23, 654
12, 435
52, 143
51, 305
47, 720
26, 765
17, 182
88, 571
45, 649
65, 625
67, 741
68, 402
67, 943
126, 273
27, 640
79, 253
4, 523
3, 170
34, 321
140, 340
145, 437
40, 899
45, 535
59, 721
12, 060
86, 609
82, 377
139, 180
135, 283
36, 312
32, 965
76, 031
t9, 958
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusice-Continued.
In ventor.
i i
Aniline colors, Manufacture of...................
Aniline colors, Preparation of.....................
Aniline colors, Producing.........................
Aniline red, Manufacture of...................
Anilines, Manufacture of coloring-matter from....
Animal and bird trap..............................
Animal and bird trap..............................
Animal and game trap.....................
Animal and insect trap.....-...................
Animal and vegetable substances, Apparatus for
drying and curing.
Animal and vegetable substances, Apparatus for
Animal and vegetable substances for curing meat,
tanning, &c., Apparatus for.composing.
Animal-cage trap..................................
Animal-cage, Wheel for.........................
Animal-carcass scraping-machine.-...-...-.--.Animal-cleaning machine........................
Animal deposits in streets, Apparatus for preventing.
Animal-dosing instrument........................
Animal-fats, Treating..................................
Animal-miarking instrument-----------------.......................
Animal matter, Apparatus for treating and drying.
Animal matter, Drying and disintegrating.........
Animal matter, Machine for cutting and grinding.
Animal matter, oil, &c., Drying and deodorizing..
Animal matter, Process and apparatus for treating
and drying.
Animal matter, Process and apparatus for treatment of.
Animal matters, Mode of salting........
Animal or other power to propel machinery, Constructing machine for ap)plying.
Animal-power, Adjustable.......................
Animal-power apparatus -...........--............------.
Animal-power, Endless chain for.....................
Animal-power, Machine for applying..--........
Animal-power, Propelling machinery by........
Animal-power to mechanical purposes, Applying..
Animal-seizing device.............................
Animal-shearing apparatus........................
Animal-shoeing stock...........................
Animal substances, Separating fatty matter from..
Anim al-trap.......................................
A nimal-trap.............................
Animal-trap......................................Animal-trap- -.......................................
A nimal-trap.......................................
A nimal-trap....................................
Animal trap...----------------------..
Animal-trap.. --.........
Animal-trap. --...............................
A nim al-trap...............................
P. Monnet...................
J. Renard..................
P. Monnet.................
C. and A. Ciemm.............
P. Chevalier................
A. T. Latta..................
G. C. Stamper.................
J. H. Richardson..............
W. W. Hannah....-............
M. J. Stein....................
Lyons, France.......-.
Lyons, France.........
Lyons, France- -......
Philadelphia, Pa., and
Manheim, Baden.
Lyons, France..........
Camden, S. C...........
Pella, Iowa...- --..--
Westport, Mo.........
Hudson, N. Y.......
New York. N. Y...-..
Sept. 2, 1862
July 31, 1860
Sept. 2, 1862
Oct. 10, 1865
Mar. 13, 1866
July 14, 1868
June 23, 1868
May 2, 1871
July 29, 1873
Mar. 26, 1872
F. Stabler..................... Baltimore, Md........... Mar. 20, 1866
D. Bruce...................... Rossville, N. Y............ Jan. 22,1867
S. W. Rice................
G. R. Peckham..............
R. C. Tompkins..............
C. D. Wheeler............
E. Berlinger................
O. Barker................
H. M6ge.................
M. E. Burlingame..........
M. E. Burlingame...........
W. H. H. Hallock..........
J. S. Bodle..................
W. C. Marshall................
C.C. Coe......................
A. Smith.....................
M. J. Stein...................
C. G. Bruce and M. J. Stein....
Roseburgh, Oreg..........
Worcester, Mass.....
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Paris, France -.........
Willett, N. Y............
Willett, N. Y.............
Mattituck, N. Y..........
Mechlenburg, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.......
Hartford, Conn..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Apr. 15,1873
Sept. 1, 1868
Nov. 11, 1873
Nov. 29, 1859
Nov. 12, 1872
Mar. 22, 1870
Dec. 30, 1873
July 29, 1862
Aug. 1, 1865
Oct. 17, 1871
Mar. 5, 1867
Apr. 8, 1873
Aug. 19, 1873
Nov. 26, 1867
June 4, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
M. J. Stein................... New York, N. Y......... Nov. 5,1872
C. Payne....................- South Lambeth, England.. Sept. 11, 1841
I. F. Moore.................... Falmouth, Va............ May 4, 1841
J. J. Adgate.................
H. Bolton.....................
H. F. Carpenter..............
J. R. Deyo...................
J. C. Gentlry..................
J. B. Hall..................
W. Patterson................
C. M. and G. Richards.....
H. Rosameyer, jr...........
T. Starr-...............
M. G. Wood.................
N. Potter...................
O. M. Brock................
G.N. Palmer.............
J. Dearborn..................
S. Cooper..................
W. E. Arnold...............
D. Fasig....................
C. A. J. Lengelde.............
J. Sinclair..................
H. A. Ameluhng...........
T. N. Wheeler.................
A. J. Adams................
H. Adams...............
S. L. Allen...................
H. L. Anderson..........
C. Angle................
J. Annis....................
S. M. Armstead..............
H. H. C. Arnold..............
H. H. C. Arnold..........
S. Arnold....................
S. Arnold-------------....................
S. Ayres.................
H. J. Baddeley...............
L. V. Badger................
J. W. Bagby................
H. Bagley................
F. P. Baker................
L. J. Baker..................
W. Ball..................
G. T. Barker..................
G. Barr.................
T. J. Belford................
H. Belmer..................
J. Biddle.................
WV. Biddle..................
W. J. and H. L. Biddle....
T. Bingham..............
A. S. Blake..--............
J. Blame..............
J. L. Brabyn..............
L. B. Bradley...............
J. W. Bradway.......
J. Branch...................
A. C. Briant - -----...................
W. W. Brigg................
A. Brown............
E. Brown...----------------
Liberty, N. Y....-- -... - Apr. 28, 1868
Elizabethtown, Canada.... Jan. 23,1872
Polo, Ill-.....-------------- Sept. 24, 1872
Sterling, Ill..-.--.... Apr. 9, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa-..-----.. Dec. 14, 1830
Cheshire, N. Y............ Nov. 23, 1869
Oneonta, N. Y.....---------- Aug. 8,1871
Harpersville, N. Y..... May 9, 1865
Allegheny City, Pa....-... June 11, 1872
New Lisbon, Ohio........ Dec. 1, 1868
Church Corners, Mich....- Oct. 24,1871
East Troy, Pa.......... Feb. 28, 1871
Monroeton, Pa............ Jan. 10, 1871
Greene, N. Y......----------- June 3, 1873
Seabrook, N. H -.......... May 21, 1867
Augusta County, Va...... Apr. 12, 1830
Chatham, Conn.......... May 7, 1831
Rowsburg, Ohio-....... May 11, 1869
Paris, France........ Mar. 25, 1873
Davenport, Iowa.......... Nov. 11, 1862
Chicago, Ill......... Jan. 27, 1863
Blue Earth City, Minn.... July 5, 1870
Portland, Oreg........... Apr. 28, 1868
Erie County, Pa........... Aug. 10, 1833
Cinnaminson, N. J........ July 16, 1872
Smithville, Ind............ Apr. 9, 1867
Hazel Green, Mich........ June 28, 1870
Galva, Ill-------------................. Oct. 18, 1864
Grand Haven, Mich....... Dec. 31, 1867
Burlington, Kans......Feb. 27, 1872
Nicholasville, Ky.....Dec. 2, 1873
Silver Springs, Tenn...... June 21, 1870
Silver Springs, Tenn---- Aug. 2, 1870
Worcester, Mass.......... Jan. 12, 1869
Napa, Cal................ Dec. 3, 1872
Chicago, Ill...............July 9.1867
Northcutt's Store, Ky._... Aug. 31, 1869
Mechanicsville, Iowa..... Mar. 29,1864
Boston, Mass-.......... Sept. 7, 1869
East Machias, Me......... Dec. 5, 1865
Oregon, Mo............... Aug. 9,1870
Pittsfield, Mass.......... May 12, 1863
Clatskanie, Oreg.......... Nov. 12, 1872
Worthington, Ohio...... Feb. 16, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Aug 13, 1867
Edinburgh, Pa............ Aug. 29, 1871
Pittsburgh, Pa............ July 12, 1839
New Madison, Ohio....... Feb. 18, 1868
Stockport, Ohio........... Jan. 5.1869
Waterbury, Conn......... Apr. 26,1859
Mount Pleasant, Md...... Dec. 14, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 6, 1858
Watertown, Conn........ Aug. 28,1855
Akron, Ind. -.....--...... Mar. 31, 1863
Mooers, N. Y............. Sept. 14, 1869
Lafayette, Ind............ Feb. 25, 1868
Home, Tenn.............. June 23, 1871
Bridgeport, Oreg.......... Dec. 21, 1869
Wayne, Mich..-........... May 4, 1869
N o.
36, 357
29, 414
36, 356
50, 335
79, 987
79, 154
114, 343
141, 346
124, 982
53, 355
137, 864
81, 678
144, 579
26, 313
133, 007
100, 967
146, 012
49, 081
120, 062
62, 596
137, 699
141, 853
127, 670
132, 243
132, 873
2, 247
2, 073
77, 236
131, 498
125, 444
97, 193
117, 922
47, 659
127, 800
84, 590
120, 357
110, 892
139, 604
64, 951
137, 220
36, 920
37, 482
105, 018
129, 203
63, 603
104, 684
44, 763
72, 713
124, 027
145, 082
104, 406
105, 880
85, 780
133, 557
66, 550
42, 063
94, 464
51, 83
38, 458
132, 948
87, 022
67, 709
118, 581
1, 238
74, 658
85, 634
23, 750
97, 755
19, 8-25
13, 483
38, 024
94, 708
74, 886
116, 017
98, 023
89, 626
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusive.-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Animal-trap.- ---------G.---.-Brown-----------------G.WBrw..........Sacramento, Cal.----------Dec. 3, 18637 71, 693
Animal-trap.. - - - - - M rw............................Bon._____...Newbnrgh, Tenn.--------Nov. 28, 1871 121, 324
Animal-trap-------------------------------------I1). R. lruton------------------ Thomasville, N.C..-.. Jne 29, 1869 92, 010
Animal-trap------------------------------------...A. Burntiam ---.----- -----Montague, Mass----------.May 19, 1863 38, 559
Animal-trap ------------------------------------ -M. Bntler--------------------..Vernon, lad-------------- Feb. 25, 1868 74, 887
Animal-trap-------------------------------------- L. W. Buxton.--- -------Nashna, N. H------------- Apr. 24, 1860 27, 967.Animal-trap.------------------------------------J. Caffrey-------------------- Paradise Town ship, Pa__ -- Jan. 2, 1855 1-2, 125
Animal-trap------------------------------------- A. Campbell ---_-------------Oxford, lad--------------- Sept. 1, 1868 81, 596
Animal-trap-............_.-----------------------W. H. Campbell--------------- Brooklyn, N.Y------------ July 10, 1886 56, 175
Animal-trap---- ------------------------------- C. R. Capps----._-------------Illiopolis, Ill.............. Feb. 2.5, 1868 74, 889
Animal-trap................................H. C. Case...................--Pekin, Ill----------------- Mar. 8, 1870 100, 599
Aninial-trap..................................... W. F. Caswell---------------Raynham, Mass-......July 25, 1865 48, 905
Animal-trap................................... R. Chadwick.................--Nantucket, Mass -__July 30, 1861 32, 961
Animal-trap..................................... La F. C. Chamberlin........... Osawatomie, Kan......Mar. 12, 1872 124, 417
Animal-trap..................................... J. W. Churchill...-........Pittston, Pa...........- Aug. 15,1865 49, 378
Animal-trap. -----..........---------- J. W. Churchill.._-..........Pittston, Pa.-_--------Nov. 26, 1867 71, 364
Animal-trap.........................._........G. E. Clarke.................lRacine, Wis...-----------Dec. 26, 1865 51, 777
Animal-trap.................................G. E. Clarke....-___.__.Rcne i..............Raie i-------Dec. 4, 1866 60, 143
Animnal-trap................................... G. E. Clarke..................--Racine, Wis.............. Aug. 27, 1867 68, 046
it., S.C.
Animal-trap.....................................J. J. Cline.. __............High Hill, Ohio.. __........Apr. 14, 1868 76, 713
Animal-trap...................................... D. Cole....................... Orwell, Pa...............-Aug. 28, 1866 57, 480
Animal-trap.-...................W. F. Collier.................. Worcester, Mass.-------- Feb. 15, 1870 99, 995
Animal-trap.................................... I. N. Connell.................--Spencer's Station, Ohio..... Aug. 20, 1867 67, 959
Auimal-trap...................................... J. Coomnbe.................... San Josd, Cal.............. Feb. 6,1872 123, 381
Animal-trap..-------------------J.opc.........................J.FCopc. - - Dexter, Iowa _.........Oct. 10, 1871 119, 826
Animal-trap................................- __ J. Ccsolowsky._..._...-...Titusville, Pa............. Nov. 8, 1870 109, 1i2
Animal-trap..................................... G. G. Cottrell-----._-------Sharon, Con............. June 5, 1866 55, 245
Animal-trap..--- -----.......------.._H. H. Cottrill ---------------Vinton Station, Ohio-...Mar. 9,1869 87, 548
Animial-trap...................................... W. Cover. _.................. Jenner's Cross Roads, Pa.. Jan. 7, 1868 72, 979
Animal-trap..................................... R. S. Craig -------------------Cincinnati, Ohio..........-Nov. 7,1854 11, 887
Animal-trap....................H rn-----------------------------.H rn ______--.Jonesville, Mich.......... July 5, 1864 43, 396
Animal-trap....................................--J. Curtis.....................-Saint Charles, Mica...Oct. 15, 1867 69, 777
Animal-trap.................................... iE. A. C. Da Silva.............--New Yeork, N. V.-..._..Feb. 11, 1873 135, 7:12
Animal-trap..................................... A. W. Davis- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -South Haven, Mich..Nov. 19, 1872 133, 08-2
Animal-trap...................................-- G. H. Davis..._..........Patten, Me...............-Jan. 30, 187-2 12:3, 089
Animal-trap..................................--- W. H. Davis._..............Lexington, Ind------------Ic. 24, 1867 7-2, 461
Animal-trap....................................--J. M. Dearborn---------------- Boston, Mas------------- Mar. 3, 1868 74, 998
Animal-trap....................... _..... H. D. Deming and P.G. Walker. Delmnar, Pa--------------- Mar. 5,1861 31, 651
Animal-trap..................................... J. Dildine..................... Limestoneville, Pa --. Dec. 10, 187-2 133, 836
Auimal-trap...................................... S. F. Dimock------------------ Spencer, Ohio............--Nov. 27, 1866 19, 980
Animal-trap-.................................. M. WV. Drake.................--Owasso, Mich............. Aug. 3,1869 93, 185
Animal-trap.................................. U. H. Duparek---------------.Albion, Mich-------------..Sept. 13,1864 44, 168
Animal-trap..................................... A. J. Eddy and J. B Wilber.. Winnesheik County and Dec. 13, 1864 45, 399
Howard County, Iowa.
Animal-trap..................................... A. Edwards................... Chicago, Ill._.........Sept. 5, 1865 49, 735
Animal-trap....................................---A. Ellis and 0. Albertson-_. Salem, nd................ July 31, 1866 56, 735
Animal-trap..................................A. Ellis and 0Alberton.---Salem, lad................ Dec. 24, 1867 72, 470
Animal trap.................................---...Ells....................--Pittsburgh, Pa...........-Apr. 13,1869 88, 778
Animal-trap..................................... J. R. Elward---------PoIl.................Poo l.. -.. Jan. 9,1866 51, 933
Animal-trap......................................J. P. Emswiler.. _.............Kuightstown, lad. -T une 25, 1867 66, 007
Animal-tr-np......................................S. F. Estell................. _ Richmond, Did............ Oct. 10, 1866 58, 795
Aniual-trap....................................--S. F. Estell...................-Richmond, lnd...........-Nov. 20,1866 59, 762
Animal trap..................................... S.F. Estell................_.Riebmon Ild...........-Aug. 18, 1868 81, 265
Animal-tvmp....................................---S. F. Estell...................-Chicago, Ill.-...._........Feb. 4, 1873 135, 534
Annmaultrap.................................... E. B. Everitt.................--West Meriden, Conn...June 14, 1870 104, 293
Anmal-trap................................... 0. 5. Ewing __..._-Rome, Tenna..............-Nov. 14, 1871 120, 953
Animal-trap....................................--J. B. Fairchild................-Covington, IKy........-- June 12, 1866 55, 478
Animal hrap..................................... L. Faris....................... Princetown, Ohio.._Feb. 23, 1869 87,159
Animal-tiap..................................... T. Fell...............New York, N. V......... Oct.:3, 1871 119, 592
Animal-trap.....................................NV. A. Fen.._....._.........Rochester, N. V...........Apr. 27, 1869 89, 300
Animal trap....................................---A. C. Flanders..___........Owatonna, Min.......... June 15, 1869 91, 427
Animad-trnap..............-.J M lat....................__J.M lut___._._._Reedsbus-gh, Wit.......... Dec. 27, 1864 45, 595
Animaliitrap...................................... F. Flora....__..........Pierce, Ohio -...-.Jan. 28, 1873 135, 268
Animal-trap....................................--H. Feast...................... Mill Village, Pa........... Oct. 3, 1871 119, 594
Animal-thap..._............................F. Fox......................--Meadville, Pa....June 21, 1870 104, 570)
Anima-trap....................................-A. A. Fradenburg------------- Neada City, Cal.......... May 2-2, 1866 54, 885
Animal-trap....................................---D. A1. Fr-ancisco............... Three Rivers, Mich. Dec. 5, 1871 121, 608
Animal-trap. ------.........-----------I S. Frisbie and H. CHart.---Unionville, Connma..........Apr. 9,187-2 125, 449
Animal-trap....................................--A. Frost....................Seymiour, lad -........_June 11, 1867 65, 661
Animal-trap.................................... 11.8S. Frost....._.._......_..Watertown, Cona.-.Oct.. 31, 1871 120, 375
Animal-trap.............C..G...r.sheur................rshu---------La Gm, lad............ Oct. 19, 1869 95, 893
Animal-trap.....................................S. Gibson...-............Mantic Township, Pa_.July 13, 1858 20, 873
Animal-trap....................................-- V. S. Gitchell....-.........Peru, lad..._...........Feb. 28, 1865 46, 557
Animal-trap..................................--- J. Geuld.-............Clinton, Pa._........June 3, 1873 139, 57-2
Animal-trap..................................... J. WV. Gireenie.._..-.........Chillicothe, Mo.-......Jan. 7, 1871 134, 539
Arnimal-_trap...................II.Hanrn it r........uca, nnPa..........ae16,187 17,570
Index of patents issued frcaen the Unitcd Sttes Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continnod.
A nimal-trap....................
Animal-trap--------- ----------------------"---
A nim al-trap.....--..........................----
A nim al-trap......-..... -................... ----.
Animal-trap.--------------------- -------------
A nim al-trap...........................
A nimal-trap - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Animal-trap--------------------------------- -
Animal-trap.---------------------- -------------
A nimal- rp.................
J. W. Hollingsworth - - ___
J. W. Hollingsworth..__.
A. A. Ilotchkiss............J - W. F. How.........
J. W. F. How..............
N. S. Howell.................
S. Huffmnan.................
J. Huehson.................--
W. Intington.............--
B. Illiugworth.............._
L. E. Ingersoll --...-----
C-. Irwin....................
WV. B. Jarvis................
C. Jilison......_......_......
P IV King..........
A. Kinkead.................
G. W. Kintz...- --.......
T. B. Kirby.................--
S. Knight..................J. Kohlerr---- -- - -- -
J. 0.Kopas.................--
J. 0. Kopas and G. W. Baner. -.
J. Krummenaner_......
G-. F. Lamnpkin...............
W. S. Lawrence........
ID. A. Leach.................
J.. Lee--------------------
J. A. Leech.................
H.. Leech................_
H.L. Lesher..................
WV. D. Lindsley............._
N. M. Linton.................
C. Long--------------------...
J. H. Lord....................
A. M.Lovett................
J. N. Lowrance_._...........N.B. Lncas.................--
WV. Lnker _----- -.H.F. Lnshbangh and 0. Z. Hurd
C. C. Lyman---------
C. C.Lyman------------------
M. W. Lyman......__......
M. WV. Lyman---------
J. Manchester....._...
J. Manchester..... _........._
H. Mansfield.........
T. E. Marable...............
M. B.Marshall.............._
P. J. Martin................--
A. A. Mattern................
A.J. Matthews...............
H. B. May...................J. C. McClamroch.......... _.
WV. McClureo------ --
C. Melone-.----- ---------- ---
J. Merelien..................
J. B. Merriman and G-. B. Lewis
G. W. Merritt and H. S. Gibbs.
0. Metcalf..................--
L. Meyer...................--
J. H. Miller................._
WV. Miller...................
J. H. Mooney and G-. A. Lloyd
L. Moore-...........
W. Morris...................
J. Nampel..................
WV. H. Newby...............
J. Newell..................A. Newton ----------
C-. A. Norman.............._
H. S. North andl J. 0. Conch _-.H. Ogborn...................
iE. Oliver.....................
E. Oliver....................
D. J. Owen..........
D. J. Owen..................
). J. Owen..................
C-- W. Pagett................
G. J. Parbam...............__
J. C. Parish..................
Residence. D~ate. No.
Seymour, Ind.. -..._.. Oct. 16, 1816 58, 826
Salem, Ind--------------- __ __ May 21, 1867 64, 869
Sharon, Con------------- Feb. 14. 1871 111,745
Douglas County, Oreg.--_.Mar-. 28, 1871 113, 168
Canyonville, Or-eg...-Mar. 19, 1872 124, 8-21
T ealitin, Oreg..........- - Nov. 14, 1871 120, 877
Westfield, Ill-------------.. _Feb. 25, 1868 74, 759
Buffalo, N. Y........------.Sept. 7, 1869 94, 496
Howell, Mieh._- --_--------Dec. 17, 1867 72, 196
Freeport, Ill--------------.....Oct. 22, 1867 70, 093
Columbus, Pa-------------.June 11, 1872 127, 887
Elizabethiown, Ky- -..--July 9, 1867 66, 592
Washington, N. C --._._. Feb. 23, 1869 87, 173
Worcester, Mass----------._ _Nov. 16, 1838 2-2, 078
Saint Paul nd............ May 1, 1866 54, 361
Lowville, N. Y..-.. _. May 5, 1868 77, 6-22
Greenwich, Ohio----------..June 7, 1864 43, 030
Rochester, N. YV..----------_.Mar. 16, 1869 87, 945
Flowerfield, Mich.......Sept. 8, 1868 82, 008
Adel, Iowa---------------....Dec. 12, 1865 51, 463
Cincinnati, Ohio.- - - -------July 7, 1868 79, 577
Washington, D. C - -..- Apr. 19, 1870 102, 134
Washington, D. C - ----Apt. 19, 1870 102, 133
New York, N. Y.- _------Mar. 4, 1c73 136, 378
Georgetown, Ky - --------_ July 9, 187-2 128, 80-2
Winchester, Ky-----------...Jan. 21, 1873 135, 134
Bloomington, hId....__.Sept. 23, 1873 143, 169
Oberlin, Ohio.- ------------._.Feb. 12, 1867 61, 941
Chattanooga, Ten.--.- - Nov. 3, 1868 8:3, 642
Pittsburgh, Pa------------...Feb. 25, 1868 74, 7 62
Galesburgh, Ill----------- _ _Sept. 1, 1868 81, 798
Tuskegee, Ala.. _........ Feb. 13, 1872 123, 633
Philadelphia, Pa----------..Dee. 22, 1863 41, 012
Eudora, Kans------------- June 14, 1870 104, 172
Wilmington, Ohio - - -.--.Nov. 19, 1867 71,1188
Newark, Ohio-------------. _May 23, 1871 115, 22-2
San Francisco, Cal... __.Apr. 26, 1870 10-2, 411
Zanesville, Ohio. - - -..._Mar. 18, 1873 136, 842
Montezuma, Ill.__--- _-------July 16, 1872 129, 415
Jersey County,,11..- -..Api-. 11, 1848 Si 508
Kalamazoo, Mich- -._.._..Nov. 16, 1869 96, 821
Mount Pulaski, 111 - - -_-_-Nov. 24, 1868 84, 291
Edenborough, Pa- - - -.------Dec. 17, 1867 7-2, 211
Edenhorough, Pa..-_--------Mar. 24, 1868 75, 777
Chicago, Ill--------------.._ _Mar. 15, 1870 100, 779
Chicago, Ill--------------.....Mar. 19, 1872 124, 838
New York, N. Y ----------_Feb. 4, 1868 74, 105
New Yeo-k, N. Y - - -- -----Oct. 19, 1869 95, 920
Warsaw, Iad.--_ --------Aug. 20, 1867 67, 893
Petersburgh, V a----------Nov. 2-2, 1870 109, 530
Thaw Bridge, Md -._..__. Mar. 10, 1868 75, 438
Covington, Ohio_- -- - ------July 23, 1867 66. 980
Morrison. Ill.-----.--.------ _June 25, 187-2 128, 23
Elartwell, Ga._-...._.. June 10, 1873 139, 800
Murfreesborough, Ten-. Feb. 25, 1873 136, 330
Edina, Mo----------------.May 26, 1868 78,3:06
Sinking Spring, Ohio--...Oct. 13, 1868 83, 074
Lawrence, Katns...........-Mar. 13, 1866 53, 164
Brookville, Ind-----------..June 17, 187:3 139, 967
Plantsville, Connmi_-._.- Nov. 8, 1870 109, 035
Norwalk, Conn..----------- __ Jau. 26, 1869 86, 175
Salem, Ind- -- -- -- -- - --- - - Jan. 14, 1868 73, 254
Saint Louis, Mo. - - - ___--__.June 11, 187-2 127, 701
Vernon, Ind - _- - - - - - ----Jan. 21, 1868 73, 625
Chicopee, Mass------Feb. 25, 1868 74, 84-2
San F"aucisco, Cal--.. _._Sept. 26, 1871 119, 237
Baraboo, Wis-------------....July 13, 1869 92, 631
Elkhart City, Ill.--._...Apr. 9, 1867 63, 651
Freeport, Ill--------------.Nov. 1(6, 1869 96, 94h
Seynmour, Iud - -- - - - ------May 1, 1866 54, 393
Ypsilanti, Mich __- - -_._-- Feb. 27, 187-2 124, 149
Darby Creek, Ohio.- - ----Aug. 30, 1870 106, 858
Baltimore, Md.- - - - - - ----May 20. 1873 139, 18-2
Middletown, Conn - --.._-June 28, 1859 24, 573
Richmond, Ind - --.------Nov. 19, 1867 71, 206
New York, N. Y...--------.Dec. 13, 1870 110, 085
New York, N. YV----------.. e.Feb. 14, 1871 111, 771
Springville, Pa..-----------_.Apr. 27, 1869 89, 4-29
Springville. Pa.- -.- - - -----May 31, 1870 163, 767
Springville, Pa -- -- - --- - - --Apr. 29, 1873 138, 275
Adams Township, Ind..- May 2, 1865 47, 563
Harrodsbnrgh, hId-__..- -Nov. 26, 1867 71, 321
Petersburgh, Va.- _-----Feb. 7, 1871 111, 673
Wukogan, Ill------------July_16.n187-2 129, 29
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Animal-trap.....-----------------------------------S. S. Rain.....................
Animal-trap.....------------------------------------ N. Rasmussen.................
Animal-trap- -- ----- ------...-..- S. Reed......................
Animal-trap ------------------------------------W. N. Reed-----------------...................
Animal-trap ------..------------------------E. Reichard..................-----------------
Animal-trap -----------------------------------J. H. Reisinger....--------------
Animal-trap....----------------------------------- F. Reuthe....------------------
Animal-trap -----------------------------------F. Renthe....................
Animal-trap...-----------------------------------J. H. Richardson...............
Animal-trap ------------------------------------T. L. Rivers----------------................... -
Animal-trap................... J. Rollins..............--.....
Animal-trap-----------------------------------B. F. Sanford..................
Animal-trap.....-----------------------------------J. Sehroy-...................
Animal-trap........ ----......-H. Seehausen.................
Animal-trap..................................... T. Shailer.-.................... -------------------
Animal-trap.-----------------------------------J. Sherman....................
Animal-trap...------------------------.-----------. T. Silliman....................-----------------
Animal-trap..........................-- -...... T. Silliman...................
Animal-trap.....----------------------------------- R. Simpson.....------
Animal-trap.....-----------------------------------J. A. Sinclair.................
Animal-trap.................................... G. Slusaser....................
Animal-trap...---------------.--------------------. B. C. Smith...................
Animal-trap....................................... B. F. Smith...................
Animal-trap..................................... E. B. Smith...................
Animal-trap................................ O. R. Smith.................
Animal-trap...-----------------------------------V. O. and J. R Spencer....-'
Animal-trap...--------------..--------------------.. E Sprague and G. C. Belt......
Animal-trap.....----------------------------------- W. A. Stack..............
Animal-trap....------------------------------------W. L. Stars-r.................
Animal-trap................... J.J. St. Ledger................
Animal-trap.....------------------------------------ A. Storm......................
Animal-trap.....---------------------------------- J. N. Stow and R. Loop........
Animal-trap.....----------------------------------- Z. Swope......................
Animal-trap..................................J. Teed.......................
Animal-trap............................. A. C. Thomas.................
Animal-trap...................................J. S. Thompson...........
Animal-trap...................................N. S. Thompson.........
Animal-trap.................W. Tinsley.................
Animal-trap.................................... R. Tompkins...............
Animal-trap...................J. Trainer..................
Animal-trap................................... J. Trainer.....................
Animal-trap..............-..C. S. Trevitt..................
Animal-trap.................................R. M. Turner.................
Animal-trap...................................J. L. Tusten...................
Animal-trap................................... T. B. Van Pelt................
Animal-trap................................. C.B. Veronee.................
Animal-trap.................................... G. S. Walker..................
Animal-trap................................... S. Ward.......................
Animal-trap................................... A. L. Waring.................
Animal-trap.................................... A. Warner.................
Animal-trap................................... J. Westcott...................
Animal-trap.................................... L. Wetmore...................
Animal-trap................................... J. Wheelock.................
Animal-trap................................... J. P. Wigal.................
Animal-trap.................................... H. Y. Wildey................
Animal-trap................................... J. M. Wilkinson..............
Animal-trap..................................... W. T. Williams..............
Animal-trap................................... J. P. Wilson..................
Animal-trap..................................... G. Wolf......................
Animal-trap................................... J. J. Wood...................
Animal-trap................................... R. E. Wood.................
Animal-tap.................................. W. J. Woodside...............
Animal-trap....................................W. Wright..................
Animal-trap.................................... IH. D. Wrightson..............
Animal-trap................................... C. Zaiser...................
Animal-trap adjustable platform.................. J. Thomas...................
Animal-trap and seed-safe combined.............. S. V. Greer....................
Animal-trap, Construction of..................... M. H. Biddle..................
Animal-trap, Construction of..................... E. Hill........................
Animal-trap, Device for setting---..--.------------- I. Miller......................
Animal-trap, Manufacture of-------...---. C. Jillson...................
Animal-trap, Self-setting........................ H. B. Myers..............._
Animal-trap wheel................................ W. F. Collier..............
Animal-trap wheel.............................. B. B. and J. R. Hill............
Animals against flies, Lotion for protecting...-.. J. Greene.....................
Animals, Apparatus for relieving choked... G. Clump...................
Animals, Apparatus for taming wild............. P. R. Sanderson.............
Animrls, Brand for marking..................... H. Thompson..............
Animals, Device for catching....-............ W. L. Hopper................
Animals, Device for catching and holding domestic. H. V. Van Etten............
Animals from railways, Apparatus for removing.. L. Montgilion..............
Animals from the heat of the sun, Mode of pro- C. Elveena...................
Animals, Instrument for administering balls to.... T. H. Bex.....................
Animals, Slings for raising........ F. Hohorst....................
Ankle-brace................................... J.S. Niswander...............
Ankle-brace......................................S. B. Sherer.................
Ankle-brace joint............................... F. E.Howe.................
Ankle or knee guard............................... A. Hall...................
Ankle-supporter................................ R. Cunningham.......
Ankle supporter and filler........................ S. Silberschmidt........
Ankles, Surgical apparatus for fractured or injured. G. W. Yerger........
Annealing and har-tening metals, Process for...... J. N. Lauth.................
Annealing and swaging castings, Method of..... E. B. Wilson..................
Annealing-apparatus.......................... J. Worcester..................
Anncaling-box.................................. J. C. Lewis...................
Annealing car-wheels........................... A. L. Mowry.................
Annealing cut nails............................. J. McCarty...................
Residence. Date.
Lowville, N. Y............ July 7,1868
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 3, 1871
Whitestown, Pa.......... Jan. 14, 1868
Washington, D. C......... Sept. 21, 1869
Washington, Mo..........Oct. 13, 1868
Vinton, Ohio.............. May 5, 1868
Hartford, Conn............ May 12, 1857
Hartford, Conn............ Aug. 24, 1858
Westport, Mo............ Sept. 13, 1870
Saint Louis, Mo.......... Ma 19, 1868
Kingston, Tenn........... Maf. 26, 1872
Galesburgh, Ill......... Dec. 5, 1865
Fortville, Ind........ Nov. 5,1867
Memphis, Tenn......... Jan. 25, 1870
Haddam, Conn............ May 10, 1844
New Oxford, Pa........... Sept. 1, 1868
Three Rivers, Mich....... Nov. 26, 1867
Three Rivers, Mica....... Apr. 27, 1869
Port Jefferson, Ohio-....... Oct. 29, 1867
WVoodsfield, Ohio.......... Feb. 18, 1868
Hillsborough, Ohio....... Aug. 14,1860
Pekin, Ill............... July 11, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa..... - Oct. 14, 1873
Marietta, Ohio.......... June 30, 1868
Elgin, Minn............... Aug. 11, 1868
Mansfield, Pa-..---........ Feb. 7, 1860
Bridgeton, Ind.---...--.. June 28, 1870
Hillsborough, Md....... Nov. 10, 1868
Columbus, Ohio.......... Mar. 31, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa......... Mar. 30, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Feb. 5, 1867
Camden, Ohio-...... Apr. 25, 1871
Lancaster, Pa........... Aug. 16, 1859
Tompkins, N. Y............ Apr. 16, 1867
Camp Charlotte, Ohio....- Feb. 11, 1868
Sycamore, Ill.-..--.. Feb. 11, 1868
Germantown, Ohio..... Jan. 21, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 7, 1860
Clarksville, Tenn......... Nov. 23; 1869
Rural Dale, Ohio.......... Oct. 22, 1867
Vinton Station, Ohio...... May 19,1868
Washington, D. C......... Oct. 22, 1867
Woodland, Mich.......... Sept. 7, 1858
Winona, Miss............. Nov. 9, 1869
Westport, Mo............ July 20, 1869
Athens, Ga.......... Apr. 4,1871
Erie, Pa................... Aug. 22,1871
Richmond, Ill............ Sept. 24, 1867
Coshocton, Ohio............ Oct. 13, 1868
Cleveland, Ohio........... Sept. 23. 1862
Patchogue, N. Y.......... Oct. 15, 1867
Tioga County, Pa...... July 12, 1859
San Francisco, Cal..-.. Mar. 7, 1865
Henderson, Ky........... Jan. 14, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 2,1860
Bloomington, Tenn-...... Sept. 2, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 19, 1861
Frankfort, N. Y........... Jan. 31, 1860
Williamsport, Md........ Apr. 24, 1866
North Manchester, Ind....- Sept. 27, 1870
Santa Cruz, Cal........... Nov. 29, 1870
Zaneaville, Ohio.......... Apr. 28, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 19, 1860
Queenstown, Md---.......... Mar. 7, 1871
N ewark, N. J............. Feb. 11, 1868
West Chester, Pa. - - -....... June 26, 1849
Rocky Hill Station, Ky.... July 15, 1873
Mount Carmel, Ill......... Oct. 5,1858
Cincinnati, Ohio............ Oct. 5, 1858
Bryan, Ohio............... Sept. 10, 1867
Worcester, Mass.......... Jan. 6, 1857
Schoolcraft, Mich........ Feb. 14, 1865
Worcester, Mass.......... June 13, 1871
Worcester, Mass......... July 4, 1871
Providence, R. I........... Oct. 24, 1871
Hamden, Conn............ Apr. 21, 1868
Caledonia, N. Y........... Dec. 10, 1867
Hector, N. Y............. Apr. 30,1867
Monmouth, Ill........... Aug. 27, 1867
Auburn, N. Y------------............. Dec. 29, 1868
Elk Ridge Landing, Md... Feb. 13,1849
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 18, 1866
Syracuse, N. V............ June 17, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 18, 1873
Oakland, Cal............. Mar. 21, 1871
Aurora, Ill............... Apr. 7, 1868
Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 20, 1872
Boston, Mass.............. May 12, 1868
Chicago, Ill............... Matr. 20, 1866
Baltimore, Md............ Oct. 7, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 20, 1849
Pittsburgh, Pa...... Oct. 29, 1872
Westminster, England.-- Sept. 17, 1861
Newport, Ky............. Sept. 25, 1860
Sharpsburgh, Pa.......... May 1, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio...........May 7, 1861
Readin Pa.............. June 11. 1861
79, 686
119, 645
94, 975
83, 094
77, 657
17, 297
107, 292
78, 015
124, 976
51, 356
70, 624
99, 245
3, 580
81, 829
71, 543
89, 352
70, 370
74, 617
29, 627
117, 005
143, 727
79, 506
81, 023
104, 896
84, 013
76, 289
88, 526
61, 889
114, 062
25, 224
63, 961
74, 256
74, 45t
73, 475
27, 083
97, 248
70, 133
78, 029
70, 134
21, 454
96, 744
92, 911
113, 371
118, 309
69, 279
83, 011
36, 543
69, 878
24, 771
46, 741
73, 418
30, 269
142, 362
31, 504
27, 017
54, 241
107, 844
109, 789
77, 341
28, 820
112, 403
74, 264
6, 554
140, 773
21, 647
21, 676
68, 776
16, 335
46, 379
115, 933
116, 592
120, 191
76, 998
71, 9)14
64, 263
68, 197
85, 413
6, 113
58, 081
139, 856
136, 059
112, 952
76, 353
130, 639
77, 7-28
53, 276
143, 537
6, 214
132, 675
33, 315
30, 174
54, 376
32, 252
32, 525,....... 1....
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Anrealing-furnace for sheet-iron,'&c c......_'.. _
Annealing-furnace, Nail and tack............
Annealing-furnace, Plowshare...................
Annealing hollow iron-ware----------------.......................
Annealing metal, Process and apparatus for.......
Annealing pot andesaucer.....................
Annotto, Solution of...............................
Annunciator and fire-alarm, Hotel...............
Annunciator, Electric............................
Annunciator, Electric............................
Annunciator, Electric..............................
Annunciator, Electric hotel.......................
Annunciator, Electric vote........................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic....................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic...................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic....................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic...................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic...................
Annunciator, Electro-magnetic..................
Annunciator for hotels, &c., Electro-magnetic....
Annunciator for railway-carriage..................
Annunciator for signals in hotels, &c., Electromagnetic.
Annunciator, Hotel..............................
Annunciator, Hotel............................
Annunciator, Hotel..............................
Annunciator, Hotel................................
Annunciator, Hotel...............................
Annunciator, Hotel...........................
Annunciator, Hotel electrical...................
Annunciator, Magnetic..........................
Annunciator or bell-telegraph...................
Annunciators, Electro-magnetic hotel.............
Annunciator, Speaking-tube.................
Annunciator, Speaking-tube.................
Ant-destroying composition.....................
Ant-destroying process..................--...
Ant-obstructing device........................
A nt-trap.........................................
Anthracene, Apparatus for preparing..............
Anthracene, Apparatus for preparing........
E. Bennett...........
J. J.Eagleton..........
T. F. Hammer.................
H. W. Moore..................
W. R. Thomas...............
J. Malone................
E. G.Paull..............
W. M. Watson...........
D. Stuart..........
J. M. Bottum...........
J. H ibell -..........
A. Macphail...........
J. S. Birch- ----... -----....
J. Capron....---------------
M. L. Deering.............
C. H. Greenleaf............
C. H. Greenleaf..............
H. Gross and G. S. Zingling... -
H. Horsfall..............
S. F. Nichols.............
A. Rankin.............
E. A. Hill...................
J. B. Shannon............
G. W. Shawk.................
A. Storer..............
W. W. Foot...............
T. B. I)oolittle-.........
C. S. Bulkley................
J. Capron..........._
C. E. Chinnock...............
E. Gray......................
W. Humans.................
W. N. McInnis...............
G. W. Shawk and A. Storer...
O. Hagendorf. --. - -...
M. H. Ford........
C. S. FBrdk---y-------------
C. S. Bulkley.................
J. Bale...................
J. H. H. Bennett.... -
W. H. Hale...........
W. Horsi'all.............
H. B. Porter...........
L. J. Vansands................
H. B. Porter..............
J. Blackie............
J. Garvey--------------
G. B. Scott..............
R. May.............
D. Rousseau.................
J. D. Dennis.............
J. J. Dulany and H. Dreyer..-.
E. Rooks................
T. G. Ames.............
G. W. Cottingham and J. S.
L. Rubarlh --..............
J. C. F. Cheerer...
H. J. Fenner and F. Versmann.
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y......
Branford, Conn.......
Bridgeport, Conn....
Catasaqua, Pa.......-----.
Temperanceville, Pa......
Fair Haven, Mass.........
Tonica, Ill...........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y......
Nechells, England.........
Jersey City, N. J..........
New York, N. Y..--
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.......
Franconia, N. H......
Franconia, N. H...........
Tiffin, Ohio.-...--.........
New York, N. Y..........
Trappe, Md.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Cleveland, Ohio......
Saybrook, Ohio-.......
Bridgeport, Conn...-.
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill.............
Cambridge, Mass......
Northumberland, Pa.....
Cleveland, Ohio......
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass........
Macon, Ga................
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Hunt's Hollow, N. Y......
Worcester, Mass........
New York, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Washington, D. C.........
New York. N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Gilroy, Cal..............
Oakland, Tex............
Trenton, Tenn........
Kosse, Tex..............
Texana, Tex..........
Davilla, Tex............
New York, N. Y...
Greenwich and London,
Greenwich and London,
Baltimore, Md...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Montgomery, Ala.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.......- - -.
Sprin, Garden, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Boston, Mass.............
Belfast, Ireland.........
Fayette, Me..............
Churchville. Md........
New York, N. Y......._
Peoria, Ill..........
North Easton, Maas.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Hartford, Conn........
Fitchburg, Ma ss........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Trenton, N. J., and Bucks
County, Pa.
New York, N. Y......_
Pembroke, Mass......
Kalamazoo, Mich -.......
Fairhaven. N. J.......
Trenton. N. J......
Hanover Iron Works, Pa..
Waterbury, Conn......
Carmel, N. Y........
West Peru, Me.....
Marshall, Mich.......
Pawtucket, R. I.....
Michigan City, Ind.....
Montpulier. Vt............
July 11, 1865
May 20, 1856
Jan. 9, 1872
Oct. 9, 1866
Jan. 14, 1868
May 22, 1866
Apr. 13, 1869
Feb. 6, 1872
Sept. 27, 1853
Nov. 16, 1869
July 7, 1868
June 7, 1864
Dec. 1, 1868
Dec. 27, 1870
Jan. 2, 1866
July 9,1872
Aug. 19, 1873
Nov. 5,1867
Oct. 31, 1856
May 28, 1872
Feb. 17, 1863
Apr. 25, 1871
June 11, 1872
June 10,1873
Aug. 19, 1873
June 24, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
Nov. 15,1853
Aug. 15,1871
Feb. 20, 1872
Aug.22, 1871
Mar. 4, 1873
Mar. 29, 1870
Mar. 4, 1873
Dec. 17, 1872
May 8,1849
Oct. 29, 1850
Feb. 27, 1855
Dec. 17, 1861
Apr. 22, 1856
Oct. 4,1853
Nov. 19, 1867
Oct. 5, 1869
Dec. 28, 1869
July 26, 1864
Nov. 19,1850
Jan. 9, 1872
July 2, 1872
June 10, 1873
June 8, 1869
Oct. 28, 1873
Feb. 14, 1871
Apr. 1, 1873
Aug. 7, 1860
July 15, 1873
Sept. 17, 1872
Apr. 30, 1872
Aug. 27, 1872
July 29, 1834
Oct. 4, 1817
Dec. 31, 1867
Dec. 20, 1859
Mar. 21, 1854
Aug. 2,1853
Nov. 9, 1869
Feb. 22, 1848
Oct. 9, 1845
Nov. 14, 1835
Dec. 29, 1868
Sept. 11, 1860
June 22, 1869
Nov. 17, 1868
Aug. 29, 1865
July 17, 1806
Feb. 3,1857
Jan. 1, 1867
May 4, 1852
Feb. 12,1861
Oct. 9,1816
July 17, 1866
June 29, 1869
Oct. 4, 1853
Mar. 19, 1836
July 7,1863
July 20, 1869
Mar. 10, 1888
Dec. 1, 1868
July 10, 1866
Apr. 6, 1858
Dec. 18, 1866
48, 761
14, 908
122, 604
58, 666
73, 407
55, 014
88, 8 5
123, 528
10, 057
96, 874
79, 759
43, 034
84, 474
110, 547
51, 809
128, 724
141, 927
70, 552
50, 709
127, 185
37, 706
114, 007
127, 931
139, 826
141, 898
140, 129
143, 679
10, 226
123, 808
118, 231
136, 518
101, 372
136, 465
134, 053
6, 442
7, 739
12, 433
33, 926
14, 719
10, 071
71, 214
95, 620
98, 296
43, 633
7, 783
122, 664
128, 552
139, 818
91, 094
144, 075
137, 336
29, 468
140, 954
131, 393
126, 277
130, 809.....
72, 796
26, 483
10, 676
9, 912
96, 70
5, 452
4, 226
85, 393
29, 9(;0
91, 685
84, 067
49, 614
16, 525
60, 745
8, 925
31, 410
56, 346
91, 909
10, 066
39, 193
92, 881
75, 395
84, 583
56, 311
19, 861
60, 610
Anthracene, Manufacture of...................... H. J. Fenner and F. Versmann.
Anthracite and other fuel, Promoting combustion of.
Anti-attrition compound-...................
Anti-friction axle and journal-box.................
Anti-friction box..................................
Anti-friction box..........................
Anti friction box ---...................................
Anti-friction box............................
Anti-friction box and axle.......................
Anti-friction box for axles, &c---- -.---.-----
Anti-friction box for hubs and rotary bearings....Anti-friction box for shafting....................
Anti-friction press......................
Anti-friction roller for shbafting g - -."
Anti-friction washer...........................
Anti-friction wheel for belt-gearing................
Anti-stream boat.................................
A nvil.............................................
A nvil............................................
A nvil............................................
Anvil and hammer........................
Anvil and vise combined.......................
Anvil and vise combined....-....-..-.....-.......
Anvil, Apparatus for polishing...................
Anvil, Centering..................................
Anvil-clamp for holding ties while being upset
by hand-forging.
Anvil for forming horseshoe-calks...........
Anvil for making horseshoes...................
Anvil for repairing T-rails, Vise.................. - -- --
Anvil for swaging horse shoe-calks.................
P. Davis.....................
E. Mott.................
J. H. Carkeet.................
J. L. Dutton, sr............
D. A. Morris..................G. T. Parry...................
J. L. Parry....
J. Harris, jr.............
W. Rowan...............
E. Fisk and J. C. Green-.....
J. Mellvain..................
A. H. Emery.................
W. E. Wilcox.............
U. H. Reed, J. Lake, and L.
D. Eldredge................
W. Wadsworth --...............
0. and S. E. Brigham.........
C. Peters and W. Fetter......
C. H. Sehadt..................
C. Josselyn..............
J. D. Barton, F. S. Rogers, and
D. Fisher.
R. D. Chandler..-............
M. Fisher and J. Norris.......
S. Van Tiers...............
J. Adt..........
N. P. Quick.--..-----------
V. A. Dunn..................
R. Saylor and E. T. Rhodes...
A. S. Wilkinson............
S. Mason and E. M. Davis.... -.
P. Badore....................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Anvil-making machine............................
Anvil on which to rivet trunks...................
Anvils and the top and bottom parts of hammers,
&c., Manufacture of.
Apparel, Machine for incising button-holes and
embossing and printing articles of.
Apparel, &c., Manufacture of seamless felt wearing.
Apparel, Means for stiffening articles of wearing..
Apparel, Perforated wearing..................
Apparel, Safety-attachment for pocket of......
Apparel, shoes, &c., Fastening wearing.........
Apparel, Waist-band for wearing.............
Apple and other fruit, Grinding.....;_........
Apple and other fruit, Machine for stringing dried.
Apple and vegetable knife......:...........
Apple-butter stirrer...............................
Apple cutter and corer..........................
Apple cutting and coring machine.................
Apple cutting and coring machine............
Apple-cutting machine...........................
Apple gathering and cleansing machine.... - --...
Apple-gathering device-------.. ------------.Apple-gathering instrument.......................
Apple-grinder and corn-sheller...................
Apple-grinding machine...................
Apple-grinding machine....................
Apple-grinding machine.........................
Apple-grinding machine............................
Apple-grinding machine.........................
Apple-grinding mill...............................
Apple-grinding mill...............................
Apple-grinding mill...............................
Apple-grinding mill, Hand......._............
Apple grinding or grating machine...............
Apple-mill --.................................
Apple-mill, &c., Convertible.................
Apple-mill, Grinding-cylinder for.............
Apple-packing machine.....................
Apple-pulping machine-........-------------
Apple-sauce-.----------- ------------..-----
Apple-seed gatherer..............................
Apple steaming and mashing machine........
Apples and shelling corn, Grinding --------.Apples, Apparatus for expressing juice from......
Apples, corn, bark, &c., Grinding.............
Apples, Cutting and coring.......................
Apples, Drying and preserving......----..
Apples, Grinding.............................
Apples, Machine for gathering........
Approach-opening gate.....................
Approach-opening gate................
Approach-opening gate......................
Approach-opening gate.....................
Approach-opening gate...........
Approach-opening gate.... -------- -....
Approach-opening gate.....................
Approach-opening gate....................
Aquaria ----..----------------------------
Aquaria, Construction of..........:-.............
Aq -educt......................
Aqueduct, Earthen or clay tube for............
Aqueduct formed of water-proof lime, Water or gas
Aqueduct or water-conductor, Elevating.........
Aqueduct-pipe, Composition for...................
Aqueduct-pipe, Making.............._
Aqueduct supply-pipe, Construction of-------..........--
Aqueducts of water-proof lime, Making........
A rastra.........................................
Arbor, Expansion..........................
Arbor, Grape, &c...........................
Arbor or fence-post.......................
Arch, Construction of............................
Arch, tunnel, &c., Construction of................
Arched structure.................................
Archil, Preparation of.............................
Archil, Preparation of............................
Architecture, Naval..............................
Architecture, Naval...............................
Area of irregular figures, Mode of finding the......
Arithmetic, Art of teaching.................
D. Bainbridge.............J. T,. lor....................
W. D. Burnett....------------
D. Foster....----------------
W. Faulkner..................
S. S. Stone.....................
S. M. Perkins-------------.................
J. Sloan-.-----------------
H. E. Smith.-.................
A. Arnemann------------.................R. Judson and W. H. Lynch-..--
Z. Wolfsbruck.............
B. Churchell..................
S. T. Sanford.................
S. S. and G. W. Cole...........
G. WV. Collins..................
J. W roten.....................
C. Darling........
A. F. Ledbetter..............
A. Glendening....------------.
E. Wells.....................
H. F. Wadhams..............
E. Tyler.....................
J. R. Dean..................
C. F. D. Jones,jr..........
E. Harris, J. Newton, W. Webster, and J. W. Dart.
R. Butterworth.............
I. T. Crpenter --........
D. DI). Demarest...........
C. H. Weeks--------------..................
T. I. Wells ----.......-..........
W. O. Hickok.................
F. B. Hunt.....................
L. McKee....................
R. P. Clark....................
J. Farnham.......--------------............
S. Keeler......----------------...............
G. S. Rust....................
G. S. Rust....................
J. Shaefer....................
H. B. Gill....................
W. A. C. Oaks................
G. Clayton...................
C. E. Billings-...-.......-..E. Hart.................
A. R. Davis..................
R. Brusie....................
J. Dimm.......------------......---......
M. Morehouse................
G. R. Burt.....................
G. Parmalee...................
G. C. Wright............
M. P. Smith....--------------
A. Dean.......................
S. Laning...................
S. H. Cole..-..---------..------
R Brinkerhoff..............
S. Cole........................
W. T. Cole...................
R. E, House................
C. A. Howard....'.............
G. W. McGill-------------.................
W. G. Philips.................
E. Woodruff..................
E. D. Davis...................
J. Chilcotb and J. Scrimgeour..
J. A. Cutting................
H. Shlarbaun.................
J. Osborn....................
J. Aldrich................
J. Ramsey...................
J. M. Benham................
J. Clapp.......................
T. B. Armistead....-..........
G. Myers.---------------..-...
T. B. Robbins................
J. H. Thorndike...................
J. M. Benham...............
J, C. Davis...................
S. E. Woodworth and J. S.
H. C. Taylor.................
J. O. Altick...................
J. P. Dorman.............
F. Alsip.................
J. Bevan......................
G. T. Lape....................
C. Henderson.................
J. Eberhardt..................
L. Jarosson...................
J. Bowdlear...................
C. H oxie.....................
T. Wood.....................
O. H. Shaw...................
Residence. Date.
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 11, 1870
Shade Gap, Pa........... - Jan. 31, 1844
Newark, N. J-.....---...-.. Dec. 18, 1866
Sheffield, England-......... Oct. 5, 1869
Yevay, Ind..............- Feb. 4, 1868
Troy, N. Y................ Aug. 23, 1864
Springfield, Pa-----...-----.. Tan. 25, 1853
Philadelphia, Pa....... Feb. 11, 1868
New York, N. Y --..---...... Nov. 2, 1869
Guttenberg. Iowa....... Sept. 18, 1868
Matteawan, N. Y.......... Mar. 24, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... ---------Apr. 14, 1868
Buckfield, Me............. Dec. 9, 1825
Fall River, Mass.......... Feb. 11, 1863
Muncie, Ind-------.........----... June 30, 1872
Canton, Ill................ Aug. 30, 1864
West Lebanon, Pa...-.... Aug. 26, 1873
Salisbury, Md-............ -- Sept. 26, 1865
Utica, N. Y------------..............- July 1, 1856
Westminster, N. C....... Mar. 1, 1859
Loudoun County, Va...... Sept. 9, 1824
Duxhury, Vt............. Dec. 6, 1831
South Dansville, N. Y... Apr. 2, 1867
Hancock, Ill.............. Nov. 7, 1865
Augusta Township, Ohio.. Apr. 5, 1832
New Hartford, N. Y.....- Aug. 13, 1872
Truxton, N. Y............ Mar. 10, 1832
Trenton, N. J..-....... Sept. 5, 1865
Martin's Ferry, Ohio...... Jan. 24, 1860
New Milford, N. Y....... Jan. 14,1829
Paris, N. Y................ Apr. 9, 1827
New York................ Aug. 25, 1840
Harrisburgh, Pa........ Nov. 20, 1855
Westfield, Ind.............. July 26, 1853
Hagerstown, Md-------.......... Feb. 26. 1861
Johnstown, N. Y...-....... Sept. 13, 1859
Tioga, N. Y............... June 28, 1825
Lancaster, Pa...-....... Jan. 27, 1863
Chester, Ill.............. Feb. 23, 1864
Chester, Ill............. Aug. 12, 186 e
Lancaster, Pa........... Aug. 9,185
Ogden, N. Y............. May 6, 186<
Reading, Pa...-...... July 22, 1873
Marshallton, Pa.. -.. June 6, 1871
Warren, Vt............... Dec. 8, 1861
Berlin, Conn.............. Dec. 31, 181
Cambridge, Mass......... Feb. 9, 1861
Cleveland, Ohio-------........... July 2, 1867
Greenwood, Pa-------............ --Dec. 1, 183
Butler County, Ohio....... Jan. 23, 183
Perry, N. Y -...-.--.. Jan. 23,187'
Reading, Conn.......... Mar. 4, 183(
Le Roy, Ohio.-.....-- -...... June 26, 186(
Baltimore, Md-............ -------Nov. 8, 187(
Jerusalem, N. Y.......... ----- Mar. 15, 185
Camden, N. J............. Nov. 1, 1831
East Enterprise, Ind.- - - -.. Aug. 16, 187(
Mansfield, Ohio-...--.. May 28, 1861
Rochester, N. Y......... May 5, 185
Reed, Ohio.......... Sept. 24,1861
Binghamton, N. Y....-.. Jan. 13, 185
Pontiac, Mich.......... Sept. 29,185
Buffalo, N. Y--..--.. _- May 19, 185
Newport, Del........... Dec. 9, 185(
Elizabethtown, N. J....... Apr. 3, 1851
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Nov. 9, 185
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Oct. 5, 1851
Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 12, 186:
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 1, 186
Mount Carmel, Conn-...... Sept. 4, 1861
Lake Village, N. H..... Jan. 16, 1861
Burke, Vt................. -----Apr. 4, 1811
Bridgewater, N. Y -........ Oct. 1, 183(
Greenfield, Mass......... Nov. 16, 181:
Bloomfield, N. Y.......... Apr. 15, 183
Bridgewater, N. Y........ Mar. 28, 184,
Stockbridge, Mass........ Mar. 19, 182
Boston, Mass.............. -- July 1, 184
Bridgewater, N. Y -...... Aug. 29,182
Alameda County, Cal..-.. Apr. 8, 1861
Murphy's and San Fran- June 11, 186
cisco, Cal.
Marquette, Mich.......... June 25, 187
Dayton, Ohio............. Mar. 19, 186
Â~ Galesburgh, Ill........ Nov. 30, 186
North McGregor, Iowa.... Nov. 7, 187
New York, N. Y....... May 2, 185
Sqmmit, N. Y............. Sept. 1, 186
London, England.......... Apr. 18, 187
Philadelphia County, Pa.. June 27, 185
New York, N. Y.......... June 15, 185
Roxbury, Mass........... Oct. 20, 18;
New York................ Feb. 11,183
Smithfield, Ohio........... July 22, 183
Richmond, Va..........Apr. 16, 183
108, 231
3, 418
60, 617
95, 577
74, 065
43, 932
9, 557
74, 250
96, 358
81, 862
75, 924
76, 871.....
37, 708
12), 966
43, 973
142, 208
50, 197
15, 224
23, 095
63, 584
50, 859.....
130, 505
49, 714
26, 892.....
1, 739
13, 839
9, 876
25, 385.....
37, 510
41, 723
36, 171
25, 050
35, 199
141, 170
115, 705
84, 791
86, 649
66, 211
122, 878
28, 935
109, 068
23, 231
106, 330
32, 407
33, 338
16, 386
17, 335
16, 187
12, 652
22, 019
21, 719
31, 657
31, 040
29, 906
52, 010
3, 514
3, 650
34, 881
32, 548
128, 260
62, 989
97, 367
120, 608
7, 374
81, 797
113, 881
11, 194
9, 027
40, 321
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Arithmetical frame............................
Arithmetical frame----------------------...............................Arithmetical sum setter--------------------...........................Arithmometer......---------------------------
Arithmometer for adding.......-------------------
Arithmometer for addition..................
Ark, Safety------------------------------.......................................Arm and lhand, Artificial..........................
Arm and hand, Artificial.....-------------------
Arm and hand, Artificial....................
Arm, Artificial...........................
Arm, Artificial...-----------------------..--.
Arm, Artificial...---------------------------.
Arm, Artificial------------------------------
Arm, Artificial............................
A rm, Artificial. --.......
Arm, Artificial...........................
Arm, Artificial......---------------------------
Arm, Artificial.....---------------------------
Arm, Artificial....................
Arm, Artificial....---------------------------
Arm, Artificial......---------------------------
Arm, Artificial......---------------------------
Arm, Artificial.....---------------------------
Arm, Artificialn...g..------------------------
Arm-chair, Folding..................................
Arm-chair, Folding...............................
Arm-rest and paper-cutter, Combined.............
Arm-rest, Compositor's... -..--------..
Arm-rest, Penman's.... -.-.-..........
Arm-support for keyed instrument-...........
Arms, Slinging.....---------------------------
Arms-supporter for riflemen....................
Arms-supporter, India-rubber...................
Armillary sphere.......-------------------------
Arm-pit shield.................................
Arm-pit shield...---------------------------................................
Armor, Defensive...-------------..
Armor for marine and other batteries, Defensive..
Armor for ship....---------------------------
Armor forship, Defensive....------------..------
H. K. Bugbee....-------------
E. T. Curtis...................
A. W. Price................
T. H ill.......................
O. L. Castle.................
O. L. Castle...................
W. Hollins---------------...................
B. F. Palmer-------------.................
T. Uren......................-------
T. Uren......................
J. Condell.....................
E. Cotly.............
H. A. Kimball -and A. J. Lawrence.
J. H. Koeller.................
J. H. Koeller.................
D. W. Kolbe...................
M. Lincoln...................
A. McOmber.................
J. Peterson..............
E. Spellerberg................
E. Spellerberg-...............
I. Stoffel.....................
I. Stoff l......................
T. Uren......................
H. S. Golightly and C. S.
W. C. Goodwin....................
C. B. Dickinson..............
C. L. Alexander.............
J. B. Withey.................-----------.
L. Buchbuger...............
O. E. WoGds..................
S. Kinman....................
H. Greentree..................-------
H. Bryant---------------....................A. S. Potter..................
W. E. Beames................
J. Sibley...................
C. H. Hudson.................
J. B Eads....................------
T. Whitby...................
M. L. Callender and N. W.
New York, N. Y..........
Calumet, Mich..............
Detroit, Mich..........
Waltham, Mass------
Upper Alton, Ill'.......
Upper Alton, 111.........
Baltimore, Md........-...
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Morristown, N. Y.........
Washington, D. C.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Ba..........
Malden, Mass............
Schenectady, N. Y........
Canoga, N. Y.-.....-..-..
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Washington, D. C.......
Washington, D). C-.......
New York, N. Y.......
New Haven, Conn........
Hamden, Conn............
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Washington, D. C........
Lexington, Mich..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Humboldt, Cal............
Baltimore. Md............
Hartford, Conn..........
Providence, R. I..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Roxbury, Mass......
Saint Louis, Mo........
Lambeth, England........
New York and Greene,
Belleville, Ill-..........
Mount Sterling, Ill........
New York, N.Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Danville, Pa..............
Saint Louis, Mo-.......
New York, N. Y-.........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Sharon, Conn............
Titusville, Pa............
Covington, Ky...........Sacramento, Cal.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.....-..
Troy, N. VY................
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Toulon, France..........
Sheffield, England.....
New York, N. Y....
Fabius, N. Y..............
New York, N. Y..........
Madison, Wis...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Toledo, Ohio...---...--......London, England...-...
Philadelphia, Pa-.....
Indianapolis, Ind..-......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Louisville, Ky............
Boston, Mass.............
Baltimore, Md...........
Cornwall, N. Y----..----.
Middletown, Conn.......
South Boston, Mass....
New York, N. Y.....
Washington, DC......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
July 12,1864
Aug. 26, 1873
Apr. 23, 1872
Nov. 24, 1857
Nov. 24, 1857
Nov. 2, 1858
May 4,1824
Jan. 11, 1859
Jan. 31, 1865
Jan. 31, 1865
July 11,1865
Oct. 27, 1863
May 23, 1865
July 19, 1864
Oct. 11,1864
Nov. 15,1864
Aug. 11, 1863
Jain. 1, 1867
Mar. 7, 1865
Apr. 26, 1964
Nov. 28, 1865
Jan. 10, 1865
Aug.28, 1866
May 30, 1865
June 28, 1864
Jan. 21, 1862
May 26, 1868
May 28, 1872
May 26, 1868
Nov. 29, 1870
May 15, 1866
Feb. 14, 1865
Dec. 12, 1871
Sept. 10, 1872
Apr. 9, 1872
Oct. 22, 1872
Sept. 16, 1873
Sept. 27, 1864
July 14,1863
Sept. 3, 1867
May 27, 1862
Apr. 14, 1863
Feb. 17, 1863
Feb. 10, 1863
Sept. 23, 1862
Jan. 13, 1863
July 15, 1862
June 24, 1862
Apr. 15, 1862
Aug. 12, 1862
Sept. 9, 1862
May 27, 1862
Mar. 3, 1863
Aug. 4, 1E63
May 13, 1862
Jan. 13, 1863
May 27, 1862
Feb. 25, 1862
Mar. 3, 1863
Jan. 15, 1867
Dec. 13, 1870
Mar. 24, 1863
Nov. 25, 1862
May 20, 186-2
May 23, 1865
Oct. 22, 1861
May 7, 1872
Nov. 24, 1868
Sept. 8, 1863
Aug. 15, 1871
May 19, 1868
Dee. 18, 1866
Apr. 25, 1808
Apr. 3, 1860
May 7, 187-2
Sept. 18, 1866
July 21, 1868
Dec. 11, 1866
Aug. 24, 1869
Aug. 20, 1872
Mar. 14, 1871"
Mar. 14, 1871
Armor for ships and other batteries, Defensive.. - C. W.,. Heaton............
Armor for ships and other batteries, Defensive... R. H. Jewett..................
Armor for ships and other batteries, Defensive... R. Mo(ntgomncry.............
Armor for ships and other batteries, Defensive.... W. W. W. Wood...............
Armor f.r ships, batteries, &c., Defensive....... G. B. Manley..................
Armor for ships, Construction of the defensive.... W. Rumbold................
Armor for ships, Metallic defensive............... V. Ballard....................
Armor for water and land batteries, Defensive.... J. L. Jones.....................
Armor, Metallic defensive.........-........... B. B. Hotchkiss..................
Armor, Naval defensive........................G.M. Mowbray..............
Armor plate, Defensive.......................... E. Cox......................
Armor- plate, Defensive.......................... M. W appich................
Armor plate for land or marine battery........... F. P. Dimpfel.............
Armor plate for marine or other batteries, Means T. Shaw....................
of connecting metallic.
Armor plate for ships and other batteries........B. T. Ilabbitt.................
Armor-plate for vessels..............--......... J. F. Winslow................
Armor-plate, Ships'.............................. H. H. Warden................
Armor-plates, Means of affixing defensive......... E. Brady...................
Armor-plates, Mode of protecting- - -.........M. Bernab6.............
A rm or-plates, Pile for............. J. Jeavons...................
Armor- plates, Press for bending ships'............ E. Sauer.......................
Armor-piates to marine batteries, Means of affix- O. G. Stillman...................
isg deensive.
Armor-plates to vessels, Attaching.............. J. Rusch.....................
Armor, Ships defensive..................... S. D. Carpenter.............
Armor to navigable vessels and water batteries, J. B. Love.....................
Means of attaching.
A m ored can.............-- - - - - - W. F. Thom pson..............
Armor-plating for vessels........................ G. J. Gunther.................
Army stretcher................................. J. J. Smith...................
Arrow-spring................. J. B. Cleaveland..............
Articulator...................................... E. T. Starr..................
Artillery and mining blasting................... T.P. Shaffner.................
Artillery, Carriage for field.......... D. Cobb....................
Artillery carriages, Wheel for flying............J. D. Murphy................
Artillery, Field.. - ---........................ S. WV. W ood...................
Artist's stretcher............................ J. E. Todd....................
Artist's stretching-frame......................... J. F. Carroll..................
Ai tist's materials, Apparatus for drying.-..---..G. D. Jones..................
Arts, Composition of matter for various uses ini the. C. L. Coombs.................
Asbestus and obtaining useful products therefrom, J. S. Rosenthal...............
Asbestus and other fibrous minerals, Treating.... C. A. Stevens----------....... ----.........
A,beslus and other mineral fibers for useful pur- C. A. Stevens............
poses, Ti'reating.
Asbestus for the production of textile fiber, Treat- J. S. Rosenthal................
ment of
Asbeslus, Treating....................... J. S Rosenthal...............
Asbestus Use and application of................ J. Scott.......................
Asbestus yarn...-----------------...------ J. S. Rosenthal..............
Ash-bin........................................ W. W. Chase..................
Ash box...................................... I. Iunlop- -..-----
Ashi-box...---------------------------------------J. Keeo ad( J. Sloan..........
43, 545
126, 123
18, 692
18, 675
22, 576
46, 158
46, 159
48, 659
40, 397
47, 835
43, 590
44, 638
45, 052
39, 487
60, 921
46, 696
42, 515
51, 238
45, 876
57, 594
48, 002
43, 366
34, 204
78, 192
127, 208
78, 250
1.09, 582
54, 807
46, 365
121, 868
131, 148
125, 407
132, 348
142, 875
44, 426
39, 218
68, 474
35, 412
38, 206
37, 695
37, 633
36, 546
37, 402
35, 895
35, 665
35, 001
36, 152
36, 439
30, 364
37, 836
39, 384
35, 279
31, 380
35, 407
34, 539
37, 807
61, 143
37, 982
37, 013
35, 353
47, 796
33, 532
126, 502
84, 418
39, 840
118, 108
78, 151
60, 572.....
27, 733
186, 607
58, 154
80, 135
60, 382
94. 080
130, 663
112, 650
112, 649.
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 6, 1872 130, 245
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 13,1872 130, 538
Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov. 26, 1835..
Philadelphia, Pa........ Aug. 13, 1872 130, 537
Springfield, N. H----...---.. July 28, 1868 80, 451
Wiliamsburgh, N. Y...... Sept. 24, 1872 131, 607
Philadelph a, Pa..........Apr. 24, 1866 54, 178
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Ash-box and sifter ------- ----------------------- H. U Rogers------------------ Cincinnati, Ohio----------.Mar. 1, 1870 100, 45-2
Ashi-hoprer--------------------------------------P. Zinmmerman ---------------Sylvan. Pa..-----.Aug. 3, 1S69 93, 388
Ash-house.---------------------------------------M. Hall, jr------------------Osborn, Ohio------------ Dec. 17, 1867 7-2, 2(,0
Ash-leach--------------------------------------...J. W. K ernodle and A. H. Lebanon, Ind--_---__--__ June 17, 1873 139, 963
Ash-leach--------------------------------------- I). N Miller------------------.Woodhury, Pa -__--_Arr. 911R72 125, 607
Ash-leach-------------------------------------S. A. Porter-----------------Pr scott, Wis -------Feb. 16 1864 41, 6:38
Ash-leaching apparatus--------------------------....P. Pci-dew and A. W. Brinker- Syracuse, Ohio.--.--._May 2(, 1856 14, 9-25
h off.
Ash-pan----------------------------------------J. A. Lawson------------------ Troy, N.Y........June16,1863 38, 902
Ash-pan---------------------------------------. C. H. Low..------------------ Cleveland, Ohio....... Nov.9, 1869 96, 711
Ash-pan cleaner, Locomotive- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --A. D Ienio.--- - ----- Wilmirgcn, Del-. -_ Aug. 12, 1873 141, 76i9
Asha-pan drawer and lifter-----------------------.J. Mor-rison, jr-...--.- ry.---------------Try. Junie 20,1863 48, 29
Ash-pan, Locomotive----------------------------..L. Il. Dee-------------------.. Grandl Junction, Iowa... July 12, 1870 105,3:17
Ash-pan, Locomotive----------------------------I.I1. A. Stoddard---------------- Springfield, Mess.---.. ept. 6 1870 167, 117
Ash-screen-------------------------------------..E. C.Jenkius,jr.- ----- Worcester, Mass...-----Jamn.04,1871 111,1216
Ash-screenan coland ccoa nel-hod. combined----------J--- 'burs-on---. J-.- thurs--ton-------L----i-st-on-,-Lwiw onsto le-,-M. Aug _-11, A 1g888 18 1,8100:7
Ash-screen and commode ----------- ------------. J. C. Mor-ieli -_- -----------Manc-hester, England....- Mat-. 11, 1873 136, 609
Ash-shovel---------------.___________-- Ii. J. S. Thompson ------------- Washington, Pa---------- Mat-. 15, 1870 100, 932
Ash1-shovel and sifter----------------------------.W. C. McGill------------------ Cincinnati, Ohio---------- Feb. 23, 1869 87, 186
Ash-silting shovel-------------------------------..A. iM. Olds-_-_- _----------- Chicago, Ill ------Sept. 5, 18f5 49, 781
Ash-tntor leach-------------------------_._-----C. Roop---------------------- Middletown, Pa----------- July 9,1867 66, 636
Ashes, Apparatus for leaching-----------------..... E. Williams-- __- ----- -------Westlfield, N. Y.- -- -------an. 9, 1838 519
Ashes, Leaching-----------------------G. Clement.................... Canandaigua, N. Y----Jiito10,18:17 228
Ashes, Manufacturing ---------------------------J. Bello ws,jr., and E. White.--------.----- Dec. 29, 1804.-.Ashtlar- cutting. -----------------------.-----W.Boniton--------__.---------Tompkinsville, N. Y-- July 26,1870 105, 633
Asparagus-plant, Utilizing the piodnets of the... J. P. Gage and J. C. Gilbert.. New York, N. Y ---.....-..Oct. 7, 186-2 36, 668
Asphalt pipe, Manufacture of................... -A. Muller - _ -.. _-._.-.._. Jersey City, N. J......... Oct. 21, 187 143, 92-2
A sphalt, Ti-eating _..............................P. Bartlhel.. -_....... - _........Fr-ankfort on the -Main, Feb. 18, 1873 133, 87 9
Asphaltumn, Process for burning.................. S. Stevens.... _.....-_.. Washitngton, D. C -.....Apr. 9, 18 72 125, 497
Astr-onoital instr-ument.........................C. Emmanuel................. - - -Pat-is, France..-.....Jati. 17, 1865 45, 951
Astrononmical instrumt..cut---........Glv---------------------H.Goe..........New Yet-k, N. Y..........Nov. 16, 1858 22,075
Asti-onondeal machine...........................8J. Swaita............ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Junte 2, 1833._.ttosphei-c, Apparatus for moistening-----------_.J. G. Garlanid................- Biddeford. Me------------.July 1, 187:1 140, 410
Atmosphere-cooler-----------------.Jel.........................MJ.K ly___.-..__-Chicago, Ill....-.......Oct.. 18, 1864 44, 731
Altmosphere of apartments, Belles- for hydrating P. I. Schopp... _-............... _ Louisville, Ky --__.........Oct. 12, 1869 95, 731
Atmospheric engine...--------------E. and J. Preutis.. _..... _.....Baltimore, AMd. -- - -.._ June 2-2, 1824..
Atmospheric engine -..........................- S. E. Tuttle _--_--.-- ---------Evantsville, Wis......Mar. 12, 1872 124, 520
Atmoesphetric lubricator, Self-feeding-------------.J. Suttont....- __...... -.......New Y'.t-k, N. Y -. __..Nov. 6, 1853 13, 769
Atmospheric motive-power.......................-- W. Jomnes __................... New Albany, nd...__Mar. 5, 187-2 124,:i61
Atmosphtet-ic motive-piower....------------------- _.W. Jones....................New Albany, Iad...._. Jtuly 16, 187-2 1-29, 567
Atmospleic propelling-engine, Talbots.-_--__._ E. A. Talbot..................Dublin, Ireland..... __.....June 21, 18-28--..-.
Atmospheric regulator- for stove, furnace, &c -. B. Holly..................... - - - -Seneca Falls, N. Y. ---_. July 13, 1858 20, 919
Atmosphseric steat-engine --.........__.........J. Mi-ad and M. Kitchell _--. Lebatnotn, Ohio......... _.. July 27, 18-29...
Alinospheric steam-engine, Two-cylinder._._... W. Willis..............- Charleston, S. C _..........Nov. 14, 182(1 -.
Atmiosphet-ic tratnspor-tatioa...................... R. H. Gilbert. _. _-.....-.......Washington, D. C..._Feb. 8, 1870 99, 663
Atomizer.__.............................J. J. Essex.................Newpor-t, Ii. I............ June 27, 1871 116, 286
Atomizer...........................C. P. Janes.................. Boston, Mass..__.........- mitue 6,1871 115, 615
Atomizer -.-.._.__...--.__.._-.............. H. D. Lockwond... _..........Chmarlestown, Mass. __.._Aug. 1, 1871 117, 631
Atomtizer-bulb---. __.............................H1. D. Lockwood............- Chai-leston-n, Mass._.__..-Apr. 29, 1873 138, 416
Atotmizer-tot- administering medicine..._..._J. Sheedy................... New Yet-k, N. Y...........Sep t..Sp. 21, 1869 95, 152
Atomizer, Liquid......._.......................H. rant---------------------...Saint Lotus, Mo.. _........July 7, 1868 79, 764
Atoumizer or vac orizer...........................J.N. Gerard - ----- __- ---------New York, N. Y......... _Sept. 2:3, 1873 143, 070
Atomizer, Steam...................................I..Leete-------------------- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 25, 1870 108, 710
Atomizing apparatus..--.......................A. M. Sliurtleff.- - --..-- - Boston, Mass.............. Mat-. 16, 1869 87, 978
Atomuizinig appar-atus for surgical rise - - A. M. Shunt leiff - - - --. -------Bostotn, Mass. __.... _.... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 991
Atomtizing, Dryitng and concentrating liquid subth S. 11 Percy. _..............New York, N. Y......... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 406
statnce by.
Atomtizinig, inhaling, and injecting liquids ad W.1R. Leonard...............New Yor-k, N. Y. _. -.. Apr. 23, 1872 125, 965
gases, Apparatits for.
Atotnizitng liquidls, Apparatus for....._._.A. M. Shiuttleff................Basten, Mass............. Mar. 3, 1868 75, 268
At outiziug liquids, Apparatus for..............-- - --. M. Shuitieff. _-- - -.-- ------Bostont, Mass.-------May 2, 18 71 114, 482
Atottiziing-tube.................................. C.II. Eceleston---------------- Oxford, N. Y-------------- Sept. 10, 1867 68, 614
Atomizing-tithe-.. ----------------T.Hle...._.................... Holdies..................Mle, as------ Aug. 23, 1870 166,587
Atomtizing-tubhe----------------------------------WAV L. Leach...................Boston, Mass.............--Jan. 5, 1869 85, 596
Atottizitng-tube.................................. A. M. Shurileff...............-Boston, Mass-----------Dec. 18, 1868 60,5s0O
Auger.......................................... J. 1-3ake.-.................East Pecpperell, Mass._Apt-. 17, 1860 27, 946
Angel-.......................................... J. hi-weucl..___-..._.Otsego, N. Y._........ May 16, 1815.----
Auger-----------------------------------------__L. Colt.....................Niagara Falls, N.Y -....Aug. 11, 1868 81),915
An ger.------------_.----------------------------ICook..............-Sat-atoga Springs, N. Y. Juno 17, 1851 8,16-2
Anger-.........................................H-. Ft-onch---------------------.Derbty, Connt-------------- July 20,184:3 3,181
Au,-(5............_________________IE. C. Gillette...............--- Itichield, British Columbia Mat-. 14, 1805 46,854
Auger-i-.......................................- C. L. Grisjwold-----------Ci.te-,Coa.........etrCon....._May 3, 18651 47, 94G
Au-......................ltl...........hnpat.T. Y........e.71
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Auger and gimlet...............................
Auger and reamer combined....................
Auger, Annular..................................
Auger-bit die, Construction of....................
Auger-bit, Expanding............................
Auger-bits, Device for re-setting old...............
Auger-bits, Machine for bending the lips of.......
Auger-bits, Machine for forming.................
Auger-bits, Machine for forming.............
Auger-bits, Machine for forming lips of..__...Auger-bits, Machine for making................
Auger-bits, Machine for making...............
Auger-bits, Manufacture of......................
Auger-bits, Method of forming spur-lip for........
Auger-blanks, Die for swaging the ends of.........
Auger, Boring and withdrawing................
Auger, Combined convex and concave............
Auger, Double-podded center-screw...............__
Auger, Earth...................................
Auger, Earth....................................
Auger. Earth.....................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth.....................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth..................
Auger, Earth............................
Auger, Earth....................................
Auger, Earth----------------------------......................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth....................................
Auger, Earth............................
Auger, Earth.....................................
Auger, Earth.....................................
Auger, Earth............................
Auger, Earth.....................................
Auger, Earth....................................
Auger, Earth....................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth......................................
Auger, Earth.....................................
Auger, Earth-o...................................
Auger, Earth.boring...............................
Anger, Earth-boring..............................
Auger, Earth-boring...............................
Auger, Earth-boring...............................
Auger, Earth-boring...................
Auger, Eartboring _----------------______
Auger, Earth-boring..............................
Auger, Earth-boring...............................
Auger, Excavating__ _ _ _ _ _
Auger, Expanding................
Auger finishing-tool..............................
Auger for barrels, Shredding......................
Auger for boring boxes.........................
Auger for boring earth......................
Auger for boring guns, pistols, &c...............
Anger for boring guns, Twisted screw... --..........
Auger for boring hubs of wheels, Set..............
Auger for boring large holes.................
Auger for boring-machine....................
Auger for boring post-holes....................
Auger for boring square holes...........................
Auger for boring wood......................
Auger for cutting rotary tenons...................
Auger for wood..................................
Auger-gimlet, &c. - - - - - -...
Auger-gimlet, &c., Single-twist.....
Auger, Ground---..--------------------
A. Newton, L. B. Smith, and E.
I. T. Payne...............
N. B. Phelps.............
H. Pitcher..........
H. Pitcher...................
T. M. Richardson...........
N. C. Sanford..................
N. C. Sanford..................
J. H. Schreiner..........
J. Swan..............
A. C. Vaughan..............
B. Walch............
C. Wardwell...............
S. Wood........
O. Percival..................
O. W. Townsend...........
R. Stewart...................
A. L. Andrews................
W. A. Ives...........
H. C. Lewis..............
J. C. Mills...............
H. L. Shailer.............
R. A. Whitmore.........
R. N. Watrous..............
A. Weeks................
C. W. Beals...........
J. Swan...................
W. A. Ives...........
J. Swan.................
J. Swan..........
W. W. Grier and R. H. Boyd..
J. Swan..............--..
J. Swan...............
W. A. Ives.............
R. Jennings.............
J. Snyder...................
N. C. Sanford..........
E. L'Hommedienu..........
G. H. Baisley and G. Wilson... --
W. H. Beach and C.W. Hanson.
E. H. Clark -..............
W. Cole--.................
G. G. Collins and J.A. Morrison
W. T. Cooley................
A. J. Dine...............
X. Earle.-- ------------..
S. Emery...................
W. H. Gates................
T.C. Harris-...-...........
H. P. Haskin................
N. H. Lindley.................
T. Orchard.................
C. D. Pierce..............
S. Pope.................
I. N. Pyle.................
W. H. Salyer.................
J. B. Smith - - -...............
A. Sorg and S. C. Bollmnan....
H. C. Stouffer.---......
H. C Stouffer --.............I. M. West.........--.....
B. F. White and S. R. Owen....
J. Wilson................
I. Yeazel..............
A. Crafts and E. Weeks.......
J. W. Heath ---..............
W. W. Jilz---...............
W. W. Jilz............--...
A. A. McMahen............
G. Page.----------------
J. Buck --.................
C. Meyer.................
R. L. Priester............
J. M. Cooper...............
D. Pettibone---......
W. Holmes..........
S. Caldwell...............
N. J. Lampman...............
G. Flantt...................
C. Hoxie.............
A. S. Perrine................
G. W. Low--...............
G. Taylor and G. H. Burger...
M. Morris..................
S. L. Lyford...........
A. Stowel.................
W. E. Whiting................
W. Spangler..............
W. N. Clark......
D. Ring..------------.
D. \W. George.................
S. W. Hemenway.............
T. C. Hendry..................
G. W. Herring................
W. A. Ives....................
Residence. Date.
Meriden, Conn------............ Mar. 27,1847
Chester, Conn..-... Mar. 10, 1868
Rochester, N. Y-.-..-.--. Dec. 27, 1859
Fond du Lac, Wis..... Aug. '29, 1871
Fond du Lac, Wis-...... Mar. 26, 1872
Stockton, Me............ Sept. 28, 1869
Meriden, Conn-....... Sept. 23, 1862
Meriden, Coun -........ June 16, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa....... Aug. 17, 1826
Seymour, Conn......... May 30, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa...----.. Mar. 31, 1868
Frederick, Md.....-.. Jan. 17, 1871
Painesville, Ohio.. -...... Apr. 20, 1869
Worcester, Mass...--.. Nov. 1, 1859
East Haddam, Conn....... Oct. 14,1835
Fond du Lac, Wis...-... Feb. 21,1871
Elmira, N. Y.....----------- Apr. 10, 1866
Bristod, Conn........... June 21, 1870
New Haven, Conn..... June 1, 1869
Essex, Conn-.......... June 1, 1869
Rochester, N. Y........... Feb. 21, 1871
Deep River, Conn.-..... Mar. 16, 1869
De Witt., Ark.....---------- Nov. 5, 1872
Elmira, N. Y.......... Aug. 8, 1871
South Boston, Mass-...... Aug. 11, 1857
Greig, N. Y............... Aug. 1, 1871
Seymour, Conn.....--... Mar. 15, 1870
New Haven, Conn..-.... Mar. 19, 1872
Seymour, Conn.......... July 29, 1873
Seymour, Conn......-.. June 27, 1871
Hutton, Pa-...-........ May 22, 1866
Seymour, Conn............ Apr. 21, 1868
Seymour, Conn. ----------July 14, 1868
New Haven, Conn.....Feb. 28, 1871
Deep River, Conn J...--.June 12, 1866
Tuscarora, N. Y.......... June 1, 1830
Meriden, Conn---....-.. Mar. 27, 1849
Saybrook, Conn.-...-.July 31, 1809
Hamilton, Mo."......... July 15, 1873
Hamburg, Iowa..... Feb. 4, 1873
Appleton, Wis............ Oct. 28, 1873
Milan, Tenn.......... Nov. 11, 1873
Philo, Ill-................ Jan. 14, 1873
Chicago, Ill............. Sept. 30,1873
Xenia, Ind- --.......... May 7,1867
Depere, Wis.............. May 21, 1872
Cameron, Mo........... Aug. 26, 1873
Perry Township, Iowa.... Oct. 1, 1872
Dresden, Iowa........... Nov. 5, 1872
Roscoe, Ill............... Oct. 8, 1872
Bridgeport, Conn-...... July 18, 1,71
Sacramento, Cal....... Apr. 25,1871
Lawrence, Kans.....-. -Aug. 12, 1873
Covington County, Miss.. Mar. 22, 1870
Cameron, Mo........... Nov. 12, 187-2
Corning, Iowa........... Aug. 19, 1873
Memphis, Tenn......... Mar. 4, 1873
Decatur, Ind............ June 24,1873
Canfield, Ohio. -.... Dec. 24, 187-2
Canfield, Ohio ------------Mar. 18, 1873
Summit, Nebr..--.-. Apr. 8, 1873
Stewartaville, Mo -....... Feb. 13, 1872
Cameron, Mo............. Oct. 29, 1872
Clark County, Ohio..-... Mar. 19, 1872
Auburn, Ohio.--..... Nov. 2o, 1849
Memphis, Tenn......... Mar. 31, 1868
Hamilton, Mo............ Aug. 1, 1871
St. Joseph, Mo......... July 16, 1872
Oxford, Miss............. July l1, 1859
Baltimore, Md............ May 3, 1839
Bucksport, Me........... Feb. 5, 1850
Fond du Lac, Wis.. -... Mar. 29, 1859
Deep River, Conn-......... July 3, 1866
Sharpsburgh, Pa........ July 6, 1869
Souder's Station P. O., Md. Nov. 14, 1871
Newborn, Ala.......... Oct. 7, 1842
Philadelphia, Pa........ Feb. 12, 1814
Winchester, N. H...... Apr. 4,1820
Windbam. Conn....... Nov. 20,1826
Coxsaekie, N. Y...... Apr. 8,1835
Cavetown, Md.. -..- Feb. 12, 1850
Hudson, N. Y.....----------- July 26,1824
Louisville, Ky-...... -Mar. 1, 1870
Chillicothe, Ohio.......... Feb. 9, 1864
Worthington, Ohio..... Aug. 30, 1859
Broad Brook, Con-..... Nov. 30, 1858
Portland, Me........... May 29, 1866
- - - - -.-. Feb. 14, 1803
Providence, R. I......... Fb. 11, 1868
Harper's Ferry, Va...... July 11, 1854
Chester, Conn---....... Jan. 31, 1845
Damariscotta, Me......... Apr. 4, 1865
Minnesota City, Minn..... Sept. '28, 1869
Lansing, Iowa.......... May 20, 1873
Union Point, Ga--...... Oct. 20, 1868
Bangor, M............. Nov. 30, 1869
New Haven, Conn..-. Oct. 11, 1870
5, 036
75, 454
26, 6.3
118, 552
1P26, 076.95, 379
36, 534
79, 012.....
115, 541
76, 278
111, 099
89, 097
25, 990
111, 990
53, 896
104, 404
90, 755
90, 759
112, 065
87, 796
132, 883
117, 838
18, 003
117, 594
100, 816
124, 683
116, 509
54, 893
76, 955
80, 027
112, 255
55, 498
6, 221
140, 756
135, 509
143, 963
144, 510
134, 734
143, 276
64, 503
126, 941
142, 218
131, 872
132, 830
132, 072
117, 180
141, 664
132, 980
141, 892
136, 555
140, 226
134, 324
137, 036
137, 744
123, 755
132, 611
6, 880
76, 188
117, 54-12
129, 283
24, 749
1, 140
7, 067
23, 381
56, 038
92, 195
120, 827
2, 807...........
7, 083
100, 440
41, 517
25, 289
55, 132.....
74, 466
11, 280
3, 899
47, 172
95, 20
139, 066
83, 156
97, 398
108, 267
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Auger-handle, &e--------------------------------
Auger-handle, &C..................................
Auger-handle fastening........................
Auger-handle fastening.........................
Auger-handles and braces, Socket for............
Auger-handles, Shank-socket for---...---------..----
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................
Auger, Hollow-----......---------------------------..............................Auger, Hollow....--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow--------------...------------------
Auger, Hollow.....--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow---...-----------------------------
Auger, Hollow...--------------------------------..
A uger, Hollow.....................
Auger, Hollow --------------------------------
Auger, Hollow.................................
Auger, Hollow..............................
Auger, Hollow................................
Auger, Hollow------....--------------------------.
Auger, Hollow...--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------...................................
Auger, Hollow.....--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow...-------------------------------
Auger, Hollow...----------------------....---------
Auger, Hollow...................................
Anger, Hollow....................................
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................
Auger, Hollow....................................
Auger, Hollow....................................
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................
Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................Auger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................Anger, Hollow...--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow...--------------------------------
Anger, Hollow--------------------------------....................................
Auger, Hollow....................................
Auger, Hollow----------------------------------
Auger. Hollow....................................
Auger, Hollow.....-------------------------------
Auger, Hollow.................................
Auger, H ollow.................
Auger, Hollow---...-.----------------------------.
Auger, Hollow....................................
Auger, Hollow.....--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow.....--------------------------------
Auger, Hollow-------------------------------...................................
Auger, Hollow................................
Auger. Hollow................................
Auger, Ice..........................................
Auger-lips, Machine for forming..................
Auger, Mining...............................
Auger, Mining................................
Auger or bit..................................
Auger or bit, Expanding....................
Auger, Peat -------------.......................................
Auger, Post....................---................
Auger, Post...................................
Auger, Post....................................
Auger, Post..................................
Auger, Post.....----------------------------------
Auger, Post..................................
Auger, Post.......................................
Auger, Post.......................................
Auger, Post---------------------------------......................................
Auger, Post-hole..................................
Auger, Post-hole------------------------------..................................
Auger, Post-hole-------------------------------
Auger, Post-hole..................................
Auger, Post hole..................................
Auger, Post-hole..-----------------------.Auger, Post-hole.............................
Auger, Post-hole....................
Anger, Post-hole...-------------------..
Auger, Post-hole..--------------------....
Auger, Post-hole hollow......................
Auger, Pump, and spur-bits-.... "............
Auger, Screw.................................
A uger, Screw...............................
A nger, Screw.........................
Auger, Serpentine-screw...-------------------
Auger, Serpentine-screw.......................
Auger shafts, Coupling for earth..............
W. A. Ives....................
F. B. Pease.................
S. T. Peat------------------.....................
H. D. Pennoyer..........
L. L. Pollard.................
N. C. Sanford................_
G. Sanford....................
W. W. Simrell................
D. Y. Smith...................
D. Y. Smith...................
J. Swan--------------------.......................
J. Swan--------------------.......................G. H. Talbot---------------..................--
A. Thayer...................
D.C. Stone---...............
W. N. Clark---------.............------......G. H. Hubbard................
A. H. McKinley--....-----.J. M. Horton..................
G. F. Almy-----------------
A. Bauman and 0. O.Witherell.
F. Beals and M. Smith.........
H. T. Bean, J. C. Freeman, and
D. B. Mills.
J. H. Beauregard............
C. S. Bonney.................
G. E. Booth...-----------------
A. Brush------------------......................C. L. Campbell...---------------
W. A. Clark..................
W. A. Clark----------------...................W. A. Clark...................
A. Conant....................------------------
C. W. Corr..................
A. F. Cushman-------------...............
J. Deming.................
M. L. Edwards...........
O. A. Essig...------.-----.------
E. W. Fawcett, E. W. Silver,
and J. Doming.
R. Gaylord...........
D. George.................
S. P. Gilbert....----------------
A. B. Hendryx...--..-----
M. Isbell...------------------.
W. A. Ives................
S. Katz....................
F. Kraus..............
J. Lefeber...------------------
J. McClure...-----------------
G. M. Nye and A. T. Haviland.
J. L. Parker............
H. J. Rickard..............
J. H. Smith................
J. M. Smith..................---------------
G. N. Stearns................
G. N. Stearns.................
J. Swan--------------------......................
I. H. Van Wie................
J. Ward......................
A. Wyckoff...... - -
A. Wyckoff..-----------.-----
A. Wyckoff and L. F. Stevens.
E. Young....................
W. A. Clark................
J. Swan...................
J. Hobart...................
P. Nichols....................
E. L'Hommedieu..............
L. H. Gibbs...................
N. Aubin--------... -------..---
C. Adams....------------------
J. Armstrong..-----------
H. W. Caswell................
Z. S. Cracraft................
J. B. Drapar...............
H. C. Partridge and J. Preston.
G. Seeger and C. H. Shaffer....
S. S. and J G. Sherman.......
A. Vaughan.................
A. Burton..................
A. R. Clark..................
S. W. Corbin..............
I. Hart..r -..
S. C. Horton...............
J. Killgore, G. D. Clapsaddle,
and E. Smart.
J.M.Leeds and J. E. Hallowell.
T. Luson...................
S SicCray........
S. H. Yocum...............
R. French.....................
D. Bassett....................
E. LIlommedieu.............
P. Williamson...............
G. Shelter.....................
G. Shelter....................
G. V. Irwin anl T. A. Cox....
New Haven, Conn........
Ontario Centre, N. Y......
Florence, N. J............
Athens, N. Y............
Worcester, Mass..........
Meriden, Conn..-.......
Ellenville, N. Y.........
Great Bend, Pa...........
Joliet, Ill.................
Joliet, Ill..................
Seymour, Conn...........
Seymour, Conn...........
Boston, Mass-----------............Malden Bridge, N. Y......
Wawarsing, N. Y.........
Chester, Conn............
Shelburne Fals, Mass.....
Higginsport, Ohio........
Albany, N. Y........
Delphos, Ohio............
Toledo, Ohio..............
New Haven, Conn......
Palestine, Ill..............
Sandy Hill, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Seymour, Conn...........
East Constable, N. Y......
Binghamton, N. Y.........
Woodbridge, Conn........
Woodbidge, Conn.......
Woodbridge, Conn.......
Pepperville, Mass........
Carlinville, Ill............
Hartford, Coun...........
Salem, Ohio...............
Salem, Ohio...............
Canton, Ohio.............
Salem, Ohio..._.......
Jan. 10, 1871
Sept. 2, 1873
July 13, 1869
July 28, 1868
July 23, 1861
June 17, 1856
Oct. 1,1850
Aug. 19, 1862
Sept. 19, 1865
Dec. 10, 1867
Apr. 21, 1868
Dec. 14, 1869
Dec. 11, 1855
Dec. 3, 1850
Mar. 12, 1845
July 28, 1857
Mar. 6, 1855
Aug. 16, 1853
July 8, 1862
Aug. 12, 1873
Jan. 24,1871
Jan. 9, 1866
Dec 7, 1869
Dec. 29, 1868
Aug. 2, 1870
May 7, 1867
Jan. 7,1868
May 10, 1864
Feb. 2, 1869
Aug. 17,1869
Dec. 12, 1871
June 11, 1829
Feb. 25, 1873
Aug. 30, 1870
Dec. 3, 187-2
Dec. 3, 1872
May 6, 1873
Sept. 23, 1873
110, 920
142, 410
92, 541
80, 365
32, 890
15, 147
7, 688
36, 240
50, 045
72, 099
76, 956
97, 830
13, 925
7, 815
3, 949
17, 868
12, 484
9, 939
35, 856
141, 745
51, 911
97, 590
85, 423
105, 896
64, 478
73, 162
42, 639
86, 364
93, 808
121, 707.....
136, 138
106, 919
133, 570
133, 573
138, 623
143, 132
Seymour, Cone............ July 21, 1863 39, 284
Granville, Ohio........... Mar. 28, 1848 5, 487
Racine, Wis... _......... Apr. 2, 1861 31, 883
Seymour, Conn-------............ Feb. 25, 1862 34, 497
New Haven, Conn........ May 7, 1867 64, 423
New Haven, Conn....... Oct. 13,1868 82, 957
Bossardsville, Pa.......... Aug. 8, 1871 117, 784
Philadelphia, Pa..........Mar. 31, 1868 76, 205
Cambridge City, Ind...... Oct. 2, 1866 58, 436
Rockland, Me.......... Oct. 9, 1866 58, 658
Elmira, N. Y.............. May 22,1860 28, 400
Harrisonburgh, Va.-....... Apr. 14, 1868 76, 804
Rochester, N. Y........... May 18, 1869 90, 195
Pineville, Pa------------............. July 17, 1866 56, 459
Seymour, Comn............ June 5, 1866 55, 38-2
Syracuse, N. Y............ Sept. 8, 1863 39, 841
Syracuse, N. Y....... Aug. 27, 1872 130, 8:6
Seymour, Conn.......... Sept. 19, 1871 119, 096
Clarksville, N. Y......... July 26, 1870 105, 744
New York, N. Y...... Jan. 1, 1867 6u, 972
Elmira, N. Y........... July 12,1859 24, 773
Elmira, N. Y.............Apr. 3, 1866 53, 722
Elmira, N. Y.... Mar. 12,1861 31, 694
Amanda, Ohio............. Jan. 1, 1867 60, 985
New Haven, Conn........ June 10, 1873 139, 769
Seymour, Conn.......... May 20, 173 139, 091
Dubuque, Iowa...-..- May 23, 1846 4, 531
Boston, Mass............... May 18, 1810...
Saybrook, Conn......... Feb. 11, 1835..
Washington, D. C....... July 17,1855 13, 261
Montreal, Canada-......... Jan. 25, 1870 19, 129
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Oct. 20,1868 83, 233
Bucyrus, Chio............ July 13, 1869 92, 504
Yarmouth, Me...........Mar. 19, 1867 63, 016
Lacon, Ill................. Oct. 5, 1869 95, 566
Salem, Ill................. Nov. 3, 1868 83, 611
Bainbridge, N. Y.......... Jan. 25, 1870 99, 227
Clark's Hill, Ind.......... Dec. 21, 1869 98, 196
McHenry, Ill............. July 6, 1869 92, 214
Chicago, Ill............... June 15, 1869 91, X87
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 14, 1868 76, 598
Albia, N. Y............... Aug. 22, 1871 118, 196
Bainbridge, N. Y....M... i Mar. 2, 1869 87, 470
Clarksburgh, W. Va....... Aug. 31, 1869 94, 412
Tarrytown, N. Y.......... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 400
Arcola, Ill................ June 11, 1867 65, 577
Kokomo, Ind.............. Jan. 23, 1866 52, 180
Sharon, Wis.............. June 4, 1867 65, 400
Woodstock, Ill........... Sept. 10, 1867 68, 638
Tipton, Ind............... Mar. 31, 1868 76,132
Derby, Conn.............. Nov. 11, 1834........
Derby, Ci nn.............. Mar. 18, 1829.....
Norwich, Conn.......... July 17, 1816........
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 9, 1833..
York, Pa................. Sept. 10, 1829..
York, Pa................. Mar. 21, 1831i.
Champaign County, Ill.. July 8, 1873 140, 710
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Auger-shank, Method of attaching cutting-lips to. N. S. White and A. Denio.....
Auger, &c., Ship --------..................---................ I. W. Hoagland..........
Auger, Single-twist.. --............................ E. L'Hommedieu..........
Auger, Single-twist spiral-screw---------------................... --N. C. Sanford..---........
Auger, Slotting............---------------------------------................. P. Cunningham...............
Auger, Spiral-screw---.....------------------------. A. Newton....................
Auger, Spoke-tenon....................... W. Morehouse.............
Auger-stock..................................... W. T. Barnes................
Auger-stock..................................... S. C. Norcross.................
Anger-strap.................................... S. Gore......................
Auger, Submarine ----....-...-...................... N. Blake.....................
Auger to bore square holes, &c.................... C. Jackson...................
Auger, Tube ---------........-..-..-...................... R. Thomas.............
Auger, Tubular................................ J. A. Reynolds.-..............
Auger-twisting machine....................... W. L. Aldrich and W. Evans..
Auger, Undermining............................ P. Sheldon.....................
Auger, Well....................................... E. Altman.................
Auger, Well...................................... J. B. Christian............
Auger, Well....................................J. Y. Goode.............
Auger, Well.................................... J. and T. J. Ingels...........
Auger, Well.................................... H. R. King...................
Auger, Well...................................-. A. A. McMahen...............
Auger, Well -....................................- W. L. Payne.................
Auger, Well -..............................-..... F. Spees...s...............
Auger, Well..--................................. W. H. Stone -..........-..
Auger, Well...................................... J. Wilson and G. H. Baisley..
Auger, Well boring --............................. P. Ollom...-................
Augers and bits, Manufacture of................. J. Swan...........
Augers and boring-bits, Process for making..._... C. Whitehouse.............
Augers and spiral conveyers, Packing............. J. Mattison................
Augers, Casting screw............................ J. Carl and J. W. Heath.....
Augers, Coupling-device for earth-boring....--.... A. J. and G. Heine.........
Augers, Coupling for earth-boring................ T. Orchard....................
Auger, Device for fastening cutter of hollow...... W. A. Clark...............
Augers, Die for making........................... E. L'Hommedieu...........
Augers, Die for making.--............ E. H. Tracy...................
Augers, Die for manufacturing...........---........ --- S. A. Smith...................
Augers, Handle-fastening for.................... J.M. Hathaway......-......
Augers, Machine for cutting down............... E. O. and E. Carrington... - -
Augers, Machine for finishing the lips and points of. W. P. Maxson..............
Augers, Machine for grinding and cutting down... E. O. and E. Carrington.......
Augers, Machine for making...................... 1. Tower...................
Augers, Machine for regulating the twist and di- N. C. Sanford and L. P. Smith
amneter of screw.
Augers, Machine for swaging the head of screw... R. Jennings...................
Angers, Machine for turning the lips of....----------- R. Cook....................
Augers, Machinery for manufacturing double- E. L'Hornmedieu and R. N.
twist screw. Watrous.
Augers, Manufacture of.......................... J. Swan...........-........
Augers, Manufacturing screw.................... W. Field...-................
Augers, Means for operating earth.............. W. H. Beach and C. N. Hanson.
Augers, Means for operating earth--------------...............-- J. B. Christian..-............
Augers, Method of attaching expansible cutting- N. Clare and J. Quigly......lips to.
Augers, Method of manufacturing................ G. G. Griswold................
Augers, Method of securing the cutters to the C. L. Barnes..................
spinales of.
Augers, Method of using the common screw...... O. Stetson and W. Sebree......
Augers, Mold for casting........................ W. Evans and R. E. Hayden...
Augers, Tenoning................................. W. A. Clark...............Augers to handles, Attaching................... E. Broad -.........
Augers to handles, Attaching.................... M. S. Brooks................
Augers to handles, Attaching.................. C. W. Cotton.................
Augers to handles, Attaching.....................J. E. Larkin...........
Augers to handles, Attaching....H. W. Oney.......
Augers to sinker for boring artesian well, Mode W. Morris...................
of uniting.
Augers, Turning any number of........-.......... H. Branch..................
Augers, Twisting-machine....................... O. Snow. -.....
Aural instruments.................-........... C. G. Pege....................
Automatic brake.................................. J. Wilkinson..................
Automatic brake for machinery -- --.................. T. Stebins --..................
Automatic folding-gate........................-. J. B. Mahana...............
Automatic gate..........W.. Brson...................... W.W. Burson....
Automatic gate -....................-........-- J. B. Cotton..-.......
Automatic gate.................................. G. C. Crum....................
Automatic gate...................................... L.S. Deing.....
Automatic gate.............................. B.F. Dickey ----------
Automatic gate............................. J.S. Elkins and J. T. Green...
Automatic gate.............................. L. Fiison.
Automatic gate................................. J. W. Foster........
Automatic gate -................................. J. S. Fort......................
Automatic gate............................... C.E. Gillespie..............
Automatic gate................................. E. Harter...
Automatic gate.... N. Long...
Automatic gate.................................G. McKnirht
Automatic gate................................H. W. Miskimen.....
Automatic gate.............................. T. J. Murp y
Automatic gate................................ G. W. Olbert and W. Young..
Automatic gate................................. M. Orewiler...................
Automatic gate................................. J. G. Page.................
Automatic gate................................ J. P. Ponce................
Automatic gate................................. J. H. Schenck..............
Automatic gate................................. P. A. Spicer and M. Crossman
Automalic gate................................ G.B. Stevenson............
Automatic gate................................. J. E. Stong................
Automatic gate.................................. E. Waterbury..............
Residence. Date. No.
Shaftsbury, Vt.......... Dec. 21, 1858 22, 394
Jersey City, N. J.......... Mar. 20, 1855 12, 551
Saybrook, Conn........... Oct. 1, 1830........
Meriden, Conn......... Aug. 8,1834.....
Eckley, Pa............... Sept. 1, 1868 81, 607
Meriden, Con............ Aug. 8, 1834..
Buffalo, N. Y........... Jan. 14, 1862 34, 159
Bufhfalo, N. Y........... Apr. 3, 1849 6, 256
Norway, Me.............Aug. 25, 1863 39, 669
Sheshequin, Pa"........... July 20, 1825..
Ira, N. Y................ Apr. 20, 1852 8, 882
Otsego County, N. Y...... Feb. 14,1818.....
Richmond County, N. C.. May 29, 1819..
Elmira, N. Y-......... Jan. 13, 1857 16,399
Norwich and Seymour, Aug. 6, 1867 67, 395
Jamestown, N. Y.......... Oct. 7, 1873 143, 535
Hamilton, Mo...... Jan. 31, 1871 111, 300
Hamburg. Iowa.......... Sept. 17, 1872 131, 427
Water Valley, Miss....... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 501
Atchison, Kans......... Nov. 15, 1870 109, 214
Poplar Bluff, Ark......... Oct. 17, 1871 120, 076
Oxford, Miss............. Apr. 13, 1869 88, 891
Topeka, Kans............. Sept. 23, 1873 143 181
Tabor, Iowa........ Feb. 20, 1872 123, 847
Pattonsburgh, Mo........ July 11, 1871 116, 883
Hamilton, Mo............. July 5, 1870 105, 021
Muncie, Ind............... Feb. 19,1867 62,216
Seymour, Conn---------... --. -June 9, 1868 78, 769
Bridgtown, England..... June 15, 1869 91, 503
Oswego, N. Y-------------............. Nov. 2, 1869 96, 455
Grenada, Miss........... Aug. 21, 1860 29, 668
Fremont, Nebr............ July 16, 1872 129, 027
Lincoln, Cal..............Dec. 6, 1870 109, 930
Bethany, Cornn.......... July 12, 1859 24, 722
Chester, Conn............. Aug. 29, 1854 11, 613
Meriden, Conn............ July 4, 1865 48, 633
Essex, Conn- -------------Mar. 4, 1873 136, 391
New York, N. Y.-..-..... Aug. 21,1860 29, 692
Wallingford, Cornn........ July 2, le67 66, 297
Elmira, N. Y.............. Nov. 19, 1872 133, 238
West Meriden, Conn-...... Apr. 7, 1868 76, 301
Rochester, N. Y........... Mar. 1, 1864 41, 822
Meriden, Conn..-........ Apr. 10, 1849 6, 305
Deep River, Conn...-...... July 31,1866 56, 869
Shelburne Falls, Mass..... Mar. 27, 1855 12, 583
Chester, Conn------------............. July 24, 1838.851
Seymour, Conm............. Aug. 20, 1867 68, 012
Pawtucket, R. I----------........... Apr. 15, 1840 1, 553
Hamburg, Iowa.......--.... - Feb. 4, 1873 135,510
Hamburg. Iowa........... May 13, 1873 138, 788
Malden, N. Y............. Apr. 6, 1858 19, 829
Chester, Conn............. Apr. 1, 1856 14, 561
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 17, 1858 21, 179
Georgetown, Ky.......... Dec. 11, 1810....
Seymour, Con............ Apr. 6, 1869 88, 559
Bethany, Con...--.......-. June 12, 1860 28, 653
Saint Anthony, Minn..... Jan. 8, 1869 90, 919
Chester. Conn.......... Oct. 28, 1851 8, 464
Shelburne Falls, Mass..... Mar. 20, 1855 12, 575
Baliston Spa, N. Y.....-... Nov. 19, 1850 7, 785
Allegneny, Pa-....-...... -Nov. 7, 1865 50, 838
Kanawaha County, Va....- Sept. 4, 1841 2, 243
New York.-----------Ang. 7,1826.,Meriden, Conn--... -..-May 13, 1834..
Washington, D. C........ Nov. 20, 1860 30, 688
Baltimore, Md............ Jan. 1, 1861 31, 047
San Francisco, Cal......... Oct. 8, 1872 132, 113
Benson, Vt............Jan. 10, 1865 45, 842
Rockford,. 111............ Nov. 10, 1868 83, 923
Dayton, Ohio............. Aug. 30, 1870 106, 917
Barr's Store, Ill.......... July 1, 1873 140. 479
Newington, Conn......... Sept. 8, 1863 39, 798
Marshall, Michigan....... July 13, 1869 92, 430
Marquette, Wis.......... --- June 19, 186(6 55, 603
Bushnell, Ill.............. Apr. 29, 1873 138, 2:8
Racine, Wis..-......... Apr. 28, 1-63 38, 304
Kenton, Ohio-...... Aug. 19, 1873 141,925
Edwardsville, Ill.......... Jne 10, 1873 139, 72
Dowagiac, Mich......... Oct. 6, 1868 82, 831
Muncie, Indiana ---------Apr. 22, 1873 13, 033
Hebron, N. Y........... Nov. 15, 1864 45, 063
Kingston Mines, I1l...... Dec. 10, 1861 33, 896
Rochester, N. Y...... -)ec. 1, 18t8 84, 569
Barr s Store, Ill......... Oct. 21, 1873 143, 839
Bucyrus, Ohio........... Salt. 27, 1870 107, 801
Rockford. Ill.............. Aug. 7, 18t.6 56, )87
Maytield, Cl...... Apr. 29, 1873 138, 28.1
Chicago, I1............... June 6, 1860 55,914
Marshalh, Mieh........... July 26, 1n70 105, 735
Uiler audnsky, Ohio.... Apr. 15, 1873 1:17, 971
New on Brook, Canada.... i Aug. 19, 173 141, 909
Stamord, Conu........... Nov. 12, 1861 33, 723
lardex of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Automatic gate---- --------- --- --
Automatic gate............................... --
Automatic gate --------------------------------
Automatic gate...............................--
Automatic gate for railway-crossing..............
Automatic hoop---- --------------------------- --
Automatic lubricator-_------------------------__
Automatic lubricator..........................
Automatic press._..............
A uto ma t ic r e g ist e r............................- - - -- -- -
A uto ma t ic regulator............................
Automatic switch ------------------------------
Automatic venliator. -..............
Automatic ventilator---------------
Auxiliary engine to be used in supplying steamboilers with water, Manner of arranging the
parts of.
Auxiliary table...............................--
Auxiliary table---------------------- ----------
A w l. - - - - - - - - -... - - - - - - - - - -
A w l -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Awl and plunch, Belt.............................A-wl and similar tools, Handle for.................
Awl a nd tool.....................
A w l, Belt - - - - - - - - - - - -...... - -
Awl, Belt------------------------------------....
Awl, Centering --------------....................
Awl, C e nt e r i ng.............-- -- "-................."
A wl-drill, &c., Setting.................. --....
Awl for heel-machine ---------- _._.
Awl, Grafting-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A w l-haft-- - - - - - - - - - -... - - - - - -
A w l-biait............... " - - --
Awl-lbaft -..........--- - -- ----- -- ---
A w i-haft --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Awl handle, Brad.........................--
Awl holdler arid extractor, Pegging._- - _- _-
Awl, Lasting................................. "Awl-inakig die - - - - - - " - - -- -- - - -
Awl, Peging.---------------
As 1, Shoemakers..............................---
Aw!stcets, &c..------.-..-......Asl Ti Sng--up)----- -----------------------
Ax;is to ihails, Method of attaching. _........... _.
Awsning -..........................-............
Awn g......................................Assiing --------------------- ----------------
Awrrnt- ------..------------------------------
A sxriug - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
A u nin I " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A w ning - - - - - - -- - - - - --l- - - - - - -
A wvnin~. - "...................
Awsning--------- ------------------------------
A w n - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
A ssning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aw orn- ------------- --------------------------
Awning------------------------...---- ------
Awning, Adjustable............................
E. P. Wheeler..............--
S. Whitaker................1V. I. Wooster --------------
S.,J. Wright.................
G. B. Pulliuger..............
L. XW. Taylor..............---
1. Dreyfus...- --------
L. Von Jeinsen..............
P. Hayden-----------------..
S. IBigler--------------------
J. Al. Osgood.................
J. Hotfmannu......--........
S. Hodkinson................
M E. Mend-----------------
B. F. Prenlis.................J. Cocbrane.................
J. Blake......................
IL. Johnson.................--
S. llab bitt----- --------------
S. Babbitt--------------------
It. Egan....................--
T.Kenney..................G. K. Mellor --_------------ --
S. E Totten -----------------.
W. J. Innis.................
ID. H. Chamberlain..........--
Hi. Aiken........- - - -...
S. Y. Beach------ ------ ------
F. I.Palmier-.---------- ------
1). A. Wilcox..............--
N. Woodbury................
EL. B. Bigelow and S. P. Brigham.
H. H. Bigelow..-- -----. -
1)..13. Oliver -.................
W. Campbell...............--
).H IIChamberlain.......-...
N. S. Clement --------------.....
L. H. Farnsworth............
E. Mn-tin.................--
U. M. Smith............
D. M.Smith ---..------
N. S. Clement...............
3) IL X\Vigbt................
H. L. Barker.................
H. uston-----------------..
C. K. Bradford-------------.....P.Blake.------------------
G. B. Pairn..................B. I. Lane..................----
H. Aiken..................--
N. W. Baker................--
B. Pierce....................
W.T Armisti-ou.......
G. 11. Bancroft-------------..,J. C. Bowo-----------------..
II. A. Bowman...............
J. Boyle.....................
S. Chiace...................--
G. XW. Gera-air...............
W. Hlildebrand.......-..-..-..
E. IL Laurront..............
1V Matthews...... -. -......
S. Miller- and J. S. McClellan..S. Miller and J. S. McClellan..
L. G. Sert and C. L. Schorr....
H. Sykes...................
J. A. Pain...--...............
T G.Tyler. - - --....----
J. B.Watkins...............
L. Venue and C. Schneider....
Rtesidencee. Date. No.
Corinth, Miss _..._.._ Oct. 7, 1873 143, 151
Bel Air, Md.............. May 3, 18 70 102, 741
Harvard. Il111..............- -- -Mar. 18, 1873 1:16, 892
Ellsworth. N. YV_........... Apr. 30, 1867 64,:394
Philadelphia, Pa...... Dee. 18, 1855 13, 956
Weathersfield, Vt..__.June 1, 1869 90, 700
New York, N. V.......... May 21, 1867 64, 956
Omuahra, Nebr-------------di.lJly 5, 1870 105, 147
Pittsburgh, Pa....- _......Sept. 12, 1865 49, 877
Ottawa., Ill----------------lDc. 10, 1867 72, 084
Somerville, Mass -..........Nov. 1, 1864 41, 884
Waterbury, Connir..._. July 1, 1873 140, 503
Louisville, Ky ------------ May 4,1809 89),578
Darien Depot, Conni.- _. May 18, 1869 90, 180
Benwood, XW. Va.- - -- ----Oct. 11, 1870 108, 183
Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 16, 1845 4, 003
Scranton, Pa..__........... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 121
McLean Counr-ty, Ill. ---Apr. 29, 187 3 138, 406
Brazil, lull...............-July 12, 1870 105, 161
Brazil. Ind...............-Aug. 1,1871 117, 501
Brooklyn, N. Y. -_.......Apr. 25, 1865 47, 403
Lynn, Mass..............- - -May 2, 1871 114,446
Woonisocket, 1..I-----Dec. 24, 1872 134, 214
Brooklyn, N.V........... June 18, 1817 65, 843
Providene, I._ I.. Nov. 15, 1839 26, 107
Boston, Mass...... t.. ay 30, 1848 5, 609
Franlklrin, N.H...... Apr. 13, 1858 19, 90t
Seymour,(Conn--riri --- - Mary 25, 1869 90, 485
Yourngstown, Ohio.---- Apr. 5, 1870 101, 655
Woodstock, Vt----_--.--_ Aug. 17, 1869 93,1937
WoodstockXVt------ June 2-2, 1869 91, 806
West Boyleston Town- Jan. 27, 1835.--.
sllip, Mass.
Worcester, MIass_._..._. Mar. 28, 1871 113, 008
Camrbria, IL. Y-V.........Nov. 22, 1870 109, 442
Gilsum, N. H............. July 1, 1816...
Boiston, Mass------------.. Apr. 3, 1849 6,261
Worcester, N. Y. __........ Apr. 21, 1857 17, 078
Hud~oii, Mass............-June 16, 1868 78, 947
Worcester, Mass...........pr.Apr. 15, 1836 14, 704
Grafton, Mass............-- -- -Mar. 21, 1843 3, 014
Gilarim, N. H11............. Oct. 25, 1832 --.
Gilsui,N. H-........Mar.:31, 1836.----
New Britain, Conn ---.---Mar. 19, 1867 6-2, 938
Sturbridge, Mass......Mar. 24, 1868 76, 0-20
Hartford, Corn.. __..._Feb. 6, 1866 52, 443
Carnnsllurgh, Pa. Sept. 8, 1863 39, 815
Lyrntield, Mass. --..........Oct. 1, 1867 69,:395
Rocckville, Mass........... Apr-. 13, 1869 88, 837
Moirtpelier, Vt ------------ Feb. 16, 1869 87, 062
South Frammngham, Mass. Apr. 17, 1860 27, 913
Dr-acrt, Mass -------Dec. 16, 1833 ----
Lynn, Mass -........June 2-2,1861) 91,593
MontagueMass.....Au-. 13,1818 s82
Ti-luaukee, Wi- -.- --Jeune 14, 1864 43, 081
Pila delphia,1Pa...........ayMa~y 7,1867 64,3111
UrbanraOhio..............N o v. 131866 59, 548
Wercester, Mass. --........ Apr. 27, 1'69 89) 462
New YorkILN............eb.Feb. 18 18i73 135,966
Providence,.I- __-_Oct. 11, 1859 25, 23
Birooklyn,. _-_.-X _.Apr. 15, 1873137, 7 2
Fort Wayne, Indl..__. Nov. 8, 1870 19007
New York, N.--.. -.....Oct. 17, 1865 50,479
Orange, N. J------- June 11, 187-2 127, 781
Champaign County, Ohio.. Nov. 12, 1867 70, 880
Champaign County, Ohio.. Nov. 26, 1867 71, 509
XWilmington, Del--------May 25, 1841 3, 594
Baltimore, Md............ Oct. 25, 1870 108, 639
New Vor k. N. YV.. _-_- Oct. 7, 18 73 143.,54-2
Clyde, N. Y--------------.Apr. 10, 1866 53,859
XWas1irrgloru,D. C.---- Sept. 8, 1868 82, 032
Hartordl Connir ----- Oct. 13, 1868 83,090
New Yor k, ILV.......... Sept. 29, 18t68 82, 569
New Bedford, Mass...Aug. 19, 186-2 36, 251
New York, ILYV and Noey- Sept. 20, 1870 107, 584
ark, N.J.
Baltimore, Md._..... Sept. 13, 1870 107, 333
Brookly n, N. -._.-V May 2, 1865 47, 524
South Berndr id...--...June 28, 1870 104, 910
Utica,.IL....V.... July 31, 1860 29,::99
Mirini apolus. Minn..-__Apr. 4, 1871 113, 3-23
New,.,Yo.rk NTV..., nly 20,10 10, -2
Assningarnd fan for horses' heads...........H.IL. Byrd.. _....... _.....
Aswning and lreflector........................---...T(orduan....-..............
Awrirngdevice for operatin,,.. -. ----------------A. Thalbulfer..... -_....._....Awninig-fixture------..-----------------------.........each...................Asuni' for animals............................ S. Moliit...................--
Awnrnn lot car, &c...........................---.JH.Monrce......._._-....
A wninig for horse and dray...................--. Nelson..................-_
Ass-rng icr horse-car._.........................M. C. BatteyBaty................
Aswninrg-frame...............................- -... Hilliard..................
Awninri-e.................................. J. V.Loaue..---.............
Awiin' iraune.-.............................-...HStephens.................
Awuuigframe............---................... Werner..................Asviiri-frarme, Adjurstable.....................__.L enure _.._--....._
Aw-nrin-eurme for- trerses, attachable to lharness.. IN. ullma..........
Awnirni framne, Shad----------------J.Dreeisler................--
Awning franc, Windowv......................... J. A.Allen...-_...__.._
Awrniigumetail.................................--.V0t.Paisen...............111)13"Shp..........................XX 11. Bak-iwell..... --.A i nu -ide----------------------------------...... yin....................A vurrug-slide...................................1T.1. Dat cy.................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Once from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Awning, Street-car........................... C. B. Turnbull---.....--.......... -
Awning-windlass--...---..---------------------- I. Walter.....................
Awning, Window...--------------------------C. C. Moore-...................
Awning, Window----....---------------------- J. B. Wheeden-----------................
Awnings, Painting striped.-..................... C.E. Wheeler-----------.................
Ax.......-------------------.. J. B. Beidler.................
Ax................................................ D. W. Colburn...............
Ax--------------------------------------................................................ J. Franklin................
Ax................................................ J. W. Hilton and R. W. Green.
Ax--------------------------------------................................................ A. H. Jumper............
Ax..............................:................. H. M ann.................
Ax.............................................. W. Peabody...............
Ax............................................. E. Quast.................
Ax............................................... B. Smith..................
Ax and hook combined, Grubbing....-------------- P. W. Norris...............
Ax and pick, Ice...................... J. N. Bunnell.................
Ax-bit-blank bar................................. J. Lippincott...................
Ax-bit-blank machine.......................... E. Bartholomew...........
Ax-bits, Machine for forming----------------..................-... L. Chapman...............
Ax-bits, Manufacture of....................... C. Blair..............
Ax blanks, Method of making.................... J. W. Ells....................
Ax, Chopping.................................T. Merriam--------------...................
Ax-dressing machinery............................ J. Mackey....................
Ax-dressing machinery...-................... - E. K. Root....................
Ax for wood-splitting machine................. J. H. Silkman..................
Ax,Grinding.............................. H. Mann......................
Ax, Hand......................................E. H. Meigs.............
Ax-handle..................................... J. M. Sears.................
Ax-handle..................................... B.D. Stevens...............
Ax-handle fastening....-..................... J. E. Emerson.................
Ax-handle guard.......................... L. B. Hoit...................
Ax-handle shield............................... - B. Butler...................
Ax-handles, Mode of securing.................G. W. Simonds...............
Ax, hatchet, &c................................ D. Hinman................
Ax-helve................................- ------ W. Morehouse............
Ax-helves, Metal cap for...................... A. W. Porter.................
Ax-making machine.............................. E. F. Hurd....................
Ax making machine.............................. E. F. Hurd...................
Ax-making machine.................------------ C. Hutchins.................
Ax-making machine.............................. J. Simmons..................
Ax-making machine..................- I. W. Turne...................
Ax-making process......................... J. Orelup...............
Ax, Oval.................................. A. Collins...............
Ax, Oval......-................................. S. Hyde........-............
Ax, Oval....................... S. Hyde......................
Ax-pole, Making........................ D. P. Estep..................
Ax-poll blank................................. W. Bunton...-............
Ax-poll swaging-machine....---..................... R. Blake and A. Carpenter....
Ax-polls, Machine for making..................... R. H. Cole..................
Ax-polls, Machine for making.................... G. Reynolds..................
Ax-polls, Machine for punching................ R. Blake............
Ax-shaving machine..............................H.C. Reynolds.....-.......
Ax, Stone..---------..................................- -W. C. Peckham..............
Ax-testing machine........................W-. Hunt......................
Axes, Attaching handles to......-....------........ T.H. Tyndale............
Axes, Attaching handles to...------------------- H. C. Weooding..............
Axes, Die for forming the eyes of pick-..---..--...... H. L. Lowmen...............
Axes, Forging...................................-. D. Hinman...................
Axes, Forging.....----------------------------- E. Shaw...................
Axes, hammers, &c., Manufacture ofF............... F.C. Curie...................
Axes, &c., Hardening........................... J. N. Rockwell..............
Axes, hatchets, &c., Method of punching the eyes of E. K. Root....................
Axes, hoes, scythes, pitch-forks, &c., Making....... J. P. Hazard................
Axes, hoes, scythes, pitch-forks, &c., Making...... J. F. Mackie...............
Axes, hoes, scythes, pitch-forks, &c., Making.... L. Olds.....................
Axes, Machine for making........................ J. Pratt, jr..............
Axes, Machine for manufacturing............... D. C. Stone..................
Axes, Machinery for hammering heads of...-..... L. Dodge................
Axes, Machinery for making..................... H. D. Morris.............
Axes, Making-----------------------------..................................... J. L. Lewis...................
Axes, Manufacture of............................ J. Lippincott...............
Axes, Manufacture of............................. J. Lippincott..--..............-.
Axes, Manufacture of.......................... H. C. Reynolds................
Axes, Manufacturing...------------.------------H. D. Morris..................
Axes, Manufacturing......................... E. K. Root-----.... -----...............
Axes, Manufacturing---.............................E. Shaw and R. H. Burk-......
Axes, Manufacturing and forming the eyes of.... M. D. Whipple.........
Axes, Method of manufacturing................... G. Palmer and C. W. Hubbard
Axes, Method of securing helves in............... H. N. and J. C. Bill...........
Axes, Mode of making................ J. Alley, sr....................
Axes, picks, &c., Fastening handles to.......... Stewart.................
Axes, &c., Sharpening---...----..............--.- J. Shotwell..................
Axes, Shears for the manufacture of........... L. Dodge...................
Axes to handles, Fastening....................... W. H. Livingston............
Axes to handles, Mode of attaching............... J. Stewart...-.......-----
Axes, Step or gudgeon, Vertical.....----------.............-. J. Andrews...................
See Anti-friction.
Washington, D. C.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass.............
Adrian, Mich.............
Laomi, Ill...............
Springfield, Ohio.........
Bradford, Pa.............
Sunman, Ind.............
Bellefonte, Pa............
Orono, Me................
Freedom, Mo.............
Canton, Conn.............
Detroit, Mich............
Unionville, Conn........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Mill Hall, Pa..........
Collinsville, Conn.........
Collinsville, Conn........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Waterloo, Wis---...-..
Napanock, N. Y...........
Collinsville, Con......
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Bellefonte, Pa...........
East Berlin. Connr........
Vandalia, Ill..............
Decorah, Iowa............
San Francisco, Cal........
Cedar Falls, Iowa.........
Saint Johnsbury Centre,
Lynnfield, Mass..........
Winchester, Conn........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Saint Johnsville, N. Y.....
Johnsonville, N. Y......
Hoosick Falls, N. Y.....
East Douglass, Mass......
Cohoes, N. Y.......
Baltimore, Md............
Ballston Spa, N. Y.......
Winsted, Coun...........
Williamsburgh, Mass.....
Williamsburgh, Mass.....
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Scranton, Pa............
Saint Louis, Mo........
Manchester, N. H.........
Scranton. Pa..............
Manchester, N. H.........
Troy, Ohio................
East Douglass, Mass......
Belleville, Ill------------..............
Wallingford, Conn........
New York, N. Y........
Canton, Coun............
Canton, Conn............
Lancaster, Pa...........
Napanock, N. Y..........
Collinsviile, Conn......
Washington County, R. I
New York...............
Oneonta, N. Y..........Charlemont, Mass.........
Napanock, N. Y...........
Waterford, N. Y..........
Baldwinsville, N. Y.......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Manchester, N. H.........
Baldwinsville, N. Y.......
Canton, Conn.............
Canton, Conn.............
Douglass, Mass........
Pittsburgh, Pa---------............
Willimantic, Conn........
Pise, Ind.................
Saint Cloud, Minn........
Cohoes, N.Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Money Creek, Minn.......
Dinwiddie County, Va...
July 15,1873
Feb. 27, 1872
Dec. 5, 1871
July 6, 1869
May 13,1873
Aug. 10, 1869
July 9, 1867
Nov. 2, 1869
Sept. 1, 1868
Aug. 31, 1869
June 3, 1862
Aug. 22, 1871
Nov. 16, 1869
Nov. 2,1832
Feb. 15, 1870
Dec. 6, 1870
Dec. 22, 1868
June 20, 1871
June 1, 1869
Aug. 17, 1869
Sept. 3,1867
Apr. 12, 1864
Aug. 29, 1848
Aug. 22, 1848
Jan. 23,1866
Aug. 17,1869
Aug. 11, 1868
May 30, 1871
June 2, 1868
Apr. 10, 1860
July 12, 1870
Jan. 26, 1869
July 10,1866
Nov. 2, 1832
Apr. 11,1865
July 17, 1860
Aug. 14, 1866
Nov. 21, 1871
Mar. 3,1857
Mar. 1, 1853
Nov. 4, 1842
June 8, 1852
Oct. 25, 1832
Jan. 29, 1830
Mar. 2, 1831
Oct. 14, 1856
Oct. 12, 1869
May 4,1869
June 16, 1857
July 20, 1858
Aug. 11, 1868
Aug. 6,1867
Oct. 29,1872
Sept. 2, 1856
May 25, 1869
June 5, 1866
Nov. 27, 1866
June 29, 1833
June 29, 1833
Sept. 29, 1868
June 23, 1857
Dec. 10, 1838
Aug. 9, 1833
Nov. 19, 1833
July 9, 1833
May 16,1832
Apr. 21, 1838
May 1, 1866
Aug. 31, 1869
Mar. 13, 1866
Feb. 21, 1860
July 23, 1867
Aug. 1, 1865
Jan. 11, 1870
Mar. 30, 1836
Nov. 3, 1831
Jan. 31, 1833
Aug. 2 2, 1871
July 25, 1854
Apr. 9, 1829
Aug. 18, 1868
Mar. 16, 1799
Apr. 2, 1861
Sept. 25, 1860
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 11, 1817
140, 972
124, 178
121, 650
92, 239
138, 773
93, 585
66, 563
96, 416
81, 635
94, 318
35, 480
118, 266
96, 937.....
99, 784
109, 867
85, 111)
116, 011
90, 726
93, 666
68, 423
42, 303
5, 736
5, 731
93, 727
80, 868
115, 532
78, 550
27, 784
105, 205
86, 130
29, 192
57, 142
121, 172
16, 732
9, 601
2, 841
9, 000
15, 880
95, 646
89, 623
17, 556
20, 957
80, 900
67, 584
132, 540
15, 656
90, 412
55, 437
60, 022.....
82, 607
17, 639
1, 027.....
54, 311
93, 232
53, 155
27, 227
66, 978
49, 156
98, 789
118, 264
11, 350
81, 308.....
31, 927
30, 146
70, 284....
index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See Movable.
A xle.............................................
Axle and axle-box.............................
Axle and bolster coupling.........................
Axle and gudgeon, Mode of making boxes for.....
Axle and its bearing.............................
Axle and journal-box lubricator...................
Axle and journal, Lubricating..................
Axle and other spindles, Lubricator for............
Axle and shaft...........................
Axle, Attaching draft-pole to....................
Axle bearing, Railway-car..............
Axle-blanks, Tool for finishing....................
A xle-box..........................................
Axle-box--------------------------------..........................................A xle-box..........................................
Axle box................................
A xle-box.........................................
A xle-box.........................................
Axle-box------... ------ ---------...........
Axle-box, &c......................................
Axle-box alarm and lubricator, Car..................
Axle-box and hanger...........................
Axle-box and hub........................
Axle-box and sleeve, Vehicle-wheel...............
Axle-box and spindle..............................
Axle-box, Anti-friction...........................
J. Elmire.-.....-............
E. Finn.......................
S. D. Littlefield-----------..............
W. Nevins.....-............
J. D. Smith..................
H. T. Tichenor..............
H. W. Tilton...............
H. G. Weibling..............
D. Wigger..................
G. Brown.........
I. Babbit---------------....................R. R. McGregor.............
J. B. G. M. F. Piret..........
W. KenworthyandJ. H. Pollit
W. H. Harvey-----------...............
W. H. Hawley-----------................
E. C. Smith.-...............
W. E. Wilcox and T. H. WilL
H. E Forrest................
S. F. Allen..................
S. Barker---...------------
J. Bevin....................
W. A. Boyden..............
H. Brady---------------....................G. Brill.................
N. Campbell..-.........-.....
H. L. Castile.....-....-.......
J. Christy--------------....................C. Cook...................
D. Dalzeill---------------....................1). Dalzell...................
L. A. Dochez...........
D. H. Dotterer-----------...............
D. H. Dotterer.................
D. H. Dotterer...............
W. B. Fahnestoek...........
A. A. Freeman..............
A. Goodyear, 2d.........
E. P. Haskell................,
J. B. Hendricks..........
J. T. Henry..................
H. Howson.................
J. J. Lahaye and J. E. Wooten
B. P. Lamason..............
F. Loppens -.....-....--...
J. Lightner.............
I. S. Lister..............
J. S. Lister...................
E. Lockwood.............
D. Mets.................
M. V. Miller and G. Henry...
Martic Township, Pa.....
Berlin, Wis........
Burlington, Wis........
Falmouth, Me..........
Schuylerville, N. Y.......
Fort Branch, Ind.........
Walpole, Mass..........
Denver City, Col..........
New York, N. Y..........
Carlisle, N. Y............
Boston, Mass.............
Covington, Tenn........
Paris, France...........
Birmingham, Pa..........
Bangor, Me............
Utica, N. Y...........
Birmingham, Conn.......
Peoria and Beardstown, Ill
Cambridgeport, Mass...
Chicago, Ill............
Harttord, Conn........
Unadilla Forks, N. Y......
Altoona, Pa...............
Factoryville, N. Y.._....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Memphis, Tenn........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Winsted, Comn.........
South Egremont, Mass....
South Egremont, Mass... -
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Lancaster, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Hamden. Conn........
New Bedford, Mass.......
Clayton, Ill...............
New Haven, Conn.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Reading, Pa...............
Milton, Pa.............
Hartford, Conn...........
Roxbury, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Bordentown, N. J.........
Washington, D. C.....
Manchester, Pa., and Steu
benville, Ohio.
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Port Carbon, Pa.....
Oxford, N. Y.........
Beardstown, Ill...........
La Porte, Ind.............-----
Seneca Falls, N. Y.......
Providence, R. I...........
Bellport, N. Y.............
Rushville, N. Y..........
Hastings, N. Y............
Bronxville, N. Y...........
Bronxville, N. Y.......
Glaudor,, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........
Minneapolis, Minn........
Greenfield Centre, N. Y..
Sorr(el Horse, Pa..._.....
Saint Paul, Minn..........
Philade lphia, Pa.......
Elizabethport, N. J........
Columbus, Ohio.........
Lafayette, Ind............
Chicago, Ill...............
Rutland, Vt...............
Nine Elms, England......
Newburgh, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.
Auburn, N. Y............
Omaha, Nebr..........
Newark, N. J..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Seneca Falls, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Cambridge, Mass.........
Camp Point, Ill...........
Aug. 18, 1868
Dec. 15, 1868
Oct. 1, 1867
Oct. 1, 1867
May 18,1869
Aug. 27, 1867
June 29, 1869
Jan. 20, 1863
Nov. 12, 1867
Nov. 21, 1848
July 17, 1839
Apr. 19, 1870
Aug. 2, 1870
June 6, 1871
Oct. 31, 1871
Nov. 2, 1869
Nov. 27, 1866
July 27, 1869
Jan. 14, 1873
Sept. 4,1866
Sept. 24, 1867
Apr. 8, 1856
Nov. 19, 1867
Aug. 20, 1867
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 16, 1867
May 15, 1860
Jan. 16, 1866
Sept. 5, 1865
Aug. 16, 1870
July 25, 1871
Dec. 31, 1867
Apr. 3, 1866
June 18, 1867
May 30, 1871
Mar. 30, 1858
Apr. 2, 1867
July -4, 1871
Nov. 17, 1868
Sept. 14, 1869
Jan. 16, 1872
Nov. 2, 1858
July 5, 1870
Sept. 24, 1867
Nov. 13, 1866
Nov. 21, 1848
June 2-1, 1#68
Feb. 9, 1869
Sept. 5, 1865
Nov. 2, 1869
Aug. 7, 1866
May 15, 1866
Nov. 13, 1866
July 14, 1868
Feb. 19, 1867
Dec. 10, 1867
June 4, 1867
May 15, 1866
Mar. 13, 1866
Nov. 27, 1866
Dec. 2, 1856
Mar. 11, 1856
Jan. 27, 1857
Mar. 15,1864
July 25, 1865
Mar. 23, 1869
Sept. 5, 1871
July 27, 1858
Jan. 28,1873
Aug. 13, 1867
Feb. 2, 1869
Aug. 12,1873
Jan. 14, 1873
July 18,1871
Mar. 30, 1869
Dec. 17, 1872
Dec. 2, 1873
Nov. 2, 1858
May 13, 1873
Jan. 12, 1819
Mar. 4,1873
Sept. 5, 1871
Jan. 7, 1873
Mar. 18, 1862
Feb. 18, 1873
Apr. 2), 1873
Feb. 15, 1870
84, 940
69, 350
69, 362
90, 317
68, 130
91, 987
37, 419
70, 928
5, 932
1, 252
102, 025
105, 977
115, 618
120, 515
96, 318
60, 075
134, 742
69, 160
14, 639
71, 125
67, 946
62, 931
63, 783
28, 253
52, 029
49, 726
106, 469
117, 390
72, 821
53, 588
65, 797
115, 449
19, 762
63, 379
116, 702
84, 185
94, 823
122, 829
21, 998
105, 096
69, 225
5, 935
79, 238
86, 679
49, 772
96, 337
56, 977
54, 753
59, 632
79, 916
62, 221
72, 079
65, 428
54, 775
60, 064
16, 153
14, 415
16, 499
41, 945
49, 005
88, 242
118, 770
20, 991
135, 213
67, 638
86, 558
141, 699
134, 725
117, 211
88, 356
134, 026
145, 146
138, 794
85, 793
136, 424
118, 701
134, 594
34, 674
135, 977
1:'i, 24:
99. 82
J. Montgomery..-..........
C.M. Oliver.................
B. M. Peacne and L. Coville..
P. Philippi.................
IH. B. Pitner...................
W. H. Pollard...............
W. F. 1ippon..............
O. H. P. R.obinson............
H. B. Rowley...............
W. H. Saunders.............
A. E. Smith.................
A. E. Smith...................
W. Stechschult.............
J. Stephenson............
L. Wakefield...............
S. A. Wing and L. G Johnston
D. Cumming.................
O. Evans....................
D. II. Dotterer..............
G. Leverich.............
W. HI. Cowell...........
J. Bower......................
P. Seyl, P. Fischer, and P. Bren
Axle-box bearing................................ A.B. Allen....................
Axle box, Car------------------------------.................................... W. G. Beattie..........
Axle box, Car----------------------------.................................... J. E. Bering - -.....
Axle box, Car....................................J. W. Cochran............
Axle box, Car..................................... W. W. Crane.............
Axle box, Car.................................... J. C. Creed...............
Axle box, Car.................................... J. M. Dodge...............
Axle box, Car..................................... D. H. Dotterer.........
Axle box, Car................................... H. G. DIowns.................
A xle box, Car................................... W. Ebbit....................
Axle box, Car......------------------------------ C. T. Fay...................
Axle box, Car..................................... S. F. Gates..................
Axle box, Car-----------------------................................... J. T. IHagerty...............
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Axle box, Car----------------------------------
Axle lbox, Car ------- -------------- -----------
Axleblox, Car ---------------------------------
Axle box, Car ----------------------------------
Axle box, Cai -.................................Axle box, Car ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ - -
Axle box, Car ----------------------------------
Axle box, Car----------------------------------
Axle box, Car ----------------------------------
Axle box, Car.---------------------------------
Axle box, Car--------------------------------- -
Axle box, Car.................................--
Axle box, Car ----------------------------------
Axle box, Car -------------------------------- --
A xle box, Car ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Axle box, Car.................................---
Axlebox, Car -----------------------------------
A xleboxCas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A xle boxCar - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -
Axle box, Carii.--- - ---- --- -- - --
Axle boxCar--- - -- - - - -_. ___
Axle box, Car ----"----------"---------------"----
Axle boxCar o -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- -
Axle box, Ca- - - ---- -- - --- - - - -
Axle boxCar - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
A xle box, Car - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A xle box, Car - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
Axle boxCar...................
Axebox, Ca---------------------------------
Axle box. Car s~-------------------- ----------
Axle box, Carria----e---------------------------
Axle box C-arriage............................_
Axle box, Carriae________ _______
Axle boxC-rrsge._.__________.._
Axle box, Carriage ________________
Axle box, Carriageo...........-.................
Axle boxCarriage -----------------------------
Axie box, Carriage--------------- _________
Axle box, Carriagoe---------- ---------..:- --:z-zAxle box, Corier _______________
Axle boxcoe Carg.............................
Axle boxeoareraCar..._....._..._.................
Axle box, Covier --R--way.......................
Axle-box coverc- trucks.......................
Axle-box cs over n-si of railway-car-------------
Axle-box coverlocomotives,-Driving --- ----- -
Axle-box cr obverc-ting-railway-roll---st-ck--cAxle-box for sasiwapeas.......................
Axle-box for juno railway-cars --------------
Axle-box oloo tiey-as, Dreplaceable___ __ __
Axle-box for lubricatnle layrligstc,&s
Axle-box fors iswcs................_ _ __......._
Axle-box fiornrapewestarDsconcn-a - - ----------------- --
A x l e -b o x fraie ycrRpaebe_
Axle-box frv hclid_"________-_-_.Axle-box Lorsbeiclst..g.........................
Axle box lisbiscetest................ r........._
Axle-box luirseatos............................--
A x le -b ox lidb r- c- o r---- ------------- -------- ----
Axle-box lubricator...........................___
Axle-box lubricator,-_Car._.....................__
Axle-box lubricator, C_-_--------------
Axle-box lubricator,_ Car---_----_-----_-_--------_
Axle-box lubricator-, Car_____________
Axle-box lubricator, Ca.-......................___
Axle-box lubsicator, Carriage.....................
Axle-boxlbrbic-ator, Carsiage____and ____agosi -
Axle-box RlubicayoCrig
Axle-lbox luiatoCrig n ao
Axle boxLaiway.............................Axle box, Raiwa- --- ----- -----y- ---
Axle box, Railway -r----. ----- -.....--
Axle box, Railway -sr.........................--
Axle box, Raiw-ayc. __-_ ___......_ ____
Axle box, Railwxo a. - - -------- "------
Axle-box, Raiway.car..........................
J. Harris..................--
C. A. Hlaskins-...............
G. 131.HIenfeld __ ___ ___
H, H. Hill and G.M. Sargent- -
J. Hogan...................
WV. B. Hontes----------------
J. G. Jobsison................
J. Biozer-..---------
J. J. Labayn................--
Gi. F.Lynich.- -....-------
V. T. Manlier...........
H.EF. Masebiasd..--.......
W. J. L. Moulton..._.........
D. Muzzey ------- ------"----
A. H. Natban and M. Thos-nton.
-W. G. Piarr------ ------------
C. Pinder and D. C. Robinson.- -
L. Schblze..................
M. Sessions and D. Muzzey. --
T. B. Stewart...............--
T. B. Stewart...............J.SE. Uli-------------------
S.. Uhtiek-------------------
S. Ustick._.------.------
S. IUstiek --------------------
J. L. Vanclain----------------
W. W. Wlitaker.............
J. Wbitakes-asnd S. S. Cook. -.
C. Williams----------------..
A. G. Baker and G. M. Ennis..G. B. Dusrkee ----------------
L. B. Dye --------------------
E. WIves..................
1D. Jewett ------------- -----
J. Jones and J. anid J. Dunkerly
F. 13. Morse.................
P. ii. Stage.................
WV. Steebsehult........
F. M. Stratton--------------
F4. Wood....................
W.S. Anuicless...........W. H. Fit~z Gerald..........
F. Grinsie-l..................
F. K. Halo..................--
D). Cowley..................R. McDowell... _............_
F. Moyci and J. Howell.
V. Lougbe-idge.............0.1N. Frencb................
J. W. Goff...............----
P. F. Aerts. _................
1). Jewett...................
D). S. W~ood.............---..
IV. ID. Arnett................
C. H. Allen.........-.......
S. F. Green.................--
W. D. Arnett................
R.. Hitchicock.................
J. Bristow..................
T. S. Speakimasi.............
CD lynt---- ------
C. M ezsex. ----- - - --
S. S. Putnam.........
J. anllWV Shiackleton.._._.
M. C.llubbasd..............
J. Tres - -- - - --t- - - -
S. Ustick. _ _.... - - -
S. Ustick-- - - - - - - -- -
5. Ustick...................
S. S. Putnam-_.....-.........
W. W. Crane.................
C. B. B~oyntonu...............
A. fligley..................--
J. J. Labaye................._
H. Rice.................... -- -- -- --
S. T. Shielley................
J. B. Sutherland.--------
J. W~ardr-obe, C. I). B. Fisk, J.
F. Curtis, cud G. Fetley.
R. N. Allens..................
W. S. Anebincloss............
Ti. Brewer..........---......
Residence. Date.
Dorchester, Mass..._. Dec. 10, it67
Chicago, Iii-_----------.-May t28, 1872
San Is-ancisco, Cal. __.-_.Jan. 7, 1868
Molsne, Ill................July 29, 187:3
Southi-Bostosn, Mass -..-.Aug. 26, 1873
Troy, N. V. _.. _......... (Jet. 21, 1873
Erie, Pa.------ ------------Jans. 26, 1869
Elkton, Md --------------- Dcc.9, 1873
Pittsburgb, Pa..._....Jonis28, 187
Reading, Pa-------------- July 4, 1871
Milwaukee, IWis _.._-..-..... 11ii18 70
Sedlalia, Mo... _.......... Api.09, 1873
Pittsburgh, Pa ------------ May 27,1873
Sani Francisco, Cal._.._. 13c 2, 1873
Saint Albans, Vt. --........- Nov.25, 1873
MacosiGa...............-May 12, 188
Nornial, Ill...............Oct. 10, 1871
Lowell, Mass......... _.. Oct. 29, 1867
Chicago, Ill - ----------(Jt. 14, 1873
Saint Albans, Vt.. __.......Dec. 19, 1876
Wetbersfield, Con. ---Nov. 19, 1867
Hartford, Conn....__.......Mar. 5, 1872
Hollislaysbusgb, Pa_.__.Nov. 26, 1867
Renovo, Pa.-..-_...._May 6, 1873
Pbiladelpbia, Pa... Mar. 4, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa..-___........Aug. 26, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa............ug.Aug. 26, 1873
Lafayette, Ind _..........July 9, 1861
Gloversville. N. V. ----Sept. 3, 1873
Woonsocket, R. I..... Dcc. 30, 1873
Adrian, Michi.._...........Oct. 31, 1876
New Bedford, Mass...Jan. 4, i870
Alden, N. Y-..............May 17, 1879
Cranberry, N. J. __.......Sept. 6, 1871
Hamden, Conn............ Apr. 25, 187 1
Lynn, Mass--------------- Apr. 19, 1870
Paterson, N. J -- -- -- -- - -- -A pr. 22, 1873
Pl'sntsville, Conn - -------Jans. 9, 1672
Bronxsille, N. YV -........Feb. 8, 1670
Green sburgb, Ind. Nov. 26, 6872
Glanidorf, (Ottawa Post- Nov. 29, 1864
Ofrce,l Ohio.
New York, N. V._........Apr. 1, 1856
Bsidgeport, Conn....... Oct. 24, 1865
New York, N. YV.........May 15, 1866
Br-ooklyn, N. V._...........Apr. 25, 1871
Meadville, Pa _...........June 8, 1869
Renova, Pa........Oci.9, 1866
Fie, Pa..................-Dee. 13, 1870
Lambertville, N. J -__. _ Mar. 19, 1867
W y andotte, Kans...M_...........ay 20, 1873
Weverton, Md............ Nov. 15, 1864
New London, Conn.._..__.July 15, 1851
Providence, R. I -_..........Feb. 2, 1869
London, England..........- _ Aug. 2, 1859
Lysin, Mass -.--. -..__ May 26, 6868
Albasiy, N.Y............. Mar. 22,1864
Cincinnati, Obio,.......... _May 27, 1816
Saint Louis, Mo..__._.__ Oct. 28, 1873
Croton Falls, N. YV._. Sept. 29, 1663
Chicago, Ill..............._ __ June 15, 1858
Sprin-fheld, Mass _. _.Apr. 30, 186 7
Detroit, Micls.. _......Sept. 21, 1869
Camden, N.J....... Apr. 12, 1870
New Yosk, N......_...Jne18, 187-2
New Yosk, N. V..........June 30, 1863
Dorelhestes, Mass -..--._--Nov. 2, 1869
Greasbo-ossob, Ala-._--Feb. 16, 1869
CleelacindObso........ Dee. 10, 187-2
Philadelpbhia Pa.. _.......Mar. 16, 1869
BrookilynN. V.... _.......Mar, 12, 18 72
Piladelpia, Pa.......... -- _Apr. 30, 187-2
Phsladelphsia..........--Apr. 30, 187-2
Plhiladelphia, Pa -_......... -Apr. 30, 1872
Dor chester, Mass _---.__.Nov. 20, 1866
Auburn, N............. N ov.No.26, 1872
Saisnt 1aulMsnn.......... Nov. 12, 1667
South BendInmd._._.. Feb. 2, 1869
ReadingPas.. __........ May 8, 1866
Concord, N. H.. ___.........Apr. 3, 1860
Louisvilsle, Ky..__......Jan. 10, 1865
Letsrnit Mich.......May 16, 1871
127, 163
73, 183
141, 3e0
86, 230
145, 45
135, 4
138, 265
139, 322
1.451 227
145, 004
77, 831
119, 877
70, 356
143. 592
71, 246
124, "227
71, 422
138, 717
13(6, 472
142, 302
142, 303
32, 803
142, 752
146, 116
120, 473
98, 54:3
10:i, lot
107, 170
114, 118
102, 127
136, 691
122, 635
99, 607
133, 494
45, 279
14, 579
50, 648
54, 666
114, 122
96, 115
58, 640
63, 070
139, 179
45, 058
8, 220
86, 390
24, 914
78, 210
4-2, 037
14, 986
143, 950
40, 100
20, 5:35
64, 316
94, 943
101, 933
128, 135
39, 059
116, 348
87, 069
133, 895
87, 777
124, 642
126, 349
126, 350
126, 351
59, 779
133, 417
70, 793
86, 543
54, 563
27, 738
45, 870
114, 877
160, 093
Clevelaind, Ohio.-----
Wilmisiton, Del.---
New York, N. Y.-----
Cliniton, Iowa...........--
Elizahierhport and Rab
w-y, NJ.
G. W. and J. C. Geisendorif. - Inidiasnipolis, nd., and
Csininais Ohio.
J. Harris................._. Ioscheister, Mass....
C3. WV. Iarvey-.---------.-------fntldo, N. Y.......
16. tevisiglosi................. Monroe, Mich._.........
M. MeCasusuoss............... ChicsoIll_. -----
D). Ii. Perkipiuc _.. --- P elpP..........Pb-dl.i a
Mair. 2:3, 1858
Dec. 5, 1871
June 10, 1873.Asug. 17, 1869
June 29, 1869
Feb. 9, 1658
Jasn. 3, 1860
Jan. 14, 1873
Oct. 14, 1851
Oct. 12, 1869
Mas". i1,11536
Incdex of patents issuedi from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusiv--Continued.
Axl1e-box, Railway-ca-r -------------.
Axle-box, HRaiway-ear.--- ----------
Axl1e-bo:, RP ilway-car --- ------ -----
Axle-b)ox, RP Inw - ea- ------------
Ax:(--boX, TRailway-car..............
Axle-box roller. - - - - - - - " - - - - - -. -
WP. W. Sirnrell..............L. Steviens ------------------
J. Toll and S. Norris.__
WS. E. Wilcox............... - - -
A N'. E. Wilcoxt ---.G. W. and J. C. Geisendoriff. -,
Residence. Date. No.
A xle-box, sand-band, and casing for- carriage-whleel MH. MeNalley---------
A xiebox Self-acting lubricator for.--._---------E. von Jeinlsen.............._
Axle-box, Slreet-car--__________---------------- J. Stephenson -........
Axle-boxStreet-car------------------------------ A. Wright...................
Axle-box, Vehicle-------------------------------__C. Abrenheek...._........
Axle-box, Vehicle-----------------------------... W. A. Clark. - ------------
Axle-box, Vehicle----------------- ---------- ----- C. F. Gillette...............--
Axle-box, Vicle I-------------------------------I.HIalloway----------
A---xNhil-----------------------------. JReilly --------------------
Axle-bo'i Vehic'e------------------------------. o. pice..................--
Axle-box, Vehicle-------------------------------- J. P. Smith.-----------------
Axle-box, Vehlicle-wheel------------------------D. Dalzell.-...-__........
Axle-hexWai on--------------------------------. A.'E.Smith.... ---------
Axle-box watsheur--------------------------------- W. K. Foster................
Axle boxes, Att-achiment to car-------------------P...... A. Hopkins...... _....... _
Axbe boxes, Boringcarri-age----------------------.A. lBroad--___--------------
A_ I bexes, Casting'carriage.--------------------- S. Williamnson. - -.....
Axle-boes, tore lor caistig----------------------XV.... H. Hawley....___........
A xh boxes, Device for making core for- - - - - -- -----1. Kellogg...........__ -.....
Axle boxes, Elastic cheek for car.-----------------.J. Stephenson----------------
Axle-boxes, Fastening cover to------------------- __ ___ _J. 0. Clute and P. Kinney.
Axle-boxe s from carriage-hubs, Apparatns for r-c- C. Searle... -_.............
Axle-boxes from sand and dnust, Device for pro- C. D. Seys -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -
ltt i n"
Axl1-boxes, Gage for setting.---..................T. Scott....._...........
Axle-boxes, Machine for forming lining for-..I. I. Kellogg................. - - -
Axle. boxes, Machine for lining carriage-----...---1. Kellogg.................- -- ---
Axle-boxes, Machinery for dressing---------------. W.Hlamilton................
Axle-L oxes, Making------------------------------ A. E. Smith-----------------..
Axeboxes, Mannfactnre of carriage..- -_- -. V. J. Parmnelee- -- -- -- -- -- ---
Axle-boxes, Oil reservoir for----------------------...E. von Jeinsen and J. M.
Great Bend, Pa- - - -_- -----July- 29, 1-62
Fitchlbtrgh, Mass... _.. - - -. May 31, 18. 9
Philadelphia, Pa- -- -- -- -- -houl y 3, 1847
Peoria, ---------- Jone, 18111)
Peoria, 111---------------Tly21, i6
Itidianapolis, Ind., aunl Feb. 61, 185
it cnai Oiooston, Vex------------- Dec. 21, 1871
Omaha, Nebr------------- July 5, 1870)
New York, N. Y------_Jia4, 1852
Sainit Lonis, M- --- -- -- - - -R -2, 1872
Navas -ta Tex ___..---. uet11,-1172
New 11ave n, Coon _-- - Sept. 9,1813
Sparta, Wis..--I..- -.Fb. 19,1873
New Yoke....._.F _Jain.13 1880
RacitieWis -------- ez-.12, 1808
Non- York,. _..._ __Sept. 30,1873
'r.erre IHuten1. _-1( --1.Mar. 11, 1853
Sent-li Egreunont M-'ss.- ho.Jly 9, 1872
Brenxville, N. ------Sept. 11,18(18
Camlbridgepoit, Mass. --Oct. 22,18(17
Jet-soy City, N.J ---- June 10, 1873
SalisburyConn ---- Junie i4,1809
Cincinnati, Ohio.._.__.._.Joby 7 98113
Utica.........X... S ug. 0,1870
Milfotil, Conn.__..__.__.Sept. 3,1872
New ForkLNY ___F __Jittie 4, 1872
Albany-,N.Y._....._Mar. 31,1883
Brooklyn, N. ---V --- Au". 17,1869
NokomisT 111......Feb. 13,1872
Axle-brace for carriages, Adjustable-------------..
Axle-clip for carriage-woik.---.------ -- - -- - - - -
Axle-clip trimming and straightening dlie....
Axle-clips, Mode of making....................--
Axle couphng, Cat-.............................
Axle coupling, Carriage.........................
Axle-coupling, Divided._.........................
Axle titting and setting apparatus..............- -- --
Aixle-forinog die.........................---...
Axle-gbomn i.................................
Axle- g.e-----------------------------------
A xle-"ie e- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Axle journal and box, Railway-car..............Axle jounial-lobricator, Carr-lage-................-- -- -I
Axle, Lobricating........-.....................
Axle-l ubricating compound.....................
Axle-lubrieator............ _...................Axle-lubricator. -...-_-........................
Axle-1briceator, and mode of attaching it to axle..Axle-lubricator, Automiatic railway..............
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle hubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car..-..........................
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car...........................---
Axle lubiicator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car.............................
Axle lutbr-icator, Car............................
Axle lubricatorCarlb i -o, Car.............................
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lutbicator, Car...........................
Axle lubr-icator, Car............................
Axle lubiricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car...................--.....
T. 0. Rogers................5A1. Seward.-.....------
H. M. Beechier..............--
D. F. Fetter.................
G. F. Smith..-............
C. A. Nutting................
J. Cunningham--------
J. Harrington --------
J. N ic o l....................- -- -- --
A. J. atnd A. H. Beach --_-._-_
J. Birket..................-_
1R. C. Kelly.................--
G. Luedke..................--
H. W. Spaulding.............
It. K. Vestal. -.--....-----
h. C. Witsell................
J. J. Barrett................--
R. E. Bean.................. -- -- --
0. Robirds.................. - - --
G. W. Parsons..............
G. M. Denison...............
G. P. Blaisdell...........
G. A. Brannau..............--
J. F. inman.......--.....
J. E. Mowerson and C. S. D.
E. Sawyer...................
E. W. Smith..............._
M. Soellin ger and H. Noetzli.J. L. Sorber-----------------..
II. Thurlow.................H. S. Weaver...............J. L. Winslow...............
J. Woiden..................--
L. Adams..................--
M. Egan....................--
J. Barber...................--
J. B.Bering ---------
0-. A. Brannan..............W. P. Burrow_...............
J. W.Cochran..............--
J. W. Cochian...............
J. W. Cochran..............--
J. S. Eggleston.____.._. -.
T. C. Hargiave._.............
T. C. Hargrave...............
B. P. La Mothe..............
J. Lichtenstein.............. - -
T.J. Mooers................J. H. Morris-----------------
AV J. L. Moulton............1V. Painter.-----------------.
T. H. Paul..................J. S. Sason.................--
T. Sayles....................
Saint Paul, Minn---- --
Milford, Con...
Milford, Comn.......
Allebheny City, Pa-.__
Bron xvdlle, N. F
Fort Plain, xN -----
San Francisco, Ca--._
Elmira.,N. F ------
New hRaven, Conn...
Plantsville, Con----
West Merien, Con.
Ne eiYrkN....
Plantsv-ille, Coma. _..
Macon, Ga. _....._Rochester, N. Y...-..
Bridgeport, Conn-_..
Auburn, N. F..-.....
Linden, Michi.....
Tazewell Couinty, Ill.
Brandon, Wis...........
Pr-inceton, Wis........._
Chelsea, Ft -...-----
Santa Cruz, Cal.-----
Carrollton, Pa...........
Chillicothe, Ohio..._--
Franklin, N. H.. _. -.. _..Saint Louis, Mo..---_
Harrishurgb, Pa -_.
Momit Carmel, ConEssex, Con.............North Easton, Mass..-__Baltinio-e, Md-----------..
Battle Cr-eek, Mich...
Westwood, N. J....
Hollow Square, Ala -.Waterbury, Connu -..
Chillicothe, Ohio. _..
Skaneateles, N. Y....
Irwin Station, Pa....._.
Portland, Me..__..._
Normal, Ill-.........
Amherst, Mass----------.
Ogdensburgh, N. F -....
Bridesliurgh, Pa..
Newburgh, N. F......
Baltimore, Md............
Norfolk, Va.............
New York, N. F....
New Fork, N. YV...
New Fork, N. FY-._. _
Auburn, N. F.---_----
Boston, Mass.- ___.. _--
Boston, Mass......._....
New York, N. F..
Baltimore, Md...........Blossburgh, Pa.....
Houston, Tex............
San Franciseo, Cal --.Baltimore, Md..........-- -_
Frostbur gh, Md. __..
Mort-isania, N. F......
Chicago, Ill..............
Apr. 29, 18 73
Rev, 211, 1872
Nov. 26, 1872
May 5,186:1
May 8, 180
Apr. 1, 18731
Apr. 4,'1871
Feb. 2, 1858
July 19, 1864
Judy 19, 1850
Aug. 12, 1873
Jan. 11, 1870
Aug. 18, 1868
June 4, 1872
Nov. 8, 1850
May 23, 1871
Jan. 18, 1870
Jan. 28, 1868
July 6, 1869
Aug. 16, 1870
Dec. 28, 18119
June 6, 1871
Apr. 4, l171
May 30, 1871
Oct. 6, 1868
Oct. 6; 1868
Aug. 3, 1869
Nov. 27, 1866
May 2, 1871
Nov. 7, 1871
Dec. i13, 1870
Feb. 4, 1873
Nov. 24, 1863
Apr. 9, 187-2
Mar. 29, 1850
July 23, 1872
Feb. 20, 1852
Apr. 7, 1868
Jan. 17, 1871
Au". 1, 1871
Dee. 1, 1868
Sept. 1, 1868
Feh. 18, 1868
Nov. 6, 1855
Dec. 5,1871.
Dec. 23, 1873
Aug. 13, 1852
Feb. 20, 1872
May 25, 1858
Oct. 5, 1858
June 1, 1858
Sept. 3, 1872
May 3, 1864
May 3, 1864
June 7, 3864
Nov. 22, 1870
Jan. 11, 1870
Jan. 7, 1873
Dec. 2, 1873
Apr. 16, 1872
Mar. 12, 1872
Jan. 2, 1872
Sept. 20, 1870:36, 033
24, 243
5, 180
91, 804
93, 150
12, 3147
122, 185
105, 146
127, 524
1:3:3, 05,3
127, 8-21
1-13, 556
6-2, 126
216, 6-,2
62, C8
14:1, 310
12', 81.
70, 08-2
1:31), 591:39, 189
106, 2(15
1:11, 007
127, 523
38, (0:12
9:1, 911
123, 582
138, 347
133:, 450
1:33, 441)
28, 207
1:15, 475
113, 599
19, 264
43, 607
105, 595
141, 6-25
98. 681
81, 115
127, 637
109, 115
115, 1116
98, 878
7:3 867
92, 1-18
106, 353
118, 280
115, 578
113, 598
115, 549
82, 675
82, 680
60, 049
114, 298
120, 631
110, (102
135, 517
40, 692
125, 477
129, 760
121, 949
76, 541
117, 581
84, 667
81, 858
74, 456
13, 549
121, 575
145, 834
130, 450
123, 865
20, 331
21, 652
20, 406
131, 087
42, 577
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1S73, inclusive---ontinuecd.
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car---------------------------..
Axle lubricator, Car---------------------------..
Axle lubricator, Car............................
Axle lubricator, Car. _-.........................
Axle lubricator, Car...........................
Axle lubricator, Carriage. _.._.. _....._........
Axle lubricator, Carriage............... __......
Axle lubricator, Carriage.......................
Axle-lubricator plug..__........................
Axle lubricator, Railway........................
Axle lubricator, Railway-car....................
Axle lubricator, Railway-car.. -...........
Axle lubricator, Vehicle......................._
Axle lubricator, Vehicle. __....-......_........
AxN lubricator, Wagon........................
Axle lubricator, Wagon......................_
Axle-nut anod axle..............................
Axle-nut die..................................--
Axle-nut lubricator............................
Axle-nuts, Method of manufacturing.............
Axle or journal lubricator-...................
Axle or sbaft- - - - -..............
Axle-rolling machine.. __......_..................
A xle-set - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Axle-shaifts, &c. Coating the bearieg of boxes for.
A xle-skein..... _............. "
A xle-skein - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A xle-skein....................
A xle-skein....................
A xle-skein - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A xle-skein - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - -
A xle-skein - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A xle-skein - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Axle skeinan bo ------ -- --- --- -
Axle-skein, aanbx.....llabe-r........................
Axle-skcianMleable-iron................_.. _._...
Axle-sken in us-brace attachmient for..._...
Axle-skeiii fiuss-brace fot -...................Axle-skein mold, Machine for- preptr.rit _-.._
Axle-spindles to skeins, Device for iting -...
Axle-spindles to skeinsif wa~ons, Macbhincirfittirg
Axle thimble-skein.-.-.................
Axle thimble- skein.............................
Axle ihimble-skein....................... _...
Axiet......ee....-- - -.....-- - -..
A xietree.......................................x...re.....................................
Axletree hub 'ad spoke......................
Axletroc safet5 carriage macline, Double.
AxlereesDininishing ft lction in.. _......... _..
Axietrees, Ma-htne for tuining............--......
Axlctrees, Mode and mneclilnety for setting.._.
Axlcs roes, Reduced friction-i oiler-..............
Axietrees, Setting.............................--
Axle-turntog machine..........................
Axle-turning naclijue..... _............ _......._
Axle-turning macblue..-............------------
Axle-tunning machine-.........................
A zle-wiheel....................
Axlesanmd shills, Bearing for....................
AxlesConetng,skeins with-----. - _.. -.--_
Axles,(xGage tor-mn-king........................
Axles, brease-box for...........................
Axle, Machine for i-oling sboulder on _.......... -
AxlesMode of lubticating--------------------..
Axles of maichinery, Aiiti-friction device for.
Axles ci joinrnals, Mode of preventing the heating of
Axles, Pieventing friction on- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - -.Axlies- Sltno br ter.............
Inventor. Residence.
T. R. Timby------------------- Tarmytown, N. Y.__
S.ULstick--------------------- Philadelphia, Pa.....
E. von Jeinsen----------------..Onmahas, Nebr...........
R. Vose and J. M. Evans- -...New York, N. Y -------
I. P. Wendell -----------------Philadelphia, Pa.._M. W. Woodruff-------------- Cainilus, N.Y --.........
H. F. Phillips -_-------------Auburn, N.Y............
C. Polley-----------------_Scott, Ohio..............
S. S. Putami-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Dorchester, Mass.._..
A. C. Garrat----------------- Hanover, Mass..........
W. Clough-------------------.Madison, Ind............
C. Hyatt---------------------.Buffalo, N.Y.............
I. P. Weodell.................Philadelphia, Pa. _..
J. S. Eggleston----------------. _Auburn, N. YV............
L. 11. Fisher.--.-.--..---------Walpole, Mass...........
W. Loewenstein... __.......... Keokuk, Iowa..........
C. A. Wakefield---------------...Pittsfield, Mass....
C. Thomas.................._Boston, Mass.-.........
A. B. Candee and L. S. Taylor. Hamnden and Southiagton,
D. Dalzell--------------------.....South Egremont, Mass....
S. Yanstene..................Providence, R. I....
R. V. Laney..........Cumberland, Md......
G. Foster......._........Brooklyn, N. Y...__.....
W. S. Mackintosh-----------..-_ Pittsburgh, Pa. _..._.
W. P. Porter.................Pittsburgh, Pa...........
1H. R. Ladd...............Orwell, Ohio............
W. Peters--------------------.Baltimore, Md............
D. and J. Gray................ Wayland, N. Y....
H. C. Kochensperger.. _........ Thoroville, Ohio. _.
L. Mayhew. _................Saratoga Springs, N. VY.. -
L. Mayhew..................Greenfield, N.YV.....
L. Mayhew..__.........Greeinfleld, N. Y-__..
L. M1aybew-------------------_heck City Falls, N. V.
H. F. Phillips................ Auburn, NK. YV...........
E. Rooks---------------------.Trenton, Tuna...........
L.Schreyer.................. Columbus, Ohio.-----
T. S. Sleeper------------------. _Binghamton, N. Y..-._
I.E E.Clarke----------------__ Racine, Wis.............
A. J. Alston...............Allegheny City, Pa.
A. F. Smith-------------------....Aiken, Tex.._...........J. Burtt----------------------- Slurgis, Mich...........--
A. J. Alston................. Allegheny City, Pa _..0. Vanortuan-----------------.....Foiid do Lac, \Vis..-_
0. Vanormnan---------------.. Food do Lac, Wis...
J. G. Holt--------------.iag,.l.............iao Il_.----_
C. L. Campbell..............-- Binghamton, N. YV.---
C. L. Camipbell................Binghamton, N. YV. _.
W..Batigho---------------- _ _Milford, Mich...........--
M. Elit-gott-------------------.....Pit-tsbui-gh, Pa........._
J. A. Williams---------------- Elizabeth, Ill._........
J. Stroug...........................................C. E. Duck................... Racine, Wis.............
R. Haslup--------------------....Baltimore, Md...........J. WV. Whitney---------------.Buffalo, K. Y._.......
J.X.Wilkie----------------. Auburn, N. Y.........
J. W. Wilkie-----------------.Auburit, N. V............
ID. Philips-----------Shaton, Pa.... _.._.......
G. Wilkinson----------------- White Cr-eek, N.YV...
E. G. Fitch-------------------_DBakely, Ala.............
B. Hinkley................ _.. Fayette, Me..._..........
W. H. Hecfiley-----------------...Rochester, nd...........
T. Fesseodei-----------------...Boston, Mass.._...... _....
F. Ret-s---------------------- Clarksville, Ga..........
J. K. Arvin and S. H. Peikins ValptraisohInd.._.......
LI. S. Knight ------------------ Syracuse, N YV..........
A.F. M1oore----------1ltec a............... oineId_._.__A.'. Moome..................1ilot-oneind...........--
I%) Zeiler--------------------__E+l Paso, Ill..............
A.B. Smith------------------_. t onxvmlleN.Y...
C. J. Ct-an-------------------BurrtO0t, Mich......
W.1. Hvey-----------------1 lat Ibid Coin...........
A.Comb-i--------------------.Faruintogon, Ohio..
J. Motntgomem-y-.......... New York, N. Y._..-_.
P. Geisert...-.-..-.--.-..-.-.-..Waynesbomeugh, Pa.--
J.M.Smart------_------------ New YcmkN.Y.-----
Wt. Vati Atden--------Portoltheelpste, N. YV.--
J. F. Stevenson and T'.1B. Da-Mekeespert, Pa..
N. ih-illy, C. lDurand, LI. H. Fraince, England, and
Mecsnard, ande Z. Poirier. South Lambeth, England.
F. B. Mtiley..---.---------New York, N.YV...
T. S. atid T. S. Minniss._...Meadville, Pa.........1.7i F Bllerstoi-------Piladlitia Pa.
Jan. 28, 18 73
Apr. 30, 187-2
Aug. 2, 1870
May 28, 1872
Jan. 24, 1871
May 7, 187-2
Apr. 1,1873
Sept. 20, 1864
Feb. 4,1868
Jan. 16,i185)
Mar. 10,1858
Nov. 1,18110
Jan. 24,187 1
Jati 2, 1872
Dec. 10 1K72
Apr. 29, i8 7
June 13, 1871
June 28, 1870I
June 2, 1868
May 28, 187-2.hune 28, 1870
Mar. 12, 187-2
Dec. 13, 1819
June 16, 1868
Mar. 10, 1868
Mar. 9, if869
July 2-2, 1862
June 24, 1862
Jan. 2, 1872
Dec. 27, 1870
Apr. 4, 1871
Aug. 2c2, 1871
Oct. 24, 1871
Aug. 18, 1863
Nov. 9,1869
May 4, 1869
Sept. 28, 1869
May 5, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
Apr. 16, 1872
Aug. 4, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
July 16, 187-2
Dec. 5, 1871
June 5, 1866
Sept. 28, 1869
Oct. 9, 1866
Nov. 26, 1867
Mar. 9, 1869
Oct. 8, 1867
Jan. 29, 1801
Jan. 21, 1868
Feb. 24, 1831
Sept. 5, 1848
Mar. 26, 1867
Mar. 26, 1867
Feb. 3, 1852
Dec. 6, 1831
Feb. 7, 1829
Apr. 11, 183t5
Aug. 16, 1870
Sept. 21, 1837
Apr. 14, 1812
July 17, 1860
Aug. 20, 188 7
MAat-. 28, 1871
Apr. 1, 1873
Aug. 20, 187-2
July 24, 185
Oct. 24, 1E61
Die. 10, 1810
May 14, 1850
Nov. 21, 1871
July 20. 1869
Nov. 6, 1849
Aug. 22, 1854
Mar. 18, 1862
Oct. 9, 1866
Nov. 15, 1870
Feb. 15, 1819
Jan. 21, 18(,2
135, 186
126, 312
127, 391
137, 479
44, 338
74, 134
12, 238
19, 750
108, 789
111, 286
122, 374
133, 769
138, 263
115, 914
104, 901
78, 576
127, 313
124, 595
26, 425
78, 984
75, 457
87, 571
35, 676
122, 391
110, 579
113, 681
118, 377
120, 303
39, 617
96, 6-20
89, 602
95, 279
77, 585
134, 189
125, 762
80, 594
134, 188
1-29, 258
121, 692
55, 295
95, 319
58, 714
71, 264
87, 652
69, 735
73, 575
5, 753
63, 347
63, 348
8, 707
106, 364
29, 132
67, 886
113, 078
137, 3116
130, 782
13, 327
50, 655
7, 819
7, 363
121, 187
92, 817
6, 854
11, 596
34, 704
58, 739
109, 237
22, 971
34, 189
7 7, 185
P.1 1.,B1;c--.--. -
\,T Pet tiUcl M. Stephati
S. G. Lteglov................
J. U. tot ict(i........
J. A. 'o itatie..............
J.1'.F u1h.... -....
1\ew Xirtk N.YB1hiof titConti
Ciotoit Michi............
C"'li cago, Ill.-.. - --.
C inlt 1Ohio-.--... -
Silver Latke-,Ind..-.-..
Poi'Ithieepsie, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.----
C'lasgow, Mo............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Baby jumper.....-----------------------------
Baby jumper.....................
Baby jumper.....................
Baby jumper.....................
Baby jumper...--------------......-------------
Baby jumper...-----------------------------
Baby jumper....-----------------------------
Baby jumper.............................
Baby jumper................................
Baby jumper and cradle........................
Baby jumper and cradle, Combined...............
Baby jumper and rocker...........
Baby jumper and supporter.................
Baby jumper and swing........................
Baby jumper and walker.....................
Baby jumper and walker.........................
Baby jumper, couch, and carriage................
Baby-tender, Locomotive.........................
Baby traveling and toilet chair...................
Baby-walker...- ---------------------------.
Baby-walker -----------------------------
Baby walker and cradle.........................-----------------------------..
Baby walker and cradle.......................
Baby walker and hanging chair..................
Baby walker and jumper...................
Baby-walker, Willow..................
Back and abdominal supporter...................
Back-band fastener...........................
Back-band hook..................................
Back-band book..................................
Back-band book..................................
Back-band hook.........--------------------------........................Back-band hook...................................
Back-band hook.-....-.............................-------------------
Back-hand 1ho0k ---------------- ------------
Back-band book and buckle.....................
Back-band book for plow-harness.............
Back-band strap, Self-adjusting and vibrating.....
Backgammon and checker board................
Backlash for mill-gearing.............
Backlash in machinery, Device for preventing -.. -
Backlash in machines driven by gearing, Means
for preventing.
Backlash in mills, Device for preventing.......
Backlash spring for machinery..................
Back-log boiler for ranges, &c...---..--.--...
Back-pad press....--------------------------
Bacon and ham box or case..................
Bacon, ham, and shoulders, Mode of curing......
Badge, Campaign.................
Badge, Fastening for policeman's................
Badge for hats, I'iluminated.................
See Broom-bag.
Dash-board bag.
Floating bag.
Fruit-gathering bag.
Horse nose-bag.
'obacco-packing bag.
Woven bag.
Bag and shoe-string fastener...............
B'g-e asp.................
Bag-clasp fastener------------------ -...
W. Gibson...................
D. M. Holmes................
A. H. Mason..................
C. Rich.......................
E. Rice------------------.......................
A. F. Spooner................
J. P. Thompson...-.-...-....
E. L. Warner..............
M. J. Wellman................
J. E. Wells....................--------------
R. Ashe.......................
G. H. Mellen..................
B. Beach....---...............
H. Frankfurth...............
S. T. McDougall...........
J. H. Coldwell...........
L. O. Colvin..................
J. S. Brown...................
J. W olf......................
J.H.Wygant and R.P. Paulison
J. S. Brown.................
A. H. Carson and A. Brown...
L. Limerick................
S. M. Simonds.--..-----..............----
A. Wheeler..................
C. N. Ziegler....-------------
J. C. Smith.................
E. Hoare......................
P. W. Clark...................
J. Erikson....................
G. Enell.......................
F. A. Geisler..............
-. C. Goulding..............
C. Maschmann..............
P. Pallissard..................
P. H. Randolph..............
J. Rohr.......................
J. Thomas..................
C. D. and J. A. Westlake......
J. H. Brown..................
L. O. Colvin..................
E. Y. Robbins.................
J. E. Kauffman...............
J. Ford.......................
D. L. McGregor..............
H. Beagle................
H. Beagle, jr.................
W. McKerahan...........
J. Straus......................
S. Ward......................
S. Ward......................
S. Ward-----------------.......................N. Warlick.....-...........
R. Jancovins..................
E. P. Banning, jr..............
E. O. Goodwin..............
N. B. Williams................
J. L. Post.....................
J. L. Post.----------------
G. H. Babcock, J. P. Manton,
and J. Boyd.
A. B. Rider.................
H. W. Bachman.............
B. Hunter...................
E. W. Harlow................
M. W. Brown................
W. G. Bell..................
H. C. Griggs................
T. Kirkpatrick-............
W. J. Scott.................
J. H. Weeden.................
E. L. Dickey..................
A. H. Balch and W. D. E. Nelson.
W. P. Brooks.................
W. H. Brown...............
Residence. Date.
Fort Wayne, Ind........ June 26, 1866
Westchester, N. Y........ Sept. 17, 1872
Binghamton, N. Y-..-..... - Sept. 10, 1867
Poughkeepsie, N. Y....... Oct. 13, 1868
Elizabethtown, N. J -....... Oct. 28, 1851
Sterling, Ill................ Apr. 22, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 2,1866
Oxford, Connm............. July 5, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 31, 1857
Chicago, Ill.............. Aug. 13, 1872
Somerville, Mass-......... July 23, 1867
Chicago, Ill.............. June 30, 1868
Meriden, Conn-----------............ Sept. 28, 1869
Utica. N. Y.............. Dee. 3, 1861
New York, N. Y.......... --- July 5,1864
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 30, 1864
Newark, N. J.......... Sept. 3, 1872
Green Point, N. Y-......... Nov. 27, 1860
Cleveland, Ohio.......... Dec. 26, 1865
Hackensack, N. J........ May 21, 1872
New York, N. Y......... May 17, 1864
Newport, R. I., and Troy, Apr. 25, 1871
Louisville, Ky------------............ May 7, 1867
Lynn, Mass.............. Mar. 28,1871
Newton, Mass............ Sept. 1, 1863
Grafton, Ohio............. Jan. 9, 1872
Boston, Mass............ Apr. 3, 1849
Dedham, Mass............ May 16,1871
Paw Paw, Mich........... June 25, 1872
Madison, Wis............. Aug. 5, 1873
Guttenburgh, N. J........ May 7, 1872
Bristol, tR. I............... Sept. 2-2, 1868
Trenton, N. J........... Nov. 23, 1869
Watertown, N. Y......... June 20,1871
Aroma, Ill................ June 12, 1866
Leavenworth City, Kans.. Nov. 30, 1869
Batesville, Ind............ Nov. 19, 1867
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Mar. 17, 1857
Laurel, Md---------............... Mar. 19, 1872
New York, N. Y.-..-....... Jan. 2,1866
Newark, N. J--...-......... --- July 11, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio --..-..... Dec. 2, 1856
Osborn, Ohio............. June 25, 1872
Salem, Oreg------------............... Mar. 31, 1868
Charlestown, Mass........ Dec. 17, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 29,1870
Philadelphia, Pa--...----.. Oct. 3,1871
Allegheny City, Pa...-.. Feb. 9,1869
Saint Louis, Mo---------........... June 3, 1873
Princeton, Ind............ Feb. 26, 1867
Princeton, Ind............ Mar. 9, 1969
Princeton, Ind........... Sept. 3, 1872
Chambers County, Ala.... Oct. 28, 1856
Newark, N. J.....-........ June 1, 1858
New York, N. Y........... Mar. 12, 1872
Bristol, Conn.............. Nov. 25, 1856
New York, N. Y........... Mar. 16, 1869
Ashley, Ill................ -----Oct. 18, 1870
Ashley, Ill-------------................ Mar. 14, 1871
Providence, R. I........... Oct. 12, 1869
Fairfield, Ill............. June 25, 1872
McLean, Ill............... Oct. 22, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 26,1872
Hastings, Mich........... Jan. 24, 1871
New York, N. Y........... Oct. 18, 1870
Charlestown, Mass........ Nov. 30, 1869
Waterbury, Conn.... Oct. 27, 1868
New York, N. Y........... Aug. 30,1870
Albany, N.Y............ Jan. 9, 1872
Waterbury, Conn......... Sept. 21,1869
Chicago, Ill............... Feb. 18, 1868
Montreal, Canada...... Apr. 18, 1871
Fairmount, Minn...M..... May 1, 1866
- Worcester, Mass......... Aug. 7, 1866
55, 849
131, 349
68, 637
82, 992
8, 478
138, 209
58, 510
105, 149
16, 942
130, 397
67, 153
79, 534
95, 183
33, 833
43, 420
43, 972
131, 083
30, 717
51, 772
42, 745
113, 979
64, 432
113, 103
39, 766
122, 546
6, 247
114, 818
128, j61
141, 431
126, 452
82, 304
97, 078
116, 073
55, 529
97, 315
71, 220
16, 862
124, 706
51, 795
116, 813
16, 150
128, 230
76, 070
72, 312
109, 572
119, 556
86, 852
139, 524
62, 513
87, 737
131, 139
15, 993
20, 434
124, 473
16, 116
87, 895
108, 515
112, 736
95, 757
128, 327
132, 347
124, 899
111, 119
108, 322
97, 268
83, 486
106, 942
122, 665
74, 517
113, 834
56. 894
Index of patents issuedl fromt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inaclusive-Continued.
Bag-fastener --------------------------------
Bag-fastener ------------------- -------------
Bag-fastener ------------------------------.
Bag fastener or tie-..--.......................
Bag-filler-" "--------------------------------
Bag-filling and weighing-machine.-.- ---------
Ba-ram Blame..............................Bag-Iramne bending-machine ----- -- -- -- -- --- --
Bag, grain, &c., tie.........................----
Bag-holder -..........---------------
Bag-holder -........-------------..
B ag-holder. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bag-holder........................... "----
Bag-ho lder..................................
B ag-holder - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - -
Ba g-holder..............................----
Bag-holder ----------------------------------
Bag-holder ---------------------------------
B ag-holder - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ag -h o ld er -- ------- --------- -- ------ - ---- ---.
Bag-holder ---------------------------------
Bag- oler..................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
S. R. Bnsh-----------------_.Bnsha's Mill, Ohio._-._Nov. 18, 1873 144, 738
L. I. Colborn--------------__Chicago, il-----------.._ May.5,1868 77, 587
S. C. Dix------------------__Neponset, Ill------_.---Apr. 1-2, 1870 101, 837
F. H. Drake---------------...Kenosha, Wis...- - -...Mar. 24, 1868 75, 877
A. C. Fletcher--------------....New York, N. Y---------..July 25, 1865 48, t22
C. A. Haring----------------...Peoria, Ill--------------. _Oct. 26, 1869 963, 2-29
C. J. Huntington-------------IRockford, Ill-----------..Feb. 2, 1869 86, 403
W. P. Maxaon.-------------.Albion, Wis.------------.May 24,1859 24,3
J. Miller ------------------- Ovid, Mich-----------... June 4,1867 65,499
C. H. Nyc - -------- Vineland, N. J3----------_Oct. 27, 1868 83,3
ID. Overholtzer.- - ------ Polo, Ill---------------- Jan. -7, 1868 7319
S. P. Parmnly --. --------- New Orleans, La---------3 oine 15,1869 91,362
G. H. Peacock_------------._ __ __ Fairport, N. Y----------..Apr. 21, 1868 76, 941
E. Romans.----------------- La Porte, Ind............ Nov. 5, 1867 70,620
G. C. Setchell and C. L. Taylor Norwich. Conn----------.. _Dec. 26, 1871 12213
A. M. Wright.- - -.- -- -------Safe Harbor, Pa..--------July 30, 1867 67, 393
W. Zeller and 11. Lechner - Lebanon County and Berks Sept. 24, 1867 69 9
County, Pa.
ID. B. Baker----------------...Rollersville, Ohio-.__...June 11, 1867 6563
W. H. and J. G. Mitchell-...Circleville, Ohio- - -_- -.----May 14, 187-2 126;3
A. J. Olney - - - --.......Van Buren, Iod...-------_ _July 6, 1869 92,4
C. A.Wlelan and C. F.Wakely Madison, Wis-----------_ __ ___Jan. 3, 1871 110, 707
W. T. Mereereau._.----_.------Newark, N. J-----------.._ _Apr. 24, 1866 54, 190
A. J. Sessions--------------.....Bristol, Conn.._- - - - -----June 12, 1866 55, 543
-. Havell-.........-....Newark, N. J-----------._Nov. 9,1869 96, 695
G3. W. Osbornii--------------....Parkville, Michb- -- - - - - --Oct. 4, 1870 167, 952
I. Allen-------------------........Manchester, N. Y...-__July 4, 1871 116, 661
0. Barnett and A. ID. Brooks -.. Dart-ford, Wis. - - Sep.12, 21871 118, 897
C. J. Barney - - _------..._- ----Edgartown, Mass -----.._Dee. 4, 1866 69, 121
B. S. Boydston.............. Richmond, Ind.---------J_.......p.uly 9, 1867 66, 554
E. Boynton---------Palmyra, Wis------------J.une 28, 18701 104, 698
C. D. Brainerd-------------- __ __ _Danville, Vt._-.--_.._Dec. 31, 1867 72, 788
J. B. Brown................. Washington, ID. C -.._.Jan. 7, 1873 134, 637
J. M. Burke---------------.....Dansville, N. Y..--------_.Jan. 4, 1870 98,553
S. P _Clemons............. ----- Dansville, N. YV---------._ _Jan. 5, 1869 85, 643
J. N. Collins ---------------- Menasha, Wis...-......- Aug. 31, 1869 94,283
G. E. Corbin-------------_ _ _.._ Saint Johns, Michli._.. -.Sept. 4, 1866 57, 683
J. S. Coibin-------------- __ __ __ Ann Arbor, Mich......July 25, 1865 48, 911
L. Crotbot------------------ Pavilion, N. YV----------.Jan. 5, 1869 85, 511
L. Crofoot------------------ Pavilion, N.Y..----------Feb. 22, 1870 100, 123
L. Ciofoot------------------ Pavilion, N. V----------..Aug. 13, 187-2 130, 489
ID. Culver ------------------- Kingston, Pa.---------.July 2, 1872 128,598
G.ID-are------------------- Auburn, N.YV-------May 25, 1869 90, 344
(U. W. Dungan and W. Wasson Genoa, Nev------------. _.Feb. 13, 1872 123, 684
E. C. Fairchild------------- _ _ _Sunderland, Mass..-.._.Mar. 3, 1868 75, 138
E. A. Fisher---------------....Morganville, N. V... June 8, 1869 91, 004
L. H. Gano----------------- Milwaukee, Wis.-....-..... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 741
N. A -Geisinger._.- --- -------Coopershurgh, Pa._- --__Oct. 21, 1873 143, 897
E. N. Giles--------------........ Brownville, N. Y.-------..Sept. 10, 187-) 131, 267
C. F. Gillet---------------- Sparta, Wis-------------- Apr. 10, 1866 5:3, 809
C. F. Gillett.---------------..Sparta, Wis-------July 17, 1866 56, 402
F. Godfrey----------------......Grand Rapids, Mich...... Apr. 12, 1864 42, 283
0. Hanks................... Cincinnati, Oh-io---------.Apr. 2, 1867 63, 383
T. Harding---------------- _..._.Springfield, Ohio--------_.Oct. 2-2, 1867 69, 989
A. V. Heyden--------------_ ____ _Milwaukee, Wis....- _-Feb. 26, 1867 62, 332
C. W. Hills and 0. F. Woodruff. Mori ison, Ill-----------_..Jan. 30, 1866 52, 288
J. H. Hollidge.-.-...--------.Washington, ID. C --..-.__July 30, 1872 130, 051
G. G3. Hollinger --- -- -- -- - - - -Mount Joy, Pa----------. _Aug. 6, 1872 130, 130
J. Hunter and H. M. Claytono_. Ashland, 'Pa---..-------- May 13, 1873 138, 752
E. L. Lyon----------------....Steambnrglh, N. V -.--_May 14, 1872 126,-23
J. Me Phail................. Charles City, Iowa-.__.._.Nov. 16, 1869 96, 941
J. Melelier---------------- _ _ _ _Minineapolis, Min-._...May 28, 1867 65, 105
P. Meyers-----------------__Stoutaville, Ohio--------__Feb. 16, 1869 87, 059
C. K. Mitchell-------------...Greenville, Michla -..._. - July 11, 1871 116, 981
L. W. Morlan- -- -- - - - - - --- -New Lisbon, Ohiio-.....June 6, 1865 48, 083
E. S. Moulton--------------......Plymouth, Mich --.....__ July 9, 1867 66, 614
J. V. H. NottI. --..-.........(3-uilder and, N. V..-__-._ -Dec. 4, 1866 60, 233
A. M. Olds_----------------__-lenmont, Wis----------_Au-. 20, 1861 33, 097
J. H. Park---------------..... White House, N. J..-..__May 5, 1868 77, 648
J. I. Peyton and C. N. S. Wal- WashingtonID. C - - -- Apr. 27, 1869 89, 500
R. Ramsey................---New Wilmington, Pa. -_-... Feb. 21, 1865 46, 4989
E. Reynolds-.......--.....Corunna, Michli.... _.- - Nov. 28, 1865 51, 220
S. S. Rockwell.-------------... Lansing, Mich----------__ _Apr.3, 1866 53,W611
J. Roseborougli, j r-----....----.South Hermitage, Pa.. _._. June 18, 1872 128, 073
N. N. Rugg_-_--------------.Geneva, Ill. ---.---------TJune 22, 1869 91, 51;8
W. H. Smith---------------__Sparta, Wis. -_- -_.-.- Judy 31, 1866 56, 819
W. H. Starry- __- --__- _- ----Middletown, Olio.- -._Nov. 13, 1866 59, t677
0-. W. Striker-------------- _..._.Iowa Falls, Iowa.- - ------ Sept. 23, 1873 143, 194
-. ID. Sweigert-------------__ _ ___Martic Township, Pa..-May 3, 1870 102, 616
A. ID, Swogger - - --.......Worth, Pa._.--- -----Dec. 27, 1870 110,511t
C. H. Thomasi..- - -- --------Williamsburgh, Ohio- July 22, 1873 141, 186
T. J. Trapp................. Williamsport, Pa.-..-_July 4, 1871 116, 777
ITT __ J. _ Tl.1 Trp.........ilasot a-Aug.. 13,1872130,F'547
Index of patents issned from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
i i
Bag-holder and truck, Combined.............
Bag-holder, Hopper for.......................
Bag holding and filling machine..............._
Bag-holding aplparatus---------------------....
Bag-holding device and truck..................
Ba g-lock....................................
Bag;-machine..............- -- -- --... -...........--
B - m a c h in e, Pasting-apparatus for........... __ __
Bag-mouth fastener------------------------..._
B3ag-string fastener...........................
Lag-string inserter------------------------....
La-g tie.....................
B ag-tie......................
B agie.....................
B ag-tie......................
B ag-tie......................
B ag-tie......................
B a g-tie -- - - - - - " - - - - - -. - - - - - - -
Lag-lie.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L wg-tie -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Baw -lie_- - - " - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lag-tie - - - - -.............. " - -
B ig-tie......................
Bag-turning machine._-----------------------
Bags, Clasp for fastening..... _... _... _.. _.....
Bags, Holding and filling-------------------....
Bags, Machinery for turning------------------
Bags and sacks, Machine lor- holding 01100.
Bags and sacks. Manufacture of.................
Bags, sacks, &.c., Fastening... __..............
Bags while being filled, Macline for holding..--
Bagasse, Drying--------------------------.....
Bagasse-drying-machine......-...- - - -....
Bagaisdfor fuel, Preparing.._ _................
Blagasse-furnace--------------------------. ___
P. C. Van Brocklin -------
W. Wasson and G.W. Dungan.
J. Agate ------- ------ -----
J. S. Lehman.--..---..J. S. Lehman-------------...
H. Ahrend ------- ---------
E. L. Gaylord-------------..
B. Steinmetz-.------- ------
N. Biedinger---------------
S E. Pettee--------------...
T. K. Reed................
E. B. Southwick........
W. J. Cussen-------------...
J. W. Bates--------------...
J. W. Blackstone... -.......
J. Bowers---------- -------
J. Bannihr and D. H. Rhodes.
D. Dick and 0. W. Preston, jr
J. W. H. Doubler---------....
L. H. Gano............... --
L H. Gano.........
J. J. Gordon.-.-.......-----
J. Grimes----------------...
D. B. Hall.....-.... -..........C.P. and W. H. Markham-..
J. C. Meloy----------------
L. Morehouse-------------...
G. Murray---------------....
T. H. Russell....-..........
E. Truslow................
J. Martin................--.W. H. Cloud, A. L. Hatfield,
aiid C. H. Bus-dick.
G. E. Raendall...........
W. V. Gee...............---
J. Robinson----------------
W. B. Carlock........
A. B. Wood, jr.------------
J. H. Moni-is --------------
G. Merrick.................
J. H. Dakin................
S. H. Gilman...............
J. M. Frink--------------...
J. Amick................----
A. JniChapman------------...
F. Daunoy.................
C. A. Desobry.,------------
C. A. Desobry------------....
J. M.FYink...............
S. H. Gilman...--..-_
S. H. Gunman...............
S. H. Gilman.........
A. Hager and Y. Allyn-...
J. M. Jones and J. M. Charpentieor.
J. M. Jones and J. M. Charpentier.
G. M. Longacre........
C. iNeanes----------------
E. Skelly...............----
A. Stillman ---------------
M. Thompaon------------....
L. Tregme.........._
Paris, Canada.--......
Genoa, Nev............
Cnba, N. Y.............
Mount Joy, Pa........
Mount Joy, Pa... _.....
Newark, N. J..__...... _.
Bridgeport, Conn._-.---
Paris. France - -.......
Cincinnati, Ohio....
Mansfield, Mass --_.
North Bridgewater, MassMention, Mich.........--
Richmond, Va...........
Glencoe, Minn. -......
Darlington, Wis.-----
Brookville, Ill.___. -
Hempstead and Baldwinsyulle, N. Y.
Corning, N. Y. _....
Darlington, Wis. _.__.
Milwaukee, Wis. __--
New York, N. Y.
Flint, Mich............
Alexandria, Va......
Buckaport, Me.. __........
Rogersville, N. Y..__
Hastings, Minn.__..._
Barton, Wis............
Waterloo, N. Y._._.
Lebanon, N. H. _.-_.
New York, N. Y-_-._
New York, N. Y --.--
Treinmt, Ohio.........--
Yaphank, N. Y...___.
New Haven, Con.._..
New Wilmington, Pa.
New York, N. Y.-_.
Ovid, Mich._.......
Niles, Mich...._-.--..
New Orleans, La._-.--__-.
Baton Rouge, La.....
Cincinnati, Ohio.- - _.
Coral, Ill..............
Assumption Parish, La.. -
Bayou Goula, La.----
Carrollton, La.........--
Plaquemine, La,- __...
Plaquemine, La.._-_.-_-.
Coral, Ill.-......_..
New Orleans, La. _- _. __New Orleans, La -._..
New Oileans, La --__..-__Baton Rouge and New Orleans, La.
New Orleans and Saint
Mary's Parish, La.
New Orleans aiid 1P-ttersonville, La.
*New OrleainsL-......
New Oileamns, La -.
Plaquemine, La.- ___.- -
*New York, NY...._..
New York. NY.__..__.Parish of S-inut John the
Baptist, La.
Cincinnati, Ohio -__-_
-Saii F raiicisco Cal._
*San Francisco, Cal...
-Bridport, V t------_----- -
*Plattsburgh, N. Y..__.
Water Valley, Miss-.
*Cellar Rapids, Iowa.__..
-Cellar Ripids, Iowa "--_..
*Cedar Rapids, Iowa-__--
*Bridgeport, Coon. ____.
-Boston. Mass............
*Cedar Rapids, Iowa.._..
-New Haven, Coon._...
-Louisville, Ky.-----
Springfield, Ill.-----
Buffalo, N. Y._........
-Brooklyn, N. Y.......
-Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Date. No.
Jan. 9, 1872 122, 685
July 16, 1872 129,633
Sept. 2, 1862 36, 328
Feb. 11, 1868 74,-23-2
Sept. 15, 1868 82, 132
June 3, 1873 139, 526
Aug. 6, 187-2 130, 209
Sept. 1:3, 1870 107, 422
July 1, 1873 140,:;42
Nov. 30, 1858 22, 199
Feb. 2!t, 1865 46, 587
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 527
June 4, 1872 127, 57)
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 240
July 2, 1872 128, 526
Sept. 24, 187-2 131, 593
Mar. 11, 1873 136, 637
Dec. 15, 1868 84, 998
Apr. 16, 187: 125,795
Mar. 3, 1868 7), 008
Feb. 9, 1869 86, 45
Dec. 3, 1867 71, 739
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 201
Apr. 2, 1867 63, 510
May 30, 1871 115,3.36
Nov. 2, 1869 96,459
Mar. 5, 1867 62, 667
May 11, 1869 90,013
Apr. 30, 1872 126, 1)7
June 30, 18(8 7.9, 414
Mar-. 181873 136, 926
Api-. 6, 1858 19,830
June 13, 1865 48, 208
D~ec. 4, 1860 30,68
Sept. 9,1P6-2 36, 423
July 3, 1849 6, 566
Nov. 1, 1864 44, 907
Sept. 3, 1861 33, 203
Apr. 10. 1845 3, 994
May 21, 1850 7, 375
Oct. 28,1851 8, 466
May 26, i1863 38, 667
Apr. 19, 1870 101, 9168
Nov. 22,1839 26, lli2
Dec. 21, 1858 2'2,:353
Sept. (6, 1853 25,3-2
June 19, 16=6.) 28, 741
May 26, 1863 38, 666
*Dcc. 4, 1855 13, 873
*Aug. 5, 1856 15, 481.Jan. 10, 1860 26, 759
May 6, 1856 14, 812
Sept. 18, 1860 30, 107
Oct. 23, 1860 30, 477.July 21, 1857 17, 842. Feb. 14, 1860 27, 146
*June 15, 1858 20,591.May 1, 1855 1-2, 807. Dec. 15, 1857 18, 874
July 5, 1859 24, 0 75. May 30,1871 115,357
Dec. 12, 1871 121, 767
-Sept. 10, 187-2 131, 259
-Jan. 7, 1868 7-2, 965
-July 4, 1871 116. 667
-Mar. 12, 187-2 1-24, 418. Jan. 23, 1872 122, 994. Dec. 24, 187-2 134, 257. July 29, 187:3 141, 205
*Jan. 14, 1868 73, 315
-Feb. 13, 187-2 123, 703
May 7, 187-2 1-26, 559
-June 14, 1870 104,339
-Nov. 24, 1868 84, 372
-Oct. 6, 1863 40, 186
-May -26, 1868 78, 3114
-Mar. 20, 1866 53, 360
-- eb. 19,1867 6-2,"30
Bagatelle.................................-----M. Redgrave...............
Bag-atelle game and apparatus------------------ W. Evers........_..-....
Lag-selle-table------------------------------- --- W. Evers..................--:Baggage-check----------------------------------..V. XV. Blanchiard............
Lagg-ige check----------------------------------.........F. X. Bellerive.... _..........
Baggae-cheek.-------------------------------M. N. Coo...................
L-ggage-check----------------------------------- L. 0.Cottle............. --..
Baggage-check----------------------------------- L. 0. Cottle----------- ------
Laggage-ch eck.---------------------------------- J. M. Curlessa---------------
B-eomge-check -------------------------------E Flathem.----------------
Laggage-check....-- -------------.E nal...........................F nal.--.
Blaggage-check-----------------------------.----- J. 11. MeAlvin._........._..
Liggaae-chieck----------------------------------- G.F. Newcomb............--
Liggsoc cheek-----------------------------------FE. H. Paine................--
B-mgage-check----------------------------------XV. D. Richardson_---------
B iggo age-check-----------------------------....H. S.Ross...................
Laggage-check.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -G. C. Thomas ---- ----------
Biggac -check---------------------- -- _. _. G. C. Thomas............---
L-aggige-check, Folding------... ----------------FE. H. Graves--._...---------
Laggage-check, Railway- - ----- -- - --- - ----- -- -- - -F. H. Furniss and F. H. Myers
Bagag-director -------------------------------- T. M. Rtichardson -.....- -
Lil, Detachable tipping,-------------------------..J. Keith.....................
Bal-ear----------------------------------------.... Mason and A. F Rice..
Bal hooksi or eyes,.Machine for forming pot..- J. Miller..................
L-il, Machine for- foiming who.- -- -- -- -- -- - ---.----J. P. Van Bramner.............
Laii-maing machine_----------------------------H. C. Wilder........
Bailing-press ------------------------------------ P. K. Dederick- -........
Bauling-wheel foir raising water frmi the hold of IH. B. Forbes -- - ----- - - - - - - -
-leanm-boats, &c.
Ba it ammdvei etahlecemtter.------------------------Z. G. Greenleaf.-_.--.....
11 it uiB for tishernian-------------------------- S. 1-amiblin -.........
Bait or meat cutter............................... N. Rhchardson...............
B~athm, Me...............--
Tantomn, Mass.----GocseMs
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Baker and boiler, Combined......................
Baker and roaster, Double-reflecting..............
Baker and roaster, Economical....................
Baker, Coal-heating...............................
Baker, Custard and cake......--------------------
Baker, Metal....................
Baker, Portable...........................
Baker, Reflecting.........................
Baker, Reflecting........................
Baker, Reflecting tin........................
Baker, Steam.....................................
Baker, Tin-....-------------------.....----------
Baker, Tin...........................-......
Baker's table............................
Bake-pan--... -----------------------------..
Bake-pan, Perforated----------------------..............................
Baking and cooking, Apparatus for..............
Baking and roasting apparatus.................
Baking or burning pan.....................
Baking or cooking...............................
Baking-pan.... ------------------------------
Baking-pan ------------------------------
Baking-pan ------------------------------
Baking-pan, Cover for------....................Baking pan, Potato...-----.........................Baking-powder...................................
Baking powder, Bread----------...........--.................--
Baking-powder, &c., Manufacture of acid phosphates for use in.
Baking-powder, Putting up..................
Baking kitchen, Steam.....................
Balance..........-------------------------------.................................Balance, Aeromatic.............................................
Balance and scale-beam for weighing, Platform....
Balance, Columbian.....-----------------------
Balance, Compensating spring.................
Balance, Compound lever....................
Balance, Computing spring..................
Balance, Constructing.............................
Lalance, Construction of platform-...........
Balance, Dearborn's............................
Balance, Dearborn's..............................
Balance, Double-scale....----------------------
Balance, Eagle....................................
B ilanced elevator- - - - - - - -
Balance-elevator -----------------------------
Balance for counter, &c................................
Balance for detecting counterfeit coin..........
Balance for detecting counterfeit money.......
Balance for detecting spurious coin...............
Balance for weighing, Platform..................
Balance for weighing, Platform...................
Balance, Hydrostatic...-..
Balance, Hydrostatic........
Balance in combination with a knife, Spring.....
Balance or fly wheel applied to machinery......
Balance or scale-beam....
Balance-pendulum lock......................
Balance-pendulum lock.....................
C. H. Beeman, 2d..............
J. T. Davy...............
W. H. Miller...............
S. Hasey.....................
P. Willcox...................
J. D. Wheelock..............
C. L. Sweatt and G. A. Huntoon
J. St. John..............
J. H. Jackson...............
L. B. Olmsted...........
W. Taintor and H. S. Orton...
W. Prescott..............
P. F. Wilcox.................
N. D. Whiten...............
G. Williston..................
A. S. Maxwell................
W. Beach..................
W. B. Chamberlin..........
J. Chase,jr..............
W. A. Daggett........
R. D. McDonald...............
J. G. Metsker............
B. F. Miller................
C. M. Cooney.................
W. G. Ruggles............
T. J. T. Cummings............
J. P. Hayes................
T. C. Riddell..................
E. Skinner...................
G. Wingate..................
A. Stowell...................
R. G. Elder....................
A. Heminway and W. A. Daggett.
G. W. Mitchell................
W. Moran..................
S. W. Rogers..................
C. T. Smith.................
S. West-----------------......................
W. C. Davis.................
A. Jones....................
G. A. Mariner and J. Fish....
J. Stowell.................
J. G. Copping and J. Weideman
N. B. Rice.................
G. F. Wilson..................
S. Smith...----------------.................I. Bisbee...................
H. W. Catlin................
H. A. Clum.................
B. Dearborn.................
N. Griffing...---------------
S. Harris...................
WS. Hrris ----------------
J. B. Hendricks...-----------
W. S. How....................
C. Howlett...................
G. W. King...................
C. C. Marsh...............
L. A. Matos..............
A. Y. McDonald..........
G. R. Moore.................
B. Morrill...-................
E. C. Pickering -........
S. A. Rogers...................
R. Shaler.....................
J. Vaughn............
J. A. Gridley.... -.........
J. D. Dale......--............
W. Granger--------------...................
O. C. Squyer..............
J. B. Whetmore...............
S. R. P. Camp...............
D. Rogers...............
A. Dole......................
S. Blaisdel---------....................
U. West and D. Loring........
T. Fairbanks....-_...........
L. Jencks and H. Dexter......
C. B. Sawyer.................
C. B. Sawyer...............
E. Hibbard..................
H. Maranville.................
F. J. Herpers..............
J. Allender..............
B. Bull.......................
B. Morison.........
W. C. Van Hoesen............
J. 0. Bandissin...............
S. Squire......................
G. H. Smith...................
J. Ordroman..................
S. E. Winslow.................
R. Gaines....................
S. Goodwin and R. Gaines.....
North Fairfax, Vt........
Troy, N.Y...............
Brandenburgh, Ky........
Rensselaerville, N. Y......
Springfield, Mass.......
Mayville, Wis..........
Fisherville, N. Hi..........
Hudson, N. Y............
United States Army......
Binghamton, N. Y....... -
Porter County, Ind.......
Boston, Mass......
Springfield, Mass.....
New York, N. Y.........
New London, Conn.......
Dixon, Ill................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Westfield, N. J............
Watertown, N. Y.......
South Vineland, N. J......
Jersey City, N. J..._.....
Logansport, Ind..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C......
Worcester, Mass..........
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
Boston, Mass..............
Wilmington, Del..........
Sandwich, N. H..........
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Medford, Mass.........
New York, N. Y........
Landis Township, N. J....
New York,N.Y..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Harwich, Mass.........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Trenton, N. J------.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Lebanon, N. H............
Chicago, Ill...............
Charlestown, Mass.......
Clinton, Iowa.............
East Saginaw, Mich......
Providence, R. I..........
Herkimer County, N. Y...
Richmond, Mo...........
Burlington, Vt............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y.-....-.....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Clayton, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Hartford, Conn..-......-.
Georgetown, D. C.........
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Dubuque, Iowa..-- -....
Brattleborough, Vt.......
Boscawen, N. H.........
Boston, Mass.............
Geneva, N. Y..........
Madison, Conn..-.......- -.
Rutland, Vt.............
Southampton, Mass......
Lansingburgh, N. Y... _..
Middlebury, Vt - --.. -
West Dresden, N. Y.......
Bush, N. Y..............
New York, N. Y..........
Auburn, N. Y.............
Bangor, Me............
Lancaster, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y........
Saint Johnsbury, Vt.....
Killingly, Conn..........Fitchburgh, Mass......-.
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
Lunenburgh, Vt.........
Clinton, Ohio.............
Newark, N. J.............
New London, Conn.......
New York, N. Y..........
Milton, Pa..............
Leeds, N. Y...............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Greenwood, Iowa.........
Philadelphia,''a P.........
Georgetown, D. C.........
Baltimore, Md., nd
Georgetown, D.C.
Hampden, Me......
Feb. 11,1868
Feb. 12, 1845
Mar. 7, 1871
Dec. 28, 1832
Sept. 25, 1831
June 17, 1856
Jan. 17, 1871
Sept. 30, 1834
Apr. 26, 1864
Jan. 20,1836
Aug. 9, 1845
May 24, 1832
Sept. 3, 1834
Oct. 10,1835
Jan. 11, 1831
Oct. 18,1870
Dec. 16,1856
Aug. 26, 1873
Mar. 17, 1868
Oct. 1, 1872
Nov. 26, 1872
Sept. 16,1873
Oct. 8, 1861
July 21, 1868
May 18, 1858
Mar. 5, 1872
Jan. 30,1849
Oct. 15, 1867
Oct. 1,1830
Nov. 25, 1873
Nov. 7,1820
Dec. 14,1830
Jan. 28, 1868
May 10,1870
Oct. 15, 1867
June 25, 1872
Dec. 15, 1868
Nov. 11, 1873
Nov. 13, 1866
Nov. 3, 1863
May 2,1871
Dec. 13, 1864
Nov. 16, 1869
Oct. 14, 1873
Jan. 3, 1871
Sept. 5, 1871
June 11, 1811
Dec. 24, 1867
Dec. 15, 1863
Mar. 28, 1865
Mar. 24, 1819
Apr. 8, 1835
July 7, 1863
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 9, 1870
May 6, 1862
Sept. 6, 1870
Oct. 10,1871
June 2,1868
Mar. 6, 1866
Jan. 6, 1844
May 26,1843
Nov. 4, 1873
July 31, 1817
Nov. 28, 1865
May 6, 1836
Mar. 26, 1861
Aug. 30, 1838
Sept. 8, 1810
May 8, 1860
Feb. 27, 1832
June 7, 1870
July 13, 1824
July 18, 1840
Oct. 10, 1827
Aug. 23, 1831
Mar. 13, 1849
Nov. 24, 1834
June 14, 1864
May 24, 1870
Nov. 7, 1835
Jan. 13, 1857
Dec. 29, 1857
Nov. 27, 1855
Mar. 3, 1837
Mar. 17, 1838
Apr. 20, 1852
May 10, 1864
Jan. 10, 1860
Sept. 14, 1858
Apr. 26, 1819
July 31, 1840
Mar. 17, 1e06
Jan. 22, 1806
74, 282
3, 910
112, 479.....
15, 155
111, 012.....
42, 535
4, 145..........
108, 373
16, 226
142, 144
75, 524
131, 745
133, 377
142, 928
33, 444
20, 304
124, 276
6, 063
69, 939.....
73, 703
102, 938
69, 830
128, 238
84, 908
144, 417
59, 732
40, 461
114, 444
45, 419
96, 994
143, 580
110, 680
118, 768
72, 593
40, 906
46, 992..........
39, 145
123, 564
106, 163
35, 155
107, 182
119, 871
78, 532
53, 020
3, 396
3, 111
144, 286.....
51, 226
31, 802
28, 212
103, 977
1, 699
43, 136
103, 375......
16, 390
18, 973
13, 840
8, 894
42, 722
26, 795
21, 520...708
1, 708.....
Balance pivot-gate................................ D. Brown................
Apr. 26, 1870 1 102, 365
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residen~ce. Date. No.
Balance-platform.-------------------------------.A Bliss ------_------------- Benson, Vt.--------------- June 12, 1835 -__..
Balance, Platform_----------------------_-----C. Crain and E. L. Wemple. - -. adison, N. V------------ Apr. 8, 1840 1, 546
Balance-platform------------------------------.... I. Gay ----------------------liDunstable, N. H----------- Jan. 14, 18633._
Balance, Platform-------------------------------_J.Gibbs --------------------Newark.Ohio-------Sep.1-2,18.16 4, 7
Balance, Platform -------------------------------- S. L. Hay-------------------- Boston, Mass...._._-----J-S.uly 14, 18:34.---_
Balance, Platform--------__--------------------J. Horton --------------------Matdrid, N.Y.-------------July 2, 1836.----
Balance, Platform------------------------------T. Y. Jennings-------------J. Geneve, Ohio.------------Nov. 10, 1841 2,339
Balance. Platform-------------------------------..C. P. Latd ----.------------Strasbur hVt __ -- -_ May 17, 1836_.__
Balance-platform-------------------------------..J. B. Maag-------------------- Kew Iorh 1N Y----- -. lob, 19, 18:3 __.
Balance, Platform-------------------------------.H_ __ _ 1. L. McCollum---------------i.... lRehester, N Y-V -- - - --. Dec. 31, 1838 1, C48
Balance-platform.............................----B. Morison ------------ -_-----Milton, Pa---------Jan. 13, 1833....
Balance- platform.------------..........Moisn--------------------B.Miolion------------------Mitx- -- Dec. 31, 1833....
Balance, Platform-------------------------------..J.M. Peck -----------._------Strasbin gb Vt........ May 17, 183....
Balance, Platform -------------------------------- D. M. Smyth--------._-------New Vex kN V...... Apr. 10),1855a 12,698
Balance, Portable ---_-------------------------A. Dole.-.....---..Bangor,Me. -- - 1)_._ ec. 23.,1841 2,397
Balauce, Safety-valve spring---------------------.......V. S. Pay and S. E. Cleveland _ Buffalo, N. V.......... I ec. 5, 1865 51, 3-0
Balance, Self-indicating--------------------------......Z. 'W. and 0. Avery--_ -------Bethas I a....___... May 12, 1857 17, 22
Balance, Spring.-------------..------- -----. G. Barker----------------- Detroit, Mich ------------- An 6, 1867 67,4.0
Palance, Spring-------------------------------._ E. P. Beckwith ---------------- New London, Con... J-n. 16,18)) 12,049
Balance, Spring-----------------------------._ J. H. and IE.. H. Bull-----------.New York, N.Y.----------Sept. 0. 14 3,752
Bal-uiee Spring----__----------------------------- N. Burchram------..._.__Norwalk, Ohio------------ July 15,1862 35, 86)
Balance, Spring-------------------------------......WA. Crowell----------------. _Salisbury, (;ODD.-un __...June 21) 1860 28 8138
Balance, Sprinsg---------------------------------..D. C. Lawrence.-__---------Cedar Falls, low a____....Ap). 29, 1862 35 125
LalainceSpring---------------------------------J. K. ONeil------------------_Kingston, N. V----------..May 22,it-6C 54,941
Balance, Sprintg................................-- H. Salosliinsky...............-New York, N. VY June 13, 1065 48,211
Balatice, Spring....................W. B. Snyder----__----------Lakeville, Conn lo.....Fb. 28,1863 46,592
Balance, Steelyard..............................__F. and 'F. Fairbanks...........-Saint Jolirsbury, Vt... I Feb. 10, 18:37 120
Balance, Steelyard.._................... __ __ _.......E. and T. Fairbanks __. _......Saint Jobnsbnry, Vt.....Fb. 10, 1837 121
BalanceWeighing..............................1-1. Eastman............... Concord, N. H.-....... iMar.1 3,1849 6,174
Balance, Weighing------------------------------_B. Morison-----._-----------Milton, Pa.._..__._ Fb. C, 1837 1-29
Balance, Weighring and ptice._______-- - - -___A. M. Maynard............... Savoy, Masss._.._._ Nov. 25, 187:3 144, 914
Balanice for quick weighing, Pendnlum._.--- -----B. Fennr.----------------------.....Hartford, Ohio - - _----.-__ Mar. 29, 1853 9, 6:35
Balance-weight---------------------------------..S. Hart-is. --.____-----_._.PhiladelphiaPa------ Dec. 4, 1866 60,184
Balance-wheel----------------------------------_F'. S. Pierce-----..------- Haitfor I Lon.__..._. Nov. 19, 1867 71, 212
Balance-wheel----------------------------------__H. Randall---..._._.. cotN ----------------Sctt,' Oct.. 1, 187-2 131, 782
Balance-wheel----------------------------------__F. W. Wild------------------- BaltimoreMd.__._. Apr. 25, 1871 114, 240
Balance-wheels, &c., Mode of banging--------J. Briuker-hoff_--------------. __ __ Auburn, NVY.. -.... -_. Mar. 31, 1863 38,0-25
Bialatncinig vertical reciprocating masses...--------- _W. F. Durfee-----------------.Bridgeport, Conna. __..Ma). 21, 1871 112-,79-2
Balcony, Portable-------------------------------..F. Baimforthb-----------------Danbury, Connti_--__ Dec. 17, 1872 13:3, 962
Baidric----------------------------------------__V. Price---------------------_New York, N.Y..V.. Feb. 28, 1871.112, ItO
Bate-band shears................................. A. H. Daniels -._.__._- - --._ ManchesterN. II----- Mar. 2, 1869 87,3:128
1Bale-band stretcher-----------------------------.... L. J. Anderson----------------. _ _Water Valley, Miss - I Feb. 6, 187-2 123, 374
B'ale-band sti etcher -..- - - - - - --.............F. M. Logue------------------.....Satartia, Miss------------_._.Ang. 5, 1873 14 1, 447
Bale-band ttghtener.............................__ _P. C. Ingersoll - - _- ----_-----Greenpoint, N. V - June 25, 1867 66, 087
Bate-fastener._................................ A. C. Fletchei----------.----New York, N. V ---------Jan. 28, 1868 73, 791
Bale-fastening...............................------T. B. Bunting--------------New York,. N. V -._. Sept. 11, 1866 58, 018
Bale-fastening------------------------------ --W. M. Irvine-----------------.Montgomery, Ala -__ Aug. 25, 1868 81,:17-1
Bale fastening, Cotton---------------------------VT. Mclntire................... Franklin Furnace, Ohio-... July 17, 1860 29, 185
Bale-fastening, Wire.................E. S. Lenox-------------------....New Brighton, N. YV- -__ Dee. 21, 1869 98, 16;9
Bale, Hay, stt-aw, &c ----------------------L. Dodge--------._ __ - ----------Waterford, N. V -- -- -- - ---Mar. 26, 187-2 125, 0:31
Bale-hook------------------------------------..... R.. Yardley._........._..Baltimore, Mid------------ Sept. 19, 1871 119, 213
Late-linopCotton-------------------------------...J. McMurtr-y................. Lexington, Ky.------------Feb. 23,.1858 19, 4:17
Ble-hoop fastening--------------------------R. Dillon.-- -- -- -- -- - --- ----New York, N. V - _--------Feb 26, 1867 62, 400
Bale-1hoop, Fastening----------------------------... _ _J. F. Milligan -.........- -_...Saint Louis, Mo.- -.- ------Mar. 1:3, 1866 53, 230
tale-hoop fastening-------- - -- -- ------J. Reese..___-................... - -Pittsburgh, Pa............ Feb. 5, 1867 61, 868
Bale-hoop-straightening macline- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -C. Hughles.. _.. _.... _........New Orleans, La.. _.......Oct. 9, 18160 30, 32-2
Bale-hoop tie--------------- - --------G. Brodie....................Plum Bayou. Ark -_.--.July 11, 1871 116, 925
Bale-hoops, Clasps for cotton- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -A. C. Richard - __- - --- -------New%-town, Con-----------_.Sept. 14, 1858 21, 517
Bile-hoops, Coupling for_-------------------------J. Agnew--------------------.Columbia. S.C..---- Aug. 31,1858 21,305
Bale hoops, Macline for tightening and securing R. S. Adaius................... Loyd, N. V............... May 15, 1866 54, 810
Blale-Troops, fool for fastening..................... E. A. Jeffery-----------------.._ _Corning, N. V------------...June 21, 1859 24, 464
Bile-label--------------------------------------_.N. C. Joiies-------------------.New York, N. V..........(Aug. 11, 1868 80,'8967
B ale, Metallic band for binding................... - - -W. Field - - - _- - -- --------Providence, R. I------I........Aug. 17, 1858 G1, 190
tile-taft, Cotton --------------------------------- T. Byrne._._........... New York, N.YV..........Nov. 28, 1865 51,140
BaleotagCotton-------------------------------- - E. A. Locke------------------- Boston, Mass............ May 24, 1864 4-2, 860
Bale-tie-------------------------------L. Arnold -------------------- Galveston, Vex ___.. Nov. 26, 1872 133, 349
tale-tie---------------------------------........ A. Barbarin................ New Otleans, La.._........Aug. 27, 1867 68, 149
Bale-tie ------------------------- ------ ---------- S. Bi-ettr---- _--------- New- York, N. V......... June 6, 1871 115, 692
Brle-tie --_________.__.--- - - -.- G. Brotlie................... Plum Bayou, Ax-k------.Sept. 16, 1873 14-2, 894
Bate-tie ----------------------------------------F. G. Brown_---- --- ---. Brenhsim, Vex -----. Dec. 19, 1871 121, 989
Bale-tie----------------------------------------..J. T. Butler.--------------New- Orleans, La.-....Jaii. 9,187-2 122, 563
Bale-tie......._................................L. Carter....................--Huntsville, Ala-s.....Ic. 2, 1873 145,01
Bale-tno----------------------------------------- F. Cooke--- -----_-- _------New Orleaiis, La---------- Nov. 26, 1872 133, 412
Bait-tie......................................... F. Cook------- -------------_ New Oileans, La----------Feb. 4, 1873 135,5-26
BalIt in----------------------------------------..F. Cook--------------- --___New tbleans, La..___. May 6, 1873 138, 479
Bale-tic -----------------------------------------F. Cook ------ --___--------New- Orleans, La.......... May 6, 1873 138,;480
P. lete........................ o-----------New Or (rlans,La - -.CSet. 16,18732 14-,772
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued
Bale-tie -------------------------------------
Bale-tie and straining-lever.......................
Bale-tie and straining-lever........................
Bale-tie, Band or hoop.....----------------------
Bale-tie clamp....---------...
Bale tie, Cotton..................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton--.....-------------------------
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.....................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................
Bale tie, Cotton......
Bale tie, Cotton......---------------------------
Bale tie, Cotton.................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.....................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.....................
Bale tie, Cotton.....................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.......
Bale tie, Cotton......---------------------------
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton.................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton..................
Bale tie, Cotton.........
Bale tie, Cotton.............................
Bale tie, Cotton............................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................
Bale tie, Cotton..................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton-....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton.............................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.................------ --..Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...--......---------------------
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................-----
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.....---------------------------
Bale tie, Cotton.....---------------------------
Bale tie Cotton..................................
Bale tie Cotton....................................
Bale tie Cotton...................................
Bale tie Cotton....................................
Bale tie Cotton....................................
Bale tie Cotton.....
Bale tie Cotton....
Bale tie Cotton...................................
Bale lie Cotton...................................
Bale tic Cotton..................................
J. L. Sheppard.............
W. C. Stiff....................
WC. Sttf ---- ------------
C. Swett.....................
J. D. Van Benthuysen....
N. S. Walker..................
F. Watkins..................
J. C. Coit....................
J. C. Coit...................
E. J. Beard...................
T. D. Leonard.................
G. W. Adams.................
A. S. Armstrong...........
A. Barbarin................ "
J. W. Barnum.................
J. W. Barnum................
J. W. Barnum............
J. W. Barnum.................
J. W. Barnum................
J. W. Barnum.................
J. W. Barnum................
E. J. Beard....................
G. N. Beard...................
G. N. Beard..................
G. N. Beard..................
G. N. Beard..................
G. N. Beard..................
G. Brodie....................
G. Brodie....................
A. G. Buford..................
W. J. Carroll...................
J. S. Carson..................
W. Chambers................
W. Chambers................
M. D. Cheek.................
M. Ri. Clark.................
R. W. Cobb.................
B. Coleman.................
F. Cook......................
F. Cook.....................
F. Cook....................
F. Cook....................
F. Cook......................
F. Cook.......................
F. Cook....................
F. Cook......................
T. Cromer...................
WV. Crone....................
J. Crookes...................
J. B. Dunn...................
N. T. Edson...................
H. Fassmann"................
H. Fassmann.................
H. Fassmann..................
H. Fassmann..................
W. D Field...................
W. D. Field..................
A. C. Fletcher..............
E. A. Franklin.............
E. Garrett.................
A. J. Going..............
J. M. Goldsmith.............
R. S. Goodgion..........
J. H. Gridley.............
J. W. Iledenberg...........
C. G. Johnsen...............
E. P. Jones...............
B. Kimball...............
J. Knight..............
R. G. Latting...............
R. G. Latting...............
R. H. Lecky.............
Z. W. Lee......----.--..----
Z. W. and E. D. Lee...........
L. Littlejohn...............
E. T. Mainwaring.........
M. F. Maury.............
O. K. McClean............
J. R. McClintock and J. Cumberland.
J. I. McComb.................
J. B. McDonald.............
J. McMurtry-......
W. McNabb..................
H. B. Merritt..............
I. H. M erritt.................
J. F. Milligan.........
J. F. Milligan..............
J. F. Milligan..........
H. T. Minor, jr........
S. J. Mitchell..........
W. M. Morris........
C. Mudge.....
T. C. Oakman............
D. G. Olmstead................
W. Onions...................
W. Omens..................
V. 0n ons....................
Charleston, S. C..........
Birmingham, England....
Copiah County, Miss-.....
New Orleans, La...........
Liverpool, England.......
London Works, Birmingham, England.
Cheraw, S. C.............
Cheraw, S. C.............
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Waco, Tex................
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La-..........
New Orleans, La...........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La-.......
New Orleans, La...
New Orleans, La.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Plum Bayou, Ark........
Jefferson County, Ark....
Water Valley, Miss.......
Natchez, Miss.............
Brook Haven, Miss._....
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La.........
Clarendon, Ark...........
Columbia, S. C............
Helena, Ala...............
Louisville, Ky............
New Orleans, La..._.....
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La........
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La..........
Galveston, Tex...........
Galveston, Tex...........
Saint Louis. Mo...........
Petersburgh, Va.......
New Orleans, La........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
SNew Orleans, La..........
Providence, R. I...........
Providence, B. I...........
New York, N. Y..........
Brenham, Tex..............
New Orleans, La...........
Clinton, La-----------...............
Boston, Mass...............
Goodgion's Factory, S. C..
Washington, D. C.......
Chicago, Ill --.....-.......
New Orleans, La........
Sun Flower County, Miss..
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Louisville, Ky.........
New Orleans, La........
New Orleans, La..........
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Blakely, Ga............
Blakely, Ga............
New York, N. Y.........
Tipton, England..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La........
Liverpool, England........
Louisville, Ky..........
Lexington, Ky...........
Clapton, England..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Savaunah, Ga............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Washington County, Miss.. New Orleans, La..........
- Paterson, N. J............
Vicksburgh, Miss......
Saint Louis, Mo....... Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo....
Aug. 22, 1871
July 10, 1873
July 16, 1872
Oct. 29,1866
Oct. 15, 1872
Apr. 25, 1871
Jan. 16, 1872
July 23, 1872
July 15, 1873
Nov. 18, 4873
Feb. 20, 1872
June 10, 1873
Aug. 27, 1867
Nov. 5,1867
Mar. 31, 1868
Mar. 31, 1868
Mar. 31,1868
Mar. 31, 1868
Mar. 31, 1868
Mar. 31, 1868
July 30,1872
Aug. 13, 1867
May 11, 1869
Dec. 27, 1870
Sept. 30, 1873
Dec. 9, 1873
Feb. 27, 1872
July 30, 1872
Nov. 11, 1873
May 16, 1871
Mar. 9, 1869
July 12, 1870
Dec. 6, 1870
Aug. 27, 1867
Oct. 18, 1870
July 8, 1873
Mar. 5, 1867
May 6, 1873
May 6, 1873
May 6, 1873
May 6,1873
June 10, 1873
June 24, 1873
July 15, 1873
Aug. 19, 1873
Sept. 23, 1873
Aug. 5, 1873
June 8, 1869
Feb. 4,1869
Sept. 17, 1867
Jan. 29,1867
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 19, 1867
Mar. 3, 1868
May 6, 1873
Juno 17, 1873
Feb. 4, 1868
May 14, 1872
May 24. 1859
Apr. 1,1873
Sept. 30,1873
Aug. 6, 1872
Oct. 23,1866
Mar. 10, 1868
July 11, 1871
Oct. 25, 1870
Oct. 21, 1873
Feb. 12, 1867
Dec. 18,1866
Jan. 15, 1867
Oct. 29, 1867
Oct. 16,1866
July 3,1860
Aug. 13, 1867
Jan. 1, 1869
May 28,1867
Sept. 16, 1873
May 23, 1871
Oct. 23,1866
June 8, 1869
Oct. 2, 1866
May 14, 187-2
Nov. 5, 1867
Apr. 10, 1866
July 30, 1867
Sept. 24, 1867
Nov. 29. 1870
July 16, 1872
Aug. 27, 1867
Apr. 6, 1869
Jan. 7, 1868
June 15, 1869
Mar. 23, 1858
June 5, 1866
Nov. 6, 1866
May 14, 1867
118, 286
140, 556
70, 295
132, 223
114, 236
192, 813
129, 715
140, 873
123, 853
139, 754
70, 503
76, 141
76, 142
76, 143
76, 144
7(6, 145
76, 146
129, 917
67, 707
89, 844
110, 539
143, 319
145, 273
123, 976
129, 925
144, 502
114, 760
87, 541
105, 172
109, 804
68, 167
108, 450
140, 575
62, 610
138, 481
138, 482
138, 483
138, 484
139, 777
140, 766
142, 001
143, 124
141, 494
91, 091
74, 059
68, 859
61, 527
61, 727
62, 188
75, 140
138, 492
140, 024
74, 070
126, 687
24, 112
137, 301
143, 343
130, 293
59, 007
75, 267
116. 964
108, 600
143, 911
61, 040
60, 528
61, 217
70 230
58, 844
28, 991
67, 777
10, 761
65, 102
142, 802
115, 225
59, 152
91, 034
58, 445
126, 645
70, 452
53, 851
67, 334
69, 113
109, 748
129, 157
68, 225
88, 727
73, 026
19, 707
15, 353
59, 443
64, 696
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bale tie, Cotton....................
Bale tie, Cotton.........................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tic, Cotton...............................
Bale tie, Cotton...........................
Bale tie, Cotton...........................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...........................
Bale tie, Cotton...........................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...........................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Baleo tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...........................
Bale tie, Cotton..................................
Bale tie, Cotton..................................
Baleo tie, Cotton..................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton....:_.............................
Bale tie, Cotton....................................
Bale tie, Cotton... -.............................Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton...... -...........................
Bale tie, Cotton.................................
Bale tie, Cotton....................-..............
Bale tie, Cotton.......................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale tie, Cotton.................................
Bale tie, Cotton.....................................
Bale tie, Cotton......................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Baleo tie, Cotton.................................
Bale tie, Cotton.......................................
Bale tie, Cotton...................................
Bale-tie fastener.................................
Bale-tie fastener, Wire............................
Bale-tic for cotton, Iron...........................
Bale-tie for cotton, Iron...........................
Bale-tie for cotton, Iron...........................
Bale-tie for cotton, Iron.....................
Bale-tie for cotton, Iron.....................
Bale-tie for cotton, Iron..........................
Bale-tie for cotton, Iron.....................
Bale-tie fobr cotton, Metallic............................
Bale-tie for cotton, Metallic...........
Bale-tie for cotton, Metallic................
Bale-tie for cotton, &c., Wire....................
Bale-tie, Hoop.............................
Bale-tie lock............................
Bale-tie, Machine for fastening..................
Bale-tie, Metallic..........................
Bale-tie, Wire..................................
Bale-tie, Wire---------------------------.....................................
Bale ties, Device for forming.......................
Bale-ties, Device for making...-..............
Bale ties, Machine for adjusting cotton...........
Bales already formed, Press for compressing....
Bales and packages, Fastening band on........
Bales, &c., Clasp ftbr fastening bands on cotton.._
Bates, Fastening for cotton.......................
Bales, Fastening for metallic bands for cotton.....
Bales, Fastening for metallic bands of cotton......
Bales, Fastening iron banes on cotton.............
Bales, Fastening metal hoops on cotton.........
Bales, Fastening of metallic band for cotton.......
Bales, &c., Hoop-fastening for cotton..........
Bales, Hoop fastening for cotton..............
Bales, Hoop-lock for cotton.....................
Bales, Iron tie tfor cotton....................
Bales, Iron tie for cotton................................
Bales, Label for cotton............................
Bales, Lock for cotton..........................
Bales, Machine for preparing hay for pressing ino..
Bales, &c., Machine for tightening and securing
metallic band for cotton.
Bales, &c., Mark-holder for..................
Bales, &c., Mark-holder for.......................
Bales, &c., Metallic band-fastening for...............
Bales, Metalilic band for cotton...............
Bales, &c., Mode of attaching labels to----............----
Bales, Mode cf securing rmetial bhoops on cotton.....
Bales of cotton and other fibrous materials, Non.elastic band for.
Bales of cotton, &c., Incorrodible mark or label for.
Bales of goods, Machine for roping.......
Bales of hay, Construct.ng.......
Bales of merchandise, Mode of fastening....
Bales, Pressing cotton, &c., into....................
Bales, Securing iron bands on cotton................
]ales, Securing metallic band on cotton............
Bales, Tightening rope on cotton...................
Baliig cotton.................................
Baling cotton, &c.................................
W. J. Orr.....................
C. J. Paine.................
J. W. Petty...................
J. L. Phillips.................
F. Quarles....................
W. C. Ramsay................
J. Reese......................
J. Reinecker..................
G. Ricker.....................
E. S. Roberts................
J. W. Rogan.................
S. Rogers.....................
G. A. Seaver.................
G. A. Seaver..................
D. M. Seehler................
J. L. Sheppard................
J. L. Sheppard...............
J. L. Sheppard................
J. A. Shone....................---------------
D. S. Skinner.................
I). S. Skinner.................
W. M. Smith..................
W. M. Smith..................
J. R. Speer....................
H. R. Staer.----------- ------
H. D. Starr....................
C. Swett....................
C. Swett.....................
C. Swett......................
C. Swett......................
C. Swett...................
C. Swett......................
W. Trowbridge...............
J. W. Truman................
C. Ulmer......................
C. W. Wailey................
J. S. Wallis..................
L. W eil......................
R. S. Sayre..................
C. Brown....................
C. C. Bier....................
W. Boyd......................
P. Davey......................
W. S. Loughborough..........
J. Nuttall...................
W. Stewart..................
C. W. Wailey................
J. Aiken...................
T. Guyol.....................
D. McComb................
J. F. Milligan................
J. Wheelock.................
J. Adams....................
I. C. Plant.................
O. Macdaniel.................
E. S. Lenox..................
J. McClean..................
M. N. Coo....................
M. Martin...................
F. F. Cornell, jr., and E. M.
H. Knowles..................
H. Knowles.................
J. W. Evans..................
W. Minor....................
C. J. Provost..................
C. G. W ells....................
J. T. Butler..................
O. C. Evans..................
E. Davidson...................
G. J. Widrig................
E. V. Fassnian.............
G. N. Beard.....-............
J. J. McComb.................
P. H. Taylor.................
A. P. Merrill, jr...............
O. and C. Waste.............
G. WV. Penniston..............
P. Fitch......................
H. W. Goodrich and E. A.
A. O. Broad-----------------...................R. W. Fenwick...............
E. A. Locke..................
J. McMurtry.................
D. McComb..................
H. D. Mears...................
R. Dillon......................
O. and C. Waste..............
T. W. Reilly..................
S. A. Clemens.................
C. W. Pyle....................
P. C. Ingersoll.................
C. W ilson.....................
C. Colahan....................
B. W. Collier..................
Residence. Date. No.
Charlotte, N. C............ Sept. 2, 1873 142, 505
Paintsville, Otio.......... Sept. 24, 1867 69, 120
New Orleans, La.......... -- Mar. 5, 1867 62,.i
Washington County, Miss. Jan. 7.1868 73, 034
Waco, Tex......-...-...... Nov. 18, 1873 144, 793
Wadesborough, N. C...... Apr. 8, 1873 137, 570
Pittsburgh, Pa-..---------.. -Feb. 26, 1867 62, 365
New Orleans, La.......... Feb. 12, 1867 62, 069
Covington, Ky........... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 777
Columbus, Ga............ Mar. 10, 1868 75, 461
Meml his, Tenn........... Jan. 25, 1870 99, 239
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Apr. 30, 1867 64, 255
New Orleans, La-......... Oct. 23, 1866 59, 141
New York, N.Y M........ May 12,1868 77, 770
Cincinnati, Ohio...-..... Mar. 19,1867 6:3, 105
Charleston, S. C.......... Oct. 15, 1867 69, 849
Charleston, S. C..... - - - -... Mar. 17, 1868 75, 1 05
Charleston, S. C.......... Feb. 27, 1872 124, 090
Holly Springs. Miss...... Auag. 11, 1868 81, 018
Providence,.I I.......... Sept. 24, 1872 131, 573
Providence, R. I........... Dec. 16, 1873 145, 536
Augusta, Ga............. Dec. 14,1869 97, 977
Augusta, Ga............. Feb. 15, 1870 99, 964
Pittsburgh, Pa.......... - Nov. 26, 1867 71, 338
Texana, Tex............. Sept. 2, 1873 14-2, 527
Vicksburghli Miss -...... Oct. 23, 1866 59, 144
Copiah County, Miss...... July 16, 1872 129, 187
Copiah County, Miss....... July 16, 1872 129, 188
Copiah County, Miss...... July 16, 1872 129, 189
Copiah County, Miss....July 16,1872 129, 190
Copiah County, Miss...... July 16, 1872 129, 191
New Orleans, La........ Mar. 10, 1868 75, 319
Macon, Ga................ Sept. 24, 1867 69, 274
Mobile, Ala............ July 30, 1867 67, 231
New Orleans, La.......... Oct. 15, 1867 69, 870
New Orleans, La-........ May 4, 1869 89, 612
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 30. 1873 145, 037
Stileslorough, Ga....... Dec. 10, 1872 13:3, 803
New York, N. Y---........ May 7, 1872 126, 515
New Orleans, La......... --.- June 26, 1860 28, 825
New Orleans, La......... Aug. 30,1859 25, '40
Portsmouth, Ohio...... Sept. 25, 1860 30, 126
Rochester, N. Y......... May 8, 186b 28, 187
New Orleans, La.......... May 10,1859 23, 940
Natchez, Miss............ May 1,1860 28, 10
Lexington, Ky............ Mar. 27,1860 27, 660
Natchez, Miss............ - May 1, 1860 21t, 044
New Orleans, La......... Mar. 2, 1858 19, 490
New Orleans, La-......... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 713
Memphis, Tenn......... Aug. 13, 1872 130, 519
Saint Louis, Mo------.--July 23, 187-2 129, 851
San Francisco, Cal-.-.._. Nov. 2,1869 '36,521
New Orleans, La.----....... June 18, 1867 65, 856
Macon, Ga................ Aug. 24, 1858 21, 272
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 166
New York, N. Y.......... July 9, 1872 128, 803
New Orleans, La.---.......... Dec. 9, 1873 145, 357
Madison Parish, La....... Dec. 12, 1871 121,756
Charlotte, N. C..-......... May 9, 1871 114,581
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 5, 1867 61, 719
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 1, 1859 23, 092
Now York, N. Y.......... Aug. 16, 1859 25,125
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 21, 1860 29, 683
Houma, La-------------................ Oct. 27, 1857 18, 514
Saris, Ala-------------................ Sept. 29, 157 18, 299
Galveston, Tex............ Apr. 5, 1859 23, 518
Natchez, Miss............. Nov. 15, 1859 26, 087
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26, 1861 31, 848
Batesville, Ark--------........... -Aug. 9, 1859 24, 995
Memphis, Tenn........... Apr. 12, 1859 23, 632
New Orleans, La.......... Apr. 18, 1865 47, 288
Saint Louis, Mo........... July 16, 1861 32, 818
New Orleans, La-------.......... Jan. 29, 1861 31, 252
Noew Orleans, La.......... Mar. 1, 1870 100, 467
Natchez, Miss........... May 22, 1860 28, 392
Cameron, Ill.............. Nov. 29, 1864 45, 285
North Vernon, Ind........ Aug. 31, 1858 21, 360
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 28, 1863 38, 363
Chelsea and Boston, Mass. Apr. 28, 1863 38, 365
Louisville, Ky ---............ June 9,1857 17, 485
Washington, D. C........ Sept. 25, 1860 30, 133
Boston, Mass.............. Sept. 29, 1863 40, 109
Fayette County, Ky....... Apr. 10, 1860 27, 866
Memphis, Tenn........... June 17, 1856 15, 142
Washington, D. C......... Sept. 15, 1863 39, 944
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 22, 1848 5, 451
Cameron, ill.............. Nov. 29, 1864 45, 284
New Orleans, La.......... Dec. 15, 1863 40, 983
Granby, Conn............ Sept. 3, 1850 7, 612
Galveston, Tex.--------Sept. 27, 1859 25, 584
Green Point, N. Y-...-." May 18, 1858 20. 311
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 19, 1861 31, 505
Alton, Ill................ Jan. 29, 18i67 61, 517
Oxford, Miss.............. Apr. 16, 1872 125, 721
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Baling cotton, Band for............................ H. W. Oliver, jr..............
Baling cotton, Hoop-lock for---...---.-----------. F. Quant.....................
Baling cotton, &c., Metallic band for-.-.....-........ J. Downes...................
Baling device, Hay............................... L. D)oty-----......................-----
Baling hay...-------------------------------... R.Wakeman and J. L. Ballance
Baling hay, &c., Machine for-----------------....................... E.Dorr....................
Baling hay, &c., Mode of...------------------.. --E.Dorr.......................
Baling, Machine for cutting and preparing hay for.. S. Colahan....................
Baling manure........................-......... H. C. Babcock.................
Baling, Metallic band for.......................... G. Brodie..........----------..-......
Baling-press...............................J. M. Albertson -...........
Baling-press................................. J. M. Albertson..........-.
Baling-press...................................... J. M. Albertson........
Baling-press----------------..... W. J. Arrington...............
Baling-press......------------------------------- H. A. Ashley..................
Baling-press...............................S. J. Austin..............
Baling-press.................C. J. Barney..................
Baling-press................H. W. Baumann..............
Baling-press.............................. J. Berkeley...................
Baling-press....---- A. P. Boren...................
]3aling-press..................................0-. Brodie.................
Baling-press......................- C. B. Brooks..................
Baling-press............................. C. Brown and D. L. Miller.....
Baling-press...........................- M. Brunner,jr.------------..............Baling-press....................................... H. K. Burnett...............
Baling-press..............................S. P. Cady.....................
Baling-press.............................. N. Chapman.................
Baling-press................................... N. Chapman-------..................------
Baling-press...............................M. D. Cheek--------------..................
Baling-press............................. M.D. Cheek..................
Baling-press................................ M.D.Cheek............
Baling-press.............................. C. C. Converse..............
Baling press.............................. W. M. Conner...............
Baling press.............................. J. S. Cook..---------------. -
Baling press............................... F. F. Cornell, jrii..............
Baling press............................. F. F. Cornell, jr..............
Baling press................................... F. F. Cornell, jr...........
Baling press....................................... T. J. Corning...............---
Baling- press........................... T. J. Corning............
Baling press...................................... W. P. Craig.................
Baling press...................................... D. Cumming,jr....-----------
Baling-press............................... P. K. Dederick........._......
Baling press............................. P. K. Dederick................
Baling press...................................... P. K. Dederick... --.........
Baling-press............................... P. K. Dederick..........
Baling press...................................... W. Deering................
Baling press...................................... L. Dodge.....................
Baling-press...................................... G. Duncan...........---------------
Baling-press.....................................1). Dunn.................
Baling-press....................................... C. J. Emmett...............
Baling-press.......................D. A. Fanghaenel............
Baling-press.......................................I. F. Felton................
Balingpress...................................... C. V. Fleetwood and E. W.
Baling-press................................------....... ID. Frisbie and S. C. Goodsell..
Baling-press....................................... G B. Garlinghouse..........
Baling-press..........C. W. Gillis...................
Baling press...................................-------------------------------...J. H. Godwin.................
Baling- press...................................... 1 W. Gelding...................
Baling press..................................... J. Gorhanm....................
Baling press...................................... J. B. Gridley...........
Baling press................................G...... G.. Grund............
Baling press.................................... T. D. Guthrie, jr..........
Baling- press...................................... J. Harder....................
Baling- press.......................................J. K. Harr-is..................
Baling press................................... J. K. Harris................
Baling press..................................... G. WV. Hart..................
Baling press.................................... H. F. Hicks..................
Balingpress..................................P. Higdon... -................
Baling press............................ H. ill..................
Baling press..................................... E. Hill------------------.......................
Baling-press............................... G. H. Hoke and J. A. Brown..
Baling-press.....------------------------------ G.D. Howe.............
Baling-press-------------------------........................... --...-...... A. J. Hunt...----------------
Baling-press....................................... F. A. Huntington and J. F.
Baling-press..................................... W. Iler.......................
Baling-press............................. V. R. King" " "..............
Baling-press....-----------------------------. W. R. King...................
Baling-press...........................L............ L. W. Liles.................
Baling-press............................. C. Locher...................
Baling-press...................................... T.E. Marable...........
Baling-press.............................. E.J. Marsters............
Baling-press-----------....... A. W. Mason..................
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Painesville, Ohio.....
Handsworth, England....
Frankfort, Ill.........
Port Deposit, Md.....
Rockford, Ill.............
Rockford, Ill........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Hartford, Conn........
Little Rcck, Ark......
New London, Conn........
New London, Conn........
New London, Conn........
Louisville, Ga......--..
Springfield, Ohio-.....
Freeport, Me........
Rockport, Ind.........
Memphis, Tenn.......
Washington, Tex.......
Greensborough, N. C......
Plum Bayou, Ark......
Auburn, Me........
Buffallo. N. Y., and Madison, N. J.
Fremont, Ohio--.... ---
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.....
Hastings, Mich..........
Milford, Mass......--..----
Hopedale, Mass........
Clarendon, Ark.....
Memphis, Tenn...........
Memphis, Tenn...........
New York, N. Y.......
Burlington, Ky........
West Groton, Mass.....
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
San Jos6, Cal.............
Sin Josd, Cal..............
Milton, Ky-................
New York, N. Y.......
Greenbush, N. Y..........
Greenbush, N. Y.......
Albany, N. Y................
Albany, N. Y.............
Louisville, Ky.............
Water ford. N. Y........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Lewisport, Ky............
New York, N. Y......----
Kansas City, Mo......
Do Pere, Wis.......
Vincennes, Ind.......
New Haven, Conn......
North Madison, Iud......
San Antonio, Tex........
Scotland Neck. N. C-.......
New Orleans, La.......
Bairdstown, Ga........
Louisville, Ky.........
Fremont, Ohio............
Galva, Ill.................
Lock Haven, Pa......
Allensville, Ind.......
Allensville, Ind....._...
Aurora, Ind..............
Grand View, Ind........
Lewisport, Ky............
Union Springs, Ala........
Hamilton, Ill............
Elizabeth, Ind............
Lewisport, Ky............
Walla Walla, Wash.......
San Francisco, Cal.._...
Shreveport, La...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Roanoke, Ala.............
Oroville, Cal.............
Petersburgh, Va..........
Shaw's Flat, Cal..-.--
Station 2, (P. and G. R. R.,)
Madison, N. J............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Trey, Tenn..............
Washington, N. C.........
Santa Cruz, Cal...........
San Francisco, Cal........
Olathe, Kans..............
Hudson and Schodack,
Petaluma, Cal.............
Mount Zion, Iowa.........
Huntsville, Tex...........
Mar. 31, 1868
Nov. 28,1865
Nov. 7, 1871
Aug. 12, 1873
July 10, 1866
July 12, 1864
July 12, 1864
Mar. 28, 1865
July 2,1872
Mar. 22,1859
Dec. 15, 1868
Dec. 7, 1869
June 17, 1873
Aug. 15, 1871
Oct. 30, 1866
Sept. 17, 1867
May 7,1872
Aug. 12, 1873
Jan. 12, 1869
May 18, 1869
Sept. 19, 1871
June 13, 1865
Sept. 1, 1868
Sept. 17,1872
Mar. 18, 1873
Sept. 10, 1872
Apr. 13, 1869
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 12, 1867
Dec. 29, 1868
Aug. 23, 1870
Sept. 18, 1866
July 22, 1873
Nov. 21, 1871
May 23, 1865
June 20, 1865
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 28, 1871
Nov. 14,1871
July 4, 1865
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 13,1889
Feb. 1, 1870
Feb. 1, 1870
Feb. 1, 1870
Nov. 23, 1869
Oct. 17, 1871
Nov. 1, 1870
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 5, 1869
July 16, 187-2
Apr. 23, 1872
Mar. 22, 1864
May 8, 1866
Aug. 27, 1867
Nov. 20, 1866
Aug. 27, 1867
Apr. 23, 1872
Dec. 3, 1867
Apr. 10, 1866
Apr. 9, 1872
Oct. 8, 1867
July 14, 1863
Aug. 26,1862
June 23, 1863
Nov. 21, 1865
June 27, 1865
Aug. 24, 1869
Jan. 12, 1869
Nov. 22 1870
Oct. 15, 1867
Dec. 11, 1866
July 16, 1812
May 7, 187-2
Sept. 27,1870
Dec. 4, 1866
Apr. 16, 1872
May 7, 1872
Aug. 23, 1870
Oct. 24, 1871
June 7, 1870
Apr. 23, 1872
July 7, 1863
Oct. 13, 1868
Aug. 13, 1872
May 7, 1872
Aug. 2,1870
Apr. 4, 1865
Nov. 28, 1871
Apr. 5, 1864
76, 2:18
51, 214
120, 727
141, 636
56, 294
43, 482
43, 481
46, 9931
128, 454
23, 291
84, 982
97, 471
139, 849
117, 962
59, 309
126, 435
141, 6-2
85, 783
90, 152
119, 009
48, 151
81, 745
131, 424
136, 965
131, 250
88, 846
119, 573
62, 815
85, 365
106, 660
58, 222
141, 035
121, 087
47, 800
48, 261
61, 718
112, 224
120, 942
48, 523
76, 407
88, 775
99, 295
99, 296
99, 297
97, 170
120, 048
108, 772
81, 612
95, 447
129, 119
125, 944
42, 046
54, 644
68, 062
59, 832
68, 182
125, 890
53, 917
125, 454
69, 657
39, 230
36, 297
38, 963
51, 043
48, 487
94, 110
85, 822
109, 515
69, 807
CO, 376
129, 477
126, 394
107, 688
60, 196
125, 741
126, 405
106, 703
120, 297
103, 807
125, 971
39, 158
83, 079
130, 524
126, 480
106, 075
47, 124
121, 408
42, 223
D. L. Miller...................
J. V. Milligan.................
W. H. Morris.................
B. L. and T. H. B. Myers.......
G. W. Nutter...................
G. C. Paine..................
W. H. H. Peairs...............
P. Philip and P. J. Stophilbeen
Baling-press................................... J. Price, jr...............
Baling-press.-...........---------- A. J. Purmviance...............
Baling-press...... ---------------------------------J. Randolph..................
Sept. 1, 1863 39, 748
July 2, 1867 66, 388
Jan. 2, 1872 122, 406
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B aling-press-...........................
Baling-press, Beater -.......-......................
Baling-press, Beating-device for...--------..-.Baling-press, Broom-corn.........................
Baling-press, Construction of......................
Baling press, Cotton..............................
Baling press, Cotton.............................
Baling-press, Hand-power...........................
Baling press, Hand-power.........-.............
Baling pres 1, Hay and cotton...................
Baling press, Hay and cot ton..........................
Baling-press, Horizontal...........................----------------------
Baling short-cut hay, &c.....................
Baling short-cut hay and straw.................
Baling short-cut hay and straw....................
Baling short-cut hay or straw......................
Baling short-cut hay or straw....................
See Base-ball.
Copper ball.
Loaded ball.
Mast- ball.
Nine-pin ball.
Pop-corn ball.
Puddlers' ball.
Rubber ball.
Ball alley...-------------------------------------
Ball-and-socket joint..........................
Ball-and-socket joint............................
Ball-and-socket joint...............-................
Ball-and-socket joint........................
Ball-and-socket joint................................
Ball holder, Billiard-table......................
Ball-joint, Detachable..........................
Ball, Loaded....-----------------------------------
Ball-motor, Rotating..........................
Ball-players, Base for..........................
Ball rounding and polishing machine............
Ball tally-board, Base...........................
Balls and shot by pressure, Machine for making. --
Balls, Apparatus tor hardening copper -.........
Balls, &c., Machine by which the centrifugal force
is controlled in throwing.
Balls or mandrels, Machine for turning..........
Balls or shot, Machine for manufacturing......
Balls, shot, &c., Machine for throwing...........
Balls, shot, &c., of lead, Casting. - - ------------..--
Balls, springs, &c., Manufacture of............
Ballast-box for vessel, Deck.......................
Balloon, Advertising..........................
Balloon and appendage........................
Balloons, Arrangement for mooring and managing.
B alloon, Federal..............................
Balloon, Locomotive...............................
Balloon, Marine...............................
B. Roberts------.J. W. Roberts.................
C. H. Robinson..............
J. B. Root....................
C. H. Schuelle...............
J. S. Schofield..............
I. S. Schuyler................
L. Seeberger and N. Levy....
G. W. Serrin...................
W. B. Smith...................
B. F. Stroud..................
E. Taylor.....................
ET. Taylor------------ -----"
J. P. Taylor...................
J. P. Taylor and J. R. Baker..
C. H. Thatford................
H. H. Tift..................
J. D. Towner and G. J. Harris.
I. P. Walker.................
E. R. Wallace.................
F. B. Wallin.................
J. P. White...................
J. I. Williams.................
G. Winship.........
P. W. Yarrell..............
F. F. Cornell, jr...............
L. C. Field.................
W. J. Willson................
F. F. Cornell, jr..............
B. D. Gullett.................W. Norman...................
P. C. Ingersoll.................
W. R. Newman...............
E. Buel......................
P. K. Dederi.k................
J. D. Wilber..................
C. Brown....................
S. W. Adwen..................
W. Hadwin..................
C. Brown...................
W.Hawn----- ------------
W. Hadwin...................
J. D. Patrick.................
J. D. Patrick............
R. R. and J. Craig.............
W. P. Haskins...............
E. Maynard...................
M. W. St. John................
M. W. St. John...............
H. S. Bartholomew............
H. W. Collender..............
H. Breevort...................
W. Hunt......................
D. A. Drasch..................
E. D. Taylor..................
J. L. Knowlton................
T. L. Canary............
T. Bruff....................
A. Weldon..................
J. Martin..................
W. Newsham.................
L. Magers------------------.....................
E. McCarty....................
D. Pettibone.................
A. R. Davis................
T. Fowler....................
J. H. Connell.................
J. P. Gage....................
M. Nelson...................
T. L. Shaw...................
J. J. Sherman.................
A. G. Wright.................
W. F. Browne.................
H. Bell........................
J. W. Brewer.................
Â~M. McFarland..............
P. Hacnlein...................
C. W. Sykes...................
G. L. Bailey...................
A. Cumings...............
Clintondale, N. Y.........
New Monmouth, N. J.....
Bath, Me..............---------------....
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Macon, Ga................
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Memphis, Tenn ----
Aberdeen, Ind............
Marshall, Tex.............
Memphis, Tenn...........
Hudson City, N. J.........
Hudson City and Jersey
City, N. J.
Jamaica, N. Y.............
Mystic, Conn............
Murfreesborough, Tenn... -
Milwaukee, Wis.....
Jonesville, S. C...
Saugatuck, Mich..........
New York, N. Y.........
Meridian, Miss.............
Atlanta, Ga..............
Graysburgh, N. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
Galesburgh, Ill............
Coles County, Ill..-....
New York, N. Y.......
Amity City, La...........
Van Buren, Ark.........
Green Point, N. Y.........
Galesburghli, Ill.........
Silver Creek, N. Y.......
Albany, N. Y............
Pleasant Plains, N. Y.....
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y.......
Rochester, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Rochester, N. Y.........
San Francisco, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal-.......
Nevada, Cal...............
Mendota, Ill..............
Washington. D. C.........
Leonardsville, N. Y.......
Leonardsville, N. Y......
Bristol, Conn...............
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.........
St. Egidi, Austria.......
Hornellsville, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa._-.
Brownsburgh, Ind.......
Washington, D. C.......
Chicago, Ill...............
Louisville, Ky...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md............
New Yore, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Cambridge, Mass.........
Richmond Valley, N. Y...
Lexington, Ky............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y-..........
Omaha City, Nebr........
Albany, N. Y.............
Santa Cruz, Cal..........
New York, N. Y.........
London, England.........
Cincinnati, Ohio............................
Mainz, Germany..........
Suffield, Con.............
Portland, Me.............
New York, N. Y..........
Feb. 23, 1864
June 14, 1864
Jan. 10, 1865
Dec. 30, 1873
May 7, 1872
Feb. 13, 1872
May 6, 1862
July 17, 1866
Apr. 21, 1868
July 2, 1867
May 10, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 10, 1872
Nov. 5, 1867
Feb. 27,1866
June 15, 1869
Oct. 24, 1871
July 4, 1871
Feb. 21,1871
May 14, 1872
Sept. 5, 1865
Oct. 2, 1866
Nov. 4, 1873
Oct. 1,1872
Feb. 5, 1867
July 4, 1865
Aug. 16, 1870
Nov. 7, 1865
Feb. 2, 1869
Oct. 31, 1865
Nov. 25, 1873
Nov. 29, 1870
Apr. 20, 1869
Oct. 29, 1872
May 2, 1865
Aug.27, 1867
June 8, 1869
Feb. 20,1872
Apr. 16,1872
Feb. 28,1871
Oct. 8, 1867
Sept. 1, 1868
Dec. 28. 1869
Oct. 29, 1867
Jan. 26, 1869
June 30, 1868
Aug. 26, 1873
May 21, 1861
Oct. 7, 1873
Apr. 14, 1868
Aug.. 10, 1848
Dec. 22, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
Aug. 1, 1865
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 5, 1808
July 29, 1873
Aug. 3, 1840
41, 722
43, 132
45, 863
146, 096
126, 415
123, 734
35, 203
56, 456
77, 108
66, 404
102, 879
76, 548
131, 232
70, 649
52, 911
91, 495
120, 347
116, 650
126, 853
49, 815
58, 526
144, 245
131, 805
61, 717
48, 621
106, 440
50, 798
86, 532
50, 772
141, 982
109, 653
89, 022
132, 566
47, 591
68, 282
91, 057
123, 824
125, 786
112, 140
69, 581
81, 676
98, 234
70, 334
86, 173
79, 408
142, 293
32, 347
143, 500
76, 706
5, 701
85, 220
75, 076
49, 122
81, 598
141, 247
1, 713
Mar. 8, 1870 100, 654
Nov. 13,1840 1, 855
Dec. 31, 1838 1, 04Q
Nov. 10, 1819..
June 9, 1863 38, 813
Feb. 11, 1862 34, 358
Nov. 17, 1863 40, 608
Mar. 8, 1859 23, 163
May 21,1861 32, 378
Feb. 10, 1863 37, 667
Aug. 27, 1861 33, 165
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 665
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 436
Mar. 26,1850 7, 207
July 11, 1854 11,248
Oct. 28, 1799........
Aug. 27,1872 130, 915
Sept. 11, 1866 57, 996
May 22, 1860 28, 339
May 18,1858 20,256
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Ballot box.........................................
Ballot-box, Registering..........................
Ballot-boxes, Apparatus for detecting fraud in.....
Balsam, Lavender...............................
Baluster-cutting machine..........................
Balusters, Construction of sheet-metal.............
Bamboo, cane, and other fibrous plants, Mode of
Bamboo-fiber, Process of preparing..............
Bamboo or cane fiber, Manufacture of flock from..
Bananas and plantains, Manufacture from.......
Band and fastener, Package................
Band and skirt-hoop attachment..................
Band, Anti-interfering............................
Band-clasp, Elastic...............................
Band-clasp, Elastic...............................
Band-cutter and thrashing-machine attachment...
Band-cutter, spreader, and feeder, Automatic.....
Band-cutting iork'................................
Band-cutting fork................................
Band-cutting knife, Straw.........................
Band-cutting machine............................
Band, Endless...................................
Band-fastening, Metallic..........................
Band for bundle..........................
Band for machinery..............................
Band for machinery, Driving......................
Band, Gripe..............................
Band hook, Back..................................
Band, Machine...................................
Band-perforating machine, Metal................
Band-twisting machine, Jack......................
Bands, clamps, &c., Fastening for attaching the
ends of.
Bands, Clasp for metallic or other flexible-..........
Bands, Composition for making self-cementing.. -.
Bands, Contracting wrought-iron.................
Bands, Guiding endless belt or apron..............
Bands, Hoop-lock for securing the ends of metallic.
Bands, Mactine for making endless...............
Bands, Machine for re-rolling metallic.............
Bands, Machine for trimming metallic............
Bands, &c., Making iron-keyed...............
Bands, &c., Method of joining sheet-metal.......
Bands of iron, Clasp for the ends of...........
Bands or belts, Making gutta-percha.............
Bandage for preternatural enlargements..........
Bandage, Obstetrical..............................
Bandage, pad, &c., for cure or relief of hernia, &c..
Bandage, Supporting...........................
Bandage, Suspensory.............................
Bandage, Suspensory......................
Bandage, Suspensory......................
Bandboxes, Machine for cutting the top and bottom ofBandboxes, Manufacture of........................
Banding and ornamental binding, Raised..........
"Banding, Machine.................................
G. A. Frdbault................
J. Gamber..................
J. A. Hill...................
S. C. Jollie..................
J. A. McPherson..........
J. P. Outcalt................
J. S. Savage.............
M. I. Shinn.................
S. G. Wallis.................
E. Bartlette...----..---------
P. J. Frantze, M. Tillesen, and
J. A. Gregersen.
G. Fischer.._...............
C. Heaton.....................
L. S. Robbins and J. A. Southmayd.
L. S. Robbins and J. A. Southmayd.
J. Fry........................
F. R. Hunt..................
A. K. Young.............
W. Hall and J. R. Clifford....
J. C. Arms.............
A. Scheydecker..........
D. N. Ropes.................
S. Moulton..................
W. C. Barr and E. J. Hunkins.
A. Zwiebel...............
S. C. Myers and J. McCanley..
W. H. H. Youngs.............
D. Arnold....................
D. Arnold...................
F. Coulon..................
W. U. Hoover...........
B. W. Field................
L. Binns....................
D. E. Hall...............
A. Barbarin.................
C. Perley................
J. H. Clifton.-.............
C. M. Roullier -..........
E. White and J. H. Warren.-..
C. Wack.....................
F. Coulon....................
S. J. Whitton...............
A. Leland...............
H. M. Wait...............
J. I. Peyton..................
G. Brodie----- -
F. M. Lottridge...........
J. Collier................
E. Carter....................
A. C. Richard..............
E. M. Carrington.............
E. Cooper....................
S. Sawyer...
P. C. Ingersoll..-..........
L. Binus.................
C. W. Chapman -..........
J. G. Merrill................
E. Cooper...................
WV. Painter...................
C. Warner..................
C. Hancock..................
N. Jensen....................
A. R. Rrown.................
M. W illis....................
R. Thompson...........
E. F. Hofmann................
E. Heaton..................
W. H. Phelps................
J. L. Taylor....................
G. H. Dickerman.............
B. Mestayer..................
Paris, France.............
Petersburgh, Pa.......
Bloomington, Iowa........
New York, N. Y.......
Troy, N. Y..............
Lancaster, Ohio.....
Kingston, NH.......
Richmond, Ind....
Waterford, Pa.........
New York, N. Y.......
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y., and
Elizabeth, N. J.
New York, N. Y., and
Elizabeth, N. J.
New Orleans, La..........
Leavenworth, Kans.....
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass.......
Northampton, Mass.......
Amsterdam, N. Y......
Wappinger's Falls, N. Y..
Orange, N. J............
Hartford, Coun..........
Macon City, Moe.....
Burlington, Wis........
McAllisterville, Pa......
Waverly, Iowa-.....
West Lodi, Ohio..........
Clyde, Ohio..........
Rockford, Ill.........
Macomb, I ii............
Ferrisburgh, Vt........
Bradford, England.....
Detroit, Mich...........
New Orleans, La.........
New York, N. Y..........
New Castle, Pa-.....
Par is, France.............
French Corral, Cal......
Evansville, Ind.-..---..Rockford, Ill.............
Coleraine, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Woodstock, Ill..........
Washington, D. C.........
Jefferson County, Ark.....
Portland, Me............
Morenci, Mich............
Norwalk, Conn............
Newtown, Cona...........
New York, N. Y.........
Richmond, Va...........
Boston, Mass.............
Green Point, N. Y.........
Bradford. England..-.
Liverpo 1, England.......
Boston, Mass............
Richmond, Va..........
Baltimore, Md...........
New York, N. Y..........
Grosvenor Place, England.
Weshigton, D. C........
Albion, Mic....h.............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Columbus, Ohio......
New York, N. Y..-.....
New Haven, Conn.......
Boston, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
Aug. 23, 1870 106, 682
Aug. 19, 1873 141, 872
Aug. 6, 1850 7, 545
Oct. 5, 1858 21, 684
Jan. 24,1865 46, 012
Feb. 25, 1868 74, 932
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 124
Oct. 2:1, 1860 30, 503
July 21, 1868 80, 101
June 29, 1833.....
July 29, 1873 141,214
Feb. 16, 1869 86, 977
July 2, 1867 66, 338
Mar. 2, 1869 87, 432
Mar. 2, 1869 87, 433
July 27, 1869 93, 075
Mar. 18, 1873 137, 060
Aug. 19, 1862 36, 2153
Sept. 8, 1868 81, 998
Oct. 15, 1872 132, 230
Sept. 20, 1870 107, 550
Mar. 4, 1873 136, 358
Dec. 2, 1873 145, 071
July 2, 1867 66, 244
Oct. 5, 1869 95,414
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 372
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 634
Dec. 20, 1870 110, 324
Apr. 23, 1872 125, 926
Nov. 26,1872 133, 36
Mar. 31, 1868 i5, 055
June 20, 1865 48, 280
Apr. 20, 1869 89, 136
Oct. 21, 1873 143, 743
Jan. 19, 1869 85, 929
Oct. 9, 1866 58, 574
Aug. 15, 1865 49, 435
May 22, 1860 28, 350
Aug. 5, 1862 36, 110
Apr. 17, 1866 54, 048
July 28, 1868 80, 373
June 20, 1871 116, 027
May 10, 1870 102, 898
Mar. 13, 1866 53, 228
July 21,1868 80, 251
July 18,1871 117,202
Jan. 3:, 187-2 123, 228
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 784
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 465
Sept. 28, 1869 95, 322
Oct. 19,1858 21,848
Jan. 12, 1869 85, 710
Mar. 16, 1833.......
Mar. 30, 1833.
Mar. 15, 1859 23, 249
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 386
Mar. 11, 1873 136, 585
Oct. 8, 1872 131, 962
Sept. 14, 1826..
Sept. 5, 1865 49, 782
Mar. 15, 1859 23, 28L
May 23, 1848 5, 590
Dec. 14, 1858 22, 293
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 255
Mar. 26, 1861 31, 843
July 29, 1837 315
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 932
May 14,1867 64, 766
May 12, 1868 77, 757
Apr. 12,1870 101, 941
Jan. 4, 1859 22, 493
Nov. 13, 1821.....
W. Tabele...----------------.. New York, N. Y........ Oct. 9,1849
J. L. Haven and C. Hettrick... Cincinnati, Ohio...... Nov. 20,1863
D. K. Van Vchten.....---------- New York, N. Y........... Dec. 12, 1820
C. Lenzmann---........... Brooklyn, N. Y---------............ Dec. 1, 1857
L. Brown..................... Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 6, 1869
F. P. Dobson...-.............. New York, N. Y.......... Apr 6,1869
G. C. Dobson and W. McDon- Boston, Mass............ May 25, 1869
Banjo................................. H. C. Dobson.................. New York, N. Y.......... July 16,1867
Banjo........................................... H. C. Dobson....---------------New York, N. Y...-...-- Mar. 4, 1873
Banjo..............-------------------..---------------.......................... J. Field...--------------.. --New York, N. Y.......... May 11, 1869
Banjo............................................F. W. Harlass---------................. -----New York, N. Y....... Aug. 15, 1865
Banjo............................................ E. B. Mansfield------------................ Boston, Mass..--------.. --- May 28, 1872
Banjo.........................- J. Mayberger................. New York, N. Y....-.. Dec. 24, 1867
Banjo -.................................--......G. Mein...................... l------------------ lliamsburgh, N. Y...... Aug. 28, 1866
Banjo........................................... J. S. Stiles..................... Springfield, Vt............ July 22, 1873
Banjo --............................................ G. Teed....................... New York, N. Y..------.. Apr. 8, 1862
Banjo........................................... W. B. Tilton.................. - New York. N. Y........ Apr. 24, 1866
Banjo- --............................ S.F. Van Hagen.-....-....... Albany N. Y -..-.. Oct. 18, 1859
Bank and other lock.............................. W. Johnson.................... Milwaukee, Wis.......... June 9, 1858
Bank and safe lock............................ S. T. Bacon................. Boston, Mass.............. July 12, 1859
6, 783
59, 745.....
18, 753
88, 541
88, 555
90, 350
66, 810
136, 491
89, 923
49, 401
127, 1-9
72, 517
57, 540
34, 913
54, 264
25, 872
20, 716
24, 710
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bank and safe lock.----.....---......................... -
Bank and safe, Safety-lock for................
Bank-bills, &c., Clasp for........................
Bank-check, &c................................
Bank-check canceler............................
Bank-checks, &c., Preventing and detecting the
alteration of.
Bank lock, Powder-proof...................
Bank-note, bond, revenue-stamnp, &c-------............---
Bank-note, bond, revenue-stamp, &c....-.....--
Bank-note plates, Method of e.graving............
Bank-note plates, Method of engraving.........
Bank-notes against forgery, Use of type in guarding
Bank-notes, bills, &c., Blank foir.... -...............
Bank-notes by lithography, Preventing counterfeit
Bank-notes, &c., Device to prevent counterfeiting..
Bank-notes, Etching the end-piece of----....------.
Bank-notes, Formation of..................
Bank-notes from being counterfeited, Method of
Bank notes, Graphic-plate for..................
Bank-notes, Manufacture of- - -.......-....-.---.------
Bank-notes, Manufacturing..............
Bank-notes, &c., Mode cf detecting counterfeited.Bank-notes, Mode of making.................
Bank-notes, &c., Mode of preventing the counterfeiting of.
Bank-notes, papers, &c., Self-cementing band for
Bank-notes, &c., Preventing the counterfeiting of. -
Bank-notes, &c., Preventing the counterfeiting of- -
Bank.notes, Process of manufacturing...-....--- -
Bank-notes, &c., Shears for cutting-....-------
Bank-notes to prevent counterfeiting, Mode of preparing.
Bank-notes when cut, Table to hold......-- -.....
Bank or other bills, Universal vitriolic test for
Bank, vault, and safe lock...............
Banks, Mode of preoenting forgery on.........
Banks, vaults, safes, &c., Lock for.............
See Axle-bit blank bar.
Chain cross-bar.
Furnace-grate bar.
Grate bar.
Harvester-finger bar.
Iron and steel bar.
Metal bar.
Metallic bar.
Miners' bar.
W. Hall.......................
M. R. Stephenson and O. Edwards.
C. Perley................
A. Man.................
A. C. Paquet................
W. M. Simpson.........
S. Crane.................
S. S. Burlingame.............
J. II. Crygier.............
F. Denzier...................
L. Derby......................
W. H all......................
A. C. Harig and D. C. Stoy....
W. Johnson..................
L. H. Miller...................
C. G. Mueller................
T. P. Murphy................
H. Ritchie..- --. ------
D. M. Smith..................
L. Yale,jr.....................
L. Yale......................
L. Yale......................
W. Hall......................
J. M. Batchelder.--------..--.
J. Gibson, jr..................
J. Murdock----------------...................
G. W. Casilear................
J. Duthie.....................
G. W. Casilear..................
G. W. Casilear.................
A. Brewster..................
P. Hannay...................
F. Peabody and J. Dixon......
M. C. Lea----------------.....................H. S. Tanner-------------..................G. Murray---------------....................C. D. Scropyan................
J. M eere....................
A. C. Carey-...........
G. T. Jones...................-----
L. Heath.....................
J. P. Puglia...................
I. Rehn...............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Newark, N. J...........
Dalton, Mass.............
Warwick, R.I...........
New York,N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Louisville, Ky---------............
Milwaukee, Wis........
Providence, R. I..........
Charleston, S. C..---.........--
New York, N. Y..........Newark, N. J.............
Springfield, Vt........
Newport. N. Y..........
Newport, N. Y.....
Newport, N. Y........
Boston, Mass........
Cambridge. Mass._.....
Albany, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y.......
Washington, D. C........
New York, N. Y-. --
Washington, D1). C........
Washington, D. C.........
Hartford, Conn......
Washington, D. C.....
Salem, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Haven, Conn.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........Lynn, Mass.............
Cincinnati, Ohio...-....
Boston, Mass.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Oct. 16,1845
July 9, 1844
Aug. 9, 1864
Sept. 3, 1867
May 16, 1871
Feb. 16, 1858
Aug. 22, 1871
Oct. 19, 1858
Nov. 2z2, 1853
Feb. 20, 1855
Nov. 2, 1858
June 27, 1854
July 25, 1854
Aug. 2, 1839
Oct. 5, 1858
Apr. 3, 1855
May 31, 1853
Apr. 3, 1849
Apr. 3,1849
July 12, 1853
Feb. 28, 1854
May 22, 1855
July 29, 1851
Feb. 3, 1863
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 26, 1861
Feb. 15,1870
Apr. 9,1872
May 6,1873
May 6, 1873
July 15, 1816
Aug. 5, 1856
Apr. 20, 1832
Apr. 21,1863
July 1, 1815
Mar. 23, 1822
Jan. 8, 1856
July 1, 1815
Apr. 10, 1860
May 15, 1866
July 2, 1867
Aug. 13, 1822
Apr. 28, 1863
4, 236
43, 792
68, 448
114, 963
19, 384
118, 204
21, 862
10, 265
12, 403
21, 947
11, 158
11, 374
24, 975
21, 689
12, 647
9, 757
6, 252
6, 272
9, 853
10, 584
12, 932
8, 257
37, 561
119, 599
31, 820
99, 757
138, 613
138, 614......
15, 486.....
38, 231..........
14, 069
27, 857
54, 834
66, 337
38, 335
81, 339
84, 606
17, 473
54, 835
10, 575
E. M. Carrington.............. New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 25,1868
S. Beer........................
C. D. Scropyan..........
G. T. Jones..................
S. P. Ruggles..................
G. T. Jones...................
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Boston, Mass..............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Dec. 1,1868
June 2, 1857
July 9, 1867
Jan. 5, 1858
May 15,1866
F. G. Johnson................ Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 28, 1854
A. Brewster................ Hartford, Conn............ July 11,1808
J. Oxuard....................
N. Sylvester...-.............
M. R. Stephenson and O. Edwards.
Portland, Me............. Apr. 10, 1845 3, 990
New York, N. Y........ July 12, 1824...
Boston, Mass............. Apr. 17, 1844 3, 546
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Sec Skylight-bar.
Tapered bar.
Toe-calk bar.
Trace safety-bar.
Vehicle side-bar.
Bar-room register................................
Bar-straightening machine..................
Bars and tubes, Machine for bending..............
Bars or plates of metal, Machinery for rolling tapering.
Barbers' and dental chair..........................
Barbers' and dental chair.........................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chair..................................
Barbers' chair......................................
Barbers' chair....................................
Barbers' chaira..............................
Barbers' chair and stool...........................
Barbers' check-holder.............................
Barge and army boat, Portable safety............
Barge-coupling ratchet.....................
Barges, Construction of...........................
Barges in river, Steering apparatus for...........
Barges, Unloading coal.....................
Barilla from tobacco-stems, &c., Manufacturing...
Bark and corn grinding mill......................
Bark and dye-wood, Machine for cutting.........
Bark and dye-woods, Machine for grinding....
Bark and grain, Mill for grinding............
Bark and leaves of various trees, Mode of extracting filamentous matter similar to silk, cotton,&c.,
from the.
Bark and other materials, Apparatus for making
extracts from.
Bark and other materials, Apparatus for leaching..
Bark, &c., Apparatus for, and mode of, packing
Bark, Apparatus for preparing quercitron.........
Bark breaking and rossing machine.............
Bark-breaking machine....................
Bark cutting and grinding machine..............
Bark-extracts, Apparatus for manufacturing....
Bark for exportation, Grinding and packing....
Bark for tanning and other purposes, Process of
extracting the strength of.
J. McNamee................
G. Lander.....................
A. Harris................
J. Holmes................
M. Leidecker.................
M. Leidecker and P. Cron....
A. Abel.................
A. Abel..................
N. W. Bonney...-.............
F. J. Coates..................
J. N. Ewald................
A. Gerdes and J. Reicbhd......
P. Haberstich..............
C. Kaestner................
H. Perry................
A. Schwaab.................
J. and J. Stock...........
H. Remick....................
G. W. Hoglen...............
S. C. Batchelor..........
W. W. Patterson and E. Bishop
A. Snyder.................
M. Lytle...---------------.
W. A. Wright... -......
G. Easterly..................
C. Parker....................
H. Haight, jr., ag H. White... - -
O. Pease and A. Donalds......
V. Birely...................
A. C. Vautier................
J. W. Jones..................
G. A. Starkweather...........
J. Lyon......................
J. Andrews.............
J. W. Burdwin and G. S. Tillingh ast.
N. Sears......................
B. Irving......................
J. Warrell....................
W. Maynard............
J. Richardson and B. Stout...
J. Brainer and W. H. Burridge.
Easton, Pa.................
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Minneapolis, Minn.......
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.......
Lewiston, Me.............
Cincinnati, Ohio...._......
Frankfort, Ind............
New York, N. Y..........
Dayton, Ohio.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Bethel, Me...............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
Portsmouth, N. H...-..
Dayton, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Freeport, Pa............
Allegheny, Pa.......
East Haven, Conn..
Richmond, Va....
Meriden, Conn........
Stamford, Conn........
Norfolk, Conn......
Frederick, Md...........
Paris, France.............
Cumberland, Md..........
Waymart, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
June 10,1862
May 28, 1867
Dec. 31, 1872
July 18, 1865
May 3, 1870
Nov. 3, 1868
Mar. 8, 1870
Mar. 19, 1872
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 3, 1872
June 18, 1872
Oct. 6, 1868
Feb. 18, 1873
June 2, 1868
July 16, 1872
Feb. 18, 1873
May 5, 1868
Sept. 19, 1865
Sept. 17, 1872
Jan. 20,1841
Feb. 7, 1871
Apr. 16, 1872
Sept. 13, 1859
May 6, 1873
Feb. 5, 1810
Nov. 25, 1 837
Apr. 11, 1825
Mar. 18, 1808
July 11, 1842
Oct. 22, 1861
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Jan. 5, 1815
35, 566
65, 242
134, 428
48, 868
102, 688
83, 644
100, 487
124, 713
62, 523
133, 566
128, 029
82, 704
135, 986
78, 525
129, 423
136, 009
77, 548
50, 032
131, 499
1, 935
111, 564
125, 700
25, 429
138, 727.....
2, 716
33, 051
76, 775
87, 984
Philadelphia, Pa........ July 15, 1816...
Morrisville, N. Y........ Mar. 19, 1872 124, 788
Hudson, N. Y _............
New York, N. Y..........-............................
Salem, Mass.............
Bucks County, Pa.........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Cct. 31, 1820
Dec. 22, 1868
Mar. 17, 1802
Sept. 12, 1871
June 6, 1812
Apr. 8, 1862
118, 956
34, 873
Bark from tfree, Tool for splitting.................. E. Michaels................... Palermo, Me-..-------... Aug. 2Q, 1866 57, 542
Bark from willows, &c., Machine for removing..... L. A. Beardsley------------............... South Edmeston, N. Y..... June 26, 1860 28, 824
Bark from wood, Mode of separating.............. J. Maitre..................... Chatillon, France-........ Dec. 31, 1867 72, 873
Bark-grinding machine........................... A. Bull........................ Caroline, N. Y............ ----------Mar. 27, 1828..
Bark-grinding machine........................... M. Hurd...................... Augusta, N. Y......--------- May 3,1831..
Bark-grinding mill...........................B. A. Beardsley......_Sangerfield, N. Y -. Feb. 4, 1843 2, 944
Bark-grinding mill................................ A. Lindsey.................... Canton, Me....... Dec. 26, 1845 4, 335
Bark-leach....................................... S. B. Patterson............... Bridgeport, Ct--............ Mar. 17, 1868 75, 571
Bark-leaching apparatus...-.-.-.-----------.. H. C. Crowell................ Morgan, Ohio............ Feb. 14, 1871 111, 730
Bark-leaching apparatus.....................( C. Korn...................... Wurtsborough, N. Y..... Dec. 3,1867 71, 765
Bark, Machine for breaking and grinding...... C. Tobey---...........---.-.-..-...... Hudson, N. Y........... May 7,1807...
Bark, Machine for rossing..................... R. Healy............------.......... - Swanton Falls, Vt..... June 9,1863 38, 861
Bark, Machine for separating the qualities of..... J. Brakeley.................... New York, N. Y.......... June 5,1860 28, 554
Bark, Machine for shaving................... M. Winger......---.............. --------- Lancaster County, Pa.... Nov. 29, 1859 26, 317
Bark, Manufacture of quercitron............... M. Winger----------... ----.. Ephratah, Pa-------............--- Oct. 25, 1870 108, 669
Bark-mil..................................C.Churchman and G.Martin,jr. Upper Chichester, Pa.... July 16,1813........
Bark-mill......................................... O. Coogan.................... Pittsfield, Mass........Oct. 24,1871 120,246
Bark-mill........................................ J. G. Curtis.................. Emporium, Pa............ Apr. 19, 1870 101,984
Bark-mill.......................................---------------------------------... J. Elliott------------------...................... -Philadelphia, Pa......... May 24, 1822........
Bark-mill....................................... C. Foss..................... Madison, Ohio-... - - - - - - Oct. 25, 1826........
Bark-mill............................L. Gale............ L. Gale _......... Berkshire County, Mass..- Mar. 20,1811........
Bark-mill......................................... L. Gale -...................Lenox, Mass-....".......... May 16, 1815....
Bark-mill........................................J. T. Gifford.................. Veteran, N. Y........... Feb. 27, 1832..
Bark-mill........................................C. H. Green and R.Montgomery Sangerfield, N. Y........ Sept. 30, 1831.
Bark-mill......................................... J. Helenbrook.--------... --. Olean, N. Y.............. - --- Feb. 14, 1871 111, 744
Bark-mill-----......................................... --------------------------L. N. Hermance.............. Kingston, N. Y.......... -------June 7,1870 103, 881
Bark-mill................................. D. Humberd and G. Downs... McConnellstown, Pa...... Mar. 27, 1832...
Bark-mil........................................ M. Hurd................... Augusta, N. Y----------............ Feb. 1,1830.
Bark-mill....................................... C. Korn...................... Wurtsborough, N. Y...... Oct. 4,1870 107, 923
Bark-mill........................................ R. Montgomery and L.W. Har- Sangerfield, N.Y......... Aug.12, 1840 1,714
Bark-mill........................................ A. P. Norton and M. Owen... Sangerfield, N. Y......... June 25, 1845 4, 090
Bark-mill.....J................................... J. Olds....................... Meriden, Conn.......... Apr. 18, 1814.....
Bark-mill---------------------------------......................................... G. E. Palen and F. P. Avery... Tunkhannock, Pa....... Jan. 24, 1871 111,239
Bark-mill......................................_. T.V.Pryor --- ---................. Philadelphia, Pa........ May 21,1805.
Bark-mill........................................ I. Scudder................... Prattaville, N. Y-...... Oct. 25,1845 4,237
Index of patenzts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I i I I
i i
larrk-mill- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --
B ark -m il l- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
Bai k -m il l --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
B a rk-m il l- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ---
Bu a r -mi l1- -- -- - --- -- - --- -- -- -- -- - --- -- - --- -- --
D a i h -m i l l ----------------=----------------------
b a r l -nuil l-.----------. -.... - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
B a rk-m il l --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
B a tk -n unil ----- -------------
b a r k rrm i lCast-iron ----- ------ ---------------
B a-k -m il l, Fed-regutlator for...................-- - -
Bark, Mill for br eakirng and giriding tanners...Bark-nill for grinding farmers' bark............
Bauk, Mode of grinding---------
Bairk, Obtaining en orrr'g matter fr om oak....
bar k-paing machine---------------
Bark, Prepr ration of qrercitron................ -- - --
Bark rosrer and breaker..............
Bark-rossrrrg maclimo...............
Bairk-resring irarlirne ---- ------- ---
Bark-rossiri" macline ------ --------
Bark-rossing imaclime...............
Bairk-sb-aving machine................Barkers' mill-----------------------------------
Barley-fork -------------------------------------
Barley, Machine for making pearl................
Barley macline, Pearl.------------------------...
Barley or gavel fork.-..-.....-..................
Barley-shelling nmachine -----------------------
Barn-dloor Ts,.ening.--------------------------.
Barr,-fork, Manrufactuire of--------------------..
Barn-shovel, &e., Sheet-iron. -..........
Barn, Stock ------------------------------------
Baronreler -------------------------------------
Barometer-------------- ----------------------
Barometer----------------------------- -------
R.. It. Shultis................I".Stammnn------------------
XV. rainsley................--
W. Tansley ---------
W. Tansley.................IN. S. 1lionirs..............E. and J. Trask.............J. Trask, A. SeabUury, arid W.
M. Winer----------.W. Torrey.................--
B. Irving...................--
J. Montgomery --------------
M. Beecher.................
J. Markley.---------
J. Brakeley ---- -----
J. Elliott --------- ----------
G. S. Tilliniglhast and J. W.
J. Cowie ------------ ------ -
C. Gilpinriarid J. T. Bill.. -
J. Mai tin arid G. W. Wilson...
B. F. Talrer-..................
M. Winger.......
J. Rnnrsay.................--
F. Dunn.....................
A. W uize.- ---- ----- -
XV. Rickardnl.................ID.P. Sharp------------..---
B. Ilamlrchy................
ID. N. Minor-..-.-.........
C. T. Beebe.................J. Brower..............
J. Tyler.- - - - - - - - - -
P. Armand le comio do Fontaine-Moreau.
IH. A. Clom.................H. A. Clum._............
A. H. Emery and J. Johnrson - -
Barometer --------------------------------------EF. F. Hamann.............
Barometer ------------------------------------. W. R. Hopkins--------
Barometer -------------------------------------- J. T. Large.--.............
Barometer-------------------------------------.. 0-.. V. Mooney....... __.......
Barometer....................J hmo ----------------------------J hmo..
Barometer....................TR ib----------------------------T inb
Barometer-------------------------------------..L. Xooirnf._........_.......
Baromneter,Mercurial---------------------------.. -. Taglinbue._........_....
Barometer, Mercurial----------------- ------ ----- T. R rimby......................
BaoeeSel-recording-------------------------D.. Peelor----.___...
Barrack, Portable ------------------ ------------- M. F. Brantingliam...........
Barr-el---------------------------------------.... E. H. Cady..................
Barrel.......-.-.................................. P. HI. Griswold.- - -- - -
Barrel...................... T.Hne----------"------------------- T.ane
Barrel........................Hri ------------------------------SHars----..
Barr-el.. -....-- - - - - - --..........- - G. M. Bentley -------
Barrel.. -....-- - - - - - - - --.........._H. CG. Porter-...-.............
Barrel-----------------------------------------.__H. G. Porter.................
Barrel................................ I. G. Porter...............
Barrel..-.-.................................-- - S. Roberts..................
Barrel......-.-.-.-......................... -._J. Tomlinson................
Barrel-----------------------------------------..D. H.Waters...............
Barrel..-.-..................................... -_ D. H. W aters...............
Barrel-------------------_..-------------- ---J. W. Wlesten --._.-.Barrel-------------------------------------H. Willard..................
Barrel..-.-...................................... H. W illard. -- - - - -- --
Barrel. - - - - - - - - - --................I H.WXillard..................
Barrel------------------------------------------H. Willard.................--
Barrel------------------------------------------.H. Willard...................
Barrel. -.................-.......... H. W illard..................Barrel, Amalgamating---------------------------..J. Brodie.................._
Barrel, Amalgamating---------------------------..J. B. Jolhnson..............
Barrel and box elevator--------------------------.....E. and J. E. Blake......... __.
Barrel and cask for containing oil, &c............--A. Pelletier..................
Barrel and cask closing apparatus.. - - - -.......A. Koegler. - _
Barrel and keg........-----...---.-....-.-...-.-..-.-.--E. Johnson, jr., and G. W.
Barrel and keg---------------------------------..J. Merrill...................
Barrel and keg making machinery----------------.N. Goodall and L. Tainter. ---
Barrel and otber cylindrical package--------------i.i1. Willard.
Barrel and other vessel--------------------------............J. A. Frey, J. Allen, and -. ID.
Barrel and tank, Cement for coating oil.......... I. Waterman -..........Barrel, Ash-..................T.Kn---------------------------.H an..-..
Barrel beveling and crozing machine.............H. A. Crossley-- - _- -- - - -- -
B;arrel-carriage..........-------------- W uly--------------------W.Fre.........
Barrel, Cast-it-on--------------------------------..A. Putnam, jr........--....
Barrel-chamfering machine------------------. Tle.......... -J ily__... ----..---....
Barrel chamfering and crozing machine...........-T. M. Adams and T. B. Luce - -
Barrel chamferng and crozing machine..----------.A. H. Crozier and C. Carrier-...
Barrel chamfering, beveling, and howeling ma- S. Widerrman...............--
Barrel-cleaning apparatus-----------------------.I. Pfeiffer. -.........
Barrel, Core.-.-............................. -----it. Cartwright.............__
Barrel-cover-------------------C rr...............................C id.....-----.Barrel-cover------------------------------------.... Hunt....................
Ellenville, N. Y -- - May 17, 1870
East Lampeter, Pa - __.Jan. 31, 1871
Salisbury Centre, N.. ---- May 29, 1860
Saltisbury Centre, N. V-. - _ Oct. 18, 1884
Salisbnury Centre, N.... - Dec. 14, 1869
Painted Post. N. Y...... Airt;.8, 1865
Sarigerdecld, N.Y-....Nov. 22, 1821
Saugerlicid, N. Y......Apr. 17, 18:33
Epliratab, Pa--__ --------- May 17, 1864
Westbr-ook, Me------Sept. 13, 1827
New York, N. Y.- --._ Feb. 9, 1869
Sa ngertield, N. Y.-..-_May 29, 1828
Remsorr, N. Y.- - - -_------Sept. 27, 1844
-J.......... " - uly 19, 1794
New York, N.Y. Aug. 7, 1860
New Ytork, N. Y----------.. _Mar. 19, 18t1
Philadelpuhia. Pa _._ __.-_-.Aug. 20,1822
Morrisvi lie, N. Y----------_.Dec. 20, 1870
Portland, Me-------------_.Sept. 15, 1863
Cuniberlandr, MCu----------..July 2, 1872
Moreuci, Mich ------------ Aug. 5, 1873
Buffalo, N. Y-------------- Jan. 27,186:3
Ephratah, Pa ----. -- --Oct. 25, 1870
------- ---- Aig.26,1791
Pulaski, N. Y.- - -.------Mar. 1, 1870
Aubuni, N-----_May 14,1867
Saint Lois, Mo-----------Mray 3, 1859
Chicago, Ill-------------- Feb. 18, 1868
Ithaca, N. Y-------------. _ _May 3, 1870
Briudgeville, Ohio.-- -- - -----Sept. 5,1834
Bridgewater., Mich.- _-. Oct. 30, 186(;
Jackson, Mich...... _...-..1)ec. 19, 1871
Berks County, Pa..- _-.--Feb.. 19, 1819
New Carlisle, Ohio. -.--.Airg. 2, 1870
Loudon, England _ __. -_Aug. 29, 18-16
Aurburn, N. Y............. May 29, 18( 0
Auburnr, N.Y............--Apr. 16, 1801
New York, N. Y., arid Saco, June 11, 187-2
Collikoon, N. Y------Sep.18,1860
Geneva, N. Y -_-----------J........St.an. 27, 1841
Brooklyn, N.Y.- -- -.- -- ----July 16, 1861
New York, N. Y ----------May, 30, 1885
IWayne, Ill---------------I...eb. F9, 1864
Medinra, N. Y-------------._..Nov. 3, 1857
Ann Arbor, Mich......June 5, 1860
New York, N. Y ---------- July 5, 1859
Wrorcesner, Mass---------Oct. 28, 1862
Johnstown, Pa-------Apr. 4, 1871
Sarugarioud County, Ill.... May 12, 1857
Grandl Rapids, Mich --..May 24, 1870
Grand Rapids, Mich - ---July 19, 1870
Elma, N. Y--------------- Dec. 20, 1870
Kilburnr, England-..Nov. 1, 18614
Grand Rapids, Mich-.__.Aug. 30, 1870
Gr-andi Rapids, Michi...... Apr. 26, 1870
Grand Rapidls, Michl.r - _.Feb. 14, 1871
Grand Rapids, Micb __- Dec. 26, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio.- -.-- ------May 14, 1861
Gorlerich,Onrtario, Canada Oct. 3,1871
Gr-anrd Rapidls, Mich - ---Dec. 14, 1869
Grarir Rapids, Mich-..Dec. 14, 1869
New York, N. Y----------...Dec. 13, 1870
Grand Rapidis, Micheb. _ _. _. Apr. 12, 1870
Grand Rapids, Mich-.___.Apr. 26, 1870
Grand JRpids, Mich-._._Apr. 26, 1870
Grand Rapids, Mich-._..Mrry 10, 1870
Grand Rapids, Mich- __.Mar. 21, 1871
Grand Rapids, Rich. - -.. -- Feb. 25, 1873
San Francisco, Cal -.----July 5, 1864
Sari Francisco, Cal-.. -. July 12, 1864
Chricopee, Mass............ Aug. 15, 1871
Washingtou, ID. C ---. -. Jan. 21,1868
Newark, N..1..--------...---Dcc. 26, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio........... May 31, 1864
Boston, Mass.. _......... Oct. 2, 1866
Watertouwn, N. Y.. -.._June 9, 1828
Grand Eapidis, Mi ch....-Nov. 14, 1871
Washington, ID. C -..._._Apr. 17, 1866
London, Canada.....July 4, 1871
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 24, 1872
Cleveland, Ohio........ _.. May 24, 1870
Smitlisburyb, Md.._..._.Oct. 30, 1649
103, 246
111, 397
28, 518
44, 756
49, 319
4-2, 811
86, 675
3, 767
29, 489
31, 697
110, 403
39, 888
128, 612
141, 1448
37, 530
108, 668
100, 382
64, 798
23, 879
74, 595
10-2, 598
59, 248
121, 983
106, 095
4, 702
28, 454
32, (150
1-27, 752
30, 661
1, 951
32, 836
47, 971
41, 549
18, 560
28, 626
24, 674
36, 872
113, 693
103, 298
105, 5651
110, 232
44, 864
1(06 827
102, 432
111, 868
122, 133
32, 340
119, 546
97, 840
97, 841
110, 096
101, 956
102, 346
102, 347
103, 00
112, 875
136, 196
43, 462
43, 507
118, 097
73, 613
4-2, 949
58, 452
120, 920
53, 970
116, _651
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Barrel creasing and beveling machine......
Barrel cresset...................
Barrel crozing and chamfering machine........
Barrel crozing and chamfering machine........
Barrel crozing and chamfering machine, Tool for..
Barrel crozing and howeling machine.........
Barrel-crozing machine...-------------- ----..Barrel-crozing machine..-.......................
Barrel-crozing machine.............
Barrel-crozing machine..................
Barrel-crozing machine.....................
Barrel dressing...................................
Barrel dressing and crozing machine..............
Barrel dressing machine...................
Barrel, Dryin.................................
Barrel fastening................
Barrel filler.......................................
Barrel filler......................................
Barrel fiiler...................................
Barrel filler, Automatic................................
BaIrel-filler, Self-closing. -..........................
Barrel-filling apparatus...........................
Barrel-filling apparatus...........................
Barrel-filling apparatus, Automatic self-closing...
Barrel-filling apparatus with whistling indicator..
Barrel-filling device..............................
Barrel-filling machine............................
Barrel, Flour-----------------------------......................................
Barrel for beer, &c, Construction of...............
Barrel for carbon-oil................................
Barrel for cooling fluids........................
Barrel for holding oil..............................
Barrel for holding petroleum.....................
Barrel for holding petroleum........................
Barrel for holding petroleum and other oils...- -..-.
Barrel for petroleum, &c.....................................
Barrel-handling device for stores..................
Barrel-head..... -..................................
Barrel head....................................
Barrel-head ------------------------------
Barrel-head, Adjustable.........................
Barrel-head, Adjustable...................
Barrel head and tap..............................
Barrel-head-centering device.....................
Barrel-head circling and beveling machine........
Barrel-head-cutter -.......-..................
Barrel-head cutting and beveling tool.............
Barrel-head-cutting machine...............
Barrel-head-cutting machine...............
Barrel-head-cutting machineo..--.-...-..---............
Barrel-head-cutting machine.............
Barrel-head-cutting machine....................
Barrel-head cutting machine...................
Barrel-head-cutting machinery.................
Barrel-head-dressing machine.................
Barrel head-dressing machine....................
Barrel head machine..............................
Barrel head machino......................
Barrel head machine.......................:Barrel- head machine.............................
Barrel head machine............................
Barrel head machine..............................
Barrel-head maclineac.
Barrel-head machinery, Method of connecting the
beveling-knives in circular cutting.
Barrel-head-making machine......................
Barrel-head-manufacturing machine.............
Barrel-head-rounin machine....................
Barrel-head-sawing machine........
Barrel-head-turning machine....- -........
Barrel-heads, Apparatus ifor rounding and beveling
Barrel-heads, Charring.....
Barrel-heads, Cutter for...........................
Barrel-heads, Machine for chamfering........
Barrel-heads, Machine for cutting.................
Barrdl-heads, Machine fbr cutting both bevels
simultaneously on.
Barrel-heads, Machine for forming.................
H. Steiger....................
A. H. Crozier..................
J. F. Little....................
J. Greenwood................
C. Murdock..................
H. Martin...................
E. and B. Holmes.............
H. De Bus and G. Johnson --....
J. Ellis.......................
J. Maley...................
H. Nelson..................
J. Solter.....................
C. Titus:......................
WV. Brown...................
L. Wirthlin.................
S. Gibbons.........
E. T. Gilmore..-..............
S. C. Catlin..................
F. Stitzel......................
L. H. Watson........
S. C. Catlin............
H. A. Webber and C. Reifsnyder.
H. A. Webber and C. Reifsnyder.
H. A. Webber and C. Reifsuyder.
W. S. Payne---------------...................
H. S. Phillips................
F. Stitzel.....................
J. L. Stewart..................
W. H. Towers..............
M. Hawe......................
B. Hackett..................
G. Verplaetse.................
J. A. Bassett.................
L. Day and HI. Chapman......
G. W. Williamson.......
J. Holland...............
J. S. Lipps..................
M. S. Scofield.................
G. M. Moore..................
J. B. Barsaloux...............
J. A. Cook..................
W. W.Crooker...............
R. B. De Bare................
G. W. Gilbert.................
L. L. Gilliland..............
S. S. Gray...............
A. Hanvey...................
A. Hanvey...................
G. Righter...................
J. McCamnmon................
J. W. Taylor.................
C. W. Saladee.................
J. W. Taylor.................
M. L. Thomoson..............
M. L. Thompson..............
P. Rink and J. Docherty......
A. C. Yawger................
G. Weaver and H. N. Allen...
J. J. Ralya...................
W. H. Doane................
P. Chase....................
W. Watkins..................
A. H. Crozier...................
AV. Manning.................
J. H. Mattison..............
J. B. Stanhope.................
C. Rt. Tompkins..............
W. L. Young.................
C. B. Hutchinson..........
W. Trapp....................
P. Welch...................
A. Benster-................
J. B. Dougherty..........
B. Fitch.................
C. B. Hutchinson......
II. L. McN'sh................
WV. Mickle...............
J. S. Thompson................
W. Bevard................
A. Cutter................
L. B. Batcheller...........
O. Redmond..............
P. I. Steere...................
J. J. Ralya....---------------
J. P. Heacock......
J. D. Copenhaver.......
W. H. Bennette.......
J. Greenwood..............
A. H. Crozier......
A. D. Stewart............
Washington. D. C.........
Oswego, N. Y............
Lockport, N. Y............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Ellenville, N. Y..........
Louisville, Ky...........
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
South Brooks, Me.....
Middletown, Ohio........
Lake Village, N. H........
Baltimore, Md............
Union, Me................
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Binghamton, N Y.........
New York. N. Y...--
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Louisville, Ky...........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Chicago, Ill.............
May 10, 1864
July 4, 1854
July 23, 1867
June 4, 1872
June 2, 1868
Feb. 1, 1859
July 28, 1868
Feb. 11, 1868
July 16, 187-2
Do. 1, 1868
Apr. 5, 1870
Oct. 22, 1872
July 14, 1868
July 29, 1873
Aug. 25, 1863
Aug. 27, 1867
Dec. 12, 1871
Dec. 20, 1870
Nov. 8, 1870
Apr. 18, 1871
June 25, 1870
Dec. 5, 1865
Chicago, Ill.............. Dec. 5,1865
Chicago, Ill..........: Dec. 5, 1865
Petroleum Centre, Pa.....
Sewickley, Pa.....
Louisville, Ky.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y....
Albany, N. Y.............
Pittsburgh, Pa........
New York, N. Y.......
Salem, Mass.........
Buffalo, N. Y......._..
Gouldsborough, Pa.......
Conshohocken, Pa.......
Brooklyn, N. Y......._
Stamford, Conn.......
Farmington, Ill.....-...
Saint Louis, Mo....
Oswego, N. Y.......
Waukegan, Ill.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Radnor, Pa..............
Dayton, Ohio.............
Boston, Mass..........
Steubenville, Ohio.......
Steubenville, Ohio....-.
Radnor, Pa..........
Dayton, Ohio.........
Ashland, Va...........
Saint Catharine's, Canada.
Ashland, Va.........
Flemington, N. J..........
Flemington, N.J..........
Wertsville, N. J......._
Newark, N. J.........
Boston, Mass........
Cleveland, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Peoria, Ill.................
Crete, Ill.............
Oswego, Ill...........
Rouse's Point, N. Y.....
Scriba, N. Y..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Muscatine, Iowa..........
Waterloo, N. Y...........
Elmira, N. Y...........
Oswego, N. Y............
Detroit, Mich.........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Moers, N. Y.............
Auburn, N. Y.............
Lowell, Mass............
Oneonta, N. Y.......
Glen's Falls, N. Y.......
Muscatine, Iowa.......
Boston, Mass............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Cheshire, Mass............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Marlborough, Ohio........
Martinsburgh, W. Va.....
Utica, N. Y.............
Rochester, N. Y.........
Oswego, N. Y.............
Bennington, Vt...........
Sept. 10, 1867
Nov. 16, 1869
Nov. 21, 1871
Nov. 8,1870
May 1, 1866
Jan. 17, 1871
Jan. 19, 1864
Mar. 2, 1869
Apr. 18, 1865
Oct. 31, 1865
Aug. 1, 1865
Feb. 14, 1865
Sept. 4, 1866
Dec. 27, 1870
Aug. 27, 1872
June 27, 1871
Mar. 16, 1869
Nov. 5, 1872
Oct. 4, 1870
Nov. 28, 1865
June 13, 1865
July 25, 1871
Aug. 1, 1871
Oct. 14, 1873
July 20, 1869
Jan. 2.3, 1866
Aug. 20,1872
Apr. 16, 1872
June 17, 1873
Oct. 22, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
July 14, 1868
Aug. 4, 1868
Dec. 22, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
June 24, 1862
Jan. 11,1870
May 12, 1863
Mar. 20, 1855
Mar. 2,1858
Mar. 2, 1858
Mar. 26, 1872
Feb. 21, 1865
Feb. 20, 1855
Feb. 1, 1853
Aug. 23, 1864
Jan. 12, 1864
Jan. 26, 1864
Sept. 17, 1867
May 18, 1858
Sept. 11, 1860
Oct. 9, 1860
May 31, 1870
Feb. 20, 1866
Jan. 12,1858
Oct. 11, 1870
Apr. 3,1860
Dec. 1, 1068
May 3, 1853
Apr. 18, 1871
Mar. 7, 1854
Sept. 13, 1370
Oct. 31, 1865
June 21, 1859
July 13, 1858
July 20, 1858
Aug. 27, 1861
Aug. 30, 1864
42, 699
67, 062
127, 478
78, 470
22, 813
80, 481
74, 319
128, 955
84, 500
101, 650
132, 377
80, 032
141, 317
39, 696
68, 181
121, 865
110, 201
109, 071
113, 954
99, 159
51, 372
51, 370
51, 371
68, 649
96, 933
121, 134
109, 151
54, 444
41, 340
87, 447
47, 273
50, 694
49, 202
46, 359
57, 738
110, 502
130, 93L
116, 398
87, 760
132, 752
107, 885
51, 260
48, 168
117, 274
117, 536
143, 571
92, 885
52, 182
130, 600
125, 694
140, 095
70, 050
80, 886
79, 919
80, 582
85, 260
141, 816
35, 674
98, 666
38, 520
12, 543
10, 509
19, 510
124, 917
46, 508
12, 452
9, 565
43, 933
41, 248
41, 356
68, 856
20, 26L
30, 024
30, 378
103, 762
52, 772
19, 066
108, 115
27, 682
84, 509
9, 699
113, 795
10. 594
107, 339
50, 677
24, 458
20, 864
20, 962
33, 153
43, 985
P. H. Lawler aind. B. Dough- Spencerport and Rocheserty. ter, N. Y.
E. Greenlee................... Summicrhill, Pa.........
Barrel-heads, Machine for making.............. I
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Barrel-heads, Machine for making................
Barrel-heads, Machine for making.._..........
Barrel-heads, Machine for manufacturing.........
Barrel-heads, M achine for planing...........
Barrel-heads, M achinery for dressing........
Barrel-heads, Making.............
Barrel-heads, Method of securing..........
larrel-heads, Method of securing....
Barrel heads, shingles, &c., Machine for sawing....
Barrel -heads, Submerging.....................
Barrel header.....................................
Larrel header...................................
Barrel header...................................
Barrel heading, circling, and beveling machine --....- -
Barrel-headings, Machine for jointing.............
Barrel-headings, Machine for sawing..............
Barrel hoop.....................................-----------------------------------..
Barrel hoop..-----------------------------------
Barrel-hoop-chamfering device...................
Barrel-hoop-crimping machine....................
Barrel-hoop-cutting machine.....................
Barrel-hoop-cutting machine.....................
Barrel-hoop-dressing machine.....................
Barrel-hoop lock....------------------------------
Barrel-hoop loosener and nail extractor--------............--
Barrel-hoop-sawing machine......................
Barrel-hoops, Box for steaming....................
Barrel-hoops, Machine for dressing....--....
Barrel-hoops, Machine for making splints for....
Barrel-hoops, Metal clasp for..................
Barrel-hoops, Staple for securing ends of..........
Barrel, keg, and pail, Combined....................
Barrel-lif er..-... -..----------..
Barr el-lining composition.......................
Barrel-lining composition....-..........
Barrel lining, Oil_.............................
Barrel lining, Oil..............................
Barrel, Machine for compressing the cylinder of
cask upon its head to fobrm a tight.
Barrel-making machine...........
Barrel-making machine...........................
Barrel-making machine.........................
Barrel-making machine..........................
Barrel making machine.......................
Barrel-making machine...
Barrel-making machinery...................
Barrel-making machinery.......................
Barrel-making machinery.........................
Barrel, Metallic...................................
Barrel, M etallic...........................
Barrel, Metallic oil................................
Barrel, Oil.........................................
Barrel-opening tool............................
Barrel-opening tool.............................
Barrel or cask................................
Barrel or cask...............................
Barrel or cask................................
Barrel or kibble, Lime............................
Barrel-pitching apparatus.........................
Barrel-pitching apparatus.......................
Barrel-pitching apparatus.........................
Barrel-pitching apparatus.........................
Barrel-pitching apparatus........................
Barrel-pitching apparatus........................
Barrel-pitching furnace........................
Barel-pitching machine........................
Barrel-pitching machine.......................
Barrel-rolling apparatus.......................
Ba-rel rolling device..........................
Barrel-rolling tongs...............................
Barrel-setting-up apparatus.......................
Larrel-stand and keg-holder.......................
Barrel-stand, Movable..---.......................
Barrel-stave....................................larrel stave-dressing machine..................
Barrel-stave jointer..............................
J. Greenwood.................----
G. Schlcemer..................
N. W. Robinson................ I. Hay------------------.....................--
T. Shepard....................
-T. L. Kilgore..................
G. W. Banker...............
J. T. 'lTomikins...............
J. B. Dougherty...............
N. B. Cleveland...............
C. B. Pettengill...............
L. S. Thompson.............
C. F. Weaver and J. W. Goss..
R. Grotz------------------......................- -
W. Trapp - --.................
C. J. Holman...............
A. E. Salisbury and S. S. Steel.
J. B. Dougherty...............
J. B. Dougherty..........
H. Ogborn.................
H. W. C. Tweddle.............
H. Willard-----------------....................H.Pelsue-------------------....................M. Reed...................
J. Dobbins......-...........
A. Goodyear..................
A. McAlpine.................
C. F. Dean....................
G. H. Shearer.................
JL. Gage....................
4. T. Forsyth..................
J. B. Gogerty--------------
J.. Larenc-------------
J. B.Dougherty...............
I). M. Lawrence...............
H. Ogborn..................
G. W. Banker_.................
L. H. Goff.............
B. H. Howell.............
H. W. C. Tweddle...........
W. R. Bree....................----------------
M. G. Huntley................
R. W. George---------------.................P. H. Lawler...----------------..............
W. R. and E. Middleton.......
A. Wyckoff...................-----
WV. Reid---------............----------..........S. Andrews...................
H. Baker-------------------......................
H. S. Higgens.................
M. T. Kennedy................
T. Molinier...............
R. Murdock -..................
G. W. Pierce...-..-...........
W. Trapp,jr..................
L.Raymond----------------..................W. and M. Adams...-.........
S. J. Arnold and A. F. Clark...H. Baker...--.-.--..--....
W. Brown....------------------
W. Brown---------------....................---
S. Roberts------------------
I. Crossett..................
tI. P. Hall.....................
G. WV. Livermore..........
J.I. Bard.............
J. A. Frey....................
E. Parker...............
R. N. Allen..................
D. Snedeker...................
T. J. Phillips...............
C. H. Carver...............---
C. T. Provost----......----------.......S. Shea.--.....---------.............---
F. K. Winsor................
T. Burnis......................
W. H. Glasgow.......
J. W. Brady........
A. A. C. Klaucke..............
R. Rosochacki...............
L. Schulze.....................
G. Sichler......
W. C. Vollmer and R..Rosochaiki.
H. Shlandeman...............
D. Myers.....................
A de Witzleben............
S. G. Hill...................
L. L. Hyatt and A. G. Hiipfel.
1. W. Stephenson.............
M. W. Ingle...................
W. B. Elliott..................
C. N. Cass....................
P. J. Skinner...............
C. Murdock..............
J J. Ralya..................
M. Randolph..................
Rochester, N. Y..........
Greenfield, Wis...........
Keesville, N. Y............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Oswegatchie, N. Y........
Cieveind, Ohio..........
Medford, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y........
Waupun, Wis.............
Hebron, Me.--.............Spencerport, N. Y.........
Rochester, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill.............
Elmira, N. Y..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Martin, Ohio..............
Rochester, N Y...........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Richmond, Ind............
Allegheny, Pa.........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
East Wallingford, Vt.....
Rochester, N. Y........
Litchfield, Mich.....
Springport, Mich.........
Pittston, Pa.............
Orange, Mass...........
Saint Johnsbury, Vt.....
Bay City, Mich...........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Wheeling, WV. Va.........
Rochester, N. Y.........
Washington, D. C.._.....
Richmond, Indiana.......
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Albans, Vt..........
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Pottsville, Pa............
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Richmond, Me.........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Elmira, N. Y..............
West Arlington, Vt.......
Perth Amboy. N. J-........
Cortland, N. Y............
Graham, Ind..............
New Brighton, Pa......
New Orleans, La---.-.....
Rochester, N. Y...........
Holly, N. Y...............
Dryden, N. Y.............
Rockland, Del...........
Ogden, N. Y.........
Raymondsville, N. Y......
McLean, N. Y............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Cleveland, Ohio-....
East Bennington, Vt.....
Akron, N. Y..............
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Cleveland, Ohio.._._..
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
Taunton, Mass..--...---.
New York, N. Y.......
Corry, Pa...............
Hillsdale. Mich...........
Williamsburg, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md............
Washington, D. C.........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Louisville, Ky............
New York, N. Y-.......
Cuyahoga County, Ohio...
Mar. 7, 1865
Jan. 30, 1872
May 6, 1856
Jan. 16, 1872
Nov. 27,1849
Nov. 18, 1873
June 12, 11160
Jan.:, 1865
Mar. 10, 1863
Feb. 21, 1860
Apr. 8, 1873
July 16, 1872
July 30, 1872
Jan. 14, 1868
Aug. 23, 1864
Dec. 24, 1867
May 6, 1873
Sept. 1, 1863
Oct. 13, 1863
Nov. 25, 1873
Oct. 23, 1866
July 15, 1873
May 17,1864
May 3, 1864
July 21, 1868
Aug. 14, 1866
Jan. 15, 1867
Feb. 11,1868
Jan. 26, 1869
Dec. 24, 1867
Apr. 23, 1872
Sept. 29, 1868
Feb. 23, 1864
Mar. 19, 1867
July 1, 1873
June 13, 1871
Sept. 4, 1866
May 23, 1865
Aug. 7, 1866
Aug. 20, 1r67
Nov. 21, 1871
June 7, 1864
Oct. 9, 1866
May 2, 1871
Dec. 19, 1865
June 5, 1866
Feb. 12, 1850
Oct. 16, 1866
Nov. 7, 1854
Aug. 6, 1872
Feb. 10, 1847
June 12,1849
Oct. 24, 1865
Oct. 1,1845
Jan. 21, 1868
Jan. 24, 1828
Sept. 1, 1868
July 30, 1844
Aug. 17, 1869
July 9, 1872
Apr. 1, 1862
July 1,1844
July 15, 1873
Mar. 21, 1854
Jan. 16, 1872
June 11, 1867
July 19,1864
Jan. 20, 1863
May 8, 1860
Jan. 28, 1868
Sept. 11, 1866
Aug. 27, 1867
Jan. 29, 1867
June 7, 1870
Apr. 11, 1865
Mar. 15, 1859
Dec. 20,1870
Dec. 20, 1870
Mar. 22, 1870
Aug. 30, 1870
June 17, 1873
July 16,1872
46, 661
123, 201
14, 829
122, 828
6, 912
144, 771
28, 712
45, 771
37, 885
27, 256
137, 567
129, 375
130, 090
7:3, 321
43, 935
72, 639
138, 531
39, 720
40, 250
144, 920
59, 097
140, 862
42, 790
42, 597
80, 154
57, 120
61, 226
74, 305
86, 295
72, 551
126, 047
82, 613
41, 688
62, 964
140, 430
115, 807
57, 819
47, 825
57, 016
67, 947
121, 106
43, 074
58, 729
114, 321
51, 643
55, 363
7, 077
58, 754
11, 894
130, 224
4, 966
6, 523
50, 625
4, 218
73, 461
81, 575
3, 683
93, 855
128, 786
34, 847
3, 648
140, 776
10, 680
122, 796
65, 741
43, 625
37, 427
28, 208
73, 923
57, 863
68, 234
61, 690
103, 953
47, 253
23, 243
110, 313
139, 976
128, 987
128, 329
117, 96
127, 236
113, 771
47, 465
112, 462
101, 242
140, 573
73, 395
90, 679
71, 326
66, 137
Decatur, Ill............... June 25,1872
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 26,1871
Washington, D. C -...... Aug. 8, 1871
Muscatine, Iowa-...... May 28,1872
New YorkandMorrisania, Apr. 18,1871
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Apr. 25,1865
Indianapolis, Ind......... Mar. 7, 1871
Corning, N. Y............ Mar. 29,1870
Winchester, Ill........... July 8, 1873
Oswego, N. Y-........... Jan. 14,1868
Hartford, Conn........... June 1, 1869
Allegheny City, Pa....... Nov. 26, 1867
Saint Louis, Mo........... July 16, 1867
Indcx of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Residence. Date. No.
Barrel staves and heads, Machine for shaving, jointing, and forming.
Barrel, tank, and cask for transporting acid and
Barrel tapping.............................
Bai rel lapping-piece............................
Barrel-tightening strap...-----------------------
Pai rel-trussing machine...--------------------
Ear rel-trussing machine...........................
B. rrel, Ventilated flour............................
barrel -aslier _
Barrel-washing machine...................
Barrel-washing machine.------....
Barrel-washing machine........................
Barrels nd casks, Apparatus for piltching beer
and other.
Barrels and casks, Coating for oil..---...............-.
Barrels and casks during the process of pitching,
Apparatus for agitating and cooling.
Bin tels andl tirkins, Adjustable head for......
Buriels and casks, Machine for dlistributing pitch in
Bat rels and packages, Construct ion of........
Barr els, and placing th, m in tiers or rows, Machine
for ioisting.
Barrels, Apparatus for aerating beer...............
Larr Is, Apparatus for lifting................
Barrels, casks, &c., Apparatus for pitching and
Barrels, Apparatus for pitching beer, &c...........
Barrels, &c, Apparatus for rolling and handling...
Barrels, &c., Apparatus for rteaming and cleaning
Barrels, &c.. Applying solution to the inte ior and
exterior of oil.
Barrels, Automatic plug for......................
Barrels, boxes, &c., Machine for lifting and carrying.
Bar'nls, &c., Bush for............................
Barrels, Bushing for.........................
Barrels, casks, &e., Apparatus for ptching.....
Barrels, casks, &c., Machine for pitching...
Barrels, casks, &c., Metallic hoop for........
Barrels Cleansingi and putifnittg beer...-----..--.
Barrels, Composition for tcoting oil...............
Barrel- Composition for coating oil................
Barrels, Composition for lining..............
Barrels, Composition for lining..
Barrels, &c., Composition for lining oil............
Barrels &c., Comp sition for lining oil............
Barrels Composition tor lining oil---.......
Barrels, Composition for lining oil...------------..
Barrels, Composition for lining oil................
Barrels, Composition for lining oil................
Barrels Composition for lining petroleum........
Barrels Composition for lining petroleum..-..
Barrels, Connection tfor floating.............
Barrels, Construction of.......................
Barrels, Cresset for heating......................
Barrels, Device for tilting-...........
Barr els, Elastic cement for lining petroleum.....
Barrels, &c., Fermentation guard for-----..------
B arrels, &c., for containing petroleum, Composition for linitg.
Barrels for holding oil, &c., Process for lining.....
Barrels for holding petroleum, Composition for
Barrels for petroleum, &c., Composition for lining
Barrels from bursting, Safety-plug to prevent......
Barrels from leaking, Method of prcventing oil... - -.
Barrels, &c., from leaking, Method of preventing oii
Barrels, Gage for filling..........................
Barrels, Head-lining for....- -----
Barrels impervious to oil, &c., Composition fot
Barrels impervious to petroleum, Process of rendering.
Barrels, &c., Implement for rolling, guiding, and
Barrels, kegs, &c., Tool to be used in the mannfactut e oft.
Barrels, &c., Lining............................
Barrels, Lining for oil...........---------------------...............
Barrels, Lining for petroleum...-----....
Barrels, &c., Lining petroleum.............
Barrels, Lock for securing stamp upon...-..
Barrels, Machine for chamfering and crozing....
Barrels, Machine for chamfering and crozing....
Barrels, Machine for crozing and chamfering......
Barrels, Machine for crozing, chamfering, and beveling.
Barrels, Macline for cutting the locks in hoops for
Barrels, Machine for finishing the inside of......
Barrels, Machii for iorcing hoops on.............
Barrels, &c., Machine for forming.................
B. Langdon and W. Mowry...
T. W. Claussen...............
J. B. Davenport............
W. Boynton..-------------
A. Ziusser..---------------
S. Macferren...-------------
J. Gritting....................
J. Reid.....---------------
P'. Welch...................
tR. C. Fleming................
T. Pearsall..-................
A. Muntzenberger.......--
J. Peacock....................
J. Peacock...................
T. Reynolds..................
W. Vogt....................
Washington County, N. Y.
Mars Bluff S. C...........
New York, N. Y...........
Auburn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
PhiladelI)phia, Pa-........
lpswich, Mass-........
Allegheny City, Pa.....
Saint Louis, Mo........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Smithborough, N. Y.....
Keenosha, Vis.............
Rockford, Ill..............
Rockford, Ill..............
Yonkers, N. Y............----------
Louisville, Ky............
June 20, 1811
Mar. 4, 1873
Aug. 29, 1871
Aug. 7, 1866
Mar. 24, 1868
Dec. 20, 1870
July 1, 1873
Oct. 29, 1872
Dec. 6,1x70
June 2, 1868
June 27, 1854
Nov. 25, 1873
Mar. 13, 1866
Aug. 27,1867
May 24, 1870
July 11, 1871
S. H. Titus----------------.................... Saint Louis, Mo---------........... Nov. 25,1862
D. Camnimerer--------. -------................ -Cincinnati, Ohio.......... June 21, 1870
H. D. Rumsey................
B. J. Stkenborg.............
C. Green...................
G. B. Vroom and S. Kinzie....
J. Metzger.................
J. S. Brewer..................
L. Shulze.....................
Homer, N. Y------------..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Wilmington, Del-........
Jersey City, N. J., and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
East Cambridge, Mass...
Chicago, Ill...............
Baltimore, Md............
Feb. 4, 1868
July 4, 1871
Mar. 1, 1870
Jan. 22, 1861
May 16,1871
Feb. 28, 1871
Dec. 6, 1870
H. Reutti and P. Winklehaus Hamilton, Ohio........... Apr. 19,1870
S. Longley-----------------................... -Cincinnati, Ohio......... June 3, 1856
A. K. Lee-------------------.................... --Galveston, Tex........... May 3, 1873
J. O. Woodruff............... Auburn, N. Y............. Oct. 24,1865
T. Windle and J. H. Dorst... New Albany, Ind....... Jan. 26, 1869
J. W. Babcock---------...............--- Chicopee, Mass-........ Feb. 18, 1873
D. F. Fetter.................
D. F. Fetter..................
L. Schulze....................
G. Meyer.....................
W. Wilson, jr...--------------
W. Harvey.................
D. Aid...---------------------
J. G. Thompson..............
A. C. Diunn...-----------------
L. Held......................
J. Baur.......................
F. Becker.....................--
W. Budd and J. L. Husband..
H. Loewenberg...............
J. P. Schenck,jr.............
G. W. Williamson...........
J. Fox.......................
R. Price...-.. --....
R. W. Park...................
G. St. George, jr.......
J. S. Thompson and M. J. Sey-.mour.
J. C. Curran..................
J. J. K. Boote and W.A. Gibson
A. P. Gardner---------------................H. Preuss...................
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y......
Baltimore, Md.-.....-.....
Quincy, Ill................
Wilmington, Del-..........
Waterville, N Y -.......
Newville, Pa..............
Carbondale, Pa............
New York, N. Y........
Harlem, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y-.. ---.. -
Scranton, Pa.....----------
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y........
Matteawau, N. Y.........
Goldsborough, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Jersey City, N. J........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y.........
Glen's Falls, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cleveland, Ohio-...........
Moscow, Pa...............
New York, N. Y-..........
June 22, 1869
Feb 19, 1867
May 30,1871
Jan. 21, 1873
June 27, 1865
Apr. 2,1872
Dec. 6, 1864
Mar. 7, 1865
May 29, 1866
June 27,1865
June 6,1865
Mar. 10, 1863
Mar. 7, 1865
Apr. 25, 1865
Jan. 1, 1867
July 12, 1864
May 23, 1865
Aug. 1, 1865
May 3, 1864
Aug. 27, 1867
Mar. 29, 1859
Aug. 3, 1869
Apr. 4,1871
Dec. 23, 1873
Jan. 10,1865
136, 416
118, 438
56, 889
76, 030
110, 255
140, 364
132, 601
109, 854
78, 447
11, 200
145, 003
53, 177
68, 311
103, 371
116, 896
37, 018
104, 421
74, 150
110, 772
100, 286
31, 197
114, 839
112, 214
109, 948
15, 042
138, 810
50, 649
135, 958
91, 618
115, 5:0
135, 139
48, 497
45, 379
46, 734
55, 073
48, 398
48, 041
37, 848
46, 636
47, 496
60, 644
43, 552
47, 810
49, 152
42, 594
68, 322
23, 410
93, 180
113, 485
145, 860
45, 857
46, 988
46, 060
52, 957
45, 902
45, 855
28, 637
136, 763
46, 021
49, 215
138, 055
57, 333
47, 581
47, 363
107, 176
21, 769
41, 249
23, 097
21, 718
65, 491
30, 811
145, 942
21, 7u25
J. Baur...................... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 28,1865
H. Loewenberg.............. New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 24, 1865
L. Francis......-..........
1v. Bridge................
D. Abl.....................
G. T. Parry and W. S. Warner
W. H. Noyes................
G. A. Reed...---------------...............G. R. Percy.................
J. Baur.......................
B. V. Tamplin...............
W. G. Burr...................
G. Arnd......................
R. V. Jones...................
W. H. Stone...............
T. 0. Oliver..................
J. L. Harley.............
J. H. Mattison...............
P. Welch....................
H. Littlejohn.............
W. M. Arnall................
F. C. La Riviere...........
E. Greenlee...........
J. Greenwood................
J. l ees......................
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 28,1865
Paterson, N. J------------............ Mar. 6, 1866
Newville, Pa............ Jan. 17, 1865
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 10, 1865
Boston, Mass.............. June 5, 1860
New York, N.Y......... Mar. 11, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 24, 1865
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Aug. 8, 1865
Peoria, Ill................ Apr. 22,1873
Mount Pleasant, N. Y..... Oct. 12,1839
New York, N. Y.......... June 21, 1864
Canton, Ohio............ Aug. 21, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 2, 1865
New York, N. Y----------.......... Apr. 18, 1865
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 6, 1870
Scriba, N. Y.............. Oct. 12, 1858
Oswego, N. Y......... Jan. 12, 1864
Troy, N. Y..........._.. Mar. 1, 1859
Sperryville, Va........... Oct. 5, 1858
Minneapolis, Minn........ June 4,1867
Summer Hill, Pa.......... Dec. 4, 1860
Rochester, N. Y........... Dec. 30, 1873
Elk Horn Grove, Ill...... Oct. 5,1858
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, iuclusice-Continuled.
Invention. Inventor. residence. Date. No.
Barrels, Machine for leveling the staves in. --. F. and B. Holmes-------------.Buffalo, N. Y -.- - - -.-------Jnly 28, 1868 80, 482
Barrels, Machine for making plus for...._.. L. H. Dwelley - -- -- -- - --- -- - - Dorchester, Mass-_._..._Nov. 13, 1866i 59, 167
Barrels, Machine for sawing headiing for-.... P. Welch.- - - - -I........ Oswego, N. Y............ Apr. 5, 1864 42, 244
Burn els, Machine for setting staves in-------------.C. B. Hutchinson.-----------. _ Auburn, N. Y............. Mar. 19, 1867 6:3, 052
Barrels, Machine for setting up.. _.............. A. Cotter....................__ __ __ Boston, Mass.-- - - -.. -_Oct. 11, 1870 108, 113
Barrels, Machine for setting up...-.........A. G. Mack ----..............Rochester, N. Y.. _........ Jan. 1, 1861 31, 026
Barrels, &c., Machine 10 he used in combination J. H. Bruner and R. H. Thomp- Mitf'ordand Granville, Ohio Nov. 12, 1842 2, 852
with improved iron truss-hoop in the mannihe- son.
tore of.
Barrels, Machinery for making...................-C. Ruggles.................-- -- -- Huron, Ohio..... __.......Nov. 18, 1873 144, 635
Barres, Making................................. 1Werum....................B rhon, Ohio..............-Ang. 25, 1863 39, 694
Barrels, Manufacturing.........................-- - - - -J. Cole andl S. Miller.......... B a V ashingtonr County, Ohio Sept. 29, 1831.
Barrels, Manufacturing.......................... J. Squier..................... Salina, N. Y_.............Jan. 21, 1835..
Barrels, Manufacturing oil................ _..._ B. Springer.................Henry County, nd...Apr. 27, 1832....
Barrels, Mechanism for heading. __........... J. Griing.................... - -- -- Ipswich, Mass........... Mar. 11, 1873 136, 595
Barrels, Metallic head fori-....................... S. Lewis. __.................._Rochester, N Y.......... Dec. 20, 1864 45, 107
Barrels, Method of boring gun...................H. Peeler... _...._ -..........Boston, Mass..............eb.Feb. 6, 1849 6, 088
Barrels, Method of making............... _.......S. Roberts..........._- -........Cleveland, Ohio......... _Oct. 16, 1860 30, 425
Barrels, Method of making....._-.... _...........S. Roberts.-..... ---- ---Cleveland, Ohio.......... _Feb. 26, 1861 31, 558
Barre ls, Method of secnri g hush for hung to..- T. Snimerfield... _....._ New York, N. Y.......... May 23, 1865 47, 877
Barrels, Mode of chamfering and crozing --..........J. H. Mattison. _...._.......Scri ba, N. Y.............Oct. 3, 1857 18, 549
Barrels, Mode of manufacturing........... -- --....... W. Banker................. M ed fo rd, Mdod Mass. -_-.........Oct. 11, 1859 25, 784
Bai rely, Mode of pitching........................-- -- -- -- -J. F. T. Halbeck and M. Gott- Chicago, Ill._--............._ _May 3, 1864 4-2, 580
Barrels, Mode of repairing............E. W. Gillman............... Hunters Point, N. Y. June 30, 1868 79, 340
Barrels of oil, &c., Instrument for ascertaining the G. Tagliabue.................. New York, N. VY.... _...... May 5, 1863 38, 427
amount of wvater, &c., in.
Barrels, Pitehing.... _.......................... W. Anheuser.. _.... _.......... Saint Louis, Mo......Apr. 4, 1871 113, 480
Barrels, Pitehing-w............................J. P. Benoit................-Detroit, Mich-._..........Oct. 26, 118611 96, 076
Barrels, Raising liquid from... _...._..... _........E. Cook...................... -- -- -- -Rochester, N. Y.......... -- _Apr. 30, 1872 126, 267
B. ridlsSelf-ctig tilt for.................- -- -- --..I. Hudson and W. Win shal l.- Stockport, Great Britain-- Sept. 27, 1870 107, 779
Barrels &c, Skid for elevating, and lowering. C. Brosius -. -.................Hancock, Mid...- -........Feb. 18, 1868 74, 493
Barrels Skid tor support~ing._....................._ __ __ _W. W. Doane and W. P. Burr Brewer. Me........ _.... Oct. 16, 1e66 58, 787
Barrels to contain petroleum, coal-oil, &c., PieIL. S. Robbins..................New York, N. Y -__. --_-May 3, 1864 42, 598
Barrels to1101(1 oil, petroleum, &c., Preparing H. Wurtz..............- -- - _....New York, N. V......... Feb. 21, 1865 46, 518
Barrels to render theni oil-Iiglit, Coating......A. H. Hook and J. H. Darling- New Yor-k N. Y.... June 7, 1864 43, 0-25
Barrels wa-ter and oil tightteomposition for making T. Schumann and C. G. Frash New York, N. Y_......... July 5, 1864 43, 433
Barrels with glue, Proess ot lining oil............. W. Leggett. _.. _...........New York, N. Y..-_---.....Oct 21, 1873 143, 770
IL-aies with sheet-metal, Mode of lining.............T. Ht. Cook................... _ -- _ Saratoga Springs, N. Y Nov. 5, 1867 70, 414
Larrow and(1cultivator, Conibired wheel--_........... -L. Trefftz and G. H. Shimpert Pinckneyville, Ill...._Jan. 5, 1869 85, 709
Latiow and lgarden -plow, Combined wheel.._..__.J. D. OCallaghian......- --....Calhoun, Ga.............. __ __ _Oct. 12, 1669 95, 718
Barrow and haiad-plow comubined, Wheel - I--. -_. 0..Fitzhugh.......Frederick, Md. _.........._ Oct. 17,18s-i 119, 913
Barrow and stepi-ladder combined, Wheel ___H..Evans..................- ( - - -- hisieville, Canada.------Sept. 26, 18 71 119, 339
Barrows and trucks, Tubular frame of wheel.__._B. W.luthill - l ew York, N. Y__.._._. Dec. 12, 1e71 121, 916
B~arrowvanid turnip-drill, Combined............__.M. Newland..___.._.Olivet, Mich.............. - -- -Nov. 8, 1870 169, 041
Barrow, Coal...................................IK.Dederick..._._.-Albano, N. YV_........... Api. 26, 1870 102, 376
Barrow, Construction of wheel................... N.Tuits, 2d..................-- -- -_ _Charilestown, Mass. ----- Sept. 13, 1824.___.
Barrow, Drill.................................... G.(Colby.....................-Fayetteville, Pa..........June 12,1849 6,520
Barrow, Dunping wheel...............___....... H. Kanmacher -----_ Chiag~o, Ill.......-.......May 21, 1672 127, 665
Barrow frame, Wheel............................ B.XW. Tthiill. --------- Oegon City, Oreg._Jan. 3,1871 110, 698
Barrow, Hand...............................----..MS. Schofield------_. Stamford, Coon....... Jan. 18, 1870 99, 009
Barrow, Horse wheel............... Rowley.................... - - - Ittstcrd, N. Y.____... Nov. 1, 18-25.
Barrow trays, Machine for making wheel...E. Breed.....................Jamestown, N. Y -._. -_Aug. 6, 1872 130, 273
Barrow. Truck.................................-- -- -J. J. icehardsn.............. Marion, S. C............. Jan. 21,1873 135, 157
IL-utow,WXheel............................._N. Cronkite...--............Milford, N. Y^.-.___. May 24, 1870 1o03,4:10
Barrowi Wheel................................. D. B. Ellis_............Ypsilanti, Miclh...........Nov. 12, 1867 70, 821
Barrow, Wheel.............................J. Emnnis.-....................Columbus, Ga -....._..Oct. 18, 1870 108, 341
Lam mow, Wheel.........................._-----._-J. Gehr......____ Clear Spring, Md_..-Nov. 7 1871 120, 736
ILarmow, Wheel........ _........................C. R. Hight...................-Geneva, Ill........Au.6,1872 130, 129
BLariow, Wheel.................._............. C. C. Johnson._..........Springfield, Vt------.............u.an. 19, 1869 86, 077
Barrow, Wheel....----- --------._..................J. M. and J. IL. Jones..o........- Paris and Leximigton, Ky Oct. 21, 1873 143, 767
Barrow, Wheel..__.___........................... H. Lawrence.-...........New York, N. Y..........July 18, 1871 117, 085
Dairrow, W h e e l................................._ __ __ __ _ _ H. Lawrence..........._...New Yerk, N. Y_......July 18, 1871 117, 086
Barrow, Wheel............................---..... B. Marshall................ AtlantaGa.-_._.. Oct.. 20,1868 83,189
Barrow, Wheel................................. W. MKihmhin................-San FranciscoCail _.. Oct. 24, 187~1 120, 159
Barrow, Wheel.-_..............................W. F. Newcomabe.............. Cleveland, Ohio May 19, 1868 78,0103
Barrow, Wheel.................P._--oliiig........... PNlu------..._...... WoodlsideWas.__._ Oct. 12, 1869 95, 717
Barrow, Wheel.................................-- C. and C. Nnttiiig,jr.......... San FranciscoCal -- --- Nov. 19), 187-2 133,170
Barrow, Wheel.................................---F. Parkerson...-....... Philadelphia, Pa-..-- Mar. 31,1868 76, 241
Barrow, Wheel.................................---I:. M. Reynolds............... East Sa-iiawMicli. Oct. 4, 1870 107, 013
Barrow, Wheel.................................. N. C. Sanford.................Meriden, Conn ---.._ June 6,1865 48, 101
Barrow, Wheel.................................. J. B. Schneider......_.......Kankakee, Ill......... Jnie 10, 1873 139,8-23
Bairow, Wheel. -. _................... _...........I. W. Tuthill.........Oregon City, Oreg... Sept. 2!8, 1869 95, 288
Bairrow, Wheel.................................. j. J. Van Kersen.............. Kalamazoo, Mich.._Dec. 27, 1864 45, 658
1Baruow, Whet l.. _.................J. G. Weir............... __..1'ittsburgh, Pa............_ _ Dec. 28, 1869 98, 324
Bar '6-ina/nufcur f...............C.F oMoa......rsFane........o. 1873 144,IAA517
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
f I I I
Basket............................................------------------------------- --
Basket-and bird-cage, Combined hanging..........
Basket braining block............................
Basket' Clothes....................................
Basket, Cotton.............................
Basket, Cover for fruit.................
Basket, Extension....................
Basket-finishing machine........................
Basket, Flower...................................
Basket, Folding.............................
Basket for berries.................................-----------------------
Basket for feeding tarred corn-cobs to furnace - -....
Basket for grinding tile............................
Basket for house-plant............................
Basket for railway-car, Bracket..................
Basket for tile-grinder.....................
Basket, Form-block for...---------------------
Basket, Fruit.....................................
Basket, Grain.....................................
Basket, Grain..................................
Basket, Grain....................................
Basket Grain.....................................
Basket, Grain.....................................
Basket-handle, Fastening......................
Basket-handle, Metallic........................
Basket, Hanging.................................
Basket, Hanging..................................-------------------------
Basket, Hanging.........................
Basket, Lady's work..............................
Basket, Lady's work.............................
Basket machine......
Basket-machine------------------------- ___
Basket-making machine..........................
Basket-making machine.........................
Basket, M etallic................................
Basket or dish, Table..............................
Basket, Peach.....................................
Basket, Reticule wicker......................
Basket, Reticule wicker....................
Basket, Silver-plate cake and fruit...........
Basket-splint machine....._................
Basket-splints, Machine for riving..............
Basket, Stave............................
Basket-stuff-cutting machine................
Basket, Trout......-............................
Basket, Water-proof...............................
Basket-weaving machine....................
Basket-weaving machine.........................
Basket, Weighing................................
Basket, Wine......................................
Basket, Wire.....................................
Basket, Work.............................
Baskets, Apparatus for casting metal for metallic.
Baskets, Construction of....................
Baskets for catching eels, Method of making......
Baskets, Form-block for shaping..............
Baskets, Form or mold on which wooden slats,
&c., are made into.
Baskets, Machine for braiding open-work-- -..........Baskets, Machine for cutting material for.........
Baskets, Machine for dressing willow for..........
Baskets, Machine for forming.....................
Baskets, Machinery for forming..................
Baskets, Making splits for.......................
Baskets, Manufacture of stave...................
Baskets, Means for manuacturing...............
Baskets, Means of manufacturing................
Baskets, Method of manufacturing...............
Buskets, Preparing moss for ornamental...........
H. C. Jones ---------------.
H. C. Jones...................
H. C. Jones-- -----
H. C. Jones..................
H. C. Jones..............
H. C. Jones..............
H. C. Jones..................
H. C. Jones...................
H. C. Jones..................
E. B. Lyman..--------------
L. Marble...............
S. P. P. Miller.................
J. R. Park....................
S. I. Russell..................
S. M. Sherman................
T. R. Sherry.................
H. E. Tower..................
H. E. Tower................
B. F. Tuthill.................
A. Van Riper................
G. Z. and W. A. Van Riper....
R. B. Whee'er...........
S. H. Wheeler.....................
S. Vanstone....................
G. O. Gillette.................
L. and A. C. Carman..........
R. L. Myers................
J. C. Ingham and C. Colby.....
A. Norman..............
F. H. Brown.................
G. Gunther..............
A. M. Olds...................
A. 1. Wldsot--------------
S. R. Wilmot..................
P. C. Reniers..................
A. P. Eastman.............
J. L. Howard.................
P. C. Reniers.................
A. F. Scow...................
A. F. Scow......--------------.............W. H. Carpenter.............
H. C. Jones.................
T. and J. Churchill....-......
L Carpenter...............
H. C. Jones..................
1H. C. Jones...................-------------
H. C. Jones...................
H. C. Jones...................
H. C. Jones...................
A. Faas....................
O. A. North--------------..................
C. C. Hibbert..................
J. H. O'Neil...................
D. Sherwood.................
S. Ainsworth...._...........
R. V. Jones...................
M. Shaffer.................
G. Storer.....................
J. B. Sweetland and E. C. Goodrich.
F. H. Brown..................
J. Moore and S. W. Day.....
A. Schenck................
J. Gibson, jr..................
11. Carpenter................
P. Eley.....................
J. Venet.....................
J. Venet......................
R. Gleason, jr................
I. F. Wilcox...................
A. and G. Van Riper..........
W. I. Horton....._..........
H. C. Jones...................
C. Jordan...................
P. R. Ridgway...............
G. M. Allerton............_
F. H. Brown.................
F. H. Brown................
C. Renno andP. Landenberger
J. Roussillon............
D. Sherwood.............
T. V. Hobbs...................
W. H. Trissler............
J. A. H. Ellis............
J. Downs................
H. Carpenter................
J. A. H. Ellis...............
F. H. Brown.............-...
L. J. Bridgeman..........
E. K. Root...............
E. S. Jeffery..............
J. W. Millet........
J. S. Borden..............
H. C. Jones.............
E. Bredt.............
J. D. and J. T. Shuler.....
L. Marble........
J. W. Shiveley...........
Dowagiac, M ich........
Dowagiac, Mich....
Dowagiac. Mich. -..
Dowagiac, Mich....
Dowagiac, Mich........
Dowagiac, Mich.......
Dowagiac, Mich.......
Dowagiac, Mich..........
Waterbury, Conn.......
Vassar, Mich..........
Beaver, Pa- -..-- - _
Marlborough, N. Y.......
Chicago, Ill...........
Fort Dodge, Iowa.......
Newark, N. J.......
Worthington, Mass....._
Worthington, Mass.......
Chicago, Ill...............
Washington Tp., N. J....
Lagrange, Mich.........
Dowagiac, Mich.........
Niles, Mich.....
Providence, R. I...
Streetsborough, Ohio......
McGoy's Station, Ohio.....
Washington, N. C.........
Benton Harbor, Mich.....
Rochester, N. Y...........
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Dayton, Ohio......_
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Washington, D. C.......
Hartford, Conn..-.....
Pittsburgh, Pa-.........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago. Ill.--...
New York, N. Y.....
Dowagiac, Mich..---.....
Detroit, Mich......
Saint Joseph, Mich.....
Dowagiac, Mich.. --..
Dowagiac, Mich.........
Dowagiac, Mich.....
Dowagiac, Mich.......
Dowagiac, Mich.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
New Britain, Conn.......
Lynn, Mass...............
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Lowell, Mass............
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
Canton, Ohio..........
La Fayette, Ind........
New Britain, Conn.........
Pontiac, Mich............
Chicago, Ill...........
Oak Creek, Wis...--.......
Chicago, Ill..........
Albany, N. Y.. --...
Brooklyn, N. Y.- --..-.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y...._....
New York, N. Y........
Dorchester, Mass...Streetsborough, Ohio.....
Bergen County, N. J......
La Grange, Ala..........
Dowagiac, Mich...----....
Wrentham, Mass.-........
Boston, Mass.-..-.Dover Plains, N. Y......
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill..........
New York, N.Y..........
Epernay, France-.........
Lowell, Mass............
Ohicago, Ill...............
Dunkirk, N. Y............
Springfield, Vt...........
Belleport, N. Y...........
New York, N. YV..........
Springfield, Vt............
Date. No.
Aug. 11, 1868 80, 825
Aug. 6, 1872 13t0, 135
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 136
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 137
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 138
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 139
Dec. 17, 1872 133, 941
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 343
Sept. 5, 1865 49, 774
Jan. 7, 1862 34, 088
May 5, 1868 77, 516
May 1, 1860 28, 105
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 892
Aug. 20, 1861 33, 106
July 4, 1865 48, 595
Mar. 5, 1872 124, 231
Mar. 5, 1872 124. 232
June27,1871 116,374
Aug. 21, 1847 5, 247
Feb. 27,1866 52,914
Oct. 29, 1872 132, 703
July 22, 1873 141, 0-23
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 980
Aug. '20, 1872 130, 711
Sept. 20, 1870 107, 446
Dec. 21, 1869 98, 091
July 22, 1873 141,142
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 327
Oct. 29, 1867 70,31
June 13, 1865 48, 171
Jan. 28, 1868 73, 749
May 14, 1861 32, 324
May 28, 1867 65, 157
Sept. 21, 1869 94, 977
Mar. 7, 1871 112, 433
May 25, 1869 90, 543
D)ec. 13, 1870 110, 072
May 13, 1873 138, 765
May 20,1873 139, 025
Aug.11, 1868 80, 910
Mar. 28, 1871 113,058
Dec. 27, 1864.45, 585
May 3,1870 102, 488
Apr. 15, 1873 137. 845
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 846
Sept. 2,1873 142, 341
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 342
Dec. 16,1873 145, 573
June 23, 1857 17, 621
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 168
Mar. 19, 1872 124, e17
Apr. 12, 1870 101, 907
Nov. 16, 1869 96, 977
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 571
May 25, 1869 90, 553
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 424
Feb. 12, 1867 62, 085
Dec. 12, 1865 51,491
Oct. 22, 1867 70, 072
Jan. 14, 1873 134, 920
Aug. 4, 1863 39, 426
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 086
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 459
Apr. 4, 1865 47, 096
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 836
Apr. 16, 1872 125, 706
June 17, 1856 15, 127
Nov. 28, 1871 121, 304
Oct. 2, 1847 5, 319
Nov. 29, 1859 26, 268
Mar. 28, 1871 113, 059
Mar. 22, 1870 101,021
July 16, 1872 129, 592
Oct. 22, 1872 132, 428
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 695
Oct. 1, 1867 69, 309
Nov.23,1869 97, 119
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 852
Feb. 18, 1873 135, 943
June 3, 1873 139, 508
July 9, 1872 128, 928
Apr. 7, 1857 16, 970
Apr. 25, 1843 3, 056
Dec. 31, 1867 72, 797
Mar. 31, 1857 16, 953
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 29, 1867
Rock Stream, N. Y....... Sept. 27,1870
Hartford, Conn........... Oct. 16, 1866
New Haven, Conn........ July 18, 1865
Bachelorsville, N. Y....... May 2, 1865
Shrewsbury, N. J....... June 29, 1833
Dowagiac, Mich.......... Mar. 15, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... June 20, 1865
Lockport, N. Y........... May 13, 1862
Vassar, Mich.. -......... July 5, 1859
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Apr. 30, 1873
107, 654
58, 958
48, 869
47, 602.....
100, 902
48, 255
35, 265
24, 699
126, 237
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Baskets, Tool for manufacturing splint............
Bat for cricket, &c........................
Bat, Spring.....------------------------------
See Air-bath.
Combination bath.
Compressed-air bath.
Cot elastic bath.
Electrical bath.
Electro-magnetic bath.
Galvanic bath.
Medicated bath.
Medicated shampoo bath.
Mineral bath.
Parlor bath.
Photocraphic bath.
Portable bath
Ventilated bath.
Warm bath.
Zincing and tinning bath.
Bath and wash-stand.-......-.................
Bath, Confluent pipe for....................
Bath-house, Portable.......................
Bath, Portable............................
Bath-room rack................................
Bath-seat, Portable.........................
Bat li-tub.........................................
Bath-tub, Combination.....................
Bath-tub eduction-tube.....................
Bath tub, Electrical.............................
Bath tub, Electro-medical........................
Bath tub, Magnetic...............................
Bath-tub, Plug-socket................
Bath -tub,Portable.................................
Bath-tub, Portable India-rubber..................
Bath-tubs, Flask for molding................
Bath-tubs, Sheet-metal lining for..................
Bathing-apparatus --...-- --.....-..Bathing-apparatus.............................
Bathing-apparatus. _ _........................
Bathing apparatus, Rectum.......................
Bathing-apparatus, Safety...................
Bathing, Life-line for sea...............
Bathing vessel, Warm...........................
Baton, Alarm...................................
Baton, Police.....................................
Baton, Police.....................................
Baton, Police.....................................
Batter and egg stirrer and beater...............
A. Baker..............
P. Caminoni.................
G. W. 1ill...11...............
R. Cooper..................
E. H. Chapman and T. M.
G. F. Foote...................
H. Jones...................
J. Gourlay...................
E. J. Knowlton...............
H. G. Covel-.................
M. A. H. Saurman.............
A. P. Young.............
L. Bagger...............
A. Barrows.............
C. A. Blessing............
A. Brady................
A. C. Birownell................
J. Carroll....................
J. C. Clapp............
E.F. Cook.....---------------
E. J. Knowlton................
J. H. Mercer................
J. L. Mott.....................
A. R. Robb.................
M. A. Stevens...............
A.C. Brownell._...............
W. H. Walton...............
J. Kidder...................
S. Russell, jr............
J. R. Anderson...........
R. C. Scrimgeour...........
R. McCully...............
J. P. Rider....................
G. Wheeler..................
J. W. Ramsay and D. Wilson.
J. Demarest...................
C. A. Blessing............
H. Bachmann and J. Ehrenfried.
D. Brumley..................
G. I. Byrd and P. Milne.......
C. Escudier.....--------------
W. Hensler..................
J. Ingram....---------------
F. Kraemer...----..--..--..L. Lefebvre.............
J. K. O'Neil........_........
G. Scholl......................----------------
J. C. Schooley.........
C. Schultz and T. Warker.....
W. T. Street..........
C. Venn------------------......................W. G. Young...............
C. B. Verenee.........
W. H. Pitt.................
O. Morse.....................
W. T. Street--------------..................
L. Desens....................
W. Merritt...................
D. Harrington.................
J. F. Haskins................
S. Beery and J. W. McDonald.
C. Kast.......................
H. C. Richard................
H. Muth.....................
B. Wieland..................
E. Yerby.....................
A. Burdick...................
Templeton, Mass.......
Now York, N. Y.....
Deep River, Conn.........
Feb. 2, 1858
May 24, 1864
Oct. 30, 1866
Georgetown, D. C........ Jan. 31, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 31, 1867
Middletown, N. Y........ Dec. 10,1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 12, 1870
Escanaba, Mich -..-_ May 5, 1868
Ann Arbor, Mich........ Mar. 1, 1870
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 24, 187-2
Philadelphia, Pa-......... Nov. 10, 1868
Providence, R. I.......... - Aug. 16, 1870
Washington, D. C.. - -....... June 17, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.-....-... Oct. 12, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa-----......---.... Aug. 31,1809
New York, N. Y.......... June 7, 1864
Brooklyn, N. Y.....--------- Apr. 7, 1 868
New York, N. Y........ May 28, 1867
Homer, N. Y............ Oct. 22, 1867
Omaha, Nebr........... Feb. 9,1864
Ann Arbor, Mich......... Jan. 28, 1868
New York, N. Y-......... Mar. 3, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 27, 1853
Brooklyn, N. Y........... July 9. 1872
Hartford, Conn........... ----- June 22, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... May 24, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 5,1869
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 9, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... June 10, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... June 18,1872
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 8,1873
Philadelphia, Pa.-......... Mar. 23,1E69
Brooklyn, N. Y..-- -.. July 6, 1869
New York, N. Y...------.. Nov. 19, 1872
Grafton, Va................ Sept. 4,1860
Mott Haven, N. Y......... Aug. 28, 1855
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 28, 1868
Lancaster, Pa............. Jan. 26, 1833
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 19,1833
New York, N. Y--.......... June 17, 1840
Pattersonville, La........ Jan. 18, 1859
Milwaukee, Wis.......... Mar. 1,1864
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 8,1867
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Aug. 10,1858
New Orleans, La.......... Apr. 21, 1857
Kipgston, N. Y.......... Aug. 11, 1857
New Philadelphia, Ohio... Sept. 5, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio........... Apr. 2, 1861
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 17,1865
Frankford, Pa.....-...... May 10, 1870
Kastnersville, Canada.... Oct. 31,1871
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 16,1845
Athens, Ga............... July 11, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa........ Dec. 22, 1868
Concord, Mas............ Feb. 23, 1869
Frankford, Pa............ Dec. 1, 1868
Paris, France............ Dec. 6, 1864
Now York, N. Y......... Feb. 1,1814
Centreville, Va........... Oct. 4,1813
Fitchburgh, Mass......... May 30, 1871
Urbana, Ohio, and Houston, Oct. 14, 1873
Williamsport, Pa......... Mar. 28, 1871
Pottsville, Pa............. June 20, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 22, 1872
Orangoville, Ill.--..--.-.July 25,1865
Washington, D. C......... July 27, 1858
Middletown, Comn......... June 18, 1872
19, 229
42, 834
59, 313
111, 321
72, 798
133, 702
101, 884
77, 480
100, 297
134, 258
83, 884
106, 445
139, 995
95, 633
94, 385
43, C02
76, 298
69, 968
41, 486
73, 606
75, 180
10, 049
128, 755
91, 785
103, 293
95, 542
51, 948
139, 819
128, 094
137, 726
92, 364
133, 276
29, 914
13, 514
80, 441.....
1, 636
22, 636
41,77 I
69, 675
17, 102
17, 979
118, 750
31, 912
50, 499
102, 878
120, 555
4, 309
116, 895
85, 126
87, 107
84, 592
45, 368.....
115, 464
143, 610
113, 061
116, 097
132, 483
49, 019
21, 042
128, 013
Index of p)atents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Feb. 7, 1871
See Carbon battery.
Centrifugal battery.
Chain-shot battery.
Electric battery.
Electro battery.
Electro-magnetic battery.
Electro-medical battery.
Electrotyping battery.
Field battery.
Floating battery.
Fuse-firing battery.
Galvanic battery.
Gun battery.
Non-freezing battery.
Physiological battery.
Platoon battery.
Portable body battery.
Sap battery.
Self-acting battery.
Ship's battery.
Stamp battery.
Stamping battery.
Thermo-electric battery
Traveling battery.
Voltaic battery.
Battery-current manipulator.....................
Battery, Galvani.................................
Battery, Traveling........................
Batting and wadding......................
Batting-machine feed-mechanism.................
Batting, Machine for making....................
Batting or wadding, Fibrous...---....................
Bayonet and bayonet-fastening, Spade............
Bayonet-attachment...............................--- -
Bayonet, Drill............................
Bayonet fastening, Saber.........................
Bayonet-guard, Removable.......................
Bayonet scabbard and guard......................
Bayonet-scabbard, Frog for-.----------------......................
Bayonet-scabbards, Machine for cutting out.......
Bayonet-scabbards, Manufacture of............
Bayonet, Sliding.................................
Bayonet-sockets, Turning...................
Bayonet, Spade...........................
Bayonet, Spade...................................
Bayonet. Spade...................................
Bayonet, Steel scabbard for......................
Bayonets, Scabbard for trowel.....................
Bead-forming die for sheet-metal vessel............
Bead-miters, Machine for cutting----...---------
Beads, Manufacturing metallic..................
Beading-machine, Sheet-metal-ware...............
Beading moldings, &c., Plane for.............
Beading-tool and circular shears, Combined.......
Beam and girder.................................
Beam and girder, Wrought-iron..................
Beam and scale, Movable suspended..............
-Beam, Composite..................................
Beam, Corrugated.........................
Beam, Corrugated.......................Beam engine, Triangular.......................
Beam-engines, Parallel motion for................
Beam, Floor......................................
Beam, Floor....................................
Beam, floor, and ceiling, Fire-proof...............
Beam, Hollow..._............................
Beam, Metal.............................
Beam, Metal.............................
Beam, Metal......................................
Beam, M etallic...................................
Beam or girder for fire-proof structure.............
Beam, Plow.......................................
Beam, Scale......................................
Beam, Sheet-metal................................
Beams and columns, Connection for wrought-iron..
Beams, Connecting rigidly the ends of metal.......
Beams, Construction of fagots for..................
Beams, Construction of fhgots for.............
Beams, Machine for shearing the ends of..........
Beams, Manufacture of corrugated.........
Beams or girders, Mode of preparing fagots for
manufacturing wrought.
E. A. Jeffery................. New York, N. Y..........
J. Kidder.............
A.L. Nolf...............
C. Perley...................
S. Baxendale...............
W. Fuzzard................
F. W. Bloodgood...........
J. T. Stoddard.............
M. Cregen...............
F. W. Alexander..............
A. M ils.........--- - --- -......
F. Chillingworth and I. Merrill
W. Hoffman..............
C. Howard....................
J.W. Neil....................
P. A. Oliver.................
H. Waters..................
T. Wahlfelt..................
J. N. Ward...............
C. A. McEvoy...............
J. G. Ernst....................
E. Riceo..................
J. G. Ernst..-- --..-.....
W. Hoffman..................
H. D. Smith..................
E. Gaylord..................
J. Jenkinson...............
B. Burton...........
A. Willson...............
J. Humphreys.........
S. S. Alexander -...........
E. Rise..................
W. S. Wetmore..............
J. E. Emerson.............
F. Chillingworth.............
S. R. Wihnot................
R. F. Thompkins.........
J. R. Wendt...................
C. E. Marchand...............
S.C. Howes..............
J. F. Flanders............
t~. J. Gatling................
J. Montgomery................
A. Pollak...........
S. Wallis................
W. W. Lummius.............
R. Montgomery...............
S. J. Seely.....................
N. W. Wheeler...........
J. M. Thompson..........
H. T. Buffington, jr......
W. W. Lummus........
W. W. Lummnus.............
I. Hodgson and W. H. Brown
J.W. Cremin...........
J. K. Ingalls................
J. Merrill...................
R. Montgomery...............
L. Holms..---..----------
W. W. Hughes..............
J. S. Hall....................
A. B. Davis..............
R. Montgomery..........
A. Bonzano.................
S. Nowlan....................
W. W. Miller.................
G. Walters and T. Shaffer.....
J. M. Cornell.............
R. Montgomery..........
G. Walters and T. Shaffer...
New York, N. Y........ Nov. 7,1871
New York, N. Y........ Sept. 2, 1873
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 24, 1863
Boston, Mass......... Dec. 11, 1866
Malden, Mass... Aug. 16,1864
New York, N. Y....... Dec. 16,1873
Plymouth, Mass......... Feb. 23, 1864
Chicago, Ill............ Aug. 1, 1871
Baltimore, Md--..------.. --Nov. 15, 1864
United States Army.... Mar. 29, 1870
Springfield, Mass........ Apr. 16, 1872
Washington, D. C...-.. Apr. 18, 1865
New York, N. Y......... May l1, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Jan. 7, 1873
Elizabeth, N. J-...-.. -- July 30,1867
Northbridge, Mass--...... June 21,1864
Stockholm, Sweden..-. Aug. 1, 1871
United States Army, New Dec. 15, 1857
York, N. Y.
Richmond, Va.......... Oct. 30, 1860
York, Pa.-........... Aug. 5, 1862
Cambridge, Mass....... May 21, 1872
York, Pa-................ Dec. 23, 1862
Solano County, Cal......- May 8, 1860
New York, N. Y..-.. June 30, 1863
Chicopee, Mass.......... May 15, 1860
Brooklyn, N. Y....-.. July 1, 1862
Brooklyn, N. Y..........Oct. 7, 1873
New York............... June 11, 1814
Mtllburgh, Mass........ Feb. 23,1864
Philadelphia, IPa.......... June 22, 1869
United States Army...... June 22, 1869
London, England-......... - Dec. 26, 1871
Trenton, N. J----............. Aug. 19, 1862
Springfield, Mass........ Dec. 1, 1868
Bridgeport, Conn........... July 10, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... July 13,1869
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 10, 1857
Alliance, Ohio......... June 10, 1873
South Chatham, Mass..... Nov. 3, 1863
Newburyport, Mass....... Jan. 2, 1849
Indianapolis, Ind.... Nov. 16, 1869
Croton Landing, N. Y..... Oct. 20, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 5, 1855.........-.... Sept. 21, 1801
Lynn, Mass.............. June 17,1873
New York, N. Y........... Sept. 25, 1855
New York, N. Y---------..... May 10, 1864
Brooklyn, N. Y.-... -.. Jan. 16, 1866
Taunton, Mass---...-----.. - July 11, 1854
Buffalo, N. Y --......... Sept. 29, 1868
Lynn, Mass -.... June 17, 1873
Lynn, Mass--..--------.. - June 17, 1873
Indianapolis, Ind........ May 30, 1871
New York, N. Y........... Dec. 26,1871
Brooklyn, N. Y-..-...-. June 10, 1856
Boston, Mass- -........... May 14, 1867
New York, N. Y........... Apr. 14, 1868
Paterson, N. J ----------Mar. 22, 1870
Philadelphia. Pa......... Jan. 17, 1871
Manchester, Pa........ Feb. 22, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa....... Feb. 26, 1861
New York, N. Y.......... July 12, 1853
Phmnixville, Pa.-....-.. July 1,1873
New York, N. Y..----... Apr. 13, 1858
Safe Harbor, Pa.....--.. Oct. 22, 1867
Phmnixville, Pa........ Oct. 15, 1867
New York, N. Y...--------.... Aug. 13, 1872
NewYork, N. Y...--.-... May 31, 1859
Phoenixville, Pa........ Dec. 17, 1867
111, 548
120, 750
142, 502
37, 766
60, 324
43, 845
145, 615
41, 727
117, 518
45, 009
101, 297
125, 720
47, 303
54, 728
134, 608
43, 247
117, 702
18, 876
30, 539
36, 081
127, 104
37, 2-22
28, 175
39, 074
28, 269
35, 760
143, 495
41, 704
91, 586
91, 564
122, 206
36, 209
84, 612
56, 313
92, 491
16, 631
139, 681
40, 483
5, 994
96, 793
83, 196
13, 025
139, 902
13, 599
42, 692
52, 101
82, 487
139, 903
139, 904
115, 472
122. 230
15, 113
64, 783
76, 795
101, 015
111. 063
23, 024
31, 534
9, 842
140, 455
19, 945
70, 011
69, 872
130, 486
24, 29
72, 246
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Beamng- machline --------------------------"---
Bean-pot lifiter and carricr........................
Bean Ilollel....................
Lear poller....................
Beau-pullaig machine..__........ _..............
Beans pulling machine- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
B1a in -poul l ing machine........................
lBears, Machine for cleaniiig aind assorting -.Beariia and pac i g--------- ----- -
Bearing and packing m'aterial.................. - --- -
Del n an nd acking material------------------_
Beaiiing anal packiiigSaturaating fibrous materials
aiid powdleied substances f'or.
lleaiing, Aiti-friction -. - _-..........
llearingCoinpa nsataon --------------
Bearing, End-tiiust....... -- - --- --
Bleaiing for machinery.............
Beainlornmachinery, Anli-friction............
Bear ing or machineryILubricating----------
Beauiang for miacbinery, Self oiling and adjosting. -
llearing-step 1and(1vertical shaft. -...............
Ilearmno;-Siirface aiid journal fur machinery --.
1.h-riia-snirlaces in machinery, Material for.___.
Be-u ii gs and journals, Materhdl for..............- -- --
Lermgs, Composition f1r1. __...................
Bara,C. mpositioai for coating................
Bearings for aacluinery, Castiiig................. _ _ _
Bearings of machinery, &c., Metallic composition
Bearings, &c., Rubber comapound for..............
Beater anal comapressiing press.....................
Beater or p)ower press, Operating................
B eater-press------------------ -----------------.
Beater-press ----------------"----------------"--
B eater-press------------------- -----------------.
Beating, bruising, and cutting substances, Mach. for
Bed. Air........................................
Bed and bed-bottomai.... _.....................
Bed and bedstead, Invalid.....................
Bed and chair, Combination of camp..............
Bed anal chair, Combined......................--
Bedl and crib, Sofa.............................--
Bed anal cushioa spring.......................
Bc(1 and framie, Spring......................._
Bed aiid knapsack, Atmospheric air.............--
Bed and lounge sprang.............--...
Bed aiadlmu sical-i asroment board combined.---
Bed anda seat bottom --...........................
Bedl and scat spring..-........................_
Bed and seat spu-ing...........................-- _- -- -" "B eul and seat spring,, Means of securing..... -.....__
Bed andl sofa---------------------------.....---
Bed atlachment, Invalid..._--.._...-__.._
Bed, berth, and car-seat spring -____-_-.-_-___-__
Bed-boat or life-pieserv-er......................--
Bed bottoni...........................
Bad-tatto ----------------------------------
lied lattomni...................................
Bed bottom...................................---
Bed bottom. - -.........--------------
B edl-bottom. --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----
Bied-bottoam -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -.
B e -l~lottorn.------------------ ------------------
A. Hill.....-................
G. F. Foss.----.------.......
S. W. Moore,----------------
S. 1i. Niles..................--
J. lBaxter...................
J. IDay.....................S. IR. Niles..................
RI. Read....................
E. D. Murfey.................
E. ID.Murfe}'-----. ---....E.D Miarfey...............E. lD. Murfey.................
L.Snmith...................C. Per-ley...................--
C. B. Richards-..............
J. Harden-...................
B. H. Olmstead...............
T. S. Browia................F. A. Gardner................
J. Wharton..........._.
J. Schieder...........--....
A. W. Case..................
E. D. Murfey...............--
E.D. Murfey...............P. J.Kelly..................--
11. F. anndlG. 5. Snyder- and W.
N. Joies.
I. S. Hill and J. Dixon..._
P. J. Kelly...................
G. Ertel....................---
C. Nelsois....................
P. K. iDederick..............
S. R. Diiinmer...............
G. Ertel......................
L. C. Field...................
F. Frey....................
A. Britz.....................
J. R. Hamilton..............__
J. Scott....................J. W. C. Peters and W. A. Le
S. S. lBrown..................
S.0. Ci-ane..................
G. A. Keene.................
S. Chapin...................ID. E. Somes..................
W. Z. Cooke..................
C. Linalen........_......-...
F. Fraps...................--
J. McDonald.................
J. P. Chamberlin. __.......
J. P. Chanmberlin............
J. ID. Eleston...............
W. H. Schwalhe..._-.....
N. Teal...................--
N. S. Whipple..............J. Stevenasoia.................
J. 1R. Abbe..................
I. T. Allen.................--
J. Alicia....................--
J.ht. Allyn.-----------------
P. Anderson................
C. 1). Austin.................
A. S. Babbit................
D. Babcock..-.............
HI. Baiber........--........
J. J. Baxter-----------------
S. W. Beachla........._._...
A. H. Bell-..........--....
V. Bell....................----
V. bell.................--...
H. Benedict.................
H. Beinedict......._.._ _..
C. E. Best..................--
IR. F. Billings.......
A. Binghana................A. Biaglam................D. E. Bishop................--
C. 1).linno..................
J. Blythe.........."........
P. Boesen and M. Bedessem...
Hiaasdale, Mass. -.-._-_East Boston, Mass. -.
Albion, N. Y.......-.. -
liawsonville, Michli... -.
North Greece, N. Y...
Mun-ay, N. Y............
Ilawsenx-iile, Micha._.__.
Brockpoirt, N. Y...-.-.
New Yoi-k, N. Y....
New York, N. Y.-.._-...
New Yorlk, N.Y....
New York, N.Y.....
Tiffin, Ohio............__
Buffalo, N. Y...........New York, N. 'Y....
Hartfortd, Con -.._
Chaicago, Ill.............
Stanaford, Coiana...._......
Poughikeepsie, N. Y._-.
Danbuary Conia.._.......
Philadelphia, Pa. __-.
New York, N.Y.._.-.
Southlanlichester, Conn..
New York, N. Y....
New York, N.YV.....
Newa York, N. Y...._W il l ia masp o rt, Pa.
Date. No.
May 6, 1805
July 17, 1801
Apr. 28, 1868
June 25, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
May 31864
Nov. 10, 1857
Api. 20, 1862
Mar. 11, 1862
Aug. 1, 1871
Dec. 27, 1870
lDec. 27, 1870
Oct. 11, 18 70
66, 034
80, 804
42, 548
18, 576
89, 164
34, 645
117, 558
110, 582
110, 583
108, 285
Boston and Taunton, Mass
Newv York, N. Y....
Qunicy, Ill....__.....--.
Newbuiigh, N. Y.__...Chicago, Ill.............--
Albany, N. Y......_.
New York, N. Y--._
Liber-ty, Ill _...........
Galesbuiagh, Ill. _._.
Liberty, Ill.............--
Phailadlelphia, Pa __-.
Poatland, Oregona. __..
Philadelphia, Pa -__-.
Chicago, Ill..............
Woonsockef, R. I......
Rochester, N. Y---------_.
Lynn, Mass......_..
Cincinianti, Ohio._-.-__
Washington, D. C.....
Hartford, Conn.-_ - -._
Eden Township, Ill_...
Sprin,.field, Mars_.__.__.
New Yoilk, N. Y.._..
Mount Pleas-ant, Iowa...
North Abiugton, Mass..
North Abington, Mass
Canan, Coiiii...___
New York, N. Y ----
Detroit, Micob.._._.
Philadelphia, Pa._...
Providence, 11. I_.. -_...
Cincinnati, Ohio.----_
New Yoi-k, N. Y-._...
Pug(Ilatown, Pa..........
Wlitesborougb, N. YN.__
Chicago, Ill.............Aristeedanm, N. Y _-.
Keesevi lle, N. Y --_-...Senciaa Falls, N. Y.----
Juuaeau, Wis.......--...
Grinal Rapids, Mich..
Niles, Mich....
Cedar Falls, Iowa._...
Seville, Ohio.............
Seville, Ohio.---, --....
Philadelphia, Pa.-._
Philadelphia, Pa.._._._.
Jordan, N.Y.....--....
Portland, Me.............
Talladega, Fla...........Newtonville, Mass _..
Baltimore, Md...........
Port Hudson, Mich....
Lafayette, 10d1............
Kenosha, Wis...--....
Cooperstown, N. Y....
Galesbnirgh, Ill..
Dayton, Mich..._....
Kceseville, N. Y..
New Haven, Con...
Maquoketa, Iowa.._..
Boston, Mass.............
Cleveland, Ohio..._..._..
Nelson, Ohio.......
Paw tucket, R. I....
Sept. 10, 1872 131, 162
Apr. 17, 1855 112, 732
Feb. 24, 1861 37, 765
Aug. 1, 1871 117, 682
Jon. 14, 1868 73, 245
Jan. 21, 1868 73, 459
Dec. 18, 1866 69,616
Apr. 18, 1871 113, 867
Aug. 15, 1871 118, 086
Dec. 13, 1870 110, 16:3
June 2, 1868 78, 428
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 239
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 931
Nov. 8, 1870 109, 018
Dcc. 20, 1868 85, 341
Jan. 31, 1845 3,806
June 27, 1871 116, 322
Feb. 4, 1873 135, 533
June 19, 1866 55, 779
Feb. 11, 1873 135, 780
July 4, 1865 48,619
Jan. 30, 1866 52,275
Dcc. 31, 1867 72, 728
Aug. 1, 1865 49, 103
Feb. 27, 18 72 124, 047
July 18, 1816...
July 16, 1867 66, 706
Oct. 18, 1853 10, 139
Oct. 25, 1870 108, 6-22
Mar. 2, 1869 87, 463
July 16, 1861 32, 8-22
July 3, 1860 29, 038
Mar. 21, 1865 46, 879
Oct. 12, 1869 95, 848
Feb. 18, 1873 135, 892
Oct. 7, 18621 36. 618
July 30, 1867 67, 186
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 101
Sept, 12, 1871 118, 9(08
May 16,1871 114,923
Dec. 19,1871 121, 990
Sept. 8, 1868 81, 991
Sept. 1, 1868 81, 691
Aug. 6, 1867 67, 610
Oct. 5, 1869 95, 6-2-2
Feb. 20, 1855 12, 450
Mlay 15, 1866 54, 658
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 834
Jan. 24,11860 26, 878
Apr. 21, 1868 7(6, 968
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 76i5
Sept. 9, 1873 142, 549
Feb. 27, 1872 12-1, 109
Jan. 29, 1867 61, 595
July 9, 1867 66, 549
Dee, 23, 1862 37, 210
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 752
May 1, 1866 54, 281
Jan. 14, 1873 124, 839
July 5, 1870 105,028
Feb. 14, 1871 111, 807
Jan. 16, 187-2 122,698
July 8, 1873 140, 571
Feb. 19,71867 62, 248
Aug. 23, 1859 25, 170
Aug. 23,1859 25, 171
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 687
Api-. 16, 187-2 125, 783
May 23, 1865 47, 789
May 19, 1863 38, 551
Feb. 18, 1873 135, 965
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 617
May 11,1869 89,912
Mar. 8, 1870 100, 491
Sept. 3, 1867 68, 551
Feb. 11, 1868 74, 293
duly 20, 1869 9-2, 787
Jan. 25, 1870 09, 056
Apr. 13, 1869 88, 77-2
June 17, 1873 140, 005
Sept. 2'9, 1864 44,;:79
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bed-bottom----....-------- -----------------..
Bed bottom.......................................
Bed-bottom....-.. ---...----------..
Bed-bottom---- -------------------------
Bed-bottom -......................
C. M. Brown..................
J. H. Brown.................
D. WV. Burbank............
E. L. Bushnell.................I
L. W. Buxton.............
L. W. Buxton..............
D. M. Bye-..---..------------
E. G. Cameron..............
J. B. Campbell...............
S. A. Canfield................
F. Carr......................
E. C asw ell............
W. A. Chamberlin.........
DI). G. Chapin..................
A. D. Chase................
P. G. Chase............
J. Christie....................
H. M. Clark...............
I. A. Clippinger and S. S. Pratt.
H. A. Coats.................
D. C. Colby..................
G. T. Comins.................
H. M. Conklin..............
WV. F. Converse..-..-----.
H. Cook and C. E. Simmons...
W. Cooke....................
H. A. Cooke..-------------
H. A. Cooke...................
A. W. Cramer...............
C. Croley..............
M. C. Cronk..................
L. M. Crosby and E. G. Cameron.
S. H. Crossman.............
R. H. Cutter..............
J. D. F. Dahl..........--.
J. and S. Danner..............
W. F. Daugherty.......
G. B. and C. B. Davis-.....
J. W. Davis..............
J. Decamp...................
P. Demeure and A. Mauritz.
L. L. and A. J. Deming and H.
H. Doebele....................
G. B. Dow....................
J. Dreusike...................
J. Dreusike................
F. B. Duffey..............
A. M. Dye....................
WV. H. Elliot...............
T. Falloon.....................
M. Falloon....................
J. S. Farrington...........
H. E. Ficket and J. WV. Summers.
E. S. Field....................
D. Fitzgerald............
J. P. Flanders and S. K. Wells
J. H. Fletcher............
J. Flinn..-...............
H. A. and A. Follett..........
D. Frankfoder...-----------
D. Frankfoder and G. W. McGeorge.
S. B. Freeman...............
S. B. Freeman................
G. Frey.......................
F. S. Frost...............
J. C. Fry....................
E. K. Garretson and W. Fulghum.
C. Gense.....................
G. L. Gerard..................
G. L. Gerard............
E. and O. W. Gibbs...........
C. F. Gillette...............
E. T. Gilmore.................
S. Gissinger.............
S. Gissinger........
W. Graham..................
J. S. Grant...............
B. Gregg....................
B. Gregg................
F. C. Gridley.....
B. Griffin.....
B. Griffin........
F. C. Hagen.................
H. J. Hale...................
C. H. Hall...............
R. L. Hall......
R. L. Hall......
W. M. Hamilton..........
J. W. Iampton......
J. W. Hampton...........
P. C. Hard...............
Residence. Date. No.
Aurora, Ill............
Hudson, Wis......--..
New York, N. Y......
Nashua, N. H........
Nashua, N. H........
Roanoke, Ind............
Ashtabula, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Carlstadt, N. J............
Paris, France...........
Lyons, N. Y.............
Alexander, N. Y:.........
Galena, Ill...........
Reading, Pa.........
Berlin, Wis..........
Lowell, Mich..........
West Meriden, Conn.....
Newton, Iowa.........
Wellsville, N. Y........
Washington, D. C........
Lowell, Mass.......
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Harrison, Ohio...........
Waukegan, Ill.........
New York, N. Y......
Charlestown, Mass........
Charlestown, Mass.... - -
Honesdale, Pa.........
Dayton, Ohio..........
Auburn, N. Y.........
Ashtabula, Ohio...........
Battle Creek, Mich........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Milwaukee, Wis........
Canton. Ohio..........
Mount Pleasant, Iowa....-.
Freeport, Ill..............
Washington, D. C........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
Erie, Pa.................
Philo, Ohio...............
Freeport, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y.......
Sparta, Wis....-.......
Rome, Ga................
Clinton, Ill............
Plattsburgh, Pa....-...
Lyons, N. 7...-..........
Bloomington, Ill.......
Wilwaukee, Wis...._
Glen's Falls, N. Y.......
Hartford, Conn..........
New York, N. Y......
Burlington, Vt........
Lowell, Mass... -...
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Smithfield, R. I........
Wakarusa, Ind........
Wakarusa, Ind.........
Burlington, Iowa........
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
New York, N. Y.-.. -....
West Cambridge, Mass...
Sidney, Ohio........
Winchester, Ind...........
Fouilloy, France..........
New Haven, Conn.......
New Haven, Conn.......
Richland Centre, Wis..-...
Sparta, Wis.............
Westborough, Mass.....
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Sharpsburgh, Pa.......
Sidney Centre, Me.._....
Bennington, Vt.......
Bennington, Vt -........-- -
Hudson, Wis..............
Lawrence, Mass.....--...
Lawrence, Mass..........
Cuba, N. Y...........
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Binghamton, N. Y....
Lowell, Mass........
Lowell, Mass.............
Wenona, Ill.............
Mount Pleasant, Iowa.....
Mount Pleasant, Iowa.....
Wadsworth, Ohio......
Mar. 27, 1866
Feb. 18, 1868
June 12, 1866
Oct. 18, 1870
May 8, 1860
Aug. 7, 1860
Sept. 28, 1869
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 26, 1867
May 1,1866
Nov. 7, 1865
Mar. 17,1868
May 26, 1868
Dec. 3, 1867
Aug. 7, 1866
May 23, 1865
Oct. 6, 1868
Apr. 23, 1867
Feb. 8, 1870
Feb. 25, 1867
July 9, 1867
Dec. 9, 1862
Oct. 8, 1867
July 2,1861
Dec. 24, 1867
May 28, 1872
Dec. 12, 1865
July 9, 1867
Aug. 23, 1870
May 28, 1867
Dec. 12, 1865
Nov. 25, 1873
Mar. 13, 1866
Sept. 10, 1867
May 12, 1868
Apr. 23, 1867
Oct. 15, 1867
Oct. 23, 1866
Feb. 5, 1867
Sept. 28, 1869
Sept. 13, 1853
Nov. 28, 1871
Aug. 6,1867
June 11, 1867
Sept. 24,1867
Oct. 28, 1873
Oct. 2, 1866
June 8, 1869
Dec. 27, 1859
Aug. 10, 1858
May 22, 1866
Mar. 21, 1871
June 11, 1867
Nov. 2-2, 1859
Sept. 10, 1872
Apr. 16, 1867
Oct. 29, 1867
May 2-2, 1866
July 31, 1866
Aug. 6, 1867
July 1, 1873
Nov. 19, 1872
Oct. 18, 1870
Nov. 18, 1873
Dec. 8, 1863
July 9, 1867
Feb. 25, 1868
May 6, 1873
Apr. 15, 1873
Mar. 26, 1867
Sept. 15, 1868
June 9,1868
Apr. 2, 1867
May 14, 1872
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 5,1872
Nov. 19, 1872
Sept. 3, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
Oct. 4, 1870
Jan. 28,1868
June 8, 1858
Aug. 13,1867
June 9, 1869
Oct. 6, 1868
May 21,1867
Sept. 2, 1865
Oct. 2,1866
Sept. 29, 1868
Oct. 24, 1871
Sept. 17, 1872
Feb. 9,1873
53, 519
74, 660
55, 462
108, 447
28, 233
29, 540
95, 192
135, 774
62, 315
54, 292
50, 883
75, 519
71, 700
57, 039
47, 797
82, 800
63, 993
99, 636
62, 395
66, 564
37, 085
69, 632
32, 683
72, 605
127, 152
51, 427
66, 567
106, 666
65, 061
51, 429
144, 959
53, 121
68, 612
77, 720
63, 998
69, 779
58, 994
61, 724
95, 329
10, 010
121, 279
67, 420
65, 731
69, 193
143, 970
58, 394
90, 999
26, 575
54, 877
112, 912
65, 556
26, 228
131, 158
63, 790
70, 330
54, 879
56, 740
67, 521
140, 492
133, 090
108, 470
144, 754
40, 831
66, 481
74, 812
138, 630
137, 909.3, 153
82, 218
78, 732
63, 500
126, 801
119, 600
124, 205
133, 093
68, 499
80, 944
108, 018
73, 799
20, 486
67, 647
91, 931
82, 829
64, 973
50, 118
58, 545
82, 521
120, 271
131, 438
136, 158
Index of patents issucd fromt the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1872, inclusive--Continued.
Bedt-bottom------------------- -----------------
Bed-botto m..................................--
Bed-bottom ------------------- -----------------.
Bed-bottom - -- ----------------------
Bed-bot toni------------------------------------
Bed-bottom. -----------------------------------
Bed-bottom ------------------------------------
Bed-bottom------- ---------------------------
Bedl-bottom ------------------------------------
Bedl-bot 001 ----------------------
Bed-bottom------------------- -----------------
Bed-bottom ----.---.-------------------------.----
Bed-bottom. ----------- - -----------
Led-bottom.--------------------------- --------
Bed-botto m.------------------- -----------------
Bed-bottom -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IBed-bottom ----------------- -------------------
Bed-bottom -------------------------------------
Bed-bottom -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bed -bottom...................................--
Bed-bottom -------------------------------------
Bed-bottom ----- -------------------------------
Bed-bottom ------------------------------------
B~ed-bottom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bed-bottom -------------------------------------
Bed-bottom ------------------------------------
B d bottom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Be dbottom------------------------------------
Bed-bottom ------------------------------------
Bed-bttom -----------------------------------
Bed-bot tom ------------------------------------
B~ed-bot tom.-----------------------------------
B ed -b o tto m --- -- -- - - - -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -
Bed-bottom -- --- ---------------------
Bed-bottom ------------------------------------
Bed-bottom ------------------------------------
Bed-bmottom------------------- ------
Inventor. Residence. Date.
C. H. [tardy-----------------.. _ _Charlestown, Mass.__- _ May 7, 1867
J. Harper..__- __ - - - - - __ __Hillsbor-ough, Iowa -._____.Sept. 17, 1872
J. J.Harris ------------------Pewamlo, Mich----_------Mar. 2, 1869
H. P. Hart-------------------_ ___ _New Woodstock, N. Y._ Apr. 12, 1859
W. J. Haswell----------------..Waverly, N. V------------IDec. 11, 1866
R. Hatch--------------------_Strafford, Vt - -_-.__.._Aug. 30, 1859
L. K. Hawes- -- -- -- -- - --- - - - -Whitowater, Wis-...Mar. 31, 1868
A. it. Henderson and J. Ford Andover, N. V -.._-..--_. May 22, 1866
P. Hinkle--------------------- San Franelaco, Cal-..... July 21, 1868
A. Hiteihcoek-----------------...Wayroe County, Miech - May 8, 1866
B. Hitchcoek-----------------..Waukegan, Il1l------...----Apr. 14, 1868
S. Hobbs---------------------.. _Wilmot, Ohio----------- _ Sept. 1-2, 187t
E. C. Holden and E. L. Broekett Owatonna, Miun._.--- ---May 18, 1869
E. F. Holloway and J. WV. Hun Kuiglrtatown, mud-..__._Sept. 4, t866
B. Holmes ------------------- New York, N. Y ----------Feb. 18, 1873
E. Hopkins------------------- Newaygo, Miebi----------- Juno 14, 1870
D. H oskins ---------------___ Philadelphia, Pa--_--------Sept, 13, 1870
T. - jowe--------------------- _ _ _ _Cambridgeport, Mass - June 13, 1854
Z. Itowe--------------------- Lowell, Mieh -._.-...__- 1 Aug. 27, 1867
E. Hoyt -_-------------------Stamniid, Coon - -_.-__- Nov. 25, 1873
B. IL.Ilundley----------------...Ly-nehubmr-gb, (Ado-..__June 13, 1854
M. A. Hunt------------------ Cineinnati, Ohio.----------Apr. 29). 1873
W. It. S. Hunter--------------.Blackberry Station, I1W-.- June 16, 1868
P. C. Ingersoll.__-._.._-.-__Garen Point, N. YV- _--- Oct. 31, 1865
W. B. Ingersoll --------Newr York, N. Y._- July 2, 1867
H. L. Isbam-----.__ Plattsburgh, N. Y- Ge----Ot. 1, 1867
R. V. Jenks and WV. A. Mdller- _Pater son, N. J-_. -----Juno 13,1871
S. C. Jennings ------- -W'urtoma, Wis------------ Aug. 6, 1867
C. Johnson -------------------Chiecago, Ill--..------_ Nov. 7, 1871
F. G. Johnson..... Brooklyn, N. YV-.-__------Jan. 10, 1865
V. Jones --------------------Berlin, Wis----.-----------May 15, 1866
B. 1D. Joslin and H. A. Newhall N~orth Brownville, Mieh. -- May 12,1868
W. B. Judson________________ Poughkceepsie, N. V -...Jan. 10, 1871
JT. F. RKeeler------------------- Cleveland, Ohio -----------May 1-2, 1857
C. A. Kellog.--... Elyr-a, Ohio-------------- __ __ _July 24, 1866
A. W. Kendriek.......... Xenia, Ohio._- --- ---------Mar. 24, 1868
M. Kohra---------------------lHar ttord, Coon -.-.... Nov. 21,1871
S. E. Lanplieor and H. H. Blaar Brunswick, Ohio......... June 19, 1866
S. L. Leaehi-________Pa-----_----------June 24, 1873
F. Leadbetter....... Plymouth, Mich- ____- Nov. 5, 1867
R. Leavit-------------------...Cambridge, Mass... -.. Aug. 24, 1858
G. 1). Leonard......... Chiago, Ill---------------. _ _Oct. 10, 187 1
G. D. Leonard......... Chiag1o, Ill--------------- May 21, 187-2
C. P. Looser..-......... Hartford, Conn._.-........Jan. 1, 1867
H. 0. Lowr-ey.________ Salem, N. V...-.-_-- Mar. 16, 1869
J. Lynn arid J. H. Crowell- Seneca Falls, N. V.- __._May 8, 1866
J. I. Mabbet----------------- Titusville, Pa............. Nov. 5, 1867
J. I. Mabbett-----------------.. _Titusville, Pa-------------_. _Apir. 14, 1868
D. P. Mahan..........Ani-- a--------------AnicCl.......Dec. 17, 187-2
1D. Manuel.------------------Boston, Mass...-----------Feb. 19, 1867
D. Manuel-------------------__Boston, Mass-------------- Mar. 19, 1867
J. S. Martin -..___.._... - - - Mount Pleasant, Iowa-_.__July 16, 1872
A. Matson-------------------- Brockville, N. Y-----------Jrune 29, 1869
N. Maxev---------------------1Plymouth, Irid........Jan. 21, 1868
A. and W. P. McBride._-.-_Lowell, Mich-------------_..Aug. 10, 1869
S. McDonald -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Cincinnati, Ohio.. _........ Aug. 6, 1867
A. D. McMaster--------------...Rochester, N. V----------- Dec. 5, 1871
1B. F. S. Mouroee............. __Utica., N. V............... _ __ _Jan. 25, 1859
T. B. Moore-.--------- ----- Bridesbrrrglr, Pa.-_-- Mar. 12, 1867
T. B. Moor-c arid G. De Bow Bridesbrrrglr, Pa---------- __ _Jrue 9, 1868
M. Morehiouseo-____- - - -___Boscobel, Wis.- ------Mar. 29, 1870
T. H. B. Morehouse.------------_ _Lansing, Michla------------. _Dec. 19, 1871
A. WV. Morse. ------ aoN ------------Etn.Y.._._.-- Feb. 2-2, 1859
L. Mudgeo.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Springfieldl, Ohaio - - - ------Nov. 26, 1867
M. M. Murray----------------_Cincinnati, Ohio-----------Mar. 19, 1872
H. B. Neveris.----------------Lowell, Mass - -------Sept. 10, 1867
J. N. Newell ------------------ Adrian, Michlr--------May 17, 1870
L. L. Newman ----------------__ __ _East Saginaw, Miclr...Aug. 2, 1870
J. Ml. Noble.- -_- - --______Dcliii, Iow-a---------------May 25, 1858
A. W. Ober-ania---------Chicago, Ill --.----------Aug. 27, 1872
T. L. Odell arid J. C. Hudson-. Iowa Falls, Iowa----------......Feb. 1 1, 1873
H. Oghorar and A. WV. Kenidriek IRichmrond, Id., and Brook- Feb. 11, 1873
lyri, N. V.
H. Oghorn and A. W. Kendrick ichetmonid, Ind., and Brook- Feb. 11, 1873
lyn, N. Y.
H. Ogborn arid A. WV. Kendrick Rtichmnd, Ind., and Brook- Feb. 18. 1873
lyn, N. V.
II. Ogborn and A. W. Kendricki Richmnid. lard., and Brook- Mar. 4, 1873
lyn, N. V.
0. S.-Osgood ------------------ _ _ _Burlington, Iowa - _--------- Dec. 28, 1869
0. S.-Osgood--------------....... unrlirrgton, Iowa. - _. Anug. 30, 18 70
0. S.Osgooui.------------------_ __ __ _Burlington, Iowa -.__. May 9, 1871
0.5Osgood.-----------------Mornt Pleasant, Iwa- ct. 24, 1871
64, 528
131, 397
87, 489
23, 513
60, 3118
25, 263
76, (77
54, 90-2
80, 176
54, 545
76, 6::
118, 804 -90, 171
57, 7-20
135, 989
10J4, 310
107, D; l
11, 05-4
68, 078
144, 906
11, 066
138, 252
78, 876
50, 71:1
66, 350
69, 441
115, 8'63
67, 554
120, 587
45, 8:3-2
54, 737
77, 718
110, 854
17, 28-2
56, 5 70
75, 926
121, 111
55, 678
140, 284
21, 26i3
119, 81-2
126, 970
60, 913
87, 948
54, 567
7 0, 448
76, 785
134, 079
62, 213
61, 066
129, 152
92, 074
71, 622
91, 6:12
6 7, 44-2
121, 647
22, 742
78, 753
101, 376
122, 648
23, 064
71, 504
124, 847
68, 645
183, 226
106, 074
20, 36-2
130, 8: 8
135, 724
135, 7125
135, 835
135, 933
1:16, 382
98, 401
106, 954
114, 704
120, 315
51. 5
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bed-bottom.....-. -.............................
Bed-bottom --.......................
Bed-bottm----------------. ------........
Bed-bottom.-........-- - - - - - --.........
Be-otm--- - - -------------------
Bed-bottom..-- - - - - - - - --.............
11 Iakestraw...............
H. B. Ramsey...............
T. Raser ----------------
C. DRead..................
C. ID.Read..................
E. P. Read..................
E. P. Read.................
C. V. Reeder- _.._.._........
J. Reynolds, jr -.-_ _.G. Richardson.............
(G1. Riebardson._- -----
J. Rickard and J. Cook.--._-.
E. R. Rison................G3. W. Robbins..........G. W. Robinson............
W. W. Robinson............
0- A. A. Ronillion..........
J. Rouse..................
F. Ruossell.............
R. S. Sanborn-------------
C. H. Sawyer..............
F. Schimming............._
A. Sebliogman..............
C. A. Scott.................
1). A. Scott.................
1). A. Scott................
D. A. Scott and J. E. Burdge.- -.
W. H. Sears...............
H. G. Seekins..............
G. W. Seidler...............
T. J. Shecars...............
I. N. Sheets................
J. H. Sherman.............
C. E. Simmons and H. Cook. - -.
P. P. Simmons -....------
WV. W. Skuats..............--
E. Small...........--......
F. Smitb, jr., and A. Chase. - -- -
H. T. Smith. ---------------
H. T. Smith................
J. G. Smith.---------------..
J. J. Smith...............--
J. L. Smith................
N. Smith and E. S. Field _.
R. A. Smith................
S. A. Smith................
W. C. Smith..............---
S. L Sonthard............._
C. B. Spencer...............
C. B. Spencer...............
J. Sperry..................
1). Spore.................----
0.XV. Stanford............--
W. Stenger and A. Beyrnheimer.
W. Stickney ---------
W. Stickney.._............W. 11H. Tambliug._..........
W. H. 'lambli ng..........._
J. V. Tayler................
P. Taylor and W. A. Gove.
D. M. Thomas.............
L. Thomas and J. A. Knrtz.- -.E. C. Thompson............._
T. P. Thompson..._-......
L. B. Tinkham............---
J. Tinney..................
J. E. Todd........... _..._
A. M. Tomb.........
A. M. Tenh..-........
M. B. Towsl-e..............
XV. HI Trissler..............
C. B. Tucker.............----
C. B. Tucker and L. S. Babbitt.
F. W. Tucker..............
H. Tucker................
A. Turnbnll.............---
A. Turnbull...............
A. Turnbull and H. L. XWebb..P. I~imer.................
C. V alkmar._.............._
C. Van Deusen..............
B C. Vauiduzen----------_ ____
W.W. Wait.............---
Peoria, Ill.............--
Wyoming, Ill...........
Rockville, Id..........
Genesee, Ill............
Burlington, Vt.........
Burlington, Vt. -...___....
Chicago, Ill............
Chicago, Ill....... _....
San Jose, Cal -..........
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Milwaukee, XWis.-----
Milwaukee, XWig......
Philadelphia, Pa._.._
Kinmiundly, Ill.._.......
Fond tin Lac, XWis....
Galesbnrgh, Ill... _.....
Hipon, Wis...........--
New York, N. Y._...JDo vagiac, XMich.
Cleveland, Ohio....
Otselic, N. Y...........
Ripon, Wis............
Ripon, Wis............
Hollisme ---..--.Philadelphia, Pa...__-.
Alexandria, Ohio._---
Aurora, Ill............---
Cincinnati, Ohio -__. -
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Cheshite, Coon.. _......
Hartford, Conn........_
Ypsilanti, Mich..-..._
Jefferson, Ohio.........--
Galeshum-gli, Ill._-.....
Waukegan, 1Ill........._
Dlavenport, Iowa._...__.
Cincinnati, Ohio....
Dennisport, Mass -...._
Worcester, Mass...._.
Washington, I). C._.._
Washington, D. C....
BateCreek, Mich.--.
Philadelphia, Pa._ -.. -.
Lowell, Mass..--.....
Hartford, Conn _......._
East Weare, N. H._...
Monroe, XWis......_.-..
Warrensburgh, Mo...
Rock Islanid, Ill..-.
Hastings, Min.....
Hastings, Minn.....
Charleston, 111........._
Sharon, Wis.. _.. _.._....
Lebanon, Ohio. _..... _...
Jetlersotn, Ohio.. _.......
Lockpor-t, IN. Y...........
Bet-him, Wis.........----
Mazo Manic, Wis._..La Cygne, Kan.....
Pawtucket, 1. I., and
Charlestownt, Mass.
IDowagiac, IMici..... _-.._Pittsburgh, Pa.-........
New York, N. Y._
Charlestown, Mass..__.
Lawrence, Mass.. _..
Westfiel, N. Y..__... -
Middletowin, Coon -.
Lyons, N. Y.-.......
Lyons, N. Y__....._Pewauto, Mint._......
Ditukirk, N. Y...........
Camubrid eport, Mass._..
Chicago, Ill.._.........
Lowell, Mich.........._
Newton, Mass............
New Britain, Cottu..__.
New Britain, Cotn. _..
New Bt-itain, Conn.._.-.
Charlestown, Mass.._.-.
New YorN.-TY.
July 1, 1173
Feb. 11, 1873
July 2, 1872
Oct. 1, 1867
July 2, 1867
May 18, 1869
Dec. 12, 1871
Dec. 1t, 1871
July 1, 18731
Aug. 20, 187-2
Aug. 23, 1870
Sept. 5, 1871
Mar. 19, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
Aug. 6, 1867
June 27, 1871
Jan. 2, 1866
Nov. 5, 1861
May 15, 1866
July 30, 187-2
Sept. 14, 1858
Sept. 26, 1865
Oct. 9, 1866
1Dec. 19, 1865
Apr. 10, 1866
Janm. 7, 1868
Mar. 27, 1866
Apr. 9, 1872
Sept. 3, 1872
Nov. 19, 1867
Sept. 23, 1873
July 10, 1866
Oct. 31, 1865
July 15, 1873
July 28, 1868
Nov. 7, 1871
Dec. 3, 1867
Apr. 21, 1868
Sept. 23, 187 3
July 30, 1867
Aug. 21, 1866
Feb. 6, 1872
May 28, 1872
Aug. 7, 1866
Oct. 1:3, 1868
Jan. 29, 1861
Sept. 10, 1872
Dec. 5, 1871
Dec. 3, 1867
Oct. 19, 1869
Feb. 4, 1868
Sept. 3, 1872
Nov. 25, 18 73
Mar. 29, 1870
Nov. 6, 1866
Jan. 12, 1869
July 2, 1867
Aug. 6, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
Oct. 16, 1860
Apr. 14, 1868
July 15, 1873
June 5, 1866
Feb. 5, 1867
Jatt. 23, 1872
Jan. 31, 18 71
June 18, 1867
Apr. 26, 1859
Apr. 4,1871
Jan. 9, 18661
Jan. 2, 1866
Jutte 25, 1867
Junte 20, 1871
Oct. 2-2, 187-2
May 16, 1865
Aug. 20, 1867
Apr. 3, 1866
Sept. 9, 188-2
Junte 25, 1872
Apr. 1, 1873
Apr. 9, 1872
Oct. 2, 1860
De.S6, 18701
140, 387
135, 844
128, 562
69, 366
66, 390
90, 303
121, 728
121, 729
140, 540
130, 746
106, 726
118, 745
62, 973
57, 770
67, 585
316, 354
51, 866
33, 685
54, 779
130, 077
21, 519
50, 168
58, 679
51, ti24
53, 888
73, 052
5:3, 49-2
125, 490
131, 1122
71, 225
143, 190
56, 278
50, 738
140, 955
80, 312
120, 599
71, 654
77, 113
14:3, 0315
67, 362
57, 395
123, 520
127, 278
1:31, 187
121, 473
71, 804
95, 945
74, 162
131, (134
145, 0'3
101, 326
59, 470
85, 866
66, 410
67, 604
68, 912
30, 430
76, 67-4
140, 856
55, 390
61, 775
123, 062
111, 402
23, 81:1
113, 596
51, 981
51, 882
66, 057
116, 2~37
1512, 4-22
47, 757
67, 930
53, 706
361, 429)
128. 4:18
137, 511
125, 4-21
30, 267
109, 85-2
119, 7-27
137, 05,9
100, 569
Boston, Mass------------ -- May 21, 18671
Lea~vetwortb, Hains..July 16, 1872i
New Bi ltaiti, tConnu.-.... Altr. 1,187:3
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Bed-bottom...---------------..----------------... -
Bed-bottom, Adjustable....------------------------
Bed-bottom and chair spring.....................
Bed-bottom and mattress spring fastener..........
Bed-bottom and seat...---------------------------
Bed-bottom and sofa, Spring - -...- -. ------
Bed-bottom connection....-------------------------
Bed-bottom, Folding........----------
Bed bottom frame..--------------.----------
Bed-bottom frame...........----------------------------....
Bed bottom, Invalid---...------------------..------
B ed b otto m, In v alid...............
Bed bottom, Invalid-------------------........... --------...................
Bed bottom, Invalid---...------------------..------
Bed-bottom or cushion, Spring..................
Bed- bottom, Paper....----------------------------
Bed-bottom, seat, &c., Spring-------... ---------.---
Bed-bottom slat --..---------
Bed-bottom sofa, and chair-seat, Spring...
Bed-bottom Spring................
BIled-bottom, Spring.................
Bed-bottom Spring -.............
Bed-bottom, Spring...................
Bed-bottom Spring................................
Bed-bottom Spring.............
Bed-bottom Spring......... ---...
Bed-bottom Spring.................
Bed-bottom Spring............o..
Bed-bottom Spring................
Bed-bottom Spring..................
Bed-bottom Spring................
Bed-bottom Spring................
Bed-bottom, Spring.................
Bed-bottom, Spring.................
led-bottom Spring.................
Bed-bottom Spring.................
Bed-bottom Spring.................
Bed-bottom, Spring..................
Bed-bottom, Spring.................
Bed-bottom Spring................
Bed-bottom Spring..........................
Bed-bottomn, Spring........................---...
Bed-bottom Spring...............................
Bed-bottom Spr ing..............................
Bed-bottom Spring...------------------------
Bed-bottom Spring.............
Bed-bottom, Sprintg................
Bed-bottom Spring................
Bed-bottom Spring..... _.. -..-......
Bed-bottom Sprng..............
Bed-bottom Spring..............................
Bed-bottom Sip ing..............
Bet-bottom Sping..................
Bed-bottom Spring........................
Bed-bottom, Spring................
Bed-bottom, Spring...........................
Bed-bottom, Spring....................
Bed-bottom Spring.............
Bedbottom Spring..............
Bed-bottom Spring................
Bed-bottom, Spring................................
Bed-bottom Spring....
Bed-bottom Spring......................
Bed-bottom Spring................................
Bed-bottom Spring............................
Bed-bottom Spring..............................
Bed-bottom Spring.....
Bed-bottom Spring... -..
Bed bottom Spring.
Bed-bottom, Spring......
Bed-bottom Sprmg...Bed-liototm Spring.
Bed-bottom Spring...to.......................
Bed-bottom Spring......
Bed-bottom, Spring.......
Bed-bottom Spring.......
lBed-bottom Spring.......
Bed-bottom Spring......
Bed-bottom, Spring...-...
Bed-bottom, Spring...-...
Bed-bottom, Spring.........................
A. West--------------------......................
C. W. White----------------..................
G. Widdieomb................
N. 0. Wilcox............
J. W. Wilder................
J. D. Wilkinson.............
D. S. Williams................
IL. W. Williams..............
N. J. Willis...................
J. E. Wilsey and D. Forbes.. -.
L. Wilson.------------..-----..
D. Winder-----------------...................S. J. Wingate......
W. Workman and C. F. Swain.
E. Yeoman..................
E. Hoag......................
A. H Knapp..............
J. S. Barnum...---.----------
E. C. Cross.-................
\V. D. Adams-----------.............--....
F. Metz. - - -........-...........
F. C. Payne -... --.- -..
J. W. C. Peters -....--.
J. E. Whittlesey and J. W. C.
J. D. Brunner................
C. A. Tousley.................
C. A. Tousley................
S M. Wilkes.................
H. E. Maker..................
J. B. Crane-----------------...................C. 1ich--------------------.......................
J. N. Dennett.................
C. Rich--------------------.......................E. Adler....-------------------..................J. H. Almond................
C. L. Ames and A. H. Frost-...
S. B. Andrews................
C. F. Baade----------------..................H. D W. Bailey-------------..............
J. Bailey and J. Decamp......
F. P. Baldwin and C. T. Segar
J. Barnes------------------....................--
J. Barnes------------------....................J. Barnes...................
W. W. Bartlett..............
L. M.- Bates----------------..................A. B. Batey...---------------
B. I'F. Bennett...------.-----
E. It. Benton.................
C. H. Berry----------------..................G. Bevis-------------------.....................
C. Bigeon....................
C. C. Bisbee................----------------
H. E. Bissell.................
H. H. Blair and S. Barry......
A. M. Blake.................
O. Blake........----------.---------...........
S. F. Bouton and N. P. Ames. -
J. B. Bowditch...............
L. R. Bradbury...............
C. B. Bristol...................
D. C. Bronson..............
S. M. Brooks.................
S. M. Brooks.................
G A. Brown..................
G. W. Brown.................
G. Brownlee----------------..................G. Brownlee_...._..........
J. N. Bull----------------.....................---
G. E. Burt....................
I. Bush --------.......................
M. Cahill.....................
J. B. Campbell...............
G. O Capen---------------...................A. H. Ceiley.................
C. L. Chadeayne...........
N. W. Clark..................
A. Cole......................
A. Cole.......................
A. Cole......................
J. Collins.....................
W. N. Cook...................
WV. Z. Cooke..................
J. L. Cooper and E. A. Monroe
J. Coover....................
D. V. Crandall................
W. S. Crippen.................
A. C. Crondal.................
L. Cutler..................
J. and S. Danne.r.......
J. and S. Danner..............
G. W. Dow................
J. F. Duffy and W. P. Frailey
C. H. Dunks.................
C. H. Dunks..................
Burlington, Iowa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Omaha, Nebr..........
New York, N. Y_._-..
Plattsburgh, N. Y.........
Coldwater. Mich..........
Stowe, Vt................
Waltham, Mass...........
Chicago, Ill...............
Ovid, N. Y................
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Decatur, Ill..............
Ripon, Wis...............
Waukegan, Ill............
Coxsackie, N. Y...........
Newton Centre, Mass.....
Topeka, Kans.............
Lime Rock, Conn........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Lyons, N. Y...............
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill..............
Doylestown, Pa...........
Battle Creek, MicIh.......
Battle Creek, Mich.......
Staunton, Va.............
Newton, (Upper Falls,)
Dalton, Mass...............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Bath, Me---------------.................Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y......."...
Louisville, Ky............
Chicago, Ill------...._....
Chicago, Ill.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........Sterling, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
UTiica, N. Y...............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Portland, Me.............
Cleveland, Ohio -...........
Binghamton. N. Y........Lockport, N. Y...........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
East Somerville, Mass -.... - -
Rochester, N. Y.....
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Rochester, N. Y.........
Hartford, Conn...........
Brunswick, Ohio.......
Canton, Ohio.............
Peru, Ind.................
Chicago, Ill...............
New Haven, Conn-.......
Charlestown, Mass.......
New Haven. Coon.........
Great Bend, Pa..........
Memphis, Tenn...... - -.....- -
Burlington, Conn........
Kalamazoo, Mich........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Princeton, Ind...........
Princeton, Ind.............
Springfield, Mass......
Harvard, Mass...........
Indianola, Iowa...........
Kalamazoo, Mich........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Providence, R. I..........
Springfield, Mass........
Yonkers, N. Y............
Clarkston, Mich..........
Lockport, N. Y..........
Mishawaka, Ind.........
Manamuskin, N. J........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Grand Rapids, Mich......
New Britain, Coon.......
Elmira, N. Y..............
Chanbersburgh, Pa....
Chicago, Ill...........
Graul Rapids, Mich......
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass.....
Canton, Ohio............
Canton, Ohio..............
Lynn, Mass..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Detroit, Mich...........
New York, N. Y -..........
Nov. 3, 1868
June 18, 1867
Nov. 9, 1869
May 13, 1873
Nov. 5, 1967
Mar. 24, 1868
Dec. 10, 1867
Nov. 5,1867
Jan. 2-2, 1867
Aug. 7, 1866
Nov. 26, 1867
Oct. 11, 1859
Jan. 7,1868
Aug. 1, 1865
Aug. 13, 1867
May 25, 1869
Jan. 2, 1868
Apr. 6, 1869
Jan. 8, 1867
Mar. 26, 1872
Apr. 10, 1866
Mar. 29, 1864
July 2, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
Dec. 31, 1"72
Nov. 26, 1872
Mar. 4, 1873
Sept. 17, 1872
Apr. 27, 1869
Jan. 17. 1871
Feb 21,1871
Aug. 21, 1860
Jiune 27, 1871
Dec. 23, 1856
Jan. 26, 1869
Oct. 7,1873
Apr. 2, 1872
Aug. 16, 1870
Sept. 13,.1870
Apr. 3, 1860
Oct. 10, 1871
Aug. 2, 1864
Feb. 20, 1866
July 17, 1866
June 21, 1870
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 10, 1867
Nov. 13, 1866
May 24, 1859
Dee. 28, 1869
Jan. 26, 1864
Jan. 16, 1872
Aug. 2, 1859
Sept. 14, 1869
May 6, 1a73
Jan. 28, 1868
May 31, 1870
Feb. 25, 1868
Apr. 4,1865
Apr. 7,1868
June 12, 1866
May 24, 1870
Aug. 2, 1870
Aug. 27, 1872
Oct. 6, 1868
Sept. 16, 1873
Aug. 15,1871
Feb. 27, 1872
Apr. 19, 1870
July 9, 1872
Feb. 18, 1873
July 26, 1870
Mar. 1, 1870
May 17, 1870
Jan. 25, 1870
Oct. 5, 1869
May 14, 1872
July 17, 1866
Dec. 28, 1869
Mar. 7, 1871
June 29,1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Oct. 1, 1872
June 1, 1869
Feb. 23, 1858
July 11,1871
Apr. 26, 1870
Feb. 9,1864
July 5,1870
June 14, 1864
Sept. 11, 1866
June 16, 1857
May 17, 1870
Feb. 5, 1870
Sept. 2, 1873
83, 809
65, 9,5
96, 750
138, 971
70, 663
75, 820
71, 933
70, 489
61, 374
57, 031
25, 780
73, 218
49, 189
67, 698
90, 449
73, 905
88, 603
61. 001
124, 927
53, 85J
42, 108
128, 504
132, 226
134, 460
133, 502
136, 562
89, 321
110, 958
29, 679
116, 529
16, 310
86, 120
143, 397
125, 250
106, 316
107, 213
27, 680
119, 688
43, 662
52, 658
56, 484
104, 538
113, 385
71, 840
59, 546
24, 091
98, 339
41, 358
122, 798
24, 924
94, 701
133, 472
73, 770
103, 548
74, 747
47, 086
76. 296
55, 574
103, 425
106, 028
130, 788
82, 687
142, 895
117, 976
124, 032
102, 089
128, 704
135, 881
103, 636
100, 256
99, 058
95, 564
126, 675
56, 373
98, 230
112, 323
91, 913
95, 8s0
131, 743
90, 820
19, 410
116, 815
102, 2-1
41, 488
104, 938
43, 104
57. 875
17, 605
103. 030
99, 765
142, 377
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bed-bottom, Spring...........................
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JBcd-bottom, Spring...................
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Bed-bottom Snrin.--- -- - -
Bed-bottom, Spring................................
Inventor. Residence.
S. Dunlap......--------------------Rome, Ga.................---------------
B. F. Ells.....-------------------- Dayton. Ohio...------------
W. J. Emens.-----------------.Louisville, Ky....----------
B. C. English and F. Frsps.... Springfield, Mass........
E. E. Everitt.................. -----Philadelphia, Pa..-..
M. Faloon..................... ------Bloomington, Ill...-..
A. H. Fatzinger............. New York, N. Y........
J. A. Fegan.....------------------Brooklyn, N. Y...........
E. S. Field....------------------- Hartford, Conn...........
E. S. Field..................------------------... Harttord, Conn --...........
C. 1). Flynt.....------------------ New York, N. Y..........
E. Foster.................... Hartford, Conn...........
F. B. Franklin............... Appleton, Wis............
A. Frazee and L. W. Smith.... Canandaigua, N. Y.......
M. Freeman.................. Chicago, Ill...............
T. J. Gaffney and C. H. Dunks Detroit, Mich....------.--.
C. Gamminel.................... Utica, N. Y.............
J. C. Gaston.................. Cincinnati, Ohio-'......_
G. L. Gerard.................. New Haven, Conn........
J. E. Gillespie..-------.. Trenton, N. J-.............---------
C. Glenn.....--------------------- Allegheny City, Pa........
R. A. Goodyear-----...--------. -Binghamton, N. Y........
L. Granger------.....--- -. Memphis, Mich...-....
G. C. Grut................... Milwaukee, Wis.......
G. C. Grut.------------------................... Chicago, Ill...........--
S. M. Guest................... -----------------Chicago, Ill------------..............C. Hacker.--------------------.................... Euphemia, Ohio.........H. Hard...................... Akron, Ohio........
H. Hard..---------------.................... -Akron, Ohio..............
G. W. Hardy....----------------- Grand Rapids, Mich......
P. J. Harvey..----------------- Chicago, Ill...........-------------....
W. W. Hawk....---------------- Detroit, Mich..........
W. Haworth.................. ----------------Canton, Ohio..............
C. E. Hendrick............... Chicopee, Mass...........
E. Hennessey-... _....-. W aterville, M e----------
H. A. Hight, sr--...--.... Fort Wayne, Ind..-..
E. B. Hill.-.-.--.--.....-- Grand Rapids, Mich......
E. B. Hill and E. Van Valken- Grand Rapids, Mich......burg.
F. D. Hill....................--------------------. Poughkeepsie. N. Y......
P. Hill---------------------........................ Millport, N. Y...........
S, H. Hine-------------------.................... Sedan. Ind................
C. and M. Hogeboom and L. Winslow, Ill...............
Van Vleck.
R. Holden--------------------..................... New York, N. Y..........
O. Howe -----................... Cambridgeport, Mass.....
T. Howe---------------------...................... Cambridgeport, Mass....
H. F. Howell......-............ Mount Pleasant, Iowa...
W. C. Hubbard...........-.... Hubbardston, Mich-.......
L. Hull...................... Charlestown, Mass-........
L. Hull......................----------------------. Charlestown, Mass........
F. A. Huntington.....------------- San Francisco, Cal.......
H. L. Huntington---....... Chicago, Ill..............
J. Johnson....------------------- Hartford, Conn..........
T. W. Johnston.............. Richmond, Me............
J. S. Judson................... Austin, Minn.............
W. B. Judson.---..............----. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
J. B. Kelley and N. P. Kingsley. Brandon, Vt...........
E. S. Kimball................ Springfield, Mass......
B. F. Kingman and M. V. B. Chicago, Ill--...--------..
S. P. Kittle................... Brooklyn, N. Y..-..-.
A. Kneppler................. East New York, N. Y.....
J. P. Knowles............... Lockport, N. Y...-..
S. Landgraf...------------------New York, N. Y...-..
H. Lathrop.....------------------- Utica, N. Y...............
G. Lightfoot.............. Elgin, Ill--....-...........
T. Linfoot.................... Cincinnati, Ohio......
S. Logan...................... Greenville, Pa............
G. W. Loomis............. Hartford, Conn...........
G. E. Lord..................-------------------... Utica, N. Y..-.............J. E. Lord..................... Quincy, Ill...............
R. O. Lowrey-- ---------------Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
H. E. Maker -.....-.--- South Framingham, Mass
C. F. Manucland D.M.Leonard La Crosse, Wis...........
D. Manuel.................... Boston, Mass------------.............
F. N. Marvin................. Birmingham, Conn.......
W. D. Mason, C. H. Jacobus, New York, N. Y., and
and R. Millen. Newark, N. J.
F. B. Mattson................ Rockford, Ill...........
E. W. Maxson................ Scranton, Pa........
W. McArthur................ Philadelphia, Pa.....
J. J. McCormick.............-------------- Paterson, N. J.........
S. B. McCracken-............. Detroit, Mich............
W. C. McGill................. Cincinnati, Ohio.........
R. W. McIntyre.............. Oregon, Wis.............
D. McMurchy................. Jeftersonville, Ind.......
W. H. Meriwether............ New Brauntbls, Tex....
A.E. Miller................... Arcadia, Ohio............
J. Moore...................... Tarentum, Pa...........
G. W. M orrill................. Sterling, Ill..............
W. A. Morse sad D. S. Bean.. Boston, Mass...........
C. W. Mutell................. Springfield, Mass....
A. W. Newell................. Bradford, Pa.............
C. W. Northrup.............. Utica, N. Y.............
H. Ogborn and A. W. Kendrick Richmond, Ind., and Brook
lyn, N. Y.
M. Ohmer.................... Dayton, Ohio............
i i
Mar. 4, 1873
Mar. 1,1870
Feb. 18, 1868
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept.24, 1867
Apr. 5, 1870
Sept. 13, 1870
Mar. 2, 1869
May 6, 1873
May 6, 1873
Sept. 24, 1872
Apr. 13,1858
Mar. 4, 1862
July 31, 1866
Aug. 20, 1872
Oct. 27, 1868
June 3, 1873
Feb. 16, 1869
May 4, 1869
Dec. 2'), 1864
Dec. 6,1870
June 2 2, 1869
June 16, 1866
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 12, 187-2
Oct. 27, 1868
Nov. 21, 1871
July 30, 1872
Sept. 10, 1872
Feb. 11, 1868
Dec. 31, 1872
June 1, 1869
July 16, 1872
Oct. 1, 1861
Dec. 30, 1873
Feb. 7, 1871
Sept. 2, 1873
July 9, 1872
Sapt. 12, 1871
Feb. 27, 1872
Aug. 31, 1869
Jan. 3, 1860
Nov. 19, 186i
Mar. 1, 1870
June 18, 1872
July 4, 1871
May 21,1872
Sept. 17, 1872
Dec. 17, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
July 9, 1872
Mar. 8, 1870
Nov. 4, 1873
Dec. 27, 1870
Oct. 13, 1868
Dec. 21, 1869
July 14, 1868
Nov. 21, 1865
July 27, 1869
July 1, 1862
Oct 29, 1872
Nov. 8, 1864
Jan. 2, 1872
Feb. 6, 1866
Jan. 9, 1872
Mar. 22, 1870
Jan. 31, 1865
SFeb. 28, 1871
Feb. 11, 1868
Nov. 5, 1872
May 16, 1871
Jan. 26, 1869
Sept. 3, 1872
Sept. 24, 1872. Feb. 23, 1869. Jan. 31, 1871. June 7, 1870
SApr. 30, 1861
May 26, 1868. Nov. 18, 1873. Nov. 5, 1872
May 21, 1872. Aug. 8, 1854. Nov. 26, 1872. Aug. 24, 1869. July 20, 1869
- June 19, 1860. May 31, 1870
Jan. 28, 1868. Sept. 30, 1873
- Jan. 23, 1872
136, 494
100, 385
74, 675
76, 425
101, 600
107, 348
87, 403
138, 490
138, 491
131, 675
19, 922
34, 570
56, 741
130, 574
83, 373
139, 567
86, 916
89, 651
45, 487
109, 889
91, 738
78, 956
95, 105
119, 602
124, 436
83, 489
130, 043
131, 165
74, 353
134, 430
90, 840
128, 960
33, 417
146, 072
142, 391
128, 867
118, 856
123, 994
94, 207
26, 675
33, 741
100, 408
128, 043
116, 712
127, 057
131, 447
72, 202
71, 014
128, 886
100, 635
144, 338
110, 471
82, 960
98, 069
79, 839
51, 061
93, 096
35, 763
132, 673
44, 962
122, 325
52, 426
122, 618
101, 029
46, 119
74, 388
132, 844
114, 355
86, 169
131, 107
101, 048
78, 223
144, 688
132, 728
126, 977
11, 184
133. 329
94, 020
92, 740
28, 66
103, 646
73, 744
143, 373
122, 906
Apr. 27, 1869 j 89, 491
I I - - ---- ------------------------
-v -7
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bed-bottom, Spring..............................
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Bed-bottom, Spiring _______"----_--
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Bed-ibottom, Spriiig._______________
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Bed-bottom, Spring.-...-------------------------
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Bed-bottom, Spring-----------------------...............................--
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Bed-bottom spring.............................
Bed-bottom spring.............................
Inventor. Residence. Date.
B. J. Oleff..................... Milwaukee, Wis...--.. - Dec. 3,1867
B. H. Otis................. Havana, Ill....------------- Jan. 9, 1872
W. Owen and S. Harter-...... Pierceton, Ill--...---.. Mar. 12, 1872
M. Le Page................... Woodhaven, N. Y....... Aug. 13, 1867
H. H. Palmer----------.......------.......... Rockford, Ill...-..... Nov. 24, 1868
E. Parker....--------------------Plymouth, Conn....... Apr. 23, 1872
L. E. Payne------------------................... Disco. Mich......... Feb. 9, 1864
J. F. Peck-------------------.................... Springfield, Mass.......... May 25, 1869
E. Perry...................... Hopkinton, Mass....... Aug. 24, 1869
C. B. Pickett............... Delaware, Ohio--..----.. Sept. 10, 1872
M. Pierce........----------............ ------Winona, Minn....... Oct. 29, 1867
J. Pollitt...................... Edon, Ohio.....---------------Aug. 12, 1873
J. Potter. -------------------Portland, Me..------.. -- July 27, 1869
J. H. Potts...-. ----- Ottumwa, Iowa-...----.. - Mar. 22, 1870
S. Puffer-...---........... ---- Oxford, N. Y.....---... July 9, 1872
J. H. Quackenbush------------............ Luddington. Mich........ Dec. 20, 1870
J. Ralston-------------------.................... Mansfield, Ohio........... ----Nov. 12, 1872
B. Rear----... ----------.. Toronto, Canada---- -- Jan. 28, 1868
S. H. Reeves.....----------------- New York, N. Y----------May 6, 1873
G. Reneky and S. Kiess....... Edgerton, Ohio--...----.. - Nov. 17, 1868
M. A. Richardson....------------- Sherman, N. Y ------------May 14, 1872
G. B. Richmond......-..... Charlestown, Mass-........ May 31, 1870
G. W. Robbins............... Dubuque, Iowa--...---.. - May 9, 1871
M. Roberts....------------------- Saint Paul, Minn....-.. July 24, 1866
M. Rosenberg and H. Scheuerle New York, N. Y -........ Nov. 13, 1860
H. Russell and M. S. Fuller -.... Nashville, Mich.......... Dec. 1, 1868
I. M. Russell.................. Lewiston, Me........... Dec. 7, 1869
W. P. Sadler--..........- Springfield, Ill............ May 7, 1872
G. E. Safford...--------------- New York, N. Y......... June 15, 1858
A. L. Sawyer and W. Baldwin Detroit, Mich.- --.May 26, 1868
G. Schott.................. New York, N. Y--.-_-_- -Nov. 17, 1863
C. Schroder.................. New York, N. Y-......... Oct. 14, 1856
C. Schroder-............... _New York, NY...-... Feb. 23, 1858
D. A. Scott....-------------------Cincinnati, Ohio...... July 6, 1869
D. A. Scott...-------------------Cincinnati, Ohio.....---------- June 21, 1870
D. A. Scott and J. E. Burdge...- Cincinnati, Ohio....... --Feb. 4, 1868
WV. S. Seaman................. Milwaukee, Wis -...... Aug. 20, 1872
J. L. Secomb-----------------................. -Detroit, Mich..------.. Feb. 15, 1870
J. L. Secomb................ Chicago, Ill--------------............... -June 18, 1872
J. L. Secomb................... Chicago, Ill.............. Jan. 7, 1873
D. N. Sellig.................. New York, N. Y-----.......... Apr. 5, 1870
I. A. Sergeant................ Springfield, Ohio....-...... Apr. 26,' 1859
M. Shepard.................. Chicago, Ill............... July 26, 1870
E. G. Sherman............. Forestville, N. Y........... Apr. 29, 1873
P. Sisson....-------------------- Brant, N. Y---------------............... Aug. 25, 1868
C. I. Skow...............--_ Racine, Wis..--..---....... May 17, 1870
IH. Smith and J. Potter...-.. Groveton, N. H., and Port- Feb. 21, 1871
land, Me.
H. T. Smith.............. W_Washington, D. C......... Oct. 6, 1857
G. Speckner......-............ Madison, Wis.-..-..-...... May 9, 1871
WV. D. Spencer and E. Parker.. New Britain, Conn........ Apr. 1, 1873
WV. Starke.................... Chicago, Ill.------------- Apr. 29, 1873
E. Steinel..-..-.-..--.- -. Amsterdam, N. Y..... Dec. 3, 1867
J. Stengel--------------------..... Croton, Mich.............. Dec. 7, 1869
C. S. Stevens..-...........- Portland. Me.............May 24, 1870
J. Stevens........ L,Lowell, Mass........-...... Apr. 23, 1861
P. Stovall.... Newman, Ga..-.......... Oct. 25, 1870
R. Tattershlall................. Beloit, Wis.............. - Mar. 10, 1868
R. Tattershall----------------................. -Beloit, Wis...............Apr. 19, 1870
J. C. Taylor...-_ - - -... Ann Arbor, Mich -"--- May 19, 1868
H. L. Thistle---........... - New York, N. Y.----......... Jan. 22, 1861
S. A. Thompson and C. T. Ken- Manchester, Mich., and Apr. 22, 1873
drick. Brooklyn, N. Y.
J. D. Tifft..................... Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.... Jan. 14, 1868
L. L. Tingley.......... _.- Pawtucket, R. I.......... May 1, 1866
C. H. Triphagen. -......... Pewamo, Mich............ Aug. 8,1871
H. Tucker...--- -.. Cambridgeport, Mass..... July 3, 1855
F. Tyler...................... Cleveland, Ohio........... Aug. 9,1859
S. E. Tyler...-................ Beloit, Wis _.........-- July 7, 1;68
P. Ulmer-----------.--___ New York, N. Y....--...... Oct. 4,1859
M. and L. Van Vleck..........Monroe, Wis-------------.............. Apr. 26, 1870
A. Walker............ New Haven, Conn........ Dec. 31, 1867
N. Warlick----------.............------...... -ChambersCourt-House, Ala Nov. 16, 1858
D. P. Webster--............... Upper Gilmanton, N. H... Aug. 14,1866
D. P. Websterand H. W. Ladd Philadelphia, Pa........ Apr. 23, 1867
D. P. Webster and H. W. Ladd Upper Gilmanton, N. H., Sept. 10, 1867
and Philadelphia, Pa.
O. H. Weed............... Chat lestown, Mass.-....... Aug. 27, 1867
W. \Wells.............--------- Salem, Mass..----..-....... Mar. 8, 1870
G. Widdicomb............... Grand Rapids, Mich...... Dec. 17, 1867
N. J. Willis................... Boston, Mass............. Feb. 27,1866
N. J. Willis.................. Boston, Mass............. June 23, 1868
J. E. Wilsey and D. Forbes... Chicago, Ill., and Scotland, July 31,1866
Great Britain.
G. Wilson..................... Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 3,1871
S. Winslow.--------------. Charlestown, Mass........ Jan. 19,1869
W. H. Woodworth......... Pewwamo, Mich............ Oct. 17, 1871
E.E. Worden and H. Wilms... Brandon, Vt............... Feb. 25, 1868
A. V. Wright....... Bunker Hill, Ill........... Apr. 7, 1868
E. L. Wright-----...... Sterling, Ill............... June 20, 1871
W. Wright..-----------.. New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 19,1854
L. M. Bates................... Newark, Ohio..... Apr. 23,1867
L. M. Bates..----------.. Jackson, Mich............ Oct. 5, 1869
T. A. Carl.................... Nashville, Tenn........... Nov. 8, 1870
J. P. Chamberlin.............. Abington, Mass........... Dec. 21, 1869
H. R. Crampton............... Lockport, N. Y............ Sept. 18, 1860
W. C T. Davidson............ Hannibal, Mo.----------Feb. 6, 1872
M. W. Farber................ Mount Pleasant, Iowa..... May 23, 1871
71, 634
122, 645
67, 776
84, 300
126, 081
41, 533
90, 384
94, 025
131, 180
70, 355
141, 726
93, 118
101, 161
128, 905
110, 284
132, 982
73, 755
138, 529
84, 069
126, 743
103, 658
114, 712
56, 678
30, 635
84, 581
97, 706
126, 579
20, 609
78, 397
40, 645
19, 473
92, 375
104, 504
74, 153
130, 753
99, 790
128, 175
134, 614
101, 526
23, 786
105, 853
138, 348
81, 422
103, 249
112, 085
18, 357
114, 618
137, 498
138, 446
71, 808
97, 720
103, 521
32, 165
108, 650
75, 490
102, 182
78, 026
138, 056
73, 268
54, 443
117, 830
13, 188
25, 063
79, 705
25, 689
102, 337
72, 943
22, 098
57, 229
64, 175
68, 268
100, 698
72, 350
52, 937
79, 285
56, 844
119, 487
85, 980
120, 142
74, 872
76, 575
116, 250
63. 985
95, 553
108, 966
98, 146
30, 049
123, 335
115, 043
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bed-bottom spring.............................
Bed bottom spring...............................
Bed-bottom spring................................
Beld bottom spring........................
Bed bottom spring..............................
Bed bottom spring...............................
Bed bottom spring...............................
Bed bottom spring........................
Bed bottom spring.....------------------------
Bed-bottom spring................................--------
Bed-bottom spring------------------------................................
Bed-bottom spring...............................
Bed-bottom spring-----..........-------------------......................
Bed-bottom spring...............................
Bed-bottom spring.................................
Bed-bottom spring...............................
Bed-bottom sipjng.........................
Bed-bottom spi-ing_..
Bed-bottom spring...............................
Bed-bottom spring...............................
Bed-bottom spring......................
Bed-bottom, Spring-slat............................
Bed-bottom, Voven-wire..........................
Bed-bottoms, Foundation for spring................
Bed-bottoms, Means of securing springs to slats of.
Bed-bottoms, seats, &c., Connection of springs for.
Bed-bottoms, Spring-fastener for-------... -----
Bed-bottoms, Spring-holder for..................
Bed-bottoms, Spring-slat for.....................
Bed-brace, Spring.........................
Bed-bug destroyer........................
Bed-bug destroyer.................................
Bed-bug destroying compound.....................
Bed-bug exterminator............................
Bed-bug trap.....................................
Bed-bug trap.....................................
Bed-bug trap-----------------------------.....................................
Bed-bug trap for bedsteads.....................
Bed-bugs and other vermin, Compound for destroying.
M. Flanizan..............
O. F. A. Faulkner.............
J. Fox.........-............
J.P. Haskins.............
H. Ingraham................
J. Johnson................
P. W. Kniskern...............
G. Koenig....................
F. F. Lahm...................
J. M. Losie......
A. McDaniel.................
E. D. Merriam and S. Aldrich.
W. H. Miller.................
H. Ogborn and A. W. Kendrick
B. Partello..............
J. F. Peck.....................
1). Punchies--....-----------
H. M. Scott...................
H. G. Seekins................
A. E. Thayer.............
J. A. Van Wert and A. Crooley
J. S. Vanhorn and WV. H. Pack.
G. Richardson..............
D. Manuel....................
Z. S. Cracraft.................
C. Rich.................
D. A. Scott.............
P. Lapham................
J. M. French.............
H. D. Bolt....................
B. Garrand...................
H. Sealy...................
E. Hooper....................
C. L. Fewell................
J. A. Clark...............
E. B. Lake...................
W. Tapper............
C. Legab....................
P. Seebald....................
Bed-bugs by steam, Destroying................... T. Miller..................
Bed-bugs by steam, Destroying................... B. Overman...............
Bed, Camp....................................... W. S. G. Baker..............
Bed, Camp................................L. Hutchins.................
Bed, Canopy................................ I.E. Palmer...................
Bed, chair, &c., Spring-bottom for................ G. W. Griswold................
Bed, Child's.................... M. E.J. Marr................
Bed-clothes clamp................................ W. Fisher.....................
Bed-clothes clamp................................ A. Storm.............._
Bed-clothes clasp............................... F. A. Rockwell................
Bed-clothes, Device for securing.................G. Inwood-... -..
Bed-clothes, Frame for supporting.............. G. A. McLane.................
Bed-clothes holder......................... M. D. Brooks................
Bed-clothes holder.................................. J. B. Munson...............
Bed-clothes retainer............................. J. Brikenhead............
Bed-clothes retainer, Child's.............. M. L. Thompson...........
Bed, Conical spring............................... W. J. and A. E. Lyman....
Bed-cord............ S. Albro......................
Bed-cord tightener......................... A. B. Stroup................
Bed, Cot........................................ C. W. Irwin..............
Bed, Cot.......................................... L. B. M orse...................
Bed-cushion and other upholstering...-.....-. -H. H. Barnes.................
Bed, Elastic-spring.......................... A. G. Hull..................
Bed elevator, Invalid.......... D. S. Dunning.............
Bed, Inclosed folding spring.................. L. Derome..............
Bed, Extension.................................... F. Menzer.....................
Bed, Folding.............................. F. C. Payne..................
Bed, Folding.................................... L. Whitehead, sr...........
Bed, Folding.................. W. Wright..................... Wriht...............
Bed, Folding box.................................A. G. Bayles..................
Bed for ships and hospitals....................B. F. MeAlhatten............
Bed, Fracture................................. M. M. Latta..............
Bed-frame....................................--.... S. Springer..................
Bed-frame and attachment................... J. M. Farnham................
Bed frame, Military and civic.................. T. S. Lambert................
Bed foundation................................ W. A. N. Long..........
Bed, Hospital............................. H. Conway..................
Bed, Hospital............................. E. Gray....................
Bed, Hospital................. I. Waler.....................I. Waler................
Bed, Invalid............................ G. H. Clark.................
Bed, Invalid....................................... J. Crosby....................
Bed, Invalid....................................... S. D. Hopkins................
Bed, Invalid..................................... R. H. Mathews...............
Bed, Invalid............--.......................... J. N. Morrison.........
Bed-key, Ratchet................................. W.M. Gray...................
Bed-lounge...........-...------------ A. F. Benten.................
Bed-lounge....................................... E. and F. Boese and A. Neuberger.
Bed-lounge..................................... J. Brader....................
Bed-lounge-------------------------------H.... S. Carter-------------..................
Bed-lounge........................................ H. Closterman...............
Bed-lounge....................... J.L. Cox.....................
Bed-lounge............... R. H. Cutter................
Bed-lounge............................... G. Hartzell...........
Bed-lounge.....-----------------------------............................ ---G. Hartzell and J. P. Reifsneider.
Bed-lounge....................................... C. H. Hildreth................
Detroit, Mich.............
Mount Pleasant, Iowa.....
Albion, Mich..-----.--.. Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
Naples. N. Y.......
Northampton County, N. (C
Fort Smith, Ark........
Plymouth, Mich............
Chicago, II...............
Indianapolis, Ind.........
_ Dubuque, Iowa..........
La Grange, Ohio.........
Hannibal, Mo.........
Richmond,Ind.,andBrooklyn, N. Y.
Detroit, Mich............
Springfield, Mass.........
Plymouth, Mich.........
Portland, Me............
Elyria, Ohio...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Elmira, N. Y...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Milwaukee, Wis......
Dedham, Mass........
Lacon, Ill.........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.....
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y....
East Cambridge, Mass.-..
Elmira, N. Y..........
Maryville, Tenn.........
New York, N. Y..........
Diamond Springs, Cal....
Corsicana, Tex-........
Georgetown, D. C........
Bridgeport, N. J..........
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
New York, N. Y........
Newburgh, N. Y......
Greensborough, N. C -......
Baltimore. Md.......
Norwich, Conn.........
Montville, Conn........
Abington, Pa............
Jefferson, La............
Ripon, Wis.............
Rutland, Vt.............
Ridgefield, Conn..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Chicago, Ill...........
Albany, N. Y...........
Bailey Hollow, Pa........
Canton, Mass.........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
East Hampton, Mass......
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Waldron, Ind........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Athol, Mass..........
Hoosiek Falls, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.........
San Francisco, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal.......
New York, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Bloomfield, N. J..........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.....
Goshen, Ind..-.-....--
Chicago, Ill............
Hartford, Conn.........
Peekskill, N. Y.....
Fisherville, N. H..........
Dayton, Ohio..............
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.....
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Pontiac, Mich.............
Manchester, N. H.........
Staunton, Va..........
Painesville, Ohio.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Chicago, Ill.............
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Manchester, N. H......
Cleveland, Ohio.....
Philadelphia, Pa...........
Philadelphia, Pa...........
Chicago, Ill...............
Mar. 23, 1869
Nov. 22.1870
Nov. 13, 1866
Nov. 22, 1859
Mar. 26, 1867
Apr. 25, 1871
July 15, 1873
Aug. 18, 1868
Aug. 29, 1871
Nov. 30, 1869
Nov. 17, 1868
May 10, 1870
Apr. 22, 1873
Nov. 20, 1868
Dec. 12, 1865
May 18, 1869
Mar. 12, 1836
June 20, 1823
Oct. 8, 1872
June 3, 1873
June 13, 1829
Aug. 21, 1866
Dec. 12, 1865
Apr. 15, 1873
June 23, 1868
Nov. 19, 1833
June 2-2,1832
Dec. 17, 1861
Oct. 28, 1862
Jan. 31, 1860
Oct. 29, 1861
Apr. 7, 1868
Dec. 11, 1866
Sept. 10, 1867
Feb. 12, 1850
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 5, 1872
Oct. 15, 1867
June 9, 1868
June 20, 1871
Nov. 28, 1865
Sept. 18, 1835
July 3, 1860
Apr. 10, 1860
Oct. 22, 1e61
Feb. 4, 1873
Jan. 10, 1871
Oct. 1,1831
June 16, 1857
Jan. 18, 1870
Apr. 5, 1870
Apr. 28, 1868
Mar. 28, 1871
Nov. 14, 1871
Nov. 19, 1872
Mar. 4,1862
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 29, 1870
July 16, 1872
Apr. 15, 1862
Mar. 26, 1861
Feb. 18, 1868
Apr. 14, 186a
Mar. 5, 1872
Sept. 15, 1857
Aug. 23, 1864
Aug. 24, 1852
Feb. 28, 1865
Sept. 22, 1863
Dec. 10, 1867
Sept. 5, 1871
Jan. 5, 1869
Mar. 28,1871
Mar. 1, 1870
June 11, 1872
Sept. 8 1868
Jan. 29, 1867
Apr. 8, 1873
June 6, 1871
June 11, 1872
88 070
109 445
59, 649
26, 235
114, 225
140, 975
118, 644
97, 306
84, 092
102, 867
138, 203
59, 799
51, 433
90, 229
132, 080
139, 562
57, 338
137, 936
79, 151
33, 924
36, 7 83
27, 107
33, 622
76, 336
60, 351
68, 668
7, 088
88, 298
124, 213
69, 898
78, 756
116, 013
28, 950
27, 844
33, 527
135, 573
110, 820.....
17, 558
98, 932
101, 489
77, 311
113, 231
120, 924
133, 137
34, 583
57, 340
101, 327
129, 121
34, 971
31, 850
74, 669
76, 747
124, 398
18, 189
43, 900
9, 215
46, 569
40, 056
118, 677
85, 560
113, 012
100, 257
127, 741
81, 880
61, 610
137, 677
115, 732
127, 693
Date. No.
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 153
July 16,1872 129,218
Nov. 9, 1869 96, 686
Aug. 20, 18-2 130. 579
Nov. 22, 1870 109,413
July 16, 1867 66, 849
Nov. 9, 1869 96, 706
Â~ an. 7, 1868 73, 188
Nov. 2, 1869 96, 446
Sept. 8, 1868 82, 012
Sept 8, 1868 81,.923
Aug. 27, '867 68, 098
Jan. 30. 1872 123, 279
Mar. 11, 1873 136, 665
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continiued.
Led-lounge.------------- ------"----- -----------
Led-lounge------------ -------------------------
Bed-lounge-------------- ------ ------ -----------
Bed-lounges, Mode of constructing--------------..
Bed, Office------------------------------------...
Bdor cradle guard---------------------------...
Bced -lp n attachment fer invalid -weds.-.-- -------
Lcd-p-an. Female syringe ------_-------_----------
Led, Parlor.-----------------------------------
Bed, lanlor.------------------------------------
1ld-ilsiDevice in machine for manufacturing.--
Lied-pins, Machine for masking.-- --------------
Led-pins, Machine for mnaking.- ---------
Led, Poit-iblicamnp----------------------------..
LedIPortable folding.--------------------------.
Bedl-ili fastener--------------------. -------
Led, Rolling -----------------------
lBed saelung, Mode of tightening;................- - -
Beck-se-ts, &e., Elastic support for..- - --- - -- ---
Bedl-seat for invalids----------------------------
Led, Secret -------------------------------------
Led-sit, Spring.-----------------------------..
Lcda So-a------------- ------------ ------ -----
l*(lS ofa- - -..................
Liii, Sofa--------------- ------ ------------ -----
ll,Sofa'-------- -----------------------------
Ledl Soifa - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
LidSo a--------------------------------------
Led, Sof......................
LidSofa -------------------------------------..
Led, Sofa.---------------------------------------
Led Sota.....................
Led, soua dlof-itom.___.......
Ledsefa,-------p --ng--..-.. -....................
Led, Sotils rn................
Leds c, Spring--------------------- -----..
Led s c, Spring------------------------------
Lcd, Sprng....spring-----------------------------
Led Spring-----------------------------------...
Led. --in -----------------------------------
Beil Spring ------------------------------------
Led, Spring-----------------------------------..
Leil Spring.----- ----- ------ -------------------
Led, Spring-.----------------------------------
Led, Spriiig-"-------------"----.-------.---------
Bieu, Spring ------------------------------------
Led, Sprint.-...........-......-................ -
Led, Spring-----------------------------------...
LcSpring..........-..........................Led, Spring....................................
Led, Spring-----------------------------------...
Led, Spiring-----------------------------------..
Led, Spring--------------------- ----------
Lcd, Spring....................................
Led, Spring-------------------------------------
LieilSpring -----------------------------------
lBed-spring -----------------"-----"--------------
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
A. N. Hornung--------------- La Porte, Ind-------------Sep.3,1872 131, 00-2
F. II. Lamb-------------------Laveiina, Ohio ------------Jan. 2, 1s7 122, 469
S. Kennedy ----------Allegheny City, Pa- _--.-_Dec. 17, 1872 133, 992
J. D. Prat-------------------Cleveland, Ohio-----------.July 16,1867 66, 883
J. D. Pratt------------------ Clevelandl, Ohio ----------- Oct. '27, 1868 83, 544
V. Ven Diesesi- -- - - ------ New York. N. Y---------- Apr. 4, 181i 113, 372
L'. Fi. Walton ------------------ Pilaidelphia, Pa----------Jmne '27, 1871 110, 514
1'. C. Wilkins---------- Elgin, lil - - -......Dec28,1-9 9832
L. Wmmisu-l, H. Stuhlreyer, and Cincinnati, Ohio._- -.- IIay14,18-92 126,862
J. Sichwarz.
E. P. Curtiss and H. H. Hendee. Buffalo, N. Y F.-.Feb. 9,1869 86, 820
A. J. Vawter-----------------.Indlianapolis, Iiiil.-- -_Julyi 14,1868 811,618
J. J. Loll.--------------------.Newark, N. J..__ lo_-Fb. 18,18731:116,097
L. M.Chaffee ---------.._------Provideinee, 1R. I___..-_ - Sept. 17,1867 68, 954
S. G. Welling-----------------.. New lRochelle, N. YF-... Mayi12, 1868 77,037
A. Littenlious3.---------------Philadelphia, Pa....-._- _Scpt. 22,1868 82, 349
M. Crosby...- _.......- - L_ ostoii, Mass --------------Sept. 19, l871 119 079
11. Goodicih------------------.....Stoneham, Mass...Msay 28, 1872 127, 318
H. Gross---------------------.Tifini,Ohio ---------------Sept. 23,1856 1), 6:3
C. Goddari.....----------------..Edinburgh, Ohio.____.. a,1854 10, 859
WV Mclritde.-----------------Lm.... istolville, Ohio. _.- -_ __Fieii 28, 1t54 10,'57
P. N. Omioissoff-------------. St.. Petersbmirg, Ruissia.-- May 28, 1867 65, '262
G. N Seilerici......_. Harfordi, Conn._-.-------Api-. 2, 1861 31, 9.36
J. Lemm~n---------- Cincininati, Ohio --------Sept. 20, 1870 107, 618
J. Frisch -mu C. Thoener ---New York, N. Y - - -.- -----Api. 4, 1871 113, 307
J. K. Simpson--------- Boston, Mass.------ - Alig. 10, 1827..Per_______--..Bokln Y._... Nv7,85,4
G. Hl. Wateihouse._..__.__. East Sagus, Mass-..._May 7, 18 72 126, 1,99
C. F. Loxvers..._... Boston, Mass------------. _ Mai-. 24, 1808 75, 849
1. C. Ingemrsell.. m......Geen Poiiit, N. Y -_...Dec. 17, 1867 72, 398
S. Blair.._.............. New Haven, Conn.....- June 27, 1848 5, 646
E. B. Bowditch........ New Haven, Conn.a-_...Oct. 18, 1853 10, 125
Wm. Browxn---------- Worcestei-, Mass.------Aug. 18, 1868 81, 065
E. N. G.thilds.-_..--._-._-_ Cincinnii-i, Ohio- -- -- -- - ---July 16, 187-2 129, 528
M. Ciosby---------- i-- ostoni, Mass..-_---- ----May 21,1872 127, 029
E. N. Dirini ----------------- New York, N. Y---------- Dec. 9, 1873 145, 404
S. Graves--------------------....North Weynmouths, Mass. - Marn. 5, 1872 124, '265
G. Knell.---------- Philadelphia. Pa----------. _Oct. 24, 1871 1-20, 283
F1 Krater.--------------------Pittbur(b, Pa.--.......... May '28,1872 127, 171
J. Neeilhami............Morrisania, N.Y---------- Mar.. 15, 1870 100, 789
F. C. Payne------------------..New Yeo-k, N. Y---------- May 3,.1870 102, 70-2
J. J. Russ- - - - - -.-- -- -.- -----Worcester, Mass.. -.__._June 14,'1870 104, 358
J. J. Rt-ss --.__ -- ----------Worcester, Mass -..Aug. 20, 187-2 130, 664
CC. Schmitt.----------------- New York, N.Y..---------Apr-. 4,1871 113,576
B. L. Soiitliaek----------------.... wNew York, N. Y----------_ -Feb. 23, 1869 87, 216
J. Wernier------------------- _ _New Yos'kN. Y...____ Sent. 1-2, 1871 118, 91)4
It. Jennings.-----------------.Racie, Wis. __....- Nov. 26, 187-2 1:33, 371
AV. Lord---------------------..... Sa 'San Fir-ncisco. C-el------------u 2, 187(0 106, 069
J. Sears.---------------------- Cortland, N....X... Dec. 20, 1870 itO, 293
M. IF. Moody and B. Eastman. - NorthianiptonM-iss-...Apr. 13,18:36.
L. Andersen-----------------..Clues go. Ill..-____.._Oet. 4, 1870 107, 995
B3.Barstow--------..... etfelMas-----------WseulMs July 18, 1871 117, 036
0. C. Campbell----------------_Omab i N ebi....._ Apr. 1, 187:3 137, 287
J. H. Crane ----- __ _- ---------Charlestown, Mass -..-- Apr. 3, 1860 27, 709
S. Elder..------------------.Lutfalo, N. Y------------. Apr. 23, 1861 3-2, 126
J. M. Farnibain.......---...Hartford, Conn..-a. Nov. 14, 1871 120, 865
J.Fisk ----------------------- AugustaMe.... -... July 27, 1869 92, 949
J. French--------------------. _.Were, Masis._ - _..-. _..-Aug. 25,18:31 _..
C. Lentil..._.....- - -...-..New Yoik, N. Y -. ----Niiv. 11, 1 86-2 36. 902
1B. S. Harrington--------------Le _ __ Bston, Mass - ------------ __ July 10, 18616 56, 216
L. Hull----------------------__ __ __ _Charlestowii, Mass - -.. Mar. 29, 1870 101, 267
J. Johnson-------------------_IHartforud, Con----.-----Aug. 15,1871 118, 018
J. Johnson - - - - - - - - -- -----Hartford, Connui-----------_Nov. 14, 1871 120, 881
S. P. Kirtie- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - --Newark. N. J3-----...---Dee. 7, 1869 97, 5-21
W. W. mnd G. F. Ladd.. - - r_ Chelsea, Mass. - - -.- - - - Feb. 15, 18 70 99, 779
N. Meson--------------------.Liincoln, Mass------------- Feb. 7, 1871 111,554
W. P. Miller-----------._-----Marysvilie, Cal---------June t9, 1863 38, 8:34
G. H. Pool--------------------.New York, N. Y --_.-----Jan. 1, 1867 60, 782
F. W. Shiapleigh and MI. 3. Boston, Mass--.._ ------- July 30, 1867 67, 359
S. Smith and J. H. Gill - ----__William sbnrgYh.N. Y------ Oct. 21, 1873 143, 854
S. Stout --_--------------------Tremont, Ill --_.- Juno 3, 1873 139, 627
1). E. Taylor------------------ Charlon, Mass.........-Mar. 25, 1873 137, 260
C. Van lDyeck.-- - --- -- -- -- ----Nashville, Tlena - - _- -------Oct. 1, 1 867 Gm, 514
I. E. Webuster-----------------LBuffalo, N. Y------------- Apr. 2, 1872 125, 357
J.11. liaker amid A. Doney-- _.. Saratoga Springs, N. Y..-- Mar. 11, 1873 136, 692
II. Beyiodlt------------------_ Louisville, Ky------...----June 30, 18ti8 79,:02
HI. Chandler------------------1. 3... ennington, Vt -----------Sept. 12, 18741 118, 906
II. F. Clam-k-------------------ILowell, Michli---------Aug. 11, 1868 80, 808
WV. C. Cook;.----------------- Appleton, Wis------------ May 21,1861 32, 352
iD. V. Crandall ---------------- Canton, Iowa-------------..Apr. 3, 1866 53, 579
1). V. Crandall----------------...Chiago, Ill..-------------._ _Apr. 25, 18711 114,112
D. T. Gale--------------------...Fort Wayne, Ind.. -.._-Nov. 8, 1870 108, 998
Index fo patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bed-spring attachment............................-- - ----
Bed-spring fastening........................
Bedspring guide.........................
Bed-springs, Device for forming the eyes of......
Bed-springs, Device for forming spiral..........
Bed-springs, Machine for coiling................
Bed ventilating, vooling, or warming device........
Bed, Wardrobe...---------------------------
Beds, cushions, &c., Filling for....................
Beds, Feathers for-............
Beds, Head-rest for... --- - --.---...
Beds, Instrument for stirring straw and husk. - -- -
Beds, Manufacturing wood to be used as a substitute for curled hair in st uftling.
Beds, mattresses, &c., Filling for...............
Beds, Means of ventilating, cooling, and warming.
Beds, Mode of warming.......................
Beds, Mosquito canopy for............................
Beds orlounges,Convertingthebacksofcar-seatsinto
Beds, Palm-leaf for stutling......................
Beds, seats, &c., Expanding bottom for.........
Beds, sofas, &c., Spring foundation for............
Beds to tents, Attaching........................
Bedstead.--.- -.- - - - -
Bedstead -...-------------------------------
Bedstead-------- ------------
Inventor. Residence.
A. Smith...................... Boston, Mass.............
D. Manuel.................... Boston, Mass.............----------
A. C. Stich.............---------------...... Kalamazoo, Mich..-..
N. B. White... - - --.... South Dedham, Mass.___
E. L. Bushnell.-...--.. Poughkeepsie, N. Y......
M. Van Pleck................. Albany, N. Y......------......
D. E. Somes-------...... ----............ -- -Washington, D. C.........
F. C. Payne and A. Reid..... New York, N. Y.......
G. C. Barney...----- -.. - Chicago, Ill..............
G. Schott......-...... ---- New York, N. Y..........
B. F. Walton.................. -Jersey City, N. J-..........
C. A. Richardson.............. Waterville, Me............
W. Baker--------------................--.... Utica, N. Y-----------...............
J. C. Wightman........... Newton, Mass...........
D. E. Som es.._ - _....... W ashington, D. C........
P. Lannay................... Baltimore, Md...-....
W. B. Ellis................... Boston, Mass...............
H. B. Myer.................... Buffalo, N. Y.............
J. C. Smith-- - - - Cambridgeport, Mass.....
E. K. Garretson............... Ottawa, Ill................
J. H. Crane.................. Charlestown, Mass........
E. Lynch---..--...------------- Buffalo, N. Y.............
W. R. Bacall -............ Boston, Mass............
T. B. Baldwin.............--------------... Marshall, Tex...........
J. H. Barth..........--.......- Indianapolis, Ind.........
W. Bell....................... -------------------Lexington, Ky............
R. Belt........................ Centreville, Ky...........
J. H. Belter.................. New York, N. Y..........
B. F. Berry............... Utica, N. Y...............
G. Beurer................... Brooklyn, N. Y..........
W. H. Bramble................ Springfield, Ohio..........
W. E. Briggs................ Sparta, Wis............
S. Caro....................... Washington, D. C........
J. C. Clime.................. Philadelphia, Pa.........
J. C. Clime.......................Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. G. Cochran................. Brooklyn, N.Y...........
E. Coleman.......-...--New Bedford, Mass.......
N. Colver.................... Boston, Mass............
I. Cooper-- ----......... Baltimore, Md............
J. R. Coxe................... Philadelphia, Pa..-........
H. B. Coyle.-- --.. Philadelphia, Pa.......... ---
C. W. Curtiss.............. New Haven, Conn.....
S. Davis.................... Catskill, N. Y.............
W. Deckman---------------.................. Canton, Ohio..............
I. Deyo..--------.. -----------.. Naples, N. Y.............,. P. Dorman....--------------- Galesburgh, Ill...........
D. E. Dugan................. Springville, Pa............
E. Eatcn.....------------------ Cincinnati, Ohio..........
I. Eaton..-----..................... Mount Gilead, Va........
S.Espach.....----------------- Cincinnati, Ohio..........
D. M. Estey................ Brattleborough, Vt.....
H. H. Evarts............. Chicago, Ill..............
F. G. Ford................... Bridgeton, N. J..........
A. Foster.................... New York, N. Y.......
W. Gambel.................. Baltimore, Md...........
C. H. Gould.................. Concord, N. H...........
J. R. Guy................... Springfield, Ohio........
T. Q. Hall.................... Indianapolis, Ind........
J. Harding................... Detroit, Mich...........
J. Hart................... Lebanon, Ky...........
J. Henfrey................ United States Army......
F. Hesz................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........
P. Hinds.................... Kendall's Mill's, Me'......
B. Hinkley................. Utica, N. Y..............
B. Hinkley................... Troy, N. Y..............
B. Hinkley................... Troy, N. Y..........
B. Hinkley................ Troy, N.Y............
J. Hoert............... New York, N. Y..........
J. Horner................... New Brunswick, N. J....
E. Howe, jr................ Brooklyn, N. Y........
T. Howe................... Cambridgeport, Mass.....
S. H uddleston................... Cottage Grove, Ind.......
B. Humphreville and J. King. Morristown, N. J........
W. Huntress.................. South Berwick, Me.......
S. Hyde..................... Arcadia, N. Y...........
H. Ingraham............... Naples, N. Y.............
R. Jenkins.............. Covington, Ky.........
D. H. Jennings and J. Bounds. Bridgeport, Conn.......
G. A. Jeremiah............. New York, N. Y..........
W. B. Johns................... United States Army......
L. J. Johnson................ Cleveland, Ohio..........
B. Judd. _................... New London, Conn......
C. Kniseley......... Meadville, Pa.....
M. Lally......... East Palestine, Ohio......
N. Lamphear............ Monmouth. Ill............
J. Leigh.................. Edgefield, S. C.........
J. Maguire...... Philadelphia, Pa.. - -
D. Manuel......... Lancaster. Pa............
R. Martin.................... Chicago, Ill..............
R. Maxwell.................. Tucker County, Va.......
J. McClintic................. Chambersburgh, Pa......
S. McQuerns and 1. M. Lyon.. Abbeville, S. C...........
J. C. Merritt...... West Point, N. Y.........
C. Messenger......... Warren, Ohio............
H. Miller..................Glasgow, Ky..........
A. Moon................... Bristol, Wis...........
Date. No.
Oct. 15, 1872
Mar. 5, 1867
Oct. 22, 1867
Oct. 23, 1866
Aug. 8, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Feb. 8,1870
Apr. 12, 1859
June 2, 1868
Sept. 13, 1864
Mar. 4, 1873
Apr. 1, 1856
May 30, 1842
Dec. 2, 1873
Nov. 16, 1869
Nov. 11, 1823
Feb. 23, 1869
Sept. 19, 1854
Apr. 3, 1835
Aug. 25,1868
Feb. 7,1860
Jan. 28,1862
Aug. 6, 1867
Aug. 8,1871
Jan. 10, 1854
Nov. 7,1826
Feb. 22, 1831
Aug. 19, 1856
Apr. 22,1835
Feb. Ill, 1868
Apr. 19, 1859
Aug. 13, 1872
Dec. 31, 1872
Mar. 17, 1868
June 9,1868
May 14, 1867
Oct. 31,1834
Apr. 24, 1849
Feb. 22, 1825
Oct. 16,1812
May 28, 1872
Dee. 12, 1842
Dec. 29, 1826
Aug. 21,1860
June 6, 1871
Nov. 14, 1r65
Dec. 7, 1869
Sept. 27, 1859
Dec. 31,1833
Dec. 27, 1859
Nov. 16, 1869
Feb. 22, 1870
Mar. 25, 1873
July 2, 1861
Aug. 25, 1831
Sept. 2, 1856
Oct. 11, 1859
June 14, 1870
Sept. 28, 1869
Mar. 3, 1840
Sept. 23,186-2
June 12, 1855
June 16, 1857
July 5,1848
Dec. 25, 1849
Dec. 11, 1855
July 26, 1859
May 28, 1867
July 30,1867
Aug. 26, 1856
July 17, 1855
July 1,1856
Dec, 17, 1834
June 10, 1856
May 2, 1828
Aug. 3, 1869
June 5,1860
June 22,1869
Mar. 14, 1871
June 1, 1858
July 25,1871
May 25,1832
June 16, 1836
Aug. 10,1791
May 30, 1871
June 29,1858
Aug. 7, 1860
Jan. 15, 1836
Apr. 14,1863
Feb. 23,1869
Oct. 19,1858
Nov. 2, 1825
Mar. 8, 1859
June 14, 1870
July 26, 1859
May 23, 1834
July 1,1856
132, 328
62, 653
70, 041
59, 145
117, 860
112, 868
99, 722
23, 604
78, 412
44, 223
136, 395
14, 574
2, 654
96, 989
87, 154
11, 699
81, 358
27, 037
34, 258
67, 397
117, 724
10, 418
15, 552.....
74, 193
23, 659
130, 355
134, 359
75, 527
78, 647
64, 632
6, 386.....
127, 312
2, 881
29, 678
115, 716
50, 920
97, 619
25, 563.....
26, 577
96, 787
100, 133
137, 191
32, 687
15, 648
25, 732
104, 143
95, 223
1, 504
36, 519
13, 034
17, 569
5, 656
6, 972
13, 9L9
24, 873
65, 222
67, 304
15, 609
13, 265
15, 076.....
93, 305
28, 582
91, 749
112, 716
20, 435
117, 424..........
115, 483
20, 723
29, 498
38, 202
87, 273
21, 841.....
23, 2-22
104, 182
24, 880
15,2 49
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B edstead.........................................
Be(lstead, Adjustable.............................
Bedstead, Adjustable bolster for-----.. --------
Bedstead, Alarm.............................
Bedstead and bed-bottom.........................
Bedstead and bed-bottom...._...................
Bedstead and bed for the sick and lame...........
Bedstead and cot.........................
Bedstead and crib, Folding........................
Bedstead and crib, Folding......................
Bedstead and lounge........................
Bedstead and lounge...........................
Bedstead and mattress............
Bedstead and quilting-frame..............
Bedstead and saeking-bottom, Portable............
Bedstead and sofa or chair..................
Bedstead and spring bed-bottom..............
Bedstead and table..............................
Bedstead and table combined.....................
Bedstead and table fastener......
Bedstead and trunk combined.....................--------------
Bedstead and wardrobe combined.................
Bedstead, Barrack or hospital..................
Bedstead, Bisected-------------------.....................-.........
Bedstead, Book-case................................
Bedstead-bottom, Spring.........................
Bedstead, Bureau...............................
Bedstead, Bureau...............................
Bedstead, Bureau................................
Bedstead, Bureau.........................
Bedstead, Bureau.........................
Bedstead, Bureau.........................
Bedstead, Bureau.........................
Bedstead, Bureau................................
Bedstead, Bureau................................
Bedstead, Bureau........
Bedstead, Bureau,..ndstan.comind.............
Bedstead, Cabint.....
Bedstead, Cabinet.... stand.com d.........
Bodstead, Cabinet.........................
Bedstead, Cabinet................................
Bedstead, Cabinet.................................
lledsteadl Cabinet...........................
E. Morris.....................
J. Morris.................
C. F. Nahbumacher..........
S. Oberholzer........
H. D. Old.s....................
D. O'Leary....................
IH. Pace, sr......_............
I. Pedrick.................
J. E. Pencille..................
D. Powles....................
D. U. Pratt...................
P. Prettyman.................
P. Prettyman.................
B. S. Pringle................
H. B. Ramsey.................
D. C. Riaub...................
H. Reisinger.................
L. W. Roath..................
R. Roberts..................
E. Rogers and M. Pearson.....
A. Rothwell.................
I. Russ11.....................
H. W. Sabin.................
D. W. Smead..................
J. J. Smith and J. H. Pugh....
G. Snowden.-................
N. W. Speers...............
S. Springer..................
W. St. Charles................
WV. B. S:ewart...............
W. L. Thomas...............
P. Thompson.............
WV. S. Todd....................
C. Van Noy........
G. Vaughan, jr............
S. Walker.......--...........
T. Wall................--......
W. M. Ward and P. Bennage..
C. A. Warner..............
W. White...................
H. K. Whitner...............
S. Willard.................
P. Williamson............
P. Williamson..............
D. Witt......................
B. F. Woodsidoe................
WV. Zaiser..................
J. P. Zeller....................
WV. O. Reid....................
J. Hofmann..................
J. C. House..............
F. G. Ford.................
E. Krieghoff.................
J. Baily....................
V. L. Baker...................
it. S. Titcomb.................
it. S. Titcomb.................
J. Dourson...................
R. Jewell..................
E. Cherrington...............
S. Whitmarsh.................
J. S. MeCurdy............
W. McArthur............
G. Wilson...------------.----
O. Lafreniere.............
J. M. Baird..................
F. Boissard and S. Conrath....
J. A. Morgan..................
C. S. Snead...................
P. Breasted........
E. Putnam...............
S. E. Hartwell..........
G. Schott..................
J.C. Stuck...................
G. Schott and J. London......
D. Arnaud...................
W. F. Browne................
L. Deromo.....................
F. Hoffman...................
H. W. Kingman...............
A. Parker....................
F. C. Payne...................
E. Shackford and D. Arnaud..
M. Sulzbacher................
H. L. Thistle..................
1. Trefry...................... Whitney...................
A. and L. A. Parker...........
S S. Burr....................
S. S. Burr....................
W. H. Dutton................
M. Crosby....................
S. C. Maine...................
A. J. Roberts..................
Burlington, N. J..........
Derby, Con..............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
New Bedford, Mass......
Wheaton, Ill...........
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.....
Hubbard, Ohio...........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Bridgeton, N. J...........
Lockport, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md.........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Georgetown, Del........
Georgetown, Del.....
Barnesville, Ga.........
Rockville, Ind..-.
Saint Louis, Mo........
York, Pa.................
Lexington, Ohio..........
Saint Paul, Ind...........
Essex County, Mass...---
Washington, D. C.......
Dedham, Mass....- --.
Canandaigua, N. Y........
Peru, Ill................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Hudson, N. J............
Cincinnati, Ohio.---.....
Chicago, Ill.....--...--.Topeka, Kans.........
Fairmont, Va.....-.....
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Middlebury, Ohio.........
Springfield, Ohio......
Mechanicsville, Iowa.....
Lexington, Ky-..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass.............
Jones' Station, Ohio.......
Eureka, Ill................
Bristol, Corn.............
Portsmouth, Va........
Philadelphia, Pa. -.-.....
Cincinnati, Ohio-......
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md...........
Hubbardston, Mass.......
Atlanta, Ga............
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
South Bend, Ind........
Vienna, N. C..............
Chicago, Ill.-.............
Lowville, N. Y...........
Baltimore, Md............
Rochester, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Richmond, Va............
Gloversville, N. Y......
Gioversville, N. Y.........
Columbus, Ohio........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston. Mass.........
Joliet, Ill..............
Northampton, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Chicago, Iil...........
New York, N. Y..........
Wheeling, V. Va.........
New York, N. Y........
Bloomfield, Iowa.......
Louisville, Ky............
Green County, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..........
Now York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y.......
San Francisco, Cal......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Now York, N. Y......
Boston, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..........
Girard, Kans......
Dedham, Mass.......
Boston, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Boston, Mass............
ioston, Mass............
Boston, Mass............
Dec. 9, 1873
July 8, 1843
June 13, 1871
Nov. 11, 1851
Apr. 30, 1872
May 13,1873
Aug. 20, 1872
Dec. 10, 1846
May 21, 1867
July 13, 1869
Feb. 27,1866
Oct. 31, 1821
Feb. 3, 1863
Mar. 31, 1834
Sept. 26,1835
Sept. 4, 1860
Oct. 25, 1870
May 6, 1873
Aug. 18,1832
Aug. 4, 1868
Nov. 5, 1867
June 11, 1829
July 2, 1867
Sept. 16,18 1
July 1,1851
Oct. 19, 1852
Aug. 26, 1856
Feb. 14, 1871
Apr. 27, 1858
Dec. 12, 1871
Aug. 22, 1865
June 8, 1858
Aug. 27, 1e67
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 5, 1859
Sept. 14, 1858
Jan. 10, 1832
Sept. 18, 1833
Mar. 20, 1860
June 5, 1860
Sept. 22, 1868
June 29, 1858
Sept. 25, le55
Mar. 9, 1869
Aug. 1,1854
Dec. 6,1821
Oct. 17, 1822
Feb. 9, 1869
Aug. 23, 1867.
Nov. 19,1850
Apr. 9, 1872
Mar. 1, 1870
May 16, 1871
July 17, 1855
Feb. 14, 1871
July 9, 1867
Mar. 18, 1825
Aug. 2, 1870
Dec. 10, 1867
Apr. 28,1868
Dec. 28, 1869
Apr. 12, 1870
Nov. 23, 1835
Sept. 8, 1868
Oct. 8, 1850
J une 29, 1869
-Jan. 31, 1871
Sept. 20, 1870
Sept. 15, 1863
May 3, 1870
Aug. 27, 1861
Mar. 12, 1872
Dec. 14,1869
Feb. 21, 1826
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 26, 1858
Dec. 26, 1865
Aug. 2, 1864
June 7, 1859
Dec. 1, 1868
Aug. 27, 187-2
Mar. 31, 1863
Oct. 26, 1858
Oct. 12,1844
July 21, 1868
Nov. 1, 1864
Apr. 14, 1868
Feb. 18, 1868
May 10, 1859
June 2-2, 1869
July 14,1857
Apr. 4, 1871
Oct. 26, 1869
Sept. 26, 1871
Apr. 7, 1868
June 18, 1872
June 15, 1869
July 26, 1870
145, 305
3, 16-2
115, 836
8, 516
126, 226
138, 756
130, 655
4, 880
64, 901
92, 643
52, 879.....
37, 589
29, 913
108, 729
138, 582.....
80, 668
70, 618.....
66, 398
8, 358
8, 190
15, 621
111, 785
20, 097
121, 734
49, 568
20, 518
68, 255
76, 553
23, 513
21, 527
27, 585
28, 621
82, 457
20, 750
13, 607
87, 742
11, 449.....
86, 892
68, 023
125, 653
100, 324
114, 819
111, 832
66, 598
105, 885
72, 122
77, 334
98, 359
101, 882
81, 936
7, 712
92, 075
107, 580
39, 933
102, 473
33, 128
124, 609
97, 981.....
81, 687
21, 878
51, 755
43, 719
24, 33:3
84, 466
130, 789
38, 035
21, 926
3, 792
80, 208
44, 887
76, 664
74, 628
23, 960
91, 688
17, 81
113, 692
96, 196
119, 312
7(1, 423
127, 962
91, 244
10, 8 0
Index of patents issued fronm the United States Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusie--Continnced.
Bedstead1, Cabinet............................... I). T. Rlobinson....._......_Bedstead, Cabinet............................... W. HI. and L. Young.------..
Bedstead, Canip.................................F.1. Ever-iekx..............--
Bedstead, Camp................................. C. Fostearsen, H. i-erson, and
C. J. Skow.
Bedstead, Camp--------------------------------..W. A. Mauran...............
BiedsteaidCaimp.---------------------------------- AID.McCo -"----------.---
Bedstead, Ca---------------------------------- A I olno -------.--
Bedste-adC-un----------------------------------W..... AV.C.Sbhaw and J. Stalup....
Bedsteard.Camp._-.-.....................--------J. White...........
Beidstead, Cane)--------------------------------..A. M.Rodgers.._............
Bedsteaid, ch-irsecretary, and wardrobe.-----------.W.Pekards-.... _........ __..
Bedstead-cl-amp------"-------"--------------------T. B.Gregory -----"--------- -
Bedstead combined with otlier furniture, Wardrobe II.1P. undJ. L. Plimnpten. - -.
Bedlstead, Cot----------------------------....-------.---"-- -- (-tnt--
B c ds te-aid,C o t----------------------------------I_.._ _... _. 'Wilbiamsonr...............
B cdote-d cord-pn-- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- --J. '. IBever.................
liedste-id cri batt-aelment - _- -.--------------------E.. 1. F.Bryan........__...._.....
Bedstead crib-attachmient------------------------- F. Rtyder....................
Iiedstcadl cribi-attaclimerit------------------------ B. Snyider....................
Bedsteail crib-rrittaclirent.- _- --_-- --- -- -- -- - - - - --A. V. Tarbell arid J. H. P.
Bedstead crib -attachnient.-----------------------II. iR. Tracy...........--...
Bedisteadi crib-attachment ---- -------------------4J. H. L. Wilson.--------------
BedsteadIDoublc-tenon draw-key-----------------_ __ _S. Cooperr-.. _........ _. _......
Bedstea-iidi -ipcryf asterirng -------------(G. Wi. Watrous._............
1~dsiead drapery fastener or susprender.. ------ -1". B. Pirlian._.......-.......
BeidsteadrlDr ris-irking-------------.H ibr.....................Wibr___..__-...Bcdsr e-dEasy- dra-itt--------------------------...... P. T. Walcott..............
Bedsteadirlieu -ted.-- - --------I------D. Burnett.------------------
Bed-stead, Expandig----------------------------..N. Cross--------------...---
BedstecadIIExtrensron--------------------C. S. iebow......-- _...-......
Beilstead 1 xterrsmou----------------------------..J. Holzann.................
B~edsteaidExtension.----------------------.------1'. Menser.-..............
BedlsteadFin-ventilatirng---------------..-------F. Moore..........
Bedtea Iislner--------------------------- I). Babcock.--........._...
Beidsteaid-fastener------------------ ------------- J. C. Cie..................--
Berdstead-L istener------------------------------J. Doering.__..............
Bedstead- Ia enera------------------------------- E. S. Earley-------- ------_
Bedstead-ta-tener-------------------------------__J.Janeway -.........
B edls teildl-fas t erie r- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -A. IB. S-aer........
Bestrd1 tlii-----------------------------. Swiclbr........................HSico--._----.
Bedstead-f'istenr..r-...............-------------.S wing..................
Blcstead-hstening ---------------------.---------. I1. Banger----------------
Bedstead-fastening------------------.... aii....................A.ar._...-_Bedstead-fastenirng-----"-----------------"--"----G.XV. Baker _..............
Bedstead-farstening. ---------- ------------------- L). Ball.................
Beilstead-frrscenirng--------------------------- --- D. Ball.....................--
Bledstead fistenain-g-----------------"----------.E. iR. Ball...................Bedstead lastenirg------------------------------ E. T. Barlow..........--....
Bedstead-stenuig----------- ------------------ J. Bariies-...........
Bedstead-fastening------------------------------.V.'S. Bartle................
Bedstead-fasterung------------------------------.....C. E. Bander-----------------..
Bedstecad fastening_-.--_.- - - - - - - ------ - -- ----- G. W. Baynes, T. Hity, and
IAl. Jackson.
Bedstead-fastening------------------- A. Beelitol.................
IBedlste-fa lsteni----------- -------------------XV. Belt...... -....._.
Bedstea-f asteni----------------_..--------_--J. Benjarni.............
Bed-tend-fastenin--------------------------.......J. Bodeler........_......
Bedstead-fastening..---_...__._-----------------L. G. Bradfoird-------------__
Bedstead-fistenin_-------------------L. (G. Bradford --------------
Bedstead-fastenmin.- - - - -. rda........................CBaw._.___-_Bledstead-fastening..- - - --........---J I.Brooke...........
Bedstead-fastening ------------------------------&J.Borket.........
B edlst ea d-tfa s t e nuin-------------------------------..A. and A. Case....._.....
Bedstea-if astenin-------------------------------V.Cl-irk._..._._.
Bedlstead-fastenirig----------------CSCm......................_.S ois-_-_--.rbeilt( art-astening.................C.olige----------_-------------. ol.. -
Bedstead-fastenirng-------------"----- ------------- D ie...............Bedsteail fastening------------------J. Doeri mu ___ ____
Bedstead-tastenin..-.....--.. -...........Dr-ayton..........
Bedstead-I nastenig-------------------- MAl. 14cr---.-------
Beilsteail-fasterrinn-------------------------------XV H1 Elliot.................
Bedste id-tastenrin---------------------- ------- W. I-.Elliot-..........-......
Bedstead-fastening----------------------------... W. H. Elliot..................
Bedstenil astenmn --------.----- W. H. Elliot.................
Bedstead- fastenirn;-----------------------------.J. W. Elstun................Bedstead -fastenin- -..................+ II. C. Ernst-----------------_
Bedstead-fastening - - --....Evrt.......................B si__....Bedste-id -astening------------------------------S...... EFab.aEanitA. __H. ochina. - -
Bedstead-fastenig-----------------------------C..H. Fessenden............
B e d ste a d -fa ste n in gr -- - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - --- - -J. F o w ler. QPT - - - -
Residence. Date.
Poston, Mass. _.-_......Aug. 10, 1869
Boston, Mass ------__ __----July 7, 1868
Paris, Fiance. --.........Mar. 1, 1870
Rlacine, Wis -- -- -- -- ---- -July 11, 1865
Boston, Mass.............- - _Aug. 20, 1861
Alexandria, La-- ---- - - - -Dee. 27. 1870
Paris, France -- -- -.-- - ---.-Dee. 10, 1861
Philadelplria, Pa., andX~il- Sept. 10, 1830
inington, Dr-I.
Cleveland, Ohio.. _........ Nov. 12, 1861
Brooklyn, N. V..........._Mar. 2-2, 18701
New York, N. Y.......... -_ _May 12,1868
Champraign, Ill- __-- -__----Sept. 27, 1870
Hamptoun County, Mass -._ - Mar-. 25, 1856
New Yor-k, N. Y - - -- -----Mar. 23, 1816
Baltimrore, Mil........... Nov. 11, 1830
Hainesvitle, Mo_- -- -- -----July 1i9, 1859
Savannah, Ga.------------_ Jan. 14, 18;33
Great Falls, N. H.......... Aug. 13, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa._--.-_ June 10, 1873
Jersey City, N.J -_- -- -- ----Feb. 25, 1873
New York, N. Y------- --- Feb. 25, 1868
Auburn, Mans _----------Ape. 4, 1871
C hamberaburgir, Pa.- __No-c. 5, 1825
Hlartford, Connr-.-..-..-......-July 19, 1859
Cinicinnati, Ohio..- _.......June 18, 1861
lNewburyport, Mass. -_._._ _-. June 16, 1828
Monmiouth County, N. J Jan. 6, 1812
Bedford Stat-ion, N. Y.- Aug. 6, 1867
New York, N. Y----------....D ec.ec. 10, 1862
New York, N. Y----------__ _Apr. 18, 1846
New York, N. Y...-......July 23, 1867
Lancaster, Pa.- - - - - ------Norv. 10, 1863
San Francisco, Cal..-._ Feb. 1, 18 70
Panolna, Miss.-.--- _- --Oct. 23, 1860
Serreca Falls, N. Y -.._-.Feb. 3, 1863
Philadelphia, Pa-._._---------May 5, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.__........Apr. 6, 1869
Phriladelphia, Pa -._.__- Apr. 21), 18611
Indianapolis, md..Aug. 4, 1868
Ephrata,Pa.-------------- May 24, 1870
Mifflinburgir, Pa -- _.- _ Tan. 18, 1870
Plattsburghi, N. Y-____..-_May 18, 1869
Beston, Mass...........Sept. 10, 1846
Petersbnrgh, Va. - --------Apr. 3, 1826
Wheeling, W.V. -.-_Oct. 7, 1873
Cochranton, Pa.-- - - ----May 24, 1859
Sandy Hill, N. Y........... Apr. 16, 1842
Albany, N. Y.......Apr. 10, 1847
Kailamuazoo, Mich-.__..---Apr. 4, 1854
San Francisco, Cal.._..Aug. 29, 1871
Burlington, Vt............-Apr. 20, 1869
Newark,, N. Y-. _..........Jan. 29, 1867
Cleveland, Ohio. -.. --......Jan. 18, 1853
Gleuville, Va. -----........Aug. 16, 1853
Berkeley Sprrings, Va - Oc.9, 1860
Lexington, IKy.-_-_..---..- Feb. 15. 1838
Naples, N. Y--------------J..uly 26, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio..----.......Apr. 10, 1855
Plymouth, Mass......-----.Sept. 3,1872
Plymouth, Mass...----- - Iech 257 1873
Maquoketar, Iowa -.__..-.-Nov.30, 1869
New York, N. Y -.-.- - ----Apr.18, 1832
Baltimore, Ohio.- - --------May 15 1849
Cr-agran, Ohio------------_ _June 8, 1858
Nashua, N. H.....--. Apr. 5 1859
Candor, N. Y - --_._--------Sept.6, 1870
Gustavus, Ohio........... - -Mar. 1, l8 5
Weymouth, Ohio----------.NMar. 971i88
Lowell, Mass-.__- - ---Jan.13,1871
Boston, Mass......------May 7, 1850
Rtichimond, Ind.......... b16,1869
Philadclphtia, Pa. -....-_.Sept. 13,1864
Buffalo, N. Y-------------....Sept. 26,1 854
Mansfield, Ohio ---- ---. Jan. 2-2, 1850
New York, N. Y..........-_ -Nov. 20, 1861
New York, N. Y.- - -------Noi. -20, 1866
Nos YoVrk, N. Y----Nov. 20, 1866
New York, N. YV---------- -Aug. 3, 1819
Indianrpolis, Ind. _......May 28, 1872
93, 556
791, 682
160, I386
48, 671
33, 124
110, 485
33, 901
7, 633
101, 165
77, 841
107, 774
14, 514
24, 788
134, 847
1:30, 4-13
139, 8-9
136, 280
74, 865
113, 382
24, 8:17
32, 185
67, 494
37, 153
-4, 463
67, 05
40, 164
91), 45
30, 492
37, 560
77, 457
88, 6t7
89, 209
80, 743
10:3, 511
9S9, 030
90, 329
4, 748
143, 4:31
24, 015
2, 162
5, 060
10, 731
118, 424
89, 116
61, 504
9, 541
9, 931
30, 286
101, 771
12, 693
130, 973
136, 301
97, 270
6. 451
20, 478
23, 5:5
106, 997
9, 598
19, 544
110 632
86, 989
44, 167
59, 194
59, 795
93, 188
1, 991
2, 711d
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bedstead fastening...--------.------------------... E. G. Gory.................
Bedstead fastening......--------------------------A. Grillet.....................
Bedstead-faistening................................ H. Gross......................
Bedstead-fastening --------------------------J. Guild............................. ild....
Bedstead-fastening............................... S. Harris......................
Bedstead-fastening.............................. --------J. Haslet and C. Devitt.....
Bedstead-fastening--------------------------..............................- -J.C. Helme.............
Bedstead-fastening................................ B. Hinkley.............
Bedstead-fastening -------..Hman............................... W. Himan.....
B dstead-fastening................................ E. G. Hopkins................
Bedstead-fastening --------............................... S. Hovey.....................
Bdstead-fastening............................... R. Hubbard..................
Bedstead-fastening..................----------------..-....--... J. C. and F. J. Jackson......
Bedstead- fastening........................
Bedstead-fastening.............. _..........
stead-fastening; B................................-----
Bedstead-fastening __.- ___ ________..__
Bedstead fastening..............................
Bedstead fastening................................
Bedstead-fast ening...........................
Bedstead, Fastening of cast-iron ----------------
Bedstead-fastening, Plug...............-------------.........
Bedstead, Folding.....-------------------------.
Bedstead, Folding.................................
L. L. Jackson...............
J.C. Jeffries...............
J. Johnson....................
W. Johnston..................
W. Johnston......--............
J. A. and A. F. Jones....
S. Jones.--------... --------..
J. R. Kain and S. Lewis.....
L. Kent..................
J. Knipe................
J. Lemman.................
S. Lewis................
S. Lewis....................
S. Lewis...----------------
J. Maguire...........
J.F. Mancha..............
P. Maulding and J. W. Fraley.
1. M. May................
L. May. -------..........
P. McIntyre.................
I. McLaughlin............
W. H. McPherson.........
WV. E. Merrill and T. Tupper.
E. Mets and W. B. Geddes-..
P. M iles --.................
P. Milles------------------
H. Miller................
J. E. Milliken............
T. W. Moore.................
T. W. Moore.--.---------
J. Morrison.................
J. Moulton...................---
I. W. Moyer..............
H. B. Nash...........----....
A. S. Newnouse........
T. O'Keefe- -- -..............
J. P. Owen ----------------
C. IH. Parker...........
M. Pechman...............
G. Porter...................---
P. Post.........------------------
R. M. Price..................
W. H. Price--- -..............
C. D. Purdy..............--
C. D. Purdy.......- - -.......- -----
R. Ramsey ---..............
A. H. Rennie...-..........
J. Richman..................
O. Robinson -.........
A. Roda......................
J. Rodefer...................
W. H. Sabin................
J. D. Sanborn.............
J. C. Santee.............._
J. Schepler....---------------
A. Schlingman.......
I. A. Sergeant................
W. Shaw....................
W. Shaw...................
J. Simpson..............
H. T. Smith..............
I. Smith..................
J. J. Smith..................
W. Stevens................
J. M. Stewart...............
R. H. St. John.............
D. Hotlemeyer...........
G. Sugg and W. Metz........
G. Sugg and W. Metz.........
W. Swift and W. Ottiwell.....
E. S. Taylor --- --..............
J. Taylor.....................
J. C. Turner..............
J. H. Waite..............
J. B. Wardwell..............
C. Wolf.................
C. Wolf.................
C. Wolf..................
E. S. Wright................
J. W. Yothers.... - -...
N. Zins --......................
A. C. Semple................
J. J. Smith --------------...
C. P. Alling, jr -.-.............
D). Bach and K. Krenkel.......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Hoboken, N. J............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Irville, Ohio............
Wilkesbarre, Pa.........
Utica, N. Y.............
Elkhart, Ind.........
Per. Yan, N. Y.........
Painesville, Ohio........
Milton, Ind.......-.
Rochester, N. Y., and Danbury, Conn.
Paterson, N. J............
Mount Vernon, Ind.......
Geneseo, N. Y.----..--.
Appleton, Wis-........Appleton, Wis......
Lexington, Ky........
San Francisco, Cal...-.
Tiffin, Ohio....._....
Dorset, Vt.....-----------.
New York, N. Y.........
Cincinnati, Ohio...
Tiffin, Ohio..........
Tiffin, Ohio-.....
Tiffin, Ohio -........
Trenton, N. J.............
Ridgely, Md..............
Marshall, Tex.........
Anderson, Ind............
Columbus, Ga - -. -
Norwich, Conn........_.
Sunderland, Vt.........
Ne shville, Tenn........
Nashua. N. H............
Rochester, N. Y........
New Haven, Conn.......
South Bend, Ind..........
Bridgeton, Mo.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y-..........
McArthurstown, Ohio....
Ossipee, N. H......
Ulica, N. Y..............
Kingsbury, N. Y....
Richmond County, Ga....
Appleton, Was....-.
Norwalk, Ohio...........
New Geneva, Pa..._....
New York, N. Y..--._.
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
New Haven, Conn.......
Leesville, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
La Porte, Ind...........
La Porte, In.d.....
Wilmington, Pa. -.-...
Binghamton, N. Y........
Lancaster, Ohio.......
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Cincinnati, Ohio......
New Milford, Pa........
Bennington, N. Y.......
Hughesville, Pa..........
Lambertville, N. J.......
West Alexandria, Ohio....
Hamilton, Ohio..........
Clarion, Pa.........
Clarion, Pa..............
Newark, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C......
Chagrin Falls, Ohio.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Tarentum, Pa..........
Newark, N. J..........
Columbus, Ohio........
Hancock, Md........
Chicago, Ill.............
New Bedford, Mass.....
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Macon, Ga............
Newark, N. J.......
Orange, Mass......
Georgetown, D. C.....
Rochester, N. Y.......
Rochester, N. Y......
Rochester, N. Y......
Buffalo, N. Y........
Spruce Grove, Pa......
Evansville, Ind.......
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Sylvan, Wis......
vew York, N. Y.....
Mar. 19, 1872
July 26, 1870
Jan. 2, 1872
Dec. 20,1843
Dec. 23, 1856
May 9, 1846
June 27, 1848
Dec. 9,1846
Apr. 15, 1856
Nov. 15, 1859
Aug. 28, 1849
May 15,1860
May 5,1868
Aug. 13,1867
June 28, 1859
June 29, 1852
Mar. 3,1868
Dec. 15, 1868
Aug. 1, 1848
June 11, 1872
May 6, 1851
Sept. 12, 1838
Jan. 8, 1842
Oct. 2, 1866
June 27, 1848
Nov. 18, 1856
Dec. 13. 1864
Feb. 19, 1867.fan. 28, 1873
Aug. 16, 1870
Sept. 14, 1858
May 28,1872
May 25, 18609
Apr. 28, 1836
Dec. 12, 1871
Dec. 13, 1853
Nov. 22. 1870
May 15, 1860
Aug. 7, 1849
Mar. 10, 1868
Nov. 14, 1871
June 11, 1872
Oct. 29, 1850
Dec. 11, 1849
May 15, 1847
Dec. 4, 1847
June 15, 1832
June 1, 1869
Dec. 11, 1849
June 11, 1850
May 14, 1867
Dec. 30, 1833
June 12,1838
Apr. 18, 1871
Jan. 3, 1854
Jan. 1, 1869
Sept. 27, 1870
Feb. 19, 1850
Mar. 19, 1867
Dec. 28, 1832
Dec. 28, 1858
Jan. 24, 1860
Dec. 18, 1839
May 12, 1840
Apr. 3, 1849
Jan. 24, 1865
Feb. 14, 1871
Apr. 30, 1867
July 13, 1852
Mar. 30, 1852
Aug. 17, 1852
Apr. 2, 1872
Aug. 14, 1860
Oct. 25, 1845
Mar. 29, 1864
Dec. 7, 1869
Aug. 6,1872
July 11, 1854
May 29, 1849
Apr. 23, 1867
Mar. 2, 1869
Sept. 11, 1828
Mar. 1,1853
Sept. 4, 1849
June 7, 1870
Sept. 6,1870
June 18, 1867
June 10, 1873
Sept. 16, 1873
Dec. 2, 1873
July 6,1858
Oct. 30, 1855
Nov. 30, 1869
Feb. 23, 1858
June 7, 1859
Nov. 24, 1868
Feb. 28, 1860
124, 735
105, 7 8
122, 457
3, 387
16, 276
4, 508
5, 649
4, 878
14, 660
26, 104
6, 674
28, 276
77, 491
67, 766
24, 562
9, 073
75, 02:
84, 949
5, 689
127, 694
8, 076
2, 415
58, 437
5, 650
16, 093
45, 417
62, 212
135, 279
106, 382
127, 255
9), 568
121, 726
10, 313
109, 538
28, 326
6, 630
75, 445
120, 893
127, 786
7, 743
6, 940
5, 387
9, 034
90, 776
6, 944
7, 428
64, 699
113, 925
10, 378
90, 780
107, 812
7, 107
63, 095.....
22, 456
26, 924
1, 431
1, 603
6, 275
46, 029
111, 878
64, 257
8, 845
9, 203
125, 342
29, 628
4, 243
42, 120
97, 722
130, 328
6, 483
64, 048
87, 380
9, 604
6, 687
104, 082
107. 11
65, 970
139, 844
142, 973
145, 266
20, 839
13, 736
97, 468
19, 451
24, 361
84, 337
27, 263
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bedstead, Folding.................................
Bedstead, Folding................................
Bedstead, Folding...............................
Bedstead, Folding................................
Bedstead, Folding...............................
Bedstead, Folding..............................
Bedstead, Folding.-----------------------"--.---
Bedstead, Folding................................
Bedstead Folding..................
Bedstead, Folding............................
Bedstead, Folding.............................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead Folding................................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead, Folding...............................
Bedstead Folding................................
Bedstead, Folding...........................
Bedstead, Folding.............................
Bedstead Folding.............................
Bedstead, Folding................................
Bedstead, Folding.............................
Bedstead, Folding.......................
Bedstead Folding................................
Bedstead, Folding............................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead. Folding.................................
Bedstead Folding................................
Bedstead Folding..............................
Bedstead Folding...............................
Bedstead, Folding................................
Bedstead Folding...........................
Bedstead Folding.............................
Bedstead, Folding.............................
Bedstead, Folding............................
Bedstead, Folding and cot..........................
Bedstead, Folding bureau.......................
Bedstead, Folding bureau or wardrobe.........
Bedstead, Folding ease...........................
Bedstead, Folding iron...........................
Bedstead, Folding metallic.....................
Bedstead for the sick.............................
Bedstead for the sick..................._.......
Bedstead for the sick and wounded...........
Bedstead for the sick and wounded.............
Bedstead for the sick and wounded................
Bedstead for the sick, Elevating...................
Bedstead, Fracture................................
Bedstead, Hammock............................
Bedstead, Hospital...........
Bedstead, Hospital...............................
Bedstead, Hospital---------....
Bedstead, Hospital............................
Bedstead, Hospital...............................
Bedstead, Hospital........
Bedstead, Invalid............................
Bedstead, Invalid.............................
Bedstead, Invalid..........................
Bedstead, Invalid............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid.............................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid.............................
Bedstead, Invalid................................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid...................................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid................................
Bedstead, Invalid...............................
Bedstead, Invalid..................................
Bedstead, Invalid............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid..................................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid..................................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid............................
Bedstead, Invalid......................................
Bedstead, Invalid.........
Bedstead, Invalid.............................
Bedstead, Invalid.............................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
]3edstead, Invalid.-...........-.......
Bedstead, Invalid..................................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
A. G. Bayles, J. WV. H. Carroll,
and Y. D. Miner.
J. Binder...................
T. B. Bleecker..............
W. H. Buel................
S. S. Burr..........
E. Cotty.....................
M. Crosby..................
J. H. Durand................
A. M. Dye...................
T. G. Gifford.............
H. Gill....................
S. Gillespie................
M. B. Goodell -..............
SJ. C. Fall and A. C. Richards.
T. B. Harkins..............
H. H. Hill.................
B. Hinkley...................
J. Housiaux..................
T. Howe.....................
J. A. Johnston...............
J. L. Killgore................
J. P. Koch..................
K. Kunkdl.................
W. C. Lutz.................
S. H. Mapes...............
J. Miiller...............
J. M iiler.....................
F. C. Payne.............
J. L. Roberts......... J......
G. D. Sargent................
G. Sickels...................
W. Stoddard...............
J. Sutter.................
T. S. Thorson................
J. Turner....................
J. B. Wiekersham............
E. M. Peyne.................
D. B. Maynard...............
A. E. Botter.................
E. Whitney..................
H. F. Vaudenhove...........
W. Gardner...............
N. Richardson..............
A. Smith....................
D. Anthony................
W. S Wolf...............
W. Woolley.............
D. Bancroft.................
E. Daniels...................
J. M. Farnham...............
I. M. Kilner.................
J. D. Cochran...............
A. Iske................
A. Iske....................
J. Sebo.......................
J. bebo....................
T. Arnold..................
C. S. Baker..................
I. F. Baker..................
A. W. Barkcr..............
H. N. Blair..................
A. Bray.....................
I. Buckman,.................
A. W. Chase...............
C. M. Clinton andE. J. Morgan
H. Cordes....................
O. G. Cosby..................
E. Daniels...................
B. Eastman.................
I. T. Forbes..................
F. G. Ford.................
O. P. Furman..............
J. H. Gibson...............
S. Grantz....................
G. W. Grote.-......
W. A. Guyer.................
P. W. Hardwick............
W. Heath..................
W. Heath....................
W. Heath...................
W. Heath...................
J. R. Hill....................
W.S. Hill.................
E. Hutchinson.............
L. J. Johnson..................
M. Johnson..................
S. P. Johnson.................
J. Karney....................
C. G. Kuhn...................
I. H. Latourandais.....
D. D. Marsh...............
J. Massey.................
T. A. McFarland...........
D. Merrill.................
G. Miller...................
Residence. Date. No.. Weedsport, N. Y.......... July 11,1848 5, 662
New York and Williams- May 13, 1873 138, 840
burgh, N. Y.
SChelsea. Mass............ Jan. 15, 1850 7, 014. New York, N. Y.......... Axpr. 17, 1847 5, 072
Laughlintown, Pa....... Feb. 15, 1870 99, 755. Dedham, Mass............ Feb. 18, 1868 74, 494
SBrooklyn, N. Y........... May 1, 1860 '28, 127
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 18, 1870 108, 457. Kalamazoo, Mich......... Oct. 3, 1865 50, 300. Cinton, Ill............. Oct. 9, 1860 30,304
New York, N. Y........... Feb. 15, 1870 99, 847
Dcedham, Mass........... Apr. 22, 1862 35, 018
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 28, 1860 27, 284
Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 158. Cincinnati, Ohio........ July 5, 1870 105, 069
Bristol, Pa................ May 11,1869 89, 993
Pontiac, Ill................ Oct. 29, 1872 132, 576
STroy, N. Y.............. Feb. 17, 1857 16, 647
Washington, D. C........ June 9, 1863 38, 827
Cambridgeport, Mass.... Apr. 3, 1866 53, 620. Antrim, Ohio..... May 12, 1857 17,281
Wilmington, Del......-.. Apr. 8, 1873 137, 690
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 27, 1859 26, 598
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 21, 1871 112, 053
SJacob's Church, Va........ Feb. 28, 1860 27,299
Almond, N. Y.............Oct. 1, 1867 69, 457
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 13, 1869 88, 977. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 545. Now York, N. Y.......... Dee. 24, 1861 34, 009. Dorchester, Mass......... July 26, 1864 43, 656
Boston, Mass..............Dec. 11, 1860 30, 888
Boston, Mass.............Nov. 2,1869 96, 356
IIingham, Mass........... Apr. 3, 1855 12, 656
Now York, N. Y........... May 3,1864 42, 601
Chicago, Ill............... Dec. 17, 1872 134, 111
Cambridgeport, Mass..... Jan. 3, 1871 110, 697
New York. N. Y......... June 2,1857 17, 460
Waverly, N. Y........... Jan. 29, 1867 61, 681
Worcester, Mass.......... Dec. 22, 1868 85, 232
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 20, 1853 10, 351
Lynn, Mass.._..._........ Sept. 18, 1860 30, 101. New York, N. Y......... Nov. 3,1857 18, 565
SNew York, N. Y........... Dec. 9, 1862 37, 094. Boston, Mss............. Sept. 9, 1835..... Mile, N. Y............ July 12, 1830......... Adams, Mass............ Sept. 15, 1 834..... New York, N. Y......... July 15, 1834........
SNew York, N. Y.......... Aug. 30, 1834...... Grafton, Vt................ Oct. 12, 1830.. (Owego, N. Y............ Apr. 9, 1861 31, 958
SHartford, Coun.......... Nov. 30, 1869 97, 375
SChester, Great Britain.... June 11, 1872 127, 892
Milford, N. H............. Sept. 27, 1864 44, 399
Lancaster, Pa........... Aug. 15, 1865 49, 412
Lancaster, Pa....... Apr. 21, 1868 77, 193
Wilmington, Del.......... July 1, 1862 35, 7 82
Wilmington, Del.......... May 26, 1863 38, 700
Mobile, Ala-............... May 29, 1855 12,940. Manchester, N. H....... Oct. 22, 1867 69, 958
SWest Yarmouth, Mass.... Sept. 2, 1862 36,:132. Suffolk County, Mass...... Mar. 5, 1850 7, 131
STroy, Pa.................. Dec. 31, 1872 134, 456
SChicopee, Mass...........June 3, 1873 139, 493
SSouth Woodstock, Vt..... Apr. 17, 1849 6, 314. Ann Arbor, Mich......... May 15, 1880 28, 954
i. Ithaca, N. Y............. Apr. 8, 1873 137, 596
Belleville, N. J........... July 17, 1866 56, 376. Richmond, Va............ Apr. 15, 1873 137, 828. Union, N. Y.............. May 29, 1855 12, 944. Philadelphia, Pa......... July 17, 1855 13, 253
SCoburg, Canada...........Aug. 29,1854 11,605
SWashington, 1). C......... June 13, 1871 115, 948. Addison, N. Y............ Nov. 22, 1864 45, 151. MeDonough, N. Y......... Mar. 6, 1866 52.988
Be. aever Creek, Md......... Jan. 3, 1860 26, 666
SSaint Catharine's, Canada. Apr. 22, 1873 138, 083. New York, N Y.......... July 10, 1866 56, 211. Wayne County, Ind...... May 8, 1866 54, 533
B. ath, Me................... Nov. 13, 1866 59, 600. Bath, Me................. Jan. 7, 1868 73, 008. Bath, Me.................. Mar. 10, 1868 75, 265. ath, Me................. May 23,1871 115, 054. Gosren, Ohio............. Mrr. 22, 1864 41,9096. Manchester, N. H......... Mar. 27, 1866 53, 533. Manchester, N. H......... June 12, 1866 55, 496. Norwich, Conn............ May 11. 1869 89, 868. Colebrook, N. H........... Oct. 27, 1863 40, 413
Portland, Me............. Nov. 12, 1867 70, 722. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 23, 1849 6, 814. New York, N. Y.......... May 21, 1872 127, 070. Flint Hill, Va........ May 1, 1847 5, 100. Snnapee, N. H............ une 16, 1868 78, 986. New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 17, 1867 68, 892. Erie, Pa.................. July 25, 1871 117, 440. Worcester, Mass.......... Feb. 9, 1864 41. 526. Fremont, Ohio............ Feb. 2, 1858 19, 254
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bedstead, Invalid---....--------..--------------.
Bedstead, Invalid...........................
Bedstead, Invalid-------------------------..................................Bedstead, Invalid...............................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid.................---..............
Bedstead, Invalid..................................--------
Bedstead, Invalid.-------------------------............................. -
Bedstead, Invalid.................................
Bedstead, TInvalid-----------------------..................................
Bedstead, Invalid..............................
Bedstead, Invalid.........................
Bedstead, Invalid...................................
Bedstead, Invalid..................................
Bedstead, Invalid................................
Bedstead, Invalid--------------------------..................................
Bedstead, Irvalid.....-...........................
Bedstead, Invalid....................................
Bedstead, Invalid-------------------------..................................
Bedstead, Invalid..................................
Bedstead, Invalid.........................
Bedstead, Invalid and fracture..................
Bedstead, Iron....................................
Bedstead, Iron....................................
Bedstead, Iron folding.............................
B edstead-key - --.. -.................
Bedstead, Lounge................................
Bedstead, Lounge------------------------.................................
Bedstead, Lounge...............................
Bedstead, lounge, and chair.......................
Bedstead, Metallic...............................
Bedstead, Metallic........_...............
Bedstead, Metallic portable-----.. ---..-.----
Bedstead, Metamorphosic alleviator..............
Bedstead, Metamorphosic alleviator..............
Bedstead or chair, Hospital......................
Bedstead or cot---------------------------....................................
Bedstead, Parlor.................................
Bedstead, Parlor.................................
Bedstead, Parlor................................
Bedstead, Parlor..................................
Bedstead, Parlor..........................
Bedstead, Partuient invalid.................
Bedstead, Portable...............................
Bedstead, Portable........................
Bedstead, Portable...........................
Bedstead, Portable cot---------------------............................
Bedstead, Portable cot............................
Bedstead, Portable folding..................................
Bedstead, Portable folding-chair..................
Bedstead, Portable invalid......................
Bedstead put together with right and left screws..
Bedstead-rail attachment............................
Bedstead-rail fastening..........................
Bedstead-rails, Apparatus for cutting screws on...
Bedstead-rails, Apparatus for cutting screws on...
Bedstead-rails, Machine for cutting screws on.....
Bedstead rails, Machine for cutting screws on.....
Bedstead-rails, Machine for cutting screws on.....
Bedstead-rails, Manner of cutting tenons and boring holes in.
Bedstead, Revolving rail and round tenon.........
Bedstead, sacking-bottom, &c....................
Bedstead, Sacking-bottom for....................
Bedstead, Secret...................................
Bedstead, Secret or sofa..........................
Bedstead, Secretary............................
Bedstead, Secretary..............................
Bedstead, Sectional-----------------------...............................
Bedstead, seat, &c.........................
Bedstead-slat......................................- -----------
Bedstead-slat..............----------------------------.......................Bedstead-siat holder...............................
Bedstead-slats, Elastic loop for suspending..._..
Bedstead, Sliding sofa..........................
Bedstead so constructed as to be easily removable
in case of fire, &c.
Bedstead, Sofa.....................................
Bedstead, Sofa....
Bedstead, Sofa......
Bedstead, Sofa..........................
Bedstead, Sofa..------------------..
Bedstead, Sofa.....
Bedstead, Sofa....................................
Bedstead, Sofa.....................................
Bedstead, Sofa....................................
Bedstead, Sofa....
Bedstead, Sofa....
Bedstead, Sota.....................................
J. H. Oerter..................
M. A. Ormsbee...............
J. Parker..................
B. Pollard.....................
S. Puff rr.....................
W. 0. Reid...................
J. Robinson..............
W.W. Rowles and A. J. Russell
A. J. Russell..................
A. J. Russell..................
H. A. Scott.............._
H. A. Scott...................
H. A. Scott...................
J. Sebo........................
H. O. Sheidley...........
F. H. Smith and W. F. Wood
G. Smith....................
W. Swift...................
W. Swift................
C. D. Van Allen.............
F. M. Webster...-----------
C. W oolley...................
J. Bayston and G.W. Nicholson
J. M. French..............
J. Biberthaler............
L. G. Bradford.............
J. Blake and D. Cushing...
HI. Stein.................
B. Cerf......................
F. C. Payne....--------------
H. H. Reichert............
S. A. Skinner............
A. Stedman...-------------
J. Carey.................
M. Lefferts..................
J. Homer.................
J. Lowe...............
J. Lowe..................
W. Woolley...--------------.. -
H. WV. Ladd........
F. E Coffin.................
F. E. Coffin..............
M. Crosby..................
M. Crosby............
J. A. Morgan.............
J. N. Robbins................
F. Cotton..............
J. Daley......................
S. Willard....................
W. C. Bctts.---------------
A. McDonough........
H. WV. Eastman.............
G. H. Cottam...............
Z. C. Favor................
T. B. Smith..............
C. Robinson.................
J. Shaefer...-------------
J. P. Allen...................
J. It. Kain..............
H. Smith................
H. Gross and W. Campbell....
J. Lindly................
J. P. Owens..................
T. Cole..................
G. Post......................
D. Powles.....................
I. Cooper...................
W. WVoolley................
E. E. and M. G. Briggs.....
G. Gage..................
C. Page.....................
C. T. Frost...........
A. S, and O. H. Drisko........
S. Hickock...................
T. Howe.................
O. H. Weed..............
D1). WVehrle...................
F. G. Ford....................
C Robinson..............
G. W ode.....................
W. Gilman and W. Jackson..... J. Anderson.....
W. P. Barclay.......
J. Beiersdorf..................
C. H. Berry..............
F. Boeger.......
K. Borren........
E. B. Bowditch............
E. B. Bowditch.......
J. Brada.......
E. Brady................
J. C. Butler..............
W. Clowes...................
Residence. Date. No.
New York, N. Y........... Feb. 7, 1871 111, 561
Fair Haven, Vt........ July 11, 1871 116, 8K1
Liverpool, England...... June 15, 1858 20, 580
Dutch Flat, Cal ---..--..... Oct. 1, 1872 131, 103
Oxford, N. Y ---..-........ Mar. 6, 1866 53, 041
Vienna, N. C-----------............. Jan. 31, 1871 111,380
Madison Station, Miss.... July 8, 1873 140, 646
Baltimore, Md........... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 983
Baltimore, Md........... June 28, 1870 104, 774
Baltimore, Md............ May 23, 1871 115, 108
Winchester, N. H........ Apr. 9, 1872 125, 491
Winchester, N. H.-.... July 23, 1872 129, 754
Winchester, N. H........ Dec. 17, 1872 134, 008
Wilmington, Del--------......... Sept. 30,1862 36, 578
Republic, Ohio....- -..... Oct. 11, 1859 25, 766
North Hebron, N. Y...... July 6, 1869 92, 380
Stratford, Canada-...... May 30, 1870 115.371
Brooklyn, N. Y------........... Feb. 14, 1860 27, 169
Brooklyn, N. Y.--------Nov. 24, 1863 40, 716
New York, N. Y------......... Apr. 25,1854 10, 840
Newport, Ky............. May 8, 1849) 6, 433
New York, N. Y-...... Apr. 16, 1842 2, 567
New York, N. Y.......Nov. 19, 1867 71, 196
Chicago and Naperville, Ill. Mar. 30,1869 88, 435
East Cambridge, Mass.... Dec. 16, 1862 37, 163
New York, N. Y..... July 26, 1859 24, 853
Plymouth, Mass..... -Dec. 6, 1870 109, 799
Providence, R. I........... Dec. 14, 1830....
New York, N. Y.....- Aug. 20, 1872 130, 671
New York, N. Y....... Jan. 2, 1866 51, 802
New York, N. Y-------......... -Aug. 15, 1871 118, 047
New York, N. Y....... July 9, 1872 128, 908
Bristol, Vt............... Sept. 9, 1862 36, 441
Pittsford, N. Y............ Jan. 16, 1835........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... May 27, 1862 35, 414
New York, N. Y........ Ar. 15, 1856 14, 668
New York, N. Y -......... Jan. 28, 1818........
Vienna, N. Y............ Oct. 25, 1830.......
Whitesborough, N. Y.... Nov. 21, 1831...
New York, N. Y.... Sept. 28, 183.
Chelsea, Mass.......... Sept.9.0, 1870 107,509
Boston, Mass.......... Jan. 24, 1871 111, 108
Boston, Mass............ June 3, 1873 139, 44
Boston, Mass------------............. Nov. 10, 1868 83, 936
Boston, Mass.--......-...... Oct. 4, 1870 10, 881
Bloomfield, Iowa......... Aug. 31, 18619 94, 41
Troy, Mo................ Oct. 20, 1831...
Brooklyn, N. Y......--..... - an. 25, 1859 22, 706
Baltimore, Md.......... May 14, 1827.
Cincinnati, Ohio-.......... July 25, 1854 11,398
New York, N. Y.--... --May 11, 1852 8, 934
Philadelphia, Pa......... July 10,1849 6, 588
Baltimore, Md....---------- Apr. 9, 1861 31, 962
Hampton Road, England.. Apr. 25, 1854 10, 825
Chicago, Ill------... -----.. Apr. 20, 1858 19, 9a7
Troy, N. Y................ Oct. 11,1824....
Cambridgeport, Mass..... Apr. 27, 1858 20, 092
Lancaster, Pa.......... May 6, 1862 35, 182
Manchester, Mass....... Nov. 3, 1841 2, 326
Tiffin, Ohio. - -..Nov. 22, 1853 10, 254
Norwalk, Ohio ----------. Nov. 22,1853 10, 261
Tiffin City, Ohio....... Apr. 1, 1851 8, 019
Cynthiana, Ky---------- June 20, 1838 797
Norwalk, Ohio......... Nov. 22, 1853 10, 257
Greensburgh, Ind........Nov. 12, 1841 2, 356
Auburn, N. Y.....---------- Oct. 11,1828.......
Baltimore, Md..-...... Jan. 26, 1827......
Johnstown, Pa............ Oct. 7,1844 3, 778
New York, N. Y...... May 17, 1830....
New York, N. Y........ Oct. 3, 1831..
Boston, Mass.......-...... Feb. 16, 1869 86, 901
Kendall's Mills, Mo....... July 24, 1860 29, 265
North Danvers, Mass..... Dec. 13, 1853 10, 315
Medfield, Mass........... June 8, 1869 90, 941
Boston, Mass--.......... July 5, 1870 104, 944
Buffalo, N. Y-......... Dec. 22, 1857 18, 902
Cambridgeport, Mass..... Sept. 27, 1859 25, 569
Charlestown, Mass-...... Feb. 11, 1868 74, 262
Williamsville, N. Y...-.. Sept. 10, 1872 131, 198
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 734
Cambridgeport, Mas..... June 30, 1857 17, 695
New York, N. Y.....---------.June 12, 1838 782... Mar. 19, 1804....
Boston, Mass..... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 344
Chicago, Ill......... Oct. 13, 1868 83, 025
Chicago, Ill -- ----July 1, 1873 140, 453
East Somerville, Mass.... Dec. 10, 1867.71, 957
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 16, 1866 52, 020
New York, N. Y...-.. Apr. 26, 1859 23, 806
New Haven, Con..... July 24, 1849 6, 607
New Haven, Conn -..... Feb. 26, 1850 7, 116
New York, N. Y....... Jan. 14, 1873 134, 843
New York, N. Y....... May 2, 1865 47, 512
Albany, N.Y........... May 10, 1870 102, 769
Hartwood, N. Y....... June t24, 1843 3, 140
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Bedstead, Sofa-----------------------------..................................... F. Cotton....-.......... Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... J. Dourson- --.............. Columbus, Ohio...........
Bedstead, Sofa....-.-----------.. J. Dourson.................... Columbus, Ohio..........
Bedsead, SofaJ....................................J. C. Emery....... Concord, N. IIH........
Bedstead, Sofa-----------------------------..................................... A. D. Farrell..-..------------- New York, N. Y_.".---
Bedstead, SofaW..................................... W. Farson.................... Philadelphia, Pa......
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... W. Farson............ Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... W. Farson.....--- -.... Philadelphia, Pa.......
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... S. S. Gilliland and J. R. Wag- Dayton, Ohio.............
Bedstead, Sofa...................................... N. M. Graw.............. New York, N. Y.........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... C. F. Grundin...--------------Boston, Mass.........
Bedstead, Sofa................................. J. T. Hammitt. _..... Philadelphia, Pa.........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... J. B. Hiarlow....--------------- Portland, Me.............
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... D. B. Hubbard................ Wheeling, W.Va.........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... C. F. H. Huff.....-------------- New York, N. Y........
Bedstead,Sofa.................................... J. Irwin.............._ Philadelphia, Pa......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... F. Keller................. New York, N. Y....._
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... Kena............... Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... J. S. Kenyon............... Webster City, Iowa.......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... P. J. Larson.................. Chicago, Ill..........._
Bedstead, Sofa............................. E. Lord.............. E. Lord..... Portland, Me..........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... E. Lord -....................... Portland, Me...........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... E. Lovell.....------------------ Saint Louis, Mo.....
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... M. Sulzbacher...-.. --- New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, Sofa................................... T. J. Magee............--- Cincinnati, Ohio......
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... J. Magee................... Cincinnati, Ohio........
Bedstead, Sofa..............................C. F. Martine...--..-.... Boston, Mass...........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... C. F. Martine..-.......... Boston, Mass.-.....
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... M. K. Maximilian.......... New York, N. Y.......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... J. M. Meschutt---........... New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... S. Millet.............. New York, N. Y......_
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... J. Needham --.........--.. New York, N. Y-- -..._
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... F. C. Payne................ New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, Sofa................................... J. F. C. Peikhardt....----------- New York, N. Y..........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... J. R. Penniman............Boston, Mass.......
Bedstead, Sofa....................................J. F. C. Pickhardt.......:.... N-ew York, N. Y.........
Bedstead, Sola.................................... J. Pratt, 3d.................. Hartford, Conn.........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... H. H. Reichert -.......... New York, N. Y..........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... J. A. Robson............. New York, N. Y..........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................. S. R. Roscoe...................Obion County, Tenn......
Bedstead, -ofa..................................S. R. Roscoe --...............Obion, Tenn.........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... H. S. Rose................. Bath, N. Y..............
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... C. Rossow............... Chicago, Ill...........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................. R. Scarritt................ Saint Louis, Mo.......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... L. Schaefer.................... Cleveland, Ohio...........
Bedstead, Sofa......................................... J. Schafer.................... New York, N. Y.....
Bedstead, Sofa............................ A.Schwaab.......... A. Schwab... New York, N. Y........
Bedstead, Sofa........................................ G. Sicels.. Middletown, Con.......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... B. L. Southaekk............ New York, N. Y...
Bedstead, Sofa.....................................J.K. Stockton.......... New York, N. Y.......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... C. Street....--.............. Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................. C. F. Tauchert.............-- Cincinnati, Ohio........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... W. H. Tendler............. Cambridge, Mass...-.
Bedstead, Sofa................................... W. H. Tendler............. Cambridge, Mass.........
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... W. H. Tendler and J. F. Cambridge, Mass.......
Bedstead, Sofa............................ W. Walctt.......... W. Walcutt..... New York, N. Y..........
Bedstead, Sofa..................................... A. Walker.. --.............. New Haven, Conn......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... A. G. W arren........ Norwich, Conn..
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... J. Werner............. New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, Sofa.................................... S. M. and S. A. Winn.......... San Francisco, Cal......
Bedstead, sofa, and settee........................... F. Breckels............... New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, sofa, settee, &c.......................... J. P. Allen................ Manchester, Mass........
Bedstead, Spring................................ J. Bihmer................Saint Louis, Mo........
Bedstead Spring........................... W.H.Kimball and A. J. French Lynn, Mass........- -...
Bedstead, Spring........................... N. Houghton.............. New York, N. Y......_
Bedstead, Spring................................. R. Lapham -............... New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, Spring........................... D. R. Lightner............. Bucyrus, Ohio.........
Bedstead Spring...........................J. B. McClanathan........... Horicon, Wis...........
Bedstead. Spring................................ N. M. Phillips............. New York, N. Y.....
Bedstead, Spring........................... C. F. Spencer.....----......... Rochester, N. Y....
Bedstead Spring..........................S. H. Tift.................... Morrisville, Vt........
Bedstead Spring................................. W. Woods and E. Smith....... Worcester, Mass.......
Bedstead-spring.............................. E. F. Dunaway.............. Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Bedstead-spring.................................. E.F. Dunaway.........-....-- Cincinnati,Ohio..........
Bedstead-spring............................ D. Manuel............... Newton, Mass...........
Bedstead, Spring-bottom for...................... A. Foote....................... North Blandford, Mass....
Bedstead, Spring-bottom for...................... R. Hatch...................... Strafford, Vt.....
Bedstead, Spring cot............................. F. C. Hall................. Baltimore, Md.........
Bedstead, Steam spring..........................C.. Young.......... North Chelmsford, Mass...
Bedstead, Tent................................... A. D McCoy. -.-............... New Orleans, La..........
Bedstead-tester..............................----. F. Layaux................ Monroe, La...........
Bedstead, Toilet............................G. V. Leicester............ Boston, Mass..............
Bedstead, Trunk........................... R. C. Dubois............... Washington, D. C......
Bedstead, Ventilating...................- H. W. Henley.............. New York, N. Y......
Bedstead-vetilating attachment................. J. H. Martin.......... Hartford, N. Y........
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. R. M. Austin............... Philadelphia, Pa.......
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. W. R. Baguall....... Chelsea, Mass......
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. C. L. Barritt.......... Brooklyn, N. Y.....
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. W. Berg.................. New York, N. Y......
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. S. S. Burr.......... Boston, Mass......
Bedstead, Wardrobe............................. S. S. Burr and L. Pierce...... Dedham and Charlestown,
Bedstead, Wardrobe.......... J. Byrnes.................... Chicago, Ill...........
Bedstead, Wardrobe........ A. Diet....... New Orleans, La.......
Bedstead, Wardrobe..............................J. F. Dodge............... Nashua, N. H......
Bedstead, Wardrobe -........ J. Eby........................ Muncie, Ind.......
Feb. 23,1864
Mar. 23, 1869
Feb. 13, 1872
June 20, 1848
May 2, 1843
Jan. 18, 1870
Oct. 31, 1871
Oct. 22, 1872
May 17, 1853
Dec. 10, 1838
June 17, 1873
Mar. 16, 1852
Feb. 11,1873
Aug. 22, 1871
May 9, 1871
May 11, 1858
Aug. 1, 1865
Nov. 14, 1865
July 3, 1866
Dec. 16, 1873
Dec. 24, 1872
Dec. 23, 1873
Aug. 26, 1873
Mar. 1, 1870
Sept. 8, 1863
Dec. 8, 1863
June 6, 1854
Sept. 3,1867
SePt. 1, 1868
July 23, 1841
Aug. 8, 1854
Aug. 20,1846
June 23, 1863
Feb. 21,1860
Aug. 22, 1827
May 8, 1866
Apr. 1, 1842
Apr. 23,1872
Nov. 20, 1849
May 14, 1867
Sept. 8, 1868
Mar. 13, 1866
May 13, 1873
Oct. 8, 1850
Sept. 3, 1867
Mar. 19, 1872
Sept. 7, 1869
Dec. 4, 1844
Oct. 20, 1868
Feb. 25, 1873
Apr. 1, 1873
Dec. 17, 1872
May 31, 1859
Apr. 10, 1860
Aug. 28,1860
Mar. 26, 187-2
June 29, 1852
May 28, 1850
Apr. 7,1868
Oct. 7,1873
Apr. 7,1834
May 19, 1832
Apr. 20,1869
Sept. 2, 1856
Feb. 25, 1862
June 19, 1866
Sept. 4, 1860
Feb. 13, 1866
Mar. 16, 1858
Mar. 29, 1859
Oct. 16, 1866
May 2, 1865
Aug. 22, 1871
Dec. 12, 1865
JTune 24, 1856
Dec. 29, 1857
Apr. 9, 1872
Dec. 29, 1857
Feb. 12, 1867
Aug. 30, 1870
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr. 19, 1870
Jan. 24, 1860
Aug. 16, 1864
June 4, 1872
Oct. 1, 1867
June 24,1873
Feb. 28, 1860
Aug. 30, 1870
Sept. 7, 1869
May 6, 1873
Dec. 13, 1864
July 19, 1870
Apr. 11, 1865
41, 682
88, 146
123, 620
5, 641
3, 072
98, 858
120, 374
132, 392
9, 726
1, 030
139, 952
8, 800
135, 643
118, 368
114, 684
50, 939
56, 064
145, 508
134, 210
145, 741
142, 249
100, 464
39, 863
40, 848
11, 026
68, 373
2, 185
11, 488
4, 703
38, 978
27, 234
54, 592
2, 530
126, 088
6, 893
64, 799
81, 949
53, 188
138, 819
7, 707
68, 389
124, 765
94, 656
3, 845
83, 333
136, 276
137, 5:5
134, 016
24, 267
27, 871
29, 832
124, 990
9, 083
7, 404
76, 570
143, 553.....
15, 658
34, 500
55, 680
29, 892
52, 585
19, 649
23, 404
58, 914
47, 594
118, 352
51, 516
15, 209
18, 968
125, 389
18, 008
62, 049
106, 842
96, 599
102, 098
26, 946
43, 857
127, 546
69, 304
27, 329
10-2, 776
94, 560
138, 610
45, 393
105, 556
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Oeffice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Bedstead, Wardrobe............................... Z. C. Favor................
Bedstead, Wardrobe----------------------------............................... T. L. Fortune__.......
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. I. W. Frost...................
Bedstead, Wardrobe............................... E. Hunter and D. Van Sickle..
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. S. C. Maine..................
Bedstead, Wardrobe............................... W. II. Pease................
Bedstead, Wardrobe..............................-------------------------- J. F. C. Pickhardt.......
Bedstead, Wardrobe.............................. C. Robbins....................
Bedstead, Wardrobe............................... J. Smith......................
Bedstead, Wardrobe............................... A. A. Young.................
Bedstead, Wardrobe or bureau.................... J. S. McCurdy..............
Bedstead, Windlass............................ C. Adams.....................
Bedstead, Windlass..................................... L. Foster...................
Bedstead, Windlass.............................. L. Foster -..................
Bedstead, Windlass.............................. T Lamb.....................
Bedsteads and attaching and stretching sackings, M. Gregg...................
Manner of fastening.
Bedsteads, Attaching curtain-posts to........... T. Early.....................
Bedsteads, Attaching cutters for cutting screws J. Zimmer...................
on rails of.
Bedste ads, Bed-bug protec'or for.................. S. Clarke.....................
Bedsteads, Bevel- grooved and dovetail joints for.. J. Mitchel...................
Bedsteads, Boring and cutting screws on........... J. Guild.....................
Bedsteads, Cons:ructing.......................... C. J. Fountain, J. F. Adams,
Residence. Date.
Boston, Mass............. Apr. 2, 1838
Weston, Mo............. July 5, 18t64
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 1, 1873
Chicago, Ill.............. May 27, 1873
Boston, Mass............ Mar. 19, 1867
Da-yton, Ohio........... Oct. 6, 1863
New York, N. Y.......... Ang. 13, 1867
Chicago, Ill.............. Feb. 23, 1858
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 8, 1873
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 27, 1868
Now Yo' k, N. Y....... Apr. 14, 1857
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 26, 1825
Boston, Mass.............Feb. 16, 1824
Boston. Mass............. June 25, 1824
Washmngton, D. C...... Nov. 13, 1840
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 25, 1840
Williamson County, Tenn Jan. 8, 1839
Tiffin, Ohio.............. Dec. 23, 1851
New York. N Y.......... July 3, 1866
Harrisburgh. PR......... Jan. 11, 1826
Cincinnati, Oho....._. Oct. 29, 1846
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 20,1839
Salina, N. Y.............. Oct. 26,1838
Easton, Pa.....-........... Apr. 24, 1840
Mount Pleasant, N. J.... July 14, 1824
Plano, Ill................. May 2, 1871
Tiffin, Ohio............ Sept. 26,1848
Towanda, Pa.............I Feb. 16, 1837
Cohoes, N. Y........... July 10, 1855
Lebanon, Ind............ Oct. 7, 1851
Bedsteads, Constructing..........................
Bedsteads, Constructing and cording............
Bedsteads, Construction of........................
Bedsteads, Construction of........................
Bedsteads, Cutting screws on rails of..............
Bedsteads, Machine for cutting screws of screw...
Bedsteads, Machine for cut ting screws on.. - - -....
Bedsteads, Machine for cutting screws on posts
and rails of.
Bedsteads, Machine for cutting screws on rails
and posts of.
Bedsteads, Machine for cutting screws on rails of..
Bedsteads, Machine for cutting screws on rails of..
Bedsteads, Machine for cutting screws on rails of..
Bedsteads, Machinery for cutting screws in.....
Bedsteads, Machinery for cutting screws in the
posts and rails of.
Bedsteads, Machinery for cutting screws on rails of
Bedsteads, Machinery for cutting,crews on rails of
Bedsteads, Making and stretching the sacking of..
Bedsteads, Mortise and tenon fobr.................
Bedsteads, sofas, chairs, &c., Raising or inclining
the various parts of.
Bedsteads, Spiral spring for...................
Bedsteads, Table attachment for................
Bedsteads, Table attachment for..................
Bedsteads, Tester-frame for.......................
Bedsteads, Tightening sacking-bottoms of.........
Bedsteads, Tightening sacking-bottoms of.........
Bedsteads to appartments, Application of........
Bee-feeding apparatus...........................
Bee-feeding device...............................
Bee hi e.........................................
Bee -hive..........................................
B e hive..........................................
Bee liv --..
B ee-hive - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - -
Bee- bie
Bee hive
Bee hive.........................................
Bee line --.
Bee hio e-.
Be e-hive..........................................
Bee hive.........................................
Bec- bive..........................................
i e hive.........................................
ee i e..........................................
B he ive..........................................
and G. F. Hillyer.
S. P. Smith.................------
M. Engle...................-- -
O. R. Herbert ---..............
J. F. Hollister................
S. Lewis....................
P. Williams....--....
O. Parkharst and D. Bullock..O. Thornley................--
J. P. Owen.................... Norwalk, Ohio............ Mar. 16, 1852
S. Lewis....................... Lindley...................
J. Thompson................
J. Garside and H. J. Betjeman
W F. Converse, R. H. Penny,
and R. S. Hannatford.
W. F. Convetrse and J. Burdge
S. Lewis................-...
W. S Anderson..........
W. HII. Elliot..................
E. Cherrington.............
W. L. Beardsley..............
1). Bull.................--....
E. D. W. Hatch...............
J. C. Davis....................
B. Bosworth..................
J. Hart.....................
J. B. Brown...................
J. M. Beebe...................
P. Miller, jr..................
E. J. Peck...................
C. C. Van Deusen........
E. Buel --.....................
W. Brown....................
D. L. Addair................
L. Adams..................
G. C. Aiken..................
L. W. and S. W. Albee.........
C. C. Aldrich..................
T. R. Allen...................
H. Alley...................
W. J. Andrews..............
J. H. Andrews..............
E. S. Armstrong.........
D. Arndt..................--
I). Arndt..................--
W. B. Arndt.................
D. J. Arnold...............
R. Arnold..................
R. Arnold...................
T. Atkinson..................
T. Atkinson................
E. S. Bacon...................
A. C. Badgley.................
C. W. Banks. --..--............
S. D. Barber and J. Wolf.._..
E. Bartholomew............
N. P. Bassett...............
J. H. Bassler.................
H. A. Bathurst..............
H. Baughman................
E. B. Beach.................
D. S. Bear....................
C. Beard.....................
E. Beard....................
J. M. Beebe..................
J. M. Beebe..................
J. Behe......................
B. Benton ---..................
H. Berix -...................
T. F. Bingham................
Rochester, N. Y.--..--...I Oct. 7, 1851
Cynthiana, Ky............ Oct. 10, 1840
Cynthiana, Ky......... July 29, 1841
Harrison, Ohio........... Aug. 28, 1849
Harrison, Ohio.......... Dec. 31, 1844
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Tiffin, Ohio...............
Shelbyville, Tenn........
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass...........
Binghamton, N. Y........
Amboy, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...............
Montgomery, Ala........
Fayette County, Ky......
Nicholasville, Ky...
Boston, Mass.............
Casadaga, N. Y......
Fredonia, N. Y..........
Linden, N. J............
Sprout Brook, N. Y.....
Silver Creek, N. Y......
Shelbyville, Ind.........
Hawesville, Ky.....
Mason City, Ill...........
Nashua, N. H..........
South Charlestown, N. H..
Morristown, Minn......
Syracuse, N. Y.........
Wenlihamn, Mass.........
Columbia, Tenn........
Almont, Mich............
J.Terseyville, Ill...........
West Middletown, Pa.....
Zanesville, Ohio........
Nova-, Ohio.............
Brownville, Nebr......
Suffolk, Va..............
Suffolk, Va..............
Memphis, Tenn.......
Memphis. Tenu.......
Albion, N. Y..............
Earleville. Ill.............
Baltimore, Md............
Mattoon, Ill._..........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Fulton, N. Y.........
Pine Grove, Pa.........
Clearfield, Pa..........
Columbus, Ohio.....
West Meriden, Conn......
Toledo, Iowa.............
Waynesborough, Va......
New Sharon, Me......
Casadaga, N. Y...........
Casadaga, N. Y.........
Carrolltown, Pa.........
Weesaw, Mich.........
Petersburgh. Ohio......
Gowanda,N. Y.._
Apr. 24, 1849
Apr. 9, 1850
June 4, 1838
Apr. 14, 1868
Feb. 9, 1839
Nov. 29, 1870
Sept. 17, 1867
Apr. 20, 1869
Dec. 31, 1867
Dec. 14, 1839
June 21, 1839
Oct. 9, 1 866
Mar. 26, 1867
Mar. 23, 1869
Apr. 30, 1872
July 5, 1870
Jan. 29, 1867
June 21, 1859
Aug. 27, 1867
Dec. 9, 1873
Feb. 15, 1859
Aug. 21, 1866
Apr. 9,1872
Dec. 8, 1868
June 18, 1872
June 11, 1867
Aug. 25, 1863
Dec. 12, 1871
May 9, 1846
Aug. 21, 1860
Nov. 5, 1872
Sept. 24, 182
Dec. 20, 1870
Sept. 12, 1871
May 11, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Aug. 28, 1860
Oct. 29, 1867
Oct. 1, 1872
Jan. 4, 1870
Nov. 22, 1859
Aug. 4, 1868
June 8, 1869
Dec. 12, 1871
May 26, 1868
Apr. 21, 1868
Feb. 18, 1868
Jan. 16, 1872
Feb. 25, 1836
Nov. 12, 1867
Aug. 6, 1872
Nov. 8, 1870
Nov. 7, 1871
June 15, 1869
Nov. 17,1863
43. 4.5
137, 3,6
139. 316
63, C6.
40, 18_4
67, 797
19, 449
137, 628
83, 432
17, 047..........
1, 8~6
1, 062
8, 60
56, 0C8
4, 829
1, 562
114. 43')
5, 812
13, 225
8, 414
8, 806
8, 416
2, 1'8
6, 68
3, 872
6, 387
7, 264
76, 61 1
1, 078
109, 573
68, 948
89, 146
72, 814
1, 429
1, 185
58, 590
63, 135
88, 158
126, 229
105, 144
61, 514
24, 516
68, 141
145, 324
22, 924
57, 272
125, 427
84, 788
1;8, 005
65, 629
39, 62t
4, 502
29, 6-8
132, 787
131, 589
110, 332
118, 894
89, 841
93, 395
29, 753
70, 3131
131, 7 0
98, 544
26, 154
80, 587
90, 984
121, 840
78, 253
76, 976
74, 487
122, 697
70, 7112
130, 101
108 900
120 698
91, 10.1
40, 000
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
ee-hive--------------------------------......................................-. -
Bee-hive.......--------...-----------------------.............................Bee-hive --------------------------------
Bee- --ive ------------------------------- -
Bee-hive --------------------------------
Bee-hive --------------------------------
Bee-hive ---------------------------------
Bee-hive ------------------------------------
Bee-hive...----------------------..Bee-hive...----------------------..Bee-hive...----------------------..Bee-hive...----------------------..Bee hive.....
Bee hive....
Bee-hive......................................... I
T. F. Bingham............
T. F. Bingham..........--
T. F. Bingham...............
T. F. Bingham..............
J. S. Black....---------------
W. Black....................
E. Blake.....................
A. Blood, sr.................
E. Booth......................
E..Both -----------------
H. C. Boyers........
A. Bradshaw......-------------
J. Bradt....................
J. Bradt----------------.......................N. Brasher---------------....................F. Brewer--...............
L. C. Bristol and C. T. Alverson
J. F. Broomfield..........
G. A. Brown and F. A. McCallen.
J. S. Brown.................
L. Brown...................
P. Brown...----------------
A. M. Brubaker and B. R. Witmer.
S. R. Bryant.......--..
S. R. Bryant.............-......
W. Bryant.............
B. F. Bucklin...............
R. Bullard....................
D. S. Burget..................
J. Burnham.................
T. Burris.....................
H. Burton...................
R. P. Buttles..................
G. Calvert....................
G. Calvert....................
D. M. Calvin--------------..................
D. M. Calvin..................
J. A. Cameron...................
P. Campbell..................
A. Canniff..............
H. F. Carpenter..............
J. I. Cassel and W. Quin......
J. Chase..............
E. Y. Chevalier...............
J. B. Child...................
W. R. Clark..................
W. R. Clark..................
W. R. Clark.................
G. H. Clarke.................
G. H. Clarke..................
A. Claypool..............
H. Clipp...........
A. Clew...................
J. Coats.....................
A. F. Cobb....................
T. S. Collins and H. Senseman.
D. Collom....................
A. Colton....................
O. Colvin....................
R. Colvin....................
P. Compton..................
A.V. Conklin.................
G. E. Conwell................
H. B. Cooper...........
S. and J. D. Cope:........
E. Corner...............
W. Courtney................
W. Courtney................
E. Cox..................
J. H. Crandell................
S. B. Cranford.................L. H. Critchfield..............
W. F. Cunningham...........
S. Cuplin............
S. Cuplin................
S. Cuplin...............
S. Cuplin.................
J. A. Cutting.............
E. J. Danavan....------------
R. Daniels and G. P. Cobb.....
J. W. Davidson...............
E. Davis...................
O. Davis.....................
S. Davis.....................
S. T. Davis...................
A. Decker....................
L. Defenbaugh..........
J. H. Dennis...
J. Detrick and W. B. Niven....
A. Deweese..................
A. F. Dickey..................
V. M. Dickinson..............
E. W. Diefendorf............
L. J. Diehl........-...........
W. W. Dodson and J. B. Bray.
G. Dofer......................
Residence. Date. No.
Gowanda, N. Y........... Jan. 5, 1864 41, 052
Gowanda, N. Y........ -Aug. 9, 1864 43, 756
Gowanda, N. Y........... ---------Oct. 30, 1866 59, 169
Gowanda, N. Y.......... Oct. 30, 1866 59, 170
Bloomfield, Ky........... May 15, 1860 28, 249
Harrisburgh, Pa.......... Jan. 26, 1869 86, 128
Hartford County, Me..... Nov. 16, 1820....
Norfolk, Va..........------------N.... ov. 16,1858 22, '59
Springfield, Mass........ Nov. 28, 1842 2, 861
Danville, Iowa............ July 19, 1864 43, 564
Rantoul, Ill.............. Jan. 31, 1871 111, 310
La Porte, Iid............ Nov. 18, 1862 36, 938
La Porte, Ind-......... July 3,1866 55, 998
Green's Fork, Ind....... July 31, 1860 29, 356
Waynesville, Mo.......... Mar. 7,1871 112, 317
Victor, N. Y........... Oct. 9, 1866 58, 585
Richmond, Ky............ May 16, 1871 114, 912
Russellville, Ky........... Jan. 10, 1871 110, 894
Washington, D. C........ July 29, 1856 15, 457
Pontiac, N. Y............. Oct. 20, 1863 40, 323
Taylorville, Ill...-........ Sept. 10, 1872 131, 247
Millersville, Pa.......... Mar. 11, 1873 136, 642
Waterford, Pa............ Oct. 2, 1860 30, 202
Waterford, Pa........... Feb. 12, 1861 31, 369
Nashville, Tenn..--.... Dec. 21,1842 2, 890
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.....Jan. 23, 1872 12 2, 990
Litchfield, Mich......... June 4, 1861 32, 463
Martinsburgh Borough, Pa July 5, 1870 105, 037
York, Mich.............. Nov. 7, 1871 120, 709
Fieldon, Ill............... Aug. 15, 1865 49, 375
Richview, Ill............ Sept. 1, 1868 81, 747
Mansfield, Pa............. Feb. 9, 1869 86, 729
Upperville, Va............ Nov. 1, 1853 10, 196
Upperville, Va........... June 22, 1869 91, 712
East Fallowfield, Pa...... Apr. 8, 1873 137, 530
East Fallowfield, Pa...... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 048
Memphis, Tenn---------........... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 643
Carroitown, Pa.. -....... Dec. 14, 1869 97, 759
Fort Scott, Kans.......... Oct. 8, 1872 132, 052
Greencastle, Pa........... June 7, 1870 103, 978
Eaton, Ohio.............. Apr. 14, 1868 76, 602
Ripley, Ohio............. July 21, 1868 80, 138
Fort Wayne, Ind......... Aug. 5, 1862 36, 070
Lee Centre, Ill......... Apr. 10, 1866 53, 785
Piqua, Ohio------------..............Oct. 18, 1864 44, 707
Piqua, Ohio- --......... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 624
Piqua, Ohio...-...-.. Nov. 26, 1872 133, 355
East Washington, N. H... Jan. 8, 1856 14, 051
East Washington, N. H... Mar. 1, 1859 23, 078
Weston, Ohio-.--........ Jan. 24,1871 111,107
Orange, Ind........- Apr. 2, 1867 63, 472
Waterford, Pa........ Apr. 16, 1861 32, 101
Camden, Ohio........... Oct. 29,1867 70,167
Chapel Hill, Mo......... Apr. 21, 1868 76, 999
Tremont, Ohio........ Nov. 14, 1871 120, 858
Tallmadge, Ohio.......... Aug. 31, 1869 94,186
Pittsfield, Vt.............. Dec 31, 1845 4,343
Belvidere, Ill.-..-......... Jan. 15, 1867 61, 164
Baltimore, Md--............ -- Dec. 3, 1861 33, 826
Sullivansville, N. Y....... May 19,1868 78, 862
Bennington, Ohio..... Oct. 20, 1868 83, 257
Knoxville, Iowa......... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 805
Memphis, Tenn........... Feb. 22,1870 100, 015
Damascusville, Ohio...... Feb. 12, 1844 3, 439
Columbus, Ohio........... Dec. 24, 1861 34, 034
Richview, Ill............ Dec. 31, 1867 72, 808
Richview, Ill.............. May 10, 1870 102, 917
Monroe, Wis......-....--.... July 16, 1867 66, 680
Upper Marlborough, Md.. Apr. 20, 1869 89, 129
Upper Marlborough, Md._ Aug. 10, 1869 93, 418
Shreeve, Ohio............. Oct. 5, 1869 95, 436
Middletown, Ky...-...... July 16, 1872 129, 464
Iowa Falls, Iowa.......... July 28, 1868 80, 395
Cross Creek Village, Pa... June 29, 1869 92, 018
Iowa Falls, Iowa........ Nov. 24, 1868 84, 415
Iowa Falls, Iowa.......... Jan. 31, 1871 111, 434
Iowa Falls, Iowa.......... Nov. 14, 1871 120, 944
Haverhill, N. H-..-...... June 24, 1844 3,638
Indianapolis, Ind...... Nov. 1, 1870 108, 893
Woodstock, Vt.......... Mar. 12, 1861 31, 658
Rome, Ohio........_.... Sept. 17, 1842 2, 777
Noblesville, Ind........... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 012
Newton, Iowa............ July 7, 1868 79, 734
Claremont, N. H......... July 26, 1853 9, 883
Millersville, Pa -......... Apr. 15, 1873 137, 831
Fairfield County, Ohio.... July 30, 1845 4, 129
Kokomo, Ind........ Dec. 19, 1865 51, 566
Boston, Mass---...... Jan. 24, 1854 10, 445
Bellefontaine, Ohio...... June 13, 1871 115, 941
Oak Mills, Kans..... Apr. 1,1873 137, 348
Benford's Store, Pa...... Dec. 5, 1871 1-21, 597
Goshen, Ind............ May 26, 1863 38, 660
Moniteau, Mo..... Aug. 29, 1871 118, 520
Butler, Ind................ Dec. 16, 1873 145, 634
Lynnville, Tene........ Dec. 19, 1871 121, 999
Frederick, Md.......... Mar. 4,1843 2, 986
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bee-hive...........................------------ ---
Bee-hive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ee hive.....................
Bee-hive ------------------------------------
Bee-hive.--.- - - - -.- - - - - -- -...
Beehi e.........................................
B e - i e..........................................
Bet hive.........................................
Bee- hive.........................................
iee hive..........................................
B ee-hive.....................
J. Donnel..................
D. Dougal and W. Truxal.....
J. A. Douglass...............
B. Douthett.-------------....-..............
J. A.Dugdale....-------------..
H. N. Dunham and B. Addington.
A. P. Durant.................
J. and H. A. Earhart..........
M. Easley.....................
G. Eason......................
J. R. East.....................
H. Eddy.....----------------
D. Edge.................
J. C. Edwards............:....
W. T. Eisenhart.............
W. A. Elam...................
A. E. Ellis...................
W. J. Elvin..................
C. Embrey....................
R. G. Emerson...............
M. Engel.....................----------------
T. S. Engledow...........
T. S. Engledow..........
D. H. Farnam..............
H. A. Farnam................
I. B. Farquhar...............
O. Field.......................
J. T. Fife....................
H. Filson.....................
S. Fink-----------------......................J. E. Finley...................
J. E. Finley..............
J. E. Finley.................
C. Finn......................
C. Finn.......................
G. J. Flansburgh...........
W. A. Flanders..............
W. A. Flanders..............
W. A. Flanders.............
W. A. Flanders..............
W. A. Flanders --....--.....-..
W. A. Flanders..............
H. H. Flick...................
E. A. Floyd.................
M. D. Fogel..............
S. P. Forgy.................
T. H. Forster...........
T. A. Frakes...--------............
A. Francis and I. Carlisle.....
A. H. Frank.................
E. P. French.................
J. J. and A. J. Frey.........
J. D. Fulkerson...........
A. Fuller.....................
P. J. Furlong...............
G. G. Gabrion.................
J. C. Gaston.................
J. C. Gaston.................
J. Gatschets.................
A. W. Geaheart..............
D. Gebhart....................
G. Gebhart...................
E. Gerry......................
A. Gilmore....................
R. Gipson................
J. H. Gisler...................
J. W. Gladding......_......
J. W. Gladding.............
L. L. Goodwin................
J. Gould...................
F. Grabbe....................
G. Graffham-------------..................
M. Graham...................
J. H. Graves..................
A. Gray.................
D. S. Gray................
J. C. Gray..................
W. Green....................
S. V. Greer.................
H. Gremnis.....................
D. M. Griffith.................
D. L. Grover...............
E. Grumman..................
J. A. Gruver................. - -.
D. M. Gunn and C. L. Cain....
D. M. Gunn and C. L. Cain....
H. Gushee and J. G. Dawes...
M. Guthrie...................
W. H. Hall...................
H. A. Hannum................
H. A. Hannum................
J. S. Harhison...............
J. S. Harbison................
W. Harden...................
H. S. Harned and F. S. Elliott.
J. H. Iarper.................
J. Harper....................
Residence. Date.
Davenport, Iowa......... Feb. 24,1863
Butler, Pa--......---.......... -Sept. 3, 1861
Altoona, Pa._ --.---Nov. 8, 1870
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Nov. 17,1868
Selma, Ohio... - -.. - July 31,1849
Centreville, Ind......... Sept. 7,1869
Athens, Ohio.............. Dec. 8, 1868
Campbellstown, Pa....... Nov. 8, 1864
Rush, Ill --.......... June 1, 1869
Lyons, N. Y.............. Sept. 22, 1868
Fincastle, Tenn........... --- Nov. 18, 1873
North Bridgewater, Mass Sept. 19, 1854
Saint Mary's, Ill...-....... Oct. 27, 1868
Cattleville, Mo............ Sept. 26,1871
Doylestown, Pa........... Nov. 13, 1866
Milan, Tenn - -----Nov. 23, 1869
Friendsville, Ill......... Oct. 9, 1866
North Madison, Ind....... June 30,1868
Williamsport, Md-....... Oct. 11, 1870
Fair Haven, Ill........... ----- May 12,1863
Easton, Pa...--............ Apr. 15, 1840
Cedar Falls, Iowa......... Jan. 19, 1869
Cedar Falls, Iowa....-.... Jan. 10, 1871
Litchfield, Conn.--...--.. May 20, 1842
South Bend, Ind....... Dec. 26, 1871
Bloody Run, Pa........... June 1,1869
Independence, Iowa....... Sept. 15, 1868
Tyner City, Ind........... Dec. 8, 1868
Monongahela City, Pa..... July 20, 1869
Lindsey, Ohio............. ----- Feb. 6, 187-2
Memphis, Tenn........... Nov. 6, 1866
Memphis, Tenn-........... May 4, 1869
Enon, Ohio............. June 15, 1869
Des Moines, Iowa-......... May 3, 1870
Des Moines, Iowa......... Apr. 15, 1873
Bethlehem, N. Y--------.......... Feb. 16, 1869
Sharon, Vt................ Oct. 25, 1853
Cleveland, Ohio........... Mar. 6, 1860
Shelby, Ohio.............. July 14, 1863
Shelby, Ohio...........-... Apr. 5, 1864
Shelby, Ohio-.......... May 7, 1867
Shelby, Ohio......... May 5,1868
Lavansville, Pa_--....... Sept. 21, 1869
Macomb,111--------------............... June 4, 1867
Alpha, Ohio.............. Feb. 25, 1868
Allensville, Ky............ Aug. 4, 1868
Indianapolis, Ind.......... June 7, 1870
Middletown, Ill--........... May 17,1870
Chandlersville, Ohio...... Nov. 28, 1842
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Dec. 27, 1864
Nashua, N. H............. May 11, 1858
Hook's Point, Iowa....... Mar. 23, 1869
Unity, Ohio............... July 1, 1844
Plymouth, Ind............ May 1, 1866
Galen, N. Y.............. June 1, 1858
Olive, Mich........... Nov. 8,1870
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Nov. 10, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Feb. 16, 1869
York Township, Ohio.... Nov. 19, 1867
Beallsville, Ohio.......... Feb. 14, 1860
Sallamonia, Ind........... Apr. 18, 1871
Lebanon, Pa.............. Feb. 20, 1843
Garden City, Minn--..... Apr. 1, 1873
Wayne, Me........... June 5, 1849
Shelby, Ohio........ May 31, 1864
Saint Louis, Mo...... Feb. 28, 1871
Normal, Ill................ Dec. 6, 1870
Normal, Ill................ Jan. 9, 1872
Toronto, Ind.............. Nov. 15,1870
Griinnell, Iowa..........J. an. 11, 1870
North Topeka, Kans...... Sept. 24, 1872
Lawrenceville, Ill....-..... July 24, 1866
Coshocton, Ohio..-.-...- July 27, 1869
Rochester, N. Y-----------........... Feb. 10, 1863
Reiley, Ohio.............. Nov. 26, 1867
Onarga, Ill...------------.. July 11, 1865
Frankfort, Ind......... Feb. 19, 1861
Kinzua, Pa.--..----........ Sept. 1, 1863
Glasgow, Ky............. June 4, 187-2
Westmoreland, N. Y...... Mar. 8, 1870
Alum Bank, Pa........... June 13, 1871
G roton, N. Y.. -......... July 1, 1873
Norwalk, Conn........... -May 26, 1842
West Union, Iowa........ July 7, 1863
Oskaloosa, Iowa........... Oct. 15, 1861
Oskaloosa, Iowa........... Dec. 2, 1862
San Francisco, Cal........ Oct. 11, 1859
Clifton, Iowa.............. Nov. 13, 1866
Wallingford, Conn...... Dec. 27, 1839
Cazenovia, N. Y........ Feb. 3, 1863
Cazenovia, N. Y.......... Nov. 8, 1864
Sacramento, CalJ........... an. 4, 1859
Sacramento, Cal........... Dec. 13, 1859
Chariton, Iowa-........... Sept. 20, 1864
Boonesborough, Iowa..... Feb. 28, 1871
Washingtoi, D. C......... Aug. 5, 1862
Hillsborough, Iowa....... Feb. 21, 1865
37, 741
33, 189
108, 984
84, 052
6, 622
94, 583
84, 805
44, 943
90, 735
82, 298
144, 750
11, 691
83, 479
119, 136
59, 569
97, 067
58, 624
79, 454
108, 244
38, 475
1, 555
86, 063
110, 909
2, 633
122, 242
90, 649
82, 101
84, 812
92, 947
123, 470
59, 377
89, 644
91, 321
102, 526
137, 834
86, 913
10, 152
27, 4.8
39, 221
42, 181
64, 515
77, 473
95, 100
65, 367
74, 810
80, 716
104, 011
103, 166
2, 862
45, 598
20, 202
88, 157
3, 646
54, 325
20, 417
108, 997
83, 952
86, 915
70, 989
113, 870
2, 967
137, 433
6, 494
42, 995
112, 139
109 888
122, 598
109, 201
98, 761
56, 551
93, 081
37, 622
71, 381
48, 768
31, 454
39, 729
127, 479
100, 524
115, 843
140, 497
2, 645
39, 142
33, 484
37, 039
25, 731
59, 593
1, 446
37, 576
44, 949
22, 500
26, 431
44, 305
112, 244
36, 088
46, -167
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
e13c hive..........................................
Bee hive..........................................
bee hive.....................................
bee hive.........................................
Bee hive
B ee-hive...................................
Bee- --"-----ive-----------------
Bce hive
Bee-hive..------------------------------.Bee hive
Bee-h ve.........................................
Bee hive...
Bee hive..
Bee hive...
J. Harris...................
J. Harris....................
E. Harrison.............
A. H. Hart.. -----..--
A. H. Hart.............
S. Hart...................
N. D. Hartley and M. L. Morehouse.
G. R. Hartman..........
H. Harvey....................
C. Hastings.....-...........
B. S. and E. II. Haviland....
R. Hawkins..............
T. Hawkins............
J. Hazen................
J. Hazen...........
J. Heacock................
H. L. Heckman...........
Z. R. Henck...................
J. H. Hendrick........
J. H. Hendrick...-----------
J. H. Hendrick.............
E. E. Henegan................
W. M. Henry.................
W. Henschen.................
D. Herman....-----------------
J. M. Hicks... -------..
J. N. Hieronymus..........
J. Hiestand...................
S. O. Higgason...............
H. Hiser.............
G. T. Hixson...........
H. Hodgson................
A. Hogg--------------.....................--
I. Honeywell..................
J. S. Hooton..--.-.--..--..--.
T. P. Hornbrook...........
J. and W. H. Horsman.....
W. S. Hough..................-----------
J. M. Hubbard................
H. O. Hughes.................
P. and S. Hurst...............
S. HutcS.Hs------------
S. Hutchinson.................
W. Hyde...................
S. Ide.........................-------------------
C. Ri. Isham.................
J. A. Jackson..........
J. Jacobs.----------------..
J. Jacobs...........
Z. L. Jacaobs--------------..................A. E. James..................
E. L Jinnett.................
C. and A. Jones-............
E. Jones...................
J. Jones-----------------......................R. Jones......................
S. M. Judd....................
J. J. Justin..................
H. C. Keith..................
W. J. Kelly.................
S. Kelly.......................
A. Kelsey.....---------------
W. R Kelsey....-------------.
L. Kennedy.............
W. Kennedy.................
K. P. Kidder................
K. P. Kidder................
K. P. Kidder.....
K. P. Kidder.....---------------
H. A. King..................
H. A. King...................
H. A. King...................
H. A. King and J. Loughmaster.
H. A. and N. H. King and F.
S. Walker.
I. King---------------------.......................W. R. King...................
E. N. Kingsley..--.....--.......W. T. Kirkpatrick.............
A. H. Klepper--................
E. J. Kline.............
W. Kraiss..--.............
L. Kramer....................
E. Kretchmer................
E. Kretcmer................
E. Kretchmer................
J. Lamborn..............
J. C. and R.. Lander.......
L. L. Langstroth..............
J. Lash.......................
D. Latchaw.................
D. Latchaw.....
A. S. Layton...............
W. M. Lee....................
W. M. Lee....................
J. K. Leedy.................
J. Leffel and E. Harrison......
Resi ence.
Belmont County. Ohio...
New Carlisle, Ind...._
Springfield, Ohio......
Stockbridge, Wis........-.Appleton, Wis...........
New Haven, N. Y.........
Quincy, Ill................
Fort Wayne, Ind.-..-..
Meriden, Ill... ---.
Dowagiac, Mich..........
Fort Dodge, Iowa......
Beallsville, Pa-........
Auburn, N. Y.............
Bethlehem, N. Y-.........
Bethlehem, N. Y........
Marlborough, Ohio...-..Brooklyn, Iowa...........
Port Royal, Pa............
Clinton, Ill................
Chlinton, Ill...............
Clinton. Ill.............
Downsville, Wis.......
Leo, Ind...............
Hennepin County, Minn.
Bigler Post-Office, Pa..
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Fairbury, Ill..............
Palestine, Ill-----------
Union City, Tenn.........
Wooster, Ohio..._.....
Gallipolis, Ohio....-_.
Fremont, Ohio........
Rutland. Ohio.........
Toledo, Iowa.......
New Carlisle, Ind.-__..-..
Wheeling, Va.............
New London, Ind.........
Galt, Canada..........
Canterbury, N. H-.........
Judson, Mo..............
Orrville, Ohio.........--
North Lewisburgh, Ohio..
Emery, Ohio..........
East Shelby, N. Y......
Peoria, N. YV..........
Macon, Mich........---....
Yellow Springs, Ohio......
Columbus, Ohio..........
Hebron, Conn............
Point Pleasant, Va........
Vermillion County, Ill. --
Santa Anna, Ill. - -.........
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Galway, N. Y......
Cedarville, Ill....--..
Danbury, Conn...........
Milwaukee, Wis....
Ancona, Ill..........
Commerce, Mich.........
Washington. D. C.........
Westport, Mo............
Big Steam Point, N. Y....
Hartford, Conn.......
Roxbury, Mass............
Burlington, Vt...........
Burlington, Vt............
Burlington, Vt...........
Burlington, Vt.......
Nevada, Ohio-.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Seal, Ohio................
Jan. 27, 1843
May 27, 1862
Oct. 1, 1867
Aug. 13, 1867
July 2, 1872
Mar. 26, 1845
Feb. 12, 1861
July 9, 1861
June 13, 1871
Jan. 7, 1868
May 21, 1867
Apr. 24, 1860
July 10, 1866
Sept. 2, 1862
July 2,1867
June 4, 1867
Jan. 24, 1871
Oct. 12, 1842
Dec. 26, 1865
Oct. 1, 1867
Jan. 31, 1871
July 8, 1873
Aug. 1,1871
Apr. 4, 1865
Dec. 5, 1865
Sept. 6, 1870
Dec. 5, 1871
Nov. 5, 1867
Apr. 23, 1872
June 27,1842
Sept. 24, 1872
Feb. 13, 1866
Sept. 22, 1863
Feb. 11, 1868
June 30, 1868
May 21, 1861
July 30, 1872
Nov. 25, 1873
Feb. 5, 1836
Dec. 8, 1868
July 9,1872
July 2, 1867
Aug. 7, 1860
Apr. 2, 1861
Jan. 30, 187-2
Feb. 11, 1868
Dec. 27, 1859
Sept.25, 1860
Apr. 9, 1867
Jan. 6, 1844
Mar. 19, 1861
Apr. 18, 1871
Feb. 12, 1845
May 12, 1842
Oct. 29, 1867
Mar. 30, 18:36
July 10, 1866
Feb. 26, 1867
Mar. 21, 1871
Dec. 8, 1857
Mar. 31, 1857
May 9, 1846
Feb. 9, 1864
June 21, 1864
Apr. 13, 1858
June 26, 1860
Mar. 17, 1863
May 14, 1867
Sept. 8, 1868
Mar. 26, 1872
Sept. 10, 1872
Nov. 24, 1863
2, 929
35, 426
69, 428
67. 649
128, 619
3, 971
32, 769
115, 849
73, 096
64, 864
27, 980
56, 219
36, 349
66, 336
65, 381
111, 204
69, 431
140, 702
117, 539
47, 169
51, 315
107, 047
121, 618
70, 436
126, 055
2, 692
52, 571
40, 038
74, 362
70, 471
32, 367
130, 052
144, 847.....
84, 826
128, 883
66, 348
29, 491
31, 890
123, 104
74, 369
26, 591
30, 143
63, 641
3, 398
31, 719
113, 892
3, 911
2, 618
70, 338......
56, 230
62, 425
112, 813
18, 815
16, 926
4, 501
41, 513
41, 211
19, 931
28, 871
37, 915
64, 773
82, 006
124, 962
131, 168
40, 725
50, 367
83, 861
114, 690
57, 924
97, 933
113, 366
77, 832
64, 334
64, 675
59, 614
67, 123
138, 661
4, 168
84, 286
9, 300
43, 779
123, 632
141, 443
86, 765
33, 486
39, 660
24, 745
107, 792
Nevada, Ohio............. Oct. 10,1865
Germantown, Ohio........
Shelbyville, Ky...........
Minneapolis, Minn......
Tamaroa, Ill..-..-....
Muscatine, Iowa.........
Kir kville, Iowa..........
Fairview, Pa.............
Point Pleasant, Pa.......
Pleasant Grove, Iowa....
Pleasant Grove, Iowa.....
Coburg, Iowa... _...
Marshallton, Pa_........
Maze Manic, Wis.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Mount Vernon, Nebr......
Barkeyville, Pa..........
Barkeyville, Pa...........
Yellvilli, Ark............
Rosendale, Wis..........
Rosendale, Wis.........
Woodstock, Va..........
Springfield, Ohio..........
Nov. 10, 1868
May 9, 1871
Sept. 11, 1866
Dec. 14,1869
Sept. 26, 1871
May 12, 1868
Apr. 30, 1867
May 14, 1867
Nov. 13, 1866
July 23, 1867
May 6, 1873
Aug. 26, 1845
Nov. 24, 1868
Oct. 5, 1852
Aug. 9, 1864
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 5,1873
Feb. 9,1869
Oct. 15, 1831
Aug. 25, 1863
July 12, 18' )
Sept. 27, 1870
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B ee-hive...
Bee-hive -------------------------------
Bee-hive - - -...... ---. ------ -
Bee-hive.......................------- ----- ----..
Bee-hive....-------------------- --.---...........
Be -n e............................-..............
Bee-hive. --- - - - - - - --
10 P
G. W. Leffingwell..........
W. Lehman.................
V. Leonard.................
V. Leonard.................
V. Leonard..................
C. P. Lloyd...............
B. Locl:rone............
J. Longgrear and J. E. Clark..
D. Loofbourrow............
R. Lovett..........
J. J. Lower --..............
G. W. Lowry.........--.
O. Mack..........
S. M aitland..................
H. Markham.............
J. S. Marshall................
J. K. Martin..............
R. Martin.................
C. R. C. Masten and A. D.
Van Vlack.
T. H. Mathews................
J. M athius............
J. A. McAnulty...........
T. F. McCafferty.....----------
S. McClanalhan............
H. M. McClellan -.......
J. McDonald..................
N. McGonnigle...........
C. McGrew.................
S. D. McLean..._..........
J. D. Meador............
J. Meese, sr...................--
G. W. Merchant.........
M. Metcalf.....-...........
J. F. Metherd and S. Young..J. Milholland and B. Crane....
G. Miller................
J. M iller....................
O. M iller.....................
W. D. Miller................
N. C. Mitchell..............
J. Montgomery.............--
F. Moore................--.....J.E.Moore...................
S. C. Moore..................
W. L. Moorhead and T. D.
S. Morrill...............
S. Morrill.....................
M. Morton....................
W. T. Mosher.................
A. R. Moulton............
M. D. Mulford,jr ----.----
E. F. Mulkey and J. Case......
A. Mutershaugh..........
P. M. Myers, J. W. Walser,
and J. Spangler.
S. C. Myers..............
B. F.Nave..............
J. Neal.................
J. Newman and N. Brown....
C. S. Newsom...............
P. Nicolle....................
A. Niebel...................
E. O'Connor........--......
H. Ogborn.............
L. M. Olden................
O. Osmundson................
J. N. Outten.................
J. A. Paddock and J. S. Estep.
S. E. Paine and W. Kerr.-..
J. W. Palmer................
J. W. Palmer and J. K. Leedy -
L. Parker...................
E. Parks...................
J. L. Patourel...............
J. M. Patton..............
C. Pawling..................
J. Pearson...............
R. Pearson...................
T. W. Peirce..................
H. Penoyer...................
E. Pepple ---...............
P. O. Petersen............
E. W. Phelps...- -...
W. H. Pierson............
H. A. Pitts.........
J. F. Pool...............
C. H. Potter..............
W. Powers...............
I. C. Pratt............
J. P. Praul.......
J. M. Price.......
J. S. Procter.......
T. Prosser...............
E. D. Pugh...............
i i
Coluhbus, Wis.........
Lexington, Mo...-.....
Springfield, Pa.......
Springfield, Pa........
Springfield, Pa..........
Portsmouth, Ohio........
Somerset, Ohio..........
Rolla, Mo.............
Hillsborough, Iowa.....
Canton, Ohio.............
Tennessee, Ill............
Lavansville, Pa...........
Gilsum, N. H............
Fort Wayne, Ind......
Henderson, Ill...........
Steamburgh, N. Y......
West Greenville, Pa......
Martinsburgh, Ind _.......
Fairfield, Ohio..........
Pleasant Valley, N. Y. -...
Rushville, Ill-..........
Pemberton, Ohio.....
Gilpin, Pa................
Columbus, Ohio..........
W arren, Ill..............
York, Pa..................
Buffalo, Ohio...........
Allegheny, Pa...........
Bloomington, Ill....
Sunny Slope, Tenn.......
Independence, Mo........
Milton, Ohio...........
La Porte, Ind........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Union City, Ind.......
Chandlersville, Ohio......
Battle Ground, Wash....
Lexington, Ohio.......
Mad River, Ohio.........
Caledonia, Ohio.......
Union City, Tenn.......
Carrollton, Ohio...........
Bridgewater, Pa.......
Pattonsburgh, Mo.......
Lanesville, Ohio........
Dixfield, Me..............
Dixfield, Me.............
Gallatin, Mo.......
Poplar Ridge. N.Y --.
Fall Branch, Tenn.... -.
New Providence, Iowa....
Tamaroa, Ill..........
Lewinsville, Va-...-..
Canton, Ohio.............
Mount Pleasant, Pa......
Fort Wayne, Ind......
Orleans, Iowa..-...-...
IRossville, Ill-......--.
Gallipolis, Ohio...........
Lindsay, Canada.........
Tiffin, Ohio -...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Richmond, Ind..........
Pana, Ill...............
Mission, Ill............
Caseyville, Ky.........
Cass County, Ill..........
Xenia, Ill ---............
Port Republic, Va.....
Port Republic and Toni's
Brook, Va.
Winterset, Iowa.......
Wheatfield, N. Y..........
Chandlersville, Ohio.._.....
Tipton, Iowa..........
New Pittsburgh, Ohio.....
West Milton, Ohio....
Appleton, Wis......--..
Minneapolis, Minn.....
Centralia, Ill.........
Canton, Ohio............
Oakland, Cal.........
Elizabeth, N. J.........
West Jersey, Ill........
Winthrop, Me.........
Monroe, Wis......
Philadelphia, Pa....
Youngstown, Ohio.....
Morton, Ill............
Pleasant Hill, Ill......
Buffhlo Grove, Iowa.....
Franklin, Ky..........
Birmingham, Pa......
Fort Plain, Iowa.....
July 23, 1867
Feb. 4, 1873
June 4, 1867
Sept. 3, 1867
Aug. 16, 18^0
Feb. 12, 1867
Oct. 27, 1868
Aug. 13, 1872
Jan. 7, 1873
Mar. 29, 1864
Dec. 24, 1867
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr. 22, 1835
Aug. 28, 1860
Feb. 2;3, 1864
Feb. 28,1871
Apr. 22, 1862
Dec. 17, 1867
May 19, 1840
Jan. 19, 1869
Aug. 23, 1864
Oct. 8, 1867
Jan. 31, 1871
Mar. 30,1869
Mar. 24, 1863
Dec. 1, 1857
June 23, 1868
July 31, 1860
Feb. 12, 1867
June 4, 1872
Feb. 2, 1869
Jan. 31, 1860
Sept. 25,1866
July 30,1861
Mar. 28, 1871
Apr. 29,1842
Sept. 30, 1873
Nov. 6, 1843
Apr. 2,1861
Sept. 1, 1843
Feb. 18,1868
Jan. 4, 1870
June 9, 1868
Feb. 20,1872
Aug. 8.1871
Feb. 16, 1843
Feb. 4, 1834
Jan. 16, 1835
Apr. 5, 1870
Aug. 27,1872
Sept. 10, 1872
July 31, 1866
Aug. 27, 18'i2
Nov. 7, 1871
May 7,1867
July 22, 1839
Sept. 29, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
Mar. 18, 1873
Apr. 16, 1872
Mar, 28, 1871
Oct. 27, 1868
Oct. 17, 1871
Mar. 22, 1864
Nov. 26, 1867
Apr. 20, 1869
bept. 29, 1868
July 6, 1869
Feb. 13, 1872
Nov. 1, 1859
Oct. 9, 1860
Apr. 28.1863
July 22.1845
June 11, 1841
Feb. 11, 1868
Oct. 14, 1856
Feb. 2, 1869
Aug. 3,1869
Mar. 27, 1866
Feb. 28, 1865
Juno 24, 1843,May 14, 1872
Nov. 9,1858
Oct. 16,1866
Sept. 25, 1841
Aug. 18,1868
June 4, 1872
Mar. 8, 1859
Dec. 18, 1860
Feb. 16, 1869
Mar. 22, 1870
Dec. 26, 1871
June 8, 1858
Sept. 12, 1871
66, 977
135, 566
65, 402
68, 759
106, 377
61, 043
83, 514
130, 511
134, 687
42, 093
72, 651
96, 712
29, 799
41, 711
112, 262
35, 031
72, 308
86, 023
43, 921
619, 569
88, 315
38, 012
18, 757
79, 243
29, 394
62, 051
127, 498
86, 569
27, 004
58, 276
32, 952
113, 187
2, 592
143, 295
3, 325
3, 246
74, 709
98, 612
78, 813
117, 914
2, 953..........
101, 647
131, 296
56, 782
130, 933
120, 766
64, 557
82, 628
73, 915
125, 837
113, 084
83, 532
119, 991
42, 017
71, 405
89, 067
82, 634
92, 348
123, 724
25, 979
30, 341
38, 328
4, 116
2, 122
74, 415
15, 894
86, 44 1
93, 340
53, 475
46, 584
3, 141
126, 739
22, 030
58, 881
2, 268
127, 513
23, 192
30, 984
87, 003
101, 039
122, 279
20, 508
118, 972
Index of patents issued from. the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, iniclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Bee-hive ------------------------------------R. R amsa.................
Bce-hive................................. i.Ra........... E.Rdil ~d....
Bee-hive------------------------------------. B. H. Rleece................
Bee-hive ---------------------------------0. P. Reeve................
Bee-hive---------------------------------0O. P. Reeve and C. C. Parker.
Bee-hive ------------------------------------ J. L. Reid.- -----...
Bee-hive.-.......----------------- ---------S. B. Replogle..............
Bee-hive-----------------------------------0. Reynolds...............
Bee-hive ---------------------------------0O. Reynolds---------------
Bee-hive -------------"---.------------------0O. Rcyynolds...............
Bee-hiv------------------------ ---------- W. Reynolds and J. V Brooks.
Bee-hive----------------------------------.....D. Rice................. - -- - --
B e e -h i ve----------------------------------............ _J.. Rich..................
Bee-hive--------------------------------.. S. L. Richatdson.......... -- --
B ee - h ive--------------------------------....... J. C. Richey and C Hotchkiss.
lice-hive..................... J.Rb.----------.-----------------J ob........
Bee-hive---------------------------------.....W. H. Roberts.............
Bee-hive---------------------------------..H. 0G. Robertson.......
Bee-hive---------------------------------0-... G.A. Robinson.............
Bee-hive...M.R hnt............................M ont --------
Bee-hive---------------------------------......S. Rogers and A. J. Mason.
Bee-hive--------------------------------...... S. Rogers and A. J. Mason. ehv......................HF.R m------- - -
Bee-live....................................- H. F. Robin...............Bee-hive.............................JRbe................ orr ---- -----
Bee-hive....................................A. I. Foot and M. Andrews -- _
Bee-hive.....................................J. B. Ross..................
Bee..hue.................................ID. Rudolph................
Bee..ive................................. W. A. Ruth................
Bei.............................. HW ai............-..W abn---------
Bee-hive---------------------------------.....A. Sanhurn.........---.-.
Bee-hix e.................................... B. ID. Sanders.............
Bee-hive.................................... M. R. Saiiders.......
Bee-hiv................................ J. ID. Sanderson.......
-------Bee-hive.................................... R. Sanford...............---
Bee-hive---------------------------......-----W. K. Sawyer.............
Bee-hive.................................... G. C. Schneider............
Bee-hive.....................................H. Scovehl and J. C. Banker -_
Bee-hive..................... N.B. Sebrini...............
Bee-hive................................... B. F. See...................
Bee-hive.................................- P. J. Severson............--
Bee-hive...................................... and A. M. Shaeifer......
Bee-hive....................................H. M. Shaffer.............---
Bee-hive....................................- M. B. Shaw...............Bee-hive.............._.....................BE. N. Shedd................
Bee-hive.................................... T. Shields......--........
Bee-hive.................................... S. P. Shipley...............
Bee-hive.................................... J. Sholl...................
Be-ie.............................JH.Sho...............hok-- -------
Bee-hive..................................... S. A., F. J., and J. B Short,
and J. Kile.
Bee-hive..................................... W. P. Shiortridge -.. --........Bee-hive.....................................S. Shrock...............--
Bee-hive....................................- H. P. Simmons and A. J King.
Bee-hive.................................... N. Simpson...............
Bee-hive.....................W. Y Singleton............
Bee-hive.................................... L. S. Sisson.................
Bee-hive.............................- lse...............G lse----------
Bee-hive..................................... A. J. Smith................
Bee-hive.................................... A. J. Smith--------------...
Bee-hive................................. A. J. Smith and H. C. Reed. - __
Bee-hive.................................---- -G. W. Smith, N. B. Vosbm-gh,
A. J. Kramer, and WV. L.
Bee-hive....................................J. L. Smih................
Bee-hive................................. J. W. Snmitli...............
B.e-.iv.................................M. S. Snow................
Bee-hive....................................C. B. Spanhotin---.-------
Bee-hive..................................... C. J. Speriry and L. Chandler- e-ie......................Siny......... -
Bee-hive..............................- pne............... pau.---------
Bee-hive.............................. 0.ian................Srigr--------
Bee-hive..................................... Spiger...............
Bee-hive.....................................HU. Staggsury......._........
Bee-hive.-..............................---- U. Stanlyi-y...............
Bee-hive................................Sal..........T.Sal_----.-.....Bee-hive..................................._ T. Stanlby.................
Bee-hive.................................... S. Stasherry.............
Bee-hive.................................... J. HI. Starr............---...
Bee-hive------------------------------------. S. Stvento...............
Bee htive---------------------..Stroe,,......
New Wilmington, Pa.Lawrence, Kans.----
White's Corners and Water
Valley, N. V.
Marion, Iowa...........
ipton, Iowa..--.......
Central City, Mo.--..Van Won, Ohio.._._.___
Martinshurgh, Pa......Webster, N. V.... _.... _.
Webster, N. V.........
Webster, N. V..._.....
Lexingtoii, Ill.. _. -. -.....Richfield, Ill - --.-----
Penfield, N. Y..........
Webster City, Iowa..__.
Van Wert, Ohio....
Lewistown, Pa.........--
Campbell's Station, Teonn
Greenville, Tenno..---_-_
Mount Pulaski, Ill...
Centralia, Ill..........
Butlei, lnd.............
Butler, Ind-...........West Providence, Pa.---
West Providence, Pa---
Middletown, Pa.-----
Medlina, Ohio...........
Mount Sidney, Va..__
Sugar Grove, Ohio..__.
Wyoming, Dcl......
Gorham, N. Y._...
Carthage, Ohio......
Holliday's Cove, Va, -.. -
Cambria Township, Pa...._
Stetson, Me....._-.....
Marion, N. YV...........
Three Oaks, Mich.. ---. -.
Adrian, Mich...........
Waseca, Minn.........
Metamora, Ohio. _-_....
Monroe, Ohio..........--
Knowersville, N. V...
Centreville, Iowa.----
Zionsville, owav-.._._
Three Oaks, Mich. -.
Hillsborough, Ohio.-.
Olena, Ohio..........._
Pleasant Hill, Ohio _.
New York, N. V. __..
IDecatur, Ala...........
Baston, Mo...........---
New Philadelphia, Pa.-..
Paterson and Hudson, N. J.
Pomeroy, Ohio.... _.
Springfield, I111..........
West Edmeston, N. V.
Hlillsborough, Ohio.- --
I)ecorah, Iowa......
WalnMich.._...lDecoiah, Iowa..____---.
Lion County, Iowa..
Jan. 7, 186-2
Apr. i8, 18711
June 15, 1869
July 15, 1862
Jan. 10, 1865
Aug. 818711
Aug. 12, 1862
July 21, 1868
Dec. 4, 1841
July 31, 1847
June 4, 1861
Mar. 28, 18711
Aug. 1 2, 18731
Mar. 4, 1843
Dec. 29, 1868
Mar. 15, 1864
IDec. 31, 1845
June 18, 18721
Jan. 29, 1856
July 27, 1869
Sept. 24, 187-21
Aug. 26, 18731
Sept. 21),18-A01
Sept. 20, 1870]
Oct. 8, 1861
June 18, 1872
July 8, 1842
Mar. 3, 1868
Nov. 29, 1870]
Jan. 15, 1846
Mar. 26, 1845
Oct. 27, 1857
Nov. 14, 1871
Dec. 14, 1858
Nov. 23, 1869
Aug. 1, 1871
Oct. 6, 1868
Sept. 24, 1872
May 18, 1869
Jan. 19, 1869
Feb. 25, 1868
Dec. 31. 1867
Oct. 2, 1860
Juno 18, 1872
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 6, 1868
June 16, 1868
Dec. 8, 1868
Nov. 9, 1839
Oct. 14, 1873
Mar. 7,18741
Sept. 12, 1871
-Nov. 10, 186)8
Feb. 4, 1873
M'iy 21, 1867
Feb. 18, 1868
Jan. 110, 1871
Aug. 13, 1867
Ocet. 15, 1861
Aug. 2-2, 1865
Mair. 31, 1868
Aug. 4, 1863
34, 094
113, 928
91, 266
35, 892
45, 859
117, 815
36, 169
80, C91
3, 84t
32, 484
113, 207
141, 818
2, 988
85, 401
41, 942
4, 340
128, 070
14, 168
9:3, 009
110, 873
131, 6-28
142, 281
107, 548
107, 6-28
33, 451
128, 072
2, 707
75. 201
109, 672
4, 355
3, 97-2
18, 5-23
120, 899
2 2, 309
97, 1.24
117, 690
82, 880
131, 632
90, 199
86, 037
74, 854
72, 918
30, 255
127, 991
95, 151
82, 757
78, 898
84, 774
1, 4(02
143, 643
112, 388
118, 822
84, 010
135, 493
65, 020
74, 618
110, 9:37
67, 680
33, 499
49, 563
76, 258
39, 451
107, 732
37, 363
75, 804
89, 896
143, 307
50, 179
47, 047
109, 557
122, 542
19, 520
90, 20:3
127, '281
Liherty Centre, Ohio -.Sept. 27, 1870
Iowa Point, Kaiis-....Jan. 6, 1863"
Forestville, N. V---------- Mar. 24, 1868
Theresa, N. V........... May 11, 1869
New London, Min- -..Sept. 30, 1873
Saugus, Mass-----.. _----Sept. 26, 1865
Fulton, Ill ----------------Mar. 28, 1865
Pontiac, Ill---------------..Nov. 2-2, 1870
Topeka, Kaas-...- -. Jaii. 9, 1872
Plymouth, 10(1. - - - - - ----Oct. 20, 1868
Fairmington, Conn----- Dec. 9, 1811
Farmington, Coon...Jan. 6, 1812 _
Knoxville, Teun ---.-_--Mar. 2, 1858
Gallatin, Mo-------------.May 18, 1869
Midoleburgh, N. V...Nov. (6, 1866
Blicottsville, N. V. M...ay 28, 187-2
Bilicottsv illo, N. V -....Nov. 19, 1872
Galesville, Wis..___.. -....Feb. 7, 1871
Weston, Ohio.. _. _-. --. Sept. 12, 1871
New Carlisle, Ind-._...M ay 14, 18(67
Tonre Coupee, Id-.._.Jni 15, 1669
Butler, hod------------....Sept. 9, 1873
Carrollton. Ohio........--h_?Fb. 18, 1868
Manlius, N. V......... __-Oct. 2.2. 1811
Bronsoii.Michli----------..Oct. 21, 187:1
Boshi, N. V...._ I.. Aug. 15, 1848
Grand View, I nd -- --< Oct. 27, 1868
Milford, Ill---------------..Jan. 6, It63
Adel, Iowa_---.-_--- ---Dec. 6, 1864
Florence, 0-... _Mr 1,15
Lambertvil., N.-J----..-..-Mar. 18, 1841
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Bee-hive ---------------------------------------- D. H. Swartz----------------- Lancaster, Ohio-----------.Jan. 24, 1871 111, 273
Be-ie---------------------J we --___-_--- eheeMs._-_Ar t 80_e-ie____________________.Tlmn __--_--_ lytnI1.._._._Sp.2,16 23Bee-hive------------ --------- ------- --------J.Swet---------------------BetWahehem, DMass - Apr.Oc. 11, 181x3 21. 1
Beehive-------------------------------------... L. and M. Taylor and E Cox - Jordan, Wis-------------- Feh. 13, 1866 52,6-22
Beehive ---------------------------------------- S. Taylor.---------. Burlington, Me_-_--------Oct. 9, 1866 58, 696
Bee-hive....................................... H. It. Terry------------------- Ediuborough, Pa --_ Nov. 5, 1861 33, 668
Bee-hive........................................ J. H. Thomas....._ - - - -. _.Rochester, N. Y----------.July 2, 1867 66, 415
Bee-hiv;e....................................... J. H Thuiston---------------...Rainshoroughi, Ohio...Nov. 17, 1868 84, 23-2
Bee-hive........................................ S. Titcomb.------------------.Farinin,,toni,:Me----------Apr. 10, 1849 6,285
Bee-hive---------------------------------------1.. 1. 5. Torrey.................-Bangor, Me--------June 7, 1859 24,:342
Bee-hive---------------------------------------..H. S. Torrey------------------ Bangor, Mc.............Anu. 3, 1869 93, 37-2
Bee-hiv e-------------------------------------.._ H. A. Tozier-----------------.Littleton. Me------------- Oct. 9, 18'6 58, 697
Bee-hi; e --------------------------------------- J. Tritt----------------------- New Richmnond, Ohio ---Dec. 19, 1871 12-2, (189
Bee-hive-------------------------------------..._ S. Trumbull-----------------Suffield, Coin-----------Apr. 6, 1842 2, 539
Bee-hiv e..................... H.Tle----------------------------H ulr.-- ----- Ash Grove, 111------------ June 2, 1868 78, 621
Bee-hinve---------------------------------------..E. B. Tuinipseed------------- Columbia, S. C------------ Oct. 18, 1870 108, 536
B ee -h ive-------------------------------------.... G.. Umbaugh--------------- Lima, Ohio -------------- Mar. 23, 1869 88, 235
D~ele-h --------------------------------------....T. S. Underhill-.-------- Saint Johnsville, N. V. Dec. 13, 1859 26, 452
Bee-hive---------------------------------------..J. H. Valentiiie. -------------- Spaita, Ill---------------July 1, 186-2 35,791
Bee-hiv e-------------------------------------... J. T. Vanduzer-------------.. Tyrone. N. Y...-----------Dec. 27, 1864 45, 657
Bee-hive---------------------------------------...A. C. Varela-----------------.Washington, D.C..-...Dec. 24.,1867 72, 57-2
Bee-hive ----------------------------------------F. Variii--------------------- Huntsville, Ala----------- Nov. 7,1871 120, 799
Bee-hive------------- --------------------------- S. Vreeland..--------Cuha, N. Y--------------July 20, 1869 9-2, 913
Bee-hive---------------------------------------E_ '. Walker-------------------- Indiaiiapolis, Lid-----Dec. 27, 1870 110, 517
Bee-hive---------------------------------------F.. 1.H. Walker---------------Waterfoid, Pa - May 7, 1861 32, 259
Bee-hive-------------------------------------... S. H. Walh,-r---------------- Somerville, Tem--------May 31, 1859 24, 251
Bee-hive---------------------------------------.W. W. Walker ----.---------Nettle Lake, Ohio-....Jan. 13, 1863 37, 414
Bee-hive........................................ N. WV. Walton and J. L Cunn Pennsborough, WV. Va...- Sept. 2, 1873 142, 537
Bee-hive........................................ W. Wambach..-- - --- - -----Indianapolis, Ind -.--_-..Jan. 24, 1871 111,283
Bee-hive....................................... P. S. Ward------------------- Miliville, Iowa-----------..Oct. 21, 1862 36, 740
Bee-hive._.....................................XW. Warren----------------- Three Oaks, Mich-....May 5, 1863 38, 431
Bee-hive.------_-.-----------------------J. Wash -_-----------_---Mount Sterling, Ill --.July 3, 1866 56, 127
Bee-hive ---------------------------------------- J. Wash--------------------Mount Sterling, 111_._-Api-. 21, 1868 77, 139
Bee-hive---------------------------------------__D. G. Watt --_--__-------- Lawi-ence, Kans---------- June 29, 1869 91, 885
Blee-hive........................................ C. Webb---------------------- Wallingford, Con-_May 4, 1841 2, 079
Bee-hiv e........................................T. Webb.--------------------Buda, Ill................. Jan. 12, 1869 85, 878
Bee-hi;ve........................................ J. M. Weeks. -... _..Salisbury, Vt------------June 30, 18:16...
Bee-hive........................................ J. M. Weeks.................. Salisbiury, Vt..__..- - -_July 1, 1841 2, 151
Bee-hive..--------------------.1.Wly..........._...-.............H et...Mouiit Carroll, Ill.----- Apr. '28, 18(13 38, 340
Bee-live........................................(1. It. West.................._Fairfield, Ohio............ Apr. 20, 1844 3, 554
Be-hive.......................................V. L. West. ------------- Eliuira, N.Y-------------Feb. 8,1859 22, 908
Bee-hive. _.....................................J. Wheeldon------------------ Greensbnrgh, Ind.- -------- Jan. 3, 1871 110, 809
Bee-hive....................................J. Wheeldon------------------ Greenslnrgh, Ind.---_Nov. 14, 1871 120, 918
Bee-hiv e....................................... C. Wheeler.------.-----------ittle Valley, N. Y-.-Juiie 20, 1845 4, 087
Bee-hive........................................ C. Wheeleri.-------------Little Valley, N. Y._May 9, 1854 10, 877
Bee-hive....................................... G. Wheeler................... Little Valley, N. Y-..July 3, 1849 6, 576
Bee-hive..............................----.......G. T. Wheeler------------...Mexico, N. V-------------Nov. 22, 1870 109, 477
Bee-hive......................................W. Whitcomb................ Grafton, Vt.-- -------. - Sept. 19, 1846 4, 763
Bee-hive....................................----. C. 'White................Huntsville, Ala----------- Feb. 13, 1872 12:3,654
Bee-hive........................................U.TF. White..._..._......Mouiit Pleasant, Iowva - June 21, 1870 104, 521
Bee-hive---------------------------------------. I A. Whitman, jr---------------Leindonderi-y, Vt-------- Nov. 6, 1834..
Bee-hive---------------------------------- I. 11. Whitney-------------_ Wateiford, Pa.----------Apr. 30o, 1861 3-2, 217
Bee-hive....................................... C. Wiggins--------- -------- Fayette County, Pa--- Feb. 27, 1827...
Bee-hive............................._........J. XV. Winder............... Cincinnati, Ohio..._.....May 3i, 1870 103, 697
Bee-live........................................ T. II. Windle-.. _.........Wagontown. Pa_. -....Aug,. 10, 1858 21, 163
Bee-hive._......................................_A. Wilkinson-............Gi-eensbuigh, Ind....- Jni. 24, 1871 111,289
Bee-hive....................................C. Williams.................. Weston. Mo..............- Aug. 28, 1860 29,8-48
Bie-hi;ve................-................J. Williams------------Bean's Station, Ten-...May 7, 187-2 126, 605
Bee-hivec------------ ---------------------------HR. A Williams --------------- Colusa, Cal---------------Dec. 6, 1870 109, 986
Bee-hive------------------------ --___ _-------S. C. Williams................ Shenandoah County, Va_. May 14,18-23....
Bee-lii;e.................................H.IK. Wilsonu...._..........Barbouraville, Ky.. Apr. 16, 187-2 125,776
Bee-hive.......................................F. Wolfersherger------------- _ _Plymouth, Ohio.----------- _May 12, 184~2 2, 617
Lee-luve........................................ J. Wood_......_.........-..Alert, Ohio................ Jaii. 12,1869 85, 884
Bee-hive.........................._.__........A. E. Woodhiull............... Spencer, Mich-.__....Dec. 26, 1871 1-22, 302
Bee-hive.____________________R 1 odie----------------------------.I. odie.......Coultersville, Ill---------- Apr. 8,187:3 137, 645
Bee-hive....................................... F. Woodward----------------..Sacramento City, Cal-__Aug. 13, 1861 3:3, 059
Bee-hive.......................................___A. T. Wright................ Oskaloosa, Iowa........... Jane 16, 1S631 38,9825
Bee-hive._________._........._.-.T.Wigt.........................T Wit.. Newv Vienna, Ohio-_..June 4, 1867 65, 52-2
Bet e-h --------------------------------------___A. T. Wright----------------..Newv Vieniia, Ohio - I___ an. 5,1869 85, 716
Bee-live---------------------------___.----------A. T. Wright. -----_--------New Vienna, Ohio..___Jan. 12.,1869 85, 885
Bee-hive ___ _________________.T rh----------------------------AT.Wlt Oskaloosa, Iowa-.........Aug. 26, 18731 142, 318
Bee-hive.......................................__J. M. Yanart..._............Indianapolis, lad.._Feh. 15, 1870 99, 994
Bee-hi;ve---------------------___---------------V. Zimmerman--------------- Morriis, I11............... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 37-2
Bee-hive and management of hces.........A le------------------- AAly._...._._..Cincinnati, Ohio...........Aug. 26, 1881 _..__
Bee-hive and management of bees.- _.-- -.-- -----F. Britton-------------------- _. _ ILittle Falls, N. V.._ Sept. ^9, 1831.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I i I I
Bee-hives, Moth-trap for....................
Bee-hives, Moth-trap for................
Bee-hives, Surplus honey-boxes in..............
Bee-hives, Swarm-indicator for---------... ------
Bee-hives, Use of slides in.......................
Bee-hives, Working the doors of...................
Bee-hiving device.........................
Bee house and hive..............................
Bee-houses and bee-hives and the management
thereof, Construction of.
Bee-keepers' protecting- mask....................
Bee-moth instrument......................
Bee-moth trap.....---------------------.-----
Bee-protector --.........--------------------------
Bees, Composition for stupefying.................
Bees, House for the management of.................
Bees, Mode of managing honey....................
Bees, Trellis for prepagating............
Beef and vegetable cutter, Dried...-.........
Beef cutter, Dried......---........................
Beef cutter, Dried.........-...... _............
Beef, Machine for cutting smoked...............
Beef, Manufacture of chipped................
Beef, &c., Method of preparing----...-----..-----
Beef or cold-slaw shaving or cutting machine......
Beef, salted, Mode of making and curing.......
Beefsteak and other meat, Machine for mangling
Beef-steak chopper---................................Beef-steak crusher...............................
Beef-steak cr usher-------------------------................................
Beef-steak cutter and mangler.....................
Beef-steak cutters, Die for forming..............
Beef-steak for broiling, Device for preparing....
Beefsteak for cooking, Preparing................
Beef-steak, Machine for preparing..............
Beefsteak mangle.........................
Beef-steak, paring apples, and sharpening knives,
Machine for pressing.
Beef-steak preparer...............................
Beefsteak tenderer.......................
Beer, alcohol, &c., cooler and condenser...........
Beer, ale, and other fermented liquors, Manufacture of.
Beer, ale, &c., Apparatus for preserving...........
Beer, ale, &c., cooler-------------------....................----.........
Beer, ale, &c., on draught by means of carbonicacid gas, Preserving and delivering.
Beer, ale, porter, &c., Composition for the manufacture of.
Beer, ale, &c., Process of "hopping '...............
Beer and ale on draught, Preserving............
Beer and liquid cooler............................
Beer and mash cooler........................
Beer and other liquids, Cooler for.................
Beer and other liquids, Cooler for..................
Beer and other liquids, Cooler for...............
Beer and other liquids on draught, Apparatus for
cooling and discharging.
Beer and other liquids on draught, Cooling and
Beer and water cooler.....................
Beer and water cooler.....................
Be(r and water co ler...- ---------------
Beer and wine, Cooler for preserving..............
Beer and yeast, Manufacture of...................
Beer, Apparatus for manufacture of..............
Beer, Apparatus for preserving................
Beer, Apparatus for preserving and forcing........
Beer, Apparatus for raising..................
Beer, Brewing.................................
Beer, Brewing spruce...._.................
Beer, Composition for making...............
Beer, &c., Compound for clarifying...............
W.J. Hazen.................
E. W. Phelps..................
H. Moon and D. C. Turner.....
W. W. Snell...................
N. Potter....................
J. Case.......................
C. Cutler......................
D. Burbank...................
W. Carter----------------.....................C. Decker....................
D. S. Gray..................
W. Groves...................
J. W. Wood..................
W. M. Simpson..........
J. Searle.................
L. C. Huff....................
R. P. Bnttles.................
G. Fletcher, sr..-.............
L. Hamlin...................
J. Cory........................
T. D. Howell.................
J. H. Starr.....................
A. Y. I:ozenbury..............
M. A. Glass.................
F. Kelsey....................
A. Simons....................
W. and J. T. Bird............
B. Meeker...............
D. W. Goble................
C. J. and D. C. Holmes........
S. R. Kneeland...........
C. L. Tucker.................
B. F. Stephens................
H. Banga.....................
W. A. Tomlinson..............
F. Tesh......................
R. McCorkell................
E. Atkins...................
J.J. Doyle...................
H. Thompson................
D. C. Thompson.................
II. Thompson................
W. A. Clark..............
T. G. Stagg.................
A M. Bond...............
J. Locke.....................
B. F. Alexander.............
I. C. Nichols.................
J. S. Morris..............
G. W. LaBaw...............
J. Frageser..............
J. Firnienich.................
Bethany, Pa............
Newark, Onio.........
Red Creek, N. Y........
Rushtford, Minn......
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Selma, Ohio --..--..
Tonawonda, N. Y.......
Lexington, Ky........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
New Michigan, Ill........
Onargo, Iii.............Harrisburgh, Pa.........
Alden, Ill...............Davidsburgh, Mich......
Hill, N. H................
Sonina, Ala.............
Mansfield, Pa.........
Gr eensbur lh, Ind........
Kerkersville, Ohio-.......
Holden, Mo...........
Zanesville, Ohio..........
Middlebush, N. Y.......
Waterloo, Ind...........
Independence, Iowa......
Lockport, N. Y....-.._.
Fairfield, Iowa........
Flemington, N. J..........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Newark, N. J........
Stafford Springs, Conn...
Chicago, Ill.ii.. -..
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
Johnstown, Pa.........
Warsaw, Minn.........
Monroe, La....-----------
Sharon, Conn.........
Concord, N. H...........
Ischua, N. Y............
Concord, N. H...........
Woodbridge, Con........
New York, N. Y......
Concord, N. H.........
Lewisburgh, Pa.......
Glen Hope, Pa.........
Union, N. Y.............
Mosiertown, Pa......
Jersey City, N. J..........
New York, N. Y..........
Bufhalo, N. Y.............
Nov. 12, 1861
Apr. 6,1852
Aug. 25, 1868
Oct. 24, 1865
Mar. 11, 1851
Nov. 19, 1850
May 21, 1861
Nov. 9, 1869
Dec. 15, 1868
Oct. 20, 1868
Feb. 2, 1869
June 12, 1835
Nov. 29, 1870
Apr. 28, 1868
Jan. 20, 1838
July 1,1873
Nov. 23, 1869
Mar. 26, 1850
July 13, 1844
June 28, 1870
Dec. 15, 1843
Aug. 8, 1865
May 23, 1871
July 4, 1871
Aug. 26,1828
Aug. 18, 1868
Dec. 5, 1865
Oct. 21, 1815
July 9, 1850
Dec. 28, 1869
Oct. 9,1810
July 20, 1869
June 8, 1869
Apr. 28, 1831
Dec. 14, 1830
Jan. 9, 1855
Oct. 25, 1864
July 16, 1872
Nov. 14, 1865
Sept. 14, 1869
Dec. 8, 1868
June 27, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Oct. 22, 1850
May 2, 1871
Aug. 29, 1871
Oct. 31, 1865
Aug. 6, 1867
Nov. 4, 1873
Feb. 16, 1864
June 19, 1866
Sept. 14, 1869
33, 704
8, 585
81, 398
50, 639
7, 970
7, 749
32, 357
96, 668
84, 994
83, 263
86, 528
109, 702
77, 222
140, 417
97, 161
7, 212
3, 664
104, 832
3, 379
49, 314
115, 107
116, 00.....
81, 220
51, 288.....
7, 489
98, 263
92, 907
91, 176.....
44, 811
128, 997
50, 921
94, 852
84, 718
116, 372
113, 260
7, 735
114, 396
118, 542
50, 671
67, 568
144, 216
41, 626
55, 746
94, 880
82, 394
115, 018
106, 019
78, 874
66, 833
109, 126
100, 752
64, 614
48, 791
97, 540
85, 180
116, 053
115, 468
123, 390
128, 768
124, 465
145, 955
141, 072
103, 498
144, 987
88, 927
97, 143
129, 732
79, 931
90, 716
24, 004
63, 013
82, 593
135, 3
90, 242
92, 429
125, 668
123, 465
93, 702
53, 285
R. Eickemeyer................ Yonkers, NY.......... Sept. 22, 1868
T. Bergner and S. Zeisse...-. Philadelphia, Pa........ May 23, 1871
T. Ahrens..... -... Louisville, Ky.......... Aug. 2, 1870
T. Hawks.................. Rochester, N. Y........... June 16, 1868
W. S. Haight.............
C. E. Haynes..................
T. Griindmann................
C. Wise and B. Loeffler........
J. Chollar and C. W. Cunningham.
J. J. M irki...................
G. B. Turrell................
J. M. Heiss............
Waterford, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.........
Cleveland, Ohio....
New York, N. Y..-----
Washington, D.C.....'
July 16, 1867
Nov. 8, 1870
Mar. 15, 1870
May 7, 1867
July 18, 1865
Richmond, Ind.........Dec. 7,1869
New York, N. Y--.......- Dec. 22, 1868
Baltimore, Md........... June 20, 1871
J. M. Heiss....................j Baltimore, Md............ May 30,1871
C. Geenen....................
F. Wagner...................
J. Weinberger...............
F. Loesch..................L. Pasteur...................
G. Habich...........
C. Pholmann...................
E. C. Ki ausnick.............
J. L. Treat...................
C. Abresch................
W. Beceau....................
S. Hinds......................
C. Hefft......................
J. Agate......................
J. Agate......................
D. Cammerer...............
D. Cammeter...............
J. Chandless................
H. C. Dart....-----------------
H. C. Dart...................
R. Dreher...................
H. Ellerbrock and C. Mahler..
J. Fallows....................
A. Fischer...................
New Orleans, La..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
New Orleans, La..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Paris, France...............
Roxbury, Mass............
Lanesville, Ky...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Montrose, Pa..........
Pekin, Ill............
Pittsford, N. Y.........
Pittsford, N. Y.......
Roxbury, Mass.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Milwaukee, Wis.......
Baltimore, Md...........
Philadelphi:., Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Feb. 6,1872
July 9, 1872
Mar. 12, 1872
Dec. 30, 1873
July 22, 1873
June 8, 1858
May 24, 1870
Nov. 25, 1873
Apr. 13, 1869
Nov. 2:3,1869
June 13, 1815
May 11, 1831
July 23, 1872
July 14, 1868
June 1, 1869
May 17, 1859
Mar. 19, 1867
Sept. 29, 1868
Feb. 11, 1873
May 18, 1869
July 13, 1869
Apr. 16, 1872
Feb. 6, 1872
Nov. 3, 1868
Mar. 20, 1866
lndex of patents issued from the United States Patenst Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continned.
Beer-cooler -----------------------------------
ilccr-cooler..................................- -
B cer-cooler------------------- ------------------
Lcer-cooler-------------------- ---------------
Leer. cooler------------------ ----------- -----
Bee= -cooler....................................
Leer-cooler-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Leer-cooler.----------------------------"-------
Beer-cooler.. - - - - - - - - -... - - - - " -
Leer-cooler-- - - - - - - - - - - - -..... -
B er-cooler....................
Lcu -ooler------------------------------------
Leer-cooler. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --i
Leer-cooler-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
Leer-cooler for beer on draught..................
Le-cooler, Portable.........................
Bee r-cooler tap-holder attachment.__ -___ -- - - __
Ileei-drawin" attachments for casks, &c.. -.. --_
Lo, Fa7ctitious................................
LeerIFermenting-tun for.. _.. _.........._.....
Beer-forimg apparatus..........................
Leci-fountain, Portable.........................
Leer fromi casks, Hydro-pneumatic apparatus for
Beer fromn barrels, Apparatus for forcing..___..
Leer fronmb-arrels, Apparatus foi- forcing.-_-.--
Leer, &c. from barrels, Apparatus for foscing.--_
Ber horn malt and Indian meal, Manufacture of..Beer-glass, &c., Froth-arrester for. ------ ---
Beer-hoppinsg apparatus-------------
Beer, Mach ne. for mashing and boiling wort for...
Beer, M aking - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Beer, Makinm' ----------------------------
Becr, Makiug...........................-----
Beer, Making spruce.........................
Beer, Manufacture of.......................
Leeri Manufactuse of lager.............
Beer, Mlan utacture of small...................
Beer, Manufacturing spruce.................._
Leer-material, Concentrated-----------------...
Beer-mug -...............................----
Beer on draught, Apparatus for preserving.._..
Beer or ale by re-brewing, Restoring sour or musty.
Beer, Pine-apple.............................
Leer-preserver andl cooler..................- - --- --
Beer, Preseiviu g-------------------------....
Beer-preserving app~aratus- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -
Beer-preserving apparatus ------------
Beer-preserviiig cellar........................
Beer, Root or tonic...........................
IBeer, Vegetable............................
Beer, &c., vessel...................................
Beswater, and other liquids, Apparatus for cooling and purifying.
Beer whsile on draught, Preserving..............
Beer with colil aip rparantus for p reserving andk
Iiiventor. Residence.
A. Foubert--......... uflN --------------BuflN.....
J. Frageser ------------------New York, N. Y......
G. Fuchs aind J. Luigart-. - -.Logansport, Ind._-.---_.
J. Gecenss- --------------Cbicago, Ill............
W.Gee................. New York, N. Y....
J. Gimlich ------------------IPittsfield. Miss......
P. I. Grifflin---------------__Albany, N. Y......
V. Haciluer---------------- Dobb's Ferry, N. V.__
U. M. Ilasziuger _____-_Vicksburgh. Miss----
C. N. Hang -----"----------- Newv York, N. Y.....
H. Hieimorle ----------- ----- Buffalo, N. Y..........
J. Herget. - - -----.....Saint Louis, Mo -.__._
N. Hiemeuz---------------...Buffalo, N. Y.........._
A. Ilitsces-eich........ Mila-ukee, Wis___----._
J. Hloefer-----------------.._New- York, N. Y -_._
C. Jones------------------...Booklyn, N. Y-........
E. raft ---------- ---------Tyrone, Pa.-.---------
J. M. Otto-.----------------L.sBooklyn, N. Y.........
A. Pfund.------------------ New York, N. Y.....
[.Pielsebi and M. Walter.. Milwaukee, Wia....
A. 1). Pules---------------..... Somei yuile, Mass. __.__.
T. L. lRankin andl C. W. Grass- New Richmond, Ohio, and
muck. Peru, Ill.
HT. Hensch-----------------.....Quiucy, Ill.----------....
A.. F. Rick----------------..Chicago. Ill............
C. L. Ridgway - -.._.-. Lostosn, Mass-.. _......._
V. Rese------------------___Saiiit Louis, Mo-..__
I). S a ger- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - --Albany, N. Y..........- -
A. W. and J. Sangster-..._ L uffalo, N. Y.. -__-. -....
F. Schmidt.-.-.--.---...---..--Milwaukee, Wis __.._.
L. Schulzo-----------------......Louisville, Ky.. _.......
P. Seliwikhart-----------..... Buffalo, N. Y..........
H. Shienudeman--------------- Decalur, Ill----__------_
II. Steubng --------New York, N. Y......
F. Sircubel and A. Roes.__ N wew York, N. Y.....
M. Tsehirgi and 1. Kammiilier. 1)abuque, Iowa.. - - -.-_.
G. B. Tuxroell----------------- New York, N. Y -.___
F. IUhrlansl.-----------------LBufilo,N.Y.......
G. Waters.--------._-------Cincinnati, Ohio..
G. Winter----------------...Buffalo, N. Y.. -...
J. Yates and E. Deuell BrLsooklyu, N. Y..........
H. Sell.......-..-.-....-....-Now York. N. Y......
E.C. Lundy ----------------(Oneonita, N. Y..........
J. H. Fisher---------------- Chicago, IllI............
S. Marks------------------..San Fr-ancisco. Cal --__
A. H. Ladner and T. F. Fenlin Philadelphia, Pa.-----
F. Luedke----------------___New York, N. Y-_.._
A. Hamumei.-__- - ----.--- Philadelphia., Pa......
W. H. Otto and P. Korper.- _Tresmont, Pa............
D. Gay-----......... atM-----------------BtM........
R. Sealy------------------...New York, N. Y......
Jan. 9, 1872
De. 1.7, 1861
June 9, 1868
Nov. 10, 1868
Aug. '-'3, 1870
May 27, 1873
Lee.. 31, 1867
Jan. 20,1836:3
Jisie 13, 1871
Jan. 24, 18371
Dec. 31, 1867
Sept. 11, 1866
May 12, 18t
Nov. 9, 1889
May 23, 1865
May 24, 1859
Dcc. 24, 1872
June 4, 1872
Juiie 17, 187:3
Apr. 6, 1869
Nov. 24, 1868
Dec. 29, 1868
Nov. 27, 1866
Apr. 22, 1873
Aug. 29, 1871
Apr. 3, 1866
June 28, 1864
Apr. 29, 1873
Oct. 13, 1868
May 7, 1867
May 5, 1868
Oct. 6, 186%
Oct. 22, 1861
Aug. 14, 1866
July 16, 1861
Sept. 19, 1865
Sept. 19, 1315
Oct. 27, 18(68
Ney. 17, 1868
Ma-. 14, 1871
Mar-. 15, 11376
Sept. 23, 1873
Oct. 28, 11373
Juiie 28, 187:)
Sept. 25, 1860
Jan. 2, 1855
Feb. 13, 1872
Ap-. 24, 1849
Aug. 31, 1844
May 28, 1872
Nov. 19), 1872
June 17, 1873
Aug. 25, 1863
Nov. 17, 1868
June 30, 18618
Jan. 7, 1868
Sept. 1-2, 1871
Mar. 6, 1866
June 27, 1865
Feb. 17, 1820
Oct. 29, 18 72
July 17, 1866
Sept. 22,1(168
Jan. 27, 1832
Fob. 3, 1852
Dec. 30, 1873
Aug. 19, 18 73
Jan. 11,1832
Feb. 11, 1868
May 15, 1860
May 23, 1871
Sept. 2, 1873
May 25, 1869
May 29, 1866
Mar. 16, 1869
Apr. 4, 1871
Mar. 21, 1846
Oct. 30, 1866
Feb. 2-2, 1870
122, 592
33, 967
78, 659
8:1, 953
366, 686
139, 310
7-2, 7 31
37, 443
115, 850
111, 203
72, 733
57, 9'00
77, 732
96, 590
47, 823
24, 1 24
127, 639
140, 073
88, 584
84, 439
85, 477
60, 059
138, 195
118, 646
53, 682
43, 342
138, 289
83, 699
64, 452
77, 664
40, 200:13,::49
57, 221
32, 845
50, 055
5'1, 056
83, 431
84, 244
11.2, 742
100. 852
144, 119
104, 74 2
30, 147
12, 160
123, 639
6. 393
3, 725
127, 156
133, 1084
139, 882:39, 6845
84, 242
73, 0 56
118, 901
53, 078
48, 413
13-2, 174
56, 453
82, 401
8, 708
146, 0178
141, 944
74, 429
28, 289
115, 072
142, 428
90, 349
55, 151
87, 878
113, 617
4, 430
59, 188
100, 027
19, 690
J.Dvi -J. Devlin....................
J. Siugers....................
J. Wiiikler.................--
W. S. Haighst...............--
J. and M. Stark............
H. L. Bowkcr.... _..........
J. S. Bressler...............
E. J. Krause...............
J. Williams..............--
C. C. Haley................
J. Schneider...............
0. F.Gs-een and J.F. Clark..
G. Jones------------... ----
F. G. Riotsch..............
W. C. King.................--
J. W. Moore.................
M. Granger.................
G. Rivera..................
J. McKellar................_
J. Lorenz...................A. Adasuetz-----------------
W. Dietriclisen............
A. F. W. Neynaber..........11'. Schmid..................B. Bates..--.........._.
S. Whiten..................--
WV. Compton................
J. P. Gruber..............
Brooklyn, N. Y._____-._
Brooklyn, N. Y....
Brooklyn, IN. Y..........
Chicago. Ill------------
Hudson City, N. J.---
Waterforid, N. Y.----
Buffalo, N. Y........_
Bayton, Mass..........--
Milwaukee, Wis._.._.
Lancaster, Pa.. _...
Cambridge, Mass._-_
Tsoy, N. Y............--
Williemsburglh, N. Y.
Saint Louis, Mo.
liosten, Mass-..
Rudoletz, Austria _. - _-.Pitt sburgh, Pa..........
Bellefonte, Pa.9......
Lowville, N. Y ----._...
Cambridgeport, Mass.
Thomaston, Me..._.......
Hamilton, Ohio -.--
New York, N. Y. --__.
Newark, N. J.--...._.
Plhiladelphiia, Pa. __.
Chicago, Ill..............
Baltiuore,Md...........Hartford, Con..........New York, N. Y..New Yoi-k, N. Y.-----
ID. Wernz....................New York, N. Y......... _Nov. 13, 1866
F. lucher...................Mascoutab, Ill............ Dcc. 5, 1871
0. P. Lewis................
J. Baings.............---..
C. S. HI. Fester............
H. Ryder................----
W. W. Andrews............
A.G. evin................
W. Fletcher...............--
XV. Hoyt---------------......
J. Kintz....................--
J. iHegester.................
J. S. Tibbets...............--
H. Tyler...................
Cincinnati, Ohio--------- _ _Oct. 25, 1870
South Denisis, Mass. _-__-_ loFb. 25,1868
Deer Isle, Me------------.Dc 15, 1868
Somerville, Mass._.... Oct. 8 1872
Warrensville, Ohio..._.Oct.21, 1862
East Hampton, Con..... June 1, 1869
New York, N. Y...........June 1t 1869
Brookville, Ind------------ _ Mar. 3, 182.)
W~est Mes-iden, Conn.... _ Api. 19, 1870
Baltinmore, Md------------.Mai. 14, 1871
Evasnsville, Ind-----------Aug. 4, P63
Utica, N. Y---------------.Oct. 20,18:6
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i r
Bell,.Tolian chiming.............................. H. Herrmann...............
Bell, Alarm.S..................................... S.C. Bond.............
Bell, Alarm-------------------------------------........................................ L. F. Bruce...................
Bell, Alarm....................................... L. Holmes..................
Bell, Alarm.......................................T. and G. A. Pemberton.......
Bell, Alarm....................................... C. Penfield...........
Bell, Alarm--.............----------------_.. W. M Preston................
Bell, Alarm.................................... C. A. Slack...................
Bell, Alarm...................................... C. Wiley.....................
Bell alarm, Door................................C. C. Gerhardt and G. S. Lan
Bell and bell wheel, Rotating...................... J. Regester................
Bell and burglar-alarm, Door..................... D. L. Collins..................
Bell and burglar-alarm, Door.......................... E. H. Crane.._.............
Bell and burglar-alarm, Door..................... M. A. Genung..............
Bell and caster-stand, Call............................F. A. Blatterlien..........
Bell anO gong striking apparatus.................. C. and G. M. Stevens.......
Bell and slop-bowl, Call...............NLawrence.................... N. Lawrence.....
Bell and table-caster, Combined................... H. A. Dierkes..............
Bell and vessel, Call..........N.Lawrence............................... N. Lawrence.....
Bell attachment................................. A. E. Taylor.................
Bell attachment, Alarm---.....---.................... A. Sherwood..................
Bell, Call......................................... H. H.. Abe -.................
Bell, Call......................................... E. C. Barton...............
Bell, Call......................................... N. L. Bradley..-.............
Bell, Call......................................... E. G. Cone....................
Bell, Call......................................... H. A. D)ierkes...............
Bell, Call......................................... H. A. Dicrkes.................
Bell, Call.................................... H.A. Dierk s and J. Fretts...
Bell, Call......................................... W. H. Nichols.............
Bell, Call......................................... W. H. Nichols..............
Bell Call........................................ E. Parker.................
Bell, Call......................................... D. W. Sexton...............
Bell, Call...................................... H.Stratton............
Bell, Call-....................................... H. A. Thompson.............
Bell Call........................................ C. Volger.. -....................
Bell, Car....................................... A. Borrowman..............
Bell, Car..------------------------------------. J. Sweeney...................
Bell Cast-iron.....----------------------------------E. G. Cone...................
Bell, Ceremonial.------------J.H.Smith.................................. J.H. Smith....
Bell, Chime and alarm....--------------------------- G. R. Meneely..............
Bell, Cow or sheep....------------------------------- S. Newton..............
Bell-crank......................................... M.C. Ames..................
Bell, Door......................................... W. Allport...................
Bell, Door........................................W. Allport...................
Bell, Door....................................... H. D. Blake...................
Bell, Door......................................... F. Blakemore...............
Bell, Door........................................ A. T. Brooks............
Bell, Door-...................................... A. T. Brooks................
Bell Door-.................................... N. F. Cone....................
Bell, Door..---------. - N.F. Cone....................
Bell, Door....................................... J. P. Connell................
Bell, Door....................................... J. P. Connell.........
Bell, Door........................................ J.P. Connell..............
Bell, Door........................................ M. L. Delavau and J. Dyson..
Bell, Door........................................ M. A. Genung..............
Bell, Door........................................ E. H. Goldman and D. W.
I isey.
Bell Door..................................... T. Lyons.......
Bell, Door- W. T. Munger.................
Bell, Door.......................................W. H. Nichols. -...........
Bell, Door..................................... W. H. Nichols............
Bell, Door........................................ C. S. Niekelson................
Bell, Door........................................O. A.North................
Bell, Door........................................ O. B. Oakley and H. Rosekrans
Bell, Door......................................... M. B. Ogden..................
Bell, Door........................................C.Pentield.................
Bell, Door........................................ C. Penfieold...................
Bell, Door................W. Saladee.......................C. W. Salade..
Bell, Door........................................--------------------------------------.. E. B. Sims...................
Bell, Door........................................ A. A. Stuart................
Bel, Door........................................ A. L. Swan...-----------------.
Bell, Doo-....................................... A. Turnuball....----.
Bell, Door......................................... -W. H. Watrous............
Bell, Door and alarm............................. G. O. Lackey...............
Bell, Diving.................................... J. A. Weisse...............
Bell, Electro-magnetic alarm..................... M. G. Farmer.............
Bell, Electro-maguetic alarm...................... C.Williams,jr., and J. Redding
New York, N. Y.........
Hainesville, Ill............
Bridgeport, Conn......
Paters.on, N. J.........
Birmingham, England.-...
New Britain, Conn....-.
Roxbury, N.Y............
Frenchtown, N. J". _ -" _
Hannibal Centre, N. Y....
Wyandotte, Kans.._....
Baltimore, Md..........
Antwerp, \.Y............
Burr Oak, Mich...........
Granville, Ohio...........
West Meriden, Conn......
Boston, Mass.......
Taunton, Mass.-.. -_
New York, N. Y..........
Taunton, Mass..........
Ogdensburgh, N. Y........
Auburn, N. Y............
East Hampton, Conn......
East Hampton, Conn......
West Meriden, Conn..--
East Hampton, Conn......
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York. N. Y.......
East Hampton, Conn......
East Hampton, Conn......
West Meriden, Conn......
East Hampton, Conn......
West Meriden, Conn......
Hartford, Conn...........
Wilmington, Del..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.....
East Hampton, Conn...
Keokuk, Iowa..........
West Troy, N. Y..........
Hartford, Conn..........
New Britain, Conn......
New Britain, Conn.....
New Britain, Coun..-....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New Britain, Conn......
New Britain, Conn........
La Crosse, W is...........
La Crosse, Wis...........
Kensington, Conn........
Kensington, Conn.......
Kensington, Conn.......
New Britain, Conn..._....
Granville, Ohio........
Kansas, Ill............
Hartford, Conn............
New Britain, Conn.......
Chatham, Conn.--.--
East Hampton, Conn...... - -
Canton, N. Y..............
New Britain, Conn.......
San Francisco, Cal........
Fond du Lac, Wis........
New Britain, Conn........
New Britain, Conn.......
Circleville, Ohio......-...
Antworp, N. Y............
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.......
Ch: rry Valley, N. Y.......
New Britain, Conn........
Hiarlford, Coon............
Akron, Ohio..............
New York, N. Y..........
Salem, Mass..........
Somerville and Charles
Feb. 7, 1871
May 9, 1871
Aug. 3, 1869
May 18, 1869
Apr. 19, 1870
Jan. 12, 1869
Apr. 2, 1872
Feb. 9, 1869
Mar. 23, 1869
Apr. 16, 1872
July 13, 1869
Nov. 20, 1866
June 26, 1866
June 17, 1862
Nov. 8, 1870
May 21, 1872
June 28, 1870
Dec. 7, 1869
Aug. 30, 1870
Oct. 23, 1860
Aug. 26, 1873
Jan. 2, 1866
Aug. 20, 1872
Aug. 25, 1863
Oct. 27, 1868
Aug. 8, 1871
Mar. 26, 1872
Mar. 21, 1871
July 16, 1867
Aug. 27, 1872
Mar. 29, 1864
May 3, 1864
Feb. 11,1873
June 5, 1866
June 20, 1871
Apr. 16, 1867
Nov. 27, 1866
Aug. 6, 1867
Jan. 10, 1871
Jan. 2, 1872
Dec. 22, 1804
May 7, 1872
Dec. 29, 1868
Apr. 12, 1870
Apr. 9, 1872
July 2, 1872
Dec. 31, 1867
June 30, 1868
Sept. 8, 1863
Feb. 23, 1864
Mar. 21, 1871
June 18, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
July 23, 1867
Mar. 10, 1863
May 24, 1870
Aug. 11, 1868
June 20, 1871
Jan. 30, 1866
Sept. 22,1868
Oct. 24, 1865
Apr. 27,1869
Sept. 1, 1868
Aug. 23, 1864
July 30,1867
Jan. 12, 1869
Mar. 16, 1869
Sept. 16, 1873
May 20, 1873
Nov. 19, 1872
June 13, 1865
Mar. 20,1866
Oct. 25, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
May 4, 1852
Feb. 7, 1871
July 15, 1856
June 29, 1869
Apr. 13, 1858
Sept. 9, 1862
Dec. 19, 1808
Mar. 18, 1834
Sept. 29, 1863
Oct. 9, 1866
Apr. 20, 1869
May 28, 1872
Nov. 30, 1869
Feb. 14, 1871
Feb. 14, 1854
Oct. 9, 1866
June 15, 1858
Dc. 26, 1871
June 12, 1866
May 4, 185;9
Jan. 8, I(J9
111, 537
114, 521
93, 168
90, 173
102, 035
85, 760
125, 328
86, 876
88, 106
125, 731
92, 470
59, 820
55, 823
35, 603
109, 101
126, 992
104, 859
97, 617
106, 840
30, 509
142, 287
51, 784
130, 690
39, 697
83, 468
117, 871
125, 029
112, 907
66, 174
130, 818
42, 107
42, 604
135, 860
55, 392
116, 241
63, 843
60, 083
67, 500
110, 875
122, 397.....
126, 369
85, 352
101, 6C9
125, 530
128, 458
72, 791
79, 308
39, 796
41, 683
112, 903
127, 959
132, 199
67, 030
37, 863
103, 446
80, 983
116, 082
52, 365
82, 434
50, 616
89, 331
81, 672
43, 924
67, 212
85, 759
87, 794
142, 953
139, 206
133, 269
48, 242
53, 386
108, 708
89, 453
8, 920
111, 707
15, 323
92, 095
19, 949
36, 436.....
40. 108
58, 580
89, 024
127, 333
97, 383
111, 729
10, 532
58, 576
20, 538
122, 200
55, 558
89, 820
91, 019
Bell, Electro-magnetic fog........................
Bell. Enameled..................................
Bell, Fog ---.....................................
Bell for doors, Alarm.............................
Bell for lire-engines, Alarm.......................
Bell for horses...................................
Bell for horses, Alarm chime.....................
Bell, Gong..........................................
Bell, Gong.........................................
Bell, Gong....................................
Bell-head, Rotary..................................
Bell-holder, Stationary............................
Bell, Horse...................................
Bell, House......................................
Bell, H ouse......................................
Bell, House.......................................
Bell, House.......................................
Bell joint.......................................
Bell-lever box....................................
town, Mtass.
A. Barbarin and B. F. Simms.. New Orleans, La..........
F. Raymond -----------------. Woodhaven, N. Y.........
A. C. Rand and R. R. Johnson. Buffalo, N. Y.............
E. Barton...-. -.--... East Hampton, Conn......
J. P. Parke. --... --....... Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Barton --....................Cairo, N. Y................
C. Kirchkof..................Newark, N. J............
I. A. Bevin................. Chatham, Conn...........
L. S. Carpenter............. East Hampton, Conn.._...
H. A. Foss................... New Britain, Conn........
S. M. and W. M. Fulton...... Pittsburgh, Pa............
S. Croll...................... Philadelphia, Pa.........
J. Barton.................... Middle Haddam, Conn....
H. Barton.................... East Hampton, Conn......
J. Barton..-................ East Hampton, Conn......
A. L. Swan..------------------Cherry Valley, N. Y......
A. Turnbull ----------INew Britain, Conn.......
1.1..Walker................WVolverm raptonm, England.
B. WV. Hopper............... Astoria, N. Y.............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Con tinued.
Bell-levers, Attaching caps to bases of..........
Bell, Locomotive alarm.............
Bell-machinery for hotels, &c.................
Bell, Magnetic alarm.........................
Bell or gong, Door................................
Bell or gong, Door..------------------------..............................
Bell, Portable house...--------------
Bell, Pressure......................
Bell pull -.. - - - -......-- - - - - - - - - -.
Bell-pull. --------------------------------
Bell. Pull. -.-------------------------------.
Bell-pull... ---------------------------------
Bell-pull.-- ---------------------------
Bell-pull, Noiseless.---------------..--------
Bell pulls and trips, Construction of----.........---.....---
Bell-ringer, Automatic....................
Bell-rin er, Steam.................................
Bell ringer, Steam................................-------------------------
Bell-ringer, Steam ----------................................Bell-ringer, Steam -----------------_-_------
ecll-ringer, Steam.................................
Bell-t inging apparatus............................
B ell ringing apparatus - -........ -.-.Bell ringing apparatus-..-- -- --.--.---
Leil ringing apparatus for locomotive, Automatic..
Bell- ropeo supporter......--.....------.
Bell ropes, Eye for railway-car..............
Bell, Self-adjusting fog.....................
Bell, Sheet steel...--------------------------
Bell, Signal.......................................
Bell, Signal.......................................
Bell, Signal or alarm...................
Bell strap, Cow..............................
Bell, Table or call................................
Bell to straps, Attaching....................
LBell-yoke attachment...................
Bells and adjustable clappers for ringing fog.....
Bells, &c., Apparatus for sounding house..........
Bells by steam, Ringing.....................
Bells, Casting....................
Bells, Constructing and hanging.............
Bells, Construction and tone of...................
Bells, Device for ringing street-car................
Bells, Die for making....---------------------
Bells, Electro-magnetic machine for ringing.....
Bells for cows, &c., Brazing and bronzing.......
Bells, Hanging..................................
Bells, Hanging..................................
Bells, Hanging...................................
Bells, Hanging...................................
Bells, Hanging..................................
Bells, Hlanging......-...........................
Bells, Ranging..................................
Bells, Hanging..................................
Bells, Hanging---------------------------....................................
Bells, Hanging...................................
Bells, Hanging...........................
Bells, Hanging.........................
Bells, Hanging...................................
Bells, Hanging.................................
Bells, Hanging.....................
Bells, Hanging..............................
Bells, Hanging...........................
Bells, Hanging door.............................
Bells, Hanging house.............................
Bells, Machine for making wire...............
Bells, Machinery for operating fog..........
Bells, Machinery for ringing log.................
Bells, Manufacture of corrugated................
Bells, Manufacture of cow................
Bells, Manufacture of cow........................
Bells, Method of making smoke...................
Bells, Mold for casting...........................
orls pling th inside.of
Bells, Molding....................................
Bells, Molding and casting....................
Bells, Ringing....................................
Bells, Ringing................................
Bells, Ringing....................................
Bells, Rio lug.........---...................
Bells, Ringing --.
Bells, Ringing -- --------------------------.....
Bells, Hinging fixed..........................
Bells to straps, Mode of attaching horse.............
Bells to their yokes, Attaching.............
Bells, &c., Tuning -................................
E. W. Brettel................
B. Briscoc....................
T. D. Jackson and A. Judson..
A. Eckert..................
H. H. Abbe...................
A. G. Dexter...........
A. W. Hale.................
J. Barton...................
S. Bonsall and L. Hillebrand...
S Bonsall and L. Hillebrand..
C. J. Bradbury................
J. Garvey and M. H. Kimball..
J. Garvey and M. H. Kimball..
H. Homer.....................
W. T. Munger................
W. M. Preston.........
J. J. C. Smith.................
A. L. Swan...............
A. L. Swan.....---------------
J. F. Cory........
S. L. Cdoell, jr............
E. N. Scherr................
W. HI. Beach...............
G. B. S n o w..........
J. West and O. M. Parker...
J. West and O. M. Parker.....
J. R. Baird......- -..
J. Harrison...................
RI. Kinsley -............-..
J. S. Lamar...........
W. C. Marshall............
W. M. Walton..-............
H. L. l)e Zeng.--
J. E. Tencate........
G. F. and D. H. Benckert......
J. A. Woodward.. ----.....
G. H. Hoa land... ------
J. H. and A. Hughs..........
A. W. Turner................
D. W. Welch.................
C. H. Mencely...............
D. Jones, jr....- --............
J. Corduan....................
G. B. Snow............
A. Jusberg...................
E. Dewey.....................
I. Leslie......................
C. Carr -......................
A. Patterson..........
C. Robinson...................
S. Booth.-.......--
G. E. Baker..................
H. Belfied.. --......
T. H. Bell ------------
J. Currier -...............-...
N. G. Du Bois................
G. Equitlon..................
S. F u ller....... _.. _
G. W. Hildreth.............
M. R. Jones.......
A. Laroye....................
A. Lynar...................
G. I1. Meneely................
G. R. Meneely...............
J. Itussell.. -.......
E. W. Vanduzen.............
E. W. Vanduzen..............
J. B. Young................
J. O. Harris..................
E. Stetson...........
R. W. Norton................
J. Haynes..................
A. Morse....................
G. S. Saxton...-----.-----------.
G. C. Albaugh..............
W. T. and L. B. Tibbals.......
J. S. and T. B. Atterbury......
E. Jones.....................
W. H. Davis..................
B. Hanks..................
J. R. Hopkins..........
O. Jones......-.............
J. Harrison..................
J. Harrison..................
J. Harrison............
B. Kitt--..
T. V. Stran.................
P. L. Weimer.......
A. Carson
J. Barton...................
G. R. Meneely...............
A. Patterson..................
J. Arndt......................
W. T. Barnes..................
Elizabeth, N. J
Detroit, Mich.
Rochester, N. Y
Trenton, Ohio.
Chatham, Coni
San Francisco,
New Britain, C
Middle Haddar
Philadelphia. F
Philade phia, I
Boston, Mass..
San Francisco,
San Francisco,
New York, N.
New Britain, C
Roxhury, N. Y
Somerville, Ma
Cherry Valley,
Cherry Valley,
New York, N.
Troy, N. Y...
Philadelphia, P
Chicago, Ill.
Buffalo, N. Y. _
Quincy, Ill.
Quincy, Ill --
Vincennes, Ind
Troy, N. Y...-.
Springfield, M
Augusta, Ga...
Hartford, Connr
Newark, N. J.
Geneva, N. Y_
Pittsburgh, Pa
Philadelphia, I
Philadelphia, F
Port Jervis, N.
Wautoma, Wis
New York, N.
Middle Hadda
Troy, N. Y..Saint John, N
Brooklyn, N. Y
Buffalo, N. Y..
Galva, Ill..
New York, N.................
Boston, Mass -
Birmingham, P
New York, N.
Berlin, Conn..
Wankegan, Ill
Philadelphia, P
Washington, D
Boston, Mass..
Brooklyn, N. Y
Paris, France.
Boston, Mass.
Lockport, N. Y
Troy, N. Y....
Sas Slykens, ne
New York, N.
West Troy, N.
West Troy, N.
New York, N.
Cincinnati, Ohi
Cincinnati, Ohi
Harper's Ferry
Ottawa, Ill -..
New Bedford, '
New Haven, Co
Pembroke, Me
Portland, Me..
Saint Louis, Mc
Louisville, Ky
Cobalt, Conn..
Pittsburgh, Pa
Troy, N. Y....
Brooklyn, N. Y
Albany, N. Y..
Lincoln, Me-- -
Troy, N. Y.... - -
New York, N.
New York, N.
East Hampton,
Cincinnati, Ohi
New Albany, Is
Lebanon, Pa. -
New York, N."
Middle Haddam
West Troy, N.
Birmingham, P
Wheeling, Va..
Buffalo, N. Y...
nce. Date. No.
-........ Aug. 2, 18,0 105, 900...... Mar. 2, 1e69 87, 462
- -..... Oct. 17, 1846 4, 816...... Oct. 10, 18541 11,780... J... uly 11, 1865 48. 637
Cal....... June 13, 1865 48, 234
onn..... Aug, 31, 1858 21,335
m, Conn... Apr. 8, 1856 14, 593
a........ Mar. 3, 1868 75, 118
a..... I)c. 15, 1868 84, 998....... Feb. 28, 1860 27, 330
Cal..... Nov. 3, 1868 83, 622
Cal-..... Nov. 3, 1868 83, 623
Y........ Sept. 5, 1865 49, 757
onn.... June 10, 1873 139, 687........ Aug. 20, 1872 130, 742
ss.... -----Jan. 18, 1870 99, 020
N. Y--..... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 682
N. Y---... Aug. 19, 1873 142, 057
Y........ Nov. 3, 1868 83, 606
- July 16, 1867 66, 801
a ------- Mar. 1, 1859 23, 118. Apr. 19, 1864 42, 428...... June 11,1872 127,933
-........ June 25, 1872 128, 441.. Jan. 7, 1873 134, 719
-.. -.. Nov. 17, 1857 18, 6-23.......... Aug. 28, 1860 29, 184
ass....... June 11, 1861 32, 520........ July 9, 1872 128, 801........... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 461.. Dec. 21, 1869 98, 130... Aug. 26, 1856 15, 605...... Jan. 9, 1872 122, 679
a.-...-.. Oct. 11, 1859 25, 714
'a........ Nov. 15, 1859 26, 137
Y---------... July 21, 1857 17, 836............ Dec. 19, 1871 122, 020
Y..J...... an. 30, 1866 52, 344
m, Conn...-. Aug. 10, 1869 93, 652
May 9, 1871 114,585
ew Bruns- Nov. 27, 1849 6, 915..... Mar. 29, 1859 23, 353....July 11, 1854 11, 307.. Aug. 27, 1867 68,206
-Y - --- Apr. 10,1839 1,114............ Feb. 2,1793.......... Apr. 5, 1870 101, 580
a..- -----.. - Mar. 5, 1867 62, 678
Y.......- Dec. 6, 1864 45, 347..........- June 1, 1832................ July 10, 1866 56, 160
a.......... Apr. 12, 1859 23, 639. C........ Apr. 17, 1860 27, 880........... Jan. 23, 1834............ Jan. 12, 1858 19, 082...... Oct. 26, 1869 96, 092...... Dec. 26, 1833 ---.. -- -...June 19, 1855 13, 089. Mar. 19, 1872 124, 685
ar Ostend, Mar. 21,1871 112,932
Y......... Dee. 24, 1819....
Y.--........ Sept. 7, 1858 21, 422
Y.......... Oct. 9, 1860 30, 338
Y...... Oct. 10, 1829.
o........ Oct. 23, 1866 59, 018
o...... Oct. 23, 1866 59, 099, Va...-.. July 4, 1854 11, 236
-.. -.. June 21,1864 43,2:13
Mass....... Aug. 17,1843 3, 226
)nn.... Aug. 30, 1870 106, 951..... Apr. 2, 1861 31, 886.... Aug. 27, 1861 33, 156
o........... Dec. 17, 1867 72, 422............ Feb. 26, 1861 31,521.......... Aug. 31, 1869 94, 453........ Aug. 14, 1866 57, 063............ Dec. 18, 1855 13, 948............ Sept. 15, 1868 82, 004............ Nov. 4, 1816.
-......... Nov. 17, 1857 18, 641......... Oct. 4, 1870 107, 918
Y......... Mar. 8,1864 41, 843
Y...... Aug. 6, 1867 67, 537
Conn..... May 20, 1873 139, 147
o......... June 5,1860 28, 586
nd........ June 29, 1852 9, 081.... July 23,1837 67, 006
Y'-------- Dec. 6,1853 10,300
a, Conn.... Feb. 21, 1854 10, 539
Y......... July 28, 1868 80, 422
a..........Nov. 26, 1867 71, 322. Mar. 2 1858 19, 475........... Apr. 24, 1849 6, 400
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bellows----------------------------------...........................................L. Bishop....................
Bellows-............................................ Boeklen and L.Planer......
JB vllow s........................
Bellows, Application of steam to work.......,......
Bellows, Blacsmith's...........................
Bellows by steam, Working..................
Bellows, Double...........................
Bellows, Elastic piston.. -...................
Bellows, Flexible sides for..................
Bellows, Foot.............................Bellows for blasting foundries, furnac. s, forges,
&c., Triangular.
Bellows for blow.pipes.....................
Bellows for furnaces and forges, Pump........
Bellows for furnaces, &c., Construction of.......
Bellows for furnaces, Mode of operating.........
Bellows for furnaces or forges, Working........
Bellows for musical instruments.................
Bellows for pumping ships, Pendulum.............
Bellows for reed-instruments.................
Bellows for smiths' and furnace fires..........
Bellows, Forge............................
Bellows, Forge......-........................
Bellows, Ha~nd.
Bellows, Hand...................................
Bellows, Making......d...................
Bellows, Making japanned....................
Bellows-nozzle from burning, Preserving.........
Bellows or blowing-machine.................
Bellows-pipe, Welding......................
Bellows, Reciprocating.......................
Bellows, Rotary..........................
Bellows, Rotary............................
Bellows, Rotary.........................
Bellows, Sand.-------------------------...
Bellows, Smith's...............................
Bellows, Smith's...................................
Bellows, Smith's..................
Bellows, Smith's..........................
Bellows, Steam...................................
Bellows, Windworm for blacksmith's..............----------
Bellows, Wooden --.........................
Belly-band fastener........................
Belt and band ifastcning....................
Belt and band of rubber and metal, Driving....
Belt attachment for machinery, Slack............
Belt, Cartridge..................................
Belt, Chain.......................................-- 1
Belt clasp.......................................
Belt-clasp, &c..Leather..........................
Belt cpfor machinerling...................................
Belt-coulasp, Leatingr..................................
Belt coupling.....................................
Belt coupling......................................
Belt coupling......................................
Belt coupling......................................
Belt coupling.................................
J. Bowden...............
J. and W. Bowden.......
G. Bushnell...................
G. W. Dalbey.................
G. L. Dimpfel.....................
J. Dixon.................
C. L. English.................
C. D. Everett..................
E. Field......................
A. F. Jones..............
J. B. and J. A. Maxwell.......
A. Miller and U. Faris.......
W. Pilcher...................
J. Robe......................
J. Rumsay................
J. H. Snyder..................
L. U. Stuart............
J. Stevens, jr..........
J. F. Cory and H. C. Webb....
M. Bell...............
W. Lillie.............
A. F. Jones.......--------------...........H. Neumeycr................
W. S. Jacks..............
H. Cassell and W. F. Semple -..
I. Jennings.................
H. Dotterer................
H. Crumlish.................
J. W. Godfrey.................
M. Smith....................
B. Wynkoop.................
I. T. Packard.................
J. R. Morrison...............
H. Dotterer..................
W. Thompson...............
J. Grennell...............
J. J. Eddy................
R. B. Richardson..............
J. Dodge, jr...................
E. Brady......................
A. Pearsall...............
J. S. Butler and A. J. Stucker..
J. Darling....................
H. Phinney.........--......
A. Savage and H Killam......
J. W. Hendley................
J. P. Hemmingsen...........
A. Holmes..........
M. Loomis....................
G. H. Peek..................
J. Eastman...............
A. H. McPharin...............
C. F. Conrad.................
B. and J. Tyler...............
C. H. Horne..................
G.D. Young........
L. Sterne....................
J. W. Howard...........
W. B. Hayden................
W. M. Julian and M. Kidnocker
E. Ainsworth.................
A. D. Ansell............
J. Chenowethi and J. McLain..
G. Churchill..................
G. Cuppers.................
P. Harlow..................
E. H atch -........... -.
J. H. Hawes and G. H. Bliss...
O. Kromer and C. Ohlemacher
I. N.Plotts..................
T. W. Porter.............
J., S. A., G. E, and F. F. Reading.
J. T. Senan................
A. M. Smith..............
C. Towns.....................
G. F. White and H. Chamberlain.
H. G. Ellsworth...........
L. Sanders................
T. H Corbett............
C. Fairfax, jr................
S. Green...................
R J. Jordon................
C. W. T. Krausch...........
NV. Leas...................
W. Leas........
T. S. Livermore.......
J. Mattix......
T. McMullen...............
S. Metzler..................
Readshorough, Vt........
Brooklyn and New York,
Mitcham, England......
Bushwick, N. Y......._
Schodack, N. Y........--
Wheeling, W. Va......
New York, N. Y......_
Pittsborough, N. C......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
Allegheny, Pa........
Red Rock, Iowa........
Chicago, Ill............
M organtown, Va...............................
Rockford, Ill..-.....
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y...
Antis Township, Pa......
Edwards, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Macungie, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.....
Fredericktown, Ohio....
New York, N. Y......_
Philadelphia, Pa....-.
Buffalo, N.Y...................................
New Haven, Conn.........
Campello, Mass-..-----
Springfield, Ohio........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Detroit, Mich.............
Springfield, Mass.........
Providlence, R. I.....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Saint Albans, Vt.. --
Mount Pleasant, N. Y...
Nashville, Tenn...........
Slyver City, Idaho..........
Adrian, Mich........
Kingston, N. Y.........
Scottsville, N. Y.......
Washington, D. C.........
Marshalltown, Iowa......
Pomfret, N. Y............
Worcester, N. Y......
East Hamburgh, N. Y....
Bath, N. Ht...........
Huntingdon, Pa.........
Adrian, Mich..........
Claremont, N. H.....
Astoria, Oreg.......-...
Plymouth, Mass..........
London, England......
Greenville, Ala..........
Columbus, Ohio......
Tarlton, Ohio........
Wilmington, Del..........
Hartford, Conn.......
Auglaize County, Ohio...
Hartford, Conu...........
New York, N. Y..........
Hudson. Mass........
Charlestown, Mass........
Boston and West Stockbridge, Mass.
Sandusky, Ohio............
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass..............
Birmingham, England....
Troy, Ala...............
Rochester, N. Y....-.._
Cleveland, Ohio... _....
Hornsey and London, England.
Auburn, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y---------
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Grand Rapids, Mich.....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Kokomo, Ind..............
Kokomo, Inl........
Leicester, Mass...........
Kokomo, Ind.........
Osgood, hid............
Naperville, Ill...........
Dec. 22,1831
June 16, 1863
July 10, 1869
Feb. 25, 1868
Oct. 1,1867
Nov. 14, 1865
May 23, 1834
June 11, 1827
May 19 1794
Nov. 19, 1867
June 25, 1872
July 10, 1866
Aug. 8, 1871
Feb. 7,1860
Apr. 9, 1872
Aug. 19, 1873
Apr. 17, 1834
Aug. 26, 1791
Dec. 5, 1871
Feb. 11, 1862
Aug. 26, 1791
May 31, 1870
Apr. 24, 1838
June 2, 1845
May 1, 1810
Apr. 30, 1872
Oct. 25, 1864
Apr. 4, 1829
Feb. 25, 1862
Sept. 20, 1808
Apr. 14, 1825
Oct. 7, 1873
May 25, 1803
Feb. 25, 1851
June 26, 1797
Sept. 28, 1852
Dec. 23, 1834
Feb. 16, 1809
Apr. 17, 1860
Aug. 3, 1838
Sept. 9, 1825
Aug. 22, 1817
Jan. 20, 1824
Apr. 3, 1828
Aug. 31, 1858
July 13, 1869
May 23, 1846
Jan. 29, 1867
Nov. 24, 1843
July 24, 1866
Mar. 2, 1869
Mar. 23, 1818
May 2, 1848
May 3, 1870
Apr. 8,1831
June 11, 1829
Dec. 31, 1867
Feb. 1, 1817
Nov. 30, 1869
Jan. 29, 1856
Aug. 3,1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Jan. 31, 1871
Jan. 12, 1869
Oct. 14,1873
July 18, 1865
Oct. 8, 1867
Jan. 18, 1859
Apr. 5, 1864
Feb. 12, 1867
Feb. 11, 1868
Apr. 28, 1868
Nov. 20, 1866
Nov. 7,1865
Mar. 24, 1868
Mar. 24, 1868
Nov. 12, 1872
June 29, 1852
Feb. 16, 1869
Oct. 30, 1866
Mar. 28, 1854
Mar. 4, 1873
Nov. 27, 1855
Aug. 21, 1860
Mar. 23, 1858
July 30, 1867
Apr. 28, 1868
Jan. 23, 1866
July 31, 1866
June 23, 1868
Aug. 7, 1866
Aug. 25, 1868
June 25, 1861
38, 880
56, 335
74, 884
69, 401
50, 912
71, 060
128, 378
56, 199
117, 783
27, 062
125, 605
141, 888
121, 678
34, 380
103, 720
4, 066
126, 214
44, 814
34, 479
143, 439
7, 947
9, 290...........27, 936
92, 580
4, 533
61, 684
3, 350
56, 558
87, 412.....
5, 544
102, 704..........
72, 721
97, 401
14, 175
93, '164
95, 903
85, 830
48, 184
69, 628
22, 624
42, 170
61, 935
74, 354
77, 282
59, 914
50, 841
75, 970
75, 976
133, 061
9, 080
87, 081
59, 332
10, 692
136, 549
13, 843
29, 684
19, 735
67, 197
77, 295
52, 178
56, 767
79, 239
56, 966
81, 391
32, 637
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I i
Belt-coupling...................................... A. C. G. Rathburn and A. M.
Belt-coupling...................................... T. Riidiger..................
Belt-coupling------------------------------E. Thayer..................................... E. Thayer.....
Belt-coupling...................................... J. L. Thomas...............
Belt-coupling.....------------------------------ H. Underwood................
Belt coupling, Round........................... W. S. Jarboe.................
Belt-cutter........................................ M. G. Goodale------------.................
Belt-cutting machine.............................. H. D. Smith..................
Belt-cutting machine, Round--------------................---- J. C. Foster..................
Belt, Driving..................................... W. Clissold.................
Belt, Driving...................................... W. R. Colton.................
Belt, Driving......------------------------------ M.J. Haines..................
Belt, Driving...................................... A. Schpakowsky- ---...Belt, Driving.................................... T. R. White and WV. G. Bedford
Belt, Endless...................................... H. Richards and J. A. Traut..
Belt, Endless driving........_......-............ J. F. Reigart..................
Belt-fastener................................... G.M. Beardsley..............
Belt-fastener............--------- S. S. Bolton-------------...................--
Belt-fastener.....------------------------------ A. Hyde----------------......................Belt-fastener -----..................................... W. C. James......--------..-----.........
Belt fastener...................................... C. Liebrich and L. Uitting.... - -
Belt fastener.:........................... M. Olmsted..................
Belt fastener.....------------------------------C. O. Pike.....................
lelt fastener.....------------------------------ D. Wigger....................
Belt fastener................................... F. G. Wilson.................
Belt fastening.....------------------------------ G. W. Blake...................
Belt fastening.....----------------------------- G. W. Blake................
Belt fastening------------------------------..................................... G. A. Brown--------------..................Belt fastening..................................... M. W. Costolo................
Belt fastcning.......................-........... A. Fickett...............
Belt fastening---------... W. Frazier-...............
Belt fastening. -----------------------------J. W. Hicks..................
Belt fastening.-------- -... '.Kennedy.................
Belt fastening -................................ G. Koeb and L. Houcke..._.
Belt fastening-------.......--............................. --J. C. Merritt................
Belt fastening.......------------------------.----- H. Norfolk------------...............--
Belt fastening................................ ---- J. E. Richard-----------............ --- -
Belt fastening..................................... T. Ruediger................
Belt fastening..................................... E. Schmeltz... _..
Belt-fastening..................................... G. V. Sheffield and B. Whitcomb.
Belt-fastening----------------------------.................................... S. J. Sherman.................
Belt-fastening-----------------------------..................................... P. Subit.......................
Belt-fastening...----------..-------------------.. A. Whiteley................
Belt for polishing, Endless....-------------------- J. A. Traut-...--------- --
Belt for the body, Electric- - -.. - -.. - J.E. Bazault..................
Belt-gearing...................................... - J. H. Butler-- -
Belt-gearing-------------------------------....................................... G. B. Hanmlin.............Belt-gearing...................................... - G. B. Hamlin.............
Belt-gearing---------------------------.......................................--- G. C. Howard..------------
B elt-gearing, Idler for----------------------............................. T. Bell and J. F. Hillerich...
Belt guide.....................................-------------------------------... L R. Jenkins...-..........
Belt-guide.............................-------------------------------.......... C.P. Leavitt................
Leit-hole cover----------------------------.................................... T. P. Rodgers.................
Belt-hole scupper---------------------------...............................B. L. Wood--------------....................Belt-hook....---------------------------------.. F. J. Jones................--
Belt-hook.----------------..-----------------.. F. E. Oliver...................
Belt-hook -----....................................... H. L. Peirce................
Lelt-hook.....---------------------------------C. G. Sargent..................
Belt-hook--...--.----------------------------.. E. F. Sherman................
Belt hook, pliers, and punch....................... N. E. Haleo..........-.
Belt-joining clasp---------------------------................................. B. D. Randleman.........
Belt joining or splicing...-...........-...... J. Ashworth..................
Belt-knife........................................ H. Blake.....
Belt-knives, Manufacture of....................... B. F. Radford.... -...Belt-lacer---...--------------------..--------.. J. K. Priest and W. Earl, jr... --
Belt-lacing--------------------------------........................................ H. A. Alden...................
Belt-lacing........................................------------------------------ H. C. Babcock.............
Belt-lacing device.............................. D. P. Davis..............---
Belt-lacing gage................................... H. Gould....................---------------
Belt-lacing, Machine for cutting... - ----................ B. F. Sanborn -..........
Belt-lacing tool...-. -...---------- J. M. Stamp...--------------.
Belt, Lady's safety............................... M. G. Porter---
Belt, Lady's waist................................. J.M. Flagg..............
Belt-lap cutter-----------------------------....................................C S. Robinson.......
Belt, Machine-----......----------------------............................- ----T. F. Snover...........
Belt on pulley, Apparatus for shifting-------............--- P. J. Zier................
Belt or girdle, Waist............................ M. I. Findley...........
Belt, Pulley.. ------------------------------- L.R. Faught..............
Belt-replacer --....----------------------- W. C. Bridges................
Belt-rivet....................................-..... C. Frank......----------------................Belt-riveting tool.................................. M. D. Lawrence.............
Belt, Safety-------------------------------....................................... N. Downing...................
Belt-shifter -....................................... --------- S. Forsythe...............
Belt-shifter....................................--.. WV. E. Leighton.._----.-.
Belt-shifter............................... J. E. Mutchler...-----------
Belt shifter....................................... T. P. Rogers------- - - - -
Belt shifter................................ W. H. H. Sisum...-.
Belt shifter--- ------------- - W. H. H. Sisum......
Belt shifter and tightener------....... - - B. O'Bryan...........
Belt-shitter for machinery--------------.... L. J. Knowles...----.
Belt-shifting apparatus.......----................. O. H. Wade......
Be-t-shlting device...------------------.. A. M. Freeland......
Belt-shifting device.......................--...... W. Sellers...------....
Belt-shipper.-..................................... E. Buck-- --------------.--
Belt-shipper...................................... T. W. Frost......
Belt-shipper...................................... J. C. Gear.------------.---
11 P
Lyme, Conn.............
Oberle's Corners, Minn....
New York, N. Y.........
Newburgh, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y.........New York, N. Y.........
Lowell, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
New London, Conn........
Dudbridge, England......
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Bristol, England.......
St. Petersburg, Russia....
Philadelphia, Pa....
New Britain, Conn.......
Washington, D. C.....
Fenton, Mich.............
Big Rapids, Mich...-...
Springfield, Mass..........
Fishersville, N. H.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Alum Creek, Tex..."..
North Leverett, Mass.....
New York, N. Y.......
Nashua, N. H.............
Popperell, Mass.........
East Pepperell, Mass......
Reading, Mich............
Boson, Mass.....
Rochester, N. Y..-_.
Hartford, Conn..........
Feb. 7, 1865
June 1, 1869
Jan. 8, 1867
Feb. 11, 1868
Oct. 28, 186-2
Oct. 1, 1872
Nov. 12,1867
Oct. 13, 186:3
June 13, 1871
Aug. 27, 1861
Feb. 4, 1873
Apr. 16, 1867
Dec. 23, 1873
June 25, 1867
Sept. 29, 1868
Dec. 9, 1873
Aug. 25, 1868
Dec. 6,1870
July 1, 1873
July 18,1871
Jan 20, 1863
Nov. 28, 1872
Dec. 17, 1867
Nov. 12, 1867
Dec. 15, 1868
Apr. 24, 1860
Mar. 26, 1861
S'pt. 12, 1871
Dec. 19, 1865
Aug. '23, 18i9
Dec. 20, 1859
Laurel, Md................ Dec. 12, 1871
Mount Carmel, Conn..... Sept. 15, 1868
Springfield, Ohio......... Mar. 30, 1869
West Point, N. Y...-.. Aug.27, 1872
Vicksburgh, Miss....... Apr. 2, 1a72
Columbia, S. C...-... Apr. 22, 1873
Carver County, Minn..... Feb. 4, 1873
New York, N. Y....... Mar. 17, 1868
Worcester, Mass.......... Dec. 24,1867
Brooklyn, N. Y.....--------. Dec. 18, 1866
Boston, Mass-.......-.. Oct. 7, 1873
Springfield, Ohio......... Feb. 5, 1856
New Britain, Conn...... Mar. 26, 1867
Paris, France............ Mar. 26, 1872
Hampden, Me...-.-..- Jan. 17, 1871
Willimantic, Conn-.....:Oct. 11,1870
Willimantic, Coun....... Sept. 10, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 28, 1871
Louisville, Ky -......... Aug. 5, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa........ Sept. 11, 1866
New York, N. Y.. -.-.. Aug. 9, 1870
Taunton, Mass.......... Oct. 28, 1873
Taunton, Mass............ Nov. 18, 1873
Detroit, Mich............. Mar. 31, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 6,1863
Taunton, Mass.......... Apr. 27, 1869
Graniteville, Mass...-.. Dec. 15, 1868
Chicopee, Mass.......... July 21,1868
Nashua, N. H........... Sept. 27, 1859
Port Louisa, Iowa-...... July 21, 1868
Lewiston, Me....---.. Jan. 26, 1869
East Pepperell, Mass...... Aug. 11, 1868
Hyde Park, Mass......... Dec. 19, 1871
Nashua, N. H............. Aug. 25, 1868
Matteawan, N. Y.......... July 31, 1860
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Nov. 12, 1867
New York, N. Y....._.... Dec. 3,1867
Minneap lis, Minn...-.. May 6, 1873
Boston, Mass.....-... --- Sept. 11, 1866
Grass Valley, Cal....... Mar. 8, 1870
Charlestown, Mass...-.. Feb. 1, 1870
Providence, R. I.......... Feb. 6, 1872
Concord, N. H............Feb. 12,1867
Oconto, Wis............... May 12, 1868
Pittsburgh. Pa.... -.. -- Feb. 6,1872
New York, N. Y.......... May 26,1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 15, 1872
Michigan City, Ind...... Apr. 19, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio...-... Apr. 2, 1867
Flintville, Wis............ Aug. 20, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y----------............ Oct. 29, 1861
San Francisco, Cal....... July 23,1872
Pembroke, Me............ Apr. 102, 1870
Grand Rapids, Mich....... Oct. 18, 1870
Taunton, Mass....----------...... Aug. 27, 1872
Newark, N. J.......... May 21, 1872
Newark, N. J............. Apr. 18, 1871
Marietta, Pa.............. June 24, 1873
Warren, Mass............. July 7,1857
East Bridgewater, Mass -..- Oct. 14,1873
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 27,1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 16, 1862
Vincennes, Ind........... June 30, 1868
Dorchester, Mass........ Apr. 14, 1868
Monterey, Cal............. Aug. 14, 1860
46, 264
90, 876
61, 118
74, 449
36, 814
131, 879
70, 711
40, 287
115, 949
135, 409
63, 883
145, 907
82, 640
145, 447
81, 331
109, 798
140, 419
117, 175
37, 453
121, 405
72, 325
70, 930
84, 925
28, 033
31, 859
118, 755
'25, 187
26, 488
121, 781
82, 227
88, 307
130, 816
125, 213
138, 194
135, 492
75, 704
60, 579
143, 474
14, 213
63, 341
125, 06
110, 955
108, 259
131, 268
112, 145
141, 417
57, 917
106, 179
144, 144
144, 816
76, 082
40, 182
89, 499
84, 968
80 2-27
25, 567
80, 219
86, 123
80, 899
121, 963
81, 537
29, 348
70, 775
71, 713
138, 639
57, 976
100, 686
99, 347
123, 471
62, 073
77, 847
123, 543
78, 367
132, 205
101, 978
63, 497
130, 646
33, 579
129, 806
101, 745
108, 379
130, 870
127, 109
113, 939
140, 299
17, 743
143, 736
68, 061
37, 180
79, 443
76, 739
29, 587
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusie-Continued.
Belt-shipper for mules---------------------............................
Belt-splice point finisher..........................
Belt-stop for machinery, Traveling.............
Belt-tensior apparatus.....---------------------
Belt, Waist......................................---
Belt, W aist........................................
Belt, Woven endless............................
Belts, Composition to prevent the slipping of machine.
Belts, Connecting and disconnecting machinery by
means of.
Belts, Fastening driving....................
Belts, Manufacture of India-rubber................
Belts, Shifting..............................
Belts, Tightening and guiding.................
Belts together, Machine for drawing.............
Belts, Tool for mending...........................
Belts, Tool for use in lacing..............
Belting, Apparatus for forming rubber...........
Belting, Artificial leather...........
Belting, Artificial leather _...................
Belting, Composition for stuffing..............
Belting, Elastic..........................
Belting, Elastic..................................
Belting, Fastening for machine...................
Belting, Fastening leather..........................
Belting, Finishing vulcanized India-rubber. _.....
Belting for driving machines..............
Belting for machinery.............
Belting for machinery.....----------------------
Belting, hose, &c., Manufacture of................
Belting, India-rubber.............................
Belting, Lapjoint for.............................
Belting, Leather..........................
Belting, Machine..........................
Belting, Machine................................
Belting, Machine..................................
Belting, Machine.................................
Belting, Machine...............................
Belting, Machine.................................
Belting, Machine......................
Belting, Machine for cutting solid leather........
Belting, Machine for making India rubber.........
Belting, Machine for making rubber...............
Belting, Machine for making rubber..- -.............- -
Belting, Machine for removing rivets from........
Belting, Making rubber.............
Belting, Manufacture of..........................
Belting, Manufacture of..........................
Belting, Manufacture of caoutchouc...............
Belting, Manufacture of elastic....................
Belting, Manufacture of India-rubber............
Belting, Manufacture of India-rubber............
Belting, Manufacture of leather...................
Belting, Manufacture of machine..................
Belting, Manuiacture of machine.............
Belting, Manufacture of paper........
Belting, Manufacture of round........
Belting, Manufacture of rubber...................
Belting, Manufacture of rubber........
Belting, Manufacture of rubber.....
Belting, Manufacture of rubber.................
Belting, Manufacture of vulcanized rubber........
J.C. Goar---------------.....................
J. S. Otis----------------.....................
T. P. Rodgers..............
W. H. Saltmarsh........
G. E. Burt...................
J. C. McLaren................
T. E. Baden..................
S. Rogers..................
D. M. Weston................
S. F. Jewett.................
J. Albertson and D.W. Marmon
H. C. Allyn.........
J. W. Batcheller...........
M. C. Chambelin and'A. Clawson.
L. Funke....................
J. M. Ha wley.........
J. A. and H. A. House......
J. M. King....---------------
R. N. Meriam.............
J. Nichols...................
S. Patton.....................
M. Peatt.....................
J. Pinnell.....................
G. W. Runk..................
W. Sellers....................
T. G. Stansberry.......
A. N. Woodard..........
D. A. J. Lamson..............
A. R. Boylson...........
J. H. Vogt and G. Dietzel.....
S. W. Baker..................
I. F. Eaton...................
T. A. Madison................
J. C. Desumeur, C. and E. Dudin, and L. Delacourt.
A. H. Hook..................
M. W ells......................
C. K. Myers..............
E. F. Miller and B. Gardner -... -
Jamaica Plain, Mass......
Leeds, Mass..............
Taunton, Mass............
Waltlham, Mass.......
Harvard, Mass.........
Montreal, Canada......
Washington, D. C........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Boston, Mass...........-.
Heverhill, Mass........
Richmond, Ind.......
Falls Village, Conn......
Oregon, Mo...............
Plain View, Minn....-....
Champion Mills, N. Mex..
Holton, Ind...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Quincy, Minn.............
Worcester, Mass...-...
Fond du Lac, Wis.....
Chatsworth, Ill......
Dexter, Mich.............
Pittston, Pa............
Franklin, La...........
Haverhill, Mass.........
Medora, Ill...........
Fenton, Mich..........
Cherry Valley, Mass.....
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y.......
Providence, R. I........
Boston, Mass.............
Oct. 21, 1862
Jan. 3, 1871
Sept. 15, 1863
Dec. 24, 1867
July 30, 1872
Dec. 13, 1870
July 26, 1870
Jan. 9, 1866
Apr. 14, 1868
July 22, 1873
Jan. 2, 1872
Apr. 16, 1872
Jan. 23, 1872
Feb. 8, 1870
Jan. 23, 1872
Sept. 10, 1867
June 23, 1863
Dec. 15, 1868
Nov. 9, 1869
Dec. 20, 1864
Aug. 18, 1868
Nov. 19, 1867
Dec. 24,1872
Jan. 24, 1871
Dec. 23, 1873
Sept. 3, 1867
Apr. 19, 1870
Sept. 15, 1857
Nov. 17, 1868
Mar. 11, 1873
Oct. 22, 1861
May 17, 1870
Terre Haute, Ind........ May 31,1859
Guise, France............ Dec. 5,1871
New York, N. Y........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Pekin, Ill...............
Williamsburgh and Hampshire County, Mass.
Apr. 26, 1870
Feb. 2, 1858
Dec. 14, 1869
Oct. 24, 1865
G. W. Miller---------------.................. West Meriden, Conn...... Aug. 4, 1868
F. W. Du Bois................. New York, N. -Y..-----.. May 13, 1873
C. J. Fay...................... Philadelphia, Pa..------.. June 18, 1867
H. Lemaistre...----.............. Brussels, Belgium.-- -....... Mar. 17, 1868
W. P. Powers................. North La Crosse, Wis..... Aug. 26, 1873
T. Standring- -............ Fort Richmond, N. Y._- Sept. 1, 1868
H. Underwood-..------------. -New York, N. Y..-.-... Apr. 10, 1860
T. J. Mayall................. Roxbury, Mass....-.... - Dec. 27, 1859
S. M. Allen-.............. Woburn, Mass.......... Jan. 21, 186s
S. M. Allen.................... Woburn, Mass............ July 21, 1868
J. Haseliineo................... Warren, N. H...... Aug. 13, 1867
J. Campbell................... Saint Louis, Mo..-........ -- Sept. 1, 1863
D. C. Gately--------..... -Newtown, Conn........... Mar. 13, 1860
J. and S. Peatfield.......-... Ipswich, Mass............ Mar. 13, 1860
L. Smith...................... Buffalo, N. Y...........-----------.. Nov. 17, 1857
E. Osgood....----------------- Bangor, Me............. May 10, 1853
C. McBurney............ Boston. Mass._..-........ June 13, 1871
M. A Strouvelle............ Saint Louis, Mo........... Sept. 17, 1867
S. M. Allen.................... Woburn, Mass -..---......... Mar. 13, 1866
J. HII. Clifton................... Newcastle, Pa.-....-........ Aug. 16, 1859
W. A. Torrey................. Mont Clare, N. J......... July 10, 1866
B. F. Lee................ -- New York, N. Y......... Dec. 20, 1859
H. Underwood.......-........ New York, N. Y.......... ------Feb. 9, 1858
W. Strevell, S. B. Wells, and G. Jersey City, N. J., and Jan. 28, 1868
B. Kerper. New York, N. Y.
J. H. Cheever----.......... New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 28,1858
V. Fountain, jr.............. Castleton, N. Y............ Dec. 17, 1867
W. H. Gates.................. Louisville, Ky............ Jan. 1, 1867
T. J. Mayall................ Boston, Mass --..--........ Feb. 7, 1860
J. Montgomery............. New York, N. Y......... June 22, 1869
H. Taylor................. Trenton, N. J......-.... Jan. 26, 1864
J. G. Street-..........-.... Brooklyn, N. Y......--...... Apr. 26, 1870
T. J. Dickerson and O. B. War- Auburn, N. --Y............. Nov. 14. 1871
R. Hale....................... Roxbury, Mass........... May 5,1857
T.J. Mayall................... oxbury, Mass.....-....... Jan. 31, 1860
T. J. Mayall---------------................... Roxbury, Mass....-........ Apr. 3, 1860
H. F. Crafts and W. Updegraff. Williamsport, Pa........ Sept. 10, 1872
D. C Gately.................. Newtown, Conn........ - Nov. 22, 1859
J. B. Crane.................... Dalton, Mass-----------.............. June 18, 1867
C. E. Smith----------------................... Philadelphia, Pa---------.......... May 31, 1859
D. C. Gately............... Newtown, Conn.--........ Dec. 20, 1859
S. T. Parmelee............ Edinburgh, Scotland...... Apr. 26,1859
D. C. Gately.......... Newtow, Con........... Newtow, Con--- Dec. 27, 1859
D. C. Gately-.............. Newtown, Conn........... Jan. 3, 1860
G. O. Clark and F. G. Slemmer. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 10, 1872
J. H. Clifton.....-.............. Newcastle, Pa.......... Aug. 16, 1859
G. and D. Hurn............... London, England...... Feb. 9, 1869
J. B. Crane.................... Dalton, Mass............ Nov. 24, 1868
M. Jewell.....-............ Hartford, Conn........... June 15, 1858
A. O. Bourn and I. F. Williams. Providence and Bristol, R.I Apr. 4, 1871
G. P. Dodge.... -......... London, England......... Jan. 15, 1867
D. C. Gately........ Newtown, Conn........... - Nov. 29, 1859
D. C. Gately...-- -. Newtown, Conn.......... Nov. 29, 1859
D. C. Gately and J. B. Forsyth. Newtown, Conn., and Bos- Aug. 5, 18773
ton, Mass.
36, 707
110, 674
39, 956
72, 686
129, 928
110, 060
105, 765
51, 970
76, 861
141, 004
122, 345
125. 780
122, 932
99, 634
122, 943
68, 625
39, 015
85, 012
96, 718
45, 5 4
81, 285
71, 052
134, 309
111, 257
145, 908
68, 465
102, (74
18, 206
84, 082
136, 685
33, 510
103, 034
24, 220
121, 452
102, 268
19, 272
S97, 955
50, 609
80, 756
138, 740
65, 895
75, 554
142, 272
81, 823
27, 846
26, 603
73, 427
60, 048
67, 760
39, 716
27, 440
27, 471
18, 653
115, 880
69, 042
53, 095
25, 096
56, 292
26, 549
19, 318
73, 848
21, 596
72, 181
60, 713
27, 060
91, 656
41, 405
102, 447
120, 948
17. 216
27, 00t
27, 730
131, 152
65, 8i9
24, 213
26, 489
23, 779
26, 580
26, 669
133, 698
25, 095
86, 755
84, 263
20, 5i4
113, 486
61, 173
25, 264
26, 265
141, 43
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Belting, Manufacturing rubber..................
Belting, Metal----------------------------.....................................
Belting, Mode of.................
Belting, Mode of forming joints in India-rubber...
Belting, Mold for making cushioned...............
Belting or banding, Machine for................
Belting or banding, Manufacture of India-rubber..
Belting, Round................
Belting, Rubber...................................
Belting, Rubber-coated rubber..................
Belting, Splicing.........------------------.........................-----
Belting, Splicing.................................
Belting, Vulcanized India-rubber.................
See Carpenter's bench.
Clothes-wringer bench.
Corn-husking bench.
Currier'e bench.
Folding bench.
Folding wash-bench.
Revolving bench.
Shoemaker's bench.
Bench, Carpenter's...............................
Bench hook and clamp...........................
Bench-hook, Carpenter's...........................
Bench-hook, Joiner's.............................
Bench hook or dog................................
Bench-hook, Socket for............................
Bench or table....................
Benchplane, Bit-fastening for cast-iron............
Bench-plane bit, Manner of securing..............
Bending and folding sheet-metal, Machine for......
Bending and hardening springs, Machine for......
Bending-brake for sheet-metal.....................
Bending circles, Machine for......................
Bending corrugated plates of metal, Apparatus for.
Bending-device for wood.........................
Bending-machine chain, Timber.............
Bending-machine clamp, Wood ---.... ---.-..Bending-machine for corrugated metal plates-......
Bending machine, Metal...........................-------------------
Bending machine, Metal..........................
Bending machine, Metal..........................
Bending machine, Metal..........................
Bending machine, Me' al..........................
Bending machine, Melt1.................
Bending machine, Metallic-plate.................
Bending machine, Metallic-plate..................
Bending machine, Metallic-plate...................
Bending machine, Metallic-plate..............
Bending machine, Sheet-metal................
Bending machine, Sheet-metal.........
Bending machine, Sheet-metal....
Bending machine, Sheet-metal......
Bonding machine, Sheet-metal.....................
Bending machine, Sheet-metal.....................
Bending machine, Sheet-metal.....................
Bending machine, Sheet-metal.....................
D. C. Gately..................
W. P. Powers................
B. Chester..............
J. McDougall...............
S. W. Tyler..................
T. J. Mayall......................
J. H. Cheever.................
A. Holbrook, jr................
D. C. Gately..................
P. Jewell, jr...................
J. W. Lyder and H. Sheve.....
N. E. Smith.................
D. C. Gately.................
Newtown, Conn...........
North La Crosso, Wis.....
New York, N. Y..........
Masonville, Mich.........
Troy, N. Y................
Roxbury, Mass...........
Boston, Mass..............
Providence, R. I...........
Newtown, Conn...........
Hartford, Conn..........
Alliance, Ohio..........
East Cleveland, Ohio......
Newtown, Conn...........
J. W. Mahan.................. Lexington, Ill.............
C. W. Clapp---------..............-------Wappinger's Falls, N. Y..
G. Cooper.....-...- -.. -- Hartford, Conn......O. L. Fenner -............... Rochester, N. Y..........
A. K. and H. P. Hood.....-------- Lowell, Mass.........
C. P. Whitman.... --.... Charlemcnt, Mass.......
C. G. Miller---...-------------.. Brattleborough, Vt.....
D. Boyce...------------------North Providence, R. I...
R. Frisbie..................... Middletown, Conn........
A. Hotchkin- --........... Schenevus, N. Y -------.---
J. Humphreys............. Chicopee Falls, Mass......
W. B. Kean................... Worcester, Mass.........
J. W. McGill........-..-... New York, N. Y..........
H. M. Putnam................. Fitchburgh, Mass.......
H. J. Skinner................. Dunkirk, N. Y-...-..--.
C. H. Weston................ Lowell, Mass............
E. B. White-.......... - --Nashua, N. H.......
E. P. Woods and A. E. Blood.. Lowell and Lynn, Mass..
L. F.Noe.--..-----. New York, N. Y.........
P. P. Cowles -------.-- ---. Cabotville, Mass.........
C. T. Crane.................. Lowell, Mass.......--
J. Sawyer -----------------South Royalston, Mass....
L. D. Hubbard............ Worcester, Mass..........
H. Gabelmnann............... Fort Scott, Kans -.......
T. J. W. Porter-....--....-Grand Rapids, Mich.......
W. S. Loughborough....... Victor, N. Y.........
C. W. Seely and B. F. Locke..-- Wellington, Ohio.......
J. D. Spiller.....---------------Concord, N. H.............
J. Hill...--------.. ---Charlotte, Mich...........
J. B. and L. C. Clark......... Plantsville, Conn..........
C. A. Coggeshall-----...-----.. -Bridgeport, Conn......
F. Yaesch.................... Springfield, Mass.......
W. Boyd..................... Hartford, N. Y...........
R. Montgomery.............. New York, N. Y..........
W. Malick.................... Tidioute, Pa.........
E. Lacey...................... Chicago, Ill.............
L. H. Beckwith............... Port Jervis, N. Y--....-.
J. Forbes........... Halifax, Canada..........
E. D. and WV. K. Gird...-------- Cedar Lake, N. Y........
H. S. Golightly and C. S. New Haven, Conn......
G. Huntington............... Norwichville, Canada.....
S. W. Kimble................ Springfield, Ill............
D. Pierce.....----------------- Almont, Mich............
L. Raymond.....--------------- New York, N. Y..........
W. Richardson and L. B. Miiller Baltimore, Md.......
J. J. H. Sercomnibe.......... New London, Wis.....
H. Winter.....----------------- Honesdale, Pa.........
J. N. Woodward............ Aurora, Ill..............
L. Heywood...............- Gardner, Mass..........
J. B. Van Horn_---.....-. -Trenton, N. J............
A. Johnson----........._ Brooklyn, N. Y.........
W. W. Cumberland...----.. Newark, N. J.........
C. H. Delamater............ New York, N. Y..........
W. C. Eiseman................ Pittsburgh, Pa_........
S. Hall........................ New York, N. Y...........
J. Noland....--........... Philadelphia, Pa..........
R. Potts....................... -Chatham, N. Y............
E. L. Gaylord.....- -... Terrysville, Conn.........
E. L. Gaylord................. Terrysville, Conn........
D. Howell...............-...... Louisville, Ky...........
J. Perry.................... Plymouth Hollow, Conn... -
R. Brady.............--..... New York, N. Y..........
G. W. Burling................. Trenton, N. J..........
J. Eppley----...--...----------- York, Pa...............
J. M. Grove and H. Hedrick... Anderson, Ind.........
C. C. Hare.................i Kansas City, Mo.....
i. B. McConnell........... Evansville, Ind.........
W. J. McLea.......... Leroy, N. Y...............
A. Shepard-............ New Britain, Conn.........
Jan. 31, 1860
Nov. 30, 1869
Dec. 22, 1857
Oct. 11, 1859
May 2,1871
Nov. 24,1863
Mar. 11, 1856
June 18, 1872
Nov. 22, 1859
July 16,1867
June 23, 1868
July 2,1867
Oct. 27, 1868
Mar. 25,1856
Mar. 11, 1856
Mar. 20, 1860
Nov. 30, 1869
Mar. 12, 1867
Aug. 29, 1871
May 26, 1868
Sept. 23, 1873
July 10, 1860
Oct. 16, 1855
Apr. 27, 1869
Aug. 13, 1850
May 14, 1872
June 20, 1871
Juno 7, 1870
Oct. 2, 1866
Mar. 9, 1858
June 27, 1865
Aug. 14, 18166
Juno 6, 1848
May 28, 1867
Feb. 28, 1854
Apr. 7,1868
May 10, 1870
Jan. 12, 1869
Apr. 4, 1854
June 7, 1859
June 5, 1855
Aug. 17, 1869
Dec. 14, 1869
July 6, 1869
Aug. 15,1871
June 2, 1868
June 3,1862
Dc. 31, 1867
Jan. 24, 1871
Sept. 3, 1867
Sept. 12,1871
Mar. 19,1867
Aug. 10, 1869
Oct. 15, 1867
Oct. 28,1873
Nov. 23, 1869
Aug. 25, 1857
Jan. 28, 1868
May 10, 1870
May 3,1870
Sept. 17, 1867
Mar. 13, 1860
June 30, 1868
July 26, 1870
Dec. 12, 1854
Aug. 4,1863
Feb. 27, 1872
Feb. 26, 1867
Dec. 24, 1867
Oct. 15,1867
Oct. 3,1857
Aug. 18, 1857
Jan. 12,1858
Aug. 18, 1857
Jan. 8, 1856
Oct. 28, 1856
May 16, 1848
July 28, 1868
Apr. 19, 1870
Apr. 2, 1872
Jan. 5, 1869
Dec. 8, 1868
26, 982
97, 312
18, 941
25, 749
114, 371
40, 699
14, 389
128, 040
26, 177
66, 848
79, 136
83, 374
14, 390
27, 592
97, 376
62, 748
118, (662
78, 309
143, 054
29, 070
13, 678
89, 483
7, 565
126, 644
116, 220
104, 061)
58, 519
19, 595
48, 498
57, 176
5, 619
65, 060
10, 579
76, 459
102, 802
85, 850
10, 748
24, 335
13, 016
93, 715
97, 762
92, 268
118, 090
78, 418
35, 496
72, 874
111, 218
68, 340
118, 920
63, 034
93, 612
69, 916
144, 109
97, 113
18, 058
73, 837
102, 975
102, 641
27, 447
79, 530
105, 805
12, 053
39, 382
124, 123
62, 327
72, 669
69, 936
18, 542
18, 011
19, 090
18, 019
14, 049
15, 964
5, 571
80, 348
102, 001
125, 317
85, 531
84. 714
Index of patencts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bending machine, Sheet-metal....................
Bending machine, Sheet-metal.......................
Bending machine, Sheet-metal.....................
Bending machine, Timber......................
Bending machine, Volute-spring..................
Bending machine, Wire-screw eye---------.............----....--
Bending machine, Wood.............................
Bending machine, Wood.................................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood......................._
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood........-.................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood..............................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood........
Bending machine, Wood....................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood.......................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood......
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood.......................
Bending machine, Wood.-----... -..
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood......-----------------------
Bending machine, Wood......................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood......-----------------------
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................Bending machine, Wood......................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending thachine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood.......................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood.......................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood...........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bending machine, Wood..........................
Bdnding machine, Wood.......................
Bending machine, Wood........................
Bending machine, Wood..................................
Bending machine, Wood.........................
Bending machinery, Wood....................
Bending machinery, Wood........
Bending metal....................................
Bending metals edgewise, Machine for............
Bending mold-boards, Adjustable die for...........
Bending several pieces ot wood of unequal lengths
at once, Method of.
Bending sheet-metal...........................
Bending sheet-metal, Plier for..................
Bending sheet-metal, Roller for....................
W. Webster...............
A. W. and P. A. Whitney...
J. W right.....................
J. D. Sarven..................
R. M iller......................
N. C. Perry............
A. Bailey....................
C. F. Beverly.................
T. Blanchard.................
I. W. Bowrs..............
D. F. Breed...................
D. Catchpole and J. Havens..
A. Chubb.............
E. A. Conner.................
J. Conner...................
M. F. Connett.................
J.A. Dann...................
V. De Lyon and V. Wcrner....
0. Evans.....................
S. C. and E. 0. Fink......
J. Fipps.....................
J. Fishbaugh...............
R. Fitts, jr....-----------------
J. W. Grifliths..........
O. W. Griffiths........
G. Gustafson...............
J. Hale......................
J. S. Hall....-------------------
H. Hanna..................
E. C. Harris..................
E. P. Haskell...............
L. Heywood................
L. Heywood......---
L. Heywood..................
M. V. B. Howe................
P. Hurm......................
S. Keeler.....................
S. U. King....................
S. Kingsland..............
J. Klahr......................
G. Kriebel..........
E. Lacoy.....................
J. P. Selzelter.................
C. Leseberg............
W. P. Letchworth...........
J. C. Lucas.................
A. Luckhaupt..........
O. Marland -.................A. F. Marshall............
J. W. Martin..................
E. G. Matthews..............
H. McDonald.................
H. McDonald...............
H. McDonald..............
J. McMichael.................
J. F. Melcher..............
J. Merrill..............
E. M ots.......................
L. E. Minott..................
C. Moyer, jr.............
C. L. Nelson and O. Bostwick..
J. Newman..................
H. H. Nichols...............
H. Ocorr.....................
J. Phillips...................
J. H. Preston...............
C. Prudden...................
N. Purdy....................
J. N. Ray....................
J. N. Ray..................
T. D. Roberts.................
E. Robinson..................
A. Rogers....................
W. H. Ryan..................
J. P. Schinmucker............
F. Seidle and S. Eberly......
F. Smith and P. Swope......
A. G. Snyder................
J. K. B. Solomon.............
A. P. Spaulding and E. Pierce
H. E. Stager.................
O. W. Stearns...............
E. J. Updegraff...........
D. B. Wedden -..............
J. L. Whipple and E. Trowbridge.
W. D. Williams.............
R. Fitts, jr.................
J. Hann....................
C. French........
C. H. Schubeus.............
G. W. Brown...............
J. H. Franklin........
H. A. Barnard........
Morrisania, N. Y.......
Woodstock, Vt........
Plantsville, Conn......
Maury County, Ten......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Chester, Conn..............
Gardiner, Me............
Lancaster, Ohio........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Valparaiso, Ind........
Geneva and Auburn, N. Y.
Painesville, Ohio.........
Metropolis, Ill.......
Richmond, Ind............
Evansville, Ind...........
New Haven, Conn.........
Canton, Miss............
Alliance, Ohio.._..........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
New Albany, Ind.........
Tiffin, Ohio...............
Fitchburgh, Mass........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Charlestown, Mass........
Chicago, Ill.............
Somerville, Mass_........
J effersonville, Ind.........
Columbus, Ohio...
New York, N. Y........
Harlan, Ind..............
Gardner, Mass.............
Gardner, Mass...........
Gardner, Mass..........
Gardner, Mass..........
Hamilton. Ohio............
Lancaster, Pa.............
Windsor, Vt..............
Lyndon, Wis..............
Bernville, Pa............
Hosensack, Pa......
Chicago, Ill..............
Lancaster, Pa..............
Cincinnati, O io..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Newark, N. J............
Columbus, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass.............
Black River, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Oakham, Mass............
Union Springs, N. Y......
Shortsville, N. Y.........
Shortsville, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, P,........
Bloomington, Ill....
Boston, Mass.............
Rochester, N. Y..........
Sheboygan, Wis...........
Coopersburgh, Pa.........
Burlington, Vt............
Falmouth, Me..........
Keeseviile, N. Y..........
Sheboygan, Wis...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Jefferson City, Mo._......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Middletown, N. Y.........
Raynham, Mass...........
Painesville, Ohio........
Louisville, Ky............
Ashland, Ohio.............
Mechanicsburgh, Pa......
Tiffin, Ohio.............
Ashtabula, Ohio...........
Rigglesville, Pa..._
Westminster, Mass.......
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Lebanon, N. H............
York, Pa..............
Newark, N............_
Detroit, Mich.............
Raleigh, N. C...........
Fitchburgh, Mass......
Frenchtown, N. J.
Seymour, Conn............
Newark, N. J............
Galesburgh, ill...........
Avoca, Wis..............
Moline, Ill................
Mar 28,1854
Oct. 20, 168
Jan. 20, 1857
Jan. 20, 1857
Aug. 23, 1870
Aug. 23, 1870
Oct. 11, 18.59
Oct. 13, 1857
May 4, 1858
Jan. 21, 1868
Jan. 21, 1868
Oct. 1, 1867
Feb. 22, 1859
Mar. 14, 1871
Feb. 18, 1868
July 11, 1865
Apr.. 23,1867
Apr. 27, 1869
June 5, 1866
Sept. 10,1867
Nov. 8, 1870
May 1, 1866
Mar. 2, 1869
Jan. 2, 1866
Apr. 2, 1872
Oct. 10, 1871
Apr. 21, 1868
Aug. 25, 1868
Dec. 9, 1873
Feb. 27, 1866
Dcc. 9, 1862
Dec. 17, 1867
Dec. 17,1867
Aug. 4, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. 1, 1865
June 13, 1865
Oct. 24, 1865
July 22, 1862
Dec. 10, 1867
Oct. 24, 1865
Sept. 12, 1871
Feb. 21, 1865
Mar. 19, 1872
Aug. 18, 1868
June 16, 1868
Oct. 1, 1861
Feb. 14, 1871
Sept. 5,1871
Feb. 15, 1870
Apr. 25, 1871
Jan. 22,1861
Oct. 21,1871
Oct. 24, 1871
Dec. 20, 1870
Sept. 15, 1868
Oct. 13, 1868
June 30, 1868
Aug. 1, 1871
Oct. 16, 1866
Mar. 27, 1860
July 31, 1866
Sept. 21, 1869
Sept. 26, 1871
Oct. 24, 1871
Sept. 21, 1869.Apr. 17, 1866
May 4, 1869
Dec. 13, 1864
May 1, 1866
Dec. 5, 1865
Oct. 8, 1861
Mar. 20, 1860
Aug. 2, 1864
Oct. 2, 1866
July 10, 1860
Feb. 28, 1865
Mar. 16, 1869
Aug. 30, 1870
Sept.11, 1860
Jan. 9, 1866
July 2, 1867
Apr. 8, 1856
Oct. 16, 1860
May 28, 1872
May 3, 1870
Aug. 5, 1862
July 6, 1869
Apr. 7, 1868
May 7, 1867
May 25, 1869
Sept. 6, 1870
Mar. 9,1858
10, 713
83, 347
16, 456
16, 453
106, f03
106, 720
25, 711
18, 379
20, 137
73, 493
73, 496
69, 313
23, 012
112, 553
74, 668
48, 661
63, 997
89, 387
55, 264
67, 621
108, 992
54, 316
87, 404
119, 702
77, 036
145, 416
52, 944
37, 096
72, 292
72, 293
80, 627
73, 720
49, 109
48, 181
50, 601
35, 983
71, 886
50, 602
118, 864
46, 479
124, 753
81, 095
78, 9s3
33, 395
118, 736
99, 925
114, 171
120, 305
120, 306
110, 262
82, 2.s7
83, 078
79, 489
117, 663
58, 873
27, 672
56, 788
95, 037
120, 321
95, 042
54, 012
89, 790
45, 457
54, 405
51, 353
33, 467
27, 5i68
43, 745
58, 488
29, 107
46, 591
87, 981
106, 880
30, 004
51, 978
66, 409
14, 636
30, 404
127, 396
102, 637
36, 082
92, 187
76, 432
64, 585
90, 492
107, 032
19, 538
14, 332
74, 601
16, 804
J. Wright..-............... Harmar, Ohio............. Feb. 26,1856
M. Rothschild........... lIHarrisburgh, Pa......... Feb, 18, 1868
D. Newton.................... Southington, Coon........ Mar. 10, 1857
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B3ending timber, Method of...-.-.--------..---
B ending timber, Retaining-strap for---...........-...
Bending wood. ---------------------------
Bending wood, Method of.....-------------------
Bending wood, Method of...--------------.-----
Bending wood, Method of...-------.------------.
Bending wood, Method of---... - -.--.........
Bending wooden hoops, Machine tfor................
Benzine from hydrocarbon, Apparatus for removing.
Benzine, Purifying--...---------------------..Benzole-light....----------------------------
Benzole-vapor apparatus.....--------------------
Benzole-vapor apparatus.....--------------------
Berry-boxes, Machine for cutting.............
Berth for railway-cars, Sleeping.............
Berth for railway-cars, Sleeping..................
Berth for railway-cars, Sleeping------.--------..................
Berth for ships. Oscill ting.......................
Berth for vessels, Oscillating-----------------......................
Berth-knee former-------------------------.................................
Berth lock, Sleeping-car......--------------------
Berth, Movable....---------------------------
Berth, Oscillating...-------------------------
Berth, Oscillating ship's...........................
Berth, Ship's......................................
Berth, Ship's......................................
Berth, Ship's.....-----------------------------
Berth, Ship's...----------------------------.
Berth, Sleeping-car.....------------------------
Berth, Sleeping-car...............................
Berth, Sleeping-car...--------------.----..---
Berth, Step for....---------------------------
Berth, Vessel............--------------......--------------...................
B'erths for vessels, Method of constructing.......
Berths, Step-attachment for..---------------..--
Bessemer-converter bottom................
Bessemer or Kelly converter, Compound for lining
bottom of.
Bessemer plant....---------------------------
Beton, Hydraulic..................................
Bevel, Adjustable.....-------------------------
Bevel, Adjustable.....-------------------------
Bevel, Adjustable-- - -
Bevel, Adjustable.................................
Bevel and tapering gage..........................
Bevel and try square.....-----------------------
Bevel, Carpenter's.................................
Bevel, Carpenter's...................
Bevel, Carpenter's.................................
Bevel, Carpenter's....-------------------------
Bevel, Carpenter's adjustable.....................
Bevel, Protracting................................
Bevel, square, rule, &c., Combined.................
Bevel-turning gage.....------------------------
Beverage.....------------------------------- --
Beverage------------------ -
Bey age and sirup from mustang grape..........Beverage cooling and dispensing apparatus.......
Beverage from sour or bitter oranges...........
Beverage, Medicated..............................
Bevera,ge or champagne mead....................
Beverage, Tonic................................
Beverages, Composition for-----------------.......................
Beverages for medicinal and other purposes, Mannfacture of.
Bias-cutting device..............................
Bias-marking device......................
ltib, Chil's..................................
Bib, Compression.......
Bidet or hip-bath.................................
B ier...............................................
Bilge and keel of vessels, Block for supporting....
Bilge and leakage water indicator for ship or other
Bilge-block for docking ships.....................
Bilge-boat, Solid..................................
Bilge-water and for the ventilation of vessel, Apparatus for the discharge of.
Bilge-water &c., Apparatus or elevating and discharging.
E. Green and M. Blackslee....- - - -
L. E. Minott-------------..................
T. Blanchard...-....------........
T. Blanchard...............
R. Fitts..-------------...................
E. A. and C. Kilburn..........
J. C. Mbrris...................
J. Dobbins-----------............----........
H. J. Berg....................
G. Lupton...---------------
I. M. Paine -........--..
C. Cunningham..............
O. P. Drake -..................
T. Mabbett,jr...------------.
C. Reese...................
C. Colby ----...------------.................
A. Judson--..--- ----------
D. M. Lawrence...............
D. L. Long.................
I. A. Chomel..................
B. Weisker-----------............--.....
D. Taylor...............
T. A. Bissell...............
N. W. Wheeler..-...........
L. D. Newell.................
T. S. Brown..................
I. A. Chomel..................
J. Evans---------....................
H. Getty....-------------------
J. Monroe.. - ------...
B. F. Manier-------------..................W. B. Snow--------------...................
W. B. Snow--------------...................
S. E. Siegel-----...---------..B. Weisker--..-----------..H. K ing-... -......
E. Hoyt and E. P. Whitney....
A. L. Rothman........
J. E. Atwood --.....-..........
A. L. Rothman................
L. D. Howard.................
E. A. Bell..................
W. C. Ellis...................
L. D. Howard................
J. A. Traut--------------...................
D. H. Tierney............
J. Graham....---------------
L. Bailey and S. D. Sargent....
H. Fairbanks and I. J. Robinson.
W. H. Laughlin..............
S. D. Sargent.........
I. J. Robinson and H. Fairbanks.
W. W. Branch, jr.........
J. E. Seavey................
J. D. Otstot..................
J. W. Moore...............
G. Beck....................
A. Cochard.......................
W. Davis----------------.....................
W. H. Goss...................
E. G. Holland..............."..
A. C. Howell................
J. H. Kenyon..............
C. Nessi...................
S. B. Shaw..................
H. Smith and H. F. Snow......
C. Sussegger..................
J. C. Wood..-..................
J. Matthews..-..............
P. G. Pearson--------------.................W. W. Timmons..................
A. S. Taylor..................
J. Mayer-................
R. F. Brown....--.............
E. N. Horsford...............
J. H. Goodfellow.............
G. Moore....................
G. Moore....................
A. L. Thomson...............
W. Young...............
D. Gibbons.................
D. Fitzgerald.................
W. Scarlett...................
F. Grice.....................
R. Shaler.....................
Litchfield, Conn...........
Sheboygan, Wis. - - -........
Boston, Mass----------..............
Boston, Mass. -.............
New Ipswich, N. H.......
Burlington, Vt............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Waterloo, Mich.........
Butler, Pa...............
Indianapolis, Ind........
Worcester, Mass..........
Nashua, N. H..............
Boston, Mass._...........
Vineland, N. J............
Baltimore, Md............
South Pass, Ill............
Newark, N.J.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Dayton, Ohio............
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.........
East Boston, Mass.......
Detroit, Mich............
Brooklyn, N.Y'..........New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N Y--..__
Denver, Colo. Ter.......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Green Island, N. Y.......
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York. N. Y..........
Stamford, Conn.......
Joliet, Ill.................
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Joliet, Ill.................
Paris, France............
Saint Johnsbury, Vt......
Meriden, Comnn...........
Springfield, Mass.......
Saint Johnsbury, Vt......
New Britain, Conn...__
New York, N. Y..........
Ludlow, Vt.------------..............
New Britain, Coun.-..
Saint Johnsbury, Vt. _._.-'
Quincy, Ill................
Hartford, Connr........
Saint Johnsbury, Vt......
Madison, Ohio.............
Kennebunkport, Me......
Springfield, Ohio..........
Worcester, Mass........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Port Richmond, N. Y.....
Portland, Me.............
Boston, Mass..............
Union Springs, N. Y......
Vienna, N. J-............
Sempronius, N. Y......
S:mn Francisco, Cal......
West Randolph, Mass...
Dover, N. H................
New York, N. Y..........
Larissa, Tex..............
New York, N.Y..........
Jacksonville, Fla..........
Rahway, N. J.............
San Francisco, Cal.......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Provincetown, Mass......
Cambridge, Mass.........
Troy, N. Y................
Scotch Plains, N. J.....
Scotch Plains, N. J.......
Hudson City, N. J.....
Easton, Pa---.--
Rochester, N. Y.::.....:..
New Yo-k, N. Y......
Aurora, Ill.............
Washington, D. C.........
Madison, Con............
Mar. 20,1822
Aug. 1, 1871
Dec. 18, 1849
Oct. 21, 1856
Jan. 4, 1859
Oct. 7, 1856
Mar. 11, 1856
Nov. 6, 1866
Aug. 24, 1869
Dec. 13, 1870
July 13, 1852
Mar. 13, 1855
Aug. 30,1853
Jan. 14, 1868
Apr. 23, 1872
Aug.27, 1867
July 21,1868
Nov. 9,1858
Aug. 23, 1859
June 17, 1873
Aug. 5, 1873
June 6, 1854
Dec. 23, 1873
Apr. 25, 1865
Sept. 10, 1872
Aug. 28, 1860
Aug. 27,1872
Apr. 16, 1872
Aug. 25, 1857
July 6,1869
Apr. 4, 1871
Feb. 25,1868
May 17, 1870
July 9, 1872
June 3, 1873
Sept. 4, 1841
Mar. 12, 1867
Sept. 3, 1872
May 13, 1873
Nov. 19, 1872
May 21,1872
Nov. 5, 1867
Apr. 25, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Feb. 14, 1871
May 9, 1871
June 16, 1868
Nov. 5, 1867
Mar. 19, 1872
Mar. 11, 1873
117, 664
6, 951
15, 914
22, 529
15, 851
14, 405
59, 369
93, 952
110, 054
9, 113
12, 535
9, 967
73, 352
126, 087
22, 025
25, 205
140, 014
14!, 614
145, 835
47, 481
131, 223
29, 763
130, 792
125, 729
18, 014
92, 204
113, 539
74, 773
103, 097
128, 761
139, 638
2, 240
62, 850
131, 120
138, 780
133, 258
126, 940
70, 570
114, 096
112, 793
114, 626
79, 032
70, 547
124, 779
136, 714
July 23, 1872 129, 737
July 22,1873 141,081
Apr. 9,1872 125,617
Mar. 27,1866
Dec. 30, 1873
July 5, 1870
Sept. 21,1869
July 3, 1866
Jan. 31, 1865
June 4, 1167
June 2-2, 1869
May 29,1866
June 27, 1865
Apr. 10, 1866
Nov. 16, 1869
July 6, 1869
July 17, 1866
June 19, 1866
June 11, 1872
May 6, 1873
Apr. 27, 1869
Feb. 2,1869
Aug. 16, 1870
Jan. 26,1869
Oct. 19, 1869
June 14, 180
Sept. 13, 1870
Jan. 14, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
May 2, 1871
July 18,1871
Nov. 14, 1871
May 19, 1863
Oct. 2, 1869
Feb. 20, 1849
Aug. 26,1856
53, 397
146, 027
105, 11
94, 968
55, 983
65, 475
91, 621
55, 106
48, 405
53, 834
96, 928
92, 376
56, 458
55, 737
127, 944
138, 671
89, 430
106, 428
95, 980
104, 311
107, 248
134, 918
134, 919
114, 366
117, 233
120, 961
38, 575
30, 251
15, 624
P. Burgess-----------------.................... - Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 19, 1864 42, 345
D. Brader..................... Beach Haven, Pa......... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 435
J. Briggs.................................... Louisville, Ky............ Oct. 27, 1863 40, 394
N. Hodge--------------------..................... North Adams, Mass....... Oct. 19, 1852
9, 344
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Bilge-water, Device for discharging...............
Bilge-water gage..........................
Bilge-water gage..........................
Bilge-water gage, Vessel.........................
Bill and currency holder..........................
Bill and note holder...............................
Bill-folding gage.................................
Bill-holder.. - -......................................
Bill of credit.....................................
Bill of exchange..................................
Bill of fare......................................
Bill of fare, Apparatus for displaying...........
Bill-of-fare frame.........................
Billiard and bagatelle table...................
Billiard and dining table....................
Billiard and dining table..........
Billiard and other game tables, Mode of constructing.
Billiard and other tables, Device for leveling......
Billiard and other tables, and for other purposes,
Fabric for bed of.
Billiard-ball, Vulcanite............................
Billiard-balls and other articles, Compositions for..
Billiard-balls and other composition articles, Manufacture of.
Billiard-balls, knife-handles, and other articles,
Process of coating.
Billiard-balls, &c., Method of coating..............
Billiard-board, Portable.....................
J. A. Miller................
J. R. Barry....................
W. P. Kirkland..........
C. McCloskey........
S. Thomas...................
G. B. Isham...................
G. K. Snow..............
A. J. Marshall................
A. Buswell..................
J. A. M. Collins............
E. F. French.................
G. Moulton...................
G. W. Palmer................
C. T. Wakeley...............
J. Golder......----------------..............
C. C. Wright.................
W. A. Bury..................
J. Faye......................
C. Gloyd...................
J. N. Ayres...................
W. A. Clark...................
H. W. Collender..............
F. E.Held....................
W. E. Bond...................
B. W. Bull...................
L. A. Grill...................
J. W. Hyatt, jr.........
W. H. Lippincott...........
J. W. Hyatt, jr................
L. D. Benjamin, P.Wtyne, and
A. Stone.
J. W. Hyatt, jr................
J. W. Hyatt, jr.........
L. C. Prindle.................
H. Ball-.....................
G. Bevitt...................
C. Coan and A. R. Burdick.... -
Paducah, Ky............
Philadelphia, Pa......
San Francisco, Cal-......
East Cambridge, Mass....
New York, N. Y..........
Burlington, Vt...........
Watertown, Mass.........
Buffalo, N. Y............
San Francisco, Cal.......
Keokuk, Iowa............
Franklin, Vt.............
Cambridge, Mass........
Boston, Mass..............
Madison, Wis............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y....--
Grosse Isle, Mich.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Wynant, Ohio...........
Stamford, Conn...........
Boston, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Albany, N. Y...........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Albany, N. Y.............
Albany, N. Y.............
Feb. 11, 1873
Sept. 27, 1864
July 31, 1866
June 4, 1872
Oct. 10, 1829
July 7, 1863
Oct. 21, 1862
Oct. 15, 1872
Mar. 24, 1863
Dec. 29, 1868
Mar. 17, 1857
Aug. 27, 1867
Mar. 27, 1855
Feb. 7, 1865
Sept. 26,18 5
June 19, 1835
May 8, 1860
Aug. 23, 1864
Oct. 9, 1860
Aug.24, 1852
Sept. 21, 1869
Apr. 21, 1868
Mar. 1, 1870
Aug. 3, 1869
Aug. 16, 1870
July 11, 1871
Oct. 10,1865
May 12,1868
Apr. 14, 1868
Apr. 4, 1871
135, 656
44, 385
56, 763
127, 422.....
39, 148
36, 734
132, 166
37, 949
85, 367
16, 829
68, 305
12, 604
46, 282
28, 152
43, 904
30, 311
9, 211
95, 084
77, 001
100, 401
93, 272
106, 317
116, 951
50, 359
77, 823
76, 765
113, 272
Albany, N. Y............. May 16, 1871 114, 945
Billiard-cue....--............................ C. H. Gould...................
Billiard-cue................................. H. C. Griffin..................
Billiard-cue.................... M. V. Ingersoll..............
Billiard-cue.................................. C. Leicht----------------......................Billiard-cue................................ J. N. McIntire.._...........
Billiard-cue......................... L. Nemetz.....-............
Billiard-cue................................ H. Platts...................
Billiard-cue........................................C. Wilbur, jr...........
Billiard-cue, Apparatus for chalking............ D. '. Shaw...............
Billiard-cue chalk-holder...................... J. Jenkinson................
Billiard-cue clamp................................. O.D. Benjamin-...............
Billiard-cue, Clamp for gluing the tip on.-..-.. S. Gissinger - -.....-...........
Billiard-cue, Clamp for leathering.....--------------- E. Brunswick.................
Billiard-cue, Composition tip for-----------.................. - A. Wetherbee................
Billiard-cue cutter.....------------------------ F. R. Gardner.................
Billiard-cue, Fastening for the tip of....-- --.. O. C. Wilbur, ir...............
Bililard-cue, Press for attaching leathers to-... W. L. Aldrich.............
Billiard-cue rack................................. E. Brunswick------------.................
Billiard-cue rack.................................. V. A. Buschmann.............
Billiard-cue tip.................................... H.W. Colleuder...............
Billiard-cue tip........................... G. W. Dickinson.............
Billiard-cue tip............................. J. H. Green..................
Billiard-cue tip............................J. A. Veazie.................
Billiard-cue tip and fastener------------------......................- E. B. Stocking.............
Billiard-cue trimmer............................ H. Pernot...............
Billiard-cues true, Machine for cutting ends of.... J. Glynn and M. Borowaky....
Billiard-cushion...........--.. H.A. Alden..................
Billiard-cushion........................... A. Bassford............
Billiard-cushion-----------------------------J. Berlien...............
Billiard-cushion.................................. J. Berlien.....................
Bi lliaid-cushion---------------J. Berlien-..................
Billiard-cushion........................-..... H. W. Collender...............
Billiard-cushion........................... M. Delaney..................
Billiard-cushion................................... J. G. H. Meyer..............
Billiard-cushion.................................. W. St. Martin............
Billiard-cushion............................... J. Syrcher...................
Billiard-cushion............................... J. Wagner................
Billiard-cushion ---............................ W. K. Winant................
Billiard-cushion, India-rubber..................... C. L. Richards................
Billiard-cushion, Lining...................... L. Wacker....................
Billiard-cushion of rubber and gutta-percha....-. J. Murphy...._..............
Billiard-game keeper........................... G. Miller and J. Reichert......
Billiard-game register...................... E. H Almes and H. C. Roome...
Billiard-game register---------... ----------.. ----W. A. Hough................
Billiard-game register, Electro-magnetic......... G. A. Webster...............
Billiard-indicator.................................. M. Gootman................
Billiard-indicator.................................. B. Schmitz.................
Billiard-light-------------...............-- - - - - - - - - - --........... WV. St. Martin................
Billiard-marker-----.........-----------------------..................... W.H. Newell........
Billiard-register-----......--...-------------------..................... ---H. I. Behrens........
Billiard-register.................................. G. W. Earl and J. H. Hawley -
Billiard-register.................................. L. Godefroy..............
Biliard-register................................R. H. Ingersoll................
Billiard-register................................... 0. W. Kellogg and H. R. Hill. -
Bi'lliard-ic'mster--.----------------------------L I Kling ------- -----------
Billiari-register......---------------------------- J. Lee...............
Billiard-register................................... M cC
iltidrister------------------ ---.. Simpson and. M. Taylor..
ilihiar d-register. -. _...............................-- O -. Simpson and R. M. Taylor-..
Albany, N. Y.............
Chicago, Ill.............
Walpole, N. H.....__....
Madison, Wis..............
Chicago, Ill., and Racine,
New York, N. Y..........Franklin, N. H............
Norwalk Bridge, Conn....
New York, N. Y.........New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Ithaca, N. Y...........
Coventry, R. I...........
Elkhart, Ind.............
Brooklyn, N. Y.............
Toledo, Ohio..............
Lawrenceville, Pa.........
Chicago, Ill..............
Waltham, Mass..........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Providence, R. I._.......
Atlanta, Ga.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y.........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
Christiansburghi, Iowa....
Boston, Mass..............
Binghamton, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Placerville, Cal...........
Matteawan, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Chicago, Ill...-..
Chicago, Ill........._..
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Detroit, Mich....-_
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..._.....
Buffalo, N. Y.................
Now York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y....
Now York, N. Y.........
Saint Johnsville, N. Y.... -
Elgin,I Ill.................
Now York, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Cinciniati, Ohio.........
Hudson City, N. J.........
New York, N. Y._.......
Kalamazoo, Mich........
Palaski, Tenn...........
Washington, D. C.....
Ripon, Wis........
Seymour, Ind.............
Galesburgh, Ill..........
Topeka, Kans.............
Waterbury, Vt...........
Apr. 6,1869
Aug. 13, 1872
July 6, 1869
Jan. 23, 1866
Oct. 8, 1872
June 25, 1867
Mar. 24, 1868
Aug. 9, 1870
May 27, 1856
Oct. 27, 1868
Mar. 4, 1873
June 3, 1873
Apr. 9, 1872
Aug. 3,1869
Dec. 3, 1867
Nov. 25, 1873
Dec. 18, 1866
Apr. 2, 1867
Nov. 10, 1868
Aug. 27, 1872
Jan. 10, 1871
Feb. 14, 1860
Jain. 7, 1868
May 5, 1868
Jan. 4, 1859
Nov. 4, 1873
Aug. 30, 1859
Dec. 10, 1867
Apr. 2,1867
Mai. 3, 1868
July 5, 1859
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 22, 1867
Feb. 1, 1870
Jan. 21, 1870
Nov. 26, 1867
Aug. 15, 1871
Oct. 1, 1872
May 27, 1873
Nov. 10, 1863
Apr. 23, 1872
Aug. 10, 1858
Mar. 92,1870
July 8,1862
Sept. 26, 1871
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 9, 1869
Apr. 27, 1869
Aug. 15, 1871
Jan. 16, 1866
Jan. 10, 1865
Feb. 25, 1873
Aug. 15, 1871
Feb. 8, 1859
Apr. 23, 1867
Dec. 26, 1871
Feb. 6, 1866
Oct. 2, 1866
June 23, 1868
July 2.3, 1872
Dec. 24, 1872
Hay 14, 1867
88, 634
130, 389
92, 247
52, 128
132, 054
66, 147
75, 751
106, 166
14, 964
83, 397
136, 535
139, 519
125, 643
93, 356
144, 824
60, 503
63, 465
84, 036
130, 912
110, 883
27, 093
72, 969
77, 452
22, 491
144, 324
25, 257
71, 925
63, 575
75, 049
24, 625
138, 356
61, 308
99, 393
104, 542
71, 282
117, 995
131, 890
139, 434
40, 580
126, 113
101i, 163
35, 851
119, 391
57, 443
87, 674
89, 408
118, 082
52, 041
45, 868
136, 275
118, 044
22, 849
64, 00
122, 167
52, 417
58, 429
79, 233
129, 670
134, 211
64, 718
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Billiard-room, Cue-rack for.......................
Billiard-table.......................--.............Billiard-table.................- -.................
Billiard table..............................
Billiard-table, Attachment for the legs of.........
Billiard-table bolt-head cap.......................
Billiard-table bridge.._............................
Billiard-table chalk...............................
Billiard-table, Chalk and sand-paper holder for...Billiard-table, Chalk-holder for...................
Billiard-table, Chalk-holder for..................
Billiard-table, Chalk-holder for..................
Billiard-table, Chalk-bolder for...................
Billiard-table, Chalk-holder for..............
Billiard-table cloth...............................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion.........................
Billiard-table cushion....................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion.............................
Billiard- table cushion.........................
Billiard-table cushion...........................
Billiard-table cushion.............................
Billiard-table cushion.......................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion............................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion.....................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion..............................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table cushion......................
Billiard-table, Cushion-rail for.....................
Billiard-table, Folding............................
Billiard-table leveler..............................
Billiard-table, Leveling-jack for..................
Billiard-table, Light-shade for...............
Billiard-table, Manufacture of rubber cushion for..
Billiard-table, Mode of fastening pockets to.......
Billiard-table, Mode of making the bed of...........
Billiard-table-pocket handle.......................
Billiard-table-pocket iron....................
Billiard-table-pocket supporter...............
Billiard-table, Portable...-------------------.....Billiard-table, Revolving_ __....................
Billiard-table, Substitute for----".................--
Billiard-table top or bed..........................
Billiards, Chalk-holder for..................
Billiards, Portable.......
See Ash-bin.
Revolving bin.
F. M. Sofe...................
A. Wirsching and W. Zocke..
F. M. Wood and G. Geer......
H. W. Collender.............
A. W. Bailey..................
J.D. Bradley..................
A. and F. Braun...............
E. Brunswick.................
G. Buntin.....................
G. Buntin..................
11. W. Collender..............
H. W. Collender...............
H. W. Collender...............
F. Fedderke..................
W. H. Griffith................
L. A. Grill.................
L.A. Grill....................
K. Gudenoge..................-------------
J. Hunt.......................
J. G. Kappner..............
R. M. Knauss................
W. Lochhead.................
L. C. Prindle..................
C. B., J., and W. C. Rogers.....
P. Schouller..................
C. Schulenburg..............
G. Smith................
W. H. Stroup.................
I. N. Swasey..................
S. H. Waldie.................
D. D. Winant................
W. B. Soumeillian.............
J. Plunkett..................
T. Dolan....................
T. Harrison, W. Hollman, and
W. Chart.
C. F. Ritchel.................
H. W. Collender...........
J. P. Ellicott...............
A. M. Leonard and B. Perkins.
G. W. Morris.................
H. M. Wall.-..............
D. Skidmore.................
A. Bassford...................
A. Bassford..................
A. Bassford..................
J. M. Brunswick.............
S. Brunswick and H. Borlinghaus, sr.
J. E. Came...................
W. B. Carpenter.............
H. W. Collender.._........
H. W. Collender.............
H. W. Collender.............
H. W. Collender..............
H. W. Collender.............
L. Decker..................
L. Decker.....................
L. Decker-----------------
L. Decker.....................
I. Delany................
G. W. Holman..............
J. Natus.....................
M. Phelan...................
M. Phelan....................
G. E. Phelan.................
G. D. Sharp..................
C. E. Wilcox.................
A. Bassiord.................
C. Croley......................
D. H. H ill.....................
C. Paxton and W. H. Hull.....
D. Conlan....................
M. Delaney..........
L. Petersen.... -....--
W. B. Billings................
J. M. Brunswick..............
J. P. Ellicott..................
J. E. Came and S. Havens....
E. Hunt.......................
S. Brunswick...............
A. G. Buzby................
C. Croley...................
E. O. Dow................
R. H. Thomas................
H. Meyer....................
SMacon, Ga................
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Galesburgh, Ill....
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass..............
Washington, D.C........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Boston, Mass.........
Boston, Mass............._
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y -........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Deep River, Conn.........
Boston, Mass-.......
Detroit, Mich.............
Detroit, Mich...........
Pittsburgh, Pa.....
Yonkers, N. Y..........
Belmont, Tex..........
New York, N. Y..._....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.._Albany, N. Y.........
Detroit and Three Rivers,
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y........
Washington, D. C...
Ann Arbor, Mich.......
Minonk, Ill.............
Miles, Mich...........
Seneca Falls, NY.......
New York, N. Y...-....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass...........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Bergen, N. J.............
Bergen, N. J.........
New York, N. Y..........
Virginia City, Nev......
New York, N. Y.....
Detroit, Mich..............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Milwaukee, Wis.-. -
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
South Chester, Pa..._
Loveland, Ohio, and Coffeyville, Kans.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md.........
Chicago, Ill............
Cincinnati, Ohio -.._...
Washington, D. C.......
Boston, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Saint Louis, Mo........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Chicago, Ill..............
Stoke-on-Trent, England..
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Nov. 15,1859
May 15, 1866
Apr. 2, 1872
July 9, 1872
July 2,1872
Aug. 16,1864
Aug.26, 1873
May 6, 1873
May 13, 1873
Aug. 5,1873
Nov. 16, 1858
July 30, 1872
Dec. 23, 1873
Apr. 5,1859
Nov. 26, 1872
June 6,1871
July 11, 1871
Oct. 20, 1868
Oct. 8, 1872
Nov. 15, 1859
July 16,1872
Jan. 10, 1871
June 24, 1873
Sept. 7, 1858
June 19, 1866
Dec. 16, 1873
Aug. 22, 1871
July 16, 1872
Dec. 20, 1870
Nov. 18, 1873
Nov. 2, 1858
Sept. 25, 1866
July 11, 1871
Mar. 12, 1867
Oct. 19, 1869
Sept. 8, 1868
Oct. 21,1873
May 22, 1860
Aug. 25, 1868
Mar. 5, 1872
Dec. 12, 1865
Jan. 21, 1868
July 20, 1831
Dec. 5, 1848
Mar. 29, 1859
Dec. 8, 1857
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 7, 1858
Sept. 2, 1873
Oct. 28, 1856
Dec. 8, 1857
Jan. 12, 1858
Mar. 29, 1859
Sept. 25, 1860
May 2, 1871
Dec. 15, 1857
Nov. 9, 1858
Dec. 18, 1866
Nov. 23, 1869
May 4, 1858
Feb. 13, 1872
Feb. 19, 1856
Jan. 12, 1858
Feb. 25,1873
Nov. 15, 1859
Sept. 3, 1867
Mar. 29, 1859
Mar. 30, 1858
Oct. 28, 1873
Feb. 20, 1872
June 7, 1859
July 11, 1871
Jan. 31, 1865
Nov. 2, 1869
June 7, 1859
May 1, 1860
June 15, 1858
June 11, 1872
Oct. 12, 1869
Nov. 3, 1868
Mar. 9, 1858
Mar. 8, 1870
Dec. 3,1872
July 2, 1872
54, 806
125, 242
128, 855
128, 580
43, 829
142, 202
138, 609
138, 850
141, 539
22, 064
130, 020
145, 787
23, 458
133, 365
115, 601
116, 950
83, 153
132, 084
26, 112
128, 965
110, 925
140, 162
21, 444
55, 721
145, 533
118, 288
128, 985
110, 306
144, 716
22, 001
58, 313
116, 990
62, 827
96, 003
81, 947
143, 885
28, 435
81, 515
124, 371
51, 499
73, 660
5, 952
23, 340
18, 799
143, 961
22, 263
142, 435
15, 994
18, 805
19, 074
23, 350
30, 177
114, 410
18, 841
22, 020
60, 657
97, 057
20, 156
123, 722
14, 290
19, 101
26, 128
68, 586
23, 341
19, 755
144, 028
24, 285
116, 811'
46, 136
96, 300
24, 279
28, 128
20, 548
127, 886
95, 765
83, 759
19, 546
100, 509
133, 603
128, 557
A. S. Maxwell................ Dixon, Ill................. Jan. 31, 1871 1 111, 363
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Binder for papers, Temporary....................
Binder, Temporary................................
Binder, Temporary................................
Binder, Temporary.............................
Binder, Temporary..............................
Binder, Temporary.............................
Binder, Temporary...............................
Binder's board, Machine for cutting...............
Binding, Metallic.........................
Bird cage.........................................
Bird cage........................................
Bird cage........................................
Bird cage......................................
Bird cage.......................................
Bird-cage................................ _......
Bird-cage.........................................----- ---------------------
Bird-cage, Bath-tub for.........................
Bird-cage bottom..................................
Bird-cage bracket.................................
Bird-cage, Construction of.........................
Bird-cage, Construction of.....-_..................
Bird cage, Feed-cup for............................
Bird cage hook....................................
Bird cage hook....................................
Bird-cage hook..................................
Bird-cage, Manufacture of....................
Bird-cage, Manufacture of..................
Bird-cage matrci.....................................
Bird-cage mat.....................................
Bird-cage mat..................................
Bird-cage musical attachment..................
Bird-cage, Paper for bottom of........
Bird-cage, Rod for construction of................
Bird-cage, Spring-perch fdr......................
Bird, Decoy.......................................
Bird house.....................................
Bird-house, Metallic............................
Bird-house, Metallic...............................
Biscuit and crackers, Machine for making and
Biscuit and sugar-bread, Making...............
Biscuit, Apparatus for making scroll.............
Biscuit-board and flour-chest......................
Biscuit-cutting machine...........................
Biscuit-machine, Scroll............................
Biscuit-making machine..........................
Biscuit, Manufacture of.........................
Biscuit, Manufacture of sweet..................
Bistouries ---------- -------..------------..
Bisulphites, Apparatus for the manufacture of....
ee Adjustable bit.
Carving-machine bit.
Expansive bit.
M. A. Shepard................
J. F. Adams...................
W. H. Barnard..........
D. Dunton...................
G. W. Emerson...............
T. J.Gaffbey and A.P.Williams
N. M. Shaffer..................
J. A. Elder..............
J. B. Nichols...............
E. P. West...................
J. S. McCurdy................
G. W. White..................
T. B. De Forest...............
E. S. Ritchie.................
T. W. Van Tassel............
H. C. W. Battermann........
G. J. Bolz, M. Grebncr, and J.
M. Jagel.
T. H. Bradley................
G. F. J. Colburn...............
G. F. J. Colburn..............
G. Giinther..................
G. Giinther..................
G. Giinther...................
E. Hutchinson...............
E. B. Jewett................
J. C. Jewett and J. Yogt......
O. Lindemann................
J. Maxheimer................
J. Maxheimer................
J. Maxheimer..................
G. J. Munschauer............
C. L. Osborn........
C. L. Osborn..................
C. L. Osborn.................
G. R. Osborn.................
G. R. Osborn and B. A. Draytor
G. R. Osborn and B. A. Drayton
W. Staeblen..................
J. H. Williams..............
G. T. and G. E. Peters.......
O. Lindemann............
A.D. Judd....................
G. Giinther..............
G. R. Osborn and B. A. Draytor
G. Giinther..................
J. Bradbury.................
D. MeArthur.................
J. M. Spring................
G. Giinther.................
J. Hepp.......................
O. Lindemann................
C. S Schenck................
J. A. Singer..................
G. Giinther...................
J. H. Singer.................
J. H. Williams...........
E. Aldom......................
N. Wales...................
H. Miller...................
H. Miller...................
J. Murdock................
S. M. Brooks................
R. Rex.....------------------
J. S. Stone and G. W. Cham.berlin.
B. F. Mason..................
E. Treadwell.............
A. Exton...................
I. R. Shank.................
D. E. Bryer.................
S. E. Clapp..................
J. and S. Turner...........
A. Exton....................
A. Exton....................
W. Liddle...................
C. D. and C. D. Boss,jr........
Hi. Even...................
J. C. Milligan................
J. C. Milligan............
C. C. Brown..............
W. J. Turner...............
Lebanon, Ill..............
Irvington, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C.......
Carpentersville, Ill......
Chicago, Ill..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y........
Westbrook, Me...........
Lynn, Mass...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
New York, N. Y...-...
New York, N. Y...-..
Birmingham, Conn.......
Brookline, Mass...........
Washington, D. C........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Newark, N. J............
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.-.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. Y............
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y......
Buffalo, N.Y..............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Bridgeport, Conn...._....
Morrisania, N. Y..........
Morrisania, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y.._........
New York, N. Y.........
Jersey City, N. J.......
New York, N. Y......
New Haven, Conn.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Berlin, Conn............
New Haven, Conn..._....
New Britain, Conn.-.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y......
New York,N. Y......
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
Boston, Mass.............---
Johnston, R. I..........
Cranston, R. I...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Memphis, Tenn..........
Charles City, Iowa.......
Fitchburgh, Mass........
Kennebunkport, Me......
New York, N.Y..........
Trenton, N. J.............
Buffalo, Va............
Logansport, Ind.......
Cambridge, Mass......
Toronto, Canada........
Trenton, N. J............
Trenton, N. J.............
New Orleans, La..........
New London, Conn......
Pekin, Ill...............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C......
Bradford, England........
Sept. 10,1872
Sept. 10, 1872
June 17, 1873
Mar. 25, 1873
July 7, 1868
Dec. 3, 187-2
Jan. 14, 1868
Oct. 11, 1853
Aug. 29, 1854
May 13, 1873
Feb. 26, 1856
Sept. 24, 1872
Nov. 20, 1886
June 27, 1865
Aug. 10, 1869
July 23, 181
Oct. 31, 1871
July 12, 1870
Jan. 4, 1870
Jan. 25, 1870
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 5, 1869
Mar. 7, 1871
Nov. 25, 1873
Nov. 26, 187-2
Sept. 21, 1869
Feb. 4, 1873
June 3, 1862
Apr. 6, 1869
Dec. 23, 1873
Mar. 11, 1873
Apr. 14, 1863
Feb. 28, 1865
Aug. 4,1868
Sept. 27, 1870
July 30, 1872
Dec. 17, 187-2
Sept. 3, 1861
May 25, 1869
May 6, 1873
Nov. 7, 1871
May 16, 1871
Apr. 2, 1872
May 9, 1871
Nov. 26, 1872
Nov. 7,1871
Nov. 5, 1872
Apr. 18, 1871
June 4, 1872
Mar. 12, 1872
Janii. 2, 1872
May 2, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
July 17, 1866
Feb. 7, 1871
Jan. 1, 1869
Dec. 12, 1871
Feb. 11, 1868
May 3, 1870
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 16. 1869
May 10, 1870
Sept. 12, 1865
Oct. 20,1868
July 6, 1839
May 18, 1826
Jan. 16, 1866
July 26, 1859
Aug. 30, 1864
May 5, 1868
Mar. 25, 1873
Aug. 27, 1851
Jan. 30, 1866
Sept. 21, 1815
Oct. 11, 1870
Apr. 15, 1873
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr. 5, 1870
Oct. 10, 1865
Feb. 20, 1872
131, 229
131, 203
139, 998
137, 131
79, 560
133, 580
73, 261
10, 122
11, 615
138, 772
14, 322
59, 895
48, 443
93, 503
32, 855
120, 483
103, 164
98, 562
99, 164
138, 396
85, 523
112, 449
144, 807
133, 372
95, 116
135, 567
35, 459
88, 654
145, 886
136, 611
38, 177
46, 579
80, 561
107, 802
129, 980
134, 094
33, 216
90, 619
138, 692
120, 755
114, 948
125, 288
114, 593
133, 442
120, 569
132, 846
113, 808
127, 598
124, 576
122, 472
114, 345
113, 461
56, 407
90, 906
121, 742
74, 458
102, 573
76, 648
88, 799
102, 761
49, 923
83, '220
1, 221
52, 036
24, 890
44, 040
77, 583
137, 114
33, 136
52, 278
108, 097
137, 766
96, 605
101, 4e0
50, 330
123, 799
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, ienclusive-Continued.
See Extension-bit.
Horse-training bit.
Screw-cutting bit.
Upper-jaw bit.
Bit and auger.................................
Bit and auger die..................................
Bit and drill brace..........................
Bit and other tools, Device for holding...........
Bit and tap, Combined......................
Bit-brace ---------..........................................
Bit brace.........................................
Bit brace..........................................
Bit brace-------------------.....................--................-----------------.
Bit to brace, Fastener of.....................----------------------.....
Bit brace for boring obliquely to the stock.....
Bit-brace wrench.............................
Bit for cutting out cylindrical plugs of wood....
Bit for cutting washers............................
Bit grinding and polishing machine.............
B it-holder...................................
Bit holder......................................
Bit hoh er........................................
Bit holder.......................................
Bit-holder for bit-stock............................
Bit in brace, Device for holding...................
Bit in brace, Securing.............................
Bit in brace, Securing.............................
Bit in socket, Device for holding..............
Bit in stock, Method of securing.................
Bit in stock, Method of securing................
Bit in stock, Mode of securing...............
Bit or auger in its stock or handle, Method of fastening.
Bit or boring tool..................................
Bit or drill holder................................
Bit or drill stock.................................
Bit or drill stock.................................
B it-stock....................................
Bit-stock.. - - - - - - - -
Bit-stock..- - - - -.
12 P
H. S. Shepardson...------------- Shelburne, Mass.......
C. Whitehouse...--.----------. Bridgtown, England......
J. Swan..................... Seymour, Conn.........
G. G. Parker and W. P. Dodge Prospect, N. Y..........
W. H. Barber.....-.......... Greenfield Mass.......
S. A. Smith.................. New Haven, Conn.......
C. H. Amidon................Greenfield, Mass......
Q. S. Backus................ Miller's Falls, Mass.....
C. L. Butler.............. Greenfield, Mass.......
W. Cleveland................ Lawrence, Mass.........
J. W. Craig................... -Knoxville, Ill............
C. M. Daboll.................. New London, Conn.......
W. P. Dolin.................. Charlottesville, Va.......
S. F. Fenn..................... Middletown, Conn......
J. S. Fray..................... Bridgeport, Conn-.......
R. French...-................ Seymour, Conn..........
S. B. Hill..................... Chicopee, Mass............
W. A. Ives.....------------------- New Haven, Conn........
W. A. Ives...-.............. -- New Haven, Conn.......
J. T. Lyman......--......... Jeffersonville, Ind........
C. Morrill...............-New York, N. Y.......
O. Peck----------... -----------. Southington, Conn......
W. E. Bereau................. Oakland, Cal..............
F. P. Pfleghar................. New Haven, Conn......
H. W. Porter.....----------------- Rothsville, Pa..._.......
J. Rice-................ Prairie Creek, Ind.......
C. O. Richey---.............. Aurora, Ind............
S. C. Rundlett.............. Poritland, Me...........
W. F. Seavey..-----.......--. Portland, Me............
H. S. Shepardson---------... ----.. Shelburne Falls, Mass....
G. Stackpole-.............. Portland, Me.............
G. Stackpole---.......... -New York, N. Y......
C. H. Stockbridge............ Whateley, Mass........
I. C. Tate................... - New London, Conn.....
C. Whitus..................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
F. A. Wood.................. Jersey City, N. J..........
W. H. Woods....---------------- San Francisco, Cal........
E. Smith------------------...................... -- Norwich, N. Y............
C. C. Plaisted.--.--.-...... Chicopee, Mass...-...
D. Wilcox.................... Ansonia, Connr...........
H. Lettington............. Norwich,N. Y............
C. W. Saladee.... Columbus, Ohio.......
H. Pennie.................... Bufllo, N. Y...........
J. Swan.....- - Seymour, Conn.......
B. B. Hill.....--------------------- Chicopee, Mass........
B. B. Hill and S. W. Adams.... Chicopee, Mass..........
C. H. Stockbridge............. Northampton, Mass.......
D. H. Whittemore............ Worcester, Mass..........
J. Winkelhouse........... - New York. N. Y.......
L. C. Rodier......... Springfield, Mass.......
G. Benjamine.............. Avoca, N. Y............
O. Peck..................... Windsor, Vt..............
W. Wimmer.....- - - Elizabethport, N. J......
C. F. Hunter.................. Adrian, Mich...............
D. Kelly...................... Grand Rapids, Mich......
W. Tucker................... Blackstone, Mass..........
A. C. Moore.... - - - -.... Wilmington, Vt...........
L. Winslow......------------------ Rochester, N. Y...........
Feb. 27,1872
Apr. 6,1869
Nov. 16, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
May 24, 1864
Oct. 12, 1869
May 21, 1867
Nov. 5, 1872
Nov. 16, 1869
Mar. 7, 1871
June 9, 1868
Mar. 24, 1868
Jan. 17, 1871
Dec. 3, 1867
Aug. 20, 1872
Mar. 21, 1871
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 16. 1869
Feb. 7, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 10, 1861
May 8, 1866
Dec. 16, 1873
Mar. 17, 1868
July 7, 1857
Jan. 9, 1g72
June 5, 1866
Apr. 28, 1868
July 23, 1867
Mar. 1, 1870
Sept. 23, 1862
Apr. 2, 1867
Feb. 19, 1867
May 19, 1868
Apr. 9, 1872
Dec. 1,1868
Apr. 9, 1867
Aug. 17, 1852
July 28, 1857
Mar. 2, 1869
May 13, 1856
May 26, 1857
Sept. 6, 1859
Feb. 15, 1870
Sept. 29, 1857
Jan. 5, 1858
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 20, 1858
Sept. 21, 1869
Aug. 30, 1864
June 9, 1857
Feb. 23, 1864
May 22, 1866
Oct. 27, 1863
Dec. 16, 1862
Mar. 22, 1859
Mar. 31, 1857
Nov. 25, 1862
124, 089
88, 760
96, 847
112, 842
42, 827
95, 846
64, 931
132, 791
96, 881
112, 419
78, 652
15, 870
110, 960
130, 709
112, 799
76, 632
87, 940
111, 649
113, 680
33, 899
54, 650
145, 524
75, 699
17, 769
122, 652
55, 364
77, 219
67, 139
100, 458
36, 538
63, 438
62, 232
78, 157
125, 642
84, 523
63, 684
9, 209
17, 891
87, 531
14, 876
25, 348
99, 970
18, 282
19, 028
84, 015
20, 010
95, 060
44, 047
17, 479
41, 718
54. 890
40, 412
37, 196
23, 326
16, 931
37, 022
38, 633
17, 770
9, 353
10, 499
87, 816
50, 214
73, 279
5, 087
132, 790
103, 281
105, 906
32, 618
139, 876
83, 261
81, 260
58, 2134
146, 056
89, 755
101, 251
79, 825
139, 667
141, 345
51, 173
99, 317
103, 462
50, 481
B. Sanderson..........
A. J. Smith................
D. H. Chamberlain...........
D. H. Chamberlain..........
A. S. Alden...................
C. H. Amidon.................
C. H. Amidon.................
M. Andrews................
Q. S. Backus...........
H. S. Bartholomew...........
C. H. Clark....................
J. F. Cory..................
A. P. Daboll..................
B. Darling.......:..........
S. W. Davis...................
O. Ellsworth..................
L. Feely.......................
D. P. Foster.................
D. P. Foster..................
A. D. Goodell................
A. D. Goodell.................
A. D. Goodell........._
D. W. Goodell...............
R. S. Hildreth................
I. Holliday..............
S. U. King..............
C. E. Lombard................
Derby Line, Vt........... May 19, 1863
Lynn, Mass.............. July 7, 1857
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 26, 1852
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 7, 1854
Chicopee, Mass.......... Mar. 16, 1869
Greenfield, Mass.......... Oct. 3, 1865
Greenfield, Mass..-....... Jan. 14, 1868
Bridgewater, Mass. -..... Apr. 24, 1847
Miller's Falls, Mass..... Nov. 5,1872
Bristol, Conn............ May 24, 1870
Pittsfield, Moe........... Aug. 2, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... June 25, 1861
New London, Conn........ June 17,1873
Bridgewater, Mass........ Oct. 20, 1868
Wilmington, Del----------.......... Aug. 18, 1868
Boston, Mass..-........... Sept. 25, 1866
Rochester, N. Y........... Dec. 30, 1873
Waltham, Mass.......... May 4, 1869
Waltham, Mass......... Mar. 29, 1870
Florence, (Nortbampton,) July 14, 1868
Miller's Falls, Mass....... June 10, 1873
Miller's Falls, Mass...i... July 29, 1873
Northampton, Mass....... Nov. 28, 1865
South Adams, Mass...... Feb 1, 1870
South Brooklyn, N. Y...... May 24, 1870
Windsor, Vt....... July 7, 1863
Springfield, Mass........ Oct. 17, 1865
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bit-stock -------------------------------.........................................Bit-stock.......................------------------------..-------...
Bit stock-------------------------------.........................................Bit-stock --------------.........................................
Bit-stock......-- --...............................
Bit-stock and wrench---------------------.......................-......
Bit stock, Composition---...--.-----------
Bit stock, Drill...................................
Bit-stock fastener..---------.----------------.
Bit-stock, Method of constructing.......... - -
Bit to brace, Attaching....------------------..Bit to brace, Attaching....................
Bit to brace, Device for attaching-------------.................
Bitting attachment...............................----
Bitters and sauce bottle tube, Manufacture of.....
Bitters, Cider....................................----------------------------
Bitters, Stomach--------------------------..................................
Bitumen and clay, Combining........-........------.-.
Bitumen, ore, &c., Compound of--------------....................
Blackboard, Adjustable....--------------------
Blackboard and map-case...............
Blackboard, Composition---...------------..----
Blackboard, &c., Composition for covering.......
Blackboard, Composition for covering---...----..--
Blackboard for school...--------..------------..
Blackboard, &c., Liquid slating for forming-.......
Blackboard, state, &c., Composition for forming....
Blacking and brush holder------------------........................Blacking and brush holder------------------........................
Blacking and polish, Boot and shoe---...--------..Blacking-apparatus and boot-rack combined.......
Blacking apparatus, Boot.....-----------------.--
Blacking apparatus, Boot..........................
Blacking block, Boot and shoe......--------------.Blacking, Boot and shoe- ----.... ----------....
Blacking box-----------------------------......................................
Blacking box.................
Blacking box....
Blacking box...
Bli cking box and brush.-..........................
Blacking box and holder.--...-......................--------------
Blacking- box, Construction of....................
Blacking box cover----------... --------------..
Blacking box, Foot-rest for.......................
Blacking box handle-attachment.................
Blacking box holder...............................
Blacking box holder...............................
Blacking- ox holder...............................
Blacking box holder--------......
Blacking box holder....------------- -..
Blacking box holder........
Blacking box holder.....................
Blacking box holder...............................
Blacking box holder...............................
Blacking box holder..............................
B!aching box holder...............................
Blacking- box holder..
Blacking.box, Implement for holdipg..........
W. Lyon....----------------
C. Manson..............
WV. H. McCoy....-------------.
D. A. Newton..........
M. V. Nobles...-------------..
W. W. S. Orbeton-....-..-.
H. S. Pratt...-------.--------.
G. Richards...----------
C. B. Rose....................
C. B. Rose.....-----------------.S. Sawyer.....------------------
W. H. Sible..--..------.------
A. W. Smith.... ------..
R. D. O. Smith.................
N. Spofford............
A. Stanley....................
O. G. Stratton.................
A. W. Streeter................
J. Taylor -....................
O. H. Taylor..................-------------
O. H. Taylor.-...---..-----
F. M. and J. W. Thompson...
J. W. and F. M. Thompson...---
C. P. Whitman...............
S. S. Hout and B. B. Beers-....
A. Phelps...........
H. B. Williams--...........
C.P. Whitman................
A. W. Streeter----...............
O. Peck.......................
O. Peck-----------------.......................S. U. King.....---------------
S. V. R. York.................
J. B. Lyon.....---------------
T.P. Devor...................
M. Becker---------------....................P. Lea------------------........................P. Lea........................
H. L. Andrews..............
M. F. Cowdery................
M. F. Cowdery................
W. H. Jockel --..-.---.....
F. G. Johnson................
F. RebeJohnson------------"J. Reber.....................
T. J. Thorp...................
P. W. Moeller....-------------.
W. C. IHerider.................R. W. Young.................
N. V. Evans...............
J. B. Rowell--------------...................
W. Arronquier...............
W. W.Duoley-----...........-------
J. F. Bigger and W. A. Pugh..
P. B. Horton.................
W. A. Reason................
P. Perry..----------------
J. McCrellish....-------------
W. F. Quinby..-----------...............
L. R. Rockwood..............
A. Tomlinson.................
E. H. Sweetser................
E. H. Sweetser................
H. A. Reams...............
J. M. McMaster..............
H. H. Dodge..................
J. Vandercar...-------..
F. G. Harding...........-..
J. H. Patterson...........
J. S. Brooks.................
R. Cadle.....................
J. H. Doughty...............
C. H. Gatchell.................
E. M. Gates..................
W. L Gilroy...........
S. R. Sinclaire..............
H. Smith----------------......................T. H. Spencer................
A. M. Utley...................
J. Van Santvoord............
C. E. Yager.................
G. H. Monroe................
T. H. Spencer.................J. B. Shaler..................
J. H. Porter................
T. S. Robinson...............
C. R. Bacon and G. D. Clark...
WV. A. Field..................
R. R. Forrest..................
C. E. S. Jellifib................
H. B. Hammon.............
J. W. Lewis..................
T. K. Payson................
J. H. Rector and A. Sweetland.
N. H. Talbot..................
G. W. Taylor..................
A. Wilder....................
S. T. Wytman.............
W. and J. Cairns..............
Date. No.
Deep River, Conn........
Boston, Mass..............
Erving, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y.........
Haverhill, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Richmond Centre, Wis...
Sunderland, Mass........
Sunderland, Mass.........
Erving, Mass.............
Harrisburgh, Pa-..........
Manchester, N. HI.........
Washington, D. C.........
Haverhill, Mass...........
New Britain, Conn........
Greenfield, Mass.........
Shelburne Falls, Mass.....
Hebron, Conn............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Greenfield, Mass.......
Greenfield, Mass.....
Charlemont, Mass........
New Fairlield, Conn......
Marlborough, Conn......
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Charlemont, Mass.........
Shelburne Falls, Mass....
Windsor, Vt.............
Windsor, Vt............
Windsor, Vt..............
Antwerp, N. Y...........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Millerstown, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Goliad, Tex...........
Goliad, Tex..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Sandusky, Ohio..........
Sandusky, Ohio........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Nebraska, Ohio...........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
Miami Town, Ohio........
Rising Sun, Ind.........
Winslow, Ind............
Lynn, Mass------------
Worcester, Mass..........
Centreville, Ind..........
Rushville, Inad............
San Francisco, Cal..... _
Chicago, Ill...............
Waterford, N. Y.._....
Philadelphia, Pa..........Wilmington, Del..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Salem, Mass..............
Salem, Mass..............
Durham, N. C.............
Rochester, N. Y.......
Georgetown, D. C........
Brooklyn, N.Y............ -
Boston, Mass...--...........
Glen's Falls, N. Y.........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Shawneetown, Ill........
New York, N. Y..........
Oldtown, Moe..............---
Watertown, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y....._
Haddonfield, N. J.........
Providence, R. I..........
Watertown, N. Y.........
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
Hudson, N. Y..--..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Providence, R. I..........
Brooklyn, N.Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J............
Boston, Mass............
Washington, Pa..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Bristolville, Ohio.........
Providence, R. I.........
New York, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
North Eacton, Mass......
Springfield, Vt............
Calais, Mo................
Lynn, Mass...............
Jersey City, N. J..........
Oct. 23, 1860
May 2, 1871
Aug. 15, 1871
Oct. 28, 1873
June 20, 1865
Oct. 30, 1866
Oct. 1, 1872
Oct. 27, 1868
Apr. 16, 1867
Sept. 15, 1868
Aug. 15, 1871
Mar. 9, 1869
JTan. 2, 1866
Sept. 8, 1868
Nov. 1, 1859
Nov. 30, 1869
Aug. 11, 1868
Jan. 8,1867
June 30, 1836
Sept. 8, 1868
Nov. 2, 1869
Feb. 23, 1869
Sept. 15, 1868
Aug. 23, 1870
July 19, 1859
Oct. 10, 1829
May 13, 1873
Nov. 16, 1869
Mar. 31, 1857
Aug. 4,1863
Oct. 13, 1863
June 8, 1858
Apr. 28, 1868
Dec. 17, 1872
July 30, 1872
Sept. 7, 1869
Sept. 24, 1872
Nov. 11, 1873
Sept. 15, 1868
Feb. 6, 1872
Feb. 6, 1872
July 13, 1869
Dec. 3, 187-2
Nov. 4,1873
Jan. 21, 1873
Nov. 25, 1873
Sept. 22, 1863
Aptr. 25, 1871
Jan. 16, 1872
Aug. 7, 1860
Dec. 10, 1867
Aug. 30, 1870
Jan. 9, 187-2
Nov. 18, 1873
Sept. 27, 1864
Sept. 30, 1862
Nov. 20, 1866
Aug. 28, 1866
Feb. 22, 1859
Oct. 31, 1865
Mar. 26, 1872
Aug. 13, 1872
Mar. 19, 1872
Sept. 12,1871
Mar. 6, 1866
Feb. 18, 1868
June 2, 1857
Sept. 26, 1871
Aug. 8, 1865
Mar. 23, 1869
Mar. 14, 1865
Nov. 23, 1869
Sept. 12, 1871
Dec. 22, 1868
Nov. 14, 1871
Jan. 30, 1872
Aug. 21, 1866
Nov. 21, 1871
Oct. 31, 1871
Aug. 30, 1870
June 21, 1864
May 12, 1868
Apr. 22, 1873
Oct. 11, 1864
June 25, 1867
Feb. 11, 1868
Apr. 16, 1867
Aug. 13,1872
Aug. 1, 1865
Aug. 3, 1869
Jan. 1, 1861
Nov. 12, 1867
July 26, 1864
July 25,1871
Jan. 1, 1867
Jan. 8, 1867
Dec. 16, 1873
Jan. 13, 1857
30, 487
114, 314
118, 039
144, 123
48, 346
59, 254
131, 829
83, 410
63, 944
82, 251
87, 715
51, 874
82, 041
25, 984
97, 455
81, 031
61, 113
82, 044
96, 505
87, 309
82, 179
106, 751
24, 807
138, 973
97, 010
16, 938
39, 419
40, 275
20, 495
77, 235
133, 947
129, 937
94, 466
131, 690
144, 396
82, 062
123, 456
123, 457
92, 533
133, 583
144, 289
135, 019
144, 917
40, 035
114, 246
122, 763
29, 552
71, 946
106, 923
122, 511
144, 674
44, 456
36, 589
59, 851
57, 567
23, 065
50, 780
124, 984
130, 450
124, 760
118, 809
52, 977
74, 637
17, 431
119, 239
49, 224
88, 128
46, 783
97, 072
118, 924
85, 084
120, 907
123, 204
57, 401
121, 069
120, 554
106, 909
43, 221
77, 778
138, 102
44, 656
66, 173
74, 276
63, 876
130, 419
49, 115
93, 196
31, 165
70, 892
43, 645
117, 481
60, 962
61, 128
145, 544
16, 374
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blacking-box, Manufacture of..............
Blacking box, Shoe...............................
Blacking case and closet...................
Blacking-case and night-chair, Combined.......
Blacking case, Boot................................
Blacking-case, Portable.....................
Blacking-dish and knife..........................
Blacking for leather..............................
Blacking for leather, &c...........................
Blacking for leather, Oil...........................
Blacking for leather, Oil...........................
Blacking for shoes, &c......................
Blacking, Japan-paste............................
Blacking, Leather.........................
Blacking leather, Composition for..............
Blacking machine, Boot and shoe.............
Blacking machine, Mold..........................
Blacking, Manufacture of........................
Blacking, Manufacture of...................
Blacking, Manufathcture of.........................
Blacking, Metal-founder's........................
Blacking, Metalfounder's.........................
Blacking, Packing shoe--------------------............................Blacking, Shoe and stove...............................
Blacking, Water-proof.........................
Blacksmith's butteris.........................
Blacksmith, Foot-lifter for......................
Blacksmith's furnace for burning anthracite coal..
Blacksmith's hardy...............................
Blacksmith's hearth...-----------------------..
Blacksmiths, Mode of blowing and striking for...
Blacksmith's striker................
Blacksmith's striker.............................
Blacksmith's striker..................................
Blacksmith's took................................
Blacksmith's tool.........................
Blacksmith's tool.....................................
Black-washing mold...............................
Bladder, Machine for crumbling stone in........
Blade-case and attaching-pin, Combined............
Blank clip for swingletree, Method of forming....
Blanks, Machine for nicking screw...........
B'anket, Horse ------------------.-.-------
B lankets and overcoats, Sling for carrying..-.....
Blankets. &c., Machine for making...............
Blast and cupola furnace...............
Blast and cupola furnace...............
Blast and cupola furnace for melting iron... - -...
Blast and draft of furnace, forge, &c., Mode of managing.
Blast and puddling furnace for making wroughtiron direct from the ore, Combined rotary.
Blast-apparatus for furnace....................
Blast apparatus for puddling and other furnaces,
Blast apparatus, Hot...........................
Blast apparatus, Steam......................
Blast for furnace used in smelting iron, &c., Apparatus for heating the.
Blast for iron and other furnaces...............
Blast for smelting iron-ore, Furnace............
Blast-furnace-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blast-furnace_ ---------------- -..........
G. W. Bentley......................
G. H. Wetjen.................
C. E. Brown..................
W. P. Huges.................
G. H. Rice....................
J. McFerran.................
J. H. Doughty................
E. S. Carter..................
A. W. Overbaugh --..-..........--
E. L. Bolster..........
S. Adams..........
I. B. M errill...................
S. S. Allen...............
O. K. Tripp...................
J. L. Sneed..........
C. Kiinstler................
H. Lake.....................
A. D. Strong.................
J. Engelhardt..............
M. A. Myer..--------------..
B. S. Benson..................
R. Bartholow....................
G. W. Corey..................
J. L. Lucas...............
J. C. Sellars..............
J. C. Sellars..............
C. Herold...................
J. Breinig...................
H. S. Kerr....................
H S. Kerr....................
D. L. Pickard.................
E. Bacher.....................
T. C. Williams..........
E. Nichols and J. Augur......
C. F. Moore..................
J. Cavender.................--
S. Hoyt and E. Pierce........
G. Bell..................
D. S. Blue..............
H. Kendall........
S. J. Forbes..................-------
T. B. and L. W. Kelly.......
J. F. Kernon.............
G. Ross.....................
J. L. Hannah --... ---..
W. L. Bowser.................
M. Loughran.................
J. C. Rhodes................
M. V. Nobles.................
L. C. Chase...................
S. W. Baker.................
J. Short........... --.
J. Getzendannar.............
D. W. Hendrickson........
F. Lawrence..................
J. Pattarson..................
A. Collins...............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Northampton, Mass.......
Rochester, N. Y...........
Norwalk, Conn...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Keokuk, Iowa.........
New York, N. Y.........
Waterbury, Coon........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Dexter, Me..............
Richmond, Ind............
Rochester, N. YV...........
Frankfort, Ky............
Brooklyn, N.Y............
San Francisco, Cal.......
Ashtabula, Ohio..--.Carbondale, Pa..........
Decatur, Ill.............
Baltimore, Md............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Port Jervis, N. Y........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y..
Birkenhead, England.....
Birkenhead, England.....
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Allentown, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa...........
Rochester, N. Y......
Findlay, Ohio........
Warrenton, Mo.........
Hamden and New Haven,
Snedikerville, Pa........
Milton, Ohio.............
Pultney, N. Y............
Martiusburgh, W. Va....
Fort Seneca, Ohio........
East Dorset, Vt...-...
Marshalltown, Iowa......
Hammondsburgh, Pa., and
Brunswick, Ohio.
Saugerties, N. Y..........
Newport, Ky.........
New York, N. YV..........
Moncton, New Brunswick.
Pittsburgh, Pa...-..
East Bridgewater, Mass.
Elmira, N. Y.............
Boston, Mass...........
Providence, R. I-..........
Salem, Mass.............
Frederick County, Md.... - -
Red Bank, N. J...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Warwick, N. Y.....
Ulster, N. Y.....-----------
May 9, 1865
Sept. 12, 1871
Apr. 9, 1867
July 16, 1872
Apr. 8, 1873
Feb. 18, 1868
July 24, 1866
Mar. 13, 1866
May 21, 1867
June 11, 1867
May 30, 1842
Apr. 21, 1e68
Nov. 10, 1868
Oct. 24, 1871
Nov. 18, 1873
Sept. 28, 1869
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
Apr. 21, 1868
Feb. 5, 1867
Oct. 27, 1868
Apr. 4, 1865
Feb. 6, 18(.6
Oct. 11, 1870
June 30, 1868
May 16, 1871
Aug. 27, 1872
Sept. 10, 1872
Apr. 23, 1872
May 7,1872
Oct. 10,1865
Oct. 8,1872
Apr. 4, 1871
Aug. 21, 1839
Aug. 1, 1871
Aug. 27, 1861
Mar. 3, 1827
June 25, 1867
Nov. 27, 1855
May 12, 1857
Oct. 10,1871
Nov. 25, 1862
Mar. 5,1872
May;3, 1864
Aug. 19, 1834
Feb. 9,1869
July 11, 1865
Nov. 10, 1863
Feb. 27, 187-2
Oct. 15, 1867
Feb. 25, 1x68
Apr. 15, 1862
Sept. 30, 1814
June 17,1873
Sept. 2, 1873
June 13,1831
Dec. 31, 1838
47, 676
118, 995
63, 700
129, 137
137, 722
74, 705
56, 535
53, 111
64, 899
65, 637
2, 660
77, 869
83, 817
120, 348
144, 801
95, 357
73, 730
141, 829
76, 897
61, 755
83, 448
52, 391
108, 271
79, 504
114, 978
130, 917
131, 245
125, 894
126, 399
50, 383
132, 044
113, 379
1, 293
117, 665
66, 118
13, 841
17, 284
119, 837
37, 000
124, 362
42, 600
86, 637
48, 699
40, 588
124, 007
69, 7608
74, 742
35, 002.....
139, 891
142, 482
1, 054
138, 429
92, 490
109, 356
83, 382
103, 923
44, 533
65, 600
61, 323
143, 487
92, 505
137, 884
144, 829
118, 905
121, 762
128, 304
137, 366
16, 444.....
70, 447
123, 035
130, 590
133, 718
43, 274
54, 215
16, 560
139, 489
15, 541
J. Neville..................... Jersey City, N. J -......... Apr. 29, 1873
B. F. Sturtevant............. West Roxbury, Mass..... July 13,1869
R. A. Smith-........... Newburyport, Mass...... Nov. 15, 1870
P. Hoop, jr., and R. Hoop...... Berlin Cross Roads, Ohio. Oct. 27, 1868
J. J. Pierce................... Sharpsville, Pa....... June 7, 1870
G. A. Jasper... --............... Charlestown, Mass...... Oct. 4, 1864
J. Player..................... Norton, England.......... June 11, 1867
F. A. T. de Beauregard.......
T. Gregg.. -.................
E. B. Andrews................
G. Atkins.....................
J. G. Blunt...................
F. Biittgenbach..............
I. B. B. Case.................
H. Davies...................
J. F. Harris...............
D. W. Hendrickson.........
D. W. Hendrickson...........
W. Kelly...................
B. Kugler..................
F. W. Lurmann..........
J. H. McKernan.............
P. P. Parrott................
Paris, France............
Connellsville. Pa.........
Lancaster, Ohio........
Sharon, Pa..-............
Leavenworth, Kans......
Diisseldorf, Germany.....
Toledo, Ohio.............
Newport, Ky...........
Fort Edward, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Red Bank, N. J-....
Eddyville, Ky........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Osnabruck, Prussia......
Indianapolis, Ind.......
Greenwood Iron-Works,
New York, N. Y.......
St. Petersburg, Russia....
New York, N. Y..........
Lawrence County, Ohio...
Baltimore, Md........
Hammondsville, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y..........
Mine La Motte, Meo.......
N ew cas t 1 e-upon-Tyne,
Catasauqua, Pa..........
Jan. 22,1867
May 22, 1832
Oct. 7, 1873
July 13, 1869
Apr. 15, 1873
Nov. 25, 1873
Sept. 12,1871
Dec. 12, 1871
Juno 25,1872
Apr 23, 1867
Apr. 1, 1873
Jan. 20, 1857
June 2,1836
Nov. 5,1867
Jan. 23,1812
Aug. 20,1872
Dec. 10, 1872
June 21, 1864
Apr. 24, 1866
May 16,1833
Apr. 18, 1834
Sept. 8, 1857
Feb. 3,1857
June 3,1873
Aug. 12, 1856
Blast-furnace...................................... J. Pattison.................
Blast-furnace....-----------------------------------............................... W. Raschette...............
Blast-furnace...............--...................... S. C. Salisbury................
Blast-furnace-----------------------------------...................................... J. Steece.....................
Blast-furnace.....----------------------------------- I. Tyson, jr...................
Blast-furnace---.................................... S. Wilkes....................
Blast-furnace....----------------------------------- H. Wissenborn...--...........
Blast-furnace----------------------------...-------. J. V. Woodhouse............
Blast-furnace.................--................. W. Wright and G. Brown...
Blast-furnace, Air-heating pipe for------------................ S. and J. Thomas..........
Nov. 22, 1859 I 26, 212
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blast-furnace alarm-apparatus...................
Blast-furnace, Apparatus for charging............
Blast-furnace, Apparatus for feeding........
Blast-furnace, Apparatus for feeding...........
Blast-furnace, &c., Apparatus for heating air for..
Blast-furnace,.apparatus for opening and closing
the top of.
Blast-furnace, Appendage to blast-pipe of.........
Blast furnace, Arrangement of pipes for hot.-... -
Blast-furnace breast-plate................
Blast-furnace charging-apparatus..................
Blast-f urnace charging-apparatus.............
Blast-furnace cinder-plate..................
Blast-furnace, Combination of a double traveling
hearth with.
Blast-furnace, Construction and mode of working..
Blast-furnace, Construction of................
Blast-furnace, Fluxing..............
Blast-furnace for making iron...................
Blast-furnace for smelting iron, &c...............
Blast-furnace for smelting metal..................
Blast-furnace hearth...........................
Blast-furnace hopper............................
Blast-furnace, Hot-air...........................
Blast furnace, Hot..............................
Blast-furnace, Method of heating............
Blast-furnace, Oven or furnace for heating the
blast of.
Blast-furnace, Oven or stove for heating the blast of.
Blast-furnaces, Collecting and using the waste
gases from.
Blast-furnace to steam-boiler, Mode of applying
the waste heat of.
Blast-generator, Hydraulic.....................
Blast-heating furnace............................
Blast-heating furnace or oven-.....................
Blast in furnace, Mode of heating.................
Blast in furnace, Mode of heating air for hot......
Blast, Method of generating air................
Blast of furnace, Application of steam to --..........Blast oven for iron-furnace, Hot...................
Blast oven for metallargic furnace, Hot...........
Blast oven, Hot..................................
Blast oven, Hot..................................
Blast oven, Hot..................................
Blast oven, Hot.................................
Blast oven, Hot..................................
Blast oven or furnace, Hot........................
Blast-oven pipe, Hot...........................
Blast-pipe for conveying heated air and gas to furnace.
Blast-producing chair, Rotary....................
Blast, smelting, and cupola furnace -.........
Blasts, &c., Machine for blowing..............
Blastic compound.........................
Blasting by electrical currents...................
Blasting by electricity...........................
Blasting by electricity............................
Blasting logs....................................Blasting, Method of..............................
Blasting, Nitro-glycerine compound for............
Blasting, Package of powder-charges for........
Blasting powder.......................
Blasting-powder, Composition for.................
Blasting-powder, Composition for..................
Blasting-powder, Compound for..................
Blasting-powder, Machine for making........
Blasting-purposes, Tamping-device for............
Blasting rock............................
Blasting rock....................................
Blasting rock, &e........
Blasting rock, Chemical composition for...........
Blasting rock, Explosive composition for..........
Blasting rock, Implement for......................
E. Davis...................
W. A. Miles..................
L. S. Goodrich................
L. S. Goodrich................
H. Davies.......--..........
J. Thomas...................
J. L. Agnew.................
J. Young..................
R. A. Fisher.................
J. H. Collins..................
W. A. Miles..................
S. W.Harris................
L. Sibert.....................
H. Bessemer..._..........
S. Chubbuck and J. Briggs.... -
C. Shunk......................
D. W. Hendrickson and J. P.
S. W. Harris.................
J. Barker...................
G. Poe------------------......................D. Bauman..................
R. Long....................
A. Burtenshaw...............
T. W. Bakewell..............
T. Whitwell.................
Millerton, N. Y...........
Salisbury, Conn.........
Waverly, Tenn........
Waverly, Tenn.........
Portsmouth, Ohio.._...
Parryville, Pa.............
Negaunee, Mich..........
Franklin Furnace, Ohio...
San Francisco, Cal.......
Edgehill, Pa..........
Salisbury, Conn........
Albany, N. Y............
Wookstock, Va..........
London, England........
Wareham, Mass.........
Armistrong County, Pa...
NewYork,N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Baltimore, Md...........
Elk Ridge Landing, Md..
Parryville, Pa.............
Chillicothe, Ohio..-.. -
Hope Furnace, Ohio...
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Stockton-on-Tees, England
May 27, 1873
Nov. 12, 187-2
May 30, 1871
July 23, 1872
Oct. 22, 1861
May 24, 1870
July 27, 1869
Aug. 2, 1053
July 22,1873
Sept. 24, 1872
Aug. 20, 1872
Sept. 2. 1873
Nov. 20, 1849
July 25, 1871
Jan. 9, 1841
Feb. 12, 1856
Sept. 3, 1867
Sept. 2, 1873
Apr. 20, 1837
June 23, 1838
May 28, 1872
Dec. 10, 1867
Mar. 29, 1870
Nov. 6,1855
July 9, 1867
J. M. Hartman............... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 26, 1870
J. E. A. B. De Langlade....... Bordeaux, France........ Mar. 19, 1872
M. Bell...................... Antis, Pa................. June 10, 1840
C. C. Lloyd.................
W. H. Place..................
A. F. W. Partz................
H. Hamilton................
G. H. Lagorce.............
C. C. Alger..............
J. Jones-----------------.......................I. J. Hendryx................
C. Foss......................
S. and J. Thomas..............
T. Whitwell.................
R. E. Brown.................
D. and J. Campbell and S. Raymond.
J. Fraggett.................
J. Player....................
J. Young....................
E. M. Furguson..............
J. K. McLanahan.-..-..-......
R. Cook........................
L. R. Breisach................
A. Kipp, jr..................
S. C. Salisbury...............
P. W. Mackenzie.............
L. Buchhloltz.................
C. Stowell --.- - -.....
T. P. Shaffner...............
T. P. Shaffner.................
G. W erlich....................
M. Nowak...................
M. Cooke................
N. Cadwallader.............
J. Horsley.............
H. M. Boies.................
G. H. Felt....................
J. H. Holsey..................
J. H. Holsey--------------..................
C. Monson.-...............
D. Shoemaker................
H. Biebuyck..................
W. and E. Febleisen........
W. H. Jackson................
F. A. Jacekel................
A. Murtineddu...............
P. A. Oliver...............
W. Silver, jr...............
WV. Silver, jr.................
W. R Thomas and M. Emanuel, jr.
W. R. Thomas and M. Emanuel, jr.
W. R. Thomas and M. Emanuel, jr.
A. T. Rand.................
W. Silver...................
J. Shoemaker.............
G. C. Bunsen.................
M. Shaw.....-------------.................---
C. Monson..................
C. Seidel...........
E. Callow....................
C. F. Brown...................--------------
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Youngstown, Ohio........
Newcastle, Pa...........
Stockbridge, Mass........
York, Pa..................
New York, N. Y..........
Madison, Ohio...........
Hokendauqua, Pa.........
Stockton-on-Tees, England
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Middletown, Pa...........
Youngstown, Ohio........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Portsamouth, Ohio._......
Brady's Bend, Pa.....
Hollidaysburgh, Pa.._....
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
New York, N. Y..........
Sing Sing, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J.........
Richmond, Va...........
Concord, Mass...........
Louisville, Ky...........
Louisville, Ky...........
Watertown, Wis..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Sacramento City, Cal......
Birchville, Cal........
Cheltenham, England.....
Scranton, Pa..............
New York, N. Y..........
Butler, Ga...............
Butler, Ga...............
New Haven, Conn........
Kittaning Township, Pa..
Brussels, Belgium........
Cilii City, Austria.........
Salem, Mass...............
Buckan-Magdeburg, Prussia.
Marseilles, France........
New York, N. Y.........
Pittston. Pa..............
Wapwallopen, Pa.........
Catasauqua, Pa...........
Apr. 17, 1849
Feb. 4, 1862
June 2, 1857
July 13, 1869
June 13, 1871
June 30, 1838
Dec. 10, 1838
Feb. 17, 1857
Aug. 2, 1826
June 1, 1869
Aug.27, 1872
Feb. 2, 1864
Sept. 14, 1869
May 31, 1870
May 31, 1870
Sept. 3, 1872
Apr. 5, 1870
July 23, 1872
Mar. 26, 1850
Feb. 16, 1858
Aug. 16, 1864
Mar. 23, 1869
Jan. 2, 1855
Aug. 19, 1856
Oct. 28, 1862
Dec. 19, 1865
Dec. 19, 1865
Aug. 3, 1869
May 24, 1864
May 3, 1870
May 29, 1866
Dec. 28, 1869
Nov. 11, 1873
Feb. 27, 1866
Oct. 31, 1871
July 8, 1873
Oct. 3, 1865
Sept. 16, 1873
Oct. 7, 1862
Jan. 29, 1867
Mar. 23, 1869
May 24, 1864
May 12,1157
July 14, 1868
Nov. 22, 1853
July 1, 1856
Mar. 11, 1862
139, 300
132, 974
115, 305
129, 813
33, 521
103, 391
93, 032
9, 908
141, 043
131, 667
130, 652
142, 463
6, 894
117, 246
1, 926
14, 257
68, 565
142, 464
127, 214
72, 056
101, 223
13, 743
66, 543
105, 378
124, 796
1, 630
6, 341
34, 331
17, 447
92, 526
115, 870
1, 033
16, 645
90, 796
130, 885
41, 421
94, 709
103, 597
103, 651
131, 1431
101, 449
129, 744
7, 211
19, 343
43, 856
88, 083
12, 165
15, 551
36, 824
51, 671
51, 674
42, 869
102, 503
55, 055
98, 382
144. 434
52, 836
120, 438
140 628
50, 263
14.2, 948
36, 599
61, 659
88, 171
42, 913
17, 291
80, 004
10(, 260
15, 257
34, 654
32, 016
37, 117
70, 359
88, 6:4
108, 397
47, 925
8, 011
61, 957
8, 734
11, 850
Catasauqua, Pa........... Apr. 9, 1861
Catasauqua, Pa.......... Dec. 9, 1862
New York, N. Y..........
Bloomsburgh, Pa.........
Putnevville, Pa...........
Belleville, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y.......
London, England..........
Warren, R.I.............
Oct. 29, 1867
Apr. 6, 1869
Oct. 18, 1870
May 30, 1865
June 3, 181.
Apr. 1, 1851
Feb. 12, 1867
Feb. 17, 1852
July 11,1854
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blasting rock, Loading the boring for.............
Blasting rock, Making cartridges for...............
Blasting rock, Method of.........................
Blasting rock, Method of..........................
Blasting rock, Mode of..........................
Blasting rock, Plug for........................
Blasting rock, timber, &c------------------.........................-.
Blasting rock under water, Apparatus for........
Bl sting rock under water......................
Blasting, Tamping-plug for........................
Bllasting, &c., Treating explosive compounds to
render them sale for.
Bleached fabric, Process for dcchlorinating........
Bleaching and cleaning cloth ---------------... -
Bleaching and cleaning vegetable fiber............
Bleaching and cleansieg textile fabric, Apparatus
Bleaching and disinfecting....--..--..............
Bleaching and dyeing yarn, cloth, and other textile
fabrics, Method of.
Bleaching and removing stains, Liquid for.......
Bleaching animal and vegetable fiber..............
Bleaching cane-juice, Apparatus for..............
Bleaching cloth, yarn, &c., Process of............
Bleaching cotton and linen yarn, &c...............
Bleaching cotton and woolen fab ic...-----------.
Bleaching cotton goods by steam................
Bleaching cotton, linen, &c.----- - - -...................---------
Bleaching dark soaps and "foots ".-............
Bleaching fabrics, Apparatus for....------------..............Bleaching fatty substances..................
Bleaching fibrous materials, Process of........
Bleaching fibrous substances, Process for........
Bleaching ivory, bone, &c.........................
Bleaching linen, cotton, &c., Apparatus for........
Bleaching-liquors, Manufacture of......---.....---.....
Bleaching oil, paraffine, wax, &c., Apparatus for...
Bleaching palm-leaf, straw, &c....................
Bleaching paper-pulp and drying paper, Apparatus
Bleaching-powder, Manufacture of................
Bleaching-powder, Marufacture of................
Bleaching-powder, sulphate, &c., Manufacture of..
Bleaching-powder. Treating mixed gases containing chlorine for the production of.
Bleaching, Preparation of cloth and vegetable
fiber for.
Bleaching-process................................-- -
Bleaching rags, Apparatus for---- -..............-..
Bleaching resin.................................
Bleaching straw goods......................
Bleaching thread, yarn, &c., Apparatus for......
Bleaching with sulphur-fumes, Apparatus for....
Bleaching wool...........................
Bleaching wool, yarn, &c.......................
Blind, Apparatus for setting and copying music
for the.
Blind, Map-type for the........................
Blind, Musical notation for the.................
Blind, Printing-apparatus for the.................
Blind, Printing-instrument for the................
Blind, Stitching-gage for the.........................
Blind, Type for the.................- -.............
Blind, Type to print for the......................
Blind, Writing-apparatus for the...............
Blind, Writing-apparatus for the..................
Blind, Writing-apparatus for the-...--......
B lind.--.....................
Blind, Adjuster for window.......................
Blind and awning, Window and door..............
Blind and curtain, Apparatus for raising and lowering window.
Blind and curtain fixture, Window...............
Blind and shutter fastener.......................
Blind and shutter fastener..................
Blind and shutter fastener..................
Blind and shutter fastener, Window...........
Blind and shutter fastener, Window.......
Blind and shutter fastening.................
Blind and shutter fastening......................
Blind and shutter fastening.......................
Blind and shutter fastening.................
Blind and shutter fastening.................
Blind and shutter mover and fastener.......
Blind and shutter opener and fastener.........
E. Gilbert................
J. B. Ives....------
J. Brodieo and S. H. Wheeler...
I. \Vhitcomb.................
J. Gilleland..............J. 1). Buckley and S. F. Mosher
J. Norton.....................
J. B. Eads.--.........
B. Maillefert.................
S. H. Daddon.................
E. Gomez.................
E. A.L. Roberts............
I. A. Roth....................
J. B. Fuller..............
J. G. Kientzle............
C. H. Farnham...............
E. T. Rice---------------
S. Barlow....................
Rochester, N. Y....-.......
Lebanon, Pa-----.............
San Francisco, Cal........
Hingham, Mass-........
Al hliens, Ga...........
Schagticoke, N. Y.........
Cork, Ireland.............
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Now York, N. Y.........
S int Clair, Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Titusville, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Norwich, Conn...........
Montgomery County, Pa..
Norwich, Conn....
New York, N. Y'-..--
Middleton, England......
Date. No.
July 22, 1823....
July 17,1826
Oct. 8, 1872 131, 995
July 29, 1873 141, 248
Dec. 4, 1860 30, 809
May 17, 1859 24, 006
Aug. 8, 1 854 11,508
Jan. 27, 1837 16, 473
Mar. 2,1852 8, 776
Sept. 30, 1873 143, 396
Apr. 26, 1870 102. 250
May 20, 1873 139, 192
Oct. 4, 1853
June 23,18867
Oct. 8, 1818
Aug. 15, 1835
Feb. 22, 1870
May 27, 1862
P. Marcelin............... New York, N. "-....... Apr. 9, 1872
I. C. Colton and A. M. Hastings Buffalo and Rochester,N.Y. Mar. 5, 1807
M. E. Tompkins.............
C. M. E. du Motay and C. R.
C. T. Appleton...-......
E. A. Combs --- -.............J. Meyer --...............M. Pierce...---------------
I. A. Roth and J. Lea..........
W. A. Jordan.............--
W. Luther...................
J. Kendan.-- -..............J.Jeanning -........
A. Milne and D. S. Deane......
J. B. Green...............
O. Loew--................
L. Mendelson.................
F. F. Mayer...................
H. M. Baker............
J. Short..................
D. K. Tuttle.............
L. W. W right.................
11. Deacon - --..............
C. Adams................
F. Perrin---................
L. Dodge.....................
H. Deacon...............T. Gray. -.................
HII. Deacon....................
H. Deacon...............
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Nov. 26, 1867
Metz, France............. Aug. 28, 1866
Roxbury, Mass............
Monroe, Wis..............
Bay Ridge, N. Y..........
Norwich, Cohn..........
Philadelphia County, Pa..
New Orleans, La.......
Niagara Falls, N. Y.......
Leominster, Mass.......
Plainville, Conn....
Clinton, N. Y........
Portsmouth, N. HI........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
Rochester, N. Y..
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
United States..--...........
Widnes, England....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Cambridge, Mass..........
Waterford, N. Y..........
Widnes. England.....
Union Road, England....
Widnes, England.......
Widnes, England........
Apr. 17, 1855
July 14, 1868
May 17, 1864
Nov. 8, 1845
May 9, 1854
Apr. 2, 1867
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. 22, 1817
Dec. 28, 1869
July 14, 1ti13
May 29, 1832
Mar. 29, 1870
Aug. 8, 1871
Aug. 6, 1861
Oct. 16, 1866
Jan. 23, 1866
Jan. 12, 1869
Mar. 3, 1838
May 27, 1873
Feb. 13, 1866
July 31, 1866
July 31, 1866
Aug. 22, 1871
Mar. 19, 1867
Dec. 5, 1871
Aug. 22, 1871
G. W. Billings................. - - - New York, N. Y--------.......... Mar. 14, 1865
10, 095
66, 013.....
100, 071
35, 357
125, 469
62, 612
71, 426
57, 649
12, 709
79, 955
42, 782
4, 257
10, 894
63, 527
73, 733
98, 387.....
101, 283
117, 796
32, 005
58, 935
52, 250
85, 875
139, 2:39
52, 509
56, 860
56, 732
118, 210
63, 036
121, 595
118, 212
46, 774
44, 250
16, 100
85, 860
13, 008
139, 402
134, 941
102, 868
109, 177
74, 898
121, 564
129, 819
26, 361
132, 371
25. 657
62, 206
15, 164
140, 645
132, 370
62, 156
125, 024
71, 084
121, 026
100, 593
13, 140
74, 399
42, 198
8, 933
42, 929
62, 947
2, 065
36, 597
34, 739
87, 647
41, 064
43, 533
6, 990
7, 246
A. R. Arrott................
J.A. Roth.................- -
B. Schmidt.................
H. Loring....................
A. K. Lee...................
C. W. Shiveley................
A. M. Rosbugh.............
J. E. Clarner ----................
A. J. Crosby and O. W. Crow..
J. Watteau................
E. H. Ilaserick..............
E. Marquis --................
Saint Helen's, England..
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y........
Boston, Mass.........
Galveston, Tex..-........
Peru, Ind............
Panora, Iowa.--....
Pawtucket, R. I.......
Bluffton, Ind............
Antwerp, Belgium........
Lake Village, N. II........
Bloomington, Ind........
S. P. Ruggles.................. Boston, Mass...........
C. Mahony................... New York, N. Y......
D. A. Johnston............... Memphis, Tenn.....
E. A. Beach -.................. Stratford, Conn-..........
W. H. Richardson-....---.. Fort Smiih, Ark........
S. P. Ruggles.............. Boston, Mass.........
H. Robyn ---.................... Saint Louis, Mo........
J. R. Cole.................... Paducah, Ky...........
J. Synnott..............--..... San Francisco, Cal.. -..
A. Von Briesen............... New York, N. Y..........
W. E. Brock................... Now York, N. Y.......
A. A. Starr.................. New York, N. Y.......
G. M. McMahan.............. Mount Sterling, Ky.......
G. Allix--..-----.-............ Saint Holier's, Island of
J. H. Kinsman............ United States Army......
S. Barker.................. Now York, N. Y.....
W. Crighton................. Fall River, Mass..........
C. H. Eddy...............-.... Auburn, N. Y..........
E. Jaquith.............. - -..... Brattleborough, Vt...-..
J. P. McKean -..--.............. Washington, D. C......
W. B. Barnard................ Waterbury, Conn......
F. Chase..--.--.................. South Sutton, N. H.......
W. J. Decker --------.--Nyack, N.Y.............
J. Frick.................... Philadelphia, Pa.........
D. E. True.................... Leominster, Mass........
W. Maguire........--......... Cincinnati. Ohio.......
J. F. Lawrence and L. A. Claremont, N. H.........
Sept. 13, 1864
Nov. 18,1856
Jan. 12, 1869
June 5, 1855
May 27, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
May 10, 1870
Nov. 15, 1870
Feb. 25, 1868
Dec. 5, 1871
July 23, 1872
Dec. 6, 1859
Oct. 22, 1872
Oct. 4, 1859
Feb. 19, 1867
June 24, 1856
July 8, 1873
Oct 22, 1872
Feb. 19, 1867
Mar. 26, 1872
Nov. 19, 1867
Nov. 14, 1871
Mar. 8, 1870
June26, 1855
Feb. 11, 1868
Nov. 19, 1867
Apr. 5, 1864
May 11, 1852
May 31, 1864
Mar. 19, 1867
Dec. 26, 1837
Apr. 24, 1841
Oct. 7, 1862
Mar. 25, 1862
Mar. 9, 1869
Jan. 5, 1864
July 12, 1864
Jan. 1, 1850
Apr. 2, 1850
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Once from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Blind and shutter operator.......................
Blind and shutter operator........................
Blind and shutter operator.......................
Blind and shutter supporter....................
Blind and window fastening..-.................
Blind-boring machine............................
Blind, Butt for...................................
Blind-butt, Self-locking...........................
Blind, Construction of....................
Blind, Device for opening and closing window.. -.
Blind, Device for opening and closing window.....
Blind, door, &c., Window...................
Blind, Enameled window..........................
Blind fastener and operator.................
Blind fastener, Gravitation window...........
Blind fastener, Window....................
Blind fastener, Window......................
Blind fastener, Window..........................
Blind fastener, Window.............................
Blind fastener, Window....................
Blind fastener, Window..........................
Blind fastener, Window....................
Blind fastener, Window.......................
Blind fastener, Window..........................
Blind fastener, Window..........................
Blind fastener, Window..........................
Blind fastener, Window..........................
Blind-fastening, &c........................
Blind fastening, Window...................
Blind fastening, Window..........................
Blind fastening, Window..........................
Blind fastening, Window........................
Blind fastening, Window.........................
Blind fastening, Window.........................
Blind fastening, Window..........................
Blind fastening, Window.................
Blind fastening, Window.....------------------
Blind fastening, Window...................
Blind fastening, Window......
Blind fastening, Window...................
Blind fastening, Window..........................
Blind fastening, Window..........................
Blind fastening, Window.........................
Blind fastening, Window...................
Blind fastening, Window...................
Blind fastening, Window..........................
Blind fastening, Window.------------------
Blind fixture, -Window............................
Blind, Folding....................................
Blind, Folding window............................
Blind, Folding window........
Blind for doors and windows, Metallic............
Blind for houses, Inside...........................
Blind holder, Window.............................
Blind-hook blanks, Cutting and forming...........
Blind, Inside.....................................
i i i--,
J. R. Creighton..............
R. V. Jones...................
N. W. Speers..................
T. C. Ball......................
G. L. Reynolds..............
J. H. Gibbs..................
O. S. Garretson...............
W. R. Goodrich..............
J. Currier...............
W. F. Seavey..................
G. W.Day...................
E. Bascom...............
S. W. Woodward..........
L. Stevens and S. B. Ellithorp.
T. J. Olsaver and W. P. Elliott
O. M. Andrews............
F. and F. Babcock..........
F. and F. Babcock...........
J. M. Barnaby................
A G. Batchelder.........
A. Bingham...............
E. R. Chandler-----------................
H. M. Clark.................
W. H. Davis................
G. K. Dearborn.............
G. K.Dearborn...........
J. Johnson and S. Ingersoll...
W. S. Kirkham................
J. Murphy...................
W. Phelps, jr.................
D. B. Randall...............
G. T. Smith and W. E. Sparks..
S. F. Stanton.................
C. E. Struck..................
D. E. True..................
F. Yeazie................
J. Aborn.............. --
J. A. Carver..............
W. Avery--------------- --
J. R. Baker.............
J. L Bassett...................
C. P. Bell...----------------
S. Fansher....................
A. T. Finch..................
C. B. Francis...........
E. A. Holbrook, J. E. Dodge,
and G. H. Marshall.
M. M. Isbel..............
D. B. and C. C. Mosher.......
G. Welsh..........E. B. Beecher, J. G. Davis, H.
S. Frost, and A. G. Davis.
E. A. Chavantre............
J. E. Cryer...................
S. Hall..-..................
J. J. Henry..............
W. C. Hicks.............
W. Humiston................
S. W. Huntington.............
A. S. Lesner..........
G. Lightfoot...-...........W. C.Marshall................
B. Mayo.....................
C. A. Palmer................
R. Porter....................
S. V.Quimbyand W.G.Marston
H. Vansands...........
W. Toepfer and H. Rugee.....
I. Amos.................
A..C. Arnold................
J. Bacon...............
W. B. Barnard................
S. Lichtenthaeler...............
J. Luther and A. Marsh.......
J. Luther and A. Marsh.......
F. A. Makepeace............
N. F. Mathewson.............
G. B. Melcher................
D. M ills...............
D. Millse-----------------
H. Munroe..................
T. J. Sloan.
J. Stewart...................
T. Stover...................
L. M. Townsley...........
A. Warner..............
A. J.Warner.................
J. W. Whittier........
A. G. Batchelder............
M. Blake................
S. S. Clark........
F. R. Osgood.............
W. E. Worthen.....
J. Wright and T. Thompson...
E. W. Bullard............
G. Orr...........
D. Y. Kilgore................
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Birmingham, Pa.....
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Springfield, Vt..........
Newburgh, N. Y.......
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Buffalo. N. Y..........
Utica, N. Y.............
Portland, Me...........
Portland, Me.........
Haverhill, Mass....- -.-..
New York, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Elmira, N. Y............
Aurora, Ill.............
Hecls Works, N. Y........
Middletown, Conn.........
Middletown, Conn.........
West Harwich, Mass......
Lowell, Mass-..........
Newtonville, Mass......
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Meriden, Conn..........
Taunton, Mass-........
South Boston, Mass.......
Smithfield, R. I............
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Brantford, Conn.........
Boston, Mass...........
Salem, Mass.........
Augusta, Me..........
New Haven, Conn........
Manchester, N. H........
New York, N. Y..........
Lake Village, N. H........
Worcester, Mass..........
Providence, R. I.....
Taunton, Mass......
Salisbury, N. Y......_
Jersey City, N. J.......
Bridgeport, Conn.........
Nashua, N. H...........
New Haven, Conn.......
Southbury, Conn-.......
Meriden, Conn.........
Newark, N. J..............
Watertown, N. Y.........
New Haven, Conn.......
Seneca Falls, N. Y........
Washington, D. C......
Westville and Watertown,
Newark, N. J.............
Greenpoint, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y....
North White Creek, N. Y.
Boston, Mass.............
Meriden, Conn............
Augusta, Me...........
Milltown, Me.............
Elgin, Ill.................
New York, N. Y......
Chatham, Mass..........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C......
Boston, Mass., and West
Fairlee, Vt.
Middletown, Conn........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Bel Air, Md......
Norwalk, Conn........
Bedford, Mass...........
Waterbury, Conn........
Litiz, Pa................
Worcester, Mass........
Worcester, Mass......
Worcester, Mass......
Barrington, R. I..........
Salem, Mass.......
Paterson, N. J..........
Fall River, Mass..........
New York, N. Y.....
Utica, N. Y.............
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Sedalia, Mo............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Cambridge, Mass......
Lowell, Mass........
Sutton, N. H........
Manchester, N. H......
Grand Rapids, Mich.......
New York, N. Y......
Elizabeth, N. J..........
Hardwick, Mass......
Needham, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Jan. 13, 1852
Nov. 16, 1852
Dec. 16, 1851
May 20, 1862
Mar. 20, 1866
Feb. 6, 1866
June 19, 1866
Mar. 5, 187-2
Dec. 24, 1867
Apr. 13, 1869
Oct. 15, 1872
Feb. 9,1869
Apr. 17, 1866
June 26, 1855
Dec. 5, 1865
Nov. 29, 1859
June 1, 1869
Sept. 13,1870
Feb. 9,1869
June 27, 1871
June 25,1867
Sept. 10, 1861
June 12, 1866
Oct. 4, 1859
Oct. 17,1865
Sept.2 6, 1871
Feb. 2, 1869
Nov. 6,1869
Dec. 28, 1858
Nov. 3, 1868
Oct. 31,1865
Dec. 18, 1866
Jan. 12, 1869
May 31, 1870
Dec. 4, 1855
Dec. 1, 1868
May 22, 1866
Feb. 27, 1830
Oct. 29, 1861
July 23, 1867
Sept. 025, 1847
May 14, 1867
Aug. 21, 1847
Apr. 10, lÂ~11
Oct. 16, 1C0
Jan. 1, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
June 29, 1839
Apr. 14, 1868
Feb. 29, 1848
Apr. 16, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
Sept. 14, 1869
May 23, 1865
Nov. 27, 1860
May 21, 1861
Feb. 26, 1867
May 28, 1867
Aug. 1, 1871
Nov. 12, 1867
Mar. 5,1867
Nov. 19, 1867
Feb. 6, 1866
Feb. 22, 1859
Oct. 31, 1865
May 5,1857
Feb. 3,1863
Nov. 28, 1871
Oct. 24, 1865
Apr. 28, 1836
Oct. 7, 1862
July 14, 1846
Dec. 4,1866
Aug. 20, 1867
Oct. 2,1866
July 9, 1867
Feb. 4,1868
Jan. 6, 1863
Oct. 2, 1866
Mar. 26, 1867
Apr. 24, 1847
July 23, 1867
Apr. 30, 1867
Apr. 9, 1867
Feb. 5, 1867
Nov. 26, 1861
Jan. 19, 1858
Mar. 14, 1854
Apr. 7,1857
Nov. 1, 1870
July 17, 1855
May 21, 1872
Aug. 29, 1854
May 12, 1868
June 17, 1873
8, 647
9, 405
8, 597
35, 347
53, 339
52, 409
55, 643
124, 263
72, 609
88, 814
132, 142
86, 630
54, 077
13, 141
51, 345
90, 625
107, 210
86, 628
116, 257
65, 993
33, 236
55, 577
25, 634
50, 532
119, 266
86, 552
38, 581
22, 446
83, 789
50, 775
60, 584
85, 867
103, 795
13, 890
84, 661
54, 996.....
33, 563
67, 015
5, 305
64, 740
2,, 02
30, 3 7
00, 12
71, 069
1, 210
76, 199
5, 4631
63, 835
94, 719
71, 135
47. 816
30, 730
32, 365
62, 337
65, 086
117, 649
70, 726
62, 656
71, 031
52, 442
23, 043
50, 733
17, 243
37, 597
121, 309
50, 546
36, 596
4, 633
60, 210
67, 891
58, 441
66, 510
73, 987
37, 300
58, 461
63, 317
5, 078
63, 768
61, 779
33, 806
19, 170
10, 648
16, 966
108, 819
13, 279
127, 006
11, 597
77, 905
139, 899
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blind, Inside......................................
Blind, Inside......................................-----------------------------
Blind, Inside window..............................
Blind, Iron window..............................
Blind machinery, Window.......................
Blind-making machine...........................
Blind, Metal clad wooden.........................
Blind, Metallic.......................................
Blind, Metallic window.........................
Blind, Metallic window...........................
Blind, Metallic window, &c.......................
Blind-mortising machine.........................
Blind-mortising machine........................
Blind, Movable window............................
Blind opener and shutter, Curvilinear...........
Blind, Opening and closing outside...............
Blind, Opening and shutting window.............
Blind opener and slat regulator, Combined.........
Blind opener and slat regulator, Combined... -....
Blind, Operating and fastening window...........
Blind-operating device............................
Blind, Operating window.........................
Blind, Operating window.........................
Blind, Operating window.........................
Blind- operator................................
Blind operator and fastener.......................
Blind operator, Window....................
Blind or shutter fastener........................
Blind or shutter, Opening and closing iron........
Blind, Railway-car.................................
Blind, "Retaining" window....................
Blind rods and slats, Machine for wiring.......
Blind-rods, Hand-machine for wiring..........
Blind-rods, Machine for trimming..- -- ---...............
Blind-rods, Machine for wiring..................
Blind-rods, Machine for wiring............
Blind-rods, Machine for wiring..................
Blind-rods, Machine for wiring_...............
Blind rods, Machine for wiring window..-. -.......
Blind rods, Window.......................
Blind-rods, Wiring...............................
Blind-rod-wiring machine...................
Blind, Rolling window.....................
Blind-screen for shutter...........................
Blind, Securing window..........................
Blind Self adjusting spring for window...........
Blind, Sheet-iron..................................
Blind, Shifting...................................
Blind-shutter fastening............................
Blind-slat adjuster...............................
Blind-slat adjuster...............................
Blind-slat aojuster...............................
Blind-slat adjuster, Window....................
Blind-slat boring and mortising machine.........
Blind-slat clasp and pivot, Metallic...............
Blind-slat-crimping machine.....................
Blind-slat-cutting machine.....................
Blind-slat fastener................----...........
Blind-slat fastener.................
Blind-slat fastener........................
Blind-slat fastener --...............................
Blind-slat fastening.............................
Blind-slat fastening..............................
Blind-slat fastening..............................
Blind-slat fastening...........................
Blind-slat fastening.............................
Blind-slat holder, Venetian...................
Blind-slat holder, Window.........................
Blind-slat holder, Window........................
Blind-slat machine........................
Blind-slat machine..............................
Blind-slat machine........................
Blind-slat machine...............................
Blind-slat machine..............................
Blind-slat machine.........................
Blind-slat machine, Window......................
Blind-slat machine, Window......................
Blind-slat-mortising machine.....................
Blind-slat operator................................
Blind-slat operator.........................
Blind-slat operator................................
Blind-slat operator................................
Blind-slat operator............................
Blind-slat operator.......
Blind-slat operator, Window................
Blind-slat-planing machine..................
Blind-slat-planing machinery................
Blind-slat-planing machinery................
Blind-slat regulator..............................
Blind-slat staple..............................
In ventor.
E. Metcalf...................
W. Potter, jr............
S. V. Shorey.......
H. Blakely.................
D. H. Thompson..............
J. Milne...................
W. E. Brock................
J. M. Jomain................
G. A. Lathrop............
C. Neer.......................
C. Neer...................
M. Buck.....
B. T. Norris -.....------
N. Poulson....................
R. B. Rollf...................
J. E. Clokey......-...........
A. Ball.......................
L. Gathmann...............
W. Allen,jr...................
O. Williams.--- --..
T. Christian.................
T. Christian...................
A. Ferber.....................
J. A. Dorman and J. E. Stearns
L. N. Fay and W. Mason......
L. N. Fay and W. Mason......
J. Johnson...................
J. R. Creiahton......._......
G. Jennison and M. F. Otis....
W. Race......................
W. H. Brown............
C. E. Smith...................
D. M. Hall..................
N. Palmer....................
G. Meyer.....................
B. C. Davis...---------------.
B. C. Davis....................
B. Boardman.............
T. R. Crosby......-.......
F. I. M oore..................
T. F. St. John................
D. Kelly.................
J. G. Baker...................
J. Coover....................
J. Holziberger................
S. W. Bidwell.............
B. J. Williams........-.
W. H. Mackrell...........
H. Seely...........
W. E. Ward................
B. C. Howell, A. B. Thompson,
and E. D. Snyder.
0 Paddock...............
0. L. Houghton.............
W. B. Sloan..................
W. B. Sloan...................
R. C. Beach and G. A. Berry...
T. Flesher....................
G. R. Clarke.................
M. Buck................
J. W. Helder................
G. W. Brooks..............
A. F. Champlin.........
W. Sellers................
T. G. Springer -.........-...
J. D. Burdick.................
J. M. Peirce...................
W. F. Redding.................
T. F. Rockwell................
T. P. Smith............ -..
J. Hampson..................
J. Boyd......................
W. S. Mayo -............
S. Jackson................
W. F. Johnson and J. Doyle...
K. Kendal and L. H. Stark....
F. Leclere....................
H. B. Smith...-----..
G. F. Woolston..............
E. R. Benson.............-...
H. W. Farmer..............
C. W. Strout..................
H. B. Lum...................
O. Paddock..................
L. W. Swafford, E. Butler, and
J. R. Hess.
J. B Smith, S. A. Greely, and
A. Campaigne.
D. R. Williams............
Q. M. Youngs.................
E. C. Byam...............
C. Carlisle and L. Worcester..
G. Bonwill......
A. Woodworth, 3d............
J. T. O Donohue and A. Leavitt.
B. Boardman..................
Rome, N. Y............
Andover, N. Y..........
Galesburgh, Ill-.......
New York, N. Y.......
Springfield, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York,.N. Y-.
Paris, France-.... -...
East Saginaw, Mich....
Troy, N. Y...--------.
Albany, N. Y........
Lebanon, N. H.....
Lynn, Mass..........
Washington, D. C-....
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C-..-..
Bridgewater, Mass ------.
Milford, Mass...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Meriden, Conn...........
Governeur, N. Y-..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Elizabeth City, N. J.......
Worcester, Mass..........
West Warren, Mass......
Warren, Mass..............
Geneseo, N. Y... ---..Cincinnati, Ohio.....-- -
Westborough, Mass.....
Seneca Falls, N. Y.....
Worcester, Mass........
Goffstown, N. H..- -.-..-..
Bridgeport, Conn......
New York, N. Y.......
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Binghamton, N. Y....
Binghamton, N. Y.....
Norwich, Conn............
Newark, N. J........
Ithaca, N. Y............
Le Roy, N. Y..............
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Washington, D. C........
Chambersburgh, Pa....
Newark, N. J.............
Hartford, Conn............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Bushwick, N. Y...........
Unadilla, N. Y..........
Port Chester, N. Y......
Ithaca and Owego, N. Y...
Watertown, N. Y.........
Holden, Mo..........
Hamburgh, Iowa......
Hiamburgh, Iowa... -
Tidlioute, Pa.............
Dunkirk, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..- -..
Lebanon, N. II............
Shannon, Ill..........
Bloomington, Ill.........
Westerly, R. I.....
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
Ashway, R. I...........
Mokena, Ill...............
Utica, N. Y..............
Yorkville, N. Y..........
Bennington, Vt.......
New Orleans, La......
Mamaroneck, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
Ossipee, N. H...--...-.
Wetumpka, Ala...........
Goffstown, N. H..........
Watertown, N. Y........
Lowell, Mass.............
Washington, D. C -........
Warsaw, N. Y........
Poultney, Vt..............
Calais, Me..........
Sandusky, Ohio...........
Watertown, N. YV.....
Muscatine, Iowa......
July 29, 1873
May 13, 1873
Dee. 17, 1867
Jan. 23, 1855
May 4, 1852
Junice 18, 1872
June I1, 1872
July 23, 1867
Dec. 13, 1859
June 15, 1858
Jan. 14, 1862
Nov. 23, 1869
Apr. 10,1855
July 21, 1868
Apr. 17, 1849
Mar. 30, 1858
Jan. 25,1833
Jan. 21, 1873
Feb. 27, 1872
Apr. 4, 1848
Apr. 26, 1864
Mar. 2, 1858
Sept. 7,1858
July 27, 1858
Sept. 28, 1858
Nov. 30, 1858
Feb. 14, 1860
Feb. 28, 1860
Aug. 31, 1852
Apr. 4, 1871
Sept. 23, 1851
Feb. 23, 1864
Nov. 16, 1869
Dec. 6, 1859
June 13, 1831
Dec. 7, 1869
Oct. 11,1859
June 7, 1870
Sept. 1, 1857
Dee. 13, 1859
June 15,1852
Dec. 16,1856
Sept. 12, 1865
Oct. 18, 1859
Aug. 7, 1860
Oct. 12, 1869
Oct. 5, 1858
May 10, 1870
June 13, 1831
July 14, 1828
Jan. 2, 1855
Dec. 20, 1864
Oct. 13, 1868
Oct. 29, 1872
May 28, 1872
Jan. 21, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 21, 1871
Mar. 5, 1867
Aug. 15, 1871
Aug. 23, 1870
Sept. 9, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
Apr. 27, 1869
Sept. 2, 1873
Sept. 6, 1864
May 19, 1868
June 16, 1883
Apr. 28, 1868
May 7, 1867
Aug. 21, 1841
Dec. 1, 1863
Aug. 4, 1857
June 19, 1860
July 31, 1860
Aug. 15, 1871
Feb. 1, 1870
Oct. 16, 1860
Mar. 14, 1871
Oct. 4, 1853
Apr. 24, 1860
July 2, 1861
Oct. 3, 1871
Nov. 16,1869
Oct. 27, 1868
141, 286
138, 761
72, 3:132
12, 292
8, 931
128, 057
127, 736
66, 967
26, 438
20, 576
314, 162
97, 040
12, 691
6, 347
19, 751
124, 050
5, 497
42, 523
19, 488
20, 996
21, 638
27, 119
27, 295
9, 231
113, 301
8, 387
41. 676
96, 380
26, '351
97, 541
25, 726
103, 848
18, 080
26, 417
9, 032
16, 252
25, 864
29, 467
95, 800
102, 900.....
12, 145
45, 499
82, 980
132, 581
127, 376
135, 166
145, 481
121, 093
62, 608
118, 102
106, 694
142, 674
144, 062
89, 459
142, 526
44, 072
78, 004
38, 913
77, 218
64, 588
2, 223
84, 530
17, 937
28, 809
29, 380
118, 023
99, 327
30, 429
112, 66
10, 063
27, 976
32, 727
119, 625
96, 950
83, 421
107, 557
7,2 03
118, 573
145, 842
19, 619
7, 133
4, 721
111, 770
19, 7-17
Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 20, 1870
Prospect, Conn........
Utica, N. Y..............
Fort Dodge, Iowa.......
Woodstock, Vt........
Kent County, Del.....
Worcester, Mass......
New York, N. Y.........
Mar. 19,1850
Aug. 29,1871
Dec. 23, 1873
Mar. 16, 1858
Mar. 5, 1850
Aug. 26, 1846
Feb. 14,1871
Norwich, Conn............ Mar. 30.1858
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive.-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Blind-slat staple........-........................
Blind-slat stiles, Machine for mortising............
Blind-slat tenon..........................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine.................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine.......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine.......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind-slat-tenoning machine......................
Blind slat, Window................................
Blind-slat-wiring machine.........................
Blind-slat-wiring machine...................
Blind-slat-wiring machine...................
Blind-slat-wiring machine........................
B ind-slat-wiring machine---.......-.
Blind-slats -.. -...........................
Blind-slats and boring the stiles, Machine for
Blind slats, Apparatus for operating window.......
Blind-slats, Clamp for entering....................
B' ind-slats, Cutter-head for tenoning-------.........----......
Blind-slats, Device for fastening..............
Blind-slats, Device for forming round tenons on....
Blind-slats, Device for holding...................
Blind-slats, Device for moving...........
Bhlind-slats, Machine for compressing the ends of -..
Blind-slats, Machine for cutting shoulder on.......
Blind-slats, Machine for cutting tenons on..._.....
Bliid-slats, Machine bfor cutting tenons on.........
Blind-slats Machine for entering..................
Blind-slats Machine for making..................
Blind-slats, Machine for making...............
Blind slats M, chine for making window.........
Blind-slats, Machine for setting staples in......
Blind-slats Machine for tenoning................
Blind-slats &c., Machine for wiring.........
Blind-slats Machine for wiring............
Blind-slats Machine for wiring - -- - -...............
Blind slats Mode of adjusting window.........
Blind-slats Mold for making glass................
Blind slats Operating window...............
Blind-slats Spring for fastening.....................
Blind-slats to receive the staples, Device for piercing.
Blind slats, Window............................
Blind-splint machine........................-.
Blind, Spring-holder for slat....................
Blind-staples, Machine for making and setting -... -
Blind-staples, Method of boxing..............
Blind-staples, Process of making.................
Blind-stile-boring machine.....................
Blind-stile-boring machine.......................
Blind-stile-boring machine------------------........................
Blind-stile-boring machine.....................
Blind-stile-boring machine........................
Blind-stile-boring machine.......................
Blind-stile boring and mortising machine..........
Blind-stile-mortising machinoe........
Blind-stiles, Machine for boring or mortising......
Blind-stiles, Machine for mortising----------................Blind-stiles, Machine for mortising................
Blind-stiles, Machine for spacing and boring.......
Blind stop...............................
Blind, Sun.........................................
Blind, Suspending Venetian................
Blind, Venetian...................................
Blind, Venetian..................................
Blind, Venetian.................................
Blind, Venetian window.............................
Blind, Venetian window....................
Blind, Ventilating roller window..............
Blind, Ventilating window..............
Blind, Window...........................
Blind, Window..................................
Blind, Window...........................
Blind. Window...........................
Blind, Window....................................
Blind, Window.......
Blind, Window........
Blind, Window..................................
Blind, W indow....................................
Blind, Window...................................
Blind, Window........
J3lind, Window........
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, Window....................................
C. H. Palmer...............
D. T. Drake-------------...................
W. McFarland...............
H. Bickford......................
T. J. Bowdle, S. R. Lawder,
and F. E. Johnston.
J. J. and T. Clark----------.............
J. J. Clark and T. Clark.......
M. W. Clark.....--------------
F. Douglas....---------------
J. Kindleberger and W. A.
J. M. Seymour..-------.........-----
T. G. Stagg... ---.....
L. F. Stevens.............
A. Kohler.......................
P. Barry.................
B. C. Davis...................--------------
E. F. Dunaway...............
G. V. Orton and W. H. Doane..
G. Pancake...............---
M. W. Clark................
H. Smith and T. J. Lumis....
S. Avery.....................
J. Church.....................
M. W. Clark...............
W. Palmer...................
T. C. Ball...--.............
J. A. McCreary.............
L. Gathmann............
L. T. Smart................
P. Clark...--..............
S. C. Ellis................
E. W. Roff...............--
J. Church...................
P. Schumacher.............
F. W. White.............--
I. W. Gere........
J. Wyman...--------------
L. Stevens- ---------------
P. Barry----------------....................- -
E. F. Dunaway...-- -........- ----
J. M. Seymour and D.Whitlock
B. C. English..... -.....E. B. Hungerford..............
J. D. Burdick.................
G. H. Dimond.................
J. Carpenter.............
F. Little.....................
J. A. Welsh...................
W. L. Gallaudet...........
J. B. Sargent.................
J. Keith....-...............
B. C. Davis..............
J. Keith....................
A. B. Carlin.............
S. E. Ellis.............
L. G. Kirkham...--....-....
E. H. Smith...............
J. F. Tudor....--------------
A. M. Winn, J. Kindleberger,
and W. A. Arnold.
E. R. Longhead...............
L. M. Collins............
L. Worcester................
M. W. Collins.................
C. A. andE. P. Fennand I. Cook
D. Dunham...................
P. A. Burgess ---------.............-------
W. A. Caswell.............
J. H1. Cranston.............
J. Weber --................
J. Jeffreys..................... Bohrer....---------------
H. H. Andresen and H. Asbahr
G. F. Smith...................
G. F. WSmith---------------
G. H. Woodworth.......
C. D. Blinn..............
C. Rose..............
A. Cooper...................
H. Berdan and J. Bantly...
W. Bellairs and H. Demott...
W. H. Bixler.............
J. P. Boyd....................
W. E. Brock..............
E. Cate.....
E. Cate....................
F. Chase................
L. W. Chase.............
A. M. Cochran...........
T. Donate.......
D. D. Douglass...........
S. Eich-- ------------.
G. M. Fowler............
A. S. Grenvilloand T. J. Lewis
New York, N. Y.......
Leominstcr, Mass.......
New York, N. Y.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Piqua, Ohio.............
Elgin, Ill.................
Elgin, Ill..................
Worcester, Mass..........
Norwich, Conn..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Newark, N. J..........---
Jersey City, N. J.........
Elmira, N. Y.........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Newark, N. J.........
Binghamton, N. Y......
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Harrisburgh, Pa.......
Worcester, Mass........
Muskegon, Mich..........
Norwich, Conn...........
Phoenix, N. Y.._-_-...
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Worcester, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
Keene, N. H.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chicago, Ill.........
Manchester, N. HI.......
Nashville, Tenn......
Albany, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J.......
Saint Louis, Mo.....
San Francisco, Cal......
Norwich, Conn......
South Granby, N. Y.....
SSchaghticoke, N. Y......
Elmira, N. Y...........
Newark, N. J........
SIndianapolis, Ind.......
Newark, N. J.........
Hartford, Conn........
Corning, N.Y.....
New Berne, N. C.........
Bridgeport, Conn.........
Stonington, Conn.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Xenia, Ohio.............
New York, N. Y........
New Haven, Conn......
Charlton, Mass..........
Binghamton, N. Y.......
Providence, R. I.......
SCamden,N. J.......-....
Jersey City, N. J..........
Derby, Coun..........
Whitestown, N. Y......
Camden, N. J...........
San Francisco, Cal.....
Cincinnati, Ohio........
SLebanon, N. H --......-..
Lebanon, N. H...........
Enfield, N. H...-.......
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Pawtucket, R.I........
Butler, Mo...............
Providence, R. I........
Norwich, Conn............
New York, N. Y......... Upper Norwood, England.
Philadelphia, Pa......
r Davenport, Iowa........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Port Huron, Mich.......
SAllentown, Pa.......
Twickenham, England....
Wayne, Mich............
Atkinson, Ill..............
Easton, Pa............. La Porte, Ind......
New York, N. Y......
Boston, Mass.......
- Boston, Mass....... South Sutton, N. H...... Galion, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y........ New York, N. Y....... Sprngfield, Mass......
East Toledo, Ohio....... Seymour, Con......
* Cambridge and Boston,
Mass. a
Date. No.
June 3,1873
Apr. 28, 1857
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 2 7, 1869
Oct. 6, 1868
July 16, 1867
Oct. 6, 1868
July 28,1868
Sept. 27, 1870
Oct. 12, 1869
Apr. 24, 1866
Mar. 28, 1854
Aug. 9, 1859
May 7, 1872
May 21, 1867
Oct. 15, 1872
Jan. 1, 1867
Aug. 18, 1868
May 12,1868
Feb. 22, 1870
May 14, 187-2
Jan. 1, 1867
Apr. 15, 1851
July 25,1871
Mar. 31, 1868
Dec. 18, 1866
Nov. 10, 1857
Nov. 18, 1862
Jan. 10, 1872
May 19, 1857
Feb. 13, 1872
Feb. 3, 1857
Nov. 7, 1854
May 20,1873
July 25, 1871
Oct. 29, 1867
Nov. 30, 1858
Aug. 24, 1858
Apr. 28, 1857
Nov. 2, 1869
Jan. 30, 1866
June 1, 1869
Sept. 23, 1856
Mar. 18, 1873
Mar. 20, 1860
Sept. 17, 1867
Aug. 25, 1857
Feb. 26, 1867
Feb. 6, 1866
Nov. 11, 1856
Dec. 1, 1868
Mar. 14, 1871
May 23, 1871
Aug. 27, 1872
Aug. 5, 1873
Oct. 29, 1872
Apr. 15, 1873
Oct. 31,1871
July 16, 1872
Dee. 28,1869
May 19,1863
May 16, 1871
July 5, 1859
Aug. 6,1872
Aug. 3, 1a69
June 14, 1859
Dec. 26,1871
May 4, 1869
Oat. 28, 1873
Sept. 23, 1873
Apr. 19, 1864
June 4, 1850
May 19, 1868
July 23, 1867
July 26, 1859
Nov. 28,1865
Apr. 10, 1855
May 2, 1871
Nov. 30, 1869
May 26, 1868
July 17, 1855
Oct. 25, 1870
July 4, 1871
May 1, 1847
May 8, 1847
July 24, 1855
Mar. 27, 1866
Feb. 3, 1857
June 7, 1870
June 11, 1861
June 28, 1870
Apr. 23, 1872
Aug. 9, 1839
139, 516
17, 141
76, 491
89, 277
82, 792
66, 678
82, 801
80, 392
107, 671
95, 810
54, 222
10, 710
25, 056
126, 464
64, 935
60, 839
81, 103
77, 908
100, 118
126, 713
60, 800
8, 045
117, 383
76, 052
60, 545
18, 569
36, 960
122, 595
17, 341
123, 677
16, 534
11, 907
139, 043
117, 471
70, 382
22, 177
21, 292
96, 381
52, 276
90, 789
15, 758
136, 835
27, 520
68, 967
18, 037
62, 348
52, 473
16, 053
84, 585
112, 719
115, 175
130, 809
141, 545
132, 646
137, 932
120, 465
129, 439
98, 455
38, 590
114, 765
24, 688
130, 194
93, 291
24, 427
89, 557
144, 019
143, 207
42, 438
7, 408
78, 040
66, 995
24, 900
51, 131
12, 695
114, 412
97, 269
78, 359
108, 557
116, 679
5, 097
5, 108
13, 300
53, 412
16, 5-27
103, 854
32, 512
104, 717
125, 887
1, 279
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blind, Window.................................
Blind, Window.....--------------------------
Blind, Window...........................
Blnd, W indow..................................
Blind, Window, &c................................
Blind, Window..............................
Blind, Window...................
Blind, Window................................
Blind, Window............................
Blind, W indow................
Blind, Window............................
'ind, Window.....-...........................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, Window.............................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, Window...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind W indow...................................
Blind, Window.................................
Blind, Window....................................
Blind, Window and door.....................
Blind, Window...............................
Blind, Window...........................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind, W indow...................................
Blind-wiring machine, Window....................
Blind-wiring machine...........................
Blind-wiring machine.......................
Blind-wiring machine.........................
Blind-wiring machine.......................
Blind-wiring machine......................
Blinds............................- ------- --- ---.
Blinds and slats, Apparatus for operating window.
Blinds, Apparatus for opening and closing.........
Blinds, &c., Apparatus for painting window........
Blinds, Cast and wrought metal...............- - -
Blinds, Corner-support for......................
Blinds, Device for operating slats of window......
Blinds, Device for operating window..........
Blinds, Hanging Venetian... -................Blinds, Horizontal spring catch for window......
Blinds, Locking and stopping window..........
Blinds, Machine for boring window.............--
Blinds, &c., Machine for cleaning.................
B!inds, Machine for cutting rolls of window......
Blinds, Machine for cutting slats for window......
Blinds, Machine for making metallic slats for......
Blinds, Machine for making window............
Blinds, Machine for mortising window.........
Blinds, Machine for tenoning window - - - -.........
Blinds, Machinery for boring window.............
Blinds, Machinery for mortising frames of window.
Blinds, Means for holding window............
Blinds, Metallic frame for window..........
Blinds, Method of adjusting window...--... -...
Blinds, Method of moving and fastening window...
Blinds, Method of opening, shutting, and fastening
Blinds, Mode of constructing slats for........
Blinds, Mode ofmanufacturingiron slats for window
Blinds, Mode of opening and closing window......
Blinds, Mode of opening and closing window......
Blinds, Mode of operating window............
Blinds, Mode of raising and lowering Venetian.-.
Blinds, Mortising and boring stiles for door and
Blinds, Opening and closing device for window...
Blnds, Operating window.................
Blinds to windows, &c., Mode of adjusting.......
Blinds, Turn-buckle for window........................
See Alphabet-block.
Basket-braiding block.
Bolster block.
Boot-crimping block.
Brush block.
Building block.
Butchers' block.
Cam and spring block.
Carriage-step block.
Carriage top-prop block.
Color-printing block.
13 P
J. Harding..............
S. Hebron.................
A. Herder...................
I. H. Hobbs..............
H. Hoffman..............
W. P. Hoffman................
E. B. Hungerford.............
A. A. Jaqua..................
W. Johnston..................
D. Kelly and WV. Livingston...
C. K. Marshall...........
C. G. Matchett...........
S. W. Merrill..............
G. Munger -...............
L. Park....................
L. Park..................
J. Parkerson...............
A. and M. Pirz..............
S. Pocock.......
W. F. Redding......_........
J. C. Reed.--.------------ -.
S. M. Sherman...............
S. M. Sherman..............
A. P. Smith.................
C. W. Smith................
H. Smith and T. J. Lumis.....
S. Steere....................
T. J. Stratton.................
A. Van Wagenen.............
C. H. Warner.................
M. C. Weld.................
G. Wilkinson................
L. H. Wooden...............
B. C. Davis...................
W. F. Dodge................
E. F. Dunaway.................
J. Kindleberger and W. A.
C. M cGill.....................
J. H. Nelson..................
R. Hutton....................
J. Jones..........
C. Reed and E. Howe,'jr....--.
S. T. Field..............
R. White..................
G. W. Day... - - -............
L. N. Fay and W. Mason....
J. McMackin...............
H. W. Safford................
XV. Phelps...............
J. XVWotzel................
L. S. Colburn..................
G. WV. LaBaw............
L. H. Dwelley............
G. H. Denison............
J. S. Sanson and W. P. Farrand
M. C. Stiles and T. S. Lewis....
J. A. Peabody................
J. H. Palmer.................
J. Wiley...-................
D. M. Cummings.............
H. A. Frost..................
C. Neer......................
W. H, Babcock...............
C. Reed....................
W. Chase....................
W. E. Worthen and J. J. Althouse.
W. E. Ward.................
G. Butterfield.......- ---......
L. N. Fay and W. Mason......
J. Clark......................
J. Weir...............
D. Hathaway................
WV. Wright...................
C. G. Bloomer...............
C. E. Parker and J. Sanger....
J. L. Chapmhan...........
Galesburgh, Ill............
Buffalo, N. Y-..---..New York, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y...._
San Francisco, Cal......
Elmira, N. Y.......
New York,N.Y-.--.--.Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Grand Rapids, Mich._....
Vicksburgh, Miss.....
Greenville, Olio.......
Assabet, Mass........
Cambridge, Md.......
Brady, Pa............
Brady, Pa.................
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Woodstock, (Ontario,) Canada.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
Stamford, Conn...........
Fort Dodge, Iowa.........
Fort Dodge, Iowa.......
Sterling, Ill..............
Evans, N. Y.............
Norwich, Conn...
Gloucester, R. I-.....
Cleveland, Ohio........
Boston, Mass...._.....
Pittsfield, Mass..........
Closter. N. J............
White Creek. N. Y...
Hampstead, Md...
Binghamton, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........San Francisco, Cal......
New Haven, Conn........
Little Falls, N. Y.........
Wialiamsburgh, N. Y......
Clyde, N. Y...............
Cambridgeport, Mass....
Worcester, Mass..........
Washington, D. C.......
Haverhill, Mass...........
Warren, Mass.........
New Yok, N. Y.._..
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Salem, Mass.............
Mott Haven, N. Y.......
Oberlin, Ohio..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Dorchester, Mass...__Suspension Bridge, N. Y..
Philadelphia, Pa........
Hollis, Me................
Lowell, Mass..............
Elmira, N. Y..........
New Orleans, La.....
North Enfield, N. H.......
Worcgster, Mass..........
Albany, N.Y............
Homer, N. Y..............
Cambridge, M ass........
Buffalo, N. Y.......
New York, N.Y.......
Port Chester, N. Y........
Hopkinton, N. H........
Warren, Mass..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
Troy, N. Y...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
North Kingston, R. I......
Boston & Watertown, Mass
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Jan. 12, 1869
Sept. 7, 1869
Sept. 7, 1858
Aug. 29, 1871
Dec. 1, 1863
Aug. 27, 1867
Feb. 27, 1866
Dec. 7, 1869
Oct. 20, 1868
Feb. 10, 1857
Sept. 24, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
May 1, 1866
Mar. 20, 1817
Dec. 28, 1869
Mar. 18, 1873
Sept. 11, 1828
Oct. 5,1869
Oct. 11, 1870
July 10,1866
Nov. 28, 1865
Oct. 12, 1869
July 11, 1871
July 10, 1866
June 26, 1860
July 30, 1867
Mar. 25, 1835
July 16, 1872
June 6, 1865
Apr. 14, 1868
Aug. 12, 1813
Jan. 8,1842
Jully 9, 1872
Mar. 22, 1870
Mar. 23, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
Sept. 28, 1869
Oct. 7, 1873
Oct. 31, 1871
Jan. 1,1867
Dec. 24, 1850
Sept. 25, 1849
Apr. 18, 1854
Jan. 25, 1852
June 24, 1873
Aug. 4, 1857
Aug. 4, 1857
June 30,186:3
July 7, 1830
May 30, 1865
Oct. 6, 1868
Apr. 18, 1854
Mar. 12, 1867
Jan. 26, 1864
Dec. 16, 1856
Jan. 24, i854
July 17, 1855
Feb. 19, 1856
Dec. 25, 1849
Jan. 10, 1854
Jan. 23,1855
May 17, 1839
Oct. 12, 1858
May 15,1849
May 22, 1849
Jan. 11, 1859
July 11, 1854
Sept. 4, 1840
Aug. 4,1857
Jani. 18, 1859
Oct. 8, 1840
Feb. 5, 1833
Apr. 10, 1847
Oct. 18, 1859
Aug. 7, 1855
Dec. 28,1858
85, 818
94, 599
21, 417
118, 454
40, 795
68, 076
52, 854
97, 514
83, 286
16, 632
69, 231
62, 765
54, 385
98, 403
136, 858
108, 182
56, 267
51, 268
95, 737
117, 001
56, 282
28, 908
67, 363
129, 435
48, 116
76, 855
141, 841
2, 414
128, 937
101, 107
88, 145
112, 791
95, 355
143, 521
120, 454
60, 736
7, 856
6, 748
10, 789
8, 679
140, 120
17, x:23
17, 938
39, 069.....
48, 003
82, 803
10, 792
62, 829
41, 367
16, 250
10, 462
13, 271
14, 289
6, 979
10, 403
12, 275
24, 048
6, 455
6, 466
22, 600
11, 311
1, 766
17, 922
22, 625
1, 807
5, 062
25, 801
13, 398
22, 470
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
See Conveyer-block.
Harness-pad block.
Horse-collar block.
Muff-forming block.
Music-note block.
Railway-brake block.
Sash-guide block.
Saw-mill head-block.
Ship's block.
Toy building-block.
T-rail block.
Block and tackle check...........................
Block-disengaging hook........................
Block-fitting machine......---------------------
Block press, Furnace......----------------------
Block-sheave, Bush for............
Blocks, hubs of wheels, &c., Bushing for... __.
Blocks, Manner of strapping........
Blocks, tackle, and pulleys of metal-- ----- ---- __
Blood, Equalizing...............................
Bloom-rolling machine.......................
Blotter, Automatic...............................
Blotter, paper-weight, rule, cutter, and square,
Blotter, Roll.............................
Blotter, Rotary...................................
D. C. Guttridge and W. F.
S. Brown.....................
E. H. Woodsum..............
A. Hall...................
C. Alger.............
L. Aspinwall.............
C. Curtis and T. C. Smith......
N. H. Lewis...................
J. Rudder...................
T. and D. Curtis...............
A. E. Wolf.................
J. Barron.....................
S. R. Terrell...................
G. W. Billings................
B. B. Howell..........
I. G. Allerton...............
S. H. Merrill...............
C. C. Moore................
C. C. Moore...................
D. Walker.................
J. E. Billings.............
N. M. Shafer.............
A. H. Trego................
P. B. Sheldon..................
F. W. Frost and S. L. Hayward.
R. Boeklen---------------....................A. Q. Collins--------------..................J. F. French..............
C. A. Gale................
P. Gorsline...........
G. C. Hinman..........
J. M. Keep.....---------------
A. B. Kellogg...............
D. Walker.....---------------
W. H. Bailey....------------.. -
G. W. Bigelow...........
H. B. Bigelow and G. Murray..
E. Carleton..--------------.................
WV. S. Colwell.................
F. Engel.....-----------------
J. A. Evarts............
J. N. Gilchrist.-...-..--..........D. D. Hardy and E. E. Wood.S. H. Hartman...............
B. Hotchkiss.....-----..........
R. Lapham..................
WV. A. Parmele------------................
Canton, Ohio.....-----------. Aug. 21, 1866
San Francisco, Cal........
South Boston, Mass.......
Perth Amboy, N. J.....
Boston, Mass..........
Albany, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.........
New York, N.Y..........
Norfolk, Va..............
Washington, D. C.........
Mystic River, Conn.......
Philadelphia, Par.......
Burton, Miss..............
Chicago, Ill....-.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y....
Washington, D. C........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J.............
Belmont, Mass...-....
New York, N. Y.......
Trenton, N. J.............
Prattsburgh, N. Y......
Somerville, Mass....._Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Cambridge, Mass.......
Boston, Mass............
Demopolis, Ala.......
Elizabeth. N. J......._
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y.........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Newark, N. J.........
Mahanoy City, Pa.......
New Haven, Conn.........
New Haven, Conn., and
Cambridgeport, Mass.
Cape Elizabeth, Mo.......
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Camden, N. J............
Meriden, Coun...........
Connersville, Ind........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Allegheny, Pa........_
New Haven, Conn.......
Now York, N. Y.......
New Haven, Coon......
Feb. 13, 1866
Nov. 11, 1873
Mar. 18, 1873
July 1, 136
Apr. 22, 1835
Apr. 20, 1831
Aug. 26 1918
Feb. 6, 1819
Jan. 23, 1826
Nov. 6, 1866
Oct. 20, 1834
Feb. 5, 1836
May 27, 1873
Nov. 6, 1828
June 9, 1857
July 2, 1872
Dec. 5, 1865
Apr. 2, 1867
May 12, 1868
Oct. 8, 1867
Sept. 24, 1867
Oct. 10, 1865
Feb. 19, 1861
Apr. 12, 1870
May 14, 1867
Mar. 21, 1871
July 19, 1870
Dec. 14, 1869
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 23, 1870
Apr. 5, 1870
Dec. 20, 1870
Nov. 20, 1866
Nov. 14, 1871
Feb. 12,1867
July 10, 1866
June 27, 1871
Sept. 27, 1870
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 11, 1866
May 31, 1870
June 21, 170
Aug. 8, 1871
Nov. 3,1863
June 19, 1860
July 30, 1867
57, 316
52, 636
144, 427
136, 913...............
59, 496.....
139, 358
17, 477
128, 556
51, 337
63, 417
77, 78:3
69, 616
50, 404
31, 483
101, 852
64, 623
112, 787
105, 563
97, 900
89, 142
106, 696
101, 627
110, 245
59, 933
120, 929
56, 165
116, 265
107, 665
62, 620
60, 350
103, 733
104, 585
117, 776
40, 482
28, 758
67, 345
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blower ----------------------------------------
Blower ----------------------------------------
Blower ---------- ------------------.------------
Blow er.......................................--
Blow er----------------------------------------
Blower and exhauster, Steam------------------_
Blower and rotary-engine combined..............
Blower, Compound[e..............................
Blower, Comnpound-----------------------------
Blower Cmpan d _______________
Blower coshed-......in......
B low er, F an....................
Blower, Fan....................
Bl e r Fan....................
B o er Fan....................
B o er F in................
Blower,.1Fin ----- ------------------------------
Blower, Fan...................
Blower, Ian- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blow cr IFan...................
Blower, Fan.. -...........-- - - - - -......
B l.ow er, Fan. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blower 1(Fa...................
Blower, Fan....................
B low er, Ianr - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
B low er, Ian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B low erF an - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blower, Fan ----------------- -------------------
Blower- Fa----------------- ------ ------------ -
Blowser Fan..-----------------------------------
Blower, Fan.....................................
Blw F,1an.--------- - - - --............
Blower, Fan-wheel------------------------------I
Blower-, Fir-wee----------------------------------I
Blower for blacksmiths forge -- -_- - ---- -- -- - --- - --
Blower for- furnace, Ilydraulic.- - - - --- -- -------
Blower for furnace of steam-boiler, &c., hydrocarbon.
Blower for furnace, Steam.-- -.....-------
Blower for smith's forge, Fan....................
Blower for steam-generator......................
Blower, Forge..................................
lslowver, Franklin-stove.......................
Blower, Furnace..............................__
Blower, Furnace...............................
Blower, Gas-engine..............................
Blower, Hopper................................
Blower, Hot-air. -.............__.___._
Blower ilydraumile...............................
B~lower, Locomiotivo steam-engine. _....__........
I low er, Pressure...............................
Blower, Pr essure............................_
Blower, Pressure..............................
Blower, Rotary.................................
Bllower, Lotary---------------------------------
Blower, Rotary"................................
Blowe r, Rotary.....................
Blower, Rotiry.................................
Blower, Rotar---................................
Blower, Rotary................................
Blower, Rotary.................................
Blower, Rotary.................................
Blower, Rotary...............................---
Blower, Rotary ---------------------------------
B;lower, pirlcn
T. C. Richards............._
T. Rogers...................
P.H. Roots..................B. F. Sturtevant........------
B. F. Sturtevant.........
E. Suckon and E. Habel...
J. A. Si-edberg...............
H. Thirion...................
W. W. Webb................
J. M. Williams._--..--
T. H. Willson---------------_
J. WV.iNewcomb.....-........
J. Howarth.................
H. P. Tenant.-.-......-------
J. Braugh.-----------------
P. H. Roots.................
B. F. Sturtevant............
R. Fuller and T. Thomas...
A. K. Rider..................
T. Shraw......................
P.H. and F. M. Roots _.-.--.
H. B. Adams.................
S. Barnhart.................
J. Bi. Charles.................
P. Clark....................P. Clark.....................
H. Cook.....................
F. P. Dimpfel................
J. Ericsson................--
AV. Farmer- -- -- - --" -
J. C. Gartleg and J. Fox..---
WV. Kendrick...............
J. F.Lietchl..................
C.P. Marshall. - -...----
AV. P. Miller................
M. V. Nobles-------------...
F. Ortlieb...................
N. Parrish...................
D. and J. Rt. Pollock....
I:. Porter..................
T. T. Prosser................
5-..Ruggles...............C. G. Sargent...............--
I P. Smith.................--
B. I".Sturtevant.... _... _......
IH. Sivectappleo--------------
L. I). Wheeler..-.-....-------.
WV. Winter.................
IA. Westcott........__........
A. J. Redway................
J. GI. Tseheulin--------
1R. Cook.....................
HI. Gerner-----------------...
J. A. Bassett-................
B. IDuskin and B. Sledge.._.
D. M. Nichols--------------...
C. West and B. K. Price..
ID. Stuart-------------------
M. Alden...................
B. L. Johnson--------------..
J. H. Bean..................
J. B. F."Davidgle............T. S. Barnum................
B. F. Sturtevant.. -........
J. IDarling...................
It Winas----------------...
WV. C. Grimes...............
J. Perrault...................
B. F. Sturtevant. -.. _.....
B. F. Sturtevant --
NV. B. Barnard and E. Jordan..
F. llainswoc~th ---.-_----- --.
AV. G. Ilyadman............--
IV. G. Hyndun...- "........
C. NV. Isbell.................
R. 1". Knox.................
T. Leflel...................
H. C. Melwain and A.Brumfiel
H. C. Mcilwainid A.Bruinfiel
J. Mitchell..................
P.. aRodF.Mt ot.---- - -.--
P. H. and F. M. Roots--...
A. Sm)ilt..............
Residence. Date. No.
Milwaukee, Wis..---. _J an. 17,1860! 26, 863
Fmeericktnwn, Ohio----- Oc.24, 18711 120.,328
Connersville, Inid.......... Sept. 25, 1860 30, 157
Boston, Mass............. Feb. 2, 1869 86, 469
West Roxbury, Mass.---Apr. 19, 187 0 10-2,06-2
Oldham, England......Jan. 6, 1863 37, 325
Washington, D. C -...._.Jan. 30, 1872 123, 304
Miricourt., France....Oct. 29, 1861 33, 613
Indlianapolis, Ind. Mar. 28, 1871. 113, 229
Connersville, Ind.___... Jan. 29, 1867 61, 59-2
Newrisurh Pa---------- _.Mar. 26, 1861 31, 844
NwYork, N. Y---------- _Jan. 23,1187-2 12-2,959
Salem, Mass-- -- -- -- -- -- - -Mar. 1, 1870 11;0, 294
East Germantown, nd.... May 2, 1871 114, 489
Aurora, Ill_---------------June.30,1857 17, 664
Connersville, Iad........ _. Nov. 1 1864 44, 89-2
Boston Mass. --. -.. _ Mar. 21869 87,5-3
Now York, N. Y---------- May 22,1827.----
New York, N. Y..._... _._..Apr.51670 101, 510
Philadelphia, Pa.-. --.__July 8, 1873 140, 597
Connersville, Ind--------_-.__July24, 1816 56, 614
New York, N. Y......... _Jan.31 1860 26, 9062
Chillicothe, Ohio.- - -- -----July 31, 1815 13, 346
Ashland, Ohio,-- -.-- ----eb. 14,18601 27, 108
Rahway, N. J._ -.- ___- -__Oct. 23, 1866I 58, 885
Rahiway, N. J- _- __-- -- ---Dec. 22, 1818 85, 213
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.- - Nov. 12, 1811 33, 694
New York, N.Y _-_..Dee.28,1839 1,448
Newv York, N. Y.......... Aug. 16, 1870 100, 848
hewr York, N. Y----------.Oct. 18,1804' 44, 715
Philladelphiai, Pa -- -- -- --July 17, 1855 13, 260
New York, N. Y------ __.. Dci- 5, 1865 51,:121
Greene, N. Y-----._ -----. 24, 1861 34, 028
Worcester County, Mass.1kFb. 3,1857 1 6, 47
Sari Francisco, Cal.Y---- ov. 12,1S67 7it)710
Saint Andiony, Minn _-.-_-.Dec. 15i 186.1 40,'82
NWilliamshrnrgi' N. Y..- Mat. 1,tn ci53,174
Kalamazoo, Michli.. Dec. I1667 7, 416
Lancaster, Pa...__.... Juiie 19, le55 13,100
Maiden, Mass.._.._........Jin.i:3,1865 45, 749
Chicago, I111...__...........1)ec.23, 1a73 14i, 73
Fitcliburgh, Mass..._.Aug.8, 1854 11, 511
Graniteville, Mass -.._.July 4, 181a 48 593
Oman etown, N. Y. -.......M i.-.14, 1846 4,4,24
West Roxbury, Miss --. Apr.19,187k) 10',063
Napa, Cal................July 31, 1861' 29) 417
l irchhrrh, Mass.. _-. -. Nov. 1, 16O0 108, 949
Plainfield, N. J._- - - - _. Dec. 15, 180,3 40, 974
Syracuse, N. Y._- _--------Mar. 26, 1867 63,3843
Cincinmuati, Ohio..----- Jan. 19,11869 86, 035
Baltimore, Mdc-............May 3, 1870 102, 626
Sarartoga Springs, N. Y. - _.- Apr. 16, 1850 7, 283
Now YorkNY... July 18, 1865 48, 806
Salem, Mass. _-...... - -..Sept. 5, 1865 49, 823
Thomasville, N. C.-___-_--. Sept. 6, 187(0 107, 167
New Yor-k, N. Y----------... c.Oct. 3, 18(65 50, 265
Pittsburgh, Pa.... _........Oct. 2-2, 1867 70, 140
Philadelphia, Pa. --........Aug. 27, 1850 7, 608
Ralston, Pa........Apr. 18, 1818 5, 513
Crissawago, Pa. _.........Apr. 4, 1848 5, 498
Cincinnati, Ohio.... _.....July 1, 1873 140, 397
New York, N. Y.. __-........Feb. 18,1868 74,514
Sharon, Conna------------- Jan. 18, 1810 _-._
Jamaica. Plain, Mass.....Feb. '22, 1870 100, 238
Cincinnati, Ohio -_-........Dec. 24, 1810 7, 853
Baltimore, Md............-July 29, 183 7 307
Phriladolphia, Pa----------._ _Nov. 11, 1808 83, 846
TroyNY_---------------Maiy 10, 1870 102,964
-Boston, Mass........------ July 13, 1889 9-2,489)
Jamanica Plain, Mass.. -Feb. 22, 1870 101),239
-Waterbury, Con..__Sept. 27, 1859 25, 554
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 3, 1866 53, 609
-Cincinnati, Ohio.._.._Aug 9, 1870 106, 165
-Cinciiinati, Ohio -_........._Dee. 26, 1871 12-2, 118
-Naey York, N. Y- -- -- -- - --M a r. 17, 1868 75, 635
-San Francisco, Cal --..--_July 1, 1873 140, 503
Springtield, Ohio..........-May 14, 187-2 126, 6:39.1 Connersville, Jnd - - -.-- May 24, 187) 103, 48-2;1 Conners~ville, lad--._..Jin. 10, 1t71 110, 9-29
Phriladelphia, Pa _.........Oct.6, 1868 82, 736
-Connersville, lad--..._.Oct.9, 1866 58, 745
Connersville,hInd..-- ---Jan. 21 1868 73, 654
Cneraville,ad. Aug 11 1DCt 81,009
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
Blower, Steam................................
Blower, Steam-generator-------------------..........................
Blowers to furnaces of locomotives, Application of.
Blowers to furnaces of locomotives, Application of.
Blower, Turbine fan...............................
Blower-wheel, Pressure.............................
Blower-wheel, Pressure............................
Blowing-engine, Means for repairing............
Blow-off for steam-boiler, Surface.............
Blow-off pipe for boiler, Surface--------------..................
Blow-off pipe for steam-boiler..-................
Blow-pipe -.........................................
Blow-pipe -----------------------------------
Blow-pipe, Alcohol..................
Blow-pipe, Construction of compound.......
Blow-pipe for blast-furnace.....................
Blow-pipe for enlarging blasting cavities....-..
Blow-pipe for enlarging blasting cavities, Compound.
Blow-pipe, Furnace...............................
Blow-pipe, Hydro-oxygen...................
Blow-pipe mechanisms.............
Blow-pipe operauious, Composition for supports in.
Blow-pipe, Self acting.....................
Blow-pipe, Spirit....................
Blow-pipe, Steam..................................
Blow-pipe, Table................................
Blubber, Knife for cutting up................
Blubber-mincing machine.........................
Blubber mincing-machine, Whale..................
Blue for use in laundry and bleaching, Lump......
Blue, Manufacture of Prussian..................
Bluing, Article of................................
Bluing cotton fiber...........................:...
Bluing for use in laundry and bleaching, Process
of making soluble.
Bluing, Method of preparing laundry............
Bluing-paper for laundry purposes..............
See Alley board.
Arm or grain board.
Card and cribbage board.
Carriage dash-board.
Chess and checker board.
Cutting or lap board.
S. R. Wilmot.............
W. H. Squires..............
F. B. Blanchard..-............
F. B. Blanchard-...-.......
M. Smith................
B. F. Sturtevant.................
B. F. Sturtevant..............
B. F. Sturtevant...............
J. M. Bailey...........
D. Cumming.............
R. H. Gilbert.................
P. W. McKenzie.............
J. Fritz and J. Moore.........
A. C. Kirk................
L.J. Knowles...............
T. Critchlow.................
J. G. Baker...................
J. Dougherty..................
M. Reichenbach and S. Golay..
J. M. Williams..........
J. S. Griffith...........
J. Perkins...._...........
J. S. Griffith................
J. Cook......................
W. T. Gillinder.............
J. Hollely...................
J. S. Hull----------------....................J. B. Hyde..................
N. W. Kingsley.........
M. H. Knapp...............
O. L. Lawson.................
J. E. McClure and D. HI. Ainsworth.
J. McFarland................
O. A. Moses...............
S. B. Palmer................
F. Shaller ---------------
J. R. Street...................
L. B. Wilson................
E. Conway...................
J. B Hyde...................
J. Barker....................
A. Stickney..................
A. Stickney...................
J. Barker.....................
R. Hare......................
W. S. Burgess................
J. B. Hyde.............
M. Pinner...................
H. N. Macomber..........
J. S. Anderson..............
R. Somerby..................
W. Ball......................
G. and J. J. Kilburn............
B. Taber...................
J. H. Dilks....................
J. M. Merrymon.............
E. L. Molineux..............
G. A. Moss.--..............
A. F. Pickens................
F. Wilkinson................
J. H. Dilks....................
Bridgeport, Conn........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn.....
West Roxbury, Mass......
Jamaica Plain, Mass......
Jamaica Pain, Mass......
Pittsburgh, Pa...-_._
Sorrel Horse, Pa....--.---
Washington, D. C........
Jersey City, N. J.......
Bethlehem and Philadelphia, Pa.
Glasgow, Great Britain..
Worcester, Mass.......
Swatara Township, Pa...
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Paris, France...........-.
Connersville, Ind........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Baltimore, Md............
Saint Louis, Mo........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa...........
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio....
New York, N. Y.........
San Francisco. Cal.......
New York, N. Y.........
Fulton, N. Y............
Crestline, Ohio.......
San Francisco and Salinas,
Clinton, Ill...............
Charleston, S C...........
Tully, N. Y..........
Hudson, N. Y.............
Washington, DI). C.....
Cambridge, Ohio..........
Dayton, Ohio............
Newark, N. J---------
Baltimore, Md---------............
Norwich, Vt..............
Norwich, Vt._-.........
Baltimore, Md------............Philadelphia, Pa..........
Norristown, Pa...........
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y..........
Lynn, Mass..--..........
Flintville, Wis............
Louisville, Ky............
New York, N. Y...-..
Fall River, Mass......
Faiirhaven, Mass... -..
New York, N. Y.......
Indianapolis, Ind..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y ---
New York, N. Y......
Manchester, England.....
New York, N. Y......
Apr. 2, 1867
Sept. 24,1867
June 25, 1861
Sept. 22, 1863
July 25, 1865
Oct. 29, 1867
Feb. 22. 1870
Feb. 29, 1870
Nov. 12, 1872
Apr. 27, 1858
Feb. 15, 1870
Oct. 25, 1864
Aug. 2, 1864
Nov. 24, 1868
Sept. 12, 1871
Jan. 5, 1869
Dec. 9,1873
July 12,1870
Jan. 26, 1869
May 23, 1871
May 9, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
June 20, 1871
May 28,1872
Dec. 5, 1865
Mar. 16, 1858
Aug. 4, 1863
Sept. 13, 1870
May 16, 1865
Apr. 3, 1866,) uly 16, 1872
May 13,1856
Nov. 4, 1873
Sept. 18, 1866
Aug. 21, 1866
Sept. 23,1856
Nov. 27, 1866
June 7, 1870
Apr. 5,1870
July 7,1857
Oct. 18,1859
Mar. 3, 1837
Sept. 20, 1853
Sept. 20, 1853
Feb. 12, 1836
July 25,1845
July 2, 1872
Nov. 20,1860
Mar. 13, 1866
Mar. 11, 1856
Jan. 21,1873
Nov. 15, 1843
Apr. 25, 1822
Nov. 16, 1841
Aug. 11, 1821
Dec. 31, 1867
Jan. 10, 1865
May 26, 1868
May 21,1867
Aug. 16, 1870
June 25, 1872
Dec. 31, 1867
63, 595
69, 268
32, 614
40, 014
48, 986
70, 286
100, 236
100, 237
132, 891
20, 045
99, 876
44, 809
43, 678
84, 428
118, 949
85, 510
145, 382
105, 318
86, 320
115, 259
114, 551
113, 716
116, 179
127, 151
51, 386
19, 636
39, 398
107, 263
47, 721
53, 629
129, 569
14, 875
144, 345
57, 362
15, 774
60, 070
104, 078
101, 692
17, 727
25, 832
10, 039
10, 040.....
4, 104
128, 587
30, 680
53, 181
135, 058
3, 336
2, 368
72, 818
45, 846
78, 313
64, 897
106, 402
128, 267
72, 817
76, 935
70, 703
46, 160
E. L. Molineux------.......-........ New York, N. Y..-...... Apr. 21, 1868
T. Dreidel.....................Cincinnati, Ohio.- -...Nov. 12, 1867
I. G. Vassar................. Poughkeepsie, N. Y...... Jan. 31,1865
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Knife-cleaning board.
Knife-scouring board.
Molders' match-board.
Music black-board.
Musical demonstrating-board.
Organ-reed board.
Paper board.
Plow mold-board.
Portable billiard-board.
Telegraph-switch board.
Tray or show board.
Board edging and slitting machine...........
Board-edging machine..-----------..._._.
Board, &c., for use, Seasoning, drying, and fitting..
Board jointing and matching machine.............
Boardjointing apparatus...................
Board-jointing machine.....---------------------
Board raising and lowering mechanism...........
Board-slitting machine-...-.--------..----
Board-slitting machinery.................
Boards and planks for making boxes, &c., Machine
for mitering and dovetailing.
Boards, Device for tonguing and grooving tapering
Boards, &c., Machine for mitering and dovetailing
the ends of.
Boards, Machine for planing and reducing.......
Boards, Machine for planing, matching, and grooving.
Boards, Machine for squaring ends of.............
Boards, Machine for thinning..................
Boards, Machine for tonguing, grooving, and beading.
Boards, planks, &e., Machine for slitting.........
Boards, Shearing...--------....
Boards, Side-cutter head for jointing, tonguing, and
Boards to uniform thickness, Machine for reducing and smoothing.
See Army-boat.
Collapsible boat.
Cylinder boat.
Duck-shooting boat.
Folding boat.
Gutta-percha boat.
Ice-breaking boat.
Insubmersible boat.
Metallic boat.
Night-soil boat.
Paper boat.
Portable boat.
Sectional boat.
Shallow boat.
Ship's boat.
Submarine boat.
Surf and life boat.
C. I. Hays and M. Newman...
J. K. Sanborn................
A. Plumb....................
D. Gleason and H. Frisbee.....
D. Foster....................
E. B. Clark....................
C. and A. Kilburn............
A. T. Nichols................
J. R. Remington and R. Beal...
R. Urann......................
J. Absterdam and W. B. Mer.
A. Davis.....................
Unadilla, N. Y.........
Sandy Hill, N. Y.........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Bethany, N. Y............
Whitestown, N. Y......
Damascus, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Norfolk, Va...............
Lowndes County, Ala., and
Washington, D. C.
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass............
Aug. 12,1862
Oct. 24, 1871
Apr. 6, 1832
Apr. 8,1826
May 28, 1850
Jan. 31, 1827
Dec. 21, 1869
Nov. 5, 1872
Jan. 15,1847
Oct. 26,1839
Mar. 28, 1854
120, 170..........
7, 395
98, 167
132, 854
4, 91-9
1, 380
10, 703
1, 297
4, 997
Princeton, Mass........--- Aug. 21,1839
J. Cumberland............... Mobile, Ala,....... - - -.. Mar. 6,1847
C. Taylor.................... Angola, N. Y........... Feb. 7,1829
E. H. Rollins.................
S. Case.......................
F. Fredly.....................
E. Olds.......................
S. Willard...................
W. M. Hutton................
Bangor, Me..... --
Lumpkin, Ga..........
Sugar Valley, Pa.- - - --
Brookfield, Mass......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Troy, N. Y............
June 18, 1872 127, 990
Sept. 4, 1860 29, 861
Sept. 15,1838 921
June 29,1808........
May 9, 1832.......
Oct. 26, 1838 988
T. D. Knight................. Charleston, Tenn.......... Mar. 3,1857
16, 777
62, 514
J. E. Wiggin.................
Stoneham, Mass...........
Feb. 26, 1867
Index of patents issued frontm the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See Train-boat.
Boa Wharf-boat.
Boat --..........................................
Boat ---------------------------------------
Boat and ark......................................----------------------------
Boat and davit tackle..............................
Boat and ponton..........................
Boat and ship building..........................
Boat and trunk....................................
Boat, bridge, and tent, Convertible..............
Boat-builders' platform.....................
Boat convertible into a land-carriage--.........
Boat detaching apparatus...................
Boat detaching apparatus... --------.
Boat detaching apparatus.....................
Boaat-detaching apparatus.........................
Boat detaching apparatus.....................
Boat-detaching apparatus.....................
Boat-detaching apparatus........................
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus.....................
Boat-detaching apparatus.........................
Boat-detaching apparatus-------....
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat detaching apparatus.......................
Boat detaching apparatus.......................
Boat detaching apparatus....................
Boat detaching apparatus...................
Boat detaching apparatus.........................
Boat detaching apparatus...................
Boat detaching apparatus...................
Boat detaching apparatus.....................
Boat detaching apparatus...................
Boat detaching apparatus......................
Boat-detaching apparatus.....................
Boat-detaching apparatus.........................
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus....................
Boat-detaching apparatus..........................
Boat-detaching apparatus....................
Boat-detaching apparatus-....................
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus.......................
Boat-detaching apparatus....................
Boat-detaching apparatus.........................
Boat-detaching apparatus..-..-............
Boat-detaching apparatus...................Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus---.............
Boat-detaching apparatus------... -..
Boat-detac-ing apparatus...................
Boat-detaching apparatus.....................
Boat detaching apparatus, Automatic...........
Boat detaching block... -.----. ------ -...
Boat-detaching device.....................
Boat-detaching hooeel.............................
Boat-detaching method...........................
Boat-detachliing tackle..........................
Boat-detaching tackle...........................
Boat-detaching tackle..........................
Boat-detachming tackle.....................
Boat-detaching tackle.............................
Boat-detaching tackle.............................
Boat-detaching tackle............................
Boat-detaching tackle..........................
Boat-detaching tackle........................
Boat-detaching tackle............................
Boat-detaching tackle----------------.................------............Boat-detaching tackle............................
Boat-detaching tackle....................................
Boat-detaching tackle............................
Boat-detaching tackle.............................
Boat detaching tackle............................
Boat detaching tackle......................
Boat-aetaching tackle.............................
Boat-detaching tackle............................
Boat-detaching tackle---------------------
Boat-detaching tackle............................
Boat detaching tackle.............................
Boat detaching tackle.............................
Boat -etaching tackle.............................
biat detaching tackle...........................
Boat-detachiag tackle...............-.............
I i
S. Elwell, jr...-----------...
E. Fitzpatrick --.........
J. Hutchinson.. - --.
D. Keller...---------------..................--
A. Morrison...................
R. Porter..................
E. and G. A. Waters...........
T. Symington.................
E. Wakeman................
E. L. Perry.................
J. A. Olmstead...............
A. O. Crane...................
J. Granger.-.............
R. H. Cutter................
P. Davis......................
N. B. Allen....................
H. Ashford....................--------------
J. Atwood, jr., and T. M. Hatch,
D. S. Brown..................
S. Brown and L. Level.........
D. L. Cohen..................
J. C. Cottingham.........
J. C. Cottingham........
R. Creuzbaur............
T. L. Cuthbert------------................
W. A. Devon.................
C. A. Enell..................
H. E. Foster.................
J. Foster, jr.............
J. Foster, jr...................
E. J. Hill.......-............
I. S. Hill and A. Burnham.....
W. H. Houston------------................
J. M. Kilner...................
M. A. Lanagan...........
S. L. Lord...................
G. W. Mallery --.... --..D. McFarland............
T. H. Mortimer..............
F. M. Munger...............
M. V. Nobles..............
C. H. Nye..................
C. Quaritius.............
N. M. Ray...............
N. M. Ray................
N. C. Reynolds...........
I. A. Richards................
J. Ross.......-..............
W. S. Ryerson............
W. S. Ryerson and G. Stancliff.
W. S. Ryerson,G. Stancliff, and
0. T. McIntosh.
T. S. Seabury...............
S. Sneden.......---...........
G. Stancliff...................
W. M. Van Wagenen........
E. Wakeman..................
W. M. Wood..................
W. M. Wood, jr...............
J. H. Kingsland............
N. B. Adams..................
W. F. Morgan.................
W. W. Andrews..............
L. H. Watson...............
J. M. Brooke.................
S. Brown.....................
D. L. Cohen...................
W. A. Devon.................
W. C. Dodge.................
R. H. Griflith................
T. C. Hargrave................
E. C. Hurlbut and E. H. Snow.
P. H. Jackson...............
G. H. Kempton.-............
J. A. Libbertz................
G B. Massey..................
G. B. Massey..................
M. V. Nobles..................
M. V. Nobles................
M. V. Nobles.................
C. Peterson and C. Gunner....
C. H. Ransten................
T. M. and T. J. Raser........
J. R. Taylor...................
J. it. Taylor.................
J. R. Taylor...................
J. R. Taylor.................
J. R. Taylor................
J. K. Taylor.................
Gloucester, Mass..........
Mount Morris, N. Y.......
Matti awan, N. Y......................................
Johnstown, Pa............
Billerica, Mass............
Troy, N. Y-----------................
Baltimore, Md............
Brooklyn, Cal.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York,N. Y..........
Hoboken, N. J............
Zanesville, Ohio..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Providence, R. I..........
Newport, RIt. I-............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Provincetown, Mass......
Astoria, Oreg..........
New York, N. Y........
Pensacola. Fl-............
Philadelrhia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Charleston County, S. C..
Port Richmond, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Decatur, Ill...............
Camden, N. J.............
Camden, N. J.............
Pimlico, England........
Boston and Chelsea, Mass
New York, N. Y........
Chester, Great Britain -....
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Surry, Me...--------------
Mystic Bridge, Conn......
New York, N. Y..........
Charleston. S. C............
United States Revenue
Elmira, N. Y..............
Vineland, N. J...........
Canarsie, N. Y............
Ellsworth, Me............
Su ry, Me.................
Ellsworth, Me............
Middletown, Conn........
San Francisco, Cal.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
July 9, 1872 128, 717
Feb. 12, 1836.....
July 2, 1861 32, 695
Nov. 5, 1799.....
May 15, 1837 198
May 26, 1834....
June 30, 1868 79, 421
July 2-2, 1833...
Apr. 2, 1867 63, 585
Feb. 23, 1864 41, 719
June 27, 1810.....
July 30, 1867 67, 342
Mar. 18, 1862 34. 672
Apr. 30, 1867 64, 309
July 11, 1871 116, 934
Nov. 13, 1860 30, 6(18
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 661
Sept. 16, 1873 142, 834
Feb. 2,1869 86, 490
Oct. 19, 1869 95, 877
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 133
Apr. 25, 1871 113, 981
Oct. 18, 1870 108, 454
Dec. 13, 1870 110, 116
Dee. 17, 1867 72, 172
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 136
June 25, 1867 66, 0:6
Apr. 29, 1873 138, 386
June 13, 1871 115, 838
June 1, 1869 90, 738
Aug. 2, 1870 105, 931
Oct. 6, 1872 132, 007
Jan. 22, 1867 61, 336
July 2, 1867 66, 345
Apr. 22, 1873 138, 165
Dec. 31, 1c67 72, 866
Feb. 15, 1870 99, 922
Sept. 17, 1872 131, 361
June 18, 1872 128, 034
Jan. 5, 1869 85, 685
Apr. 22, 1873 138, 041
Oct. 18, 1870 108. 507
Sept. 14, 1869 94, 837
Mar. 12, 1872 124, 511
Sept. 29, 1868 82, 550
Aug. 23, 1870 106, 619
Mar. 29, 1870 101, 312
May 30, 1871 115, 360
Feb. 22, 1870 100, 193
June 15, 1869 91, 488
Apr. 5, 1870 101,1665
Aug. 2, 1870 105, 983
July 23, 1872 129, 755
Aug. 5, 1873 141, 470
Jan. 31, 1871 111,398
Apr. 16, 1861 32, 107
Mar. 2, 1869 87, 449
June 22, 1869 91, 584
Dec. 3, 1872 1331, 692
Sept. 14, 1869 94, 758
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 234
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 496
Mar. 3, 1863 37, 799
Mar. 26, 1872 124, 923
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 069
Jan. 22,1867 61, 310
Dec. 10,1867 71, 94
Jan. 22, 1867 61, 406
Apr. 9, 1867 63, 620
May 28, 1867 65, 213
July 23, 1867 67, 047
Aug. 6, 1867 67, 547
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 983
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 110
Aug. 20,1867 67, 989
Mar. 26, 1867 63, 268
Feb. 19, 1867 62, 279
Apr. 2,1867 63, 544
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 081
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 082
June 18, 1867 65, 825
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 354
June 25, 1867 66, 105
July 23, 1867 67,137
Jan. 1,1867 60,963
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 964
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 965
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 966
Jan. 15, 1867 61, 279
Jan. 15,1867 61,280
Saint James, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
Newark, N. J --..--.Brooklyn, N. Y......-...
Owing's Mills, Md........
United States Navy.......
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal...-..... -
New York, N. Y..........
Warrensville. Ohio........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Lexington, Va.........
New York, N. Y.........
Pensacola, Fla............
Port Richmond, N. Y......
Washington, D. C......
Baltimore, Md.............
Boston, Mass...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Middle Haddam and Hartford, Conn.
New York, N. Y..........
IIundon, N. J..............
Hamburg, Germany.......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Elmira, N. Y.............
Elmira, N. Y...................
Elmira, N. Y..............
San Francisco, Cal........
Carlsikrona, Sweden.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N.Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Now York, N. Y..........
SNow York. N. Y........
SNow York, N. Y..---......
Index of patents issued from the United Sates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boatdetaching tackle.............................
Boat framer..
Boat from its tackle, Detaching...................
Boat-hoisting apparatus.........._...............
Boat hoisting, lowering, and detaching apparatus..
Boat-hook, Detaching..............................
Bo t-hook handle..................................
Boat knee, Dory...................................
Boat lowering and detaching apparatus..........
Boat-lowering apparatus.........................
Boat-lowering apparatus.............................
Boat-lowering apparatus..........................
Boat-lowering apparatus------------------..........................----
Boat-lowering apparatus..........................
Boat-lowering device..........................
Boat or scow..................................
Boat-raising machine...........................
Boat row-lock.....................................
Boat-tackle hook, Self-relieving....................
Boat-timbers, Mold for.........................
Boat to be worked by animal power.................
Boat-towing mechanism..........................
Boats against injury from snags and sawyers,
Fenuder to protect.
Boats and other vessels, Constructing.............
Boats and other vessels of sheet-iron or other metal, Making.
Boats and rafts, Passing.......................
Boats and sea-vessels, Mode of building........
Boats and vessels, Constructing.....................
Beats and vessels, Machine for raising......
Boats, Arrangement of device for lowering and
Boats, Attachments of trains of...................
Boats, Building...............................
Boats, Building ---------------------------------
Boats, Building....................................
Boats, Collapsible float for......................
Boats, Construction of.............................
Beals, Construction of.........................
Boats, Detachable hook for suspending.........
Boats, Device for pitching.......................
Boats, Engine for unloading and removing weights
Boats, Flexible vertically-extensible attachment for
Boats, Float for...............................
Boats from canals, &c., Machine for raising.....
Boats from davits, Apparatus for disengaging....
Boats from davits, Means for detaching......
Boats from one level to another, Taking..........
Boats from their davits, Hook for attaching and
Boats, &c., Manner of constructing and propelling.
Boats, Manufacture of........................
Boats, Means for chocking and securing.........
Boats, Means for detaching..............
Boats. &c., Method of building... -......
Boats, Mode of bracing and staying...............
Boats, Molding-frame for the construction of.......
Boats over dams, Passing............ -
Boats, Protector for stems of __.--.-----.- --- -
Boats, &c., Rowing and propelling........
Boats, Suspending..............................
Boats to and from tackle, Means for attaching and
Boats to facilitate discharge of cargo, Fittings for.
Boats, vessels, &c., Constructing..................
Boats, Weigh-lock for..-----------------------..
Bobbin... - - - - - - - - - -....
Bobbin... - - -- - - - - - -.-..
Bobbin fbr roviog and slubbing..-------.....
Bobbin for sainning, &c-...........................
Bobbin for spinning, &c...........................
Bobbin-holder for spinning.........-..---..........
Bobbin-holder for spinning...................
Bobbin-holder for spinning...................
Bobbin, Metallic..............................
Bobbin, Metallic.-----------------------------
Bobbin or spool-- -------......
Bobbin or spocl for factories, Trussel............
Bobbin, Spinning..................................
Bobbin, W elr....t..................................
Bobbin, Weft......................................
J. R. Taylor.....--...........
J. Beetle......................
S. F. Blunt..................
A. F. Crosman..............
J. Humphries................
W. HII. Mills...................
F. F. Bibber................
E. J. Matthews...-------------.
M. Joyce......................
R. Creuzbaur.................
R. Creuzbaur................
A. F. Crosman................
W. Flowers and Z. S. Patton..
G. W. Mallory.................
H. Goulding..................
A. R. Tewksbury..............
E. Turner...................
C. C. Burrows.................
H. G. Guyoun.......
J. Wallace...................
D. Porter.....................
G. S. Olin...................
I. W. Kirk...................
New York, N. Y.......
New Bedford, Mass.....
Baltimore, Md........
Steamer Ossipee, United
States ENavy.
Washington, D. C-........
Philadelphia, Pa-..........
Boston, Mass.........
Booth Bay, Me...........
Washington, D. C.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Steamer Ossipee, United
States Navy.
Bangor, Me...............
Mystic Bridge, Conn......
Dedham, Mass............
Boston, Mass.....
Rochester, N. Y....-...
Mystic River, Conn.......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Washington, 1). C.........
Deer Lodge, Mont.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Date. No.
Jan. 15, 1867
MIay 20, 1856
Mar. 25, 1856
Nov. 12, 1867
Oct. 17, 1871
Apr. 23, 1872
May 17, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 24, 1867
Dec. 17, 1867
Dec. 17, 1867
Dec. 17, 1867
July 24, 1860
Mar. 21,1871
Oct. 16, 1866
Aug. 16, 1853
Dec. 31, 1825
Oct. 15, 1867
Jan. 19, 1864
Aug. 9, 1831
Feb. 8, 1816
Dec. 23, 1873
Feb. 24, 1843
14, 903
14, 489
70, 813
119, 984
125, 900
103, 007
76, 487
69, 220
72, 170
72, 171
72, 268
29, 264
112, 939
58, 810
9, 949.....
69, 899
41, 339.....
145, 813
2, 972
3, 974.....
19, 666
45, 720.....
53, 461
26, 657.....
28, 623
135, 490.....
A. Dorman.................... Norfolk, Va--......._-Oct. 25, 1832
J. Francis.....................New York, N. Y..........Mar. 26, 1845
B. Sanborn...................
W. Anvesley..................
F. Botch...................
A. Warner...................
H. D. Veuve..................
W. Ingalls.......
G. W. Eddy.............
W. Hopkins...............
J. MacDonough..............
P. Davis......................
T. Thorpe.....................
C. L. Williams................
W. II. Richardson.............
T. Potter, sr..................
J. R. Adams...................
A. T. Boon...................
E. Turner..................E. Oliver and G. Myers.....
T. Huntington............
R. P. Bell....................
H. Davidson..................
B. D. Beecher................
W. H. Ferguson...............
F. M. Howes..................
T. Shaw......................
J. Francis....................
F. Mertens...................
N. Thompson, jr..............
S. Underwood..............
W. P'. Davis and S. Elwell,'jr..
W. Shaw......................
C. H. Hasker..................
J. M. Brooke..................
W. H. Bryan.................
F. Rotch... -.............
J. Brainerd...................
M. Bliss......................
H. Clarke....................
A. I. Earle....................
C. H. Fisk....................
A. P. Holmes..................
H. J. Hubbard................
D. Hussey....................
T. G. McLaughlin............
W. H. Ramsdell...............
C. H. Reynolds...............
G. Richardson...............
C. A. Shaw...................
J. N. Stearns.................
N. Rider...................
I. Hayden...................
L. Ferguson..................
B. W ilbour....................
J. Salisbury..................
J. Goulding...................
J. Goulding..................
E. Wright..................
W. B. Rice....................
C. T. Smith...................
B. Saunders..................
T. Van Riper.................
J. Davis and S. W. Foster.....
W. E. Bass...................
O. Pearl..................
J. S. Demarest..............
Lyman, N. H..............
New York, N. Y......
New Bedford, Mass.......
Rochester, N. Y -..........
Galveston, Tex..........
Sanibornton, N. H........
Waterford, N. Y.........New York, N. Y........
Providence, R. I..........
Washington, D. C........
Quincy, Fla...........
Stillwater, Minn..........
Bowling Green, Ky.......
Apr. 11, 1836
Sept. 12,1816
Nov. 29, 1811
Nov. 16, 1826
Mar. 16, 1858
Jan. 3, 1865
Feb. 28, 1834
May 13, 1803
Mar. 27, 1866
Jan. 3, 1860
Aug. 31, 1827
June 5, 1860
Feb. 4, 1873
Dec. 17, 1834
Oakland, Cal.............. Sept. 23, 1873 143, 052
Galesburgh, Ill........... Apr. 10, 1866 53, 775
Rochester, N. Y.......... Nov. 18, 1825.......
Rotherham, Great Britain. Mar. 27, 1866 53, 550
New Rochelle, N. Y...-.. June 5, 1866 55, 303
New York, N. Y--...... July 13, 1827...
United States Army..... Apr. 9, 1861 32, 036
Prospect, Conn.......... Dec. 31,1839 1,459
Forest, Ill. - -.--- -Oct. 14, 1873 143, 687
Somerville, Mass......... Dec. 23, 1873 145, 875
Philadelphia, Pa...--.. ---Apr. 1, 1873 137, 325
New York, N. Y... Oct. 11, 1841 2, 293
Cumberland, Md.-.. --- May 28, 1867 65, 255
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y-...... May 18,1858 20, 308
Bath, N. H.............. Mar. 19, 1836.
Gloucester, Mass.--..--.. Sept. 21, 1869 94, 948
Otsego County, N. Y..... Feb. 19,1812........
Portsmouth, Va.... May 29, 1860 28, 478
United States Army...-.. Aug. 5, 1856 15, 473
Georgetown, D. C....... July 29, 1851 8, 266
Philadelphia, Pa-......... Aug. 3, 1812....
Rome, N. Y --...-....... July 17, 1839 1, 249
Ionia, Mich-........... May 17, 1870 103, 009
Dedham. Mass -.--.. ---June 28, 1853 9, 814
Valley Falls, R. I-....-.. June 3,1873 139, 558
Lowell, Mass............. Nov. 26, 1867 71, 37t
Great Falls, N. H-...----.. Jan. 7, 1868 73, 185
Chicopee, Mass........... Nov. 3, 1868 83, 635
Nashua, N. H......... Oct. 28, 1862 36, 782
Glen Riddle, Pa...--.--.. Aug. 5, 1873 141,575
Lowell, Mass-.-.-----------.. July 7, 1868 79, 687
North Kingston, R. I -..... Aug. 30, 1864 44, 016
Lowell, Mass........... July 23, 1872 129, 682
Biddeford, Me.......... Dec. 15, 1863 40, 97
New York, N. Y......... June 20, 1871 116, 108
Millbury, Mass........... Dec. 31, 1833......
Lawrence, Mass......... Aug. 4, 1857 17, 929
Lowell, Mass.............. May 1, 1866 54, 465
Seituate, R. I-........-.. Jan. 2, 1866 51,887
Scituate, R. I..-.-.......... Jan. 25,1870 99,111
Worcester, Mass-.......... --- Oct. 3, 1865 50, 240
Worcester, Mass.......... Oct. 3, 1865 50, 241
Worcester, Mass.......... Oct. 3, 1865 50, 311
Utica, N. Y............... Apr. 16, 1867 63, 813
Utica, N. Y............... Apr. 23, 1861 64, 158
Nashua, N. H...-------....... Aug. 25, 1863 39, 681
Paterson, N. J........... Aug. 16, 1826.....
Lowell, Mass--............. -----Mar. 26, 1867 63, 225
Lawrence, Mass..-........ Jan. 29, 1867 61, 598
Lawrence, Mass----------........... Apr. 3, 1866 53. 665
Elmira, N. Y.............. ] May 28, 1872 127, 155
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I I 1
i i
Bobbin-winder -..-..................................--------------------
Bobbin-winder, Socket....................
Bobbin-winders, Thread guiding and cutting device for.
Bobbin-winding machine.........................
Bobbin-winding machine...................
Iobbin-winding machine...................
Bobbin-winding machine---------------------
Bobbin-winding machine.......................
Bobbin-winding machine_.....................
Bobbin-winding machine--...--..---------------
Bobbin-winding machine, Cup of..............
Bobbin-winding machine, Thread guide and holder
Bobbin-winding, Reverse motion for...............
Bobbins, &c., Cutting out cylinders for..........
Bobbins, Driving -----------------....----
Bobbins, Friction-brake for...-----------------....................
Bobbins in machinery for spinning fibrous substances, Method of operating.
Bobbins in shuttles for weaving, Securing........
Bobbins in shuttles, Mode of securing.........
Bobbins, Machine for automatically winding-.....
Bobbins, Machine for boring ---................
Bobbins, Machine for pointing the journals of....
Bobbins, Machine for turning heads of...........
Bobbins, Machine for winding conical.........
Bobbins, Machinery for boring................
Bobbins, Machinery for winding conical-...........
Bobbins, Machinery for winding conical......
Bobbins or spools, Method of strengthening.... -- - -
Bobbins, Skewer for speeder......................
Bobbins upon spindles, Driving................
Bobbins, Winding yarn on weavers' or shuttle....
Bodkin for inserting grooved ring into cloth......
Bodkin for passing enlarged shaik of button
through cloth.
Body brace and supporter, Child's...........
Bog and bush, Machine for cutting..............
Bog-cutter- -- - ----------------------...-..
Bog.cutter and drag...............................
Bog-cutter and drag.......................
Bog-cutting machine......................
Bog-cutting machine....---------------------..
See Agricultural boiler.
Back-log boiler.
Base-burning boiler.
Base-burning steam-boiler.
Box boiler.
Circular boiler.
Cooking and washing boiler.
Culinary boiler.
Domestic boiler.
Farmers' boiler.
Fire-extinguisher boiler.
Hot-water boiler.
Iron boiler.
Marine steam-boiler.
Paper-pulp boiler.
Portable boiler.
Portable furnace boiler.
Revolving boiler.
Sheet-metal boiler.
Steam-generating boiler.
Steam-heater boiler.
Tubular boiler.
Water-heating boiler.
Water-tube steam-boiler.
H. A. House...................
D. F. Mellen..... -........._
E. W ilder.....................
J. Thorp and S. Shepard.......
T. M. Day and H. Shook....
J. Adams and W. A. Tolman -..
W. Atkinson...............
W. V. Gee---......------------..............
J. Goodyear _... -..-..--
F. H. Morrill. - - -
F. H. Morrill......-...........
J. W. Vaughn.....-------------
W. W. Altemus-...--..--
G. Richardson................
L. Brown --....................
A. M. Eastman...............
T. Estes...................
F. McCulley, jr................
D. Leavitt...................
S. C. Mendenhall.............
D. M. Church.................
V. D. Beach...................
D. M. Church.................
C. M. Spencer-.............
G. S. Bradford- ---..........
H. Marcellus and S. Ward..-.. -
C. Tompkins and J. Johnson..
A. Hallowell..................
C. Harris----------------......................O. Pearl.......................----------------
J. Thorp...................
J. S. Turner-.........
P. W. Gengembre............
E. P. Banning.............
G. S. Browne-...............
H. Mellish....................L. Spigelmyer........-------.
S. O. Brigham...--..--..-..
J. W. Torrey-............
T. Spring....................
R. Cummings......-......
J. D. Filkins..................
C. E. Steller--------------...................
J. W. Newton.................
J. W. Newton.................
A. Follet....................
C. Hoisington- -...........
S. Collins......................
J. A.Post.....................
Bridgeport, Conn....
Manchester, N. H.........
Springfield, Mass......
Taunton, Mass........
Washington, Ohio.........
Richmond, Ind........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Yonkers, N. Y...-.........Philadelphia, Pa-..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y -........
Philadelphia, Pa....___
Lowell, Mass.---............
Epsom, N. H..............
Boston, Mass............---..
North Bennington, Vt-....
Paterson,pN. J............--------
Cabotville, Mass..........
Richmond, Ind.......
Holyoke, Mass........
Battle Creek, Mich........
Holyoke, Mass...---------.........
Hartford, Conn............
Bennington, Vt...........
Peacham, Vt..............
Amsterdam, N. Y........
Troy, N. Y., and Roxbury,
Lowell, Mass.............
River Point, R. I -.........
Essex County, Mass.....
Providence, R. I..........
Middletown, Conn.......Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Hartford, Conn.........
Walpole, N. H....----------
Hartleton, Pa...........
San Francisco, Cal......
Milford, Mass........
Granby, Conn............
Lima, Ind..............
Lima, Ind...........
Chicago, Ill..........
Geneva, Wis...........
Geneva, Wis.........
Windham, Conn.........
Seward, I11...........
Hillsdale, N. Y.... -..
Orange County, N. Y......
Mar. 7, 1871
Sept. 15, 1863
Apr. 16, 1872
Oct. 14,1816
Mar. 19,1872
May 30,1871
Aug. 26, 1873
Apr. 9, 1872
Aug. 5, 1873
Sept. 21, 1869
Apr. 4, 1871
May 30, 1871
Dec. 27, 1870
Dec. 8, 1868
Apr. 24, 1849
Apr. 17, 1849
Nov. 27, 1860
Oct. 19, 1844
Aug. 18, 1042
Aug. 29, 1'65
July 16, 1872
Dec. 3, 1867
May 13, 1873
Apr. 8, 1873
Aug. 22, 1865
Apr. 24, 1849
May 24, 1864
Apr. 21, 1857
Mar. 15, 1870
July 6, 1869
SJan. 29, 1850
Mar. 20,1829
Apr. 25, 1837
Sept. 27, 1864
Nov. 1,1864
Nov. 22, 1853
Jan. 9,1849
Apr. 12, 1870
Aug. 7, 1866
Mar. 17, 1868
Apr. 27, 1833
Nov. 20, 1847
Jan. 9, 1849
July 31, 1866
Nov. 3, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Oct. 16, 1849
June 30, 1863
Feb. 22, 1827
Apr. 23,1828
112, 345
39, 997
125, 869.....
124, 667
115, 264
142, 188
125, 564
141, 434
95, 034
113, 325
115, 393
110, 535
84, 764
6, 591
6, 344
30, 725
3, 801
2, 755
49, 643
129, 394
71, 683
138, 789
137, 631
49, 582
6, 374
49, 861
17, 120
100, 754
92, 189
7, 058.....
44, 416
44, 914
6, 023
101, 934
56, 892
75, 710.....
5, 376
6, 018
56, 822
83, 784
88, 801
6, 802
39, 048
H. Adler......................I Yellow Springs, Ohio...... Oct. 15,1867 1 69, 890
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B oiler............................................
Boiler alarm-gage........
Boiler, also working stills with the same..........
Boiler and condenser....................
Boiler and condenser..............................
Boiler and feed-water apparatus...........
Boiler and furnace united......
Boiler and hot-air, register, Combined..............
Boiler and other furnace, Steam..............
Boiler and steamer...............................
Boiler and steamer, Combined....................
Boiler and still...-------------------
Boiler and stone furnace.........................
Boiler and tea-kettle..............................
Boiler and washer................................
Boiler and washing-machine.................
Boiler-bottom...------------------- -.
Boiler cupola and grate, Combined................
Boiler explosion and burning, Preventing... - - - - - - - -
Boiler explosion by applying a fusible alloy, Preventing.
Boiler explosion, Device to prevent......
Boiler explosion, Means of preventing.......
Boiler explosion, Preventing...------ -..
Boiler explosion, Preventing...---------
Boiler-feed regulator......................
Boiler-feed regulator.....
Boiler-feed regulator, Automatic............
Boiler feed, Steam......
Boiler feed-water regulator....
Boiler feeder......................................
Boiler-feeder alarm-device.........................
Boiler feeder and filter............................
Boiler feeder and low-water alarm................
Boiler feeder and low-water detector.............
Boiler-feeder, Automatic........................
Boiler-feeder, Automatic.......
Boiler-feeder, Automatic........
Boiler feeder Automatic........
Boiler feeder Automatic.....
Boiler feeder Automatic........
Boiler feeder, Autematic.........................
Boiler feeder, Automatic.....
Boiler feeder Automatic......
Boiler feeder Automatic........
Boiler feeder Automatic.......
Boiler feeder. Automatic.........................
Boiler feeder Automatic.........................
Boiler feeder Automatic.....
Boiler feeder, Automatic..........................
Boiler feeder, Automatic.........................
14 P
J. Baumeister.................
G. C. Bidwell....------------
C. Britain....................
O. S. Camp..---------------..................C. Godfrey.....---------------
M. Gore...............
C. O. Green and R. Ham-.......
J. Hurd,jr...---------------
C. Kieffer...............
T. S. Lambert.................
A. J. Le Grand................
J. Marshall.................
G.N. Philips.............J. R. Purdy and D. C. Barger..
S. C. Riley...................
W. P. Skilffington-.....--...
I). Sullivan....................
T. C. Banks...................
W. Thornton.................
B. T. Babbitt-...................
B. T. Babbitt-..................
W. M. Fuller..................
P. M. Hackley.................
B. B. Perkins.................
C. Schemrnioth.................
D. R. Prindle-------------.................
J. P. Bradford...............----------
W. Eaton----------------....................S. T. Savage................
T. S. Lambert................
E. C. Brooks.................
D. H. Hull.................
G. T. Palmer.-.................
W. P. Slensby...............
G. W. Wiswell............
L. Wood........--------------...........
W. A. Turner................
C. Evans...................
A. Arnold....................
A. WV. Jones..................
T. Newhall, jr................
W. A. Turner................
W. McCormick...................
B. Brett.......................-----------------
J. S. Barden.................
J. S. Barden..................
J. W. Bishop...............
WV. Bowman..................
E. Brcckway.............
H. I. Brunner.............
T. W. Burger................
H. Burt.................
J. Darling..................
H. O. Demarest..-............--------
J. W. Doughty and B. F. Olmsted.
L. Foote....................
C. H. Griffin.................
A. Hammond.................
H. McGan....................
A. F. W. Neynaber........
S. J. Parker...................
G. T. Parry--..----..-----------
W. C. Pickersgill..............
N. Puckett.......-.........
R. Rafael..................
J. Shirk and I. W. Martin.....
J. M. Stiven................
A. Walker, jr.................
G. I. Washburn.............-----
W. S. and S. B. Wells..........
S. H. Wheeler................
A. F. Young---.................---
J. W. Ebert and E. C. MeCloy.
J. G. Fulton...................
V. 1). Anderson...............
J. L. Starkey.........
H. B. Adams..................
H. Beadle....................
R. Berryman and R. N. Pratt.
J. W. Bishop..................
J. Boden......................
J. N. B. Bond................. E. Burdge.................
B. Chalfant...................
D. L. F. Chase.............
S. Cook.......................
J. A. Davis..................
H. 0. Demarest...............
S. Driver...................
S. 1)river...-----------
G. W. B. Gedney and W. J.
Br assington.
E. H. Goldman............
i i
Detroit, Mich..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Saint Joseph, Mich.......
Fairfield, lowa............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Batavia, Ill...............
Troy, N. Y..............
Boston, Mass..........
Lancaster, Pa............
Peekskill, N. Y..........
Boonton, N. J..............
Hartland, Mich...........
Goshen, N. Y.............
Peekskill, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Bangor, Me..............
Wallingford, Conn......
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Herkimer, N. Y..........
Chestertown, Md........
London, England......
Bethany, N.-Y...........
Calamus, Iowa........
Baltimore, Md............
Albany, N. Y.............
Peekskill, N. Y............
Norwich, N. Y...........
Plantsville, Conn..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Pilot Knob, Mo........ - -.
New York, N. Y..........
Washington County, N. C
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Tenafly, N.J..............
New York, N. Y...........
Lynn, Mass...............
Washington County, N. C.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Morrisania, N. Y..-........
Geneva, Ohio.............
Providence, R. I........
Providence, R.I.........
New Haven, Conn...-....
Greenock, Scotland.......
Haverstraw, N. Y.........
Nazareth, Pa.-...........
Jersey City, N. J.......
Newark, N. J--..---.-----
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y...-..
Newburgh, N. Y........
Fairfield, Ohio............
Chelsea, Mass............
Jacksonville. Ill..........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Williamsport, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Providence, R. I..........
Deming, Ind.............
Havana, Cuba.........
East Earl Township, Pa. -.
New York, N. Y........
Johnsbury, Vt...........
Worcester, Mass..........
New York and Middleburgh, N. Y.
Dowagiac, Mich.......
Red Wing, Minn......
Zanesville, Ohio........
Toledo, Ohio.............
Kewanee, Ill.............
Worcester, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Washington, D. C.......
Hartford,Conn., and Philadelphia, Pa.
New Haven, Conn.......
Columbus, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.-..
Williamsport, Pa......
Boston, Mass...........
Magnolia, Iowa.....
Watertown, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y......
Aug. 20, 1867
Sept. 23, 1862
Oct. 6, 1863
June 21, 1859
Dec. 11, 1860
June 7, 1870
Apr. 21, 1868
Nov. 10, 1829
Sept. 20, 1859
Oct. 6, 1863
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 24, 1868
June 28, 1814
Aug. 6, 1867
Oct. 11,1841
June 20,1871
Apr. 25, 1871
Mar. 24, 1868
Oct. 28, 1803
Sept. 9, 1873
Sept. 9, 1873
Oct. 15, 1872
Jan. 23, 1815
Feb 25, 1868
Nov. 4, 1873
Sept. 13, 1859
Oct. 17,1871
Oct. 29,1810
June 22, 1858
June 3, 1862
June 21, 1870
Apr. 5, 1870
June 16, 1868
July 30, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
Nov. 26, 1850
Apr. 6, 1831
May 8, 1834
June 26, 1866
Aug. 22, 1854
Apr. 12, 1834
Mar. 15, 1831
Dec. 17, 1867
Nov. 3,1863
June 10, 1873
July 16, 1872
Sept. 21,1869
Apr. 11, 1865
Apr. 17,1866
Feb. 18, 1868
June 22, 1869
Feb. 17, 1863
Aug. 31, 1869
July 2, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
Feb. 19, 1867
Apr. 19, 1870
Nov. 20, 1866
Feb. 9, 1864
May 26, 1868
June 4,1867
Apr. 12,1870
Apr. 23, 1867
Sept. 1, 1868
Dec. 6, 1859
Sept. 16, 1873
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 26, 1862
Aug. 24, 1852
Jan. 26, 1864
May 15, 1866
Nov. 1, 1864
Oct. 18, 1870
Oct. 5, 1869
Apr. 1,1873
May 31, 1870
Nov. 8, 1870
Jan. 4,1859
Mar. 19, 1867
M4ay 2, 1871
Apr. 11, 1865
Mar. 23, 1869
May 23, 1865
Oct. 19, 1869
July 31, 1866
Apr. 13, 1869
Nov. 30, 1869
Sept. 29, 1868
Mar. 26, 1667
Sept. 12, 1865
Aug. 4,1868
July 19, 1864
67, 939
36, 501
40, 157
24, 442
30, 917
103, 870
76, 910.....
25, 511
40, 172
93, 725
75, 942
67, 452
116, 104
114, 222
75, 8:33
14..2, 663
142, 663
142, 664
132, 274
74, 936
144, 241
25, 442
119, 961.....
20, 667
35, 455
104, 550
101, 622
78, 993
67, 361
7, 804..........
55, 801
11, 567
72, 413
40, 523
139, 762
129, 514
94, 937
47, 180
54, 078
74, 659
91, 515
37, 673
94, 395
66, 223
68, 964
62, 258
101, 992
59, 909
41, 504
78, 224
65, 418
101, 762
64, 026
81, 679
26, 374
142, 866
89, 087
36, 324
9, 225
41, 408
54, 798
44, 922
108, 423
95, 444
137, 357
103, 539
1U9, 149
2-2, 477
62, 996
114, 255
47, 181
88, 005
47, 791
95, 983
56, 706
88. 774
97, 361
82, 498
63, 227
49, 949
80, 536
43, 579
100, 883
Clayton, Ind..............I Mar. 15, 1870
Index of patents issued fromnt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Boiler-feeder, Automatic...------------------------- J. Boltz.......................
Boiler-feeder, Automatic-----.. ------...----. _ J. Hoover.....................
Boiler-feeder, Automatic...------------------------S. B Hunt-----------------...................Boiler-feeder, Automatic....................... T. Lovelidge and J. Grindrod..
Boiler-feeder, Automatic..------------------------ P. N. J. Macabies.............
Boiler-feeder, Automatic-----...-.------------------- H. McGann...................
Boiler-feeder, Automatic...................... W. Moore....................
Boiler-feeder Automatic......................... S. J. Parker..................
Boiler feeder Automatic......................... J. N. Poage...............
Boiler feeder Automatic......................... E. Quinn...................
Boiler feeder Automatic........................ E. Quinn...................
Boiler-feeder, Automatic.........................I. Rafaiel...............
Boilier feeder, Automatic......................... G. A. Iliedel.................
Boiler feeder Automatic.........................G. A. Iliedel.................
Boiler feeder Automatic......................... G. A. Riedel...................
Boiler feeder Automatic......................... G. A. Riedel..................
Boiler-feeder Automatic.............. E. Sheppard................
Boiler-feeder Automatic.........................T. J. Sloan..................
Boiler-feeder, Automatic........................ H. E. Stager..............
foiler-feeder, Automatic........................ D. Vaughan.................
Boiler-feeder Automatic......................... T. B. Webster...............
Boiler-feeder, Automatic........................ J. R. Widgeon..............
Boiler-feeder Automatic.........................1. Widgeon and F. E. Frey.
Boiler feeder, Automatic steam.......... J. Wheelock................
Bciler-feeder Balance........................ _ V. D. Allen..................
Boiler-feeder for steam-engines..................... E. A. Woods..................
Boiler-feeder, Self acting.......................... F. D. Boyle.................
Boiler feeder, Steam............................S. J. Parker.................
Boiler feeder, Steam...............................J. M. Case....................
Boiler feeder, Steam........................... W. J. Sanderson and S. Stanton
Boiler-flanges, Machine for turning................ E. Paye....................
Boiler-float..................................... IH. McGann.......
Boiler-flue cleaner.............................. J. Armbruster................
Boiler-flue cleaner................................ W. C. Baker...................
Boiler-flue cleaner..................................G. R. Dobbins................
Boiler-flue cleaner................................. J. Fairclough................
Boiler-flue cleaner....................................... M. and C. H. Morse...........
Boiler-flue cleaner............................... B. Schaefer..................
Boiler-flue cleaner................................. G. V. Sloat....................
Boiler-flue cleaner............................... J. M. Spiegle................
Boiler-flue-cleaning apparatus....................T. H. Donohue............
Boiler-fine plug....._.......................... W. M. Sinclair -..............
Boiler-flues by steam jet, Cleaning.............. C. Dasenbrock................
Boiler-flues, Machine for repairing................ J. Hughes...............
Boiler-flues, Method of increasing the effective A. Chapman.................
length and cleansing.
Boiler-flues, Steam-jet head for cleaning........... J. M. Wheeler................
Boiler-flues, Thimble for protecting...............J. C. Farmer..................
Boiler for heating-purposes.................. J. Bradley.................
Boiler for using anthracite coal-------------------.................... J. Barken.................
Boiler for vaporizing volatile fluids............... J. F. iHaskins...-............Boiler-form.....................................J.S. Jennings.................
Bodiler-forming apparatus......................... W. W. Hornberger............
Boiler-furnace.................................... H. F. Baker..................
Boiler-furnace.................................... T. H. C(;lark...................
Boiler- furnace.................................. J. Cole.......................
Boiler- furnace....................................'. B. Davis....................
Boiler furnace................................... A. de Pindray...............
Boiler furnace.................................... W. Eunis..................
Boiler fiurnace.................................... S. A. Ford....................
Boiler-furnace................................... A. Friedmann and F. E. d'Er
Baltimore, Md.............
Lewisburgh, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Paris, France............
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Kokoma, Ind..............
Williamsport, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C........
Washington, D. C......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........
Milwaukee, Wis.........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Sekaukus, N. J...........
Bucyrus, Ohio.............
Bucyrus, Ohio........
Worcester. Mass........
Durhamville, N. Y.......
Utica, N. Y...............
Evansville, Ind............
Rochester, N. Y-.-.........
Worthington, Ohio........
Syracuse, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.......
Cleveland, Ohio----------...........
Petroleum Centre, Pa.....
New York, N. Y.........
Lowell, Mass............
Saint Joseph, Mo..........
Franklin, Mass.........
Chicago, Ill...............
Morrisania, N...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Washington, D. C........
Baltimore, Md............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Bloomington, Ill........
Fairfax, Vt...............
Oxford, Conn.............
Providence, R.I..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md............
Fitchburgh, Mass..._....
Medina, N. Y............
Chicago, ll...............
Boston, Mass.............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass.............
Paris, France..-........-.
Philadelphia, Pa........
Chicago, Ill...............
Paris, France.............
Windsor, Vt.............
Slaterville, N. Y...........
New Haven, Conn.._.....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.._......
Boston, Mass.............----------
Sn Francisco, Cal........
New York, N. Y..........
Plaquemine, La..........
Chittenango, N.Y.........
Geneva, N.Y.............
New Orleans, La..........
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y........
New Brunswick, N. J.....
Albion, N. Y..............
Taunton, Mass............
Madison, Ind...............
Liverpool, Eungland.......
Saint Paul, Minn..........
Meadville, Pa.............
Unionville, Mo............
Hartford, Conn............
Wyandotte, Kans.........
Mar. 23, 1869
Aug. 6,1861
May 13, 1862
Aug. 17, 1869
May 11, 1869
Dec. 1, 1868
June 5, 1866
Apr. 30, 1867
Nov. 12, 1872
Jan. 30, 1866
Mar. 6, 1866
Sept. 12, 1865
Sept. 19, 1865
Sept. 19, 1865
July 3, 1806
July 23, 1867
Sept. 22, 1868
Feb. 27, 1866
Aug. 10, 1869
Mar. 26, 1872
Mar. 23, 1869
Mar. 13, 1866
Oct. 13, 1868
Mar. 26, 1872
Dec. 10, 185(C
July 3, 1860
Aug. 4, 1863
May 28, 1872
Mar. 29, 1870
May 15, 1860
May 29, 1866
Dec. 1, 1868
Oct. 28, 1873
Nov. 17, 1868
Aug. 25, 1868
Nov. 30, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Jan. 1, 1867
Dec. 1, 188i
Dec. 5, 1865
Sept. 16, 1873
July 28, 18(8
Oct. 3,1871
Aug. 23, 1870
July 17, 1849
Mar. 31,1868
May 20, 1873
May 5, 1868
Feb. 7, 1827
Dec. 2, 1873
Mar. 12, 1867
Jan. 8, 1867
May 30, 1846
May 9, 1865
Aug. 22, 1848
Sept. 20, 1864
Mar. 24, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Aug. 19(, 1873
Aug. 25, 1863
Nov. 30, 1869
Aug. 15, 1848
May 21, 1872
July 7, 1846
Apr. 4, 1865
Oct. 5, 1869
May 3, 1870
Aug. 5, 1873
Dec. 21, 1858
Feb. 7, 1871
June 3,1873
Apr. 2, 1872
Sept. 30, 1873
Aug. 29, 1865
Feb. C, 1872
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 7, 1865
Mar. 28, 1871
Dec. 20, 1870
Feb. 11, 1873
June 6, 1865
Feb. 15, 1870
Mar. 12, 1867
July 16, 1872
32, 995
35, 237
93, 826
90, 047
84, 642
55, 338
64, 356
133, 052
52, 376
53, 042
49, 919
50, 034
50, 035
56, 096
66, 993
82, 357
52, 898
93, 564
124, 921
88, 246
53, 2:38
802, 13
125, 106
7, 817
29, 028
39, 378
127, 362
101, 225
28, 307
55, 209
84, 502
144, 046
84, 079
81, 351
97, 372
88, 405
60, 795
84, 587
51, 362
142, 775
80, 313
119, 581
106, 589
6, 595
138, 938
77, 576
145, 175
62, 852
61, 068
4, 546
47, 619
5, 720
44, 36
75, 739
87, 917
141, 870
39, 640
97, 7296
5, 712
126, 965
4, 626
47, 118
95, 601
102, 581
141, 594
111, 580
139, 522
125, 148
143, 305
49, 662
123, 427
93, 922
46, 725
113, 110
110, 313
135, 869
48, 175
99, 8 9
02, 821
129, 634
Boiler furnace.....................................
Boiler furnace....................................
Boiler furnace and flue...............................
Boiler-furnace caloric-regulator...................
Boiler-fliurnace cxown, Steam......................
Boiler-furnace fire-plate...........................
Boiler-furnace Oil-burning.......................
Boiler-furnace, Portable..........................
Boiler-furnace, Return-flue.....................
Boiler furnace, Steam............................
Boiler furnace, Steam.............................
Boiler furnace Steam............................
Boiler furnatce, Steam............................
Boiler furnace, Steam.............................
Boiler furnace Steam............................
M. L. Horton.................
S. Hiungerford.................
H. R. Ives..................
E. L. Miller..................
J. A. Miller..................
G. II.Nott....................
J. A. F. Overend.............
J. B. Ioot..................
E. Skelly...................
L. Skinner..........
A. B. Smith...................
B. F Smithh..................
C. D. Smith...................
P. Smith......................
W. C. Smith..................
J. A. Straight.................
E. C. Strange and G. R. Huntley
U. B. Stribling..............
T. Vicars, sr., T. Vicars, jr.,
and J. Smith.
C. D. Williams................
T. B. Wilson and W. R. Shaw._
W. II. Burns..................
J. G. and E. W. H. Cooper.....
L. H. Waugh, J. A. lianglin,
and J Graham.
E. Boileau...................
F. Hungerford................
D. I1. Prindle.................
C. J. Harris....................
II. W. Adams................
S. P. Bartley..................
A. J. Bell and J. B. Friend....
A. W. Cram..................
G. H. Diehl...................
R. S. Dillon.................
Saint Louis, Mo............ Oct. 3, 1871 119, 562
Rochester, N. Y..-......... Sept. 2, 1873 142, 468
East Bethany, N. Y....... Apr. 16, 1 67 63, 811 t
Bloomington, Ill........... May 2, 171 1114, 437
Philadelphia, Pa..........Oct. 15, 1872 132, 192
Columbus, Ohio............ Apr. 14, 1a68 76, 58
Ashland, Ky.............. Dec. 24, 1872 134, 243
Litehfield, 111............. Dec. 31, 1872 134, 465
Chicago, Ill.- - - -... Dec. 19, 1871 121, 9931
Detroit, Mich............I Dec. 28, 1869 98, '238
Index of patents issued frot the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boiler furnace, Steam................
Boiler furnace, Steam..........................
Boiler furnace, Steam................
Boiler furnace, Steam....---------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam....----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam.....----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam...........................
Boiler furnace, Steam........- ----- --
Boiler furnace. Steam...----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam.....----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam....................
Boiler furnace, Steam...----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam.................
Boiler furnace, Steam.............
Boiler furnace, Steam.....----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam.-...........
Boiler furnace, Steam.................
Boiler furnace, Steam......................
Boiler furnace, Steam...........................
Boiler furnace, Steam..----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam....----------------------
Boiler furnace, Steam..,,,,,,..........
Boiler furnace, &c., Steam...--.----..--..Boiler furnace, Steam-----. -------.------..---
Boiler furnace, Tubular steam..............
Boiler-furnaces, Apparatus for consuming smoke
and gas and increasing draft in.
Boiler furnaces, Blast for steam... --..--- -
B o i l e r - f u r n a c e s, B r i d g e - w a l l o f.................
Boiler furnaces, Mouth-piece for steam...-...
Boiler guard-platoe................................
Boiler-head bolt-fastening......................
Boiler-head-flanging forge and furnace...........
Boiler-head-flanging machine.............................
Boiler-heads, Bending flanges upon............
Boiler-heads, Machine fo)r bending flanges on...
Boiler-heads, Machine for bending the flaonges of - -
Boiler-heads, Machine for cutting oval holes in.... -
Boiler-heads, Machine for cutting oval holes in ----
Boiler-heads, Machinery for fornmiug flanges upon
Boiler-heads, Method of flauging-........
Boiler-heads, Securing removable..........
Boiler heater and feeder........................
Boiler heater and filter...._.....................
Boiler heater, Steam------------...............................
Boiler or steam generator....................
Boiler or steam generator.......................
Boiler or stew-pan....----------------------.--.
Boiler-plates, Machine for punching.............
Boilerplates, Method of riveting..- -....
Boiler-plates, Mode of preparing and screwing in..
Boiler-rivet machine.......-------.
Boiler-riveting machine................
Boile safe.y-gage...- - - - - - - - - - -.
Boiler safety-gage...................
Boiler stand.......
Boiler stand and heater...........................
Boiler supply chamber. -...........
Boiler thimble...............................
Boiler tube........................................
Boiler tube cleaner.............................
Boiler-tube cleaner-................................
Boiler tube cleaner...............................---
Boiler tube cleaner................................
Boiler-tube cleaner..............................
Boiler tube cleaner...............................
Boiler tube cleaner..............................
Boiler tube cleaner, steam-jet.................................
Boiler-tube cutter...............................
Boiler-tube-cutting tool............................
Boiler- tube ferrule....................................
Boiler-tube ferrule...............................
Boiler-tube plug.................................
Boiler-tube plug ----------...................................
Boiler-tube-scaling tool--------------------..........................Boiler-tube scraper------------------------................................
Boiler-tube-scraping devicoe...................
Boiler-tubes, Apparatus for expanding and fastening.
Boiler-tubes, Cleaning..---------...........................
Boiler-tubes, Cleaning.............................
Boiler-tubes, Devico lot leaky: -....................
Boiler-tubes, Device for repairing.................
Boiler tubes, Device for stopping leaks in.........
Boiler tubes, Drawing....
Boiler inbes, Ferrule for......
Boiler tubes, Ferrule for stopping leaks in.........
Boiler tubes in sea-going vessels, Mode of preventing corrosion of
Boiler tubes in tube-sheets, Securing steam........
boiler tubes, Method of fastening..................
Boiler tubes, Plug for leaky -....................
Boder tules Ring fbr stoppiug leaks in......
boiler tubes, Sprrng expamding swage or.......
Boiler-tube., Ste m-jet or cleaing................
P. Estes........-............
M. A. Foster...............
M. A. Foster.................
M. A. Foster.................
M. A. Foster.................
C. H. Fox..................
C. H. Fox..................
C. H. Fox..................
J. B. Gardner and C. H. Swain
E. F. Griffin.................
C. J. Hazstreem...............
J. Howes-------------------.....................
F. A. Huntington..............
S. Keyes......................
T. F. Morrison................
A. C. Rand....................
C. D. Smith.................
C. D. Smith...................
A. Steinway..................
U. B. Stribling--------------................
M. K. Taylor----------------.................R. L. Walker.................
J. Westerman................
J. D.Whelpley and J. J. Storer
H. W. Adams...............
D. E. Somes...................
R. Gigodot...................
WV. G. Hamilton............
C. Stewart...................
C. L. Frink..................
A. O'Neill....................
E. Clark......................
J. Nixon......................
S. Lowen...................
W. W. Martin............
D. Howell..........
J. T. G. Piedboeuf..........
J. McBride..................
J. MeBiride ----------------
J. M cBride....................
J. F. Keeler..................
W. B. Scaife..................
J. Booth and W. Heiser.......
P. Colvin...................
G. C. Williams................
J. J. Doughty...............
D. Coughlin...............
L. M. Richards..............
L. M. Richards...............
W. B. Watkins..............
R. Griftlin...................
J. B. Henry................
J. Goulding..............
C. B. Allen..................
S. Bennett--------------....................
R. H. Jackson..............
J. Marshall......--------------............
E. L. Pratt.................
J. L. Mott -...-.------
C. F. Hitchings...............---------
J. L. Sullivan............
G. W. Duvall.............
B. Fitts......................
J. B. Christoffel..............
P. H. Coyle.-------------..................
P. H. Coyle...................J. Green.....................
W. P. Hoffron................
J.E.Regan --------...................
H. Waterman..--...............
H. C. Hussey.................
W. B. Smith.................
F. Ramsey and J. Miller.......
J. U. Adams..................
R. A. Copeland.............
I.La Llanc....................
R. L. Neill....................
J. W einer, jr...................
J. B. Christoffel..................
E. Green......................
R. Dudgeon...................
J. J.Illingworth.............
D. McDowell................
H. A. Copeland............
E. Clark.....................
R. Lavery and S. Stuart...
S. J. Perry..................
G. W. Durall..................
P. Quinn...................
G. Hauxhurst...............
W. Moohouse..............
J. owden.................
J. MI. Spiegle..................
R. Lavery and S. Stuart.......
J. McCarty...................
J. M. Wheeler-.................
Leavenworth, Kans.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Worcester, Mass..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Bennington, Vt...........
Bryan, Ohio..............
Aurora, Ill................
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
Madison, Ind..............
United States Army......
Globe Village, Mass.....
Sharon, Pa...............
Best on, Mass...--.-. _Philadelphia, Pa......._..
Washington, D. C.........
Lyons, France............
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Rockville, Conn..........
Portsmouth, O' io.........
New York, N. Y..........
Altoona, Pa.............
Temperanceville, Pa......
Allegheny City, Pa......
Louisville, Ky...........
Liege, Belgium...........
Alleghenv Ci y, Pa........
Allegheny City, Pa........
Pittsburgh, Pa.. -... -.
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Buffalo, N Y..............
Pecatonica, Ill..........
Catskill, N. Y............
Lake City, Minn.......
Fall River, Mass._....
Cazeniiovia, N. Y.........
Chagrin River, Ohio......
Jersey City, N. J -... --..
Syracuse, N. Y............
Now York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa........
New Orleans, La-..........
Sandusky, Ohio...........
Greenwich, England......
Beverly, Mass.............
Mott Haven, N. Y.........
New- York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Norfolk, Va..............
Newark, N. J..............
New York, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J............
Newark, N. J..........
Boston, Mass..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill..............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Milford, Mass............
Charleston, S. C...........
New York, N.Y...........
Richfield, Mich _..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Paterson, N. J.............
Prairie diu Iac, Wis.......
Williamsburgh, N. Y-......
Wakefield, England......
New York, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Kingston, West Indies....
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y......
South Boston, Mass.......
Columbia, S. C............
Norfolk, Va...............
South New Market, N. H.
Somerville, Cal............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
South Boson, Mass.......
Reading, Pa...............
Oxford, Conn..............
Sept. 17, 1872
May 21, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
Mar. 4, 1873
May 13, 1873
Oct. 1, 187-2
Jan. 21, 1873
Jan. 21, 1873
Aug. 11, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
May 24, 1870
Oct. 22, 187-2
Oct. 15, 1872
Nov. 11, 1873
Apr. 25, 1871
May 6, 1873
Aug. 6, 17-27
May 6, 1873
Aug. 6, 1872
Nov. 4, 1873
Jan. 24, 1871
Mar. 24, 1688
Mar. 18, 1873
Mar. 31, 1868
Aug. 6, 1872
Apr. 28, 1868
Nov. 18, 1873
Jan. 4,1859
Oct. 28, 1873
June 9, 1866
Feb. 20, 1866
Apr. 24, 1866
June 30, 1868
July 18, 1871
June 19, 1866
Oct. 20, 1857
Oct. 22, 1872
Aug. 28, 1866
Aug. 28, 1866
May 22, 1866
Jan. 31, 1871
June 25, 1872
Oct. 8, 1872
Nov. 25, 1813
Sept. 29,1868
Dec. 2, 1873
Mar. 30, 1815
Aug. 21, 1828
Sept. 7, 1869
Dec. 24, 1861
Jan. 17, 1860
June 19, 1835
July 18, 1871
June 30, 1857
July 9, 1867
Dec. 22, 1868
May 11, 1869
Jan. 25, 1870
Apr. 1, 1873
Feb. 28, 1818
May 15, 1866
May 1, 1866
Mar. 12, 1867
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr. 26, 1870
July 12, 1870
July 23, 1867
Nov. 9, 1869
Mar. 13, 1866
Dec. 13, 1870
Dec. 31, 1867
Oct. 16, 1863
Feb. 4, 1868
Apr. 6, 1869
Feb. 7, 1871
June 28, 1870
Aug. 8, 1865
Apr. 15, 1873
Aug. 17, 1869
Feb. 5,1867
July 25, 1865
Mar. 6, 1866
Jan. 21, 1868
Sept. 1, 1863
Dec. 27, 1864
Aug. 21, 1860
Sept. 19, 1865
June 11, 1867
Dec. 1, 1868
Apr. 2, 1872
Jan. 1, 1867
Apr. 16, 1872
Dec. 27, 1864
July 29, 1851
Dec. 17, 1867
131, 431
126, 946
132, 151
136, 497
138, 875
131, 871
135, 105
135, 106
80, 821
134, 270
103, 324
132, 466
132, 209
144, 393
114, 0 4
138, 694
130, 249
138, 588
130, 326
144, 296
111, 154
75, 817
136, 948
76, 280
132, 268
77, 226
144, 757
22, 530
144, 002
55, 638
52, 806
79, 382
117, 091
55, 687
18l, 452
132, 989
57, 533
57, 534
54, 920
111, 478
128, 207
132, 056
14,1, 937
82, 609
145, 095.....
94, 679
33, 989
26, 846
117, 137
17, 661
66, 593
85, 179
89. 941
09, 222
137, 448....
54, 703
54, 318
62, 816
06, 552
102, 374
105, 194I
67, 112
96, 617
53, 203
110, 044
72, 927
58, 886
74, 028
83, 611
104, 759
49, 327
137, 826
93, 874
61, 815
48, 948
53, 091
73, 439
39, 717
45, 618
2), 715
49, 987
65, 603
84, 489
125, 321
60, 853
125, 764
45, 61)
8, 256
72, 348
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Boiler-tubes, Swaging-tool for......................
Boiler-tubi s, Tool for attaching...........
Boiler-tubes, Tool for cleaning.....................
Boiler-tubes Tool for cutting off...................
Boiler-tubes Tool for cutting off...........
Boiler-tubes, Tool for cutting off..............
Boiler-tubes, Tool for cutting off...-..............
Boiler-tubes, Tool for cutting off..................
Boiler-tubes Tool for cutting off...................
Boiler-tubes, Tool for cutting off.............
Boiler-tubes, Tool for cutting off..................
Boiler-tubes, Tooltbfor expanding.....-_.....
Boiler-tubes, Tool for expanding and cutting off. -
Boiler-tubes, Tool for fastening....................
Boiler-tubes, Tool for plugginig leaky...............
Boiler-tubes, Tool for removing scale in...........
Boiler-tubes, Tool for scaling.........................
Boiler, Tubular...................................
Boilers and other vessels, Mode of attaching handles to.
Boilers, Apparatus for packing straw into.._......
Boilers, Arrangement of steam-cylinders in......
Boilers, Blow-off for.............................
Boilers, Composition for preventing and removing incrustation from.
Boilers, Composition for preventing incrustation in
Boilers, Composition for removing incrustation
Boilers, Composition for removing incrustation
Boilers, Composition for removing scale from......
Boilers, Compound for removing scale from........
Boilers, Device for forming.......................
Boilers, Device for preventing incrustations in....
Boilers, Device for removing incrustations of....
Boilers, Electrical protection for.................
Boilers, Feeding..............................
Boilers, Fusible plug for..........................
Boilers, Handhole joint for.......................
Boilers, ice-houses, &c., to impede the passage of
heat, Non-conducting composition for covering.
Boilers, Machine for forming.....................
Boilers, Man-hole lid for..---...------------.
Boilers, Method of applying fusible metal to. -.. -
Boilers, Method of bracing the water-spaces of.....
Boilers, Method of removing incrustation from. -
Boilers, &c., Mode of riveting metallic plates for...
Boilers, Mode of setting............................
Boilers, Safety-plug for...........................
Boilers, Setting....................................
Boilers, Smoke-extinguisher for..................
Boilers, steam-cylinders, fittings, &c., Manufacture
Boilers, steam-pipes, &c., Non-conducting casing
Boilers, steam-pipes, &c., Non-conducting covering
Boilers, Tool for fastening tubes in................
Boilers, Water-feed for........................
Boilers with water, Mode of supplying..........
Boilers with water, Self-acting apparatus for supplying.
Boiling and condensing apparatus...........
Boiling and distilling apparatus..............
Boiling and puddling furnace......................
Boiling and puddling furnace......................
Boiling and puddling furnaces, Chill-bosh for......
Boiling and puddling furnaces, Door and bit for....
Boiling and puddling furnaces, Fix for............
Boiling liquids...................................
Bolster, Adjustable............................
Bolster and pillow................................
Bolster for mattress, Adjustable..................
Bolster, pillow, &c.................................
Bolster-plates, Manufacture of...............
Bolster-plate, Manufacturing.....................
Bolster, Spindle..................................
See Barn-door bolt.
Copper bolt.
Door and gate bolt.
I. S. Hamilton.....................
T. Presser.---------------...................S. Van Auken...............
R. H. Burke..............
D. A. Dacey..................
P. Hoffman..................
H. Lavery.....................
D. M.Nichols................
W. P. blensby............
N. Thomas..............
N. Wright..................
R. McKenzie.................
I. S. Hamilton...............
A. Van Guysling-.........
J. Ritchie.................
P. C. Rowe.....................
J. Daley and J. H. Marvill.....
C. Hawthorn.................
J. H. Brown...................
H. B. Meech.................. S. Shapter................
E. F. Husted.............
A. Temple...................
G. R. Spannagel..........
J. G. Gansz sand J. J. Lavo.....
Hamilton, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y.........
Binghamton, N. Y.........
Greenpoint, N. Y -.....
New York, N. Y.......
Jersey City, N. J-.......
South Boston, Mass.......
New York, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill............
Jersey City, N. J..........
New Orleans, La.........
Hamilton, Ohio....- - -
North Greenbush, N. Y...
Detroit, Mich.............
Boston, Mass.............
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.......
Fort Edward, N. Y........
New York, N...........
Harrisburgh, Tex.........
Bridgeport, Conn..........
Saint Louis, Mo...-.....
Saint Louis, Mo. -- -
Date. No.
N. S. Thomas--------------.................. Painted Post, N. Y........
Dec. 5, 1871
Apr. 17, 1849
Dec. 18, 1866
Jan. 2-2, 1867
June 6, 1865
Mar. 26, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
Mar. 20, 1866
May 7, 1867
June 5, 1866
Jan. 22, 1867
Oct. 26, 1869
Dec. 5, 1871
Dec. 15, 1863
Sept. 12, 1871
May 22, 1866
Feb. 14, 1865
Dec. 20, 1864
Dec. 11, 1866
Sept. 11, 1866
Aug. 19, 1856
Sept. 10, 1872
Aug. 22, 1865
Sept. 12, 1865
Oct. 3, 1865
Aug. 14,1866
Apr. 11, 1865
May 30, 1865
Dec. 7, 1869
May 4,1869
Feb. 12, 1856
June 24, 1873
Aug. 20,1835
Mar. 28, 1865
Jan. 21, 1868
Mar. 26,1867
May 7,1867
Apr. 15, 1873
Mar. 19, 1850
Mar. 4, 1851
Jan. 17, 1865
Sept. 3,1839
June 1, 1805
Jan. 14, 1868
Nov. 8, 1870
Dec. 31, 1867
Oct. 24, 1871
Aug. 9, 1870
Jan. 18, 1870
Aug. 8,1865
J. Buzby......................
A. B. Auer...................
G. S. Pierce..................
T. Barfield................
W. E. Everett and M. M.
A. T. Hay....................
H &unsicker & Krauss.......
J. bmith......................
G. W hite......................
J. A. Jones...................
E. S. Sackett..................
R. Tippett....................
E. H. Ashcroft...............
B. O'Neill....................
D. Embree....................
R. Smith....................
E. Jenks.....................
T. G. Eiswald...............
C. Neames..................
W. H. Nobles.................
G. W. Bollman...............
F. Y. Arnold................
W. Harris....................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Babcock's Grove, Ill......
Wilkesbarre, Pa..........
Athens, Ill...-..--..--.
New York, N. Y........
Burlington, Iowa..........- -
Northampton, Pa......
Wentworth Road, Great
Harlem, N. Y.............
Middlesborough - on-Tees,
Great Britain.
Monroe, Wis............
Harrisburgh, Pa........
Boston, Mass..............
Reading, Pa...........
Dayton, Ohio............
Great Britain...........
Portland, Me..............
Providence, R.I..........
New Orleans, La..-----
Saint Paul, Minn........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Jacksonville, 111...........
121, 512
6, 36C
60, 653
61. 392
48, 054
63, 250
62, 859
53, 325
64, 454
55, 391
61, 499
96, 133
121, 513
40, 967
118, 818
54, 962
46, 339
45, 494
60, 337
57, 947
15, 579
131, 219
49, 569
49, 931
50, 2.37
57, 219
47, 188
47, 914
97, 549
89, 725
14, 2:10
140, 196
47, 076
73, 557
64, 577
137, 806
7, 179
7, 962
45, 914
1, 312
73, 311
109, 039
72, 886
120, 235
106, 105
98, 865
49, 287
140, 462
39, 379.....
29, 414
29, 376
77, 790
78, 172
103, 983
65, 773
98, 534
32, 636
120, 498
111, 270
67, 436
143, 502
104, 628
141, 227
79, 237
92, 647
H. C. Bristol................... East China, Mich......... July 1, 1873
J. Fox........................ Lowell, Mass..............Mar. 14, 1832
V. F Clenet.................. Paris, France............. Aug. 4,1863
C. Shep ard..............
G. S. G. Spence............
W. Hoffmire............
J. I. Williams.................
J. Zimmer....................
T. Coates....................
W. Sims....................
J. D. Williams................
J. McCormick................
R. M. Beach..................
G. Couch...................
T. S. Sperry.................
P. Kraher....................
C. P. Cooper..................
T. Morgan...................
W. J. Lewis..................
W. J.Lewis and H.W.Oliver, jr
I. P. Richards.................
Cincinnatus, N. Y......... Oct. 4, 1817
Boston, Mass.....-----------. July 31, 1860
San Francisco, Cal...-.. July 31,1860
Etna, Pa----------------- May 12,1868
Pittsburgh, Pa -- ---............ May 19,1868
Ironton, Ohio........... June 7, 1870
Pittsburgh, Pa.......... June 11, 1867
Allegheny, Pa ----------Jan. 4,1870
Madison, Ind.-..- - - -. June 25, 1861
Franklin, N. Y.------ -Apr. 7,1831
Saint Louis, Mo -. - - - - Oct. 31, 1871
Chicago, Ill ------------ Jan. 24, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio.- -- - -.Aug. 6,1867
New York, N. Y... --...... Oct. 7,1873
Marquette, Mich...--....... June 21,1870
Pittsburgh, Pa........... July 29,1873
Pittsburgh, Pa...---.--. June 23, 1868
Whitinsville, Mass....... July 13,1869
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i el I
Bolt-Continued.,See Flush-bolt.
Interlocked conical bolt.
Prison-door bolt.
Safe-door bolt.
Saw-frame bolt.
Seal-locking bolt.
Self-heading bolt.
Self-locking bolt.
Shutter-lock bolt.
Spring-catch bolt.
Square-necked bolt.
Transient bolt.
Tray bolt.
Trunk-tray bolt.
Wagon-box strap-bolt.
Bolt. - - - - - - -
B o lt - - - -. -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- --...
Bolt and bolt-head----------------------------................................Bolt and latch..................................
Bolt and nut machine, Combined..................-----
Bolt and nut threading machine...............
Bolt and nut threading machine.................
Bolt and rivet cutter.....--------------------------
Bolt and rivet cutter...........................
Bolt and rivet cutter--------------------------..............................
Bolt and rivet heading machine--------... ------..--
Bolt and rivet machine....------------------------
Bolt and rivet machine............................
Bolt and rivet machine............................
Bolt and rivet machine............................
Bolt and rivet machine............................------------------------
Bolt and rivet machine............................
Bolt and rivet machine...........................--
Bolt and rivet machine...------.........................
Bolt and rivet machine-------........------------------....................
Bolt and rivet making machine.......
Bolt and rivet making machineo................
Bolt and rivet making machine................
Bolt and rivet trimmer...........................
Bolt and rivet trimmer...........................
Bolt and rod cutter...........................
Bolt and rod cutter.............:................----------------------------...
Bolt and rod cutter................................----------------------------
Bolt and rod cutter -----------------------------
Bolt and screw threading machine................
Bolt and spike drawing machine................
Bolt and spike drawing machine..............
Bolt and spike heading machine..................
Bolt and spike making machine..................
Bolt-blank-heating furnace........................
Bolt-blanks, Apparatus for heating..............
Bolt-blanks, Automatic feeder for.............
Bolt-blanks, Machine for upsetting..-----..
B olt-cutter.................................
J. F. Carlin.................... Alexandria, Va-...........
W. J. Clark.................. Southington, Conn-- --
W. C. Coles................. Williamsburgh, N. Y... -.
T. A.Davies---------------.................. New York, N. Y..........M. Harbster................... Reading, Pa...............
G. Hiavell................... Newark, N. J........
C. H. Hopkins............... Lyndonville, Vt-...........
0. D. Hunter................ Terrysville, Conn.........
E. M. Judd..................New Haven, Conn.........
M. D. Kinkade................ Brooklyn, N. Y..........
P. Leeloux.................... Dijon, France.........
B. F. Lotridge----------------.... New York, N. Y.....
F. G. McClelland......... -- Attica, Ohio...............
J. H. Meissner.......... _Jersey City, N. J-.........
W. R. Miller....----------------- Baltimore, Md............
E. L. Roberts.............. Brooklyn, N. Y...
J. Crompton.................. Little Falls' N. J......
H. Baker................. - Lancaster, Pa..........
J. N Smith.......... New Haven, Conn.........
F. S. Allen and C. F. Ritchel... New York, N. Y...J. Killefer.................... West Richfield, Ohio....
D. D. Cone and P. Polder...-... Panama, N. Y...........---.J. S. Henry and A. H. Reist.... Manheim, Pa.............
C. B. Sha w-------...---------.. ---Victory, Wis....--------
J. Van Brocklin........-...... Middleport, N. Y........
N. Beauregard- - -........... San Francisco, Cal........
J. Morgan, jr................ Wheeling, WV. Va.........
J. Morgan, jr....---------------- Wheeling, W. Va........
J.Morgan, ji-----------------r.. Wheeling, W. Va........
J. C. Reed.................... Cincinnati, Ohio........
A. Reese...................... Pittsburgh, Pa...-_...
J. Wakefield.................. Birmingham, England...
W. E. Ward..........--...... Port Chester, N. Y.......
G. Worstenholm-------------.............. Newark, N. J.............------------
J. R. Bassett................ Cincinnati, Ohio.......
J. Griffiths-------------------.................... Wheeling, WV. Va...-..
J. Paton, T. Campbell, and H. Newburgh, Ohio.........
M. D. Budd------------------................... -Roscoe, Ill...........
3I. Theisen................... Waukon, Iowa.........
S. H. Preston................. Worth, Pa................
H. Schmidt................... Chicago, Ill...............
L. H. Smith................... Stryker, Ohio..........
R. Boeklen-------------------.New York, N. Y.....
J. C. Chapman................ Charlestown, Mass....
H. E. Towle................. Exeter, N. H..............
R. Boeklen.................... Brooklyn, N. Y...........
J. S. Hall.................... Pittsburgh, Pa..........
J. B Clark.................... Plantsville, Conn-.._......
A. Alexander................. Pittsburgh, Pa..........
J. B. Clark................... Plantsville, Conn......
W. F. Parker.-.........-..... Meriden, Conn..........
J. B. Clark.................... Plantsville, Conn....... -
C. E. Phillips.....-....... Deerfield, Mass.........
A. S. Bailey -..-........... Knoxville, Ill..-.----....
W. Britton................... Abingdon, Ill............
J. R. Brown................. Cambridgeport, Mass.....
J. R. Brown------------------.................. Cambridgeport, Mass...
J. R. Brown.-...........--..... Cambridgeport, Mass....
June 10, 1873
Oct. 20, 1863
Apr. 4, 1871
D-c. 24, 1872
July 26, 1870
Feb. 13, 1866
Apr. 13, 1869
Aug. 6, 1867
Feb. 4, 1873
Mar. 12, 1872
May 7, 1872
July 28, 18168
Nov. 29, 1870
July 29, 1862
Dec. 31, 1872
July 27, 1869
Apr. 9, 1867
Jan. 21, 1868
Jan. 2,1.872
Dec. 12, 1871
June 15, 1869
July 1,1873
Feb. 4,1868
July 16, 1872
Aug. 20, 1850
Aug. 26, 1873
Apr. 16, 1867
May 21, 1867
Apr. 26, 1870
Mar. 5, 1867
May 21, 1861
Dec. 10, 1867
July 30, 1850
Apr. 14, 1868
June 30, 1857
Feb. 1i, 1872
ov. 29, 1864
June 4, 1867
June 21, 1870
Apr. 15, 1873
Sept. 2, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
June 17, 1873
Jan. 6, 1863
Sept. 3, 1861
Mar. 7, 1871
July 28, 1868
Nov. 2, 1869
Mar. 3, 1868
June 20, 1871
June 4, 1867
Jan. 16, 1872
Dec. 21, 1869
June 25, 1867
May 28, 1867
July 4,1871
Oct. 24, 1871
139, 767
40, 327
113, 264
134, 262
105, 675
52, 570
88, 959
67, 549
135, 560
124, 442
126, 404
80, 295
109, 640
36, 014
134, 391
93, 006
63, 706
73, 491
122, 411
121, 743
91, 348
140, 405
74, 087
129, 370
7, 586
142, 193
63, 927
64, 896
102, 418
62, 565
32, 381
72, 135
7, 538
76, 873
17, 660
123, 341
45, 269
65, 338
104, 509
137, 956
142, 354
143, 645
139, 861
37, 332
33, 218
112, 410
80, 478
96, 308
74, 970
116, 158
65, 423
122, 706
65, 89
65, lGt
107, 138
116, 547
120, 149
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continucd.
T -T.R..
Bolt-cutter-----------------------------------........................................Bolt-cutter......................- -- --------..................
Bolt-cutter.---- -------------------------------
Bolt cutting and shearing, Compound tool for......
Bolt cutting device................................
Bolt cutting device- - -- - - -
Bolt cutting machine.......................
Bolt cutting machine..........................
Bolt cutting shears...............................
Bolt cutting shears..............................
Bolt cutting shears.........------------..------............-......
Bolt cutting shcears...............................
Bolt cutting tool -.-- --..-..-........
Bolt die, Square-head..............................
Bolt die, Square-head..............................
Bolt die, T-head...................
Bolt-drawing machine............................
Bolt-drawing machine------------------------
Bolt feeder and cooler.............................
Bolt-feeder for mills................................
Bolt-forging machine, Die for....................
Bolt-head die, Square..........:..............
Bolt-head-swaging die.............................
Bolt-head-trimming machine-..-------------..--
Bolt-head-trimming tool....-.......................-----------------
Bolt-head-turning machine.....---------------------
Bolt-heading device.-----.......................
Bolt-heading device---------------------------................................Bolt-heading die...................................
Bolt-heading die..................................
Bolt-heading die...................................
Bolt-heading die......................
Bolt-heading die..................................
Bolt-heading die..................................
Bolt-heading die............................
Bolt-heading machine.........................._
Bolt-heading machine.............................
Bolt-heading machine..............................
Bolt-heading machine............................
Bolt heading machine..............................
Bolt-heading machine............................:Bolt heading machine...
Bolt heading machine............................
Bolt-heading machine...........................
Bolt-heading machine............................
Bolt-heading machine..........................
Bolt-heading machine................
Bolt-heading machine.........--------
Bolt-heading machine....--------------------.-----
Bolt-heading machine..........................
Bolt-heading maclhine............................
Bolt-heading machine............................
o t- e li gm achine..............................
Bolt-heading machine.............................
Bolt-heading machine....................
Bolt-heading machine............................
Bolt-heading machine..........................
Bolt-heading machine..........................
j. it. vrown...................
O. E. Butler and S. P. Dunham.
A. Carbnow..................
L. J. Chapman................
C. Dreher....................
E. W. and R. Fawcett and W.
E. Sefton.
H. M. Handy.................
W. W. Hill............
H. L. Howard.................
H. Howe-------------------......................
J. Johnson...................
J. Johnson....................
J. Johnson...................
W. Mendham.................
F. M iller......................
T. W. Moore..................
T. W. Moore.................
L. J. Newlan...............
A. W. Owen and M. E. Lilley..
G. A. Ries---------------....................---
J. S. Ryder...................
E. Schlenker......-..........
R. Sischo.....................
E. A. Sloat....................
0. J. Smiath-----------------
O. J. Smith...................
J. Strayer and T. Hazelhurst..
W. F. Strong.................
J. K. Taylor..................
J. Tomlinson..................
J. Whittaker...-............
W. W. Worden...............
W. W. Wright and J. Boody..
W. E. Yeager.................
T. Smith-------------------......................
G. Adair and J. F. Pool.......
L. Daniels...................
M. D. Budd.................
J. A. Merriman.............
J. Guthrie..................
D. H. Hickok.................
G. W. Hyatt.....----------------
S. W. Wright................
J. E. Heath... ----....
W. Shields....................
W. Shields...................
W. J.. Lewis..................
C. L. Stevenson...............
S. Wilmarth................
J. M. Hopkins............
V. Lapham....-----------------
P. Peterson..................
E.E. Stubbs----------------..................J. Cornwell..................
O. Van Tassell................
WV. Pickens...................
B. A. Wing.................
J. T. Willmarth............
F. S. M iles...............'....
A. Eames....................
M. Rugg.....------------------
A. P. Plant...----------------..
W. F. Swathel................
W. M. Thoroughgood..-.._
J. M. Woods....----------------
F. Bruso......................
J. B. Clark...................
P. Eley.......................
C. Kaie--------------------
C. Kane.--------------------
C. Kaylor......................
J. Kaylor....
W. J. Lewis................
J.R. Abbe....................
J. R. Abbe...................
H. E. Anthony...............
O. C. Burdict.................
O. C. Burdict..................
H. M. Clark..................
L. L. Davis....................
P. Eley......................
A. B. Glover............
A. B. Glover---------------..................S. W. Goodyear and W. F.
R. Gracey..................
R. Gracey................
W. Grant........
J. Greenwood.................
C. Hall........................
C. Hall and E. Hubner........
T. Hull and N. Thomas.......
C. E. Hunter.................
J. O. Jones....................
C. and J. Kane................
Residence. Date. No.
Cambridgeport, Mass..... Sept. 17,1872 131, 423
Marshalltown, Iowa-...... Dec. 14, 1869 97, 874
Potsdamni, N. Y.......... - May 19, 1868 78, 055
Vallejo, Cal.............. Feb. 18, 1873 135, 887
Detroit, Mich............. - -- Dec. 5, 1865 51, 300
Salem, Ohio............... July 29, 1873 141, 265
Niles, Mich-------------............... -Apr. 9, 1867 63, 721
Fulton, N. Y------------.............. Mar. 25, 1873 137, 076
Mendon, Mich...-.......... Apr. 19, 1870 102, 006
Oneonta, N. Y.-_...... July 28, 1868 80, 351
West Fallowfield Town- June 4, 1867 65, 391
ship, Pa.
West Fallowfield Town- Mar. 31, 1868 76, 197
ship, Pa.
Cochransville, Pa......... Sept. 26, 1871 119, 231
Philadelphia, Pa........... Apr. 19, 1870 102, 026
Indianola, Ill......-........ -May 5, 1868 77, 637
Richmond, Ind............ Feb. 18, 1868 74, 575
Richmond, Ind.......... Oct. 27, 1868 83, 525
Barton, N. Y........... July 23, 1867 66, 986
East Canton, Pa......-- - June 27, 1871 116, 478
Belvidere, N. J............ Oct. 17, 1865 50, 497
Sing Sing, N. Y........... May 13, 1873 138, 940
Buffalo, N. Y------------.............. July 4,1865 48, 594
Tuscola, Ill ---------------Oct. 10, 1865 50, 395
Theresa, N. Y....--.. -Jan. 7, 1868 73, 205
Wauwatosa, Wis...-.--.. Nov. 13, 1866 59, 6,3
South Bend, Ind.......... June 25, 1867 66, 107
Charleston, S. C.......... Aug.27, 1872 130, 880
Bridgeport, Conn......... - Dec. 11, 1860 30, 895
Onslow, Iowa..--..... Feb. 4, 1873 135, 497
Sandusky, N. Y...-... July 25, 1871 117, 495
Waukesha, Wis.......... Dec. 31,1867 72, 954
Ellsworth, N. Y.....----------- June 4, 1867 65, 523
Lawrence, Kans.......... May 2, 1871 114, 383
California, Mo............ Sept. 1, 1868 81, 697
Monroe, Wis.....------------- Apr. 27, 1869 89, 267
Oak Hill, N. Y.......... May 17, 1870 103, 152
Roscoe, Ill..-------.. Dec. 24, 1861 33, 982
Chicago, Ill............ Oct. 18, 1864 44, 773
Wilmington, Del.-..-... Sept. 4, 1866 57, 705
Rockford. Ill..-..-........ Feb. 20, 1866 52, 714
Auburn, N. Y............ May 23, 1865 47, 832
Ellsworth, N. Y-........... Feb. 26, 1867 62, 462
Niles, Mich............... Nov. 5, 1867 70, 563
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 18, 1868 74, 616
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 25, 1868 81, 419
Pittsburgh, Pa............ --May 1, 1866 54, 377
Charlestown, Mass --.....- Oct. 26,1858 21, 910
Charlestown, Mass....... Nov. 29, 1859 26, 315
New York, N. Y.......... -- May 1; 1866 54, 348
El Paso, Ill......... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 866
Abingdon, Ill............ Sept. 6, 1870 107, 096
West Elkton, Ohio........ Mar. 10,1868 75, 488
Kalamazoo, Mich......... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 137
Naperville, Ill--....... Sept. 28,1869 95, 289
Chicago, Ill -........... Feb. 4, 1868 74, 125
Galesburgh, Mich...... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 094
Northbridge, Mass-........ Apr. 17, 1855 12, 735
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 13, 1868 82, 973
Allegheny, Pa............. July 31, 1866 56, 745
Bridgeport, Conn...-... Aug. 9, 1859 25, 001
Southington, Coun........ Aug. 31,1842 2, 766
Plantsville, Conn....-.. Jmne 8, 1869 91, 040
Mount Carmel, Conn...... Sept. 20,1870 107, 561
Salisbury, Md............. May 13, 1873 138, 958
Washington, Mo......... Mar. 9, 1869 87, 747
Buffalo, N. Y--..--.......... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 160
Plantsville, Conn......... Jan. 30, 1872 123, 084
New York, N. Y........... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 280
Pittsburgh, Pa............ May 15,1866 54, 738
Pittsburgh, Pa............Jan. 28,1868 73, 728
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 16, 1869 87, 780
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Mar. 31, 1868 76, 210
Providence, R. -.......... Jan. 19, 1869 85, 983
Providuence, R. I........... June 6, 1871 115. 555
Providence, R. I........... June 19, 1866 55, 597
New Haven, Con n...... Sept. 3, 1867 68, 555
Providence, R. I........... Nov. 30, 1869 97, 351
Rockford, Ill.............. June 6, 1871 115, 702
New Britain, Conn........ Jan. 15, 1856 14, 086
Laconia, N. H.._......... Feb. 6, 1866 52,393
New York, N-.Y.......... Aug. 1, 1871 117, 527
lerby, Coon.............. June 19, 1816 55, 646
Birmingham, Conn........ Mar. 17, 1868 75, 675
Meriden, Con............ June 11, 1867 65, 561
Pittsburgh, Pa....... Dec. 17, 1867 72, 288
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Oct. 27, 1868 83, 376
Boston, Mass............. Dec. 26, 1848 5, 986
Fitchburgh, Mass-........ Feb. 20, 1872 123, 82-2
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 12, 1873 141, 711
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 18, 1866 58, 096
Chicago, Ill............. Feb. 28, 1871 112, 248
HIinsdale, N. H............ Jan. 2, 1872 122, 385
lh-ooklyn, N. Y........... July '22,18773 141, 059
littsburgh, Pa............ Apr. 10, 1866 53, 831
Indcx of patents issued front the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Invent ionl.
Belt-heading machine...........................
Bolt -heading machine---------------------------
Belt-heading machine ---------------------------
Bolt lieading machine..........................__
Bolt-heading machiei---------------------------
Belt-heading miachine...........................
Bolt-hieading machine................
Bolt-Leading niachine.______________
Belt heading machine ------------------------.
Belt-heaimg machine.._.........................
Pelt- he-din manchine.. __........................
Bolt-heading machine...........................
Bolt-ha-dinig machine...........................
Bolt-he-ding iiichine...........................
Blolt-heading machine--------------------------
Blolt-lieading inclijuc.-.......................
Bolt-hieading; machine............._._........
Bolt-leading machinue...........................
Lolt-Beading machine..... _.....................
Boit-licading machine.........................._
Bo tl eadin gmachine.............
Bolt-heading miachine...........................
Bolt-lieading--nachiine die...._........
Bolt-heading-machine die. _................ _.. _.
Bolt lieaids, Machne foirinaking..............
Bolt-heads, Michine for making.-_-.._.
Be t-keeper- - - -................
Bolt-keys, Machine for making.._.............
Bolt-locking (device -----------------------------
Belt-ii tliine................. -
belt-ima chine..................
Bolt-maichiine.............. _... -
B elt-niacliiiie _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Belt-mchiiie - -- --- - - -.- - - - - - -
Belt-machine, Method of constrncting aiid operating the header- in.
Bolt-making ---.--------------------------.
B.oltt iakingdie.......... _....._..............Bolt-making machiine...........................
Bolt-making machine..............
Bolt-makin miachiine------------------------___
Bolt-ma-king machine-------------------------__
Bolt-makinmi ncline..........................__
Belt-making maclilac...............__.........
Bolt-miaking michmine....... _........ _...........
Belt-akig macliiie--------------------------
Belt-m-tking machine............................
Blolt-miking macline_.........................._
belt making ma-chine........................ -
Bolt-maing-niachine die...... _...............B olt-reel-- - - - - - - - - - -..........
Bolt-semewing'ad nut-tapping machine.-_......
Bolt-suriwtingmac e......................
Bolt-taping machine...............
Belt-thread-cutting machiiie......................
Bolt-threader ----------------------------------
Invm ator. Residence. Pate. No.
E. Kaylor--------------------- Pittsbuigh, Pa-----------.Oct. 24, 1865 50, 599
E.Kaylom-------------------- Pittsbrghm, Pa------------ Juie 12, 166 55, 501
L. Rh-Loup-------------------_Broeklyn, N.Y ----------loeb.6, 1866 52, 494
NV. J. Lewis...-.....-- - -..Pittshnrgh, Pa------------ Mar. 15 1964 41,929l
M. 1). Marcy------------------.Worcester, Mass..--_...Fb. 20, 1866 52, 7-27
J. V. McDermott - - -.---- New York, N. Y- -- -- -- - -- -eb.Feh.6, 1866 52, 453
W. Mele-ell-------------------- Paterson, N.J..------------July 21,1858 80, 198
J. Minter--------------------_Worcesteir, Mass----------.Joty 12, 1864 43, 521
J. Minter-.-..............----Lowell, Mass-------------- July- 10, 1866 56, 247
P. G. Merrill-----------------...Catasauqua, Pa.. _----------Aug. 24, 1869) 94, 021
F. B. Piindle-----------------....Sontliington, Coan _- -.-_-Dec. 31, 1867 72, 899
F. 11. Prindlle-----------------...Southiington, Coinn._- - Jami 11, 1870 98, 798
T. T. Presser-----------------.Chicago, Ill--------------- Apr. 1:31869 88, 981
J. Root----------------------..New Hlavemi, Conn..-...-. Oct. 29, 1867 70, 363
J.Root ----------------------_New Hav en, Conn-.....Marii31868 75, 198
J.Root ----------------------- NewlIHaven, Conn- -.._Mar. 23,1e69 88,214
J.Root ----------------------- NewflavenCona- -....M-mr.Ia t8iO 160,928
F. Schweizer. - ------------New Yoik,N.Y---------- Nov.7,185 50, 848
F. Schweizer_-----------------_ _ _.New Yoik, N. Y--_ -- ---Mair. 20, 1866 53, 351
1. Schweizern-----------------Green Point, N. Y.--_-.June 8, 1869 91, 171
N. Stainks..-...........-------Albany, N.Y------._------ee. 23,1851 8, 616
W. Swathol.. -...- - - -...Southington, Cenn. _-- Nov. 19,1867 71, 243
11. iliemyson-----------------..Worcestei-, Mass.-- -- ----Mar. 1,1869 75, 221
P. P. Trayser-----------------....Baltimore, Md------- lo_... _.Fb.5, 1867 61. 896
A. Tucker-------------------_GilfoidN.HII-------------Feb. 27,1866 5-2, 912
B. C. Vanduzen---------------. _Ciicinnati, Ohio.---------- _Mar. 22, 1859 23, 328
B. Walkerr------------------....... Birmingiani, Coiiu- --..__Oct. 23, 1866 59, 100
IF '. Watkins--.. _--------.---Birmingham. Eiigland--- Feb. 14, 1865 46, 434
C. P. Wiley and MI. S. Norton. Juniction, M in.--_....June 18, lx2 128, 083
J. Grihhen-------------------..Allegheny, Pa-------Aug. 21,1866 57, 313
J. W. Tibbet-----------... _----Cincininati, Ohio----------... e t.Sept.4, 1866 57, 781
C. H. aiid J. F, Emerson -._-New York, N. Y -.-.-- -----Api. 2ti 1869 89, 211
M. D. Marcy------------------....W rc st r.Worcester. Mass----------.Aug. 24, 1 69 94, 122
S. R.Butterfield---------------Bome, N. Y..-------------Juiie 14, 1-70 104, 264
B. lorry and A. Cornish.i -..Lee, N. Y..................May 21, 1867 64, 964
G3. WV. Phielps.________----_Conneant, Ohio------------ Aug 11, 1868 80, 998
J. M. Mitchell-.......-..-..-.Ciiicinnati, Ohio----------Sm...h y.hay 16, 1871 114, 84t
G. M. Wood------------------- Decatur, Ill--------------_Oct. 16, 1S66 58,9;29
N. Adams.-------------------.Altoona, Pa....----------- Oct.15,1867 69,740
A. McKenny-----------------.....Maumee City, Ohio......Aug.,1l8 7t 117, 657
J. Abbe-------------------..Providence, i. I-----------Mair.8, 1870 11.0, 581
A. Alexanider----------------..I... ittsbuigh, Pa- _.- ----__---Aug.l15,l865 49, 484
A. R..lBailey and W. W. New Haven aiid Plaints- Nov. 19, 1867 740,939
Kniowles. xmllm Comn.
H.LCartet-.-----.........Pittsbugh,. Pa..-----------M ir.2, 1858 19, 485
1). S. Coo--------------------l_ _ ine Meadow, Coiin..__ June 27,11 116, 270
J. L. Hall--------------------_Ahington, Mass ----------- June 1, 1869 90,6(61
M. H-ar dawa- --- - -- -- - ----awaySint Louis, Mo............Apr. 13, 1869 88, 783
WX. W. Uuhhard--------------....Pladelphia, a_... Pa-------Nov. 19, 1867 71, 012
J. 0. Jenes.-------------------Lironklyn, N.Y------------ Apr.8, 1873 137, 688
Cand J.Kne----------------..Pittsburgh, Pa...........-Apr. 10, 1866 53, 832
E. Kaytom--------------------1 Pittsbuigh, Pa------------ Aug. 22, 1865 49, 532
A. Marcellus------------------Retckibid, ill-------------- Aug. 29, 1865 49, 638
1I..'lillips----------------.Indianapelis, Ind _-- Sept. 19, 1865 50, 028
E. Smanlsinsa----------_-------Allegheny, Pa------------ Aug. 24, 1858 21, 279
T. F. s..................... Taft-------------Fitchhburgm, Mass..--.._Feb. 12, 1856 14, 258
A. A. Wilder-----------------PDetroit, Michi-------------Nov. 19, 1872 133, 135
S. B.Witk ins and A. Marcellus. Rockfored, Ill.....----------l.une 17, 1813 140, 103
1). L. Weatherhecad..-----------Providenmce, It. I..........-Mamy 8, 1849 6, 438
D. E. Adams-----------------..Alleghemy City, Pa.. n ept. 18, 1866 58, 040
J. T. Witinarlb.--------------....Norithbriulge, Mass--_.__.Jan. 16, 1t5 12, 262
A. Alexander-----------------.P.. it tsburghr, Pa.- __ P_ ec. 17,18 7;2, 152
A..Alexande-----__---.-----Pittsburgh, Pa-----------P ee. 17,1567 72, 153
A. Chiarbono------------------...Worcester, Mass - ---------dim.Jly 9, 1872 128,S853
It. I. (Cole------------------.. Saint Louis, Mo---------- Nov. 3,it57 18,5:34
R. Crichtona.---------------.....Buchanan, Pa------------ __Mamy 8, 1855 12, 815
C. Hll and E. Hubhner._- ___New York, N. Y - - -- -----Mar. 27,1866 53, 531
M. Hardaway----..- -- - - --- Saint Louis, Mo- -- ------Oct. 11, 1864 44, (623
W. Klenim anid P. Pittrich.... Pittsburgh, 'a.- - - - - -----Felm 25, 1868 74, 834
B.113.Locke----------------.. Exeter, IN. 1I------------- Man tO, 1869 88, 493
C. Limitecml--------------------New York,N. Y---------Smept.12,mt5 49, 90-2
XV..Wan-m..............Pert Chester, N. Y-----July 10,1855 13, 241
W. B. Ward.------------------ Pont Ctestem, N.Y--- -M-my 12,1863 38, 518
F. Watl: ins --- -- -- -- -- - - -----Birmmighiami, Emigland - Ic 8, 1868 84, 782
1t. (imacey--------------------1 mrtslmu gli, Pa-----------.Oct. 07,1868 83, 377
I3. C. White-------------P Moines, Iowa -_----_-Jan. 31, 1871 111,501
W. W. llubhard - - - -------Philadelphiam. Pa----------_ _Feb. 6,1866 52, 415
A. Ilahhbett------------------- _ _Auhurn, N. Y------------P. ee. 19, 1865 51, 538
CE. Hunter-----------------.... inmsdale, N. H1- _- -.--------Feh. 01,18-1 111,941
F. XWakins------------------. _ _Birminhm, England D ee. 13, 1864 45, 452
J. J.Grant-------------------. _ _Northaumpon, Mass...__ Nov. 16, 1869 96, 910
G. W. illiigus----------------.Pomeroy, Othioe----------Mamy 31,18m0 103, 64-2
AT1A. Blaleff------------------- lie mbum - Eas.- Jul13. 1869-- 92, 567
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine............................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine.............................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine............................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine.....................
Bolt-threading machine...........................
Bolt-threading machine.....................
Bolt-threading machine......---------------------
Bolt-threading, Lubricating-device for............
Bolt-trimming machine...........................
Bolt-trimming machine.....................
Bolt-turning tool...............................
Bolt-upsetting machine..........................
Bolts and nuts, Machine for making-----------...............
M. Love......................
H. Martin.....................
H. Martin-----.....................
S. W. Putnam, jr....---....
J. F. Rodgers................
C. Schneider -------------
J. Schuessier and J. Kennedy.
F. Schweizer..................
W. Sellers...................
N. Thomas....................
J. B. Wiggenhorn. - -.........
A. Wood.....----------------
S. H. Wright.....------------
S. H. Wright.....-------------
W. Armstrong...........
J. Blackinton.................
W. Dunlop.................
II. Howe......----------------
G. W. Lewis-------------..................
A. B. White--------------...................A. Ford.....-----------......-----.........
W. Hannah--------------...................
L. Burns----------------......................B. and J. A. Briscoe...........
G. G. Hickman......--.........G. G. Hickman...............
G. R. Postlcthwaite..........
Corry, Pa.................
Louisville, Ky..._..-...
Louisville, Ky...........
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
South Bend, Ind..........
Newark, N. J.............
La Fayette, Ind...........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Worcester, Mass..........
Lowell, Mass............
Lowell. Mass..-.........
Kent, Ohio...............
Roscoe, Ill................
Fullerton, Canada..-.....
Oneonta, N. Y............
Dansville, N. Y..........
Mendon, Mich............
Harmonshurgh, Pa.......
Middlefield, N. Y.........
Port Chester, Pa..........
Detroit, Mich............
Brooklyn, N. Y... - -...
Coatesville, Pa........
Coatesville, Pa...........
Birmingham, Great Britain.
Greenwich Station, Ohio..
Glasgow, Scotland........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Portsmouth, Va...........
Boston, Mass..............
Buffalo, N. Y_.---.---.--
Charlestown, Mass........
Schenectady, N. Y........
Southington, Conn........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Greensburgh, Ind.........
Brunswick, Me...........
Lancaster, Pa.............
Berkshire, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Albany, N. Y.............----------
Syracuse, N. Y............Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Southington, Conn........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Nov. 22, 1870
Mar. 14, 1871
Mar. 28, 1871
Jan. 24, 1871
Dec. 5, 1865
Nov. 14, 1871
Sept. 15, 1868
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 1,1857
Jan. 25,1870
Nov. 2, 1869
July 7, 1868
Oct. 3, 1871
Apr. 30,1872
Oct. 25, 1870
Oct. 22, 1867
Dec. 17, 1872
June 18, 1867
Dec. 8, 1868
Apr. 14, 1868
Sept. 10,1872
Dec. 23,1856
Feb. 26, 1867
Mar. 21, 1871
Nov. 5, 1872
Aug. 14, 1866
Sept. 10, 1867
Jan. 17, 1871
May 19, 1863
May 10, 1864
Mar. 1, 1859
Mar. 18, 1873
July 2, 1836
Jan. 3, 1865
Feb. 4, 1873
May 7, 1872
Nov. 11, 1873
Oct. 18, 1864
Sept. 16,1856
June 11, 1861
Mar. 4,1856
Jan. 30, 1872
May 8,1811
Aug. 22, 1865
Dec. 28, 1852
Nov. 30, 1852
Apr. 4, 1865
May 3, 1870
Aug. 2, 1864
Sept. 25, 1839
Bolts and rivets, Apparatus for clipping -..... - -Z. B. Cotant...................
Bolts and rivets, Machine for making......----------- J. Howden.......................
B o l t s a n d r i v e t s, M a k i n g..................... J. R. B a s s e t t................
Bolts and rivets, Manufacture of.................. W. Livingstone...-........
Bolts and spikes, Drawing.....-------------------- R. Haynes -... -.--.-.Bolts by hydraulic pressure, Machine for drawing. S. Wilmarth.............
Bolts, Cutter-head for pointing the ends of...-.. O. C. Burdict...... -..Bolts, Device for cutting off -----------.. T. J. Emery--------------...................Bolts, Device for rounding the ends of............ - - -. J. I. Schermerhorn..........
Bolts Die for making...-----------.-------------. W. J. Clark..................
Bolts Heading- -----...---------------...... E. and P. Coleman............
Bolts Heading................................ J. Weathers.....---------.......
Bolts, Heading.................................. G W oodward................
Bolts, Machine for cutting off...................... -----------------H. M. Powers.................
Bolts, Machine for cutting off the ends of.......... J. Rewey.....................
Bolts, Machine for cutting threads on--..---..........-. W.W. Hubbard....----.........
Bolts, &c., Machinery for heading............ E. Page....-----------------
Bolts, &c., Machinery for securing.....--------------J. Caswell--..-...---..Bolts, Manufacture of....-----------------------. W. J. Lewis...................------
Bolts, Manufacture of............................. A. Nailer..........-.........Bolts, M ethod of m aking................._. W. J. Clark..................
Bolts, nuts, &c., Mode of squaring and finishing J. Bellemere..................
the heads of.
Bolts or rivets, Machine for pointing---...-------. J. Stackler...................
Bolts, rivets, and nails, Mode of attaching the G. B. Brayton-------------.................heads of.
Bolts, rods, &c., Tool for cutting off-------------................ H. Peters---.....--.....--.....- -
Bolts, Socket for...------.---------------------. H. W. Collender.............
Bolts, Threading...--------------------------- H. Abbott...................
Bolts, Trimming or cutting--...---------------. H. Beckwith..............
Bolting-chest...------------------------.. --J. Bell.......................
Bolting-chest.....------------------------------ M. C. Cogswell and J. McKiernan.
Bolting-cloth to reel, Mode of attaching --....... J. Woodville.... - - - -...........
Bolting-cloth to reel, Securing....-..----------- G. M. Elliott-------------..................Bolting, dusting, and separating the ground mate- J. Woodward................
rial, Machinery for.
Bolting-machine................................... H. Cabanes...................
Bolting-machine...---------_---------- -.. --- J. H. Jones..................
Bolting-mill...-------------------------..------ E. H. Vittecoq................
Bolting-reel -------------------------------J. T. Agner..................
Bolting reel ----..--..---------------------S. Corsett and O. D. Lowe.....
Bolting-reel-------------------------------....................................... F. B. Lewis................
Bomb for killing whales........................... N. Schofieid and W.W.Wright
Bomb-lance....-------------------------------P. B. Comins..................
Bomb-lance for killing whales..................... S. Barker------....------................
Bomb or mine, Subterrene....-------------------- J. MacGregor, jr..............
Bomb, shell, or grenade.......................... E. T. Miller.-....---...........
Bombs, lances, and other projectiles, Guide for.... I. Goodspeed and C. Crawley--..
Bonds, &c., Filing and recording................... F. Munson...................
Bonds, Mode of preventing the stealing of --......... J. Myers, jr...................
Bonds, &c., Preventing alteration in numbers on...- G. W. Casilear...............
Bone and plaster mill..................----....-. S. W. Powell.................
Bone-black. See Charcoal, Animal.
Bone-black, Apparatus and process for revivify- A. Lonsky...................
Bone-black, Apparatus for cooling and purifying.. D. H. Turner..................
Bone-black, Apparatus for revivifying..-.-.-.--. -C. N. Brock..................
Bone-black, Apparatus for revivifying... -...G. Finken...----------..-----
Bone-black, Artificial....------------------------ H. Endemann-------------.................Bone-black cleaning and purifying machine....- R. Ficken and F. L. Williams.
Bone-black-cooling apparatus... ---.. C.. Senff...................
Bone-black drier............................... P. Farley................
Bone-black equalizer----....-.---------------... Brasill and D. A. Muillane.
Bone-black for filtering, Artificial---------------.................. W. H. Kelsey.................
Bone-black furnace, Apparatus for emptying the E. Langen....................
cooling-tubes of.
Bone-black, Furnace for reburning-----.. -------... G. Thulemeyer.............
Bone-black kiln.....----------------------------J. 0O. Donner--------------..................
109, 433
112, 612
113, 072
111, 248
120, 903
82, 252
62, 693
18, 775
99, 259
96, 372
79, 714
119, 681
126, 170
108, 673
69, 962
133, 972
65, 913
84, 701
76, 863
16, 301
62, 390
132, 807
57, 132
68, 742
38, 564
42, 731
23, 138
137, 009.....
45, 785
135, 520
126, 384
144, 569
44, 706
15, 729
32, 545
14. 381
123, 124.....
49, 524
9, 506
9, 428
47, 113
102, 566
43, 669
1, 342
90, 602
38, 652
104, 061
27, 943
37, 943
31, 947
28, 654
17, 126
19, 892
144, 739
131, 278
45, 802
89, 963
116, 685
107, 512
16, 819
23, 827
46, 437
2, 502
11, 901
32, 830
63, 419
100, 788
84, 341
72, 418
134, 686
77, 935
32, 679
39, 637
87, 653
62, 537
116, 361
113, 754
93, 668
122, 526
93, 208
40, 371
96, 899
West Winsted, Conn...... May 25,1869
Providence, R. I.......... May 26, 1863
Davenport, Iowa..........
New York, N. Y.........
Wakeman, Ohio.........
Grass Lake, Mich........
Belleville, Ill..............
Buffalo, N. Y............
Chillicothe, Ohio.........
Hagerstown, Md.........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Bordeaux, France.........
Dayton, Ohio..............
Beaumontel, France......
Lexington, Va.............
Middleville, Mich.........
Tiffin, Ohio................----
Norwich, Conn...........
San Francisco, Cal.._....
Hartford, Conn.-........
Wilton, N. Y.............
Boston, Mass............
Norwich, Conn..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y......
Washington, D. C.........
Brookville, Md............
June 7,1870
Sept. 15, 1857
Apr. 17, 1860
Mar. 24, 1863
Apr. 9, 1861
June 12, 1860
Apr. 21, 1857
Mar. 19, 1834
Apr. 6,1858
Nov. 18,1873
Sept. 10, 1872
Jan. 3, 1865
May 11,1869
July 4,1871
Sept. 20, 1870
Mar. 10, 1857
May 3, 1859
Feb. 21,1865
Mar. 23, 1842
Nov. 7, 1854
July 16, 1861
Apr. 2, 1867
Mar. 15, 1870
Nov. 24, 1868
Dec. 17,1867
Hoboken, N. J............ Jan. 7,1873
New York, N. Y.......... May 12, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa...-. July 2, 1861
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 25, 1863
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 9, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 5, 1867
Now York, N. Y-.........- June 27,1871
New York, N. Y.....-- Apr. 18, 1871
New Orleans, La.......... Aug. 17, 1869
Cleveland, Ohio..-..--.. Jan. 9, 1872
Cologne, Prussia........ Aug. 3, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 20,1863
Jersey City, N. J.......--.. Nov. 16, 1669
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17cO to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bone-black kiln................................
Bone-black kilu................................
LBone-black kiln..................................
Bone-black kiln.................................
Bone-black, Kiln for reburning -..-.--..--
Bone black kiln, leburning and purifying.........
Bone black, Manufaiheture of...........
Bone black, Oven for reburning..................
Bone-black, Puriftying..........................
Bone-black, Purifying.............................
Bone-black purifying, screening, and cooling apparatus, Rcburnt.
Bone-black reburning and ore reducing furnace....
Bone-black, Revivification of.-....-.......-......
Bone-black revivifying............................
Bone-black, Revivify-ing.......................
Bone-black-revivitfying apparatus..............
Bone-black, Treating and revivifying...........
Bone-black-washing apparatus................
Bone burning or charring pot, Construction of.....
Bone-charcoal. Retort for revivifying..............
Bone handle for canes, &c...................
Bone, &e., Mill for pulverizing...................
Bone setting apparatus...........................
Bones for manure, &c., Mode of grinding...- -..-.
Bones, refuse meat, &c., Apparatus for boiling....
Bonnet and bonnet-frame pressing machine.......
Bonnet and hat pressing machine.............
Bonnet and hat pressing machine................
Bonnet-binding, Making..........................
Bonnet-forming machine.........................
Bonnet-frame clamp...........................
Bonnet-frames, Machine for forming............
Bonnet-frames, Machine for stiffening netting for. -
Bonnet-frames, Manufacture of................
Bonnet-frames, Mode of coustructing wire.........
Bonnet-frames, Mold for pressing------------.................
Bonnet-front former.......................
Bonnet-fronts, Mold for pressing...............
Bonnet, Portable..................
Bonnet-pressing machine-.........-...........
Bonnet-pressing machine.....-......
Bonnet-pressing machine...........
Bonnet-pressing machine..........................
Bonnet-pressing machinery.....................
Bonnet-stands, Branch-holder for...........
Bonnet-tips, Apparatus for pressing...............
Bonnets and cap-fronts, &c, Machine for manufacluring.
Bonnets and hats and other manufactures of straw,
Manner of pressing and finishing.
Bonnets and hats, Manufacturing grass..........
Bonnets and hats, Pressing straw............
Bonnets and other articles of varying thickness,
Machine for piessing straw.
Bonnets, Machine for trimming straw-plait for...Bonnets, Manufacturing..........................
Bonnets, Method of shaping....................
Bonin ts, Pressing.........................
Bonnets, &c., Pressing straw-.....................
Book and manuscript holder... - - - - -..................
Book and method of binding, Copy......................
Book and paper clamp..............................
Book and paper trimming machine...........
Book and slate, Combined.................
Book-backs, Machine for molding..........
Book-backs, Machine for shapang and finishing....
E. P. Eastwick------------................
E. P. Eastwick................
E. P. Eastwick------................
E. P. Eastwiek................
E. P. Eastwick................
A. Weber.................
C. Y. Beach.................
W. Moller..................
T. H. Quick................
T. HII. Quick..................--------------
M. Hanford...............
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md.........
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md-........
Baltimore, Md... --.
New York, N. Y--...--
Brooklyn, N. Y.....--------
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.............
A. Weber---................. New York, N. Y....._
H. Kattenhorn-------------............... New York, N. Y.......
W. Bellows.................. Cincinnati, Ohio........
J. Forrest-----------------.................... New York, N. Y...-...
W. Mitchell.................. ---------------New York, N. Y...-...
J. Rogers and L. Reid..-... Brooklyn, N. Y-....
C.Kinzler....------------------ New York, N. Y -.-' -
C. W. Pierce................. Albany, N. Y.........
G. A. Jasper...---------------Charlestown, Mass...J. Harvey..................... Philadelphia, Pa.......
E. P. Baugh - --...... - -............ ---Philadelphia, Pa.......
A. Newell---......--------------............... Red Wing, Minn...--..
J. H. Willard..........-------------....... Brown Elm, Ohio......
J. Wister---------------..................... Greencastle, Pa --....-..
R. W. Thing.................. Winchester, Mass........
S. A. Blake.................... New York, N. Y..........
A. Henri...................... Louisville, Ky.........
F. Hloward.................... Somerville, Mass..........
S. H. Lyon and W.E. Doubleday Brooklyn, N. Y.......
W. Osborn -................... Louisville, Ky............
E. Copleston.................. Wronthani. Mass.......
C. Merritt........--...-...... Balimore, Md......
J. L. Weaver.................Orange, Mass.............
C. A. Taylor-..--------------. Chicago, 111..............
C. O. Parmenter. ------------Amherst, Mass......
G. O. Cooper and C. Southworth Stoughton, Mass.......
G. H. Hawkins.......... New York, N. Y........
W. E. Kidd ---.............. New York, N. Y..........
II. A. Reynolds..............New York, N. Y......
S. H. Bowker.................. Worcester, Mass.....
P. C. Ritchie.................. New York, N. Y..........
R. T. Wilde..............-..... New York, N. Y.........
H. Weed...................... Philadelphia, Pa.....
N. Spence..................... New York, N. Y..........
G. A. Cox.............. Brooklyn, N. Y............
W. E. Kidd.................. New York, N. Y..........
'T. Hammond................. Now Ycrk, N. Y..........
G. M. Richardson............ Barre, Mass..............
C. W. Russell---...... --Philadelphia, Pa... -.. -
S. end H. Squire............. Monson, Mass....
IH. E. West.................. Attleborough, Mass..-....1. Murdoch.................. Baltimore, Md.....-.....
J. R. Palmenbery............ New York, N. Y..........
T. Kendall- --........ New York, N. Y ---..........
W. H. Morrison.--.... -.. Nottingham, England.....
Dec. 18,1866
Apr. 6, 1869
Apr. 6, 1869
Apr. 6, 1869
May 16, 1871
June 4, 1867
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 19, 1862
May 15, 1866
Nov. 26, 1867
May 18,1869
July 26, 1870
Jan. 25, 1859
Dec. 13, 1859
Aug. 25,1863
Mar. 13,1860
July 20,1869
July 10,1860
June 11, 1867
June 4,1867
July 9,1867
Mar. 7, 1865
Sept. 8, 1868
June 11, 1836
May 8, 1866
June 18, 1872
Dec. 24, 1861
May 1, 18C0
June 7,1814
Mar. 19, 1861
Aug. 19, 1856
Aug. 15, 1865
Mar. 13, 1844
Jan. 31, 1865
June 26, 1860
Mar. 25, 1862
Mar. 20, 1866
July 22, 186-2
Apr. 13, 1858
May 1, 160
f eb. 2, 1958
Feb 11, 1873
Apr. 24, 1860
June 27, 1854
Nov. 28, 1854
Jain. 17, 1860
Nov. 28, 1854
Oct. 30, 1844
Oct. 2, 1866
Aug. 16, 1859
Nov. 12, 1867
Jan. 29, 1861
Oct. 12, 1842
Aug. 2,1859
Sept. 3,1844
Oct. 18, 1859
60, 492
88, 700
88, 701
88, 702
114, 780
65, 457
119, 605
36, 230
54, 771
71, 536
90, 097
105, 747
22, 734
26, 457
39, 638
27, 462
92, 751
29. 128
65, 597
65, 389
66, 586
46, 627
81, 933.....
127, 995
33, 978
28, 082
43, 028
31, 724
15, 570
49, 384
3, 417
46, 163
28, 916
34, 771
53, 274
35, 934
19, 932
28, 13L
19, 231
135, 730
28, 6028
11, 186
26, 836
11, 996
3, 809
58, 555
70, 912
31, 274
2, 817
24, 950
3, 728
25, 847
1, 785
20, 837
33, 872
25, 218
6, 585.....
56, 184
2, 286
143, 088
29, 532
21, 984
62, 767
25, 548
58, 940
106, 617
77, 958
72, 243
10, 375
4, 575
127, 882
45, 620.....
88, 587
52, 779
76, 065
59, 240
30, 243
43, 456
146, 01
89, 6-22
72, 373.....
W. Chaplin................... New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 10, 1840
G. mnd S. Wells...------.... Wethersfield, Conn....... Dec. 29, 1821
O. Plimpton-............... Foxborough, Mass........ Dec. 28,1832
H. E. West.................... Norton, Mass............ July 6,1858
E. Smith....................
T. Bracher...............-.C. W. Russell................
C. C. Dow................
S. Pittee................
J. E. D. Comstock...........
WV. Davison...............
J.P. McLean------------................
G. Utley......................
F. Shepherd....--.......
J.K. Max.................
G. H. Sanborn and J. E. Coffin.
Book-binder, Schoolboy's ----------------------T. Goodrum..................
Book-binders and others, Material for paste for.-... I. L. Plumer..............
Book-binder's beveling-machine......----------------- W. P. Chase................
Book-binder's beveling-machine.........-... H. L. Tumy...................
Book-binder's board, Drying........................J. It. Longbotham..........
Book-binder's boards, Machinery for cutting-.....- G. S. Schofield...........
Book-binder's clamp........................... G. F. Holland.........
Book-bindeor 's cloth-cutting table................ C. Lemon.........
Book-binder's cutting-press---------- --- - - -.. C. Stimpson, jr.............
Book-binder cutting press...-------------..-----J. J. Wells..................
Book-binder's head-band --------------------.................... J. Schlichting.................-----
Book-binders, Ornamenting rolls and stamps for... D. H. Mason....................
Look-binderi's a prepared paste.................... J. Woodward...__...........
Book-binder's roll..---------------------... J. Feely...............
Book-binder's sewing-table.----...._..-.--.... M. T. Lincoln...............
Book-binder 's standing press------------........ ------.............. M. K. Pelletreau.._.......
Book-binders, Supplemental table for-----------........... G.P. Goff -...----..-.....
Book-binder's use, Manufacture of gold-leaf for.... - - I. E. Hastings..............
Book-binding-----------------------------------...................................... W.I. Blackman...............
Book-binding------------------------------...................................... V Daniels..................
Book-binding------------------------------...................................... De Silver..................
Franklin, Mass........... Mar. 30, 1808
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 3, 1861
Philadelphia, Pa-..-------.. Aug. 16, 1859
Windham, Conn......... July 10, 1849
Foxborough, Masa...... Sept. 14, 1825
New York, N. Y -----.July 10, 1866
Baltimore, Md---..--..-- Oct. 9,1841
Brooklyn, N. Y-....-.... Sept. 23, 1873
Chapel Hill, N. C--....-. Aug. 7, 1860
New Haven, Conn...... N-v. 2, 1858
Springfield, Mass......... Mar. 12, 1867
Boston, Mass., and Port- Sept. 20, 1859
land, Me.
Providence, R. I.......... Oct. 16, 1866
Chelsea, Mass..-...... Aug. 23, 1870
Boston Mass-....... aMay 19, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio...-... - Dec. 17, 1867
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 3, 1854
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 16, 1846
Boston, Mass............. June 11, 1872
Washington, D C......... Dec. 27, 1864
Boston, Mass.--..---....... -- Oct. 17, 1831
Hartford, Conn. _-.-.-- Mar. 23, 1824
New York, N. Y........ Apr. 6,1869
Philadelphia, Pa..... Jan. 26, 1826
Springfield, Mass......... Feb. 20, 1866
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 31, 1868
Washington. D. C......... Oct. 30, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 2, 1860
WVashington, D. C......... July 5, 1864
Philadelphia, Pa.......... - Dec. 30, 1873
Columbus, Miss.....--------- May 4,1869
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Dec. 17, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa....... Sept. 14, 1812
lndex of patents issued from lte United States Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Blook-binding.-------------------------....-------W. Hancock................Book-bindlin................................... --A. Holbrook,jr..............
Book-binding.......------------------------ A. H. Jocelyn................
Book-binding-----------------------------------..L. GMatthews.............
Book-binding..................................... J. Meer...............---...
Book-binding--------...... -----..................G. H. Reynolds.............Book-bind ing ------------------------------------I. Reynolds.................
Book-binding...-.-.---....................... I. Reynolds..................
Bokb.n.................................... J. L. Rile...................
Book-bindling.................................... A. H. Itowand...... _.... _....
Beak-binding.................................ID. Shive------ --_------------
B'ok-binding.................................... H. M. Shute.-.-...------
Book-binding................................... G. Smithi...--.....-...._.
Book-bindio....................................W. Smith...................
Book-binding.....................................ID. M. Sinyth...............--
Book-binding................................... J. T. Sullivan................
Book-binding..................................... J. C. Trerry.................--
Book-binding..................................J. Torrey, jr................--
Book-binding.........................-........_ T. Towodrow--------------..
Book-binding apparatus..._..................... I. Reynolds.................--
Book-binding ma-chine..........................._J. Gloss.._..._..-.........
Book-b ining rn-chine...........................-IH. G. Lowrey...-.............
Book, Blank.....................................H. Fischier.................--
Book, Blank account............................ C. Hopkins -................
Book-brace......................................W. Ives. - --......-----
Book-case. -................................... A. Lamb...................
Book-case, Folding............................... E. Haskell._....._......
Book-case for schools, &c........................P. T.. Vaunico...--._.
Book-case, Portable........................... E. Haskell..... _......__....
Book-case, Revolving............................L. B. Pert............. _... _.
Book-clamp..................................J. W. Jones.................
Book-clamp....................................W. A. M i l l e r-................- - -
Bo ok -c la m p, Portable...........................C.W. Holbrook and E. F Butler
Book-clamp, Portable............................C. W. Sherwood.... -
Book-clamp, Portable................. W. C. Watson. -...__.. _._....
Book clamp, School...............................W. C. Watson --- - ---- --- -- _-.
Book-clasp---------------------------------------C. Folsom..................
Book clip, Check................................-A. B. Aner.....-------
Book, Copy..............................---....N. P. Beers...
Book, Copy....--................................B. G. Howes.................
Book, Copy...................................... P. F. Van Everon...........--
Book, Copy -..................................... J. ID. Williams..............--
Book-cover...................................... G. F. Borden................--
Book-cover.................. W. L. Bnrlock.............. _.
Book-cover...................................... A. H. Jocelynii...............
Book-cover....................................... W. C. Wendell...............
Book-cover and stand............................W. Milliken-.. _........_...
Book-cover protector............................ C. L. Alexander and V. A Oshorn.
Book-cover protector............................. J.N. Lamned........._-..._...
Book-cover p~rotector............................--A. L. Sewell................
Book-cover protector_.______________M hmsn........................Topo..
Book-cover pirotector............................. P. F. Van Everen............
Book-cover protector..........................A. Van Patton -......__.......
Book-covers, Machine for making.........L. IDanforth-.....-----------..
Book-covers, Machine for making.................J. W. Harrison.. -. --......
Book-covers, Machine foi- making................M. and Ht. H. llnmrell....
Book-covers, Ornamenting -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -\V. McAdams.......... _.. _.
Book-curb......................................M. A. 11. Sanrmann...........
Book-cnttingmnachiuie............................ F. J. Austin..................
Book f02book-keeping........................... J. H. Gleim........--......
Book hand-rest.................................-----W. F. West._..........._.....
Book, Herbal and scrap..........................---A. M. Safford............
Book-holder_-------------------_-----------_---D. F. Dimon and G. H. Carsuell
Book-holder..-.-....................-.......-----F. Emmons..........
Book-holder.-------------------------------------- W. ID. Gridley..............--
Book-holder------------------------------------..G. P. Johnson.....-........
Book holder------------------------------------I.. D. Moritz and H. White..
Book-holder-------------------------------------0O. B. Parker................Book-holder.............-------------------------C. Phelps ------------------.
Book-holder-----------------------------...-----T. E. Platt...................
Book-holder------------------------------------..W. S. Paulson.......__.._..
Book-holder------------------------------------.F....... Propst and J. F. Avis...
Book-holder.------------------------------------H. Sherman..................
Book-holder-----------------------------....-----W. J. Thorn.................
Book-holder aind leaf-turner----------------------......A. McFall...................
Book-holder for pewvs---------------------------- N. A. Wright................
Book-holder, Portable---------------------------..C. C. Moore..................
Book-holder, Portable---------------------------.....H. A. Octerle................
Book-holder, Portable---------------------------..C. W. Sherwcod....................
Book-holding press...,........................... L. Heitkamp........
Book-holding stand-----------------------------..J. S. Brawn...... _..... _.._...
Great Britain.....
Lyon, Mass.-......
New York, N. Y----
Philadelphia, Pa -__.___
New Albany, hId.
Philadelphia, Pa __.
New York, N. Y..
IDaytoni, Ohio.........._
IDayton, Ohio....__.....
New York, N. Y._-___Allegheny, Pa..........Philadelphia, Pa......
Wankegan, Ill.. _.........
Bridgeport, Con. _..
New York, N. Y__..
Orange, N. J.............
Philadelphia, Pa. _._..
Springfield, Con..
Germantown, Pa..__....
New York, N. Y...
IDayton, Ohio..........__
Green Point, N. Y.
Br-ooklyn, N. Y..-__....
B url in g t o n,Iowa.-----
Chicago, I111..............
New York, N. Y. _.
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Cambi-idge, Mass. __...
Dover, N. H.............
Kewanee, Ill_............
Canton, Mass.... _..._....
Tecumsehi, Micli-_ _._
Harrisb orgh, Pa._.__..Paterson, N.J...........--
Windsor Locks, Coiin._.
Chicago, Ill..-_-_.---.
Pater-sou, N. J....._
Paterson, N. I............
Cambridge, Mass...
Chicago, Ill ---- -------.
New York, N. Y.-----
Worcester, Mass. __.
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y --.--
South Adanis, Mass...
Philaidelphila, Pa.----
New York, N. Y.
Albany, N. Y------------___
Cambridge, Mass....-...
Washington, ID. C --_-.
Butlislo, N. Y............
Chicago, Ill.............--
New York, N. Y._._
Brooklyn, N. Y... __......
Woyanwega, Wis.
Buffalo, N. Y......... _.
Washington, ID. C -....
Brooklyii, N. Y -..-...
Albany, N.Y...--_._
Philadelphia, Pa.._._.__.
New York, N. Y..---
Saint Louis, Mo....
Haverstraw, N. Y...Spriiigtleld, Mess -. - _.. -
Fishkill Lauding, lT...
lDanveris, Mass....... -___-.
New Britain, Conii. --.-_.
Webster's Grove, Ito _-.
Cairmansville and Mott
Haven. N. Y.
Woodville, Moss.....
Clayton, N. Y.- --.----
Newv Haven, Con..
Cadiz, Ohio..............
Tipton, id.............Waverly, Pa............Bangoi, Me.............--
New York, N. Y.-----
Westbrook, Me..._..
Yonkers, N. Y............
Prairie do Chilen, W is.-.
Nw York, N. Y._-. _
Philadelphia, Pa.._...
Oct. 28, 1837
June 23, 1868
IDec. 29,18t68
Nov. 10, 1868
IDec. 1,188
Aug. '26, 1818
Fcb. 2-2, 1870
IDec. 21, 1869
Jan. 23, 1872
June 13, 1871
May 12, 1857
IDec. 21, 1869
Feb. 4, I1868
Feb. 20, 1872
Juiie 23, 1868
Oct. 10, 1871
July 27, 181-2
Aug. 9, 1870
Aug. 8, 18-29
May 29, 18eo
July 4, 1871
May 2, 1871
June 6, 1871
Feb. 11, 1873
IDec. 15, 1868
Nov. 27, 1849
Jan. 23, 1851
Apr. 16, 1861
Apr. 2-i, 1873
Jaii. 10, 1871
Feb. 24, i863l
Ap-. 29, 1873
Oct. -24, 1965
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 15, 1870
Mar. 17, 1818
Mar. 17, 188
Sept. 24, 1867
July:3, 1855
June 15, 1869
Jiiie 7, 1870
IDec. It0, 1867
May 3, 1870
Apr. 19, 1870
Aug. 8, 18165
IDec. 24, 187-2
Juuie 24, 1873
Apr. 6, 1869
Mar. 3, 1868
Sept. 24, 1867
Sept. 17, 187-2
Juno 22, 1869
Aug. 1, 1871
May 3, 1870
Nov. 24, 1868
May 23, 1854
Feb. 14, 1865
Apr. 23, 1867
Oct. 9, 1847
May 11, 1869
Jan. 19, 1864
IDec. 24, 1807
IDec. 17, 1872
Jne 14, 1864
Jnly 19, 1864
Mai-. 2:3, 1869
Apr. 27, 1869
Nov. 9, 1869
Oct. 15, 1972
June 26, 1866
May 21, 187-2
Mar. 12, 1867
June 1, 1869
Aug. 9, 1870
IDec. 7, 1869
JuLly 13, 1869
Juiie 26, 1266
Sept. 13, 1870
Aug. 1, 1871
Api. 9, 1867
Feb. 28, 1871
Nov. 21,187 1
Feb. 7, 1871
Oct. 7, 1873
Feb. 2, 1864
Feb. 12, 1867
79, 123
85, 450
83, 980
84, 564
100, 069
98, 191
122, 965
115, 896
17, 299
98, 20
74, 014
123, 947
79, 269
119, 894
106, 234
28, 521
116, 757
115, 6-21
135, 760
12, 279
3-2, 069
110, 941
37, 75 2
138, 279
50, 597
75 5S8
69, 2L5
91 19)8
103, 965
1, 882
102, 1-9
4-, 213
134, 249
140, 275
88. 684
75, 040
69, 062
131, 316
91, 5711
117, 697
1(2, 733
84, 397
10, 961
46, 353
64, 038
90, 02
41, 337
43, 575
88, 02
89, 307
96, 02
55, 897
90, 8 70
1015 283
97, 710
92, 48-2
55, 924
1(17, 510
117, 654
63, 776
112, 165
121, 191
itt, 577
143, 410
41. 420
61, 927
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Book, Memorandum......................... H. M. Hinsdill..............
Book, Memorandum.............................N. Swasey..................
Book or music leaf turning apparatus............. J. Grant................
Book-paging apparatus....---------------------- G. Leverich...................--
Book-paging machine...-.......................... W. C. Demain..- -.............
Book-paging machine............................ R.L. Hawes..................
Book-paging machine......H...................... H. Hochstrasser..........
Lok-pagming machine.......................... J. McAdams..................
Book-paging machine............................. S. E. Parrish-...--.-.-..B ook-paging m achine.. -........................ H. S. T aylor- --............
Book-paging machine............................. E. Town.........
Book paging machinery, Blank.................... J. L. Burdick.................
Book-rack...----------------..-------..---.-----.. D. Lewis------------.............----.......
Book-rack--------------------------------...........................................Otis----------------....................Book-rack......................................... J. P. Tibbits-------------..................Book rack and stand........--................... G. Gardener..................
Book, Record............................... H. Arden.....................
Book-repository................................... R. L. Dodge.............
Book-rest......................................... C. Sulivan................
Book-rest......................................... L. Tarring....................
Book, Scrap-------------------....................-----------.................. S. L. Clemens...------------
Book, Slated....................................... -------------------------------H. B. Barnes.......-------------
Book-stand........................................ J. B. Annin...................
Book-stand....................................... H. M. Sweeney...............
Book stand or holder............................. W. W. Marston..........
Book-support...................................... J. Densmore-------------..................Book-support...................................... R. B. Hindle.-------...------...........
Book-support...................................... J., A., and W. J. A. McCausland.
Book-support...................................... D. E. Morgan---...----------
Book-support..................................... C. J. North...-----.------- - - -
Book-support.....------------------------------S. M. Thomson......------------..........
Book-supporter.................................... L. Willson---------------....................
Book, Tablet index............................... J. B. Lake, jr...-------------
Book-trimming machine.....---------------------- M. Riehl.-.............--
Book-trimming machinery..-------------........ L. F. Markham................
Books, Adhesive compound for binding----------............ D. Felt....................
Books and music, Apparatus to hold and turn the C.B. Thayer -..-.. -......... -
leaves of.
Books, Apparatus for turning leaves of.--...----.--. H. C. Bridgham and J. M.
Books, Apparatus for turning leaves of............ C. I)esbeaux....-----------
Books, Binding invoice.........................J. L. Rile-....---.....Books, Binding mathematical...................... F. B. Wells...................
Books, Binding mercantile......................... J. H. Gleim...................
Books, Case for record........................... W. H. Somers................
Books, Clamp-strap for school -... - -J. W. McKee..-..............
Books, Clamp-strap for school................. L. F. Van De Weile -..........
Books, &c., Clasp-lock for...------- L. Lall-...--...._......
Books, Composition for making copy-writing and R. Wall -----------------.......................
Books, Curving the backs of------------------....................... J. A. Elder.................
Books, Embossed cover for---..---------......... W. T. Anderson...............
Books, Guide and blotter for writing.............. P. Martin...................
Books, Indexing ----..-...- ---.. -- J. S. Hicks......
Books in the round, Machine for cutting........... G. Trinks and L. Heitkamp. - -
Books, Machine for backing....................... WV. Laighton.................
Books, Machine bfor curving the backs of--------- J.E. Colffin..................
books, Machine for cutting --------------------A. O. Douglass-----------
Books, Machine for cutting index to blank -.-.. - -.G. Hodgkinson and T. F. Randolph.
Books, Machine for cutting the front of--.......... I. Jones.....................
Locks, Machine for finishing the backs of.......... C. Starr..._.--....
Books, Machine foibr numbering the pages of...... E. and C. E. Town--...-...--.
Books, Machine for numbering the pages of ac- J. McAdams...............
Books, Machine for rounding and backing........ T. Bergner.....................
LBooks, Machine for rounding and backing-..... J. E. Coffin...................
Books, Machine for rounding and backing... R. F. Foster, T. S. Baylie, and
J. Harbin.
Books, Machine for rounding backs of---............. L. F. Markham..-.........
Books, Machine for shaping the backs of.......... J. E. Coffin-.... -........--
Books, Machine for trimming.....------------------ A. C. Semple..................
Books, Machine for turning lthe leaves of--------.......... F. Suter_..................
Books, Mode of making spring-backs for---.......... L. Francis...-...........
Books, Paging..-..---------------------------- R.M. Leslie...................
Books, Paging bound.............................. J. McAdams............
LBooks, Protecting bound.......................... J. C. G. Kennedy..........
Looks, Register for account ------..................-...... A. F. Jones...................
Books, Tool for embossing backs of-------------................ C. Starr...-.-...-...-..
Boom and gaff joint.............................. V. Noreross................
LBoom-connection for masts........................ B. McGrath........--.......
Boom for vessels................................. E. G. Gaillac ---.........---......
Boom-gear....-------------------------------- C. R. Webb..................
Boom-gudgeon...... --- -- -.. C. Sayward..................
Loom jack or elevator----------------...-. R. B. Condon..................
Boom.jaws, Elastic lining for...........-.......--- 0.. Rowland.....
Boom - aws, Guide for...................... M. Gray..............
Boom, Jib.-----------------------------W. E. Beman.................
Boom-saddle and chafing-band for mast-........ W. T. Griffenberg............
Boom saddle.nd jaw...................... J. Davis, jr..............
Boom sling, Spritsail.............................. G. Dowling..................
Looms and gaffs, Band for.................... D.Dryburgh................
Locms and gailf of vessels, Jaw for........... A. Manning..............
oons, Device flr sheering..---------- -.. L. W. Pond......
Booms, Elastic anti-friction attachnsent for vessel's H. Gregory, jr...............
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Yonkers, N. Y..........
Hampstead, England....
Wellsburgh, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.............
Worcester, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass.........
Jersey City. N. J..........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass-..............
East Cambridge, Mass....
New York, N. Y.........
Clarksville, N. J..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Gallatin, Mo..............
Boston, Mass..............
Washington, D. C........
Hartford, Conn...........
New York, N. Y........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y.......
Holley, N. Y..............
Saint Louis, Mo.. -.........
Providence, R. I...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Auburn, N. Y------............
Providence, R. I.........
Indianapolis, Ind........
Ealtimcre, Md............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass..............
New London and Norwich,
Paris, France.............
New York, N. Y..........
Fishkill, on the Hudson,
Saint Louis, Mo..._.......
Urbana, Ill...............
Breolclyn, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Westbrook, Me...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Medford, Mass...----
Roslyn, N.Y.............
SNew York and Brooklyn,
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Portland. Me...........
SPhiladelphia, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Camden, N. J.............
New York, N. Y.........
Jersey City, N. J -..........
Boston, Mass............
SPhiladelphia, Pa..........
Westbrook, Me.. _....
Washington, D. C......
Cambridgeport, Mass..... Portland, Me.............
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y........-..
- Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass............
- Washington, D. C........
- Douglass, Mass.......... New York, N. Y.......... Middletown, Conn.........
Gloucester, Mass........
Cutler, Me................. Philadelphia, Pa.....
* Gloucester, Mass.........
Belfast, Me............
Jamesport, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass....
Portland, Me....... Wilmington, Del...... Gloucester, Mass..........
Fair Haven, Conn....
- Philadelphia, Pa...... Fair Haven, Conn........
- Eau Claire, Wis.. Rockland, Mo.............
Date. No.
Jan. 7,1873 134,546
July 11, 1871 116,884
Apr. 20, 1869 89, 214
May 29,1855 12, 954
Aug. 21, 1855 13, 417
Dec. 9, 1856 16,207
Sept. 26, 1854 11, 728
Mar. 9, 1869 87, 693
Mar. 23, 1852 8, 830
May 16, 1854 10, 933
Jan. 31, 1854 10, 485
Feb. 14, 1854 10, 533
Dec. 9, 1862 37, 102
July 25, 1871 117, 321
Nov. 16,1869 97,003
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 248
July 25, 1871 117, 240
June 7, 1870 103, 853
May 31,18-70 103, 682
May 27,1873 139,341
June 24, 1873 140, 245
Aug. 6,1872 130, 179
June 24, 1873 140, 107
Apr. 9,1872 125, 500
Aug. 29, 1865 49, 639
Mar. 12, 1872 124, 423
July 1, 1873 140,369
Feb. 14,1871 111,858
Jan. 23,187? 122, 957
June 13, 1871 115, 886
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 984
July 9, 1872 128, 835
July 25, 1871 117, 433
Aug. 28, 1855 13, 501
Apr. 18, 1848 5, 523
Aug. 1,1838 867
June 21, 1859) 24, 504
Sept. 12, 1854 11, 660
Jan. 3, 1854 10, 381
Oct. 3, 1871 4, 577
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 345
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 276
Aug. 11, 1863 39, 503
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 234
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 554
Nov. 27, 1861 60, 017
Apr. 28, 1817....
July 26, 1853 9, 886
July 5, 1864 43, 450
Sept. 3, 1872 131, 106
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 075
June 17, 1862 35, 639
Jan. 10, 1845 3,880
June 12, 1866 55, 468
Jan. 6, 1832..
Apr. 28, 1857 17, 149
Oct. 30, 1866 59, 229. June 24, 1851 8, 179. Oct. 5, 1858 21, 708
Aug. 12, 1851 8,291
June 9, 1857 17, 480
July 8, 1856 15, 282
SMar. 25, 1873 137, 192. Dec. 5,1854 12, 026
SJune14, 1859 24, 425
SMar. 16, 1858 19, 654
Dec. 22, 1857 18, 935
SApr. 9, 1867 63, 626
Feb. 15,1853 9, 586
SMar. 29, 1853 9, 638. May 17, 1864 42, 779
SSept. 29, 1863 40, 106
S-Tan. 21, 1851 7, 911
SDec. 27, 1864 45, 625. June 12, 1866 55, 515. Feb. 15, 1870 99, 874. Apr. 14, 1868 76, 857. July 14, 1868 79, 864
- Oct. 1, 1872 131, 742
June 5, 1860 28, 608. May 2-2, 1866 55, 001
Apr. 28, 1868 77, 348
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 439
Dec. 31,1845 4, 345. Apr. 7, 18(8 76, 309
- Oct. 5, 1869 95, 442. May 1, 1866 54, 379
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 663. Nov. 25, 1873 144, 975
Index of pate'nts issued fromn the United States Patent Office from 1750 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Booms, Outhaul-band for-----------------------..
Booms, Outhaul for-------------------------------4
Booms, Outhaul for------------------------------
Booms to umasts, Connection of -------- ----_-----
Booms to masts, Device for attaching------------....
Booms to masts, Means of attaching-------------..
Booms to masts, Truss for connecting- -- -- -- -- -- --
Boot------------------------------- -----------
Boot,---&c---- ----------------J
Boot ------------------------------------------
Boot ------------------------------------------
Boot ------------------------------------------
Boot ------------------------------------------
Boot -----------------------------------------
Boot ------------------------------------------
Boot and gaiter------------..-----.---------
Boot and gaiter strap.--------------------------.
Boot and pantaloon jack ------------------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------...
Boot and shoe..................................
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe..------------------- -------------
Boot and shoe----------------------------------
Boot and shoe.................................---
Boot and shoe..................................
Boot andl shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe.................................
Boot and shoe ---------------------- -----------
Boot anid shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe ------- ----_---------------------
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe..................................
Boot andl shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe-----------------------------------
Bocot and shoe ---------------------------------
Bocot and shoe............................---.
Boot and shoe................................---
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot andl shoe -.........-------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe -- - - - - - - --.............
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe.-------------------------------..
Boot and shoe----------------------------------
Boot and s h oe- --- -- -- -- -------------------------
Boot and shoe----------------------------------
Beet and s ho e - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
B o ot and shoe----------------------------------
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and s ho e --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --
B o ot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe..................................
Boot and shoe-----------------------------------
Boot and shoe----------------------------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe --------------------------------__
Boot and shoe ----------------- -----------------
Boot and shoe--------------------------------...
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe ----------------------------------
G-. Nevcnger-----------.._.
G-. W. Leighton and C. 0. Cole
T. O'Neill-------------...---
A. Gill.----------------------
H. Rog ers..--...........-----
M. McClain.._._._-.__
J. E. Tibhctts---------------....
J. H. Agnew................--
M. F.Chandler.............
F. Closs....................R D. Coffee.................L. Duvall...........
L. H. Farnsworth.... -....--
A. A. Felton and F. C. Floyd - -
CII. Fitch._-----------
I. Hall ----------------------
J. Holland------.--------
J.P. Jamison---------------..
P. Heifer-------------------
G. S. Lee.-------------------
J. S Lewis..-...-........----
J. H. Livingston.---..- -----
L. 0. Makepeace............--
G. C. Parkcr.........---.._.
J. H. Walker------------ - - --
P. W es t.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
P. West and G. S. Lec.
W. W. Whitcombh...........
W. H. Willard-------- -- -----
J. P. Herron----------------.
W. J. Tumrn...............
1. S. Clough andl S. S. Day..
J. C. Adams................--
J. M. Allen.-----------------
H. Andrews.- --....------
D. M. Ayer -----------------
S. Babbitt------------------..
C. W. Bailey---------------.
F. D. Ballou.................
L. H. Blake..................
L. HBlakse-----------------
A. 0. Bourn................J. S. Bowler.................--
H. Bray--------------------
E. Brown------------------
E. Brown -------------------
T. W. Brown...............--
F. J. Burcham...............
A. Burke.-.............
D. H. Campbell and E. Woodward.
S. Chamberlain-------------..
E. Chestermian-------------..
E. Chestermlan...............
G. P. Clark.................--
D. N. P. Coffin, jr....-----
N. Colvet--------------------
A. 0. Crane-----------------
S. F. Dexter ----------------.
J. Dick.....................
T. H. Dodge.................
C. S. Dubrack..............--
T.U. Eiswal...............HI. Eldiridge..................
A. B. Ely...................--
M. Pi. Ethridge...............
M. It. Ethridge-------------..
iML Evans...................
A. TI. Evory and A. Heston.-_.
J. B. Field.................--
S. T. Fowler................--
IV. Francis.................
H. V). Godry----------------
T.. Gson...................
T. T.narord----------------
D. E. Hlaywood...............
E. Heaton and J. L. Joyce..
J. M. Blunter...............--
W. F. Jobbins -..---- -
J. Kimball------------------
0. Lafreniere...............--
Residence. Date.
Philadelphia, Pa..._......Dcc. 1-2, 18 71
Portland, Me-------.......Sept. 15, 1868
Now York, N. YV..---- July 13, 1869
Holmes' Bole, Mass. --_-Apr. '25, 1871
Watertord, Conn..........-- -May '23, 1871
Pemaquid. Me............ Oct. 13, 1863
Trenton, N. J............ Aug. 17, 1869
Dobb's Ferry, N. Y V. ---_Ap-. 28, 1863
Boston, Mass.. -......... Mar. 23, 1869
New Haven, Con. ---Nov. 22, 1864
IHolliston, Mass --..........Sept. 5, 1865
Big Spring, Ky..... -.....Sept. 6, 1859
Tludson, Mass............-- -- -Sept. 23, 1873
Marhlehead and Boston, Dec. 10, 1872
Worcester, Mass - _._- _---. Nov. 8, 1870
Boston, Mass---...-..--. _...May 27, 1873
Conshohocken, Pa.. --.Jan. 7, 1868
New York, N. Y............ept.Sept. t22,1868
Reading, Pa.............. -- -- -Dec. 13, 1859)
Worcester, Mass -... __ Apr. 15, 1873
Baltimore, Md... _........Feh. 21, 1871
Providence, R. I............ Mar. 23, 18139
Lynn, Mass.._._......Jan.. 5,1869
Worcester, Mass..._....... Dec. 16, 1873
Worcester, Mass.....--- -...Nov. 1, 1870
Worcester, Mass.. _........ Jan. 30, 187-2
Worcester, Mass...........ept.Sept. 2, 1873
Bostoun, Mass..............Sept. 3, 1872
Cleveland, Ohio.......... -- Sept. 2, 1862
Washington, D. C-..__.Aug. 18, 1863
Utica., N. Y... -.........May 21, 1867
Brooklyn and New York, Apr. 3'0, 1861
N. Y.
New London, N. H ---_.. Mar. 5, 1867
Fredericktown, Ohio._..S(-pt. 18, 1860
Milwaukee, Wis -....._...Aug. 25. 1868
Lewiston, Me.............- - -Jan. 8, 1867
Brazil, md...............--Feb. 1, 1870
Boston, Mass -...__.. -.....Jan. 29, 1,867
Ahiugton, Mass.......July 4, 1865
Abington, Mass -..._...... A ug. 14, 186',
Quiney, Mass...----........Sept.. 27, 1864
Paris, Fiance............ _Apr. 22, 1862
Providence, R. I.......... May 30, 187 1
Lynn, Mass...... Nov. 21, 1842
Newton Centre, Mass..Dec. 19, 187 1
South Readin-r, Mass. --. Jan. 7, 1862
Burlinglon, V t...........-- t. Oct. 26, 1869
Malden, Mass. -..........._- Apr. 16, 1872
Racine, Wis..............-Jan. 17, 1871
New York, N. YV..........Aug. 2, 1870
Sunderlaund, S.3otlond, and June 6, 1871
Charlestown, Mass.
Boston, Mass. Nov. 2l,1808
Rloxbury, Mass. ---........June "7, I865
Boston, Mass...... ___--. _- May 12, 1868
Brcoklyn, N. V....-....1 My 2, 1865
Woburn, Mass -..........May s5,163
D)etroit, Mich...............Spt..Sept. 12,1854
Htoboken, N.J.......Apt. 23,1861
Charlestown, Mars....June 28, 1864
Paris, N. V............... Oct. 16, 1860
Philadelphia., Pa......... Nov. 4,1842
Worcester, Mass-._.._. July 30, 1872
Swamoscott, Mass --.. _-Sept. 28,1860
St. Louis, Mo.............Aug. 13, 1861
Lynn, Mass.............. - - -Mar.10, 1868
Newton, Mass............ Dc 31, 1867
Loclke's Mills, Mo. _. July 17, 18166
Locke's Mills, Meo....__.Jan.21, 1868
Bussiaville, Ind. -.. _-_ Jan. 1,1867
La Porte, Id._............_Nov. 6,1866
Boston, Mass -.-.........Janm 9, 172
Brooklyn. N. V............ug.Aug.,1866
Boston, Mass.............-June 23, 1812
Milford, Mass.........."- -_-Mair.28,1865
Dover, N.H1........... July 18, 1871
Manchestcr, England..---_ Sept. 6, 164
Boston, Mass. _...........-_ Mar. 26,1872
Melhose, Mass..........._Oct.27, 1863
New Haven, Conn....Oct. 8,1861
xNew York, N. V. -........ Jan. 23, 1872
TNw York, N.V. a 2,16
1~21, 890
92, 539
114, 129
115, 241
40, 273
93, 770
38, 272
88, 131
45, 138
49, 7-23
25, 325
143, 001
133, 767
109, 123
139, 385
73, 010
8-2, 417
26, 4:36
137, 781
88, 050
145, 589
108, 948
1-23, 316
14-2, 424
1:31, 041
36,3 1o
39, 614
65, 0-27
f32, 181
62, 587
30, 034
81, 457
60, 987
99, 281
61, 502
48, 614;'9, 562
44, 388
115, 422
2, 859
121,927:34, 086
96, 193
125, 717
16, 030
115, 566
77, 717
47, 521
38, 373
11, 662
3-2, 122
431, 295
30, 391
2, 840
130, 026
9)5, 210
331, 032
75, 398
72, 727
56. 391
7:3, 589
122, 519
56, 921
47, 010
117, 168
44, 146
125, 047
40, 408
3-2, 4331
90, 55 1
32, 87 5
49, 118
37, 23:3
Index of patents issued from the United States: Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boot and shoe................................---
Boot and shoe----------------------------------
Boot and shoe.................................--
Boot and shoe............---.-------.............
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot afld shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe................................---
Boot and shoe................................---
Boot and shoe................................---
Boot andl shoe................................---
Boot and shoe................................---
Boot andl shoe.-----------------------
Boot and shoe----------------------------------
Boot 0a(d shoe-................................--
Boot and shoe -.------------------
Boot and shoe-................................_
Boot arid shoe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -
Boot andl shoe ---.........-----------
Boot and shoe-.__..............................
Boot and shoe---------------------------------
Boot and shoe..........-....................._
Boot and shoe....--...........................Boot and shoe................---...............
Boot and shoe................................--
Boot and shoe -------- ---------- ---------------
Boot and1 shoe ---------------------------------
Beet and shoe -------- -------------------------
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
Boot and shoe.........---.......................
Boot and shoe ---------------------------------
B oot a nd1 sh oe..........-- -- -- - -- ----
Boot and shoe-.................................
Boot and shoe.. ------------------
Boot and shoe.................................--
Boot and shoe - ----------------
Boot and shoe.................................--
Boot and shoe - - -.........-----------
Boot and shoe-..................................
Boot and shoe...................................
Boot arnd shoe - - ------ --- ---- ------ -
Boot and shoe-...-.............................
Boot and shoe..................................
Boot and shoe...........-...,...................
Boot and shoe.................................--
Boot and( shoe.----------- -----------------------
Boot and shoe00-00(1.cog.for.the-fe..............
Boot and shoe -blacking..- appara--tus...............- -- -- --
B oo t and shoe hla-c--ki- - machine................ - -- -- --
BPoeot and shoe blacking- - nachine- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B o o tand shoe a logtorl ths....................
Boot and shoe bottomsappMachine-fo..oldin.-.-...-.
Boot and shoe blacing machine.................-- - -
Boot and shoo burkigahnisher. _ _ --. __-. -..._
Boot 011(1shoe bortonisr.......................
Boot and shoe burnimsin Machine.- oli- _-_.
Boot and( shoe buriing machine.............. _ __ ____
Boot and shoe buttnserachine.for.faci........
Boot and shoe bunser... (l...........k
Boot and shoe cburinihing a innrumen.........-..
Boot and shoe burnishing machine...............
Boot and shoe butts, eh~Macie.............
Boot 00(d shoe calkr1eln chn--------------------- --
Boot. and shoe (chan-neling imachimn.............- - -
Boot anld shoe clhanneigmcie............
Boot and shoe chanieinmahn---------------
Boot and shoe chnniir cie__ _____
Boot and shoe cleannerigmcie-----
Boot and shooechannelin(g polihing apparatus..-.--..
Boot and shoe cleanerr...-c....n....------------
Boot anid shoe cleaner msun....................
Boot arid shoe cleasteig-gad....................
Boot and s1100 cleneorno..........................
B o t a d s o l a i g a d p l s i g a p r s. B0 (1and s oe couanteng -- - -----h n..............
Boot and shoe ceann hnete-- -----------------....
Boot, and shoe costnerard.hank................
Boot and shoe conlaors. o in................
Boot and shoe counter--,-Macli--e for--skiving._
Boot and1 shoe counters,__Macliefor__skivig.
Boot and sho crinper.........................
H. B. Marshall --- -- - --- -- - - -
C. M a ye r -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
E. Ma ye r- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
G1.McKay- -- -- -- - --- -- -- - - -
C. M ey er -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
C. Meyer-------------------..
11. A. Miller ------------------
C. Mole.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -
J. A. E. Moroney------------..
W. Murray------------------
S. Neiswender arid G. King.-.
J. L. Newton--------------...0. Pacalin..................--
M. M. Pettes..--.........,..C. Pliirer................
J. C. Piuner............... -- -- --
H. P o r t....................-- -- -- -
H. Port and E Sorgi - --
WV. F. Prusha anid E. L. Wales
T. K. Reed..................--
E. P. Richardson.............
E.P. Richardson.-_........
E. T. Rogers---------- ------
HI. Rogers and L. Felton.._
S. Rosenhehoner..............
(x F. Seaver -----------------
F. Seno...................
P. Show....................G. and G. Smrithlr............
T. B. Smith................
W.. Smith.................. -- - -
11 i. Sommerville.............
V. H. Spear. ---------
H. P. Stewart................
0. Stoddard...........---...
B. F. Sturtevant............
G. V. Tashi - -....-------
E. Thayer..................G. W. Tolhurst..............--
W. H. Towers..............--
C. H. Trask and J. B. Johnson.
R. Vollschwitz...............
G. Wagner -............_.
G. W. Walker.._-........_
J. H. Walker...............
P. War-c,jr.................W. P. Ware................L. H. Whitney..............--
XV. Wickersham............
H. Wight..................--
B. C. Yoring. ----------- -----
G W. Martin...............1. Bickliart.................-_
J. M.and J. Con nel. -.........
N. Fisenmoon.._........_....
C. Hay-- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
S. W. Baldwin..............
U. C. Hawkins..............
L. I. Bumlons..--.........
11. Chiauncey................J. H. Howar-d...............J. H. Howard................
N. B. Jenelt anid F. Eversorin
J. L. Wager and A. L. Scudder.
J. Cole.....................
A.E.Chicker-ing and liB.Tuttle
C. S. I.)nbrack.............
B'. H. Hadley................
S.1). Tripp.................--
I.S. Vroomnarn..............
J. Chesley..................J. Malarkey................L. M. Newbury..............
\V. 11. Smith.................
S. Horsley and E. H. Jones -. _
T. C. Andrews......... __....
P.OForlicun andJ.I.Ackermaa
J. Feniding.................--
L. Brooks..................--
J. Brackett.................G. XW. Day..................--
M.F. Savoy................
Residence. Date.
Wahdohor-ough, Me......Apr. 21, 1868
New York, N. Y.__...._.i Aug. 9, 1864
Philadelphia, Pa.......... - -May 14, 1867
Boston, Mass.---_-------Apr.'29, 1862
New Bruinswick, N. J.. June 18, 1811
Newv Brunswick, N. J.. _ Man. 18, 1862
Bostonr, Mass-.---------Apr. 26, 1870
London, England..---------. Dec. 10), 1867
Pontia-, Mich------------.Jan. 9, 1872
Chicago, Ill----------...---July 13, 1869
Mexico, Irid -- -- -- -- -- -- --July 16, 1872
Boston, Mass - - - _----_-__. Oct. 17, 1865
New YorkN. Y J-----.une 19,1H66
West Coricorid, V- -------.Oc.22, 1861
Portland, Me....-...June 4, *1861
Boston, Mass.- -- - - -- ----Jan. 9, 1866
New York, N. Y.-- -------Ang. 13, 1861
New Orleans, La..- -...Oct. 16, 1860
Marlborough, Mass. - _ -. -. May 2, 1871
Northr Bridgew-ater, Mass. May 23, 1865
Lawrence, Mass -.---------.May 28, 1867
Lawrence, Mass.-.- -.- ----Sept. 7, 1869
Sari Francisco, Cal - -----Feb. 18, 1868
Sridbirry and Malborough, Feb. 4, 1873
M ass.
New York, N. YV -........June 17, 1862
Ashland. Mass.---.-------Jrrly 30,1872
For-stville, N. Y......-July. 11, 1871
Boston, Mass-------------. _June 2, 1863
New Yor-k, N. Y----.--Feb. 25, 1868
Boston, Mass ------------ _ Apr. 2, 1867
Boston, Mass._- ---------Apr. 2, 1867
Br-bleslirrh, Pa ----------- July 28, 1868
Saridusky, Ohio ----------- IDec. Z4, 1872
Lynrr, Mass:;-------------__..July 16. 1872
Oak's Corners, N. Y.......- - Iec. 18, 1866
Jackson, Mich -- -- -- -- -- - -Oct. 30, 18611
Blostorn, Mass-------------.....Jirn ne 21, 1884
Dover, N. -------------- _.Jan. 16, 187-2
New York, N. Y----.. _---Jan. 8, 1867
New York, N. YV -__.- Mar. 12, 18167
Boston. Mass- -- -- -- -- -- - -Apr. 13, 1860
Lynn. Mass. -..- - --... Feb. 21, 1866
New Yor-k, N. Y----------... a.Jan. 2-2, 1867
XWashirrgtori, D. C.._.._ Jan. 15, 1867
Lowell, Mass-------------- Ang. 17, 1869
XWorcester, Mass -_- - - ---Dec. 3, 1872
Boston, Mass------- _ --Dcc. 19, 1871
New York, N. Y----------. _June 7, 1864
Washirngtorr, D. C _..__.June 7, 1o70
Boston, Mass.............-- -- -Aug. 2, 1870
East Cambridge, Mass. - - - May 29, 1866
'Boston, Mass- -- -- -- -- -- - -Oct. 1, 1867
Boston, Moss ------------- Aug. 4, 1868
Harlan, Ind.............. - - -Jan. 27, 1863
Newark, Ohio....---------.Jan. 1-2, 1858
Nov York, N. Y.....------Nov. 28, 1871
Stonclram, Mass ---- Oct. 13, 1868
Yonkers, N. Y............ May 27, 1873
Boston, Mass-------------..IDea. 16, 1873
Auburn, Me. -_.-.- Nov. 26, 187-2
Syracuse, N. Y -- -- -- -- -- - -Mar. 14, 1871
Stonehanr, Mass.._......._.Feb. 13, 1872
Stoneham, Mass........Jrrne 11, 1872
Haverhill, Mass -- -- -- -- - -June 19, 1866
Sarnford, N. Y--..---- --Aug. 23, 1870
East Bloonmfield, N. Y. -. Nov. 26, 1830
Albany, N. Y __..-____ Aug. 12, 1873
Swarmpscott, Mass-._..._.Oct. 14, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y........... - -Sept. 30, 1873
Lynn, Mass-------------- Nov. 8, 1870
Boston, Mass. - __-..._-.June 13, 1871
Concord, N. H------------Jrine 19, 1810
New Yor-k, N. Y.__..- Sept. 24, 187-2
Sparta, Wis----------- --July 10. 1866
Newport, H. I------------- Dec. 7, 1869
Liverpool, England-.........ept.Sept. 9, 1862
Leveringlon, Pa - - _- - -- --July 18, 1865
Hohokus, N. J.- -- --------Aug. 27, 187-2
Dabuiry, Coriu- --- -- - - ---Aug. 5, 1862
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 28, 1868
Lynn, Mass- ---_------May 14, 1872
Haven-hill, Mass.. _.. _......Nov. 5, 1872
Corinth, N. Y.___. -.. Sept. 1, 1868
77. 063
43, 784
64, 7 80
35, 105
32, 575
34, (;89
102, 297
71, 898
122, 632
92, 634
129, 580
50, 487
33, 540
32, 487
51, 968
33, 051
30, 419
114, 340
47, 859
65, 120
94, 648
74, 599
135, 591
35, 629
129, 989
116, 872
38, 766
74, 858
63, 568
63, 569
80, 366
134, 2-25
128, 9'4
60, 587
59, 288
43, 235
12-2, 7:'8
61, 119
88, 8-24
5-2, 798
61, 487
61, 287
93, 8411
133, 087
43, 052
103, 100
1(06, 013
55, 188
61), 528
80, 555
37, 487
19, 075
121, 34.3
82, 916
139, 354
145, 501
133, 301
112, 548
123, 1566
127, 77-2
106, 747
141, 69:3
143, 561
143, 237
103, 077
115, 4;94
28, 73(6
131, 6-20
56, 252
97, 716
36, 408
48, 864
130, 8-29
36, 123
77, 166
126, 778
132, 813
81, 690... _ _......--.L-. - _. -
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boot and shoe holder----------------------..............................
Boot and shoe, India-rubber.....................
Boot and shoe, TIndia-rubber.....................
Boot and shoe, India-rubber.....................
Boot and shoe instep stretcher...............
Boot and shoe iron.....------------------------
Boot and shoe lacing........
Boot and shoe lacing.....-------------.
Boot and shoe lacing -------------------------
Boot and shoe lacing..............................
Boot and shoe lacing..--............................
Boot and shoe lining.......................
Boot and shoe machine.........................
Boot and shoe metal-tip...-----.----.---.._.
Boot and shoe, Miner's.....---------------------
Boot and shoe, Moccasin........................
Boot and shoe, Moccasin.........................
Boot and shoe, Moccasin....................
Boot and shoe nail................................
Boot and shoe nail------------------................................
Boot and shoe nailing machine....................
Boot and shoe nailing machine...................
Boot and shoe nailing machines, Device for preparing patterns for.
Boot and shoe nailing machines, Driver for........
Boot and shoe patterns, Graduating..........
Boot and shoe peg-attachment................
Boot and shoe pegging machine-...------..---- - -
Boot and shoe piping......................
Boot and shoe rivet...........------.---..
Boot and shoe seam-----------------------...............................Boot and shoe seam-----------------------...............................
Boot antd shoe seam....-......................
Boot and shoe shank..............................
Boot and shoe shank.....-----------------------
Boot and shoe shank....-----------------------
Boot and shoe shank..............................
Boot and shoe shank-----------------------.............................
Boot and shoe shank and toe laster... - - -..........
Boot and shoe shank-bending machine...........
Boot and shoe shank-piece- ---.................
Boot and shoe shanks, Machines for burnishing.... -
Boot and shoe shave...............................
Boot and shoe shave..............................
Boot and shoe shave...............................
Boot and shoe shave...............................
Boot and shoe shave................................
Boot and shoe shave..............................
Boot and shoe shave...............................
Boot and shoe shield........--------------..--....--....--.........
Boot and shoe shield..............................
Boot and shoe shield, Metallic................
Boot and shoe spring-shank.....................
Boot and shoe stay or brace..................
Boot and shoe stiffener...........
Boot and shoe stiffening, Machine for crimping...
Boot and shoe straightener.....................
Boot aid shoe stretcher....................
Boot and shoe stretcher..........................
Boot and shoe stretcher--------------------...........................Boot and shoe stretcher..-..........................
Boot anti shoe stretcher...........................
Boot and shoe stretcher..........................
Beot and shoe stretcher..........................
Boot and shoe stretcher..................................
Boot and shoe strel cher..........................
Boot and shoe stretching instrument..............
Boot and shoe stud................................
Boot and shoe tacking machine....................
Boot and shoe tap.................................
Boot and shoe tip.................................
Boot and shoe tip.........................
Boot and shoe tip.........................
Boot and shoe tip.........................
Boot and shoe tip....................
Boot and shoe tip, Detachable...............
Boot and shoe too plate.....................
Boot and shoe top...........................
Boot and shoe tree.........................
Boot and shoe tree and stretcher.................
Boot and shoe trimming jack.....................
Boot and shoe uppers, Corrugation of.............
Boot and shoe uppers, Machine for cutting.....
Boot and shoe uppers, Machine for cutting.....
Boot and shoe uppers, Machinery for crimping...
Boot and shoe uppers, soles, &c., from sheets of
India-rubber, Machine for cutting.
Boot and shoe ventilator.........
Boot and shoe, Water-proof...............
Boot and shoe, Water-proof........................
Boot and shoe, Water-proof.................
Boot and shi-o, Water-proof........
Boot and shoe, Water-proof.....
Boot and shoe welt and rand.......
Boot and shoe welt trimmer.......................
J. Ellison----------------.....................
E. M. Chaffee.................
L. Elliott, jr--------------...................
B. D. Godfrey................
M. Belding -................
J. Knox.....-----------------
P. S. Foster--------------...................
C. Goods ear, jr.............
C. Goodyear, jr-............
L. A. Sprague.---------.---
T. Lucey and J. E. Murphy...
J. E. Wiggin....-------------
G. Latham and J. Burton.....
F. A. and F. G. Bishop........
T. Hersey...................
P. Kelleler and J. C. Randlett.
B. D. Godfrey...............
B. Morahan...................
L. R. Blake and A. S. Libbey -..
W. N. Linnell................
A. A. Reed---------------....................A. S. Libbey-------------..................N. Silvester................
D. H. Campbell and E. Woodward.
J. H. Brown..................
C. Stone......................
P. West.......................-----------------
S. A. Brackett and W. H.Whliitcomb.
L. H. Farnsworth.............
C. F. Langford................
A. Bertram...................
G. Goodyear..................
G. Goodyear..................
T. H. Gordon and E. N. Dow...
A. J. and A. J. Rice...........
C. L. Graves.................
H. Barnes.....................
J. M. Watson.................
A. C. Carey.......... -.....
A. B. Clark.................
L. H. Farnsworth.............
D. Harrington............
A. E. Johnson.'..............
S. Packard...................
B. A. Stockwell.............
W. Wilber...................
J. P. Bradley.................
O. Collier...................
J. Platt and M. D. Brooks.....W. J. Neill -....................
T. K. Reed...................
N. J. Simonds................
N. J. Simonds...............
G. W. Wilford...............
E. R. Bardin....................
J. L. Devol.................
W. Frederick................
-W. Frederick................
W. Holdenik ----------------
W. Holden....................
J. Lyons.....................
T. C. Maris...................
P. Veitch..................
J. G. Young,jr................
G. Munro.....................
H. S. Walcott................
D. M. Smyth..................
J. C. Hancock and J. C. and E.
P. Richardson.
A.B. Ely..................
T. J. M yall.................
G. A. Mitchell............
F. W. Rhinelander..........
N. Silverthorn................
M. R. Hanley.................
G. Beatty --........."............
J. Honecker...................
T. R. Evans.................
T. RIt. Evans................
J. Webb,jr....................
W. Lee....................
P. Jackson...................
J. P. Mollier-------------o.................A. Knowlton....................
J. and E. Arthur.............
Boston, Mass.............
Roxbury, Mass............
New Haven, Conn.......
Milford, Mass............
Ha rtford, Conn..........
Auburn, N. Y.............
Richmond, Me............
New York, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Salem, Mass.............
Stoneham, Mass.-. _-. ".
Lo Roy, Minn.............
Jeddo, Pa............
Bangor, Me...............
Bangor, Me......._
Bangor, Me...............
Milford, Mass.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Fort Wayne, Ind., and
Lawrence, Mass.
Cambridge, Mass..........
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Lawrence, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
Sunderland, Scotland, and
Charlestown, Mass.
Boston, Mass.............
Stoughton, Mass.........
Worcester, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
Hudson, Mass.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New Albany, Ind.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y-.........
Hudson, N. Y.............Y
Salem, Mass..............
Osage, Iowa.............
Brookfield, Mass..........
Sharon, Mass............
Malden, Mass.............
North Oxtord, Mass.......
Hudson, Mass---............--
Southbridge, Mass........
Oxford, Mass..........
Grafton, Mass.............
Sutton, Mass............
New Salem, Mass........
Lawrence, Mass.........
Sacramento, Cal...........
Akron, Ohio..............
Lawrence, Kans..........
East Bridgewater, Mass... - -
Woburn, Mass............
Woburn, Mass............
Dayton, Ohio..............
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Parkersburgh, W. Va.....
Ashland, Pa..............
Pottsville, Pa..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chippewa, Canada........
Marietta, Ohio.........
San Francisco, Cal........
Auburn, Me..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..............
Lynn, Mass..............
Charlestown and Somerville, Mass.
Newton, Mass.............
Roxbury, Mass-..........
Turner, Me...............
New York, N. Y..........
Prescott, WVis..........
Providence, R. I.........
Cleveland, Ohio.....
Columbus, Ohio.....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa...........
Portland, Me.............
New Haven, Conn.....
Saugus, Mass.............
Lyons, France-..........
Boston, Mass..............
New Brunswick, N. J.....
July 18, 1865
May 17, 1834
Nov. 12, 1872
Mar. 18, 1862
July 5, 1870
LDec. 4, 1866
Mar. 9, 1869
June 26, 1866
June 26, 1866
June 26, 1866
Mar. 31, 1868
Sept. 14, 1869
May 31, 1870
Mar. 12, 1872
June 18, 1872
Sept. 6, 1870
Dec. 19, 1871
Feb. 9, 1869
Sept. 13, 1864
Jamn. 23, 1872
48, 801
133, 020
34, 682
104, 923
60, 188
87, 655
55, 852
55, 853
55, 923
76, 216
94, 801
103, 772
124, 498
107, 045
122, 030
44, 212
122, 985
June 11, 1872 127, 779
Oct. 2-2, 1872 132, 492
Oct. 14, 1873
Sept. 19, 1865
June 6, 1871
Oct. 13, 1863
Apr. 3, 1866
Jan. 21, 1873
Dec. 10, 1872
May 7, 1872
July 39, 1872
July 14, 1868
Sept. 12, 1871
Mar. 18, 1873
Nov. 5, 187-2
Sept.10, 1867
Aug. 29, 1871
May 7, 1872
Jan. 17, 1871
Sept. 23, 1873
Mar. 15, 1870
Dec. 2-2, 1868
Apr. 29, 1873
July 30, 1867
Feb. 1, 1870
Mar. 12, 1872
Feb. 16, 1869
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 22, 1871
May 24, 1859
Dec. 30, 1873
June 18, 1867
July 19, 1870
Nov. 19, 1872
Feb. 23, 1869
June 13, 1871
June 29, 1869
June 19, 1866
Apr. 7, 1868
May 1, 1855
Sept. 9, 1873
July 9,1872
Feb. 2, 1869
Oct. 28, 1862
July 14, 1868
Apr. 28.1868
Sept. 30, 1873
June 27, 1871
Sept. 24, 1867
Oct. 8, 1861
Mar. 12, 1861
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 29, 1859
May 20, 1873
Aug. 31, 1869
June 1, 1869
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 5, 1873
Aug. 1, 1871
Mar. 8, 1870
Oct. 10, 1865
Nov. 13, 1855
Sept. 2, 1873
July 24, 1855
143, 699
50, 043
115, 567
40, 306
53, 699
135, 051
133, 826
126, 537
129, 970
79, 941
118, 851
136, 991
132, 719
68, 652
118, 527
126, 434
111, 022
142, 990
100, 724
85, 077
138, 328
67, 313
99, 466
124, 638
86, 958
70, 157
118, 201
24, 150
145, 963
65, 839
105, 501
133, 262
87, 129
115, 808
91, 920
55, 637
76, 431
12, 793
142, 710
128, 740
86, 475
36, 818
79, 850
77, 421
143, 388
110, 439
69, 082:-.3, 440
31, 673
145, 590
26, 329
139, 060
94, 382
90, 753
119, 131
141, 550
117, 582
100, 535
50, 360
13, 796
142, 402
13, 296
70, 915.....
39, 865
87, 310
116, 744
117, 138
A. Stocker.................... Watertown, N. Y........ Nov. 12, 1867
D. Clarkson................... New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 2, 1835
A. Dana...................... Boston, Mass..........Dec. 31, 1821
S. Eells, 2d-----------------.................... Middletown, Conn'._.._ Apr. 23, 1830
E. L. Simpson................. Bridgeport, Conn...... Sept. 8, 1863
L. C. Tower.......-....... Rochester, N. Y.... Feb. 23, 1869
IT. F. Packard................. N(,r-th Bridgewater, Mass July 4, 1871
J. H. Allen......................,adsworth, Nev....... July 18,1871
Indexr of patents issucd from. the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Boot and shoe welts, Machine for cutting - - - - ------S. D. Tripp-----------------... Stoneham, Mass....------- _Jan. 14, 1862 3, 172
Boot aind shoe wiper________---------------------- -J K. Stamnan----------MufnOi.............. ifn OhoJuno 5,1860 28, 614
Boot and shoe, Wooden-soled --------------------- J. Fulton--------------------.Zesville, Ohio-----------. Oct. 3, 1865 50, 236
Boot. and shoe work trimmer---------------------......A. V. Hill--------------------.. _ _Limestone, N. Y -.---------Fob. 25, 1868 74, 757
Boot., Balmoral - _-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --- ----H. Hayward--------- -..__.._. Fitchburgh, Mass._-- Jan. 9,1866 51, 944
Boot., Balmoral or laced--------------------------.......L. R. Stcckbridgo-------------il.. averhill, Mass.-.. May 9, 1871 114, 724
Boot-blacking----------------------------------- A. Boud~ri--------- Philadelphia, Pa---------- June 11, 1867 65, 535
Boot blacking and polishing machine.------------- __.S. W. Hunitington-------------..Augusta, Me --- - -- ---Nv 5, 1867 70, 571
Boot-blacking apparatus-------------------------.....H. Churchman -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Horshiain, England-..-June 29, 1869 91, 825
Boot-blacking apparatus ------------------------- J. M Connel.-----------------Newark, Ohio------------..Jan. 18, 1859 22, 628
Boot-blacking case.---------------------------- F. G. Harding----------------- Boston, Mass-------------..July 25, 1865 48, 931
Boot-blacking kit--------------------------------- S. Van Gilder----- ------------ Knoxville, Teun.... July. 1, 1873 140, 447
Boot-blacking machine--------------------------- M. Burnell-------------------..Arundel, England -.....May 4,1869 89,5532
Boot-blacking machine -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- ----N. Eisenmaun----------------New York, N. Y--------Jan. 30, 1872 123, 160
Boot-blacking machine--------------------------__A. E. White------------------.. ockf'ord, Ill-------------- May 10, 1864 42, 707
Boot-blacking ottoman---------------------------I).. _.. B. Boynton.- - - -lie__ ___ _Bston, Mess.-------------. _Feb. 6, 1866 52, 381
Boot-blacking stand-----------------------------......D. Keyser.....---------------- _.Philadelphia, Pa----------..May 1:4,1862 35, 240
Boot, bootee, &c., iron-bound---------------------......E. Twombly..- - - --__.._...Norway, Me ss------------ -Aug. 28, 1812 - _..
Boot-bi-ushing apparatus------------------------- __ _ ___ _M. Beck and C. Schneidt...-.Philadelphia, Pa----------_July 29, 1873 141, 196
Boot, Button.-- - - - - - - --............. J. L. Joyce-------------------.New Haven, Con -._Aug. 25, 1868 81, 378
Boot, Button-----------------------------------__E. P. Taylor------------------ New Bedford, Mass-...July 28, 1868 80, 431
Bo ot - ca lk-----------------------------H. Myer---------------------......Derby, Con -....... Feb.9, 1869 86, 857
Boot-clamp for base-ball players----------------. _ _ _ E. S. Ellis------------------_. _ Trenton, N. J.. _. - - -Tm Jn.9, 1872 122, 587
Boot-clamp, Horizontal.- _------------_.. ---------E. G. Pomeroy----------------...Newark, Ohio..........-Oct.4, 1836 38
Boot-cleaning machine, Cylindrical--------------- _ _I. Pinkucy-------------------....New Yes-k, N. Y -.- ------Apr. 16, 1817._
Boot, Cloth-------------------------------------- M. Crane---------------------.East Somerville, Mass.. Oct. 22,1872 13-2, 387
Boot-con forniator-------------------------------...S. W. Shoroy-----------------..Galesbnrgh, Ill-----------..Dc. 7 1869 97, 558
Boot, Congress----------------------------------..H. S. Holnies-----------------Lynn, Mass--------------- June 19, 1860 28, 754
Boot, Cork-sole---------------------------------.......W. L. McCauley--------------. _Baltimore, Md------. _.----June 5, 1844 3, 615
Boot-counter machine----------------------------I....... Br-ooks arid C. F. Sylvester.- North Bridgewater, Mass July 11, 1865 48, 631
Boot-counters, Machine for emtting and skiving. -- V. Snell----------------------..North Bridgcwatei-, Mass, Api. 25,185410it, 8.15
Boot-counters, Machine for- skivirig---------------..W. Butterfield and B. Stetson. Boston and Uxbridge, Mass June 16, 1857 17, 603
Bioot-counters, Machine f'or- skiving---------------...S. J. and C. II. Trofatter..-..Saleim, Mass--------------...I_ ov. 29,1 853 10, 288
Boot-cramp-------------------------------------H....... Sit onsurVt--- Jne2,136.Bot-rim______________.._._._... L. Perett._...._...Gievle.---------------an orsu-V - uO.26, 1836 -,35
Loot-crimp-------------------------------------..A. and G. W. Caywood-...Ithaca, Ohio-------------- Nov. 14, 1885 50, 904
Boot-cirimp -------------------------------------- J. Copeland..................-Weymouthi, Mass-__..Jan. 20, 1844 3,410
Boot-crimp------------------------------------_ __ _. _.... _T. Daugherty----------------..Erie, Pa------------------..May.8,1J855 12, 816
Loot-crimp-------------------------------------..H. S. Davis------------------.Westeinville, N. V-- June 27, 1846 4,0603
Boot-crimp...................................... N. Dawes and H. Harrison. _ Little York, N. J---------- May:27, 18.51 8, 127
Loot-crimp............................N. Day.-.__-------------------_ _ _Ithaca, Ohi _.e.._.---------Feb. 6, 186 52, 394
Loot-crirmp...................................... E. P. Drake-_.------ -----Troy, N. Y................ Nov. 15, 1843 3, 340
Loot-crirmp......................................iR. and S. Fairchild...........--Trumbull, Con-----------.May 10, 1845 4, (t38
Boot-crimp... -....... -............... Ferre---------------------.Springiel, Mass-_.._Sept. 25,.1839 1, 338
Loot-crimp-------------------------------------- G. Fetter--------------------.Philadelpnia, Pa -.-- Mar. 4, 1856 14, 353
Boot-crimp.....................................- B. C. Finfrock.---------------- Stephenson's Depot, Va. _ Mar. 2, 1869 87, 333
Boot-crimp..................................... E. K. Hornet- and W. Holland Fayetteville, IPa----------... c.Oct. 2, 1849 6, 770
Loot-crimp..............................F. Kali and S. Audiews---Rochester, N.Y------Nov. 5, 1867 70, 440
Boot-crimp.................................... __F.L. Kathan and E. D. Hummer Roscoe, 111---------------..... u eJune 30, 1868 79, 357
Boot-ci-imp...................................... B. Livermore------------------ Hartland, Vt-------------- Oct. 16, 1849 6, 794
Boot-crinip-------------------------------------...C. Lemax--------------------_Paoli, nd----------------- June 2-2, 1869 91, 756
Boot-crimp-------------------------------------..U. W. Loy --------------------Winchestei-, Va----------- Sept. 24, 1872 131, 552
Boot-cirimp-----------------------------------........... E. Manii and A. J. F. Howard Milferd, Mass.------------ _ _Aug. 18, 1868 81, 096
Boot-crimp-------------------------------------. A. Overholt.- -- - -------Gardenville, Pa.......... May 11, 1869 90, 016
Boot-crimp-------------------------------------- S. Pasco and E. Perry.....Cato, N.Y..---------------Apr.. 3, 1849,10
Loot-crimp ------------------------------------- B. Rowe..................... Marylanil, N.Y..----------Dec. 17, 1842 2, 8h
Boot-ci imp-------------------------------------..P. Sandeis-------------------_Middletown, Pa----------- Nov. 26, 1872 133,3319
Boot-cirimp-------------------------------------..J. Sanderson---------------... Ciriciriiati, Ohio.------June 7, 1839 1, 167
Boot-crrip...................................... C. Snow arid T. N. Sadler---Spencei-, Mass------------_ _May 21, 1845 4, 057
Loot-crimp....................................- H. Stanley------------------- Wilmington, Vt..---------Aug. 19, 1851 8,305o
Loot-crimp............................_..___.....P. Stevens, jr.---.------------Canton, Mass.............July 15, 1844.3,666
Boot-cirimp-------------------------------------..W. Taylor----------__-------Berlin, N.Y--------..----Oct. 3,1846 4,793
Lent-crimp....................... ___.........._ J. Tiptoni and J. Carl.._...__Malaga, Ohio. _.......... Jan. 21, 1868 73, 554
Boot-crimp....................................J. E. Tucker------------------ Boston, Mass-------------..Aug. 22, 1848 5, 723
Loot-crimp.-------------------------------------.0. J. Warren ------------- -- Chicago, 111 -_..----_---Mar-. 15, 1864 41, 932
Boot-crimp.....................................- C White..-------------------Galway, N. Y-------------.Feb. 12, 1845 3, 909
Loot-crimp-------------------------------------..C. White _-.____..-- - -.__Gaiway, N.Y..------------Jan. 12, 1848 5, 412
Boot-crimp-----------------------------------....J. G. Whittier---------------- Attica, Ind----------.... Apr. 2,1861 31, 92-2
Boot-crimp------------ -------------------------- W. W. Wilimott-------------- Boston, Mass-------------- Aug. 25, 1857 18, 074
Be I crimp-------------------------------------._H. Wright-------------------_Sarco, Me------------------ Jan. 21,1868 73. 483
Boot-crimp-------------------------------------...J:Yourng-------------_-__..__West Galway, N.Y.._Aug. 26, 1845 4,165
Boor-crimper-----------------------------------0... M. Adanis------------------ Milford, Mass............ Nov. 24, 1868 84, 402
Beet-crimper---------------------------------_-.. _._ _ J. B. Aikin.- -.- _- - ---- ----Somer-ton, Ohio..........--May 25, 1869 90, 477
Boot-crimper-----------------------------------...J. Brewster------------------ Worthningtorn, Mass-._-Mar. 23. 1830..
Boot crimper-----------------------------------__A. Dunbar-------------------_Sharon, Mass--------Feb. 19, 1830 -
Loot-crimper-----------------------------------... V. B. Gleason............... Conneautvillc, Pa - 13c__ Dc. 8,1868 84,743
Boot-craiper---------------------------------._- H. Henley-------------------.Shoals, Ind................ Apr. 4, 1871 113, 430
Loont crimpe-------------------- -.J.F.Hari----------ill ordMs-----Mr.IT31, 1868 QI 76.i079
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boot-crimping machine......................---J. P. Black........._--....
Boot-crimping machine ------------------------ H. Conklin.........____....
Boot crimping machine ------------------------ H. H. Porn..................
Boot- crimping machine----------------------H__. H. Porn._.......
Boot-crimping machine----------------------...W. It. Dunn--___-------_
Boot-crimping machine----------------._._---- J. A. Eldridge.--_____
Boot-crimping machine------------.Ec.......................BEc._.._-_._-_
Loot-crimping machine......................... Fans...................
Boot crimping machine..--------------.W adn.................L.Hydn._--..
Boot-crimping machine......................----11. 13. Horton...............
Boot-crimping machine._.................T. Howe...__........
Boot-crimping machine------...... ____.W Jmsn----------------SW.Jmoi......
h;oot-crimping machine----------------------....J. S. Landes-. - -....__....
Boot-c-i mhing machine----------------------....C. Lomax andi H. Lindley.
Boot-crimping machine------------S oeos......................Mrhue-__ -----
Boot-crimping machine........................ J. A. Nesbit. - -...._Boot-crimping machine........................ J. S. Nolen aiid C. C. Hinchman
Floot-crimping machine......................- C. Pratt. -...------..
Boot-crimping machine........................ J. Rausch..........
Boot-crimping machine.......................- C. H. Rice.................
Boot-crimping machine_......................__P. Shaw..............
Boot-crimping machine........................ G. IUtley.................
Boot-crimping machine.......................H. Warr-en_...._..........
Boot-crimping machine______H_________ I.Wing._._-_...-.
Boot-cimoping machine........................ S. Witherby......._....
Beet-crimping machine.......................fi-. W. Zeigler.............Beet-crimping scre............B. S. Norris................
Boot-fastening _..........................._ A. A. Abbot...............
Boot fastening, Gaiter.......................----H. M. Whitmarsh..........
Boot-losrin...........................-...J. Chilcott and H. Snell...
Boot-form............................JHw.................J oe-----------
Boot-form.................................L. N. Leland...............
Boot-forms, Machine for beveling................FE. Holmes.. -..-..-..-...._
Boot-foirms, Machine for dressing................J. Burgess. _-._. _........ _
Boot-frontsCrimping.......................---J. It.Punchard............
Boot-fronts, Method of cntting................. J. Pick..__.._........
Boot, Gaiter................................. S. Babbit------------------
Boot, Gaiter.................................. W. H. H. Babbitt...........
Boot, Gaiter.................................. C. K. Bradford.............
Boot, Gaiter_.............................-___ J. C. Breed and C. K. Bradford
Boot, Gaiter---------------------------------- C. Hersome.................Boot, Gaiter...............................----C. Hersome..............---
Boot, hasters................................. I. B. Jacohs..............---
Boot, Gastes................................... Mongaret---------------"
Boot. Gaiter.............................----- T. Powell................---
Boot, Gaiter_...............................___J. Schreeder-....-......
Boot Half............... _..... -.............. L. U. Williams.............
Boot jack.....................................IF Ahl.....................
Boot jack...................................- TAnthony.-...............
Boot-jack....................................H. Arriot...........:Boot jack....................................- S. P. Babcock................
Boot-jack..................................- H. P. Boss................
Boot-Jack............................. -.-W. Bounn..............._.
Boot-jack................................. -- -- -- - -- -- -C. Brown...................-- -- -- --
Bo o t jic k...............................L.B-w...............L.Bon------
B 3oo t jack.................................... W. W. Cansler............---
Boot jack...................................- C. Clay...................
Boot jack..................................- E. Coleman..............---
Boot jack...............................------ J. Crabtree.................
h'oot jack.................................ece.....
Boot jack....................................... 1. Cullen...................---
Boot jack-..................................- J. D)arden................--
Boot-ck..................................- i1. N. Iegraw............---
Beet jick....................----.......-.....II. N.Pegsa-nw.............
Boot jack................................... H1. N. Pegraw._..............
Boot jack................................._ F. Porsett, si-...............
Boot jack................................... J. Pnrham.................
Boot jack.................................... F J. French...............
Boot jack....................................J. A. McKristry..........---
Boot-jack...__.._............................__J. C-. Moulton..............
Bootjacnk -------------------------- W. S. Poller................
Boot jack......................................--A. Pierpont................
Boot-jack................................ AM. A. Richrardson...........--
Boot jack................................... M. A. Richaardson..........--
Bootjack........................----.....- M. T. Ifidnt.............---
Bootjpack.................................-----J. Roward...............---
Boot jack.--.......................----........A. P. Seymour..................
Boot-jack.................................-----0. S. Sikcs.................
Boot jack...............................------ S. B. Sumner...............
Boot jack..............................----.- S. Thomson..............---
Boot jaok.................................-----W. H. Towers...............
Boot jack................................J.Walkr.................
Boot jack.................................C- --- -G. Wheeler...............Boot jack.................................----J. Wheeler..............----
Boot jack.................................-----L. J. Wicks..............--
Boot jack.-:.. --...-........................W. P. Young..............
Boston, Mass..----...
Kirkwood, N. Y. _.... _. -
Port IHenry, N. Y....
Port Henry, N. Y....
Alton, Ind -....____
Milfoid, Mass..........--
Sandusky, Ohio ___-.-_-_.
Wiksbre Pa.
Nortliville, Mich.
Worcester, Mass.
New York, N. Y__. __
Lancastei-, Pa.........---
Paoli, mnd.-------------
Eastport, Me..........--
Charlottesville, Ind --.
Panishos-oughr, N. J -.-__Pratt's Hollow, N. Y.
Port Henry, N. Y._...--
---Abington, Mass.-._._____
Chapel Hill, N. C.
J(effei-oi, Ohio..........
Biuffalo, N...........
Essex, Vt.......
Tiffin, Ohio_............._.Ripley, Ohio.............Boston, Mass._.......
Abington, Mass.....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Milford, Mass............
Grafton, Mass... ___.
Stoughton, Mass.__---__..
Leicester, Mass.....
Boston, Mass -_..._____
New York, N. Y.._..
Kokomo? Id............
New Cerser, lad.___.__-_.
Lynn, Mass...........---
L}-nuM-sss.............- -
Loston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..._._..
Qosney, 111............
INewarkIN J............
Cincinnati, Ohio.._._.._.
ILa Faysette, lndl.._.
WXest Mesideis, Cosnns
Providence, B. I.___.
Barclay, Pa............
Adsrsass Michs-----..---
Wilsamsbni-gh, N. Y.
Geneva, N. F.... ___
Cha.rlottesville, Vma..
Chicago, Ill.............
Laltimore, Md._.....
IRussia, N. Y_........
Scraniton, Ia......._..
San IFrancisco, Cal.__--
Cincinnsati, Ohio.
Brighton, Mass.--_--_
Bridgeport, Con..
Washington,1). C.
Green Islasnd,.N. Y.---
G reen Island, N. Y.
Newburghs,. N. Y......
Chersy Grove, Ohio. _-_Whilingliam, Vt. -.
Springfield, Mass.--_--
Boston, Mass._..........
New Haven, Conn..__.
Shermani, N. Y........
Sh. rman, N. Y.........
Milwaukee. Xvis.--_._
San Francisco, Cal-..
Hecla Works, N. Y -._.Safliold, Conn._-.......
Grsatville, Mass.-___---_
Hartsville, Mass. ---_-.
New York, N. Y F_. _.
Cincinnati, Ohio._-_-.-__.
New York, N. Y.___.
Athol, Mass........
Raciue, Wis...........--
Baltinmore, Md.........--
Saint Lonis, Mo.----
Pate. No.
May 10, 1859 213. 977
July 9, 1867 66, 566
J3uno 2, 1868 78, 438
Jan. 30, 1872 12:3, 158
May 4, 1869 89, 640
Junme j, 1869 90. 828
June 1, 1869 90, 648
Mar. 5, 1867 62, 621
Mar. 12, 186i 31, 664
May 1, 1855 122, 794
Juine 11, 1829.----
May 7, 1867 64, 538
Feb. 14, 1865 46, 427
Feb. 6, 187-2 123, 49-2
June 19, 1827..
Mar. 3, 1868 75, 186
Mar. 20, 1860 27, 56t
Pee. 23, 1862 37, 24-2
Pee. 20,18 70 110,285
Feb. 25, 1868 7 4, 848
Oct. 23, 1860 30, 562
Dec. 19, 1854 12, 109
Mar. 20, 1860 27, 586
Apr. 12, 1864 4-2, 324
Ma 21:2....June 5, 1855 132
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 784
July 14, 1868 79, 800
Sept. 16,186-2 36, 497
Apr. 10, 1r-55 12, 670
May 5, 1863 77, 489
July 21, 1V63 39, 293
Aug. 12, 1840 1, 716
July 2-2, 18651 8, 246
Ma 13 July 27, 1858 20,992
Mars 7, 1865 46, 6-2-2
Oct. 13, 1868 8:3, 017
Oct. 21861 30, 197
An g ]5185163 39, 544
Nov. 19, 1872 133,2-25
Pee. 23, 1873 145, t0t
Nov. 6, 166 59,:399
Mar. 16, 1e69 87, 869
Sept. 19,I1605 50,1:.30
July 16, 1872 129, 178
Ang 26, 18 3 142,12
Pe.288. 1858 22, 404
Feb. 20, 1872 123, 759.Tnno24,183 140, 179
Pec. 28, 1869 98, 219
Api. 16, 1867 6:3, 84
Nov. 4, 1862 36, 831t
Feb.1, 1870 99, 517
May 18, 1869 90, 076
Jan. 25, 1859 2-2, 70
Dee.7, 1869 97, 478
Jusie11 1867 65, 543
Feb. 7 1871 111,613
Jan. 3, l871110, 743
May 21, 1872126, 8 76
May 4, 1869 89. 6:3
Dec. 15 1868 84,8562
Fob. 2, 1859 23,015
Feb. 12, 1861 31,374
Nov. 13, 1866 59, 712
Oct. 7,18 71 143,408
Dec. 18, 1860 30,913
Juaie 5, 1855 13i, 002
IDec. 17, 187-2 1:34, 084
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 246
Mar. 26, 18t67 63, 292
May 22, 1866 54, 948
July 19, 1864 43, 626
May 16, 1871 114,1870
Ocet. 2-2, 1861 3:3, 543
Mar. 14, 1 871 11-2, 838
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 275
May 18, 1858 29, 307
Sept. 13, 1853 10, 016
Apr. 6, 1852 8,S865
Jan. 4, 1861 32, 490
Ma-. 19, 1867 63. 121
June 26, 18681 28, 9'27
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fron 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boot jack, wrench, and nail-pull. ---............Boot-lacing -- - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - -
Boot-lacing dev ice..............................
Boot-lacing, Mode of.............................
Boot, body's 5 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Boot, Lady's....................
bo t Lady's....................
Boot, Lady's....................
L o ot lo.......................................- - - - - - -
L o o t -loegB o o t -l e g -- ----------------- "
B o o t -leg stiffener......................
B oo t -l eg straps, Method of securing--------------
Boot-le~ straps, Modo of attaching..............
Boot-leg~sCramping Suowarrow..................
Boot-legs, Crimping Suwarrow..................
Boot-legs, Crimping............................
Boot-legs, Cutting and manufacturing-_.........
Boot-legs, Macline for -cra - -pi-g.................- -
B oo t -leg tlegs, Machine for crimlping leather- for.
Boot-legs, Machine for turning.- - -- -- -- -- -- --
Bloot-legs, Machine for turning.................._ __ _
Boot-legs, Machine for turning. __... __.........
Boot-legs, Machine for- turning. _...............
Boot-legs, Machine for turning.- ----- - - - ----
Boot-legs, Machine for turning..................
Boot-legs, Mode of' closing isp.- -.....-------
Boot legs, Mode of siding.......................
Boot-legs, Turning............................---
Boot-lining -........'..........................--
Boot, Mathematical............................
Boot, Moccasin.................................
Boot, Open-hacked spring-hox- -- -- -- - ------ - --- -
Boot oi- hootee......................
Boot or harness clamp..............
Boot or shoe, Nailed.............................
Boot or shoe, Pegged...........................
Boot-packs, Method of cutting.. -.. -........__
Boot-pattern ----------------------------------
Boot, Plow...................................---
Boot protector, Gaiter..........................--
Boet, liuhhber.................................--
Boot., Ruhber.................................---
0. Shepard-----------------..
AV. Banister----------------..
A. Me~lenney and S. Carpenter.
IP. Newton...................
UF. Duty -------------------
HI. Libhy--------------------
W. Love-.------------- -----
D. II. Murphy..-.-..-..-------
D.. A. Hlaviland..-------------
C. H. Lethingwell... _... _.....
AP. Nash-----------------..N. Gear -............-..
L. J. Worden......__........
J. A. Pickering.............
E. Lundy....................
J. Sihicy--------------------
J. Vernon..................
N. L. Moore.._-_...-_.
J. Van Winkle.............._
M. C. Chsamherlin and W. Filkins.
C. Collins..................__
A. Ransom ------- ---
T. N. Saddler.--------------
J. Shiearmlan --- -----
P. Ware andl C. It. Tilton._.
G. C. Parker................--
J. LI. Santord...........---..
H. White..................--
W. G. Crease and J. Morgan..-.
E.A. Buck........--........
\5T Atchison................T. P.Mitchell._.............
A. J. Curtis..-- --- -..
L. I".Blake.................S. Preston.................--
W. G. Slater.................
J. F. Daniels -.......
A. Forrist and C. A. Wheeler-.
J. Rider....................
S. C. Sidve..................--
E. Shophell..................
XV. Swarts...............
C. 11.[Ricker................__
A. G. Walker and S. Bi-own.
J. U. Johnson.......-_.....-_F. N. B l od ge tt..............- - -
B. C. Young-................--
L. Elliott, jr--.............
C. S.- Foster- and 0. Taylor.-..
Alton, Ill - - --.......July 9. 1867
Boston, Mass-------------...Feh. '2, lti9
Portland and Patten, Me.. June 25.,lt867
Philadelphia, Pa----- - - - -July 7, 1863
Rlavenar, Ohio------------.Sept. 13, 1870
Evansville, Wis----------- June 13, i1865
McConiiellsv ille, Ohio.. - -. Dec. 28, 1869
Lynn, Mass.............. Apr. 16, 1872
Fort Dodge, Iowa ---- -Sept.3, 1861
Providence, it. I---------- May 14, 1861
Weymoutti, Mass - - -----M-ay 16,165
Indlianapolis, hnd-------_-.._Apr. 86,1864
Utica, N Y. ----------- - J-m.2., 185it
Milfoid, Mass.----.._.. Apt. 1859
1: ew York, N. Y.-...- Aug.14,1810
New Yoik, N. Y.---------Apr. 25,18 11
Poland, Me -- - ---- - - - -----1oh. 10, 1836
Baltimore, Mal.- -_--------Oct. 21, 1811
Smnitlriiel, N. V.- -.- - ---_ Feh. 4, 1812
Rochester, N.Y. ---..- - Apr. 17, 1837
Detroit, Mich._-- --------Dec. 3, 1861
Sheldon, N. V........... __Nov. 25, 1856
Warren, Ind--------------.June 22, 1869
Mmnheisn, N. Y.. -.....Jan. 29, 1861
Spencer, Mass..- - -...Nov. 8,18:16
Fa-yettev ile, Pa..._.Aug,. 18, 1868
Newton iiid Tishury, Mass Jan. 7, 1868
Worcester, Mass -.-__-.July 8, 18731
Hiopewell, N. Y _..._. Jine 22,1842
I a IFaeotte,DId. - Aug. 26, 187:1
Philadelphia, Pua- - -- -----July 20, 1812
Bangor, Me.. _............ May 27, 187:3
New Vork, N. Y........ _. May 23, 1815
Hlaverhill, Mass.- -- -- ----Dec. 2, 1873
IWinterport, Me.. ____.- Oct. 31, 1865
Boston, Mass............ _Aug. 8, 1865
Danvers, Mass._--------Mar. 8, 1833
Hiart, Mich ---_... _..- Nov. 8, 1870
Greencastle, Indl. _.........Sept. 10, 1872
Mount Vernon, Iowa. ---.Sept. 24, 1861
Wooster, Ohio........... - - June 2, 1845
Bloom Township, Pa...Aug. 14, 1847
Asoland, Ohio..._._Feh. 8, 1870
Ashland Ohio..........Oct. 3, 1871
Pent Water, Mich-._..._Oct. 19, 1869
D ver, N. H.._-------------- _.Apr. 22, 1873
Wercester-, Mass. __-..Aug. 19, 187:1
Springfield, Mass. -_---_Aug. 4, 1868
Boston, Mass.... -.. -......Dec. 15, 1863
Boston, Mass. _......... July 23, 187:2
1 ew Haven, Con. ----Feh. 9, 1869
Ashland and Philadel- Aug. 29, 1871
ohiao Pa.
66 643
86, 4 94
39, 163
107, 231
48, 188
98, 39t
125, 8:34
33, 195
32, 335
47, 743
42, 544
19, 227
23, 532
3:3, 818
16, 123
91, 606
31, 281
73, 662
147, 726
2, 686
142, 307
139, 234
145, 117
50, 766
49, 219
103, 065
131, 254
33, 342
4, 068
5, 244
99, 604
119, 538
138, 196
142, 061
80, 549
40, 1)1
129, 776
88, 827
118, 444
3, 657
85, 11-8
79, 631
4"?, 187
41, 087
26, 552
125, 274
88, 380
95, 516
139, 671
117, 777
111, 137
1 7, 70-2
19, 912
24, 787
39, 034
70, 9 75
1.1, 951
140, 490
2.1, 457
8, 467
Boot, Ruhher.................................."- C. E. Linas --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -AIshl an d, a............-- -
Bost-sbunk, Elastic.......................---....I. Gale.--------------------...Natchez, Miss...........
Beot-shank machiine.- -------------------L. Schije. ------ - _------ Chicago, Ill............
Boot-shank, Steel --........--...-_It. and E. Briner........Manliattanville, N. 'Y _ - - _.
Boor, shoe, or sandal, Metallic.--- --....----L.I. X rfswel..............-Ahington, Pa...__..._.
Bent., Skating......................._-_...-.....J. W. Pearson and H. 0. Pea- Winchester, Mass.....
Loot-strap......................................--F. H. Moore..................-Boston, Mass...........Boot-strap fastener..............................--S. Walker----------- ---------- Boston, Mass...-.....
Boot-strap guard...............................--J. E. Curtis................... Marlhorough, Mass......
Boot-stratp, Metallic ---------------------------- D. Forrest-------------------- Eastport, Me.............
Boot-straps, Machine for making aiid wrapping J. W. Richardson.............- - -South Braintree, Mrass..
Boot-stretcher ----------------- ----------------- -D. Harris.- ---....------ Litchfiold, Ill............
Boot -stretcher----------------------------------- J. Harwood....--...........Albany, N. V._........
Boot-stretcher..................................---I. W. M3yers..................-San Francisco, Cal..
Bottp,&c., Revolving supplort foi- printing.A. P. Nash...................-- -- ---Weymouth, Mass....
Boot-tops, Turning the edge of circular -- -- -- -- - - --P. C. Clapp._------------------ _ __ _Stoughton, Mass.._..__.
Boot-tree--------------------------- ---.....----J. Ayars-----"---------------- Brookield, N. V...
Boot-tree.......................................X_ V. If. Betts and I. Hf. Parker_ Kokomno, Ind.......
Boot-tree------------------- ---------------------T. Brani,,an..................-Beloit, Wis.............Boot-tree -------------- ---- --------------------- W. C. Clark..................-Baltimore, Md..........Boot tree....................P. Do Vries..................--Adrian, Mich...........--
hoot-tree.......................................---C. T. Eamues......--..........Milford, Ma ss. --.----
Boot-tree.......................................0-. V. Elliott-----------------Manistlel-JPa..---..--
Boot-tree_................__..................._ W. hi. Fey and It.XW. Collier.._ Upton, Mass.............
Boot-tree..................................... D. I-astings................. Deerhield, Mass..........-- -
Boot-tree.......................................D. It. Hendrix................" - -Pottstown, Pa........... - -
Boot-tree.....................................-- J. Howe--------------- ------ Worcester, Mass....
Boot-tree.................................W. and A. LI. Kelsey...........Ilelavan, Wis. _.
Boot-tree...........................---...._....It. L. Lewis------------. "----Milford, Mass...........--
Boot-tree.......................................It-. L. Lewis ------------------- Wcrcester, Mass._- -
Boot-tree.--......---"-----.-...--M. Matthews............... aWaynie County,Oho
Boottree.............................h.B. Miller......_........ayville, N.......
Boot-tree..-........................ 0. P. Richardson...... --.......XWorcesler Mass.
Boot tree -.......................... Rsel..........Pildlha _a
Boot-tree.......................................D. Sadleir---- ---------------- McWilliamswuPa.
Boot-tree......................................J. H.Sampson...............-Grafton, sMass - -...Boo;-tree....................................... V. Upheld-------- ---------- LancasterOhio....
Bo-re................... W. Uiifield...................- -- -- anc st rLancaster, Ohio. -
Boot-tree.................................-----......V. XWillmott........--....Boston, Mass.--.....
Boot-tree.......----------------------V. V. \Viilmot.............. iBoston, Mass............
1.R) P
Aug. 15, 1871
July 11, 1844
Dec. 22, 1868
July 7,18x68
Apr. 5, 1864
J 'n. 1, 1861
Jan. 5, 1864
Dec. 20, 1859
Apr. 2, 1872
Mar. 30, 1869
Oct. 5, 1869
June 10, 1873
Jan. 25, 18,70
Aug,. 8, 1S-,1
Jan. 24, 1871
June 11, 187-2
Apr. 13, 1858
Nov-. 2 7, 1828
July 19, 1859
Nov. 4, 1871
June 30, 1863
Nov. 19, 1867
May 27, 1856
July 1, 1873
Apr. 5, 1859
Dec. 15, 1837
Oet. 28, 1851
Oct. 24, 1848
Nov. 20, 1866
Mar. 2, 1858
Mar. 5, 186 7
Feh. 25, 1836
Aug. 25, 1828
June 23, 1863
July 7,1846
Nov. 23, 1852
Dec. 4, 1855
June 25, 1850
Aug. 4, 1857
Apr. 14, 1857
May 4, 1858
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromnt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Boot-tree and stretcher--------------------............................
Boot-tree, Screw................................
Boot-treeing machine..............
Boot-trimming tool...............................
Boot-tucking machine............................
Boot-vamps, Mode of cutting....................
Boot, Ventilated rubber.............................
Boot, Ventilated rubber..........................
Boot, Ventilating...........................
Boot, Water-proof..............
Boots, &c., Adjusting pattern for................
Boots and gaiters, Machine for fitting fronts of... - -.
Boots and other leather stock, Punching...........
Boots and shoes, Apparatus for crimping the stiffening of.
Boots and shoes, Apparatus for holding and sup-.
Boots and shoes, Apparatus for molding box-toes
Boots and shoes, belts for ladies' dresses, &c., Clasp
Boots and shoes, Black-ball for.....................
Boots and shoes, Box-toe for...----------------
Boots and shoes by rule, Cutting............
Boots and shoes by substituting a metallic shank
on outsole, Manner of manufacturing.
Boots and shoes, Cap for.......................
Boots and shoes, Channel for.....------.--..--..
Boots and shoes, Composition for printing designs
Boots and shoes, Compound rubber-enameled cloth
Boots and shoes, Constructing.................
Boots and shoes, Construction of............
Boots and shoes, Cover for.................
Boots and shoes, Crimping...................
floots ana shoes, Cutting.-- --------------
Boots and shoes, Cutting and forming...........
Boots and shoes, Device for holding...............
Boots and shoes, Device for tapping..............
Boots and shoes, Die for making metallic shank for.
Boots and shoes, Edge-protecting welt for.......
Boots and shoes, Elastic calk for............
Boots and shoes, Elastic goring for................
Boots and shoes, Elastic goring fir...................
Boots and shoes, Fastening........................
Boots and shoes, Graduating pattern for.........
Boots and shoes. Hand nail-driver for...-........
Boots and shoes, Hand-nailer for lasting..._.....
Boots and shoes, Head-block for holding........
Boots and shoes heels made of vulcanized wood,
Method of attaching to the soles of.
Boots and shoes, &c., Instrument for trimming
welts of:
Boots and shoes, Jack for nailing. &c............
Boots and shoes, Jack for the manufacture of......
Boots and shoes, J-Tointed tip for...................
Boots and shoes, Lasting.........................
Boots and shoes lengthwise, Instrument for
Boots and shoes, Lining for........................
Boots and shoes, Machine for burnishing shanks of
Boots and shoes, Machine for crimping leather for.
Boots and shoes, Machine for cutting out the
uppers and soles of
Boots and shoes, Machine for cutting pegs out of..
Boots and shoes, Machine for cutting rands for....
Boots and shoes, Machine for distributing nails for
the manufacture of.
Boots and shoes, Machine for feeding and inserting
rivets in.
Boots and shoes, Machine for holding the uppers of
Boots and shoes, Machine for inserting screw pegs
Boots and shoes, Machine for lasting the uppers of
Boots and shoes, Machine for making.............
Boots and shoes, Machine for making...........
Boots and shoes, Machine for makit g.........
Boots and shoes, Machine for making.........
Boots and shoes, Machine for making shank-pieces
Boots and shoes, Machine for nailing and pegging.
Boots and shoes, Machine for paring the edges of..
Boots and shoes, Machine for pressing seams and
cutting welts of
Boots and shoes, Machine for pressing seams and
cutting welts for.
Boots and shoes, Machine for skiving counters for.
Boots and shoes, Machine for trimming and burnishing the edges of.
Booti and shoes, Machine for turning channelflaps for.
Boots and shoes, Machine for wrinkling the instep
I I i
F. S. Wilt-----.....................
A. J. Wisner...............
H. Wright...................
J. Bechtel.....................
G. Nichol....................
E. Hall, jr......................
L. C. Rogers.................
S. C. Blodget.................
E. L. Vertrees..............
H. C. Cottrell............
R. W. Perkins..............
S Perry.....................
A. Cushman..-............
F. E. Augustine.............
T. Lincoln.............-..
C. 1. Helms.................
J. W. Hatch................
Allentown, Pa..........
Homner, N. Y.............
Newcastle, Me..........
Roxbury, Pa...........
Madison, Va -......
Spencer, Mass........
Danvers, Mass-....-------
Rowley, Mass........
Howe's Valley, Ky........
Norwich, Conn.......
Colchester, Conn..........
New York, N. Y..........
Auburn, Me..............
Dubuque, Iowa...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Rochester, N. Y...........
Date. No.
Dec. 17, 1867
July 13, 1858
Jan. 16,1849
Aug. 25, 1868
Sept. 8, 1826
May 29, 1841
Oct. 16, 1860
June 11, 1836
Feb. 14, 1860
Apr. 26, 1870
Apr. 26, 1870
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 5, 1872
July 26, 1864
Nov. 19, 181Z2
Jan. 5, 1869
Aug. 1, 1871
Mar. 10, 1863
72, 351
20, 914
6, 031
81, 463
2, 110
30, 427
27, 173
102, 228
102, 314
57 371
121, 257
43, 631
133, 106
85, 661
117, o27
37, 886
E. Lemercier................. Paris, France............
D. I. Packard--------------................. North Bridgewater, Mass. Oct. 21, 1873 143, 926
E. W. Prussia- -.-.............. Marlborough, Mass....... Aug. 11, 1868
G. A. Knowlton............
H. W. George..........
S. H art......................
A. Thayer...................
Natick, Mass...........
Danvers, Mass..........
Monkton, Vt..........
Braintree, Mass...........
Feb. 15,1870
Oct. 19, 1869
Mar. 3,1821
Apr. 24,1841
' 80, 834
99, 915
95, 894
2, 062
B. F. Sage....---------------. Beverly, N. J............. Jan. 23, 1872 122, 969
P. Ashe................. Boston, Mass............June 21, 1870 104, 534
D. McKellar--.......... Lowell, Mass.............. Mar. 2, 1869 87, 350
E. M. Stevens............... Chelsea, Mass............. Mar. 31, 1868
L. R. Blake -- -...- --.............
M. M. Wheeler...............
W. E. Prall..................
E G. Pomeroy............
J. Chilcott and R. Snell.......
J. Hall....------------------
H. T. Dillon......-----.
G.Conkling --.................
H. F. Whidden...............------------
J. Green.....................
G. H. Clemens..-..........
J. Haskins..................
C. Winslow..............
B. F. Allen and J. R. Ryerson..
M. Meade....................
E. Hale.------------------.
W. E. Fischer.---.----------
I. E. Allen...............
F. H. Morgan...........
L. Clark....................
J. G. Ross....................
C. M. Gustnm........
G. A. Mitchell.-.............
W. Wickersham..........
J. Adams...........
J. K. Blanchard, F. S. Hunt.,
and A. C. Carey.
S. W. Jamison---......
W. G. Greeley..............
T. Corey...................
J. H. Walker --.................
H. P. Fairfield............
Boston. Mass........... May 16,1865
Galena, Ill- --------Feb. 25, 1873
Washington, D. C-...-. Sept. 20, 1870
Lancaster, Ohio--..----.. July 27, 1824
Brooklyn, N. Y------...--.. Sept. 13, 1853
Frederick Town, Md-.... Dec. 15,1815
Big Lick, Va....-.-.... Jan. 14, 1868
Conklinsville, N. Y -....... Aug. 9, 1864
South Abington, Mass.... Aug. 29, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Oct. 14, 1873
New York, N. Y -----..---Nov. 10, 1868
Boston, Mass...-...---- Oct. 13, 1868
Boston, Mass.-..---..-. Mar. 12, 1872
Saint Albans, Me- - -..- July 21, 1868
Boston, Mass............. May 18, 1869
Boston, Mass-.--......... July 28, 1868
Boston, Mass............. June 1, 1869
Windham, Me--............ --- Feb. 20, 1866
Beverly, Mass............ May 11, 1869
76, 265
136, 293
107, 538
73, 304
43, 814
118, 660
143, 623
83, 930
82, 944
1 24, 527
80, 109
90, 115
80, 477
90, 650
52, 657
90, 049
143, 786
60, 507
28, 395
118, 319
49, 946
127, 838
South Royalston, Mass.... --
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Saccarappa, Me...-.....
Turner, Me..............
Boston, Mass............
Norfolk, Va...............
June 13,1854
Oct. 21,1873
Dec. 18, 1866
May 22, 1810
Aug. 22,1871
Nov. 20, 1866
Kokomo, Ind.............. Sept. 12, 1865
Lynn and Malden, Mass.-..- June 11, 1872
Newark, N. J............
Hingham, Mass..........
Marlborough, Mass.......
Worcester, Mass..........Boston, Mass.............
June 10, 1873 139, 717
Feb. 14, 1860 27, 123
May 15,1866 54, 692
Dec. 3, 1872 133, 686
June 18, 1872 128, 134
G. V. Sheffield.................. Boston, Mass............ Apr. 30, 1872 126, 159
E. M. Dickinson.-......
A. Cavalli............--...
M. R. Ethridge...............
E. Barnum..................
C. H. Soutliall and R. Heap....
E. Thayer............--..
E. Thayer...-----..............
C. H., D. D., and F. M. Blake...
Fitchburgh, Mass......... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 191
San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 1, 1873 137, 288
Bethel, Me...............
Staleybridge, England....
Leicester, Mass._........
Leicester, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Mar. 17,1863
Jan. 9, 1808
Feb. 20, 1866
Mar. 14, 1812
June 9, 1826
Jan. 7, 1873
37, 907
52, 802
134, 581
94, 654
44, 688
87, 200
J. F. Sargent......--------------- Melrose, Mass........... Sept. 7, 1869
H. Hodges............-. -Lynn, Mass.------------Oct. 11, 1864
E. Reed.................. Kingston, Mass........... Feb. 23, 1869
E. Reed....................... Kingston, Mass........... July 26, 1870 105, 846
W. A. Bacon........... -Campello, Mass...... - - -- - May 2J9, 1860
C. J. Addy................. Boston, Mass.......... Sept. 16, 1873
W. E. Fischer................
C. Heisterman...-............
Boston, Mass............. July 2,1872
Brownsville, Pa---------........... Oct. 30, 1866
28, 531
142, 756
128, 610
59, 219
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
J. K. Blanchard, F. S. Hunt,
and A. C. Carey.
C. Glantz.....................
Date. No.
Boots and shoes, Machinery for burnishing the
shanks of.
Boots and shoes, Machinery for crimping uppers
Boots and shoes, Machinery for lasting.......
boots and shoes, Machinery for m king wood
shanks for.
roots and shoes, Making........................
Boots and shoes, Making............-----------------..............
Boots and shoes, Making..........................
Boots and shoes, Making..........................
Boots and shoes, Making..................
Boots and shoes, &c., Making furred............
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of.................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of..................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of.................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of..................
Boots and shoes, Manulfacture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of............
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manulacture of.......................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of....................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of.............
Boots and shoes, Manufahcture of...............
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of.................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of..................
Boots and shoes, Manu:acture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...............
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of..................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of.................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of............
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of...............
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of.................
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of India-rubber....
Boots and shoes, Manufacture of vulcanized rubbei
Boots and shoes, Manufacturing...................
Boots and shoes, Manufacturing..............
Boots and shoes, Manufacturing..................
Boots and shoes, Manulacturing counters for.....
Boots and shoes, Mechanism for making counters
Boots and shoes, Metal tips for toes of.............
Boots and shoes, Metallic counters for..........
Boots and shoes, Metallic shank for............
Boots and shoes, Method of constructing........
Boots and shoes, Method of stretching...........
Boots and shoes, Mock buttons and button-holes
for the ornamentation of.
Boots and shoes, Mode of cutting..................
Boots and shoes, Mode of cutting channels in......
Boots and shoes, Mode of cutting out.......-.....
Boots and sices, Mode of lacing. - - --.............
Boots and shoes, Mode of lining................
Boots and shoes, Mode of securing taps on........
Boots and shoes, Mode of securing tips to.....
Boots and shoes, Nail-presenting mechanism for...
Boots and shoes, Nailing........................
Boots and shoes, Pattern for cutting out the uppers of.
Boots and shoes, Polished water-proof.............
Boots and shoes, Process for preparing wood for...
Boots and shoes, Process of ornamenting.........
Boots and shoes, Rotary edge-key for polishing...
Boots and shoes, Scale for cutting.................
Lynn and Malden, Mass.. Mar. 12, 1872
Baltimore, Md........... Dec. 30, 1873
A. C. Carey.................. Malden, Mass............. Dec. 30, 1873
W. N. Sprague........... Keene, N. H............. Nov. 25, 1873
J. Bedford................
J. Frask....................
S. B. Hitchcock and J. Bement.
E. M artin....................
W. Montgomery.............
S. Eells...........
E. Alexander.....................
F. D. Ballou...................
L. R. Blake.................
L. R. Blake..............
L. R. Blake...................
J, Boyle.............
W. N. Brookhouse..........
M. F. Chandler and P. Ware...
W. Duchemin and A. Jeffries..
C. Hawkes....................
G. Hawkes....................
L. and S. B. Holden........
D. Howard...............
J. L. Joyce...................
W. and(l J. Keats..........
W. and J. Keats...............
C. A. Keith...................
D. Ptck................
H. Port.....................
D. Read......................
E. P. Richardson..........
S. J. Shaw..........
E. W. Southworth.......
H. P. Stewart...........
H. G. Tver and J. Helm.....
P. Ware, jr..............
S H. Whorf.........
W. Wickersham.............
S. C. Smi-h...............
J. A. Greene................
A. Destony..............
C. A. Ore."...............
M. Pennock.................
S. C. Phinney.................
E. Andrews.................
G. A. Mitchell............
A. R. Spaulding..............
E. Heaton...................
J. McComber.............
G. W. Griswold............
W. Butterfield..............
J. B. Keen...........
L. R. Blake............
S. Marshall..............
W. Banister and A. H. Rowell
B. S. Bryant..........
T. H. Lindley.................
J. H. Jennings...............
A. Knowlton and H. P. Fairfield.
L. R. Blake and A. S. Libby..
W. W. Merriam...........
J. Rynex, J. Haskins, and S.
R. T. Havens.................
E. J. Scott...................
S. H. Hodges.................
S. F. Burdett and H. Still......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Hatfield, Mass.........
Homer, N. Y............
Salem, N. J.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Providence, R. I..........
Abington, Mass...........
Abington, Mass....
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..........
New York, N. Y.......
West Danvers, Mass.......
Boston, Mass..............
Lynn, Mass.............
Lynn, Mass..............
Lynn, Mass...............
Woburn, Mass.......................................
New Haven, Conu........
Street, England........
Leek, England............
Danvers, Mass........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Lawrence, Mass.......
Marlborough, Mass....
Ashland, Mass............
Oak's Corners, N. Y.......
New Brunswick, N. J....
Boston, Mass.............
Roxhury, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..............
Now York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
East Marlborough, Pa....
Stoughton, Mass..........
Welchville, Me...........
Turner, Me.............
Clinton, Me..............
New Haven, Conn........
RIockford, Ill..............
Carbondale, Pa............
Boston, Mass.............
Bridgeton, N. J...........
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Lawrence, Mass...........
Hanson, Mass.........
Providence, R. I._........
New Bedford, Mass.......
Boston, Mass..............
July 16, 1806
Apr. 5, 1826
July 30, 1811
Jan. 12, 1824
Feb. 11, 1807
Feb. 24, 1816
Aug. 4, 1863
Jan. 10, 1860
Aug. 14, 1860
May 18, 1869
Apr. 26, 1870
July 29, 1873
Oct. 4, 1x70
Dec. 24, 1872
Aug. 27, 1867
June 26, 1866
June 29, 1869
Apr. 2, 1861
Apr. 10, 1800
July 29, 1873
Dec. 10, 1867
Feb. 11, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
Aug. 14, 1821
Aug. 4, 1863
Sept. 26, 1865
Apr. 27, 1869
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 6, 1672
Dec. 18, 1866
Mar. 27, 1855
Sept. 2,1873
Jan. 8, 1856
Aug. 2,1870
Dec. 7, 1837
Apr. 6, 1869
Nov. 17, 1868
May 5, 1831
Dec. 14, 1830
Feb. 9, 1869
July 8, 1873
Jan. 5, 1858
Feb. 27, 1872
Feb. 33, 1864
Nov. 22, 1870
Aug. 31, 1858
July 23, 1872
June 21, 1839
Jan. 21, 1868
June 23, 1829
Mar. 31, 1868
Feb. 13, 1872
Oct. 22, 1872
Mar. 13, 1866
July 23, 1872
124, 479
145, 940
146, 043
145, 024..........
39, 370
26, 808
29, 561
90, 225
102, 362
141, 257
107, 864
134, 252
68, 330
55, 858
91, 844
31, 929.....
72, 048
74, 229
141, 797
39, 421
50, 163
89, 504
123, 736
130, 162
60, 5e8
12, 607
142, 538
14, 080
166, 012
88, 706
84, 245
86, 779
140, 569
19, 040
124, 094
41, 701
109, 438
21, 334
129, 785
73, 570
76, 038
123, 674
132, 474
53, 150
129, 834
140, 400
18, 594
54, 339
90, 312
123, 477
25, 947
10, 021
102, 72t
71, 003
140, 007
79, 733
75, 900
80, 518
44, 467
41, 879
122, 925
79, 492
25, 202
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Law- July 1, 1873
rence, Mass.
Oswego, N. Y............ Nov. 10, 1857
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 23, 1829
Boots and shoes, Screw-fastening for............. J. Chilcott and R. Snell.......
Boots and shoes. Shank-piece for............... J. V. Sheffield.............
Boots and shoes, Shank-spring for.............. E. Heaton....................
Boots and shoes, Shipping and show-case for...... M. Buhler...................
Boots and shoes, Sidinmg..................... H. T. Daggett...............
Boots and shoes, Spring bottom for............. C. S. Hale and O. C. Hubbell...
Boots and shoes, Spring-shanks for............. J. MeGinley............
Boots and shoes, Ventilating..................... E. Thomas............
Boots and shoes, Ventilating............................ A. Stocker...............
Boots and shoes, Ventilating rubber.. B.1. Webb................ B.......
Boots and shoes water-proof, Composition for mak- P. G. Nagle...................
Boots and shoes, Water-proof-composition shanks W. H. Towers...............
Boots and shoes water-proof, Making.............. A. Buffum...................
Boots and shoes water-proof: Making............. P. G. Nagle..............
Boots and shoes, Wear-plate for.........S. Minges....................
Boots and shoes while applying the soles, Mechan- J. Jenkins..................
ism for protecting the uppers of.
Boots and shoes whilst p- gging, Mode of holding.S. Nourse...............
Boots and shoes, Wire-driving machine for...... WV. Wickersham.........
Boots and shoes with nails and pegs, Manusacturing N Mitls..................
Wilmington, Ohio.......
Glasgow, Great Britain...
Lynn, Mass...............
Keokuk, Iowa, and Leavenworth City, Kans.
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Northbridge, Mass....
New Haven, Conn........
Lamoille, Ill..............
South Braintree, Mass....
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa.._......
Philadelphia, Pa....._
Watertown, N. Y.........
North Cambridge, N. Y...
Philadelphia, Pa........
May 1, 1866
May 18,1869
Feb. 6, 1872
Nov. 1,1859
Sept. 13, 1853
May 3, 1870
Nov. 19, 1867
June 17, 1873
July 7, 1868
Mar. 24, 1868
Mar. 13, 1849
July 28, 1868
Sept. 27, 1864
Mar. 8, 1864
Feb. 10, 1837
Boston, Mass............. Jan. 23, 1872
Smithfield, R. I...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Lynn, Mass...............
Dec. 28, 1822
Dec. 14,1825
June 30, 1868
Aug. 23, 1859
Danvers, Mass............Dec. 8, 1827.
Boston, Mass............ Aug. 2,1870 106,011
1 ow Yoik. N. Y.......... Mar. 21,1831.....
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I I l I
Boots and shoes with wooden pegs, screws, notches,
or creases, Manufathcturing.
Boots and shoes without seams, Manufacture of
the upper s of.
Boots, Apparatus for drawing on.................
Boots, bootees, &c., Cutting uppers of.............
Boots by hinges or boot-cramps, Manufacturing...
Boots, &c., Channel-opener for....................
Boots, Clamp for crimping------------------.......................Boots, Clamp for crimping leather for.............
Boots, Construction of............................
Boots, Cramping---------------...............--..............--------
Boots, Crimping......................----------.........
Boots, Cutting.....................................
Boots, Cutting....................................---------------------------
Boots Cutting...................................
Boo s, Cutting..................................
Boots, Cutting...................................
Boots, Cutting...................................
Boots, Cutting..................................
Boots. Cutting gaiter...........................
Boots, Cutting leather for.... __..................
Boots, Cutting uppers of.................................
Boots, Cutting uppers of.........................
Boots, Cutting uppers of balmoral................
Boots, Device for pulling on....................
Boots, Fastening for gaiter.-----------------......................
Boots, Fastening straps to.........................
Boots, Foxing and soling..............
Boots, Lacing...............................
Boots, Machine for blacking and cleaning......
Boots, Machine for crimping and forming the front
Boots, Machine for crimping leather for.........
Boots, Machine for cutting gaiter..................
Boots, Machine for cutting out.....................
Boots, Machine for drawing........
Boots, Machine for manufacture of screwed.....
Boots, &c., Machine for piercing side-seams of..
Boots, Machine bfor rubbing, and rolling seams of.
Boots, Machine for turning.....................
Boots, M aking....................................
Boots, Making...........................
Boots, Manufacture of....................................
Boots, Manufacture of..........................
Boots, Manufacturing............................
Boots, Manufactusing..............................
Boots or shoes from skins with the hair on, Manufacturing.
Boots or shoes, Manufacturing....................Boots, Pattern foxr cutting.......................
Boots, Pattern for cutting..........................
Boots, &c., Shank for......................
Boots, shoes, &c., of gutta-percha combined with
other fabrics, Making.
Boots, shoes, socks, &c., Water-proof.............
Boots, Tap for rubber.............................
Boots, Turning...................................
Boots with gum-elastic gores, Gaiter..........
Bootees and other articles, Eyes for lacing-....
Bootees, Manufacture of..........----....---..........
Borax from native borate of lime, Manufacture of..
Borax from solutions used in treating wood, Process of recovering and reworking.
Borer, Compound slide and groove................
Borer, Post-hole...............................
Boring and drilling machine......................
Boring and drilling machine......................
Boring and drilling tool............................
Boring and grinding apparatus...................
Boring and marking machine...............
Boring and mortising machine..................
Boring and mortising machine....................
Boring and mortising machine.................
Boring and mortising machine....................
Boring and mortising machine......._........
Boring and mortising machine........
Boring and mortising machine.................
Boring and mortising machine...........
Boring and mortising machine..............
Boring and mortising machine.................
Boring and mortising machine................
Boring and mortising machine..................
Boring and mortising machine...............
Boring and mortising machine....................
Boring and mortising machine, Feed-motion for.._
Boring and mortising machinery................
Boring and sawing machine........
Boring and tenoning machine........
Boring and tenoning machine.....
Boring and tenoning machine, Wheelwright's.....
Boring and tenoning nmchinery..............
Boring and turning machne, X/oad..............
Boring and turnin ma. hine, Wood................
Boring angular holes, Machine for............
Date. No.
R. U. Richards --................ - Norfolk, Conn............. May 23, 1812....
S. Middleton....--------------- England..................I
J. Russell...-...............
J. T. Buck-------------....................--
N. Ayer..........-------------............F. Guscetti..................
E. G. Pomeroy................
J. M. Read.................
L. B. Blake.................
L. Lucas......................----------------
D. B. Barnum...............
J. Adams..................
G. A. Brown.................
T. Cranage..................
S S. Drew...................
A. F. and J. A. Jones..........
D. Lynahon..............
A. J. Moore, S. Bleistein, and
S. S. Shirk.
A. D. Drew...................
J. Morgan...................
J. S. Lewis....................---------------
O. Thibaudeau...............
H. Hayward..................
F. H. Moore................
P. S. Boothby................
P. H. Baker.."..............
A. G. Smith...................
F. Borehardt.................
J. Folsom.............
C. Day..................
M. S. Woodward..............
W. Snell................
B. Millett................
L. H. Dole and N. Pickard......
G. Galli-..--.--------------
W. May...............
A. Thompson...-------------
H. Blodget and H. Boynton....
H. Thayer................
J. Tumbull..............
J. J. Christian............
J. Scriimgeour............
A. Burdick..........
P. Gordon....................
S. H. and E. Brown and H.
S. Gerhard and J. Vanneman..
A. D. Drew..................
E. Shophell...--------------
F. P. Buren.................
C. Keene..................
W. Atkinson................
F. Flynn.....................
P. Stevens................
J. H. Dupont and T. Hyatt....
L. Hoffmeister................
A. H. Silvester...............
T. Bell and H. Scholefield....
S. Beer...................
Z. Holt..-------- ---------
A. F. Summers........._
J. Gooein.................
J. J. Sheridan...............
L. Dow....................
S. Cary....................
G. M Nickason...........
H. Allen....................
S. W. Bidwell................
C. Carter..................
J. J. Earley................
J. Humphrey.................
A. O. eal..........
R. L. Nelson.............
J. Peters..............
C. G. Pollock................
J. H. Power...................
R. D. Roys and N. French.....
G. H. Stevens................
A. Swingle..............
S. W. Wright...........
J. M. Kendall............
J. Wilkinson.........
B. F. Goodspeed and D. H.
T. Place......................
A. Wmaren... --......
C. Cowdry and O. and C. C.
D. Sperry......
A. and F. Brown.....
F. and A. Brown.....
B. Merritt, jr...............
Saint Louis, Mo........
New Canaan, Conn.......
Saint Johnsbury, Vt......
New York, N. Y.......
Newark, Ohio...........
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.............
Barre, Vt................
New Fairfield, Conn......
Kokomo, Ind..............
Milford, Mass.............
Warren, Ohio.............
Dixon, Ill.................
Lexington, Ky............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Lebanon, Pa..............
Dixon, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Athol, Mass..............
Montreal, Canada......
Fitchburgh, Mass.....
Boston, Mass....--..--.....
Biddeford, Me............
Virginia City, Nev........
Marathou, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C........
Ballowell, Me............
Mineral Point, Wis.... __.
Marshallton, Pa.........
Easton, Pa................
Woburn, Mass.............
Rowley, Muss.. -..
San Francisco, Cal.......
Binghamton, N. Y......
Boston, Mass..............
Rowley, Mass............
Monson, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Yonkers, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N.Y............
Carroll, N. Y---------.........--...............................
Norfolk, Conn......_....
Camden, N. J............
Dixon, Ill................
Ashland, Ohio............
Trenton Mo.....-........
Sussex Place, England...
Tewkesbury, Mass.......
Smithfield, R. I............
Stoughton, Mass.......
New York, N. Y.----
Philadelphia, Pa._.......
Boston, Mass...............
South Shields, England....
New York, N. Y..........
Chelmsford, Mass.........
Peoria, Ill................
Centralia, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
Piermont, N. Y.-.--
Centreville, La...........
Ellenville, N. Y...........
Norwich, Corn...........
Hartford, Conn...........
Manchester, Mich......
Fairfield, Ohio..........
Ravenna, Ohio.........
Hyde Park, Mass........
Orange Court House, Va..
Lebanon, Pa..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Norwalk, Ohio............
Detroit, Mich............
Lowell, Wis..............
Galveston, Tex............
Athens, Ohio.............
South Hardwick, Vt......
Pennfield, N. Y.._
New York,N. Y... --..
Sept. 29,1857 18, 291
July 16, 1872 129, 175
Oct. 27, 1835....
June 19, 1835..
May 13, 1873 138, 883
Oct. 4, 18.6.......
Mar. 16, 1841 2, 006
Jan. 19, 1869 85, 989
July 25, 1832..
Aug. 5, 1833.
June 26, 1866 55, 799
Mar. 15, 1864 41, 904
Mar. 13, 1844 3, 481
Oct. 13, 1863 40, 308
Mar. 14, 1848 5, 467
Oct. 18, 1853 10, 134
July 7, 1868 79, 676
Jan. 30,1866 52, 274
Apr. 10, 1811........
Nov. 27, 1855 13, 852
Aug. 20, 1872 130, 002
Jan. 9, 1866 51,943
May 23, 1865 47, 847
Sept. 2,1862 36, 383
Nov. 17, 1868 84, 157
May 12, 1868 77, 927
Mar. 6, 1866 52, 954
Apr. 14, 1835.......
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 765
July 31, 1837 338
Apr. 10, 1849 6, 300
June 4, 1872 127, 630
July 12, 1834.
Sept. 1,1868 81, 620
May 30, 1871 115, 493
May 6, 1873 138, 713
Sept. 26, 1835..
May 17, 1870 103, 104
June 24, 1843 3, 143
Aug. 21, 1866 57,289
June 9, 1857 17, 524
Oct. 31, 1829........
Aug. 10, 1791......
Apr. 16, 1833..
July 26, 1833.
May 9, 1865 47, 623
Jan. 27, 1863 37, 526
May 13, 1873 138, 851
May 23, 1848 5, 593
Mar. 7, 1834.......
May 31, 1870 103, 594
Mar. 4, 1836........
Oct. 30, 1840 1, 841
Jan. 5, 1861 41,069
Jan. 28, 1862 34, 273
Oct. 9, 1855 13, 633
Dec. 1, 1868 84, 471
May 27, 1833..
Aug. 25, 1868 81,555
July 28, 1868 80, 475
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 416
Jan. 23, 1866 52, 148
July 31, 1864; 56, 705
Sept. 6, 1870 107, 091
Apr. 11, 1854 10, 768
Jan. 11, 1861 32, 509
May 22, 1849 6, 458
Sept. 15, 1868 82, 096
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 263
Jan. 20, 1869 86, 176
Apr. 25, 1871 114, 183
Jan. 31, 1871 111,472
Sept. 20, 1859 25, 52.J;
Jan. 31, 1837 115
Jan. 23, 1845 3, 891
Nov. 18, 1856 16, 101
July 11, 1848 5, 661
July 26, 1870 105, 760
Feb. 14, 1860 27, 134
May 28, 1825..--
Apr. 16, 1834..
Mar. 12, 1867 62, 883
Apr. 17, 1829 -
May 1, 1855 1-2, 776
Apr. 18, 1827..
Ju -,-.55 13 158
Alfred Centre, N. Y.......
Saugerties, N. Y..........
Ithaca, N. Y.------------............
Colobester, Conu..........
New York, N. Y.._......
New York, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass................y.,...
Feb. 12, 1856
May 24, 1864
14, 223
42, 863
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Boring-apparatus-------------------------------- S. Cary....................--
Boring-alparatus--------------------------------- S. P. and W. S. Hunter...
B orii -a p pa ra t us- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- J Wlieelieck -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
B orii -b ar for boring and screw-cutting.-----------F.. S. Chapell --- -- -- -- --- -.
Boiring-bit--------------------------------------- S. Ii ipkiiis, jr...............
Bornn' bit---------------..-----------------------.. M hocks.....--.............
Boriu--bit--------------------------------------- I). Kelly....--..............
Boring-bit ---------------------------------------DP. Keby --------------------
Brin-bit brace --------------------------------H. S. Bartbolomew--.___
B-ring-bit brace ---------------------------------J. B. Fellows----------.------
Boriniii-bit, Exteiision-sbaiik for------------------X... V. S. Pattin........ __.......
Berm'g bit tor boring gunu-barrels, Nut------------- J. Green -----------
Boriing bit, Hole--------------------------------- C F. Kimball and AParsons..
Baring bit, Mineral-----------...------------------. Shoemaker._._........
Boingi bit, Variable -----------------------------V. Tucker----------------..
Boingm bit, Wood................... - - -C. Boernicke.--------------..
Bigbit Wood ------------------------------. Cook- -.....-------
Baric"-brice ---------.------------------------- J. A. and H. A. House.----
Bo;,ing-brace attachment--- ------ -------------- J. S. Finy....................
Born-duill------- ----------------- ------------1)D. R. Erdieain...............
Boiring dirill, Polygonal-bole.---------------------- J. C. Broadley--------------- -
Boring-engiuie, Portable _____________.odum----------------------T Gorm-- - -11
Blring framing-tiniber, Mlacbiiie for--------------- J. Badger--- -------------_
Borlig holes in p~osts, Macline for-- -- -- -- -- - - - - --T. T. Strode- _-.- --- -----
Borinug boles, Tool for---------------------------..A. Eliaeus................
Boiing-implements, Making ----------------------IR. Cooke..........
Bonn'-insti-nment, Guide-attachment for.........-A. Anmoiry. _..................
Bomine jar --...-------.........................----J. Slusser....................
Boring-maclime-._----------------------------J. H. Aldrich........
Boring-nachuine---------------------------------. _. _ _F. S. Alleiiaiid C. F Ritchel. -_
Boring-machine-----------------------__.--------. Allison -.__..___.._
Boing' machine---------------------------------- C. N. Baldwin Blwn...............
Bor-nin-achine.................................--F. C. Bartoii.._.........
Boiing maclime.................................. J. Bosenbnrv..............--
Boring-macline._______.....................W. W. Carey and G.W.VHarrisBoiing-naclune................................0-G. F. Clufl.................Boring-machine.................................. J B. Collin........._........
Boiing-inachiiie.................................- E. C. Cle..................--
Boiing-mauhine................................. _ _ _ _ _ _A. M. Connlett.........
_----Boring-machine................................. G. S. Corwin.. _............._
Boniag-machine................................--1. Coiry -......--------
Boiing-macbine---------------....-...-...........W. H. Deatick........
_-__---Boring-macicne.................................-F.+'C. Dodge-......... --
Boring-machine---------------------------------- L. A. Dole---.............---
Boring-machine...................___..........A. Duel and P. B. White.
Boig.cii................................. E. P. Drake................ -- -- --
Boring-machine.................................. J. Edgecmb_...............
Boring-michine.........................__....J. Edgecomb_............
Boiing -i-acbmne...............................--- S. L. Fitts.................--
Boing-macline -........._____________J. AV. Frazee.--- _.._.
Boring'-maclime----------------------------------XV. C. Freeman...........--_
Boiing-macllime..................___..........J. Gardner..................
Boriiig-incline.................................__F. M. Gibsoii...._.......
Boring-machine................................._N. Gillet and J. Smith....
Boring-mawhine................................- E. A. Goodes................_
Boing macbine.................................. J. Haiapson.................
Bon" acin.................................H.It Hays..............._...
Boring-machiiie.................................. J. Isenberg. _..............
Borinig-machine.................................. J. Johnson...............Boring inachine.................................. J. Jones....--............
Boiing- machine.................................. F. L. King..................
Boring-machiiie.....................--..........S. U. King..................
Born-machine.................................S. Kialir...................Boring-nuachine.................................--C. B. Knapp.................
Loring-machino.................................. A. Leonar---................
Bornng-machiiie...............__............ Little....................
Bai-ai"machine.....................---........_ C. H. Long..................Boring-machine................................._H. Lougwell..-.._.........
Baiing-machine................................._J. Loiigyear -...._-..
Bern g-machiiio.................................. N. H. Mci-chant............._
Boring-m-iehine ______....._....._................J. L. Mletcalfe................
Boring-machine.................................. J. Meyer.....................
Boring-machine ------------------------------..- IH. 0. MAkoorhonse and S. L.
Berig-mchie--------------------------W iegand.
Boin-mchne_______________________W. Mo-statt -_._-....
Boring-machine................................._J. H. Pi-dicek-..........
Boring-machine---------------------------------..Z. C. Phillips -.__.-.._
Boriiig-machine_--------------------------------_C. E. Pierce.---------------.
Boring-machine---------------------------------- H. Pitchei..........
Boring-machine----------------------------------XE. QP.nPowers----------------
Boring-machine--------------------------...-----E. Quinn.....................
Boring-machine--------------------------------... B. F. Riea. M. Pyke, and D. M.
Residence. Date. No.
Centreville, La.- - - -----Aug. 7, 1866 57, 058
Coitland, N. Y - ------May 16, 1865 47, 72)7
Worcester-, Mass - - - -.-----Oct. 11, 18 70 108,:310
Milton, Mass... -- -- -- - ---Sept.:1, 1867 68, 488
South Wheeling, W. Va... July 1, 1e7.3i40, 370
Danville, N......V Apr. 2, 1867 63, 392
Muskegon, Mich...........lMay 10, 1870 102, 829
Muskegon, Mich.. _.......Jul.,11, 1871 i16, 837
IBistol, Conii........-- - _...May'28, 1867 65, 046
Concoid, N. H. _..........Seplt.04, 1867 69, 086
Portsmoiithi, Ohio-----.Junie 20,1871 116,O60
Haiper's Ferry, Va -- (le-- jOt. 3,1817. _.
Portland, Me _-__.. - _ - Jan. 23,1866 5-2,174
Kittaiiig Township, Pa - Sept. 16, 1873 142, 949
GlocesteI, 1.81------------ Au". 10,1l858 21, 160
Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 16, 1867 63, 842
Saratoga Springs, N. Y----Aug.18, 1868 81, 069
Bridgeport, Coii.u._. Sept.5, 1865 49, 758
Bridgeport, Conn...May 11, 1869 89,9-25
Philadelphia, Pa -- -------Mair.28,1865 47, 001
Fi-ankliii, N. J......._ -_...1c 14, 1869 97, 868
Pi-ovidence, RI.- -- - ------Oct. 9,18)) 13, 646
Br-ooklynm, Cumin.----........._Jan. 20, 1838 572
Coatesville, Pa..-----------Dec. 2,1851 8 5Q9
Boston, Mass-------------..Dc 20, 1864 45, 483
Slielbuine Falls, Mass.... Nov. 13, 1855 13, 780
New York, N. Y----------..July 27, 1869.9-2, 9-27
Ciiicininati, Ohio-. -._.__May 30, 1865 47, 993
Portsmouth, N. H -..._Nov. 27,184') 6,109
New Yor-k, N. Y---------- _Nov. 21, 1871 1211'0-4
Port Carbon, Pa- _-- - - ----Oct.9, 1866 58, 568
Willinglon, Conne. --.--_-Oct. 25,1879 108, 552
Bloomusbu-gli, Pa........Dc. 21, 1869 98, 014
Cheiryville, N. J-__.---------Apr. 14,1857 17, 017
Lowell, Ma-s.--------.---_-Aug. 9.1870 106, 129
Petersbuirgh, Ill. _- -_------Nov.7 1871 1-20, 716
Mohicanville, Ohio. --.__.June 20,184) 4, 085
Pawling, N. Y........-----Aug. 6, 1872 130, 11)3
Madison, ------------- _..July 21,18t8 80, 059
Riverhead, N. Y ---. __------Nov. 3, 1863 41), 459
1)alitoii, d--------------- Feb. 11, 1-7 1:15, 693
Dleidlersburgh, Pa-...Nov.1 18 7') 108, 890
EdIgeconib, Me.-_----..INv 30, 1869 97, 280
Salem, Ohio -- -- -- - -- - - ---July 6, 1858 20, 779
Dowa g:iac, Mich..----------Mar. 31, 1868 76, 171
Greenbusli, N. Y -.-------- Apr. 23, 1861 32, 125
Worcester-, Mass----------....Jan. 14, 1862 34, 137
XWouicestei-, Mass- - -.- -- ---June 28, 1864 43, 364
A shbiirnliam, Mass _. June 11l 1801 32, 55).Peoria, Ill ------------- - July 12, 1870 105, 188
Louisiana, Mo.- -- -------Oct. 22, 1872 132, 393
Bigler, Pa.----------------Apr. 16, 1872 125, 802
Chelsea, Mass. _-.._.- -- -- - --- - -11er ~e.7, 1869 97, 499
Cazenovia, N. Y- --. -- ---Api. 8,1812 __.___.
Philadelphia, Pa---------- _Jin. 25,185i9 22, 7-24
N ewbuigh, N. Y----------_ _Dcc.7, 1869 97, 506
New York, N. V---------- July 5, 159 24, 633
MeComnellstown, Pa -__._ l eb. 26 1 867 62, 491
Mifhlinsbu-gli Pa - -------Mar 13, 1847 5, 011
Camden, N. J-------_ _.----Sept.26, 1848 5, 809
'Worcester, Mass -_- - - -- ---Nov. 23,1869 97, 202
Windsor, Vt--------.. _---May 24, 1804 4-2, 914
Reanmstouwn. Pa-.._ 1.. cDc. 16, 1856 16, 241
Waterloo, Wis.- --... _.Ama 2,1867 63, 53-2
Sullian, Ohio..---------Sept. 17, 1861 3.3, 324
Freeport, Ill-----------May 16, 1871 114,1)53
Louisville, Ky - _- -- -------Sept.1, 1868 81,6055
Mansfield, Pa.- -- -- -- -----Junme 17, 1873 139, 901
Grass Lake, Mich.-.-.- Feb. 18, 18621 34, 436
Gunilford, N. Y.--.-------May 28, 1861 3-2, 449
Quiumey, Pa - - --.-.-----Apr. 16, 1872 125, 8-28
Brooklyn, N. V-------------- June 16, 1e63 38, 108
Philadelphia, Pa.----_. Aug. 12, 1873 141, 657
New York, N. V - - - ------June14, 1870 104,3:17
Acton, Ind---------------_Mar. 7, 1871 112, 372
Allegheny City, Pa.-.-_-Jan. 2, 1872 1-22, 46-2
Westmnster, Md----------_May 21, 1872 1-26,1)02
Fond dlu Lac, W~is -._May 13, 1873 138, 927
North La Crosse, Wis- Aug. 1, 1871 117, 567
Trenton, N. J_- - - - - -----Aug. 25, 1857 18, 057
Washinagton, D. C -...._Mar. 27, 1866 53, 485
South Bend, hId- - -.- -- ---Oct. 2a 1873 144, 139
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
1 f
Boring-machine... _.............................
Boring- machine..................................
Boring machine...................................
Boring machine, Cylinder......................
Boring machine, Perpendicular..................
Boring machine, Rock...........................
Boring machine, Timber...............................
Boring machine, Timber------.....................
Boring machine, Wood............................
Bdring machine, Wood...........................
Boring machine, Wood...........................
Boring machine, Wood...........................
Boring machine, Wood...........................
Boring machine, Wood........................------------------------.....
Boring-machines, Adjustment in...................
Boring-machines, Device for feeding and limiting
the depth of hole in.
Boring machines, Device for feeding the cutters
intermittently in mortise.
Boring-machines, Method of adjusting cylinder in..
Boring machines to objects, Method of securing....
Boring machines, Variable crank for...............
Boring mill.......................................
Boring mill........................................
Boring- m ill........................................
Boring-mill for metal............................
Boring, planing, and slotting metals, Machine for..
Boring post-holes in the earth, Machine for.......
Boring, reaming out, &c., Machine for..............
Boring timber for mortising.......................
A. J. Truxell.................
W. Tucker....................
J. Van Dyke..................
J. Waugh.....................
J. Webster....................
A. Weikart..................
A. Weikart...................
W. H. Wilicox................
E. J. Worcester...............
A. Wyckoff and E. R. Morrison
E. F. Young..................
M. S. Otis....................
R. Selden......................
G. C. Doherty........
R. Hubbell.................
R. Smith.....................
G. Dryden..................
H. Fleming.................
B. F. Mohr....................
A. Roff.......................
L. Stevens..................
J. B. Thorp..................
I. W. Ward..................
L. B Lloyd...................
Residence. Date.
Lynchburgh, Va.......... Nov. 8. 1870
Fiskedale, Mass........... Jan. 28, 1870
Grimsby, Canada....... July 25, 1865
Elmira, N. Y.............. May 31,1859
Great Barrington, Mass.. May 1, 1810
Green Village, Ohio....... Nov. 1, 1845
Greenford, Ohio........... Jan. 15, 1850
Tarrytown, N. Y........... May 29, 1849
Worcester, Mass.......... Dec. 27, 1870
Elmira, N. Y.............. Sept. 25, 1855
Charlestown, Mass....... June 26, 1866
Rochester, N. Y........... June 19, 1855.......................... July 7,1806
Cumberland County, Ky.. Aug. 29, 1838
Hudson, Ohio............. Oct. 26, 1839
Towanda, Pa.............. Feb. 10, 1843
Worcester, Mass........... July 7, 1868
Vienna, N. J.............. Mar. 24, 1868
Mifflinburgh, Pa.......... Apr. 20, 1869
Southport, Conn........... Mar. 31, 1868
Elmira, N. Y.............. Oct. 6, 1857
Warrensville, Ohio........ Mar. 24, 1868
Birmingham, Pa.......... Mar. 18, 1856
Warwick Township, Pa... June 23, 1857
H. E. Paine...... Troy, N. Y...........TroyN............ July 14, 1857
W. B. Emery...............
P. Baylor ---.................
G. C. Taft..................
F. E. Hahn.................
W. Sellers..-...............
J. Wheelock.................
W. Sellers....................
N. Aylsworth...............
J. S. Wertz...............
E. Johnson...................
B. Knight...............
A. Allan....-.............
F. S. Allen............
W. Brodhead................
J. C. Chapman....................
A. G. Hotchkiss.............
W. J. Johnson and G. Tainter.
Boring-tool.......... M. Jo..........MJ..................
Boring-tool..................................... W. P. Lathrop........
Boring-tool................................. J. Miller...................
Boring-tool..................................... G.W. Moore..................
Boring-tool.............................. A. Steinbok..................
Boring-tool................................... T. E. Stanley..................
Boring-tool........................................ C.C. Strong............
Boring-tool-..................................... N. Thompson...............Boring-tool........................................ G. I. W ashburn..............
Boriug-tool.................................... A. F. Whitin.................
Boring-tool....................................... E. F. Whitney and R. Jones..
Boring-tool-..................................... A. Wippo.....................
Boring-tool, Expanding........................... J. K. Kacerovsky.............
Boring-tools, Coupling for shafts of............ J. Esler....................
Boring-tools, Coupling for shafts of.............. J. B. Stockton.................
Boring-tools, Coupling for shafts of............. J. Watson......................
Boring-tools, Coupling shafts of................. J. N. Bolles...._............
Boring-tools, Coupling shafts of................. D.G. Coppin.................
Boring-tools, Coupling shafts of.-................ S. Fawcett..................
Boring-tools, Coupling shafts of-............... E. Kaylor....................
Boring tools, Coupling shafts of.-................ R. H. Lecky.................
Boring-tools, Coupling shafts of.................... R. H. Lecky.................
Boring-tools, Coupling shafts of------................. A. A. Wilson.................
Boring wood............................ J. B. Pell..................
Bosom and collar, Combined over................. I. T.Dyer................
Bosom, collar, and similar articles of apparel...... A. Jehnson.................
Bosom-expander.......................... D. M. Church and C. A. Ellsworth.
Albany, N. Y............
Salem, Ohio..................
Worcester, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Worcester, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Middletown, Iowa......
Lexington Heights, N. Y..
Cranston, R. I.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Rondout, N. Y............
Cmbridgeport, Mass......
Wolcottvihe, Conn........
Newton and Watertown,
West Greenville, Pa.....
West Winsted, Conn.....
New York, N. Y..........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Hazelhurst, Miss...........
Defiance, Ohio............
Saint John'sWood,England
Worcester, Mass.........
Whitinsville, Mass........
Union Mills, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Bridgeport, Conn"._.".. -
Brooklyn, N. Y.............
Oil City, Pa...............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Rochester, N. Y...........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Allegheny City, Pa.-"...
Allegheny City, Pa......
Green Point, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
Canton, Mo...............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Birmingham, Conn.-........
Feb. 27, 1855
July 1, 1844
Dec. 10, 1867
Sept. 9, 1873
June 23, 1857
Mar. 12, 1872
Aug. 5,1862
Jan. 2, 1855
July 5, 1859
Nov. 7,1826
Oct. 23, 1834
Oct. 12, 1869
May 28, 1872
Aug. 8, 1865
Apr. 23,1867
July 5,1870
Oct. 5, 1869
Aug. 8, 1865
Oct. 18, 1870
Jan. 29, 1867
Feb. 20, 1872
July 28, 1868
July 12, 1870
July 6, 1869
Jan. 8, 1867
July 26, 1859
Apr. 23, 18772
May 17, 1870
Dec. 17, 1867
Mar. 11, 1873
July 11, 1865
Oct. 3, 1865
Sept. 26, 1865
May 9,1865
July 18, 1865
Mar. 13, 1866
Sept. 26, 1865
May 2,1865
May 2, 1865
May 23, 1865
Mar. 2, 1836
Nov. 4, 1873
Feb. 25, 1873
May 8, 1860
July 16,1872
Jan. 8, 1869
Apr. 21,1868
Oct. 22, 1867
May 5, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
Oct. 21,1873
Feb. 18, 1873
Mar. 1, 1870
Feb. 17, 1857
Aug. 14, 1860
July 25, 1854
Nov. 28, 1865
Nov. 28, 1865
Sept. 24, 1867
July 25, 1854
July 23, 1872
Mar. 3, 1868
June 17, 1873
Aug. 14, 1860
Oct. 8, 1872
Mar. 4, 1873
Aug. 29, 1871
July 16, 1672
109, 078
104, 797
49, 060
4, 251
7, 031
6, 484
110, 530
13, 606
55, 945
13, 117
1, 382
2, 948
79, 640
75, 891
89, 163
76, 103
18, 370
75, 813
14, 479
17, 630
17, 799
12, 437
3, 645
72, 114
142, 694
17, 641
124, 647
12, 117
24, 682.....
95, 627
127, 209
49, 336
63, 992
104, 958
95, 483
49, 277
108, 367
61, 629
123, 786
80, 515
105, 271
92, 395
24, 894
126, 120
103, 265
72, 436
136, 736
48, 667
50, 287
50, 190
47, 613
48, 793
53, 219
50, 138
47, 554
47, 556
47, 907.....
144, 267
136, 247
28, 155
128, 994
90, 923
76, b94
69, 988
77, 493
75, 0130
75, 031
143, 921
135, 936
100, 472
16, 640
29, 563
11, 353
51, 141
51, 142
69, 177
11, 357
129, 652
75, 014
139, 805
29, 611
132, 020
136, 534
118, 453
128, 910
Bosom-holder, Elastic............................
Bottle and bottle-stopper......................
bottle and box opener-.............................
Bottle and case, Combined.......................
G. W. Wright............... Salem, Ohio...........
B. Carter. - - - --..... Middletown, Conn......
J. C. Cook------------------.................... Buffalo, N. Y..............
E. W. Glover................. Medford, Mass............
A. H. Johnson................ Hartford, Cone............
H. W. Libbey................ Cleveland, Ohio...........
H. W. Libbey.......-.._..... Cleveland, Ohio...........
H. M. Millar.........-..... Louisville, Ky...........
C. A. Philhlips................I Chicago, Ill..............
J. Waterman............... New York, N. Y........
J. P. Derby---------------..................---: South Reading, Mass......
J. N. Bodine----------------................... Bridgeton, N. J..........
R. Boeklen and H. T. Brown.. Jersey City, N. J., and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
C. W. Cahoon................ Portland, Me.............
C. W. Cahoon................. Portland, Me.............
H. S. Carley.................. Cambridgeport, Mass.....
W. Clark...................... New York, N. Y...........
H. Codd...................... Camberwell, England.....
G. G. Hickman---------------................ Coatesville, Pa..........
V. H. Lyon...-................ Indianapolis, Ind.........
J. Maurer......-------------.............. New York, N. Y..........
B. C. Odell.................... Kin gston, N. Y...........
H. Naylor------------------..................... -)il City, Pa.............
G.,1. hill.-,-,--- Bufl, i N. Y............
G. W. Banker and G. W. lPeck. New York, N. Y......
Index of patents issued fromn the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclsive-Continued.
Bottle and 4gassi case.-.--_-_.-_.__.
bolt~e anal jag' toplier-------------------------
Btle t 0 trnsportaitioni case..........
-Lottiebiarrel, &c., topper...........
lBotile box, Porter - --- -- ----- ---" -
liottlei p -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lottile cap tnd moon, Mustard............
Bottle cai or covp------------------------------
BI (cl liir toachin-- ---- ----------- ------
Boillie-cn i-imachine........................
Bottleci'sin __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B oit tle, Cast-iron mercury.......................
Botle, Cstr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Botliet -stes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L1o leCaster...................
Bottle, Caster -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
Bottle, Caster...................
Bottle-closing device...............
Bottle cork -.. _........ - - _. - - -
Bottle-cork fastener_...........................
Bottle-cork fastening...............
Bottle-corksM-ichiue for making.. _...._.........
Bustle-corking apparatus........................
Bottle-cor king apparatus-------------------- ---
Bottle-coiling ipparatus........................
Bottle-cor king ipparatus-----------._-----.Bottle-corking apparatus................
Bottle-corking machine.........................
Bottle-corking machine........................
Bottle-corking machine..- - - - --.......
Bottle-corking macline.......................--
Bottle-corking machine..........................
Bottle, Cosmetic-------------------------
Bottle-ec oe.................................
Bottle astene -------------------------------
Bottle-fasteners. Key and cork-screw for.__.-----_
Bottle fastenin---------------------------.
Bottle-tistening----- ---------------
Bottie-Listening.... _.. _.... __.._...._
Bottle-tastentug........-- - - - - --........
J. M aithieu...............
J. B.Alexainder-. -...........
C. i lmim arua-nitI. G. Taito_..
S tMarsli...................--
G. H Righter-------
M Y.O rt ---- ---- -
H.J WhSvitte..........-..-...
J. G. Ctidlingworth... _.......
W. Barnet......_.....
A. C. Jet-dan.................
\V. I. Sperling.------------...
J. Paterson..................
J.ID, gan....................
1Yi Wrangle................
B. Beach.- - - --........
C. Casper...................
C. P. Crosatuan________
A. Weber...................
A. Webea -..................C. Herman.................--
1. B. Sampson._.........
J. Coutrica - - -- -- --- -
F. W. Copent..............
J. Barton...................H. 1.Potter................T.I. G.illett...............--
A.C. Joridan......_.......
G. Mir ltavacca.............--
I. Ledlich-..................
II. inger...................--
J. tinstromig...............L. S. Chithcster.............
H. N. DeGraw..............
D. Muiellert..................
J. Wolff and W. N. Numusen...
Mf. H. Huntington....---..
W. ihourguignon............--
J. Seitmem...................
(3. Otto and (3. W. Baueri-..
I. Winislow..................
lH. W. Putnam..-..........
B. Bates. --.....------ -
W. S. M. Beal...............--
J. Jeotnotat................--
J. Sprat.---------- ------ ---
E. D. Weat-herbee..... _.....
II. and J. Wilson..........._
Residenice. Date. No.
Paris, France-------------. ISept. 6, 18 70 107, 189
Washingten, 1). C.. -...- June 18, 18117 65, 857
Philadelphia, Pa----------.Junie 18, 1872 128, 109
Detroit, Mich].-.__._- -. Mar. 5, 1872 124, 277
Philadelphia, Pa -.- -- -----uno 5, 1860 28, 606
Phiiladelphia, Pa----------.Sept. 25, 1866 58, 281
Bostoin, Mass........- Aug. 12, 1873 141, 844
London, England.._-..July 1, 18731 140, 346
New Yot-k, N. Y----------- July 2, 1867 66, 212
New York, N. V - - -----May 14, 1872 1-26, 711
Wasitiegron, N. J _- -_._-Jutie 20, 1871 116,1107
Edinurogh, North Britain. Nov. 28,187t 121, 407
New York, N. Y----------._.Sept 9, 1873 142, 685
New York, N. Y.. - __- - Dee. 28,18o8 2-2, 476
West Meriden, Con -..July 17, 1866 56, 486
West Meriden, Conn -T....uiie 11,1872 127, 740
West Wairenm, Mass.-.-Sept. 15, 1863 39, 889
Newark, N. J...- -._-July 1, 1873 140, 564
Newark, N. J-------------.....De.e.02 1873 145, 1:38
Baltimore, Md- -- -- -- -- -- -.J u ne 25, m867 66, 023
Albany, N. Y-------------.... yMay 13, 1873 138, 820
Marietta, Ohio.- - - - -- ----May 14,1861 32, 306
Brooklyn, N. Y_- -.- - - ------June 11, 1872i 127, 851
New York, N. Y----------.Dec. 24, 167 7-2, 606
ilamptomi. Va------------- Jan. 12, 1819....
Albany, N. YV -_. _....-_July 30, 1867 67, 346
New Haven, Coint.-..July 11, 1854 11, 281
New York, N. Y... -.._.Aug. 26,1873 )14-2, 240
Napo, Cal. -- - ----.M-ir. 30, 1869 88, 404
-Chicago, Ill. -. - _--. May 20,1S62 35,3-25
Logansport, nd-----------..Mat.9, 1869 87, 732
San Fraticiseo, Cal-...........Oct. 14, 1873 143, 606
New Yoi-k, N. Y----------..i-b. 22, 1859 2:3,0(58
Piet-nont, N. Y.-__------Mar- 18,I18t 14, 446
New York, N. Y-------Apr.4, 1871 113,3-26
Ntw Ycrki, N. Y., and Sept.28, 1870 107, 582
Baltimiore, Md.
Watertown, N. Y -....Oct. 14,1873 143, 627
Pi-ovidlence, iR. I----------_.Dc 16, 18 73 145, 484
Coblenz, Prus~si-----__ --Feb.10, 1853 14, 255
Washington, 1). C _.- ----July 4, 1871" 116, 742
Piladelphia, Pa..........1)- - ec. 18, 1849 6, 963
Clevelanid, Ohio. -- -- 5- i S t.23,1862 36, 5 28
New Londotn, Conn.- July 24,1855 13, 338
Baltimore, AMd------------ _Dec. l7, 870110, 421
Baltimore, Md - --- -- -- -- - -Oct. 31, 1871 120, 363
Paterson, N. J -- -- -- -- -- - -July 17, 1855 13, 266
Cincinnati, Ohio----------.._Scpt. 6, 1851 9, 995
Wor-cester, Mass----------... pr Apr.4, 1871 113, 603
Patersoti, N. J., and New July 24, 186(i 56, 653
York, N. Y.
Clait Township, Pa ------ Maiv 31, 1870 103, 624
Philadelphia, Pa.- - - - ----Oct. 9,1855 13, 659
Shirewsbuiry, Miss.-.-Apt. 16,187,2 1-25,866
Hackett-stown, N. J -... ov. 13,1855 13, 782
Williamsbm-el, N. Y-.-.Junte 5a 1866 55, 242
New York, N. Y----------.Maiy 4, 1869 89, 664
Milwvaukee, Wis.- -- - -.----Sept.17, 1872 131, 457
New York, N. Y----------...M ay 6, 1873 118,514
Cannomisbit-gh, Pa -....Feb.9, 1869 86, 816
New York, N. Y----------....O ct.. 11, 1864 44, 685
Brooklyn, N. Y.- -_------Nov. 10, 1868 83,1104
Poughkeepsie, N. Y -....Aug. 28, 1860 29,781
Pouighkeepsie, N. Y -....July 12, 1870 105i,128
Quebec, Canada -. - _.-.Nov. 19, 1872 133,094
New Yiirk, N. Y----------....Niiv v. 7, 1865 50, 832
New York, N. Y----------....D c.c. 8, 1868 84, 816
New York, N. Y----------... p.Apr. 29, 1873 1:38,4-2
Cleveland, Ohio --- -- -- -- - -Oct. 29, 1861 33, (.02
New York, N. Y...-... Nov. 24, 1868 84, 384
Brooklytn, N. Y.- - - -- -- --Dec. 2 7, 1870 110, 504
Charlestown, Mass.. - _.__Feb. 9, 1869 86, 7-21
Cincininati, Ohio-..- ------Feb. 16, 1864 41, 608
Quebec, Canidao......------Aug. 6, 1872 130, 126
Zanesville, Ohio-----------.Nov. 3, 1863 40, 516
Peekskill, N. Y-----------... ec. 22, 1868 85, 088
Philadelphiia, Pa----------..Apr. 8, 1862 34, 894
New York, N. Y----------_Mar. 18, 1862 34. 709
Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y.-._Oct. 19, 1858 21, 8:35
New York, N. Y., and Apr. 12, 1870 101, 889
Paris, Fraince.
New York, N. Y----------.Apr. 14, 1868 76, 678
Lotidon, England -.-.--- May 25, 1869 90, 606
Ptland, Mo-------------Feb 7 186yn 46,n 214
Bottle-fastening, Cork-saving--------------------- _._.C. L. Knecht -__........-......_
Bottle-fasteming, iRegister ------------------------J. Sup Ito._...............
Bottle-fastenings, Band for sectiring---_- - -- ---- - _E.D.We-ithet-bee.........._
Bottle-fastenings, Ring and gudgeon for -.-. ---._J. ( ".Day...........
Lottie-filier -------.------------------------------I 'Coeben------------------
Bottle-filier------------------------------------L.E.Jeinjaquet.__ __.__
Bottle-fillet-------------------------------------__J. H.Pam khurst..._......
Battle-filler-------------------------------------1 e mlitch and A. Feybh...
Bottle filler anud corker-----------------. XX Cowey................
Bottle-filmin apparatus...-...------------------A. Albertson. - -.--.-.._
Bottle-filling appat-atus-------------------._.------- 33.IIalh mann.............
Bottte-filmig pparatus-------------- roi.....................C Grgr--_..._Bottle-fillin Notirotlis--------------------------.C. A. Gregoty...............
Bottle-filling aptparatus--------------------------_C. A. Gregory--------------..
Bottle-filling apparatus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -J. Matthews, jr... _.........
Lottie-filing ipparatus-------------------.....-----J. Matthews, jr _...__._......
Bottle-tilling apparatus--------------i.Mthw......................Mthw.-.._--__
Lottie-filmn appat-atus------------------------... _ H. W. Putnam... __...._......
Bottle-filling apparattis--------------------------.P. M. Sherwood.......... _..Bottle-filling apparatus -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -T. Simmons and D. It. Lowe-.
Bottle-filling machine------------------------..-.....- J. Alcorn...___.. ___.........
Bottle-iling machine_.-------------------------. F.1avidson.............
Bottle fillimng machine---------------------------C. A. Gregory....._........
Bottle-filmin machine-----------------_------HW. M. Tate.- -.---...
Bottle, Filtering amnd pouring--------------------- _....V. M. Griswold.............
Bottle for aerated liquids.------------.J.1.Lmd...................J.)Lyd_-..__--_
Bottle tot aerated liqnids-------------.Wre......................T akr_____..-.
Bottle for comntainimmg mercury--------------------- I. G. Johnson...............--
Bottle for gaseous liquids------------------------.....J. F. Kiubly aimd C. F. Crailsheimn.
Bottle for holding hydrofluoric acid---------------...D. IP. Webster...._... _......
Bottle for imnfants and invalids, Cap for feeding. - - J. Thompson and J. G. Ingram.
Bottle for oil._______-- - - - - - --_________C. XX. Cahoon...............
Bottle for tooth-powder, Toilet-------------------..H. A. Spaldiug. -.-......
Bottle, Glass-----------------------------------...........J. Bin-den and J. L. Trimble..
Bottle, Gloss - - - - - - J.M n...........................JMcan----.----
Bottle, Graduated-------------------------------.......G. XV. Stoeckel...............
Bottle-handle---------------------G.Ieln.......................GIrln -_-.____..._
Bottle-holder.-------------------------------- - W. 0. Pond..................
Btl-holder and ice-box, Combined...._._-. -. __S. P. Briggs.-.........
Bottle holder, Caster.- - - --________- - -___A. F. Young......__
Bottle holder, Caster--------------------------....A. F. Young................--
Bottle holdinganod transporting box- -- -- - ---- -- --J. Matthews, jr............_
Bottle holdingand transporting box-------------- __ _J. Matthews. --... -_-----._
Bottle-lock.---.---............................----J. Dugan......-.........
Bottle-lock ----------B------ -------. Lehmian.................Bottle lock--------------.------------------------X V. A. Liidden..............--
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bottle-making tool...............................
Bottle, M edicine..................................
Bottle, Medicine......--------------------------
Bottle mold, Glass.................................
Bottle mold, Glass-------------------------.................................
Bottle mold, Glass--------------------................................
Bottle mold, Glass.....-------------------------
Bottle, Nursing...................
Bottle, Nursing..............................
Bottle, Nursing.........................
Bottle, Nursing...............................
Bottle, Nursing...................................
Bottle, Nursing............................
Bottle, Nursing...............................
Bottle, Nursing...........................
Bottle, Nursing................................
Bottle, Nursing................................
Bottle, Nursing...................................
Bottle, Nursing.................................
Bottle-ope, Nursing..........................
Bottle-opener ----------------------------
Bottle-opening instrument........................
BEottle or caster, Salt..............................
Bottle-packing ease...............................
Bottle, Pepper....................................
Bottle, Pepper caster......................
Bottle, Screw-neck.............................
Bottle, Show...................................
Bottle, Siphon...................................
Bottle, Siphon...................................
Bottle, Siphon...................................
Bottle, Siphon...................................
Bottle, Siphon...................................
Bottle, Siphon..................................
Bottle, Spice....-----------------------------
Bottle stand, Wire........................
Bottle-stopper..- -.._
Bottle stopper---------------------------....................................
Bottle stopper...............................
Bo*tle stopper...................................
B ttle stopper....................................
Bottle stopper.....................................
Bottle stopper-----------------------------.....................................
Bottle stopper.....................................
Bottle stopper....................................----------------------------
Bo t.le stopper----------------------------.....................................
Bott le-stopper--------------..............---....-..................---------------
Bot le-stopper.....................................
Bottle-stopper.. _.................
Bo. tie-stopper....................................
J. Wilson.....................
W. H. Flinn....................
V. H. Flinn...................
J. L. Mason...................- -----
L. Thomas....................
J. J. Christie..................
J. J. Christie-------------..................
C. D. Fox.....................
S. S. Shinn................
M. S. Burr...................
WV. Hobson..................
A. M. Knapp.................
F. J. La Forme..............
H. W. Libbey................
E. J. Mallet,jr., and W. S.Ward
J. L. Mason---------------................... -
T. J. Mayall.................
P. J. McElroy................
WV. B. Potter.................
E. Pratt...........
G. R. White..------------.................
S. Zeno.......................
C. R. Trimble................
J. Woola.ver......................
G. B. Richardson.............
11 T. Penick.................
R. Carpenter..................
J. W. Gay.....-------
E. Wattis, sr.............
O. Fitzgerald.................
W. Burrow..................
J. Rone...................
S. H. Gilman................
J. L. Mason................
H. Whitney... ----.....
J. B. Alexander..............
C. J. Converse.................
G. W. Doty.........
C. Glover---------------....................J. E. Milliman.........
T. Pimer................
J. L. Likins............
G. D. Dudley............
A. Albert son................
A. Albertson..................
J. B. Alexander...............
N. Ames............
A. Barbarin............
J. B. Basaloux.................
C. F. Baxter.............
J. Beard and M. Fairbanks....
R. F. Bocemsdes..........
H. S. Carley.................
H. S. Carley.............
H. S. Carley..-----------.......
S. and S. C. Cary.............
F. Catlin..................
R. S. Connelly.................
C. J. Converse................
J. T. Cree.................
M. C. Cronk..................
M. C. Cronk...................
D. M. Cumins -................
A. De Mestre................
L. Dovell....................
W. Ely.......................
J. Ewing......................
H. B. Fox.............
H. B. Fox and J. T. Hall......
H. Frank-----------------.....................W. II. Gibbs...............
W. H. Gibbs.......................
W. H. Gibbs.................
C. Glover---------------.....................C. Goldthwait......-.........
J. H. Gould..................
W. Graff......................
W. H. Hall...............
J. T. Haviland............
P. R. Higley-------------.................
P. R. Higley......-.......
T. Kendall....................
E. and D. Kinsey..........
J. K lee................
W. Kloenne..............
F. Kutscher..............
F. Kutscher.................
G. W. Ladd and F. V. Copcutt.
H. S. Lesher.................
T. Lewis......
G. C. Lowe..............
J. D. Lynde...................
New York, N. Y.......
Nashua, N. H............
Nashua, N. H.......
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa...-..
Baltimore, Md..........
Camden, N. J -......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Lancaster, N. Y......_
Boston, Mass-.........
Sandwich, Mass-. -...Racine, Wis...........
Boston, Mass...........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
Boston, Mass...........
East Cambridge, Mass....
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
Suisun, Cal.............
Boston, Mass...........
Saint Joseph, Mo.......
Roxbury, Mass...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
PhilaceIphia, Pa........
Dexter, Me............
Great Malvern, Great
Saint John's, Canada......
New Orleans, La........
New York, N. Y..........
East Cambridge, Mass....
Washington, D. C......
Boston, Mass..............
Ravenna, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J.......
New London, Conn.......
Vallejo, Cal..........
Lowell, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
Saugus Centre, Mass......
New Orleans, La..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass........
Wallingford, Conn......
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Cambridgeport, Mass...
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Johnsonville, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass..............---
Worcester, Mass......
Auburn, N. Y...........
Auburn, N. Y...........
Newburyport, Mass.......
Bordeaux, x rance.......
Newark, N. J -.. ---...
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
Oxton, England.........
Oxton and Liverpool, England.
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y....._
South WVeymouth, Mass..-.
Newburyport, Mass...-...
Philadelphia, Pa..._.-.
New York, N. Y... -...
San Francisco, Cal...-..
Oshawa, Canada... -..
Oshawa, Canada )..
Jeffersonvil'e, N. Y.. - - -.
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y.....
San Francisco, Cal.....
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Dayton, Ohio....
New York, N. Y....
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Con.........
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y....
Malden, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Date. No.
June 14, 1870 104, 390
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 744
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 745
Nov. 23, 1858 22, 129
June 23, 1868 79, 162
Dec. 17, 1q67 72, 368
Nov. 12, 1872 132, 897
Apr. 29, 1873 138, 323
Nov. 16, 1858 22, 091
Aug. 27, 1867 68, 285
June 17, 1873 139, 958
Feb. 9, 1869 86, 762
Nov. 29, 1859 26, 327
June 16, 1868 78, 881
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 289
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 417
July 1, 1873 140, 518
June 16, 1868 78, 987
Jan. 11, 1859 22,579
Aug. 9, 1845 4, 138
Apr. 22, 1873 138,219
Apr. 19, 1864 42, 427
Oct. 10,1871 119, 802
Nov. 7, 1865 50, 868
Dec. 3,1867 71,643
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 173
Aug. 4, 1863 39, 377
Jan. 26,1864 41,372
Feb. 25, 1868 74, 869
Oct. 28, 1873 144, 082
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 208
Oct. 29, 1872 132, 603
Oct. 21, 1873 143, 753
Nov. 30, 1858 22, 186
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 105
May 18, 1869 90,215
Apr. 6, 1869 88, 610
May 16, 1865 47, 705
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 028
July 23, 1872 129, 852
Jan. 2, 1872 122, 403
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 836
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 284
Aug. 26, 1862 36, 266
Nov. 1, 1864 44, 912
July 7, 1868 79, 536
Jan. 21,1862 34, 227
July 24, 1866 56, 516
Dec. 17, 1872 133, 915
July 14, 1863 39, 208
July 17, 1866 56, 349
July 2, 1867 66, 290
May 21, 1867 64, 838
Sept. 3, 1867 68, 484
Sept. 3, 1887 68, 485
Apr. 21, 1868 76,994
Apr. 17, 1866 53, 948
Jan. 30, 1866 52, 269
Dec. 22, 1868 85,214
Aug. 23, 18 70 106, 557
July 6, 1858 20, 778
Mar. 19, 1861 31, 703
Jan. 28, 1873 135, 267
Feb. 18, 1873 136, 045
Apr. 18,1871 113, 751
May 3, 1870 102, 669
July 6, 1858 20, 843
June 5, 1866 55, 438
Nov. 19, 1867 70, 986
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 208
July 13, 1869 92, 601
Aug. 3, 1869 93, 296
July 26, 1870 105, 797
June 27, 1871 116, 433
Sept. 19, 1865 49, 996
July 30, 1867 67, 292
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 485
Sept. 13, 1864 44,184
Jan. 5, 1869 85, 588
Nov. 8, 1864 45, 005
Feb. 20, 1872 123, 898
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 212
Feb. 26, 1867 6-2, 333
Jan. 4, 1853 9, 527
Nov. 7, 1854 11,895
Nov. 16, 1852 9, 407
Sept. 15, 1868 82, 230
June 20, 1865 48, 341
Juno 15, 1869 91, 349
Feb. 25, 1873 136, 326
May 3, 1870 10. 685
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 777
Dec. 21, 1358 22, 370
Nov. 14,1871 120, 821
Mar. 25, 1862 34, 759
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bottle-stopper...... and coupling......................
Blottle-stopper- and coupling...... _....... _..._
Bottle-stopper and medicine-gage................
Bottle-stopper device......................
Bottle-stopper hfastener.......................
Bottle-stopper fastening....................
Bottle-stopper fastening...................
Bottle-stopper fastening.......................
Bottle-stopper ihfastening..
Bottle-stopper fastening, Machine for forming wire
Bottle stopper, Glass....................
Bottle stopper, Ink............................
Bottle stopper or cap..............................
Bottle-stopper, Self-acting.........................
Bottle stopper, Smelling...........................---------------------
Bottle-stopper, Undetachable swinging....-......
Bottle-stopper, Valvular..................
Bottle stopper, Volatile salts..................
Bottle-stoppers, caster-wheels, syringe-pistons, &c.,
Manufacture of.
Bottle-stoppers, Device for cutting wire or cord from
Bottle, &c., stoppers, Device for securing.........
Bottle-stoppers, Machine for bending wire-fastening for.
Bottle, Tooth-powder......................
Bottle-uncorking device..........................
Bottle-washing apparatus..................
Bottle-washing machine...-------------------
Bottle-washing machine....-.----------
Bottle-washing machine...........................
Bottle-washing machine....................
Bottle-washing machine...........................----------
Bottle-washing machine.........................................
Bottle-washing machine..............................
Bottles, &c., air-tight, Closing..................
Bottles and jars, Revolving plug for manuhfcturing
Bottles and jars, Tool for forming lugs in the
mouths of.
Bottles and other vessels, Device for closing.......
Bottles and other vessels, Machine for cutting cork
stoppers for.
Bottles and pipes, Device for closing..............
Bottles and similar articles, Forming screw-threads,
&c., in the necks of glass.
Bottles, Apparatus or changing siphon..........
Bottles, Apparatus for cutting the strings that
secure corks in.
Bottles, Apparatus for filling siphon.............
Bottles, Apparatus for inserting stoppers in.......
17 u
P. E. Malmstrim and P. E.
J. Mathews, jr................
T. J. Mayall...................-----
F. M iller.....................
T. W. Mirick-------------..................
W. Morgenstern -....-........
W. Morgenstern..............
E. M orris, jr...................
E. D. Moyer. - -................
J. Mulchahey...............
L. B. Myers................
J. Nathan....................
R. T. Osgood..................
J. T.rkOsgood--------------
J, Park.......................
J. H. Parkhurst...............
R. G. Pike....................
T. Pimer....................
IH. C. Pratt...................
J. A. Preston.................
J. A. Preston..............
H. F. Reiner.................
L. Rhoades....................
D. T. Robinson............
R. Robinson................
G. W. Rogers................
A. Scharlett..--------------
F. Schlich....................
F. Schlich....................
W. A. Shaw...............
N. Thompson...---..............
N. Thompson...---..............
S. H. Simmons................
W. Vom Hofe...........
T. B. Way.....................
T. A. Weber...............
E. R. Wilbur... -..........
J. B. Williams................--
G. R. Willmot...-..............
W. and D. Wilson-...-....---
I. A. and G. E. Woodbury.....
J. Woolaver.....--------------
W. Wright....................
I. Zamhoni...................
W. 1). Brown....................
S. H. Timmons -----................
J. Hanley.................
D. T. Robinson................
T. A. Ashburner..............
H. T. Dewey.................
H. W. Putnam.............
Rit. S. Stubbs..... --..........
H. W. Putnam.........
S. A. Whitney........
M. Ames.-- --------------
J. Quinn and G. W. Putnam-.. -
D. A. Draper....-------------
E. F. Marble and R. W. Glidden
A. H. Forbes.............
C. Patterson................
A. Hebbard.................
R. B. Hugunin..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass..............
Newark, N. J.............
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........Springfield, Mass.........
Elmore, Ohio..............
Washington, D. C..... _.
Orland, Me................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Saint Louis, Mo-...........
Middletown, Conn.......
New London, Conn.......
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass............
Blairsville, Pa --.-..--........
Providence, R. I..........
Boston, Mass..............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y.-.........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass............
London. England.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
La Fayette, Ind..........
New York, N. Y.........
Bennington, Vt..........
New York, N. Y.........New York, N. Y.........New York, N. Y.........
Minden, Conn.............
New York, N. Y.........
East Cambridge, Mass....
Suisun, Cal.............
Phoenicia, N. Y...........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
La Fayette, Ind..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Dover, N. H..............
Bennington, Vt..........
Glassborough, N. Y.......
New Ipswich, N. H -.--
Boston, Mass..............
East Cambridge, Mass...
Attleborough, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..._.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Feb. 20, 1872
Aug. 13, 1867
July 1,1873
Aug. 21, 1866
July 3, 1866
Oct. 18,1870
Sept. 3, 1872
Feb. 20, 1866
June 20, 1865
Sept. 18, 1866
Apr. 3, 1866
May 28, 1867
Aug. 1,1865
June 27, 1871
Dec. 10, 1872
Apr. 24,1866
June 12,1866
June 28, 1870
Jan. 25, 1861
Aug. 5,1862
Feb. 18,1873
Aug. 19, 1873
Dec. 11, 1866
Apr. 16, 1867
Aug. 21,1866
Feb. 20, 1866
Sept. 5,1865
Feb. 28, 1871
Dec. 17, 1861
Dec. 4, 1866
June 28, 1870
Sept. 18, 1866
Nov. 5, 1867
Nov. 7, 1865
July 2, 1867
Apr. 25, 1865
Feb. 9, 1858
Aug. 29, 1865
Apr. 26,1870
Sept. 19, 1865
Nov. 7,1865
Nov. 14, 1871
Mar. 3, 1868
June 11, 1867
Nov. 20, 1866
Jan. 9, 1855
Mar. 20, 1866
Mar. 13, 185
Jan. 9, 1872
Mar. 15, 1859
Dec. 31, 1867
May 30, 1871
Jan. 1, 1861
Mar. 27, 1866
Feb. 2, 1869
Oct. 13, 1863
Apr. 15, 1873
Apr. 10, 1849
Dec. 30, 1873
Jan. 7, 1873
Mar. 6, 1866
123, 920
67, 781
140, 517
57, 356
56, 079
108, 506
131, 111
52, 791
48, 300
58, 174
53, 655
65, 259
116, 347
133, 883
54, 201
55, 589
104, 766
32, 6(47
36, 126
136, 095
141, 950
60, 424
63, 942
57, 382
52, 755
49, 793
112, 185
33, 964
60, 283
104, 794
58, 153
70, 654
50, 864
66, 270
47, 4183
19, 323
49, 671
102, 349
50, 063
50, 867
120, 923
75, 233
65, 537
59, 875
12, 202
53, 3:142
12, 501
122, 519
23, 263
72, 761
115, 354
31, 046
53, 390
86, 446
40, 251
137, 938
6, 297
146, 018
134, 600
53, 00 -107, 125
73, 043
115, 102
71, 142
61, 624
70, 973
136, 423
138, 046
18, 086
118, 917
49, 538
92, 112
130, 552
20, 113
139, 308
121, 718
11, 513
23, 640
23, 623
137, 941
35, 351
92, 782
13, 402
J. A. Traut................... New Britain, Conr........ Sept. 6, 1870
W. H. Richards...........- Auburndale, Mass........ Jan. 7, 1868
H. W. Putnam---......Bennington, Vt -.---...-. May 23, 1871
J. B. Da Camara, jr............
A. Manuel....................
H. B.Maveison--------------
H. B. Davison.................
W. Dick..............--..
F. Schlick and A. Feyhl-...
H. N. Degraw...--------------
C. Euler -.................
J. Matthews, jr................
A. H. Rauch ---..............
N. H. Sirrelle..............
C. L. Werk and N. Verdin.....
W. B. White and J. A. Whiteford.
A. E. Francis...............
W. A. Hinman..............
R. Arthur..................
J. F. Bodine..................
A. Stone..........
J. Mathews.........
J. Power and A. J. Bailey.....
D. L. and R. Bollerman.......
A. Stone......................
Newark, N. J.............
Reims. France............
San Francisco, Cal._......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Watervliet, N. Y.....
Evansville, Ind...........
New York, N. Y..........
Bethlehem, Pa............
Baltimore, Md............
CincinnatiOhio, and Yorkville, Ind.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
Ravenna, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y.........
Washington, D. C.........
Williamstown, N. J.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston and Charlestown,
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, P-.......
Nov. 19, 1867
Jan. 29, 1867
Nov 19, 1867
Mar. 4,1873
Apr. 22, 1873
Sept. 1,1857
Sept. 12, 1871
Aug. 22, 1865
June 6,1854
June 29, 1869
Aug. 13, 1872
Apr. 27, 1959
May 27,1873
Dec. 12, 1871
Aug. 15, 1854
Apr. 12, 1859
Apr. 12, 1859
Apr. 15,1873
May 20, 1862
July 20, 1869
Aug. 7,1855
W. P. Clark -.....---.... Medford, Mass...........
G. Blanchard...---..-....... New York, N. Y.........
W. Gee..................... New York, N. Y..........
A. Stone..................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
July 16,1872 129, 002
June 10, 1856 15, 098
Jan. 21,1868 73,594
June 18,1861 32, 590
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bottles, Attaching cork-retaining bails to.........
Bottles, Attaching stoppers to---------------.................... -
Bottles, cans, &c., Device for sealing..........
Bottles, Case for indelible-ink...........
Bottles, Cleansing....-------------------------
Bottles, Closing... --------------------------
Bottles, Closing.....--------------------------
Bottles, Closing..................................
Bottles, Closing....................................
Bottles, Closing...........................
Bottles, &c., Closing...............................
Bottles, Closing or stopping.................
Bottles, Construction of glass...................
Bottles, Construction of nursing................
Bottles, Cork-receptacle for..................
Bottles, Device for packing..................
Bottles, Device for securing corks in.........
Bottles, Device for stopping.................
Bottles, &c., Device for stopping...................
Bottles, Drip-cup for..............................
Bottles, Ejecting-apparatus for...................
Bottles, Fastening metallic collars to.............
Bottles, &c., for transportation, Packing.......
Bottles, Frame for making straw envelopes for....
Bottles, Frame for securing liquor and other......
Bottles, Hermetically sealing.................
Bottles, Implement for grooving the mouths of
Bottles, Instrument for opening....
Bottles, Instrument for removing effervescing fluids from.
Bottles, Instrument for removing twine and wire
Bottles, Instrument for removing wire from.....
Bottles, jars, &c., Fastening for covers or stoppers
Bottles, jars, &c., Metallic cap for..................
Bottles, jars, &c., Mode of closing the mouths of -...- -
Bottles, Locking-cap for...........................
Bottles, Locking-cap for...................
Bottles, Machine for coloring capsules for.........
Bottles, Manufacture of cruet.....................
Bottles, Manufacture of stopples for............... -
Bottles, Means of holding glass....................
Bottles, Metallic capsule for.....................
Pottles, Method of drawing fluids from.............
Bottles, Nipple for nursing............
Bottles of clay, Apparatus for making..........
Bottles of clay, Making....................
Bottles or other vessels made from plastic substances, Tool for forming groove around the orilice of.
Bottles, steam-pipes, &c., Covering for.............
Btles, Stopping.-----.....- ------ --
Bottles, Stopping..................
Bottles, Stopping..................................
Bottles, Stopping mineral-water..................
Bottles, Tool for forming lips on necks of.........
Bottles, &c., Tool for forming mouths of.......
Bottles, Tool for forming necks andorifices of glass
Bottles, Tool for forming necks of-----.. -------.
Bottles, Tool for forming screw-threads in the
necks of glass.
Bottles, Tool for holding glass..............
Bottles, Tool for holding glass....................
Bottles, Valve-gage for-.............
Bottles, Washing, filling, and corking.........
Bottling-apparatus ------------------------
Bottling fluids under gaseous pressure, Method of.
Bottling gas-charged liquids, Machine for....-..
Bottling liquids ---------------------------
Bottling liquids, Apparatus for -------- ---------
Bottling liquids under pressure.............
Bottling-m achine................................
Bottling-macie----e. --------------------- -----
Bottling-machine for liquids-----------------.......................
Bottling-machines, Siruping-device for............
Bottling mineral-water, Method of............
Bottling soda, &c., Sirup-gage for.............
Bottling still liquids...----------......
Bougie for stricture....---------......
B ow -drill stock-.............................
Bow-drill stock, Stringing...................
Bow for archery..--------------------.
Bow l, W ater-.........................
Bowl, Water. ------------------------
Inventor. Residence.
L. B. Flanders.................Philadelphia, Pa.........
J. J. Eshleman......----..-.. Philadelphia, Pa..........
M. B. Espy.....----------------Philadelphia, Pa.........
E. Daniels --.. - --... - -..-_ Northampton, M ass.......
M. C. Cronk.................. Auburn, N. Y.............
T. S. Bowman--------------................. Saint Louis, Mo...........
E. Hamilton................ Chicago, Ill..............
J. Matthews, jr--..-----------New York, N. Y..........
N. Prescott--..--------------Dorchester, Mass.........
R. Robinson-------------................. New York, N. Y..........
N. Thompson-------... ------- Saint John's Wood, England.
E. Hamilton-------------.................. Chicago, Ill..............
F. N. Bullard................ Worcester, Mass -......
E. Dul)uy......----------------- New York, N. Y-.......
A. Honrath.................. New York, N. Y..........
G. C. Furber................. Yreka, Cal-----......-..........
S. L. Gouverneur.............. Frederick City, Md.......
A. Andre.....................Chicago, Ill........
N. Thompson................ Saint John's Wood, England.
W. R. Miller---------------.................. Baltimore, Md...........
W. S. Ward................... New York, N. Y..........
E. Wattis, jr................. Philadelphia, Pa........
T. M. Perot................... Philadelphia. Pa.........
W. F. Tillinghast......l.. iBurlington, N. J..........
F. J. Miller-................. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
M. B. Espy.................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
E. Bennett.................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
Date. No.
ne 17, 1873 139, 8r6
r. 5, 1867 62, 5:6
ly 14, 1857 17, 83
g. 7, 1860 29, 469
g. 7,1849 6, 6:;1
g. 27, 1867 68, 162
n. 5, 1864 41, C67
ly 18,1865 48, 82
pt. 3, 1867 68, 456
ir. 14,1865 46, 814
t. 13, 1863 40, 293
)r. 5, 1864 42, 188
t. 30, 1866 59, 333
t. 7, 1844 3, 780
ly 30,1867 67, 303
Ig. 9, 1870 106,149
b. 7,1871 111, 657
ay 5, 1863 38, 367
t. 13, 1863 40, 292
c. 24, 1872 134, 302
n. 14, 1873 134,953
n. 21, 1868 73, 680
pt. 15, 1863 39, 950
ar. 4, 1873 136, 394
ar. 27, 1866 53, 540
pt. 30, 1856 15, 802
ly 3, 1866 55, 988
ne 27, 1865 48, 422
ug. 14, 1866 57, 256
me 21, 1870 104, 453
t. 16, 1866 58, 820
n. 19, 1869 86, 082
ne 8,1858 20, 520
pt. 24,1867 69, 143
ay 18, 1869 90, -221
pt. 27, 1870 107, 778
pr. 23,1872 125,912
ly 10, 1866 56, 263
ne 11, 1867 65, 533
ay 22, 1866 54, 891
ov. 19, 1867 71, 124
ay 27, 1856 14, 982
ay 28, 1872 127, 357
ine 9, 1868 78, 616
ly 31, 1847 5, 206
pt. 23, 1856 15, 788
J. Matthews, jr...............
W. W. Meglone...............
J. T. Haviland...............
New York, N. Y.......... Ju
Nashville, Ten........... Au
San Francisco, Cal....... Ju
J. S. Hazard................. Newport, R. I............ Oc
F. Klee...................... Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Ja
W. J. Stevenson......-.....
N. Thompson.............
J. S. Hough..................-------------
H. Stiassny..--------------
W. Pountney.................
L. Bishop..................
J. Wood...................
W. Betts...................
I. W. Fox..................
H. D. Lockwood..............
E. H. and HI. E. Merrill........
E. H. and C. J. Merrill........
A. Stone...-................
J.B Crane....................
A. Albertson.................
A. Albertson.................
A. Wiegand....-............
A. Quantin.............
T. Barrett.................------------
H. Frank- --................
R. MacLardy.................
L. F. Smith...................
G. M. Keefer.................
E. McArdle.-..................
T. B. Hewitt.................
A. Quantin.................
S. A. Bille....................
J. Buser....................
H. B. Goodyear.............
A. S. Taylor..............
A. Quantin. -................
E. D. Taylor...-------------..
J. Klee.....................
J. Matthews, jr..............
J. Matthews, jr..........
J. Armstrong and S. Marks... - -
H. Carse...................
J. Matthews, jr...............
J. Matthews,jr..............
J. V. Mathivet............
W. Tollast -..................
C. H. Thomas.................
J. Schrink...................
J. Beard and M. Fairbanks.-...
R. J. Ilodd...................
E. Dithridge...............
A. D. Frye, jr.............
A. F. Ransom................
J. C. Reed -......-...........
E. Wilder.-.................
IID. F. Hartford................
D. F. Hartford................
E. S Morton...............
B. Brower....................
S. Hawson and T. Sweeney....
New York, N. Y..........
Saint John's v ood, England.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Paris, France..............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Wharf Road, Eugland...
Durhamnville, N. Y.......
Charlestown, Mass........
Akron, Ohio..............
Akron, Ohio.............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Dalton, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, I'a.........
Charlestown, Mass.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.. -.......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Stonington, Conm.......
East Birmingham, Pa.....
Cambridge, Mass......
Williamstown, N. J.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..-.......
New York, N. Y....---....
New Haven. Conn........
San Francisco, Cal........
Philadelphia, P,.........
Hornellsville, N. Y... -..:
Dayton, Ohio............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y...........
San Francisco, Cal........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa -........
Toledo, Ohio.............
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y.......
Glen's Falls, N. Y........
Boston, Mass............
Springfield, Mass.........
Boston, Mass.-....-.........Boston, Mass.............
Plymon h, Mass -...........
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J., and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Feb. 26, 1867
Oct. 11, 1864
Nov. 15, 1864
Sept. 29, 1863
July 25, 1854
July 27, 1869
Aug. 6, 1872
Feb. 28, 1860
Dee. 9, 1862
Apr. 16, 1872
May 8, 1866
Dec. 30,1873
Oct. 25, 1853
Nov. 8, 1828
Feb. 11, 1862
Mar. 7, 1865
Nov. 12, 1872
Mar. 4, 1856
Aug. 15, 1871
July 29, 1873
Mar. 6, 1866
Jan. 5, 1864
Nov. 12, 1s72
Dec. 8, 1868
Feb. 2, 1864
Jan. 29, 1867
Aug. 15, 1871
Apr. 23,1872
June 18, 1867
June 28, 13864
Dec. 6, 1864
Oct. 6, 1843
Mar. 2), 1866
May 28, 1867
June 3, 1873
Aug. 29, 1871
July 16, 1872
Aug. 27,1867
Dec. 24, 186(i7
May 14, 1872
Aug. 5, 1873
May 7, 1872
44, 684
45, 112
11, 385
93, 039
130, 207
27, 33.3
37, 142
125, 739
54, 572
145, 945
10, 158.....
34, 347
46, 658
133, 068
14, 368
118, 069
141, 360
53, 019
41, 082
133, 003
84, 795
41, 440
61, 627
116, 036
126, 103
65, 842
43, 344
45, 373
3, 297
53, 279
65, 204
139, 477
118, 486
129, 444
68, 071
72, 632
126, 734
141, 421
126, 457
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B ow ls, & c., D etachable nose for.............
Bowls, Machine for making wooden................
Bowls, Machinery for turning....................
Bowls, Method of making footed glass.........
Bowling-alley pin, Substitute for..................
See Adjustable box.
Anti-fliction box.
Bacon and ham box.
Candle-mold box.
Car-spring box.
Carriage-wheel box.
Cartridge box.
Chalk-line box.
Cigar-fuse box.
Conductor's change-box.
Cylindrical box.
Fire-alarm box.
Metallic box.
Moth-proof box.
Musical box.
Oil and paint box.
Oil-stone box.
Paper box.
Pasteboard box.
Photographic-camera box.
Photographic-paper box.
Porter'a box.
Post-office box.
G. Raymond....--------------
R. Simonds and G. N. Goodspeed.
P. Hutchins, jr..............
E. G. Cate................
A. T. Peirce. -..............
J. M. Currier.................
Residence. Date:
Fitchburgb, Mass.-....... May 12, 1868
Ludlow, V t., and Winchen- July 31, 1860
den, Mass.
Worthington, Mass....... Sept. 25, 1847
Wheeling, W. Va.....-... Oct 28, 1873
Fair Haven, Conn......... July 13, 1869
Newburyport, Mass....... Nov. 12,186i
77, 914
29, 411
5, 3C6
144, 061
92, 467
33, 695
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See Powder-box.
Preserving and packing box.
Round box.
Safe-deposit box.
Sample box.
Seidlitz-powder box.
Sheep-tagging box.
Sheet-metal box.
Sheet-metal-can box.
Shingle-gaging box.
Shovel-drop box.
Shuttle-drop box.
Silver-ware box.
Spindle-step box.
Stop-cock box.
Stove-blacking box.
Telegraph-signal box.
Tin box.
Tobacco-cutting box.
Toy money-box.
Wagon and sleigh box.
Water-closet box.
Wooden box.
Box.......------------------------------------........................................Box------------------- ---------------
Box ---..----------.-.............
Box and bottle cap...........................
Box and hub and hanging coach-body............
Box, axle, journal, &c......................
Box for case-hardening............................
Box-former------------------------------........................................Box for transporting small fruit and berries.......
Box-heads, &c., Removable.........................
Box joints, Machine for making................
Box lifter.........................................
Box-making machine..............................
Box-making machine..............................
Box-making machine..............................
Box-making machine.............................
Box-making machine..............................
Box-making machine......
Box-making machinery...................
Box-nailing machine..............................
Box-nailing machine..............................
J. Cohn....................
R.B. Davis...................
R. B. Davis--------------...................
W. B. Guernsey...-....-..H. R. Heyl..............
H. R. Heyl...................
J. S. Lash...................
J. J. Leighton..............
H. Manneck..................
J. Nelson....................
E. C. Patterson...............
W. M. Pierce.............
I. S. Shepardson..........
C. J. Siercks....-..........._
J. W. Wilcox...............
W. L. Troxell.................
D. Watson...................
D. Cumming.............
J. M orris......................
J. J. Greenough...............
J. Greene..................
G. W. Swan..................
E. Secor......................
S. Macferren...............
C. Bruso.................
J. Stimpson..................
B. H. Smith.................
E. G. Alden...................
A. Davis.....................
T. Kingsford.............
G. P. Roberts........
B. E. Dexter.................
S. L. Hill......................
E. James......
T. C. Luther.......
G. W. Swan..................
H. Thayer........
W. M. Davis.............
C. Bauer and W. C. Munder...
E. Beard......................
121, 156
125, 028
126, 272
132, 074
132, 075
145, 663
84, 200
106, 393
137, 385
128, 170
122, 919
106, 221
83, 812
130, 086.....
40, 477
143, 103
60, 796
84, 366
102, 087
26, 060
139, 029
113, 238
10, 788
131, 009
37, 8-27
134, 039
40, 480
84, 422
44, 690
142, 297
43, 239
6, 038
44, 929
128, 698
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 21,1871
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26, 1872
New York, N. Y....... Apr. 30, 1872
New York, N. Y......... June 23, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 8, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 8, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 16, 1873
Boston, Mass............ Nov. 17, 181'8
New York, N.Y-.....-..- Jan. 31, 1871
Rockford, Ill...-. - -.. Aug. 16, 1870
Rochester, N. Y...... Apr. 1, 1873
Sandusky, Ohio.......... June 18, 1872
Shelburne Falls, Mass.... Jan. 23, 1872
Chicago, Ill.............. Aug. 9, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... ----- Nov. 3, 1868
Brooklyn, N. Y.----...-.. July 30, 1872
Fayette, Mass -.. --... May 29, 1832
Sorrel Horse, Pa......-.... Nov. 25,1856
New Haven, Conn....-.... Oct. 3,1812
Syracuse, N. Y........... Oct. 24, 1871
Providence, R. I.-..-.... Nov. 3, 1863
San Francisco, Cal........ Sept. 23, 1873
Lawrence, Mich...-...... Jan. 1, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.-..--..... Nov. 24,1868
Worcester, Mass....... Apr. 19,1870
Baldwinsville, Mass-....... Nov. 8, 1859
Ipswich, Mass........... May 20, 1873
Cambridge, Mass -....-.. Apr. 4, 1871
Washington, D. C...-...... Apr. 18, 1854
Oswego, N. Y............. - Sept. 3, 1872
Saint Louis, Mo........... Mar. 3, 1863
Gowanda, N. Y...-..-...... Dec. 17,1872
Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Nov. 3,1863
Tyngsborough, Mass...... Nov. 24, 1868
Lee, Mass................. Oct. 11, 1864
San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 26, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y----------June 21, 1864
Gardiner, Me-.---......... -- Jan. 16, 1849
Newark, N. J.............. Nov. 8, 1864
Ottaw,, Ill................ July 9, 1872
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Box-nailing machine.............................
Box opener........................................----------------------
Box-opening apparatus............................
Box-opening instrument..........................
Box-opening tool...............................
Box-opening tool........................
Box-opening tool.........................
Box-opening tool..........................
Box-stamping die, Wooden........................
Box-stuff; Machine for cutting..................
Box-trap for animals.............................
Box-trap for animals..........................
Box with anti-friction roller.......................
Boxes and axles, Packing.......-......
Boxes and cases, Method of making............
Boxes and packages, Implement for handling......
Boxes, cartridge-cases, &e., Manufacture of......
Boxes, cases, &c., End or head for................
Boxes, Casting..................................
Boxes, Device for joining...................
Boxes, &c., Eccentric fastening for..........
Boxes from paper-pulp, Manufacture of-.......
Boxes, Implement for straining band about........
Boxes, Making...........................
Boxes, Making...........................
Boxes, Manufacture of..-..........................
Boxes, Manufacture of......................
Boxes, Manufacture of.....................
Boxes, Manufacture of.....................
Boxes, Manufacture of......................
Boxes, Manufacturing......................
Boxes, &c, Material for making...............
Boxes, Method of bending wood for...............
Boxes, &c., Method of joining...................
Boxes, &c., Method of joining corners of..._.....
Boxes, Metallic corner-shield for..................
Boxes, Mode of fitting heads in...................
Boxes, packages, &c., Manufacture of...............
Boxes, picture-frames, &c., Material for the manufacture of.t
Boxes, Prop for holding up the lids of.............
Boxes, &c., Sealing...........................
See Ankle-brace.
Boring-bit brace.
Carriage-spring brace.
Carriage-top brace.
Gum-elastic brace.
Spinal brace.
Spring and body brace.
Trunk and piano-cover brace.
Vehicle-spring brace.
Wagon-spring brace.
Brace and lacing-device...........................
Brace and skirt-supporter combined...............
Brace and suspender combined....................
Brace, Attaching bit to...........................
Brace, Attaching bit to...........................
G. Wicke..................
A. Barbarin...............
R. Blake.................
R. H. Chinn, G. Hall, and J. J.
J. C. Gaston..................
W. Gould....................
H. H. Hall...................
J. W. Hankenson...........
T. B. Henkle............
A. Heusser............
M. J. Hinden................
L. Holtzscheiter.........
A. F. Jackson.................
M. D. Lawrence..........
S. Mills........................
N. Purdey...................
P. Stone.....................
G. C. Taft................
H. C. Van Gieson...........
C. P. S. Wardwell...........
J. Willard....................
C. M. O'Hara............
G. C. Taft..................
E. Hambujer..................
L. D. Howard...............
W. M. Keague..............
E. C. C. Kellogg...........
W. Weeks...............
C. W. Royse..................
B. B. and J. R. Hill...---------
J. Stroop and J. Esteale....
W. Edwards.............
W. H. Hovey..................
H. Thayer...................
C. Hoffmann.............
C. S. Wells.........
H. Thayer..........
W. Butler and E. B. Rice......
W. Duryea................
W. Youngblood...........
S.Wheeler and E. Jerome......
S. Marden..................
H. Thayer..................
J. C. Walker................
A. N. Allen..................
F. W. Fliedner................
W. T. Slocum................
C. Storer.....................
J. Trottier...............
J. Sperry....................
W. Painter................
S. Patterson................
J. Stimson................--
J. Bell...............
G. F. Sargent............
C. Williams..............
H. Everett...............
J. M. Merrick, jr.............
New York, N. Y.......
New Orleans, La.........
Scranton, Pa............
Washington, D. C., and
Morgantown, W. Va.
Cincininati, Ohio...-....
Minneapolis, Minn.-.... I
Tioga, Pa...........
Minneapolis, Minn.......
Knightstown, Ind.........
Ellington, Conn.......
Detroit, Mich....----------
Philadelphia, Pa-..........
Minneapolis, Minn......
Springfield, Mass.......
Jersey City, N. J..........
Providence, Pa.......-....
Charlestown, Mass-.......
Worcester, Mass-......
Paterson, N. J............
Lake Village, N. H........
Norwich, Conn.........
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass..........
New York, N. Y....
Saint Johnsbnry, Vt-...
Brooklyn, N. Y............ - -
Hartford, Conn...-----..---
Albany, N. Y........
Rindge,N. H.........
Worcester, Mass..........
Allegheny. Pa---------............
Baltimore, Md.....-...
Hartford, Conn...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass -........
Warsaw, N. Y............
Worcester, Mass...-....
New York, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Albany, N.Y............
Newton, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.-...........
Concord, NH...--..- -
Chicago, Ill _.........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Montreal, Canada......
Hennebon, France........
New York,N. Y.......... I
Baltimore, Md............ J
Berlin Heights, Ohio......
Baldwinsville, Mass-......
Harlem, Mass............ J
Manchester, N. H......... J
Fallsburgh, Va........ J
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Boston, Mass............ I
June 16, 1863
Oct. 13,1868
Apr. 20, 1869
Dec. 26, 1871
Feb. 27,1872
Feb. 27, 1872
Aug. 25, 1868
May 28, 1872
Jan. 24, 1871
May 24, 1870
Nov. 11, 1873
Oct. 27, 1868
July 16, 1872
Oct. 3, 1865
Apr. 22, 1873
Oct. 11, 1870
Feb. 4, 1868
Oct. 21, 1851
Oct. 19,1869
Apr. 29, 1856
Sept. 1, 1868
Aug. 3, 1869
Apr. 13, 1852
Nov. 7, 1865
Nov. 9, 1869
Mar. 15, 1864
May 23, 1865
Sept. 1, 1868
May 6, 1873
Feb. 14, 1865
Nov. 6, 1843
Sept. 11, 1817
Aug. 13, 1850
JuneI 21, 1864
Dec. 12, 1871
Oct. 18, 1870
Dec. 20, 1864
May 31, 1833
Sept. 11, 1860
Feb. 11, 187:3
Feb. 12, 1867
Oct. 15,1867
June 21, 1864
Aug. 26, 1843
Mar. 26, 1872
Jan. 31, 1865
May 30, 1865
Nov. 26, 1872
June 11, 1872
Nov. 3, 1863
Jan. 17, 1865
Sept. 26, 1871
Feb. 3, 1857
Fan. 25, 1853
June 17, 1873
Fuly 25, 1854
May 2, 1865
Dec. 15, 1868
38, 924
83, 022
89, 013
122, 106
124, 049
124, 129
81, 497
127, 342
103, 330
144, 454
83, 499
129, 412
50, 30.3
138, 177
108, 293
74, 167
8, 457
95, 957
14, 783
81, 855
93, 335
8, 878
50, 820
96, 700
41, 925
47, 899
81, 852
138, 584
46, 356
3, 326
7, 563
43, 240
121, 873
108, 542
45, 538
29, 957
135, 873
61, 969
69, 826
43, 241
3, 231
124. 997
46, 097
48, 031
133, 496
127, 811
40, 507
45, 950
119, 340
16, 557
9, 552
140, 080
11, 397
47, 532
85, 018
118, 588
53, 517
A. Davis and T. Parsons...... Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 29,1871
R. M. Bartlett................ Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Mar. 27, 1866
D. N. Baird...................
A. W. Streeter..........
S. J. Shaw and WV. E. C. Worcester.
R. A. N. A. Ward.............
E. L. Demorest and W. G. Cook
J. H. Nellis.................
L. J. Parsons................
Warrenville, Ohio......
Shelburne Falls, Mass....
Marlborough, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y........
Richmondville, N. Y......
New Haven, Conn.........
Aug. 26,1856 15, 632
Nov. 17, 1863 40, 652
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 955
Oct. 6, 1868 82,901
Mar. 9, 1869 87, 648
Feb. 12, 1867 62, 057
May 7, 1867 64, 444
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofoice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Brace, Bit--------------------.......................----------................
Brace-bit holder................................
Brace-bit holder............................_......
Brace-bit in socket, Mode of securing..............
Brace-bit, Mode of securing.......................
Brace-bit, Mode of securing..................
Brace-bit, Securing...............................
Brace-bit stock...................................
Brace-coupling, Adjustable-----------------........................
Brace, &c.. fastener................................
Brace or bit stock.................................
Brace-stock, Catch for holding the bit in...........
Braces or suspenders......................
Bracelet-----------.... -..
Bracelet, &c., Constructing.......................
Bracelet, Constructing flat chains for..............
Bracelet -fastening................................
Bracelet guard-chain..............................
Bracelet-joints, Manufacture of..............
Bracelet manufacture............................
Bracelet, Manufacture of enameled...............
Bracelet, Manufacture of plated metal.........
Bracelet, &c., Safety-clasp for................
Bracelet safety-latchet..........................
Bracelet stock or blank...........................
Bracelet, Voltaic.................................
Bracing for cylindrical structures..............
See Adjustable bracket.
Bird-cage bracket.
Eave-trough bracket.
Fence-bar bracket.
Flower-pot bracket.
Hanging bracket.
Hat and cap bracket.
Looking-glass bracket.
Metallic bracket.
Pointed bracket.
Pump-handle bracket.
Shingling and slating bracket.
Stair-rail bracket.
Stove-door bracket.
Wagon-tongue bracket.
Warp-creel bracket.
W. A. Ives..................
J. P. Gordon................
M. V. Nobles..................
E. W. Nichols.................
C. B. Rose....................
C. B. Rose..................
J. Mix..................
J. Comstock.................
C. M. Hall..................
G. Gibbs................
E. L. Parker..................
D. P. Foster...................
C. M.Daboll.........
M. Harris................
A. 0. Baker............
W. H. Ball and T. Barnard.... --
J. Barclay....................
J. Barclay....................
G. Burch......................
H. Carlisle,jr................
D. D. Codding................
T. L. Cornell...............
W. Edge...............
A. Forbes...... - ------..............
J. W. Grant and C. H. Cook.... --
S. W. Grant..................
C. M. Kinsel.................
H. Kipling...............
W. W. Knapp..............
M. H. Mason.................
J. H. Sprague..................
G. D. Stevens............
F. M. Sweet...................
J. Wilkinson............
H. A. Williams...............
J. Mansure.................
J. S. Palmer.................
J. Christle..................
J. Bissinger..................
S. Cottle.....................
Y.. S. Hamilton...............
F. Kursh.....................
B. Ranger...............
B. Ranger and J. B. Smiley...
G. H. Soule..............
G. H. Soule................
G. O. Yeiser...................
G. D. Stevens..............
J. B. Black...................
G. Sanford....................
A. Codding, jr................
J. Barclay..................
I. Hermann...................
G. H. Soule.............
G. S. Grant.................
I. B. Staples..................
T. Hall......................
G. H. Johnson...............
L. Benecke...................
New Haven, Conn........
West Garland, Me.......
Rochester, N. Y.......
Worcester, Mass........
Sunderland. Mass.-....
Sunderland, Mass.....
West Cheshire, Conn......
New London, Conn.......
Yates City, Ill..........
Canton. Ohio.........
Birmingham, England....
Shelburne Falls, Mass.....
New London, Conn........
New York, N. Y...........
Providence, R. I...........
Newark, N. J...........
Bergen, N. J.............
Bergen, N. J..........
Newark, N. J..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
North Attleborough, Mass.
Derby, Coun............
Newark, N. J............
Attleborough, Mass......
Providence, R. I.......
Providence, R. I........
Columbus, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y-... -..
Mansfield, Mass........
Attleborough, Mass.......
Providence, R. I......
New York, N. Y-... -..
Syracuse, N. Y...-..
West Mount Vernon, N. Y.
Mansfield, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Providence, R. I...........
Newark, N. J..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Providence, R. I........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Brattleborough, Vt.......
Brattleborough, Vt.......
Jersey City, N. J..........
Jersey City, N. J......
Lexington, Ky........
New York, N. Y........
Providence, R. I........
Providence, R.I........
North Attleborough, Mass.
Attleborough, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J........
Providence, R. I.......
Attleborough, Mass......
Boston, Mass............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
May 7, 1872
Jan. 16, 1866
Dec. 19, 1865
May 15, 1855
Oct. 25.1864
Oct. 25, 1864
June 17, 1862
Dec. 13, 1853
Apr. 8, 1873
Mar. 18, 1873
Jan. 3, 1871
June 28, 1864
May 16,1854
Nov. 7, 1871
Nov. 26, 1872
Sept. 13, 1870
Sept. 20, 1870
Apr. 9, 1872
June 8, 1869
Oct. 25, 1870
Mar. 8,1870
Jan. 14,1873
Nov. 19, 1872
Dec. 2, 1873
May 27, 1873
June 17, 1873
Apr. 7,1868
Apr. 2, 1861
Dec. 17, 1872
Apr. 9, 1872
Oct. 3, 1871
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 31, 1858
July 30, 1872
Sept. 23, 1873
May 23, 1854
Mar. 19, 1861
Jan. 5, 1864
Feb. 28, 1860
Dec. 23, 1873
Mar. 19, 1872
Jan. 7. 1873
Oct. 31,1871
Sept. 30, 1873
Aug. 4, 1868
July 16,1872
June 25, 1872
Jan. 31, 1871
May 27, 1873
Oct. 2, 1860
June 22, 1869
Aug. 24, 1869
Sept. 22, 1857
Apr. 9, 1872
Apr. 20,1869
Aug. 23,1870
Apr. 23, 1867
Mar. 9, 1869
126, 395
52, 042
51, 660
12, 868
44, 822
44, 823
35, 618
10, 307
137, 669
136, 830
110, 783
43, 302
10, 924
120, 583
133, 291
107, 325
107, 588
125, 516
91, 081
108, 683
100, 504
134, 735
145, 164
139, 311
139, 888
76, 470
31, 931
133, 943
125, 402
119, 540
123, 740
130, 096
143, 109
10, 973
31, 735
41, 175
27, 264
145, 788
124, 815
134, 681
120, 535
143, 382
80, 679
128, 983
128, 447
111, 489
139, 361
30, 250
91, 604
18, 245
125, 495
89, 037
106, 740
64, 098
87, 569
Brunswick, Mo.......... Apr. 29, 1873 138, 367
Index of patents issuled from thre United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Bracket ----------------------- -------------- --. J. E. Chesley...............Bracket ----------------------- --------------- - M. H. Matsinger............Bracket ----------------------------- ------------ G. W. Peirce................Bracket------------ ----------------------------- J. M. Whiting..............
Bracket and rack --------------------------------WV. A. Middleton.............
Bracket and towel-rack combined- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---G. W. Peir-ce.._.............Bracket-brace for stair-rails----------------------FE. Betts...................Bracket-clamp ___- ________----- --------- ---- -- -- -- -- ---G. WV. Spaulding and G. H.
Bracket-h-tnger................................. C. IE. l'liven. --....._-_
Bracket-seat --------- --------------------------- J. J. Wilson -----------------
Bracket-sheave ----------------------------------C. H1.Straffin---------
Bracket-shelf------------------------------------ I. H. Frost ----------
Bracket shelf and drawer-------------------------L. Gibbs...................--
Bracket, shelf, &c, Construction of --------------- N. G. Burleigh..............--
Bracket to glass, Means of attaching--------------- L. J. Lavater...............--
Brad and nail cutting machine- -- -- -- - --- -- -- - - - -J. Berry and 0. P. Rand..
Brad and sprig, Machine for cutting------- G. Jenkins.........
r (1-cutter, kevelving-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -A. B. Woods and E. Talbot, jrBrad-cuttin" rachine------------------- ---_....S. Boydeu, ii-..-......
Brad-cutting machine---------------------------XVW. J. Miller.._.._........
Brad-cuittiug macline---------------------------..H. Waterman. -.-_-._.._
Br-ni-setter._.-----------------------------------M. ID. Converse.....-_......
Bind-setter-------------- ------------------- ------ C. E. Smith.--.......
Bra-etrfor glaziers' use.. - - - -- -M. Kleernan.................
Br-ad, sprig, and nail machine, Cylindrical __-- -- -----. Turner..................
Brads, Finishing.------------------------------- H. Staitorr..................
Br-ads from ii ou plates, Cutting and manufacturing E. Gammonid............... - -- --
Bradis, Machine for- cnttirtg----------------------- J. Ellis.._...............
Brads, trails, and spikes, Cutting.- - - --..........S. Belknap................_
Br-aid ------------------------------------------- J. H. Sumithi and W. and A.
Braid and embroidery dlie, Machine for maing J. J. rind E. ID. Parker -..-__Braidl-lolder.__- ---------------__ _ _-- --- -- -- -- ---A. F. Jenrirrgs-............- -
B r ai d,Lapjping- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -W.11. Arnolni...............Braid-mniring -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -J. F le tc h er - - - ----------- - -
B ra id -m ak in g machine -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - --------. R eh f us s -..--....-....
B r ai d, Manutacture of--------------------------- _J. W. Bowers----------... _.---
Brarid, Mariufacture of-.------ ---------- A. H. Boyd.-----------------_
Braid-pressing machirrery, Trimrmed--------------....H. H. Robtins..... -........Braid sizing and polishing machine---------.S.Fne.................Fner ------
Br aid, trimming, &c., Manufacture ef imitation. - _ _ H. Loewenburg.............-- -- --
Braid, trimmng, &c., Process of making imitation- H. Loewenburg -.___-. _.
Braid-winding machine- -- -- -- -- -- - - - ---- -- -- -- - -W. and A. Shedlock....
Braiding-machine-------------------------------..... _ _J. A. Bazin.................
Braiding-miachine-------------------------------..J. ID. Butler......_..........
Br aiding-machine-------------------------------- J. ID. Butler.................
Braiding-machine-------------------------------..J. D. Butler.................
Braiding-machine-------------------------------.....H. WV. Cady, J. M. Carpenter,
and G. K. Winchester.
Braiding- machine-------------------------------..A. B. Clemons.........
-.-...B-aiding-machine----------------X.Dre......................_._W ak--._.__._Br-aidinig-machine-------------------------------- E. B. Day..................--
Braiding-macline................................ H. Fletcher._.............
Brairding-machine----------------..-............---1. Fletcher _.. _.. -.............
Braiding-machire----------------------------- L. Hull.....................
Bradig aci--------------------------- ----- L. Roll.....................
Braiding-machine------------------------------0. M. I nuran...............
Brairdii"-nachine-.------------------------------ I. WV. Lamb................--
Braiding-machine-------------------------------G. Mt-oun..................
Bi-ariig-machine................................J. McCabhey and S. B Salisbury
Br-aiding-machine................................D. I). Sachet.......
-.-.----Braiding-machine............................... _S. B. Salisbury and J.Medahey
Braiding-mracitine................................ S. Scholfield-.._.......
Braiding-machine................................ E. T. arid E. Sizer and A Halladay.
Braiding-machine............................. -T. J. Sloan..................
Braiding-machine----------............ hop---------------------JTlop.........
Braiding-marchine-------------------------------..J. Thorp....................
Braiirlng-machine-------------------------------__W. Trunstill--.........._...
Braiding-machine..............................W. Tronstill.__-______
Briduig-mac iine................................XW. Tunstill.-.-----------.__
Braiding-machine................................ F. L. Vierkamp and C. F Leopold.
Briding-macnine............................... -G-. 1. Winchester............
Braiding-machfire-------------------------------..J. B. Wood...................
Brading-amacine carrier -------------------------D. Avery -.............
Braiding-machine carrier--------------.. rw....................0.EDon-.__-.__.-..__._
Braidirg-machine car-iir._-._-- --------. _.--------S. Seholfield.................
Braiding-machine for covering- skirt arid uther wire 0. H. Brnr-ham.-_--............Braining-mrachnre for making three-strand braid- - J. Taggart...................
Braiding -eiine stop-nietion.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -E. XW. Dean... _.... _.........
Broiirri"rmachinre stop)-miotion----------- - I H. B. Howe anid W. J. Mackrell
Br-ilig mchiesExpnson-ully fr--------. ewks.............
Boston, Mass....__..._.
Philadel plria, Pa.-- -
Beston, Mass.............
Providence, it I.-.-_
Boston, Mass_......._..... _
Boston, Mass- --- ---------
Syracuse, N. Y...... -..Toledo, Ohio............_
New York, N. Y.....
Boston, -Mass............
Bristol, Con.. _.........
Canton, Ohio....... __....
Boston, Mass.............
Paris, France............
Now Marker, N. H --_._
Plymrouth County, Mass. -
Windsonr, Conn.-_-.
Boston, Mass.____.-..
Cold Spring. N. Y..
New York, N. Y.__--.._
London, Ohio.............
Columbus, Ohio... _.... _...
Columnbus, Ohio....
Boston, Marss---------_..
Sy racuse, N. Y.........
Xvashing;ton, ID. C-.-_..
Norwich, Conn., rind New
York, N. Y.
Marietta, Ohio...........
Fredlonia, N. Y. - - _.
Providence, R. I._..
Providence, Ht. I..__.
Philadelphia, Pa.__.-.-__
Newton, Mass -..._....
Medway, Mass.-........
Midthleborouglr, Mass. -_
Warren, H. 1............
New York, N. Y..
New York, N. YV.----
New York, N. Y. --__.
Canton, Mass...._.....
Lancaster, Mass. __...
Lancaster, Mass.----
ILincaster, Mass. -_.
Pawtucket and Provideuce, R. I.
Derby, Con............West Philadelphia, Pa... -
Boston, Mass-----------..
Providlence, R. I..____
Pr-ovidnrce, R. I.._
Charlestown, Mass.
Charlestown, Mass. _ - - _ - - -
Providence, B..I...
West Novi, Mich...
Providence, H. I.------.
Providence, R.. I.....
Westfield, Mass. -----.
Providence, R. I._..._..
Providence, It. I.._..__.
Westfield, Mass....
New York, N. Y......
Providence, 1It.I.__.____.
Providence, R. I.-.--.
Paterson, N.J..--_.....
Paterson, N.J...........
Paterson, N. J...........
Philadelphia, Pa..__.
Providence, It. I.__..__..
Providlence, H. I.----
Westfield, Mass -.......
Pawtucket, it. I. - - _-_.
Providence, H. I.-----
New York, N. -Y....
Roxbury, Mass _.._._.
Norwich, Coin----------._ __
INew York, N. Y......
Newton, Mass........ _..
Providence,. I._-.----
Aug. 29, 1871
June 27, 1865
July 11, 1871
May 30, 1871
Oct. 20, 1868
Nov. 7, 1871
Sept. 15, 18(63
Juno 22, 1869
Mar. 29, 1870
Apr. 4, 1871
Apr. 9, 1872
Sept. 13, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
-Sept. 19, 187i
Dec. 31I, 1867
Mar. 30, 1837
May 16, 1817
Feb. 13, 1835
June 27, 1815
June 27, 1854
Jan. 10, 1840
Mar. 8, 1870
Sept. 7, 1869
Juliec 1, 1869
Feb 21, 1814
Nnnv. 5, 1867
Oct. 20, 1830
Feb. 10, 1807
Apr. 8, 1814
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 2, 1866
Nov. 23, 1869
June 18, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
July 27, 1869
Jan. 27, 1863
Apr. 10, 1841
Sept. 8, 1868
Aug. 2, 1870
Aug. 13, 187%)
Feb. 23, 1869
Aug. 8, 1854
Feb. 9, 1869
July 20, 1869
Mar-. 26, 1872
Oct. 29, 1861
Nov. 16, 1858
Aug. 21, 1866
Feb. 7, 1860
July 7, 1863
July 7, 1863
Aug. 7, 1855
Oct. 16, 1866
Feb. 13, 186
June 28, 1859
Apr. 6, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
Jan. 22, 1840
Aug. 6, 1872
June 29, 1869
Mar. 28, 1854
Aug. 14, 1866
Aug. 10, 1821
July 10, 1826
Aug. 19, 1862
May 28, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
July 24, 1866
Jan. 1, 1861
Dec. 2-2, 1863
June 2, 1868
June 12, 1866
Oct. 29, 1867
Apr. 25, 1865
Feb. 27, 1866
Aug. 23, 1870
Aug. 21, 1866
Jan. 7, 1868
Augm. 14, 1866
118, 433
48, 420
116, 86-2
115, 550
83, 195
120, 665
39, 875
91, 683
101, 219
113, 607
125, 419
107, 245
76, 434
119, 116
11, 17-2
1, 465
100, 605
94, 520
90, 668
70, 642
81, 834
58, 470
97, 198
65, 859
80, 818
73, 930
92, 933
37, 541
2, 044
81, 886
106, 068
130, 510
87, 117
11, 51-2
86, 64-2
912, 938
1-24, 88-2
33, 569
2-2, 100
57, 435
39, 138
13, 391
58, 830
52, 573
24, 565
88, 576
112, 946
1, 476
130, 319
91, 970
10, 718
57, 201
36, 249
81, 038
56, 643
31, 061
41, 145
78, 411
55, 580
70, 27:1
47, 487
52, 936
106, 672
57, 3-26
72, 991
57, 084
Lancaster, Mass---------- __.Mar. 8, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 21, 1869
Providence, H. I.......... Mar. 26, 1867
Chamlestown, Marss-_..._-May 10; 1864
Charlestown, Mass.. Juno 14, 1864
W~orcester, Mass......1 June 5, 1866
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
See Air-brake.
Automatic brake.
Cotton-lapper brake.
Flax-boll brake.
Frictional brake.
Horse-power brake.
Inclined-plane brake.
Inclined-plane and hoist brake.
Land-conveyance brake.
Pneumatic brake.
Railway-train brake.
Self adjusting brake.
Sewing-machine brake.
Spinning-mule brake.
Steam and air brake.
Steam-power air-brake.
Brake and starter combined......................
Brake-block holder.....--.....................
Brake by signal-cord, Operating..............
Brake coupling, Steam-power.. - --..............
Brake coupling, Steam-power................
Brake-mechanism for light machinery..........
Brake reaction movement......................
Brake-rubbers, Mode of hanging................
Brake shoe, Car..........................
Brake-shoe for railway-car, Composition-metal.. -
Brake-shoe, Malleable-iron.................
Bran-duster....................................... ------------------------------
Bran-duster................................. -...
Bran-duster and flour-bolt.........................
Bran-duster, Feeding-screen for..............
Branch pipe through the ground without excavating, Inserting.
Brand for barrel............................
Brand for branding flour-barrel, &c...........
Brand for marking animals.......................
Branding and stamping iron....................
Branding, stamping, marking, &c., Apparatus for.
Brandy and whisky by redistillation and filtration, Mode of perifying and rectifying.
L. Hull.......................
J. A. Cody....................
A. W. Dorr...................
W. G. Creamer-----------................
G. Westinghouse, jr...........
G. Westinghouse. jr..........
O. Griininger.................
J. M. Cayce...........
H. B. Martin.............
T. C. Ball....................
J. Christy....................
H. R. McAlister..............
J. W. Moffitt.................
J. S. Whitworth..............
J. Brahn......................----------------
W. McConway------------................
J. J. Torley..................
E. R. Benton.................
E. R. Benton.................
J. M. Carr and J Hughes.....
G. Clark and P. T. Elting....
J. Cook.....................
J. Damp....................
R. M. Dempsey-----------................
P. T. Elting..................
L. Fagin.....................
W. Hall......................
A. Hildreth..................
J. W. Houghtelin.............
S. Hughes.....................
W. W. Huntley and A. Babcock.
J. Johnston...................
J. H. Jones..................
S. W. Kirk...................
W. A. McFarlan and T. C. Carpenter.
L. S. Reynolds................
J. T. McNally..........
G. H. Reynolds...........
J. Richmond................
M. Smith....................
G. S. Cooper..................
J. Ridgway...................
S. Huse......................
W. Ross......................
F. H. Richards................
C. T. Holloway...............
J. W. Dodge.----.................
N. J. and J. P. Wemmer.......
F. L. Penny...................
C Rundquist..............
W. C. Garretson and E. Draper
E. Barns, G. Hill, and J. B.
L. Stark.....................
J. P. Worrall-..........
R. Wauck...............
Charlestown, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Lake Valley, Cal........
New Haven County, Conn.
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........
Franklin, Tenn...-.....
San Francisco, Cal......
Keene, N. H..............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Harrisburgh, Pa.........
Harrisburgh, Pa.....
Norfolk, Va...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Milwaukee, Wis.......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Cambridge City, Ind.....
Sandusky, Ohio--...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Ashland, Ohio.........
Indianapolis, Ind.......
Buffalo, N. Y...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..._......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Newark, Ohio.............
Du Quoin, Ill.............
Hamilton, Ohio-..... -
Silver Creek, N. Y......
Wilmington, Del........
Yellow Springs, Ohio.....
Coatesville, Pa.-..---.....-..
Allegheny, Pa............
Wilmington, Del........
Indianapolis, Ind.._.....
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Peoria, Ill................
Lockport, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Baraboo, Wis...........
New York, N. Y'.......
Newburyport, Mass......
New Orleans, La.........
Troy, N. YV................
Baltimore, Md............
Malden, Mass..
Philadelphia, Pa...
Boston, Mass............
Mankato, Minn......
Chelsea, Mass............
Oskaloosa. Iowa..........
Ashtabula, Ohio......
Oct. 30, 1855 13, 719
Apr. 2, 1872
Jan. 19, 1869
Dec. 20, 1853
Mar. 4, 1873
Mar. 11, 1873
July 8, 1873
June 25, 1872
June 17, 1873
Aug. 2, 1859
Sept. 12, 1865
Aug. 20, 1872
May 6, 1873
Feb. 13, 1872
Feb. 25, 1868
Feb. 27, 1872
June 18, 1872
May 7, 1850
July 26,1853
Apr. 1, 1851
Feb. 12, 1861
Mar. 12, 1867
Aug. 15, 1871
Dec. 18, 1849
May 19, 1868
Feb. 17,1852
Nov. 1, 1859
Feb. 17, 1852
June 26,1860
Apr. 13, 1869
May 12, 1863
Oct. 24, 1854
Oct. 24, 1871
July 22, 1851
July 27, 1858
Hay 27, 1851
June 28, 1853
Mar. 25, 1873
Nov. 20, 1866
Feb. 27, 1866
June 23, 1863
Jan. 21, 1873
July 16, 1842
June 28, 1832
Dec. 2,1825
Nov. 19,1867
Feb. 4, 1862
May 4,1869
Feb. 11, 1868
Mar. 9, 1869
Nov. 19, 1867
Mar. 9, 1869
Oct. 6,1868
Feb. 25, 1835
125, 119
86, 007
10, 321
136, 396
136, 631
140, 700
128, 283
140, 057
24, 918
49, 948
130, 734
138, 514
123, 655
74, 7 92
124, 190
127, 996
7, 336
9, 881
8, 014
62, 733
117, 990
6, 952
77, 965
8, 738
25, 965
8, 739
28, 863
88, 875
38, 484
11, 832
120, 198
8, 248
9, 819
137, 228
59, 862
52, 886
39, 021
135, 085
2, 722.....
71, 217
34, 301
89, 829
74, 263
87, 588
71, 068
87, 720
82, 823.....
6, 993
52, 238
Chicopee, Mass...-..... Jan. 1, 1850
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 23, 1866
Gallipalis, Ohio---------..........-- Dec. 7, 1829
Index of patents.issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
B randy from grain or fruit, M aking---...- - -.. C. J. h iitter...........
Brandy manufacture---...- --------------------.. D. J. Browne and S. T. Bacon..
Brandy of domestic materials, Imitating-----.......... -- H. Moore....................
Brass, copper, and composition nails, Manufactur- G. W. Robinson..............
Brass, &c., Furnace for melting............ I.D. Bush........
Brass-polishing composition....------------------ W. H. Trissler.........
Brazier...---------------------------------- R. B. Wakefield..........
Bread and cake receptacle....-------------------- C. C. Savery...................
Bread and candy cutter.. -----.. F. Quinn.....................
Bread and cracker machine.....------------------- W.R. Nevins and J. J. Yates..
Bread and meat cutter-----------------------............................ W. Budd and J. L. Husband...
Bread and meat cutter-----------------------............................ S. Kepner..---.----.---.--...
Bread and pastry board -......................... J. McNamee.................
Bread and vegetable cutter........................ HI. A. Titus..................
Bread, Apparatus for making aerated------------.............. R. L. Howard and J. Danglish.
Bread, Apparatus for making aerated...--.--...-...... A. Scratchard................
Bread-baking device--...--..-------------------- A. 1. Quackenbush and G.
Bread-board......................................-------------------------------.. W. H. Lewis..........
Bread-board and dough-tray...................... B. Fulton.....................
Bread-utter.................................... H. Berdan...............
Bread-cutter ------------------------------J.Buckett...................................... J. Buckett.....
Bread-cutter...................................... I. S. Bunnell..............
Bread-cutter------------------------------...................................... M. Chapman.............
Bread-cutter.................................... A. M. Dexter............
Bread-cutter----------------------------...................................... - G. D. Goodsell and N. E. Babcock.
Bread-cutter...................................... W.S. Gray....................
Bread-cutter...................................... C. Hansen and P. Andersen...
Bread-cutter...................................... F. Hiillhorst.........
Bread-cutter.................................... G.L.Jones......._
Bread-cutter...................................... A. E. and D. Lazell...........
Bread-cutter...................................... C. Lemke....................
Bread-cutter--. ------ J. Madden..................................... J. Madden...
Bread-cutter------------------------------...................................... J. Madden....................
Bread-cutter...-------.................................. J. Madden and J. G. Haserot..
Bread-cutter------------------------------.....................................S. H.Martin and J. S.Williams
Bread-cutter...................---------...----------............. J. Oxley......................
Bread-cutter...................................... J. F.Plass....................
Bread-cutter.................................... S. D. Simmons................
Bread-cutter...................................... S.D. Simmons..........
Bread-cutter..--------- J.D. Soles.................................... J.D. Soles...
Bread-cutter..................................... G.D. Williams...........
Bread-cutting machine.................-..... P. March..............
Bread-cutting machine- ------.................. J. Naughten..................
Bread, Device for raising and kneading----.---- A. G. Good.................
Bread-dough..----------------.-....--------- N. Wyeth...............
Bread-finisher.....................................E. Treadwell..- ---....
Bread knife-------------------------------...................................... J. Carrier................
Bread Life...-------------------------------J. Frisch.................LBrcad knife...................................... F. Roys.......................
Bread machine...J................................ J.E. Hawkins.................
Bread machine---...-- ------------------------J..Hawkins......
Bread machine----------------.......... ---.----- - - -....................... L. P. Jenks..............
Brewd, Machine for gaging size of loaf of..- -... E. L. Moeschler............
Bread, Machine for making ship and other-..- J. Sta' r...................
Bread machine, Loaf---.. ---------------------J. D'Arcy......................--
Bread, Machinery for manufacturing aerated.... J. Danglish...................
Bread, Making...----------------------------W. Banks................
Bread-making..-------------------..----------. J. Perry...........
Bread-making apparatus--------.. -------------J. A. H. Le Gantvoort......
Bread-making chest and table....----------------- B. Gonzales.................
Bread making machine...........................W. Carr...............
Bread-making machine............................ W. O. Drew.............
Bread-making machine--------......-- -. -M. A. Jones..............
Bread-making machine...-----------................ G. Richards.--------
Bread-making table..-------------------------W. K. Wyckoff....... --
Bread, Manufacture of.........--------------................ B. Garvey...................
Bread, Manufactureo of....... -...............J. G. Moxey.................
Bread, Manufacturo of airated-................... S. F. Ambler................
Bread, Manufacture of light..................... W. J. Walker............
Bread-manufacture, Treating grain for.......... A. Sdzille....................
Bread, meat, and vegetable cutter....-------------- G. Stackhouse........_
Bread, meat, &c., cutter for...-------------------D. Campbell------------..................
Bread-pan...--------------------------------. W. A. Daggett...........
Bread-pan........................................ W. A. Daggett...........
Bread-pan, Machine for forming-..--------------.. M. L. Best.......----
Bread, Preparation of portable soup-...----...G. Borden, jr..................
Bread, Process for making..................... C. Crum....................
Bread, Raising-----. -............................. A. Conant...................
Bread-raising apparatus.......................... E. Buss.......................
Bread-raising apparatus.......................... J. Sutton......
Bread-raising preparation.......................... P. Leonard..------
Bread-slicer.........................J. W. Currier............
Bread-slicing machine............................. A. Iske and J. O Steinheiser..
Bread, soap, and black lead, Machine for cutting.. W. B. Vincent................
Bread-toaster.................................... A. Brown......
Bread-toaster.................................... D. Miller................
Bread-toaster, Revolving..............-............ J. C. Paine...............
Bread-worker.............................J. H. Balderston----... -.
Breaker amd leveler, Combined.................... D. Witt.................
Breaker-r ller................................... E.Dowden............
Breakfast and dining table........................ P. Barker...................
18 P
Cambridge and Boston,
Aurora, N. Y..........
Attleborough, Mass......
Detroit, Mich.......--
Cleveland, Ohio........
Springfield, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Keokuk, Iowa..........
New York, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pottstown, Pa............
Easton, Pa..........
Gloversville, N. Y.......
London and Reading, England.
Mile End, England.......
Fort Plain, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Pulaski, Iowa.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Carbondale, Pa............
Greenfield. Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Rockford, Ill..........
Worcester, Mass........
Racine, Wis.............
Freeport, Ill..............
Chicopee, Mass...........
Chicopee Falls, Mass......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
Sheffield, England.......
New York, N. Y........
San Francisco, Cal......
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y......
Lynn Township, Ill.......
Chicopee, Mass...........
Morristown, Pa...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Reading, Pa...............
Hingham, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Marlborough, Conn.......
Albany, N. Y.............
Berlin, Con.............
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
Lansingburgh, N. Y..-.
Boston, Mass..............
Rochester, N. Y..........
Middletown, Conn.....
San Francisco, Cal.......
Reading, England........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Waupun, Wis..............
Goodland, Ind..........
Bath, Me................
Georgetown, D. C........
Frankfort, Ky............
Manlius, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md............
Paris, France.............
Mount Washington, Pa...Elizabeth, N. J..........
South Vineland, N. J....
South Vineland, N. J.....
Canton, Ohio..............
Galveston, Tex..........
Hudson, N. Y...........
Lowell, Mass..............
Springfield, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........
Kcene, N. H.............
Springfield, Mass........
Lancaster, Pa............
Boston, Mass..............
Waterbury, Conn.........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Marietta, Ohio............
Dubuque, Iowa...........
Celora, Md................
Iu bbardston, Mass.......
Worthington, Ohio......
Feb. 11,1803.....
Jan. 22, 1867 61,313
July 2,1814
Mar. 17, 1813
Feb. 18, 1873
Sept. 8, 1863
Sept. 28, 1869
Nov. 2, 1869
Oct. 1,1872
Sept. 28, 1858
Aug. 8,1865
Apr. 10, 1866
Jan. 1, 1861
Feb. 25,1868
Jan. 23, 1866
Apr. 26, 1870
Jan. 25, 1870
Jan. 7, 1868
Oct. 17, 1871
Apr. 12,1859
June 6, 1865
Oct. 3, 1871
Feb. 2, 1858
July 23, 1867
May 31, 1870
July 30,1867
May 14,1872
Jan. 24, 1865
Apr. 28, 1868
July 1, 1851
Oct 10, 1871
Apr. 2, 1867
July 30, 1867
Jan. 7, 1868
May 7, 1872
May 10, 1864
Apr. 25, 1865
July 25, 1865
June 4, 1867
Aug. 25, 1868
Dec. 24, 1867
July 21, 1863
Nov. 10, 1857
June 15, 1869
May 12, 1834
Jan. 10, 1820
May 24, 1859
June 2, 1868
Oct. 9, 1844
Nov. 16, 1869
Apr. 5, 1870
May 10, 1870
Feb. 26, 1867
Jan. 8, 1813
Nov. 19, 1867
July 4, 1865
Dec. 14, 1798
Nov. 24, 1863
June 21, 1870
Oct. 28, 1862
July 2-2, 1843
Mar. 31, 1863
Mar. 24, 1868
Feb. 8, 1813
Mar. 15, 1859
July 17,1860
Dec. 19,1865
Aug. 12, 1862
Apr. 9, 1867
Dec. 31, 1872
May 19, 1868
May 30, 1865
Nov. 22, 1870
Dec. 6, 1870
June 30, 1868
Feb. 5, 1850
Mar. 6, 1855
Oct. 12, 1542
July 3,1866
Apr. 15, 1873
Apr. 27, 1869
May 16, 1871
May 28,1872
Feb. 13, 1866
Aug.16, 1870
Aug. 23, 1870
Mar. 12, 1872
Feb. 19, 1867
Feb. 18, 1873
Feb. 9,1869
Mar. 1, 1870
Aug. 6,1828
135, 967
39, 848
95, 291
96, 487
131, 781
21, 619
49, 225
53, 835
31, 066
74, 864
52, 252
102, 325
99, 109
73, 104
119, 926
23, 548
48, 127
119, 569
19, 238
67, 032
103, 601
126, 807
46, 603
77, 383
8, 193
119, 861
63, 406
67, 325
73, 017
126, 468
42, 715
47, 450
48, 985
65, 441
81, 427
72, 709
39, 298
18, 597
91, 432.....
24, 099
71, 586
3, 783
96, 804
101, 615
102, 943
62, 354.....
70, 971
48, 534.....
40, 707
104, 662
36, 777
3, 192
38, 037
75, 92-2
23, 283
29, 158
51, 659
36, 134
63, 676
134, 443
78, 149
48, 014
109, 497
109, 871
79, 438
7, 066
12, 479
2, 816
56, 002
137, 974
89, 320
114, 930
127, 2142
52, 627
106, 462
106, 654
124, 605
62, 218
135, 959
86, 893
100, 273 -
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Breaking and grinding mill.......................
Breakwater, Construction of..................
Breast-developer, Pneumatic....................
Breast pad..................................
Breast pad....................................
Breast pad and perspiration shield..............
Breast pad, Lady's...............................
Breast pin.........................................
Breast-pin, ear-ring, &c., Catch-fastening for......
Breast-pin fastening..............................
Breast-pin fastening..............................
Breast-pin fastening.............................
Breast-pin fastening...............................
Breast pin fastening...............................
Breast pin fastening...............................
Breast pin fastening...............................
Breast pin fastening.............._-..............
Breast pin guard.................................
Breast pin joint...................................
Breast pin safety-attachment...................
Breast-pin safety-attachment........................
Breast-pin, Shield to protect......................
Breast-pin, Spiral catch for..................
Breast-pin, &c., Tongue for......................
Breast-pin, Tongue for............................
Breast-pins, &c., Safe-catch for................
Breast-protector, Mammiform....................
Breast-strap for horses...........................
Breast-strap hook.................................
Breast-strap, Roller-attachment for.................
Breast-strap shield...............................
Breast-strap shield............................
Breast-strap slide-----------------------------
Breast-strap slide.................................
Breast-strap slide................................
Breast-strap slide.................................
Breast-strap slide................................
Breast-strap slide..................................
B reast-strap slide...............................
Breasts, Lacteal or artificial method of constructing
Brcech- loader ----------------------------------
I'reech-pin and self capping gun, Sliding.......
Breeching-hook for vehicle.......................
Breeching-strap fastening........................
Brewers and distillers, Apparatus for preparing
mash for.
Brewers and distillers, Testing-instrument for....
Brewers boiler, Apparatus for heating............
Brewer's boiler, Coil for.......................
Brewer's cooler.................................
Brewer's mash-tun..............................
Brewer's mash-tun..............................
Breweries and bar, Collecting waste spirits from...
Breweries, Apparatus for mashing and cooling in-..
Breweries, cellars, and beer-vaults, Apparatus for
WV. Beal, jr...................
J. D. Whelpley..............
D. H. Armour..............
L. Gutekunst.................
D. Cunningham..............
A. M. Knapp...............
E. Waters.........
J. M. Clark..........
R. Collins...............
A. S. and J. P. McLean.......
D. K. Wertman..............
H. S. Lesher...................
J. A. Mason.................
T. C. Eiswald.................
C. A. Pease...................
L. Sauter....................
A. Weiller................
J. N. B. Jaquith..............
S. Ayres.....................
G. Buhler.....................
C. G. Cahoone and B. E. Brown.
B. F. Grinnell..............
C. F. Kolb....................
J. A. Lehman.................
T. W. F. Smitten..............
A. K. P. Walter...............
J. M. Ross....................
D. O. Stanley.................
F. Catlin.....................
C. F. Pierce...................
J. H. Phillips.................
J. F. Mascher.................
S. Davidson...................
L. H. Sondheim...............
E. C. Benyaurd...............
T. Lewis.....................
J. Stadermann and H. Sauerbier
J. Stadermann and H. Sauerbier
E. M. Marshall................
A.L. Hill....................
C. P. Holmes..................
H. Foulkes...................
F. Jones......................
H. F. Willson.................
II. F. Willson................
A. Buckham..................
J. H. Martin..................
O. B. North...................
I. Rloraback...................
S. Selleck..................
C. H. Stevens and W. Garrison
C. M. Windship..............
J. S. Rose................
B. Bur ton....................
L. T. Delassize................
Z. R. Vou Wessely.........
W. G. Ward................
C. Sharps------------------.....................J. H. Littlefield..............
G. W. Miller..................
S. Ward.....................
A. W. Olds....................
A. S. Swartz..................
M. Augenstein................
D. S. Blair..................
J. Frageser and J. G. Schreiber
A. Wood.....................
B. G. Martin..................
J. Walker.....................
A. Maginnis and W. McCormick.
G. S. Yingling and S. F. Poorman.
L. Schulze..................
Residence. Date. No.
Lowell, Mass............. Nov. 14, 1848 5, 916
Boston, Mass............. June 28, 18701 104, 910
Columbia, Tex...........------------ June 7, 1859 24, 271
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 18, 1870 98, 953
Dundee, Scotland........ Apr. 8, 1873 137, 659
Lowell, Mass.............. July 22, 1873 1141,005
Troy, N. Y...............Aug.29, 1854 11,6-23
Lancaster, Pa........._... Nov. 26, 1867 71, 459
Chicopee, Mass........... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 802
Brooklyn, N.Y............ Jan. 1, 1867 60, 767
Centralia, Pa............. Mar. 31, 1868 76, 124
Brooklyn, N.Y............ May 17, 1859 24, 033
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 10, 1865 45, 843
Providence, R. I........... June 28, 1870 104, 840
Boston, Mass.............. July 30, 1872 129, 902
Jersey City, N. J........... Oct. 16, 1866 58, 894
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 28, 1871 121,440
Boston, Mass.............. Nov. 15, 186(4 45, 044
Dauville, Ky.............. Aug. 31, 1869 94, 270
Newark, N. J.............Feb. 23, 1864 41, 618
Providence, R. I.......... Mar. 30, 1869 88, 273
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 18, 1859 22, 645
Philadelphia, Pa......... July 28, 1857 17, 881
Philadelphia, Pa........ Oct. 10, 1871 119, 860
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 1, 1868 181, 835
Richmond, Me............ Sept. 17, 1867 69, 052
Springfield, Mass......... Mar. 10, 1857 16, 808
South Attleborough, Mass. Nov. 7, 1871 120, 601
New York, N. Y........... July 6, 1869 92, 16(i3
Providence, R. I........... June 15, 1869 91, 261
Washington, D. C......... June 24, 1856 15, 212
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 14, 1857 17, 800
New York, N. Y.......... July 23, 1867 67, 029
New York, N. Y..........Mar. 25. 1873 137, 154
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 6, 1855 12, 477
Malden, Mass............. Nov. 16, 1858 22, 080
New York, N. Y., and Dec. 11,1866 60, 436
Newark, N. J.
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 323
Hillsdale, N. Y............ June 28, 1864 43, 321
Decatur, Ill................ July 14, 1868 79, 977
Gouverneur, N. Y......... Dec. 24, 1872, 134, 283
Utica, N. Y............... Aug. 28, 1866 57, 629
Prescott, Wis............. Sept. 22, 1863 40, 045
Elyria, Ohio............... Apr. 25, 1865 47, 485
Fort Wayne, Ind........ Aug. 20, 1867 67, 934
Newark, N. J............. May 3, 1864 42, 554
Columbus, Ohio........... Mar. 23. 1869 88, 192
New Haven, Conn....... Dec. 10, 1867 71, 901
South Bend, Ind........... Aug. 13, 1867 67, 807
Rosendals, N. Y........... Feb. 2, 1864 41, 450
Syracuse, N. Y........... Aug. 25, 1868 81, 553
Roxbury, Mass.......... Feb. 18, 1841 1,985
Philadelphia, Pa........ -May 8, 1843 3, 079
Brooklyn, N. Y........... June 29, 1869 92, 013
New Orleans, La......... July 20, 1869 92, 799
New York, N. Y.......... July 13,1869 92, 673
New York, N. Y......... June 29, 1869 92, 129
Cincinnati, Ohio.........Sept. 12, 1848 5, 763
Cambridge Mass.......... June 27, 1865 48, 415
Springfield, Mass...... Nov. 27, 1866 60, 033
Leominster, Mass......... July 4, 1865 48, 513
Princeton, Ind............ July 9, 1872 128, 932
Green Oak, Mich.......... Aug. 1, 1865 49, 143
Buffalo, N. Y............. Mar. 26, 1867 63, 331
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Albany, N. Y.-............
New York, N. Y.......
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Philadelphia. Pa.......
Cincinnati, Ohio,........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Nov. 15, 1870
Dec. 2-2, 1863
June 19, 1866
Sept. 15, 1857
Dec. 12, 1865
Feb. 12, 1867
Mar. 1, 1870
Breweries, Cooler for............................. A. Hammer...................
Breweries, Cooler for............................ A. Hammer..................
Breweries, Cooler for............................. C. R. M. Wall................
Breweries, &c., Machine for washing............. L. Beatty.... --.............
Breweries, Machine for washing shavings in...... F. Hinckel.........
Brewing.......................................... E. IlcBanes....................
Brewing......................................... W.H. Elliot..................
Brewing and distilling cooler....................---------------------.. L. Reich..-----. -
Brewing and distilling, Cooling and condensing D. E. Somines...................
apparatus for.
Brewing and preserving alcoholic drinks......... J. Hopkins....................
Brewing ale, beer, &c............................... J. McCormick................
Brewing ale, porter, &c......................... F. M. Rusehaupt and G. Burhenne.
Brewing-apparatus.............................. R. L. Lloyd and A. Partenleimer.
Brewing beer and ale............................. T. Behin----------------......................Brewing beer and ale........................ L. Pasteur.................
Brewing beer and other malt-liquors........... V. H. Elliot...................
Tiffin, Ohio.............. May 14, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa............ June 4, 1872
Reading, Pa............... Sept. 15,1857
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 18, 1865
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Aug. 22, 1865
---- --- --- --- --- --- --- M ay 17, 1816
Albany, N. Y.............Jan. 5, 1869
Cordwallis, Great Britain Mar. 2:3, 1869
New York, N. Y----------.......... Jan. 7, 1868
New York, N. Y....-....Apr. 3, 1866
Washington, D. C......... Feb. 28, 1865
109, 168
40, 990
55, 747
18, 220
51, 518
62, 101
100, 428
64, 824
127, 647
18, 201
47, 298
49, 573
85, 526
88. (01
72, 98):3, 677
46, 594
6, 430
96, 939
81, 214..=..
135, 245
76, 177
Brownsville, Pa...........
Boston, Mass...............
New York and Williamsburgh, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
May 8, 1849
Nov. 16, 1869
Aug. 18, 1868
Jan. 27,1824
Norwich, N. Y............ Aug. 1, 1838
Paris, France - --............ - Jan. 8, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 31, 1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 187,3, inclusive-Continued.
Brewing beer, &c., Process of using unmashed Indian corn in.
Brewing by steam................................
Brewing, malting, &c., Apparatus for...............
Brewing malt-liquor, Apparatus for............
Brewing malt-liquor, Process of.................
Brewing, Preparing mash for................
Brewing, Process for..........................
Brewing with Indian corn. -.......................
Brewing with Indian corn.....................
Brewing with maize........................
Brick.....----------------------------------------........................................Brick -.........------------...............................
Brick and artificial stone, Machine for making.-...
Brick and concrete press............------------------...-.......
Brick and draining pipe- -........-..---.
Brick and lime kiln, Controlling draft in..........
Brick and mortar elevator.........
Brick and mortar elevator........................
Brick and mortar elevator.........................
Brick and mortar hod.............................--------------------------
Brick and mortar lift, Alternate...................
Brick and mortar machine.......................
Brick and other molds............................
Brick and pantiles, Manufacturing................
Brick and pottery-ware kiln....................
Brick and sand drier........................
Brick and stove-lining, Fire.....................
Brick and tempering clay, Molding............
Brick and tile..................................
Brick and tile after molding, Machine for pressing
and finishing.
Brick and tile kiln.............................
Brick and tile kiln...............................
Brick and tile kiln..............................
Brick and tile kiln...............................
Brick and tile machine...........................
Brick and tile machine...........................
Brick and tile machine...........................
Brick and tile machine............................-----------------------
Brick and tile machine............................
Brick and tile machine.............................
Brick and tile machine............................
Brick and tile machine............................
Brick and tile machine............................
Brick and tile machine...........................
Brick and tile machine....................................
Brick and tile machine.................................
Brick and tile machine, Die for.....................
Brick and tile machine, Die for....................
Brick and tile making...........................
Brick and tile making---- --... ------....--
Brick and tile making................
Brick and tile press............................
Brick and tile pressing......................
Brick and tile pressing machine.................
Brick and tile, Pressing unburnt..............
Brick and tiles, Machine for heating untempered
clay for.
Brick-burner, Perpetual.......................
Brick, Burning....................................
Brick, Burning...............................
Brick, Burning.... -....----------
Brick, Burning....-------------------------------.
Brick, Burning --------------------------------
Brick, Burning.................................
Brick, Burning....................................
Brick by pressing, Making........................
Brick by pressure, Making..---.-.--..-.-.----.-.
Brick-clay, Machine for making.............
Brick-clay, Machine for mixing.............
Brick-cleaning machine............................
Brick, Coloring..................................
Brick, Coloring.....--------------------------------
Brick, Composition for fire..--.-----------------.
Brick, Composition for fire.....................
Brick, Composition for fire.......................
Brick, Compositior, for making........
Brick, &c., Compressing and smoothing unburnt...
Brick drier....:Brick-drier.........................................
Brick drier.....
Brick drier....
Brick drying....
Brick drying house............................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
N. Baumann-----------------.................. Kalamazoo, Mich.......... May 18, 1869 90, 066
H. Hackley- ---........... New York, N. Y......... Apr. 21, 1820........
A. B. Walker................. Warrington, England..... Apr. 14, 1868 76, 653
P. Conday..--.-....--.. -- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 15, 1868 82, 208
C. R. M. Wall -.............. - Brooklyn, N. Y............. Dec. 20, 1864 45, 543
S. C. Granger.-....----.. Chicago, Ill............... Nov. 26, 1861 33, 779
A. Hammer............ New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 28, 1865 47, 014
A. Anderson.............................................. Jan. 26, 1801.
L. Baecker................... Altenburg, Hungary...-.. July 1, 1862 35, 752
L. Haecker----------------..................- Altenburg, Hungary-...... Dec. 8, 1863 40, 836
D. L. Bartlett and G. H. John- Baltimore, Md-.-........ Aug. 28, 1866 57, 461
J. Dennen.................... Chicago, Ill.............. Aug. 26, 1873 142, 087
J. Grimm.....-........... Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio...... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 664
S. McLaughlin.............. Philadelphia, Pa......... May 21, 1867 64, 994
L. Till...................... Sandusky, Ohio...-........ June 19, 1855 13, 110
N. Towson.................... Washington, D. C......... May 16, 1848 5, 570
J. Fensom.................... Toronto, Canada.......... Jan. 16, 1872 122, 714
G. A. Trear.................... Chicago, Ill............... Dec. 1, 1868 84, 485
J. C. Bryant................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 31, 1864 42, 926
J. Leeds.................... Philadelphia, Pa........... July 4.1854 11, 230
W. Boswell................... Pontiac, Mich-............- Sept. 12, 1871 118, 783
J. McNamara................. Buffalo, N. Y.............. Oct. 4, 1864 44. 544
A. Pohl...................... Detroit, Mich............. Feb. 18, 1868 74, 590
E. B. Black, J. Hinkle, jr., and Columbia, Pa............. Mar. 30, 1869 88, 361
T. S. White.
B. Dearborn................... Boston, Mass.............. June 20, 1816........
A. Parker.................... Sweden, Me..............Mar. 5,1830.......... _ artin..................Brooklyn, N........... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 540
S. Brouwer............................................... Aug. 17, 1793....
J. N. Stanley................ Brooklyn, N. Y............ May 9, 1865 47, 665
S. D. Rader---.......... W_-Williamsport, Pa......... June 8, 1869 91, 041
D. Perry.................... West Mansfield, MassJ.... Jan. 2:3, 1872 122, 908
J. C. Porter-..-....-.......... Powhatan County, Va..... Dec. 29, 1830.......
B. P. Coston.................. Stirling, Pa.............. Oct. 22, 1835..
J. B. Wilson and A. B. Cross Malen, Mass., and Hun Sept. 30, 1841 2, 271
man. tington, N. Y.
H. Aiken, H. McAllister, jr., Pittsburgh and Philadel- Mar. 2, 1869 87, 455
and H. G. Morris. phia, Pa.
S. H. Clapp------------------ Malden, Mass.............June 8,1869 90, 929
J. Duff...................... Washington, D. C--......... Oct. 31, 1825....
A. Morand-...-.-...-....- Brooklyn, N. Y-----------............ Apr. 16, 1872 125, 832
G. Baldwin.................... Monroe, Mich............. Mar. 4, 1873 136, 481
I. C. Bryant...-..--..-. -- Washington, D. C......... Apr. 18, 1871 113, 847
H. Clayton...-.............. Dorset Square, England... June 26, 1855 13, 123
E. Fisk and B. Hinkley...... Fayette, Me.............. Sept. 8, 1827......
D. French.................... New York, N. Y........... Aug. 22,1810.......
G. Hadfield..-----------------------------------------... May 15,1800...
J. Hotchkiss and E. Buss-...... Springfield, Ohio-....... Sept. 17, 1867 68, 986
W. Hutchinson.-...-........ Salford, Great Britain..... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 300
N. and P. W. Miller..........-----------------------------------............................ Jan. 5,1804.......
G. Scott......................---------------------Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 5,1870 101,525
B. F. St. John and H. Horst.. Shelbyvile, Ind......... Oct. 17, 1865 50, 5.8
Z. Street...................... Salem, Ohio.............. July 8, 1862 35, 843
C. Chambers, jr.................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 15, 1863 39, 884
J. Hotchkiss and E. Buss...... Springfield, Ohio.......... Apr. 30, 1867 64, 223
W. L. Drake.................. Evanston, Ill....--------.......... --July 16, 1872 129, 113
J. E. Stubbs and J. Bonner.... Cincinnati, Ohio.......... May 10, 182........
J. Wood...................... Rockland County, N. Y.... Dec. 2, 1836 97
B. P rter--------------------..................... Salem, Mass.............. May 18,1814.......
S. Lane...................... Hallowell, Me............. Sept. 30, 1825.....
J. Parker..................... Ga diner, Me.......... Nov. 29, 1828........
E. Mayo...................... Hallowell, Me.......... Dec. 9, 1828.....
I. Gregg.....................Pittsburgh, Pa............ May 19, 1863 38, 580
W. H. Towers................. Boston, Mass.............
Z. Shaw--....................... Ypsilanti, Mich..........
N. Adams and A. Noyes....... Cornwall and Newburgh,
J. W. Andrews................ Norristown, Pa...........
T. Billesbach.................. Kearney Junction, Nebr..
D, and G. M. Blocher.......... Cumberland, Md.._.......
R. Crutchfieid................. --- Botetourt County, Va.....
A. J. Mullen and R. Hall...... Greensborough, Ala:.
S. Briggs...................... Salem, Mass..............
D. Flagg, jr--------------.................. ---Gardiner, Me............
D. Phillips and J. Drummond. Whitestown, N. Y.........
J. Chapman................ Mad River Township,
T. M. Schleier................. Knoxville, Tenn..........
W. Boies..................... Troy, N. Y................
C. B Doty................... Cortland, N. Y............
D. Cannon and H. S. Lucas... Chester, Mass.............
C. W. Fenton-----------------................. Bennington, Vt...........
E. F. Rogers.................. Chelsea, Mass.._.........
N. J. Wyeth.-................. Cambridge, Mass...........
T. Norcross and G. Pollard.... Hallowell, Me.............
J. K. Caldwell................ Allegheny City, Pa.......
I. C. Hatch.................... Camden, N. J.............
J. J. Johnston.........-.... Allegheny City, Pa.......
W. O. Leslie.................. Puiladelphia, Pa........
J. McDonald--------------.................. ---Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
J. M. Moyer................... Pittsburgh, Pa.........
S. M. Parish................. Baldwinsville, N. Y.......
J. R Bowers................. Concord, N. H...........
I. Gregg..................... Plii!adelphlia, Pa..........
G. C. Bovey................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Feb. 12, 1867
Dec. 28, 1869
Dec. 28, 1829
Mar. 21, 1843
Nov. 18, 1873
June 5, 1855
Feb. 7, 1824
Feb. 9, 1858
Jan. 11, 1823
Dec. 17, 1824
May 15, 1832
June 2, 1832
Dec. 10, 1872
June 4, 1872
Feb. 6, 1849
July 24, 1847
Sept. 22, 1837
Oct. 10, 1871
Mar. 28, 1844
Oct. 1, 1825
Jan. 21, 1868
June 9, 1868
Sept. 24, 1867
Aug. 18, 1868
Aug. 13, 1867
June 23, 1868
Aug. 16, 1864
July 2, 1867
July 9, 1867
Mar. 26, 1872
62, 089
98, 306.....
3, 016
144, 652
12, 991
19, 309
133, 893
127, 551
6, 1(2
5, 198
119, 723
3, 517.....
73, 433
78, 802
69, 217
81, 094
67, 783
79, 247
43, 861
66, 206
68, 486
125, 013
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Brick-drying kiln---------------------------................................. E. WV. Bingham..............
Brick-drying kiln................................. E. C. Dean, H. Hamilton, G. P.
Tenney, and A. T. Putnam.
Brick-drying press................................ J. T. Shryock................
Brick-elevator................... T. Mann...................
Brick-elevator.................................. J. H. Sears and B. Merritt....
Brick, &c., Enamel composition for............... D. W. Clark..............
Brick finishing machine...................... W. S. Mayo................
Brick, Fire................................ E. Seavey....................
Brick, Fire.................... R. W. Smith..................
Brick, Fire........................ S. K. Wellman...............
Brick for building-purposes...................... W. Smith....................
Brick for ceilings................ M. Abord...................
Brick for constructing metallurgic furnaces....... H. Frank..........................
Brick for curved masonry-work................ E. Hennessey................
Brick for pavement, &c....................... R. Wright...............
Brick, Forming................................... C. H. Preston............
Brick from dry clay, Machine for pressing....... B. H. Brown...........
Brick-hacking machine....................... D. Woodhury................
Brick handling or piling machine............. J. Sangster...............
Brick-hoisting machine....................... T. F. Christman............
Brick, Hollow.......................... -G. H. Johnson...-.........
Brick, Implements for picking up and carrying... R. Bryden...............
Brick-kiln...................................H. W. Adams...........
Brick-kiln...................................... H. W. Adams..............
Brick-kiln........................................ J. Blaisius..................
Brick-kdiln......................................... O. Bennett..................
Brick-kiln........................................ D. Blocher...................
Brick-kiln....................................... F. F. Boudrye................
Brick-kiln......................................... G. C. Bovey...................
Brick-kiln........................................S. C. Brewer................
Brick-kiln................................. V. Cecil........ V........
Brick-kiln........................................ P. Clark............Brick-kiln................................ S. H Clapp.......... S. H Clpp.....
Brick-kiln........................................ C. B. Corey and C. M. Turner..
Brick-kiln...................................D..... R.D. Cox.............
Brick-kiln....................................... J. W. Crary.................
Brick-kiln............................... J.ise........... J. Eisle.....
Brick-kiln.............................. W Enis............ Enis.....
Brick-kiln........................................ W. Gilbert...............
Brick-kiln..................................J...... J..H. Good...........
Brick-kiln...................................... W. S. Hall................
Brick-kiln........................................ W. Hallam...........
Brick-kiln......................................... S. M. Hamilton.............
Brick kiln........................................ S. M. Hamilton..............
Brick-kiln......................................... S. M. Hamilton...............
Brick-kiln......................................... S. M. Hamilton..............
Brick-kiln........................................ E. Haueisen, A. Wagner, and
A. Nulsen.
Brick-kiln........................................ B. R. Hawley.................
Brick-kiln...................................... B. R. Hawley.................
Brick-kiln........................................ B. R. Hawley..............
Brick-kiln........................................ F. E. Hoffmann...........Brick-kiln.................................owland......... G. Howland.....
Brick-kiln........................................ T. Lindsley..............
Brick-kiln................................ T. Lindsley............ Lindl...
Brick-kiln......................................... T. Lindsley.-.. -...
Brick-kiln......................................... W. Linton...................
Brick-kiln....................................... A. W. M. Maass..............
Brick-kiln........................................ W. T. Mathews...............
Brick-kiln........................................ A. S. McBride............
Brick-kiln......................................... J. M. McCarthy..............
Brick-kiln -......................................... J. M. McCarthy..............
Brick-kiln........................................ J. McDonald...".........
Brick-kiln........................................ J. McDonald...........
Brick-kiln........................................ L. F. Not man and W. F. Dieterichs, jr.
Brick-kiln.................................... L. R. Norman and W. F. Dieterichs, jr.
Brick-kiln....................................... J. Ogle.......................
Brick-kiln.................................C.......C.D. Page..........
Brick-kiln........................................ C. A. Parker.............
Brick-kiln......................................... N. F. Potter..............
Brick-kiln................................ F. Power............. F.o..
Brick-kiln....................................... S.D. Rader -...............
Brick-kiln......................................... S. D. Rador..................
Brick-kiln....................................... H. Read..............
Brick-kiln......................................... J. V B. Remsen.............
Brick-kiln.................................Robso.......... R. Robs.....
Brick-kiln................................ J.uscll........... J..sell....
Brick-kiln.......................................... R. E. Schroeder...........
Brick-kiln........................................ V. A. Shopard............
Brick-kiln........................................ F. H. Smith............
Brick-kiln........................................ R. A. Smith.......
Brick-kiln........................................ J. S. Speights.............
Brick-kiln........................................ E. C. Sterling......
Brick-kiln................................F........ F. Str.ver......
Brick kiln...............................H.......... H. Tgby......
Brick-kiln............................... B. Wallis.....
Brick-kiln......................................... P. J. Walsh and W. J. Taylor..
Brick-kiln........................................ II. D. W hittemore............
Brick-kiln, &c................................... E. V. Wingard................
Brick-kiln........................................A. J. Works......
Brick-kiln, Circular.............................. F. E. Hoffmann.....
Brick-kiln, Covering or platting................8. R. Bakewell............
Brick-kiln, Perpetual........................ W. Gilbert...............
Brick knife.................................J. Garity...............
Brick lifter......................................K. J. Rugg..............
Date. No.
Williamsport, Pa......... June 23, 1868
Detroit, Mich............. |Aug. 31, 1869
Zanesville, Ohio.......
San Francisco, Cal......
Boston and Chelsea, Mass.
Bennington, Vt...........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass............
Baltimore, Md...........
Nashua, N. H._.....
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Paris, France............
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Washington County, D. C.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C.........
Minneapolis, Minn........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Wilson, N. C...............
New York, N. Y..........
Medford, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Washington, D. C.........
Boston, Mass..........
Baltimore, Md.........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Water Valley, Miss.......
Monmouth, Ill.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Malden, Mass.............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Philadelphia, Pa._.......
New Orleans, La..........
Ann Arbor, Mich........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Detroit, Mich.............
Pequa Township. Pa......
New York, N. Y..........
Cheltenham, Mo..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Normal, Ill................
Normal, Ill................
Normal, Ill.......................
Berlin, Prussia.............
Brunswick, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..-...
New York, N. Y.. -. _.
Baltimore. Md............
Chicago, Ill..............
Negaunee, Mich..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Canal I)over, Ohio......
Canal Dover, Ohio.._.....
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
New York, N. Y.........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
June 5,1866
Feb. 16, 1869
Mar. 19, 1861
June 7, 1859
June 7,1859
June 12, 1860
Sept. 27,1825
Feb. 12,1867
Apr. 7, 1868
Aug. 21,1866
Dec. 31, 1872
Dec. 31, 1867
Dec. 17, 1867
June 19,1847
Dec. 8, 1838
Nov. 5, 1867
Jan. 7, 1868
June 28, 1859
Jan. 3, 1871
Nov. 26, 1872
July 21, 1868
July 20,1869
Dec. 24, 1872
Apr. 5,1870
July 1, 1873
Mar. 12,1872
Jan. 15, 1867
June 20, 1871
July 20,1869
Feb. 2, 1869
Mar. 24, 1868
July 9,1867
Feb. 15, 1870
May 4, 1858
Apr. 23, 1872
Jan. 25, 1870
Sept. 29, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Apr. 12, 1870
Sept. 28, 1869
Feb 15, 1870
Feb. 15,1870
Mar. 22, 1870
May 21, 1872
Oct. 16, 1866
Aug 22, 1871
Apr. 2, 1872
July 16, 1872
June 6, 1871
July 30, 1872
Oct. 24, 1871
Nov. 21,1871
Jan. 9, 1872
Jan. 20,1852
May 13, 1873
Apr. 19, 1870
July 9, 1867
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 28,1871
Nov. 27, 1866
Oct. 27, 1868
Jan. 22, 1867
79, 192
94, 188
55, 376
86, 932
31, 728
24, 282
24, 320
28, 692
61, 966
76, 540
57, 450
134, 374
72, 734
72, 352
5, 170
1, 026
70, 669
73, 123
24, 540
110, 764
133, 299
80, 046
92, 770
134, 124
140, 343
124, 538
61, 149
116, 016
92, 702
86, 363
75, 730
66, 464
99, 852
20, 146
126, 040
99, 174
82, 5t
87, 838
101, 870
95, 339
99, 886
99, 887
101, 124
127, 050
58, 941
118, 364
125, 292
129, 558
115, 734
129, 959
120, 202
121, 179
122, 528
8, 678
138, 905
102, 141
66, 604
88, 316
113, 185
60, 029
83, 394
61, 448
61, 449
5, 551
42, 106
105, 241
103, 500
79, 585
65, 943
82, 248
1, 3(i:8
94, 513
76, 946
12, 521
9, "285
65, 772
58, 146
133, 197
11, 2:34
109, 10
130, 254
141, 40-1
115, 793
13, 568
75, (196
98, 134
92, 923
48, 244
109, 815
118, 230
113, 799
Saint Louis, Mo........... Jan. 22,1867
Baltimore, Md-.......... May 9, 1848
Grand Rapids, Mich..... Mar. 29, 1864
New Orleans, La.......... July 12, 1870
Providence, R. I.......... May 24, 1870
Saint Louis, Mo........... July 7, 1868
Williamsport, Pa......... June 18, 1867
Williamsport, Pa......... Sept. 15, 1868
Kensington, Pa............ June 17, 1840
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 7, 1869
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Apr. 21, 1868
Elkton, Ky............... Mar. 13, 1855
Rochester, N. Y........... Sept. 28, 185i2
New York, N. Y.......... June 11, 1867
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 18, 1866
Newburyport, Mass....... Nov. 19, 1872
Baltimore, Md............ July 4, 1854
Saint Louis, Mo.......... Nov. 8, 1870
Clinton, Iowa............. Aug. 6, 1872
Woodville, England....... July 29, 1573
Baltimore, Md........... June 6, 1871
Oil City, Pa............... Mar. 4, 1873
New York, N. Y......... ar. 3, 1868
Williamsport, Pa....... Dec. 2l, 1e69
Fair Haven, Conn...... July 20, 1869
Berlin. Prussia............ June 13, 1865
Wellsburgh, Va.......... May 10, 1826
Detroit, Mich............ Dec. 6, 1870
Brewer, Mo.............. Aug. 22, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Apr. 18, 1871
Index of patents issued from thre United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bhick-mlie &c kiln-------------------------
Brick-machine ----- --- --- - - - -- -
Br ick-niachine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Illick inacliiire..................
Brick-inachirne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brick-machine -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -
Thick-niachine - - -. - - - - - - - - -- -- -
Thick-inachine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
Brick-machine............ -..-.
Brick-m achinec..................
Brc --cin---------------------------------
Brik -acin -------------------- -----------
Brick-machine ---------------------------------
Buick-machine --------------------------------
Birk-machine -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
Brick-mnacine ----------------------------------
Brick-maclhine ---------------------------------
B ui c k - m a c h i n e....................-- -............
Brick-niachinie ---------------------------------
Brick-machine --------------------------------
Birick-m achine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buick-macline -------------"--------.-----------
Brick-machine -------------.-----------_---_-----
IBrck-macine --------------------------------
Brick-machine --------------------------------
1)imck-machine --------.--... -- -
Buk acin --------------------------------
Brick-macliiie - ----------------
Brick-ma chine ---------------------------------
Brick-machine........................ _... -.....
brick-machine --------------------------------
Brick ~m'rcnen
W. P. flal.................--
N. Adams...........---.....
N. Adams................
N. Aihms-...................
TI. Aiken...................F. Allen....................F. Alsip ------------------ ---"
A. Andersen.................
E. F. Andrews...............
J. Armnstrerug...............J. M. Austin.................
C. B. Baker..--..............
J. H. Ballard and E. P. Biond_.
G. Bancker..................
G. Baneker----------------..
H. C. Bankerd................
J. INl. Bannisterr..............
T. Barker-..................WV. Barker and G. Martin.._
11. DI. Bartlett................
W. C. Bar-tel..................
It. T. Barterm---------------..
W. Beach and E. Lurkens.-_--
F. Beaujen------ ----
H. T. Beggs and J. Allen..
S. Belknap...................
S. WV. Bennett, jr.............
T. Bishop and D). Agnew..
E. S. Bitner -.........
P. E. Bland..................
T. E. Bonrrer.................
J. Booth..........-.........
G. C.Bovey -----------------
G. C.Binvey.................--
G. C. Bovey.................--
G. C. Bovey.................--
G. C. Bovey..................
E. Braman and B.. Peter-son....
J. Bretz, W. Sangster, and J.
F. Bretz
A. H11. Brown.................
C. GI. Brown..................
L. Brown..................--
S. B. Brusitar _-....._.
M. rind J. H. Bruck and F. A.
A. HI. arid J. H. Brrckwalter.H.C. Buill..................--
HI. lirlmer and C. Sheppard- - -
J. W). Bris............_.....
R. arid A. P. Caripbell..
E. P.Hi. Capronri--------------
E. P. 11. Capren..............
E. P. H. Capren..............
E. P. H. Capr-en arid J. F.
F. P. HI. Caprori..............
J. V. Car-man................
C. Carnell _...................
F. L. Carnell---------------..
I). Carpenter...-........
J. Caswell..................
J. Caswell...................
C. Chambers, jr.............--
C. Chambers, Jr.............C. Chamnber-s, jr...............
J. IL. Chapman...............
C. Clark....................
F. L. Clarke.................
P. Clark.....................
P. Clark....................W.Cole.-----.....-----
J. B.Cellen.................__
A. E. Cooke - ------------
J. Cooke....................--
J. Cooke....................
F. F. Cornell,jr.............J. WV. Crary..................
J. W. Crary.................--
W. Cr-ighton and H. Roesler..._
IL. B. Critternden..............
J. C. Culver..................
J. B. Cnrtis.--......._.......
I. Cutler and G. C. Swallow.. -
Rleslidence. Date.
Piqua, Ohio-------------Nov. 14, 1871
Cornwall, N. Y.-._--------June 2-2, 18:30
Cornwall, N. Y...........-Oct. 14, 18.34
Newbiur-ghi, N. Y----...---Apr. 13, 1836
Pittshur-ghr, Pa------------. _Dec. '22, 1868
Boston, Mass-------------...June 22, 1858
Norrtr McGr-egor, Iowa.. _ _ Aug. 29, 187i
Pcekskilh, N. Y.- --------- _ Sept. 12,1871
Glasgow, Mo-------------.,..Jarn. 28, 1868
SairntLuis, Mo----------- Feb. 4, 1868
Georgetown, Mo.---------I_ ec. 13, 1870
froy, N. Y---------------.Sept. 25, 1866
New Aniorch, Ohio -.. l _.. e. 8, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... _June 15, 1858
New York, N. Y-----------Jan. 25, 1859
Morgantownr, W. Va..-Apr. 2, 1812
Phelps, N.YV............ June 19,11835
Mexico, N. Y----._..-----Aug. 11, 1868
Schenectady, N. Y -.__ Aug. 23, 1864
Bangor, Me--------------...Aug. 8, 185 4
Hurntingdon, Pa -.... r- _.. Dec. 11, 1866
New Haven, Coun-.__..Mar. 25, 1873
Baltimiore, Md I- -.- - ----May 22, 1841
Parish of New Orleans, La. IPcc. 26, 1871
lLiberty and Lynchburgh, May 10, 1859
Newburgh, N. Y. __-- May 17, 1821
Monroe, La.. __....-_July 20, 1869
Vincennes, Ind - -- -----Jan. 4, 1870
Lock Haven, Pa ----------__.Dec. 8, 1868
Saint Louis, Mo _...._.......Oct.. 1, 1867
Elkhrart, Ind -------- Nov. 22, 18;0
Mobile, Ala ---------------Seprt. 21, 1858
Cincinnati, Ohio.. -... --Febi. 19, 1867
Cincinnati, Ohio............Oc t. 20, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio._- _. Mar. 8, 1870
Cinciinnti, Ohio..- -- -----ar. 26, 187-2
Chillicothe, Ohio.- - - - -----May 13, 187:3
Greenicastle, Ind - - -.-------_Sept. 30,1886
Grecencastle, Ind - - - - ---July 8, 1856
Springfield, Ill------....--Dc 22, 1868
ra shing;ton, D. C _.-..Nov. 6,1855
Caldwell, N. YV---------_Oct. 11,1841
Cainanilaiguar, N. Y..- ir.eug.5, 85
Kensinugtoni, Pa-------------._ iApr.14, 1838
Lebanon, N. H------._....__May 27,1836
IiriBertori, Pa.- -.- -------June 17, 1862
Louisville, Ky------------ _Feb. 20, 1866
Monireal, Caniauda-...Jul5 9, 1872
Henry, Ill----------....._Apr. 23,1867
FivtonuAla--------------- Oct.21, 1873
Hillsdale, Michr- - - -- -- ----July 7, 1868
Springfield, Ohio........---A i"15,1865
Sprirngfield, Ohio----------. _Mauy 8, 1866
Springfield, Ohio------..__.July 31, 1866
Sprinigfield, Ohio--------- __Juily 31, 1866
Springfield, Ohio -- -- - - ----Apr. 21,1868
Sprinigfieldl, Ill------..--Jan. 8, 1867
Plriladelphir., Pa----------... e.Feb. 2,1858
Philaidelphia, Pa----------.._.Jul1 16, 1872
Cortland, '.N. Y.........-Jurln26,1839
Syracuse, N. Y...........-Apr. 16,l186
Syracuse, N. Y------------ Apr. 16, 1861
Philadelphia, Pa.--.------Oc t.6, 1863
Phriladelphria, Pa----------I... v. ov. I,1870
Philadelphia, Pa----------... e.Dec.6, 1870
Philadelphir, Pa ---------- June 14, 1870
Connellsville, Pa---__ ---Apr. 2,187-2
Oakland, Ill--------------._..Apr. 5,1870
Brooklyn, N. Y -._....... iSet.29,1868
Brooklyn, N. Y..----------Feb.9, 1869
Milan, Tenor--------------..Aug.19, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa----------.Nov. 17, 1857
Philadeclplhia, Pa.-- - - -----July6, 1869)
Muncy, Pa--------------- _July- 6,1869
Money, Pa---------- Dec. a, 1871
New York, N. Y- -.--------Jurly 16, 18(67
New Orleans, La----- Aug. 17, 1858
Pensacola, Fla------------ _Aug. 13, 1867
Fort Wayne, Ind.. -...Apr. 7, 1868
Pittsburgh, Pa.......... -July 9, 186'7.
120, 965
85, 197
20, 612
118, 504
118 777
73, 863
74, 030
109, 997
58, 200
84, 724
20, 536
22, 694
125, 255
80, 850
43, 893
11, 465
137, 12-2
2, 101
122, 214
23, 892
92, 770
98, 547
84, 7-27
69, 3t08
109, 376
21, 545
62, 249
83, 244
100, 590
125, 012
138, 731
15, 798
15, 2 76
85, 061
13, 747
2, 312
8, 269
14, 947
52, 674
128, 787
64, 069
14:3, 806
49, 376
76, 888
61, 048
1299 097
32, 047
40, 221
108, 880
109, 103
104, 268
i25, 272
101, 4:12
82, 49-2
86, 73-2
141, 855
18, 6-29
92, 270
92, 169
121, 450
66, 800
21, 186
67, 728
76, 405
66, 468
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Brick-machine ---------------------------
Brick machine.............................
Brick-machine --..................................
Brick machine..........................
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine..............................
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine--..---------------------------..
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine ---......-.-...................--
Brick machine....................................
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine....................................
Brick machine ---..................................
Brick machine.....--.............................
Brick machine..........-........................
Brick machine.................................
Brick machine....................................
Brick machine...----------------...
Brick machine........
Brick machine...........................
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine...................................
Brick machine---..----------------------
Brick machine- ----------------
Date. I No.
i I I!i---
T. Dixcee...-------.D. P. Dobbins, J. S. Richards.
and J. Sangster.
D. P. Dobbins and J. Sangster.
J. A. Dorr, I. Hersey, and E. J.
R. A. Douglas..-------------............... -
H. Dueber,...................
F. Durand...................
J. S. Elliott....................
J. S. Elliott..........
A. Elliot and J. O. Woodward.
T. and W. A. Ellis...........
T. S. Emery.............
J. A. Falconer and R. Graham.
E. Faron.............
A. Ferguson, D. Ralston, and
G. Hildreth.
C. W. Ferguson..........
H. J. Ferguson................
G. B. Fisher.................
T. Forbes....................
F. E. Frey..................
W. C. Gaither................
R. M. Gano...............
R. M. Gano and R. S. Miller...
A. Gans....................
B. M. Gard...................
B. M. and E. R. Gard.........
B. M.and E. R. Gard.........
E. R. Gard...................
E. R. Gard...................
E. R. Gard....................
I. M. Gattman.......-........
E. Geary.............
G. W. B. Gedney----------..............
J. George.------"----------
J. George and H. Hague.......
G. W. Gilbert.................
T. M. Gisborne................
S. Gissinger..................
S. Gissinger..................
D. W. Glendinning....-..-....
D. Goldthorp and T. Hield.... - -.
D. W. Gould.................
J. F. Gould...................
G. Graezzle...................
W. A. Graham................
J. Grant.....................
H. H. Gray..................
E. R. Green and H. D. Phillips, jr.
Woodfield Road, England May 7,1867
Erie, Pa., and Buffalo, N. Y Feb. 11, 1868
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Oct. 4,1870
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 31, 1857
Chicago, Ill- --
New York, N. Y........
Paris, France............
East Boston, Mass......
Boston, Mass...........
Taunton, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
New York, N. Y.....
Troy, N.Y..............
Jackson, Tenn.............
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill............
Kansas City, Mo..........
Bucyrus, Ohio...........
La Fayette, Ind.........
Allegheny City, Pa......
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Lincoln, Ill...............
Champaign County, Ohio..
Urbana, Ohio, and Chicago,
Urbana, Ohio, and Chicago,
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill............
Chicago, Ill.............
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
New York, N. Y......
Jackson, Mich..........
Jackson, Mich.......
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Lymington, England......
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Detroit, Mich............
Hartford, Conn...........
Independence, Iowa.......
Hamilton, Ohio......
Carlisle, Pa............
Providence, R. I..........
Haverstraw, N. Y.......
Trenton, N. J..........
Sept. 4, 1866
Nov. 26, 1867
May 26, 1868
June 26, 1866
Sept. 6, 1870
Oct. 28, 1873
Feb. 8, 1870
May 10, 1870
Sept. 22, 1868
Nov. 3, 1868
July 11, 1871
May 10, 1870
Aug. 28, 1866
Apr. 14, 1868
Oct. 26, 1858
Aug. 11, 1868
Nov. 26, 1872
Jan. 21,1868
July 28, 1868
July 16, 1867
June 5, 1866
Feb. 22, 1870
Feb. 7, 1871
Jan. 23,1866
Nov. 20, 1866
May 28, 1867
July 3, 1860
Dec. 8, 1868
Sept. 18, 1855
Mar. 14, 1865
Apr. 3, 1866
Aug. 15, 1835
Feb. 20, 1866
Oct. 21, 1862
Dec. 10, 1867
Oct. 14, 1873
Dec. 2, 1873
Mar. 31, 1863
Mar. 1, 1806
Dec. 4,1866
Mar. 17, 1868
Jan. 23, 1866
Dec. 1, 1868
Feb. 4, 1868
64, 504
74, 207
108, 012
16, 907
57, 689
71, 466
78, 268
55, 841
107, 017
143, 972
99, 658
102, 929
82, 396
83, 769
116, 942
102, 794
57, 628
76, 617
21, 876
80, 862
133, 429
73, 522
80, 470
66, 700
55, 274
111, 629
59, 831
65, 069
29, 036
84, 816
13, 572
46, 845
53, 600.....
52, 801
36, 706
72, 015
143, 569
145, 169
38, 041.....
75, 542
52, 245
84, 624
74, 079
8, 284
50, 070
59, 212
55, 583
38, 629
8, 158
59, 006
116, 587
126, 291
57, 128
113, 514
15, 293
25, 467
102, 115
15, 546
67, 541
81, 901
129, 225
95, 108
101, 616
130, 046
121, 871
15, 808
98, 495
16, 385
6, 509
46, 188
29, 171
53, 2-23
51, 050
53, 980
65, 383
17, 248
138, 251
19. 366
I. Gregg............... Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Aug. 5,1851
I. Gregg........Philadelphia, Pa -...--.. Sept. 19, 1865
I. GregganC.Ge............ Philadelphia, Pa---...---..Oct. 30, 1866
I. Gregg and C. Green...... Philadelphia, Pa...... June 12, 1866
I. Gregg and H. Moser...-... Philadelphia and Pitts- May 19, 1863
burgh, Pa.
M. Gregg..................... Philadelphia, Pa....... June 17, 1851
J. B. Gridley.................. Albany, N. Y........... Oct. 23, 1866
F. L. Hall..................... Oneida, N. Y.............. July 4,1871
F. L. Hall.................... Oneida, N. Y............. Apr. 30, 1872
E. Hallett._................... Hillsdale, Mich-......... Aug. 14, 1866
E. Hallett..... Hillsdale, Mich........... Apr. 4, 1871
G. Halloway............... Montgomery County, Pa.. Apr. 21, 1836
J. A. Hamer_............. -. Reading, Pa.............. July 8, 1856
J. A. Hamer.................. Reading, Pa.............. Sept.13,1859
J. S. Hanna................... Mercer, Pa............. Nov. 23, 1829
G. W. Harlam................. Cincinnati, Ohio......... Apr. 19, 1870
I. Harman................ Tamaqua, Pa........... Aug. 12, 1856
G. V. Harper................ Franklinville, N. Y........ Oct. 23, 1837
P. Hayden................. Pittsburgh, Pa..... Aug. 6,1867
P. Hayden.................... Pittsburgh, Pa............ Sept. 8, 1868
B. S. Heath and T. W. Gardner La Cygne, Kans., and Hun- July 16, 1872
tington, Ind.
C. V. Hemenway.............. New London, Ohio-...... Sept. 21, 1869
C. V. Hemenway........... New London, Ohio....... Apr. 5, 1870
D. Hess...................... Des Moines, Iowa....... July 30, 1872
D. Hess....................... Blandville, Ky........... Sept. 15, 1868
D. Hess..................... Des Moines, Iowa-......... Dec. 12,1871
J. A. Hill--...----------------.. Greencastle, Ind.......... Sept. 30, 1856
J. S. Hobbs and L. R. Elder...-. West Falmouth, Me....... Jan. 4, 1870
J. Hockman---------------.................. Mexico, Ind............... Jan. 13, 1857
J. Hodge................ Fair Play, S. -...........- Mar. 6, 1840
J. Hodges.................... Fair Play, S. C.....---------- June 3,1837
W. A. Horrall....-------------- Washington, Ind...--.. Jan. 31, 1865
J. Hotchkiss............... Yellow Springs, Ohio...... July 17, 1860
J. Hotchkiss.................. Springfield, Ohio.......... Mar. 13, 1866
J. Hotchkiss and E. Buss-..... Springfield, Ohio....... -Nov. 21, 1865
J. Hotchkiss and E. Buss...... Springfield, Ohio........ Apr. 17, 1866
J. Hotchkiss and E. Buss..... Springfield, Ohio....JJune 4, 1867
J. Hotchkiss and W. H. Scho- Yellow Springs, Ohio...... May 5, 1857
J. Hotchkiss and P. W. Wolis- Springfield, Ohio......... Apr. 29, 1873
G.. O. Houick and I. Gore-...... Springfield, Ohio----------.......... Feb. 16, 1858
Index of Ipatents issued fr-on the United States Pate-it Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
InlventioJn. Inventor.
Brick-machine-------- --------------------------- G. 0. Hlouck and C. E. Sawyer.
Brick-machine----------------------------------- A. V. Heugh.................
Brick-machine ----------------------------------A. V.Lieug~hand R.t. Joes.
Burik-ieachine----------------------------._----. II. Ilo;ughton-----------.. -
irick-machine ----..-...----"-..---------"------W. II. Hovey...............--
Brick.-machine.----------...-----------W 1 1-ey"---"----------XV 1 lvy.......
Thick-machine ---------------------------------- W. H. Ilovey...............Bricl.-machine----------------------------------.XWV. 1Hover----_-----------
P L kmaclime--------------------------------E. C. Hlubhard-------------_...
Bri--iL ri hre-----------------------------------1E. IR. Hubhar-d...............
Lu-ck-machine ----------------------------------I.L Hughes-----------------..
Pr -1 -midline---------...---------------------D. J. Huiiter................
Luick-macline----------------------------------..LD.J. Hunter.................
riuc1k-machine----------------------------------P.. J. Hunter.................
___ ick___________ mahn------------------X. (1. Hyndman.............
Bric k-machine--.-..........................------G. W. Ivcs..................
Brick-machine-------------------.Jri...........................J ri _-._.__._
Brick-macline.- - _.--------------------------------1)_ _ __ _. J. Irwin and 11. S Langdon.
Link-machine----------------------------------..F. Jacohie..................--
Brick-macline----------------------------------.J. W. Jayne...__...........
Br ic k -niac h in e----------------------------------_J. J. Johnston...............
Brick-machinie----------------------------------- H. Jones._...........
Luick i-acine.--------------------------------J. Jones....................
Buick-maichine----------------------------------- It. W. Jones.................
Bri~ck-macline--------------------------------.__W. A. Jordan.-----.....
Luick-machne-_---- ---------------------- J. Keller.-.-...........
Buick-macline----------------------------------..J. Keller....................
Brick-machine---------------------------------.. P. H. Kells...................
Buick-macline _.- _...-.-.-............ P. H. Kells...................
Buick-mackune----------------------------------___P. H. Kells._._............
Bu-ck-macliinc ---------"------------------------- P. H. Kells.................Brick-imachinIe----------------------------------..E. Kingsland.................
Buick-macmc------------------------- -------_ L. Kirk.....................
Biud mn-ino.---------------------------------L. Kirk.....................
Luick-machinec----------------------------------.J. ilfinkliardt...............
Brick-machine ---------------------------------- J. Klinikiardt and XVKiburz. -
Buick-imachne----------------------------------..J. L. Kucker---------------..
Bi-ick-roaclinie--------------------------------..__J. Kutts........_............
1Brick-nmaciine----------------------------------..J. A. Latler.................--
Thick-machiieaic--------------------------------. J. A. Lafler-----------__----
Brick-nahie---------------------------------.. A. La Tourette and S H.
Brick-miehine----------------------------------..J. G. Lehir and H. Li.Thorp-..
Luick niachine----------------------- --_______ V. 0. Leslie----------------
Buick-niachimno----------------...._.-_W.. esie------------------W0.Lsi........
Prick-niachine--------"-------------------------- AV. 0. Leelie................--
Prick-nmacline--------------------------------.__ W. 0). Leslie------------------
B rick-machine---------------------------------.. S. Lew is....................
Luick-machine-----------------------------------Li. Locke...................--
Brick-machine-.__..---.------------ -----_--RI. Lockwood and C. C. Schmitt
Brick-macline----------------------------------__. Lomhard.................
Brick-miicliine..................................It. Long....................--
Brick-macline---------------------------------.. S. W. Long -----------------
Buick-machnne.................................._XV. H. Lola and F. Baumann.Luick-machire----------------------------------..Z. Luidington................
Buick-mrachine----------------------------------__W. B1.andnH P. L. Machen, jr..
Lrick-macline -_-_-------------------------- J. F. Mallinckrodt..-----
Briick-machine................................... H. Maul li................---
Buick-machine------------------------------------ J. Marshall.............--...
Brick-machine...............................H.--_I. Martiii.._..__..............
Brick-maclire.........................--------- - H 1. Martin...................
Buick-machine................................... H. Martin...................
Lrick-machine...............................--- HI. Mart in..................Bic-rkmachine.................................. I. Marlin....................
Brick-machime..............................._. J. Martin_-_... _._.......
Brick-macicnic..................................-S. Martin...................--
Brick-machine................................."-- P. Marvin --------------------
Lrick-miachine----------------------------------- B. J. McAfee...............--
]Brirck-maclime------------------------------------G. V. McCann _.......
Luick-machine........................ __......_.- C. C. and J. Mc~iermid ___..
Brick-machine................................... J. McDonald........
Buick-machine...................................J. McDonalil.................
Brick-machine.................................- J. C. McKenzie-------------..
Lrick-machine..................................- J. IN. McLean and J. Benrior -_ -
Brick-machine.................................- J. IN. McLean andl JBeunor.. -
Brick-machine..............................- J. McManius -----------------
Buick-niadhineo.................................- J. McMurtry...............Brick-machine..................................A. It. McNair.. _......__.....
Liick- machine.................................- J. Melling.................--
Brick-machine.......................W. Mendham arid C. Chainhers, ji-.
Brick-machine...........................-_..J. Meinefee.-......-........
Springfield, Ohio. __-.
Greencastle, Ind.
Greericastle, Lad...--.
Marlin, lex..............
Springfield, Mats._
Springfield, Mass.
Springfield, GMass...Sprinigfield, Mass.
Grcon Bay, Wis..____
New York, N. N....
Pekin, I111................
Exeter, N. H............Somerville, Mass......
Boston, Mass __..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.----
North Haven, Conn --.
Nolile, Ill..............._
Nohle, Ill...............
Alhan3-, N.Y............
Allegheny City, Pa._._
Fort Madison, Iowa...
Baltimore, Md...........Grccncastl,,Id.----
Thibedeaux, La._--.._..
Padneab, HKy............Padncah, Ky.......... ---
A drian, Mich........._
Adrian, NMich............
Ada-ian, Michi............
Adian, Mi.ch..__.......
New York, N. Y....
Rleading, Pa............_
Reading,,Pa............Sainit Louis, Mo....
Saint Louis, Mo.._-._
Piladelphria, Pa --.-___
Philadelphia, Pa.-.---.
Alhion, N. YV............
Albion, N. Y ------------.
Venice and Waterloo, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.---__
Philadelphia, Pa..___.
Philad elphia, Pa._..
Phladelpliia, Pa.._.__
New York, N. YV.----
Boston, Mats...._........_
Coluimbaus, Ohio.-----
Chicago, Ill............._
Uniontown, Pa........._
Toledo, Ohio.............
Saint Lois, Mo...._.
New York,. N _..._V
Fond du Lac, Wis....
Milwaukee, Wis..
Spring field, Mass..._.
Keyport, N. J...........--
Cincinnati, Ohio. _.
Chaicopee, Mass----------..
Newark, N. J............
-Jersey City, N. J....
Knohooster, Mo......
Warsaw, Ind.......
Delphi, lnd........
Camburia MrllsMach -
New York, N. X - ----
New York, N YV -- ----
Adrian, Michir..
PhriladelpiaPa _...__-.
Pliladelphia, Pa.__._...
Pittsbrurghi, Pa....... _...
Lexin gton, cK._.....
New YorkIN. V.....
Philadelphiain Pa...._.
Saint Landry Parish, La..
Date. No.
June 17, 1873 139, 894
June 26, 1855 13, 129
Mar. 17, 1857 16, 839
July 16, 1t71 129, 563
Feh. 27, 18t6 52, 852
Aug. 6, 1867 67,548
Aug. 25, 1868 8i, 56
July 16, 1872 129, 411
Jan. 24, 1871 111,210
Jan. 7, 1873 134,672
M9ay 6, 1873 138,651
Nov. 16, 1889 9t6, 920
Apr. 25, 18 71 114,011
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 646
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 879
Sept. 17, 1867 68, 882
Man-. 4, 18 73 136, 520
Aug. 5, 18 73 1-41, 560
July 12, 1864 43, 505
May 5, 1857 17, 220
Feb. 19, 1867 6-2, 207
Febi. 6, 18 72 123, 401)
Sept..l1, 1866 57,919
Jan. 15, 1856 14, 100
Si-pt. 23, 1856 15, 766
May 25, 1869 90, 555
Aug. 16, 1870 106, 490
Mar. 19, 186r7 63, 057
July 2, 1807 60, 355
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 511
Mar. P2, 1872 124, 590
May 13, 1856 14, 873
Jan. 31,1860 26,997
Mair. 4, 1802 34, 580
June 29, 1869 92, 059
Nov. 24, 18138 84, 284
May 23, 18 71 115,218
Oct. 26, 18578 21, 888
Jan. 6, 1863 37, 348
Aug. 11, 18688 6, 976
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 683
Feh. 2, 1869 86, 423
Aug. 0, 1807 07, 439
May 12, 1868 77,894
Jrune 30, 18(38 -79.36-2
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 557
Feb. 11, 1824._._
Apr. 19, 1859 23, 691
Mar. 2, 1819 87, 416
Febi. 23, 1858 19, 470
Aug. 19, 1851 8, 301
Nov. 5, 1807 70, 585
July 2:1, 1867 136, 979
July 9, 187~2 128, 738
Aug. 1, 1871 117,551
July 13, 1869 92, 6i25
June 14, 1870 104, 330
May 14, 1867 64, 778
July 10, 1867 60, 7-23
June 27, 1865 48, 419
Oct. 20, 1888 83, 21)7
Sept. 17, 1872 131,363
May 13, 18 73 138, 754
Api.7, 1888 76, 337
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 11
Apr. 1,18731 137, 460
Mair. 11 1867 62, 704
May 26, 1868 78, 221
Feb.i 2, 1869 86, 567
July 9, 1867 66, 605
Apr. 1,18120..
Aug.6, 1867 67, 561
Mar. 10, 1888 75, 287
May1 14, 1872 126, 728
Arm. "6,187:3 142,114
Felm. 9, 1869 86, 853
Aug. 8, 1854 11, 487
May 15, 1866 54, 752
Oct. 2-2, 1861 33, 535
Nov. 8, 1870 109, 034
Aug. 7, 18-23.
Index of p2atents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Brick-machine ---------------------------------
Brick-machine---- --- --- - - - -- -- -
Brick-machine------------ -- ----
Brick-maichine-- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - - -
Brick-machiie-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -
Brick-machine.___________ ______
Birick-machine.----------- --- -- -
Brick-machine---- --......----------
Brick-machine.._ -_ -............ _
Brick-machine................_. _
Brick-machine- - --- - - -- --- - -- -- -
Brick araclirne...................
Brick- machine-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Brinck-niachine--- - - --- - --- ----- -
brick naclirne..................................
Brick-machine.------------------------ ---------
Brick-machine...-- - - - - - --............
Brick-machine ----------------------------------
Brick-maclime --------------------------------
Brick nuachine.--------------------------------
Brick-machine.------------------------ ---------
B-rick..m chine----------------
C. 11. Mnrray ----------------
D. Murtha------------------
C. Murtha-..--------------
B. F.Nave------------------
J. N. Newell----------------.
A. N. Newton.--------------
C. Nolan --------------------
J. North...................--
A. Nulson, E. Haneisen, and
A. Wagner.
A. Nelsen, E. Raneisen, and
A. Wagner.
M. Nyc and A. J. Kniseley ---
W. Ods--...................
W. F. O'Reilly..............
J. Or-merod----.---.------ ----
J. W. Osgood-----------------
1). Packard ------------------
W.iH.Paige -----------------
S. J. Parker -----------------
S. Parks ---------------------
J. Parsons-------------------
L. Patterson -----------------
Z. M. Panl -------------------
J. W. Pease----------------..
J. W %. Pae-- -
J. W. Pentield---------------
H. U. Phillips, jr., and C. H.
Willianis. -
Z. Phili ps-.-----------------
J. F.M. Pollock------------..
J. F. M. Polleck------------..
H. B. Raminy. ----- ----
HI. B. Ramsey---------------
J. L. Ransom--------------..
L. E. Ransom.. -.........
J. Reeder------------------
ID. B. Rich and C. ID. Hnhbard.
J. J. Riddle----------------
S. Rigby, 3d----------------
S. C. Ripley ----------------
D. Rising -....----..
ID. Rising------------------..
T. 11. Rodgers................
A. Sabbaten----------------
S. C. Salisbnry.-........-..
A. H. Samopson. -.- -.----
J. Samuels.........----..
H. Sands and G. Cummrings...
J. Sangster..................
J. Sangster ----------------.
J. Sangster, D. P. Dobbins,
and J. S. Richards.
W. Sangster-.------------
J. F. Selinfenecker....
J. F. Schuffeneckcr. ---..
T. E. Seay.................--
I. WV. Sceley and F. Jacobie..
H. C. Sergeant..............
H. C. Sergeant..............
H. C. Sergeant--------------
W. F. Shanks..............--
W. A.- Shepard.-...------
S. Shreffier..........
S. Shrefiler.................
J. Simpson..................Sm sn.--.....-..
D. Smith..................--
F. 11. Smith. -........
F. HI. Smith................
J. H. Smith and C. H. Florence
J. N. Smith................
J. T. Smith................--
P. J. Sniith.................
P. J. Smith.................
R. A. Smith.................
G.EL. Smell.................
T. Smurfit.................S. L. Speissegger.... -..-...
A. J. Spraue.-..........
E. Sprague.................
A. Stewart.................
H. W. Stillman.............
T. Stone..................--
H. H. Strawbridge and D.
S. Strong ---.....------
Residence. Date. No.
Southwark, England-...Jnne 24, 1873 140, 296
Philadelphia, Pa-..__. May 10, 1864 42, 680
Philadelphia, [Pa -- -- ----May 29, 1866 55, 148
Roanorke, id- -- -- -- -- -- - -Janl. 20, 1857 16, 4419
Des Moines, Iowa-.__....June 30, 1863 39, 061
Richmond, lad......------.Dcc. 4, 1866 68, 231
Niles, Mich............. Apr. 7, 1868 76, X04
New York, TN. Y----------. _Dec. 17, 1867 72, 220
Cincinnati, Ohio.._ -......Jan. 15, 18 67 61, 238
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Aug. 18, 1868 81, 284
Chicago, Ill---------------.Feh. 25, 1868 74, 765
Alhany, Ill --------------- July 13,1869 92, 616
Starkville, Miss.-----------.Aug. 6, 1872 130, 236
Peekskill, N. Y-----------.Jan. 9, 1872 122, 642
Columbus, Ohio----------- _ _Apr. 7, 1868 76, 341
Saint Joseph, Mo....-------.Jan. 19, 1869 86, 032
Springfield, Mass-_.._._.Dcc. 6, 1864 45, 377
Ithaca, N. YV.-.--.-.--.-..---Jan. 14, 1868 73, 258
San Francisco, Cal.- ---_ May 26, 1857 17, 390
Cleveland, Ohioir...........- _Oct. 30, 1860 30, 541
Parker City, Pa----------..Dec. 9, 1873 145, 444
Alexandria, La-----------..Oct. 3, 1854 11, 760
Belmont, N. Y...---------_Nov. 27, 1866 60, 050
Belmont, N. YV.-----------. _Dec. 15, 1868 84, 901
Willoughby, Ohio _.... _ _ Jan. 16, 1872 122, 851
Trenton, N. J., and Mat Mar. 56, 1872 126, 075
tea-wain,N. V.
-Osseo, Mich--------------..Oct. 18, 1870 108, 511
-Manchester, England - Aug. 31, 1889 94, 337
Leeds, Great Britain-.__.June 27, 1871 116, 484
-Indianapolis, Ind----------.Aug. 26, 1856 15, 618
Rockville, Ind------------.Nov. 19, 1872 133, 175
Charleston, S. C-----------.Mar. 30, 1858 19, 79-2
Trenton, Mich------------_..Feb. 4, 1868 74, 000
Cincinnati, Ohio..._.. -.Feh. 15, 18:38 601
Cambridge, Mass-.__._-_-.Mar. 19, 1872 124, 7(11
Covington, Ky--_.-- ------July 2-2, 1851 8, 23i
Newcastle, Pa............-June 14, 1870 104, 354
-New York, N. V -_------Mar. 7, 1854 10, 612
Atchester, Vt............. Mar. 21, 18-27._.Cocetr*.Y.-___. a.2,12 Chicago, Ill---------------.Apr. 10, 1886 53, 879
Reading, Pa--------------....May 16, 1848 5, 586
Milwaukee, W is----------_ _July 27, 1838 21, 025
New Orleans, La----------. _June 14, 1853 9, 785
Allentown, Pa ------------ Apir. 20, 1852 8, 892
-Cambridge, Mass., arid Sept. 6, 1853 10, 005
West Derby, Vt.
-Buffalo, N. V............. Oct.. 23, 1866 59, 080
*Buffalo, N. Y------------- __ __ _Mar. 12, 1867 62, 781
Buffalo, N. Y., and Eric, Pa. Jan. 7, 1868 73, 201
-Joliet, Ill-----------------.Dec. 17, 1867 72, 421
Keokuk, Iowa------------..Mar. 22, 1859 23, 315
Saint Louis, Mo-----------...Feb. 7, 1865 46, 273
*Columbia, Va. _........... Apr. 11, 1854 10, 759
-Alhany, N. V-------------....May 8, 1866 54, 610
Columbus, Ohio.-.-- -----June 11, 1867 65, 612
Columbus, Ohio-----------_..June 11, 1867 65, 613
Columbus, Ohio -._- -------Sept. 17, 1867 68, 907
Louisville, Ky------------ _.Dec. 17, 1867 72, 130
-New York, N. Y----------_ _Jan. 8, 1867 61, 108
Joliet, Ill----------------....Aug. 22, 1805 49, 562
*Joliet, I111-------.-.-..-.-...-.Oct. 8, 1867 69, 592
Decatur, Ga... _........... Apr. 25, 1846 4, 481
-Saint Louis, Mo----------- _.Jan. 28, 1808 73, 843
Newburyport. Mass..-..-June 9, 1868 78, 705
Baltimore, Md.... Oct. 3, 1854 11, 753
Baltimore, Md............-July 21, 1868 80, 231
iicluv iew, Ill...--..--------.Apr. 21, 1888 77,118
Jersey City:, N. J..---------. _Mar. 12, 1867 62, 782
SpigilIll............ e.1,16 6 9
-Philadelphia, Pa----------..Apr. 28, 1808 77, 224
Philadelphia, Pa -_......... -Nov. 16, 1869 96, 985
Newbury port, Mass._.- July 9, 1872 1.8, 822
Meadville, Pa. _..._......June 15, 1858 2-0, 594
-Davisville, Mich.- - --.---Dec. 21, 1869 98, 115
Savannah, Ga............. Mar-. 2, 1832 8, 780
Toledo, Ohio--------------.....July 2, 1867 66, 408
Allegheny City, Pa..._Dec. 22, 1868 85, 142
Baltiurore, Md.-........Apr. 8, 1819 _..
Port Wac tsingtonT:,W..Aug.021859 2, 96
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Conrtinued.
Bricsnaciine.- -.........------------
Buick-rachin(. ----- -------------"1. ci- machine.................................
Prick-mac ie..........ro........
B -ch-m achiow - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Br ck machine................................--
Brick-machinc.- - - - - - - --..............
Brick-maichinie.....- - - - - - - --..........
In-Mentor. Residence.
J. V. Tompkins-...-..--..--. -...Cinanidaigna. Mtich.
J. Treadrvay-----------------Jlaverstraw, N. V..--
S. LTstick..............-....hi indellphia, Pa.----
S. Ustick ------------------- Preiladeiphia, Pa..---
S. Usrick....................-Philadelphia, Pa ---.--
S. Ustick-------.------------ Philadelphia, Pa....
J. Van Rtiswick-------------- Washington, D. C....
L. M. Van Sickle------------- Woocibridge,N.J..._B. Van Vranken -.--- - - ----Schenectady, N. Y.-.
R. A. Ver Valen............. Haverstraw, N. Y...
J. A. Victor................. Montgconery County, Ky..
I. Z. A. Wagner __............_ Philadelphia, Pa. __.
R. L. Wallcer............... Globe Village, Mass _...
W. S. Wallace................ Amer-icns, Ga..........
P. and J. Waibrath_... - _. --Cliltenauo, N. V.
T. and J. Walsh and 1). Evans Brownsville, Pa....
J. Ward -_.........Boston, Mass....._......J. Ward.................... Boston, Mass.............
G. I. Washibun.............. Worcester, Mass.----
G. I. Washbnrn and E. H. Bel- Worcester, Mass.....
(G. I. Washbnrn arid E. H. Bel- Worcester, Mass.-----_
May 16, 1871
1Dec. 1-2, 1871
Apr. 18, 1t54
July 7. 1857
Sept. 8, 1857
Apr. 27, 1859
Mar. 8, 1859
May 26, 1868
Feb. '25, 1t,6
June 29, 1852
Sept. 4, 1855
Apr. 27, 1859
Auge. 21, 186
Aug. 28, 1860
Oct. 13. 1868
May 14, 1867
Oct. 14, 1862
Jan. 24, 1865
Sept. 15, 1837
Oct. 7, 1856
Apr. 21, 1857
Thick-maochine.-................................. t C. Waterman................-B-sthr Me................ July 0,1836
Thick-machi 10.....________.... -_.J. Watson.--.....-......Bnffalo, N. V.............June 5, 1866
Brick maclire_______-.....................J. Watson...................--Buffalo, N.YV............. Mar. 12,1867
Brick-macine..................................... W. S. Watson.................Madrison, Id........... June 71859
Brick-machr'o.................................... W. S. Watson................. Madison, Id.............. Api. 0 18(1
Brick-machrine.................................. J. A. Welch...._...........enia, Ohio..............-July 23, 1867
Br ck-machin................................... D. Wellington.._...........13slonMass.............Aug. 18,18L8a
Brick niachine........................___........P. V. Westtiill................ Kalan i/Oo, Mich..........-Dc 10, l8(7
Brick-inachine.........................___....F. Whitcombh._..._.._Chicago, Ill..-..... May31,1870
Brck niacine-.._..____________...................Ii. \Whitc.-..............-_ C 1 \llsri(, Ohio...........iSept.7,185i8
Brick-nichine................................... W. 0G. Wite.................bc 11w ii Ohio..._.-Aug.8, 18-11
Brickmra chine.................................- J. WVhiteforcl._._.............f)1n( City, K'n- Ot1915
Brick machine....................................1R. Wildmnan.................. D nury Cionu.__.......Apr. 12,1'59
Fridkin' irie.................................. J. Willerd.................._B tignre, Aid..........Jan. 29, 1840
Brick-machine................................... C. H. Williams.._.._.......Rhineheck, N.Y..........Apr. 5,1870
Brird-machine.................................. J. It. Williams-............uni Mass......... --Nov. 8 1870'
Brick-machinie-........-...-._..................-.M. Wlim.....-.DktoaI."_--Nv),17 rc-ahn. _________________. Williams...............D--- ostonIwa._..........Nov, 1870
Brick -ichirie...._..............................11.. Wilson.._........._.....hochtonPtx...........Mae3, 1868
i rk maclhine.................-.................CR.A.Wo...................Newckrci, P.Y...........Ju~ne 2,Is?
Brick-micerne...................................RI. Wolff.................... Nw wYXoik, N. V..........JMay in,1870
Brrck-mnarenne............................ t of....................---------- SnwfYork, ON.o..........Mane51017
Briick machrine.................................... P. N. Woliston...........__ Spin( fic.ld, Ohi o.........J une 51,1868
Brick niacine............................-----..N.Woion...............S-- nirfried1,Colv.......... ay 11,11-118
Brick-macline..................................... Wood....--............... Hartford, Connm.-- - May 26e. 3 1868
Buick-nmachirre................................. W. Wood-.................artfordConun.----. Mar. e 213 1859
Brick-machine................................... W. Wood............rrtlori., Conn.............Aug. 14, 18601
Brick-in-hine...................................A. Woadworth, 3d, and S. Boston, Mass............ Aug. 31, icS-21
Brick-machine................................. C. 1). \V1iglitington -.. Boston, Mass... -_......Apr. 5, 18701:Brick-machhine..................................___ __ __ __ __ _C. D. Wrigitington and B. P Fairhaven and Chelsea, June 2, 1868
Rider Mass.
Brick machime, Concrete......................... B. Bishee....................-Antes, Iowa.............Mar. 2!, 1869
Brick machire, Concrete.......................W. Emmons...-.._._-_.......Sandwich, Ill........... Apr. 14, 1868
Brick machire, Concrete.........................M. S. Harilia..........-.-..Batavia, Ill._..........Nov. 19, 1867
Brick nuachine, Concrete.._......................F. Hawkins..........Chicago, Ill....... _......May 26, 1868
Bik clmacinei Concrete.........................I. Pardee...........Vinelarid, N.3J.._........Feb. 25, 1868
Brick macline, Concrete -................ I. Stewart and D. Windsor. Sandwich, Ill. _...........May 21, 1867
Brirck-rmachinec Cut-off for......................._ __ __ __ _C. Chambers, jr... _...........Philadelphia, Pa...........ov.Nov. 30, 1869
Brick rn-wchineonirister.. _.........................C. Chambers, jr.... _... _.......Philadelphlia, Pa. _........-Jan. 24, 1865
Brick, Machine for- cleaning...................... J. Lyon......................--Norfolk, Va..............-Apr. 20, 1869
BrickM-achie for- dressing. -------.....-----J. McNamara----------------- _. __ _Bufirihlo, YN.-V.............__May 26, 18618
Brick, Machine for mixing~ clay, mortar, &e., for A. Tech. __..............Waterloo, N. Y...........-Mar. 12, 1839
ma king
Brick, Machine for mixing~ earth for..... __.........B. K. Hill..-....... -.........ichmornd County. Ga. Feb. 17, 1827_
Brick, Machine far molinirg anid drying. __..., C. Vassar............ __ __.......Poiughkeepsie, N. Y.-____Nov. 1, 1830 _.
Brick, Macire far lpreparig clay for making. H. Whiipple -............__.. _. _..Perc Iichrauond, N. YV. -_-Mur. 25, 1831
Brick, Machirre for preparing mortar for the man- 0. W. Seely................... Sdus, N. V -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Mar. 5, 1839
ul rehire ot.
Brick, Machiune for pressing arid delivering _.._.U. Ward..___-..__...............Washington, D. C -._. Dec. 15, 1835 _
BrictkItachine for strikirnuburut --..........M. P. Crape -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - --llHmholdt County, Cal.... July 13, 1856
Buick, Machine for tempering clay for.............. Stillman and J Taylor..-. -_ - Kensington and Spring Apr. 21, 1842
Garden, Pa.
Brick, Machine for turning or edging.............C. 0. Farring-ton -_....._......Brewer, Me _... _......Feb. 1, 1859
Brick-machin Off-hearing appharatirs for _.........C. Chambers, j r.............-- -- -- Philadelphia. Pa.._.. June 28, 1870 1
Brick-miachini, Preparing clay for................. C. M. Ferris and N Swan New Milford, Germ., and Apr. 16, 1850
Patterson, N. V.
Bric ma-chine, Press........................... W. C. Grimes.._.___.........York,Pa.-....-------Dec. 2,1i834.
brick niachrruc Rotary........................... G. Crarigle...................--Philadelphia, Pa..-----Jnne 3,1i856
Brck-machineiRotary..........................G. Crangle..-......_......Philadelphia,?a.......... Jan. 27, 1857
brick-macrhine, Rotary...........................G. Craugle.............----- Philadelpia, Pa.......... May 5, 1857
brirk -ichirreRotary._............._...M. C. Metelr............- Covington, Ky............ De.31, 1867
Brick-machume Soak-pit of....................... W.H. Deges..........Washington. D. C.._.... June 5, 1855
Brick-machine, Die or month for................. C. H. Murry............... _ _ _ Southwar-k, England...June 24, 187:3 1
Brrck, Machinery for- the manuihtureof. _........ B. D. Berry....... _..........Edwardsville, 111......... Feb. 9, 1869
brickMaking-.................................._A. Frost._............._. Cazernovia, N. V..-.. Sept. 21, 18(8 -
Brick, Making...............................__. 1..Garretson................iRichland. Iowa...........--Jnly 31, 1866
BokMaking..................................-A. Kinsley......._........_.... -- _._..................Feb. 1, 173_
Brick, Makin...................................-F. Lambert..__.........._..Los Angeles, Cal.----Jam. 17, 1871 1
Brick mn king..................................--S. Lowery.............---.....Philadelphia, Pa..........Apr. 18, 1846
B:ck ci::king................---...................Milcell------------------_Henrica, Va -............June2,181
B e k-making -. -........................ rssr.........''U Posr........ lil--By City, Mich............Tnuly 24, 1816
L~ick, Making._.. D ihdgew-ay ----.------- ----------St--- ar. 7, 179-2.
Lu o k-making...............................J. C. Soloon, jrii- -"----.. --. Washingtonr, D. C _ --. A pr. 25,1854
brick makrn- and clay-g;rinding rmachine..........XW. Mitchell................___j ichmond, Va............ I Mar. 20, 1817
19 P
114, 884
121, 815
10, -77
17, 759
18, 166
-20, 107
2:1, 204
74, 956
9, 082
13, 133
20, 109
57, 415
29, 8:34
83, 010
64, 726
311, 690
46, 055
18, -2.96
i5, 863
17, 131
55, 430
62, 790
31, 918
67, 007
81, 813
7-2, 1:37
103, 805
21, 458
117, 84-2
95, 9(62
23, 634
1, 484
101, 6'90
109, 089
108, 8(;4
78, (:12
Cl1, 2198
55, 400
80, 890
78, A18
16, 561
2:3, 3.31
29, 645
9, 238
101, 696
78, 034
87, 3-26
76, 726
70, 9199
78, 284
74, 769
65, 024
97, 356
45, 974
894, 2(13
78, 388
1, 098
8, 001
1, 095
15, 329
2, 571
2-2, 7190.04, 70
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Brick-making, Machine for preparing clay for.....
Brick, Making fire................-..............
Brick, Making fire-proof.........................
Brick, Manner of forming and pressing........
Brick manufacture...------------------------
Brick manufacture---------................................
Brick manufacture...............................
Brick manufacture................................
bick manufacture...............................
Brick manufacture...............................
Brick manufacture............................
Brick manufacture................................
Brick manufacture........................
Brick, Manufacture of fire........................
Brick, Manufacture of fire........................
Brick Manufacture of fire...................
Brick, Manufacture of fire........................
Brick, Manufacture of fire.................................
Brick, Manufacture of machine...................
Brick, Manufacturing......................
Brick, Manufacturing......................
Brick, Manufacturing...........................
Brick, Manufacturing......................
Brick, Manufacturing.............................
Brick, Manufacturing............................
Brick mold.......................................
Brick mold........................................
Brick mold........................................
Brick mold.......................................
Brick mold......................................
Brick mold.......................................
Brick mold........................................
Brick mold........................................
Brick mold.......................................
Brick mold........................................
Brick mold........................................
Brick-m old.......................................
Brick-mold and bottom-board....................
Brick-mold for brick-pressing machine............
Brick-mold, Hand- - --.........................
Brick-mold piston.........................
Brick-mold safety-guard.....................-......
Brick-mold-sanding machine.................
Brick, Molding...........................
Brick, Molding...................................
Brick, Molding...........................
Brick, Molding...........................
Brick molding and making machine..............
Brick molding and pressing.................
Brick molding and pressing................
Brick molding and pressing.................
Brick molding and pressing machine..........
Brick molding and pressing machine..............
Brick molding and pressing machine..............
Brick molding and pressing machine...........
Brick molding and pressing machine.....
Brick molding and pressing machine.........
Brick molding and pressing machine...........
Brick pressing and molding machinery.........
Brick-molding machine.....................
Brick-molding machine.....................
Brick-molding machine..........................
Brick-molding machine..........................
Brick-molding machine..........................
Brick-molding machine...........................
Brick-molding machine........................
Brick-molding machine.........................
Brick-molding machine...........................
Brick-molding machine...........................
Brick-molding machine............................
Brick-molding machine........
Brick-molding machine.....................
Brick-molding machine........................
Brick-molding machine............................
Brick-molding machine............................
Brick-molding machine -"'
B ick-moL ing machine....
Brick, mortar, &c., Extension-machine for raising..
Brick-mortiar, Machine for mixing and hoisting....
Brick cr artificial stoni without hburning, Making..
Brick i r building-block, Machine for pressing hollow.
Inventor. Residence. D)ate. No.
W. N. Graves................. Saint Louis, Mo.......... June 29, 1869 92, 040
E. Jenks---------------------...................... Canaan, Conn.....-........ Apr. 17, 1807........
T. Caldwell................... Philadelphia, Pa......... July 21, 1823.......
J. Miller---------------------...................... Olean, N. Y...............------- Mar. 2, 18(9 87, 354
S. I). Arnold................--. Pittsfield, Mass.-..--...... Aug. 24, 1869 93, 944
S. H. Bowman-----------................. Hailmoon Bay, Cal....... Apr. 28, 1868 77, 161
G. S. Hewitt.................. Boston, Mass............. Mar. 15, 170 100, 892
T. James..................... Canton, Md............... June 1, 1858 20, 433
F. Jons...................--- Boston, Mass.......-...... - June 19, 1866 55, 6(67
T. C. Kier..................... Pittsburgh, Pa--....-... June 4. 1872 127, 419
N. Parmeter.................. Gardner, Mass.-...--........ May 17, 1859 24, 050
L. E. Ransom -............-. ----Havana, Ohio............. Mar. 20, 1855 12, 558
S. B. Spaulding................. Brandon, Vt...---- July 2, 1867 66, 4(107
B. Kreischer----.......-------....------ New York, N. Y--......-- May 2,1871 114, 449
G. Nimmo...---.---..--..... Jersey City, N. J.......... Apr. 30,1867 64, 352
J. Ostrander and J. S. Heartt.. Troy, N. Y................ Oct. 12, 1858 21, 774
W. Peters...--....... -....... Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 12, 1862 36,195
S. K. Wellman............... Nashua, N. H............. Apr. 30, 1867 64, 389
S. W. Wood.................. Washington, D. C......... May 6, 1856 14, 846
C. Colles...--------------------------------------.. Jan. 26, 1793..
E. W. Crittenden-----------P............. Pittsburgh, Pa------...........---- Nov. 19, 1867 70, 969
I. Gregg.................... Philadelphia, Pa ---...-....... Oct. 22, 1872 132, 463
J. Gregg...................-- New Hampshire, Ohio..... May 7,1811.--
R. M ansfield............................... Oct. 24, 1800.......
R. Robberts........--....... Berlin Township, Ohio.... Mar. 2,1833.....
J. W. Andrews-............. -- Norristown, Pa....... Mar. 1, 1859 23, 067
J. A. Buckwater..------- Kimberton, Pa ---------Oct. 4, 1859 25, 626
G. Carnell...----------------- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 5, 1871 121,449
M. Elder................--- Lansing, Mich ---..--........ Sept, 11, 1860 29, 918
T. and W. A. Ellis--..--.---- Philadelphia, Pa.......... ---- Mar. 16, 1869 87, 8:;0
J. Evans...---------------------)avenport, Iowa.......... Sept. 17,1867 68, 862
J. M. Ferrell...---------------Philadelphia, Pa-.......... -- Aug. 7, 1866 57, 041
F. M. Franklin, O.K. McIntire, Springfield, Ohio--.......... ---Oct. 15, 1867 69, 909
and W. Whitely.
M. T. Glinsdal.............-- Rockford, Ill.....----------- Apr. 5, 1870 101, 608
G. Graessle.-........-........ - Hamilton, Ohio..-.... Nov. 15, 1870 109, 313
J. A. Hamer......------..... Reading, Pa...-......... Nov. 23, 1858 22, 119
J. A. Hamer-----------------.................-- Reading, Pa.............. Aug. 2, 1859 24, 972
J. A. Hamer---------.... ------............--- Reading, Pa.............. Jan. 3,1860 26, 736
J. A. Hamer-----------------................. -West Vincent, Pa-..... Jan. 28, 1862 34, 282
J. A. Hamer and T. Lippincott Philadelphia, Pa...... Aug. 1, 1865 49, 103
S. Inman.....................------- ockford, Ill.----...----. Nov. 30, 1869 97, 297
S. Inman................. - lockford, Ill.....-.. --- Dec. 7, 1869 97, 642
T. James...........--------------------- Baltimore, Md......... May 15, 1866 54, 734
W. Langster and J. Bretz....- Springfield, Ill-....--... Sept. 8, 1868 82, 037
A. McAlpin--.....-...... Savannah, Ga.--..-.... Apr. 12, 1870 101, 896
M. Newlove.--------------- Burlington, Iowa.......... Dec. 21, 1869 98, 181
J. F. Schuffenecker...------------ Keokuk, Iowa- -............ Mar. 27, 1860 27, 652
J. F. Schuffenecker........... -----------Saint Louis, Mo-........... --Feb. 7. 1865 46, 272
S. Shreffer ----...---..-.. Joliet, Ill................ Mar. 13,1866 53, 191
R. Stuckwisch...............Terre Haute, Ind......... Oct. 3, 1871 119, 667
S. H. Taylor--...-..- -...-. Jacksonville, I11...-.. Nov. 29, 1870 109, 778
A. T. Putnam...............-----------------.. Detroit, Mich.--------May 10, 1870 102, 862
B. H. Brown..................-- Alexandria, D. C--...... Oct. 2:3,1837 436
C. Alvord..................... Syracuse, N. Y......... Nov. 21, 1854 11, 959
L. Sylvester----------------................... --Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 13, 1867 67, 684
B. Porter.-......---........ Jackson, Mich.--........... Aug. 25, 1868 81, 405
R. Lent..................... Glasco, N. Y............ Apr. 23, 1872 126, 063
D. Fox...................... Ashtabula, Ohio.......... Aug. 15, 1831.......
N. Johnson.................... Noolesville, Ind.----.. -- June 20, 1854 11,127
O. WV. Seely.............--..... Syracuse, N. Y.--...--.. May 19, 1863 38, 607
I. Town...................... New Haven, Conn...... Sept. 27, 1844 3, 762
T. Tufts -.......-.........-... Somerville, Ma-s........ May 14, 1867 64, 812
J. Lee and J. Ring............- Ogden, N. Y....-------------- June 11, 1825.....
D. Flagg,jr...................Gardiner, Me............ Mar. 19, 1828..
J. McDonald and R. McQueen New York, N.Y......... Nov. 19, 1828.
J. Treadway.................. Haverstraw, N Y......... Mar. 21, 1865 46, 956
N. Adams..-----.................. Cornwall, N. Y.....------------ Sept. 8, 1837 376
J. J. Alvord.................. Tecumseb, Mich.......... May 20,1862 35, 287
D. Barnford-----------------..................-- Deerfield, N. Y....V------------ Apr. 28, 1832........
C. Chaney.................... Prospect, Me.....------------- Sept. 11, 1834........
D. Philips.................. Natchez, Miss..--..----.. June 23,183-2.
HI Waterman.......... Bath, Me---------.... -----............ --Nov. 4, 1837 456
S. Waterman and C. Learned.. Charleston, S C........... Apr. 14, 1838 694
J. McDonald.................. New York, N. Y...... Apr. 24, 1827........
J. Bolton-------...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Aug. 23, 1838 891
J. Booth and WV. H. Stevenson Columbus, Miss......... Jan. 6, 1844 3, 399
J. Butler..................... Buffalo, N. Y.....------------- Dec. 13, 1853 10, 3i9
J. Coppuck.................... Louisville, Ky............ July 1, 1836........
J. Drummond............. Whitestown, N. Y......Mar. 6,1832........
E. Fish......------- Fayette, Me............ June 9, 1826.
J. W. Frost................... Croton, N. Y. --.-..Nov. 20, 1849 6, 882
W. C. Grimes................. York, Pa -- ----..... Dec. 2, 1834....
J. J.rlutchison and J.D.Brand- Cape Girardeau, Mo...... Oct. 16, 1860 30, 406
T. P. Kneeland................ Ogden, N. Y.............. June 21, 1825..
HI. Mane...................... Point Coupee, La.......... Nov. 23, 1822.
I. P. Owen........ Upper Alton, 111.....Apr. 10, 1843 3, 041
R. Rankin..... Frankfurt, Me........ Dec, 24, 1834..
L. E. Ransom................. Mill Port, N. Y.......... Jan. 9, 1838 548
S. Ustick....... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 10, 1847 5, 187
J. & A. Wagner.......... Philadelphia, Pa-.......... Aug. 11, 1857 17, 999
D. Watson................ Fayetteville, Me....... May 6, 1826..
D. Wolfe--------...... --Mount Vernon, Ohio...... Dc. N, 1834.
J. Cox......................... Ebensburgh, Pa....... June 5, 1819 6, 491
J. Rinehart.................. Danville, Ill............ June 6, 1835
J. B. Harris..------ -.. PhiladelphiaPa..-.. Aug. 21, 1810
M. and J. H. Buck and F. A. Lebanon, N. H ------Dec. 9, 1856 16,174
Index of ratents issued from the United States Patnt Office Jrom 17c0 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Brick or building-blocks, Manufacture of.._......
Brick or hollow block, Budilding..............
Brick or tiles, Steam-boiler....................
Brick, Paving.................................
Brick, Pavng......................................
Brick-pottery kiln.................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press......................
Brick press..................
Brick press.................
Brick press.....................
Brick press......................
Brick press... - - - - - - - - -..
Brick press......................
Brick press.................
Brick press...---------..
Brick press.......................................
Brick press......................................
Brick press......................................
Brick press.....................
Brick press......................
Brick press........................................
Brick press........................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick- press.......................................
Brick press........................................
Brick press........................................
Brick priess.......................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press........................................
B rick-press........................:.............
Brick press.......................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press.....................................
Brick press................................
Brick press...................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press...................................B r'ek-press........................................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press........................................
Brick press..........
Brick press................................-------------------------------------
Brick press.......................................
Brick press........................................
Brick press........................................
Brick press........................................
Brick press.................
Brick press.......................................
Brick press.....
Brick press...
B rick press.....................
Brick press.....................
Brick press.......................................
Brick-press bridle......
Brick-press bridle......
Brick press, Concrete..............................
Brick press, Concrete......
Brick-prs~ Coistruction of......................
brick-press, Finishig.............................
Brick-press for pressing brick from dry clay......
Brick-press, Iydraulic............................
Brick-press mold or box.....
Inventor. Residence.
H. W. Angell.-............. Waukesha, Wis...........
G. I. Johnson and G. Milson.. Buffalo, N. Y..............
W. Dillon--------------..................... ------Wheeling, W. Va.........
D. Moffet and J. Thomson..... Philadelphia, Pa..._.....
J. Overmyer-----.....-- -.. -Indianapolis, Ind..........
J. B. De Pl'alm _........... New York, N. Y..........
N. Adams..................... Canterbury, N.Y..........
J. J. Alvord.................. Tecumseh, Mich..........
C. B. Baker................... Troy, N. Y...............
C. B. Baker----------------..................--- Troy, N. Y...............
C. B. Biker.--------------- Troy, N. Y...............
C. B. Baker and E. Gifford.... Troy, N. Y................
P. Ball....................... Mount Vernon, Ohio......
W. Barker and G. Martin..... Schenectady, N. Y........
C. Becker..................... Flint, Mich...............
E. H. Bellows............... Worcester, Mass..........
J. Booth...................... Mobile, Ala---.............---.
J. Boynton-.............East Hartford, Conn......
A. H. Brown.................. Georgetown, DI). C -.........
B. H. Brown.................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. T. Brown and M. Fuller..... Midville, Ga............
R. Brunson-------------------.................... Chicago, Ill...............
T. J. Burke..-.............. Sandwich, Ill.............
J. Butler..-................... Buffalo,N. Y.....----------.
A. Carbonel................. Philadelphia, Pa..........C. Carnell...................... Kensington, Pa...........
J. Chase, jr.................... Pegnonock, Conn.........
J. F. Clark................... Morenci, Mich...........
J. B. Collen................... Reading. Pa..............
T. Conklin-.. --------... Woodbridge, Miss........
D. M. Crellis................. Sandwich, N. I...........
T. Culbertson................ Cincinnati, Ohio.........
T. Culbertson and G. Scott.... Philadelphia, Pa.........
J. Dane...................... West Derby, Vt...-.......
WV. L.Drake-----------------.................. -Sturgis, Mich...........
J. S. Elliott------------------................... -West Needham, Mass.....
J. M. Enos.-------------------.................. Saint Joseph, Mo..........
A. K. Fahnestock.......-...... Harrisburgh, Pa.........
J. Finegan................. Haversti aw, N. Y-....
J. Grant...................... Providence, R. I.....
I. Gregg_----.............. Pittsburgh, Pa...----..--
I. Gregg....-..-.-.. Pittsburgh, Pa...........
A. Hall................. Coxsackie, N. Y...........
R. R. Harbour---------------............... -Oskaloosa, Iowa...........
T. Hartley.................... Pittsburgh. Pa............J. W. Hope................... New York, N. Y.........
H. J. Hughes................. Davenport, Iowa..........
J. Johnson.................... Fort Smith, Ark..........
L. Kirk................------------..... -------Reading, Pa..............
A. J. Knisely................. (Chicago, Ill...............W. O. Leslie..........-.... Philadelphia, Pa........
S. Lillie, jr................... Fort Wayne, hid..........
1;. A. Metcalf................. Malden, Mass.........
J. A. Millholland........... Mount Savage Md....
J. P. Owen.................... Cincinnati, Ohio.........
C. D. Page................... Rochester, N. Y...........
J. L. Ransom................ Mill Port, N. Y...........
N. Read...................... Belfast, Me...............
J. J. Riddle................... Covington, Ky----------............V. Roth....................... --------Evansville, Ind..........
W. Sanford................... Cambridge, Mass.........
N. Sawyer.................... Baltimore, Md............
N. Sawyer................... Baltimore, Md..............
N. Sawyer.................... Baltimore, Md...........
J. Scliheitlin.................. Louisville, Ky.............
D. M. Seeley............. Albany, N. Y.............
J. Smedley.................... Columbia, Pa............
J. N. Smith.-----------------.................. Jersey City, N. J.........
T. W. Smith................. Alexandria, D. C..........
A. A. Torpey----------------................. Chicago,Ill................
M. Twitchell----------------................. Gray, Me................
M. Twitchell................. Gray, Me.................
S. Ustick.................-.. -Philadelphia, Pa..........
S. Ustick.................... Philadelphia, Pa.........
W. Wadsworth.......... Hartford, Conn........
J. Z. A. Wagner --........ Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Waite---------------------...................... Leicester, Mass...........
W. Wakely................... Taunton, Mass............
W. B. Waldran and G. Hargitt Shelby County, Ten......
J. W. Ward------------------................... Cambridge, Mass..........
H. Waterman................. Bath, Me-..-............
S. Whitman...-..-....-...... New Albany, Ind.........
E. D. Williams and T. Tyrell.. Wilmington, Del., and
York, Pa.
A. Witmer................... Henry, Ill.................
J. Woodson................... Rockbridge County, Va...
A. Woodworth................ Worcester, Mass..........
A. Woodworth, 3d, and S. Worcester, Mass., and
Mower. Philadelphia, Pa.
F. Zisemann................. Saint Louis, Mo...........
J. G. Talcott.................. Glastenbury, Conn........
J. Willard.................... Baltimore, Md............
T. J. Burke................... Ohieago, Ill...............
J. H. W irt.................... Delphi, Ind...............
A. Hall....................... Cleveland, Ohio...........
L. B. Crittendon.............. Pittsburgh, Pa.............
N. Sawyer and T. W. Smith... Washington, D. C.........
E. Roners..- -. Cleveland, Ohio...........
J. McKenna.................. Cambria, Pa..............
Dec. 11, 1866
Feb. 16, 1869
June 4, 1872
Apr. 19, 1870
Aug. 20, 1872
June 6, 1854
Apr. 17, 1849
Sept. 26, 1865
June 6, 1848
Mar. 26, 1850
Aug. 1,1854
Sept. 7, 1844
Mar. 2, 1836
May 1, 1866
June 11, 1867
Oct. 6, 1857
June 20, 1848
Aug. 5, 1856
Sept. 5, 1854
Oct. 3, 1844
Dec. 11, 1849
Apr. 23, 1867
May 25, 1869
Jan. 29, 1850
May 12,1842
Jan. 15, 1850
May 22, 1855
IDec. 13, 1870
Jan. 1,1856
Jan. 23, 141
Aug. 11, 1832
May 16, 1846
June 25, 1850
Oct. 24, 1848
Sept. 3, 1867
Feb. 14. 1860
Apr. 14, 18168
Apr. 16, 1842
Sept. 15, 1863
May 13, 1831
June 6, 1848
A"g. 1, 1854
May 22, 1847
June 9, 1857
Apr. 11, 1846
June 4, 1850
Feb. 5, 1856
Aug. 8, 1854
June 17, 1856
Sept. 17, 1872
Aug. 11, 1868
Feb. 17, 1857
May 18, 1869
Jan. 17, 1871
July 26, 1845
Sept. 17, 1867
Apr. 4, 1846
Aug. 20, 1835
Apr. 1, 1851
Feb. 20, 1849
Sept. 9, 1845
Sept. 27, 1844
Dec. 4, 1847
Apr. 23,1850
Jan. 21, 1851
May 22, 1866
Aug. 28,1844
May 24, 1870
Jan. 30, 1841
Aug. 25, 1868
Sept. 24. 1825
June 10, 1844
Dec. 28, 1838
July 10, 1855
June 26, 1835
Apr. 8, 1851
Mar. 12, 1845
Apr. 9, 1872
July 10,1849
May 30, 1848
Nov. 20, 1837
Apr. 23, 1850
Oct. 17, 1854
Sept. 6, 1864
Sept. 10, 1829
May 8, 1843
Nov. 27, 1849
Nov. 13, 184)
Oct. 1, 1830
June 10,1830
Jan. 21, 1868
Apr. 21, 1868
Sept. 3, 1842
June 2, 1-68
Aug. 13, 1838
Sept.. 213, 1856
Aug. 19, 1873
60, 320
86, 929
127, 467
130, 589
11, 002
6, 361
50, 088
5, 617
7, 206
11, 408
3, 731
54, 460
65, 635
5, 640
15, 471
11, 658
"3, 770
6, 933
63, 990
90, 339
7, 048
2, 619
12, 898
110, 113
14, 012
1, 947
4, 521
7, 453
5, 878
68, 494
27, 117
76, 613
2, 560
39, 906
8, 093
5, 618
11, 422
5, 128
17, 546
4, 451
7, 414
14, 195
131, 353
80, 977
16, 649
90, 285
111, 076
4, 123
68, 896
4, 448
8, 021
3, 768
5, 386
7, 309
7, 908
54, 961
3, 720
103, 381
1, 959
81, 560.....
3, 622
1, 045
3, 942
125, 636
6, 582
5, 610
7, 313
11, 817
44, 133
3, 074
6, 899
6, 876
73, 576
77, 153
2, 768
78, 434
15, 778
141, 942
ï~~1 48
Index of pat/ents issue~d from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, incoiesiee-Continuied.
Birick-press, Self-feeding.........................
13 ick-press, Spiral-molding.-..........
Brick press. Unburnt-..................... -.......
Brick, Pressing................................
Brick, Pressing....................---...........
Brick, Pressing................................--
Brick, Pressin......... -....................... -.Brick, Pies ing arid finishing....................
Briek pressing and molding machine:......
Brick-pressing macliinc........................
Brick-pressin; machine........................
Brick-pressing machine.........................
Brick-pressmng machinc........................
Brick-pressing machine.........................
Brick-pressing machine.........................
Brick pressing machine.........................
Brick-pressing machine------------------------..
Brick-pressing~ machine........................
Brick-pressing machine..........................
Brick-pressing machine.........................
Brick-pressing niachine........................
Birick-piressing macline.........................
Buick-piressing machine.......---... -.....--..
Brick-pressing machine........................
Brick-pressin; machine.........................
Br ick-pressing machinery.......................
Brick-pressing machiiiery.......................
Briuk, Pressing uuiburnt..-.......................
Brick-re-prcssing machine.......................
Brick-ie-pressing machine.......................
Brick-ic-pressing macline........................
Br ck, reversible curb..............
Buick, Scourin -.........-------------
Brick, stock, tile, &ce... --. -----------------------
Brick, stone, and mortar, Elevating...............
Brick, stonc, &c., Method of moving............ -.
Buick, stove-linings, &c., Composition for fire.
Brick-striker- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brick-striking machine.........................
Buick, tiles,-nid clay-ware, Making...............
Lirick, tiles, &c. Forminig.......................
buick, til s, &.ti-em slag, Making................
Bridk tilcs, &c. Makin.........................
buick, tiles, &c.,Making...................---...
Brick, tiles, &c.,Making. -.... --..................
Briiek tiles, &c.,Making.........................
Brick, Treadle-machine for.....................
Brick, Treauting clay and drying..................
Brick wall, Composition for cleaiiing and renovating
Bricet, Watei aiid fire proof......-........
Biack-work, Joint groover for....................
Brick-yard stied...............................
Buicks, Arching..............................---
Bricks, Cutting clay into........................
Bricks, Foim of buildingr.............
Buicks, Ietorts, mnfeis, crncibles, &c., Manufactore of.
Biricklayer's pointer............................
B ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge......................
B ridge -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge........ -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge......................
B ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
J. Winslow..................
J. Parker..................
E. Mayo...................--
H. Crofoot...................
J. Moore....................
0.V. Seely................W. G. White................
C. Hinkle..................--
S. Costill...................--
C. Berrian..................M. Cliirtenden-........
W. H. Combs...............
G. V. JHarpier................
J. Hotchkiss...... _......._..
J. Howe...................
T. A. Irick... --.....J. K. Lemoii................A. McClung.................
A. F. Mervine..............
B. R. Reed..................
B. Rolfe.....................
N. Sawyer................_
J. Sites.....................
W. H. Wairath..............
J. Wilterd...................
A. B. Crosimman.............
C. Heath anid J. Wilson...
T. iNorcross................--
J. K. Caldwell..............__
H. Manrer..................
A. J. Sprague...............
E. Linson...................
J. Valentine................
D. Flagg, jr., and A. Parker..
C. G. Fairmaii.. _....... _....
S. Brown...........--......
E. H. Richter.-.............
P. Sweet...................A. W. Duty..............---
E. and D. W. Dnty.-_
J. Wood......-..........
J. Hawkins.................
F. Fabre....................
J. F. Gould..................
E. (G. Ok(ifleld...._........._.
J. M. Reid.................I). Thackara -............
B. R. Reed................--
J. Fisher...................W. B. Walters......... __....
T. H. Sherman..............
A. M. Zabriskie.............
H.O0. Smith................--
W. F. Quinby...............
J. Plumbo..................--
E. Conkling.................
E. L. Seymour...............
J. 5. Merriken............._
J.I. Alises.................--
C. Bakerr....................
J. Boles. jr...................
J. Boles, jr...................
T. C. Bcuiel.................
J. Bragg....................
J. C.Biiggi.................
G. H. Bruce................3'. Bar.-.....................
A.M. Campbell............
S. and T. Champion. -. -.
L. K. Cole and H. Sonic, j r.-_.
G. W. Corey...............--
A. Cottrell..................
B. F. Davis................--
E.Dnea and W. BolmanF. Dieckmam.....______
J. H. Diedriehs.. _....-...._
T. Dui-deii-----.....---
J. R. Diirfee.-............
J. B. Eads...................
J. B. Eads...................
J. B. Eads.................--
C.T Enae........
Resideiice. IDate.
Portland. Me............. Dec.8, 18263
Gardiner, Me. _...........Maiu 28, 1 6
ilallowell, Me............-Jui e24 38226
Oak Park, Ill........ My14, 1867
Gardiner, Me............. -- _Aug.'24,1825
Biifialo, N. Y -------------Au-g.27, 1867
Bediford, Ohio...........Mar. 30, 1869
Allentown, Pa............ Jnne 1, 183
Philadelphia, Pa. -........ept.4, 1840
Clinitom City, Iowa.--..-. Sept.1,1 1868
Daimbury, Coin.-.--. Oct. 19,1865
Fort Wayne, Ind. ---.-._Jan.7, 1868
Batavia, N. Y....._..Apr.25, 18138
Springfield, Ohio..........I - _ ec. 0,186 4
Alva, Me.............May31n, 1827
Harrisonburgh, Va..-----_July 27,18311
Allegheny City, Pa.--.. Apir.11, 1865
Fairfield, Va.............-- -- -Mar. 26, 1831
Saint Louils, Mo-....-....... _Sept. 12, 1837
Daiivers, Mass....--....... May 29,1823
Deering, N. H......- -- _..Apr. 30, 1822
Mount Veriioii, Ohio.---_-. Apr. 8, 1835
Harrisonbiirgh, Va..M--- 1ar. 29, 1831
Chittenaiigo, N. Y.----_--_.0.1. 9, 1866
Baltiniore, Md............ May 2, 1826
Huntiiigtoii, N. Y.--... I eb.9, 1827
Maiden anud Bostoii, Mass. June 17, 162
Hallowell, Me -......Dee. 11 182)
Philadelphia, Pa.......... -- -May 20, 1873
New York, N'. Y..........-- - -JiiiieJue 29, 1869
Toledo, Ohio..............July 12,180
Shoemakertowi'. Pa.._.._.Jan.21, 1873
Woodibridge, N. J -..-.- Nov.7,1865i
Sweden, N. Y.......... _..Dee.28, 1832
Lewiston, N. Y. -. --. -. -. Sept. 16,1833
New York, N. Y..........- -_ _Juuly31,1827
Tauntoen, Miss -............1)ec. 9, 1873
Ashtabiila, Ohio _-_. ____-Feb. 20,1835
Sangerfield, N. V..........-.Maii 7, 1833
Painesville, Ohio._.._.. June 7, 1828
itockiland Count y, N. Y Mur. 3,1829
SJ 11,1797
IMarseilles, Fraiie....Miy 1, 1870
Newbuu yport, MT.'. __ Oct. 17,1809
Bordentovn, N.J ---.--.Jain. l5,1861
Pittsburgh, Pi -._.__Api. 2,1872
Woodbury, N. 4-_..._-Dec. 14,1869
Ilanvers, NMiss.-_--..-_May29,1823
Heading.aI ----- ___Aug;.10, 1869
Lock Haven, P----- --Aug. 18 1868
Scriba, N.Y V ---- -Dec. 30,1833
Bergen Point, N. -4 - _ Feb. 26,1867
Newburypoit Mus..... ug.5,1873
Wilmington, Dal.....I..ug.Aug. 9,1870
Sani Francisco, Cal-_4 _-.June 12, 1855
Ciiicinnati, Oh o........Ja.i i8,1856
New York, N.Y -____.__.Nov.19, 1867
Baltimore, Md.......... May 13, 1871
New York, N. V..._ _......Oct. 4,l1864
Saint Joseph, Mo......... Aug.31, 1869
Boston, Mass.............Mfay 70,l86i5
Boston, Mass. _............ -_ _Ma-y 30,1865
Paris, Fmnee -........Maiy 2,1871
Montreal, Cainaa._... Jin. 4,1820
Concord, N H -........ 26, 1863
Lancaster, N. Y-_-._._-. Jan. 711862
SFib. 14, 1806
Newark, N. J.-...... ec. 07, 180
Washington, 1). C.._.._...J y 18 1854
Syiacuise,.1' 3 ----- -. eli 13, 1866
Poit JervisiN.V. 3. July 16, 1867
Newport, H. I -----_ h ani hit 1864
Heare Tin...c I _ -. Spt. 2.,1873
Marietta, Ca., niltUi-Mix 19, 1868
Cincinnmati, Ohio..1__1. _ ii Mr.28,1871
ihmoinod, Vs... pi. 2,872
Montl'omerix Ala.-__..--.Jiiiiu1,18i8
Oshiosh, Wuits Sept. 16, 1873
Saiint Louis, Mtn.......Nov.10, 1868
Saint Louis, Mo-.--.-.-. May 4, 1869
SintLois, Mo........... t.12. 173
6-1, 6:17
68, 244
1, 76i9
81, 7::8
73, 079)
45, 563
47, 209
58, 700
35, 650
139, 113t
91, 856
105, 2;0
134, 4=94
50, 862
145, 448
103, 591
31, 126
125, 144
97, 992
93, 526
81, 233
62, 463
141, 520
106, 203
13, 042
14, 052
71, 2-29
138, 911
44, 498
94, 272
47, 920
48, 013
114, 401
38, 653:34, 10-2
110. 546
11, 32-2
52, 56
6it, 799
43, 099
14:3, 1-5
78, 073
1131, 030
1-25, 18-4
20, 414
142, 776
83, 94-2
89, 745
142, 378
144, 519
18, 19(i
96, 569
10, 887
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B ridge.....................
B ridge.......................
B ridge... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridge.........................
B ridc e........................
B ridge........................
B ridge........................
B ridge......................
B ridge.......................;Brid ge............................................
B idge...........................................
B ridge......................
Bridge...-------- ---...
B ridge.......................
B ridge -.. - --- - - - - - - - - - - -....
B ridge........................
B ridge.......................................
B ridge.......................................
B ridge..........................................
B ridge..........................................
B ridge........................................
B ridge.......................................
B ridge...........................................
B ridge........................................
B ridge.......................................
B ridge.......................................
B ridge...............................
B ridge.......................................
B ridge...........................................
B ridge........................................
B rid ge........................................
B ridge......................................
B ridge.................................
Bridge..----------------------- -----.-..
B ridge............................................
Bridge- - --
Bridge- - --
Bridge.- - - - - -
B ridge.......................
B ridge.......................
B ridge.......................
B ridge.......................
B ridge............................................
B ridge........................
B ridge............................................
B ridge........................
B ridge........................
B ridge.....................
Bridge...-------- ---....
J. M. Goodwin..............
T. B. Gregory................
R. Grotz.....-------------------
E. Iamilton..................
D. Hammond.................
D. Hammond, M. Adler, and
J. Abbott.
F. Harbach..................
G. E. Harding..............
S. P. Hastings..............
P. Hendricks..--..-.....
J. G. Henszey.....-.....
G. P. Herthel, jr.........
H. L. Hervey and R. E. Osborne.
G. W. O. Hiiygens..........
W. Jame..-----------------
J. Johnson.......--------..........
J. E. Kanser..................
J. J. Kelley------------........----..........----
Z. K ing......................
L. Kiiirkup....................
M. Kremser..................
J. Laird......................
J. and G. F. Laird............
G. T. Lape..................
O. G. Leopold.... ---..J. H. Linville................
L. Liscoru....................
R. Lockwcod.................
S. II. Long................
S. H. Long...................
D. C. McCallum............
D. MeCurdy.................
D. McCurdy ------------
D. McCurdy................
). MeCurdl--------
H. S. McDowell.............
J. A. McKay................
R. S. Merrill..............
1). A. Mitchell................
F. Monroe..................
R. and M. J. Montgomery.....
G. C. Morgan...............
T. W. H. Moseley..........
T. W. H. Moseley........
T. W. H. Moseley............
A. Oudry.....................
T. Palmer....................
C. H. Parker.--.....-.........
C. H. Parker..................
C. H. Parker.................
C. H. Parker...............
R. L. Partridge...............
C. W. Peale..........
O. H. Perry and W. H. Allen.
H. Pettit...................
C. Pfeifer....................
A. J. Post....................
A. J. Post...................
A. Reiling.......
N. Hider...................
I. Rogers...................
I. Rogers....................
R. W. Rogers...............
H. G. Russell................
H. A. Rust and L. Hermann.
J. Sanderson.........._......
J. Seebold....................
7. Seebold.....................
J. Seebold...................
C. S. Smith, C. H. Latrobe, and
F. H. Smith.
F. H. Smith..................
F. H. Smith...................
F. H. Smith..................
F. H. Smith..................
F. H. Smith..................
F. H. Smith..................
R. W. Smith.................
R. W. Smith..................
C. B. Sreeves.................
J. D. Steele...................
J. Stickney..................
J. Tellweger...............
J. Templeman...........
W. E. Thomas................
J. K. Thompson..............
I. Town....................
I. Town.......................
J. B. Tracy........
W. P. Trowbridge........
L. E. Truesdel.............
L. E. Truesdell...............
E. Trumbull..................
M. Turley....................
J. Valleley.........
J. B. Valliquette............
D. H. Van Dazer............
New York, N. Y..........
Champaign, Ill..-..... - -
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...............
Canton, Ohio..........
Canton, Ohio..........
Pittsfield, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Tonawanda. N. Y........
Floris, Iowa...-.......
Philadelphia. Pa..........
Saint Louis, Mo.-.--
Quincy, Ill., and Springfield, Ohio.
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Richmond, Va............
Mott Haven, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Slippery Rock, Pa.....
(Cleveland, Ohio.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Cleveland, Ohio..--
Canton, Ohio..............
Canton, Ohio..............
Summit, N. Y............
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Philadelphia, Pa..-.......
Boston, Mass.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
United States Engineers..
United Stales Army......
Owego, N. Y..............
Ottawa, Ohio.............
Ottawa, Ohio..............
Ottawa, Ohio.............
Columbus, Tex...........
Auburn. Ind..............
Boston, Mass..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Bruce, Mich.............
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Covington, Ky........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass...........
Paris, France............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Marysville, Ohio...-...
Beloit, Wis..............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Hudson City, N. J.....
Hudson City, N. J.......
Bellevue, Iowa........
Worcester, Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C..-...
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Lincoln, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Fredericksburgh, Ohio....
Kantz, Pa.............
Kantz, Pa................
Kantz, Pa...............
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md............
Battimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md............
Tippecanoe, Ohio........
Toledo, Ohio..............
Atchison, Kans.........
Pottstown, Pa..................................
Louisville, Ky............
Georgetown, D. C.......
Queenstown, Md........
Chicago, Ill...............
Fayetteville, N.(......
New York, N. Y..........
Lincoln, Del..............
Newtown, N. Y...........
Warren, Mass.........
Chicago, Ill.............
Little Falls, N. Y.........
Council Bluffs, Iowa......
Canton, Ohio............
Chicago, ill....Sugar Loaf, N. Y.......
Date. No.
Sept. 16, 1873 142, 785
July 12, 1870 105, 195
Apr. 2, 1867 63, 507
May 26, 1868 78, 202
July 3, 1866 56, 043
Feb. 11, 1873 135, 802
Aug. 12, 1846 4, 694
Oct. 22, 1872 132, 398
Oct. 15, 1872 132, 284
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 483
June 22, 1869 91, 745
Jan. 18, 1870 98, 866
Aug. 21, 1855 13, 461
Apr. 1,1856 14, 584
Apr. 16, 1 67 63, 901
July 16,1872 129, 479
Nov. 7, 1865 50, 827
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 181
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 266
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 282
Feb. 27, 1866 52, 860
Aug. 31, 1 869 94, 321
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 322
May 12, 1868 77, 741
Dec. 4, 1e66 60, 205
Nov. 24,1868 84, 288
Mar. 31, 1868 76,212
Dec. 5, 1865 51, 328
Nov. 13, 1847 5, 36(
Aug. 17, 1858 21, 203
Jan. 20, 1857 16, 446
June 28, 1870 104, 867
June 28, 1870 104, 868
June 28, 1870 104, 869
Jan. 11, 1870 98, 699
June 1, 1869 90, 767
May 19, 1868 78, 00
July 31, 1866 56, 777
Apr-. 17, 1866I 54, 004
Sept. 1, 1868 81, 666
Aug. 22,1871 118, 258
Feb. 3, 1857 10, 572
Oct. 23, 1866 59, 054
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 855
May 13,1863 35,251
Dec. 17, 1797.......
Aug. 10, 1869 93, 638
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 6-20
Feb. 22, 1870 160, 185
May 17, 1870 103, 233
June 11,1872 127,791
Jan. 21, 1797..
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 319
Feb. 25, 1873 136, 177
Dec. 12, 1871 121, 894
Aug. 25,1868 81, 400
Sept. 1, 1868 81, 817
Dec. 16, 1873 145, 985
Nov. 26, 1845 4, 287
Sept. 30, 1856 15, 823
Feb. 10,1863 37, 642
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 332
Nov. 5, 1872 132, 860
Sept. 8, 1868 81, 950
Apr. 21, 1868 77, 103
July 19, 1870 105, 497
Sept. 6, 1870 107, 106
May 2,1871 114, 497
Jan. 18, 1870 99, 017
Dec. 11,1866 60, 4341
Apr. 27,1869 89, 442
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 477
May 11, 1869 89, 948
Oct. 26, 1869 96, 278
June 25, 1872 128, 449
July 16, 1867 66, 900
Dec. 7, 1869 97,714
May 2,1871 114, 36.1
Apr. 9, 1867 63, 666
June 3,1797.......
Apr. 2, 1872 125, 244
Mar. 6, 1810..
July 16, 1872 129, 374
Sept. 8, 1868 81, 960
Jan. 28, 18.0...
Apr. 3, 1835..
Dec. 5,1871 121,5F6
Sept. 7, 1869 94, 529
Aug. 31, 1858 21, 388
Apr. 7, 1868 76, 5 8
July 10.1841 2, 164
Dec. 13, 1870 110, 17.1
Dec. 30, 1873 145, 034
Apr. 7, 1868 76, 560
Sept. 20,1859 25, 537
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bridge, &c........................................
Bridge, Anchoring suspension-chain for............
Bridge and ferry stairs.....................
Bridge and other structure......................
Bridge and roof trusses, Bolster-block and pier or
abutment-plate for.
Bridge and switch telegraph, Railway draw.....
Bridge, Arched...................................
Bridge, Arched...................................
Bridge, Arched...........................
Bridge, Arched...........................
Bridge, Arched trussed.....................
Bridge, Automatic canal.............
Bridge, Balance...................................
Bridge, Boat and ferry.....................
Bridge-braces, Mode of connecting iron...........
Bridge, Canal............................
Bridge, Chain............................
Bridge, Chain.........................
Bridge, Chain suspension...................
Bridge clamp.....................................
Bridge clamp............................
Bridge column..................................
Bridge connections...............................
Bridge, Corrugated-iron....................
Bridge counter-braces, Means for adjusting the
effective length of.
L. Wernwag..................
I. H. Wheeler.................
A. White.....................
T. B. White.....--------------
R. T. L. Witty..............
W. Woodmansee..............
J. S. Yerk and G. H. Heming..
E. W. Young..................
J. A. Roebling...........
D. Dunham.................
A. Bonzano...................
J. M. Wilson.................
W. C. McRea................
D. Forargue.................
J. Davenport..................
J. B. Eads and A. Flad........
W. B. Rezner................
J. Zellweger.................
H. L. Hervey.................
D. Berry...................
J. Jessop...................
J. R. Smith...................
W. W. Virdin..............
B. G. Anderson..............
J. Iinley.....................
J. Templeman..............
E. W. and E. W. Serrell, jr...
N. Chapin...................
E. L. Truesdell...............
J. Zellweger...............
T. C. Clarke andA. Bonzano..
R. Montgomery...............
D. C. McCallum.............
i i
Jefferson County, Va......
Sciotoville, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass.............
New Brighton, Pa........
Lowell, Mass..........
Kingston, N. Y.......
Tiffin, Ohio..........
Spring Gardens, Great
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
New York, N. Y......
Phmoenixville, Pa..._......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia. Pa..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Massillon, Ohio...
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Cleveland, Ohio.....
Louisville, Ky...........
Quincy, Ill..............
Huntington, Ind..........
York Town, Pa..
Springfield, Mass.......
Baltimore, Md.........
Springfield, Mass.......
Chillicothe, Ohio.....
Fayette County, Pa......
Allegany County, Md.....
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill.................
Louisville, Ky...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Owego, N. Y.............
Dec. 22,1829
Sept. 20, 1870
Feb. 3, 1852
Mar. 10, 1868
Oct. 14, 1835
Mar. 6, 1827
Dec. 24, 1861
Sept. 28, 1869
Aug. 26, 1846
June 28,1814
May 21, 1872
Mar. 21, 1871
Oct. 3,1854
Apr. 2, 1872
Sept.22, 1868
Oct. 12, 1869
July 2, 1872
June 25, 1872
Feb. 26, 1856
Nov. 22, 1859
July 1,1811
July 14, 1868
July 16, 1861
June 18,1861
Oct. 14, 1856
June 17, 1808
Aug. 16, 1908
Oct. 21, 1873
Sept. 27, 1864
July 26, 1870
Dec. 16, 1873
Aug. 13, 1872
Aug. 23, 1859
July 15, 1851
Bridge, Draw..................................... G. W. R. Bayley and T. W.
Bridge, Draw................................... H. W. Cass...................
Bridge, Draw................................... C.K. Marshall................
Bridge, Draw.............................J. L. Piper...................
Bridge, Draw..................................... T. W. Pratt...................
Bridge, Draw...................................... T. L. Speakman...............
Bridge, Draw..................................... H. Whitney..............
Bridge, Drop..................................... J. D. Woodruff and J. H. Butterworth.
Bridge, Ferry..................................... W. J. Alsop.................
Bridge, Ferry..............C. J. Atkins.........
Bridge, Ferry................................... J. S. Bradford............
Bridge, Ferry................................... J. A. Clarke.............
Bridge, Ferry.................................... A. C. Willson................
Bridge, Floating................................ T. Schofield..................
Bridge, Floating draw......................... N. B. Proctor..........
Bridge, Floating swing............................ J. N. Vrooman..........
Brid e, Flood.................................... T. A. Bryan...................
Bridge for canal, Automatic draw............... G. C. Bovey.................
Bridge for playing pool........................ O. A. Hill....................
Bridge for railway-car, Safety..................... A. J. Elder..................
Bridge foundation, Iron........................ J. B. Eads.....
Bridge, Frame.................................... G. W. Long.................
Bridge Frame.............................. Tabb......................
Bridge-gate............................... E. R. Coyne.................
Bridge-gate............ M. Kirch.................... M. Kirs...............
Bridge-gate................................. J. D. Sturges.................
Bridge-gate....................................... A. W eide..................
Bridge-gate.................................... A. Wermerskirchen.........
Bridge-gate,............................. J. Wilcke and M. Ellenbogen
Bridge gate, Draw................G. A. May.................
Bridge gate, Draw........................ F. Pairan....................
Bridge gate, Ferry................................ L. P. Decker.............
Bridge gate, Swing.... A. D. Northway.............
Bridge gates, Turning..................... R. Laderwig and A. Rosenberg
Bridge-girder............................... J. Davenport................
Bridge-girder.................................... J, W. Evans..................
Bridge-girder................................... P. C. Guion..............
Bridge-girder............................ D. Hammond and W. R. Reeves
Bridge-girder............................... D. Hammond and W. R. Reeves
Bridge-girders, Compressive chords for......... M. Adler.....................
Bridge-guard, Ferry.............................. J. A. Clarke....................
Bridge guard or barrier...................... J. Lehmann...................
Bridge, Iron....................................... J.J. Beard.................
Bridge, Iron...................................... C. Bender, C. H. Latrobe, and
C. S. Smith.
Bridge, Iron............................. H. C. Brundage...............
Bridge, iron.................................... F. E. Canda....................
Bridge, Iron....................................... W. B. Cooper..................
Bridge, Iron..................................... J. B. Eads....................
Bridge, Iron...................................... J. B. Eads....................
Bridge, Iron....................................... J.B. Eads....................
B-idge, Iron..................... L. Eikenberry...............
Bridge, Iron...........................- L. Eikenberry...............
Bridge, Iron.......................................J. P. Fisher.................
Bridge, Iron............................... P. Johnson...................
Bridge, Iron...............M. Miller................
Bridge, Iron............................... D. H. Morrison.............
Bridge Iron..................................... J. 1). Pierce..................
1ride, Iron-------------------------------...................................... S. S. Post..................
Brashear, La--.......-... Jan. 29,1861
Lodi, Wis...........
New Orleans, La..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Boston, Mass.............
Camden, N. J...........
East Cambridge, Mass..
Newark and Dover. N. J..
Camden, N. J.............
Louisiana, Mo.............
New York, N. Y...........
N ew York, N. Y........
Green Point, N. Y.......
Grass Valley, Cal......
Burlington, Vt............
Danube, N. Y.............
Baltimore, Md...........
Chillicothe, Ohio.......
Westbrook, Me...........
Kansas City, Mo..........
Saint Louis, Mo..---...
Fort Jackson, La.........
Martinsburgh, Va........
Chicago, Ill..........
Chicago, Ill..........
Chicago, 11l..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Dayton, Ohio.....
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Kenesha, Wis............
Berlin, Prussia............
Massillon, Ohio....._.....
New York, N. Y.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Canton, Ohio.............
Canton, Ohio..............
Canton, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
Crown Point, Ind....
Columbus, Ohio........
New York,N.Y.,Baltimore,
Md., and Saint Louis, Mo.
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Albany, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo.----.-- -
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Easton, Pa.................
Easton, Pa...............
Rochester, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Dayton, Ohio..........
Columbia, Mo.............
Jersey City, N. J........
Nov. 23, 1869
July 7, 1868
Oct. 22,1872
Feb. 22, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
July 16, 1872
Feb. 14, 1854
June 4, 1872
Aug. 19, 1873
Aug. 11, 1868
July 28, 1868
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 20, 1860
May 20,1856
Apr. 15, 1840
Sept. 6, 1870
May 8, 1860
Mar. 9,1869
Dec. 8, 1868
Sept. 2, 1873
Mar. 10, 1830
Feb. 23, 1816
May 2, 1871
Nov. 22, 1870
Sept. 6, 1870
Sept. 7, 1869
June 7, 1870
Mar. 1, 1870
Oct. 12, 1869
Apr. 18, 1871
June 19,1866
Dec. 12,1871
Feb. 27, 1872
Dec. 24, 1867
Nov. 18, 1873
Feb. 26, 1856
June 21, 186(i4
Feb. 2, 1869
June 25,1872
Mar. 17, 1868
Aug. 25, 1868
Feb. 16, 1864
July 29,1873
Mar. 1, 1870
Mar. 30, 1869
Feb. 18,1873
Sept. 2, 1873
Sept. 2, 1873
Sept. 2, 1873
Jan. 25, 1859
Jan. 22, 1861
June26, 1860
Nov. 18, 1873
June 7, 1870
Oct. 29, 18 67
Aug. 5,1873
June;1, 1863
107, 576
8, 713
75, 502
34, 023
95, 402
4, 710
127, 0117
112, 878
11, 763
125, 128
82, 388
95, 784
128, 509
128, 349
14, 314
26, 156
79, 869
32, 846
32, 555
15, 873
143. 788
44, 397
105, 868
145, 545
130, 479
25, 210
8, 224
97, 044
79, 768
132, 410
100, 065
76, 542
129, 638
10, 527
127, 542
141, 911
80, 902
80, 391
76, 867
27, 571
14, 928
106, 995
28, 148
87, 566
84, 808
142, 382
114, 414
109, 520
107, 119
94, 534
104, 086
100, 480
95, 8L1
113, 916
55, 628
121, 892
124, 072
72, 611
144, 751
14, 313
43, 202
86, 538
128, 350
75, 526
81, 383
100, 254
88, 446
135, 970
142, 379
142, 380
144, 381
22, 715
31, 157
28, 845
144, 766
103, 911
70, 2.15
141. l48
38, 910
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I I i I
BridgeIron----------------------------------W. Sellers.--...._..._--
Biidge i-on -------------------- ------------- L. E. Truesdell............
Bridge, Iron..................--- T.Wie---------- ------------T.BWit.......
Bridge, Iron --------------------------------. T. B.White ----------------
BridgeIron ----------------------------------JYandell and J. H. Johnson..Bridge, Iron-archli............................. L. Kittenger...............
Bridge, Ion-truss...................-....------T. C. Clarke--------------...
Bridge, Iron-truss--------------------------.._.G. Halstead--------------...
BridgeIon-truss.--------------------------.........J. 11. Linville...- - - -.._-.
Bi dge, Lattice.-..........................-----H. Haupt.----------------
Bidi, Lattice.......................-L.E.Tuedel---------------LE.Tcsel.....
Bridge, Lattice and truss.-----------.-_. ---.. _ G. B. Manley..............
Bridge, Lift-draw--------------------------.....S. Whipple.--------------...
Bridge, Lifting.....-..-...........-......------S. Swartz.----..---------
Bridge-pier---------------------------------- C. H. Lilienthal.........---
Bridge-pier-------------------------------.....E. W. Sniithb...............
BigPier for suspension-------------------....J. Gray-----------------....
Bridge-piei, Iron---------------------------E...... M. Grant --------------
Bridge, Pivot.---.-..------------------------...T. C. Clarkc, A. Bonzano, and
J. Griffen..
Bridge, Pivot----------------------------....... T. C. Clarke, A. Bonzane, and
J. Griffen.
Bridge-railing, Bauster for iron---------------...S Sellcrs and M. M. Manly -
Bridge, Rolling draw...............R rsi---------_-----------Hrsi
Bridge, Safety ferry--------------------H.Lawenc.............H arne--------_
Bridge, Safety railway draw------------------ __ _ _ _J. K. and W. P. Gamble.-_
Bridge safety-switch and signal, Draw -----------FE. H. Tohey -..............
Bridge, Slf-acting (1aw.............A.Kc----------------------AKoh........
Bridge, Self-acting draw---------------------....L. Schneider and J. A. Montgomery.
Biridge, Self-adjusting counter-brace of truss....-J. Gray.. __.------_....
Bridge, Self-adjusting platform for feriry- - __. G. Sickels...............- -- - --
Bridge, Selfopeniiig canal-----------.J.Slc....................J eer._-----__.---.. _...._
Bridge signal-apparatus, Railway---------...Hl................''SHal._-_._..__.------
Bridge sigiial, Draw.........--.----.-..-..-.--------... L. B. Edgecomb.. _.. _...._..
Bridge signal, Railway.......................A. Buruhani. _............
Bridge signal, Railway draw................... A. F. Smith................
Bridge, Spiral-hi-aced cylinder................... I. Ro.,ers...___.._...... _.._..
Bridge, Suspension........................... C. Bender.................
Bridge, Suspension_.........................F__. M. Carpenter...........
Bridge, Suspeiision............................ A. S. Hallidie.............
Bridge, Suspension........................... J. Royal..................
Bidige, Suspension............................ J. Tomlinson..............
Bridge, Swing................... -........_ J. N. King................Bridge, Swing...............................A. H. Ring.................
Bridge, Swing.............................. J Ross....................
Bridge, Swing............................... G. H. Winkler -...------
Bridge, Traveling............................. F. Field...................
Bridge, Trestle................................ A. Derrom.................
Bridge, Truss................................ J. S. Adams...............
Biridge, Truss................................J. Anderson...............
Bidge, Truss...............................J. P. Avery................
BuidgeTiiiss...............................A. Bannister...............
Biridge, Truss............................._____W. Batchelder._.__._.....
Bridge.Trus..............................G. 0. Bishop--------------
Buidge, Truss................................ J. Bole, 2d....--...........BridgeTruss.............................----W. F. Boniiell.............Bridge, Truss.............................-----D. C. Bower..............
Buidge, Truss.............................---- J. C. Briggs.............---
BuidgeTi-uss..............................J. Brown, jr................
Buidge, Truss................................. M. S. and H. B. Camtier...
Bridge, Trus................................ M. S. and H. B. Cartter._.
Bridge, Truss...............................H. Childs---------------....
Bruss.....ss............................. T. C. Clarke, A. Bonzano, and
J. Griffen.
Bridge, Truss................................ A. Fink...................
Buidge, Trnus................................A. Fink..................BrideTruss...............................J. Foreman................
Bridee Ti-nss._.............................. J. Foreman.._._--......
Buid ce Truss................................ T. Hassard..........
BrdgeTruss................ -- -- -- --........... - G. P. Heitluel,G rs ------------------.Hrljr..........
Bridge, Truss.._..._._....................... G. P. ilemtiuc, jr...........i eT us......._....._..._ W.H w...........
Bridge, Truss........................... G.P.Hrh. i........-..Jhso---------
Bride Truss.............................-. V. Howes................
lrudge, Truss...............-..-------------.JKllones--------------...
Bridge Tiiiss...---............................ MJonfe...............
Bridge, Truns...------------.-----A cuf....................J H ukn......
Bridge, Truss..................----............CJ.AKellogg...............
Buidge, 'Pus..------------------.W rt.......................AMefie......
Bridge, Truss...............................Ah. Mehuffle.-........._._.
Buidge, Truss................................E.J. A.tMcry...............
Bridge, Truss-......................... A. S. Swartz...............
Buidge, Truss-frame........................ F. C. Lowthorp _. -.- - -.---_
Bridge-trusses, Arrangement of arches in- ----.C. M. Pennington...... _..
Philadelphia, Pa.....
War-ien, Mass.. _.. _....
New Biighton, Pa. -.
New Brighton, Pa.---
Saint Louis, Mo....
Massillon, Ohio....
Philadelphia, Pa..___.
Biiffalo, N. Y..........--
Alteona, Pa............
Yoik, Pa ------....--
Warren, Mass.........--
Cogan Station, Pa.__._
Albany, N. Y ----------
Buffalo, N. Y._.........
Yonkers, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y. __..
Cincinnati, Ohio _. _--.
Macon, Ga...........
Philadelphia and Phoenixville, Pa.
Philadelphia and Phoenixyulle, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa. __.
Newark, N. J.. - -- _
New York, N. Y.-_
Philadelphia, Pa......
Saint Louis, Mo...
Ilocktown, Pa...........Williamsport, Pa._...
Mar. 4,1873
June 28, 1870
July 2, 1867
Mar. 9, 1869)
Oct. 17, 1854
Oct. 3, 1871
Nov. 5, 1872
June 8, 1869
Jan. 14, 186-2
Dec. 27, 1839
June 3, 1856
Apr. 30, 1867
Dee. 24, 1872
Feb. 25, 1873
Nov. 29, 1870
June 20, 1865
Dec. 24, 1872
Dec. 22, 1868
June 18, 1872
Feb. 11, 1873
Apr. 22, 1873
Feb. 17, 1812
Mar. 13, 1855
July 17, 1855
June 24, 18 73
July 1, 1862
Sept. 4, 1860
Nashville, Ten.. ____.......Dec. 27, 1859
Brooklyii, N. Y...........-June 7, 1853
Williamsport, Pa-..__Oct. 29, 1861
New Haven, Conn.....Apr. 4, 1871
'Iroy, N. Y--------------- July 17, 1866
Taiiuton, Mass............ July 6, 1858
Norwich, Cumin...- _.....Oct. 2, 186
New Yoi-k, N. Y....Nov. 10, 1841
New York, N. Y. _........Dec. 10, 1867
Middletown, N. Y..May 12, 1868
San Fi-ancisco, Cal - __--__July 2, 1867
White Rock, 111....... _. Feb. 8, 1870
Putnam, Iowa. _.. _......May 28, 1861
Murray, N. Y __- - ----- May 29, 1855
Paruma, N. Y_..........._Nov. 9, 1838
Ipswich, Mass._...... Jan. 2, 1849
Williamusport, Pa.._.. _Jan. 19, 1869
Adian, Mich.. _... _......_Api-. 25, 1854
Paterson, N. J-----------._ _July 4, 1865
Elgin, Ill-----------------_Aug. 30, 1870
Gouveineur, N. Y -. -. Mar. 18, 1873
Norwich, Conna----------- Nov. 5, 1861
Alameda, Cal-------------...July 2-2, 1873
Newburyport, Mass.-. __.July 11, 1865
Hannibal, M.----------..... r..Apr. 24, 1860
BostonMass------------....- May 19, 1863
Portland, Me-----------.. _Aug. 20, 1872
Troy, Ohio.----------.-----..June 24, 1873
Concord, N. H -..__. _ Nov. 23, 1858
Buffalo, N. Y------------- _July 7, 1857
Saint Louis, Mo.----------- June 14, 1870
Saint Louis, Mo....... June 4, 1872
Henniker, N. H...........Aug. 12, 1846
Philadelphia aiid Plinuix- Julyr 1, 1873
yille, Pa.
Parks-rsburgh, Va..._.Mar. 3, 1857
Louisville, Ky------------...July 4, 1871
Pottstowii, Pa -__.........June 9, 1868
Pottstown, Pa----------...Jane 14, 1870
New Yoi-k, N. Y..........-Jan. 15, 1846
Saint Louis, Mo -- - -------Nov. 20, 186(i
Saint Louis, Mo-___-- ----Nov. 26, 1867
ISaint Lounis, Mo. - - --.__---May 18, 181;9
Sprinigfield, Mass._- ____Aug. 28, 1846
Lamubertville, N. J- ----___Nov. 29, 1870
Saint Louis, Mo- -- -------Nov. 6, 1860
Saint Louis, Mo..-.--------_ Aug. 4, 1863
Upper Sanduusky, Ohio.... June 4, 1861
Athens, Pa---------------.June 7, 1870
Rochester, N. Y----------_.Mar. 25, 186-2
Rochester, N. Y V- - -- ----May 27, 1862
Auburn, lad------------- Feb. 7, 1871
Boston, Mass-------Apr. 25, 1871
United States Army - -_-July 29, 1873
Getzville, N. Y- -_- -- -- - ---Feo.12, 1861
Buffalo, N. Y.-- -- -- -----Sept. 22,1857
Trenton, N. J - _- - - - ------Feb.19, 1867
Rome, Ga-------------__Jan. 7,1851
Altoona, Pa------------..Oct. 22 1861
Elmira, N. Y_-----------_Aug. 8,1854
New York, N. Y-----------..Oct. 25, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio----------- July 5, 1870
Boston, Mass.- - _-.- ------May 31,18170
Grafton, Ohio..........-June 23, 1863
Williamsport, Pa -....... Oct.8, 1872
Hesse-1.arinstadt,Germnn3Mar. 31. 1868
United States Engineers. _Jan.23, 1836
136, 389
104, 902
66, 433
87, 741
11, 818
119, 466
132, 803
91, 124
34, 183
15, 048
64, 340
134, 338
136, 278
109, 677
134, 269
85, 171
128, 115
135, 776
138, 049
12, 523
13, 258
140, 319
35, 765
29, 917
26, 583
9, 772
33, 606
113, 425
56, 491L
20, 841
58, 492
2, 347
71, 955
77, 800
66, 3-27
3-2, 440
12, 9512
-1, 004
5, 997
86, 117
10, 817
48, 530
106, 760
136, 951
33, 629
141, 026
27, 963
38, 552
130, 561
140, 181
2-2, 106
17, 722
104, 110
1L7, 564
4, 693
140, 4 71
16, 728
116, 787
28, 797
104, 295
59, 769
71, 484
90, 263
109, 6.:8
30, 577
39, 447
3-2, 480
104, 036
34, 765
35, 381
114, 0:19
{141, 293
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bridge, W ooden..................
Bridge, Wooden-framed brace...................
Bridge, Wooden-framed suspension...............
Bridge, Wooden or frame.........................
Bridge, Wooden truss...........................
Bridge, Wooden truss............................
Bridge, Wrought-iroa......................
Bridge, Wrought-iron............................
Bridge, Wrought-iron.....................
Bridges, Arched truss for......................
Bridges, Arched truss for.................
Bridges across rivers, &c., Apparatus bfor passing
suspension-wires for.
Bridges, Bearing-block for truss...................
Bridges, Building.........................
Bridges, Building.....--------------------------
Bridges, buildings, &c., Composition for covering
Bridges, buildings, &c., Method of preventing decay in the timbers of.
G. W. Thayer................
S. H. Long.................
S. H. Long..................
S. H. Long.................
J. Burke....................
T. W. Pratt............
A. P. Boller..................
G. Heath.....................
J. H. Linville and J. L. Piper..
H. Lanergan.............
P. L. Weimer................
J. A. Roebling...............
A. D. Briggs................
T. Burr....................
J. Snyder....................
J. Heckel and M. Eichinger...
A. Allen.....................
Residence. Date. No.
Springfield, Mass.-.... Apr. 22, 1845 4, 004
United States Army...... Nov. 7, 1839 1, 398
United States Army...... Nov. 7, 1839 1, 397
Baltimore, Md......... Mar. 6, 1830........
Saginaw, Mich........... July 18,1871 117, 042
Boston, Mass.......... Apr. 1,1873 137, 482
Orange, N. J..........Apr. 2, 1872 125, 117
Little Falls, N. Y V-- May 27, 3862 35,374
Pittsburghi and Altoona, Pa Oct. 31, 1865 50, 723
Boston, Mass........... Apr. 23, 1850 7, 305
Lebanon, Pa- --........ Aug. 29, 1871 118, 566
Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Jan. 26, 1847 4, 945
Springfield, Mass........ uly 27, 1858 20, 987
Burr Haven, Pa......... Apr. 3, 1817....
U inn!n "lt P i Fh 3183dr
Brioges, Cable-shackle for......................... T. G. Hulett..................
Bridges, &c., Cast.iron arch for................... G. F. Lape.......................
Bridges, Cast-iron chord-connection for............ C. Kellogg...................
Bridges, Chord for--------------------------................................. C. S. Smith...................
Br idges, Connecting iron girders of-------------...............J. T. Ham...................
Bi dges, Connecting together the braces of truss.. L. E. Truesdell........
Bridges, Connection for iron and steel............. T. C. Clarke and A. Bonzano...
Bridges, Connection for iron and steel........... T. C. Clarke and A. Bonzano.-..
Bridges, Connection for iron and steel.............T. C. Clarke and A. Bonzano...
Bridges, Connection for iron and steel............ T. C. Clarke and A. Bonzano...
Bridges, Connection for iron and steel.............T. C. Clarke and A. Bonzano..
Bridges, Constructing............................ A. Canfield.............
Bridges Constructing....................... T. C. Clarke.................
Bridges, Constructing...................... G. Law..............
Bridges, &c., Constructing frame of.............W. McKibbin............
Bridges, Construction of.....................J. P. Bakewell.............
Bridges, Construction of..........................W. Bollman. --...
Bridges, Construction of...................A. Bradway and E. Valentine.
Bridges, Construction of......................B. Conner.....................
Brid ges, Construction of.....................J. J. Dyster........
Bridges, Construction of.....................J. B. Gridley................
Bridge:, Construction of.....................I Z. King.................
Bri'ges, Construction of..................... A. McGuffie..............
Bridges, Construction of................... - S. B. B. Nowlan...........
Bridge, Construction of................ Pop............... T. Pope..............
Bridges, Construction of.......................... C. S. Smith, C. H. Latrobe, and
F. H. Smith.
Bridges, Construction of............................ E. Stanley................
Bridges, Construction of..........................C. W. Warner............
Bridges, Construction of............................. H. Wilton.................
Bridges, Construction of iron-truss................ S. Whipple...............
Bridges, Driving piles for.................... J. Stone.......................
bidges, Elliptical or oval truss-frame for.---......... ----J. Barnes...--------------..--
Bridges, &c., Fastening and combining the trusa- J. Price and J. T. Phillips....
frames of.
Bridges, Gate of swinging........................ L. Anderson..................
Bridges, Girder and chord for iron............... T.B. Mills and B M. Smith..- -.
Briges, Hydraulic spindle and turning-apparatus P. L. Fox and G. P. Herthel, jr.
Jor draw.
Bridges, Iron abutment for....................... J. S. Goshorn..................
Bridges, Iron truss-frame for................... F. C. Lowthorp.............
Bridges, &c., Iron truss-frame for---........... F. C. Lowthorp...........
Bridges, Key or packing block for.............. N. Chapin.._............
Bridges, Lock bar for.---..-.................. L. E Truesdell.................
Bridges, Manner of crossing rivers, &c., by moving H. Leach.................
platforms suspended to.
Bridges, Manufacture of tension eye-bar for....... F. H. Smith....................
Bridges, Metallic abutment for.......... A. Wheelock.................
Bridges, Metllic beam and girder for............. J. Gill_ __..................
Bridges, Metall'c column for................. A. B. Ives.....................
Bridges, Metallic shoe for truss............... D. H. Morrison............
Bridges, Method of attaching the arch to the uruss- I. D. Steele...............
frame in.
Bridges, Method of building................... A. Cottrell............
Bridges, &c., Method of increasing strength of J. R. Remington............
beams or rafters of.
Bridges, Method of turning........................ W. N. Berkeley..............
Bridges, Method of turning-.................. W-. N. Berkeley.............
Bridges, Mode of adjustment of truss-frames of... J. W. Murphy.................
Bridges, Mode of constructing, setting, and remov- J. Du Bois....................
Bridges, Plate for securing chord, brace, &c., of F. C. Lowthorp..............
Bridges, &c., Segmental truss for................. G.S. Avery..................
Bridges, Shoe for truss......................... M. Lass g....................
Bridges Timber-splice for................-..J. J. Hooker..........
Bridges, Transporting....................... T. and S Champion........
B idges, &c., Truss-beam for................. P.M. Frees and Z. King.......
Bridges, Truss-frame for........................... W. Howe..............
Bridges, Truss-fraue for..................... W. Howe.....................
Bridges, Truss-frame for...................... E. Jacobs..................
Bridges, Truss-frame for...-----------------------. J. II. Linville............
Bridges, Truss-frame for.................... T. W. and C. Pratt..........
Bridges, Truss-girder for......................... S. D. Kendall.................
Bridges, Truss-gir-der for.......................... A. McGuflie..........
Bridges, Tubular connection forW...... J. V Sprague...............
Bridges, Turn tallfor r pivot --.... ------. A. Bonizino..................
Un on uoun y, ra......... ' e..S, j
Decatur, Ill.............. Apr. 7, 1868
Cass County, Mich........ Aug. 23, 1870
Niagara, N. Y............. Dec. 8, 1868
Summit, N. Y............. Dec. 4, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa......... Feb. 23,1869
Baltimore, Md......... Aug. 17, 1869
Covington, Ky............ June 21, 1859
Warren Mass.........May 17, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa-...... July 18, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 18, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 18, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa..--.... July 18,1871
Philadelphia, Pa.....Dec. 12, 1871
Paterson, N. J............ June 29, 1833
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 15,1 e73
Easton, Pa.....------------- June 12, 1835
San Francisco, Cal..... Mar. 9, 1858
Pittsburgh, Pa.....---------- May 15,1827
Baltimore, Md........ Jan. 6, 1852
Monson, Mass-.......... July 6, 1852
Portsmouth, N. H. -.... Apr. 23, 1812
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 23, 1810
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... July 6, 1852
Cleveland, Ohio.....--------- Nov. 15, 1864
Rochester, N. Y..... Dec. 17, 1861
New York, N. Y. -... Mar. 18, 1873
New York, N. Y....... Apr. 18, 1807
Baltimore, Md....-. Dec. 14, 1869
Bennington, N. Y......... Sept. 2, 1851
Essex, Vt.......... -- Aug. 27, 1872
Wrightsville, Pa-..... June 24, 1839
Utica, N. Y.............. Apr. 24, 1841
--...................Mar. 10, 1791
Springoie'd, Mass........Mar. 27, 1849
Golden, Md............ Feb. 23,1841
106, 647
84, 827
60, 199
87, 174
93, 917
24, 460
24, 068
117, 047
117, 048
117, 049
117, 050
121, 848.....
140, 888
19, 573
8, 624
9, 090..........
9, 093
45, 051
33, 954
136, 935
97, 975
8, 337
130, 959
2, 064
6, 230
1, 994
76, 443
Chicago, Ill...............
Iola, Kan.................
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
Trenton, N. J............
Trenton, N. J............
Chicago, Ill...............
Ch icago, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md.............
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Bloomington, Ill.......
Dayton, Ohio.........
Pottstown, Pa..........
Dec. 14,1869 97, 855
Nov. 12, 1872 132, 975
June 26, 1866 55, 844
Feb. 7,1871
June 30, 1857
Oct. 3, 1857
Sept. 27, 1864
May 26, 1868
Mar. 4,1842
June 18, 1872
Feb. 15, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
Dec. 31, 1867
Apr. 27, 1858
Feb. 20 1849
Newport, R. I............. Nov. 10, 1841
Lowndes County, Ala.....- May 19, 184:1
Cedar Rapids, Iowa-....... June 5, 1866
Cedar Rapids, Iowa...... June 5, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa----..----... Apr. 30, 1861
Wiliiamsport, Pa-.......... Oct. 7, 1862
Trenton, N. J............. Mar. 13,1860
Lewisborough, N. Y...... July 28, 1857
Chicago, Ill.............. Nov. 19, 182
Owego, N. Y.............. Oct. 15, 1872
Washington, D. C......... Nov. 2, 1853
Cincinnati and Milan, Ohio Oct. 1, 1861
Warren, Mass....... July 10, 1840
Warren, Mass......... Aug. 3,1840
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Jan. 3,1860
Philadelphia, Pa....----. Dec. 2, 1873
Norwich, Conn., and Bos- Apr. 4, 1844
ton, Miss.
Brooklyn, N............ Jan. 21, 186
Rochester. N. Y.......... Feb. 4, 18,2
Roches Cr, N. Y........ Ot. 18, 1959
Ptie:ixvli', tPa----------.......... May 21, 1872
17, 684
18, 548
44, 398
78, 403
2, 478
99, 989
89, 400
72, 859
20, 082
6, 126
2, 334
3, 095
55, 230
55, 231
3-, 199
36, 606
27, 457
17, 864
133, 202
10, 250
33, 384
1, 711
26, 680
145, 114
3, 523
34, 909
34, 311
25, 852
127, 018
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bridges, Turn-table for swing _________
Bridges, Turn-table for swin -- ---------
Bridges with draw s, Me. hod of building wooden..
Bridges, Wrought-ironi pier for -----------
Bridging navigable streams -----------
B ridle.......................
B ridle-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - -
B r id le. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b r id le. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LB idle.....................
B r id le - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B r id le......................
B r i d le......................
B r i d l e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bridle and bit connection..............._.
Biridle and bit. Horse----- ----------
Bridle and halter, Comnbined...._...._...
Bridle-attachment, Safety...........__....
B ridle-bit.....................
B ridle-bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B iidlr'-bit.....................
B iridle-bit....................
Liridle-bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -
L iidle-bit - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
B r idle-bit.....................
B irdie-bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brirdie-bit -------------------------------------
B ridlle-bit - -.....................
Br idle-hit.....................................
3 ir r lle -b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ri d le-b t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B r id le - b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L rind e -b it.... - ---- --- - - - - - - - - - -
B rid le -b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ridle lit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b rid le -hi t. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L i idle-bit.....................
ri die-bit....................
B riidle-b it.....................
L iid le -b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B iid le -b it................ - - -
L i id le -b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Li idle-hit.....................
LI idle-bit.....................
B rid le -b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L iB r i e -b it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ri le -b it....................
B rid le -b it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ir id le -h it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B riu lie l it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -
B ridlie-bit.....................
B ridle-bit.....................
B rid le -b it - - -... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P ridle-bit....................
T. C. Clarke and A. Beuzano - -
G. Walter...................
U. WVilkinson---------------.
T. B. Mills...................
B. F. Lee...................G. A. AlhrightandiW. P. Burns
A. Banerseluritti............W. B. Beaus................
M. H. Buchanan..._..........
W. F. Clark -........
M. Ilaberbush and E. llreekel.
J. C. flamnes.............._
J. Harris._..........
S. B. Hartman..............
S. B. Hartmnan--------------..
S. B. Hartman.............._
P. Laporte-----------------..
A. H. Lrrnglolz..............
J. F. Ma sonl..................
J. MeKibben................
R. B. Nervell...............
J. A. Putt..................A. H. Rockwell..............
E. H. Terry.................I. Seitz.-------------------
R. Smether..................
J. H. Wilson................
C. B. Hogg..................
F. L. B~askeli.-..._.......
J. Mc~libben.. _.. _......... _..
R. Fiuck...................
S. D. Arnold.................
J. B. Baker..................
D. S. Belch............--....
A. P. Baldwin...............
G. NV. Barnes...............--
S. C. Boughton............ _.
J. Burns....................
1). H. Carpenter-..-......
H. Crane...................---
J. M. Crawford............
0. Crook...................--
B. I.Day...................--
E. Day.....................--
G. W. Eddy................--
A. B. Ely...................--
J. M. Fahrd.................M. J Firoy.................M. J.lirey.................
W. S. Ford.................111 Fort cr-................
1N NFreat..-..............
J. I. Gates.------------------
C. L. Giukiuger..............
WX L nyrien.........
IN. H~ ~ wird................C. M.Hucliris..............
1V. F. and VW. R. Jeirnien __-.
F. B. Kal kbrennoer -.
S. M. King...-..............
A. H. Langhulz._........
J. Letchworth..............- -- --
J. Letchworthli..............- - -
WV. P. Letchworth -........
J. Lowbridge...............A. P. Mason -.......
P. S. MeGuiness............_
C. H. Miller.................J. IH. Minirich...............
A. Niei....................---
D. M. Nixon................--
J. K. Nortion...-..........
J. H. J. O'Neill.............H. Pierce..........
E. N. Price..................
J. C. Price..................
WV. S. Robbins.............--
J. M. Reberds................
A. H. Rockwell._.........
HI. T. Romertze.............--
B. L. Rowley.............._..
P. --hoenreake --............J. Spoenbour and S. 1R. Boyd..
C. E. Stockder...............
J. A. Swan.................--
Residence. Date.
Philadelphia and Phoenix- Oct. 15, 187~2
yulle, Pa.
-Phoenixville, Pa. -....___Mar. 5, 1872
White Creek, N. Y-.__..May 15, 18-27
Iola, Kans................Oct. 15, 1872
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 2, 185-2
Lancaster, Pa.......... Nov. 27, 186
Rochester, N. V. -.......July 7, 1868
Brownsburgh, Pa.---..__.Oct. 15, 1867
Washington County, Va - Feb. 15, 1870
Hagaman's Mills, N. Y. Nov. 17, 1868
Lancaster, Pa.. _.. -.......Nov. 27, 186
Lewistown, Pa........... July 10, 1866
Kairsas, Iii.............. Apr. 16, 1867
Millersville, Pa _.........June 28, 1864
Millersville, Pa..__.._ Nov. 7, 1865
Millersville, Pa _..........Nov. 13, 1866
Richmond, Va. _.. _...... Aug. 15, 182-2
Chicago, Ii...............Feb. 3, 1863
Beaten's Port, Iowa..._.May 28, 1867
burmla, Ohio..............._Bee. 8, 1868
Huntsville, Ala.....__ May 10,18519
Marlborough, Ohio.m... Nov. 26, 1867
flarpersvdllr, N...... Dec. 4, 1866
New Hav en, Con... June 30, 1868
Mariettai Pa _--r -... -S-pt. 26, 1848
Orange County, Va -. Dec. 10, 1812
Brentwoodi'Pun..--- --Dee. 10, 187-2
Boston, Mass. _---_._- _Mar. 8, 1864
LeonminsteiM-ass -.. --- Sept. 3, 1872
Lirira,Ohio......... Mar. 5,1867
Lancaister, Pa..__---_. --. Dec. 31, 1867
NewvBBitaiConn...... Aug. 7, 1866
Syracuse, N. Y...........-Juine 7, 1859
Bi-adlorri, Vt............. Aug. 23, 18.39
Newark, N. J..............ec.Dec. 1, 1868
Morut Vernon. N. Y.. --.-Mar, 19, 1872
Watetrform), N. V............ept.Sept. 12, 1871
East. Tophrrnn, Vt.......July 2, 1872
Hartfordi, Cousn...........June 17, 1873
New York, N. 1 V.-.......June 5, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa... -.....July 2, 1867
Dayton, Ohio-.._.... Aug. 16, 1867
Gibson County, Ind.. _. May 13, 1856
Wept Springfoeld, Mass.- - Nov. 28, 1865
Waterford, N. Y...-......Oct. 15 1872
Newton, Mass. _.........Mar. 23,1869)
Bordeaux, France..June 17, 1873
Mransfieldl, Ohioir.. _........ June 14, 1870
Mansfield, Ohio - -__-. June 14, 1870
Clinton, 111.._-_... -........May 12, 1868
New Harrisburgm, Ohio _-.Aug. 2, l70
New Britalin, Conir._..._.Aug.7, 1866
Lincoln, Ill...............Oct 15, 1867
Pittsburghr, Pa._... _Julv 11 1871
Sterling, Ill. _....._.......Apr. 15,1873
Columbnus, Ohio - - - -------Mar.26, 1867
Reanioke,hind...........Jan. 2, 187
East Topshain, Vt - - _-_.-Oct. 12 1869
Wctuuipka. Ala _....-..... July 24, 1860
Clinton, Mo-------No 1, 1870
Laincaster. Ohio. --._.......Jil 31, 1866
Chicag.o, Ill...............Aug. 10,1864
Biuffalo, N.Y.............J..........une 1, 1869
BuiloN. Y.------- Jan.7, 1873
Buffalo,N.Y............. May 10,1870
Pittsburgh, Pa. -.-........Sept.24, 1872
Gowanda, N. Y.......Jimme 1iS 1869
New York, N. Y - - - -------June 2, 1868
Buffalo, N. Y - Aug.25, 1868
Tuscarawas, Ohio... -.. Mr.16, 1869
Brooklyn, N. YV-_- - - -----Jan. 11,i859
D)anville, Ill..............-- -- -Feb. 23,1869
Flushing, Ohio. _..._._......Feb.4, 1868
New Haven, Conn.._.July 7, 1863
Shraron, Con........ _..... MariS5,1834
Salem, Mass..............-June 13, 1851
New Philadelphia, Ohio. Mai.26, 1867
New Bedford, Mass...Dec. 8, 1868
W rashington, D. C....Feb. 26, 1861
Harperev ille, N. Y.....-Nov. 12, 1867
Philadlphia, Pa......... May 12, 1863
New Britainr, Conn. _. - Mr. 11, 1873
T i -eT2-;n;Towshipand eT.1,- 1867
132, 254
124, 400
132, 307
8. 781
59, 937
79, 628
69, 893
99, 834
84, 170
59, 956
56, 21:3
63, 886
43, 308
50, 8-2-2
59, 596
37, 583
65, 101
84, 838
23, 939
71, 324
60, 254
79, 334
5, 804
133, 817
41, 845
130, 994
62, 662
72, 729
56, 872
24, 275
84, 469
124, 789
128, 532
28, 56:1
66, 221
67, 509
14, 856
51, 151
13-2, 149
88, 021
140, 0-23
104, 13:1
104, 134
77, 810
166, ((44
56, 023
69, 910
116, 945
137, 913
6:3, 16
95, 801
29, 284
108, 795
So, -,62
44, 002
90, 8:=7
134, 684
102, 8:38
13), 691
91, 46(3
78, 466
81, 395
87, 864
2-2, 571
87, X281
74, 12
63, 297
84, 843
31, 557
70, 745
38, 541
136, 767
r,, 510
Irndex of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bridle-bit attachment...........................
Bridle-bit attachment..............................
Bridle-bit, Check-piece for........................
Bridte-bit, Combination-lever......................
Bridle-bit, Flexible.............................
Bridle-bit, Method of connecting the check-piece
to the mouth-piece of.
Bridle-bit mouth-piece............................
Bridle-bit, Safety....-------------------------
Bridle-bit slide-bar.............................
Bridle-blind-----------------------------....................................... -
Bridle blind, Harness-...---------------------...........................
Bridle blind, Horse..............................
Bridle blind, Horse--- -................................-----
Bridle-blind, Operating--------------------............................Bridle, Breaking and training..................
Bridle brow-band..................................
Bridle check and brace.........................
Bridle, Driving...........
Bridle for preventing horses from kicking.......
Bridle-front, Machine for forming.................
Bridle, Gag-runner connection for...............
Bridle, Harness....----.................---............
Bridle, Horse..----------------------------....................................
Bridle, Horse----------------------------......................................
Bridle, Horse----------------------------.....................................Bridle, Nerving.....--------------------------
Bridle pulley-bit...---------.-----------------.
Bridle-rein spring-snap----................
Bridle, Riding..............................
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle, Safety....----------------------------
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle, Safety.....----------------------------
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle, Safety.....................................
Bridle Safety...................
Bridle, Safety............................
Bridle, Safety............................
Bridle, Safety............................
Bridle safety-strap........................
Bridle to prevent horses from kicking or running
Bridle winker, Harness.......................
Bridle-winker, Metallic...........................
Bridle winkers, Manufacture of harness...........
Bridles, Machine for punching, splitting, and
Bridles, Manufacture of.................
Bridles, Metallic check-piece for.................
Brine and other liquid evaporator...............
Brine and other liquid evaporator.................
Brine and other liquids, Process and apparatus for
Brine and salted meat to remove the salt, Treating
B ine-evaporator.........................
Brine, &c., evaporator and concentrator...-........
Brine evaporator, Salt.............................---------------------
Bristle-assorting machinery....................
Bristle-bundling machine........................
Bristle cleaning and assorting machine...........
Bristle-cleaning apparatus...-..................
Bristle-combing machine.......................
W. F. M. Williams............
L. D. Woodmansee--....-.......----
C. M. Alexander..............
J. D. Tracy.....---------------
W. P. Wolfington.........
H. M. Cornell..............
B. L. Rowley.................
K. Frazer..................
A. P. Baldwin................
S. S. Petersheim.............
A. P. Mason.................
J. Patterson, jr..............
J. L. Brown......-------------............
J. B. Low....................
J. G. Tibbets.................
A. Simis....----------------..................
W. O. Bartlett..............
F. Meinberg.................
W. F. Pendleton..............
A. Rice and L. Leach.........
D. V. Grace and J. S. Elliott..
W. T. Merserean..........
I. Manning..............
J. C. Covert-----... ---.--.--
G. W. Griswold...............
G. Horter....................
J. Muller....................
M. A. Penn..................
J. C. Smith..................
J. V. Reardon.................
W. Brower.................
M. X. Tschus.................
J. C. Smith.................
W. F. Niles................
J. O'Brien...................
J. O'Brien..................
G. W. Barnes..............- -
A. B. Christ and H. H. Stebman
D. M. Donehoo...............
D. M. Donehoo...............
B. 1. Du Val.-..............
J. M. Elder and P. A. Bishop..
E. R. Ferry..............
F. A. Hannaford..............
S. B. Ilartman...............
E. W. Lindeman..............
J. McKillop................
J. Weatheihead..-........
S. V. R. York------------.................
H. H. Rockwell...............
J. M. Lanier....................
W. and W. F. Boyd...........
W. Boyd.....................
M. O. Stanley...........
E. Ward...................
J. B Gathright................
D. A. Read..................
J. C. Baxter..................
L. R. Cornell...............
S. Platt...-.................
G. Clark...................
A. Whitelaw.................
C. WV. Atkeson............
D. Brigham.............
J. Buchanan................
S. D. Gilson........................
M. P. Hayes..................
J. Heim..----------------...
R. G. Leckie............
R. G. Leckie............
J. McGrew...................
R. G. Leckie..................
C. E. Tripler..................
N. H. Spafford................
N. H. Spafford...............
G. E. Bart..................
H. W. Mosher and J. A.Conboie
L. F. Lannay and W. F. Parks
Augusta, Ga........
Mad River Township, Ohio
Washington, D. C.........
Springfield, Mass.......
Louisville, Ky........
Brighton, Ill..........
New Brighton, Conn.....Syracuse, N. Y......_
Newark, N. J........
Upper Leacock Township,
Franklinville, N. Y.......
Bangor, Me...........
Connellsville, Pa.........
Homerville, Ohio......
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N, Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N.. Y.._
Kingand Queen County,Va
Fresno, Cal...............
Coshocton, Ohio........
Orange, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa- -. _ -.
Farmer Village, N. Y....
Logansport, Ind.......
New Orleans, La........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Sumter, S. C............
Brookhaven, N. Y.....
Elkton, Md...........
Baltimore, Md.........
Bloomington, Ill......
Brookhaven, N. Y........
Leominster, Mass.........
Geneseo, Ill..............
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.....
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
Manor Township, Pa.....
Beaver, Pa...............
Beaver, Pa.............
Portsmouth, Va........
Elyria, Ohio............
New Haven, Conn......
New York, N. Y........
Millersville, Pa.....
Manor Township, Pa.....
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
San Joed, Cal...........
Antwerp, N. Y..........
New London, Conn.....
Eufaula, Ala..........
Watertown, Mass.........
Mansfield, Mass.......
South Danvers, Mass.....
Newark. N. J........
Louisville, Ky..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C........
Syracuse, N. Y.........
G oderich, Canada......
Buffalo, N. Y............
Glasgow, Scotland.......
Henderson, Ky...-....
New York. N. Y.....
Detroit, Mich.........
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Seaforth, Canada..........
New York, N. Y..._......
Acton Vale, Canada......
Montreal, Canada......
Ravenswood, W. Va......
Acton Vale, Canada......
Philadelphia, Pa...-....
Providence, R. I.......
Baltimore, Md............
Westford, Mass...........
New York. N. Y........
Indianapolis, Ind., an d
Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y.....
Indianapolis. Ind., an d
Baltimore, Md.
Boston, Mass..........
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md..........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Georgtown, Mass.....
Penn Yan, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y......
Boston, Mass.............
Date. No.
Jan. 10, 1860 26, 804
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 980
Feb. 11, 1862 34,343
Oct. 23,1860 30,510
Feb. 27, 1872 124, 187
Nov. 14, 1871 120, 860
Apr. 14, 1868 76, 821
May 12, 1857 17,268
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 022
Apr. 30, 1872 126, 231
June 6, 1871 115, 753
Dec. 2, 18073 145, 233
Oct. 18, 1870 108, 440
Dec. 5, 1871 121,528
Oct. 9,1841 2,285
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 406
June 5, 1866 55, 226
Dec. 24, 1872 134, 213
Feb. 20, 1833..
Jan. 7,1868 73, 042
Feb. 9, 1869 06, 662
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 144
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 531
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 834
July 22, 1062 35, 932
July 5, 1870 105, 081
Dec. 23, 1873 145, 892
Apr. 30, 1872 126, 326
Mar. 23, 1842 2,510
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 210
July 23, 1867 66, 9241
July 5, 1859 24, 677
Sept. 17, 1842 2, 780
Oct. 29,1867 70, 251
May 3, 1870 102, 579
Oct. 25,1870 108, 725
Aug. 11, 1868 80, 897
Jan. 23, 1866 52, 139
Jan. 29, 1867 61, 522
July 2, 1067 66, 312
Aug. 27, 1872 130, 794
May 13,1873 138,872
Oct. 13, 1868 83, 055
Oct. 22, 1867 70, 089
May 28, 1867 65, 216
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 106
June 2, 1868 78, 533
Mar. 7,1071 112,398
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 158
Dec. 3, 1867 71,648
Oct. 26, 1858 21, 8a9
June 26, 1855 13, 119
July 19, 1870 105, 544
Sept. 6, 1064 44, 121
May 24, 1870 103, 530
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 292
Oct. 24, 1826........
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 315
July 18, 1871 117,052
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 443
June 6, 1871 115,573
May 31,1864 42,988
June 16, 1857 17, 548
Apr. 27, 1858 20, 034
Dec. 6,1870 109, 02
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 136
Sept. 5,1871 11, 718
Mar. 8,1870 100, 528
Jan. 30, 1872 123, 182
Jan. 30, 1872 123, 181
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 239
May 16, 1871 114, 831
Sept.24, 1872 131,721
Mar. 17, 1863 37, 927
Apr. 17, 1866 54, 033
Feb. 7, 1854 10, 498
Mar. 29, 1859 23, 385
May 8, 1866 54, 564
Apr. 17, 1866 54, 034
Aug. 19, 1856 15, 573
Dec. 1, 1868 84, 561
June 30, 1868 79, 4(8
Oct. 30,1866 59, 286
Jan. 22, 1867 61,480
Feb. 20, 186 52, 763
May 19, 1868 78, 102
July 22, 1873 141,091
Apr. 9, 1872 125, 505
July 21, 1868 00, 125
June 29, 1869 92, 008
May 27, 1862 35, 361
Bristle-combing machine......................... N. H. Spafford..........-....
Bristle-separator-------------------............---...............-------...... A. Randel....................
Bristle washing and combing machine combined... L. F. Lannay and W. F. Parks.
Bristles, felt, fur, wool, &c., Cutter and trimmer for
Bristles, Machine for assorting.................
Bristles, Machine for combing and assorting.....
Bristles, Machine for separating...................
Bristles, &c., Machine for washing................
S. F. Harlow.................
N. H. Spaftbrd................
N. H. Spafford..............
N. H. Spafford................
L. F. Lannay.................
A. P. Stephens..............
C. E. Tyler..................
S. Bowers....................
W. F. Browno................
G. Chilson....................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Broiler and furnace, Combined....................
Broiler and toaster...............................
Broiler and toaster...............................
Broiler and toaster...............................
Broiler and toaster..............................
Broiler and toaster, Wire.........................
Broiler and toaster, Wire...........................
Broiler, M eat.....................................
Broiler, M eat.....................................
Broiler, Meat....................................
Broiler, Reversible.................................
Broiler, Steak...................................
Broiler, Steak...................................
Broiling-furnace and cooking-range, Combined...
Broiling, toasting, &c., Apparatus or...........
Bromine and iodine, Apparatus for the manufacture of.
Bromine. Apparatus for making..................
Bromine, Apparatus for the manufacture of......
Inventor. Residence. Date.
L. H. Colborne and D. H. Lowe New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 7,1871
D. W. Denman and W. K. Detroit, Mich............. Mar. 29, 1870
A. Dick...................... Buffalo, N. Y............. Nov. 1, 1870
J. M. Dick................... Buffalo, N. Y............. Mar. 24, 1863
B. G. Fitzhugh.............. Frederick, Md............ Oct. 17, 1871
A. G. Gibson................. Cincinnati, Ohio......... Mar. 17, 1868
A. L. H. Graham............. Chester, Pa.......... Mar. 29, 1870
J. Grossius and D. J. Mullaney. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Sept. 3, 1872
W. T. Howard................ Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 18, 1871
A. C. Hull.................. Saint Louis, Mo........... Mar. 1,1870
M. T. Hynes................ Boston, Mass............. Jan. 3, 1871
H. H. Johnson............. N.ew Haven, Conn........ Aug. 6, 1867
WV. J. Johnson and H. A. Hil- Newton and Lowell, Mass Oct. 19, 1869
G. H. Link and C. D. Curtis... Syracuse, N. Y........... Nov. 16,1869
J. Mallory................... Penn Yan, N. Y..........Nov. 3, 1868
B. Marshall................... Marietta, Ohio............ June 21, 1870
B. and S. N. Marshall........ Marietta, Ohio............ Oct. 15, 1872
J. C. Nobles................... Ilion, N. Y................ Nov. 7,1871
J. T. Page................... Rochester, N. Y........... Aug. 9, 1870
J. T. Page..... Rochester, N. Y...........July 16,1872
E. B. Phelps and J. P. McLean. Brookylu, N. Y...........Mar. 21, 1871
D. E. Roe..................... Elmira, N. Y.............. June 13. 1871
D. E. Roe..................... Elmira, N. Y.............. Aug. 9,1870
G. S. Saxton................ Saint Louis, Mo......... Nov. 16, 1869
O. J. Smith................... Wauwatosa, Wis........ Oct. 10, 1871
O. J. Smith................... Wauwatosa, Wis......... Oct. 1, 1872
R. P. Smith................. New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 5,1872
W. S. Stiver and J. S. Williams. Brooklyn, N. Y............ June 7, 1870
C. Walsh...................... Newark, N. J........... Dec. 12, 1871
J. Willging................ Bubuque, Iowa.......... Dec. 31,1872
J. S. Runyan................ Columbus, Ohio...........Aug. 9, 1870
W. F. Collier and J. H. Bigelow Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 24, 1868
T. C. Law................... Green Island, N. Y....... Nov. 21, 1865
J. M. Read and J. M. Smith.. Boston, Mass............. Dec. 27,1870
M. H. Wiley................ Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 5, 1872
H. A. Hildreth and W. J. Lowell and Newton, Mass. Apr. 18, 1865
C. L. Prouty.................. Worcester, Mass.......... June 22, 1869
L. Holms................... Keene, N. H..............Mar. 24, 1868
G. T. Teel................... Hoboken, N. J..........Aug. 30, 1864
H. Willard................... Grand Rapids, Mich...... Apr. 26, 1870
S. Smith...................... Brooklyn, N. Y.......... May 7, 1872
D. C. Teller.................. Terre Haute, Ind..... July 16,1867
G. W. Walker............... Boston, Mass............. Feb. 4, 1862
M. E. A. W. Evard............. Leesburgh, Va............ Apr. 7, 1868
O. F. Morrill.................. Boston, Mass.............Dec. 6, 1859
WV. Resor.................Cincinnati, Ohio...'...... Aug. 3, 1858
H. W. Harkness and WV. A. Bristol, Conn............. Aug. 24, 1858
D Alter..................... Freeport, Pa.............. Feb. 26,1867
111, 516
101, 236
108, 768
38, 018
119, 974
75, 673
101, 361
131, 057
113, 886
100, 410
110, 763
67, 435
96, 909
96, 930
83, 649
104, 611
120, 768
106, 280
129, 362
112, 846
115, 984
106, 210
96, 973
119, 892
131, 910
124, 296
104, 075
121, 917
134, 410
106, 288
76, 032
110, 589
124, 306
47, 302
91, 664
73, 914
44, 026
102, 348
126, 585
66, 911
34, 339
76, 314
26, 368
21, 297
62, 464
93, 099
132, 296
137, 512
103, 253
137, 222
82, 309
5, 658
110, 662
23, 042
108, 520
110, 081
89, 274
53, 563
8, 365
102, 198
129, 207
13-, 993
18, 338
25, 874
116, 918
119, 498
122, 216
130, 475
144, 741
106, 667
57, 527
61, 044
61, 550
119, 637
111, 973
126, 097
86, 875
71, 085
101, 830
40, 964
143, 880
90, 521
32, 667
117, 959
106, 021
H. Lerner....................
H. Lerner and E. C. Harpold..
Bromine, Apparatus for the manufacture of...... D. C. Turner................
Bromine, Apparatus for the production of......... H. Stieren and WV. A. Nisbet..
Bromine from bittern, &c., Apparatus for producing
Bromine from bittern, Manufamture of............
Bromine, Manufacture of........................
Bromine, Manufacture of............................
Brooch, ear-ring, &c..............................
Bronze and other matters, Process of removing
earthy matters from.
Bronze or metallic powder, Surfacing fabrics with
Bronze-powder manufacture...................
Bronze-powder, Process of making................
Bronzing and gilding...........................
Bronzing columns, pillars, monuments, &c.......
Bronzing machine...............................
Bronzing- machine...............................
Bronzing- machine................................
Bronzing machine................................
Bronzing machine...............................
Bronzing- machine................................
Bronzing machine...............................
Bronzing machine.............................
Bronzing- machine................................
Bronzing- machine.................................
Bronzing- machine................................
Bronzing- machine.............................
Bionzing machine, Bronze-collecting attachment to
Bronzing or coloring iron, Process of..............
Bronzing pad......................................
Bronzing printed work.........................
Lionzing wall-paper, Machine for................
iro m.......................n................
Lroom, &c.......................................
G. Leyer and J. A. Winter...
G. A. Hgemnann............
D. Alter and E. Gillespie.....
J. J. Jiihler.................
H. Oliver...................
W. Sackermann..............
M. Smith....................
J. B. Batchelder..............
L. Brandeis..................
L. Brandeis.............
J. L. Duffee........
L. Brandeis..................
A. Towne.................
H. Hoffman................
G. H. Babcock...............
E. F. Benton.................
E. F. Benton..................
E. F. Benton.................
L. G. Chaput...............
L. G. Chaput and W. and J.
S. Crump.....................
J. K. Lowe...................
J. K. Lowe....................
G. L. Mayes....................
J. H. Nevins..................
I. L. G. Rico..................
C. Shooeep..................
H. Skidmore................
J. F. Tapley..................
J. F. Tapley..................
S. Crump....................
H. Tucker...................
L. G. Chaput..................
B. G. George...............
W. G. Mackay..............
E. A. Anderson..............
J. H. Anderson.............
Pomeroy, Ohio............
Mason City and Hartford
City, W. Va.
Clifton, W. Va........
Mason, WV. Va., and Natrona, Pa.
Pomeroy, Ohio............
Natrona, Pa..............
Freeport, Pa..............
Natrona, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y.........
Somerville, Mass.........
Boston, Mass...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.--.......
Washington, D). C........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y.........
Westerly, R. I...........
Bufhfalo, N. Y.............
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Cleveland, Ohio....
Cleveland, Ohio......
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Williamsourgh, N. Y......
Cambridge, Mass.........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
Springfield, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass......
New York, N. Y"...... "
London, England..........
New York, N. Y...........
Danville, Tex............
Terro Iante, Ind..........
July 27, 1869
Oct. 15, 1872
Apr. 1, 1873
May 17, 1870
Mar. 25, 1873
Sept. 22, 1868
July 5, 1848
Jan. 3, 1871
Feb. 22, 1859
Oct. 18, 1870
Dec. 13, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
Apr. 3, 1866
Sept. 16, 1851
Apr. 19, 1870
July 16, 1872
Nov. 12, 1872
Oct. 6, 1857
Oct. 25, 1859
July 11, 1871
Oct. 3,1871
Dec. 26, 1871
Aug. 13, 1872
Nov. 18, 1873
Aug. 23, 1870
Aug. 28, 1866
Feb. 12, 1867
Jan. 29, 1867
Oct. 3, 1871
Feb. 21, 1871
Apr. 23, 1872
Feb. 9, 1869
Dec. 22, 1863
Nov. 19, 1867
Apr. 12,1870
Dec. 15, 1863
Oct. 21, 1873
May 25, 1869
June 25, 1861
Aug. 15, 1a71
Aug. 2, 1870
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Broom ----------- ------ ------------------------- J. and G-. Bacon........-.
Bro-----------------------------------------N. E. Badgley..............Broom _----------------------------------------- W. N. B~ates.-------
Broom ----_-------------------------------------J. 1). Bell...................
Bron----------------------------------------- S. Bennett..................Brooni----------------------------------------- J. D. Blood..................
Bro------------------------------- ---------- C. Boeekh.r..................
Broom-------------"---------------------------. T. E. C. Brinley..............
Broom................_----------------------------E.ID. Bronson and M. W.
Broom ------------"----------"--------------"-----J. Buercky. - ----------
Broom-"---------------------------------------- II. Burnett.................Broom------ ---------------------------------- S. Carpenter................Broom------------------------------------------ J. MI. Clark.................Broom-------------------------------------"---. E. P. Cooley -----------------
Broom ------------------ --------------------- R..E. Cojison---------------..
Broo----------------------------------------- E. M. Craudal--------------
Broom -----------------------------------------E. M. Craudal.......---...._
Broom ---..--------------------------. F. Dobson...............--
Broom------------------------------------------ 1'. F. Dobson........- - -..
Broom------------------------------------------ R. W. English..............Broom ----------------------------------------. T. R. Evans----------------
Broom ------------------------------------------1). P. Farnharur..............
Broom------------------------------------------ W. S. Hancock.--------------
Broom --------------------------------------"--. A. C. Hloag...................
Broom ------------------------------------------ H. C. Ingersoll...............
l~om------------------------ ------------- ---1). Kaufman................
Broom----------------------------------------0O. W. Kellogg..............Broom.----------------------------------------. T. Langdon and H. C. Kellogg
Broom-----------------------------------------__T. Langdon and C. Weitman -_
Br oonms- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -H. Lombard.... "-..........
Broom.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - W. A. Middleton............Broom -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -C. T. Moore. - - - ---- - -------
B r o o m--------------.....- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---H. B.Newton. _--.. _...----
B ro o m- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -DJ..Pons................
Bro- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - -JH. P-uesons................
Bro- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - - - ----C.L. Reid...................
Broom-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - S.M.Sherman -- -- -- -- - - - - -
B r o o m---- ---- ------ - --- - --- - - -------- - "------W C.. _A.Spe lhauar.............
B r o o m----------------------- CSea..............................C plra
B r ooum-- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - Stackpolo................--
B r oo m- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -...- -- -- -- -- - ----.H.lowers..............
Bro- -- -- -"- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --.-- -- -- -- -- -- - -W. I.lowers....... -- -......
B ro o m-- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -CAWilitm..................
Brom and--------------------------------------A Wils-------- -----------
Bioorn---------------------------------------J. Wisnoers----------------_
Broom-----------------------------------------'12_ W __ E. F.Dunawt.....____._.
Broom and brush-------------------dirse.......................G.Re __.__._._
Broom andl brush-------------------dH Pwr......................G.Re..__..._.
Broom and brush hande fastening----------------IG. F.un-iwga.........
Broom and brush hl holder-------------------.......PrB.D.allac.------__-----
Broom and brush headng-c-a-p--.-......-----------Bt ho I Reed - ---- - - -_
Broom andl brushlinad---------------------------(It. Ane sod -__.....-_
Broom aiid brushhoder------------------_"_------(. B.Cuning__am...........
Broomriand broshholder-------------------------B_. 1.FWala...........
Broom and hruslrholding._clamp..----------------A. B. IThompson.............
Broom and scbrus..Tying--..------.------------.. Aliot---u.............--
Brooni and mohead_______________._.P oly-------------------------.J Be -- -
Broom-band--op-holder--------------------------H. L. Franslin and-E.-Clark...
Broom-band.mopholder-----------.----..-.. ------.. FB. IHadin.................
Broom-bacrapr-------------------------D........ 0Ellt--------------"-----
Broom-bandlwhis--------------------------------.. BCool................
Broom-hlag--------------------E rno...........................L acc -------
Broom-brace------------------------------------. 0.yWilley----"----.-------_
Broom-bridle-----------------------------------J. L. HSobesad -J.-H.-Tr--p..
Broom-clamp.-----------------..L acc.........................1.1.LynadGM.Hpis
Broom-clamp-----------------------------------T.... iB soyn-- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -
Br oo m -cl am p------------------------J.............. "Day--------------------....
Broom-clap----------------------------------- J.- Day---cs-------------------
Tirm-e -------S------------------------S------
Residence. Date.
Medinra, Wis. -.-.-._._ Nov. 28, 1865
New York, N. Y -.- ---------Jan. 28, 1 8G8
Cedar Rapids, Irowa.._ - - _ - Sept. 15, 1863
Wattabororigh, Va-------. June 24, 1873
Hartford, Corr.- - - - --_-Jan. 2, 1866
Amsterdami,IN. Y --.._-. July 16, 187-2
Tomonto, Canada-.-._- Mar. 11, 1873
Louisville, Ky _- - -- -------Apr. 18, 1871
Amrsterdamr, N. Y -. ---.July 30, 1872
Overpeck's Station, Ohio.. Apr. 14, 1868
Boston, Mass.-----------..-_ June 29, 1869
Cedar Rapids, Iowa-...Mar-. 22, 1864
Dayton, Olrio.__- - -_.._ May 23, 1865
New York, N. Y --.----July 31, 1866
H-amburgh, Iowa. -_.__..Aug. 15, 1871
Marsallitown, Iowa..-..June 28, 1870
Chicago, Ill......_......Oct.1, 187-2
Darlirgton, Wisa----------_Feb. 2.7,187-2
Goiderich, Canada-.__...Aug. 4, 1868
Buffalo, N. Y------ _..----July 2, 187-2
Blacksburgm, Va...... -.Dec. 5, 1871
Rock County, Wis-._...-Apr. 24, 1866
Chicago. Ill---------------...May 10, 1870
Clinton, Ill---------------... _Apr. 22),186-2
Bangor, Me---------------July 1, 186-2
Boiling Spring, Pa-.__..._Febi. 19, i861
Riponr, Wis---------------. _ _Mar. 7, 1865
Quasqireton, Iowa-.---._-.May 14, 1861
Hazleton, Iowa.- -- -------July 17, 1860
Chicago, Ill---------------....Jan. 7, 1868
H3arrisburgh, Pa------July 18, 1871
Concord, N. H.. _. -._- July 27, 1852
Manchester, N. H -...._Jan. 2-2, 1867
Springville Lynn, Pa....May 31, 1859
Joniesville, Mich - - - - -----Apr. 26, 1870
Calera, Ala-------- ------- Apr. 8, 1873
Louisville, Kcy __........Mar. 21, 1871
Fort Dodge, Iowa... _- -_Anrg. (6, 1861
West Waterville, Me. July 13, 1869
Hart-ford, Con-----------._ _Mar. 1, 1870
Hartfordl, Conn........ ___Nov. 7, 1871
Elizabeth, N. J........... Apr. 5, 1870
Eureka, Nev. -...-.......Feb. 23, 1873
Ne0w York, N. Y----------_ _Sept.. 4 1860
New York, N. Y._.....Nov. 5, 18111
Philadelphia, Pa. -__.........Mar-. 1, 1870
Indepenidenrce, Iowa. _----M-ay14, 1861
Aug usta, Me------------- June 20, 1871
Chicago, Ill........Ann8,i871
Aurora, N. V---..............Jruge 5, 186
New York, N. Y........._Nov. 13,1866
Buriintou, Ill-------..- --Norv.28, 1865
Cabotville, Mass.......... __ _M ry 17, 1836
Wyocena, Wisa.....-------Mary 13, 1856
Cincinnati, Ohrio-._- -----May 23, 187 1
Boston, Mass.- - - - - -- ----Janr 19, 1869
Plriladelphri., Pa..... __-__-. Air.21, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa. -........_Mar. 5,18(67
Northampton, Mass _.Jaie 11, 1872
Boston, Mass -... _-..........Nov.2, 1869
Owego, N. VY.....-Mar'2 1870
Tor-chaute, Ind..........Marn 21,1871
Valpar-aiso, Ind..-........ Oct. 16,I1865
Nashua. N. H ----.-..Jan. 11, 1870
Burtin;tori, Vt........... -Nov. 14,18u1
New York, N. Y......Set14, 1869
New York, N. Y.._.._..........SJ.une 14, 1870
Airralerla m, N. Y..._ Feb.18, 1873
Boston, Mass.- - --- -- - -- - - -Sept. 10,1872
Wilinet e, Ill..............Fech 22, 1870
Thonmastoni, Mo...........- -- -Dec. 31, 1872
Philadelpihia, Pa......... Oct. 17, 1871
Er-ie, Pa...........Jner25, 18 7
Harrisbergl, Pa.. _........ Apr. 10, 1x66
Murray, N. Y-------------_ _Nov.27, 1866
Holley, N. YV.--------...-..--Oct. l5,1867
Malone, N. V-------------- May 22, 18611
Albion, N. Y - _...-...Mamr. 5, 1867
Indian Springs, Md.- -.Mar. 24, 18r7
Rocirester N. Y-----------_.Apr. 9,18 72
1.aorra., N.Y............. _May 14, l86t
Boston, Mess. __.....June 5, 186
51, 127
7:3, 769
39, 874
140, 180
51, 791
1-29, 089
136, 694
113, 845
129, 926
76, 710
91, 907
41, 973
47, 799
56, 717
117, 9816
104, 834
131, 854
12-1, 040
80, (tl:3
128, 609
121, 501
5-1, 249
102, 936:35, 023
35, 753
31, 46:3
46, 678
3-2, 2911
29, 179
7:3, 107
117, 192
9, 160
61, 446
24, 231
137, 7-21
112, 960
3:3, 610
9-2, 48r3
100, 3116
1-20, 791
136, 273
29, 9-26
100, 343
3-2, 322
116, 126
117, 844
53, 469
59, 733
51, 253
14, 883
115, 040
85, 956
57, 378
62, 686
127, 7431
96, 516
101, 062
113, 660)
98, 736
120, 818
9-1, 728
104, 118
136, 026(
131i, 270
1(0, 2.8
134, 459
120, 122
1-28, 204
-5:1, 776
59, 977
69, 789
54, 8:)7
(12, 548
1(1, 077
125, 6(J:3:32, 292
55, 343
51, 64
24. 582
82 0 41
111, 128
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continuted.
Broom-corn-seed stripper----------------------...
Liroom-coirnistripping machine.-----------------...
Li oem-corn to strip ier, Maclriu for feediiig...
Lroom-crotch supporter------------------------......
lBroom -iaiidleo - - -...............
Broom -handle -- - - --... -. - - - - - - - -
Lrom-handle socket...........................
Li ooin-liandles, Clamp for splicing--------------
Li ooii- handles, Machine for sawing sticks for.
Lirom-handles, Machine for turning........--.
Bioome-handles, moldings, &c., Apparatus for painting or coating.
Broom -hanger...................
Broom - it ~er......... - - - - - - - - -
Broom -liearni.................
Broom -he-ad....................
Broom-hca-ml - ---- -- -- ----- ---
Li~oom -head.....................
Loom -head....................
B room -hiead......(..............
L room -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lrocm -head....................
B rno o -head...................
Liroom -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lioom lhead - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L i oo t r ead.................
L ri n -. h ead....................
Lioom -head....................
B room -head.....................
B ioom -Tread....................
Lirooim -hiad....................
Liro in-head........... _..___........
B room -head....................
Lroom -head....................
B room -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Broom-head - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
Broom-hread ------------------------------------
B room -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Broom-hread --------------" - -- ---- -- - -
Broom-head.-.................................Broom-head ------------------------------------
Brtoom -head...................._
B rcoin-head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Broom-head ------------------------------------
B room -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B room -head -....................
Broom -head....................
B ioom -Tbead...................
L room -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L room -Thead....................
L room -head.....................
B room -head - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - -
L roo m -head....................
B room -trcad.....................
LB rom head....................
Broom-hetad ------------------------------------
Iiiventor. lRzsidence. Date.
G.E. Burt aiid F. A. fluldreth. Harvard, Mass.----------..- Sept,. 20, 1870
J. B. Stine--------------------...Rohrersville, Md.....- Sept. 24, 1e72
S. C. Kenaga.-----------------Kankakee, Ill------------- Oct. 13, 187-2
H. Hlopinus------------------.Welifleet, Mass----------- _ _Aug. 30, 1870
G. 11. Pierce------------------l_ _ _ ichimond, Canada-....Aug. '2,? 187-2
E. M. Crandal- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Chicago, ill------------- Oct. 1, 187-2
J. Sti-onlg-------..------- College Hill, Ohio---_ Sept. 20, 1870
\\T. H. Towers----------------..New Yor-k, N. Y -.------Oct. 15, 1861
I. Achew -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -CiiicininatiOhio.... Dec. 20, 1870
C. L. W.Baker_---------------CamdenN.-.._..._Dec. 310,1873
TF. J. Alexander--------------- _ __ _Westerville Ohio.....- Sept. 20, 1853
(G. Al. Morrow -- -- - -- -- - -- - - --Cla rkoafilOhio... - Oct. 13, 18(68
S. A. Shepard----------...-.Pittsbuigh, Pa._... - May 13, 1873
M. A. Clifford---------------__ Bostoii, Mass -Sep.23, 1873
C. F. Lewis------------------- Wakemniai Ohio.--.. Oct. 8, 1872
J. B. Patterson----------------....Wheelei- Stationhind.__.-........Jt.an. 1, 1867
A. Alden---------------------..Fast CambrdgeM--ssa._. Api-. 14, 1868
F. A.. Alexander and H. C. Kel- Buchanan County, Iowa Oct. 1, 1867
B. Allen.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Beikeley SpringsW. Va.- July 9,1867
J. Al. Allison------------------ Sadina, Pa.--------------- July 27,1809
J. ID. M. Ai murost------_.--Apollohorough, Pa. -... June 26, 1800
F. G. Bakes------------------- Veva-y, hd.--------------.July 10, 1866
H. Bat-ker------------------__ Aut-ora, Indtl ----_.Apr. 23, 1867
F. M. Bayne---------.... -----Uiiiontown, Pa -_-.- -------Nov. 6, 186
C. Illomn, jr., and J. Aling-...Holland, Mich--_ _-- ----- Dec. 5, 1871
F. C. B lender.-.-..-..-.-------.Linia, Ohio---------_....--June 13, 1805
W. P. Brooks..-...-....-...--.Fairmont, Minn i----------- _Dec. 18, 186
I). J. Brougher----------------...Harrishu-gh. Pa _- - ------Dec. 26, 1865
J. ID. Browneo----------------- Cincinnati, Ohio. ---- Oct. 24, 1865
J. Buchanan.--------------Aurora, id-------------- Nov. 21, 1865
J. Buchanan------------------ Aurora, Ind...------------Apr. 24, 1866
H. Buck---------------------H1aaishutph, Pa---------- Jaii 30,186
II. Buck---------------------.Hatrshnirgh,Pa.--------May 8,1866
J.1. Carpenter.- -.- --.--------ishurgli, Pa. _-__._Feb. 26, 1867
1F. B. Can-oll------------------ i _ __ _ oblesv ille, Ind-----------.Jan.1, 1867
0. L. Castle--------.... lp-e~lo, l-----------Upe lon 1.. Mar. 26,1867
J.0. Clay--------------------.Hudson, Wis..------------Apr.3, 1866
B. C;. Cook--------------------... Rclunond, Va......-------.iceb.4, l873
N. B. Cooper __-----_ ___ _ ti s Ohio..--------------.. eb. 27, 186
J. lanuer--------------------.Caunton, Ohio-------------..Api.10, 1866
B. F. Farly------------------.. -iPaymy-aPa-------------- Nov 6,1866
J. S. Elkins-------------------Murquette, Wis---------- Apr. 17, 1866
S. S. Evans ------------------ElPi oIll.-------------._June26, 1866
ID. P. Faruhain------------ Janesville, Wis.--_--_July 30,1867
J. U. Fiester-----------------XvWinchester, Ohio.------Jan.2, 1866
C. itens--------------------...Washington, D. C -.--.Apt. 25, 1871
G. W. Golay......... - --Vevay, hItd.._- - - -_..June 19, 1866
S. B.Giuernsey---------------.Chicago. Ill-----__.--------May 1, I866
N. Hil.-------------...-.----New Maiket, Md _.- ___ Mat. 20 1866
C. C( hand. _-________- - -___Cincinnati, Ohio---------- Juite 27,1865
Al1 Hatieline-----------------.Clear Ct-cek, nd.----------Jutie 26,1866
J. H~aris----------_--_---Marquette, Wis-----------May 1,1866
J. Hamrs...--..-------------..Marquette, Wis--------Ot 23,1806
A. huirouu,jr---------------- Onondaga, N. Y__. --__Aug. 21,1866
G. W. Hoffman.-------------..Harrishurgh, Pa---------- Dc 5, 1865
J. M. Hotaliug---------. _ _----Waterport, N. Y.....- J an. 29, 1867
J. S. Hugg._ ----.- -- ------Philadelpia, Pa........---Fib. 101867
W. G. Hughes_---------------HebronImd._--- -------May 21, 1867
B. Hunt ---------------------armland, Ind -........ Apr. 16, 1867
J. F. Hunter_-----------------Al1echanicshurgh, Ohio - --Apr-. 3, 186
J. W.Keene and W.FE. Snediker Utica, N. Y-.- - _- --------. Aitg. 7,1866
F. 1Kelley.-.-. --.... --......Locust Grove. Ohio-.. -._Jruly 16, 1867
J. Kiefer...-.-............----Hamiltoii Ohio.------------ May 2-2, 1866
M.- C. Kilg oro----------------_.. _Washington, Iowa -M... 11ay 8, 1866
A. B. Ring - - -.--__------------Sev en Mile, Ohio.----------_ _Mar. 27, 1866
I. Kohn-----------------------FEdgerton, Ohio--------- Aug. 27, 1867
J. Liget---------------------I cPse-y Towuship, Ind.Juno 5, 1866
J. H. Lightner.-_.---- - - ---Shileyshurgh, Pa- __.July 3, 1r66
J. C. MeLelland and J. Graham Pitttsbittgh, Pa.......------.Nov. 27. 1866
C. Messenger----------------_I.. _Cincago,)111---------------..Junie 1-2, 1866
C. Messenger ----------------Chitcago, I11ll D-- lc. 4,1866
W. A. Middletou--------------. lriatnbut-gl, P-a----------..July 31, 1866
WT. A. Middleton.-------------..Hamisbuigh, Pa----------..Api. 12, 1870
C. F. Miller...-----....-----.---- meliaOhm--------------.... c.Oct. 18 1864
C. F. Miller........--.-----..---( Ciciniiati, Ohio----------..June 131865
C. F. Millet-----------....- ---Ctincinitati, Ohio----------._.Dee. 19, 1865
1-.11. Miller and M. P. Weston. Gtand Rapids, Michit--...Mat.12, 1867
J. A. Miller ------------------Sometville, Ohio----------.Oct. 24, 1865
TF. Moore..----...---------...--..--Blooingtou, 1Ill----------.Nov.27, 1866
WV. B. Moore-----------------....Philadlepia, Pa.----------_July 17, 1866
J. H.Alumina----------------IlHaishurgh, Pa--------Apri 3, 66
M'. V.NbeT> dJ ocm Lit, N., andTowanA-nit 13, 86
107, 445
1:31, 718
1:12, 158
10(1, 82!2
130, 594
131, 855
167, 559
33,- 502
110, 3-25
83, 082
138, 7(67
143, 063
6(0, 779
76, 688
69, 300
66, 441
93, 033
55, 948
56, 16-2
63, 983
59, 343
1-21, 578
48, 23-2
51, 689
50, 554
51, o013
54, 104
52, 263
54, 498
62, 471
60, 688
6:3, 211
53, 576
1:15, 525
52, 823
53, 791
59, 372
53, 962
55, 843
67, 180
5S, 819
114, 120
55, 769
54, 332
53, 296
48, 39-2
55, 856
54, 338
59, 011
51, 318
61, 621
6-2, '202
63, 899
53, 624
66, 715
54, 921
54, 559
53, 45-2
68, 209
56, 0(67
60, 030
55, 519
60, 22 1
56, 8Z9
101, 801
14, 7:11
48, 195
6-i, 768
50, (110
60, 038
56, 4.14
53, 654
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Broom-head....................................... -------------------------------J. E. Short...................
Broom-head------------------------------------....................................... A. Silvers...................
Broom-head....................................... J. A. Sinclair................
Broom-head...................................... G. Smith........---............
Broom-head......................--........-------....... L. S. Smith..................
Broom-head.......................................G. T. Spaulding.............
Broom-head....................................... W. C. Spellman-..........
Broom-head....................................... W. C. Spellman-----------...............
Broom-head....................................... W. D. Stroud...............
Broom-head...-----...................- - --..----. W.D. Stroud.................
Broom-head-------------------------------....................................... J. Taylor and R. M. Lafferty..
Broom-head....................................... S. D. Thurston...............
Broom-head....................................... H. Trumbull..................-------------
Broom-head....................................... H. H. B. Vincent.............
Broom-head...................................... J. Wasson---------------...................Broom-head...................................... J. Wisner and T. Rose.......
Broom head and clamp.....................
Broom-head, Metallic......................
Broom-head stock... --.............
Broom machine, Splint.................
Broom-needle............-......----.. -...
Broom or brush..................................
Broom or brush.................................
Broom or brush head.............................
Broom or brush holder---......-.....................-----------------
Broom or mop clamp.................
Broom or mop clamp.........................
Broom or mop holder.....----------------------
Broom or whisk, Clothes-.....------------------
Broom, Shear.....................................
Broom, Splint....................
Broom, Stable.....---------------------------
Broom, Stable, &c.....------------------------
Broom-straw, Coloring and toughening...-......
Broom-tying machine.....----------------------
Broom, Whisk....---------------------------
Broom, Whisk....................................
Broom, Whisk....................................
Broom, Whisk...........................
Broom, Whisk.....---------------------------
Brooms, Attachment for---.....----------------
Brooms, billiard-cues, &c., Rack for...-..-........--
Brooms, brushes, mops, &c., Machine for making..- -
Brooms, Construction of-------.....--....-.
Brooms, Device for the construction of--------............
Brooms, Flanged collar for........................
Brooms, Gudgeon for....----------------------
Brooms, &c., Machine for cutting splints for manufacture of.
Brooms, Machine for making....------------.----
Brooms, Machine for making......................
Brooms, Machine for making...-................
Brooms, Machine for making-...--------------..
Brooms, Machine for manufacturing splints for...
Brooms, Machine for winding wire or twine on...
Brooms, Machinery for making.................
Brooms, Manufacture of................
Brooms, Manufacture of.....---------------------.
Brooms, Metallic clasp or head for---------................--
Brooms, Metallic head for........................
Brooms, Metallic tip for suspending.............
Brooms or brushes, Manufacturing...........
Brooms, Preparing wisps for......................
Brooms, Screw-ferrule for.........................
Brooms, &c., Shape and formation of hickory-......
Brooms, Sprinkling-attachment for..............
M. W. Owens................
O. L. Castle...................
A. D. Forbes...-............
F. B. Batchelder.............
C. T. Beardsley.............
W. H. Bixler.................
Z. Howe.....................
H]. B. McCool.-------------...............
J. G. Powell and WV. A. Morse.
C. P. Snow.................
L. W. Turner--.................
H. W. Warner................
I. Webster....................
J. Crum and A. Larwill....-.. -
T. Floyd......................
C. M. Cowardin...............
M. L. Byrn--.............
J.H. Power.............
J. E. Phillips.................
A. G. Davis.................
E. Chapman..------------.. --
E. Chapman..-------------.
H. L. Franklin and E, Clark..
B. Morahan...................
G. Hunt----------------......................
C. Randall, J. F. Moore, and
J. Randall.
J. W. Wheeler.........
E. J. Richmond and T. Wright
T. Wright.....---------------
E. A. Harris......-------------
S. Greger..................
J. WV. Congdon..........
E. P. Cooley................
H. A. Lee...............
R. Y. Martin-............
G. Stackpole.....-------------
G. Stackpole................
J. H. Mumma................
E. Richmond................
J. M. Spooner...........
A. Mitchell.....--------------
S. M. Sherman..............
H. A. Lee..................
N. Robbins, jr............
L. Gleason..................
J. H. Hinton.................
S. Rowe....................
J. Thomas....................----
S. H. Weed...................
J. W. Wheeler..............
W. Beaman............
H. Warner.....-----.............--------
E. P. Marble...............
W. B. Walker-----------...............
I. Cheney----------------.................... -
11. G. Smith..............
M. C. Hawkins............
D. Wooster..............
J. E. Phillips.................
M. W. Dilhngham.........A. Sclater.................
P. Louis...........
L. Abbott....................
A. Alden...................
J. B. Alden.................
J. Ames...................
J. Ames, jr..................
C. L. W. Baker...............
J. A. Bell....................
C. Boeckh.....................
J. Boggs.................
S. Brillinger..............
A. W. Brown...........
J. Buercky..........
WV. WV. Clark............
R. J. Combs..................
I. C ross.....................
J. F. W. Dorman..............
A. C. Estabrook...............
New Richmond, Ohio.....
Colliinsville, Ohio.......
Woodsfield, Ohio....
Woodstown, N. J........
Gorsuch's Mills, Md......
Brodhead, Wis............
Baltimore, Md..........
Providence, R. I..........
Oshkosh, Wis...........
Oshkosh, Wis..........
Three Rivers, Mich.....
Somerville, Ohio.......
Central College, Ohio......
Oshkosh, Wis.........
Fairwater, Wis.........
Aurora and Cortlandville,
Waterford, Pa...........
Upper Alton, Ill...........
Rockford, Ill.............
Prairie du Chien, Wis....
Hamden, Conn...........
Easton, Pa................
Lowell, Mich.............
Pottsville, Pa.....---....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Freeport, Ill.............
Yalesville, Conn........
Watertown, Conn.........
Bucksport, Me.......
Ramapo, N. Y.........
Chambersburgh, Va.......
Gardiner Station, Tenn....
New York, N. Y..........
Middletown, Iowa......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Watertown, Conn........
Lacon, Ill................
Salisbury, Mo..-........._
Nashua, N. H...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.......
West Eau Claire, Wis....
Cleveland, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...........
Cleveland, Ohio...-. -_
Marietta, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Elizabeth, N. J...........
Elizabeth, N. J...........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Belchertown, Mass........
Eaton, Pa.................
Fort Dodge, Iowa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Rockport, Mass..........
Le Roy, N. Y............
Lancaster, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md............
West Chester, Pa.........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Salem, N. J.........
Hamilton County, Ohio...
Sutton Centre, Mass.....
Bennington, N. H.........
Leyden, Mass.............----
Muscatine, Iowa..........
Edenborough, Pa.........
China, N. Y..-...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Oxford Township, Pa.....
New York, N. Y..........
Lewiston, Me............
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Camden, N. J............
Tyrone, Pa...........
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Clarence Centre, N. Y....
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Overpeck s Station, Ohio.New York, N. Y.........
Bergen, N. J......
New London, Ohio........
l3altimore. Md.............
Ilorence, Mass............
Date. No.
Jan. 30,1866 52, 330
Dec. 19, 1865 51, 663
July 23, 1867 67, 075
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 493
Nov. 19, 1867 71, 238
Apr. 17, 1866 54, 035
Apr. 13, 1869 88, 922
May 31,1870 103,791
July 3,1866 56, 119
Feb. 5,1867 61,774
Sept. 11,1866 57, 998
Dec. 19, 1865 51,631
July 24,1866 56, 640
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 291
June 26, 1866 55, 936
Oct. 15,1867 69, 884
Aug. 21, 1866 57, 369
Oct. 4, 1864 44, 515
June 5, 1866 55, 269
May 26, 1868 78, 252
June 20, 1871 116,140
Nov. 22, 1870 109, 375
Jan. 10, 1871 110,917
Mar. 12, 1872 124, 445
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 586
June 28, 1870 104, 787
May 25,1869 90,411
July 2,1867 66, 431
June 15, 1869 91, 290
Mar. 27,1849 6,233
Jan. 26, 1858 19, 190
Oct. 10, 1871 119, 745
Dec. 12, 1865 51, 423
July 10, 1860 29, 099
July 4,1865 48,587
Jan. 7, 1868 73,169
Sept. 13, 1870 107, 336
Jan. 30, 1872 123, 083
Sept. 14, 1869 94, 734
July 9, 1867 66, 611
Apr. 15, 1873. 137, 774
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 588
May 24,1859 24, 181
Apr. 16, 1861 32, 083
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 512
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 451
Nov. 12, 1872 132, 961
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 845
May 9,1871 114,646
Mar. 5,1872 124,365
May 9,1871 114,697
Mar. 21,1871 112,976
Apr. 4,1871 113,358
Nov. 21,1865 51,074
Sept. 17, 1867 69, 026
Apr. 28,1838 718
Jan. 5, 1858 19, 039
Apr. 28, 1863 38, 341
Oct. 10, 1871 119, 775
July 9, 1867 66, 633
Oct. 9, 1841 2, 289
Mar. 13, 1844 3, 483
Dec. 1, 1857 18, 770
Sept. 18, 1849 6, 717
Feb. 3, 1819........
Apr. 13, 1858 19, 971
Aug. 17, 1843 3, 219
Feb. 15, 1848 5, 444
Jan. 31,1871 111, 464
Aug. 1, 1854 11, 451
June 25,1839 1,198
Apr. 3,1860 27, 746
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 664
Feb. 16, 1829..
May 8,1866 54,591
Nov. 5, 1872 132, 817
Feb. 15, 1826......
Dec. 18,1866 60, 637
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 347
May 23,1865 47, 781
Mar. 19, 1867 62, 987
Mar. 7, 1871 112, 404
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 402
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 496
July 16, 1872 129, 205
Sept. 21, 1869 94, 940
May 1, 1866 54, 284
Sept. 21, 1869 94, 941
Nov. 17, 1868 84, 166
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 161
Feb. 4,1868 74, 048
Oct. 11, 1870 108, 108
July 5,1853 9, 827
June 9, 1868 78, 727
June 19, 1866 55, 764
Index of patents asstted from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Brush -----------------------------------------
Brush ------------------------------------------.B ru sly ------------- --------------- -----------. --
Brush ----------------- -----------
Brush.--------------------- -------------------"
Brush..------.. -. -------------------------....
Brush ----------------------------------------
Brush - - - - - - - - - - - - - "- - - - - ".Brush - -- -- - --. - - --.. -- - -- -. " -- -- -. _
B ru sh -------------- -------------- --------------
B ru sh -------------- -------------- --------------
Brush.----------------------------------"----"B rush -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B rush -------------- -------------- --------------
B rush------------------------------------------
Bru sh-----------------------------------------
Bi ush.-----------------------------------------
Brush and bootjack, Blacking..............._..
Brush and box, Combined blacking......... _.. _.
Brush and box, Combined blacking...............
Brush and hox, Comhined blacking............._..
Brush and hox, Portable shoe...........
Brush and hroom, Dust.........................
Brush and br-oom handle....................... --
Brush and broom handle.......................--
Brush and hboom holder........................
Brush and card handle..........................
Brush and case, Blacking......................--
B ush and case combined, Shoe.-.-- - - --- - ---
Brush and comb combined.......................
Brush and a, Automatic fly....................
Brush and fan, Automatic fly.....................
Brush and handle attachment, Whitewash.
Brush and holder, Blacking.....................
Brush and mixes for stove-hlacking. - - - - - -
Biushs and mop head...........................
Brush and mop holder...............
Brush and mop holder.........................--
Brush and mop, Scrubbing----- -------
Brush and mop-wringer, Scrubbing...............
Brush and ruhher, Comination for..............
Brush and scraper, Boot and shoe- -------...
Brush and scraper for sink. -..--................. - -
Brush attachment.................
Brush, Automatic fan and fly--------------------.
Brush, Automatic fly...............
Brush, Automatic fly...........................
Brush, Automatic fly._..-_--_...-_.
Brush, Barher's...............................---
Brush, Bathing................................
Brush, Bacing ------------------------------I
Brush, Blacking...............................
Brush, Blacking................................
J. A, Faushawe and J. A. Jaques.
L. P. Fauglit.................
D. Flemiiig..................
W. H. lurker.....-......
J. A. Grant.------- -- --
HI. A. Harvey........
J. Ilavinan ------------------
1), I,Kelleri-................
IL. Kissling...............
D. WV. La pharn..............J. C.ILawrence..............
T. J. Mayall.................
D. A. Mclionel and P. Z. Klock
F. McLaughlin..............
F. McLaualilin..............
J. Michales, ji-,and R. J. Combs
J. Minetree -..-.--.-_
S. Morris..............
F. Murrow...................
W. M. Newton..............C. W. Palwer................
J. aiidlF. Pirrung...........
C. F. Russet.................
K. Shaler,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..
J. H. Talum............---
W. Tnsch....................
C. Twyford.................
A. Van IDnscn..............P. W agner...........
A. M. White...........
A. MI. White...............--
J. S. -White.................
J. IL. Whiting.........
J. L. Whiting...............
J. L. Whiling..............
J. IL. Whiting...............J. IL. Whiling._-..........
J. IL. Whiting............._
J. L. Whiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- -- --
0. D. Woodbury............
E. J. XWorcester----------......
A. A, Young......,.,..,,,,,,
S. Gissiiigei-.._......_..._.
F. Hatch,..................--
H. S Kerr.................--
W. H. Hi. Saunders-.......
F.A. Pierce.................
A. Dietz...................IL. F. Cavanaugh._..........
E. 'lurk....................
S. G. Groff...................
13.Wilt and AWait....
J. Schiwah-----------------..
C. Haimilton..................
A,.A. Yociig................
+'.J. Clark......--..........
C. C. Short,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--
W. B. Burtnctt and J. P. McIntosh.,
ID. Bowker.................
G. S. Goodspeed.............
T. TF. Presser,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....
P. OBi-ian and C. L. W. Baker
I. Smithi.....................
J. F, Mason.................
ElkRees,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A.S5. Miles.................
W. A, Morrison...........
J. TI. Osgood.........
S. Pearson...................
WX. Carpenter...............
IH. C. Chandler............ _.W. H. Chipley...............
B. F. Day..................XV. U. Dudley...............
J. A. W iedersheim..____._.
J. Marshall.........
J. M ar-shall -_________
IP. Adams.................
B. F. Averill................--
C1.LW. Baker.......
Resideiice. Date. No.
Tottenham, England.---Jan. 7, 1862 34, 109
Foxhorough, Mass...May 1, 1866 54, 464
Brooklyn, N. Y-.........Mar. 5, 1861 31.,593
Meadville, Pa............._ -- _Aug. 13, 1867 137, 745
Ottawa, Canada... -.. -. Nov. 14, 1871 120, 964
Orange, N. J-------------.Nov. 21, 1871 121, 030
P~oole, England............ Dec. 24, 1872 134, 278
Norwalk, Ohio...........Mar. 14, 1871 112, 718
Ea st Cambridge, Mass. - -. July 16, 187-2 129, 143
Baltimore, Md....... _- _...Oct. 31, 187t 120, 523
Brooklyn, N. Y -. _.........Apr. 24, 18116 54, 179
Roxbury, Mass..._........Mai. 5, 1861 31, 613
Ashland, Pa.............. Oct. 22, 1872 132, 479
Bostoii, Mass.............- ----Sept. 17, 1867 69, 008
Bostoni, Mass...........Jan. 11, 1870 98, 787
Bcrgeii, N. JT.............Dec. 26, 1871 122, 186
Petershbirgh, 'Va -_..........Sept. 12, 1871 118, 871
Charlestown, Mass. _ - - -.. Aug. 4, 1863 39, 417
Williaunshurgh, N. Y Apr. 27, 1852 8, 911
Baltimore, Md..__........ Aug. 18, 1868 81, 101
Cleveland, Ohio........... June 3, 1873 139, 474
Chicago, Ill............... Dec. 12, 1871 121, 811
Br-ooklyn, N. Y._-..--....July 5. 1870 105, 130
Madison, Conn.- - - -- -----Dec. 21, 1858 22, 381
New York, N. Y........May 11,1858 20, 226
Brooklyn, N. Y -....-...May 22, 1860 28, 422
Rled Bank, N. J........... Mar. 29, 1864 42, 131
Chicag"o, Ill.......... _... Aug. 15, 1865 49, 457
New York, N. Y.. _. _......Apr. 17, 1873 1:38, 213
Port Chester, N. Y-__-. _.Apr. 4, 1865 47, 157
New York. N. Y--.......May 21, 1867 65, 1129
Portland, Me.............. Jan. 21, 18-73 135, 053
Port laud, Me _..._.......Aug. 4. 1863 39, 439
Boston, M ass _. Sept. 8, 1868 81,966
Boston, Mass............. --- -Mar. 29, 1870 101, 33-2
Basten, Mass. _... __.....Aug. 30, 18 70 106,9602
Bostoii, Mass.............-- - -Sept. 27, 1870 107, 742
Boston, Mass.............--Nov. 8, 1870 1019, 084
Boston, Mass.............. June 27, 1871 116, 38-2
Bostoii, Mass............. Aug. 29, 1871 118,611
New York, N. Y -_..........Apr. 26, 1870 102, 460
W~orcester, Mass. _...._June 18, 1867 65, 982
Boeston, Mlas -.............--July 16, 1867 66,7632
Allegheny City, Pa..._.Feh. 20, 1866 5-2, 787
ILa Crosse, Wis..... -....Dec. 18, 1866 60, 511
Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 12, 1871 118, 805
Trny, N. V............... Nov. 6,1866 59, 461
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 26, 1870 102, 430
New Yor-k, N. Y.......... July 3, 1866 56, 018
Newfield, N. Y...........-July 1, 1851 8, 200
Harrisburgh, Pa......... May 18, 1832.-gnvle a..._.._Dc,17 22,5
Huhbbardston,;Mass.......ov.Nov. 16, 1869 97, 012
Bridgeport. Conni_.........June 14, 18710 104, 361
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 1, 1867 60, 886
Boston, Mass............ July 7, 1o68 79, 621
IKalanmazoo, Mich.....Api-. 21, 1868 76, 996
Osgooid,Ind.............. Jan. 15, 1867 61, 269
New Yoi-k and Brooklyn, May 30, 1865 '47,9-27
N. Y.
Boston, Mass.............-- - -Jan. 26, 1864 41, 359
Providence, R. I........... Jan. 310, 1872 123, 099
Chicago, 111............... -- -- -Dcc. 24, 1867 72,1077
New York, N. Y., and Aug. 27, 1872 130, 8.9
Hartford, Conn.
Rochecster, N. Y........... May 13,1873 138,946
Brooklyn, N. Y. - --. _. -,-, Nov. 17, 1868 81, 129
Stoddcrtsville, Pa. --.-.--May 10. 1870 10-,8115
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Aug. 13, 1867 67, 7137
Moumisania, N. Y......... _Oct. 11, 1859 25, 755
IBoston, Mass -------..- Oct 17, 1871 120, 090
Cincinati,Ohio.----Mar. 29,1870 101, 307
Metamora, Ill............._July 30, 1861 32, 970
Peru, Inil................ Dec. 12, 1871 121, 750
ILihertytowii, Md. ---_Nov. 28, 1871 121, 335
East Frmeedom, Pa.. Aug. 25, 1868 81,3419
Port Richmond, N. Y. June 15, 1869 91, 314
Philadelphia,Pa.... __....Apr. 2, 1867 63, 448
News York, N. Y. -_.......June 1, 1869 90, 76.3
Brooklyn, N. Y.. _........Feb. 21, 1871 111, 955
Cincinnati, Ohio -. Oct.8, 1867 69, 603
Cinciuuaati, Ohio. -..M......O.ar. 9, 1869, 87, 614
Phildelpia, a........Oc.,. 11119,'81
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Brush, Blacking.....---------------------------- H. E. Newton................
Brush, Blacking.......................... -----------G. R. Owen.......----------...--......
Brush, Blacking................................ -- C. A. Paret...............
Brush, Blacking....----------------------------A. N. Thompson..........
-I i I
Brush, Blacking.................................. F. W. C. Von Kessler and A.
F. Medenwald.
Brush, Blacking............................ N. G. Whitmore...............
Brush-block............................. W. B. Burinett...............
Brush block, Whitewash.............. C. Williams.................
Brush-blocks, Machine for boring.............. T. Mitchell....................
Brush-blocks, Machine for boring............ T. Mitchell...................
Brush-blocks, Machine for making............. S. Costill.......................
Brush blocks, Machine for shaping hair........... A. G. Mitchell...............
Brush-blocks, Machinery for boring.............S. Taylor and A. R. Davis....
Brush-blocks with bristles, Machine for filling - - -. S. Taylor and A. R. Davis.
Brush, Boiler-flue.......................... C. H. Bush..................
Brush, Boiler-flue........................... P. H. Coyle.................
Brush, Boiler-flue.......................... R. King..............
Brush, Boiler-flue-----------... ---------.. ---.- G. P. Leonard and W. Lanster.
Brush, Boiler-flue..--..-----....-........ P. H. Ryan..................
Brush. Boiler-flue...------------------------..... B. M. Spencer-_.......
Brush, box, and holder, Combined blacking....... E. W. Woodruff.............
Brush-bridle....------------------------------ G. Hergesheimer..............
Brush, Broom............................. A. S. Goodman..............
Brush, broom, and mop holder.................... C. L. W. Baker...............
Brush, broom, &c., handles, Attachment for, (can- A. Eddowes..................
Brush case, Shoe.....---------------------------C. D. Thum..................
Brush, Circular-...--.-----------. ---..-.. --- M. Robbins and C. Heery.....
Brush-clamp...------------..------------------.. A. Huston...................
Brush clamp, Scrubbing-....................... C. B. Clark..................
Brush clamp, Paint............................... G.R. Gardiner...............
Brush clasp, Paint............................. G. W. Hupp.............
Brush, Cloth and bat..................... J. Marshall................
Brush, Cloth or hair........................ H. Aiken...................
Brush, Clothes......__....................... A. J. Walker...............
Brush, Coiled-wire............................... J. B. Christoffel.............
Brush, &c., Combined scrubbing................ E. K. Wood..................
Brush, Damping................................... J. K. Park...................
Brush, Device for attaching handle to whitewash..- W. P. Burtnett and J. P. McIntosh.
Brush, Device for trimming cylindrical............ A. G. Risley....................
Brush, Dust..... -------------------------------W. M. Conger....------------
Brush, Dust...................................... G. G. Finn....................
Brush, Dust...................................... - A. Schelling..................
Brush, Dust....................... S. Taylor..............
Brush, Dust............................... E. Thayer..................
Brush, Dusting................................... R. H. Aldrich............
Brush, Dusting.....---------------------------- A. S. Hadley................
Brush, Dusting.....---------------------------- C. M. Moody.................
Brush, Dusting............................ T. G. Porter.................
Brush, Dusting............................ L. R. Witherell and A. B. Crandall.
Brush, Ear.................................. G. W. Wood..................
Brush, Flexible........................... R. N. Eagle.................
Brush, Flexible-back........................... J. J. Adams.................
Brush, Flue............................... J. D. Kunkel................
Brush, Fly...-----------.---------------------... B. F. Brown.................
BrushFly...................................... W. M. Cline.................
Brush, Fly---...--.. ---------------------------J. E. Darnall..................------------
Brush, Fly................................ H. Fisher....................
Brush, Fly...............................J. A. Lyle....................
Brush, Fly.............................. H. R. Robbins................
Brush, Fly................................ J. M. Runyon.................
Brush, Fly................................ D. Shankland and E. B. Hopkinson.
Brush, Fly................................ S. R. Wilmot.................
Brush, Folding.................................. P. Henrichs..................
Brush, Folding hair............................C. Crossman.................
Brush, Foot..................................... J. W. Osborne...............
Brush for cannon.....--------------------------- P. Birchmeyer................
Brush for cleaning metallic plates........ E.A. Harvey..................
Brush for cleaning teeth, Finger.................. G. M. Allerton..............
Brush for cleaning travelers....................... H. S. Houghton.............
Brush for cleaning tumblers...... A. Fischer....................
Brush for cleaning tumblers... -A. Fischer...................
Brush for dressing warps--................... S. Taylor.................
Brush for dressing warps........................S. Taylor................
Brush fobr finger-nails............................. W. Thomson.................
Brush for foundry use, Steel-wire....--------------- P. Farley..................
Brush for mucilage-bottle-..--.-...------.. W. Burnet---------..........-....-...
Brush for mucilage, painting, gluing, &c........... J. W. McGill.................
Brush for ordnance, Cleaning-----...----.--.. - J. T. Greenfield.................
Brush for washing windows-...--..--------------- P. C. Rowe....................
Brush, Fountain............................ D. H. Chamberlain and J.
Brush, Fountain.......................... J. Davis.....................
B ru sh, F o u n ta in... --........................ L. B. H oit...................
Brush, Fountain......---------------------------. R. Lapham.................
Brush, Fountain................................... Z. Poitras.....................
Brush, Fountain................................... J. B. Warren...............
Brush, Fountain blacking...-----------...J. R. Howard.................
Brush, Fountain blacking...--------- -.. A. D. 'entz..................
Brush, Fountain paint--------...... D. J. Kellogg...............
Brush, Fountain paint............................. D.J. Kellogg................
Bi-ush from cotton-fields, Macline for cutting...... E. Peck................
Brush, Galvanic metal friction.................... L.A. Ilotlman....
Manchester,N. H.-......
Utica, N. Y...............
Nashville, Tenn..........
Holyoke, Mass............
Chicago, Ill..............
Mansfield, Mass.........
Now York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Lansingburgh, N. Y.....
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
East Cambridge, Mass....
Cambridge and Boston,
Fall River, Mass..........
Newark, N. J............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Fall River, Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Newark, N. J.............
Washington, D. C.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Duval County, Fla.......
Hartford, Conn...........
Frankford, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Bristol, Me...............
Buflhlo, N. Y.............
Westerly, R. I...........
Elwood, Ind.............
New York, N. Y..........
Dracut, Mass............
Flatbush, N. Y...........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
De Witt, Iowa...........
Marlborough, N. Y........
New York and Highland
Mills, N. Y.
Utica, N. Y...............
Newark, N. J............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Erie, Pa..................
Boston, Mass.-.. -........
Worcester, Mass..........
Northampton, Mass.......
Boston, Mass..............
Greenfield, Mass..........
Louisville, Ky...........
Galesburgh, Ill..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cotlin, Ind................
Sillard's Mills, Tenn......
Washington, D. C........
Canton, Ohio..............
Bridgeport, Ohio...-..
Baltimore, Md......
Pemberton, Ohio..........
Nevada City, Cal.........
La Fayette, Ind...........
Erie, Pa.-.................
Tompkinsville, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Wilmington, Del..........
Dover Plains, N. Y........
Blackstone, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass..............
Cambridge, Mass.......
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y......
Washington, D. C.....-.
Dover, England........
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
McLean, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill...............
South Danvers, Mass......
Worcester, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Toledo. Ohio..............
Toledo, Ohio..............
Canton, Ill................
Berlin, Prussia.............
Jan. 28, 1868
Nov. 7, 1871
Nov. 12, 18f67
Oct. 26,1869
Apr. 29, 1873
May 1, 1866
Apr. 30, 1867
Feb. 23, 1858
Jan. 10, 1860
Feb. 19, 1861
Feb. 25, 1824
Jan. 31, 1860
Dee. 19, 1848
May 1, 1845
June 26, 1866
Nov. 3, 1868
Nov. 27, 1866
Mar. 29, 1864
July 6, 1869
Mar. 14, 1871
Aug. 13, 1872
Feb. 11, 1868
May 8, 1849
Apr. 4, 1871
Jan. 29, 1867
Aug. 3,1858
May 3, 1864
Oct. 8, 1867
Mar. 10,1868
July 30,1867
July 12, 1870
Sept. 28,1869
May 24, 1830
Feb. 27, 1872
Apr. 29,1873
Aug. 23, 1870
Jan. 1, 1867
Oct. 17, 1865
Dec. 13, 1870
May 14, 1872
May 21, 1872
Mar. 12, 1872
Aug. 6,1867
Aug. 27, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
Apr. 18, 1865
July 25, 1871
June 7, 1870
Apr. 26, 1870
Feb. 27, 1866
June 18,1861
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 5, 1872
Apr. 23,1872
Nov. 29, 1870
Nov. 14, 1865
Nov. 18, 1873
Sept. 21,1869
June 25,1872
Apr. 4,1871
Nov. 5, 1850
June 20, 1871
May 15, 1866
May 16, 1871
Feb. 21, 1865
Sept. 5, 1865
June 18, 1872
June 17, 1856
Aug. 16, 1870
Aug. 1, 1871
May 28, 1842
July 8, 1856
Dec. 27, 1859
Oct. 29, 1872
Feb. 2, 1864
July 9, 1867
Oct. 5, 1869
June 21, 1859
Jan. 30,1855
Oct. 15, 1867
Feb. 22, 1859
Dec. 9, 1873
Apr. 18, 1871
Nov. 19, 1867
May 20, 1862
Feb. 7, 1871
Jan. 17, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Feb. 9, 1858
June 25, 1861
73, 746
120, 663
70, 889
96, 165
138, 353
54, 472
64, 195
19, 459
26, 778
31, 471.....
27, 005
5, 974
4, 027
55, 815
83, 607
60, 013
42, 092
92, 211
112, 645
130, 460
74, 224
6, 423
113, 244
61, 658
21, 092
42, 625
69, 674
75, 369
67, 286
105, 212
95, 244
124, 023
138, 317
106, 644
60, 931
50, 449
110, 073
126, 677
126, 945
124, 634
67, 461
68, 259
62, 724
62, 742
47, 318
117, 456
104, 092
102, 351
52, 833
32, 552
93, 7-23
124, 324
126, 022
109, 720
50, 926
144, 779
95, 141
128, 253
113, 581
7, 763
116, 184
54, 695
114, 847
46, 441
49, 755
128, 093
15, 131
106, 476
117, 614
2, 651
15, 398
26, 629
132, 528
41, 422
66, 606
95, 468
24, 491
12, 309
69, 901
23, 028
145, 301
113, 923
35, 316
111, 566
110, 978
113, 305
19, 311
32, 625
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Brush, Hair......................................
Brush Hair......................................
Brush Hair......................................
Brush Hair.......................................
Brush Hair...........................--..
Brush, Hair....................
Brush, Hair-dyeing..................................
Brush-handle...-----------..----------------..Brush-handle attachment-------------------..........................
Brush handle, Lather..........................
Brush handle, Mucilage....................
Brush handle, Tooth and nail...................
Brush handles, Machine for driving...............
Brush handles, Machine for driving........
Brush handles, Machine for driving.............
Brush handles, Machine for linishir....----------
Brush handles, Machine for finishing hair-.........
Brush-handles, Screw-socket for..............
Brush, Hat.....-----------------------------
Brush, Hat..............................
Brush, Hat.......................................
Brush, Helical-wire............................
Brush-holder and mop-head......................
Brush-holder, Dust-pan.........................
Brush, Holder for hat -- --..-...............
Brush holder, Fountain...........................
Brush holder, Painters..........................
Brush holder, Whitewash...................
Brush, Horse......................................
Brush, Horse.....................................
Brush, Hydraulic................................
Brush, India-rubber tooth.........................
Brush, Lather....----------------------------
Brush, Leather-backed horse................
Brush-machine----... ------------------.-----.
Brush-making machine...........................
Brush-making machine--------------------............................
Brush-makling machine...........................
Brush-making machine.......
Brush-making machine.---------------------
Brush-making machine............................
Brush-making machinery.......................
Brush manufacture.........................
Brush manuifacture...............................
Brush manufacture- -----....................
Brush manufacture................................
Brush manufacture...............................
Brush manufacture..............................
SBrush manufacture...............................
Brush manufacture.-------------------------
Brush manufacture.......................
Brush manufacture...............................
Brush-manufacturing device.................
Brush, Marking-------------------------..................................
Brush, Marking................................
Brush, Marking................................
Brush, Means of attaching handle to whitewash..
Brush, Mechanical fly..........................
Brush, mop, and wringer, Combined scrubbing....Brush, mop, and wringer, Scrubbing...----
Brush, Mucilage......
Brush, Mucilage..------------------ -.
Br ush, Mucilage....--------------------------
Brush, Mucilage and marking....................
Brush, Mucilage and marking.....................
Brush, Nail.......................................
Brush of saw cotton-gin...........................
Brush or card, Curry.............................
Brush or comb, Hair.............................
Brush or fan, Fly..................................
Brush, Paint..........................
Brush, Paint............................
Brush, Paint..........................
Brush, Paint...
Brush, Paint......................................
Brush, Paint....................................
Brush, Paint......................................
21 P
Inventor. Residence.
J. B. Burgess--------------................. -New York, N. Y..........
S. M. Firey................... Clear Spring, Md......
J. N. George andJ. R. Sanborn Boston and Waltham, Mass
J. R. Ingersoll................ New York, N. Y.......
J. Mayer...................... Philadelphia,, Pa.......
J. F. McClure................. Boston, Mass..............
W. B. Coates................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
A. Alden................. New York, N. Y..........
C. Alvord ------..................... Westford, Wis.........
C. Brintzinghollffer and G. Eck- Philadelphia, Pa..........
R. S. Craig.................... Cincinnati, Ohio.........
S. D. Foster................ Portlan, Me.........
C. L. Larder----................... Brooklyn, N. Y...........
F. Rudolph and W. Kasefaug.. Jersey City, N. J..........
R. Wyatt..................... Brooklyn, N. Y...........
W. H. Miles, jr................ Brooklyn, N. Y...........
T. N. Hickeox................. Brooklyn, N. Y........
G. A. Scott................... New York, N. Y..........
J. Ames, jr.................... Lansingburgh, N. Y....
P. Peartree..........._..... Lausingburgh, N. Y....
P. Peartree................... Lansingburgh, N. Y.....
T. Mitchell.................... Lansingburgh, N. Y......
T. Mitchell.................... Lansingburgh, N. Y.-_
W. H. Johnson................ Philadelphia, Pa.-......
C. F. Phelps.................. Boston, Mass -.....
R. 1). Radcliffe................ Palmyra, N. Y.......
W. B. Shedd......-------------............ East Boston, Mass....
C. J. Mooe and L. S. Gambold Coatesville, Ind..........
F. F. Field.................... Stapleton, N. Y...........
C. L. W. Baker.....-........ Camden, N. J.............
C. B. Clark.................... Buffalo, N. Y.........
J. Messinger.................. Springfield, Vt...........
B. Morahan................. Brooklyn, N. Y.......
A. H. Trego.................. Philadelphia, Pa --........
H. P. Gregg.................... Cincinnati, Ohio......
W. M. Counger---.......... Newark, N. J.........
J. M. Osgood............... Chelsea, Mass...........
WV. A. Shepard................ Chicago, Ill........
J. Lemoine.......-.......... Winchiendon, Mass.......
A. Iskeo................... Lancaster, Pa -.....
R. Dickson............... Lansingburgh, N. Y.....
J. Hayworth. ---------------Manchester, England.....
T. Wellham---- --X... Washington, D. C.........
S. W. Francis- -............ New York, N. Y.......
W. H. Miles, jr............... New York, N. Y..........
O. Jones................... South Englewood, N. J....
E. F. Bradley................. New Haven, Conn........
M. Dillon..-................. Albany, N. Y.........._
E. A. HIlill-----------------..................... Cambridge, Mass..........
J. Ruegg------------------...................... Saint Louis, Mo...........
E. D. Van Horn and C. N. Farr Philadelrphia, Pa..........
W. Steel......................-------New York, N. Y..........
W. Steel....................------------------.. New York, N. Y..........
E. F. Bradley................. London, England.......-.
J. Pickering..---.....-....... Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Ruegg...................... ---------Saint Louis, Mo.........
L. A. Tripp................... New York, N. Y---......... -
A. M. White.........-....... Thompsonville, Conn....
A. M. White-----------.............----... Thormpsouville, Cornn....
C. D. Rogers, M. P. Wilkins, Utica, N. Y., Jersey City
and H. A. Hawey. and Orange, N. J.
R. Ashworth................. Fall River, Mass..........
S. Barnes.......------.............. -----------New Haven, Conn......
A. R. Davis..................East Cambridge, Mass...
A. R. Davis-...---...--........... East Cambridge, Mass....
A. C. Estabrook..-............ Florence, Mass..........
A. H. Kidney and R. J. Simp- New York, N. Y.........
C. F. Ruset.....................Brooklyn, N. Y.......
M. Stewart--................... --- Philadelphia, Pa.........
W. H. Van Kleeck-...---. Lansingburgh, N. Y......
M. P. Wilkins and C. D. Rogers Jersey City. N.J...-..
C. F. Russet................. Brooklyn, N. Y......
E. P. Clark---............-Northampton, Mass.....
T. Fowler - -.......... Richmond Valley, N. Y..
F. W. Wentworth....- -Boston, Mass.............
W. B. Burtnett............ New York, N. Y.........
H. E. Aughinbaugh...H........ arrisburgh, Pa.........
J. DI). Smith.................. Sacramento, Cal......
L. Frey and J. Hahn.......... Chicago, Ill. - ---...
W. W. Beach................. New York, N. Y.......
D. Bly -----....................... Macon, Ga........
M. W. HouseI................. lvcland, Ohio....
W. R. Anderson.............. New York, N. Y..........
E. H. Boswell.......... iladrlphia, Pa..........
W. Thomson.......L........... uL lo, N. Y..............
E. Keith...--------. Bridgewater, Mass........
J. Voak................. Penn Van, N. Y..........
T. Divine...... Charleston, S. C...........
M. Laveen.... -... Moerefield, Va.........
J. Ames, jr................... Lansingburgh, N. Y....
C. S. Benj min and E. Story... Washington. Ill...........
J. D. Bonney........-...-- Pembroke, Mass.....
W. B. Burtntt............... New York, N. V....
W. B. Bartnett.............. New York, N. Y....
G. H. Ctinnock---------... B:'ln N. Y.........
XV. Cover..---------- -i Jeuner s Cross Roads, Pa.
Apr. 14,1835
Aug. 23, 1870
Oct. 29, 1867
May 22, 1860
June 20,1865
Mar. 19, 1861
June 8, 1869
Sept. 4, 1866
Mar. 12, 1867
Oct. 31, 1871
Jan. 21, 1873
Apr. 2, 1872
Mar. 9, 1869
Nov. 29, 1864
Mar. 29,1870
Nov. 11, 1873
Apr. 20.1869
Dec. 3, 1872
Aug. 26, 1873
Apr. 29, 1873
July 23, 1872
June 23, 1857
June 28,1859
Oct. 20, 1868
May 19, 1863
Mar. 7, 1871
Aug. 19, 1862
June 22, 1869
Oct. 10, 1871
Dec. 16, 1873
July 28, 1868
Nov. 19, 1867
July 9, 1867
Mar. 19, 1872
Sept. 1, 1868
May 21, 187 2
Apr. 21, 1863
July 5, 1870
Apr. 30, 1872
Sept. 24, 1867
Apr. 8, 1873
Jan. 16, 1866
Jan. 31, 1865
July 6, 1869
Oct. 31, 1871
Sept. 3, 1867
Apr. 1, 1873
Feb. 11,187:3
Sept. 16, 1873
Oct. 9,1860
May 6, 1873
Aug. 17, 1835
Aug. 17, 1835
Dec. 10, 1872
Oct. 24, 1871
Nov. 20, 1868
Oct. 27,1857
Dec. 22, 1868
June 1, 1869
June 25, 1872
Aug. 6, 1872
Sept. 7, 1858
Aug. 19, 1851
May 11, 1852
Feb. 4, 1873
Feb. 27, 1872
July 12,1870
Dec. 5, 1834
Jan. 23, 1872
Feb. 26, 1867
July 5, 1870
Sept. 29, 1863
Dec. 24,1861
Juno 24, 1873
May 7, 1867
June 6, 1871
July 8, 1873
Oct. 31,1865
July 9,1867
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 16, 1869
Feb. 19, 1867
Aug. 1, 1863
July 31, 18(10
Apr. 28, 1857
Feb. 21, 1865
June 14, 1870
Apr. 10, 1860
Apr. 25, 1871
Feb. 22, 1870
July 2, 1867
Aug. 23, 1870
Jan. 3, 1871
May 13,1873
Jan. 8, 1867
106, 680
70. 194
28, 375
48, 295
31, 727
91, 089
57, 656
62, 801
120, 466
135, 190
125, 279
87, 684
45, 276;
101, 400
144, 553
89, 222
133, 600
138, 344
129, 748
17, 631
24, 571
38, 632
112, 492
36, 239
91, 556
119, 752
145, 479
80, 453
71, 037
66, 612
124, 865
81, 626
1-26, 931
38, 240
105, 135
126, 219
69, 097
137, 536
52, 118
46, 167
92, 298
120, 390
68, 513
137, 411
135, 634
142, 913
30, 353
138, 545.....
133, 827
120, 164
30, 693
18, 528
85, 193
90, 903
128, 251
130, 270
21, 464
8, 299
8, 938
135, 415
124, 141
105, 373
12, 037
12:, 064
62, 460
40, 089
31, 986
140, 2.8
64, 406
11", 560
140, 655
50, 701
66, 446
88, 265
87, 776
62, 108
49, 072
21, 419
17, 155
46, 510
104, 1-25
27, 844
114, 086
10, 108
68, 291
106, 144
110, 6-28
138, 787
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Brush, Paint--------------------------------
Brush P aint............................-----
Br ushr Paint--------------------------------
Brunsh, Paint ----_--------------_----_------.
Biush, Paint---------------------------------
B runshPai'it............................-----
Brush, Paint............................-----
Brush, Paint............................-----
Brush, Paint----------------------------......
Birush, Paint............................-----
Brush, Pint............................-----
Brush, Paint............................-----
Brush, Paint--------------------------------
Brush, Pi nt.........................
Brushr Paint.-------------------------------
Brush, lamnt--------------------------------
Bruish, Paint--------------------------------
Brush, Paint -----------.............
Brnsh, Paint--------------------------------
B-ush, Paint................................
B rush, Paint--------- -------- -------- --------
Brush. Paint............................-----
Brush, laint............................-----
Bruish, Pairt.-------------------------------
Brush, Paint..............-- -..........
Bruyh, Paint---------------- ---------------
B-rushi, Paint--------- -------- -----.-- -------.
Brursh, Paint----------------------------......
Brush, Paint--------------------------------
Brush, Paint............................----
Brush, Paint and varnish...................----
Brush, Paint and varnish--------------------
Brush, Paint and varnish............... _.. _.
Brush, Paint and varnish...................----
Brush, Painters' stripping.- -- - - - -- - ---
Brush, Paper-hangers'---------------------.....
Brush, &c., Pocket---------------------------
Brush, Pocket ------------------------------
A. Cutter --- --- - -- -
M. Dilion-..........--....
B. A. Drayton.------.---
J. M. Estabreok......L. P. Faugirt.............--
WV. H. Forker............---
W. H. Forker.._.......
F. P. Furriald, jr., R. W. Chainpion, and I. N. Davies.
F. P. Frrrnald, jr., R. W. Chamnpion, and I. IN. Davies.
H.L B. Gillman and H. S. Beauisli.
J. J. Gorman_____-------
J. J. Gorman --------------
WV. Hicks ----------------
E. Hiss.................---
L. A. Ligitenhomo. _......
J. Marchhauk------------..
J. S.Martin. --------
A. McDonald.---.---------
A. McLDonald and J. M. White.
W. II. Miles, ji --------
J. W. Moore. - -.-------
G. G. Morris-------------___
J. Rayhs.-----------------
HI. Rosenthal..............
H. Rosenthal.....
F. S. Shearer------------...
G. L. Shuttleworth ---.
S. Standish...............---
A. S. Thomipson...........--
G. K. Thompson.........
P. Wagner................
ID. White..........
J. S. White..............--
JL. Whiting------------..
J. IN. Woodward..........--
J. MelKitirick..........._ __ __
A. Rlandal...............---
R. Thayer...............---
G. A. White.............---
P). Feeck................---
J. M McComb -------------
P1. Heuriclis..............---
T. F. Stumipf..............
E. F. Ames..............---
J. Ames and N. H. Horton. - --
Chelsea, Mass -........
Albany, N. Y --........Utica, N. YV.. - -.-.
Milford, Mass.........--
Foxhereugir, Mass...
Meadville, Pa...........
Meadville, Pa - -.------
New York and Brooklyn,
N. Y., arid Bergen City,
N. J.
New York, N. Y-V_.--.
Feb. 25, 1868
Feb. 11, 1873
July 9, 1867
Oct. 29, 1867
Sept. 19, 1865
Nov. 5, 1867
May 5, 1868
May 4, 1869
Dec. 21, 1869
Milford, Mass...........--Aug. 27, 1867
Brush, Reservoir damping..................... W. Sliriver..............---
Brush, Revolving hair...................... J. Bz ysten._.............
Brush, Rotary................................ G. Carlisle..............---
Brush, Rotary.......................... 5-Sur................S tat----------
Brush, Rotary hair.........................---- E. G. Camp ---------------
Brush, Rotary horse-.--------------------------W. W. McKay............---
Brush, Sash.............................------ J. 11. Word..............---
Brush, Scruhbing-.........................11. M. Bicknell and C. J. Abel.
Brush, Scrubbing............................ A. S. Brinser............---
Brush, Scrubbing...........................H-- I. M. Brooks.............--
Brush, Scruhbing............................ G. W. Brown.............---
Brush, Scruhhing...........................----U. Garver................--
Brush, Scirbing.__.........................W. C. Cleveland...........
Brush, Scrubbing._......................A. R.+'Colmn ------------..Brush, Scruhbing..........................____W. Devines-- -..--..Brush, Scrubbing............................. A. J. Doolittle -..........
Brush, Scrubhing..........................----B. Figer.................---
Brush, Scrubbing............................. B. G. Filtzhugh............--
Brush, Scrubbing............................. S. Gibson................---
Brush, Scrubbing-.................., S. Gibson...._......... _.....
Brush, Scrubbing..........................-----S. A. Gibson and J. B. Do Hans
Brush, Scrubbing............................ C. F. Gillett...............
Brush, Scrrbing............................ R. P. Gillett.-..-..._......
Brush, Scrubbing............................ W. L. Hailer..__..........
Brusli, Scrubbing............................. D. R. Hayward...........- -- --
Brush, Scrubbing............................ C. Herald..................
Brush, Scrubbing............................ B. F. Kaller..............---
Brush, Scrubbing............................. 1). Miridcrle...............
Brush, Scrubbing............................ P. OBrian.-.._...........
Brush, Scrubbing.._.........................J. Odell._-----------------
lBrush, Scrubbing.............................HI. Rockwell arid Z. B Custer..
Brous. Scrubbing............................ S. C. Rrudletand iH Dodge..
Brush, Scrubbing-------------------------....... A. Sehweizer and G. Jansen.Brush, Scrubbing..........................-2. See..-.....---
Brush, Scrubbing.. _.... _....................... J. N. Valley and J. A. Stetsorn,jr.
Brush, Scrubbing............................. R. Wyatt -...........
BrsSelf feeding blacking..................- - -- ---G. Hamilton and J. Post.-.
Brush, Self-supplying mucilage----------------__C. Harmilton...............
Brush, Shaving..........................__W. S. Jewett.._....._
Brrush, Shaving.............................. W. T. Wylie.............--
Brush-shears......................... C. Brembacher.............
Bruse, Shoe...............................J. J. Adams..............
Brush, Shoe................................C. L. W. Baker arid L S. Hills.
Brush, Shoe.................................. F. D. Holland...........
Brush, Shoe -. _.............................C. F. J. Mller and C. Sioles --
Brush, Shoee.................................J. E. Nouin.................
Cincinnati, Ohio.-___Cincinnati, Ohio..
Steubenville, Ohio_.--_
Delaware, Ohio.. ___....
Chicago. Ill----------_
Lansiirgbui-gh, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass..........--
Washington, Ill.__.._
Washington, Ill....
Breoklynr, N. YV. __.. _....
Caurbridgeporl, Mass.Boston. Mass -------.Washington. Ill-.
New York, N.Y.__New York, IN. Y.--
Washington, Ill..-----
Sharon, Vt.............
Eureka, Nev...........
Little Falls, Minn....
Greene, N. Y..........--
New York, N. Y.-----
Portland, Me.........__
Boston, Mass..........--
Boston, Mass__.........____
Aurora, Ill............---
Brooklyn, N. Y.-._......
Pittsburgh, Pa.. __...
Worcester, Mass....._.
Beaten, Mass......__
Senecri Fairs, N. Y
Lancaster, Ohio.
Erie, Pa...............
NwYork, N. V.._
Lansinghenrgh, N. Y.--_
Lansingburgh and New
York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y......
Cihicago, Ill.- -.-- -- -
Attlebororagh, Mass.--
Sterling, Mass.-........
Bristol, Egland -__.
Ossian, Iowa...........
Lansingburg,rN. _V _
Philadeiphia, Pa --_.
Faimouth, Pa.. _........- _
Griffin, Ga...... __....._
Providence, Ht. I..Charuber-sburgh, Pa.......
Cambridge, Muss.__.__._.
New York, N. V...--.
Wiliiamsbrrrgh, N. V.
Hamden, Con..._....
Cleveland, Ohio.
Safe Harbor, Pa.__._
Safe Harbor, Pa.._._.._
Clearfield. Pa.. _........
Sparta, Wis............
Sparta, Wis............
PidepiPa..Maiden, Mass..........
PtsugPa. _..._....
Shrewsbury, Pa. __..
Saint Louis, Mo..____._
New York, N. YV.-.-.-.--
P etr o le urm Centre, Pa.
Petroleurm Centre, Pa.
Portland, Me._-.-------
Ciev,.haad, Ohio.....
Phil udelpiria, Pia._.-.___..
North East, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. V........--
New York, N. V.__--.-_
New York, N. V.-----
New York,N.Y......
Newcastlc, Pa.. _-..-.._New York, N. V..___.
Boston, Mass-......
Colnrtlord. _ Coun.
L-ewistori, Me.........--
Milwaukee, Wis......
Chicago, ill............
Jan. 14,187:3
June 17, 1873
Jan. 2, 185r5
July 31, 1866
Dec. 17, 1872
Nov. 20,1866
June 20, 1854
Nov. 1, 167
Aurg.16, 1870
Nov. 18,1862
Mar. 31, 1868
Feb. 1,1870
Jan. 2), 1870
Apr. 10, 1867
Aug,. 6, 1867
Mar. 7, 1871
Sept. 6, 18711
June 24, 1873
Aug. 5, 1873
Jan. 25, 1870
Feb. 25, 1873
Nov. 24, 1868
May 7, 1867
Oat. 18, 1870
May 14, 1867
Feb. 18, 1868
Jars. 30, 187-2
May 7, 1867
Jan. 15, 1867
Nov. 19, 187-2
Nov. 25, 1873
June2', 1871
Dcc. 27, 18 70
Aug. 13, 1872
July 30, 1867
May 28, 186 7
1k b. 25, 1868
Oct. 14, 1873
May 29, 1x66
Mar. 8, 1864
Dec. 8, 1868
Aug. 20, 1867
Sept. 4, 1847
Oct. 8, 1872
July 21, 18e68
July 6, 186)9
Atig. 1, 184
May 8, 1866
Nov. 10, 18688
June 20, 18e71
July 16, 1867
Sept. 24, 1872
Oct. 6,1868
Oct. 26, 1869
Jul5 18.1871
July 30, 1872
July 3, 1866
Apr. 30, 1861
Mar. 10,1868
Oct. 14, 1873
Apr. 5,1870
Sept. 13,1870
June 27, 1871
Aug. 9, 170
Dec. 6,1870
Mar 06, 18.)7
Aug..6, 1862
Mar. 15, 1870
Oct. 24, 1871
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 23, 1864
Aug. 13, 1867
Apr. 10, 1849)
May 14, 186 7
Mar. 26, 1 '67
Feb. 10, 1852
May 14, 1867
May 3, 1870
Aug. 14, 1866
June 9, 1868
74, 752
135, (1:15
66, 475
70, 182
50, 667
70, 54--
77, 475
89, 649
98, 158
68, 066
134, 745
139, 887
12, 182
56, 750
133, 996
59, 850
11, 129
1118, 923
36, 96-2
76, 23)
99, 338
99, 276
64, 169
67, 588
11-2, 387
107, 200
140, 314
14!, 522
99, 260
136, 288
84, 327
64, 607
108, 420
64, 731
74, 566
123, 2Â~3
64, 596
61, 29-2
133, 088
144, 999,
116, 185
110, 603
130, 401
67, 247
65, 290
74, 743
143, 666
55, 176
41, 885
84, 837
68, 0-22
5, 267
13-2, 049
80, 128
92, 154
3, 689
54, 505
83, 9:12
116, 0.30
66, 81-2
56, 045
131, 174
8-2, 705
911, 219
129, 944
56, o035
3-2, 224
75, 421L
143, 695
101, t63O
107, 397
116, 346
106, 186
63, 181
3(6, 309
120, 350
16 3
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Inv ention.
B~rush, Shoe-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brush, Shoe..-.............................-..
Brush, Shoe....................................
Brush, Shoe....................................
Brush. Shoe..................................---
Brush, Shoe and stove...........................
Brush, Steam-generator-flue.................... --- -- --
Brush, Stencil---------------------------------
Brush, Stencil................................---
Brush. Stencil. --"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brush stock end handle..............
Brunsh stock and(1handle--------------
Brush-stock, Method of holding bristles iu.
Brush, Stove - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brush, Stove-polishing...........................
Brush to hat, Device for attaching..._...__.
Brush, Toilet-- - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brush, Tooth..................................
Brush, Tooth.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Brush, Tooth.- -.........-------------
Brush, Tooth.................................---
Brush, Tooth -----------........................
Brush, Tooth...................................
Brush, Tooth.---------------------------------
Brush, Tooth...................
Biush, Tooth. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
BrushTooth - -.................
Brush. Tooth. -............... -
Brush, Tooth. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brush, Tooth.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brush, Tooth...................
Brush, Tooth and nail...............
Brush trunmuer, Tooth...................._....
Brush trimmer, Tooth-----------------....
Brush, rumbler------------------------------....
Brush, Warp...................................
Brush, xash-board, aud roller...................--
Brush, Whisk..................................
Brush, Whisk.---------.-------------
Brush, Whitewash.............................
G. R. Owen.................
F.A. G. Rouistone...........H. F. Scotchmer.............
G. Wale....................
R. M. Whipple...............
F. M.Carries----------------
J. S. Tilton.................--
P. Wagner-----------------....
P. H. Coyle..................
W. H. Allen..................
J. S.Costello................
D. K. Herr-..................
A. A. Yourn................
A. A. Young.........
C. U. Roger-s and M. P. Wilkins
W. Small...................
L. C. Crowel................
A. A. Veer..................
S. Wilder-.................
G. M. Allerton-----------...
P. Blake-----------------....
F. F. Burrows......- - -...
H. K. Chandler.......----.
T. Maitland................
T. F.Maury---------
It. Nelsou.-._..........._
J. U. and W. ODonoghue._
C. Roberts................
C. Ilosefield...............
T~. H. Spencer-------------...
HI. N. Wadsworth._._.._
H. N. Wadlsworth-------
W. B. Watkius............--
G. A. Scott..............---
J. Stone-------- -----------
J. Stone- - - - - - - -. - -
II. Lumbard...............
G. Wiesler...............---
S. Taylor..................
I. Hussey......
P. Feker...........
H. S. Blunt.................
M. L. Dicinison-----------..
W. B. Bnrtnett and J. P. McInitosi.
Residence. Date.
Home, N. Y-------------- Aug. 29, 1871
Roxbury, Mass..-...__ Nov. 27, 1866
Chicago, Ill - ----_------Apr. 3, 1866
Hohokeu, N. J.-.- -----Feb. 25, 1873
Cambridge, Mass-.._.- Jan. 6, 1863
New York, N. YV.......... Nov. 1:3, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa -_- - - -----Feb. 11, i868
New York, N. YV-. Apr. 1, 18 73
Newark, N. J..--------June 22, 1869
Saint Louis, Mo._---------May 17, 1859
Saiut Louis, M o - - - - ----Aug. 13, 1867
Locust Valley, Pa.. -.-_-Apr. 10, 1866
Boston. Mass - - - - - - - ------.b.Feb. 4, 1868
Boston, Mass-------------...Fels. 4, 1868
Utica, N. Y., and Jersey Oct. 29, 1867
City, N. J.
Brooklyn, N. YV.........July 9, 1872
West Dennis, Mass.-__Sept. 7, 186t9
Delaware, Ohio. -_----..Apr. 9, 1872
Hingham, Mass. - -...__Mar. 5, 1872
Dover Plains. N. Y..- _-.July 9, 187-2
New Haven, Con -..Mar. 8,18:10
Mystic River, Coon. _ _.. _.- May 18. 1869
Ruttier Glen, Va....Jain. 25, 1870
Williamsport, Pa..__..-June 2, 1868
Washington, D. C.._ Feb. 18, 1868
Albany, N. Y.........July 19, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... July 1, 1873
Newark, N. J..........Feb. 16, 1869
Washington, D. C.._.._.May 8, 1866
Providence, tI. I----------.May 7, 1867
Washington, 1). C -...._Nov. 17, 1857
Washington, D. C -.._...June 19, 1860
Jersey City, N.J.........--Apr. 13, 1869
New York, N. Y.... _......Dec. 3, 187-2
Waterford, N. Y----------. _Oct. 8, 187-2
Waterford, N. Y- -- -- -- - --Oct. 8, 1872
Chicago, Ill--------------...Mar. 24, 1868
Chicago, Ill........ __...... Sept. 1, 1868
Fast. Canmbridge, Mass.. - -. May 12, 1863
Ironton, Ohio-------------....S t...Sept. 16, 1871
Providence, H. 1..----------.May 10, 1870
New York, N. Y. _._......Mar. 26, 1872
Wcst Troy, N. Y. -_.....Sept. 30, 3862
Newn York and Brooklyn, Jain. 17, 1865
Charle~stown, Mass-...June 2, 18-20
Wayne County, Ohio.._July 16, 1867
Prttshurgh, Pa......--__Man. 31, 1863
Baltimore, Md.. --..... _....une 1, 1858
Portland, Me - _- _.-._._ Jan. 2, 1872
C ox clard, Ohio-----------. _Nov. 20, 1866
Boston, Mass............ Apr. 30, 1867
Boston, Mass............. Dec. 17, 1867
New Yerk, N. Y......... Feb. 28, 1825
Larrsingburgh, N. Y----Aug. 30, 13170
Puo-tsmeouth, Mich.-..--. Jan. 16, 1872
Nov York, N. Y----------Arrg. 23, 1e70
Phiiladelphial, Pa - - - - -----Mar. 6, 1835
Hallowell, Me ------------ Feb. 23, 1841
Brush, Whitewash...._.......... F-. S. Curtis.................__
BrrishWhirtewash-------------------------------A.. Foss....................--
litsh nbWhitewash-----------------------------.__J. Lorrghridge--_. -_--__
BrushWhiutewash ------ -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- - --- D.W. Shaw and W. A. Megraxs
BrushWhirtewashi and paste ---------------------J. S. White-----------.--_
BrurshrWindlow ---"------------------.---------J. Stofer...................Br nib, Window--------------------------------. J. S. White.----------------
Ii rrshes, Binder for paint------------- ----------- J. F. Cenrsing................
Brushies, brooms, &c., Grasses for making-..........-- -S. H. Weed. -................
BrurshesCousti utiobitof-------------------------.J. Marcirbarik--------------_
BirisliesDrip-urardfer------------------------- W. Buck..........-"........
BrushesFerrulefor paint.....................XV. B Bir-tnett..-..........
LBrishe-, lot blening~n colors, Manufacturiug - ---G. M. Morris - _ - - --- - --------
Birusbes for whitiewashing, &c. Manner- of attach- 11. B. Lewis- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --
ing bristles In tih e cL of.
lBrurshres fr-em brooru coin Milking. _............... -B. Croasdale -. -- -- ---------
Bruishes, Gi rile for paint ----------------------- A. M. Piper and 0. Allen.Iirushes, Guard for pinut------------------------- E. C. Haseriek -........_..
BrusbisM rehinefor- ro-iru--------------------- 0. D.Wolbury.............Brushes M-nn bno fotrnmanul-wtnr iug- -- - ---- --- --. W. A. Foskett and H. B. Tyler.
Brushes, Ma~chirrefor manunacturing the wooden T. Mitchell...................
part of.8
Brushes, Machine for trimmirg bristles of-.-__S. Taylor-------------------.
Brushes, Machiiryr for manunaturcri -- -- -- -- -- --G. Will -tt -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
Brushes, Macbluery fr in nutn urririg.------G. Willett....................
Brushes, Machinerynarorirrmring-------__--------B Babbit...........
Brushes, Manulactrire ot p int ------------------- J. T.Stcci.............._
Brushes, Marnufacturing --_ - ____---_J. J.Adanis.........._...
Brushes, Preparatiou o6 bristles for-- - -_- - - -- -----C. Williams................- - -- --
Brushes, Socket for paint and o her----------- --- J VDax is.......--...
Brush -wool, Machiebr ishipinig-----------------J.Ami sj.........
Brushing and polishing~ appar-a us, Haud.-.. -_W.HI.Willsonr- -- -- -- -- -- - - --
Buck-board sprirng ----------------T.II 11 ovon..................
Bucket...---------------------- It.Brown.................--
Bucket. ---------------......J. V.Denell................--
Bucketr-------------- -------- J.H. Tomlinsorn.............
Bucket and measure----------------------------J. Ha.gemau.................IBucket and strainer, Milk._-----------------------D. N. West..............
Bucket, Ar my fced and wa-ter--------------------- I. B. Pitts-..-.-.........
Bucket bracketSap------------------------------ J. T. Pellett.-...--.-........
BuckretButter.....--............................ J. H. Stirupson..............--
Butcket, Chariber....--....---.. W. W. Kuigat..............--
BucketChamber................................ C. G. Soliuele~r.............Bucket, Coal..................................L. Hayner..................--
Backet, Collapsible..................-............. C. W. Curtiss -- - ------.Bucket coverSap._....................... Marshall..................
Bucket cover, Sap.................--.............. D. and E. Smith----------...
BucketCov ered------------------------------F. D. Kellogg and G. N. Tves. --
BucketDinner.--------------"--"-----------------J. Hoimes.................
Backet, Dinner---------------------------------...F. E. Heini- -----............linicki 8,Dumping ---- --------------------------- F B. Colton..................
Bucect-eair......................................)1. Callahan-------- ----- _ --
60, 663
53i, 689
1:16, 289
37, 315
51), 709
7 4, 258
137, 515
91, 523
2:3, 997
67, 726
53, 92:3
74, 0-26
74, 027
70, 270
128, 917
94, 477
Its, 4-22
124, 409
128, 840
90, 235
99, 161
78, 599l
7 4, 560
43, 597
140, 429
87, 070
54, 604
64, 455
18, 653
28, 794
88, 8-25
133, 599
132, 031
75, )40
81, 718:58, 516
142, 853
102, 932
125, 010
36, 56;0
45, 907
66, 8-22
38, 051
20, 447
59, 932
64, 266
72, 364
106, 845
122, 701
l1l6, 545
1, 99-2
86, 586
41, 772
110, 5-29
92, 181
i5, 762
3, 593
119, 4319
119, 440
4, 814
16, 1)50
2, 490
9), 869
41, 060
143, 346
82, 465
102, 762
143, 939
18 140
C0, 798
36, 613
68, 400
Bylierry Pa..............
Springfield, Mass....
Lake Village, N. H...
New York, N. Y.
New Haven, Corn..__
Lansirgburgh, N. Y...
Fast Cambridge, Mass -.Saint Albanus, V t. ____.
Saint Albans, Vt......
New York, N. Y. ____.
N ew York, N. Y. _._..
Bastoir Mass...........
Pi ladelphia, PIn.
Wardirutorn.D. C...
Larrsru;brrghi, N. Y...
NewTYork. N. V......
Vhi urao.Ill-......_....
Nc-por tKy............
Brooklyni N. Y.........._
Chicago, 111..............
Wil'rairsburgh, Ohio..
Sruitllsbrlh, Md. __.
Phirladelphnia, Pa..
Oconormovoc, Wis....
B-iltimore, Md............
Philadelphpia, Pa....
Washington, D. C. _.
Clifton Park, N. Y.
Now Haven, Conn..__
Hoabart, N. Y......--....
Gilsum and Keene, N. H...
New Haven, Conn.---
West MidJleburgh, Ohio..
1'liludelpl.ii, P 1__.
Danyton, Ohio.. _...._...
Dee. 21, 1819
Feb. 2, 1869
Mar. 1, 1864
Dec. 27, 1870
July 6, 1809
Sept. 9, 1856
May 17, 1844
Sept. 26,18711
Sept. 26,,871
Oct. 14, 18461
Mar. 31, 1837
Mat-. 12, 1842
July 11), 1853
Jan. 5, 1864
Dee. 16, 187 3
Scpt. 22, 1868
May- 10,16170
Oct. 28, m-6.
1Fel., 01873
Julire 1, 1869
Oct. 7,1862
Sept. 3,1867
Nox. 19,1861
Anug- 07,182
Auig.17, 1858
Apr. 3,1866
July 8, 18 2
June 2-2,1869
Oct. 23,1860
Oct. 10, 1871
Oct. 17, 1871
Nov. 28, 1871
Mir. 12,18611
Sc'pt 0, 1873
Dcc 26, 1871
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bucket, Elevator.................................
Bucket, Feed...................................
Bucket, Field..................................
Bucket, Folding.................................
Bucket for preserving butter, fruit, &c.............
Bucket for raising water, Endless-chain...........
Bucket for removing coal, &c..................
Bucket for the manufacture of maple-sugar, Sap..
Bucket for wells, Selftilting...................
Bucket, Hanging well.............................
Bucket, Hoisting.................................
Bucket holder, Sap------------------------................................
Bucket hoop, Sap...............................
Bucket, Sap.....................................
Bucket, Sap.......................................
Bucket, Sap.....-----------------------------
Bucket, Self-dumping coal....................
Bucket, Sheet-metal............................
Bucket, W ater..........................*.........
Bucket, Weighing...........................
Bucket. W ell.....................................
Bucket, Well....................................
Bucket, W ell.....................................
Bucket, Well.-------------------------------
Bucket, Wood............................
Buckets and tubs, Tool for finishing..............
Buckets, Apparatus for raising and tilting water.
Buckets, Brake and ratchet for elevating and lowering.
Buckets, Construction of sheet-metal..............
Buckets, Device for holding sap...................
Buckets, Ear of wooden.............................
Buckets in raising water from wells, Self-operating
device for tilting.
Buckets, Metallic guard for water -..--..-............
Buckets, Mode of emptying well..................
Buckets, pails, tubs, &c., Machine for making......
Buckets, Raising tilting.........................
Buckets, Stud for attaching bail to..............
Buckets, Wire ear for metal......................
B uckle.........................
Buckle ---............................................
Date. No.
L. Rowland.......-.
O. W. Clark..............
R. C. Sturges................
G. Wood......................
H. W. Wilcox..................
E. G. Hofman.............
J. Dutton...................
J. S. Lloyd....................
J. H. Fairchild.......
A. J. Cook..............
S. F. Dexter....---------------
E. J. Hulbert and A. N. N. Aubin.
A. Franklin.....
J. Bullock...................
J. W. Currier...............
C. C.Post...................
J. Purdy...................
J. Wiist.....-----------------
W. Austin..........
C. Ballinger...................
D. D. Stelle...........
A. J. Clemmons..........
D. P. Farnham..........
C. F. Stites....................
S. S. Vail................
J. W. Bartlett and A. Morris..
H. W. Sabin and L B. Benton..
I. T. Smith..................
J. Fallows.................
J. Bevins-................
L. A. Fleming................
D. P. Farnham................
J. B. Hyzer...................
E. Willard.............
N. Rider................
I. I. Vedder and H. Vine......
W. Brown and C. Stevens.. _.
J. M. Shank...................
J. J. Adair.................
Ml. Adams..........
J. K. Andrews................
H. Aschenbach...............
W. Babin.....................
G.L. Bailey..................
T. Bailey and H. H. Young...
T. G. Bailey.................
I. Banister..................
I. Banister...................
I. Banister...................
I. Banister...................
J. Barron.................
J. Bavier..............
H. Bernheimer and H.Ncwman
E. C. Blakeslee............
J. M. Borchardt..............
G. A. Brown..................
J. Buche...----------------
I. W. Burch..................
S. P. Burdick.............
F. Busch----------------......................
W. C. Bussey................
D. S. Butler..................
C. A. Button.................
C. S. Cissna..............
J. G. Clifton..........
A. H. Cole................
E. Cole.. -...............
E. Cole.. -------------..
E. P. Corwin.................
J. Cory..-....................
L. D. Cowlcs.............
L D. Cowles........
S P. Crafts....................
J. Cumberland and J. R. McClintock.
T. B. DeForest...............
T. B. DeForest...............
N. Dice....................
S. H. Doughty.................
F. Douglas....................
E. F. Driggs................
T. Duncan........
E. F. Eaton...................
A. R. Egbert...............
L Elsberg..................
H. Fautz......................
O. A. Field....................
L. Fogg....................
M. Fowler..................
M. Fowler..................
N. D Fowler..............
R. E. Frye..................
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Appleton, Wis..........
Barnstable, Mass......
Strasburgh, Pa-....- -
Columbus, Pa.. --..Saint Louis, Mo.....
Aston Township, Delaware County, Pa.
Salem,N. J.............
Highgate, Vt... _.......
North Branford, Conn.....
Paris, N Y...............
Portland, Conn............
Galena, Ohio..............
IReadsborough, Vt.......
Newbury, Vt.............
Hinesburgh, Vt..........
Cherburne, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Buchanan, Pa.......
New Brunswick, N. J.....
Aberdeen, Miss.......
Johnstown Centre, Wis...
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Keokuk, Iowa......
Harmarand Marietta, Ohio
Reed's Corner and Penn
Yan, N. Y.
Richmond, Va...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Unadilla Forks, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.......
Milton, Wis.............
Janesville, Wis..........
Egremont, Mass...........
Sturbridge, Mass......
Schenectady, N. Y......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Dayton, Ohio--.........
Portland, Ind......
Chilmark. Mass.........
Antrim, Ohio... -.-...
Washington, DC.......
New York, N. Y.......
Portland, Me.........
Fairfaix County, Va., and
Washington, D. C.
Wassaic, N. Y............
Newark, N. J.....Newark, N. J.............
Newark, N. J.........
Newark, N. J..........
Mobile, Ala..............
Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y......
Waterbury, Coun.......
New York, N. Y.......
Kalamazoo, Mich.......
Apple River, Ill..........
Fayette, Miss........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Otterville, Mo.........
Pontiac, Mich.............
Burlington, Iowa........
Northfield, Ind...........
Sylvania, Ohio.........
Fairfield, Mich...........
Fairfield, Mich...........
Washington, Ill.......
Wayne, Mich.............
Romeo, Mich...........
Romeo, Mich............
New Haven, Conn.....
Mobile, Ala., and New
York, N. Y.
Birmingham, Conn.......
Birmingham, Conn......
Xenia, 1nd................
Nyack, N. Y......
Norwich, Conn......
Brooklyn, N. Y....-.
Brookville, Md......
Northford, Conn.....
Philadelphia, Pa......
New York, N. Y.....
Newark, N. J...
Minneapolis, Minn......
Boston, Mass...
Wolcottville, Conn......
W lcottville, Conn...
Valley Ford, Cal....
Manchester, N. H...
May 2, 1865
Aug. 4, 1868
Dec. 31, 1 67
May 14, 1861
Jan. 31, 1865
Oct. 11, 1864
Oct. 9, 1841
Apr. 24, 1860
June 10, 1862
May 29, 1866
Mar. 15, 1859
Oct. 31, 1871
Sept. 19, 1871
June 19, 1806
Mar. 31, 1868
Sept. 13, 1870
Oct. 4, 1817
July 13, 1858
Aug. 12. 1873
Apr. 30, 1872
Jan. 10, 1865
Aug. 16, 1870
Apr. 3, 1860
July 1, 1873
Sept. 20,1870
July 28, 1863
Mar. 13, 1849
Feb. 22, 1870
Nov. 5, 1867
Nov. 5, 1867
Nov. 9, 1869
Feb. 3, 1857
Dec. 13, 1864
June 15, 1826
Apr. 1, 1829
Feb. 1. 1848
July 2, 1872
Aug. 3, 1869
Apr. 19, 1870
Mar. 2-2, 1870
Nov. 19, 1867
Oct. 31, 1865
Mar. 21, 1868
Apr. 8, 186-2
Aug. 17, 1869
July 4,1865
Mar. 15, 1864
Nov. 8, 1864
Feb. 14, 1865
July 7, 1868
Apr. 30, 1867
Feb. 14, 1865
Aug. 17, 1869
Nov. 19, 1867
Aug. 26, 1873
Feb. 2, 1869
Nov. 28, 1871
Dec. 14, 1869
May 19, 1868
Oct. 8, 1872
Aug. 20, 1872
Oct. 26, 1868
Dec. 4, 1866
May 8,1866
July 28, 1868
Oct. 10, 1865
Sept. 24, 1867
Sept. 24, 1867
Dec. 13, 1870
Sept. 15, 1868
Aug. 4, 1868
Dec. 6, 1870
Jan. 16, 1866
Dec. 21, 1858
Nov. 20, 1866
Mar. 5, 1867
Jan. 4, 1870
May 6, 1873
July 14, 1863
Oct. 24, 1871
June 21, 1870
Sept. 28, 1869
May 1,1866
Jan. 7, 1868
July 30, 1872
Aug. 6, 1872
June 2, 1861
Mar. 12, 1887
Oct. 6, 1868
Jan. 3, 1872
Jan. 23, 1863
47, 573
80, 602
72, 935
32, 328
46, 168
44, 626
2, 290
27, 993
55, 062
23, 233
120, 522
119, 024
55, 611
76, 168
107, 407.....
141, 748
126, 249
45, 873
106, 326
27, 708
140, 439
107, 568
39, 334
6, 190
160, 201
70, 427
70, 394
96, 571
16, 535
45, 412.....
5, 425
128, 585
93, 355
102, 076
100, 963
71, 116
50, 673
75, 722
34, 868
93, 792
48, 503
44, 927
46, 324
79, 626
64, 273
46, 326
93, 665
70, 944
142, 076
86, 501
121, 325
97, 891
77, 955
132, 051
130, 565
96, 083
60, 135
54, 504
80, 454
50, 337
69, 181
69, 182
110, 115
82, 091
80, 605
109, 871
502, 112
22, 352
59, 896
62, 533
98, 572
138, 487
39, 217
120, 187
104, 564
95, 332
54, 313
73, 176
130, 032
133, I 19
3r, 793
62, 8:2
82, 821
122, 315
52, 154
Index of patents issued front the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Buckle........................-----------------.JN. Gaston.................
Bkl-----------------------------------------(. L.(Gerid.....-...........
Buckle------------------------------------------ G.L. Gecrd................
Buckle..------------._-.-.--.F iF.Greenwood.-----.-----
Buckle ------------------------------------------ 13.C.Grig"s.................
Bukl------------------------------ ----------- 11.C.(rigs..........-....
Buckle.----------------------------------------I.p.Grgs (--------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..J. 1. J.Gunning and I. T.
M yer............
Bukl----------------------------------------- A. Huagy-----------------..
Bukl-----------------------------------------TJ.C. Hal..11......
Buckle-...................... V.Hl------------------------------- el........
Buckle......................E anajr----------------------------.B aune
Buckle------------------------------------------M. Hancliuc.........-.
Buckle-----------------------------------------... 1 - B. It. llardeinan......
B-cetle ------------------------------------------ S. S. Hartshorn -............
Buckle-----------------------------------------5.. S.. Hartshorn.............Buckle---------------------- ------------ ------- S. S. Hartshoru--------------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..S. S. Hartshorn.__-_._
Buckle------------------------------------- ---- S. S. Hartshiorn.............Buckle--------------------------------------.- J. VW. Hatch --------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..C. B. Hatfield................
Buckle...........-------------------------------- C. B. Hatijeid...............Buckle ------------------------------------------ G. Havell...................
Buckle----------------------------------------. G. Ilavel..................--
Buckle------------------------------------------ J. B. Hawley...............Buckle-----------------------------------------H. P.. UiRe.................--
Buckle ------------------------------------------JH. W.iuiua---------------
Buckle ------------------------------------------ J. P. Risley.---- ------------
Buckle-----------------------------------------...A. H. Hopkins..............--
Buckle-----------------------------------------0..... LJHopson aund H. P. Brooks
Buckle-----------------------------------------0_. L. Hopson and H. P. Birooks
Buckle-----------------------------------------(.. 7. C. Huntress..............
Buckle...................... A.ur.-------------------------------.Hr -..
Buckle ------------------------------------------ J. C. Hyde.................Buckle----------------------.H ae...............................H ae --------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..W. B. Johnson --------------
Buckle----------------------.Va.............................. W.Ky------.--
Buckle----------------------------------....-----G. H. Kelsey................Buckle----------------------------------.....-----G. H. Kelsey...............
Buckle....------------------------G. 1E. Kelsey...............--
Buckle------------------------------------------ G. IR. Kdlsey...............Buckle ------------------------------------------ H. Laurence.--------
Buckle --- -------------------------------------- B. S. Lawson...............--
Buckle ------------------------------------------ H. Lowenbaerg..............
Buckle-----------------------------------------..W. Maclean andl J. II. Han-is.Buckle---------------------F TMc.............................-FW.M s.--------
Buckle._.--------------------------C. A. Malor-...............
Buckle------------ -------------------------.- T. P. Marshall..............--
Buckle-----------------------------------------._C W. Martin...............
Buckle--------------------------------------. J. F. Martin................Buckle--------------------------J.H.ari........................ J.I.Mri---------
Buckle----------------"-------------------------- J. A. Maslimoyar...........--
Buckle-----------------------------------------. C. Maxwell and J. G. Lindner..Buckle------ ------------------------------------ J. McLcllcn -------------- -- -
Buckle-----------------------------------------... McMillan and A. Rowan.
Buckle---------------------.G.Mno.............................Mno -------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..C. F. Moore..............
Buckle-----------------------------------------0.. W. Morley...............Buckle-----------------------------------------._J. 1-. Moirris ----------------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..M. Murphy..................
Buckle...................H Nuan-----------------------------INcna........
Buckle ------------------------------------------ H. Neumann----------------
Buckle-----------------------T L ge............................-.L.Oer---------
Buckle-----------------------------------------..W. Parsons----------------..
Buckle ------------------------------------------ J. Peabody-------------------
Buckle----------------------------------....-----J. Peckhain.................Buckle----------------------------------....-----J. Peckhiam..................
Buckle-----------------------------------------..L. W. Perkins--------------...
Buckle----------------------------------....-----E. A. Pierce.................
Buckle ------------------------------------------ I.N. Plotts................--
Buckle.......................NPst--------------------------------N at. - -
Buckle._---------------------------------------T. 0. Potter anti J. W. Smith.
Buckle------------------------------------------F. Puetz...................Buckle ------------------------------------------ L. Rhoades..................
Buckle----------------------------------.-----F. C. Richer.................
Buckle-----------------------------------------..E. G. Rfockwood------------....
Buckle.......................................... W. Roemer..................
Buckle--------------------------------------- A. Roesler...................
Bukl-----------------------------------------(G. W. Roland...............
Buckle-----------------------------------------..I. Hera-back...----..._
Buckle......................................... F. A. lioss and S. De La Mater.
Buckle-----------------------------------------..L. SW. Russell...............Buckle..........................................HR. F. Russell...............Buckle......................................... C. W. Saladee.................
Residence. Pate.
Lyons City, Iowa_...Oct. 15, 18(6
New Haven, Con..- Aug. 6, 1867
New Haven, Con-..._-.Jaii. 14, 1868
Hoinsey, England._.. l Dc. 14, 1869
Waterbury, Conn _.._ Aug. 28, 186
Waterbhury, Coin -..-__- July 2, 1867
Waterbur-y, Conu-__. ---.Api-. 21, 1868
New York, N. Y._--._. June 26, 1866
Keok uk, Iowa. _..........May 29, 18663
Fayette, Miss-------------...Apr-. 3, 1860
Quincy, Mass------------- Aug.8, 1865
Dletri-ot., Mich........-- -.....Mar.19, 1867
Huntiiigton, Ind..........- -- a.Mir. 9,1869
'Iehuacaia,lox.......Juiie 18,182
Oi-ange, Conn....... --..July 10, 185
Oraiige, Corn.. _............Dec. 11,185
New Haveii, Con.. _...July 24, 1860
New Haven, Conn.__--..Feb.13, 1866
New Haven, Con.. _...Feb.26, 1867
Maiitius, N.Y.............Fob. 20, 1841
Boston, Mass.............-- - -June 13 1865
Boston, Mass..... _.......Oct. 31,1865
Newark,. N. J............_ _- _Aug.23, 1864
Newark, N. J.........Aug. 8 1871
New Hav-en, Cainn---.-_-_. Jan. 151867
New Yoi-k, N. Y........._Jan. 11, 1853
Jersey City, N. J -......... Oct.27, 1868
Oiniro, Wis...............Dc. 3,1861
Syracuse, N. Y-_._........ Aug.10, 1869
Goshen, led..............-Oct..8,1867
Wateibury, Conn--_May 12, 1863
Waterbuiry andl Wolcott- Oct.9, 1866
ville, Coon.
Elkhorn, Wis. --.......June 11, 1867
Yonkers, N. Y............leb11, 1e68
WVest Haveii, Con -..__.Nov. 15 1 70
Warren, H. I..............May 12, 1868
Bowling Greeii, Ky..- --Aug.27, 1867
Chicago, Ill. -....J._. une 1, 1869
Mi'ldletown, Couii _.l... a l.a1, 185
West Haven, Conn.--.._.Aug. 30, 186 -West Haven, Conn....May '9,1866
West Haven. Conn. _-.---.June 5, 1.66
Manlius, N. Y ---._July 131-14
New Yoi k, N.Y...........JulyJuly 4, 185
e\ w Yor-k, N. V----------.... yMay 2-2, 1866
Vermont, Ill..............June 1, 1869
Ise l1hm, Pi-ussia..-.._. Jan. 28, 18688
Cmh i ridge, Mass..-.__. Mar-. 6, 1866
Trenton, N. J..............ulyJuly 5, 1859
Mount- Pleasant, Iowa -.__.Jan. 21,186:3
Hla-isbuigi, O-g--------..-Mayv 9,1871
Columbus, Ohio..- _.......Apr. 18, 1871
Bearudstowm, Ill.._........ -Apr. 21, 1868
Syracuse, N. V...........- -- -Apr. 2, 187-2
Chiamb~rshnrghi, Pa. _-_-.July 24, 1866
Webster City, Iowa...... Main. 21, 1871
New York, N. YV._........ Dec. 26, 1865
Waveland, JIl...........-Oct.22, 1872
Ellishnrgli, N. Y.......... Dec. 9 1862
Paxton, Ill ---------------May 2,1871
Washington, D. C------July-.31, 1866
New Yoirk, N. Y -. lo_...-Fb. 121867
New York, N. Y.......-_.---_Jun.21? 1868
Ws~ot Chestei. Pa ---.._-_May 14, 1867
Palinyira, N. V.. -.........Sept. 0,1873
Dixmont Ceiitro, Me..---Nov. 28,1865
New Havea, Conn.._.._.Sept.4, 1866
New Haven, Con..._.May 30, 1871
Becloit, Wis....._... Api. 10, 1866
Briltou., Mass..._......Api. 22.1862
New York, N. V........ I..Feb.Fe.13,1866
New Yoi-k, N. Y - ---------_ Juiie 12, 1866
East Cleveland, Ohio.-----Oct. 10, 18(15
Bostou, Mass_------------,Jan. 9, 1872
Buffido, N. V _..........Dec. 6, 1870
Newport, H. I...- -........_Oct. 22, 1867
Gilmer, Tex-------------- Mary 4, 1869
Hlldale, Mich.........May 10, 1864
Newvark, N. J-__-_...........Sept. 3, 1872
Warsaw, Ill........May 24, 1859
Saleum, Oregon _...........May 11, 1869
Tefr re Hu, md. June i13, 187
63, 793
67, 428
73, 242
97, 9169
57, 6:32
66, 0'24
17, 033
55, 854
55, 688
27, 714
4P, 261
63, 040
87, 56.'3
128, 037
13, 218
29, 270
52, 568
6-2, 485
3, 440
48, 2136
50, 706
43, 945
117, 882
61, 192
9, 534
83, 381
33 840
93, 440
69, 669
38, 482
58, 725
65, 749
74, 367
109, 321
77, 885
68, 204
90, 849
7, 025
43, 997
55, 113
55, 311
3, 602
54, 6
90, 859
73, 734
53, 017
24, 649
73, 6 20
H14, 180
11;3, 902
77, 06i4
125, 315
56, 5110
112, 947
51, 740
132, 482
37, 105
114, 401
56, 7 85
6-2, 059
73, 6*33
64, 693
14-2, 7 21
51, 210
57, 7 58
115, 513
53, 866
35, 038
52, 597
55, 533
12-, 533
10') 941
70, 019
89. 1689
42, 689
131, 0'8
24, 145
90, 026
67, x'08
115, 985
55 717
124, 514
49, 309
Index of patents issued from the- United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Buckle------------....................-----------------------...................... E. A. and D. L. Smith.........
Buckle-----------------------------...................-----......................-- E. A. and D. L. Smith.........
Buckle........................................... J. E.. Smith...................
Buckle----------------------.......................----.........------........ J. E. Smith..................
Buckle.......................................... P. W. Smith..................
Buckle------------...................-----------------------........................ W. W. Smith................
Buckle...............................-------------------------------........... L. A. Sprague.................
Buckle...-----------------------------------J. Stanbrough...............
Buckle.......................................... C. S. Stearns and T. Corey...
Buckle.......................................... G. E. Stedman................
Buckle........................................... G. F. Stephens.............
Buckle........................................ J. Stevens..................
Buckle......................................... S. G. Sturges...............
Buckle........................................ H. R. Swan..................
Buckle.......................................... S. A. Tenny................
Buckle......................................... D. S. Thompson..............
Buckle......................................... W. McK. Thornton..........
Buckle.......................................... W. McK. Thornton...........
Buckle.......................................... J. Tiebout.................
Buckle........................................ I. B. Verplank................
B uckle......................................... J. W aterman.................
Buckle.......................................... D. Webber...................
Buckle.......................................... W. Welsh..................
Buckle........................................... P. White...................
Buckle........................................................... H. S. Wilkin.................
Buckle........................................... J.J. W ilkins..................
Buckle........................................... H. C. W issel..................
Buckle............................................ C. E. Woodman...............
Buckle.......................................... C. E. Woodman and C. B. Hatfield.
Buckle...................................... G. P. Woodruff...............
Buckle.......................................... H. S. Woodruff...............
Buckle.......................................... H. S. Woodruff.............
Buckle.............................L.............. E.L. W oods...............
Buckle.......................................... H. B. Worcester.............
Buckle.......................................... W. Yost...................
Buckle and clasp.................... W. Church...................
Buckle and loop........................... S. C. Talcott.................
Buckle and loop, Attaching................. L. C. Chase..................
Buckle and ring.............................. R. C. Dunham...............
Buckle and ring, Halter........... L. E. Jones and T. M. Barber
Buckle and snap, Combined....................... S. G. and W. E. Sturges.......
Buckle-attachment.............................. W. E. Barton.................
Buckle-attachment.............................. R. T. Moss..................
Buckle, Belt...................................... I. Alexander................
Buckle, Belt..................................... F. Clausen...................
Buckle, Belt...................................... F. Clausen...................
Buckle, Belt....................... W. Cummings.........
Buckle, Belt.................................. P.M. Haas...............
Buckle, Belt..................................G.... G.R. Kelsey.............
Buckle, Belt.................................... F. and C. Lemme..........
Buckle, Breeching-loop............................ J. H. McGarrah...............
Buckle, Bridle.................................... D. S. Butler..................
Buckle-chape and strap-loop...................... G. Crouch...............
Buckle-clasp...............................D.Ballo.......... E.D. Ballou....
Buckle-closing die............ Fowler................................. Fowler....
Buckle, Double................. E. W. Clark..................
Buckle-fastening................................ F. H. Gladding.........
Buckle-fastening................................. C. Goodyear, jr., and L. A.
Buckle-fastening................................. R. Meyer................
Buckle-fastcning................................ W. Wiley, jr..............
Buckle for clothing............. Smith.............................. E.A. Smith....
Buckle for grain-bands, bag-ties, &c.............. L. Kniffen...................
Buckle for gaging reciprocating saws...... H. W. Brown................
Buckle for harness.................... K. Thrashure.................
Buckle for harness............................... J. W. Ropp and R. C. Kibby..
Buckle for harness, Trace...........................W. R. Knowles...............
Buckle for harness-tug.......................... R. Tattershall................
Buckle for harness, Wedge................ K. Frasier.................
Buckle for skirt-hoop.................. J. Stevens and J. Hanley......
Buckle for waist-belt.............................. W. U. Bohm..................
Buckle for wearing-apparel....................... E. Parker....................
Buckle for wearing-apparel....................... V. Sladoe...................
Buckle gag-runner............................. J. McMartin..................
Buckle, Girth................................... L. C. Chase..............
Buckle, Halter................................... F. Ditton....................
Buckle, Halter................................... A. MeGaffey............
Buckle, Halter................................... P. A. Snyder...............
Buckle, Hames-tug.............................. L. Wetzell...................
Buckle, Harness.................................. J. Allbee..................
Buckle, Harness.................................. J. Ammidon.................
Buckle, Harness............................ A. E. Bailey and H. Nichols...
Buckle, Harness...... A. Bedford...................
Buckle, Harness.................................. A. Bedford..............
Buckle, Harness........... S. Bingham, jr.......
Buckle, Harness........ O. Brown......
Buckle, Harness.................................. A. B. Buell...................
Buckle, Harness................................. O. S. Burges..................
Buckle, Harness.................................. G. S. Caldwell.................
Buckle, Harness.................................. W. H. Cocks................
IBuckle, Harness................................... J. W. Covel.................
Buckle, Harness.................................. L. D. Cowles..................
Buckle, &c., Harness............................. L. D Cowles..................
Buckle, Harness.................................. T. Crakes....................
Buckle, Harness................................... P. S. Crawford................
Buckle, Harness.................................. E. S. I)awson................
Buckle. Harness................................... F. V. Deau..................
Waterbury, Conn.....
Waterbury, Conn........
Waterbury, Conn.........
Waterbury, Conn........
Abington, Ill..............
Marshall, Mich...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Newark, N. J.............
Marlborough, Mass.......
Boston, Mass............
Portland, Oreg............
New York, N. Y.-.-_
Newark, N. J.............
Norwalk, Conn...........
Muskego, Wis............
West Haven, Conn........
Clinton, Wis..............
Clinton, Wis..............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Mentz, N. Y..............
New York, N. Y..........
Houlton, Me..............
McHenry, Ill............
Dixmont Centre, Me......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Virdey, Ill...............
Indiana, Pa..............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Watertown, Conn.........
Janesville, Wis..........
Janesville, Wis..........
Alliance, Ohio.............
Chicago, Ill...............
Butterville, Ohio..........
Birmingham, England....
Ashtabula, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass...........
New Britain, Conn........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Newark, N. J....
East Hampton, Conn......
Cambridge, Ohio.......
San Francisco, Cal.......
San Francisco, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal........
Sacramento, Cal.........
Youngstown, Ohio........
West Haven, Conn........
San Francisco, Cal.._....
Princeton, Ind............
Brownsville, Mo..........
Westport, Conn...........
Abington, Mass...........
Wolcottville, Conn........
Tallahassee, Fla........... - -
Providence, R. I..........
New York, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Kokomo, Ind...............
Waterbury, Conn........
Rochester, Pa.........
Warren, Pa...............
Maulius, N. Y.............
Elyria, Ohio..............
Columbiana, Ohio..._.....
Beloit, W is................
Syracuse, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
P'lymouth, Conn........
Gum Creek, Ga........
Janesville, Wis...........
Boston, Mass...............
Auburn, N. Y............
Burlington, Vt......
Butterville, Ohio.......- -
Washington, D. C......
Squaw Grove, Ill........
Springfield, Mass.......
Middleville, N. Y.......
Coldwater, Mich.........
Coldwater, Mich.........
Poestenkill, N. Y.........
Albia, Iowa...............
Westmoreland, N. Y......
Columbus, Ohio...........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Richmond, Ind............
Bangor, Me...............
Arma(ia, Mich...........
Armada, Mich............
Mishawaka, Ind.........
Rcckford, Ill.............
Syracuse, N. Y............
Trcmont, Ill.............
Apr. 25,1871
May 30, 1871
Apr. 23, 1861
June 6, 1865
Oct. 13, 1868
July 18, 1854
May 27, 1862
Nov. 7, 1865
Nov. 14, 1865
Dec. 6, 1870
June 6,1871
Jan. 12, 1864
July 16, 1872
Nov. 23, 1869
Oct. 6,1868
June 26, 1866
Sept. 3,1867
May 4, 1869
July 24, 1860
Mar. 9, 1844
Feb. 13, 1866
June 20, 1871
Dec. 4, 1866
July 4, 1865
May 9, 1871
May 15, 1866
Aug. 18, 1868
Apr. 20, 1869
Apr. 4, 1865
Jan. 6, 1857
Feb. 12, 1867
Jan. 9, 1872
Dec. 17, 1867
Apr. 23, 1872
July 18, 1871
Feb. 18, 1840
July 25, 1871
June 14, 1864
Oct. 9, 1866
Feb. 21, 1871
June 22,1869
June 6, 1865
Oct 22, 1867
June 28, 1870
Sept. 22, 1868
May 25, 1869
Aug. 11, 1868
May 21, 1872
Oct. 2, 1866
May 2, 1865
Jan. 28, 1873
Feb. 20, 1872
July 9, 1872
May 29, 1866
Feb. 11, 1868
July 21,1868
Feb. 25, 1873
May 10, 1864
Jan. 29, 1867
Sept. 26, 1865
Nov. 16, 1869
Mar. 2, 1869
May 27, 1873
Jan. f16, 1845
Mar. 11, 1873
Feb. 15, 1870
Oct. 11, 1864
Sept. 8, 1868
Dec. 21, 1858
Jani. 27, 1863
Sept. 2, 1856
Sept. 2, 1856
Nov. 17, 1863
Nov. 8,1859
June 2, 1868
Dec. 3, 1-72
July 18,1871
Jan. 7,1868
Dec. 9, 1873
Jan. 7, 1862
Nov. 19, 1867
June 2, 1868
May 17, 1870
Dec. 10, 1850
Oct. 31, 1871
June 19, 1847
Oct. 10,1848
Apr. 16, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
July 31, 1860
Oct. 25, 1864
Oct. 25, 1864
June 20, 1871
May 26, 1868
Jan. 12, 1869"
May 25, 1869
114, 214
115, 535
48, 135
83, 102
11, 336
35, 401
50, 852
50, 992
109, 849
115, 654
41, 267
129, 257
97, 133
82, 768
55, 933
68, 468
89, 836
29, 332
3, 471
52, 652
116, 124
60, 302
48, 610
114, 631
54, 803
81, 318
89, 110
16, 347
61, 979
122, 545
72, 255
126, 603
117, 232
1, 490
117, 347
43, 093
58, 619
112, 048
91, 685
48, 039
104, 683
82, 291
990, 501
80, 924
127, 048
58, 430
47, 556
135, 238
123, 866
128, 714
55, 197
74, 335
80, 139
136, 151
42, 726
50, 195
96, 581
87, 500
139, 363
3, 883
136, 766
99, 914
44, C93
81, 993
2-2, 385
37, 489
15, 666
15, 671
40, 636
26, 013
78, 516
133, 657
117, 214
73, 148
14:, 270:4, 085
70, 940
78, 5C8
103, 128
7, 818
120, 413
5, 838
63, 782
68, 846
29, 361
44, 7 6
44, 787
116, 028
78, 264
85, 798
90, 430
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Bsicklc Uarucss.. -------------------
]uckle, Harnes------------------------------
Bluckle, Harness------.------------------------_
Buc~aleHarness---------------------- ---------
Buckle, Harnes ------------------------------
13 ekle, arnslis. --------------- ---------------
buckleIauness -------------------------------
Ben kl(- rues----- -------------------------
buckS-li-aress ------------------------------
lockle llarn( 55.. -------------------
Itackle, Harness -------------------------------
Buckle, Harness. ---- -- -- - -- --.- - -- ---- -
Buckle, Harness.- --- -- - -- -- - -- --- -- --.
Buckleliarness. - - -........----------
Buckle, Harncss.------------------------------
Buckle, Harness. --........------------
Buckle, Harness -------------------------------
Buckle, Harnes-------------------------------
Buckle, Harness -------------- -----------------
Buckle, Harness....................---..
Buckle, Harness-------------------------------
BucleHarcess.............__............ _.....
Buckle, Harness...............................Buckle, Harncss.._........ _.........
Buckle il-uness------------------------------...
Batckle, Harness and1 trace............
Buckle, Harness-trace...........................
Buckle, Harness-trace-------------------------......
iluckle, Harness-tug----------------------------
Buckle, Harness-tag-----------------------------
Buckle, Harness-tug --------------------
Buckle, Harness-tn"......--.--_..
Bucele, Hatnsst..-..-.._........
Buckle, hitching-strap....._.__.-._.
Buckle, Lever................................--
Bucek Lever- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buckle-making machine........................
Buckle-malinngtool.----- - -----------
Buckle m iufnacture............................
Buckle, Mechanical spring......................
Buckle-polishing machine......................--
Bucklernug, &c...............................--
Buckle, Safety harness.-.......................
Buckle, Self-fastening.............
Buckle, Self-tig'htening...................... _..
Buckle, Shoe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buckle, Sprin"................................--
hiuckle, Suspender----------------- -------------
Buckle, Suspender-----------..------------------.
Buckle, -----uspender-4........
Buckle, Suspender........-- - - - --.......
Buckle, Susp(ender. - --..-.-- - - --........
Buckle, Suspender..............................
Buckle, Sus~eunder.............................
Buce, Suspender-----------------------------
Backle. Suspender...................
Beckle tahu-pliteo ----- -------- ---
Buckle-tongues, Tool for cutting holes in cloth or
leather for.
BuckleTrace ----------------------------------
Buckle, Trace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buckle,'Irace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buckle, Trace--------------------------------- -
Buckle, Trace...................
bu k e Trace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buckle, Tirace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buckle,' Trace.................................
Buckle, Trace ---------------------------------
Buckle, TI-ace..................................
lBuckle, Trace..........--......................
Buckle, Trace..................................
Buckle, Trace..................................
Buckle, Trace.................................
B u ck le, ra ce -- -- - - --- -- -- -- - -- --
Inventor. liesiulerce. Date. No.
J. S.Emiuich------------------ Gieen Village, Pa------May 21,1850 7,1377
K. F+razer.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Fayetteville, N. Y.-..- Mai-.'26, 1845 3,0970
K. Fraszer.- -------- Syracuse, N. Y------------ Set.16, 1873 142, 907
AV. 1). Iillis------------------- Cuy aho--a,Obio-----------_han. 26, 1847 4, 943
1R. A. Hlolmnes----------------- Newc Y ak, N. Y...-------Sept. 19, 1848 5,790
J. Ifowey- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -INew Pi tt:-h;rgh, Ohio -.-_-- Mai-. 8, 1848 5,46.5
J. Iv es.- -----------Mounut (armel. Conra -...July 27, 1869 92, 97:3
C. C. Lee---------------------_lalls Church, Va---- a. y 27, 1873 139, 25:1
A. C. Luther__----------------I_ __ antoen Ohio.---_. - - -- ----Apr. 21) l86) 89, 057
J.. Mori _.__.-_- oml I ------- a.3,8213. Nixon------------------ Danville, Ill. -_._____-- May 17,l1864 42, 787
0. B. North------------------_News Haven, Connii -__Sept. 213,1871314:3, 180
C. B. Payne------------------ Binoinin ton, Ill-..------May 19) 1868 i6, 124
M. W. Pond-----------_...__ Elyi, Ohio..--------------Aug. 19, 1862:1(,235
N. Pest ----------------------East Cleveland, Ohio-...Mai.18,1856 14, 469
J. Prendergast--------------- __ __ _Boston, Mass.- -___- ------ov. 10, 1857 18, 601
J. Purplee-------------------- Wellingtoii, Ohio ---------- Oct.4, 1864 44, 554
(G. hleer---------------------Ju_.. _ nianapolis, Ind-._..Apr. 19, 1870 102, 040
C. IV. Saladee----------------- Putnaimi Ohio.------------May 2,1865 47, 574
S. S. Saigeait----------------- Newark, N. J------------- _ _May14,1872 126, 649
J. L. Selleek---------__ __ _---Baldwisnsville, N. Y.. Api. 29, 1873 138, 291
0. B. Sumith------------------ Monticello, N. Y ---------1ec 21, 1858 22,3:83
M. M. Stewart---------------- May field, Ky-------------- July 9,187:2 128, 824
S. P. Taylor------------------- Oxford, Ohio.-___- -._Juiie 30, 1868 79, 519
W. H. Taylor- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- Baldwiusville. N. Y.-. July 14. 1868 79, 874
H. Todd--__-----------------Columhus, Ohio -----------May 22, 1816 6, 477
S. E. Tyler and 1H. Tatter shall.-IBeloit, Wis....._ - - -.._Dec. 5, 185 51,:167
1). Vogct. - - - - --........ Ti-eaton, Mich------------ _May 10, 1870 102, 889
A. Walker--_.-----------New Haven, Cesn.. - -..Dec.10 18712. 1:13,1104
H. Vise. - -............ Ottawa, Ill.-_.------------Aug.25, 1861 39, 651
P. Burns.------------------.. Syracuse, N. Y------------ Sept.24, 5872 131, 658
H. H. Hartzell---------------HoldenMo-------------..Sept.30, 1873 143284
C. S. Aheel.------------------ Marshalltown, Iowa- _._All".2 1871 118, 326
1.. II. Buckins----------------.Canmien Ohio-------------- June29, 1869 92, 011
J. HI. Ferasv------------------Hiu-sdale, N. Y.....-------July 27,1858 20, 997
F. Seifert -------------------- Kno xvie, Iouwa------_----b.h4,187:1 135.,601
W. Sti-aw and H. H. Arm~strong Hndsau, Mich - - ---_.- ----May 11, 1858 20, 222
J. N. Buriton -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- - -SeiioiuaGa- -- -- - --- -- -- - -Mar. 10, 18(8 75, 159
P. J*. Stol-.-....-.-.-..--...----.. sishallville, Ohio - 1)_..- ec. 22, 1868 85, 186
L.A.Spragise---------------- New York, N.Y---------- Mar. 71:65 46, 719
11. XV. Warner--- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Greeielud, Mass. ___- ___June 6, 1865 48, 121
M. Fowler-------------------- Wolcottville. Conniu-_Au".20, 1867' 67, 865
J. Rtohhins.---------AubuinN.Y V -- - --- Del. 7,1869 97,70
11. Dturning------------------- L wienceville, Pa-_._Febh 16, 1864 41, 610
S. S. traritshorri..- - - -t..... iange, Coun.._..- -._Nos. 7,1854 11,892
J. Gi- e en---------------------__ __ __ _Ncw Yoik, N.Y...--------May 2;1,1807..GPie__________SnSng Y._____Ar5,16 63
Ki Frazer-------------_..------' cuse, N.Y------------ May 6,1862 35, 150
J. Chestnut,jr--------._ _.------Iusl onte vn. Pa----------..Dee. 21, 1869 98, 147
W. W. Spencer----------_ __ __ _Pittsburgh, Pa-----------_ __.Juiie 2, 1868 78, 491
M1 Mais in-------------------.SalemiutOieg-------------- Apr. 5, 1870 101, 482
J. Elleuan------------------- Provideuce, H. I----------.Oct. 10, 1865 50,3:43
J. +' Melrsell-----------------_Si lilnfud 1Coun----------- Nc-. 19), 18167 71, 041
C. Benedict -------------------Wateihary, Con......-. Oct. 22,1850 7,7-26,J 1,irghani-------------------Phlal delphia, Pa-....... Feh. 4, 1843 2,9)40
P. Ilhke........... NwHvn on----------------,. 1c0l on Mar. 29, 1864 4-2, 067
1IDubosq--------------------Piladel..lii:, Pa---------- Apr. 25,1844:3, 559
S.Ilanimn---------------------I hilcdeiphia. Pa.--------Sept. 2.,1873 143, 144
S. S. Ilartzhorn------.._.- _-----Iaug-ituck, Conn - -------Seept- 25, 1849) 6,7316
A. I otot ky------------------_ New York, N.Y---------- July 14,1868 79, 918
W. Scail---------------- M cvNewrik. N. J------------May 14,1850 7,370
A. Shentiehi------------------.INlew Yoik, N.......M i21,1871 112, 857
E. Steele_--------------------(Vat hury Cain..._Dee. -,18.50 7,814. Wb _..........e1r........Jl 511 E L Parker--------------------.u. 1rmia am, England - lob.13, 18721123, 640
A. Woraler _________ lniblNY---------------lr uaaVDe.4,164:) 6,931
A. Bedford-------------------.....Coldwatei, Mrch _____.. Aug.25 1868 81, 4(14
B. J. Algen------------------_... _Kalamazoo, Michli__. July 31, 1866 56, 680
17. Jh. haker------------------_iJadison, Wius------ Aug. 27,1867 68, 147
E. K. Braytoiraild J. Barigh F-'rtr Cl-uric Wis--------- July-22, 1873 141, 108
K liroaks -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Mount. Pleasant, Iowa -... Nov. 2-' 1870 109,3:78..Bro~wnlee------------------.Fairbrury, Ill -..-------July 1, 1873 140, 463
J-. HI. 11. Burell----------------- _ _.Orirskany, N. Y...........--Aug. 24, 1869 94, 070
V.7'. I. Brinker----------------l__ _ " 'ortaf)e, \Visa--- - -- -- -- ---Sept,01),11'68 82, 489
1. Clarkc.. ----- Dr 01Mc------------ Dyln ih._._-_Auig.8.1871 117, 742
A. II. Cole-------------------- Adriran, lich._.... - - May 9,1871 114,5:',0
K. A. Ci-owuhart--------------__ _ _ ridg eportr, Conia----------1 _,rnb,I1869 1)0, 641
E.,'-. Dawson--------------------_ _ __ Srr nrseN. Y. V _.---- _---- b.h9, 1889 86, 822
M. II. Derisinoareo--------...----Sl altiniy, I'n----------. _Apr. 4, 1871 113, 41)1
M. B. Do Silva and G. T'. Beija- Clev elaid, Ohio._-- --------Jan. 21, 1873 135, 093
J. AV. Deuton.- --- -- -- -- -- - ----Paris, Ill.-----------------_Aug. 14, 18661 57, 098
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Residence. Date.
i i i
Buckle, Trace..................................
B icklde, Trace.....................................
Buckle, Trace....................................
Buckle, Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace-.................
Buckle, Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace.....................................
Buckle, Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace....................................
Buckle, Trace....................................
Buckle Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace....................................
Buckle Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace....................................
Buckle, Trace....................................
Buckle, Trace.....................................
Buckle, Trace.....................................
Buckle, Trace...................................
Buckle Trace.....................................
Buckle Trace..................
Buckle Trace.....................
buckle, Tug.........................
Buckle, Tug.......................................
Buckle, Tug......................................
Buckle, Tug......................................
Buckle, Tug......................................
Buckle, Tug......................................
Buckle, Tug.....................................
Buckle, Turn....................................
Buckle, Turn.................................
Buckle, Wedge...-.............................
Buckle with button-hole attachment..........
Buckles and straps, Metallic fastening for.......
Buckles, Attachment for.......................
Buckles, Clip for attaching.....................
Buckles, Cutting and finishing harness.........
Buckles, Machine for making suspender........
Buckles, Machine for making suspender..........
Buckles, Machinery for making...... --...........
Buckles, Machinery for making four-sided........
Buckles, Making..............................
Buckles, Manufacture of.......................
Buckles, &c., Method of attaching loops to......
Buckles, Mode of fastening on...-........
Buckles to straps, Mode of attaching..............
Buckles to suspenders, &c., Attaching.............
Buckwheat and barley huller.............-....
Buckwheat-cleaning machine..................
Buckwheat-cleaning machine...................
Buckwheat-huller, Cellular........................
Buckwheat, Hulling.............................
Buckwheat-hulling machine....... -.......
Buckwheat, Machine for scouring and hulling...
Buckwheat-size, Manufacture of...............
Buds from blossoming, Delaying..................
Buffing-knives, Implement for turning the edge of
Buffing wheel..............................
Bug-destroying machine, Steam...................
Bug or roach trap............................- -
Bugs, perfuming houses, and cleaning furniture,
Buggy and wagon top................
Buggy-boats, Wheel of...........................
Buggy-brake, Automatic.........................
Buggy-gear, Elastic............................
Buggy hanging-top............................
Buggy, Joint-bodied...............................
Buggy, Joint-bodied..............................
Buggy, Joint-bodied...........................
Buggy pole and shaft, Combined..................
Buggy running-gear..............................
B uggy-seat.................................
Buggy-seat, Adjustable.........................
Buggy-seat, Folding..............................
Buggy-scat rail...............................
J. Lindsey....................
D. F. Maine...................
J. H. Martin.................
T. C. Martin and J. Offineer....
C. H. Miller...................
G. Oldham, jr.................
C. B. Payne..-------------..
D. K. Peacock................
W. G. Riley..................
W. A. Robinson........
S. S. Sargeant................
C. Schwaner..................
C. U. Stevens...............
W. S. Thayer.................
J. Thornton and C. F. Demmnien
W. M. Thornton.............
J. Welker....................
H. S. Woodruff................
A. Worster..................
A. Worter...................
A. Worster..................
W. Wyckoff..................
C. W. Adams.................
J. C. Barrows.................
D. S. Butler...................
G. P. Cole..................
H. Hise....................
N. H. Howard.................
C.D. W. Ries.................
T. Gaillard...................
M. White...................
M. W. Pond, jr., and A. T. Ballantine.
B. J. Greely..................
H. H. Mansfield...............
C. H. Piatt...................
S. G. and W. E. Sturges........
J. Carman....................
C. A. Lent....................
W. Scarlett.................
L. P. Mitchell............
A. and O. B. North and S.
G. B. McDonald...............
G. RI. Kelsey................
L. C. Chase....................----------------
L. Hilbright..................
N. H. Furness.........
J. Abernethy..............
T. Register...................
D. Pease, jr..................
J. H. Reed..................
C. B. Horton...................
C. B. Horton.................
T. Nelson..............
A. Crawford.................
W. Ager...................
J. Baysore....................
J. N. Treadwell..............
D. D. Brewster...............
W. A. Comstock...............
E. D. and R. Gird.............
R. Moore....................
W. H. Tufts.................
B. B. Webster............
W. W. Messer, jr.............
E. and W. Dixon............
J. Howlet.....................
J. M. Keep----------------...................
J. H. Clark..................
J. H. Bye...................
J. R. Gilman................
J. S. McCl.lland.............
C. T. Stoddard......-........
G. Fuchs.....................
P. Davis.....................
C. P. Kimball...............
1. L. Myers..................
L. T. Conant.................
L. G. Peel........................ Peeli.-----------------
I. N. Togliff..................---------------
J. B. Augur.................
C. Smith......................
E. J. Green...................
E. J. Green.................
E. J. Green and M. H.Wheeler
G. Steiner.................
J. C. Hilsabeck................
J. W. Reeder...............
E.P. Carter...................
C. Hlaas.......................
E. T. Mithoff and J. W. Dann..
D. and N. Kroninger.........
T. Hf. Wood-------------
J. Carlisle-----------------..
Litchfield, Ill--........ - Nov. 26, 1872
Mansfield, Ohio........... Sept. 19, 1865
Columbus, Ohio........... Aug. 31, 1869
Perrysville, Ohio..... May 10, 1870
Buffalo, N. Y--.......... Aug. 25, 1868
Cuba, N. Y.......... _.- Apr. 25, 1871
Bloomington, Ill-...---.. Aug. 6, 1867
Little Valley, N. Y........- Aug. 8, 1871
Sullivan, Ind........... Apr. 25, 1871
Grand Rapids, Mich...... Dec. 7, 1869
Newark, N. J.......... Nov. 26, 1872
Keokuk, Iowa............ ------ Sept. 10, 1867
Fayetteville, N. Y....... July 19, 1870
Smithsborough, N. Y..... Apr. 9, 1872
Wellsville, N. Y......... Apr. 26, 1870
Clinton, Wis..-----.. July 24, 1866
Attica, N. Y.............. June 15, 1869
Janesville, Wis........... Nov. 14, 1865
hanninal, N. Y........... June 22, 1869
Syracuse, N. Y-............ -- June22, 1869
Syracuse, N. Y............ Oct. 31, 1871
Chagrin Falls, Ohio....... Aug. 22, 1865
Wheeling, W. Va......... Feb. 11, 1873
Centreville, Iowa......... May 21, 1872
Otterville, Mo............. June 1, 1869
Hudson, Mich............. Mar. 31, 1868
Ottawa, Ill............... Aug. 28, 1866
Beloit, Wis..-- -.. Sept. 1, 1363
Edwards, N. Y........... May 2, 1865
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Mar. 18, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 23, 1872
Titusville. Pa........... Feb. 11. 1868
133, 458
50, 017
93, 229
102, 843
81, 394
114, 184
67, 448
117, 923
97, 704
133, 340
68, 796
105, 509
125, 631
102, 333
56, 638
91, 390
50, 979
91, 807
91, 808
120, 561
49, 580
135, 744
126, 920
90, 725
76, 162
57, 507
39, 734
47, 570
136, 910
125, 999
74, 243
106, 356
58, 657
103, 395
6, 074
6, 311
51, 606
7, 398
64, 782
34, 429
48, 153
44, 5:0
129, 022
6, 575.....
4, 628
29, 940
12, 908
33, 040
100, 790
87, 093
9, 064
73, 136
25, 593
114, 103
5, 915
34, 328
Boston, Mass.............
South Canton, Mass.......
Boston, Mass..............
Newark, N. J.............
Hudson, N. Y.............
Newark, N. J.............
Newark, N. J.............
Waterbury, Conn.........
New Britain, Conn.......
New Albany, Ind.........
West Haven, Conn........
Boston, Mass............
Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y..........
Woodbury, Conn..........
West Township, Ohio.....
Floyd, N. Y...............
Penn Township, Pa.......
Elmira, N. Y..............
Elmira, N. Y.............
Troy, N. Y................
Wilkesbarre, Pa..........
Rohrsburgh, Pa...........
Freeport, Ill..............
Redding, Conn............
West Laurens, N. Y.......
Providence, R. I..........
Cedar Lake, N. Y., and
Healdsburgh, Cal.
Rowan County, N. C.-....
Lynn, Mass...............
East Haverhill, Mass......
Boston, Mass............
Newark, N. J.............
Greenberougb, N. C.......
New York, N. Y...........
Conneroville, Ind..........
Aug. 16, 1870
Oct. 9, 1866
May 24, 1870
Aug. 24, 1869
Oct. 12,1814
Jan. 30, 1849
Apr. 10, 1849
Dec. 19, 1865
May 28, 1850
May 14, 1867
Feb. 18, 1862
June 13, 1865
Oct. 4, 1864
July 16, 1872
July 3, 1849
Apr. 5, 1832
July 14, 1846
Sept. 4, 1860
May 22, 1855
Aug. 13, 1861
Mar. 15, 1870
Feb. 23, 1869
June 29, 1852
Jan. 7,1868
Sept. 27, 1859
Apr. 25, 1871
Nov. 14, 1848
Feb. 4, 1862
Mar. 16, 1822.....
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 424
May 10,1870 102, 984
Apr. 1,1873
Dee. 16, 1873
July 10, 1834
May 23, 1871
May 31, 1834
Sterling, Ill............... - Dec. 8, 1863
S3uth Bend, Ind........... Apr. 25, 1871
Jefferson, Ind.... Aug. 8, 1854
Colebrook, N. H-----------..... Apr. 8, 1873
Milwaukee, Wis ----- Apr. 13, 1869
Providence, R. I...........July 12, 1859
Portland, Me --............ - Apr. 16, 1872
Ferguson Township, Pa... Mar. 28, 1871
New Lisbon, Ohio-......... Aug. 23, 1870
Preston, Ga........-------...... Apr. 27, 1869
Elyi ia, Ohio.--.--.... --June 4 1872
Poughkeepsie, N. Y-....... May 10, 1870
Stockbridge, Mich -__-.Oct. 22, 1867
Cedarville, N. Y........... June 6, 1854
Valparaiso, Indl........... Apr. 12, 1859
Cedarvile, N. Y.......... Apr. 29, 1856
D)eedsville, ind........... July 16, 1872
Montovallo, Mo.......... Nov. 7, 1871
West Manchester, Ohio... Oct. 15, 1872
Arcade, N. Y-------------............. Oct. 10, 1871
Chicago, Ill.-------------June21, 1870
Columbus, Ohio.--...----. Jan. 24, 1871
Eagle Point, Pa----........... Oct. 31, 1871
New York, N. Y.......... July 206, 1870
Mount Gilead, Ohio....... Sept. 3, 1867
137, 465
145, 492
115, 215
40, 817
114, COO
11, 486
137, 577
88, 954
24, 725
125, 817
113, 193
106, 555
89, 336
127, 441
102, 905
10, 128
11, 042
23, 567
14, 766
129, 066
120, 644
132, 320
119, 819
104, 583
120, 444
105, 758
68, 486
1(39 -
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inlssire-Continued.
Biuct -scat shifting-rail....................
L.a --seats, Miiehine for boring.............-"Thi''1 ahitmin rail..........................
Lu' y-spiing..............................
Luggy-spii g...................................
Luagy-spring andl attachment.................
BLug y- apun--li-- -'------ -------------------
B uggy-top....................
Bu" gy-top- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _..
B n'~gx top-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Buggy-top bed...............................
Bugg'-top-bow sc tter.......................Loggytop,)Le1 c -clable.........................
Lu" gx top f'iteuing;.........................
Bu.;gy-top, I,stening..........................--
Li v"'y-tel)frame............... _...... _........._
Bugy-tel) joint and(1 asteniug..................
Buggy-lop 1)rop)............_...................
Lu"'ly-tel) rller.............................
B3uggy-top, Shifting.......--....................
Bug,,y-top shift.n...........................
ibuggy-top, Shifting........................ _..__
Boggy-top, Shifting -.......---------"Li { -tops Device for shiflino..__.....
Bugg -tops, 'ai ine for setting................Biggy--tops, Slifting-rail f'or.................._
Lug'yI-toll)' bSupporting tot) for folding.-----
Lo'o'ies, Shiftmg-rail for......................--
Biggies tiSiifting top-rail for. __.................-- - -
Lugle, horn, cornet, &e........................__
Lii ll, K ent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bugles, Manuf-'ctuie of keyed...................
B ully-m ill.....................
Lubito llau..................................
Bunilder's jack..................................
Building -- - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - -" - - -
Luilding and roof, Iron.........................
Luilding block................................
Building- block................................--
I uilding,-block and artificial stone..............
Lu 1dm gblock andl method oif forming same...
Luiking-block, Artificial.......................
Building-block, Childs...._... -. _....... _...._...._
Building-block, Comypound.. _....................
Building-block machinery........................
Luilding-block moluld........................
Ludding-block, Siticatod........................
Lilding-blocks, Casting......................
Building-bloclks, Compound for forming --..__..
Building-blocks, Fire-proot.......................
Building-blocks from clay, Machine for molding
Buildmng-blocks from slag, Manufacture of...
Building-blacks, Mold for f' rlnng...............
Luilding-blocks, pavements, &c., Composition for
Builing, Corrugated metallic...................
Bu>.ildiin lev.to................
C. IDisei-..................i. W. Leniley..............--
H. Fren.ch arid R. Meyer.---
H. H. Hill-................
WV. hiniplireys.._...........
hi. WV. Keran................
hi. A. Bro wnii...............
11. A. Clark................--
WV. S. Jobison..............Il. Bowl r..................--
A. M. Cory................L. II.Ghano.................H. Hibibardil................
J. C. MeCiully.....--.........
W. Tanner and W. Shimanaur
J. S. XWayne...............--
A. M. Corey...............--
0. Smih.....................
A. M. Plimpton..........._
1). S. Early.................
H.F F.Holte................._
J. H. Havens..............----
H. M. Curtis..........--....
A. Huff aud A. J. Mitchell...._
J. Palmier.................---
B. L. Beiison................
R. C. Diehli..................
D. Eldridge.................
T. Lodge..................--
S.8. Moth,'..................hi. Sirieker..................
\8 B. Sblotter..........---...
J. 13. Weller.............. I.oRega...................
I. BronAson...................
J. Ill. Harler................
11. (T'. lleh.ncrt...............
lb Willis...................--
hi. V. Shiaw................---
A. T. Boon.................S. hi. Rollins................hi. Sainford..................
J. F. Darley...............
XW. Iamerel...............
W. J. Fryer,jr--........
J. Johnson and E. D. Davis-_.
J. Potts.....................J. Tonaillon................_
C. H. Parker.................
IT. Leeh...................
J. L. Boone.................--
F. X. Colby..............--
hi. DeXitt and J. Fairmina..
A. Foster and J. A. Messiinger
S. T. Fowler.................
F. J. Holier.................C. S. Hluichinson. -............
T. Hyatt..-..........
H. M. Seldis..................
J. S. Stewart................--
J. Leffler...................
A.. Des-rem..................hi. E. Van Derburgh -. _.._.
C. M. Crandall...............
A. 1)erionm....._..-.....
N. 11. Pierce..............__
A.. L. Finch.................
V.J. L o wr y................ - -- --
Gi. E. Vani llerburgh. ___.
J. D. Wise.................hi Helm...................
W. T. Van Zandt and L. A.
A. Foster and hi. M. Foster
C. Diebold................._
A. Dearom.................--
R. Montg;omery.............
J. C. Balldwiii.......
West Unio-u, Ohio.
Pavilion,1N. YV.. _..... _.
Bolisl~o, N. Y...........Pontiac,I Jfl.........
Brooklyii N. Y..........U~pper Sandusky, Ohio-_Heading, Mieli...-_ _.....
Tnaclilli, N.YV._........
Henderson, IKy.-----
Lima, Ohio..-.. _......... -
Noew Providemce, N. J.
Ripon, Wis..............
Henrietta, N. Y.._._.---
Findley, Ohio...........
Quincy, I111..............
NOW Pi-ovidence, N. J..
Bloomington, Ill. _..
Horniellsville, N. Y_-.
Hunimeistown, Pa.._.
Fredonia, N. Y._-..._
Tr~oy, Ohio..............
Ypsilanti, Mich......
Louisville, IKy...........
Mcchanicsbnrgii. Pa _..
Fairview, lad..-........
Scott Township, Columbia
County, Pa.
Salem, Ohio............ _.
Now Lisbon, Ohio.._.
Catawi ssa, Pa.... __.....
Warsaw, Ind -...._
Belibrook, Ohio..._
Chicago, Ill.-....-....
Mouiit lealtliy, Ohio.---
Lockport, N. YV. __.
Nevada, Ohio.. _..._.......
Bostoin, Mass.............
West Point, N. Y -..
Ttomsomu, Coon......
hialesburm hIll..._.
Boston, Nasa _.__._..
Poughkeepsie, N.Y....
Nebraska City, Nebr.-.
New Yk kN..V _..
BrooklynN. Y____.
lariisbnupii Pas._..
San Franci-co, Cal--.Boistoin, Maissa.....
Now York, N. V._Sait Francisco, Cal...
Streatci, Ill.............Belloville, N. J., and Now
York, N. Y.
Milwaukee, Wis.-----
Brooklyn, N. YV_.
We~st Cleveland, Ohio.-..
Burlington, N. J._-._
New York, N. Y..
NwYork, N. Y..
Homer, N. Y.............
Rochmester. N. Y....
Paterson, N. J... _........
YN.w York,N.Y.-----
Montroso, Pa._..........
Paterson, N. J...........Now York, N. Y.__..
Sing Sing, N. Y.._.
Conneautviili', Pa.-_--
New York, N. Y....
German Township, Ohio -.
Naperville, III...........New York, N. Y......
Now York, N. Y., and Fairhaven, Conn.
Lebanon, Pa. _..........
P'aterson, N. J...........
Danville, Pa.............
NewaYrk, N. J...........
New Yo--k, N.Y.
Sept. 10, 18137
Api-. 29,'181.2
Dac.. 21, 18(.9
July 18, 1871
(let.. 29, 1;67
Sept. 13, i87lt
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 14, 1871
Jan. 21, 18138
Feb. 13, 187 2
Dec. 7, 1869
Jniie 18,181
July 15, 181
July 9, 1872
Juiie 11, 18 72
Aug. 24, 1869
Jnuie 7, 1870
June 8, 1869
Sept. 3,110,7
Oct. 20, 1868
Nov. 26. 1867.
June 4, 1861
Aug. 6, 1867
Jan. 16, 1872
Feb. 11, 1868
July 4,1871
July 1, 1873
Feb. 15, 1870
Oct. 20,i1868
Au"' 9, 170
A ug.17, 1869
Oct. lbiae71
(let. 17,1871
INov.8, 1,7
Api. 19, 1870
Feb. 13, I(C6
Nov. 10,18-27
A u".4,1845
Nov. 10, 1863
Dec. 6,h-t
Itch 1, 1859
May 28, 1872
Decc. 3, 186.7
Apr. 13, 18139
Sept. 17, 1867
Autg.:1, I at)
Feb. 15, 1810
Apr. 30, 1 e72
June 6, 1871
June 4, 187-2
Oct. 21, 1873
June 24, 18 73
Jani. 16, 1855
June 3, 18 73
Aug. 12, 1862
Main. 6, 1816
Sept.. 2, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 24, 1867
Dee. 22, 18(18
Jan. 30, 1872
Jily 11, 18135
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 6, 1872
Nov. 21, 1871
June 4, 18137
July 28, 1868
July 11, 1865
Feb. 16, 1869
Api-. 27, 1869
Mar. 11, 1873
July 22, 1856
Apr. 12, 1870
May 20, 1873
Oct. 13,1868
Apr. 27, 1869
Oct. 20, 1868
Oct. 27,18
68, 717
35, (109
90, 048
117, 11
i0, 211)
107, 386
li19, 5134
73, 520
3-2. 558
8, 222
128, 895
127, 715
94, 049
103, 846
90, 965
68, 455
83, 2(i9
71, 304
32, 477
67, 418
122, 833
74, 414
116, 540
140, 351
99, 865
83, 183
106, 29
93, 759
I 119, 951
109, 116
101, 980
128, 305
5"2, 580
4, 132
40, 549
11)9, 841
2-2, 829.27, 314
71, 587
88, 953
68, 884
93, 2-27
89, 97.3
1-26, 323
it5, 685
143, 809
140, 122
12, 264
139, 462
36, 155
53, 004
144, 149
72, 557
85, 231
123, 156
48, 744
61, 7-21
121, 193
65, 365
80, 358
48, 745
86, 961
89, 311
136, 684
15, 374
101, 835
139, 050
83, 037
89, 540
83, 237
83, 461
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Building, Fire-proof -............................
Building, Firn -proof..............................
Building, Fire proof..............................
Building, Fire proof--------------...........................
Building, Fire proof..............................
Building, Fire-proof................... _..........
iB uilding, Fire proof..........................
Building, Fire-proof iron.........................
Building for preserving milk, fruit, &c...........
Building for school-rooms, academies, &c..........
Building, Frame..........................
Building-fronts, Mode of constructing............
Building, Horticultural...................
Building, Iron.....................................
Budlding, Iron.....................................
Building, Iron....................................
Building, Iron....................................
Building-material elevator.......................
Building-material elevator..................
Building-material elevator........................
Building-materials, Composition for.............
Building-materia's, Composition used as.......
Building-materials, Machine for elevating......
Building-materials, Raising.................
Building or room for the preservation of food, and
for other purposes.
Building-pieces, Cast-iron..........................
Building, Portable...............................
Building, Portable...............................
Building-purposes, Compound for.................
Building-purposes, Staging for.....................
Building-venti ator............................
Building-ventiator -................................
Building, W ooden.................................
Building-yard ------.--------------------.
Buildings against fire, Securing..............
Buildings, Apparatus for elevating and carrying
material for.
Buildings, Apparatus for heating.................
Buildings, Apparatus for heating..................
Baildings, Apparatus for heating.................
Buildings, Apparatus for heating.............
Buildings, Apparatus for heating..............--
Buildings, Apparatus for heating and ventilating.
Buildings, Apparatus for heating and ventilating -
Buildings, Apparatus for heating and ventilating.
Buildings, Apparatus for heating and ventilating -
Buildings, Apparatus for moving................
Buildings, Apparatus'for moving..................
Bnildings, Apparatus for moving..............
Buildings, Apparatus for moving................
Buildings, Apparatus for moving................
Buildings, Apparatus for moving..................
Buildings, Apparatus for warming................
Buildings, Boiler for warming...............
Buildings, Brick cornice for......................
Buildings, Clamp for raising------------- -- -.......................
Buildings, Composition for coating the outside of..
Buildings, Compounds for sanitary and decorative
articles used in.
Buildings, Connection for the beams and columns
of iron.
Buildings, Constructing........................
Buildings, Constructing.............
Buildings, Construction and ventilation of the
walls of.
Buildings, Construction of........................
Buildings, Construction of.......................
Buildings, Construction of.......................
Buildings, Construction of.............-...-....
Buildings, Construction of.......................
Buildings, Construction of........................
Buildings, Construction of........................
Buildings, Construction of..........--.........
Buildings, Construction of frame, roof, and floor of
Buildings, Construction of metallic.............
Buildings, Construction of walls of................
Buildings, Construction of wooden................
Buildings, Cooling.........................
Buildings, Cornice for..........................
Buildings, Covering fbr steps of...................
Buildings, Device for moving -....................
Buildings, Foundation for...................
Buildings from fdre, Protecting...................
Buildings, Furnace for heating....................
Buildings, Furnace for heating....................
Buildings, Furnace for warming...................
Buildings, Hatchway for.........................
Buildings, Heating........................
Buildings, Heat ing............................
Buildings, iron front for.-------------.
S.W. Sisson and W. C.Wetmore
L. A. Tartiere..........
J. E. Mulford...............
L. A. Tartibre................
E. Vacher...................
J. II. Walker- --..................
A. W anner..................
E. Harmon. ----
N. W. Clark.....--
S. W. Taylor and J. W. Martin
L. H. Russell.............
I. S. Miller. --....-..-...
J.A. Lawson.............
G. S. G. Spence.-........
F. Ludlow...............
S. Colwell...............
J. M. Cornell...............
B. J. La Mothe................
T. W. H. Mosely.............
J. C. Bennett and D. N. Green.
J. H. Cooe.................
J. King.....................
S. Bissell.--........
N. C. Raymond............
J. King.--.......
C. Samson...............
D. E. Somies...................
R. Wood......................
F. M. Bain....................
D. S. Whittenhall...........
G. Hei....m..........
E. D. Walker................
W. Arronquier.............
G. R. Barker.............
T. Boyd.................J. Leeds.................
G. W. Muir..................
S. O'Neil................
J. Busser...----------------.....
A. W. Thompson...---------
E. Mix.--..................
M. F. Lyons......- -
S. F. Gold..-.........
L. WV. Leeds.................
G. Marlow.-- ----------
O. Packard..................
H. Richardson..............
W. H. Churchman........._
M. W.Lesthrand M. Hjortsberg
J. Sawyer....................
J. Stover...............
E. H. Avery.........
W. N. Hemenway.........
M. N. Gordon................
J. S. McIntire..............
J. S. McIntire.............
J. H. Moore..................
B. Blaney................
C. F. HIitchings.............
T. K. Beale..................
N. Pickard................
J. Miiller -...............
J. Rust......................
Pulaski, Mich...........
New York, N. Y-...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N.Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Miss.......
New York, N. Y....
Washington, I). C.....-.-_
Detroit, Mich............
Lowville, N. Y........._
Hydle Park, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Troy, N. Y................
Boston, Mass..............
Lake View, 111............
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass........
Coldwater, Mich........
Brighton, Mich........
Quincy, Ill..............
Hartford, Conri........
Austin, Tex.............
Quincy, Ill..............
Brattlebor ough, Vt......
Washington, D. C.........
P h ilad elp h ia, P a........
Delaware, Ohio.......
Saint Louis, Mo.. -_-[ _Naperville, Ill..........
Mililbury, Mass.......... -.
Worcester. Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa.. -..--
Camibridgeport, Mass.....
P hiladeliphia, Pa.......
Manchester, Enland....
New York, N. Y...
Troy, Ohio.............
New York, N. Y........
Batavia, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N.Y............
Cornwall, Conn...........
New York, N. Y......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Roxbury, Mass.........
Janesville, W is......
Janesville, Wis.........
Chicago, 11i---........
Fitchburgh. Mass.......
Riehmond, Ind...-.....Belvidere, llii..........
Pecatonica, Ill..........
Foster's Crossing, Ohio....
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Binghamniton, N. Y.....
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y.....
Alexandria, D. C......
Rowley, Mass.........
Newark. N. J........
Vauxhall, England.......
Mar. 12, 1872
Sept. 23,173
May 27, 1;73
Sept, 23, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Sept. 2, 18 7.3
Mar. 22, 1870
Jan. 2, 1855
Aug. 29, 1865
Apr. 16, 1825
(Oct. 22,1872
Apr. 6, 1869
Feb. 7, 1865
June 28,1859
June 1, 1869
Apr. 11, 1854
Jan. 16, 1872
Oct. 17, 1854
Aug. 30, 1870
May 24 1870
June 24, 1873
Sept. 3, 1872
Mar. 5, 1857
Oct. 12, 1858
May 20, 1873
Mar. 27, 1834
Feb. 7, 1865
Dec. 15, 1863
Aug. 8, 1871
Mar. 24, 1868
Sept. 28, 1869
July 25, 1865
Apr. 10,1866
Oct. 21, 1873
Dec. 10, 1867
Sept. 15, 1863
July 29, 1862
July 2, 1872
Nov. 19, 1867
Apr. 30, 1872
Nov. 22, 1832
May 21, 1872
June 21, 1859
Mar. 1, 1859
Sept. 11, 1860
Mar. 9, 1 842
May 2, 1865
Nov. 23, 18:,8
Jan. 3, 1860
Apr. 8, 1856
Oct. 11, 1870
Oct. 23,1866
June 11, 1872
Sept. 13, 1870
Aug. 15, 1865
(Oct. 10, 1865
Nov. 5, 1867
Sept. 7, 1844
Dec. 16, 1873
May 28. 1814
May 12, 1863
Sept. 19, 1871
Sept. 23, 1873
124, 453
143, 15;6
19, 415
1431, 191
145, 700
142, 422
101, 191
12, 181
49, 6(04
132, 415
88, 578
46, 250
24, 59)
90, 7(;0
122, 709
106, 854
103, 414
140, 116
131, 108
62, 521
139, 161
46, 276
40, 975
117, 721
76, 019
95. 226
49, 617
53, 768
143, P68
39), 937
36, 059
128, 502
71, 130
126, 240
126, 890
24, 456
23, 096
29, 183
2, 483
47, 569
22, 109
26, 686
14. 612
108, 202
58, 970
127, 766
107, 249
49, 427
50, 375
70, 596
3, 730
145, 654
38, 501
119, 167
143, 096
7, 951
122, 937
64, 512
136, 407
139, 4.1
71, 185
127, 497
97, 948
135. 044
118, 82
138, 110
7, 337
7, 993
124, 344
108, 707
78, 083
126, 428
107, 65
100, 262
32, 955
29, 571
13, 1)15
91, 063
2, 510
90, 478
J. Banks.................... New York, N. Y -..--....... Feb. 25,1851
A. Derrom.................. Paterson, N. J.--... Jan. 23, 1872
L. Knapp -----------.................. New York, N. Y -.... June 28, 1836
B. F. Farrar................. Springfield, Mas -..... May 7,1867
W. Beschke..................
H. H. Bryant...............
B. J. La Mothe...............
W. McGiniss..............
A. McPherson.............
W. J. Morden.............
T. W. H. Moseley.............
J. Tall.......................
J. Bogardus.................
S. Willard...................
S. A. Clemens................
O. C. Dodge......--------------
T. Krausch.................
C. C. Hare...................
A. A. Tremeschin............
S. Inman...................
A. F. Cooper.................
W. D. Baker................
W. D. Bartlett..............
W. H. Churchman.........
G. A. G. Spence..............
I. Amies...................
T. Boyd. --.........
R. Mitchell..............
J. Alexander and N. J. Burchell
Philadelphia, Pa.-.....
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..-...Canandaigua. N. Y.......
S an ta C ru z, C al........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Hyde Park, Mass.........
Southwark, England......
New York, N. Y. - -........
Mar. 4,1873
June 3, 1873
Nov. 19, 1867
June 4,1872
Dec. 14, 1869
Jan. 21,1873
Aug. 22, 1871
May 6,1873
May 7, 1850
Cincinnati, Ohio...... - Mar. 18, 1851
Rockford, Ill--..------ Feb. 4, 1862
Brooklyn, N. Y..... Mar. 5, 1872
New York, N. Y........ Oct. 25,1870
Louisville, Ky.. - -. May 19, 1868
New York, N. Y. - -...... May 7, 1872
Rockford, Ill-......- Sept. 20, 1870
San Francisco, Cal....... Mar. 1, 1870
East Abington, Mass..... Jan. 2, 1872
Amesbury, Mass--...... July 30, 1861
Janesville, Wis-..-.... Aug. 14, 1860
Boston, Mass-.-- -..-June 5, 1855
Philadelphia, Pa-.---..-.. June 8, 1869
Allegheny City, Pa.-....... June 16, 18683
Portland, Me-.-|.-....-. Apr. 11, 1842
Green Point andl New May 25, P69
York. N. Y.
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patlent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclausicc-Coutinuend.
Buildings, Iron front for.----.---,-._
Buildings, Meluiiio for mop ing.................
Building-, Machine for removal of... -- - -..
Buildu "ags &c.,Maichine for removing...._...
Lnildings, ea'ns3 of ventdlat ing.................
Bunildlings Meih(od if imoving...........
Buildings, Meilt hod of inoving -...
BuclingsMethi id iais~ingbents in-----_------
Buildings, Melthod of remiovig..................
Luildings, Mod ( f constructing... _..............
Buiildings, Modeitcnitrin ig....__.
BiidingsModeof eoiistrnctiiig................ _ _ _
Luildings, Mode(if Coinstuct nncast-iron. _..
Bnildings, Mode of construefiiig iron..............
BnildmnsM(odeOof ci natineting iron.............
Buildiiigs, Mode of cov-ci n ------ ------
Bnildings, Mode of taing the walls of.. _......
Bnildings Mode of stiengthening and improving
Buildings of concrete, &c. Sectional mold for putting up.
Buiildins, Saifet-hatel foi ___________
Buildings, Seait liii puldlie.............
BluildingsServuice-ipe for..___
Buldmangs, SIeatliing-board for...................
Buildings, Sidnig fir............................
Buildings, Stagiiig for.............
L~iddings, Stationary fire-pipe for...- -.........
Buiildings, Steam dov ice for washing ---...........- -
buildingosUnderpinning for......................
buildings Ventilafing.........................--
~udings V entilating...........................
Buildings, Wall for.._.........................._
Buildings, &e.,W\arming and ventilating....
Buildings water-proof, Mode oif making. __.........
Bullet-- - - - - -- -.......-- -- - -- -- -
bullet-ousting apparatus......................---
bullet-c-suin' machine.........................
Bullet-cusding rmachine.-...................
Bullet, Eliigated-_........................_.._...
Bullet, Expanuding.............................
Bullet, Explosive...............................
billet for ire-arms..................._._..........
Bullet forrifiled ire-arms._....--------------.
Bullet for small-arms.-................
binlet for 'mall-aims.-.-.......................
Bullet for small-arms, Compound._.. _.......
Lu let machine. -...............__.-.__
Bullet mt machine............................
Bullet-making miuchino.............--.......
bullet-making miachine.........................
Bulleti-a-in-' machine...................._...
Bullet-maini machiiiery.......................
Bullet-niold -.....................
1 u let m old - - - -. -. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bullet-m old....................
bullet-m old - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bullet-m old...................
Bullet-m eld - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bullet-mold, Revolving..................___....
1 ullel-patc - - --e- - -- - - -- - --i- - - -
Bullet-pressime die............................__
,rner, Vapor..................................
Burner, Vapor....................................
Br oVapor.....................---...........
Burrsr, Vapor................................---
Burner, Vapor...................................
iBeiner, Vapor-"-------------------------------
Lurner, Vapor................................--
turner, Vapor ---------------------------------
tar - aor 1)1nd gas --------------------
tinrner, Vapor-gas...-........................
turner, ' apor-lamp...........................---
Burner, Vapor-lamp............................
Burner, Vapor-lamp........................._
turner, Vapor-lamp............................Burner, Watrlamp............................--
Burnror Wator................................Burner, Water.................................
Burners and lams, Heating-shade forr gas....
B. D. Greene-----------------
S. Holmes--------------.-----
S. B. Hopkins and E. H. Andersorn.
S. B. Hopkins and E. H. Anderson.
W. W. Jacobs..............--
H. Johnson.................
J. K id d- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
I. Kling---------------------
W. H. Lawrence -- - ---- - --- ---
D. Leonard.................--
J. C. Love..................--
J. C. Love...--.-.........
J. C. Love..................C. B. Loveless- __-........
D. H. Lowe.................--
J. F. Marsh......
J. H. Meiok_._....._..._.
T. Moore...................T. Moore and J. ODonald..
0. F. Morrill.................
S. G. Mun..................
A. F.Noble........
F. G. Paliser................
J. J. Palmer.................
H. AV. Park.................--
H W. Park.................H. W. Park.................--
1.W W.Park.._..............
H. W. Park.................H. W. Par-k.................G. T. Parry.......-..........
JH. Paltee-................_
0. N. Perkins...............A. XW. Porler and J. H. Brown.
HI. M. Richmuond............_ _ _
C. Hoylo....................W. H. Randolph.............
S. Houst, jr..----. ---....--
H. S. Laroni.................
11. S. Lar-oni...........
H. S. Laroni................E. Savage...................
H. Sebminke.............._
J. Sliay.....................
J. Sliny....................--
T. Simnos.............----
C. E. Smith.................
C.E. Sarih and H. J. Rico.-_
W. H. Smith................__
V. 11. Smith...............--
XV. H. Sinitir................W. H. Smith.................
W. H. Smith.................
WV. H. Smith and L. Fischer...J. Stratton.................1). Svmonds................_
W. Thomupson...............
T. Tully....................W. W. Tyson -..........
T. Ward...................
T. Ward....................
T.Ward and H. C. Hunt.
H. Wellington..............
H. Wellington..............H. Wellington...............
J. White..................
I. Wiiteliouso....--.........
(G. H. Wilson._...............
C. Winrergerst.........
J. S. Wood._...__.........
A. F. Ziegler................
JC. Love...................J..T. Riddle.................
C.M. Alexainder.............
S. Andr-ews.................--
33. H. Carpenter-._.........
C. A. Greene................
WV. XV. Jacobs..............A. M. Mace.................S 1Mry..........
Residence. IDate.
Sturgis, Mich.............__ __ _Aug. 23, 1870
High Holborn, England.- Nov. 10, 1868
Easton, Md............... Apr. 3, 1880
Easton, Md...............May 5, 1868
Hagerstown, Md.......... -_ _Oct. 20, 1868
Washing~ton, 1). C...__Nov. 6, 1.60
New York. N. Y.... Nov. 9, 1869
Seymour, Ird.......--....Marr. 15, 1870
Baltimore-, Md........... Mar. 28, 1871
Chicago, Ill............. Oct. 25, 1870
Phriladelphia, Pa... _......Feb. 8, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.........._ -- -Feb. 8, 1870
Phirladelphria, Pa. -........Oct. 21, 1873
Syracuse, N. Y.. _..........uie 30, 1868
Boston, Mass.__.._... Nov. 11), 1868
Dubuque, Iowa.........Sept. 6, 1870
New Gerrrantown, N. J... July 13, 1889
Bloomoingtorr, Ill.-_-___._- July 19, 1870
Bloomington arid Clinton, Feb. 7, 1871
Boston, Mass............. ___ _Apr. 3, 1860
Chicago, Ill..............-Jan. 9, 1872
Indianapolis. Ind.--_.May 23, 1871
Pittsbrgh, Pa.--_-........May 13, 1873
Pittsburgh, Pa._____.___. Dec. 26, 18 70
Phriladelplhis, Pa._..__Aug. 9, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.. _. Aug. 9, 1870)
Philadelphia, Pa. -_.--Jan. 31, 1871
Philadelphia, P'a...._.....r. 7, 1.871
Philadelphia, Pa...-Feb. 6, 1872
Phriladelphia, Pa.._.__ Feb. 27, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa..........May 38, 1871
Monrmouth, Ill. _.......... Nov. 30, 1869
Meriden, Cosnn_.......... Nov. 12, 1872
New York, N. V..__ _......May 21, 1867
Buffalo, N.Y V.............May 21, 1867
Brooklyn, N. V....._ - -...July 16, 187-2
Saint Louis, Mo.........Dec. 21, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... June 11, 1672
Marietta, Ohio. _.--.....Aug. 28, 1866
Baltimore, Md _.... -.......Jan. 5, 1869
Chicago, I111..._._.._........ Feb. 9,1869
Chicago, Ill.......__... __. Sept. 14, 1869
Baltinroro, Md......--- _..Mar.15, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio... -......July 5, l870
Cincinnati, Ohio....._..... Feb. 28, 1871
Halifaux, Canada.._......Arg. 12,187:3
Columrbus, Oho. ----- Oct. 18, 180
Colrumbus, Ohio.._........ -Apr.19, 1870
Noey York, N. V........... June 5.1866
New York, N. Y-----June 30,a18
New York, N. V........... Aug.3, 1869
New York, ThY.........Ass. 23, 1x70
Brooklyn, N. Y...........-May 7, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y....May 7, 1872
Philadelphria, Pa.... _..... Sept. 12, 1865
Lowell, Mass.-.....Oct. 2-2, 1867
Clevelandl, Ohio.. _.._......Sept. 27, 1870
Saint Joseph, Mo....... _.. Apr. 26, 187 -Allegheny City, Pa-__. __. Jan. 11, 1878
Columbus, Ohio.... _.......Mar. 10, 1868
Colunmbus, Ohio.._..__.. Aug~. 16, 1870
Franklin County, Ohio.. Apr. 26, 1870
Columbus, Ohio, and Chi- May 30, 1871
cage, Ill.
Chicago. Ill..... Jars. 11, 1870
Chicago, Ill............--Mar. 8, 1871)
Chi cago, Ill.. _.....__....- Sept. 27, 18710
Philadelphia, Pa -_-..........-Aug. 23, 137
New York, N. V...-.......Aug. 22, 1871
Manisfield, Ohio. _-_ o _.Jue2!, 1871
Mobile, Ala -----..........Sept. 18, 158
Phniladelphria, Pa.__........ -Fe,). 14, 1871
Coliunbus, Ohio...........-3M. 22, 1870.
Phuiladelphnia, Pa.....July 28,17
Cincinnati, Ohio..........BNc..x 7, Ga6
New Albany, Inid...Jene 25, 1559
Perth Amboy, N. J ---. _ Air--24, 1858
New Yor-k,N. Y........... Many 25,1858
Boston, Mass -------------C3ay 4, 1858
Hagerstowir, Md. i_.._s. ov. 5,180
106, 689
83, 854
83, 171
30, 178
87, C6o.
100. 774
113, 178
108, 711
99, 689
143, 915
79, 485
83, 865
107, 0.7-2
92, 137
105, 589
111, 666
27, 712
12-2, 6:17
115, 089
138, 923
110, 276
106, 199
166, 2.'0
111, 471
123, 5066
124, 151
115, 350
97, 3111
133, 051
65, 005
65, 011
129, 060
98, 192
127, 711
57, 578
85, 698
86, 870
94, 778
100, 930
105, 133
112, 291
141, 8-23
108, 5-28
102, 169
79, 404
93, 360
106, 736
126, 419
1;%6, 420
49, 955
70, 043
107, 7:37
102, 3:35
98, 817
75, 496
115, 398
98, 824
10), 57-2
107, 741
106, 753
118( 385
8-2, 21-2
111, 893
1 01, 28-2
05, 819
50, 845
24, 129
21, 239
2(l, 324
29, 15 3
70, 573
0, 848
53, 436
55, 033
123 870
Phkiadonphia, Pa... ' s I1. 1, 1389 J'4, t22
Winlarnsmnrglr, N. VT. -. _. Sept. 21, 1e89 t5, 115
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Burners, Automatic attachment to gas.. _.......
Burners, Automatic cut -off for gas...............
Burners, Automatic lighting-attachment for lamps
and taper.
Burners, Carbnretiug-attachment for gas.-.--..
Burners, Chirnney-lholde-r for gas.---------------..
Buruers, Chimney-holder for gas................
Burners, Clock-attachmnent to gas.. -.__
Burners, Clutch for supporting water bowls nuder
Buers, Construction of gas....._-.........
Burners Construction if gas...............__...
Burners, Construction of g is....................
Burner 'Construction of lampl. -_________
Burners, Construction (of vapor...................
Burners, Construction of vapor...................
Barriers, Construction of vapor-larrin....... __....._
Burnuers, Device for- drawing wick through -.----.
Burners, Device for regulating by electricity lire
issue of gas fromr.
Burners, Electric liglitir-;-attacirment for gas ----
Burners for hsoliug vaeais or shades over the
flame, Attachment to lap or- gas.
Burners for- lamps, Modli.of sr spenrding----------..
Burners for vapor lam s, Corrstr uction of.-.._
Burners, Globe and holder for gas.............
Burners, Lamp for liglitreg gas.................
Burners, Light-inteusifyi-g attachment for- gas.--
Burners, Manufacture ofi'A r-gand.................
Burners, Manufacture of A rgarid gas............
Burners or- lamps, Shauh-lholder for gas-- ---.
Burners, Perforation iii larip___________
Blurners, Protector for gas our vapor-------------...
Burners, Regudatrug-allt climent for gas..
Burners, Regulatrug gas.............-.
Burners, Regulator for--- s..............
Burner s, Rest for supper ting glass howls undernreath horizourt iigas.
A. R. Marshall.....
Jf. B. Smith-..........
W. H. Weeks........
J. H. Steiner.................
E. P. Gleason.......
G. Mooney----------
P. C. Bensel..................
S. Gardner-.........
J. Mcencry................
J. Stevenis arid J. Johnson.
H. K. Symrnes........
W. N. Wooden........
WV. NV. Batchelder.---------
XV. W. Batchelder------...---
F. A. Blaet terlelir._. _.
C. W. Smith. ---- ---
Residence. Date.
Stratford, Con--- --------.Aug. 026,18506
Pittston, Pa. - ------ ---- -. Fob. 11, 1t68
New York, N. Y----------- Jan. 25, 1870
Reading, Pa-------------- Nov. 1, 1870
New York, N. Y---------Nov. 13, 1866
Providence, R. I----_.. --July 16, 1872
New York, N. Y- - - - -------May 14, 1872
New York, N. Y- - -.- - ----Juue 4, 1872
Cirrinnsti,Ohino _. -. --._
New York, N. Y -._...
Newton, Mass ----------_
W'rterhriry, Cooni_.--
New York, N. Y.....
Brooklyn, N. Y._.........
New York, N. YV..
West Meriden, Conni.
Evans, N. Y.............
Mar. 17, 1857
Sept. 27, IcIP9
Oct. 4, 1859
Oct. 1, 1872
Oct. 4, 1859
Oct. 18, 1859
Oct. 18, 1859
Pee. 31, 1867
May 18, 1858
II. C. Appleby----------------__ __ _Couneauit, Ohio-----------.. _June 25, 1872
W. L. Fish-------------------_Newark, N. J.------------ Nov. 17,11863
A. Moore and J. A. Cole..Sel-----------
G. M. Ramsay..............H. Thonipson. - -..--_...
S. T. Bacoun................._
E-sS. Archer................--
G. Mooney.................--
G. Wedekind................
W. H. Smith.................
It1. Nutting.................
W. Mallerd..................
HI. B. Myer..................
W. M1allerd.................
S. Gardner -------------------
Northville, N. Y..
Phil adelphia, Pa...-.New York, N. Y.._.
Lorwell, Mass............
Boston, Marss.....-"......
New York, N. Y...
Providence, R. I.....
Philadelphia, Â~ P...u--.
New York, N. Y._.....
Randolph, Vt..-... _- _
Bridgeport, Conri....
Philadhelphia, Pa......
Bridgeport, Con.
New York, N. Y.._...
Mar. 7, 1865
NOV-. 1, 1859
June 17, 1873
Dec. 17, 1830
June 11, 1872
Jan. 31, 1865
Jan. 14, 18618
May 20, 18t-2
Mar. 3, 1863
May 2, 1871
May 8, 1866
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 18, 1865
Apr. 30, 187-2
Burners, Revolving atrsiclirnent for gas..._ -........J. 0. Belknap...............- -- --
Burners, Self-lighting rttachment for gas.. -__S. Gardiner, jr..........._
Burners, Shadle for laririaiii,.gas-----------------M__ __ __ A. H. Collins........ _........
Burners, Shade-ring for larrp.---------------------H. W. Hayden...............
BunrShield for gas.......................--. 1WX. Shaler...................
Burners, Shield for gas -_.........................H. J. Wattles...............
Burners, Shield fior raplthlagas..............- -- -- H. H. Edgerton.-.------
Burners, Stop-cock ani r ugulater for gas-..........-.A. E. Deloueste..... -----------...
Burrners to lamps, Atlacli trug---------------------.... W. P. Miller.... _........... _.
Burners to lamnps, Attoliing.....................--H. Weston...................
Burners to lamps, Device for attachingi.. -_.........J. B. Alexander.. _... _......._
Burners, Tip for gas"--------------------- -------- R.Lanstrom................--
Burners, Valve for- gas.......................... - - - - _A. Mayer...................-- -- -- --
Bu rn er -s, Ventilating-fari for gas.................. - -- -H. Seher................. __.
Burners, Wick-adjuster for Argand lamp- -- -- - - - --. B. Cuirtiss...............-- -- --
Burners, Wick-tube for-larip.-------------------- C. L. Daholl._...........
Bnun fluid------------------------------------ B. H. Cladhlourn -----..------
Bur'ning-fluid........................---.......J. P.Cross..................--
Burunngfluid................................... H. H. Etter.................Burning-fluid.................................... G. L. Fattie.................Burning-fluid............................. XW. Flower-s and J. C. and
D. AV. Halppersett.
Burning fluid..................................---A. Gesrier ---.....------
Burniri'-fluid----------------------------------- J. Griffin.....................
Brurning-fluid------------------------------------ J. G. Hester--.............
Burunngfluid...................................---W. W.Jacobs ---------------
Burura" fluid------------------------.-J. Jan.....................
Burnrig-fluid- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -J. Janu.................... - - - -
Brrnuigi' fliu id---------------------------------- J. J. Kamm.................Burn' gfluid...................................--J. T. Leere..................
Burnin -fluid ----------------------------------. VPI. Loomis, N. Wells, H.
Hitchcock, arid S. G. Stryker.
Burning-fid.................................... D. Mansfieldl.........
iril-------urnur-fluid.................................... T. Martin and J. G.E~ans_.
Bur ni'ig-fluid...................................-C. McLean.................--
Larnini fluid.....................---.......... H. Mellon arid J. C. Hazletori.
Burning-fluid---_________.-___..-..Pnhm-------------------------.W inbm......
Brurn'gfluidl------------------ W. B. Rogers_...........
Burning-fluid--.-------------------------------. J. B. Scott..................Buning-fluid-------------------.Del.......................... E..Sel -------"Burningluil...................................-- -G. XW. Spangle..............
Luurnngfluid...................................___M. L. Stofdrird..............--
Luiiing-flird ------------------------------------ A. C. Vaughan...............
Burrnirngfluid ----------------------------------- I. B. Wigg in................
Brnrig fluid.................................--..Wilber..................
Buunfudcompositio.__.................... B. F. Hebard ----------------
Bur-nun fluid compound.........................--A. Gesuier.-_-------------
Buirrnngflurul for illuruinlatior, Comupound-rul._ -.H. B. Brace and W. TI. Swart--
Burnrng-flid. Illuruirnatirig --------.....--L. D. Ferguson._.............
Burnin' foruds Comnpoririua ior..........C. N. -'tyler.................-- - -
B ur iaging fluiuds, Corpasfifion for treating-------I. B. Wellman...............
Birnulri tirds, Mane.,frc-nrc of _................ W. Corfield..._............
Burn'gfluids, Manufacture of..................._XV __ _. Coi field.. _......._ _....... _.
Bulrriii-forids, Manuracture of................... __ __ _L. L. Hill.. _.... _... __.......
Borniri-in nuls, Mode of preparing----------------.TI. E. Carupbell-.-.... _....
Buniiiu sls,'sirs.tirig..........................-P. Millspaugh..............--
Burr-irs' iychrocari-boa andI bagasse...............-F. S. Roman................
Banning-kilni-.............."..............-....J. Green...................Louri;kiln..................................... B. Krisohier...............--
Mobile, Ala _.. - -... Apr. 1, 1873
New York, N. Y -._.......Feb. 16, 1869
Chelsea, Maiss........... Nov. 8, 1870
Waterbury. Con.. -. Dec. 14, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.. _......... Sept. 27, 1870
Rockford, Ill............. Jire 21, 1870
Fort Wayne, Ind.._._..July 25, 187 1
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Feb. 18, 1873
San Francisco, Cal.._. July 31, 1866
Towauda, Pa............ May t21,1867
W~ashington, D. C... Nov. 26, 1867
Cincinnati, Ohio _.........Dec.31, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa. _........Mar. 13,1855
Saint Louis, Mo _._-_. -. Dec.18, 1866
Bridgeport, Corun...... Juno 7, 1870
New London, Conn.__-_-_-Mry.19, 1863
Saint Louis, Mo......... Oct.30, 1866
W~atertowvn, N. Y -..._Aug.14, 1866
Washington, D. C._..-Mar. 19, 1867
Bufralo, N. Y.............. Nov. 20, 1866
Urbana, Ohio.. _.........Feb.25,1868
15, 614
74, 440
99, 123
108, 844
59, 588
129, 158
126, 620
127, 590
16, 848
25, 591
25, 686
131, 917
25, 621
25, 830
23, 799
7-2, 785
21), 305
128, 201
40, 617
46, 691
25, 986
140, 075
7, 84 3
127, 829
4th, 063
73, 367
35, 341
37, 845
114, 329
54, 569
83, 990
47, 362
126, 140
137, 406
87, 039
108, 97-2
97, 772
107, 824
104, 516
117, 396
135, 895
56, 775
64, 9-25
7-2, 741
12, 515
60, 566
10:3, 993
38, 567
59, 182
57, 095
63, 0-27
59, 797
74, 756
63, 054
52, 574
57 727
63, 7-27
64, 232
66, 364
55, 880
71, 629
70, 346
57, 749
34, 77-2
60, 559
58, 180
57, 390
58, 903
67, 373
53, 709
63, 777
23, 210
31, 457
12, 987
54, 495
63, 376
Williamsburgb, N. Y.
Stanford, N. Y.._.......
Raleigh, N. C........._..
Hager-stownuMu. _..__.
New Windsor, Md.____.
New Windsor, Md.._..
Fort Wayne, md...
New York, N. Y..
Elmira, N.Y_............
Oshkoush, Wis...... _-....
Muscatinue, Iowa.-.-._._..
Brooklyn. N. Y._-_._
W~ashington, D. C..__
May 23, 1855
Mar. 8, 1859
Sept. 24, 1867
Mar. 19, 1867
Fob. 13, 1866
Sept. 4, 1866
Apr. 9. 1867
Apr. 30, 1 867
July 2, 1867
June 26, 1866
Dec. 3, 1867
Oct. 29, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
Fondl dir Lac, Wis....Mar. 25, 1862 6
Hyattsville, Mdh.......... Sept. 18, 1866
Broolhine, Mass..........- - _Aug. 21, 1866
Cliftou Springs, N. Y...Oct. 16, 1866
Corning, N. Y............July 30, 1867
Rlainshurg h, Pa... -.. -......Apr. 3, 1866
Washington, D. C.....- Apr. 9, 1867
New York, N. Y......... _Mar. 8, 1859
N eponsot, Mass. -..........Fob. 19, 1861
Williamshurglh, N. Y._.May 29, 18551
Canandaigua, N. Y...May 8, 1866
Corning, N. Y............ Apr. 2, 1867
Buffalo, N. Y............. Mar. 24, 1863
Indianapolis, hid-...Oct. 22, 1867
Philadlelphiha, Pa.......... Apr. 17, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 17, 1866
Greenport, N. Y......... _Juno 15, 1858
New Ymirk, N. Y.......... Oat. 30, 1866h
Rent, Connm.........-..-.-.-May 28, 1872
Cainirelle, La....-----------_Atpr. 2:3, 187-2
Saint Louis, Mo..........,Jann. 1:, 1869
New York, N. V... _..Sept. 1, 1s68
Index of patents issued front the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Brigliquid-fuel and generating steam, Apparatusfor.
Burning liquids lighter than water, Apparatus for.
Burning ornameutal figiires upon wood...........
B ainisher- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Burnishing-rn-ch iTne..... _... _.....__............
Bu-nisliin" ru'cliiue---------------------
B 'nnisliing-ueicliin e......................__..
B arneiliing*rrichine______ _________
Liirnishii giiachine...........................
Burnislhin-achine--_-----_-------------------- -
Burnishii~ini chie, Metal. -.-......
Burnishing metal, Process for -------------------
Luirn mctne..............................--
B sirin -iac hine. - -........----- -----
Burring-unachine bur--box............
Buiring-maicliiues, (}iardl-cyliuder Pu-.
Barring-iiachiines, Guard or stripe- e.f'oi'-....__
Buirring-iachiiues, &c., stripping and feed roll for.
Bash, Lubricating.. ---------------
Bushing, Anti-frictional........................--
Bushing for wvheels..............................
Bustle ----------------------------------------
B ustle -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ustle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - -
Bustle ----------------------------------------
B ustle -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B ustle......................
Bustle ----------------------------------------
B u s tle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bustle,--- --Exte ----- ---sion--- -- -
Bustle to--lady's-dress.........................
Bustle beeps, Clasp._foi-__licendsof......_....
Bustle flaty's...s................._..._.....
Bustleslhastening hoop-ends to tabs of. --._.......
BLutclici s dkn ie...ci-............
Buitche----p-"der---------------- -------------
B u tt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buitt-bilinksl Ma-chine tot trimiing--------_
Butcne mac ushino ------------------------- -
B u t t,, ever suib le-- -- - ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
B u t t., Ieversible.--_-------------- -- --------
B ut t, Sping...............................----------------
Butts or i-ngiues for hanging aud fastening windlow
blinds and stuntters, Method of cunstiructing.
B. Kreisclier..............._
G. A. WVe(ekind and H. Dueberg.
W. T. Scheide...............
A. T. Schmidt..............H. Wood- ----- - ---
C. Fh3ramptonm...............C. H. Helmus................
D. 1' L-dall...............
N. C. Stow.................A. M. hi lte.......-...._..._.
L. S. Whiute -----------------
L. S.White...--............
L. S. White-- -- --- - -
J. Stever...................F' Sattei lee - - -..._.J. BiSteward..................
J. G. Sarent-...............
ACan -ugiu--------------
Z. Parkurst................
0. W. Stow.................TI.. S. Washburn-------
Z. Parkihurst ----------- -----
I". A- Calvert--- -- ----
A~lrieht- -------
J. Kl. Proctoi -------
S. H. Everett.........
S. Merchant___ ______
F. S. Burr..................
T.X Blake.- - - - - - - - - -
J. I. Barunum...............
Mt.H. Beckwortli..-.......
I. \V. Birdseye.....--.._....
M.K. Baitree...............
M. Bunpart -----
J. Brtmuelton..............._
3. Bioiigliton.. _-- ______
G. P. Bs-yant ---------
B. Davis...................--
A. Douglas...................
T..Earl..............T. F. Fessouden.............I. W.,,jr., anal A. H. Hakes - -.
J. H. Hall..................--
J. B. Looiiis-.............._
H. H. May------------------
I). Mcinroy-----------------
C. B. Pollock---------------..
C. A. Pestlcy................
1D. G. Rtollin.-........
D. Smitli...................S. Suettli---..._.........
S. and D. L. Smith........ _...
T. S. Spermy --------"
T. Stockinan...............--
G. H. Taker--------------- --
A. W. Thomas-.-........
A. W. Thomso-------------
A. J. YThompson.............
H.N. Daggeftt-------------- -
G. V. Pieme---------
G. V. and E. A. Pierce.
F. S. Otis-.------------------
J. W. Bradley..............--
B. F. Mooie................L. Do Forest-------------_-___
C. H art. - - - - - - - - - -
P. H~ousemnan and C. C. Campbelt.
T. B. GBies..............
T. A. Fraiy-----------------
C. A.enue3..................
E. Pzu-hei-. - -....------
'I. Tracy- - - - - - - - - - -
J. Holland...- --------------
G. W. F~ield- - - - -- - -- -
J. Kinutlebem-ger and Wt. A. Aicold
New York, N. Y ---------- Aug. 17, 1869
New York, N. Y _-_.- -------ec. 15, 1868
Tidioute, P--------------..June 24, 1873
Pit-tsburghi. Pa.. _..
Now Torts, N. Y....
Brook lyn, N.Y..-.--
Pouglikeepsie, N. Y..Hartford, Conu--..
Stonehiai, Mass.
Hartford, Conii.....
Hartford, Con u.. ----
Watem-bury, Con....
WVaterbui-y, Con....
Bistol, Conii._.......
Albany, N. Y............
Newv York, N. Y. -...
Big Prair-ie, Ohio...
Lowell, Mass..............
Lowell, Mas. -...........
New York, N. Y --.
Sounthingtoii, Coon....
Lowell, Mass...----.---
Lowell, Mass............
Lowell, Mass -..... _. _....
Philadelphia, Pa.----
Milton. Ohlio............--
Ohio County, Va ---. __.
Brooklyn, N. Y..........Stocikton, Cdl............
Brooklyii, N. Y....
Camd~en, N. Y. - - -.--
Birininghiam, Conn...
Jackson, Michli...........
Ferdham,N. Y -.......
Brooklyn, N. Y.-........-.
Brooklyn, N. Y..... -..-...
Boston, Mass..._.....
Brooklyn, N. V..--..
New York, N. YV.----
Noitli Attueoroug;h, Mass.
Provitdence, P F. I.- - - - -
Norwich, Conn.........
Ansonia, Coni.... _......
Chelsea, Mass..........
Birmlighami, Conn.._
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. _-.Norwich. Conni. -.. -.....
Jersey Ci ty, N. J..Non' York, N. Y..
Litchifield C "rinier, -Me.
Boston, Muss.. - _--..
Skowhegan, Mo.....
New Yoi-k, N. V.....
New Voik, N. Y......
Bastoii, Mass.- - -.-.-------
Philaelphila, Pa....
Philadelphia, Pa.__....
Maiden, Mass.-..--
New You-k, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y - ---.---
Attleborougli. Mass....- _ -_-.
Jersey City, N. J...
New Yorks, N. Y.-----
Brooklyii, N. Y..........Now York, N. Y..
New Von-k, N. Y.._Birmiiigham, Coon.-.--.
Utnionville, Con.
Fin-al IRetreat, Vas-._.-.
Nov. 11, 1862
Feb. 19, 1850
Api. 20,1858
Nov. 28, 1865
Oct. "2,1811
Nov 20, 1860
An-u;.24, 1858
Api. 5,i859
Oct. 11, 1859
Mauy 1,1t55
Mar. 20, 1849
Nov. 15,1859
June 1, 1869
Oct. 9, 8419
Oct. 11, 1845m
Sept. 1l,1847
Dec. 28, 1f8
Oct. 11,1845
July 10, 1t66
Aug 14, 1847,Tan. 23,1u49
Nov. 26,1872
Sept. 4,1816
July 2-2, 1834
Api. 1, 187-2
Oct. 6, i868
June 11, 1a72
Aug. 24, 1869
Nov. 7, 1871
Feb. 25, 187:1
Sept. 16,1873
Nov. i1,1870
Nov. 1, 1870
July 30, 1872
Oct. 18, 1859
Apr. 21, 1857
0ct 11 1859
May 28, 18 72
Apr. 19, 1850
Feb. 11, 1873
Au" 18, 1e68
June 25,1872
Oct. 4,1870
July 9, 1872
Dc 7, 1858
Sept. 14,1869
Nov. 12,1872
Dec. 17, 187-2
Aug,. 13, 187-2
Jani. 28, 1873
Feb. 1l, 1873
Ap-. 30, 187-2.
June 25, 1872
July 15, 1873
(let. 18, 1859
Aug. 6i, 187-2
Olt. 18, 1859
July 1, 1858
May 23, 1871.Nov. 23, 1858
Jun. 17, 1860
Nov. 2-2, 1831)
Auig. 23, 1859
Sep)t. 23, 1862
Oct. 1, 1872
9:1, 891
83, 042
140, 220
19, 988
51, 180
33, 558
52. 336
30, 7117
21, 304
23, 520
25, 783
12, 799
6, 200
26, 081
6, 778
4, 231
5, 28-2
2-2, 459
4, 230
56, 257
5, 240
6, 037
13:1, 482
57 1695
137, 415
82, 790
127, 83-2
93, 950
1<0, 616
131, 127
14-2, 764
108, 872
108, 873
129, 883
25, 865
17, 082
25, 786
127, 327
135, 801
128, 412
108, 0:39
1-8), 813
22, 24-2
94, 915
133, 06-2
134, 010
130, 446
135, 379
1:15, 858
128, 164
128, 337
140, 0966
25, 854
130, 345
25, 861
20, 86 5
115, 235
22, 133
26, 876
26, 159
25, 211
36, 510
1:31, 754
108, 141
Crawvfordsville, Ind.._.. Sept.3, 18-2 131, 096
Rteacing, Pa----_--------- n.u19, 1869 ) 85,902
New lBritain, Cumin..-. Feb. 2,1861 (6i,354
WestTr-oy, N. Y----------bJul-y26, 1844 3 8
New Britain, Con --- uuly 19, 1871)l1054;.'8
New Blritain, Cumin-.... ut -.1, 1867 u-.9o1
Conshuoliecken, Pa-------ay-May 15,)1t60 25
Lowell, Mass.- - - -- -- -- ----Nov.29, 1870 li9,1301
Sanm Francisco, Cat -..__Sept. 14,18639]94, 75
Newark, N. J. - - --- --Feb. 16,1869 86,978
Elizabethport. N. J_-.-_Junme 1, 186:9 9-,6
Aslutabula, Ohio- -- -- -- - - --Nov'. 17, 1868 84, 240
Utica, N. Y---------------_Jan. 27, 1843 2,1136
Wutu'bury, Cumin.- -.---Dec. 17, 1872 134, 0--9
Littleton, N. Y- -- -- -- - - - -Nov. 19), 1 831....
Cluatiani, Coumn...--._Dec. 5, 1825 _..--_Wasterloo, N. V _-. -.-J-uly 4, 1871 1111,1184
Jamostown, N. Y - Sept. 11, 1866 57,.389
Newv York, N. Y -- _. _. J.une 14, 1e-70 104 198
Woodville, Ohio..----------_.Sept. 21, 1869 95,0916
Norwich, N. Y - - - -.- -----Feb. 211, 1867 62, 410
Cluicago, Ill---------------.._..Mar. 311, 1868 711, 110
Fairport, N. Y.- --.- -----Oct. 4, 1864 44, 551
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Contirnced.
Invention. Inventor.
Butter-bucket.---------------------------------- J. T. Dumont -.-........
Butter-bucket ----------------------------------........ J. G ilberds and M. Harris. - -
Butter bucket or package ------------------ ------ N. C. Burnap.-_----._
Butter by machinery, Mode of making- - - -.- -- -----E. Waterhouse..............-- -- --
Butter-carrier-------------------------------J. B. Crozier.--------_-----
Butter-carrier -----------------------------------B. Y a w....................-- -- -- -
Bu tt e r, Case for packing- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -S. H. Matthews-------
Butter-coloring compound ----- ---- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -G. Bogar t,V.. Cramer, and
W. L. Lewis.
Butter-cooler-----------------------------------F........ E.Kaufmn and A. Wecber -
B u t ter - co o l er -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - ----JW.Sto--------------
Butter-cooler-----------------------------------..J. H. Simpson.-.._.......
Bu tt e r, Curing and preservig - - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -J.F.Stier................. - - -
Bautt e r- cu t t er.----------------------------------- A.N. Merritt---------------
Butter cutter and lifter, Gaged-------------------I....T.FE Colbeun- -- - ---_- -- - - --
Butter cutter and stamp, Combined --- - ----N. Clougli.- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ----.
BteDevice for purilying -.-------------------.......G.NV.utnam -- -.- -.- - -------
Butter-dish ---------------------------.WE.Hwis---------------
Butter-dish-------------------------------------N. Lawrenco.---.......
Butter-dish -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - W.W. Lyroa n --- -- -- -- -- -- --
B it te r -d ish -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----I.A i c ha rds -- -- -- -- -- - ----
B utt e r-d i sh dr ai n er- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - --- - - - - ------F. C. Booth.__-------
Butter-excavatar--------------------------------- N. J. Eaton ---_---_---------_Butter-extractor--------------------------------- T. Curtis......-------
Butter-fhrkin clamp ------ _____----------------U. M Lockridge------------.
Butter frorn cheese, whey, &c., Making ----- - H. C Markhamn-------------
Butter from cream, Apparatus for reducing - -------.S. ). W arner and OW. Thomas
Butter from firkins, Implement for cutting- N.Woodbury.- -- -- -- -- - - -- -
Butter freer milk, Producing-------------------- N. Orcutt. - -- - --......
Butter- from whey, Manufacbture of----------------.J. Sugget-------------------
Butter from whey, Manufacturing----------------..I. Page. -........ -..._....
Butter-jar-------- ------------------------------ J. Smiths-------------------..
Butter-kettle------------------------------------ J Limiing --.------------- --.Butter-knife holder_-----------------------------_H. lBerrtonn------------------
Butter-knife rest--------------------------------- B. B. Reed.--.-.__.-------
Butter-knife rest-------------------------------...B. 11. heed.--.--..--------
Butter-nmachine- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -B. le g e- s---..- - -- - - -- -- -- -
B ut te r-, Machrine for manufacturing -- -- -- -- -- ---- A. Curtiss...................
Butter, Machine for weighing andl prirntiug...- NV. S Riert..r...........-- -
Brtter, Markirrg------------------..-----------B. G. and G. Burtis....
Butter, Makirrg---------------------------------I).... H MeGregory..--.......
Butter-mraking---------------------------....-----A. Met.....................Britter-ruaking apparatus.-.............--.--Uul-----------------F.P ed..
Butter-making rmold----------------------------........ G.tatthewrraun al A. Leininger.
Burtter, Manirtheture of.--------------J.PCarpo..................IJP.Capo--------
Butter, Marnrrctrre of ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- - --Z7. Piiinoy................. --
Butter, Methodi of preparing coloring-uratter for--.. B..bake---------------....
Britter.,umilk, andl other articles. Cooler forareserv- AV. Garrardi.............. __.
Kansas City, Mo-_.
Jamestown, N. Y_.._
Ar-,.rsville, N. Y--_.Gar-diner, Mo.......--...
Cumberland, Ohio.-.-._
New Concord, Ohio-__.--
Nottinghbam, Pa. -.-.-.
Laporte City, Iowa.--- --__.
Phriladelphia, Pa.____Hart ford, Conlio en..........--
B)altirriore, ilt----------
Shelby, Ohro.-.....
Gas-drier, Mass._.......
Cleveland, Ohio._--...
Loiwell, Mmass........
Smitisfield, N. Y V - --__
Wallingfordl, Ctirrn._.--.
Tauritoni, Mass --_- --.----
West Meridern, Cornn
Brookfied, Mass......
Meriden, Corrrs..........Montana, Iowa.. _......_..
Holly, Mieh-...........
Otto, N. Y----------.....
West Turin, N. Y._.
Picliriond, ill....__......
Salem, Mass............__
Binrghaurtori,N. Y- V __.---
C or t la nd vilte, N. Y--.
Adams, N. Y............East Liverpool, OhioPhiladelphia, Pa.
Griliford, Conen..._.._..
Westfield, Mass..__.._NWestfield, Mass..----__
Mount- Gitead, Ohio-._.
Par-is, N. Y.............--
Spring Gard*-n, Pa.__.
New York, N. Y -._.
Detroit, Mich.__.........
Washirrgtorr. CD.C. --.-.
Tecurmseh, Mich __..
Brooklyn, N. Y..........Madison County. lnd.
Greene County, N.Y.
Brooklyn, N. Y.-........
F'allstorr, Pa.............
IDate. No.
Mar. 11, 1t73 136, 713
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 456
lc. 3, 187-2 133, 628
Sept. 29, 1825.
Jarn. 16, i872 122, 718
Nov. 12, 1872 13-2 998
Sept. 3, 1872 131, 015
Sept. 16, 1873 142, 89i
Sept. 8,1868 8-,005
Jlrmy -5,l1-59 24, 636
max 11,l1855 12876
July 13, 1858 20, 90-2
Dec. "8,186) 98, 42t
Oct. 8, 167 69, 690
Aug. 26, 1873 142207
iNov.23, 1881) 97,6049
Mar. 4,1862 54, 592
1-oh. i, 1868 74, 221
Bee. 10, 188 7 71, 889
Jutly 28, 1868 80,-97
Fob. 18, 1'868 74,722
Apr. 23, 187-21 587
Jan. 18, 1870 N8 938
June14, 1870 164, 520
Nov. 0,1869 86, 45
Dec. 11, 1860 60, 399
Feb. 22, 1870 100, 2.4
May I1, 1852 8, 947
Me1y 17, 1864 42,821
Bec. 18, 1866 601 656
June 23, 1868 79, 070
Sept. 01, 1869 95, 156
July 11, l8i71116, 844
Apr.1), 1864 4-2, 339
July 13, 1869 9-2, 468
Jarr 21, 1873 135, 156
Aug. 24, 1869 94,1)"33
Apr. 01830.....
Ma 91854 10,;896
lob. 27, 1807.
Sept. 10, 18 7 68, 6:19
July 19, 1870 105, 479
Mar. 23, 1869 68, 016
Jrure 6, 1865 48, 082
Nov. 5, 1867
MMar. 4, 1814
Nov. 27, 1866
Nov. 27, 1866
nutter, Mole of churning.......................Batter, Mode of purrilfyirg iricid-------------__
Buttes, Mode of puttirrg rp andi preserving._._.
Butter, Mote of restorirrg rancid_______._...__
Brttcr, Mode oi working and preseing----- _. ----
Prttu riolt I - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -
B utter-mio l...................
B rtter-m old -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-rild - - - --ltl- - - - -- - - -- - - -
B utt( r-riold....................
Butter-rioldli - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Butler rmold -andl print..._.......................
Butter-riolds, Tool for boring....................
Butter rmolinr and working machine-- - - - _- -
Butter-tacka gec...............................Butter-iackage...............................--
Butter- pickage.........................
Birtter, Package for preservirng and tranispor-tirng -
ButterI -ackin" arid preservinrg.......... _. _.....
Butter-pa l- - - - --u-- - - - --- -- - - -
Butter-ptiil- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buiter-print press------------------- -----------
Butter-pr inter---------------------------------.
Butter-pr irrig machtine -----------------
Birtter ir ritri" imacinee......................._
Butter-printing macltune.......................--
Buitter, Process of purifying..------------- ---
Butes, leflim...............................
Britter-rolls,1Forrmirng arid gaging........_ _. ___. _...
Butter-sale-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-stamp-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-Is ix IPosrtable...........................
hatter-tnt 1....................
Lrrtter-tub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B utter-tub ---------------------------------------
B sustt er -t ub -------- t) -----------
B aut t e r -ttb --- lii -------- --------
B t t e r-t u b -------------------------------------
B uit t er -t u b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
B utter-tub.............. -.....
Latter-tub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
24 P
J. Strolteck..................-Prisiville, N. Y---------- Noi 1911867
C. Peck_----------------------Mainshall, Ill-------------Nov. 2,186')
J. Wilcox- -- -- -- - - - - - - - --- prifelfr.1, Mass..July 30, 1867
J. WV. Prerntiss---------------Piltiex N. Y------------tOet. 4,1859
T. B. Gail-------------------- Eden, N.Y--------------- Oct. 10, 1840
0. Allen......................-Sin) irincisco, Cat --- ' eb. 14, 1865
J. S. lirrilar - -------- Chiagrin Fails, Ohio----_Apr. 17,1"66
A. J. Derrick................. Sheridan, Nov----- Dec. 5,1811
H. NV. Hopkins ---------------Mitfordl,N. H.- - ----Jan. 1,ke.ll
M.'. RI Iidoot -----------------Milwaukee, Wis---------- May 27, t8t0
1). G. Williams- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Quincy, Mich........... Ap. 9, 187 2
J. S. Cur-ya. - -------_Dupont, Ind-------------- Nov."3, 1869
J. S. Biullard-----------------..Chagrin Falls, Ohio- -....J tre 14, 1e64
J. C. Honvey----------------- Cincinnati, Ohio----------Apin "7, 1r69
A. Nrrdt-.---- WanisiiWi----------- \apm i._.._June 6, 1865
H. P. Adarns-----------------.Cleveland, Ohio----.----Oct. 29, 187
J. Andnews ------ ------ ------Chschlnd,Ohio......Apr. 15, 173
T. XX P}oinig................Inllx, N. 0...._.. 1 c. 19,869
J. Tlnaxer._......... amrW----------------am. n Nov. 2,t86)
L. H it errors ----------------lBrooklyn, N. Y -----Ott. 8,10.2
W. B. Guernsey--------------i...NorwiechNN.. ji...Feb. 26,i1867
I). L.Ginovecr-----------------..Groto iIN. V..... M... ax13,18l73
S. 1). Kmnig.-.........- - - -. Middlietown, N.Y.... d. ueo4,187-1
A. Rotbertsorn- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --EFast IRupert, Vt......_M-ay9,1871
L. (Coatesmid J. T. Criswell..CohlamserIPa -------------Sept. 16,1873
W. C. Stern amid J. V. iRobin-Loridon Grove, a1-s.. _Nov. 8,1870
13. Yaw......................New ('tnicerd,Ohio -__Nov. 12, 1872
1). 1' 1)ntrexv-----------------IXWrshrngton,1).C.....Jan -8,18O:3
A. 1'.Llies ------------------NWashsrrgtoni).C......Judy 8,[873
J. S. Miller antI S. L. Wieg-rud Plniladt-lphiaa.... _M-ay 22, 1860
L. S. Rtbisi n............... Newr York, N. _...._July "8,1868
G.. Lii ebhiiffer.-.-------Chiicaigo, 11----------_....June 10, 1873
1 HFlucher -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -San rincisco, Cal- -. _._Mar. 25,1873
T. P} x'............-..- _OxfordPan.--------------Feb. 27, 1672
1. I bbi It, jr................NmVinl.N. J-------.___. liav14, 1872
I. Beoruer.................... Librtyville, N. J..--._May 9, 1871
NV H. Sloane------------------Saint Lornis, Mo.-------Oct. 1,18)7
A. 11 Bailey ------ ------------Elmore, Vt............... Acg. 25, 18f8
Gf. S. Baitcerller..-------- Saratoga Springs, N. Y. MSan. 2, 1869
A. J.l Drake.................._Mrthhl townr -N..V -...Soep t 6,1871
J. Griibr mds --- -- - - - -,t amiistownr, N. Y----------[.lec. 2(i 1871
I) A. Gibert---------...- - --Momrristownr, V t _..........Apr. 21,l1868
1). A. Gir..-----------------..Mrristown, Vt... _........Jun-c 1t' 1868
'.Guryer ---------------------\Volcott, Vt.-------------- Oct.1:1,1868
J. l Hle-------------------.Georgia I rims, Vt--.-.No-v.9 1869
A. B. Hunk -- - - --.......MomisireVt........ -c::16 1868
70, 417
59, 975
59, 993
71, 08-2
06, 477
67, 391
25, 672
46, 3119
54, 054
1-21, 496
60, 894
35, 393
125, 644
43, 00.,
69, 480i
48, 080
132, 555
137, 75-2
95, 937
96, 5(16
62, 411
1:38, 18tO
127, 61-2
114, 714
142, 838
109, 070
140, 7014
28, 394
11), 7')
1137, 0)14
124, 158
126, 641
114, 516
6') 498;1, 45:9
87, 321
)2 116
77, 0:30
8, '955
8-2, 9:19
96, 584
78, 963
Indlex of patents -issecd from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continnted.
Butter-tub -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-tub, &c..................................
B ol'-ter-tub _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter tub and cooler..........................-_
Butter-tub, &c., Hasp for...................
Butter-worker------------ ----------------------
Butter-w ork er---------------------------------
Butter-worker -.----........----------
Butter-worker --------------------------"------
Butter-worker.- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Butter-worker.- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-worker ---------------------------------
B utter-w ork er-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-w orker..................................
But ter-wor-ker...................................
Butter-worker - - -.---------------
B utter-w orker - - - - - - - - - -..- - - -- -
Butter-w orker...................
B utter-ux ork er - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Butter-work er --------------------------------
Buttes wotker.-------------------------------..
Bite ore---------------------------------
Buttes -worker s---------------------------------
Butterwxoker--------------------------- ----
H. Holt.....................
1D. Loxvn------------------ -- -
W. Mar-sb..._-.._........
A. T. Peck.------------------
A. C. Sawyer................
-.Smith. --- - - - - - - - -
C. H. White................
A. J. Connelly and T. Benjamin
H. C. Carter.................
J. P. Adams.................
J. P. Adams.........
J. P. Adaums and J. P. Cot-bin.
J. A. Allen..................
IN. WV. Bancrofs..............
J. H. Bennett---------------.
N. Bennett- ----------
C. A. Boynton...............
J. M. Brush..............
S. H. Busb.................--
E. Butler and G. M. Peck.
J. L. Colburn................
G. S. Coleman................
WV. Cunuingbam.............
B. NV. Bake................-. WV. Bake................--
B. W. Dake................EJ. Bickey...............--
0. L. Dow...................
It. I. Eastman...............
E. Farnum-----------------..
C. WV. Gage..................
H. Garrett............
C. L. Gilpatrick..............
WE. Golden-----------------
W.H.o r.........._
L.. IrHa ------ --
N. Johnson..................
J. Jones....................
S. Keen.....................
L. L. Kellogg................
if. Lapharn.................
J. B. Lyous.................
J. McBride................._
P. P. Meredit..............--
S. E. Morse................WV. C. Mioser...............__
B. B. Pease..............G. M. Rhloades...-........
J. Robinson................J. Romans..................
G. Ruston..................-.. eett.................WV. S. and E. H. Shoemaker...
W. F. Skinner..............--
WV. E. Skinner..... _........ _.
C.F. Siitb.................
I. L. Siuith arud C. C. Colburn.
J. M. Smith--------- ------
L. A. Sumithi................
0. Suow....................H. Sogg...................---
P. S. Slacskhonse.........._
L. S. S. -r e tt...............
L. W. Stites................M. Sweet...................A Swift...................
S. H. Wade.................
FL. Wailker...............
+' P.XValker-...............WV Weaver- - -- -....-----
J.. Xvlii,le...............
A. WI iardy...............
A1. XVrlla------------------
P. G. Woda-d...............
P. G. Weoodar-..............
J.D Senuse r- ------ --------.
A. S. and S. B.McDowell.---
Brooklyn, N. Y V--- -. --
Poughkeepsie. N. Y.---
Waterford, Pa...........Scott, N. YV..............
Canton, N. V............
Castile, N. YV............Emmett Township, Mich..Pbiladelphia, Pa ---.---_.
New York, N. YV..-.
Whitney's Point, N. V.- -.
Whitney's Point, N. Y. _ _
Whitney's Point, N. VY --
Beerfiel, Mass -.
Burlington, Vt-.....
Bennington, Vt.-----
Sherman, N. Y.........
Hyde Park, Vt...........
Ey ota, lLinrn.............
Boistfort, Wash.._-___
Pompey, N. V., and Abingtea, Pa.
West Burke, Vt.----
Alexandria, Va.....-.....
Oxford, N. V.............
Chicago.,Il.............Beloit, XWcs.............
Beloit, Wis.._....-....
Hopewell Cotton Works,
Hancock, N. H_........
Granby, Mass -___-. -
Blackstone, Mass.----
Homer, N. V..-.........
Richmond, Mo......
Lewiston, Me.........._
Coldwater, Mich. _--
Bennington, Vt....._.....
Medfiebi, Mass._.........
Grafton, Ohio...-__.....
Guilforil, N. V.-......
Philadelphia, Pa --_.
East Brielgewater, Mass..- -
Leon, N. Y............. -- --
New York, N. Y.
Milton, Cola._......
Jthaca, N. V.......-...
Stevensv-ille, Mont.---
Montgomer-y, Vt.----
East Nantmeal Township,
Madison, Pa.............
Hamilton, N. Y.___Mecikleribuigh, N. V.-_
Calais, Vt....-........._
Homeville, Pa...-_....
Freeport, Ill............Beloit, Wis..............
Towsontown, Md., and ColInbus, Ohio.
Mil lord, Mich...........--
Milford, Mich.. _.......
Litchfield, Con. ---..
Burlington, Vt., and Maesena, N. Y.
Lyme, Con.............
Pinevillo, Pa..........._
]turlinctou, Vt. -_..-._.
Columbus, Pa. _..._..-_
Pineville, Pa............
Newburypurt, Mass...
Brooklyn, Ohio.. _.......Sidney, N. V.............
East Elmuore, Vt...__
Montgomery Centre, Vt
Twin Grove, XWis --._..
llelchertown, Muss. _.
Phwuixviilo, Pa -___.-_.
Chicago, ilt.-...Lockport. N. Y_. ___Vergennes, Vt -
Blanichester, Ohio -.-- - -- --
Jthaca, N. YV............Waterford, Pa..---.......
Nov. 19, 1872
July 20, 1869
Feb. 14, 1871
Sept. 2, 1862
Sept. 14, 1869
Oct. 22, 1872
Mar. 28, 1871
June 11, 1872
Nov'. 25, 1873
Sept. 12, 1865
May 1, 1866
Aug. 9, 18740
Feb. 12, 1861
Aug. 3, 1858
Mar. 25, 185(6
Sept. 17, 1861
July 17, 1860
Nov. 22, 1870
Bee. 16, 1873
Oct. 27, 1857
Apr. 7, 1868
(Oet. 3, 1871
Jan. 21, 1868
Jan. 14, 1873
Nov. 18, 1873
Dec. 9, 1873
July 12, 1853
Apr. 5, 1P'70
Nov. 27, 1866
Feb. 5, 1867
June 16, 1857
Feb. 4, 1868
Sept. 8, 1863
June 3, 1873
July 25, 1854
June 26, 1866
Aug. 7, 180
Jan. 12, 1164
July 5, 1859
Feb. 18, 1868 -July 55, 1871
May 14, 1872
Nov. 24, 1x63
June 10, 1873
Sept. 26, 1871
Mar. 8, 1864
Nov'. 26, 1867
Nov. 26, 1861
July 2, 1801
July 25, 1854
Juno 19, 1866
May 28, 1872
June 4, 1872
Sept. 30, 1873
Apr. 19, 1870
May 14, 1867
Aug. 6,18 72
Mar. 13,18x6
Nov. 17,1857
Jan. 12,1858
Aug. 23,185
Sept. 21, 1869
Au r. 16, l859
July 8, 1813
Mar. 21, le65
May Ia,1880
Alit a, 1824
May 2-,1867
Deg; 51871
Alit 21, 1868
Jar _51869
June 12, 18.0
June 2, 1888
Feb. 6, 185
Sept. 7,1858
Mar. 19, 1811
May 231871
July 3, 1866
Oct. 23, 1868
De.2(20, 18591
133, 220
9-2, 7;34
111, 758
36, 361
94, 917
132, 495
113, 122
127, 742
144, 889
51, 408
54, 272
106, 104
21, 106
14, 530o
33, 290
29, 135
169, 381
145, 624
18, 497
76, 304
119, 575
73, 582
134, 788
144, 662
145, 338
9, 838
101', 444
59, 985
61, 822
17, 564
74, 076
39, 808
139, 571
11,M 370
55, 857
29, 492
41, 223
24, 698
74, 546
117, 428
126, 638
40, 697
1:19, 7-23
119, 385
33, 794
32, 717
11, 387
55, 714
1-27, 271
127, 520
143, 260
64, 803
110, 159
53, 1192
18, 649
19, 103
95, 158
25, 145
140, 739
46, 953
3 7, 6614
117, 042
21, 460
115, 144
at, 112
2(1 527
Bate. No.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Button ----------------------------------------
B utton......................
B utton......................
Button.................-- "......................
Button..-.....................................B utton......................................."---
B utton -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B utton.......................................--
B utton......-.................................-"
B utton------------------------ ----"-----------
B utton - - - - " - - - - - - -- - - - " - " - -
B utton.......................................--
B utton.......................................--
B utton.......................................--
Button.---------- ---"--------------------..--
B utton.---------------------------
B utton----------------------------------------
Inventor. Residence. Pate. No.
J. N. Allen-------------------.....Providence, R. I----------_.June 17,1873 139, 991
H1. Ansley-------------------- _ _ _ _Washing ton, 1D. C -._.Aug. 4, i868 to, 699
J. F. Bapterosses-------------_ _ _Paris, France------------- _Jan. 19, 1858 19, 120
E. T. Barnum----------------- __ __ _Waterbuary, Con-.__._ Sept. 12, 1865 49, 846
C. Beeker and M. Wise -.--_New York, N. Y.........--Dec. 28, 1869 98, 338
P. H. Benedict---------------- __ __ _Syracuse. N. YF- - - - - _Mar. 14, 1865 46, 77-2
E. Bredt---------------------....New York, N. Y---------- _ _May 5, 1868 77, 443
A. W. Browne---------------- Brooklyn, N.Y.......Scot. 25, 1866 58, 314
A. W. Browne -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Brooklyn, N. Y...... May 14, 1t67 64, 74-2
F. X. Bugbee.- - - - - -- -------Kingsville, Oioe.. Jan. 28, 1868 73, 871
L. L. Burden------------------ Provideuce, 11I...... June 29, 1869 91, 906
G1. J. Canewell---------------- Cheshire, Con____- July 16,1872 128, 948
G... Capewell---------------- _ __ _ Cheshire, torn.___-_. Jury 16, 1821P28, 949
HI. Cailos............... __-....New York, N.Y..._._.Jan. 8, 167 C0. 997
M. P. Carperitei ----------- New York, N..____Apr. 1),1873 137, 824
V. Charlet--------------------lHoboken, N.J._-".- July 30,i867 67,'267
E. A. Cobb_...................Philadelphia, Pa __.. July 18, 1871 117, 150
1. Cole......................._New York, N.Y F ---Mar 30, 1869 88, 451
J. F. Collins and A. Neill-.._New York, N.Y __-. _.__May.31, 1870 1113, 571
G. Cooke---------------------.....Winchester, M as 13-__ _.lc. 10, 1867 71, 88
A. P. Critchlow--_ - - - ------Northampton, Mass. Nov. 30, 1869 97, 363
P. Davey-.....................Ironton, Ohio------------- Nov. 29, 1859 26, 258
F. D)ouglas..................._ __ __ _Norwich. Coon.._-----------Apr. 10, 1866 53, 796
J. Durand-------------------- New York, N. Y---------- Sept.9, 1873 142; 686
11. N. Eagle and C. D. Smith...Washing ton, D. C - __-.__Au. 14, 1866 57, l0t
A. A. Feldirappe and R. D~utfoy Paris, Fiance.............- - -Oct. 13 81)3 40, 254
C. A. French, 2d............----Boston, Mass- ---.-------May 1, 1866 54,3-24
P. W. Geugenibre------------- Boston. Mass.............Jan. 19, 1864 41, 292
P. W. Gengem bre.. _-.......... Boston, Mass.............-- - -Dee. 13 1864 45, 400
P. W. G engeru bre.. _...._......- BostonMass_............._ __ _Dec. 11864 45, 401
P. W. Gengerubre............. Boston, Mass.............lDe.13, 1864 45, 4112
HI.Geruci-._..............New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 14,1865 50, 927
It. H. Guil Ford.................estWest Cheshire, Coin -..Sept.3, 1867 68, 562
IR. H. Guilford -_.......... _ _ West Cheshire, Coon __- May 24, 1870 103, 451
J. H a t ch.....................-Attleborough,Mass._.. Feb.'20,1845 3, 915
C. L. Hor-ack - _-.-.- -----------Willimnratic, Con -..Nov. 16, 1869 96, 808
D. Hoiarth..................--Portland, Me,------------- May 8,1866 t'4, 54
L. A. Jefferson.. _...._.......Bridgeport, Conn. --_ Feb. 23, 1869 87, 262
J. Jenk.--________ Washington, P. C------Apr. 9,1t67 63, 642
J. M. Johnson----------------- Manmaroneck, N.Y..-..Apr. 17,1866 53, 986
J. M. Johnson-...-...........New- York, N. Y.........--May l5, 1866 54, 736
J. lienmuir.................._ _ _ _Leavenworth, Kans...1 k Dc. 28, 1869. 98, '271
M. 1R. Kenyon...-----..--..----Providence, R. I..----------.Mar. 16, 1869 87, 854
J. Koher-le.................._ Saint Louis, Mo----------- Dec.1, 1868 84,555
S. Krom..................... New For-k, N. Y..........-June 5,1860 28, 587
S. B. Lane--------------------...Waterhury, Con- --------Nov.39, 1872 133, 160
H. Link-._____-------------Little Falls, N. _..-Aug. 17,1869 93,7-26
C. Ml. Loomis_................._ __ __ _Hartford, Conn..._ _....June 6, 1865 48, 079
F. Loos _.... -..--_...........Germantown, Pa. _-_-.___Jan. 29,16167 61, 547
P. F.Mauras................ New York, N. Y..........Dcc. 4,1866 60, 217
E. Maynard....------------. ashiington, I..C-- May 23, 1865 47, 843
G. W. McGill.---------------Washington, D. C_--May 28,167 65. 0-Z-0
G. A. Meachans--------------- New York, N. Y..........Jan. 10, 1869 26, 776
G. A. Meaclhaur---------------New York, N. Y..........July 2, 1861 - 32, 103
G. A. Mcacham............... New York, N.Y -- -- Aug. 13, 1861 33,046
G. A. Meacham.............. New York, N. Y _-. '.----Ap.....__ Apr.8, 1862 34, 897
R. J. M o nk s...................-- -- --Boston, Mass.............--May 28, 182 12;, 183
M. 1). Moore.................. Brooklyn, N. Y._......5May 19, 1868 78, 116
C. Murder-............clevelandl,Ohio........... June 2,1868 78,5:35
C. N. Nickers5on.............. _ _ Gloucester, Mass........OeOct.27, 1868 8:3, 403
0. 1Padldlck...................- -- -- -Water-town, N. Y.___...May 18,1869 90, 119
F'. 1. Palmer.... -.......Springfield, Mass..._-Mar. 27, 1866 53, 471
F. J. Peabody.................._ _ _ edford, Mass.._-._....Aug.4, 1868 80, 563
F. J. Perkins.................-SauloniMass.............. Apr. 28,1v68 77, 313
G. W. Phillips...........--- Fresh tend, N.Y.....Au 1,1l71 117, 564
CM. Plait....................\Xstxrhrr, Cone..._...uly 10,16 56,261
C. M. Plait...................-Waterhury, Coin.____Nov. 14, 1871 121,100
HI. Prouhet.................. Sarut Louis, Mo........... - -Dc 3, 1867 I7i, 641
J. N. Prugger.................New York, N. Y..- _...June 4, 186,7 65, 503
W. H. Reed.............- -- _-..Phladelphia, Pa----------. _Jrero 1865 48, 095
W. H.lReed. _...... ___ ___. New Yo k,N. Y...... _... Feb. 19,1867 62, 153
J. L. hteniiger.-.-_... _.. Providence, 1It I.... _.-Aug.17, 169 9.3,748
P. E. -I-ichar-di r..............Paris, France.... _...._._Feb. 24) 1863 37, 774
C. L. Richards................ __ __ _Altleborouglr, Mass. lo. Fb.13, 18661 5), (08
E. A. Riobiuson............... Witer bury, Coon...._. Aug 14,1866 57, x60
C. Iohitaille.................. Brooklyn, N.Y............ Apr. 17,h66 54,071
A. H. Savage................. Ashtabula, Ohio..........Sept.3, 18;21 11,067
G. A. Schultz..... ____.......Louis- ilbe, Iy... _........ Apr. 4 18u1 113,577
A. Selkirk..-.._............AlP-in7N. Y......_Mar 6,1666 53,086
A. H. Smith.................--Brooklyn, N. YF...........Sept. 25,186(1 58,3111
D. N7. Somers.... __....._-__ Brooklynr, N. Y...........Oct. 22,1867 7,0369
D. M. Somers and W. S. Atwood Brooklyn, N. Y., and New- Dec. 31, 1867 7-1)9-1.9
arkIN. J.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent aftice from 1790 to 187:3, inclusive-Contfinned.
Button and stud, Shirt-------------------------..
Button and stud, Sleeve-------------------------
Button-attachment for apparel..................- - - -
Button-backs, Machine for forming- - - -----------.
Button blacks, Machine for grinding pearl....
But ton, Clasp.-- ----------------
Button, Covered..-........-------------
Button, Covered-------------------------------
Button, Cuff -----------------------------------
Button, Cuff and cllar........................---
Butt on, D)eadl-eve(1 wood------------------------
Buttou, Detaehable metal.-- - ----- - --- -- -- - ------
Button-dies, Machine for grinding steel -- --_Butten-fastener -------------- ------------------
Buttn-Ifistener ------------------------ -------
Buttoii-fa stener--------------------------------
Button-fastener --------------------------------
Button-fastener----------------- ----------......
Bat toliastening ------------------------- ------
Button-fastetnng -------------------
But ton-fastening:...............................
Button-fastening -------------------
b'utton lastenin'-------------------------------
Button-fastening -'------------------------------
B itten-fastening..........................----...
Button fnstening ------------ ------------------
Button-lastenin '--------------------
Bu ton-fastening -------------------------------
Button-fastening -------------------------------
Button-fastening.............................. --
Button-fistenn -------------------------------
Button-fastenni---------------------------- _.
Button-Ia telling -------------------------------
Button fastening ------------------------------
Button-fastening -------------------------------
Button-fastening --------------------
Button for fastening cupboard and other doors,
Plate turn.
Burton-forming inaching.........................
Button, Garment..............................---
Button, Glas3---------------------------"--------
Button, Glass ---------- ------------------------
Button. Glass --------------------------------.
Button grinding and polishing machineo...... -....
Button-bole -------------- ---------------------
luiton-t~olo -----------------------------------
1hutton-bole and buckle------------.------------.
Button-hole climp and guide-------------------
Button-hule cutter ----------- -----------------
Button-bole cutter -------------------------- ---
Buco-bole cutter -----------------------------.
But ton-bole cutter.........-..... -...............
Button-h~ole cutter --.........----------
Button-hole cutter..............................
Button-hiele cutter............................---
Butteti-lile cutter............................--
Button-hole cutter-----------------------------
Button hole cutter................
Button-hole cutter -----------------------------
Button-hole cutter....._...........
Button-hole cutter........................ -... _.
Button-hole cutter_.-...........................
Button-hole cutter................
Button-hole cutter ----------------------
Button-hole cutter........................... -..
Button-hole cutter....................--..._..
Button-hole cutter...- ----- - ------
Button-hole cutter.............................
Button-hole cutter...............
Button-hole cutter.............................
J. T. Thornton---------------
B. Clayton------------------
I. Lewine------------------
J. C. Cooke------------------
J. D. Hall.--.----------
P. Kh-amy................N. C. Newell.........---.....
F. McCarthy.-...........
H.WX. Little................--
D. G. Fowler................
T. Ki-k....................
W. Robinson................
J. C. Gaston................
R. B. Gifin, jr.............Hi. W. Hewett...............
J. Lafvendahl..............
G. A. Meacham........... _.
A. M. Richmond.............
E. Ripley...................
11. Weaver.................J. F. BlLod-..............
E. Brady...................--
A. Broolsiana..............
1.. Cannata..................
G.J. Capeweli...............
G. D. Clark................Fi aiais...................--
I: F. Eatoni.................B. Geiger and H. Wocher.
L. Goodwinl..................
W. Holloway...............
H. Humphrey...............J. Joluson.-........-..._
J. M. Johnson..............--
W. Kuhlensclnidt..___.__.
F. M. La Boiteaux.._-......
E. F. Lee.------------------
H. S. Miagrane.........
M. Criusbee................--
C. H. Reid.------------------
A. Rix......................
M. Rosenthal...............
J. B. Itumsey............
W. B. Smithy................
E. J. F. Sfolpe -..-.
J. 1t. Underhill... __.......
E. S. Wheeler..............--
11. Wise ---------- --------.-.
P., E. W., and J. A. Blake..S.Pts---------
A. C. Wilhelm..............--
A. WX. Den~ulh._.._.....-...
A. M1. Soith................---
A. W. Welton. --- ------
G. J. Capewell.-........
It. J Cootwr----------------
E. F. IDietericbls ------------
H. B. Fairesan..........
C. D. S~nith-.......-......
L. A. Kettle................IL. Reding...................
P. Sanuer...................--
C. E. Bran.................
T. WV. Browni. --...........
T. C. Buls h.................- -- -- --
D. G. Chase. _...........
SV. Chicken................ -- -- --
J. S. Crane-- ---------
1). H. Cunningham.....-....
C. N. Cutter.................
A. Pay.....................
T. B. Doilittle..............
V. W. Egoew..............
J. 'V. D. Eldredge..... _.....
I. -T. Feariiig...............
WV. F itzger ll..............--
11. illenpel.................
J. A. ant II. A. Hlouse._
C. Al. Johiison.._._....
F. C. L'eypokit.............--
h'. C. Leyplt...............
AiW.. he..........
Providence, R. I....
Philadelphia, Pa.----_--.
New York, N. Y...
Waterbury, Con -...
Philadelphia, Pa --.__-..
Brooklyn, N. Y.-_Birmingham, England.---
Springfield, Mass.._.
Chicago, Ill -........
Muncie,Ind.... _.......
New Branford, Conn.
Waterbury, Conn.-.
Attleboroulgh, Russ... - -.Cincininati, Ohio.-------
Baltimore, Md.._.. -.
New York, N. Y. -.
East Bostoin, Muss.---
1?ew York, N.Y.-_--
7sew York, N. Y......
Troy, N. Y..............--
Washington, B. C.---.Providenee, P.21. I. -_..
Philadelphia, Pu.---.--
Chicago, Ill...........
Jersey City, N. J.-----
West Cheshire, Conii-.. -.
Plc.invilte, Conn.Brooklyn, N.Y..........Brooklyn. N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa._.__-.__.
New York, N. Y.-___.__..
Buffalo, N. Y--..........
Adriani, Mich...........--
New York, N. Y-._.New York, N. Y.---.
New Yors, N.Y.--.._Co tt a ge Hill, Ohio. -.
New York, N. Y.-----
Hoboken, N. J......... _.
Brooklyn, N. Y.-........
ilanbury, Con..........San Francisco, Cal.._..
Philadelphia, Pa..
Tiffin, Ohio..........---..
New York, N. Y.-----
Washingtoni, B. C..--_.
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Westport, Ciinn....._.
New York, N. Y -_-.
New Haven, Coon. _..
Leominster, Muss._..
Philadelphia, Pa..
New York,N.Y.
Brooklyni, N. Y.._....
Cheshir-e, Conii.---.---
West Cheshire, Con.
New Yorks N. Y.-..
Philadelphia, Pa._--._
New York, N. Y...
Washing ton, DI. C._.._.
Philadelphia, Pa. -.
Norwalk, Ohio..........--
Newark, N. J1.............
Oswego, N. Y..._........
Boston, BMass........... _.
New Haven, Conn..
Boston, Mass...-.....
Boston, Mass.......... _..
Lake Villas, N.H.-.-..-.
Waltham, Muass.-._-__
Worcester, Mass..-----
Detroit,Micli..-........Briidgepiort, Conno.-..Iletroit, Mic-h...........
i)ltroi t, Michi............
South XVeynoutli, Mass...
Boston. Mass............
New York, N. Y..._._
Bridgeport, Conni.
New York, N. Y -.. --
Hartford, Couii....... _. _.
Pliilaslelphia, Pa..--__
Philadelphia Pa._-..
NewMark, N. H.J
Ma y 6, 1873
Fob. 12, 186?
June 19, 1866
July 27, 1812
Jan. 21, 1870
Mar. 11, 1873
Aug. 14, 1849
Aug. 28, 1816
Junoe 14, 1873
Jan. 23, 187-2
May 8, 1833
Nov. 8,1864
Mir. 3, x29
May 21, 1878
Nov. 28,1867
Dcc 10, 1840
Api. 16,1861
Apr. 8,1862
Apr. 2i,1871
July 21t 1868
June 16, 18o8
June 1, 1869
Nov. 9,l1-69
May 6, 1871
Ieoh 12, 1867
Auit.-4, 1e88
Nov. 14, 1865
(let. 21, 1873
Nov. 9, 189
June 23,1858
Jtuly 8,1871
Oct. 29, 1867
May 8, 1868
Dec. 4,186
Apr. 23,1861
Nov. 8,1870)
Nov. 8, 12 (0
Jail. 28, 1868
June 10, 187:1
Aug 19, 187:3
Sept. 22, 1868
Mar. 17, 1868
Apr. 17, 18186
Mar. 4, 1873
May 6, 1873
June 11,1887
IAug. 12, 1873
IApr. 19, 1870
Mar. 21, 1843
118, 595
6-2, 008
55, 798
9, 146
99, 18.3
136, 648
6, 651
140, 211
122, 899
44, 918
103, 443
71, 382
1, 889
32, 105
34, 895
114, 200
80, 224
78, 903
90, 631
96, 144
138, 608
140, 008
62, 001
80, 710
50, 988
143, 892
96, 689
20, 7 07
70, 218
14, 116
60, 194
3-2, 136
109, 024
109, 134
73, 735
139, 808
14-2, 043
8-2, 440
75, 610
14, 022
136, 116
138, 708
141, 74:1
102, 1890
Sept. 15, 1868 82, 243
Feb. 11, 1873 13,739
May 31, 1864 42, 931
Janu. 28, 1873 131,3:75
(Oet. 12, 1812 9, 337
Aug. 28, 186 17. 471
1Dcc. 1ii, 187:1 145, 5156
July it), 18136 16, 190
June 27, 1865 -8, 484
Au j.14, 1868 17, 202
Aug. 24,18l69 94.002
Mar. 08, 1871113,093
Jul5 16, 1872 12,309
June 11,M72 127,831
May 23, 1854 10, 972
Sept. 1:3,1870)107, 332
Decc 28, 1869 18, 349
July 7, l857 I17, 7-25
Fet. 11, 1-68 7-1,:115
Sept. 1i, 1. i0 107, 009
J"u.1, 1867'6. 709
lob. 18, 18713 135, 893
Jiri. 3,l87Â~2 1:>1,20
De.tl 1872 134, 366
Ma 14, 181 313281.
Apr. 0, 1e67 64,3300
Junos 11, 1887 65, 671
A pr. 3,18610 1:3, 619
Feb. 25, 1868 74, 827
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 708
Dec. 11, 1880 3.?, 021
July 25,186rn 48, x;62
Au-- 21, 1816 17, 342
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 293
June 3, 8:31:19, 47-2
July 18, 1871 117, 100
Ju 9, 18P72 128, 90-2
Dec. 1i,188 84,1102
May 9, 1871 114,198
Jani 24, 1865 46, 028
Aug. 28, 1866 57,5184
Feb. 23, 1864
Dec. 9, 1862
41, 725
C. F. Tebbets and G. Nutting. Fitehburgh, Muss.
IMay 27, 18 73 1 139, 437
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Buttonhole cutter--------------------------................................ C. Van Hoosen...............
Button-hole cutter............................... F. H. Walker..................
Button-hole cutter.............................F. H. Walker.........
Button-hole cutter and punch............... A. L. Whitney............
Button-hole cutter, eyelet-puncher, and scissors- W. C. McGill.............
sharpener, Combined.
Button-hole-cutter gage........................ G. Stackpole..................
Button-hole-cutting machine..................... G. ehfuss....................
Button-hole guide-plate--------......-- -. -A. W. Webster............
Button-hole clasp, M etallic.- - - -.......- J. R. Little ----..................Button-hole stitch... -....................... D. W. G. Humphrey.........
Button-hole stitch-................................. W W eitling.................
Button-hole-stitching machine.--------------.... --.. D. WV. G. Humphrey......
Button-hole-stitching machine-- ----... D. W. G. Humphrey....._
Button-hole-stitching machine---...--------------.. R. H. Peabody.....-.........
Button-hole twist, Preparin-g...-----------------.................. -R. Morrison..................
Button-holes, Apparatus for making...--............- F. Lindner................
Button-holes, Apparatus for piercing cloth for..... D. V. Whitney...........
Button-boles, Cutting............................ C. Currier--------------....................Button-holes, Edge-finish for.................... D1). W. G. Humphrey.........
Button-boles, Guide tfor working.................. O. Avery...............
Button-holes in fabrics, Mode of weaving.....-. L. J. Knowles................
Button-holes, Machine f or cutting and re-enforcing J. T. Bruen and G. M. Jacobs.
Button-holes, Mode of making----...------------- H. Loewenberg.............
Button-holes, M ode of securing- - - -............ _ J. W alters........-...--
Button-hook and handkerchief-holder combined -...- G. D. Stevens.............
Button-hook, Lacing---------------------..... D. Heaton.._.....-.-...
Button-hooks, Device for setting.......... J. S. Palmer......-----...........Button-hooks, Instrument for setting........... J. S. Palmer.................
Button-hooks, Machine for making...----------.. - J. S. Palmer --....-..--........Button-hooks, Machine for making..-------------. L. Towne.....................
Button-books, Machine for setting-----------... ---. P. Esser and F. A. Steere....Button, Imitation.. -------------------- S. G. Jones....................
Button, Imitation................................ W. H. Shurtleff...........
Button-key....-------------------------------. J. Lawrence..................
Button key......-------------------------------H. St. John...................
Button, Lacing......---------.........-------------------.................... D. Heaton...............
Button, Lacing.................................... ----------------------------D. Heaton...................
Button, Lacing.......---..................--------------........ D. Heaton..................
Button-lacing hook------------.... ------------- W. II. Shurtleff-..............
Button-machine--------------------...--------C. Volkert........._
Button-machinery.....-------------------------- L. E. Hicks.................
Button-making die............................... A. C. Sweetland --.....-.......
Button-making machine---------------------..........................-J. F. Bapterosses........,...---
Button-making machine.......................... H. Bock....................
Button-making machine....................... XV. Kraemer.................
Button-making machine.......---........-........ L. D. Phillips.................
Button-manufacture------------------------............................... L. Moses.....................
Button-manufacture--------------................----------.............. T. Prosser..................
Button-manufacture, Machine for forming collets, M. Ferre.....................
washers, &c., for.
Button mold for casting wire-eyed buttons, Old J.B. Collins..................
single-jointed pewter.
Button-molds, Manufacture of.................... J. Hayden and R. Hyde.......
Button-molds,Manufacturing and polishingwooden J. Nortin.................
Button-molds of wood, Manufacturing-----------............. A. Mathews................
Button-molds, Tool for making...------------..--- J. T. Hawkins...................
Button-molding die................................ W. M. Welling...............
Button needle and fastener------------------....................... J. A. Ostburg.................
Button or fastener, Sleeve......................... S. J. Shaw..................
Button or garment-fastener....................... R-. Bocklen and W. Stoehlen..
Button or lacing hooks, Machine for setting....... - H. C. Bradford............
Button or lacing hooks, Machine for setting...--. H. C. Bradford...............
Button or stud..............................--... J. B. Carter................
Button or stud..........................---......... C. A. Newton.................
Button or stud.................................... D. R. Rae and T. F. Lewis -... --
Button or stud, Collar............................ J. I. Waddell.................
Button or stud, Shirt ------------------------.............................-- G. R. Burden.................
Button or stud, Shirt-------------------.............................--- L. W. Fifield............
Button or stud, Shirt............................. T. J. Holmes............
Button-ornamenting machine.................. J. Tunnicliff and P. Cahill.....
Button, Picture.....---------------------------- R. E. Hitchcock..............
Button-planing machine.......................... J. G. Vallentine.........
Button-rings, Machine for making................S. B. Lane............
Button-riveting machine.......................... J. J. Mervesp................
Button-shank gage........................... J. F. Russell..................
Button shanks, Method of forming sleeve......... W. H. Blake..................
Button, Silk-covered.............................. ------ H. Heinemann...............
Button, Sleeve-------------------------.........................--........ S. Bogart................
Button, Sleeve..................................... J. Caldwell and H. B.Winslow
Button, Sleeve..............-....-.-...--..... J. P. Derby..............
Button, Sleeve.................................... J. C. Harirington and D. S.
Button, Sleeve.................................... W.H. W ilson.................
Button, Spring-catch.............................. T. K. Reed and H. F. Packard
Button, stud, &c.......................I............ D. ait......
Button, stud, &c................................... T. S. Sedgwick...............
Button, SuspenderE.................................. Smith................
Button, Swivel.................................... E. H. Porter.............
Button, Window................................... E. K. Breckenridge...........
Buttons, American wire-eyed..---------- -.. F. Hayden...............
Buttons, Apparatus for centering shanks or eyes on. W. H. Blake.............
Buttons, Attaching the shanks to mineral and corn- C. L. Potter..............
Buttons, &c., Attachment of...................... N. Ames......................
New York, N. Y.....
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..............
Fitchburgh, Mass.......
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Elizabeth, N. J..........
PhiladeliLhia, Pa........
Ansonia, Conn........
Jamaica Plains, N. Y.....
Chelsea, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
Chelsea, Mass...........
Chelsea, Mass.......
Chelsea, Mass...........
Yonkers, N. VY.........
Dayton, Ohio... --...
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I...-...
Chelsea, Mass........
Bethany, Pa.............
Warren, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I-..........
Providence, R. I........
Providence, R. I........
Providence, R. I..........
Providence, R. I........
North Providence, R. I.-..
North Bridgewater, Mass
Providence, R. I...........
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven. Conn.........
Providence, R. I........
Providence, R.I..........
Providence, R. I...........
Providence, R.I..........
New York, N. Y.......
Middletown, Conn -.. -...
North Attleborough, Mass.
Paris, France.......
New York, N. Y........
Cincinnati, Ohio..._.....
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Patereen, N. J.......
Williamsburgh, Mass....
June 17, 1873
June 30, 1868
Dec. 14, 1869
Apr. 8, 1873
June 11, 1872
Apr. 16, 1872
Aug. 2, 1864
June 27, 1871
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 7, 1862
Feb. 18, 1862
June 13, 1871
Feb. 6, 1872
June 9, 1868
Mar. 8, 1870
Oct. 9, 1866
Sept. 30, 1862
June 22, 1858
Apr. 9, 1872
Oct. 14, 1856
Mar. 7,1865
Nov. 27, 1866
May 6,1862
Dec. 3, 1872
Oct. 4,1870
Nov. 26, 1872
May 25, 1869
Sept. 28, 1869
June 1, 1869
Feb. 2, 1869
May 19, 1868
Feb. 27, 1872
Jan. 30, 1872
Oct. 18, 1864
Nov. 24, 1863
July 16, 1872
Nov. 19,1872
Dec. 10, 1872
June 11, 1867
Sept. 20, 1870,
Apr. 24, 1847
Sept. 26, 1865
Aug. 12, 1873
Feb. 14, 1865
Oct. 30, 1866
Nov. 27, 1866
Feb. 25, 1868
July 29, 1841
July 28, 1842
139, 983
79, 418
97, 996
137, 745
127, 783
125, 702
43, 707
116, 378
94, 965
36, 616
34, 454
115, 857
123, 348
78, 821
160, 548
58, 654
36, 594
20, 632
125, 393
15, 872
46, 679
59, 957
35, 163
133, 554
108, 063
133, 312
95, 257
90, 681
86, 473
78, 077
124, 139
123, 299
44, 771
45, 714
129, 474
133, 223
133, 857
65, 615
107, 570
5, 079
50, 185
141, 749
46, 330
59, 234
60, 053
74, 764
2, 199
2, 740
Meriden, Conn........... Apr. 12, 1815
Williamsburgh and Chesterfield, Mass.
Southington, Conn.......
Southington, Conn.......
Salisbury, Vt..............
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.............
Marlborough, Mass......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Providence, R.I.......
Providence, R. I..........
Hartsville, Ind...........
Providence, R. I.........
Providence, H. I.....
Annapolis, Md............
Providence, R. I.........
Worcester, Mass..........
Malden, Mass.............
Northampton, Mass.......
Waterbury, Conn.......
Naugatuck, Conn.........
Waterbury, Conn.........
New York, N..........
Washington, D. C.........
Waterbury, Conn.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I..........
Boston, Mass.............
Providence, R. I..........
Providence, R. I..._....
East Bridgewater and North
Bridgewater, Mass.
New York, N. Y..........
Onargo, Ill..............
Naugatuck, Conn.........
New Britain, Conn........
West Meriden, Conn......
Waterbury, Conn.........
Waterbury, Conn........
Providence, R. I...........
Saugus Centre, Mass......
Aug. 7, 1849 6, 635
June 13, 1816.....
A p r. 2 6, 18 1 5.....
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 073
Oct. 25, 1870 108, 660
June 20, 1871 116, 087
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 646
Aug. 13, 1861 33, 025
June 14. 1870 104, 257
Feb. 27, 1872 124, 029
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 183
Aug. 8,1871 117, 916
Feb. 27, 1872 124,010
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 807
July 16, 1872 128,946
Jan. 17, 1871 111,049
Dec. 30, 1873 145, 948
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 429
Aug. 13, 1861 33, 038
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 763
Sept. 3, 1867 68, 516
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 512
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 436
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 156
July 8,1851 8, 205
Jan. 12, 1864 41, 191
July 30,1872 130, 015
Mar. 31, 1857 16, 909
Nov. 5,1872 132, 761
Feb. 24,1863 37, 784
Aug. 23, 1864 43, 928
Apr. 6, 1852 8. 860
Aug. 18,1868 81 300
Apr. 16, 1861 32, 087
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 333
Nov. 30, 1869 97, 348
Oct. 1, 1830......
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 394
Dec. 13, 1870 110, 070
Mar. 22, 1864 41,969
Index of patents issued from the United States Palent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I I
Bristol, Conn.............
Aug. 7, 1815
Buttons cast in mold, Construction of an eye for
Buttons, Composition for..........................
Buttons, Composition for making wire-eyed......
Buttons, Detachable covering for................
Buttons, Die for forming sleeve...--------------
Buttons, Fastener for sleeve.....-----.
Buttons. Finishing wired-neck metal...............
Buttons from straw boards, Manufacture of.....
Buttons, handles for knives, and for other purposes, Material for the manufacture of.
Buttons. Holding shanks of molds for glass.......
Buttons in the mold, Setting the eyes of metal.. - -.
Buttons, Machine for attaching ----.. -....-.
Buttons, Machine for making covered..........
Buttons, Machine for making wire-necked metal.. -
Buttons, Machino for molding glass...............----------
Buttons, Machine for pressing glass...............
Buttons, Making paper..........................
Buttons, Manufacture of..........................
Buttons, Manufacture of..........................
Buttons, Manufacture of wooden.............
Buttons, Manufacturing..--------------------..
Buttons, Manufacturing coat and waistcoat.......
Buttons, Manufacturipg cord......-...............
Buttons, Manufacturing dead-eyed wood.....
Buttons, Manufacturing metallic..............
Buttons, Manufacturing metallic flexible-shank...- --
Buttons, Means for fastening.............
Battons, Mode of fastening................
Buttons, Mode of finishing glass..............
Buttons, Mold for casting metallic.........
Buttons, Mold for fancy......................
Buttons on cloth, Machine for riveting........
Buttons on heads, &c., of whips, Forming worked.
Buttons, Ornamenting metallic.................
Buttons, Preparing wood for the manufacture of..
Buttons, Process of varnishing-..........Buttons, Punching-machine for manufacture of
Buttons, Smoothing and rounding the edges of
Buttons to cards, Securing.................
Buttons to cloth, Method of attaching.............
Buttons to cloth, Method cf making and attaching
Buttons to fabrics, Apparatus for securing....
Buttons to fabrics, Apparatus for securing......
Buttons to fabrics, Device for securing -... -. --
Buttons to fabrics, Fastening..... - -. -.
Buttons to fabrics, Instrument for attaching..-. -
Buttons to fab ics, Instrument for attaching
Buttons to fabrics, Machine for attaching....
Buttons to fabrics, Machine for rivetin....
Buttons to fabris, Machine for riveting.... - - -.
Buttons, &c.,to fabrics, Mode of attaching -.. -
Buttons to fabrics, Securing...........
Buttons to garments, Device lotr attaching.....
Buttons to garments, Securing.........
Buttons to garments. Securing.._...............
Buttons, Tool for setling hook....................
Buttons, &c., Treating wood for the manufacture
of sleeve.
Buttons, Turning.................................
Buttons while polishing, Hold-fast for............
Cab and Cradle-..................-.................
Cab, Brakeman's..................................
Cabbage-cutter ---------------------------
Cabbage-cuttin maer......e...........................
Cabbage-cutting machine..................
Cabin, Floating safety.................
Cabin ifor steam and other vessels, Floating.......
Cabinet and bed.................................
Cabinet, Blacking.................................
Cabinet-chair and secretary combined.............
Cabinet, College...................................
Cabinet for ladies..................................
Cabinet hook.......................................
Cabinet maker's tool..............................
Cabinet purposes, Combination of wood and paper
Cabinet ventilator................................
Cabinet-work, Machine for polishing.............
I. Ives........................
E. S. Wheeler.................------------
S. H. Woodruff and A. Matthews.
F. H. Gould..-------------.................
H. Ansley...---------------
H. Cogswell..............
H. Mathews.................
E. M. Pomeroy..............
L. E. Chittenden.............
G. Matthewman- -......-.
1. Ives...----------------
W. S. Platt and G. J. Capewell
W. W. Wade..-------------
H. Mathews-------------..................C. Vigneron....--------------
T. Guilford..................
E. M. Pomeroy............
P. Kirkham..................
C. M. Platt..-................
L. L. and A. L. Platt..........
C. Goodyear.................
G. W. Robinson...........
N. Perkins---------------....................
D. Fowler....................
J. 0. M. Ingersoll............
J. Bayden, jr..------------
I. F. Eaton...---------------
W. A. and F. V. Johnson and
H. S. Worth.
S. Ricbards--------------...................
G. W. Robinson-----------...............
F. Maass....----------------.................
W\V. J. Gordon and E. D. Gilbert
R. S. Brown................
H. W. Hayden..........
R. H. Isbell...................
E. M. Pomeroy............
A. C. Arnold.... -------------
Westport, Conn........... Nov. 14, 1865 50, 974
Connecticut.............. Mar. 1, 1816.....
Newark, N. J.............
Washington, D. C.........
Providence, R. I-..........
Southington, Conn........
Wallingford, Conn._...
Washington, D. C.........
Williamsburgh, N. Y....
Bristol, Conn..........
Cheshire, Conn...........
Medford, Mass.-........
Southington, Conn.......
Providence. RI. I -..........
Cheshire, Conn............
Wallingford, Conn-......
Waterbury, Conn.......
Waterbury, Conn.........
Newtown, Conn........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Wawarsing, N. Y.........
Branford, Conn.........
Ithaca, N. Y..............
Williamsburgh, Mass.....
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Oxford, Pa..............
Attleborough, Mass.....
New Baven, Ccnn.......
Newark, N. J.............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Waterbury, Conn........
New Milford, Conn.......
Wallingford, Conn........
Norwalk, Coon...........
Apr. 14, 1868
Apr. 5, 1870
May 11, 1858
Sept. 12, 1815
Aug. 21, 1849
Jan. 24, 1865
Oct. 10, 1865
Aug. 7, 1815
Sept. 5, 1871
Apr. 27, 1869
Setp. 12, 1815
Apr. 19, 1870
Apr. 10. 1866
Sept. 23, 1843
Dec. 18, 1849
May 6, 1873
June 27, 1854
Jan. 12, 1831
Mar. 24, 1804
Aug. 17, 1852
June 13, 1831
Aug. 18, 1857
Feb. 17, 1831
Oct. 21,1873
Oct. 7, 1873
Aug. 19,1822
May 14, 1812
Oct. 21,1873
Mar. 7, 1865
Feb. 21, 1842
July 11, 1854
Dec. 24, 1872
Feb. 19, 1850
Apr. 23, 1842
76, 746
101, 565
20, 194.....
6, 654
45, 977
50, 374
118, 743
89, 450
102, 070
53, 816
3, 281
6, 953
138, 525
9, 210.....
18, 014.....
143. 891
143, 512..........
143, 916
46, 660
2, 462
11, 263
134, 286
7, 102
2), 580.....
49, 674
2, 219
1, 682
52, 885
52, 884
95, 847
45, 077
83, 193
83, 669
76, 600
61, 334
132, 537
133, 273
91, 083
128, 950
56, 612
62, 784
120, 703
126, 816
I. Ives..................... Bristol, Conn............ Aug. 7,1815
E. S. Boynton.............. New York, N. Y--------.......... Aug.29,1865
H. S. Poole............. Boston, Mass-----------............. Aug. 11, 1841
F. Hayden................ Waterbury, Conn......... July 10, 1840
G. Rehfuss....................
G. Rehfuss....................
D. M. Somers................
W. H. Reed..................
H. M auch....................
D.M. Somers and W. S. Atwood
G. J. Capewell..............
MT. J. Gordon.............
J. J. Mervesp..............
H. B. Walbridge..........
G. J. Capewell..............
G. J. Calewell.............
J. W. Roberts..........
C. F. Spencer.............
II. C. Bradlbrd................
O. Knipfier...................
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Providence, R. I.----.
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
West Cheshire, Conn....-.
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brookln, N. Y..........-.
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
West. Cheshire, Conn.....
Cheshire, Con.........
New Monmouth, N. J....
Rochester, N. Y..'........
Providence, R. I..........
Bridgeport, Conn........
Feb. 27, 1866
Feb. 27, 1866
Oct. 12, 1869
Nov. 15, 1864
Oct. 20, 1868
Nov. 3,1868
Apr. 14, 1868
Jan. 22, 1867
Oct. 29, 1872
Nov. 19, 1872
June 8, 1869
July 16, 1872
July 24, 1866
Mar. 12,1867
Nov. 7, 1871
May 14, 1872
D. French.................... Bridgeport, Pa............ Apr. 23, 1816...
I. Ives........................ New Haven, Cono........ June 18,1814...
J.Pol........................----------------------. New York, N. Y........... Jan. 29,1867
G. H. HIenkel-.......--....... Hartford City, Ind...... Aug. 10, 1869
H. C. Glasgow............. Chicago, Ill.......... Apr. 1,1862
H. Aeuer................... Musca tine, Iowa......... Jan. 22, 1867
H. Carver..................... Edinburgh, Va............ Aug. 26, 1851
A. Fischer................... Dayton, Ohio.............. Apr. 27, 1858
J. D. Schaub.................. Birmingham, Pa--.......... --Apr. 5, 1870
F. S. Vogel and J. R. Albright Lancaster, P'a............. Mar. 30, 1869
J. C. Wilkins.................Fox Chase, Pa............. Jan. 3, 1860
F.Berkeymeyer and J.Dengler Greenwich, Pa............ Nov. 14, 1826
G. G. Elias..................Lancaster, Pa............ Nov. 22, J859
W. Thomas................... Hingham, Mass.......... Apr. 10, 1855
M. I. Butler-......-.----..-....... Nashville, Tenn.......... Oct. 25, 1859)
W. R. Jackson................ - Baltimore, Md............ June 5, 1855
H. J. Nichols................. Scarsport, Me............. Aug. 23, 1870
11. Bacon...................... Boston, Mass............. Feb. 15, 1870
R. F. Clayton................. Boston, Mass............. Jan. 30, 1872
L. P. Keach............. Baltimore, Md......... July 20, 1869
S. Pearson.................... Boston, Mass............. Oct. 18, 1859
C. S. Trevitt................... Washington, D. C......... Apr. 8, 1873
W. W. Lovering............ San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 18, 1866
A. J. Forbes................... San Francisco, Cal........ Nov. 16, 18690
J. B. Sargent............... New Haven, Conn......... June 15, 1869
R. W. Tanner.............. Albany, N. Y...............Dec. 14, 1869
A.C. Spencer................... Bridgeport, Conn......... June 30, 1868
S. Harnden................... Reading, Mass........... Apr. 20,1869
J. B. Morris................. Ansonia, Conn............July 24, 1860
61, 675
93, 437
34, 829
61, 304
8, 310
20, 054
101, 520
88, 349
26, 725
12, 703
25, 001
13, 006
106, 608
99, 746
123, 085
92, 838
25, 849
137, 738
60, 529
96, 788
91, 369
97, 833
79, 511
89, 219
29, 293
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cable, Electric...................---...........------.....
Cable for railway-guide, Propelling-..........
Cable hook, Chain.................................
Cable-link-bending machine.... --.....---
Cable meter, Drill................................
Cable-stopper.------- ---.....
Cable stopper, Chain..............................
Cable stopper, Chain....- ----------------.
Cable stopper, Chain...--------------..........
Cable stopper, Chain.............................
Cable stopper, Chain-----------------------..............................
Cable stopper, Chain-----------------------..............................
Cable stopper, Chain..------------..-----------..
Cable stopper, Chain....-----------------------
Cable stopper, Chain.............................
Cable, Submarine.................................
Cable surge-reliever....-----------------------
Cables and spin ropes of any size, Machine to lay..
Cables, Apparatus for improving the quahlity of-..
Cables, Apparatus for working and stoppering
Cables, Apparatus for working and stoppering
Cables, Arrangement of means for working and
stoppering chain.
Cables, Elastic chain or surge-spring for ships'....
Cables from sudden strain, Apparatus for relieving
Cables, Link-shackle of chain----------------......................
Cables, Insulating submarine...-...............
Cables, Machine for adjusting chain..._........
Cables, Machine for laying bridge.................
Cables, &c., Machine for proving.............
Cables, Machine for wrapping wire.................
Cables, Making chain..-.....--------- -..
Cables. Pressure-stopper for chain..................
Cables, Surge-reliever for.................
Caboose, Construction of iron----...--------.----
Caboose, Ship's........ --------------------------
Cage. Eccentric....---------------------------
Cage, W ire........................................
Caisson............................. ---------
Caisson, Cast-irl-on.-.............................
Caisson for sinking pier..........................
Caissons, Dumb waiter for...------------------
Caissons for founding piers of bridges and for
laying pipes under water, Constructing.......
Cake aiad bread, Box for preserving...............
Cake and fruit basket.....-......................
Cake baker, Griddle...--------------------------
Cake-cutter.....................................Cake-cutter and rolling-pin--..................-.
Cake-cutting machine...........................
Cakes, Cutting and panning.......................
Calcium-light, Method of producing...............--
Calcium-magnesium-light, Producing.......
Calculating and registering machine...........
Calculating device, Price---..-..-.........--.........Calculating interest, Machine for..................
Calculating machine.........................
Calculating machine........
Calculating machine.............................
Calculating machine---------------------------
Calculating machine.............................
Calculating machine...........................
Calculating machine...........................
alculating machine...........................
Calculating machine--- --- --
I. Jennings...................
J. L. Arman................
C. T.AHavey---------------
C. T. Harvey...............
IR. M. Green..................
L. C. Bristol..................
W. H. Bridge.............
E. R. Cheney and J. J. Emery..
E. R. Cheney and J. J. Emery..
P. H. Jackson................
J. M. Kilner..................
P. Murray....................
G. S. Perkins................
J. Reed.......................
J. Robinson..................
J. Stitt........................
E. R. Cheney.................
J. E. Cran........
J. E. Crane...................
M. P. M ix.....................
O. Nichols....................
O. Nichols------------------....................C. Perley...-------------------
C. Perley...................
J. Tucker------------------.....................
P. S. Devlan................----------------...
J. J. Emery..................
W. Schultz-----------------....................N. Cutting..............
W. H. Harfield.............
New York, N. Y.........
Bordeaux, France.......
Tarrytown, N. Y..........
Wilmington, Del..........
Baltimore, Md............
Victor, N. Y..............-------------
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass., and Owl's
Head, Me.
Boston, Mass., and Owl's
Head, Me.
New York, N. Y.......
Chester, England......
Wilwaukee, Wis.........
Essex, Mass.-...........
Marshfield, Mass..........
Barnegat, N. J........
San Francisco, Cal.....
Boston, Mass..............
Lowell, Mass.............
Lowell, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass-----------............
Lowell, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........Washington, D. C.........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Owl's Head, Meo..........
Baltimore. Md...........
Washington, D. C......
London, England.....
Oct. 29,1821
Jan. 21,1868
July 2, 1867
Apr. 29, 1856
Mar. 12, 1867
Apr. 3, 1866
Feb. 23, 1858
June 21, 1870
Aug. 2, 1870
Aug. 10, 1858
June 24, 1873
June 5, 1866
Jan. 12, 1864
Jan. 30, 1855
Dec. 9, 1862
July 19, 1870
Jan. 30, 1872
Apr. 5, 1853
Jan. 19, 1858
Nov. 3 1838
Apr. 4, 1854
Apr. 4, 1854
June 13, 1854
Nov. 29, 1859
Jan. 3, 1860
Sept. 15, 1863
Sept. 21, 1869
June 24, 1809
Aug. 14, 1806
Aug. 5,1862.
W. H. Harfield................ London, England......... Aug. 5, 1862
T. Brown------------------..................... London, England......... July 25,1854
A. H. Wright-............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... - Mar. 13, 1860
L. Bissell..................... Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 28, 1845
W. J. Hotchkiss...............
G. B. Simpson.................
C. H all........................
J. Gray.......................
J. Judge.....................
J. Gray....-------------------
E. Bartholomew...............
J. Emerson-----------------...................J. Bingham-----------------....................T Y oule - - -- -- -- --
Derby, Conn..............
Washington, D. C....
New York, N. Y.....
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Washington, D. C.........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Boston, Mass..............
Worcester, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa.....-...
Jan. 1, 1861
May 21, 1867
Aug. 14, 1866
Dec. 26, 1871
Nov. 29, 1828
Dec. 26, 1871
May 17, 1826
Sept. 25, 1855
July 24, 1860
2 5.1795
73, 487
66, 330
14, 758
62, 839
53, 564
19, 403
104, X25
116, 031
140, 202
55, 343
41, 235
12, 325
37, 109
105, 510
123, 152
9, 645
19, 131
10, 724
10, 725
26, 292
26, 722
39, 896
94, 950
36, 085
36, 086
27, 505
3, 932
31, 021
65, 019
57, 127
122, 247.....
122, 246
131, 593
29, 338.....
3, 224
45, 639
139, 784
145, 039
109, 505.....
135, 433
118, 027
53, 744
101, 618
18, 647
78, 137
139, 217
50, 732
132, 034
90, 577
118, 243
83, 069
130, 843
140, 619
105, 991
105, 992
25, 767
129, 645
93, 178
71, 860
74, 170
85, 229
80, 003
97, 974
3, 574
41, 898
130, 404
5, 746
4, 902
144, 523
129, 335
138, 245
6, 403
1. - n......................)........................... yu,,
G. Youle--------------------...................... -New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 21,18G6
G. Youle..............---------------------....... New York, N. Y.......... July 27, 1809
W. Ashbridge.................................---......... June 28, 1803
J. Wilson.................... New York, N. Y........ Aug. 17, 1843
P. E. Rollins----------------.................-- Corning, N. Y-----------............. Dec. 7, 1864
M. Grebner----------------..................--- New York, N. Y...--....... June 10, 1873
A. G. Wolfgram..........Apex, N. C................ Nov. 25, 1873
J. P. Duffey..........-........ - Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 13, 1852
J. B. Eads---------------...... -----.............. Saint Louis, Mo.......... Aug. 15, 1871
H. Flad......................---------------- ----- Saint Louis, Mo.......... Nov. 22, 1870
G. Daniels...................Philadelphia, Pa........ Feb. 28, 1834
A. R. Ledoux-------------- - Cornwall Landing, N. Y.. Feb. 4, 1873
C. H. Latham..............-.. Lowell, Mass -........... Aug. 15, 1871
J. Mull...................... Troy, N. Y................ Apr. 3, 1866
G. A. Higgins............... New York, N. Y........... Apr. 5, 1870
G. R. Peckham...------------- Worcester, Mass-----..:... Nov. 17,1857
G. O. Sanderson..............--------- - Boston, Mass............. May!9, 1868
J. Webster----..........Charlestown, Mass-....... May 20,1873
I. N. Pyle.................... Decatur, Ind-------------.............. Oct. 31, 1865
D. J. Little-------------------................... Albany, N. Y............. Oct. 8, 1872
J. Repetti..................... Philadelphia, Pa......... May 25, 1869
T. Holmes..-------------------Williamsburgh, N. Y..... Aug. 22, 1871
J. Lafetra...................------------------. New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 13, 1868
W. C. Butler------------------.................. Louisville, Ky............ Aug. 27, 1872
J. B. Firth----------------.................... ---Brooklyn, N. Y........... July 8,1873
J. H. Smith................... Brooklyn, N. Y ----........... Aug. 2, 1870
J. H. Smith................... Brooklyn, N. Y........ Aug. 2, 1870
S. M. Clark.................... Beaver Dam, Wis....... Nov. 28,1871
J. H. Shrote................... Baltimore, Md--------............ ---Oct 11,1859
E. B. Benedict-........... _-Susquehanna Depot, Pa... July 23, 1872
C. L. Coombs and J. A. Basset. Washington, D. C., and Sa- Aug. 3, 1869
lem, Mass.
C. A. Dresser................. New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 10,1867
T. T. Strode.......-----------------............ Mortonville, Pa........... Feb. 4, 1868
A. Johnson-..---------------Springfield, Mass........ Dec. 22, 1868
B. W. Ogburn.................Whittles' Mills, Va..... July 14, 1868
A. Sinclair.................... West Waterville, Me..... Dec. 14, 1869
J. Hatfield.................... Glen's Falls, N. Y-......... May 6,1844
J. B. Alexander............... Baltimore, Md............ Mar. 15, 1864
E. D. Barbour................. Boston, Mass............. Aug. 13, 1872
E. D. Barbour... - -.............- i Boston, Mass............. Nov. 19, 1872
J. J. Bavanowski............ Poland................... Sept. 5,1848
G. W. Edelman------------...............- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 22, 1846
T. Esersky.................... St. Petersburg, Russia.... Nov. 11, 1873
G. B. Grant................... Cambridge, Mass......... July 16, 1872
G. B. Grant................... Cambridge, Mass...... Apr. 29, 1873
W. M. Raines................. Rochester, N. Y........... May 1, 1849
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1T90 to 1873, inclusie-Continucd.
Calculating-machine--------------.......-- ----
Calculatnig-machine................ __.-_------..
Calculating-machine.. -..... --...-... -.. -... -.....
Calculator, Aritlimetical-------------------.._...
Calculator, Interest -------------------------
Calculator, Tax..............................
Calculi, Apparatus for remroving------------....
Caldr-on, Agricultural-..-------..............Caldron and furnace for agriculturists and ethers,
Caidron, steam-boiler, and furnace, Combined_.
Calendart-- ---------- ------ ------ -----------
Calendar --------------------- ---------------
Calendar.- - --- ----- -- - -- - -- -
Calendar ------------------------------------
Calenidar-------------------------.......-- ---
Calendar ---------- ------------------- -------
Calendar, Advertising.---.----.-----.----
Calendar, Counting-house-_------------------.
Calendar for almanacs.-----------------------
Calendar, Hand-etting.........................
Calendar, Perpetual----------------------.....
Calendar, Perpetual--------------------------
Calendar, Perpetual.-------------------------
Calendar, Perpetual--------------------------
Calendar, Pocket.......................
Calendar, Pockabe---------------------------
Calendar, Writing-desk------------------_
Calender-roll -------------------------------
Calender-rolls, Device for starting and stopping.
Calender-rolls, Feed-regulator for-------------......
Calender-rolls, Manufacturing---------------........
Catendering-maclrine --------...........
Calf-weaning device-----------------------....
Calico, Machine for- printing----------------____
Calico, Machine for rinsing-----------------....
Calico, Roller for piinting------------------........
Calip ers.--------------------- ------------ ---
Calipers.......----- ---------------------
Calipers--------------------------- ---------
Calipers.- ----------------------------------
Calipers....- - - - - - - - --.............
Calipers....- - - - - - - - - --.............
Calipers -. -------------- ------ ------ -------
Calipers.- - - -------------------- -
C alipers............................
C alipers.....................................Calipers--------------------------------......
Calipers....- - - - - - - - - --.............
Calipers ------------------------- -----------
Calipers and dividers---------... -----------
Calipers and dividers----------------------.....
C alipers and dividers...............
Inventor. Residence. Date.
L. Keller-------------------Catawissa, Pa----------- Jan. 221, 18108
J. A. Loomis and A. Johnson. Spriingfielid, Mass. __-.._-.Jan. 28, 1868
A. Mendenhall- -- - ---- - - - - -Cerro Goroenie d -...Aug. 13, 18167
J. W. Nystrem------------- __ __ _Philadelphia, Pa.-.- ----Mar-. 4, 183 t
ID. ID. Pam-melee --------------New Pails, N. Y--------- Feb. 5, 18500
A. C.. Pierson---------------__Rahiway, N. J------------ Mar. 1-2, 1867
A. C. Pierson---------------..Rahway, N. J-----------..Feb. 4,1868
J. H. H. Reffelt-------------..Hoboken, N. J ----------_Sept. 14, 1869
W. Robjohir------------------...New York, N. Y.._-._Aug. 61, 1872
N. Rowland------------------.Hilltown, Pa-------------- Jan. 9,18661
It. Teasdale --------_.-------Aihertoar. Ga....._._Dec. 5, 1871
S. S. Yourrng----------------....Eaton, Ohio..--------------. July 24, 1849
A. lBro,'y.-----------------__ Union, Mich...........-Apr. 26, 1870
J. P. Miller------... _-- -- ----Boston, Mass..----------..Sept.1, 1861
1B. C. Coldwell.......--... Lockiraveir, Pa._.- ---------_July 16, 1872
C. I). Crane----------------...Fort Wayne, Iad _--------...May 5, 1863
I. S. Hyatt----------------...Rockfond, Ill.---------.M.. 110 2 188
W. A. Dudley.-----------Petershirgh, Va--------..Oct.21, 1860
II. Newshamn---------------- Baltimore, Md-_..- Feb. 12, 1856
E. E. Sill arid A. H. Bennett... Rochester, N. Y...........Nov. 2i, 1870
J. L. Mot-----------------New York, N. Y---------1)ecc 1,1840
LE. Hopkins--------New York, NY.--------.Oct. 11, 1841
C.W. Bry-ar- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -Sp rriiigfield, Mass - lo.. _Fb.26 1867
G. L. Coburin---------------..Hartford, Cenna-.------Oct. 12 1889
J. L. Dagg --------.---------- Philadelphia, Pa--------- May 4, 1830
V v.A Maurin and G. Toiray.1 Paris, France -- -- -- -- -- --May 17,18-10
W. McAdamus-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -Newton, Mass -- - --- -- -- - - Se 26, 1871
J. M. Patton------------------J... Inidanatpolis, In u- -----an. 1(3,164
J. F. Tanrratt------------------ Springfield, Mass..... Mar.1, 1870
AS. Vose-------------------- Randolph. Vt------------ Mar. 17, 1868
W. P. Ware------------------...... wNewv York, N. Y----------..July 17, 1866
R. C. Ogden ------------------ New York, N. Y---------- May 7,187;2
R. C. Ogden ------------------New York, N. Y---------- June 24, 1873
J. Bryrier-----------------... _...Peoria, 111----------------..Feb. 28, 1860
J. H. Mead------------------- New York, N. Y.------..Nov. l5 1864
C. 11. Wight..-------....----..--Bal imore, Md.- -- - - - - --Mar. 29, 1870
S. L. Barinds----------------- Saint Jesep~h, Mo-..._May 26, 1868
H. Harris.--- --------Newark. N. J......------.Aug.7, 1866
1H. W. Holly ---------------- Norwich, Corn----------..Jan.3, 1865
C. T. Peeler------------------ Deanraville. N. Y..-------.May102, 18
D. E. Crosby ----- ----------- Brooklyn, N. Y..--------Iceb.16, 1864
H. C. Foote -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -McGaheysvilte, Va- --.-._July 17,1860
J. N. IDudley---------------- Mitchell, Iowa.--.-------May6, 1862
S. J. Tucker---------------.....Philadelphila, Pa-... June 22, 1869
G. G. Clark.- -.--------------.. Providence, It. I---------. _Mar. 16, 1858
W. T. Porter.------. - _-----Wilmington, Del- - - - - -une 21, 186
Mt. Lawler-------------- ---- Holyoke, Mass ----------- Jan. 14, 187:3
J. Worsley----------------.....Providence, P. I--------...Dec. 23, 186
H. E. Rogers.- -.-- - -- ----South Manchester, Con Oct. a,1869
D. Scolield.- - ----_ -------Gloucester, N. J - -_------.Sept. 16,187.3
T. A. 1R. Keech-------------......Bladenrsburgh, Md.--..Dec. 26, 1871
J. J. WVelling----------------- Cedar Falls, Iowa ----- Dec. 10, 1861
J. Green.-- - - --........ Lowell, Mass-----------._ ov. 21, 1865
G. I. Prentiss--------------...Tivertoni, H. I.-_- - -.- -----Apr. 4, 1840
J. Hope--------------------Providence, 11. I1.-----Oct. 5, 1858
J. Atkins-----------------...Washington, D.C-.._._Mar. 24, 1868
H. A. Boardman------------.....New Haven, Conn - -----Feb. 5, 1807
C. E. Broanvu- _-.------------ Florence, Mass.-_ -. - -. June 20, 1865
J. 11. Call ------------------ Springfield, Mass-.. _May 28, 1801
J. H. Culver---------------......S n.San Francisco, Cal..-.Apr. 30, 1807
C. A. Fairfield-.- _- - - - -------Springfield, Mass-._...__July 21, 1803
T. Goodrum.- - - - _- -- -- -----Providence, R. I1- - - - -----Sept. 29, 1808
F. Gould.-----------------__Hunitington, N. Y------Apr. 12, 1859
W. P. Hopkins-------------.. _Lawrence, Mass - - - - -----Jan. 3, 1871
C. Jillsou.- - - --..........Worcester, Mass. - - __-.__Aug. 16, 1804
B. G. Martin- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -Philadelphia. Pa.- - ------Dec. 12, 1865
G. L. McKnight-- -- - - - - - --- Worcester, Mass.......-May 28, 1867
W. H. Miner---------------..Boston, Mass--._ _- -------Oct. 14, 1873
W. A. Morse-------------.... Boston, Mass - _- _.- -- ----Jan. 26, 18064
T. C. Page and G. W Hadley.- Chicopee, Mass---------...Feb. 8, 1870
H. K. Porter.--------------....Bostona, Mass -_-.. - - - June 7, 1870
S. Sawyer.------------------Fhiteliburglr, Mass ----- July 7, 1868
P. Seaver ------ ------------ Oxford, Mass - ---June 27, 1854
W. A. Sharpeo--------------..Syracuse, N. Y----------- Oct. 25, 1870
W. Siar-------...--- -----Franklin, Pa------------ Feb. 15, 1870
R. D. 0. Smith--------------.. _.Washington, D. C _- _.__ Dec. 20, 1864
P. Sopor------------------___Buffalo, N. Y -........ Aug. 28, 1866
C. D. Snttonu.- - _- -----------.. Ken sico, N.Y----------...Jan. 3, 186;9
ID. C. Tatbot- - - __--_.- -- ----Worcester, Mass-.....Jan. 27, 186:1
F. C. Washburn------------- Millville, Mass----_--arn. 10, 1805
A. V. ID. Westervelt- - _- _-----New Brunswick, N. J..-_ Feb.5, 1867
S. Whaler'..-- -----------Brnt Mills, N. Y---- -Decc 260 l865
73, 449
7:1, 762
67, 786
7, 961
7, 074
6-2, 882
73, 995
94, 772
130, 244
51, 972
121, 687
6, 60-2
10-2, 210
39, 740
129, 5:11
38, 374
30, 471
14, 271
109, 6-9
1, 873
2, 306
62, 313
95, 65
10:3, 210
41, 391
100, 3:38
75, 659
56, 470
126, 48 1
140, 300
27, 2117
45, 064
101, 3:3
78, 356
56, 935
45, 795
77, 837
41, 605
29, 156
35, 1y3
91, 690
79, 080
134, 810
95, 606
142, 872
33, 912
51, 039
4, 445
21, 723
75, 827
61, 799
48, 257
32, 410
64, 203
39, 281
82, 514
2:3, 564
110, 657
43, 854
51, 517
65, 253
131, 584
41, 387
99, 698
103, 926
79, 60:3
11, 180
108, 610
93, 961
45, 529
57, 588
26, 716
37, 53t
45, 894
61, 902
51, 767
105, 1 53
71, 178
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclsre-Costtiuued.
Invention. I Inventor.
Calipers, S t em. - ------------------- - - - - - ---. C. Cr o ss- -- -- -- -- -- - ----
C a lip e rs,,a ns v er se-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -------.J. Van Ness. -..--_.......
C a lk bar, Toe ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --IR. 1. Caswell - - -------
Calk- sharpener --------------------------- --- U. Kline.................---
Calk-sharpening machine----------------------0-G. W. Lane.-..._.......
Calks and blanks for the same, Manufacture of toe. T. Dooley.................
Caulks, Blank or bar for toe- -- -- -- - ----- __- - - ----P. F. Burke--------------...
Calking ships, &c., Composition for- -- -- -- - --- - - H. Lo Grand.._............_
Calbos iph----------------------------------- C. Thurber...............---
Callgaph ---------------------------------- C. Thurber----------------
Clorie-engine.-------------------------------ItV. T. Hallefas.-...........Calorie ensuie-------------------------------- A. A. Henderson.-.....
Calorie-engine......................... H.Mse...............I.Mse ----------
C doiei se en'io........................N.A 0h..................Oto----------
Clor ic engine.--------------.---.--------.....T. Schwartz..............-"
CoI sac-engin..........H-------------1. D. NVllen, jr...........--
Cadosslers.....................................S. NWilmarsla............--
C amAdjsble.-..."......................--C. F. Annan.............---
Caon-rouve-cutting machine... -...............J.S.geo nd oghtl
Cam-groove, Machine for dressing-.--............-- -- -G. M. Pratt and V. A. King..
Canm-ever...............................-------S. NWhitman........
-------Cam-pre s.---------------------------------- T. IR. Hopkins.......--....
Cami, SectionaIl adjustable slotted...............-_F. P. Elderflcld...........---
Camo, Variable-. --------------------------- --- NV.H. Andrews............
Camis for pressing and raising weights, &c., Corn- A.. S. Greenville............
lbination of.
Cabhoose -------------------------------------J. Bouls.................----
See Multiplying-camera.
Photographic camera.
Stereoscopic camera.
Camera and developing-box, Combined ---_-------F. C. Ratzell.------------
Camera-box support.........................--- 0. Ackerman..........-..
Caimera-boxes, Guide-slide for.------------ 0Lor------------U.Ler......_....
Camera focusing-attachment................----. A. St. Clair -----------------
Camera-obscmr--............................-G. F. Koib..._-..........
C mtesa-screen ------------------------------- F. Peabody.......--.......
Caniera-stand-------------............. odih----------------N.S ods......
Camei-a-stand................................. E. M. Corbett-.....-----
Camera-stand.............................. _A.. H. Cribield-..._........--
Caimera-stand................................NV. W. Dames...... --- -....
C icra-stand..............................H---. B. Douglas............---
Camera-stand...............................- J. NV. Harper.............---
Casmera-stand............................... B. Holler-------------------
Camera-stand................................ H. J. Lewis..............---
Casmera-stand -.... --- ---...__.-__... T. [1. McBride and U. Baldwin.Camera-stand..............................----C. USnively............---
Camera-stand..............................----E. P. Spahn..............---
Camerastand..............................-----I. H. Stoddard............----
Cavmera-stand..............................-----A. E. Turnbull...........---
Camerastand.---------........................ A. Whipple............---
Casmp-baker, Folding........................---F. Lehuen...............----
Caimp chair...............................-----P. J. Hardy..........---...
Camp-chest...............................-----A. S. Carner.....---.......Camp-chest...............................-----F.Graves...............---
Caimp-chest.............................------ C. W.Irwin..-----....
Crimp-chest...............................-----G. C. Lane...............---
Camp-chest...............................-----G. Parr.................---
Camp chest and table combined...............NV. Chase.................
Canip-kit. -.- ----..........------------ J. Walkey.................
Camp past and baker.........................C. Bush -..........
Camp-stool ------ ---------------------------- A. Ashald.................
Camp table or s to ol.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -J. Cram -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -
Ca mp h or for preserving furs, &ec., Pi-epat-ing crude. NV. F. Simes............. -- -- --
Camphor. Preparing-------- ------------------ W. F. Sites.............----
Camphor, Refining---------------------------- 1E. Mead................---
Camphior, Refitting and making................---J. Greets................---
Camphor-wash mixture.........................C. W. Crozier. _....... _....
See Alkali-can.
Armsored can.
Conifeettoner'a c-an.
Cottosi or woolen can.
Cotton-sliver cast.
Boston, Mass...........
Baltimore, Md..........
Springfield, Mass..-_--
Marshalitown, Iowa..
Chichester, N. H---
South Boston, Mass...
Wot-cester, Mass.-._.
Havre, France s.......
Brooklyn, N. Y--...
New York, N. Y -..... -
Portsmouth. N. H-....
Rloxbury,1tMass..........1)cutz, Getmnassy -.....
New Vork, N. Y.-----
Fort Colusubus, N. Y.
Nothampion, Mass.._..
Boston, Mess............
Bridgeport, Conn..
Middletown, Cosin.._..
Londonderry, Vt...
Petershurgit, Va......
Beverly, Va...........
Saint Lonis, Mo.--.
New Haven, Conn....
Cambridgepost, Mass..
July 16, 1872
Oct. 30, 1849
Mar. 7, 1871
Dec. 1, 1868
May 23, 1871
Jusse 2, 1868
Feb. 2, 1869
Oct. 22, 1872
June 23, 1857
Nov. 27, 1860
Apr. 18, 1876
Oct. (), 1860
Oct.- 6,18(13
Dec. 2, 1873
Dec. 20, 1864
Oct. 13, 1868
Aug. 17, 1852
Dec. 27, 18740
Apr. 1, 1873
Feb. 4, 1873
Feb. 15, 1870
Aug. 23, 1859
Dec. 21, 1838
Aug. 5, 187:3
Nov. 26, 1861
Dec. 30, 1835
129, F36
6, 841
112, 321
84, 5,.3
115, 068
78, 586
86, 503
132, 365
17, 647
30, 777
113, 764
30, 315
40, 178
145, 1231
45, 528
83, 114
137, 358
135, 584
99, 996
25, 232
22, 387
141, 548
33, 771.Baltimnore, Md............ iDec. 31, 1812 I..
Philadelphia, Pet....
Carthage, N. Y-.......
New York, N. Y.__
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
'Philadelphia, Pa.-..__-_
Louisville. Ky...........Richfield Sprints, N. Y.. -
New York, N. Y.__._
Lincoln, Ill.............._
San Jose, Cal............Cleveland, Ohio..__._-_..
Cleveland, Ohio.----_
Brooklyn, N. Y..--.....
Br-ooklyn, N. Y........--
East Birminghamu,Pa-.
Millcrsburgh. P-c. _._..
Newark, N. J-......._.Asenia., N. Y...--......
Upper Sasdsssky, Ohio.
Boston, Mass.... _.... _..
Marqusette, Miels._-.----.
New York, N. Y._-
Brooklyn, N. Y _.........._ _.Avoca, N. Y............--
Saist Louis, Mo...__..
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Buffalo, N. Y....-...
Buffaio, N. Y...........
Monroe, Wts.._........
New York, N. Y.---
Garrettsville, Ohio..-..
Boston, Mass..._.........
Philadelphia, Pa.--.-._..
Philadelphia, Pa.---_.
New Haven, Conna....
Charlestown, Mass.._..
Knoxville, Tenn. _...
Mar. 7, 1871
Apr. 25, 1871
Apr. 2,1870
Dec 31, 1872
Apr. 15, 1862
Feb. 1,1870
July 09,1873
Jsne 24, 862
Aprs 4, 1871
Apir.19, 180
Apr. 12, 1864
Dec. 5,1865
Mat. 18, 1873
Mar. 29,i185)
Sept. 27, l864
Ntv. 7, 1871
May 7, 18 72
2 tug. 17, 1869
Sept. 7, 1869
Aug. 18, 186:1
Sepit.:30, 1873
Aug. 210, 1861
Nov. 19,1861
Oct. 4, 1864
Dec. 17, 1866
Oct. 2-2, 1861
June 25, 1861
Oct. 29, 1861
Dec. 20, 1864
Oct. 2-2, 1861
Sept. 17, 1861
May 12, 1863i
Jisne 11, 1872
Max. 11, 187:3
Feb. 12, 1810
Apr. 27, 1812
July 11, 1854
112, 380
114, 082
1.14, 402
34, 970
99,) 343
141, 25t6
1113 267
101, 9<<
42, ( 9
at, 311
44, 418
1._0, 7f;1
1-6, 386
913 61
94, 672
34), 602
141, 288
33, 082.33, 714
44 57S
3:3, 529
32, 643
3:3, 57 0
45, 54-2
33, 514
33, 286
38. 410
127, 807
136, 623
11, 247
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
See Packing and atomizing can.
Rectangular can.
Sealed can.
Seamless can.
Sheet-metal can.
Tin can.
White-lead can.
Wood-incased can.
Wooden-cased can.
Can and bottle, Sealing.....................
Can and jir, Sealing..............................
Can-cap, Uncut------------------...................................---------
Can-cover lock....................
Can-cover lock...................................
Can filling and soldering apparatus................----
Can-making die...................................
Can -opener.......................................
Can-opener and knife or fork, Combined...........
Can-opener and pipe-cutter.-.--....................
Can-opening machine.............................
Can-opening tool.................................
Can-opening tool.................................
Can-opening tool.................................
Can or bottle stopper.............................
Can or canister top...............................
Can or flask......................................
Can screw-tap..................................
Can-sealing apparatus.............................
Cans and bottles, Elastic cap for sealing...........
Cans and boxes, Manufacturing...............
Can and kettle bails, Construction of ears for.....
Cans and vessels, Apparatus for exhausting air
from and hermetically sealing.
Cans, Apparatus for sealing....................
Cans, barrels, &c., Apparatus for testing........
Cans, Construction of.............................
Cans for transportation, Packing.................
Cans, &c., Handlec for......................
Cans, &c., Lid or cover for......
Cans, &c., Machine for applying screw mouthpieces to.
Cans, Machine for fastening bottoms to............
Cans, Machine for heading........................
Cans, Machine for holding and soldering...........
Cans, Machine for making sheet-metal screw-necks
and screw-caps for.
Cans, &c., Machinery for laying roving in......
Cans, Method of hermetically sealing......
A. D. Armstrong.-.......
C. A. Murdcck..........
J. 1). Willoughby...----------
J. Bellerjeau.............
J. I. Livingston...........
H. W. Shepard.............
H. W. Shepard...............
H. Newton...................
L. C. Straub.....-----------
L. A. Sunderland.....----------
G. Webber.............
J. L. Gray.....................
J. T. Ackley and J. K. Trux. -
H. C. Alexander.........
H. C. Alexander...........
R. H. Atwell..................
A. Barker....................
F. G. Beach................
W. M. Bleakley..............
W. M. Bleakley.............
S. O. Church.........
M. C. Davis..............
E. F. Dewey.......
E. M. Dewey.................
W. L. Hubbell..............
G. C. Humphreys.......
G. G. Joyce..................
J. Koaufman..................
O. J. Livermore..............
W. W. Lyman...............
W. W. Lyman..............
T. A. McFarland...........
C. J. C. Petcrscn..............
A. C. Platt...........
J. J. Reed.................
C. F. Ritchel..............
L. B. Smith.................
N. F. Stone...............
W. Thomas.................
S. E. Totten..............
E. J. Warner.............
J. A. Wells..................
J. Wood......................
F. S. Wyman................
T. Kenderdine..............
D. A. Barnes.............
W. H. Forker..........
G. A. Dickson............
M. T. McCormick............
E. T. Orne...................
J. Drenton...................
A. Bliss....................
J. Dunton....................
L. R. Boyd...................
H. Y. Wildey...............
L. F. Betts..............
C. E. Dayton.................
R. Davis.....................
J. W. Millett.................
T. Evans.................
A. M. Purnell................
J. Green.....................
W. D. Brooks...............
H. W. Millar.:...........
J. F. Drummond............
N. Bray......................
J. Bryant....................
H. O. Lothrop................
R. Brady.............
E. Norton and A. H. Fancher..
J. Redbeffer.................
J. H. Stone..................
J. W. Strange................
W. Borrman.................
Pittsburgh, Pa...-....
Milwaukee, Wis.....
Carlisle, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.... - -....
Pittsburgh, Pa.......New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..-......
Millville, N. J..........
Pittsburgh, Pa---..--...
Madison, Ohio.............
Portland, Me...........
Baltimore, Md.........
Philadelphia. Pa.......
New York, N. Y----
New York, N. Y........
Baltimore, Md..........
Wyoming, Pa...........--
Hartford, Con.........
Verplank, N. Y..........
Verplank, N. Y............
West Meriden, Conn......
Folsom, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal......
San Francisco, Cal.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C........
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y.......
Worcester, Mass...-...
Meriden, Conn.........
West Meriden, Conn......
Meadville, Pa.........
Port Chester, N. Y......
Sandusky. Ohio........
Lyons, Iowa..........
Chicago, Ill.............
West Meriden, Conn......
Chicago, Ill.............
Geneseo, Ill..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Waterbury, Conn........
Holly Springs, Miss.......
New York, N. Y-..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Lisbon, Iowa..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Meadville, Pa...........
Woodcock Township, Pa..
Meadville, Pa.........
Chicago, Ill..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Newark, N. J............----------
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.....Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill-------------...............
Meriden, Coun...........
Brookhaven, N. Y........
Batchellerville, N. Y......
Newark, N. J.......
Washington, D.C........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Baltimore, Md............
Utica, N. Y...............
New York, N. Y -.......-.
Boston, Mass............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Milford, Mass............
Sept. 24, 1867
May 20, 1873
Jan. 4, 1859
Mar. 31, 1868
Mar. 9, 1869
Apr. 9, 1872
Apr. 9, 1872
May 6, 1873
June 20,1871
Nov. 30, 1869
Sept. 11, 1849
Apr. 2, 1867
Apr. 10, 1866
Nov. 16, 1869
Jan. 25, 1870
Feb. 9, 1869
May 17, 1870
Apr. 6, 1869
June 29, 1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Jan. 15, 1867
July 13, 1869
Sept. 28, 1869
Aug. 29, 1871
Oct. 22, 1867
Nov. 17, 1868
Aug. 10, 1869
Sept. 6, 1870
June 26, 1866
July 12,1870
July 19, 1870
May 21, 1867
June 17, 1873
Aug. 23, 1870
Mar. 25, 1873
May 12, 1868
June 17, 1873
Apr. 14,1868
Nov. 26, 1872
Jan. 2-2, 1867
Jan. 5, 1858
Aug. 10, 1869
July 8, 1873
July 28, 1888
Aug. 26, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
Oct. 29, 1867
Dec. 24, 1867
Apr. 7,1868
Nov. 6, 1866
Dec. 23, 1862
Oct. 21, 1851
Mar. 3, 1863
June 13, 1871
Oct. 16,1860
Sept. 1, 1868
May 16, 1871
Feb. 24, 1857
Oct. 18, 1864
Apr. 14, 1868
Nov. 25, 1856
July 11,1854
Dec. 5, 1871
Sept. 19, 1865
Feb. -25, 186-2
Feb. 2,1869
Nov. 10,1863
Aug. 28, 1866
69, 154
139, 181
22, 535
76, 149
87, 415
125, 622
125, 623
138, 574
116, 114
97, 326
6, 702
63, 503
53, 765
96, 761
99, 046
86, 626
103, 125
88, 536
91, 902
95, 873
61, 161
92, 520
95, 205
118, 593
69, 996
84, 122
93, 541
107, 061
55, 878
105, 346
105, 583
64, 891
140, 072
106, 723
137, 149
17, 916
140, 088
76, 669
133, 500
61, 484
19, 063
93, 505
140, 604
80, 326
142, 109
144, 051
70, 188
72, 464
76, 460
59, 513
37, 221
8, 440
37, 843
115, 927
30, 410
81, 585
114, 931
16, 684
44, 737
76, 728
11, 297
121, 581
50, 022
34, 547
86, 500
40, 552
57, 524
95, 190
132, 595
136, 265
121, 435
5, 337
18, 035
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 28, 1869
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 29, 1872
Kansas City, Mo......... Feb. 25, 1873
Hamilton, Canada West... Nov. 28, 1871
Taunton, Mass.......... Oct. 23, 1847
Cincinnati, Ohio'......... Aug. 25, 1857
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Cans, Mode of laying roving in-----------...................--. J. Tatham and D. Cheetham..
Cans, Safety-cap for...-----------------------------H. C. Alexander...............
Cans, Safety-cap for..-----------------------------II. C. Alexander...............
Cans, Screw-cap for..-----------------------------A. N. Lapierre..............
Cans, Seam for.---...........- ---- A. L. Webster..------------...
Cans, Self-locking lid for...---------------------. J. W. Weimel and W. Domer..
Cans weile behing soldered, Device for holding..... T. Kerr and J. C. Kelly......
Cans with tomatoes, &c., Apparatus for filling... C. S. Bucklin........
Canning and preserving meat, &c., Process and N. H. Shipley..................
apparatus for.
Canal------...--------------------------------- W. H. Donne.................
Canal.-------------........................................... H. Hill........................
Canal and navigation thereof----------------... -t.11. II. Day................
Canal and other boats, Machine for ascertaining A. Amnsden.............
the weight of cargoes in.
Canal and river boat..-............................ S. Doolittle................
Canal and river boat................--............ A. Plantou...................
Canal and river locL............................. J. Davies.....................
Canalboat..............................----------........ B. T. lIabitt..................
Canal-boat-------------------------------------........................................ T. W. Bakewell...............
Canal-boat-------------------------------------....................................... E. C. Bancroft --------------.................Canal-boat..................................---------------------... ---------------J. Bromwell----------------...................Canal-boat........................................ -------------------------------------J. C. Cook....................
Canal-boat........................................ J.M. Dodge...............
Canal-boat.-------------------------------------........................................-J. English.... - -.......
Canal-boat -------------------------.............................----------.......-- J. E. Gibson.......
Canal-boat---...---------------------------.----- H. J. Hatch---------------...................--
Canal-boat.............-........................... C. WV. Hermance..............
Canal-boat........................................ D. Hinchy-----------------....................Canal-boat-------------------------------------........................................ R. Hooper....................
Canal-boat-------------------------------------........................................ J. Huges.....................
Canal-boat---------------------------........................................ ---------W.A. Leggo.................
Canal-boat-------------- ------.................................---....--. J. McCausland..............
Canal-boat-------------------------------------........................................ J., J., and J. McCausland......
Canal-boat........................................ N. H.Murray................
Canal-boat........................................ -------------------------------------W.H.Newell---------.................-----
Canal-boat........................................ I.M. Perry.............
Canal-boat-------------------------------------........................................ B. Phillips..-------------..
Canal-boat........................................ E. Randolph...............
Canal-boat.-------------------------------------...................................... E. Reed.....---------------------
Canal-boat..------------------------------------. H. Wickham, jr...............
Canal-boat and other vessels for the transportation D. E. Somes...................
of grain.
Canal-boat fender -.............................. -- J. Rowland..................
Canal-boat fobr transshipment of merchandise..... J. O. Conner..................
Canal-boat stanchion.............................. C. Van Name................
Canal-boat, Steam................................. D. W. Crocker................
Canal-boat, Steam-------------------------------................................. J. Elgar.......................
Canal-boat, Stea m----------------.................-..--...---.. 11. Hugunin.................
Canal-boat, Steam................................- E---------. Lynch.....................
Canal-boat, Steam.............................- I G. Parker....................
Canal-boat, Steam................................. J. F. Wright...................
Canal-boats and other vessels, Method of unload- W. Loughridge...............
Canal-boats, Arrangement of lever and catch for J. W. Caldwell.................
tow-line of.eL
Canal-boats, Attaching paddle-wheels to.......... R. Jane....................Canal-boats, Attachment of the tow-line of-........ C. W. Gage................
Canal-boats, Attachment of whiffletree to the tow- A. Clow....................
line of.
Canal-boats, barges, &c., Constructing and apply- C. Bonycastle...............
ing locomotive-engines to.
Canal-boats, Construction of---------------------...................... A. Judson...................
Canal-boats, Construction of............--------.......... -G. B. Martin...............
Canal-boats, Construction of-..--------------------. A. Van Order......... _.....
Canal-boats, Construction of-...----.-.--.--. B. Williams.-................
Canal-boats, Deck for-.--------------------------- A. A. Bissell...................
Canal-boats for cat-rying horses by which they are J. H. Long...................
towed, Construction of.
Canal-boats for repairing, Machine for raising..... N.R. Penrose and S. F. Palmer
Canal-boats from water, Arrangement of means for W. Loughridge..............
Canal-boats in sections and manner of uniting R. Frazer.....................
them, Constructing.
Canal-boats, &c., Lessening friction in............. P. Freeman..................
Canal-boats, Machine fotr moving.................. W.R. King..........Canal-boats, Machinery for towing............. O. Dehesnuil and M. Eyth......
Canal-boats, Machinery for weighing........... B. Bull....................
Canal-boats, Means of snubbing........-.....T. W. Edgar..................
Canal-boats, Method of discharging cargo from.. A. Young...................
Canal-boats, Mode of unloading..----------....- T. Sharp.....................
Canal-boats on inchlined planes, Raising and lower- W. Knight..............
Canal-boats or sections thereof, Revolving cradle J. Elgar and B. Hallowell.....
tb unloading.
Canal-boats out of the water for repair, Machine S. C. Jones....................
for lifting.
Canal-boats, Raising and lowering................. W. Wiard.........
Canal-boats, Sheet-irou twin for.................. L. Parmelee................
Canal boats, chips, &c., Raising..................... W. Smith...............
Canal oats, Singletree safety-hook for towing.... T. Jackson....................
Canal bots to be repaired, Machine for raising.... S Doolictle.................
Canal-boats, Tow-line attachment for.............. C. Bentz......................
Canal-boats, Tow-line for.......................... J. Sanford....................
Canal-boats, Towing.............................. P. Cooper..................
Caaal-boats, Teiwing....................... C. T. larvey................
Canal-boats, Towibg..------------------.. J. L. Simms and W. T. Duvall.
Rochdale, England........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..._.....
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Edinburgh, Ind...........
Red Bank, N. J............
Baltimore, Md..............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cabin Creek, W. Va......
New York, N. Y.........
Rochester, N. Y....-...
Utica, N. Y...............
Philsdclphia, Pa..........
Schuylkill Haven, Pa.....
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio...-........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New Haven, Conn........
Newark, N. J...........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Port Carbon, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Schuylersville, N. Y......
Santiago, Chili............
Baltimore, Md.........
New Berne, N. C.........
Montreal, Canada.........
Kingston, N. Y...........
Kingston and Esopus, N. Y
Louisville, Ky...........
Jersey City, N. J.........
Slate Cut, Ind............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Salt Creek, Ohio........
Pottstown, Pa............
Chicago, Ill-----------..............--
Washington, D. C........
Hancock, Md.............--
Philadelphia, Pa --..........
Binghamton, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md........
Albany, N. Y.............
Georgetown, D. C.........
Worcester, Mass...--.....
Erie, Pa..................
Weverton, Md............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Otego, N. Y..............
Homer, N. Y..............
Port Byron, N. YV..........
Charlottesville, Va........
Unadilla, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
Ithaca, N. Y...............
Mendon, N. Y...........
Lockport, N. Y........
Lewistown, Pa.............
Date. No.
Nov. 18, 1845 4, 277
June 21, 1870 104, 402
July 12, 1870 105, 157
Nov. 2, 1869 96, 4417
July 5, 1870 105, 152
Oct. 22, 1872 132, 507
Apr. 7, 1868 76, 330
Oct. 14, 1873 143, 613
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 366
Sept. 5, 1871 118, 699
Apr. 22, 1873 138, 156
Mar. 12, 1867 62, 736
June 27, 1836 810
Nov. 19,,133......
Mar. 11, 135...
Nov. 6, 1860 30, 564
June 11, 1872 127, 826
Aug. 25, 1829...
Jan. 2, 1872 122, 351
June 23, 1829......
July 9, 1872 128, 713
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 110
Nov. 28, 1871 121, 346
July 20, 1858 20, 944
Apr. 30, 1872 126,204
Jan. 2, 1872 122, 463
Feb. 27, 1872 124, 060
July 25, 1871 117, 419
Feb. 27, 1872 124,136
May 6,1873 138, 664
June 14, 1834.......
Sept. 21, 1858 21,572
June 4, 1872 127, 424
Jan. 23, 1872 123, 039
Mar. 12, 1872 124, 622
Apr. 21, 1828.....
Jan. 9, 1838 560
Apr. 6, 1833...
Jan. 16, 1872 122,874
Oct. 6, 1868 8t, 887
June 5, 1847 5, 147
Oct. 14, 1835........
June 11, 1861 32, 544
May 3,1834.....
Nov. 7, 1835.....
Mar. 24, 1823.
Oct. 15, 1872 132,300
Mar. 27, 1849 6, 239
Feb. 14, 1828....
May 9, 1854 10, 891
Nov. 14, 1854 11, 957
Nov. 24, 1857 18, 694
Apr. 21, 1863 38, 224
May 20, 1862 35, 300
Jan. 21,1834........
Aug. 17, 1858
Jan. 7, 1873
Sept. 10, 1861
Mar. 3, 1829
Oct. 30, 1866
Apr. 5, 1838
Beaver Meadow, Pa....... May 11, 1839
Weverton, Md-----------............ July 11, 1854
Waynesburgh, Pa...... Sept. 10, 1840
21, 201
134, 555
33, 272.....
59, 171
11, 293
1, 776.....
99, 323
103, 724
Morris County, N. J......
Washington, D. C..._....
Brussels, Belgium, and
Stuttgart, Wurtemberg.
New York, N. Y..........
Espy, Pa.................
Georgetown, D. C.......
Chicago, Ill..............
Morristown, N. J.........
Baltimore, Md., and Alexandria, Va.
Rochester, N. Y..........
Avon, N. Y...............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Rochester, N. YV...........
Reading, Pa-------------
Rochester, N. Y... _..
Mindenville, N. Y.........
Weston. Conn.......
New York, N. Y........
Tarrytown, N. Y..........
Georgetown, D. C-.........
June 1, 1825
Feb. 1, 1870
May 31, 1870
June 20, 1826..
Mar. 18, 1873 136, 982
May 2,1854 10, 843
Aug. 25,1863 39, 683
Aug. 5, 1828.....
Apr. 10, 1849 6, 303
June 16,1826.......
May 1,1828.......
Nov. 26, 1835.......
Feb. 23,1830.....
June 25, 1839 1,196
Oct. 25, 1825
Sept. 13, 1864 44, 154
Feb. 16, 1829........
Jan. 24, 1820....
Feb. 2, 18t69 86, 395
July 30, 1872 130, 080
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Canal-boats, Towing.............................
Canal-boats, Towing-apparatus for..........
Canal-boats, Towing- apparatus for................
Canal-boats, Towing-apparatus for............
Canal-boats, Towing-apparatus for................
Canal-boats, Towing-book for...................
Canal-digging machine.....................
Canal-gates, Mode of closing wickets in.........
Canal-lock gate-- - - -- -
Canal-lock gate.................
Canal-lock gate..................................
Canal-lock gate...................................
Canal-lock gate.................................
Canal-lock gate..................................
Canal-lock gate...................................
Canal-lock gate.....................-.............
Canal-lock gate.............................
Canal-lock gate step....................................
Canal-lock gates, Device for raising...............
Canal-lock gates, Operating...................
Canal-lock gates, Valve or wicket for.............
Canal-lock gates, Wicket for.......................
Canal-lock indicator......................
Canal-lock mechanism...........................
Canal-lock paddle-gate..---.---..............
Canal-locks, Making paddle-gates for...........
Canal-locks, Preserving wooden...............
Canal-locks, Saving water in....................
Canal-locks, Saving water in passing boats through
Canal-locks, &c., Sliding valve for................
Canal-locks, Sluice-gate for.-............
Canal-locks, Wicket-gate for....................
Canal-navigation by boats........................
Canal stop-dam..................................
Canal waste-way and sluice-gate...............
Canals and railways, Transportation on........
Canals and removing earth, Digging.............
Canals, Balance-lock for.......................
Canals, Constructing - -..........-..........
Canals, Discharging water from floating dry-docks
Canals, Double-inclined plane for...................
Canals, Feed-regulator for..................
Canals, Feeding - - - - --....
Canals, &c., from being closed by ice, Mode of preventing.
Canals, Machine for ditching and excavating
ground for.
Canals, Machine for raising or lowering boats on - -
Canals,&c., Mean sof keeping open the navigation of
Canals, Modeof hauling earth from...............
Canals, Mode of raising boats up and down elevations in.
Canals, Safety-gate for---------------------.............................Canceling-apparatus.......................
Cancer, Method of drawing and curing...---.---
C --nd le...........................................
Candle and lamp wick, Treating..........
Candle and ornament holder for Christmas-trees...
Candle apparatus, Mold.._.....................
Candle-cap --........................................
Candle-cutting apparatus..........................
Candle-dipping machine...........................
Candle-dipping machine...................
Candle-dipping machine--- -----------..---
Candle-dipping machine.....................
Candle holder....................................
Candle-holder, Economical...................
Candle machine, Mold...........................
Candle mack ne, Mold...-..
Candle machines, Construction of.............
Candle-making apparatus....................
Candlc-making machine....................
Inventor. Residence.
1. P. Tice................... New York. N. Y.........
W. O. Buchanan............. Montreal, Canada.......
A. H. Emery and G. Leverich New York, N. Y........
S. F. Palmer.................. New York, N. Y..........
S. W. and J. F. Palmer -... Auburn. N. Y -.....
J. and A. H. Doty.......... West Fells, N. Y.....J. Humes --................... Richmond, Va............
D. N. Kownover------------............. Danville, Pa....-.. -
G. Bender....................New York, N. Y....--
M. Bishop-----------------.................... -Putnam, Ohio........
J. Burt......................-- Detroit, M ich -. -. -
H. H. Day................... N w York, N. Y..........
J. W. Gentry and G. W. Bar- Peytona, W. Va......ens.
G. Heath..................... Little Falls, N. Y.......
G. Heath........--- -.. Annapolis, Md........
D. Rodgers---------... --. Little Falls Town, N. Y...S. J. Seely................... Brooklyn, N. Y.......
I. Townsend.............. Capevil'e, Vs.......
W. V. Virdin....-------------- Ha rie de Grace, Md.......
J. White.... ----.----- Philadelphia, Pa..........
D. Wilkinson....-------------- Cohoes, N. Y..-.........C. W. Williams...... Port Jervis, N. Y..........
V. Brown-----------------.................... Clifton Park, N. Y........
R. English....---------------- Legro, Ind..............
F. Livingston................. -- - Waterford, N. Y.......
C. Neer-----------------......................- Troy, N. Y.-..
S. J. Seely--.....-.--.. - New York, N. Y........
S. S. Seely ----------------- Albany, N. Y.............
R. Taylor.----------------...................- Now York, N. Y..........
D. Wilkinson--------------................. Cohoes, N. Y ---......
C. W. Williams............. Port Jervis, N. Y-.....
G. W. Wood and L. O. Webster Utica, N. Y.............
H. Rexiord.................---------------- Sandy Hill, N. Y.......
W. Thomas...... --- ---...... Ottawa, 111............
K. T. Hurlburt and H. Thomp- Port Byron, N. Y......
G. Heath..................... Little Falls, N. Y.......
A. H. Griggs---------------.................. Newark, N. J....-.
V. Brown-----------------..................... Clifton Park, N. Y.----
G. Heath...-------------. Annapolis, Md.....
J. F. King- ----... ------.Waterford, N. Y...
D. Rodgers................... Little Falls, N. Y....
S. Guilford.................... Lebanon, Pa..............
J. P. Fairlamb................ Wilmington, Del........
J. Dewees..................... Pottsville, Pa.......--...
W. Lake -..........-...... Richmond, Va...........
G. W. Hildreth............... Lockport, N. Y..........
W. L. Potter ---........... ------------Clifton Park. N. Y.....
S. D. Ingham-------..... -New Hope, Pa -.......
I. Knapp...------------------ Medina, N. Y.............
A. J. Whitney............... Harrisburgh, Pa..........
J. D. Marshbank... --..- Lancaster, Pa...........
J. Elgar....................... Baltimore, Md............
J. Brainard................... Rome, N. Y.............
J. White.....------------------ Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Dougherty..------... - Philadelphia, Pa........
S. F. Palmer-...--....... New York, N. Y.......
A. Tanner.................... Warren, Pa.. -----.....C. Ross....................... West Buddick, Ohio.....
J. G. Brewer.................. Lone Tree, Nebr.......
R. A. Chesebrough............ New York, N. Y.__
Feb. 25, 1873
Mar. 5, 1.72
June 21, 1870
Apr. 26, 1853
Nov. 8,1870
May 24, 1870
Nov. 10, 1821
June 13, 1354
Aug. 26, 1822
Sept. 17, 1867
May 28, 1867
Oct. 8, 1867
July 4, 1871
June 25, 1867
Dec. 6, 1870
Jan. 4,1828
Dec. 23, 1862
May 28, 1872
Jan. 20, 1852
Oct. 19, 1819
May 14, 1836
Nov. 29, 1859
May 14, 1836
July 1, 1841
Apr. 13, 1838
Mar. 9, 1852
Nov. 3, 1857
May 8, 1860
Mar. 26. 1861
Aug. 17, 1835
Apr. 12, 1859
June 13, 1854
Apr. 28, 1808
Apr. 4, 1t5
Oct. 9, 1860
July 1, 1862
May 17, 1864
May 14, 1835
Dec. 27, 1810
INov. 29, 18281
Feb. 17, 1826
July 10, 1826
Nov. 27, 1823
Dec. 31, 1832
June 7, 1839
Mar. 19, 1840
Aug. 31, 1839
Apr. 19, 1831
May 13, 1862
Dec. 6, 1870
Feb. 2, 1864
Nov. 7. 1835
Feb. 10, 1826
May 17, 1839
Feb. 24, 1843
Feb. 1, 1859
Apr. 15,1825
May 21, 1850
Nov. 26, 1872
Jmune 1, 1869
136, 343
124, 326
104, 4.9
9, 687
109, 045
103, 310
11, 077
68, 83:3
65, 054
69, 6:9
116, 583
66, 151
109, 899.....
37, 265
127, 389
8, 668
26, 314.....
2, 154
8, 789
18, 555
28, 201
31, 836.....
23, 635
11, 103
77, 405
47, 139
30, 323
35, 756
42, 761
110, 459..........
1, 517
1, 310
35, 242
109, 981
41, 463
1, 155
2, 973
22, 818
7, 384
133, 353
90, 727
G. Henricks.................. Urbana, Ohio.............I Aug. 5, 1829...
E. Morris...............
J. Mullaly........
O. Phelps....................
R. Graves..........
J. Van Dorn.................
T. S. Hudson.................
J. Ware.................
J. L. Field....................
H. Ryder................
T. S.Williams and F. A. Taber.
G. Anton...........-.
G. Kendall...................
J. H. Foote..................
J. Jones............----
J. Aborn----------- -----
J. A. and A. F Jones....--
C. A. McPhetridge..........
V. Squarza...................
B. Morgan....................
E. Daire. - -...........
C. Kirchof....................
M. Schall.....................
J. Verch................
P. Ward and B. Allison.......
W. C. Childs................
B. D. Sanders................
M. Massey...................------
F. Fuller......................
I. F. Shelabarger.............
WV. Humiston...............
E. Cowles..................
Bloomfield, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Lansing, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y'........
Glen, N. Y...............
East Cambridge, Mass..Philadelphia, Pa......
Kensington, Great Britain.
New Bedford, Mass......
Boston, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Providence, 11. I..........
Pittsfield, Mass..........
Brookilyn, N. Y...........
Burlington County, N. J - -.
Lexington, Ky..........
Saint Louis, Mo..-...
New York, N. Y.........
San Francisco, Cal........
Amiens, France...
Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y......
Albany, N. Y --.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Boston, Mas -..-- --.........
Holliday's Cove, Va......
Cleveland, Ohio....
New York, N. Y.....
Mifflintown, Pa...........
Troy, N.Y...............
Houi.slow, England.......
Oct. 13,1825
Oct. 21, 1873
July 16, 1827
July 26, 1827
May 14, 1827
Oct. 30, 1866
Sept. 20, 1815
May 12, 1868
(Oct. 17, 1871l
May 24, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
May 3, 18531
Nov. 17, 1868
Apr. 15, 1856
Mar. 20, 18'21
May 16, 1848
Dec. 9, 1856
Mar. 4, 1856
July 22, 1873
July 19, 1864
Dec. 24, 1867
Sept. 24, 1867
July 10, 1866
July 20, 1812
Oct. 28, 1856
Mar. 3, 1857
Apr. 24, 1860
Sept.29, 1821
June 5, 1817
I)ec. 21, 1851
Jan. 19, 1869
143, 833.....
59, 225
77, 725
12"), 105
10 1, 514
89, 270
9, 696
84, 103
14, 662.....
5, 576
16, 211
14, 376
141, 066
43, 628
72, 506
69, 254
56, 293
15, 968
16, 754
27, 995.....
5, 139
8, 6;07
86, 059
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclsie-Continued.
Candle-making machine.-----------------------_
Candle-making machine-------------------------.
Candle-making, Pr-eparing fats for----------------
Candle-manufacturing macbines.........
Candle, Many-wicked------------ -------------
Candle, Mirecr's ----------------------
Candle, M oll ----------------- ------------------
Candle, Mold.................................
Candle, Mold and dlipped-_----------------------
Candle-mold apparatus------_--------------------
Candle-mold apparatus.--------------------------
Candle-mold apparatus.........................--
Candle-mold apparatus ----------- ---------------
Candle-mold box."- - -------------
Candle-mold machine--------_------------------
Candle-mold m-achine ---------------------------
Candle-mold machine.-- -..-..--.__.....-.--
Candle- mold isp...............................--
Candle-molds, Machine let- making - - ---..-------
Candle-molds, Tubular plunger for- - ---- - ---- -- --
Candle-moldin---------- -----------------------
Candle-molding apparatus----------------------
Candle-molding apparatus ----_---_----------- -----
Candle-milding apparattts ----------------------
Candle-molding machitie-----------_------------
Candle-moldsn; machine --__----- -- - - - ------ - - ---
Candle-molding machine -----------------------
Candle-moldtng nachinery-.-------------.------
Candle or taper holder, Wax--------------------_
Candle-snuffers---------- -.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
(mondl eT u bu l ar-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
C a nd l e -wick- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -
C an dle -wtic k,Cotton-yatn-_--_-------u
C an dl e -wi ck,1Preparatio l.__.......---i
C and le -w ic ks, Dipping an,(l cutting.- ---.- -.-----
Candles, Appatattus forretktg dipped..... -..-..
Cattdles, Apparattus fot- et-' -tn'mold - -..-...
Candles, Apparattus fctr i--c (it-g.- --------------
Candles. Apparatus for tu'ldts'g----------... ----
Candles by moachinery, Lipp ing-_.................
Candles by machinery, 21'L i-~
Catidle sCasttng or iiel(ltu) stper-maceti -----__
Canttles, Composittoit I ---------------
Candles, Compositonior atd mode of making..--
Candles, Compositiont fat coatig................-- -- --
Catidles, Drip-ctip for----- --------- -
Candles fronm pal affine, M 'nulactnre ofi..
Candles, Macline for dippi g'..............
Candles, Machine for dipptng....................
Candles, Machine for dip -t.)e- ------------------
Candles, Macline for Inin-i meld --------
Candles, Machine lor mantufacturing dip.__-___.
Candles, Machine for muldut'............. _....
Candles, Machinery lot its Lung..................
Candles, Machincry for tmtldittg. -...-----...
Candles, M;chinery- lot nelintg......-....
Candles, Machinery for tuolding.................
Candles, Makin; -- -- ---------
Candlles, Making mold........_.-._.
Candles, Making tallow and wsax................--
Cadles. Manufacture if-............
Candles, Mantifactute ci--------------
Candles, Manufacture o....c..........
Candles, Mantulacture (f-------------
Candles, Mattafact-reo (-_____________
CandtlesManniacture d............
Caindies, Manufactuieut..._...........
Candles, Manufacture ct et'-olded...._.......... _.
Candles, Mattufacture i-f -i---i--- - -ine.... --
Candles, Macutacture of p t t.fine. - - -------------
C an dl e s,Maitti.dcture (f 1.ialue........ ___...
Candles, Manlaclurit;---------- ---
Candles, Manufactur in-____ ________
Candles, Manuf-ctuii (1 - a.pl.................
Catndles, Manunaturta ucidll.._....-..
Candles, Manutfactutigt miii- - - --...........
Candles, Mode of orna nn..............
Candles, Mold for making-...........
Candles, M olding ----------------
Inventor. Resitdence. Date.
11 jones..,..------------------ Baltimore, Md----------Oct. 26,1858,T. Siainlhorp. ---- ---- Buffalo, N.Y------------Mar. 6, 185
M. WV.Ilb-own---------------._ _ _ Buffalo, NY---------_- Oct. 13, 1857
J. G. Davis-------------------- Buduslo, N. Y------------- Aug. l1t, 1810
H. Granbo -------------------Philadelphtia, Pa.--_- Jan. 1, 1867
Bi. D. Santders _- - -- -- - - - - -- --olliday's Cove, Va - -___Sept. 30, 1856
P. 15. Gtttsein----------------- Houghton, Mich---------Apr. 12, 1870
J. Dunlap--------------------..New Hollantd, Pa-__- Mit.8, 18311
IT. iltlveorson-----------------...Cambridge, Mass--....Dec. 13,1859
J. Zwisle- --------New York, N.Y--------July 1, 1814
LC.Ashtley------------------ Troy, NY._-------------D e.25,185
H.iCamap--------- ---.... ------DnkN.Y....---------Jan. 22,185m0
WV. Hitruistoti---------------- TroyN.Y ---------------Apr.4, 1854
W. Hunaiston---------------- Troy, N.Y--------------- July 04,1855
G. A. Stanley-.----------Cleveland, Ohio ----------- May 8, 16:1
L. C. Ashley------- --__ -----._Troy, N.Y--------------- Jati 9, 18a5
1). K. andl M. Battershallk --_Troy, N. Y---------------...Dec.20,18)3
A. Hengstenberg-------------Miner oattue, Iowa.--. I xov. 11, 1856
I.Cole------------------._-----Brooklynt, N. Y-----------Apr.9i,1873
M. Burlingame.- - - -Ga____ rtatoly, N. Y------Dec.7, 1889
11. Ryder--- - - - -.- _._- -- New Bedford. Mass._ - Nov. 6,18.6
J. lDrummond-----------------...New Yosk, N. Y---------- _ _Feb. 20, 1846
J. Gamble and J. S. Hill-....Cincinnati, Ohio----------..Dec. 30, 1841
G. A. Stanley-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Cleveland, Ohio _- -- -------May 6, 1660
G. A. Statiley -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Cleveland, Ohio-----------.July 31, 1860
T. King---------------------- -T1roy, N. Y---------------Nov. 6, 1660
J. IRohingson-----------_____. - New Brighbton, Pa.-- -..Sept. 2, 1856
G. Roth--------------------.... Cincinnati, Ohio----------.. c.Oct. 28, 1862
J. Wales.-------------------... New York, N. Y----------.. _Mar. 28, 1871
J. H. Tuck.- ------------------ _ _ Nantucket, Mass- -...._July 11, 1837
J. Fritsch---------------------C1arlsladt, N. J - -.__._ Aug. 8, 1871
0. W. Stow and A. Barnes...Sout-hington, Con---...Nov. 24, 1857
F. Taber---------------------- Boston, Mass.............-May 24, 1870
J. H. Tatum------------------_New York, N. Y ----------Aug. 21, 1860
C. A. Wortendyke.-__ - - ------Godwinville, N. J. __- -- Mar. 30, 1852
C. A. Wcrtendyke------------ Godwinville. N. J......Jan. 3, 1861
G. Dickinson -.....- - -....New Yor-k, N. Y.......... Feb. 21, 18-28
S. K. Wee-len.................Providensce, P. I----------_Aug. 23, 1819
W. Morey.................. - - - Worcestet-, Mass........ Aug. 15, 1835
P. R. Gottstein..............Houghton, M~lich... _......Dec. 10, 1867
A. L. Brown----------New Haven, Conn - -__---Oct. 2, 1849
II. Leonard amid H. Ryder - New Bedford, Mass..- ---Dec. 13,1859
A. Meucci ------------------- Clifton, N. Y------------- Sept. 25, 1860
W. Day---------------------- Gardiner, Me.._......Mar. 11, 1826
J. M. Tard..................Trenton, N.J..------------Dec. 4, 18-21
W. W. Swain----------------.....New Bedford, Mass - -l.. Tan. 14, 1820
J. L. Klein. _...............- __ _ New York, N. Y - _- -----Nov. 2-2, 1864
P. Fart-eli --------------------New York, N. Y---------- Dec. 16, 1833
C. Morfit---------------------- New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 10, 1860
D. M. Ayer----- -- - ---- -- -- - -Lawrence, Miss - _- _.__ July 15, 1873
C. Havard -------------------New York. N.Y.----------Sept. 19, 1865
J. Ahorn--------------------- Trenton, N. J------------- May 19, 1832
S. Biydenbrtrg................-.--------.............Mat-. 22, 1798
S. Stansburv.- --------------... New York, N. Y - - - --------Jan. 6, 1809
A. Black ---------------------New York, N. Y---------- May 27, 1862
W Miller.-------------------...New York, N. Y---------- Jan. 6, 1809
W. Tlhom; s---------- ------- New York, N. Y........Apr. 3, 1860
F. Meyrose - _- - - -.-----------Saint Louis, Mo----------_ _Aug. 7, 1860
G. A. Stanley..............- -- - - Cleveland, Ohio._..-. _.- Aug. 2, 1859
G. A. Stanley.--- -- - - - -- Cleveland, Ohio..----------J.an. 10, 1860
G. A. Stanley.- - - -- - ----Cleveland, Ohio - -_- _-.-------an. 10, 1860
J. S. Sampson.........................................--- June 26, 1797
ID. M. Randolph------------_ - _ _ Richmond, Va - -----------. Aug. 1, 1815
J. Zwislcr-------------------- Baltimore, Md---------. Apr. 2, 1812
H. Halvorson- - --- -- -- -- -- -- --Camlbridge, Miss - __-- an. 10, 1880
C. Harvard ------------------- New York, N.Y.......... May 2,1871
E.Marsh---------------------_Alton, Ill.-.- __Apr. 30, 1842
A. Meucci -------_Clifton. N. Y-------------- Jan. 25, 1859
J. HI.Tatum.................--New York, N.-Y..........Oct. 5,1858
J. 11. Tatum-----------------_-New York, N.Y........... Jan. 11, 1859
J. K. Trusax __----------------- _ Pittsburgh, Pa -- -- -- -- -- - -Apr. 9, 1872
J. L. Field................ Lambethi, Great Britain.- - Jan. 31, 1865
J. L. Klein. ---------New York, N. Y-------Nov. 221814
F. C. Leonard----------------- New Bedford, Mass..... Nov. 22,1859
HI. Ryder -------------------- Neaw Bedford, Mass.---Nov. 20, 1866
Hi. 1hihthasm-_______ __---------------------------.--Jutte 2, 1794
J. S. Sanmpson------------------------------------------ Aug. 6, 1790
T. M. Scott.................. Fails Township, Pa. - - - -- Apr. 1,1830
T. Ilewitt jr-----------------..._.Philadelphia, Pa -.... May 4, 1831
T. Hewitt, jr-----------------. _....Philadelphaa, Pa - - - - ----June 13, 3831
A. Field and W. B. Nation.... Ltambethi antI Surrey Court- Apr. 13, 1869
ty, England.
T. J. Dyer and A. T. iRich New Bedford, Mass...-__July 20, 1831
1 882
12, 492
18, 381
7. 559
60, 718
15, 821
101, 857
26, 429
13, 973
7, 033
10, 730
13, 334
28, 210
12, 1l93
10, 331
16, 056
138, 380
97, 749
59, 460
4, 389
2, 405
28, 209
29, 416
30, 605
15, 668
36 798
113, 117
117, 763
18, 713
103, 388
29, 7-29
8, 849
31, 049
25, 227
7-2, 019
6, 759
26, 440
30, 180
45, 160
26. 780
140, 755
50, 000
35, 359
27, 763
29, 506
24, 960
26, 797
26, 798
26, 763
114, 438
2, 600
2_, 739
21, 706
22, 592
125, 632
46, 197
45, 161
26, 193
59, 749
88, 779
2-2, 91
14, 397
1, 844
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Candlestick----------...............S D il--------------------. S.Hl........
Cantliestick-------------------------------______W. H. 1. Hiids............._Candlestick.--------------------------------- W. H. Ut. Hinds.............
Candlestick.----------------------------.- W. H. H. Hinds.............
Candlestick ------------- J ------------ A. LM an..............
Candlestick---------------------------------J.Mnig..........Cdlsck.................... S. L. Marsden and S. H. Burrell
Candlestick...............................------H. Ogborn..........
Candlestick...............................-----Z. I. Pratt................_
Caindlestick...............................----A. Rix..................---
Candlestick.................................. F. A. Rockwell............_
(Candlestick.................................A. E. Rogers..............Candlestick.................................. H. E. Rogers..-.........
Candlestick....................................A.E.......ndG.....eb..A.esick....E............ei....and.. TG.oe........ Webb....
Cadlstc...............................TH. Rydr..................
Caiid.estick &c............................. S. Sloconib-....__......
Candlestick.................................. J. S p rat t..........- -- --....
C an dl e s ti ck............................... -- -- -- -- -- -- F. A. Taberi -.............--
Candlestick-...............................----A. Whiteley...............
C......i............................... J. Williams..............---
Candlestick..............................."--- H Zalin.................--
Candlestick-...............................----H. Zahn.................---
Candlesiicks, C-nnp............................. C. Alexander.-.........
Casndestick for ships, Swinging................-- -- - -J. J. Wnlton and E. A. Barrett.
Candlestick for tents, shops, &c., Adjustable.--A. E. Lyman ---_........._
Candlestick, Minei's safety......................T. A. Washbnrn...........
Candle stick or holder.......................----S. J. Rockwood.............
Candlestick, Pewter.......................... J. Witherie................
Candlestick, Poitable...._.................... C. P. Gorely_............
Candlestick, Press-mold....................... S. T. Barnes...............
CnlsikSheet-metal............_.... _. _...J. W. Smith... _..... _..__....
Cndlesticks, Construction of iron............... W. P. Merriam, N. C. Harris,
W. Wheeler, anod E. N. Merriam.
Candy-box..................................U. Rnger.................
Candy cigar machine.........................H. Gelihansen.............
Candy-cnttei................................J. WN. Kaskel...............
Candy-cutter........................-----"....F. Quinn..................
Cand7 cutter, Corn...........................D. Davenport.............---
Candy-cntting machine........................ C. Wentz, A. Green, and 0. P.
Candy-jar.................................... W. C. King...............
Candy ar lid ---"---------......................W. C. King.........---...
Cand1 maclime.............................. J. S. Batchelder...........
Candy-macline.......__.......................G.K.1'arrim gton and SBrown~ir
Caiidy, Machine for making sugar................B. O'Brien.._.... _.........Candy inakmug machine..............___...T. and G. M. Mills........._
Caud;- mannfaetnre........................... H. C. Wilkins..----..--.
Candy, Manufactnre of........................ W. T. Bni-ns................
Cand-y, Medical compound or phosphated -- -- - - --C. S. Allen...............
Candy-molding machine.------ --- - -......F. K. Powers -..._...._......
Candy-rolling machine....................____.i.M. Marshall...........--_
Candy-slicing machine........................ J. P. Aniderson-._.........
Candy, Sugar................I. aind G. Garrison..........
Candy-tongs, &c., Machine for making-. _........T. aiid G. M. Mills..........
Candy-twistimg machume ----------------------- J. Gardner................
Candy ware, Maiiufactrinmg sugar.......---------..L. Astoldi...................
Candying-machine..........................---F. W. C. Spiess..............
Caa.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.-..-..-..F. - Eck-atein.F.Ecsten..............
Caiie---.-...-..-..-..-..--..-..-..-..--..-..-..-..--..-..-..- -M. Osborn...............- -- - --
C a ne and billiard-cue, Combined walkinug -.. _...A.Bogert ---.......-_......_
Cane andi lamp, Combined....................____T. Crossley..............---
Cane and maize cutter.......................----J.. Cormack.............
Cane and seat combined -.... _..................C. H. Ilascmb.- -- - - -- ----
Cane and sorghum s t r i pp e r...................-- -- - -- J.. Campbell..-...-..-.....
Cane ansIsorghum stripper.................... C. P. Hale.-....-------
Cane ansI stool, Convertible...................----J. Wade.................---
Cane andl stubble shaver-.. _.. __............... P. G. Kleinpeter..........._____
Cane and telescope combined-..-..---...-..-...-... --..3W'. Wilson........ _._...
Cane and thermometer, Combined..............--J. L. Rieber----__----------
Cane and umbr-ella combined....... H.eb.................
C an e and umubi-ella combined.............. - - --.G. Bockstaller._-__._.......
Cane and nmbrella hamndle..................... A. Wannei-.._........
Cane and whip, Combined.................... C. L. Bnshnell...............
Cane andl wvhip, Combined --------------------- C. L. Bushnell..........._..
Cane andi willow str-ipper........................A. F. Ward and J. H. Bean -.. _
Canecleaner........................-- -- -- -- -- - -..S. Bean.................- - -- --
Ca n e, C om p a r t m e n t -........................L. C. H e y l in_.____..__._-----
C.......................................------------J. Allison...............---
oane-covererm.-.-----------------------...---- F. H. Angamer.............
Cane-coverer-.-...........................--J. P. Bryan.............. -
ianec musherHydraulic.....................---C. A. Dickinson...... -..._
Cane-cinshing mill............................ H. C. Emery..............---
Casne-cutter...............................-----J. P. Bryan................
Caecte.........................Oe.................E wn-----------
Cane fiber for paper and other pm-poses, Treating. B. A. Lavender and H. Lowe.-.
Downiev ille, Cal. _.
lrroton, Mass..........
Groton, Mass...........
Ayer, Mass...........---
Williamsburgb, Mass-.
Middletown, Con.
IWestville, Conn., and New
York, N. Y.
Richmond, Ind.........
Chicago, Ill _......... _..
San Fr-ancisco, Cal -__.
Ridgefield, Con.._..__.
La Grande, Oireg.-----
South Manchester, ConnLa Grande, Oreg.
Cortlad vil le, N. Y..---
New Bedford, Mass.._.
Cambridge, Mass..___._
Cincinnati, Ohio....
Baltimore, Md.........--
Springfield, Ohio.__-..__
San Mateo, Cal......
SnFr-aneiseeCal._.. -
San Framicisco, Cal.. -.
Washington, I).C...._
New York,.Y__._
XWilliamsbuigh, Mass --
Geld Hill, e._ _- -.
Elsab, Ill --- -- --- -
Boston, Mass..____.
Beaten, Mass...........
Columbus, Ohio....
Poultney, Vt.........- -
Ponltney, Vt-.._..-......
La Fayette City, lad..
New York, N. Y..--
Paducah, lKy---------.
Keokuk, Iowa....._....
Albany, N. Y..........--
Tieinton, N. J...-.......
Pittsburgh, Pa. _.. -.....-.
Pittsburgh, Pa.... -- _..
Fort Wayne, nd...
Xenia, Ohio..........--
Rochester, N. Y.-___.._..
Philadelphia, Pa. ----
Albany, N.Y..........---
Georgetown, Ky..New York, N.Y -.---
Grand Rapids, Mich..---
Dayton, Ohio.-_--------.
Philadelphia, Pa -_.__-..
Newbnrgh, N. Y.-----
Philadelphia, Pa ---. -.
Philadelphia, Pa. --_-.
Philadelphia, Pa -_..
New York, N. Y.----.._
New York, N. Y.Alhion, Michm..-..._......_
Bay City, Mich..........
Bridgeport, Con.
Quincy. Ill---..._.
Cleveland, Ohio.-----
Stow, Ohio............--
Calhoun, Ky..... _......
ichmond, md(...........
Plaquemuine, La. --_.
Concerd, N....._.......
Phila-'delphiia, Pa...
Hudsen ClitN. J....
New York, N.......
Hoboken, J......
Jeffer-son. Ohio
Cheiry Voiley, Ohio._---.
Marietta, Ohio ------
Syr acuse, Ohio.__...--..
Philadelphia, Pa.-..-----
Saint Martinsv ile, La._.
New Orleans, La.....
Pincetonm, Ky --_---
Rosedale, La......
Lincoln, Ohio.._...__.
Pirinceton, Ky. __....
Baltimore, Md.........--
Aug. 26, 1873
Oct. 3 1,)1885
Sept. 8, let68
D)ec. 18, 1878
Mar. 25, 1862
Jan. 1, -#t
Nov. 26, 1861
Dec. 3, 1867
Mar. 18, 1873
Sept. 25, 1866
Dec. 16, 1851
Mar. 18, 1873
July 24, l1860
June 18, 1872.June 23, 1857
July 12, 1870
Nov. 2. 1858
Nov. 10. 1e57
May 4, 1869
Jan. 8, 1856
May 14, 1872
Dec. 14, 1869
July 26, 1870
Janm. 7, 1869
Feb. 25, 1873
Jan. 12, 1664
Dec. 17, 1872
Jan. 21, 18618
Oct. 24, 1817
Nov. 19, 1887
July 19, 1853
July 25, 18-54
Api. 26, 1853
June 4, 1872
Aug. 22, 18)5
Dec. 30, 1873
Oct. 14, 1871
Aug. 20, 1867
Feb. 7,1871
Dec. 17, 1872
May 6, 1871
June 7, 1870
May 11, 1858
Jan. 113,18)2
Feb. 14, 1871
Apr. 10, 186
Jan.30, 1872
Apr. l16, 187.
Sept. 22,1868
July 2:3,l86 1
Aug. 1,1871
Apr. 10, 1844
Sept.I 118
Nov. 3,1857
Nov. 00 1812
Feb. 11, 1873
Dee. 30 183
May 20,1873
Dec. 26,18u71
Nov. 26,18167
Nov. 1,185.1
Aug 20, 1r61
May 01, 1867
Feb. '6i 1867
Jan. 7,1862
Aug. 10, l8t))
July 28, 868
Dec. 24, 1P67
Nov. 5,1867
Jan. 7, l8)1
Oct. 11,180
Jan. 11, 1 70
Nov. 1),1870
Nov. 24, 1t#6
Mair. 3,1868
Oct. 13, 1.68
Mai. 6, 1861
Aug. 08,11-60
Junce24, 18413
Apr. 1,183
July 5.'859
142, 162
50, 708
82, 600
145, 502
34, 758
33, 788
71, 782
138, 884
58, -216
8, 594
137, 0-29
29, 314
127, 889
l05, 257
21, 987
18, 606
89, 811
14, 674
126, 765
9)7, 848
105, o.75:14,1145
1:8, 200
41, 2-28
114, 113
71, 161
9, 852
11, 389
9, 685
127, 431
49, 515
14(i, (076
143, 5110
617, 848
134, 072
1:18, 30'1
10:3, 982
211 210
111l 765
1'23 119
3?, 882.3,534
81, 185
1:15, 872
148, 054
139, 020
122, X18
71, 4100
10, 178:33, 673
84, 8:16
62, 413:14, 0111
7-2, 539
71), 5116
98, 004
1011, 297
8-2, 149
39, 141
1:37 349
24. 121
ajlar. may, i870
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Cane-juice, Apparatus for defecating............
Cane-juice, Apparatus for extracting..............
Cane-juice, Apparatus for separating gum from....
Cane juice, Apparatus f r treating-...--...
Cane-juice, Apparatus bfor treating.............
Cane-juice boxes, Construction of............
Cane-juice by means of sulphurous-acid gas, Apparatus for clarifying.
Cane-juice, Clarific:tion of.......................-_ -
Cane-juice, Clarifying- ----.. -----------......
Cane-juice, Clarifying.........................
Cane-juice-clarifying apparatus....................
Cane-juice concentrated by steam.............
Cane-juice, Defecating....................
Cane-juice, Defecating...........................
Cane-juice, Defecating......................
Cane-juice, Defecating an:d bleaching----------.............
Cane-juice defecating and bleaching machine......
Cane-juice, Defecating and clarifying..._.........
Cane-juice, Evaporating......--------------------.....................Cane-juice evaporation.........................
Cane-juice evaporator........................
Cane juice evaporator......................
Cane-juice evaporator.............................
Cane-juice evaporator.............................
Cane-juice evaporator.............................
Cane-juice evaporator......................
Cane-juice evaporator..............
Cane-j uice evaporator.............................
Cane-j uice evaporator..........................
Cane-juice evaporator.............................
Cane-j nice, &c., evaporator...................
Cane-j nice, &c., evaporator and concentrator...-.
Cane-j rice evaporator, Setting kettles for........
Cane-juice, Machine for bleaching.................-------------
Cane juice, Machine for expressing........-.......Cane-juice, Mode of applying sulphurous-acid gas
in the defecation of
Cane-juice, Mode of defecating....................
E. H. Wheeler............
D. M offat.....................
H. Gortner.............
W. L. Shaffer and J. F. Wood.
G. R. Taylor.................
L. Tregre....-................A. Labauve...................
J. Spangenberg..............
F. Domenech................
W. J. McIntosh.............
P. Marceline and E. Eude....
D. Strobel, jr..................
D. F. Boyd..........
A. B. Sharp.........
L. W ray.............
M. Landry.................
P. Paille.................
R. A. Stewart...............
S. A.Poch..................
Rt. Wright...............
H. Bessemer................
J. S. Blymyer -.........
T. Boutt..6............
M. S. Bringier................
M. S. Bringier...............
W. Edgerton.............
F. C. Fulghum................
F. Groves................
L. S. Hereford............
S. A. Poch6...................
E. Sperry....................
A. Fryer...................
F. M. Brignac...............
E. Skelly...................
H. Bessemer.................
R. B. Brashear................
L. Reid and E. H. Swift.......
New Orleans, La.......
New Orleans, La..........
Deavertown, Ohio.........
Chacahoula Station, La...
Thibodeaux, La.........
Parish Saint John the Baptist, La.
Convent, La..............
Jefferson Parish, La._.
Ponce, Island of Puerto
New Orleans, La.........
Washington, D. C......
Mansfield, Ohio.........
Paincourtville, La..-...
London, England......
Iberville Parish, La......
Saint James Parish, La...
Parish of SaintBernard, La
Saint James Parish, La....
London, England......
Baxter House, England...
Mansfield, Ohio........
New Iberia, La........
Ascension Parish, La......
Ascension Parish, La..
Spiceland, Ind..........
Arba, Ind............
New Oxford, Pa.......
West Baton Rouge Parish,
Saint James Parish, La..
Chicago, Ill..........
Manchester, England..----
Saint James Parish, La....- -
Plaquemine, La..........
Pattersonville, La........
New York, N. Y., and
Midolefield, Conn.
New York, N. Y., and
Middlefield, Conn.
New York, N. Y., and
Middlefield, Conn.
New York, N. Y., and
Middlefield, Conn.
New York, N. Y., and
Middlefield, Conn.
Houma, La...........
Thibodeaux, La...........
May 8, 1860
Sept. 23, 1873
Sept. 18, 1866
Oct. 22, 187-2
July 1, 1873
Sept. 6, 1850
Aug. 24, 1869
Mar. 27, 1849
Dec. 27, 1859
Mar. 7, 1828
May 22, 1860
May 9, 1831
Feb. 7, 1860
Jan. 7, 1868
June 30, 1857
Aug. 8, 1871
Jan. 19, 1869
Jan. 11, 1859
June 21, 1870
Oct. 16, 1860
Mar. 8, 1853
Dec. 20, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 26, 1869
Aug. 15, 1865
Sept. 13, 1864
Mar. 21, 1865
Sept. 21, 1869
Nov. 17, 1868
Apr. 4, 1871
May 28, 1867
Oct. 3, 1871
Oct. 26, 1869
June 3, 1851
Dec. 6, 1859
Dec. 4, 1866
Dec. 4, 1866
Dec. 4, 1866
Dec. 4, 1866
Dec. 4, 1866
Sept. 11, 1866
Aug. 19, 1873
Cane-juice, Mode of defecating.................. L. Reid and E. H. Swift.....
Cane-juice, Mode of defeca ing................... L. Reid and E. H. Swift.....
Cane-juice, Mode of defecating.....................
Cane-juice, Mode of defecating...................
Cane-juice, Mode of treating..................
Cane-juice with sulphur fumes, Apparatus for
Cane-juice with sulphurous acid, Apparatus for
Cane-juice, &c., with sulphurous-acid gas, Apparatus for impregnating.
Cane juice with sulphurous-acid g s, Apparatus
bfor treating.
Cane juice with sulphurous-acid gas, Apparatus
for treating.
Cane juice with sulphurous-acid gas, Apparatus
for treating.
Cane juice with suphurous-acid gas, Apparatus
for treating.
Cane juice, &c., with sulphurous acids, Bleaching..
Cane -mill.........................................
Cane m ill..........................................
Cane-m i'l..........................................
Cane mill.-- - -....................................
Cane-m ill.....................---.............
C a n e m ill..................................
Cane-mill- - - -...............................
Cane-mill and steam-euine..-........
Cane, &c., Mill for griadi,.g.......................
Cane, Rifle.-...............................
Cane-scraper..-...... -----------.
Cane seat.....................................
Cane-seat chairs, Construction of.........-.......
Cane seat for chairs.................................
Cane seat for chairs........................
Cane-stripper -..........i.......
L. Reid and E. H. Swift........
L. Reid and E. H. Swift.....
J.1. E. Pattison.........
W. G. Billinu.............
28, 225
143, 089
58, 095
132, 417
140, 443
25, 354
94, 008
6, 219
26, 573.....
28, 385
27, 033
73, 054
17, 713
117, 787
85, 955
22, 590
104, 491
30, 401
9, 607
76, 392
94, 942
96, 081
49, 392
46, 969
94, 959
113, 590
65, 205
119, 501
96, 155
8, 137
26, 401
60, 242
60, 243
60, 244
60, 245
60, 246
57, 958
141, 914
73, 640
82, 164
109, 571
134, 655
33, 086
66, 377
129, 341
104, 544
59, 889
73, 779
39, 467
54, 960
96, 283
50, 978
74, 574
22, 802
27, 830
92, 420
80, 300
104, 207
32, 535
69, 161
58, 049
69, 310
50, 350
49, 260
53, 818
108, 135
141, 057
60, 768
62, 876
51, 482
46, 03
J. E. Pattison................. Thibodeaux, La---........... -- Jan. 21, 1868
E. Skelly---------------------...................... Plaquemine, La........... Sept. 15,1868
J. W. Austin.....----------------- Plaquemine, La........... Nov. 29,1870
J. Dymond.................... New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 7,1873
G. A. Huwald................ Knoxville, Ten.........
T. Morillon and U. Naquin... La Fourche Parish, La....
B. R. Hawley.................
L Biddle.......................
B. F. Cauffman..........
D. M. Cook -..............J. W. Richardson, D. L. Davis,
and W. C. Howell.
H. B. Stephens and D. J.
O. E. Woodbury.............
J. Moore...................
1. A. Hedges....-----.........
E. Powell...................
A. Crow...................
L. A. Bringier and N. B. Trist
G. W. Martin.............
C. M. Rohr.................
W. F. Howe................
J. B. Sawyer................
J. H. Barley................
W. N. Barr..............
J.C. Brown...-----------...
W. Gladden and R. F. Bishop..
J. A. Hall -----------------
J. A. H all.....................
J. A. Hall.......
C. J. Hege...............
R. C. James...................
M Mellinger..............
I. E. and J. A. Overpeck.....
H. Rockwell......._..........
G. E. Sellers..................
Normal, Ill.........
Knoxville, Iowa.......
Greencastle, Iowa.........
Millerstown Pa........
Mansfield, Ohio..........
Sligo, Ohio..............
Madison, Wis.............
Aug. 20, 1861
July 2, 1867
July 16,1872
Jan. 21, 1870
Nov. 20, 1866
Jan. 28, 1868
Arg. 11, 1863
May 22, 1866
Oct. 26,1869
Madison, Wis............. Nov. 14, 1865
Madison, Indl....-......... Feb. 18, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio.-...... Feb. 1, 1859
Cenueautville, Pa...-... Apr. 10, 1860
Middlefield, Mass........ May 8, 1860
Ascension Parish andNew July 13, 1869
Orleans. La.
Boston, Mass.......... July 28, 1868
Portland, Oreg.......... June 14, 1870
Galveston, Tex.......... Sept. 3, 187-2
Templeton, Mass..-... June 11, 1861
Sedalia, Mo- --....... Sept. 24, 1867
Ri3hmond, Ind........ Sept. 18, 1866
Crawfordsville, Ind...-.. Oct. 1, 1867
Chrome Hill, Md........ Oct. 10, 1865
Memphis Tenn.......... Aug 8, 1865
Columbus, Ohio......... Apr. 10, 1866
Friedberg, N. C......... Oct. 11, 1870
Denison, Tex............. July 22, 1873
Dayton, Ohio............ Jan. 1. 1867
Overpeck Station, Ohio..- Mar 12, 1867
Itoanoke, Id..--..-...... Dec. 12, 1865
Seller's Landing, Ill..__..... Jan. 24, 1865
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Cane stripper and knife combined................
Cane-stripping device..............................
Cane-stripping machine...........................
Cane-stubble shaver..............................
Cane, Sword......................................
Cane, umbrella, pistol, dagger, and camp-stool combined.
Cane, Walking--------------------------------....................................
Cane, Walking.................................
Canes, crutches, &c., Mode of constructing the bottom ends of ferrules for.
Canister:,See Grocer's canister.
Canisters, Measuring-stopple for...................
Cannon and fire-arms, Construction of.............
Cannon and other fire-arms, Manufacture of.......
Cannon, Apparatus for planing the chambers of -... -
Cannon, Automatic............
Cannon, &c., Automatic finger for closing the
vents of
Cannon-balls, Flask for casting packings around.
Cannon-ball, &c., from malleable iron, lead, &c.,
Machine for manufacturing.
Cannon-balls, &c., Mode of forming molds for casting.
Cannon, Bolt and disk sectional....................
Cannon, Boring..................................
Cannon boring and rifling apparatus..............
Cannon, Breech-loading..........................
Cannon, Breech-loading..........................
Cannon, Breech-loading.........................
Cannon, Breech-loading..........................
Cannon, Breech-loading
Cannon, Breech-loading...........................
Cannon, Breech-loading.............
Cannon, Breech-loading......
Cannon, Breech-loading-__._ _ _
Cannon by electricity, Firing.......................
Cannon, Casting................................
Cannon, Casting..................................
Cannon, Constructing...............
Cannon, Device fbr tfiring..........................
Cannon, Discharging............................
Cannon-elevating apparatus........................
Cannon for chain-shot......................
Cannon for chain-shot.........................
Cannon for chain-shot, Double.....................
Cannon, Forging..................................
Cannon, Friction-primer for..----------------
Cannon-hoops, Manufacture of....................
Cannon-lock, Compression.........................
4annon-lock, Portable.....................................
Cannon, Machine for boring the chambers of......
Cannon, Machine for turning rimbase of........
Cannon, Machinery for welding and forming
Cannon, Malleable-iron....................
Cannon Manufacture of..............
Cannon Mahufacture of...........................
C annon M anufacture of w rought.........
Cannon Manufacture of wrought iron.............
Cannon, Manulacture of wrought-iron and steel-...Cannon Manufacturing cast-iron...------------.---
Cannon Many-barrelled.........................
Cannon, Many-chambered breech-loading".........
Cannon Method of making wrought-iron.........
Cannon Mode of charging.........._.............
Cannon Mode of discharging..................
Cannon Mode of lcaiing rifled...---.........
C annon Mounting and maneuvering.............
Cannon of wrought iron or wrought iron and steel,
Method of making.
Cannon Pendulum-sight for.......................
Cannon Percussion-lock and vent for..............
Cannon Percussion-lock for.....................
Cannon Percussion-lock for......................
Cannon, Percussion-lock for.......................
Cannon, Percussion-lock for.......................
Cannon Percussion-lock for.......................
Cannon Percussion-primer for.....................
Cannon Pointing..............................
Cannon-pointing apparatus........................
Cannon, Primer and percussion for..............
Cannon, Repeating......
Cannon, 1epeating......
Cannon, Iepeating................................
Cannon, Revolvin,......
Cannon, Revolving............................
W. Todd......................
R. Conarree..................
T. W. Peirce.......... -....
D. C. Flint................
F. F. Patout..................
S. A. Hudson................
D. Morrison...................
Barnesville, Ohio.........
Camden, Ohio..........
Minneapolis, Minn.......
Bushnell, Ill..............
Jeanerett, La............
Worcester, Mass..........
Portland, Me.............
A. Cain.................... _Holyoke, Mass........
C. K. Peney................ Worcester, Mass.......
J. Ball....................... Buffalo, N. Y......
E. Mather..................
W. M. Smith.................
J. Adams..................
J. W. Cochran...............
A. Krnpp.....................
J. A. Terrell.................
N. A. Patterson............
C. W. Lancaster..............
A. Alexander -..............
C. E. Barnes..................
A.Le Mat....................
Chicago, Ill..............
Washington, D. C....
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Lowell, Mass.............
Essen, Prussia...........
Bloomfield, Ky.....-.....
Kingston, Tenn..........
London, England....
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Lowell, Mass..............
New Orleans, La..........
L. Evans......-------------------- Morgantown, Va..........
L. Grandy and T. Osgood..... Troy, N. Y..............
A. Elliot...................... Philadelphia, Pa........
J. Fitzgerald................
L. A. B. Walbach.............
P. Foy--------------------........................
H. J. Allen....................
J. W. IHollensbury............
E. Marshall......................
J. H. Merrill..................
J. H. Murrill.................
W. E. Osborn.................
J. B. Prescott.................
E. S. Wright and T. P. Gould-..
G. W. Beardslee..............
A. H. Emery..................
J. B. Tarr.....................
C. Perley.....................
D. Treadwell...............
H. Whitcomb.................
G. M. Ransom................
E. Gordon...................
A. Lemmer.................
W. M. Jeffers................
A. Hitchcock...............
WV. Ball......................
D. Treadwell....
E. 1hidden and S. Sawyer......
J. Sghaw....- ------.
J. Shaw........--............
W. MeClery..................
E. Kaylor.....................
D. Treadwell..................
G. W. Chapman.............
T. N. Hornsby................
D. Treadwell..............
H. Ames......................
J. Griffen.....................
R. Cook----------.............--------.........
C. Alger...................
G. Natcher...................
C. C. Terrel.................
S. Hunt....................
J. Dodge......................
J. Dodge...................
L. Houghton...............
O. Hopkins.................
D. Treadwell...............
R. Smith......................
W. H. Bell.............
R. Beale.._........
E. Hidden....................
E. HIidden...................
E. Hidden...................
J. Shaw................
L. and W. H. Bell........
J. Black....................
J. Hobday..................
J. Shaw.........
M. C. Borgia............
J. H IHeadrick...............
S. tluffman..................
T. Tufts....................
E. Brehm..------------------
A. Schausten.................
New York, N. Y...... -
United States Army......
New York, N. Y......
Arkadelphia, Ark........
Alexandria, Va.........
New York, N. Y......
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md............
Milton, N. Y..............
Waterford, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
College Point, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.....
Fairbaven, Mass..........
New York, N. Y......
Cambridge, Mass-.......
Adams, N. Y..............
United States Navy.......
Hingham, Mass-.........
Newark, N. J-.........
Elmira, N. Y.............
New York, N, Y.......
Chicopee, Mass...........
Cambridge, Mass.........
New York, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Pittsbucgh, Pa.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.....
Cambridge, Mass.........
New York, N. Y.........
Simpsonville, Ky-..........
London, England........
Falls Village, Conn....
Safe Harbor, Pa..........
Saratoga, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass.............
Sidney, Ohio............
Shullsburgh, Wis.......
Torrington, Comn........
Dummerston, Vt....._
Dummerston, Vt..........
Philadelphia, Pa....
New York, N. Y...
Cambridge, Mass.......
Brooklyn, N.Y...........
Norfolk, Va.............
Washington, D. C........
New York...............
New York................
New York.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Fortress Monroe, Va....
Northumberland Pa.....
Portsmouth, Va.-.....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Phi'.adlphia, Pa........
Wyythe County, Va.......
Charlestown, Ill.....
Somerville, Mass.._Jersey City, N. J......
Michigan City, Ind........
Date. No.
Apr. 5, 186 42, 241
July 3, 1866 56, 009
Sept. 5, 1865 49, 785
May 22, 1866 54, 880
May 23,1871 115,094
Sept. 9,1851 8, 346
Apr. 2, 1867 63, 552
July 12,1859 24,718
Sept. 30, 1873 143, 248
Oct. 11, 1841 2, 297
July 23, 1872 129, 842
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 311
Oct. 25, 1859 25, 929
Mar. 23, 1836.......
Nov. 27, 1855 13, 851
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 491
Nov. 3,1863 40, 498
July 5, 1853 9, 830
Oct. 13, 1863 40, 225
July 8, 1836 15, 315
June 7,1859 24, 313
Oct. 30, 1860 30, 533
Feb. 3, 1841 1, 965
Oct. 6, 1843 3, 295
Feb. 6, 1849 6, 090
Aug. 23, 1853 9, 961
Mar. 11, 1862 34, 661
Apr. 25, 1871 113, 963
Dec. 28, 1858 22, 427
Dec. 14, 1858 22, 299
Mar. 22, 1859 23, 306
June 15, 1858 20, 608
Sept. 12, 1854 11,678
Jan. 28, 1862 34, 263
Dec. 14, 1958 22, 325
Aug. 18, 1863 39, 543
Oct. 4, 1864 44, 521
Jan. 18, 1870 98, 834
May 5, 1863 38, 4,9
Nov. 25, 1862 37, 017
Oct. 25, 1826..
Nov. 15, 1859 26, 124
Feb. 17, 1836..
Nov. 18, 1851 8, 528
June 21,1859 24,518
Aug. 8, 1865 49, 266
Mar. 23, 1852 8, 820
May 10, 1864 42, 701
Apr. 29, 1842 2, 594
Dec. 3, 1832....
Dec. 3, 1832.
Apr. 12, 1864 42, 332
Oct. 24, 1865 50, 598
June 20, 1846 4, 589
June 16,1836....
Sept. 3, 187 68, 509
Dec. 11, 1855 13, 927
Aug. 16, 1864 43, 825
Dec. 25, 1855 13, 984
Feb. 1, 1842 2, 443
May 30, 1837 208
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 623
Feb. 5, 185(;!4, 215
Nov. 04, 1843 3, 358
July 15, 18 56 1, 357
Aug. 4, 1857 17,920
Apr. 3, 1855 12, 629
Dec. 17, 1861 3:,!44
Feb. 12, 1845:3, 906
Oct. 13,1863 40, 288
Oct. 1, 1830......
Jan. 13, 1835
Jan. 14, 1831.
Dec. 16, 1831..
Aug. 20, 1834..
Oct. 24, 18-28.
Dec. 8, 1829.
Jan. 17, 1818.
May:30, 1837 207
Dec. 3, 1832.
(Oct. 22, 1861 33, 513
Dec. 20, 1871 110, 2:13
Jan. 23, 1855 1., 293
Mar. 7, 1805 46, 762
Dec. 23, 1870 l0, 194
Feb. 4, 1868 74, 152
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cannon, Rifled ---------------------------------
Cannon-rifling machine.........................
Cannon, Rotary cylinder.-.-..---..---.
C annon-sight------------------ ------------------
Cannon traverse-board...-.....................
Cannon, Wrought-iron.........................
Cannons by attached fnsee, Filing_..............__ _ _
Canopy for tents nnd bed-netting....... _... _..._..
Canopy holder, Mosquito..........--.........
Canopy, Lawn -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ----
C an o pyMndsqito--------------------------------
Canopies, cnrtains, &c., Snpport for..............
Cant-hook--------------.--.-- -----------------..
Cant-hook----------------- ------- -------------
Cant-hook----------- --------------------------
Cant-hook -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Cant-hook- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WJant-hook.-------------------- -----
Cant-hook--------------- ------ -------
Cant-hook for moving logs, Adjnstable...... _....
Canteen - -.---------------------------
C anteen...........................
Canteen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Canteen and lunch-box..........................
Canteen, lcspital.----....---..._._
Canteen, plate, cup, and funnel..........-- ------.
Canvas and cor dage, Solntion for- preser-ving._.-.
Canvas, Fr-ame for stretching....................
Canvas, &c., Machine for catting.................
Canvas, Preventing mildew in.- -... -.....
Canvas stretching and protecting frame.___.
Canvas to form tarpaulins, Coating...............
Caoutchonc and1 allied gums, Compounds ofCaoutchouc and allied gums, Roller for working - -
Cacut-hone and other gnms, Material produced hy
Caoutchouc and other gurns, Treating -......
Caontchouc and other vnlcanizable gums, Treating
Caouicliouc, Apparatus for enripg....
Caoutchouc, Artificial.......-.-.................
Caootehouc cement tor cloth, leathier-, &c.__..--_.
Caooutcliouc, Conipositioni formed of..............-- -
Caoutchouc, Comiposition of ________________
Catoutchouc, Coniposition e.............
CaoutcliouaCurng and(1treating.....
Caoutction, Curing and treating. _._........
Caoutchouc, Cinoaind treating................
CaoutchoacDis-cix ing--------------
Cauntehone (resiin andbleachilng.-------------_ __ __
Caoutchonc, &c., Fahiric manufactured1 froin --_n
Caoutchouc fluid to render- articles water-proof--
Cant' chouc, utta-pereh-s aaid similat- gums, Mode
of trating.
Caoutchouc ino sedsCnttin,.------------ ------
A. C. Stimers-..........
A. Boozano........-......
J. W. Cochran..............--
P. M althy...--- -----
J. A. Wagener--------
W. H. Bell.................--
J. W. Cochran..............A. Eames..................--
E. Gomez..............--...
J. Ellisdon.................--
J. B. Holmes.---------
L Ml. Bates.................F. H. and W. H. Vick.-----
M. L. Thompson.............
T. Fikinton................--
J3. B. Holmes...............--
E. Broad.............-.....
W. S. Coibtirn...............
J. F. FEierson..............--
0. P. Frantz and F. Broad. - -.
J. W. Gerrish...............W. Q. Greely...............--
G. W. Herring.-.............
P. Hinds...........-. ----.....T. Hopkins.................--
J. A. Howe.................--
F. Jewett..................--
A. Kennard. ----....----
WV. P. Kilgore..............--
F. Matisfield..-.........
J. McDonald................
A. B. Reeves...............--
P. Shulls..........------.
W. Tetro.................. - -- --
it. WVhittier.................-- - -
M. A llcutt -------------------
C. Bartholomnac.........- - -.
B. Beers................ -....
L. F. Bronnm..............L. Cantel..................J. Case.....................-----
F. Gardner.---------
S. Herbert..................
R. Kelley.-------------------
J. A. Montgomery...........
S. G. Morrison...............
J. M. Trowhridge............
K. Thoman..................
S. H. Russell....-.----------
H. Beck- ---------------------
C. 0. Farciot................--
C. Nelson...................--
I. Bryant-.-----------------
31. II. Peinber-----------...__
T. Biathy....................
C. lDnwil...................J. B. Flagg and G. Storer.--
HT. W. Holly.................
A. 1ickernian...............
C. Cobb.....................
G. A. Engeih rd and R. F. H.
T. Sault....................J. B. Newbrough and F. Fagan.
J. B. Newbrongh and F. Fagan.
L.0. P. Meyer.............--
W. Rt. Bignall ---------------
A.G. Day..................F..Chale...............--
A. Wiliman.--....-------
Ri. F. Ilaveniann............
li.I I'I-ueinann..........._
'. E. Marcy................--
E. 1- Marcy................E.L. Moa-rcy.................P. Machie..................
C. Cooedyear-............
(. 1illi( and P. Shrag-.G. H1.Richards....-....-......
J. B. Non hrou,,h and E. Fagani.
Castleton, N. Y....
Detroit, Mich.. -........
Lowell, Mass -..........
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Charleston, S. C...Washington, D.C..
Lowell, Mass.......
Chicopee Falls, Mass..
New Yetk, N. Y......
Liverpool, England _-.Cincinnati, Ohio......
Wooster, Ohio..--...-...
Rochester-, N. Y....--.
lirooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelp~hia, Pa......
Phitladelphia, Pa......
Saint Anthony's Falls,
Loami, Ill................
Trenton. N. J...........--
Saint Anthony, Minna.
Bethel, Me..............--
Saint Anthony, Miun -..
Bangor, Me..............
Cedar Run, Pa.... -..... -.
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Bangor, Mo........
Rtiudge, N. H.............
Clearfield, Pa...... -......
Hamipden, Me...........--
Orono, 1Mo...........---
Oshkosh, Wis.. - -..
Flniglitston, nd. -..
Rockwood, N. Y ---..
Northampton, Mass..
Oshkosh, Wis...........Hancock, N. H_..........
New York, N. Y......
Now Fat- field, Conn..
Brooklyn, N. Y... -..--
New York, N. Y...-.Philadelphia, Pa..---...
Roxbury, Mass.-.... _
New York, N. Y......
Red Bank, Cal............
Williamsport, Pa....
Williamsport, Pa.
United States Army.-..
Cleveland, Ohio.....
Boston, Mass.............
Detri-ot, Mich. _........-..
Philadelphia, Pa....
Gloucester, Mass......
Hai tford, Coon.......
Newv York, N. Y..
Smith's Creek, Mich..
Nowv Haven, Con.
New Haven and New Britan, Coon.
Brooklyn, N. Y..- -......
Bioston, Mass............
Charlestown, Mass....
New York, N. Y.. and New
Brunswick, N. J.
Seymnout-, Conn...........
Now York, N. Y..
Ncev York, N. Y..
Non-town, Con.. -..Chelseai, Mass -.._..-.....
New Yoi-kN. Y... -
United Slates......
Newv YoikN. Y.-.--.
Mow Brunswvick, N. J
New Brutiswick, N. J
Non' Yer)N.Y-----
New YerN.Y...._
Newv YorkNl...
Mov Yenrk,N.Y...
Mcxv YorkNl..-.
Newv Yolk, N.Y.....
WasiigtonDC....New YorkIN. Y.-...
Date. No.
July 26, 1870 105, 736
Mar. 17, 1863 37, 898
Oct. 2-2, 1834.----
June 2t, 1864 4:1, 319
Mar. 8, 1853 9, 615
May 14, 1836...
Mar. 23, 1836.
Feb. 5, 1847 4, 9430
Jan. i, 186-2 34, 056
Oct. 10, 1871 il1), 698
Feb. 18, 1868 74, 535
July 25, 1871 117, 370
Dec. 5, 1871 121, 69)3
F'eb. 23, 1864 47, 730
Nov. 11,11873 144,5:1
June 18, 187-2 128,1(141
Jan. 7, 1868 73, 075
Jutie 11, 1867
Feb. 9, 1809
Aug. 24, 1869
Oct. 8, 1807
Jan. 4, 1870
Mar. 3, 1868
Jan. 3, 1860
Feb. 26, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
Sept. 17, 1887
Jan. 31, 1871
Jutie 29, 18169
Aug. 19, 1873
Aug. 18, 18138
Apr-. 18, 1871
Aug. 24, 1869
Dec. 29, 1870
Aug. 19, 1873
Dec. 16, 1856
July 9, 1861
Jan. 11, 1859
Jaii. 6, 1803
Oct. 14, 186-2,
July 9, 1661
Nov. 4, 186-2
Oct. 29, 1861
Feb. 4, 1873
Scpt.. 24, 1861
Dec. 24, 1801
Nov. 17, 3863
Feb. 6,1786
Aug. 20, 1861
Mait18, 1871
Jaii 31, 1865
Jan. 7,1873
Sept. 25, 184')
Jani 29, 1807
Nov. 21, 18u1
Junc12, 186
Oct. 9,1800
Aug. 26, 1873
Aug. 5,1873
Au' 12,18/:3
Nov. 22,it859
Feb. 14,1860
Jan. 28, 1868
Jaii 21,I1868
Apr. 4,1854l
May5,5 1863
Oct. ) 1 1008
Auk; 31,o1l36
lob. 21, 18(11
Jan. 29, 1861
Jan. 2)9,1861
Aug 30, 1859
Au'- 10, 1859
Aug. 30, 18)9
Junc 17,18.37
Apr. 20,1864
Apr. 11, 1831
Oct. 29, 1867
65, 727
93, 981
69, 560
98, 584
75, 162
26, 737
62, 489
68, 878
68, 88:3
91, 853
142, 0:32
81, 098
113, 796
110, 309
141, 3'06
16, 222
32, 744
22, 541
37, 273
36, (341
333, 752
36, 835
33, 586
135, 4.32
3.3, 360
34, 004
40, 655
52, 4i8
33, 10)
1.30, 808
46, 095
61, 683
121, 038
58, 627
142, 232
141, 547
141, 764
26, 17.5
27, 160
73, 917
73, 545
10, 741
38, 309
58, 015
31, 240
31, 241
25, 271
25, 273
42, 533
70, 250
31, 552
37, 446h
37, F66
4, 357
4-2, 632
T.,T. Maynli.................. Roxbury, Mass............ Feb. 26, 3861
13. Wi. Franklin.............. New Yet-k, N. Y......Sept. 10, 1861
W. Atkinson................MNev Yor-k, N. Y..
L. Hll -....----.-............- -- Charleston-n, Mass.
L. 1Hill....................--
F. M. Chafio...........--..
J. W. Hlarnian..............--
II. A. A8ling................
Charlestowvn, Mass...
Canibmidgeport, Mass.
New York, N. Y.--
Bostonr, Mass............--
Oct. 6, 1835
Jati. 2J, 1863
Mar. 30, 1863
Jaii. 21, 1841
Tan. 15, 1840
May 10, 1814
May 10, 1861
Mat-. 27, 18-19
Hf. A. Ay lilyg................. IBoston, Mass... -.. -......
F M. Ray.....................Moew Yolk, N. Y....
Indlex of/patents issuted fr-om the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Caoutchouc to cloths, &c.. Application of -- -- -- - ---E. M. Chaffee.................Roxbury, Mass _- - -------Aug. 31, 1836..
Caoutchouc to cloth, &c., Method of applying -.- C. Meyer---------------------- New Brunswick, IN. J - Ma. 19, 1861 31,77--9
Caoutchouc, Tool for manufacturing goods of- -__D. D. Parmelee---------------..New York, N. Y.......... __ _Oct. 5,i155 21, 697
Caoutchouc, Treating ----- ---------------------- L. Hull --_-----.------ ----Charlestown, Mass.--Dec.23, 1862 37, 231
Caoutchouc, Treatment of-----------------------..A. G.DIay------------------.. Seymour, Conn.-------Au 10, 1858 21,1-22
Caoutchouc, Treatment of -----------------------M. Mattson------------------..Boston, Mass-- _-__ ----------AM.ar.1,18;:9 23, 103
Caoutchone, Vulcanizing------------------------B. W. Franklin----..---------New York, N. Y -_-------Oct.8, 1861 33, 464
Caoutchoue-vulcanizing apparatus-- -- - --- - --- -- --G. F. Hay es -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---Buffalo. N. Y _- -- - --------Mar. 5,1861 31, 599
Caoutchouc with sulphur, Mode of preparing-_____N. Hayward------------------.Woburn, Mass------------_ _Feb. 24, 1819 1, t,90
Cap-------------------------------------------- J. W. Bryant -----------------Welaka, Fla-------------- Sept. 23, 1862 36, 549
Cap--------------------------------------------- I. K. Gittens, jr--------------- Green Point, N. Y....-Oct. 1, 1861 33, 386
Cap -------------------------------------------- S. Goldstone_-------_-----Philadelphia, Pa---------- Sept. 4, 1866 57,76-2
Cap-------------------------------------------...M. N. Myers----.---.----------Boston, Mass..-------------May 6, 1871 138, 681
Cap-------------------------------------------____11. Scharl.---------------------Boston, -Mass-------.------Mar.18, 1871 137, 032
Cap-------------------------------------------_..C. and F. Stattmana.. -..Chicago, Ill--------------Oct. 23, 1866 59, 092
Cap and nozzle, Metallic-------------------------....... S. Covell---------------..... Brooklyn, N. Y_- _-- - - ----June 7, 1870 103, 988
Cat) Army and Navy----------------------------..W. F. Warburton --._---------Philadelphia, Pa---------- Aug. 26, 1862 36, 315
Cap-hox----------------------------------------...A. F. Gove.................... Lincoln, Vt_............May 14, 1872 126, 692
CapFiremmn'sa---------------------------------- P. Ackerman................Bangor, Me.....-_......July 2,1872 128, 451
Cap-fronts, Machine for cutting...................-- -- -_ _G. Burgess.................... New York, N. Y.... _....Feb. 26, 1850 7, 114
Cap-frouts, Mode of binding.....................I -- -- -- -L. Londinsky... __............New York, N. Y...........June 26, 1860 28, 878
Cap, Military..................................... S. Moasman................... Cleveland, Ohio........... Aug. 25, 1863 39, 667
Cap, Milht-y.................................... J. S. Smith-------------------- New York, N. Y..........Aug. 21, 1860 29,7-24
Cap, Military._..________ __-----------------------J. F. Whipple.........New York, N. Y..........July 16, 1861 3-2, 849
CapMahitary fatigue............................C. Kollinky, J. Ehrlich, and J. Washington, D. C... Nov. 5, 1861 33, 651
Do Zeyk.
Cal) setting and extracting device.--.. _..........E. S. Holmes.................._ __ __ _Grand Rapids, Mich.-..-. June 10, 1873 139, 674
Cap-shearing block.............................. _ ___ _____ _R. Cook and T. Hanford-.__New Hartford, N. Y.. --_Oct.3, 1871 119, 449
Cap, Traveling._-..............................J. F. Sargent..._..._......Tuubridge, Vt._.........Ma. 29, 1870 10)1, 383
Capatrprofad latcater-p..a-oof.. _..L L Mcmbr and_.. elasticMe..............Ot.11.83..Cps.Frerfo..ri..sa..s.et.L-_-. __. L. Mrdanbe............Grdine,M.............Oct 11 - ay 8 1831.,14
Caps, Machine for- cutting leather- visors for.--_-_.J. Hawkins...................Roxbury, Mass............oeb. 30, 13.2 __..
Caps, Mlode of preventing corrosion in metallic L. R. Boyd...................New York, N. Y......... Mar. 30, 1-69 88, 439
Capped nails.................................C. Walsh.................... Newer-k, N. J_._..........Sept. 30,1873 143, 393
Capstan............................... J. S. Ba-own...._.._......Schenectady, N. Y.._._July 4,1871 116, 548
Capstan.........................................FE. Bud.......................--Silver Crook, N.Y..... Apr. 19, 1870 162, 088
Capstan_........................................_D. N. B. Coffin, jr.............. Boston, Mass.............--July 2,1867 66, 299
Capstan........................................---D. N. B. Coffin, jr.............. Newton Centre, Mass. Mar. 15,1870 100, 859
Capstan_........................................_Z. E. Coffin.........._Newton Centre; Mass. Juno 24,1862 35, 730
Capstan......................................... H. Davies..-_.._... Portsmouth, Ohio.......Api. 26,1864 4-2, 465
Capstan_.........................__.............J. Edson._..............Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 21,1866 57, 30-2
Capstan-.-....-................................J. Edson....................._Boston, Mass.............. Nov. 12 1867 70,8-20
Capstan........................__-._...........J. Edson.....................-Boston, Mass.............. Nov. 9, 1869 96, 568
Capstan........................................__J. Ericsson...................--New York, N. V......... Jan. 18, 1870 98, 940
Capstan_........................................_J. Gardner.................New Yoi-k, N. Y.-.......Aug. 3, 1869 93, 295
Capstan........................................---W. D.Grimahaw.............. New York N. Y..........Nov. 2, 1865 5I, 174
Capstan_........................................_W. ). Grimahaw.............. Newark. N. J....--.-.....Iec. 18, 1866 60, 505
Capstan........................................---A. Morse..................... Boston, Mass.............--Mar. 12, 1836._asa ______ ____.____._.._-J edMrhilas_.__ p.5 89 2 9
Capstan......................................... J. W. Riggs..................-Wade, Ohio........--.....Sept. 6, 1870 107, 104
Capstan_........................................_P. Roberts.................... New York, N. Y..........Feb. 17, 185-2 8, 746
Capstan........................................---W. W. Vanderbilt............ New York, N. Y..........Dec. 1, 1868 84,660
Capstan...................................... C. L. Willis_...............Washington, D. C....Apr. 6,1869 88 761
Capstani and crab, Portable....................... A. Elmen.-..........Sliabbona Grove, Ill..Aug. 9, 1859 25 079
Capstan anad winadlass --------------""_-------................D. N. B. Coffn jr........ _.. Boston, Mass. __.......... _Nov. 27, 1866 59, 969
Capstan and windlass................--........... G. Morgan..__............Ithaca, N. Y..............Oct. 20,1861 40, 352
Capstan and windlass and cable-stopper Ship's.- J. Grylls...................... Porisen., England..Dec. 12, 1842 2, 876
Capstan and windlass, Asraagemaent of ship's.-----J. Ree(1....................... Marhfield, Mass..__..__.June 20, 1854 11, 139
Capstan andl windlass, Combined.................J. S. Getchell............... Macbias, Me.. __..........- May 14, 1861 32, 284
Capstan ands windlass, Ship's --_-. __--..... J. Emerson...................- -- -- -Worcester, Mass..........June 17, 1856 15, 123
Capstan lear ships, Compound....................._C. Pei-ey.....-............New York, N. YV........Aug.4, 1857 17, 940
Capstani for ships, Rail............................W. H. Willard........ _........_Cleveland, Ohio.......... Aug. 11, 1863 39, 518
Capstan, Portaible.............................. E. G. Ament.._...........Oswego, Ill........Sept. 13, 1864 44, 268
Capstan, Portable...............................--G. Cook.._.._._..._.......Bristol Station, Ill..May 28, 1861 32, 414
Capstain, Powea.______........________ D. N. B. Cofin, jr_.._........Boston, Mass...._.....Nov 21,1865 51, 107
Capstan, Reversible............................._ _ _ _ _ _J. A. H. Ellis andi A. Gordo. Rochester, N. Y-........... _ June27,1854 11, 156
CapstaInShip'sa.................................P-. Dunibar arndJ. F. Robertson. Buffalo, N. Y.............-June 30, 1857 17, 715
Capastan, Ships.......................--.--....S. Gat~y -----..............Saint Louis, Mo........... May "27, 1856 14, 983
Cap~stan, Ship's-----..........----------I. F. Holloway................-Saline Mines, Ill._......June 28, 189 2 4,558
CapstanShip'as........................--..1. 1.. Holmes................New York, N. Y._........Jaay 17, 85a 13, 262
Capstana, Ships.................................--J. 11. Holmes..--............New York, N.Y..........Mar.3, 18517 16, 774
Capst-in, Ship's............S.Rs....................S.Hs----------..New York, N.Y..........Aug. 11, lt57 17, 969
Capastan, Ship's................................... D. Knowlton.................--Camden, Me.............. An11, 1857 17.,971
C.aisian, Ships...............................D. Kunowitoxi.................Camden, Me_.-...........Junle21,189 24,41(7
Capstan, Shis-----..........---------C. E.Marwick..__..........Portland, Me.............Aug. 2., laa7 18,0t53
Capstan, Ships.................................--C. Oaks......................--Rochester, N. V...........Mary 16,18353...
Capstani, Ship's_................................._C. Peirley..._..............New York, N. V._........tct. 21, 185i6 15, 9:33
Capataa, Sip,'... (.Pi...............,V..Ne -ok.1- V........ar a1861 3 101
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car and driving-wheel, Railway............
Car and dwelling ventilator................
Car and engine wheels, Constructing railway......
Car and locomotive axles, Mode of strengthening
Car and locomotive-engine wheel...................
Car and mail-bag receiver, Mail...................
Car and school seat................................
Car and switch, Railway............
Car and tender loading apparatus............
Car and track, Coal.............-----------------
Car and track for elevating on inclined plane......
Car and truck connection..........................
Car and truck, Railway.....................
Car and truck-wheel, Coal...........
Car and vehicle spring..........................
Car and window washer........................
Car apron or duster and bridge, Railway.......
Car-axle ---------.........................---.................
Car-axle -----.........-------...............................
Car-axle adjustment.... --------....
Car-axle and axle-box......................
Car-axle and wheel................................
Car-axle bearing---.....-----------------------
Car-axle bearing, Railway................
Car-axle cap.....-----------------------------
Car-axle, Divided.................................
Car-axle, Divided.....-------------------------
Car-axle, Divided...-------------------------
Car-axle, D ivided..............................
Car-axle, Dividedraly--------------------------
Car-axle, Divided----------------------------
Car-axle, Divided railway.........................
Car-axle, Hollow.............................
Car axle, Railway...-------------------------
Car axle, Railway....-------------------------
Car axle, Railway....-------------------------
Car axle, Railway.................
Car axle, Railway...........................
Car axle, Railway............................
Car axle, Railway..................
Car axle, Railway.....------------------------
Car axle, Railway----...-- ------------------
Car axle, Railway.........................
Car axle, Railway.....--------------------------
Car axle, Railway..................
Car axle, Railway..................
Car axle, Railway.....-------------------------
Car axle, Railway...---------------.--------
Car axle, Railway..................
Car axle, Railway.........................
Car axle, Railway.........................
Car axle, Railway...................
Car axle, Railway....--------------------------
Car axle, Railway..-------..-------------------..
Car axle, Railway..................
Car axle, Railway...........................
Car axle, Railway............................
Car-axle-straightening apparatus.....--------------
Car-axles and bearings, Mode of oiling...........
Car-axles and shafts, Construction of............
Car axles, Automatic lubricator for railway.......
Car axles, Automatic lubricator for railway.......
Car axles, Box and journal for railway...........
Cari xles, Box case and lubricator for railway.....
Car-axles, Machine for determining the load of...
Car-axles, Machine for rolling.....................
Car-axles, Oil-box for..............................
Car axles, Oil-box for......................
Car axles or shaftings, Bearing for...............
Car-axles, Preventing consequences of breaking...
Car-axles, Ribbed metal plates to construct hollow
Car-axles with boxes, Device for connecting.......
Car, Barrel........................................
Car-basket racks, Mode of attaching..........
Car basket, Railway....
Car basket, Railway.....................
Car-bodies and trucks, Connecting and disconnecting.
N. C. Lombard.............
J. Bradley...................
J. Stimpson... --.......-.
Z. Durkee...............
R. Winans..................
W. G. Sanford------------................
W. H. Joeckel.................
I. N. Stanley...........
J. Williams..............
G. Martz.....----------------
J. W. Pearce................
J. J. Sherman.............
W. Youmans.................
J. Patterson....--..----.-..
W. R. Nichols and C. W.'Pickering.
P. S. Devlan..................
W. H. Ward-------------..................B. Ahrens and D. Gerhard --....
J. Anthony.........
F. A. Braymner and M. W. Lyman.
W. A. Brickill...............
L. Brown and J. and J. Leland
S. S. Burt...................
J. W. Clark..................
R. Cromelien.................
W. B. Fabnestock.............
M. P. Hadley...-.....
J. W. Hard............
J. W. Hard...............
B. J. La Mothe...---..........
G. W. Miltimore.............
G. W. Miltimore.............
H. Mooers...................
W. Phelps...................
T. R. Timby.............
C. D. Tisdale...-------. -
E. H. Williamson..............
R. Eaton----------------......................
G. H. Perry and C. B. Hawley.
J. Montgomery...................
L. Braner....................
W. Werts...............
S. S.Hickok..................
D. B. Hunt..................
J. K. Nelson.................
R. Vose......................
W. S. Loughborough.....
W. A. Lewis........
R. N. Allen..................
J. Armstrong............
H. D. Burghardt..............
C. Cole..........
D. M. Cummings..........
J. H. Linsmore..........
E. Doty and G. W. Miltimore..
S. B. Dubois-------------..................
R. Dutch...............
A. E. Elmer.................
P. G. Gardiner...............
C. P. Hewett.................
F. Hudner.................
E. T. Ligon...................
E. J. M allett.................
J. E. McConnell.............
N. Miller and E. Bancroft....
J. Montgomery..............
J. C. Nvye....................
A. E. Simith.................
F. Sturneyk..................
T. C. Theaker.................
L. E. Truesdell..............
J. Van Slooten...............
B. S. Shoter...................
B. D. Stevens................
J. Montgomery -.......
WV. Baker.....................
A. B. Latta..................
I. P. Wendell......._......
G. W. and J. C. (Geisendorff...
J. H. Erhardt................
T. Cooper..................
J. F. Sharp................
T. B Stewart...............
C. W illiams...................
J. S. Kite ---................
W. A. Lewis...............
T. Pritchard...............
W. A. Plantz.................
M. Tower....................
J F. Hudson.................
M. Tower.....................
C. D. Tisdale................
Cambridge, Mass......... S
New York, N. Y..........A
Baltimore, MdC............ O
Philadelphia, Pa- ----..... J
Baltimore, Md---------............ N
Union City, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......... L
Philadelphia, Pa.......... -
Bell's Depot, TennI.....-...
Pottsville, Pa............. -------N
Suisun, Cal............... S
Albany, N. Y...........A
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
Pittsbuigh, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa-------..........
Jersey City, N. J......... I
Auburn, N. Y.............
Reading, Pa----------..............S
Greenbush, N. Y......... I
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y.......... J
Worcester, Mass -...--.-I
Marquette, Mich..-....
Manchester, Wis.....
Washington, D. C........ J
Lancaster. Pa.........._.. i
Bluffton, Wis............ J
D)ecorah, Iowa............
D)ecorah, Iowa----------............
New York, NY....-... S
Janesville, Wis...........
Janesville, Vis........
Toledo, Ohio.............
Sycamore, Ill............ J
Tarrytown, N. Y--------..........
East Boston, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa.......... J
Eaton Lodge, England..
Salt Lake City, Utah--......
Croton, N. Y.............. J
Washington, D. C...... (
New York, N. Y..-..
Pana, Ill..................J
Methuen, Mass.............
San Francisco, Cal...-....
Green Point, N. Y -.......
New York, N. Y..-......I
Victor, N. Y............
Chicago, Ill...............
Pittsford, Vt.............. ------
New Orleans, La.....-...
Pittsfield, Mass..........
Troy, N. Y-------------................
Enfield, N. H..............
Boston, Mass..............
Janesville, Wis........... ------- (
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Jersey City, N. J._....... J
Greenfield, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Kingston, Wis............
New York, N. Y........
Demopolis, Ala........... ]
New York, N. Y..--..---. -
Wolverton, England--.
Franklin, Mass., and Prov. I
idence, R. I.
Baltimore, Md............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Bronxville, N. Y.-.........
Saint Paul, Minn..........
New York, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill...............
New Orleans, La..... ----------
Whistler, Ala..-...........
Lawrence, Mass-...........
Croton Lan(ling, N. Y.....
Utica, N.Y. -..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Dresden, Sixony.....
Cincinnati. Ohio..-..
Wilmington, Del.........
Hertford, Conn..........
Adrian, Mich............
1 hiladelphia, Pa.........
Chicago, Ill..............
Philalelphi,, Pa.........
Iowa Falls, Iowa..........
Boston, M;ss.............
East Cormbridge, Mass...
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.............
ept. 4, 1869
pr. 25, 1871
)ct. 23, 1834.
an. 9, 1838
Nov. 19,1833
lay 26,1868
)ec. 10, 1861
Mar. 12, 1840
)ec. 26, 1871
Nov. 23, 1869
ept. 1, 1868
Apr. 14, 1863
Nov. 12, 1872
Mar. 15, 1870
Apr. 26, 1870
Feb. 25, 1873
Nov. 26, 1567;ept. 16, 1873
Dec. 24,1867
Dec. 24, 1872
July 9,1867
Apr. 24, 1860
Nov. 12, 1867
Nov. 7,1865
July 7, 1868
May 19, 1868
une 11, 1872
Mar. 28, 1865
Mar. 26, 1872
Sept. 27, 1864
Dec. 10, 1872
Nov. 4, 1873
Feb. 16, 1869
July 3, 1860
Mar. 11, 1873
Aug. 11, 1863
June 18, 1872
Feb. 1, 1870
Oct. 8, 1872
lune 2, 1868
Oct. 12, 1869
June 27, 1871
June 9,1868
July 30, 1872
May 4, 1869
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 22, 1856
June 22, 1852
O)ct. 10, 1871
May 27, 1873
Mar. 16, 1869
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 15, 1870
June 15, 1869
June 11, 1872
)ct. 10, 1871
Jan. 6, 1863
July 13, 1869
Jan. 15, 1867
Feb. 12, 1856
May 16, 1865
Jan. 25, 1870
Mar. 9,1869
Nov. 22, 1859
Oct. 31, 1854
Dec. 15, 1843
Apr. 24, 1860
Mar. 29, 1864
Jan. 8, 1861
Aug. 23, 1870
Apr. 15, 1873
Mar. 22, 1870
May 18, 1869)
Jan. 18, 1870
June 23, 1863
Feb. 14, 1871
Aug. 11, 1857
Aug. 11, 1857
Mar. 2, 1858
Apr. 6, 1858
Feb. 13, 1866
Oct. 17,1865
Mar. 16, 1869
May 31, 1870
Feb. 9, 1864
July 14, 1834
Mar. 19, 1872
June 21, 1873
May 23, 1871
July 11, 1871
July 1, 1, 73
Nov. 14, 1871
June lo, 1873
95, 122
114, 1K2
78, 331
33, 887
1, 512
122, 207
97, 207
81, 677
38, 182
133, 001
100, 795
102, 422
136, 310
142, 757
72, 584
134, 247
66, 556
27, 966
70, 799
50, 196
79, 555
77, 968
127, 868
47, 015
125, 046
44, 434
133, 790
144, 347
86, 937
29, 001
136, 791
39, 533
128, 084
132, 100
78, 467
95, 867
116, 475
78, 776
130, 047
t9, 767
14, 747
9, 056
119, 866
139, 226
87, 818
93, 671
100, x60
91, 424
127, 857
119, 831
37, 280
92, 592
61, 180
14, 232
47, 723
87, 687
26, 194
3, 377
28, 004
42, 105
31, 092
106, 635
137, 977
101, 187
90, 321
99, 014
39, 017
17, 957
17, 972
19, 530
19, 840
52, 633
50, 458
87, 880
103, 676
41, 563
124, 834
140, 303
315, 097
116, 891
140, 534
139, 835
Index of patents issued fromi the United States Patent Off;ce from 17 O to 1873, incbusire--Continued.
Inivention. Inventor. Residence.
Car-bodics, Hinging-----------------------------_L. B. Thyng.------------. Lowell, Mass.............
Lax bodies, Mode of siuppjorting railway -. ___- -.. H_. Inily- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -Philadelphia. Pa..__-_.Car-bodies with trucks, Mode of connecting - ___ C. S. Moore------------------.....Alexandria, Va...........
Car-body elev ator, Railway---------------------. Wells --------------- ------ Jeffersonville, nd...
Car-body frame------------------------------ ---- S. Merrick -------------------New Brightoii, Pa...
Lar-body, Iron...................-..------..---- T. F Warren----------._----Tiroy, NY-.--------
Car body, Railwa y----------------------------... G. S. Hacker------------------ Charleston, S. C-.
Car bodyR-ailway--------------------------ilR. L. Omensetter-------------- Philadelphia, Pa._.C-ir boiler aiid engine, Street --------------------- W. Baxter.----.---------Newark, N. J............
Cai- holsteriRailway ----------------------------- J. Max qais and J. W. Kimmnel Crestline, Ohio....-_....
Laxr b o l t,F re i ht---------- __ __--_- ------------C. E. Shanahan------ _-------- South Bend, nd......
Crbox case and pedestal, Railway---------------_ __ __ _J. C. Geiseadoriff--------------..Cincinnati, Ohio. --_--.
Cax box, Railway-------------------------------..G. F. Lynch------------------..Milwaukee, Wis.----
Carx boxPailway-------------------------------1)... Matthew------------Philadephia, Pa__.
Car box, Railway-------------------------------- I. P. Wendell -_-------.---Philadelphia, Pa -.....
Cairhbrike.- - ----------A.-M.-Allen------------------ AMAln..........New York, N. Y......
Ca-braike-----------------------..--------------A. I. Ambler-----------------..Chicago, Ill..............
Csr-brake-----------------------. A. I. Ambler-----------__----Chicago, ill.............
Cai biake-------------------------------------- W. W.Babcock---------------.Harmar, Ohio-----------..
Ca-brake............--.......................---W. Ball ----------------------Oregon, Mo - --- - -.--
Laxr-hbrake--------------------------------------...J. L. Boines...--------------..Etna GreenInd -_._
Cax-brake-------"------------------------------ W. T. Batty------------------..Canton. Ohio.............
Car-brake--------------------------------------..J. H. Beatty----------..-----Franklin, Pa-------..---
Car-brake--------------------------------------..C. Bern is---------------------- Mishawaka, Id -----
Car-brake--------------------------------------..W. P.Blades_.-------------Baltimore, Md..........--
Car-brake --------------------------------------_.V. W. Blanchard-------------..Bridport, Vt _-----------
Car-brake.._-.-...........- -.. -.-..._A. A. Bilven.--- -------Jersey City, N. J.---_
Car-brake.---.-.-.....................--------G. W. Bridgman--------------Samerville, Mass __-.
Car-brake---------.----------------------------- J. F. Brode------------------.Meniphis, Tenn------
Car-brake-------------------------------.._.-----J. M. Brown-----------._-----Cincinnati, Ohio..
Car-brake--------------------------------------......W. H. Browne and W. M. Pe Baltimore, Md. _.._.......
Car-brake....- - - - - - --...-.-.........J. N. Brush------------._.----Olmstead County, Min..Lar-brake...----..-..-.-....-..--..---.-.......--.V. H. Burke-----------------..Brighton, Mass..___._
Car-brake..-.-....-----.................---.-----G. E. Burt-------------------Harvard, Mass.....
(ar brake--------------------------------------- W. L. Burt.------------------ Boston, Mass._..........
Car-brake.....................---.. ---------.. J. A. Campbell---------------..South Boston, Mass.
Ca-rbribe--------------------------------------..F. A. Cantield----------------.Daver, N.J..............
Car-brake------------------------------------... F. M. Chapman---------------.New York, N. Y.-----
Lax r-ike------------------ -----------___.____._L. Clark---------------------P Iine Island, Min.-_.
Lar-braxke._.--------------------------------------_ _ _ _ ___ _J. Cockslioot, jr., and H. Mancheste-, Great Britain
Cax brake--------------------------------------- J. M. Collins..----------------New Bedford, Mass...
Lar-brake......................-..--..--.------G. W. Combs -----------------Canandaigua, N. Y...
Lar-brake----------------------_...---------. B. Comins, jr---------------- Lowell, Mass -......
Ca-ra'ke-----------------------------------....V. B.Cemlins, jr....------------LowelMass.............
Cir-brike--------------------------------------...W. G. Creamer...............-Brooklyn, N. Y..---------
Lax hi-ike------------------ -----------___ -_...._13. S. Cross -------------Cinciiinati, Ohio__._
Lai-brake...-.-..............-..-.---...-.-- -- J. Davis---------------------_Allegheny City, Pa-__
Car-br-ike--------------------------------------- J. Davis--------------------Allegheny City, Pa.
Ca-rbrake--------------------------------__--- S. D)avis-._------------------Dartmouth, Mass.........-.
Crhik--------------------------------.__----F. Dengler-------------------- North Vernon, Ind...
Car hi ike---------------------------------------. P. S. b:evian _-------------Elizabeibhport, N.J-._
Lua-ike --- ---------------------------._._J. Dhlomergue---------------- New York, N. VY.-._
Car-brake.........-.--.-----..-.-..-..---.----. D. Dick and 0. WV.Preston,jr. Cornixig, N. Y........
Cai-br-ake..................................---- S.RH. Dhomncck ---------------Syracuse, N. Y-..........
Laxrhirake ---------------------------------------S. F. Dixoeck-----------------.Spencer, Ohio.........Lar-brake--------------------------------1. H. Dotterer ----------------Philadelphia, Pa.----
Car hi-ike--------------------------------------W_. _.... 1. 11. Duiham and J. Widney. Allegheniy City, Pa -.... - -
Car-brake ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ---------. F. H. luori------------------- Paris, France...........L'ix-brake------------ ------------------------- W. Ehbitt------------------- New York, N. Y...
Car hi-ike --------------------------------------- W.Ebbilt-------------..----New York, N. Y....--
Lax-brake-------------------------------------. J. B. Elliawood---------------.Hillshorough, N.H....
Laxr-ike----------------------------------------. 1arnswortl----------------Tipton, Pa.-------------.
Lax brike--------------------------------------...A. W. Filer and L. T. Hatfield Danby, IIl........._...
Ca-ra ke.......--....................----..-----N. B'I-oxrest ----------------- Auburn, N. Y............
Lax-brake....................W.Fse-----------------------------.S.Fosteri..__._._ otrs Crossixig, Ohio. -
Cir -ike.....................................-- J. WV. Gibbs. - - ------.-- New Haven, Conn.---
Cairhi-ike..................................... J. C. Gibson..---------------. Sacramexeto, Cal. - -.Carh-ike-------------- ------------------------ 1I. A. Gooidman--------------- Omaha, Nob..-----------
Ca-ubrake-------------------------------------- W. 1). tioolnoiv--------------- Albany, N. Y-.........
Ca- r ike-----------------------------------.. M. WV. Griswold-----------.... New York, N. Y....
Ca-bihex---------------------------------------S.Godhbeit.......... New YorkN. Y.---
Lixa-ike--------------------------------------...C.lx Gostin._._._._.-WorcesterM-iss.--__
Car -be--------------------------------0J. hixdiove....._.CaiitoOhio...._..
Lix-brake......-_---.....................--.-...--E P IJ-imingtoii.... _ Volosia,N. Y..-- -__Cax-brake_____________________SE.1aisr---------------------------- I'lirxo New Ha-ien, Coon-......
Caxrhi-ike._...................................Ii. LIlenkel ------- _Middletown, Ohio -._._
Car-biake--_______._....-.._.-.(.lro-----------------------A(lexa West Faims, N.YV......
Car......... brake....... -- - - - A.ligley.......... South Lendtild.---
Car-biake.............- - ---- "- - - - A. I i1 le......... South Benid,Ind.
Car-brake--------------------------------------..A Sub y------------South Lendhind.2---
Car biake--------------------------------------...A. Iigley...___.- South Bend, ind.---
Lirhli ike-------------------------, HstJaaiaN Yf
Date. No.
Nov. 18, 1845 4, 276
Sept. 21, l1t37 '389
July 3, 1860 28, 995
Sept. 7, 18139 94, 680
Apr. 2, 1867 63, 548
Oct. 18, 1853 10, 142
Jan. 21, 18-41 1, 937
May 28, 187-2 127, 186
Nov. 54, 1871 120, 930
May 28, 1867 65, 098
Nov. 5,1872 132,739
July 13, 1838 20, 871
Jan. 23, 1866 5-2, 181
Jan. 12, 1858 19, 095
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 9-27
Jan. 11, 1870 98, 7:31
Sept. 2-2, 1863 40, 005
Aug. to0, 1864 44, 036
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 442
June 25, 1872 128, -277
Oct. 15, 18?67 69, 892
Apr. 28, 1888 7 7, 159
Jan. 19, 1869 85, 987
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 850
July 14, 1868 79, 805
Mar. 13, 1866 53, 106
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 4:38
June 11, 1861 3-2, 549
Nov. 21, 1871 121, 150
July 2-2, 1862 35, 967
Mar. 11, 1873 136, 581
Apr. 2-2, 1873 138, 126
Mar. 17, 186;8 75, 518
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 355
Aug. 1, 1865 49, 082
Feb. 4, 18'68 73, 950
Jaxi. 9, 187-2 1-22, 564
Dec. 3, 1872 133, 629
June -23, 1868 79, 206
iOct. 13, 1868 83, 042
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 642
Apr-. 14, 1868 76,715
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 700
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 701
Jaii. 21, 18(68 73, 509
Feb. 3, 18(63 37, 568
May 29, 1866 55, 01i7
Aug. 20, 1867 67,1)62
De. It0, 1867 71, 856
Jai. 7, 186t 7-2, 984
July 9, 1861 32, 758
Dec. 20, 1853 10, 336
Jan. 7,1S68 72, 985
Aug. 8, 18115 49, 243
May 7, 1867 64, 409
D)ec. 22, 1868 85, 374
Dcc. 3, 5867 71, 591
Dcc. 3, 1867 71, 720
Jaxi. 23, 3872 323, 603
June 24, 1873 140, 2(30
Sept. 26, 1848 5, 807
Apr. 22, 1873 138, 141
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 443
July 3, 1866 56, 030
D~ec. 10, 187-2 13:3 844
Apr r17,18166 5:3,971
4epte 24, 1872 131, (7a
Ax 2, 1870 l0t, 052
Oct. 1,8,1<64 441 18
Aii. 918 70 108, 152
m ayi, 1I I t, 4,,3:13
lisl1e-, 165 4-, 810
1-eb. 27, 1 i:6 52,8-18
Nov. 11, 1873 144, a:7
M11ay 28,1872 127 233
Apr. 24,1866 354, 152
Feb. 12 1861 31,.387
Dee. 18,1866 60, 515
Feb. 19, 1867 6', 1e8
Feb. 19, 1867 6',1)99
Mar. 1-2, 1r67 62, 947
Juise 28187r0 04 78nf
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car brake.........................................
Car brake........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car- brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
C a r - b r a k e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car- brake.........................................
Car brake........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car brake........................................
Car brake.........................................
Car brake.........................................
A. Langellier...............
C. B. Lashar..................
J. W. Latcher and W. J. Powell
S. M. Lee.....................
S. M. Lee.....................
A. Z. Long...................
G. F. Lynch.................
G. F. Lynch................
S. Marden.................
J. McCabe....-----------------.
S. McCambridge.............
S. McCambridge..............
S. McCambridge..............
S. McCambridge....---..
S. MeCambridge and E. G.
S. McCambridge and E. G.
H. A. Mears...................
G. L. M iller......... -.....
G. S. Miller, E. B. Peck, and W.
J. Mitchell...............
J. H. Moore and J. E. Gary....
J. H. Moore and J. E. Gary...
W. E. Moore.................
B. Morahan...................
W. T. Morrow..............
D. Myers....................
D. Myers....................
D. Myers....................
D. Myers....................
1). Myers --------------...._..
D. Myers....................
U Myers.........
W. Naylor..................
W. Nelson................
H. W. Norvill................
G. F. Outten..........
P. Pardee....................
W. T. Parsons............
J. B.Pelton...............
J. B. Pelton...................
J. Pettingill, jr...............
G. Quick and J. N. Wallis...J. W. Reid.................
G. H. Reynolds..............
J. W. Rice...................
E. O. Richard................
D. T. Robinson...............
F. Root.......................
A. M. Rouse..................
J. 3. Rumsey................
L. D. Rundell.................
W. H. M. Sanger..............
A. IH. Sassaman....-.......
S. W. Y. Shimonsky...........
G. H. Seymour..............
J. Shannon....................
J. Sheward and G. A. Stanbery.
W. S. Shotwell...............
T. E. Sickels................
C. W. Singer...............
L. S. Sisson............
C. A. Smith..................
J. L. Smith...................
J. W. W. Smith...............
W. H. Smith and J. Steger....
C. Spofford....................
J. Steger......................
J. Steger....................
E. Stiles.....................
W. Stinehart and.J. Taggart..
B. Tatham and J. Steger.....
J. Temple....................
J. Temple....................
J. Temple....................
E. Thayer...................
S. H. Timmons...........
W. W. Todd and J. Vandercar.
H. H. Trenor.................
H. H. Trenor..................
L. A. Velu and E. F. and L. E.
A. Fosse.
I. H. Voorhies.................
J. N. Ward...................
W. Warinner.................
W. Warner...................
W. Warwick and H. C. Duggan
A. A. Weidemeyer......
J. White and T. Lingle....
E. Whitehead...............
T. J. Whitney................
J. G. Wiggin...............
W. E. Wilcox.....
J. W. Williams...............
J. F. Wood, 3d................
Concc,rd, N. H.....
New York, N. Y.......
Amsterdam, N. Y.......
New London, Iowa.......
New London, Iowa.......
Scranton, Pa............
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Newton, Mass.........
Rondout, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.-...-.
Philadelphia, Pa....-...
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Sept. 23,1873
Dec. 24, 1861
Dec. 27, 1884
Apr. 16, 1867
July 28, 1868
Oct. 29, 1867
Jan. 16, 1866
Aug. 14, 1866
Feb. 11, 1868
Jan. 23, 1872
Nov. 28, 1865
May 8, 1866
Feb. 5, 1867
July 28, 1868
Sept. 18, 1866
143, 083
34, 000
45, 617
63, 903
80, 290
70, 235
52, 063
57, 161
74, 235
123, 033
51, 204
54, 573
61, 844
80, 419
58, 115
80, 420
28, 098
41, 744
Philadelphia, Pa........ July 28,1868
Pecatonica, Ill............
De Witt, N. Y.............
Thompsonville, Bridgeport, and Thompsonville,
La Porte, Ind............
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill...............
Crawfordsville, Ind.......
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill.........Mildmay Park, England..
Flatbush, N. Y...........
Livingston, Ala -.......
Nomrfolk, Va..........
New Haven, Conn........
Thomnasville, Ga-..........
Mount Pleasant, Md.....
Mount Pleasant, Md.....
Jackson, N. H........
Fleming, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y._.......
Parsons, Kans............
Springfield, Mass.........
Quebec, Canada...........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Saint Louis, Mo.-..........
Tiffin, Ohio...............
South Westerlo, N. Y.....
Bay Side, N. Y.............
Lebanon, Pa...........
Cheyenne, Dak...........
Newark, Ohio............
Cohoes, N. Y.............
Dunkirk, N. Y........
Paterson, N. J............
Kennett's Square, Pa....
Anderson Store, Va......
West Edmeston, N. Y....
Jersey City, N. J..........
Tuscola, Ill..............
Canton, Mo..............
New York, N.Y..........
Boston, Mass-.....
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y...
N' ew York, N. Y..........
Charlestown, Mass......
New York, N. Y.....
Selin's Grove, Pa..........
Bellefonte, Pa............
Mooresburgh, Pa. _.._.....
Chatham, N. Y............
La Fayette, Ind...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France...........
Ypsilanti, Mich...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Creelsborough, Ky.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
South Amboy, N. J........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Whitpain Township, Pa..
Moultonville, N. H.......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Somervilhle, N. J...........
Cohocton, N. Y...........
May 1,1860
Aug. 18, 1868
Feb. 23, 1864
Dee. 10, 1867 72, 069
Feb. 11, 1868 74, 240
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 326
Mar. 15, 1859 23, 259
June 28, 1864 43, 370
Dec. 22, 1863 41, 042
Jan. 30,1866 52, 310
Jan. 30, 1866 52, 311
Jan. 30, 1866 52, 312
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 877
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 228
June 30, 1868 79, 379
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 351
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 879
Aug. 21, 1860 29, 712
Oct. 25, 1859 25, 911
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 930
June 9, 1868 78, 759
Dec. 31, 1872 134, 484
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 787
July 16, 1861 32, 841
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 325
Sept. 18, 1866 58, 136
Feb. 20, 1872 123, 840
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 036
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 187
Mar. 27, 1866 53, 544
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 411
Jan. 14, 1873 134, 934
Mar. 13, 1866 53, 235
Oct. 30, 1866 59, 273
Jan. 21, 1873 135, 161
June 23, 1868 79, 149
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 414
Apr. 5, 1870 101, 667
May 6. 1873 138, 535
Apr. 23, 1867 64, (40
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 262
July 12, 1870 105, 264
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 956
Dec. 15, 1868 85, 1:34
May 16, 1871 114, 983
Sept. 3, 1867 68, 5,9
Feb. 23, 1869 87, 5214
Feb. 25, 1868 74, 860
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 911
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 4:8
June 28, 1870 104, 897
Apr. 14, 1868 76, 843
Feb. 27, 1849 6, 150
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 422
June 26, 1866 55, 964
Jan. 30, 1872 123, 133
Aug. 5, 1873 141, 808
Aug. 12, 1846 4, 690 -Dec. 4, 1866 60, 284
Sept. 19, 1865 50, 051
Oct. 17, 1865 50, 517
Aug. 7, 1866 57,015
Nov. 27, 1866 60, 094
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 264
Nov. 2, 1858 21, 996
Sept. 9,1873 142, 658
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 365
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 240
Jan. 2, 1872 122, 419
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 501t
July 10, 1866 56, 302
May 19, 1868 78, 166
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 470
Feb. 6, 1866 52, 501
Mar. 12, 1867 62, 912
Oct. 22, 1867 70, 145
Index of lpatents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car brake and starter........................
Car brake and starter......................
Car brake and starter......................
Car brake and starter............................
Car brake and starter............................
Car brake and starter.-------------....
Car brake and starter..................-.- -......
Car brake and starter............ -................
Car brake and starter.... __....................
Car brake and starter-..............................
Car brake and starter......................
Car brake and starter..............................
Car brake and starter.........................
Car brake and starter......................
Car brake and starter..............................
Car brake and starter.............................
Car brake and starter............................
Car brake and starter..........................
Car brake and starter...................
Car brake and starter...................
Car brake and starter......................
Car brake and starter.-......--.....................
Car brake and starter, Combined..................
Car brake and starter combined, Street............
Car brake and starter, Railway.....................
Car brake and starting apparatus.................
Car-brake apparatus, Steam-power...............
Car-brake, Atnmospheric...........................
Car-brake, Atmospheric..............................
Car-brake attachment............................
Car-brake, Automatic............................
Car-brake, Automatic --.......................Car-brake, Automatic........................
Car brake, Automatic railway...................
Car brake, Automatic railway...................
Car brake, Automatic railway.....................
Car-brake beam.................
Car-brake block.--- --------------------
Car brake, Bumper railway......................
Car-brake, Coal....--------------------------
Car-brake, Eccentric...........................
Car-brake, Electro-magnetic... - -..----..................Car-brake, Electro-magnetic...................
Car-brake, Electro-magnetic......................
Car-brake, Electro-magnetic......................
Car-brake for city-railways......................
Car-brake for horse-railways.....................
Car brake, Hand............................
Car brake, Horse.........................
Car brake, Horse----------------------------
Car brake, Horse................................
Car brake, Hydraulic............................
Car-brake, Hydraulic or air....................
Car brake, Hydraulic railway.......................
Car-brake, Iron.--..---------------------------
Car-brake, Magnetic........................------
Car-brake pipe, Atmospheric..................
Car-brake, Pneumatic.._ -_.............
Car-brake, Propelling........................
Car brake, Railway -.......................Car brake, Railway...-....................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway.............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Carbrake, Railway...............................
Car brake Railway-...........................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake Railway.............................
Car brake Railway-------------------------
Car brake Railway...............................
Car brake Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway.....................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake Railway........................
Car brake, Railway....---------
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake. Railway----------------- -
Car brake, Railway...
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake. Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
T. C. Woods.-..............
J. E. Worthmanu...............
W. C. Wright.................
E. Bonneval.................
J. A. Cody....................
J. A. Cole....................
M. Henderson................
R. Heneage..................
C. M. Hinckley...............
C. L. Irving...................
R. R. James...................
W. J. Johnson..------------. --
E. P. Jones...................
J. M. McMaster.............
J. M. McMaster............
C. D. Moody................
D. M. Moore..............
J. Paradis................
I. Rider..............
L. J. Smith and D. S. Knight..
W. M. Starr.................
A. B. Vandemark.........
J. Wiley, 2d-...-------------....
J. W. Wilson.................
J. S. Wood..--------------
C. B. Broadwell..............
C. L. Irving...................
R. R. Carpenter..............
T. W. Murray...............
G. Westinghouse, jr.........
W. L. Chambers...........
S. Marsh...................
J. Kirkley.................
J. R. Crabill................
J. Hartman, jr..............
M. Wilkin and J. Clark.....
G. En-Earl...................
P. R. Higley.................
W. R. Jackson................
D. Wellington................
B. De Vout.............
L. Brauer....................
D. W etsel....................
E. Morris... --......
F. F. A. Achard............
H. S. Daggett........
J. Olmsted..............
J. Olmsted..............
R. W. Jenks, jr., and F. A.
J. Stephenson...............
J. McGinn...............
G. R. Barker.................
J. Stephenson..............
J. F. Taylor.....--..........
W. M. Henderson........
W. M. Henderson..........
S. Morse...................
J. Olmstead..................
G. Westinghouse, ir..........
). Myers and A. B. Pullman...
R. Heneage............
L. Adams...---------------
A. M. Allen.................
A.I. Ambler.................
A. I. Ambler................
A. I. Ambler--...-............
A. I. Ambler..................
A. I. Ambler.- --...
A. I. Ambler...............
J. S. Anderson................
F. Armstrong.-...............
D. Arndt and D. C. Washington
S. and W. W. Balkwill.....
V. Barnes...................
L. B. Batcheller...........
F. G. Bates..................
A. Bean................
N. Berkeley............
J. T. Blois ----...............
M. S. Borthwick...........
J. L., I., and D. W. Branch.. -
F. E. Canda...................
J. H Champlin..............
H. E Chapman............
S F. Clouser.............
H. M. Collier..................
M. P. Coons..................
W.E. Cooper.................
W. G. Creamer..........
J. M. Crosby..................
J. M. Crosby and W. Ballard..
D. S. Cross.......
G. W. Crowe.............
C. D. Culver..............
G. W. Cummings..........
J. Darling........
M. F. Daugherty..............
Mariotl County, Ky.......
Mobile, Ala-.---..-------
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Adams, N. Y..........
Detroit, Mich..........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Boston, Mass.....
Indianapolis, Ind........
Rising Sun, Ind...........
New Orleans, La..........
Shell Mound, Miss.......
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Windsor, Vt.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...._.......
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Hamilton, Ohio, and New
York, N. Y.
Washington, D. C.........
Phelps, N. Y.............
South Reading, Mass.....
New York, N. Y..._.....
Lansing, Mich..........
New Orleans, La.......
Indianapolis, Ind.-.....
Tippecanoe, Obhio.......
New York, N. Y........
Pittsburgb, Pa............
Pleasant Unity, Pa.......
Littleton, N. H...........
Chicago, Ill...............
La Crosse, Ill.-_. _--._
Philadelphia, Pa..........
London, England........
Boston, Mass............
Oshawa, Canada........
Baltimore, Md.--.-_---
Virginia City, Nev......
Harrisburgli, Pa.........
Sommerville, Tenn._.....
Morris. Pa...............
Bloomfield, N. J......
Paris, France..-.........
La Fayette, Ind.-.....
Galesburgh, Ill.
Knoxville, Ill.............
Providence, R. I.........
New York N. Y..........
Norwalk, Ohio.......
Germantown, Pa.......
New York, N. Y......
Charleston, S. C....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia. Pa.......
Springfield, Mass........
Knoxville, Ill...........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Chicago, Ill...........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Mattoon, Ill....-.
New York, N. Y......
Milwaukee, Wis.....
Milwaukee, Wis....
Milwaukee, Wis.....
Milwaukee, Wis.......
Chicago, Ill..............
Flintville, Wis..........
New Orleans, La......
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Cleveland, Ohio... _
Washington, D. C -.......
Arlington Vt...._.....
Springfield, Mass........
Dedham, Mass..........
Aldie, Va................
Jonesville, Mich.......
Montana, Iowa...........
Charleston, S. C.........
Chicago, Ill.............
Essex, Con----------.............
Albany, N. Y............
Salt Lake City, Utah.....
Binghamton, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y... -.
Dunkirk, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Marathon, N. Y -......
Caroline; N. Y........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..Mauch Chunk, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Whistler, Ala..........
Portsmouth, Va......
Date. No.
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 568
Dec. 10, 1872 133,913
Jan. 15, 1861 31, 137
Mar. 14, 1871 112, 534
May 9, 1871 114, 529
July 27, 1869 93, 059
May 26, 1868 78, 371
Sept. 17, 1867 68, 875
Mar. 26, 1872 125,049
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 410
July 2, 1872 128, 491
Aug. 11, 1868 80, 964
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 960
July 6, 1869 92, 335
Jan. 11, 1870 98,788
May 12, 1868 77, 903
July 20, 1869 92, 869
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 954
Feb. 16, 1869 87, 068
Apr. 28, 1868 77, 223
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 341
Feb. 9, 1869 86, 885
Nov. 19, 1867 71, 102
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 509
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 695
July 23, 1872 129, 782
Oct. 21, 1873 143, 909
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 447
Sept. 3, 1867 68, 452
June 6,1871 115, 667
July 6, 1869 92, 265
Apr. 12, 1870 101, 895
Sept. 22, 1868 82, 329
July 11,1871 116, 814
Dec. 26, 1865 51,715
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 958
June 3, 1873 139, 557
Mar. 8, 1864 41,890
Sept. 8, 1857 18, 150
Dec. 16, 1873 145, 605
Dec. 5, 1865 51, 298
May 12, 1857 17, 257
May 20, 1873 139, 097
Sept. 19, 1838 928
Nov. 20, 1866 59, 805
July 11, 1871 116, alS
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 495
Jan. 18, 1870 98, 880
Apr. 17, 1860 27, 910
Feb. 23, 1869 87,122
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 872
Sept. 17, 1861 33, 287
Dec. 27, 1859 26, 626
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 578
Oct. 28, 1873 143, 980
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 790
Sept. 6, 1853 10, 004
Jan. 8, 1867 61,089
Nov. 29, 1870 109, 695
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 932
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 419
Oct. 28, 1873 144,013
June 15, 1869 91, 404
Apr. 1, 1862 34, 855
May 27, 1 62 35, 408
June 17, 1862 35, 647
June 24, 1862 35, 727
Sept. 22, 1863 40, 007
June 3, 1873 139, 527
Aug. 9, 1859 24, 981
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 103
July 30, 1872 129, 860
Mar. 11.1856 14,385
Jan. 24, 1854 10, 440
Feb. 18, 1873 136,019
Mar. 6, 1860 27, 344
Aug. 3, 1869 93, 166
Apr. 20, 1869 89,014
Nov. 9, 1869 96, 542
Jan. 5, 1858 19, 012
May 16, 1865 47, 700
Jan. 24, 1865 45, 175
Dec. 7, 1858 22, 229
July 23, 1872 129, 789
June 29, 1858 20, 769
Aug. 15, 1854 11, 517
Apr. 12, 1859 23, 663
Nov. 4, 1858 16, 004
Aug. 24,1869 94, 083
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 539
Apr. 4 1865 47, 091
July 1, 1873 140, 349
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 369
June, 1858 20, 468
Apr. 16, 18 2 125, 665
Oct. 3, 1871 119, 582
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I -I- I -
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway.........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway..........................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway.........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway.............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..........--....................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway.............................
Car brake, Railway........................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway.....................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway....................._..........
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway.Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Ra.ilway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Rilway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
H. Davis...................
J. Davis.................
J. Davis............
D. Derr....................
S. R. Dimock.................
G. Dorsch.....................
C. B. Eaton...................
C. H. Eisenbrandt............
D. M. Elder...................
J. F. Elder..................
R. M. Evans.................
K. Exeter, sr................
K. Exeter, sr.................
D. H. Feger...................
F. M. Finnell..................
W. G. Foster.................
E. D. B. Freer................
M. S. Frost....................
J. C. Gove...................
S. Gumaer...................
J. T. Guthrie.................
W. Hall....................
D. Harrigan..................
0. J. Harrington...........
O. J. Harrington.............
A. Higley....................
A. Higley-................
L. Hill and S. D. Tripp........
R. W. Hix..........
B. Holly.....................
T. Hopper....................
T. and H. Hopper and C. C.
J. C. Hosmer.................
G. Hotchkiss.................
J. Hough..................
J. Houston and E. Ross.......
E. N. Huntsman...............
M. Ingersoll..............
E. P. Jones..................
J. Jones......................
J. Jones....................
E. M. Judd...................
L. Kirk......................
J. J. Kiser................
J. and V. Kitchen and S.
B. Kraft.....................
J. S. Lamar.................
J. W. Latcher.............
C. H. Lathrop...............
D. P. L(febre and L. P. Dorre..
A. H. Lighthall...............
H. A. Lincoln and H. T. Douglass.
J. P. Martin.............
W. S. Martin...........
A. F. McCione...............
J. W. McGlashan.............
T. G. McLaughlin...........
T. G. McLaughlin......
T.J. Mead....................
G. H. Merriam................
J. Mitchell.--..............
W. Montgomery............
G. W. Morris...........
J. Mulvey and C. Ohlemacher.
D. Myers.....................
D. Myers...............
W. Naylor....................
M. P. Norton._.............
S. Nunamaker............
M. Obermiller...........
J. Paradis...............
L. Parker.........
D. J. Parmele...............
T. Payne...............
O. L. Pease and L. E. Skinner..
W. Perkins.................
W. D. Pope.........
W. Portlock and J. R. Dodds..
N. Potter...................
I.N. Pyle.........
S. Randall..................
B. F. Reimer.............
E. E. Rice................
I. L. G. Rice..............
J. W. Rice..................
J. W. Rice........
J. W. Rice......
H. T. Robbins............
M. H. Rumpf.................
L. A. Russell.............
E. W. Sandford........
J. Schoenherr.......
E. S. Scripture and J. H. Darrah.
M. Shimer........
Baltimore, Md.......
Allegheny City, Pa....--..
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Bellefonte, Pa...........
Pittsfield, Mass........
Schenectady, N. Y.......
Grafton, Ill..........
Baltimore, Md........
Monmouth, Ill..........
Blairsville, Pa..........
Laconia, N. H.............
Munich, Bavaria..........
Munich, Bavaria......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Covington, Ky...........
Apalachin, N. Y...........
Lima Centre, Mich.......
Detroit, Mich.......Cleveland, Ohio........
Chicago, Ill..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
North Adams, Mass.......
Winchester, Mass.......
Manchester, Pa. -
Manchester, Pa......
South Bend, Ind.......
Cleveland, Ohio........
Stoneham and Lynn, Mass
New York, N. Y.......
Seneca Falls, N. Y......
Newark, N. J............
Newark, N. J.............
Boston, Mass..........
Windsor, N. Y.......
Buckingham, Pa..........
Manchester. N. H.......
A legheny, Pa........
Grafton, Ohio.......
Shell Mound, Miss....._
Utica, N. Y....
West Albany, N. Y.......
New Britain, Conn....
Reading, Pa..........
Middletown, Ind.- -_.
Accrington, England......
Reading, Pa...........
Augusta, Ga........
Northville, N. Y.......
Jersey City, N. T........
Albany, N. Y......
New Haven, Conn...
Philadelphia, Pa......
Waukegan, Ill.........
Ellicott's Mills, Md.......
Montreal, Canada.....
Kensington, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Port Byron, N. Y........
Portland, Me..........
Osceola, Iowa...........
Roxbury, Mass.......
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Aurora, Ill..........
South Bend, Ind.......
South Bend, Ind.......
Mildmay Park, England...
Tinmouthi, Vt..........
Osceola Mills, Pa........
Tiffin, Ohio.............
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Manchester Station, Conn.
San Francisco, Cal.......
Detroit, Mich..........
Xenia and Cincinnati, Ohio
Plympton, Mass........
Gadsden, Ala........
New London, Iowa.......
Hillsdale, Mich...........
Decatur, Ind...........
Centreville, R. I...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Hallowell, Me.............
Cambridge, Mass......
Springfield, Mass.....
Springfield, Mass.......
Springfield, Mass......
Lowell, Mass......
Paris, France......
Shrewsbury, Vt....
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Reading, Pa......
Brooklyn, N. Y., and An.
rora, Ill.
Union Township, Pa......
Sept. 13, 1859
Oct. 20, 1863
June 7, 1864
Feb. 26, 1861
Dec. 9, 1862
Apr. 13, 1858
June 20, 1871
May 25, 1858
Feb. 8,1870
Jan. 28, 1873
Apr. 8, 1856
July 30,1872
July 30, 1872
Mar. 23, 1858
Nov. 29,1870
Feb. 1, 1870
Oct. 26, 1869
June 3, 1856
Apr. 4, 1871
Jan. 26, 1858
Dec. 29, 1868
July 20, 1852
Nov. 4,1856
Mar. 15, 1864
Apr. 5, 1864
Aug. 14,1866
Apr. 12, 1870
Mar. 7, 1871
Dec. 11, 1860
Feb. 10, 1852
June 1,1858
June 7,1870
25, 392
40, 332
43, 010
31, 583
37, 088
19, 917
116, 169
20, 339
99, 545
135, 212
14, 640
130, 029
130, 030
19, 734
109, 727
99, 424
96, 098
15, 038
113, 290
19, 192
85, 302
9, 135
16, 011
41, 917
42, 189
57, 133
112, 456
30, 921
8, 730
20, 429
103, 886
Apr. 30, 1872 126, 208
Mar. 20, 1855 12, 552
Apr. 14, 1863 38, 166
July 20, 1852 9, 141
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 678
Mar. 6, 1866 53, 006
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 900
July 29,1862 36, 007
Sept. 12,1865 49, 885
Dec. 9, 1862 37, 098
May 10, 1859 23, 923
Oct. 26, 1869 96, 240
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 392
Apr. 20,1852 8, 899
July 30, 1872 129, 968
Feb. 14, 1865 46, 366
Dec. 26, 1871 122, 264
Mar. 29, 1870 101, 280
May 10, 1870 102, 840
Aug. 2, 1859 24, 943
July 13,1852 9,116
Dec. 22, 1863 41, 013
Apr. 25, 1i65 47, 440
July 18, 1871 117, 190
May 4, 1852 8, 924
Aug. 15, 1854 11,527
Sept. 6, 1859 25, 345
Feb. 13, 1872 123,718
Aug. 18, 1857 18, 018
July 6, 1852 9, 098
May 6, 1873 138, 678
Sept. 3, 1861 33, 210
Dec. 23, 1862 37, 238
July 21, 1863 39, 306
July 23, 1872 129, 855
Nov. 7,1854 11,904
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 526
Jan. 3, 1860 26, 702
Oct. 24, 1871 120,316
July 9, 1861 32, 783
Dec. 15, 1868 84, 963
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 800
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 621
July 19, 1859 24, 818
Set. 9, 1873 142, 649
Nov. 3, 1868 83, 661
Feb. 2, 1858 19, 260
Aug. 11, 1863 39, 495
Nov. 3, 1868 83, 728
June 20, 1854 11, 138
June 26,1855 13, 139
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 830
Aug. 3, 1858 21,086
Dec. 28, 1858 22, 455
June 29, 1869 92, 097
Sept. 4, 1849 6, 689
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 321
Mar. 8, 1871 112, 499
Aug. 16, 1870 106, 412
Aug. 10, 1852 9, 189
June 29,1869 92, 104
Dec. 5, 1854 12, 033
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway........................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake Railway............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brakeRailway-----------------------------
Car brake Railway.............................
Car brake Railway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway............. --.
Car brake, Railway---------------------------................................
Car brake Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...........................
Car brake, Railway..............................
Car brake, Railway............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway...........................
Car brake, Railway................................
Car brake, Railway............................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway............................
Car brake Railway............................
Car brake Railway................................
Car brake Railway...........................
Car brake Railway...---------------------------.--
Car brake Railway............................
Car brake Railway.............................
Car brake Railway................................
Car brake, Railway...............................
Car brake, Railway---............
Car brake, liailway............................--
Car brake, Railway...---------------------------
Car brake, Railway..................
Car brake, Railway............................
Car brake, Railway.............................
Car-brake, Re-action---....----------------------
Car-brake, Safety..................................
Car brake, Self-acting coal.........................
Car-brake, Self-acting safety......................
Car-brake shoe................................
Car-brake shoe...................................
Car-brake shoe...............................
Car-brake shoe..-------------------------------
Car-brake shoo....................................
Car-brake shoe....................................
Car-brake shoe...............................
Car-brake shoe..................................
Car-brake shoe...................................
Car-brake shoe.....--------------------------.........................------
Car-brake shoe, Railway.......................
Car-brake, Steam...------------------------------.
Car-brake, Steam.............................
Car-brake, Steam-actuated..........._...........
Car-brake, Steam and air.........................
Car-brake, Steam and air......................
Car brake, Steam railway...------..----------------.
Car brake, Street.........................
Car-brake to prevent accidents in descending inclined planes on railways.
Car-brake, Vacuum................................
Car-brake wheel, Railway...........
Car-brakes, Arrangement of bumper for self-acting.
Car-brakes, Brake-block for....---------------------
Car-brakes, Connecting a series of..........
Car-brakes, Graduating the tension of...........
Car brakes, Lever of railway -......-.-........
Car-brakes, Machinery for operating..............
Car-brakes, Machinery for operating-------.....-----.........Car brakes, Machi ery for operating railway......
Car brakes, Mechaismni for operating railway.__Car brakes, Method of applying railway...........
Car-brakes, Method of applying steam-power to..
Car--brakes, Method of engaging and disengaging
self acting.
Car-brakes, Operating.....
Car brakes, Operating....
Car-brakes, Operating....
Car-brakes, Operating............................
Car-brakes, Operating............................
Car brakes, Operating railway....................
Car brakes, Operating railway.----------------
Car brakes, Oper-tting railway.....................
Car brakes, Operating railway.....................
Car brakes, Operating railway.....................
Car-brakes, Radial arm for.
Car brakes, Rubber of railway.................
Car, Brick......................................
H. C. Sides...................
E. Slater.- -........
R. L. Smith..................
T. W. Smith..................
W. F. H. Smith................
G. A. Somerby and C. W.
WV. Somerville, jr............
L. Stebbins...................
J. Steger..................
F. A. Stevens..............
WV. F. Stewart.........-------------......
S. R. Stinard................
J. W. Swales..............
B. Tatham and J. Steger....
A. Tatzel, sr., and F. Kinn...-.
B. O. Thompson-...---....
L. F. Thompson and A. G.
C. W. Tierney...............
A. F. Toulmnir...--------.------.
F. Townsend..............
I. Townsend.................
L. W. Tracy.................
L. Treadwell...............
G. Trinks. ---.........
E. B. Turner.................
A. P. Tutton..................
J. B. Van Dyne...........
E. P. Vinning................
R. M. Wade...................
WV. B. Wait..................
T. Walber...................
I. W alker.....................
J. N. Walker..................
L. Watson....................------------------
J. E. Weaver..................
A. WVellshmidt..............
G. Westinghouse, jr..........
A. L. Whipple................
S. M. Whipple................
T. J. Whitney.................
A. Whittemore..._...........
G. W. Windsor...............
G. WV. B. Yocom and E. Cowan
G. W. Zeigler.................
J. Hall.......................
A. S. Martin................
J. D1). Leonard.................
G. S. Griggs................
J. Bing........................
J. Bing.......................
E. L. Countiss.................
S. 1). Danfield................
G. Drake....................
C. H. Sellers and J. Rhoads....
I. P. W endell.................
H. Werntz..................
J. Wood......................
J. W ood...................S. B. Gardner.................
V. C. Buckner................
T. and H. Hopper.............
J. T. Bassett.................
J. W Gardner.................
J.Y. Smith....................
H. M iller.....................
J. Stephenson...............
M. W. King..................
R. J. Wilson...........
C. A. Waterbury............
J. J. McComb.................
J. P. Levan..................
P. Moody...................
WV. Loughridge..............
L. Paige..--------------...
J. M arks......................
J. Marks and J. Howarth......
J. R. Grant.-----------------
J. R. Grant.............
E. R.Roe....
I. J. Webber..---------.
WV. Loughridge...............
G. F. Leach.................
N. Hedge...................
W. Loughridge..............
G. W. Mitchell............
J. Y. Smith.................
L. Stebbins........
S. N. Goodale...............
M. McGee..................
D. Munima, jr..............
A. G. Safford................
C. B. Turner................
T. G. McLaughlin...........
H. M Collier........
J. K. Caldwell...............
Baltimore, Md...........
Girard, Pa................
SPhiladelphia, Pa........... Alexandria, Va........
SMilwaukee, Wis.........
Waltham, Mass.........
SMitchell Station, Va......
Hinsdale, N. Y.-......
SNew York, N.Y.......... Burlington, Vt............
SPatuxent Forge, Md....... Paterson, N. J -..........
SSan Francisco, Cal........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
SChicago, Ill.............
Charlestown and Lowell,
Altoona, Pa..............
Ellicott's Mills, Md.......
Albany, N. Y............
Capeville, Va.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......
SJersey City, N. J.......
Providence, R. I.........
Reading, Pa...............
Nashville, Ten...........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Wadesville, Va...........
Portsmouth, N. H........
New York, N. Y.......
Lynn. Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio......
South Plymouth, Mich... - -
Lancaster, Pa...........
Albany, N.Y..............
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Elmira, N. Y.............
North Adams, Mass......
Broad Axe, Pa...........
Cambridgeport, Mass....
Allegheny, Pa............
Arcata, Cal...............
Tiffin, Ohio............
Granville, Ohio...........
Washington, D. C.........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Roxbury, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Farmington, Me.....-..
Harrisburgh, Pa...-_Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pine Grove, Pa..........
Red Bank, N. J...........
Red Bank, N.J.............
Freeport, Ill.............
Boonville, Mo.............
Newark, N. J.............
Galesburgh. Ill.............
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........
New York. N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y.....
New Orleans, La........
Altoona, Pa...............
Camden, N. J.......-....
Weverton, Md........
Cavendish, Vt..........
Dunkirk, N. Y..........
Boston and Salem, Mass..
Utica, N. Y............
Bloomington, Ill.......
Salem, Mass..............
Weverton, Md...........
Boston, Mass...........
North Adams, Mass.......
Weverton, Md.......
Jackson, Ten...
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Hartford, Con......
Saint Louis, Mo......
Jackson, Mich..
llarrisburgh, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Philadelphia. Pa..........
hinghamton, N. Y........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
July 12, 1843
Jan. 11, 1870
Apr. 14, 1857
Jan. 19, 1858
Nov. 14, 1871
Aug. 14, 1855
Aug. 21, 1860
Jan. 21, 1873
Jan. 25, 1570
Nov. 25, 1851
Oct. 4, 1859
Oct. 19, 1869
Sept. 7, 1869
June 8, 1869
Mar. 26,1872
Nov. 3, 1868
July 6, 1852
Feb. 7, 1871
Nov. 29, 1859
July 6,1869
Nov. 21, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Apr. 3, 1849
Apr. 5,1853
Mar. 13, 1860
Apr. 19, 1859
Dec. 7, 1869
Apr. 12, 1870
Apr. 7, 1857
July 27, 1858
Mar. 16, 1852
Sept. 7, 1869
Sept. 16, 1862
Dec. 20, 1861
Feb. 7, 1871
Nov. 7, 1871
Sept. 9, 1873
Nov. 30, 1858
Mar. 9, 1858
Aug. 4,1863
Oct. 15, 1872
Jan. 26, 1858
Nov. 2, 1869
May 11,1 58
Apr. 22, 1862
Aug. 30,1870
Sept. 9, 1873
Dee. 31, 1839
Oct. 6, 1863
Sept. 25, 1866
Mar. 19, 1867
Oct. 24, 1865
Mar. 3, 1868
Nov. 21, 1865
Oct. 1, 1867
Mar. 20, 1866
Jan. 5, 1864
Nov. 15, 1864
Oct. 12, 1869
Jan. 2, 1866
Oct. 1, 1867
Oct. 17, 1871
Jan. 23, 1872
July 23, 1872
Jan. 2, 1855
June 4, 1872
May 8, 1840
Nov. 14, 1871
May 13, 1873
June 12, 1855
Apr. 26, 1864
Sept. 26, 1854
Apr. 10, 1855
Mar. 25, 1856
Mar. 28, 1854
Mar. 28, 1854
Aug. 25, 1842
Aug. 11, 1857
July 7, 1857
Apr. 19, 1864
Nov. 14, 1854
Oct. 2, 1849
Apr. 12 1864
Dec. 6, 1859
Aug. 6, 1872
Apr. 18, 1848
Oct. 31, 1871
Mar. 9, 1858
Nov. 15, 1859
Dec. 23, 1862
Nov. 14, 1848
June 20, 18 54
Oct. 00, 1857
Aug. 13, 1 '67
98, 716
17, 058
19, 157
121, 013
13, 440
29, 725
135, 017
99, 257
8, 552
25, 708
96, 051
94, 525
124, 985
83, 674
9, 109
111, 584
26, 307
92, 230
112, 865
6, 273
9, 655
27, 486
23, 727
97, 730
101, 791
17, 004
21, 038
8, 812
94, 530
36, 489
45, 545
111, 591
120, 603
142, 600
22, 213
19, 599
39, 440
132, 225
19, 223
96, 375
20, 237
35, 020
106, 847
142, 572
40, 156
58, 207
62, 940
50, 656
75, 001
51, 093
69, 377
53, 369
41, 114
45, 106
95, 677
69, 437
119, 913
122, 884
129, 818
12, 166
127, 525
120, 922
138, 968
13, 038
42, 493
11, 732
12, 685
14, 515
10, 701
10, 702
2, 760
17, 983
17, 763
42, 385
6, 762
42, 301
216, 365
130, 323
5, 510
120, 429
19, 574
26, 117
37, 246
5, 918
11, 1:0
18, 435
67, 632
Ine(x of patts issued from the United States latent Office from 1790 to 1873, inelus-ro--Continued.
Car, Brick-carrying-----------------------
Car-bridlge, Safety.........................--
Car buffer arid di aw-bar, Railway.............---
Car buffer, Railway........................-- -- - -- --
C a r -b uffe r sp r in g, Railway--...................
Car-buffer as ring, Railway...............
Car bumper and draw-bead, Railway...........
Car-bumper andi draw-bead spring.....----..-....
Car bumper and draw-head spring, Railway...
Car-bumper attachment................
Car-bumper br-ake, Railway....................
Car bumper, Railway------ - -- --- - -- -
Car, carriage, truck, &c., for railways - -...
Car, Cattle..............................-----
Car, Cattle ------------------------ ---------
Car, Cattle........----......................
Car, Cattle...............................---
Car, Cattle.............................. ----
Car, Cattle..............................-----
Car chair, Railway........................---
Car-chuck for railway-rail.....................
CAI., Circular................................CaCity-railway..-.......................----
Car, City-railway.........................-----
Car, City-railway......................----
Inve-nt or.
J. K. Cald well..............
F. Sturgeon................
E. L. Crati-----------------
1P. Allen anid B. Valiquetto..-.
J. Haldemian...........C. WV. Saladee.............
A. Ross aned J. Arthur--.--..
C. F. Alleti.................
J. C. Jackson-............
J. P. Lai-d................
F. Armstrong..._.... - -
J. Taney and J. H. Brown.....
J. Harrison, jr------------ _
J. H. Aldrich...............
E. F'ontaineo..........._.._
M. T. Keboo--------------...
Z. Street..................
A. Welch----------------...
WV. Palmer -.....-- ----
W. 0. Stephenson----------.
J. Crane-----------------...
W. C. Allison--------------
W. C. Allison..............
J. Grice and R. H. Long...
Car, City-railway---------------------------.....J. Harris, jr................
Car, City-railway -----------------------------J. Ruth -------------------
Car, Ccal ----------------.------------------ T McCrory................
Cat-, Comipartment..........- - - - - --........ D. Mann ---------------
Car-conductors, Check on---------------------.......P. F. Milligan....... _......_
Cat- connection, Railway---------------------...... P. Anderson..------. _--
Car, Convertible freight----------------------- -1. Fog,.......-.........._.
Car, Convertibile freight----------------------.......W. Woraley-------------...
Car couch, Railway ---------------------------IV. A. Bcowi --------------
Car-conch, Railway-------------------------....J. B. Creighiton.............
Car couch, Raiway--------------E..Kih.......................ECKih
Car conch, Railway.................... - - - --F. R. Myers and F. H. Furniss
Cr couch, Railway-------------------------....G.WX. Williamson.------
Car couch, Railway-------------------------9... Jilartman, ir------------...
Car-coupler-------------------------------.....S. K. Christy..............Car-coupler................... a---------------------------TRy--------
Car-coupler...-------------------------------- C. E. Stevens...........---
Ca-coupler.------------------------....-------W. D. Tisdale-------------...
Car-coupler-----------------------------...... P. Weatherbee-----------...
Car-coupler-----------------------------..... J. B. Atwater--------...---
Cat coupler and bufthr---------------------.... E. Miller..................
Car conpler and buffer, Railway----------------..P. G. Gardinet............ - -- --
Car-couplers. Buffer-head for------------------...XV. Rickards, jr----- -----.._
Car-coupling--------- -----------"------------(G. 5. Acker-..............--
Cat-coupling------------------------------.....J.XV. Adams...............
Cat coupling -."----------------- ------------- M. K. Aidamts..............
C.....t. couplng-------------------------. Adkins.................
C.r.couphng-----------------------------J. 11. Akin.................
Car-coupling----------------------------0. Albrechit................
Car-coupling------------------------------.....H. Allen aud A. II. Baldwin...
Car-coupling------------------------------....J. W. Allen and E. C. Boyles.
Car-coupling------------------------------...... N. Allenx..................
Car-coupling------------------------------.....J. D. Alvord...............
Car-coupling----------------------------A. 11. Ambler -------------
Car-coupling------------------------------.....A. A. Ames-----------........
Car-coupling------------------------------.....J. 1). Anderson.............
Car-coupling------------------------------......W. S. Anderson..........---
Car-coupling------------------------------.....T. Andress................
Car-coupling------------------------------...._J. N. Antholue.............
Car-coupling------------------------------.....J. D. M. Armbrust--------...
Cai-coupling------------------------------..... S. Arnall...............
Car-coupling------------------------------...__R. S. Arnall................
Cai coupling------------------------------.....T. Arndt......--------..---
Cat-coupling------------------------------.....V. Arndt.................
Car-coupling-.-................................ H. Arnold...............
Cait-coupling......--.--....................... B. Atkinson................
Car-coupling------------------------------.....A. A. Atwater.............
C. coupling-----------------------------. J. 13. Atwater..............
Ca-coupling-......... -........GAlc-------"-----"------------G tle.-- - -
Car-couping------------------------------.....C. P. Baclielder.............
C -coupling------------------------------.....J. Bailer.- -......_.
Cait-coupling.................................. P. Baker--------------........
Cair-coupling------------------------------..._.W. 1t. Baker----------._-.
Car-coupling-----------------------------..... A. C. Baker and J. Van Dyne -
Car-coupling------------------------------.....C. XW. Baldwin.............
Cat-coupling------------------------------.....H. Baldwin................
Cat-coupling------------------------------11.... H alo-----------------...Car-coupling------------------------.......----D. 11. Ball............ _....Cat coupling------------------------------1)..... I. Ball................--
Car-coupling................................... A. Rants------------._....
Cat-coupling---------------------------...... V E. WV. Barker..............
Cait-coniliug------------------------------...._E.X. Barker..............
Car coupling------------------------------E. T. Bat-low...............
C it coupling------------------------......----E. T. Barlow..............
Car-couphung-----------------.Cai..........................C alw.-- --"--
Car coupling......................-.......... -. W. F. Barlow..............
Crcopng--------------.----.---------- J. 1). Bat-naid..............
Cau-couplig-------------------------------XV... B. B~at-tes..............
Cair-coupling------------------------------..... I. W. Barnum............
Car-coupling------------------------------......J. XV. Barrett..............
27 r
Residece. Diane.
Pittsburgh, P------------ Mat-. 10, 1868s
Cohttmbtaua", Oh o -.Si-pt. R, 18it
Pattu asniPA1--.-.---..---Dec. 3, lte;
Rlutland, Vt-----------.. Apr. 6, 1869
West Pitt Va---------_.Apr. 2, 187-2
Saintt Ca,thattne'ta Canada Jan. 28, 1873
Freeport, Ill._.... Nov. 15, 1870
Paw Paiw, Mic...--..-..---May (6, 1862
Rocbater, N.Y..........-Jan. 20,18113
Altoona, Pa....... __ Feb. 7, 1865
New Otleans, La..-__._- Nov. 11, 1851
Bangor, Me ----_.._.._._ Oct. 13, 1868
iPhiladelphia, Pa---------._Atir. 24, 1088
Nashua, N. HI.----------- _Apr. 9, 1867
Fort Waynte, Ind -. - - Mar. 31, 1868
Anisterdam, N. Y.....- Jan. 1. 1867
Salem, Ohio._...--- ------ Nov. 2y 18169
Valley River Falls, Va. -.. May 29, 1860
Southall, England. -...June 4, 18 72
New Yoik, N. V---------.May 30, 1871
Marion County, lad....... Mar. 11, 1873
Schenectady, N. YV -.._.Oct. 1, 1830
Philadelphia, Pa--------_. _Jan. 3, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa---------...May 29, 18610
New York, N. Y., aiQ De3c. 11, 1860
Roxbury, Mass... _.. Sept. 4, 1860
Philaidelphia, Pa-.__ -.. Apr. 14, 1863
Fayette City, Pa--------..,_June 14, 1870
Mobil, Alg Jan. 9, 187-2
XWashi gteu D.C-..__Apr. 0, 1867
NewvYon.1,. Y---------.May 18, 1889
Saint M..tx, anatada --.Apt. 22, 1873
Little F allsN.J.- -... Apr. 15, 1873
PhiladelphttiaPa._.._.. July 17, 1860
Tiflis, Ohio.......... Sept. 28,1I858
Philadelphni aa-.-- -- ----Feb. 28, 1860
Cleveland, Ohio - Sept. 7.,1858
Golilsborongh. Pa...- __.Apt-. 6,18691
Philadelphia,, Pa---------- Sept. 7, 1858
Noblesvidle, Ind.---------..Nov. 3, 1868
Pellami, Canada.---------..May 2:1, 1871
New Yet-k, N. Y..........Mar. 22, 1859
Cortlanid, N. V----------.. _Mar. 11, 187:3
Pott Washington, Ohio -... June 21, 1870
Berlin, Wis------------...Mar. 8, 1831)
Jaitesville, XWis... -...-.Jan. 3111865
New Yet-k, N. Y.........-Oct. '25, 1870
Fi-anklini, Pa.....--------.July 19, 1870
Kalamazoo, Mich-.._.Oct. 20, 1868
Spring Creek, XVis. -.._May 2(,1868
Blattehester, Ohio-...Dec. 13, 1859
Motutait Eagle, Pa...... Dec. 3, 1867
Plymouth, Ill-----------.. _Sept. 18, 1866
Wyandotte City, Kaits. - Mar. 5, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa---------..Juno 17, 1873
Houston, Vex..-. Sept. 24, 187-2
Mount Pleasant, Iowa -.... Jan. 2, 187-2
Pittsforid, Vt.......----Jtily 19, 1870
Spritngfield, Mass...Sept. 18, 1849
Milwaukee, Wis---------..Sept. 2, 18(62
Minneapolis, Min -...Oct. 8, 187-2
Conry, Pa------------.... May 28, 1867
She.lbyv-ille, Tenn -.........-. Aug. 4, 1868
Auro-raville, Wis. _...Nov. 11. 1873
Biddeforid, Me----------__.Oct. 21), 187-2
Apollohorough, Pa. - 1).._ ec. 1, 1868
Wright City, Mo--------..Mar. 12, 1867
Wrighit City, Mo -._. Aug. 13, 1867
Mount Joy, Pa.-----------.Pea. 19, 1865
Moutatt Joy, Pa........... Aug. 25, 1868
Arlingtoti, Ill.-- - - - --- Jutne 9, 1863
Itidianapelis, Ind--------.July 8, 1873
Smithi Valley, N. Y..-..Nov. 11, 1873
Berlin, Wis------------. _ _Feb. 1, 1859
Winchester, Va........ _Apr. 18, 1854
Fr-anklini, N. H----.. _--Dee. 24, 1867
Cannon City, Min Sept. 4, 1866
Oakland, Md------------.Nov. 12, 1867
Viwtnpealeau, Wis-....June 14, 1870
Hyde Park, N. Y........ Sept. 2, 1862
Boston, Mass.-----------...Aug. 28, 186
Nashville, Ten -.......- Apr. 16, 180
Ptersburgh, I. lT l------Ot.0:2,187-2)
75, 2-13
81, 9013
71, 5r0
88, 600O
125, 191
135, 369
109, 147
35, 196
37, 448
46, 248
16, 042
83, 0966
63, 686
76, 067
60, 906
96, 500
28, 517
127, 44:3
115, 510
136, 625
26, 730
28, 530
30, 918
29, 882
38, 181
104, 33-2
12-, 6-2
613, 649
90, 216
138, 1-12
137, 871
29, 137
21, 6(0
21, 4:16
88, 1(85
21, 469
8:1, 761
115, 104
2:3, 321
1:16, 627
104, 670
231, 145
46, L-6
108. 698
105, 491
78, 173
26, 403
71, 673
58, 041
124, 310
139, 850
131, 587
12-2, 304
105, 417
6, 7-28
36, 38-2
132, 04-2
65, 151
80, 584
144, 428
132, 618
84, 465
62, 803
67, 7 03
51, 535
81, 3-23
38, 801
140, 667
144, 494
22, 776
10, 787
7-2, 441.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
- i
Car-coupling ------------------------"--------
Car.coupling----------------- -------"---
Car-coupling ---------- *---------------------
Car- Couplin g.................................
Car-coupling ------------------------.....ar.cuplin.............................
Car-coupling -------------------------------
Car-coupling o ------------------------------
Cr coupho?................................
Car cuplin------------------------"-----
Car-coupling --------------------------------
Ca couplin-------------"---------------
Car-couplin g.................................
Car-coupling -------------------------------
Cai-coupling -------------------------------
Car-coupling --------------------------------
Car-coupling ------"--------------------"---
Cni- coupling................................Car-coupling.................................
Cai coupling------------------------------.....
Car-coupling-. -...............................
Car-coupling ----------------------------.....
Car-couplin g----------------------------.....
Car-coupling ----------------------------.....
Car-coupling --------------------------------
Car-coupling -------------------------------
Car-coupling -----------"---------------------
Car-coupling ------------------------------"Car-coupling----------------------------- ---
Car-coupling ----------------------------.....
Cdi co -)lin ----------------------------
Cair-coupling -------------------------------
Car-coupling -----------------------"-----"--
Car-coupling ----------------------------......
Car-coupling -------------------------------
IR. M. Barthelmess and C. C.
J. Bassler---------------...
J. W. Bates--...-- ---.----
It. F. Baughin..............:D. S. Beals---------...- -- -
G. M Beardsley..--.-...-.
T. Beddow and A. T. Jackson
J. B. Behirens........
J. S.Bell -----------------
W. G.Bell---------------...
W. W. Bell................
W. E. Beman..............
L D. Bennett..............
C. W. Benson.........
W. Bergmnano............
J. Bestwick, jr., and A. Alden.
A. and S. Beucus............
B. Bevelander...........
W. C. Bibb -...........--...
E. Bickell... - - - -- -- -
E. Rt. Bigelow..............
C. S. Bigler................_-_
T. L. Birch and J. C. Noble..
G. S. Bishop..............----
G. S. Bishop ---- -----
W. J. Blackman_............
H. Blackmore.-.--..---..
T. B. Blackstone...........
H. I. Blakeslee..............
IH. Blanchard, jr----------...
A. W. Bohaker-----------...
11. W. Boifeuillet.----..----
C. 'C. Bole -----------------
E. Bolmau and G. S. W. Clarke.
T. II. Bomar..........--...
A. T. Boon and I). M. Osborn -.J. Boothroyd ---.------
L. J. Bosworth.-- - - - ---
J. WV. Boiighton.----.J. WV. Boughton----------....
L. Boyd a0(1 P. Krhi-gbauui.- - -
W. A. Boydlen............---
W. L. Bi-addock............
ID. Bradford................
A. J. Bralcy.............----
A. Branshaw.....-..--
G. Brenner and G. T. Polk....J- Broadley..............---
W. C. Brooks...............
P. Brown..................
P. Brown---------------....
H. A. Buck----------------
R. B. Buckner..............
J. H. Bull................--
C. T. Burcliardt............
C. C. Burns.----------------
W. E. Bush..............--
W. C. Bussey---- -----
W.. Buy.................
C.C. Cady...............---
T. Caldwell aiid L. C. Wilcox.-.
W. Callow, jr.............---
ID. C. Cainerer -............
E. Campbell...............
G. G. Campbell.............
S. 0. Campbell.............
Rt. Campion and J. W. Thompson,.j1r.
M. H. Card aiid J. W. Stewart.
M. H. Card and T. Tripp..
S. P. Carll and A. Shute...
J. W. Carrier..............
E.Cary --.................
E. Cary.................---
K. W.Chadwick.......
J. H. Chadwick-------------
S. K. Chaniey.......
A. F. Chandler......-..-....
W. J. Chaplin............---
J. A. J. Chapman.............
A.P. Chatham..............
A. H. Clark..................
W. C. Clark.................
W. H.C. Clark---------. H.. Cltn..-------------
Residence. Date.
Savannah, Ga.-.- -----Nov. 3, 1868
Galesburgh, Ill -......-. Mar. 19, 1872
Minneapolis. Minn. _- --. Jan. 7, 18 73
Lexington, Miss---------..July 6, 1869
Adrian, Mich --- -- -- - - - -July 21, 1868
Fenton, Mich.. - -.-- _Nov. 5, 1867
New Albany, Ind -._...July 22, 1873
Pearl,- Ill-----------------.June 4, 1867
flackettstown, N. J - -__-June 21, 1864
Pittsburgli, Pa -- - - - - - ----Dec. 15,11868
Chicago, Ill---------------_Feb. 15, 1870
Portland, Me-.--_--------Mar. 18, 1873
Willimantic, Coon - ---_ Aug. 26, 1873
Frederick Ciy, Md -...Feb. 15, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa -- -- - - ----July:3, 1866
IDedham, Mass --_-----Mar. 20, 1860
Waupun, Wis.- -- - -.- -----June 21, 1870
Boston, Mass.- -.------Mar. 9, 1869
Morgan County, Ga...-_.Aug. 2-2, 1871
Milton, Pa---------------.....July 29, 18 73
Salemi, Mass. - - - -..__.___Dec.31, 1867
Harrisburgh, Pa - - -.-------Iheb.11, 1873
Washiingtoii, Pa --. -. _._.Feb. 4,1862
Washington, 1). C..-_.-__Oct. 12, 185
Washington, ID. C -..._Mir. 3,18613
Columbus Miss.. __-....Fe.213,1869
Pittsburgh, Pa.....--------.Mar. 22, 1864
Chicago, Ill-._._.. _Nov.10, 1868
Concord, Pa--------------....June 23, 1863
Boston, Mass. - --__--------Dec._6, 1870
Granvidle, Nova Scotia._. Oct.7, 1873
Savannah, Ga--------1___ 3c_ _Dc. 29 1868
Conemaugh, P----- I ---Dec. 10,1872
Halifax. Novas Scotia....May 16, 1871
Atlanta, G..........Sept. 1,1868
Galcabrgh, Ill. ___. __Apr. 9,1867
Michigan City L1 (1...Jan. 24,1871
Monmouth, l1...11 _.._Apr. 18,1871
Appleton, Wis...._July 18, 1865
Appleton, Wis..---.--_Apr. 3,1866
Springfield, Ohio._-.--_..Nov. 12,1867
Jlarr~sburb,Pa_-.. -_Sept. 23,1873
Boston, Mass---------IMar.30,1869
Haimiltoii Canadla.....Jui. '8,1873
Blerlin, Vt._- - Jan. 2618169
Fond (do Lac, Wis--------liMay11, 1869
Pou'bhkcepsie. I;. Y...... Mar. 14,18'1
Bradt ord, England --------Aug. 13, 18 72
Stonehain, Pa..- - - -------Oct. 28,187:1
Louisville, Ky----------_ _Oct.15, 1872
Louisville, Ky------------ Nov 26, 1872
Meadville, Pa.------------_Api.19, 1864
Gilroy, Cal---------------- Aug.12, 1873
Hereford, Md-._.- -----July 11,1871
New York, N. Y...--.---July 28, 1868
Greenshurghi, Ini. -..-Mar.6, 1866
Damascus, Pa------------.Oct. 20, 1868
Rtockgrove, I111......-------_July 17, lS47
Jackson, Cal -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Aug.30, 1864
IHarrisburgh,iPa----------..Nov. 11,1873
West Unioii, Iowa.--.---.Jan.8, 1867
Buffalo, N. Y.-- -------Feb.23, 1869
Baltimore, Md.-- - - - - ----May 30, 1871
Martinsbuu gh, Pa...._Aug.19, 1873
Medusa, N. YV....--.------- _June 13, 1871
Janesville, Wis - - ----Oct.24, 1865
Tipton, Mo. -- - --- - --- - -IDec. 14, 1869
Camden, N. J-----------__ _Mar. t23, 1869
Fulton, Ill., and Lyons, May 15, 1866
Chicago, Ill -------July 19, 1864
iRichmiond, Ind---------- June 28, 1870
Springfield, Mass - __-_-_-Mar. 29, 1859
Burlington, Iowa.._--.__.A ug. 2, 1864
Burlington, Iowa.._. - -.Mar. 13, 1866
Edgaurtowo, Mass.- ----_Aug. 18, 1868
Bristol, RIt. -.- - -- -----Nov. 17.,1868
Hillsborough, Ohio..-.._July 11, 1865
Fall River, Mass - - - ----Nov. 25, 1873
Kalamazoo, Mich._..-.__ Feb. 11, 1873
Kansas City, Mo.- - - - - ---Jan. 30, 1872
83, 591
124, 7 80
134, 629
9-2, 249
80, 117
70, 505
141, 103
65, 331
43, 175
84, 933
99, 817
136, 958
142, 14-2
99, 818
55, 989
27, 516
104, 543
87, 62-2
118, 184
141, 312
72, 717
135, 686
34, 289
21, 737
37, 805
87, i1ts
42, 041
83, 9117
3ns, 939
109, 7 97
143, 491
85, 359
13:3, 824
114, 755
81, 741
63, 696
111, 170
113, 7:10
48, 787
53, 560
70, 689
143, 055
88, 440
135, 31(6
8(6, 129)
89, 91:1
112, 536
130, 408
144, 015
132, 2:38
1331, 406
42, 343
141, 756
116, 801
80, 271
52, 962
83, 232
5, 194
43, 969
144, 4:19
61, 047
87, 142
115, 4:33
141, 991
115, 819
50, 539
97, 876
88, 133
54, 683
4:1, 569
104, 704
23, 423
43, 7:34
53, 215
81, 0617
84, 049
48, 65(;
1:15, 775
123, 110
Index of patents issued from the U'nited States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling....................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling..
Car coupling......................................
Car- coupling......................................
Car coupling...............-.......................
Car coupling......................................
Car- coupling.....................................
Car-coupling Â~
Cat coupling..
Car-coutpling ---"------"-------------------------
C at-coup ling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - -
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling....................................
Car-coupling ----------------------------------...................................
Car-coupling - - -.
Car coupling...................................
Cat coupling.
Ca r-coulphig........-..............................
V. and E. Cole.................
J. Coleman...................
W. T. Collins..........
G. Collyer....................
T. F. Conner............
C. C. Converse...............
J. M. Cook.................
W. Cook.....................
J. G. WV. Coolidge.............
W. R. Coovert................_
S.A. Corser...........
C. B. Cotler................
J. Couch......................
R. A. Cowell.................
S. H. Cowles...............
E. S. Cram............
T. H. Cross................
G. D. Crosthwait..............
WV. W. Culpepper.............
G. E. Cuming.................
J. W. Currier...............
S. Daggett, jr...........
R. Daily......................
G. E..)arling and M. Heus....
A. H. S. Davis...........
P. W. Davis..................
W. A. Dean..................
J. C. Dearborn..............
P. H. Decker and N. Lee.- _.
T. W. Defrees...............
C. R. Densmore and J. A.Yroomaui.
J. ID epen......................
J. Depen and J.D. Hall........
J. Dinsmore...---------.------
M. Disney..................
M. Disney...................
M. Disney..................
W. J. Dodge...............
M. C. Doubleday...........
R. H. Dowling................
R. H. Dowling and E. S. Perry.
J. L. Duncan..................
H. W. Earl..................
C. Eastin.....................
G. Ed(inonds...............
J. Elbertson...............
A. J. Elder...................
J. Enos....................
J. M. Enos..................
J. M. and J. Enos............
L. A. Evans.........
J. M. Everhart................
R. F. Fairlie.................
H. Fake--------------------.......................
M. G. Farnam.................
M. Ferren.................
T. Firth and J. W. Hollis......
F. A. Fleming................
H. H. Fleming...............
C. S. Flower and C. F. Graves..
E. L. Foreman.............
W. H. Forker..............
J. J. Fort.....................
J. Fortier....................
C. Foster....................
IR. G. Fowler..................
F. Fox and F. A. Howarth. --
J. J. Fraikin................
E. J. Frazier..................
A. M. Freeman and A. M.
J. P. Freeman................
G. B. French.....---------------
J. H. Froman...........
J. A. Gale..............
C. Gallagher..................
M. Gally...................
P. G. Gardiner........
P. G. Gardiner.......
M. C. Gardner........
C. H. Gerhart..................
E. M. George..................
J. B. German..................
M. F. Gibbs................
E. N. Gifford -....
F. M. Gifford..................
J. W. Gillam.......
J. V. and J. W. Gillam, jr...
I. C. Gilliland..............
S. Gissinger....
H. C. Glasgow.................
Residence. Date. No.
Corinth, Vt............ Aug. 29, 1971 118, 436
Detroit, Mich............. Dec. 18, 1866 60, 479
Lynchburgh, Va.._.....- May 3, 1870 102, 500
Winchester, Ill........... Feb. 18, 1873 135, 890
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 10, 1863 37, 612
Odin, Ill................. Oct. 22, 1867 69, 972
Erie, Pa.................. Nov. 11, 1873 144. 386
Washington, D. C...... Sept. 8, 1868 81,1985
Belvidere, Ill............. Feb 26, 1867 62, 475
Portland, Me............. Aug. 29, 1865 49, 676
London, Pa.............. Nov. 4, 187.5 144, 257
Holyoke, Mass............ Nov. 7, 1865 50, 797
Harrisburgh, Pa....... June 22, 1858 20, 627
Harrison, Me............ Aug. 15, 1865 49, 385
Cleveland,Ohio......... Mar. 5, 1867 62, 613
Oakville, Conn..... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 866
New Hampton, N. H-. _Apr. 20, 1869 89, 202
Tiffin. Ohio............ Aug. 26, 1873 142, 209
East Boston, Mass...... Sept. 23, 1873 142, 993
Murfreesborough, Tenn...- Feb. 18,1873 136,039
Augusta, Ga ------. -------June 12, 1860 28, 660
La Fayette, Ind.......... June 18,1867 65, 882
Springfield, Mass...... June 1, 1869 90, 730
Charleston, S. C........ Mar. 20, 1860 27, 531
Canal Township, Pa...... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 738
Marytown, Wis.......... July 4, 1871 116, 566
Farmington, Me....-.. Jan. 2, 1872 122, 368
Portland, Oreg.......... Aug. 15, 1871 117, 992
New Lexington, Ohio..-. Nov. 26, 1872 133, 421
C(Xndia, N. H........... Dec. 20, 1870 110, 214
Chicago, Ill............. Aug. 12, 1873 141, 635
South Bend, Ind....... June 7, 1870 103. 850
Oil City, Pa........ Oct. 5, 1869 95, 570
Peekskill, N. Y........... July 9, 1867 66, 571
Peekskill, N. Y........... July 2, 1867 66, 309
Dinsmore Station, Pa..... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 136
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 3, 1867 71, 717
Oakland, Cal............. Nov. 19, 1872 133, 085
Oakland, Cal.............. June 24, 1673 140, 124
Kasoag, N. Y........ July 29, 1862 35, 994
Sharon, Vt.......... Feb. 25, 1873 136, 2022
Newark, Ohio............. Sept. 9, 1873 142, 682
Fenton, Mich., and Clay Nov. 7, 187t 120, 7z6
Lick, Ohio.
Fremont, Ohio.......... Sept. 23, 1873 142, 998
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 620
Baltimore, Md............ July 4, 1871 116, 696
Louisville, Ky-......... Jan. 9, 1872 122, 586
Hummelstown, Pa..C...... ct. 29, 1867 70, 326
New Orleans, La.......... Oct. 14,1873 143, 680
Kirksville, Mo............ Nov. 10, 1868 83, 945
Kansas City, Mo.......... Oct. 13, 1868 83, 052
Chicago, Ill.-.............. Oct. 21,1873 143, 894
Saint Joseph, Mich.....- Aug. 26, 1873 142, 219
Saint Joseph, Mich.... Nov. 21, 1871 121, 047
Chester, Pa............... Oct. 11, 1870 108, 124
Pittston, Pa............ July 7, 1868 79, 643
London, England.......... Feb. 23, 1869 87, 158
Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 6, 1864 44, 085
Clifton, Canada........... Jan. 2, 1872 122, 375
Freedom, N. H........... Sept. 30, 1873 143, 231
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Sept. 24, 1872 131, 673
Curwensville, Pa.......... Oct. 21, 1873 143, 752
Kokomo, Ind........... Nov. 7, 1865 50, 811
Kickapoo City, Kans., and Nov. 26, 1872 133, 364
Hickory, Iowa.
Rantoul, Ill.............. Apr. 25, 1871 114, 124
Meadville, Pa............ Sept. 27, 1864 44, 484
Oshkosh, Wis............. Mar. 17, 1863 37, 908
Fairport, N. Y............ Feb. 4, 1868 73, 964
Oshkosh, Wis............. Mar. 8, 1864 41, 837
Oney, Ill..................Sept. 18, 1866 58, 090
Providence, R. I........... Feb. 4, 1873 135, 537
Fort Howard, Wis..... Aug. 5, 1873 141,432
Peoria, Ill................ June 5, 1866 55, 271
Springfield, Ohio.......... Jan. 8, 1867 61, 003
Dalton, Ga............... Oct. 20, 1868 83, 272
Dunbarton, N. H..........Jan. 29, 1867 61, 616
Plattsburgh, Mo.... Aug. 30, 1870 106, 807
West Medway, Mass..... June 24, 1873 140, 131
Taunton, Mass............ Dec. 24. 1872 134, 199
Marion, N. Y.............. Mar. 5, 1867 62, 625
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 561
New York, N. Y..... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 562
Rochester, N. Y........... Dec. 8. 1863 40, 8:13
Farmer City, Ill.......... Mar. 25, 1873 137, 067
Three Rivets, Mich....... May 16, 1871 114, 797
Walnut Hills, Ohio...... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 239
Livonia, N. Y............. June 4, 1867 65, 373
Cleveland, Ohio........ Aug. 26, 1873 142, 226
Brant, N. Y..... I Mar. 7, 1865 46, 656
Newton, N. J............. July 18, 181 117, 067
Newton, N. J............. Feb. 18, 1873 1:15, 984
Wellsville. Mo............ June27, 181 116, 431
Lawrenceville, Pa........ Nov. 12, 1867 70, 8,9
Chicago, Ill............... June 9, 1a63 38, 819
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car-coupling -'.
Car-coup ling......................................
C ur-coupling.............................
Car-coupling ------------------------------------
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling.....
Car coupling....
Car coupling...
Car coupling.....
Car- coupling...
Car coupling....
Car coupling --.
Car coupling
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling.................
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling...
Car coupling
Car coupling.-----------------------------------
Car coupling..............................
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling
H. C. Glasgow..................
H. C. Glasgow.................
H. C. Glasgow-.................
J. L. D. Good..................
M. Goolaren..................
R. Goole......................
J. M. Gow------------------.....................J. M. Gow....................-----------------
W. F. Grassier................
W. F. Grassier...............
W.'. Grassler and A. J. Cutter
W. F. Grassler................
R. W. Green..................
S. Gregory....................
J. Griffith and W. F. Miller... -
P. I. Gross...................
J. Growdon..................
J. Growdon------------------
J. Gum.....................
D. C. Guttridge..............
F. B. Hall....................
A. S. and H. H. Hallett........
E. C. Hamlin..............---------------....
J. B. Hards and W. Hodnett...
C. R. Hardy..................
D. Harger.....................
J. B. Harper..................
J. Harris...................
J. H. Harris...................---------------
A. Hartman..................
A. Hartman..................
E. W. Harvey................
N. Haskins...................
W. D. Hatch..............
W. W. Havoer.................
H. Hawley...................
G. W. Haynie...............
J. C. Heaton.................
A. Hebbard..---------..R. Hemming.................
G. H. HIenfield................
T. R. Herd..............
J. W\. Hess.............
T. H ess.....................
T. HEss. ----------
J. B. Heverling...............
O. Hewes...................
J. H iers.......................
A. Hillman.................
J. H. Hills....................
W. W. Hinman and W. W.
J.E. Hitt...................
C. M. Hoag...................
A.I. Hobbs..............
H. Holden...................
J. F. L. Holman...............
C. Holtz......................
J. Hood.......................
W. H. Hoover.................
C. L. Horack..................
C. L. Horack..................
C. F. Hornbeck...............
F. E. Howard.................
H. R. Howe..................
I. R. Howe...................
H. R. Howe...................
E. P. Howland................
E. C. Hubbard................
H. Hughes...................
T. G. Hughes, A. Nutting, and
L. Aldrich.
F. A. Hull....................
F.M. Hunt-----...................
H. C. Hunt....................
O. Z. Hurd and J. W. Ardinger.
R. H. Huston..................
F. A. Illingworth.............
W. M. Inge and E. P. Wheeler
M. Ingersoll..................
J. S. Ingram................
W. M. Ingstrum...........
G. W. Irish.................
O. P. Ives..................
W. R. Jamison................
E. H. Janney...............
E. A. Janney..................
E. V. Jeinsen..............
J. B. Johnson.................
J. T. Johnson and N. T. Smith
W. J. Johnson...............
W. Johnston...............
G. H. Jones and L. D. Boyce...
J. H. Jones...................
J. W. Jones..............
J. W. Jones...................
J. W. Jones...................
A. J. Joura.................
J. H. Kavanagh...............
Chicago, Ill..............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Jefflerson, Pa.............
Taunton, Mass.........
Abingdon, Ill.........
Rock Island, Ill..........
Rock Island, Ill.........
Muncy, Pa................
Muncy, Pa................
Lewisburghl, Pa...........
Muncy, Pa...............
Bradford, Pa...............
Jonesville, Mich..........
Adamnisburgh, Pa..........
Manheim Centre, N. Y....
New Enterprise, Pa......
Marseilles, Ill...........
Canton, Ohio.............
Hartford, Conn._......
East Abingten, Mass....
Pavilion, N. Y............
Chicago, Ill...............
Lexington, Ind...........
Des Moines, Iowa.........Saint John, Mo............
Green Lake, Wis..........
Virginia, Ill...............
Canton, Ohio..............
Canton, Ohio..............
Springfield, Mass.........
Hillsborough County, N.H.
Worcester, Mass..........
Schuyler, N. Y............
Lynchburgh, Va........
O1ney, Ill.................
Fitchburgh, Mich........
Galesburgh, Ill.........
Boston, Mass.............
San Francisco, Cal........
Allegheny, Pa.............
Montandon, Pa..........
West Penn, Pa..........
Greenville, Ohio........
Kankakee, Ill...........
West Manayunk, Pa......
Devonshire, Eungland......
Burlington, Vt..........
Jacksonville, Ill.........
Mar. 1, 1864
Oct. 6, 1868
Oct. 6, 1868
Jan. 7, 1873
May 13, 1873
Dec. 24, 1867
Feb. 9,1864
July 5,1864
Oct. 11,1870
Nov. 26, 1872
Aug. 26,1862
Oct. 31, 1871
Feb. 12, 1867
Mar. 28, 1871
Sept. 30, 1873
Feb. 21, 1865
Feb. 25, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
Oct. 9, 1866
Apr. 30, 1861
Dec. 5, 1871
Jan. 14, 1862
Aug. 2, 1870
Aug. 4, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
June 13, 1871
Feb. 6, 1866
Apr. 2, 1867
Aug. 28, 1866
May 28, 1867
June 4, 187,2
Oct. 29, 1e50
Oct. 2, 1849
Sept. 16, 1873
Mar. 12, 1872
Mar. 10, 1868
Feb. 18, 1818
Apr. 13, 1858
Nov. 6, 1847
Sept. 3, 1867
Dec. 28, 1869
Dee. 16, 1873
Feb. 22, 1870
Nov. 21, 1871
Aug. 4, 1868
Aug. 26, 1873
Dec. 17, 1867
Apr. 21, 1863
May 29, 1866
41, 767
82, 707
82, 708
134, 648
138, 748
72, 482
41, 502
43, 399
108, 254
133, 437
36, 293
120, 430
61, 028
113, 160
143, 281
46, 465
136, 237
143, 756
58, 723
32, 223
34, 143
106, 057
80, 730
73, 889
115, 845
52, 410
63, 514
57, "04
65, 079
127, C601
7, 741
6, 754
142, 849
124, 420
75, 420
74, 532
19, 925
5, 354
68, 439
98, 377
145, 652
100, 147
121, 051
80, 735
142, 2:30
72, 200
38, 225
55, 104
Bement, Ill................ Feb. 4, 1873 135, 552
Nassau, N. Y............... Aug. 30, 170 106, 936
Kokomo, Ind............ Sept. 12, 1865 49, 879
Hartford, Conn...-...... Mar. 19, 1867 63, 049
Hamilton, Canada......... Sept.23, 1873 143, 071
Chicago, 111.............. Oct. 2, 1866 58, 418
Milwaukee, Wis......... Jan. 31, 1860 26,910
North Benton, Ohio...... Mar. 10, 1868 75, 270
Hastings, Minn.......... Sept. 26, 1871 119, 359
Hastings, Minn........... May 14, 1872 126, 702
Slatersville, N. Y.......... Jan. 11, 1870 98, 770
Geneseo, N. Y.----........... Sept. 2, 1x73 142, 395
Hartwick, N. Y........... July 28, 1868 80, 486
Hartwick, N. Y........... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 673
Hartwick, N. Y........... July 4, 1871 116, 595
Worcester, Mass........ Sept. 15, 1863 39, 927
Worcester, Mass.......... Apr. 4, 1865 47, 108
Green Bay, Wis........ Nov. 26, 1872 133, 369
Sarona, I7. Y.............. iJune 26, 1866 55, 870
Horton, Iowa............. Jan. 9, 1872 122, 610
Belvidere, Ill.............July 14,1868 79, 982
Marshallville, Ga......... Apr. 2, 1872 15, 2'8
Amboy, Ill................ Dec. 3, 1861 33, 841
Mount Pulaski, I1..... Jan. 26, 1869 8(i, 161
Keokuk, Iowa............ May 28, 1867 65, 2:8
Waltham, Mass........... Dec. 26, 1871 122, 175
Corinth, Miss......._ May 7, 1872 126, 460
Grafton, Ohio......... May 22, 1866 54, 913
Louisville, Ky............ Nov. 5,1872 132, 835
Hornellsville, N. Y........ Mar. 22, 1870 101, 018
Memphis, N. Y............ Oct. 25, 1870 108, 518
Syracuse, N. Y --.---_-May 31, 1870 103, 748
Taylorstown. IPa.......... July 30, 1867 67, 311
Alexandria, Va.......... Apr. 21, 1868 77, 046
Alexandria, Va-------........... --Apr. 29,1873 138, 405
New York, N. YV........... Feb. 19, 1867 62, 203
Laurel, Ind............... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 902
Grand Rapids, Mich....... Mar. 15, 1864 41, 924
New Orleans, La.......... June 21,1870 104, 462
Decatur, Mich............ May 9, 1871 114,566
Rochester, N. Y........... Apr. 26, 1870 102, 271
Williamaport, Pa.......... Aug. 13, 1867 67. 767
Hereford, Md............. Apr. 25, 1871 114, 015
Hereford, Md............ Mar. 19, 1872 124, 684
Towsontown, Md--.......... - Mar. 4, 1873 136, 523
Ilouston. Tex............ June 18, 1872 128, 047
Juliet, 111.................. Nov. 27, 1866 60, 012
Index of patents issued from the Unit(d States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
C coupln.....................................
Car coupling......................................
Cii- coupling..
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling
Car-coupling --...................
Car coupling.................
C a - o p i g......................................
Car coupling...............................
Car coupling....................................
Car coupling.....
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling...
Car coupling
Car-coupling ---................
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling.--.................
Car coupling
Car-coupling --.................
Car coupling....................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling
Car coupling.....................................
Car- coupling....................................
Car coupling...
Car couphng......
Car coupling.--.--------------------------------
Car coupling......................................
Cai coupling...
Car coupling.................................
Car coupling........---...........................
Car coupling....................................
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling.....................................
Car coupling......................................
Car couplug.
Ca -o p i g......................................
Car coupling....................................
Car coupling----
Car- coupling...
Car coupling..
Car-cou)mi g......................
Car coupling
Car coupig......................................
Cai coupliiig - - - - -..............
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling........----..........................
Car coupling......................................
Car couplitg.............
Cai coupling...................
J. Keck.Kee.......
E. L. Keeler...................
E. B. Keith.................
E. H. Kcith.................
J. K elly.............
C..11 Kendall................
J. E. Kendall.................
P. Kendrick..................
P. Kennedy, jr, and A. B. Diss
J. H. Kensworthey.............
L. Kenworthy...............
W. Kenyon.................
J. Kingsbury...........
F. S. Kirkbride..........
G. L Kitson................
A. K. Kline.--------------
A. K. Kline.........
P. Knobbock.............
C. B. Knowles.................
C. H. Knowlton..............
C. H. Knowlton.............
G. E. Knox...................
G. Koeb.......................
C. Kihler...............
X. Krapf and J. F. Boerckel...
C. F. Kuhnle and A. Row.....
J. Lacey and G. Watkins...
J. J. Lahaye...............N. E. Laman..................
T. R. Land...-----------------
J. K. Landis...................
E. Lane. -.........
A. Langellicr.................
A. Langellier.................
T. Lanstone..................
G. C. Lawtcn............
W. Layland...........
C. Layton....................
C. Layton.................
L. J. Lecccq...................
S. D. Leconipte..............
W. Leib and G. B. Hornbeek -.
H. L. B. Lewis................
I. B. Lewis..................
J. E. Lewis...................
E. Lindsley............
1). Lippy.....................
R. Lloyd ----...................
J. B. Lochbauinm.............
S. D. Locke.................
S. L. Loomis..................
A. Z. Long................
J. Long.......................
J. T. Lowrey....-----.
H. C. Lowrie.................
G. W. Loyd...............
A. A. Lusk and S. A. Wells....
I. V. and W. J. Lynn..........
S. Madden....................
S. Mahurin.-_........-..
M. B. Malott..................
J. C. Maloy...................
J. A. Manning..............
H. E. Marchand...............
H. E. Marchand.........
J. L. Mareness..............
A. S. Markhamu...............
C. Markley...................
B. F. Marsden................
L. M arshall...................
F. W. Marst on and 0. Jones...
J. A.Mason...................
C. Manso...n.------------
J. Mayben...................
W. H. Mayo..................
A. McCarter.................
D. McComas..............
G. W. MeEwen..........
C. McInturffl................
E. T. MeKean...........
H. McKee..--.............
J. McLaughlin...........
A. McLean...............
J. S. McMurray........
W. H. Meadows.............
J. H. Mears and G. Cameron...
T. and J. W. Meikle..........
J. W. Melcher..............
A. Melot and J. T. Fry...
J. P. Mendenhall............
G. H. Merriam...
J. A. Merrill and "D. W. Kempton.
F. H. Meyers..................
A. Middlcton, jr............
J. T. Middleton.............
W. J. Miliar.......
Dwight, Ill.................
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Galesburgh, Mich-......
Peoria, Ill...........
Woodberry, Md........
McConnellsburgh, Pa....
Cairo, Ill.............
Trenton, N. J.........
Watertown, N. Y..........
VWest Point, Ind..........
Adel, Iowa...............
Crawfordsville, Ind.....
Ravenna, Ohio...........
W yandotte, K ans.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Readington, N. J..........
Readington, N. J..........
Wyandotte, Kans........
Nashville, Ten........
Rockland, Me..........
Rockland, Me..........
Ballston Spa, N. Y........
Springfield, Ohio..........
Galena, Iil..............
Allentown, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bristol, Wis.......... - -.....
Reading, Pa..............
Dayton. Ohio...........
Grass Valley, Cal..-....
Palmyra, Pa - -..........
Old Town, Me......
Concord, N. H..-.........
Concord, N. H..........
Washington D. C.......
Syracuse, N. Y............
Mixersville, Ind....-..
Matawan, N.J..........
Matavan, N. J..........
Argenteuil, France-..
Leavenworth C o u n t y,
Winchester, Ill-..-----
New York, N. Y.....
Albion, Mich.........
Boston, Mass............
Neenah, Wis........
Mansfield, Ohio.......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Chambershurgh, Pa.....
Janesville, Wis......
Byron, N. Y.............
Scranton, Pa............
Mechanicsburgh, Pa.....
La Fayette, Ind.......
Fort Wayne, Ind......
Markleysburgh, Pa.....
Wooster, Ohio........
Pittsburgh, Pa..- -..
Eureka South, Cal.....
Liberty, Ill........
Richmond, Ind........
Johnstown, Pa........
Ashtabula, Ohio..........
Louisville, Ky.........
Pittsblurgh, Pa.........
Constantine, Mich........
Bushnell, Ill.............
New York, N. Y.......
Galena, Ill...........
Mount Sterling, lil.......
Philadelphia. Pa..........
Keokuk, Iowa............
Danville, Pa.........
Milroy, Pa.............
Hillsburgh, Nova Scotia..
Lancaster, Pa..........
Calhoun, Mo............
Lock Haven, Pa......
Greeneville, Tenn.......
Hammonton, N. J.......
Chandlerville, Ill.........
Duncannon, Pa......
Boston, Mass............
Toronto, Canada.
McMinnville, Tenn......
Oshkosh, Wis.........
Louisville, Ky.......
Oshkosh, Wis......
Reading, Pa..........
Farmington. Ill....Portland. Me.......
Denver, Colo......
Wilmington, Del..........
Philadelphia, Pa.
HIarveysburgh, Ohio......
McKeesport, Pa..........
Date. No.
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 428
Aug. 2, 1859 24. 938
Jan. 11,1870 98, 775
Dec. 11, 1866 60, 384
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 741
Jan. 7,1873 134, 676
June25, 1872 128,314
Sept. 9, 1873 142, 634
Feb. 11, 1873 135,714
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 199
Dec. 24, 1872 134, 148
1ay 7, 1872 126, 554
Sept. 4, 1866 57, 732
June 11, 1872 127, 894
Dec. 12, 1865 51, 461
Mar. 5, 1872 124, 274
Mar. 11, 1873 136, 655
June 30, 1868 79, 481
July 23, 1872 129, 668
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 456
Apr. 1, 1873 137, 455
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 165
July 29, 1873 141, 278
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 700
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 353
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 750
Sept. 19, 1865 50, 010
Oct. 29, 1872 132, 672
May 17, 1870 103, 207
Dec. 30, 1873 146, 0 8
Nov. 3, 1868 83, 715
May 7, 1872 126, 401
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 648
Nov. 18, 1873 144,624
June 13, 1871 115, 94
June 6, 1865 48, 076
Jan. 18, 1859 22, 657
June 8, 1869 91, 028
May 28, 1872 127, 251
July 7, 1868 79, 664
Feb. 4, 1868 73, 984
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 345
Sept. 18, 1849 6, 730
Aug. 5, 1873 141,445
July 30, 1872 129, 896
May 7, 1867 64, 547
Sept. 11, 1866 57, 931
Oct. 21, 1873 143, 828
Aug. 20,1872 130, 585
Aug. 8, 1865 49, 348
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 729
June 8,1869 91,140
Dec. 21, 1869 98, 076
Jan. 19, 1864 41,308
Sept. 2, 1873 141, 487
Apr. 23, 1872 125, 967
Apr. 3, 1866 53, 639
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 189
Oct. 13, 1868 82, 966
Dec. 6, 1870 109, 830
July 26,1870 105, 706
Dec. 2, 1b73 145, 061
July 28, 1868 80, 493
May 21, 1872 126, 973
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 225
May 14, 1872 126, 724
Dec. 5, 1865 51, 330
July 19, 1870 105, 470
Dec. 20, 1864 45, 509
Feb. 6,1872 123, 496
Mar. 18,1873 137,014
June 28, 1870 104, 750
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 208
Jan. 24,1871 111,224
May 21,1867 64, 890
Mar. 26, 1867 63, 277
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 957
Dec. 3, 1872 133, 539
Dec. 8,1868 84, 747
Feb. 22,1870 100, 173
June 21, 1864 43, 219
Jan. 1,1867 60, 920
Apr. 20, 1869 89, 061
Mar. 3, 1868 75, 178
Dec. 27, 1870 110, 580
Oct. 18, 1859 25, 844
Sept. 9, 1873 142, 713
Apr. 7, 1868 76, 494
Sept. 26, 1865 50, 148
July 31, 1810 29, 395
Aug. 20, 1872 130, 651
Oct. 7, 1873 143, 524
Jan. 1,1867 60, 923
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 492
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 212
Dec. 24, 1867 72, 684
Index of patents issued from the United Siates Patent Office from 17(0' to 1873, inclusie-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Car-coupling------------------------------------......_..H. Millard--------------------_ _ _Philadelphia, Pa----------. -May 13, 1873 138, 912
Car-coupling------------------------------------..C. L. Miller.----------------Cuba, N. Y.__.....Sept. 9. 1673 142, 715
Car-coupling-----------------------------------....... I). M. Miller------------------... _South Bend, Ind---------- _ Sept. 30, 1873 143,:368
Car-coupling-----------------------------------...1). W. Miller and M Brestle, jr. Middletown, Pa -_- _- - ------Oct. 1, 1867 69, 464
Car-coupling--------------------------...-----. Miller-----..------------Janesville, Wis----------.Mar. 31, 1863 38, 057
Car-coupling----------------------------------... J. Miller -------_--_--------Cuba, N. Y--------------Jan. 29, 1867 61, 553
Car-coupling--------------------------------J. Miller.-----.------------Carrollton, Ohio----------- Oct. 15, 1867 69, 927
Car-coupling..................'J il-----------------------------J.Mle- - - - Carrollton, Ohio --------- Oct. 22, 1867 70, 103
Car-coupling--------------------__-__ --------_ S. Miller-_--------------Roye N. Y------------July 8, 1873 140, 7-20
Car coupling ------------------------------------J. 1). Mills-------------------- Aleaandria, Va----------- Sept. 30, 1873 143,369
Car-coupling._..- - - - - - - --............S. Mills---------_.----------Madison, Wis............. Dc. 24, 1867 72, 663
Car-coupling ------------------------------------.S. Mills ------_--------- Madison, Wis------------- Apr. 21, 1868 77, 071
Car-coupling ----.--------------------------------S. Milne -_----- ---------Perthshire, Scotland -_Oct. 8, 1867 69, 574
Catr-coupling------------------------------------..T. S. Minuiss-----------------.Meadville, Pa------------- Nov. 20, 1866 59, 858
Cai-coupling - -.-.------------------------------... T. S. Minniss---------- _...----Meadville, Pa.-----.- --May 14, 1867 64, 689
Car-coupling-------------------..------------I. N. Mitchell-----------------.Arcanum, Ohio........... July 20, 1869 92, 866
Car-coupling------------------------------------.... V. ]B. Mitchell---.. -- -------Chicago, Ill -__-_.---------Dec. 16, 1673 145, 584
Car-coupling -.----------------------------------C........ W. Molit----------------- Washington, D. C - l... Dc. 17, 1861 33, 958
Car-coupling................................-.----B. Monroe. _....... _...._...._ Bristol,YI.. ---- --------June 23, 1868 79, 245
Car-coupling -----------------------------------.L. Mouzert-------------------.New York, N. Y-------- Aug. 25, 1868 81, 397
Car-coupling-----------------------------------..B. D. Moody------------------..Darksville, Mo-_--_--------ay 20, 18731 139, 016
Cat-coupling---------------------------------..-......... H. T. Moody------------------..Newbnrypoi-t, Mass - -_ Mar. 9, 1869 87, 582
Car-coupling--_.------------------------------L. Moodly-._------- ----Malden, Mass------------.Jan. 3, 1865 45, 733
Car-coupling------------------------------------..L. Moody - - - - - - - _-- -------Malden, Mass------------Sept. 26, 1865 50, 152
Car-coupling----------------------------------....- L. Moody -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - ---Malden, Mass..-----------.Dec. 19, 1865 51, 608
Car-coupling-----------------------------------...B. Moore---------------------- Seaford, Del-------------- Jan. 7, 1873 134, 695
Car-coupling------------------------------------..F. Moore and J. A Baker.___- (Carrollton, Ohio----------. _Oct. 8, 1867 69, 693
Ca!-coupling----------------------------------.....G. 1R. Moore........ _....._..... Lyons, Iowa._- - -----------Nov. 19) 1867 71, 262
Cur-coupling-----------------------------------.....Moore------------------..Lyons, Iowa-------------- Nov.19, 1467 71,203
Car-coupling----------------------------------... G. Ri. Moore.------------------ Philadelphia, Pa--------D ec. 23,1873 145, 746
Car-coupling-----------------------------------...S. C. Mooi-e..------------------.Last Chaance, Iowa.. Junie 25, 1872 128, '237
Cur-coupling.....................................T. M. Moore------------------.Newton, N. J--------.----Api. 8,1868 77, 398
Car-coupling---------------------------------....11.11. Moi-gan and A Gerry.-. San Francisco, Cal.__._-.Nov.08, 1871 1-21, 252
Car-coupling------------------------------------.V. Met-gn--------------------Marquette, Mich-...July 4, 1871 116, 738
Car-coupling-----------------------------------._D. C Mon-is------------------.New Shiaron, Iowa.....Apr. 8, 1873137, 617
Car-coupling-----------------------------------.....J. C. Morris------------------ _ _Greeneville, Tenn....Dec.20, 1,70 110, 269
Car-coupling.-.-.-...--.....................-----J. P. Morris------------------.Bloomuington, Ill..........July 23, 1867 67,0664
Car-coupling------------------------------------1_3. B. Morris------------------1 iIarrisonville, Mo----. -Jaii 2,187-2 122, 480
Car-coupling........-..............-.....-.--.--. W. C. Morseo_.------------Beston, M~ass __---------Aug.8, 1865 49, 292
Car-coupling-----------------------------------........J. Morton.....----------------_.Cincinnati, Ohio.... - -.... Dec. 31, 187-2 134, 393
Car-coupling -----------------------------------.J. Moulton-------------------.Moultouvillc N.H........Mar. 11, 1T3136, 610
Cai-coupling-----------------------------------... _. _ _J. Mount.-------------------- _.Monroe Teownship, N.J..- Jan. 3, 1871 110, 770
Car-couplin-----------------------------------_... _ _II. Mulliollen-----------------. _.Fosworina, a._ - -.... Apr. 1, 1873 137, 47 0
Car-coupling---------------------------------.... J. F. Mullowiiy, J Cope, and Pittsburgh, Connell-o ille, Dec. 2, 1873 145,2-28
S. RI. Brooks. andl Pittsburb h, a
(ar-coupling.....................................W. Mlusgrove and J S. Sharp Studhhom1Paish aunl Sus- Aug. 27, 1872 130, 934
sex Pai-hi6anada.
Car-couplinga....................................-J. W. Musser and R. Carkliuff. Lewisbirh- Pa.. - -. Feb. 14, 1871 111, 767
Car-coupling....................................J. F. Nagel...................-LigonierIPa__._-"- May 18,1669 90, 210
Cai-coupling................... F. Natloy --._..- __.- - --.-_- Battle Grtound, Id.. Dec. 26, 1871 122, 189
Cai-couplinu------------------------------------ D. S. Neal.-..._-.............Lynn, Miss ---------ISopt. 3, 1850 7, 620
Cai- coupling-----------------------------...... _------. Neischi and C. GIlirner. - _.Allentown, Pa------------.. _Nov. 5,1872 132, 852
Cai-coupling.-------------- --------------W. L. Newell id J. S. Sim- Millvillo, N. J.-----------Ieoh 20, 1866 52, 736
Car-coupling-----------------------------------.V. W.Nichols--------.._ --------- Contralia, Ill.------- _. --May 30, 1871 115, 507
Car-coupling----------------------------------...-.... J. A. Niman------------------..._ _Mansfield, Ohio. _........July 3, 1866 56, 685
Car-coupling----------------------------------_... _ _A. T. Norgan ------..---------Pottsvillo, Pa--___.-- -- ---Aug.'2, 1870 105, 9370
Car-coupling-----------------------------------..N. W.Northrup------------...Greene, N. Y-.............Oct 21, 186-2 36, 758
Car-coupling-----------------------------------......S. G. Northrop---------------.....Wilmington, N. C -.--.-June 11, 1872 127, 190
Car-coupling------------------------------------__C. N. Noyes-----------------..Norwich, Coun-----------.Aug.27, 1867 68, 105
Cai-coupling------------------------------------..S. O'Blonis..------------------(_roenshurgli, Pa.-___..- July 19, 1867 67, 269
Car-coupling.............-.-.........-....-.-.....-.1. L. Ogden------------------. _Atkinson, II- -- -- -- - - -- - -No. 20, 1866 59, 860O
Car-coupling.................-.....-...--..--.... J. H. Oliver- __..------------Baltimiore, Md---..-------Aug. 29, 1871 118, 476
Car-coupling-----------------------------------...J. H. J. O'Neill --------. _.----Now Haven, Conn------_ May 21,1887 64, 898
Car-coupling....................................A. Out.---------------------_Minotlo. N. Y.....Oct. 01 1860 3(0, 496
Car-coupling.-.....-.-...-.-.-.-........--...--.-...-.. A. V. B. Or-----------------Steolov illo, Pa ------_ _ --July 16, 1867 66, 7:33
Car-coupling................... J.IOsodj--------------------------.H sedj Boston, Mass..............XApu 14,18:,3 38, 178
Car-coupling-----------------------------------......J. Osman and J. F Potter. Linden Itall, Paz. __.........Nov. 17, 1868 84, 066
Car-coupling--------------............S.A.Ots---------------------S.A ts. - - Boston, Mass.......Oct 7,1873 14:3, 159
Car-coupling-----------------------------------...C. Ottinger------------------- Philade lphia, Pa._---- ----J...t.uly 9,1872 1-28, 900
Car-coupling-----------------------------------__B _ _ _ __ __ _E. B.Packer, jr., and J. Daley.IPhiladclpliia, Pa------- - - _Dc. 18, 1866 60, 544
Car-couplingi_-----------------------------------S. K. Padeu------------------.I ulaski, Pa.. July 16,187-2 129, 163
Car-coupling-----------------------------------..A.G(- Page-------------------- Augusta, Me..------------Nov. 28,1865 51, 209
Car-couplung................................----J. H. Parsons---------------OQuicy, Mich-------------loeb. 13, 1866 52, 59-2
Cmar-coupling..-.-..---.....................----. J. H1. Parsotus---------------Quincy, Mich._. --- Mar. 12,1867 6-2, 772
Car-coupling-----------------------------------...W. B. Parsons...____............Short ITract, N. Y.__.._.I Ai219 1870916,149
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Car coupling ---------------------------------A. Porter------- ------Irving, Ill -_-------------May 30,1871 115, 517
Car-coupling.......---------.........C. Porter--------------._.----Nunda, N. Y-------------- Mar. 4, 1873 136, 540
Car-couphung.............................-_ H. H. Potter.----_-----------Sterlingville, N. Y._Dec. 9, 1873 145, 446
Car-coupling....................................11t. S. Potter-----__------_--Chicago, 1ll............... Aug. 28, 1860 29, 815
Cat-coupling.................................... T. K. Power................ Arsenal Post-office, Pa_ Mar. 2, 1869 87, 366
Car-coupling.................................... T. 1). Powers..._............. Rcchester, Wis.......... Oct. 16, 1866 58, 883
Car-coapung.................................... D. R. Pratt...................--Worcester, Mass..... - Dec. 12, 1848 5, 961
Car-coupling................................... A. J. Prescott-_............Catawissa, Pa............-Sept. 6, 1870 107, 196
Car coupling...................................---A. Pritz...-...........Dayton, Ohio............ Mar. 25, 1873 137, 238
Cat-coupling...................................S. Poller.._...-............Oxtorl, N. Y............ June 11, 1867 65, 602
Car-coupling................................... HI. Punlier, J. Harlan, and E. Cincinnati, Ohio....--.....Apr. 19, 1859 23, 705
C. Cheek.
Cai-coupling...........................----..... A. Pursell................. Willianisport, Pa.._Apr. 8, 187:3 137, 719
Car-coupling..........................._..._ G. MW. Putnam...........South Glen's Falls, N. Y _Dec. 5, 1871 121, 660
Car-coupling................................... G. MW. Putnam............... Moreau, N. Y _.........June 4, 1872 127, 644
Car-coupling.................................... G. WT. Putnam................South Glen's Falls, N. Y Oct. 14, 1873 143, 716
Cai-coupling...................................--S. S. Quest._........._..Wellshuigh,WM. Va.----Aug. 28, 1866 57, 566
Cai-coupling.................................... G. Quick and J. N. Wallis.. Fleming,-N. Y........May 22, 18661 54, 955
Car-coup~ling..................................... C. Mi. Radcliffl.. _...._........Piermont, N. Y.--_-_.. -Apr. 19, 1864 42, 400
Cai-conplitg.......................- J. W. Radebaugh........... Lancaster, Ohio... _-.......Nov. 19, 1872 133, 252
Car-coupliigw...................................--J. C. Ilansier....--.......Lyons, N. Y............-Apr. 5, 1859 23, 498
Car-coupling........................___....... IRawsoii................... Quincy, Mich............Api. 3,18O 27, 737
Cai couplin".................................... A. Ray....................... Granville, Mo............. Api. 6,1869.88, 736
Car-coupling...._................... J. H. Reed.................... New haven, Con..._ Apr.2), 1865 47, 455
Car-coupling........._..._....................... J. H. Reed...................--New haven, Con...Sept. 4 1806 57, 767
Car-coupling................................... J. V. Reed...... _... -__..........New Alhaniy, Ind. 8( 1)Spt 16, 1873 142, 943
Car-coupling................................... S. Reed............Liberty, P~a.. _........... Nov. 11, 187:3 144, 476
Cii-coupling.....................................5S. 11. and G. A. Reed...- -.......Frederiektown, Ohio.-_---Feb. 21, 1871 111,972
Cai-conllig.................._......N. Reeves..................---Do Qucin, Ill.___Apr. 16,1867 63, 940
Cai-coupling ------------_--.-.- S. B. Replogle.................-Roaring Springs, Pa..Mar. 4,1873 136, 547
Car coupling................................... SB. Replogleo... _... _..........Rearing Springs, Pa... Sept. 16, 1871 142, 815
Car-coupliig.................................... H. Resley.. _____. _... _--Cunber land, Md.......... Jan. 14, 1808 73, 385
Car-coupling..................................-- W. A. and J. M. Rex, Jr. Il--- utler, Ind............Aug.9,1840 106, '204
Car-coupling................................... C. M. Reyinolds-_..............Champaign, 111. _-........._Api.9, 1867 63, 750
Car-coupling..................................... Witichards jr._._.........Franklin, Pa.............. May 30 1871 115, 5-22
C acoupling....................................B1. Riekkon.. _. _.... _.........Rochester, N. Y.......... May 24, 1859 24, 146
Car- coupling.................................... L. P. Rider.... __.. ____........Pittson-gb, Pa........... _Nov. 11, 18713 144, 412
Cai-couplig.................................... J. Ridings and J. 0. lRoberts-. - New Castle, Del..--_.......Aug.13,1 867 67, 677
Car-oupliing-...................................-J.ID. hRiggs...................--Buckley, Ill..............-1Fb. 6,l872 123, 510
Cai-couplinig................................... M. Rinehart............Monroe, Mich.............Jain. 17, 1865 45, 939
Cai-coupling........................_---....... A. G. Ritz.._.............lizabetlitown, Indl...Jan. 12, 1809, 85, 767
Car-coupliug......................-_--- -..-.._H. R. Robbins................--Baltimore, Md...........Sept. 26,187111lt, 4.9
Cai-coupling.................................... J. N. Rohbinis -....__......Goshen, Ohio............ Nov.9, 1809 96, 732
Cai-coupling................................... N. Robbins, jr................-Rockpoi-t, Mass...... June 12, 186 55, 537
Cai-coupling.................................._ C. F. Rodi-ick._.............Lynn, Mass............May 7, 1867 64, 574
Car-coupling.................. S. lRngers......... __........ _ London, En.gland......... July 1, 1873 140, 545
Cait-coupling.................................... 5. 0. Rogers. ji-.... -............ _ -Stamloidville, N. Y..-Mar.3, 1808 75, 055
Car-coupling.................................... W. B. Rogerson and H. Bey ea. - Pateison, N. J....... _....- Apr. 18, 1871 113, t932
Car-coupling.................................... H. S. Root....................--Muncy, Pa..__..........Feb. 22, 1870 100, 192
Cat-coupling...................................---B. R. Rose.............--.....Kansas City, Mo.......... Sept. 27, 1870 107, 814
Cat-coupling................................... J. lRoyal, M. A. Lenitz, and J La Fayette, Ind.. _......... -May 23, 1871 115, 242
M. Deihert.
Car-coupling.................................... J. Royal, M. A. Lentz, and J La Fayette, Ind.. _.. _.......Feb. 11, 1873 135, 849
M. Deibert.
Car-coupling.................................... L. Ruel.. __.................. Saint Johnsbury, Vt...Oct. 28, 1873 144, 034
Car- coupling. _.................... _.............H.Xl. iRulon..................-Monmnouth, Ill -- -- -- -- -- - -May 30,l1865 47, 985
Car-coupling.................................... J. 13. Rumicy.................-Washington, D.C ----Aug. 21,1866 57, 385
Cai-couplinig................................... J. C. Rtupp and S. Ott.---- Newark, Del.............-June 0, 1871 115, 643
Ca-rcoupling.................................--..Russell....................-Waynesburgh, Pa.---Dec.1, 1808 84, 648
Cai coupliiig...................................--H.0G. lRussell._....-_ Lincoln, Ill...............N.ox11, 187:3 144, 479
Car-coupling.......................---.........T. WT. audiT. D. Ryan.......... Maumee City, Ohio.---Oct. 21, 1873 143, 9312
Cai-coiiplimig................................--- J. S. Samiions................--New York, N. Y._.......Jumne 5,18(0 28, 009
Cat-coupling................................... A. Sanders................. Penti Yan, N. Y........... Sept.1, 1868 81, (89
Car-coupling...................................--S. S. Sartwell----------------- Camden, N. Y.._.._......May 2,1871 114, 34:3
Car-coupling.................................... A. Shoig and B. Van Yalken- Cobleskihl, N. Y........... Sept. 23, 1873 143, 099
Carcou lng----------------------------L.0. Schultz.................--Mattoon, Ill..............-Nov. 5,1867 70, 625
Ca-tcoupling................................... P. H.Schuiylet -...............Lyrme, Ohio........Aug.27,1807 68, 120
Cai-coupling................................... it. Scott....-............Nohlesville, Id -_--------Oct. 14,1873 143, 720
Ca-tconphlng...........-- --.... -........... _L. Scott anid P. Trimmer.. _Berettsto-m, Pa....July 8, 1868 80, 4-26
Car-coiiplin'...................................---J. Seislove.................... Titlin, Ohio --------------- Oct.14,1873 14:3, 593
Car-coupling....................................MT I Oenior._...._...........iplev, Ohio..........Sept. 16, 1873 142, 87.3
Cii-couipliiig...................................C. S. Scixoss_.............Wilmintugon, N. C....May7,1872 126, 494
Cat coupig...................................--F J.Sex lii._...........Chicago, Ill............... Au. 19,1873 141, 895
Car-coupling.................................---.B. Shlly...................-Richland Township, Pa Apt. 10,1872 125, 698
Cai- coilinmg....................................1. J. Shcpatdson............. Shelburne Fall'~, Mass-- Nov. 7 1865 50), 882
Cai-coupling;....................................J. Shepleycs-...............Lamhertvi ile N. J _. May 9,1871 114, 612
Cir-coupling................................... G.W. Sbi gleton.....---- Auburn, N. Y------------.Jutie 4,1867 65, 513
Cai couphang --.........-------------L. H.Shuler....._........_.....Crawfoirdsville, Ind.----Aug 72 160 29, 526
Cat--coupling...................................-.T ISidlens........-_......Danville, ill -------_-------June 18,1872 128, 182
Cat-coupling...................................TP. Siddens................. State Line City, Inil.---July 15. 1873 140,.957
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car-coupling --------------- ---------------
(Iar-coupling-. - - - - -
Car-coupling ----------------------------
Car coupling
Car-coupling.. - - - - -
Car coupling.....................................
Car- coupling..................
Ca -coupling.............................
Car-coupling ----------------------------
Car-coupling-------- -----....
Car cup'xn ------------------------------
Car coupling......................................
Car coupling. --
Car coupling.....-----------------------------..Car coupling......
tax couplig...............
Car coupling.............................
Car coupling.............................
Car coupling........
Car coupling...............................
Car coupling.............................
W. B. Snedaker...............
P. H. Snelling..................
D. B. Snyder.................
1. Soggs......................
H. Soggsl...................
J. P. Spangle................
J. P. Spangle..................
T. W. Sparks........................
J. F. Spaulding................
C. Spear----------------.....................G. D. Spooner and J. F. F. Hale
G. C. Sprangkr..............
E. Staples and W. W. Gould...
L. S. Starrett.................
A. B. Steele..................
T. Steinhauer................
D. M. Steward.............
O. S. St. John...----.............
O. S. St. John..................
J. T. Steakes...............
Syracuse, N. Y............
WVartrace, Tenn..........
Millville, N. J...........
Columbus, Pa.............
Columbus, Pa............
Hopewell Centre, N. Y....
Hopewell Centre, N. Y....
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rutland, Vt...................
Chapinsville, N. Y.......
Rutland, Vt..............
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Skowhegan, Me...........
Athol, Mass...............
Winsted, Conn.............
Syracuse, N. Y............
Dayton, Ohio..............
Willoughby, Ohio.......
Willoughby, Ohio.........
New Church Parish, England.
Date. No.
G. F. Stone................... Baltimore, Md............
T. B. Stout----------------.................... -eyport, N. J.............
W. A. Stowell................. Mooretown, Vt............
X. St. Pierre.................. Ophir City, Utah..........
A. Strain.-.................. Greenfield, Ohio.........
A. F. Street........................ Zanesville, Ohio.........
A. Stroh..................... Port Jervis, N. Y..........
I. W. Stuart, jr................ Charlottesville, Ind.......
F. D. Sturges and W. M. Young Mount Vernon, Ohio......
J. R. Succop.................. Birmingham, Pa........
A. W. Sullenberger............ Laurel, Ind...............
D. Sutherland.............. Milo, Ill...................
J. M. Sutton................. Sutton's Corners, Pa......
H. C. Swan................. Washington, D.C.........
J. Swan...................... Baltimore, Md............
B. F. Sweet................... Fond du Lac, Wis........
N. Swigart.................. West Richfield, Ohio......
P. Swineford............. Middleburgh, 'Pa..........
A. B. and F. S. Taft......... Montreal, Canaan.......
F. F. Taylor and G.Withington San Francisco and lone
City, Cal.
O. Taylor................. Grand Rapids, Wis........
J. Temple..................... Bellefonte, Pa............
J. Temple..................... Bellefonte, Pa...........
J. Temple.................Bellefonte, Pa...........
J. Temple.................... Danville, Pa..............
J. Temple._................. Mooresburgh, Pa.........
G. B. Terry and W. G. Hawley Pittsford and Gorham, N.Y
E. D. Thompson............. Lawrence, Kans..........
J. A. Thompson.............. Readington, N. J..........
P. M. Thompson............ Toronto, Canada..........
W. M. Thompson.......... Carlisle, Pa...............
S. Thorp......._............ Turner, Me...............
S. and W. Thorpe..........Turner, Me...............
A. C. Tichnor-.............. Council Bluffs, Iowa......
W. E. Tickler and E. T. and Pierceton. Ind............
D. M. Marshall.
J. Timms and W. P. Brown... Malta, Ohio...............
C. D. Tisdale................ East Boston, Mass......
D. J. Tittle................... Albany, N. Y.............
D. J. Tittle................... Albany, N. Y............
W. Todd..................... Portland, Me..............
J. B. Tracy -................ Lincoln, Del.........
J. B. Tracy -................ Lincoln, Dol.............----------
H. Trefry..................... Winfield, Mich...........
A. H. Trego.............. Lambertville, N. J..-.... -
T. B. Tremper............Rockland Lake, N. Y.....
H. H. Trenor...............\ ew York, N. Y..........
J. Trent..................... Millertown, N. Y..._
T. Tripp............... Chicago. Ill..............
A. Truxell and F. J. Williams Toledo, Ohio.............
N. A. Tucker...............Burlington, Vt.-.........
E. A. Turner................ New York, N. Y.........
R. D. Turner................. New York, N. Y..........
W. E. Twining............. Morrison, Ill...........
J. N. and S. T. Vandergrit, S. Wabash, Ind.............
D. French, and E. S. Stone.
J. B. Van Deusen............. New York, N. Y.........
J. Van Dyne............. Crum Elbow, N. Y.......
I. W. Van HIouten.......... Philadelphia, Pa..........
I. L. Vansant................. Glasgow, Del..............
M. Van Slyke and D. W. Wood Rome, N. Y...............
J. Vansteenberg------------.............. Chicago, Ill..............
W. Van Valkinburgh-....... Smithville, N. Y..........
J. J. Vaughan.......... Alexandria, Va...........
J. B. Vedder.............-Gloversville, N. Y........
H. B. Verne and D. G. Wight- North Kingston, R. I....
L. and W. H. Waddell....... Staunton, Va............
W. H. and L. Waddell and J. Churchville, Va..........
A. Lutz.
J. Waite..................... Yarmouth, Me............
W. Walker.................. Woodside, Cal----------............
S. J. Wallace................ Carthage, I11............
W. K. Wallace and E. C. Rut- Crawferdsville and Shanledge. nondale, Ind.
W. V. Wallace.-............ New Voirk, N. Y..........
Nov. 4,1873
July 30, 1867
Aug. 21.1866
Feb. 5, 1867
Mar. 30, 1869
Aug. 14, 1866
Apr. 9, 1867
July 25, 1871
Apr. 20, 1869
Nov. 6, 1866
Aug. 14, 1866
Apr. 4, 1871
Mar. 5, 1867
Feb. 7, 1871
Aug. 25, 1868
Mar. 31, 1868
July 14, 1868
Dec. 8, 1868
Dec. 29, 1868
Dec. 31, 1867
Apr. 30, 1872
Aug. 8, 1854
May 21, 1867
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 9, 1873
Dec. 13, 1870
June 11, 1861
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 27, 1869
Feb. 18, 1873
Mar. 10, 1868
Nov. 19, 1872
Mar. 18, 1873
Jan. 30, 1872
Oct. 22, 1867
Oct. 29, 1861
July 16, 1872
Oct. 21,1873
Apr. 3, 1866
Sept. 16, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
Apr. 5, 1870
Sept. 19, 1871
Jan. 30, 1872
Feb. 18, 1873
Aug. 19, 1873
Sept. 27, 1870
July 12, 1870
Dec. 24, 1872
Sept. 16, 1873
Oct. 22,1872
Aug. 19, 1862
Feb. 18, 1868
Sept. 8, 1868
July 31, 1866
Sept. 19, 1871
June 2, 1863
Nov. 27, 1866
July 2,1867
Jan. 28, 1873
Dec. 12, 1871
Oct. 7,1873
June 20, 1871
June 11, 1861
Dec. 5,1871
Aug. 7, 1866
Oct. 1, 1867
Mar. 21, 1865
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 10, 1863
May 28, 1867
July 8, 1862
Mar. 24, 1868
Jan. 7,1868
Mar. 4, 1862
Dec. 15, 1863
July 3, 1860
Mar. 30, 1869
Nov. 2, 1869
May 17, 1870
July 31,1866
May 22, 1860
May 30, 1871
Nov. 23, 1869
144, 293
67. 367
57, 397
61, 771
88, 342
57, 206
63, 662
117, 475
89, 089
59, 517
57, 208
113, 462
62, 700
111, 695
81, 551
76, 112
80, C26
84, 716
85, 489
72, 933
126, 344
11, 498
64, 921
144, 038
145, 371
110, 088
32, 541
62, 978
89, 355
136, 011
75, 489
133, 268
136, 879
123, 207
70, 131
33, 612
129, 300
143, 791
53, 764
142, 962
143, 646
101, 543
119, 196
123, 134
135, 948
142, 059
107, 837
105, 278
134, 329
142, 965
132, 501
36, 247
74, 631
81, 961
56, 866
119, 097
38, 792
co60, 092
66, 418
135, 387
121, 823
143, 429
116, 238
32, 543
121, 690
57, 014
69, 511
46, 958
135, 866
37, 649
65, 310
35, 849
76, 006
73, 140
34, 604
40, 966
29, 022
88, 424
96, 514
103, 108
56, 837
28, 444
115, 394
97, 250
June 5, 1860 28,620
Sept. 16, 1873 142, 9'0
Sept. 9, 1873
Sept. 20, 1870
Oct. 23, 1866
May 9, 1871
142, 750
107, 571
114, 132
Apr. 27, 1869 I 89, 525
Index of patenlts issued from the United States Patent Officc from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
C ar-couplin g----------- -----------------------
Car-coupling ----------------------------------
Car-coupling ----------------------------------
Car-coupling....- - - - - - - --...........
Carcoulin -------------------------- -------
Car-coupling --------"---------------------------
C-.ai coupling................................- -
Car-coupling -----------------------------------
Ca-coupling --------------"-------------------
Cqi coupling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
Cai coupling --------- ------------------------..
C ai coupling.-------- ---------- ---------------
C ar-couplin g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Car-coupln.------------------- ---------------
C ar-couplin g.................................Car-coupling.----------------------------------
Ca-couplin g...................................
Car-coupling ----------------------------------
Car-coupling ----------------------------------
Car-coupling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cai-coupling ----------------------------------
Car-coupling ----------------------------------
Cas couplii"..................................
C s coupliiig--------------------------- -------
Car-coupling --------"-------------------------
C-u -coupling --------------------------..-------
C ii conplini...................................
Car couplin........................C-u- -cou plin g..................................
Cii coupli---------------------------------...
Ca-coupliing................................. ----
Car coupling and buffer.........................
Car-coupling, Automatic -----------------------
Car-coupling, Automatic.......................
Car-coupling, Automatic.......................--
Car-coupling, Automatic._.....................
Car-coupling, Automatic.......................--
Car-couplisig, Automatic -----------------------
Car coupling, Ciiy-railway..--- - - --........
Car-coupling, Device for.............
Car coupling-hook, Coal.-.-.......-...-- -..- - -
Car coupling, Horse-rilway..................._
Car-coupling-ins, Ritlosamskig.................
C~ai- couplilnt Ruiway
D.WleV. E.Warner and M. J. Palmer
W. Y. Wariier.............--
W. Y. Warner........--....
M. Waterbury..............--
C. Weaver-------------- -- -
G. C. E. Weber--.-.- -- -- -
H. Webster-----------------
H,1 Webster.------- ----------
G. H. Weeks.---------------
W. Weiler-. ---- -------- -----
E. F. Wells.----------------
J. MI. Wells.---------------
C. 0. Wheeler...............
E. P. Wheeler ---------------
J. M. Whieelcr.............J. M. Wbeeler and C. W. Chase
J. P. Whipple------ ------- -
J. White- ----------- ------. SWhitord.........--....
J.G Whitor..............
1). R. Whitmoic..............
E. Ji. Whitney---------------
N. Whitten................C. Whitus ----.--------------
W. F. Wickersham aiid E.
J. Wiilney-----------------
J. Widney ------------------
J. Wilcox.-------------------
E. Wiley--------------------
W. Williams.-.........._
C. C. Wilson----------------
E. W. Wilsoii andJ. E. Erwin.
C.W.Wilson- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
J. F. Wilson----------------....
L. B. Wilson --- ------------ -
L. B. Wilson-----------------
J. T. Wilson and T. J. Louis..
W. Winer -------------------
W. M. Wiswcll --------------
J. B.Witheile --------------
G. Withington aiid F. F. Taylor.
H. E. Wolcott---------------
11. T. Wolcott --------
G. E. Wood -------------- ---
M. 1H. Wend-.---------------
B. A Worden.--............
G. Worden------------------
G. Worden------------ -- -- -
J.F.Woinug-------------- -
J1.C. Wreusbiall -------------
P. P. Wright - -- ---...----
P). P. Wright.--------- -.E. M. Wright ---------------
G. Yates.-------------------
J. C. Young.................J. J. Zabriskie, jr., and C. NI.
A. Zeigler.................--
S. H. Ziiik-------------------
E. Zorger..................--
A. Stevens------------------
H. F. Randolph, jr ------------
W. Ci. Brnown and J. W. Jedlbns.
W. Bragg------------------
P.P. Cor-..................
WV. W. Jeffery and C. Snyder. -
P. Laflin - - - - - - - - - - -
J. McLain and J. iKelsey.---
H. T. Romnertyc------------..
H. Tarbox.................Ci. Collyer aid A. H Patterson
L. L.Bond..................F. Bush....................C. H. Williams--------------
A.. A. twater-------------. A. B-NaQ rie-..
Residence. Pate.
Evan sport, Ohio -_- - - - ----Nov. 19,1872
Newark and Syracuse, N.Y Aug. 6, 1867
Wilmington, DPci- - - -------_Mar, 19, 1867
Wilmington, Pci---------Nov, 26, 1867
Polo, Ill.,,-------- Fe.11, 1862
Easton, Pa..------...------Dec. 4, 1866
Cleveland, Ohio......----- J--Fb an. 9, 1872
Elgin, Ill. - - - --..... Aug. 4, 1863
Elgin, Ill-----------------..Jan. 16, 1866
Allegan, Mich ------------ Jan, 10, 1871
XVashingtfon, N. J.....- Jan, 21,1868
N'ew Yoi-k, N. Y ----------_ Nov. 29, 1f64
Painesville, Ohio...- -. Nov. 4, 1 873
Matteson, lli------------- Apr. 24, 1866
Corinth, Miss--_ - --------Aug. 6, 18 2
Afton, Iowa--------------..Sept. 17,187 2
Batavia, Iowa. - - --... _Oct. 19, 1869
Whitewater, XWis-...Apr. 8, 1873
Harrison, Ohio. - -..- --Aug. 4, 1868
Port Chester, N. Y._- -._Oct. 4, 1864
Pond City, Kra n s -- - ------Feb. 22, 1870
Bridgewater, Va---------- Nov. 9, 1869
Plattsburgh, N. Y - -----Apr. 7, 1868
Plattsburgh, N. Y __.--..June 23, lt868
Cliftoni Springs, N. Y...-July 1(6, 1867
Etna, Mo.............May 5, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa----------_.Apr. 23, 1872
Spr-ingfieid, Ill.-- --------Apr. 21, 1868
133, 181
67, 468
62, 984
71, 559
34, 384
60, 299
122, 690
39, 4.36
52, 097
110, 880
731, 68 1
45, 288
144, 298
54, 237
130, 262
131i, 416
96, 065
137, 642
80, 688
44, 571
100, 092
96, 749
76, 308
79, 283
66, 922
77, 558
126, 000
77, 150
43, 447
54, 238
141, 846
139, 22t
1-22, 424
39, 687
50, 994
57, 807
85, 979
1::, 512
135, 871
61, 296
101, 694
1414, 008
15, 355
136, 889
Allegheny City, Pa.
Carlisle, Pa.............
Canton, Pa--------------
Philadelphia, Pa..--_
Harr-isonhburgh, Va.
Kewvanee, Ill............
Springfield, Mass..
Abingdon, Ill-----------_
Pittsburgh I, Pa....
Caldwell, Ohio..........--
Caldwell, Ohio.........._East Liberty and Port
Perry, Pa..
Union City. lnd.-_-..-__
Portland, Me.............
Upton, Mass.............
lone City and San Francisco, Cal.
Eibridge, N. Y..........
Claremont, N. H. _..
Providence, B. I.----
Chicago, Ill.. -.......
Scranton, Pa. _.........
Pitttoii, Pa..............
Pittston, Pa............._
Willey, W. Va..... _.....Baltimore, Md..........--
Oakville, Canada......
Oakviille, Canada. -._
Wyandotte, Kans.---
W~est Pi-esden, N. Y...
Bloomington, Ind -__._Ridgewood, N. J. _.__.
Cumberland, Md. _..
Knobuoster, Mo....
Gireensburgh, Iad. - - _.Portland, Me....-_-._
East Palestine, Ohio..
Monmouth, Me....
Conners-Tille, nd..__.
Cranford, N. J -.----
Greenview and Middletoii, Ill.
Wars-en, Mass.....-..
Saint Mar-y's, Ohio..__
Philadelphia, Pa. _.
Warwick, H. I...... _..._
Philadelphia, Pa. __.
Chicago, Ill._-.........
Boonton, N. J............
Boston, Mass __-...
Bridgeport, Con. --
Winchester, Ohio.----
Cleveland, Ohio ---.
Cleveland, Ohio..___...
Cleveland, Ohio. _..
Cleveland, Ohio.
Cazeiovla,N. Y.-_--
South Valley, N. Y -._
Trumnansburgh, N. Y.
Milwaukee, XWis.____--__.
Norfolk, Va..... _........Washington, P. C....
Springfield, Ohio.
B3rookhavenXWis -..___.-_
Rapho Township, Pa..
Cleveland, Ohio....
July 5, 1864
Apr. 24, 1866
Aug. 12, 1873
May 20, 1873
Jan. 2, 1872
Jumie 30, P-63
Nov. 14, 1865
Sept. 4, 1866
Jaii. 19, 1869
Nov. 26, 1872
Feb. 11, 1873
Jan. 15, 1867
Apr. 5, 1870
Oct. 28, 1873
July 15, 1856
M ar. 18, 18713
Mar. 12, 1872 124, 648
June 21, 1870 104, 678
May 10, 1864 42, 710
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 490
Apr. 23, 1872 126, 122
Jan. 2, 1872 12-2, 509
Pec. 31, 1872 134, 503i
June 25, 1867 66, 061
June 21, 1870 101, 679
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 54 4
Aug. 20, 1872 130, 779
May 24, 1864 42, 897
June 14, 1859 24, 422
June 8, 1869 91, 194
Dec. 31, 187-2 134, 414
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 215
Jan, 28, 1873 135, 255
Jan, 1, 1867 60,815
May 14, 1872 126, 849
Sept. 20, 1870 107, 6-23
Jan. 28, 1873 135, 262
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 358
Jan.:3, 1871 110,741
Nov. 10, 1868 83, 8i'7
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 512
May 25, 1869 90, 569
Jani. 28, 1812:34, 284
Nov. 3, 1868 8:1, 673
July 17, 1860 29, 14-2
Mar-. 11, 1873 136, 640
Sept. 19,1871 lt9, 117
July 27, 1858 21, 0-26
July 16, 187-2 129, 368
Sept. 3, 1872 130, 986
July 15, 1873 140, Â~80
July 15, 1873 140, 981
Nov. 16, 1869 9(h, 782
Feb. 22, 18710 160, 125
Mar. 15, 1870 160, 837
Aug. 17, 1869 9:3, 850
Nov. 7,1871 120, 610
Nov. 1, 1859 25.,938
Sept. 7, 1819 94, 547
July 27, 1858 20, 983
Mlay 17, 1870 103, 130
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 386
Aug. 10, 18839 93, 407
May 4, 1858 1 20, 13'9
Index of patents issued from the UJaited Statcs Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Car coupling, Railway-------------------------"
Car coupling, Railway --------------------------
Car coupling, Railway.........................---
Car coupling, Railway..........................--
Car coupling, Railway.--------------------- ----
Car coupling, Railway.--.--.------- -------
Car coupling, Railway------------------------- -- -
Car coupling, Railway--------------------------
Car coupling, Railway............................
Car coupling, Railway --------------------------
Car coupling, Railway------------------------...
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway--------------------------
Car coupling, Railway-------------------------...
Car coupling, Railway.......- - - - --.......
Car coupling, Railway..-...........
Car couplug, Railway-..........................
Car coupling, Railway-------------------------...
Car coupling, Railway..-..-.......--------------.
Car coupling, Railway --_---------------------
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway------------------------...
Car coupling, Railway............................
Car coupling, Railway.........................
Car coupling, Railway.........-- - - -_....-.
Can- coupling, Railway... _.... -... -...............
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway - ------------------------...
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Lar coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Lar coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway_.........................
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway...........................
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway.........................--
C-sr coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway...........................
Cai coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway.............
Cair coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Can coupling, Railavay...........................
Lar coupling, Railway..........................rculnRiwy.............
Lar coupling, Railway...........................
Car coupling, Railavay..........................
Car coupling Railway---------...............
Cicoupling, Railway.........................---
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway..._.... _...... _............
Cai- coupling, Railway..................... _....
Can coupling, Railway.........................---
Car coupling, Railway...........................
Lar coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway ------------------------........
Can couplisng, Railway..........................
Car- coupling, Railway..........................
Cain coupling, Railaway.........................
Car coupling, Railway-------------------------.......
Lar coupling, Railaway...........................
Can coupling, Railway.........................
Can coupling, Railway...........................
Car coupling, Railway............................
Car coupling, Railway.. _.........................
Can- coupling, Railway..........................
Car couplinug, Railway-------------------------....
Car coupling,, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling,, Railway.............
Can- cupling Railwy.....................
Can- coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Can' coupling, Railway..........................
Can- couplisig, Railway...........................
Can conplini, Railway...............
Can coupling, Ra'ilway..__.._.._.....-...
Can couipingRailaway------- -------------------
Ca incoupling, Railay ---- -- ---------
Car couplin',Rainlway-_............
IL. F. Bnclimaun -..--......
J. Campbell, V. B. Lighsthizer,
anid P. Shannon.
P. Campbell --_---_----------_
S. 0. Campbell--------------.
R. Carkhuff----------------.
R. ID. Chsatterton -------------
T. J. Christy----------------
W. C. Clark-..------------
J.M.Connel ----------------
M. Cossnelly------------..J.WX. Cor-cy.................
W. (}otrel l-----------------...
R. A. Cowell---------------..
J.ACutting and G. Butterfield
J. Davis......................
T. J. Delany.................
J. IL. b~evel and~ A. L. Peadro.
IL. I11. Doddridge------------ _ _
G. WV. Doolittle -.----------
T. B.D1ora ------------------ -
J. W. II. Doubler............H. Diihsaud 8.G.Gooda-ll-Copestake.
C. II. Eiseiibrandt............
J. Elb:,rtson----------------..
J. T. England ----------------
W. J. Evans.---------
A. C. Fell-------------...----
H. IL. Fidler.................
J. C. Fischer and XV. E. Kittr-edge.
C. Flanders -.............
A. Geiss....................
F. E. Gleason...._......._.
J. G. Goshon.................
W.F. Grassier._......._.
R. Green. - - -....------
W. H. Hall.................G. Harris...................A. S. H art................
ID. Hart.....................
A. Holiest...................
A.G. Ilockrotte.............
S. Rt. Herd..................
J. WV. Hess..........
J.R. Hill....................
N. Hill.......-...........
C). Hood,jr...................
D. A.Hopluinis..............
ID. D. Howe...............
IL. and J. K. Huddle _.
G. C. Hugg.................
R. M. H~ughes.. _..........
L. Ihock....................J. H. Johnson...............--
WV. C. Johnson...............
J. H. Jones.-..............0. Kelsey --..................
C. P.Keayon...............
J. ID. Kenrisen...............
IL. Laley..........
J. Laninon-andJ. M.Williams
G. Lavaily, is-...............A. Lisaphuin and ID. H. Burns
IL. ID. Lives-mone.o............
HE. Loane.................
H. IL. Lockwood............--
F. B. Lend..................
ID. Lynahon andl C. J. XWing -.J. Marston.................--
G. W. McEEssn and C. Eves.J. McKinney................
E. D. Melon-.................
G. H. Merriam..........
J. S. Merriken...............
J. Miller....................
W. HI. H. Miller-------------..
t. IL. Mills and P. Can-poter...J. A. Morrison._...........
C. Norpel.. _...... _..........
N. Nonrsis..................---
J. M.O.'good, jr., and F.B. Slnaw
Date. INo.
New Von-k, N, YV.
Steubenville, Ohio.._..
Carroiltown, Pa....
Ceatretown, Mo...._.
Lewisburgh, Pa._.---
Bath, Great Britain.__.
Noblesaville, Ind....
Portlandl, Me...........
Newark, Ohio............
Baltimore, Md..........--
Bordentown, N. J.
Cleveland, Ohio....
Cleveland, Ohio..._..
Boston. Mass............
Allegheny City, Pa ---.London C~ounty, V a.__..
Parkersburgh, W. Va.
Portland, lndi.........
Richfield Springs, N. V.. -.
Matteon, Ill.............Chicago, Ill........
Glasgow, Great Britain -
Baltimore, Md.. -. -......
Kirkaville, Mo..........
Baltimuore, Md.... -.....
Hlomer, Iowa... _.........
Caledonia, Ohio.-----.
Conigress, Ohio-......_.
Milwaukee, XWis.----
Charlestown, Mass ---.
Buffalo, N. V............
Columbus, Ohio-... -
Shippeusburgln, Pa _--.---
Muncy, Pa..............
BonoN. J..._........
Malone, N. V.........._
Ipswich, Mass..........--
San Francisco. Cal -_-._
Romulus, N. V.....
Malone, N. YV............
New York, N. V. ----
Allegheny City, Pa..---
Montanidon, Pa........._
Millville, N. J.........
ILeavenwon-thiCity, Kans. _
Tinier, Me..............
Elmnirai, N. YV..........Beaver- Dam, Wis.....
Tiffin, Ohio............
Berlin, N. J._-......._
Pleasannt Grove, Pa -.----
Kiekapoo, Ill............
IDresdien, Mo...........
Font Madison, Iowa...
Se-b, N. V...............
Comnmeree, Mich......
Wilsoni, N. C.-_-..-....Now York, N. YV....
Conniersville, Indl._.._.
Chamiplain, N. V......
Brooklyn, N. Y..__......
Hart-land, Vt.._..... __....
Baltimore, Md...........Denmark, Iowa _.._.._Cincinna'Si, Ohio......
B luffalo, N. Y............
SaaoaSpnings, N. VY
Millville, Pa...........--
Lansing, Mich..........--
Sainit Louis. Mo....
Portlandl, Mo.-- _...--_
BRaltinmnor e,Md. _. -......
Olean, N. Y............--
Wiliamsport, Pa---. -
Lancaster, Ohio. -.
Brady's Bend, Pa ----.Newark, Ohio. -____.._
Buchanian, Mich..._
Boston, Mass...........--
Middlefieldi, N. V _. _. -
Sterling, Iowa..........Troy, N. V...-..........
Kend a, N. V..........
Feb. 8, 1870
Aug. 24, 1858
May 16,1871
Aug. 9, 1870
May 24, 1S64
June 28, 1864
Api. 3, 1866
Dee. 8, 1863
Jan. 5, 1858
Oct. 5, 186-9
Sept. 14, 1858
(Oet. 5, 1869
Oct. 6, 1868
Sept. 6, 1870
Oct. 7, 1846
Oct. 20, 1863
May 17, 1870
Aug. 16, 1870
Mar. 9, 1869
Jann. 26, 1858
Sept. 7, 1869
Mar. 1, 1870
Mar. 7, 1871
May 24, 1859
July 6, 1869
D)ec. 4, 1855
Mar. 8, 1870
Man-. 12, 1872
Dec. 24, 18;2
July 26, 1870
Dec. 16, 1856
Mar. 22, 1870
May 18, 1858
Dec. 27, 1859
May 17, 1870
Feb. 8, 1870
Jan. 19, 1869
Apr. 20, 1869
Dc. 21, 1869 -June 7, 1870
June 14, 18740
July 17, 185
Feb. 2-2, 18:0
Au,. 9, 1870
Novy. 7, 1 865
Dec. 14, 1809
July 17, 1880
An-g. 1, 11354
Nov. 10, 1868
Jan. 24, 1871
May 31, 1870
Ma-. 5, 1861
Nov. 7, 187 1
Ang. 16, 180
Nov.10, 1806)
Apr. 10,1855
July 200 180
Sept.14, 18
Nov. 16, 1809
Nov. 16, 1869
Sept. 213 1109
June 20, 156
May 5, 18
Nov. 11,181
Mfar. 21,18-8
Nov.30, 180)
Nov. its 1809
Oct. 28,1806
Oct. 26,1869
Oct. 31, 1871
Sept. 4,18600
June 6, 1871
Aug. 8,1871
Oct. 19,1869'
Nov. 14, 1854
Aun. 28, 18O
July 5, 18,.9
O)ct 1",18639
Dec. 27,189
Oct. 4,1870
Jan. 15,1,--1
Apr. 19, 1858
Jan. 20, luS
Oct. 26, 11358
Oct. 31871
-99, 632
21, 244
114, 758
106, 119
42, 835
43, 375
5:3, 574
40, 820
19, 021
95, 4:311
21, 4n-.6
95, 434
107, 008
4, 802
40, 3:31
10:3, 156
106, 471
87, 649
19, 186
941, 5;9
112, 4.11
24, 109
9)2, 28:4
13, 8(9
100, 515
124, 4310
134, 1:35
105, 791
1 6, 230
100, 999
20, 264
26, 568
103, 172
99, 5012
86, 011
89, 145
98, 058
104, 024
104, 306
13, 264
100, 146
106, 159
50, 8-24
97, 918
11, 4-28
8:1, 966
111, 12:1
103, 618
31, 603
120, 746
106, 367
97, 410
12, (080
92, 8:39
21, 8;2
96, 81:3
96i, 816
95, 360
28. 872
8, 514
19, 70:5
97, 303
96, 9:3-2
15, 997
120, 52(16
29, 900
115, 627
117, 909
96, 070
11, ((40
29, 806
2-1, 651
195, 711
96, 608
10 7, 950
31, 127
23, 698
19, 204
21, 961
119, 4-15
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1373, inclusive-Continued.
Car coupling, Railway.........................--
Car coupling, Railway------.--.-.--.--...........Car coupling, Railway ----------------- ------ ---
Car coupling, Railway-...------................Car coupling, Railway.........................--
Car coupling; Railway---------------------------
Car coupling, Railway..........................
Car coupling, Railway ---------... -
Car coupling, Railway...............
CrcooplingRailway ___-----------
Ca c ouplingIRailway ------ --------
Cii coupling,]1lway---------------------------
Car coupling Railw ry--------------
Car conulngLaiway....__-----------
Car coupling, Railway ------------ -
Car coupling, Railway.---.----------
Car coupiliug, Ralway--------------
Car coupling Railway --------------
Car coupling, Railway ---- ---------
Car couplingRailway.........................--
Car coupling,ThRlway--------------
Cai coupling Bailway-----------------
Car couplin', Railway.----- --------
Cai coiplirn., hailwax ------ ------ - -
Car couplingRidaiy--.-------...--- -
Car coupling, Railway------_.-------
Car couplingRailway------ ------
Car couplingRaiway -__-----------
Car couping, Raiway --------------
Cai couplingRarlwaa---------------
Car couplhng, Railway---------------
Car coupling, Railway.........................---
Car coupling, Rleversible railway...............--
Car-coupling, Self-acting.......................--
Car coupling, Sci f-disecgaging railway...........-- -
Car coupling, Spriiig..........................---
Car coupliiig, Strcet.....-------------- -.
Car-couplings, Automatic attachment for......
Car-couplings, Link-guide fbi................... - - -
Car-courplings, Link-guide for.....................
Car crank, Hand..............................--
Car door, Baggage.............................--
Cai-door fastening............................--
Cai-door fastening, Railway...............-- -- ---..
(Cir door Grain................................--
Cai doorGrain................................CardeorGrin---------------------------------.
Car deerGrain..............................
Cair(leer holder.........-------------
Caii-door, &c.,lock............................--
Cai deer leek................................---
C r-doi lock................................---
Car door, Railway.............................--
Cai deei, Railway............................--
Cair door, Railway............................ -- - - -- --
C atr.oor S tire e.-..-..-..-..-..--.-.-..--.--.--..-..-..--.--.--.
Cair doors Lock for freight.....................- - - -
Car doois, Openiig railway....................- -- -- --
C ar-doors, Operalng...............
C--------------ar donis Operatinig;'.........--...--...........Car-doors, &c., Seal for..........................
Car, Dumping.................................--
Car, Duminig............-----------
Car. Dumping...............................---
Car, Dumping................................
Car, Dumping..........-------------
C an D lii piug. ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CurDumping.................................Car, Duciping-...............................Car, Dunrpinl..................................
Car, Dumpin.................................---
Cai, Dumping................................--
Car Dumnping................................--
Car r impiin..................
J. Schneider _...........
G. Shatswell -------....---
G. C. Sherman..............--
J. C. Smith.................--
M. B. Smith-----------------
0. L. Smith.................---
E. F. Sadider...............D. G. NV. Snyder.............
A. L. Spear................--
WV. F.Spies.................J. 11. Swift.................---
A. B. Thompson.............S. Thorp andl W. D. Shuttleff..
\V. C. Tilton................--
J. B. Tracy..--- ------ ---
J. Turnbull.................J. Turner..................--
E. M. Van Itoesen arid N. H.
J. B. Vedder................--
NV. V. Wallace..............--
NV. V. Wall ace_............
J. C.W ard------------------
D. Warren------------------
Ii. Weclls...................--
A. Wellshmidt--------------
N. 11. Wentworth and M. L.
G. WV. Whieat...............--
0. H. Whiilman.............--
J. C. Wilson._..........
G. Winters...............----
S. WV. Weed..............---
0. D. Woodruff.............
J. Bonthreyd......... ----..
A. G. Safford._.-......
J. C. Price..................F. Stein~art.........--....
J. Stephienson-..............
G. H. Mlerriani.............
G. Stilison.................--
NV. Warinner and WV. L. D.
P. Greel.................---
J. H. Robertson..........---
1-. L. Clarke..............
J. K. Smith.................HI. D. Bird...................
J. Basier..-....._
1. A. Iiiaacll arid R. Miller...
S. E. Bright.................--
S. E. Knntt..............
G. Crandeli.................
Gi. 13. F. Cooper.............A. V. Uartwell.............--
J. L. Howard-_.........
T. 1'. Leighton._..........
B. Martin.................--
C. Barkher..................--
IU. L. Clark.................--
D.1 l.Hart..................NV. S. B:kexster..............
T. Castor....--..........
J. 0. and G. M. Brill.-_._
J. A. OHaire.................
D. NV. Long.................0.H. Avery................--
C. P. Bailey -------....---
A. J. Ballard.................
J. NV. Bancroft..............--
C. Barrett...............---
C. Barrett......_.........._
C. Barrett.................
T. Bootarnan............--
T. Bootainan.._.........
L. C. Brady..............---
J. Braidwood...............__
D. J. I' riunuer.......... -...
N. NV., C. NV., and N. H. Camp.
Chicago, Ill.......
Waukegan, Ill... _... _...
Chicago, Ill............
Stoughstown, Pa.-----
M attoon, Ill............
Providence, iR. I..___..West Penn, Pa--.....
Williamsport, Md..._
Flint, Mich.............
Baltimore, Md............
New Orleans, La..___._Oswego, N. Y...........Turner, Me........._
Spring Place, Ga-..-__.
Lincoln, Del...__.._._.
Edinburgh, Scotland..
East Nassau, N. Y.---
Syracuse,, N. Y..........
Gloversville, N. Y----.
New York, N. Y.-----
New York, N. Y.._..._
Charleston, S. C-._-_
Gettyshurgr, Pa.-__.Blooumirrgton, Ill.__-__
Albany, N. Y...........--
Somersworth, N. H.-___.
Philipsburgh, Pa. _._..
North Haverhill, N. H.__.
Appleton, Wis.......... _
Pertsmroiith, Pa...._.
Washringtonr, D. C. -_-.
Southringten, Cen.-.-_.
Michigan City, lad -.__-.
Bostern, M. ca............
New. Philadelphia, Ohio.
Danaville, N. Y..........New York, N. Y-_._
Portland, Me............
Birigham ton, N. Y...
Crcelshorouglr, Ky..
Meadville, Pa............
New York, N. Y.__.La Porte, md.._..._....
Port Clinton, Pa.__.._._
Pelershurgh, Va._._
Galesburgh, Ill..--_-.......
Aurora, ill.............._
Elk-horn, Wis -......-__
Chicago, I111.............Washington, D. C.-.___
New Alhany, nd..__
Chicago, Ill.............__
itaritord, Conna-. --_..--
Cameron, Mo...........--
Prairie do Chico, Wis.-_.
Knox County, Ill......
Rahwriy, N. J...........raiut Louis, Mo.----
Chicago, Ill............._
Philadelphia, Pa._.._.__
Philadelphia, Pa._-.-____
West Troy, N. Y.._
Baltimore, Md......
Pensacola, Fla -.__--
Zancsville, Ohio.
Cohoes, N. V............ _
Philadelphia, Pa.-----.
Boston, Mass..............
Bostorr, Mass..........
Boston, Mass............
Tompkinsville, N. Y -__.
New Brighton, N. Y..
Chanmbersville, Pa..-_-.
Wilrunrgtou, Ill. __.
North Petersburgh, N. Y..
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.,
andl Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Cleveland, Ohio. -_----.
Philadelphia, Pa._...__
New Orleans, La......
Albany, N. Y1.....
Jan. 5, 1858
Nov. 16, 18119
Sept. 26, 1871
July 6, 1869
Feb. 21, 1871
Mar. 3t0, 1869
Feb. 22, 187 0
July. 1869
Nov. 23, 1869
May 20, 1862
Nov. 29, 1851)
Dec. 22, 1868
July 17, 1860
July 20, 1869
Oct. 10, 1871
June 29, 1869)
July 20, 1852
Sept.. 26, 18 71
Jan. 11, 187 0
Aug. 3,1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Oct. 14, 1856
Jrir. 14, 1819
Aug. 3, 1869
Jan. 23, 1872
Mar. 15, 1859
Oct. 4, 1870
Aug. 3, 1869
Oct. 5, 1869
Sept. 16, 1851
ebh. 12, 1856
June 8, 1869
Sept. 8, 18,57
Dec. 11, 1849
Feb. 17, 1857
Apr. 26, 1819
Jan. 7, 1873
Dee. 16, 1873
Dec. 24, 18 72
Nov. 4, 1813
Feb. 9, 1864
Apr. 18, 1871
Sept. 5, 1854
Feb. 12, 1836
Jan. 29, 1867
Mar. 12, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
Sept. 10, 1867
May 25, 1869
Apr. 19, 1864
May 14, 181,7
Oct. 26, 1869
Jan. 18, 1870
Mar. 9, 1869
Apr. 31, 1867
May 17, 18 70
Aug. 29, 18 71
Aug. 16,1,87)
Feb. 4, 1873
July 2, 1861
Dec. 23.,187:1
Sept. 16, 1873
July 14, 1857
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 24, 1854
Oct. 18, 1870
Jan. 8, 1867
Dec. 19, 1871
Feb. 20,21872)
July 16, 1872
J rrre 14, 1870
May 27, 1873
Nov. 18, 1873
July 24, 1866
Mar. 28, 1871
Aug. 8, 1871
June 30, 1868
Dcc. 26, 1871
Jumly 13, 1869
Apr. 23, 187-1
Jurnly, 186
96, 976
92, 3 83
111, 985
88, 3:17
100, 804
92, 38,6
97, 242
35, 33:3
26, 303
85, 147
29, 205
92, 902
119, 897
92, 126
9, 144
119, 431
9)8, 723
93. 375
96. ti5l
15, 969
24, 420
122, 928
23, 282
107, 988
93, 381
95, 546
14, 265
18, 1:12
16, 654
23, 793
134, 616
145, 673
1:14, 173
144, 297
41, 574
113, 931
11, 656
61, 652
124, 5:15
132, 2:37
68, 694
9t0, 560
42, 452
64, 6:15
96, 230
98, 1917
87, 6oS
64, 2:16
10:3, 126
118, 514
135, 402
32, 681
145, 8:19
142, 810
17, 796
1:18, 361
10, 441
108, 313
61, 038
121, 9681
12:3, 762
129, 515
104, 254
139, 362
144, 654
56, 518
113, 013
117, 739
79, 4 45
122, 226
92, 426
126, 029
NV. Cliishoim...............--
F. B. Coheon................. -
J. G. Conlon.............---
D. S. Cook...............---
P. Daniels................
P. K. Dederick.............--
J. Disterdiek................
J. ii. Dubois................--
J. Elliott, J. P. Haririgton,
arrdl W. iP..Davenport.
C. Gates.................. Burlington, nd.. __........Aug. 17, 1869
D. Glover....................-Cass Township, Pa--. July 12, 1839
G. B. Goodwvin arid S. MeCord_. Milwaukee, WLis.......... Dcc. 22, 1868
J. M. Goodwin ---------Cleaveland, Ohio...........-Auge 13118742
J. M. Hanford aird J. Wood. Middletown, N. Y......June 3, 1873
WV. H. Hair&ing and G. F. Morse Poitlanid, Me.. _.........Apr. 4,187 1
G. WV. Hart........ _..-... -....Aurrind...-._........Dec. 1, 1857
E. C. Ilegele.. L dhI............... L ~le l_.-------------Sept. 27, 1870
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car, Dum ping.....................................
Car, D um ping-...................
Car, Dumping....................
Car, Dumping..................................
Car, Dumping...............................
Car, Dum pig.....................................
Car Dumping....---------------------------
Car, Dumping..
Car, Dumping............................
Car, Dumping...---------------------------
Car, Dumping..---------..................................
Car, Dumping.....................................
Car, Dumping....................................
Car, Dumping.....................................
Car, Dumping...................................
Car, Dumping....................................
Car, Dumping......................................
Car, Dumping..................................
Car, Dumping..............................
Car, Dumping..............-.....................
Car, Dumping............................
Car, Dumping.....................................
Car, Dumping..................................
Car, Dumping....................................
Car, Dumping.....................................---------------------------
Car, Dumping......................................
Car, Dumping.....................................
Car, Dumping.....................................
Car, Dumping....................................
Inventor..T. Hughes..................
J. Hughes...............------------------....
E. H. Jackson...........
I Keith.....--------------
J. Kimbel....................
S. D. King....................
S. D. K ing.-----------.-----.
S. D. King....................
S. D. King....................
W. R. Mafit..................
C. W. McLean and W. M. Elton
T. MeVay..................
W. Merrington and N. Kirkwood.
A. Nettleton.................
J. G. Payson................
A. Peteler...................
A. Peteler..................
A. H. Petsc..h.............
V. Riley,jr..............
W. Robinson..............
S. Rousculp and I. B. Shambaugh.
C. H. Sage....................
W. A. Sharp...-.............
E. C. Smeed...................
O. L. Smith....................
J. M. Thompson.............
J. M. Thompson...........
J. C. and F. A. Wiswell.....
Car, Dumping.................................... J. C. and F. A. Wiswell.......
Car-dumping apparatus..........................
Car, Dumping railway............................
Car duster and ventilator, Railway...............
Car duster, Railway...............................
Car draw-bar, Street......................................
Car draw-head, Railway..........................
Car, Drying......................................
Car, Earth........................................
Car elevating and transferring apparatus, Railway.
Car elevator, Coal................................
Car elevator, Coal.................................
Car, Extension railway...........................
Car, Fire-proof railway...........................
Car-floor slat-matting.............................
Car, Foot......................................
Car for carrying petroleum........................
Car for carrying petroleum.......................
Car for carrying petroleum, &c....................
Car for carrying petroleum, &c.................
Car for coal-mines, Dumping.....................
Car for day and night service, Railway.......
Car for dumping earth, &c.....................
Car for elevated railways....................
Car for grading, Dumping...................
Car for inclined planes, Safety....................
Car for mines, Ore and timber......................
Car for plank-roads, wooden rails, &c.............
Car for preventing accidents, Railway...........
Car for rail and other roads....................
Car for railways and locomotive-engine wheel.....
Car for railways, Hand...........................
Car for railways, Metallic........................
Car for railways, Sleeping.........._...........
Car for railways, Sleeping............
Car for removing gravel and earth on railways....
Car for transportation of coal...........
Car for transportation of coal, &c..............
Car for transporting and drying peat..............
Car for transporting petroleum...................
Car for turning curves, Railway..................
Car frame, Railway........................................
Car frames with metallic joints, Constructing railway.
Car, Freight......................................
Car, Freight......................................
Car, Freight......................................
Car, Freight......................................
Car, Freight......................................
Car, Grain.....................................
Car, Grain...................
Car, G rain......................
Car, Grain-drying...............................
Car, Groin dumping.............................
Car, Gravel.......................................
Car, Hand.........................................
Car, Hand.........................................
Car, Iland.........................................
Car, H and........................................
Car, Hand.......................................
Car, hand..............................
Car, Hand........................................
E. Cockill............
A. B. Cooley.................
J. P. Curry..................
L. M. Platt...................
J. C. Gove....................
II. C. Lowrie.................
J. K. Caldwell...............
R. H. Emerson................
W. T. Beckman.............
H. Arden.....................
P. I. Lamey.................
P. H. Lamney..................
J. S. Brown..................
G. C. Bestor..................
S. Lewis...................
N. Hodge.....................
J. Clark....................J. Clark.......................
J. Scott.......................
S. J. Seely.............
M. G. Smith and W.P.Stephens
J. B. Creighton.......
M. Berney...............
J. B. Newbrough.........
W. Price...............
J. Tittle......................
G. Williams................
G. Morgan...................
F. W. Jenkins............
J. A. Whitford...........
M. W. Baldwin..............
A. Welsch...............
B. J. La Mothe...............
C. L. Harrington...........
E. Wheeler...................
G. Palmer....................
L. Myers.....................
R. Winans...................
D. E. Teal....................
J. and A. Densemore..........
J. H. Quail............
R. M. C. Parker...........
H. Bachman...............
T. L. Niekols..............
J. D. Billings................
S. WV. Downey...............
C. R. Foote and J. Orton......
L. Myers.............
T. R.'Timby................
A. E. Gordon...............
WV. II. Long and J. E. Lavey..
S. W. Wood..............
C. S. Dole..................
L. Bamnmerlin...............
T. C. Hendry................
W. T. Beckman..............
L. J. Ca:hell.................
J. Collins...................
M. E. Hastings............
J. D. Hinckley..............
D. M. Hunt................
D. Johnston...............
New Borne, N. C........
New Berne, N. C.......
Boston, Mass.............
West Sandwich, Mass....
Zanesville, Ohio........
Middletown, N. Y........
Middletown, N. Y....
Middletown, N. Y........
Middletown, N. Y........
Wilkesbarre, Pa.......
New Berne, N. C., and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Braddock's Field, Pa......
McKeesport, Pa..........
Springfield, Mass........
Foxborough, Mass........
New Brighton, N. Y.......
New Brighton, N. Y.......
Charleston, S. C......
Terre Haute, Ind..........
Bellfontaine, Ohio.........
Thornville and Slcio, Ohio.
Fulton, N. Y..............
Tama City, Iowa........
Lawrence, Kans.......
Providence, R. I..........
Hokah, Minn..........
Quincy, Cal................
Quincy, Cal...........
Lennoxville, Canada, and
Beebe Plain, Vt.
Lennoxville, Canada, and
Beebe Plain, Vt.
Llewellyn, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y......
Chicago, Ill...............
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Fort Wayne, Ind......
Allegheny City, Pa.....
Chicago, Ill............
Petersburgh, Ill..........
Cincinnati Ohio...
Wiconisco, Pa..........
Wiconisco, Pa............
L-well, Mass............
Peoria, Ill...._............
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
North Adams, Mass.......
Canandaigua, N. Y........
Pontiac, Mich.........
Lawrenceville, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Kingston, Pa......
Tiffin, Ohio..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio....
Johnstown, Pa...........
Sterling, Colo..........
Calhouin, Tennu........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Chicago, Il.....l........
Niw York, N. Y........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Elmira, N. Y..............
Greenbush, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Norwich, N. Y..........
Meadville, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa......
Memphis, Tenn........
Lancaster, Pa.............
Alexandria, Va...........
Rutland, Vt..............
Piedmont, W. Va........
Williamstown, Mass......
Phildelphia, Pa..........
Tarrytown, N. Y..........
New Brunswick, N. J.....
Plymouth, Ind.....
Cornwall, N. Y......
Chicago, Ill...............
Massillou, Ohio..........
Conyers, Ga..............
Petersburgh, Ill......
Salisbury, Md..........
Fai view, Ohio....
Salisbury, Md.............
Adrian, Mich.............
Southamnpton Mills, Pa....
Eddyville, Iowa..........
May 14,1872 126, 859
July 15,1873
Aug. 19, 187:3
July 31, 1866
July 13, 1869
Oct. 3, 1854
Nov. 8, 1870
Feb. 21, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
Apr. 2, 1872
Oct. 4, 1864
July 9, 1872
Sept. 12, 1871
Nov. 1, 1870
Jan. 30, 1849
July 1, 1873
Mar. 16, 1869
May 30, 1871
Aug. 1, 1854
Oct. 25, 1870
Dcc. 31, 1872
Aug. 29, 1871
Aug. 31, 1869
Apr. 18, 1871
Oct. 18, 1870
Mar. 22, 1870
Nov. 26, 1867
Aug. 6, 1872
Aug. 6, 1872
June 20, 1871
140, 779
142, 021
56, 756
92, 457
1.9, 023
112, 052
119, 856
125, 337
44, 539
128, 744
118, 959
108, 810
6, 065
140, 534
87, 966
115, 514
11, 441
108, 632
134, 488
118, 557
94, 445
113, 804
108, 400
101, 057
130, 334
130, 335
116, 127
Sept. 19, 1871
July 3, 1860
Aug. 30, 1870
June 15, 1869
Mar. 2, 1869
Dec. 23, 1873
Nov. 16, 1869
Apr. 11, 1854
Dec. 16, 1873
May 5, 1868
Feb. 4, 1873
July 22, 1873
Jan. 15, 1856
Aug. 30, 1870
Sept. 12, 1871
June 22, 1852
Nov. 3, 1863
Mar. 18, 1873
Jan. 20, 1863
June 2, 1863
Oct. 9, 1866
May 18, 1858
Sept. 11, 1849
Dcc. 5, 1871
Nov. 2, 1869
Feb. 10, 1846
July 17, 1866
June 11, 1850
June 19,1866
Jn. 20, 1841
June 29, 1833
Dec. 13, 1859
Sept. 24, 1861
Aug. 3, 1858
Aug. 3, 1858
Jan. 16, 1843
June 24, 1851
June 26, 1847
Feb. 11, 1868
Apr. 10, 1866
Feb. 28, 1844
Jan. 7, 1873
May 2, 1835
Dec. 4, 1860
May 31, 1859
Jan. 14, 1868
Jan. 12, 1864
July 1, 1865
Oct. 31, 1871
Dec. 5, 1571
May 26, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
May 9, 1871
Jan. 3, 1871
Dec. 13, 1859
Feb 21, 1871
Jan. 30, 1 872
Jan. 16, 1873
June 17, 1873
Ma:. 11, 187:1
June 20, 1871
28, 969
106, 786
91, 366
87, 486
145, 881
96, 882
10, 775
145, 611
77, 706
135, 565
141, 148
14, 083
106, 771
118. 952
9, 054
40, 458
136, 813
37, 461
38, 765
58, 736
20, 254
6, 712
121, 539
96, 481
4, 381
56, 480
7, 427
55, 663
1, 931.....
26, 453
33, 350
21, 070
21, 099
2, 909
8, 177
5, 175
74, 255
53, 794
3, 457
134, 701.....
30, 833
24, 189
73, 308
41, 212
48, 830
120, 552
121, 612
134, 181
114, 534
110, 724
26, 460
112, 008
123, 322
122, 814
116, 527
140, 039
136, 652
116, 062
Index of palents issucd from lthe Lnitd Slairs Patlent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car, Hand....--------------------------..
C ar h an g er, R ailw ay.........................
Car-heater--------------..................-----..............- - - - - - - - -
Car heater and ventilator......................
Catr heater and ventilator........................
Car heater and ventilator, Railway.............
Car heater and ventilator, Railway------. ----.--
Car heater and ventilator, Railway----------
Car heater and ventilator, Railway.........
Car heater and ventilator, Railway...............
Car heater and ventilator, Railway............
Car heater and ventilator, Railway..........
Car heater, Passenger.......................
Car heater, Railway...-...........
Car heater, Railway-...---------------------..Catr heater, Railway.................
Car heater, Railway... - -.......
Car heater, Railway...-----------------------
Car heater, Railway..----------------------
Car heater, Railway-...----------------....---
Car heater, Railway.........................
Car heater, Railway..............................
Car heater, Railway-..............................
Car heater, Railway..............................
Car heater, Railway.------------------------..............................
Car heater, Railway...-----------------------
Car heater, Railway...-----------------------
Car heater, Railway -... ----------.......
Car heater, Railway...............................
Car heater, Railway...........................
Car heater, Railway---------------................--..------.........
Car heater, Railway----------------...............................
Car heater, Railway..............................
Car heater, Railway.......................
Car heater, Railway...-----------------------
Car heater, Railway..................
Car heater, Railway---....--..------------------
Car heater, Railway- --.......................
Car heatetr, Railway.-------------
Car heater, Railway.......................
Car heater, Railway.....----------------------
Car heater, Railway.......................
Car heater, Railway....-----------------------
Car heater, Railway......----------------------
Car heater, Railway.......................
Car heater, Railway....-----------------------
Car heater, Railway.......................
Car heater, Railway............................
Car heater, Railway--..........................
Car heater, Railway...............................
Car heater, Railway....----------------------
Car heater, Railway------................... -
Car heater, Railway-----......------------------
Car heater, Railway...............................
Car heater, Railway...................
Car heater, Railway............................ _.
Car heater, Railway..............................
Ca~r teater, Rtalway -------------------------
Car heater, Steam........................
Car heater, Steam railway.....................
Car heater, Street................................
Car heaters, Coupling for steam....................
Car heaters, Pipe connection in railway........
Car hooks, Machine for bending................
Car-hooks, Machine for bending and punching....
Car, Horse-railway.-....-----------------------
C ar, Ice.......................
Car indicator, Railway.........................
Car indicator, Street-railway-----...-----------..
Car, Iron -------------------------..........................................Car, Iron railway.................................
Car, Iron railway..................
Car, Iron railway.................................
Car jack, Railway.............................
Car-jum per......................
Car-links, Manufacture of......................
Car-loading machine..--------------...
Car lock, Freight...------------------..Car lock, Freight.........................
Car lock, Freight...--------------.....
Car lock, Freight...
Car lock, Railway.........................
Car, Locomotive........................
Car, Locomotive..........................
Car, Locomotive and railway................
Car, M arine.............................---
L. H. Kenyon..............
T. S. Hudson....-------------
J. C. Eckert......-------..........A. H. Lighthall and C. F. North
W. S. McNeil and O. S. Cadwell. jr.
T. Smith and J. O.Reilly......
E. IIimrod....................
W. S. McNeil.................
S. Darling..---------------
S. W. Francis........
T. H. Mott---------------...................E. L. Roberts................
T.F. Strong.................
A. Weeks..........
C. F. W horf...................
G. K. Dearborn...............
J. G. Allen--------------...................J. G. Allen.................
I. R. Amsdam..............
T. B. Atterbury........
W. C Baker...........
W. H. Beal--------------..................
B. Berghausen and A. L. Kiesling.
E. Bradley and J. G. Fulghum
H. M. Britton................
C. Carpenter......------
D. C. Chipman.....------------
A. C. Crary......
A. Davidsolhn.......
I. Dripps..-----------------
W. B. Farwell...........
J. Gibson, jr................
P. Grandjean.........
W. G. Kendrick............
J. E. Kline...................
G. S. Koontz, E. Potts, and M.
D. Lewis.
F. McManus..................
F. M. Meddock...............
W. Meller-....................
J. P. Michaels and L. W.
A. C. Miner................
W. Pauli....................
C. F. Pike.................
J. Pine.......................
J. Rice...-..................
H. R. Robbins.................
A. M. Rodgers.............
C. Sa- born..................
E. S. Scripture and W. Stockman.
J. Shackleton................
F. Shaller....................
C. Smith.....-................
E. Spencer...---------
F. J. Steinhauser and H. M.
G. F. Stone...................
1B. D. Thompson............
A. Weeks...............
J. H. Weibel.................
WV. Westlake-------------.................G. B Riggins.............
A. C. Crary...............
J. Gibson, jr.................
W. N. McDuiffey and B. F.
M. S. Bolt....................G. Morris..................
D. G. Morris..............
D. T. Robinson...........
F. L. Kidder...................
C. II. Cofiin.................
J. Knight...............
R. Montgomery....-.....
J. Davenport.----.......-..- - -
H. Merrill................
J. Miner and S. Merrick.......
E. C. Patterson..................
C. C. Dow.....................----------------
R. Cathcart..................
G. H. Sellers..................
S. J. Bingham.............
H. Ritchie.o.............
O. F. Burton..................
H. C. Jones...................
J. F. Keeler...................
T. Slaight...............
C. T. Gibson.......
W. Romans...................
H. F. Shaw...............
J. P. Fairlamb and L. C. Judson.
A. Bloomquish and C. Crook...
East Greenwich, R. I......
Cambridge, Mass..........
Dayton, Ohio.............
Cohoes, N. Y..............
Springfield, Mass.........
Baltimore, Md...........
Dunmore, Pa.........
Springfield, Mass.......
Bangor, Me.............
Newport, R. I...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Fond du Lac, Wis..........
Minneapolis, Minn........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Abington, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cologne, Germany.-......
Nashville, Tenn...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Noblesville, Ind...........
Utica, N. Y..............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Fort Wayne, Ind......._.
New York, N. Y........
Albany, N.Y............
Paris, France............
Wilmington. Del.......
Wheeling, W. Va...
Washington, D. C., and
Baltimore, Md.
Ellenburgh Centre, N. Y..
Mainsville, Ohio..........
McKeesport, Pa..........
Vienna, Austria..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Alexandria, Va...........
Providence, R.I.. - --..........
New York, N, Y..........
Bloomington, Ind........
Baltimore, Md............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chichester, N. H..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Rahway, N. J..........
Hudson, N. Y.........
Hermon, Me..............- -
Elizabeth, N. J............
Lancaster, Pa............
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y._.........
Minneapolis, Minn........
Geneva, Switze-land......
Milwatukee, Wis..........
New York, N. Y..........
Utica, N.Y.............
Albany, N.Y.............
Petersburgh, Va..........
Elmira, N. Y..............
Catasauqua, Pa..........
Catassuqua, Pa...........
Boston, Mass.-...-..........----
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass..............Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y....
Massillon, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y...........
New Brighton, Pa.........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
I Baltimore, Md.......
Ph enixvillc, Pa...........
Garlandsville, Miss........
Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J.............
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Newark, N. J...........
Baltimore, Md............
Columbus, Ohio...........
West Roxbury, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Oct. 7, 1873
Apr. 30, 18 2
Oct. 20, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
Aug. 25, 1868
Oct. 6,1868
Mar. 16, 18J9
June 8, 1869
June30, 1868
Apr. 28, 18168
July 29, 1873
Aug. 18, 1868
July 2, 1861
Apr. 27, 1869
Apr. 22, 1873
Jan. 28, 1862
Sept. 6, 1870
July 11, 1871
Aug.25, 1868
June 18, 1872
Mar. 10, 1868
Mar. 9, 1869
Nov. 4, 1873
June 18, 1872
Sept. 8, 1868
Aug. 18,1868
June 29, 1869
Mar. 2, 1869
I)ec 8, 1868
Oct. 6, 1868
Sept. 15, 1868
Dec. 28, 1869
Oct. 25, 1870
Aug. 1', 1867
Sept. 21, 18609
Mar. 23, 1869
Mar. 23, 1869
Oct. 13, 1868
Mar. 8, 1870.
Jan. 28, 1873
June 16, 1868
Nov. 27, 1860
Mar. 26, 1872
Oct. 9, 1860
July 28, 1868
May 2, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
July 20, 1869
Sept. 9, 1873
May 30, 1871
Mar. 1, 1870
Jan. 26, 1869
Dec. 15, 1868
Nov. 2, 1869
Apr. 30, 1872
Sept. 26, 1871
Jan. 5,1869
Nov. 11, 1873
July 29, 1862
June 18, 1872
June 22, 1869
Jan. 1, 1867
Jan. 21, 1873
Jan. 5, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Aug. 9, 1870
Jan. 8, 1867
Mar. 18, 1862
June 10, 1873
June 30, 1868
Aug. 7, 1860
Mar. 22, 1859
Mar. 31, 1863
Jan. 10, 1880
June 16, 1868
Mar. 2, 1869
Oct. 9, 1660
Mar. 29, 1864
Jan. 30, 1872
Apr. 7, 1857
July 16, 1872
Dec. 11, 1855
Oct. 2, 1860
Sept. 23, 1856
Aug. 8, 1871
Jan. 28, 1862
Oct. 3, 1865
Jan. 9, 1838
143, 513
126, 299
83, 142
75, 172
81, 392
82, 885
87, 846
91, 148
79, 449
77, 270
141, 372
81, 211
32, 726
89, 529
138, 062
34, 280
107, 149
116, 914
81, 322
127, 945
75, 345
87, 532
144, 183
128, 103
81, 873
91, 824
87, 472
84, 735
82, 810
82, 210
98, 248
108, 702
67, 770
95, 026
88, 183
83, 076
100, 543
135, 239
78, 990
30, 753
124, 973
30, 347
80, 505
114, 349
113, 348
92, 753
142, 737
115, 533
100, 333
86, 255
84, 969
96, 498
126, 343
119, 249
85, 712
144, 425
36, 044
128, 174
91, 524
60, 714
135, 137
85, 539
93, 467
106, 188
61, 021
34, 718
139, 771
79, 480
29, 510
23, 333
38, 082
26, 777
78, 994
87, 399
30, 297
42, 147
123, 146
17, 013
129, 524
13, 911
30, 2-29
15, 783
117, 76
34, 270
50, 282
56, 351
56, 66)
New York, and Yonkers, July 17,1866
Charlestown, Mlass........ July 24, 1866
Car, Marine.G------------------------------I G. II. Young-------------..................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
CaMetallic railway...........................
Car, Moealrailway...............................
C ar-m over - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-m over...................
Cat-m overt - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-m over - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car mover, Railway............................
Car-moving device............................_
Car, Oil-tank...................
Car0 cariage spring, Railway.................
Car, Passeiiger-railway.........................
Car, Passenger-railway........................--
Car Peat........... - -.......
Car, Pendulous railway------------------------..
Car, Petroleum -................
Car, Petroleum-----------------------------......
Car, Petroleum................................
Car-platform -----------------------------------
Car-platform bridge............................
Car platform, Railway-------------------------...
Crplatform, Railway _________------_---------
Car plalforto, Railway......................
Car platform, Safety............................
Car-platform stakeholder.......................
Car, Pneumatic..................
Car, Pneumatic railway........................
Cat, Pneumatic street.........................---
C-r propelled by horse-power, Railway..... _.._..
Cai propeller...................................
Car -propeller----------------------------------
Cai propeller--------------------------------....
Cat- propelling apparatus....- - - - --......
Cat-propelling apparatus.......................
Cat propulsion------------ -------------------
Ca r-pusher-- -....................
Cat pushing device---------------------------___
Car pushingjack, Railway----------------------
Car pushingjack, Railway.-.-------..-..----..------.
Car, Railway...................................
Car, Railway -......................
Car, Railway....................................
Car, Railway...................................
Car, Railway.................................---
Car, Railway "..................................
Car, Railway -.......................
Car, R ailw ay...................................
Car, Radiway...................
Cat, Railway..................................
Car, Railw-ay...................................
Car, Ranlway...................................
Car, Railw-y..................s
C t Railway...................
Cat, Railway----------------------------------
Car, Railway--------------------------------...
Cat, Railway----------------------------------
Car, Railwa-----------------------------------
Cat, Railway................................
Cat, Railway--------------------------------....
CiRailway.................-..........-.-.-.-.Cat- Railway--------------------------------...
Cat ailay-------------------------
Cat-, Ranlway-..................................
C-t Railway...................
C r Railway...................
C ar, R ailw ay..................
Car-, Railway...................................
J. O'Neill...J.L Mth...............
JA. Roebling-------------..
F. L. Bailey.................
S. Becket- and P. Loucks.-..
R. A. Cowell----------------.
J. Dorngass--------------- ---
H. B.inMerriso-------------
E. Spiuera..................
G. XV. Ilgenfritz and M. Schall
T. Castorss---------------.---
E. Y. Robbins--------------..
T. J. Wells..................
S. T. Jones-----------------..
J. Den-more atid G. W. N.
J. Densmoro and (G. W. N.
J. and A. Densuiore and W.
N. Yost.
H. S. Wilcox.................
B. G. Fitzhuigh...............
A. Rank....................
R. A. Cowell.................
J. Giltuer...................--
H1. Hoicroft and C. S. Smith -.- -
CRAbbot -----------------
C. H. Bryan..-.-........-----
L. Ransom..................
H. G. Yates-----------------.
ID. Myers......................
C.W. Wailey.._.............
D. W. Crocker--------------..
J. Day--------------------...
(G. W. Earl..................
P. W. Phillips...............
It. Steel and S. Austin._...
C. T. Harvey................
J. Roy --------- -- ------ -----
R. lDeLeidi.................
A. S. Bailey..................
1R. Lane -.........
H. Odenatli----------------..
1P. A. Cowell.................
E. Hutson -------------------
A. Biidges..................
T. S. Hudson ---....-----
E. H. Asheroft....-- ----
A.W. Beach.--"----------------
G. and1 G. T. Benjamin and H.
S. Weston.
H. Buck-------------------...
1. Bullock------------------..
T. Castor..--------
G. W. Cook..................
WE. Crno..................
L. B. Crittenidenu.............
M. M. Crooker..............
J. Davis and WV. Ashdown ---
II11 Derby and T. West.. W.Eddy................
J. Elgar....................
J. SFairfax................J. P. Faittlatmb..............D. Fitzgerald...............
J. Foreman.................
WV. C. Fuller.................
E. J. Gird...................
A. Greg....................
J. W. Griffiths...............
G. S. Hacker.............._
WV. S. Hall. -.......
C. T. Ha-rvey.................
S. C. Hawkins...............
I..Kaa ngt-----------------. T.nigon....................
Brooklyn, N. Y.-_........
New York, N. Y..._
Trenton, N.J.............
Freeport, Ind... _.._.. _....
Yor-k, Pa.................
Cleveland, Ohio........._
MeConnelistown, Pa..
Le Roy, N. Y............
Davis, Ill.................
Davis, Ill................_
Pottstown, Pa.-------.---..
York, Pa...............
Scranton, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa......
Cincinnaii, Ohio.....
Saint Anthony, Minn..
Phtiladelpia, Pa.----
Meadville and Corry, Pa..
Dec. 16, 1i73
July 26, 1870
Oct. 16, 1860
Dec. 8, 1868
Apr. 26, 1870
July 29, 1873
Apr. 7, 1868
Mar. 10, 1868
Apr. 12, 1870
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 26, 1870
July 7, 1868
Dec. 29, 1857
Feb. 21, 1860
Nov. 3, 1868
Jan. 22, 1867
Feb. 22, 1810
June 26, 1866
Meadville and Corry, Pa.-. Jutie 26, 1866
Meadville and Corry, Pa.. June 26, 1866
West Meriden, Con-..._
Ellicott City, Md----
Salemi, Ohio.............--
Cleveland, Ohio..
Monticello, Fla..... _-....
Chester Valley, Pa ----
Elmira, N. Y.............
Racinie, Wis..............
Lansinghurgh, N. Y...
Kalamazoo, Mich.._._._.
Chicago, 1111.------------..
New Orleans, La......
Philadelphia, Pa _-__.--
Holley, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y...
Bristol, England...
Philadelphia, Pa......
Tarrytown, N. Y......
New Orleans, La. __.
Brooklyn, N. V.........
Paxton, Ill-----------...
Freeport., Ill...........--
Philadelphia, Pa.__..__.
Cleveland, Ohio..__.
Brockport, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.-----
Cambridge, Mass..._.
Lynn, Mass.............--
Stratford, Conn..- _- -.
Petht Amboy, N.J...
Millersburgh, Ohio. _.
Polo, Ill...............
New York, N. Y. _-___.
Troy, Ohio-------------. _
Philadelphia, Pa. _.__.
Rock Island, Ill.__..._.
Dorchester, Mass. _-.
New York, N. V.....
Pittsburgh, Pa.. _........Rutland, Vt............._
Baltimore, Md....--...
Boston and Roxbury, Mass
Waterford, N. Y.-__-.
Baltimore Md..........--
Wheeling, IW. Va.-.__-.
Philadelphia, Pa..__.
New York, N. Y......
Pottstown, Pa..__......
Syracuse, N. Y... _....... _
Purest City, Cal.__.
East Bostoni, Mass.
Charleston, S. C -.__-._-.
Qnincy, Mass...........--
Tarrytown, N. V.--.__
Patchoue, N. Y.--__-.__.
Lishurn, Pa..............
Baltimore, Md. _..-.....
New York, N. Y. _-.Monitana, Iova. _.......
Demopolis, Ala...........
XWikiisbutgh, Pa..__.
Wilkinsburgh, Pa.-._--.
Wilkiusburglt, Pa.--_Genieva, Switzer-land._..
Sacramento, Cal.
Brooklyn, N. Y....
Boston, Mass., atid New
York, N. Y.
New Brighton, Pa ---.
Philadelphia, Pa -...
Kennett Square, Pa.___.
Ililadelpltia, Pa _.______
Baltimore, Md. _.._....
Aug. 27, 1867
July 7, 1868
Apr. 28, 1868
Jan. 10, 1871
Oct. 5, 1869
June 2, 1863
Sept. 3, 1867
July 25, 1861
Dec. 10, 1867
Sept. 9, 1873
Oct. 18, 18.0
Nov. 24, 1868
Oct. 31,1834
Sept. 2, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 13, 18(14
Nov. 4, 1813
Apr. 16, 1867
Dec. 27, 1870
Feb. 18, 1873
June 3, 1873
Oct. 4, 1870
June 18, 187-2
Dec. 7, 1869
Jan. 7, 1868
May 3, 1870
Apr. 30, 187-2
May 15, 1866
Sept. 5, 1865
Feb. 13, 1872
Dec. 18, 1866
Mar. 4, 1873
Oct. 11, 1841
Dec. 28, 1869
Dec. 6, 1864
Dec. 26, 1865
Nov. 22, 1819
Dec. 7, 1869
July 9, 1867
May 26, 18688
Mar. 4, 1836
Aug. 22, 1865
Feb. 11, 1868
Oct. 1, 1830
Jan. 1, 1887
Jan. 19, 1833
May 11, 1869
Sel 10, 1887
Oct. 23, 1846
Mar. 19, 1872
Fob. 19, 1867
May 9, 1871
Mar. 5,1850
July 4,165
July 7, 1868
Oct. 17, 1865
Mar. 2, 01880
Apr. 28,1836
Apr. 4,18a4
Oct. 12, 1869
Nov. 3, 1868
Apr. 23, 1872
Sept. 17, 187-2
June 10, 1873
Sept. 30, 1873
Oct. Â~2, 1861
July 24, 1866
May 3, 1864
Nov. 29, 1859
Aug. 29, 1865
Dec. 31,1867
Julie 3, 18317
Feb. 16, 1889
145, 558
105, 699
30, 426
84, 789
102, 357
141, 327
76, 421
75, 447
301, 780
84, 012
102, 388
79, 573
18, 961
27, 20:3
83, 731
61, 493
55, 830
55, 831
55, 832
68, 327
79, 646
77, 321
110, 901
95, 579
38, 743
68, 543
48, 899
7-2, 082
142, 605
108, 380
84. 447
142, 443
144, 076
45, 450
144, 235
63, 887
110, 501
135, 97-2
-139, 529
107, 926
128. 185
97, 480
7:3, 101
102, 482
128, 298
54, 662
49, 695
123, 610
60, 465
136, 359
98, 227
45, 3116
51. 698
97, 808
66, 467
78, 188
49, 508
74, 32.5
60, 868
90, 060
67, 119
4, 827
124, 734
82, 127
114, 6875
7, 140
48, 553
79, 756
50, 472
27, 547
10, 7-21
95, 697
83, 717
Idex of pa~tets issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
1 5
Car, R-ilway7 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
C-r Railv ay. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
Car, Raislway..................
Cai, Railwa- -- - - - --i- -- - - - - - - - -
Cir, Rail,ay--------------------------- --------
CarlRaihway - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -
Cas, 1,'tilw ay - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
C(r Riliaiy.................................--
Caii R ailw iv.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cari Railwa'y-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C ii, P ailwa - - - -- - - -... - - --s- - - -
Cat, Railwa...................
Cari, Raiway - -----------------
C-arRail-way atd(tl. -,..--..------
Car Railway- atieg...........................
Car, Railway cattle------------------------------
Cari Railway cattle -------------.......
Cai, Railway dittl --ng--------------------------
Cii Railwaiy cdumping------------------------- -
Ca, Raiilwsay dieingt........ -..-.
Cai- Raiwasy freight----------------
Car, Railwayfreighlt--------------
Car Railway freight...........................
Cai-, Railway freight...........................
Car, Railway freight.-.---.........
Car Railway freight..........................Car, ihailwsay fehand...........................
Car, lRailvwyhand............................--
C-si- Pailwayihandt----------------------------
Cai, Railwsayvhotel ----------------------------
Car, R'nlsway passenger -------------
Car i lsiwayxpassenger.-.----------
Car, Railwasy sleeping --------------
CarRailway sloepink,...-.-.._.......-..
Car, Railway sleeping..........................
Ca, Railway stock----------------------- ------
Car, Railway stock----------------------------...
Car, Railwiy stock..............................
Cari Raiiway stock ---------------
Cai, Railway stock............................--
Car, Raiwiystock-.-............._...........Car, Railway stock............................--
CarRaiw-y stock.------------------ --------
Cai, Railwxay stock............................---
Car, Railway, stock............................--
CarItRailwaiy stock.............................
Car, R-ilwaiy street....................._.......
Cai-, Refiigerating-------------._
Car, Refrigerator.............
Cari, Refrigerator railway----------------------...
J. R Re-ader.................
A. V.11hidcr -..__...._
1) T. Rolisoson..............
J. F. Dodgers--------------.C. W. Siladee.----.--------
C. W. Sladee_.._.........
S. J. el,-------------------
S. Stlilnsan------------------.
S- 1 S *s n er - - - - - - - - - - -
S. V -situ............
J. C. Wandsa................
C. Waterbiury.........
P. HI. Watsoii...............
Rt. T. Al. Wells...............
R1. T. AT. Wells..............--
11. \Vinsans........
J. Withers.................--
J. Withycoinbe aiid C. Reibleisi.
J. Wsright...................
A. Welsch-.---- --------- --- --
L. Buagger..................E.Payne and J. P. Cleghorn--
C. F. Pike - - - - -- - -- -
J. B. Shafer.................--
J. WV. Street................--
G. MT. Pullman--------------_
T. A. Mcl~arland........ _...
J. IL. Aldrich................
IL. Eaton ------ "-------------
NV A. Goodwin.-------------
1R. H. Gordon, Si..--- -_----
B. P. Lansason-------------..
J. P. Woodhury -..........
11. L. Brown.----------
11. Fisher -- -------------
J. C.i-earne...............--
G. M. Pullman..............--
J. Stephenson. --_---.
J.TF. Worley.........
J. S. Puit ois- -- --- ---
G. W. Hunt................--
T. Luce and 1. IT. Mor-ison. - --
G. Pi. Blanchard-------------
'T. S. Kenidall..........
J. S. Kendall...............--
111. Lee - " - - - -- - - - - -
W. M. Lyon ---------
A. Rtank...................--
A. Rank ------ -- ---
A. ilank, 11. King, and J. Sharp
S. W. Remer ---------
W. Stark, J. G. Fisher, and S.
W. Staik, J. G. Fisher, and S.
S. H. Lottie..................
A. Booth.-.-...............--
L. Kniffen..................J. 1). Potts and B. P. Lamason.
New York, N. Y.--
New York. N. V......
Boston, Muss. ---........
Troy, N. V.............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Pittshurgh, Pa.-.......-.
Buffalo, N. V-----------..
Jeisey City, N. J.
Lancaster, Pa -.-.-.
Plsilaelelpliia, Pa..
Nashv-ile, Tein. --..
Bridgepso- 1, Con -....
Ashtabnula, Oio...Franklin Centre, Vt..
Roxbury, Mass -......
Baltimore, Md.-.---..
BPart Township, Pa-.Cleveland, Ohio. -----..
Columbia, Pa,.............
Chicago, Ill.............W ashingtoii, ). C..---
Chiica,,o, Ill.............Provideiice, H. I......
Grafton, Va--............
Marslhalltowii, Iowai.
Chicag~o, Ill........
Meadville, Pa...........--
Nashua, N. H-----------..
M'ontreal. Canada..-.-..
Newvton, Muss -.......
Cle veland, Ohio..........Milton, 1Pa..............A shtabnla, Ohio. ---.
Boston, Mass...........--
Adrian, Michi......... -.
Alliance, Ohio..... _......
Pleasant Hill, Mich...
Chicago, Ill.............
Neov Yor-kN. -....
Cleveland, Ohio.-----
Saint Lcuis, Mo....
RlophiJnton, Mass.----
Detroit., Mich...-.....-..
Pal imesoe, Md.....-....
Noithilield, Mi......
vos-thileld, Minn.....
Beoloit, NWis..............
Salons, Ohio..............
Salem, Ohio. - -......
Salons, Ohio...-........
Saleim, Ohio..............
Taunton, Mass..........--
White Pigeon, Mich., and
Toledo, Ohio.
White Pigeon, Micli., and
Toledo, Ohio.
Resemond, Ill. -.......
Chicago, Ill.............
Worcestetr, Mass..-.
Philadelphia and Milton,
Philadelphia, Pa......
New York, N. Y....
Iindianapolis, Iiii......
Philadelphia, Pa...
Manier hill, Pa.-.......-..
Freeport, Indl............
Siunamahoning, Pa...
Finkshnrgls, Md..-..-.Finkshurgh, Md.----
Wooster, Ohio.......
Brooklyn, N. V......
Now Yoik, N Y.......
Ithaca, N. Y.......
Utica, N.Y........
Now York, N.Y.......
iioxbur}-, Mass......
Oil City, Pa -------
M acon, Ill.- ---- ---
New Yoik, N Y V -. -.
Saltshesrgh a.......
Morristown, N. J......
New V rk, N. XTV.
Pate. No.
Nov 13.I1-C6
May 14, 1872
Sepst.'26, 1848
Pec. 9,187:1
Dec. 9, 1873
Apt. 24,181;0
Ja.si 10,Cbs
2: os 10,1132
Api. 4,l1865
Ass. 1), 18:3
Juine 29 1852
Jan. 5, 1869
Jan. 3,i1865
July 10,i1866
Oct. 1,1814
Mari 25, 1835
Jin. 26, 1864
Sept. 10,1829
S5- st. 29,is-ti3
Nov.26, 1872
Fech 1, 1870
July 31, 1860
Nov. 2, 1869
Aprs. 27, 1169
May 24, 1864
Nov. 5, 1867
Jatn. 1, 1167
Feb. 23, 11369
May 27,113
Eels. 11, 1873
Mlar. 17, 1868
As--'31, 1869
Sept. 7,11369
Nov. 29 11359
Juine 6,1871
Api. 27,1869
Apr. 22,1833
Nov. 8,1870
Pee. 10, 1867
Jain.4, 18s9
A ug.2s5118
Msy725a 1869
June 1,1869
June 1,11369
May 23, 1871
Mnas.12, 1872
Mis. 121812
l'eh.14 11371
Marii5a 1872
Nov. 21,11371
Nov 21, 1871
June 17, 1873
Sept )t13,i1870
hepit. 4,1867
June 28, 1870
Aug. 28, 1860
Nov. 6,11366
Pee. 27, 1819)
Jisne 30, 18638
May 16, 1871
Aug. 14, 1855
Jais. 3, 1871
Sept. 17, 1872
Aipi. 29, 11373
Oct. 2-2, 1867
Nov. 4, 1873
Mar. 5, 187-2
Pee. 4,11366
Junie 30, 1868
June 18,18e67
Apr. 7, 1868
Pee. 3, 1867
Jau. 28, 186i8
Pee. 20, 1864
Mari. 3, 1868
Apr. 14, 1868
July 2, 1867
Nov. 2:1, 1869
Nov. 29, 1864
Apr. 7, 1868
Pee. 2-2, 1868
59, 652
126, 137
70, 2119
5, 815
1-15, 365
L45, 366
28, 641
45, 871
14-2, 662
9, 084
85, 720
45, 778
56, 301
41, 409
40, 134
133, 398
96, 722
99, 471
29, 409
96, 362
89, 537
42, 36-2
60, 865
87, 098
139, 243
135, 717
75, 581
94, 461
94, 469
26, 263
115, 61)9
89, 5:18
122, 208
l1t), 119
22, 51)6
81, 468
900 557
90, 1351
911, 856
115, 07-1
124, 625
111, 873
121, 212
121, 213
140, 052
107, '217
(i), 223
104, 765
29, 7 78
26, 5165
7t9, 339
114, 745
13, 417
110, 723
131, 134
138, 311
70, 069
144, 188
124, 251
60, 1:17
79, 325
(15, 719
76, 4-24
71, 596
73, 789
45, 4135
75, 021
76, 768
66, 359
97, 204
45, 254
85, 137
Car-register...................................-- L. H. French-s............
Car-register..................................J. anid C. Gschwinel..__.__
Car register Paiway............................. S. F. Covington.--.........
Carrnegister, Railway.............................1'. S. Gerhardt..............Ciii-reiplaser..................................---- C. C. Ash...................--
Ciir-replacer....................................- F. L. Bailey................--
Car-rieplaee.....................................PD. H. Bali and J. Brooks--..
Cai-repaeri.................................... J. T. Baxter..................
Ca-replacer---.-.-----.-.------------------......J. T. lBaxter................
Car-ieplaeer....................................----A. G. Blacke..................
C ii seiplacer........---..........................-.T. G. Burkhardt......__...
Cat-rieplascer--------------------------------------1. Cartwrighst.---.- -.------.Car- replacer....................................--G. Chambers...............--
Ciii-ieplacer.................................-- HR. Pavisa...................Can-replacer....................................--N. HI. Edgertosi..........-..
Car- replacer.--.--------------------------........P. Edwards.................
Car-seplacer..................................... B. AV. Felt-on................
Car-replacer--------------------........-.........P. Fisher ansd W. Cumming -
Car-replacer...................................- (G- Fovwlern..................
C'sr-replacer...................................... C. Hurst -----..........
Car-repi-icer...................................... S. S. Jamison,. jr.............(arsreplacer...................................... C ing....................
Ciii repuacer..................................... B. S. Lawvson...............Car-replacer......................................IJ. Mabie...................--
Car-replacer...................................... N. Pullman.................Car-ieplacer..................................... H. Schreiner................
Car-replacer....................................-- L.Strass....................
Car-replacer....................................--A. N. Towne................
Cat sepuacer...................................... H. Voth......................
Car-replacer...................................... A. Whittemore..............
Ca-rreplascer or guidie-rail........................J.YP. Lipps----------
(.au repid-ser, Railwxay...........................-.H anier..................--
Car replacer, Railway.-._._..................... H. Holmes................
Ciii-replacer, Railway... _........................ _E. Snyder..... _.... _..........
(ar neph--ciii-'acl-...............................P. Minit-------------
Cii-,Re'eissible ste--............................V..Jeuisa................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Car, Revolving.................................... D. Lott................-...... Lottsville, Pa............. Aug. 1, 1865 49,1-26
Car-roof.......................................... J. L. Burnham............... Nashville, Tenn.....--------- Apr. 2,1872 125,266
Car-roof.......................................... N. C. Day..................... Nashua, N. H......... July 16,1872 129, 215
Car-roof.......................................... J. Garry'...................... Cleveland, Ohio.......... Oct. 11, 1870 108, 130
Car-roof.............................._--..-J. B. Slichter................ Chicago, Ill.....------------ Aug. 26, 1873 142, 129
Car-roof................................... J. C. Wands................... Nashville, Tenn........... Mar. 4, 1873 136, 569
Car roof, Railway.............. C. Dummehlinger............ Cleveland, Ohio......... June 18, 1867 65, 888
Car roof, Railway.................................. W. IH. Myers................. Norwich, Conn............ Aug. 14,1866 57, 173
Car roof, Railway.............................. J.Palmer..................... _Cleveland, Ohio......... June 21,1864 43, 223
Car roof, Railway................................ J. Palmer...................... Cleveland, Ohio......... July 2, 1867 66, 379
Car rooft Railway................................. 11. F. Pickett............... Nashville, Tenn........ Apr. 26, 1870 102, 316
Car roof, Railway.............................. O. V. Scaife................. Pittsburgh, Pa..........Apr. 5, 1864 42, 229
Car roof, Railway............................... J. Stephenson................ New York, N. Y........... Jan. 22, 1867 61, 482
Car roof, Railway............................... A. P. Winslow................ Cleveland, Ohio...... Aug. 9,1859 25, 071
Car, Rotating dumping.......................... W. A. Hawkes............... Corinth, N. Y..........June 7, 1859 24, 301
Car safety-apparatus, Railway.................... K. E. Holmes............... Cambridgeport, Mass.... Oct. 10,1871 119, 766
Car, Safety railway............................... W. Kinkead.......... Elkton, Md.............. Dec. 29,1837 535
Car safety-shoe, Railway.......................... S. W. Emery and E. P. Doyen.. Portland, Me............. Mar. 12, 1872 124, 560
Car seal........................................... J. Dewe...................... Toronto, Canada......... Nov. 22, 1870 109, 394
Car-seat................................V. L. Bass................... Cambridge, Mass......... July 20, 1852 9, 128
Car-seat....._............................... S.G. Blackman............. Waterbury, Conn......... Aug. 4,1868 80, 703
Car-seat......................................... A. C.Blondyn.................Saint Joseph, Mo.......... Oct. 26,1858 21,810
Car-seat..........................................E. Booth and E. Ripley...... Troy, N. Y............ Nov. 11, 1851 8,508
Car-seat....................................... J.Briggs.................Boston, Mass............. July 6.1852 9, 091
Car-seat........................................ J. Caeseday.................. Philadelphia, Pa..........Feb. 22, 1870 100,116
Car-seat.....__..............................J. R. Chiles................. Richmond, Va............ July 30, 1867 67,165
Car-seat...-------.......................--.......-........- W. G. Creamer................ Brooklyn, N.Y............ Jan. 21,1868 73, 510
Car-seat....................................J.S. Diack................ Aurora, Ill............... May 11, 1869 89, 976
Car-seat..............A.S. Dotter.............................. A. S. Dotter. Philadelphia, Pa........ July 2, 1867 66, 228
Car-seat....................... F. Farrel..................... Cincinnati, Ohio.......... June 3,1873 139, 561
Car-seat............................................... W. M. Henderson............ Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 16,1859 25,116
Car-seat................................... S. B. Holden................. Sedalia, Mo............... Apr. 7, 1868 76, 325
Car-seat..................................J. F. C. Hollings............... Detroit, Mich.......... Nov. 19, 1872 133, 102
Car-seat......................................... P. P. Joseff- ---------------.. Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov. 2, 1858 21, 967
Car-seat...................................... C. P. Kimball..-........._ Portland, Me.............. July 14,1868 79, 837
Car-seat........................................ E. Lockwood and G. W. Pitman Bordentown, N. J...... June 13,1865 48, 191
Car-seat........................................ E. Lockwood and G. W. Pitman Bordentown, N. J......... Apr. 10, 1866 53, 842
Car-seat.......................................... S. McGregor.................. Logansport, Ind........... Mar. 27,1860 27, 645
Car-seat................................. P. W. Nolan............... New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 229
Car-seat.................................... W. Painter.................... Wilmington, Del--.......... Aug. 31, 1858 21,356
Car-seat......---.---................................ F. I. Palmer-------------................. Knoxville, Tenn.......... Mar. 13, 1860 27, 469
Car-seat...---....---.............................. W. G. Philips and N. Coleman. Newport, Del......-...... - May 7, 1872 126, 485
(Car-seat....................................... T. Rainey-----------------...................- New York, N. Y......... July 23, 1861 32, 892
Car-seat............................ E. Ripley and E. L. Brundage. Troy, N.Y................ Dec. 9, 1851 8,583
Car-seat ---.......................................... C. Rowland-..........-- Washington, D. C...... Mar. 24,1868 75, 982
Car-seat................................. J. W. Sibbet............ Cincinnati, Ohio......... Nov. 2, 1858 21,985
Car-seat.................................... R. Stilwell and E. L. Brundage. New York and Troy, N. Y. Apr. 22,1851 8, 059
Car seat........................................ A. D. Tate.....----------------Peekskill, N.Y........... Nov. 2, 1869 96, 504
Car seat......................................... F. F. Wagner................. Harrisburgh, Pa.......... -- - Sept. 1, 1868 81, 712
Car-seat.......................................... W. Wells..................... Salem. Mass-..-----------.. Aug. 9, 1870 106, 297
Car-seat -......................................... J. S. Wheat................... South Wheeling, W. Va.. May 28,1867 65, 318
Car-seat.......................................... N. S. Whipple................. Detroit, Mich -.......--.Apr. 2, 1872 125, 364
Car-seat, Adjustable............................... C. A. Buck and J. Lovett...... Saint Louis, Mo........... Aug. 1, 1871 117, 599
Car-seat, Adjustable.....----------....................... C. Stevenhank and J. Quinn... Wilmington, Del.......... May 30, 1871 115, 539
Car scat, Adjustable railway------------....... ------.............. W. N. Bragg............ Richmond, Va............ Oct. 9, 1866 58, 713
Car seat and berth, Railway.............-....... S. C. Case.................. Detroit, Mich............. June 22, 1858 20, 622
Car seat and berth, Railway-.............. Z. Cobb...................... Chicago, Ill ---...---.. July 6,1858 20, 777
Car seat and chair............................... W. N. Bragg.................. Richmond, Va.......... June 2, 1868 78, 570
Car seat and couch................................ H. L. Arnold.................. Elk Horn, Wis.-........... Dec. 21, 1858 22, 338
Car seat and couch............................... W. M. Baker-._......... Walpole, Ind.............. Jan. 25, 1859 22, 693
Car seat and couch......-.. -.........-........... G.W. Fairchild............ Holyoke. Mass......... Dec. 14, 1858 22, 283
Car seat and couch............................... I. N. Forrester............. Fairfax Court-House, Va.. Aug. 24, 1858 21, 251
Car seat and couch............................ R. E. Fowler.................. Clayton, N. Y........... Sept. 7, 1858 21, 412
Car seat and couch.............................. K. Freeman.................. Fond du Lac, Wis......... Aug. 31, 1858 21, 331
Car seat and C uch................................ A. M. Holmes................. Eaton, N. Y............... Sept. 14,1858 21, 536
Car seat and couch......................... I. W. Lamb.................. Salem, Mich.............. Sept. 3,1867 68, 368
Car seat and couch.............................. D. Penuoyer.............. North East, N. Y.......... Aug. 28, 1860 29, 813
Car seat and couch.......................... T. Sharp.........-........ Carlisle, Pa............... Aug. 14, 1866 57, 198
Car seat and couch........T.................T. C. Theaker........... Bridgeport, Ohio.......... Apr. 27, 1869 89, 542
Car seat and couch, Railway..................... H. Allen................. New York, N. Y -.....June 12, 1866 55, 448
Car seat and couch, Railway.................... E.. urke............-......... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 23,1860 30. 517
Car seat and couch, Railway...................... J. H. Fisher..........----...... Placerville, Cal----------............ Oct. 23, 1860 30, 472
Car seat and couch, Railway--...................... --- J. Good..--------...-----------.. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 22, 1859 23, 061
Car seat and couch, Railway..................... J. L. Hamillon................ Saint Joseph, Mo.......... Aug. 6,1872 130, 219
Car seat and couch, Railway-- ---....------... -- W. R. Jackson............... Baltimore, Md...-........ Apr. 12, 1859 23, 581
Car seat and couch, Railway....................... T. E. McNeill................. Philadelphia, Pa........ May 31,1859 24, 225
Car seat and couch, Railway.................... E. D. Sargent................. Indianapolis, Ind......... Aug. 9, 1859 25, 049
Car seat and couch, Railway........... N. Thompson, jr............... Brooklyn, N. Y........ Dec. 28, 1858 22, 462
Car seat and couch, Railway------..... T. T. Woodruff............... Alton, Ill................. Dec. 2, 1856 16, 169
Car seat and couch, Railway..................... T. T. Woodruff................ Alton, Ill................ Dec. 2, 1856 16, 160
Car seat and couch, Railway--------........ T. T. Woodruff................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 31, 1859 24, 257
Car seat and couch, Railway.................T. T. Woodruff................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 24, 1860 26, 942
Car seat and couch, Sleeping----------..... -. E. Mc~eill................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 24, 1859 24, 136
Car seat and desk combined, Railway......... W. C. Huffman................ Toledo, Ohio.............. Feb. 4, 1873 135, 557
Car seat and sleeping-couch, Railway.............P. G. Green................... Chicago, Ill.............. Dec. 21,1858 22, 364
Car-seat arm..................................... A. L. Babcoek................ New Haven, Coat........ Feb. 12,1867 61, 914
Car-seat arm, Railway............................. A. Prier---------...... Milwaukee, Wis.......... Nov. 28, 1871 121, 255
Car-seat back............................. T. E. Warren................. Troy, N. Y...-.... July 30, 185. 7, 539
Car-seat back, Removable....... P. F: 1)uchemin ------------Somerville, Mass..---.... Jan. 24, 1871 1l, 18
Car-seat backs, Support for....................... G. Higginson................. Newark, N. J............ Aug. 4, 1868 80, 736
Car-seat bolt..---------------..-C. A. MeEvoy................. Richmond, Va............ May 8, 1860 28, 190
Car-seat cushions, Redyeing................. T. Brown.................... Albany, N. Y............ July 31, 1866 56, 697
Car-seat frame- -... ' ----.. G. Buntin ----------------Boston. Mas...........Dec. 5, 1871 121, 486
Car-seat frames, Arm-rest for...................... T.S. Hudson.................. Cambridge, Mass......... June 18, 1872 1-28, 44
Car seat, Horse................................... M. T. Glynn and J. L. Good- Boston, Mass............ Sept. 26, 1871 119, 344
Car-seat indicator............................... F. I. Carney.................. Boston, Mass............. Oct. 16, 1866 58, 771
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent O Jice from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continuned.
Car-seat link-joint............................... R. Hitcheock..................
Car-seat lock--..-..-.-..-..................G. W. R. Bayley and J. McCluskev.
Car-seat lock...................................... S. B. Bowles..................
Car-seat lock.................................... A. Duncan and J. M. Ziegler.Car-seat lockM.................................... M. P. Ford...........
Car-seat lock-..--.-------------------------- E. Hambuger.................
Car-seat lock.................................- A. Loeffelholz and A. Prier....
Car-seat lock..................................... G. McGregor...............
Car-seat lock..................................... E. M iller......................
Car-seat lock....................................R. B. More....................
Car seat Railway..............................J. M. Allen..................
Car seat, Railway............................ A. S. Babbit...._...........
Car seat, Railway..........................C. P. Bailey..................
Car seat, Railway....- - - -- - --- - - -- - - C. P. Bailey..........................
C seat Riway................................ C. P. Bailey...V..............
Car seat, Railway ----.-------------------- - C. P. Bailey.............
Car seat P ilwayil- -......Bie..............
Car seat Railway -................................ J. M. Baird.............
Car seat, Railway.-............................. A. Barbarin..............
Car seat, Railway................................. A. Barney...................
Car seat, Railway.................................. S. Blod......._.Bod................
Car seat, Railway............................ Briggs......................
Car seat, Railway.......................... J. A. Brown...................
Car seat, Railway..................... A. B. Buell...................
Car seat Railway..-...............- - D. Buzzell....................
Car seat, Railway............................. D. H. Chamberlain...........
Car seat Railway.................... W. L. Childs.................
Car seat Railway.................................J. H. Cocke...................
Car seat Railway..-.........................W. Crandoll.................
Car seat Railway.................- J. S. Denman.................
Car seat Railway.... -............ J.C. 1e Witt....................
Car seat, Railway....................... A. B. Dinsmore -............
Car seat, Railway..................... G. L. Dulaney...........
Car seat Railway -.................... I.....Fay......
Car seat, Railway...........................__. Graham and L. McLaren..
Car seat Railway......... J. T. Hammitt................
Car seat Railway.......... S. i..ok....................S. Hickok.
Car seat Railway............................S. B. Holden..................
Car seat Railway........................... E. lJoffers.....................Car seat Railway.. ----....................... B. J. La Mothe.-............
Car seat Railway................. B. J. La lothe................
Cair seat Railway............................ C. B. Lasher..................
Cai seat Railway.......................... C. M. Mann..................
Car seat Railway........ F. Martin....................
Car seat, Railway......................... M. M. Martin.................
Car seat Railway........................... M. M. Martin.......-.........
Car seat Railway ----.......................... M. M. and F. Martin..........
Catr seat Railway................................ G. T. MeLauthin.............
Car seat, Railway........................... J. McMurtry.............
Catr seat Railway........................... T. E. McNeill................
Car seat Railway -...........................J. Millar.........................
Car seat, Railway -.........................- E. Miller..................
Car seat, Railway..-......................... W. E. Milligan...............
Car seat, Railway........................... E. HI. 1Olmsead...........
Car seat, Railway.....---------------------.......................----- J-. M. O'Neill..................
Catr seat, Railway.............................. J. I. Pease....................
Car seat, Railway ".........-_..............G. W. Perry and J. D. Billings
Car seat, Railway...........................--. - G. W. Perry and J. D. Billings
Car seat, Railway,............................. S. M. Perry..............
Car seat, Railway...........................--._. S. H. Rhoades and W. Carroll.
Car seat, Railway..............................G. W. Sayre........
Car seat, Railway..............................P _.P. I. Schopp...........
Car seat, Railway..........................E. F. Shornb.rer.....
Car seat, Railway..--......................... A.D. Smith...
Car seat, Railway.............A. M. Smith..............
Car seat, Railway............................C. A. Smith..............
Car seat, Railway..-........................... A.W. Snow..................
Car seat, Railway.......................... W. H. Soper..........
Car seat, Railway ----.......................... D. Stone....----------------
Car seat, Railway-..--..--..-.-.-.-....-.... -.. J. B. Sutherland..............
Car seat, Railway.........................J. H. Swan.................
Car seat, Railway................................ T. C. Theaker._.................
Car seat, Railway.....---..W................... W. B. Thomas and S. Hickok..
Car seat, Railway----------------------............................-----F. F. Wagner.................
Car seat, Railway............................... F. F. Wagner and P. P. Dickinison.Car seat, Railway............................... V. M. Warren..........
Car seat, Railwa y...............................-. M. Warren..........
Car seat, Railway ----................................. E. Wheeler..............Car seat, Railway-.....-..---.................A-. M. White................
Car seat, Railway........................... G. W illard...................
Car seal, Railw y......... D. H. Wiswell................
Car seat, Reversible.............................. T. J. Close...............
Car seat, Reversible........--------------------....................... ----P. F. Duchemin..........
Car-seat, Revolving and reclining.--............-- A. Rapp....................
Car seat, Sleeping--------------------..........................-----......-- R. Dirks..........
Car seat, Street-----------------------------................................-.... C. H. Foster............
Car-seats, Head-rest for......................J. C. Giflin.......
Car-seats, Head-rest for..................... E. M. Judd..............
Car seats, Head-rest for..................... H. W. Safford.......
Car-seats, Head-rest for........................... G Sanford.......
Car seats, Head-rest for railway................... N. Gates.............
Car seats, Head-rest for railway................... W. M. MoCeuley..............
Car seats, Head- est for railway................... V. R. Phelps.............
Car-seats, Hinged joint for.....................-- G. W. Perry."..............
Car seats, Lock t-r railway--............ - -A. II. Churchill......
Car-seats, Metallic band for trimming............ D. F. Randall.............
Car-seats, Mode of locking.................... D. 11. Baker.............
Car seats, Pocket for railway S..................... S. Simonson.....
29 tp
Springfield, Mass.......
Algiers, La..........
Brooklvn, N. Y............
Aurora, Ill................
Columbus, Ohio.........
Detroit, Mich............
Milwaukee, Wis.......
Cincinnati, Ohio......
New York, N. Y.-.
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Washington, D. C....
Keesville, N. Y.........
Zanesville, Ohio..........
Muskingum, Ohio.....
Zanesville, Ohio..........
Zanesville, Ohio.........
Wheeling, Va.........
New Orleans, La..........
Wilmington, Del.......
Jefferson, La.............
Boston, Mass.............
Bath, Me............
Westmoreland, N. Y......
Charlestown, Mass........
West Roxbury, Mass......
Piermont, N. Y.......
Bremo, Va..........
Westfield, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y.-....
West Bloomfield, N. J....
Springfield, Mass.......
Mount Jackson, Va.......
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Meadville, Pa.........
Dorchester, Mass.........
New York, N. Y........
I)etroit, Mieh........
New York, N. Y--....
Detroit, Mich..--..-.....
Aurora, Ind...........
Cochran, Ind...........
Cochran, Ind..........
Aurora, Ind.............
Boston, Mass....----------
Fayette County, Ky...
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Paterson, N. J.......
New York, N. Y.-..--..
New York, N. Y.....
Savannah, Ga...........
Clinton, Iowa...........
Stockbridge, Mass......
Wilmington, Del.......
Wilmington, Del.......
New York, N. Y.......
Clyde, Ohio.............
Pisgah, Ohio............
Louisville, Ky..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Meredith, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Piermont, N. V........
Norwich, Conn........
Baltimore, Md.......
Milwaukee, Wis.......
Detroit, Mich.............
New York, N. Y..-..._
Bridgeport, Ohio.........
Buffalo, N. YT.........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Watertown, Conn.........
Watertown. Conn........
Elmira, N. Y.............
Thompscaville, Conn......
Boston, Mass..............
Buffahlo, N. Y.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Somerville, Mass..........
Elmira, N. YV..............
Philadelphia, Pa....
San Francisco, Cal.....
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Middletown, Ohio......
Washington, D. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
Wilmington, Del..........
Boston, Mass..............
Chicopee, Mass...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Bridgeport, Coun.........
Feb. 11, 1868
Jan. 7, 1868
Feb. 26, 1867
Feb. 21, 1865
July 9, 1867
Sept. 3,1867
Dec. 20, 1870
Sept. 29, 1863
Aug. 2, 1870
July 21, 1863
Nov. 21, 1871
Sept, 27, 1864
Aug. 3, 1852
July 12, 1853
Oct. 10,1854
Oct. 13, 1857
Aug. 17,1858
July 13, 1869
Jan. 7, 1873
Sept. 29, 1868
Feb. 15, 1853
Sept. 3, 1867
May 11, 1852
Apr. 13, 1858
June 20, 1871
Feb. 1, 1859
June 19, 1855
Jan. 3, 1871
Jan. 12, 1858
Aug. 31, 1858
Sept. 26, 1871
Dee. 28, 1858
Sept. 2), 1853
Sept. 26, 1851
Dec. 5, 18~4
Aug. 9, 1853
Aug. 25, 1863
Aug. 21, 1855
July 14, 1857
May 13, 1873
Oct. 4, 1864
Aug. 31, 1858
Feb. 12, 1867
May 26, 1668
Aug. 1, 1871
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 4, 1856
July 27, 1858
Jan. 11, 1859
June 22, 1858
Apr. 12, 1870
Apr. 25, 1854
Aug. 6, 1867
Aug. 30, 1870
Aug. 23, 1870
Dec. 8, 1868
May 18, 1869
July 27, 1852
Oct. 15, 1867
Apr. 18, 1865
June 25, 1872
Jan. 3,1865
Apr. 3, 1855
A tug. 21, 1855
Sept. 13, 1859
June 26, 1849
Aug. 23, 1870
Oct. 5, 1858
Sept. 28, 1869
Sept. 22, 1857
Aug. 10, 1869
Apr. 25, 1854
Oct. 6, 1868
June 21, 1859
July 26, 1853
Aug. 23, 183
Sept. 20, 1859
July 14, 1868
May 6, 1856
Nov. 16, 1852
May 3, 1870
Mar. 18, 1873
Dec. 10, 1872
Aug. 9, 1859
Mar. 2, 1869
Dec. 26, 1871
Dec. 6, 1870
Dec. 28, 1869
Apr. 29, 1862
June 20, 1865
Sept. 1, 1857
July 4, 1865
Felb. 6, 1872
Sept. 17, 1872
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. t, 1864
Aug. 31, 1869
74, 359
73, 155
62, 311
46. 456
66, 479
68, 436
40, 113
105, 965
39, 303
121, 145
44, 379
9, 851
11, 772
18, 375
92, 418
134, 627
82, 482
9, 583
68, 347
8, 935
19, 910
116, 154
22, 782
13, 079
110, 746
19, 079
21, 326
119, 331
2-2, 471
10, 029
11, 724
12, 023
9, 919
39, (652
13, 464
17, 794
138, 899
44, 536
62, 047
78, 304
117, 553
57, 351
14, 364
21, 052
2-2, 568
20, 654
101, 755
10, 818
67, 572
106, 953
106, 615
84, 755
90, 297
69, 938
47, 342
128, 428
45, 759
12, 644
13, 471
25, 448
6, 552
106, 739
21, 727
95, 283
18, 252
93, 660
10, 837
82, 899
24, 511
9, 880
9, 960
25, 499
80, 041
14, 841
9, 413
102, 498
136, 822
133, 721
24, 998
87, 335
122, 165
109, 8-23
98, 4-20
48, 270
18, 12
48, 58(1
123, 417
131, 331
73, 927
43, 753
94, 4,d
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I
Car-seats, Portable head-rest for..................
Car seats, Shield for arm of railway...............
Car, Self adapting railway........................
Car, Self-adjusting street-railway..................
Car, Self directing railway.....................
Car, Self guiding and accommodating locomotive-..
Car, Self loading................................
(Car signal-bell and brake-attachment, Railway.-...
Car signal-cords, Hanging railway..............
Car signal, Railway.............................
Car signal, Street.................................
(Car-signaling apparatus..........................
Car, Single-rail railway..........................
Car, Sleeping....................................
Car, Sleeping......................................
Car, Sleeping.....----------------------------------
Car, Sleeping.....................................
Car, Sleeping.................................------
Car, Sleeping....................................
Car, Sleeping.--------------------------------...-..
Car, Sleeping.....................................
Car, Sleeping......................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car, Sleeping......................................
Car, Sleeping......................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car, Sleeping.....--------------------------------.
Car, Sleeping......................................
Car, Sleeping.....................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car, Sleeping.....................................
Car Sleeping.....................................
Car, Sleeping.....................................
Car Sleeping...................................
Car, Sleeping.................................
Car Sleeping....---------------------------..
Car Smoke and cinder railway...................
Car spittoon, Railway............................
Car spring--.
Car spring.......................................
Car spring.......................................
Car spring..
Car spring.......................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring.......................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring...............
Car spring...------..------------------------------..
Car spring........................................
Car spring........................................
Car- spring........................................
Car spring..............
Car- spring........................................
Car spring.......................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring.......................................
Car spring.......................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring........................................
Car spring.......................................
Car spring......
Car spring......
Car spring........................................
Car spring.........................................
Car spring........................................
Cir spring..
Car spring......
Car spring........................................
R. HI. Heywood...............
O. L. Smith..................
G. W. Cleaveland.............
J. Pollock...............
L. Wernwag.................
L. Clark--------------------......................I. Beach......................
D. Harrigan..................
J. F. Rice..................
W. M. Russell and O. S. Pease
J. C. Harris..................
C. Carr......
C. F. Zimpel.....----------------
H. S. Blood..................
J. Danner....................
J. Danner....................
B. Field.......................
B. Field and G. M. Pullman...
B. Field and G. M. Pullman...
W. E. Goway...........
C. T. Barvey..................
G. W. Hunt............
G. S. Koontz and J. B. Hill....
J. T. and D. R. Leighton.... - -
J. T. and D. R. Leighton.-...
J. T. and D. R. Leighton......
G. H. Lindner..............
T. E. McNeill..........
C. C. Millar.................
G. F. Morse..................
F. W. Parsons................
J. W. Reid...................
J. B. Sutherland..............
J. Sutter....................
J. Swan......................
M. A. Wheeler..............
J. Woodruff..................
J. Woodruff..............
T. T. Woodruff.........
S. Greacen..........
J. S. Du Bois...............
H. A. Alden................
O. E. Allen..................
T. F. Allen------------------...................T. F. Allyn..................
T. F. Allyn...................
T. F. Allyn..................
J. Anderson..................
C. M. Banks..................
J. F. Belleville...............
E. U. Benedict..............
J. D. Billings and F. L. Tyler.
H. N. Black.................
A. Bridges................
A. Bridges...................
A. Buchanan.............
G. W. Buss...................
E. T. Bussell.................
E. T. Bussell..................
F. Cajar....................
J. W. Cochran...............
W. F. Converse................
WV. Cox.....................
J. W. Culmer................
M. R. Dand.................
D. G. Daniels................
D. G. Daniels..................
G. Douglass...................
G. Douglass.---.___ _G. Douglass..................
G. Douglass------------
H. N. Eggleston............
J. W. Evans...............
J. W. Evans.................
J. J. Field...................
A. C. Fletcher..............
G. Franklin...................
C. French..................
C. French..................
P. G. Gardiner...............
P. G. Gardiner...............
P. G. Gardiner..............
P. G. Gardiner............
P. G. Gardiner................
P. G. Gardiner............
P. G. Gardiner..............
J. J. Gest.....................
J. J. Gest.....................
C. D. Gibson...............
C. Glidden........
G. F. Godley..................
G. W. Harris and G. Elliot...
A. Hebbard...................
A. Hebbard...................
E. J. Horner..................
E. J. Homer...............
Residence. Date. No.
Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 7, 1868 76, 446
Providence, Rt. I........... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 737
Baltimore, Md............ Oct. 14, 1835........
Hopewell, Pa............. July 7, 1830..
Harper's Ferry.Va........ Nov. 16, 1831....
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 28, 1831..
Dryden, N. Y............. June 28, 1830....
Winchester, Mass....... June 30, 1863 39, 097
Fitchburgh, Mass... May 27, 1873 139, 262
Cincinnati and Xenia, Ohio June 21, 1870 104, 651
Philadelphia, Pa........... June 11, 1872 127, 877
Boston, Mass..............July 5, 1870 105, 040
New Orleans, La..........Out 15 1831
Jefferson Parish, La...... Nov. 23, 1869 97, 031
Canton, Ohio............ Oct. 18,1859 25, 814
Canton, Ohio............. Nov. 8,1859 26, 069
Albion, N. Y.-........... - July 31,1866 56, 853
Albion, N. Y., and Chi- Apr. 5, 1864 42, 182
cage, Ill.
Albion, N. Y., and Chi- Sept. 19, 1865 49, 992
cago, Ill.
Walden, N. Y............. Nov. 5, 1872 132, 8-25
New York, N. Y............ June 27, 1865 48, 393
Hopkinton, Mass.......... May 12, 1868 77, 883
Washington, D. C......... Aug. 9, 1870 106, 178
New Haven, Conn........June 3, 1873 139, 587
New Haven, Conn...... Sept. 16, 1873 142, 923
New Haven, CoL....... Dec. 16, 1873 145, 664
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Dec. 2, 1873 145, 113
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 1, 1859 22, 815
Savannah, Ga............. Jan. 19, 1869 85, 950
Portland, Me.............. June 21, 1870 104, 485
Cleveland, Ohio..-...... July 4, 1871 116, 746
New York, N. Y.......... May 28, 1867 65, 272
Detroit, Mich........... Aug. 14, 1860 29, 635
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 15, 1864 45, 092
Baltimore, Md............ June 18, 1867 65, 963
San Francisco, Cal........ July 20, 1869 92, 919
Pittsburgh, Pa--............ Nov. 19, 1867 71, 258
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 12, 1870 105, 288
Philadelphia., Pa..------.. Feb. 2,1869 86, 486
New York, IN.Y..........Ja. 9,1872 122, 601
Saint Louis, Mo........... Aug. 24, 1869 93, 975
Matteawan, N. Y.......... May 21, 1867 64, 930
New York, N. Y.......... May 5, 1868 77, 438
Canandaigua, N. Y........ Nov. 3, 1863 40, 452
Canandaigua, N. Y........ June 20, 1865 48, 950
Nyack, N. Y............. Aug. 27,1867 68, 143
Nyack, N. Y------------.............. -Apr. 5, 187J 101, 563
New York, N. Y....---..... June 11, 1872 127, 672
Roxborough, Philadelphia. Feb. 15, 1870 99, 813
Paris, France.............June 18, 1867 65, 790
Chicago, III............... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 690
Rutland, Vt...... Sept. 8, 1863 39, 791
Philadelphia, Pa.......... - Oct. 10, 1865 50, 415
Jersey City. N. J......... Nov. 12, 1872 133, 010
Westtield, N. J............ June 17. 1873 139, 862
Brooklyn, N. Y......----------- Jan. 3, 1865 45, 696
Boston, MaA----..-...- - Mar. 19, 1867 62, 934
Indianapolis, Ind........ Nov. 24, 1868 84, 258
Indianapolis, Ind......... Nov 18 1873 144, 600
New York, N. Y...... M 28,1867 66, 167
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 20, 1870 110, 204
Harrison, Ohi........... July 31, 1866 56, 716
Philadelphia, Pa...... Jan. 10, 1865 45, 815
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Jan. 7,1873 134, 646
Philadelphia, Pa............ Oct. 19, 1869 95, 885
Cincinnati, Ohio...... May 26, 1868 78. 191
Pittsburgh, Pa....... Apr. 1, 1873 137, 295
Scranton, Pa............. May 26,1863 38, 661
Scranton, Pa.......... Sept. 15, 1863 39.901
Scranton, Pa............. Nov. 7, 1865 50, 8 7
Seymour. Conn....May 28, 1872 127,160
New York, N. Y....... Apr. 23, 1867 64, 087
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 300
Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 14, 1872 126, 794
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 155
Philadelphia, Pa........... Feb. I1, 1873 135, 792
Seymour, Conn........July 3, 1866 56, 032
Seymour, Conn............ Apr. 12, 1870 101, 724
New York, N. Y........... Nov. 2, 1858 21, 952
New York, N. Y.......... ---- Dec. 8, 1868 84, 688
New York, N. Y........ Aug. 24, 1869 94, 100
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 21, 1869 98, 050
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 034
New York, N. V..... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 035
New York, N. Y........ Sept. 6, 1870 107, 036
Cincinnati, Ohio..... Mar. 20, 1866 53, 291
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Mar. 20, 1866 53, 292
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 1, 1863 39, 769
Milwaukee, Wis........ Nov. 6, 1866 59, 384
New York, N. Y........ Apr. 1, 1873 137, 300
Aurora, Ind............. Aug. 25, 1868 81, 499
Buffalo, N. Y........... Mar. 13, 1866 53, 222
Cambridge, Mass........ Apr. 18, 1871 113, 768
Wilnington, |)el-......... June 11, 1867 65, 574
Wilnington, Del-.. Nov. 10, 1868 83, 855
Index of patents issued from the United States Ptatent Office from 17,0 to 1873, inclusie- Continucd.
Invention. Inventor.
Carsping................................ E. J. Hornier...-..........--
Car spring................................-----C. P. Huiriburt...........--
Car-spring.................................... C. F. Jei ries........_..._.
Car-spring ---------- ----------------------A. H. King..............--
Cai-spring..----....................-.....A. H. King..............---
Car spuing...............................----W. Kingsley.............---
Car-spring................................-----J. Leland..................
Cai-spring................................. H. Lewis................
Car-spring....--...........................--W. J. F. Liddell............
Car-spring................................... W. J. F. Liddell..........---
Car-spring.................................W. Marshall........
---..-.-Cr-sping.-..............................---J. R. Mathews............--
Car-spring.................................. J. J. McCormick and J. E
Jerrol d.
Car-sprrng...................................G. W. MeMinn............
Car spring...............................-----.A. Middleton, jr...........--
Car-spring....................................A. Middleton, jr............
Car-spring ---------------........_............J. S. Miller..-.._..........
Cai-spring.-................................. A. W. Moses.....--.......
Car-spring......................-----.........J. Mnrray...............---
C-rspring..........................------......D. Myers..................
Crsrn...............................--E. Myers................---
Car-spring......................------..........W. Newbaner..".........
Car-spring................................-----W. R. Nichols.............
Cai.spi.u................................ W. F. Nichols............---
Car-spring................................-----F. E. Oliver................
Car-spring...............................----- J. G. Pugsloy............--
Car-spring................................. J. B. Quirk................
Car-sprin;................................... J. B. Quirk...............Car-spring...--.............................-. F. Ray...............--
(ar-spring.__................................ F. W. Fihinelander.._.......
Car-spring................................... G. A. Riedel.............---
Car-spring.................................. G. A. Rtiedel.............--
Car-spring................................----- 1. A. moedel..............Car-spring............................."----.H. F.Roeder.............--
Car-spring.................................. A. H. Rowand...........--
Ca-spring...............................------ T. Shaw................---
Car-spring................................----J. J. C. Soith...--........Car-spring................................-----J. 3. C. Smith..............
Cai--spring........".....................J. B. Smythl...............
Ca-rspring................................... W. Tosliach.--............
Car-spring.................................. G. L. Turner...............
Crprn.......................----.-------U. P. Vidal..............--
Car-spring.............................------. Vose................---
Car-sprin".........P Vs..................F Vs............
Car-spring -......................----........1. Vase.-...,-----"
Car-spring.................................. P. Vase...................
Car-spring................................F--- R. Vase.................----
Car-spring" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.V s. - - - - " - " - - -
Cat-spring................................1----. Vase.......---.........
Ca-spring..............................-------F. Vase.................---
Car-spring............................ F.Vs.................e----.-------
Car-spring....__..._.......................F_. Vose and C. ID. Gibson.
Cat-spring................................ L~t...... ------..........
Car-spring....................."----........ C. Wheeler, jr............--
Car-sprin box.............................----J. W. Evans.............--
Cat spring Conical plate railway............... J. J. Speed, jr., and J. A Bailey
Car-sprnn, Corrugated spiral................. C. French...............---
Car-sprisg lastener--........................... J. W. Woad................
Cat-sping, India-rubber....................... S. Peatfield ---....._.......
(at-sitring, Indta-rnhhrnda-uber._..................FR. Vase._..............
Car spring, India-robber railway.................T. F. Allen. __..........Car-spring, Metallic........................... A. Egan.............. ----
Cat spring. Metatllice.._.._....................D. Johnson..............---
(at springINeustspiral.....................Vs....... oe.._.-.._....
Car-spritig, Nest-spiral-......................F-. Vese.-..._......_......
Cat-sprngPnunmatice.......................J. Merlett.............._
C-rir g Rm aiway...........................T. F. Alien..............---
Car spring, Raiway..........................T. I. Allyn..............---
Cu spring PR lway.................... T. F. Allyn..............---
Crspring, FL'way.......................... I. F. Allyni.- -....------
Car spring, Fairway...........---..........J. F. Babcock _...........
Car spi tog, Railway-.........................---W. Barry and G. Franklin.
Car spring, Failway........................-----J. C. Blairr...-..._.....
Car spring, Railway................... A.Bide...............A rde ----------
Car spring, Failwa.......................... E. Cliff..................----
Car spring, Failway.-........__--- J. WX. Cochnt.-_.-.....
Car spring, Railway.......................... J. W. Cochran.............
Car spring, Failway.........................----W. F. Cotiverso._...-......
Can r sp;ring, Filwa..............J. W. Ciuier.........
W\ilminugton, Del.._..__
Seymour. Coon..._._
Philadelphia, Pa,...__
Fahway, N. J...........
Fahway, N. J............
New York, N. Y..._.
Springfield, Mass..__
Providence, R. I..____._
Erie, Pa...............
Erie, Pa.........
New York, N. Y..
New London, Con.
Paterson, N. J.........--
Cincinnati, Ohio....
Philadelphia, Pa...__
Philadelphia, Pa..
Springfield, Mass.-_.-.
Philadelphia, Pa...._
New York, N. Y......
Chicago, Ill............
Jersey City, N. J ---.
Philadelphia, Pa....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa-..
New York, N. Y.__....
New York, N. Y..-.-.
Philadelphia, Pa..___
Philadelphia, Pa._-----._
Fort Wayne, Iad.
New York, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa.._._._
Phiiladel phia, Pa.---__
Philadelphia, Pa -.____..
New York, N. Y......
Alleghenly, lPa --------.
Philadelphia, Pa...
Philadelphia, Pa..-...
Philadelphia, Pa.----
Philadelphia, Pa.._--_New York, N. Y. ___..
New York, N. Y._Philadelphia, Pa -__-.--._
New York, N. Y -_-.._
New York, N. Y. -..
New York. N. Y _.._.--
N ew York, N. V.-----.
New York, N. Y.-----
New York, N. V. _-.
New York. N. Y.-----
New York, N. Y.-----
New York, N. Y.
New York, N.Y.-----
New York, N. YV._._New York, N. Y..
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. V.
Pittsburgh, Pa.. _......_
Auburn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..._..
IDetroit, Mich.........
Seymour, Coon....
Philadelphia, Pa -_..-_..
Ipswich, Mass.. _......
New York, N. Y..
IDyersville, Iowa.__....
Pesth, Hungary.
Chicago, Ill............
New York, N. Y..
New York, N. V..___.
Bound Brook, N. J.
Dyersville, Iowa-.--
Nyack, N. V...........
Nyack, N. Y...........
Nyack, N. Y_..._.....
Bostoti, Mass...........hldpiaPa...__..
Pittshur-gh, Pa. __._.---
New York, N. Y._..
Oswego, N. Y.._-..._..
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y......
Harrison, Ohio.........
Harrison, Ohio. _... _.....
Pittshurgh, Pa.. _......_.
Chicago, Ill............
Philadelphia, Pa._...__.
Feading, Pa...........
Date. No.
May 11, 1869 89, 999
Dec. 14, 1858 22, 292
lic. 7, 1869 97, (i45
Feb. 27, 1872 123, 999
Jnly 9, 1872 128, 73
May 8, 1860 28, 237
Jan. 24, 1871 111, 127
Jdine 28,11864 4:t, 316
Mar. 6, 1860 27, 411
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 376i
Jnne 14, 18(i4 43, 121
Oct. 5, 1869 95, 497
July 17, 1860 29,222
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 317
Apr. 23, 1872 126, 073
May 6, 1873 138, 675
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 897
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 175
June 6, 1865 48, 084
Dee. 4, 1866 60, 227
May 13, 1873 138, 920
Aug. 1, 1865 49, 137
July 3, 1866 56, 084
May 19, 1868 78, 120
May 10, 1864 42, 682
Aug. 4, 1863 39, 42-2
Dec. 17, 1872 133, 952
Apr. 29, 1873 138,4:3
Dec. 10,1867 71, 912
May 31,1870 103,778
Apr. 19, 1864 42, 402
Aug 2, 1864 43,708
A pr. 18, 186i547, 373
Sept. 24, 1861 33,:366
Oct. 9, 1886 58, 677
Aug. 22, lB5549, 50
Nov.7, 1865 50, 849
Nov. 7,186a 50, 850
Api. 24. 1800 54, 227
Jun. 1, 167. 60, 805
June 18, 1861 32591
Apr. 26, 1864 42, 519
Jan. 3, 18.30 26, 723
June 5, 1863 28, 619
June 12, 1863 28, 70:3
Mar. 11, 186-2 34, 6i57
Oct.. 28, 1862 36, 813
May 19, 180:3 38, 642
Oct. 6, 1863 40,218
Dee. 5,1865 51,368
Aug. 27, 1867 68, 133
Aug. 27, 1867 68, 134
Dec. 10, 1867 71, 926
Dec. 31, 1867 72, 941
July 19. 1870 105, 514
June 2, 1863 38, 777
Nov. 5, 187-2 132, 879
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 842
Jan. 5, 1869 85, 518
Sept. 11, 1855 13, 552
A pr. 15, 1802 34, 95~2
Aug. 30, 1864 44, 033
Sept. 28, 1858 21, 624
Aug. 28. 1866 57, 600
Oct. 23, 1860 30, 450
Sept. 10, 1872 131, 154
Sept. 9, 1856 15, 698
Sept. 26, 1871 119, 253
Sept. 26, 1871 119, 254
Jan. 9, 186 7 51, 956
Jan. 15, 1881 31, 162
Jan. 11, 1870 98, 732
July 16, 1872 129, 448
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 674
Mar. 22, 1870 101,080
Dec. 21, 1869 98, 140
D~ec. 29, 1857 18, 950
July 29, 1862 36, 050
May 9, 1871 114, 645
July 6,1869 92, 267
Oct. 10, 1871 119, 823
Nov. 8, 1859 26, 019
Aug. 1, 1865 49, 086
Index of patents issued fromnth/e United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusie-Conlinued.
Invention. Inventor.
Car spring, Railway.........................--- P. G. Gardiner..--...._..
Car spring, railway--------------....--------P. G1. Gardiner-----------...
Car sprin, Railway.-------------------------...P. G. Gardiner.............
Car spring,Railway_------------------------___P. G. Gardiner--------_--
Car spring, Railway--------------____--_-----P. G. Gardiner-----------...
Car spring, Railway-------------------------____P. G. Gardiner.............
Car spring, Railway-------------------------....P. G. Gardiner..............
Car spring, Rai lway ------- ------------------- G. F. Godley............---
Car spring, Railway ---------- ------ ----------- A. Hay.................----
Car spring, railway------------------..------II Jeffrey and H. Fisher-_.
Car spring, Railway--------------"-------------ID. Johnson. --.......
Car spring, Railway-----............_A H ig--------------------AH.Kn.......
Cai- spring, Railway ---------------------------A. Middleton, jr............
Car spring, Railway-------------------------....J. Milliolland.............
Car spring, Railway.-------------------------...J. Mitchell.................
Car spring, Railway-------------------------....S. Morse----------------....
Car spring, Railway -------------------------- J. Murphy.................
Car spring, Railway-.--------------------------IH. M. Paine-------------...
Car spring, Railway--------------------------- A. Potts..................
Car spring, Railway--------------------------F. M. Ray-------------
Car spring, Railway-------------------------.. _ F. W. Rhinelander.........
Car spring, Railway-------------------------.....P. Riley....................
Car spring, Railway--------------------------- I). B. Rogers.-.......
Car spring,Rhallway---------------------------ID. B. Rogers and J. A. Wood.
Car spring, Railway-.-.................--------.C. Russell..................
Car spring, Railway................WSicr------------------W.Sce..........
Car spring, Railway --------------------------- W. Teshach...............
Car spring, railway-------------------------....G. L. Turner _-.-.........
Car spring, railway-------------------------..._R. Vose.................
Car spring, Railway-------------------------H.... Vose...................
Car spring, Railway-------------------------....H. Watetrman....._......
Car spring, Railway-------------------------..__A. T. Watson..............
Car spring, Railway-------------------------....A. T. Watson--------------
Car spring, Railway-------------------------...HI. Winans.----------------.
Car springRailway...........------------------J. E. Wootten-----------...
Car spring, Railway-----------------------------..S. Verkes, ji---------------...
Car-spring, Spit-al---------------------------.....F. W. Rhinelander........_.Car-spring, Vulcanized Incia-rnhher------------ _ _Ii. A. Alden.............__ __ __
Car-spring, Vulcanized ruhher...----------------_..._.H. W. Betas __........ _...
Car-springs, End-fastener for_---------------------.G. Elliot...........-.._..
Car-springs/froemndrels, Macline fordisengaging P. G. Gardiner...............
S-a r springs, Haiiging or arranging railway -. W. E. Cooper--------------. _
Car spiings, Macline for creasing plates 1for railway P. G. Gardiner..............
Car-springs, Machine for making _-.- --.- ---------A. Hebibard............. _.._
Car-springs, Machine for testing and measuringithe P. G. Gardiner-- -- -- - - - - - - -
strength of.
Car-springs, Manufacture of----------------------.. _ _N. and A. Middleton, jr._..
Car springs, Packer for railway----------.P..Gaiic.............._P..Gadnr---_-._.
Car-springs,'ITempering steel------------------__P. G. Cat dinci--------__--
Car-springs, Wrought-iron mold for vulcanizing C. H. Franklin.............
Car-stake holder...............................CG. A. Brown..............
Car-stake holder............................0. R. Paituele.............
Car-stake holder..------------------W. P. Weutworth. _.......
Car-stake holder, Platform.....................XW. J. Willits --_............ -
Ca-tk odr ala........__._A udc ---------- Caraesupporter-----------------------.. _.. _ W. H. Masterman and W. T.
Residence. Date. No.
New York, N. Y........ Mar. 10, 1863 37, 862
New York, N. Y - - - -----July 6, 1869 9-2, 182
New York, N. Y. -._. July 6, 1869 92, 1813
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 24, 1869 93, 983
New York, N. Y---------..Aug. 24, 1869 93. 984
New York, N. Y---------_..Aug. 24, 1869 94, 101
New York, N. Y..__.__. Oct. 29, 187- 13-2, 576
New York, N. Y......... June 24, 1873 140, 191
Philadelphia, Pa..........Aug. 30, 1859 25, 264
Aurora Station, id...Apr. 23, 1872 125, 959
Chicago, 1111-.-..........-Jan. 24, 1860 26, 90
Rahiway, N. J...........-Nov. 5, 1872 132, 768
Philadelphia, Pa-._..__. July 16, 1872 129, 155
Baltimore, Md -- -- -- - - - -Sept. 23, 1843 3, 278
Sheffield, England..July 19, 18 70 105, 47t
Spriiigfield, Mass-.__.Feh. 23, 1858 19, 435
New York, N. V....._..... Aug. 21, 1866 57,:36Z
Worcester, Mass......_.... Oct. 27, 1857 18, 513
Philadelphia, Pa-... li.Dc. 27, 1870 110, 491
Catskill, N. Y.__.... Nov. 3, 1838 1, 001
NwYrNY-.----.__Fb 1,17 9947Shamokin, Pa... _.. _..... June 21, 18:39 1, itC
Pittsburgh, Pa.__-- -- -----Feb. 23,1858 19, 441
Pittsburgh, Pa---------- July 26, 1859 24, 889
Massillon, Ohio....._.-July 21, 1863 39, 31(
B3alti more, Md-----------.._ _J une 17, 18 73 140, 084
New York, N. Y--------..Aug.:30, 1864 44, 021,
New Yoik, N. V........--Aug. 21,1860 29, 731
New York, N. Y-------- _. _July 21, 1863 39, 314
New York, N. Y....... -June28,18 70 104. t usn.Y.......Jn 6 81 9 1
Castleton, N. V------.__._- Mar.20,18601 27,7581
New Yoi-k, N. Y -__._------Apt. 24,18486 54, 234
Baltimore, Md----------._ _June 14, 1834._
Philadelphia, Pa---------.. _Aprt 21, 1!63 38, 25l
Philadelphia, Pa----- ___-1.. 1ay9, 1871 114, 741
New York, N. Y. -...Mar.la15, 0 100,924
Matteawan, N. V.....Jan. 4, 1870 98, 54(
Ne ok.Y.....Jl,15 4 9Saint Louis, Mo _. _........June 28, 1870 104, 711
New Yeo-k, N. Y._--------M.tr.31, 1857 16, 911
Dunkirk, N. Y-.----- Nov. 8,1859 20, 061
New York, N. Y..-- -._Mu-.31,1857 10, 91h
Springfield,.Mass.. - - - - -.Mait 1, 1870 100, 404wYrN -__.Mr 0 88 1,6
Philadelphia. Pa.____
New York, N Y._.
New York, N. Y.._-___
JerseY City, N. J --
Feb. 18, 1873
Nov. 30, 1809
Sept: 28, 1858
Sept. 14, 1869
Car-standard, Folding.._...._............
Car standard, Railway........................---
t ar-starter...................................---
C ar-starter..............................------
Cas-starter ---------------------------------
Car-starter--------------------------- ------
Car-starter..................................Car starter..........................---
Car-s t ter....................
Car-starter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-starter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-stirter ---- ---------------
Cn astatter.._-----------------------
Cairstarter - - - - -- - - - - - - --- -
Ca- sharter - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
H. Claike.............--...
S. Little...................--
S. S. Beemian.--_---------
P. Bates,jr -.--------
L. ID. Bonnet...............
J. Bevan -------------------
I. N. Bevans.................
R. Bogardus---------------..
Ht. Bogardus----------------
J. Boswell atid J. W. Brindle..S. H. and A. C. Bradley..
C. B. Broadwell _..........
W. H. Butler and hR. G. Hatfield.
T. Cooper....._............
J. Corheil...............---
A. IH. Crozier.... _... _......
A. B. Davis.................G. W. Davis and A. E. Smith.--
D. A. Dickinson.... -.......G. Fettet-r ----------
G. XV. Field and J. Steger-._.
ID. W. Garut................J.WX. Honglitelin....._...
T. W. Johnston.... _.. _......
J. B. Jones.......-.......
W. A. Jordan...............
WV. Keeler..................
S. H. Kenny..............----
G. B. Kirkhatn.............--
W. W. Lamberton and ID. R.
C. P. Leavit.................
G. Lowden -------------------
C. J.Moore.................--
W. H. Newton ---._---------..
J. North............--......
B. F. Oakes..................
L. Rodenbausen.............L. C. Rodier and F. G. Bates. - -
Kalamazoo, Mich-.. _.... Apr. 14, 1868
Aurora, Ill ---------------IDec. 17: 18167
Detroit, Mich ----- - - - May 26, 1;.68
Detroit, Mich. -.. -..-- May 12, 1868
Rlacine, Wis.............. Jaii. 10, 1865
Stockton, Cal.-.--...-_Feb. 4,3173
Mount Vernon, Ohio..- June 30, 1808
Loretto, Pa --- _- -- -- - - - -June 28, 1864
Saint Albatis, Vt------.July 18, 1871
Pittsburgh, Pa-.....-.....-- -Jan. 28, 1873
Boston, Mass-- -- -- - ---- --Jan. 14, 1873
Hudson, N. Y- -- -- -- - - - -Sept. 13, 1870
Thiomaston, Conn. ---._-_June 30, 3868
New York, N. V--------- June 21, 1870
Now York, N. V - _- -- ----July 2, 187-2
Wilmdigton. Ohio - -.-. Feb. 23, 1839
Brooklyn, N. Y _- --------May 13, 187:1
New Orleans. La........Mat-. 19, 1872
New York, N. V.......... - _Jutie 12, 1866
135, 929
97, 385
21, 603
94, 815
76, 596
72, 226
78, 405
77, x43
45, 891
135, 436
79, 315
317, 146
135, 193
134, 840
107, 3:30
79, 5-29
128, 527
87, 136
12'1, 848
124, 6(1
55, 464
138, 2:3
141, 11 6
9:3, 283
89. 6364
108. 460
139, 134
1:19, 5(63
133, 21 8
64, 2;24
140, 781
135, 020
144, 546
1331, 157
11l, 353
135, 564
121, 635
139, 7-21
141, 159
110. 7i,0
121, 540
143, 837
75, 91
138, 440
Philadelphia, Pa. ----.
Lind, Wis.............--
New Yet-k, N. Y-. -.---
Catuliotda Parish, La.
Providence, 11II.--.
Balltiiotek1d- -- - -------
Philadelphia, Pat. ___..
New Yet-k, N. V.._
Washingtoni,ID. C.----
Detroit, Mich....... __I
Chicago, Ill --------------
Philadelphia Pa.--_-.-__
New Orleans, La....
Towatida, Pa.._..........
Dwight, Ill.- -... _.-.
New York, N. Y....
New Orleans, La.--.. _
New York, N. Y -__...
hlteolyti, N. Y..........
Joliet, Ill..............
Newport, P. I..__-......
New Yorkc, N. Y.-----
Milford, WMe...........-- --
Philadelphia. Pa._..._..
Springlield, Mass-._.
Apr. 29, 1873
July 29, 1873
Nov. 4, 1873
A ug. 3, 1869
May 4, 18(19
Oct.. 10, 18 70
May 20, 1873
June 3, 1873
Nov. 19, 1872
Apr. 30, 1867
July 15, 1873
Fe b. 18, 1873
Nov. 11, 1873
Sept. 24, 187-2
Nov. 19, 1872
Tan. 31, 1871
Feb. 4, 1873
Dec. 5, 1871
June 10, 1873
July 22, 1873
Jan. 3, 1871
Dc-. 5, 1871
Oct. 21, 17:1
Miat-. 24, 1868
Apit. 29, 1873
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I 1
Car-sarte -----------------------------------
Car starter and brake..............................
Car starter and brake...........-----..............
Car- starter, Electrical.............................
Car starter for street-railways--..........--.
Car starter, Horse..............................
Car starter, Railway...........................
Car starter, Railway............
(Car starter, Railway...........................
Car starter, Railway.............................
Car starter, Railway.............................
Car starter, Street................................
Car starter, Street............................
Car starter, Street................................
Car starter Street-...........................
Car starter, Street................................
Car starter, Street-railway............
Car starting and stopping apparatus.........
Car-starting apparatus..........................
Car-starting apparatus.........................
Car starting-apparatus, City-railway.........
Car, Steam......................
Car, Steam street............................
Car step, Adjustable...........................
Car, Stock......................
Car, Stock......".............
Car, Stock....................
Car, Stock.......................................
Car, Stock........................................
Car, Stock =..................................
Car, Stock........................................
Car, Stock...................
Car, Stock........................................
Car, Stock.....................................
Car, Stock.......................................
Car, Stock......................................
Car, Stock......................
Car, Stock and freight........... -..
Car, Stock and freight.............................
Car strap, Street.................................
Car, Street........................................
Car, Street........................................
Car, Street.......................................
Car, Street........................................
Car, Street........................................
Car, Street......................................
Car Street....
Car, Street....
Car, Street........................................
Car, Street-----------------------------------........................................
Car, Street.......................................
Car, Street...................
Car, Street........................................
Car, Street...................
Car Street........................................
Car' Street railway............................
C r, Street ra---- -ray ----------------------------
Car Street railway................................
Car, Street railway..................
Car Street railway..............................
Car, Street railway..............................
Car, Street-railway...............................
Car, Street steam-railway.....................
Car Street steam-railway........................
Car, Track-laying............................
Car unloader Grain............................
WV. E. Snediker...............
J. Steger....-------------------
J. F. Stokes..................
J. F. Stokes............
W. M. and W. E. Stratton.._..
R. RI. Taylor................
J. G. Thompson..............
I. C. Wallace and J. W. Andrews.
M. N. Ward...................
MS.. Watson---------------
W. M. Watson................
J. J. Wheeler.................
A. Whittimore.................
A. Whittimore----------............--...--
A. Whittimore................
G. A. Wilbur.................
N. J. Wilkinson...............
V. Wirick...................
F. J. Wright and L. W. Wandell.
T. R. Sinclaire................
J. Wiley, 2d---------...................
J. and W. H. Clark............
M. Toulmin...................
H. Schreiner...-----.....
A. Amory.....................
C. B. Broadwell................
C. B. Broadwell...............
D. Cumming..................
A. A. Wilder.................
A. B. Davis...................
T. S. E..Dixon................
G. P. Frick-----------------....................B. Lepper....................
H. Welch..................
J. D. S. Newell................
J. B. Waring..........
J. Steger...........
J. Steger....-------------------
S. N. Sanford.................
H. F. Knapp.......
T. C. Robinson and G. P. Clark
WV. Neumann...................
G. A. Egan....................
G. W. Fox....................
T. E. Knauss.................
H. Lee........................
T. J. McCarty.................
A. Rank......................
A. Rank......................
O. Severance.................
W. Stark....................
Z. Street.....................
Z. Street.....................
Z. Street......................
A. Welch....................
J. B. Calkins..................
J. B. Calkins----------------..................H. S. Vrooman................
M. Warne....................
C. B. Broadwell...............
M. Do Grafft...............
Z. Eastman..................
J. I. lerrick...............
WV. T. Jenks.................
J. F. Madison and II. McLaughlin.
J. A. Miller.................
J. E. Ridgeway...............
P. Shaw...............
J. Stephenson................
J. Stephenson...............
J. Stephenson...............
J. Stephenson................
J. Stepheeson...............
M. P. Turner............
E. L. Dorsey..................
J. J. Gutierrez................
W. H. T. Hughes.........
S. T. Jones...................
J. Stephenson.................
J. Stephenson.................
J. P. Woodbury..............
J. P. Woodbury........-...
L. C. Cattell...................
WV. B. Frue...................
J. S. Lake.-...................
M. W. Bosworth..............
B. T. Babbitt..................
J. B. Bausman................
W. C. Betts...................
J. A. Caldwell.................
J. J. trowley.....
J. M. Dexter................
C. C. Gerhardt................
G. Hardy..- - - -
M. T. Hitchcock..............
M. T. Hitchcock...............
Charlottebureh, N. J......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa....._
West Troy, N. Y..........
Reading, Pa -----..---.. -
Stockton, N. VY..........
Detroit, Mich............
Bangor, Me...............
Tonica, Ill.................
Grinnell, Iowa............
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Cambridgeport, Mass....
Skowhegan, Me..........
Kalamazoo, Mich.........
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
South Reading, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa........
New Orleans, La.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
New Orleans, La........
New Orleans, La..........
Sorrel Horse, Pa.........
Detroit, Mich.............
Catahoula Parish, La.....
Janesville, Wis..........
Baltimore. Md............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Schuylersville, N. Y.......
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Covington, Ky..........
Laramie, Wyo.......
Zaleski, Ohio.............
Beloit, Wis...............
Salem, Ohio.............
Salem, Ohio.............
Salem, Ohio...........
Middlebury, Vt...........
Bronson, Mich............
Salem, Ohio...............
Salem, Ohio-------------..............
Salem, Ohio..............
Southall, England.......
Pacific, Mo..............
Pacific, Mo...............
Boston, Mass...............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Orleans, La........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill.._.._...
Milwaukee, Wis"._....
Toledo, Ohio.............
Saint Louis, Mo.........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphlia, Pa.........
Boston, Mass -.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y --..._
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Dos Moines, Iowa.......
Washington, D. C.........
Jefferson?arish, La......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y....
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Houghton, Mich..........
Smith's Landing, N. J -..
Binghamton, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y......
Rochester, Pa............
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Springfield, Mass.
Whistler, Ala.............
Elmira, N. Y...........
Wynmdotte, Kans........
Lawrence, Mass..........
Springfiel, Mass...
Springfield, Mass......
Date. No.
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 265
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 407
Apr. 6, 1869 88, 675
June 27, 1871 116, 508
May 21, 1872 126, 993
Mar. 2,1869 87, 524
Dec. 16, 1873 145, 600
Dec. 30, 1873 146, 112
Oct. 26,1869 96,172
June 4,1872 127, 531
Jan. 21, 1873 135, 187
June 24, 1873 140, 229
Oct. 21, 1873 143, 948
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 468
July 13, 1869 92, 499
Mar. 4, 1873 136, 398
Dec. 2,1873 145,076
Jan. 24,1871 111,294
July 31, 1866 56, 810
Mar. 12, 1867 62, 911
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 458
Aug. 5, 1873 141,474
Mar. 14, 1871 112, 640
May 30,1871 115, 266
July 26, 1870 105, 635
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 275
Apr. 26, 1859 23, 757
Feb. 19, 1867 62, 302
Aug. 3, 1869 93, 282
Nov. 9, 1869 96, 557
Oct. 11, 1870 108,127
June 7, 1870 103, 897
June 21, 1870 104, 673
Oct. 1, 1872 131, 772
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 818
July 9, 1867 66, 648
Jan. 28,1868 73, 764
Apr. 3, 1860 27, 742
July 23, 1872 129, 833
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 331
Aug. 18,1868 81,194
Feb. 4,1873 135, 532
May 16.1871 114, 795
Dec. 26, 1871 122,120
Oct. 8, 1872 132, 088
Oct. 7, 1873 143, 414
Feb. 14, 1871 111, 872
July 11, 1871 116,866
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 798
Aug. 2, 1864 43, 720
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 887
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 888
Mar. 26, 1872 125, 697
Dec. 24, 1872 134, 335
July 11, 1871 116,804
Dec. 26, 1871 122, 104
Jan. 2,1872 122,417
Apr. 1, 1873 137, 397
Feb. 28,1871 112, 215
Aug. 24, 1869 94, 086
June 8, 1869 91, 105
May 5, 1868 77, 485
Jan. 28, 1873 135, 277
Aug. 3,1869 93, 322
Jan. 26,1864 41,386
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 435
Apr. 20, 1869 89, 086
Jan. 22,1867 61,481
Feb. 23, 1869 87, 120
May 14, 1872 126, 756
May 14, 1872 12(i, 757
June 4, 1872 127, 526
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 732
May 7, 1872 126, 449
June 7, 1870 103, 874
Dec. 17, 1872 134, 060
Feb. 22, 1830...
Nov. 29, 1864 45, 281
Feb. 23, 1869 87,121
Jan. 24, 1865 46, 043
May 30, 1865 48, 008
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 879
Mar. 22,1870 101, 115
Jan. 22, 1867 61,344
Dec. 23, 1873 145, 780
Jan. 30, 1855 12, 306
Apr. 9, 1861 31, 943
Jan. 17, 1871 110, 950
Aug.2 8, 1866 57, 470
Feb. 18, 1873 135, 971
Jan. 10,1871 110, 906
Mar. 4, 1873 136, 502
May 29,1866 55, 994
Feb. 18, 1868 74, 534
)ee. 23, 1873 145, 871
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Car-ventilator..................................... R. Hitchcock.................
Car-ventilator..................................... R. Hitchcock..................
Car-ventilator..................................... R. Hitchcock.................
Car-ventilator.................................... W. H. Hunt..................--
Car-ventilator..................................... S. C. M aine.................
Car ventilator..................................... A. J. M orrison...............
Car ventilator1..................................... D.C. Richardson.............
Car-ventilator..................................... W. M. Russell and D. E.
Car-ventilator-----------------------------..................................... A. B. Spencer.................
Car-ventilator..................................... C. Wadsworth...............
Car-ventilator and dust-screen, Pocket............. J. B. Timberlake...............
Car-ventilator and refrigerator...-------.. V. E. Phelps.............
Car-ventilator, Automatic........................ I. Buckingham.........
Car-ventilator, Eduction......................... M. T. Hitchcock............
Car ventilator, Railway............. M.C. Andrews...............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ G. B. Armstrong and G. F.
Car ventilator, Railway............................ G. W. R. Bayley and J. McCluskey.
Car ventilator, Railway............................ L. C. Beardsley................
Car ventilator, Railway------..... J. Bevan......................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ I. Bonnell, jr.................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ W. A. Brown.................
Car ventilator, Railway.....................-.... J. H. Bruce...................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ W. Conard.................
Car ventilator, Railway.....----------------------W. G. Creamer..............
Car -entilator, Railway........................... W. G. Creamer...............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ W. G. Creamer..................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ W. G. Creamer...............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ H. A. Custis...............
Car ventilator, Railway........................... S. Darling.................
Car ventilator, Railway.-----.. -.. I. Dripps.................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ W. B. Dunning..............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ E. B. Forbush.................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ D.H. Fox and J. Fink.........
Car ventilator, Railway............................ T. W. Freeborn...............
Car ventilator, Railway.....----------------------F. H. Furniss.................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... R. C. Graves.................
Car ventilator, Railway.....---------------------- G. B. Hall and J. Shaffer......
Car ventilator, Railway....---------------------- A. Hapgood..................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... C. H. Haskins................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... Heneage and F. W. Breed..
Car ventilator, Railway............................ G. A. Hines..................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... M. T. Hitchcock.............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ M. T. Hitchcock..............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ R. Hitchcock.................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... J. L. Howard.................
Car ventilator, Railway..................... J. L. Howard..............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ J. L. Howard.................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ J. L. Howard..................
Car ventilator, Railway...-----------.-----------. M. G. Imbach.................
Car ventilator, Railway....----------------------N. Jones.....................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... D.C. Justison...............
Car ventilator, Railway..................... S. E. Kirkpatrick............
Car ventilator, Railway.......................... J. Lesperance................
Car ventilator, Railway......................... S. C. Maine..................
Car ventilator, Railway- ----...---....---.. -T.J. Mell....................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ S. Merrick...................
Car ventilator, Railway............... D. Merrill.....................
Car ventilator, Railway........................ J. Miller and W. Ketting.....
Car ventilator, Railway...........................J. H. Moore..............
Car ventilator, Railway-...- -........... J. H. M oore...................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ C. Newcomnb..................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ E. Norton.....................
Car ventilator, Railway........................ D. W. Noyes...............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ R.L. Omensetter...........
Car ventilator, Railway....................... -R. Reniff and W. W. Buttolph.
Car ventilator, Railway........................... W. M. Russell and D. E.
Car ventilator, Railway.................... H. J. Ruttan.............
Car ventilator, Railway............................ A. G. Safford............
Car ventilator, Railway.......................... T. H. B. Sanders...........
Car ventilator, Railway.....-................. W. Schairath................
Car ventilator, Railway............................ J. D. Simmons................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... O. Slagle....................
Car ventilator, Railway........................ A. B. Spencer................
Car ventilator, Railway......................G. Spencer...................
Car ventilator, Railway.....-------------.. W. C. Stickney...-.........
Car ventilator, Railway..................... O.J. Styner and J. Egan.....
Car ventilator, Railway.-........................ A. B. Sweetland...........
Car ventilator, Railway._...................... A. B. Sweetland..............
Car ventilator, Railway....---------------------- O. W. Swift..................
Car ventilator, Railway.................. - J. B. Talmadge...............
Car ventilator, Railway...........................J. A. Thompson.............
Car ventilator, Railway.................C. P. Tillinhast....
Car ventilator, Railway.......................... J.. Tillinghreadwellst............
Car ventilator, Hailway....................... - A. P. Vining.............
Car ventilator, Railway......W. Westlake................
Car ventilator, Railway---------------..... J. S. Williamson and B. J.
Car ventilator, Railway......... E. H. Winchell..............
Car ventilator, Railway......................J. Wright....................
Car ventilator, Railway........................... R. B. Wri-ght.................
Car-ventilators, Device for operating............. G. W. Perry.............
Car ventilators, Device to open railway........... W.C. Stickney and J. McGee
Car ventilating and werming apparatus, Railway.. J. J. Watson, V. lardiker,
and T. Toye.
Residence. Date. No.
Springfield, Mass........ Aug. 20, 1867 67, 877
Springfield, Mass...... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 910
Springfield, Mass..... Sept. 7, 1869 94, 494
Bolton, Conn.............. Aug. 30, 1870 106, 940
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 16, 1873 142, 799
Troy, N. Y................ Sept. 16, 1873 142, 807
Lawrence, Mass........... Feb. 25, 1868 74, 849
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Aug. 18, 1868 81, 297
Rochester, N. Y........... Apr. 5, 1864 42, 234
New York, N. Y........ May 6,1862 35, 190
Salem, Ohio.......... May 27, 1873 139, 278
Elmwood, Ill....-...... Sept. 27, 1870 107, 716
Seymour, Conn............ May 12, 1868 77. 867
Springfield, Mass........ Sept. 28,1869 95, 346
Lawrence, Mass......... May 26, 1868 78, 174
Chicago, Ill., and Wash- Dec. 27, 1870 110, 416
ington, D. C.
Algiers, La............... July 7, 1868 79, 541
Cleveland, Ohio........... Oct. 29, 1861 33, 565
Jersey City, N. J........ June 13,1854 11, 101
Chicago, Ill.............. Mar. 8, 1870 100, 589
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 24, 1861 33, 979
Wyandotte, Kans......... June 4, 1872 127, 559
Burlington, N. J......... July 5, 1870 105, 046
Brooklyn, N. Y..-.-.. Aug. 20, 1861 33, 071
Brooklyn, N. Y........ Nov. 12, 1867 70, 812
Brooklyn, N. Y......... May 11, 1869 89, 974
Brooklyn, N. Y.......Feb. 20, 1872 123, 770
RIichlimond, Va............ May 31, 1870 103, 722
Providence, R. I..-........ Mar. 15, 1870 100, 870
Fort Wayne, Ind.......... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 878
Geneva, N. Y............. Dec. 17, 1867 72, 274
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Feb. 21,1860 27, 212
Reading, Pa............... May 8, 1855 12, 818
Newport, R. I.....-........ May 14, 1872 126, 797
Cleveland, Ohio......-.. Sept. 17, 1861 33, 302
Barnesville, Ohio.......... Apr. 16, 1867 63, 880
Kansas City, Mo...-.. - Sept. 26, 1871 119, 349
Worcester, Mass.......... ----- May 22, 1860 28, 365
Saint Louis, Mo----........... Nov. 26, 1867 71, 385
Buffalo, N. Y........ -May 26, 1868 78, 206
Brattleborough, Vt...... Oct. 17, 1871 119, 982
Springfield, Mass....... July 28, 1868 80, 411
Springfield, Mass........ Jan. 18, 1870 98, 965
Springfield, Mass......... O0t. 26, 1869 96, 114
Hartford, Con......... Sept. 15, 1863 39, 925
Hartford, Conn........Oct. 29, 1867 70, 216
Hartlord, Conn....... July 18, 1871 117, 076
Hartford, Conn--..--.. -July 25, 1871 117, 289
Hartford, Conn........... Dec. 17, 1867 72, 203
Buffalo, N. Y-----------............. June 27, 1871 116, 319
Wilmington, Del.--...... Nov. 14, 1871 120, 980
Saint Albans, Vt.......... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 461
Saint Louis, Mo.......... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 766
Boston, Mass-.--........ Apr. 9, 1872 125, 401
Macon, Ga............... May 18, 1869 91, 181
New Brighton, Pa...... May 26, 1863 38, 691
Worcester, Mass.......... Apr. 8, 1862 34, 898
Jersey City, N. J.......... Sept. 10, 1861 33, 259
Chicago, Ill................Jan. 29, 1867 61, 555
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 1, 1867 69, 357
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 9, 1860 30, 340
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 21, 1869 98, 695
Bennington, Vt.........Mar. 11, 1873 136, 756
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 12, 1872 124, 613
Bloomington, Ill.-_... Feb. 19, 1867 62, 225
Cincinnati, Ohio.........Feb. 9, 1869 86, 780
Coburg, Canada.......... Feb. 6, 1872 123, 513
Boston, Mass............ Oct. 19, 1869 95, 938
Pittsburgh, Pa..._...... Nov. 14, 1865 50, 960
Bielefeld, Prussia......... Nov. 10, 1868 84, 004
Quincy, Ill............. Dec. 23, 1873 145, 760
London, Ohio................. Dec. 21, 1869 98, 201
Rochester, N. Y........... Oct. 6, 1863 40, 199
Utica, N. Y............... Nov. 8,1853 10, 216
Stenbonville, Ohio........ Apr. 16, 1872 125, 855
La Fayette, Ind........... --- Nov. 2, 1869 96, 501
Fitchburgh, Mass..... July 4, 1871 116, 774
Fitchliburgh, Mass......... Jan. 23, 1872 123, 059
New Haven, Conn..... Aug. 8, 1871 117, 941
Wiasted, Conn.......... Mar. 14, 1865 46, 831
Ca} uga, N. Y............ Oct. 29, 1861 33, 614
Providence, R. I.......... an. 3, 1871 110, 803
Albany, N. Y............ Oct. 11, 1859 25, 776
Soranton, Pa............. Oct. 17, 1865 50, 52-2
Milwaukee, Wis......... July 29, 1862 36, 063
Memphis, Tenn....... Aug. 27, 1872 130, 965
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 10, 1871 119, 809
Rlichmond, Va............ July 16, 1872 129, 801
Norfolk, Va...........- Oct. 23, 1860 30, 515
Wilmington, Del.......... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 327
Steubenville, Ohio....... Dec. 22, 1868 85, 143
Butfalo, 1. Y........... Dee. 18, 1860 30, 996
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Car ventilating-attachment, Railway----------...
Car, wagon, and other vehicles...................
Car-washer ------------------ ----------------
Car, Weighing ------------------------------
Car-wheel -----------------------------------
Car-wheel -----------------------------------
Car-wheel -----------------------------------
Las wheel.....................
Car-w heel-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
Car-wheel -----------------------------------
Lar-w heel-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cr-w heel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ca-rw heel-- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
C as-w heel-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L ur-w heel-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ca-ta w heel.....................
Car-w heel................ -... -
C-sr -w heel.....................
tar-wheel-- - - - - - - - - -- -...... --
Ca-rwheel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ca-rwheel -------------------------------
Las w heel.....................
Lar-wheel -----------------------------------
tar-w heel.....................
Car-w heel-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ca- w heel.- - - " - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
Las-w heel.....................
ta r-w heel.....................
Las-wheel -----------------------------------
L as-w heel.....................
ta r-w heel.....................
C ar -w h eel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C as wheel------------------------------------
(ar-w heel.....................
(is wheel.....................
Car-w heel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cau-wheel -----------------------------------
Lar-wheel -----------------------------------
C ir-w heel.....................
Car-wheel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C as w heel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-wheel -----------------------------------
Lar-w heel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-w heel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tar-w heel-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car-w heel.....................
tar-w heel.....................
Lar-wheel --------------------------------------
Car-wheel ----------------------------------
Cr-wheel,--Adjustah ----e-------------------- -
J. Shaw.-- - - - - - - - - -
T. Stone....................
E. W. Leavens...............
J. H. Zinsa...............---
1R. N. Allen and L. W. Kim hall.
A. Atwood._____ ____
A. Atwood...............--
J. E. Atwood_________
J. Baldwin-------------------
G.J. Bwnrlh..............
S. B. Chapmsan_.............._
J. IL. Constahle._-..._
J. M. Cook.................A. F. Ceoper...............--
W. Dickinson.......- - -.-.
J. V. Dinsmiore.............--
G.. Dock-................
G. W. Eddy.................
G. W. Eddy---------
W.. kuslie...............
D.. Falestoek___----------
J. Farnsworth, jr...........H. B. Feruald -..............
A. C. Fletcher..............
A. C. Fletcher________
F. A. Tents..............__
ID. Forsest.................--
T. Glasco-________
W. Goodman---------
F. Harhacis................F. Has-hach.................
J. Has-ris --------------------
J. Harri...................--
C. T.Har.....................
1.B. Huguniss.............._
L. B. Hut---------
G. K. Kane................--
J. WV. Kern.................J. 5-.Kingsland-------__---
C. E. Kleiasehmidt.-----
W. A. Lewis................
H. C. Lockwood.............
Z. H. Mann._-....
11. C. Mansell................
XV. V. Mansy ---------------
G. B. Massey................
H. Merrill..................--
H. W. Moore--------
Hi. W. Moore...............G. Natoip..................D. P. Nickerson.... _........
WV H. Nohles................
J. Pugh.-.............
P. Putnam................._
J. Iladdin__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
J. Raaudin..................--
J. Radldin.--- -- -...-----
IR. Hasssay.................--
F. M. Ray......................
FS. iRohinson.-------------_
J. C. Rupp and S. Ott.
E. Sampson................
J. K. Sax ansi G. WV. Kear --_
S. J. Seely --------------------
T. Sharp....................
G.W. assd H. Sizer._.___.__A. Sumall...................J. Y. Smith................S. P. Ssmith ls.................WV. W. Snow...............--
G. W. and L. W. Snyder..
W. It. Thomas---------------
J. and N. Tiranofi and A. Konsalcofi.
F. W. Townrow............--
S. A. Trangh._............
N. K. Wade and J. Kayoe..
A. B. Wakefield and B. A.
P.H atsn............
Bridgeport, Conn _.._..
Plaissileld, Ind..---......
Boston, Mass----------....
Kingston, Tenn -_.----_
Pittsford, Vt._-........
New York, N. Y....
Brooklyn, N. Y.._._..._
Psttshurgh, Pa.........._
Boston, Mass......__...
Lyss, Mass..._...._
Troy, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y._..
New York. N. Y.....
Camhridge, Mass.....
Brooklyns, N. Y........_
Milf~osd, Mass..........
Wiconisco, Pa. _.._....Waterford, N. YV.._.Waterford, N. Y..__.
Torossto, Canadla ___--._
Lancaster-, P a -........_ -.
West Penitney, Vt. _.
Madisos, Iad-----------. -..
Dedlsami, Mass..... _.....
New Yes-k, N. Y-_._
New York, N. Y....
Bloomisngton, Ill.-_-__
East port, Me----_-----
Wilmington, Del.__.._..
Boston, Mass.--_.
Pittsfield, Mass........__ __
Pittstield, Mass.-_-__-.
Masque tte, XWis..
Marqsuette, \Vis. -. -..
Lrsdgeport, Cossu. -_.
I'armytown, N. Y _--.__..
Cleveland, Ohio. _-.
New Yosk, N. V --.
York, la _-- ----...--
IPortland, Oreg..........
Strykeos Ohio..........--
leveland, Ohio.._._...
Chicago, 111.............
Baltimore, Md..........
Newpor-t, Ky...........
Ashford, Essgland.-_-_
Aihany, N. Y..........New Yes-k, N. Y.-_--_
Brooklyn, N. Y........--
Jersey City, N. J.----
Jersey City, N. J..New York, N. Y.-.__
IClev eland, Ohio.-.--_.
Saint Paul, Minn....
Franklin, Tensa.. __......
Lacosnia, N. HI..-......_
Lynn, Mass...........__
Lynn, Mass...........___
ILynn, Mass...._.._.....
Irwin's Station, Pa-_.----
New York, N. Y._N ew York, N. Y.-_---
Ntawark, Del...........
Lansinghsarghr, N. Y. -.-
Pittston antI Kingston, Pa.
New Yos-k, N. Y.___Chica5,o, Ill...........___
Sprisngfield, Mass.__----
York, Pa.__........
Pittshurghi, Pa. _-.......
Troy, N. V.............
Jersey City, N. J......
Port Cas-hon and Lykens,
Catasauqua, Pa -...._Catasauqua, Pa._......
St. Petershnsg, iRnssia.__..
United States Army._..
Cincinnati, Ohio._-_
Pittsbus-gh, Pa.........
Saint Lonis, Mo.__...
AsChtahnla, ho
Oct. 15, 1867
June 30, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
June 36, 186
May 11, 1869
July 28, 1868
July 1, 1873
Nov. 11, 1873
Oct. 4,1853
Nov. 1, 18 70
Oct. 23, 1860)
Mar. 17, 1868
Feb. 20, 1866
Dec. 5, 1848
Oct. 14, 1P73
Oct. 16, 1866
May 14, 1967
Mar. 3, 1868
Dec. 26, 1845
Jan. 8, 1850
Nov. 4, 1873
Mar. 30, 1838
Sept. 27, 1853
Nov. 1, 183
June 29, 1869
Apr. 30, 1872
Dee, 23, 1873
May 13, 18733
July 23, 1867
Aps. 4, 1846
Dec. 27, 1870
Nov. 6, 1847
Nov. 6, 1847
Oct. 24, 1863
Nov. 5, 1867
Dec. 13, 185:1
July 7, 18688
Mar. 2, 1869
July 11, 1871
Mar. 6, 184 7
Fdb. 18, 1873
Feh. 27, 186.
Nov. 19, 1867
Oct. 10, 187i
Nov. 26, 1872
Oct. 4,185:1
Oct. 9, 1866
ebh. 1, 1848
June 18, 1867
Api-. 22, 1873
1une 22, 186i9
June 7, 1870
Nov.:3, 1868
May 28, 18:67
Oct. 13, 1868
June 15, 1838
June 28, 1864
May 14, 1867
Feh. 25, 1868
Api. 14, 1868
Jan. 14, 1873
Dec. 17, 1846
Sept. 25, 18t6
Jan. 9, 1872
May 7, 1867
Sept. 9, 1873
Jasl. 31, 1885
Sept. 29, 1863
Apr. 17, 1847
Dec. 10, 1846
Fe. 9, 1869
May 29, 1860
Feh. 19, 1861
Mar. 4, 1873
June 16, 1868
Aug. 17. 1869
Sept. 16, 1873
69, 847
79, 410
134, 295
55, 946
89, 908
140, 339
144, 495
10, 062
108, 823
30, 458
75, 521
52, 683
5, 93
143, 560
58, 786
(64, 64-2
74, 999
6, 999
144, 195
19, 763
10, 184
91, 926
143, 856
138, 798
67, 0:16
4, 447
110, 563
5, 361
50, 579;0, 560
10, 309)
79, 737
87, 496
116, 961
5, 002 -136, Oti8
71, 021
119. 867
1:33, 461l
10, 07-4
58, 741
5, 424
63, 925
138, 036
91, 762
8J. 72-2
65, 109)
82, 978
20, 583
4:1, 337
64, 796
74, 9J9
76, 811
134, 929
58, 2338
12-2, 661
64, 579
142, 587
46, 145
40, 123
5, 076
4, 882
86, 878
31, 488
136, 392
79, 029
93, 769
142, 968
Jan. 2, 1872 12-2, 340
Nov. 19, 1867 71, 247
Sept. 4, 1860 20, 927
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 266h
May 9, 187i 114, 628
Apr. 5, 1870 101, 686
June 15, 1838 20, 610
July 28, 1868 80, 323
Sept. 22, 1868 8.2, 466
Feb. 11, 187:1 135,870
Feb. 5, 1867 61, 786
Fea. 20, 1872 123, 919
Aug. 15, 1871 lie, 063
Mas. 6, 1866 5:2, 94-1
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 414
-June 4, 1,e7-2 127, 661
Mas. 9,18891 87,7-16
Aug. 29, 1871 118,642
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Car wheel and axle, Changeable-gage............. C. ID. Tisdale-----............--------...... -- Boston, Mass............... Aug. 15, 1871 118, 170
Car wheel and axle, Railway......---------------------T. C. Hargrave................ Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 18, 18613 81, 083
Car wheel and axle, Railway....---------------------.. W. Hudgin.................. Athens, Ga............. Feb. 7, 1871 111,543
Car wheel and axle, Railway.....---------------------P. Putnam............... Laconia, N. H............. Dec. 7,1869 97, 552
Car wheel and axle, Railway...................... C. D. Tisdale.-.........-...... Boston, Mass.............. May 25, 1869 90, 410
Car-wheel and car-axle, Combined..-............. - N. W. Northrup......---...--Greene, N. Y............. - - -- Oct. 28, 1862 36, 90
Car wheel and frog............................. W. H. Childe.................. Gainesville. Ala......... Sept. 15, 1868 82, 086
Car-wheel, Anti-friction---.................. G. C. Beecher................ Livonia, N. Y............. Jan. 6, 1863 37,'269
Car-wheel brake------.....................- W. McCammon.............. Albany, N. Y............. Dec. 12, 1846 4, 886
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.....----------------------------- A. Atwood.................. Troy, N. Y................ May 15, 1847 5, 112
Car-wheel, Cast-iron...-----------------------------E. B. Baker................... Charleston District, S. C.. Jan. 9, 1849 6, 024
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................. J. Boon...................... Lancaster, Pa............ Apr. 16, 1850 7, 282
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.......................... T.S. Bourshett--.....--..--.... Little Falls, N. Y......... Nov. 13, 1849 6, 863
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.........-.................. A. G. Bristol and J. C. Jackson Rochester, N. Y........... Feb. 24, 1852 8, 751
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. A. T. Converse and W. S. Norwich, Conn----............ Jan. 9, 1849 6, 026
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................. J. M. Cook.... --.-...... Taunton, Mass............ Jan. 9, 1849 6, 022
Car-wheel, Cast-iron................-........ L. Dean and A. Higham....... Utica, N. Y............... Jan. 9, 1849 6, 019
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... P. Dorsch - -.......... Schenectady, N. Y........ June 15, 1852 9, 017
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... T. J. Eddy.................... Waterford, N. Y.......... ----------July 29, 1851 8, 255
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................ A. Fuller....................... Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 27, 1850 7,599
Car-wheel, Cast-iron........-................ P. G. Gardiner......-......... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 11, 1851 7, 967
Car-wheel, Cast-iron-........................... G. W. Glass---........---........ Allegheny City, Pa....... Apr. 25, 1854 10, 816
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. C. Hart............-------------..-...... New York, N. Y -..... Dec. 25, 1849 6, 971
Car-wheel, Cast-iron..-......................... C. Hart and N. Washburn..... Rochester, N. Y-........... --- Apr. 3, 1849 6, 26i9
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. A. Hebbard------------------................... Worcester, Mass----------.......... May 20, 1851 8, 106
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................A. Hebbard------------------................... Worcester, Mass.......... June 29, 1852 9, 071
Car-wheel, Cast-iron........................ J. Henry.................... Lynchburgh, Va.......... --- June 20, 1854 11, 124
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... L. Kinsley................... Norfolk County. Mass.... Mar. 12, 1850 7, 169
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. L. Kinsley................ Norfolk County, Mass.... Mar. 12, 1850 7, 170
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................ G. G. Lobdell....--------------- Wilmiegton, Del.......... July 14, 1868 79, 842
Car-wheel, Cast-iron........ -..-............ G. G. Lobde 1.................. Wilmington, Del.......... Jan. 12, 1869 85, 745
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. W V. Many...------------------ Albany, N. Y -........ May 1, 1847 5, C95
Car-wheel, Cast iron................ G. R. McFarlane............-Hollidaysburgh, Pa...... Jan4 14, 1851 7, 903
Car-wheel, Cast iron............................. H. W. Moore -................. Bridgeport, Conn........ Mar. 2, 1852 8, 777
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. H. W. Moore................ Jersey City, N. J..... Sept.20, 1858 21,614
Car-wheel, Cast-iron......................... O. Moulton---------.................... ---- Blackstone. Mass......... Mar. 2, 1852 8, 772
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... A. L. Mowry............... Cincinnati, Ohio....-..... June 2, 1857 17, 442
(ar-wheel, Cast-iron............................... G. Peacock.............. Selma, Ala................ Nov. 26, 1867 71, 408
Car-wheel, Cast-iron...---------.. T. Perkins and W. McMahon.. Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 10, 1843 3, 037
Car-wheel, Cast-iron....----------------------------- D. Prew..-..........---........ Taunton, Mass............ June 13, 1854 11,056
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.....----------------------------- D. R. Rall..................... --------------------Rochester, N. Y.......... June 1, 1852 8, 985
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. H. H. Scoville................. Chicago, Ill.............. July 13,1852 9,121
Car-wheel, Cast-iron--------------...---------------. B. Severson................... Schenectady, N. Y...... Oct. 21, 1851 8, 455
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................. B-. Severson----------------..................-. Philadelphia, Pa..--.--.. July 4, 154 11,233
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................. J. B. Tarr..................... Fairhaven, Mass----..-. July 7, 1868 79, 611
Car-wheel, Cast-ir-on.............................. S. Thurston...-.............. Scranton, Pa.............. May 25, 1852 8, 975
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... W. B. Treadwell.............. Albany, N. Y............. Jan. 9,1849 6,021
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... S. Truscott-----------------.................... Columbia, Pa............- Jan. 16, 1849 6, 030
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................... I. Van Kuran................ Rochester, N. Y.......... May 1, 1849 6, 415
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. I. Van Kuran......._........ Boston, M ss............. May 20, 1851 8, 108
Car-wheel, Cast-iron-------....---------...-. N. Washburn................. Worcester, Mass. -......... Oct. 8, 1850 7, 710
Car-wheel, Cast-iron...-.......................... A. Whitney.-....----.. - Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 22, 1847 5, 126
Car-wheel, Cast-iron................................ A. Whitney.....-...........Philadelphia, Pa..... May 22, 1847 5, 127
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.............................. A. Whitney.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 19, 1850 7, 202
Car-wheel, Cast-iron............................. W. Wilmington-............ Toledo, Ohio---......-........ ---- Aug. 9, 1870 106, 243
Car-wheel, Cast-iron-...................... H. H. Wiser-.......... Rochester, N. Y.......... ---------Dec. 4, 1849 6, 930
Car-wheel, Cast-iron.._.................-....... H. W. Woodruff.............. Watertown, N. Y..-....... Jan. 6, 1852 8, 644
Car-wheel, Cast-iron plate---...... -- -... H. Felton, P. D. Cummings, Portland, Me..-.....-.. Jan. 23, 1849 6, 041
and H. Hinckley.
Car wheel, Cast-iron railway..................... W. W. Bergstresser---...--.. - Harrisburgh, Pa.......... Jlan. 11, 1840 1, 470
Car wheel, Cast-iron railway-................... J. M. Ross-...--.-.-...-.-... Springfield, Mass-...-.. Mar. 17, 1857 16, 851
Car wheel, Cast-iron railway.................... B. Severson--......-----..-........ -- Schenectady, N. Y...-.. Sept. 17, 1850 7, 658
Car wheel, Cast-iron railway--...-------------------. J. M. Sigourney............ -Watertown, N. Y........- Oct. 21, 1856 15, 935
Car-wheel, Cast-metal.................----.. -.. G. G. Lobdell......----------------- Wilmington, Del-......... Apr. 15, 1862 34, 972
Car-wheel, Cast-steel...-................... C. Wr. Stafford................. Saybrook, Conn....----------- Sept. 6, 1864 44, 120
Car-wheel, Cast-steel------...........-... -J. B. Tarr--------------------..................... Chicago, Ill............. July 30, 1867 67, 227
Car-wheel, Changeable-gage.......-----. J. Hamilton and G. F. Morse.. Portland Me.-..-.- -. --- Oct. 18, 1870 108, 475
Car-wheel, Elastic................................ J. J. Sherman---------................. -Albany, N. Y....------------- Apr. 23, 1872 1267 096
Car-wheel, Elastic.............................. J. M. Whiting........... Providence, R. I....... Nov. 14, 1871 121, 032
Car-wheel, Elastic................................-------------------------------. J. A. Woodbury--........... Boston, Mass.............. July 25,1871 117, 498
Car wheel for curved roads, Railway.........-. -A. Look.................... Waterford, N. Y.......... Dec. 31, 1833....
Car-wheel for lubricating purposes---....-----. J. V. Latcher----------.----................ - Albany, N. Y............. May 22, 1866 54, 925
Car-wheel gears, Self-adjusting---------... ----------G. Sewell---.........---......-...... Brooklyn, N. Y........... --------May 16, 1871 114, 979
Car wheel, Locomotive..............---.----.._.J. B. Tarr.................... Fairhaven, Mass.....---------- Jan. 18, 1870 98, t95
Car-wheel lubricator.............................. W. A. Ballard----------------................. Kalamazoo, Mich-..-.. Dec. 9, 1873 145, 395
Car-wheel lubricator............................. W. W. Crane-. ----------.-Auburn, N.Y-------------............. Nov. 26, 1872 133, 418
Car-wheel lubricator.............................W. W. Mar tin................. Allegheny City, Pa...... Jan. 21, 1868 73, 6-21
Car-wheel lubricator-----------------------.............................-----J. H. Murray.................. Hollidaysburgh, Pa....- Sept. 30, 1873 143, 370
Car-wheel lubricator.............................. J. M. Porter-................... Frostburgh, Md -..-........ May 2, 1871 114, 473
Car-wheel lubricator----------------------------.............................. C. Siith............-------..------....... Irwin Station, Pa......... Oct. 24, 1871 120, 337
Car-wheel mold................................... J. K. Sax........-------------..-........ -Pittston, Pa............... June 28, 1870 104, 777
Car-wheel mold-............................... W. E. Worth-----------------.................. San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 3, 1871 110, 717
Car wheel-molding flask........................... J. OBrian.................... Louisville, Ky.... Sept. 3, 1872 131, 115
Car wheel Railway............................ R.N. Allen................... Pittsford, Vt......... July 16, 1872 128, 939
Car wheel Railway...------------------------J. Baker...................... Lancaster, Pa............. Mar. 20, 1835.
Car wheel Railway...---------------------. T. C. Ball..................... Keene, N. H.............. Nov. 9, 1858 22, 049
C a r w h e e l R a il w a y........................... A. G. B a r r e t t.................. B a r r e t t, K a n s............. N o v. 2 1, 1 8 7 1 1 2 1, 0 7 5
Car wheel Railway..----------------------. C. K. Bradford................ Lynufield, Mass...... May 10, 1870 102, 908
Car wheel Railway...----------------- -... G. B. Bryant............... Pottsville, Pa.......... Ot. 31, 1871 120, 489
Car wheel Railway............................. H. C. Bulkley.............. Springfield, M ass......... M ar. 30, 1858 19, 810
Car wheel Railway............................... D. Cockley--------........ Lancaster, Pa............. Oct. 01,1839 1,377
C ar w h eel R ailw ay............................... E. C ran e.................. D orch ester, M ass......... N ov. 8, 1 59 26, 022
Car wheel Railway............................... T. C. Craven-..---------- -. Albany, N. Y............. July 23, 1872 129, 655
Cat wheel Railway............................... T. Curtis...................... New Hudson, Mich........ Sept. 6, 18; 44, 078
Car wheel Railway............................... C. Delafield and F. G. Johnson. Catleton and Northfield, Aug. 31, 1869 94, 293
Car whel, Railway.......................... T. J. Eddy.................... W aterforId, N. Y...t...... Aug. 2, 153 9, 897
Index of patents issued from the Uited States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continuetl.
Car wheel, Railway....------------------------
Car wheel, Railway------- -----------------
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Car wheel, Railway.............
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Car wheel, Railway...-----------------------
Car wheel, Railway--....---------------------.
Car wheel, Railway........................
Car wheel, Railway..................
Car wheel, Railway....------------------------
Car wheel, Railway---...---...-----------------
Car wheel, Railway.........................
Car wheel, Railway....-----------------------
Car-wheel, Self-oiling.............................
Car-wheel, Steel..................................
Car wheel to prevent friction, Railway........
Car-wheel with independent flange -nd tread......
Car-wheel, Wrought-iron...................
Car wheel, Wrought-iron-plate railway..........
Car wheels and axles by incasing, Protecting......
Car-wheels, Annealing and cooling cast-iron....
Car-wheels, Annealing-pit for annealing..-...
Car-wheels, Apparatus for casting.........
Car-wheels, Apparatus for regulaing the contraction of.
Car-wheels, Casting--...---.-....................
Car-wheels, Casting---------------...--------...
Car-wheels. Casting........................
Car-wheels, Casting...............................
Car-wheels, Casting...------.-----.................
Car-wheels Casting......................
Car wheels, Casting...........................
Car-wheels, Casting..................
Car-wheels Casting.........................
Car-wheels Casting.....
Car-wheels, Casting......................
Car wheels Casting railway.................
Car-wheels Center-chill for......................
Car-wheels, Chill for casting.............
Car-wheels, Chill for casting...........
Car-wheels Clamp to be used in the manufacheture
of wrought-iron.
Car-wheels, Constructing.........
Car-wheels, Constructing-.............
Car wheels, Constructing railway............
Car wheels, Constructing railway-----.. -------.
Car-wheels, Cooling...............
Car-wheels, Cooling cast-iron.............
Car-wheels, Cope for casting.......--..
Car-wheels, Core-box for.............
Car-wheels, Device for annealing....---.---..--.
Car-wheels, Drilling and Lorin..g..........
Car-wheels, Fastening the disk and rim of........
Car-wheels, Flask for casting......
Car-wheels, Machine for foing.............
Car-wheels, Machine for making cast-steel........
Car-wheels, Machine for making wrought-iron....
Car-wheels, Machine for making wrought-iron...
Car-wheels, Making...
Car-wheels, Making locoomotive-engine and railway
Car-wheels, Making wrought iron.............
Car-wheels, Manner of cn structing railway........
Car-wheels, Manufacture of.......................
30 P
J. N. Farrar...................
J. N. Farrar..................
A. C. Fletcher.................
A. C. Fletcher...............
W. J. Fryer, jr., and W. Free.
A. Fuller........----------------
P. G. Gardiner..-..........
J. D1). Green..-................
J. B. Handyside..............
N. Hodge..................
N. Hiodge....-----------------
W. W. Hubbell and R. II. Hubbell.
L. B. Hunt...................
L. B. Hunt...................
L. B. Hunt.............
A. C. ietchum n..........
A. Konp.....----------------
A. B. Latta....................
E. A. Lester...................
G. G. Lobdell................
H. C. Lockwood...............
W. IH. Mason.................
J. L. Mott.................
J. T. Owen---------------....................J. T. Owen.................
W. H. Paige-------------..................
S. E. Parish..................
M. Phelan----------......-----.............
D. Prew.....................
J. Raddin---------------....................F. M. Ray, sr.................
J. Rogers...............
S. Rogers.--.........
J. K. Sax and G. W. Kear....
W. Smith----------------.....................W. WV. Spafford...........
J. II. Steiner.................
E. Stiles-----------------......................A. W. Straub.............
T. R. Timby................
F. H. Trevithick, jr........
O. O. Van Crman............
Z. Wrshbiurn................... R. A. Wilder.................
J. A. Woodbury..............
G. W. N. Yost. -..........
W. Owen..................
J. B. Tarr....................
S. Krauser...................
W. S. McLean................
H. Aiken.......- --...........
G. W. Alden..................
A. L. Finch................
A. Whitney....--------------
W. J. Cochran------------................
S. I. Whitaker.............
S. Truscott...................
L. H. Allen..................
J. W. Ells.................
D. Finley............
J. K. and N. B. Morange....
A. W. Moses andJ. H. Springer
A. A. Needham...............
C. Needham..............
R. Poole...................
J. K. Sax-----------------......................J. Segmilller.................
N. Washburn.................
N. Aylsworth................
J. W. Latcher.............
T. Sharp...................
XV. Wilmington...........
IH. Aiken...............
W. M. Arnold......-.........--
J. K. and N. B. Morange.......
W. R. Thomson..............
A. Tiers...................
R. Poole...................
J. M. Sigourney...............
A Alling.................
T. Maher.................
H. V. Moore..................
D. Walker.................
A. Breaer..................
W. R. Thomas................
W. M. Lee....................
J.B. Torr....................
N. Starks....................
J. C. Vaughn.............
S. Vanstone...................
H. R.Dunham................
G. B. Hartson........
W. Creed....................
E. inch.....................
Pepperell, Mass...........
Pepperell, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y......
Providence, R. I.........
New York, N. Y.........
Tro-, N. Y...-----------..
Glasgow, Great Britain....
Adams, Mass--.............
North Adams, Mass. - - - - - -
Philadelphia and Delaware County, Pa.
Leverett, Mass..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y...
New York, N. Y.......
Cincinnuati, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass..........
Wilmington, Del........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass---.......
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Springfield, Mass.._......
Nashville, Tenn-.......
Beaver County, Pa.......
Providence, R. I..._.....
Lynn, Mass...............
New York, N. Y.......-.
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Kingston, Pa........-..
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Poterborough, N. H.......
Philadelphia, Pa..._....
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Saratoga, N. Y............
New York, N. Y.......
Harrisville, Ohio.......
SIopedale, Mass...........
Schuylkill Haven, Pa......
Boston, Mass..............
Corry, Pa.................
Hubbard, Ohio -.........
Fairhaven, Mass..........
Reading, Pa.............
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Franklin, N. H........
New York, N. Y..........
New Britain, Conn......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md...........
Covington, Ky............
Columbia, Pa.............
Tamaqua, Pa.............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Champlain, N. Y........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Rockford, Ill..............
Worcester, Mass..........
Baltimore, Md............
Pittston, Pa...............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Rochester, N. Y.-.........
Albany. N. Y.............
Chicago, Ill...........
Toledo, Ohio..............
Franklin, N. H...........
Feb. 8, 1870
Nov. 15, 18 70
Mar. 2:3,1869
May 4, 1869
Mar. 6, 1866
Oct. 14, 1840
May 1, 1847
Mar. 29, 1870
Oct. 31, 1871
Nov. 18, 1851
June 1, 1852
Mar. 30, 1858
Nov. 30, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Jan. 24, 1871
July 15, 1856
Jan. 25, 1870
Dec. 1, 1857
Aug. 9,1859
Feb. 19, 1861
Nov. 14,1871
Feb. 23, 1869
Mar. 21, 1854
Nov. 30,1869
Dec. 21, 1869
July 22, 1873
Feb. 16, 1858
Dec. 1, 1857
Nov. 26, 1872
Jan. 5,1869
Apr. 23, 1872
July 27, 1869
Feb. 23, 1858
Apr. 6, 1869
Jan. 10, 1860
Feb. 14, 1860
June 19, 1860
Apr. 14, 1868
Jan. 16,1866.
Mar. 2, 1869
Aug. 2, 1870
Sept. 10, 1861
Nov. 30, 1869
Mar. 28,1854
Apr. 9, 1872
Aug. 3, 1869
June 29, 1869
June 28, 1870
Nov. 2, 1831
Aug. 1, 1854
Oct. 1,1850
May 12, 1857
Apr. 20, 1852
Apr. 25, 1848
Nov. 3,1868
Nov. 5, 1867
July 16, 1850
June 10, 1856
July 25, 1871
May 4, 1858
May 16, 1871
Nov. 8, 1859
Dec. 22,1857
Jan. 3, 1871
Apr. 20, 1858
Jan. 9, 1872
Mar. 5, 1872
Apr. 23, 1872
Mar. 24, 1857
Aug. 7, 1866
Oct. 6, 1863
Dec. 15, 1868
Apr. 2, 1850
99, 547
109, 310
88, 154
89, 752
52, 986
1, 8 24
101, 259
120, 432
8, 526
8, 979
19, 776
97, 407
109, 320
111, 211
15, 339
99, 210
18, 752
25, 020
31, 467
120, 985
87, 180
10, 672
97, 433
98, 099
141, 011
19, 380
18, 767
133, 336
85, 693
126, 085
93, 123
19, 445
88, 743
2;, 821
27, 163
28, 816
76, 844
52, 089
87, 445
106, 001
33, 273
97, 329
10, 714
1 25, 649
93, 386
91, 863
104, 792.....
11, 438
7, 676
17, 250
8, 886
5, 531
83, 605
70, 486
7, 51.3, 1 109
117, 397
20, 151
114, 958
26, 045
18, 924
110, 779
122, 538
124, 223
125, 917
16, 868
50, 958
40, 190
85, 046
7, 229
127, 544
107, 083
15, 092
20, 9-24
13, 585
710, 534
95, 919
51, 338.....
10, 983
70, 290
1-2, 135
7, 746
8, 173
65, 454
11, 243
2, 979
6, 657
New York, N. Y----.......... June 4, 1872
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Sept. 6, 1870
Cleveland, Ohio........... June 10, 1856
Kensington, Pa........... Dec. 2, 1835
Baltimore, Md.......... July 13,1858
Watertown, N. Y......... Sept. 18, 1855
Chicago, Ill............... Dec. 27, 1870
Cleveland, Ohio........... Oct. 19, 1869
Bridgeport, Conn.......... Dec. 5,1865
Gunpowder, Md.......... Dec. 28, 1832
Saugatuck, Conn.......... May 30,.1854
Catasauqua, Pa --........... Oct. 29, 1867
New York, N. Y......._.. Jn. 2,1855
Chicago, 111.............. July 23, 1867
Albany, N. Y............ Oct. 29,1850
Greenbush, N. Y.......... June 24, 1851
Providence, 11.I......... iJune 4, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 15, 1838
New York, -. Y...-...... July 11, 1854
Boston, Mass - --- - Feb. 24, 1843
Liverpool, England -..._-_. Aug. 21, 1849
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
Car-wheels, Manufacture of-------------------....................... -J. Scovillo..................
Car wheels, Manufacture of railway-......... -J. D. Murphy.............
Car-wheels, Manufacturing cast-iron-----.. -------G. S. Bosworth..... -....
Car-wheels, Metal for and mode of manufacturing - W. G. Hamilton.............
Car-wheels, Method of attaching and lubricating..- W. R. Reece------------.................---.
Car-wheels, Method of constructing..-------------C. Kingsland..............
Car wheels, Method of making cast-iron railway... E. A. Lester................
Car-wheels, Method of regulating the contraction J. Murphy................
Car-wheels, Mode of cutting the seats, slots, or T. J. Butler..................
grooves for the reception of keys in the hubs
and axles of.
Bufihlo, N. Y.............
Pottsville, Pa -..---...-......
Troy, N. Y--------------................New York, N. Y -..........
Tremont, Pa.-....-.........
McKeesport, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..............------
Kensington, Pa--------............
June 26, 1866
May 16, 1865
Oct. 19, 1858
Dec. 22, 1868
Feb. 13, 1866
Dec. 17, 1867
Aug. 10, 1844
Aug. 7,1849
I Johnstown, Pa............ Dec. 31,1839
Car-wheels, Mode of lubricating..............
Car-wheels, Mode of making cast-iron..........
Car-wheels, Mode of making cast-iron.........
Car-wheels, Mode of making cast-iron.............
W. Youmans-----------..................
J. Bonny, C. Bush, and G. C.
H. M ooers....................
S. Truscott, G. Wolf, and J.
Lansingburgh, N. Y....... June 13, 1865
Wilmington, Del.......... Mar. 17, 1838
Beaver Meadows, Pa...... Mar. 10, 1838
Columbia, Pa............. Mar. 17, 1838
Car wheels, Mode of making cast-iron railway-..... W. W.7Pennell................
Car-wheels, Mold for casting.............. -..- J. B. Tarr................
Car-wheels, Mold for casting..................._..J. B. Tarr.....................
Car-wheels, Mold for casting..-.............. N. Washburn.................
Car-wheels, Mounting and securing.............. W. A. Lewis................
Car-wheels, Tempering the tread of........... J. A. Woodbury...........
Car-wheelsto axles, Applying.................... H. Gartside..................
Car-wheels to axles, Mechanism for adjusting and G. G. Lobdell...................
Car-wheels to axles, Mode of attaching.......... G. M. Palmer...............
Car-wheels to axles, Mode of attaching-.--...---. G. Sewell---------------.....................Car-wheels to axles, Mode of attaching........... R. S. Tarrey--------------...................
Car-wheels to axles, Securing----...---------.. A. M. Leod and G. G. Lobdell..
Car-wheels to different gages, Means for adjusting. W. B. Snow...................
Car-wheels, Treating cast iron for the manufacture H. M. Woodward.............
Car-wheels upon axles, Adjusting................ J. Kaiser.....................
Car-wheels upon axles, Mode of adjusting... H. Helm......................
Catr-wheels upon axles, Securing............. J. L. Mott......_............
Car, Wheelbarrow dumping................. H. J. Peters..................
Car-window.................... J. Beetle.....................
Car-window.................................... -- G. S. Knapp.................
Car-window..............W.MCaull...................................... W. McCaull.....
Car-window.................................- ----. G. W. Perry.................
Car-window deflector.............................- W. Conard...........
Car window fixture, Railway.............. J. D. Hall...................
Car-window protector............... H. G. Carr....................
Car window, Railway.............J. K. Andrews...............
Car window, Railway.................... T. W. Emery.............
Car window, Railway.............-.... G. Mann, jr..............
Car window, Railway...................E. A. Schoeller...........
Car window, Railway...........-...... G. Spencer..-..............
Car-window screen, Railway..................J.. E. Earle.-----.------.-..
Car-window screen, Railway...--............... F.U. Stokes................-.
Car-window shield................... H. S. Hale....................
Car-window stop, Adjustable................ C. Page..................
Car-window, Ventilating..........................C. B. Knevals.................
Car-window, Ventilating....................... G. Mann, jr.................
Car-window ventilator and cinder and dust guard. O. C. Rife...................
Car-windows, Dust-guard for-....----------. O. C. Rife.....................
Car windows, Opening and shutting device for J. F. Lash.......................
Car-windows, Portable deflector for.............. - - -. J C. Stoddard................Car-windows, Spring-attachment to...... G. Cornwall..................G. Corwll----- ---.
Car, Wrecking..................... G. Herrick..................
Cars, Adjustable canopy for railway.............. I. E. Jones....................
Cars, Adjustable draw-head for railway.......... D. P. Corey and J. Crane, jr -...
Cars, Adjusting coupling-links of railway......... T. Andrews...................
Cars, Air-spring for railway................... G.M. Alsop....................
Cars and applying brakes, Disconnecting railway..- J. Buck...........................
Cars and canal-boats up and down inclined planes, G. Brown.....................
Conveying railway.
Cars and carriages by horse-power, Propelling..... H. G. Vanderwerken..........
Cars and carriages, Spring for railway...-..--.. P. G. Gardiner..............
Cars and locomotives, Mode of preventing jarring R. A. Riley................
and jolting of railway.
Cars and locomotives, Self-separating link for con- C. H. Hunt and W. Browne....
necting railway.
Cars and locomotives when without steam, Wind- C. Page.......................
lass for moving.
Cars and other vehicles, Apparatus for heating... C. C. Converse................
Cars, Apparatus for bending and punching frames P. L. Weimer...............
of draw-heads for railway.
Cars, Apparatus for city-railway...-............ S. Green......................
Cars, Apparatus for feeding and watering stock in W. Stank, J. G. Fisher, and S.
Cars, Apparatus for forming bumper-carriers for W. C. Allison..-............
Cars, Apparatus for receiving and delivering mail A. Jordan.....................
on railway.
Cars, Apparatus for supplying pneumatic springs S. G. Randall................
to railway.
Cars, Applying fly-wheels to hand-------... -------. C T. Kipp and J. Lawrenson..
Cars, Applying steam-power to street....---.-.-- L. W. Laagdon................
Cars, Arranging couches in railway............... E. C. Knight......
Cars, Attaching railway................ L. ieckering and J. Lightner..
Cars, Automatic step for mining........ J. Tamblin............. Tanilin..........
Cars, Basket-back for railway........... W. G. Creamer.............
Cara. Bearin for mailway...............-. I). It. Pratt...................
Car, Boat for transporting railway------------- J. eeock.................. Wheock..................
Lancaster, Pa............
Fairhaven, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Boston, Mass...........
Baltimore, Md............
Wilmington, Del.........
Clinton, Mass............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Bangor, Me...............
Wilmington, Del.........
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Wilmington, Del.......
Allegheny City, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.........
Quebec, Canada -..........
New Bedford, Mass.......
Winona, Minn...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Wilmington, Del.._.......
Burlington, N. J....._
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Lewistown, Pa............
Antrim, Ohio.............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Ottawa, Ill...............
Connellsville, Pa.........
Utica, N. Y-.............New Haven, Conn........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Meriden, Conn............
New York, N. Y...........
Ottawa, Ill..............
North Manchester, Ind...
North Manchester, Ind....
Toronto, Canada.........Worcester, Mass.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Nashville, Tenn.........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Crawford, N. J............----------
North Easton, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Fitchburgh, Mass........
New York, N. Y._.......
Feb. 8, 1839
Nov. 5, 1867
Sept. 16,1873
June 20, 1871
Mar. 19, 1872
Apr. 9, 1872
Aug. 6, 187-2
May 2, 1871
Jan. 7,1862
Jan. 30, 1866
July 5,1864
May 24, 1870
Aug. 23, 1870
Nov 10, 1868
Feb. 20,1872
Nov. 7,1865
June 6, 1854
Apr. 15, 1873
May 27,1856
Jan. 18,1870
Feb. 20, 1872
Sept. 21, 1889
Sept. 6,1870
Oct. 18, 1864
June 4,1867
Oct. 9, 1866
Mar. 15, P164
Jan. 5,1864
Mar. 14, 1871
Aug. 15, 1854
Dec. 30, 1873
Jan. 22, 1867
Dec. 30, 1873
July 22, 1873
Dec. 23, 1873
Nov. 7,1865
July 1, 1873
Jan. 28, 1873
Nov. 15, 1850
May 1, 1866
Jan. 21, 1873
Aug. 21,1866
May 17, 1859
May 30, 1871
Feb. 5,1861
May 31, 1859
Sept. 30, 1856
Oct. 6, 1837
55, 916
47, 780
21, 863
85, 089
52, 603
72, 405
3, 700
6, 633
1, 458
48, 230
1, 076
70, 482
142, 821
116, 246
124, 835
125, 651
130, 124
114, 452
34, 070
52, 328
43, 440
103, 484
106, 737
84, 041
123, 913
50, 823
11, 041
137, 862
14, 945
98, 981
123, 833
95, 134
107, 163
44, 770
65, 342
58, 710
41, 911
41, 079
112, 639
11, 535
146, 053
61, 367
146, 066
141, 165
145, 805
50, 831
140, 541
135, 365
109, 326
54, 436
135, 086
57, 323
24, 030
115, 439
31, 289
24, 184
15, 833
18, 781
23, 7661
34, 525
21, 696
62, 254
50, 755
24, 776
121, 214
65, 987
50, 435
44, 972
17, 793
97, 300
24, 563.....
84, 778
92, 174
30, 547
22, 759
Greenbush, N. Y.......... Dec. 1, 1857
New York, N. Y........... Apr. 26, 1950)
Greentield, Ind............ Feb. 25, 1862
Fredericksburgh, Va....... Dec. 26, 1837
West Meriden, Conn...... Oct. 5,1858
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 19, 1867
Lebanon, Pa.............. Oct. 31, 1865
Lambertville, N. J........
White Pigeon, Mich., and
Toledo, Ohio.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
July 12, 1859
Nov. 21, 1871
June 25,1867
Washington, D. C........ Oct. 10, 1865
New York, N. Y........... Nov. 8, 1864
New York, N.Y...........
Northamnipton, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..............
Virginia City, Nev........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Worcester. Mass.........
Lancaster, N. Y...........
July 14, 1857
Nov. 30, 1869
June 28, 1859
June 28, 1836
Dec. 8, 1868
July 6, 1869
Oct. 30, 1860
Jan. 25, 1859
Index of lpatents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cars, boats, &c., by condensed air, Propelling.....
Cars, Body-bolster for i ailway....................
Cars, Bolster for railway..........................
Cars, Bow-spring for railway..................
Cars, Box for railway..............................
Cars, Brake-block for railway...---------------.
Cars, Brake-block for railway...........
Cars, Brake for checking and starting......-.
Cars, Brake for stopping and starting..............
Cars, Brake-head for railway.....-...............
Cars, Breakage-signal for railway................
Cars, Brick-drier for.......................
Cars, Buffer for railway..................................
Cars, Buffer-head and draw-bar for.................
Cars, Buffer-spring for railway.............
Cars, Bumper arrangement for uncoupling railway
Cars by compressed air, Apparatus for propelling
Cars by "safety-box," Strengthening axles of railway.
Cars by stationary power, Propelling..............
Cars, Cattle feeding and watering device for railway
Cars, Center-plate for railway....................
Cars, Change-gate for railway...................
Cars, Coiled spring for railway.......-.-.
Cars, Collision-apparatus for railway..........
Cars, Combined brake and propelling mechanism for
Cars, Connecting-link for railway..................
Cars, Connection for railway.....................
Cars, Connection of brakes with-----------...................--
Cars, Constructing....-..-------
Cars, Constructing and applying bumpers and
draft -springs on railway.
Cars, Constructing and connecting railway........
Cars, Constructing railway....................
Cars, Construction of..............
Cars, Construction of iron railway............
Cars, Construction of peat.--..--..---.
Cars, Construe'ion of railway...........
Cars, Construction of railway.............................
Cars, Construction of railway-...-..--.---...--
Cars, Construction of railway.....................
Cars, Construction of railway...................
Cars, Contrivance for protecting passengers in
Cara, Coupling and uncoupling..............
Cars, Coupling-head for railway...........
Cars, Deck-sash or ventilator-opener for railway...
Cars, Deflector for railway..............
Cars, Detective register for doors of railway......
Cars, Device for applying steam-power to streetrailway.
Cars, Device for (hanging the gage of railway.....
Cars, Device for discharging grain from raihlway.Cars, Device for partially excluding dust from railway.
Cars, Device for propelling street..................
Cars, Device for turning street...........
Cars, Door-catch for railway......................
Cars, Doutlo and single tree attachment for street..
Cars, Draft-bar for horse.......................
Cars, Draft bar for railway...................
Cars, Draft pole bfor horse.........-.......
Cars, I)Draw-bar iron for buffers cf railway.........
Cars, Draw-head and bumper for railway..........
Cars, Draw-head foir railway.............
Cars, Draw-spring for railway..............-.......
Cars, Driving-gear fbr hand............._........
Cars, Dumping-platform for railway..........
Cars, Dust-arrester for railway...................
Cars, Dust-deflector for railway...................
Cars, Dust-deflector for windows of railway.....
Cars, Dust-shield for railway..................
Cars, Easing shocks in stopping railway.........
Cars, Electro--motor for..........."..........
Cars, Elevator for loading............
Cars, Elliptic cushion for railway............
Cars, Equalizing bea-n and lever in railway.....
Cars, Excluding dust from railway................
Cars, Excluding dust from railway................
Cars, Excluding dust from railway................
Cars, Excluding dust from railway...............
Cars, Excluding dust from railway...............
Cars, Extension holding-strap for street...........
Cars, Folding-seat for street-raiway..............
Cars for preserving and transport rg meat, fish,
and vegetables, Construction of railway.
Cars, Framing railway.....
Cars from being thrown from the track, Machine
for preventing engines and railway.
Cars from one track to another, Method of transferring.
Cars from one track to another, Mode of switching
off railway.
Cars from one track to another, Transferring......
Cars from one track to another, Transferring railway.
A. McGrew..................
A. Ward....................
J. Christy..................
T. F. Allyn...............
R. Levington................
L. Paige-----------------......................
W. Wilmore..................
R. Grant................---
G. E. Burt and E. A. Hildteth..
N. P. Stevens.................
S. Jackson....................
C. Chambers, jr...............
Rt. D. Chatterton.........
J. T. Wilson.......
A. H. Rowand................
W. O. George...............
W. H. H. Bowers...._......
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Altoona, Pa...............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Nyack, N. Y..........
Monroe, Mich.........
Cavendish, Vt.......
Scranton, Pa..............
New York, N. Y.........
Harvard, Mass........
Keene, N. H...........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa...
Bath, England.............
Pittsburgh, Pa-..---
Allegheny City, Pa.....
Richmond, Va........
Franklin, Ky..........
Date. No.
Oct. 27, 1835
June 21, 1859
Feb. 5, 1867
Sept. 8, 1868
Apr. 17, 1849
Jan. 16, 1855
Feb. 2, 1869
Oct. 10, 1854
Sept. 10,1867
Apr. 19, 1859
Jan. 2,1872
Mar. 30,1869
Feb. 9, 1864
Apr. 4, 1871
Sept. 29, 1863
Oct. 7, 1856
Sept. 2, 1873
P. and W. C. Allison.......... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 3,1841
A. R. Cribhfield...............
W. Reid.....................
G. W. Bennett................
J. B. Slawson................
C. French....................
J. Kulioski.................
J. W. Hill..................
R. Hemming..................
J. iR. Crabill........
J. Kimball and H. Rice......
S. J. Seely.................
F. M. Ray...................
R. Grant...............-.
L. I. Germain...............
J. E. Leeper.................
S. M errick...................
J. Bundy.....................
C. M. Atkins.................
W. A. Davis...................
D. H. Dotterr..............
K. Thompson and S. D. Beerbrower.
W. G. Von Straden........
S. F. Holbrook..............
WV. A. Herrick..............
R. M. Hughes.................
J. E. Cross...................
J. A. Rockwood...............--
W. C. Smith..................
W. W. Crane................
D. Todd.......................
S. W. Hawes..........
V. P. Corbett.........
S. Jones and B. Terfloth......
B. I.Day....................
C. Graham....................
J. F. Lowe...................
J. Trent......................
H. J. Lombaert..............
S. A. Otis...-----------.-..
J. T. Wilson...............
D. Shaaber..................
WV. S. Shotwell...............
R. A. Wilder.................
J. D. Hinckley................
J. W. Harrison..............
W. M. K. Thornton...........
J. P. O. Lownsdale............
J. M. Cook....................--------------
W. M K. Thornton-...........
C. Davenport.................
S. Jones...................
R. D. Chatterton..............
S. i. Jones...................
J. H. Dennis..............
J. M. Cook...........
E. Hamilton..................
O. Newton and J. A. Crever.-..
E. C. Salisbury................
J. Wood..................
T. Cogswell................
K. Egan......................
Lincoln, Ill...............
Granton, North Britain...
White Haven, Pa......
New York, N. Y......
Seymour, Conn......
Charleston, S. C..__.. --
Jefferson, Iowa...-...
Boston, Mass.........
La Crosse, Ill.........
Concord, N. H......Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Catskill, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Catskill, N. Y.............
Godfrey, Ill.............
New Brighton, Pa.........
West Liberty, Iowa......
Pottsville, Pa...........
Baltimore, Md............
Philadelphia, Pa..._.....
Oxford, Pa............
Mar. 12,1872
Mar. 17, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
Jan. 4,1868
Oct. 7, 1856
Sept. 9, 1856
July 29, 1873
Oct. 11,1845
Apr. 4,1871
Jan. 1, 18590
May 12, 1863
July 29, 1841
July 22,1837
May 7, 1839
June 20, 1871
Oct. 2, 1866
May 19, 1868
Oct. 28, 1862
Oct. 5, 1838
Feb. 14, 1865
Dec. 2, 1873
Strathroy, Canada........ Sept. 24, 1872
Boston, Mass............. Feb. 21, 1854
Leeds, Me................
Oxford, Pa................
Adrian, Mich........
Normal, Ill..............
Georgetown, D. C.....
Auburn, N. Y..........
June 19, 1860
Feb. 24, 1863
July 22, 1873
Jan. 9, 1872
Apr. 26, 1859
May 13, 1873
24, 512
61, 713
81, 969
6, 348
12, 245
86, 613
11, 785
68, 601
23, 7 22
122, 386
88, 274
41, 483
113, 608
15, 839
142, 433
2, 322
124, 557
75, 701
75, 115
73, 396
15, 869
15, 699
141, 272
4, 233
113, 633
6, 988
38, 507
2, 201
116, 069
58, 448
78, 051
36, 762
46, 341
145, 255
131, 725
10, 547
28, 751
37, 787
141, 037
122, 655
F 3, 791
138, 793
123, 308
120, 065
13, 779
105, 088
85, 732
125, 808
109, 029
99, 730
31, 670
121, 656
127, 819
115, 986
67, 368
38, 618
137, 922
143, 758
101, 787
91, 947
13, 676
119, 545
111, 348
411, 482
20, 070
33, 776
9, 671
8, 121
10, 626
13, 364
14, 331
53, 116
138, 321
72, 895
27, 734
25, 970
66, 132
24, 336
30, 100
30, 284
Detroit, Mich........... Jan. 30, 1872
Jersey City, N. J........ Oct. 17, 1871
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 13, 1855
New Orleans, La........
Vanderburgh County, Ind
Kingston, Pa---------..............
Louisville, Ky.......
Mille:ton, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa -..........-- -
Boston, Mass..............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Reading, Pa............
Paterson, N. J.........
Cressona, Pa.............
Adrian, Mich...........
Niles, Mich...........
Rolla, Mo...............
Portland, Oreg............
Taunton, Mass---------............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Cambridge, Mass.........
New Orleans, La..........
Bath, England.............
York, Pa......-----.........-----
Louisville, Ky..........
Taunton, Mass...........
Bridgeport, Conn........
Pittsburgh. Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Boston, Mass..........
New York, N. Y.........
Providence, R. I.....-....
July 5, 1870
Jan. 12, 1869
Apr. 16, 187-2
Nov. 8, 1870
Feb. 8, 1870
Mar. 12, 1861
Dec. 5, 1871
June 11, 1872
June 13, 1871
July 30, 1867
May 19, 1863
Apr. 15, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
Apr. 12, 1870
June 29, 1869
Oct. 16,1855
Oct. 3, 1871
Sept. 9, 1835
Jan. 31, 1871
Feb. 9, 1864
Apr. 27, 1858
Nov. 26, 1861
Apr. 19, 1853
May 27, 1851
Mar. 14, 1854
July 31, 1855
Feb. 26, 1856
Mar. 13, 1866
Apr. 29, 1873
Dec. 31, 1867
T. M. Mullen................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 3,1860
A. L. Johnson................. Baltimore, Md........... Nov. 1, 1859
J. Denhard.................... Reading, Pa............... June,5, 1867
M. Semple..................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 7,1859
W. Wharton, jr -...........-Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 18,1860
J. Ashenfelder.............. Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 9, 1860
Index of patencts isssued froem tie United States Patent Office from 1700 to 1873, inclusive-Contiinued.
Cares from running off the track, Proventing
(yCrscfom tie tracklDevicefor removing.....
CarslFurnaeofor railway.............
CaresGrain door for.......~.........- -
Cars, Grain-doci for..-............
(ars, Grain-door for...............
CaersGreece -door for r-ai1way.........
Cars, Graim-door for railwaiy...........
Cars, Guard for railway..............
Cars, Guide-wheel for railway------------------..
Cars, Head-rest for railway......................
Cars, Head-rest for railway......................
1)D. cdeon......
it Af.ttutchincson..........
L. 1'erzee----------------..
1-I Stallneeker............... H. Card and L. Safford.
CI B. Pc-h------------------..
F. M. Daunoy--------------._
J. B. Wicket-sham..---------
B. Hamilton................
P. A. LaFranceandJ. ID. Dinsmoe.
Aubhurn, N. Y_. ---- - -
Pihiladelphia, Pa-..
Baltimore, Mel...
Jersey City, N. J--.
AllentowNn, Pa -----------
AeetwPa -----------
Fr-eeport and Chieago, Ill.- -
La Fayette, ndNew Orleans, La-....
New Yor-k, N. ----
Franlihn, 10(1.._.........
Elmirae, N. Y------------.
Chicago, Ill-------------..
Duhuque, Iowa -...
Aurora, Ill.--------------
Cars, Hea-cdrest for raiway--------.....- -.----------. B. Slaughter----. _-------
Cas ccslerad-snpportefeereaiway---------------. IJ. N.WXilliacns _............
Cars, Heaticg and ventelating apparatus for ri-l C. F. Allen and L. WV. Campway. hell.
Caers, Heating a~nd ventilatingrailway.- - - -- - - -----ID. II. IDotterer.............._ __ __
Ccc,Hetcnc and venticai-tngt-ailwcay- -_- - - ------S. Lloyd.- -- - ---- - --- -- - --- - -
(CrsHeatcng aced ventclaeting ailway--_ - ---------T. H. B. Sanders............. -- --
Cu-s, Hecteuc riw----------------------------iR. A. Chcschrough---------
Cacs, Hieaticng railway--------------------------- A. C. Craery........-.....
C-ars, Hoistcng anod dumuping coal------------------ G. Martz._.............-.-..
C-e, e. Implement foc selceg railway.... -..F. XW. A. Kr-ause.............
C-crsc.,eIndci-hubemspccing for.................V--1. B. Do Forest.. _...........
Cars, Instrunment for coupling r-ailway-. -........A. McOmhber ancd M. Ward..
Cars, Jaw f'or dump and coa-l.....................J. M. Foss.. -..........
(hem- s, Lavatory -attacclenet for railw-ay-............__ _J. G. Mum-dock..............
Cars, Lever fec e ailw-ay.......................... _ _ _ _ J. Noble..-................-- -
Ca r s, Lifting jack for moveuc- ail-. __..........N. B. Carpenter and J Powers.
Cars, Lighting railway.................... --.....A. Longsteet......... _.....
Cars, Lick for couplingcralwaey..................G. W. Putncam. _............
Cars, Link-guide for coupling.....................__ __ __ _N. L. Post............ _...
Cars, Loading and unloading baggag e and fre ight 0. C. Brown.................
Cars, Loading cattle upeon...................... L. 0. Cottle ---........_-......_
Cars, Loadineg raiway fdat_.......................G. W. Penniston.._.._.....
Cat-c, Lock for doors of hacgee.................. Slaiget.-..._.........
Cars, Lock for r-elway.......................... 1 Sleight......_-._._....
Cars, Lockiceg-dooc foe scclwey.................-. _..WMorse.._.......
Cats, locomotives, &c. Spring for railway -..-._ X V. Duf....................
Cars, Macliine for bending- truck-sides for railway.- J. I1. IfHenm..................
Cars, Machine for mn-cing reaiway.........C. XW. T. IKrausch.............
Cars, Machine Ifcr repl-acinace-ilway...............H. N. Degeaw............
Cars, Macheinefoe unloading railway......J. Pable......... ----_. _...
Cars, Machine foe propellicng.............-G.I.B e uegard..........__.
Cars, Machinery tor propelling railway......J. Boccer aund J. B. Hac-cer.
Caers, Machcine toe unloadling flat.................. S.Cdldwell._......_......
Cars, Machinery for unloading railway.-_---._--_J. I he.....................
Cars, Metallic safety-seat for railway ------ -H. Martince...................
Cars, Methoel of prev entiug duct, &c., from cuter- ii. Pyfee..................
iug the window's otfraiway
Cars, Metleod of self-ventil-etion for railway.. __-V.P. Corhett......... _.... _...
Cars. Mode of applycng ste-ca. as a motor to city- W. Damrker, jr..............
Cars, Mode of arrangiug couches in railway._.. E. C.IKeighet.................
Cars, Mode of attacleing stakes to railway._- _- _J. Foe tuce..................- - - -
Cacs, Mode of collecticg letters on street-railw-ay. J.B. Murray...........- -- - -..
Cats, Mode of confiucceg the driver's seat in city V. C. Allison...............r aiwa-y
Carc, Mode of constructing thce heating and light A. J. Gibeson................
sog appearatus on railway.
Carec Mode of coupling and uncoupling.......... _. S. H. Hamilton... _....__......
Cars, Mode of dlumping railway-------------------....V. Pearce aced J. Lowrie.
C-cc, Mode cf fastening and unfastening drop-doors XV. Bm-t......................
en co-cl
Cars Mode of loading dirt.. - - - - --........C. Phillips.--..............
Cars, Mode of opecating and dumping earth - H a...... a.-._.............
Cars Mole of oper-aticeg railway------------------...C. E. W~illis................
Carc, Mode of switecing street------------------ J. S. Reid-.........._..
Cars, Mode- of watering cattle on cilway...W. - X V. Rohinson............... - ---
Cares off the trcick, Rail for switching-------------....J. C. Mlather......_ -- -........._
Cars, Oil-hox for railway--------------.......... _ F.F. Hurlhut and It. S. Potter.
Cars on cailsApp-cc-tesfor retaining._XV._ 1 ___ W aynee. _.-......__.......Cars on railways, Machcnecy for cuov-c-... _. A. Fostee- and H. Brown.Cars on raiclways, Mode of peopelling.CII're................Hrvy---------
C-crc on reiways, Propellinge.......----------------- _J.A. Benet---------------....
Cams 0oi the track, Adjust-ahle rail for replacing..C. Perey. _..................
C-irs on the traeck, Adjuctabhle rail foe- replacingc J.A. Steplhan........... -- --.
Cars on the scack, Deviccefoerusoving.-_.- -.--J. W.Petteingill... ____.......
C-crc on trick, Maceine foi replacing railway..J. White.............. -- --....
Came, Operating lumesping..------------ A.C.Joleosoce__........_.
CasOperating dumneu------------------------1-i.fRay------------
C-irs over eevatioms, Takingc---------------------S.Ceeci......................
Cars over obstructions, Conveeying city-r-ailway. 1.P.I. Beeleman..............
C-ireP-essencersuscppoct foi city- -- - ------ -- -- ---J. Henley..._........... _... _.
Carm, Pedestael for railw-ay-------------- --_. _.-._ - -I-...D. H. Leger...........
(moeIPedestal forielw-c.v------...--.-------------. _I.P. Wecneell aced S. U~stick..
Caus, Pedestal fcc street ceelwvay------------------..ID.B. H-cc-C................
Cars, Pipe-coupimng for heeing......--------H. R.Lohhins..............--
Careecipe-coupling Ice heting acnd ventilatingc FI R.Hunt......_.... -.....
C-crsPlatform hetweens cailwvay------------------.....J. Newvmacs.... _....... _.....
Cari, Plowv icr eslocelccec..----_-...J.Ilic~ttillin................
Carsc Pole-eel estee totrIherse---------------------... _A. C.Satford.........._... --____.
Cars-,IPole toerlhorse..........._---..Penergast........__-....
Ca. acPoItle for loc cc mailu'<----------------------I.. _.D. I.kRbinson. - ------.
(CccsPortahle ce-it fcr driiveecupoms. J.I.Ceamphell iced C. Tiumsey.
Pheiladelplhia, Pa._-.
Washimeton, ID.C..___.....
Philadelphcia, Pa...__.
Nosy York, N. Y._- -_
Utica, N. Y.-- ----
Pottsville, Pa...........
Baltimeore, Mel............
New Yor-k, N. Y..._
Schenectady, N. Y..
Saint Alsacns, N. Y...
Cincincati, Ohcio.._..__
Rochester, N. Y.._.
New York, N. Y.._..__
Chcicago, 7Dl.........
Souths Glen's Falls, N. VY-..
East Clevelaned, Ohio._..
Iberia, Ohio..............
Cedar Rapids, Iowa...
North Vernon, Iced.Newark, N. J............
Newark, N. J............
Chicago, Ill..............
Baltimore, AMTl...........
Pittshurgh, Pa......... _.
Cheicago, 1Ill..............
Piermuont, N. Y -..._....
Chicago, Ill..............
New Orleans, La..-.Pihilaedelphia, Pa -......
Auburn, N. Y.......
Cleicago, Ill..........._..
Chicago, Ill... _.....-.
Baltimore, lMd...........
Date. No.
Jesne 22, 1818 20,1014
Sept. 5, 1865 49, 737
Mham. 13,1lii0 27, 449
May 9, lilt 114, (1ti
Jan. 2:3, 18 72 123, 055
Janm. 23,1872 12.1, 0113
Au4. 2.2, 1871 118,3319
Ham-. 19, 1807 02, 972
Mar. 14, 1807 04, 039
Mar. 3, i1857 16, 702
Feb. 20, 1807 0-2, 484
Sept. 11, 1860 57, 920
Aug. 19, 18516 15, 581
Feb. 13, i855 12, 400
Nov. 5, 1807 70,4-95
Febs. 25, 1808 7 4, 899
Feb. 11, 1808 74, 386
May 29, 1806 55, 108
Jan. 28, 1808 73, 780
May 12, 1808 77, 871
Ape-. 3, 1855 12, 033
Oct. 13, 1857 18, 400
Aug. 10, 1819 25, 100
Mar. 8, 18740 100, 542
Jruce 21, 1872 128, 219
Oct. 20, 1809 110, 219
Nov. 19, 1807 71, 040
Feb. 0, 1855 12, 345
Apc-. 27, 1869 89, 539
(let. 1, 18 72, 131, 905
Feb. 20, 187-2 1-23, 9310
May 0, 1873 i38, 517
Joeme 18, 1872 127, 961
May 0, 1873 138, 577
Sepst. 11, 18t6 57, 986
Feb. 5, 1861 31,3:3-2
Nov. 22, 1804 45, 105
Jan. 9,1841 1, 928
Sept. 23, 1873 1-13, 010
Mae-. 3, 1861 37, 818
Jams. 29, 1856 14,154
July 28, 1808 80, 2711
Noc..30, 18(19 97, 343
May 8,180Q0 28, 153
May 0, 1873 138s, 476
Aug. 7, 1806 50, 906
Jacn. 15, 1807 01, 2-22
Mae-. 10, 1817 10, i06
Mar. 20, 1855 12,541
Nov. 22, 1859 20, 239
Sept. 27, 1859 25, 570
Nov. 28, 1805 51, 278
May 20, 1862 35,:123
Nov. 8, 1819 20, 066
Dee. 8, 1808 84, 740
Sept. 5, 1865 41, 754
Apr. 21, 1817 17, 114
Dec. 11, 1800 00, 340
Jain. 8, 1851 14, 066
Sept. 4, 1855 1:3, 5-28
Oct. 4,:1804 44,5174
July 25, 1865 48, 9 78
Oct. 29, 1801 33,01
Auc. 24, l858 21,266
May 10, 1864 42,7312
Mae. 5, 1850 7, 1461
Jan. 1811859 22, 038
May 8, 1860 54, 537
Oct. 9, 1800 30, 287
Junme 13, 1854 11, 079
Oct. 11, 1859 25, 771
Sept. a,1866 5,5285
June21, 1838 20,075
Apr. 18, 1054 10, 805
Sept. 4, i855 13,1-29
Octi., 9 1800 3, 28
Cerhetteville, N. Y.... I
Philadelphia, Pa.--._
Pheiladelphcia, Pa.
Cienfluegos, Island of Cuba
Nosy Yoik,N.'Y....
Philadelphcia, Pa..----.
Cincinnati, Ohio....._..7
Bushnell, Ill.............
Piedmneut, Yesa-. -..__..._..Mac-quette, Miche....
Dletroit, Mich..--........
Lomispori, K)y.... _......
Noey Yomrk, N. XI....
Munecie, nd(1...........
Rochester, N.Y......
Noey Ycrk, N. Y.:-.
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y.
Nosy Yorlk, N. Y......
Tarrytowe, N. Y- V -_.
Kings Count', N.Y.....
New Yomk, N. Y----
La Facyette, Ind.__.._.
Rockeford, Il..... _.._Boston, Mess......
Meaedville, a......e
New Voile N. Y._ _.._
Neew Yoml, N. Y. _._.-.
New YorkN.Y....
Saint Louis, Mo.....Baltimocre, MdI...._. _....Leavenwor-ths, Iaccs..----
Casey-, Iowa.............Baston, Maccc......... _. _..
XVilliamscsbue-gle, N. V..
Index of p~atents ironead from the United Stales Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, iirclas-iv---Contiinred.
Cars, Prey-eriling dust from entering railway.rPoeln -----------------
Cars, Propelling--------------------------------
Car, Propelling -------------------------------
Cars, Propelling.....a..........................
Cars, Propelling..re...........................
Cars, Propelling srilway.............
C a r s, P r o p e l l i n g s t r e e t........................- - - - - - - - -
Ca r s, Propelling s tr ee t......................... - - -- -- --
Ca r s, Propellino street.........__.._..._...__.....
Cars, Pull-iron fo r horse------------------------
Cars, Riegister for- horse.........................
Cars, Register for street......................
Cars, Retracker for railway____________
C ars, Rol. ing shoes for replacing---------------....
Cars, Running-gear for city-railway -. - -.
Cars, Thinning-gear for- railway.....
Cars, Running-gear for railway.--.................
Cars, Running-gear for railway...................
Cars,1Rennin-,ear for railwa--- -- -- - - - ----- -- -
Cars, Runnin-gear for railay_______ __a_ __
Cars, Running-gear loa railway..---------------.. _
Cars, Runnrig-gear for railway................Cars, Runnin-gear icr raiway.................
Cars, Iunmn, -gear fir railwa- -.................-- -- -
Cars, Riunning-gear for railway..................
Cas Runing-g, ear for railway---- _._- ------ _--
Cars, Liu in'-"er- for railway----------------
Cars, Runing-ge n- fer raiwaiy.. _............... _ _
Cars, Running-"enr foririlway.................
Cars, Runni-g"ear for railwy----------------......
Cars, Runnuin-gar for rail way........
Cars, Running-gear for ra'lwayv.-............
CarsitRunn-goear for street...................
Cars, Rurining-gearr for street-railway..... _. _.....__
Car-s, Safety-attachmenrt for ra-ilwiay....... _____-....
Cars, Safety-ttachnment for street-railway..
Cars, Safety-ttachmrent for railway-------------
Cr sSafety 'ittachrmnt frrailway.. -.-. _.
Cars, Saety-brake for railway'r ----- --
Cars, Saifety bridge and gale for railway-.
Cars, Safety-brnlge for railway...............
Car, Safety-bhridg-e for railway..................
Cais, Salfety -bidge ti railway------------------....
Cars, Safety-coupilinr for r'ailwary................
Cars, Safely-guard for railw-ay..........
Cars, Safety-garil for railway..._'._._r._..
Cars, S-ifety-guardifor rail-ia --_---.-.---
Cars, Safely-guard for railway.._..__..__.._...
Car'sSafely-uardl for rilnway...-_.
Car-s, Safery-g'-nrd for railway................
Cars, Safety-hiatle for rarilway...._.._.
Cas afnety-padleek for rarilway..................
Cars, Saf ety-platform hetwieen railway----. _- ---
C ar s, Saf'ef yp1lifform for- railway........ _--. -_...tarsa safety-step for railway.....................
Cars, Safet-fop for railway.................... _..
Cars, Sand-dis-tributer for railway................
Cars, Srer -rattachmnent to.. _....................
Cars, Se-il-boeltfor- railway........................
Cars, Sea-ibolt for railway.-.....................
Cars,&c., Seal f or- railway freight- -- -- - - - - - - - - -
Cars, &c. Se-iltea- railway freight--------------.....
Cars, Seat for driver and coaducter of streetCars, Settee for raiway-passeniger................
Cars, Sha-ckle for r-nlwayy.............
Cars, S i letree for h o r s e........................
CasSerepming-iirfor railway--_. -.u. __.
Crs, Slrerng (d0or for railw-ay box.................
Cars, Slidrng door forr railwa -y...............__.
Cars, Spiral sprini' for railwa'y..__.._.__.._.__.
Cars, Spu iilspring" for r aiwa-ry---------
Cars, Spring craft arid hurmper for railway..__.
Cars, Spring-plartformi for railwray...............- - -
(-irsSpring-si at forr ilxxay __.-.-__..
Cars, Sprinklin"-attachirnrt f or railway.-----
Cars, Stake-hloder for p1llformi-_..----_--
Cars, Stake-holder for platform- - ---- -- -- -- -- - - --
Cars, Stake-holder for railway--- - ___-- -- -- -- -- -
CarsSt-adardl for lumber.......................
ClIasStarling il tppn
Iventor. Residlence. Date.
D.) S.1D-rling-----------------...Brooklyn, N. Y ------__ ---an. 10, 1854
1. A-iery.------------..-------. uukhannock, Pa..-...Seprt. 25, 1847
C. 1. larvey-----------------.... arrytowsn, N. Y----------_ _Apr. 16,18167
C.T I lar-icy-----------------...Tarrtown, N. Y -..- -_---May 21,18137
W. J. Sage-------------------...Steubenvirho, Ohio.._,T.rr Jn. 28, 18132
S. G anid-ill..- --.__...__- Ne-i York, I'. Y -.... May 2:3, 18135
11 C. rill -rndiB. TBloonfield.. New Orleans, La.- - - -----Mar. 5, 1872
J. W. Counway---------------- Madison, Id-------------Aug. 28,1816
G. S. Petry-------- -----------1Troy Grove, Ill-----------Apr. 9,18137
J. L. Simns and W. T. Duvall. George town, 13. C -------- Ar.pr". 2, 18 72
C. -M. anru _______---_--ritMrh-------------Dei tMc ~ June 6,18135
A. S. J iuninerson -- -- -- - - - ----Nw Yoa-k, N. Y - __-- --Jan. 5, 18139
C. B. Angell------------------ Cox cutiy it. I.-_-------lMay 12. 1813
J1. B. Greerhut---------------.Cure r o, il----------- _Dec. 12, 18135
J. 1). Ptt.-----------------.Pittsbrrh, Pa------------.Nov. 21,1861
W. L. Gilroy -----------------Philadelprhia, Pa---------- May 21,1813
J. (Grice and B. 1t. Long - --_-. New York, N. Y., and Feb. 21, 1310
Phirladelphria, Pa.
S. B. Childs-------------------Sy'recuse, N. Y------------ Sept. 25, 1131
T. A. D~avies- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- NowYork, N. Y.. - -...- lec. 9, 1851.11.L Iernnis-----------------.LoursirleKy----------._Jan. 14, 18132
S. TB. 3riggs------------------ New York, N.Y.___._-. Mar. 14, 18635
It. Itor-ubrook----------------..Cincinnati, Ohio.-._ Apr. 24, 18130
S. Howard --------------------FElyria, Olro..------------May 28, 1861
J. Ir-gersoll.- -- -- - ---- -- -- -- --Grafton, Ohio-------------_Aug. 24,1858
1. Knight------------_ __ _ _----Baltimore, Md ------------ Mar. 28, 1648
J. S. Lester------------------- Atlant-, Ga --.----------Oct. 7,1871
W. Nehru or -- -- -- -- - - - - - ----S'rpsbrrrghlrMd.- ---- Oct. 21,It851
J. PI.13D.V., and J. Perry. W ilkesbaire, Pa.-- -- -----Feb. 9,1369
D. G. Smithli----------------- Carbondale, Pa.....-------Dec. 5,i185
J. Stephenson.- - - -- -- ---New York, N. Y ------uly5,1865
J. ltinipsoir.-----------------IlBaltimore, Md---_--------(lt. 23,1834
11. 13 Tayher----------INrswarikN. J-- - -- -- - --- --Feb.:31851
11. It.Trenor----------------...New Yorrk, N. Y-------- cet.17 18135
T.W so-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -S rCreek, Ill-----------.... -eb. 25,18130
L. Eastmnr------------------Cicago, Ill----..----.-_--May 25,18169
A. MeN air-------------------New-irk, N.J--------....May 13,18132
Ti. A. Newhall---------------- Newton' Mass------------ May 18,1688
J. Togarty --- -- - -- - --- -- - --- - -Brookl yn, N. Y.---------- _Sept. 7,1e6
G. W. Irandy------------ ------New York, N. Y----------M-u. I3.18
C. Milieu--------------------....W-rshington, 13. C -._.-._ Oct. 03,1855
T. Wolf---------------hirladelphria, Pa._----------Sepat. 0, s64
A. H.Allen -------------------ralatferdCoan----------- Air.13, 1867
L. Ilerupsicad and L. S. Hills- Il-rtlord, Coirn-----------.Air-. 21, -8r6
LSturg'con ------------------Ceirurr im, Ohio-An" I inl15It187
L.iaxler------------__-------utlerOhm.-------------JriJly 2, 1817
11H Anrrerson.-------------- Mill-erd1 Del1-- --------Feb. 11857
J.. C Ireeker-----------------bUica, N. Y---------------Jan.1,18a56
T. Gillen----------..--------'iladielpian, 'a-___-June 23, 1863
S. Maleas------------- CrerirnatirOhio..--.Juerrie1,i18(r7
W. Siefert -------------------New York, N. V_.___Jan. 297.Wle-.........Pildlha a...._Fb:,18137
J. A.Wilkinson --------------Wilson, N.Y------------- July 26,1870
L. Listen--------------------.Albay-,N.Y-------------Feb. 18,18731
G. W. Stevens-----.----------- Albany, N. Y._....._Jan. 7, 1868
J., jr., a:d S. V. Kline.___- __Chicago, Ill--------_.. _---Apr. 15, 1856
TI1. Marchand--------------i....'ittsburgh, Pa- -- -------May 1,1871
it. Striode.- - - --________Coatesilrle, Pa.-.-_-------Nov. 18, 1873
13. F. Beckwithi, J. H. Ryner ClaytonTe- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Mr 5, 1872
sea, and A. N. Clark.
A. Tofus -.....- - - --....Phiardelphia, Pa -......Aug. 11, 1857
C. M. Bromwiek.-.---.----Soritli Boston, Mass -L...... ee. 19, 18135
E. B. Wells -. - - -. - - -._ orftharrplon, Mass-..-Jan. 7, 18138
T. 1i. Maimandai G. P. Terry_ Albny.- N. Y-------------...13 ec. 15, 18138
J. T'. Moore---------- LstaMs----------- Bsoa __..--13cc. 1,1868
TI. 13. Mears and W. Iloulton, jr 13altimnoieM-------------...Juily 14, 1857
H. 13. Mears and W. Hloultori jr Baltimore, Md -_- -- - - ----July 1-4, 1 857
T. G. lambly------------------i... Sn Tir-nc-see, Cal.__--__Nov. 7, 18135
J. B. Easland-----------------Li.... Bidgepor t, Corin._-- -----Sept.2,-2
IT. A. Barns.-----------------...Milwaukee, W is- - __ -._- May 13, 18632
J. Wills----------------------.Reck island, Ill.-_------Apr. 15, 1873
J. Dan. er--------------------...Canton, Ohio.- --_ - ---ec. 27, 1859
J. Ilassler.-----------..------G'ilesbnrli, 1Ill---------Aug. 2,1870
A. G. Salforil-----------------TBestion, Mass-------------- Aug. 8, 18135
J. Murray-------------------.New Yorkl N. Y---------- Oct. 15, 1872
F. It. Ray-------------------- New York, N.Y---------Apr. 18, 1851
T. A lber-soa -.-----------------.... New havi-n, Cornrir- -....Se.__Sept. 8, 18:38
C. 11. Lewis.. -..- - - Malden, Mass.------------liar. 25, 18513
'F'.J. GiIlord-----------------SaeiriiM-ass --------------Nov. 1, 1870
11. Mitchell._----------------ineinr-atitOrio ----------Jane 19, 18130
EI. A. Eddy--------..--------itineWis-------------- July 18, 18135 -EI. A. Eddy-------------------.R-ine, Wis-------------- July 18, 18135
T. A. Slack----------------Peoria County, Ill......-.T ec. '10, 18137
11.T Jaob-------------LoetoT>.- - - Apr.- 5,18134
10, 402
5, 308
63:, 688
134. 1-2
34, 269)
47, 658
57, 1323
125, 2-24
48, 081
38, 456
51, 453
3:3, 7915
38 1371
27, 217
58, 216
8, 5713
34, 1:34
413, 784
27, 982
32, 4-23
21, 259
5, 493
143, 5113
8, 45t
12, 013
49, 1304
8, 710
50, 518:34, 544
10, 513
35, 244
20, '293
94, 587
74, 980
-13, 705
44, 31
137, 71
57, 453
118, 1167
66(, 419
113. 520
14, 014
39, 011
135, 582
87, 1-216
105, 753
135, 923
73, 133
14, 1315
138, 13(9
144, 104
17, 982
51, 1341;
73, 212
84, 891
84, 503
17, 801
17, 802
50, 811)
36, 343
35, 227
137, 9130
26, 571
105, 888
49, 108
132, 21:1
10, 744
14, 568
108, 777
28, 7164
48, 4799
7-2, 097
70, 114
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continues.
I 1 1 I
Cars, Starting railway......................
Cat s Starting railway.........................
Cars, Starting railway.........................
Cars, Starting street.......................
Cars, Starting street...............................
Cars, Starting street..............................
Cars, Starting street.---.............................
Cars, State-room for railway.................
Cars, Steam-brake for railway.................
Cars, Steam-brake for railway...............
Cars, Steam-coupling for railway...............
Cars, Steam-heater for railway.................
Cars, Steam-pipe coupling for railway..............
Cars, steamers, &c., Apparatus for illuminating
Cars, Step for street.........................
Cars, Stopping and starting..................
Cars, Stopping and starting........................
Cars, Stopping and starting.....................
Cars, Stopping and starting..................
Cars, Stopping and starting.................
Cars, Stopping and starting city-railway..........
Cars, Stopping and starting railway...............
Cars, Stopping and starting railway...............
Cars, Stopping and starting railway..............
Cars, Stopping and starting railway................
Cars, Stopping and starting railway..............
Cars, Stopping and starting street................
Cars, Street-indicator for city --....-........
Cars, Support and advertising medium for street..
Cars, Support for passengers in... -------.
Cars, Suspending upper berths in sleeping........
Cars, Swing-jack for railway.............
Cars, Switch for changing gage of----------.................
Cars, Switching-apparatus for street-railway......
Cars through tunnel, Method of transporting--.
Cars to railway-tracks of different gages, Mode of
Cars to turn short curves, Railway track or rail for
Cars, Tongue-support for railway street...........
Cars, Trussed-spring bolster for railway..._.....
Cars, Turning railway...............................
Cars, Unloading--...---_ -- ---- -...
Cars, Unloading coal and other.................
Cars, Unloading grain.............................
Cars, Unloading grain from-----------------........................Cars, Unloacing railway................
Cars upon railway-track, Replacing...........
Cars upon springs. Mode of suspending........
Cars upon the track, Apparatus for replacing railway.
Cars upon the track, Manner of replacing railway.
Cars upon the track, Mechanism for retaining.....
Cars upon the track, Spiral wheel for replacing
Cars upon the track, Switch for replacing.....
Cars, Ventilating and excluding dlust from railwvay.
Cars, Ventilating and excluding dust from railway.
Cars, Ventilating and warming railway............
Cars, Ventilating grain........................
Cars, Ventilating railway....................
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
(Cars, Ventilating railway. _...
Cars, Ventilating railway.......................
Cars, Ventilating railway........................
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating railway...................
Cars, Ventilating railway........................
Cars, Ventilating railway................
Cars, Ventilating railway...............
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating railway.....
Cars, Ventilating railway.....
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating railway...............
Cars, Ventilating railway.........................
Cars, Ventilating-window for railway.............
Cars, Ventilating-window for railway.............
Cars, Ventilating-window for railway..............
Cars, Ventilating-window for railway..............
Cars, Ventilating-window for railway..............
Cars, Warming passenger...-----------.Cars, Warming railway...--------- -..
Cars, Warming railway...------------.
Cars, Warming railway.......
Cars, Warming railway....
Cars, Water-can for railway................
Cars, Water-tank for railway stock.........
Cars with steam, Apparatus for heating railway..
Cars, W ooden mat for..................
Caramels, Manufacture of dry..............
W. Lawton...................
W. Palmer...................
T. R. Sinclaire..............
J. Adams.............
A. S. Armstrong....----------
J. S. Briggs...............
T. F. Kums and W. W Burson.
W. Brown...---------------................
S. N. Goodale..............
N. Nilson...................
S. A. Appold..................
C. A. Mabie, T. H. Whitcomb,
and J. T. Brown.
J. Conner.................
W. Foster, jr., and G. P. Ganster.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, Del..............
Saint Bernard Parish, La..
South Bend, Ind..........
Rockford, Ill.............
Duncannon, Pa...........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Minneapolis, Minn.......
Baltimore, Md............
Albion, N. Y..............
Sept. 5,1865
Oct. 3,1854
Dec. 19, 1865
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 26, 1867
Feb. 25, 1862
Sept. 11, 1866
Feb. 4,1868
May 30, 1865
Nov. 11, 1873
Aug. 23, 1870
Jan. 2, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 13, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 8, 1868
A.A.Duly.................... New York, N. Y..........
T. S. Bigelow................. Lake Mills, Wis...._....
E. T. Coiburn... ------------Boston, Mass..............
J. Higgin..................... Manchester, England.....
C. S. Hunt.................... Terre Bonne Parish, La... -
J. E. Kelsey......-----------.......... ---Providence, R. I.........
E. S. Ritchie.................. ---------------Brookline, Mass..........
J. A. Emerick................ Philadelphia, Pa..........
F. C. Kutt................... Hackensack, N. J.........
P. Louis....------------------ New York, N. Y..........
B. Morohan......... Brooklyn, N. Y............
J. Steger------------------...................... New York, N. Y..........
J. M. Starr................. Richmond, Ind...........
W. Brown................... Duncannon, Pa...........
M. Warne.--.............." Philadelphia, Pa -....._._
H. S. Vrooman................ Boston, Mass..............
E. H. Paine..................Louisville, Ky -.........
J. H. Clark.................... Westbrook, Me...........
T. Fogg............... St. Mary's, Canada........
P. S. Dusouchet.............. New Orleans, La..........
J. H. Crane.................. Charlestown, Mass........
C. D. Tisdale....-........... - East Boston, Mass.........
II. M. Naglee................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. M. Tiernan...--------------Pittsburgh, Pa............
J. Anderson..................Wilmington, N. C -.........
A. Shermer............... Philadelphia, P -..........
J. Dable................... Chicago, Ill..............
A. Patrick.................... Alleghany County, Md....
D. J. Whittemore-----------............. Milwaukee, Wis..........
E. M. Clark............... - Detroit, Mich.............
F. Haase and W. Rost..-... Oak Park, Ill..............
L. B. Flanders............... Dunkirk, N. Y............
A. Bridges................... Newton, Mass............
S. P. Coon.................... Milwaukee, Wis..........
Jan. 11,1870
June 30, 1-63
Nov. 5, 1867
Jan. 8,1861
Mar. 10, 1868
May 1,1866
July 3, 1860
Apr. 23, 1861
Aug. 21, 1860
Jan. 15, 1861
Jan. 15, 1861
Sept. 15, 1863
Nov. 11, 1873
Sept. 20, 1870
Oct. 31, 1871
Apr. 28, 1868
Jan. 11, 1870
Dec. 26,1865
Apr. 25, 1871
Aug. 11, 1868
May 14, 1867
Mar. 10, 1863
Aug. 22, 1840
Dee. 17, 1867
Aug. 12,1873
Sept. 9, 1835
Nov. 16, 1869
Aug. 15, 1854
Oct. 16, 186C
Nov. 8, 1864
June 11, 186
Dec. 6, 1853
June 12, 186C
June 19, 1855
49, 770
11, 759
51, 626
61, 699
62, 304
34, 477
57, 925
73, 949
S47, 943.
144, 410
106, 648
122, 326
110, 114
S 84, 814
98, 750
39, 091
70, 528
75, 426
54, 363
I29, t07
32, 127
2I9, 700
S 39, 999
S144, 484
107, 440
77, 338
1 98, 792
S 80, 932
7 64, 636
3 37, 889
72, 430
3 141, 618
9 96,781
t 11,530
6 58, 928
4 44,937
7 65, 743
3 10,301
6 55, 457
5 13, 080
5 4, 232
5 12, 371
5 12, 684
6 54, 478
1 8, 298
8 20, 170
7 67, 894
1 120, 109
5 13,204
2 8,622
0 7, 409
3 10, 251
0 7, 158
4 11, 268
3 39, 140
3 40, 843
5 13, 725
6 14, 139
4 10, 449
5 12, 627
3 20, 021
1 11, 494
6 52, 009
2 36, 536
5 13,732
9 23, 049
0 106, 558
5 51, 607
0 104, 486
4 10, 980
2 8, 645
2 35, 612
9 88, 8 2
8 76, 125
9 96, 945
6 4,654
6 53, 748
3 136, 132
1 32, 843
6 55, 489
1 5;i, '49
S 48, 462
S. H. Bean -.............. -Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 11, 1845
G. P. Ketcham............. Bedford, ind----------.............. ---Feb. 6, 1855
R. F. R. Lewis................ Annapolis, Md............ Apr. 10, 1851
N. Pullman...................
R. Cook.......................
A. B. Spencer.................
A. J. Marshall................
W. S. Sampson...............
J. G. Allen.................
C. Atwood....................
N. S. Barnum and L. Whitney
H. Bradford and E. Morris...S. A. Clemens................
J. Cunningham..............
G. F. Foote..................
C. D. Gibson---------------.................T. S. Lambert.................
H. L. B. Lewis................
W. H. Medcalfe................
G. Neilson-----------------...................W. Pauli......................
C. Pepper... ---.--..
C. Reed and B. K. Mould......
H. J. Ruttan..................
A. F. Smith and W. Wagner...
J. K. Taylor..................
R. R. Taylor-------------..................S. Darling.....
R. Monroe, E. Stone, and E. St.
M. C. Murphy.................
G. Neilson...................
H. M. Paine...................
J. B. Johnson................
A. C. Crary...................
G. W. Eddy...................
T. N. Morse..................
T. Townsend...................
L. T. Richer................
J. B1. Calkins.................
G. W. Samson.................
W. Groat..................
I. Hylatt....................
J. S. P. Taylor.................
New Oregon, Iowa........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y..-...
Rochester, N. Y-...........
Warrenton, Va...........
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Birmingham, Conn-......
New Haven, Conn......_
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass.........
Reading, Pa...............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
Peekskill, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass..............
Alexandria, Va..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Chicago, Ill...............
Coburg, Canada West....
Norwich, Conn., and Palatine Bridge, N. Y.
Binghamton, N. Y.........
Reading, Pa............
Providcnoe, R.I...........
Elmira, N. Y..............
May 1, 1861
Aug. 19, 1851
May 4, 1851
Aug. 20, 186
Oct. 17, 1871
Aug. 12, 1873
July 10, 185
Jan. 6,185
June 4, 1851
Nov. 22, 1853
Mar. 12, 1851
July 11, 1854
July 7, 1863
Dec. 8, 1863
Oct. 30, 1855
Jan. 22, 1851
Jan. 24, 185
May 8, 1855
Apr. 20,1858
Aug. 8, 1854
Jan. 9,186(
Sept. 23, 1862
Oct. 30, 185
Feb. 22,1859
Aug. 23, 1871
Dec. 19, 1865
Boston. Mass............. June 21, 1871
Boston, Mass......__--May 30, 185
Worcester, Mass.......... Jan. 6, 185
Lynn, Mass------------............... June 17, 1861
Utica, N. Y............... Apr. 13, 1861
Waterford, N. Y.....-..... Mar. 31, 186
Fairhaven, Mass.......... iov. 16, 16 8
Albany, N. Y...........July 24,184
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 3, 1860
Pacific, Mo............... Feb 25, 1873
Washington, D. C......... July 16, 1861
Green Island, N. Y-........ June 12, 186
iPhiladelldia, Pa---.......... Mar. 13, 10
Oxford, Ohio.............. Jun 27, 186
Itndex of patents issued from 11weLUnited States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Intvent ion.
Carbon and other oils, Vessel for transporting...Carbon, Apparatnsafor manufacturing sulphnret of.
Cat hoe-battery connection.............--..._...
Carbon-battory connector--------__-------------
Carbon, Black 1ignment for mineral--- - - _- -- -- -
C a rbnon for use in the arts, P'reparation for mineral
Carbon, Mode of baking articles composed of..
Carbon-tool ------"-----------------------------
Carbottating; and dispensing artificial mineralwaters, M1odeof.
Carbonic-acid engineo...........................
Carbonic-acid-gas engine.-----------------------..
Car-bonic-acid-gas generator......................
Carbonic oxide for ire-ating metals, Generating
and applying.
Cat-boys and bottles, Machtine for forming rings on.
Carboys, Machine for finishing..................
Carboys, Tilting-stanid for-.......................
C arbur eter----------------------------------....
Cat-boreter------------------- -----------------
C ar.....r.ter.................Cat-bureter-----------------------------------...
Carhureter................ ------ "----
Carbnreter------------- -----------------------
Cat-uretr.._-.....-- - - - - - --.........
Carbnreter.................. - - -....
Carburetor.--- -----"--------------------------..
Carbureter----------------------- -------
Carhuretes--------------------..----------- ----
Catbureter--- ----------------------.----------
C arbu teter...-. -...........................Catbreter----------------------------------...
Ca tbureter.....................................
C arburetor...-. -............................. ---
C a r hu r e t e r.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --..
Ca-rburetoer, Air-------------------------------...
Carburetor, Air-------------------------------..
Carbttreter, Air-------------------------------.....
Carbuteter, Air................................
A. C. ()yde.................
C. T. Chester................
P. O'Reilly------------------
J. Dickitson................
D. G1. B. Fueler.............
11. and J. L. Young.....
ID. and T. EKolb...............
Pittsburgh, Pa.- -- -- -- - --
Paris, France.....-.......
Newark, N. J-....-.....
Itackt-usack Township, N.J
Hartford, Contt..........
Bay Ridge, N. V ----
New Yot-k, N. Y.---
Middletown, Cotnn., and
New York, N. Y.
AWashing;ton, ID. C...
Feb. 11, 1862
Apt-.'27, 1858
Jtute 126, 186
Nov. 28, 1865
June 8, 1869
Jttne 1, 1869
Nov. 23, 1858
Oct. 12, 1869
Feb. 23, 1 869
N. It. Barbour----------------- Auburn, N. Y----------Ma. 4I 16
J. C- Salomon, js-------...----icnai ho Dee. 9, 1851
0. Zwie tuselt-----------------M_ _ _ Alilwaukee, Wis..---------Dee, 23, 1873
T. Shaw --_- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Philadelphia, Pa---------- _Nov. 17, 1868
T. Barrett ------------------
L. Hyde.--------------------
A. WV. Caverly-.-.----------
II. C. Appleb.y...............J. ID. Avet-ell---------------..
J. I). Averell---------------..
WV. ti.Bierce ---------------
A F11I. Braun.-------------_
M. 1'. Coons------------------
WV. 11. Covet.--.....-...---...--
J. H. Cross------------------..
0. P. Drake..................
C. F. Dttn dordalo-----------....C. F. Dunderdale------------.
G. Edmonds----------------..
1..Elston................J. B. Fish..................--
F. A. Fisher..............._
F+. AFisbert-.................
T. B. Fogarty................
E. J. Frasei-- --------------.
C. N. Gilbert, J. F. Barker, and
E. N. Ives.
T. Holmes ------------------
Ht. Helton...................
FI. S. Hlutchinson and H. L.
MeA voy.
J. B. ilytle.------------ -----"
M. WT. K1idder.. -...-...
J. F. G. ISrtoushroeder...
iJ. F. and( G. E. Lockwood --.
J. B. Lytnan----------------..
WV. F. McMillen ----_J. Miliward-----------------.
F.L. Mix...................J. usgtave................
'T. V (eidt................
G. IH. Pea: ock.-----------
F~ S. Pea-ce-------------------
C. 11. Pierson----------------
'F. Ransom..................
I. WV. Shaler..................
1. Sitmmons.................
1i. Slatter...................
J. B. Terry..."--......
WV. Thompson and J. E. Hall -..
A. WV. Wilkinson............
A. WV. Wilkinson -.....
C. B. Willougltby-----------.
H. Woodward.........
E. S. Areherr-..................
J. F. Barker...................
J. F. Barker.................
J. F. Barker and C. N. GilbertJ. F. Barker and C. N. Gilbert
Charlestown, MassEllenville, N. V ----
New York, N. V.
Conneaut, Ohio...-.._..
New Yet-k, N. Y.-.----..
New York, N. Y......
Cleveland, Ohio.----
San Francisco, Cal.
Brooklyn, N. V-.........
New York, N. Y.-----
New York, N. V._..
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. V.__.--
New Yor-k, N. Y.-----
New Otleants, La.----
Mar-shall, Mich..........
Providence, Pa _---.--_-.
Ctrawlbo-d, N. J.. _........
Elizabeth, N. J..--..New Yet-k, N.Y --
Erie, Pa.- -....------
Sprittgfield, Mass.
June 30, 1868
Feb. 22, 1859
Nov. 11, 1873
June 23, 1868
July 30, 1872
Dec. 24, 1872
Jan. 7, 1868S
June 25, 1872
Aug. 11, 1868
June 15, 1869
Apr. 30, 1872
Oct.. 1, 187-2
May 25, 1869
Mar. 1, 1870
May 23, 1871
Feb. 25, 1873
May 21, 1872
Jutte 4, 1872
July 22, 183
Feb. 18, 1873
Feb. 18, 1873
Aug. 20, 1867
Jan. 8, 1867
34, 359
20, 047
51, 144
91, 038
90, 824
22, 115
95, 866
87, 177
46, 769
8, 577
145, 774
84, 220
79, 434
23, 063
144, 442
79, 048
130, 004
134, 240
73, 073
128, 356
80, 918
91, 213
126, 189
131, 814
90, 436
100, 274
136, 228
1,27, 0:19
127, 409
140, 998
13t5, 982
67, 971
Brooklyn, N. Y--------Feb. 11, 1873 -1:15, e06
Saitnt Lotus, Mo-----------_Apt. 2, 187-2 125, 194
Baltimtore, Md----------... Jan. 9, 1866 51, 946
New York, N. V.......... - _July 16, 1872
Lowell, Mass..........._Sopt.13,11870
London, England - -__.-__Apr. 1,183
Taylot-avil leIll.--.-------Sept.2,18713
Roekford, Ill_-------------Dec. 30, 183
Cincinnati, Ohio----------._ _Oct. 7,18.13
Fayetteville, N.VY- ---.-_ Aug.16, 180
Rochtester, N. V----------- May 11,1869
Cincinnati, Ohio----------..Nov. 25,1871
Newatrk, N. J-----------__._.._Sopt.17, 1S7t
Fairport, KN. _----- - --Aug. 27,1867
Buffalo, N. V.............-Nov.6, 1866
Plainfield, N. J - - _--------May 28, 1872
Buftfalo, N. V-------------.July 30, 1867
Paris, France._-- - ------Oct. 8, 1872
Btrooklyn, N. Y----------- _ _Oct. 7,1873
Baltimore, Md------------ _.Dec. 2,1871
Covington, Ecy _-----__Sept. 22,1868
Brooklytt, N. Y.......... Dec. 17,180
Cleveland, Ohio- -- -- - -- -- -Dec. 3,18C7
New York, N. Y----_._----Feb. 6,1872
New York, N. Y......... _June 17, 1873
IUhtricksvillo, Oltio-._.____.June 03, 1868
Lottdon, Ettgland-.._.Aug. 18, 1868
New York, N. YV.---------_ _Sept. 6, 1864
Springfield, Mass.- -.-_ Apr. 21,18168
Springfteld, Mass....Jtune 6, 1871
Springfield, Mass., and Aug. 3, 1869
New Yot-k, N. V.
Springfiel, Mass., and Ang. 3, 1869
New York, N. V.
Spring;field, Mass., and Aug. 17, 1869
New Yor-k, N. Y.
Salem, Mass --_------Mar. 14, 1865
Salent, Mass------------.-.. Apr. 18, 1865
Salem, Mass..............Oct. 31, 1865
Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 25, 1871
San Ft-atteisco, Cal-._.. - Feb. 28, 1871
Boston, Mass.....-.. ___Nov. 28, 1865
Milwaukee, Wis----------_.July 11, 18655
Chicago, Ill-._-- -------Juno 26, 1866
Chicago, Ill------------ June 26, 1866
Loudont, England-._..Feb. 14, 1865
Now Yot-k, N. Y......Jan. 24, 1871
Wintdsor Locks, Conn.. -. Nov. 14, 1865
Windsor Locks, Con..-.. Nov. 14, 1865
Saint Anthony's Falls, Mar. 26, 1867
Saint Louis, Mo..... - Nov. 12, 1867
Moaville, Icy--_._- -.-- ----May 2!, 1872
New York, N. Y.._-...- Sept. 4, 1866
New York and Brooklyn, Jan. 29, 1867
1-29, 566
107, 268
137, 307
142, 545
146, 082
14:1, 523
93, 012
144, 858
131, 369
68, 231
59, 446
127, 366
67, 216
132, 025
143, 5:34
145, 248
8-2, 359
1:13, 957
71, 665
140, 105
79, 290
81, 238
76, 880
115, 562
93, 267
93, 268
93, 795
46, 771
47, 272
50, 67.5
113, 98
51, 128
48, 706
46, 43-2
111, 175
50, 905
70, 809
127, 0:11
57, 686
61, 656
Carburetor, Air.................................. J. F. Bat-ker and C. N. Gilbert.
Carburetor, Air.................................
Carburetor, Air................................
Car-bureter, Air................................
Carburetor, Air...............................C arburetor, Air................................
Carbureter, Air................................
Carburetor, Air................................
Carburetor, Air..-.............................
Carbureter, Air................................
Carbureter, Air.................................
Carburetor, Air..............................-..
Carburetor, Air................................
Cat-buroter, Air.........................--.-..
Carburetor, Air................................
C arbu retor, Air...............................
Carbutreter, Air.................................
Carbureter, Air-------------------------------...
Carburetet, Air................................
J. A. Bassett..........
3. A. Bassett................
J. A. lBassett........-..-......
C. C. Beers..................
A. ID. Bell.. -..........
ID. Bickford.................
J. F. Birchaud..........
F. H. Brown.............. -..
F H. Brown.................
XV. H. Burkland.............
II. A. Chaptn................
W. H. Clarke...............
XV. F. Cozzens and J. H. Jones.
UI. G. Dayton -....--------
S. R. Divine---------------.B. Douglas and XW. IH. Walton.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offiice fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Carbureter, Air----------------------------------0O. P. Drake------------------_Boston, Mass-------------..May 6,1862 35, 144
Carbureter, Air----------------------------------0. P. Drake._---------------Boston, Mass-------------..Apr. 24, 1866 54, 132
Carbureter, Air---------------------------------- C. M.Drennmn---------------- Boston, Mass-------------..Sept. 26,1865 50, 103
Carburetor, Air-----------------...--------------C. F. Dundordale-------------- New York, N. Y---------- Nov. 30, 1869 97, 283
Carbureter, Air.................................E. Dunscomb..........Boston, Mass. -- - -. May 9, 1865 47, 679
Carburetor, Air---------------------------------11 _ _ __ _ _. F. Eberts and J. Fanning Detroit, Mieb-------------.Nov. 30, 1869 97, 285
Car bureter, Air..............................H. Fairbanks...............Boston, Mass............. Apr. 10, 1866 53, 798
Carburetor, Air................................ H. B. Fitts................ -Philadelphia, Pa...........May 16, 1871 114, 787
Carburetor, Air.................................3?. F. Frank................... Buffhlo, N. Y............ _Nov. 27, 1866 59, 991
Carburetor, Air................................. F. Hlainsworth................ Chicago, lI11.. _... _........June 27, 1865 48, 391
Carburetor, Air.................................. D. Hurd.-........_........Chicago, Ill............... May 2, 1865 47, 550
Carbureter, Air..................................BE. S. Hutchinson and H. L Baltimore, Mid. _..........Feb. 5, 1867 63, 739
Carburetor, Air................................. J. H. Irwvin.-.................. Chicago, Ill............Apr. 1i, 1865 47, 256
Carburetor, Air..................................J. H. Irwin. __..........Chicago, Ill.._..........Aug. 22, 1865 49, 526
Carburetor, Air................................. J. HT. Irwin.................... Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 3, 1865 50, 250
Carburetor, Air................................. J. H. Irwin.................... Chicago, 111..._..........Oct. 3, 1865 50, 251
Carburetor, Air...................J. H. Irwin...................Chicago, Ill.. _.........Juno 25, 1867 66,15:3
Carburetor, Air................................. J. H. Irwin and I. Simmons_ Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 258
Carburetor, Air-..............................-...Judd andB. Doty..........-Janesville, Wis..____Apr. 29, 1873 138, 409
Carburetor, Air.................................. C. B. Loveless................ Syracuse, N. Y............ Jan. 2, 1866 51, 841
Carburetor, Air............ _....................C. B. Loveless..... __..........Syracuse, N. Y............ Apr. 10, 1866 53, 843
Carburoter, Air.................................. W. M. Marshall. _.. _........Philadelphia, Pa -__. __.July 7, 1868 79, 667
Carburetor, Air.................................. H. L. MoAvoy................ Baltimore, Md....._..Aug. 23, 186i4 43, 948
Carburetor, Air.................................. H. L. MeAvoy.._....._..._..Baltimore, Md..-._ Nov. 2-2, 1864 45, 206
Carburetor, Air.................................__H. L. MoAvoy........._..... Baltimore, Md............-Dec. 13, 1864 45, 456
Carburetor, Air.. _............................ __ _ H. L. MeAvoy.. _............Baltimore, Md............ Fob. 7, 1865 46, 30-2
Carburetor, Air.................................. H. L. MoAvoy..............Baltimore, Md._.........Sept. 19, 1865 50, 076
Carburetor, Air............. H. L..Mo.voy..............H.L cvy._... _.. Baltimore, Md........... _Aug. 14, 1866 57, 164
Carbureter, Air...... _... __......... _...........H. L. MoAvoy................Baltimore, Mid.. _.........Sept. 11, 1866 57, 940
Carburetor, Air.................................. D. McDonald...__...._Albany. N. Y -...........Aug. 21, 1866 57, 442
Carburetor, Air.................................--S. T. McDougall............... New York, N. Y.......June 5, 1866 55, 324
Carburetor, Air..._... ___...............J. MeGeary................... Salem, Mass.............. Oct. 16, 1866 58, 861
Carburetor, Air................................._P. Mihan....._...........Boston, Mass.._.......July 11, 1865 48, 77-2
Carburetor, Air............................P.Miban..................Boston, Mass............. Aug. 28, 1866 57, 543
Carburetor, Air.................................. M. J. A. Mulle...__........Paris, France.............-Aug. 22,1865 49, 59(6
Carburetor, Air................................... Odiorue................... Boston, Mass..............Nov. 1, 1864 44, 883
Carburetor, Air..................................H. Oertel.. _. _..............Memphis, Teun.. _. _......Sept. 13, 1870 107, 403
Carburetor, Air.................................. A. Patterson................ Birmiagham, Pa.......... Oct. 2, 1868 58, 471
Carburetor, Air.................................. F. S. Pease.._-.........Buffalo, N.Y.............. Aug. 6, 1867 67, 576
Carburetor, Air.................................. 17. I. Plass._......-........Now York, N.Y.......... Junie 1, 1870 104, 642
Carburetor, Air.................................--J. T. and 11.11. Plass.......... New York, N. Y..........Sept. 15,1868 8-2, 244
Carburetor, Air.................................. E. A. Pond._...._........Rutland, Vt............... Oct. 17, 1865 50, 491
Carburetor, Air................................. E. A. Pond and M. S. Richard- Rutland, Vt...... __.........Sept. 19, 1865 50,10119
Carburetor, Air.................................. E. A. Pond and M. S. Richard Rutland, Vt.............. Mar. 27, 1866 53, 481
Carburetor, Air.................................. A. W. Porter...__.........New York, N.Y.......... Sept. 3, 1872 131, 025
Carburetor, Air.................................. A. C. Rand._...........Union Mills, Pa..... Feb. 26, 18837 62, 364
Carburetor, Air.................................--G. Rex.......................--Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 9,1871 114, 709
Carbuareter, Air..............................G. Ro,,zuor..................... Mercer, Pa................ Mar. 26, 187-2 125, 085
Carburetor, Air..,...............J ihr........... J ihr _---........Now York, N. Y.......... Nov. 3,13868 8;3, 730
Carburetor, Air.................................. J. F. Rowley, W. M. Sloane, Buffalo, N. Y.............. Aug. 28, 1886 57, 639
andl J. E. Woodruff.
Carburetor, Air.................................--J. Sang ster.......... Buffalo, N. Y.........Mar. 10, 1868 75, 468
Carburetor, Air----------........------- J. Sangater................... Buffalo, N. Y._...........Mar. 10, 1868 75, 469
Carburetor, Air.................................. I. W. Shaler............... Brooklyn, N.Y........... No.16,1869 96, 942
Carburetor, Air..............................W. A. Simonds...............--Boston, Mass.............. Mar,. 21. 1865 46, 976
Carburetor, Air.................................. W. A. Simonds...............-Boston, Mass............ Aug. 15, 1865 49, 448
Carburetor, Air.................................--B. Sloper..................---Saint Louis, Mo_........June 12. 1871 115, 988
Carburetor, Air.._..............................J. F. Spence. _-.._..- Brooklyn, N. Y-.......Jan. 16, 18(66 52, 087
Carburetor, Air. --.............................J. F. Spence... _..... _.........Williaiusburgb, N. Y.---Sept. 4, 1866 57, 7 88
Carburetor, Air............................... J. F. Spenceo..................-Brooklyn, N. Y.. Aug~. 2, 1870 105, 994
Carburetor, Air.................................. J. F. Spence and L. D. Tousloy. Newark, N. J.. _.........an. 25, 1870 99, 274
Carburetor, Air.................................. J. H. Springer and J. C. Me- Philadelphia, Pa...........ulyJuly 16, 1t67 66, 749
Carburetor, Air.................................. L. Stevens....... _.........Fitchiburgh, Mass.._.Oct. 2, 1866 58, 559
Carbureter, Air.................................. L. Stevens-._...........Fitcbbnrgh, Mass..... Nov. 6, 186(1 59, 473
Carbureter, Air.................................L. Sevn............. _... Fitcbburgh, Mass.. Nov. 6, 1886 59, 474
Carbureter, Air..................................L. Stevens.-_.. _..___........Fitehbnrgh, Mass...May 28, 1887 65, 296
Carburetor, Air........_........................ J. Stratton...................-Philadelphia, Pa........Mar. 31, 1868 76, 114
Carbureter, Air.................................. J. B. Terry.. __.............. _Auburndale, Mass.--------Feb. 7, 18435 461, 280
Carbureter, Air.................................--J. B. Terry...................--Auburudale, Mass. Sept. 12, 1865 49, 934
Carbureter, Air.................................. J. B. Terry................... Auburndale, Mass._June 19, 3866 55, 741
Caibureter, Air............................W. Thompson.._.._..._.....Cleveland, Chin.------Mar. 27, 1866 53, 504
Carbureter, Air................................B. F. Van Heuten............. Newark, N.J..._.._......Aug. 19, 1873 141, 968
Caribuetori Air.................................--J. 11. Vaii Houton............. Newark, N. J_......-....Nov. 2-2. 870 109),562
aibntAir.................ZSoo......... l1'hiladelpha, Ila. N. 24, 1868LCO 84,0A332
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inghtsive-Continued.
Carbureter, Gas...................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas..............................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas.....................................
Carbureter, Gas.....................................
Carbureter, Gas...................................
Carbureter, Gas...................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas..........................
Carbureter, Gas..........................
Carbureter, Gas....................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas.................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas..................................
Carbureter, Gas..........................
Carbureter, Gas..............................
Carbureter, Gas and air............................
Carbureter, Gas and air..........................
Carbureter, Gas and air.....................
Carbureter, Gas and air..........................
Carbureter, Gas and air..........................
Carbureter, Gas and air............................
Carbureter, Gas and air...................
Carbureter, Hydrogen-gas..................
Carbureter, Hydrogen-gas........................
Carbureters, Air-supplying machine for..........
Carbureters, Automatic fed for................
Carbureters, Blast-apparatus for..............
Carbureters, Blast-apparatus for...............
Carbureters, Capillary material for filling gas and
Carbureters in railway-cars, Apparatus for forcing
air into.
Carbureters in railway-cars, &c., Automatic blast
Carbureters, &c., Machine for producing blast in
Carbureters, Rotary air-wheel for gas..............
Carbureters, Siphon-can for........-.........
Carbureting air....................................
Carbureting air...........................
Carbureting air and applying the same, Apparatus
Carbureting air and gas, Apparatus for.........
Carbureting air and gas, Apparatus for......-......
Carbureting air and regulating its flow, Apparatus
Carbureting air, Apparatus for...................
Carbureting air, Apparatus for...................
Carbureting air, Apparatus for................
Carbureting air, Apparatus for..............
Carbureting air, Combination apparatus for.....
Carbureting air, Process of.....................
Carbureting air to produce inflammable gas, Machine for.
Carbureting and applying air for lighting and heating, Apparatus for.
Carbureting air and enriching gas and for illumi-.
nating and heating, Liquids for.
Carbureting apparatus, Gas........................
Carbureting-attachment for gas-burner.........
Carbureting gas.........................
Carbureting gas and air....................
Carbureting gas and air, Liquid for...........
Carbureting gas and oil for the same............
Carbureting gas for heating and illuminating,
Mode of.
Carbureting gas from steam and hydrocarbons...
Carbureting gas, Hydrocarbon-fluid for........
Carbureting gas-lamp...........................
Carbureting gas, Liquid for....................
Carbureting gas, Method of.......................
Carbureting gas, Process and material for........
Carbureting hydrogen-gas.......................
Carbureting illuminating-gas.....................
Carbureting illuminating-gas.........
Carbureting machine, Air......
Carbureting machine, Air........................
Carbureting machine, Air......
Carbureting-machine, Apparatus for forcing air
Carbureting wheel, Air.....................
Card and brush, Combined...................
Card and cribbage board......
Card and other cylinders, Device for traversing....
Card and other wire, Drawing.....................
31I P
J. A. Bassett................
J. A. Bassett.................
J. A. Bassett.................
J. A. Bassett.................
W. W. Bierce..._..........
W. W. Bierce.........
J. F. Boynton...............
G. W. Coleman..............
G. B. Dyer..................
S. Gwynn..................------------------..
P. Hogan.....................
A. K. Johnston...........
J. Kidd.......................
J. Kidd.................
W. H. Laubach........
S. T. McDougall........
A. W. Porter.............
W. A. Simonds..............
T. D. Worrall................
W. M. Wright...............
A. T. Boon and A. D. Perry...
J. F. Boynton............
M. P. Coons..................
I). Hall....................
J. Kidd.....................
G. W. Porter................
J. S. Stephenson............
J. Ambuhl...................
R. V. De Guinon.............
P. Kelly......................
E. S. Hutchinson.........
F. S. Pease...................
F. S. Pease..................
J. A. Bassett.................
Salem, Mass.............
Salem, Mass..............
Salem, M ass............
Salem, Mass...........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Kalamazoo, Mich.........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y............
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Galesburgh, Ill............
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
London, England.......
Boston, Mass...........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Morristown, N. J........
Jersey City, N.J..........
Dayton, Ohio............
Baltimore, Md..............
Bufflo, N. Y.............
Buffalo. N. Y.............
Salem, Mass..............
Mar. 4, 1862
July 29, 1862
Aug. 18, 1803
June 25, 1867
Feb. 12, 1867
July 23, 1867
Sept. 25, 1866
Apr. 23, 1872
Aug. 3,1869
Apr. 28, 1863
Apr. 17, 1866
Sept. 4, 1866
Oct. 20, 1868
Mar. 9, 1869
May 14, 1867
Jan. 3,1865
Nov. 25, 1x73
Apr. 23, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
July 17, 1866
July 28. 1868
\Jan. 22, 1867
July 4, 1871
Apr. 2, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
Apr. 30,1867
Mar. 26, 1867
May 16, 1871
Dec. 3, 1872
Nov. 9, 1869
Oct. 2, 1866
June 11, 1867
June 11, 1867
Jan. 1, 1867
C. F. Dunderdale............. New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 15, 1870
E. S. Hutchinson............. Baltimore, Md........... Oct. 30, 1866
E. A. Pond and M. S. Richardson.
J. F. Spence and L. D. Towsley
R. S. Osborn.................
C. Lawrence.................
J. C. Pedrick................
A. Briu......................
Rutland, Vt............. June 18, 1867
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Newark, N. J.
Belleville, N. J..........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Washington, D. C........
Paris, France............
Sept. 20, 1874
Feb. 20, 1872
Mar. 8, 1870
July 9, 1867
Sept. 1, 1868
34, 557
35, 984
39, 541
66, 066
61, 918
66, 937
58, 209
126, 024
93, 288
38, 357
53, 979
57, 729
83, 289
87, 682
64, 776
45, 729
144, 863
64, 156
57, 812
56, 503
80, 268
116, 563
63, 511
62, 855
64, 361
63, 326
114, 744
133, 569
96, 704
58, 422
65, 594
65, 595
60, 670
100, 737
59, 226
65, 939
107, 635
123, 926
100, 534
66, 622
81, 590
107, 262
94, 360
66, 545
96, 074
104, 716
94, 898
68, 666
47, 257
63, 667
96, 364
58, 054
140, 711
105, 378
99, 769
131, 210
70, 512
61, 662
87, 681
66, 069
39, 34-2
65, 866
64, 831
61, 033
81, 736
115, 873
61, 606
131, 157
123, 929
133, 118
113, 147
96, 073
83, 147
135, 020
54, 491
J. B. Hyde................ New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 13. 1870
O. Terrill.................... Boston, Mass........... Aug. 31, 1869
J. S. Wood.................... Philadelphia, Pa......... July 9, 1867
A. Barbarin and A. E. Dupa.s.
A. E. Dupas and A. Barbarin.
J. F. Lafroque................
J. D. Spang..................
L. Stevens.................
J. H. Irwin..............
L. Stevens...................
New Orleans, La., and
Paris, France.
Paris, France, and Now
Orleans, La.
Paris, France............
Dayton, Ohio...........
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
Chicago, Ill...............
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
Oct. 26, 1869
June 28, 1870
Sept. 14, 1869
Nov. 8, 1870
Sept. 10, 1867
Apr. 11, 1865
Apr. 9, 1867
J. Tiffany....................1 Albany, N. Y............. Nov. 2, 1869
J. F. Boynton................. Syracuse, N. Y............ Sept. 18, 1866
T. Judd and C. H. Pierson.... Philadelphia, Pa.........
W. A. Simonds.............. Boston, Mass.........
J. Gair...................... New York, N. Y..........
J. H. Butler, jr................ Park Ridge, Ill.......
J. A. Bassett.................. Salem, Mass.............
J. F. Boynton................. Syracuse, N. Y..........
L. E. Holden.................. Cleveland, Ohio......
J. Kidd...................... New York, N. Y.......
J. A. Bassett.................. Salem, Mass..........
W. H. Gwynne.............. White Plains, N. Y.......
J. A. Bassett.................. Salem, Mass...........
C. E. Ball--------------------..................... -New York, N. Y..........
J. A. Bassett.................. Salem, Mass............
C. M. Williams-----... -...- New York, N. Y.........
J. A. Bassett................. Salem, Mass............
C. B. Loveless................ Syracuse, N. Y..........
W. H. Burridge............... Cleveland, Ohio......
T. M. Fell.................... Brooklyn, N. Y........
A.-W. Porter and J. S. Gray.. New York, N. Y..........
J. W. Post................... New York, N.Y -.. -
A. E. Dupas and A. Barbarin. New Orleans, La..........
A. Barbarin.................. New Orleans, La..........
T. F. Frank............... Buffalo, N.Y.........
J. H. Van Houten............. Newark, N. J..........
J. F. Birchard.............. Milwaukee, Wis.......
J. H. Van Houten......-..... Newark, N. J,.........
W. H. Prouty--------------................. Hanson, Mass...........
R. S. Jennings............ Philadelphia, Pa..........
F. Herboth.................. Newark, N. J............
R. Prouty............... Spencer, Mass..........
July 8, 1873
July 12, 1870
Feb. 15; 1870
Sept. 10, 1872
June 25, 1867
Nov. 5,1867
Jan. 29, 1867
Mar. 9,1869
June 25, 1867
July 28, 1863
June 18, 1867
Oct. 15, 1872
May 21, 1867
Jan. 8, 1867
Sept. 1, 1868
June 13, 1871
Jan. 29, 1867
Sept. 10, 1872
Feb. 20, 1872
Nov. 19, 1872
Mar. 28, 1870
Oct. 26, 1869
Oct. 20, 1868
Jan. 21, 1873
May 8, 1866
Nov. 22,1870 109, 561
July 7, 1868 79, 596
Jan. 14, 1868 73, 337
June 3, 1873 139, 466
Jan. 19, 1822.......
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Card and pin-cushion, Business..................
Card-board and scab-board, Machine for planing....
Card-board cutter................................
Card-board drier.................................
Card-board drier................................
Card board, Playing...................
Card-board, Smootlhing......................
Card-boards for the handles and finishing them,
Card-case.......-----------------------------.................................Card case......................................--------------------------------..
Card case......................................
Card-casotluing -------------------------------
Card clothing.....................................
Card clothing....................................
Card clothing clamp.......................
Card clothing, Manufacture of..................
Card clothing, Trimming................
Card clothing upon carding-cylinders, Clamps for
Card cutting and assorting machine, Playing......
Card-cutting machine..........................
Card-cutting machinery....................
Card-cylinder cleaner..........
Card-cylinders, Grinding and cleaning............
Card-cylinders, Machinery for grinding........
Card-exhibiting apparatus........................
Card, Flexible hand..............................
Card for carding fibrous substances, Self stripping.
Card for carding wool, cotton, &c.................
Card for hooks and eyes, Paper...................
Card for liquids, Sample..........................
Card for social games.............................
Card-globe, Folding...............................
Card-globe, Folding..............................
Card-grinding cylinder.........................
Card-grinding machine............................
Card-grinding machine...........................
Card-grinding machine..........................
Card, Hand--------------------.............----................---------..........Card, Hand.......................................
Card, Hand.......................................
Card-handles, Machine for finishing..............
Card -holder.......................................
Card holder......................................
Card holder...............................
Card holder.............................
Card holder.....
Cud----bolder- --------------
Card holder......................................
Card holder..................................
Card mount......
Card or label holder........
Card or ticket case...............................
Card, Postal---------..............------------------.......................---
Card press, Cameo...............................
Card rack........................................
C ard-rack...-..............................-.-...
Card rack.......................................
Card rack........................................
Card rack.......................................
Card rack.........................................
Card rack.........................-------------------------------............Card rack.......................................
Card rack........................................
Card rack........................................
Card rack------------------------......
Card rack........
Card rack........
Card rack........
Card, Reading....................................
Card, Reading............................
Card-setting machine.......................
Card-setting machine....................
Card-setting-machine cutter......................
Card-setting machinery...........................
Card strapper and grinder.........................
Card stripping machinery.......................
Card-stripping machines, Cain for................
Card-stripping mechanism.......................
Card-stripping mechanism, Traversing cams for...
D. C. Beamer -.-.--.
W. Kimball and S. Willard,jr
L. Knickerbocker...........
E. F. Bailey...........
E. F. Bailey.......
R. S. Jennings.........
D). Stearns..............
H. Whittemore..............
A. T. Woodward..............
G. H. and J. James..........
F. A. Lamuontague........
G. V. Metzel.....-------------
H. H. Miller and T. Bennett.
A. F. Bishop, J. H. Aiken, J.
M. Pendleton, and A. W.
A. W. Gates................
I. Kitson...................
J. O. Lewis.................
E. S. Lawrence...............
E. B. Howe.................
J. O. Lewis..................
V. E. Maunger................
E. J. Hunt............
E. Cowles....................
J. M. Stone---.....--.........
J. H. Smith and E. Squires....
W. B. Ingram...........
J. Parker.............
I. M. Miller................
W. Duryea...................
G. F. Ells................
H Barbour and J. Gleason....
E. Faber......................
D). Fowler, jr..............
H. Mustedt.........
P. West and G. S. Lee........
D. Townsend.................
D. Townsend.................
R. Kitson...-...............
J. O. Lewis.................
T. C.Kirkham................
S. G. Ladd and G. W. Crown -..
J. Robb.......-----................
G. F. Ells..................
E. S. Ells and G. F. Ells.......
R. H. Waite..................
I. S. Waite..................
W. I. Adams -.................
S. E. Adamson...............
B. Brower....................
J. Dean...................
C. R. Doane................
P. B. Groat...................
S. L. Hill...................
A. A. Marks..................
W. R. Oatley...............
H. H. Pemrber.........
L. A. Roberts.................
W. H. Ryninger..............
E. Stewart..................
J. H. Caterson................
E. F. Stephens................
C. C. Blakemore.......
W. I. Lindion..............
J. I. Smith...................
E.D. Averell................
J. F. Curtis.........
D. A. Danforth and F. M. Winchester.
J. J. Gray----------------.....................
J. M. Keep....................
M. Lepp.....................
E. R. McKean................
G. A. Nelson.-..............
L. H. Olmstead..............
L. C. Ldindle.................
E. Safford............
H.R. Van Eps................
C. A. Wall..-...............
W. Wendell.................
C. F. Wilson...........Â~.......
H. F. Bond..................
B. Snyder...................
C. S. Crane...................
J. Russell.....................
J. Russell....................
D. McFarland............
T. A. Dickinson...............
W. H. Chandler...............
J. F. Foss........
S. L. Crockett and B. T. Mills.
G.E. Taft..............
G.E. Taft...............
Residence. Date. No.
Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 3, 1867 68, 339
Mount Vernon, N. H...... Oct. 23, 1813........
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 2, 1863 38, 750
Ilolderness, N. H.......... Aug. 27, 1867 68, 146
Ashland, N. H........ July 2, 1872 128, 455
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 27, 1867 68, 302
Brattleborough, Vt....... Mar. 10, 1814.......
Newton, N. Y.............. Apr. 27,1832......
New York, N. Y......... June 14, 1870 104, 391
London, England......- July 20, 1869 92,832
Montreal, Canada........ Sept. 25,1866 58, 357
Baltimore, Md.......... July 27,1869 92, 9861
Saint Louis, Mo.......... --------June 3,1873 139, 513
Norwalk, Conn., and New July 6, 1869 92, 149
York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y..._.... June 21, 1870 104, 445
Lowell, Mass................. Oct. 5, 1858 21, 685
Worcester, Mass.......... Jan. 4, 1870 98, 507
Worcester, Mass.......... Oct. 20, 1868 83, 179
Lowell, Mass............ Dec. 23, 1856 16, 275
Worcester, Mass.......... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 210
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 21, 1871 121, 117
Concord, N. 11H............ Feb. 4, 1868 74, 095
Cleveland, Ohio........... June 8, 1869 90, 931
North Andover, Mass.... July 14,1868 79, 872
Raritan, N. J............. Sept. 10, 1872 131, 185
Manchester, Conn......... Apr. 6,1869 88, 135
Biddeford, Me........... Mar. 3,1857 16, 744
Huntsville, Ala........... Ocet. 24, 1871 120, 309
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 10, 1855 12, 674
Douglas, N. Y............. Aug. 8, 1871 117, 755
Lowell, Mass............. Dec. 4, 1844 3, 843
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Jan. 24, 1832......
Northford, Conn.......... Apr. 21, 1863 38, 259
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 16, 1869 96, 930
Worcester, M:ss......... Sept. 2, 1873 142, 423
Fiddletown, Cal.......-.... Feb. 16, 1869 87, 082
Felchville, Vt............ Mar. 22, 1870 101, 185
Lowell, Mass............. Nov. 11, 1851 8, 512
Lowell, Mass-----------............ Aug. 18,1868 81, 213
Worcester, Mass......... Dee. 24, 1867 72, 509
Ancaster, Canada....... July 1, 1873 140, 376
Lowell, Mass........... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 165
Lawrence, Mass.......... Feb. 2,1869 86, 452
Troy, N. Y............... Apr. 2:1, 1867 64,004
Fair Hlaven,Vt., and Troy, Oct. 25,1.864 44, 791
Hubbardston, Mass....... Feb. 11, 1868 74, 261
Hubbardston, Mass....... Mar. 3, 1868 75, 082
New York, N. Y....-.... Mar. 17, 1888 75, 507
Philadelphia, Pa.......:... Dec. 28, 1869 98, 327
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 259
Worcester, Mass...... Aug. 26, 1862 36, 283
Brooklyn, N. SI........ Dec. 21, 1869 98, 154
Hannibal, Mo........... Dec. 17, 1872 134, 051
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 10, 1867 71, h78
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 25, 1866 58, 270
Rochester, N. Y........... Aug. 24, 1869 94, 127
New York, N. Y..M.....-. May 21, 1867 64, 102
Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 5, 1864 42, 260
Baltimore, Md......... Oct. 15, 1872 132, 325
Fort Madison, Iowa...... July 18, 1871 117, 120
Philadelphia, Pa..........- Oct. 21, 1873 143, 878
Towanda, Pa......."....... May 28, 1867 65, 131
Washington, D. C...... June 23, 1868 79, 194
Cleveland, Ohio......... Dec. 19, 1871 122, 041L
Rockvillo, Canada....... Oct. 15, 1872 132, 330
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 5, 1867 70, 500
Chicago, Ill.............. Nov. 1, 1870 108, 887
Elkhart, Ind.............. May 27, 1873 139, 298
Boston, Mass.--...-........ Jan. 2R, 1873 135, 272
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 2, 1866 58, 428
Albany. N. Y..........July 28, 1868 80, 415
Washington, D. C...'.... Nov. 26,1872 133, 378
Chicago, Ill............. Oct. 22,1867 70, 107
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Mar. 8, 1870 100, 656
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 17, 1871 119, 995
Boston, Mass.......... Sept. 4, 1866 57, 776
Peoria, Ill................ Apr. 29, 1873 138, 454
Grand Rapids, Mich...... Oct 17,1871 120, 1.14
Milwaukee, Wis.......... Sept. 20, 1870 107, 574
Brooklyn, NY........... Jan. 11, 1870 98, 831
Waltham, Mass........... Feb. 28, 1860 27, 266
Trenton, N. J............ Aug. 19, 1862 36, 242
Selma, Alabama.......... Feb. 18, 1868 74, 509
Springfield, Mass......... Oct. 8, 1867 69, 769
Springfield, Miss.. Feb. 25, 1868 74, 853
Worcester, Mass......... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 667
Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 10, 1868 75, 388
North Scituate, R. I...... Mar. 17, 1868 75, 624
Lowell, Mass........... May 7, 1872 126, 387
Lowell. Mass ----------Apr. 21, 1868 70, 895
Northbridge, Mass........ Apr. 9. 1872 125, 501
Whitinsville, Mass....... July 8, 1873 140, 740
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 170 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Card-teeth, Braing and supporting............. C. Speer...............-..... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 16, 1852 9, 411
Card-teeth-cutting machine....................... J. Lamb...................... Leicester, Mass.......... Aug. 1, 1827....
Card-teeth for machine-case............... J. L. Tuttle................... I New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 14, 1856 15, 905
Card-teeth, Machine........................W...W. Montgomery............ Roxbury, Mass........... June 13, 1854 11,070
Card-teeth, Machine for grinding................ G. Emerson................... North Providence, R. I.... Dec. 5, 1848 5, 948
Card-teeth, Machine for setting................... D. McFarland................ Worcester, Mass.......... June 25, 1867 66, 098
Card-teeth, Machine for sticking................. G. W. Coats and J. Russell... Springfield, Mass........ Aug. 1, 1854 11, 434
Card-teeth, Process of making and using elastic E. Jenks....................... Colebrook, Conn.......... Nov. 13,1813.
Cards and drawing can-hoops, Bending iron..... J. Butterworth............... Philadelphia County, Pa.. July 20, 1831.....
Cards, Apparatus for shuffling and dealing........ 11. E. Piquet................. Sartrouville, France.... Oct. 27, 1868 83, 540
Cards, Box for supplying business...............W. and W. H. Lewis..........New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 22, 1853 10, 255
Cards, Cleaning machine...................... G. Wellman................... Lowell, Mass............. Dec. 6,1853 10, 298
Cards, Composition for preparing cotton and wool J.M. Gates................. Warren, Mass............ Sept. 14, 1815........
Cards, &c., Cylinder for carrying and supporting.. S. R. Parkhurst............... West Bloomfield, N. J.... Jan. 23, 1849 6, 043
Cards, filleting or cut, prick, and set machine..... R. Meriam...................Leicester, Mass........... May 2, 1831.......
Cards for carding cotton, wool, &c., Manulacture of G. Taber....................... Canton, Ohio......... Aug. 1, 1838 863
Cards, labels, &c., Method of manufacturing show.. A. J. Connell.................. New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 3, 1868 83, 763
Cards. Machine for cleaning machine............. H. Woodman.................. Biddeford, Me......... Mar. 13, 1860: 27, 495
Cards, Machine bfor grinding and facing.......... G. Drake...................... Windsor, Corn............ Feb. 28, 1817....
Cards, Machine for grinding cotton................. N. Smith and A. Crandall...... North Kingston, 1R. I...... Mar. 14, 1854 10, 643
Cards, Machine for removing wire teeth from.... J. A. Baham, R. C. Wilson, and Auburn, N. Y............ Aug. 4, 1868 80, 586
S. French.
Cards, Making hand and other.................... E. L. Sprague................ Leicester, Mass........... Mar. 30, 1868 76, 111
Cards Manufacturing machine and animal...... W. Wheeler.................West Poultney, Vt_....... July 5, 1859 24, 684
Cards, Manufacturing wool....................... A. Whittemore.....................................June 5,1797..
Cards, Mode of ornamenting show................F. B. Scott................... Buffalo, N. Y ".............Aug. 15, 1865 49, 444
Cards, Playing................................ H. Billings................. Boston, Mass.............. Aug.26, 1873 142, 075
Cards, Playing................................ J. J. Levy.................New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 15, 1868 82, 134
Cards, Playing................................. J. Stevens...................Mount Vernon, N. Y...... Sept. 21, 1869 95, (160
Cards, Rub-rolls for condenser...................tV. Ferguson.....A............Ainsterdam, N. Y......... Dec. 3, 1672 133, 638
Cards, Scientific playing........................... C. Goodwin................... Chicago, Ill.............. Feb. 8, 1870 99, 561
Caids, Sliding slate lor computation...............G. N. Jackson................. Chicago, Ill............... Aug. 7,1866 56. 943
Cards, Straining and grinding................... J. Boynton..................Windham County, Conn... Mar. 30, 1811
Cards, Writing and drawing......................H. A. Claik and H. J. Griswold Boston, Mass., and Nor- Aug. 7, 1866 56, 903
wich, Conn.
Carding and drawing engines, Wool.........._.. C. Jackson and J. Movi...... Cazenovia, N. Y........... Feb. 5, 1850 7, 072
Carding and mixing wool and cotton.............. S. [I. Adams and J. A. Wood... Cohoes, N. Y.............. - June 11, 1850 7,421
Carding and other machines, Apparatus for feed- J. S. Bolette.................. Gaffontaine Cornesse, Bel- Aug. 23, 1864 43, 959
ing wool to. glum.
Carding and other machines, Construction of cylin- J. M. Stone................North Andover, Mass..... Feb. 21,1871 111,988
ders for.
Carding and other preparing machines, Feeding E. Pettitt.................... Manchester, England..... Feb. 7, 1871 111, 674
device for.
Carding and picking machines, Roller feed for..... J. Dempster............... Naugatuck, Conn..... June 26, 1866 55, 828
Carding and spinning machine, Yarn........... M. Chase.................... Baltimore, Md.......... Mar. 23, 1842 2, 511
Carding and spinning wool....................... P. C. Curtis................. - Paris, N. Y................ Oct. 15, 1823.---
Carding and spinning woolby one continued opera- A. Holmes................ Pomfret, N. Y............. Jan. 8, 1810......
tion, Machine for.
Carding by which variegated slivers are produced. J. Holmes and E. French...... Lee, Mass................ May 18, 1852 8, 948
Carding,:Composition to be applied before........Z. Parkhurst.................. Grafton, Mass.......... Aug. 19, 1826..
Carding-cylinders, Clothing for.................C. G. Sargent and F. A. Calvert Lowell, Mass.............. Mar. 9, 1858 19, 585
Carding-cylinders, Machine for cleaning.......... A. A. Hawley.............. Methuen, Mass.......... Aug. 29, 1865 49, 679
Carding-cylinders. Machinery for grinding card- C. Hardy.................... Biddeford, Me............ Feb. 5, 1861 31, 315
teeth of.
Carding-cylinders, Stripper for................... F. M. Abbott and E. F. Fields.. Boston, Mass., and Lewis- Feb. 25, 1868 74, 874
ton, Me.
Carding-engine.................................... S. R. and G. W. Ballard....... Coldwater, Mich....... Mar. 19, 1867 62, 921
Carding-engine................................... J. Boyd................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 24, 1859 24, 092
Carding-engine.................................... J. Boynton................ South Coventry, Conn..... July 12, 1843 3, 174
Carding-engune....................... G. Bradley............ Paterson, N. J............. Nov. 19, 1861 33, 762
Carding-engine.............................. J. and J. Butterworth....... Trenton, N. J............. Nov. 9, 1869 96, 671
Carding-engine................................. F. A. Calvert.................. Lowell, Mass.............. Sept. 22, 1863 40, 018
Carding-engine................................ E. C. Cleveland and J. M. Bas- Worcester, Mass........... Jan. 26, 1869 86, 211
Carding-engine............................... J. Davis....................... East Wilton, N. H......... Dec. 17, 1861 33, 972
Carding-engine.................................. J. Dyson.................. Fulton, S. C............... Feb. 20, 1849 6,135
Carding-engine.................................... J. Dyson..................... Fulton, S. C............... Dec. 6, 1859 26, 347
Carding-engine................................... J. Dyson................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 15, 1863 39, 902
Carding-engine.................................. O. F. Fitch.................... Morristown, Ind....---------- Mar. 12,1867 62, 830
Carding-engine................................... J. Fitton---------------------...................... Cavendish, Vt............. Dec. 11, 1860 30, 875
Carding-engine................................. J. Fitton...................... Cavendish, Vt............ Jan. 14, 1862 34, 138
Carding-engine................................ D. T. Gage..------------------ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 2, 1864 41,462
Carding-engine.................................. N. Gambril and S. F. Burgee Woodbury, Md.......... Sept. 1, 1857 18, 124
Carding-engine................................. B. H. Jenks................... Bridesburgh, Pa......... Mar. 2,1869 87, 342
Carding-engine.................................. D. S. Kimball................. Lowell, Mass.............. Nov. 19, 1861 33, 744
Carding-engine................................. E. Leigh.......... Manchester, England..... Sept. 26, 1865 50, 211
Carding-engine................................. H. Maraden and T. H. Blamires Huddersfield, England.... Dec. 5, 1865 51, 333
Carding-engine................................. T. McQuirk and O. Cole....... Millville, Mass............ Nov. 20, 1866 59, 919
Carding-engine.................................I. L. Moulton................. Camden, N. J............. Oct. 10, 1865 50, 377
Carding-engine................................. W. K. Platt..................Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 1, 1863 39, 776
Carding-engine................................. R. Plews...................... Smithfield, R. I........... July 28, 1863 39, 355
Carding-engine................................ C. Pooley.................... Charlton-upon-M ed 1 ock, Aug. 22, 1846 4, 706
Carding-engine................................. A. D. Shattuck............... Grafton, Mass............ Sept. 23, 1856 15, 781
Carding-engine................................ A. D. Shattuck................ Grafton, Mass............. Sept. 23, 1856 15, 784
Carding-engine................................. H. Storms..................... Ann Arbor, Mich........ Nov. 11, 1862 36, 923
Carding-engine............................... W. H. Walton and G. H. Phin- Brooklyn and New York, Sept. 22, 1857 18, 257
ney. N. Y.
Carding-engine................................ S. Wethered.................. Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 16, 1859 25,153
Carding-engine................................. J. C. Whitin.................. Strothbridge, Mass.... July 7, 1863 39, 187
Carding-engine, Condensing...................... I. Stead....................... Philadelphia, Pa....... Apr. 29, 1862 35, 114
Carding engine, Cotton............................ B. Leonard................ Fishkill, N. Y............ Sept. 16, 1833..
Cardmng-engine doffer.................. B. D. Wheat.................. Mount Carmel, Ill......... Jan. 19, 1869 85, 975
Carding-engine doffer............................H. Lord and L. Hutton........ Rittenhouse, Pa........... Jan. 31, 1865 46, 120
Carding-engine feeding-attachment................ J. Lawton..................... Glenham, N. Y............ Sept. 28, 1869 91, 237
Index of patents issuud from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, incluseire-Contiuuecl.
i -----
Carding-en gibe feeding-device..............
Carding-engine feedin-niechanism---------------
Carding-engine feeding-miechanism...............
Carding-engine guide............................
Carding-engine rack............................
Cardig-engine sliver-guide.....................
Carding-engine winding -franme.._...........
Carding-enoiines, Adjusting reed-s-oler for.._-.
Carding-engines, Apparatus for spinning dir-ect
forn defieis of.
Car ding-engines, Arrangement of the feeding or
deliverinn roller of.
Cording-engines, Attaching card-clothing to cylindeis of.
Cardinig-engines, Cleaning cards5 of...............
Carding-ensines, Cleaning top-flats of....__......__
Caiding-eni~nes, Lifting-flats in self-stripping.-.. adn-gieLbctnghervrsggue
in mnachines for feeding.
Ca-r ling-engsnes, Machiiie for oiling wool for.-__
Caridng-engiiies, Machine for prepar-ing cotton for.
Carding-engines, Machine for spooling wool from
the bieaker of.
Carisng-ensunes, Machine for stripping top-flat of.
Cardiiig-engines, Machisicry foi- clcaningtop-flats of
Carding-engines, Machiuei-y for feeding..........
Car ding-eiigines, Machinery for stripping topflats ot.
Carding-enginesMeansof operatingdoffer-combs of
Cardiiig-eiigiiies, Mode of treating wood for manufascture of.
Cardiiig-engines or preparing cotton, wool, &c., for
spinning, Machinery or apparatus for making
lapis fos feeding.
Carding-engines, Stop-motion for feeding-mechanism of.
Carding-engines, waste-saver for.......... ___.._..
Carding-eiigiines, Waste-saving attachnient to. -_-_
Carding-engiiies, Wool-oiling apparatus for.-___
C-arding-engiises, &c., Wool-oiling machlinery for.--
Cirding fibious substances, Machiiie for-._._..
C-irding his of neat-cattle.....-----------------..
Cas ding-machine-----------------------------.._
Casting-machine -------------- -------.----
Cai ding snichine------------------------------..
C-arding-machine..---- ---- --------
Carding-macbine -- - - - --........_._--_
Caiding-inichine---------- ------ ---------------
Carding-machine------------------------- ____
Cirdino susehine----------------------------
(irding machine---------------------_____--
Carding usaciine-----------------------------..
Carding-machine alarm -----------------------
Caiding-machine by gleaniiig-savers ____
Carding-msachine card........................
Carding-msachine card----------------------....
Carding-machimie cleaner and grinder...........
Carding omachine, Clotohi-o................
G. Briuce------------------Corydon, Ind...........
A. A. Dow-------------------(S. lenlinmn, N. Y..........
T. Sampsons.-.........-.-.-.--- Wauskuck, Rt. I....
J. Bachelder..........Noiwich, Conn..........
L. Monroe.------------......... Lowell, Mass.............
IL Kent----------------Lewnistois, Ae --.......
W. aind J. Leach............... New ilarusony, ndLilolmes--------------------Newtoun ass.-.-.
T. Weiham-------------------..Philadelpliia, Pa-....
Dcc. 11, 1866
Sept. 28, 18 69
Msai. 24, 1868
Jass. 28, 1868
Mar. 10, 1868
Feb. '25, 1862
Aug. 25, 1868
Apr. 13, 1869
Oct. 23, 1866
H. Barbour-----------------...... Lowell, Mass ---- - ----- May 19, 1843
D. H. Rowe-------------...---Pana, ill-----------------_Dec. 22, 1868
S. Greece------------------..
WV. H. Waltois............---
B. Dobson and W. Slater.
B. S. Roy----------------------
Woonsocket, R. IINew Yoi-k, N.Y....-.
Bodton, Eniglasid-._._.
Olneyville, R. I----------.
Nov. 21, 1854
Dec. 9, 1856
Aug. 24, 1869
Mar. 8, 18 10
J. H. Aiken----------------.. INorwalk, Ohio.-- - - -- - ---Oct. 30,1i866
I. Pilson------------------...Lisirel, Md--------------- Oct. 30, 1866
Z. Allen ------------------- Providence, HZ. I---------.Sept. 10, 18.19
S. L. Crockett and B. T. Mills. -
11. Woodman.............---
S. Hi. Parkliurst.............._
G. Wellman..................
Lowell, Mass............Biddeford, Me.-----.....
New York, N. Y --- --
Lowell, Mass_............
Oct. 23, 18?66
July 8, 1856
J an. 6, 1863
Jan. 27, 1857
A. A. Bennett----------------.Norwalk, Coun --- -----May 29, 1866
B. H. Jenks..................-Bridesbus-gh, Pa... May 29, 1866
J. Mason..................1
W. E. Ainsworth amid A. ID.
C. F. Morrison.............A.A. Bennett--------__-----
P'. C. Rirk and M. Pensdergast
W. Ht. Salisbisry-----------
II. Wig htman..............--
WV. Shotwell aiid A. Kinder. -.
E. Atkinson.............---
It. Bart lett...............---
A. A. Bennett and G. Vine...
C. Bisnlop...............- --
T.G. Boone. -------------.F. TI Chase and J. II. Platt.-_.
L. Colbusa----------------
J. lDavis..................
J. Davis------------------
J. Dempster and H. Holeroft. -
E. French................ --
H.N.Gambrill and S. F.Burgee
C. S. Goodwin............---
P. 5. lamnes................
D. WV. Hayden..............
J. Haythoin and J. Matin..
H. iloughton......... _....
G1. Jaquith----------------
C. Jones-----------------
P. L. King and E. Blasdell.--.
J. McCarty...............-.
J. McDonald...............--
M. WV. Obenchain..........
L. OBrien-----------------...
H. Primes-Icr..__........
S. H. Parkhurst............
S. It. Parkihurst..........
S. H. Parkhumrst...---------... -
D. Pisefeplace__ ______
C. E. Price and J. Haythoris. _L. St. George...............--
D. Taimter.................
D. Tainter._...._._.._......
E. Thomopson..............
G. Thresh.................S. Tillon................"--
U. G. Warner.............
J. Woodard......-....._.
J. Haythorn and C. E. Price,.
J. lingua................----
W. Turner, S. Shore, and W.
E. Waite..................
LW. Boynton.............
J. Jessup-.".............
L. L. Gowdy.............--
J. C. Shaw................
E. and A. Crane-............
J. Munroe...............---
Rochdale, Great Britain.Lowell, Mass -.----... _
Rifton Glen, N. Y _.
Norwalk, Cmii.......--
Lawrence, Mass ---------
Providence, 1.. I......
Pittasurgh. Pa.........
New York, N. V-Y...... -
Brook line, Maas..._..
Rlipley, Ohio.-.-...Norwalk, Conniss..-._--
Newtown, Conis.... -
Dudley. Mass........
Fairfield, Vt ----- -- --
East Milieu, N. II..-- -
East MiltonN. II.--.
M edia, a - ----- - -
Nom-thmAdams, 1ass.....
WVoodbnrv Mills. Mdl - -- -.
Springflcld, Mass -.- -
Newlinigh, Y. Y-V-----
Windlham, (ocati...s _
'Thompsonvlhe- Conns..-...
Concord, Mass.........
Yonkers, N. Y...-.
Sparta aiid Lawriencebuighi Townshsip, nd.
Somerset, Pa...... --.
1)etroit, Xliels -....
Spiingfield, Ohio...._Inidianapohais ld..... __Shor-eham, Vt..........
Providence,It. I.
West Bloomfsieldl, N. J. -
New York, N. T'.... - -..
Lewistons, Me...........
Thosopsonville, Consin..
North Bellingleii, Mass.Wocstr orcester, Mass.----
Worcester, Mass.
Lowell, Mass... ---...
Oxford, Me-----------..
Newtown, Connis.---
Ripley, Ohio..........
Portage Counmty, Ohio...Thsompsonville, Con.
Greeubush, Pa.......
Rochdale, Enland-. ---
Franklini City, Mass.---
Hartford, Conn -.-.---
Orange County, N. Y.-...
Montgomery, N....
Manayunk, Pa..- _.......
Lowell, Mass-.......
Palmer, Mass........._..
Water bury, Con....
Feb. 10, 1843
Mar. 19, 1867
Oct. 27,1868
Apr. 18, 1865
Dec. 11, 1866
Oct. '92,186
Feb. 12, 18-i5
INov-. 4, 1813
Jiuie 25, 18172
Oet. 25, 183-2
Jan. 5, 18(69
Sept. 26, 1846
Mai-. 20, 1849
3 tinie 4, 187;2
Nov. 20,183-2
Oct. 13, 1857
Feb. 12, 1861
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr-be. 27, 18 55
Mars. 5, 1872
nune(6, 1865
(Oet. 2, 1849
Mar. 24, 1868
Apr. 21, 1857
Juse 7, 1870
May 14, 1872
Oct. 14, 1830
June 19, 1849
Jtune 26, 1866
July 20, 1846
Oct. 6, 1863
May 25, 1811
Oct. 10, 1835
Joint 2011848
May 21, 1861
Jusse 18, 1872)
Aug. 31, 1858
May 08, 1872
Apr. 18, 1865
Mayv 9,18615
June 9, 1826
Scpft. 6,187r0
Seipt. 8,18-27
Oct. 1,1830
May 2, 1821
Aug. 18, 1868
Seput. 15. 1815
Apir. 24, 1866
May 1, 1866
Dec. 13, 1870
Feb. 6, 1813
Oct. 11, 1841
Jan. 28, 1868
Jan. 30, 1841
(let. 11, 1841
Nov. 7, 1871
60, 338
95, 208
75, 79)8
73, 866
75, 290
34, 508
81, 514
88, 874
59, 106
3, 094
85, 133
16, 196
94, 089
100, 671
59, 308
59, 239
1, 316
58, 989
15, 313
37, 304
16, 504
55, 046
55, 111
2, 947
62, 917
83, 526
47, 214
3, 91)4
128, 20-2
85, 556
4, 718
6, 197
127, 566
31, 4,25
16(, 556h
125, 447
12, 469
124, 35t
48, 059
6, 7158
103, 889
1261, 813
6, 539
55, 881
4, 642
40, 181
127, 119
107, 264
81, 084
54, 270
54, 450
110, 004
C. Atwood.................. Middletownm, Cosims-.-_-Nov. 1, 1830
J. K. Proctor--------------......Philadelphia, Pa - - - - _----June 24, 1873
A. M. Comstock- -- -- -- -- - - -I Holden, Vass -- - - - - - - - -I Dec. 10, 1872' 133, 8.32
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cirding.inachine feed-mechanism................
Carding-machine feed-roller....................
Carding-machine feeder..........................
Carding-machine feeder, Weighing-attachment for
Carding-machine feeding-apparatus.............
Carding-machine feeding-apparatus...............
Carding-machine feeding-device..-------------
Carding-machine feeding-mechanism...........
Carding-machine feeding-mechanism-----------..............Carding-machine feeding-mechanism.............
Carding-machine fcr preparing bats for felting...
Carding machine grinding-attachment...........
Carding machine guide....------------------------
Carding-machine roll.............................
Carding-machine stripper-----------..........------..............--
Carding machine teeth --------............................
Carding -machine teeth............................
Carding-machine to form bats for wool hats.......
Carding machine, Wool.........................
Carding machine, Wool--------...........................
Carding machine, Wool...........................
Carding machine, Weol.............................
Carding machine, Wool..........................
Carding machine, Wool...........................
Carding machine, Wool------------------------...........................
Carding machine, Wool...........................Carding machine, Wool........................
Cardiung machine, Wool..........................
Carding machine, Wool..........................
Carding machine, Wool............................
Carding machine, Wool...........................
Carding machines, Apparatus for stripping topflats of.
Carding-machines, Cleaning top-cards of...........
Carding-machines, Composition coating for drawing-rollers for.
Carding-machines, Condensing-tube for............
Carding-machines, &c., Condensing-tube for.......
Cardling-machines, Construction of----......-------.......--
Carding-machines, Dividing-apparatus for condensing.
Carding-machines, Machine for drawing and spinning wool, &c., from.
Carding-machines, &c., Machine for feeding wool,
&c., to.
Carding-machines, Machine for grinding top-cards
and the workers, strippers, and licker-in cylinders of.
Carding-machines, Machinery for cleaning topcards of.
Carding-machines, Machinery for oiling wool in.
Carding-machines, Machinery for oiling wool in. --
Carding-machines, Machinery for oiling wool in. -
Carding-machines, Machinery for oiling wool in. -
Carding-machines, Machinery for oiling wool in -
Carding-machines, Mechanism for adjusting roller
Carding-machines, Mechanism for stripping topflats of.
Carding-machines, Operating condensing-roller in.
Carding-machines, Self-feied for....................
Carding-machines, Stop-mechanism for..- -...
Carding-machines, Stripper-carrying frame for-..
Carding-machines, Stripping top-flats of.........
Carding-machines, Waste-removing device for....
Carding, Machinery for cutting and preparing flax,
&c., for.
Carding, spinning, and roping machine...........
Carding wool.....................
Carding wool....
Carding wool.......
Ca.rding wool and other fibrous material..........
Carding wool, cotton, &c.............................
Cargoes of vessels, Apparatus for removing.......
Carmine, Method of manufacturing-----------...............Carpentering.....................................
Carpenter's bench................
Carpenter's bench................................
Carpenter's bench......
Carpenters bench................................
('arpenter's benels...----------------------....
Carpenter's bench...............................
Carpenter's bench-.m.............................
Carilentersa bench-clamp--------------
Carpenter's bench-dog..........
Carpenter's bench-gage........................
Carpenter s bench-hook.....................
Carpenter s bench-hook...........................
Cai penter s bench, Stop for.......................
Carpenter s brace and bit fastener.................
Carpenter' bracket, &c., Holding-bolt for..........
Carpenter's clamp................................
Carpenter clamp................................
Carpenter s (lamp.......................
Carpenter s gage......................
Carpenter s gage.........................
Carpenter's gage.........................
W. A. Lawton................
11. G. Elsworth..............
G. S. Harwood..............
P. C. Evans and H. J. H. King.
J. W. Barbour................
D. Tainter.............
J. W. Barbour.............
WV. Clissold.................
B. W. Taugee................
B.W. Tauee................
S. G. Blackman...........
A. J. Burke---..----....F. W. and E. Albertineo.......
E. S. Worcester.............
L. M. Capron................
C. Hindle, J. C. Milton, and O.
W. H Whiting..............
A. Guild...........
J. ]. Arnold.................
C. Atwood...................
D. M. Bacon.................
G. Booth...................
J. Davis.--.....................-----
N. Freeman-------........---......
E. Hale, jr., and S. and J. Hale.
F. Nowell....................
S. C. Philbrick...............
J. W. Shankland.............
II. A. Shannon..............
D. Smith....................
D. Tainter....................
E. C. Pfaff....................
H. Woodman...........
B. Borden, G. Townsend, and
E. A. Green.
W. Germain.............
A. W. Skinner............
N. Rider..................
E. Bede...................
Providence. R. I........
Enfield, Conn...........
Boston, Mass...........
Brimscombe,England, and
Glasgow. Scotland.
Winooski Falls, Vt.......
Worcester, Mass..........
Winooski Falls, Vt.......
Stroud, England.........
Woodville, R1. I.........
Dorrville, R. I-...........
Norwalk, Conn...........
Mansfield, Conn.........
Ilanover, Coon...........
Worcester, Mass.........
Worcester, Mass.........
Worcester, Mass.........
Wellington, Conn......
Dedham, Mass..........
Belmont, Ohio..........
Middletown, Conn........
Huntingdon, Pa.....Poughkeepsie, N. Y......
Wiiton, N. H..........
Lowell, Mass.........
Haverhill, Mass.........
Lowell, Mass............
Rockvillc, Conn...........
Summerfiehl, Ohio.......
Columbia County, N. Y...
lPhiladelphia, Pa.........
Worcester, Mass.........
Chemnitz, Saxony........
Biddeford, Me--------...........
Pawtucket and Lincoln,
R. I.
Rockbottom, Mass........
Providence, R. I..........
Sturbridge, Mass.........
Verviers, Belgium..._....
Nov. 29,1870
Sept. 4, 1847
Nov. 19, 1867
Oct. 4, 1870
July 9, 1872
July 30, 1867
Sept. 27, 1870
Apr. 23, 1867
Feb. 16, 1869
Feb. 16, 1869
Feb. 5, 1850
June 14, 1870
June 25, 1867
Feb. 20, 1872
Nov. 16, 1869
July 23, 1872
Sept. 27, 1870
Mar. 31, 1806
Sept. 25, 1826
Apr. 18, 1829
Sept. 10,1828
Oct. 13,1812
Aug. 4,1863
Dec. 31, 1839
Feb. 18, 1825
June E 1856
Dec. 3, 1867
May 5, 1829
Apr. 5, 1828
June 14, 1809
Sept. 29, 1863
Apr. 4, 1871
Aug. 1, 1854
Aug. 20, 1872
Sept. 24, 1867
Jan. 21, 1873
Mar. 12, 1825
May 7, 1872
J. Goulding................... Worcester, Mass.......... Oct. 5, 1869
W. Clissold..................
C. Hardy....................
Stroud, England.......... July 20, 1869
Biddeford, Mo........... Apr. 16, 1867
109, 634
5, 272
71, (C01
107, 890
128, 697
67, 226
107, 751
64, 077
86, 953
86, 954
7, 065
104, 262
123, 968
96, 884
129, 662
107, 842....................
39, 381
1, 462.....
15, 016
71, 784.....
40, 131
113, 339
11, 448
130, 694
69, 205
135, 015.....
126, 439
95, 580
92, 705
63, 884
18, 787
47, 767
46, 104
46, 189
56, 7538
46, 194
118, 029
102, 851
68, 464
100, 247
115, 185
14, 481
140, 814
5, 734............................
52, 001
66, 897.....
135, 342
15, 7.39
63, 645
58, 858
118, 980
16, 642
77, 998
36, 973
78, 620
74, 182
6, 485
10, 189
19, 700
27, 968
9, 917
30, 725
88, 833
79, 052
76, 884
H. Woodman................. Biddeford, Me...........
J. Eccles...................... Philadelphia, Pa.........
G. S. Harwood................ Boston, Mass.............
J. W. Hussey................. Boston, Mass.............
C. Jones..................... Boston, Mass..........
J. Shinn...................... Philadelphia, Pa......_
E. Lord....................... Todmorden, England.... ---.
F. Morf-------------------....................... --Wetzikon, Switzerland..
E. Stafford................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
R. W. Lewis.................. Beacon Falls, C nn........
C. W. Anderson..........---.... Grosvenor Dale, Conn.....
J. F. Foss..................... Lowell, Mass..............----------
G. Wellman................... Lowell, Mass............
G. WV. Craner.................Darby, Pa................
J. and C. Beach, T. Beach, and Connecticut, MassachuWV. G. R. Mowry. setts, and Rhode Island.
T. Norton and G. Biddis..... Millord, Pa.............
J. Boynton-------------------.................... South Coventry, Conn....
J. Boynton------------------ South Coventry, Conn.....
L. French..................... New Haven, Conn.........
C. Wing...................... Gardiner, Me.............
D. Adams.................... Richmond, Va...........
J. Manderson and S. Favinger. Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. A. Siegle...------------------.. Brooilyn, N. Y............
J. Bailey-------.......-. -Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Jones...................... Newark, 1. J.............
R. C. Love-------------------.................... Augusta, Me............
J. W. Mahan.................. Lexington, Ill............
A. B. Marshall---------------................ Medfid, Mass............
R. McConnell-----------------................. Lawrenceville, Pa.........
F. Starke..................... Dayton Ohio.............
J. E. A. Gibbs................. ------Mill Point, Va............
E. B. McCoy.................. Winsted, Conn...._
F. A. Trant.................... ow Britain, Conn.....
S. Swan...................... ewYork, N. Y.........
C. H. Weston............... Lowell, Mass..............
L. Augur and J. L. Lord...... Chester, Conn.............
H. Perkins.................... ----------------North Bridgewater, Mass
J. W. Kennedy................ Plainfield, Conn...........
J. Cadwell---.................... -------Cincinnati, Ohio..........
B. H. Green-.............--... Princeton, N. J........
C. L. Jones................... Richmond, Va......
T. E. Barrow.................. Mansfield, Ohio.........
A. H. Bla.isdell...-........... Newton Corners, Mass....
W. Brodhead................. Meadville, Pa.............
Dec. 1, 1857
May 16,1865
Jani. 31, 1865
Jain. 31, 1865
July 31, 1866
Jan. 31, 1865
Aug. 15, 1871
May 10, 1870
Sept. 3, 1867
Jau. 15, 1867
Mar. 1,1870
May 23, 1871
Mar. 18, 1856
July 15, 1873
Aug. 29, 1848
Apr. 15, 1813
Apr. 11, 1829
Mar..1, 1833
May 18, 1814
Oct. 21, 1830
July 27, 1833
Jan. 9, 1866
July 16, 1867
Apr. 7, 1827
Jan. 28, 1873
Feb. 7, 1871
Sept. 16, 1856
Apr. 9, 1867
Oct. 16,1866
Sept. 12, 1871
Feb. 17, 1857
May 19,1868
Nov. 18, 1862
June 2, 1868
Feb. 4, 1868
May 29, 1849
Nov. 1, 1853
Mar. 23, 1858
Apr. 24, 1860
Aug. 9, 1853:vov. 27, 1860
Apr. 13, 1869
June 23, 1868
Apr. 21, 1868
Index of patents issured from tihe United States Patent Office from 17 l0 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Resdece
Carpenter's gage.........................0. Brown and T. F. Berry ---Capron, 11..............
Carpenter's gage............................ J. Bryant......_...........Brooklyn, N. Y...------.
Carpenter's gage---------------------------.._.IF. W. Coy-----------------...Boston, Mass...........
Carpenter's gage-----------------------. B. T.Corrier --------------- Boston, Mass...........
Carpenter's gage..........................------M. Horton_................_Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Carpenter's gage.............................G. T. Lape................ Nw York, N. Y.----
Carpenter's gage............._......_......... P. Lawyer.................. LrcrmendviLe, N. Y.Carpenters gage................. _........... J. McCrnm................. Locusl Grove, Ohio.
Carpenter's gage................._.........G. Miller.................... Warshington, D. C....
Carpenter's gage............................. G. Miller....................Washington, 1).C...
Carpenter's gage..........................._B. Phillips...........---.....Gardmner, Me -------.
Carpenter's gage................................M. C. Robichan........Marblehead, Mass.
Carpenter's gage............................ Sahrn...............-Greenvil, Pa.._....._.
Carpenter's gage.............................I ). W. Simmons.._.._.......Lynn, Mlass.._........
Carpenter's gage.........................PS so................ isn----"---_-Rutland, Vt..........Carpenter's gage.............................. H. Skinner and W Greenhaigh l West Farms, N. Y..__
Carpenter's gage....................... _.... J. A. Traut.......... _..... New Britain, Conn...
Carpenter's gage................... _..... J. A. Traut............... _New Britain, Conn.._Carpenter's implement......................... Gray................. Oldtown, Me.. _...._....
Carpenter's shooting-board..................... J. Jones....... _....... _... Newark, N. J.........
Carpet...................................... J. Cochran,jr............... Maiden, Mass..........Carpet....................................... G. Crompton................Worcester, Mass...
Carpet........................................0-. Crompton.............. Worcester, Mass.._.__
Carpet...................................... T. Crossley................. Roxbury, Mass-........-- --
Carpet...................................... T. Crossley.._..._._.......Bridgeport, Conn.
Carpet...................... J. Dornan.._...............PhiladelphiaPa -.Carpet...................................... D. Hirschberg...........Baltimore, Md.-.....
Carpet.__..._.................................! -. Iskiyan................. New York, N.Y..__
Carpet...................................... R. Scott...................Philadelphia, Pa...
earpiet-bag----"--.-------...................C. F. Blakslee..............---Brooklynr, N. Y.........
Cirpet bag................................-----N. 0-reel..................--Newark, N. J......
Capt.a....._............................ J. M. Matthews..............New Yok, N. Y.....
Carpet bag...........................A. J. Robrecht.i.......... Newark, N.J............
Carpet-bag....................................FE. A. G. Ronistone..........iRoxbury, Maass........"Carper ha......................_._F. A. G. Ronlstone..."-......oxbury, Mass.........
C--rp--t-ha'................................ A. G. Ronistone..........I-ioxbnry, Mass........--
Carl..; bag _................................. A. Sonnekalb and J. W Lieb Newark, N.J.........--
Carpet-bag................................_ F. J. Thring...--............ New York, N.Y -V.--
Carpet-bag................................J. Zepfel..........New York, N. Y.
Carpet b rg bntton and pin.....................W. Roomer.... _............ Newark, N. J...........
Carpet-brg catch......................- roc................. ruh ----------New York, N. V......
Car-pet-bag' clasp --........-- - -.....- -.......J. Sellers and A. L Pennock Philadelphia, IPa.._._
Carpet-bragframe........................------.PBorn...................---New York, N.Y...
Carpet-bag~framue.0.llvl..........................GIael----------Newark, N.J...........
Carpet-bag~ frame...................... I"era.................F emn-----------Newark, N.J..........--
C-srpet-bag frame............................. S. Lagowitza............... Newarrk, N. J..........--
Carpet-bag frame.............................. S. Lagowitz................-- Newark, N. J..........--
Carpet-bag frame................................. A. Sonnekalb and J. W Lieb Newark, N. J -. _........Carpet-bagfirame............................C. and Z. Walsh........... Newark, N. J.._._.._.
Carpet-bag-frame-bending machinie..............H. Havell._................ Newark, N. J -... _-......
Carpet-bag frames, &c., Machinery for bending... E. L. Gaylo.rd............... Newark, N. J... _...__
Carpet-bag lock._........................... Z. Walsh................... Newark, N. J...........
Cnptbae............................._. W. H. Hairkinson.......... _New York, N. Y__.
Carpet-beater................................. W.H. Hankinson..._........New York, N. Y.--
Carpe-beater................................ J. IDothersall............... New York, N. Y-_.
Carpet-heater................................J.HIolhersrll................. New York, N. Y.----
Carpet-beater......... _... _... _... _............. J. Hloihersall........ New York, N. Y __. --.
Carpetbeater................ _..._..._......... J. Hothersall and J. Banks.. New York, N. Y...__
Carpet-beater_._.................S. Jordan_...........Brookly-n, N.YV........
Carpet-beater...............................W. G. Mowry and C. Pulls.... New York, N. Y......
Carpet-beater...........................----,...JW. ad W. A. Whreeler. Cleveland, Ohio....
Carpet beater and cleaner........... _........ A. Cutler and F. S. Wright.. New York, N. Y. __..
Ca':pet beater and cleaner _.......................W.H Harrkinson.......... New York, N. Y ___.
Carpet beater arid cleanrer.................... P. Mitchrell... __......... Philadelphia, Pa....
Carpet beater and cleaner...................... A. Stevenson........._.._...New York, N. Y..
Captbeating and brushing machine.. __....---....W. Peters................. - -- -- -Char-lestown, Mass--.
Carpet-beating miachine.................-- -- -- -- -..J. Har-ris jr., and D. Holmes... Roxhbury anti Chrelsea.Mass
Carpet-beating machine................. -- -- -- --....T. aria W. H. Jordan.. _....... Brooklyn and New York,
Carpet.beating machine.. _.................L. Miner................... San IFrancisco, Cal..__
Carpet-binding, Metal.....................__ __ __ __;:.. P. Johnston. _............ Stenbenville, Ohio.
Carpet-cleaner...._..__........................II. W. Bates............------ Allston, Mass...........
Carpet-cleaner.................. __._.. _........- A. M. George and J. W. Carter N ashua, N. 11., and Br-ookCPetc nr...............H. H. Lindirorat.............. Saint Lorris, Mo._._
Carpet-cleaner.........................Lke..............T ie----------- -Salint Loruis, Mo._..
Carpet-cleaner.................... _........ _. H. L. Nichols................ N~ivYernN. Y.__-_--..
Carpet-crl-suer.................. _. _....._..... A. W. Noney.... _...._... _...Bridgeport, Con....
Carpet-cleaner........................_.....J. Spaulding...............--San F"raniirsco, Cal__._
Carpet-cearier................................HR. Terry aind F.W.Hafkemeyer Chricago, Ill........
Carpet c1 Laos................................G. WV. Young...........Sarn Francisco, Ca-il ---
Carpet clearuing andl finishing machine........ -- --.J. Wilkinsons, Jr. _.........Leeds, Enigia-rud - -_
Carpet cleaurig machine..__... _... _... _.. _...... _.. G. W. Bishop................. Sirruforui Conri._""_
Carpet cleaning machine.............J C rat...........Bltimre
Date. No.
July 7, 1868 79. 0.32
Aug. 19, 18513 15, 556
May 19, 1868 78, 0165
July 11, 18135 48,1663
May 23, 18135 47,8-24
F'eb. 5, 1867 131, 8411
Mar. 19, 1867 133, 0132
July 11, 18135 48, 703
Jan. 17, 18135 45, 932
Oct. 17, 18135 50, 484
Jan. 15, 18137 61, 248
Jurly 2-2, 1873 141, 014
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 359
Ma y 30, 1871 115,3138
Dee. 27, l8,0 110, 596
Aug. 22, 185i4 11, 572
Oct. 22 18 72 132, 421
Aug.,1873 141, 475
Sept. 7, l869 94,088
Jan. 3,1871 110, 765
Mar. 1, 1670 100, 377
Jin. 31, 1871 111, 325
Jrurre 18, 1872 128, 023
Mair.113,1852 8, 798
Oct. 12, 1809 9Pr 775
Sept.9, 1873 142,66t
Nor. 10,l1869 06, 915
Dee. 23,ia73 145, 803
Sept. 16, 1E-73 142, 947
Mar. 19, 1807 133 00-2
Nos 7, 1815 50, l1
Apr. 12IL-59 23, 5913
Sept. 22,18138 8-2, 35-2
Oct. 3(,18[-313 59, 270
Mar.,18137 133, 178
Mar. 26,18137 63, 179
Feb. 27, 180135-2, 002
Jarn. 31,1854 10,484
June 91, 1857 17, 545
L ee. 28, 18139 98, 300
Mar. 9,18139 87, 549)
May 25, 1840 1, 1320
July 10,18313 51,1138
Junre 5, 181313)5529)0
Fob. 2, 18139 813, 542
July 7, 18133 39, 152
Sept. 1.1, 18134 44, 202
Aug. 21, 1831 57, 399
Aurg. 14, 18131 57, 2132
Nov. 10,18138 83, 852
Dec. 7, 1852 9, 445
Jan. 24, 18130 213, 959
Oct. 25, 1870 108,-589
May 0,1873 139, 145
Apr. 113, 1872 125, 815
Dcc. 17, 1872 134, 0359
Sept. 2:3, 1673 143, 155
July11, 1671 111,958
Aug. 17, 18139 93, 718
Jruly 1, 1873 140, 5-25
Dec. 91,1871 12-2, 29'1
Apr. 10, 18130 27, 780
Feb. 12,18137 11,0-29
Sept. 13, 18134 44, 210
Dec. 14, 18139 97, 824
July 31, 1849 13,1318
Feb. 23, 1858 19, 485
Aug. 1, 1871 117, 543
Nov. 2, 18139 911, 41
Aug. 15, 1871 118, 019
July 22, 18 73 140, 990
June 4, 18131 3-2, 473
Jan. 31, 1871 111,355
June 11, 18137 05, 183
Mary 2-2,18130 28, 31)8
Aug. 17, 1858 21, 211
July 29, 1873 141, 243
Oct. 25, 1870 108, 1351
Sept. 24, 18137 69~, 152
Apr. 2, 187-2 125, 240
May 2C, 18138 78, 178
Index of patenrts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continuecd.
Carpet-fabric - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -
Carpet fabricFelted-..--------................
Carpet-fastener --- - ---- --- -- ----
Carpet-fisteaer-- -- --- - - - - -- -- - -.
Carpet-fastener-... - - - --- - - - - - - - -
Carpet-fastener.-- - - - --- - - --- - - - -
Carpet-fistener. -. _ -.- _..........
Carpet-fastener-- -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- _
Carpet I istener
Carpet-fastener---- - - - -- - - - - - - - --
Carpet-fastener------ --------- - --
Carpet-fastener--- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -
Carpet-fastener-- - -- -- - - -- - - - -- - -
Carpet-fastener-- - - - - - - - -- -- -- - --
Carpet-fastener- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - _
Carpet-fastener-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carpe-'fistener--.. -.............
Carpet-fastener - -- -- --- - -- - -- - --
Carpet -astenrer- - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---
Carpet-fastener-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carpet-farstener-............ -. -._
Carpet-fastenler --- ---- - -- ---- ---
Carpet-fatener.-.-.. -.- ---- --- --
Car pet-rastener----------------....- --.......
Carpet -stene r..................
Car pet fastener..................
Carpet-fastener - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - -
Car pet fastener - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- -
Carpet-Is tener-------------......
Car petfasrener-- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -
Carpet-fastener...............Carpet-fastener................. _
Carpet-fastener--- -- ---- - --- - --
Carpet fastener and proteeter, Stair............Carpet f atener, Stair--------------------------..
Carpet-fastening ------------------------..-...
Carpet-fastening -------------------------------
Carpet-fastening - -.................
Carpet-fastening --------------------------------
Carpet-fastening -------------------------------
Car-pet-fastening - ----------- --
Carpet-fastening ------- ---------
Car-pet-fastenirng..............................Car- et-fastening................
Carpet-holder.... - - - - - - --..........
Car pe t-b o l de r - - - -- - - - --- - - -
Carpet-linng - - - - - - - - - --............
arnpet linirg _."............... -
Carplet-lining - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carpet-lrinn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Capet-lining rachirne-.-._- -.----.---
C li-pet irriing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ia pet-lining - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carpet-lnn; hum- -- - " - -- - - - -- - - -
Carpet-limongs,&e., Fabrie for------------------....
W. W allace. -..........
T. Crossley.-----------------
W. B. Bllaisdell andl J. E. Atwood.
C. B. Browne................
F. 0. Clark.................
J. C. Cr-aft----------..------
S. Culver------------------
If. De Charms............._
M. Dewey arid I. Phillips._..
W. Filkins-----------------..
S. N. Frnrch---------------.
J. H. Fiederich.............
iR. A. Gawler---------------..
A. Orirodan................
B Grarniss.........
C. Gnlnrann--------..-----
C. Gulrmano----------------..
I.W.Hart and 0. Nor-ton._
C. Hla trng.............
L..licks._........ -
J. 0.Jores-- - - - - - - - -
B 1). Kested_----_----------,
J. Reynolds---------------...
J. AV. Sameniig..............A. M. Smith.................
JYV. C. South...............M. D. arnu S. A. Snyder.
M. D. and S. A. Snyder...
C. F. Spencer --------
J. H. Stanton ----------------
J. A. Taylor..................
T. II. Tyndale.._............_
C. A. -Wakedield.------------_
IR. W. Walker.---------
W. Weaver.-------.------
G. E. West and W. R. Crrnningharm.
A. J. Williams-------------..
J. Conner, jr-----------------
C. Rfice ----------------------
G.W. Andrews and J. P. Burnham.
W. Barn an.- -.........
D. N. 11. Coffin,,jr.............
S. if. C. Denison..............
G. Gregory................
E. Jacknman and E. G. Dunhame
WX. S. Lorgihorough.....
J. J. Mifi-ki..................
J. Matson...................
F. Miller....................
W. H. Penrose_-_------------_
J. A. Rfobbinis---._--------
11. E. Schroeder------------..
E1. Shophell............__....
F. Smith...............--..
HI. Tlhayer.................
G. W. Ciipean..............
G. WV. Chipmoan --._._-.-.
J. F.hales.................--
WV. Fuazard.................
J. If. HLarrinmgton --...----
J. If. Harriripton..............
J. IH. Harringpton...........--
J. It. liariin'tn......
M. A. Johnson.-...--_-_
J. C. Mayrll.................
M. Haye11.................---
J. L. Kendall and If. H. Ti-ested
Residence, Date.
Philadelphia, Pa. _.......June 14, 18 70
Br-idgeport, Conn. _. _-._Oct. 12, 1ff69
Lynn, Mass..............Sept. 12, 1865
Geneseo, Ill.... __.. _......Feb. 18, 1873
Des Moines, lea.n......Aug. 13, 187-2
Baltimore, Mdl........... Dec. 3, 1872
Neavark, N. J._........ Nov. 17, 1857
Philadelphia, Pa. -.......Dec. 21, 1858
Clarendon, N...V... Aug. 31, 1858
Laineaster, N.......... May 25, 1858
Frtchhurglr Mass..._. June 8. 1ff69
Rochester, N. Y...........Mar. 8, 38ff
ConcordN. II........... Oct. 21, 18ff
Washiuton, D. C..._ Apr. 18, 1871
Waterbury, Corini Apr. 12, 1858
Pon.hkeepsie, N. Y..Sept. 11, 18ff
Poughkeeprsie, N. Y...Apr. 9, 1867
New Britain, Con.... _. Feb. 11, 18ff
Wasliro;tori 1). C _.._..May 7, 18 72
Wasinmtori P. C......Sept. 30, 1873
Oniro Wrse...............July 9, 1887
Lesion, Mass. --..__.........Jurne 27, 1885
Glen, N. Y............... Oet.. 21, 1873
Worcester, Mass.. __.....Sept. 28, 1859
Newv Britain, Coon.-.._ Auig. 31, 1858
Baltimore, Nd............-- -- Apr. 38, 1872
New York, N. Y..__.. May 31, 1859
Neav York, N. Y... -.. -.......June 2-2, 1889
Clarendon, N. Y..........-June 28, 1859
Clireridon, N. Y-----------..Apr. 18, 1881
Rochester, N. Y......Mar. 22, 1859
Frannklfn. Ohlito..___.......Oct. 11, 1870
Coaviesville, N. Y...__Apr. 28, 1859
Sprinrgfeld, Ill.-_-_.........Mar-. 18, 1889
Dalton, Mass-------------.. _Jan. 19, 1858
Wasingutoer, D. C _..._.Apr. 19, 1870
Salem, Ohio _............. Oct. 10, 18ff
La Fayette, Ind.......... Oct.. 22, 1887
Soeesa Falls, N. Y_.._.Mar. 25, 1873
Chricago, Ill..............May 28, 18688
Near York, N. Y......... Dec. 27, 1859
Chicago, Ill..............Aug. 29, lit65
Deerfield, Mass........... Sept. 27, 1884
Neawton, Miss. _.......Juno 9, 1857
Rochester, N. Y........... Aug.5,186
New Raven, Con -...Oct. 15,1872
SPortland, Conno -.....July 10, 1855
Roehester, N. Y.......... June 5, 1855a
Chicago, Ill............... June 28, 1870
Bridgeport, Conri--_.-------July 23, 1887
New York, N. Y.......... June 19, l85a
Philadelphia., Pa........ _. Jrimy28,1857
Medfor-d, Mrss............ Maur14, 1871
Rfoctrester, N.Y-----------..Jirly 28, 1857
Ashland, Ohio. _-.....May 09,1866
Alexandeisville, Ohio-- loFb. 4,18688
Warsaw, N............-- -- -Api. 8,1858
Bloston, Mass. _...... _.....Aug.11,18688
Walpole, Mass -...........loeb.27 186
Chlsea, Miii............ Apr. 23, 18f7
N1ew York, N. Y. _........Apar.23,1881
BroolynirN. Y----._ -----Sept. 27,1878
BlroolklyrrN. Y.._.....Apr. 18,18/1
Brooklyn, N.Y.......... _July 21) 1873
Lowell, Mass............. June 18, 18(17
1Boston, Mass........ _-_-. _..Jan. 31,1871
-Roxburs, Miss - - - - -.-----Sept. 15,1868
1. oxberron Ii Mass., rand( May 17, 1870
INew York, NVY
BostnnMas......... Juin 07,1871
CamenriN. I., and Fox- Ieoh 9,1889
Dayton, Ohio. - Apr. 1,1858
Norw York, N. Y........Sept. 11, 18tr
Lrorrklyn, is. V...........Jan. 2,1872
Astorria, N.Y......... Jan. 17,1871
Brooklynii N. Y-----------. _Sept. 23,1873
Bloston, Mass.............Feb. 24, 1881
Brooklyn, N. Y. _......... July. 23, 186r7
Providence, 11.1..... __....Aug.2, 18 7
New York, N. Y..........Oct. la, 187
104, 232
95, 778
49, 850
135, 884
130, 380
18, 8:11
2-2, 354
21, 348
91, 111
23, 566
57, 895
128, 456
143, 238
88, 588
48, 410
143, 78-1
25, 519
21, 365
128, 334
32, 089
108, 200
23, 97
87, 991
19, 184
59, 298
70, 055
78, 283
44, 384
17, 48f
15, 478
13, 089
13, 894
112 3
74, 180
19, 88'
60, 478
113, 765
141, 270
85, 814
111, 465
8-2, 236
103, 198
118, 487
88, 830
14, 585
29, 970
122, 181
143, 053
87, 048
Carpet-linings, Machine for folding..o_- - J. C. Maysil-_.. __- _.....
Carpet-lfinings, Macohioe for making.............. J. Foster, jr., and F. J. Dill...
Carpet-linies, Machine for minrg..........
Carpet-liuins, Machine for making..............
Carnpet-linings, M-rchie for rmakinrg..............
Carpet-lininrgs, MaMclime for rmanufacturre of paprer.
Canrpot-linings, Machine for nanufaeturng...
Carpof-linimgs, Manfcture of----------
Caret-liimrrs Manrufacterie of..........
Carpet linings, Manufacture of..........
Carpret matting or lining...................
Carpet nails or tacks...............
Carpet pa.), Stair...............................
Carpeot, rinaled piled............................
C arpet-prnrt inigblock..........................--
Car-pet-priting rmcline.....................
C irpet-protector..................
Caret-rag cut-ton...............................
Cairpef. mahcritter and looper, Comabied....
Carplet-ri- looprer ------------------------------
Carpet-ra- loper..............................
C ins-et-rap-loopir-............................Caripet-ag looper-..............................
J. It.llarringtonu...........J. i. Hanrinugton..........-. -.
J. it. Harrington...........
C. A Pease................--
F. H. Bailey...............---
S. M. Allen............ -... -...
J. R. Harnington............
WX. A. Mauran..............
P. Sweeny.................W. P. Patton...-...-......
G. W. Chipruan..............
T.? Crossley................
T. Crossley.................
T.Crossley................T. Crossley.-...-......
11. XV. Eskildson...........--
W. Eber-hard..........-....
S. P. Convcr-se...............
G. W. Ansley..............--
WV. Billo r...............
WV. Claytoi,jr..............-- -
J. F. Cooper.................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Carpet-rag looper.............................
Carpet-rag looper...............
Carpet-rag looper and button-hole cutter, Combined.
Carpetdrag looper, button-hole cutter, and pressboard combined.
Carpet, Stamped paper...........................
Carpet- stretcher..................................
Car pet-stretcher..........................
Carpet stretcher..........................
Carpet stretcher.........................
Carpet stretcher..................................
Carpet stretcher..................................
Carpet stretcher..................................Carpet stretcher...............................
Carpet stretcher.................................
Carpet stre cher..................................
Carpet stretcher...........................
Carpet stretcher...........................
Carpet stretcher................................. -
Carpet stretcher..................................
Carpet stretcher..................................
Carpet stretcher...........................
Carpet-stretcher. --
Carpet stretcher and hammer.....................
Carpet stretcher and holder................
Carpet stretcher and nailer....................
Carpet-stretcher and tack-driver..................
Carpet-stretcher and tack-driver.............
Carpet-stretcher and tack-hammer, Combined....
Carpet-stretcher and tack-holder..............
Carpet-stretcher and tack-holder.........
Carpet-stretcher and tack-holder.................
Carpet stretcher and tacker......................
Carpet stretcher and tacker..................
Carpet-stretcher, tack driver and puller combined.
Carpet-stretcher, tack-holder, and nail-puller, Combined.
Carpet sweeper..................................
Carpet sweeper.................................
Carpet sweeper.................................
F. J. Egger...................
G. L. Price...............
G. W. Morris and W. Lenhart.
S. M. Whitten................
H. Thry...................
A. Rose......................
F. Guy.......................
H. Blarn.......................
W. A. Boles...................
J. H. Bosworth................
J. Boyd....................
I. WV. Bragg..................
W. Brown..................
E. W. Bullard..............
W. P. D. Claybrook...........
F. J. Coll ier...................
W. C. Conant................
S. G. Dare.........-----------
J. H. De Poe................
A. L. Dunbar..................
G. O. Dunlap.................
S. Elliott................
A. C. Ellis....................
L. Frankhauser-.....-...
C. E. Gale---------...........-------.........
J. B. Greenalgh..............
J. S. Green and T. D. Bradt.-..
G. S. Greenleaf and C. Buckland.
H. M. Hartshorn..............
N. Hill.......................
H. HIungerford...............
H. Hungerford...............
W. J. Johnson................
J. Kaily....................
P. Kelly.......................----------------
C. A. Linduer.................
J. Lindsay...............-----
J. Lindsay...................
J. Luther....................
J. B. Martindale...............
C. S. McRobert..............
H. A. Mead...................
A. F. Michael and H. N. Duncan.
Residence. Date.
Springfield, Ohio.... -... Sept. 16, 1873
Clifton Springs, N. Y...... Feb. 2, 1869
Corry, Pa................--------------. Nov. 11, 1873
Algansee, Mich........... Mar. 11, 1873
New York, N. Y---------.......... Feb. 9, 1869
Bath, N. Y... -.......... Jan. 22, 1867
Baltimore, Md............ Feb. 23, 1819
Washington, D. C......... Feb. 2, 1858
Shelbyville, Ind.......... Aug. 5, 1873
Bath, Me................ Dec. 18, 1866
Lowell, Mass............. Dec. 19, 1865
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Feb 15,1859
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 9, 1869
Barre, Mass.....-....... May 28, 1872
Palmyra, Mo............. Jan. 30, 1872
Cannonsburgh, Pa........ Mar. 21, 1865
New York, N. Y......Oct. 5, 1858
New York, N. Y.........- Aug.11, 1868
Boonton, N. J-......... Aug. 22, 1871
Sheldon, Ill........... Jan. 14, 1868
Chicopee, Mass.......... Feb. 12,1867
Sonora, CalA.............. Aug. 1, 1871
Birmingham, Mich-....... July 23, 1872
Columbus, Ohio.---..-.... Jan. 14, 1873
Aurelius, N. Y-----------........... Jan. 31, 1871
Providence, R. I......... --- Jan. 19, 1869
Watertown, N. Y....-. May 6, 1873
Springfield, Mass........-. -- Feb. 12, 1861
Malden, Mass.._.......... June 26, 1860
Caton, N. Y............ Feb. 14, 1865
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 16, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 29, 1867
Newton, Mass.......... Feb. 19, 1867
Canton, Ohio-----...------Oct. 23, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 29, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 9, 1866
New York, N. Y.--........ May 14, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 5, 1873
Buclhanan, Mich.......... Nov. 11, 1873
Newcastle, Ind........... ----- Dec. 4, 1866
Plymouth. Mich.......... Feb. 4,1868
Cuba, N. Y-------------................ July 25, 1865
Lockport, N. Y............ July 1, 1873
W. Minster-----------.............------- Washington, D. C.........
G. Mosman------------................... --- Chicopee, Mass.........
G. Mosman...-....-....-- Chicopee, Mass.......... - -
G. G. Mudge-..--------------.. Pittsburgh, Ind...........
S. Pennock.--..-................. Geneva, Ill......
H. Powelson.................. New Brunswick, N. J....
D.Pray-------------------....................... Boston, Mass-...-.._A. S. Richards.........--------------...... Montgomery County, Md.
H. Ridley...........-----------------....... Hartford, Conn -....._
W. A. Robinson..............------------ Grand Rapids, Mich....
C. Riickert..... ----------------New York, N. Y...........
E. P. Shaffer-----...--------.. Rochester, N. Y........
N. K. Shelton............... Wabash, Ind..............
L. B. Southworth...-..... Deep River, Conn.........
S. Stevenson................. Dansville, N. Y..........
G. W. Story................ Kansas City, Mo..........
T. B. Stout.----------------... Keyport, N. J............
W. W. Taylor.....-------------- Newark, N. J............
C. Terry......-..--...-..---...... Saint Louis, Mo..........
H. N. Tucker............... Stoughton, Mass..........
E. W. Twing................. Springfield, Mass.........
O. Vanorman---------------.................. Fon du Lac, Wis..........
O. Vanorman.................. Fon du Lac, Wis........
I. P. Warner----.... --... Marengo, Ill..............
J. Warner...---.-.-.... New Britain, Conn........
J. W. Weatherby----------............. Kingsville, Ohio.........
W. Weaver................... Salem, Ohio..........
W. Wheeler- -....... West Poultney, Vt.......
D. White..-----------------Normal, Ill................
T. Wilson and J. W. Appleyard Chicago, Ill............
E. Wood- --..-......... Monson, Mass............
F. M. Osborn-............ Dover Plains, N. Y.......
J. S. Munger.................. Olean, N. Y.............
E. S. Wheeler----..--------.. - Westport, Conn..........
WV. Brown................... Springfiell, Mass........
W. Brown --..------------........---.......... ---New York, N. Y..........
W. Brown.................... New York, N. Y.......
F. Ashley-...-- -....... New York, N. Y...........
F. W. Judd.....-..... New Britain, Conn........
R. M. Mansur...............Augusta, Me. -............
J. K. Bancroft and R. C. Bache. Philadelphia, Pa..........
Z. A. Ward.................. Pittsfield, Mass.........
L. Colby and J D. Gilman..-.. Morrissville, Vt., and Boston, Mass.
H. C. Velie.................... Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
J. B. Baker.................... Syracuse, N. Y............
W. G. Budlong-------------................ Hartford, Conn.........
A. C. Carey----------------................... Ipswich, Mass...........
JH Crane................... Charlestown, Mass.......
H. I)avis......................------------------. Bethlehem, Corn..........
July 28, 1868
Jan. 2, 1866
May 14, 1867
July 18, 1865
Jan. 5, 1869
Sept. 23, 1873
June 4, 1872
Nov. 1,1870
Aug. 24, 1858
Oct. 22, 1867
Jan. 26, 1869
Apr. 25, 1871
Feb. 25, 1873
Apr. 7, 1868
Nov. 3, 1868
Apr. 5,1870
June 8, 1869
July 9, 1867
Apr. 29, 1873
Dec. 3, 1872
June 26, 1866
Sept. 10,1872
Apr. 8, 1873
Aug. 13, 1867
Mar. 9, 1858
Oct. 18, 1853
Apr. 30, 1867
Oct. 18, 1859
Apr. 1, 1873
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 12, 1862
May 29, 1866
June 11, 1867
June 15, 1869
Feb. 5, 1867
July 30, 1867
Aug. 8, 1871
Oct. 16, 1866
Dec. 14, 1869
June 23, 1868
May 24, 1870
Dec. 16, 1873
Jan. 19, 1869
Aug. 20, 1872
July 27,1869
May 24, 1859
Oct. 19, 1858
Aug. 16, 1859)
May 21, 1839
142, 778
86, 445
144, 472
136, 633
86, 714
61, 467
19, 230
141, 418
60, 469
51, 545
22, 930
86, 728
127, 303
123, 239
46, 882
21, 654
80, 925
118, 214
73, 310
S61, 928
117, 528
1'9, 802
134, 873
85, 925
138, 560
31, 383
28, 858
46, 357
58, 831
61, 663
62, 138
138, 333
58, 63
126, 818
141, 446
144, 464
60, 216
73, 986
48, 968
140, 522
80, 495
51, 853
64, 788
48, 829
85, 690
143, 032
127, 515
108, 938
70, 023
81, 253
114. 053
136, 339
76, 355
83, 741
101, 677
91, 179
66, 649
138, 4'0
133, 552
55, 935
131, 196
137, 739
67, 690
19, 596
10, 143
64, 387
25, 858
137, 522
89, 107
36, 187
55, 154
65, 686
91, 392
61, 803
67, 159
117, 735
58, 751
97, 929
79, 242
103, 410
145, 604
85, 908
130, 774
92, 929
21. 815
-25, 099
24. 103
Index of latents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Carpet-sweeper -..................................
Carpet-sweeper -................................
Carpet-sweeper, Fan.......................
Carpet-sweeper guard...............................
Carpet-sweepers, Driving-gear wheel for..........
Carpet-sweeping machines, Guard for............
Carpet-sweeping machines, Gear for-............
Carpet-sweeping machines, Gear ior...............
Carpet-tacking machine....................
Carpet to floor, Securing........................
Carpet, washing, scouring, and fulling cloth anid
working hat-bodies, Machine for making wool or
Carpet, W oolen..................................
Carpets and other fabrics from jute, flax, &c.,
Manufacture of.
Carpets and rugb-, Manufacture of double-pile.....
Carpets and rugs, Manufacturing.............
Carpets, chests, drawers, wardrobes, &c., Aromatic
lining for.
Carpets, Compound for cleaning...................
Carpets, coverlids, diapers, &c., Weaving.........
Carpets, Fabric for underlayin.g..........
Carpets, Finishing.........................
Carpets, Flooring or dust-rack for. -.........
Carpets, Implement for slitting and joining rags for
Carpets, Implement for slitting and joining rage for
Carpets, Implement for slitting and looping rags for
Carpets, Machine for sizing backs of..............
Carpets, Making ingrain...........
Carpets, Making ingrain....................
Carpets, Making ingrain ---...................
Carpets, Making woolen...........................
Carpets, Manufacture of.........................
Carpets, Manufacturing......................
Carpets, Manufacturing two-ply--..............
Carpets, Manufacturing two and three ply........
Carpets, Slitting and joining rags for..............
Carpets, Taking figures of in orain.......
Carpets, Tool for laying ann stretching.............
Carpets, Weaving Brussels and other pile... - -.
Carpeting and embossed matting, India-rubber.. --
Carpeting and rugs, Manufacture of........--...
Carpeting, Felt for................................
Ca riage........................................
32 P
J.Edson --...................
J. Edson...................
J. Edson....................
D. C. Hall..................
D). Harris................
1. H. HEcrrick................
H. H. Herrick.............
D. Hess.................
i. C. Higgins...............
R. C. Higgins and A. Fuller...
W. M iller ----- - -- - --
H. A. Palmer and A. H. Spencer.
N. B. Pratt..............
N. B. Pratt................
S. F. Pratt.................
G. Purrington, jr., and J. H.
S. P. Rowell................
1. Shaler..................
G..F. Taylor................
O. H. Weed..............
O. H. Weed................
F. O. Willey and D). B. McEnery.
A. C. Carey..................
A. J. Knight................
A. J. Knight..................
G. F. Taylor...................
G. F. Taylor................
G. F. Taylor...............
T. A. Mitchell.............
F. H. Staffer.................
E. Jackman..............
N. Edwards..................
T. H. Dunham...............
T. H. Dunham............
1E. Waite..............
H. Stayton...................
W. Harrington...............
T. Crossley.................
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass............
Hannibal, Mo..........
Boston, Mass.........
East Boston, Mass......
East Boston, Mass.......
West Union, Iowa.......
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass...........
Hinghamand Boston, Mass
Deep River, Conn........
Deep River, Conn......
Roxbury, Mass........
New York, N. Y.. and Mattapoisett, Mass.
Readinig, Mass...........
Madison, Conn........
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass............
La Fayette, Ind...........
Lynn, Mass.-........
New York, N. Y........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Now York, N. Y'.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Portland, Conn--.....
Jericho, Vt...............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..........
Franklin, Mass............
Lockport, N. Y........
Oct. 5, 1858
Apr. 5, 1859
Aug. 16, 1859
July 11, 1871
Oct. 5,1858
Aug. 17, 1858
Sept. 6, 1859
July 10, 1860
May 9, 1871
Nov. 16, 1869
June 24, 1873
Dec. 30, 1873
Feb. 8,1859
Feb. 15, 1859
Jan. 18,1859
Jan. 1, 1867
Oct. 5, 1858
Sept. 7,1858
July 6, 1869
May 18, 1869
May 30,1871
Apr. 2, 1872
Jan. 4,1859
May 24, 1870
July 12, 1870
Sept. 29,1868
June 7, 1870
Aug. 16, 1870
Mar. 29,1870
Apr. 26, 1870
Dec. 12, 1854
July 26, 1870
May 1, 1866
Apr. 23, 1867
July 9, 1867
Nov. 25, 1829
Harrison, N. Y............ June 11, 1829
Bridgeport, Conn....... Jan. 21,1868
J. Goulding................... Worcester, Mass _----.... Jan. 20,1857
J. G. McNair............... West Farms, N. Y........ Oct. 24, 1854
J. M. Perkins.............. Plainfield, N. J............ Apr. 7,1868
21, 660
23, 526
116, 833
21, 673
21, 233
25, 332
29, 077
114, 680
96, 807
140, 293
146, 016
22, 890
22, 975
22, 671
60, 785
21, 701
21, 451
92, 226
t0, 211
115, 399
125, 369
22, 488
103, 344
105, 223
82, 566
1t3, 939
106, 429
101, 374
102, 331
12, 061
105, 661
54, 312
64, 084
66, 539
73, 512
16, 437
11, 834
76, 342
110, 481
16, 036
13, 7102
48, 907
93, 514
111, 001
111, 917
36, 738.....
15, 767
142, 439
13, 395
7, 825
99, 154.....
28, 650
118, 338
101, 823
1, 028
93, 791
15, 097
83, 917
53, 568
13, 487
96, 887
123, 809
12, 272
65, 876
34, 197
16, 353
63, 223
11, 579
141, 704
109, 189
90, 351
8, 118
29, 866
7, 835
64, 299
5, 034
L. Marks...................
E. Meily,jr., and J. and S. Mellinger.
W. S. Pratt.................
S. Fay.....................
G. J. Colby.................
J. Beal.....................
M. Green....................
D. A. Russell................
H. G. Thompson --...........
J. and N. Haight...........
D. B. Kerr..................
WV. A.Prince..........
WV. Harrington................
H. A. Clark.................
J. G. McNair................
T. Crossley.................
A. Smith.....................
B. F. Cady..................
W. Sherwood..............
F. Cist, WV. Kossak, and W. H.
J. B. Buzzell.................
J. IT. Cheever................
J. Humphries...............
A. Byington.................
B. F. Adams.................
R. W. Benedict...............
C. Brown..................
S. C. Brown and L. J. Hicks...
C. T. Bush.................
J. S. Cisco....-...............
I. A. Clippinger................
L. W. Coo..................
G. R. Comstock...........
C. Conderman.................
L. D. Cowles.................
J. W. Crannell............
J. Curtis...................--
J. Curtis...................
H. E. Delessert..............
C. N. Denuett...............
J. L. Dolson................
G. B. Durkee..............
G. W. Ether andl S. A. Sperry.
E. and C. Everett, jr..........
T. A. and A. F. Fisher.......
A. W. Forwood...............
Cincinnati, Ohio........... Dec. 27,1870
Lebanon, Pa............ Mar. 1, 1834
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Lowell, Mass-......
Waterbury, Vt. - - -..
Port Gibson, N. Y. -..
Coldwater, Mich..........
W\indham, Ohio-.....
Now York, N. Y... - -..New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Harrison, N. Y............
Boston, Mass..............
West Farms, N. Y........
Boston, Mass......
West Farms, N. Y...
Chittenango, N. Y.....
Somersworth, N. H.....
Saint Louis, Mo........
Clinton, Mass............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.......
Horkimer, N. Y --.
Bangor, Me.............
Brant, N. Y..............
Adrian, Mich...........
Macedon, N. Y........
Rensselaerville, N. Y.....
Xenia, Ohio..............
Newton, Iowa_..........
Auburn, Me...........
Manheim. N. Y--...
Hornellsville, N. Y........
Armada, Mich.......
Olivet, Mich............
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Paris, France...........
Amesbury, Mass........
Charlotte, Mich........
Alden, N. Y..............
Ann Arbor, Mich......
Washington, I). C......
Beardstown, Ill.........
Scott County, Ky......
Nov. 14, 1856
Oct. 23, 1855
July 25, 1865
Aug. 10, 1869
Apr. 25, 1871
Feb. 21, 1871
Oct. 21, 1862
Aug. 12, 1820
Sept. 23, 1856
Feb. 12, 1823
Mar. 3,1829
Sept. 2, 1873
Aug. 7, 1855
Aug. 22, 1854
Dec. 10,1850
Jan. 25, 1870
Apr. 20, 1830
Juno 12, 1860
Aug. 22, 1871
Apr. 12,1870
Dec. 10, 1838
May 6,1.829
Aug. 17, 1869
June 10, 1856
Nov. 10, 1868
July 17, 1837
Apr. 3, 1866
Aug. 28, 1855
Nov. 16, 1869
Feb. 20, 1872
Jan. 2:3, 1855
June 18, 1867
Jan. 21, 1862
Jan. 6,1857
Mar. 26,1867
Oat. 3, 1871
Aug. 12, 1873
Nov. 15, 1870
May 25, 1869
May 27, 1851
Sept. 4, 1860
Dec. 17, 1850
Apr. 30, 1867
Mar. 27, 1847
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Carriage --------------------------------------
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arriage --- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -----.----------------
C arriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carrirage --- -- - -- -- - -- - -- --- -- -- - -- -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arriar - -- - - -- - - - - -- --e-- - - -
Carria ge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carria ge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arriar 'e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriagoe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(arriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C irriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Canriage --------------------------------------
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C 'irirage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carrage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arria ge.....................................----
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C arriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carrae -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriarge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriag'e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
Carriage Ambulance-----------------------------
Carirae and buggy top bow-irons.. __........
Carrage and car axle_......................
Carrrage and car axles, Oiling..................--
Canriae and car wheel. -......................._ __
Cari age-andl car wheel and axle-box............- - -
Carriage and cart boxes, Casting----------------
Carriage and cradle, Child's.....................
Carriarge and gig springs, Connecting.............
Carri-ige arid harness, Wheel.... --.....-.......
Carriage arid machinery when wheel is used.
Carriage and other vehicle wheel._--.- -----__----
Carrira'-e and perambnlator handle, Child's.._-_.
Carriage and railway-car spring..... --- ---
Carriage and sleigh combined........... -_. --....
Carriage arid sleigh top..........................
Carriage "nd velocipede, Baby..................
Cairrrage'anilvelocipede combined, Child's.-.-_-.
Carr.iirc and wamn b ) rke
Inventor. Residence. Date.
J. Fox.----____---_ Manchester, N. J..----Ang. 10, 1852
F.Franer--------------------_Cebleskill, N. V----------Mar. 1, 1 864
1). Freeman.----------Burford, Canada -_-------Oct. 21, 1856
J. Gale, M. B. Ames, and F Lawrence, Mass----------... c.Oct. 8, 1-67
L. Gleseakamp---------------..Pittsbnrgh, Pa -_-.- - ------Apr. 15, 1873
S. P. Graham------------------ y_..Colnmbns, Ohio----------- _ _Seprt. 13, 1870
A. S. Grant ------------------ Waupun,WVis............. May 17, 1864
C. H. Gnard---- -------------- Toronto, Canada---------- Feb. 21, 1871
B. Hale-----------__---------Newbnry-port, Mass--....Oct. 4,181
G. W. Ham------------------_Parsonfield, Me----------- Sept.1 3.1870
J. C. Ham--------------------- New York, N. Y---------- July 27,1:69O
N. L. Hatch-- -- - --- ---- -- -- - -Cape Elizabeth, Me._... - Dec. 22, 1868
J. Hatfield ------------------- Cleveland, Ohio----------- June 18, 1867
G. L. Haussknecht............ New Haven, Conn - - l---- ec. 16, 18)1
J. ii. Rilier-------------------- Wo.dlarid, Cal_--------Air" 30,1870
E. Hitt--------._._ ------ Katerab, N. Y -__...-..__ Feb. 18, 1868
M. G. Hubbard--------- _.. --N ew York, N. Y..........-Jurly 24, 18'a
S. Jackson-------------------_Newark, N. J-------._----Apr.6, 1809
J. Jones---------------------- Clyde, N. Y............... Jan. 14, 1851
C. P. Kimball................ Portland, Me.............N... 15, 1864
J. T. Kinmball................Kennebunk, Me. _.........July 22,I1845
L. King.-.........Madison, N.Y......Dec.2:3,1851
T. Knox..................... Snickersville, Va __--M'ar.15, 1628
L. Kirtseici-................New York, N. Y---- - Nov. 27,1866
L. W. Mason.................Shielburne Falls. Mass..- - Apr. 11, l t46
J. R. McAlister.. __...........Herrvelton, N. Y - - -_--_ July 13, 1869
11. Moon.....................-lied Creek, N. HI._._......Mar.3, 1868
J. IH. Moore------------------...Wairreni, Mass -- -- -- -- -- - -Apr. 9,1867
G. H. and E. Morgan----------_..Edgwar'e Read, England-- Nov.6, 1866
G. H. and E. Morgan- -..------Edgware Reaid, England. Nov.6, 1866
J. J. Morris. -.........New Bedford, N. J......A n 28, 18((6
E. C. Newton -.._....- - --. Batavia, Ill _-------------Nov. 28, 1871
V. Ottman................. New- York, N. Y........--Nov.Â~6, 1872
T. B. Patton------------------_West Amuesbrrry, Mass. -J-a. 28, 18713
J. Patterson.-- - - - - -- - ----Franklinsville, N. Y.. Apr. 16, 1850
B. Peck.--------------------- Philadelphia, Pa---------- July.5,1814
T. WV. and IL. K. Porter..-Boston, Mass..............M-ar.r. 24, 1868
U. Reynolds.................. New York, N. Y.......... May 1, 1866
E. Robbinis. _............... -Worcester, Mass.......Apr. 18, i865
E. Robbins - - - _- - - -------------Worcester, Mass __....__.June 20, 18t5
J. Rock-.---.....------Hastings, En-land.... Sipt. 17, 181i7
W. Ross---------------------..New York, N. Y-.----J'in. 14, 1809
J. L. Rowley._----------------..Steuben County, Ind... _Jrrne 13,1854
J. S. Royce..____...-___ Leicester, N. Y-.-..__ May 8,1847,
C. W. Saladee.. __.... __........Saint Catliarine's, Canada Oct. 17,1871
B. E. Samupie............. Boston, Mass-------------- Oct. 25, 1-44
A. Scadls.---------------Sarr Francisco, Cal._-Decc 10, 1867
I. M. Singer.................New York, N. V__.......Oct. 25 1859
E. Soper-................New York, N. Y..._..._..Dee.3, 1807
J. C. Spencer-----------------libhelps, N. Y----_------May07, 1851
L. Threolrald..................Bremnr, Ind.............. -- -- Dec. 28, 1869
C. Thomas_------------------iloston, Mass............Dec. 07 1870
C. Thormas --------..-- BotnMas-----------l--toMss.-. Apr. 4,1871
L. H. Thonras.---........Waterbury, Vt----------- May 10,18(64
G. K. Ticlienor _............Wayland, N. Y -----------__ _Sept.2, 1871
S. Titearub-----------......-----Arnesbury, Mass-._.-------Au. 18, l868
J. D. Van Itoevenbrir... Kingston, N. Y. -.......Nov. 07, 1866
J. D. Van Hoevenberghr... Kinrgstorn,N. Y -----------__ May 26, 1888
M. S. Watkins- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Sonrer-ville, Terra. -. June 25a 1850
F. M. Watserr--------. __ -- --Colrurmbia, Term---- _-----Jurly 22, 1873
J. Whritehead.---------------... Anres Stationi, Iowa.___.July 28, 1868
E. SWicklin and J. D. Weaver Carlinville, 111.......... _. Sept. 4, 1860
J. B. Withey------------------ Chicago, Ill--------------- Sept. 24, 1872
C. B. Wood _- - - --______New York, N. V._........ May 14, 1861
T. Wilkins-------------------_.. __ _Greenville, Illi.... __......Nov. 22, 1864
G. and A. Woeber - - -.- -------Davonpirrt, Iowa. _._Oct. 15, 1887
S. Coleman-------------------- Mount Pleasant, Va...Mar. 2, 1836
W. Kenwortlry and J. H. Pollitt Buclranan, Pa.- - -.-- -----Dee. 7, 1869
A. F. Cooper................. - - -Sa Francisco, Cal. __.__ May 31, 1870
J. A. Mayrrard...............Newtonville, Mass.__.._July 12, 1870
C. Darby. - ______________- - - Worcester, Mass......._...Jan. 22,18-25
C. W. Higgirls------------aikesraVis..........WaksaWsNov. 5, 1867
A. D avi s'-- --- - -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Eastonr Md............... Mar. 18, 1835
G. Barnard --.------------United States........... Ma;, 25, 1838
Williams and Wing - - _- - - ----artford, Conni... __.......May 16, 1835
A. F. Cooper..- ---....--- San Francisco, Cal---Fob. 15, 1870
W. E. Crandall---------------....New York, N. Y_. _.........Aurg. 2, 1870
H. Gar-uilner------------------..New York, N. Y. __..__-Jun.3, 1860
J. S. Drake.......... -New York, N. Y.......... Aug.3, 1809
D. K. Hiekok.-.- - _- -------Morrisville. V/is --..........Mar. 24, 1808
J. Scircori-------------------- Now Haverr, Conn..... Apr. 2,1807
J. C. Cline--._------------Phriladolpha, Pa ---------- Nov. 2,1809
J. (. 1 lokirell-------------annridge, ass-Miciar 1 Y 18s70
9, 183
41, 765
15, 923
69, 559
137, 914
107, 360
42, 760
111, 928
107, 252
92, 964
85, 093
65, 910
8, 588
1ot;, 817
74, 689
13, 311
88, 6137
7, 906
45, 050
4, 121
8, 609
60, 016
47, 211
92. 5:6
75, 183
6:3, 7:19
59, 525
59, 526
57, 548
121, 295
133, 475
135, 287
75, 9731
54, 410
47, 334
48, 310
68, 904
5, 107
126, 106
44, 826
72, t91
25, 920
98, 443
110, 6(.6
11.3, 705
4 2, 7(00
14-2, 5:1
81, 227
78, 340
7, 467
80, 377
29, 9:31
1:31, 5-28
32, 327
45, 200
69, 885
97, 651
103 57:3
105, 228
70, 566
99, 851
166, 033
26, 668
93, 184
75, 908
63, 4:3
96, 196
100, 7
Index of patents issned from the United States Patent Office from 170 to 1873, inclusive-Continiued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Carriage-axle------------------------------------ T. Falvey--------------------..Racine, Wis -_---------Feb. 5, 1867 61, 8-21
Carriage-axle----------------..__..----J.J.lak-------------------JJ.Fak-- - --Joliet, Ill----------------- Sept. 4, 149 6,688
Carria'ge-axle---------------------------- -------. S. Forrester..--------Allegheny, Pa------------Dec. 7, 1869 97,662
Carrage-axle --------------------------------- -.S. Forrester----------------- Allegheny, Pa----------- Dee. 7,1869 97, 623
Carriage-axle.-----------------------------------.M..Freeman--------------- Macon, Ga------------... July 26, 1870'105, 793
C-rriage-axle------------.----------------------- K. Goddard-------- ------- Philadelphia, Pa....-.. June 15, 185-2 9, 023
Carrige-axle----------------------------....----J. Giabacis_--_----------_- Clyde, Ohio--------Au.17, 1869 93, 707
Carriage-axle-----------------------------------... EHI. Green--_-_--_---------Baltimore. Md.......--------------J.une 13, 1851 11, 063
Carriage-axle ------------------------------------W. N. Hal-----------------Springfield, Tex---------- July 26, 1870 185, 801
Carri-age-axle ----------------------------------. T.. Harrington-------------BRoxbury, Mass-----------May 24, 1864 4;2, 911
Carriage-axle----------------------------------- E. WV. Ives--------------------llamden, Con-----------Apr-. 25, 1871 114, 147
C rmige-axle---------------------------------___. IKillam--------------------- New Haven, Con_-.._ Sept. 27, 1870 107, 783
Carriage-axle---------------------------------... H. Killam--------------------- New Haven, Conn ---Jan. 3,1871 110, 76
Cariiage-axle---------------------------------....XV. A. Lewis-----------------..Juliet, Ill---------------Mar. 8, 1870.180, 646
Carriage-axle-----------------------------------..L. Littlejohn -----------------.New York, N. Y.......... June 7,1870 103, 900
Carriage-axle.................................... G. A.- Lloyd.----------..._-----San Fi-ancisco, Cal._.- _ Mar. 89, 18'i0 101, 370
Carriage-axle.................................... J. H. Moffett.----------------Readiiig, Mich------__----June 29,1le699-2,0x1
Carriage-axle...................................13. XW. Phillips and W. Maher. Covington, N.Y -- -- -- -- --Apr. 23, 18-28 i.-.___.
C-arrage-axle_-----------------------------------_J. A. C. Flumlier"._----- -----1iillsdlale, Pa-------------- Feh. 9, 1669 86,6893
Carriage-axle....................................XV. H. Saunders...------------- Hastings, N. Y----------- June 27, 1854 11,179
Cari age axle...................................F.- Scherb.................... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 5, 1870 101, 521
Caiage-axle ------------------------------------I. Slack......................_Avondalo, Pa -.....Oct. 10, 1846 4, 809
Carriage-axle..................................- A.EF. Smith............... hironxville, N. Y..........Oct. 19,1869 96, 043
Carr iage-ax'e.................................... A. E. Smith.. _..............B renxvill e, N. Y.... __....13c. 28, 1889 98, 4:16
Carriage-axle.................................... A. E. Smith................... Bronxville, N. Y---------- July 12, 1870 105,26
Carriage-axle.........A.......mith...................Sih ----------Bronxvillc, N-. Y..... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 112
Cairiage-axle.................................... A. F. Smith..................--Bi'nxville, N. YV.-....Nov. 29, 1870 109,6881
C'ariage-axle............V. Surne..................T prir ______--_Sliaron, Pa------------....June 8, 1689 90,9688
Cariage-axle.................................... G. 11. Thomas................-Few York, N. Y..........June (6,1865S 48, 111
Carniage-axle....................................0O. Tracy.....................--Fitchheu-gh, Mass.... Dec. 12,1848 4, 889
Car-riage-axle...................................-- -- -- _ - - -F. V olkmann and A. Miller.. 1'iladlelpliia, Pa.......... -- _Mar.21889 8S, 240
Carniage-axle....................................FE. F. XWagner--...............Houston, Tex..........une 13, 1871 115, 913
Carriage-axle..................................... Wells..__................New Haven, Conn.....Mar. 14,1871 112, 757
Carniage-axle_................................._ __ ___ _- ---__ J. F. Wilbur aiid T.Tuttle... Pewual, Me......._.....Feb.16, 1r69 88, 959
Carriage-axle................................. J. B. Wilsoni............_....Philad elphia, Pa.. _........ Sept. 14, 1869 94, 9,32
(Carriage-axle...................................- J. T. Wilson.................Pittsburgh, Pa...........Ma. 9,1889 87,6809
Carrage-axle adjuster........................ _ __ _ __ __.-Childs.......... _----. __.......West Troy, N. Y.......... Mar.5, 1867 62, 807
Carniage-axle indl axlehbox......................- B A. Berryiman..-. -.. Saint Louis. Mo.. _........J-in. 21 1873 135, 0688
Caruaiage axle and box............................ C. Beach.....................-Newark, N. J.............June 26, 1807...
Carriage exie and hex........................---...-Davis.....................Ilaltiinorc, Md............Feyv.24, 1834.----
Carriaage axle and hoxing.......................-- -- -- - -J. WV. and A. W. Beer --_.. Rural Yalley, Pa.._.. Aug. 8,1871 117, 730
Carriage-axle tnd carriage.y oke....... _-__-____... -..-Rowell.................... -- -- -- -Ameshury, Mess. -......Dee. 8 1870 109,84-2
Carriage axle anal hub...................L. Blair.......... _....... Painesville, Ohio._..Sept. 10, 1867 68, 596
Carriage axle anal journal...................L. Doran............_....... Worcester, Mass......... Aug. 14, 1886 57,100
Carriage-axle, Anti-friction...................... A. Allctt -...--.-......... Haverhaill, Mass......... Mai. 29, 1870 101, 205
Carriaage-axle, Anti-friction.......................FE. C. Otis......._............. _Voluntoavu, Conn_..._.July 24, 1868 58, C01
Carringe-axle ariia.............................. A. J. Bell -..___-____-_.__-........... Greinpsburgla, Ky.__Mai. 20, 1880 27, 517
Carriage-axle connection........................ J. WV. Kingsbury.......... _.. New Beadford, M ss Oct 5, 1889 95, 488
Carriage-axle die..............................XV. XW. Simmons.............Birmingham, Ceun. _Dec.8, 1888 84, 845
-arriage-axlo gage.............................. I. Harper.................. Berlin, Wis.._......... _INov. 18, 1862 38, 951
Carriage-axle gage............................... M. Merk..._..._._..........Rochester, N."Y............Set. 14,188994), 8:34
Cara-caxle i-on............................... S. J. Dennis... -__-............Bostoii, Mass...._......... May 13, 1873 138, 795
Cuaigca eaxle luhricator.........................N. B. lBrown. _-..... -....Antwerp, N. Y. _. _........Apr. 24, 1888 54, 246
Carl ia,8e-axle lubricator........................ _J. F. Emerson...............Sanaincisco, Cal - ---Apr' 10, 1880 27, 785
Cariage-axle lubricator.. _........... _....... _..- J. Killefer...................XWest Richfield, Ohio Apr. 28 1870 18-2, 408
Canriage-axle lubricator........................ E. Thomas.................. Kickapee, 111.............-Nov.5, 1867 70,6850
naiag-axle lubricator.......................... A. A. Vedder--------------_Lysander, N. Y._......Oct. (, 1857' 18, 384
Carrange axle, Revci-sible......................--- J. 11. Feukin------------------ Hillsdale. Pa.............. Oct. 12,1889 95,7"6
Cariage axle shield........................___-_-B. F. Rlobbins....-..........Ilia-wich, Mass...........-Sept8 26,1871 119, 281
Can-iag-axles, Device for oiling.. ___..-_.. -...... J. Vandeipool-._- _-----------Hackeasack, N. J..__.._Mar. 1 1870 100,34:1
Cain iag e-axles, Gage for setting.----------------------- -- -- -.L. Taylor... -.............Mar-iboronabl, Mass.-_. May 21, 1872 126, 1395
Carriage-axles, Machine 'ler making --_...........B. XiV. Foster.................Auburn, N. Y.......... -- -M..- 24, 1888 75, 893
Carriage-axles, Macblue for making.. _. _..........C. Young.... _... _...........Auburn, N. Y......... _.. May 8, 1886 54, 838
Cai-iiage-axles, Macline for iuakian....... C. Young.....................Auburn, N. Y--.........._-_-_-i May 8, 1886 54, 8:39
Canlilag-xe ianeixes, Machine for roi-ngr-----o i ng.......-.. -.. M illerdso...._. __. LNcwate, Ca. __-. ag. 27, 18831 33,155
enacalsMachinefoi-iln.......J.CRihrsn......NeHaeC nMiii17 1380
Carriam eaxles, Machine for rolling_...............__ __ _J. C. Richardson.. _.. _.........Philadelphia,, Pa. _-.__-._!Dec. 16, 1871 145, 5-26
Cariae-eaxes, Macline for turning.. _..... _......J. G. Aram..................Cordova, Ill. - __.. __..-___May 28, 8721-2, 211
Carriage-axles, Maclilac for turning.. __...........H. F. Fori-est- - - - - - - - - ------Boston, Miss............. Apr. 15,18713 137, 769
Carriage-axles, Machine fo- turning.............. W. Jones. -.. _.._.-_-.. Breoblyn, N'. Y...........N.Fn25, 1873 144, 908
Carrige-axles, Machine for upsetting-------------_ __ _Z. Doolittle............_ -- --..Perry, Ga........... __ _...July 6, lt58 20, 780
Caariage-axles, Manufactur'e of...................J. C. and J. Lones, C Vernon, Southwick, England._.._. Dec. 16,18731 145, 510
and E. Holden.
Carriage-axles, Manufacture of...................A. and J. Schirek and J Smith.- Rochester, N. YV- - __------- Mar, 4, 1873 138, 480
Caiiage-axles, Manaufactui-e of.. _...... _.......A. E. Smith..................Bronxville, N. YV.-........- IAug. 2, 1870 108,1086
Carniage-axles, Method of forming................J. Le Ferieo.-. --_--. __.._- Chailestown, Mass. __..--IMay 26, 1868 78, 213
CaaaealsOil-cup for...._._....... L. Gregory.__. _...._.....Battle Creek, Mich.. i June 21, 1864 4319
Criage___ __.ax_leipebx -ski n for..............JT._n...............Gawa. V........Apr. 1 1845 23,98
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continned.
C arria g e- b o d ie s, H a n g in g-.........
Carriageo bodies, Hanging...-----.-..---.--.-----
Carriage bodies, langing...-------------.. -----
Carriage-bodies, Hanging...-------------------
Carriage-bodies, Hanging....-----.-------------.
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.........................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging...................
Carriage-bodies, Banging....-------------------
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.....------------------
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.........................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging...................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.......................--
Carriage-bodies, Hanging...................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.........................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging--....-..-.....--...
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.....------------------
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.....................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging.......................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging..........................
Carriage-bodies, Hanging...-------------------
Carriage bodies, Making.--------------------
Carriage-bodies, Mode of suspending..........
Carriage-body--------------...-- -------..-----
Carriage-body brace...------------------------
Carriage-body brace....................
Carriage-body loop..------------------------
Carriage-body loop....------------------------
Carriage-body loop..------------------------
Carriage body, Stainding-roof landau..............
Carriage body-supporting irons, Elaslic bearing for
Carriage body-supporting irons, Elastic bearing for
Carriage body top.....----------------------- --.
Carriage- bolt............................-........
Carriage bolt......................--- ---------------
Carriage- blt...-----.-----------------------
Carriage bolt....................
Carriage belts, Die for making...--------------
Carriage bolts, Machine for making...............
Carriage -bolts, Machine for making................
Carriage bolts, Method of Making....................
Carriage boot---------------....................................------------
Carriage-bow cover and slat-iron, Combined.......
Carriage-bow iron......................---------
Carriage-bow iron-----------.....
Carriage-bow iron--------...-..Carriage-bow setter......................
Carriage-bows, Attaching props to...............
Carriage-bows, Attaching the props of.............
Carriage box and axle............................
Carriage box, Wheel--..-..................--..
Carriage boxes and seats, Corner-support for......
Carriage boxes and seats, Metallic corner-support
Carriage-brace joint...................................
Carriage brake...........................
Carriage brake----------------------------....................................Carriage brake.....................................
Carriage brake....................................
Carriage brake...................................
Carriage brake...................................
Carriage-brake..--.---- ----------
Cairiag.brake------- ---------------.--
Carriage brake
Carriage brake...............................
Carriage brake
Carriage brake..........................-..........
Carriage brake Adjustable.......................
Carriage brake mechanim..
Carriage brake, Railway........................
Carriage brake, Sel acting........................
Carriage brake, Self-acting........................
Carriagh-brake, Self acting........................
Carriage brake, 'elf acting........................
Cai riagebrake, Sell acting........................
I. W. Brittan........-.......B. F. Brown..................
J. M. Do Ruyter-----------..............
W. Doulin....................
S. Fairchild--...................
A. Hosmer-----------------....................M. G. Hubbard...............
M. G. Hubbard..-...........
I. Jackson....................-----------------
J. Jones-------------------......................
J. Jones-------------------......................E. Lane--------------------
L. C. Miner...................
A. W. Porter..................
J. Reynolds............
H. Scharch-...---------------
J. Speed..-------------------
C. C. Stringfellow and D. W.
A. Vallerchamp...----------..
C. J. Woolson................
J. Reeder.....................
H. W. Libbey..-------------
H. Dunlap..--------------
WV. C. and J. Dunn............
E. Kirsch----------------.....................
C. Thomas---------------....................
E. M. Williams-----------...............
J. H. Ormsby..................
J. Taylor---------------......................
F. A. Cowles-------------..................C. H. Guard................
W. W. Knowles..............
E. Gibson.....................
J. D. Sarven..................
J. D. Sarven................
U. Reynolds..................
O. C. Burdict-..............
O. C. Burdict...............
I. Newton..................
A. Pond.......................
J. Strewn----------------.....................E. H. Plant..................
W. Koplin..---------------
J. T. Wood and E. C. Smith...
S. Fr sbie and A. S. Upson....
P. T.Gates................
I. N. Topliff...............
I. N. Topliff.................
H. M. Bidwell...........
A. W. Clark and G. W. Marble
G. W. Slater..................
I. C. Hoover.................
L. Sawyer..................
D. B. Wi ight and L. Sawyer..
T. B. Whitlock..........
J. A. Smith................
J. Nicholson................
W. Fisher.................
O. H. Smith and W. Fisher.-..
J. Howe....................
J. B. Pelton..................
M. Powo...................
F. B. Morse..................
W. Ballard...................
E. Behr.....................
A. S. Boyer................
J. E. Briggs.............
L. R. Carpenter..............
E. Chapman..-..............
W. Clayton..................
H. B. S. Davis...............
G. L. Dickson...............
W. Ellmaker and C. Hurst...
D. D. Gibson and W. Cobbs...
G. Griest.....................
G. Hauck....................
S. D. Kimble..................
B. F. Leet.....................
M. K. Lewis....................
M. K. Lewis...................
M. S. Mai shall and J. G. Bicknell.
A. B. McFarlan.............
W. D. Sheldon...............
J. Sollenberger..............
V. T. Welch, jr..............
A. Wnuck...................
M. S. Woodward............
J. A. Letts..................
L. Wilber...................
P. J. O. Conway.............
S. Cope......................
J. Du Bois, jr.....
V. Ellmaber.............
A. Larrowe...................
Z. C. Robbins.................
Medina, Ohio..............
Dorchester, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Youngstown, Ohio......_.
Trumbull, Conn..........
Bath, Ohio...............
Hume, N. Y.............
Geneva, N. Y.............
West Grove, Pa.........
Clyde, N. Y..............
Clyde, N. Y...............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Hartford, Coinn............
Little Falls, N. Y.........
Newberry, Pa...........
New York, N. Y.........
Crawfordsville, Ind.......
Lumpkin, Ga.............
McDowellsville, Pa-......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Lebanon, Ohio............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Georgetown, D. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn....-.....
Boston, Mass.............
Columbus, Ohio...........
Dixon, Ill.11............
Beloit, Ohio...............
Plantsville, Conn..........
Troy, N. Y............
Plantsville, Conn..........
New York................
Columbia, Tenn............
Columbia, Tenn..........
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Cosn........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Hamden, Conn...........
Plymouth, Mich..........
Plantsville, Corn........
Newcastle, Pa............
Allegheny County, Pa....
Farmington, Conn._.....
Plattsburgh, N. Y.........
Adrian, Mich...........
Elyria, Ohio...............
New Haven, Conn.....-....
Charlestown, N. HI.......
New Haven, Conn.........
Greencastle, Pa...........
South Amesbury, Mass...
South Amesbury, Mass....
"------ -v --;----:_-------
New Haven, Conn. _......
Herhkimer, N. Y...........
Marathon, N. Y...........
Marathon, N. Y..........
Mount Pleasant, Iowa....
Sandusky, N. Y.......
Belvidere, N. J........
New Haven, Conn.........
Lapeer. N. Y.............
New York, N. Y........
Bernville, Pa...............
Watertown, N. Y.........
Lancaster, Ohio... -.
Akron, Ohio.............
Marshallton, Pa...........
Farmington, Me......
Carbondale, Pa.......
Earl Township, Pa......
Damascoville, Ohio........
Adams County, Pa........
Mechanicsburgh, Pa......
Allegheny City, Pa...
Dayton, Nov...........
Iowa, City, Iowa..........
Iowa City, Iowa...........
Somerville and Cambridge,
Downingtown, Pa......
Wolcott, N. Y.........
Bigginsport, Ohio.........
Churehville, Md..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Marshallton, Pa.
Trumansburgh, N. Y......
Putney, Vt...............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Salem, Ohio.....
Cascade, Pa.....
New Holland, Pa.........
Cohocton, N. Y...........
Washington, 1). C.........
Oct. 26, 1839
Dec. 12, 1854
Mar. 6.1847
Nov. 1, 1859
Jan. 18,1848
June 2, 1845
Feb. 12, 1850
Nov. 26, 1850
Mar. 20, 1849
July 22, 1851
July 22,1851
June 2, 1863
June 14, 1859
Nov. 13, 1855
July 9, 1844
Oct. 23, 1866
Feb. 27,1847
Jan. 15,1861
Oct. 12, 1839
Sept. 11, 1847
Mar. 4, 1828
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. 27, 1812
June 11, 1861
July 31, 1860
Jan. 31, 1871
Jan. 30,1872
Oct. 12, 1869
Oct. 12, 1869
Mar. 15, 1870
Aug. 25, 18113
July 18, 1871
May 10, 1811
Feb. 4, 1868
Feb. 4, 1868
Sept. 25, 1866
Sept. 3, 1867
Sept. 26, 1871
Aug. 12, 1873
Apr. 11, 1865
Apr. 7,1868
Mar. 18, 1873
Mar. 19, 1867
Dec. 6,1864
Oct. 1, 1867
Jan. 15, 1867
Dec. 27, 1870
May 16, 1871
Jan. 16, 1866
Nov. 3, 1868
Apr. 9, 1667
Mar. 24, 1868
May 15, 1866
Aug. 31, 1858
Feb. 23,1802
Mar. 23, 1838
Apr. 28, 1810
Sept. 6, 1870
Mar. 22, 1870
Oct. 6, 1868
Jan. 15, 1867
Feb. 4, 1868
June 11, 1e67
June 23, 1868
Aug. 7,1860
Dec. 21, 1869
Apr. 2,1861
Dec. 3, 1861
Sept. 26, 1846
Aug. 18, 1846
Sept. 20, 1870
June 1, 1858
Apr. 22, 1862
Feb. 12, 1845
June 5, 1849
June 9, 1857
Oct. 20, 1868
Dec. 28, 1869
Apr. 8, 1862
Juneo 2, 1863
Feb. 9, 1869
Apr. 17,1849
June 7,1864
Mar. 7,1854
Mar. 12,1850
Mar. 14, 1871
Dec. 4, 1843
Jan. 29, 1861
Jan. 20, 1863
Sept. 10, 1840
Dec. 22, 1846
June 13, 1846
Oct. 22, 1861
Mar. 27, 1860
June 13, 1846
1, 381
12, 051
4, 998
25, 958
5, 413
4, 065
7, 085
7, 796
8, 234
8, 236
38, 751
24, 398
13, 797
3, 653
59, 081
4, 989
31, 134
1, 362
5, 281.....
73, 821.....
32, 513
29, 386
123, 213
95, 828
95, 851
100, 864
39, 699
117, 179..74, 011
74, 011
74, 012
58, 292
68, 554
119, 309
141, 661
47, 245
76, 546
137, 023
62, 963
45, 367
69, 333
61, 188
110, 513
114, 885
52, 016
83, 693
63, 660
75, 916
54, 782
21, 391.....
107, 025
101, 172
82, 839
65, 761
79, 186
29, 453
98, 018
31, 867
33, 865
4, 775
4, 701
107, 462
20, 412
35, 016
3, 907
6, 483
17, 506
83, 174
98, 277
34, 892
38, 752
86, 770
6, 355
43, 044
10, 604
7, 177
112, 665
3, 361
31, 249
37, 468
1, 777
4, 00
4, 571
33, 522
27, 639
4, 569
lazde' of jpcdcw1s 'i$8s(dclfroai l aild Stedcs ietciit fffice fronit 1790 lo 1873, inlusive--Continued.
Carria g -rakecs, Apparatus for operating --_...
Carriage-hiraies, Me ans of oj~ oiag.............
Carr-age-brakes, Moos of operating------------...
Coriioe,& he ioyaiit ------------- ------------
Corriige- huttoi.-----..--...--------...----------
Caorriagc e-buton -------------------------------
Cariiage-bidtton, Elastic----------------------..
Carriage, chair, and cradle, Cominend.---...-- ----
(arriage cheek braco-------------------------...
( a- riaic Cid's..- ----------------------------.
Carriage, Child's------------------------....
(Cariage, Child's------------------------------...
Carriage Child's...............................
Carriage, Child's--..-.........-....-.-.-...------
Con a C hilid's...............................
C-air --C (hil'a-------------------------.-----
Cariai Chil...............................
Carriago, Child's..............................---
Cairiage, Child's-----i -------------_
Carriag eChild's-- -- -- -- -- -- ---....--- -
Carria e, Child's...............................
Carriage Chgilde..............................
(' ulic eChilds------------------------------...
Cu ris ge Child's--------------------------------
Cauriage, Child's...............................
('arriage, Chid's...............................
('iooChuid's--------------- ---------------
Carriage, Child's.. _.... _.........
C iiiag) Child's....................
Carriago, Child's -------------------------------
C'irrioigo Chldd s................
CarriagoChild's ---_-----------_------_--------
Cariiiage, Childsi..............................
Car iae, (iild's................................
(-nieChild's ---------- ------------ ---------
Carriage, Child's-------------------------------
Carriage Child's - - - - --------------------------
C-rriage Child's...............................
C-uris"e, Child's...............................
Cairiiageo Child's--------------------------......
Carriageo Child's.....................
Cariagio, Child's -_.........................
CariageC hild's.............................
Carriage, Child's--------------------------.....
C-riiageo Child's........................
Carrige Child's.............................
Caiiiagec Child's.............__._
Cariige, Childs.............................
Cariiage, Child's -------------------------
Caiage,~ Child's..............................
Cariiagec Chlid's............................
Caiago'eChild's -- ------ ------
Carriageo Child's - ----.............
Ca-rie Child's.............................
CaiiiageCh ild 's.............................
Carriage, Child's............................
Carriageo Child's folding.......................
Carriage, Child's folding.............
C-uriag eChild's fhoo-whcelcd............_
Carriag- circle..................
C-irriageo circle beudiiig macline...............
Cirriago cireocoupling.----------------------...
Carniage-clip.................. -
Carriage-cli)................. - _
Carriage-clip-- - - - - - - - -..........
Cairriage-clip..... _.............
Carilage-clip --------------------
Cariie-cip bar................................
C. Satonler--------------------O eti'ishuih,Pa_--._
V. Cciirlcy and I. Krebs... _- Winchiiske-, Va. ---.
I. Rhe----------------------Winchester, Va-----.
It. htanton -------------------Wosliin"'ton, P. C.....
'XVP.Latcinaii--------------Ih'ineiton, i.1 _-..
C. 11.Field-------------------.Piov idence, 11. 1_.-__
3I..Ii...iii"------------------Pinesoille, Ohio_.--.
G. AW.Hawk------------------Chiicago, Ill.._.-._
I. D. Johnson-----------------Keiii'tt Square, Pa..._
A. F. P Arudi.---------I Dthout, Mch.......
C.Askoni --------------------1 hidelph iia, Pa...
C. L. Atw-iter---------------. owBaa en, Colln._-_.
J. A.heckler -----------------hIld delphia, Pa....
J. Liinoind. lrich -----New ohN.J --..........
I'. 1B0yston------------------..New YoI I N. Y.F. Boylston ------------------New Yoik, N. Y....
IL. G. Bu't.on-----------------.Springield, -Vt...__.-..
Ii I.liitton.-----------------Springhield, -Vt..........A.Chiisii---.------------hewYcik, N. Y._-._
I. Colo.-_----------..---------NtwaikN.J............
T. I'.Ciindall----------------_New York, N. Y.-.._.
J. A. Crandaill---..--------Looklyn',A.. Y._J. A. Crandall------....BrolyN.- ----------Lo lnN.Y
J. C. Crandall..._._.- - -._New Yoik, N.'......
WI. F. Crandall.............-----ow York, N. Y......
W. F. Cranydall.--.....-------New Yoik, N. Y......
PF P. Crandall and J. A. Con- New Yeik, N. Y.---_--._over.
C. fi. FDare----------------- New York, N. Y-_._.
A. D i c k. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -liif il o,N.Y------V
I l. G-. Eldei------------------.Now York, N. Y.-...11. G. Elei.----. _- ------------- New Yoik, A.. V.-...
J. A. U. Edlis.---------------- Sprinield, tYr...
1. N. Forrester---------------.iBiidg'epoit., Corniiii.._
I. N. Forrester---------------.1.. i'rid epoil, Ceiiii. _.
A. P. 'owleri..-...-.----------.Newaroil N. J... _.........
T. Gall----------------------L_ ock IslandIll..
I1. Gall ----------- -----------LRock Isl and, 1ll.. -._
L. iavasy.-------.----------IloliekenN. J.........J. N. Hlazolip-----------------li-illimore, Md-_.........
Cilelt----------------------.. Jrsey City, N.J-.--
J. G. hlanphaus- -- - - - - - ------..Pi tt sbu hn hPitbrgh, Pa _...-..
J. 0'. Kirieger'.........-------iFslim ten, D. C.-.--
11. Lutz.-------------------.New Voik, N. Y--.-.
C. G. Machi------ ---.----. Now'Yoik, N. Y -.....
T. A. Madisoii---------.. _------ rootHaute,Ind..-._.
G. Martienssen---------------LiBrookly nN. YV._..-_.__
O. Mather. ------ -------------Mwoo'ret, Kg-............0. Maviiard------------------.C.Getiilfield, Mass......
W. 1'. Me tinsiry-------------. _Now York, N. Y......
G. II. Mellen..........._ __ __ New York, N. Y......
11. 11. and J. WV. Prindle..- -Sandusky, Ohio.._..
11. M.ieliardson------------- _Bestoii Miss _.....__.. __...
G. 1'. C. Rhosenithal------------.I- hiloidelphia, Pa.-.-.G..L. Shepard-------....AanNY------------- --
L. Snoov aiid J. Haseltine. Le.Botoii Mass.......... _.
F. -Snyder....................Now Yok, N. Y.-----
C. Spring and A. Spiing_.. D Iorchioster cud Westen,
lE. Taikiughrain---------------Saii Francisco, Cali...
"V. H. Towers - - -l.t. Ms....... _..._BotMss-.------..I).''roxoll-----------Nwi................ eak.._-..H. "IX". Warner----------------CenioheldMorss-..1". HI. Way-------------------_E.rooklyii N. Y -....._
11. "Veedil------------------ Nosw Haven, Ciinii...
XV. B. Whitney.............Leomnostir, Mass. -..._
J. B. Wighian--------------.Broeldn, N. Y....
J. B. Wighiozan--------------1Brliin, N. Y ___.-.--
T. G. Slsgg.................LEast New Yorik, N. Y....
11. Lutz--__------------------New York, N. Y.-._.
J. H. Gould..........-...------Now York, N. Y- --.
J. IR. McGuire----------------.Warren, Ohio............
L. Wilson................... Platisburghi, N. Y.--
S. S. Paniels-----------------.Keiodallville,hind. --_..-_
G. G. Larlein------------- __ West Amoesbui'y, Mass. --
1.J. M. Baker................ E noii, Olhile.. __-. -.---
A. Bixbiy--------------.....-----Lansing, Micli. _..._.......
WF. Bound-------------------...Hackensack, N. J....
F. Hloxic---------------------.Montezuma, N. Y....
L. A. Jehnson----------------..Candoi-, N. YV............
T. McCreary.....-......Malicawan, N.V....
F. 11. Mor-se.-......----..------_Milwaukee, Wis......
F. B. Morse------------------..Ploantsville, Conn......
F. 1B. Morse------------------. _Plauitsville, Con......
Pato. No,
Aug. 28, 1147 5.264
Jaii. 4, 1159 22, 498
Jan. 4, 1819 2v, 504
Fob. 27,117 '4, 984
Oct. 1, 117 69.10
Dee. 2 7,11"0 110,.;58
Maiy'28, 1817 65, 1111
Jionei2114 43206
Api. 28, 1118 77196
Oct. 21, 1871 141,803
May 14, 1101 32, 271
June 4, 187012 127, 404
Jon. 7, 183 134,630
Feb. 11, 1868 71,284
Oct. 6, loll 12, 683
Api.9, 1872 125, 533
Jan. 21, 1871 111,103
Feb. 11, 1873 115, 714
Apr. 24, 1866 54,111
Jon 30,1.212:,241
Pe.21, 1169 98, 351
Jon. 11, 1870 98,(670
Jin. 14, l8 7114,1856
Jan. 3, 1871110, 744
Feb. 22, 18 100, 121
Jan. 3 18111 110, 745
Apr. 2,1167 31, 87-2
Jaii. 23, 1872
Apr. 23, 13=07
May 10, 1870
Msar. 14, 1871
Juno 2-2, 18611
Pee. 27, 1870
Dc 31, 1867
May 13, 1873
(Ot. 21, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
Pe.9, 1873
SNo.7, 1871
Oct. 14,183
Oct. 181t
eptl 10, 1171
Focb. (11872
Api. 2,1867
June 6, 1871
Jihy 1l, lS6
Pee. 14, 1158
Aug. 31, 1851
Mar. 29, 1870
Nov. 19, 15117
Oct. 7, 1873
Aug. 9, 1870
Jily 8,1,1173
Pu-c. 16, 107:3
Juone 17, 187:1
Muir. 19, 1867
122, 998
64, 08
102x, 927
112, 6116
9h, 615
110, 561
108, 991
72, 83i3
13i8, 746
143, 818
143, 624
115, 298
1'i0, 645
143, 128
119, 503
119, 112
123, 408
63, 541
115 i623
48, 121
220 300
21h 353
101, 295
141, 4-21
101, 286
140, 5118
145, (612
139, 978
62, 976
Pe.5, 1871u 121, 4531
Oct. 28,1173 144, 1(60
July 11, 1872 129, 072
Au'(11171 118, 656
ihos19,1872 1:33, 1:10
Sept. 10, le72111,317
lham. 14,1l7t1112, 662
Juiei:3, 187h 115 90
Joi. 7, 1873 134,1576,TuC-v 319,80 105, 505
No-i. 7, 1871 120, 757
June 10, 1856 15, 071
Sepot. 24, 1167 69, 233
Juno 11, 1172 127, 818
Mar. 31, 18(18 7 6 059
Api-. 5, 186-1 42, 199
Pee. 31, 1807 72, 779
Oct. 12, 1869 95, 761
Jan. 29, 1167 61,1601
Mar. 26, 1867 63, 252
Apr. 5, 1870 101, 467
July 28, 1868 80, 560
Feb., 1166 5-2, 440
Oct. 26, 1869 96, 252
Oct. 25, 1870 108, 720
Pee. 27, 11 70 110. 581
May 14, 1867 64, 711
Muir. 14, 1171. 112, 743
Pee. 20, 1170 110, 316
Sept. 12, 16"7111, 710
Jumne 27, 1171 110, 345
Apr. 25, 11 71 114, 051
Juiie 27, 1871 116, 4:55
June 27, 1871 116, 456
Apr. 1, 11873 1:37, 517
Oct. 11,1870 108, 213
Apr. 4, 1171 113, 6 24
Index of p)atents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Caria-ge-clips, Die for bending-------------------....M. Seward...................
C'iarage-clips, Die for forging--------------------F. B. Morse....._..__......
C-uniage-cips, Die for forging French. - - --__..__.F. B. Morse................- -- --
Cain age-clips, Die for forming- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -F. Meeker... _... _. _........
Caiage-clipsa Die for forming blasiks for - -_ F. B. Morse. _.............._
Ca-rriage-clips, Die foi swaing - -- -- - ---- --- -- - - --I.. kMiller... _... _..._.. _..._
Cairiage cls, Machine lor loinming- - - - - - - - - -----. S. Ward..----- --
Curriage-clips, Machine for making-- -- -- -- -- -- - - -ID. Wilcox and It". McChesney..
Cissriage-clips, Maiufaturie of-----------.Mee.................... Mee..____-...
Carriage-cornei Lody-irons- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - ----S. Z. Leslie and T. W. Porter..-.
Carriage-couplingi-----"-----------------------. A. Booth....................
C in ur..co...in--------------------------. J. Bundy....................
Carriac -coupling........3........ II. Burroll, is- -.........Cqiiise-. cou......lin.__. Cliope..-.............
Car riage coupling-------------------------------.H.Codrman.........
Cirniago-coupirng __.-"--"----" -_W. T. Dole.................--
Carriage-couphing --------------_ A. J. Gibson..__..........
Carriiage-coupling..............................W. Greenleaf................
Cariage-conphing----"--------------------------- L. Grim--... --.............
C usiage-coupling-------------------------------_C. II. Guard........_.........
Carriae-couipling.-------------------------------.G. WV. Hatch.................
Carriiage-couipling -------------------------------.J. Hollinges. -____-----.
Carriage-conpling------------------------------A. S. Johnson._-_.....
C iiiiage-cout ling...............................(-3. P. Kimball._...........Carniage-coupling...............................--N. B. Livingston -------
Cariange-coupling...............................-H. J. aiidXV. Pringle.--
Cariaige-coupling I--- ------------ and J. S.VYin tPelt....
Carriaige-covers..................................F.''H. Elliott......------
Carriage cover -.........--------------J. I. Easikin..................
Carriage, cridle, nswing, anrd baby -walker, Coimbined W. I1. Flanigaii..............
Carriage-cramp.........................___......S. T. Sanford.................
Cariagt,CreCiss-crimp for four-wheel.............S. Glover -...............
Carrie o crosstrap..........................__.H.Killain.--_--------.._
Carriege-curt-iin..............................-- H. Donnell..._...........
Carriaecucrrain...............................J. I1. Spencer...._._.......
Carsragcurtain button......................--..--S. P. Campb~iell..............--
Carriage-curtaiii button.......----...............A Comstock and J. HI. NicholCarrage-curtiterbuttoir................. E. Howell..................
C-iriaige-curin buttodn..........................N. F. Mathewson. _....... _.. _.
Carriage-curtain brutten-hole.....................FE. L. Yancy.._.._...
Curisine-curtaibutton-lsole................__ F_ ___ __. L. Yaney......_.
Carriage-curtain buttoii-holo shield-----b_----i V.Qe-...............- V G ua
Cariaige-curtain eyelet.......................... C. XW. Acker...._.._
Carriae-curt-un fasteners-........................11. M. Bidwell --------
Cariuge-cuiti fastener.......-- -------E. Crawfoid and I.H B icli...
Cariagne-curtain fastener.._................... Drake.----------
Cari age-curt-un fastener........................__ __ __ __ _A. Hunt and S. Xkno, r....
Carniage-curtain fastener........................- -- -- -- -J. Ilustouji., ad U0 W.Stanford.
Cariiage-ensrtaii fastener................ -..._T. ID. Marsh.........
Carrge-curt-un fastenor.................... -....XW. H. Morse. _.... _.........
Carrie- curtain fastener........._....... -.....H.F. Poud..................
Carriage-curtaisi fastenerr. _... _... _............W. C. Shipimerd.............Casrage-curtain fastenern.-.---..................-S. Sbute, jr--..........-...
Carrsiage-curtain fasteners........................-J. T.yto-..---.........
Casniage-enitarn 1-stener........................J. Ta-ntcn.............
Carnriage-curlain fisteneri-----_________ N.Try-------------------N.M er........
Carriage-curtain fasteners. --... _..... -............ P. Whitney..............Carnm'ge esitaun fistener.--.--.--.--.--.--.....-..-..-..-. -A. XWoeber.............. _....
Cats is;e-tuitain fastening....................... J. Adams..................--
Carriage-curtaiii fistening....................... A. M. Bardwell...............
Cariage-curtain fastening............--------.....F. itauingartuer.. -_...-.......Carriage-cur:air fastening................ -- - - _....F. Baumugartners-.............
Cariage-curtain Ifistoning..............Z. \V.Chapman..........._
Cainae-curtiun fa s t e nnug.......................- - -- --W. Z. W. and J. NV Chaepmna.
Residence. Date. No.
New Haven, Coiin. __..Nov. 26, 1872 133, 492
Plantsville, Conn.--__.1 Nov. 15, 1870 10t9, 336
Plautavulle, Conn....___Sept. 7, 1869 94, 0300
Bridgeport, Conn.. _.-. Sept, 16, 1873 142.,804
Plautsvillh, Conn----. May 14, 1872 126, 646
Plantsville, Cenn.__..May 27, 1873 139, 413
Plantsvi lhe, Conn.-_-__-..Dcc. 10, 1872 133, 906
Derby, Coiin..............Dcc. 14, 1c69 98, 002
Bridgeport, Conn.........Oct. 15, 1867 69, 827
Bartlaud. Me., and Boston, Oct. 22, 1867 70, 006
Springfield, Ill...... _...... Aug. 10, 1869 93,4014
irondequnit, Me- - -- ----July 11, 1865 46,3663
Charlestownr, Mass. -.-_-_Aug. 13,1867 67,6.1
D~etrsoit, Mich........-.- --_Mar.18, 1856 14,14:3
Haskinvilb-, N. Y..__.-_ F eb. 1971867 62, 253
Peabody, Mass........... __ _Dec. 26,1871 122, 235
Clinton, Mass............. Sept. 32, 18-4 11, 6(13
Greentield, Ohio............pr.Api. 8,1856 14,607
Fort Branch,Ind.......Jni26, 1869i 86,I 1
Troy, N. Y...............July 26, 1864 43, t40
Parksirau, Ohio. _. ___...June 13, 1844 3 z
Mhlersburgh, Ohio..-..Api. 18, lo7l 11.3,884
XWanpun, Wis. __........Sept.1, 1868 81, 642
San Francisco, Cal-_--. -.Sept. 1,18(i3 39, 785
Portland, nd.. - --__.--__.July 25, 1854 11,361
Columbus, Ohio....... _..Apr. 1 3,1869 604
Peter aburgir, Va----------..Ap-. 21, 1868. 77, 1:,2
Charlestown, Mass..Nov. 4, 1873 144, 193
Astoria. N. Y.._..... _-. May 19, 1863 38, 60 1
Philailphii, Pa----------..Ma-. 15, 1870 160, 88-2
Fall River, Mass...._...... Jan. 9, 18551 12, 218
Newton. Conin...._.....May 4, 1805.-----
New Haven, Conn- -.._.Feb. 11, 1868 74, 380
Philadelphia, Pa.__........ -Jan. 14,18731 134, 862
Philadelphia, Pa----------__.Feb. 9, 1869 86, 7k6
Quincy, Mass- _. _- - Jan. 28, 18618 73, 178
Chicopee, Mass..........Junie 7, 18 70 103, 9a5
Ashtabula, Ohio. _........Aug. 27, 18117 68, 199
Barringston, R. I.. _......Jaii. 19, 1869 85, x46
Utica, N. Y.............. July 16, 1867"(it, 760
Utica, N. Y..............-July 1(6, 1867 66,761
Otogo, N. Y.............. Aug. 25, 1868 81, 5:x
Wateitown, N. Y...-..Dec. 18, 1866 60, (68
New Haven, Coitii _. -_Nov. 21, 1871 121,076
Burlington, N. J.......... Mat. 2r, 1866 53, 419
Attleborougli, Mass.._._Juiie 10, 1873 139, t6:3
Camden, Mo.............. ___ _Sept. 17, 1867 68,80
Sharonville, Ohio..... Mtii. 31, 1868 76,060
Jersey, Ohio. _.._......June 11, 18721 127, 780
W~est Newbury, Mass _....-. Jan. 10, 1871 110, 863
Franklin, Mass----------- Aug. 4, 1r8 6 0,( 2
Carriage-curtain fnsteniiig......................
Carriauge-curtain fastening.....................__
Carnage-curtain fastening...........
C-irrage curtain fatstening......................
Canriage-curtain fastening......................
Cariage-curtain fastening.. _............. _.....
Currae-curlarn fastening......... __.... _.......
Carriae-curiaai fixture... _.._..................
Carrae-curtain fixture........................
Carriac -eurlain knob..-..---...-..---.-..-.-..-.-.---
Cat iage-eurtaiiiknob._........................
Cairiiage-ecirtairn kntob, Elastic.................
Carriage-curtain lock...........................
Carriage-curtain lock..........................
C.... e curt-un strap................... _....._
Carriage-curtains, Button for fastening-.... _.....
Carriage-cuttains, Buttoti-holo lining ier.--_-...
-rniac-curtains, Elastic button-hole fur._-_- - --.
Carriage-curtains, Frame for the glasses of.__.
Carritie-curtins, Frame lor- the glasses of...
Car-rage-custans, Knob-hole for-................ _ __ __
Carriage- cushion, Spring_..........__............ __ __ __
Carage dish-board............................
Canriage dash-board.. _.... _............ -......
Ci relage dash- board...........................
Carni.ge dashboard...........................
Carriage dash-beard............................
Carriage-dash fall, Mol1e of fastening apron-Irooks to
Carriage dash-boards, Metallic binding lot-....
A. B. Clark................---
J. C. Fish...................---
J. H. Gleason........
T. McPherson...............
T. A. Mitchell..............
F. Shepardel.................
J. Ziiimor mars...............
A. C. Babcock arnl J. Daily. - -.
C. F. Thompson..............W. B. IDouglass.......-.-_..
C. M. Musnson-----------.....-.
WV. H. Hawkins.............
G. Cook......................
S. Marshall.................--
HT. Cornell and A. HI. Marshall
S. Bidwel.................J. Barclay.................--
S. C. Talcott...............--
W. F. Beaten..--.-. --
W. H. Ebonies. -------- -
C. WV. Holland...............
T. S. Burnett................
J. Bland....................
WV. Fr-anklin andi T. M. Smsithn
A. B. Hurd..................
L. Lupton................. --
J. Curtis......---...........
L. J. Persons................
Cleveland, Ohio.. _........ Oct. 1, 18 72
Richmond, Irudl------------ Man. 28, 1871
Port Jervis, N. Y..l_._ air 30,1872
IPort Jervis, N. Y..- -..-Apt. 9, 18n2
Lyme, Corni..............-Mtuy 27, 1873'
Stamuford, Conn...... oFb.18, 1868
IDavenport, Iowa... -....... Sept. 17, 1867
Newark, Del.............. Jan.4, 1670
Amhlerst, Mass...........-1)- _ ec.10, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y------------ Mar. 1,1870I
Br-ookdyn, N. Y...........-Dec.9, 1873
New Yok, N. Y.........--May3, 1859
New York. N. Y., and Hy- Oct. 2,1t161
anuris, Mass.
Richnioind, Ind.- _---------Oct.31, 1871
Barnusable, Mass- -.....Oct.13, 1868
Troy, N. Y............... May 13, 1873
Burlington, N. J---------- Feb. 19, 1867
Washinugton, ID. C --.. -Dec 24, 1867
New Yosk, N. Y.--.-----Oct.27, 1868
l'owluatani, Md--........Aug. 29,11371
New Haven, Conn r--ri.. -Apr.31 867
New Hsrven, Conn -.. - Man.31, 1868
Newark, N. J.. -.. -.......Feb. 7 1871
Greenifield, Mass ---------- July 8, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio- -- -- - --- - -Dee. 3 1867
New Haven, Counn. _. _ Jan. 6,185
Wilmington, Del----------Feb. 2 1859
Wilmington, Del---------- Ott.3, 1871
Boridentown, N. J- -....Apr. 16,18t7
Attleborough, Mass- ---Apr.14, 1868
Ashtabrula, Ohio __... Nov. 11,1866
Phliadelphia, Pa.. _-.......Aug. 27, 1867
Lancaster, Pa------------_Oct. 10, 1871
Fredoniha, N. Y- -- -- -- -- - -INov.13, 166
Syracuse, N. Y.......lb21,1871
I honuaston, Ga.----..__-----------J.an.25, 1870
Cincinunati, Ohio ---------- Jan. 23, 1872
Fast Rarndolhil, N. Y -----.Mar.24, 1868
IPaintedl Post, N. Y..... INov.7, 1871
Winehnester, \V'a----------....Ott. 1,1850
Cinucinrnati, Ohio-.......Nov. 5, 187
New Bedford, Mass.._._Oct. 20, 1168
131, 791
113, 215
1-25, 50-2
139, 438
74, 649
98, 5.18
133, 6193
11 o,355
1-15, 328
23, 8-21
120, 491
83, 056
62, 145
72, 666u
83, 535
118, t6t5
64, 186
76, 271
147, 7213
71, 613
8, 626
23, 0:36
119, 450
63, 837
76, 695
59, 679
68, 154
119, 722
59, 718
99, 140
122, 99t1
75, 746
120, 647
7, (165
132, 712
83, 6O00
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1750 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Carriage-dash rail------------------------------- iBB Noyes and 0. G. Stratton
Carrage-dash rail ---------------- ------ --------- B. L' Noys and 0. G Stratton
Carriage, Dash-rail for chid's--------------------_ _ _M. ine..t..___. _...
Carrage-door ----------------------------------- J. Cars oil---------
Carriage-dloor------------------------------------ J.Cusinghans.............--
Cariiage (loor -----------------------------------P 'Des ills-nd and APostweiler
Carriage-door ----------"----"-------------.--------P. Leek............
Cariae-door------------------------------------ A. Wighlt.................Carriage-door and window-sash support.-....J. C. 1..1.....no.
Carriage-door handlle...-- - - - - - -L........ E.Wells, -_-._----
Carria- door.ILandau--------------- ilo........................ili--..._.---
C-arriage door, L-iidau---------------------------IL.. XE. ells.-.___..
Carriage doorILandau..........................---1' W od........0(...1
Ciigdoilock------------------------------3 J.Ives_------..-.-----------
C a ri ia ge draft-poles, Device for -sns-a-ni-n - -S1B Whitney................
Caiiiage,Dunsping.------------------------------J 1 in.re------------------...
Criage-oxens---------------------------------..C.L. Ams...............----.
Cariaige, Extension..........-.- -..-...-J. A.NaNl fr----------------.
Carriage exteiioa-seat------------------IJF_. i-............... FJFoes_-._..._
Carriage, Folding ---- - -_..............-- IT. G.Sta'g-----------------.
Cars-sage bilding-step----------------------------.CG.Gregowr y---------
Carriage.o.i..step.....................-----C ItVollliardt.._..._......
Cirriage fbiding-step---------- -------------- ----li el ols ---------_Cai-iiage folding-top-----------------------------..W. G IFoglesong.------------
Carriag~e toot-nail------------------ -------------1. W. and HI. K. Porter...
Caiage fbr commni roads, Steam-._..- - - -- -----F. Alger-------------------..
C-arri-age forsraiways, Steam i---------------------3-_ _ _ J 11. Moore and W. P Pars-ott
Carriag~e for train-ways, Steani------------------.... J. Granthans.-----.-----
Carsage foriward-gear-----..-----------------J. J.D.Meiiicke.--------
Carriage, Four-wheel----------------------------.......T. Br-ooks and D). W. Eames - - -
Carsriage, Fonr-wheel-------------------el.. wa........................JP.Sa.--..-.-._.-___.._
C airri a ge fiont, Landaulot----._ - _-----------------F. _. Wells.............._._----
C-auri age - f r on t, Removable- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -C. F. Albright and ILBumklard.
Carriage-gate -----------------------------------J- Ellis--------------------..
Cars-sage.e....sg----------------------------C. Custer-----.-------
Cars-sage gearing -------------------------------- C. Custer......................
Carriage-gearing--------------------------------..C. AV. Saladee----------...---
Carriage-guard............-.-............--------F. B.Shaw -----------------
Carmisage-ard--------------------------....----I.M. Singr..............--
Cairriaige,11usd--------------------------------.. W. Allen asid J. W. Bosid.
Cairriage, Hand--------------------------------..._ ). S Shanabrook-------...---
Carriage,11usd motive--------------------------..J. Alignier....._...........-.
CasrisageHand-propelling-----------------------11I. Kind. - ----._---
C-risage h-ndle, Child's-------------------...-----. G. Elder ---.---------
Cauriage handle, Child's-------------------------.. J. IWhi e.--------------
C-urringe le-d-block-----------------------------II. C. Bales-----------------..
Casria o head-block-----------------------------'1. H. Cisxton.-....._...-....
Cassiage head-lock........--..-...-... - -I... D. Ilihunian...... _..........__
Carriage head-block-----------------------------..F. Van Patten--------------
Cassiage head-block-plate-formnsg die-------------.W. Terrell- -- - ---- - - - - - ---
Carriage bold-back------------------------------.. V. IR. Baker----------------..
Cariage hold-back-----------------------------._J. Davis--------------------..
Carriage hoist hack ------------------------------- T. F. C siflitlis--------------.
Cariage hold-hack ------------------------------- 11. A. Harris----------- ----
Cairiaaehlolback -------------------------------3J. bunlck-----------------
Cairia,,e hold-hack------------------------------- T. F. Kuff-------------....
Cassiaae hold-back --.----------------------------J. A. Lanniert - --------
Cai age hold-back------------------------------3.... A. Mackinnon....---------.
Carriage bold hack..................- - - - - - -..Nutting ----------------
Casriage hold-back.................-- - - 1. ihoih-------------------
Casriage 1B01(-back...-....-..-.--------------... D. Terry.--------------..---
Carriage hold-back.-----------------------------.A. Webster.---.-----------
Carriage holil-back-------------------------- -----IL. Wilson- - ---------
Carriage hook, Landau--------------------------.(". S. Oshorn -.__.------_Carriage, Hose----------------------------------..I. S. Schuyler and IL. A Rockwell.
Carriage-hound---------------------------------..J. Maddock..--_._._
Carriage-iron------------------------------------11. K. Port-er----------------..
Carriage jack----------------------------------.. M. Asidriot-----------------..
Car..ag..ack-------------------------------M.Asidriot -----------------
Carrinejack----------..............D Bl------------------------ I.Bsl..........
Casriago jack --------------------"--------------- J. 0. Biirch-----------------
Cari-ige jack-------------.---------------------- J. Card --------------------
Carriago-jack....................Chril---------------------------0Chschl --- -
Carriage-jack---------------------------------..... G. Clinton and G. IH. asidIL.
11. Kinight.
Carrsag'e jack----------------------------------.. _.._ _. L. Cusmmisigs------------..
Carriage-jack-----------------------------------..G.IL. Cumimisigs--------- ----
Carriage jack----------------------------------... V. S. Douglass-----------_
Carriage jaek----------------------------------....D. Elliott and F. Seely.._
Can-sage jack----------------------------------..3. F. Esimert---------------..
Carriage.a.k..........................----A. W.Field.------------ -----
Carriage-jack -----------------.........R.Fik ------------------Ii.Fnk--.-- -
Cari-aejack.---------------------------------- A. 1.Giles ---------
Carriage jack ------------------------------------T. L. Goble -----------------
Carriage-jack-----------------------------------... H. Hadley -----------------
Residence. Date.
Greenfield, Mass ---.-------July 12,1870
Greenficld, Mass------Fo.11, 1873
NovwfHavenCoon..__--_.Api-. 1, 1873
Luffalo, N.Y--------o.11, 1S73
R~ochester. N. Y- -- -- -- -- - -Apr. 22, 1873
Parsis Fraince-------------.Oct. 8, 1867
11 rol-d, Conii-- -- -- -- -- - -Dec. 22, 1868
Wilninlton, Del---------- Dec. 12, 1871
Niew Yoik, N. Y---------- May 2, 1871
New haveci, Cosn--A_--__-------.ug. 15, 1871
Newitaven, Conn.-. May 14, 1872
New Hlaxen, Conn _-.._Maii. 15, 1870
Bridge oftCcnniii-. -._ Mar. 6, 1866
andoCon.. July 20, 1846
Coxsackie, N. Y I -._F el. 4, 1866
Riichmosid, Me....__Aug. I5,1871
Basigor, M.........Nov. 26,1867
Riahway, N. J.. _. _.Sept. 4,1861)
Ilaliway, N.J- -- _--Dec. 07,1859
East New YrkV N Y1. _-Dc 24, 1872
New llavcn, Con s _.i -May 9,1871
New Haven, Con. June 6, 1671
New Haven, Con._.._. June 6, 1871
Xenia, Ohio.........Api. 17, I855
Boston. Mass.._.... Sept. 23, 1873
iBoston, Mass-------------....June 13, 1871
Blostons Mass- -.-- -----Dcc 2, 1851
London, England----------.Sept. 2,183
Milwxaukee,X\is ---------- Apr. 28,1668
RlutlasidN. Y------------iDec. 6,1827
lbanyN.Y -------------July 14, 1823
New Haveci, Conin- - __.Dec 10, 1872
Pottsill', Pa-------------. _ _Sept.24,1861
Detroit, Mich - -. --.Jan. 28,1862
Norristowsn, Pa--- -- - _- --Sept. 27,1870
INoristown,IPa.- -- - ------Mar. 21, 1871
Lioliville, N. YV-- - - ------Sept. 4,1866
Circlevulle, Ohio-----------..Feb. 9, 1869
Bose-, iMass-------------....Mar.5,1867
ParusFrane-------------l... b. eb. 5 1867
Saint Paul, Min ---- - Jsuse 6, 1871
Greencastle, Pa----------- _Jusie 29, 1869
Philadelphia, PIn.- -._- Feb. 22,1870
Now York, N. Y----------.Feb. 1:31872
NewvYork, N. Y----------Feb. 1.1870
Newark, N. J -.-.- - _.-__Feb. 20,187-2
WVa'u-nshuerg, Mo-- Asg.'311669
Rliisig Sisi, hid-----------.Oct.2,16
Sossuington, Con -.-_.May 9, 1871
Aubsursi,N. VY-__ __.._.July 03,1870
AnsoniaCons---_ - -._- ---Sept. 26,1871
Wellingtois Sqsiare, Cansada May 16, 1871
Elmsira, N. V-- -- -- -- -- - - -Ot.22, 1861
1)ansville, N. Y..........--Sept. 2, 1862
Battle Creek, Mich ------ De.23, 1862
Wyomin g Valley, Pa _.lan. 25, 18 70
Hlavasia, N. Y - - - -. __. Sept.. 21, 1869
Clevelanid, Oi- -- -- - -- ---Set 26, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio.- -.- -- ------Oct. 20, 1868
Randolph, Vt _-------------- May 19, 1863
Covenitry, N. Y------Set.15, 1863
Wakenian, O h i o------ t 23, 1873
Montpelier, Vt.----------- Sept. 25, 1855
Northbridge, Mass- Nov. 6, 1866
New Havesn, Coon - J--._.-........S.une3, 18 73
New York, N. Y.._-... Sept. 7, 1658
Dubsique, Iowa-----------..Sept. 24, 1861
Boston, Mass---_. _--------.Dec. 30, 1873
Mounit Washington, Ohio July 24, 1866
Mlount Wa~siugtoss, Ohio Sept. 25, 1866
Amnboy, Ill---------------.. __.Nov. 16, 1869
llithilo, N. Y..-------------July 6, 1869
Cleveland, Ohio......------.Sepit. 25, 1860
Cantons, Pa.--..--..-------Fob. 25, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio. _... _Mai. 5, 1850
New York, N. V _._. Mar. 17, 1663
New York, N. Y---_.- --Aug. 1, 1865
icihinond, Vt. -_.......Dec. 7, 1669
New York, N. Y.--.------- _Aug. 3, 1669
Qoisncy, Pa.............. Sept. 17, 1667
Vergennes, Vt.....-_ _.....Apr. 25, 1865
105, 362
135, 834
137, 446
1:38, 608
69, 641
85, 108
121, 922
114, 416
118, 08:3
126, 715
100, 956
53, 075
74, 184
118, 072
71, 26-2
29, 90-2
26, 578
134, 2.26
114, (673
11.5, 66-1
115, 665
12, 751
143, 031
115, 80'2
8, 561
142, 459
7i r:395
133, 910
34, 247
107, 668
112, 905
57, 745
86, H66
6-2, 569
61i, 883
115, 674
9-2, 106
100, 097
123, 7 07
99, 420
123, 1960
93, 163
83, 256
114, 681
129, 768
119, 2866
114, 746
33, 555
37, 227
99, 196
94, 962
119, 370
83, 294
38, 597
39, 958
143, 199
13, (604
S59, 494
139, 515
21, 4-9
33, 355
146, 093
56, 510
58, 196
96, 880
92, 157
30, l'O
7, 135
37, 9"02
49, 01}0
97, 616
93, 289
68, 970
47, 408
47, 628
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continuecd.
Caiiiac jac ---------------------------
Carriage jack....................................
Carriage- jack...................................
Carriage jack.....................................
Carriage jack....................................
Ca.xriage jack.....................................
Carriage jack.....................................
Carriage jack.....................................
Carria-e jac---------------------------
Carriage- jack----......................------------------.............------
Canragecjack -------------------------------
Carriage jack----------------------........................-...---.......
Carriage jack....................................
Carriage jack.....................................
Carriage jack....................................
Carriage jack....................................
Carriage jack....................................
Carriage jack.....................................
Carriag jack....................................
Carriage-jack _.____ ________._._______._..._....._
Carriage jack, bag-holder, and weighing-scale combineid.
Carriage joint.....................................
Carriage, Joint-bodied.............................
Carriage jump-seat..............................
Carriage-clamp support..........................
Carriage, Land...................................
Carriage, Land and steam........................
Carriage, Landau.................................
Carriage, Landau................................
Carriage, Landaulet.......................
Carriage lock or brake, Spring................
Carriage-lock-plate blanks, Machine for cutting...
Carriage, Locomotive............................
Carriage, Locomotive...........................
Carriage. Locomotive and other railway.........
Carriage loop and billet cover...................
Carriage-makers' tools..........................
Carriage, Mechanism for connecting a horse with a.
Carriage motor...................................
Carriage moved by hand.......................
Carriage neck-yoke leathers........................
Carriageo or buggy scat, Shif ing..................
Carriage or perambulator, Child's................
Carriage panels and veneers off circular logs,
Machine for cutting.
Carriage perch connection........................
Carriage-perch coupling.................
Carriage-poleo -.........................
Carriage pole....................................
Carriageo pole ----------------------------
Carriage pole....................................
Carriage pole, Adjustable........................
Carriage pole, Adjustable......................
Carriage pole and shaft combined...............
Carriage pole and thill......._.....
Carriage pole attachment......................
Carriage-pole, Convertible.........................
Carriage-pole coupling.....................
Carriage-pole support....................
Carriage-pole supporter...............
Carriage-pole tip...................
Carriage-pole tip..................
Carriage-poles, Hook for supporting...............
Carriage-prop block...............................
Carriage-prop bljointck............................
Carriage-prop joint..............................
Carriage-piop joint........................----
Carriage-prop joint, Adjustable..................
Carriage, Propeller................................
Carriage-rail, Shifting.......
Carriage-railSfing macblue --------------------
Carriage-raising machine..........................
Carriage, Riding.................................
Carriage rocker, Child's..........................
Carriage, Rocking...............................
Carriage, Rocking......
Carriage, Rolling lever...........................
Carriage-runner attachment.......................
Carriage running-gear.......
Carriage running-gear............................
Carriage running gear.....................
Carriage running-gear.....
C. H. Paine..............
C. H. Paine..................
C. H. Paine...................
C. H. Paine....................
C. J. Philleo.-..................
J. J. Pike...-----------------.
J. C. Plumer.._.............
P. C. Porter...................
O. T. Potter...................
H. L. Riouff.................
J. F. Seaman..........
H. S. Shepardson...............
J. B. Small...................
J. Stoner......................
O. B. Sutton...................
J. N. Thatcher...............
I. Varney....................
A. H. Wellbrock.............
J. B. White..................
D. R. Wight.............
J. E. W ell...................
N. Berkeley.................
R. Nickson..................
A. H. Niles..................
C. P. Kimball................
R. P. Cowles................
E. S. Wheeler................
T. P. White..................
R. C. Parvin...............
S. Fairman.................
H. Killam...............
E. Wells......................
E Wells.................
J. A. Bower................
W. Clayton..................
T. Insull and J. F. Dovey....
R. Winans...................
R. Winans....................
A. C. Jons.................
N. Jenny, jr............
G. Atkinson.............
A. Colburn and E. G. Stanley.
D. Morrison..................
D. Nin, jr...................
H. Sanders...................
J. P. Skinner................
S. W. Beach...............
B. P. Crandall, jr...........
J. White and P. Quimby......
I. P. Bacon..................
W. H. Cooper and G. Gregory.
L. E. Stilwill.............
D. A. Mathews..............
W. S. Lord....................
B. Foltz.....................
C. K. Mellinger..............
V. N. Mitchell...............
H. W. Painter...............
G. N. Shaw...................
M. A. Koeen...............
L. C. Miner.............
A. Moore and J. Aylwerd....
J. G. Perry..................
H. F. Edwards..............
F. Fowler..................
C. A. Moore.................
H. B. Hurd..................
S. E. Belles..................
A. Benedict..............
S. M ason.....................
S. S. Bent...................
W. Finn...................
L. Sawyer..........
C. Thomas.........
C. H. Davis..................
A. Searls................
E. W. Waite..............
A. Searls.........
G. T. Palmer.............
G. B. Brown..................
W. H. Keeney..........
E. Huson................
W. and J. Jessup.............
A. S. Wells..............
A. D. Juelson............
A. Armando.............
A. C. Griswold and W. "."
H. Chapman..................
J. W. Moore..................
N. Adams...............
J. C. Anderson and A. W.
J. Calcf..................
F. Crick.....................
Providence, R. I.........
Providence, R. I........
Providence, R. I.......
Providence, R. I........
Kenyonville, N. Y.......
Chelsea, Mass.........
Boston, Mass.........
Augusta, Me.........
Scott, N. Y --...........
Pleasant Ridge, Ohio.....
Cortlandvillo, N. Y.......
Shelburne Falls, Mass...
Boston, Mass.........
Albany, N. Y............
Kensico, N. Y...........
Martinsburgh, W. Va.....
Kennebunk, Me...........
Boston, Mass.........
Detroit, Mich........
Southbridge, Mass.....
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Aldie, Va.............
Akron, Ohio.........
Georgetown, N. Y......
Portland, Me.........
New Haven, Conn......
Westport, Conn..........
Bridgeport, Conn......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Nassau, N. Y.............
New Haven, Conn......
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Conn.......
Middlefield, Ohio......
Marshallton, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md---.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Pittsburgh, Pa........
San Francisco, Cal.....
L y n n and Fitchburgh,
Portland, Me............
Reading, Pa.............
Utica, N. Y.........
Plantsville, Conn........
South Bend, Ind.......
Williamsburgh, N. Y...
Belfast, Me.............
Bedford, Mass...........
New Haven, Conn.......
Franklinville, N. Y.......
Geneva, N. Y..........
Pulaski, Tenn..........
Rockford, Ill..........
Millersville, Pa -........
Concord, N. H............
New Haven, Coon......
Muir, Mich.............
Gatskill, N. Y............
Hartford, Conn........
Mission San Jost, Cali.....
Kingston, R. I........
Worcester, Mass..........
West Haven, Conn.......
Akron, Ohio........Aurora, Ill.........
Mattapoisett, Mass.......
Albany, N. Y........
Hamden, Conn.........
Portchester, N. Y......
Poughkeepsie, N. Y....
South Amesbury, Mass..
West Newbury, Mass.....
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Newark, N. J............
New Haven, Conn.......
San Francisco, Cal.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Waupun, Wis............
Ithaca, N. Y.......
Guilford, N. C............
Hopkinton, R. I...........
Wooster, Ohio............
New York, N. Y.
Hartford a n d Durham,
Corinth, N. Y.............
Watseka, Ill.............
Cornwall, N. Y...........
Saginaw, Mich............
Sept. 30, 1862
Mar. 22, 1864
Feb. 4, 1868
Mar. 2, 1869
Aug. 3, 1869
Oct. 9, 1860
Jan. 2, 1866
Sept. 3, 1867
Jan. 2-2, 1867
July 18, 1871
Aug. 10, 1869
Jan. 1,1867
Nov. 12, 1867
July 20, 1869
Sept. 3, 1867
May 25, 1869
Nov. 12, 1867
May 23, 1871
Nov. 1, 1888
Dec. 23, 1873
Aug. 17, 1869
Sept. 5, 1871
Sept. 10, 1867
May 15, 1855
Sept. 24, 1867
June 27, 1865
Jan. 19, 1869
June 27, 1871
Jan. 16, 1872
Mar. 27, 1830
Dec. 10, 1872
Mar. 14, 1871
Dec. 6, 1870
Apr. 28, 1868
June 18,1842
Sept. 16, 1873
July 28, 1846
Oct. 14, 1846
Oct. 10, 1840
Dec. 8, 1868
Mar. 7,1871
Dec. 17, 1867
Dec. 31,1867
May 4, 1813
Dec. 13, 1870
Oct. 17, 1871
June 14, 1870
Apr. 4, 1871
Sept. 12, 1829
Mar. 14,1871
Jan. 21, 1868
Dec. 2, 1851
Mar. 17, 1868
Oct. 28, 1856
Jan. 5,1869
Oct. 1,1867
Apr. 7, 1868
Aug. 14, 1866
Feb. 2, 1869
Sept. 15, 1868
Aug. 4, 1863
Aug. 10, 1869
Mar. 27, 1866
Mar. 23, 1869
Apr. 21, 1868
Sept. 6, 1870
Apr. 28, 1868
Nov. 26, 1861
May 12, 1868
Dec. 23,1873
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 20, 1867
Apr. 5, 1870
Sept. 22, 1857
Dec. 10, 1872
Sept. 24, 1872
Aug. 11 1868
Nov. 5, 1867
May 21, 1872
May 27, 1873
July 16, 1872
Feb. 18, 1862
June 1, 1827
Apr. 23, 1872
Mar. 10, 1868
Sept. 21, 1869
June 7, 1859
Mar. 24, 1831
Jan. 18, 1870
Feb. 11, 1862
Aug. 15, 1871
36, 587
42, 050
73, 992
87, 358
93, 343
30, 346
51, 861
68, 572
61, 455
117, 114
93, 484
60, 945
7 0, 908
92, 899
68, 395
90, 473
70, 763
115, 140
84, 665
145, 922
93, 786
118, 678
68, 780
12, 869
69, 102
48, 373
85, 976
116. 381
122, 850
133, 862
112, 758
109, 981
77, 162
2, 676
142, 854
4, 665
4, 812
1, 812
84, 829
72, 167
72, 881
120, 004
104, 248
113, 402.....
112, 528
73, 438
8, 568
75, 688
15, 979
85, 519
69, 356
76, 496
57, 179
86, 459
82, 127
39, 415
93, 466
53, 478
76, 906
107, 082
77, 382
33, 811
77, 796
145, 885
89, 118
67, 968
18, 254
133, 764
70, 628
126, 900
139. 364
129, 140
34, 427....
125, 998
75, 278
94, 990
24, 299
98, 990
34, 342
118, 093
25, 091
57, 094
Buffalo, N. Y----------.............. Aug. 16, 1859
3eameisvilie, Ohio......I Aug. 14, 1866
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Oficeefront 1790 to 1 73)i, inclusive-Continued.
Carriage running-gear --------------
Carriage running-gear---- ----------
Carriage running-gear ------ -------
Carriage running-;eari-------------
Carriage running-geari------------------------
Carriage cunning-gear - -----
Carriae runni;ga.............
Carriage running-er..............
Carriagge running-gge.-r------------------------
Carriage running-gear.....................----
Carriage running-gear------------------------
Carriage running-gear -----------------------
Cariiage running-gear--_--------------------- -
Cariiag e running-gear. -.....................
Carniage running-gear---------------------....
Craerunning-gear -----------------------
Carriage running-gear, Land. - _- - -- -- --- -----
Carriage, Safety--------------------------....
Carri aesafety -ittachment-----------------...
Cainage-sash fastener and supporter..........
C-irriage sash-stralp roller------------------.......
Carriage-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C -nrii 'e-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cariirago seat...-----------------
Cariiia'eseat- - - - - - - - - -. - -..._. _
Carri.ge seat-------------------------------
Cnrriage-seat---. -..._. _- ---" ---
Cirr-ige-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - -
C ii ria e-s at-- - - - - - - - " - - -.....
C iiriageseat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cartiag~e-seat. ----------------------
Cariinge-sea u..................
Carriage-seat- - - "-. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carri'ige- eat...................
C ar ria g e-seat,- ---Adju sta ble - -- _- _- -- _
C-rriaige-seat----Adjustable ----"--.--
Cariage-seat, Adjustable- _.__.. - -...__.
Cariiage-seat, Adjustable. -.-.-. _.. --
Carirage-seat, Adjustable..................
Cirra-eseat, Adjustable..........
C-arriage-seat, Adj ustable - ------------------.....-...
Carniage-seat. Adjustible.__ - __.. _......
Carriie -seat, A j stable...........
( arr vse-sea i A djustale -..to"_...-.
Carriage-seat, Adjnst-sble- ------- ---- -
Carriage seat and top........................
Carriage seat and top.........................
Carriage seat and top, Combined...... _......._
Cai singe-seat back--------------------.... --
Carriage-seat back, Adjustable--------------..
C'rriage-seat backs, Manufacturo of..........
Carriae-eseat clamp -------------------------
Carriage-seat, Elastic or spring...............
Carriage-seat fastener..........................
Carriage-seat fastener..-......- - - - --...__
Carniage seat fastening.-..............
Carriage-seat fastening.......................
Carnage-seat fastening.......................
Carriaageseat jofnt ---------------------------
Caaraa'eseat lock.........................
Cairi'a'e-seat, Self-adjusting,............__.. _. _..
Car-iagee-seat 'hiltin -rail._ _........-_
Carriage-seat shifting-rail __...... _..........
Carriage-seat shifting-rail --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Car riige-seat shifting-rail....................
Car-siage-seat shifting-rail ____________
Caririgeseat shif ting-rail............
Carrisa ee-s t, Sliding --- -- -- -- --- - --
Carrige-seat, Sliding _............
Cat riage-seat, Sliding------------------...... --
Carsiage-seat spring.-----------------------..."
Carriage-seat, Spssuag-back........._- _Cariia'e seats, Attachng the i-ails of..........
Carriace-seats, Clamp for muvable..............
Cair-iage sasCntiuction of-------
G. L. Iaussknecht..........W. ilcunie----------------
W. Hemmniae--------------
It. Kline and R. M. Jack---
W. A. Lewis.---------------
R. Murdech.....-..........
I1. Muidcli---------------
T. O'Brien --------- --------
J. Pine--------------------
J. Rancevan.............---
C. F. Verli-ger.............
J. L. Ware ----------------
F. Wigle..................
JE. Wilacy..............
J. B. Withey...............
J. Blocher................
It. Beate................
C. Stnewrx................
J. H. Bleodgood............
J. H. Adams..__.........
D. Aspinwall..............
E. Chamberlin-----------...
G. R. Comstock............
C. D. Flynt..............---
H. H. Forbes and H C. Sears
J. Gale and M. B. Ames----
S. P. Graham.............
S. P. Graham.............---
S.. HGrrisn..............
G L Husris..............
G. inud--on-------------
C. K. Mellinger. - ------
J. N. Miller..............--
F. 13. Morse..............--
A.. J. Ritter -- -----._
(1-. Feicliert.............
II. Timtin----------_----
S. Toomey ----------------
Ii. Walker----------------
L. J. Woodruff............
D. Aspinwall..............
S. W. Beach --------------
S. W. Beach ----------------
G. and D. Cook............
D. N. Flandlers..... _..... _.
J. I lemnig...............---
WV. H. Gregg and W. Bowe -
J. A. Naylor.............---
I.H". Potter.........
I L. Vansant._...-......
A. Wi-ight---------------.....
L. Z. IDodds...............
E. L. Yancey..............
F. Jackson.........---.....
J. Bur-.................E. A. Rice...............---
B. Huriburt...............
H. J. Northrup............
J. Nichols.................
L. D. Belnap..............
M. -Brockway, jr..........---
W. Beers................--
J. H. Fellows------------...M. C. Remington...........
J. A. Hlanna -....------
W. Conway................
J. C. Kimball.............--
F. Baumga~rten............--
U1. iDisser..................
H. Dressel--------------...
J. Fellows................
S. Tourney..............---
J. Zahn.................---
S. N. Beechier. --.........
R. T. Briggsa.............--
W. Scott................N. Cowles and A. Hulbert. - _.
C. Schofield................
S. iW. Beach..............---
Date. No.
New Haven), Conn11..-.-- Jaii 13, 1s52 8. 148
M ichig an Valley, Kans Juane 11, 1872 12., 767
Micigan Valley, Kans July 3~ Q, 1K72 129', 9.-4
Pottstown, Pa- - ---_- - - --Miy 10, 1873 131). 16-1
C:h~cago, ill.___. - - - - July 23, 1872 129, 838
Baltimore, Md----------_ _...Jnne 24, 1856 15, 189
Baltimore, Md..... --- -..May ii, 1857 17, 337
Quincy, Mich_- -- - - - - ----Juine 21, 1870 104, 634
New York, N. Y..-. Nov. 5, 1850, 7, 758
Carthage, Ohio..---------_ _Mar. 28,1871 113, 08i2
Baltimore. Md..-- -. Feb. 3, 1852 8, 711
Mantorville, Minn.- - -. Mar. 4, 1873 1316, 570
Bay City, Mich.--.---. Apr. 25, 1871 114, 072
Bay City, Mich_.- - -- ----Feb. 27, 1872 124, 026
Lexington, Mich.- - ---Jan. 28, 1868 7:3, 941
Detroit, Mich - --------- Dec. 27, 5870 110, 528
Buffalo, N. Y- -- - - - - - - -- Apr. 2, 1867 63, 358
Washington, D. C -_._.. May 12, 1832..
New York, N. Y-.-.------.Jan. 1, 1867 60, 705
Hartford, Conn - --- - -- - - -May 4, 1869 89, 604
Bridgeport, Conn.._.- __May 17, 1870 103, 131
Portland, Me.....--....June 2, 1868 78, 563
South Bend, nd......... Feb. 13, 1872 123, 547
Lansingburgh, N. Y...-..Dec. 24, 1867 7-2, 602
Ma nheini, N. Y -----------J-an.23, 1855 12,27',
Collinsville, l111 ------May 28, 1867 65,20l
New Bedford, Mass.- ---Apr- 211868 77, 023
Lawrence, Mass. a. __.June 29,1869) 92,036
Columbus, Ohio.__....Oct. 5,1889 95, 466
Londhon, (Canad.-t'.- __June 13, 1871115, 8-42
Lendon, Canad a.._-_ M _-.Jai 12, 1872 124,433
Palmetto, Ga(.........Nov. 8,1859 26, 032
Roeoe, Mich...._..Novex2, i169 '18,4.34
Wooidstock, Cap da. ' _..Au'.17, 1889 913,825
Lebaiioii, P _I _ __ hani 7, 1873 134, 122
Lellelontaine, Ohio. --- TnJly 22,183 141, 065
Milwaukee, WVss.__...__May 15, l806 54, i5
P'ahavay, N..___..__.Ang.2),186i3 39,677
New Haven, Con.--. ept.Ic151=63 3') 1971
Saint Louis, Mn.. _.._Aug.13, 1872 1::0,u46
Wiinsot, Ohio.............3ain 11, 1870 J t28, 721
Batavia. N. Y......--.....--Jan. 2:3,1886 52, 229
Mehawk, N. Y.._..._..Sept. 11,1886 58, 0i6
South Bend, id--------- _..Dcc. 31, 182 1.34, 452
Ypsilanti, Micht.---------..Api.4, 1871 11.3, 387
Ypsilanti, Mich.........May 23, P.71 115, 152
New Haven, Conn...-_Feb. 3, 1857 16, 523
Seutli 1Royalton, Vt.1---. eb. 12 18.-6 14, 231
Philadelphia, Pa _- - _-.------pr.7, 18108 76, 428
Wilmington, Del.. _......Ang. 24, 1 69 93, 987
Rahiway, N. J..........Jaine 26, 1889 28, 89-2
Carthage, N. Y..........-- - -Dec. 14, 1858 22, 304
Red Liou, Del - - -- -- - - --June 19, 1860 28, 71)2
Wilmington, Del.. _......Apr. 1-2, 18 70 101, 959
South Bendhidc. -_. Apr. 4, 1871 113, 504
Batavia, N. Y...........-- -- -Sept. 24, 187-2 131, 585
Sparta, Ohio -- -- -- -- -- - --Jan. 1, 1867 60, 7:37
Sturgis, Michb.-..-..----.--Nov. 5, 1867 70, 517
Wilmington, Vt---------- June 18, 187-2 1-28, 171
Foi-t Wayne, Ind __----.June 27, 1871 116, 449
Lansingburgh, N. Y....... Jan. 24, 1871 111,140
Providence, B. I.... _.......Oct. 2, 182 -
Joness-ille, Michla......... - _Aug. 27, 187-23130, 785
Angola, Ind.--------..July 8, 1873 140, 57-2
Milan, Ohio------------...Apr. t27, 1861) 89, 276
Alba, Pa------------------ July 26, 18.70 105, 789
Aubuin, N. Y..----------- _May 28, 1867 65, 118
Bel Ai-, Md. - -- -.--- - Nov. 28, 1871 121, 36-2
Rushaville, N. Y........... - -Oct. 2.), 1868 83, 258
New Haven, Censi.....Jan. 1, 1861 31,023
Brooklyn, IN. Y.... _....... Apr. 23, 1867 64, 008
West Union, Ohio-....Apr. 19, 1870 101, 986
Spi-ingfield, Vt -.........July 29, 1873 141,335
Chicago, Ill -............Oct. 2, 1866 58, 542
Wilmot, Ohio............ Api-. 21, 1868 76, 959
Fredonila, N.Y............-Mac. 5, 1887 6-2, 719
-Milford, Con... __..........Mar. 24, 1868 75, 841
Newark, N. J _..........Apr. 17, 1860 27, 881
Ansesbanry, Mass.......... Nov. 22, 1870 109, 377
Plymouth, Mich. _......... Nov. 5, 1867 70, 475
Edgefield, S. C............ Oct. 11, 18;.9 25, 725
Trianbull, Con... _.. _.....Apr. 19, 1859 23,712
Ypsilanti, Micb........ ___Nov. 8, 1870 109, 10-2
Milford. Conni.........ov. 6, 1866 59, 508
Sandusky. Ohio.. _........Jan. 30, 1872 123, 302
Detroit, Mich.............Mar. 29, 1864 4-2, 084
West Springfield, Mass. - -. Dec. 7, 1869 97, 524
New Haven, Conn. _..May 14, 1867 64, 626
Ldex of patenits issucc fr-on the United States Patent Office from 1d 90 to 1873, inclusive-Continuied.
Invention. Inventor.
Carrsage-shackle------------------------------ T. S. Smith.................
Cari-iage-shackle ----------------------------- F. M. Weller.-------------
Carriage-shackle-----_..----------------------L. Wilkinson.-_._......
Carriage-shackle-blank dlie-------------------....W. B. Smith--------------...
Carriage-shackle die------------------------..... H.. Miller................
Carriage-shackle (lie ------------------------...L. S. White.................
Carriage-shackle-eYes, Die for forging - --- - -___ H. M. Beecher..............
Carriage-shackle-formning die----------------_ H. M. Beecher.............
Carriage- shackles, Machine for drilling----------...J. B. Clark ----------------
Carriage-shackles, Process of forging.- -.-- - ------F. B. Morse.. __--............-- -
Carriage-shaft connection--------------------.__C. Thoul--_---_---------_
Cirriage-shalt-holding attachment - _.- --.-------A. C. Maxfield.__......
Carriag'e-shaft iron i-------------------------_W. W. Knowles..........._
Carriage shalt or pole coupling - - --......... C. G. Dudley and J. Gulden -..Carriage-shaft-shackle die......................--H. M. Beecher.............
Carriage shilting-seat-----------------------....C. R. Melling~er. __.. _....... _.
Carriage shilting-top.......................... A. Soiirsin..................
Caraeslat-iron...................._.....F. B. Morse.-...._...._.
Carriage-spriig......................_........1). 5. Abbott.............--
Carria'ge sprang.._..._._..................J. B. Ashley-.._.........
Carriage-spring.............................. J. Bacon..................
Carriage-spring.................._...........J. Balbach.................
Carriage-spring, &c................M. L. Ballard...--_._..
Carriage-spring............................---B. M. Beck-with............
Carria-e-spun...........................L. Bissell..................
Carriage-spuing..-..-.......-.-.---.--.-----...L. Bissell. _.._.._.....
Carriage-spring...........................____. E. Bomboy..............
Carriage-scriu.............................--__M. H. Bon-will............---
Carriage-spring............................... P. Broadhooks.............
Carriage-spriiug.............................IlR. B. Brown...............
Car------sprin------------------------..J. Bullock..................
Carriage spring.......______............_..C. H. Butterfield...........
Carriage-spain.............................-----H. S. Clark................
Carriage-spiring.............................---J. Cone-.................--
Carniage-sprin.............................----J. Curtis..................
Carriage-spiig -------- ----- -------- --- - -. IDouglass. ---- --...--.Carriage-sping............................W-- A. II. English.............
Cariag.s...n............................ J. U. Fiester.............---
Caaiae-sping.............................. J. M. Forrest............---
Carriage-spring............................----J. S. Fester..............---
Carriage-spring............................... C. B. Galent-ine.-..------
Cariage-spariug............................----P. G. Gardiner.............ariage-spring..._._.._..__.._..............E. L. Gaylord. - -...-.
Carriage-spring...______. -.-.................J. W. Gilmer and W. H. Do
Carriage-spriug.............................. D. IR. Gould and W. S. Wickham.
Carriage-spring.-....-..............._..A. B. Greenwalt............
Carriage-spring -............................---C. S. S. Grilling._...........
Carriage-spriiig.-.........----------- G. IH. Groot..............--
Carriage-spring..-----.---.................._. C. HI. Guard..............--
Carriage-spring............................----C. F. Hall..................
Caiag pin.......................----....E. Hall....................
Carriage-spring..........................G. W. Harlaii..............
Carriage-spring.......................G. L. Haussknecht -_.-.
Carriage-spring............................... B. T. Henry...............
Carriage-spring -------------------------- B. T. Henry...........------Carriage-spring............................----W. B. Higgins -- --
Carriage- spriiig....... _........................E. C. Hedge and D. H. Mann_...
Carriage-spring............................----- B. H. Hood...............----
Carriage-spring.............................. G. Hopson...............---
Carriage-spring.....................-----........ C. Hubbard -....____
Carriage- spring.._._.............._....... G. Hubbard.............
( arriage-spring,................M. G.HIubbard........- -.
Carriage-spring -.........H........... and I. C. Humphries. ---
Carriage-spring............................----N. Huuugerford.............
Carriage-spring............................___F. A. Huitington...........
Ciiriage-sprang ------------------------------- H. T. Hyde --.............
C-irriage-spriii.............................. J. M. and E. Ingold........_Carriage-spring.............................E. Ives and JT. Hill........--
Carriage-spring............................----J. Jackson..............----
Carriage-spring.............................___G. W. La Baw and P. F. Camphell.
Carriage-spring.............................. D. M. Lane...............Carriage-spring..-.------------------------....G. H. Laub.................
Cairiage-sprang............................-----A. A. Livingston...........
Carrage.p..n............................ J. H. Locke..............---
Carriage-spring...............................J. Ht. Locke..............---
Carriage-spring............................----G. S. Manning............
Caruiage-spring.............................- E. Maynard..............---
Carriage-spring.............................---E. Mayiiard..............---
Cairiagespriuig........................A. -i.ilr.......
New Haven, Con.__.
Evanstoni, Ill.-.._......
New Haveni, Cionin....
Plantsvilhe, Conn ---.
Plantaville, Con.._..
Plantsville, Con.._..
Plantsville. Con....
Plantsville, Con.
Plantsville, Conn.
Plantiville, Ceno.----
Boston, Mass -......
idfr.Me. _.... _....
Plnntsville, Con.
Key Port, N. J.........
Plantsville, Coona. _Manor Township, Pa..
Salit Louis, Mo..._-..
Plantsville, Coon.- -...
Ischna, N. Y..........--
New Bedford, Mass.
Bedford, Mass..........
San Jose, Cal - ----.--
Canton, Ohio...........
Plattsburgli. N. Y.._--.
New York, N. Y..___.__
New York, N. Y..-._-__
Espy, Pa...............
Batavia. N. Y -........
Essex, Vt.............
Winudsor, N. Y....
SturbridIge, Mass-.
West Fairlee, Vt -.. _..WVyalusing, Pa..__......_
Heading. Cmon.. --. __...._
Cincinnati, Ohio. -.
Detroit, Michi..........
Bridgeport, Conn._...__
Macon, Ga.............
Winciester, Ohio..__
Norfolk, Va.............Salem, Mass............
Brooklyn Ceaitrie, Ohio_New York, N. Y.-----
Terryville, C aaaa.---_----.
Sacramento, Cal -.
Chestertown, N. Y..__
Baltimore, Md..........--
Salem, Ohio.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Broavnville, N. Y..__
Rockford, Ill -....----
Oxford, N. V............Cincinnati, Ohio.._._.__
New Havena, Coiiai.----
New Haven, Coalin...
Neav Haven, Coiini.._..
Sana Fr-ancisco, Cal.---
Oneonta and Delii, N. YV..
Clinton, N. C............--
Bridgeport, Coaai....
Rochester, N. V...
New York, N. YV..__New York, N. YV. --.
Cautwell's Bridge. Del -.. _
Ithaca, N. V.............
San Francisco, C::1..__.
Troy, N. Y...........--.Alleghaeny, Pa...........New Haven, Coniai-.---
Owego, N. Y...........
Jersey City, N. J.-----
Date. No.
Nay. 13, 1866
May 28, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
Aug. 9, 1870
Jaui. 4, 1870
Apr. 12, 1870
Apr. 30, 1872
June 20, 1871
Oct. 4, 1870
Aug. 9, 1870
Oct. 29, 1867
Oct. 14, 1873
May 13, 1873
May 3, 1870
Aug. 24, 1869
Nov. 20, 1866
July 16, 1867
Oct. 26, 1869
Dec. 13, 1870
Nov. 11, 1867
Mar. 9, 1842
Feb. 2, 1869
Apr. 3, 1866,Jualy 3, 1866
May 20, 1851
Nov. 4, 1851
Dec. 3, 1867
Nov. 17, 1818
July 25, 1871
Dec. 14, 1841
Dcc. 9, 1873
Jan. 1, 1867
Sept.15 1868
Aug. 30, 1859)
Aaag. 26. 1808
Nov. 11, 1873
Sept.17 1867
June 2, 186i8
Sept. 24, 1867
Jue 17, 1856
Jan. 31, 1860
June 14, 1870O
July 14, 1863
Apar. 2, 181
Sept. 29, 1868
Aug. 17, 1869
Sept. 6, 1870
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 25, 1873
July 13, 1869
June 10, 1851
Apr. 29, 1873
July 4, 1871
Sept. 9, 1873
July 15, X851
May 21, 1867
Mar. 8, 1870
May 12, 1868
Junii 22, 1869
Oct. 20, 1857
Oct. 14, 1873
July 22, 1851
May 15, 1855
May 22, 1855
Apr. 22, 1814
Mar. 31, 1836
IDec. 15, 1868
Apr. 3,184)
Mar. 5, 1867
June 3, 1868
Oct. 20, 1868
Aug. 19, 1862
59, 728
65, 317
68, 924
106, 2-25
98, 610
101, 952
126, 252
116, 012
107, 875
106, 190
70, 289
143, 582
102, 515
93, 951
59, 920
66, 746
96, 253
199, 993
71, 118
2, 484
86, 348
53, 556
8, 105
8, 498
71, 574
145, 33
60, 831
82, 082
25, 246
144, 514
68, 966
781 4:19
69, 197
15, 126
26, 981
104, 1:35
39, 224
31, 881
82. 510
93, 703
107, 173
57, 312
1:17, 197
92, 525
138, 247
116, 705
14-2, 627
8, 221
64, 866
1! 0, 626
77, 880
91, 5:18
18, 451
143, 576
8, 244
12, 899
12, 910
8 5, 008
6, 276
62, 543
83, 170
36, 22,0
20, 497
133, 651
8-2, 726
8-2, 7-27
55, 319
23, 102
27, 7:31
33, 789
14, 197
West Pliiladelphiai, Pa. -. June 8, 1858
Newark, Mo............. Aug. 14, 1860
Wilmington, Ill. _-.......Dec. 3, 187-2
San Francisco, Cal..._.Oct. 6, 1868
San Francisco, Cal...Oct. 6, 1868
Springfield, Ill............ June 5, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Mar. 1, 1859
Brooklyna, N. Y.......... Apr. 3, 1860
Attica, N. Y............ Nov. 26, 1861
Cincinnati, Ohio.- _.- _ Dcc. 29, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 5, 1856
Phantsvil, Coon_...Nov. 1, 1870
Smithville, Canada- -.__._Apr. 24, 1855
Hiawatha, Kans.........May "7, 1873
New Haven, Conn. _._..-.. -.Aug.22, 1865
Cincinnati, Ohio....._....(Oet. 14, 1835
Woburii, Mays..........- - -Nov. 29, 186-1
Stockba-idge., Mass.__.. __hunie 23,18-24
Towaenda, Pa..._...... _... Jan. 9), 18313
New York, N. Y...........ept.Sept. 1:3, 1859
Syaciuse, N. Y-..........-Nov. 2-2, 1864
Lansing, Mich------------ Jan. 7, 1873
Index of ppatents issued fromt the United Stales Patent Office from 171; to 1673,inclzusire-Cointinued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Carriage-sprinug "- - - - - --.._-----------------------.. B. F. Power... _.... _. _.......Morgan County, Ohio. June 29, 1809
Carriage-spring---------------------------------.ID. Ti. Pratt-------------------- Worcester, Mass---------- Mar. 20, 149
Carriage-spring..................................J. 13. Pressey and D. Sheets- Suissn City, Cal........----Oct. 16, 1360
Curriage-spriiig ---------------------------------32..II. Prushaw----------------Fiedonia, N. Y----------- No.22, 1870
Carriage spring -------------------------------- J. G. Rleiff--------------------..Farmeraville, Pa----------Gect. 8, 1807
eatiiage-spi'ing------ --------- ---------------- G. N.eynolds--------------i.Chaileston, S.C......Ar 011
Carriage-spring---------------------------------..J.ID. Richardsoni--_------.----Hostn....------. Apr. 29, 187:3
Crriage-spring--------------------------------*..A. J. 11311cr-------------------R Ialiway, N. T-------------June27, 180.5
Carriage-spring--------------------------......-----B. H. Roberts---------------.._I. Fall Rlivei, Mass----------. _Nov. 24, 1868
Carniage-spring-------------------------------.......... J ID. Sarvenii-----------.._---Columnbiai.len----------- _ Feb. 4, 1868
-urrage-spring--------------------_..._ __ - -.------J. ID. Sarveii------------------..ColumbiTen-----------..Feb. 4, 1868
C-uriage-spring---------------------------------.....A. Selkirk- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - -Alb-anyN. Y-------------_ Sept. 20, 1805
Carriage-spring---------------------------------._W. Sharp--------------------.Burdett, N.Y.............Api-. 7, 1818
Caiiiagespinsp..nig---------------------------------32..... T..JSherheai-s------------------Ypsilantiati, Mch _Mich.-.- Oct.. 20, 218036
iariage-spring-------------------------------........ C. Sheldon---------------Middleburgh, N. Y -_...-Jaii. 25, 1870
Carriage-spring------------------------------.....D.Shockey-------------------W aynesborougli, Pa - De.28, 1800
Caiiiage spiing-------------------------------_.... _._ A. E. Smith..................Bronxville, N. Y....--.... pt.Sept. 21, 1809
Ca-iage-spring................................ W. Smith.................... __ __ __ _Shrewsbury, Pa..-_....Oct. 11, 1804
Carriage-spring......... _........................ E. 3T. Sprout _. _......_.....Springv ille, Pa..._.._.........De.July 18, 1848
Crriage-spring... ______________..... _.................S. Steward... _...............Trenton, N. J.........Oct. 25, 1870
C-rriage-spring..................................A. C. Stowe..._............... Saa Jose, Cal -.. _._........Nov. 24, 1808
Carriag~e-spring...............................A. C. Stowe.......--.......i San Jose, Cal.............. Dec. 22, 1808
Carriage-sprinug......................... _._.. _..W. W. Sutliff'.............. Town Line, Pa. -. _......... Mar. 24, 1808
C-uiiage-spring................................. W. Taylor...............East LoraCanada.----Nov. 7, 1805
C-ariiage-spring.................................. G. W.Tew................... IKansas City-, Mo.......... Dec. 21, 1809
C-usriage-spring....................W. S. Thomas _.. _. _-_.......INorwich, N.Y........... _Oct. 30, 1849
Carriage spring................................. W. F. Vernier..............i_ Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov 24, 1808
Carriage-sprin............................ _...II. Walker...._............. _iHarrisville, Ohio. _........Dec.9, 1873
Casriage-spring.._...... _..._.............. I. E. Walker................Dresden, Mo.............-Aug. 2,18701
Carriage-spring.. _..... --.........................-X- V - -. Wharton.. _....._......Biirminghamu, England F. eb. 10, 1863
Caririage-spring..................................-J. 13. Whitcomb............... Beloit, X is.............--Feb. 18,Th73
Carriagespring................................XV. F. Whitniey............ Miltoni N.V.............. Nov 3,18
Cirriage aprsng..................................ID. I). Wisell................../Zanesvile, id............ O.t. 10,1871
Carriage-spring............................... Woeber.................... Davenpiloit, Iowa..........-Dee.1, 1863'
Carriage-spring.................................I A.. Wolcot................. Chic-io, Ill._........lay 18, 1369)
Carrsage-sprinig...........--................ A. E. Wolcott......._...... Chic-g-u Ill..........Mis 18, i869
Carr. ae-spring.................. _............. A. E. Wolcott................ Chicai-o, Ill.......... _....51ay 18, 1869
Carriage-spring.............------...............2. H.Wood.--_....._.iNew Yosk, N. Y.......... May-27,1X73
Carriage spring...........-.....................Woodside..............." -- "---Agust iMc......Meix y4,18138
Carriae-spring................................... M. Wright................yandotte, Kans _.-._ a ov.1, 1864
Carriage-spring, Adjustable......................-- - - - I. Carter-..................... hainplain, N. Y -. _......F eb. 7, 160
Carriage-spring- Adjustable......................I. S. Moirse.......... _.......Dixhield, Me.--............__ N. 1 1, 183
Carriage spring, Adjustable.. --................... - -- -G. Palmer.. _................Littlestown, Pa. -......... July 24, 1860
Carriage-spring, and attaching carriage-bodies J. Ives and J. Walters......Brooklynii N. Y............ Oct.6, 1830
Cariiage spiing and coupling.._- - - - --.........F. IDe Witt...... _............Detroit, Mich............ May 7, i8to
Carriae-spring aiiil mode of attachment _.........C. XV. Saladee.. _..........St. C-tharine's, Canada.. Feb.20, 1872
Carriage-spring attachinent.. _-...._ -....-........ E. Beniiett................. - - -Cannonsville, N. Y. -.-_ Oct 3,1871
Cariage-sprin, bars, Metallic scroll-ends for. _--.A. L. Warburton andil. Bendii, Foit W-iyne, Ind..._....I.4,Th8
Carriage S p rin g-b o dy........................... _ _ _ _ _A. Moffitl.....................Brownsville, Pa-s...........Aug 81854
tariage -spriOg hiace...........................--J. H. Chadwick...............Whe-iton,11.,.le.1816
Carriage-spr-inge brace.... _.......................32. Dii tt o n.................... - - - -Washington, 1). C..._-Oct. 14, 1856
itriage-spring brace............................ V. +Evans................... Eureka, Wis.............. Feb. 15, 1870
Carriage-spring brace...........................C. C. Gleason......... _...... Wincoiida, Ill... -_-..___ a ept. 20,1865
Carriage-spring brace...........................L. C. Milleri-..............._.. HumphreyN.Y.........Ap 81a
Carriage-spring brace..........__............L. C. Miller.............I Hnpr~N.....Ji 41
Caisge spiig brace...........................ID. XW. -orris........Paxton Ill.........------- api 18,1871
Crriage-spring brace........ _................... E. 32. Sprouth -._------- _-------Dimock, Pa.. __...........Sept.7, 1844
Catriage-spring brace and clip...................13. J. Green.. _.... _........Valpr-iso, Id.......... June 7, 1804
Carriiiespring clip_...._............_.......D. WV. Baird................... GenevaN.Y.............-June 10, 1871
Cairriage-spring clip and brace. _................ J. It. Deal.. _......_.Hornellsv ille, N. Y. ---- July 23,1807
Carriage-sprig clip and plate.................. H. M. Bleecher................ Plan tsville, Coon....... Taii 2, 1872
Carriage-spring-clip plate........................- -- -- -- -N. C. Deain...... _.......... Union Springs, N. Y..Jaii. 14,11873
Carriage-spring Clips5, Manuificture of..-__-..........H. M. Beecher................Plantsville, Coon............an.Jan. 30, 187-2
Carriae-spring coupling_.......................U. S. Hall..................... Watkins, N. Y............Dcc. 10, 1872
Cairiae-spring, Elastic........................32. Loiig. ----.-..._..Vandal,a, Ill.............. Nov. 5, 1807
(auriage spaing; Elliptic.........................11. 1i. Hawkins...... _......... Akronu, Ohio-_.............Dc. 10, 1807
Car ri-igesprin ori-light vehicles................. __ __ _It. Burnsjir---................. - New Yoirk, N. Y..........July 18, 1854
Carriage-spring guard............................0O. H. Wheeler. -..__........Hamlin, Micli.... _..........Juiie 14, 1870
Cariiage-sprienguard. _.........................32. Winans..__...........Baltimnos-e, Md.--.........Feb. 10, 1858
Cariuage-sprin-head eais, Die for forging -.. 1. Evans..................... Newv Haven, ConIune 11, 1870
Cariage-spruig-ead eass, Die for forgin.... JEvans.....................Nt-i Hasvcn, Conn...-___June21, 1870
Carriae-spring-Bead-forging die........ --.......J. IH. Mason..............._...NessHisven, Coon.._ June '20,1871
Carsage -pring heads, Macb-sc tor filing..........--.C. B. and G. Gilbert...- -.....Philadelphia, Pa......... No-i 20, 1872
Carriage-sprisug headsMacthine for heading-----J. Evans...................... New Ha-ien, Coon..__.Oct. 29, 1801
Cariae-springheads, Machine for umilling-_-. XV. Evans-- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- - -Ne-isHavsen, Coon...Oct. 4,1870
Carriage-spuing heads, Manul ecturing.............XAV. Ri. Petrie. _... -..........West-iille, Conn..--_........Jane 14, 1870
Carriage-spring jack.------B-------. H. Miller..................--P1-mnsshleCoon--._Feb. 22 1870
Carriage-spring perch...........................13.1.Ferry.... _...._.._......New Baveni, Cooin -_... Oct. 20,1809
Carriage spring-se-....__.....__..__._ F. M. Hubbard..... _..... _......RiponX Wis..............July 31, 1866
Carriage-spring supportsr................D. H. Brown -_.............Utica, Mo.. _.. _...........Feb. 14, 1871
Carria-sprisg supporter. -.. _. _.. ___............N. A. Newton................Schoelcualt, Mich _._... May 21,187-2
Carriage-spiingIliorough-brace.................J. Mix -_. _.........-......New Haveni, Con. June 17,1808
Casriage-spriso-Wooe-------------------- ----L. Bir nal......... Phhrv lniadpalanPa. Dc.301814=
92, 091
0, 215
30, 421
109, 5144
=69, 58
130, 438
48, 444
74, 009
74, 010
50, 209
83, 217
99, 249
98, 433
94, 981
44, 008
5. 074
108, 649
84, 310
85, 144
75, 999
50, 886
98, 207
6, 8:11
84, 440
145, 374
100, 005:17, 053
132, 11
40, 787
90, 144
91), 145
90, 140
41, 998.27, 036
10, 188
29, 306
04, 501
12:3, 9317
119, 510
74, 178
11, 490
74, 499
15, 914
99, 807
50, 114
111, 229
113, 915
3, 721)
43, 019
139, (648
00, 953
1314. 859
123, 071)
1:3:3, 705
70, 44(6
7-2, 0115
11, 345
19, 396
104, 29-2
104, 440
116, 206
33, 580
108, 013
104, 194
100, 1761
56, 753
111, 801)
127, 090
index of p)atents issued from thre United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, incln sire-Continued.
Date. JNo.
Carrirge-springs, Equalizing------------------..
Carriage-springs, Forming heads of..__.___.._._
Carriag~e-aprings, Goose-nec k foi hanging-..
Carriag~e springs, Machine for forming.... _......_
Carriage-springs, Machine for grinding. _..--......
Carrrrae-springs, Machine for shaping light.--
Carriage-springs, Manner of applying............
Carriage-springs, Manufacturing steel.... ---...
Carriage-spinlgs, Method of forming heads of._
Carriag~e-springs, Method of manufacturing leaves
of steel.
Carrirage-springs, Mill for rolling steel. -. _. _.
Carriange-sprinags, Mode of adjusting..........--
Cirrge-springs, Mode of applying...........
Carriage-springs, Mode of equalizing the action of.
Carriage, Steam-..............................
CaraeSteam. --------------------
Carn~iige, Steam..........................-----
Carriage, Steamn - -----.-----------.
Carriage, Steam land.........................
Carriage, Steaur land.............._........._
Car riage-step -. -. - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Carriage step and wheel fender.................
Carriage-step block......----................
Carriage atep cover and wheel fender.......... -- --
Carriage step cover and wheel fonder.. -_. - -.__
Carriage-step (diede............................
Carriage-.step-for'mirrg die. -.__..............
Carriage-step guard..........................
Carriage-step screen..........................
Carriage-slop shield.-.....................__
Carriage-steps, India-rubber tread for.....
Carriage-steps, Method of forming............ ____ __
Carriage-steps, Method of making -. -......... _
Carriaige, Street....--...........-.......
Carriage.Sti eet-railway.......................
Carriage stnmp-joirrt.........................
Crriage stnmii-jiit.............___.......
C arrin..e stump-joinrt........................
Carrige stumipjoint.........................
Carriage, Three-wheeled......................
Carrriage, Three-whieeled-----.................--
Carriaige, Three-wheeled pleasure..... _....... _.
Carriage-thil lioldlback....................---
Carriage to be moved by mnanal labor, Fourwheteled.
Carriage to he propelled by mechanical powers....
Cauriage to overcoerieoblstrirctions in reads----.Carria'o-tonue(, Child's_.......__........-...
Carriage tongue shackle....................----
C anrage tel)................................
Carriage top.................................
Carri a'e nto................
D. G. Rollin.................
S. 1H. Hartman...............
S. M. Wier.................--
W. Unity...................
H. M. Wentworth............
L. It. Richardson.............
J. S. Tough. _...............
L. Gleason....................
B. T. floury.................
M. Seabury..................
J. Stondinger.............---
M. G. Hubibard..............--
1. Jones, A. M. Eels, and H.
C. WV. Saladee..............
G. G. Larkin.................
G. W. Burnett...............
L. Bigelow.. _..............
Z. P. Djederick and I. Grass.
M. Fletcher.................
J. S. flal..................
J. V. Merrick..............
C. H. Baker................
J. B. McKinley...............
F. Baker..................
H. T. Betts...................
G. A. Keene.................
W. HI. Knowles............
D. anudE. Z. Little..........
F. B. Morse..............---
F. B. Morse................
F. B3. Morse................
G. Panchot................
C. Parker and W. Volger.._
J. Pondergast.........
G. M. Plympton............
J. U. Yager..............---
J. W. Gesling......._..
P. F. Ilulbert...............
J. Curtis................---
J. Roberts...............---
F. B. Morse.... __....._..
L. Burns..-...............
R. U. Goodwin, G. L. Gnumage,
and R. J. P. Goodwin.
A. L. Ross..................
C. U. Gould.................
G. A. Keene...............W. N. Knowles.... -........
F. B. Morse -..........
G. S. Mcenry.............
W. L. Burt.................
F. B. Morse................
F. B. Morse...............
F. B. Morse...............
F. B. Morse.............
W. Uewett.................
C.H. Burrows..............
J. Gehr..................
C. W. Saladee..............
J. P. Tyson...............
P. S. Van Wagner..........
L. Cook..................
J. J. Staples...............
11. Knowles...............
E. A. Morse...............
F. U.Plollard.............---
W. Bander.-...............
N. Benrediet............
G. Bockstuller.............
N". G. Burr.................
U.M. Colton...............
C. A. Dearborn...........
L. Z Dodds and R. Walsh..
D. B. Dorsey._............
S. Emmons and E. S. Simrpson_.
J. Enders..................
J. M. Freeman.............
J.N. il.........
New York, N. V.....
P'ittsburrgh) PIa....-.---..
New haven, Coon.-"-_-.
Biridgeport., Conu.....
Gui-diner, AMe...........West field, Mas......
Baltimore, Md...........Stafford, N. V...........Now flaven. Conn...
Waterville, N. YV....
Jan. 12, 1858
MiZy 18, 1858
May 10, 1870
Mar. 28, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
June 18, 1872
June 9, 184:3
lec. 24, 183'4
Dec. 28, 1869
Apr. 29, 1839
19, 102
20, 268
102, 999
113, 104
112, 873
128, 173
3, 126
98, 376
1, 137
Newark, N. J........ _.Tiny 17, 1830.----
Pieini Yen, N. V.. _".......July 1, 1856 15, 234
Delaware County, N. V July 16, 1838 842
Saint Catharinor, Canada.
Portland, Mo.._._._.
Urbana, Ohio............
Peterrham, Mas...
Newark, N. J..-.._....
Louisville, Ky....-......
Pittsbuirgh. Pa........._
Philadelphia, Pa......
Red Wing. Minn. --..Spencer County, Ky...--
New York, N. YV_. _.
Springfield, Mass. _... _..
Boston, Mars...-......__
Plantryille, Conn......
Gettyrburgh, Pa. ____.
Plarntsville, Corin......
Plarrtsville, Coan. ____.
Planrtsville, Connr.....
Hastings, Mienn.........
Canterbury, N. U I.--..
New Haven, Coii...
New York, N. V...__
N ew Haven, Connri...
Trenton, Ohio... _..... -...
Cincinnati. Glib,....
Clhathanm, N. V.....-.....
Cincinnati, Ohior..___.__.
Cincinnati, Ohio.--_.
Planrtsville Corn.....
Poirt Chester, N. Y.
Boston and Lynn, Mass.,
and Mancheoster, N. H.
Clever, Ohio.............
Boston, Mass.._........
Newburyport, Mlars...
Plantrville, Conn...._.
Plantsville, Connru....
Kansas City, Mu.----
Cambridge, Mass.__New Hiavein, Cein.
Nowflat-en, Cuoni..._..
Plantsville, Cciii._
Plantsville, Conn.__.__._..
Trenton, N. J.............
WVillimarntic, Cornr...
Mercershun-gli, Pa..
Columbus, Ohio....
Phrilaidelphria, Pa.
Salt fleetTownslij, Canada
Whitestown, N. Y. _.
Colchester, Coiii..
Rtiland, Vt............
Canaan, N. U... _.........
Circleville, Ohriir.....
Aurelius, N. V.........
Sandy Creek, N. V.
Horrer, N. V..-.......
Southbridlge, Mass..__.
Now Bedford, Mtu s.__.__Three Rivers, Mich...
Chillicothe, Mo _._......._
Geneva, N. V... _........
Boston, Mas.......
Belleville, N. V...........
Oshkoslh, Wis..._.....
Morristown, Vt.__..._.
Quincy, Ill..............--
Syracuse, N. V...........
Lyons, N. V.............
Mentrese, Pa... _........
Waterbury, Coon...
Waterbury, Corn.__..
estninster. I- irgiand._..
Middlefieltd, Ohhio....
Chicago, Ill......._....
Carthage, N. V...........
Salem, Giiri............
Genoa, N. V.............--
Apr. 9, 1872
Aug. 23, 1870
Nov. 22, 1864
Aug. 29, 18231
Mar. 24, 1868
Sept. 4, 1866
Mar. 31, 1857
Apr. 17, 1860
July 3, 1860
Feb. 14, 1871
Apr. 2, 1867
June 4, 1861
Apr. 8, 1873
Dlec. 24, 1872
Feb. 11, 1873
July 26, 1870
Oct. 7, 1846
Mar. 22, 18 70
Apr. 4, 1871
Aug. 29, 1871
Oct. 20, 1868
Oct. 1, 1867
Ma~y 19, 187-2
Feb. 18, 18638
Apr. 2, 1872
Apr. 2, 1867
May 4,18!;9)
Mar. 20, 18661
Dee. 8, 188
May 25, 18619
Dec. 12, 1871
May 24, 1870
Jan. 4, 1870
May 5, 1868
Sept. 20, 1870
June 11, 1867
June 7, 1870
Apr. 25, 1871
Aug. 22, 1871
Aug. 12, 186-2
July 21,1868
Aug. 18, 1868
Oct. it9, 1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Apr. 14, 18168
June 21, 1870
Oct. 1, 1867
July 15, 1856
Mar. 17, 1868
Nov. 16, 1869
Mar. 28, 1811
Apr. 25, 1794
Feb. 7, 1871
July 24, 1866
May 16, 1871
Jan. 12, 1858
Jumne 3, 18731
Mar. 29, 1859
A ug. 18, 1868
Apr. 10, 1872
Oct. 28, 1873
Aug. 29, 1865
Dec. 2:1, 1873
Nov. 19, 1867
June 27, 1865
Feb. 14, 1860
Nov. 18, 18 73
Nov. 22, 1859
Mar. 11, 1854;
June 20, 1854
July 11, 1865
Mar. 1,1870
Mar. 31, 1857
Jurne 30, 1857
Sept. 19, 1871
Apr. 4, 1854
Sept. 24, 1867
July 29, 187 3
lair. 12, 1-6
Nov. 27, 1866
125, 413
106, 593
45, 130
75, 874
57, 696
1(i, 919
63, 458
32, 46,0
137, 547
134, 291
135, 815
105, 876
4, 795
101, 150
i13, 551i
118, 6:12
69, 364
124, (197
74, 589
12!5, 2:15
63, 601
89), 759
84, 802
901, 5x84
1221, 8013
10:3, 296
98, 488
77, 531
107, 482
65, 754
1114, 040
114, 0-25
118, 255
80, 20-2
96, 024
76, 6-29
104, 401)
69, 335
15, 345
75, 711
96, 851
56, 6111
114, 751
1', (15
139, 45)
81, 1,t5
126, 1:30
144, 069
49, (ill
71, 151
48, 388
27, 121
144, 61-2
26, 183
14, 400
11, 126
48, 688
16, 925
17, (180
119, 16
10, 72.3
6!), 119
85, 853
(,0, 066
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Carriage-top - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Car rrage-top - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage-top - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage-top - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage-top - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -
Carniage-top -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -
Carriage-top - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carriage-top - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carrrage-top -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Carriage top and back, Shifting................. _ _ __
Carriage-top bow ----------------------------
Carriage-top bows, Machine for adjusting.._._
Carriage-top brace.............-- -........
Carriage-top brace, Concealed jointed.-...__.. __-.
C rriage-top-hraice joint ---------------
Carriage-top-bracejoint ----------------------
Crriage-tel) brace, Strunpjoint lbr............---
C-rriage-top button-hole....................___
CarrragetopClash.- ----_.__-------_
Cariage-tcp fixture------- -- ---- ---
Crriazge-topF-sin................._..Crriage-top ramie.nt.........................
rirrrage-top joint...-.......................
Crriag~e-top joint -..............................
Cbarrirae-top joint.............................--
Ca rriage-top joiiit _-.____ _______ _ _
Crriage-top Melde.......................-----
C irriage-top oin......................-----
( iiriage-topprMop.g..........................
Carriage-top prop................---............
C rrirage-to1) prop --- ---- - - - -- - ---
Carriage-top prop...........................
Carrrage-top piop............................
C srriage-top prop ----------------------------
Cariragetop prop...............
Carriage-top prop ----------------------------
Carr iagc-top prop.........................-----
Carriage-top prop.........................----
Carriage-top prop - --------------------
Carriage-top prop ----------------
Carriage-top prop.............................---
Carr-sage-top prop.............................--
Carriage-top prop.............................---
Carriage-top prop ------------------
Carriag"e-top-prop) block.-............_
Casrriage-top-prop block......................
Carrage-top-prop-block washer- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
Carniage-top-prop joint.....................----
Carriage-top-prop joint.....................---
C irriage-top-prop rest---- ----------
Carnlage-top lprotector -.........................
Crriage-top rest----------------------------
Carriage-top rest...............................
Cariae-top setter..............____.......
Carriage-top, Shifting......................_.
Caurinage-top, Shifting,...... __...................,Carriage-topSlisitig -------------------------
Carriage-top, Shiftirig...................... ---
Carriage-top support------------------------
Carriagc tops, Apparatus for raising and lowering
Carriage-tops, Apparatus for setting bows for.
Carrage-tops, Attaching movable -------
Carriae-topis, Box-loop for.-.-. _______
Cairriage- tops, Elevating and lowering.. _.......
C.arriage-tops, Loerinag, raising, and farsterulrg- - -
Carrriage-tops, Machine for riiaking hi-aces foar.
Carria e-tops, Mode of aidjustirg............._ ___ __
Carrag-tops, Mode of-idjuisting....... _.._--_..
Carrnna'c-tops, Mode of attachin"................
Carrragc-tops, Raising....-..-..__.Carriage-tops, Raising and lowering...__...-_....._
(.a'riage tops, Raisin" and lowerire'.......
Carriage-tops, Larorn'- ard lowerin".....__.
Carriage-tops, Shifu in-rail for._-----
Carriage-to aS, if tiro'rail fos-..........
C irria getops, Shrf ting-rail for..----.-..__.___-.
I Date. I No.
J. F. Sarg.ent................
II. Sayle -.--.......h'. C. Schaffer-- - - -----
WV. S choc h............... -- -- --
E. S. Scripture---..--...-..
W. Smith arid E M. Pike
J. IT. Snyder................--
P. H. Wright-.......
G. II. Young...............--
It. M. Slivers and G. W. V.
J. F. Fo(wler..............--
A. Sour'sin..-_.. -..J. L. Alien...............---
I).1W. Baird..............--
G. Gregory and F. B. Morse...
F. B. Morse..............--
F. Van Patten and E. ID. Clapp.
S. A. Budd.---------
0-.and D. Cook-...._......
N. B. Richardson. _... __......
T. UIWood...............__
J. H. Fla,.g...............---
W. HI. Ilsser..............
J.H. Combs.............. -
A. C. Shelton arid B. Tuttle.. -
W. B. C. Stirling andl J. W.
IR. W. Sto-ere...............
J. A. Topliff arid G. H. Ely-. --
G. L. Swett arid J. P. Lackey -.0. E. Mallory._.-.---
C. IR. Abbot................J. Bauer...................L. V. Blessing..............
F. A. Braudley.........--._.
F. A. Bradley................
G. Cook and H. I. Kiriball.--..
W. P. Elam -------- ------ - - --
R. S. Grumnion.------
F. B. Morse_.................
J.F. Mullen -.......
W. B. Pardee...............--
A. Searls...................A. Searls....................
A. Scarls....................
A. Searls...................D. MI. Valentine.............
W. N. Barnnett..............--
W. H Stickel................
A. 1). Westbrook............--
C. W. Saladee................
E.W. Waite................H. W. Libbey- - --...----
Ht. Nickson.................---
C. C. Lawrence and J. Lewis -.J Lewis...................--
W..0. Snyder._.-.-_.
J. Poff'eubarger..... _......
A. V. Heyden-.-----.-_
G. R. Lucas. --------_
0. E. Mallory...........
0.E. Mallory.--- ----
0. E. Mallory....._......
H. J. Liiugenfelter.._._.....
A. Quigloy...............--
E. Hayes and M. Hayes -.- --_-_
J. S. Belcher ------...------_
C. H. Davis------ -----
J. L. Allen ----------------
Z. S. Ogden...............B. F. looper.............---
C.WX. Saladee..............
C. W. Saladee -------------..
W. ari-ocks -........
J. L. Allen..................
S. Goddard and H. Warfield -.
G. Stover------ ---------- --
J. 1R. Winchester...........
P. G. Clancy..............--
S. Johns.................---
W. Reynolds.-....._...
JJ. -Waldron -.-___..._
C..ried------------ --------
North Tuniuridge, Vt.
Saint Par-is, Ohio.._.
Bin.kiyn, N. V.._
Plunisteadville, Pa.-.--_-.. _Broolyn, N. Y.--------.
McDouougin, N.YRockford1,Ill --.--- -_---__
New, Bloomufield, Pa -....
New York, N. Y..__.
New York, N. Y......
Alliance, Ohio............
Saint Louis, Mo.._._
New Haven, Coon...
Geneva-, N. Y. -..
N eav Haven, Couri - _-.
New Haveni, Coon....
Ariburn, N. Y............
Cleveland, Ohio ---.-___
New Haven, Coon..___..
Somrerville, N. J _.. ___
New York, N. YV.._.._..
Perkirisville, Vt.---_-_
Stamnford, Connr- __ - -.
Plynnoi: Ii, Corn.
Batavia, Olrio-..-........
Aug. 4, 1868
Nov. 18, 1873
Sept. 13, 1859
Feb. 8, 1870
June 9, 1868
Jan. 28,1808
Aug. 19, 1 873
Apr. 6, 1869
M1ay 20, 1873
Sept. 23, 1862
Tune 28, 1870
July 16, 1R67
Oct. 15, 1850
Sept. 30, 1873
Apr. 16, 1867
Apr. 23, 1867
Nov. 29, 1870
Nov. 12, 1867
Jan. 27, 1857
Nov. 1,1870
July 12, 1870
Feb. 25, 1868
Janr. 26, 1869
Oct. 14, 1873
D)ec. 29, 1857
Dec. 2, 1873
80, 670
144, 7 04
25, 445
99, 601
78, 836
73, 7 63
142, 050
88, 597
139, 225
104, 724
66, 747
7, 715
143, 316
63, 79-2
64, 024
109, 782
70, 797
16, 467
108, 831
105, 287
74, 809
86, 278
143, 669
18, 992
145, 135
Solsville, N. Y------------- Nov. 3, 1857 18, 558
Elyr-ia, Ohio--------------.Oct. 15, 1872 13-2, 188
Leominster, Mass -----_-_-Nov. 15, 1870 109, 2 72
Blataviai, N. YV.............Irine 28, 1870 104, 86:1
Elrmira, N. - -- -- -- -- -- --May 28, 1867 65, 150
Cinciiniat-i, Ohio _-- -- -----Dec. 3, 18 72 133, 619
Wilrmington, Del-..........__ _Sept. 16, 1873 14-2, 889
New Havuen, Conrrr- -----_--Sept. 15, 1868 8-2,1203
New Haven, Conn - May 16,1871 114,609
New Haven, Coon. _-_.Dcc, 27, 1859 26, 564
Pet ersurrgli, Ill- -_- _-- -----Dec. 30, 1873 145, 935
Newark, N. J- -- -- -_- -- - ---Apr. 23, 1867 614, 010
Plant sville, Conti..... Oct. 26, 1869 96, 254
New York, N. Y... -...... Jan. 21, 1868 '73, 6:32
New Haven, Coun. li..... c. 1, 1868 84, 5 73
San Francisco, Cal... Nov. 19, 1867 71, 228
Newark, N. J.... _.......Aug. 2, 1870 105, 98 5
Newark, N. J.... _-........Mar. 5, 1872 124, 291
Newark, N. J -- - ---_- _- ----Sept. 24, 187-2 131, Sf39
New York, N. V......... Apr. 16, 187-2 125, 772
Urbana, Ohio-------------..Jan. 23, 1886 52, 126
Knighitstown, Ind- --_-__-_July 30, 1867 67, 371
Astoria, N. Y - - -------_-. Dec. 21, 1871 120, 205
Saint Catharine's, Canada (let. 17, 1871 120, 107
New Haven, Con. -....ISept. 22, 1868 82, 456
Cleveland, Ohio..........JirriJne 4, 1867 65,403
Akroni, Ohio..............(let. 23, 1866 59, 056
Mar en go, Michi- --- - --- -- - -Nov.130, 1869 97, 301
Marerngo, Mi chli---.-----Tuly a 1870 105, 09)7
Phiiladelphnia, Pa.--........Jan. 19, 188,) 88, 107
Farmersville, Ohio -_._.Sept. 23.1873 143, 183
Milwaukee, Wis............ct.Oct. 23, 1866 59, 014
Mannsville, N. Y..........TJan.5, 1869 85,c(180
Batavia, N. YV----._- _---- Aug.30, 1870 108, 917
Batavia, N. Y..--.........Nov.22, 1870 109, 928
Batavia, N. Y ------------- Apr. 30,1872 1-26, 313
Glen, N. Y.............. Nov. 5 1872 132, 766
Slhellr-ake, N. Y.- -- - - -----Apr. 22, 1856 14, 735
XWheelrigVa., arid Wash- July,.1 855 13, 171
ington, Pa.
Albany, N. _.- --.....July 10,1860 29, 049
Syacuse, N.V.....--.-----8t1 21, 1869 95, 004
Syracnse, N. Y............loeb. 19,1850 7, 097
Glen'sIFalls N. Y -.._..Jan.3, 1854 10, 373
Bririghamr, Corn.- -.--Apr.9, 1861 32,0-28
Cr lunbua Ohio.......... _Sept.9, 1856 15, 725
Columibnis, Ohio............ept.Sept.1, 185r7 18, 106
Poughikeeposie, N. Y _.-_. July 21, 1868 80, 180
New Ha-nu, Conri-_...-Jour 14, 18a1 7, 897
f uxtori N.V- -- -- -- -- -- -.Feb. 19,18-0 7, 100
Centrc Hill, Pa............ Oct. 30, 1866 59, 289
Medina, N. YV. _..........June 20, 1854 11, 144
Aurga sta, Me. _.......Sept. 17,1867 68, 843
XWauprnn, Wis..... _......Ann. 24, 1866 54, 169
New You-k, N. YV -........._May 28, 1867 65, 119
East Durhm, N. Y __..-.Man. 2, 1869 87,1527
Plaritsville, Cmunrr --. Feb. 20, 187-2 1-23, 942
Glen's FudIs N...V Oct. 10, 1866 59, 322
Newtorn, Mass-------Oct. 3, 1871 119, 463
New LandonrConni. hol.._ y 8, 1821.
Newark, N. J...... _...... May 21, 1867 64, 92
Bridgeport, Conne_..... - Tune 7, 1870 104, 056
Nowy York---------------.Sept. 14, 1840 1, 78
Philadlphria. Pa.- - -------Nov. 28, 1865 51, 16
New Bedfion-d, Mass... -.. Dec. 1, 1868 84, 488
Sliatltnck-dlle, Mass-.._.Aug. 15, 1871 118, 085
Brooukville', Md---------c. 7, 1837 5. 9
T 'rey, N. V---------------- Apr.- 16,84 4,801
Amiherst, Mass------------ Man-. 31, 1368 7(11, 053
Law-rnet)ur-gl, Ind..l-..July 16, 189-2 1:,,9449
Index of patents isssued from the United States Patenit Office from 1700 to 1873, iacbusive-Continued.
Carriage-wheel _.................
Carriage-wheel -..................
Carniage-wheel..... _...........................
C-ri age-wheel........................._......
Carrie-wheel......... _......................
Carriage-wheel.. _..............................
Cairriag'e-wheel-------------------------------. _.. _
Carriage-wheel......................... _.......
Cariag-ewheel----------..-- -------------
Curriage-wheel................. _
Carriage-wh eel............................... _.
Carriage- whieel................................
Csii-c ewheel................................
----_--_----C in eaheel...................._...........
Cariai e-.wheel.........................
C arniage-w heel._............... _..__.._.
Carri-ge-w heel.................... _..
Carriage-wheel.. _..............................
aC n-n.whee...............................
Carniage-wheel....................._.......... _
Carriige-wheel ----- -------------------- ----- -
C. H. Appel----------------.
S. Athe.-----_.----
C. C. Ayer ------------------
C. C. Aler-..................
I. P. Laird.................
J CBer.-----"------------
A.S Bcean...................
H. Beebe -- - -- - - - - - -
I.E BLower.................
R. Brooks, ji-...............--
T. Brownfield...........S. R.Bryant- ------ ------ --.
S. B. Buck..................
Gi. G. IW. Burnham n-----------
J. G. Buzzell.................
I.. 0-,Bozzell....,....
1J. G. Bozzell.................
C. F. Carman...............--
I). W.* Clark and S. H. Gray. - -
C. Clarke...........
J. Coney....................
T. M. Coomhs --------
WV. Ceoper ------------------
S.. Craftn.................
C.. Cumins---------------..
A. J. CDrtis -----------------
WV. H. Be Valin. _-_--- --
II. E. IDodson -_-.----------
F. N. IDnaper and A.- Banison..
H. C. and J. W.DBiw.--
J. Eastman and G. C. Fix.- -- --
WV. P. Blanc.................--
C. W Fillmore--------------.
J. P.Fisher.._...............H. K. Fliuchaugh..........AV. K. Foster...............--
11. K. Fester................
C. M. Foulke.--.---------
G. IV. Githert...............--
J. Gooduman................J. S. Graves.-......-......
B. Grim....................--
J. WV. Giaider................11. Gwynn..................
G. G. Hickman...............
S. B. Hindiman --.........
I. Holmces..--...............
B. A. Johnson and F. M. ibson
M. Jolcnsoii...... _...........
J. A. Johnston..............
J. A. Johnston..............--
J. B. Jones..................
V. M. Jones and C. WV. Fithoore
G. Kenny...................
H. Keyes...................--
A. H.Leach.........
C. Leavitt...................
0. Look............
J. H. Lossghridgre -----.-----
IV. H. Marshall.............--
IV. S. Mayo..-........
F. V. MeClelad...-...-.._.
1. IV. MeClelland.... -......
J. MeCreery................
C. A. Miller..............
IV. F. Moody...............--.F.Morton...............
IV I. Morton........._._...
J. and T. Nevisoic jr..
1 iir. and J. Nevison....
A.M.1 Oc,cck..............
J. 0'Conner..........-......
C. Paccer._.................
A. Prentiss.................
A. Icentiss............ __.....
IV Pc-ce.....................
IV 1Race and B. Holly--.J. Ibddin.._........-..-....
J. Riddin..-.....-......
J. Ridge...................--
Residence. Bate. No.
Allentown, Pa.- ---------Feh. 6, 1872 123, 1 75
IWest Liberty, Ohio.- -Nov. 9, 1869 96, 616
Chelsea, Mass.. ----. ------Feb. 1, 1867 61, 193
Chelsea, Mass----- - ---Nov. 12, 1867 70, 681
Viiccennesind ---------Mar. 8, 1810 160, 164
Adonis Centre, N. Y - -.July 9, 1861 12, 142
Stamoford, Conic. -.-.-. Sept. 10, 1867 68, 114
Mancehester, N. H.--.. Feb. 5, 18661 61, 763
Hlavornstircw, N. V-- - - ---. Mar. 12, 1834..
Bainbridge, 0a-...-_.....Nov. 14, 1871 120, 847
Fedkport, Mams Oct. 11, 1861 69, 717
Genorges Township, Pa.... Aug. 19, 1816 11, 154
W~aterford, Pa-c---- ----Aug. 20, 1872 10,62t
Elyria, Ohio... July 19, 18170 105, 146
Baltimore Councty, Md -_-. Apr. 18, 1671 113, 8511
Lynn, Mass.(1... ct. 1, 1667 69, 403
Lynn, Mcss....... Oct. 6, 1S68 82, 690
Lynn, Mass-------- Jan. 18, 1670 98, 920
Hlancbucglc Iowa.... June 8, 1869 90, 993
Bridgeport Conic... May 22, 1811 12, 897
Coral, Il..._.. Aug. 18, 1868 81, 141
Sooth Boston, Mcss.._.. Man. 16, 1869 87, 823
West Libertv, Ohio.... June 21, 1872 128, 212
Beston, Mass....._.__Apir. 9, 1867 -61, 701
ClmiSC._-.... Ma.312.New York, N.......Nov. 7,1871 12rvdne 1.._..Mr 6 89 8, 9720
IWintespost, Mem.....Jin. 2,1866 11,8508
New York, N...V_.._.July 27,1869 93, 007
Sacraicento, Cal- Sept. 1,1868 81, 758
INest Liheity, Ohio.._.Oet.3, 1871 119, 5111
W~est Libeity, Ohio.... Sept. 19, 1871 119, 682
Wateilo Mich.._.... Feb. 27, 1866 52,812
Bath, N. I-H ----- B- ee. 23,1810.-- -
Petershoc Ii, Ill...._..Spt.21, 1869 915, 098
Maccnoe Ill.._. l. eb. 6,187-2 123, 468
Rochester,. -.-V. BDc. 18, 1660 30, 911
Conestoga CentreP-c I Aug. t18 1863 19, 161
Bangot, Me-------. Nov. 22,1864 41, 150
Baicgor, Me...... Oct. 6, 1667 69, 117
Philadelplia, Pa....__. Apr. 6, 1869 88, 705
Radnoc, Pa- May 26, 1863 18, 669
Blacki ac-s Road, England Feb. 21, 1861 46, 164
Lima, N. ----V ---- Oct. 10, 1871 119, 841
Pittsburg-h, Pa---.--.---. Mar. 16, 1869 87, 926
Saint Jeseph, Mo.-..-__. Apr. 1-2, 1370 101, 860
Bialtinmocre, lid ---- B- ee. 16, 1873 115, 646
Coates-vitle, a..I.. Apr-. 24. 1866 14, 155
Ilichionmldd._..... Oct. 1, 1672 131, 717
Mosco-w,N. V -..._.. Janc. 1, 1647 4, 918
Chelse,Mass..-_.._-_-- Oct. 23, 1860 10, 479
'1cree Rivers, Mscli J. _. ar. 26, 1872 125, 013
TopekaK-ins____________ May 21, 1872 127, 061
Topek-i as-s.---- May 21, 1872 127, 064
Sparta, Ill......... Sept. 29, 1868 8-2, 530
Chicago, Ilt........ Nov. 1, 1870 106, 794
Nashua, I._.H._..-Ang.18,1868 81, 175
'Teire HamtmteId Ind.. Bee. 28, 1869 98, 273
Mac-athon,.H....V._.Api-. 26, 187k'11)2, 880
C levelacue Ohio. Jan. 14, 1862 34, 149
Bridgepoct, Con...__. Aug. 31, 1869 94, 325
Key W~est, Fla - --.._ _.Aug. 8, 1871 117,190-2
Sottoic N.H------- Nov. 19, 1867 71, 19l3
New Yock, N. V. _..-.-..~ Feb. 9, 1869 86, 772
Springfield, Ill -_--_-_--_. June 29, 1869 9.1, 619
Springftceld, Ill -.-..- - Fe.8, 16 70 99, 691
Springfield, 111...... May 30, 1871 il5,4)17
Uibana, Ohius _--_. _.Api-. 2, 1872 121, 296
Auburn, N. __._1. Sept. 28, 1869 95, 370
New Havnc Conn.._.-_. May 28, 1867 165, 217
New Haveni Con -..Feh. 4, 1868 74, 117
Moc-gan, Oio.c...... Dine 30, 1866 19, 495
Morgan, Ohio __. _...Fch.18, 15666 74, 119
Toledo, Ohio -I ---- -- h-Fb 20, 1672 123, 836
Jacksonsi...l...e...Apr. 16,187-2 121, 841)
Hacmilton. Nov._. T. an.9, 1872 12-2, 646
Prentiss Volt, P-i.. _... I-i 14,1867 64, 794
Otto, Pa..-.----- May14,1867 64, 715
New- Vork, N..V-.-..-May 4,1869 89, 835
Seneca F-ills, N. --V. Jan. 30, 1855 12, 317
Lyic, Mass..._... June 13,1865 46, 207
Lynn, Mass.:..... B... ee.24, 1867 72, 538
New Market, N. J..... Sept. 14, 1869 94, 839
Richmondr..,In..........JLy,+ 187-2 130,/ 074
Index of patents issued from the lrited States Palent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Carriage-wheel- -- -
Carriage, W heel..............................
Carriage, Wheel..................................
Carriage, W heel........................._......
Carriage, Wheel...............................
Carriage, W heel....................
Carriage, Wheel-------------------------------
Carriage wheel and axle.........................
Car iase wheel and axle, Railway.................
Carriage-wheel and dress-guard.................
Carriage-wheel axle.........................
Carriage-wheel axe and box....................
(Carriage-wheel axle and hub...................
Carriage-wheel bearings, Lubricator for........
Carriage-wheel box_.............................
Carriage-wheel box...............................
Carriage-wheel box...........................
Carriage-wheel box...........................
Carriage-wheel box...........................
Carriage-wheel box...............................
Carriage-wheel box...........................
Carriage-wheel box, Self-fastening.................
Carriage-wheel brake............................
Carriage-wheel brakes, Mode of operating......
Carriage-wheel dress-protector..................
Carriage-wheel, Elastic.........................
Carriage-wheel, Elastic.................
Carriage-wheel fender...........................
Carriage-wheel for preventing horses from running
Carriage-wheel gear.........................
Carriage-wheel, Iron......................
Carriage-wheel, Iron.............................
Carriage-wheel jack.............................
Carriage-wheel lubricator........................
Carriage-wheel, Metallic..........................
Carriage-wheel, Metallic.........................
Carriage-wheel-painting machine.................
Carriage wheel, Railway.........................
Carriage wheel, Railway......................_
Carriage wheel, Railway.......................
Carriage-wheel, Self-moving......................
Carriage-wheel-spoke socket.............
Carriage-wheel-spoking pit.....................
Carriage-wheel, Spring........................
Carriage-wheel, Spring..........................
Carriage-wheel, Steam.....................
Carriage wheel-washing device.............
Carriage-wheel wrench..........................
Carriage-wheel, Wrought-iron...................
Carriage-wheels after tiring, Machine fobrimmersing
Carriage-wheels, Anti-friction box for..............
Carriage-wheels, Box-setter for...................
Carriage-wheels, Confining..............
Carriage-wheels, Facilitating the making of.......
Carriage-wheels, Fastening..........
Carriage-wheels, Fastening......................
Carriage-wheels, looping or tiring................
Carriage-wheels, Lubricating axle-boxes of.......
Carriage-wheels, Machine for compressing.......
Carriage-wheels, Machine for compressing...
Carriage-wheels, Machine for finishing the exterior
of rims of.
Car iage-wheels, Machine for nmaking..............
Carriage-wheels, Machine for mrakirng......
Carriage-wheels, Machine for making..........
Carriage-wheels, Making...-----------------------
Carriage-wheels, Method of attaching.....
Carriage-wheels, Method of boxing..............
Carriage-wheels, Method of constructing......
Carriage-wheels, Method of constructing...
Ca riage-wheels, Mode of applying anti-friction
rollers and balls to the axles and boxes of.
Carriage-wheels, Mold for casting boxes for.......
Carriage-wheels, Mold for casting boxes for.......
Carriage wheels, Removable runner for..........
C rriage wheels to axles, Securing.................
Carriage wheels to axles, Securing.................
cor...ievewhool,.r ov o..,-. i e
C. S. Stearns..................
C. S. Stearns...........
R. W. Thomson...........
I. Van Gorder.................
S. Vreeland.................
R. Walker....................
I. B. Ward...................
S. M. H. Ward................
Ii. G. Weibling.............
E. S. Winchester........
M. Wonser.....................
G. B. Woodard and A. B. Woodard.
J. Woodburn.................
J. Woodburn..................
E. G. Woodside.._.............
S. W. Dana.................I). F. Goodhue and E. H. Carey.
W. H. Lewis.................
B. J. Malfeson.................
A.K. Stone...................
A. K. Stone...................
J. H. Lewis.................
C. D. Tisdale................
W. R. Bush...................
G. W. Ray....................
A. R. Reynolds................
H. F. Phillips.................
W. P. White.................
L. Brown....................
W. A. Clark................
J. Gridley....................
C. H. Holdredge.............
R. W. MeClelland...........
W. Sharp...................
A. WVoodruff.................
T. Massey.........................
C. Walker...................
W. Dunning..................
P G. Hubert and J. W. Pitney.
E. S. Pratt and J. B. Thompson.
S. D. Woodbury..........
S. R. Ramsdell...........
R. Jarvis.....................
A. Baxter....................
R. Crane, jr.................
J. D. Murphey................
H. Hooton and J. G. Bicknell..
S. S. Vollum and W. H. Green..
W. Beach..................
A. P. Ware.................
S. B. Fuller....................
J.P. Allen.................
J. Elgar.....................
A. I. Morrill......
R. WV. Thomson...............
A. J. Carleton................
J. Collins................
J. Lamb and C. H. Root........
B. Ruggles...................
R. W. Thomson...............
J. Reynolds..................
W. T: Sweet..................
L. B. Fisk................
J. MeCollum................
J. M orris.....................
J. B. Blanehard..............
W. Witbeck..................
C. Force....................
B. L. Greenough...........
B. Berndt and F. Barsch.....
W. Elder...................
R. Hunt, 2d...................
W. Diller..................
G. Cook......................
H. Killam....................
R. Fretz.....................
C. H. Guard..................
C. H. Guard.................
G. W. Hatch..................
J. Whitaker.................
J. H. Riemkasten............
C. Schmidt................
E. S. Scripture................
S. Toomney....................
J. G. Tibbets...............
L. Farwell......
S. Smith, 2d.................
G.A. Keene.....
I. Bicknell.................
H. S. Fischer and D. Bruhn..., P NTr.
Marlborough, Mass.......
Marlborough, Mass.......
Hartford, Cone.........
Warren, Ohio............
Cuba, N.Y...............
Batavia, N. Y.............
Camden, N. J.............
New York, N. Y.......
Denver City, Colo........
Boston, Mass..........
Norwalk, Ohio.......
Bolivar and Alfred Centre,
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Rutland, Vt -.........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Greenwood, Mass.......
Burlington, N. J......
Oronoco, Minn............
Oronoco, Minn........
Duxbury, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
Albany, N. Y.............
Rankin's Depot, Tenn.....
Skaneateles, N. Y......
Skaneateles, N. Y.........
Orland, Me...............
Berkshire, Mass..........
Westvilie, Conn.........
Boston, Mass...........
Westerly, R. I..... -.
Pekin, Ill.................
Miliport, N. Y.........
Hartford, Conn..........
New London, Conn........
Lewisburghlr, Va..........
Dunningsville,. Pa....-....
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Lynn, Mass..............
Providence, R. I...........
Boston, Mass..............
Howard, N. Y............
Woodbury, Conn.........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston and Cambridge,
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md..............
Camden County, N. J....
Worthington, Mass.......
Manchester, Mass.........
Philadlphia, Pa........
Northfield, Vt....
Edinburgh, Great Britain
Springlield, Mass.........
Crawlordsvilhle, Ind.......
McDonough, N. Y.........
Warsaw, N. Y............
Edinburgh, Great Britain.
Dutchess, N. Y............
Fayette, N. Y............
Lockport, N. Y............
Wilsonville, Ala..........
Bloomfield, N. J..........
Sacramento, Cal........
Troy, N. Y...............
Baltimore, Md............
Lebanon, N. H...........
Williamsport, Pa........
Mill Hall, Pa...............
Litchfield County, Conn...
Lancaster, Pa............
New Haven, Cornn.......".
New Haven, Cone........
Montville, Ohio...........
Brownville, N. Y..........
Troy, N. Y..............
Parkman, Ohio..........
Dingmran's Ferry, Pa......
Franklin Grove, Ill.......
Union, Me................
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Wilmot, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y.......
Lancaster, Mass..........
Amherst, Mass...........
Newburyport, Mass.......
Cincinnati, Ohio....
Xenia, Ohio, and Eckenforde. Prussia.
New York, N. Y..........
Feb. 9, 1869
Apr. 6, 1869
May 8, 1847
Dec. 27, 1839
Jan. 7,1833
July 20, 1869
Sept. 11, 1866
Dec. 25, 1849
Dec. 22, 1868
Jan. 20, 1863
Nov. 28, 1865
May 17, 1870
July 26, 1864
July 24, 1866
Mar. 12, 1872
June 1, 1869
Aug. 30, 1808
May 14, 1861
Aug. 23, 1864
Apr. 6, 1824
Apr. 9, 1867
Apr. 9, 1867
Oct. 22, 1867
Dec. 14, 1869
Mar. 13, 1860
May 14,1872
Dec. 5, 1840
Sept. 18, 1841
Nov. 19, 1867
May 30, 1806
Dec. 12, 1871
May 23, 1806
Dec. 1, 1868
Oct. 12, 1858
Feb. 28, 1860
Aug. 6, 1872
June 11, 1829
July 8, 1839
Nov. 1, 1845
Apr. 27, 1869
Mar. 15, 1864
Nov. 26, 1861
Sept. 4, 1866
Mar. 29, 1834
Apr. 19 1870
May 4, 18105
Apr. 19, 1859
May 31, 1859
Dec. 6, 1870
Mar. 2, 1858
Feb. 12, 1867
Sept. 23, 1856
Apr. 20, 1869
Nov. 19, 1833
Feb. 15, 1859
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr. 12, 1870
Aug. 8, 1871
Jan. 1, 1851
Sept. 8, 1834
Dec. 21, 1869
June 24, 1815
Apr. 16, 1867
Apr. 21, 1868
May 10, 1844
Sept. 23, 1843
Sept. 17,1861
Nov. 6, 1866
Apr. 28, 1836
Sept. 12, 1815
Dec. 12, 1871
Dec. 27, 1870
Mar. 2, 1821
Mar. 9, 1858
July 21, 1863
Oct. 15, 1867
July 5,1859
Sept. 7, 1852
Feb. 4, 1862
Dec. 22, 1863
June 24, 182-2
Oct. 27, 1863
Mar. 11, 1856
Apr. 1, 1845
May 5, 1868
July 22, 1839
Mar. 5, 1810
July 6, 1810
Sept. 6, 1864
July 12, 1870
Jan. 28, 1873
86, 709
88, 748
5, 164
1, 440.....
92, 915
58, 0130
6, 977
85, 259
37, 480
51, 251
103, 114
43, 651
56, 681
124, 468
90, 714.....
32, 285
43, 919
63, 668
63, 668
63, 669
70, 098
97, 994
27, 427
126, 742
1, 883
2, 260
71, 101.....
84, 548
21, 766
27, 314
130, 172.....
4, 254
89, 315
41, 910
33, 809
57, 765
102, 079
23, 695
24, 213
1(9, 977
19, 478
61, 962
15, 759
89, 003
22, 972
96, 635
101, 821
117, 745
7, 874.....
98, 126
63, 960
76, 900
3, 578
3, 276
33, 292
59, 495.....
121, 841
19, 551
39, 275
69, 818
9, 242
34, 300
41, 004
40, 431
14, 434
3, 979
77, 680
1, 254.....
44, 141
105, 198
135, 327.:f.l.ll:l' 'C-w ii eui Iu iAIt 3, 7c uÂ~ lub 1L. r. uvy u.
Sept, 10, 1861 1 33, 251
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Carriage-whip holder.............................
Carriage-window firame..........................
Carriage-window holder..........................
Carriage window, Railway........................
Carriage-window-sash holder........................
Carriage with calash top.................................
Carriage with shifting seat------------------........................
Carriage-work, Collar for ornamental..........
Carriages, Adjustable pole for.....................----------------
Carriages, Adjustable pole for------------------
Carriages and placing steps by the sides, Hanging.
Carriages, Anti-rattler for----...----------..-----
Carriages, Apparatus for propelling..........
Carriages, Apparatus for propelling..........
Carriages, Axle and thorough-box for.............
Carriages, Block for top-prop joint for...........
Carriages, boats, &c., Machine for propelling......
Carriages, boats, mills, &c., by weights, Machine for
Carriages, Body-loop for...........................--
Carriages, Body-loop-head for.....................
Carriages, Boot-attachment to..............--..
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
E. W. Scott-----------------................... Wauregan, Conn..........--- Dec. 27,1870 110, 503
J. F. Dohan.................. Binghamton, N. Y......... Dec. 27, 1870 110, 444
J. Henogen and E. Kruger.... Saint Louis, Mo...... Aug. 26, 1873 142, 229
C. M. Oblenis..----------.... New York, N. Y........ --May 9, 1871 114, 592
J. Ogden and 1). R. Hart.... Troy, N. Y............ -Mar. 21, 1846 4, 433
J. T. Ogden..----------------. Boston, Mass------------.............. Feb. 20, 1855 12, 430
F. Baker...--------------------- New York, N. Y.......... May 21, 1867 64, 829
J. H. Moore and W. Johnston. New Haven, Conn......... Apr. 28, 1868 77, 397
E. T. Colburin -...... Boston, Mass............. Jan. 1, 1867 60, 694
S. E. Totten, jr..-.-......... New York, N. Y.......... - Mar. 11, 1e73 136, 793
G. Holloway................. Baltimore. Md............ Sept. 9, 1825..
G. Simon- ----.............. Reading, Pa................ Dec. 20, 1853 10, 342
M. Seward-................. New Haven, Conn......... Feb. 5, 1861 31,330
E. T. Ford................... Stillwater, N. Y.......... - July 13, 1869 92, 438
S. H. Bishop..------..--.----- Orange, Conn.--....-...... May 5, 1857 17, 191
J. E. Prudden--------------................. - Birmingham, Conn-........ Apr. 2, 1867 63, 423
J. I. Wells.................... Hartford, Conn........... Jan. 24, 1815........
D. C. Gately.................. Newtown, Conn........... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 387
T. A. HIres-.......-..... New York, N. Y......... July 6, 1869 92, 306
D. Swank----.... Newton, Iowa............. July 13,1869 92, 668
W. Slicer_-----........-.. Baltimore, Md............ July 5, 1837 255
J. J. Wilson.................. New York, N. Y--...---.. Apr. 4, 1871 113, 477
B. Langdon----------------................... Whitehall, N. Y........ Feb. 22, 1817.....
M. F. Colburn................. Baltimore, Md----------............ Apr. 7, 1829.....
H. A. Luttgens-----------................
D. Wilcox....................---------------
M. M. Follett........---------.......
Carriages, &c., Box for receiving money in--......... J. Rodgers....................
Carriages, Button-hole for--------------------......................... -S. C. Talcott...............
Carriages by steam, Propelling----------------................... E. Clarke............
Carriages by steam, Propelling.................-------------------... C. Reynolds.....----------------
Carriages, Calash or folding top for-................ I. Cogswell, jr.............
Carriages, Central-draft joint of------------------................... -L. O. Rice...................
Carriages, Changing the speed of steam-----------........... J. Griflin....................
Carriages,'Combined safety attachment and brake C. Ducreux..-...............
Carriages, Combined step-cover and wheel-fender J. W. Gosling................
Carriages, Constructing......................... R. Nutting...................
Carriages, Constructing..-----------------.. E. W. Seymour................
Carriages, Constructing........................... J. C. Stroebel................
Carriages, Constructing-----.. ---..----. J. B. Swan-................._
Carriages, &c., Construction and application of G. D. Bridgeman..............
wheels to.
Carriages, Construction of-------------------.....................--.... F. Biemler...................
Carriages, Construction of...------------------. -- ID. Neal......................
Carriages, Coupling four-wheeled......-----------------A. Osgood...................
Carriages, Device for propelling.....-...........T. U. and H. H. Hamilton.....
Carriages, Die for forging offsets or stay-ends for.. -D. Wilcox...............Carriages, Die for forging, trimming, and shaping F. B. Morse......
spring-clips for.
Carriages, Double perch and fifth-wheel for....... D. C. Doran...................--------------
Carriages, Draft-clip tieo r....................... P. Blake....................
Carriages, Dress-guard for- ------------------. G. W. Raitt...................
Carriages, Elastic running-gear for........... G. E. Garretson...............
Carriages, Elliptical spring for................. F. Hatch and J. W. Terry....
(Carriages, Elliptical spring for................. S King....................
Carriages, Extension-pole and hold-back for..... NiV. W. Rexford...............
Carriages, Extension-reach for................ E. Wilson........-...........
Carriages, Extension-seat for............... J. A. Naylor..................
Carriages, Fan-attachment to child's- - - -- - ---- - J. Reimsch-.......................
Carriages, Flap-fastener for the dasher of...-.-... R. Clingen....................----------------
Carriages, Folding double-step for............ J. Pendergast...-............
Carriages for children, Hanging................... G. Maynard................
Carriages, Front gear for......................... C.L. Leonard............
Carriages, Front platform for....................J. Heiden...................
Carriages, Hanging -----------------------------. S. Fairchild..................
Carriages, Hanging bodies of two-wheeled....... I. Woodcock..._............
Carriages, &c., Heating----------------------............................ A. McWilliams.........
Carriages, Horizontal wooden spring for---------........... L. Simmer......
Carriages, Horse-holder attachment to..- - - - - -G. W. Goodwyn.----.----.Carriages into sleighs, Converting wheel -.-.. O. B. Hale..................
Carriages, Leading-bar of four-horse............. L. W. Stockton.................
Carriages, Machinery for propelling steam-------......... E. Ware....................
Carriages, Main bol or goose-neck stay on-........ A. B. Shaeffer..........
Carriages, Main spring for....................... J. Mix.....................
Carriages, Manufacture of rub-irons for-...... H. W. Oliver, jr...........
Carriages, Measuring distances traveled by-..-. Fuller and Richardson......
Carriages, Metal-plated shoe for ---....... -....J. Du Bois...................
Carriages, Method of atlaching top to seat of-...... L. Jacobs and E. C. Landon...
Carriages, Method of forming body-loops for--... -R. R. Miller...................
Carriages, Mode of attaching animals to..------. H. B. Hale and T. Flagler.....
Carriages, Mode of attaching sleigh-runners to H. G. Guyon...................
Carriages, Mode of connecting and disconnecting J. Stimpson -...................
Carriages, Mode of connecting springs to children's. J. H. Flagg...................
Carriages, Mode of making the skeins of axle-arms G. Schreyer. - -.....-........
Carriages, Mode of regulating the speed of T. Blanchard...........
Carriages, Mode of suspending or hanging pleasure J. Henderson.............
Carriages, Motive-mechanism for-------........--...-.... G. Kilner and F. H. Simmons..
Carriages, Motive-p)ower lor....------------------ S. L. Latngdon.............
(Carriages, Movalle top fior -------------------.... C. Kimball.-.......
(arriages on inclined plane, Transportingso.....-.. M. lobinson...............
C 'riags, Pole iron sock-eet for............-----------....... U------I. ieynlds..............
Paterson, N. J............
Ansonia, Conn......... -
Westborough Post-Office,
New York, N. Y..........
Ashtabula, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y..........
East Windsor, Coun......
E istville, Ill.............
Caistorville, Canada......
Louisville, Ky.......
Ne;v York, N. Y..........
Oct. 17, 1871 120, 079
May 18, 1869 tO, 326
Feb. 4, 1868 74, 071
Feb. 23, 1858
July 2, 1867
Sept. 9, 1825
Aug. 21, 1811
Feb. 24, 1863
June 23, 1857
Feb. 19, 1861
Jan. 12, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Feb. 26, 1867
Randolph, Vt............
Lisle,N. Y...........................................
Albany, N. Y.............
New Haven, Conn.........
July 14, 1857
May 6,1862
Sept.19, 1803
Sept. 029, 1818
July 16, 1829
New York, N. Y....... Jan. 21,1812
Milford, Del----..--------. -Feb. 26, 1812
Charlestown, Ohio...... Jan. 27, 1843
Panama, N. Y....------------ July 13, 1869
Birmingham, Conn........ Nov. 4, 1873
Plantsville, Cons..........Feb. 7, 1871
Mount Healthy, Ohio... Aug. 15, 1871
New Haven, Conn-....... May 26, 1863
Cincinnati, Ohio--------.......... Oct. 16, 1866
Russellville, Ky.-..--.......--. Nov. 29, 1870
South Cortland, N. Y...... July 10, 1839
Suffield, Conn........--..... Oct. 31, 1839
Lock Sheldrake, N. Y.... Nov. 24, 1868
Prattsburgh, N. Y........ Oct. 16, 1855
Rahway, N. J.--........... Aug. 21, 1860
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 24, 1867
Boston, Mass............. May 17, 1870
New Haven, Conn........ June 11, 1872
Greenfield, Mass......... -July 27, 1858
Wells' Bridge. N. Y....... May 14, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 2, 1869
Trumbull, Conn...--..... Mar. 14, 1846
Worcester, Mass.-....... Apr. 18, 1848
Washington, 1). C........ Nov. 29, 1832
Downington, Pa.----------July 22, 1811
Petersburgh, Va.-..---....... Feb. 21, 1871
Chicopee, Mass............ Jan. 1, 1867
Uniontown, Pa...-----.. Sept. 29, 1825
Bayonne, N. J.-.......... Aug. 20, 1867
Ephratah, Pa............. May 26, 1868
New Haven, Conn....... Apr. 18, 1807
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 18, 1873
Brunswick, Me........... May 29, 1835
Williamsport, Pa......... May 19, 1863
Castile, N. Y................. Nov. 20, 1855
Plan tsville, Conn........ Jan. 3, 1871
Grass Lake, Mich......... iar. 10, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 13, 1838
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 10,1840
New York, N. Y --....... Oct. 15, 1872
Columbus, Ohio........... May 7, 1861
Springfield, Mass........ Dec. 28, 1825
GuiliIford, Conn............ Dec. 26, 1808
Sullivan, Ill.............. June 7, 1870
New Orleans, La.......... - Mar. 8, 1870
New Haven, Conn...... "Sept. 13, 1859
Ienric) Countyv, Va....... Ar. 9, 1828
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 21, 1568
19, 446
66, 413.....
37, 734
17, 638
31, 455
85, 883
62, 406
17, 805
35, 204.........................
2, 932
92, 607
144, 375
111, 668
118, 115
38, 650
58, 8t5
109, 608
1, 230
1, 38'7
84, 376
13, 690
29, 309
69, 127
103, 142
127, 707
21, 012
126, 720
86, 397
4, 414
5, 514
111, 924
C0, 884
68. 015
78, 240.....
136, 857.....
38, 571
13, 821
110, 773
75, 262
1, 885
32, 1255.....
103, 895
100, 643
25, 420
1 57, 3:179
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclutsive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Riesidence. Date.
Carriages, Preventing rattling in------------------ W. S. Chapman---------------. _ _Cincinnati, Ohio - - _-- ----Aug. R,1l854
Carriages, Propelling'--------.--.------------------ C. K. Bradford----..------Lynn, Mass------------_Mar. 13, 1,1CC6
Carriages, Propelling----- ---- -----------. Fans-------------------- --------------------------Apr. 29, 1797
Carriages, Propelling wheeled.- ---I).Fse------------------D.SFihr..........Cedar Spring, nd ---May 28,1867
Carriages, Huh-iron for--------------------------- F. B. Morse------__---------Milwankee, Wis ---------- Jnne 19, 1806
Carriages, Runnner-attachiaent f or-- -- -- - -- - --- - -. C. F. Brigham -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Worcester, Mass.. - - - -. I Dec. 22, 186C
CarriagesS-iddl(ehlp for_------------------------F. Seward--------------------- New H-aven, Conn--May 28,1872
Carriages, Sand-c tp for_--------------------------_ _ _ _ A. 0. Colebnrn and HI. T. Stan Wayne, Mich -----Apr. 14, 1868
Carriages, &c. Securing the wheels of. - - ___- - -__A. Bruns.--. __--- _- - - -- Davenport, Iowa - _- -------Mar. 23, 1858
Caiiiages, Shilling-ridfor-----------------------. A. E. Bailey------------------- Middleville, N.Y -__Apr. 1 1867
Caririages, Shiting-iail for------------------------- H. F. Hit -_-------------redloia, N.YV----------- July 2,1867
Carries, Shifting -top raiil for.i-------- __ --- -------C. H. Ayres.....---- -- -- -- ---Hightstowii, N. J -...... Oct.8, 1872
Carriages so as to ease the lateral motion of the A. Bridges and C. Davenport.- Canuhridgeport, Mass_. May 4,1841
hodies thereof. Constructing railway.
Cariagei~sSpirad spring for. -----------------------......W. Cr-oasdale-----------------.._ _Hartsviile, Pa...........-Feh. 3,1837
Carriages, Spring arod oscill-ting axle for children's J. Leughi-idge.. -__ -- - -.__ __ Pittsbnrgh, Pa.-_.- ---------Apr. 2, 1872
Carriaes, S~ring-perch for-----------------------.. S. Tomlinson-----------------__.._ _Bridgeport, Con-.__..__May 16,1842
CairiagesSprin-power ior propelling ----. _----W. K. Chase -_- -- - --- -- -- -- ----Cirarlestown, Mass- -_---_Api 3, 1866
Carriages, Steering-appartus for- steam - ----------F-. C. Jones - - - - - ------Pittshurgh, Pa. - -- -------Aug. 11, 1857
Carriages, Sustaining- wei-hts aind applying power- S. Chapnian,jr -- -- -- -- -- - - - -. Windsor", Mass----- _- - - --M-ir.2, 1835
to wheeled.
Carriages, Third se-it for------------------------- A. E. Thayer------------------ Plymouth, Cocii- ----- Sept. 24,1887
Carriages, Thoiou-hh--ace for-----------.....- ---- F. A. Jewett.----------.. _.------bingtoi, Mass -.----------_ Aug. 19,18,56
Cariages, Top ion and proup fcr- - - -.- - -- - - ------C. W. Saladee and W. Bander Crclvill, Ohio...--------.}Feb.9, 1889
Carriages, Top iroiiand pirop fori- _-.-- ----------C. WV. Saladee and W. Bander- Circleville, Ohio-----------_. eh. 9,1869
Carriages, Top-prop nutf r.i-- - - --_______ J. Ives ------------------------ Mount Carimel, Conn ---July 9,1867
Carriages, Turning-cricle for----------------------G. Kenny ------ _------ MdbloidN. H----------- Nov. 25, ix56
Cairiages, Turnin---p5-teo Cci---------------------- T. A. Edrilson---------------- Lake Port, Mich----------.Sept. 24,1867
Carriages, Umrhiella-suppoit for-------------------....A. Clarke--------------------. _ _ Shehoygpan Falls, Wis.. IFeh. 6,1872
Carriages, Wear-iicci---------------_ _. - --- ----I. G. Lefler - ------------ _. _ Pi ladelphia, Pa-----___ _--Sept. 8,1857
Carriages when (lescending I-ilis, Impeding._- -_. Bunker---------....... rxtr,.Y------------iut. July 5,1833
Carriages when descendin-- hills, Mode ofietardling E.Slifer -- __------------ - - - oonshmncugh, Md ------ J aun 16, 1826
Cai-iiages with the peich by means of springs, 0-. Nichols.-------------------I _ _. rumhnll, Coon...- -_. _Apr. '0, 1844
Coiinecting the body of.
Carriages with thie reach aiid iead-hlock ci- rocker, A. HI. Bart- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - ---Chagrin Falls, Ohio- _--_-Sept. 23, 1843
Coupling~ the forward axle-tircc of four-wheeled.
Cariages, Wooden C-spring for_-------------------___ __ _W. Rohinson----------__ _...----Wilmiington, Del.........--Nov. 27, 1810
See Butter-carrier.
Carronade, Elevating screw-hox and cap of.-F. Hidden--------------------. _ _ _New York, N. Y-_........._Apr. 26, 1826
Carrousel......................................__W. Schneider................. Davenport, Iowa.-----July 25, 1871
Carryall---------------------------------------...F. Sheltonir----------.------ Jackson, N. C------------- Dec. 2,1834
Cai-t-------------------------------------------..N. H. Baldwin----------------..Aftoii, N.Y--------------- Feh. 5,1861
Cart.-------------------------------------------- Z. Butt----------------------..Ocala, Fla ----------- --- Mar. 6, 18CC
Cart----------------------------------------_ J. W. Cahoon.-- -----------lhiladelphiia, Pa.....------Dec. 31, 1867
Cait-------------------------------------------HI. HolcroltaiidC. S.Smith. -. Media, Pa--_--------Ang. 30, 1864
Cart ------------------------------------------- B. Hicketson aridA. B.Smith. New Bedford, Mass.. aiid July 12, 1864
Clinton, Pa.
Cart aiid hrake, Selfadjusting.. - - - --____ ____ I. Showalter - --- -- -- --o-- -- -- --Chester County, Pa-...July 18, 1871
Cairt and cairiage wheel -------------------------....W. Woodhridge...- - - - - - Kennehec, Me - --- -- -- - -- -May 17, 1836
Car ai nd rilanu-y for leveling hills, &c., Chain.---J. H. Morison -._-- - ---------Boscawen. N. H. - -..__Sept. 28, 1812
Cairt and wag~oDumping...---.--.-..-----.-.-.------.I. B. Conklin._- - -----------_ Pemherton, N. J - _-._ Feh. 16, 1864
Cart -nd waigoii Duniping.- _.- - - ---.-- --- ----W. W. Rogers -_- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Hampdenm Corner, Me -..An~4,1868
C-irt, Ash---.- - - -----------------------------.H.. Smith.. -- ----_.Philadelphia, Pa..----.......AJ.an. 3, 1865
Cairt-hodies, Mode of operating-------------------...T. Mussey-.___- -_- --- -- -- --Now Londoii, Coinn _..- Nov. 1, 184 5
(ait-hody ---- -----_---------------------------W. Bradley-----------VinaM.............VinaMe-----..do Jne 2, 1868
Curt-hody catch ------------------------------ -- C. F. Chew-------------------- Swedeshorough, N. J...- Api-. 23, 1872
Cait-hod-y fasteniiig -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - ----...----. Spalding------------------.. _...Plainfield, N. H - July 4, 1871
Cart-hodylfistening, Tip------.____________- - - --------J. F. Seavey - --_.- -- - - -- ------ennehunkport, Me -.____May 21, 18t67
Cart-hoxes, Mold for i-naing ---------------------S. Smiii, 2:1.------------------ Amherst, Mass------------ Oct. 17, 1869
Cart-hr-ike.----- ------------ ------------ --------H. Holcroft and C. S. Smith _ Melia, Pa------------ --- Oct. 3, 1865
Cart hra--------------------------------------- S. Y. I-ies..._.._............Meriden, Con------------.Feh. 5, 1867
C;art, Brck---------------...._.._...-. vas----------------------J.Eas..........Philadelphia, Pa---------- May 81,1870
Cart, Coal------------------------------------ R. Hecksclier----------------- New York, N. V---------.Feh. 7, 1860
Crt-I Dumping -- -- -- - ----- - -- - --- - - -- - --------.... J. H. C. Applegato -- -- - --- --o--Bridgetori, N. J ---_. -----Dec. 29, 1868
Cart- Dumpin--------------------------.-_ 0. Benson and J. 0-.Falle - Chicago, Ill-------------- Oct. 3,1871
C'rrtDnrnping ----------------------------------T. Blodgett......_........_.... lC- -ow,N.Y.--- - SMay.17, 1864
Cait, Dnmping------_------------------- -------- C. A. Carpenter-----------------lerrCove.xi ---- a 716
Cai-t.Duming-z'--------------------------------(I. L. Collins ----- _--------Trenton, N. J------.------ Nov. 21, 1871
11, 471
53, 214
65, 199
55, 682
85, 2:4
127, 275
76, (05
19, 676
63, 457
66, 343
131, 928
2, 671
126, 0(36
2, (324
53, 57--
17, 970
69, 270
15, 567
86, 697
66, 496
16, 12-2
69, 194
12:3, 380
18, 153
3, 527
3, 274
117, 336
31, 293
52, 96.3
72, 795
4:1, 591
43, 549
117, 213
80, 669
45, 761
4, 250
78, -119
1-25. 935
116, 641
64, 913
50, 248
61, 7-It
103, 589
27, 649
85, 353
119, 444
44, 068
4-2, 74t6
121, 0;'6
83, 669
127, 467
119, 976
138, 01 1
146, 02e
68, 977
80, 8-23
113, 293
73, 725
25, 424
73, 918
44, 98:1
94, 681
95, 176
133, 6ll5
135, 546
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cart for removing earth ----------._Cart, Hfand ---- --------------------------------
Cart, Hand-dumping--------------------------
Cart, Hay-rack bor............................--
Cart, Hemp-------------------------....-- -- ---
Cart-loading apparatus------.-................._
Cart, Log-------------- ---- -------------------
Cart, Log --------------------------------------
Cart, Manure. --- ---------- -.........CaitMauure.---"---------------.----------------
Cart, Manure---------------------------------
Cast, M anure....................................
C art, M ilk -- - - - - --....................
C urtN ight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
r swagon, Weigh1ing......................_
Cart, Ox -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cart, Sell-balanced hand -------__------------
(art, Self-loading...............................
Crt SrlflI oadling.-----------------------------
Cart, Sill-loadisig------------------------------
C irt, Self-loading.----------------------------....
CarI, Self loading and dumping................
Cart, Sell loadinig and dumping-.................Cast. Solf loadig and dumping.-...........
Cast, Sell loading and dumping ----------
CartSelItloailing and dumpisig._..__...___..
Cast, bell loading and unloading................ - - -
J. I'ni( ---------------------.
AV. H.(Glover.-...............
Vt. Farmuer.................H. R. Hawkins..............
Z. Feagan--..................
B. G. Fitzhugh ---------------.
A. Kirkwood.......---.....
J. Stit.--------------------.
T. L. Cotton. - -....------
J. K. Holland...............--
DI. Reld....................--
B. Teagueo..................J. Has-nis ---------------..--
J. 11. Lynch-----------------
N. E. Doane.----- ------------
MI. S. Woodbury............--
G. Coolidge................L. A. Beardsley..............
J. S. Brown.................--
Z. Butt....................--
H. B. Cantrell--------------...
J. A. Sprague and B. O'Connor.
G. W. Whitson.............--
55T H. Hcrbert..............--
J. B. Iflulbort............
C. C. McKinley.............--
S. Stoneic........-...........
B. T. Stowell................
J. Wilkinson.................
Lockport, N. Y..--.-...
Bostons, Mass.......
Now Yoik, N. Y.-----
Akron, Ohio.............
Palmyra., Mo............
Frederick, Md...........
Jackson County, Miss-.
Saint John's, Mich.---
Madisoni Cosisty, Miss_.--
Beaufort County, N. C-..
Washinmgtoa, N. C....
Moscow, Teniss...-.......
New Yes-k, N. Y.-...
Baltimore, Md..........Hainiibal, Mo...........---
Watertown, Mass....
Frederiek:sbur.,li, Va..
Washington. 1). C.-...
Lincolulown, N. C..-..
Tenafly, N.J...........--
Dayton, Ohio.............
Asneville, N. C........
New Albany, Ind....
Hermio, N. Y._-........
Chiaumpaign, I111......-..
Kis-keriville, Ohio.._..
VWaddanas Grove, Ill..
Hopewell Cotton-Works
Post-Office, Pa.
May 18, 182i7
Sept. 3, 1872
Mar. 16i, 1869
July 10, 1860
Mar. 26, 1861
Apr. 15, 1873
Aug. 29, 1871
Noa-. 17, 1868
Juliy 9, 1-50
May 3, taI5
-Aug. 22, 1871
-Jusie 6,1871
-Augs"20, 1867
Jan. 22, 1861
Feb. 2,1869
Jiune 13, 1831
Dec. 22, 1868
Jusie 9, 1857
Mar. 13,1855
May 1LI 187l3
Mar. 20, l85
July 21, 1868
Feb. 13, 1872
May 3, 1871
July 16, 1872
Aug. 1,1854
Apr. 27,1852
May 1, 1855
Cast, Self-loading hay...................F ~......................ot___.___._--_Wheaton, 111............Jan. 3, 1865
Cart, S if-loading hay...........................-I. M. Williams...............--Blanchester, Ohio..... Nov. 3, 1868
Cart, Sellf-veighing..............................--. Blackman.................--Danbury, Conno.....Oct. 7, 1862
C-srt, Street-sprinkling..........................- L. Rodeubausen............... Philadelphia, Pa...........ug.Aug. 13, 1867
Cast, Water -11------------------I. Austims.-.........East Liberty, Ohio...Nov. 27, 1860
Cartawagon, &c. Box and axle-tree for............'Vt. Batchelor................ __ __ _New York, N. Y... ___May 2, 1816
Cari, Weghing..............................._ (3. M. Barthi.- ---....----Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 14, 1860
(art. Weighiung.................................. N. B. Livingston.............. Portland, nd.... _........ Sept. 3,,1851
Cart, Weighing.................J. W. Martin _.... _._..___Burlinugton, N. J... _......May 20, 1856
Cart, Weighing................................__ J. W. Martin. - -.-_....Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 2,1858
Cast, wheelbarrow, and turnip-drill, Combined-.... A. M. Newland...- -........Olivet, Mich... _... _.......July 5,1870
Casts, &c. Apparatus los unloading. _--.......... _C. Dlownuer.__---................Philadelphia, Pa......... July 21, 1849
Carts, &c. Combination ol springs with the hack- T. S. Spcakman..............-Philadelphia, Pa....... July 18, 1848
chainis ol.
Caste do visite exhibitor.......................... P. G. Hubert.. _. _.........New York, N. Y..._......Mar. 19, 1867
Cartoucli-box....................................1I1. IDingee..................... Now York, N. Y...........Aug. 15, 18.35
Cartouch-box _..._........................- J. Mix....................... Now York, N. Y---------Juno 3, 181:3
Cartouch-box, brush, &c., Machine for bonn, V. Bogenreiff.................Georgetown, D. C _...__.July 10, 1810
Cartsridge_. ___.........___ ____ ________J. Abraham and T. R. Bayliss Birmingham, England. Oct. 27, 1868
Cartridge....................................--- C. 11. Alsop.- ---------Middletown, Conn...Jani. 27, 1863
Caitridge......................................--C. F. Brouwn..................Was-sen, H. I..........-- May 29, 1855
Cartridge....................................... S. Crispin-._..._........ New York, N. Y._.......Apr. 12, 1864
Cartridge....................................__ CG. H. Paw...................-Losidon, England.....May 4, 1169
Cart-ridge....................................---- J. II. Ferguson......... Baltimore, Md------------ June 28,1859
Cartridge......................................--E. (Jonez...................... New York, N.Y..........-Jan. 25, 1871)
Cartridge-......................................_E.Gussezt-...................New Yeo-k, N. Y---------- J-n. 25,1870
Cartridge......................................---B. B. Hotchkiss............... Sharoni, Conn._.._.......July 10, 1861)
Carstridgeo...............................__.__.W W. Hubbell........_......Philadelphsia, Pa------Apis 03, 1872
Cartridge....................................... S. Jackson ------------------- Pliladeiplia.'a..........TJan. 10,181,5
Cartridge_..............................._ E. Lindner--------------- --- NewYoi-k,N. Y.........ay 12,1857
Cartridge....................................... J. Logass and G. E. Hast-I--Newark, N. J -..........Sept. 16, 1871
Castridge......................................- J. C. Mayberr-y.._.........White Hock, Ill........... June 2471862
Cartridge _............_.....................E. Maynard.-._......Washington, D. C -_._ June 17, 1856
Cartridge______..._____........................ Maynard............--WashinigtonI). C----.Sept. 29, 1863'
Cartridge............................I. M. Milbuank........._-..._Gi-enliold Hill, Con__ May 30,1871
Cartridge..............................._.._..11. Moffatt -_- ----_---Brouoklyn, N. Y...........-Dee. 20,1870
Cartsidge..............................___......G. W. Morse............... Baton Rouge, La.----- Oct. 28,1856
Cartriudge..--------------- -- _-.W ~............................W.Mse... Baton Rouge, La.----June 29, 1858
Cartridge....................................... A. N. Newvton................. Richmond, Ind............ Mar. 20,185'
Cartridgatie.... _..................................W F. Parker.._......._..Meriden, Conis............ Mas-. 23, 1869
Cartridge _._.................................. - W. H. Pomory... _. _. _......Millos-sbum-gh, Ohio -...- Aug. 5, 1862
Cartridge...................__.............. 0. Potter..__...........New York, N. Y.......... July 22, 1862
Cartridge..............___..................J. Riedel. - ------....--- Pleasanit Hill, Ky------Sept. 9, 1856
Cartrsdge......................................T. P. Shaffner................. Louisville, Ky -_-------Dee. 19, 1865
Caitridge...._...._............................C-. Smith -..........Buttermilk Falls, N. Y- June 30, 1857
Cartridgo.______....................._.......W. H. Smith.................-Charlestown, Mass -_Feb. 8, 1870
Cartrdgeidge......................................P. Smith- - - - - -- 1) anditJand W..W.Storss. SpringringfeldMasMass. Apr. _ 2p.,218696
Cartridge.................................._.H Smith andI I). B. Wesson. Noiwich, CumnAug8, 1854
Cartridge...................................... J.R. Vass Vecliten._..._Neow Yesk, N. Y M.._.........ar. 9,1869
Castsidge.......................................C. S.'Wells.-----.------------psingfield, Miss----- May 30,1871
Cartridge...................................._.CS.VsWslls -------------------Springfield, Mass ----_Jam'. 2,18721
Cartridge.._................................ Whsite------------Dvnot oa................avpui av Nov. 26, 1861
Ca1i....................~ Wie C................LuowellMass......_Feb. '28, 1871
Cartridgo..... ________________.G i'itlr.......................iC-Wstior Mansfield, Mass.._.- June 28,1870
Cartridge.................................... _ _ __ __ _ __ __.NG. Vvlitiiisre._.__......__Masield, Mas -- --Aug. 20,1872
Cartridge.......................--.__._.-.._..PF Williamss.__..... )avenportslIowa -- (Je--Ot. 18, 1870
Cartridge.....--.............--_._.._.._.......I \ohlgeimsth------- -New York, N.Y _---_Nov. 2,1869
Cartridge and percussion-cap box, Comsbinmed - _____J. T.IWairen osid 1. A. Cliese SItsiford and New York, Nov.8, 1864
brumin N. Y
Cartridge-blt...................................A. Mills---------------------.Unistedl States Army ---Augs 20, 1867
Cartidg"eBlasting.............................-. It S.Luceas ------------------ ChesterMas._----_Oct. 9) 1866
Cartiduge, Blastisig-------------------------------'I P. Slis-ilier--__-----------Louisvimle, Ky._.)_._:e. 19, 1865
sairrdge-box----------------------------------__A. A.Bessnetti----------------Cincinnil'(himo......Ji 27,1563
Catridge-box_......._..........................F B Llakesico ----------- I ly imiusilCoimo__._._Diec. 00 1861
( as-eudge-box._................................I' Brilisoss-__--------------bseok dys Y...__.-May 13,1873
C-istiide-box---------- ------- --____ ____.-------IL. Bryan ani J. A. Bilgelow I'r-mikliii, siels._. -_.Jamns 30, 166
131, 095
87, 831
29, 075:31, 795
137, 7 68
118, 460
84, 145
106, 125
7, 491
9, 697
lit-, 298
115, 606
67, 892
31, 155
86, 619
85, 200
17, 486
12, 504
138, 854
12, 56-2
89, 259
123, 565
115, 321
129, 154
11, 442
8, 913
1-2, 804
45, 715
83, 749
36, 6:31
67, 805
30, 710
27, 184
8, 391
14, 939
21, 999
10., 983
6, 669
5, 673
62, 959
83, 434
37, 481
12, 942
42, 329
89, 563
2-4, 548
99, 078
99, 079
'29, (189
121; 058
45, 830
17, 287
35, 699
15, 1-11
40, 111
115, 498
110, 264
15, 996
20, 727
1-2, 556
88, 20-2
36, 108
35, 949
15, 707
5i, 672
17, 702
99, 7 21
89, 088
87, 735
115, 548
122, 504
33, 805
112, 305
ndex of patcents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cartridge-box ----------------------------------
Cartridge-box ----------------------------------
Cartrdoe-box ----------------------------------
Cat.irdge-box ----------------------------------
Cartiid'ge-box ----------------------------------
Csrtiidge-box ----------------------------------
Cartidge-box ----------------------------------
( artridge-box-------------------------...- -- --
Cartridge-box-------------------------...- -- --
Carrigebo ---------------------------------
Cartridge-box ----------------------------------
Car tridge-box..................................
Curtridge-box -----"------------------"----------
Catidge-box ---------------------------------
Cartridge-box ---------------------------------
Cartridge-box ----------------------------------
(artridw -box --------.-------------------------
Cat.' o--------------------------
Cartridge-box ---------- ----------------------"Cartridge-box fastening--- -----------
Cartridge box fastening-------------------------
Cartridge-box, Revolving -_______--------------
Cartridge-box, Revolving.......................
Cartridge-bullet --- ---------------
Cartridge-cap extractor -------------------------
Cartridge-cap extractor ---------------- ---------
Caitridgc capping and uncapping device_--.---_-.
Cairtridge capping and uncapping device-._
Cartridge capping and uncapping device.._..
Cartridge capping device-_.-.-- ----- _.-------
C-rtrdge-cu tang tmacbine--------------.------
Car tridge-case..................................
C-rtridge-case ---------------------------------
CaItige-case ---------------------------------
Caqtridge-case ---------------------------------
Cartridge cas ---------------------
Cartride-cae ---------------------------------
Cartridge-case ckaner -................
Cartridge-case for revolving fire-arms. - -.- -.
Cartridge-case bolder, Metallic -----------------
Cartridge-case, Metalic-----b-------e
Cairtridge-ecse, Meact...............
Cartridge-case, Metallic--------------------------
C it-indge-c ii( Metalih._-u ----------
Cartiide-case, Applying percussion piI-iing to --
C u tiidge c ses1Forming.........- - --.....
Cairtrudge-casesa Macline for beading.-- -- -;- ---- -.
Carti-idgse-cases, MacLine for loading nmetallic..
Cartridge-ases, Machmne for making.... _..._..... _
Cartridge-cases, Macline fir making percussion --
C-artridge-cases, Machine for- necking - --- -- ---- - -
Cartridge-cases, Manufacture of metallic._----.__.
Cartridge-cases, Material for...................- - - -
Caitridge-cutter, Fire-armi-muzzle...............
Car-ride-elector for breech-loading flue-arms.
Cai tridge- ejector foi- breech-loadiiig fire-arms._._
Cartidge -jector for breech -loading lire-arms..
Cartridge-ejector for irevolving fire-arias..-._-.
Cairtridge-ejector for revolving fire-arms.__...
Cartridge, Electrical gun........................
F. Bush- ----- ------ ---- -----
F. Bush.--------------------
F. Clillinigworth..---------.-_
S. Crispin ---.-----------
S. A. Day-------------------
A. Dpinis-------------------
J. Elbert soi................--
W. H. Elliott ----------------
J. W. Frazier--------------..
J. W. Frazier --------
XV. Fi-eeborn..--.---------
C. Howlett--- --------------
(G. Jassath-----------------
J. I. King-----------------
A. D. Laidley-----_.--------
M. C. Leonard --------------
J. C. Ludlam.-------
J. C. M~Giriricss ------------
S. McKeeveru-...............
S. McKeever ----------------
J. Miller.--------------------
WV. H. Morris------------- --
A. C. Ncwcomb arid B. Lyon..--
H. E. P'aine----------------..
J. Pease --------------------
J. I. Pittmian ----------------
XV. lossiter- ----------------
P. F. Scliiiider--------...---
J. S. South ------------ ------
P. S. and F. M. Thomson._.J. TI. Warren--------_.------
I1. S. W eston............M. V. B3. Wbife-------------
W. Z.1uW.Chapman.
J. M. Willson...............
C. Howlett-----------------..
P. F. Schneider.- --.....
WV. 11. Dibble ------- ------ -.J. Logan and ID. W. Eldridge..
W. C. Pickersgill--.- -..- ----
(3. S. Green,.....-----------
(3. V. McGraw---------------
J. F. Nettletori -........
F. A. Kelsey----------------
E.A. iKelsey---------------..
JL. Raub.-----------------
S. A. Day----.--------------
B. C. English---------------..
G. P. Foster---------------..
J. P. Lindsay -.------.---
G. W. Merse-----------.._--
T. J. Powers ---------------
C0. Stieveruell._..._._.......
SW. Wood.---------------
F. H. Aiken. -.......
J. H. Vickers....- -.-_
S. C. Greene................--
W. C. Dodge...............E. C. Dunning---------------
E. Maynard-._.___......
WV. Tibbals--..-.----------
S. W. Wood ------------"----
A. K. Johnston and L. Dow _..
C. Sharps---...--------------
T. I. Powvers................
C. H. Davis.................
T. J. Powers---------------..
E. Allen....................
D. Williamson..._........
A. B. Ely. -------------
A. C. Hobbs-----------------
P. Powell..........
C. H. Bradley......_........J. M. Marlin.................
C. H. Ballard -.............
H. Hammond........
WV. H. and G. W. Miller..
J. T. and G. M. Smith and J.
J. Sweerney.
C. S. Wells.................T. P. Mott and S. Gardner, jr..
A. K. Joboston and L. Dow...
Residence. Date.
Boston, Mass- -- -- -- -- - - --Dec.23, 1862
Boston, Mass- -- -- -- -- - - - -Feb. 10, IWeSpringfield, Mass - -_---__June 15, i869
N~ew York, N. Y.--------Dc. 1, 1-68
Bowling Gi eon, Ohio..... Jan. 11, 1870
New York, N. Y.----------.. p.Apr.1, 1862
Kirksville, Mo... _.........Apr. 21, 1868
Iliou, N. YV---------------June 17,1873
Newark, N. J -- -- -- -- -- - -Feb.20, 1872
Ncevark, N. J--_.-----_---eb. 20, 1872
Tivoli, N..----.-_..-_ Dc.10, 1f67
Nesw York, N. YV _- -.-- May 28, ta67
New York, N. YV---------- Sept. 17, 1861
Washington, 1). C- -..__.Nov. I5,1870
Philadelphia, Pa.- - - ------Aug. 15,865
Washington, 1). C.- -.-.-_Jan. 1,2,1867
Brooklyn, N. Y- -- -- -- -- - -Dec.201870
Washington, 1). C.-..--.Junie 15, 1869
United States Army --- June 10, 1x73
United States Army - - __June 10, 18i3
Uruited States Army--_..Mar. 2(i, 1872
Cold Spring, N. Y.- --..__-July 23, 1867
Springfield, Mass--......Dc..Dc. 3. 1867
TIroy, N. Y - --- - - - - - - --- Dec. 22, 1868
Bostoni, Mass------------- _ _Oct. 31, 1865
New Yoirk, N. Y----..----Jan. 12, 1869
Newark, N. J------------..Aug. 8, 1863
Harttord, Conir-----------.Jan. 21, 1868w
Brooklyn, N. Y.- --- _---Mar. 12, 1861
Hudson City, N. J- -..._Nov. 12, 1872
Stafford, N. Y.-.- -------- June 28, 1864
Akron, Ohio--------------...July 12, 1864
Toy, N. Y---------------- Feb. 14, 1865
Newv York, N. Y----------_ _Mar. 4, 1862
Washington, 1). C- -....Dec. 6, 1859
Manchester, Conn..--..__.Aug. 2-2, 1865
Ilarrford, Coriri----------- _Jnly 31, 1866
M1i'ldletowii, Conri- -.. _..Sept. 29, 1863
Boston, Mass.- -- -- -- -- - - - -Dec. 13, 1870
Providence, R. I----------I. ec. 14, 1869
Mott Haven, N. YV-..-.Mar. 25, 1873
Manikato, Mii...........-July 8, 1873
Branford, Conna--- - -- --- - -Apr. 2-2, 1873
West Meriden, Conn.- _-.Aug. 20, 1872
West Meriden, Cormn - _._Aug. 20, 1872
Meriden, Coon..- ---------.Apr. 8, 1873
Bowling Gi-cen, Ohio-._.._Apr. 26, 1870
Hartford, Connr----------Oct. 8, 1861
Providence, IL. I----------_.Apr. 10, 1860
New Yoi-k, N. YV----------_.July 24, 1860
Baton Rouge, La..__-. May 11, 1858
News York, N. Y. _...-..May 17, 1870
Marion, Ala.. __.....-. Apr. 19, 1870
Cornwvall, N. Y------------ Oct. 15, 1872
Franklin, N.H------------..Jrine 8, 1869
Worcester, Mass ---------- Sept. 8,186:3
Yicksburgh, Mis----------..Mar. 2-2, 1870
Wasbinigton, I). C.....- July 4, 1865
Bridgeport, Conn.._ir.-_..Mar. 18, 186-2
Wasbington, D. C -...__.Jan. 11, 1839
Hartford, Coon------------. _Feb. 23, 1869
Cornwall, N. Y----------- _. _Oct. 28, 1873
Nesw York, N. Y---------- _ _May 10, 1864
Philadelphia, Pa----------_ _Nov. 13, 1860
New York, N. Y----------..June 18, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa----------..Aug. 9, 1864
New York, N. Y.-.--------Apr. 24, 1866
Worcester, Mass.---..-----Feb. 14, 1860
South Coventry, Conn - Oct. 17, 1865
New York, N. Y - -__._ June 21), 1869
Newton, Mass -- - -.- ----Apr. 13, 1869
Bridgeport. Conn - June 15, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio-._._- -------Dcc. 22, 1868
West Chester, Pa.----.Jan. 28, 1862
Hartford, Con-----------.Apr. 5, 1870
Worcester, Mass.- - ---Apr. 9, 1867
Daritoid, Conn------------...Dec. 31, 1867
West Meideni, Conn -.__.Aug. 27, 1867
Springfield, Mass-..-Mar. 18, 1873
New Haven, Coon-.__..__.Dcc. 10, 1872
New York, N. Y---------- __.May 6, 1873
Middletowii, Coon., and Oct. 1, 1861
Topeka, as
37, 216:37, 607
91, 419
84, 616
98, 748
34, 820
77, 016
139, 885
123, 883
1231, 884
7-2, 011
65, 22,5
33, 306
109, 365
49, 421)
61, 345
110, 3179
91, 249
139, 84t6
139, 847
125, 069
67, 065
85, 241
50, 730
85, 849
49, 304
S73, 549
31, 680
132, 992
4:3, 539
46, 41 1
34, 563
216, 4.,2
49, 523
56 804
46, 09-2
110, 052
97, 805
137, 071
141), 718
138, 180
130, 723
1:30, 724
102, 375
32, 4-29
27,49 1
29, 287
20, 214
10:3, 079
102, 051
91, 058
39, 869
101, 121
34, 713
22, 565
87, 125
144, 012
4-2, 666
30, 647
65, 940
4:3, 7550
54, 255
27, 09)4
50, 489
92, 136
88, 948
91, 442
85, 189
34, 2:15
301, 637
63, 605
7-2, 849
68, 099
1:16, 871
133, 7 32
138, 679
33, 393
W. Sclhrritz.. -_.......
H. Lord.--------------------
H. Reynolds................
IN. Thonmpson..............
T. Shaw...................W. C. Dodge and H. D. 0. South
T. J. Powers.........---...
J. G. Stowe and F. F. Allen...
G. Buckel and E. Dorsch.
T. P. Shaftuar------------.....
P. Giffurd...................
J.D. Greene..-..........
IB. King----------------...1. N1. Miibanik----------------
_. _ _,
- - I
Index of paatenits issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Ca-tridge for breeclx-loadxi., fire-arms........... -- -_
Carti dge lor breech-loading lire-armas, Nippled. --
Cartridge for breeh-lo ding fire-arms, Shot._--.
Cartrdge orlbreech-loading gunus -- -- -- -- -- - - - --
Cartridge for bi-cech-loading rifled fire-arms.
Cartridge for canaon, Metal -----------
Cartridg~e for fire-arms...................____...
Cartridge for fire-arms ___ _______- _Cartrxxdgo for fire-arms.........................--
Cartridgeo for fire-arms._......_.._._
Cartridge for fire-arms.........................Cartridge for fire-arms..........................
Cairtr~id'e lor fire-arms............__....__.....
Cartridge lox fire-arms.._.._...................
Caritridge for fire-arms -_..__....._______
Cartridge for fire-arras.....................-- - -- - --
C ar tr i ge for fire-arms, Envelope of...........-- - --
Cartridge for loose ammunition, Metallic......
Cartridge for- ordlnance --- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
Car t r id ge for- revolving fire-arms............. __ __ __
Cartridge for revolv-ing fire-arms fr-rs..............
Car-triade for small-arms....................----
Cairtridge for small-arms-----------____-------_
Cartridge he-ids, Method of re-enforcinig metallic--
Caxtiidgc holder ----------------------------
C arti Age-loader..........................-----
C-irtridge-loader. _. _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Cartridge-loader___ ___ __ _ _ _ _. _.."
Cartridge loider, Pocket.----------------------
Cartidge-loainxyapparatus --------_-_-- ---
Carxtridge-oing device......................
Cartridge-loading machine....................,Cartridge-loading machine......................
Caitridge-loading machine....................
C artridge-magazine..........................
C-artxxdge-making machine............
Cartridge-m'xkiag machine....................CartridgeMetallic...................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Cax tiidgeMetallia...........................
Cartridge, Metallic................
Cartxidge, Metallic..........................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Caxtxxidge Metallic...........................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Cartridge. M etallic_______ _________
Cartridge, M etallic......- ----_ _._Cartxidge, Metallic________________
C ixixidgeMetallic........................-----
Cartidg'e M etallic---- - ---- -- - ----Crrd e M ealc-- - -- - -- - - - - ----
Cairtridge, Metallic..........................
C artridge, Metallic........................____
Cartrdge, Metallic...........................
Cartidg~e Metallic......................_..._
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Cartridge, Metallic................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Caxrtidge, Metallic................._......_
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Carridge, Metallic..........................
Cartiadge, Metallic......................._
Cartrid, M etallic................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Cartride, Metallic...........................
Caxrtidg,e Metalid..e.........................
Cartridge, Metallic...........................
Caritrid- eMetallic...........................
CartridgeMe tatle.........--.._.__..........
Cartridg~eM etallic___ _ _____ ___ __ __
Cririd oc etallic----------------------------
D. Moorse-------------------
T F.Stuxrtevant..--.......
C.E iedrW. WV. Marston and F. Goodell
H. Ilerdaxi - - - --- - - - -
WV. E. Moore..._.._.... _....
J. WV. Cochran..-.-.......
E. Gomez anailW. Mills...
T. T. S. Laidley..........I. M. Milhank.............
I. M. Milbank............
J.. Mieraxi.............
J. Shannoert ---------------
J. WX. Smxith.........---.._.
S. W. Wood..............--
A. K. Jolinstoxi and L. Dow. ---
W. H. IRisley.............--
T. Yates------------------
J. M. Cooper.............--
3D. Williamson..............
T. Cullen................---
3D. M. Mefil,ed.--............
S. W. Wood..............__
L.. Gaines..............---
J. S. Smith...............
G. H. Ferriss._.....__
E. Maynard..............---
J. M. Taylor...............
J. S. Warner............_
G. F.-Dutch----------------
F. A. Tuner................
T. L. Sturtevant...........
M. V. B. Hill..............---
A. C. Hobbs..............--"- -
T. L. Sturtevant............
J. H. Gill................---
1i). Smith................---
W. H. Eltiot.............---
W. H. Horstuxan and H. J.
BI. S. Roberts--------------
E. Allen................---
E. Allen-.................E. G. Allen..........--.....
W. Bakewell...............
H. Beidaxi...............--
ii1. Berdan...............---
A. J.Bergen...............
C. J. Bex-gcn -....-------
A.. S. Blake...............E. M. Boxer................
F. E. Boyd....--..........B. Burton................---
J. J. Chauduir...._...__.....
J. W. Cochiran.............
J. WV. Cechiran.............
J. S. Cr-ary...............---
S. Crispin................---
C. F. anud J. E. Doe Darteini.. - --.
A. C. l)epea and J. Statelier - _
D. C. Farrington----------.
S. For-ehand axnd H. C. Wadsworth.
A. N. C. Garard............
R. J. Gattixig.............- -- --
I. P. Gillespie............. -- - --
A. Hall -- -- -- - - - - - - -- -- --- - -
A. C. Hobbs................ -- -
B. B. Hotchkiss... _.....
J.C. Howe.................--
H. Kellogg------------------
C. 1). Leet and B. B. Hotelikiss
J. Logan and D. W. Eldredge-.
E. Marinix..................
E. Maxin................
E. Maxtin..................E. Maynard----------.-----
E. Mavieid...............---
J. V. Me gs................--
J. V. Mei s.-----------------
H. Metealfeo.-............
I.. Miluank...............I. M. Mittank...........--
I. M.Mitbaik._......._.......
Williamshurgx, N. Y.
Boston., Mass....-.._.
Baltimore, MdI.._......_
New York, N. Y..._
New York, N. V.-----
Newv York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y. _.._.
Watertown, Maxss.._..
Greenfield Hilt, Con.
Greenfield Hill, Conn.
Greenfldx Hill, Conn.
Philadelphia, Pa.
New York, N. Y-.Ioiwa Point, Kans..__-..
Cornwall, N. Y.-.._.....
Middletown, Conix., and Topeka Kans.
Bexrlixn, Coln............Milwaukee, Wis. _._..
Pi tt shxx-gli, Pa. __......
Brooklyn, N. Y._..
San Franc:isco, Cal. _..
Cincinxiati, Ohio. _-.
Cornwall, N.Y........---
W~est Mcxiden, Colin ____.
Brooklyni, N. Y --------.
Utica, N. V..-........_
W~ashingtonx, I). C..-........
Lexixngtoni, Ky.........Ogdenshnx-gl, N. Y.____
New York, N. Y.___..__
East Hartfoird, Con.__Framnguham, Mass.
Bridgeport, Connix-.-_-.
Bridgeport, Coxia.._.__
Framingham, Mass...
Philadelphia, Pa. _..
Sprixngfield, Mass _. _.
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. YV.....
United States Axroy..
Worcester, Mass..__.
Worcester, Mass.----
Boston, Mass...........
Pittsburgh, Pa........ _
New York, N. Y.-----
New York, N. Y.-----
Brooklyn, N. Y....-._..
Brooklyn, N. Y-_._Waterbuiy, Coxn. ----
Woolwichi, England.__.
Boston, Mass..........--
Brooklyx, N. Y.------
Paris, France..........--
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.._..
Salem N.Y............
New York, N. Y.._.
Stxasbnrg, Fxance..-.__
Bridgeport, Corn......
Lowell, Mass. -.......
Worcester, Mass.....
Paris, France...........
Hartford, Conno-... --.....
New Albany, Ind.._._..
New York, N. Y. -_..
Daniville, Iowa........
Bridgeport, Conni.._...
New York, N. Y....
Worcester, Mass. -..
New Haven), Conn -_-.._.
Vienna, Austria, and New
York, N. Y.
Boston, Mass.._._...
Springfield, Mass.........
Springfield, Mass.__-.Sprinigficld, Mass..
Washingtonx, D. C.._..
W~ashixngtonx, D. C -__.--.
WXasin;;toxi, 1). C..__.
W~ahinigtoui, D. C-. --
New York N. V --------
Oct. 31, 1854
June 12, 18613
Julty 4, 1e71
May 18, 185-2
eb. 7, i865
Apr. 28, 1863
Mar. 13, 1860
Axxg. '24, 1858
June 24, 1873
Sept. 3,18 72
Sept. 31872
Oct. 8,1867
Mar. 4,18632
Ot. 28, 1873
Jan. 7,1862
Mar. 27, 3866
Dec. 27,18634
1D1c 6,1864
Jan. 5, 18641
Jan. 7,3868
Apr. 18, i86i
May 7, 1872
Mar. 18, 873
11ec 1,I1ti8
Sept. 12, 1871
Apr. 2,1811
Jnly 13,l1e69
D~ec. 3, 1872
Aug. 13, 1872
Jan. 4,1870
July 22, 1873
Sept. 28, 1869
Feb. 18, 1873
Apr. 29, 1873
Dec. 14, 1869
Nov. 27, 1866
Sept. 12, 1871
Sept. 15, 1863
Mar. 9, 1869
Sept. 25, 1860
May 161, 1865
Feb. 16, 18164
July 7, 1863
Feb. 27, 1866
Sept. 29, 1868
Feb. 26, 1867
May 17, 1814
Juxie 5, 1866
June 29, 1869
Feb. 8, 1879
Feb. 25,!873
laxly 29, 1869
Nov. 7, 1871
May 28, 187-2
July 25, 1871
Apx-. 4, 1871
Nov. 7, 1871
Dec. 7, 1 a69
De1c. 31, 1872
Dec. 5, 1871
Apr. 19, 1870
May 3, 1879
Oct. 15, 1861
Feb. 8, 1870
Sept. 15, 186:1
July 18, 1871
Aug. 31. 3869
Auig. 16, 1864
July 15, 186-2
Dec. 28, 1869
Dcc. 7, 1869
Mar. 23, 18619
July 12, 1870
Febs. 14, 1871t
Sept. 8, 1863
Sept. 29, 1863
Mar. 2, 1869
11, 879
55, 552
116, 640
8, 856
46, 292:18, 32-2
27, 4-28
21, 253
140, 144
131, 016
131, 017
i3l, 018
69, 707
34, 615
52, 370
144, 011
53, 490
45, 666
45, 319
41. 18:1
72, 98-2
47, 317
126, 61:3
1:16, 987
84, 651
118, 849
9-2, 6619
1:13, 6107
130, 414
98, 5-29)
95, 345
135, 913
138, 294
97, 904
60, 074
118i, 916
39, 923
87, 5931
30, 109
47, 688
41, 590
39, 109
5-2, 818
8-2, 587
62, 466
42, 815
55, 233
91, 818
99, 5-28
136, 130
9-2, 795
127, 308
117, 388
113, 6:14
120, 6:10
97, 615
121, 606
102, 109
33, 4N1
99, 666
39, 915
117, 173
94, 210
43, 851
35, 878
97, 537
88, 191
105, 348
111, 836
39, 823
40, 112
87, 352
120, 9
Iiidex of pa(tenlts issued froml the United States Patent Office fromt 17' to 17'3, iniclusive-Contiinued.
Jo vent ii.
(artridge, Metallice............................_
Caritridge, Metallic------------- --_-------------
C-wtidge Metallic.............................
Catridge, Metallic------------------------------
C irtridgeM etallic................
Cart ridge, M etallic._ _._ - ---- --- -- -
( -iridgeM etallic__ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ __ _ - - _
Cairtridge, M etallic -- - - -- ---- -- - -- -
Cartridge, M etallic M tli ---- -- ------- -- -
Cnltiid e, M etallic -_..._.__.._:._
CrtridgeiMeali --------------
C-aitritge, Metitlic-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Caitridge-opeecr _____ ___........
Carridge packing-case.............
Cartridge, 1 atea ii-----.-"------.--
Ca-rtridge percussion-prinner -----------
Cartridge-tenet- - - --- - - -- -- - - - - -
Caitridge, trimed metallic------------
Caitiride,1Priiiid ietallic...........
CartiridgePimied metaillic............
C-rtridge-prim. _......... _. _ _ _ _
C a tride- inn - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -
Cartridge-rtrtrou for' re i-lti fream
Cii tridge-retractom for bhichcloabding thre-arms _- -_
Car tridge-retractlo oCiech-iloading fir(-a"nihs---
Cartrige-retractor lot- tinecti loainig fire-rms - -
Cartrid1e-retractor iforbech-loading lire-irris---
Cii Iidge ii tiactrs 1cm hiech-liloaingiifire-aries -
Cartride-reractor ioI i h cl e-diti fire-arms -
(-tidg-erco o rehlaigfr-til tidge-ielietlo x brechi-cloa-ding firearies- -
Cartridge-reteto fo i br(ech-liding lire-aims--
Cartridge-ieti-acto r fiortirechl ladiimifire-arns _- --
Cartridge-retiactorifor breech-mm'dituie-amies -
Cart-ride-retrictor 1cm breech-1liedii lfire-iriiisCart-de-retractet toirmgze iran ie arms- -_
Catridge retiractoi 1orm hi ccametiiilirearms--
Cartride-retractor forcm- m iiagziic iirearms - - ---
Ca ti-ilge-retractor for revolvinug lire-aims - - -._
Cartrid-retrictor for ievoiving ire-arias - - -._
Cartiidge-reti ictor for revolving lire -rms. - -._.-.
Cartridge-shell................. -
Cartride-shell inetor for- revotviig fire-arias _- - _
Cartridge-stietl exti-actom- --- -_ ________
Cari d e-stilt Iix drilt-tuii-pose...............
Cartrmc g-s-hell ior nmagazine fle -ars.ues -..
Cartrinte-shiell-forming imactine._i._......
1. J. Powers................--
'1. T. Posters-----------------
Bi. S. Rtoberts -"----- --- -----
T. J. Rtodmiaii and S. Critpin. - -
C1. Starpsi--------------------
1. Suiiit i-------------------
\V S. Si eelt-----------------I
G. It Stetont.................
I C pWotdii------- -..- - - - - -
J. AI Vaierr................
it. FtN moliste............
J S ietterielodan S..Mar-..
J. NV iuayin--.-------------
E. 1i. Eltot------------ ---
I.Ci. Moit - -- -------
11 C. iliieiond..........
B..H(itet---- ---------------
1. Cl. Farriiugtoii-------------
A.1C.milthhand J. Werot. -_Alle B.--itiis-------------
1. Bl..--.tha................
F. Balen--------------------
G. P.ets-----------e--------
J.1a --Ci--ra-----.---------
S.P nob 13-.------Foster.
'N.S ShSioot----------------
C. M. Specer......-......_
T. L.Sturtevan..---.-------
1i. Trletr---------------
11 11 WoX~lott..-_--........... -
L. Stahiei-------------------
'.C. Dodge -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
NVI. Clews---nd----------------
S. WV. Wood------ ------ -----
C. H1. Toillit-----------------
G. Ill. ilarringtoii--_-.._
J. M.l. Mi-tin................
A. C. Hobbs-----------------
G. it. itepee................--
A. C. Hobbs and T. V. Boy(ten.
Newv Yor-icNK Y.--..--.
New YorkNl -----
Unlited States Aimy ----
WVatertown) Mass., and
New Yoi kN.Y.
Pliiladtelpiaii --....
S1i~iglield, Mass....
Chiairlsiowii M-ass....
Ilion, N. Y --- --- -- -
Ilioii, N. Y.........
1;u-ecldynN -----i
New I-taxi nCoiiii---
South Coventry, Coiiii..Lowell, IMassa------
Boston, MssI ---- --
New IlaveiiiCoiiin.. --
Ptiilatelphia, Pa. - ---.
Nosy York, N. Y.-.-.-.PlattshnirghN. Y -.-.--.
Burookilynu N I.......
Itarttord, Ciuiin.--.New YorkIN. Y.---..-.New York,- N. Y--.Hlrartford, Conu..........
Lowell, Mass-........
Br idgeport, Coin...
New York N. Y.-----
Greenfield lill, Conu.- - -
Noiwich mand New Haven,
Worester, Mass ----
WVindsor-, Vt ------ -------"
New v Lavei, Celni-..
New York. N, Y----
Moha~wk, NY------
M edfonut, Muss.-...-.
4 aslington,1). C..-..
Springfield, Mass. -....
NVaslimgtoii I. C. -....
Soul Ih Maiinstci Coiin -.
Boston, Mss.........
Yonkers, N. Y.-..- -
MeontgomueirN County, Md.NV'rsliiiig ioun) D 1.-.Ilion, N. Y..--. ---
NV;;sliington, 1) C - -.
Cornwall,.Y--.- --
Montgomeiri, Alam.. -...
Nenetei ILMiss.. - --
lBridlgeport, Coon.. --.
Nesy Iaveii Cone. --.Bridgeport, Con.......
Juiie 1t, 1171
Juiiic2.1, l87t
Febh. 2:3, lct;9
Dec. 15, 163
Api-. i5, 186-2
Jone 15, 11(69
Dee. 28, 1139
J idiie 20, 1871
(let. 24, 171
Janl. 24, 1,-65
Oet. t1, 1171
May 25, l1t69
Dee. 14, 18 69
Jaii. 10, 1171
Nov. 211, 1864
Jain. 1, 11137
May 13, t(1-5
July 16, 1872
July 15, 1162
lec. 20, 1170
Feb. 26, 1e67
Dc. 15, 1863
Nov. 3, 1.63
Oct. 11, 1164
Dee. 17,11172
(Jet. 24, 1171
Feb. 15, 1876
May 31, 1170
J aii. 22, 1136
Mar. 7, 1165
Feb. 7, l65
ebh 20, 1806;
Septt 19,
June 20,l1865
July 25, 186a
Dec 5, 18-5
An-- 27,1(367
July 29, t8ti
INov.7, l865
flay 10, 1864
Iec (3,l1-r4
Janl.17, 1865
Fo(b. 25, 11873
Jail. 2:3, 1161)
July 12, 1e64
Jai. 16, 1161;
Mar. 16, 1169
Feb 7, 1871
Feb. 8,,1870
S--pt. 26, 1171
Pub. 13, 1172
Sept. 14, 1169
1113, 0.94
17, 297
41), 11
34, 917
91, 439
1163, 105
46, 0314
120, 403
90, (307
117, 143
110, 811
45, 292
14, 850
129, 545
6-2 433
40, 978
40, 490
44, (360
133, 929
12:1, 196
99, 819
103. 641
14, 147
46, 617
46, 207
5-2, 179
49, 994
68, 270
50, 154
42, 70-2
45, 356
45, 912
1:16, 1:14
52, 165
43, 529
52, 105
87, 390
9l), 600
119, 3577
94, 745
Cartridge-shells, Construction of - - - - - -.- --------J. F. Cranston - _- - - -- ----Springfield, Mass.- -.
Cartide-shells, Device form-ianufacturing me E. A. Worthen ---------------S _ __ pniengedMas
Caiitridge-shells, Die for making - _- - -_-- --------J. Gardner.- - - -_-- -------- New Haven, Coon....
CarI-ide-shells, Machine fain-drawing--- -- -- -- -- --A. S. Wainer -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sprnfield, AMas s -..
Cartrid-ireshells, Mactine 1cm- lom-mimig external re A. C. Hohbs- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Bridgeport, Coon -. -.
cesses in iithe heds of.
Cartridgte-shells, Machuimue for heading-------------.T. V. Boyden-----------------I.... ridgeport, Con.--_
Cartrudge-shlells, Machinme for- siakinug- - - - -- -- - -- - -NV. A. McIntire. ---.- --- --Springfield, Mass.
Cartiidge-shetts, Macbine Icr ure-nfercing -- -- -- ----C. S. W ells- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Bridgeport, Con._.__Camtriilg3-shelis, Machimue ior tapernimg----------- S.NW. Wood ------------------Cornwvall, N.---V ---
Cii triute-shles, Machine for tapeng._........SAV. NWood ----------- CornwsalN. Y.....
Cartriulg- eshells, Machimie1fm- tapering.-- -- -- -----S. NV. NWoodut- -.-- ----------- Cornwabl, N. YV..........
Cartruulge-shells, Mlaceliuorj tapering -- -- -- -- -- - -S. W. NWooul------------------_ _ __Cormnwalt, N. Y- -- -- -- - - -
Cartidge-shetis, Manufuactueoot.-- -- -- -- -- -- - ----D. Soliili-------..- -------Springlieldl, Mass.--__
Curtride-shells with bullets, Machine 1r inter A. C. Hobbs --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- --Brindgeport-, Cenu._____._
CartrmudgeShot.--------_-------------------------- L. B. lirueim_..----..--------Brooklynu, N. Y ----
CurtrirtgeShtnt-------------------- ------------ B. L. Biuddu-------------------- Now You-k, N.Y ----. -
Cartrde, Shot --------- ---- --------------------.A. It. Davis.-_--___-------East Caom-ridtge, N.Y._CartrideSluot----------------------------------NV. (0. Howard-----. --------- New York, s. Y._
Camtirle Shot................................V. B. Johns..................-United States Au-my_.
CartrmdgeShot_---------------------------------_C. W. Lancaster-------------. Ltndouu,En--bind......
Cartridge, Shot---------------------------------- A. D. Law-s................... Bridgeport, Colui..
Caitrmdge, Shot----------------------..-------- C. NV. Lovet,jr----__--------iostoun, Mass..--.....
CartmidgeShot_........._..................Rl. Mofatt --_----------Bi-ookl1-n, N. Y..-___
CartmidgeShot.................................__S.ANV. laine----------Nillia-osportPa..Carts-itge Shot......................----.....S. XV. Paiiie.-------_---_----- Rlliester, N.Y.....
CartrideShot---------------------------------- C. E. Sneider-----------------.Baltimore, Md.___-....
Cartride Shot................................ C. E. Sneider -----------------BaltimomreMd ------
Cartridge, Shot metallic..........................PE. K. Root-------------------- IhartlordConmu_....__.
CartrideSkin.......-.............. J. lotebbiss-----------......----Midhdletow n,(on.- -
CartridgeSkun._................................NVW. L. Stoim -----------------Now YorkIN. Y......
CartidineSolid---------------------------------it. Buntholsv__---- ---------Unitedl Slates.Army...
Caitid e-te-irer- lor muskets--------- ---------1L). Kelly-------------------- Grand tapiutsMich._---
Cartrud-e tube and conveyer formuing a ire-arnn- - C. NV. Bb clel- - ---- --- -- -- - - - - rNoun. __Vum.--
Camtriulge-tube, &c., Ior fhue-arms, Detacherd imetallic; 1D. Minesingen- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -eaver-, PIa.._.-___.--
Cartridge, Water-j-urof.---------_----------_-----_;-It. luiri-holuw ----------------- U ni-oilStales Armyiii....
Crturiuu-es--andisetting sundiejeetiug caps, lueple It. B. Ihooker................ito lueet,i N....I_. _--
meet floandming.
Aug. 25, 1861 81, 478
Nov. 29, 1170 169, 791
May 21,1872 126,949
July 10, 1866 56,:3:12
Sept. 14, 1169 94, 744
May 9, 1871 114, 639
Apur. 16, 1167 63, 915
Alur. 9, 1872 125, 508
May 7, 1872 121(309
Mlay 7,1172 1213, 610
May 7, 1172 1 26, 611
May 7, 1172 126,612
lc. 7,18(39 97, 51
Ocet. 21, 1873 143, 98i
Jame. 27, 1863 37, 491
Mai. 27, 1162 34, 106
Mar. 20, 1157 12, 545
M11an. 3,19861 77,019
Jiuty 14, 1857 17, 792
1Dcc. 7, 1169 97, 673
Sept. 3, 117-2 131, 104
Apr. 4, 1171 113, 677
Dec. 20, 1870 110, 383
Jani. 31, 1871 1ll,:177
Feb). 27, 1873 136, 3:11
May 10, 1170 102, 964
Seit. 10,1872 131, 189
May a, 1113 38, 414
Feb.ii11(382 34, 367
Oct. 29, 8b1 33(3611
An-. 5,18(32 36,1116
tDec 16, 1(32 37,171
Fei-l 20,l1849 (31;i6
Fieb.27, t849 6, 1)
May 21,l1861 32,347
iMy '21,172 12(, 962
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office fromnt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Cartridges, Apparatus for setting bullets in-....... W. C. Pickersgill............. Providence, R. I.......... Dec. 14, 1869 97, 806
Cartridges, Apparatus for setting caps in metallic. V. C. Pickersgill--------............. Providence, R. I.--........ Dec. 14, 1869 97, 804
Cartridges, Applying fire-extinguishing..-..... W. M. Storm------......---...........- -- New York, N. Y--------.......... Oct. 9, 1855 13, 600
Cartridges, Applying percussion priming to....... A. K. Johnston and L. Dow... New York, N. Y.......... May 10, 1864 42, 667
Cartridges around bullets, Implement for com- J. S. Adams----------------.................. -Taunton, Mass............ May 30, 1865 48, 010
Cartridges, Ball.................................... R. O. Doremus and B. L. Budd. New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 18, 1862 34, 725
Cartridges, Ball..............................L. Wells..................... Astoria, N. Y..............Sept. 15, 1857 18, 217
Cartridges, caps, &c., Forming metallic cases for.. S. WV. Wood................ Cornwall, N. Y............ Oct. 28, 1873 144, 010
Cartridges, Device for crimping................... C. E. Sneider................ Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 10, 1872 131, 188
Cartridges, Faric for envelope for................ A. K. Johnston and L. Dow... New York, N. Y........... May 10, 1864 42, 668
Cartridges, Filling metallic.................... H. Smith and D. B Wesson. Springfield, Mass...._ Apr. 17, 1860 27, 933
Cartridges for ordnance, &c., Graduating acceler J. M. Crockett............... Newbern, Va............ Sept. 10, 1867 68, 609
Cartridges from breech-loading fire-arms, Nipple W. C. Hicks.................N. ew Haven, Conn........ Mar. 10, 1857 16, 797
for discharging or withdrawing.
Cartridges, Implement for capping...----------. ----H. M. Bronson............... Sandusky, Ohio.......... Nov. 11, 1873 144, 435
Cartridges, Implement for uncapping, capping, W. M. Fowler........... Brooklyn, N.Y............ Aug. 21i, 1873 142,157
and charging.
Cartridges, Instrument for extracting caps from... W. Clews................... Ilion, N. Y................ Oct. 3, 1871 119, 506
Cartridges, Machine for attaching balls to......... D. Ellis and G. H. Stetson.... New Haven, Conn........ June 6, 1865 48, 056
Cartridges, Machine for cupping metallic.......... T. J. Powers................. New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 246
Cartridges, Machine for manufacture of metallic.. E. Allen.....---............. Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 19, 1861 31, 695
Cartridges, Machine for priming metallic--...--- T. J. Powers............... N1ew York, N. Y.......... Aug. 14, 1866 57, 258
Cartridges, Machine for tapering metallic......... S. W. Wood.----------.-- -. Cornwall, N. Y.......... May 7, 1872 126, 0(08
Cartridges made of fusible metals, &c............. W. H. Tooth................. Broxton, England........ Mar. 4, 1873 136, 468
Cartridges, Means for uncapping................. C. A. King................. Springfield, Mass......... Oct. 17,1871 120, 075
Cartridges, Metallic wad for......................E. Maynard.................-- Washington, D. C......... Apr. 19, 1864 42, 388
Cartridges, Method of attaching balls to wooden. W. hunt....................New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 10,1848 5, 699
Cartridges, Packing............................... S. Colt...-.................... Hartford, Conn............ Mar. 15,1859 23, 230
Cartridges, Packing............................. E. K. Root................... Hartford, Coun.......... Jan. 18, 1859 22, 675
Cartridges, Packing.............................. C. Sharps.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 10,1860 29, 108
Cartridges, Priming............................... G. A. Fitch................ Kalamazoo, Mich......... Oct. 16, 1866 58, 800
Cartridges, Priming............................ A. Moffatt...................---------- Washington, D. C........ Mar. 13, 1865 53, 168
Cartridges, Priming....................................... C. E. Sineider................. Baltimore, Md............ Oct. 11, 1864 44, 692
Cartridges, Priming............................... T. L. Sturtevant............. Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 27, 1866 53, 501
Cartridges, Priming metallic...................... H. Berdan................------------------.... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 20, 1866 53, 388
Cartridges, Priming metallic................ A. J. Bergen................. Brooklyn, N. Y........... Feb. 26, 1867 62, 407
Cartridges, Priming metallic................... B. Burton..............-......- Brooklyn, N. Y-............ Aug. 11, 1868 81,058
Cartridges, Priming metallic.....................J. F. Cranston...-........... Springfield, Mass......... Sept. 17, 1867 68, 900
Cartridges, Primnting metallic...................... J. F. Cranston................. Springfield, Mass - -.Jan. 28, 1868 73, 877
Cartridges, Priming metallic.................... S. Crispin....................- New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 8, 1805 49, 237
Cartridges, Printing metallic..................... R. J. Gathing........-.......... Indianapolis, Ind......... June 16, 1868 78, 953
Cartridges, Priming metallic..................... C. Jackson and J. G. Pusey... Providence, R. I........... Oct. 24, 1865 50, 592
Cartridges, Priming metallic.........T. T. S. Laidley............. Springfield, Mass......... Dec. 5, 18i5 51, 324
Cartridges, Priming metallic..................... T. T. S. Laidley............... Springfield, Mass......... June 19, 1866 55, 676
Cartridges, Prinming metallic..................... E. Martin. -.........-. Springfield, Mass.....July 18, 1865 48, 820
Cartridges, Priming metallic.........E. Maynard... - -...............Washington, D. C......... Dec. 13, 1864 45, 420
Cartridges, Priming metallic...................E. Maynard................. Tarrytown, N. Y.......... Oct. 23, 1866 59, 044
Cartridges, Priming metallic................... E. Maynard................ Tarrytown. N. Y.......... Jan. 15, 1867 61, 2-25
Cartridges, Priming metallic....................H. Meigs, jr.... -........... -Bergen Point, N. J........ Jan. 28, 1868 73, 739
Cartridges, Priming metallic..................I. M. Milbank................ Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Feb. 19, 1867 62, 283
Cartridges, Priming metallic.................... T. J. Powers..............-.... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 24, 1866 54, 254
Cartridges, Priming metallic................... T. J. Powers- -......---- ----- New York, N. Y.......... June 1, 1869 90, 871
Cartridges, Priming metallic.....................J. Rider...............-- - - - - - Newark, Ohio............. Nov. 5, 1867 70, 612
Cartridges, Priming metallic.................... E. K. Root...................... Hartford, Conn.......... Nov. 15, 1864 45, 079
Cartridges, Priming metallic..................... C. Sharps....................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 1, 1863 40, 772
Cartridges, Priming metallic............D. Smith..__.................... Springfield, Mass......... June 11, 1867 65, 774
Cartridges, Priming metallic.................... C. E. Sneider............... Baltimore, Md............ Nov. 22, 1864 45, 210
Cartridges, Priming metallic.................... T. L. Sturtevant.............. Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 17, 1866 54, 038
Cartridges, Priming metallic................. WXV. Tibbals..... - -.. South Coventry, Conn..... May 26, 1868 78, 337
Cartridges, Scraping disk or wad for ordnance..... J. M. Connel............... Newark, Ohio..............Nov. 29, 1864 45, 227
Cartridges water-proof, Rendering................ A. K. Johnston and L. Dow... New York, N. Y.......... June 24,1862 35, 687
Cartridges, Water-proof.......................... R. O. Doremus and B. L. Budd New York, N. Y----.......... --- Mar. 25, 1862 34, 744
Cartridges, Winged metallic... - -...... A. D. Perry.................. - New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 5, 1850 7, 147
Carving and engraving, Hand-tool for........... G. B. Soley.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 21, 1871 112, 860
Carving and molding machine, Wood..........- M. T. Boult................... Battle Creek, Mich........ July 4, 1871 116, 543
Carving and ornamenting machine, Wood........ M. T. Boult.................... Battle Creek, Mich........ June 15, 1869 91, 410
Carving device, Wood.............................Ruger................... West Farms, N. Y........ July 29, 1856 15, 441
Carving-fork................................... H. Garbanati...........B.....rooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 27.1859 26, 579
Carving fork and knife-sharpener combined....... E. S. Scofield.............. Rochester, N. Y........... July 21, 1868 O 80, 226
Carving in wood, Imitation of open................ W. H. May....................Bridgeport, Coon......... Jan. 29, 1867 61, 549
Carving-knife.................................- C. W. Sykes................... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 8, 1859 26, 061
Carving-knife..................................O. W. Taft................... New York, N. Y.......... May 3, 1870 102, 617
Carving knife and fork holder....................A. T. Foster.................. Albany, N. Y............. Dec. 10, 1867 72, 009
Carving-machine- -H. Augur................... New Haven, Conn......... Dec. 23,1846 4,906
Carving-machine............................... H. Augur..................... New Haven, Conn......... Jan. 23, 1849 6,058
Carving-machine................C. E. Bacon.................. Buffalo, N. Y.... Sept. 21, 1852 9,269
Carving-machine................................ V. W. Blanehard.............. Bridport, Vt.......... May 11, 1869 89, 911
Carving-machine............................ J. W. Campbell...............New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 15, 1871 117, 978
Carving-machine...... L. S. Chichester............... Williamsburgh, N. Y..... June 3, 1851 8, 141
Carving-machine...... H. Cottrell.................... Newark, N. J............. Nov. 18, 1873 144, 745
Carving-machine..... H. Grubenbecher............. New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 15, 1873 137, 837
Carving-machine....A. Henkel.................... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 13, 1869 88, 8139
Carving-machine..... A. McCreight................. Tranquility, Ohio......... Mar. 31, 1868 76, 0'3
Carving-machin-...... G. Merrill......... Nwburyport, Mass....... Sept. 15, 1868 82, 145
Carving-machine................G................. Merrill..... Newburyport, Mass....... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 430
Carving machine.... B. J. Tayman.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 21, 1872 126, 9134
Carving machine..... H. Thomas.................... Brooklyn, N. Y........ June 17, 1873 139, 980
Carvig machine bit............................ C. F. Bauersfeld............... Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Aug. 1, 1854 11, 407
Carving machine, Wood...... H. H. Adams.................. Newburyport, Mass....... Sept. 1, 1808 81, 722
Carving machine, Wood... A. Bsse...................... Quincy, ll................ Dec. 3, 1817 71, 568
Carving machine, Wood... I. Lindsley.................... Providence, R. I....... Dec. 22, 1857 18, 9i7
Carving machine, Wood....................... I. M. Singer..................New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 11, 1855 13, 921
Carving machine, Wood......................... J. Westworth................. Chicago, Ill............... June 0, 1871 115, 619
Carving, polishing, &c., Machine for............ IR. T. Smith...................Nashua, N. H..... Nov. 12, 1872 132, 928
Carving table.................................. R. E. Deaie................... New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 2, 1 66 58, h7
Carvilu table..-------------------------... W. Ihoward.................. Xatertow, N. V......... July 16, 1872 123, 5Il
Carvii -tables, Heating........................... atrick.................... alhbs urgh, Ill............ Feb. 21, 1805 48, 491
Carving-tool...................................... M. T. Boult................... battle Creek, Mich........ Mar. 14, 1871 112, 080
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Carving wood....... M. T. Boult------------................... ---Battle Creek, Mich........ far. 15, 1,70 100, 848
Carving wood or nmetal, Machine for...------.. I. M. Singer................... Pittsburgh, Pa............ Apr. 10,1840 6, 310
See Album-case.
Bacon and ham case.
Bottle and glass case.
Bottle and transportation case.
Cast-metal case.
Corn-sheller case.
Corpse preserving case.
Fire-kindler case.
Folding case.
Glass case.
Jewelry and silver-ware case.
Lace and ribbon case.
Lamp-ratchet-wheel case.
Metal case.
Moth-proof case.
Pen and pencil case.
Photographic card case.
Piano-forte case.
Pin-package case.
Post-oflice letter-case.
Postage-stamp case.
Postal-card case.
Printer's type-case.
Record-book case.
Ribbon and velvet case.
Sewing-machine case.
Sheet-metal case.
Spool-exhibiting case.
Spool-silk case.
Spool-thread case.
Steam-gage case.
Tape-measure case.
Tobacco-pipe case.
Turbine water-wheel case.
Valve case.
WVater-whol case.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Case-stand........................................ A. F. Do Puy---------------.................. New York, N. Y -......... Aug. 30,1870 106, 921
Cash-box, Alarm...--------------------.-.-.-.- J. D. Perkins................. New York, N. Y.......... May 18,1869 90, 187
Casing for reverberatory ind other furnaces....... W. F. Durfee................. Bridgeport, Conn......... Feb. 23, 1869 87, 152
Cask d..... ar.............. J. Connolly................... Boston, Mass............. July 21, 1863 39,274
Cask and barrel....................................M. Hickey.................. Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 16, 1866 58, 821
Cask and barrel................................... J. Marshall............ Brooklyn, N. Y........... Mar. 12, 1872 124, 601
Cask and barrel for oil........................... A. Thompson................ Brooklyn, N. Y............Jan. 20, 1863 37, 477
Cask and barrel headings........................ H. Andrews.................. Canaan, Conn............. Mar. 2,1836.
Cask and box identifying mark................. E. A. Locke................... Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 16, 1866 58, 847
Cask, barrel, &e................................. J. Merrill..................... Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 2, 1866 58, 449
Cask, barrel, &c............................... J. Merrill..................... Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 2, 1866 58, 450
Cash, barrel, &c...............................J. Merrill...................Boston, Mass.......... Nov. 13, 1866 59, 622
Cask, barrel, and keg............................ J. Merrill...................Boston, Mass............. Oct. 2, 1866 58, 451
Cask, Beer........................... _M. Seitz..................... Williamsburgh, N. Y...... May 27,1873 139, 334
Cask, Brewers'.................................. J. Wiley..................... Allegheny City, Pa....... June 18,1872 128, 003
Cask, Brewers' stocking...................... J. Jakel............Detroit, Mich.............July 29, 1873 141, 354
Cask-filler...................................D. Cope..................... Liverpool, England..... June 7,1870 103, 845
Cask for containing fermentable beverages..... J. Hamilton and R. Paterson.. Glasgow, Great Britain... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 029
Cask for fermenting wine........................ J. Glenert..................... Washington, Mo.......... July 16, 1867 66, 701
Cask for holding oil, quicksilver, &c.............. A. D. Campbell and E. Perce.. New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 7, 1862 34, 051
Cask for lager-beer............................. J. J. Schilhnger............... New York, N. Y.......... May 3, 1870 102, 716
Cask for paste................................. H. Braunhold................. New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 622
Cask for reserving beer, &c.................. J. Ilaegoe..................... Shilob, Ill.................. Jan. 24, 1865 45, 994
Cask-handle...................................J. L. Jones.....__......... Utica, N. Y............... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 759
Cask-heads, Machine for holding................. J. D. Leach.................. Penobscot, Me............. Aug. 28, 1866 57, 522
Cask-heater.................................... S. Burgess..................... Wayne, Pa................ Apr. 21,1857 17, 076
Cask-hoops, Machine for shaving................. J. G. Morgan............... Colton, N. Y.............. Sept. 4, 1866 57, 753
Cask-hoops, Machine for shaving................. S. Wagner................... Monroe, Wis.............. Oct. 4, 1864 44, 567
Cask-mactine............................S. King...................... Suffield, Conn............. Mar. 23, 1836....
Cask, Metallic.................................- W. B. Scaife................. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Apr. 24, 1860 28, 014
Cask, Oil-proof................................. G. E. Van Derburgh.......... Mamaroneck, N. Y........ Mar. 18, 1862 34, 707
Cask or barrel-.................J. Marshall.......... Brooklyn, N. Y............ July 18, 1871 117, 185
Cask, Sheet-metal............................... S. J. Seely.................. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Aug. 12, 1862 36, 175
Cask-stopper faucet-attachment................ C. Raggio................... Memphis, Tenn........... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 726
Cask-washing machine........................... W. Johnson.................. Milwaukee, Wis.......... May 25,1869 90, 550
Cask-washing machine..........................W. Robinson................. Bridgewater, England.... Dec. 1, 1863 40, 797
Cask, Water-tight............................ D.C. Rand and M. Wadhams.. Perinton, N. Y............ Aug. 12, 1862 36, 168
Casks and barrels, Device for raising--....---. R. Smith..................... Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 14, 1868 73, 398
Casks and barrrels, Machine for pitching--...----- A. Warth------------------..................... -Stapleton, N. Y........... May 16,1871 114. 999
Casks and barrels, Machinery for making...... J. Hale....................... Oakum, Mass............. June 21, 1828.....
Casks and barrels, Method of repairing-----....-- C. A. Baldwin................. Boston, Mass--------............. Oct. 11, 1864 44, 591
Casks, Apparatus for applying liquids to.........J. O. Woodruff................ Albany, N. Y............. July 17, 1866 56, 483
Casks, Apparatus for pitching...................F. Brenner.................... Cincinnati, Ohio........... Mar. 25,1873 137, 173
Casks, Apparatus for steaming lard and oil........ C. J. Yergason............... Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 17, 1870 103, 116
Casks, Apparatus for transferring liquids from.... D. Sexton................. San Gabriel, Cal.......... Nov. 22, 1864 45, 183
Casks, barrels, and kegs, Manufacture of.......... J. Merrill..................... Boston, Mass............... May 29, 1866 51, 137
Casks, barrels, &c., Apparatus for pitching.... G. Meyer and J. Dick....... Quincy, Ill............. Aug. 5, 1873 141, 449
Casks, barrels, hogsheads, &c., Application of hot J. Thompson.................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Dec. 30, 1829.....
water or steam in making.
Casks, &c., Composition for coating ale............. C.P. Matthews............... Grantham, England....... Sept. 5, 1871 118, 738
Casks, Composition for lining ale and beer......... J. Werner.................. Mannheim, Baden......... Jan. 25, 1870 99, 124
Casks, Construction of metallic...................J.I. Bard..................... New Orleans, La........ Apr. 8, 1873 137, 510
Casks containing liquids, Ventilation of........... L. Whilbelin.................. Buffalo, N. Y............. June 19, 1860 28, 799
Casks, Device for closing the mouths of........ J. F. C. Rider................. South New Market, N. H Apr. 2, 1872 125, 220
Casks from saturated timber, Machine for cutting L. Wells...................... Bartsville, N. Y.......... Jan. 27, 1838 582
headings for.
Casks, &c., from solid pieces, Method of turning... J. P. Osborn................... Staunton, N. J............June 20, 1854 11, 136
Casks, Gage for.............................. J. W. Cochran............... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 28, 1857 17, 185
Casks, &c., Gage for contents of..............J.K. Barney............... Warren, R. I..............Oct. 19, 1858 21, 8609
Casks, Gaging and ullaging.................... W. W. Cooper.............. Washington, D. C......... Oct. 31, 1865 50, 689
Casks, toop-lock for............................ T. Hanvcy.............. Elma, N. Y................ July 12, 1864 43, 494
Casks, Hooping............................... D. and E. Perry......... Pawtucket, R. I........... Mar. 19,1867 63, 088
Casks, Instrument for gaging................... J. K. Barney................Warren, R. I............. June 21, 1859 24, 438
Casks, Instrument ifor gaging.................... E. R. McKean................ Nashville, Tenn........... July 12, 1870 105, 352
Casks, Instrument for measuring liquid in..-.. W. C. McCarthy.............. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Nov. 21, 1865 51, 069
Casks, Joint of metallic........................ M. Wappich.................. Sacramento, Cal.......... July 9, 1867 66, 540
Casks, Lining for coal-oil.......................... S. G. Morrison................ Williamsport, Pa........ Sept. 16, 1862 36, 474
Casks, Machine for making heads of.............. E. P. Spaulding................ Saint Louis, Mo........... Mar. 7, 1865 46, 717
Casks, Machine for pitching lager-beer and other.. H. A. ltatterman.............. Cincinnati, Ohio........... June 7, 1870 104, 062
Casks. Machine for chamfering, crozing, and howel- P. Estes....................... Adrian, Mich............. Dec. 3, 1846 4, 869
Casks, Machinery for making.................... J. Hamilton................... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 13, 1852 8, 873
Casks, Making................................... U. Emmons................... Green County, N. Y....... Jan. 8,1823........
Casks, Making...................................J. Little..................... Hlillsborough, N. H........ July 25, 1818..
Casks, Manufacturing............................W. Reid...................... West Hebron, N. Y........ Apr. 19, 1864 42, 445
Casks, Metal lock tor weoden hoops for............ I. W. Catlin.................. lurlington, Vt............ July 19, 1864 43, 821
Casks, &c., Method of cooling and drawing fluid F. Espenschade................ Williamsport, Pa........ June 24, 1856 15, 177
Casks, Method of securing heads in seamless...... D. Phillips and W. Reid....... Shaftsbury and West Ar- Apr. 16, 1867 63, 810
lington, Vt.
Casks, Mode of cleaning musty beer and other.... D. Willard,jr................ Pittsford, N. Y............ Aug. 31, 1869 94, 460
Casks oil-proof, Rendering....................... S. Gardner................. New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 3, 1865 50, 238
Casks or barrels, Machine for driving hoops on.... J. A. Loomis................... Fond du Lac, Wis....... Aug. 15, 1865 49, 425
Casks or barrels, Rolling.......................... E. L. Collins.................. Wellfleet, Mass........... Jan. 5, 1864 41, 139
Casket-handle.................................. I5. Leonard................... Winsted, Con........... Jan. 4, 1870 98, 506
Casket-handle.................................... A. McGuire................ Winchester, Conn......... Aug. 16, 1870 106, 416
Casket-handle....................................W. M. Smith................. West Meriden, Conn...... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 759
Casket-handle.................................... C. Strong.................... Winsted, Corm........... May 7, 1872 126, 500
Casket-handle....................................H. C. Wilcox................ West Merien, Conn...... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 508
Casket, Jewel.................................. J. Mathiew................... Paris, France............. Jan. 11, 1870 98, 785
Caskets, Manufacture of.........................T. Hgarty................... Saint Louis, Mo........... Jan. 15, 1861 31, 119
Cast-iron chair...................................J. L. Mott..... New york, N. Y.......... Oct. 2, 1847 5, 317
Cast-metal case for spring-balances......... J. Chatillon.................. New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 10, 1867 71, 980
Castmetal dies, Manufacture of................. L. Chapman.................. Collinaville, Conn......... Nov. 23, 1869 97, 046
Cast metal, Pressing............................ J. B. Tarr..................... Fairhaven, Mass.......... Oct. 31, 1871 120, 467
Cast metal, Surfacing articles of.................. I. Tucker.................... Newton, Mtss............June 1, 1869 90, 892
Casts and fancy articles, Cumposition f8r forming M. Schall..................... New York, N. Y....... Mar. 3, 18 8 15, 058
Cst, ooit, Iir maki, "eanto icl.... 1 J. 11urtord................... alon. Ohio............... Mar. 13. 1866 53. 225
%/t, tVllV111V11 l11C 1 L C1ClV~JV~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Index of pattenlts issued front the United States Patent OUffce front 1790 to 1373, inciusire-Continued.
Invention. Invenitor. Residence. Date. No.
Casts, fancy articles, toys, &c., Composition for M. Schall.....................New York, N. Y- - - - -.----Juno 30, 1863 39, 070
Casts for fancy articles, Compound foriniakia g.- H. Hirsch............- - --...... Now York, N. Y---..........-Mar. 5, 1872 124, 355
Casts for pads, Apparatus for taking...._ __..........F. Kesmodel.. --.... --- -. San Francisco, Cd.-- --.July 9, 1861 32, 773
Cast~s from the laces of living persons, Modo of C. Mills.............-- - -_.......Washington, D. C.-_---._Apr. 4, 1865 47, 121
Casts, Mode of preparing plaster................__ __ __ T. Taylor.................... - - - -Washington, U. C.--------Oct. 6, 1868 82,S891
Castanets...._.......................G. F. Fessenden.............._Arlington, Mass -......June 1, 1869 90, 832
Caster.......................................--- J. T'. Barnes _.............Hudson City, N. J.----June 25, 1867 66, 116
Caster.........................................--T. Beach...................... Freeport, Pa............. Aug. 7,1866 57,5036
Caster......................................... ---J. Bradhury.............---BerlhnCon.............-Nov. 7, 1871 120, 568
Caster.......................................-_- M. S. Brownell................ Adian, Mich............. May 4,1869 89,6728
Caster.......................................--- S. Curtis...............----- ewIYoirk, N.Y.......... Sept.30, 1873 143, 334
Caster.......................................... J. N. Dinsmore_.............Kendall Mills, Mle...... June 18, 1872 128, 129
Caster..................................----.....-XV. P. Eiliott.................-Ciciniviti, Ohio....-....Apr. 6, 1869 88, 558
Caster.......................................... F. G. Ford._......... - New York, N. Y _......Aug.,1869 93, 292
Caster.....................................F. A. Gardner......_........Danbury, Conn_........Jan. 24, 1871 111, 193
Caster.........................................--E. G. Gory.................... Cincinrnati, Ohio.._....-..Jnne 11, 1672 127, 802
Caster.....................G-. rae........MsilnOi........Ar._6,_87010,23
Caster.....................................J. Kintz.....................-XWest Met iden, Con. --Sept. 20, 1870 107, 507
Caster......................................---..Klutz._...............West Meriden, Con.---June 6,1871 115, 619
C aster.......................................--- C. K u ise ly...................--- -- -Chicago, Ill.----.-... Apr. 19,1864 42,381
Caster......................................... C. Koisely......_Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 19, 1864 42, 382
Caster.........................................C. Lewando..........Boston, Mass........Nov. 17,1868 84, 126
Caster............................X. C. McGill.. ____.......Cincinnati, Ohio..........-Apr. 27, 1869 89, 418
Caster.......................................---J. Miller.....................Glean. N. Y..............--Feb.16, 1809 86, 997
Caster.................--......................G. B. Muon -.--.. --...-.--Now Brunswick, N. J- July 16,1872 128, 972
Caster.........................................--J. W. Pugh..................--Grand Rapids, Mich._Join.9, 1868 78, 690
Caster.........................................---J. M. Riley.........-_......Newark, N. J............Sept. 11,1866 57, 971
Caster.......................................----- 1. L. Rivers_._..............Sainit Louis, Mo.....--- June 29,1869 91, 873
Caster.........................................---J. Toler.....................-Newark, N. J............-May 20 1873 139, 212
Casters.........-................................ A. C. Twining._._.............New Haven, Coon._. _ Feh. 4,1868 74 019)
Caster.........................................---G. XV. Waitt.................-Philadelphiia, Pa_..........Dec. 23,1873 145, 769
Caster.........................................---J. White.....................-Providence, 11. I_.......Dec.24, 1867 72, 575
Caster Adjustahl.................X. C. Dodge.. ___..............Washsington, D. C -_-_.__May 17, 1864 42, 754
Caster and cake-hasket..........................--J. W. Larisoore...-......... Chicago, Ill...............IFeb. 16, 1869 87, 054
Caster aiid fan, Automatic _..................... A. H. Nonlyke............. Richmond, -hid...........Oct.- 20, 1857 18, 466
Caster and fruit and cake dish_...........J. W. Larimore-....... Chicago, li..............Feb. 2,1869 86, 422
Caster-aiid spoon-hiolder, Combined............... _ _ _L. Evans.-----..........._ -...Pittsburgh, Pa........... - -Nov. 29, 1870 109, 602
Caster attachnment for furniture..................- -- -- -J. 11. Travis................- -_ _ -Chsarlestown, Mass...June 17, 1873 140, 097
Caster'Ball-.....................................-A. F. Ahrens._._-............Philadelphia, Pa-..........May 8, 1847 5,102
Caster, Ball...................................--- S. S. iHickok and D. B. Clement Boston, Mass.............--Apr. 14, 1868 76,6030
Caster, Ball...................................--- F. S. Smith.-.-........._..New Haven, Coin......Nov. 20, 1867 71, 546
Castor, Ball.................................L. Wilkinson.................--Boston, Mass.............. June 9, 1868 78, 850
Caster, Ball furniture........................... J. Holmes.................Boston, Mass... -........Apr. 1, 1862 34, 833
Caster, Ball furniture..............J. C. Pedrick.................X _ _ _ assiiigton, D. C.. Aug. 16, 1859 25,138
Caster, Ball furniture........................... _ _ _ _ _B. A. Russell-. _.. _____.. Deep River, Cottn..__.._ Jan. 25, 1659 22, 751
Caster, Bottle...................................--E. Gleason..-............Dorchester, Mass.._Oct. 21, 1856 15, 946
Caster, Chair................................... - -- -- -- - - -T. Fry......................- - - - -Brooklyn, N. Y..._ -.......Apr. 10, 1860 27, 792
Caster for bedsteads, Trap.............-........D. Heniderson................--Boston, Mass.............--Mar. 15, 1864 41, 919
Caster for hilliard-tahles and furniture............-- -- -W. Reagan...- -... -.........New York, N. Y..___-......Junie 14, 1870 104, 201
Caster for trunks and furniture, B al l.............. -- - J. Knight........--.........Newark, N. J.."-......Aug. 26, 1856 15, 611
C'aster-framse...................................--F. J. Miller.._........._..Brooklyn, N. Y........... Feb. 12, 1867 61, 947
Caster, Firiiiture...............................--A. T. Adanis.................-Indianapolis, Id..........Oct. 6,1868 82, 783
Caster,13Furniture.............................A. C. Arnold asnd 0. G. Haiis- Norwalk, Coon..- -.........May 7, 1872 126, 433
Castei, Furiiture...............................--MA. L. Biahb............Cape Elizabeth, Mo. T une 13, 1865 48, 146
Castes,lusustuse...............................--G.EL.Bailey.................._Portland, Me-.............Mar. 20, 1855 1', 578
Caster, Fruiture........------------- D. S. Blarnes _._....... New York, N. Y_.........July 5, 1859 24, 607
CasterI orunssor-e........................--...J. T. Bariies..............Hudson City, N. J.----Oct. 30, 1866 59, 1(63
Caster-, Furiisture...............................-R. J. Beardsley.-.........Brooklyn, N. V........... Feb. 14, 1865 4(1,331
CasterForiure...............................--L. Bertacho.-_............Allegheny, Pa............ Jani. 18, 1870 98,1)12
Caster 13 irasture...............................XW. 1. Blackman...............-Columbus, Miss.----Jais. 30,1872 123, 147
Caster, Furnsture....... IIH. D. Blake..........New Hartford CestreConis Apr. 27, 1858 20,0:ii
Caster, Furniture........................._ __ __ __ __....J. H. Bloomfield.............. Chicago, Ill...._ _.........Nov. 11, 1862 36, 890
Castes Fosisitine...............................--S. A. Bracket__.............Boston, Mass.........Dec. 31, 1872 134, 350
Cister,1Furniture......................... _.....J. D. Bradley........... _... -Washington, D. C.._Aug. 16, 1864 43, 850
CasterFurnituie...............................--J. Browim....................--Utica, N.Y............... Apr. 21,1868 76, 885
Casterbusrniture.. _.. _. _.......................J. D. Browne. _..............Madisonville, Ohio _..._June 18, 1872 128, 107
Castesr,3Furniture.................T. P. Burger.................. -- - O st rOyster Bay, N. Y.-----.-_Dec. 15, 18.57 18, 839
Caster, Foritur-_............................L. F. Cert....................IxNew York, N. V.......... Nov. 20, 18617 71, 363
CasterFunimture................................ S. Chandler_.............New Yoik, N. Y........Juse 8, 1869 91, 086
Castes, Furniture..............................S. Chandler................... New Yotk, N.Y.......... Nov. 2, 1869 96, 393
Caster,13Furniture........ __...................... F. G. Ford. _.................XXWashington, D. C.__--__._Mar. 28, 1865 47, 007
Caster, Furniture................................ F. G. Ford.............----oi,-.Y......Oc.-3,186-8,99
CseFunts............................... F. G. Ford...Y.kNY...._.__._ e~rkN -.....May 17, 1870 103, 165
Caster, Furnittire................................ F. G. Ford...................l- Bidgeton, N. J... Oct. 8, 1872 132, 066
CasterF3urniture...............................E. E. Fornoy................--Chieopee, Mass...........-June 9,1868 78, 798
Caster.1 usosture...............................G. H. Gl1ad.............oton HilasMass iov.11, 18Q732144,53
ï~~2 74
Thfl x of patents issued from the United Cates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, iasc-bsive-Continsed,
Ca,torFsrns ure................
Caster, Furniture..................
Casters Fusnitore....................
Cast erFurnsture.................
Caster, Furniture................
Cwaster, a' urostus 0 __. -...............- -
(a- sts-Furniturso---------------------------...
Caster, 'F'u ntur._.................
(asters auritsure...................
Ca-ster, Furnitur e............... - - - -.._
Caster, Furniturn............_....
CasterFurnsture...... - --.......... -.....
Casster, Furnsture---------------............
Custers Glass tableo................
Castes, Globe -..........._..........
Caster or bottle-holder--_..----.---..---
Castes-, Pepper---------------------. _.......Caster, Pepper.. -...................-.Caster:icleie....-..--..............
Caster, Revolving-----------------...........
Caster, Revolving bottle............. - - - -......
Caster, Salt ands pepper........................
Caster, Sewing-mnaehine............-.-.... - - - - -
Caster, Sewing-machine- ----............
Castes-, sewisg-' aselne.-.....-......-- - - -...
Castesr, Sowing-naebinae..---..-..- --....
Cas tes-, i ewiing-maachne---------------...........
Caster, Sowing-maachine------------.........-.
Caster, Sewing-maehine........--..--...-.... -
Castes-, Sewinsg-machine.._....................
Caster, Seeing-ma-hine......- -.....-...Caster, Sewangmachine................
Castes, Sewesng-acisn. -... -..- -...o.Castes, Sewing-machisne.....-........
Castes, Sewing-machin--------------------.....
Caster, Sewisng-machine--------------------.....C aster, Sewing-machine............-- - -.-.....
Caster, Sewing-maihne................
C aster, Sewing-macbane.................
Caster, Sewing-machine. ---...........
C.str, Sewing-macbane--------------------...
Caster, Sewing-machine------------......-...
Caster, Sewing-machine...-.............-- - -.
Caster, Sewing-achine..........--......
Caster, Sewing-machine - ------- -
Caster, Sewing-machine.............. -..
Caster, Sewing-snachine.-....... -.........
Caster, Sewing-maehine.........-...- - --... -
Caster, Sewisng-esacine -.....................
Casiter-, Sewing -machine-------------------....
Caster -socket.-.............-.........._
Caster, Spring................-.........Caster, Spring -..... -......................
Caster-stand.-.......-.- - -... - -........
Caster-st ad....... o................-.
Caster, Steve -leg- - --..............
Caster, Stove-leg, &e.... -...................
Caster, Sirsup -....................
Caster, Table------------...--........
Caster', Table -.......... -.................
Cast er, Table.........-.- -................Caster, Table.................................
Caster, Table----------------------.........
Caster, This-----------------------........Caster, Table........................
Caster, Table...------------.-...........
Caster, Table-............................
Caster, Table........--.....-.........
Ca ster, Table.-........o.. -.. -.... -..-...o.
Caster, Tablo -...... -. e -...........-...
Caster, Tabe-...............-...........
Caster, Table........ - - -..............
Caster, Table................................
Caster, Table-----------------------.........
Castes-, Table -........- -............
Caster, Table.-..-.....-.......... -<........... -
Caster, Table----------....-.............
S. C. Pratt................
J. M. Riley J.S re t..........o..
C.-B.Saredtn--.-..---...C. B. Sheldon..............
C. B. Sheldon.............
C. B. Sheldon..............
C. B Sheldon - -- --- - - - - - -
C. B. Sheldon...............
F. Smith................
1. A. Staffnrd............"--
A. CG. Stevess.............
S. B. Cliassa.s...............
W. W. Wade.......-.-.....
A. W alker.....--.......L. S. White---------.....
L. S. White---------..........
J. A. Wied ersiseim.......--
J. HI.Wilhelsn and F. G. Ensigns
C. G. Wilson-.......
A. F. Younsg-.................
CW.LHunta................. Wl....an ---------------
H. C. Wlnalo...............
H.CWlo C. H. Latham asid J. 5. Lngg.E. Gleason.-----....----
J. Bird..................---
L. 0. Allen-.._....T. T. Bishoip and H. J. Merr t.
B. J. Clark -. _--- -. -.
F.F. Clark............
F. H. Buncan..............
WF. P. Elliot---------.....-.W. P. Elliot -.-......
W. B. Hatehb...... -.......
R. Hathaway -.......
H. Jones................----
J. B. Lincoln...-.......
S. MeAfferty----------.....
J. H. Plaok..............
C. K. Procter--------.....- -
G. K. Proctor- -.......
J. K. Proctor..............
JT. IRobertson................
B. F. Ryder.............J. B. Sargent -....------
H. A. Slklaner...........
J. E.Smsith................_
C. F.Staffors and L. Stansberry
N. B. Steeps -o......
J. M. Veasey......._
J. 111. Veasey ----.---
Ji. N. W ilkins. -....-....
W. W. Wr-ighat..........
A. C. Twining............
E. J. Hall........-......-.
E. J. Hall.................
G. B. BDudley -.............
C. Pteistle..................E. H. Harding..............
H. A. Humspharey -.-._...
H. A. Bit kes....-.-.......
H. Faehs.----------....
R. Gleason,.jr...............
IE. A. Ilicatasad -. -..__...
C. H. Lathana................
F. B. Manning-------------..
A.. B. Searlea-.........
A.B -Searlea-........
T. Shaw - ---------- -- - - -
C. B. Sheldon..---..DShrod...............
B. Sherwood.........
D. Sherwood --- -.------
B. Sherwood.................
B. Sherwood...............i. Sherwoodi and G. B. Dudley
D. SherwouodF. P. Woodsand
G. B. Bedley.
WF. M. Smith...............
G. D).Woodworth -.........
F. L. Caasdall............"
"T. W. C. aid JF. Faskoll -.
R:esidence. Date.
Boston, Mass..........Aug~. 11, 1168
Newark, N..J........... Nov. 2', 186i2
New Haven, Coan- -....Jauly 12, 1870
New York, N. Y.--. -... ee. 24, 1872
New York, N. Y -..o - _ Mar. 21, 1873
New York, N. Y---------- Mar. 25587
New York, N. Y........ _ Mar. 21, 1873
New York, N. Y ---------- Apr. 8, 1873
New York, N. Y.- - - - - - June 3, 1173
Boston, Mass------------- _Jan. 1., 11867
E sex, N. Y--------Oc.23, 11601 MnhseN -
it neheste -, - -H-A......... s.p. 21, 1811
Nwork,01N. Y -...Fe.12, 1150
Sprintlield, Mass-....-.......eb it.y 17, 1153
New Haveas, Conna.a...... ass.:3, i865
Chicopee. Mass.-...- Jan. 31, 1154
Chicopee, Mass.- - -...Ausg. 1, 1134
Philadelphia, Pa-----------Oct. 2, 1866
Chicago, Ill.. -........ Bee, 26, 1111
Brooklyn, N. Y.-.-..-.--.----- ept. 7, 1869)
Borchester, Mass.....Jnly 1,1162
N-w York,N.-Y..... -..Apr. 22, 1133
Lowell, Mass-------------.... t......Oct. 7,t17-2
Jersey City, N. J - -_....Sept. 21, 1866
Sonth Bostona,Mass..- o.... Ang. 17, 1869
West Meriden, Cone...... Feb. 20, 181-2
Loweli, Mass...... July 4, 1171
Dorchester, HMas...-...Bee.1,1857
Philad'elphia., Pa....- -....S ep t.9, 1873
Gardiner, Me------------- Ang. 25,188
Evansvilu lad - a.. --N.. 21, 1871
Evansville,Ind.......June 4,117.2
Marshfieid, Ind..-....... ---Sept. 9, 187
Evansv'ille, Iaud----------- Aug. 15, 1171
New Havena, Conns.-...Apr. 12, 1170
New Haven, Con....Apr. 12,1170
Asntrlas, N. H.........Oct. 3,1171
Chicopee. Mass..........Mar. 41 868
Richnmondl, sad...... y 23, 1171
Providence, 11. I...... Mar. 25 187.
North Shensango, Pa...oJuly 16,117-2
Bloomfdeld, Iowava....... Juno 3, 1673
Salem, Mass -...-......._ ct. 17, 1171
Salem, Mass............. June 3,1173
Malden, Mass............-Nov. 25,173
Nor-thamptons,Mass....-..Jul y 29,1173
New uork, N. Y........ Apr. 12,1870
New York, N. Y...... Mae. 14, 1871
New Haven, Cones o.... May 31, 1170
Wores.tee, Mass.......Nov.s, 87
Slsarpabuegh, My.........Sept. 30,173
Evansville, Iud......... June 6, 1171
Nevwrk, N. J..........Oct. 10,1861
BD-aver,-Cole........... Ma. 2 9,1t70
Beaver, Cole...... -.. m- 3._ sly 16,1872
Chicago, Ill........ June 12, 5866
Lynn, Mass..............lFeb. 27187-2
New HavenConns..... Mr. 3, t-8
Highgate, Vt-------------B _ ee.17, 1161
llighgate, V t.... 0...Fe.18, 1ti2
Lowe11, MNss.......Jan.14, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y -.....-_Dec. 31, 167
Plailaeaelpa, Pa... Jiuly 16,172
Nilwvaukee, W is....... N ay 30,1871
Sparingfield, Mass.....Apr. 6,1851
Noav York, N..Y....Oct.,1 81)
New York, N. Y....... Sept. 16, l87
Albaney, N. Y -_.... _. Aug. 8,1871
Dorchsester, Mass. N.. ar. 8,1850
Hellana, Pa.-..........Oet. 15,18702
Lowell, itlass-.. -... June 21, 1870
Middtletoavn, Cones.....Oct.l1172
Providence - -....... Apr. la,1869
Providence, R. I......, oApi 413,1160
Providence, RI.......Mar. 25,1873
New Yes-k, N. Y...... July 29,1173
Lowell, Mass------------- Feb. 21,1868
Lowell, itass......_Fehb. 2169
Lowell, Mass............Dec. 18,1860
Lowell, Ma...----------Mar.2,1870
Loawell, Mass........... Nov. 1 1870
Lowvell, Mass...... _... July 2618710
Lowell, Massa..-.--.-------.July 26, 1870
81, 001
37, 001
105, 374
134, 2-23
137, 249
137, 250
137, 251
137, 728
139, 619
60, 790
30, 105
114, 061
7, 093
10, 488
35, 799
131, 822.8,312
93, a85
123 9613
116 7 2
18, 710
81, 454l
y1 3,135
127A, 5171
142, 1&15
118, 117
101, 813
101, 844
119, 606
71, 75
111, 060
137, 141
129, 314
130, 606
12l0, 08
134s, 608
141, 011
141, 236
1 01, 924
112, 740
103, 782
120, 783
1-13, 387
11, 779
50, 402
101, -28
129, 629
55, 167
124, 106
75, 080
34 4163
134, 738
72, 758
129, 550
19, 824
95, 57-2
117, 765
23, 2118
113-2, 285
104, 743
88, 911
88, i912
137, 248
74, 941
86, 463
98, 43-2
101, 1611
105, 732
101, 731
99, 965
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Caster, Wall or bracket.........................
Caster wheel, Furntture..........................
Caster wheel, Furniture........................
Caster-wheel, Glass.......................
Casters and applying them to bedsteads, Mode of
Casters, Construction of cruet..........._......
Casters, Detachable fixture for...................
Casters, Device for supporting furniture.........
Casters, Finishing furniture...............
Casters for stove-legs, Adjustable stop for.......
Casters from vulcanizable compounds, Manufacture of.
Casters, Manufacture of ball...........
Casters, Roller of furniture...............
Casters to furniture, Mode of attaching........
Casters to trunks, Attaching................
Casters to trunks, Attaching...................
Casters, Tool for boring recesses for......._........
Casting and annealing articles made of scoria....
Casting-apparatus- ----..................
Casting, Apparatus for attaching pieces of metal
to each other by.
Casting chilled plates......................
Casting chilled rolls, Method of giving rotary motion to metal in.
Casting copper cylinders.......................
Casting for steam-pipes, boilers, &c.................
Casting hollow articles... --.......................
Casting hollow ware...........................
Casting hollow ware, &c., Method of making patterns for.
Casting lugs and dovetails, Device for --............
Casting metal.....................................
Casting m etal......:..............................
Casting metal, Apparatus for forming molds for...
Casting metal, Method of.........................
Casting, Metal or second patterns for..........
Casting metals under pressure, Method of......
Casting, Method of supporting chills in...........
Casting mold, Metal.............................
Casting mold, Metal.............................
Casting molds and cores, Composition for metal...---
Casting-molds, Device for forming............
Casting-molds for metal trundle-heads, Method of
Casting molds, Lining for metal..............
Casting-molds, Making..........................
Casting-molds, Making...............
Casting molds, Manufacture of dry..........
Casting-molds, Method of c. nstructing metallic...
Casting-molds, Method of making................
Casting or smut machine..........................
Casting ornamental borders...........................
Casting pipe......................................
Casting pipe.......-....................
Casting pipe..............
Casting pot-bole covers, Pattern for...............
Casting-press for metal....................................
Casting refs actory metals, Apparatus for........
Casting rolls, Method of giving rotary motion to
fluid iron in.
Casting under pressure, Mold for.................
Castings and preparing cast-iron patterns, Process
of reducing iron.
Castings, Apparatus for making molds for metal..
Castings, Apparatus for molding............
Castings, Apparatus for producing refined iron
and steel.
Castings, Apparatus for treating malleable-iron...
Castings, Blackwashing mold for..................
Castings, Cleaning........
Castings, Composition for making chilled.........
Castings direct from the blast-furnace, Producing.
Castings, Furnace for tempering........
Castings, Grinder for cleaning........
Castings, Grinder or rattler for cleaning...........
Castings, Machine for making cast-steel...........
Castings, Machine for molding for metal..........
Castings, Machine for smoothing oxide and sand on
Castings, Machine for trimming..................
Castings, Making chilled..........................
Castings, Making chilled..........................
A. J. Forbes and W. G. Fletcher
T. Beach.....................
C. B. Sheldon...............
C. B. Sheldon... -----------.....
J. B. Capewell...............
P., E. W., and J. A. Blake...
W. E. Hawkins..............
A. C. Twining..............
H. E. Richards............
P. B. Tyler..................
W. Coughlin.............
C. Goodyear, jr.............
R. Hinton....................
P. B. Tyler and B. Lathrop.... -
W. B. Bartram...............
I. H. Gifting..................
L. S. Maring.............
B. F. Graves...............
W. H. Smith..................
J. P. Broadmeadow........
H. B. Osgood.............
Boston, Mass........---.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Gloucester, N. J..........
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn........
Newark, N. J----...........Springfield, Mass.........
Clarksville, Ohio......
New York, N. Y........
Roxbury, Mass...........
Springfield, Mass.........
Norwalk, Conn........
NeW York, N. Y..........
Fall River, Mass.........
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Bridgeport, Conn.........
Thomnpsonville, Conn.....
June 29, 1869
Apr. 19, 1864
June 24, 1873
June 24, 1873
Nov. 7,1865
June 30,1838
Oct. 29, 1867
May 18,1869
Dec. 7,1858
Oct. 14, 1856
Sept. 27,1870
May 13, 1862
Dec. 14,1852
Aug. 8, 1854
Jan. 30, 1866
Apr. 12,1859
Nov. 27,1855
Aug. 2-2,1854
Mar. 22,1859
Apr. 4, 1871
Jan. 13, 1852
R. Poole......................Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 2, 1859
J. C. Parry.................. Pittsburgh, Pa----------............ Feb. 26,1850
G. Nimmo...................
F. Adams.....................
G. P. Sisson..................
WV. T. Kosinski.............
J. Brunner....................
J. Ziegler....................
E. Ripley................
G. W. Herrick...............
E. Ripley....................
R. Ross.....................
A. H. Lowell.................
J. Rives.....................
F. N. Still...................
J. J. C. Smith................
W. H. Wiley.................
S. A. Corser..................
J. R. Davies................
J. R. Davis...................
W. Murdock.................
M. Nelson...................
W. B. Robinson...............
N. Thompson.................
E. N. Cleaves.................
J. Farrar and W. Groves......
C. Grauer..................
W. T. Horrobin..............
E. Lester..................-...
J. Farrar and L. F. Whiting..
R. Jobson....................
F. N. Still...................
J. P. Townsend.............
W.. Hainsworth.............
J. G. Holt....................
D. Tomlinson.................
J. L. Lewis...................
A. L. Finch.................
J. L. Jackson................
L. H. Mans..............
A. Brady................
T. J. Lovegrove..............
G. Rogers....................
W. J. Fryer..................
J. B. Tarr...................
M. Smith....................
J. C. Parry..................
J. B. Tarr....................
C. R. Ely....................
Jersey City, N. J........
Somerville, Mass.......
Florence, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y........
Dayton, Ohio...........
Troy, N.Y................
Stuyvesant, N. Y.........
Troy, N. Y.............
Middlebury, Vt.........
Manchester, N. H.......
Paris, France.............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..._......
Fredonia, N. Y............
Northampton, Mass......
Racine, Wis.............
Racine, Wis..............
Jersey City, N. J...
New York, N. Y........
Detroit, Mich.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass............
Providence, R.I...........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Biddeford, Me...........
Little Falls, N. Y.........
Providence, R. I., and Boston, Mass.
Wordaley, England.......
Buffalo, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
Sharpsville, Pa...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Braookfield, Conn.........
Sing Sing, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Danville, Pa.............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
West Troy, N. Y........
Fairlhaven, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Fairhaven, Mass..........
Sheldon, Vt..............
July 25,1865
Apr. 30,1861
Oct. 1, 1867
Sept. 13, 1870
Oct. 12,1869
Nov. 3, 1868
Aug. 31, 1844
Oct. 6, 1868
Jan. 15,1856
Mar. 22,1870
June 18, 1867
Sept. 29, 1868
Jan. 28,1851
May 18, 1869
July 28, 1868
July 10, 1860
Sept. 10,1872
Mar. 10, 1863
May 13, 1863
Apr. 21,1857
Dec. 10, 1872
Dec. 12,1871
Feb. 23, 1869
July 30,1867
May 18, 1869
Feb. 28,1865
Feb. 12, 1807
Jan. 26, 1869.
Mar. 29,1859
Oct. 7,1846
Aug. 16, 1864
Mar. 9, 1869
June 5, 1866
May 20, 1812
Oct. 8,1824
Apr. 26, 1870
June 7,1870
Feb. 5,1836
Sept. 18, 1860
May 23, 1865
Mar. 5, 1867
July 2, 1867
Aug. 31,1869
Oct. 22, 1867
May 21, 1850
Dec. 20,1870
Apr. 2, 1861
July 13, 1869
June 12,1866
July 30, 1872
Jan. 3u0,1872
Mar. 13, 1860
Mar. 8, 1859
Apr. 20, 1869
Oct. 18,1870
Oct. 7, 1873
July 26,1870
Feb. 22, 1870
Aug. 28, 1866
June 27, 1854
Dec. 2, 1835
Apr. 23,1872
Oct. 31, 1865
Mar. 18, 1856
91, 835
43, 338
140, 310
140, 311
50, 795
70, 209
90, 137
22, 243
15, 902
107, 762
35, 231
9, 464
11, 502
52, 257
23, 672
13, 853
11, 587
23, 317
113, 249
8, 658
24, 976
7, 125
48, 973
69, 372
107, 387
95, 645
83, 751
3, 724
82, 715
101, 046
65, 922
82, 642
90, 318
80, 321
99, 123
37, 857
35, 248
17, 109
133, 801
87, 071
67, 181
90, 257
46, 564
86, 145
23, 375
4, 803
43, 885
87, 663
55, 294
102, 384
103, 888
30, 044
47, 901
62, 688
66, 317
94, 253
70, 038
7, 383
110, 307
31, 880
92, 677
55, 504
129, 899
123, 073
27, 438
2:3, 193
89, 076
108, 375
143, 548
105, 711
100, 175
57, 644
125, 948
50, 680
14, 442
A. Weaber................... Philadelphia, Pa.........
P. W. Lamb................ Albany, N. Y............
J. W. Middleton............. Philadelphia, Pa..........
A. F. Andrews................
W. and D. Ferguson..........
A. Ralston....................
J. Reichenbach...........
J. W. Middleton...........
W. M. Watson...............
G. Miller....................
G. Miller............
J. B. Tarr...................
D. Brown...................
B. Seymour..................
A. S. Gear...................
G WV. Bohmnan and W. Neemes
\V. B utler...................
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y.........
West Middletown, Pa....
Allegheny, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Tonica, Ill1................
Providence, R. I..........
Johnston, R. I............
Chicago, Ill................
Baltimore, Md...........
Utica, N. Y...............
Boston, Mass............
Pittsburgh. Pa..........
Little Falls, N. Y.........
ï~~2 76 -
Jndex of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Castin gs, Malleable-iron............
Castings, Metal tar............................--
Castings, Metallic pin for cooling tho interior of.Castings, Mill fao- cleaning.............
Castings, Mode of making cast-steel. --.........Castings, Mold for making----------------------
Castiirgs, Meld tar steel ------------------------
Castings, Molding for metal...-------------_. _--
Castings, Preparing metallic patterns fat-..._..
Castings, Process of making thin il-on-----------
Castings, Process of chilling------------------...
Castings, Split................................---
Castings, Tempering steel.............
Castitngs, ituobling-barrel for cleaning-.--.
Cat-ball ----------------------------------------
Cat-head and shtank-painter stopper............ -- --
Cat. book and stopper...........................
Catamcai'al sind urinal bandage and receptacle. - --
Cataimemial bandage--------------------------...
C-a im enial bandage................._.......-.._
C at a menaid guardt and supporter -- -- -- -- -- - --- ---
(ataitienialsac sk-----------------------------..
('atauitenitl stick...............................
Catamenitl 'sack...............................
Cat tm cnial sack.................
Ca t in a'd sack __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
(Catanicnial saick------------------------------..
Ctaitenial sack.....er..........................
Catairact by tubes andl cannular points, Removing.
C atch-bolt-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -. - -
Catch tarti-aps.................
Catch foi haniging drapery......................
Catch, Hand.............................. ----
Catrpilar-destroying compound.................
Caterpiliar-nests, Instrument far tdesti-oying..
Caterpillars, Instrumnent for destroying embryo -
Catheter and syringe, Combined................ -- -- --
Cathcter, Metallic flexible- - - - --- - - - - _- - ----.
Cattle, Apparatus far breachy-------.Cattle, Apparatus for watering......... - -. --......
Cattiec cud--------------------..--------------
Cattie, Compound for destroyig vermtin in.
C attic, Dcviteafat removing obstacles from the
thiroats oat
Catile, Devace for wateriing...........-.._....
C-ttle dnartag transportatian, Device for feeding - -
Cattlc-fistening.. -...............
Cattlc-listening device.-..-..................
Cat tieItram jumping, Device for preventing.-_--
Cattle-gag -- - - - - - - - - - -- -' -- - -
Cattle-gate, Railway..........-....
Cattle-gate, Railway..........................
Cattle-guard gate.......................... _....
C-attle-guard gate, Railway._............__
Cattle-guard, Railway..............
Cattle-guard, Railway-------------------------
Cattle guard, Railway --------------
Cittic guard, Railway._..._................
(attic-guard, Railway..........................
Cattle-guard, Railway...........................
Cattle-guard, Railway..........................
Cattlc-guard, Railway..........................
Cattlelicerding and securing....................
Ca te ia n tip.-_.-................
C-attle, Instruament faar relieving choke anti bloat in
Cattle-leading clasp -----------
Catte, Machine for watering.--------------------
C attlc-m ill-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cattle, Made of watering.................... -._
(attic, Reniedy for murrain in...................
Cattle, Salt-trough for.-__.-.-..---..
Cattle, Shears for marking......................
Cattle, Stanbiogti.............................
A. F. Andrtews-------------.
i. WVitney................WT. I. Sauniders.............
HI. H. Remacti................
T. J. Chuibb.................
S.A. Canser..-.............
P. G. (Gardinter....-.-..,J. P. lircaimeadow....
T. G. Buckliat....
It. anti W. E. Bleeceker and S.
D. Vase.
J. L. Mott.------------------
J. Yacit, Jr................--
C. Parkitig and S. Trethtewvey.
E. N. Bixby................--
T. H. Joyce................--
C. Peiy...................--
D. Ri. Cousins.........
M. Vedder..................
C. E. Clark.................--
F. Dahilsani F. Dacrater.
D. F. Robertson..............
J. A.. Ielvin, jr..............
A. F. Baum-i................
J. C. liewziiigei-.-....G. E. liriuchei halt..........XV. A. D~insmiore -------
11. WV. Libbey-.............
C. Mauheito........
+'..L. Perry..................
A. A. Star-.........
T. It. Williams........
F. B1. Slitiw.................WV. Salishbuty...............
J. Binghamt -.-.......
A. anti C. A. Warner....
J. P~. R. Jamtes..............G. F. Whisenant............J. S. Needhain..-.....-......
A. Casebeet-----------------..
N. B. Soritbot-ger.............
I. Balcb anti M. Carterr..-.
J. P. Leddy atid V. Rogers. - -.-.
S. AV. Wooad................M. Backtnayer..............W. Mt. iWarrent-..............
F. Kalteyt.........
C. Sclitibt...................
New Haiven, Con..._
Philadelphiai, Pa-..-_
Greeasbnrglt, N. Y _.
Albany. N. Y...........Willi aiiasburgli, N. Y.
Northampton, Mass.._.
New York, N. Y....
Blep tConti.
West Tray, N. Y.
Albany, N. Y7-------
New York, N. Y. _...
Philadelphia, Pa -._._._.
Pittsburgh, Pa.- - -------_
West Meriden, Cotta
New Yot-k, N. Y..-._._.
New York, N. Y.
Stirry, Me_..............
New York, N. Y._- _.-___
Boston, Mass-........ -...
Brooklyn, N. Y..._-....
Middletown, N. Y..-_-.
Baltimore, Md----------.
Newv York, N. Y.
Catonsville, Md._---_.--.
Br-ooklyn, N. Y.-.-.
South Boston, Mass.
Clevelanid, (Ohio._.__.
New Yo-k, N. Y.-----
New York, N. Y --
New York, N. Y -----
Philadelphtia, Pa---___.--.
Philadelpihia, Pa._._---.-.
Philadelphtia, Pa _-.--_-.
Bt-istol, Con.............
Peptn, Min.......
Chapel Hill, Tex-..South Danvers, -Mass.Sipesville, Pa.. -.- --____Northampton, Mass..---
Salisburiy, Mass -.._..
Mountt Carroll, Ill....
Rochestet, N. Y.----
Lyons, N. Y............--
Wrater~towni, Cond.iti...SatiAntonio, rex...
North East, Pa..........
Jan. 30, 1872
July 16,18-42
Nov. 26, 18115
Apr. 7, 1157
June 8,189
Apr. 5, 18614
Apr. 12, 18591
Nov. 29, 1859
May 8, 1149
Dcc. 25, 1149
June 13, 1148
Jutic20, 1171
July 20, 11119
Apr. 1, 1873
Nov. 7,1871
Apr. 2, 1850
Aug. 6, 1872
May 20, 1882
Feb. 2-2, 1159
July 31,18610
Dec. 20, 184
Sept. 10, 1167
June 2, 1818
Sept. 4, 1166
Nov. 17, 11111
July 28, 1170
Mar. 10, 1168
Mar. 3, 188
Sept. 12,185
Aug. 22, 1854
June14, 112116
July 27, 1115 -Nov. 29, 1159
Sept. 11, 1147
Jan. 4, 1159
Aug.27, 1167
Jani. 14, 1873
Dec. 13, 1164
1Dcc. 4,1116
Jan. 14, 1818
Oct. 28, 1116
May 15, 180
Oct. 28, 1151
Apr. 29, 1873
Mat-. 2, 1872
Aug. 10, 189
Apr. 2, 1872
123, 072
129, 261
17, 012
90, 925
42, 251
23, 670
261, 321
(6, 4411
6 1969
5, 636
92, 747
137, 409
120, 850
7, 249
130, 198
35, 338
23, 059
29, 362
45, 523
71, 414
57, t365
84, 013
lO5, 7815
75, 4:i4
75, 0:116
11, 174
26, 296
5, 113
22, 521
8, 118-2
134, 959
45, 428
(10, 136
73, 402
28, 286
8, 479
138, 2-24
124, 991
9:3, 62-2
125, 337. Whed------------------.YW.1'id.............. Granton, Scotland -.._
K. Gibbs------------------- Berwick, Me -------------
S. K. Southland---------------...Janiestownt, N. Y......
C. Bettinger------------------_South Danivilie, N. Y-.W. Keegg---------------------Lasellaville, N. Y.-.J. Bowmnt anti J. B. Overtmyer Reading, Ohio.. ------.
M. 11 ii ji -------------------. Osbornt, Ohio............A. Frcetman.------------ Lowell, Mich.._.......
J.H s.limoy----------------- La Porte, nd -.-...-. Brcnnieman----------------- Orrville, Ohio...-.......
C. C aton---------------------- Boyd's Mills, Ohio..
J. tartrest--------------------....Manchester, N. Y.
1. Moatey- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- - -Marshaliaville, Ohio --.
J. L.hawley------------------ Angola, lId..........
S. Str ickC-------------------. Dovet- Township, Pa..
H. lagart ------------------- Jacksoitowvt, Ohio._
R. M. Yorks-_-------------Sebooleraft, Mich-._
J. Wilkinson-----------------.Urbana, Ill..-------------
C. H. Sawyer ----------------- Hollis, Me..............- -- --
J. C. Thtottpson.--_-- - --. Charlestowt, Mass. -..--
N. Q. Munger- anti G. B. Pona- Casco and South Haven,
etoy. Michi.
J. Welton---_----------------- Waterbury, Cotta....
M. Smith- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - -- -- -- -- - - - - -
L a Paype, st ---- - - - - -- Baltimote, Md..........
A. Allen.---- - - -- -- -----Tray, Pa............... -- -- --
11. A. Carson and W. T. Peter. BietisbuighIy--------.
H. Jacobs.- - -.-.-- -- ----------Fayetteviclettia..
T. Wiadding.............East Betlin, Conn.....
SD. Baldwin.......... - Chicago, Ill ------ -.11. S. Lewis------------------- ComintipawxN.J...
E. S. Alvord _________Hroy.Y--------------HrotN.N. WT. Bhotly-----------------...Westirotok, M(- -- ---- -
J. B. Crttweii-----------------.Newport, N.H --- - --
W. C. Gillord-----------------JamestownN. Y -----
G3. WV. Batch ------------------ Parkman, Ohio ---- --
G. A. Keene----------.. _- ---Newnr}-paint, Mass.. -
J. Manley--------------------- Hope, Me ------ -
C. II. Mannm-------------------Fai-lee, Vt.---_.- -
H. Maycock------------------.Verona, N.Y--.._.. -
J. A. lieshack---------------- HermonN. Y.........
L. S. Safforti------------------ Hope, Me ----"--- -
C. W. Sawdey---------------- PoolvilleN. Y -_._.
J. D. Scott ------------- ---Alviso, Cal _.-_.- -.
XV. Aliport-------------------_New Britain, Conti._...__
E. P'. Baniks------------------.Portlatid, Me_. -..-_
G. Hull-----------------------PfitICt-ate, N. Y.__...
S. T1. Hutchimis -------------- I North Atnsoni Me -- --
Mar. 13,11866 53, 20 7
Mar. 16, 1169) 17, 970
Nov. 21,1161 33, 710
May 20, 116-2 35, 331
Sept. 21, 11119 95, 072
Oct. 23, 1888 59, 035
(let. 18, 18619) 96,, 193
July 12, 11591 24, 778
Nov. 5, 1167 711, 429
Mar. 7, 18 1 112, 473
Nov. 26, 1167 71, 272
Aug. 1,1871 117,110:)
Aug. 13,11111 33, 035
May 5, 1168 17, 642
Mar. 29, 1859 23, 391
Oct. 24, 1171 120, 3431
May 5,11118 77, 677
Apr. 29, 1873 131, 108
June 2, 1888 71, 6:31
Aug. 7, 18811 57, 049
Feb. 9, 1869 8, 112
June 29, 189 92, 085
Oct. 9, 1855S 13, 672
Mar. 16, 1104..
Nov-. 4, 1105.----
July 10, 11-24 -.-._
Felt. 25, 1168 74, 795
Aug. 17, 1889 93, 717
Tan. 19, 1169 81,116
May 23, 1165 47, 785
Apr. 18, 1167 63, 910
May 10, 1870 102, 904
lant. 4,1170 98,4117
Oct. 30, 1816 59, iKO
May 10, 1170 10-2, 104
July 30, 1850 7, 524
Mar. 15, 1864 41,8926
Apr-. 23, 1867 64,017
Sept. 3,187 61, 372
Jant. 3, 18113 45, 7 28
Jan. 24, 187t il1, 2;5
Oct. 13,11118 8-2, 1195
Novx. 4, 1873 144, 380
Attg. 30, 18701 1011, 876i
Jan. 28, 1169 8 6, 119
May 14, 1867 64,1621
Aug. 2186~I0 89, 71111
Mar. 21, 181i 112,'92-2
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Inventtion. Inventor.
Cattle-tie----------"----------------------------- J. Ives.---------
Cattle-tie --------------------------------------A. F. Mblieon................
Cat- i-------------------------------------- C. S. ilundlett...............
Cattle-tie-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --J. C.ia--------------------
C at tl e -t ie for stalls------ ------ ------ -------- ----C. M. Bak-er.................
CatrtcSafety -------- ------------------------ C. P. XWinslow...............
Cavil------------------------------------------- J. A. Woot..................
(xiuManuifacture of------------ ______.G.tistco--------------.1- etct......
Ceiliig and floi Fire-proof----------------------- J. WV. Bassett................
Cilini and ronot, Fire-proof----------------------J. Gilbert---------__------
tci int" -nd watt for bildig---------------------C. N. Poole..................
Ciling'iaid wall ventilator-----------------------0. S. Trexler...-_........
Ceiling, Fire-proof ----------- ------------------- F. Bauniann and G. F. Letz.--
Ceiling, Fire-pioof ------------- ----------------- J. B. Cornell -.___._Ceilinglitre-proof ------------------------------- B. J. Harris...-....-- - -..
(eiling, ir-proof------------------------------- S. P. Snead..................
Ceiliiiornament --------------------------------E. T. Ilurssell._............
Celerx motlar------------------------J. Simpson.................Celi-tech --------------------------------------. 1. Kerstiaw.................Cellar, Artificial--------------------------------- V. Ilacffier..__...........
Ce llar 'vault,&c--------------------------------IH. Hit.lark._.............
Cellar, Water-proof- -------------------. New_- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
C el a rs, A r pa r at us f or d r a in ing- ------- __ - -- ------A hF. E ri ch -- -- -- -- - --- -- ---
Cte l la rsMode ef conastructing walls anid floors of.-. A. 1Y. Moeii..____......... _.. _--..
Cellars, vaultstnagaziiies, &c., Constructioit of... E. Ludlow...................
Cellars,'iwter-closets, &c., Apparatus for canptying It. Book-len.............-- -- - -..
Cmemnt ---------------------------------------- I). Arndt..................--
Cement........................................---H. Billings.................
Cement........................................--C. Fr-icke..................--
Cement ----- ----------------C rce..................
Cenient........................................--A. S. Jourdan...............
Cement........................................P-. A. Lotourneur...........
Cement_.-..-------------....................... E. V. Machette, jr., and E. IM.
Content------------------------------- ------ W. Meliay..................
Cement...........................---.........N. Pat-meter..........---..
Cement........................................-- C. Safray..................Cement........................................-- J Stairstield.......--......
Ceiment................................---._...D. B. Toely..-.......
Cement........................................---G. W. Upham............_..
Cement........................................ B. S. Welch.................
Cement and appliances for prepariiig and using J. McKenzie and J. Mt. Stebthe same idns.
Cement and artificial stone, Manutfacture of. - - -. G. S. iDeant................-- -- - -
Cement and as a plastic material l'os molding S. Siorel........... -- - -......
variouts articles, Ceniposition tintbh used as a.
Cement and metallic pipe, Combination..--._--_-. H. Knightt................. - - - --
Cement and metallic pipe, Combination..._........HI. Knight.................
Cement, Apiparatus for spreading............... J. 11. Putte..._ _......
Cenient.,At tiiciml stone or- mar-ble................C). Pat-lker......... _._..._..._
CementAspltallic.............................. C. G. iReinhold...............
C~ntent Asplialde ------------ ------------------ A. Straub............--...
Cement, Bituminous comopounid for----------------.....C. Porillalier _. _-.... __......
Cement, Chemicail water-proof..-..-.---------------...C. Fletcher. ---.... _........_
Cement-compound---------------------------..... Fairchild-....._......
Ccment-coimpounud---------------..------------J... Iteiningtun.............
Ceint, Conigound hydranulic -------------------- A. Pfud -------------------
Cement-felt for covering steam hollers, pipes, &c W. T. Kosieski...............
Cement, Fit-c and water.- - - - --._obrt................_JCoun._....-...
Cement, Fire aindl water proof--------------------.S. H. Schaif------------------
Cement, Fireaed water- proof--------------------...W. Yates and ID. Dolan...
Cement for armchitectitral purposes, Artificial-stoine 0. Parker....................
Cement for artlificial stone------------------T.A.Henha.............J.AResa-----..--....
Cerm-nt for bloclks, pillars, &c-------------.C.Cliioi............C.litn_-.__..-....
Cement for calking ships, &c---------....-F Hyi..................E eln ----------
Ceineiitfor cisterni-as..-_-_.-----------. Carson and lRoberts.......Centent for coatinig and protectinig wood -_----. 11. It. Westman............. - -
Cement f or coating woodm, &c---------------------- A. Peltetier.................
Cement fior covering buildlings, &c ________J up-------------------JBiip.........
Cement for tfistening tdoor-knuors, &c--------------_..N. B. Halt and HI. Jones ---.Ceiment for fixing door-knobs, &c-----------------P... Kennedly- - _- - -- -- -- -- -- -
Cemnent tor formting artificial stone---------------...J. ID. Greenwood and R. XW.
Cement for grinding cylinders-------------I.Selit................J.tean-.__._._..__.-__.
Cement lotle-ther----------------------------... A. Leach------------------..
Cement foi leather arid oftier substances---.. _- ---S. F. Hilton................
Cemtent for leather, &c., XWatei-proof--------------1...1.. ItHIinshetwood and C. A. A.
Cement for lining oil-barrels --------------------- S. H. Jones.................
Cement f or making water-tight joints in coping, J. Jndge..---......-......
roofing, &c.
Ceoment for mnanufatureofcement-piipes, Prepara J..T Stnocwelt......
Mount Carmel, Conn.
Wolcot-tville, Conn..
Portland, Me............
Portland, Me.-......_.
New Britain, Con- -
Bingham. Me-__-------
Winstheroirpl, Me -___..
Pittsbiurgh, Pa.........-_
Worcester, Mass._.__.
New York, N. Y. _-.
Philadelp hia, Pa__Sandwiech, Ill......... --.
Naperville, Ill -----------
Chicago, Ill. ------
New York, N. Y ---------
Richitontd, Va...........Louisville, K3y.._ -......I n di a nap ol is, Intl----_
Yet-k, Eiiglanrd ----.
Bostoin. Mass............
I)obtrs Ferry, N. Y _.
New- York, N. Y..Brookly-n, N. Y..-- -
Baltintore, Md..........
New York, N. Y.._
New York, N. Y.-----
Brook-lyrt, N. Y_.._.......
Clevelandl, Ohio.----
Bear-dstown, Ill-...
Mobile, Ala.............
Mobile, Ala -------------
Nashville, Tenn..._._.
New Or-teatis, La.....
Philadelphia, Pa.-__._--_
Ottawa, Caniadla_.---_
Gardner, Mass.._.... _..-..
New York, N. Y...
Brooklyn. N. Y.._.......
Altrion, N. YV............
Amherst, N. H......
Bronoklyni, N. Y..--._
Albdoni, W is.............
Philadelphia, Pa...
Date. No.
Aug. 29,18t65 49, 630
Mar. 30, 1869 88. 403
Mar. 1-2, 1867 62, 780
June 19, 18661 55, 727
Juno 9, 186t 78, 849
Jan. 15, 1t67 61i, 158
Mar. 2, 1869' 87, 454
Jan. 9, 1872 12-2, 692
Jttii. 7, 1851 7, 895
Apr. 22, 187318, 118
Ma y 14, 18t67 64, 659
Apr. 18, 1871 113, 793
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 807
June 7, 1870 193, 963
7dlar. 23, 1858 19, 682
May 17, 1814.---
J n en15,1869 91, 375
Dec. 12, 1871 121, 845
July 2.1 1872 129), 758
Jan. 29, 185i6 14,178
Dec. 9,I1862 37, 095
Oct. 24, 1826.----
Apr.4, 18u1 113, 328
Apr. 3,1868 5:3, 594
Feb. 26,ta56 14, 323
Dec. 14, 1824 ----
Art. 2t6,1873 142, 203
Aug. 30, 1870 306, 911
May 1, 1860 28,035
May 1, 1860 28, 070
May 09, 18?60 28, 464
Nov.'20,l186i 59, 771
Sept. 11, 1860 29, 971)
Dec. 1 1868 84, 638
Nor. 12 1872 M12973
Maiy 3, 18.9 23, 856
May 5i 186877,7537
Sept. 26, It65 50, 185
Seopt. 10, 1867 68, 671
Sept.t22, 1868 82, 454
M11ay 18, 1852 8,962
Apr. 2,1867 63, 449
No. 21, 1871 121, 118
Sari Francisco, Cat. -.Jan. 231,18712 12-2, 880
Par is, France.- --...._Mar. 6, 1866 53, 092
Jersey City, N. J......
B1r-ooklyni, N. Y.........
Cincinnati, Oltiti.-----
New York, N. Y._Milton, Pa...............
Milton, Pa--------------..
New York, N. Y.....
Blostoni, Mass...........Eaglevilte, Ohio.._-.Macon County, Ala -..New Yet-k, N. Y.____...
Brooklyn, F. Y -.- ----
Middlesex County, Mass-.Blaltimtore, Md....... _...
Manchester, England.
New York, N. Y..
C:.mbritge, Mass.-_
Minisink, N. Y.....
Htocliester, N. Y....
York, N. Y-..-......._.
East Bostoni, Mass-...Washington, D. C -.._.
Kirtlanul, Olrio -........Brainforul, Corirll.. _. -.....
New York, N. Y..._..
Bloston, Mass............
Lynn. Mass - ------
Providlence, P. I.__...Now York, N.Y..___.
Aug. 27, 1861
Apr. 7, 18(131
Sept. 4, 166,
Si-pt. 9, 13
Mar. 21, 1865
Nov. 17, 1863
Mar. 3, 1838
Nov. 23, 1#31
Sept. 10, 1867
July 4, 1854
Felt. 4, 1873
Jan. 29, 1867
Sept. 3, 1828
Apr. 6, 1869
Mar. 14, 1846
Sept. 9, 1835
Apir. 9, 187-2
tOct. 28, 18:15
June 22, 1869
Oct. 17, 1815
Oct. 25, 1870
Ap-. 14, 1868
Setpt. 3, 1840
June 2, 1868
June 11, 1867
Oct. 9, 1839
Oct. 28, 1851
Nov. 20, 1866
Aug. 13, 1861
May 12, 1863
33, 152
38, 112
57, 764
46, 975
40, 649
Ct, 720
11, 237
135, 58-2
61, 648
88, 745
4, 420
125, 390
108, 6611
76, 806
1, 765
78, 59:2
65, 680
1, 361
59), 774
33, 065
38, 480
67, 880
86, 018
105, 511
124, 617
75, 473
103, 095
107, 910
41, 823
51, 0111)
51, 867
New York, F. Y...
New York, N. Y..__.
Lebanon, N. H...... - -
New York, N. YV..__.
New York, N. Y.-----
Philadelphia, Pa __.__-_.
Great Britain..........
Jan. 19, 1869
July 19, 1870
Mar. 12, 1872
Mamr. 10, 1868
Feb. 7, 1871
May 17, 1870
Oct. 4, 1870
Apr. 6, 1843
July 13, 1827
Mar. 1, 1864
Juno 15, 1869
Nov. 2, 1865
Jtan. 2, 1 866
Cemrent for roofs or walls of buildings...........C. Clinton...................- - - -New York, N. Y..
Cement for sealing preserve-cans. - ------ - - ----J. B. Wilson..- - - -. - - - - Fi shervil le, N. J._.._.
Cemenst for setting slates, makitug gutters, &c.,. I Fi11l mar and M. By rre - __.New York, N. Y __.___..
Cons position for.
Cement for steams;joints_--------------------------.J. G. Kilgoir---------------jI Broollyn, N. V..........Censent for shine ---------------------------------11i. Schneider-----------------_I Clev~and, Ohio -.-.---
Index of pateuts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Cement for walks, floors, pavements, &c........... J. S. Baldwin, W. H. Jones, Elmira, Rochester, andE1- Feb. 12, 1867
and E. N. Gibbs. mira, N. Y.
Cement for walls, &c------------------------.............................. -A. Scott...................... New Berne, N. C........ Aug. 15, 1814
Cement for wood, brick, stone, or iron work........ R. Walsh.................. Boston, Mass........... Tan. 5, 1832
Cement from basanite, Hydraulic............. E. C. Warner................. Albany, N. Y............ Oct. 6, 1837
Cement from slag, Preparing...................... J. J. Bodmer............. Newport, Great Britain.. Nov. 5,1867
Cement, Gum-elastic................................ C. Goodyear.................. New Haven, Conn.... Sept. 9, 1835
Cement, Hydraulic................................. L. Kidder...................... New York, N. Y.....J...an. 15, 1836
Cement, Hydraulic.--............................ O. Parker..................... New York, N. Y......... Sept. 9,1835
Cement, Hlydraulic................................ Parker, Clowes, and Garfield.. Now York, N. Y......... Aug. 27, 1835
Cemenr, Hydraulic............................... J. White..................... Syracuse, N.Y.......... Jan. 23,1836
Cement impervious to moisture, Hardening and S. Goodwin................... New York, N. Y........ Apr. 16, 1841
Cement in making cistern-reservoir, &c., Mode of T. Coyle...................... Baltimore, Md........... Aug. 16, 1837
Cement-kiln...................................... J. E. Park.............. Rutherford County, Tenn Dec. 3, 1872
Cement-lined pipe..................... M. Stephens........ Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Apr. 15, 1873
Cement-lined pipe.............................. M. Stephens......... Brooklyn, N. Y..... Sept. 2, 1873
Cement, Making..........................- W. H. Smith............ Georgetown, D. C....... June 10, 1844
Cement, Manufacture of............................. J. E. Park................ La Vergne, Tenn........ May 13,1873
Cement, Manufacture of....................... D. O. Saylor.................. Allentown, Pa.......... Sept. 26, 1871
Ccement, Manufacture of hydraulic........... D. O. Saylor................. Allentown, Pa.......... May 21,1872
Cement, Marble..............................G. G. Gariboldi............... Buffalo, N. Y-. --. Aug. 20,1867
Cement, Mastic.............................. W. H. Chase........_...... United States Engineers.. Apr. 16, 1845
Cement, mastic, and japan from grahamite, Mann- 1H. Wurtz..................... New York, N. Y......... Aug. 13, 1867
facture of.
Cement, Mode of incorporating bituminous liquids W. H. Johnson............... Springfield, Ill............ Dec. 9, 1856
with wet earths for.
Cement of boiled coal-tar and earth............ H. P. Gengembre......... Allegheny City, Pa...... July 11, 1854
Cement or earthen tubes, Mold for........... B. S. and C. M. Pierce... New Bedford, Mass...... Aug. 1, 1854
Cement or hydraulic lime, Water-proof............ R. Leckie.............. Washington, D. C........ Mar. 31, 1829
Cement or mortar, Composition.................... W. Bleser..................... New York, N. Y...... Nov. 22, 1859
Cement or mortar, Water-proof................ S. Gilford.............. Washington, D. C....... Jan. 16, 1827
Cement or pigments, Water-proof................. E. Deutsch................Havre, France......... May 25, 1844
Cement, paint, &c., Flexible water and air proof.. J. T. Howe................. New York, N. Y........ Tan. 31,1829
Cement pipe.............................. -H. Knight................ Brooklyn. N. Y..........Nov. 27, 1866
Cement pipe, Branch........................E. Lockhart, F. Roberts, and Louisville, Ky., and Brook- July 28, 1868
H. Knight. lyn, N. Y.
Cement-pipe joint............................ M. Stephen s................ Brooklyn, N. Y......... Aug. 24,1869
Cement-pipe machine.................... E. T. Jewett............... Saint Albans Bay, Vt..... June 28, 1864
Cement-pipe mold......................... D. Copeland, jr........... Rochester, N. Y......... May 23, 1871
Cement-pipe mold.............................. Knight................ Jersey City, N. J.......... Apr. 8, 1862
Cement-pipe mold................................ H. Knight................- Jersey City, N. J...... May 13, 1862
Cement-pipe mold...........-............. F. I. Sage.................... Springfield, Mass....... July 29, 1873
Coment pipes, Apparatus for coating....... E. Dayton.................Meriden, Conn......... Nov. 2, 1869
Cement pipts, Branch coupling for............. M. Stephens..........._. Brooklyn, N. Y......... Apr. 2, 1872
Cement pipes, Composition for.................. J. A. Middleton.... New York, N. Y........ Dec. 10, 1872
Cement pipes, Device for lining......... M. Stephens.................. Brooklyn, N. Y........... Apr. 23, 1872
Cement pipes, Forming hydraulic.............. J. B. and W. F. Poague....- Fancy Hill, Va...........Nov. 29, 1853
Cement pipes, Machine foir making........... J. E. Earle................ - - - - - - - - New Haven Conn...... Sept. 5, 1865
Cc ment pipes, Machine for making..............H. Holden.................. New Haven, Conn........ Sept. 20, 1864
Cement pipes, Machine for making.............. J. Howarth.............. Salem, Mass............ July 14, 1863
Cement pipes, Machine for molding.......... H. Knight..-.............. Jersey City, N. J.......... June 24, 1862
Cement pipes, Machinery for making.......... W. Goodwin............... New Haven, Conn........ Sept. 5, 1865
Cement pipes, Manufiacture of............... J. A. Middleton....... New York, N. Y........ Dec. 10, 1872
Cement pipes, Manufacture of...............A. P. Stephens...... Brooklyn, N. Y........ June 4,1872
Cement pipes, Manufacture of hydraulic...- -.....H. Knight.......... Jersey City, N. J........ May 14, 1861
Cement pipes, Manufacture of water-proof.., A. F. Jaloureaun............ Paris, France...... May 24, 1859
Cement pipes, &c, Means for making............ D. S. Ogden.................. New York, N. Y.......... May 26, 1863
Cement pipes, Mold for molding............... Knight.......Jersey City. N. J... May 8,1860
Cement, Plaster called the threefold............E. Godfrey................ New York, N. Y......... Sept. 9, 1825
Cement, Plastic.............................. E. Hopkins..............Harwich, Mass...........Sept. 7, 1869
Cement, Rubber................................It. J. Ball.................... Oswego, N. Y.........._.I Nov. 29,1870
Cement, Silicated.....................G. E. Yanderburgh.......... Mamaroneck, N. Y....... May 29, 1860
Cement tiles, pipes, pavements, &c., Composition I. Marsh, jr., and G. Marsh... Milton and Lewisburgh, June 9, 1863
for forming. Pa.
Cement to be used in sewers and drains and for J. JKleckner................. Mottville, Mich........... Mar. 8. 1870
constructing flues and other parts of buildings.
Cement to be used under water................ J. Grant...... - -........... Saratoga, N. Y............ Nov. 11, 1817
Cement, Treating argillaceous limestone to obtain F. Coignet................... Paris, France.......... Feb. 8, 1870
Cement walk, pavement, and road..................C. Burgess................... Rochester, N. Y......... Sept. 27, 1870
Cement, Water............lord..............S.uilrd............ Lebanon, Pa............ J.an. 11, 1826
Cement, Water...........................T. F. Purcell and A. B. McFar- Williamsport, Pa......... Dec. 30, 1833
Cement, Water - -........................-. D. M. Randolph............... Richmond, Va........... Sept. 26, 1821
Cement, Water-proof........................... A. Brewer.................... New York, N. Y......... July 27,1858
Cement, Water-proof............................ G. V. Caton.................. Canandaigua, N. Y........ Feb. 26, 1867
Cenent, Water-proof............................. T. S. Clark................. Charlestown. Mass....... July 26, 1870
Cement, Water-proof............................. W. Y. Singleton........... Springfield, Ill.......... Dec. 26, 1845
Cementation of rails, axles, &c., Method of effect- T. W. )odds............... Rotherham, England...... July 2, 1867
ing the.
Center and lathe dog, Combined.................. A. J. Truxell.............. Lynchburgh, Va.-... I Nov. 8, 1870
Center-bitT7........ W. H. McMillar an d S. Devoe New York, N. Y....... Aug. 13, 1867
Center-bit................................ W. H. Richards.............. Deerfield Corners, N. Y... Apr. 16, 1872
Center-bit, Fastening........................ A. W. Streeter.............. Shelburne Falls, Mass.... Jan. 23, 1855
Center-board.............................. A. G. Crossman......... Huntington, N. Y......... May 23, 1871
Center-board................................... F. Dominy................ Penataquit, N. Y........ Nov. 19, 1867
Center-board..................................... G. M. Fay................. Eureka, Cal.............. Aug. 22, 1865
Center-board..................................... B. Kennon................... New Orleans, La.......... May 11, 1869
Center-board.............................. J.G. Saunders........ Narragansett, R. I...... Oct. 1, 1867
Center board and box for vessels...... D. P. Nickerson..... Cleveland, Ohio......... Jan. 22, 1867
Center-board, Folding....................... J.M. Hoffman............... Buffalo, N. Y........... Apr. 10, 1849
Center-boaxd for sailing-vessels........ W. F. Davis.............. Boston, Mass...... Mar. 5, 1867
Center-board for vessels.................. J. Call...... Richmond. Me.......... Sept. 9, 1873
Center-board for vessels......................... R. Chambers........... Detroit, Mich.... Jan. 8, 1867
Center-hoard for vessels....................... Crosl i.............lntigton, N. Y. Apr. 25, 171
Center board for vessels......................J Dean.......,roit ih........ (1t. 2, 1+73
70, 510..........
2, 048
133, 664
137, 970
142, 528
3, 621
138, 924
119, 413
126, 989
67, 868
3, 999
67, 696
16, 208
11, 440
26, 158
3, 598.....
60, 014
80, 357
94, 146
43, 310
115, 029
34, 890
35, 243
141, 388
96, 313
125, 345
133, 874
126, 100
10, 286
49, 827
44, 369
39, 233
35, 692
49, 828
133, 875
127, 438
32, 298
24, 125
38, 695
28, 184.....
94, 495
109, 570
28, 541
38, 833
100, 706
99, 637
107, 750.....
20, 985
62, 393
105, 648
4, 333
66, 310
109, (;79
67, 785
125, 759
12, 289
115, 173
70, 977
49, 514
90, 046
69, 492
61, 351
6, 299
62, 614
142, 677
61, 049
113, 94
Index of 1pat-ents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, incusie-Continued,
1, t
Center-board for vessels.-.-...................
Center-board for vessels.......................
Center-bioard for vessels ---------------------
Centcr-boar d for vessels.-____________
Center-I ond for vessels.........-- - - -....
Center-board for vessels--------------------...
Center-boar d fot-vessels-------------------.......
Center-board foci vessels.......................
Center-board, Jointed.--.------------------___
(enter-boaid of navigablo vessels.-.- -.- - ---
Ccit er-boand vessels, Construction of..........--
Center-board winch - --------------
Ceniter-board wich._______ __.- ____
Cetiter-beards and rndders for slioal-water vessels,
Arrangemnent of.
(ettr-boards, Device for operating.. _..........
Center-boards for vessels, Attachment tor.t-.._
Cente~r-bonrds for vessels, Method of hanging -.-.
Center-boatds of vessels, Hlanging.............
Center-boards to vessels, Attaclintg...........
Cent ering and squaring device---------------.....
Cnterting bat of iron..............____....
Centering box or hearing, Self.................
Centering-niplement................. _...... _.
Centering-machine-----------------------. __
Centering-tool. __. _................
Centering-tool.......-.... -..................Centrifual bittery........................_Centi ifngal crnshing-atill_____________
Centriifugal isk revolving in air and water._.__..
Centrifugal drawing-nmachine.....
( entritugal macblne. -.............
Centifngal macline...... __..............._
Ceaftifugal machine.------------------------
(.entiifu'd maneito -------------
Centrifnga-it naclilte-------------------------
C entrifngali-achine.........................
Centrifogal macblue..........................
Centrifugal maclime----------------------.....
Centrifugal nmachine------------_.._-------
Cetntrifugal omacline.. - -.............
Centrifugal tnacliine...................
Centrifugal mahune.------------------------.
Centrifln mahinnie for filtering liquids..___.._.
Centrifugail ninie or hiydro-extractor
Centrifugal mnachine, Sell-balancitig.--_-_-___.---
Centrifngal macieus, Apparatus for liquoring
sugar ini
Centrifugal michines, Apparatus for supplying
1iquor to.
Centrifugail maclilacs, Discharger for..........
Centrifugal imaelines, Feeder- for-------------....
Centifugal imichines, Mode of liquoring sugar in
Centrifun-il lowcr-regtulatolr, Pneumatic.__.__.
Centlrifugal suga-miachine...................
(Centrifugal snga-i-imachine-----------------___ _ __ __
Centrifugal sugar-macblne....................
Centrifugat suar-mnachine..............
Centrif ugal sugar-machine....................
Centrifugal sugar-machine--------------------
Z13Centrifugal sugar-itachitte..................-- -- -- --
Centrifugal sugar-macline..................----
Centrifugal sugar-mnachine--------------------.
Centrifugal sugar-tmachinue-----------------.
Centrifugal sugar-machine------------------..... _
Centrifugal sugar-machinte...................
Centrifugal sutgai--macbine -------------------
Centritugal sn-ir machine ------------
Centriftigal snua ractine................
Centrifugal sugar-machine...........
Centrifugal sugar-macline-----------------------
C e ntif u a l sugar-machine______________________
J. Dillon................---
J. Espalla...............---
ID. G. Gerard...............
F. J. Ma c f'arl atn............
J. J.-1Monte................
J. F. Potts.................
N. Pratt...................
ID. Robertson..............
T. Ilaskell...............---
B.Joliie ------------ ------
C. E. Ketc-hutt and WV. L. Hunt
II. V. Corbett---------.. -....E. C. Hlatniotid............
G. Chase.................
J. N. Buell.....-............
G. Storer aiid G. W. Storer. -. -
WV.1W. Bates...............
J. F. Hall..................
0-. S. Burrows..............
E. Lanipuian..............
11. ID. Richardson...........
C. 0. Garditterr..............
N. F. Newell..............
M. S. Bullock..............
E. E. Lazell...........-.
N. IL. Revere...............
F.' Deluce..................
E. MeNiel.................
E.F. Whiten...............
WV. I. Alveord...............
1R. Hay worth...............
A. Potts...................
C. 11.Griffin...............
TF. W. liasutnell............
H. N. Glass atid H. W. Bartol. -
B. J. Lair_..............E. J. M. Becker............
J. F.Blriujes --- ------.1. 1). Browiie........
C. T. Burcliardt............
A. Chmenu.................
1. Cole................--
Gil>. Iartsomi and F. J.Woolse3
S. S. Ilc pwortbh.............
S. S. H~epworth -------
I 11 h nt- - - - -.-. -..
J. (3. Joyce...........----.
A. MackeyanilE. Mtuller..JT. Spar'row----------------.
11. N. Fryatt.--..........E. C. C1iv elnd _........
ID. NI. \V cshun...............
F. Seiberlich................
New York, N. Y.....
Mobile, Ala......Patchogue, N. Y......
Sati Francisco, Cal...
Huntingt~on N. Y...
Apalachicola, Fla..._
Nicholson, Pa.-.-.....
Detroit, Mich...........
Franiklin, La...........
Westfield, N. Y -._..
Port Jefferson, N. Y...
Bufiblo, N. Y............
Oswego, N. Y...........
Prudence Island, R. I.
New Britain atid Portlamid,
Chicago, Ill............
Westerly, B. I.-...-....
My stic River, Con...
Catskill, N. Y..--.......
East Haitipton, Mass.---
Springfleld(, Ohio..
Northbridge, Mass...
Pottsville, Pa... __..._...
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Worcester, Mass.._.
Boston, Mass...........
Groton, N. Y...........
West Staffor-d, Coan ---.Bridgeport, Con..._.
South New Market, N. H..
Phihlctljdiia, Pa..._..
Chelsea, Mass..........
Lotidon, Fitglaud.. __..Philadelpihiai, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa. -..
New York, N. Y - --
White Chapel, England...
Cincinnati, Ohio..._..
New York, N. Y..
Paris, Fraince...........
Bestomi, Mass...........
New York, N. Y -._...
Bloston, Mass.-----..--
Cold Spring, N. Y -..
Oskvaloosa, Iowa....
Ilayton, Ohio..........
New York aind Williamsburgh, N. Y.
Portlaitd, Me...........
Belleville, N.J...........
Worcester, Mass....
Boston, Mass..........
Charlestown, Mass...
Date. 2:.
July 27, 1869 93, 070
Nov. 25, 1873 144, 968
July 3, 1860 28, 979
Dee. 10, 1867 72, 058
Junie 20, 1871 116, 079
Nov. 16, 1858 22,0(88
Mar. 1, 1859 23, 114
Felt. 4, 1868 74, 0013
Oct. 9, 1815) 6, 74
Apr. 2, 1lo s19, 996
July 10, 18(60 29, 01)5
Nov-.26,1867 71, 'e3
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 575
Feb. 8, 1853 9, 574
Nov. 15, 1864 45,018
Jan. 8, 1867 61, 029
May 14,.1867 64, 7:39
Feb. 20, 1866 2,708
Nov. 18, 1856 I1 5;0dMay 4, 28.s'!139. 01
Dee. 4, 11)6 1,44t
Janl 29 5j1!i.)
Apr. 18, 1871 11,719
Sept. 15, 1 s3 82, 1:1
Mar. 2, 181.9 87, 1:1
Feb. 18118; 2:14,412
May.30,1871 1l5,.117
July 14, 1857 17,811
Nov. 9,1889!'6,(53
Se. 3,11867 )ill0
Nov. 1 6 4:;!
May 1),.A. i 1
Aug. 4, 15;5 10,73,
May 20,1873i 119,1'.8
Nov. 2,156)) 116,:04
Jtine 12, b-IC '55,Out
M\ar. 4, 187:3I I
Sipt. 3,1121 u t1, 2,:
Sutie 11,1 isO 10-1, 1'1
Matr. 27, 156), 53,4148
Atig. 28, 18(16 577, 517
Mar. 27, 1866 53, 463
May 6, 18731318, 705
Jaitie:3, 181-2:35, 441
Aug. 20, 18(17 67, 953
Sept. 8, 1868 82, 049
Aug. 8, 1865 49,:tio
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 864
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 182
A pr. 23, 1867 64, 181
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 924
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 314
Oct. 26, 1869 96, 156
Nttv. 27, 1866 59, 956
Mat-. 12. 1872 124, 484
Apr. 16, 1872 125, 724
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 319
Apr. 21, 1868 77, 017
Septt. 3, 1867 68, 356
Oct. 1, 1867 69, 3128
MNar. 26, 1872 125, 0;16
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 752
Nov. 1t, 18116 59, 5985
Decc. 10, 18117 71, 1'77
Notv. 25, 1851 8, 545
Mar. 2:3, 1869 858, 1e4
Mar. 2, 1869 88, 185
Aug. 16, 1870 106, 41
June 18, 11'67 65, 623
Mar. 17, 18118 75, 687
Feb. 11, 18731 135, 7-27
May,1- 9,166 nc54, 456
W. R. Meins................ Boston, Mass...........
Li. Mert-ill...............---
H1. Merrill...............---
11v. T. Sprague..............
C. A. Sulliv an..............
11. W. Bartol...............
Jf. It. Brown................
J. Corby...................
J. Cottle...................
I. Cramer................
AV. Flmenborst and F. 0.
M thicssen.
G. E. Evans................
G. E.Evatis.-...........
A. Fesca..................
C. Fischer.................
Ba~sket anti W. B. Cox..
J. B. Hll.................
I). K ing......t......
1 f. W atid I:. Lafferty....
II. NV ad 11. E lcrly....
H. WV. end i. Lafferty.....
A.X Mc k e y....... --- ** '........
It Priew............... ---
1' Tully - -- "- - - - " - -
W. V lnuden............---
L.. Weinrich................
C. 0. West and J. Carey.. -__
1). M. 'We storet..............
H1. A. Wilderm..............
A. Kusenberg..............
A. P. Blake...............
JT. E. Serrell and ID. Smthll..
\V. J. von Kautmerhueher.
3I. Ujhely amnd C. Ileurle.---
Brooklyn, N. Y........--
Brooklyn, N. Y.. -.....
lBoston, Mass............Starkville, Miss..._--.
Philadelphia, Pa.----
Wincheister, nd..._
Gi-avesend, England.
Boston, Mass._......
Jet-sty City, N. J..Jer-sey City, N. J. _...
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass........
Berliti, Prussia.........
Gloutcester, N. J.......
West Miltoti, Ohio.
Allegheny City, Pa...
Brotinlyn, N. Y.. -......
Gloucester- City, N. J.
Gloucester City, N. J.
Gloucester City, N. J-..
New Ycrk, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.____.
Mattceburg, Prussia.
Sant Franicisco, Cal._-.--
Poutghkeepsie, N. Y...
Bherlin, Pruassmas..........
Mamtinsville, Ohio....
Bc-ton, Miss.._........ _.
MihIville, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa--._
Milton, Mass._-..._
New York, N. Y..._..
Washingtn, I). C.
Vienna, Austria.....
W. NV. Gibson--------------...Edinburgh, North Britain.'T. AIl~hctjt..------- rooklyit. N Y........---
G. 1. Lotion-----------......---San Fraiucisco, Cal...
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No. -
Cess-pools, &c., Apparatus for cleaning..-........ W. C. McCarthy.............. Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Apr. 22,1873 138, 034
Cess-pools, sinks, &c., Apparatus for cleaning.... J. P. F. Datichy............ Brooklyn, N. Y.......- Sept. 16,1873 142, 840
Cess-pools, vaults, privies, &c., Apparatus for W. C. McCarthy-..------------.. Pittsburgh, Pa............. June 28, 1870 104, 866
Chafe-iron-.....................-...-...-- E. Hackett.................... Concord, N. H............. July 21, 1868 80, 166
Chafe-iron for wheeled-vehicle................... E.P. Roche.................. Bath, Me.................. June 4, 1872 127, 645
Chaffing mill, Grain.. --............. G. Wilcox............-..... Neenah, Wis.............. June 16, 1868 78, 907
Chain.......................................... J. Blocher................... Williamsville, N. Y...... Dec. 4, 1860 30, 797
Chain.......................................... J. F. Brewer.................. Plantsville, Conn.......... Apr. 27, 1869 89, 282
Chain.......................................... P. D. Cummings.............. Portland, Me..-.......... June 5,1860 28, 630
Chai-n.......................................... J. Good....................... Brooklyn, N. Y............ Oct. 18, 1870 108, 473
Chain -.......................................... J. G. Jung.................... Newark, N. J............. Apr. 6, 1869 88, 643
Chain.......................................... W. Wallace.......-......... Ansonia, Conn............ Feb. 5,1867 61,777
Chain, Adjustable runner to be attached to........ A. Adamson.................. Washington, D. C......... Mar. 5, 1867 62, 589
Chain, Adjusting-slide for-----------------------......................... R.J. Pond--------------................--... Morrisania, N. Y.......... Apr. 5, 1870 101,503
Chain and rope on canal and railway, Using....... J. M. Palisse and S. S. Durfee.. Hudson, N. Y............. Feb. 25,1835..
Chain-blocking device---------..-- ------... --. P. Kendrick............... Trenton, N. J.......... Sept. 15, 1868 82, 124
Chain-boats for inland-navigation................ G. F. Saltonstall.............. Society Hill, S. C.......... July 12, 1834....
Chain, Box-slide for ornamental..................O. J. Valentine.................Newark, N. J............. Mar. 18, 1873 136, 946
Chain, Braced.....................................----------------------------------J. H. Edwards................ Lanark, Ill............. Feb. 27, 1872 124, 042
Chain-bucket wheel, Construction of the buckets S. Dutton, jr.................. Aston, Pa.............. - Feb. 26, 1840 1, 499
in the.
Chain-cable, Machine for manufacturing........... W.D. Grimshaw.............. Newark, N. J............. Aug. 13,1867 67, 751
Chain, Casting.................................... C. C. Van Alstine............. New Haven, Conn......... Aug.25, 1868 81,563
Chain, Chain-pump................................ J. M. Connel................. Newark, Ohio........... June 21, 1864 43, 256
Chain, Cog....------------------------------------ T. Shaw....................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 752
Chain-connecting link............................. S. Vanstone................... Providence, R.I.......... ----------Oct. 29,1867 70, 380
Chain-coupling....-------------------------------- M. Osborn.................. Cleveland, Ohio...........Jan. 9,1872 122, 644
Chain-coupling link..........--------------....................--- S. T. Lamb --------New Albany, Ind. -Nov. 21, 1871 121,225
Chain, Elastic----------------------------------..................................... -C.E. Richards............. North Attleborough, Mass May 1, 1866 54, 411
Chain elevator and bucket......................... J. A. Ball--------------------Grass Valley, Cal. Nov. 16, 1869 96, 866
Chain, Flat....................................C. King and S. P. Johnson... Cleveland, Ohio...........Sept. 14, 1869 94, 757
Chain for hauling down ships, Safety------------.............. -J. Fales and T. D. Brown-...... Bedford, Mass............ Mar. 9, 1833.....
Chain for ornament............................... L. Towne..................... Providence, R. I.......... Nov. 1, 1864 44, 899
Chain for power-press............................. N. Chapman.................. Mystic River, Conn....... Jan. 1, 1856 14,009
Chain for water-elevator.......................... P. Anderson..................-. East Avon, N. Y.......... May 2, 1865 47, 595
Chain, Frame..................................I I. Leslie...................... New York, N. Y........... Nov. 19, 1827...-.
Chain from sheet-metal, Making.................. L. Towne....................- Providence, R.I----------........... Jan. 10, 1860 26, 801
Chain, &c., from slipping, Wheel to prevent......--. J. Cooper-----------------..................... -- Augusta County, Va...... June 17, 1823.....
Chain-holder--....----------------------------................................. S. Gladding------------------................... Providence, R. I........... July 11, 1865 48, 675
Chain-hook...........................------......- M. Colgan... -............... Port Jervis, N. Y----------.......... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 241
Chain-hook..................... -......... ----....... - - G. H. Draper-----------------.................. North Attleborough, Mass. May 12,1863 38, 532
Chain-hook......................................V--W. Straw..................... Dalton, N. H.............. July 11, 1854 11, 306
Chain-hook...................................... J. R. Thorne................... Waldoborough, Me-........ June 27, 1871 116, 511
Chain-hook...................................... J. Weed...................... Lyons, Iowa.............. Oct, 15,187-2 132,224
Chain, Hook for vest.............................. A. Wallach.................... New York, N. Y..........June 7, 1859 24, 362
Chain-hook or cable-stopper....................... E. Davidson................... Providence, R. I...........Feb. 6,1866 52, 392
Chain hook, Ox.................................. F. G. Johnson................. Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 12,1863 38, 490
Chain, Horse_................................... H. W. Knowlton............. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... July 25, 1865 48, 957
Chain inclinometer................................ H. Schiissler.................. San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 14, 1868 73, 391
Chain lanyard-.................................. R. Rogers..................... Dover, N. H.............. ---------- Feb. 6, 1823.......
Chain-link-------------------------------------........................................ J. P. Kirk--------------------.................... Austin, Tex.-.....-....... Nov. 13, 1860 30, 632
Chain-link........................................ J. Packer..-.......-......... - New York, N. Y.......... July 14, 1863 39, 239
Chain-link....................................... W. C. Short................... Providence, R. I........... July 5, 1870 105, 004
Chain-link........................................ S. Vanstone.................. Providence, R. I-.......... Apr. 7, 1868 76, 562
Chain-link........................................ G. W. N. Yost -................Yellow Springs, Ohio-...... Sept. 11, 1860 30, 019
Chain link and bar------------------------------................................ D.A.Peloubet----------------................ -Hudson City, N. J...-.. Oct. 25, 1870 108, 621
Chain-link-bending machine-......................--------- -----------H. Boyd ----.. --------. --East Bridgewater, Mass... IOct. 24, 1871 120, 148
Chain link, Elastic------------------------------................................ E. Myers...................---------------------.... Creagerstown, Md......... July 11, 1871 116, 986
Chain-link flattening and bending machine-........ P. Kendrick................... Trenton, N. J - -.......... July 28, 1868 80, 354
Chain-link rods, Machine for preparing........... G. Homfray................... Halesowen Parish,England Feb. 26, 1867 62, 335
Chain-link-trimming machine---------------------..................... F. Van Patten................ Ilion, N. Y................ Nov. 21, 1865 51, 102
Chain-links, Apparatus for bending............... P. L. Weimer................. Lebanon, Pa............. Oct. 31, 1865 50, 758
Chain-links, Apparatus for welding..............H. Reynolds.................. Aurora, N. Y.............. Aug. 31, 1869 94, 441
Chain-links, Apparatus for welding............... E. Tangye.................... Brussels, Belgium-........ May 14, 1867 64, 722
Chain-links, Device for swaging................... V. Draper................... North Attlcborough, Mass. Sept. 26, 1865 50, 200
Chain-links, Machine for attaching ornaments to.. V. Dr..per..................... Attleborough, Mass....... July 5, 1870 105, 054
Chain-links, Machine for bending................. E. L. Keeler..................Allegheny, Pa- ----............ Aug. 7, 1866 57, 0 3
Chain-links, Machine for bending....-------------............. C. B. Long...-----. - Worcester, Mass.......... Dec. 16, 1873 145, 511
Chain-links, Machine for lbending-..-------------.. --D. Roy........................Mill Creek Township, Pa. -Dec. 2, 1873 145, 072
Chain-links, Machine for cutting coiled bars for... G. Homfray...--.--..--- Halesowen Parish,England Feb. 26, 1867 i62, 488
Chain-links, Machine for making. _.......... A. M. George................. Nashua, N. H............. Feb. 27, 1855 12, 439
Chain-links, Machine for ronking................... H. Reynolds................... Aurora, N. Y..............May 3, 1870 102, 711
Chain-links, Machine for mz-king........ J. IH. Snyder..................Troy, N. Y................ Aug. 16,1870 106,419
Chain links, Machine for making ornanmental...... E. I. Levavasseur............. Paris, France............. Apr. 29, 1873 138, 413
Chain-links, Machine for stamping........................ P.S. Bishop............. Attleborough, Mass....... Apr. 24, 18b6 54,101
Chain-links, Machine for welding.................. W. B. Hayden................Columbus, Ohio..-.---.. --- Sept.20, 1870 107, 613
Chain links, Ornamental..........................J. J. Freeman..... Attleborough, Mass....... Mar. 11, 1873 136, 594
Chainlock........................................ L. F. Cahn................... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 619
Chain locker pipe................................ C. Perley..................... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 6, 1855 13, 760
Chain, Loop for bearing.... J. Bird....................... New York, N. Y........ Aug. 6, 1867 67, 486
Chain-machine.................................. G. W. Binnix-.............. Sunbury, Pa............ Apr. 1, 1873 137. 408
Chain-machine.................................... A. J. Ciemmons... -. Aberdeen, Mass........... Dec. 12, 1871 121. 849
Chain-machine.................................. J. Daykin and W. B. Case.... Cleve'and, Ohio........... Oct. 28, 1873 143, 968
Chain-machine................................... L. Fitzpatrick and J. Schin- Temperanceville, Pa..... Jan. 21, 1868 73, 518
Chain-machine.................................. B. Hershey................ Erie, Pa.................. May 20, 1873 139, 151
Chain-machine..................................... Leonar Cleveland, Ohio......... July 8, 1873 140, 583
Chain-machine.................................... F. Leonard...... Cleveland, Ohio......... Dec. -2, 1873 145, 063
Chain-machine................................... L. Towne...........---. -...... Providence, I. I--....... Oct. 20, 1857 18, 490
Chain machinery, Arrangement of jack-.......... H. Marshall and S. S. Cook.... Stamford, Conn........... Mar. 16, 1852 8, 815
Chain making.................................. C. Sleppy....................Newport, Pa.............. Sept. 27 1853 10, 050
Chain making machine............................ J. Copley,jr.............. Allegheny City, Pa...... Sept. 10, 1867 68, 709
Chain -making machin -........................... XV. )ennison--- ----------. Cambridge, Mass........ Nov. 23, 1869 97. 173
Chain making machine............................ L. King..----------------- East Cleveland, Ohio..... Aug. 9,1864 43. 778
(hain m king machine........................ -W. J. Lewis................. Pittsburgh, Pa........... Jan. 12, 1858 19, 094
Chamin - ik ' ea i mac - -ine.................... E. t. Perry................. Pruvidence, 11. I........... Aug. 31, 1858 21, 362
ChIan-making machine..........................1.. Southr...............Springtield, 11........... Aug. 12, 1873 141, 734
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclsive-Continued.
i i
Chain-making machine...------------------..--.
Chain, Neck......---------------------------
Chain or band----------------------------....................................
Chain or belt, Driving -... - -- - ---------
Chain, Ornamental...------------------------
Chain, Ornamental, &c..---------------------
Chain-plate attachment...........................
Chain power, Endless......----------------------
Chain, Runner for--.-------..................
Chain, Sheet-metal--------------------............................----
Chain shot battery....------------------------
Chain, Spring.........................
Chain-stretching machine..............-..........
Chain, Surveyor's...------------------------
Chain toggle, Rafting--..--------------------
Chain-wheel and paddle for boat-------------..................
Chain-wheels, Right and left..----------------
Chains, bracelets, &c., Method of forming the parts,
links, &c., of.
Chains, Construction of ornamental..............
Chains, Machine for making.........-............
Chains, Machine for making................
Chains, Machine for making.---..............----
Chains, Machine for making ball................Chains, Machine for making jack...-------------
Chains, Machine for making links of cable and other
Chains, Machine for making links of jack-.....--- -
Chains, Machine for making ornamental..........Chains, Machine for making ornamental.........--
Chains, Machine for twisting curb.........--.......--
Chains, Machine used in the manufacture of ---- -.
Chains, Machinery for making....................
Chains, Making gold...-..........................
Chains, Making ornamental---.... --.......Chains, Making ornamental......................
Chains, Manufacture of...--------------------
Chains, Manufacture of flat ornamental chains...- - -
Chains, Manufacture of ornamental-...- - - - - --..- - -
Chains, Method of constructing...................
Chains, Method of fastening blocks in triple-.....
Chains, Method of making iron...................
Chains, Safety-attachment for watch........
Chains, Tool for making jack...-...................
See Accoucheur's chair.
Adjustable chair.
Baby's chair.
Barber's chair.
Cane-seat chair.
Canopied chair.
Card-board chair.
Child's chair.
Dentist's chair.
Electric chair.
Harness-maker's chair.
Knock-down chair.
Metallic chair.
Obstetric chair.
Obstetrical chair.
Oscillating chair.
Photographer's posing-chair.
Railway-coupling chair
36 P
E. Weissen born............... New York, N. Y.....
G. I). Stevens - ----................ New York, N. Y..........
J. Hii. Doerr--------------................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
XV. Clissold................... Dudbridge, England......
W. F. Davis---------------................... North Attleborough, Mass.
E. S. Richards................----------. Attleborough, Mass-.......
T. XV. 'orter, J. D. Leach, and Boston, Mass., and PenobS. Hutchings. scot, Me.
W. McCreery..---------... Pittsburgh, Pa............
W. H. Stroup---------------.................. Pittsburgh, Pa............
E. Bangs...................... ------------------Provincetown, Mass.......
J. Snelling........... -East Boston, Mass..-...
J.Lancelott.....---------------. Cranston, R.I............C. B. Thayer---...------------... Boston, Mass.............
H. Turner................... Boston, Mass.............
W. D. Baker.................. East Abington, Mass.....
W. H. Gray----------------................... Dover, N. H...............
C. Hall-------------------........................ New York, N. Y..........
J. M. Grumman............... Brooklyn, N. Y............
E. Evans...................... North Tonawanda, N. Y...
J. Hines and E. D. McCord....- Sandy Hill, N. Y..........
R. R. Livingston..--..--..-. Clermont, N. Y...........
R. Bulkley................ New York, N. Y..........
P. M. C. B6ziel............... Paris, France.............
Date. No.
Dec. 11, 1855 13,929
Aug. 22, 1871 118, 294
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 2138
Dec. 15, 1863 40, 910
Sept. 16, 1873 142, 841
June 9, 1863 38, 842
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 339
Jan. 7,1868 73,191
Mar. 26, 1867 63, 329
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 623
Apr. 13, 1858 19, 955
May 4. 1858 20, 183
July 24, 1860 29, 331
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 814
Aug. 17,1869 93, 793
Aug. 24,1858 21, 296
Aug. 30, 1864 43, 987
Apr. 19,1859 23, 680
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 363
Nov. 20, 1829.....
June 13, 1812..
Oct. 8, 1821.
Feb. 19, 1867 62,178
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 837
Nov. 29, 1859 26, 247
Aug. 3, 1869 93, 213
July 20,1858 20, 955
Nov. 19, 1867 71, 042
Nov. 12, 1850 7, 768
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 845
Feb. 14, 1854 10, 528
Nov. 12,1872 132,947
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 427
Aug. 18, 1857 18, 027
Apr. 23, 1872 125, 940
Feb. 17, 1852 8, 737
Aug. 7,1860 29,503
Mar. 22, 1859 23, 303
Oct. 18, 1859 25, 837
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 100
Jan. 16, 1872 122,824
June 25,1872 128,381
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 359
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 110
Aug. 6, 1861 33, 014
Aug. 3, 1869 93, 344
Apr. 8,1851 8, 029
I. Lindsley-...............
J. C. Brown...................
W. Malick...................
E. H. Perry..........
D. T. Munger........
C. Atwood and G. Kellogg.....
A Homfray................
A. Wyckoff...---------------
V. Bancroft and J. Wood.....
J. A. Field...................
L. Towne------------------.....................W. C. Edge...................
J. M. Crawford................
I. Lindsley..........
J. Lancelott.................
J. Lancelott..................
WV. B. Wadsworth.............
J. J. Freeman.................
E. N. Footo..................
J. G. Jung.............
P. Kendrick..............
E. Weissenborn...............
M. Pollak.................
W. Todd...................
Pawtucket, R. I..........
Providence, R. I...........
Erie, Pa.................-------------
Providence, R.I..........
Waterbury, Conn.......
Birmingham, Conn-.......
Witley Lodge. England -... - -
Wellsburgh, N. Y.........
Birmingham, England.....
Providence; R. I........
Providence, R. I..........
Newark, N. J............
Newcastle, Pa.............
Providence, R. I..........
Cranston, R. I..--........... --
South Providence, R. I.._.
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Attleborough, Mass.....
Northampton, Mass....
Newark, N. J............
Trenton, N. J...........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Stamford, Conn...........
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, in elusive- Continued.
'ee Reclining-chair.
Recumbent chair.
Revolving chair.
Sea sitting-chair.
Sewing-machine chair.
Sheep-shearing chair.
Split-bottom chair.
Spring-back chair.
Step-ladder chair.
Swinging chair.
Swiveled chair.
Tilting chair.
Tipping chair.
Wall-wainscot chair.
Chair, &c...................................
Chair--------------------------------....... -
C hair.......................................
C hair.........................
C hair.......................
C hair......................
C hair - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - -
C hair.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - -
(hair................ -- - - -
C hair. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -......
Chair - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C hair......................................
Chair and.bed,.Combine...................Chair ad- ed- Cmbne------------
D. L. Akers..............---
L. H. Baker ----------HBkr......-.....
J. Baughman and B. RL Chalk..E. F. Benjamin.............
M. Brennan................
P. Buckley..................
J. Chase...................
F.J. Coates................
D. C. Colby.................
H. Cole...................
M. C. 'Cronk................
J. Baley------------------
JT. Defoe----------------....
G.0 onl..............
W. T. Doremus............
G. Feldkamp...............
J. Fernald................
L. W. Ferris..............--
G. Gardner................
W. Gardner...........
J. Haberinehi.............--
J. Hahermehl..............
H. S. Hale.................
J. T. Hammitt.............
W. W. Haupt........W. W. Haupt...........
D. B. Redden- -- -- -- -- -- ---
L. Heywood............. -- - --
G. H. Hoagland.............
J. A. and H. A. House._..C. B. Howard..............
G. lnzinger------------...
W. H. Jockel.............---
M. W. King...............
A. Lapham...............
J. Lee...............
J. Lewis...................
L. Lindquest...............
C. R. Long----------------
C. 0. Lundberg..-........
It. S. Mains.................
J. Morrison and H. M. Hutchinson.
G. W. Morstatt.............
C. M. OHara...............
C. M. OHara..............
V. P. Parkhurst............
J. K. Rowley..............
J. F. Sargent.............__
C. C. Seluitt-----------___
P. M., 0., and A. S. Snell.-_.
A. Taylor.................
B.E. Teal...............--
J. H. Travis................
C. Tucker.-. - - --.......
J. IUagerer.................
H. Willard.................
G.C. Winchester and--M.-V.-B.
Evansville, md........--
Washington,B. C.
Washington, B. C -.... _Mount Washington, Md. tc,.._
Cambridgeport, Mass.
Vienna, N. J...........
Orange, Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio --..-.-----
Washington, 1). C. -.
Cincininati, Ohio-_.-.-._..
Auburn, N. V -.........
Baltimore, M1d..........
Detroit, Mich..........--
New Lebanon, N. Y... -..
New York, N. V....
Cincinnati, Ohio--_... __Boston, Mass...........
Owego, N. V............
Glen Gardner, N. -J..-..- -.
Glen Gardnce-, N. J...
Wheeling, XV. Va -. _.
Wheeling, W. Va -....
Philadelphia, Pa.---....
Philadelphia, Pia.---
Mountain City, 'fcx.Mountain City, Tex. -.. _
Newark, N. J...........Gardnei-, Mass..... _.....
Port Jervis, N. YV.-.
Bridgeport, Coin..__..
Atlanta, Ga...........---
New York, N. V......
Newv York, N. YV.----
New York, N. V.._...
Paterson, N. 1..... _...
New York, N. V.-.._...
Now York, N. V.---._
Pittsburgh, Pa... _.... _...
Louisville, IKy............
Louisville, K y...........
Chicago, I11.............
Now Voik, N. V._-.
Ind~ianiapolis, Indl._.--.
Philadelphia, Pa--.___---.
New York, N. V. _.-....
Hillaborough, Ohio..
Hillsboroughi Ohio.....
Templeton, Mass...... _...
Chicago, Ill.........
South Strafford, Vt..-..
New York, N. Y_.--
Williamsburgh, Olio.Brooklyn. N. V. --.
Norwieh, N. V...- -.
Clilestown, Mass_.-.
Terre Haute, 11lad.- -_.
Brooklyni, N. V.....
Grand Rapids, Muchi
Ashhiurnhani, Mass..
Ashburnham, Mass..
Bee. 3, 1872
Junie 25, 1872
Jan. 14, 1873
Mar. 18, 1873
Aug. 17, 1835
Tuly 2, i872
July 13, 1869
Nov. 9, 1869
Aug. 20, 1867
Sept. 29, 1868
Nov. 12, 1867
May 2-2, 1866
Feb. 9, 1827
Aug. 27, 1872
]Mar. 2, 1852
June 17, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
July 22, 1856
Mar. 27. 1855
Apr. 4, 1871
Julie 3, 1873
June 20, 1865
July 24, 1866
D)ec. 36, 1873
Bee. 7, 1852
Oct. 17, 1871
Ndv. 5, 1872
Nov. 17, 1868
Jan. 7, 1873
Oct. 1, 1867
J tine 13, 1865
May 14, 1872
Mar. 30, 1869
Jaii. 18, 1870
Auitg. 25, 1840
Oct. 5, 1869
July 27, 1869
Nov. 19, 1872
July 13, 1869
Jan. 11, 1870
D)ec. 13, 1870
Oct. 6, 1863
July 9, 187-2
Aug. 8. 1871
Nov. 4, 1873
Mar. 5, 1872
Apr. 30, 1872
Oct. 1, 1872
May 15, 1866
May 13, 1873
Apr. 24, 18663
Oct. "9, 1866
Nov. 14, 1871
Jan.:30, 1872
May 5, 1863
June 6, 1871
Jan. 31, 1871t
Oct. 16, 1866
Api-. 12, 18740
July 18, 1871
Jan. 1, 1867
Bee. 20, 1870
Sept. 20, 1870
Nov. 5, 1872
Apr. 4, 1871
Aug. 1, 1871
May 28, 1867
Aug. 8, 1871
Jan. 26, 1869
IDec. 17, 1872
May 2, 1865
Sept. 19),1871
Api. 18, i1971
133, 555
128, 272
134, 834
136, 956
128, 459
92, 576
96, 548
67, 956
82, 602
70, 698
54, 869
130, 903
8, 771
144, 080
15, 405
12, 587
113, 287
139, 568
48, 272'
56, 554
146, 065
9) 449
120, Q04
132, 762
81, 118
134 545
69, 435
48, 17
126, 703
88, 297
98, 973
95 491
9-2, 977
133, 2:3
92, 620
98, 783
110, 05:3
40, 175
128, 804
117, 915
144, 349
124, 281
126, 3.2
131, E92
54, 762
138, 939
54, 217
58, 682
120, 833
123, 131
58, 917
117, 1:32
60, 978
110, 413
107, 581
13-2, 826
113. 662
117, 565
*65, 072
117, 810
13:3, 970
47, 542
-119, 071
1131, 812
ï~~TI Fl1l1l1SA 'tI\1l:NT OFFICE,
1)1(11.r ci jn/ciib is-u(( it? iii the (titled 1 tter;Foiteii//i-ifront 1790 to 1 73, n/svCnmid
Ch iii nol idle rocker...'......... C.i(. W etterlian - -.-. ---
(;hir aut-ri-b, Conmbinied ____ - _____ S. Ray anid 1A. it. Shatters -.
t'1ir nd'tilribll fot' chldrin, Colninued - -. _.......Carpeitter...........
(' ir and coi-h - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -. 4..Jotiett _ _ -- _. _...
Chaitand lei-- ---------------- C. B. S lierl n ati........
(h-urtand de sk, Coitibned -.-.-----------------. XV A.Ebunati..............
(hair and diesktotubined -----------------------..f.Smith.................
(ihair and fant----------------------.Dyo.........................DsnChaur ardidluCormbined-------------------------... FIs atdschtib.. _............ - -
(haur and furniture tip--------------------------......F. H. Holton _... __............
(haur and lidder-..........----------------- ---W. Bergmauu................
(haur and lounlge----------------...Iaa..........................IE.Hgn---._....(hair and lounge------------------------- P ary.................Hry---------
Chiur and lounge......._....................)IMP.Hat icy.._......-......
haitt'and lounge------------------_.............!G. Kn('ll...........
Chair atnt lounge.................................1.Winter...................
'hai aur'nd lotuge, Combined.--------__-__.... ----(1V. Cropitip.............._ __ _
li-hirtt'idlounge-, Comnbined-......................1 F1J.Gardner _ _. _- _ -...
m -oir antd loutte cimbitned, Invalid---------------, G(.,BToardman.....
Chi an cd other seat. Spring-bottom for-----------.;P. Gillagher.........
(hi in d sn rtt iy, Cousbimmed--------------..----C...Tay'lor..............
(hiirs arid seteesinito their fiatues, Machine for G( A.XWtkitis...........
pre-sig the seats arid backs of.
('haur and sofa ----------------------------------_.-A. H. Hotnicier.........
Chair and sofa bottotlit- -------1 -iri-------- J.Sttet...........
t'faan'd soft seat ------"-----------------------I F.XWittiata.................
(hair arid stiplt dil..r----------------------------A. Maidson. _.................
(liit nt -itsetp-idder coiibioo'd------------------..B. F.Green.( ri......
('aii tnd step-ladder comtblined.- - - - -1........ Jorgenisoni and l1. Olson-l
Chi and titp-lapddet', Coimbined...-------------A. Liesehe...........
trit orndustep-laddetr cotmbined------------------.. _A. Liesthe..........
('Hiranditiiep-hlader combined------------------...A. Liesclie.. _....._....... _....
( lhir ic'il sb-p-dider coibitied------------------ _ ____C. B lawson o........ _.. _
Cir and 'toil lil ots----------------------------..It. co~r.------..------------
and sttoil iol seat....................... ------1. X,' V. l ickeitati....._.
o t -.it tgiachii---------------------..F.. S. trench.......
1 ~iiic: and 1- tmlcradle-ends.......----------------I XX XliiMoore...............
('hmit-bucks, Bows for---------------------------..C. Kilbun.......t...
h'i ir-backs, M ch1ine forrettting----------..----4A. Dyer..................
('hair-hia( I sMachine for c irig-----------------1. _ E. dw'ards arid J. Cowe, j
l'Hi- i's1-ItsMcine ior di-issitig----------------...S. I.Fitts.. _.........
(i-back-i,- Ml-hirie for toanufiacturing----------. _S. I.Foster...............
I b ir h n i- Macline, f otr iolding..............T.Letnun......ti...
(hait-baicks, Machine for moldin--------------4Lemnit.ai..............
('hir-ibaiks, Macbinesy for sawing arabesque J. 4H. Better...............
(' tlir bedJsteatd 'aoilcrib-------------------------X..X.W.Mctrgor...........
('flatr-uttons---.-.---. ---............-.-.-.... -.-. -L. lb. B i llows...._...
It ir-botliun--------- ------ --------------------,J.Illiot, r...p.....
Ciriiblotom..........................----------A. Ellis............
(lhii tbottom-------------------------------- -IC.ng-sl.....Rye....... -
Chabir-bottom ------------------------------------ C.XXRusse...........
(hot' bottom and back...................... XX 1'Branthill __._--_._
Cli r-bottomsilaihine for nmidding---------------I...1.Lenmn t. _-.____.-..
(hr mbaui---------------------.----------------- I-i Porter..............I ha'ti-Cant..... ---------------.. ------------..It C nne...........
(baitrout -seat.c...........-- - - - - - -....C.a nso
C(ba itrconchsoil stretcher-----------------------......J.E. Jonett___..-...-.____
C hair-coupliliiiiclatmp----------------------------... 4J. I.Brooks_.--...-.--..-_.
Chiitcradlecot, &c--------------------------J...XXglt.tna.i
Chiir, Desk ot table attachmnent for-------------.- IS.L. Bligh................
Chairflait ittaclimemt------------------------ B.L. Jordan....._.__......
Cliair toot test-..- - - - --.------..---..-.---..--------.I.Badl-im and 42'XX. Lang.
Chair loot-test.---------------------_.. ---E.Collins ----..-._Chair-framne-------------------,id..........................'.(,.Iyde --
Chair-framec------------------------------------... 11.2 HalseX -------------.
Chiair fr-lis-_----------------------------..._.__.L. Hi t-wood andl 1. E. Hurto
C'hair-fi-ani------------"-----------_.------XX XtSmith.-----------....
Chri n Iaini-------------------------------------XX M. Snoi-----------.......
Ihior head-iiest---------------------------------.IC.A. Mills......-- - - - -
fo ti Ii ir-------------------------------..1.2E.( ooiiaandst11l t Xltilei - - - - -
Ii 1: i ~o i it': il step)-lailiet --------------- - I( o idotlr --- ------
Chlait ani tisiti rtoinlg niachine---------------- - - -. l~eis _.------- - - -_
('Hir oii stolslippirt - -__- ---_-..._.-_- -.Ii.XWaitswotrth-m------ --
( Iiir iiists Xatittacturiug-------..--------- ---F Frringtoti-.
(usi t onit itiotis ---------------------------1. 1.Stasn ift -mu J Minis --
- i i. sr tis &A i.Methoil of ls-sidim. ---------------...S. At.1Barr-ett. ---- -_
t' maie ier1Â~------------------------------------IIAl.Wilcoix antl (.Is pli'dge _..
li-1.ir s-hi(r-----------------------------------. LB.ta lb -- -
oi i o'l i i- - - --.........------- X VjW.J.7akrznwska......
(li-ri oh i:r anil liiii..------------------------- W.11fXX hitisriiw...._.
C hair rocker iandiable ombined---------------------XV.IH. Haitker..a.............
Rlesidetnce. I Dttte. No.
Fodd aWs.... u816,Alliance, Ohio...... Feb. 7, 18C0
New York, N....1 Feb. 6, 1855
New Yorlc N. -.--- Aug. 6, 1867
Troy, N. Y--------- Sept. 10, 1867
Milwaukee, Wins --- July 24, 1866
Washington, 1). C-.--.-..- Jutie 25, 1872
Saint Louis, Mo---------- Nov. 23, 1669
Allentowin, Pa ----.-. July 10, 1866
Brooklyn, N Sept. 27, 1870
Philadelpiat P-i...._. Aug. 15, 1871
New York, N FY.._.... Nov. 15, 1870
New York, N. Y._..--.- Aug. 13,1867
Philadelphia, Pa......Jtuly 26, 1870
Moorestowt, N. J.._. Mar. 31,1868
Boston, Mass..__...._. May 5, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa....__. July 16,1872
Washingtoti N. C...._. Jan. 25, 1859
Albia, Iowa........ Mar. 18, 1873
Pleasant Unity, Pa--i. - Dec. 28, 1858
Thtibodeauxn a. - Sept. 2, 1873
Cavendish, t------' July 13, 1869
La-ncaster. Pa-i-_.- _. Oct. 1,1872
iNew York, N. Y _....May 3, 1864
Sin Fratncisio. Ca. _....Dec. 7,1.86i9
1Paterson, N..4......Jan. 12,1869
Syracuse, N........ July 1, 1873
iRacine, is.........Apr. 4,1871
Syrac use..V.......Aug. 2, 1870
Sy~racuse,.Y-4-i.- _.!Jn. 30,1872
SyracuiseN.... _....Jtuie 18, 1872
Wotceste, ti1. _. _.. _Dc. 3,1872
Sheboygian, 's.__....Jtune 13, 1871
Ncuw Yoik,.VNo-i 7.1871
XWesmitnster, Mass-. Oct. 4,1870
New York, N..... X..hMy21, 1872
Philadelpia, Pa-----------PittJan.14, 1873
Niewbutmgh, Ohio----------._.Mai 21, 1861
Keene, N. 11---------------mtar.18,1862
Asliburtilani, Mass-.._..July 14, 1863
Fitchburgh,. Mass.-..._. Jtily 13, 1858
Cincintnati, Ohio----------..Atig. 17, 1869
Cincititati, Ohio------Apr.18, 1871.
New York, N. Y----------.Jtily 31, 1847
Chicago, Ill---------_ -May 17, 18 7
Cort-laridvill-, N. Y...Mit. 15,1859
Philadelphia, Pa----------X..lMay26, 1812i
Dedhamt, Mass-._._....Jutie 12, 1811
Green Point, N. YF.--...-.F eb. 1, 170
Peterbomrough, N. II.....-Nov.19, 1867
XWilmaington, Ohio. _-_-......Sept. 26, 1865
New York, N. YF..--- ---Nov.28, 1865
Citicinntati, Ohio..........-Jan. 17, 1871
Deposit, N. Y.......-------.Mar. 18,1873
Washiington, D. C..... _ -. July 11, 1854
New Albany, Ind-.. Sept.7, 1858
Boston, Mass-------------. _Apr. 18, 1831
Brooklyn, N. Y-------- Nov. 6, 1866'
Newark, N. J-------------...Feb. 13, 1872
Charleston, S. C----------... Oct. 5, 1869
Pit Hole City, Pa-.. 1.. Oct. 24, 1871
Mercersburgh, Pa....'Jrne 17, 1873
Br-andon, Vt--------------..Mtay 4, 1869
New York, N. YF.......----.Jan. 14, 1873
Glen Gardner, N. J -.....Sept. 9, 1873
Ni-u York, N. Y - - -.-- -Sept. 26, 1854
Gardiner, Mast---------..._.T an. 7, 1873
Columbus, Ohio----------- 1Dec. 28, 1869
Colum~bus, Ohio-----------. Dee. 27, 1870
Dubuque, Iowa.__.-.. Oct. 21, 1856
W~ashinigton, D. C......-Nov. 10, 1868:Bostoti, Mass------------..I. Nov. 5, 1867
West Albaniy, N. Y -.._-. Sept. 17, 1867
Irville, Ohio......-.-.-..----.May 25, 1830
1)rxbttry, Mass-----------...May 7, 1872
New York, N. Y -_._...- Oct. 26, 1816
Williamsport, Pa. - -.--..Jtuly 6, 1858
Cincinnati, Ohio ~..........2 July 6, 1869
Cassadaga, N. YF--.- -----Nov. 25, 1873
B~airibridge, N. F---------- Mar. 17, 1868
Berlin, Prumssiam........... Apr. 12, 1870
New Albiany, Indl.._.. Mar. 5, 1872
New York, N. Y----------..Oct. 22, 1872
Bridgeport,- Conem- __---.-.Feb. 20,1866
Cinclinnati, Ohio----------..Nov. 26, 1867
Rochester, N. Y...._ _......I.'Sept. 11.1860
91, 187
27, 11114
67, 556
68, 6591
56, 5414
128. 432
97, 063
56, 214
107, 685
118, 096
109, 20-2
67, 758
105, 677
76, 202
77, 697
129, 537
22, 722
136, 962
22, 419
142, 418
92, 496
131, 758
42, 60-2
97, 579
85, 835
140, 363
113, 304
123, 183
127, 980
133, 514
115, 979
120, 632
108, 015
126, 9)78
134, 896:32, 398:34, 675
34), 210
20, 918
93, 893
113, 898
5, 208
103, 066
23, 225
99, 441
71, 067
50, 166
51, 132
110, 981
1:36, 824
11, 271
59, 403
123, 549
95, 5,,4
120, 234
140, 047
89, 827
134, 733
142, 6-25
11, 725
134, 544
98, 440
110. 598
15, 931
83, 933
70, 490
68, 973
1-26, 429
20, 828
92, 145
145, 036
75, 617
101, 802
124, 238
132, 397
52, 741
71, 357
30, 022
55, 605
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patenit Office fromt 17'0O to 1873, inedosive-Conthaued.
Chair-sea- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
thuir-suit-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chair, c. seat ---------------------------------
Chair -est - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C hair-seat-- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Chair-seat- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C har-seat- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --
C hair-se - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Chair-seat- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -
Chair-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C hlair-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chanr-seat. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C har-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
thitan seat- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -
(hair-5(e it- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C hair-seat. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C ha tr-seat-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chair-seat-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C li ir-sea- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Chair seat and hack ---------- ------ ------ -------
Cenir seat aid hack------------------- ---------
Chair seat arnd back----------------------------
Cllair sc-it arid hack----------------------------
Chair seat and hack...........................---
Chair seait rnd hack and beid-bottorn, Elastic...
Chair-seat -ard sofa-hottom a..._........-..
Chair-seat-dressing machine- -- -- - ---- --- -- -- -- ---
Chair-seat framne -------------------------------
Chair-seat framne--------------------------------
Chair-scat frama ------------ ------------------
Chair-se-at fraraes, Machine for grooving.-...
Clar-seat mna t er--i a l -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
C llirn-s ea t,Metallic -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -
C h a r seat or hack - ----------- - - _- - - --_-----
C ha irt se at or back- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---
C hla r -s ea t -p la ni ng machine...................
Chaiir-seat supporter ---------------------------
Chair-seat, Tilting -----------------------_------_Chair-scat, Wooden ------ --- -------------------
Chair-seats, Device for manufacturing-- - - -- -- - - -
Chair-seats, Device for- weaving -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
Cha irt- se at s, &c., Fabric lort..____......._.......
Chair-seats, Frianie for weaviri;----------- --------
Clash-seats into their frames, Device for- pressing. -
Chair-seats, &c., Machine for tinting arid rortising.
Chair seats XMachirre fhr dressing.. _............ __.
Clr-rseats, Macline for riaking.................
Chair-seats, -Maclane for mtaking--------------- __ __ __
t-irr suits, Machine for rsnaing.-_.._---._.---_Chair-seats, Macitirte for riakirt--.......
Chair-seits, Preparing raw-hide far use iii -....
Chair-seating ----------------------------------
Chair- sota, anil cat-seat -------------------------
Chair-splints Machline for cutting._-..-_.__.-___
Chair'-sprang---------------- -------------------
Chai-rspring &c --------------------------------
Chair-sprang -----------------------------------
Clairt sparrrng..................................--
Chittr- spr'rl-rii ---------------------
Chair, tablearid bureau cormbire--icil ----
Char, tablearid lounge corraiired-...............
Chiin table, and stand cormbinted.......
Char-so isTirriing...................------.
(hair arid hasket splints, Machine forrrmsking
Cliairis, Attachabile riocket for'-----------
ClirtinCoi str'retioriof -_-....._________
Chat ir sConstructioni of.........--.-........-.
C 'hairs,ontrirciorrof.at........................
Chi r s, Constirrchean of.........................
Chairs, Construiction of -------------
lhairs, Construction of ----------------_--------
Chairs, &. Elastic bottom for----------------......
Chairs, &c. Elastic tip for legs of. - -------.
Chairs, &c.,ieeting-dev-ice tor..---.----.._.-.-.
Ch-iarsManufactuaring.... --....................
C'lins.Needle, rot weavir ng atesats for
Inventor. Rlesidenice. uate. No.
P. Buckley -------------------Binghamton, N. Y..---------eb. 13, 18721 123, 550
W. G. Bulgin----------------- Vienna, N. J-------------- June 7, 1870 103, 973
W. T. tDoreruus---------------. "NeswYotrk, N. YV----------_ _Feb. 18, 1t7:3 135, 973
*J. W. Dlrurmmond _- - -.- _-_ Skane-ateles, N. Y - -13c._.Dc. 16, 1851 8, 585
L. W. Field --------------- Camnden, Ill--------------- Sept. 14, 1869 94, 731
G. Gardner------------ ____..-----Glen Ga-dater, N. J.....-May 21, 1872 127, 044
*G. Gardner-------------------...Glen Gardneir, N. J.....-May 21, 1872 127, 045
G. Hleesen.i---.----------------- _ __ _Tecuamsela, Mich -_.-- ---(Jt. 1 It i7 69, 430
H. C. Knowlton---------------...Gardner- Mass..__._ - - Nov. 3, 1868 83, 713
C. Plat----------------------...New Hav era tona Oct. 27, 1868 83, 541
J. P. Sinclair -----------------Elbriilge, N. X.-. - -. July 29, 1873 141, 295
*C. 1). Smith-------------------...Temaipleton, Mass. --. __Apri. 5, 18 70 101, 671
L. A. Sniiti.-------------------...Cincinnrati, Ohltra_ ---_. July 23, 1867 67, 077
G. A. Watkins-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Protctor-sville, Vt. -..Alit. 7,1868 7, 569
G. A. Watkins -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Proctors-ilrle, Vt -___.-__-Apt. 28, 1868 77, 228
GA. Watkins----------------..Cavendisht Vt.-- - -- Sept. 6i, 1870 1117, 136
G. A. Watkins----------------..Cavendish, Vt.-_- - - -_. Sept. 6, 1870 107, 137
*G. A. Watkins----------------...PiactorsvillePost "UffieVt Aug. 15, 1871 118, 079
11. Weed---------------------West Tray, N. YV- - -- Mar. 29, 1864 4-2, 150
13. F. Wright- -- - ----- -- -- -- - -Chiarlestown, Maiss. - -... June 14, 1870 104, 2431
A. 11. Clark------------------- Girduir, Mass----------Nov. 12, 1872 13-2, 951
WV. T. lDar-crms --. New York, N. Y-------.__- -Jan. 7.1873 134, 583
W. S. Farmer.... New York, N.Y----------..M-ay1, 1866 54, 314
*C. D. Flynt-------------------.....New Yor-k, N. V---------- Sept. 21,1872 131, 677
- 4 T. Pratt- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --Ftcliirrgli, Mass..._Jruly 29, 1862 36, 02i
L Daft.---------------- New Yar-k, N.YV.--------Mar. 9,1869 87,644
J. W. Kimball and J. Maliady Caimbridge, Mass --.-.-- May24, 1864 42, 858
I Baker.- - - - --........Warw-ick,Ma~s----- Sept. 12,1848 5,760
H. Buchter-------------------..Lois-idle, Ky _- -- -----Nitv. 21, 1871 121,01811
It. uhc- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -Louisville, Ky.-_.-- -------June 4, 1872 127, 560
GA. Watkins 1........ rectorseville-, Vt---------- Mey 14,1867 64,7-27
G. A. Watkins ----------Caverndish, V t.- - - - --------Sept.(i, 1870 107, 135
A. AN.ElliottI----------------- Bar-re, Mass-------------- Mar. 29,1870 101241
S. A. Snyider------------------ Clarendorn, N Y----------- Ari. 2 1870 105,1193
G. Gardner- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Glen Gardner, N. J --- - - - Sepit.9, 1873 14-2, 61-4
RW.Myers ----------------- New York, N. Y----------Jualy 29, 18i3 141, 374
E. Q. Smith.-----------------Cincinnati, Oiia--------May 12)1857 17, 300
*G. Butterfield and A. G. Tread- Boston, Mass- -- -- -- - ---- - Jan. 21,1868 73, 499
*M. V. B. Howe----------------...Gardner, Mass.- - - --------J-in.28, 1868 73, 721
L. Heywoode.......-- - -... Gardner, Mass ----._ _-----tec. 24, 1867 72, 6:14
G. C. Winchester--------------.....Aslibrream, Mass.-.- - - Jan. 12, 1861) 85, 883
(. A. Birnghani.- - - -------------_ Cavenidish, Vt.-----------Apr. 26, 180 10-2, 21-2
G. A. Watkins-.___- - - ----------rcctotsville-, Vt------._ _----Mat- 10, 1868 75, 500
J. W. Owen-------------------.....New Htave-n, Coiri.... Apr.27,1189 89, 496
W. Aliicli antd E. T. Watkins. Gardneira, Mass-------..- - -- - tee 3, 1872 1:13, 6116
W. Aldrich and A. F. Spauldinig Pr-totrsville aitd Nortla (Jet. 10, 18-41 119,17:12
field, Vt.
WV. L. Harley.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Chagrin Falls, Ohio - -.....A u--.14, 1840 1, 723
H. Meyer-------------------- Grafton, Wis-------------Mar. 31, 1868 76,2-26
S. W. Croass------------------Waupar, Wis------------- Oct. 22, 1872 1:312, 447
E. SJacksoii----------------Bethel, Vt----------------(Oet. 11, 1870 118, 147
J. C. McCormick _-.----------- Snicksh~rghi, Pa.- _--.- - Nov. 2, 1869 156 458
E. Hansom - - - --.......1-lint, Micli-------------.--NNoy. 14, 1x65 50,5
B. F. Wrighit auth J. Howe, jr. - Chrarlestowri andi Wiiing July 26, 1870 105, 759
toi, Mass.
-M. Kahn----------------------....Hart-lord, Caonni._-.- Nav. 31, 1871 121, 112
*J. WV. Cochran- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----New York, N. V.__- _-_ May 22,1c66 54, 803:
T. N. Dhavey------------------ Jeffersoriville, liii ---- Ja tnt 11-155 45, 70
A. M. Blake.------------------.Caittonrio- -- -- -- - ---- --Apr. 28,1368 77, 161i
W. TV. Doteniris--------New Yoirk, N. V----------UOt.f 28, 187:3 14-1,120
W.rTDor(,nius.--------------- New York, N. V_------Nit-i 18, 187:3 144,6614
T. C. PuringTton---------------...Linctaln, Cal...------------ _Nit-i 32,1569 97,:14
-T. E. Warren---._ ----- ------Troy, N. V---------------50..1...S pt Spt,12 1849 6, 740
H. Martindaha----------------....Newark, lad - - -----------Jan.7, 1873 13-1, 691
J. Ca-glia-----------.....----Chicago, IIl-- -- -- -- -- ----- -a.'25,1x:731:)7, 062
A. WV. Viles ----- _ - _- ------Elkhaorn, Wis.- ---------Aug. 17 1869 93i, 77:1
*E. Coogan--------------------....Washtingtotn. D. C.._..._.Jut. 18,1-80 9x8, 9:..6
H. Cooke-------------------. New York, N.YV-_--------ov.-i-30,l1e3;...
-J. B. Poe---------------------.Wantltiut--lnii -_-. Alir--19, e31-.J n.I.Wlh.. hhd ha a----.-._My 13,173 11, 81-18
A. and U. A. Binghtamrn_ Ri-. Kerie, N.H.,tindlarduen Alum 17, 18665 54, o053
IH. Evarts--.........Ciao l---------------ChciFil ob. 2-2,197(10111, 132
H. Fit-ts, j r-----------...._------itchtiunt-h Mics __..._At-ti 16,18(19 87 7158
HI. 1. Seyovtiur.......... ro,N. ------ 1-Ma 11871 0li:1, 7'6
1). E. Teal-------------------..N(ew iusbotntN. --._. -.itle191870811105, 515
1). E. Teal-------------------___ __ _New Lisbien, N. V.. tulhy11lot)) 10, 5161
1). E. Teal -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -.New Lisloa, N. Y July 19, i870 185, 5h7
L. Sptoorier----------------Lstop, Alas h....JuoJiir - 3, 1856 15, 021
S. Van tPatten ----- Alban,-ir......i M-y 3, 1870 10:2,6127
C. S. Hunt- ------- ----------- Terre Bonnue Patish, La.__ June 9,1x68 78, 74-2
E. Q. Steithi---.---------------tiinrnati, OGlut----------I Auii--210 856a I5,53
1)'C Mashe~ir----------- ahigon."C7pt t -I142 808
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Chalk-line winder-----------------------------.................................Chalking lines, Method of.........................
Chamber and other vessels, Cover for---...------..---
Chamber-closet, Portable....--...---...-.
Chamber-closet, Portable....-----------------------.
Chamber vessel...............................
Chamber-vessel cover-------------------------.............................Chamber-vessel seat-----------........----.....-..-----------.............Chamber-utensil..................................
Chameleon whirligig...---------...-----------------..
Chamfering and crozing machine---------------..................Chamfering-machine...........................
Chandelier and lamp, Apparatus for raising and
Chandelier attachment, Gas....................
Chandelier center................................
Chandelier center.................................
Ch niidelier center.................................
Chandelier center-light fixture..................
Chandelier drop light..........................
Chandelier, Drop-light.............................
Chandelier, Extension...-------------.------------..
Chandelier, Extension.--------------_
Chandelier extension-fixtures-----.......-.............-------------
Chandelier extension-tuboe.........................
Chandelier or hanging lamp..............
Chandelier or hanging lamp.............
Chandelier, Reflecting....-------------------------
Chandelier, Sliding................................
Chanidelier, Sliding or extension..................
Chandelier, Vapor...........................
Chandeliers from the ciystaliization of salts,
Manufac uring.
Chandeliers, lamps, &c., in imitation of glass,
Manufacture from the cr. stallization of salts.
C hange-box, Railway-conductor's---...........
Change-gate.. - - -- - - - - - - - - -...
Channeling and beveling machine...............
Channeling and edging tools...................
Channeling- machine................-........Channeling- machineo------------------------
Channeling- machino..........................
Channeling- tool...............................
Channeling- tool...-..............
Charnneling tool...............................
Channeling- tool..-------------------------------
Channeling tool.................................
Channeling-tool for harness-maker........
Charcoal, Animal:,See Bone-bIlack.
Charcoal, Apparatus for cooling and saving.....
Charcoal, Apparatus for the manufacture of.....
Charcoal, Burning..-----------------.......
Charcoal, Charring wood for...................
Chai coal, Cleansing and revivifying............
Charcoal, Cleansing animal.....................
Charcoal, Cooling and purifying animal...........
Charcoal for rectifying spirits, Retort for preparing
Chatcoal for refining sugar, Revivifying animal-... -
J. H. Rose-----------------....................
S. B. Knight-...--------------..............--
J. S. Davidson and N. Lorton.
W. J. Lyman.....---------------
W. J. Lyman...----------------
F. Imhorst....................
A. Rankin....................
C. H. Berry...----------------
A. Rankin...------------....
V. Rhodes....................-----------------
C. Robinson...................
W. Stockton..................----------------
I. Freed......................
J. C. Stoddard................
L. O. Franke.................
S. W. Anderson...-.........
H. Wildo...................
B. F. Mattox and S. Corson. -..
J. Stufflebeen.................
W. Johnson, 2d................
W. L. Bradley-................
T. Buckley.....-----------------
T. Buckley.................
J. A. Evarts.............
I. P. Frink....................-----------------
C. F. Jacobsen................
C. F. Jacobsen................
J. Kintz......................
P. Loth.......................
R. J. Skinner.................
R. J. Skinner---------------
R. J. Skinner...............
E. M. Smith..................
J. F. Travis..................
H. S. Hall-.............
A. Bliss......................
J. Kintz......................
J. Kintz......................
J. Meah......................
R. F. White..................
C. E. Cornelius...............
W. C. Vosburg...............
L. Hull...............
H. Tucker...................
J. A. Evarts...............
E. Russell...................
W. Hubbard..................
W. Lawrence................
W. Lawrence.................
C. F. Jacobsen................
G. F. Blaisse.................
J. Brannen...................
C. E. Smith and H. J. Rice....
F. Ransom....................
F. B. Merrill...................
J. B. Eustis..................
J. B. Slawson.................
A. W. Wood..................
I. Manning............
L. Baner.....................
G. McKay.................
G. McKay and L. B. Blake..
C. Stoddard..................
H. S. Vrooman...............
A. Bottum...................
F. E. Droll...................
G. D. Edmands................
J. B. Johnson................
G. WV. Pruyne................
E. I). Goula...................
G. A. Jasper.................
L. S. Goodrich..............
A. Grimes...................
G. A. Jasper.................
G. A. Jasper..................
D. H. Turner.................
J. McCann...................
A. H. Leplay and J. F. J.
Mount Sterling, Ill.......
North Providence, R. I....
Cranberry, N. J..........
East Hampton, Mass......
East Hampton, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
East Somerville. Mass.....
New York, N. Y..........
Memphis, Tenn...........
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Harrisburgh, Pa........
Worcester, Mass..........
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J.............
West Ridge, Ill...........
Milwaukee, Wis........
Hampstead, N. H........
West Meriden, Conn......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
West Meriden, Conn......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Now York, N. Y..........
West Meriden, Comnn......
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
West Meriden, Conn......
West Meriden, Conn......
Meriden, Conn............
Hoboken, N. J..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Charlestown, Mass.......
Newton, Mass............
West Meriden, Conn._...
Waterbury, Coin.......
West Meriden, Conn......
Meriden, Conn............
Meriden, Conn............
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa...
Columbus, Ohio...........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Oct. 30,1866
Mar. 27, 1855
Aug. 18, 1868
Feb. 18, 1868
July 14, 1868
Mar. 19, 1872
Jan. 30, 1866
Apr. 5, 1870
June 5, 1866
Dec. 20, 1870
Apr. 14, 1868
May 10, 1870
Oct. 29, 1867
Sept. 27, 1859
July 26,1870
Mar. 1,1870
Aug. 12, 1862
Mar. 23, 1869
May 24, 1864
June 21, 1859
Jan. 7, 1873
Jan. 4, 1870
Nov. 7, 1871
May 26, 1868
Apr. 9, 1872
June 8, 1869
Mar. 7, 1871
May 20, 1873
Apr. 18, 1865
May 14, 1867
Mar. 3, 1868
Oct. 17, 1,71
Dec. 15, 1868
Dec. 28, 1869
Nov. 5, 1867
Oct. 10, 1871
Aug. 26, 1873
Oct. 10, 1871
July 18, 1}71
Dec. 2, '873
Apr. 7,1868
Aug. 26, 1873
Art' g 17, 1869
Apr. 21, 1868
Apr. 9, 1872
Sept. 3, 1872
Mar. 23,1831
Mar. 10. 1834
Mar. 12, 1872
June 17, 1873
July 1, 1873
Aug. 23, 1870
Nov. 3, 1829
59, 268
12, 599
81, 261
74, 558
79, 994
124, 824
52, 320
101, 419
55, 361
110, 286
76, 817
102, 877
70, 191
25, 592
105, 792
100, 248
36, 186
88, 153
42, 886
24, 465
134, 585
98, 469
120, 707
78, 365
125, 560
91, 135
112, 351
139, 066
47, 312
64, 719
75, 064
120, 114
84, 9)75
98, 255
70, 398
11 ';, 773
142, 165
119, 780
117, 131
145, 053
76, 360
142, 107
93, 927
77, 019
125, 619
131, 100..........
124, 582
140, 003
140, 459
106, 629..........
65, 555
130, 756
140, 986
68, 094
137, 404
42, 211
43, 923
42, 237
60, 807
40, 814
74, 806
88, 283
39, 366
77, 653
34, 421
101, 019
129, 814
16, 304.....
47, 308
53, 534
68, 915
89, 492
35, 160..742
81, 742
98, 239
12, 602
66, 738
40, 207
36, 090
56, 528
8, 492
43, 748
129, fib
Buffalo, N. Y.............. June 13, 1829
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........-- - -
San Francisco, Cal.....
Boston, Mass..............
Boston and Quincy, Mass
North Brooktfield, Mass..
Hoboken, N. J............
Bridgeport, Conn........
Saint Charles, Mo.........
Saugus, Mass..........
Lynn, Mass..........
Mexico, N. Y............
Lockport, N. Y..........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Wavorly, Tenn...........
Lancaster, N. Y..........
Bennington, Vt.........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Charlestown, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo............
Paris, France............
June 11, 1867
Aug. 20, 1872
July 15, 1873
Aug. 27, 1867
Apr. 1, 1873
Apr. 5, 1864
Aug. 23, 1864
Apr. 5, 1864
Jan. 1, 1867
Dec. 8, 1863
Feb. 25, 1868
Mar. 30, 1869
July 28, 1863
May 5,1868
Feb. 18, 1862
Mar. 22, 1870
July 23, 1873
Dec. 23, 1856
Dec. 14, 1829
Apr. 18, 1865
Mar. 27, 1866
Sept. 17, 1867
Apr. 27, 1869
May 6, 1862
Charcoal from peats, Making.................-. C. Fales....-...............
Charcoal-furnace-- -..... --------_. C. W. Briggs..........
Charcoal-furnace------......--------------------------............................ -W. T. Downs............
Charcoal-furnace.................................. J. McNeill..............
Charcoal-furnace-------------...........--------------..........----............ A.J. Redway...............
Charcoal-furnace.................................. W. S. Wright.................
Charcoal-kiln---.........----------------------------............................ C. T. Harvey.................
Charcoal-kiln, Mode of forming---......... M. Carroll... - -......
Charcoal-making apparatus.................... K. S. Chaffee..................
Charcoal manufieture...----------------------------. W. P. McConnell.............
Charcoal, Manutieturing.. - - ---........................ A. Kurtz...................
Charcoal, Mode of treating animal--------------...............- E. Beanes....................
Charcoal,.Process and apparatusr for the minanufac- L. S. Goodrich................
ture of.
Worcester, Mass......... Feb. 11, 1807
Springfield, Mass........ Sept. 1, 1868
Saint Louis, Mo............ Dec. 28, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 27, 1855
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... July 16, 1867
Saint Louis, Mo........... Oct. 6,1863
Chicago, Ill............... Aug. 5, 1862
Pellico Plains, Tenn...... Apr. 28,1838
Cambridge, Mass......... July 24, 1866
Washington, D. C......... Nov. 4, 1851
Philadelphia, Pa._...... June 28, 1816
London, England........ Aug. 2,1864
Waverly, Tenn.......... July 23, 1872
ï~~286 1i:1)Ex F01" 'l':NT'S 17lSS([T l) FRO
Indei x of pacots istid from the United S/obs Patent Ofice f) om 179(0 to 1 7:1, u l/sire(-Coitltiiiue d.
Invention. Iveto.Residence. Da1te.h
Charcoal, Process of screening..................--. S- I ins------------------ Irondale, Mo------------- Dec. 15t, -._6
Charcoal, -Purification of animal------------------....C. 1 L.Waiidel. -.-__.__. __-Bernburg, Giermany _.-. __May 2).1 69 1), 6 I7
Charcoal, Purifying animal----------._._..__.- _1.Fi' --bldt a nd (C. Thumb... -Sollingent. iuchy of Brutns xApr. 4, 1571 11, 'I
wick, and Magdebuig(usia
Charcoal, Treating animal ------------------------1F,;eones.--------_London, England Apr. 5 1864 42, 156
Charcoal used 1 n rectifying spirits, Revivifying (. I.Fleiscliniann..... -_ _....Washtingtoni.1). C _... Feb. 25, 1873 116, 147
Charcoal used in rectifying spirits, Revivifying. _ 1'A. Enst- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Baltimore, Md---_..-------lFeb. 25,1;-,7 136, 229
Charring wood----------------------------------. S. I ry------------------- Charles City CunyVa Air?16 4614
Chart-holder.---------------------------.----1).liryocek-------------------Iannibal, MoS------et19) 1871 119,054
Chart-roller.----.- - ---------------------------- - E..I lesar -----._._.I;EpieCt,(oo__..--------------Emirptt. (o ay 12, 1868 77, 813
Charts, landscapes, &c., Machine for copying.----_C. TIho tipsoll -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- --Bristol, PLI---- F -----heb 5,1 r06..._
'harts, Method of finding courses and bearings on LFP. Knorr-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Wasiigton, D. (. __.May 118)0i;O 2e, 1)59
Chiarim lusoriax, Fair dealer of the----------------. R.BatBeoh----------------------...Washingion, I. C _...Mayo15,1 _
Chasiug-mill---------------------------...--------BMN.1oi-ce...........Newark, N..I......Sept. 21) 1864 14,298
Chaing-mill -------"----"------------------------ C. Mooie---------------------Tr'enton N I IÂ~X..... I '13,x"1 - 0 1
Check and driving line--------------------------...(. C.M. Xh-xander--------------_.Washington, D. ' July 14. 1-6- 79,:.
Check, Baggage------------------ ------(_.._..._.G.Biley................-----Buflfalo, N. ' lne 3, 1862 35,4i3
CheekBaggage ---------------------------------F Iloob----------------------. Mount Venon, N.X. (-let. 5185
(heck, laage...---.-..-.-....-.--.....-..-..........-..--1.Murdock,.ji-., andXW. XW. Cincinnti (luio._._.__ l ug.'2-2, 1r6- 4,I
Check-box Conductors' -.- - --........--J 1' t tout-------------------Newark,.T._-l._- unI- 11)is, 31:9,,-O
heck-box, Conductors'--------------------------. I'.XW.Knox--------. ----------New Yoi k, N ----._.May 9 1;-'6 4 64I
Check-box, Railway-conductors'-----------------i. L. E.Keitht----------------------.Biitfalo, NIi.. o...._Jne 4 7-1 s 7,4
Cheek-box, Railway -conductors' iegistering _... I.S.'Sti iroli-----------------P. etroit., Mic h _......Mayx 2-, 1-" )7,' 20
(heck-holder-----------------------------------..A. A.baker------------------ Camdhen N I N. I.2r. 1-71 113,lii
(heck-honk -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -"- -.- -- -- --C.A.11-ll--------------------.......New Yoik, 'x V - --!Xpr. 3.181;
('heck-hook------------------------------------.....A.lBedford------------...----Cold Wite r, Mu ih. N ov.:, r I
Check-hook------------------------------------11 XX..Biirress----------------.New Brighton, aI --__I-in. 211,17313 )
(heck-hook------------------------------------......11. A.Collins-----------------_.Springfield, Mass --- --- A u g.s19, 1-64 1 434
Check-hook------------------------------------L..........E.)ening-------------... _ _----MiddletowniiConii. -...Sept.:,-x6let,75
Cheek-hook------------------------------------..N.1)ieterich---------.._..._.__.Sandwich, Ill ----July-:)1 167 6, 473
Check-hook-----------------------------------......,.J-H.Jones-------------_-..........1 WilliamsportIPa.- - cl_ _' et. 1, It;7 t;113 0
Check-hook--------------------------- ---------(C.B. 1avoce-------------Clinton, Ill.........Jurly '2t),1-);a 7.
Check-hook-----------------------------..........A. V.M.S p r ag ue----........__.-----Rochester, N. ----V --I JIxyI, lx1-:1,10'.
('heck-hook ---- ---- -(._.________ r.hleobalt..- - - - - -.....SpringfieldMi s.___ tI e(.7,I 3) 7"t
Check hook and terret fastening----------------..I.... 1A 11111ll-.---..--...---------..Decatur- Ill.... _.._.June 2:3,I 73',-27 -Check hook and terret fastening - - -.--- - - -.- -------.illl--------------------I... ecatur, Ill.........Oil. '0, l1 6:,1
Check-protector---------------------------------C Vd u ----------------- Pitthum "Ii Pa...... Mar. 5,1.72]-' 14,:309
Chfeck-rein------------------------------------- ''1 lB tou)--------------------.CornwallN Y.13 "--- Vp. 1'ItP 6:t:3
Check-rein holder-...-................----eytod------------------1)hynls-.Rockford, Ill --- --._ Nov.11)i-' 'I 97, 11
C'heck-runner-----------------------------------..-J.ilag ly------------- - -- -. Coi-ry, P.1.Aig2 '.1: 14'2, t,
Checks, drafts, &c., Fluid lbr writing on.._. ('.11 Lwrence...._-- - -__ -. _New Yoirk, N.'._X.. D..Itin, 1117) ' II4 -Checks, drafts, &c., from fraud, Modle of securing I.1Rester...._.. Knoxville Ill..-u-_)_4 iN_ - - _Mr 4 = 7 5
Checks, drafts, &c., Manufacturing blanks tor....J- Av dter _..--------------_.New Ilaxien. Conti -------.Jai. "1.....
Checks, drafts, &c., Manufacturing blanks for._.. A t w tier-------------------.... __ __ __New Ilav eliiiin, Au",.1-,1-.----_Checks, drafts, &c., Manufacturing blanks for._.J. Atw ater and N. and S. S. New JHave,(un... __O_..Tuiit11t Ix":'
Checks for preventing forgeries -..---------_-----J. Ppa.ltiuio.(....I.)..N.. u. 8. I.
Checker-men --------------------- -------------- J. W.TI..a..,..Jr'VAb i. ---"-------'.bin1' t869 '1101
Checkers, Construction of-.-....-..........- -.I.1V. 11.Nott...._..Neaw York, N. Y-V._ I 1.. 3.Dcc 24, 1 67 72,71)
Cheese and butter cutting machine- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -.11. iias - - -.- -- - -- -- ---Lynn, Mass---------------. _ _Fel. 14, 1571 ill,. 85
Cheese and cider press---------------------------.IL. Cassell- ---_----------------IHarrison, Me -------_--Dc. 1,I 6......
Cheese, Apparatus for manufactutring....... I'.XX,,Strong- - - --.........Evans' Mills, N. YV _N ov.2.,1-69 ' 97:l 13'1
Cheese-han dage--------------------------------... _ T -1 11)114))tind C. XV. Robinson 'loxylston and Sandi- ('ree k, one4, 1s7;' 012,10
Cheese-bandage -------------------------- -----Ii. "11.N.1{i1,sall----------------Watertown, N. Vug' 1, 1-(;7 1,7,;,5
Cheese, Bandaging and boxing-------------------J........ Mo.,------..- - "- - -.._-----------Watertowu,: N.. - -- Mayx-, -( h7,l
Cheese-box.---------"--------.--------------------F1' Lb hi.- - - -------1-- lin, Ill.---------.------- Nos-.'2.I 1if 9(,3O
Cheese-box-------------------------------------1). DNI.1 ole"-----"---- F. lue Ill_----------------.Fe). 215, Inl- 74 7:47
Cheese-box-----------------_..-----------------------11 cox------------ -------1 xyonsN.Y..---------------Nox. 7'-1 1.2o0, 4
Cheese-box-------------------------------------.. V I K maltl---------------Wateioxa.n. 1. a- 181,9 '1
Cheese-box----------------------------, 1". Lessis.... _- -._ - - -__.Adams, X YN _ V..!Mir. 26, 156 "tCheese-box---------------------------------(Stuli-----------------------.Mokena, Ill ------" Mayx',I lab 54,1 11
Cheese-box and butter-tub-----------------------1F It. X, i15))4-----.- -.- -------Weathterito 1ti. N 13 __.Jan.,1-3- 6. 5
C.heese-box detector-----------------------------. J1'1 1 unklintg-----------.----- Bate hellbix ill,N. I --Max- -'2 I, '; 4, s(
Cheese-box, Machine for mnaking-----------------.1 II nixei-----------_--------- Eluma, N. _-.--Ma'.12.17 6-',111
Cheese, Boxing, bandaging, and preparing A. At.Uthey, I1. N. Kimbildl, WalertowlnN...1-.3 iOict..1 (;r -2,Cc:
and1 3W.-Reynolds.
Cheese, butter, and bread ciitteir- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - --.F.Adamns -..--- - -------Bangor, NMe._..-..._Nox. t11 s,85111
Cheese, cider, &c., Machine to pieas -------------_I. Nichols -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Otsego Ciointy, X. - Oct.1 8
Cheese, cider, &c., Pressing--------............D Iolilies--------------------. Paris, Me _...._.-,Feb. 0,1832...
('heese, Compound for preserving--.............F'P. 11401111iid dA. Miller-.Cleveland, Ohio.--.-_.- _:Oct. 27, 1960 81,10
Cheese-cover-----------------------------------..E. L. Pmalt-------_---------- --Philadelphia, Pa ------_----lne'21,185') 0 1j'
('heese-curd cutter--------_.----------------W. A. lTeniis----------------j. Spencer, Ma ss -.-.------Aut,. 27, 1167 {'3 "21
Cheese-curd cutter-----------------...-11.A.laeia-.._-._..i uye NI-------------11AIlJkiiiau m3in.I'9m134 11.7
('heese curd cutter--------------1I I Tiiutc I New',-72,.,.a.nee:., ) Ma6)11c"}3 18
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 18 3, inclusive-Continued.
Cheese-cutting machine....................
Cheese-cutting machine......................
Cheese for market, Preparing...............
Cheese, fruit, &c., Press for......................
Cheese, Gear-press for.......................
Cheese-hoop --..... -.............
Cheese-hoop, Adjustable.....................
Cheese-hoop flange-----.....-------------------
Cheese-hoop follower....................................
Cheese, Hoop for curing and packing.............
Cheese-hoop making.......................
Cheese-hoops, Casting metallic.................
Cheese-hoops, Expanding-------------------..........................
Cheese-hoops, &c., Machine for cutting and slitting.
Cheese, Machine for cutting the curd of...........
Cheese, Machine for turning and curing...........
Cheese, Machine for turning and curing..........
Cheese-making apparatus..................
Cheese-making machine..........................
Cheese manufacture..............................
Cheese manufacture..............................
Cheese manufacture..............................
Cheese manufacture...............................
Cheese manufacture..............................
Cheese, Mode of applying nets to pine-apple.......
Cheese, Mode of covering....................
Cheese, Mode of preparing rennet for use in making
Cheese, Netting for forming pine-apple...........
Cheese press.....................................
Cheese-press - - --.....
W. K. Foster...-............
W. Rhoads. jr., and T. Gerhard.
L. J. Randoll..................
A. C. Ainger and S.W. Webster
T. M. Brintuall................
B. G. Martin.................
H. Erwin...............
J. Beach.....................
J. Beach....................
A. F. Bent....................
G. B. Boomer.............
L. Chapin....................
M. B. Fraser.................
E. Hodgkins................
A. Holiredge and B. F. and H.
H. Harrington.
O. A. King..................
H. W. Millar.................
H. W. Millar................
E. A. Palmer.................
H. A. Roe....................
J. L. Sprague...............
W. Sternberg................
W. Sternberg................
S. Purdy.....................
C. P. S. Wardwell............
S. Wilson.....................
W. P. Thomson..............
A. Chandler.................
H. Cooper....................
W. B. Nickelson..............
H. M. Viets..................
T. Brown....................
R. Van IHorn..................
P. Bryant.....................
S. Thomson..................
H. Webber....................
H. Webber...................
E. L. Yancy and C. E. Dorman.
B. Armstrong........
J. W. Andrews andN. J. Ogden
J. Budlong....................---------------
W. S. Cornell.................
W. McAllister------------................
F. A. Redington and G. McCluer.
L. M. Norton..............
U. Bushnell...............
L. B. Arnold.................
W. Starr......................--------------
J. Aiken.....................
P. Allen......................---------------
R. Allen.....................
J. Arnold....................
J. Arnold...................
B. Atwell..................
C. Auborn..................
A. G. Bagg.................
E. Barnes...................
S. Bartlett---------------...................
J. Bigelow...................
G. B. Boomer, T. G. Morse, and
RI. E. Boschert.
J. Card-----------------......................
D. A. Church...............-------------
C. A. Codding...............
C. A. Codding.............
G. R. Comstock...............
S. Cope--... ---------------
E. J. Crane--------------................... -
I1. Dickerman...............
A. H. Emery..............
J. Erdle......................
J. A. Fletcher................
M. B. Fraser................
A. Gaunt....................
J. Goulding...................
WV. H. Guy....................
M. A. Hackley................
C. L. Haines................
L. Hale....................
B. F. Harriman............
J. Hibbard...................
B. Hinkley...............
S. Y. Ives.....
L. Kellogg...................
H. Kendall...................
S. Kibbe......................
L. Martin.....................
S. B. McCullough and J. R.
C. C. Musselnan..............
N. Norcross..................
M. Owen......................
XV. C. Paucost................
J. Paterson...................
1D. Phelps....................
Bangor, Me..............
Reading, Pa...............
Chardon, Ohio............
Stockholm, N. Y.........
Medina, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass............
De Ruyter, N. Y..........
De Ruyter, N. Y..........
Antwerp, N. Y.............
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Antwerp, N. Y...........
Rome, N. Y...............
Carthage, N. Y.........
West Burlington and New
Berlin, N. Y.
Bedford, Ohio...........
Utica, N. Y............
Utica, N. Y..........
Clayville, N. Y..........
Madison, Ohio..........
Hermon, N. Y..........
Bridgeport, N. Y..........
Bridgeport, N. Y..........
Whitestown, N. Y........
Lake Village, N. H......
Watertown, N. Y...
Watertown, N. Y.........
Rome, N. Y.............
Watertown, N. Y.....
Lowville, N. Y...........
Carlisle, Ohio.........
Georgetown, N. Y.........
Northfield, Ohio.......
Chesterfield, Mass......
Monterey, Mass.....
East Richfield, N. Y......
East Richfield, N. Y.......
Batavia and Pembroke,
Huntsburgh, Ohio........
Dryden, N. Y..........
Chardon, Ohio........
New York, N. Y.........
Gerry, N. Y...........
Fredonia, N. Y...........
Litchfield, Conn...........
Gustavus, Ohio...........
Lansing, N. Y.............
Norway, N. Y..........
Warner, N. H.............
Burlington, N. Y..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Pawliigs, N. Y............
Harmony, N. Y..........
Burlington, N. Y..........
Watertown, N. Y........
Holland Patent, N. Y......
North Brookfield, Mass...
Hocking County, Ohio....
Montpelier, Vt.............
Phoenix, N. Y.............
Aug. 24,1852
Oct. 22, 1867
Mar. 6,1866
Dec. 9,1862
Aug. 15, 1871
Jan. 14,1873
Dec. 28, 1808
May 23,1854
Oct. 18, 1859
Dec. 22,1868
Feb. 4,1873
June 9,1868
Jan. 9, 1872
Jan. 2, 1872
Mar. 14,1871
Aug. 13, 1867
May 29,1866
Nov. 16, 1869
Nov. 13, 1866
Aug. 28, 1860
Sept. 7, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
Apr. 18,1871
Apr. 7,1868
June 9,1857
Sept. 13, 1870
Mar. 22, 1870
May 2, 1871
May 4, 1869
Nov. 13, 1866
June 23, 1868
Mar. 23, 1858
Aug. 28, 1866
May 15, 1849
Mar. 7,1865
Apr. 22, 1835
Apr. 22, 1835
Nov. 1, 1870
Jan. 14,1868
Apr. 13, 1869
Apr. 10,1866
Mar. 31, 1868
Nov. 13, 1860
Feb. "8,1859
June 4,1827
Jan. 6,1852
June 15, 1869
Dec. 27,1831
Jan. 6, 1863
May 13, 1809
Dec. 13,1870
Oct. 26, 1807
Apr. 2,1841
July 18, 1809
Apr. 9, 1861
Jan. 25, 1870
Sept. 5, 1834
Feb. 28, 1842
Jan. 25,1816
Nov. 1,1870
70, 020
53, 043
37 140
117, 974
134, 910
10, 956
25, 800
85, 201
135, 514
78, 643
122, 464
112, 597
67, 658
96, 942
59, 636
29, 824
94, 661
112, 977
113, 809
76, 345
17, 536
107, 315
114, 263
89, 560
59, 630
79. 164
19, 677
57, 599
6, 447
46, 735
108, 866
73, 281
88, 830
53, 777
76, 167
30, 638
22, 891
8, 625
91, 298
37, 327
31, 940
99, 132
2, 469
108, 753
7, 728
32, 820
34, 241
13, 337
23, 352
70, 810.....
24, 449
81, 614
1, 650
80, 158
33, 248
9, 625
113, 763
35, 820
20, 346
81, 509
6, 101
21, 883.....
92, 201
64, 998
42, 393
41, 169
14, 0(15
32, 142
Fairport, Ohio......... Oct. 22, 1850
Friendship, N. Y.....-... May 4,1841
Augusta, Mich........ July 16, 1861
Augusta, Mich..........fJan. 28, 1862
Manheim, N. Y.........July 24, 1855
Enterprise, Ill........... Mar. 29, 1859
La Porte, Ind ------.--Nov. 12,1867
Great Barrington, Mass.. Dec. 27, 1808
Mexico, N. Y----.............. June 21, 1859
South Bristol, N. Y........ Sept. 1, 1868
Irasburgh, Vt............ June 20, 1840
Steuben, N. Y......July 21,1868
Springfield, N. J -..--....... July 6, 1839
Worcester, Mass-.......... ----May 27, 1814
Jonesville, Mich i.......... Sept. 10, 1861
Belleville, N. Y........... Mar. 22, 1853
North Newburgh, Mo..... Apr. 18,1871
Hollis, N. H -.............June 30, 1838
Warner, N. H............. July 8, 1862
Weathersfield, N. Y....... May 25, 1858
Fayette, Me.............. Oct. 15, 1832
Meriden, Comn..........I Aug. 25,1868
Ravenna, Ohio.........._Feb. 6, 1849
East Dorset, Vt.......... Oct. 26, 1858
Schoharie, N. Y---------.......... July 18,1834
Granville, N. Y-------..........-. Dec. 19, 1808
Rock Springs, Md., and July 6, 1869
Lancaster County, Pa...
Somerset, Pa.............. May 21, 1867
Livermore, Me............ Apr. 19, 1864
Potsdam, N. Y............ Jan. 5, 1864
Geneva Township, Ohio.. Jan. 8, 1856
uiiliana)polis, Ind........ A_ p)r. 23, 1861
Bangor, Me-............... J ane 12, 1835
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cheese-press -----------------------------
Cheese-press -----------------------------
Cheese press and hoop...-------------------
Cheese, &c., press, Combined------......---------................
Cheese-press, "Lever and eccentric-wheel"...- - -. --
Cheese-press, Self acting...............
Cheese-press, Self acting......
Cheese-press, Self acting.........................
Cheese-press, Self-acting........................
Cheese-press, Self acting...............
Cheese-press, Self-acting.....----....
Cheese-press, Self-acting...............
Cheese-press, Self acting.....................
Cheese-press, Self acting....------------..........
Cheese-press, Self-acting.............
Cheese-press, Self acting..............
Cheese-press, Self-acting.........................
Cheese-press, Self acting........................
Cheese-press, Self-acting -.....................
Cheese-press, Self-acting....-.-..-......
Cheese-press, Self-adjusting--..--------------..Cheese-press, Self-propelling hanging-lever......
t;heese-presses, Construction of..................
Cheese, Pressing......--------------------------
Cheese, Pressing.....--------------------------
Cheese-pressing machine....--------------------
Cheese-pressing machine------... ---------..----
Cheese, Process for making-..----------------...
Cheese, Process for manufacturing-----.....Cheese, Process of manufacturing German hand.. -
Cheese safe, gage, and cutter...----------------
Cheese, Shelving for curing and storing..-..
Cheese-skipper extractor...-------------------
Cheese-table, shelving, &c-------------------.........................Cheese, Turning...--------------------------
Cheese-turning apparatus........................
Cheese-turning apparatus---........................
Cheese-turning cover--............................
htese at, Apparatus for agitation of milk in..
Cheess-vat fastener.......................
R. Porter----------------......................
J. Pride-----------------.......................
W. H. Ragan----...-----...----
E. Raymond..---------------...
C. H. Robertson-..-------...---
A. N. Severance ----...............
W. H. Stevens---------..........---......
J. D. Stratton and T. Wilson -..
M. C. Taft---------------..................... -
L. C. Tanney.................
C. Taylor..----.....---------..
W. Thomas and W. Rhoades..
W. W. Townsend...--..........W. W. Townsend............
J. L. Treat....................
A. Tyrrill---------------.....................E. Warner.....................
R. Webb and J. Cox...........--
S. White----------------......................
P. Wilbor......---------------.............
P. Wilson---------------.....................L. C. Winslow.................
I). P. Nickerson...............
C. C. Musselman.......-.....
J. S. and E. Pulsifer...........
I. Carter-----------------......................B. Gillett and L. Allis......
E. Hall........................------------------
D. Hitchcock and C. Stone.... -
C. B. and J. Kingsbury.......
W. Leach.................---
S. Mann.......................--------
J. Martin, jr..--------------
B. H. Otis.. -----------.-----
S. W. Ruggles..------------
C. Stone....-----------------
C. Stone and F. K. and G. S.
C. Stone and F. K. and G. S.
C. Stone and G. S. Collins......
J. Underwood...............
R. Porter------......--.....----........
J. S. Cram...............-....
H. Kendall....................
W. McAllister................
H. A. Stone--------------...................
L. Caswell..........-..........---
M. Norton---------------....................IH. O. Freeman................
M. A. Sheaffer---------..........---......
F. C. and T. F. Mende.........
E. G. Bulgin.-------------.A. N. Severance...........
J. H. Phillips...-------------
C. Green..----------------
E. L. Yancy....--------------
A. M. Utley...............
R. Scott.. ------------.---
J. Q. Black....................
A. Mears....-----------------.
Q. C. Culley...--------------
A. B. Armstrong..............
G. Austin..----------------
A. G.Bagg.....---------------
D. F. Barclay.....-------------
H. H. Bent....---------------.1. A. Carlisle and G. A. Bowers
P. Calvin----------------.....................J. H. Crumb and L. Sears.....
F. E. Day................
L. C. Itains...........-..
L. C. Hains------------.............--......
W. Howard--------------...................J. Jones, C. D. Faulkner, F. L.
Jones, and H. K. Faulkner.
R. M. Livingston..............
F. X. Manahan............
D. W. Maples.......
H. W. Millar..................
W. H. Obitts..................
W. H. Obitts..................----
W. Ralph....................
W. Ralph--..---..-----------.
H. A. Roe----------------.....................Il. A. Roe...................
H. A. Roe....................
O. Sage...--------.O. Sago..-------------
0- Sage..------------
E. G. Seeger, jr...........
A. Slaughter.............
E. II. and W. A. Stuart...
A. Westcott.................
C. M. Wilkins................,. C. Ho se...................
S. 1'. lalleck..................
Residence. Date.
Billerica, Mass--------............ Apr. 15, 1840
Potsdam, N. Y............ ----------Dec. 9, 1824
Fillmore, Ind-----------............. June 4, 1867
Sherburn, N. Y......-.... Feb. 21, 1810
Middleport, N. Y--------.......... Dec. 15, 1857
Cherry Valley, Ohio.......- Mar. 26, 1850
Winona, Minn-----......------...... Nov. 6, 1866
Mackinaw, Ill..-......... Sept. 15, 1868
Potsdam, N. Y............ ----------Apr. 10, 1860
Olmstead, Ohio............ Dec. 13, 1864
Little Falls, N -Y....... Mar. 2 2, 1859
Mukwonago, Wis...... Dec. 11, 1866
Addison County, Vt...-.. June 13, 1812
Shoreham, Vt............ --------Dec. 18, 1839
New York, N. Y...-....... - Sept. 29, 1863
Fowler, Ohio.--....-....... Dec. 31, 1833
Waterbury, Conn n...... Apr. 12, 1808
Madison, Conn... -.... Feb. 27, 1830
Bridgewater, Vt.......... Aug. 15, 1837
Milan, Ohio..---........... Aug. 22, 1854
Newport, Me ------.............. June 23, 1868
Canton, N. Y.............. Jan. 5, 1864
Cleveland, Ohio......... Aug. 27, 1861
Somerset, Pa----.............. Jan. 11, 1870
Ipswich, Mass........... Feb. 14, 1831
Plattsburgh, N. Y---......... Aug. 14, 1849
Hartford, Conn ----------......... Aug. 26, 1851
Persia, N. Y...-.......... Dec. 4, 1847
New York................ July 24, 18-28
Utica, N. Y..............-------- ----Dec. 18, 1847
Clarkson, N. Y............ Feb. 8, 1859
Alstead, N. H............. Sent. 25, 1849
Azatalan, Wister.......... Nov. 26, 1844
Cleveland, Ohio........... Mar. 27, 1849
Fitchburgh, Mass......... July 4, 1854
Rootstown, Ohio.......... Aug. 7, 1847
Rootstown and Ravenna, July 28, 1842
Rootstown and Ravenna, Aug. 6, 1842
Rootstown and Ravenna, May 29, 1845
Montpelier, Vt-..........June 25, 1850
Billerica, Mass............Feb. 6, 1835
Hanover, N. H.......-..... Dec. 27, 1831
Danby, Vt................ July 15, 1843
Gerry, N. Y............... Sept. 4, 1860
Battle Creek, Mich....... Mar. 26, 1861
Harrison, Me.--------........... -Dec. 9, 1825
Goshen, Conn............. Oct. 13, 1830
Sherburne, N. Y-........... ---- Feb. 18, 1873
Elizabethtown, Pa........ Dec. 7, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa.......... --------Oct.. 5, 1869
Vienna, N. J.............. July 7, 1868
Cherry Valley, Ohio....... May 1, 1847
Colebrook, Ohio-...- -.. -Nov. 24, 1857
Osseo, Mich........... Feb. 4,1873
Batavia, N. Y ---------- Dec. 15, 1868
Watertown, N. Y......... - May 4, 1869
Watertown, N. Y........ Mar. 6, 1866
Richland Centre, Wis..- -... Feb. 28, 1871
Brashear, N. Y............ Oct. 6, 1863
Ashtabula, Ohio........... Apr. 21, 1868
Dorset, Vt ----................ Aug. 29, 1871
D)enmark, N. Y......... Mar. 19, 1867
Holland Patent, N. Y...... Nov. 27, 1866
Elgin, Ill.............. July 8, 1873
Autwerp, N. Y........-.... Mar. 17, 1868
Elgin, Ill.................. July 10, 1866
Pecatonica, Ill............ July 28, 1868
De Ruyter, N. Y...- June 18, 1867
Kennedy, N. Y... -.--- Dec. 26, 1871
Bedford, Ohio............. June 19, 1866
Bedford, Ohio............. Apr. 9,1867
Watertown, N. Y...... May 12, 1868
Utica, N. Y.............. Jan. 30, 1872
Manteno, Ill------------.............. -Apr. 20, 1869
Utica, N.Y-------------................ -Feb. 25, 1862
Homer, N. Y.............. Apr. 30, 1861
Brooklyn, N. Y----------............ Nov. 8, 1870
Elyria, Ohio..-----------.. --Nov. 22, 1870
Elyria, Ohio-...-.-- -. Apr. 30, 1872
Holland Patent, N. Y-.... Sept. 25, 1860
Utica, N. Y.-........... Nov. 15, 1864
West Andover, Ohio.... Dec. 12, 1854
West Andover, Ohio.... June 22, 1858
Madison, Ohio.. Jan. 27, 1863
Wellington, Ohio.... Oc. 4, 1859
Wellington, Ohio......... May 20, 1862
Wellington, Ohio... -. Mar. 5, 1867
Ilion, N. Y.. Nov. 5, 1872
Mid(lletown. N. Y........ Feb. 12, 1867
Cedarville, N. Y.......... Feb. 21, 1871
Syracuse, N. Y -... Jan. 22, 1867
Madison, Ohio...... Nov. 22, 1859
Lowville, N. Y............ Au. 27, 1817
tlrisk.my N. Y............ July 25, 1571
1, 554.....
65, 431.....
18, 862
7, 225
59, 475
82, 174
27, 845
45, 444
23, 323
60, 438.....
1, 433
40, 150...............
11, 580
79, 286
41, 113
33, 157
98, 702.....
6, 641
5, 381.....
5, 397
22, 920
6, 742
3, 840
6, 225
11, 241
5. 220
2, 739
2, 747
4, 063
7, 465..........
3, 178
29, 899
31, 834.....#
136, 051
97, 709
95, 500
79, 546
5, 093
18, 702
135, 542
84, 980
89, 814
53, 048
112, 112
40, 214
77, 004
118, 507
62, 991
59, 941
140, 670
75, 515
56, 176
80, 335
65, 881
122, 232
55, 649
63, 630
77, 734
123, 107
89, 157
34, 511
3"2, 198
109, 139
109, 541
126, 321
30, 156
45, 076
12, 070
20, 663
37, 594
25, 576
35, 3'27
6-, 690
13-2, 864
61, 959
112, 090
61, 372
26, 222
(, 198
117, t11
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cheese-vat for forming pine-apple cheese...-....
Cheese-vat heater....................................
Cheese-vat heater................................
Cheese-vat heater................................
Cheese-vat operator............................
Cheese, Vat or press-box for........--............
Cheese-vat Steam.-.............................
Chemical catholicon................................
Chemise, Lady's...................................
Chemise, N ursing.................................
Chemistry, Method of teaching the rudiments of..
Chenille, Machine for making.....................
Chenille, Machine for m r:nufacturing............
Chenille, Machine for mnanulhaeturing..............
Chenille, Machinery for ianufacturi:ng.........
Chenille, Machinery for manufacturing..........
Cherry-stoner. -
Chlierry-stoner - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Cherry stoner..................
Cherry stoner...................................
Cherry stoner.................................
Cherry-stoning machine........................
Cherry-stoning machine........................
Cherry-stoning machine-----...------------------
Cherry-stoning machine.........................
Chess and checker board.......................
See Bolting-chest.
Fire-proof chest.
Chest and box fastening..................................
Chest and table................................
Chest, Butter.....................................
Chest of drawer..................................
Chest-i rotector...................................
Chest-protector and shirt-bosom support, Combined
L. M. Norton----------------..................
H. Cooper..................
H. W. Miller.................
H. H. Roe....................
C. M. Wilkins.................
A. N. Severance..............
J. A. Davis--..............
I. W. Smith...................
R. L. Jones....................
H. Wolf......................
S. M. (Gaines---------------................---
W. Canter.------------------..................--
J. Thomas---......-------------.............---
\V. Canter....................
G. Comings and L. Mensing.. -
WV. Canter....................
W. Canter...................
W. C. Buarr...................
L. P. Evans...................
E. Buck and E. W. Kirk.... -..H. Buckwalter................
A. M. Comstock..............
F. G. and E. A. Floyd-----
G. Geer....-------------------- -
G. Geer......................
J. S. Lash....................
J. Marchant...................
A. Rakestraw................
0. L. Robinson................
E. Smith.....................
J. W. Thompson..............
T. Van Kannel................
D. E. Warner.................
W. Weaver...................
J. N. Webster.................
C. E. Wright-----------
Rit. Wright....................
R. Wright....................
J. Baker......................
E. C. Custer...................
T. Van Kannel................
T. Van Kannel................
S. L. Fleishman...............
F. C. Schaefer................
J. H. Marvil...................
G. W. Ziegler...........
F. S. Sears.....-----------------
S. M. Barnett.................
S. M. Barnett.................
C. H.Walker..................
P. Lear......................
E. F. Wilder..................
J. A. Aston and C. C. McMurphy.
F. S. Johnston..............
M. M. Cohen..................
E. Ulman----------------....................--
J. H. Apel....................
R. Ardrey....................
J. F. Downing.............
J. F. Downing..............
J. F. Harris and E. D. Childs..
A. H. Wehser.............
J. Lee........................
J. Knowles...................
C. Holtz-------------------......................R. Tolnie...-----------------..
W. Rall -------.......
G. R. IH. Leffler'...............
D. Long and S. A. Miller......
A. Hammond.................
G. G. Lobdell..................
J. it. Pond...................------------------
G. Whiting...................
A. C. Rand....................
H. Bascom....................
L. P. Angenard..............
R. M. Bassett and G. Mallory..
Goshen, Conn.............
Watertown, N. Y........
Utica, N. Y...........
Madison, Ohio.........
West Andover, Ohio......
Cherry Valley, Ohio.......
Watertown, N. Y........
Lockport, N. Y...........
Sacramento, Cal..........
New York, N. Y..........
Glasgow, Ky............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Now York, N. Y..........
Macon City, Mo..........
Springrille, Pa............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Kimberton, Pa............
Galesburgh, Ill............
Macomb, Ill..............
Galesburgh, Ill............
Galesburgh Ill..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Farmington, 11l...........
Peoria, Ill...............
Owasso, Mich............
Farmington, Ill..........
Salem, Ohio..............
Chester, Ill.... -..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Phmnixville, Pa..........
Peoria, Ill...--------------
Auburn, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Washington, D.C.........
Evansburgh, Pa...........
Chester, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Dubuque, Iowa..........
Laurel, Del..............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Charlestown, Mass.......
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y.........
Warren, Mass.........
Boston, Mass............
West Roxbury, Mass......
Leavenworth, Kans......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Erie, Pa...................
Erie, Pa.................
Charlestown, Mass......
San Francisco, Cal......
New York, N. Y.......
Lowell, Mass............
Chicago, Ill.........-----.....Wilmington, Del.........
South Bend, Ind..........
Baltimore, Md............
Louisville, Ky.........
Jacksonville, Ill.. -.-.
Wilmington, Del...........
New Hartford, Con......
Philadelphia, Pa.--... - -......
Union Mills, Pa.........
XVeston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Birmingham and Watertown, Conn.
San Francisco, Cal........
Atlantic, Iowa........................................
Lewisburgh, Tenn........
Newburyport, Mass.......
Temp:ranc:'ville, Ohio
Mount Pleasant, Ind....
Napoleon, Ohio...........
Phil'delphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Oakland, Cal..............
Apr. 17, 1810
Feb. 12, 1861
June 18, 1867
Sept. 10, 1872
Apr. 2, 1861
Apr. 30, 1850
Oct. 12, 1869
May 28, 1830
Aug. 3, 1869
Oct. 29, 1872
Dec. 29, 1868
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 30 1864
July 21, 1868
Jan. 13, 1863
July 22, 1862
Jan. 13, 1863
Feb. 2, 1869
May 14, 1867
Nov. 25, 1873
Nov. 17, 1863
Dec. 5, 1871
Jan. 22, 1867
Apr. 9, 1867
July 7, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
Apr. 19, 1870
June 23, 1868
July 16, 1867
Aug. 6, 1867
Oct. 30, 1866
May 5, 1863
Jan. 21, 1873
May 15, 1866
May 31, 1871)
Oct. 2, 1866
Feb. 4, 1868
May 5, 1868
Mar. 2, 1858
July 26, 1859
Oct. 14, 1862
June 6, 1865
Nov. 12, 1872
Feb. 27, 1866
31, 373
65, 823
131, 302
31, 925
7, 328
95, 662
93, 390
132, 613
85, 299
70, 163
44, 050
80, 134.
37, 385
35, 969
37, 415
86, 349
64, 651
144, 887
40, 604
121, 592
63, 716
79, 748
141, 649
102, 021
79, 257
66, 889
67, 600
59, 321
38, 434
135, 050
54, 797
103, 802
58, 531
74, 187
77, 561
19, 476
24, 856
36, 683
48, 137
132, 905
52, 891
C hignon........................
Child's chair.................................
ChIld's chair...----------------------------------.
Child s chair................
Child's chair.....................
Childl 's chair.....-- -.............
Child's chair.....................................
Child's chair and carriage..........................
Chil 's chair and wagon..........................
Child' s chair and walker........................
Chill for casting chilled rolls-------------------......................
Chill for mold-board-s and other castings...._.....
Chill molds, Method of taking air off...............
Chill plate and llask...---------------------------
Chlilled rolles, Mold for casting...------.----------.
Chilled rolls, Casting.............................
Chilled rills, Caslin -g............................
Chilled wheels, Manufacture of cast................
China, glass, end other articles, Mode of protecting
Ch;n L. glass, &c., Composition for mending...
C ina, glass, &c., Solution for gilding.............
Chim ney -..................
Chim ney.--..............
iiit, ----- - --------
Chim ney........................................
37 P
May 14,1872 126,819
Sept. 5, 1865 49, 821
June 22, 1869 91, 776
Feb. 5, 1867 61, 702
Apr. 4, 1871 113, 384
May 20, 1862 35, 340
Feb. 28, 1871 112, 258
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 275
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 366
Jan. 21, 1873 135, 1-24
Aug. 2, 1870 105,914
Mar. 5, 1872 124, 289
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 050
Dec. 23, 1873 145, 829
May 6, 1873 138, 620
July 15, 1873 140, 900
Apr. 8,1873 137, 610
June 21, 1870 101, 517
June 15, 1869 91, 350
July 28, 1846 4, 666
May 8, 1866 54, 546
Feb. 20, 1872 123, 953
Dec. 31, 1872 134, 439
Apr. 17, 1866 53, 993
Aug. 27, 1872 130, 926
Oct. 6, 1863 40, 167
June 10, 1873 139, 798
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 151
July 16, 1872 129, 382
Apr. 9, 1867 63, 653
June 10, 1811.....
June 14, 1864 43, 180
Dec. 1, 1863 40, 730
Apr. 1, 1873 137, 412
Oct. 17, 1871 120, 031
Aug. 25, 1800..
Mar. 28,1870 113,156
Mar. 13, 1808..
July 2, 1867 C6, 339
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 282
June 13,1871 115, 961
June 26, 1809.
Mar. 8, 1859 23,179
Oct. 12, 1869,95, 702
J. Browell....................
C. H. Brown.................
D. Cooley, jr., and G. N. Philips
A. B. Ewing..................
1. G ridley....................
S.tii n-------------.S. -.....................
S. Hopkins....................
L. Lecesne...................
J. Leeds......................
B. F. Mann....................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I I
Chimney---...--------- -------..-------------..
Chimney, Air-back for............................
Chimney and fire-place.....................
Chimney and fire-place...........................
Chimney and fire-place...........................
Chimney and fire-place- ----... -------......--_
Chimney-attachment to increase the draft and prevent smoking.
Chsme8 capn.
Chimny ca-----------------------------
Chimney-cap ----.....-------------------------
Chimney-cap- -.....------------..
Chimney-cap... - - - -
Chimne -----------ca-------------------
Chimny cap-------------------------"--
Chimney-cap---------------------------- ----
Chimney-cap...................... -...............
Chimney-cap ---------------------"---"-------
Chimney-cap...................... "..............
Chimney-cap, Adjustable.........................
Chimney-cap, Cast-metal..........................
Chimney-cap, Cast-metal -- ---- -- - - - - - --- - - - -
Chimney-cap for increasing draft in furnace, &c..
Chimney-cap for preventing the emission of sparks
Chimney-cap or conical ventilator................
Chimney cap or cowl...........................
Chimney-cap plates, Fastening for..............
Chimney-caps, Mode of constructing............
Chimney, Cast-iron........................
Chimney, Cast-iron.................
Chimney-cleaner and fire-safe, Combined-.........
Chimney-cleaning machine..............
Chimney-cleaning machine..................
Chimney cowl............................
Chimney cowl....................................
Chimney cowl....................................
Chimney -cowl.....................................
S. M. McCord...-.............. -------
W. Musbach and C. R. Smith..
S. Oakman---------------.................... -
C. C. Phelps...... --------------
E. S. Phelps, jr----...------... --
P. Portois...............
W. G. Reed...................
F. Richardson.................
C. W. Saladee and T. R. Eddy..
C. F. Smith and J. Speth......
A. T. Sprague.................
R. Stuart.................
B. WV. Taber.................
A. G. D. Tuthill...............
A. S. Whittemore.............
A. Wilhelms.................
J. Root. -..................
J. Briggs..................
J. Briggs................
M. Perin................
A. Sphon..----....------------..
A. HI. Lanphear...........
J. Hurd,jr................
M. Anderson................
T. D. Bailey.............
L. F. Betts...............
T. Boyd...................
W. Brownell...........
WV. S. Burch..................
W. Chappell.............
M. Chase.............
J. Clark.....................
M. H. Collins.................
WV. Creutzfeldt...............
J. W. Davies.................
G. W. Demond......................
C. Douglas...............
T. Ewbank...............
F. A. Finn.................
T. J. Fitzpatrick.........
A. Hamann.............
J. Hanmond.................
J. P. Hayes..........
E. Hinkley and G. W. Crowell.
W. H. Horton.................
W. H. Horton................
A. B. Johnson................
B. Kihlholz..................
J. H. Kirkwood...............
T. A. Mann....................
I. Mayhew.........
B. F. and J. G. Miller..._
I. L. M ott.....................
E. Myrick...................
W. J. Pettingell...........
H. Reynolds..........
A. M. Rice..................
C. W. Russell.................
C. K. Scudder.................
J. H. Shedd and B. Worcester.
A. L. Sweet..................
J. Tomlinson................
H. J. Weed-----------.......---...........---
E. Whiteley.................
P. H. Carlin..................
W. Green............
J.P. Espy..................
E. A. G. Young................
P. Lear......................
C. G. Miller...................
W. Griffiths..................
B. Kenney.............
D. June.................
A. W. McMillen..............
C. F. Espick................
T. H. Donohue..............
G. S. Knapp..-...
C. F. Eckstein and L. Jurgens.
J. Bruff......................
S. Dow.....................
J. H. Congdon......
J. Stokely...............
W. N. Abbott.................
S. M. Allen...................
C. W. Bache.............
C. B. Barlow..................
D. C. Battey and C. L. Svensson.
A. Rdlow....................
J. Burgy.......
E. P. H. Capron........
L. N. Chapin.....
T. W. Chatfield...........
A. E. Clement.............
J. J. Currier..................
H. S. Decker..................
Springfield, Ohio..........
Middletown, N. Y........
Boston, Mass..............
Janesville, Wis...........
Wyanet, Ill...............
San Francisco, Cal........
Chelsea, Mas.............
Hebron, Ill................
Newark, Ohio.............
Aurora, Ill................
Springfield, Mo...........
Quaker Street, N. Y..-.._.
Utica, N. Y.............
Willimantic, Conn.......
St. Petersburg, Russia....
Southington, Conn........
Toronto, Canada.........
Toronto, Canada.........
Connersville, Ind.........
Comrio, Pa................
Atchison, Kans...........
Stoneham, Mass...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Lowell, Mass..............
Albion, Mich..............
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Newport, R. I............
Washington, D. C........
Buffalo, N. Y'.............
Boston, Mass.............
Washington, D. C.........
Boston, Mass............
Washington, D. C.........
Richmond, Va............
Boston, Mass.............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Hebron, Conn..............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
New Orleans, La..........
Washington, I). C........
Adams Centre, N. Y......
Boston, Mass.............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Jersey City, N. J........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Washington, Ind..........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
West Greenville, Pa......
Albion, Mich............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Harvard, Mass...........
Lowell, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Washington, D. C.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Waltham, Mass.......
Norwich, Conn............
Racine, Wis............
Cazenovia, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Snyder Township, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New Castle, Del..........
Medford, Mass............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Northfield, Mass. ---__
Fremont, Chio............
Chicago, Ill...............
Plymouth, Ind.........
Washington, D. C.........
Winona, Minn............
Prescott, Wis...........
Baltimore, Md............
Elizabeth Borough, N. J...
Coventry, R. I.............
Hiram, Ohio..............
New York, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Topeka, Kau..............
Aug. 1,1871
July 6, 1869
July 20, 1871
Apr. 25, 1865
Dec. 10,1867
Sept. '21, i169
Apr. 20, 1869
Apr. 19, 1870
Oct. 16, 1866
Apr. 2,1867
Sept. 13, 1870
Feb. 24, 1797
July 24, 1860
June 8, 1826
Nov. 12, 1867
Dec. 1, 1868
Feb. 13, 1812
July 9,1872
May 20, 1873
Sept. 26, 1835
Sept. 22, 1814
Sept. 27, 1870
Apr. 24, 1841
Aug. 6,1867
Mar. 14, 1871
Jan. 6, 1863
July 22, 1873
Sept. 16, 1856
July 14, 1846
Oct. 6, 1868
Mar. 7, 1846
Sept. 5, 1854
Apr. 2, 1850
Nov. 6, 1847
Nov. 6,1855
May 2, 1865
Nov. 23, 1858
May 24,1859
Dec. 17, 1842
Dec. 12, 1848
July 24,1860
July 22,1845
Oct. 8, 1867
Oct. 10,1848
Sept. 19,1865
Sept. 19, 1865
Mar. 20, 1866
Dec. 19, 1871
Oct. 26, 1858
Sept. 12, 1865
Apr. 26, 1864
Sept. 1, 1857
Sept. 13, 1870
Dec. 17, 1842
May 25, 1869
July 11, 1871
Jan. 30, 1866
Apr. 9, 1850
Dec. 16, 1851
May 15, 1849
July 3, 1866
Feb. 16, 1864
Sept. 8, 1863
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 5, 1850
Oct. 15, 1872
Oct. 12, 1869
June 29, 1833
July 22, 1833
Jan. 23, 1866
Nov. 12, 1867
Sept. 13, 1864
July 22, 1839
Jan. 22, 1867
Mar. 31, 1868
June 2, 1868
May 5, 1868
Jan. 18, 1870
June 25, 1872
Dec. 16, 1814
June 11, 1829
May 23, 1871
Jan. 29, 1867
Apr. 25, 1871
Apr. 21, 1842
July 26, 1870
Ap:. 26,1870
Aug. 10, 1869
117, 555
92, 341
117, 320
47, 448
72, 151
94, 972
89, 075
102, 042
58, 892
63, 436
107, 421
29, 330.....
70, 927
84, 600.....
128, 847
139, 111.....
107, 694
2, 063
67, 477
112, 529
37, 270
141, 107
15, 726
4, 631
82, 692
4, 392
11, 640
7, 232
5, 356
13, 772
47, 52.25
2-2, 112
2, 888
5, 962
29, 262
4, 117
69, 660
5, 839
50, 086
50, 002
53, 301
122, 022
49, 890
42, 4C6
18, 100
107, X82
2, 887
90, 380
116, 864
52, 322
7, 275
8, 595
6, 449
56, 109
41, 649
39, 846
76, 859
7, 152
132, 249
95, 795.....
52, 177
70, 734
44, 182
1, 257
61, 342
76, 094
78, 584
77, 466
98, 980
128, 316..........
115, 18
61, 639
113, 961
2, 568
105, 624
102, 208
93, 400
24, 276
141, 541
100, 372
99, 162
15, 916
79, 457
82, 497
Newport, R. I............ June 7,1859
Powhatan Point, Ohio..... Aug. 5, 1873
Springfield, Ohio..... --------Mar. 1, 1870
New Lisbon Township,N.Y Jan. 25, 1870
Utica, N. Y------------............... Oct. 14, 1856
Wapakoimetta, Ohio-....... June 30, 1863
Gloucester, Mass......--------Sept. 29, 1868
New York, N. Y........... Sept. 1, 1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1673, inclusi e-Continued,
Invention. Inventor.
Chimney-cowl.-----------------------....-N. Douglas. -....
Chimney-cowl_.----..........................-_. W. C. riley...........Chimney-cowl.....-....-.......-...._........_... G.. Garderwine.----......
Chimney-cowl------------------------...-... B. J. Goodsell...............
Chimney-cowl-----..-------------------------.. D. Hahn...
Chimney-cowl-.----------------------------..-..-. M. H. Hale and S. Horton-..-..
Chimney-cowl-----.--------------------------.E Hewett.
Chimney-cowl---------------------------------B. Iirgang-------
Chimney-cowl..---------------------------------- D.F. Jauss....
Chimney cowl-"------------------------------ N. Lockhart
Chimney-cowl--------------------------------. Mihan.............
Chimney-cowl_..i------.----------------------G. illrd-----------------
Chimney-cowl.--------------- ----.-- F..ulany...---------
Chinmey cowl. - -.. -. Iyers...
Chimney-cowl----------------------------------. T. Noualhier-- - -
Chimney cowl.--.--.------------------------ J. F. Pond.................
Chinney cowl-...-----------------.-----_.-- J. H. Richardson....-.......
Chimney cowl.--------------------------------- J.G.Roth-..................
Cliinny-cowl.. ---------------------------------.T. S. Speakinan_......._..._
Chininey-cowl---------------------------------P. Sumner.................
Chinney-cowl... --------- G. W. Thatcher-.............
Chimney-cowl---------------------------------C F. Thomas......_........
Chimney-cowl----------------------------------G. G. Thomas..............
Chimney-cowl-----------------..----------------- C. Turner---...--...---
Chimney-cowl--....._.--.----------------------- F.Villard.---....._...-_
Chimney-cowl----_._...._-.-.-.---------... J. A. Wagoner............
Chimney-cowlJ-------------"-------------.-. J Walker..
Chimney-cowl.............................. J. W. Whiting and C. E. Whittemore.
Chimney-cowl, Self clearing.......----------. C. H. Watkins_............
Chimney-fastener.-----------------------------R. V. Hawkins.----...__
Chimney. fire-place, air-flue, and ventilator-.----.. J. C. Brush.---.__------___ -
Chimney-flue..--------------_------------ V. W. J. Fryer, jr............
Chimneytine------------.-----------------------C. T. Harvey..............
Chimney-flue base-..-.----.................-. C. F.IRothe.................
Chironey-furnace............----------------. L. White.--.-.---..-..._.--
Chiinney-heater_--------------------------------T. M. Aspinall and S. H. Whitlo ck.
Chimney holder and fastening-------------------- R. H. Dewey ----..
Chimney jack, Ship-----------------------------J. Ringsborough.............
Chimney joint._._--.- ---------------._-.. M. H. Kelsey-------.-----
Chimney-lining....------------------...__.. C. Schivers and S. Ustick._-_--
Chimney or flue attachment-_....._...---.....-. J. E. Stains-...............
Chimney or globe holder.---...-..-..--.....-_ R. Wright and J. H. Race_...
Chimney-safe--------------------------------..__G. B. Clarke................
Chimney scraping and sweeping machine-....J. Hunt.-..-.-................
Chi- ney-scraping machine----------.._-..-_-- M. Benson..................
Chimney, Smoke preventer.-..--.............._.L. Silliman....-.....-.........
Chimney smoking, Apparatus to prevent......--- U. B. A. Lange.--.---..--..-_
Chimney-stack...--------------------------..B. F. Miller.-............_...Chimney-stack blower------------------------.---.N. L. Blanchard.............Chimney stack or cap-............................ M. M. Camp-.............
Chimuey, Steamboat----------------------------__W. J. Hamilton...__.....__
Chimney-stop.----------------------------------C. H. Earle------------....Chimney, Stove-----------------------....-- -C. Varle.--
Chimney-sweeping...-----------------------.-V. Hall--------..---_---..--
Chimney-sweeping machine---------------------S. S. Edmonston.. --.........
Chimney-sweeping machine--------------------.A. Lane........._...........
Cliiney-sweeping machine--_.._.-_.......___- J. W. Moore.................
Chimney-top.............................-- J. C. H. Brown...__.......
Chimney-top&..................................... G.Elbreg_.....-.... _.....
Chimney-top.----------- ---------------- --------G. Elfbrog.................Chimney-top-..................................... H.English........ _......
Cliiuney-top.._.....--------------.---A. L. Gserick------------- __
Chimney-top--------------._. -J.oo--------------------n
Chiniiey-top....--------------------------- R. W. Griffith-.---.........
Chim ey-top......-............................... N. Hackett..--_-. --...
Chimney-top----------------------.--...------.. B. A. Renriksen............
Chimney-top.------------------------------------ M. S. Kavauagh............_
Chimney-top-...............--.......-------. J. D. Ken-ard...............
Chimney-top----------------------------_... -T.I etchen................
Chimney top---.---------.--.--------------. Markthaler...............
Chimney-top.-..........._.................... __ M E.-M ead-.........-... __-- M L c
Chimney-top.............__._...... _.. _.... __. H.Palmer.............. _
Chimney-top... -.................................. C. M. Reynolds............. _.
Chimney-top------------------------------------ W. Richards................
Chimney-top-..................................... D. S. Robinson........_...
Chi ney-top....................._......._.... J. Snively.. __ _ __. _..
Chinmey-top.................................._. - G. W ingate..................
Chimney-top, Ion..-------------J.Pettingell...........
Chimney-top, Revolving.-......-.-.....-....-..... C. L. Garfield.----. --........
Chimney toi, Revolving__________________________ -F. Villard............... _
Chimneytlop, Selifnrgulating draftfor---------.- JARoyce.
Chimney Venticluct-topping-------------J- Rumis...................
Chimnuey ventilator-------------------. Collins-------------------..
Chimney ventilator-----------------J.1. Pemberton...............
Chimnney s aiid flue places, Construction of--.....L. Kingsbury................
Chimney s and flues, Construction of--------------.J- Kieckner...........
Chineys aiid ruilway-ear, Cowl for--------------.S. Lutz......................
Chimneys, Apparus for increasing di-aft of--...A-.Nieil -- - --.-........ -
Chimneys, Builn------------------------------.J. Gilbert.. -...-......
Ciineys hy means of steam, Method of creating NW. H. Marlin..........
drolt in.
Chiinty s Cap for iegulating the drafc of-.. It.. Hurd.....................
Ciiney s Cairhon -i-ester for-------------------.H. Chase...........
Ctimne-s, Cleamn--------------------1. Rinkley...........
Chimineys, Consti acting-------------------------If. Autes--------------.....
Chimney s Construction of---------------------.--.J. B- Kclsey-...
Residence. Date.
Goshen, Ind..............Apr. 5, 1870
Ironton, Ohio...........---Aug. 4, 18i81
Nokomis, Ill....-.........Sept.16, 1873
Pent Water, Mich-....... Nov. 19, 1867
Reserve, Ind.............Mar. 22, 1870
Newburyport, Mass-..... Feb. 17, 1857
Saint Leonard's, England. - Nov. 2, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa........_ Oct. 20, 1868
Harrisburgh, Pa......... Apr. 21, 1868
Douglas, Isle of Man ---... Mar. 1, 1870
Boston. Mass..B.. Dec. 16, 1856
Waterbury, Conn...emu....May 15, 1860
New York, N. Y........ July 16, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa......._...Apr. 8, 1873
Paris, France.......-... Sept.29, 1868
Cleveland, Ohio...._..... June 1, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa..-... _ May 20, 1873
New York, N. Y......... Oct. 10, 1871
Camden, N. J M......... "ay 25, 1869
New York, N. Y..I h Feb. 20, 1843
Philadelphia, Pa. - -. Aug. 12, 1856
Taunton, Mass.-......... Jan. 29, 1856
Saint Louis, Mo..-.... - July 11, 1871
Southampton, England...- July 2,1872
Mount Eaton, Ohio..... - Feb. 15, 18761
Kilgore, Ohio------_... June 18, 1867
Boston, Mass.--....--. July 18, 1871
Bay City, Mich..........-Feb. 9, 1869
New York, N. Y-........-.-Aug. 19, 1856
Pittsburgh, Pa......... - May 5,1863
Washington, D. C -........ Jan. 28, 1814
Albany, N. Y.......... Feb. 9,1864
Chicago, Ill--------------Mar. 22, 1864
Baltimore, Md-.-----...---Aug. 13, 1872
Waterbury, Con- -... Oct. 14, 1873
Piqua Ohio--......--.. Apr. 10, 1866
Pittsfield, Mass-........ - Feb. 6, 1866
Cleveland, Ohio...---- Apr. 30, 1867
Red Bank, N. J ---- -.. May 7, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa-........- Oct. 15, 1861
Worthington,Ind..-.. Oct. 7, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y..---.--Aug. 5, 1873
Leonardsville, N. Y..... Feb. 20, 1815
Baltimore, Md----.......--July 12, 1817
Cincinnati, Ohio.-....... May 15, 1823
Albany, N. Y.......... July 20, 1831
Philadelphia, Pa..... Oct. 14, 1834
New York, N. Y..........Oct. 2,1855
Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y.. _ July 25, 1171
New Haven, Conn..... Sept. 4, 1855
Cairo, Ill.-- - - Feb. 20,1872
De Pere, Wis.._........ Aug. 29, 1871
Fredericktown, Md...... July 1,1814
New York,N. Y----------Dec. 19,1818
New York, N. Y.... - _ Nov. 8,1820
New York, N. Y---------- Sept. 22,1818
Washington, D. C..... Aug. 8, 1821
Cambridge, Mass.._. Sept.14, 1869
Jersey City, N. J..... Dec. 16, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio-...---.. Feb. 17, 1863
Cincinnati, Ohio........Feb. 2, 1864
WilmingtonRel.....--. Sept. 15,1861
Saint Louis, Mo--...--.. Dec. 13,1564
New York, N. Y...... Feb 25, 1873
Georgetown, D. C -..-.. Feb. 14, 1871
Albany, N. Y.. - -.. Jan. 1, 1861
San Francisco, Cal-..._-----Oct. 10, 1865
Detroit, Mich-..-...-..... Apr. 4, 1871
Barnesville, Ohio.---..... July 2, 1872
New York, N. Y - -. c.. - Dec. 5, 1871
Elizabeth, N. J........... June 29, 1869
Darien, Conn..............Nov. 29, 1870
Barnesville, Ohio.-..-----Jan. 7, 1873
Miflin, Wis..... -..- Jan. 11, 1870
London, England..-..--.- May 2, 1871
Pittsburgh, Pa.--.. -..Mar. 29, 1870
Williamsburgh, Pa-... - _ Aug. 27, 1867
Boston, Mass.............Nov. 11, 1873
Lowell, Mass.............Oct. 9,1860
Albany, N.Y-..-----...Aug. 26, 1873
Mount Eaton, Ohio.-.. -- Mar. 5, 1867
Lee, Mass.---------.---Sept.23,1856
Breoklyu, N. Y-----------.Oct. 1, 1130
Boston, Mass-------------.Apr. 25, 1846
Oakland, Ill--------------July 27, 1869
Livonia, N. Y-------------.Feb. 9, 11-25
Mottville, Micha-----------Mar. 1, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa----------.Jan. 9, 1172
llrooklyn, N. Y-----------.Jan. 11, 1159
Stark County, Ohio-....Nov. 13, 1844
Brooklyn, N. Y-----------.Mar. 31, 1161
101, 443
80, 618
142, 909
70, 993
101, 123
16, 644
96, 430
83, 166
77, 047
100, 422
16, 246
28, 291
129, 160
137, 561
82, 632
90, 684
139, 080
119, 885
90, 600
2, 964
15, 536
14, 171
116, 887
128, 514
99, 983
65, 969
117, 129
86, 891
15, 584
38, 388
41, 498
41, 993
130, 539
143, 739
53, 770
52, 399
64, 229
64, 428
33, 498
143, 540
141, 478
12, 404
13, 620
117, 252
13, 520
123, 825
118, 521
94, 864
145, 621
37, (83
41, 427
82, 098
45, 403
136, 234
111, 839
31, 015
50, 356
113, 527
128, 633
121, 633
91, 950
109, 642
134, 7(0
98, 800
114, 342
101, 313
68, 126
144, 586
30, 345
142, 225
62, 578
15, 779
4, 417
100, 715
122, 619
22, 570
3, 12(1
76, 219
3, 854
35, 645
Stoneham, Mass-.........
Lynn, Mass-..............
Hallowell, Me...........
Hariisburgh, Pa.
Newburyport, Mass...o..
Dec. 12, 1844
Sept. 2,1856
OcJ. 7, 1831
Oct. 24, 1831
Sept. 11, 1147
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Chimneys, Construction of factory................
Chimneys, Curing smoky........................
Chimneys, Curing smoky--------....Chimneys, Curing smoky........................-------------------
Chimneys, Curing smoky back and hearth of......
Chimneys, Device for lowering and raising steamboat.
Chimneys, Device for lowering and raising steamboat.
Chimneys, Device for preventing leakage about...
Chimneys, Draft in........................
Chimneys, Fire-frame for..............................
Chimneys, fire-guards &c., Cast-iron copings for -..
Chimneys, fireplaces, &c., Construction of._......
Chimneys, Guard for preventing leakage around.
Chimneys, Machine for cleaning............
Chimneys, Mode of constructing the draft of......
Chimneys, Preventing smoke and extinguishing
fire in.
Chimneys, Preventive for smoking............
Chimneys, Rain-excluder for................
Chimneys, Regulating draft in steamboat and other
Chimneys. stoves, and fire-places, Construction of
Chimneys to prevent smoking, Building........
Chimneys to prevent smoking, Constructing......
Chimneys, Wind-guard for.......................
Chisel.- -................-..................
Chisel, Cutting and clearing...----------------
Chisel, Dovetailing................................
Chisel for cutting gains......................
Chisel for opening boxes............................
Chisel for pointing pickets.---..-...................------------
Chisel, Grcoving.................................
Chisel-holder for file-cutting machine...........
Chisel in mortising-machine, Device for reversing
Chisel in mortising-machine, Method of reversing.
Chisel. Mortising.................................
Chisel, Mortising.........................
Chisel, Mortising.--..--------------------
Chisel, Mortising............................
Chisel, Mortising.........................
Chisel. Mortising.........................
Chisel, Mortising....-....................
Chisel, Mortising----------------
Chisel. Mortising.........................
Chisel, M ortising..................................
Chisel, Mortising.................................
Chisel, Mortising............................
Chisel, Mortising-machine........................
Chisel, Stone-cutter's.............................
Chisel, Turning...................................
Chisels, Socket-handle for.......................
Chisels to mandrels, Joint for uniting mortising...
Chloride of calcium engine.................
Chlorine, Apparatus for manufacture of...........
Chlorine, Apparatus for producing...............
Chlorine, bleaching-powder, carbonate of soda, and
other products, Process of preparing.
Chlorine, Compound for neutralizing..............
Chlorine, Manufacture of...................
Chlorine, Manufacture of.........................
Chlorine. Producing..............................
Chocolate-drops and other confections, Apparatus
for manufacture of.
Chocolate-drops and other confections, Apparatus
for manufacture of.
Chocolate, Grinding...............................
Chocolate ingredients, Heating..................
Chocolate, Manufacture of.......................
Chocolate, Molding............................
Chocolate, Soluble..............................
Cholera, Method of treating.......................
&ee Beefsteak-chopper.
Chopping-knife, Hand.............................
Chord-bar die..............
Chord-bar-head die...............................
Chromates, Process for obtaining..................
Chrome compound................................
Chrome vermillion, Process of' preparing..........
Chromic yellow, Making....................
Chromium, Manufacture of the salts of........
Chronograph, Electro-ballistic................
Inventor. Residence.
S. Rodman.....---------------. New Bedford, Mass.......
D. Bain......-----------------. Baltimore, Md...--------
S. Chase..................... Williamsport, Pa.........
J.Plant....................... Washington, D. G.........
H. Pollock----------------.................... Baltimore, Md.........
C. and R. Hawthorn- ---........... Allegheny, Pa...........
W. Weaver................... New Albany, Ind.........
A. Lang.....------------------ Buffalo, N. Y.........
E. Skinner............ Sandwich, N. H...- -..--
J. Correja.................... Brooklyn, N.Y..........
C. Neer-....--....--.....-....... Waterford, N. Y.......
E. Rand....................... Hudson, N. Y.............
J. F. Schuyler--... -.. Fostoria, Ohio.............- - - -
J. Slaughter--..-------------Strasburgh, Pa...........
G. H. Crosley--------------................. New Haven, Ohio.........
J. Sullivan................... Washington, D. C.........
F. Crey..................... Baltimore, Md............
J. J. Thomas.................----------------------------
J. B. Campbell................ Cincinnati, Ohio.......
L. D. Detroismonts..-........ New York. N. Y.........
A. H. Read................... Moutrose, Pa.............
O. Richardson.............. Medway, Mass............
F. M. Lutler---...-.............. N-ew York, N. Y.......
R. and S. Fairchild............ Trumbull, Conn.......
C. E. L. Jelliffe................ Bayonne, N. J.............
G. Page....----------------. Keene, N. H.........
N. H. Robinson...------------- Owasso, Mich........
H. Bigelow....... Skowhegan, Me.......
D. N. Dunzack------... -... Salem, Mass..........
A. Damitio................... Detroit, Mich............
H. G. Terwilliger............ Scranton, Pa.............
R. V. Hilton, J. G. Webster, Lowell, Mass...........
and H. E. Wheeler.
J.Russell................... Sing Sing, N. Y..........
W. J. Birdsall................ Newark, N. J............
C. B. Rogers.................. Norwich, Conn. - -.. -
D. M. Cummings and P. C. North Enfield, N. H_....
Cambridge, jr.
O. Adams and J. Hatch..... San Francisco, Cal........
M. Feigel.................. New Utrecht, N. Y........
J. B. Fisher................... Beaver Dam, Wis.........
C..T. Heistand................ Rapho, Pa.........
C. Hinz....................---------------------... San Francisco, Cal........
G. P. Ketcham............... Bedford, Ind..........
I. W. McGaffey............... Philadelphia, Pa........
G. Page.................... Keene, N. H..............
C. Rhinehart-............... Marietta, Pa............
J. A. Scroggs.................. Burlington, Vt.........
L. S. Shuler and J. Carpenter.. Jeffersonville, Ind........
J. M. Smith................... Warren, N. J...........
E. McConnell................. Sharon Pa............
W. C. Peckham.............. Troy, Ohio................
R. P. Buttles and S. Sweet..... Mansfield, Pa.............
L. F. Richardson........... Worcester, Mass...........
J. R. Perry----............ Port Clinton, Pa..........
E. Lamm..................... New Orleans, La.......
H. Deacon............. Widnes, England......
H. Deacon.................... Widnes, England.........
T. Macfarlane................. Acton Vale, Canada.._...
E. N. Horsford............. Cambridge, Mass........
H. Deacon.................... Appleton, England........
H. Deacon-----.. ---------.. ---LancasterCounty, England
L. E. Aubertin................ - Paris, France.............
W. C. Murdock and E. K. Boston, Mass............
S. A. Parker............... Cambridge, Mass.........
G. W. Waite.................. Baltimore, Md............
G. W. Waite................. Baltimore, Md............T. M. O. Tamin- --........... New York, N. Y....._
G. W. Waite.................. Baltimore, Md...........
L. F. Leger................... New York, N. Y..........
J. Corell.....------------------ New York, N. Y..........
A. C. Campbell............ Mount Morris, N. Y......
F. M. Uutiedt....... East Orange, N. J......
J. A. Eberly...... Reamstown, Pa......
E. Newcomer................ Columbia, Pa.............
W. Forshaw............... Chicago, ill...............
F. J. Smith.................. Chicago, Ill...............
J. C. Booth.............. Philadelphia, Pa...........
A. K. Eaton......... New York, N. Y..........
J. Huber.................. New York,N.Y.....
H. A. Tilghman............. Philadelphia, Pa...........,. Marqulies..------------ Trieste, Austria......
P. Le Bouleug................ Antwerp, Belgium.....
July 11, 1848
Feb. 5,1833
July 26, 1824
Nov. 21, 1845
Mar. 11, 1834
Feb. 20, 1872
Jan. 30, 1872
Dec. 21, 1869
Apr. 3, 1834
Dec. 3,1867
Sept. 11, 1829
Mar. 27, 1816
Dec. 2, 1873
Nov. 4, 1846
Jan. 28, 1840
Apr. 27, 1832
Oct. 8, 1821
Oct. 2, 1804
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 5, 1817
Apr. 3, 1829
Apr. 18, 1810
Aug. 10, 1858
Feb. 27, 1847
Oct. 7, 1873
Aug. 14, 1833
May 31, 1870
Aug. 16, 1870
June 26, 1860
Jan. 30, 1872
Mar. 8,1870
May 12, 1868
Apr. 10, 1866
Nov. 23, 1869
Oct. 27, 1857
Nov. 3, 1857
Sept. 15, 1868
June 22, 1869
Feb. 8,1859
July 28, 1857
Aug. 10, 1869
May 12, 1857
Jan. 10, 1854
July 7, 1835
Apr. 8, 1835
Sept. 8, 1857
Aug. 27,1872
July 28, 1868
Mar. 28, 1871
Oct. 29, 1872
Apr. 19, 1870
June 19, 1855
Nov. 4, 1856
Mar. 12, 1872
Aug.22 1871
Aug. 29, 1871
Aug. 2-2, 1865
Oct. 10,1854
Dec. 29, 1868
July 29, 1873
Dec. 24, 1872
Jan. 4, 1870
5, 664
4, 279
123, 896
123, 314
98, 074
71, 708
145, 245
4, 835
1, 479."
62, 937
21, 115
4, 990
143, 413
10i3, 659
106, 310
28, u48
123, 243
100, 690
77, 881
53, 884
97, 030
18, 521
18, 535
82, 058
91, 531
17, 678
93, 534
17, 285
10, 421.....
18, 161
130, 874
80, 428
113, 075
132, 541
101, 981
13, 101
16, 020
124, 594
118, 209
118, 21t
49, 597
11, 786
85, 370
134, 190
98, 615
Oct. 17, 1871 119, 946
June 25, 1836
June 25, 1836
Aug. 12,1873
June 25, 1836
Oct. 5, 1869
Apr. 22, 1873
Mar. 27, 1866
141, e32
95, 492
138, 007
53, 407
91, 795
'123. 004
114, 589
109, 506
101, 529
9, 853
38, 297
44, 370
2, 910
49, 682
51, 905
June 22, 1869
Jan. 23, 1872
May 9,1871
Nov. 2-2, 1870
Apr. 5,1870
July 19, 1853
A pr. 28, 1863
Sept. 20,1864
Jan. 16, 1843
Aug. 29, 1865
Jan. 2, 1866
Index of patents issued from the United &States Patent Office from 170 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Chronometer escapniemnt.......................
Chronometer escapement...... ------...................
Chronometer escapemni n..--...................
Chronometer escapeme:nt..........................
Chronometer escap)ement..........................
Chronometer escapement....................
Chronometer escapcrnnt...............
Chronometer escapcmeet..........................
Chronometer escapement....-...................
Chronometer escapement------------------.........................Chronometer escapement........................
Chronometer escapement.......................
Chronometer escapement........................
Chronometer escapement....................
Chronometer escapement......................
Chronometer for longitude.................
Chronometer, Solar...............................
Chronometrie leek------------------ ---------
Chronometric lock.-.............................
Chronometric lock...............................
Chronometric lock --- ------ --- ---
Chc hronometic lock................................
Chronometric lock........................
C huck......................................
Chuck and countersink, Combined................
Chuck, Arrangement for lathe..................
Chuck, Automatic friction dos-lathe............
Chuck, Auxilliary jaw fr planer ----..................Chuck, Centering....
Chuck, Centering and squaring--------------.....
Chuck, Drill.......................................
Chuck D rill......................
Chuck D rill....................
Chuck Drill......................................
Chuck Drill...................................
Chuck D rill...................................
C uck Drill.....................................
Chuck D rill...................
Chuck, Expanding....
Chuck for being and m.rtisirg machine.........
Chuck lor boring fire-arm c liuders.............
Chuck for centerin, &c.........................
Chuck for cutting larrc hc a ds.....-............
Chuck for cutting disk.tof paper, &..............
Chuck focr grinding cristl.............
Chuck for holding bo its (t dilfferent shapes, Planer
Chuck for holding bttuns........................
Chuck for ho ding drils..
Chuck for holding drills...........
Chuck for holding pipe-fittings-..-----.
Chuck for holding valve-cock to be dressed......
Chuck for iron-planing..............
Chuck for lathe, Centerin-........................
Chuck foir lathe, Self conering....................
Chuck fbr lathe, Self-centering...............
Chuck Io- lathe, Slido...
Chuck lor lathes and planes, Magnetic......
Chuck tbr metal-turning lathe-.....................
Chuck lbr planing-machine.......................
Chuck for scrow-cutting.........................
Chuck for screw-cuttiig..........................
Chuck Ior screw-cutting.........................
Chuck for screw-cutting lathe.....................
Chuck fbr sleigh-bells, Lathe........
Chuck for tunig occentres................
Chuck for tining elliptical cylinders............
Inventor. Resid(lence. Date.
P. Bantel...................... New York, N. Y.......... July 21, 1868
R. Barclay----------................... Buffalo, N. Y......-----------Oct. 14, 1862
C. Fsoldt.....................Albany. N. Y........... Mar. 7, 1865
J.Fulton----........-------------............ Louisville, Ky........ Mar. 3,1857
V. Gircud.....----------------- New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 12,1848
W. I. Hammond------------.............. New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 30, 1859
P. Humbert---------------................... Boston, Mass........... Feb. 26, 1861
J. Karr....................... Washington, D. C......Sept. 20,1864
J. Karr....................... Washington, D. C.... Nov. 28, 1865
T. Mcrison.................... New York, N. Y -.... Oct. 19, 1858
T. Morrison.............-Kingston, N. Y.......... June 12, 1860
A. H. Potter.......W........ Williamsburgh, N. Y-..... Jan. 21, 1868
G. P. Reed..............-- Boston, Mass............ Apr. 7, 1868
G. P. Reed.................. Boston, Mass........I Mar. 9, 1869
H. Rothfelder................ New York, N. Y....... July 11, 1865
O. W. Waste-----------............... - - Pittsford, N. Y--.....----Sept. 24, 1844
J. Sheldon ----..-.-..._. Millville, N. Y... - - Nov. 20, 1849
L. Mifflin................... Germantown, Pa..... May 21, 1867
WV. L. Bass.................. -- Boston Mass............ Dec. 23, 1851
A. Holbrook.......------..... Milford, Mass....---------. Apr. 13, 1858
A. Holbrcok and H. D. Fish... Milford and Hardwick, Apr. 28, 1857
J. Y. Savage................... New York, N. Y......- - Oct. 9, 1847
T. R. Almond............... Fitchburgh, Mass....... Aug. 19, 1873
T. G. Arnold- --............ New York, N. Y....... Dec. 4, 1866
W. F. Bacon................... Skowhegan, Me.....--------- Aug. 31, 1869
S. H. Bellows....--- ---- - Middletown, Conn..... Aug. 6, 187-2
G. E. Brettell --.......... Rochester, N. Y....---------. May 25, 1869
J. C. Chapman................ Cambridgeport, Mass..... Dec. 4, 1866
W. T. Cole................... New York, N. Y.......... - Sept. 24, 1867
S. G. Dare.................... New York, N. Y..-.. Dec. 22, 1868
G. B. Fairman................. Rochester, N. Y...........Mar. 30, 1869
C. F. Hadley...---------------Chicopee, Mass........... Nov. 17,1868
G. W. Harris and W. H. Haight New York, N. Y.......... June 25, 1867
B. Haviland---------------................... Hudson, N. Y.....----------- Aug. 25, 1868
E. Horton...----------..-- -Windsor Locks, Conn-..... Aug. 26, 1873
M. Love.. -..-.-..... Corry, Pa........ Nov. 22, 1870
J. W. Martin and E. Parry.... Northern Liberties, Pa.... Aug. 28, 1849
R. W. Morse-..-.---.- -.. East Berlin, Conn......... Aug. 7, 1866
L. H. Olmsted.....-......Stamford, Conn---...---.. May 15, 1866
L. Parmelee-. ----....... New Haven, Conn........ Oct. 28,1873
B. W. Peirce- --............ New Bedford, Mass....... Oct. 2-2, 1867
R. and T. Ross.............. Middlebury, Vt-........... --- Aug. 21, 1866
I. Smith.....------------------ New York, N. Y --..--....... July 1:), 1866
I. Smith.....................-----. New York, N. Y........ July 10, 1866
J. M. Smith.................. Seymour. Conn.......... Sept. 3, 1867
W. Staub................. Philadelphia, Pa....... Oct. 31, 1865
S. P. M. Tasker............ Philadelphia, Pa.-..--....... July 26, 1870
J. F. Thomas................ Ilion, N.Y-------------................ Oct. 18,1870
R. H. Thorn- ----.......... Syracuse, N. Y----------........... Sept. 18, 1866
A. B. Underhill-...-..... Meadvillo, Pa............. Dec. 6, 1864
J. H. Westcott................ Oneida, N. Y.............. Feb. 25, 1873
D. E. Whitton------------................. - West Stafford, Conn-...... Oct. 9, 1866
E. S. Williams...---..----- Cambridge; Mass..-... Sept. 28, 1869
D. Argerbright-----------................ Gratis, Ohio............. Aug. 21, 1860
L. A. Dole..................... -Salem, Ohio.............. July 25,1854
L. Coes.... -------------------Worcester, Mass.......... May 17, 1870
C. H. Riggs....---.--. -.. Windsor Locks, Conn..... June 1, 1869
G. H. Miller----.. -----.. --- Binghamton, N. Y........ Sept. 9, 1873
G. It. Parker- --............ Worcester, Mass.......... June 4, 1867
D. Keller. -.-.. Baltimore, Md........... Jan. 19,1869
E. H. Babcock................Canandaigua, N.Y-........ June 16,1868
Q. S. Backus................. Winchendon, Mass....... Sept. 29, 1868
J. Fox. _.- _.. Philadelphia, Pa..........Feb. 7, 1860
F. G. Johnson-............ Brooklyn, N. Y....... July 3,1866
G. W. Miller................... Woonsocket, R. I-...... July 27, 1869
L. Parmelee................. New Haven, Conn........ Sept. 30, 1873
P. Philippi................... Beardstown, Ill......... Sept. 19, 1871
C. S. Wells and L. H. Mayot.. Springfield, Mass........ Mar. 20, 1866
WV. Webb.....-........ Waterbury, Conn-....... Mar. 23, 1869
E. K. Wisell................. Warren, Ohio-----------............. Jan. 22,1850
C. H. Alsop........ Middletown, Conn..-... July 2, 1861
D. N. Smith................. Boston, Mass......... Aug. 3, 1858
F. Fruit...................... Jefferson City, Mo....... Nov. 15, 1853
M. Kaefer................... New York, N. Y-...... Apr. 10, 1860
J. S. Warner................ Ogdensburgh, N. Y J.......Jan. 11, 1870
R. Henderson................ Thomastoi, Conn......... June 22, 1869
E. Russell------------ _ -. Naugatuck. Conn........ Dec. 4, 1866
A. F. Cushman-..............Hartford, Conn....... Dec. 24, 187-2
WV. X. Stevens............... East Brookfield, Mass.... May 21, 1872
M. Walty....................Buffalo, N. Y.......... Aug. 5,1873
J. L. Hayden................. Haydensville, Mass....... Oct. 3,1871
M. C. Gardner.......-.... Rochester, N. Y......... June 25,1867
S. Keagy..................... Mineral Point, Pa......... Mar. 20, 1860
G. O. Buckley................ New Bedford, Mass...... Feb. 28, 1871
G. O. Buckley................ New Bedford, Mass....... Feb. 20,187-2
C. F. Stackpole............... Woburn, Mass........... Aug. 16, 1870
J. A. Jaques, J. T. Oakley, Tottenham, Bermondsey, Apr. 15, 1873
and L. Sterne. and Westminster, England.
A. F. Cushman.............. Hartford, Conn........... Dec. 5, 1871
J. S. Hoar.................... West Acton, Mass........ Feb. 11, 1868
C. Deavs...................... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 28, 1871
R.Nuttall and J. Kirkpatrick. Allegheny, Pa.......... May 4,1858
It. Nuttall and J. Kirkpatrick. Allegheny, Pa......May 24, 1859
E. C. Plimpton and S. Taylor. Bridgeport, Conn..-.. Jan. 30, 1872
W. E. Barton................. East Hampton, Conn..... Dec. 9, 1873
J. W. Russell................ Springfield, Mass......... June 19, 1855
P. S. Cahoon end S. F. Ross... La Grange, Mo........... Jan. 2, 1855
80, 051
36, 637
46, 652
16, 727
5, 963
25, 261
31, 543
44, 317
51, 191
21, 865
28, 719
73, 646
76, 346
87, 707
48, 726
3, 759
6, 77
64, 892
8, 03
19, 927
17, 150
5, 321
141, 978
60, 116
94, 376
130, 103
90, 338
69, 184
85, 073
88, 377
84, 057
66, 081
81, 500
142, 163
109, 434
6, 681
56, 981
54, 760
144, 128
70, 112
57, 383
56, 329
56, 330
68, 537
50, 747
105, 860
58, 152
45, 364
136, 344
58, 704
95, 297
29, 657
11, 364
103, 015
90, 783
142, 642
65, 422
85, 936
78, 916
82, 583
27, 044
56, 059
93, 108
143, 377
119, 173
88, 245
7, 045
32, 675
21, 088
10, 228
27, 810
98, 820
91, 625
60, 258
134, 259
126, 910
141, 612
119, 516
66, 014
27, 598
112, 119
123, 863
106, 4-20
137, 875
121, 494
74, 360
121, 340
24, 152
123, 197
145, 383
13, 104
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Chuck for turning staves....................
Chuck, Gripe.................................
Chuck, Lathe................................
Chuck, Lathe.----------------------------.
Chuck, Lathe.---------------------------"---
Chuck, Lathe................................
Chuck, Lathe---------------------------.....
Chuck, Lathe-------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe_............................-----
Chuck, Lathe--------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe -------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe -----......................
Chuck, Lathe ------------"-.-.......
Chuck, Lathe...- - - - - - - --............
Chuck, Lathe................................
Chuck, Lathe.....-"..-----"................
ChcLathe ---------------"Chuck, Lathe..............................
Chuck, Lathe............................------
Chuck, Lathe................................
Chuck, Lathe...............................
Chuck, Lathe............................-----
Chuck, Lathe--------------------------------
C.huck, Lithe -------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe............................-----
Chuck, Lathe--------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe--------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe.----------------------------
Chuck, Lathe----------------------------.....
ChcLathe -------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe ------------"------------------
Chtuck, Lathe ------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe--------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe----------------------------.....
Chucek, Lathe--------------------------------
Chuck, Lathe---------- ------ ------ ------- -
Chuck, Lathe..........-- - - - - --........
ChcMachinists' lathe.....................
Chuck, Net-squaring......................----
Chuck or holder, Self-centering.......
Chuck, Planer........................... - --
Chuck, Planer-------------------------------
Chuck, Planer ------------------------------
Chuck, SPlaning.....-------------------------
Chuck, Screw-cutting------------------------
Chuck, Screwl-cutting......................---
Chuck, Sef-centering........... _..... _...._..
Chuck, Self-centering..........................
Chuck, Scif-centerilg....._._.................
Chuck, Self-centering.._..........__..._....
Chuck, Self-centering......................----
Chuck, Universal.........................-----
Chuck, Universal........................
Chuck, Universal-------------------------.....
Chuck, Warping ---------------------------- -
Chuck, Watch-makers'......................
Chuck, Watch-makers'_.__.--------
Chuck, Watch-makers'-__.-_-_------
Chuck, Watch-makers' lathe...............---
Chuck, Watch-makers' lathe...................
Chuck, Watch-makers' lathe................ - -- - --
Chuck, Watch-makers' lathe.... _..............
Chuck, Watch-makers' lathe................ __ __ __
Chuck, Wood-lathe --------------------------.
Chucks, D~evice for holding and car-iying pipefittings.
Chucks, Jaw for lathe...............
Church andl school scat......................_
Church-pew head rest...............
Cuc-scat- ---------------
Churn- - ----------------------------
Chuin----- ------ ----- ------ ----- --------_
F. Rohbins-----------------
ID. Peeler---------------.--
L. S. Hill-----------------
C. E. Alhro--------------...
W. Bellows ---------------
J. A. Bunco ---------------
S B. Burritt ------ ---
J. Christmnan and W. Gilfilan.
5- J. Cone..---------------
A. F. Cushman........ _....
H. M. Darling------------...
F.Davison- ------- ------
J. S. Detrick.---------
S. Goodfellow.-----------
5- C. Goodsell--------------
W. Grant...............---
E. Horton...............---
J.iHyde ------------------
W. Johnson--------------...
W. Johnson..............--
A. Judson------------- -- -
W. H. King. - -....- ----
J. L. M as o n.............. -- -- --
J. S. Moody- -- -- - - - - - - - - -
M. Neckerm uin.............
J. O'Connor-.--.............
C. H. Reid -...............--
W. A. Reilly--------------
J. Rich ------------
J. Rich -------------------
J. Rich -------------------
J. Rich-------------------
J. Rich. - - - - - - - - - -
E. A. L. Roherts..........---
R. Ilothwell.._..._...,._.....
T. Shrewsbury.-...-.._....
J. Sutter----------------...
F. 'fully -----------------
5- G. Twamhly...._....
L. Von (Gunten... _....--....
A. H. Wagner...._........
J. R. Washhurn.......
ID. E. Whiten--------_------
A. F Cushman._.-._.
HI. F. Wheeler..............T. H.- Worrall-- ------
R. N. Bruce..---------------
C. H. Riggs.--- ----- -
W. H. Warren.------------
A. Newell and W. Pun.
F. H. Higgins- --------------
T. Kennedy...............
A. F. Cushmnan..............
E. B. Beach.-........T. Brooks....-...........
S. T. Jackson..-..........
T. H. Worrall ---------------
J. W. Bartlett sond A. Morris.M. Alden................---
S. S. logic.................
W.II. K i n g.- - - - - - -- --.. - -
J. T. Has k in s- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
H. H. Hcskett--------------....
J. Mansir..................A. K. P. Walker............_
W. Kerr...................--
S. S..Lavey.............---.J. Stark------------ --------
W. Stephens..............G. H. Waldin...--.......
R. H. IDowling.........-.
A. J. Peavey and F. B. Cotton
Acton, Mass............Boston, Mass.......----..
Grand Rapids, Mich.-__Fulton, N. Y.-----.-----
Nelsonv-ille, Ohio..__.
Cincinnati, Ohio.---.__
East Berlin, Coon..._..
New York, N. Y. _...
Syracuse, N. Y........Middletown, Coon....
Hartford, Coon. _......_
Bridgeport, Coon _. _.
Richmond, Va.....--..
San Francisco, Cal._-
Troy, N. Y.-------_Westville, Con....
Boston, Mass............
Windsor Locks, Coon.--.
Troy, N. Y...........---
Lamhertville, N. J.._
Lamhertville, N. J.._
Brooklyn, N. Y.__.......
Newark, N. J--........
New York, N. Y --.--
Saco. Me-------------_..
Pittshurgh, Pa...........
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Danbury, Con........
Painesville, Ohio..____
Painesville, tOhio. __.
Painesville, Ohio-........
Painesville, Ohio..____
Painesville, Ohio. _.___.
New York, N. Y. _._..
Dover, N. H............
Camden, N. J. -... -...
New York, N. Y.._
Philadelphia, Pa.__..._
Saco, Me----------...---
Cincinnati, Ohio-___.
Prairie City, Ill.._.
West Stafford, Con..
West Stafford. Coon._Hartford, Con........ _
Boston, Mass----------. _
Lawrence, Mass.,.
Spiringfield, Mass.-.. --.
Windsor Locks, Coon... -.
Worcester, Miss. -. -._.-.
Chicago, Ill - --.----
Bordentown, N. J.----
Mount Carmel, Con -
Hartlord, Conn....__...
West Meriden, Coon --
Middletown, Cooin _..
Shehoygan Falls, Wis.
Manchester, N. H. _..
Harmar andl Marietta, Ohio
Philadelphia, Pa. _.__.
Rockville, N. Y..... _..._..
Troy, N. Y.----.-----
Rockpos-t, Mass..-.
Le Roy, ill.---...-----
Richmond, Me.._...._---...
Richmond, Me----------..
Boston, Mass._..........
Plymouth, Ind.....
Waltham, Mass..__....
Richmiond, ld..........
Biurlington, Iow'a..__.
F'cnton, Mich.-.._._
SBoston, Mass............
Date. No.
July 7, 1863 39, 173
Mar. 31. 1836..
Jain. '25, 1870 99, 19t
Oct. 17, 1871 120, 015
July 23,1872 129, 703
May 25, 1869 90, 487
Mar. 27, 1866 53, 405
Jnune 20, 1865 48, 259
Apr. 14, 1863 38, 148
July 4, 1865 48, 521
Jan. 10, 1871 110, 903
Oct. 26, 186O909, 207
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 8 72
Aug. 11, 1868 80, 9-28
Aug. 17, 1858 21, 23-2
Apr. 8, 1873 137, 674
Jan. 23, 1849 6, 046
Nov. 13, 1855 13, 787
Dec. 9, 1551 8, 580
Apr. 5, 1859 23, 47-2
July 29, 1873 141, 276
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 698
Nov. 22, 1870 109, 423
Mar. 30, 1858 19, 786
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 523
Apr. 8, 1856 14, 632
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 577
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 817
May 30, 1865. 47,1981
Aug. 31, 186!) 93, 239
Nov. 9, 18619 96;, 730,Iune 7, 1810 104, 063
Sept. 13, 18701 107, 291
Mar. 28, 1871 113,0C95
Oct. 4, 1859 25, 574
Apr. 3,1l8e66 53, 683
Oct. 8, 187-2 132, 109
Dec. 6,1(64 45, 359
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 272
Aug. 13, 1861 33, 056
Dcc. 4, 18660 0, 292
July 4, 18 71 116, 649
Sept. 29, 186i8 82, 571
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 349
Nov. 14, 1871I 120, 863
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 792
July 4, 1865 48, 1112
Mar. 3, 1868 74, 982
May 19, 1868 78, 1:3-2
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 498
May 3, 1870 102, 577
Jan. 23, 1866 52, 247
Jan. 30, 1866 52, 294
Dec. 5, 18165 51, 384
Sept. 6, 1864 44, 067
Oct. 10, 1865 50, 329
Oct. 24, 1865 50, 5913
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 747
Sept. 8, 1563 39, 789
Aug. 11, 1863 39, 457
Nov. 56, 1841 2, 366
Apr. 25, 1865 47, 4-28
June 16, 18(8 78, 96i4
July 4, 1871 116,;)91
Nov. 14, 1871 120, 988
Au,,. 1, 1871 117, 703
May 30, 18 71 115,: 24
Sept. 17, 1867 68, 998
Aug. 12, 187') 141, 824
Mcar. 10, 1857 1,811
ebh. 22, 1859 2:1, 050
May 23,1871 115, 179
Dec. 23, 1873 1-15, 896
Aug. 26, 1873 14-2, 239
Mlay 24, 1851) 24, 151
June 15, 1881) 91, 389
Jan. 16, 182 12,750
Junie 19, 1860 28, 723
Jan. 7, 1838 72) 95')
Apr. 16,1,,-4:2 '2, 59
Mar. 7, 18,5 4t,7410
Feb. 7, 1865 416, 202
May 14, "1867i, 618'
M. C. Johnson................Newv Bedford, Mass. --.. -
C. Pci-icy-.-.-------- --.._New Yoik, N. Y- - - --
J. H. WVeeden................-Waterbury, Coon -- -.
C. 0. Mealia -.....______Brooklyn, N.Y.._-.HI. Abbott-------------------.....North Huron,V Y......
H. W. Adams................ Milton, P------- -
L. Adams.................... Redding, Conii.......
J. Aiken.._--....Warner, NH........
ID. C. Aldrich..............-- Anamosalou a.......1. Alexander..............Gallipolis, Ohio.......
W. Alexanuer.............. Union VadleyN.Y ----
H. Allei,jr.-.............Wallingford, Con-._.
L.O0. Allen................. Gardineri e........
S. S. Allen..............---Belvidere, N.......
C. T. Andeison............. -- -- -Hyatlstown, Md. -..
C. T. Anderson.............- C arkshnrghMd........
C. T. Anderson...........- Clarkshurgh, Md.._._.
J. Andrews........... Worn,51Mass _.._....
C. A ngerine..................New YorkIN. Y...._.0. A. Anthony............... Mayfield, N.Y -
J. S. Appleton----------------...While Riveor Junction, Vt.
W. F. Armstrong and M Cardington, Ohio.....
It. S. Arnall..................Wright City, Mo.....
Index of patents issued from thte United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, innclusire-COI t inned.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Chunn-----------------------------------------E. Archer------------------- Davisvillc, W. Va..
Churn------------------------------------------ M. B. Atkinson-------------- Georgetown,I. C.Churn.. -- - - - - - - - - --................A. Austin--------------------..Altona., 11 --...........
Churn------------------------------------------- S. S. Ayers------------------Plainfield. N. J..........Churn------.------------------------------------ L.Bacon---------------------..Charlotte, Mich.__..
Churn....................------------------------S. L. Bagley-----------------fHillsdale, N. Y...........
Churn ------------------------------------------ C. Baker---------------------- Charlton, N. Y..........Churn ------------------------------------------ D. D. Baker------------------- West Alexandria, Ohio....Churn-------_--------------------------------- H. 1).Baker ------------------ Pittstown Corners, N. Y.
Churn----------------------...-------------H. F. Baker-----------..-----Centreville, nd......
Churn----------------------------------...-----. Baker---------------------- Saint John's, Mich..
Churn ------------------------------------------ A. Bailey.-............-------Ponltney, Vt.............
Churn-----------------------------------------.... K. Bailey------------------.Lockport, N.V.Y..........
Churn ------------------------------------------ A. Baird ---------------------Scholiarie, N. V..........
Chur-n---------------------------------------- 5- S Ballard, sr-----------------.Sulliven, 10(1.............
Churn------------------------------------------- J. A. Baizart.----...... iu, ho-------------Pq,Oho......
Churn------------------------------------------H.:13. Barber-----------------..Scott, N. Y................
Churn.-..........................-._H. Barr.----------------------Independence, Iowa.
Churn...........................................-W. E. Barr------------------- Ripley's, W. Va.-----
Chui------------------------------------------ J. C. Barrett---------------- Collins, N. Y............
Churn-u----------------------------------------- D. Bartholomew and D. C. Kirkville, Iowa....
Churn------------------------------------------ N. S. Barton-----------------.Mannsville, N.Y......
Churn................-----------------------------M. L Bander----------------._Elyria,, Ohio..............
Churn ------------------------------------------ C. F. Baylor-----------..----Clinton, N. J............Churn.- -------------JBec-------------------------J.Bah_..-----... Northfield, Mass_..
Churn ------------------------------------------ S. and M. Bear---------------..Versailles, Ohio-.__.
Churn.- ---------------------------- W. Beaton------------------Grinnell, Iowa.---
Churn------------------------------------------ J. Becley------------------- Stiles, Iowa..............
Churn------------------------------------------- E. H Beckwit~h--------------- Westernville, N. Y...
Churn.----------------------------------------- L.W. Beecher----------------.Avon, N.Y..............
Churn------------------------------------------ C. H. and E. G. Beeman - North Fairfax, Vt....
Churni------------------------------------------ B. Beers._-------- ------New Fairfield, Coon.
Churn------------------------------------------- G. Beisner-------------------Chicago, Ill.............Churn------..----------------------------------- H. C. Bell --------------------Heyworeti,Ill............
Churn ------------------------------------------ H. C. Bell.....--...-EiniM..............EdnM --------
Churn------------------------------------------F. 0. Bennett---.--------Mount Pleasant, Iowa....
Churn----------"---------------"-----------------I. Bennett -----------------.Brutus, N. Y............Churn------------------------------------------ H. Bentley------------------Ballston, N. V...........Churn-----------------------------------------__F. L. Bergstresser------------ Berrysburgh, Pa...
Churn---------------------------"--------------- G. Berkstresser---------------.Bedford, Pa.............
Churn---- -------------------------------------- S. Besser....- - --....... Dorchester, Ill...........Churn ------------------------------------------XV. T. Best------------------Scranton, Pa............Churn ------------------------------------------ H. H. Bigard, E. H. Kellogg, Fowler, N. Y.............
andl N. A. Prentiss.
Churn ------------------------------------------ A. Bills----------------------_Baltimore, Md..........Churn------------------------------.------------- A. G. Bins..-------------Goshen Township, Ohio. -
Churn ------------------------------------------.T. Bisbing-------------------- Buckstown, Pa..........Chmn-------------------------------------- ___C. G. Bishop ------------------ Poughkeepsie, N. Y...
Churn ------------------------------------------ L. Bissell....................--North Bergen, N. Y..
Churn------------------------------------------- I). 0. Blair-------- ------------ Abingdon, Ill...........
Churn------------------------------------------- F. Blocks,.-----------------_Elgin, Ill.................
Churn.----------------------------------------- J. C. Bodine------------------ Camden, N. J............
Churn...............-..-......-...-.-....-.......V. H. Body-------------------..White Creek, Wis....
Churn ------------------------------------------ T.Bogao ---------- Lacon, Ill...............Churn---.. -------------------------------------- L. Bogner--------------------Rochester, Ind..........Churn----------------------------------------lIiiJ. Bolton---------------------- Philadelphia, Pa.----
Churn ------------------------------------------ C. A. Boone..................-Shickshiooy, Pa.----
Churn------------------------------------------ J. Bost---------------------- East Cobbleskill, N.Y.
Churn ----------------- ------------------------- iJ. P. Bortle------ -----------. Claverack. N. Y....--
Churn.----------------------------------------- I J.Bortou and W.H. Hartly... Quaker City, Ohio.___
Churn.t-.-.....................------- -- --- -- ---C. L. Bottom----------...-----ansville, N. Y..........
Churn------------------------------------------CJ. Boyers---------------------Mravll,VMich..........
Churn------------------------------------------ J. Boyers ------------------- Orrville, Ohio -..........
Churn...........-...................-W. Boyuton, Jr---------------Auburn, N. Y...........
Churn-----------------------------------------...W. Boynton------------------ Auburn, N. Y...........Churn-----------------------------------------...C. H. Bradley - - --.......Coatesville, Pa...........
Churn ------------------------------------------1R. Brauley -""-------Williston, Vt...........Churn------------------------------------------ J. W. Biadly and G. H. Jor Rocheport, Mo...........
Churn-----------------------------------------..A. H. Brainerd---------------..Rome, N.Y............
C h u rn-----------------------------------------........... V. M. R. Bi-auch--------------..__Richmond, Va...........--
Churn------------------------------------------ 1M. Brat--------------------Maysville, Ky......
Churn-----------------------------------------...C. W. Brewer.--------------- Racine, Wis...........
Churn..........................................---I. Brewster ------------------Bleuheho, N.Y ------"----
Churn------------------------------------------ I. Brewstcr - ---------Blenheim, N.Y-----
Churn.----------------------------- I.B xxster------------------ Schoharie County, N. Y.
Chmn 1............- -.-..-....- -..- -.-.J. C.Lridgman.------- ---London, Ohio............
Churn.- -----------------------------.WW Brigg----------------- Home, Tenn.............Churn..................-...-...-...-..........-.--G. N.uriotiam --------------Montpelier, Vt..........Chturn------------------------------------- ------ J. Brnkerhoff---------------- Auburn, N. Y...........Churn -----------------------"------.------------J. I.aod F. it. Britt.....-Raleigh, N. C............
Churn-------------------------------------- 11A Broi~dwa----------Mnson, Mas.....
Aug. 5, 1873
Apr. 12, 1870
Sept. 27, 18 59
Mar. 12, 1867
July 26, i864
Mar. 24, 18-27
June 13, 1831
Apr. 21, 1868
Feb. l16, 1858
Apr. i0, 1849
Mar. 15, 1870
Oct. 6, 1831
Apr. 24, 1866
Mar. 25, 1825
May 7, 1867
Sept. 18, 1866
Dec. 24, 1867
Nov. 18, 1862
Aug.-27, 187-2
Oct. 19, 1829
May 19, 1868
Aug. 31, 1869
Jair. 19, 1858
Apr. 25, 1865
Jan. 24, 1811
Sept. 24, 1867
Oct. 4, 1864
May 6, 1873
Nov. 20, 1866
Nov. 24, 1857
July 13, 1869
Dec. 8, 1857
Nov. 3, 1868
Mar. 24, 1868
July 30, 1872
Oct. 1, 1867
July 25, 1 832
Apr. 20, 1844
Feb. 21, 1865
Aug. 31, 1869
July 7, 1868
Apr. 28, 1868
Fob. 15, 1870
July 29, 1816
Aug. 26, 1862
Dec. 10, 1867
July 18, 1865
July 10, 1860
Feb. 19, 1867
June 25, 1867
Nov. 20, 1866
Jan. 26, 1869
Aug. 27, 1867
Aug. 6, 1872
Aug. 2, 1808
May 3, 1870
Jan. 22, 1867
Apr. 19, 1825
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 24, 186:1
Oct. 8, 1867
Aug. 14, 1855
July 3, 1866
Apr. 15, 186-2
Feb. 20, 1866
Apr. 28, 1868
July 21, 1835
June 23, 1868
Apr. 23, 1867
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 23, 1866
Dec. 29, 1868
May 28, 1830
Dec. 31, 1833
Jan. 7, 1835
May 22, 1866
July 20, 1869
July 24, 1866
Dee. 23, 1862
Oct. 14, 1873
Nov. 25, 1816
141, 480
101, 810
25, 55:3
62, 804
43, 63-2
19, 334
6, 298
leo, 711
54, 092
64, 471
7-2, 588
36, 935
130, 836
78, 042
94, 38t
19, 117
47, 383
69, 065
44, 505
138, 604
59, 811
18, 671
92, 566
18, 797
83, 595
75, 84-2
129, 918
69, 391
3, 556
46, 440
94, 176
79, 54-2
77, 160
36, 269
71, 958
48, 786
29, 052
62, 179
66, 122
59, 759
86, 274
68, 034
130, 104
102, 481
61, 389
135, 761
37, 730
69, 6-20
13, 4-21
55, 996
34, 9:16
52, 664
77, 252
79, 197
63, 989
81, 589
58, 976
85, 272
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
C hurn.........................................
Churn -----------------------------------------
Churn.. -.....................................
Churn........................................C hurn..........................................
Churn -----------------------------------------
C hurn----_...------------------------------
Churn..---- - -----------"----
C hurn --- ---. ----------------- ----------------
C hurn.- -...........------- --"----"
Churn................-........-.........-- -
Churn. - -...........-- --------- ----
C hurn......_.............................._
C hurn..-. -..................................
C hurn..-. -..................................
Churn--------------- --
C h urn..............................
Churn ------------------------------------
C hurn......................................
C hurn.........................._..........
C hu.rn......................................
C hurn------------------------------
Inventor. Residence. Dat
A. P. Bryson ----------------Prospect, Pa------------._Dec.
G. G. Buchanan------------...Cotton Plant. Miss - -_--Nov. 1
iR. Buck------------------....Baltimore, Md------June 2:
T. W. Buck---------------... _Fawn River, Mich- ---_-__Oct.
W. E. Budd---------------...Chatham, N. J-----------.Apr..Bu-.-.......... ShrdnN.......Oc.1J. M. Buell--------__----.--Zanesville, Ohio---------..Aug.J. i1. Bump----------------- Morris, N. V------------_Oct.2Z
F. and L. Burdick. - --. - ____-South East, N. Y., and Oct.
Loekhaven, Pa.
T?. I. Burbyte___---------Fond do Lac, Wis------Feb. 24
T?. J. Burke andi S. B. Gassette. Chieago, Ill -- -- -- - - - - - -Oct. 3:
W. H. Burnham and B. Hib- Cortland Village, N. Y - -- - July 2!
W..ndD.Cnd uso- -_. -_C._ aBneirsonho.--.----..-Spt-Sa.Butlineville,._._...Ohioneto,.. Sept.... o142
S. Bushnell, 2d-------------.....Sayhrook, Conn--------- _.Dee. 2(
M. Byard-----------------...Milan, Intl-------------..Oct. 1:
P. Byrns anti G. Stannard-...Mindora, Wis-----------...Nov.
M. P. Callender-------------.... _Astoria, Or-eg - - -- - - -----Sept.
M. Calvert----------------.._Marshall, Ohio----------..June 2:
J. ID. Camupbell and J. Elliott..- JamestownInd- - - -_- -- - -Sept. 2 -S. N. Canmphell.............. Elgin, Ill--------------- Oct. 14
W. Campbell..........Wateloo, Pa-----------....Sept. 1:
A. Carhuow.........------Potsdam, N. Y.......... Dee. 11
W. L. Card................--Gardner, Ill.............. Feb. 1]
J. Carlton....._.......Walla Walla, Wash.---Dec. 1,
R.I rak......... arno l -------Ar. H. Carpenter and H. L. Hector and Lodi, N. Y-I chFe. Satrs
A. C. Carrell...............-Granville, Ohio........... Oct.. 2;
J. S. Carson................ Brookhaven, Miss -----Aug. 24
C. H. Carver................ TauntonMass ----------- Feb. 24
S. S. Case_....._..........Marion, N. V------------ Nov.
S. S. Case.................. Marion, N. Y------------ May 11
J. E. Casey..................Cortland Village, N. Y_.-.Mar. 2'
H. Caslow.._....._.......York, Pa...------------..June 1 -C. J. Chalfant-------------- Unionville, Pa..........--July 34
WV. C. C i'aoiherlain _.........._Duhuque, Iowa...__...... Jan. 24
WV. C. Chamberlain -..-....... _Dubuque, Iowa - Aug.
N. P. Chancy............... Potsdam, N. Y---___------Sept.
F. B. Chapman-------------... _Salisbury, Mo - -.- - -- ---Feh. 2.
J. AV. Chapman..._.......... Madison, Intl............Sept.4
N. Chapman..............Milford, Mass. ---...----Jan. 34
N. Chapman ----------------Milford, Mass ------------ Apr. 14 hpl......... aseN.__._. a.1
J. I. Cheatitam--------------- Athens, Ga------------- July1
E. Chipmuan................ New York, N. V,_........Jan. 1I
E. Chipmtan---------------__New York, N. Y---------- Mar. 2:
J. B. Christian and J. P. Beach Hamhorrlt, Iowa.-------- _..Aug. i:
J. M. Chnitton -------------- Juliet, Ill--------------- Jan. 14
N. B. Ciabaich-------------..Frederick, Md----------__ _ _July4
J. Clark------------------- Brush Valley, Pa----Jan. 1(
S. Clark..................___Mor-is County, N. J...Oct.
G. B. Clarke................ Leonardsville, N. Y. Sep.2'
U. L. Clark----------------- Manor Township, Pa.---Dec. 31
G. Clayton and C. B. Allen _ X _- illoughby, Ohio.J.....p.an. 2
E. B. Clement--------------__Barnet, Vt--------------- Jant. 2(
E. B. Clement............... Barnet, Vt.._.........Feh. 1:
E. B. Clemett.....-aretV-------------BrntV.........Feb. 21
ID. Cleveland................. Sheffield, Mass - -- - - -- - --Ju ly ul
ID. Cleveland---------------....Sheffield, Mass----------._.July 11
L. Cleveland...............- -- - -Holliston, Mass......... -- -Feb.A. Clift, jr.................. Mystic River-, Conn -..May 21
H. Clift -......------- MXystic River, Conn. Sept. 24M lfo......... era l.--..-_- e.I. Clifons-..................PDeoarIl..............IMch.1
ID. Clough.................__Auburn, N. Y............ Feb.
P. L. Clow----------------___CohoesN. V------------ Nov-. 14
J. C. Clvmer---------------6--thalou, Ohio-------_._--- Mar. 21
J. Cochran, jr---------------- Auhurn, Mo------------...Dec. 1B
J. T. Cooee------------------ Cltauhetsburgh, Pa-....Feb. 1]
T.1 4 olIield autd B. Egli.... Natrona, Pa.. -... -......._.Nttv.r
J. B. Ccfluan................Niew Richmond, Ohio.- Jan. 14 -L. S. Colburn-.....------Oherlin, Ohio.-------J n.C ly- --------- SnF acso.......JNev 3.C lma(._...__._ ounM s ------ a.
T?. Conely. -........Grafton, Ill.._...._Jutte 2Z
A. J. Cotnner........Louisv ille, Ky.._.....Ap-. 19
A. L. Converse.............. Springfield, Ill -_--------May4
6-. W. Cook................ Saint Louis, Mo - -_. -_ Feh. 2]
L. M. Cook. _......... _......Owatonna, Minn...._.July 231
WV. t. Cook................ Lyons, Iowa-------Nov. 1d
te. No.
1, 1868
1, 14473,3, 18117
8, 1867
4, 1871.1, 18414
7, 148
5, 14149!, 1867
11, 18(65
9, 1456
8, 1466
A, 1409
1, 18:30
1, 1457
1, 1872
1, 1468
4, &872
8, 1859
3, 1859., 1866.,1867
5, 1868
6, 1872., 1464;5,1832
1, 1468
5, 18148
1, 1868
6, 1871
7, 18466
1, 1870
3, 1867
), 1867
1, 1869
1, 148
1, 1871.
5, 1871
1,1866.3, 1869.,1870
6, 1869
2, 184
1, 1865
3, 187-2
5, 1867
0, 1471
418 122
1, 1851
1, 1833
1, 1868
1, 1852
1, 1855
1, 1808
1, 1808
2, 1866
5, 1466
6, 1869
5, 1867
1, 1459
4, 1867
2, 1871
8, 1868
8, 1870
9, 1469
0, 1863
9, 1867
1, 1869
5, 1-7-2
4, 1868
4, 1844
4, 1867
4, 1866
4, 1869
0, 1866
1, 1860
84, 532
144, 437
69, 538
44, 595
29, 440
21, 811
95, 560
6-2, 470
50, 684
15, 41-2
58, 059
18, 384
70, 406
130, 4476
79, 103
1:11, 660
25, 804
25, 383
60, 473
84, 858
125, 6140
74, 498
74, 796
83, 815
114, 9-22
53, 521
1144, 267
67, 216
61, 515
93, 174
81, 599
111,907 -118, 1C87
5-2, 268
88, 847
94, 924
92, 164
41, 19:1
46, 880
130, 477
61, 160
66, 219
110, 897
8, 373
73, 503
8, 671
12, 377
27, 205
54, 861
58, 337
87, 027
24, 197
61, 716
26, 0942
121, 755
74, 505
108, i4<59
39, 0315
70, 959
47, 6"i9
1-28, 364
76, 606
77, 460
3, 4140
66, 949
59, 5160
87, 147
56, 340
28, 970
77, 172
index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1700 to 1873, inelusive--Continued.
Churn -----------------------------------------
C hurn---- - -----------------........
C hurn......-................................
C hurn..-.....................-.......-......_.
Churn -----------------------------------------
Churn - -- - - - - - - --.................
Churn. -...-- - - --. - - - --............
C hur.n........................................
Churn.- --I------------------------ --------------
C hurn----------------_---_.----------------
Churn.-------------------------------- -----_---
C hurn..........................----..........
C hurn--------------------- --.----.-----.-----.C hurn -------------- -------------- ---.. ----.----
Churn-----.---..-.-... --......................
C hurn.........................................
C hurn.......................................---
C hurn................---.......................
Churn..............................------....C hurn----------------------------------------
Churn.-- --------------------------------------
C hurn.........................................
Churn._--.----.--.. - - - --..........
C hurn.........................................
C hurn........................................
C h urn------------------------------------.........
C hurn.-............................
C hurn.......................
C hurn............. - - - - -- - - - -
C hurnl----------------------------------------
Churn......-- - - - -. - - - --...........
C hurn......................
C hurn.- - -.--...--..............
C h urnl. - _ - - - - - - - --. -.. _ - _ _ - -
C h u rn........... _... _ _. _...
C h u r n...... _........... _. - -
Churn------------------------------------- -
Inventor. Residence.
J. Cram---------------------Chscao, Ill._....-.......
J. Cram...n...................Cahalloic........... _.
A. C-. Crane------------------.Ottumwa, Iowa....
F. J. Crissey-----------------.Leesburgh, Va.
M. C. Cr, nk----- ----------Auhuma, N. V............
J. E.Cryer-------------------sreen Point, N.Y...
A. WX. Cunningham...-......West Middletown, Pa....IV. H. Curtin and Wt. Lammers Clement and Breeze, Ill...S. T. Curtis --------------El Past) Ill..............
C-. A. Dahucy-----------------.SanJoet Cal............
C. H. Dana.------------------_XWest Lebanon, N. HI.
It. Daniels.... _........_.......IWoedsteck, Vt _._..
F. Danzenbaker--------------.Ps BidgetonN. J. _....
J. Barrow--------------------Warren, Ohmo.......
J. J. Davelin-----------------I.... hiladelphia, Pa......
J. B. Davidson.........Oherlhn Ohio.... _.. __.....
WV. C. T. Davidson and IV. H. Hasnshbal, Mo.........._
J. Davies--------------------..Mazonsamia NWis.._..
J. Davis, 2d4.._..._....-......Lake Village, N. H..
J. Davis,j r................... Lake Village, N. H.
R. WV. Davis.................. odoerssille, N. Y...
R. NI. Davis..................Ikndgersville, N. V...
WV. Davis.................... Asrow Reck, Mo. _... _-...
J. Davison...................-Plymouth, Mich......
J. T. Daavson.................1Frosthurgh, Md.....
L. Day....................-.Bullilo, I..---.....A.IB. Dean..-.-........-------Louisv iloe Ky...........
IT. Decker................... Lebanon, Ohio...... _... _.
G. IDeckman.._....__..........MAavernOhio-._....
L. Dedei ick _.._... _...._.........NewYork, N. Y......
D. Deshon, 2d................. Somesrset, Pa.........._
P. 5. Devlan------------------ Reading, Pa.............
J. L. Devel.................. Parkersburgh, IV. Va.
H. Dickerman................Great Barrington, Mass...
S. Dickerman and S. M. Par- Meriden, Con.. _...._...._
I. L. Dickinson............... Richmond, lad.--....
J. Dodder........ _.......... Washington, Iowa...
H. Doilittle................... Alton, I1l.1...............
H. Doolittle.................. Aurora, Ind............
E. L. Dorsey................. Greenavod, 10(1_.
Z. S. Doty...................Grotons, N. V............
Z. S. Doty.................... Massillon, Ohio......
J. H. Doughty...............Adamsville, Ohio..._.
J. H. IDoughty. _.............Adamaville, Ohio...
NV. C. Deuthetc............. _Rochelle, Ill.... _.. _.._...
WV. C. Douthett.............. Rochelle, Ill.............
C-. H. Dow._...............reeport, Ill............
N. Drew..................... Howell, Michb............
S. C-. Dug dale................ Richmondhid..._...._..
J. C-. Dungan.. _-........Steubenville, Ohio...
S. P. Dunhama and A. [Ripple.. Killbounn Ohioe __.__--.I. Dunton................ Brooklyn, N. Y....
P. Dunnaald_. _-_........Coining, N. Y...........
1). Dutclser...................SprisnghieidN. Y........
NV. TF. Eastes.................. Madison County, Int.....
B. 11. Eaton.-...........CliftonIX is............
AC-G.Eddy................... A shifleld, Mass.....
S. D. Edgar.................._Dayton, Ohio.._..........
J.- B. Edjzell, E. A Alexander, Qiasqueton, Iowa...
and H. C. Kellogg.
IV. Edmister and S Johnson Mount Vernon, Ohio..
J. P. Edinonds._........_......RochlleIll -........
J. J. Edwards...............-.ColumbusIWis....
C. L. Eggert_..............Lawrence, Rans...
R. and WV. J. Elarton......... Hillsborough, Iowa _....S. S. Elder.................... SpringfieloIll.....
A. H. Elliott.................. Alison, Mieh............
C. 11. Elliott..................VYoik,1Pa.._.....
A. N. Flay.. _................. Placeraviloe Cal._ -
P. Ermbree......_...........Xest Chester, Pa....
E. B Eibty._...............Richmond, Ky..........
C- W. LEmcisoni...............Pesu, Ill......__.._
S. F. Emecrson............. Sea ilk,Ohio............
S. F. Emerson.........SeaisheOhio............
F. M.English.................Evansville, Ind......
IV Estatoook................-Salem, Ohio............--
J. W. Evans.... _.......... _....orsyth, Ga..__...... _...
TI. ]R.avans................. Bladlisbus lh, Va.._..
J. J. Everst.................. Cumbhrland, Md...
J. Ewving.....................Woicestec, Mass.Fr k ------ rsa.R~c
July 16, 1867
Jan. 10, 187t
Apr. 12, 1864
June 11, 1872
June 26, 1866
Aug. 13, i1t61
July 23, 1867
Feb. 28, 1860
July 26, 38 70
June 9, 1868
Feb. 2, 1869
July 14, 1857
May 21, 1872
Sept. 18, 1866
June 2, 11.32
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 19, 1864
June 4, 1872
July 9, 1867
Mar. 13, 1866
Nov. 211,1866
Apr. 2, 1850
Eeh. 28, 1814
Oct.1, 1867
July' 2, 1867
Apr. 9, 1867
Jan. 31, 18tO
Aug. 3, 1869
Feb. 26, 1867
Apr. 2, 1867
Sept. 20, 1870
Apr. 3, 1860
Jane 14, 1859
May 3, 1870
May 9, 1809
Oct. 1, 1830
Jan. 31, 1854
Jass. 30, 186
June 23, 1863
Oct 11, 1864
Apr. 12, 1859
Mar. 17, 18-29
Aug. 31, 1831
Oct 8, 1861
Feb. 18, 1862
May 12, 1868
Oct. 13, 1868
July 7, 1868
July 16, 1867
July 15, 1851
Oct. 9, 1855
Apr. 17, 1860
Apr. 3, 1866
Feb. 19, 1861
June 10, 1851
Nov. 26, 1867
Feb. 19, 1867
Dec. 9, 1862
Mar. 23, 1869
Jan. 20, 1863
July 11, 1865
July 9, 1867
Sept. 27, 1864
Aug. 20, 1867
Sept. 28, 1869
Dec. 1, 1868
May 3, 1870
Api. 28, 1868
Nov. 26, 1867
Mar. 20, 18OO
Nov. 23, 1869
Apr. 30, 186 7
Dec. 22, 1861
June 16, 1863
July 11, 1871
Nov. 19, 1833
May 29, 1860
Apr. 5, 18 70
Nov. 26, 1867
Jan. 29, 1830
Mar. 5, 1810
Set. T17186
66, 681
110, 902
42, 275
127, 652.55, 825
33, 030
67, 105
27, 276
lO5S 652
78, 791
86, 371
17, 781
12, 030
58, 228
63, 023
42, 354
127, 406
66, 469
53, 123
59, 790
7, 233
10, 566
69, 324
66, 306
63, 7 08
26, 970
93, 285
107, 464
27, 701
102, 509
10, 487
44, 614
23, 556
33, 469
34, 416
7 7, 873
83, 050
79, 719
66, 687
8, 219
13, 638
27, 894
53, 591
31, 447
8, 143
71, 469
6-2, 121
37, 090
88, 148
37, 417
48, 666
66, 478
44, 410
67, 864
95, 212
84, 619
102, 518
77. 431
71, 289
27, 556
07, 119
64, 210
38, 891
116, 940
28, 462
101, 59
71, 47-2
1(12, 523
81, 615
56, 918
Index of patents issued front the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusve-Continued.
Churn.. ---------------------------
Churn-------------....-.- - - - --.........
Churn. - - - - - -
C hurn..-.-.....................................
C hurn........................
Curn Cr.-..............."...........
Churn----------------... "-----------------
D. A. Fiske................
D). A. Fiske................
G. C. Fitch.................
J. P. Fitch............
J. H. Fleming...............
B3. S. Fletcher..._..... _....
0. V. Flora and J. S. Bogle.
N. C. Fol ger..........
J. W. Forsyth..............
C. Foss....................
A. W. Foster...............
G. W. Fowler.............---
J. Fowler and W. L. Walter...
D. Frankfoicr..............
S. D. Frazier...............
T. Freeman...............
D. Frey and D. Sanders...
J. P. Friest...............---
W. Fritts..................
I. N. Frost.................
A. Fuqua..................
W. Furbish................
N. Gahel................----
C. W. Gage...........---..
A. S. Galliher.............---
A. 0. Gallup and F. A. Hewitt.
Churn....................................... A. 0. Gallup and E. A. Hewitt.'
Churn........................................M. Gaseon...............
C h ur n.. __... __.............................-- -- -- H. Gardiner....._.....
Churn....................................... H. Gardiner................
Churn....................................... J. C. Gaston................
Churn....................................... J. C. Gaston................
Churn..................................... J. C. Gaston................
Churn......................................1I). Gates..................
Churn........................................J. W. G a u lt-.............. - -- --
Chhuurn...................................C.George................-- -- C Ge or ge..............
Chun..........................J. B. Gliarmicy.............
Churn.................................------ J. Glattuer...............
Churn..................................... A. J. Gibson.............---
Churn........................................A. and Z. A. Gifford...
Churn......................................G. V. Gilbert..............
Churn....................................... J. C. Gilbert..............--
Churn........................................ G. E. Gill and.B Tillinghast.
Churn........................................ A. E. Gillilan...............
Churn...................................----- T. Gillmor...............--
C hurn...................--"--...............L. Glman...............
Churn........................................ C. L. Gilpatrick............Churn................................S isne.............. isnrr---------
Churn........................................ S. Gissiugrer..............--
C hurn...................................-----S. Gissinger..............--
Churn........................................ J. Gire....................
Churn................................ D.H.Go...............Gbi ---------
Churn...................................Gee............ owy--.-------
Churn.................................. S.M Gle.............l.Gldn.--------
C hurn...................................... 1. Goed................
Churn...................................... I. Goedwin...............Churn..................................... W. F. Goodwin.............
Churn...................................... G. W. Goodwyn............
Churn......................................W. B. Gorduier............
Churn......................_...............M. C. Gordon.......--......
C hurn....................................... W. L. Gordon..............
Churn........................................FE. Gore...................
Churn.............................. B.Gaa...............B rhm----------
C hurn....................................... M. Grauger................
Ch urn..................................... A..V.Ga......A.WGry--..-.._.....
C hurn-------------------......................S. Gray....----.-.......
Churn...................................-----G. H. Gregory..............
Chr............................. T. F. Griffthls..............
Churn...................................E.----- Groat................---
Churn................................. E.Gra............-...ot.----------
Churn..................................... G. Groom -.........
Chiurn......................................_ H. H. Grover.............--
Churn....................................... D. L. Grover and L. S Wright.
Churn....................................J. J.Grnverand A D Wiggins
Churn....................................... H. S. Gurney and IT Merrill...
Churn....................................... J. Gustine............ __....
Churn........................................ B. Handen, jr. ---------...Churn....................................H. ila~ans.................
Churn...............................THeg................ eg.-----------
C hurn....................................... J. Hale...................
C h urn................................_........ A.WX. Hall.--.............Churn....................................... A. W. Hall................
Churn.................................... AW. Hall...................
Churn......................................S. Z. H all..................
Churn....................................... S. Z. Hall..................
Churn...................................... V. S. H-all.................
Churn...................................J. A. Ham and W. Caspenter,jr
Churn........................................ F. Hamblin................
Churn.......................................W A. Hamilton...............
Churn......................................A. 1-Inlin.................
Churn.................................... B. Hanudforth...............
Churn....................................... J. A. l-1an-~er.........
Delavan, Wis.._.....
Delavams, Wis..........--
Randolph, N. Y..__._.__
New Yor-k, N. Y...
Groton, Ohio._..... _....
Cornish, N. H.........---
Madison, Ind., and Spring.
field, Ohio.
New Orleans. La. _.._.
Leesburg h, Va.........
Perry, Ohio......_.... _.
Milliidge, Me.. _... _. _..
Jenners Cross Roads, Pa..Homer, N. Y._._.....
Wakarusa, Ind.........
Tekonsha, Mich......
Westfield, Ill...__......
Homer, N. Y.. _......._
Chillicothe, Mo.........
Flanders, N. J..........
Peoria, Iii_-...........
Sandford, iud _..........
Hallowell, Me.........
Gratis, Ohio............
Homer, N. Y.........
Bristol, Tenn._
Salem and New London,Conn.
Salem and Groton, Conn -
Malvern, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y.._..
New York, N. Y.._Cincinnati, Ohio.__....
Cincinnati, Ohio.__....
Cincinnati, Ohio.___.__
Captina Post-Office, Ohio-..
Pleasant Township, Ohio..Peoria County, Ill-.._.-.
Ligonier, Pa.........._ _
Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Suspension Bridge, Â~!. Y_
Worcester, Mass.....
Somerset, N. Y.........
Bettsville, Ohio._..__
Galesburgh, Ill..._._._..
Chillicothe, Ohio..__._._.
Marion, Iowa..........
Saint Louis, Mo _..__..
Somerville, Mass. __..
Saco, Me...............
Allegheny, Pa..........
Allegheny City, Pa.---
Manchester, Pa.--___.
Louden City, Ill.._..._.
Springfield, Ill..... _... _..
New York, N. Y.-__
Marcellin e, Ill..........
Elizabethtown, Pa --.--_.
North Bergen, N. Y.---
Metuchen, N. J...__._
Petershnrgh, Va -__._-__
Cow dersport, Pa._.__.._
Knightstown, Ind--__.
Dalton, Ga_..........._
Bennington, Vt _-.-_-__
Wooster, Ohio..... _... _..
Lyons, Iowa...........
Syracuse', N. Y...... _..
Bennington, Ohio..._.
Genesee, N. Y__..._.....
North Wilten, Con.
Dansville, N. Y..........
Napa, Cal..............
Napa, Cal...............
Brockville, Canada.._..
Auhurn, N. Y _.. __......
Groton, N. Y............
New Market, Ohio.---
Memphis, Mich.._-_New Petersburgh, Ohio_..
Chicago, Ill............-.
Trenton, N. J...........
Bran donville, Va......
Harrisburgh, Pa. _.
New Ylo r, N Y.
Mar. 27l, 1866
Aug. 4, 1868
Mar. 17, 1868
Jan. 17, 1860
May 26, 1868
May 22, 1866
Apr. 2, 1867
Oct. 13, 1868
Oct. 9, 1866
June 11, 1829
Apr. 5, 1870
Aug. 27, 1867
July 30, 1861
Mar. 21, 1871
Feb. 23, 1864
Mar. 7, 1871
Aug. 16, 1864
Nov. 18, 1873
Dec. 19, 1871
May 26, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
Mar. 6, 18:3
Aug. 20, 186 1
Nov. 15, 1864
Mar. 9, 1869
Apr. 18, 1865
May 18. 1869
Aug. 30, 1870
Dec. 23, 1862
Feb. 22, 1870
Apr. 16, 1867
June 25, 1867
Dec. 24, 1867
May 14, 1867
Sept. 24, 1867
Mar. 30, 1869
June 18, 1867
Oct. 10, 1865
Mar. 9, 1869
Sept. 13, 1864
Jan. 17, 1871
Jan. 7, 1862
July 14, 1868
June 19, 1849
June 2, 1868
July 3, 1866
Oct. 8, 1867
Sept. 13, 1859
Sept. 20, 1859
July 14, 1863
Feb. 2, 1864
Oct. 10, 1871
July 16, 1872
Dcc. 17, 1861
Jan. 22!, 1867
Mar. 9, 1869
May 4, 1842
Apr. 12, 1870
May 19, 186i8
May 8, 1860
OCt. 15, 1867
Aug. 17, 1869
Jan. 2, 185
May 31, 1864
June 5, 1866
July 14, 1830
May 21, 1867
Aug. 17, 1810
Dee. 21, 1869
Oct. 27, 1863
Sept. 5, 1e71
Sept. 5, 1s71
July 18, 1871
Nov. 30, 1829
Aug. 12, 1862
Nov. 5. 1867
Mar. 21, 1871
May 14, 1834
July 26, 1859
June 15, 1822
July 23, 1861
Sept. 8, 1868
Dec. 15, 1819
Oct. 9, 1849
Jan. 31, 1865
June 5,1366
53, 43;
80, 616
75, 539
26, 841
78, 199
54, k78
63, 493
83, 057
58, 628
101, 453
68, 060
32, 939
112, 796
41, 693
1 12, 332
43. 844
144, 755
122, 004
141, 709
33, 080
45, 033
87, 657
47, 292
90, 255
106, 929
37, 224
100, 025
63, 791
66, 015
7-2, 475
64, 758
69, 088
88, 289
65, 89
50), 34)
87, 59
44, 179
110, 9t8
34, 110
79, 821
6, 538
78, 589
56, 036
69, 653
25, 405
25, 502
39, 225
41, 429
119, 840
129, 471
33, 973
61, 415
87, 660
2, 603
101, 856
78, 081
28, 170
69, 795
93, 818
12, 127
42, 939
55, 281
64, 971
98, 161
40, 404
118, 712
118, 713
36, 147
70, 431
112, 806
24, 907
32, 868
81, 896
6, 777
Date. INo.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn- - - ------------------------
C hurn.----------------------------------------
C h u r n..-. -......................................
Churn........................................C hurn.........................................
C hurn.....................-....-................
C h u rn......-. -.............................-...
Churn. -----------------------
Chun. - - - - - - ---
C hurn...............................
Churn.--.-- -----------------------------------
C hurn.......................................---
Ch urn............................................
Churn.--.- -.........--------------
C hurn.--......................................
C hurn.......................
C h u rn. - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C hurn--------- ------------.--
C hurn.......................
C hurn...........-.. -............................
Churn....................................-- -..
Churn -----------------------------------------
J. 0. and G. C. Hanger..
A. Hansen..................--
J. W. Hardie-------------______
F. T. Harlan.................
J. Harper...................
T.B. Harper................__
B. N. Harr-is..................
F.M. Harris................--
J. B. Harrison ---------------
R. H. Harrison...............
M. S. Harsha._...............
A. H. Hart.------------ -----
G. Hart.....................
GB. Hart...................
C. Harvey..................
M. B. Hassler................
J. Hatfield and H. M.Goldsmith
J. Hathaway................
G. W Hawk.--...........
0. Hawley and J. W. Ward....S. Hays.....................
N. S. Hazen..................
A.J. Heavner...............
W. H. Henderson............
J. Henry.....................
H. Hensel...................
W. A. Herrick..............--
H. L. Hervey...............C. Hess.....................C. Hess....................--
A. E. Hewett................
S. Hewit...................--
S. Hewit....................
S. Hewit...................--
J. Hewitt....................
T. Ml. Hill..................--
H. A. Hincheer..............
F. M. Hindman and N. Hiatt.--
E. Hinman..................
E. Hitchcock.................
B. F. Bitt...................
A.D. Hoffman..............
W. H. Holdam...............
S. B. Holden................E. F. Holloway_..............
H. G. Holmes...............
C. P. Holnies and A. L. Howell
G. P. Hopkins-..........."
W. B. Hopkins-..--.........
WV. Hosier ---.....-----
N. Hospers..................
Mt. B. Hough................--
J. W. F. How..............--
S. B. Howd.................N. Howe...................--
II. W. Howland..............
J. Houston..................
E. Hoyt....................S. Huff'....................J. S. Huffman................
A. Humphrey.............._
W. Humphrey...............
G. W. Hurst.................
S. Hutchings and J. B. Leach.
C. Hutchins.-.....__........
T. H. Hutchinson............
H. Hutchison...............--
A. Huyck..................--
B. Hyde...................
B. lliingworth...............
B. Illingwortli.............W. L. Imlay.................
J. irving....................
J. Jackson.._........._....
WV. Jackson and J. Clarke.-_.
J. N. Jacohs................--
H. E. James........ _..._....
J. C. Jay and J. 'Younce.---
Residence. Date.
Churchville, Va-...........Jan. 18, 1870
Windham, Me -_...........Mar. 2, 1836
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 13, 1860
Star City, nd............. Mar. 31, 1868
Hillsborough, Iowa. Mar. 30, 1869
Lawrence, Krans. _........_Aug. 17, 1860
Xenia, Ohio............___Apr. t27, 1858
Talhotton, Ga.. __.......July 6, 1869
Winnamaclud..........June 14,l810
Middletown, Ohio-. Apr.23, 1872
Washington, B. C._...__Mar. 28,l854
Sycamore, Ill_........Dec. 13, 1859
Stockbridge, Wis. -._..._Aug. 2),1863
Atwater, Ohio.. __........June 20,1865
Buffalo Township, Iowa..Oct.1, 1872
Cairo, N. Y...............June25, 1872
Columbia City,Ind. _..__.Sept. 13,1859
Falmouth, Ind., and Bur- July 13, 1858
lington, Iowa.
Canandaigua, N. Y...Aug. 22, 1828
Chicago, Ill1...............Apr. 2,1867
Wheeling, W. Va..__.July 2, 1867
Poultney, N. Y...........-Mar. 8, 1808
La Fayette, Ind-----------.May 31, 1870
Time, Ill.................Jan. 14, 1868
West Point, Ill...........-July 21, 1868
Steuhenville, Ohio -.._Oct. 2, 1866
Moon Township, Pd... Aug. 1, 1871
Greene, Me............. _July 21, 1835
Philadelphia, Pa.__.._.. Aug. 8, 1865
Lyoiis City, Iowa.._ May '26,1869
Lyons, Iowa._..........Apr. 6, 1869
Homer, N. Y..............Apr. 26, 1864
Seneca Falls, N. Y..._ July 14, 1837
Seneca Falls, N. Y. _.. May 1, 1866
Seneca Falls, N. Y.--------Nov. 10, 1868
Carmichael, Pa.. _.........Aug. 12, 186-2
Miliport, N. Y............ Feb. 4, 1868
Eaton, Ohio... _... -.......Bee. 5, 1865
Hustonville, Ky...........Apr. 1, 1873
Sidney, Iowa.. __..._.......Aug. 23, 18710
Syracuse, N. Y......-------Aug. 11, 1863
Sturbridge, Mass.....- June 8, 1869
Galena, 11................Oct. 7, 1842
Miuneapolis, Minn..__May 19, 1868
Crab Orchard, Kcy. __..__.Apr. 2-2, 1873
Wohurn, Mass............-Apr. 20, 1869
Kuightstown, Ind--__.__.June 20, 1865
Worcester, Mass..-..---.May 8, 1860
Gouverneur and Mohawk, Mar. 1, 1870
N. Y.
Cabot, Vt................_Mar. 29, 1859
Oakfield, N. Y............ _ _ _Mar. 26, 1861
Washington Township, Ind May 30, 1865
Pelia, Iowa...............Aug. 33, 1872
Bover, Ohio..............Jan. 21, 1839
Douglas County, Oreg_. BDc. 17, 1812
Arcadia, N.Y.............BDee. 12, 1846
Windham, Conn-.--_--Apr. 25, 1808
Calhoun, Ill.............._Sept. 24, 1867
Lake Village, N. H...Nov. 17, 186:3
Stamford, Conn. -_--..__--July 3, 1866
New Vienna, Ohio...Apr.24, 1849
Brownshurgh, Vau...........May 25, 1869
Gray, Me........_.....May 9,1825
Ohio..................... Jan.5, 1814
Chestertown, Md. __..Apr.9, 1867
Pe- ohscot, Me.... _.......Aug. 14, 1860
Baldwinm City, Kans_..__.Oct. 1,1872
Boston, Mass -..............ov. 26, 1867
Gorham, N. H. _-_-.Jan.19, 1869
Three Rivers, Mich. ___.July 18, la6)
Our Town, Wis........... June 18, 1867
Bridgeport, N. Y...........ct.Oct.22, 1867
Freeport, Ill.............. _ _ _Sept.11, 1866
Fieeport, Ill.._..........Jan. 28, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 26, 186i
Boston. Mass........ _...Ap. 30, 1816
Ceopersville, Mich..._.June 20, 1871
Syracuse, N. Y. -__.. -._Mdy 7, 1861
Crittenden, Ky..- -.........Mar. 1,1870
West Alexandria, Pa...___.May 1 1869
W~ahash, Id.............-June 4, 1867
BuflN.Y.........Nv15 18a
98, 958
27, 446
76, 185
88, 474
93, 879
20, 062
92, 308
104, 304
126, 05-2
10, 690
26, 459
39, 650
48, 277
131, 877
25, 410
20, 878
63, 515
66, 235
103, 612
7:1, 327
80, 174
58, 415
117, 629
78, 286
88, 568
42, 481
17, 7 90
54, 343
83, 853
36, 151
74, 088
51, 320
137, 369
186, 695
39, 529
91, 016
2, 800
78, 091
138, 089
89, 046
48, 278
28, 177
100, 292
23, 374
31, 806
47, 952
130, 4-28
133, 9840
4, 887
69, 213
40, 623
56, 050
6, 389
90, 544
61, 639
29, 597
131, 821
71, 489
85, 933
48. 815
65, 915
69, 898
57, 913
7:1, 895
50, 129
116, 194
32, 250
100, 412
90, 00-2
65, 488
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromn 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Churn ------------------------------------------ J. D. Kellogg, jr.-----.__--_.Churn-----------------------------------------...W. Kelly....................
Churn------------------------------------------W. C. Kemp----------------..
Churn-----------------------------------------F. E. Kenney..................
Churn ------------------------------------------ J. Kepler-------------------_
Churn ------------------------------------------S. A. Kerr----------_...---
Churn-----------------------------------------...J. J. Kimball................
Churn------------------------------------------MA. W. Kilgore...............
Churn-----------------------------------------... P.Kjllin....................
Churn-----------------------------------------._.A. Kinderman-------------.
Churn-----------------------------------------...W. E. Kinert --..... -.....
Churn-----------------------------------------...J. King.....................
C hurn - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -.K jig............
Churn ------------------------------------------ S. P. Kingsley...............
Churn-----------------------------------------N._.KS. Kiuvon................
Churn-----------------------------------------..... _..L. Kittinger and L. Ruch..
Churn.-.-.....................---.---......-....-C. B. Knowles............._.
Churn-----------------------------------------...A. Khler and M.W. Wilson..
Chuin...--------------------------------------...H. Kuhlnmann...............
Churn-----------------------------------------...A. Ladd......................
Churn......-.-................................. -. H. It. Ladd...--------------
Churn----------------------------------------...L. Lake.....................
Churn........- - - - -W. Lamb........._....._...
Churn.._-.-..................-.---.--..-....-..-..J. Lane--------------------..
Churn-----------------------------------------....S. S. Langdon---------------..
Churn..-.-............................-.-..---.._ W.W. Laphaii..-------------
Churn-----------------------------------------P... Laphass aiad K. P. Wilson.Churn-----------------------------------------...B. LI Lapishi................
Churn-----------------------------------------...P. C. Lom.ii.b------_---------
Churn------------- - - - - - --_.._....._... S. Leac.-------------------.
Churn ------------------------------------------ L. Leavenworth..-..-......
Churn..-.-........................ --...--... --.._ H.ieher....................
Churn-----------------------------------------...C. H. Leo...................
Churn.-----------------------------._..-------J. Lees---------------------..
Churn-----------------------------------------...S.F. Lefler.................
Churn ------------------------------------------ G. H. Lenhes-............_..
Churn-----------------------------------------F.. C. Leonard................
Churn------------------------_...---------------. S. Lewis-----------------..
Churn----------------------------- - --........P. F.Lewis----------------..
Churn.----------------------------------------- J. Liebhaher...............
Churn ------------------------------------------ G. Lightfoot----------------..
Churn-----------------------------------------...F. IA Lindal................
Churn-----------------------------------------... -. H. Lintley................
Churn--------------------------------N. H. Lindley end W. Perry.
C hurn--------------------------...----------
C hurn..........................--.....---..-.
Churn-------------------------- -----..----_
Churn.. -----------.--------.--.-------------
Churn ------------- -------.-------------------
C hur n.................................---....
C hurn.---.----------------------- -------------
Chu rn..........................................
C hulrn......................................_
C hurn.................................----....
C hurn.......................................C hurn._......................................._
C hurn.-.-. -....................................
C hurn...............................
C hurn---------------------------------------...
C hurn.........-. -..............................
Churn......-. -.................................
W. QI. Link................._
T. Ling.....................
N. B. Livingston............
A. Lloyd --------------------
J. A. Lloyd.................--
M. Leciwood.............
T. F.Lockwood.............
Ml. C. Longecre...............
WV. Loomis-_...........
AD. Lord--...................
P.S. Lowel............_...
ID. Lown..........--........
S.ID. Lucas................
J. Lucceck and J. M. Gowdy. _
E. Lynch....................
H. N. Mackey................
H. H. Mackiln......-_.......
J. 0. Maclaskey.............1. Macuisla..................
J. Macnish.-.-..........
J. Macnish.................--
D. L. Main.................--
C. A. Malthy----------------
P. J. Manning --------
G. AV. Mal.con...............
J. A. 7-arden................
M. K. Marcecll-.............
J. A. Marine.............._
F. R. Markillie...............
J. L Marsh----------------..
ID. Marshall.................
if. Mastens..............-.
(2. Mathecy.................
WT. D. Matthews.............
J. M ayes - -- - --- -- -
J. Maxey
11. Mtaxwell...........t
Ml. A. McAfee.........
J. M eBrit - --- -- - - -- - -
WV. D. Mcklintock.._..._..
J. McCocrd.-.-_--_ -_
P.B. MeCormick.......
Kt. T. McCosrmiec......
Mr. iK. Mctutcheon -.....
W. Kt. Mctutcneon......
J. M c +lroy.........
Jr, ID. Mcl'adden..........
Nortihampton, Mass..
Hastings, Mich..._.. _...
Palmyis, Mo............_
Livermsore, Mo..-_.....
Arbor hill, Va.-.........
Naperville, Ill.......
Baltimore, Md..........--
Mount Healthy, Ohio-...
Mount Healthy, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio-._...
Bluifton, md._........
Sucka sunny, N. J ---.
Snekasunny, N. J.-.
Springfield, Wis. -..
Chenango Forks, N. Y...
Canal Fultosn, Ohio.._._
Warren, Ohio...........--
Fayette, Mo..............
Noblesville, lId......
Cincinnati, Ohio...
Saint Laws-ce, N. Y.
Orwell, Ohio.... _........Middlehury, Pa.__.--
Betlin, Conni.............
Rochelle, Ill......._.....
Homes-, N.Y------------
Cleveland, Ohio _..-.-_
IDecatur, ill.............
New Yosk, N. Y.....
IDurham, N. H...........Allentown, Pa...... _... _.
Wilbrahsam, Mass...Tsrmansburgh N. Y...
Bellfair Mills, Va.----
Oskaloosa, Iowa. _-._Racine, Wis.------------..
Racine, Wis._.........
Reading, Pa. _......---....
Rtichimond, Va... _.......
Binghamton, N. Y -....
Elkport, Iowa.-----.-----.
Columbus, Pa...........
Bless, Bavaria.... _.......
Elgin, Ill............... _.
Stockton, F. Y......... _.
Redding, Cosn.. _........
Tedding and Bridgeport,
Shanesville, Ohio-..
Portland. Me.........._
Portland, Ind-----------..
Millersbnrgh, Ill.._.
Saint Paul, Minn....
Cuba, N.Y..............
Cincinnati, Ohio. -....
Clevelanid, Ohio....
Ashford, Con..........Bethany, N. Y..........
Farmingtons, Me -_...
Poughkeepsie, N. YV.
Wintes-pock, Va.----
Peoria, ill................
Buffalo, N. Y............
Morgasntown, Va.....
New Sprinsgfield, Ohio.. --
Perth Amboy, N. J..
Berlin, Wis.............Berlin, Wis..........
Berlin, Wis.........
New York, N.Y....
Brooklyn, Mieb. _- -.
Roland, Ill...............
Tiny, Ill.................
Buxton, Me..............
Boston, Mess. _..........._
IDansville, N. Y.-----
Mooresville, Ind.....
Winchester, Ill...........
Centreville, Ind...
Lee, Ohio...............--
Greenshuagh, Ind...
Columbia, 'Pen.-.....
Oxford, N. Y.......
West Tisbory, Mass..
Kewanna, Ind._.Lewis County, Va...
Sept. 4, 1868
May 24, 1859
Sept. 14, 1889
Sept. 19, 1885
June 2, 188
June 19, 1860
May 2, 1871
Nov. 19, 1867
July 12, 1864
Aug. 30, 1864
July 13, 1869
Dee. 29, 1868
Jan. 5, 1869
Sept. 14, 1869
May 28, 1887
Jan. 22, 1867
July 2, 187-2
Nov. 30, 1889
Aug. 2, 1832
Jan. 19, 1889
Aug. 30, 18 70
Oct. 4, 1870
May 19, 1883
July 19, 1859
Sept. 2, 1858
Mar. 24, 18688
May 15, 1815
Aug. 18, 1859
Oct. 18, 1884
Feb. 8, 1859
Aug. 15, 1809
Mar. 31, 18688
June 1, 1869
Mar. 18, 1858
Selpt. 15, 18688
Nov. 12, 1887
Oct. 28, 1882
Jan. 5. 1858
Aug. 16, 1859
Dec. 11, 1888
June 12, 1888
June 7, 1870
Apr. 20, 1869
Apr. 21, 18688
Dec. 9, 1856
Dec. 14, 1869
Aug. 25, 1842
Mar. 10, 1843
Oct. 10, 1871
Aug. 21, 1844
July 8, 1852
Sept. 7, 1889
June 30, 1883
Nov. 28, 187-2
July 17, 1888
Feb. 5, 1861
June 7, 183-2
Aug. 20, 187-2
May 29, 18:35
Nov. 3, 18688
Sept. 21, 1869
Apr. 29, 1882
Apr. 10, 1880
Api. 28, 1857
Oct. 22, 1867
Ilee. 27, 18'10
Apr. 20, 1858
July 8, 1858
July 8, 1858
Nov. 19, 1887
Aug. 25, 1888
July 5,1870
Sept. 21, 1869
Feb. 12, 1887
Oct. 29, 1872
July 27, 1858
Mar. 19, 1872
Aug. 27, 1881
Mar. 9, 1889
June 5, 1888
Oct. 21, 1873
Dee. 8, 18 70
Nov. 8, 1888
My14,18 72
57, 73-0
24, 127
94, 753
50, 809
78, 528
28, 757
114, 388
71, 182
43, 513
43, 999
92, 458
85, 45-2
85, 594
94, 830
85,1 234
81, 436
128, 549
97, 413
88, 083
188, 818
108, 035
38, 587
24, 845
75, 772
25, 128
44, 732
22, 879
78, 208
90, 758
14, 458
8-2, 235
70, 725
38, 787
19, 034
23, 182
60, 391
55, 508
103, 898
89, 155
76, 928
97, 937
2, 758
2, 993
119, 870
3, 714
9, 097
39, 055
133, 482
58, 425
31, 355
130, 730
83, 779
95, 029
35, 10t
27, 884
17, 159
70, 009
110, 818
20, 025
20, 803
20, 804
71, 029
81, 518
104, 972
95, 124
62, 048
13-2, 591
-21, 010
124, 841
33, 154
55, 320
143, 019
109, 911)
59, 428
128, 725
ftdce-, of lPatents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn --------------------------------------
C hurn..............................
C hurn.......................................
Churn............ -...-...................
Churn.....................................C hun......................................
C hurn......................................
C hurn.........................................
Churn----------- -------"-----._.--------
Churn- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - -
Inventor. Residence.
H. B. MeFall........-- - -.Mount Solon, Va......
G. H. McGlothlen-----------. _Chariton, Iowa.........
W. McKeever--------------...Staunton, Va...........
J. McKenzie--------------- _ _Portland, Me...........
J. J. McLane..------...---..---Sagetown, Ill...........
J. McLaughlin.........------Goshen, Ohio...--....W. S. McManus and R. S. Brunswick, Me....
E. McMillan, jr-------------..Wilmington, Ohio..__..
ID. C. McNeil---------------...Do Witt, Iowa..........
A. H. MoWaino------------..Shickshinny, Pa..._.
G. McWilliams-------------.. _Fostoria, Ohio.....
J. Megown----------------...New London, Mo.....
I.H. Mendenhall---------_._.__ Cerro Gordo, Ind. __.
J. P. Meranda--------------....Springfield, Ohio.._.
S. H. Mcrridith-------------...Oxford, Ohio.... _......
D. C. Merrill.............-South Paris, -Me....
J. 0. Merrill---------------...Chichester, N. H......
C. Merriman, jr-------------....Middletown, Con..
C. Messenger _-...._ _..- -. Cleveland, Ohio. __..
W. P. and H. T. Messick-.. Clarkesville, Tex..___
J. Mewhinney--------------....Liberty Township, Ohio -_
J. Rl. Mickey---------------.._Waterford, Pa.........--
J. R. Mickey--------------...Chicago Ill.............
1. L. Middleton-------------.....Zanesville, Ohio. __..
C. J. Miller, jr--------------..Richmond, Ky._._......
F. Miller.--------------------...Frosthurgh, Md....
M. B. Miller ---------------- Peoria County, Ill...
I. Millington-----------------.Warren, N. Y..........
A. J. Mills-----------------. Scott, N. Y...............
M. B. Mills----------------...East Mendon, N. V..
S. Mills-------------------....Clinton, Ill._........
J. Mitchell----------------...Gasport, N. Y. __.......
J. Mitchell...................-Aleppo Township, Pa..
J. E. Mitchell--------------..Paris, Canada.-.....
J. H. Monce---------------...Hopkinsville, Ohio...
0. F. Montfort-------------I.._ _Dearhorn, Mich._.._.
H. H. Montgomery----------..G reen shurgh, nd..
A. Moe_._..........__..___..Plainfield, N. J.......
S. Moon, jr----------------...Downingtown, Pa....
L. Mooney................. Allegheny City, Pa...
M. Moses-----------------...Malone, N. V.._.......
J. Moran................... Miliport, Pa............
C. H. Morehouse..............Cardington, Ohio. ___..._
L. Morgan................_French Cr-eek, N. Y..
W. Morgan-----._---------Middlebrook, Va-__.
T. andi L. Morrison........... Groton, N. YV...........
M. Morse and P. W. Sawyer Gray, Me-------------...
G. W. Moster and E. C. Packer. Alliauce, Ohio..........
H. Mott.................... Bellevue, Mich...._..
J. Moyers..................Hillshor-ough, Ohio...
A. P. Moyers, I. Searles, and Prattsville, N. YV.__.._..
G. W. Spencer.
S. W. Mudge.................HRome, N. YV............
S. W. Mudge...............HRome, N. YV............
H. Mumford..... _.._.......Ulster County, N. Y...
C. Murdock---------------...Baltimore, Md..........
H. Murphy................. Jasper-, N. YV...........
H. Murphy................. Jasper, N. YV............
J1. W. Myers................ Lyons, Iowa....._.....
J. Neal.-------_.--------- Sheboygan, Wis.....
M. Neal. __.. _... -......_...Kalamazoo, Mich..._
M. Neal................... Kalamazoo, Mich....
J. L. Nelson................. Lewisburgh, W. Va.._
W. Newberry.----------...... Clarksville, Mo.........
A. Newbrough.--...-.-------Madisonville, Ky..__
ID. Newbrough-------------...Clarksburgh, nd.
W. Newhrough............ Mohican, Ohio..........
A. A. Newman...............Sparta, Ill..............
E. P. Newman...............New Alhany, nd....
J. L. Nettleton..__. _.......West Cheshire, Con..
HI. A. Nevers and C. Hess.. Claremont, N. H -.__._.__
J. P. Nichols---------------...New Richmond, Ohio._. _
H. C. Nicholson..._.......... Mount Washington, Ohio..
T. Nicholson...............---Nelson County, Ky...
T. Nicholson........New Market, Va......
A. S. Norcross............... Hallowell, Mo.... _....._
T. S. Nutter................. Harrishnrgh, Ohio..__
S. J. OBrien................ New York.............
J. ODonald..---..--......---Clinton, Ill. _............
J. Oothoudt................ Lebanon, N. YV..........
J. Oothoudt................. Minneapolis, Min...
J. H. Ormsby and H. S. Harton. Holden, Mo.............
i. sbr........BekhrConyMsr..
June 7, 1870
Aug. 30, 1870
May 7, 1872
Aug. 27, 1867
Junie 9, 1868
July 13, 1852
June 1,1869
Nov. 20, 1866
Sept. 3, 1867
Dec. 28, 1869
Jan. 7, 1868
Mar. 19, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
July 19, 1870
eh. 9, 1864
Mar. 26, 1867
May 10, 1859
Apr. 21, 1836
Mar. 23, 1869
Sept. 24, 187-2
July 30, 1831
Feb. 26, 1861
Sept. 18, 1866
Sept. 1, 1868
Nov. 9, 1869
Nov. 23, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 2, 1809
Feb. 5, 1867
Aug. 27, 1867
June 9, 1868
Mar. 8, 1859
Apr. 17, 1860
Dec. 10, 1872.June 2:3, 1868
July 11, 1871
Sept. 26, 1871
Aug. 17, 1869
Oct. 24, 1808
Nov. 27, 1866
Dec. 10, 1872
Oct. 8, 1872
Nov. 21, 1865
Dec. 7, 1869
'Mar. 20, 1860
Oct. 16,1829
Apr. 14, 1868
Jan. 19, 1869
May 8, 1866
Sept. 13, 1870
June 17, 1862
Sept. 10, 1861
Nov. 5, 1861
Mtr. 28, 181u1
Feb. 20, 1849
July 5, 1864
Feb. 16, 1869
Apr. 30, 1867
June 4, 186 7
Oct. 21, 1864
Jan. 30, 1866
Aug. 10, 1869
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 1, 1865
Mar. 6, 1860
Apr. 15, 1856
Aug. 29, 1865
May 12, 1868
June 15, 1869
Nov. 20, 1860
Jan. 11, 1870
June 2, 1957
Aug. 10, 1809
Mar. 31, 1836
Sept. 19, 1834
Aug. 3, 1869
Dec. 22, 1829
Jan. 16, 1866
Nov. 10, 1829
Aug. 4, 1868
June 14, 1870
Jan. 8, 1810
JTuly 9, 1838
103, 908
106, 848
126, 560
68, 097
78, 809
9, 117
90, 674
59, 802
68, 523
98, 288
73, 023
63, 074
57, 750
105, 475
41, 525
63, 262
23, 986
131, 623
31, 554
58, 192
81, 810
97, 103
88, 320
61, 850
68, 100
78, 812
23, 186
27, 927
133, 717
116, 855
119, 387
93, 827
60, 035
133, 878
132, 096
51, 073
97, 674
27, 559
76, 649
86, 094
54, 583
107, 284
35, 620
33, 262
36, 659
6, 133
86, 999
64, 348
65, 417
44, 836
52, 313
93, 550
70, 249
49, 138
27, 377
14, 677
49, 646
77, 753
91, 360
30, 686
98, 70:3
17, 444
93, 219
52, 066
80, 658
104, 191
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn.----"--------------------------------. R. Parker.............----
Churn..........-- - - - - - - --............R. Parker.................
Churn..-------------------------------------J.W. Pars..........
Churn............................. J.. Patrrot..............
Churn....................................... A. Patteson..............
Churn..............................-------.. A. Pease..............---
Churn............................"--------L. P.Peaso..............---
C hurn.....................-----.............. W. C. Peek...............--
Churn............................... J.lo................J esr-----------
C hurn______________.____._._P. Penington....._......
C hurn----------............................ W II. Peunock.-........
C hurn......................................G. S. Perfater.-.....-.....
Churn....................................... H. Phelps......-------
Churn........................................ E. J. Phillips.............--
Churn...................................B-----. H. Philo................
Churn.....................................H I. C. Pierce.............--
Churn..................................Pec............... ire.-------"--
Churn..................................Pepn..............D irot---------
Churn.................................JPk........."..Pie.......--"C hurn......................................J. G. Pike.................
Churn..................................A.J Pp..........A.JPoe "-....."Churn....................................... E. Porter.................
Churn...................................---- E. Porter.................
Churn........................................iR. Porter.................
Churn........................................ S. T. W. Potter...........--
Churn............................_..........A. M. Powell..............
Churn..................._..................S. Power..................
Churn................................... rt...............Pat----------
Churn........................................ K. Price................
Churn....................................... I. T. Price...............
Churn......................... J. F. Quimby............---
Churn........................................ A. Ralston................
Churn..................................... B. Randall................
Churn........................._......_ D. B. Randall.............
Churn..................................... J.Rankin----"------
Churn................................JRni...............J akn----------
Churn................................JRni............... akn----------
Churit.....................................J. Rankin and J. N Mclntire.
Churn..................................S.Rae...............Rr ----------
Churn........................................ J. B. Ravuor..............
Churn....................................... A. Reed..................
Churn................................J..i Re...............Red------"---
Churn....................................... C. C. Reese...............
Churn........................................ W. W. Reid...............
Churn...................................-----J. K. Reiner...............
Churn.................................JRue...........-..Rngl -------"--
Churn...................................------J. L. Ressler..............
Churn....................................... T. Rettew.................
Churn......................................E. Reynolds.............---
Churn...................................------ A. Rhoades...............
Churn....................................----- C. Rhbodes.................
Churn.-----------------------H ie............................HRc........
Churn........................................ T.Rich...................
Churn...................................----- I. S. Richardson.....--.....
Churn........................................ J. C. Richardson and L. Taylot
Churn.................................Jice............. J ikr--------..Churn........................................ J. Rickey.................
Churn.......................................J. Rishcr.................
C hurn.....................................S. Risler..-..............--
Churn...................................... J. L. Riter and R. C. Swann..
Churn....................................... F. W. Robbins............
Churn................................ Z. C. Robbins.---- ---...Churn....................................... Z. C. Rohbins..............
Chuirn........................................ C. H. L. Roherts...........
Churn....................................... F. L. Roberts...............
Churn................................ H.Rbet..............H oet ---------
Churn......................................H. and H. V. Ruble....
Churn.................................. Robinson..............
Churn......................................... F. J. Robinson............
Churn........................................- J. J. Robinson.............
Churn........................................XV. Robinson..............
Churn....................................... W. Robinson..............
Churn............................_........ W. C. IRobinson...........--
C hurp.......................... Rhe........
Chr.......................................AH. Rosrer.................
Churn................................. A.ARs.............. oe.-----------
Churn......................................... Rose.................
Churn.....................................L. Rosenkn..............
Churn.....................---------.....-. Ross..as...............
Sing Sing N.Y -.......-North Cohocton, N. Y.
*Meadville, Pa......
-Morristown, N. J~.BiinhmPa.....
Cardiugton, Ohio......
Grand Rapids, Mich..
Weston, Vt...........---
Panama, N. Y-.........Mount Carmel, 11ll.._
Wolcott, Vt.._._......
_Wheeling, W. Va..Brooklyn, Ill.._...-_....
Union City, Ind.--.-.-___
Mermaid, Del..........
-Williston, Vt.__........
Prescott, Wis....-...._
Half Moon, N. Y.____.._
-Hartwick, N. Y.--__New Haven, Conn.----
Syracuse, N. V._-......
-Lishen,N. Y..........--
Strongsville, Ohio.._.
Tailmadge, Ohio._.
-Talmadge, Oltio....
Bellerica, Mass... --....Scott, N. V..............
Collinsville, Ill..___......
Lawrenceville, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa.__._.__..
Ossian, N. V...... _... _.
Leesville, Ohio.........
-Stetson, Me............
West Middletown, Pa..--..North Pownal, Me..._.
-West Glover, V t. ___..
New York, N. V._.__...
-New York, N. V.....
New York, N. Y --.--
New Vork, N. V.-----
Buffalo, N.Y...........
Columbus, Ohio _. ___.
Mazo Manic, Wis.
Columbia County, N...La Fayette, nd. _-..
Attica, Ind...........____
Rochester, N. V......
*Line Lexington, Pa.___.
Lancaster, N. V....
Ramishurgh, Pa........--
West Vincent Township,
-Omro, Wis.__........
Pontiac, Mich.........---
Morrow, Ohio............
-Youngstown, Ohio..__.
Kingston, N. V...__....
-Boston, Mass.........
r-Prairie dn Chien and Jordan, Wis.
-Bangor, Me..-......
Centre Township, Ohio....Delaware, Ohio........-Locktown, N. J-........Loektown, N. I. _..
Brownsville, Ind.----
Solon, Ohio._.-........_
Saint Louis, Mo.....
Saint Louis, Mo..._.__.
Morrison, Ill..........---
Jacksonville, Ill.----
Seneca Falls, N. V.._..
-Frarnklin, N. V.........
Lacouia,N. H...--...
Clintot, ill............--
Bellefontaine, Ohio. __....
Bellefonta ine, Ohio...
Saltsburgh, Pa....... -.
Strasburgli TowashipLancaster County, Pa.
Pe.1nnTVan, N. V.
Date. INo.
May 31, 1859
Sept. 3, 1861
Feb. 7, 1871
Nov. 13, 1866
Mar. 1, 1859
Dec. 9, 1862
Dee. 24, 1867
Sept. 16, 1856
Mar. 7, 1865
Oct. 16, 1855
Nov. '26, i861
Oct. 1, 1867
Dcc. 24, 1867
Junly 7, 1868
May 24, 1870
Mar. 28, 1871
July 21, 1635
Apr. 11, 1865
June 9, 18(63
Apr. '29, 186-2
Nov. 10, 1841
Apr. '22, 1808
Dec. 18, 1860
Apr. 28, 1838
Dec. 4, 1866
June 7, 1864
Oct. 15, 1867
M ay 10, 1838
June 5, 1866
June 22, 1869
June 23, 1832
Aug. 30, 1859
Jan. 19, 1864
Sept. 25, 1866
Apr. 17, 1866
Sept. 21, 1858
Mar. 11, 1835
Mar. 27, 1866
Apr. 4, 1865
Jan. 16, 1866
Mar. 20, 1866
June 21, 1864
Aug. 30, 1864
Apr. 27, 1858
Feb. 25, 1868
Apr. 25, 1808
Jant. 3, 1871
June 16, 1868
Oct. 16i, 1860
Nov. 27, 18666
Dee. 17, 1872
Sept. 7, 1869
Nov. 5, 1867
Sept. 7;1869
June 6, 1865
May 18, 1852
Sept. 13, 1664
Apr. 14, 1868
June 10, 1851
Oct. 25, 1870
Aug. 9, 1834
Oct. 25, 1832
Dec. '24, 1867
Dec. 14, 1869
No,. 29, 1870
Apr. 30, 1867
Dec. 3, 1867
June 26, 1849
Jan. 8, 1850
Apr. 23, 1867
Nov. 16, 1869
Feb. 5, 1836
Nov. 16, 1e58
May 3, 1811
Apr. 10, 1866
Dec. 5, 1865
Dec. 23, 1862
Oct. 24, 1865
Feb. 25,? 868
Dec. 6, 1859
June 29, 1858
Feb. 26, 1867
June 17, 1862
Apr. 7, 1868
May 19, 1827
24, 2:3
33, 21.1
111, 562
59, 637
23, 111
37, 106
72, 535
15, 741
46, 695
13, 686
33. 815
69, 475
72., 673
79, 773
10:3, 364
1131, 089
47, 219
38, 865
35, 110
2, 343
30, 930
60, 240
43, 040
69, 934
55, 360
91, 562
25, 306
41, 322
58, 288
54, 013
21, 575
53, 467
47, 129
52, 075
53, 335
43, 227
44, 015
20, 069
74, 941
110, 678
7t), 002
30, 424
60, 058
134, 100
94, 645
70O, 470
48, 096
8, 959
44, 219
76, 815
8, 146
108, 631
72, 682
97, 815
109, 759
64, 367
71, 645
6, 556
7, 086
(14, 149
96, 967
22, 090
53, 876
51, 354
37, 244
50, 631
74, 943
26, 377
20, 730
6-2, 502
35, 628
76, 350
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn---------------------------------------............................................Churn.. _..........................................
Churn..............................---- -.........
L. Runyon....................
E. P. Russell.................
E. W. Russell................
J. L. Rust....................
J. L. Rust....................
I. F. Ryerson.................
H. Saggan.................
C. W. Saladee.................
G. H. Sanborn................
J. F. Sauborn...................
W. W. Sanborn..............
J. Sangster...................
J. R. Sapp....................
S. E. Saul.....................
H. Saxton.....................
G. W. Sayre..................
J. B. Schermerhorn............
C. Schifferly................
A. Schlingman, D. Glander,
and J. Campbell.
J. B. Schuette.................
H. Schilltdrees...............
L. Scott......................
J. C. Scribner.................
J. F. Seaman..................
A. G. Searls...................
D. W. Seeley...............
O. Seely....................
O. W. Seely...............
J. W. Sefton........
J. S. Severance................
A. M. Seymour, jr........
L. W. Shaeffer.............
A. Shaffer....................
S. G. Shanks................
Z. B. Shannon.................
J. Shappell....................
J. Shaver....................
B. W. Shaw and G. A. Simmons
C. A. Shaw...................
E. F. Shaw....................
J. and W. A. Shaw............
T. D. Shaw..................
A. Shebie....................
1). Shelden...................
N. Shelton....................
J. H. Shepard.................
N. H. Sherburne.... _.....
D. Sherman and R. W. Fenwick.
H. Shively and R. S. McEwen.
R.W. Shriner...............
A. Shuffert and G. Cooper.....
F. Shurr and J. Palmer.......
R. L. Shute...................
H. Sidle.......................
H. Sidle.......................
I. J. Siler......................
J. Simpson....................
H. Skinner....................
J. C. Slaughter.......-......
W. Slaughter..............
A. Smith...................
B. J. Smith...................
D. Smith......................
H. E. Smith..................
J. W. X. Smith................
S. Smith......................
S. Smith.....................
T. K. Saith...................
W. C. Smith.................
W. C. Smith.................
J. F. Smith and W. Brown....
T. C. Smith and N. L. Francis.
H. Soggs.....................
H. Soggs.....................
G. Sowle and P. Brewer......
E. Spain.....................
E. Spain....................
E. Spain.....................
M. H. Spaulding............
G. Spayd...................
I. H. Spelman...........
A. L. Sperry.........
G. Sperry.......
J. Springer........
E. N. Sprinkle................
S. Stackhouse................
J. Stadler and G. M. Streng...
C. W. Stafford...............
O. W. Stanford................
O. W. Stanford................
R. Stanley....................
C. B. Stanton.................
C. C. Stearns..................
B. H. Steele..................
M. V. B. Stinewetz..........
Newark, N. Y............. Oct. 17,1871
Manlius, N. Y............. Nov. 3, i168
Ashley, Mo.............. Oct. 15, 1867
Oquaka Junction, Ill...... July 3, 1866
Keithburgh, Ill........... July 11, 1871
Pierceton, Ind............ Feb. 27, 1866
Newark, N. J............. Oct. 11, 1870
Newark, Ohio............. Jan. 19, 1869
Boston, Mass............. Aug. 28, 1866
Hardwick, Vt.......... June 27, 1865
Lyons City, Iowa....... May 21, 1867
Buffalo, N. Y.......... Mar. 20, 1860
Danville, Ohio............Aug. 2, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 4, 1865
Paris. N. Y................ Nov. 6, 1829
Pisgah, Ohio.............. Aug. 9, 1864
New York, N. Y...........Tune 5, 1844
Bourbon, Ind............. Jan. 7, 1868
West Alexandria, Ohio.... Nov. 3, 1868
Lockington, Ohio......... Apr. 5, 1870
Brookville, Ind............ Apr. 25, 1871
Burgettstown, Pa......... May 19, 1868
Holderness, N. H......... Mar. 20, 1866
Cortlandville, N. Y........ May 29,1866
Cleveland, Ohio........... Mar. 25, 1862
Albany, N. Y............. Aug. 27, 1861
Syracuse, N. Y............ Nov. 22, 1864
Buffalo, N. Y............. Aug. 28, 1866
Gettysburgh, Pa.......... Mar. 20, 1866
Homer, N. Y.............. Feb. 20, 1866
Madison, Wis............ Dec. 3, 1867
West Milton, Ohio....... Sept. 10, 1867
Vandalia, Mich........... Apr. 4, 1871
Richmond, Ky............ July 12, 1870
Port Washington, Ohio.... Oct. 30, 1866
Lynnville, Pa...-........ Dec. 20, 1870
Lawrence, Ill.............. Aug. 8, 1871
Morristown, Vt........... Mar. 3, 1868
Biddeford, Me............ Dec. 9, 1856
Wyoming, Mich....... July 14. 1868
Hinkley, Ohio........... Sept. 22, 1868
Westfield, Ohio.......... Jan. 15,1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 27, 1811
Pultney, N. Y............ Sept.13,1827
Odessa., N. Y.............. Feb. 15, 1870
Canaan, Mass............. Oct. 1, 1811
Campton, Ill.............. July 13, 1858
Uniontown, Md., and July 31, 1860
Washington, D. C.
Fredericksbuobh, Ohio.... Mar. 6, 1830
Woodland, Mich.......... Jan. 1, 1867
Wyandotte, Mich....... May 26,1868
Milwaukee, Wis..........Jan. 2, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov. 14, 1865
Dillsburghl, Pa.......... Nov. 26, 1861
Minneapolis, Minn....... June 25, 1867
Arcanum, Ohio........... Jan. 21, 1868
Libertyville, Ill.......... June 1, 1869
Attica, N. Y............. Dec. 16, 1851
Crumpton, Md........... May 12, 1868
Westerville, Ohio....... Jan. 19, 1864
Tyngsborough, Mass...... Apr. 11, 1810
Osage Mission, Kans...... Nov. 22,1870
Emnetsburgh, Md........ Apr. 21, 1831
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 6, 1872
Independence, Iowa....... Feb. 8, 1870
Yohoghany, Pa........... Dec. 14, 1869
Clarksburgh, N. Y...... Dec. 14,1869
Oskaloosa, Iowa.......... Nov. 27, 1866
Yantic, Conn.............. July 9,1867
Yantic, Conn.............. Sept.22, 1868
Galena and Rose, N. Y.... Aug. 31, 1858
Oquawka, Ill............. Sept. 19, 1871
Columbus, Pa............ Nov. 29, 1864
Columbus, Pa............ July 25, 1865
Blenheim, N. Y........... Mar. 22, 1830
Mount Holly, N. J......... Apr. 23,1828
Philadelphia, Pa.a.......... May 16, 1848
Philadelphia, Pa........ Sept. 29, 1868
Morrisville, Vt........... July 16, 1867
Alma, Mich............... Sept. 12, 1871
Bazetta, Ohio............. Oct. 15, 1867
Auburn, Ind.............. Aug. 30, 1859
Potter's Corners, Pa....... Jan. 1, 1867
Clinton, Wis.............. July 2, 1872
Marion, Va...............Nov. 1, 1859
Cazenovia, N. Y........... Mar. 11, 1808
Detroit and Plymouth, Aug. 11, 1868
Burlington, Iowa....... Nov. 16,1858
Cincinnati, Ohio....... June 12, 1860
Lebanon. Ohio............ July 3, 1866
Chariton, Ohio............ Jan. 29, 1867
Scott, N. Y.......... Mar. 12, 1867
Bucksport, Me............ Aug. 17, 1835
Barnesville, Ohio......... May 16, 1871. Annvillo, Pa.............. Feb. 5, 1867
120, 103
83, 664
69, 843
56, 103
116, 871
52, 890
108, 297
85, 967
57, 523
48, 449
65, 014
27, 570
106, 073
47, 134.....
43, 797
3, 616
73, 125
83, 732
101, 666
114, 050
78, 139
53, 352
55, 169
34, 784
33, 164
45, 182
57, 582
53, 380
52, 767
68, 798
113, 580
105, 262
59, 282
117, 821
75, 205
16, 193
80, 021
82, 356
61, 268..........
99, 960.....
20, 898
29, 445
60, 946
78, 398
51, 873
50, 963
33, 802
66, 178
73, 659
90, 882
8, 596
77, 926
41, 328
109, 556
130, 322
99, 720
97, 820
97, 976
60, 077
66, 646
82, 446
21, 374
119, 193
45, 277
48, 987..........
5, 585
82, 652
66, 901
118, 826
69, 855
25, 285
60, 952
128, 512
25, 985.....
80, 882
22, 093
28, 696
56, 115
61, 691
62, 899
114, 873
61, 7^2
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 187 UP?, inclusive-Continued.
C hurn.................................................
C hurn......................
C hurn......................
C hurn.........................................
Chu rn.........................................
C hurn.......................................---
C hurn.......................................--
Churn........................................C hurn.......................................---
Ch urn........................................
Churn.,........---- ---- --- - ----- -
Churn...........-......-.....................C hurn.......................................---
C hurn...."...................................--
C hurn........................................C hurn................................---.......
C hurn........................................C hurn............................................
C hurn.......................................---
C hurn.......................................---
Ch urn................................................
C hu rn.......................................---
C hurn.........................................
Churn................................. --------
C hurn_.................................---.....
C hu rn.......................................---
C hurn--......................................--
C hurn.......................................---
Ch urn, &c..............----------.............C hurn.......................................----
A. Stephens..................
J. H. Stephens..............--
T. B. Stephens...............
D. H. Stevens................
G. iR. Stevens...............--
I. V. Stevens................
J. Stilwell........... _.......
W. W Stilwell..............
V. Stirewalt............__..
0. Stoddard._....______
HI. C. Stoll..................--
S. S. Stokes........._._...._..
IW. 11. Stonaker.............J. Stubbs...................--
T. Stumm..................--
A. Stump.............
C. Sweeney..................
S. Sweet, jr.................--
J. B. Sweetland..............
J. B. Sweetland..............
J. G. Talkot.................
W. HI. Tambliug.............
W. H. Tambliug............J. Tnylor......--------
J. G. Taylor.................
D. F. Teal...................
C. M. Terrell and N. W. Hussey
J. E. Thomas................
J. Thompson................--
J. I honipson................
J. Thompson...........
J. W. Thompson_............
J. S. Thomson...............
L. Thomson.................
A. E. Thorn.................
T. J. Thorn.................
T. Thorne...................
F. Thorpe...................
W. Tihbits..................
J. A. Tice..................--
N. C. Tiffany and E. IRobison..
W. H3. Tiuba and S. Shutuway.
J. Tingley..................J. Tingley..................
J. Toll.-....................
E. Townsend................
W. W. Townsend.... __......
A. Traver and P. Nichols_. _
). E. True...............--
WV. H. Truesdell.......
W. B. Tucker...............
W.B. Tucker.--.............
J. Turner.................._
C. R. Tuttle................--
WV. Twining................
S. Tyler...........
S. S. Uh-ey.--...............
C. M. Vail.................--
C. 1). Van Allen.............--
C. ID. Van Allen............._
J. Van Aukin, 2d............_
J. Vanatter........._.
A. J. Vanuatta...............
J. Vaudolabh and E. Curry...
I. Van Gorder................
C. A. Val Horn..............
S. Van Meter _.........._.
G. H. Van Vieck............_
D. Variel...................
W. A. Vertrees -..._-.......
J. Vincent and S. Leslie-._-.
C. Vogtand X. Krapf __._
A. Votaw...................
G. Votee.....................
W. H. and L. Waddell _.
A. C. Wade..................
I. M. Wade.................---
A. Walker.................--
M. ID. Wallace...............
G. B1. Waller-...............M. Walton.................ID. T. Ward................--
D. T. Ward.................I
T. T Wr..........
Residence. Date.
Washington, Iowa -_. --.KNov. 29, 1864
Orange Court-House, Va_ Mar. 2:3, 1869
Washington, Iowa-._._.. Apr. 12, 1870
Enoshurgh Falls, Vt..---Sept. 10, 1872
Chicago, Ill...............July 7, 1868
Pomeroy, Ohio............ Feb. 5, 1861
Griffin, Ga................ May 21, 1861
Oxford, Wis.............. Jan. 31, 1871
Alhany. Ga............... Feh. 12, 1861
Busti, N. YV--------------.Feb. 15,1859
Mokena, Ill................ ept. 4,18(66
Westhorough, Ohio. June 10, 1868
Cooperstowav, Pa...........Aug. l5 1865
DublinInd-........-.. --Jauly5,1859
Ada., Ohio................June 18, 1872
Bodega, Cal.............. Jne23, 1868
East Bloomfield, N. Y. _.Dec.22, 1868
Rleadield, Mass-........... Juno L3, 1831
Pontiac, Mich.............Oct. 18, 1864
Pontiac, Mich.. _.........Feb.5, 1867
Sloausville, N. V._.......Sep~t.11,1870
iMazo Manic, Wit.__.__Mar.12, 1867
Berlin, Wis............... June 29,1858
IRushville, Ill.............-Sept.13, 1859
East Bethlehem, Pa._--Sept. 10, 1867
Norwich, N. YV...........Feb. 6, 1866
Oskaloosa, Iowa... _......1Dec. 17, 1867
Winchester, Ohio.._.Feh. 12, 18:36
Vevay,ld..._........Oct. 28, 186;2
Vevay, Ind............... _ _ _Mar. 22, 1864
Vevay, Ind..........---Oct. 24, 1865
Bureau Junction, Ill.._.Sept. 1, 1868
Wyalusing, Pa. -.........- July 27, 1839
Sturbridge, Mass.......... June 24, 1809
Fletcher, Ohio..- -........Apr. 2, 1867
Skaneateles, N. YV. -__-.__Jan. 30, 1866
Clinton, N. Y-............. Apr. 12, 1833
Shelhyville, Ill.. _........._Sept. 23, 1856
La Fayette, N. Y..... May 24, 1864
Windsor, Ill.............Mar. 30, 1869
Caroline, N. V.... --....Dec. 14, 1830
Le Roy, N. V.............-June 26, 1866
Waterford, N. J..._. __.. Aug. 11, 1863
Philadelphia, Pa.._ _.....Feb. 25, 1868
Locust Grove, Ohio -. __.Feh. 25, 1868
Canaan, N. V...-- -........July 12, 1808
Sandy Hill, N. V. __... Mar". 22, 1808
iny, N. V...............-Oct. 10, 1871
Lake Village, N. H.....Sept. 8, 1857
Elgin, Ill.................__ Dc. 22, 1857
ill borough, Ohio-__.-_. Mar. 12, 1867
Columbus, Ohio. __ l _Dc. 1, 1868
Poland, Mc.. __........ Aug. 15, 1835
New Brighton, Pa.. Nov. 25, 1862
Philadelphia, Pa....._....._Feh. 27,1872
New Gloucester, Me.._ _-June 25, 1236
North Manchester, Ind.. Sept. 21, 1869
Susquehanna Depot, Pa...Feh. 16, 1858
Syracuse, N. V...........- __ _July 23, 1881
Syracuse, N. V............ June!7, 1862
Knox, N. Y -------...- Sept. 28, 1831
Stratford, Canada. Jan. 16, 1872
Vanatta, Ohio..--.....Dec. 4, 1866
Dillshorough.Ind _._.. be_ ec. 22, 1857
Warren, Ohio...- _........-June 27, 1832
Chenango, N. V...___.......Aug. 6, 1867
Henderson, Ill. _-_........... June 28, 1870
Buffalo, N. V............. May 8, 1860
Minot, Me................ July 1, 18:36
Wincester, Mo _..........lec. 9, 1856
Quasqueton, Iowa....__.Feb. 11, 1862.Allentown, Pa..._ _.......July 23, 1867
New Garden, Ohio.---____. Juno 11, 1867
Berlin, Con.......May 10, 1809
Churchville, Va..... _....June 16, 1868
Paris, Ill.....------ Aug. 7, 1866
Clinton, Mich...___.......June 20, 1855
Claremoint, N. H._I...June 23, 1861
White Creek, N. YV-. _-. May 7, 1867
Franklin, Ill..............Nov. 27, 1816
Marlborough, Ohio.. -__Oct. 8, 1867
Mansfield. Ohio........... - -Dec. 18, 1860
Cardinglon, Ohio..__ Nov. 28, 1865
Cadigt, Ohio..Ja.,n 21-1868
45, 280
88, 095
101, 936
131, 231
79, 702
31, 338
31, 413
22, 989
57, 794
79, 409
49, 450
24, 673
128, 080
79, 156
85, 187
44, 755
61, 892
107, 306
62, 785
20, 7 40
25, 453
68, 805
52, 467
72, 338
36, 811
42, 029
50, 645
81, 842
1, 265
63, 580
52, 340
15, 787
42, 887
88, 529
55, 934
39, 507
74, 954
74, 955
119, 898
18, 165
18, 936
62, 786
84, 658
37, 016
124, 176
95, 167
19, 389
32, 907
35, 638
1512, 870
60, 289
18, 937
67, 615
104, 800
28, 219
16, 203
34, 383
67, 085
79, 035
57, 051
13, 133
39, 023
64, 463
60, 097
69, 598
30, 941
51, 246
IRockford, Ill.----......
Brazil, lad..............Chillicothe, Ohio, and Jeff.
ersonville, Ind.
Tolland, Con...........Wallingford, Conn..
May 16, 1848
Sept. 1, 1868
May 19, 1863
Aug. 22, 1816
Nov. 26, 1840
Churn.........................................---B. Webb...................Churn.......................................... C. Webb....................
Index of Jpatents issued from t1e Unitcd States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn --------------------------------------
Chu rn.---------------------------------"----
C hurn---------------------------------------
Churn -----------------------------
C hurn-------- -------------------------....
C hurn- -------------------""--.....
Ch urn-----------------------------------------
C hurn.--....................................Chuorn----------------------.--------------.---
Churn---------------------------------- -------"
C hurn-"--"---------------"-------------------"--
C hurn------------------------------------------
C hurn------_.---------------------------------"
Churn -----------------------------------------
C hurn-----------------------------------------
C hurn-.....................-...............
C hurn--------------------..--------------------
C hurn..........................------.......
Churn ------------------------------"--"------
Churn ---------------- ---------------hr.......................
Churn--------------- --
-.._.----._"--------Chum --n ------------------------------"-----
C hurn -----"--"--------------------------
Churn. -- ------------ -- hr
C hu rn---------- ----------- ---------
Churn. -------------------------
Churn ----------------------------------
Churn. ---- --- --- - - - - -chu
Churn and butter-worker.....................
Churn and bulter-worker------------------....
Churn and butter-worker.--..._..-.
Churn and butter-worker.--....................
Churn and butter-wvorker combined............. -- -
Churn and hulter-worker, Combhined------------
C hurn and butter-worker combined...........-- - --
Churn and., egg-he "faer comhined.........
1. Webser --------- -- - - -
W V. Weddington-----------...
F. Weg.ner and C. Schleeter. - -
M. D. Wells--__---------
R. P. Wells----------------
I. M. West------ ------ -----
I. M. West ----------- -------
L. Westbrook ---------------
A. Westcott ----------------
A. W -cstcutt - - -.- - -____
A. \Vcstcott----------------
A. SWescott----------------
A. Westcott--_----------
A. West(-ott.----------------
A. WVesicot----------------
TII P. 'ieotcott----.---------
1I. P. WVestcott-- ------ ------
I. F. Weston andl A. Str-eeter-.A. Wharfi.-----------------
S. A. Wheelock -._.._
S. J. Whippie.--------------
HI. Whisler -................
A.t. Whitcon----b-----------
C. N. White................_
II. W. White ---------
J. White.---------------- --
N. Whitney................
R. W. Whitney..............
IL. Whittier.-......_.
F. Whitton.................
L. Wiard and W. H. Nelson...
L. J. Wicks................L. J. W icks.---------
1). Wedmayer.............._
A. Wieting.--------
M. J. Wikoff...............--
F. Wilcox.------------------
J. H. Wildasin and J. A. Peek
A. (1. Wilkios, G. N. Grodle,
and F. L. Niner.
S. B. Willard................
i. A. Wilibanks------------_
E. Willemin-----------------_
C. B. Williams --.-.-....-..J. B. Williams---------------
It. Williams.-....------
A. Willson.................--
G. W. Wilson.._........
H. Wilson..................__
S. C. Wilson.----------------
T. J. Wilson...............--
W. E. Wilson------------_____
A. Wing. -----------
B. IL. Winner...............D. H. Wiswell--------
Mt. Witmer.................--
J. Witinere................G. L. Witsil.._..............
G. IL. Witsil.................
GL. Witsil.................
G. L. Witsil................_
(G- Wolf-------------------
I. Wood....................
M.Wood..................J. K. Wood and D. R. Speer. -.
D. M. Woodin..............
C. Wright and W. Phelps.--.
0. W yman.............
J. M. Yeawer._______
J. Young..................C. S. Young, H. Wissiager,
and T. T. Williams.
C. E Zimmerman...........
0. 11. Fyler.-----------------
S. L. Hall..................A. llawver and W. C. lanyen
A. Willard..................J. Rhandlal..................S. H. Scribner..............--
C. H. Smith.................--
Gardiner, Me._.......
Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y...
Winterset, Iowa -..._..
West Tiny, N. Y.
Morgantown, Va......
Dayton, Ohio - -- -.---
Wilmington, Ohio..-__
Wilmington. Del......
~New YorkIN. Y.-----
SyracnseIN. Y..........Syracuse, N.Y.._.__
Syracuse, N.Y...........
Syracuse, N.Y. _._.._
Syracuse, N.Y_......_..
Syracuse, N.Y..........SyacuseIN. Y..._.......
S~yracuse, N.Y.. - - --_._-.S en e ca Falls, N. Y --.--_
Seneca Falls, N. Y..
Winchendon Mass..--_.
New Gloucester, Me.-__
Charlton, Mass... _.....
Orville, Cal.........._
New Market, Ohio.._.
New Market, Ohio..
Coldawater, Mich......
Batesville, Miss.---__
Olney, Ill.............--
Cleveland, Ohio --__.
Augusta., Me............
South Berwick, Me _..
Vienna, Me.__----
South Carrollton, Ky.--
Spring Township, Pa.
Racine, Wis............_
Racine, Wi ---------
ILansing, Michli..........
Fort Plain, N. Y......
Stout's Post-Office, Ohio...Hamburgh, Iowa.----
Saint Charles, Iowa-._-.
Cooperstown, Pa._._..__
Bloomfield, N. Y......
Harmeny Grove, Ga.--
Salem Township, Ohio. - _. -
Baur-boa,Ind... _........
Glastenbury, Conn....
Yonkers, N. Y..-_......
Colden, N. Y.............
Freeport, Ill_............
Rees Corners, Md. __..
Olney, Ill................
New Lisbon, nd..
Central Station, W. Va.--
Washington, N. Y _..._
Belvidere, Ill...........--
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Cedar Rapids, Iowa -..---
ILitchdield, Conn. _--.
Philadelphia, Pa. -.---.
Philadelphia, Pa....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa.-._--
Williamsport, Md..._.
Fayette County, I-nd.__.
Babe's Corners, Michb.-.
Allegheny City aiid Pittsbni-gh, Pa.
Brandon, Wis.........---
Sycamore, Ill..........
Dedham. Mass..........
ILanesville, Ind..........
Adrian, Ohio-_........
Mints-, Pa..............
Cincinnati, Ohio -___..-_.
Brattleborough, Vt _...
West Salem, Mass.-..
Galva, Ill...............
Boston, Mass.... -.......
Grand Rapids, Mich._..
Stone, VMass...........
EastonHaMptna ss-.__.
Brnto, N. J......
Dec. 5, 1854
Feb. 6, 1855
July 23, 1867
Feb. 15, 1870
July 17, 1855
Feb. 8, 1870
June 27, 1865
Aug. 28, 1866
May 10, 1859
Jan. 7,186 -Apr. 29, 1862
Mar. 15, 1864
Mar. 7, 1865
Feb. 27, 186
Juine 12, 1866
Apr. 21, 1868
Dec. 8, 1868
Apr. 4, 1865
Nov. 13, 1866
May 31, 1870
June 16, 1836
Sept. 2, 186-2
Jain. 21, 1868
June 5, 1866
Jain. 29, 1867
Apr. 10, 1866
Aug. 25, 1868
May 8, 1866
Mar. 27, 1866
June 7, 1827
July 7, 1863
Feb. 10, 1836
Dee. 1, 1868
Dec. 24, 1867
Mai. 8, 1859
July 5, 1859
July 6, 1869
Mar. 5, 1872
July 26, 1870
Aug. 2-2, 1871
Sept. 14, 1869
May 25, 1869
Ma~y 18, 1808
Feb. 13, 1872
Oct. 25, 183-2
Feb. 11, 1868
May 30, 1871
Oct. 8, 1872
Feb. 14, 1860
Apr. 2, 1867
Aug. 3, 1869
Aug. 27, 1867
Jan. 23, 187-2
May 8, 1866
May 26, 1806
Aug. 15, 1865
Mar. 13, 1869
Mar. 9, 18(i9
Dec. 8, 1809
Oct. 27, 1863
Sept. 27, 1864
July 3, 1ts66
Apr. 30, 18(i7
Jaii. 16, 1866
June 26, 1835
June 9, 1868
Dec. 1, 1868
May 29, 1860
Junie 19, 1860
July 17, 1835
Aug. 29, 1871
July 24, 1866
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 11, 1868
July 27, 1852
Aug. 4, 1868
Jan. 14, 186-2
Sept. 23, 1851
Aug. 22, 1865
Aug. 6, 1867
Jan. 19, 1869
Maye 921 87
12, 043
(67, 090
99, 985
13, 281
99, 612
48, 469
57, 66
2:3, 968
34, 082
35, 120
41, 9,54
46, 739
5-2, 919
55, 566
77, 144
47, 145
59, 691
103, 803
36, 379
73, 556
55, 407
61, 645
53, 912
81, 445
54, 63-2
53, 512
39, 205
84, 668
7-2, 576
23, 208
24, 686
92, 411
124, 304
118, 320
94, 80-2
90, 414
123, 656
74, 467
115, 552
13-2, 037
27, 181
63, 596
93, 264
68, 273
12-2, 978
54, 634
49, 464
27, 504
87, 743
40, 450
44, 480
56, 15:3
64, 393
52, 103
78, 706
84, 524
28, 528
28, 802
118, 664
56, 661
1 19, 068
81, 056
80, 6-24
34, 14-1
8, 38-2
49, 550
67, 594
85, 970
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn, Atmospheric............................
Churn, Atmospheric..............................
Churn, Atmospheric.......................
Churn, Atmospheric.......................
Churn, Atmospheric......-------..Churn, Atmospheric.............................
Churn, Atmospheric.............................
Churn, Atmospheric..............................
Churn, Atmospheric..........................
Churn, Atmospheric.......................
Churn, Atmospheric...----------------------............................
Churn, Atmospheric-air..........................
Churn, Balanced lever..........................
Churn, Barrel....................................
Churn, Barrel.----------------------------....................................
Churn, Barrel....................................
Churn, beer-cooler, &c..........................
Churn, Cradle............---------------......-------................----
Churn-dasher....------------------------. ---...
Churn dasher......................................
Churn dasher......................................
Churn dasher......................................
Churn-dasher -----------.....................................
Churn-dasher ----------.....................................
N. Chapin....................------
J. C. Coult and A. B. Davis....
P. F. Ellicott.................
S. F. Emerson................
S. P. Francisco...............
D. C. Hall...................-----------------...
W. H. Johnson and P. Lewis...
R. McCatcheon...............
J. O'Neil.....------------................---
W. D. Prindle and C. M. York
J. Young.................
E. V. Coe...-................
W. M. Pyle..............
C. Angerine...............
L. H. Muzzey...............
S. H. Swasey.............
P. Thompson.............
S. S. Elder..................
J. C. Hills.....................
J. Barber...............
E. J. Ashton.................
A. A. Avery................
C. J. Baldwin.................
A. E. Banks...................
G. W. Barker...............
H. F. Bartlett...............
J. W. Barton..................
S. E. Bauder..................
S. E. Bauder..................
A. Belt......................
A. T. Bleyley.................
F. Bosom.....................
T. Bosom....................D. Boyd.......................
A. H. Brainerd............
I. Brewbaker..................
J. A. Brooks.................
A. C. Brown...................
R. Brown..................
W. C. Broyhill and W.D. Sperry
J. M. Buchanan..............
I. N. Buck....................
G. Bunting...................
J. Carl........................
J. S. Carson.................
J. W. Cheney and B. Ingalls...
C. L. Cole...................
W. M. Combs------------.................
I. B. Compton................
E. G. Connelly...............
N. B. Cooper................
A. W. Cramer.................
H. A. Crance..................
R. Crawford.................
T. Crutcher..................
J. J. Cumming................
M. O. Davis................
S. F. Dolloff..............
G. H. Dow..................
P. Edgerton................
M. Fish......................
J. M. Fletcher................
G. R. Forsyth..................
D. K. France.................
E. H. Funk...................---------------
J. D. Garlick...............
J. Gelston....................
A. J. Gibson.................
W. H. H. Gorham and B. H.
H. Grass......................
J. A. Gridley...............
D. L. Grover.................
W. J. Hale..................
A. W. Hall...................
M. A. Hamilton...............
J. Harris...................
M. R. Heliker............
G. Heliker and A. Burlen. -..
M. Heliker and O. A. White..
J. M. Hill..................
J. Hobbs................
A. J. Hudson................
M. B. Hudson................
A. B. Hurd...................
A. B. Hutchins..............
S. Jackson...............
M. Jincks...............
D. Johnson..............
C. Johnston..............
W. F. Jones........
W. F. Jones........
W. Kegg... -..
J. D. Kellogg, jr.........
C. King.......................
A. Kirlin....................
G. Lange....................
Residence. Date.
Cortlandville, N. Y........ May 9, 1848
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 15,1849
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 25, 1850
Canaan, Ohio............ Apr. 2, 1850
Reading, Pa..........--June 19,1849
Hannibal, Mo......-.... Apr. 14, 1868
Springfield, Ill............ May 9, 1848
Towanda. Pa............. June 2, 1857
Xenia, Ohio............... July 30, 1850
Tiffin, Ohio............... Jan. 29, 1867
West Galway, N. Y....... Jan. 22, 1850
Warwick, N. Y........... Apr. 1, 1831
Greensburgb, Ind......... Mar. 27, 1866
New York, N. Y.-.....-Apr. 19, 1832
Springfield, Ohio.......... Mar. 22, 1864
Morristown, Vt........... Jan. 7, 1868
Springfield, Ohio.......... Mar. 22, 1864
Springfield, Ill............ Dec. 18, 1866
Willoughby, Ohio........ May 24, 1864
Caroline, N. Y............ Jan. 28, 1830
Utica. Ind................ Nov. 14, 1871
Cardiff, N. Y............. Mar. 19, 1867
Norwalk, Ohio-------............ -- Jan. 26, 1869
Detroit, Mich - -.......... Dec. 17, 1867
Saint John's, Mich....... Dec. 9, 1873
La Grange, Mo............ --- Aug. 16, 1870
Clifton Springs, N. Y...... Feb. 18, 1868
Birmingham, Ohio.-.... Oct. 11, 1870
Birmingnam, Ohio........ Mar. 12, 1872
Newton, Iowa............. Dec. 14, 1869
Conception, Mo.......... Sept. 1, 1868
Saint Louis, Mich......... Dec. 28, 1869
Jonesville, Mich.......... May 10,1870
Vevay, Ind................ Dec. 30, 1873
Rome, N. Y............... June 2, 1868
Fincastle, Va............. Apr. 19, 1870
Madison County, Tenn.... Dec. 3, 1872
Sycamore, Ill.............. Apr. 14, 1863
Columbus, Miss.......... Dec. 27, 1870
Tremont, 1l1............. Nov. 14, 1871
Lawrenceville, Ill-......... May 4,1869
Elgin, Ill.....-------------- Oct. 13,1857
Liberty, Ind........... Nov. 22, 1859
Grenada, Miss----------............ Apr. 20, 1869
Brookhaven, Miss........ Aug. 25,1868
Shelbyville, Ill........... June 22,1869
Bushnell, Ill.............. Mar. 9,1869
Auburn, N. Y............ Feb. 18, 1873
Seward, Nebr............. Oct. 14, 1873
Jasper, Ind--..............- July 17, 1866
Gratis, Ohio............... Nov. 8, 1859
Betbany, Pa............... Nov. 15, 1864
Lewisburgh, Pa........... Aug. 11, 1868
Mercer, Pa.......-........ Mar. 3, 1868
Edgefield, Tenn........... Dec. 21, 1869
Independence, Mo.....Aug. 27, 1867
Warrensburgh, N. Y..... Jan. 21,1868
Malvern, Ohio............ July 31,1866
Bloomington, Ill.......... May 23, 1871
Freeport, 111............. Sept. 3, 1867
Rutland, Vt............... June 14, 1870
Adrian, Mich............. Sept. 7, 1869
Sidney, Ohio.............. Nov. 16, 1869
Pemberton, Ohio.......... Feb. 19, 1867
Congress, Ohio............ Sept. 13, 1859
Newark, Ohio.......... Sept. 15,1868
Lyons, N. Y------------.............. Feb. 26,1850
Cincinnati, Ohio-------......... -May 22, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... June 12, 1866
Greenwich, Ohio........ Aug. 23, 1870
Olney, Ill................. Aug. 27, 1867
Southampton, Mass-....... May 1, 1849
Groton, N. Y.............. Oct. 17, 1871
Ashley, Ill................ Apr. 13,1869
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 11,1866
Detroit, Mich...........Nov. 9,1869
Palestine, Ill..-...-.... Aug. 30, 1870
Norwalk, Ohio.....- ---Dec. 29, 1868
Greenwich, Ohio---.. -. July 5, 1870
Norwalk, Ohio--------............ - Oct. 13, 1868
Fairfield, Ill............. July 12,1870
North Sandford, N. Y..... Sept. 26,1865
Camden, Tenn - -.- -.-- -Dec. 2, 1873
Canandaigua, 'N. Y.' Apr. 9,1867
Watkins, N. Y............ July 23, 1867
Patchogue, N. V.......... Mar. 5,1867
Jay, Me................... June 11, 1836
Steuben County, N. Y..... June 30, 1863
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 11, 1865
Clarksville, Mo........... Mar. 28, 1871
Easton, Kans............. Apr. 25, 1871
Easton, Kans............. May 30, 1871
Lasellsville, N. Y........ Aug. 3,1869
Northampton, Mass....... June 9, 1868
Scipio, N. Y.......... Apr. 4, 1846
Rock Island, Ill.. June 5, 1866
East Saginaw, Mich....... June 15, 1869
5, 560
6, 457
7, 454
7, 236
6, 544
76, 753
5, 561
17, 439
7, 531
61, 567
7, 046.....
53, 484
42, 013
73, 134
42, 030
60, 493
42, 851
120, 928
62, 992
86, 269
72, 154
145, 272
106, 453
74, 485
108, 232
124, 536
97, 859
81, 586
98, 221
102, 758
145, 985
78, 511
102, 084
133, 626
38, 145
110, 429
120, 849
89, 629
18, 382
26, 226
89, 125
91, 715
87, 638
136, 035
143, 559
56, 374
26, 020
45, 026
80, 921
74, 995
98, 152
68, 049
73, 583
56, 728
68, 354
104, 127
94, 586
96, 906
62, 124
25, 454
82, 216
7, 118
54, 891
55, 484
106, 575
68, 067
6, 411
119, 980
88, 957
60, 363
96, 693
106, 935
85, 445
105, 074
82, 947
105, 332
50, 122
145, 107
63, 723
67, 118
62, 633
39, 050
47, 259
113, 172
114, 016
115, 323
93, 207
78, 749
4, 449
55, 313
91, 434
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Churn dasher..--------------------------------
Churn-dasher. -...................................
Churn-dasher -.................
Churn dasher....................................
Churn-dasher, Adjustable-..-.--.......--..
Churn dasher and lid............................
Churn dasher, Atmospheric...................
Churn dasher, Atmospheric.............
Churn dasher, Atmospheric......................
Churn-dasher-crank fixture.....................
(Churn-dasher head................................
Churn-dasher. Metallic.........................Caurn -dasher, Reciprocating.....................
Churn-dasher rod...............................
Churn-dasher, Rotary..........................
Churn dasher, Rotary..--------------------
Churn dasher, Rotary.............................
Chrurn dasher, Spiral.............................
Churn dasher staff...---..........................
Churn dashers, Device for moving.................
Churn ashers, Fastening blade of.................
Churn dashers, Operating..-----------------
Churn-dashers, Working rotary and vertical....
C' urn, Dog --------------------------.......
Churn, Double-dasher............................
J. Leaken...........
E. H. Lord and W. Thomson.M. E. J. Marr................
J. Marsh.....................
J. L. Marsh....................
D. W. Maurice................
A. WV. McClure.....--------...
J. W. McClure................
J..V. McClure..--..............
G. XV. McCormick............
D. McCurdy..................
H. MeDonough...........
S. McGuffin........
F. McTarnaban.............
J. B. Mellor.................
D). S'. Mdller........
1I. Mulholland................
L. T. Newell..................
M. A. Ober..........
F. Ogden.....................
D. K. Overhiser.........
W. S. Owen...................
M. J. Palmer.--.....
M. J. Palmer and H. R. Ingalls.
B. M. Parks...............
J. WV. Pettengill..............
G. H. Pool...................
H. S. Potter..................
G. Radbruch..................
1. Ransom....................
G. Rnidler....................
J. T. Rittenhouse...........
H. B. Robinson...............
R. W. Robinson.............
A. Rose......................
N. Routzahn................
L. Scott......................
J. M. See....................
R. S. Sherman................
J. Smith -------------------.
M. J. Smith---------------..................N. H. Spencer..............
A. Sperry..................
O. Sperry and J. W. Hopson..
H. Stanton....................
N. Starbuck..................
H. N. Stearns.................
A. T. Still.............
B. F. Stoler and 1. W. Warner.
S. Stout....................-.
H. Tilden..................
J. Thomas..................
M. H. Thomas...............
T. W. Tyler.................
P. Van Antwerp.............
A. C. Vaughn.............
R. A. Vick..............
W. and M. C. Walker.......
D. F. Wallace and D. T. Cockerill.
J. J. Watson...............
F. H. Weaver.................
H. L. Wells..................
M. D1). Wells..................
E. B. W est...................
H. P. Westcott..............
O. A. White.................
J. E. Williams and M. Lemon..
P. Wineman..................
T. H.WithersandJ. Dolfinger.
B. Wright --..................
E. M. Wright...............
S. Yates -................-...
T. P. York.................
T. G. Clinton and G. H. and E.
H. Knight.
S. P. Hopkins............
S. Case and A. WV. Pratt.....
J. C. Gaston..---...............
WV. M. Wright................
C. Blush and M. Harbster....
Clinton, Ill............
Homer, N. Y.............
Jefferson, La.............
Petersburgh, Ill.......
Richmond, Ind..........
Springfield, Ohio..........
Richmond, Ind.........
Jefferson City, Mo........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Francis County, Ark
Ottawa, Ohio.............
New York, N. Y..........
Rising Sun, Ind........
Santa Clara County, Cal..
New Hope, Mo..........
West Alexandria, Ohio....
Union Mills, Pa.......
Geneva, Ohio............
Chazy,N. Y..............
Fisherville, Ky..........
Williamsport, Pa.....
Council Bluffs, Iowa......
Homer, N. Y..............
Homer and Groton, N. Y..
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Rockford, Ill...-...._
New York, N. Y..........
Hawley, Pa.............
Hoboken, N. J.........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Rickardsville, Iowa.....
Urbana, Ill...........
Birmingham, Ala.-.....
Clinton, Ill................
Penn Yan, N. Y...........
Middletown, Md......
Burgettstown, Pa.........
Griffin, Ga..............
Napanock, N. Y......
Kansas, Ill............
Dansville, N. Y............
Canandaigua, N. Y........
Tremont, Ill..............
Hartfield, N. Y............
Richfield, N. Y...........
Wilmington, Ohio..._.....
Chardon, Ohio............
Baldwin City, Kans......
Ladoga and Crawfordsville, Ind.
Tremont, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Huntingdon, Pa..........
Dansville, N. Y...........
Corry, Pa.................----
Coeymans, N. Y.........
Johnstown, Pa............
Holly Springs, Miss.....
Lancaster, Pa...........
Ripley, Ohio..............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Marietta, Ga.............
Chillicothe, M o........
Morgantown, Va..........
Saint Anthony, Minn.....
Seneca Falls, N. Y.......
Norwalk, Ohio........
Binghamton, N. Y...._
Loyds ille, Ohio ---...--......
Louisville, Ky..........
Cardiff, N. Y..............
Wilmington, Ohio........
Marshall, Mo...........
Terre Haute, Ind........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Port Deposit, Md. -.
Pultneyville, N. Y '....
Cincinnati. Ohio........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Lucas, Ohio, and Reading,
Oct. 29, 1867
Dec. 15, 1868
Apr. 7, 1868
July 30, 1850
Feb. 11, 1868
May 22, 1866
Nov. 5, 1872
May 17, 1870
May 30, 1871
May 27, 1873
Mar. 14, 1865
Mar. 10, 1868
Apr. 30, 1867
July 30, 1867
Dec. 27, 1870
June 30, 1868
July 25,1871
June 14, 1870
Oct. 1, 1867
Nov. 29, 1870
Aug. 10, 1869
Apr. 27, 1869
Mar. 25, 1862
Jan. 6,1863
Mar. 24, 1868
Aug. 20, 1867
May 15, 1866
Oct. 17,1871
Oct. 5, 1869
Sept. 24, 1867
Nov. 4, 1873
Nov. 20, 1866
Dec. 16,1873
Nov. 19, 1867
Oct. 25, 1859
Mar. 19, 1850
Nov. 8, 1870
May 2, 1871
Aug. 6, 1850
Oct. 8, 1867
Nov. 7, 1865
Oct. 23, 1866
Dec. 21, 1869
Mar. 23, 1869
Dec. 18, 1849
Mar. 21,1865
Mar. 11, 1862
Dec. 19, 1871
July 25, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Nov. 22, 1864
May 7, 1867
Oct. 6, 1868
Aug. 4, 1868
Feb. 16, 1843
Mar. 6, 1860
Aug. 13, 1872
Aug. 6, 1850
Aug. 6, 1867
Oct. 16,1860
Sept. 6, 1870
May 9, 1871
Ma. 19, 1861
May 12, 1868
Aug. 18, 1863
May 25, 1869
May 12,1868
July 26, 1859
Apr. 6, 1869
May 31, 1864
May 16, 1865
Oct. 13, 1868
Sept. 28, 1869
Oct. 2, 1849
Aug. 25, 1868
June 19, 1866
May 21, 1867
Sept. 11, 1849
Mar. 22, 1870
May 19, 1868
May 10, 1870
Aug. 19, 1873
Oct. 17, 1871
Sept. 18, 1849
Sept. 18, 1849
Jan. 2, 1872
July 9, 1850
Apr. 9, 1872
Mar 21, 1865
Oct. 16, 1850
Sept. 21,1869
May 7, 1850
June 12, 1866
May 22, 1841
70, 2-29
84, 953
76, 484
7, 527
74, 396
54, 930
132, 767
103, 219
115, 496
139, 406
46, 810
75, 286
64, 2:38
67, 205
110, 487
79, 491
117, 446
104, 189
69, 363
109, 654
93, 471
89, 497
34, 770
37, 357
75, 963
68, 000
54, 769
120, 097
95, 514
69, 248
144, 290
59, 781
145, 592
71, 065
25, 914
7, 199
109, 061
114, 478
7, 550
69, 718
50, 851
59, 01
98, 117
88, 226
6, 961
46, 952
34, 652
122, 075
117, 479
113, 361
45, 194
64, 460
82, 892
80, 685
2, 957
27, 396
130, 395
7, 554
67, 617
30, 438
114, 736
31, 756
77, 939
39, 600
90, 413
77, 789
24, 898
88, 688
42, 984
47, 763
83, 015
95, 401
6, 764
55, 622
64, 969
6, 711
100, 969
78, 025
102, 887
142, 007
120, 046
6, 726
6, 727
122, 505
7, 490
125, 453
46, 971
30, 411
95, 023
7, 348
55, 556
2, 102
B. F. and A. H. Stover...... Ladoga, Ind...............
O. Updike.................-_ Grass Lake, Mich.........
T. Earle..................... Valley Falls, R.I..........
M. G. Decrow................ Newark, Ohio,.........
L. W. Colver.................. Saint Louis, Mo...........
D. N. Egbert.............. Hudson, Ohio.............
H. S. Wells................. Oquawka, Ill..............
C. R. and J. Hight...-........ Geneva, Ill...............
D. L. Grover..........-..... Groton, N. Y........
A. W. Hall................... New York, N. Y..........
S. T. Lamb...--.......... New Washington, Ind....
XV. Kegg.................... Lasellsville, N. Y........
W. R. >ash.....-........... Bridgeport, Conn.........
F. Trax'er---............. Scottsburgh, N. Y.........
E. Mitchell................. Pittston, Me..............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churn, Double revolving...................
Churn, Floating-wheel....................
Churn, Geneva double-dasher......................
Churn, Horizontal................................
Churn, Horizontal-vibrating.... - -..-----.
Churn, Labor-saving.......................
Churn, Lever.............................
Churn, Lever...-----------------------------
Churn, Lever--....---------------------------
Churn-lid screen...................................
Churn-operating apparatus... ------------------
Churn-operating apparatus..-................
Churn-operating apparatus..................
Churn-operating device...........................
Churn-operating device....--------------------
Churn-operating device----....--....--.--
Churn-operating machinery---...--------------
Churn, Oscillating...------------------------.
Churn, Oscillating.............
Churn, Oval.....-----------------------------
Churn, Pendulum..........................
Churn, Pendulum............................
Churn-power- -... -.-.------------
Churn-power -----------------------------
Churn-power -----------------------------
Churn-power-- -- - -- -
Churn-power-- -- - -- -
Churn-power-- -- - ---
Churn-power-- -- - -- -
Churn-power-- -- - -- -
Churn-power, Endless platform for............
Churn propelled by weights.................
Churn, Reciprocating--------------......Churn, Reciprocating......................
Churn, Reciprocating....................
Churn, Reciprocating....................
Churn, Reciprocating.....
Churn, Reciprocating.......... - - ---
Churn, Reciprocating....................
Churn, Reciprocating......................
Churn, Reciprocating....................
Churn, Reciprocating......................
Churn, Reciprocating......................
Churn, Revolving---------------------..
Churn, Revolving-dasher..........................
Churn, Rocking...----------------..
Churn, Rocking...--------------- -..
Churn, Rocking...----------------..
Churn, Rocking........
Churn, Rocking...----------------..
Churn, Rotary....------------------ -..
Churn, Rotary.........................
Churn, Rotary..........................
Churn, Rotary..........................
Churn, Rotary.........................
Churn, Rotary..........................
Churn, Rotary......
Churn, Rotary..........................
Churn, Rotary...........................
Churn, Rotary............................
Chi urn. Rotary.....----------------------------
Churn, Rotary.... ---------------------------
Churn, Spiral-spring.......................
Churn, Swinging---... ---------------------..
Churn, Thermometer.....................
Churn, Tin......-----------------------------
Churn, Valve-piston-----------------------...............................
Churn, Ventilating portable.............
Churns and washing-machines, Operating......
Churns, Construction of..................
Churns, Cutting floats of.......
Churns, Device tfor operating...............
Churns, Device for operating-..............
Churns, Device for operating...------------..-----.
Churns, Device for operating......................
ChuRns, Machine attached to the top of...........Churns, &., Machine for operating.................
Churns, Machinery for operating..........
Inventor. Residence.
arney and A. A. Beach.... Groton, N. Y..............
)ewey....................Butternut s, N. Y....-......
0. Mason.................. Springfield, Vt..........
Sutton................. Geneva, N. Y.....
)avidson................... Cheshire, N. H -...........?ratt....................... Cheshire County, N. H....Bristol.................... Hil:sdale, N. Y..............
Cook.:.................... Southport, N. Y...........
I.Kemball................ Salem, Mass...............
Ladd...................... -Holderness, H. H...........
Reynolds................. Winneconne, Wis........
Cornell.................... Brutus, N. Y...........
iorris.................... Bartlett, Ohio.............
3. Sweetland............... Pontiac, Mich............
A. Dabney.............. San Jose, Cal.............
W. Ketcham.............. Owasso, Mich.............
J. Klingenberg and J. J. Davenport, Iowa.........
R. Hall and W. H. Town.. Syracuse, N. Y........
J., and C. Lamb............ Jeffersonville, N. Y.......
WV. Seely...---------------Syracuse, N. Y...........
S. Williamson--....--..- Covert, N. Y............
W. Bullard--------------................ Barre, Mass--..._.._
E. Wilson---------------.................. Wilsonburgh, W. Va......
)othoudt.................... Lebanon, N. Y............
tugevinoe.................New York, N. VY..........
litchcock...---------------Vernon, N. Y.............
P. Smith---------------................... Litchfield, Conn..........
Budd....................... Pittsford, N. Y.........
Ihristley........-.......... ---- Slippery Rock, Pa........
F. Frampton-....----------- Puuxatawney, Pa.........
Fuller and W. H. Howe.... Amsterdam and PortJack
Feb. 5,1830
Oct. 1, 1830
July 31, 1866
Oct. 1, 1830
Apr. 3, 1812
Sept. 12,1811
Apr. 28, 1830
Dec. 7, 1829
June 13,1831
June 22, 1832
Apr. 13, 1869
Oct. 1, 1830
July 14,1868
May 20, 1873
Mar. 4, 1862
Mar. 26,1872
June 29, 1869
Mar. 15,1870
Jan. 27, 1863
Mar. 24, 1863
Dec. 28, 1869
Nov. 7, 1871
July 19, 1870
Mar. 10, 1830
Feb. 28, 1831
Aug. 7,1813
May 2,1865
June 4, 1867
May 7,1867
July 18, 1871
Oct. 4, 1864
Apr. 6, 1869
Aug. 29, 1871
Apr. 9, 1867
Dec. 1, 1863
May 29, 1866
June 7, 1864
Mar. 18, 1873
June 15, 1869
June 21, 1870
Sept. 8,1863
Apr. 19,1870
Mar. 12, 1867
Jan. 5,1864
Sept. 1,1868
Oct. 10,1835
July 15,1873
July 15, 1873
June 10,1873
Aug. 26, 1873
May 13, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
June 24, 1873
Apr. 22, 1873
July 15,1873
July 1, 1873
I. S. Goolman.....-------------
L. A. Haight..................
J. V. Hartman...............
E. Hoag................
D. J. Knapp.............
G. Lewis.....................
W. A. Lewis...............
D. McCurdy...-.............
G. T. Montague...........
J. D. Parrot.........-........
R. N. Smith...................--
H. Swarthout................
J. B. Sweetland..............
A. B. Smith................
A. Bacon...................
E. Barrett and G. W. Fenimore.
L. I. Bodenhamer............
G. P. Coan...................
H. Hatch...................
G. M. Helm...................
A. D. Huntley...............
L. B. Keeler.-.............
M. Litty....................
M. W. Staples..........
W. M. Thompson and J. L.
E. T. Wheeler................
N. King...................
H. Branch....................
W. Keeler and J. Waring....
D. Parmele...........
J. G. Philip..............
A. C. Stiles....
E. Thomas.................
J. W. Arnold................
W. Brand and G. Puder.......
W. H. Bunch................
F. E. Clarkson.................
A. L. Cornell..................
B. Eason....................
H. H. Grover-------------.................
J. Harwood.................
E. A. Hewitt'.............
O. B. Loomis------------..................
W. McClure.................
G. Walker...................
L. Hinkson...................
W. F. and N. Davis...........
J. K. Pilkav.....--------------
J. H. Smiley-------------
T. E. Warner...............
E. Cox........................
B. Cushwa...................
E. P. Williams................
J. T. Bever........-...---......
A. and W. A. Crowell.......
R. Ryerson---------------...................H. E. Addis....................
O. Edson....................
tG. C. Ferris................
H. Soggs..........
L. Stevens................
I. Morse- - -...............
J. J. Taylor...................
son, N. Y.
Monrovia, Ind...........
Cairo, N. Y...............
Marathon, Ohio...........
Rensselaerville, N. Y......
Fallsburrh, N. Y..........
Panama, N. Y.............
Springfield, Vt............
Ottawa, Ohio.............
Keokuk, Iowa..........
Morristown, N. J........
New York, N. Y.-.........
Altay, N. Y..............
Fostoria, Ohio............
Rochester, Pa..........
Windsor, N. Y..........
Franklin, Tenn...........
Kernersville, N. C.........
Wyandotte, Mich.........
Jefferson, Me............
Brownsville, lnd..........
Smyrna Mills, Me.._.....
Westerville, Ohio.........
Williamaville, Nebr......
Richmond, Va............
Rockfield, Ind---------............
56, 771
88, 983
80, 001..139, 28
34, 567..124, 900..........................
9188, 94283.....
8100, 713
139, 51108
34, 01567
1984, 45900
910, 70942
100, 53
37, 511
6538, 0137
6498, 49054
1170, 16708
10544, 533
88, 629...118, 529
6347, 6032
4065, 3371
5564, 12490
11743, 07166
1344, 5923
91, 467
1088, 627
11839, 5829
1063, 17632
6240, 9075
55, 120
43, 07
136, 925
91, 83467
104, 627
140, 880
39, 687
102, 17102
138, 888
1436, 905
140, 280
4138, 16807
81, 833
140, 8716
140, 44880
139, 658
1432, 102
3, 764
138, 88890
143, 11906
140, 69280
138, 22168
14026, 096
136, 226
10, 445
69, 093
143, 34800
7, 247
135, 281
139, 345
9, 416
87, 064
120, 464
3, 764
131, 990
140, 112
141, 692
138, 259
26, 093
136, 226
10, 245
69, 093
141, 348
7, 247
135, 281
139, 345
9, 416
87, 064
1Â~,0, 464.....
53, 952.....
78, 249
37, 330
1, 648
38, 663
38, 158
40, 775.....
77, 077
30, 532
Cannelton, Ind----------............ Oct. 21, 1873
Washington, Th C......... Mar. 10,1808
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 18,1832...................... June 23,1803
Dutchess County, N. Y..-.. Sept. 8,1808
Kmnderhook, N. Y.-........ Feb. 15, 1827
South Bloomfield, Ohio.... Sept. 27, 1844
Harrisonburgh, Va........ May 30,1838
Fairport, N. Y............ Oct. 8, 1872
Evansville, Ind........... June 24, 1873
Windsor, N. C............ Aug. 12, 1873
Highland, Kanes......... Apr. 29, 1873
New York, N. Y....... Nov. 15, 1859
Easonville, Ala........... Feb. 25, 1873
North Cohocton, N. Y..... Nov. 15, 1853
Cobleskill, N. Y---------........... Sept. 24,1867
Groton, Conn............. --July 29, 1873
Windsor, Conn............ Apr. 2, 1850
Sinking Spring, Ohio...... Jan. 28,1873
Whitley's Point, Ill...... May 27, 1873
Hallowell, Me......--....... Jan. 7, 1835
Castleton, Vt............ Nov. 23, 1852
Carlisle, Pa,..............Feb. 16, 1869
Caroline, N. Y............ Oct. 31, 1871
Rarford County, Md...... Feb. 11; 1834
Point Pleasant, Ohio......Apr. 17,1886
Clear Spring, Md......... Jan. 24, 1829
Yorkville, S. C............ May 26, 1868
Springville, Ill............ Jan. 6,1863
Salisbury. Conn........... June 20,1840
Jay, Me.........-...... July 17,1835
Springfield, Ill............ July 7,1863
Franklinville, N. Y....... May 26,1863
Sharon, Wis.............. Apr. 14, 1863
Columbus, Pa............. Dec. 1,1863
--- May 8,1804
West Franklin, Pa..-... - Apr. 21,1868
Attica, Ind............... Aug. 11, 1863
Index of patents issued fronm the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Churns, Machinery fibr working........
C h u r n s, M a n n e r o f w o r k in g.............
Churns, &c., Mechanical movement for operating..
Churns, Mechanism for operating..-------------
Churns, Mode of consiructing and operating....
Churns, Mode of opeating.......................
Churns, Mode of operating......................
Churns, Operating............................
Churns, Operating.................
Churns, &c., Operating..
Churning and working butter-------... --------
Churning-apparatus..... -----
Churning-apparatus ---......
Churning, Apparatus for tempering cream preparatory to.
Churning, Art of................................
Churning butter, Mode of.......................
Churning, Inclined wheel applied to..............
Churning -machine...............................
Churning, Machine for saving cream while.......
Churning, Power for.............__
Chute and fish-way.............................
Chute and water-wheel................................
Chute for dams...................................
Chute for delivering Itimniber.......................
Chute for horizontal v. a: er-wheels..............
Chute for river or cansl navigation..............
Chute for water-wheels...................
Chute, Lumber...........................
Cider, ale, &c., Compound for refining.............
Cider and bark mill.........................
Cider and cheese press....................
Cider and cheese press............_..........
Cider and vinegar from the offals of a distillery,
Cider and wine mill..................._...........
Cider and wine mill..............................
Cider and wine mill........................
Cider and wine mill...............................
Cider and wine mill.......................
Cider and wine press......................
Cider and wine press............................
Cider, &e., Concentrainrc and preserving.........
Cider, Furnsce for clal iying.....................
Cider into wine. Converting............
Cider, Machine for maki.................
Cider, Machine for preparing apples for ithe manufacture of.
Cider-making machine............................
P. B. Pratt...................
J. H. Monce..................
J. P. Nichols..................
G. True-----------------......................
S. P. W. Douglass..........
J. Redding............
I. M. Williams...............
A. G. Brush-------------..................J. Forsyth....................
M. Swan......................
W. D. Baughn...............
J. P. Curtis..............
J. Letort.....................
E. J. Moore..................
E. J. Mooro.................
J. Thompson..........
E. T. Brownfield..............
I. F. Waring..............
I. Herrick.............
G. F. Reeve and J. Ketcham...
B. Atwell and I. Nichols.....
E. Bacon......................
I. Baker...................
S. H. Baker...................
S. Clarke......................
G. Crandell................
B. Cutler --.......--.............
N. Harrington................
E. G. Jones..................
M. Knight...................
A. Murray.....................
J. Pierce....................
W. A. Rhoades...............
G. Sanford...................
J. Scripture.................
D. G. Taylor..................
M. Love.....................
A. A. Drake.................
J. D. Brewer.................
H. Van Dewater.............
A. Addis...................
J. W. Haines..................
I. Mallery..............
A. Livermore................
C. B. Whitney...............
J. M. Thompson...............
W. Van Name and J. A.Wakefield.
W. M. Davis.................
I. Quintard..................
E. Benedict....................
E. Benedict.................
W. Richardson...............
T. F. Deniston, G. C. Presser,
and J. J. Deniston.
W. B. Farrar.................
J. R. Gates..................
A. McCreight and R. W. Glasgow.
J. Walton..................
C. Beach.....................
O. Kromer...................
G. Borden, jr.................
C. Cory......................
11. Seabolt..................
M. B. BA.iss.................
G. B. Hamlin................
G. B. Hamlin................
W. Lucas....................
H. Abbott...............
W. Aikin and W. yW. Drum
Kent, Cornn.............
Hopkinsville, Ohio.......
New Richmond, Ohio......
Funchal Island, Madeira..
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
New Castle, Ind...........
Blanchester, Ohio........
Great Bend, Pa...........
Wheeling, Va -............
Potter Hill, N. Y.......
Milford, Mich -... - -..Wytheville, Va.......
Wytheville, Va.....
Westfield, N. Y.....
Westfield, N. Y......._
Hartville, Ohio..........
Smithfield, Pa..........
Columbia Township, Ohio
Merrimack, N. H..........
Orange County, N. Y......
Otsego County, N. Y.....
Hancock County, Mass................................
Wells Township, Bradford
County, Pa.
Parkman, Me.........
Rhinebeck, N. Y........
Washington, N. Y.......
Whitestown, N. Y........
Otsego, N. Y............
Pownal, Me.............
Athens, N. Y...........
Lincolnville, Pa.........
Ellenville, N. Y........
Alford, Mass..........
Campbellsville, Ky.......
Corry, Pa................
Flanders, N. J........._
Muncy, Pa...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Washington Township, Pa.
Genoa, Nev.............
Etna, N. Y................
Tremont, Pa..............
Ithaca, N.Y.............
Quincy, Cal...........
Chippewa Falls, Wis.....
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Stanfield, Conn.........
New Marlborough, Mass..
New Marlborough, Mass..
Kingston, N. Y...........
Torrey, N. YV.............
Greensborough, N. C.....
Louisville, Ky..........
Tranquility, Ohio........
Sunfish, Ohio............
Penn Yan, N. Y.........
Sandusky, Ohio..........
Amenia, N. Y...........
Lima, Ind..............
Scipio, N. Y..............
Pittston, Me............
Willimantic, Conn.....
Willimantic, Conn.......
Rushville, Ill............
Huron, N. Y.............
Louisville, Ky...........
July 22, 1833
Feb. 4, 1868
Dec. 4, 1866
Mar. 29, 1e64
Jan. 9,1838
June 6, 1865
Oct. 1, 1861
June 15,1858
Nov. 9,1858
Aug. 17, 1858
July 9, 1867
June 28, 1870
July 5, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
Oct. 13, 1868
July 2, 1867
Mar. 17,1868
Apr. 10, 1830
Apr. 21, 1868
Aug. 10, 1821
Oct. 14, 1809
July 26,1810
Feb. 20, 1802
Jan. 10, 1828
Apr. 22, 1835
Aug. 20, 1867
Oct. 3, 1807
Oct. 11,1809
Apr. 21, 1809
May 9, 1835
June 27, 1829
Apr. 10, 1862
July 6, 1869
May 4, 1852
Dec. 15, 1807
Dec. 7, 1869
July 21, 1868
July 8, 1862
Apr. 30, 1872
Sept. 19,1848
Oct. 4,1834
Sept. 20, 1870
Aug. 30, 1859
Nov. 27, 1860
Jan. 12, 1858
Sept. 17, 1872
Jan. 28, 1873
May 28, 1867
Apr. 5, 1806
Mar. 21, 1808
June 18, 1808
Sept. 26,1816
Aug. 17,1869
Apr. 4, 1871
Oct. 29, 1861
Mar. 18, 1873
June 2,1868
Aug. 21, 1866
July 23,1872
July 22, 1862
Sept. 13, 1864
Nov. 11, 1812
Apr. 21, 1829
Aug. 16, 1870
Feb. 21, 1871
Dec. 31, 1867
Dec. 23, 1856
Apr. 30, 1872
60, 212
42, 129
48, 094
33, 422
22, (22
21, 221
66, 445
104, 710
104, 968
76, 497
83, 080
66, 416
75, 622.....
67, 960
92, 360
8, 927
97, 565
80, 078
35, 813
126, 257
5, 785.....
107, 611
25, 270
30, 739
131, 477
135, 302
65, 063
93, 861
33, 581
136, 847
78, 558
57, 277
129, 836
35, 919
44, 162
106, 359
111, 930
72, 872
16, 261
126, 244
59, 807
68, 145
116, 798
11, 151
37, 147
40, 237
113, 731
60, 992
66, 207
32, 044
91,2 10
9, 178
5, 9236
8, 339
43, [ (95
48, 6.57
130, 192
49, 088
4, 852
26, 752
44, 408
Cider-mill..... T. Applget...................
Cider-mill. --------------------------------------. C. Archibald.............
Cider-mill.... W. Barr......................
Cider-mill --------------------------------------J. Bauman....................
Cider-mill......................................P. J. Berlin................
Cidr-il-------- ------ ------------------ ----- N. Booth.....................
Cider-mill....................................... J.Boweothn......................
Cider-mill...J. Bowen.....................
Cider-mill.. r ---------- __.....- J. Bowen and A. T. Foster...
Cider-mill....................................... E V. Branch.............
Cider-mill.........................W................ E. V. Branch.................
Cider-mill........................................ S. and R. W. Caldwel.........
Cider-mill........................................ C. L. Carter..-............
Cider-mill................................ J. Case......................
Cider-mill.............................N. Chapin...................
Cider-mill..............................N. Cha in..............
Cider-mill........................................ O. Clarke...............
Cider-mill........................... W. and L.Clayton.......
Ctder-mill....................................... G. R. Cluxton..-------------
Cider-mill......................................... J.A.Crevcr and F. H. Keeney.
Cider-mill....................................... G. v. I). Culp............
Cider-mil 1................................. R. M. Curtice.................
Cider-mill....................................... P. Dickson-...............
Princeton. N. J........... Nov. 20,1866
La Fayette, Ind........... Aug. 27, 1867
Ypsilanti, Mich.......... July 11, 1871
Shepherdstown, Pa....... June 27,1854
Blairsville, Pa........... Dec. 16,1862
Cheshire, Conn.......... July 12,1834
Yellow Bud, Ohio........ Oct. 13, 1863
Clarksburgh, Ohio...... Apr. 18, 1871
East Henrietta, N. Y...- Jan. 8,1867
East Henrietta, N. Y...... July 2, 1867
Chillicothe, Ohio......... Apr. 16, 1861
Union City, Ind.......... June 15, 1869
Selma, Ohio.....------------ Aug. 10. 1852
Cortlandville, N. Y...... Nov. 21, 1848
Syracuse, N. Y............ Sept. 2,1851
Rockford, Ill.............. June 14, 1864
West Philadelphia, Pa.... July 11, 1865
Ripley, Ohio.............. Aug. 6. 1872
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Aug. 1, 1865
Allenville, Ind.........Nov. 14, 1846
North Adams, Mich... Jan. 10. 1860
Erie, Pa ---------------.................. Sept. 27, 1864
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i I I
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill.. -....................................
Cider-m ill.......................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill.......................................
Cider-mill......- -................-...............
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill...........................:.............
Cider m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill.......................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cider-m ill.........................................
Cide-mil ------------------------------------
Cider-m ill........................................
Cider-mill.... ---------------------------...................................
Cider mill and fruit-press.....-------------------------
Cider mill and press---------------------------
Cider mill and press.............................
Cider mill and press..............................
Cider mill and press---------------------------
Cider mill and press...---------------------------
Cider mill and press..............................
Cider mill and press.................
Cider mill and press, Combined-----....................
Cider mill and press combined------------------.....................Cider mill and press, Portable......................
Cider-mill, Cast-iron...---------------------------.
Cider-mill, Convertible--.- -------..
Cider-mill, corn-sheller, and fodder-cutter, Mode of'
Cider-m ill press.............................
Cider-mill, Rotary-cylinder........................
Cider or w ine m ill...........................
Cider press.
Cidet press.....
J. Diehl and W. Wilson......
N. Eaton-------------------......................
J. Eiberneiser................
O. S. Garretson................
L. Gebhart.-..................
S. A. Hebard..................
M. W. Hilton.................
A. D. Hoffmnan--------------................S. J. Homan----------------...................H. Hurd-------------------......................
S. G. Hurlbut.................
S. Jackson...................
E. Jenkins...................
T. J. Kindleberger...........
T. J. Kindleberger..........
J. Krauser...................
H. Lightner..................
J. Lytch.....................
B. Mackerley.................
S. Males.....--------------------
S. M ales.....................
W. M. McDowell and C. E.
J. MeGrew..------......---........--
N. E. M iller-.................
WV. S. Oborn -..................
H. E. Paine and S. H. Russel..
H. K. Parsons................
N. A. Patterson...............
D. F. Phillips..-..-..--...-..
E. H. Philo...................
C. Pool and M. Eddy........
E. S. Purdy...................
J. Redlein....------------------
C. Rice........................
W. Rice........................
L. O. Rockwood...............
J. Rosenkrans-................
G. R. Ruland and W. W.
Green, jr.
J. E. Saugi.....-----------------
M. P. Schenck... -...---
D. Scully.....................
G. Seger.....................
H. Sells.......................
T. Sharp....................
W. Shaw.....................
C. Sheaffer....................
H. O. Sheidley...............
T. A. Shin.................
T. Showerman................
J. K. P. Smith................
A. Spencer... -----------------
M. Stevens--------... ---------.
L. R. Taylor.....-----
J. H. Thomas and P. P. Mast..
T. Van Kannel................
H. T. Watkins................
J. I. White-----------------....................W. N. Whitely, J. Fassler, and
0. S. Kelly.
H. L. Whitman...........
J. H. Williams--------------................
J. D. Willoughby...........
D. T. Willson.................
C. Wilson.....................
L. W ilson.....................
L Wilson......................
D. Zeigler.....................
L. A. Warner.................
U. Emmons...................-----------------
F. and G. F. Hovey.....----------
M. Jones...---------.----------.
H. and H. S. Paul.............
O. Pettibone..................
E. Wangaman................
M. Winger...................
O. M. Brock.....----------------
D. H. Krauser................
F. Fredley...................
P. Pryer...................
S. Males.....................
J. P. Adams..................
M. Stevems....................
S. Freeman, jr............
S. Krauser........
A. Brooks....................
O. Clark......................
J. H. Harper.............
J. Holbrook...............
F. H ovey.................
J. Maerhoffer.................
D. Pride......................
E. Primm.....................
D. Reed......................
C. Ritter......................
i i
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Woburn, Mass...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Orangeville, Ohio..........
North Stamford, Cornn......
Bloomington, Ind.........
Belleville, Mich...........
Walden, N. Y..---...........
Spring Hill, Ill............
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Hamilton, Ohio..........
Harmony, Pa...........
Springfield, Ohio.........
Springfield, Ohio..........
Reading, Pa.................
Neffs Mills, Pa............
Laurinburgh, N. C........
New Petersburgh, Ohio..
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Hagerstown, Md..........
Ravenswood. W. Va....
Canaan Centre, Ohio.....
Marion, Ohio.............
Leroy, Ohio..............
Harrisburgh, Pa........
Knoxville, Tenn..........
Republic, Ohio............
Half Moon, N. Y........
Blissfield, Mich............
Croton, N. Y..............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Barre, Mass...............
Fitchburgh, Masss........
Ottawa, Ill................
Avoca, N. Y-.-..........
Byron Centre, N. Y.......
Washington, D. C.........
Fulton, N. Y..............
Baltimore, Md---............--
Humberstone, Canada.....
Vienna, Canada...........
Louisville, Ky.............
New Gordon, Ohio..._....
Lebanon, Pa.............
Republic, Ohio............
Baden, Pa................
Covington, N. Y.........
Jeffersonville, Ind........
Grampian Hills, Pa.......
Lucas, Ohio...............
Clark Township, Ind......
Springfield, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Anderson, Ind...........
Zanesville, Ohio........
Springfield, Ohio.........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Sandusky, Ohio._.......
Shippensburgh, Pa.......
Harrisburgh, Pa.........
Clinton, Pa................
Springfield, Ohio..........
Springfield, Ohio.........
Lewistown, Pa..........
Freeport, Ill..............
New York, N. Y....-...
New York, N. Y..........
East Saginaw, Mich......
Kittery, Me., aud Cambridge, Mass.
Hartford, Connm............
Blairsville, Pa............
Ephratah, Pa-..........
Monroeton, Pa........
Pottsville, Pa............
Sugar Valley, Pa..........
Genesee County, N. Y..-...
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Chester, Ill...............
Smithville, Ohio..........
New Marlborough, Mass..
Reading, Pa................
Tolland, Corn.......
Rockford, Ill..............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Sherburne, M ass.......
New York, N. Y.........
Boonville, Mo-.............
Potsdam, N. Y............
Petersburgh, Ill......
Easton, Mass...........
Reading, Pa...............
Aug. 6, 1861
Dec. 10, 1872
Oct. 26, 1858
Jan. 11, 1870
Jan. 21, 1868
Sept. 1, 1863
Feb. 23, 1858
Nov. 8, 1859
June 5, 1866
May 24, 1864
Sept. 6, 1864
Jan. 15, 1850
May 17,1836
May 29, 1855
Feb. 9, 1864
Aug. 30, 1853
Aug. 8, 1871
Nov. 22, 1870
Nov. 14, 1856
Sept. 6, 1870
Feb. 13, 1866
Aug. 29, 1865
Sept. 17,1872
Aug. 5, 1873
July 7, 1868
Mar. 5, 1827
Oct. 11, 1864
Oct. 3,1871
Nov. 25, 1851
Mar. 27, 1860
Sept. 26, 1865
Mar. 12, 1867
Jan. 23, 1866
Nov. 11, 1830
June 3, 1873
June 17, 1873
May 3,1859
June 21, 1864
Jan. 28,1873
May 6, 1873
July 5, 1864
May 23,1871
Sept. 4, 1866
Nov. 24, 1863
Nov. 20, 1866
Mar. 19,1836
Dec. 29, 1857
Aug. 27, 1867
July 20, 1825
Oct. 25, 1870
July 1, 1862
May 11, 1858
Sept. 13, 1870
I ov. 21, 1865
July 2,1867
Feb. 5, 1861
Dec. 3, 1872
Jan. 14, 1868
Nov. 19, 1872
Nov. 13, 1866
Mar. 3, 1868
Jan. 2, 1872
Sept. 15, 1868
Mar. 5,1867
Dec. 7, 1869
July 25,1854
Oct. 2. 1866
Jan. 31, 1829
June 1, 1869
Oct. 29, 1872
Nov. 26, 1872
Mar. 1, 1815
July 21, 1868
Dec. 10, 1867
July 18, 1871
Apr. 18, 1871
Aug. 3, 1838
May 29, 1835
Mar. 17, 1857
Aug. 25, 1863
July 31, 1866
Mar. 14, 1828
Oct. 30, 1855
Oct.. 5,1869
Apr. 26, 1864
Nov. 19, 1867
July 18, 1871
Apr. 26, 1870
June 1, 1869
June 11, 1829
Nov. 26, 1867
Mar. 3, 1829
June 21, 1859
32, 988
133, 840
21, 874
98, 757
73, 523
39, 731
19, 421
26, 037
55, 297
42, 912
44, 096
7, 022.....
12, 953
41, 514
9, 972
117, 898
109, 527
16, 040
52, 583
49, 641
131, 453
141, 582
79, 771.....
44, 651
119, 472
8, 549
27, 650
50, 158
62, 884
52, 203
139, 615
139, 975
23, 862
43, 229
135, 370
138, 533
43, 434
115, 112
57, 833
40, 711
59, 864......
18, 993
68, 246
108, 645
35, 787
20, 220
107, 424
51, 101
66, 427
31, 344
133, 609
73, 417
59, 700
75, 101
122, 508
82, 261
62, 585
97, 743
11, 401
58, 514.....
90, 843
132, 536
133, 476
80, 253
71, 935
117, 041
113, 778
16, 847
39, 620
56, 824..3,...
13. 741
95, 558
42, 528
71, 165
117, 075
102, 402
90, 672
71, 533...
24, 490
Index of paients issued from tlhe United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cider-press. Lever..........................
Cider-press, Screw..............................
Cider, Putting up and preserving.......
Cider, wine, &c., with sulphurous acid, Apparatus
for treating.
Cigar---------- ------------------------
Ci ari-......................................
Cigar and cigarette.........................
Cigar and cigarette inakiuu machine..................
Cigar and cigarette ma-nuacture.............
Cigar and match case..........................
Cigar and pipe mouth-piece.................
Cigar-ash holder, &c....----------------------
Cigar binders, fillers, and wrappers, Forming......
Cigar box.......................................
Cigar- box........................................
Cigar. box........................................
Cigar box, Perforated -.- _ -._.__ __... _ _.__.. _ -_._
Cigar -box, Water-proo.f..............
Cigar-boxes from rdw,,, Manufacture of......
Cigar bunch pressing an1 molding machine......
Cigar-bunch-shaping nol I..................
Cigar-bunches, Machfife for ma.ing........
Cigar-bunches, Machine fcr making..............
Cigar-bunches, Machine for making..............
Cigar-bunches, Machine for making...............
Cigar-bunches, Machine for making............
Cigar-bunches, Machinv for pressing...............
Cigar-bunches, Machine for pressing and molding.
Cigar-bunches, Manufact umre of...............
Cigar-bunches, Manuiacture of..................
Cigar-bunches, Mold for shaping and drying..Cigar-bunches, Retainer for holding pressed and
Cigar-bunches, Retainer for pressed and molded..
Cigar-bunching machine...................
Cigar-bunching machine...-----------------
Cigar-bundling apparatus.........................
Cigar-bundling mnachine...--------------------.
Cigar-clamp- -----.........................
Cigar cutter and holder combined................
Cigar cutting and pero atng machine..........
Cigar-drying mold.................................
Cigar-ends, Machine for cutting off..............
Cigar-fillers, Apparatus fcr arranging..........
Cigar-fillers, Machine for bunching and binding..
Cigar-fillers, Machine for making....-......
Cigar-fillers, Machine f r preparing..............
Cigar-fillers, Machine fur pressing and shaping....
C gar filling.......................
C gar-fillings, Mold for dryinig..................
Cigar-fuse box.................
Cigar-gage and butt-cutter.......................
Cigar-heading socket....---------------------
Cigar-holder. - - - -.- - - - -.-.-..Cigar-holder.......................................
Cigar-holder and hat-hook........................
Cigar holder and perforator.......................
Cigar-holding case................................
Cigar labeling device.............................
Cigar-lig hter.....................
J. Schaffer and E. Stoner....
A. W. Shidler................
A. DI). Strong..................
C. H. Thomas................
H. Peters...----------------..S. Sanderson...............
M. Halsted and J. L. Wheeler.
D. Al. Mefford..............
T. Blanchard.................
S. Davis...................
D. Davison.................
F. L. Hilbright.............
W. C. Kneeland.............
T. XV. Kreitz..................
I. Lindsley..................
E. BMead...................
C. Quartley...................
WV. P. Surgey................
M. Turley and J. M. Innes....
C. Van Dyeck................
C. Walton...................
T. Griffin...................
J. and A. Marengo...........
L. Morgenthan............
P. J. Clark....................
B. S. Stokes.........
A. Philipp.................... W. Heywood..............
H. Fowler.................
P. Greenwald.................
W. B. Hale, jr................
E. Henkle....................
C. Jerome....................
E. C. Patterson...............
WV. R Rhoades..............
M. Richardson................
IIH. Schmeer..................
T. A. Wiley................
R. S. Jennings..............
J. L. Thomson...............
C. A. Hlooper...............
W. D. Brewer...............
A. Pearl................
S. Scholfield............
S. Scholfield.................
W. W eis......................
D. A. Wightman.............
D. A. Wightman..............
G. Pierce............_
W. D. Brewer................
A. Pearl..................
S. Scholfield...................
A. Pearl......................
W. D. Brewer -....._.......
Westminster, Md.......
South Bend, Ind....
Ashtabula, Ohio...........
Milton, N. Y.........
Penn Township, Pa......
Shelby, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Huron County, Ohio......
Boston, Mass.............
Montreal, Canada.........
New York, N. Y.......
Newark, N. J............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Quincy, Ill................
Providence, R. I..........
Pittsfield, Mass.........
Baltimore, Md............
Hackney, Great Britain..
Council Bluffs, Iowa......
Nashville, Tenn..........
Washington, D. C.........
Roxbury, Mass..........
Burlington, Vt............
Manheim, Baden.........
West Meriden, Conn......
Manchester, N. H.......
Manchester, Great Britain.
Baltimore, Md.............
Detroit, Mich...........
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Milford, Mass.............
North Scituate, R. I......
New Haven, Conn........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Auburn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Syracuse, N. Y........
Lancaster, Pa.............
New York, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
San Francisco, Cal._.....
Charlestown, Mass....
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I.........
Providence, R. I.........
Saint Paul, Minn.........
East Greenwich, R. I.....
East Greenwich, R. I.....
Boston, Mass..............
Charlestown, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I..........
New York,N. Y..........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Oct. 5, 1869
Mar. 17, 1868
July 2. 1867
Oct. 24, 1865
Apr. 29, 1873
Oct. 1, 1872
Mar. 18, 1873
Dec. 31, 1872
Mar. 30, 1858
Oct. 11, 1864
July 4, 1865
July 28, 1868
Dec. 10, 1861
May 28, 1872
July 31, 1860
June 24, 1873
Feb. 11, 1868
Dec. 9, 1856
June 11, 187-2
Nov. 6, 1866
June 6, 1865
Mar. 23, 1869
June 16, 1868
Mar. 14, 1865
Apr. 3,1860
June 3, 1862
Mar. 30, 1869
May 28, 1872
Dec. 9, 1873
June 4, 1872
Aug. 20, 1872
July 26, 1870
Mar. 1, 1870
Oct. 28, 1873
Jan. 16, 1872
Mar. 29, 1870
Apr. 23, 1872
July 4, 1871
Jan. 25, 1870
June 27, 1871
Dec. 23, 1873
Jan. 21, 1873
July 18, 1871
Dec. 10, 1872
July 15, 1873
Nov. 15,1870
July 15, 1873
July 15, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
July 25, 1871
May 17, 1870
July 16,1872
Oct. 11, 1870
Aug.29, 1871
95, 608
75, 589
66, 262
50, 665
138, 280
131, 785
136, 914
134, 389
19, 746
44, 695
48, 527
80, 284
33, 889
127, 172
29, 436
140, 153
74, 246
16, 200
127, 939
59, 485
48, 119
88, 033
78, 985
46, 855
27, 693
35, 491
88, 408
127, 235
145, 290
127, 597
130, 713
105, 681
100, 296
144, 129
122, 854
101, 381
125, 910
116, 782
99, 204
116, 373
145, 735
135, 030
117, 200
133, 725
140, 848
109, 280
140, 860
140, 861
134, 768
117, 377
103, 236
129, 599
108, 290
118, 428
135, 031
136, 411
130, 496
78, 142
87, 493
51, 080
84, 906
120, 240
128, 481
129, 182
109, 153
134, 030
137, 850
88, 237
139, 517
68, 441
140, 850
131, 709
54, 476
135, 243
107, 266
53, 678
68, 785
78, 312
27, 484
64, 826
45, 215
124, 545
31, 808
138, 032
132, 685
73, 478
80, 527
57, 126
127, 649
87Â~ 314
43, 823
111, 804
58, 537
121, 049
W. D. Brewer................ Charlestown, Mass....... Jan. 21, 1873
H. B. Bunster................. New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 4, 1873
S. T. Hennaman --...........- Baltimore, Md......... Aug. 13, 1872
C. A. Siecke.................. Philadelphia, Pa...... May 19, 1868
F. A. Henckell............... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 2, 1869
C. A. Perry.................. Elkhorn, Wis.....-.... Nov. 21, 1865
S. N. Risley................... Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 15, 1868
N. A. Buhl-------------------.................... New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 24,1871
F. Funke..................... Detroit, Mich............. July 2, 1872
R. A. Stendell-----------................ -New York, N. Y.......... July 16, 1872
L. S. Stimson................. Lowell, Mass............. Nov. 8, 1870
J. Brady..................... Brooklyn, N. Y............Dec. 17, 1872
J., T., and A. Levy----------............ New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 15, 1873
O. Vallandingham............ Saint Louis, Mo.......... Mar. 23, 1869
N. W. Palmer................ New York, N. Y.......... June 3, 1873
F. W. Hoffmann.............. Morrisania, N. Y---.......... - Sept. 3, 1867
S. Scholfield................ Providence, R.I..........July 15, 1873
H Schmidt....------............ New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 24, 1872
G. A. Reniger....... Stuttgart, Wurtemberg.. May 1, 1866
J.Mafifet...................... Lancaster, Pa........... May 16,1832
C. 1. Palmer................. New York, N. Y.........Jan. 28, 1873
S. Scholfield.................. Providence, R. I........... Jan. 17, 1871
S. B. Jerome................ New Haven, Conn....... Sept. 13, 1870
H. Re. mann.................. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 3, 1866
H. Peterson................... Chicago, Ill.............. Sept. 10, 1867
G. Moebs--------------..................... --- Detroit, Mich.........May 26, 1858
T. Thorp......................New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 13, 1860
C. Appel........... -.--Hoboken, N. J............ May 21, 1867
L. Auguste................... New York, N. Y......... Nov. 29, 1864
J. K. Chase....... New York, N. Y..........Mar. 12,1872
M. Johnston.................. South Boston, Mass...... Mar. 26, 1861
T. J. Lewis.................... Chicago, Ill......._ - Apr. 22, 1873
J. D. W. Olney........... Providence, R. I......... Oct. 29, 187-2
W. K. Vanderslice, jr......... San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 21, 1868
M. V. B. Young............... New York, N. Y.......... July 28, 1868
C. Gschwind and J. Grether... Union Hill, N. J........... Aug. 14, 1866
R. J. Sheehy.............. Boston, Mass............ June 4, 1872
S. 11. Wilmot........... Bridgeport, Conn....._ Feb. 23, 1869
J. H. Abbott............. Frederick City, Md -...._.- Aug. 16, 1864
R. H. Andrews.............. Washington, 1). C..-.. Feb. 14, 1871
W. Belcher................... New Haven, Conu... Oct. 2, 1866
M. F. Gale.................... New York, N. Y.....---.. Nov. 21, 1871
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cigar-lighter ----------------------------------
Cigar- lightei------------------------------------
Cigar-lightei, Gas --------------------------- ---
Cigar-lighter, Gas jet...........................
C iar-lighter, Suspended gas.................... -- - -
Cigar-lighters, Machine for making.. -......--....
Cigar-lighters, Manufacture of friction-match.
Cigar-lighters, Match for-----------------------..
Cigir-lighters, Plane for cutting.................
Cigarighting cinder..........................--
Cigan-ighhting cinders, Apparatus for containing
and igniting.
Cigarnmachiine ------------------------------"---
Cigar-m achin e------------------..--------------
(igar-machin e................................--
Cigar-m achine---------------------------------
Cigar-m achine.-------------- -.........
Cicar machine.................................Ci ga-mmcline---------------------------------
Cigai machine. --------------------
Cigai m'chiuo--------------------------------...
Cigar-macline.. ---------------------
Cigar-miachiiie. -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -
Cigar-m achine. --------------------
Cigar-machiiie-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Cigarmrai'chine..................................Cigar-niachnie..-....--.- - - -........- -
E. P. Gleason----------------
J. B. Miller.-----------------
J. W. Tracy.----------------
G. B. Snow and T. G. Lewis -- _
D. F. Brandon--------------..
H. Reimanu----------------.
NV. Porter-----------------..
W. Poi ter-------------------
WV. H. Drips ---------------
H. Heiman-----------------...
J. Allen and J. Fanning-_..
W. G. Ayres an d S. L. Cole.
I. S. Barber.................
R. A. Bright., jr..............-----
C.G. A. Brinckman..___.__
G. Buckle------------------..
G. B. Clarke_ -________
t. M. Caleb------------------
S. L. Cole-------------..--
NV.D Dwson------------...---
J.d (eBary------------------..
C. J. Ilelbi-idge..__....._.......
I. Erfnrth ------------------
T. Ernst.............EJ. Fisk ------------------
I. A. H.eald.................--
I. A. Heald...................
I. A. Iteald-----------------
J. T. liennanian.......
IR. W. Heywocol------------..
J. C. Hintz.-.......-.--..---
W. W. Huse.................
J. Lanritzen----------------._
F. Meyer and H. Schild.
F. C. Miller............
C. Muller --------------------
C. Muller------. _- - - - - - -- --
H. Muller and C. Major.
iR. Neich...................
Ii. Ncisch------------------..
J. Ochs...........- -.
J. O'Reilly-------------...---
V. H. Pease---------------._
J. Prentice..-.-.....----------.
J. Preiitice aiid W. F. Wuterich.
i i
New York. N. Y-_..
Rendont, N. Y.-.Saint Louis, Mo.. -_.. - -
Buffalo, N. Y_............
Chicago, Ill------------__
Hartford, Conn.- - - ------
Saint Stephen, Canada. - -.
Saiiit Stepiheiis' Parish,
Cincinnati, Ohio -__.Hartford, C oaon----------....
Hartford; Conii-----------
Brooklyn, N. Y...._.....
Brooklyn, N. Y----
New York, N. Y.
Providence, RI-I.-._--_-.
New York, N. Y -----
More ih------New York, N. Y -----
Burlinigton, tVtt.-......
Brooklyn, N. V.__--..Hunltimiglon, Coon....
Offenbach, Germany-._..
Rochester, N. Y -.....
Leipsic, Germiamiy.
Fort Madison, Iowa --__.
SoulthiByron, N. Y.-.
Camrlisle, Mass -----------
Washington, I). C..-.-._
Lowell, Mass...........--
Baltimiore, Md-----------
Baltimore, Md--.......
Cincinnati, Ohio-._._.
Brooklyii, N. Y ----
Newark, N. J----_.----
New Yoi-k, N. Y.._
Cincinnati, Ohio...--.
Albany, N. Y...........Albany, N. Y.-._......
New Yoiik, N. YV_Allentown, Pa. _......
Allentown, Pa..........--
Litiz, Pa.--.-----------
Baltimore, Md....._...
Felton, NWis -------------
New York, N. Y.-__.._.
New York, N. V.
Nov. 13, 1866
Oct. 31, 187t
Nov. 26. 1t67
Feb. 6, 1866
Jan. 5, 1869
Nov. 24, 1857
Sept. 27, 1870
Nov. 29, 18710
59, 587
1-20, -153
71, 4-28
52, 457
85, 636
18, 706
107, 810
109, 600
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 216
Mzar. 23, 1858 19, 7t7
Mar. 9, 1858 19, 580
July 26, 18 70
Feb. 15, 1870
June 24, 186-2
Oct. 20, 1868
Sept. 6, 1864
Sept. 5, 1865
Apr. 20, 1869
Apr. 13.,1869
June 20, 1871
Apr. 29, 1856
May 28, 1861
July 15, 1873
Jine 18, 1872
July 15, 1873
Dec. 19, 1865
May 31, 1864
Feb. 2, 1869
Apr. 18, 1871
July 1, 1873
May 21, 1872
Oct. 5, 1869
Feh. 12, 1861
Oct. 4, 18 70
Jan. 18, 1870
Jan. 23, 1872
July 21, 1868
Oct. 26, 1860
Feb. 19, 1861
Dec. 20, 1870
July 16,107-2
Sept. 10, 187-2
Oct. 25, 1870
July 2, 1872
Sept. 6, 1864
Nov. 26, 1867
105, 6-20
99, 745
35, 7 28
83, 247
44, 070
49, 709
89, 200
88, 810
lii6, 026
14, 76:1
3-2, 405
140, 2986
149, 506
51, 578
42, 946
86, 541
113, 880
140, 501
126, 960
95, 478
31, 390
107, 927
98, 877
122, 955
80, 204
96, 257
31. 518
110, 270
1-29, 489
108, 629
128, 560
44, 114
71, 532
Cigar-machine---------------------------. _..---- G. A. Heiniger -. - - - - -- ntuttgart, Wurtemberg. May 29, 1866 55, 217
Cigar-machine.------------------. B. Robbins -.------..--------Adrian, Mieh -- - _._- --_-_Mar. 12, 18 72 124, 629
Cigar-machine............. - _..-. -.- -- - -.-- H. ShilId and G. J Prentice... New York, N. Y - - - -----Jan. 18, 1870 58, 890
Cigarmmiachiiic..................................-S. Scheltield............_-. Pi-ovidence, H. I..........Aug. 9, 18710 106, 214
Cigai machine.................---................S. Seliolfield................... Providence, H. I......... Nov. 28,1871 121, 298
Cigai-machine................................. -_ S. Scholfield. - -....------Providence, H. I._... Sept. 24, 1872 131, 567
Cigar-machine....................... S. Schoield.................. Providence, H. I...........,mly 15,187:3 140, 845
Cigar-machine.----....... --------- S. Scholdield..................-Providence,H. I.......... July 15,1873 140, 816
Cigai-macine..........G...V..Tanne..................Tnnr------_-_Providence, It.I.---- July 25, 1871 117, 482
Cigar-machine. -----------.------------G. W. Tanner -----...---- Providence, H. I..........Sept. 17,187-2 1:31, 474
Cigar-machine...... _............................. G. W. Tannier and F. D. Bliss.. Providence, H. I.........July 26, 18 70 105, 859
(igar-machine................................L Ten Eyck and J. 0. Heilley. New York, N. Y -.......... _Sept. 13, 1870 107, 307
Cigar-machine..................................--J. Thompson------------------ New York, N.Y......... Feb. 14, 1865 46, 404
Cigar-maclilac----------------------------------........H. E. Ty lamider.. _... -.........Keokuik, Iowa........... May 27, 1873 139, 280
Cigar-machine... _. _...._... _.......... J. aheca.........J.L Wahoha-------Philaidelphia. Pa._... Apr. 16, 1872 125, 709
Cigar-macline------------------J etti............................J etti.--.._-Baltimore, Md -- - --- -- -- - -Nov. 2:3, 1869 97, 255
Cigar-machine roll.............................. D. A. Wightman.............. _ _- _East Greenwich, Ti. I---July 15, 1873 140, 859
Cigar-machinery................................ W. Kramer and J. Wise.... Milwaukee,Wis., and New Aug. 20, 1867 67, 887
York, N. Y.
Cigar-maker's filler-box------------------------...... G. Barry---------------------..Chicago, Ill............... - - -De.26, 1871 122, 211
Cigar-miaker's mold...........................--- J. Prentice-------------------- New York, N. Y ------_ ua. 12, 1869 85, 764
(cigar-making apparatus-.-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..1. F. Shepard................ Hampton Falls, N. H-. -_May 12, 1808 7 7, 846
Cigar-nialting niachime--------------------------...... L. Beauckd --____- -- _------ -. IParis, France......- _- _....Feb. 16, 1658 19, 341
Ciai-makinig machine....................- - - -...J. Hafer-amid J. A Henderson. Bedford, Pa. -- -- -- -- -- -- --TJune 18, 1867 65 805
Cm'a-rnlmn-'machine ------------------ H. J. Hall--------------------- Brookline, Mass---------Jaim. 23, 180 123,014
Ciga'imakiug machimme.........................._I. A. Heald................Carlisle, Miss...........-_May 22,1l6(6.4,100
Cigar-making machinec-------------- J. A. Heald----------------Spinigfield, Miss-...Aug. 6,180i11' 3):('93
u nir-mking nachine..........................--.V..Huse................._Brooklyn, N. Y -. -----._Dec. 6, 14;'1 45,326
Ciii -ipaing machine..........................--J. Mceeoand T.WNVFletcher.. New York, N.Y-..........Mar. 1(6, 183 87,955
me arirs ig machine..........................._M. V. McKinney_.............Louisville, Ky.........._..pt. 19,1h71 119,(40
Cigau mocing miaciiie...........................-H. Pierce._.........._....Winchester, N. H.---- Die0. 10, 13461i 4,885
Cigar-makuing machine....-_-....T. Ttiorp.--------------------New York, N. YV........Dec. 6, 1850 1e(, 382
Cm o rmaking niachine......................--------1'I' Thor~p---------------------New York, N. YV.------May 1, 18;0 '283 115
Cigar-making machine.......................... A. XVeeke...........Syracuse, N. Y... -........Jumme 30, I8.C8 9, 423
Cigar-makig machine--------------------------__3. Wettst-in...............B1altimore, Md.........May 16, 1671i 115,(02
Cig-ar-makiiig machine........................... - _ - - _F. Wuterich.. -....... -....New York, N. Y.........Dec. 133, 1800 31, 002
Ciii -emiiking machine........................... F. Wuterich -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---New York, N. Y......... Nov. 5, 1861I 33, 687
Cigar-manuactureo..............................-NV. C. Kneeland...............Brooklyn, N. Y........... July 28, 1868 80,287
Cig-m iold-------------------- ----- ------------G. Barry.--------------------Chicago, Ill.............- Feb. 0,1872 123,3;
Cigar-mold.................................... J. Baxter...........Detroit, Michli-------------.... a.Mar. 26, 1872 125, 05
"iar-mold..................................... N. H. Bergfcldlt...............-New York, N. Y..........Nov. 2-2, 180 109, 490
Cir-mold....................................- N.1B. 3oi-1eldt-----__--------New York, N.Y---------- Jan. 3, 1871 1110,732
Cigau-mold..................................... -N. H. Bergleldt.............. New York, N. YV -... Oct. 29, 182 132 6-2
Cigar-mold..................................... N. Ilubrul................... Joliet, Illi--.-- --.--May 9, 187t 114, (15
Cigar-mnold.....................Dbu------------------------------N url---..-.....Joliet, Ill -------------. May 16, 1871 11, 93
Cuir-meld -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - - ----.)u Bemi-------------------...Chicago, Ill- ------------- Sept. 9, 1873 112, 8-3
Cigar mold-------------------...---------------I. Guthman................... Morrison, Ill.......--....June 25, 1872 128 386
Cuc-umold...................................... B. Hawkins---................Trenton, N.J------------June 11,l1872 127,64
Cg r-weld...-.................................. J. J. Lalmayc anid J. M Lyons.. Reding, Pa--------.......De. 19,1871 11','0.14
Ciiir-mold...................................... T. I). MeGuime._............_.,I rooklyn, N. V.----------- May (, 1873 13-',672
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cigar-molt]d------- -------------------------"---
Cigar mold and press..........................
Cigar-mold clamp.................................
Cigar-mold press.................................
Cigar-mold press------------------------------
Cigar-tmold press...............................
Cigar-mold press..................
Cigar-molds, Machine for fillfng.................
Cigar-molds, Machine for making..............
Cigar-molds, Tool for boring....................
Cigar-molding apparatus.........................
Cigar-molding device............................
Cigar, money, &c., box............................
Cigar mouth piece.....-----------------------------
Cigar mouth-piece.................................
Cigar, Medicated..................................
Cigar, Medicated..................................
Cigar perforator...................................
Cigar-point splitter................................
Cigar-press--------------------------------.-.- --
Cigar-pressing machine................................
ig r re s.........................................
C g r-rsigmachine............................
Cigar-rack for hats...............................
Cigar-sample box..............................
Cigar-shaped pipe............................
Cigar-shaped smoker.............................
C igar-tip.......................
Cigar-tip cutter..................................
Cigar-tip machine............................
Cigar-tips, Composition for covering...........
Cigar-tips, Forming............................
Cigar-tips, Instrument for cutting..............
Cigar-tuck cutter..................................
Cigar-wrappers, Apparatus for cutting..........
Cigar-wrappers, Cutting..............
Cigar-wrappers, Manufacture of...........
Cigar-wrapping machine..........................
Cigar-wrapping machine..............
Cigars and plug-tobacco, Machine for forming....
Cigars, Apparatus for cutting the ends of.........
Cigars, Bunch-mold machine for.................
Cigars, &c., Compound for lighting----------...............---
Cigars, Device for perforating...................
Cigars, Forming bunches for mold...............
Cigars for tying, Clamp for holding.............
Cigars, &c., Friction-match for lighting..........
Cigars, Implement for cutting, perforating, and
Cigars, Instrument for perforating...............
(Cigars, Lighting...............................
Cigars, Machine for compressing and cutting the
filing for.
Cigars, Machine for cutting off....................
Cigars, Machine for cutting c;ff...................
Cigars, Machine for cutting off.................
Cigars, Machine for cutting cff the ends of......
Cigars, Machine for examining and replacing....
Cigars, Machine for making..
Cigars, Machine for making the bodies of-_..-_. _
Cigars, Machine for manufacturing...............
Cigars, Machine for putting on the wrappers of.
Cigars, Machine for trimming the ends of-.........
Cigars, Machinery for making.....................
Cagars, Machinery for making.................
Cigars, M aking.............................
Cigars, Method and apparatus for making...
Cigars, Molding...
Cigars, &c., Mouth-piece for......................
Cigars, &c., Powder for lighting..................
Cigars, Process of treating and drying...........
Cigars, Self igniting.-------------------------.
Cigars, snuff &c., Process of preparing plants to
be used in.
40 P
Inventor. Residence. Date.
F. C. Miller------------------................... Cincinnati, Ohio........... Feb. 4, 1873
C. H. Palmer...-.......---........ New York, N. Y---...-----.. -Mar. 11, 1873
J. Prentice.................... New York, N. Y........ May 23, 1871
S. G. Rice..................... -------------------Albany, N. Y........... July 2, 1872
S. G.Rice..................... Albany, N. Y.......... Dec. 31,1872
J. Ryan....................... Detroit, Mich.......... Oct. 3, 1871
S. Wilmot..................... Detroit, Mich......... Mar 4, 1873
G. Barry---------------------.... Chicago, Ill............ Feb. 27, 1872
F. Brown.................... New York, N. Y......---------- Oct. 22,1872
F. Brown--------------------..................... New York, N. Y.....---------- Oct. 22, 1872
F. C. Miller------------------................... Cincinnati, Ohio......... July 23,1872
M. H. Keimerdinger.......... New York, N. Y -----.--..May 21,1872
H. F. Moeller and H. P. Brandt Davenport, Iowa.... Nov. 21, 1871
J. Charter................... Sterling, Ill---------------............... Apr. 23,1872
T. J. Winship............... Montreal, Canada....... Apr. 8, 1873
N. Thompson............... Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y..... Dec. 1, 1868
J. Ball....................... Elmira, N. Y.............. Mar. 28, 1865
I. S. Barber.................. New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 13, 1866
J. Barrett..................... Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 2, 1869
L. Walther................... New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 12, 1869
E. A. Konter.................. Brooklyn, N. Y-----------............ Dec. 10, 1872
H. N. Foster---------------.................. --East Greenwich, R. I...... Mar. 15, 1870
H. E. Doster.................. Bethlehem, Pa........... Sept. 1, 1868
A. A. Pathi.................. Paris, France.............. Oct. 6, 1868
E. Schlichting................ New York, N. Y...... Dec. 31,1867
A. Sickenberger.............. Chicago, Ill............. Nov. 11, 1873
J. Cimpbell-............... Lancaster, Pa....... Oct. 2, 1866
G. Heiss...................... Lancaster, Pa......_......Nov. 20, 1866
A. Iske....................... Lancaster, Pa............ July 3, 1866
M. Leippe...................... Lancaster, Pa._....... July 24, 1866
G. Studer------------................-----... -Richmond, Ind........... Dec. 29, 1868
J. Campbell................... Lancaster, Pa...---------.. June 19, 1866
S. J. Bestor................... Hartford, Coun..------.. June 14, 1870
F. I. Miller.................... Brooklyn, N. Y........ June 19,1860
J. C. W. Frishmuth........... Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 23, 1871
S. N. Buynitzky.............. Washington, D. C...... Mar. 4, 1873
D. D. Foley.................. Washington, D. C......... Aug. 23, 1864
G. E. Brinkerhoff.....------------- New York, N. Y----------.......... Mar. 15, 1870
J. Clark...................... Lowell, Mass......... July 13, 1869
W. M. Herron......-.-......... Allegheny, Pa............ Mar. 4, 1873
F. Timm and T. Fantini...... Stapleton, N. Y........... Feb. 25, 1873
W. W. Huse-----------------.................. -Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 6, 1864
J. H. Harris................... Pittsfield, Mass........... May 14, 1872
S. L. Cole.................... Brooklyn, N. Y........... Oct. 18, 1870
C. Froehlich.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 3,1867
J. H. Christman................Syracuse, N. Y............ July 16, 1872
A. Cramer-------------------.................... Detroit. Mich............. June 24,1873
A. Hettinger.................. Philadelphia, Pa......... May 20, 1873
S. Scholfield................... Providence, R. I--..-... - July 15, 1873
S. Scholfield.................----------. Providence, R. I....... Dec. 24, 1872
H Durell..................... Morrisania, N. Y.......... Sept. 14, 1858
C. E. Raffle................... Barrington,. I.......... Sept. 19, 1865
J. S. Suter and G. M. Palmer... Baltimore, Md............ Oct. 5,1858
R. Appleby................ Beverly, N. J.......... Apr. 8, 1873
S. Scholfield................ Providence, R. I......... Oct. 15, 1872
F. Dixon..................... Lynn, Mass.............. Sept. 27, 1859
S. Schollfield.---....---------............ Providence, R. I...---.. July 15, 1873
G. WV. Tanner and F. D. Bliss.. Providence, R. I...J... July 5, 1870
W. Hall and E. J. Bennett..... Boston, Mass........... Nov. 30, 1869
M. J. Hinden................ Detroit., Mich............ Mar. 21,1871
J. Wettstein.................. Highland, Ill.............Dec. 31,1872
C. J. M. Sohet and H. C. T. Mol- New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 20, 1866
J. Houghton and G. Wingfield. New York and Brooklyn, May 21, 1867
C. M. Mann.................. Detroit, Mich............. Sept. 17, 1872
M. Al---......--........-------....... Philadelphia, Pa..........May 15, 1866
H. Reiman.................... Brooklyn, N. Y-----------............ Nov. 7, 1865
C. F. Smith.................... Springfield, Mass......... Apr. 7, 1868
O. Guinand---------------................... ---Vicksburgh, Miss........ July 2, 1867
WV. B Doudes................. Canton, Ohio.....------------- July 30, 1867
W. W. Huse................ Brooklyn, N. Y......... July 16, 1867
C. and F. W. Hoffman......... Morrisania, N. Y.......... June 13, 1865
F. W. Hofnfman.---------------- Morrisania, N.Y.......... Nov. 13, 1866
P. Zern and W. Warwick... Pittsburgh, Pa............ May 28, 1867
J. G. Mater and C. W. Schaeffer Baltimore, Md............ Nov. 9, 1869
J. Levy..--------------------..................... -Wolcottville, Conn..... Aug. 29,1871
W. Dawson...................Huntington, Conn..-- -.. June 15, 1852
G. A. Beiniger............... Stuttgart, Wurtemburg...- Oct. 29,1861
J. Ball....................... Elmira, N. Y.............. Jan. 10, 1865
G. A. Reinige-------.. ---------..... Stuttgart, Wurtemburg... Oct. 29, 1861
P. A. La France---....... Elmira, N Y....... Feb. 9, 186
G. Barker................... New York, N. Y ------July 9, 1861
S. E. Hartwell and W. M. and New York, N.o Y., and May 8, 1847
D. Fowler. Waterbury, Conn.
J. Ball........................ Buffalo, N. Y............. Oct. 1-2,1842
E. A. Metz.................... Cincinnati, Ohio........ Sept. 5, 1871
J. Charter.................... Sterling, Ill....... July 11, 1871
W. Thompson................ Dub in, Ieland......... Mar. 31, 1868
C. W. Roseling................ Cleveland, Ohio........... Apr. 18, 1865
J. Cuddy................... Pittshurgh, Pa............ Mar. 4, 1873
J. Marek..................... New York, N. Y......... Apr. 16, 1834
P. V. Ramel................... Paris, France............. Dec. 14, 1869
135, 572
136, 615
128, 510
134, 398
119, 653
136, 399
123, 972
132, 351
132, 352
129, 674
126, 957
126, 018
137, 749
84, 655
46, 986
59, 544
87, 320
95, 858
133, 864
100, 744
81, 610
82, 743
72, 912
144, 570
58, 538
59, 911
56, 055
56, 578
85, 344
55, 619
104, 250
28, 763
136, 487
43, 906
100, 850
92, 423
136, 514
136, 285
45, 325
126, 698
168, 331
71, 600
129, 101
140, 117
139, 152
140, 847
134, 222
21, 558
50, 038
21, 704
137, 524
132, 183
25, 604
140, 849
103, 140
97, 292
112, 808
134, 502
59, 868
64, 978
131, 362
54, 811
50, 843
76, 537
66, 325
67, 276
66, 845
48, 174
59, 606
65, 325
96, 714
118, 541
9, 016
33, 603
45, 808
33, 604
86, 764
34, 743
5, 110
2, 809
118, 739
116, 930
76, 119
47, 335
136, 480..7,.96
97, 96'2
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Contiinicd.
Cigarette. -------------------------------
Cigarette and cigar....-----------------------
Cigarette mold and box combined.................
Cigarettes, Device for making...........
Ligarettes, Machine for making...................
Cigarettes, Making..........................
Cigarettes, Manufacture of.......................
Circle-dividing instrument........-................
Circles, Instrument for finding the center of.......
Circuit-closer----------------------------....................................Circuits for automatic transmitting-instruments,
Arrangement of electrical.
Circular and elliptical cutter, Combined...........
Circular boiler..................................
Circular cutter---------------------....................................-----.
Circular gate, Self-operating.......................
Circular shears---------------------------....................................
Circular table---------------------------.....................................Circumferenter....................................
Cistern-arches. Mode of arranging arch-boards for.
Cistern, Boiling...................................
Cistern, Brick.....................................
Cistern, Filtering...--------------------------.
Cistern, Filtering....-------------------------
Cistern for preventing water from freezing.....Cistern influx-regulator...................
Cistern, Rain-water----...............................
Cistern-regulator, Automatic..-----------....................
Cistern, reservoir, and wall for holding water.....
Cistern, vat, reservoir, &c.........................
Cistern, vault, salt-vat, reservoir, &c., Water..._..
Cistern, W ater....................................
Cistern, Water.................................
Cistern, Water..................................
Cisterns, Apparatus for conducting water to.......
Cisterns, Apparatus for constructing---------..............Cisterns, Apparatus for regulating the flow of
water from.
Cisterns, Automatic feeder and cut-off for.........
Cisterns, Compound for use in constructing water
Cisterns, Constructing.....................
Cisterns, Construction of.....-------------------
Cisterns, Construction of....................___...
Cisterns, Construction of water and other..........
Cisterns, Device for building................
Cisterns, Float-valve for...................
Cisterns, Gypsum applied to.............
Cisterns, Heating liquid in wooden............
Cisterns, Instrument for indicating the depth of
water in.
See Anvil-clamp.
Anvil-tire clamp.
Bale-tie clamp.
Bed-clothes clamp.
Ben ing-machine clamp.
Billiard-cue clamp.
Book and paper clamp.
Book-binder's clamp.
Button-hole clamp.
Card-clothing clamp.
Carpenter's clamp.
Chair-coupling clamp.
Cigar-mold clamp.
Clothes clamp.
Clothes-line clamp.
Clothes-wringer clamp.
Curtain-cord clamp.
Dental ciamp.
Dentist's clamp.
Elastic clamp.
L. L. Arnold.................
E. Berg.......................
T. C. Richards...............
M. J. Danziger...............
E. Berg......
L. Krans and A. Szigethy.. -
J. D. Ruiseco..................
N. T. and S. B. Gassette.......
H. Gerike....................
M. J. Lopez y Munoz-..........
L. L. Arnold and F. X. Hazman
S. Shuck......................
J. E. Hignutt...-----....
J. M. Meschutt..........
M. Bowker andJ. L. Stratton-.
E. P. Rogers.............
W. L. Burton.................
J. Rowe.......................
W. J. Biggar and J. C. Blood...
W. Unger.....................
G. Little.....................
W. S. Deeds and J. P. Bradway.
J. Sizer...- -...------
R. H. Dorn...................
W. Thompson.....------------
W. Bulkley and P. Norton...
J. F. Finger.........
J. McCann...............
J. J. Walker.................
H. and S. E. Crosby..........
T. Kirk..--..................
J. Peebles..................
P. Markley..................
J. Q. Simonson..........
J. Woodward...............
A. J. Conner..................
G. 0. Blenis..............
A. Beach...................
N. Foster and W. Van V1eck..
L. Kidder...................
H. J. Shumway- --........
S. Booth...................
L. Kidder....................
G. Tibbits, jr...............
J. Lewis...................
O. Owen...........
C. Worden...............
S. H. Plumb..................
D. H. Weeks..................
O. Parker...................----------------
W. D. Bartlett................
L. Howe......................
A. Palmer..............
J. Kruger....................
E. Heald.....................
J. Flint and C. Mills..........
D. McAllister.................
H. L. Brevoor...............
New York, N. Y--..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......... ---
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Mischkolz and Kashau,
Paris, France...........
Chicago, Ill-----------...............
Berlin, Prussia............
Havana, Cuba...........
New York, N. Y..........
Bedford, Pa.............
Denton, Md.............
New York, N. Y..........
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
Corning, N. Y........Richmond, Va.....-...
Paterson, N. J............
Conneaut, Ohio...-.._. _
Newark, N. J.............
Rutherford Park, N. J....
Baltimore, Md., and Philadelphia, Pa.
New London, Conn.......
Fort Henry, N. Y.........
Nashville, Tenn...........
Berlin, Conn.............
Marion, S. C..............
New Market, Va..........
Ann Arbor, Mich........
Gustavus, Ohio........................................
Concordia, La.............
Canton, Ill...............
Graniteville, N. Y.........
Haverhill, N. H...........
Louisville, Ky---------...........Salina, N. Y..............
Iowa City, Iowa...-...Sullivan, N. Y...........
Hastings, Mich -..........
New York, N. Y..........
Van Buren, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y.-..--.
New York, N. Y.......
Jamesville, N. Y..........
New Orleans, La..........
Burlington, Vt............
Ypsilanti, Mich...........
Davenport, Iowa..........
Vassalborough, Me.......
Syracuse, N. Y............
Amesbury, Mass....-_...
Oshtemno, Mich...........
Syracuse, N. Y......-.....
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Washington, D. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
Brookfield, Vt..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Apr. 4, 1865
Aug. 2, 1864
May 9,1865
Mar. 21, 1865
Dec. 27, 1864
Jan. 9, 1866
Nov. 11, 1873
Feb. 27, 1866
Jan. 21.1873
June 6,1865
Nov. 8, 1864
Oct. 9, 1866
Dec. 17, 1867
Mar. 8, 1864
Feb. 15, 1870
Oct. 3. 1865
July 5, 1870
June 25, 1872
July 14, 1868
Oct. 17, 1871
Oct. 18, 1870
47, 080
43, 665
47, 660
46, 885
45, 575
52, 007
144, 478
52, 842
135, 110
48, 141
44, 926
58, 686
72, 294
41, 852
93, 824
50, 275
104, 928
128, 427
79, 894
120, 132
108, 495
Aug. 1,1871 117,611
Oct. 15, 1811
June 6,1871
June 19, 1855
Nov. 28, 1846
Aug. 28, 1860
Dec. 20,1837
May 4, 1869
July 11, 1854
Dec. 20, 1802
July 20, 1846
Mar. 8, 1864
Sept. 19, 187 1
Nov. 21, 1842
July 12, 1870
Aug. 18, 1837
Mar. 1, 1864
Mar. 3, 1834
Mar. 30,1869
Nov. 14, 1835
Nov. 19, 1833
Aug. 20, 1833
Jan. 21, 1835
Dec. 30, 1833
May 10, 1859
Oct. 7, 1846
Aug. 21, 1860
Mar. 24,1868
May 14, 1872
Sept. 15, 1834
Feb. 19, 1856
Dec. -23, 1873
Dec. 15, 1835
Sept. 2, 1873
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 4, 1836
July 15,1822
July 7, 1863
115, 587
13, 109
4, 866
29, 776
80, 716
11, 265.....
4, 647
41, 850
119, 189
2, 858
105, 306
41, 753.....
88, 272....................
23, 925
4, 798
29, 742
75, 969
126, 855
14, 273
145, 802
142, 345
57, 321
39, 114
J. N. Hawkins...............I Islip, N. Y................ Feb. 25, 1862 1 34, 495
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
See Flask-clamp.
Fruit-jar clamp.
Furnacemen's clamp.
Furnace-mold clamp.
Gas-fitter's clamp.
Glass-blower's clamp.
Harness-pad clamp.
Hog-holding clamp.
Iron-structure clamp.
Joiner's clamp.
Molder's clamp.
Music-stand clamp.
Picket-holding clamp.
Picture-frame clamp.
Pipe and faucet clamp.
Planking clamp.
Portable clamp.
Rigging-setting clamp.
Rope or wire clamp.
Saddler's clamp.
Sash and door clamp.
Saw-filing clamp.
Scaffold-pole clamp.
Sheet-piling clamp.
Ship-planking clamp.
Shoemaker's clamp.
Slate-frame clamp.
Stay-log clamp.
Thill-coupling clamp.
Timber-holding clamp.
Tube and rod clamp.
Watchmaker's chain-clamp.
Whip-making clamp.
Whip-socket clamp.
Clamp......................... G. F. Almy....................
Clamp...........................................A Anderson.................
Clamp... C..............................- C. S. Bonney.................
Clamp............................................ S. C. Bradley.................
Clamp........................................ M.. Brigam......MVBig m.........
Clamp...---------....--------------------------. M.G. Burkhardt..............
Clamp----------------------------.......................................------- C. B. Canfield...............
Clamp...........................................-----------------------------------... G. H. Coo and G. H. Snow.....
Clamp-----------------------------------........................................-- - T.O. Cornish.....---------.........
Clamp...-.......................................... J.J. Dom inic.................
ClampL..........................................._ L. Feely......................
ClampF............................................. F. Glasser..........
Clamp............................................ G. W. Goulden.............
ClampE............................................ E.B. Haves..........
Clamp....----------------------------------- F. M. Holmes.............
Clamp....----------------------------------- N. J. Holt and J. Leach.....
Clamp..--..........................................P. F. Hulbert.........
Clamp............................................. J. S. Ladow..............
Clamp.....----------------------------------- G. 1). Lambert............
Clamp...-........................................ J. J. Lebeau..................
Clamp--------------..............................--------------- J.F. Metz....................
Clamp..............---........................... S. A. M orse.....
Clamp............................................ W. F. Otis.......
Clamp... --- - - - - - - - O. L. Payne...................
C amp- -.------------------------------- W. H. Payne and H. Imhof...
Clamp.................................. J. H. Phillips.............
Clamp............................................ E. K. Purdy.......
Clamp............................................ W. Sailer.....................
Clamp............................................ W. Sailer................
Clamp..................-----..................... J.E. Sinclair.............
Clamp.. ----------------------.........-.......... W. Strevell..............
Clamp.....-----....--............................ J. A. traut.......
Clamp............................ -................ L. W harton.......
Clamp and wrench, Combined............... E. Magnire..............
Clamp-mill for turning metals------..... - W. H. Brainard.....
Residence. Date. No.
Toledo, Ohio..........
Madison, Wis... " -..
Philadelphia, Pa........
New Haven, Conn.........
Mannsville, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Oriskany, N. Y........
New Baven, Conn....
Woonsocket, R. I........
Gallupville, N. Y......
Rochester, N. Y.....
Mystic Bridge, Conn......
Waverly, N. Y............
Vergennes, Vt..........
Boston, Mass..........
Howell and Detroit, Mich
Chatham, N. Y.........
Mechanicsville, N. Y......
New Haven. Coun........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Baltimore, Md.--.....----.
New Bedford, Mass.......
New London, Ohio.....
Batavia, 111...........
Lockport, N. Y............
Troy, N. Y................
Schoolcraft, Mich.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Worcester, Mass..........
Jersey City, N. J........
New Britain, Conn......
Salem, Ohio...............
Princeton, Ill............
Branford, Conn..........
Mar. 19, 1872
Aug. 11, 1868
Feb. 18, 1873
Feb. 15, 1870
Sept. 7, 1869
Dec. 14, 1869
May 3, 1870
Dec. 10, 1867
Dec. 12, 1871
Jan. 17, 1871
Aug. 19, 1873
Sept. 13, 1870
Sept. 28, 1869
Mar. 22, 1870
Sept. 9, 1873
June 24, 1873
June 5,1866
Jan. 25, 1870
Mar. 8, 1870
June 21,1870
May 21, 187-2
Apr. 16,1867
Oct. 29, 187-2
July 13, 1869
Sept. 16, 1873
June 18, 1872
Oct. 13, 1868
Aug. 18, 1868
Nov. 16, 1869
July 15, 1873
Jan. 1, 1867
Sept. 10, 1872
Aug. 30,1870
Nov. 26, 1872
July 16, 1872
124, 776
80, 894
135, 882
99, 826
94, 557
97, 872
102, 487
71, 983
121, 851
110, 961
142, 010
107, 247
95, 337
101, 126
142, 697
140, 136
55, 302
99, 212
100, 642
104, 606
126, 895
63, 929
132, 538
92, 642
142, 938
128, 064
82, 985
81, 298
96, 971
140, 852
60, 959
131, 195
106. 900
133, 325
129, 092
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Clamp-milling machine........................ A. B. Lawther............
Clamping-device..................... E. King.................
Clamping-device.................................E. Simmons..............
Clamping-device................................. C. Stout......................
Clamping-machine........................ J. H. Humes..................
Clamping-machine-------..--------------...... - E. Wheeler...................
C lamping-machine, Carpenter's....---------------- W.R. Axe....................
Clamping-pontil...------.----------------------- F. H. James and N. B. Gatchell
Clapboard.....................................H. Osgood------------------....................Clapboard..................................... A. A. Wilder..................
Clapboard and lath cutting machinec............. E. Day............................
Clapboard and shingle sawing machine.......... J. Jaquith..................
Clapboard-gage............................... W. E B abcock...............
Clapboard-gage............................J. C. Biddlecom.............
Clapboard-gage........................... A. Carson....................
Clapboard-gage...............A. Deys.......................
Clapboard-gage...................... G. Hall.....................
Clapboard-gage................... E. Horton....................
Clapboard-gage..................... S Inman.....................
Clapboard-gage..............G. Smith.....................
Clapboard-gage.................................. H. Van Deusen...............
Clapboard-joint................................ W. Baker....................
Claptoard-machine......................... B. Corser....................
Clapboard-machine.....------------------------- C. S Davis...................
Clapboard-machine----------------.. --..... O.R. and L. C. Kendall........
Clapboard-machine....------------------------- D. Newton.................
Clapboard-machine...-------------------------..... A. A. Wilder.................
Clapboard or siding gage...--------..-------------J... W. Arnold..................
Clapboard sawing and planing machine.......... E. Parker....................
Clapboard-sawing machine..................... D. Bartholomew..............
Clapboaid-sawing machine.......................S. Goss...........
Clapboard-sawing machine..........A. A. Holmes'.................
Clapboard-sawing machine....................... D. F. Mellen..................
Clapboard-sawing machine.......... O. and D.Parker..............
Clapboard-sawing machine..................... C. Tyler...................
Clapboard-sawing machinery.................... E. Pray, E. Benjamin, and J.
S. Stone.
Clapboard, tipping, &c., Sawing........--.. -- E. Carleton and S. Whiting, jr.
Clapboards from round logs, Making........... H. Whittemore........
Clapboards, Gage for holding.................... W. H. Cummings and I. Babcock.
Clapboards, Machine for beveling the ends of...... S. W. Curtis.................
Clapboards, Machine for planing................. J. Atkins.........
Clapboards, Machine for sapping logs for.......... E. Webber.........................
Clapboarding............. F. Buscher...................F. Bslier...............
Clapboarding-clamp.............................. W. P. Wentworth.............
Clapboarding-gage.............................. H. D. Vandercook............
Clarifying and condensing the juice of fruit...... C. Cory.......................
Clarinet................ A. Fritsche..................A. Frishe..............
Clarinet......................................... J. Rebhun...................
See Bag-clasp.
Bank-bill clasp.
Bed-clothes clasp.
Cattle-leading clasp.
Corset-busk clasp.
Dress-looping clasp.
Elastic-tube clasp.
Harness-maker's clasp.
larness-tug clasp.
Hoop-skirt clasp.
Lamp-shade clasp.
Leather-strap clasp.
Lightning-rod clasp.
Mail-bag clasp.
Metallic clasp.
Necktie clasp.
Paint-brush clasp.
Pocket-book clasp.
Rope clasp.
Side-arm clasp.
Skirt-hoop clasp.
Stay-log clasp.
Stocking-supporter clasp.
Traveling-bag clasp.
Wearing-apparel clasp.
WIhip-socket clasp.
Stonington, Conn.........
Fredonia, N. Y.............
South Providence, R. I...
Waverly Heights, Pa....
East Saginaw, Mich......
Marlborough, Mass.......
Beloit, Wis.-.............
Lancaster, N. Y...........
Hartland, Me.............
Detroit, Mich............
Grand Detour, Ill........
Sherburn, Mass...........
East Pembroke, N. Y......
Macedon, N. Y........
Memphis, Tenn........
Rockford, Ill..........
Middletown, Ohio........
Dundee, N...Y..........
Rockford, Ill.............
Omaha, Nebr...............
Phelps, N. Y..............
Utica, N. Y...-..----...
Mount Morris, N. Y.....
Orono, Me...............
Groton, N. H.............
Dalton, N. H.............
Detroit, Mich.............
Fairport, N. Y.........
Rock Island, Ill.......
Wolcott, Vt...............
Milford, N. H.............
Epsom, N. H..............
Wentworth, N. H.........
Hubbardstown, Mass.....
Milford. N. H.............
Apr. 5, 1864
Sept. 17, 1867
Sept. 26, 1865
June 17,1873
June 14, 1870
Jan. 27, 1857
Jan. 22,1861
Nov. 21, 1865
Nov. 7, 1865
Jan. 10, 1860
June 18, 1842
June 26, 1817
June 27, 1871
May 3, 1870
July 2, 1867
Oct. 4, 1870
June 4, 1867
July 12, 1870
Sept. 3,1861
Nov. 30, 1869
Dec. 6, 1859
May 16, 1854
Jan. 16, 1849
Dec. 7, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Jan. 31, 1833
Oct. 30, 1855
July 9, 1872
Dec. 20, 1853
July 8, 1843
June 3,1837
Sept. 2, 1873
Aug. 22, 1854
Dec. 24, 1834
Aug. 30, 1838
Dec. 28, 1824
42, 201
68, 886
50, 175
139, 931
104, 315
16, 506
51, 058
50, 8~9
26, 803
2, 674.....
116, 256
102, 649
66, 216
108, 010
65, 378
105, 210
33, 199
97, 452
26, 386
10, 903
6, 033
97, 484
88, 306.....
13, 734
128, 696
10, 341
3, 165
142, 339
11, 568
136, 201
116, 377
122, 562
62, 792
29, 2 t6
42, 841
110, 845
93, 005
Bath, N. H...............Mar. 25, 1830
Worcester, Mass.......... Aug. 26, 1831
Boonsborough, Iowa...... May 28,1867
Stoughton, Mass..........
Augusta, Mc............
Gardiner, Me.............
Dunkirk, N. Y............--
Detroit, Mich.............
Marshall, Mich.........
Lima, Ind.................
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
May 26, 1843
Feb. 25, 1873
June 27, 1871
Jan. 9, 1872
Mar. 12, 1867
July 17, 1860
May 24, 1864
Jan. 10, 1871
July 27, 1869
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Clasp-ring - - - - - - - - - --..........
Clasps, Machine for making.................
Claw -bar - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Claw-bar ------------------------------
Claw bar..........................................
Clay and cement pipe mold...............
Clay and cement pipe mold.....................
Clay and peat press.........................
Clay, Apparatus for treating----------------.....................
Clay ai ticles, Mold for forming...................
Clay-cleaning apparatus....-------------------
Clay-crusher.. ----------------------------
Clay for potters' use, Machine for condensing pap
or slops of. -
Clay for potters' use, Process of preparing........
Clay grinding and separating mill, Combined.....
Clay, &c., grinding machine...............
Clay-grinding machine........................
Clay-grinding machine --------------------
Clay-heating apparatus-__.-.......--..--..
Clay-kneading machine...................
Clay, Machine for breaking...............
Clay, Machine for pulverizing................
Clay, Machine for tempering and preparing.......
Clay, Machine for working..................
Clay-machinery................. --.
Clay-mill......-------------------------------...................................Clay-m ill...............-........................
Clay-mixer... ------------------------------
Clay-mixing machine...........................
Clay, Mode of dressing damp......................
Clay mold for casting metal....................
Clay-molding machine..............--..
Clay-molding machine............................
Clay-molding machine.........................
Clay pipe....-------------------------------
Clay-pipe die....................................
Clay pipe for conduits..........................----------------------.
Clay-pipe machine........................
C ay-pipe machine................................
Clay-pipe machine................................
Clay-pipe manufacture....................
Clay-pipe manufacture.....................
Clay-pipe manufacture.....................
Clay-pipe-pressing machine..................
Clay pipes, Appaiatus for turning heavy..........
Clay pipes, Machine for forming..................
Clay pipes, Machine for making.-...............
Clay pipes, Machine for making.................
Clay pipes, Machine for making..................
Clay pipes, Making...............................
Clay pipes, Manufacture of.......................
Clay pipes, Manufacture of.......................
Clay-pulverizer and stone-separator..............
Clay pulverizing and cleaning machine.........---------
Clay-pulverizing machine..................
Clay retorts, Decarbonizing.................
Clay, Tempering..........................
Clay, Tempering.........................
Clay-tempering apparatus -..........
Clay-tempering machine.........................
Clay-tempering machine.....................
Clay-tempering machine....................
Clay-tempering mill..............................
Clay-tempering wheel......................
Clay tubes, Machine for making...............
Clay -washing and stone-separating machine.......
Clay-working machine.....................
See Boiler-flue cleaner.
Boot and shoe cleaner.
Card-cylinder cleaner.
Cartridge-case cleaner.
Coffee and grain cleaner.
J. H. Eastman.................
C. T. P. Ware................
D. Hayes....................
L. A. Sanford...............
J. Cutler......................
A. M. Day..................
G. H. Beard.................
G. Brownell..................
D. Christie...................
M. Cornelius.................
M. Hennasy................
H. Jeffrey...............
I. Lamplugh...............
W. S. Terhune.........
C. Winter.....................
P. McIntyre.................
J. Sharpe.....................
B. Van Vrauken...........
I. Gregg......................
C. A. Fischer...............
L. P. Norton.................
A. Hall......................
J. Muir-...................
J. M uir......................
F. B. Norton and F. Hancock..
A. Alexander................
B. Porter....................
W. H. Thomas................
I. Gregg..................
H. H. Thayer...............
N. Boynton.................
J. O Neil.....................
N. Adams.....................
H. Leguay..................
G. D. Goodrich..........
L. Moore.....................
N. F. Potter.....................
J. A. Vaughn, R. B. Camp, H.
E. Merrill and C. J. Meirill.
C. Webster, W. Camp, and
S. L. Stall.
A. J. Knisely.................
A. Parkhurst...............
J. Steele.....................
J. J. C. Smith.................
S. Hamblton and G. P. Herthel, jr.
R. Hill..................
T. Hoadley....................
T. Wickersham.............
G. D. and H. A. Goodrich.....
S. Bartlett....................
G. D. Goodrich................- - -- -
C. Stotz and G. Smith.........
S. Ustick.....................
G. D. and H. A. Goodrich....
H. A. Goodrich..............
J. Putnam...................
T. Shaw.....................
W. Wassall..................
C. P. Wardwell.............
H. Augood and S. Ustick....
J. Jones......................
W. Linton....................
J. Bower.....................
G. D. Goodrich......-.........
H. A. Goodrich and J. Amos _..
F. H. Smith...................
G. F. Blake..................
G. C. Bovey..................
G. W. Edge.............
S. Miller and G. Roller.......
J. W. Ward..................
L. E. Ransom.................
S. Barnes.....................
J. D. Custer..................
G. E. Noyes..................
G. Carnell, S. Williams, and
W. Ellis.
F. L. Carnell.................
J. H. Rowell and H. Wise-...
E. Wilzinski....................
D. and G. Duchemin.........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Cambridge, Mass.........
Wolcott, Conn............
Chicopee, Mass............
Bennington, Vt...........
Cincinnati, Ohio...._.....
Mitchell, Ind..............
Chillicothe, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Cranford, N. J............
Vincennes, Ind...........
Peoria, Ill................
Ridgewood, N. J...........
ChillicotLe, Ohio..........
Hartford, Conn............
Paterson, N. J.............
Schenectady, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md............
Bennington, Vt...........
Perth Amboy, N: J........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Jackson, Mich..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Sandwich, Mass...........
Danville, Vt.............
Kingston, N. Y.........
Cornwall, N. Y...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Chicago, Ill...............
Baraboo, Wis...........
Providence, R. I-...........
Cuyahoga Falls and Akron,
Ohio, and Alton, Ill.
Akron, Ohio............
Chicago, Ill..............
Scriba, N. Y..............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Cleveland, Ohio.....
Newbury, Pa...........
Joliet, Ill...............
Hartford, Conn............
Joliet, Ill................
Perth Amboy, N. J........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Joliet, Ill.................
Joliet, Ill...............
Salem, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Wellsville, Ohio......_._.
Lake Village, N. H.....
Mansfield Township, N. J.,
and Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md...........
East Bethlehem, Pa.......
Joliet, Ill...............
Joliet, Ill................
Baltimore, Md...........
Medford, Mass...........
Chillicothe, Ohio........
Jersey City, N.J..........
Manchester Post-Office.Md
Cambridge, Mass......
Trenton, Mich.........
Rochester, Pa...........
Norristown, Pa...........
Washington, D. C.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa....... _.
Fredericktown, Pa........
Chicago, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Dec. 2, 1873
Jan. 17, 1854
June 30, 18-8
Sept. 29, 1868
Dec. 13, 1859
July 5, 1853
June 12, 1860
Nov. 14, 1865
July 18, 1871
Oct. 4, 1864
July 21, 1868
Oct. 10, 1865
Dec. 16, 1862
Apr. 1, 1873
Mar. 7, 1871
Oct. 15,1872
July 8,1873
June 19, 1866
July 9, 1867
July 15, 1873
Jan. 28, 1868
Jan. 11, 1870
Jan. 3,1865
Jan. 3,1865
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 2,1872
Apr. 10, 1866
July 9, 1867
July 9, 1867
June 5, 1855
Feb. 27, 1833
July 10, 1855
Dec. 16, 1833
Sept. 14, 1858
Jan. 26, 1869
Aug. 4, 1868
July 14, 1868
Dec. 9, 1873
Mar. 22,1864
Oct. 29, 1872
Apr. 11, 1831
May 9, 1865
Dec. 29, 1868
Feb. 16, 1869
Mar. 23, 1869
Sept. 7, 1858
May 13,1828
Oct. 16,1866
Oct. 1, 1805
Feb. 5, 1867
Dec. 29, 1868
Mar. 20, 1860
July 2, 1867
July 2,1867
Sept. 30, 1851
Dec. 28, 1869
Aug.31, 1869
Apr. 21, 1857
May 24, 1859
Jan. 25, 1859
Aug. 23, 1859
Dec. 1, 1826
Jan. 7, 1868
Feb. 4, 1868
Mar. 9, 1869
Nov. 5 6, 1861
May 20, 1873
Sept. 19,1865
July 31, 1846
June 6, 1848
May 4, 1869
June 25, 1872
June 7, 1859
Sept. 28, 1869
Oct. 27, 1868
May 16, 1871
May 10, 1827
Feb. 25, 1868
Dec. 2, 1851
145, 097
10, 436
79, 347
82, (i643
26, 419
9, 828
28, 645
50, 899
117, 046
44, 576
80, U72
50, 361
37, 172
137, 333
112, 401
132, 168
140, 734
55, 748
66, 488
140, 910
73, 921
98, 764
45, 736
45, 737
76, 505
53, 868
66, 536
66, 487
13, 017
21, 506
86, 148
80, 652
80, 008
145, 373
42, 055
132, 670
47, 684
85, 340
88, 166
21, 419.....
58, 851
85, 490
27, 602
66, 319
66, 320
8, 403
98, 430
94, 364
17, 125
24, 174
22, 730
25, 233
74, 078
87, 716
33, 810
139, 110
49, 989
4, 676
5, 615
89, 685
128, 278
24, 350
95, 374
83, 361
114, 919
74, 967
8, 565
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Cotton-cleaner.
Cotton-seed cleaner.
Flax and hemp cleaner.
Garden-walk cleaner.
Grain and malt cleaner.
Harvester-track cleaner
Hop-pole cleaner.
Knife and fork cleaner.
Lamp-chimney cleaner.
Railway-track cleaner.
Slate cleaner.
Steam-boiler-flue cleaner.
Steam-jet boiler-tube cleaner.
Stove-pipe cleaner.
Watch cleaner.
Cleaning and boring device......................
Cleaning and polishing attachment to sheet-metal
Cleat and capstan, Combined.....................
Cleat and chock, Iron.....................
Cleat chock...............................
Cleat for sail-boats, Automatic....................
Cleat or ring-bolt, Shifting........................
Clevis and plow-shares, Apparatus for rolling....
Clevis and stirrup bending machine..............
Clevis bar and hook.......................
Clevis-blank die.................................
Clevis-blanks, Apparatus for bending -........
Clevis-blank, Machine for rolling.................
Clevis, Clamp for making..........................
Clevis, Elastic link for...........................
Clevis-making machine.....................
Clevis, Substitute for......................
Clevis, Three-horse........................
Clevis, Three-horse-- -......-.-- -....
Clew-blocks to clews, Means of attaching.......
Climbing poles, Machine for......................
Clinc-uoonator ------------------------------
Clinch-ring die.......
Clinch-rings, Machine for making...............
Clinching and nipping tool..................
Clinching and nipping tool......................
Clinometer and level................
See Album-clip.
Carriage and saddle clip.
Carriage-saddle clip.
Carriage-spring clip.
Curtain-tassel clip.
J. B. Jordan................... Aurora, Wis..............
J. B. Hastings................. Ironton, Ohio.............
E. J. Balcear.................
D. Snedeker.................
F. B. Stevens and W. Brown..
A. Lake..................:...
L. Hill......................
J. E. Murray................
C. Hammond ---.... --..W. W. Atteberry........
D. M. Castle...............
E. Evans....................
1. Evans....................
G. W. Holton.................
E. R. Kagarice...............
E. A. Palmer.................
S. W. Pope....................
E. M. Potter................
J. H. Shaw...................
F. Sigrist---------------.....................Z. B. Sims..................
R. C. Whitehouse.............
F. Murray.............
W. C. Kaiser...............
R. Gibbs.....................
J. Kritch......................
T. Meikle....................
M. Loughran..................
V. M. Chafee.............
L. Fliedner................----
T. P. Warren..................
J. S. Hall...................
J. and W. D. Howell and J.
J. Fowler................
S. H. Frederick..............
E. A. Sawyer...............
T. Carroll...........
W. W. Wilcox...............
H. D. Chapman...............
W. Elmer---------------.....................
S. Vanstone................
J. A. Coleman................
E. Warren...................
D. A. Wilson..................
D. H. Williams.................
J. L. L. Knox.................
Martinez, Cal................
Lockport, N. Y--------............
Weehawken and Hoboken,
Smith's Landing, N. J.....
Alexandria, Va........
Provincetown, Mass......Philadelphia, Pa..........Chesterfield, Ill._.......
Constantine, Mich._.....
Montgome y, Ala...-...
Lebanon, Ohio.........
Berlin, Ky..............
New Enterprise, Pa.....
Clayville, N. Y.........
Louisville, Kv............
Kalamazoo, Mich-..........
Inlet, Ill.................
Napa County, Cal-.........
Bonbam, Tex.............
Booth Bay, Me..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Louisville, Ky...........
Spring Hill, Mo...........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Louisville, Ky.............
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Xenia, Ill................
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Norfolk, Va...............
Pittsburgh, Pa....
Clark County, Ohio.......
Allegan, Mich..........
Matteson, Mich..........
Portland, Me............
Middletown, Conn-........
Middletown, Conn........
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y.........
Providence, R. I..........
Providence, R. I...........
Marshall, Mich.......-...
Cambridge, Vt............
Antwerp, N. Y--.....--.
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
June 30,1868
July 6,1869
May 18, 1869
June 29, 1869
Apr. 27, 1869
Nov. 5, 1867
Dec. 3, 1867
June 8, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Dec. 20, 1870
June 1, 1869
May 16, 1848
Apr. 27, 1869
Nov. 5, 1872
Sept. 16, 1856
Aug. 15, 1871
Jan. 7, 1868
May 23, 1871
Nov. 27, 1860
Aug. 31, 1869
Apr. 28, 1868
Apr. 23,1867
Aug. 9, 1870
May 27, 1873
Aug. 25, 1868
July 27,1869
Dec. 24, 1867
Jan. 31, 1860
Apr. 6, 1869
June 9, 1868
Oct. 4, 1870
Jan. 15, 1850
June 30, 1868
July 27,1869
Jan. 5, 1864
May 17, 1864
Apr. 14, 1863
Mar. 11.1851
Feb. 23, 1869
Mar. 15, 1870
June 13,1865
Nov. 3,1863
Oct. 17,1865
May 29,1866
Dec. 31, 1867
79, 356
92, 309
90, 064
92, 116
89, 514
70, 580
90, 952
93, 614
93, 396
110, 200
90, 736
5, 581.
89, 407
132, 724
15, 743
118, 050
73, 197
115, 113
30, 766
94, 348
77, 426
64, 131
106. 172
139, 381
81, 380
93, 106
72, 512
26, 968
88, 619
78, 775
107, 901
7, 021
79, 463
92, 953
41, 096
42, 817
38, 192
7, 966
87, 155
100, 823
40, 522
50, 539
72, 740
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Paper-clip.
Ribbon-roll clip.
Wagon-axle-skein clip.
Whiffletree clip.
Clipping apparatus, Animal.................
Clipping machine, Horse.........................
Clipping shears, Horse...........................
Cloak and coat suspender.........................
Cloak and tent, Convertible.....................
Cloak, bed, tent, &c., Combined..................
Cloak, Military..................................
Cloak stand, Lady's........................
Cloaks, Cutting...........................
Clock, &c.......................................
Clock, Alarm.....................................
Clock, Alarm.....................................
Clock, Alarm.......-............................
Clock, Alarm.....................................
Clock, Alarm.....................................
Clock-alarm attachment...........................
Clock-alarm, Self-acting..........................
Clock and advertiser combined...................
Clock and burgular alarm, Combined.............
Clock and fly-trap, Combined.....................
Clock and watch escapement.....................
Clock and watch key.............................
Clock and watch movement......................
Clock, Astronomical..............................
Clock, Burglar-alarm.............................
Clock, Burglar-alarm.............................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar..........................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock. Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
I. N. Topliff................
A. D. Kenshaw..............
J. W. Moyer.................
P. Adie.......................
G. F. Evans..............
C. F. Harlow...............
G. H. Pratt.................
J. K. Priest and R. T. Smith...
R. T: Smith and J. K. Priest...
J. C.Wilson, A.Walker, and J.
J. C.Wilson, A.Walker, and J.
R. Wyatt.....................
S. H. Folsom...............
J. D. Leach and E. S. Wardwell
W. B. Johns.. - -............T. C. Brecht and S. B. Sigismond.
F. W. Weiss................
J. R. Palmenberg.............
A. S. Thompson..............
R. T. Andrews................
W. B. Barnes..........--....
S. Blydenburgh and W. Beebe.
C. Boardman and J. A. Wells -..
J. Bogardus...................
L. F. and W. W. Carter......
A. D. Crane................
A. D. Crane...................
R. P. Cunningham............
J. D. Custer..................
T. A. Davies................
T. A. Davies..................
H. G. Dyar..................
A. Gould.....................
J. Henry.....................
J. Ives.---.................
C. Kirk --.................
C. Kirk --....-.............
W. Lindon..................
J. B. Mayer.................
J. M. Schrock and J. G. Fisher.
C. Schwippl..................
J. S. Seger -----...............
C. and M. Stevens.....
E. Terry...................
S. B. Terry...................
S. B. Terry...................
T. Thompson..................
H. Twiss.....................
S. Willard...............
R. Woolworth.............
J. E. Buerk...................
D. M. Charters...........
J. Decker.................
J. F. Mascher.................
W. A. Terry................
J. S. Turner..............
C. H. Warner...............
J. H. Davis..............
U. N. Angell.............
G. M. Levette...............
G. K. Proctor............
C. Kallmann..................
D. J. Mozart, L. Beach, and
L. Hubbell.
P. J. Hoffliger..............
D. J. Mozart.................
H. Miller....................
L. C. Butch.................
J. Mathewmau............
G. D. Sargent...............
W. A. Atkins and J. C. Burritt
W. H. Akins and J. C. Burritt.
E. Allen.....................
E. Allen.....................
A. Boardman.................
W. W. Carter...........
W. K. Chase............
C. M. Clinton and L. Mood....
C M. Clinton and L. Mood....
C. M. Clinton and L. Mood....
Adrian, Mich............
London, England..........
Cooperstown, N. Y.....
Strand, England........
Norway, Me.............
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass............
Nashua, N. H...........
Nashua, N. H............
New York, N. Y.........
Oct. 15,1867
Apr. 21,1868
Apr. 2, 1872
June 30, 1868
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 8, 1871
June 20, 1871
Jan. 16, 1872
Apr. 23,-1872
Dec. 15, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 14,1869
New York, N. Y.......
East Cambridge, Mass....
Penobscot and Bucksport,
Georgetown, D. C.......
United States Navy and
Washington, D. C.
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
Albion, Pa................
Plymouth Hollow, Conn.-..
Forestville, Conn........
New York, N. Y.......
Hartford, Conn...... - -...
New York, N. Y.......
Bristol, Conn...........
Caldwell, N. J.........
Newark, N. J.........
Eastford, Conn...........
Norristown, Pa....._...
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
Henrietta, N. Y..Maysville, Ky..........
Bristol, Conn.............
Bristol, Conn...........
Bristol, Conn...........
New Haven, Conn.....
Niagara Falls, N. Y.....
Millersburgh, Ohio, and
Quincy, Ill.
New York, N. Y..........
Now York, N. Y......
Boston, Mass -............
Plymouth, Conn.........
Waterbury, Conn.......
Waterbury, Conn..-...
Washington, D.C.......
Meriden, Conn...........
Boston, Mass.........
New Haven, Conn......
Boston, Mass...........
Xenia, Ohio.............
Sparta, N. J.............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Bristol, Conn.--.......
New Haven, Con.....
New Haven, Conn.......
Chillicothe, Mo.......
Johnston, R. I.--.......
Indianapolis, Ind.......
Beverly, Mass..........
Newbury, N. Y.......
NowYork,N.Y., and Farmington and Bristol, Conn.
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.---...
East Hanover, Pa........
Lancaster, Ohio........
New Haven, Conn......
Boston, Mass..........
Ithaca, N. Y.......
Berkshire and Ithaca, N. Y
Glastenbury, Conn......
Glastenbury, Conn.......
Forestville, Conn.......
Bristol, Conn.. --........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Ithaca, N. Y...........
Ithaca, N. Y.............
Ithaca, N. Y.............
Aug. 22, 1871
May 19, 1863
July 7, 1868
Oct. 22, 1861
Oct. 14, 1862
Dec. 10, 1861
July 25, 1865
Dec. 11, 1855
May 19, 1863
Nov. 6, 1860
Apr. 26, 1833
Jan. 1,1847
Mar. 2,1830
Feb. 19, 1867
Mar. 18, 1829
Feb. 10, 1841
Dec. 22, 1857
Nov. 24, 1830
Jan. 15, 1846
Aug. 12, 1846
Nov. 6, 18:27
Oct. 1, 1830
Sept. 13, 1820
July 1, 1836
Aug. 26, 1843
Apr. 3,1847
Nov. 26, 1867
Sept. 15, 1868
Oct. 3, 1846
June 21, 1864
May 22, 1833
Mar. 4, 1862
Mar. 4, 1826
Mar. 31, 1868
Dec. 1, 1868
Jan. 25, 1870
May 13, 1834
Dec. 8, 1819
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 18, 1866
Oct. 21,1873
Mar. 5, 1867
Feb. 8, 1859
Oct. 29, 1867
July 13, 1852
Apr. 7, 1868
Dec. 13, 1870
June 20, 1834
Feb. 18, 1868
Aug. 7, 1860
Apr. 6, 1869
Dec. 8, 1863
Sept. 30, 1873
Aug. 5,186-2
May 5, 1825
May 31, 1870
July 6,1858
July 6, 1858
Sept. 19, 1854
No,. 17,1857
Apr. 15, 1856
Sept. 2, 1865
July 2,1867
Sept. 15, 1863
Oct. 19, 1865
June 25, 1867
July 30, 1867
July 9, 1872
69, 866
77, 093
125, 209
79, 293
119, 019
117, 774
116, 216
122, 852
125, 911
84, 926
94, 803
118, 417
38, 576
79, 580
33, 528
36, 685
33, 910
48, 989
13, 926
38, 543
30, 558
62, 112
1, 973
18, 890.....
4, 334
- 4, 687..........
3, 233
5, 045
71, 519
82, 266
4, 791
43, 230.....
34, 599
84, 517
99, 261.....
76, 370
58, 058
143, 881
62, 531
22, 883
70, 376
9, 123
76, 567
110, 016
74, 704
29, 520
88, 718
40, 851
143, 285
36, 103.....
103, 559
20, 810
20, 852
11, 711
18, 665
14, 645
15, 637
66, 289
39, 883
51, 556
66, 003
128, 854
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclnsive-Continued.
i i,
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock Calendar....._.....................
Clock, Calendar................................
Clock, Calendar. ".
Clock, Calendar............................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar.....-.........................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calander.................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar...................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
Clock, Calendar..................................
C lock, Calendar..................................
Clock-calendar movement...................
Clock.case, Composition......................
Clock.case, Glass.................................
Clock case making................................
Clock cases, Adjustable foot for..................
Clock collet die...................................
Clock-, Cuckoo...................................
Clock-dial, Composition....................
Clock-dial sash...................................
Clock-dials, Enamel for...........................
Clock-dials, Setting........................
Clock, Electric...........................
Clock, Electric...........................
Clock, Electric....................................
Clock, Electric....................................
Clock, Electric....................................
Clock, Electric...................................
Clock, Electric....................................
Clock, Electric...........................
Clock, Electric...........................
Clock, Electric...........................
Clock, Electric.............................
Clock, Electric...........................
Clock, Electric-circuit-breaking..................
Clock, Electro-magnetic watch....................
Clock- escapement................................
Clock for steam-boilers, Detective................
Clock-fronts, Hinging............................
Clock, Galvanic................................
Clock, Globe.....................................
Clock, Globe...................................
Clock, Hydraulic.........................
Ciock, Illuminated...............................
Clock, Illuminated................................
Clock-key, Safety........
Clock, Machine........
Clock, Marine...........................
Clock, Marine.....................................
Clock-movements, Equalizing spring for..........
Clock-movements, Machine for turning pillars for.
C. M. Clinton and L. Mood... -
A. Frankfeid.................
D. J. Gale...................
J. H. H. Hawes............H. B. Horton.................
H. B. Horton............
H. B. Horton and M. L. Wood.
S. P. La Due.._.............
B. B. Lewis..................
B. B. Lewis...................
B. B. Lewis.._...............
G. Maranvide...............
E. M. and J. E. Mix.....
E. M. and J. E. Mix......
E. P. Monroe................
D. J. Mozart...............
D. J. Mozart, L. Beach, and L.
G. B. Owen..................
E. Priehard...................
J. K. Seem...................
J. K. Seem...................
H. Skinner...................
T. T. Strode..................
T. T. Strode...............
W. A. Terry................
W. A. Terry................
M. J. Whitmore.............
J. Williams..................
J. Williams...................
N. T. Worthley..............
G. R. Williams...............
H. B. Horton................
D. Monnin...................
G. B. Owen.................
C. W. Roberts...............
S. B. H. Vance and E. M. Smith
C. A. Moore...............
J. Ives.........................
O. R. Luther..................
H. C. Thompson..............
C. K. Giles...............
S. E. Root...................
S. Barnes..................
G. Hills.......................
T.G.Leibnaw and A. G. Heaney
G. H il.s......................
G. 11adey-----------------
L. Bradley...............
W. M. Davis............._
A. Hall.................
V. Himmer..................
V. Himmer..................
V. Himmer...................
M. Hipp...................
S. A. Kennedy................
S. A. Kennedly, S. W. Holt,
and J. Gerlach.
F. J. Ritchie................
E. W ilson....................
E. Wilson..................
E. Holmes....................
J. M. Batchelder..........
C. J. Addy.................
B. Bacon................
C. Fasoldt..................
E Groux....................
W. Hart----------------.....................W. Hart................
H. T. Hewitt.................
W. C. Kellum.................
W. C. Kellum.................
B. B. Lewis...".......
J. C. Pitel....................
C. Reinhart...........
E. K. Reynolds..........
M. Tromly...................
W. J. Weaver and J. M. Sandifer.
H. Pieper............
A. Allen................
M. G. Farmer...............
S. E. G. Rawson.............
T. R. Timby................
O. Abbruzzo..................
J. Glenn...................
E. Wade................
P. Laflin................
G. Richardson............
W. Dean................
V. Giroud...............
L. Hubbell..............
B. B. Lewis...................
M. Tromly...................
H. Smith......................
W. H. Nottleton, C. Raymond,
and A. Hatch.
Ithaca, N. Y........
New York, N. Y......
Sheboygan Falls, Wis.....
Ithaca, N. Y.............
Ithaca, N. Y............
Ithaca, N. Y..........
Ithacn, N. Y.............
Rockford, Iowa......
Bristol, Conn..........
Hartford, Conn--..--.
Bristol, Conn..---..
Hampton Corners, N. Y...
Ithaca, N. Y.......
Ithaca, N. Y...........
Albany, N. Y.. ---...
Now York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y., and
Farmington and Bristol,
New York, N. Y........
Waterbury, Conn......
Canton, Pa...............
Macomb, Ill..............
Huron, Ohio......
Mortonville, Pa........
Mortonville, Pa...........
Bristol, Conn.............
Bristol, Conn..........
Potsdam, N. Y..........
Hartford, Conn.......
Hartford, Conn......
Brunswick, Me.........
-Ithaca, N. Y..............
Ithaca, N. Y...........
Paris, France..........
New York, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill....
i New York, N. Y.........
Westbrook, Conn.......
Bristol, Vt........
Waterbury, Conn........
Bristol, Conn-.........
Chicago, Ill................
Bl istol, Conn..............
New Haven, Conn........
Plainville, Conn.......
Plainville, Conn..........
Plainville, Conn-- -
Jersey City, N. J.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Loydsville, Ohio.._....
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.....
Neoufchatel, Switzerland -..
Attleborough, Pa.........
Attleborough and Phila-.
delphia, Pa.
Edinburgh, Scotland......
New York, N. Y..........
Elizabeth, N. J............
New York, N. Y........
Cambridge, Mass..........
Roxbmury, Mass............
Morrison, Ill.........
Albany, N. Y............
Rome, N. Y- --._......
Mayville, Wis............
Mayville, Wis........
Scotch Plains, N. J.......
San Francisco, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal........
Bristol, Conn..........
West Meriden, Conn......
New York, N. Y.......
New Haven, Conn........
Now York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Somerset, Ky........
Now York, N. Y..........
Now Haven, COLu....
Salem, Mass...........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
St. Margherita, Italy......
New York, N. Y..........
Elizabeth, N. J...........
Warren, Mass............
Lowell. Mass.............
Pleasant Valley, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
Bristol, Conn............
Bristol, Coun............
Montt Vernon, Ill........
Boston, Mass...........
Bristol, Coun.............
Nov. 11, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
Nov. 16, 1869
May 17, 1853
Apr. 18, 1865
Aug. 28, 1866
June 11, 1867
Sept. 13, 1859
Feb. 4, 1862
June 21, 1864
Dec. 29,1868
Mar. 5,1861
Jan. 31, 1860
Mar. 4, 1862
Feb. 10, 1857
Feb. 28, 1865
Jan. 5, 1864
Apr. 24, 1866
June 5, 1860
Jan. 7, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
Mar. 2,1858
Sept. 25, 1860
Aug. 1, 1865
June 16, 1868
Jan. 25, 1870
Jan. 13, 1857
Sept. 19, 1854
July 24, 1855
Sept. 16, 1873
Sept. 16, 1873
Aug. 28, 1866
Dec. 3, 1867
Aug. 5, 1862
Dec. 24, 1872
June 30, 1868
Oct. 17, 1871
Mar. 21, 1822
Apr. 26, 1870
Apr. 21, 1868
Oct. 8, 1867
May 10, 1859
Oct. 6, 1868
Dec. 20, 1864
Apr. 12, 1870
July 5,1870
Sept. 28, 1869
Oct. 24, 1871
Sept. 26, 1854
Jan. 4, 1870
Jan. 4, 1870
June 4, 1872
June 1, 1869
Feb. 1, 1870
Dec. 3, 1867
Oct. 21, 1873
Feb. 1, 1870
Feb. 27, 1872
Mar. 26, 1867
Sept. 3,1872
Nov. 22, 1859
May 1,1866
Apr. 8, 1873
Aug. 21, 1866
Dee. 24, 1861
Anug. 4, 1863
Nov. 21, 1865
Nov. 3,1868
Nov. 3, 1868
Aug. 30, 1870
Apr. 23, 1861
Nov. 4, 1873
June 16, 1868
Oct. 2,1855
Aug. 24,1869
Aug. 8, 1865
June 4, 1872
Nov. 26, 1867
Sept. 21, 1852
Jan. 22, 1867
May 2, 1865
Nov. 26, 1867
Dcc. 6, 1853
June 10, 1873
Feb. 9, 1869
Mar. 3,1868
Dec. 31, 1821
Nov. 3, 1863
Nov. 28, 1865
Apr. 18, 1871
Nov. 3, 1868
Nov. 13, 1866
Nov. 17, 1857
14, 384
143, 618
96,- 92
9, 727
47, 306
57, 510
65, 748
25, 468
34, 341
41, 214
85, 456
31, 612
27, 023
34, 613
16, 628
46, 577
41, 122
54, 198
28, 603
73, 127
134, 319
19, 519
30, 166
49, 169
79, 026
99, 258
16, 418
13, 341
142, 975
142, 829
57, 511
71, 631
36, 105
134, 168
79, 521
119, 990.....
1602, 413
76, 958
69, 561
23, 950
82, 788
45, 497
101, 891
105, 077
95, 316
120, 185
11, 723
98, 593
98, 594
127, 483
90, 841
99, 321
71, 624
143, 847
99, 386
124, 104
63, 158
130, 971
26, 150
54, 277
137, 603
57, 315
33, 990
39, 395
51, 044
83, 775
83, 776
106, 843
144, 287
79, 003
13, 623
94, 148
49, 323
127, 641
71, 438
9, 279
61, 459
47, 585
71, 437
10, 302
139, 839
40, 474
51, 184
113, 781
83, 802
59, 668
18, 661
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Clock, Musical....................................-------------------------------
Clock cr time-piece...----------------------------
Clock, Pendulum..................................
Clock-pendulum rod...........................
Clock-pillar.. - -- - - - - -- -....
Clock-plates, Mode of boring...............
Clock, Programme...............................
Clock, Programme...............................
Clock, Programnime...---------------------------
Clock, Public......................................
Clock-registering attachment---...------.----------
Clock regulator, Marine........................
Clock, ieni.........ea..ing...................
Clock, Self winding............................
Chck, S11 winding...........................
Clck-springs by currents of air, Means of winding
Clck-springs, Method of tempering.............
Clock-springs, Mode of applying.................
Clock, btiking....................................
Clock-striking attachmient......................
Clock-striking mechanism........................
Clock striking mechanism........................
Clock-striking mechanism..............................
Clock-striking movement----------------------.........................
Clock, Swinging...................................
ClockTewmging -------------------------------
Clock Telegraph.............................
Clock Thirty-hour brass and wooden.............
Clock Thirty-hour wooden.....................
Clock, Thirty-hour wooden-wheeled...............
Clock, Thirty-hour wooden-wheeled.............
Clock, Thirty-hour wooden-wheeled..--.-....
Clock Time and striking parts of a.............
Clock, time-keeper, and watch.............
Clock Tower..................
Clock Turret...........--------.
Clock W atch...................
Clock Watchman's..........................
Clock Watchman's time-checking...............
Clock-weights, Construction of-...-............
Clock-wheels, Casting............................
Clock, W inding...........................
Clock, Wooden-wheeled............................
Cock-work-turning gage.......................
Clocks and dial-indicators, Escapement for electrical.
Clocks and other time-pieces, Manner of applying
alarms to.
Clocks, Attachment for alarm...................
Clocks, Attachment for pendulum...............
Clocks, balance-pendulum for....................
Clocks by currents of air, Winding.........
Clocks, Compensating-pendulum for...............
Clocks, Dead-beat verge for....................
Clocks, Engine for cutting and pointing the teeth
of wheels and pinions for.
Clocks Escapement of.........................
Clocks Glass wheel for..........................
Clcks Illuminating public......._................
Clocks, Lighting-attachment for alarm..........
Clocks &c., Machine for cutting wheels for wooden
Clocks &c., Machine for pointing wire for.........
Clocks, &c., Machine for winding up..............
Clocks, Manufacturing wooden............
Clocks, Mode of applying the vibratory springs of
Clocks, Multiple time-dial for.................
Clocks or time-pieces by atmospheric condensed
air, Machine fo r propelling.
Clocks or time-pieces, Escapement of.............
Clocks or watches, Alarm-bell to be fixed to......
Clocks, Pinion of.................................
Clocks, Pinion-rolling and pinion-wheel for._......
Clocks Propelling-power for.............
Clocks, Spring, coin bined spiral, applied to._......
Clocks, Striking-attachment to..-----------------.
Clocks, Striking-movement of.....................
Clocks, Striking-part of...........................
Clocks, Striking-part of...........................
Clocks Striking-part of...............
Clocks Striking-part of...
Clocks Striking-par of......
Clocks, Strikin- tart of.
Clocks Striking-part of stel...................
C ocks, hSkinglert of steeple.
Cccks S rikin -works for.....
Clcks Striking-works of........
C -cks So peni ' 1endulumn of..................
C ucks Sus ening the balnce-wiieei of.........
C thes-pan....____........_....._...........T. L. Goble................... Or-ingeN.Y.............. Dec. 18,1866 60, 627
Clothes-pin...................................... K. H. Goss..._.............Cedar Springs, Mich. Apr. 4, 1871 113, 289
Clothes-pin...................................--- J. Greenwood -----------------IFitchhurgli Mass.----Nov. 15,1864 45, 119
Clothe-psn pan................................... - -. - - J..ilaigneyJ. H andey F.dM.. Hedmann.Fist BBoston assMass - Sept- - 15,ep 1868,18 82,2,114
Clothes-p n.....................................--H. D. Ilaraden---------------- Hartford, Vt-------------- Apr. 21,1868 77, 037
Clo lies-pin..............---....................- 1). C. Hai-low------------------ Hannihal, Mo------------- July 30, 1872 129, 950
Clotues-pin.....................................-- G. A. Harrils------------------ Buchanan, Mich.-_--Jan. 3, 1871 110, 649
Clothes-pi'......................__........- D. K. ilickok ----------------- Morrisville, Vt------------ Mar. 10, 1868 75,4-2-2
Clothes-pin......................................1W. Hustoii...............Wasington, D. C -..._Mar. 26, 1872 124, 955
Clothes-pinii...................................--J. P. Ri. James................--Read's Landing, Min ---_ Sept. 3,1867 68, 51t)
Clothle', piii...................................--- C C. Johiisoii----------------- Springfield, Vt------------ Apr. 2!,1867 63, 393
Clothes-piii..................................... P. Johnson._-_............Wauconda. Ill------------Mar. 30, 1869 88, 390
Clothes-pin..................D..Joe------------------------------.D oe _._.._-_-Scranton, Pa-------------- Jan. 2)1, 1868 73, 609
Clothes-pin - -........--------------- J. E,.Lines ------------------ Bryan, Ohio--------------- Aug. 10, 1869 93, 456
Clothes-pin..------------------..--..-.---------- A. B1. Lipsey---------------West Hohoken, N.J-_Apr. 4,1871 113, 313
Clothes-pan------------------------------------- A. B. Lipsey------------------ West Hohoken, N. J- Feh. 27,1872 124, 071
Clothes-pin--------------------------------------- SB. Lucas------------------ Binsdale, N.Y------------ Apr. 2,187-2 125, 311
Clothes-pin........... _........ L. Matthews----------------- __ _. _Aiitriin, Ohio-------------...Sept. 29, 1868 8:2, 624
Clothes-pinl...................................... H. Mellishi... _..............Walpole, N. H........... Oct. 17, 1871 119, 938
Clothes-pin...................................... H. Mellishli...................Walpole, N. H...........Sept. 23,1873 143, 024
Clothes-pin...................................... W. Miller-------------------- Boston, Mass------------- Dec. 20,1870 110, 263
Clothes-pin._............................__. V. Patterson.................-Lowell, Mass_...........May 14, 1867 64, 698
Clothes-pin..............................---........ Pierce.................Suiiapee, N. H ------------May 2,1858 20, 364
Clothes-pin.........----------------S. Pilo r- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --Saleni, N. J...............-Mar. 22, 1832-2.--
C lo th e s p i n............................._......J. A.Rand-.-................. Morrisville, Vt -----------Sent. 8;,1618 81,9-45
Clothies-pin...................................J. G. R-othli--------------------New York, N.Y ---------June 30,1868 79, 562
Clothes-pin..................................... R. S. Saiiborn._.-----------iipon, Wis.-----------Sept. 11, 1S66 57, 977
Clothes-pan.....................................--H. W. Saigeant, jr----------- Boston, Mass.............I- ec. 13,1864 4-, 458
Clothes-pin-.............-._-...................-- H. V. Sargeant, jr------------ Boston, Mass.-------------Apr. 11, 1865 47, 22:1
Clothes-pin...................................... I. W. Seailes------------------ Tfin, Ohio --------------- June 21, 1820 104, 654
Clothes-pin............. _.._......................E. Seaver.................. Bostoii, Mass. _...........July 9, 181)7 66, 523
Clothes-pin. _. _....................... __... _......Seaver _........... _.........Boston. Mass --..__._..__.May 5, 1868 77, 540
Clothes-pin.....................................- L. T. Simon................. New Yoi-k,N.YV----------.Tune 1, 1869 9tt, 881
Clothes-pin..................................-.-D. M. Soitli ------------------Springfield, Vt----------- Api-. 9, 1S67 63, 759
Clothes-inn--------------------------------------- L. and C. HI Sprague ---------- Henderson, IN.Y---------- Dec. 26, 1871 122, 109
Clothes-pin-------------------------------------- D. Ml. Stiaiii,je'---------------IDes Moines, Iowa---_July 13, 18,69 912, 48
Clothe,-pan------------------ ------ --------- A. L. Taylor ------------------ Sprininhd, Vt............Apr. 7, 1868 746.547
Clothes-pan------------------------------------- W. H. Towers -----------------MNev SoakN.Y---------- June 21, 1859 24, 503
C lot lies-piia......................................C. N e---- - - -- -----New XYoit, N.Y---------- Mar. 23, 1869 88, 097
Clothes- pin------------------------------------- V. 1). Ilrso and B. Charles -- Evansville, Ind........... Aug. 12,187:1 141, 740
Clothes-pin......................................F. XWalkea-..........New Orleans, La..----- Fob. 9,169 88, 888
Clot hes-pun.--......................__........... G. Ward.................--iSvona, N.............-Sept. 11, 1866 58,0017
Clothes-in -i.....................................X. G. Ward-d............._Savon-i N.Y.............leh. 19, 1667 62, 240
Clothein...................................... H. J. Wattles................-IRockford, Ill.............-Felt. 28, 1871 112,2303
Cli Iles-pin......................................HI. J. Wattles------._--------Rockfoid, Ill. -...... Nov. 28, 1071 121, 303
Clotlies pii--------------------H Vells----------------amr'd Mass - July 9,1872012811:14~i
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Clothes-pins, Machine for making...... B. B. and A. J. Ockington....
Clothes-pins, Machine for making-....... E. Parker................._..
Clothes-pins, Machine for making...... G. W. Parker........ _ _....
Clothes-pins, Machine for making....... J. B. Smith...................
Clothes-pins, Machine for slitting................ J. B. Smith.................
Clothes pins, Machinery for m;king...t.. Emerson................
Clothes-pins, Machinery for making._.. J. B. Smith......_....... _ _
Clothes-pins, Machinery for turning.... A. Greenwood..............
Clothes-pins, Tool for slotting-__. J. Humphrey...............
Clothes-pinchers.... H. Kewley................_
Clothes-pole---. W. W. Armington............
Clothes pole...................................F. W. Tilton................
Clothes pol, Extension........................J. and XV. Denton...........
Clothes post............................ C. P. Jadwin...............
Clothes post, Extension..........................G. Dittenhaver.............
Clothcs po.nder...............................A. W. Bunnell.............. _
Clothes pounder...............................A. W. Ball..............
Clotlhes pounder................................S. F. Hawley..............
Clothes pounder..........._............_.S. Hinkel..................
Clothes-pounder...........S. T. McDougal.............
Clothes pounder................................... B. S. Morgan...............
Clothes pounder................................M. K. Morris...............
Clothes pounder............................... J. W. Norton................
Clothes pounder................................D. W. Rawson...............
Clothes-pounder........... E. S. Saxton.................
Clothes-pounderi................................o. J. Stickles............._
Clothes-pounder.................................. S. Thomson...................
Clothes-press.................................J. S. Nicholson....._.......
Clothes-presser and water-expeller.............T. Fowler..................
Clothes-pressing machineJ..... J.Sage..___-..___...
Clothes-pressing machine....................._.. H. E. Smith..........
Clothes, Pressing water from..................C. Angerine................
Clothes-rack................... J. Alcorn.._...............
Clothes-rack..........................._........H. M. Andrews and J. H.
Clothes-rack....................................H. Bauman and U. Mueller....
Clothes-rack..................................T. D. Berry...................
Clothes-rack..................................... C. K. Breneman........
Clothes-rack..................................... C. B. Crosby...............
Clothes-rack...................................W. S. Foster...............
Clothes-rack.................................- G. AT. and E. J. Godfrey...
Clothes-rack................................. 0. (1. Green.................
Clothes-rack................................... A. A. Harris..................
Clothes-rack..................................... J. Hattield.................
Clothes-rack...................................V. M. Heath..................
Clothes-rack.................................... -. I. Hogela d...................
Clothes-rack..................................... J. Johnson....................
Clothes sack.................................._ E. F. Lyman.................
Clothes-rack................................. D. Miller...................
Clothes-rack................................... J. 0. Montignani............
Clothes-rack...................................J. 0. Montignani...........
Clothes-rack....................................H.. I Ross-_....
Clothes-rack.................................... S.I nee11.........._........
Clothes-rack.................................... J. ninG. W. Schaefer._..
Clothes-rack................................... C. Stone..................
Clothes-rack.................................... H. Thomas and It. Wallace....
Clothes-rack...................................E Wereen.............
Clothes-rack.................................... C. H.Wolcott..............
Clothes-rack._..._................................ C. H. Wolcott.................
Clothes-rack................................... G. Young,jr...............
Clothes ract, Adjustable....................... J. Brainerd and W. H. Burridgo.
Clothes rack and drier.........................A. Hornor....................
Clothes rack and stard........... W.B.Kinaalt................
Clothes-i eceptacle, ironing-board, and drier, Con- S. T. McDougall...............
Stratford Hollow, N. H.
Burlington, Iowa.. -.
Fitzwilliam, N. H.....
Sunapee, N. H......_....
Sunapee, N. H........... -
Rockford, Ill............
Sunapee, N. H..........
Marlborough, N. H
Keene, N. H...........
Port Hudson, Mich.......
New Haven County, Conn.
New Bedford, Mass......
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Carbondale, Pa...........
Napoleon, Ohio..........
Linesville Station, Pa..:..
New York, N. Y..........
Sandy Hill, N. Y..........
Goodville, Pa............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Delhi, Iowa.............
Louisville, Ky..........
Pioneer, Pa.............
Croydon, N. H..........
Greenfield, Ill..........
Canton, N. Y...........
West Otis, Mass..-..
Anamosa, Iowa.....
Seymour, Con..........
Berlin, Conn............
Fitchbnrgh, Mass.....
New York, N. Y.._..
Charlestown, Mass..... _ _
North Bay, N. Y..........
Dec. 16, 1873
Jan. 15, 1856
Mar. 18, 1856
Dec. 29, 1868
Feb. 21, 1854
July 16, 1872
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 11, 1849
Dec. 28, 1858
May 31, 1864
Oct. 2, 1866
June 19, 1866
Sept. 5, 1871
July 30, 1867
Jan. 7, 1868
July 2, 1872
Oct. 1, 1872
Oct. 21, 1873
Apr. 22, 1873
July 7, 1868
Mar. 17, 1868
Aug. 13, 1872
Nov. 15, 1870
Apr. 22, 1873
July 22, 1873
Sept. 21, 1869
May 5, 1857
Sept. 22, 1868
Jan. 26, 1869
Apr. 14, 1810
May 20, 1873
Feb. 25, 1836
June 8, 1869
Mar. 28, 1871
Clothes-reel -...Clothes-reel.................................
Clothes, Roller for expressing water frms.
Clothes, &c., Rotary pounder for washing.. _.....
Clothes-rub er....................................
Clothes, hubber f.r washing....- -............
Clothes sprinkler.................................
Clothes sprinkler...............................
Clothes sprmnkler....................... _...._._
Clothes sprinkler..................................
Clothes sprinkler................................
Clothes sprinkler..................................
Clothes sprinklr..................................
Cloths sprinkler..............................
Clothes sprinkler..............................
Clothes s rinkler..................................
Clothes sprinkler..................................
Clothe s-prinkler..............................
Clothes sprinkler.............................
Clothes sprinkler..................................
Clothes sprinkler.........................__....
Clothes sprinkler...............................
Clothes sprinkler..............................
Clothes washer................................
C othes-i shor...................................
Canton, Ohio..........Oct. 4, 1870
Lowell, Mass..............Aug. 16, 1859
Newport, Pa..............Sept. 22, 1868
Cortlandville, N. Y...... Nov. 28, 1e65
Marila, N. Y............. Feb. 22,1859
Leslie, Mich.............. May 28, 1872
Dublin, Ind............. Oct. 18, 1859
Ravenna, Ohio...........Aug.10, 1858
Sparta, Wis.-......-....... Oct. 28, 1869
Morristown, Vt......_.. _Sept. 7, 1669
Indianapolis, Ind......_....Dec. 8, 1868
New York, N. Y........__July 5, 1870
Indianapolis, Ind.......:...Dec. 10, 1887
Marietta, Ohio...........Dec. 19, 1871
Albany, N. Y............. Sept. 5, 1865
Albany, N. Y........... Oct. 23, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y........._.Nov. 12, 1872
Chicago, Ill..............Dec. 22,1857
Yonkers, N. Y............ Sept. 3, 1872
New York, N Y.._...... Nov. 7, 1871
Ravenna, Ohio............ Jan. 12,:858
New York, N. Y J.o...... July 6, 1869
Pittsfield, Mass July 27, 1869
Jamestown, N. Y......... Aug. 2, 1870
Jamestown, N. Y......... Aug. 22,1871
Saratoga Springs, N. Y... July 20, 1858
Cleveland, Ohio...........Ja. 5, 1864
Ross, Ind................. Aug. 10, 1869
Peterborough, N. H._.... Aug. 10, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y...........Mar. 14, 1871
Bay City, Mich...... _ _ Sept. 9, 1873
Ann Arbor, Mich..._..... July 22, 1873
New London, Conn....... Jan. 11, 1859
Elbridge, N. Y............Mar. 10, 1838
Lansing, Mich........... Feb. 28, 1871
Allegheny pity, Pa....... Apr. 14, 1868
Chatham, Conn........... Oct. 1,18
New York, N. Y..........Oct.ic 30, 1e6
Boston, Mass............ Dec. 12, 185
Muskegon, Mich........ Nov. 6, 1860
Richmond, Ind.-......-...Nov. 30,1869
Boston, Mass............Slay 22, 1866
New York, N. Y...... - June 26, 1866
Boston, Mass.-.----...... Mar. 3, 1868
Bangor, Me........... _..May 15, 1866
Canton, Mass J...........July 3,1866
Ridgefield, Conn........ _ Jan. 18, 1859
Monroe, Mich Sept. 5, 1865
Brooklyn, N Y............Mar. 19, 1867
Jacksonville, Ill....._... Jan. 18, 1870
Buckaport, Me.Le......-. Feb. 27, 1866
Sauth Sudbury, Mass.. t. ay 28, 1867
Tiffin, Ohio............... June30, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa. s... -.- Apr. 14, 1868
Middle Haddam, Conn.e-. Oct. 23, 1
Newark, N. J............. Nov. 6, 18(;0
Rochester, N. Y........... Apr. 2, 1867
Phelps, N. Y.............. Jne 3, 1873
Chester, Pa............... Feb. 18, 1873
White Water, Ind........ Jan. 18,1870
White Water, Ind...... _ Jan. 18, 1870
145, 587
14, 110
14, 466
85, 338
10, 553
129, 118
144, 152
6, 935
22, 430
42, 951
58, 535
55, 744
118, 698
73, 171
128, 531
131, 752
143, 901
138, 024
79, 671
75, 562
130, 523
109, 240
138, 044
141, 082
94, 983
17, 240
82, 341
86, 146
139, 201
90, 979
113, 129
107, 996
25, 086
82, 378
51, 149
23, 020
127, 232
25, 820
21, 131
96, 107
94, 598
84, 694
105, 086
72, 057
121, 953
49, 779
59, 133
133, 058
18, 930
131, 068
120, 671
19, 107
92, 400
93, 025
106, 102
118, 416
20, 974
41, 134
93, 620
93, 626
112, 614
142, 631
141, 064
22, 539
112, 235
76, 603
59, 158
51, 509
30, 565
97, 369
55, 008
55, 956
75, 168
54, 819
56, 082
22, (69
49, 794
03, 107
99, ON
52, 015
65, 299
79, 531
70, 870
30, 451
30, 596
63, 31)7
139, 414
136, 038
08, 855
98, 856
D. L. uff....----......----
J. McMahon..................
J. Allenderr.................
C. Aunock.................
S. Foster.------.....--.
J. Charlton....................
D. Dickinson..................
F. Ashley....................
E. T. Colburn..............
S. N. Davies...............
S. G. Dugdale..............
V, P. Gannett.............
J. L. Kendall...............
E. 11. Ni khaos.............
Al. Moriarty.................
H. A. Morse..................
V Payne....................
S. Sclnurr....................
I. W. Shaler................
T. I. Smith and J. Mitchell...
W. E. Staniford...............
E.. Taylor...............
J. V. Walters...............
W. V. Wilson.................
F. Arnold.....................
G. )l. Trupore...............
C. Kirder...................--.
W. R. Brooks...............
11. D. Crooker...............
J. K. DUgdale...............
J. K. Dugdale..............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i i
Clothes washer and drier.......................
Clothes washer and wringer.................
Clothes washer and wringer...................
Clothes washer and wringer..................
Clothes-washer, Hand.............................
Clothes-washer, Steam.....---------------------
Clothes-washer, Vacuum..................
Clothes, Washing.................................
Clothes, Washing................................
Clothes washing and cleansing machine.........
Clothes-washing and cloth-fulling machine......
Clothes-washing and corn-shelling machine.....
Clothes washing and drying machine...........
Clothes washing and wringing machine, Lavater...
Clothes-washing machine..................
Clothes-washing machine..........................
Clothes-washing machine...................
Clothes-washing machine..------------------........................Clothes-washing machine..................
Clothes-washing machine.....-------------------
Clothes-washing machine...------------------..
Clothes-washing machine...................
Clothes-washing machine -... -..-------
Clothes-washing machine-----.....--------------
Clothes-washing machine-------------------..........................
Clothes, Washing, pressing, ironing, crimping, and
Clothes washing, rinsing, and wringing machine...
Clothes-washing rubber....................
Clothes-whisk and hat-brush combined...........
Clothes-wringer... -................................Clothes-wringer...................................
Clothes-wringer...--------------- --.-------
Clothes wringer...................................
Clothes wringer...................................
Clothes wringer...................................
(lothes-w rin'er..
Cloth s wringer.-......
Clothes -winger...----------------------
F. Ernst----------------......................
W. I. Miller and B. O. Irons... --
W. H. Nice...................
H. J. Noyes..................
H. W. Pell...................---------------
P. Read.......................
D. P. Sulouff-...------------..............
D. P. Sulouff..................
G. J. Terrel...................
T. Weaver....................
E. Rees.......................
A. Clark......................
J. Cram......................
R. G. Holmes-------------.................
P. Falardo and G. H. Snow....
M. S. Lamb..................
M. Johnstone.................
N. Briggs...................E. Weld..................
W. Price----------------......................
O. D. Wade...................
B. Rice.....................
T. Pearce....................
E. Weld.....................
W.. E. Arnold------------.................
S. Benson_..................
W. H. Blood.................
R. Brainard.................
S. Hinds....................
I. Leavitt, A. Gilmore, and W.
M. Mellinger...............
R. W. Oliphant..............
L. Procter..................
S. Swett, jr.....--------------
H. N. Walter-------------.................G. Waterman-------------.................J. Newhall....................---------------
San Francisco, Cal........
Linesville, Pa----- -.............
Wadsworth, Ohio.........
Ashtabula, Ohio.....
Rome, N. Y............
Hinesburgh, Vt..........Milton, Pa...............
Milton, Pa...............
North Blanford, Mass... -
Harrisburgh, Pa.........
Stoddartsville, Pa........
Plymouth, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass..............
Worcester, Mass..........
Newark, N. J., and New
Haven, Conn.
Davenport, Iowa.......
Spartanburgh, S. C....................................................
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
China, N.Y...............
Denmark, N. Y...........
Hartwick, N. Y.......................................
Haddam, Conn............
Waterville, Me...........
San Francisco, Cal........
Haddam, Conn...........
Montrose, Pa............
Turner, Me..............
Dayton, Ohio..........
North Granville, N. Y...
New York, N. Y.........
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Norwich, N. Y...........
Johnston, R. I........
Dayton, Ohio............
Aug. 20, 1867
Mar. 19, 1872
Dec. 17, 1872
July 2, 1872
Sept. 26, 1871
Nov. 26, 1872
Nov. 21, 1871
Nov. 21, 1871
June 17, 1873
Aug. 6, 1872
Feb. 8, 1870
Nov. 22, 1870
Sept. 15, 1863
Nov. 26,,1861
Feb. 15, 1870
Feb. 22, 1870
July 30, 1872
Mar. 28, 1797
June 26, 1799
Mar. 7, 1865
Sept. 9, 1835
Nov. 23, 1827
Dec. 29, 1832
Sept. 17, 1800
Aug. 3,1829
May 25, 1840
Jan. 12, 1864
Nov. 23, 1829
Apr. 25, 1829
Aug. 9, 1839
Aug. 12, 1862
June 7, 1838
Nov. 16, 1841
July 12, 1839
June 22, 1841
May 11, 1841
June 13, 1831
W. J. Fulsom and J. Hayden.. Hallowell, D. M--........... --Dec. 17, 1805
H. Burk..................... Mineral Point, Ohio....... July 24, 1866
A. M. Richmond............. New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 23,1872
A. Albrecht.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 14, 1871
C. H. Amidon................ Greenfield, Mass...-.... May 21,1867
A. M. Bailey-.....-..... Middlefield, Corn....... Mar. 21,1871
A M. Bailey and J. 0. Couch.. Middlefield, Conn....... Jan. 14, 1862
S. A. Bailey............... Waterford, Mass.......... Mar. 13, 1866
C. E. Bancroft.-..--..-......... Waterbury, Vt............ May 20, 1862
C. H. Bangs.................. Farmington, Me.......... June 11, 1872
O.D. Barrett......-------------- Fulton, N. Y...--....... Oct. 1, 1861
E. G. W. Bartlett..... -. Providence, R. I.......... - May 24, 1870
E. G. W. Bartlett........... Providence, R. I.......... May 23, 1871
E. G. W. Bartlett...--......... - Providence, R. I.......... July 4, 1871
E. G. W. Bartlett............. Providence, R. I........... Apr. 30, 1872
C. W. Bassett--------------................. Newton, Mass------............ May 14, 1872
E. Blakeman and J. R. Gill....-- Charleston, Ill-------............ ---Oct. 25, 1864
T. O. Bogert................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Jan. 7,1873
J. Brinkerhoff............. --Auburn, N. Y-----------............. Dec. 26, 1871
W.P. Brooks and J. D. Hartzell Ozawkie, Kans...--....... July 1, 1837
H. J. Burr -.......-.. --........ Bloomfield, Conn--------.......... Sept. 30, 1873
E. P. H. Capron............. Hudson, N. Y-----------............. Aug. 29,1871
C. E. Carter.................. Martinsville, Ohio........ May 23,1871
R. S. Cathcart................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Sept. 17, 1872
R. S. Cathcart............. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Dec. 31, 1872
R. S. Cathcart................ Cincinnati, Ohio........ Jan. 7, 1873
D. B. Clement............... Milton, Mass........... Apr. 8,1862
D. B. Clement............... Milton, Mass---.....--...... Jan. 20,1863
J. D. Cochran--------------................. Milford, N.H-----------............. June 24, 1862
G. J. Colby............. Waterbury, Vt........... ----- Dec. 4,1860
D. M. Cole................ Elgin, Ill............. June 18,1872
D. M. Cole................... Elgin, Ill................. June 3, 1873
W. Cooper............... Independence, Iowa...... Jan. 4, 1870
W. Cooper---...-------------. Ypsilanti, Mich........... June 4, 1872
E. A. Corbin and H. Albrecht Philadelphia, Pa......... June 24, 1873
E. H. Covel--.....----........... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 12, 1867
E. H. Covel................. ew York, N. Y.......... Feb. 11, 1868
P. Cramer................... Providence, R. I.......... July 28,18(8
P. Cramer.................... Barrington, R.I......... Aug. 24, 1869
R. R. Crosby and J. Harris.... Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 29,1861
C. A. Cummings and F. M. Worcester, Mass.......... Feb. 11, 1862
J. E. Daniels and G. S. Kendall Boston, Mass............. July 8, 1862
C. H. De Knight........... Pittsburgh, Pa........... Aug. 9, 1870
E. Dickerman................. Richmond, Vt............ Apr. 10, 1860
J. C. Dickey............... Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Aug. 28, 1866
W. S. Douglas............ Richmond, Vt-.--........ Jan. 21, 1868
S. F. Emerson........... Seville, Ohio............. May 5,1863
T. B. Emerson............... Seville, Ohio-----------..............Oct. 29, 1867
P. Falardo.................. Danbury, Conn.......... Aug. 3,1869
R. E. Ferguson............. Chicago, Ill.............. Oct. 4,1870
R. E. Ferguson...........Chicago, Ill.............. Mar. 26, 1872
T. J. U. Fisk--------------................. Macon City, Mo---------..... June2 5, 1872
H. G. Folger................---------------. Wadsworth, Ohio...-.. July 4, 1865
M. M. Follet............... Lake City, Minn........ Dec. 14, 1869
J. Fox------------............-..--....... Farmersville, Iowa........ Dec. 26, 1871
A. C. G(allahue............. New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 30, 1866
G. E. Gault and A. W. Winall. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Jan. 7, 1873
67, 858
124, 844
134, 000
128, 501
119, 399
133, 485
121, 216
139, 979
130, 168
99, 594
109, 385
39, 990
33, 812
99, 870
1C0, 156
129, 961..........
46, 701....................
1, 616
1, 282
2, 369
1, 236
2, 084
56, 523
126, 090
112, 669
64, 932
112, 884
34, 178
53, 098
35, 290
127, 831
33, 411
103, 282
115, 150
126, 774
44, 779
134, 633
122, 220
140, 314
143, 220
118, 431
115, 161
134, 461
134, 641
34, 020
37, 472
35, 670
30, 802
1928, 119
139, 545
98, 566
127, 577
140, 249
70, 808
74, 201
80, 336
94, 082
33, 575
34, 395
35, 810
106, 136
27, 781
57, 485
73, 584
38, 380
93, 188
107, 893
124, 942
128, 294
48, 545
97, 899
122, 164
59, 208
134, 658
Index of patents issued from the united States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inelusice--Contiuned.
Clotlies-v ringer.------------------------------
Clothes-wringer --------------- ---------- -------
Clothcs-wringer -- _----------------
Clothes- wringer--------------------------------
Clothes-wringer --------------------------------
Clothes-wringer -....- - - - - - --...........
Clothes-wringer------------ -----------------_
Clothes-wring'er --------------------------------
Clothes-wringer --------------------------------
Clothes-wringer --------------------__---------
Clothes-wringer --------------------------------
C lo th e s -w r in g e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --.. _ _ - _ _..- --
Clothes-wringer ------------------._-----------
Clot hes-wringer--------------------------------
Clot hes-wringer..-.......-.....................
Cloth es-wringer.................................
C~ othes w rin ge...............................
Clothes-wringer --------------------------------
Clothes-winger --------------------------------
Clothes xtringer -------------------------------
Clthes-wr inger---------------------------------
C lo th e s-w rin g e r..........-- - - - - --......
Clathes-wringer --------------------------------
Clotes winge-------- ---------------_Clothes-wringer.-.----------------------------.
Cloths tvriige-------------------------------
Clothes-wi inger----------- ----------------------
Clotlo s-wr inger...............................--
Clothes-win iger--------------------------------
Clothes-w ringer--------------------- ----------
Clothes ne................................_
Clothes-wr inger................................
Cloths xiringr.............................
Clotthes-wr inger................................
4. heswiige----- -------------------- ------
W. Gibihs and R. J. Bell.
R. Gipson-----------------
H. Gipson...................
ID D. Gitt.._................
F. A. Gleason................
A. H. Goss................._
C. Graham ------------------
G. B. Griffin.................
L. Hale---------------------
J. W. Hampton.............
I). M. ilairis and S. S. Burnet.
J. Harrison and G. W. Harris
J. Harrison and G. W. Harris
C. E. Haynes................
S. S. Izleniwav -----_-----
C. W. Higgins and A. S. Witlard.
R. (C. Holmes.........
C. H. Hndson_..._._........._
H. B. Hugunin.............._
J. Johnson...................
J. Johnson..................
G. H. Kidney................
A. King....................E. King.--------------------
C. H. Kiiox.................--
J. H. Koosci................A. Lepham and F. E. Pratt.. -.
J. S. Lash..................--
J. Leo......................
ID. Lyman..................
ID. Lyman.-.................ID. Lyman..................ID. Lyman......................
A. Magowan....--..........
J. Makeehney..............--
M. Mallon..................
J. S. Maughliii andWN. C. Marr.
T. E. MeIDonald............ _ _
T. F. McDonald.............
T. E McDonald..............
J. McLaughlin..............
J. MI. McMaster.. _.........
W. T. MteMillen and E. P.
C. V. Mead.................--
E. 0. Meidrom and A. B. PaxSoil.
A. B Mercier...............C. Messenger................
B. ID. Morrell..............
H. Nash....................A. O'Dell..................--
J. ODonald................C. H. Packard..............C. H. Packard..............--
A. 11. Page.....-------
G. Palmer...................
S. W. a0(1 J. F. lialmer..
S. W. and J. F. Palmer..
J. A. Parlk.................J. N. Pease................. -
J. N. Pease.................J. N. Pease and G. Lewis._.
M. Pierce...................
J. N. Poago-...............J. F. Pond.................--
T. Pool....................--
G. S. Prindle.................
H. W. Pntnam...............
H. W. Pntnam...............
B. Reed....................--
0. Reeves...................
N. A. IRhoads................
N. A. Rhoads...............W. B. Rhioads...............
H. lRobhins.................--
C. Rohinson................--
J. G.Itoth..................- -
Residence. Date. No.
Carlisle, Pa...............-Apr. 1, 186-2 34, 8-27
Sheihy, Ohio.............. Oct. 25, 1864 44, 796
Shelby, Ohio............. June 12, 1866 55, 486
Arendtsville, Pa. __......May 24, 18;4 42, 908
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Sept. 10, 1867 68, 73-2
Aiihurn, N. Y............ Apr. 2, 1872 125, 129
Cincinnati, Ohio -........_1Dec. 31, 18 72 134, 472
Madison, Wis. -.... _..Jnne 4, 1861 32, 475
Hollis, N. H_..............Oct. 31, 1871 120, 512
Mount Pleasant, Iowa.- -. Nov. 14, 1871 120, t968
Salem, Mass.............. May 13, 1862 35, 234
Brooklyn and New York, July 16, 1867 6(6, 8335
N. Y.
Brooklyn and New York, July 16, 1867 66, 836
Boston, Mass............. May 13, 1873 138, 803
Boston, Mass.. _..........May 30, 1865 47, 951
Somerville and Charles- June 19, 1866 28, 752
town, Mass.
Worcester, Mass. __._...Sept. 8, 1863 39, 813
New York, N. Y_._.__.. July 25, 1871 117, 291
Cleveland, Ohio - -_.-._-_. Mar. 10, 1868 75, 4-25
New Yoi-k, N. Y........Jan. 28, 186-2 34, 281
New York, N. Y.. _.......June 28, 1864 43, 368
Cleveland, Ohio.......... July 22, 1862 35, 940
Philadelphia, Pa - --- - --- --Mar. 21, 1871 112, 815
IDunkirk, N. Y............ Jan. 9, 187-2 12-2, 5217
Mount Pleasant, Iowa -... July 2, 1867 66, 362
Pekiii. Ill ---------------- Oct. 15, 187-2 13-2, 294
New York and Mott Ha- Apr. 28, 1868 77, 386
von, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.._ -......Oct. 23, 1866 59, 041
Galeshurg h, Ill. _. _.......Feh. 6, 1866 52, 423
Middlefield, Coon..__.Oct. 17, 1865 50, 48-2
Mididlefield, Conn-.__..__.Feh. 27, 1866 52, 867.
Middlefield, Con- _... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 27-2
Middlefield, Con-.__.Mar. 26i, 1867 63, 273
Middletiehd, Coon. --_.-_-.Dec. 17, 1867 7-2, 407
Trenton, N. dJ------------- Apr. 12, 1870 101, 749
Trenton, N. J............. _ __Feh 6, 187-2 123, 495
Hahuway, N. J-------------.July 16, 187-2 129, 043
Onawa, nd ---_---.-------Feb. 27, 1872 124, 073
Trenton, N. J...- -........Mar. 5, 187-2 124, 367
Trenton, N. J............ Jan. 28, 1873 135, 217
New Brunswick, N. J...Nov. 18, 1873 144, 627
Steuhenville, Ohio - -----Oct. 16, 1855 13, 684
Stenhenville, Ohio...Sept. 20, 1870 107, 518
Rochester, N. V----------- Sept. 17, 1867 t8, 893
Cincinnati, Ohio, andIDela- July 24, 1866 56, 501
van, Wis.
Trenton, N. J- -- -- -- -- -- - -Sept. 26, 18 71 119, 384
Griffins Mills and East Jan. 24, 1860 26, 914
Hnmhnrgh, N. Y.
Providence, H. I. _-.....July 31, 1866 56, 773
Wnrren, Ohio............ Mar. 11, 1862 34, 639
Lishon, N. H. _........... Ang. 25, 1863 39, 666
Cincinnati, Ohio.-_-------Oct. 9, 1866 58, 669
Napanee, Canada..-__---.Oct. 25, 1870 108, 620
Clinton, Ill- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Dee. 26, 1865 51, 743
North Bridgew-ater, Mass.I'Feh. 18, 1862 34, 445
North Bridgewater, Mass. Sept. 8, 1863 39, 864
South Boston, Mass.- -_-Jan. 29, 1887 61, 680
Littleslown, Pa _-- - - -- ----Jaii. 22, 1867 61, 353
Anhurn, N. Y- --- -- -- - - - -May 18, 1869 90, 185
Auhurii, N. Y- - - --- -- - ---IDec. 5, 1871 121, 657
Lansing, Mich----------- _..Oct. 29, 18742 13-2, 687
Panama, N. VI............. May 16, 1865 47, 774
Panama, N. Y.......... _May 15, 18611 54, 764
Panama, N. Y- -.- - ---._--July 24, 1866 56, 676
Winona, Minn - -._- -------Apr. 28, 1868 77, 315
Cinciiinati, Ohio- - _-.- -----Dec. 31 1872 134, 485
Cleveland, Ohio.--___-----_ ----a. 2, 1866 51, 862
Brunswick, Ohio..-- - ----June 24, 1862 35, 05
Washiingtoi, ID. C...__Feh. 4, 1873 135,i8
Clevelanid, Ohio-----------1.)_ ec. 17, 1861.3 963
Cleveland, Ohio.- -.- -- --Sept. 16, 1862 It, 480
Allegheniy, Pa-- -- -- -- - - - -Apr. 14, 1868 76, 659
Greenport, N. Y. -...._- July 17, 1866 56, 419
Waterbury, Vt.- - _--------Mar. 11, 1862 34, 646
Waterhury, Vt------------ Jan. 27, 1863 37, 521
South Deoliani, Mass....Jaii. 25, 1861 12, 659
Cincinnati, Ohio-..- ----July 31, 1866 56, 865
Boston, Mass. - -. _. - --- July 8, 1873 1411,85-'
New York, N. Y ---------- Apr. 12, 1870 101, 922
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Clothes-wringer - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - - -- -
Clothes wringer and mangle.......................
Clothes wringer and mangle, Combined--------
Clothes wringer and mangle combined-..--...--
Clothes wringer and washer roller....-----.....
Clothes-wvringer attachment......................
Clothes-wringer bench..------------------....
Clothes-wringer, Centrifugal.......................
Clothes-wringer clamp..............
Clothes-wringer roll............................
Clothes wringer rolls, Spindle for................
Clothes -wringer roller................
Clothes-wringer roller......................
Clothes wringer roller-...--------------------
Clothes-wringer roller_......................
Clothes-wiinger roller-----------------------
Clothes-wringer roller....................
Clothes-wringers, Roller r...................
Clothes-wringer roller and fastening..............
Clothes-wringers, Composition-roll for.............
Clothes-wringers, Gearing for.................
Clothes-wi ingers, Preparing wood for the bearings in
Clothes-wringers to tubs, Mode of attaching..... - -
Clothes, Wringing........................
Clothes-wringing hook...........................
Clothes-wringing machine.....................
Clothes-wringing machine..................
Clothes-wringing machine.......................
Clothes-wringing machine...................
Clotheos-wringing machine.........................
Clothes-wringing machine--....................
Clothes-wringing machine...................
Clothes-wringing machine-...................Clothes-wringing machine....................
Clothes-wringing machine..................
Clothes-wringing machine... ------------------
Clothes-wringing machine...............
Clothes-wringing machine.......................
Clothes-wringing machine.................
Clothes-wringing machine.................
Clothes-wringing machine.......................
Clothes-wringing machine.........................
Clothes-wringing machine..................
Clothes-wringing press.......................
Clothing, Dummy for displaying................
Clothing, Mode of fitting -................-....
Clothing, Stand for displaying..................
Clothing, Submarine.........................
Clover and other grass seeds, Machine for bulling..
Clover and other seeds, Cleaning...................
Clover and other seeds, Hulling...................
Clover and rice hulling machine..................
Clover and rice machine.............
Clover chaff from straw, Bolt for separating......
Clover, Cleaning..................................
Clover huller and cleaner.........................
Clover-huller, Concave of....................
Clover halling and thrashing machine.............
Clover-hulling cylinders, Fastening the teeth to...
H. E. Smith..................
H. E. Smith.................
R. Smith.....................
C. F. Spaulding..............
E. Spaulding..................
A. H. Spencer................
J. H. Stedman................
E. M. Stevens.................
W. M. Storm.................
L. $. Thomas................
A. Tower....................
W. H. Towers.....................
G. P. Towle..................
N. Van Auken................
R. Vose and J. W. Evans......
S. Walker.................
J. Webb.....................
H. Wehle....................
N. B. White..................
W. Whitney.................
D. F. Williams............
R. P. Wilson.................
G. L. Witsil.................
G. L. Witsil.................
J. Young...................
J. Young.................
S. W. and J. F. Palmer.......
B. O. Thompson...............
J. D. Tift................
R. B. Hlugunin................
C.L. Carter..................
S. A. Bailey.................
H. Rosamyer, jr...............
J. D. Burdick................
H. E. Smith...................
T. E. McDonald.............
E. P. H. Capron...............
J. Critchersonu.................
J. B. Forsyth..................
E. King...------------------
J. Murphy....................
J. F. Holt....................
R. B. Hugunin................
W. H. Towers................
G. C. Wright..................
J. Brinkerhoff...............
D. Lyman....................
J. H. Clark....................
J. R. Gill, W. E. Palmer, and
W. W. Webb.
New York, N. Y......
Fitchburgh, Mass.......
Towanda, Pa..........
Saint Johnsbury, Vt......
Morrisville, Vt........
Providence, R. I..........
Randolph, Vt...-- -..
Boston, Mass..........
New York, N. Y...-....
Waterbury, Vt.......
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass...........
Amsterdam, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y....
Boston, Mass...........
Spartauburgh, Pa.........
Hoboken, N. J..........
South Dedham, Mass......
Baldwinsville, Mass.......
Cumberland, R. I...........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Amsterdam, N. Y......
Amsterdam, N. Y...-...
Auburn, N. Y.......
Chicago, Ill............
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y.......
Union City, Ind.......
Waterford, Mass.......
Rochester, Pa.....-....
Ashway, R. I........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....Trenton, N. J.........
Hudson, N. Y........
Boston, Mass..............
Roxburv, Mass.........
Dunkirk, N. Y.--...
New York, N..Y..........
Providence, R. I.......
Clev, land, Ohio........
Boston, Mass......
Leroy, Ohio.........
Auburn, N. Y......_..
Middlefield, Con........
Westbrook, Me..........
Alton, Ill...............
Sept. 24, 1872
May 20, 1873
Dec. 1, 1857
May 3, 1864
Apr. 16, 1861
Feb. 1, 1870
Sept. 10, 1861
Apr. 29, 1862
Mar. 17, 1868
Mar. 23, 1862
Nov. 2, 1869
Apr. 25, 1871
July 15, 1862
May 20, 186-2
Nov. 5, 1872
June 17, 1862
Sept. 15, 1868
May 8, 1866
Mar. 4, 1862
Dec. 3, 1861
Jan. 2, 1866
June 24, 1862
May 28,1867
Mar. 3, 1868
Apr. 23, 1867
Mar. 23, 1869
Nov. 15, 1864
June 22, 1869
June 24, 1862
July 17, 1866
Aug. 27,1867
Mar. 13, 1866
Aug. 19, 1873
June 28, 1864
Feb. 13, 1966
Sept. 26, 1871
Aug. 5, 1873
Feb. 11, 1862
Nov. 20, 1866
Aug. 20, 1872
Oct. 16, 1866
July 25, 1865
Mar. 6, 1866
June 21, 1870
May 17, 1870
Oct. 15, 1872
Apr. 2, 1861
May 8, 1860
Mar. 4, 1862
131, 715
139, 200
18, 777
42, 607
32, 090
99, 364
33, 271
35, 115
75, 707
34, 795
96, 511
114, 231
35, 911
35, 335
132, 782
35, 643
82, 259
54, 631
34, 618
33, 861
51, 888
35, 726
75, 231
64, 180
88, 110
45, 071
91, 794
35, 716
56, 418
68, 043
53, C99
142, 045
43, 286
52, 615
119, 235
141, 424
34, 394
59, 798
130, 582
58, 874
49, 030
53, (01
104 514
103, 269
132, 194
31, 895
34, 610
112, 074
23, 436
15, 543
34, 459
34, 885
36, 458
20, 470
39, 814
44, 313
36, 218
37, 699
9, 302
23,( 646
36, 362
36, 728
36, 860
36, 983
37, 655
113, 347
76, 394
74, 978
67, 021
93, 544
1, 190.....
44, 431..........
25, 097
12, 372
5, 599
11, 990
12, 314
43, 217
3, 182
24, 657
24, 237
38, 242
7, 637
122, 568
10, 667
20, 249
10, 208
J. H. Pratt.................... Lynn. Mass.............. Feb. 21, 1871
S. A. Bailey................... New London, Conn.... Apr. 5, 1859
R. P. Bradley................ Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.... Aug. 12, 1856
E. Dickerman. -.-.- -... Middletield, Conn.......Feb. 18, 1862
K. H. Elliott................. Eden, Vt....-----.---- Apr. 8, 1862
S. F. Emerson................ Seville, Ohio............ Sept. 16, 1862
E. L. Hagar.................. Frankfort, N. Y -.......... June 1, 1858
R. G. Holmes-----------..............-- Worcester, Mass...... Sept. 8, 1863
R. B. Hugunin............... Cleveland, Ohio.... Sept. 20, 1864
W. Joslin.................. Cleveland, Ohio.......Aug. 19, 1862
D. Lyman--..................Middlefield, Con.--. - Feb 17, 1863
J. P. Martin.............. Philadelphia, Pa........Oct. 5, 1852
T. H. Peavey............. Montville, Me......... Apr. 12, 1859
N. WV. Peebles................ Brunswick, Ohio........ Sept. 2,1862
H. W. Putnam................ Cleveland, Ohio.-.......... Oct. 21, 1862
I. D. Robinson............. Waterbury, Vt......... - - - Oct. 28, 1862
S. Squires............... Boston, Mass.......... Nov, 18, 1862
D. W. Swift.................West Falmouth, Mass... Jan. 28, 1862
J. W. Wheeler and H. S. Bishop Cleveland, Ohio....----.. --Feb. 10,1863
C. Robinson................. Boston, Mass.......... Apr. 4, 1871
C. Seaver, jr................ Boston, Mass............. Apr. 4, 1865
W. E. Brock................. New York, N. Y........ Apr. 7. 1868
R. Bisbee................Boston, Mass........... Mar. 3, 1868
W. E. Brock................ New York, N. Y......... July 23, 1867
C. S. Merriman. _....... Atton, Iowa......... Aug. 10, 1869
A. Keagy................... Morrison's Cove, Pa...... June 24,1839
J. Roberts, jr--..................................... Feb. 13, 1796
W. Jones and A. Miller...-. Hagerstown, Md...... Sept. 27, 1864
J.W. MatthewsandM. S. Kahle Lexington, Va......... Jan. 17,1834
Brayley and Walker.......... Phillips, Me........... June 6, 1835
E. K. Collins............... Chili, N. Y............. Aug. 16,1859
J. Bolton-..................Harrisburgh, Pa. July 28,1831
J. Goodyear, jr....._......South Middletown, Pa -..-. June 2, 1836
J. Allen................... Frease's Store, Ohio..-.. Feb. 13, 1855
J. Birdsell............. Hamorton, Pa.......... May 23, 1848
A. B. Crawford.............. Wooster, Ohio......... Nov. 28, 1854
J. Hibbs................ Tullytown, Pa......... Jan. 30, 1855
M. H. Mansfield........... Ashland, Ohio......... June 21, 1864
J. R. Mitchell............... Danville, Pa.......... July 20, 1843
A. Overocker................. McHenry, Ill.......... July 5, 1859
C. Reif....................... Hartleton, Lewis Town- May 31, 1859
ship, Pa.
C. Reif.................... Lewis Township, Pa...... Apr. 21, 1863
R. Stadden-...-............ Milton, Pa............. Sept. 10, 1850
T. Church.................... Lewisburgh, Pa........... Jan. 9, 1872
T. Carpenter---------------.................. Manlius, N. Y............ Mar. 21, 1854
J. C. Birdscll........... Rush, N. Y........ May 18, 1858
S. Karns.....................Bloody Run, Pa.......... Nov. 8, 1853
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office frcm 170 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Clover-hulling machine............................
(Clover-hulling machine.....-----------------------.
Clover-hulling machine..................
Clover-hulling machine..........................
Clover-hulling machine........-------------------
Clover-hulling machine-...--.---------------------
Clover, Machine for rubbing out..................
Clover-seed and cleaning grain, Screen for hulling
Clover-seed and corn sheller, &c..................
Clover-seed bolting and cleaning machine.......
Clover-seed cleaner..-------------.---------
Clover-seed cleaner, &c............................
Clover-seed, Cleaning.............................
Clover-seed. Cleaning.............................
Clover-seed-cleaning machine........................
Clover-seed-cleaning machine...................
Clover-seed-cleaning machine...............
Clover-seed-cleaning machine....
Clover-seed-cleaning machine....-...............
Clover-seed from the "pod," Machine for separating
Cloverseed, Gathering............................
Clover-seed huller................................
Clover-seed huller-.................................
Clover-seed huller..................................
Clover-seed huller...............................
Clover-seed huller-------------------------.................................
Clover-seed huller................................
Clover-seed huller..............................
Clover-seed huller.....---.........................
Clover-seed huller and cleaner...................
Clover-seed huller and grain-chopper..............
Clover-seed Hulling.............................
Clover-seed, Hulling.............................
Clover seed Hulling...............................
Clover seed, Hulling..............................
(lxe edHulliiig.-------------------------
Clover-seed Hulling...............Â~................
Clover seed Hulling...............................
Clover seed, Hulling...............................
Clover seed, Hulling a...d cleaning.........
Clover seed, Hulling and cleaning.................
Clover- seed hulling and cleaning.achine__..
Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine.........
Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine--.-_Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine........
Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine.........
Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine-.-..
Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine.,....
Clover-seed hulling and cleaning machine...-..
Clover-seed hulling and thrcleansing machile....
Clover-seed hulling and thrashing machine........
Clover-seed-hulling machine....................
Clover-seed-hulling machine................
Clover-seed-hulling machine.....................
Clover-seed-hulling machine.....................
Clover- seed-hulling machine.................
Clover-seed-hulling machine -......
Clover-seed-hulling machine...-------------------..Clover-seed-hulling machine.......................-------
Clover-seedmac-hullin machinee..............................
Clover-seed machine..............................
Clover-seed machine.........................
Clover-seed machine............................
Clover-seed machine --..--..--......................
Clover-seed machine..............................
Clover-seed machine..................
Clover-seed shelling and hulling machine... -.. - --.
Clover-seed-shelling machine....------------------.
Clover -seed-shelling machine.............
Clover seeds, &c., Machine for cleaning............
Clover seeds, Machine for cleaning...............
Clover seeds, Machine for cleaning.................
Clover seeds, Machine for gathering................
Clover seeds, Machine for getting out...........
Clover seeds, Machine for getting out---------.............
Clover seeds, Machine for hulling and cleaning....
Clover seeds, Machine for saving..................
Clover seeds, &c., Machine for separating...
Clover- seeds, Machine far washing, churning, and
getting out.
Clover-seeds, rice, and barley, Machine for hulling
Clover-seeds, Separating chaff from.....
Clover-seeds, Thrashing and cleaning...........
Clover-seeds, wheat, &c., from the husks, Separating.
Clover separator..................................
Clover separator..................................
Clover separator and huller....................
Clover-stripper and hay-rake, Combined...........
Club- et and crooked legs, Apiaratuis for straighteuing.
Club-feet apparatus...........................
A. B. Crawford................
N. Eames....................
J. D. Forrey---------------..................
H. Hozer.....................
M. H. Mansfield..............
S. W. Powell.................
W. Loomis...................
M. H. Mansfield..............
J. Ross.......................
D. Whiting................
N. Pri-ice...................
W. T. M ills...................
M. HI. Mansfield.............
R. Rittenhouse.............
J. C. Birdsell..................
G. Faber------------------.....................H. Hoth--------------------......................J. Manning.................
W. Sampson and C. Curtis -....--
J. B otton...................
J. Botton --------------------
J. Cottle......................
D. Rankin....................
A. Spicer....................
H. Spickard...................
T. Kirk.......------
J. Smith..............
J. Bolton....................G. and E. Faber..............
J. Gans.......................
T. Gollogher..................
G. Monohon..................
P. Reading..........
C. Seabold, jr.......----------
S. West...........
W. C. Grimes..............
G. Wales...................
S. M. Baily............
C. B. Baldwin.................-------------
J. Hopper and A. Doughty....
E. Horn.......................
G. B. and W. F. Poague.....
J. Pollock...................
H. Robbins-----------------...................W. Rowe....................
M. H. Mansfield.............
B. Wood...................
I. V. Blackwcll...-----------...........--
F. E. Cook....................
J. Kuhn......................-------------------
A. Matthews.................
D. S. Wagener................
S. White....----......------------............W. Williams.................
Ii. Bangs.....................
W. M. Barton.....-...........
J. Flook......................
G. Gardner...................
W. C. Grimes.................
W. C. Grimes.................
D. Hunsicker................
W. E. Lukens.................
M. F. Noraconk and D. Heats.
J. Worrell....................
I. Correll......................
L. Keck-------------------.....................W. Kuhn, G. Hassinger, and
W. Stiles.
C. Landes---...---..------------
E. Rider...................
H. Robbins...................
M. Zorger...................
J. Gorgas...................
M. Withers................
S. Arnold...................
I. H. Haskins....--------------
M. Miller...------------------
D. K. Wertman and W. H.
S. Condon.....................
WV. Loomis....................
B. Sutton------------------....................M. S. Kahle...................
H. Hunsicker.................
R. Patton..................
W. Manning.......
H. Ranger....................
S. Haub, jr....................
D. Buckman..................
C. L. Allen........
C. Reif........
D. M. Heikes..................
H. H. Blair and A W. Beatty..
H. H. Allen..................
E. H. Chmubrlin............
Wooster, Ohio............
Hanover, Pa............
Lewistown, Pa............
Wooster, Ohio............
Mifflintown, Pa...........
Turbet, Pa..............
Ashford, Conn............
Ashland, Ohio.............
Boundbrook, N. J.........
Ashland. Ohio............
Frederick County, Md....
Galesburgb, Mich........
Ashland, Ohio..........
Amwell Township, Pa.. -
West Henrietta, N. Y.....
Chambersburgh, Pa.......
W ild, Me.................
Lambertsville, N. Y......
New Haven, Vt...........
Warren, N. Y.......................................
Augusta County, Va......
Fincastle, Va...-................................
Fredericksburgh, Va.....
Warren, N. Y...........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Fayette County, Pa......
Fairfield County, Ohio....
Augusta Township, Ohio.
Trenton, N. J............
New Berlin, Pa...........
Harford County, Md......
York, Pa.................
Centre Township, Pa.....
Attleborough, Pa.........
Faircastle, Va............
Moresborough, Pa........
Rochester County, Va.....
Lexington, Va............
Richmond, Ind........
Kennebhec, Me............
Phillips, Me..............
Ashland, Ohio...........
Doylestown, Pa.....
Ovid, N. Y............
Guilford, Ohio...........
Centreville, Pa............
Island Creek, Ohio.......
Trenton, N. J............
Penn Yan, N. Y.........
Chambersburgh, Pa......
Buckingham Township, Pa
New York, N. Y......
Cheeks X Roads, Tenn.....
Middletown, Md.......
York Springs, Pa........
York, Pa..................
York, Pa..................
Hartley, Pa_............
Cadiz, Ohio..............
Milton, Pa..............
New Philadelphia, Ohio..
Tyrone Township, Pa....
Union County, Pa........
Mount Sidney, Va.........
Lovingston, Va...........
Wilton, Me..............
York Post-Office, Pa....
Fredericksburgh, Pa..........................
Botetourt, Va.........
Columbia, N. Y..........
Centralia, Pa..........
New Hartford, Conn......
Ashford, Coun........
Romulus, N. Y........
Lexington, Va...-...
Lewisburgh, Pa.......
Columbia, Pa.............
Westfield Township, Pa.
Wilton, Me...............
Wilkesbarre, Pa..........
Flat Rock, Mich..........
Hartleton, Pa...........
Franklin Township, Pa...
Saltsburgh, Pa......
Charleston, Ill............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Dec. 31, 1844
June 21, 1859
Dec. 18, 1860
June 14, 1845
June 6, 1846
Aug. 16, 1845
July 2, 1836
Mar. 25,1862
Feb. 6, 1835
May 31, 1870
Mar. 2, 1811
Feb. 1, 1859
Aug. 1, 1854
Mar. 19, 1833
Dec. 13, 1859
Apr. 5, 1832
Sept. 26, 1835
Jan. 6, 1836
Jan. 6, 1809
Jan. 28, 1822
Mar. 21, 1803
Mar. 18, 1834
Apr. 22, 1802
Aug. 16, 1a14
July 28, 1803
Apr. 28,1915
Jan. 9, 1823
Oct. 13, 1832
Mar. 12, 1833
Feb. 28,1833
Apr. 27, 1832
July 31, 1832
Mar. 6, 1832
Jan. 16, 1835
Mar. 3,1841
July 24, 1832
Aug. 23, 1834
June 16,1836
June 30,1836
Jan. 30,1834
Feb. 17.1836
Feb. 19, 185,)
June 20, 1836
Apr. 25, 1834
Feb. 27, 1855
Aug. 11, 1834
Mar. 30, 1858
June 4, 1861
June 25, 1861
Dec. 13, 1831
Oct. 25, 1831
Feb. 12, 1861
Aug. 10, 1828
Aug. 12, 1831
Apr. 29, 1834
Dec. 20, 1837
May 10, 1838
May 16, 1848
Nov. 8,1834
Nov. 8, 1834
May 8, 1838
Mar. 26, 1834
Dec. 18, 1860
Feb. 27,1804
Dec. 31, 1833
Dec. 16, 1833
Dec. 24, 1833
Dec. 24,1833
Dec. 28, 1833
Sept. 6, 1833
May 1f, 1805
Jan. 15, 1830
Apr. 30, 1804
Jan. 25, 1815
May 6, 1824
July 19, 1802
Oct. 2, 1866
Mar. 3, 1809
Apr. 27, 1822
Feb. 10, 1825
May 6, 1856
Feb. 12, 1861
June 13, 1808
Nov. 24, 1830
Aug. 21, 1834
Mar. 10, 1834
Dec. 21, 1803
Mar. 18, 1873
Aug. 8, 1854
May 12, 1868
Oct. 2-2, 1861
Jan. 28, 1868
Dec. 11, 18417
3, 867
24, 447
30, 962
4, 080
4, 558
4, 146
34, 764.....
103, 806
22, 817
11, 459.....
26, 409...............
12, 462.....
19, 745
32, 470
32, 630..31, 420
5, 580.....
30, 982....................
58, 517...............
14, 816
31, 389..........
136, 805
77, 731
33, 512
73, 768
5, 393
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Club-feet, Apparatus for the cure of.......
Club-feet, Apparatus for treating----...---------.
Club-feet, Apparatus for treatment of--------.............Club-feet, Surgical instrument for treatment of....
Clutch, Amehor.......-.........................
Clutch and brake, Friction.....................
Clutch and brake, Friction----------------....................-..
Clutch applied to rudder-head, Spring.........
Clutch, Centrifugal friction...................
Clutch, Chain..----- -.-----------.
Clutch, Combined friction and ratchet.............
Clutch, Elevating...................
Clutch for belt-pulley, Friction...............
Clutch for connecting and disconnecting machinery.
Clutch for engaging and disengaging gearing,
Clutch for flour-packer.........................
Clutch for hydraulic-wheel press-----... -----.---
Clutch for machinery, Spiral friction---...--.-----
Clutch for power-press........................
Clutch for suspending hay-fork................
Clutch for water-wheel, Self-releasing.........
Clutch, Friction.............
Clutch, Friction.................................
Clutch, Friction................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction......-..........................
Clutch, Friction......-..........................
Clutch, Friction................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction.................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction....................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction...................................
Clutch, Friction..............................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction...................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction.................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction.....................................
Clutch, Fricti-n_.................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction..........................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction...................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction...................................
Clutch, Friction................................
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Friction...................................
Clutch, Friction................................
Clutch, Friction...................................
Clutch, Friction - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -
Clutch, Friction..................................
Clutch, Harvester....-..----.......................
Clutch in machine for packing flour...............
Clutch, Lathe......................
Clutch, Machinery.............................
Clutch, Machinery...............................----
Clutch, Machinery................................
Clutch, Machinery...............................
Clutch, Machinery...............................
Clutch mechanism......------------------------..........................
Clutch mechanism, Friction......................
Clutch mechanism, Friction....................
Clutch mechanism, Friction pawl or............
Clutch or pulley, Friction.........................
Clutch or rope-holder............................
Clutch, Sail......
Clutch, SLughtering.............................
Clutch, Tubing.-------------------------
Coach, &c.......................................
Coach adapted to the prairies, Steam.............
Coach and other carriage........
Coach, barouche, &c........
Coach-dcors, Stop for.......................
Coach-lace, Making................................
Coach, &c., Mail..................................
Coach or carriage.................................
43 P
Inventor. Residence. Date.
Z. Hussey...-....-.........- - Chillicothe, Ohio.......... Dec. 14,1852
G. B. Wood---........... ----------Chicago, Iii----....----...--...... Aug. 30, 1870
J. B. Brown---..------------- Boston, Mass............. ---Apr. 30, 1840
E. A. Grant....----------............. Louisville, Ky ---............ May 9, 1871
J. Hartman, jr----..--------. - Philadelphia, Pa-......... Apr. 26, 1864
A. Heth and G. Hall-..... -Adams, N. Y.....-....... May 28, 1867
S. Ingersoll.----------------Stamford, Conn-----......---... May 12, 1863
W. Knight and N. WV. Lewis -- Bridgeport, Conn-..-.. June 24, 1873
W. I. Risedorph ------------ Albany, N. Y..-----------Sept. 7, 1869
H. F. Shaw.......------......------ West Roxbury, Mass.... Aug. 10, 1869
J. W. Tuttle...........-...... ---Newton, Mass......---..... --Oct. 11, 1870
H. Fleming.......-............--- Chicago, Ill--........... Oct. 11, 1864
D. Banks, jr............-..... New York, N.Y--------......... June 8, 1869
D. Banks, jr........---------- Middletown, Conn....... Sept.10, 1872
E. O. P. Audrows...---------- Boston, Mass.-----------Aug. 10, 1848
R. Reynolds---...---.----.- Stockport, N. Y- -------- Mar. 3, 1857
H. Pitcher-...-------- - - Fond du Lac, Wis....... Dec. 13, 1870
A. W. Hall..........---------- Northfield, Vt--....-----.......-- Dec. 19, 1871
C. C. Blodgett--...........-...... W----- atertown, N. Y...... Apr. 14, 1868
J. H.Blessing----------...............---- Albany, N. Y.-......-Apr. 18, 1871
D. M. Smyth...............- New York, N. Y -...---. Dec. 19,1865
G. D. Emerson----------............----- Calumet, Mich............ Apr. 12, 1870
J. T. Noye-...........--....... Buffalo, N. Y-----------............. June 17, 1856
A. B. Couch.--------------- Worcester, Mass-----......----... Sept. 14, 18.69
J. Hanley_--- -....... --------- New York, N. Y....--------..... Dec. 18, 1866
N. C. Stiles... ----------------Moriden, Conn----------........... Jan. 30, 1866
WV. Dixon and L. Heath -. - - Adams, N. Y.............. Oct. 1, 1t67
G. W. Wesley................. Meadville, Pa ----..-........ Apr. 18, 1871
H. Aiken.............. --.... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 12, 1872
S. B. Alger................... Oswego, N. Y............. -----------Apr. 1, 187:3
E. Allen-- -----------...- - Norwich, Conn-----........... May 20, 8lb73
D. Banks- ---..... - - New York, N. Y.......... May 25, 1869
N. Barlow...............----- ----- Saint Louis, Mo.......... Aug. 13,1850
F. G. Bates-------..... --- Springfield, Mass........ Oct. 15, 1872
E. B. Bigelow-..---------- -- Boston, Mass......... Aug. 17, 1869
J.S. Brown -----.--- -. -- Pawtucket, IR.I-..--_--- Apr. 26,1864
WV. H. Brown --................Worcester, Mass......... Nov. 28, 1865
W. C. Burch and G. D. Oatley.. Gloucester, N. J.......... June 13, 1871
C. E. Burwell..............---------------- Springfield, Mass......... July 9, 1872
C. W. Cardot... --............... Jamestown, N. Y......... June 8, 1869
G. Clishee -- --------------- Marlborough, Mass....... July 18, 1871
T. Coldwell....-......- Newburgh, N. Y......... Nov. 15, 18-0
G. D. Emerson ------------- Calumet, Mich........... Aug. 10, 1869
P. Ferguson and F. G. Bates-.. New Haven, Conn., and Jan. 16, 1872
Springfield, Mass.
E. T. Ford- -............ - - Stillwater, N. Y.......... Sept. 1, 1868
J. J. Grant- ---............ Greenfield, Mass........ Aug. 26, 1873
J. J. Grant----------------- Greentield, Mass.........-- - Sept. 9, 1873
A. W.Hall---------------- East Lebanon, N. H...... Feb. 4, 1868
M. Hawkins...------------Birmingham, Conn....... Nov. 16, 1869
G. W. Hedges-..........- - San Francisco, Cal........ Oct. 31, 1871
S. Ingersoll.----------.-- Brooklyn, N. Y.........----------.. Jan. 25, 1870
W.W.Jerome, S. B.Alger, and Norwich, N. Y ---............ Nov. 29, 1870
C. H. Sage.
J. B. Johnson and XV. H. Birch. San Francisco, Cal....... Apr. 7, 1868
O. Lull -............ --. - Rochester, N. Y........... May 31, 1870
L. H. Olmsted.....-------------- Newark, N. J--........... - Sept. 27, 1864
F. A. Pratt...--------. - - Hartford, Coun......... Feb. 22, 1870
G. S. Reynolds- -....-.-.- Lebanon, N. H.--.--.- - Apr. 4, 1871
1. Reynolds.....--------------- Stockpor, N. Y_- --.----- Dec. 24, 1861
G. Sickels............-....... Brooklyn, N. Y.....-.... Mar. 2, 1852
H. K. Smith........... -- Norwich, Conn--------..........-- Dec. 5, 1865
T. Stebins-.................. San Francisco, Cal...... Oct. 1,1872
T. A. Weston....... Ridgewood, N. J..... July 30, 1872
S. C. Wright- ---........... Fitchburgh, Mass-... Apr. 16, 1867
W. Wright---------. ------- New York, N. Y ---------June 15, 1852
L. S. Fithian ------------. Brooklyn, N. Y........... Aug. 8, 1871
E. Nicholson ---------------Cleveland, Ohio ---------Nov. 1, 1870
F. Bramer- - --------Little Falls, N. Y........ Aug. 22, 1871
S. Taggart-------... ------.. -- Indianapolis, Ind........ Dec. 19, 1854
R. Allen..-.-------- - Jersey City, N.J--------.. Dec. 4,1866
F. G. Bates.--- ------------- Springfield, Mass........ Mar. 12, 1872
W. B.Duckworth----------- Hamden, Conn............ Apr. 22,1873
T. F. Hammer --................Branford, Conn..----------July 11, 1865
W. E. Hawkins-----.. --------Wallingford, Conn--.... Feb. 27, 1872
J. E. Plummer and J. P.Noyes Binghamton, N. Y....... Nov. 22, 1870
D. M. Weston---............ Boston, Mass............ -Oct. 3, 1871
J. J. Coburn..........--... Philadelphia, Pa------......... -Apr. 22, 1873
M. G. Crane and A. M. Polsey. Newton and Boston, Mass. Feb. 15, 1870
W. R. Close... -. Bangor, Me------------............... June 27, 1871
H. S. Shepardson-----...------. Shelburne Falls, Mass.... June 14, 1864
C. A. Emery.------- - - Springfield, Mass......... Sept. 19, 1865
E. A. Sawyer.........- - Portland, Me............. June 6, 1865
F. J. Plummer...-- - -- Worcester, Mass....... Aug. 27, 1867
R. Savage...... Chicago, Ill..-------- Mar. 23, 1869
J. N. Angler...-----.. Titusville, Pa-----. --Nov. 16, 1869
B. Hale..-------------- Newburyport, Mass...... Jan. 17, 1818
J. Semple.................... Alton, Ill....-............ May 1, 1845
W. Hunt................. New York, N. Y......... July 30,18-27
F. Bremler...------- -. New York, N. Y......... Apr. 24, 1810
R. Gedney "- - Now York. N. Y - Apr. 7, 1832
J. Penfield ad D. F. Woolsey -Bridgeport, Conn--------Oct. 12, 1869
H. Killam.................... New Haven, Conn.......Dec. 10, 1861
W. G. Barnet................. Newark, N. J..- - Nov. 18, 18-25
S. Draper.................... Brookfiehl, Mass..-. Aug. 261, Ilcl
J. Allgaier.................. Philadelphia, Pa.. -.. June 10, 1873
9, 472
106, 907
1, 572
114, 669
42, 4-3
65, 220
38, 486
140, 142
94, 649
93, 486
108, 303
44, 621
90, 982
131, 207
5, 700
16, 748
110, 009
122, 009
76, 588
113, 841
51, 665
101, 846
94, 717
60, 509
52, 335
69, 326
113, e26
124, 529
137, 335
138, 980
90, 481
7, 557
132, 234
93, 798
42, 525
51, 134
115, 818
128, 705
90, 992
117, 234
109, 299
93, 604
122, 822
81, 617
142, 227
142, 564
74, 080
96, 913
120, 434
99, 199
109, 740
76, 328
103, 634
44, 448
100, 064
113, 566
34, 012
8, 782
131, 795
129, 914
63, 977
9, 043
117, 758
108, 817
118, 333
12, 107
C0, 113
124, 476
138, 139
48, 769
124, 058
109, 450
119, 677
138, 075
99, 761
116, 413
43, 138
49, 990
48, 103
68, 108
88, 217
96, 766.....
4, 029
95, 832
33, 892..3...
139, 753
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Coach or carriage.................
Coach, pleasure-carriage, railway-car, &c........
Coach-tongues, Mode of supporting.........
Coaches, &c., Hanging curtains or blinds in.......
Coaches, Making post and other-------------..................Coaches, Securing baggage on post................
Coal and generating gas, Cooking................
Coal and grain boat elevator.............
Coal and ore separator. --.........................
Coal and ore separators, Feeding-device for.......
Coal and ores, Desulphurizing....................
Coal and ores, Purification of.............
Coal and ores, Purification of..............
Coal and other minerals, Machinery for moving...
Coal and other minerals, Mode of cutting.......
Coal and other substances, Machine for breaking.
Coal and rock cutting machine............--...
Coal and slate separator----....-------------------.........
Coal and wood box...............................
Coal, &c., Apparatus for applying oil and water to
assist the combustion of.
Coal, &c., Apparatus for burning fine...........
Coal, Apparatus for raising and dumping....
Coal, Artificial lump...........................
Coal, Artificial lump.....................
Coal-barge -------------------------------
Coal, Bit for boring.... -------..................
Coal, &c., Bit for boring -....................
Coal-boring machine............................
Coal-boring machine....
Coal-box --..................
Coal-box -....................
Coal-box and fire-iron holder, Combined...........
Coal-box and fire-iron standard..............
Coal-breaker -------------------
Coal breaker and separator........................
Coal breaking and screening machine...............
Coal-breaking machine.......................
Coal-breaking machine..-----------------.-----
Coal-breaking machine.....................
Coal-breaking machine....---------------------
Coal-breaking machine.................................
Coal-breaking machine...........................
Coal-breaking machine............................
Coal-breaking machine........................
Coal-breaking machines, Conveyer and separator
Coal-breaking machinery......................
Coal-breaking machinery..............
Coal-breaking roll..............................
Coal burner, Anthracite.........................
Coal-chute ---...............................
Coal-chute, Extension..............
Coal, Composition for desulphurizing..........
Coal conveyer and and elevator................
Coal conveying and dumping apparatus...........
Coal, Conveying, cleaning, and assorting........
Coal, Cooling animal........
Coal-cutting machine.......
Coal-cutting niachine......................
Coal-cutting machine........
Coal-delivering sack...............................
Coal delivering sack.......................
Coal. Device for boring and excavating........
Coal-discharging apparatus......................
Coal-drilling machine.............................
Coal, Drier for preparing waste...................
Coal-dumping apparatus..........................
Coal-dumping apparatus....................
Coal dust and cinders, Mode of utilizing..........
J. Allgaier.................
B. F. Hooper.................
E. A. Lester..................
T. Shriver...................
G. Carter....................
C. M.King.................
Z. B. Wakeman------------...............
P. Harvey...................
R. Ward.....................
J. Stratton..--------------
W. G. Yalentin...............
S. K. Hoxsie......_
H. Bradford..................
J. I. Storer............
J. Burroughs.................
B. F.Peniman.................
J. E. Wooten.................
T. Harrison..................-------------
R. A. Wilder..................
H. F. Brown................
H. Bradford...................
J. Mallin----------------......................S. C. Salisbury..-----------............
E. Thayer....................
E. Morris...................
R. Covert....................------
R. Covert.................
L. F. Frazee..................--
R. Hartley...................
J. A. Preston.................
J. A.Preston................
S. Gissinger..................
S. Hipkins, jr.................
S. Hipkins,jr.................
D. Shoemaker............-- -
T. L. Bozart, jr..............
C. W. Coffin..................
B. R. Deacon.................
S. A. Smison................
A. F. Tripp..............
E. B. Jewett..............
H. Bradford...------.--.---
W. De Haven and P. Umholtz
J. A. Dickson.................
J. Fox.......................
B. Haywood.................
T. Petherick...............
W. Richardson...............
P. Umboltz..................
P. Umholtz..........
R. A. Wilder.............
L.P. Garner..................
J. Battin.....................
J. Battin......................
A. Bolton....................
J. R. Deihm and J. Snell-.......
L. P. Garner..................
J. Jones and S. P. Bidder, jr...
C.W. Kennedy and R. T. Brown
R. A. Wilder..................
R. A. Wilder............
R. A. Wilder...............
G. E. Hoyt...............
I. P. Lykens..................
W. R. Reece..............
J.N. Olney.-------------..................
E. Maguire.H. Merriman..........
W. E. Phelps..... -..........
L. D. and C. C. Roberts........
J. Rhodes....................
C. W. Williams..............
J. Heatherington.............
J. H. Connelly...............
J. T. Hoole.................
H. C. Clark and R. B. Little... -
J. G. Brant...................
W. Moller....................
T. Poore....................
H. C. Rogers.................
G.. Donisthorpe.........
G. E. Donisthorpe---------.............
S. Firth.................
W. 5- Shackleton..........
W. S. Shackleton..............
A. Buchanan..................
W. Ward....................
E. F. Flood...............
J. Grimm....................
T. M. Mitchell -
R. Jenkins and T. Woods-...
E. R. Kerr....................
A. L. Fleury........
Residence. Date.
Philadelphia, Pa----..----... July 8, 1873
Newark, N. J-..----------... Apr. 14, 1868
Boston, Mass------------.............. Mar. 18, 1835
Cumberland, Md--------.......... -Nov. 7, 1839
Newark, N. J --------_-_Nov. 26,1831
Newark, N. J ------Dec. 31, 1633
Beloit, Wis......... Mar. 10, 1857
Philadelphia, IPa..--. May 9, 1807
Schenect.qdty, N. Y... June 2, 1825
Greenfield, M4 ss.......... June 29, 1830
London, England......... Jan. 13, 1863
Philadelphia, Pa.. May 18, 1809
Reading, Pa............. Sept. 30, 1873
Readin, Pa.-.- -. Sept. 30, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.....- - - Apr. 9, 1861
Ridgway, Pa........ Apr. 3, 1860
New York, N. Y ---.......... Oct. 25, i864
Reading, Pa......... June 7, 1870
Tudhoe, England..... May 3, 1864
Cressona, Pa........ Mar. 18, 1873
Indianapolis, Ind.....-....- - Sept. 16, 1873
Reading, Pa............. Out. 29, 1872
Chicago,111.----......... May 2,1871
New York, N. Y........ Apr. 24, 1866
Woreester, Mass.........
Bergen, N. J........
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Jersey City, N. J.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.------
New Haven, Conn...-....
New Haven, Conn.....
Manchester, Pa......
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Whee'ing, W. Va.-....
Kittaning Township, Pa..
Indianapolis, Ind.......
Pittsburgh, Pa----------..........
Montreal, Canada......
Cincinnati, Ohio....-.
Earlville, Ill..............
Buffalo. N. Y.............
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Reading, Pa..--.
Minersville, Pa.. -....
Scranton, Pa..............
Philadelphia, Pa.-...
Pottsville, Pa -...-.....
Pottaville, Pa...........
Philadelphia, Pa.--...
Tremont, Pa..............
Tremont, Pa..............
Cressona, Pa.............
Ashland, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa - -...
Philadelphia, Pa...
Port Carbon, Pa.......
Pottsville, Pa ----..---..
Ashland, Pa............
Stratford and Mitcham,
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Cressona, Pa..............
Cressona, Pa.............--.
Cressona, Pa.. -.........
Sept. 13, 1864
July 8, 1856
Nov. 8, 1864
June 27, 1865
Dec. 13, 1870
May 31, 1870
Sept. 24, 1867
May 24, 1870
Dec. 17, 1867
Jan. 14, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
Sept. 16,1873
Jan. 24, 1871
Oct. 31, 1871
Apr. 12,1870
July 13, 1869
Jan. 14, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
DTc. 10, 1872
Oct. 21,1873
Feb. 8, 1848
July 4, 1865
Apr. 25, 1865
May 21, 1845
Apr. 22, 1856
Sept. 2, 1845
Mar. 20, 1860
June 13, 1865
Sept. 2, 1a73
May 25, 189
Oct. 6, 1843
Feb. 12, 1844
Mar. 2, 1858
Oct. 27, 1857
Feb. 19,1861
Aug. 31, 1869
May 10, 1859
Feb. 19,1861
Dec. 24, 1872
Dec. 24, 1872
140, '66
76, 762.....
1, 399.....
16, 813.....
37, 412
90, 103
143, 219
143, 323
32, 012
27, 689
44, 817
104, 093
42, 626
136, 887
142, 896
132, 623
114, 312
54, 216
44, 263
15, 00
44, 940
48. 372
110, 130
103, 607
69, 245
103, 502
72, 389
134, 805
134, 804
142, 950
111, 171
120, 494
101, 833
73, 394
134, 230
133, 780
143, 745
5, 440
48, 532
47, 409
4, 058
14, 732
4, 172
27, 581
48, 224
142, 426
90, 439
3, 292
3, 438
19, 481
18, 501
31, 451
94, 216
23, 922
31. 502
134, 233
134, 234
27, 220
27, 191
39, 835
67, 995
84, 749
121, 413
89, 793
115, 640
132, 884
74, 686
43, 760
131, 683
78, 430
4, 415
61, 851
17, 294
43, 133
82, 391
82, 608
137, 669
113, 353
142, 741
48, 258
101, 793
88, 379
97, 080
92, 737
115, 738
58, 549
52, 554
Brooklyn, N. Y ---.--.-. Feb. 21, 1860
Pottsville, Pa-..----. Feb. 14, 1860
Tremont, Pa-. -.. Sept. 8, 1863
Providence, R.I---------. Dec. 26, 1833
Kewanee, I11-- -----------. Aug. '20, 1867
Bloomington, Ill -.......Dec. 8, 1868
Elmwood, Ill.-----------.Nov. 28, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio --....... May 4, 1869
Dunkirk, N. Y..-........ June 6, 1871
Port Jervis, N. Y..--. Nov. 5, 1872
Bellaire, Ohio..--...-.. Feb. 18,1868
Wheeling, W. Va...-.. Aug. 9, 1864
Buffalo, N. Y......-... Sept. 24, 1872
Providence, R. I. - -....-.June 2, 1866
Cumberland, Md...... Mar. 14, 1846
New York, N. Y.......- Feb. 5, 1867
Carbondale, Pa---...----May 12, 1857
Scranton, Pa....--.-- June 14, 1864
Leeds, England..........Sept. 22, 1868
Leeds, England..........Sept. 29, 1868
Leeds, England.......... Apr. 8, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio....Apr. 4,1871
Cleveland, Ohio--..------.. -Sept. 9, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y....--..... June 20, 1865
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Apr. 12, 1870
Chicago, Ill.............. ----- Mar. 30, 1869
Darlington Township, Pa Nov. 23, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa......... July 20,1869
Allegheny County, Pa.... June 6,1871
Kewanee, Ill.............. Oct. 2, 1866
Pittsburgh, Pa.,........... Feb. 13,1866
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire--Continued.
Coal-dust as fuel in furnaces, Process of using
Cool-dust for fuel, Mode of preparing............
Coal-dust, Furnace for burning---------------....................
Coal-dust, peat, &c., Method of consolidating......
Coal-elevator..................................-----------------------------.. -
Coal elevator.-------------------------------....................................
Coal elevator.---------------------------...................................
Coal elevator and distributor----------------.....................Coal elevator and weigher.........................
Co-l elevator bucket---.......-------------------.....................
Coal for mine*allurgic operations, Preparing.......Coal for smelting ores, Preparing................
Coal for weldiing iron, Methold of desu'phurizing.
Coasl from slate, Apparatus for separating-........C oal furnace, Anthracite-------------------.........................Coal furnace, Anthracite........................
Coal furnace, Anthracite-------------------.........................Coal furnace, Anthracite...............--........
Coal furnace, Anthracite.......................
Coal, Furnace for burning fossil..................
Coal-hod -----------........................................
C oal-h od....................................
C -al-hod..........................................
Coal hod and screen................................
Coal hod and sifter, Combined.....................
Coal hod and sifter, Combined....................
Coal-bad, ash-sifter, and slop-pail combined.......
Coal-hod bottom................................
Coal had, Screen------------------------...................................
Coal hod stand................................
Coal -hods, Construction of sheet-metal..............
Coal-hods, Construct ion of sheet- metal......
Coal hoister and conveyer.-...............
Coal, Hoisting and dumping --...................
Coal hoisting and clumping apparatus..............
Coal hoisting and dumping machine................
Coal-hole cover.-...--.............................
Coal-hole cover....----------------------------
Coal-hole cover...................................
Coal-hole cover, Safety.............
Coal-hole guard-.---.- -............
Coal-holes, Composition-cover for...............
Coal-holes, Safety-port for------....-----.....................
Coal-hopper and platform-scales, Combined........
" i I i
A. Berney.................... Jersey City, N. J.......... Apr. 15, 1873
A. D. Ditmars.................
G. B. Deppen and E. Levengood.
W. J. Cheyney and E. T. Dieterichs.
A. S. Bailey.......---...........
L. S. Chichester............
J. C. Clifford................
J.P. Tucker...............
HI. C. Clark and R. B. Little... --
L. S. Chichester...............
A. B. Nimbs.........
WV. J. Lynd...............
W. J.Lynd.................
J. H. Elward.............
B. F. Day...............
M. B. Bullkley.................
W. Church...............
D. Olmsted........_...........
J. L. Sullivan..............
O. Woodruff... --------------
D. Stansbury..........
J. H. Brown--..-.......--.
E. R. Hall.. --................
L. W. Hemp...............
R. W. Huston.................
E. A. Jeffery.............
E. A. Jeffery--.............
C. F. Kneeland................
J. A. Lawson..................
W. N. Martin.............
J. R. M iller.............:.....
F. G. and W. F. Needringhaus.
J. Ptitzinger.................
J. Pilbeam...................
J. H. Pocock.................
H. B Safford.................
C. Smith.....................
J. G. Somes..............
S. Thomson, G. Smith, and
J. S. Jennings.
W. Wilson...............
A. A. Yeatman and J. M.
A. Porter................
R. Bogle...........
B. F. Brown.................
C. Jones....................
E. W. Kimball............
M. S. Nichols and R. Weaver..
W. M. Conger............
M. G. Fagan..................
J. McCoy.................
J. Green......................
G. Martz----------------......................
W. B. Culver...............
G. Martz....................
J. Gault....................
L. A. Kimberly...............
F. H. Moore...................
F. H. Moore..................
J. C. Jenks...................
J. F. Wood.................
S. W. Frost..............
F. E. and L. I. Howe'.......
Lancaster, Pa......... Aug. 18, 1868
Myerstown, Pa.......... Nov. 16, 1858
Wallingford and Philadelphia, Pa.
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y..........
Yonkers, N. Y...........
South Reading, Mass......
Providence. R. I.........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Golden City, Cole.....
Golden City, Cole.......
Polo, Ill...................
Hazleton, Pa-...........
Pottsville, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..............
New Haven, Conn.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Belleville, N. J...........
Lynn. Mass...........
Buffalo, N.Y----------.....
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Calais, Me...............
New Haven, Conn.......
New Haven, Conn.......
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Troy, N. Y..............
Bristol, R. I.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Buffalo,N. Y.............
Seneca Falls, N. Y......
Chicago, Ill....- - -
Lancaster, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Mar. 14, 1865
Feb. 22,1870
Aug. 17, 1869
Oct. 3, 1871
June 12, 1866
Oct. 1, 1867
Aug. 17, 1869
Sept. 6, 1864
Jan. 4, 1870
Jan. 4.1870
Feb. 20, 1866
July 9, 187-2
Jan. 16, 1835
Nov. 20, 1826
Nov. 5, 1834
Nov. 26, 1825
Nov. 7,1825
Apr. 15, 1825
Aug. 5,1873
July 17, 1866
Dec. 31, 1872
Nov. 22,1859
Aug. 23, 1864
Feb. 27, 1866
Aug. 12, 1856
Aug. 27, 1867
Nov. 7, 1854
May 3, 1864
Oct. 20,1868
Oct. 22,1867
Sept. 22, 1863
Nov. 20, 1866
Sept. 9, 1873
Oct. 24, 1871
Apr. 27, 1869
Mar. 20, 1866
Boston, Mass........... May 3, 1870
Washington, D. C......... Jan. 15, 1867
Coal in cellars, Machine for depositing............ W. Bell -...............
Coal into blocks for fuel, Press for compacting the T. M. Mitchell...............
waste particles of.
Coal into solid lumps, Method of converting fine.. W. Easby....................
Coal, Kiln for charring........................... C. Kownslar................
Coal-lifter...-----------------------... --------.....J. B. Creemer...........
Coal-loading device............................. D. Risher,jr...--------------
Coal, Machine for breaking and screening.-........ H. Thomas.................
Coal, Machine for cracking anthracite.-.....-...... J. S. Hubbell..................
Coal, Machine for cutting........................J. Gillott and P. Copley.......
Coal, Machinc for d(sulphurizing bituminous.... D. Morgan...................
Coal, Machine for loading....................... C. Bushor.....................
Coal, &c., Machine for loading.................... C. iushor...............
Coal, Machine for separating slate andl other E. Borda and I). Glover.......
foreign substances fronm.
Coal, Machine for slating-------......------...-----.........---.... T. Garretson...............
Coal, Machine for slating......................... J. Gass......................
Coal, Machine for undermining.................... G D. Whitcomb - -............
Ccal, Method ef burning waste.... -............... J.D.Whelpley and J.J. Storer
Coal, minerals, &c., Method A' mining........... W. Locke, J. Warrington, W.
E. Carrett, W. E. Marshall,
and J. Telford.
Coal mining apparatus..........................L. G.E. Donisthorpe...........
Coal-mining aippar atus...-- --............-..------. G.E. Donisthorpe..........
Coal -mining machine.............................. E.K. and J. M. Bruce.......
Coal mining machine....................... IW. Case............
Coal-muining mniachieii..-------------------------. C. A. Chamberlin............
Coal -mining machline..................... G. E. Donisthorpe........
Coal mining machline...................----------------------......... E. Donisthorpe.........
Coal mining machine....--.....---................ G. E.Donisthliorpe..........
Charlestown, Mass........
Milton, Pa..............
Portland, Me............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Hudson, N. Y...........
Central Village, Conn.....
Newark, N. J........
Troy, N. Y..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........
Pottsville, Pa..........--
Scranton, Pa..............
Pottsville, Pa.............
Boston, Mass............
New Haven, Conn.......
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass............
Everett, Mass............
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y., and
Boston, Mass.
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Washington, D. C.........
Mill Creek, Va..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Dravosburgh, Pa.........
Beaver Meadow, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Barnsley, England....
Hanmondsville, Ohio.....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa... - -
Woodside, Pa............
Pottsville, Pa............
Trevorton, Pa............
Chicago, Ill..............
Boston, Mass...........
Kippax, England..........
Leeds, England...........
Leeds, England.........
Liberty, Pa...............
Troy, Ill................
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Leeds, England.....-....
Leeds, England.-........
Leeds, England...........
Feb. 25,1868
Dec. 26, 1871
Nov. 27, 1866
May 30, 1867
Jan. 21, 1868
Mar. 15, 1870
May 14, 1872
July 7, 1868
Nov. 19, 1867
Aug. 1,1871
Oct. 30, 1866
Jan. 4, 1859
Apr. 13, 1858
July 23, 1861
Nov. 22, 1870
Apr. 3, 1855
Jan. 15,1856
Mar. 4, 1865
Nov. 26, 1872
Apr. 3, 1855
May 5, 1868
Feb. 26, 1856
Nov. 30, 1869
Aug. 29, 1848
June 20, 1825
Oct. 23, 1855
Sept. 8, 1868
Dec. 5, 1843
Aug. 17, 1835
Nov. 11, 1873
Jan. 1, 1869
July 2, 1861
May 20, 1862
Oct. 13, 1857
Mar. 30, 1858
Nov. 24, 1857
Aug. 29, 1871
Mar. 13, 1866
May 15, 1866
Sept. 1,1868
Sept. 1, 1868
Sept. 19, 1865
June 3, 1873
Mar. 9, 1858
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 7, 1868
137, 820
81, 149
22, 067
46, 777
93, 676
119, 574
55, 557
69, 407
93, 677
44, 108
98, 607
98, 606
52, 699
128, 791...............
141, 485
56, 408
134, 379
26, 188
43, 916
52, 856
15, 519
68, 213
11, 898
42, 623
83, 301
70, 015
40, 061
59, 925
142, 734
120, 336
89, 444
53, 384
102, 639
61, 301
74, 770
59, 954
48, 020
73, 535
100, 791
126, 676
79, 564
71, 032
117, 534
59, 243
22, 492
19, 939
32, 865
109, 422
12, 637
14, 107
14, 359
133, 513
12, 623
77, 488
14, 301
97, 309
5, 739.....
13, 699
81, 946
3, 368
144, 529
90, 772
32, 680
35, 297
18, 380
19, 768
18, 687
118, 501
53, 208
54, 833
81, 759
81, 760
49, 972
139, 541
19, 543
76, 417
76, 418
76, 419
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Coal-mining machine............................
Coal-mining machine..............................
Coal-mining machine..............................
Coal-mining machine..............................
Coal-mining machine..............................
Coal-mining machine..........................
Coal-mining machine............................
Coal-mining machine.......................
Coal-mining machine.................
Coal-mining-machine drill-carriage...............
Coal-mining machinery..........................
Coal-mining machinery.....................
Coal-mining tool....-------------------------..
Coal, Mixing apparatus for preparing waste.......
Coal, &c., Mode of pulverizing and preparing for
Coal-oil for heating purposes, Apparatus for burning.
Coal-oil furnace...................................
Coal-oil heater.....................................
Coal or charcoal, Furnace for burning stone.......
Coal, ore, &c., washer.............................
Coal, Preparing....................................
Coal, Process and apparatus for utilizing waste-...
Coal, Producing combustion by applying high
steam and hydrogen gas to anthracite.
Coal products to obtain benzole, Treating........
Coal raising and dumping apparatus..............
Coal raising and moving..........................
Coal-raising apparatus...........................
Coal screen and chute......................
Coal-screen, Corrugated-iron revolving............
Coal-screens, Wire cloth for....................
Coal-screens, Wire-cloth for..................
Coal screening or sifting machine............
Coal-scuttle i..............................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
G. E. Donisthorpe............. Leeds, England....--------- Sept. 22, 1868 82, 300
C. L. Driesslein............... Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 11, 1873 136, 712
G. Elbreg-----------------.................... Brazil, Ind......-------------.......... Jan. 14, 1873 134, 870
J. S. Fisk and J. Westerman. Meadvilic and Sharon, Pa Jan. 17, 1865 45, 917
W. W. Grier and R. H. Boyd.. iulton, Pa-------...---.-. July 12, 1864 43, 493
W. W. Grier and R. H. Boyd.. Hulton, Pa-------- --- Oct. 24, 1865 50, 577
F. M. W. Price------------............... Danville, Ill.............. Sept. 9, 1873 142. 582
E. Simkins................... Allegheny, Pa............ - -- Oct. 26, 1858 21, 908
H. Spear..................... Portland, Me.--...----......... Dec. 10, 1872 133, 900
S. Gissinger................ Allegheny City, Pa.-..... Dec. 17, 1867 72, 360
J. Alexander.................. Gartsheirie. Scotland.... Feb. 18, 1873 135, 874
J. G. Jones--------------................... - Monmouthshire, Wales.. Dec. 5, 1865 51, 405
I. Lamplugh.................. Peoria, Ill............. Dec. 19, 1871 122,035
T. M. Mitchell............... Philadelphia, Pa....... July 20, 1869 92, 738
J. E. Lundgren............. Stockholm, Sweden....... Apr. 5, 1864 42, 257
H. W. Dopp................... Buffalo, N. Y.............. Jan. 20, 1863 37, 436
T. Shaw.................... Philadelphia, Pa....... May 29, 1860 28, 539
H. W. Dopp................... Buffalo, N.Y....----------- July 7,1863 39, 129
J. Eslin....................... Philadelphia, Pa...---.... June 19, 1830.....
M. Evrard........-........... St. Etienne, F1 ance....... Aug. 26, 1873 142, 221
HI., jr., and E. Mayhew....... Lancaster. Pa........._Mar. 6, 1860 27, 373
T. M. Mitchell----...------.. ---Philadelphia, Pa..-.--- --July 20, 1869 92, 736
P. Chase.................. New York, N. Y---------.......... Oct. 7, 1831........
J. Rowley.----- --.-- ------ Camberwell, England.... Mar. 22, 1870 101, 048
J. Delaney--------------....................- Ashland, Pa...--........ June 8, 1869 91, 093
A. Lawton--...... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 16, 1869 96, 927
A. Lawton------.. Philadelphia, Pa..... July 13, 1869 92, 461
E. G. Belknap-........... Philadelphia, Pa. May 16, 1871 114, 753
H. L. Cake- --..P..........- Pottsville, Pa-............. -- Jan. 24, 186) 26, 890
J. R. Deihm and J. Snell-...... Pottsville, Pa..-........... June 21,1864 43, 185
R. B. Douty................. -- Shamokin, Pa......- ---...... May 19,1863 38, 509
T. Farron..-....-............ Lincoln Township, Pa.... Jan. 10, 1872 122, 589
J. P. Fennell............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 19, 1855 13, 083
B. L. Fetherolf.....------------- Tamaqua, Pa-............. Jan. 23, 1872 122, E82
L. P. Garner- ---............. Ashland, Pa............. May 11, 1869 89, 927
G. E. Hoyt and F. Nishwitz...- Brooklyn, N. Y........... Jan. 19, 1858 19, 175
J. Laubenstein.....-------------Minersville, Pa..........Feb. 4, 1862 34, 306
G. Martz.................. Pottsville, Pa............. Mar. 6, 1855 12, 486
A. M. Olds-.......-..... Chicago, Ill.............. Jan. 24, 1865 46, 019
J. A. Robinson............ Pittston, Pa............. Mar. 28, 1865 47, 041
J. B. Smith................... Dunmore, Pa.....----------- Aug. 7, 1866 57, 02
J. Snell and J. R. Deihm P...... Pottsville, Pa.......... May 24, 1859 24, 155
J. Snell and J. R. Deihm... - - Pottsville, Pa.......... Sept. 10, 1861 33, 268
W. Sparks---...-----------.... New York, N. Y........... Sept. 12, 1865 49, 932
W. Sparks................New York, N. Y......... Nov. 16,1869 96, 991
E. Thomas..-.................. Shickshinny, Pa. -....-... Dec. 6, 1870 109, 969
G. Whittle----...------------ New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 29, 1867 70, 305
S. W. Woodward-----...... Buffalo, N. Y.............. Apr. 29, 1873 138, 355
M. R. Roberts.............. San Francisco; Cal-........ June 17, 1873 1,40, 077
E. W. Weston............... Providence, Pa............ Nov. 19, 1867 71, 099
C. P. Leitzinger........... Scranton, Pa.............. June 18, 1872 128, 177
J. W. Brock----..-------- -- Scranton, Pa...............Nov. 12, 1872 132, 949
B. S. Hort................. Kensington, Pa........... Feb. 7, 1842 2, 451
S. J. Anderson-............ Cazenovia, N. Y........ Apr. 26, 1870 102, 202
A. Bardell and S. Smith..-. New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 807
F. L. Blair............... Allegheny, Pa............ Jan. 11, 1870 98, 661
J. A. Bragaw.............. Kingston, N. Y.--..-........ Oct. 10, 1871 119, 738
M. L. Byrn.....--... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 28,1865 51, 139
G. Chambers................ Ithaca, N. Y-----------.............. Dec. 13, 1864 45, 388
H. C. Clark............... Williamsburgh, N. Y-...... Dec. 24, 1872 134, 253
J. W. Coombs............. Mount Vernon, N. Y...... June 3, 1862 35, 436
B. F. Cowan......---------------New York, N. Y......... Jan. 8,1867 61,054
J. L. Ellithorp and P. Sloan..... Canajoharie, N. Y-........ May 25, 1869 90, 437
E. Ehtinge.................... Kingston, N. Y......... Dec. 11, 1866 60, 349
E. Eltinge................... Kingston, N. Y.......... June 20, 1871 116, 036
B. FieldingC..... Cincinnati, Ohio........ July 4, 1871 116, 099
G. H. and D. W. Hazelton..... Philadelphia, Pa........ Apr. 4,1871 113, 429
C. F. Henis................ Cincinnati, Ohio..-.....-Nov. 27, 1866 60, 003
C. Hodgetts.................. Williamsburgh, N. Y-...... May 31, 1870 103, 615
W. Hoffmire............... New York, N. Y........... Aug. 13, 1872 130, 438
J. Holden..................... Philadelphia. Pa.......... ---- Aug. 14, 1866 57, 137
G. Howland.............. Brunswick, N. Y.......... Feb. 4, 1873 135, 554
J. W. Jarboe............. Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y..... May 4, 1869 89, 771
T. T. Markland, jr........ Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov. 1,1864 44, 875
E. Mather................ Chicago, Ill.............. Sept. 12, 1871 118, 807
W. Miller.................... New York, N. Y........... Mar. 10, 1863 37,871
O. Morse............... Rochester, N. Y---------.......... July 21,1868 80, 203
J. Myers, jr............... New York, N. Y........... July 29,1856 15, 434
J.T. Page............... Rochester, N. Y........... Dec. 22, 1868 85, 240
J. C. Parrish................. Petersburgh, Va.-..-.. May 2, 1871 114, 335
J. Pfeiferr......... Philadelphia, Pa..... Jan. 22, 1867 61, 356
J. Pfeifer...----- -.. Philadelphia, Pa --------June 13, 1871 115, 888
H. S. Pratt.---------- -.. Hartford, Conn........... Nov. 14,1865 50, 953
H. S. Reynolds.......... -New York, N. Y.......... June 28, 1870 104, 885
M. Saulson.............. Troy, N. Y........... July 13, 1869 92, 546
T. and J. M. Scantlin......... Evansville, Ind........ July 7, 1868 79, 692
S. B. Sexton.................. Baltimore, Md........... Jan. 31, 1865 46, 148
D. Smith.................. Albany, N. Y............ D(c. 10, 1872 133, 806
G. Smith....... Brooklyn, N. Y -------July 31, 1866 56, 812
G. Smith----------...... Wiliiamsburgh, N. Y -... Feb. 27, 1872 124, 093
G. D. Smith...---- -.. Washigton, D. C......... Apr. 16, 1867 63, 953
T. Smith...................... Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 31, 1865 50, 744
A. S. Thompson............... Little Falls, Minn......... Sept. 30, 1873 143, 311
J. G. Treadwell........ Albany, N. Y............ Apr. 23,1861 32, 158
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Coal-scuttle and ash-screen, Combined..........
Coal-scuttle and ash-sifter combined............
Coal-scuttle and ash-sifter, Combined..............
Coal-scuttle and ash-sifter, Combined...........--
Coal scuttle and sifter............................
Coal scuttle and sifter._......................
Coal-scuttle cover................................
Coal-scuttles, Construction of...................
Coal-shafts, Safety-cage for......................
Coal-shovel--andl ----------------------------
Cogl-shovel handle......................
Coal-sifter -.......................................
Coal-splitting machine..........................
Coal-tar, Composition made from...............
Coal-tar in iron-furnaces, Use of....................
Coal-tar to manufacture loofing, Process of treating
Coal-tar, Utilization of..........................
Coal-trap, Safety...............................
Coal, Treating acid tars from..............
Coal, Tub for handling...........................
Coal washer and separator..-----------------..-...
Coal-washing machine.......................
Coal-washing machine....------------------------........................
Coat and hat hook...............................
Coat and hat hook....------------------------------
Coat and hat hook................................
Coat and hat hook............................._
Coat and hat hook...............................
Coat and hat rack...............................
Coat and hat rack..............................
Coat and hat rack, Folding.......................
Coat drying and pressing apparatus..............
Coat-hook and line-holder........................-------------------
Coat-pattern, Adjustab:c...............-........
Coat-sleeves, Device for closing the ends of.......
Coat sling or carrier...............................
Coat support..................................
Coat with inner sleeve.........................
Coats and vests, Taking the form and measure of
gentlemen to cut.
Coats, Block for stretching........................
Coats, Drafting out fore part of...................
Coats in one piece, Mode of cutting bodies of-......
Coats, Instrument for drafting....................
Coats, &c., Lock for.............. -
Coating iron. &c., Composition for...............
Coating metals...................................
Coating or electroplating iron, brass, copper, &c.,
with tin.
Coating with tin and other metals, Apparatus for..
Coating wood and iron, Composition for.........
Coating wood and other articles to render them
acid-proof, Compound for.
Coating wood and other materials, Composition for
Cob and feed mill..............................
Cob and grain mill...............................
Cob and stalk cutter.........--.................
Cock..- d..stalk.cut --------------------------
Cock--------.. - -- - -
Cock -........................
Cock, Air-cushion stop...........................
Cock, Ale or boor................................
Residence. Date. No.
W. B. Treadwell............
W. B. Treadwell.......
J. J. White..............
D. Wight...................
D. Wright and W. A. Kirby..
A. T. Carling and L. Rockwell
C. MeCleaver................
A. McNeill...................
T. Parker....................
C. L. W. Baker........
W. Hazlet and W. H. Flanigan
I. Chase, jr.................
J. and J. Scott and WV. Miller.
J. B. Wilford.........
D. Glover....................
J. F. Brewer.................
M. G. Fagan.................
J. H. Farmer............--
J. Pteifer....................
S. Langmaid..................
H. W ells.....................
J. H. Lyon....................
F. M. Billstream..........
I. G.Johnson.................
A. H. Perkins...............
R. S. Child...................
T. W. Pratt..................
G. Chevrier..................
P. K. Dederick...............
A. Kemp..................
J. P. Evans...............
G. Lander.................
P. Cohen..............
H. Kuhlman................
G. F. J. Colburn........
J. Danner...................
N. and H. L. Judd............
J. B. Sargent................
W. Schmitt...........
J. M. Keep...............
S. Macferran and S. Ustick...J. H. Monce...........
J. Braun....--------------------
W. B. Olds..................
W. A. Middleton.........
G. P. Sweezy.................
J. B. Lumsey...............
H. F. Herkner.............
D. F. Drake --................R1. C. Kelly...................
J. V. Moyer...............
T. Vandoren, sr...............
S. M. Perkins-... -..........
A. Ward...................
W. M. Wiswell...............
S. Corley.....................
C. B. Trimble................
F. J. Seybold...............J. D. Giiineberg and S. H.
W. E. Tilley..................
Albany, N. Y............
Albany, N. Y............
Norfolk, Va...............
New London, Conn........
Auburn, N. Y............
Ellenville, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J............
Washington, D. C.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Harford, Conn.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Boston, Mass..............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Reading, Pa............
Cass Township, Schuylkill
County, Pa.
Plantsville, Conn.......
Troy, N. Y................
Detroit, Mich._...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Lawrence, Mass...-.....
Hartford, Conn..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Lawrence, Kans.........
Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y.....
Janesville, Wis...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..............
Paris, France...............
Albany, N. Y...........New York, N. Y -........
Borough of Hazleton, Pa..
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Joseph, Mo..........
Boston, Mass..............
Newark, N. J...........
Canton, Ohio..............
New Haven, Conn., and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
New Haven, Conn.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Meriden, Conm............
Harrisburgh, Pa.........
Riverhead, N. Y....._
Stu, gis, Mich.............
New York, N. Y..........
Somerville, Mass.........
West Meriden, Conn......
Cherry Valley, N. Y.......
Washington, D. C........
Springfield, Pa.........
Moyamensing, Pa........
Portlanj, Me............
Lexington, S. C...........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Spring Hill, N. J._.......
Apr. 14, 1863
Jan. 12, 1864
Sept. 23, 1873
Jan. 15, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
Oct. 31,1865
Dec. 17, 1872
Apr. 20, 1858
Sept. 20, 1864
Aug. 7, 1866
May 3, 1870
Jan. 8, 1856
Nov. 19, 1867
Sept. 30, 1873
June 7, 1859
Feb. 22, 1870
Aug. 24, 1869
Aug. 8,1871
Sept. 4, 1866
July 16, 1867
Dec. 31, 1839
Feb. 23, 1858
May 31, 1870
July 14, 1857
Oct. 7,1862
July 9, 1861
Oct. 10, 1865
Aug. 30, 1870
Aug. 20, 172
June 18, 1867
Sept. 14, 1858
May 30,1871
Sept. 24, 1867
May 14, 1872
Nov. 1, 1864
Mar. 6, 1866
May 10, 1870
Nov. 12, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
Nov. 3, 1870
Feb. 21, 1865
Sept. 6, 1870
Dec. 2-2, 1868
Apr. 6, 1852
Mar. 23, 1869
Nov. 8,1870
June 23, 1968
May 31, 1870
Nov. 25, 1862
Dec. 1, 1868
Jan. 24, 1865
Dec. 17, 1867
July 27, 1852
Sept. 28, 1837
Apr. 10, 1839
Dec. 29, 1857
Dec. 12, 1865
Feb. 11,1873
Mar. 24, 1868
41, 244
143, 208
61, 295
62, 915
50, 685
134, 081
20, 00
44, 336
56, 874
102, 679
14, 050
71, 226
143, 395
24, 296
100, 008
94, 094
117, 756
57, 759
66, 718
1, 450
19, 429
103, 614
17, 791
36, 632
32, 7 53
50, 387
106, 915
130, 571
65, 818
115, 486
69, 180
126, 718
44, 853
52, 974
102, 945
70, 749
69, 032
109, 017
46, 528
107, 080
85, 058
8, 858
88, 157
109, 076
79, 259
103, 816
37, 029
84, 495
46, 016
72, 432
1, 119
18, 958
51, 524
135, 668
75, 898
128, 081
128, 862
142, 117
140, 530
63, 428
23, 693
10, 110
64, 851
140, 685
143, 683
48, 673
111, 205
47, 309
123, 996
115, 091
131, 556
29, 309
51, 349
124, 082
48, 7-21
117, 112
133, 120
25, 853
129, 616
108, 093
106, 237
138, 243
112, 701
Middlesex County,England June 18, 1872
E. H. Davies-............. Pittsburgh, Pa........... July 9,1872
E. F. Prentiss........... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 26, 1873
1R. Newell---...-----------------... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 1, 1873
C. L. Robertson..............
H. Ormsby and E. P. Sumner.
J. R. Marston............
T. B. Jones--.......
C. M. Alburger........
A. S. Davenderf............J. WV. Faxon................J. P. Galiagher ---.............
W. iH. Hedges and M. E.
E. Hubball....................
N. Jenkins.................
11. Jones....................
J. J. Lowry...................
S. Norton..................
M. T. F. O'Donnell...........
B. Pickering.................
J. Powell..................
T. Prosser....................
J. Regester..................
J. R gester.................
H. S. Ross................
H. S. Ross...................
D. H. Stickney...............
IH. Stratcr, jr................
T. H. Thayer.................
J. W. Trafton...............
D. A. obinson...............
II., Getty...................
Providence, R. I........
Beloit, Wis---...............
New York, N. Y..........
Carloville, Ala.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Galesburgh, Ill.............
Boston, Mass-----------..............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Newark, N. J...........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa-..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Stoclkport, Great Britain..
Boston, Mass..............
Dayton, Ohio............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y....
Baltimore, Md.............
Baltimore, Md...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........Boston, Mass........
New Haven, Con......
Springfield, Mass.........
W'ashington, D. C.........
loboken, N. J............
Apr. 2, 1867
July 23, 1861
Apr. 19, 1859
Oct. 11, 1853
May 21, 1867
July 8, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
July 11, 1865
Jan. 24, 1871
Oct. 4, 1820
Apr. 18, 1865
Feb. 27, 1872
Jan. 5,1864
May 23, 1871
Sept. 24, 1872
July 24,1860
Dec. 5, 1865
Feb. 27, 1812
July 11, 1865
July 18, 1871
Nov. 19, 1872
Aug. 26,1873
Oct. 18, 1859
July 16, 1872
Aug. 2,1870
Aug. 9, 1870
Aug. 6, 187-2
Mar. 14, 1871
indexc of patents issued from the United Stoles Potent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cock and alarm-whistle, Gage... _..........
Coek and case for pipes leading from street-mains,
Cock and clieck-valve, Combined stop............
Cock and. faucet, Valve..........._.._
Coelk and filter in combination, Stop -- - --- -- - ----.
Cock and fixed socket. Combined removable.
Cock and swinging joint, Gas---------------. _ _
Cock, Angle valve -----------------------------
Cock, Anti-concussion water..- _.................
Cock, Automatic gas--------------------------.....
Cook, Automatic lnbricating water aid gas...
Cock, Barrehing---------..----------------
Cocke Basin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Code, Basin------------------------------------
Cock, Basin..... _ -.. - -......
Cook, Bai n -- - - - - - - - - Â~. -- - - -...
C ock, B isin....................
C( ck Basin....... - - - - - - - - - - -
CocclBasin stop.........-.._...............
Cocke Bib - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cock, Block-tin stop.........................
Cok -iiergge-------------.. --------.---.----
Cock, Boiler gaffe.............................
Cc-Boler -ige -------------------_-------
Cock. Bottle.----------------------------------
Cock box 1er water and gas imiins, Stop.
Cook boxes, Top of gas and water stop. -
Cock boxingi Stop--------------------------....
Cookcaise, Stop------------------------------- -
Cock, Cast-iion valve...........................
Cock, Cbeck-valve..............................
Cock, Compression........__...... _..............
Cock, Coimpiession..............................
Cock, Compiession.............................
Cock, Compiession.............................
Cccl, Coiupressionu---------------------------..
Cock, Comprcssiois............................
Cock, Compression.........................._..
Cock, Compiession....- - - - --..._.__- -..
Cock, Coninucnt------------- ---............----
Cock, Conical stop..-....................
Cock conection, Locked pluig............ _.....
Cock, Cut-off stop........_....._................
Cock, Cylinder.................................
Cock, Diaphragm stop.........................
Cock, Draft....................
Cock Dill...................
Cock, D raft - - - --..............
Cock, Drop-hindle urn..... _..................
Cock, Electric gas-stop.-------------...- - - - ---
C'ock-eye - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cock -eyo.....................
Cock, F lites stop............... -
Cock, Filtering...............................--
Cock, Filter-ing.............................._..
A. Millcer.------- _
J. G. W~eldon.-.---...........
A. T. Waldron......
A. Crossley _.-.-.....
A. and H. Jobnson... _.......
C. Sullivan..................
C. F. Thiee. _.......... _....
J. IH. Davis-----------------..
M. NW. Bailey................
C. MacRae.................
F. F. Brooks.................
A., J., and T. McKenna..
A. Crossley............ _.....
A. D. Davis..................
C. Harrison.... _... _.........
1R Leitch...................
C. A. Nov-ton................
G. W. iandall..............- -
H. F ling,...........
J. H. Davis..................
J. Morris._.............
J. French.-.....------
W. T. Howard..............
J. G. Rlayimond... _...........
L. A. Perrault......-........
0. F. N-Voodiord..............NV. NV. Pullis---------------..
NV. H. Graham...............
J. G. Weldon..............
J. H. Davis.................
J. H.Davis. -.......
F. Alit.....................0.N N.Ames.................
H. J. Bailey and J. Porteous...
G. F. Boisselier... _....... _._..
NV. Dinneoi.................
C. A. Howard................
J. Maclareii..................
A. Pearce...................
C. Perkes..................--
J. H. G. Hawes..............
J. F. Joine-.................
J. B.Edson.................
NV. H. Pollard...............
D. B. Dennisoio..............
Me. B. Mason and J. S. MoCriim
J. Porteous.........
W. F. Banta................
NV.H. ate...............
W. P. Clark.................
A. J. Morse..................
H. and E. L. Bailey..._.... _.. _.
C. Bochi-, jr.............--
J. Haggerty.................
A. and H. Johnson. _.........
D. Bartlett, jr........
L. P. Jenoks and F. Draper.
Hesidence. Date. No.
Cleveland, Ohio-..........-June 29, 1818 20, 7211
Pittsburgh, Pa............. June 7, 18164 43, 056
Waterford, N. V -.. -._May 13, 18731318, 161
Philadelphia. Pa.--.......Api. 16, 187-2 121,719-2
New York, IN. Y......... Nov. 27, 1849 6, 910
Boston, Moss........... Feb. 7, 1871 111, 699
Philadelphia, Pa ---.._ Nov. 25, 18111 16, 129
Allegheny City, Pa -..Feb. 8, 1870 99), 610
Pottstown, Pa - _----_----el). 13, 187-2 121, (606
Neow Yorki, N. Y.-....July 10, 1166 16, 240
Baltimore, Md.............Nov. 18, 1871 144, 715
Pittsburgh, Pa..-_.. _.._Jan. 8, 1867 61, 015
1hladelphtia, Pa........ _. Sept. 24, 187-2 131, 601
Chicago, Ill _.............. Aug. 20, 1872 110, 170
News Yoirk, N. Y -....Apr. 8, 18156 14, 628
B-limoie, Md.-_-.........Mar. 3, 1857 16, 716
Povience, 1L. I.........o. 20, 1870 110, 187
B, ron, Mass............ May 10, 1819 213, 989
New York, N. Y._.... Aug. 21, 1815 11, 457
Alleghietoy City, Pa..____. Fob.8, 1870 99, 649
New Haven, Cosin....MIkao 7,18161----.
Newport, M-y............Aug. 20, 1867 67, 866
Baltimore, Mel..........Oct. 2,186 18,5146
ILondout, N. Y........... Oct. 8 1867 61, 702
Natchez, Miss------------...Mar.1, 187(1016, 321
Chicago, Ill.. _............ Aug. 10, 1869 9:1, 617
Saint Louis, Mo-----------b _ ov. 8,1870 1011, 049
Saint Louis, Mo _...........Oct. 28,1871 143, 978
Pittsburgh, Pa. _....._.Nov.1, 1864 44, 904
Allegheny City, Pa Feb. 8 1870 09, 613
Allegheny City, Pa.. _._Feb.8, 1870 99,61-2
New York, N. Y.......... J u ly 1, 1873 140, 137
Hoydeaville. Mass._....Aug. 29, 1871 118, 505
Pittsburgh, Pa.-_--._.. Dec.3, 187-2 111, 118
Saint Louis, Mo I._... ec.8, 1868 84, 792
Detroit, Mich_..... __Apr. 4, 1871113, 103
New Havien, Conn.a... June 9, 1868 78, 894
Scranton, Pa......M-ir. 1911872 124, 840
Camboidgeport M-iss _._.Dec. 17,182 114, 095
Philadelplua, Pa....Oct. 19,18169 96, 933
Newark, N.J -_-----MiN 24, 1870 103, 129
Tidioute, a. I.. _Mar.26, 1872 12.1, 919
Brooklyii N. Y _._....Jan. 9,1872 122, 117
Seneca Fills, N. V_....July 30, 1867 (17, 214
Ottumwat sI ow.._....Fb. 25,1873 116, 221
SKansas City, o.._... Oct. 17. 1871 1290894
Cincinnati, Ohio._..--.- - June 27, 1871 116, 435
Springfield, Ohio..... Oct. 4, 1870 107, 8o2
East Somerv iloeMass. Dec. 20, 1870 110,334
Medford, M-is........ oc. 1-2,1871 121, 75
Boston, Mass.-----_---- June22, 1869 91, 763
]Brookiyi, N. V.,ad Phil Aug. 14, 1866 17, 246
adelphia, Pa.
Boston, Mats..... Oct. 16, 1866 59, 941
Madison, NC-is..... Nov. 6, 18116 59, 147
East Springfield, Pa.._ _._ Sept. 10, 1867 68,.37
New Youk, N.V...- Nov. 14, 1848 5:
Boston, Mass. -_.._-. Oct. 15, 1810 7,.1
Boston and East Cam- Nov. 2,li58 21, 964
bi-idge, blase.
New Yorlk, N. V----------.Apr. 4,1846 4, 440
New York, N. V -.....Api. 4, 146 4, 417
New York, N. Y......... Janm 06, 184 7 4,1110
New York, N. V..._.....Oct. 24, 146 4, 824
Centralia, Pa-------_..- --- _Jain.21, i86 71, 67-2
Cincinnati, Ohio -_........Nov. 29, 18i0 109, 671
New York, N. Y. _-. --- Aug.26, 1873 142, 120
Newy Yoi-k. N. V---------- Sept. 16, 1873 141, 860
Amsherst, Mass...........--Dec.17,1l83 _.._
Nos Y ork, N. YV.- - -----Sept. 24, 1821..___.
Noe York, N.Y....July 16, 187-2 1-9,016
Newv York, N. -V - -- June 2i,16411 4,1593
Boston, Mas-.. -......J--n. 17, l87 110, 964
Newv York, N. V.. ___M-u.31, 186Â~ 711, 277
San Francisco, Cdl.....Dec. 15, 1;68 84, 914
Pittsbuigh, l'as.__-..--.Jaii 16,1849) 6,1(,32
New Yoik, N...V._. Jan. 10, 1843 2,1908
Iteadin', Pae...... May 31, 1671 103, 771
Philadelphia, Pa._.. I-i..May15,182'1. -.
New Yoik, b.Y _....__Oct. 28,184,3 3,319
Lyndonvillo, Vt.._..._.Mr. 11, 18i3 1:311, 724
Washington, D. C ----..-.Maiy25,1869 90, 141
PliiladelpibisPt...... Aug. 19, 1 6i 36, 238
Cock, Filtering......-......._...__J.F. Ostrander..............
Cock, Filtering -----------"---.-TF FWeeman......_.._.....
Cock Filterong stop..............S. H.be-iis.................
Cock, Filtering stop..............-W. Read...................
Cork for boileirs, Gae.........NV_. _..._..G.Thomas-------------....
Cock foo carbureters, be--_----------.--_------ Runt, r..................
Cook for controlling discharrge tlirouigh tsvo pipes..J -nod'I' D. Richardson...
Cock foi- draving b _................ 11Moffct._....._............_.
Cook for dorswing liquids...... _.. _.............._.BDickiiison.................
Cock for dra-iong liqorc-_--------------------J. Bliss.....................
Coick for fidlingz soda-bottles, Confluenot.._-_---____C.G. Ferron..............
Cocclfori 811ilug, Stop--------. ------------------P F H.I~ouse.................
Cock icr flexible tubes, Compression............... H.Fi' rbnks...............
(Cock for ga-sbuorners.------ -------------------S. B. H.Voonce -__...._
( oefor- gns-bumoers, Automatic st101.--------------..G. F.Smith.................
toe-k foi- lot ster aiid steam, Stop---------------..J.She' ok. -.....-...
Cock Li iditis, Stop ----- -------------------- H. R.Dunam..............
C ock lohydr-ints, Valve.-..---------------------.S.Pfieger..................
Coce foo hydrlints, Vah-e.------------------------ B.St-i'-iliffe.................
Cokfor hydoraulic presses, Conniecting stop.._.C. Wilson..............._..
1Cock for locootiv es, Lec, Cylinder. -_..... -......_.CH. Hopkins..............
Cock icron-ions, Branch stop--------..- - -._-- ------HA. Hill...................
Ciocle foo- umps, Blow- oil------------------------... T.hawisv.___........
oc o eorackong off beet-------------------------1' F.VWagnoe-.........
CookkIfor sod-wsater- anel ithbeorliquids, Draft._ J. D.0'Donnell..............
Cock lo- soil-wsaterand ai-up....................NVW.Gee........ _..._........
Cock lee sod-wsateo-appiaoatuos, Draft........_.. _...W 'P Clsrk................_
Cock foe soil-water apparatus, Do-oft.....---------..L.D. Hoyt and 11. Ntnro-y..
Cock fo ste-ii-heateo-s, Air---------------------- __ __ __ _S.J. Gold -. -............Ciiclefoo steamo-radiators, Automatic ale-_ _._.J. H.bichiols.................
Cock lorswater-pipes----------------------------X...V_ _ iWoson _.._...............
Cock, Gaigc------------------------------------...H. J.bulcy.................
Cock, Gage------------------------------------...P. Bal-il----------
C oc k,Gsge............................__.... F, P~flemereoudE. H. Fleer
(ok ode ge-t.e.................................... J. Bmoe-hcon................
Cock, Gage......................................B. Cliiistoffel..............
CokGsgeo-------------------------------------NV.. I W.H.Downing.............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cock, Gage..............-------.............--....
Cock, Gage........................................
Cock, Gage----------------------------.......................................
Cock, Gage........-............................
Cock, Gage-----------------------------................................-.......
Cock, Gage.....................................
Cock, Gage.......................................
Cock, Gage......................................
Cock, Gage
Cock, Gage........................................
Cock Gage......................................
Cock, Gage......................................
Cock, Gage..............................-.....
Cock, Gage......-----------------------------
Cock, Gage.-- ----------------------------
Cock, Gage.......................................
Cock, Gage......................................
Cock Gas.......................................
Cock, Gas---- --------------------------
Cock, Gas...............................
Cock, Gas.........................................
Cock Gas........................................
Cock, Gas.atp ---------------------------
C o c k, G a s s t o p............. "..............
Cock, Globe....-----------------------------
Cock, Globe......................................
Cock, Globe-valve................................
Cock, Globe-valve.................................
Cock, Grease...........---...........................
Cock handle, Boiler gage...........................
Cock, Hopper.....................................
Cock, Hydrant....................
Cock, Hy drant stop................................
Cock, Hydrant stop...............
Cock, Hydrant waste..............................
Cock key, Hydrant..............................
Cock, Lock.......................................
Cock, Lock stop..................................
Cock, Locked.....................................
Cock, Locking stop...............................
Cock lubricator, Gas............---..................
Cock, Making stop-----------------------................................--
Cock, Metallic screw..............................
Cock, Oil................................
Cock or faucet...............................
Cock or lock for the passage of fluids...........
Cock or outletvalve, Waste......................
Cock Pull......................................
Cock Pull......
Cock Racking --.................
Cock, Regulating. - --.............. --...........
Cock Rotating stop...............................
Cock Safety.......................................
Cock Screen stem-valve......-..................
Cock Self-acting basin..............................
Cock Self boring stop............................
Cock Self' closing..................................
Cock Self closing.----------------------...........................---
Cock Self-closing.................................
Cock, Selfclosing...................................
Cock, Self closing.................................
Cock, Self closing auger stop..................
Cock, Sellf closing stop-..........................
Cock, Self-lubricating stop.......................
Cock, Spring valve........................
Cock, Steam......................................
Cock, Steam - - - - - - - - - - - - - --..
Cock, Steam......................................
Cock, Steam....................................
Cock, Steam.......................................
Cock, Steam -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cock, Steam......................................
Cock, Steam......................
Cock, Steam......................
Cock, Steam.............................
Cock, Steam and liquid stop....................
Cock, Steam-boiler alarm gage....................
Cock, Steam-boiler gage--------------------...........................Cock, Steam-boiler gage--------------------...........................
Cack, Steam-boiler gage........................
Cock, Steam-boiler gage............................
Cock, Steam-boiler try..-...Cock, Steam-boiler try............................
Cock, Steam-gage.........................
Cock, Steam.gage................................
Cock, Steam-gage................................
Cock, Steam-gage.................................
Cock, Steam-gage................................
Cock, Steam-gago................................
Cock, Steam-gage....--...........................
Cock, Steam gage................................
Cock Steam-gage.................................
Cock, Steam-gage................................
Cock, Steam, gas, ard water stop.....
Cock, Steam-generator gage......................
Cock, Steam-generator gage.......................
Cock, Steem-generator gage.......................
C. L. Frink..................
A. Fuller...............
H. Hise...-----------------.
L. T. Hulbert -..........-..
B. E. Lehnan and R. Ross....P. McGrath..............
R. L. Mills..................
A. A. Murray...............
N. Ray......................
S. Shepherd..................
L. F. Smith..............
F. Stebbins...................
E. A. Walker.............
G. L. Watson................
C. T. Woodman............
J. E. Wootten................
P. Keller................
JT. G. Leflingwell............
C. B. Littlefield..............
E. M. Morris.................
M. Stratton..................
J.C. Wightman............
J. Humphrey.................
J. Powell...................
J. Worcester...........
J. H. Davis..............
F. Lunkenheimer.........
R. M. Wade..................
E. H. Ashcroft...........
P. Regitz.- -
E. Hubball...................
H. L. Frailey......--......
L. Magers, F. Davis, and V.
G. W. Robertson..............
P. I. Griffin.................
H. Essex................
J. E. Jones................
H. Essex............
E. Davis and J. M. Stiles.....
C. H. Johnson.................
G. Fenn..- -....................
J. Garev......................
J. Hare, jr....................
C. Harrison...-...............
J. Witherle.................
S. J. 01sson..................
G. Leach...................H. Strater,jr...............
A. Roeos.-- ---------------
C. E. Seal...............
D. Hurd....................
J. Stowell..................
S. D. Fales...................
S. C. Wentworth-.......
A. Weed..............
J. E. Boyle...-- ----...
M. S. Clark..............
W. Dalziel.--.-.-.....-.
N. Jenkins....................
J. M. Meharg..............
A. Weed..------------------....................J. Pigot......................
G. Parker..................
M. C. Hawkins, J. W. Goodwin,
and J. Cummings.
A. Fuller....................
A. Hallowell.................
A. Hallowell and H. R. Barker
W. Johnson and M. Silmser..
R. Ross and W. Holland......
T. S:anford....................
J. B. Sargent and F. W. Towne
A. Swardkins----------..
A. Tyler atd G. F. Kendall..
J. L. Winslow...............
J. Breeden............--.....
H. Wilkins...-..............
F. W. Bacon...................
F. W.lBcon----------------. HPainter..............
WV. Painiter.
J. H. Vreeland and C. H. Lathrop.
J. F. Cook............
J. Cuimming.......
E. H. Ashcroft.
A. Bisbee................
S. Blackman....
J. Broughton..
T. B Dexter.............
V. Giroud...............
F. Henke................
J. Sm ders....................
J. C. Schaefer............
I). Williams and E. Joseph....
W. H1. De Valin...........
M. M Robinson.....
T. Shaw...................
J. Waters-------.....
Rockville, Conn......... June 19, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y..--.... July 9, 1867
Ottawa, Ill...-_-.... Jan. 6, 1863
Painesville, Ohio-.- - - - Jan. 16, 1872
Bethlehem, Pa.-......June 6, 1871
PlattsburghN. Y......... Aug. 8,1871
Lancaster, Pa......-...... Nov. 30, 1858
Baltimore, Md - - - -.. Nov. 21, 1x73
Schenectady, N. Y....... Dec. 17, 1872
Nashua, N. H........... Sept. '20, 1864
Philadelphia, Pa......... July 19, 1870
Hinsdale, N. H-........ - Aug. 11,1868
Nashville, Tenn......... July 25,.1865
Nesquehoning, Pa-...... Dec. 21, 1869
Boston, Mass......... -Nov. 28, 1865
Philadelphia, Pa--...----.. Mar. 1, 1159
New York, N. Y........ Jan. 21, 1868
Newark, N. J.......... Feb. 19, 1861
Boston, Mass.......... Oct. 8, 1867
Baltimore, Md- -....-.. Dec. 9, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa....... Mar. 2, 1869
Boston, Mass-.......... July 9, 1861
Boston, Mass............ July 22, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio....... May 2, 1865
Newport, Ky.............. June 19, 1866
Allegheny City, Pa..... Feb. 8, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio........... Mar. 7, 1865
Wadesville, Va.......... June 8, 185-2
Lynn, Mass...---.-.. Jan. 1, 1867
Chicago, Ill............... June 15, 1869
Baltimore, Md-......... May 11, 1841
Lancaster, Pa.......... Apr. 3,1866
Baltimore, Md....-....- June 22, 1842
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Meadville, Pa......
Tidioute, Pa............
Meadville, Pa.........
Camden, N. J........
Boston, Mass.......
New York, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md........
Paterson, N. J.............
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass............
Chicago, Ill.............
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.........
New York, N. Y.......Winchester, Va........
Chicago, Ill..........
Charlestown, Mass.....
Smithfield, R. I........
Haydenville, Mass......
Boston, Mass.........
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y. __
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.........
Montreal, Canada.......
Boston, Mass--....
Brooklyn, N. Y -.....
Boston Highlands, Mass.
Erie, Pa................
Jan. 10, 1860
Oct. 6, 1868
Apr. 16, 1872
Feb. 21, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Mar. 14, 1871
Mar. 10, 1857
July 12, 1823
Apr. 23, 1822
Apr. 17, 1860
Sept. 8, 1868
Jan. 16, 1811
Oct. 28, 1873
June 5,1860
July 16, 1872
Nov. 11, 1873
Sept. 2, 1873
May 2, 1865
Aug. 6, 1867
Apr. 4, 1865
Nov. 19, 1872
June 2, 1868
July 16, 1872
Aug. 12, 1873
Feb. 7, 1871
June 27, 1865
Aug. 8,1871
Mar. 8, 1870
May 6,1873
Sept. 3,1872
Dec. 15, 1857
55, 640
66, 579
37, 292
122, 766
115, 746
117, 907
22, 189
143, 923
134, 098
44, 347
105, 503
49, 016
51, 274
23, 136
73, 534
31, 465
69, 566
145, 442
87, 522
32, 804
15, 376
47, 565
55, 756
99, 651
46, 685
9, 010
60, 817
2, 086
53, 736
2, 683
26, 785
82, 827
125, 799
111, 943
112, 910
112, 693.16, 820..........
27, 902
91, 900.....
143, 995
28, 588
129, 069
144, 565
142, 521
47, 546
67, 460
47, 097
133, 131
78, 499
128, 998
141, 630
111, 518
48, 407
117, 908
100, 697
138, 580
131, 065
18, 847
21, 332
65, 075
51, 177
24, 808
32, 314
48, 452
32, 912
49, 666
101, 977
42, 425
24, 692
53, 079
122, 847
131, 799
25, 544
25, 810
67, 479
13, 563
97, 595
52, 521
69, 782
49, 6"23
54, 7-22
60, 511
52, 452
104, 090
8!, 617
53, 344
65, 018
87, 9912
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Aug. 31, 1858
Lowell. Mass-........... May 28, 1867
Lowell, Mass----...------.. ---Nov. 28, 1865
Auburn, N. Y-........ July 19, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa-..--------.. Aug. 24, 1858
Claremont, N. 11H-...---.. May 14, 1861
Fitchburgh, Mass..... June 27, 1865
South Boston, Ma ss-...... Apr. 30, 1861
Fitchburgh, Mass-..... Aug. 29, 1865
Westbrook. Me. -..Aug. 17, 1858
Birmingham, England -.... Apr. 19, 1870
Brownsville, Pa........ Apr. 19, 1864
West Newton. Mass...... July 5, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa -....... Mar. 6, 1866
Baltimore, Md ----..-.. Jan. 16, 1872
Rutherford Park and Jer- Oct. 1, 1872
soy City, N. J.
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 20, 1859
Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 18, 1859
Lynn, Mass..............Aug. 6,1867
Chelsea, Mass............. Sept. 18. 1855
Reading, Pa......... Dec. 7,1869
New York, N. Y- --...... Feb. 13, 1866
Lynn, Mass....--..-.. Oct. 15, 1867
Now York, N. Y...... - Aug. 29, 1865
Scranton, Pa.............. May 15, 1866
East Bosto% Mass..... June 4, 1867
Philadelphi, Pa..... Feb. 6, 1866
Gallipolis, Ohio......... June 7, 1870
Sacramento, Cal.......... Dec. 1, 1868
Dongola, Ill....----.......... Mar. '20, 1816
Philadelphia, Pa..........May 21. 1867
Minneapolis, Minn-..... Mar. 16, 1869
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cock, Steam-generator try....................
Cock, Steam-radiator.........................
Cock, Steam, water, &c....................----
C ock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop.....................
Cock, Stop.....................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop ---------------------------------
Cock, Stop.........................------.....
Cock, Stop...........................-----..
Cock, Stop...............................-----
Cock, Stop. - -..........--------------
C ock, Stop...............----................
Cock, Stop...............................-----
C ock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop.....................................
Cock, Stop................................_...
Cock, Stop.----------------------------------
Cock, Stop.....................................
Cock, Stop.----- ---------.....................
Cock, Stop..............................------
Cock, Stop...............................-----
Cock, Stop...................................
C ock, Stop...-............................----
C ock, Stop.............----.................C ock, Stop...............................-----
Cock, Stop....................................
Cock, Stop...........................-........
Cock, Stop......................................
Cock, Stop...............................-----
C ock, Stop...............................-----
C ock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop..................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop..................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop..............................------
Cock, Stop.......................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop..................................
Cock, Stop..............................Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop......................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop..........................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop...................................
Cock, Stop.----------------------------------
Cock, Stop..................................
Cock, Stop..................................
Cock, Stop..................................
Cook, Stop..................................
Cock, Stop and waste.........................
Cock, Supply.................................
Cock, Supply and wasto.............
Cock, Swing compression basin..---............ -.
Cock, Tap...................................
Cock, Threo-way...............................
Cock to prevent water freezing in peat-stocks, &c.
Cock, Two-way..............................
Cock. 'two-way stop.........................
Cock, Valve................................
Cock, Valve.............................-----
Cock, Valve.............................------
Cock, Valve.-............................----
Cock, Valve. - -.........-- ----------
Cock, Valve.............................. ----
C;ock, Valve................................
Cock, Valve.....................------ ----
Cock, Valve---------------- ------ -------------
Cock, Valve......................---...........
Co(ck, Valve..................................Cock, Valve..................................---
Cock, Valve...................................
Cock, Valve.................................. ----
Ccl, Valve...................................
Cock, Valve.................................
Cock, Valve....................................
Cock, Valveo..................................
J. Regester..............---
S. J. Gold.................
W. Thomas................
H. Allen..................
G. C. Bailey................
J. W. Birkett..............
J. Breeden.................
H. A. Chapin..............
J. C. Chapman..............
T. C. Clarke...............
D. N. B. Colin,jr..........---
W. S. Cooper...............
G. Couppers------------...
T. Daniels...................
A. Davis..................._
W. 11. De Valin............._
J. Peering.................
G. W. Eddy..............----
G. D. Hadley..............
C. F. Johnson and J. J. Speed, jr
M. C. Kilb ore..............
H. P. Krciner..............
C. WV. Laurie..............
B. E. Lehman -....._......
T. Maclaren.................P. E. Mahawstriim and P. Dummer.
J. P. Mern................
F. J. Miller................_
H. C. Montgomery........._
J. Morris................--
J. Morris..................
ft. Millor..................
it. Nicoll...................
C. C. Parsons................
O. C Phelps.................J. Radstoca..................
J. Regester........_
J. Regester and W. H. Bowen..
J. Ridgway..................
F. Roach...................J. Robertson.................
L. C. Rodier and F. G. Bates...
C. Schultz and T. Warker.
J. Seeber-er.........
E. F. Spaulding........ _...._
E. Stebbins.._............_
J. Stevens..................
H. Stratte-, jr..............
T. Stubblefield............____ __
I. C. Tate-................--
P. Walker--------------.U. West and G. Dobbs.---
A. W. Wilkinson...........
E. Wright.................
W. Z. hatcher..............
W. S. Carr.................
W. S. Cooper.............---
W. Gordon................
C. Renard, M. Perret, and J. C.
V oituret.
F. S. Pease.-..............
D. Lathrop, jr..............
P.F. Dodge...............
R. Leitch...................
S. Adams ------------------..
R. Berman................
W. Chesley...........
J. Clolcy and1 B. Stancliff._.
W. S. Cooper..............
B. Eakins............
J. 13. Gibson..............----
J. Griffiths...............---
N. Jenkins-------------.---
J. C. Macdonald.............
J. C. Macdonald............
R. Nickerson and A. B. Cotton.
T. Ramsden -ead H. M. Davis-.J. It. and H. S. Robinson.
P. C'. Roses----------------
F. D. Sanno..............---
C. lt. Vaillant.............---
J. Walsh..................
J. Welsh..................
Blaltimore, Md -_-.........
New Haven, Coon...
New York, N. Y._.
New York, N. Y....
Pittsburgh, Pa... __......
Brooklyn, N. Y.-....._.
Birminghani, England..
Springtield, Mass. __.
Cambridgeport, Mass.---.
Philadelphia, Pa.--.--.__
Lynn, Mass............
Boston, Mass._........_
Philadelphtia, Pa. ___..
New Yet-k, N. Y._-.Toledo, Ohio...........
Boston, Mass...._......
Sacramento, Cal.-_____.
Philadelphia, Pa.----
Waterford, N. Y.-_
Cincinnat-i. Ohio..--
Oswegtoaiid Ithaca, N. Y..
Washington, Iowa..__
Berlin, Prussia.........
Philadelphia, Pa.-_--_.__
Bethleheim, Pa.........--
Scranton, Pt,..... _- _....
New York, N. Y. __--.
New York, N. Y...
Now York, N. Y......
BaeMass.. --.._..__
New Havent, Con. ---
New Haven, Conn._.
Vienna, Austria..._.New York, N. Y..__
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.... _.......
San Francisco, Cal.-__Baltimore, Md..._.....
Baltimore, Md..........
New York, N. Y --.
Boston, Mass..-........
New York, N. Y....
Springfield, Mass. _.__.
New York, N. Y -_._
Trot, N. Y-------------
Warren, N. Y._..-.....
Cambridgeport, Mass.
Chicopee, Mass.. __..._
New York, N. Y......
Roxbnry, Mass._....
Columbus, (Gn..-...
_.-_New London, Con.
New York, N. Y.-----
New Ytork, N. Y...
Boston, Mass-.-.....-....
Philadelphtia, Pa...__
New York, N. Y..___.__
Philadelphtia, Pa. __.
Philadelphia, Pa..
Micon, France..........
Mar. 20, 18616
Mar. 25, 1856
Mar. 25, It56
Nov. 12, 1841
June 4, 1872
Sept. 16, 1873
Feb. 22, 1870
Aug. 21, 1860
Sept. 7, 181i9
Mar. 14, 1846
Jan. 9, 1855
Apr. 30, 1887
June 24, 1873
Sept. 13, 1864
Feb. 14, 1860
Oct. 16, 1839
May 1, 1866
Jan. 7, 1868
June 3, 1873
July 2, 1867
June 21, 1839
Apr. 3, 1866
Jan. 19, 1869)
Sept. 23, 18 73
Oct. 16,1-66
Jan. 2:3, 187-2
July 25, 1871
Mar. 25, 1873
Nov. 21, 1843
Oct. 15, 1872
Mar. 1, 1815
May 15, 1822
Oct. 24, 1871
June 5, 1860
JFune 19, 1866
Mar. 14, 1854
Nov. 7, 1871
Sept. 15, 1868
Sept. 2, 1871
Apr. 16, 184-2
Juno 19, 186
May 8, 18 10
Nov. 18, 1873
Mar. 31, 1868
Feb. 8, 1870
July 5, 1814
Aug. 5, 1873
Apr. 19, 1859
Aug. 27, 187-2
Juno 26, 1866
Apr. 26, 1859
June 14, 1859
Apr. 11), 1(x00
Apr. 30, 184-2
Feb. 6, 1872
Oct. 4, 1853
Aug. 22, 1834
Jani. 5, 1858
Aug. 1, 1871
May 28, 1872
Nov. 9, 18(i9
Date. No.
53, 337
14, 500
14, 526
2, 351
127, 547
142, 7613
29, 744
94, 5(3
12, 195
64, 198
140, 248
44, 164
27, 112
1, 371
54, 305
7-2, 986
139, 559
66, 3-26
1, 181
53, 627
86, 020
143, 107
58, 845
123, 031
117, 418
137, 144
3, 344
13;2, 308
120, 311
28, 596
55, 700
10, 640
120, 668
82, 161
142, 350
2, 56:3
_55, 784
1, 583
144, 700
765, 106
99, 714
141, 471
130, 876
55, 9311
23, 796
24, 416
2, 596
12:1, 5:34
10, (182
19, 013
117, (06
127, 340
96, ti18
48, 430
9)7, 366
36, 22
20, 314
109, 786
46, 077
75, 376
10, 73
20, 016
10, 516
49, 116
21, 510
107, 697
28, 19-2
92, 748
21, 366
128, (63
125, 086
98, 646
12:1, 311
Buffalo, N. Y.............-June 27, 1865
Norwicht, Con......... Dec. 5, 1832
Lowville, N. V..... -.....Nov. 30, 1889
Baltimore. Md - ---.----_Aug.191, 1862
Bloston, Mass -._...-_....May 25, 1858
Boston, Mass.............-- - -Dec. 6, 1870
Cintcinnati, Oltio...... -..... Jan. 31. 1885
Philadelphia, Pa..........--Nov. 8, 1820
Philadelphia, Pa.--. M _. ar. 10,186
Spritig G.,c I Pa -....._.Apr. 4, 1854
Cincinnati, Ohto.. - -. _- July 21, 18618
Philadelphia, Pa ---------Feb. 14, 1854
Botn u.1,65Cincinnati, Ohio------------Spt. Sept. 14, 1858
Saint Lois, Mo..-..... Sept. 27, 18e70
Athens, Ga.......... Maiy 8, 1880
Allegheny City and Pitts- July 20, 1869
Clinton, Mass._.-- - Aug. 31, 1858
Bethlebemi Pa.. July 2, 1872
Boaten, Mass.............-Mar-. 26, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa..........-.June 2-9,18:21
Whistler, Ala....._...Jai. 4, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa ---------- Jan. 30, 187-2
Phiiladelpliia, Pa._.....Aug. 1-2, 187:1
Philadelphia, Pa -........ _Mar., 1870
Manchtester, N. HI......Api. 20, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... July 16, 1872
Middletown, Cona... May 11, 1869
-......._....Atig. 25, 1803
Baltimore, Md.......... _Oct. 14, 1841
Hartford, Counrt --------.Mar. 8, 1859
Hartford, Comn......... Apr. 12, 1859
New York, N. V.- ------Oct. 25. 1864
New York, N. YV---..----May 11, 1869
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cock, W ater-closet...............................
Cock, Water-closet...........................
Cock, Water-closet................
Cock, Water-closet self-closing---------... ------
Cock, Way.....------------------------------
Cock, Weighted gage......................
Cock, Weighted gage. -----.....
Cocks, Apparatus for automatically operating gas
Cocks, Box for street stop................
Cocks by electro-magnetism, Turning gas.......
Cocks, Case for water and gas...........Cocks for hydrants, Constructing.--..- -...-.
Cocks in pipes under hydrostatic pressure, Machine for tapping and inserting stop.
Cocks, Locking-case for stop......................
Cocks, Locking-device for stop..................
Cocks, Machine for dressing metal..................
Cocks, Machine for finishing plugs of stop........
Cocks, Machine for forming guard or gas......
Cocks, Manufacture of.............................
Cocks, Manufacture of stop..----------------...
Cocks, Method of governing the action of valve...
Cocks, Method of operating stop-................
Cocks for steam-cylinders, Device for operating...
Cocks or valves of water and gas pipes, Stop-box for
Cocks, Plug for arresting flow of stop -...--..--.
Cocks, Tool for making plugs for gas and water -... - -
Cocks, Valvular arrangement for basin.............
Cocks with pipes, Connecting-----...----------..
Cocks with safety-plugs, Apparatus or..........
Cockle and garlic separator.................
Cockle and garlic separator----...----------...-.--
Cockle, &c., from wheat, Machine for separating...
Cockle-separating machine...-------.-----------.
Cocoa, Preparation of.............................
Cocoa-nut cutter.............................:...
Cocoa-nut cutter and grater......................
Cocoa-nut, Desiccated......................
Cocoa-nuts for pies, &c., Preparing.............
Cocoa-nuts, Manufacture of desiccafed..........
Cocoa-nuts, Machine for granulating...----------
Cocoons, Construction of lodgements in cocooneries
for attachment of the.
Cocoonery for removing filth &c., from the hurdles.
Coffee and grain cleaner and separator...........
Coffee and other substances, Apparatus for making
extracts and decoctions from.
Coffee and spice mill.............-.................
Coffee and spice mill.............................
Coffee and spice mill...........................
Coffee and spice mill----------------------.............................
Coffee and spice mill...-.........................
Coffee and spice mill handle........................
Coffee and tea drawer...........................
Coffee and tea maker......................
Coffee and tea pot.........................
Coffee and tea pot................................
Coffee and tea pot.................................
Coffee and tea pot.....................
Coffee and tea pot................................
Coffee and tea pot............................
Coffee and tea pot.................................
Coffee and tea pot handle.----.......................-------------
Coffee and tea pot strainer..................
Coffee and tea pot strainer....------------------
Coffee and tea pot strainer.............
Coffee and tea steamer.....................
Coffee and tea steeper....................--
Cotflbe and water cup for soldiers.............
Cofibe, Apparatus and process for roasting.........-- --
Coffee, Appatratus and process for treating........Coffee, Apparatus for maturing raw or green......
Coffee-berries, Machine for breaking.............
Coffee-berries, Machine for breaking outer husks of
Coffee boiler.....................................
Coffee-boiler, Alarm............................
Coffliee can and crusher...........................
Coffee, &c., cleaner................................
Cofdee cleaner and polisher........................
Coffee cleaner and polisher........
Collee cleaner and polisher........
Coffbe cleaner tnd polisher.......
C flee cleaner and polisher........
Coffee cleaner, drier, and polisher.............
Coffee ceaning machine...........................
Coffee-cle-ning m-achine......
Coffee-cleaning machine...........................
Coffee-cleaning machine.....
Cofie, Compound for coating roasted..............
Coffee, &c., cooler.....
44 P
H. Jones......................
B.P. Shear --...................
D. Wellington.....
C. Harrison -..........
S. P. Mervine, jr...............
W. H. McMillan..............
S. P. M. Tasker and W. H. McMillan.
S. Gardiner, jr.................
H. A. Moore and E. O. and S.
C. Frink.
S. Gardiner, jr..............
G. McIlwain.................
J. Martin----------------.....................
H. Allen....-----------------
V. T. Hall.....................
V. T. Hall.....................
H. Essex................
J. W. Lyon...---------------..
J. W. Lyon...............
C. A. Creasey..........-.-.
J. L. Lowry. - ---.................F. H. Bartholomew......-....
D. N. Dunzack...............
W. H. Woods.................
J. Smith..........
J. H. Rhodes..................
W. Tweedle..................
E. G. Burnham................
D. A. Webster................
P. A. Chambeaux..............
J. W. Neal...................
J. W. Neal and A. J. Truxell..
G. H. Rich....................
F. W. Mace.................
S. W. Andrews and L. Godfrey
P. Pearson....................
D. Fitzgerald...........
J. Gardner..................
G. B. Williams...............
N. A. Classon................
G. W. Waitt.................
T. and G. M. Mills............
S. M. Jenkins.................
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Charlestown, Mass.....
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Jan. 4, 1870
Sept. 19,1871
Nov. 15, 1859
July 6, 1869
June 18, 187-2
Mar. 5, 1872
Mar. 25, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 15, 1871
Indianapolis, Ind......... Feb. 18, 1868
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Meadville, Pa.--......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Pittsburgh, Pa......
New York, N. Y --------
Salem, Mass............
San Francisco, Cal.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Providence, RIt. I.........
Springfield, Mass......
New York, N. Y..-.
Paris, France...........
Big Lick, Va.........
Big Lick, Va.........
Geneva, Ill...........
Waukaw, Wis........
Greeneville, Tenn......
Leeds, Great Britain......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y........
Windham, Conn........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Easton, Md............
June 19, 1866
Oct. 29, 1861
Feb. 10, 1841
Nov. 21, 1843
May 11, 1869
May 11, 1869
Nov. 11, 1873
Ma-. 6, 1860
Feb. 21, 180
Apr. 29, 1842
Sept. 20, 1864
June 20, 1854
Jan. 31, 1860
Aug. 10, 1869
Aug. 4, 1868
July 16, 1872
Apr. 20, 1869
June 9, 1857
June 29, 1852
Dec. 30, 1873
July 16, 1867
Oct. 20, 1868
Aug. 26, 1873
June 29, 1869
July 13, 1869
Mar. 16, 1869
Dec. 2-2, 1831
Aug. 6, 1867
Nov. 17, 1868
Dec. 23, 1873
July 7, 1868
June 10, 1873
Sept. 28, 1839
B. Benson.................... Smyrna, Del........... Jan. 10, 18410
R. Frisby..................... Cleveland, Ohio........ Sept. 5,1871
L. Brauer._................. Washington, D. C..... Dec. 1, 1868
98, 599
119, 058
26, 115
92, 190
124, 214
137, 259
118, 808
74, 573
55, 642
33, 592
1, 972
3, 348
89, 930
89, 929
144, 524
27, 370
27, 228
2, 589
4, 326
11, 113
26, 975
93, 509
80, 776
129, 16 8
89, 184
17, 539
9, 085
146, 045
66. 872
83, 198
142, 119
92, 073
92, 559
87, 965
67, 529
84, 241
145, 722
79, 790
139, 804
1, 347
1, 468
118, 710
84, 609.....
95, 135
37, 378
54, 740
49, 929
91, 333
19, 780
32, 876
77, 507
90, 030
91, 787
84, 018
87, 809
33, 316
32, 969
62, 697
82, 976
103, 946
40, 017
13, 889
113, 832
120, 410
105, 347
91, 110
91, 879
39, 851
34, 801
50, 169
65, 474
113, 890
93, 045
109, 863
132, 136
99, 215
20, 891
t0, 083
100, 492
110, 493
102, 519
129, 359
131, 852
61, 393
A. Clark......................
E. Parker and H. White......
H. Petrie.....................
C. W. Pierce................
A. Sizer.......................
J. O. Shriner..................
A. Bencini...................
G. Heiss and M. Schmidt.....
J. M. Ingraban..m............
E. A. Kelsey..............
S. McGuflin..................
M. Simons...................
T. B. and J. Stout.............
R. Strickland.................
W. Westlake..................
N. Ames.....................
W. Case...................
M. Simons....................
C. G. Murch.................
J. B. Wakeman and A. M. Bush
C. L. Bariitt.................
O. H. Taylor..................
J. Asheroft..................
J. Ashcroft..................
I. Adams.....................
T. Ditson..................
E. B. Manning...............
C. H. Scholle..................
W. H. Stewart and J. H. Tilley
N. Waterman................
E. F. Woodward.............
E. K. Sargeant.............
D. C. Colby..................
J. Johnson....................
S. G. Taylor...-.............
J. W. Brady..................
J. 11. Brookmire..............
J. H. Brookmire..............
H. C. Lockwood............
W. Newell....................
W. Newell....................
J. W. Brady.................
J. WV. Brady.................
W. H. Elton..................
J. M. Moore.................
J. T. Cooke..................
J. Burns.....................
Berlin, Conn.............
Meriden, Conn...........
Chicago, Ill............
Oak Hill, N. Y.....--------
Cheshire, Con............
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Newcastle, Ind......
Milton, N. C.............
Houston, Tex.............
New York, N.Y..........
Meriden, Conn............
Rising Sun, Ind........
Middletown, Conn.....
Keyport, N. J............
Albany, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill..............
Saugus Centre, Mass......
Waterloo, Iowa..........
Middletown, Conn......
Chicago, Ill..............
Hancock, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N.Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y.....
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
Middletown, Coun.......
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Orion, Wis................
Boston, Mass..............
Brooklyn, N. Y........
loonton, N. J......_.
Washington, D. C......
New York, N. Y......
Baltimore, Md............
Catousville, Md...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Baltimore, Md............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Catonsville, Md...........
Baltimore, Md.......
Baltimore, Md...............
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
July 20, 183-2
June 22, 1832
Sept. 21, 1869
Jan. 6, 1863
Dec. 22, 1831
May 15, 18661
Sept. 12, 1865
Sept. 27, 1838
June 15, 1869
Mar. 30. 1858
July 23, 1861
May 5, 1868
May 11, 1868
June 22, 1869
Nov. 10, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Sept. 17, 1861
July 30, 1861
Mar. 5, 1867
Oct. 13, 1868
June 7, 1870
Sept. 2, 1863
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 18, 1871
Oct. 31, 1871
Jan. 13, 1835
Jan. 13,1815
July 12, 1870
June 8, 1869
June 29, 1869
Sept. 8, 1863
Mar. 25, 1862
Sept. 26, 1865
June 4, 1867
Apr. 18, 1871
Mar. 2-2, 1870
July 27, 1869
Dec. 6, 1870
Oct. 15, 1872
Jan. 25, 1870
July 13, 1858
Sept. 18, 1860
Mar. 8,1870
Mar. 8, 187()
May 3, 1870
July 16, 1812
Oct. 1, 1812
Jan. 2, 1867
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Coffee-crushing machine........................
Coffee for transportation, Mode of preparing....
Coffee, grain, &c., Process for cleaning........
Coffee, Grinding....-------------------------------
Coftlee-grinding mill......---------------------------
Coffee-grinding mill...---------------------------
Coffee-grinding m ill-...............................
Coffee-ginding mill..........................--.
Coffee grinding mill...............................
Coffee huller....----------------------------------
Coffee huller----------------------------------
Coffee huller......................................
Coffee huller and polisher.......................
Coffee hulling and scouring machine...........
Coffee-hulling machine...........................
Coffee-hnlhing machine--------------------------
Coffee-huliing machine...........................
Coffee, Machine for cleaning....................
Coffee, Machine for scouring and polishing.....
Coffee, Machine for washing andl cleaning.........
Coffee maker.....----------------------------------
Coffee maker......................................---------
Coffee-making vessel..............................
Coffee, Manufacture of roasted......................
Coffee, Method of cleaning and polishing.........
Coffee-mill...... -.........----------
Coffee mill........................................
Coffee-mill -------------------------------------
Coffee-m ill....................
Coffee-mill... - - - -
Cofemill, &c-.--------"--- ---------- ----------
Coffee mill......................................
Coffee mill,&...
Coffee mill,:::::::::::::::::::
Coffee mill
Coffee mill.......................................
Coffee mill........................................
Coffee-mill ----------------------------.......................................
Coffee-mill and pple-parer....--------------------------
Cofl'ee-mill, Double...------------------------------
Coffee-mill fastener................................
Coffee-mill, Portable...............................
Coffee-m ill, Steel..................................
Cofflbe, Mode of-extracting the strength from......
Coffee or tea pot....-------------------------------
Coffee, pepper, &c.............................
Coffee- ppprl&to------ ------------------------
Coffee polisher and cleaner........................
Coffee, Polishing................................
Coffee polishing and cleaning...................
Coffee-polishing machine..........................
Coffee-polishing machine........................
Coffee pot...
Coffee pot.....
Coffee pot....
Coffee pot....
Inventor. Residence.
D. G. Harrison and J. Reynolds Cincinnati, Ohio..........
A. Schacht-.................... Chicago, Ill...............
T. H. Berry.....------------------Lynn, Mass....-------------
C. Fobes................ - Whitewater, Wis....._
G. W. Hungerford.......... Chicago, Ill...............
C..Krutz- ---.......... Adrian, Mich.........
T. Bruff, sr.....-----------------------------------
L. S. Chichester------------............... New York, N. Y........
J. Fitzgerald...... --------------New Vork, N.Y..........
L. R. Livingston and C. Adams Pittsburgh, Pa........
H. Twiss- --.......... Meriden, Conn..-...
C. W. Van V1iet.............. Fishkill Landing, N. Y....
A. Angell..................... Newburgh, N. Y......
D. Lomnbard................... Boston, Mass....-.. ---
N. Read...................... Belfast, Me ------..........-....
T. T. Woodruff............. Philadelphia, Pa..........
C. De St. Charles.............. Jalapa, Mexico...........
R. P. Walker................. New York, N. Y..........
R. Abbey.................. New York, N. Y..-...
R. Anderson-----------------Brooklyn, N. Y.......
W. H. Elton.................. Baltimore, Md..........
W. Newell- ----..................- Philadelphia, Pa......
S. Thompson.....----------------- Baltimore, Md..........
J. Denley and T. H. Heberling. Warsaw, Ill-...-........
F. Liesche................... East New York, N. Y.....
J. V. Meigs....-.-.-.-. --- Washington, D. C.....
J. Petsch and S. N. Buynitzky. Hanover, Prussia, and St.
Petersburg, Russia.
J. W. Thyng.....-----------------Salem, Mass....------------
N. Waterman................ Suffolk County. Mass.....
H. A. Zopff.................. Milwaukee, Wis..........A. Berney.................. Jersey City, N. J...........
E. E. Rinehart............... Pittsburgh, Pa.......-...
W. Newell...................Philadelphia. Pa.......
J. R. Adams----------------.................-- New York, N. Y........
W. H. Barnes................. New London, Conn.......
C. H. Beatty.................. Wheeling, Va..-------...........
T. W. Brown-----------------................. Boston, Mass.........
J. Carrington................ Wallingford, Conn...
N. Chapman.....----------------- Hopedale, Mass.....
A. Clark..-.................. Berlin, Conn............
I. F. Colby.................... Washington, D. C.........
C. R. Edwards--------------...............- Niagara City, N. F........
R. B. Fitts................... Philadelphia, Pa.......
S. C. Jantzen............... Philadelphia, Pa..-...
J. G. Lane.................... Washington, N. Y......
W. J. Lane................... Washington, N. Y......
A. Lepage............ Woodhaven, N. Y.........
J. Luther............. Warren, R. I...........
J. C. Milligan.....---------------- Brooklyn, N. Y.........
E. Morse and C. Putnam-...... Knoxville, Tenn..........
C. and E. Parker.............. Meriden, Conn.........
E. Parker--------------------..................... Meriden, Conn...........
J. and E. Parker.............. Meriden, Conn..........
C. W. Peckham.............. New Haven, Conn.........
F. Raymond.................. Woodhaven, N. Y.........
F. C. Richer -.....-.......... Gilmer, Tex.............
J. Rittenhouse................ Germantown, Pa......
L. Schulz.----.................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......
B. Smith...................... Cincinnati, Ohio.......
E. Watrous................... Mystic River, Conn.......
J. Watrous, jr............... Mystic River, Conn.......
D. C. Warner................. Chicago, Ill..............
T. H. Witherby and J. Torrey Millbury, Mass.........
J. Winkler.............-....... Hudson City, N. J.....
S. H. Witmer................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......
I. Wilson.................... New London, Conn.....
L. Maritelley.............. New York, N. Y.......
E. B. Manning................ Middletown, Conn...
H. C. Lockwood.........-... Baltimore, Md..........
D. Richmond................. McArthurstown, Ohio.....
J H. Nason.................. Franklin, Mass-......
E. J. Codd.................... Baltimore, Md..........
J. T. IRandall................ Baltin ore, Md............
W. Newell.................-------------------.... Philadelphia, Pa.......
J. T. Randall............... Baltimore, Md..........
W. and S. Thompson.......... New York, N. Y., and Baltimore, Md.
J. Guardiola.................. ----- - Chocolh, Central America
C. C. Warren and J. B. Baldy. Toledo, Ohio...........
N. Agnew.................... Delaware, Canada.........N. Barlow...................New York, N. Y.........
J. Beaumont------... - -.... Hartford, Conn..........
E. S. Bohringer- -...... Brooklyn, N. Y............
J. Bk1ckio.................-Now York, N. Y..........
W.H.Llaisdelland E.Estabrook Factory Point, Vt......
E. Blunt, jr-............... New York, N. Y.....
E. Blunt, jr............... Now York, N. Y......
1. Bordnan----------...... Malden, Mass...........
R. Brown and E. A. Blaisdell.. Goffatown, N. H.....
S.I. S. Cawthon and A.F.Tatom Troy, Ala......
W. Chesterman.............. Centralia, Iowa.....
XW. Cnesterman............... Centralia. Iowa......
H. J. Childs.................. New York, N. Y..........
H. J. Childs.................. New York, N. Y.....
H. J. Chils................... New York, N. Y......
E. H. Covell.................. New York, N. Y..........
J. Cragg...................... Bitimore, Md............
June 30, 1863
July 30, 1872
Apr. 23, 1867
July 30, 1867
Sept. 19, 1871
May 28, 1872
Jan. 8, 1798
Oct. 9, 1860
June 25, 1845
Sept. 25, 1840
June 19, 1837
Nov. 20, 1855
Nov. 13, 1866
Jan. 28, 1868
Sept. 10, 1822
Nov. 5, 1872
Nov. 3, 1868
Dec. 20, 1853
Jan. 1, 1825
June 26, 1866
Apr. 27, 1869
July 19, 1859
Oct. 18, 1870
Aug. 3, 1858
June 12, 1866
May 22, 1866
Feb. 25, 1868
Dec. 17, 1867
Feb. 26, 1850
Oct. 10, 1865
Mar. 16, 1869
June 29, 1869
Oct. 3, 1857
Dec. 17, 1867
Sept. 8, 1868
June 27, 1854
July 19, 1870
Apr. 3, 1829
Oct. 16, 1866
Aug. 14, 1833
June 9, 1868
Mar. 13, 1866
Mar. 22, 1859
June 17, 1873
Oct. 16, 1866
Jan. 14, 1868
Oct. 24, 1x71
Aug. 11, 1843
Aug. 2, 1870
Sept. 9, 1835
May 5, 1868
Oct. 29, 1861
Feb. 7, 1860
Apr. 13, 1836
Feb. 14, 1871
Aug. 16, 1870
July 2, 1839
June 10, 1873
June 9, 118
July 28, 1868
Aug. 6, 1867
Jan. 31, 1871
July 17, 1832
Feb. 2, 1869
June 28, 1864
Mar. 6, 1818
Sept. 310, 1825
July 19, 1870
Aug. 26, 1873
Oct. 14, 1835
Dec. 26, 1865
July 12, 1870
May 3, 1870
Oct. 12, 1869
Mari. 14, 1871
Jan. 31, 1871
July 30, 1872
Dec. 6, 1870
Feb. 7, 1871
Oct. 19, 1858
Nov, 6, 1869
July 30, 1872
May 7, 1867
Aug. 26, 1873
Nov. 3, 1868
Aug. 10, 1869
July 14, 1868
Nov. 14, 1871
Nov. 14, 1871
July 19, 1859
Jan. 24, 1860
Jan. 7, 1873
Jan. 7, 1873
Mar. 11, 1873
Feb. 8, 1859
Oct. 31, 1871
39, 098
130, 078
63, 987
67, 185
119, 149
127, 249.....
30, 298
4, 089
1, 795
13, 837
59, 538
73, 819
132, 887
83, 609
10, 328.....
55, 947
89, 298
24, 817
108, 407
21, 066
55, 509
54, 933
74, 937
72, 429
7, 129
50, 412
87, 903
91, 870
18, 552
72, 259
81, 869
11, 152
105, 545
58, 772
78, 648
53, 129
23, 290
139, 660
58, 946
73, 347
120, 287
3, 215
105, 966.....
77, 649
33, 599
27, 065.....
106, 407
1, 215
139, 824.....
80, 317
76, 618
111, 4C6.....
86, 484
43, 374.....
105, 584
142, 248
51, 741
105, 175
102, 591
95, 827
112, 738
111, 403
129, 947
109, 978
111, 503
21, 808
30, 559
129, 882
64, 476
142, 195
83, 686
93, 587
79, 943
120, 936
120, 938
24, 795
26, 889
134, 514
134, 515
136, 703
22. 876
1-20, 417
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Coffee-pot ------------------------ -
Coffee-pot -------------------------------------
(:otlee-pot.............-- -------- - -
C otlee-pot.......................-"......
Coffee-pot-...-------------- ---------------....
Coffee-pot-... ------------ -------------...---
Coffee-pot.--------- --------- --------- -------.
Coffee-pot.-. -.-.------------ --------- -----.--
Coffee-pot.--------- --------- --------- -------.
Coffee-pot-. -.--- ------- ------- ------- ------.
Coffee pot........................------....
Coffee-pot----------------.-."... -.-....--
C offee-pot...............................-----
Coffee-pot. ---.........--------------
Coffeepot -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Coffee-pot ----------------------------------
Coffee-pot--- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- --.
C offe-pot..............................-----
Coffee-pot............................ "--
CuoffPee-pot------------------.----- ---------
C o ffe e - pn o t.-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- -- -
S. Crowell, 7r...............J. Denley..................--
J. Dodge...................---
J. Dodge...................--
J. G. Dyer-.-.-----------.....
0. T. Eddy..................--
W. Edson ----- ----- ---
W. H. Elliot................--
W. C. CErskineo.............
G. K.Farrington........
H. B. Fay...................W. Funk and G. W. Fort...
J. F. Fitch, B. G. Devoe, and R.
W. B. McLellan.
D. G. Fletcher.............--
J. H. Treeto...- ------.--
D. S. French................_
H. P. Gatchell...............
C. D. Goodrich...............
B. Grigsby and T. C. Br-aselton.
J. E. Hall....-- - -........
N. D. Hartley and M. S. Morehouse.
J. -Heberlin,,----------------
J. W. Hcdenbcrg.. -.. -... -....
L. Hildenbrand --------- --
M. Hofman.................- -- -- --
G0. Hotte...................-- -- -- --
N. H ot z.-..... ---- ----
E. H. H u ch.................- - -- --
W. N. Hutchinson -........
P. H. Inman -ad C. B. Withingtou.
G. Jones....................
H. H. Kuper................H. H. EKoper................---
J. L. Labiaux ------ ----------
N. Lawrence._..........
J. H. Lee...............--.
J. H. Lee...................--
J. E. Lewis...................
L. H. Little -...............
J. MacGregor, jr............ - - --
J. Magee...................--
J. T. McNamee..............--
S. Mento...................--
C. A. Merchant and G. L. Patterson.
W. I. Miller................--
E. Monense and L. Duparqnet
E. Moneuse and L. Duparquet
E. Moneuse -rnd L. Duparquet
H. W. Mosher........--...
F'.B. Mudge...............--
J. iNason...................---
G. Neilson..................
G. Neison.................--
J. B. Parish................--
J. W. Patterson------------....
J. W. Patterson.and. J. S. Hill..
P. Perry....................
E. Pincus and D. B. Emerick..
J. H. Remning;ton------------.
D. T. Robinson...............
D. IRowland.........._.......
F.I. Sage..................--
S.TV. Savage. ----------------
5. '. Savage.-...-----..
1). M. Skinner...............
J. B. Smith..................
J. B. Smith..................
J. B. Smith..................
J. B. Smith.................0. F.Stedan----------- -----
JD. Still.t..................
M. J. Slubbins..............
J. H. Swing----------------...
F. I. Tarlton...............H. Thai and G. Schlottmann -.
H. Tilden..........
0. M. Tinliham..............11. Von -Holtn.......
Residence. Date.
Palmyra, N. Y- -- -- -- -- - --S e pt. 13, 1859
Warsaw, Ill.............-- July 24, 1860
New Orleans, La.--...------Nov. 9, 1869
New Orleans, La-..___......July 5, 1870
Chicago, Ill.---------------June 16, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa. _. _......Sept. 20, 1859
Boston, Mass --......-....Oct. 2, 1866
Plattsburgh, N. Y ------IJan. 25, 1859
Nether Kinnedder, Don-May1,16
f ermline, Scotland. - ay1,86
Xenia, Ohio.-- -- -- - --- - -. Jan. 24, 18 0
New York, N. Y-.--- Oct. 25, 1839
Warrensburgh, Mo. -.._Aug. 23, 1870
Vandalia, ill-------------- Mar. 13, 1870
Racine, Wis._.-......May:31, 1839
Wheaton, Ill-------------- Feb. 22, 1859
Montgomery, Ala-...Mar. 28, 1871
Rlavenna, Ohio ---- _.----Nov. 22, 1859
Ann Arbor. Mich. -.- ---Jan. 30, 1872
Cleveland, Ohio.----- __ ---Mar. 13, 1866
Princeton, Intl1.. __.........Feb. 4, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio... - -.-_- Sept. 25 1855
Quincy, li. _...........Apr. 2-2, 1862
Mount Pleasant, Ohio.-.May 30, 1871
Saint. Louis, Mo. -_......... Jan. 4, 1859
Michigan City, nd - --.--_.Dec. 6, 1870
San Francisco, Cal. --.---.Dec. 3, 1872
New York, N. Y.-.-------Feb. 1, 1870
Greenpoint, N. Y.. - - _.... - Aug. 18, 1868
Brunswick, Germany...Jan..7; 1873
Bideford, England - _---_-Mar. 12, 1872
Janesville, W is...__.......Apr. 25, 1871
Saugerties, N. Y..........-Apr. 16, 1867
Lockport, N. Y............ Apr. 4, 18 71
New York, N. Y. _........May 7, 1872
Newer-k, N. J.. ___........Feb. 23, 1869
Taunton, Mass,......June 22, 1869
Charlestown, Mass- __--.-.Nov. 28, 1865
Charlestown, Mass -..._Dec. 4, 1866
Kittery, Me. - -- - -____Aug. 3, 1869
Copake, N. Y.............Mar. 21, 1865
Troy, N.Y................ Apr. 11, 1854
Lawrence. Mass........ _. Mar. 6, 1860
Baltimore, Md............ May 23, 1871
Alliance, Ohio............ Mar. 8, 1870
Frankfort, Ky.......... __Feb. 1, 1859
Middletown, Con -.Feh. 14, 1871
New York, N.Y - _-._----July 27, 1869
New York, N. Y --......Oct. 5, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... -- Oct. 12, 1869
Warren, Ill.............. Apr. 23, 1861
Yonkers, N. Y - --_....._Oct. 8, 18 72
New YorkN. Y----------... a.Mar-. 3, 1808
Bo ton Mass-------------.... c.Oct. 25, 1839
Beston, Mass-- -- -- -- - - - - July 24, 1860
Cleveland, Ohio..... __.....Apr. 12, 1831
New York, N.Y.-- -- -----Nov. 21, 1871
Cincimnati, Ohio._-_..--Apr. 7, 1868
Charlestown, Mass.-.--Sept. 17, 1867
Philadelpia, Pa.....Nov. 01,1865
Lowades County, Ala....Dec. 22,1846
Boston, Mass._...._..__Ja.81867
Washing ton, D. C..__S(:j.17, 1844
Cromwell, Cooin...... July 18,1871
Gr eenbush, N. Y.._. June 15 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.V -__-Apr. 5,180
Sandwich Centre, N.H.. a. 5,18.69
Miwaukee, Wis............ov.Nov. 19,)167
Milwaukee, Wis.._..__.Nov. 19,1867
Milwaukee. Wis -----Decc 29, 1868
Milwarrhkee, Wis -----Mar. 12,1872
Westfield, N. Y _..._._. Sept. 14, 1869
Annapeli-, Md _.-___.___Api. 9,1881
West Farm)s, N. Y---.....ov.Nov. 8, 18 0
Youngstowrr, Ohio-.........ept.Sept. 23, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio- -- -- - -- - --Apr. 25r 1865
Bitimore, Md------------ Dec. 31S72
New Haven, Conn-._...Norv.10, 1868
Boston, Mass_-------------__ __ _Jan. 8,i567
Pomfr-et, Vt.---.- ----May 93, 1871
ttot~rknr, N.J--------Set 021 1869
25, 391
29, 253
9(6, 558
103, 051
78, 943
25, 495
58, 396
2-2, 716
90, 159
25, 890
106, 572
100, 880
24, 261
23, 021
113, 156
26, 2-29
123, 258
53, 139
135, 544
13, 595
35, 021
115, 467
22, 101
l1t), 901
133, 582
99, 438
81, 169
134, 603
124, 579
114, 012
63, 903
113, 674
126, 555
87, 179
91, 754
51, 198
60, 204
93, 317
46, 917
10, 752
27, 371
115, 080
1C0, 544
22, 816
111, 861
92, 987
95, 599
95, 710
3-2, 141
75, 045
25, 909
29, 302
23, 603
121, 126
76, 514
51, 683
4, 904
6 1, 022
3, 749
117, 210
91, '74
101, 517
85, 540
71, 236
71, 237
85, 3:19
124. 454
94, 7 87
3-2, 011
101), 1:;2
14.1, 102
47, 41.6
1133 681
84, 020
61, 12-2
7tS, 134
Index of patents issued from thec United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--&ontinued.
Coffee-pot attachment... _....-_...-...-_...__-..... -
Coffee-lot, boiler, digester, oven, and lamp.
Coffee-pot digester.............................
Coffee-pot holder............................
Coffee-pot, pitcher, &c.........................
Coffee-pot stand..........................----
Coffee-pot strainer........................._
Coffee-pot strainer........................-----
Coffee, Prepared....................___.-.....
Coffee, Preparation for clarifying.........-- -- _..
Coffee, Preparation of........................_
Coffee, Process for cleaning and polishing.
Coffee, Process for polishing....................
Coffee, Process for preparing..................
Coffee, Process of cleaning....................
Coffee, Process of cleaning and renovating. --.
Coffee, I'rocess of treating................... -- - -- --
C of ce, rice, &c.,Pestle for hulling ---------Cfe.Ratd....................
Coff --roaste.r................................
Coffee-roaster -. ------------
Coffee-ro aster.._............................
Corffee rroascter---------------
Inventor.. Yoaman,----------------. YZimmerman............
M. De Graff................
J. Montgomery............
W. L. Gilroy.............---
J. T. Words andE. HI. Leseman
J. Gibson, jr...--........--
0. Ferris................---
G3. A. Barren................
C. L Gilpatric.............
B. B. Lewis................
C. L. Tucker...............
T. Hyatt................----
C. C. Warren and J. B. B-tidy.
G. W. Bnngerford.._....
L. D. Gale..........
W. H. Butler..............
W. H. Bntler...............
J. W. Gillies.............---
IJ. Guardiola.. -.......
J. Arbuckle, j r...............
J. Ashcroft _...-_....
B. T. Babbitt.------------...
It.L. Bate and J. Caulkins.. _
F. M. Bode...............--
A. Broman...............__
J. Brown.-.._.... --
l. Brown..................
J. Burns..................
C. C. Butt................---
J. W. Carter...............
A. Cohn..................
1. B. Crit-tenden...........--
B. F. D~ailey and E. D~oughermy. jr.
W. L. Daihey.............
N. Davis..................
-G. W. Dodson............---
G. W. Dodsou.............
J. E. Edmnndson.. -.. _---_
J. Galloway...............
J. Galloway...............
H. M. Gilbert...............
W. L. Gilroy................
T. J. Hall.................J. Hart.................---
T. Beermans...............
T. Heermians.............__
T. Heermans..............
T. fleermans...............
J. C. Holston.............__
L. Houcke...............--
T. Hoyt.................---
F. Humphrey............
E. J. Hyde...............----
E.J. Hyde...............---
J. Jay..................----
T. Joye.................--
C. L. Kelling.............--
R. Landstr-om. _.........
W. J. Lane................
A.Larson -...........
N. Linden...-_...........
It. Little..................
H. C. Lockwood............
1. Long.................---
C. Mackbh.................
B. 1K. Malthy.............---
B. K. Maltby.............----
D. D. Mamtiii..------------
II. B. Mas-er....: _.__
U-. WV. Merrick-..............
C. A. Mills------------__.---
C.. A. Mills...................
Si. L.wMills------------------
C.. IPalmer........
J. B. Peak( and J. A.Lushy.--
it. W. Pensn" --- -- --
C. J. C.Peteri-eam.....
A. lR-- som.. __ _ _._ _.
J.. IR em ran~ton.......
H. L. Pmcl--s-d __ ___ -_ __
E. S-hneider and A. Kolman.
Residence. Date.
Brooklyn, N. Y _-- - - -- -- -- June 22, 1869
New York, N. Y.--..----Tan. 3, 18615
Royalton Centrne, N. Y _. - Dec. 17, 1867
Chicago, Ill-------------._Jan. 25, 1870
New York, N. YV- - - - ------Juno 1. 1H,9
Philadelphia, Pa. _..........Nov. 23, 1869
Toledo, Ohio........... _No(v-28,167 1
Albany, N. Y -..._..Dec. 28, 1869)
Pawling, N.._...._.._.-Oct. 31, 1871
Pembroke, Mo.........1ec. 27, 1870
Hyde Park, Mass...Feh. 22, 1870
Bristol, Coun------.. _---Mar. 2, 1869
Chicago, Ill--------------- May 2,1871
Philadelphia, Pa...........ar.Mar. 13, 1866
Toledo, Ohio.. -.......... June 14, 18 70
Chicago, Ill-------. _. Sept. 19, 1871
Washington.,ID. C_._... June 20, 1865
Chicago, Ill............ Jan. 2, 1871.
Chicago, Ill.. _ _.. __. _.__June 18, 1872
New York, N.Y.......... June 27, 1871
Chocohi, Central America.- Apr. 30, 1872
Allegheny City, Pa-.__._--Jan. 21, 1868
Brooklyn, N. V......... Oct. 17, 1871
New York, N. VY - Mar. 24, 1868
Adrian, Mich... _....._Nov. 1, 1859
Vienna, Austria..-------- __.July 28, 1868.
Kewanee, Ill.... _........1).0De. 3, 1872
Southampton, Ill.___... Sept. 24, 187-2
Ashitabula, Ohio........ Api-. 6, 1858
New York, N. V.-......Oct. 18, 1864
Duck Hill, Miss...... _...Jan. 2, 1872
Boston, Mass----------- _ _Nov. 12, 1 846
Louisville, Kcy------------.._.Sept. 14, 1869
Pittsburgh, Pa---------- __.Apr. 6, 1869
Mount Pleasant, Iowa..-Dec. 3, 187-2
Richmond, Ind..........
Boston, Mass-......_.
Mitchell, luff...........
Mitchell, Ind. _........._
Bartlett, Ohio -.-_.....
Chetopah, Kans. - _....
Webster, Ill...._.....
Ada, Ohio............- -
Philadelphia, Pa...__
Bryan, Tex.............
Kekoskee, Wis.._._..__
Mitchellville, Ten. ---
Mitchellville, Ten.
Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Mattoon, Ill............
Dorry, N. H-----------__
Springfield, Ohio --_.
New York, N. V -.....
Philadelphia, Pa -.._..__
Philadelphia, Pa..___.
Philadelphia, Pa. _...
Joneshorough, Ind--._.-.
Brooklyn, N. V..........
Mechanicthnrgh, Pa._--
Boston, Mass...........
Mil lhrook, N. V...__._.
Galesbnrgh, Ill........_
Chicago, Ill............
Middle Brainch, Ohio.__.
Baltimore, btd--.-._._-- ---
Terre Haute, Ind._- _.- _--
Elgin, Ill--------------
Cincinnati, Ohio.._.__
Cincinnati, Ohio.._.__
C:.ninnati, Ohio..
Sunhury. Pa-------
Adrian, Mieh..........--
Hazel U-ieen, Wis.._
Biistol, Conn..........Springfielrd, Ohio -.--._
New York, N. Y.---_
Camhr: dgeport, Mass _. --..
Norwich, Conn.. __... _...
Washington, 1I). C _...
Chicago, Ill------------___
Davinport, Iowa..._
'tIroy, N. V.......---...
Wa shingt on, D. C.._.
Hartford, Conn --._.....
Baltimore, Md._......
Newark. N. J...........New Tripoli, Pa.----_
Bahiwinsv ille, N. V...
Polanrd, N. Y...........
Rlichmnond, lad.........--
Urand Rapids, Mich._._
Saint Louis, Mo.._-.-_
Binomingio, Ill......
Minneapolis, Min..
Hcston, Mass - ----..--
Effiuphani, Ill.- __-.--
Lansing, Mich..........
July 9, 1872
Dee. 13, 1870
Apr. 23, 1872
May 27, 187:3
Sept. 2-2, 18(,8
Sept. 21; 1 869
May 30, 18 71
Sept. 211, 18 70
Apr-. 12, 1859
Nov. 23, 1869
Apr. 15, 1873
Sept. 7, 1858
Jan. 18, 1859
June 30, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
Apr. 8, 186 2
Jan. 10, 1871
Sept. 2-2, 1863
Mar. 13, 1866
July 1, 1802
Feb. 2, 1864
Dec. 7, 1869
Nov. 18, 186-2
Apr. 15, 1862
Ma-. 13, 1860
Dec. 16, 1873
Apr. 9,1872
Nov. 15, 1870
Au. 28, 1860
Dec 23, 1873
May 11,1 869
June 22' 1869
May 06,18688
Api. 27,1869
NON' 2-, 1871
Aug 7, 1888
May 21, 1872
Apr. 28, 1e:1
Nov. 7,135
May 23, 1871
Juno 23, 1863
May 2, 1871
Oct. 19, 188-2
June 29, 1869
May 25, 1889
Oct. 19, 1838
Aug. 14, 185
July 31, 1866
Dec. 31, 183:3
Ja-n. 7, 1847
Oct. 8, 1861
Nov. 24, 1857
May 3, 1859
Dec. 128, 184!)
Aug. '29, 1871
Aug. 31, 1858
Aug. 20, 1861
June 17, 1873
Feb. 25, 1873
Apr. 22, 1851
Feb. 5, 1867
Apr. 2, 1872
91, 696
45, 787
119, 068
90, 676
97, 077
121, 444
98, 244
120, 4215
110, 420
100, 137
114, 492
53, 250
1114, 383
119, 148
48, 268
122, 306
127, 955
116, 299
126, 900
73, 486
119, 959
75, 829
25, 941
80, 3-29
133, 625
131, 597
19, 8-27
44, 704
122, 357
4, 849
94, 810
88, 612
133, 633
128, 715
110, 017
139, 377
8-2, 393
95, 015
115, 302
107, 771
23, 563
97, 083
137, 839
21, 416
22, 649
79, 469
141, 789
34, 923
110, 916
40, 0:37
53, 148
35, 758
41, 436
97, 644
36, 958
34, 968
27, 454
145, 576
125, 579
109, 2-28
29, 798
145. 880
89, 934
91, 553
78, 386
89, 490
121, 292
56, 864
127, 086
38, 22J
50, 878
115, 228
38, 97
96, 06'0
9-2, 090
56, 811l
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Coffee-roaster and grain-drier....................
Coffee-roaster cover....----------------------...........................Coffee-roaster operated by steam.................
Coffee, Roasting..................................
Coffee, Roasting--------------------------...................................
Coffee-roasting machine................
Coffee-roasting machine...................
Coffee-roasting process.....................
Coffee-settling composition...................
Coffee, spice, &c., Box for.......................
Coffee substitute..........................
Coffee substitute..........................
Coffee, tea, and spice can...........................
Coffee, Treating damaged........................
Coffee, Treating damaged.............._
Coffee-washing machine..........................
Coffer-dam and boat..............................
Coffer-dam, Portable and convertible.............
Coffer-dam, Sectional.............................
Coffin, Artificial stone or marble.................
Coffin, Corpse-preserving.........................
Coffin, Deodorizing........
Coffin for use in case of doubtful death............
Coffin fiom paper or other pulp...............
Coffin, Glass.-...........................
P. Williamson................
T. R. Wood..................
F. W. Zochert..........
G. D. Jones..................
L. J. Dyke..................
I. C. Smith.............
W. Johnston and J. D. Flansburg.
W. H. Trissler and E. Brecht.
J. D. Harrington..............
P. Williamson...............
J. W. Gillies.................
W. F. Rossman..............
G. W. Carleton.............
H. W. Hutchins..............
J. D. Adney..............
R. S. Sanborn.................
E. Dugdale...................
E. Dugdale..................
J. M. Earl....................
F. Evans.....................
F. Evans.....................
C. Hitchcock................
G. Jones.................
E. Martin..................
J. Guardiola................
E. Bell.....................
J. Braidwood.................
W. Easby..................
A. Folsom....................
A. Gilmore..................
C. H. Sanborn...........
S. S. Walley.................
J. E. Walsh................
J. E. Walsh.................
J. E. Walsh.................
J. E. Walsh..............
W. H. Applegate.............
S. Lewis...................
T. Bracher... -............
W. G. Algeo.................
S. Avery...............
S. Avery and L. Delill.......
J. D. Bayliss.................
W. Broomball................
J. Burns.....................
C L. Carter and E. Jones.... -
D. Clarke................
E. H. Covel..................
J. E. Cox...................
E. Ellingen..................
T. B. Estep...................
T. B. Estep and W. C. Hefferm an.
J. E. Evarts...............
L. Fay......................
A. D. Fisk...............
J. A. Fogg.................
J. A. Fogg....................
J. Good....................
T. Graham.................
A. W. Hendrick...........
M. M. Hersman...............
F. H. Hill.................
T. Holmes..........
D). and S. E. Hooker.........
J. M. Lyeth....-.............
W. J. Lyman and A. E. Lyman
M. R. Margerum............
H. Marshall...................
S. Merrick...................
J. D. Nietscke..............
P. E. Ober..................
C. Potter and E. Jones........
C. E. H. Richardson..........
D). Sholl.................
1. C. Shuler...............
I. C. Shuler.................
B. Smith...................
H. Smith, jr.............
H. D. Sprague..............
T. M. Taylor................
F. Tighe................
P. Washburn, H. G. O. White,
and G. A. Copeland.
J. C. Williams................
S. H. Young..................
J. White......................
P. Joyce................
J. Y. Black..............
A. E. Lyman.............
W. S. Crane...............
W. Hamilton......
C. H. Eisenbrandt............
F. Keenan........
G. B. Field...............
Baltimore, Md............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Watertown, Wis..........
New York, N. Y..........
Hamilton, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.-.. -...
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Fairview, Pa.............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Baltimore, Md.........
New York, N. Y..........
Hudson, N. Y.........
Brunswick, Me........
Livermore Falls, Me......
Chicago, Ill.............
Sycamore, Ill...........
Griffin, Ga..........
Griffin, Ga..........
Springfield, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Milldale, Conn........
New Haven, Conn.......
Waterbury, Conn......
ChocolAi, Central America..
Saint Paul, Minn..........
Wilmington, Ill-.......
Washington, D. C.......
New York, N. Y......._
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Roxbury, Mass........
Charlestown, Pa.....
New York, N. Y.-..-.--
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
Le Claire, Iowa...........
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Rahway, N. J.........
Allegheny, Pa..........
Phoenix, N. Y.........
Phoenix, N. Y.........
Alexandria, Va.........
Circleville, Ohio.........
Providence, R. I.......
New York, N. Y........
Ipswich, Mass...........
New York, N. Y.......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Mineral Point, Wis....Cincinnati, Ohio......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Madison, Conn.........
Cincinnati, Ohio_...._.
New York, N. Y.......
Salem, Mass..........
Stockport, England....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphi, Pa.....
Batavia, Ill............
Delavan, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill.............
Washington, D. C.......
West Poultney, Vt.......
Baltimore, Md......
East Hampton and Williamsburgh, Mass.
Trenton, N. J...........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
New Brighton, Pa.........
Somerset, Ohio.........
Beverly, Mass........
Pawlet, Vt., and Middle
Granville, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
C'ncinnati, Ohio.....
Summit, N. Y..........
1'ortland, Me.........
New York, N. Y.........
Rockland, Me...........
Taunton, Mass........
Newton, N. J.-.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New York................
Rochester, N. Y...........
Cleveland, Ohio......
New York, N. Y.......
Rome, Ga......
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Baltimore, Md.........
Brownville, N. Y.........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Mar. 20, 1820
Apr. 17, 1849
Aug. 3, 1869
Feb. 7, 1865
Mar. 18, 1373
June 4, 1872
Nov. 17, 1868
Apr. 30,1850
May 17, 1859
June 18, 1825
June 27, 1871
Apr. 25, 1865
July 31, 1866
Jan. 4, 1870
June 10, 1873
Apr. 2,1861
Oct. 21, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
Dec. 13, 1870
Jan. 14, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Dec. 8, 1868
Apr. 19, 1870
July 16, 1872
Jan. 21, 1868
June 5, 1R66
Nov. 19, 1833
Jan. 31, 1865
Apr. 10, 1866
Feb. 26, 1867
Sept. 15, 1846
Jan. 24, 1871
Jan. 24, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Oct. 24,1871
May 21, 1867
July 6,1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Jan. 11, 1870
Oct. 17,1871
Apr. 7, 1868
Jan. 5,1869
May 25, 1869
July 17, 1866
May 29, 1860
July 10, 1866
May 10, 1864
Sept. 6,1870
Sept. 8, 1868
Oct. 1,1867
Oct. 1, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
May 31, 1864
Nov. 14, 1848
Feb. 6,1866
Sept. 4, 1866
Dec. 12, 1854
Apr. 25, 1865
Sept. 21, 1869
Dec. 19, 1871
Nov. 10, 1868
May 10, 1864
Mar. 2, 1858
June 27, 1854
Apr. 29, 1862
Sept. 22, 1868
Oct. 4, 1859
Nov. 17,1868
Sept. 24, 1867
Jan. 21, 1873
Apr. 7,1868
Jan. 4, 1859
Mar. 27, 1855
Mar. 29, 1859
July 12,1870
July 14, 1868
Apr. 23,1867
July 10,1866
Mar. 22, 1870
Sept. 23, 1873
June 27, 1854
Jan. 28, 1868
Sept. 29, 1863
July 18, 1835
Mar. 9, 1869
Dec. 20,1870
Apr. 18, 1865
Oct. 21, 1873
June 28, 1870
Nov. 15, 1843
Feb. 20,1872
Dec. 11, 1860
6, 345
93, 389
46, 301
126, 980
127, 654
84, 193
7, 329
24, 024.....
116, 298
47, 460
56, 704
98, 502
139, 645
31, 910
143, 889
143, 890
110, 125
134, 491
134, 792
145, 653
84, 830
102, 139
129, 278
73, 566
55, 235
46, 098
53, 919
62, 444
4, 759
111, 156
111, 157
113, 374
120, 352
64, 933
92, 324
95, 976
98, 730
120, 021
76, 376
85, 507
90, 491
56, 364
28, 451
56, 182
42, 641
107, 164
81, 885
69, 419
69, 420
80, 816
42, 936
5, 9 0
52, 405
57, 829
12, 058
47, 414
95, 109
121, 943
83, 964
42, 659
19, 503
11, 166
35, 102
82, 333
25, 659
84, 130
69, 238
135, 006
76, 344
22, 537
12, 605
23, 401
105, 377
79, 921
64, 159
56, 287
101, 181
143, 204
11, 185
73, 857
40, 137.....
87, 570
110, 337
47, 313
143, 748
104, 730
3, 335
123, 781
30, 874
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I
Coffin, Glass.....-------------------------------G. W. Scollay.................
Coffin, Glass....-----------------------------. J. N. and T. Wallis...........
Coffin-handle...................................... I. Almy--......-------...-------...........
Coffin-handle..................................... A. Clark......................
Coffin-har.die---------------------------------N. Hayden...................
Coffin-handle...----------------------------- J. S. Ray.....................
Coffin-handle..................................... J. S. Ray----------------......................Coffin-hat -dle.................................... H. Rogers, jr.................
Coffin handleC.................................... C. Strong....................
Coffin-handle..................................... C. Strong--................
Coffin-handle-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --.Strong.....................
Cofin-handle..................................... B. W. Wooster..................
Coffin-handles, Casting......................... D. W. Sexton.................
Coffin-head brace................................. J. Gawler....................
Coffin-lid......................................... J. S. M errill..................
Coffin-lids, Hinging......................... J.C. Seelye..................
C ffin, Metallic...........................J.A.Gray..................
Coffin Metallic................................... G. Nearstheimer.............
C ffin, Metallic.................................... J. H. Renshaw..................
Coffin, Metallic.................................. I. C. Shuler..................
Coffin-nail cap........................... -..... S. A. Barker..................
Coffin nails and screw heads, Machine for finishing. A. A. Randall..................
Coffin-plate....................................... G. Brabrook.................
Coffin-plate -------------------------------........................................ W. H. Green...............
Coffin-plate-------------------------------........................................ G. B. Ransom................
Coffin-receptacle.................................. J.H. Shields.................
Coffin, Refrigerator.............................. J.S. Cox................
Coffin, Sheet-metal................................ J. DI). Farrington, jr., and T.
P. Austin.
Coffin, Sheet-metal............................... I. C. Shuler..................
Coffin, Sheet-metal............................. W. S. Wood..................
Coffin-sides, Apparatus for bending.............--.. J. P. Albin...................
Coffin-tops, Press for making----------------...................... A. W. Hendrick.............
Coffin, Ventilating................................ A. E. Lyman.................
Coffin, Wooden------------F. Btach.................................... F Biiach...................
Coffin, Wooden............................ M. R. Margerum...........
Coffins and other articles from asphaltic composi- D. W. Denton..............
tion, Manufacture of.
Coffins, Apparatus for supporting and lowering.. C. A. Thompson and J. O.
Coffins, &e., Cement for coating and sealing...- -. - -
Coffins, Compound for covering....................
Coffins, Constructing...............
Coffins, Constructing sheet-metal............
Coffins, Construction of.......................
Coffins, Construction of glass.................
Coffins, Construction of sheet-metal...............
Coffins, Construction of sheet-metal...............
Coffins, Covering............................
Coffins from hydraulic cement, Constructing......
Coffins from hydraulic cement, Constructing......
Coffins, Fastening-key for.......................
Coffins, Head-rest for......................
Coffins, Life-detector for...........................
Coffins, &c., Lifting-handle for -----------..-------.
Coffins, Manufacturing cement................
Coffins, Measuring-scale for......................
Coffins, Mode of disinfecting......................
Coffins, &c., Molding for...........................
Coffins, &c., Name-plate for........................
Coffins, Preserving the wood of.................
I. Charles.................
J. W. Bower.................
I. C. Shuler..................
I. C. Shliuler...................
F. Skiff......................
J. R. Cannon.................
I. C. Shuler................
I. C. Shuler...................
L. Snider.....................
Dayton, Hoyt, and White.....
J. W hite.....................
J. Homrighouse..............
J. P. Waugh............
T. A. Schroeder and H. Wuest.
T. M. Taylor................
M. Leonard...................
J. W. Hyde...................
S. H. Young................
G. S. Eaton...................
G. Brabrook..........................
J. M. Dufournet and L. Clemendot.
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Fleming, N. Y...........
Farmer, N. Y..........
Cobalt, Conn............
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Essex, Conn..-.............
East Haddam, Conn......
East Haddam, Conn.......
West Meriden, Conn......
Winsted, Conn..........
Winsted, Conn...........
Albany, N. Y......
East Hampton, Conn......
Washington, D. C-....
Poland, Me...............
Cambridge, Mass........
Richmond, Va...........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Knoxville, Tenn........
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Providence, R. I..........
New Haven, Conn.....
Taunton, Mass..........
Meriden, Conn.......
Chester, Conn.............
Louisville, Ky...........
Delaware, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y., and
Portland, Conn.
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Batavia, Ill........
Williamsburgh, Mass.....
Lancaster, Pa............
Trenton, N. J.............
Ithaca, N. Y..........
Hopkinsville, Ky.........
Allegheny City, Pa......
Greencastle, Ind......
Amsterdam, N. Y......
Amsterdam, N. Y......_
New York, N. Y........
New Albany, Ind.......
Amsterdam, N. Y.........
Amsterdam, N. Y. -.......
Indianapolis, Ind........
Salina, N. Y..............
New York, N. Y.......
Royalton, Ohio.......
South Scriba, N. Y.......
flooken, N. J.........
New York, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Lewiston, Ill..............
Saint Louis, Mo........
Wiiliamsburgh, N. Y......
Taunton, Mass.........
Paris, France -.........
Peoria, Ill...............
Sodus Point, N. Y......
Adams County, Ill.......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New Bedford, Mass.......
New Haven, Conn......
Logansport, Ind.......
Staunton, Va.............
Havana, Cuba,......
New York, N. Y....
Cortland and Windsor,N.Y
New York, N. Y.-..
Auburn, N.Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New Philadelphia, Ohio...
Chicago, Ill..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Cambridgeport, Mass....
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La.........
Clinton, Ohio............
Fallston, Md............
Baltimore, Md.....
San Francisco, Cal....
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Golden City, Colo......
Date. No.
Oct. 2, 1860 30, 252
May 20,1873 139, 095
Apr. 25,1865 47. 375
Sept. 13,1870 107, 212
Dec. 26,1865 51,693
Oct. 22, 1872 132, 399
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 445
Apr. 15, 1873 137,958
May 6, 1873 138, 696
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 827
May 13,1873 138, 768
Feb. 11, 1862 34,387
June 13, 188i5 48, 215
Nov. 9, 1869 96, 581
May 26,1863 38,713
July 18, 1865 48, 842
June 11, 1836.......
Apr. 6, 1869 88,728
Feb. 12, 1861 31, 401
Apr. 12, 1859 23,616
Jan.. 11, 1870 98, 733
June 19, 1866 55, 783
July 1, 1873 140,457
Apr. 19, 1864 42, 367
Jan. 21, 1873 135, 155
Nov. 21, 1871 121, 206
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 377
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 604
Dec. 6, 1859 26, 379
Dec. 24, 1872 134, 182
Dec. 23, 1873 145, 827
Oct. 5, 1869 95, 475
Oct. 14, 1862 36. 660
Oct. 9, 1860 30, 292
Sept. 26, 1865 50, 144
Jan. 19, 1864 41, 284
Dec. 5, 1871 121, 688
May 16,1871 114,761
June C, 1871 115, 687
Apr. 27, 1858 20, 095
June 14, 1859 24, 409
Apr. 20, 1847 5, 084
Oct. 25, 1859 25, 883
July 5,1859 24, 635
Sept. 6, 1859 25, 350
Oct. 4, 1859 25, 682
June 6,1835..
July 18, 1835.
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 745
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 565
Dec. 5, 1871 121, 666
June 28, 1870 104, 899
Juyiv 2, 1839 1, 214
Sepit. 25, 1866 58, 26 2
May 7, 1867 64, 467
June18, 1872 127, 966
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 726
May 12, 1868 77, 8.6
Cog-gearing spring............................... J. L. Rees....................
Cog-wheel...............-----------------...................... ----F. A. Morley.................
Cog-wheel coupling, Universal --------------... E. Smith.....................
Cog-wheel-cutting machinery -.----- -... J.P. Gaume.................
Cog-wheel for gearing..............-.......... H.I. Crandall...............
Cog-wheels, Connection of........-----..........-- A. Skaats, jr.................
Cog-wheels, &c., Machine for making patterns for W. Obenchain..........
Cog-wheels, Machinery to supersede the use of.... J. Cooper...................
Coil, Electro-magnetic induction.............. J. S. Camacho.................
Coil, Induction.................-.............. J. Kidder..................
Coil spring and its attachments................ T. Rose and P. S. Buell.......
Coil-springs, Mandrel for-................... R. Vose and J. Anderson-.....
Coil-springs, Manufacture of-................ W. H. Ward................
Coiled springs, Machine for making... -.. J. Harrison, jr..............
Coiled spi ings, Machine for packing---.--------. J. W. Evans................
Coin assorting and computing apparatus----...----...... - E. Baltzley...............
Coin- assorting apparatus........................ J. W. Meaker............
Coin assorting apparatus............--............ J. W. Meaker................
Coin-counting implement. --- - ---..- A. Whittemore.............
Coin-counting machine...----------------------M. F. Bonzano................
Coin-counting machine.....---------------------- R. Tyler.....................
Coin-detector- -..................................... H. M aranville.................
Coin detector, Counterfeit.-------------------.. W. Painter................
C in detector, Counterfeit ----...-.-..... G. B. Smith..................
Coin-holder--..-...---------------------------- L. Landry...................
Coke, Desulpburizing-- - -- -- -- -G.Nok................................... Nock..................
Cokefrom anthracite and other coal, Manufacturing M. Isaacs..................
Coke from Colorado and other coal, Process of proe W. J. Lynd..................
Coke from lignites, Process of making............. H. Engelmann.............
Coke-furnace------------------------------...................................... T. Price.................
Coke, Manufacture of...........--................. W. McPheeters and C. Pearce.
Coking fossil-coal, Modes of.-.................... G. Lander................
Coking fossil-coal, Mode of...................... G. Lander.................
Coking wood by waste-heat of iron-furnaces...... A. H. Tait.................
Colander boiler-................................... B. F. Porter..............
June 4,1867
Feb. 10, 1863
Jan. 10, 1871
June 6,1848
Oct. 27, 1868
May 3, 1864
Apr. 5, 1859
Feb. 22, 1826
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 16, 1866
Dec. 7, 1869
Jan. 5, 1869
Mar. 4, 1873
Jan. 27, 1857
Mar. 2, 1869
Feb. 13, 1872
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 7, 1e68
Jan. 14, 1873
June 17, 1I56
Oct. 11, 1841
Feb. 14, 1860
July 8, 1862
Sept. 6, 1853
May 29, 1866
May 29,1860
Apr. 7,1831
Aug. 10, 1869
65, 506
37, 634
110, 938
5, 614
83, 469
42, 605
23, 484
1:38, 316
52, 054
97, 705
85, 549
136, 473
16, 483
87, 332
123, 607
76, 492
76, 493
134, 962
15, 117
)2, 320
35, 834
9, 997
55, 121
28, 543
93, 629
136, 592
109, 940
117, 714
124, 688
124, 689
5, 722
94, 965
Salt Lake City, Utah...... Mar. 11, 1873
Steubenville, Ohio......... Dec. 6, 1870
Harmony, Ind........... Aug. 1, 1871
Irwin, Pa..-....-.... Mar. 19, 1872
Irwin, Pa................. Mar.1., 1872
Plattsburgh, N. Y-......... Aug. 22, 1848
Manchester, N. H......... May 21, 1867
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Collapsible boat..................................
Collapsible boat..................................
Collapsible boat..................................
Collar and bosom combined.........................
Collar and bosom, Detached shirt..................
Collar and bosom, Shirt............................
Colar and cravat combined......................
Collar and cuff...................................
Collar and cuff...................................
Collar and cuff box, Combined....................
Collar and cuff drier...............................
Collar and cuff; Lady's......................
Collar and cuff; Water-proof.......
Collar and hame...................................
Collar and hame...................................
Cellar and hame, Combined.....................
Collar and hame, Harness.........................
Collar and hame, Horse.........................
Collar and hame, Horse...........................
Collar and hame, Horse...........................
Collar and hame, Horse..........................---------------------..
Collar and hame, Horse........................
Collar and hamne, Horse...........................
Collar and hame, Horse.......................
Collar and harness, Combined horse...............
Collar and muff combined........................
Collar and neck-tie................................
Collar and neck-tie attachment...................
Collar and neck-tie combined...................
Collar and neck-tie fastener.....................
Collir and spreader for double harness, Breast.....
Collar and tag cutting machine..................
Collar attachment, Shirt...........................
Collar, Axle.......................................
Collar, Belvidere shirt..........................
Collar block..................................
Collar block, Horse........................
Collar block, Horse...............................
Collar block, Horse................................
Collar block, Horse................................
Collar block, Horse.......................
Collar block, Horse........................
Collar block, Horse................................
Collar block, Horse......._.....................
Collar block, Horse.....-........................
Collar, Breast...................................
Collar, Breast.......................................
Collar, Caoutchouc shirt....................
Collar cap, Harness...............................
Collar cap, Horse.................................
Collar cap, Horse..............................
Collar cap, Horse.........................
Collar cap, Horse-------------------------..................................Collar cap, Horse.................................
Collar cap, Horse.........................
Collar cap, Horse........................
Collar, Coach......................................
Collar, Dog......................................
Collar-edge protector.............................
Collar fastening, Horse..........................
Collar fastening, Horse...........................
Collar fastening, Horse...........................
Collar fastening, Horse...........................
Collar fastening, Horse...........................
Collar fastening, Horse.....................
Collar fastening, Horse............................
Ccllar fastening, Horse.....................
Collar fastening, Horse---------------
Collar fastening, Horse.....................
Collar fastening, HorseZ
Collar fastening, Horse.....................
Collar fastening, Horse.....................
Collar fastening, Shirt......................
Collar fastening, Shirt........
Collar fastening, Shirt............................
Collar fastening, Shirt............................
Collar fa~stening, Shirt..................
Cellar fast,'ning, Shirt.........................
Collar for attaching cow-bells......................
Collar for dress-coats, &c.........................
Collar for drill-rod.................................
Collar for harness --...............................
Collar for ladies and gentlemen..---------
Collar, Fur..............................
C. F. Lichtner...............
N. Thompson, jr.........
N. Thompson,jr............
J. T. Bruen.............
H. G. Emery and M. C. Fuller.
A. Flatley..................
J. H. Parmelee...............
G. F. Rice....................
C. W. Saladee.................
C. W. Saladee................
E. Hatch.....................
C. E. Richards...............
C. E. Richards........
F. D. James.............
J. Blakey and H. B. Fox......
E. P. Furlong................
J. C. Bauer..................
D. W. De Forest.............
W. E. Lockwood.............
G. W. Ray....................
W. O'Brien and H.Wentworth.
J. L. Wooden................
F. Jones.....................
J. H. Ferguson...............
O. Cann.......................
0. Can--c---------------
H. Conanick..................
A. Dunbar...................
A. Dunbar...................
M. Killacky................
S. B. Stewart.............
E. Wilder....................
G. W. N. Yost...............
M. Wannagat.............
W. Hunter....................
C. W. Powell...............
G. F. Perkins................
-E. Raw.......................
J. M. Myers................
S. S. Gray....................
J. Proud..................
E. S. Scripture...............
Wi. J. Cantelo and R. M. Kerrisen.
G. K. Snow................
J. Jacobs......................
A. Benham..................
E. L. Brazenor................
W. H. Bustin......._......
E. D. Gould.................
B. W. McClure..............
B. W. McClure and G. Marsh.
P. Moodey..................
O. Morgan...............
T. J. Van Benschoten........
G. W. Blaksley...............
S. E. Stowell.................
J. A. Pease..................
A. P. Mason..................
R. J. Algeo...................
R. J. Algeo...................
D. Curtis...................
D. Curtis...............
A. P. Mason.................
J. Sellers.....................
J. F. Walsh..................
V. Fogerty...................
W. Hottensteen..............
P. Daly and J.Barry..........
C. W. Saladee.................
M. C. Battey...._..........
C. H. L. Roberts and W. C.
A. Bratnober.................
II. H. Fleming...............
J. P. and J. E. Force.........
E. B. Gould..................
B. H. Hobart and D. C. Lampman.
M. F. McIntyre...............
W. A. Robinson......
W. A. Sharp and J. A. Shannon
E. H. Sprague..............
A. Van Fleet..................
E. L. Welbourn...............
D. C. Westfall............
G. W. Brientuall..........
F. Hess....................
C. E. Palmer........
G. Straszer...............
A. Wood......................
T. H. Body....................
H. Clark......................
V. T. Priest...................
J. W. Briggs..................
F. Field..................
W. King......................
Residence. Date.
Chicago, Ill............ Aug. 25,1863
Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Aug. 28, 1855
Brooklyn, N. Y......... Feb. 19,1858
Brooklyn, N. Y.............Jan. 7, 1873
Boston, Mass..............July 19, 1870
Brooklyn, N. Y.....--.. Apr. 1, 1873
Chicopee, Ill........... July 23, 1867
Worcester, Mass......... Mar. 25, 1873
Cireleville, Ohio........... Jan. 26, 186,)
Circleville, Ohio........... Feb. 23, 1869
Charlestown, Mass........ Feb. 11, 1868
North Attleborough,Mass Dec. 20, 1864
North Attleborough,Mass July 25, 1865
Tamworth, N. H...-.. - June 17, 1873
Liverpool and Oxton, Eng- May 5, 1868
Springfield, Mass... N_.Nov. 18,1873
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 18, 1870
Petersburgh, Va.......... Nov. 25, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 26, 1859
Springfield, Mass......... June 13, 1865
Omaha, Nebr............ Mar. 29, 1870
Greensburgh, Ind......... Mar. 8, 1870
Burlington, Iowa......... - July 13, 1869
Greenville, Ind.......... Feb. 22, 1870
Coldwater, Mich......... Apr. 4, 1871
Albert Lea, Minn......... Aug. 24, 169
New York, N. Y........ May 19,1868
Woodstock, Canada..... Oct. 3, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 28,1865
Centre Township, Pa...... June 30, 1863
South Hingham, Mass..... Aug. 3, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Jan. 19, 1858
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 16,1872
Berkeley Springs, W. Va. Apr. 24, 1866
Milford, Conn............Nov. 13, 1866
New York, N. Y........... Mar. 3, 1868
New York, N. Y.-....... Oct. 20, 1868
Louisville, Ky............ Aug. 6, 1867
Boston, Mass............ Dec. 30, 1873
New York, N. Y......... July 24,1866
New York, N. Y.......... June 4, 1861
Philadelphia, Pa.........Nov. 19, 1833
Watertown, Mass......... Oct. 29, 1872
Oneida, Ill............... Feb. 4,1868
Belvidere, Ill.............. Mar. 8, 1848
Birmingham,GreatBritain Apr. 12, 1870
Watertown, Mass........ Dec. 19,1848
Darien, N. Y.............. Apr. 6, 1858
Wyoming, Iowa.......... Oct. It, 1864
Pike Hollow, N. Y....... Aug. 24, 1858
Indianapolis, Ind......... June 26, 1855
Henry, IlL.....--......... July 2, 1861
Poughkeepsie, N.Y....... July 3, 1855
Rcckford, Ill.............. Apr. 13, 1869
Charlestown, Mass........ Jan. 16, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 7, 1863
Franklinville, N. Y....... June 27, 1871
Kalamazoo, Mich....... Oct. 29, 1872
Kalamazoo, Mich......... Mar. 18, 1873
Chicago, Ill............. Aug. 2, 1870
Sun Prairie, Wis.......... May 14, 1872
Franklinville, N. Y....... Mar. 12, 1872
Bellevue, Mich........_.. Apr. 19, 1870
Hazel Green, Wis......... Oct. 4, 1870
Boston, Mass.............. June 21, 1864
o..........................Apr. 10,1800
Boston, Mass.........Apr. 30, 1872
Newark, Ohio.......... Oct. 22, 1867
Washington, D. C......... May 11,1869
Morrison, Ill.............. Oct. 6, 1868
Webster County, Iowa.... Oct. 25,1870
Kokomo, Ind........... Nov. 21, 1865
Constantine, Mich........ - Dec. 8,.1868
Liberty, Ind............. Jan. 26, 1869
Troy, Pa................. Oct. 6,1868
Girard, Pa-------------................ May 25, 1869
Grand Rapids, Mich...... Apr. 27, 1869
Tama City, Iowa.......... Aug.25, 1868
Mount Vernon, Ohio...... Mar. 25, 1873
Ashton, Ill................. July 21, 1868
Union City, Ind...... Oct. 18, 1870
Mifflin, Pa.............Oct. 1,1867
Warsaw, Ohio ----------..Oct. 24, 1871
Lancaster, Pa............. Aug. 5, 1873
Baltimore, Md............ May 21, 1867
Newburyport, Mass...... July 28, 1868
Manchester, Mo.......... Dec. 30,1873
East Henrietta, N. Y...... Jan. 15, 1867
Kilbomn City, Wis...... May 10, 1870
Brooklyn, Conn........... Nov. 7, 1828
Decatur, Ill............. July 24, 1866
Cleveland, Ohio........... June 3, 1851
Troy, N. Y............. Aug. 4,1863
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 24, 1868
39, 661
13, 510
19, 317
134, 638
105, 442
137, 353
137, 096
86, 180
87, 116
74, 355
45, 566
49, 039
139, 959
77, 573
144, 611
108, 315
144, 838
23, 771
48, 239
100, 701
92, 534
100, 022
113, 253
93, 968
78, 075
119, 585
46, 606
39, 076
93, 262
19, 169
125, 862
54, 168
75, 047
83, 318
67, 566
145, 941
56, 610
32, 499
132, 545
73, 977
5, 464
101, 819
5, 975
19, 846
44, 642
21, 307
13, 132
32, 708
13, 189
88, 838
52, 088
38, 122
116, 465
132, 515
136, 804
105, 917
126, 681
124, 444
102. 052
108, 071
43, 190
70, 025
89, 967
82, 879
108, 559
51, 033
84, 687
86, 298
82, 836
90, 374
89, 346
81, 416
137, 105
80, 246
108, 418
69, 520
120, 356
141, 484
64, 867
80, 424
145, 974
61, 300
402, 756.....
56, 607
8, 133
39, 300
75, 928
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17J0 to 1873, inclnsive-Continucd.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Pate. No.
Collar Fur-------------------_._--------------J. H. Kappellioff and S. Raub -New York, N. Y---------- July 12, 1870 105, 340
Collar, Fur-------------------------------------H.. M. Seldis------------------ New York, IN. Y---------- June 15,1869 91, 371
Collar gage, Horse------------------------------...J. M. Everitt.-----------------....Hackettstown, N. J---June 17, 1873 139, 949
Collar, Horse. _.......................-C. Alvord--------------------... _Westford, Wis.------------..Aug. t28, 1866 57, 457
Collar, Horse-----------------------------------...W. M. Baker-----------------..Greenwich Station, Ohio Dec. 7, 1869 97, 587
Collar, Horse------------------------------------E. Batweli.................... Ypsilanti, Mich.......-. Apir. 15, 1873 137,1879
Collar, Horse------------------------------------- A. Beckwith-------------___.. New Otleans, La..__......Dec. 7, 1869 97, 592
Cellar, Horse-----------------------------------..B. W. Briding and F. G. Max- Baltimore, Md------------ Nov. 27, 1860 3(0,715
Collar, florse.................................... J. Bullock.._......_........Baltimore, Md------------ Jan. 10, 1860 26, 748
Collar, Horse.................................... H. C. Call..._ _. _...........Stet-ling, Conn _..........Nov. 14, 1835..---
C ol atr, Horse..._..... --........................ S. G. Chee ver and J. Forg ie Boston, Mass... _---...... Oct. 8, 18607 69, 027
Collat, Hotrse.................................... J. Cogan...................-- Cambridge, Mass._-Feb. 9, 1869 86, 812
Collar, horse...................................--C. C. Cotton..................--Buchanan, Michls........July 9, 1872 128, 858
Collar, Hotrse....................................--A. J. Crook................... Peoria, Ill..__........_ Aug. (6,1807 67, 508
Collar, Hor-se................................... C. K. Cockier................. Columbus, Ohio........... Oct. 19, 1858 21, 821
Collar, Hot-se.................................... F. C. Cortis..__.............Columbia, S. C............ Aug. 4,1845 4, 136
Colnt-, liHt-se...................................--A. Docastel................... New York, N. Y.......... Mair. 1, 1870 100, 381.
Collar, Horse...................................--C. R. Dot-fee.....-........Rochester, N. Y........... Oct. 9, 1860 58, 620
Collarn Horse......_............................._C. Durrant.................... Lytidonville, N. Y.----Joune 16, 1863 38, 889
C4)liarloe so................................... S. B. Edson...--...-------Kokomo, 10(1............. Mar. 28, 1865 47, 000
Collat, Horse...............__.................. P. Edstrom................-Somerville, Mass._.......Apr. 30.,1867 64, 296
Collar, Hotrso.....................................E P. Edstrom................. Sotmerville, Mass. - Oct. 2-2, 1867 70, 079
Collat, Horse.................................... J. Bde....................... Buffalo, N. Y.............-Dec. 18, 1800 30, 912
Collar, Horse.................................... J. Englaender................. Sedalia, Mo............... June 7, 1870 104,100
C~ollarElorse.................................... J. Enginender................. Sedalia, Mo...__.._....July 19. 1870 105, 443
tollarHorse....................___.........C. Fisher...................... Waukout,Iowa...........-Feb. 9, 1864 41, 497
Colar, Horse...................................--C. J. Fisher................... Waukott,Iowa.........._. July 17, 1860 29, 154
Collar, Horse...................................__C. J. Fisher..................--Waukon, Iowa...........--Sept. 5, 1865 49, 743
tollarHouse...................................-- M. Gordon.................... Brighton, Iowa...-........Oct. 15, 18712 13-2, 206
tollatilorse...................................--W. H. Gray.......__..-......New York, N. Y....Apr. 25, 1871 114, 131
Col at-,Horse.................................... W.Goilfoyle............--- New York, N. Y.....Apr. 8, 1873 137,6008
Collar, Horse.................................... L. Goinntss.................... Danville, Ill.__.........Mar. 28,'.1871 113, 161
Collar, Horse...................................--I. H. Hall and J. Lowrey...Wheeling, Va............. Sept. 21, 185-2 9, 272
Collar, Horse.................................... T. Harvey_............Baltimore, Md............Apr. 12, 1859 23, 575
Collar, Horse.................................... T. Harvey....................-Baltimore, Md.-_.......Apr. 12, 1859 23, 576
Collar, Horse.................................... J. G. Haytmaker.. __............Salem Cross Roads, Pa Oct. 1, 1867 69, 4-29
Collar, Horse...................................---H. Holton-....................Rochester, N. Y.........May 16, 1833._
Collar, Horse...................................--J. Hopkins...................--WarrenCounty, Ohio..... Jani. 23, 1836.-__.
Collar, Horse_............................--....G. Horter....................-New Orleans, La-.----Apr. 5, 1870 101, 619
Collar, Horse...................................-- P. B. Horton....._..........San Francisco, Cal....Aug. 27,187-2 130, 919
Collat, H:rse...................................--I. Houghtlitug.._........Houghton, Mich..........-Aptr. 7,1868 76, 456
Collar, Horse....................................HR. Htuphrey..............West Troy, N. Y.......... Apr. 5,1870 101, 623
Collar,Hut-se...................................---W. Kays.....................--Boston, Mass...--........June 7, 1870 104, 035
Collat, H,irse..................................L. B. Kenny..................-Charlotte, Mich........... July 19, 1870 105, 580
Collar, Hot-se.................................... 0. Lafrettiere................. New Yot-k, N. Y..........Jan. 11, 1859 22, 502
Collar, Horse_______........................0. Lafroniese......_..........Brooklyn, N. Y.._.......July 8, 1873 140, 714
Collar, Horse...................................---H. B. Latham.........Huntington, N. Y..... Apt-. 6, 1852 8, 856
Collar, Horse.................................W. Leonard................... Boston, Mass ------------ Sept. 3, 1a67 68, 309
Collar, Horse...................................P--. Lincoln.................... JohnasoDsbuigh, N. Y.July 30, 1867 07, 201
Collar, Horse...................................---J. H. Lindner.._.._.........New York, N. Y..........Sept. 6, 1853 9,0l9O
Collat-, Horse...................................---J. C. Mahaffey_..........Little York, 111............ Mat-. 30,1809 88, 312
Collar, Horse...................................---C. K. Marshall._............New Orleans, La.----Jan. 12, 1869) 85, 747
Collar, Horse.............................-.. C. K. Marshall._.........New Orleans, La....July 26,1870 105, 821
Collar, Horse....................................G. F. Marshall................ Cleveland, Ohio......... Nov. 15, 1804 45.O00
Collat-, Horse....................................B. W. McClure............... Wyoming, Iowa.. _... _......Mat-. 30, 1809 88, 400
Collar, Horse.................................... J. Meyer..................... Wiliiamshurgh, N.Y.. July 20, 1809 92, 864
Collar, Horse-...................................--T. Moore...................... New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 14, 1808 73, 368
Collar, Hot-so...................................---J. Nack......................-Hudson, N. Y------------ Ang. 27, 1872 130, 935
Collar, Horse...................................---G. F. Parsons..........Baltimore, Md............ Nov. 29, 1864 45, 267
Collar, Horse.-_................................. N. Post......................--Madrid, N. Y......... July 22, 1843 3, 194
Collar, Hots-so...................................I. A. Powell..................Mot-rison, Ill.............. Nov. 13, 1860 59,6047
Collat-, Horse----------------,........................ Rickey._._..........Rutland, Ohio._....._..Nov. 11, 1851 8, 517
Cellar, Horse.................................... D. T. Bobinson................ Boston, Mass.............. May 7, 1867 04, 448
Collar, Horse.................................... H. Sanuers.-.............Utica, N. YV._.........Apr. 5, 1870 101, 515
Collar, horse..................................... J. N. Schmitz.-_._...--_Kilbourn City, Wis...June 10, 1873 139,8-22
Collar, Horse...................................-- J. W. Schwaner.............. Egg Hatrbor City, N. J.-_.Apr. 18, 1871 113, 802
Collar, Horse...................................- S. Sitattue.................... Henrietta, Ohio........... Dec. 18, 1855 13, 965
Collar, Horse.................................... T. J. Shipley and W. A. Moody Montezuma, Iowa.._..__Oct.. 8, 1867 69, 712
Collar, Horse.................................... A. Snivoly...................-Terre Haute, Ind._ Feb. 20, 187-2 123, 948
Cellar, Horse.-................................._J. H. Sperheck....-__Warsaw. N. Y -.......Mar. 17, 1868 75, 590
Collar, Horse..................................A. A. Stanttard._.......Ithaca, N. Y....-_........Oct. 17, 1865 50, 505
Collar, Horse-............................J. A. Suthiet-land.............. Elmwood, Ill.............-Sept. 22, 1868 82, 361
Collar, Horse.................................... S. P. Taylor................... Oxford, Ohio.._-......- Aug~. 4, 1800 80, 68-2
Collar, Horse...................................- W. J. Thorn........_..._..New Yot-k, N.,Y.......... Feb. 28, 1871 112, 196
Collar, Horse................................... _W. M. Thornton. -.. _.........Bloonisburgh. Pa_...June 21, 1853 9, 806
Collar, Horse.................................... J. C. Tredway.._........Buffalo, N. Y..........._. Feb. 19, 1867 02, 301
C ultHre...................~.VnSo........Bfao1.Y........Nov.IT-C;,,TI XTT-II10, 163 A 40 8
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Officc from 17 0O to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Collar machine....................--...............--------
Collar machine, Horse-------------------............-----..............-----
Collar-maki g (ldie.................................
Collar, Man's..--------------------------------
Collar, Metallic............----------
Ccllar, Metallic horse..........................
Collar, Metallic shirt..--------------------------
Collar, Molded cloth and paper...-----------------
Collar-molding apparatus...----------------------
Collar-molding machine...----------------------
C ollar-pad....................
Collar, Pad and lining for horse...-------------................
Collar pad, Breast...----------------------------
Collar pad, iorse.....
Collar pad, Horse..----------------------------
Collar pad, Horse..-----------------------------.
Collar pad Horse...-----------------------------
Countr pad Hoise ------------------------------
Collar pad, Horse..--------------------.---------
Collar pad, Horse.....................
Collar-pad press, H orse-.................... --
Collar-pads, Crimp lor.........................
Collar, Revex sible...----------------------------
Collar, R udder..................
Collar shell-forming die, Horse.................
Collar, Shirt.....................
Collar, Shirt...................
Collar, Shirt......................
Collar, Shirt.....................
Collar, Shirt......................................
Collar Shirt--...--------------------...........---
Collar, Shirt... - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Collar, Shirt....................
Collar, Sleeping....................
Collar, Steel shirt..............................
Collar, Steel shirt -------------------------------
Collar, Steel shirt............................ _
Collar stuffer, Horse...--------------------------.
Collar-stuffing machine, Horse.....................
Collar-stuffing machine, Horse.------------------
Collar top, Horse...-----------------------------
Collar, Turn-over shirt....--------------------.--.
Collar, Water-prcof............................
Collar, Wooden horse...--------------------------.
Collars and neck-ties. Stand for displaying.......
Collars, Apparatus for forming............
Collars, Apparatus for stuffing horse...............
Collars, Attachment for breast------------------....................Collars, Block for horse....................-----------------.......------
Collars, Blocking hame...........-................
Collars, Clasp for securing shirt----------------..................
Collars, Compound fabric for the production of
Collars, cuffs, and other articles of wearing-apparel, Coating and water-proofing.
Collars, cuffs, bosoms. and other articles of wearing-apparel, Fabric for.
Collars, cuffs, &c, Fabric for the manufacture of..
Collars, cuffs, &c., Fabric for the manufacture of
Collars, cuffs, &c., Manufacture of..................
Collars, Cutt ug top of horse-..-----------------
Collars, Device for fastening shirt.................
Collars, De\-ice for forming horse..................
Collars, Expanding-block for horse.................
Collars. Fabric for covering holse......................
Collars, Fabric for shirt-------------------...........................-----
Collars, Fastening and strengthening horse......
Collas a from sheets of paper, &c., Method of cutting
Collars, Lining for horse............,..............
Collars, Locking-device for dog.................
Collars, Machine for applying re-enforcing patches
to button-holes of.
Collars, Machine for applying strengtheningpatch to but ton holes of.
Collars, Machine for cutting out...................
Collars, Machine for filling horse...............
Cellars, Machine for filling horse..................
Collars, Machine for forming horse...............
Collars, Machine tfr forming horse................
Collars, Machine for making horse -............
Collars, Machine forn measuring horses for........
Cellars, Machine for pressing and stutling horse....
Collars, Machine for stretching horse..............
Collars, Machine for stretching horse..............
Collars, Machine for stretching or adjusting size of
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse.................
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse..............
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse..............
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse.................
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse.................
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse................
45 r
H. F. Knapp......---.......
J. F. Walker...---.--.-...D. Cleavland.................
G. K. Snow..................
D. Mackay......-----------------
L. Billon..--..--------------- --
C. K. Marshall................
O. Ernist-------------------......................S.,S. Gray..................
S. S. Gray..------------------
G. H. Spaulding...........
P. H. Beaver................
G. P. Cole...----------------..................--
S. W. Baker..................
R. E. Miles.................
J. Frazer-------------------.....................J. Frazer..................
L. L. Hull...................
J. S. Huslon..................
T. Newbold...................
J. F. W alsh...................
J. Frazer....................
J. S. Barkdull.................
C. W. Saladee...............
S. Leach----......................--------
J. W. Schwaner............
S. A. Bemis..................
O. P. Dorman................
A. A. Evans..................
S. S. Gray....................
W. Hunt...................
W. Hunt.....................
J. A. Pease...................
V. N. Taylor..................
L. Dederick...................
S. Kaufman..................
L. Billon......................
R. Woodward, J. Priest, and O.
E. B1. Miller...................
S. B. McCorkle..............
L. P. Woods................
1. Hicks.......................
N. Evans, jr.................
H. C. Gibson..................
Z. C. Robbins.................
S. S. Gray and C. E. Staniels...
S. S. Gray...................
W. C. Habberton............
R. E. Miles...............-....
L. S. Davis....................
N. Post......................
J. Barbier..................
WV. Hunt....................
New York, N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Owego, N. Y..............
Watertown, Mass........
United States Army......
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New Orleans, La.........
New York, N. Y.....
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass..............
Norwich, Conn............
Montandon, Pa..........
Hudson, Mich.............
Providence, R.I..........
Louisville, Ky...........
Dowagiac, Mich...........
l)owagiac, Mich.........
Oskaloosa, Iowa........-.
Mechanicsbur-gh, Pa......
Salisbury, Mo............
Hazel Green, Wis.........
Dowagiac, Mich.........
Ballston, N. Y........
Circleville, Ohio........
Penobscot, Me............
Egg Harbor City, N. J....
Springfield, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Fairbury, Ill..............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York,N.Y..........
Greeneville, Ten........
Greeneville, Tenn...._...
Indiana, Pa......-.......
Hartford, Wis.-........
Boston, Mass.............
Camden, N.J.... ---_ _.
Washington, D.C........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass.........
Mount Carmel, Ill........
Louisville, Ky............
New Paris, Ohio.........
Norfolk, N. Y.............
Boston, Mass...-----....
New York, N. Y.......
Apr. 28, 1868
Nov. 3, 1868
Sept. 13, 1834
Oct. 29, 1872
Mar. 27, 1866
Sept. 5,1865
June 23, 1868
Aug. 30,1864
Jan. 19, 1864
Nov. 19, 1867
May 26, 1868
Mor. 25, 1873
July 18, 1871
Mar. 9, 1869
Feb. 16, 1869
Nov. 8, 1870
Mar. 21, 1871
Mar. 14, 1871
Apr. 26, 1870
Nov. 5, 1872
Dec. 27, 1870
Mar. 29, 1870
July 13, 1844
Jan. 26, 1869
Mar. 1, 1870
Jan. 3,1871
Feb. 13, 1866
Apr. 8, 1873
July 18, 1865
June 23, 1863
July 25,1854
Jan. 1,1856
June 16,1863
Mar. 26, 1872
May 17, 1870
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 19 1864
Aug. 30, 1864
Mar. 17, 1868
July 14, 1868
Jan. 30, 1872
Oct. 4, 1870
Feb. 23, 1864
Apr. 10, 1966
Aug. 29, 1871
May 7, 1872
July 5, 1864
Jan. 3,1880
Sept. 10,1867
Feb. 7,1854
July 24, 1834
May 28, 1867
May 4, 1869
77, 294
83, 814.....
132, 546
53, 462
79, 137
43, 981
41, 294
70, 996
78, 242
137, 049
117, 151
87, 619
86, 995
108, 995
112, 797
119, 713
102, 403
132, 769
110, 518
101, 252
3, 661
86, 338
100, 419
110, 685
52, 516
137, 537
48, 802
38, 961
11, 376
14, 019
38, 909
124, 920
103, 026
83, 973
42, 429
44, 051
75, 641
79, 997
107, 905
41, 692
53, 808
118, 555
126, 541
43, 401
26, 671
68, 774
10, 502.....
65, 155
89, 768
83, 893
92, 851
94, 030
43, 489
50, 513
83, 332
13, 087
79, 024
96, 954
85, 382
13-2, 547
126, 682
115, 647
83, 927
85, 899
132, 544
59, 726
72, 423
52, 826
8, 482
99, 660
115, 727
59, 727
82, 100
5, 177
16, 834
10, 534
13, 949
S. WV. H. Ward............... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 10,1868
W. E. Lockwood.............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 20, 1869
J. Restein....................- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 24, 1869
H. C. Gibson.................. Camden, N. J............. July 12, 1864
A. Taylor....................
T. Deming...................
P. W. Smith..................
I. T. Crum....................
R. R. Gray....................
E. Snllivan....................
C. F. Pidgin..................
E. Harbaugh---------------..................G. K. Snow...................
D. Curtis.--------....---....
A. R. Scott...................
H. F. Cary...................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
East Hartford, Conn......
Chicopee Falls, Mass....
Chicago, Ill-..............--------
Crawtordsville, Ind.......
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Wash;ngton, Iowa........
Watert wn, Mass.._....
Sun Prairie, Wis..........
Albany, N. Y............
Boston, Mass...........
Oct. 17, 1865
Mar. 6,1835
Oct, 20, 1868
Feb. 12,1867
June 19, 1855
June 16, 1868
Nov. 16, 1869
Dec. 29,1868
Oct. 29, 1872
May 14, 1872
June 6, 1871
Nov. 10, 1868
E. F. Bradley................. Derby, Conn.............. Jan. 19, 1869
G. K. Snow....................
A. Schrick and H. Hildenbrand.
A. Schrick and H. Hildenbrand.
F. Cunningham...........
I. Davis......................
C. Angevine.................
W. H. Flynn..................
W. Guilfoyle................
H. Barton....................
A. Schrick and H. Hilden-.
J. P. Osborn.................
J. Albright..................
W. Fauntleroy................
W. Haworth-..................
W. H. Haworth...............
J. W. Howell...............
S. B. McCorkle................
Watertown, Mass......... Oct. 29, 1872
Saint Louis, Mo.......... Nov. 13,1866
Saint Louis, Mo.._........ Dec. 17,1867
Chicago, Ill...............
Mechanicsburgh, Ohio...
New York, N. Y..........
Somerville, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
West Carlisle, Ohio......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Feb. 27,1866
Nov. 4, 1851
Oct. 27, 1835
Feb. 8, 1870
June 6, 1871
July 9,1838
Nov. 13, 1866
Reddington, N. J......... Jan. 30,1841
Greeneville, Tenn........
New Harmony, Ind......
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Paris, Ohio..........
Greeneville, Tenn........
Nov. 25, 1856
Sept. 15, 1868
June 26, 1847
Mar. 17, 1857
Feb. 14, 1854
Dec. 18, 1855
Index of patents issued frontm the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Inventor. Residence. Date.
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse................ L. Plouk....-------------- Newton, N. C-............. --- July 6, 1858
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse................. H. G. Robertson----............... --- Greeneville, Ten......... June 10, 1856
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse................. J. C. Tobias...--..............-. Lincoln, Ill.............. July 2, 18857
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse................. W. L. Whittaker-----------.............. Cumberland, Md.......... - - Mar. 6, 1865
Collars, Machine for stuffing horse-.............. T. Wiles...................... Somerset, Ohio.-........ Mar. 21. 1845
Collars, M chine to manufacture horse.....---------- W. Criswell---------------.................. Butler, Pa............- Oct. 16,1849
Collars, Machinery for making shirt..........- O. W. Edson---....... Troy, N. Y............... Feb. 26, 1856
Collars, Making horse.............................. T. W. Murphey..------------New Egypt, N. J......... Dec. 5, 1865
Collars, Manufacture of japanned or enameled G. and H. Duxon and H. Perry Brooklyn, N. Y, and New- Dec. 12, 1871
horse. ark, N. J.
Collars, Mode of cutting leather for horse.......... T. Parkinson................. Sparta, N. Y............. July 17, 1841
Collars, Mold-press for horse...................... M. C. Chamberlin-----------S............. bhcldon, N. Y...........----- - May 6, 1856
Collars, Spring for horse.......... B. J. Barton and RIt. J. Stanley. Washington, Iowa....... Dec. 7, 1869
Collars, Stuffing and stretching horse.............. W. Haworth................. Dayton, Ohio........... Ma y 7, 1845
Collars, Stuffing horse........................ G. W. Hobart............... Silverton, Oreg.........May 18,1869
Collars, Sweat-shield for horse_......._........C. B. Hogg...... Boston, Mass............. Bsto, Mass...... Feb. 23, 1869
Collarette... "............C. O. Crosby.............. New Raven, Con........ Mar. 15, 1864
Collection-box, Portable..........................T. J. Homer.................. Saint Louis, Mo---------........... Dec. 6,1859
Collet........................................... S. A. Morse................... East Bridgewater, Mass... Mar. 3,1864
Collice........................................... J. Flock------------------....................... Newark, N. J............. May 10, 1864
Collimator.............................. G. N. Fairchild and T. Joyce.. -New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 18, 1860
Collision-brake----------------------------...................................C. B. Guy.................Lybrand, lowa----------............ Mar. 7, 1865
Collodion and its compounds, Machine for treating J. A. McClelland.............. Louisville, Ky ------------June 1, 1869
Collodion and its compounds, Mode of producing J. A. McClelland.............. Louisville, Ky............ Oct. 26, 1869
useful articles from.
Collodion and its compounds, Process of coating J. A. McClelland.............. Louis-ille, Ky............. July 26,1870
objects with.
Collodion compound----- --.....-----------.. -- J. A. McClelland.............. ---- Louisville, Ky............ Oct. 21, 1873
Collodion, Method of making solid................ J. W. and I. S. Hyatt...... Albany, N. Y., and Rock- June 15, 1869
ford, Ii1.
Collodion, Preparing soluble cotton for the manu- H. T. Anthony................ New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 21, 1873
facture of.
Collodion, Solidified............................ C. A. Seely................ New York, N. Y.......... --- Jane 23, 1868
Colors and dyes, Process of treating asphaltum to J. Brunuer and H. Gutzkow... Frankfort- on- the- Main, Dec. 7, 1869
obtain. Prussia.
Colors and lakes, Apparatus for preparing-....... J. Lucas..................... Philauclphia, Pa.......... Oct. 25, 1870
Colors and paints from ores, &c., Preparing....-. H. Alexander............... Baltimore, Md.............. Jan. 14, 1813
Colors and painting, Mixing---...-..-------------- L. Allwine.............................................. Feb. 24,1797
Colors and pigments, Manufacture of----...--.. E. Harrsch................... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 30, 1869
Colors and their application to fabrics, Manufac- A. Paraf-----------------..................... New York, N. Y......... Dec. 20, 1870
ture of.
Colors, Compressing and imprinting.....-... L. J. B. Wells............-.....- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 24,1817
Colors for calico, Making permanent........ A. Boulu.....................Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 24, 1814
Colors for painting, printing, &c., Making........ Guy..-----------------------------------------Dec. 30, 1803
Colors for printing and dyeing, Manufacture and A. Paraf...................New York, N. Y - -....... e.-Nov. 15, 1870
application of.
Colors from analine, Method of preparing.... X. Karcheski............Belleville, N. J----------Mar. 14,1865
Colors in calico-printing, Material lor transferring. C. A. Broquette---...----------.. France................-... Apr. 15, 1851
Colors, Making ye.low, nankeen, or buff.......... J. B. Nones................ Philadelphia, Pa.-..-....... Apr. 28, 1825
Colors, Manutacture of.... E. Harrch......................E.Harrch----------------- ew York, N. Y......... May 25, 1869
Colors, Manufacture of.-.................... A. Leykauf----. -----...... -------......N...... iirnberg, Bavaria........Feb. 23, 1869
Colors, Mode of applying distemper............. F. G. Spilsbury, F. Corbaux, England.................. July 10, 1840
and A. S. Byrne.
Colors, Mode of forming yellow.................. T. Bedwell........................................ Apr. 20, 1796
Colors, Press for printing different........... S. Brown....................... Syracuse, N. Y............ Jan. 2, 1855
Colors, printers' ink, &c., Grinding painters'...... J.Cist...................................................................... Dec. 3, 1803
Colors to cloth, &c., Composition for restoring..... J. Warncke................... Buffalo, N. Y.............. Mar. 3, 1863
Colors with lime, Preparing----...-----.-.. J. Nichols, jr............... Broadalbin, N. Y.......... Apr. 12, 1815
Colored woolens, &c., Mode of producing mixed... S. Vigoureux.............. heims, France........... Mar. 8, 1864
t.oloring compound or Bremen blue............. C. H. Petsch--...-----.. Morrisania, N. Y.......... ----- Sept. 10, 1872
Coloring fabrics, Re......................... J. M. W allace................. New York, N. Y......... Apr. 25, 1871
Coloring-machine, Parti........ S. Smith....................... Acton, Mass.......... Feb. 21, 1854
Coloring material for dyeing and printing...... C. Lauth.................... Paris, France..........Oct. 26, 1869
Coloring matter for dyers, Producing........... J. Eberhardt..- -..-........... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 21, 1865
Coloring matter or paint, Preparing green...... Baron A. De CarrendeffezN..... ew York, N. Y.......... Oct. 12, 1807
Coloring matter, Vegetable................ C. Seidel.................. New York, N. Y....--- Mar. 31, 1868
Coloring matters from anthracine, Manufacture of. W. H. Perkin -............... Sudbury, England......... June 4, 1872
Coloring matters from vegetable substances, Pro- L. M. F. Bretonnibre......... Laval, France............ Sept. 16, 1873
Coloring matters, Manufacturing.-.............. J. Holliday.................... Huddersfield,Great Britain Dec. 5, 1865
Coloring matters, Manufacturing................. H. Stephens................... Great Britain............. Oct. 28, 1837
Coloring muslin, paper, &c., Process for........... F. Beck................... New York, N. Y......... Nov. 9, 1869
Coloring paper and other fabrics............ F. Beck.................-..... N-ew York, N. Y.......... Oct. 4, 1870
Coloring the surface ot metals, Process for........ M. Edwards............... Cambridge, Mass-.......... Jan. 31, 1860
Colortrope...............................0. Nicholson............... New York, N. Y.......... ------ Oct. 11, 1870
Colter................................... R. Emerson................... Rockford, Ill.............. Mar. 11, 1873
Colter............................................ H. M. Skinner............. Rockford, Ill.............. Sept. 13, 170
Colter and gage-wheel combined, Revolving exten- W. H. Willard............... Cleveland, Ohio........... Dec. 2, 1862
Colter-clasp............................... C. H. Thomas.............. Cassville, N. Y......... Aug. 12, 1873
Colter-cleaner.............................. A. B. Mattoon................ Auburn, N. Y..-........ June 15,1819
Colter-holder...................................... J. Aughe............ Dayton, O 1o.............- M ar. 10, 1868
Colter, Revolving........................... R. L. Pitcher and R. Ellwood.. Sycamore, Ill............. Jan. 19,1869
Colter, Revolving....................... C.E. Steller................... Cnicago, Ill....-......... Feb. 23,1869
Colter, Rotary............................. F. J. Underwood.............. Rock Island, Ill........... Oct. 19, 1869
Column, Building.......................... J. L. Mott.....................New York, N. Y......... June 11, 1836
Column, Fire-proof.......................... W.A. Berkey.......... - GrandRapids, Mich...... Jan. 16, 1872
Column, Fire-proof........ T. Hyatt.......... New York, N. Y......... Dec. 2, 1873
Column, Iron...... W. A. Gunn............... Lexington, Ky............ Jan 2, 1872
Column, Metallic.......... C. Bender.................... Phmenixville, Pa.......... Nov. 28, 1871
Column, Metallic--------------------..... S. Brandeis................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 26, 1873
Column, Metallic...........................J. B. Cornell.................. New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 11, 1868
Column, Metallic........J. A. Kay.................... Saint Charles, Mo......... Aug. 15, 1871
Column, Metallic.......... R. Montgomery............. ew York, N. Y.......... Jan. 19, 1a69
Colum n, M etallic........................... J. L. Piper............ Pittsburgh, Pa-..... M ay 13, 1873
Coluin, Metallic...........................J. L. Piper..-------- -. Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Aug. 12, 1873
Column, Metallic........................... F. H. Smith........ altimore, Md....... Nov. E2, 171
Column, Metallic........................... F. H. Smith...................I Baltimore, Md........... May 14, 1672
20, 816
15, 107
17, 902
12, 494
3, 964
6, 8L4
14, 308
51, 341
121, 859
2, 183
14, 803
97, 589
4, 037
90, 170
87, 257
41, 907
26, 356
42, 592
42, 652
30, 914
46, 662
90, 766
96, 132
105, 823
143, 772
91, 341
143, 865
79, 261
97, 597
108, 713.....
88, 291
110, 277..........
109, 341
46, 804
8, 035.....
90, 359
87, 270
1, 676.....
37, 838.....
41, 878
131, 5297
114, 069
10. 560
96, 242
46, 888.....
76, 107
127. 426
142, 892
51, 404
96, 661
107, 997
26, 978
108, 170
136, 647
107, 298
37, 065
141, 675
91, 464
75, 237
85, 957
87, 220
96, 057.....
122, 797
145, 180
122, 379
121, 318
142, 201
74, 312
118, 021
86, 028
138, 817
141, 665
121, -132
126, 841
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Column, Metallic.................................
Column or tube...-------------------------------
Column, Rolled iron or steel.....................
Column, Wrought-iron............................
Column, Wrought-iron........................
Column, Wrought-ion..........................
Col umn, WVrought-iron..~
Column, Wrought-iron...........................
Column, Wrought-iron...........................
Column, Wrought-iron.......................
Column, Wrought-iron.......................
Column, Wrouglht-iron-----------......-------------
Column, Wrought iron and steel.................
Columns, Connection for compound tubular metallic.
Columns, Flask for casting iron... -.....-.-...
Columns from corrosion, Art of protecting metallic
Columns, Machine for facing ends of...........
C lumns, &c., Machine for ornamenting.......
Columns, Manufacture of wrought-iron.........
Columns, Method of constructing...-.........
Columns, &c., Method (of constructing..........
Columns, Method of constructing wrought-iron....
Columns, Method of securing together the sides
of cast-metal.
Columns, shafts, braces, &c., Construction of......
Bee Band-comb.
Curry comb.
Enameled-metal comb.
Fine-tooth comb.
Foun tain-comb.
Horn comb.
Horn and tortoise-shell comb.
Ivory comb.
Lady's comb.
Long comb.
Metal comb.
Metal-backed comb.
Round comb.
Shell and horn comb.
Com b.............................................
Com b............................................. --
Com b............................................
Com b............................................
Com b............................................
Com b............................................
Comb ----------------------------------------
Comb and brush.._..............................
Comb-blanks, Device for softening................
Comb-blanks, Machine for sizing..................
Combcutting machine.........................
Comb-cutting machine....
Comb-cutting machine.........................
Comb-cutting machine.........................
Comb-cutting machine...........................
Comb-cutting machine...........................
Comb-dressing machinery.........................
Comb-dressing machinery........................
Comb for combing wool, flax, cotton, &c..........
Com b-hol er....................................
Comb machine, Twining...........................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
G. Walters and T. Shaffer.....
F. H. Smith...................
F. H. Smith..................
A. Bonzano...................
T. C. Clarke...................
L. Herman-----------------....................J. P. Kennedy................
J. W. Murphy...............
J. H. Linville................
C. S. Smith.-.......----..........
G. Walters and T. Shaffer.....
C. II. Parker..................
J. A. Kay....................
H. Demmiek..................
J. H. Linville.-..............
D. Kennedy............
C. Durand..............
D. Halstead...................
G. Walters and T. Shaffer.....
G. Walters and T. Shaffer....
G. Walters and T. Shaffer.....
A. J. Bowers..................
Phenixville. Pa..........
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md...........
Phenixville, Pa.........Philadelphia, Pa.........
Detroit, Mich -............
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md............
Phmenixville, Pa..........
Booton, Mass.............
Saint Charles, Mo.........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Detroit. Mich.............
Springfield, N. J.......
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Phenixville, Pa...........
Phonixville, Pa...........
Phenixville, Pa...........
Richmond, Va...........
Feb. 16, 1869
Nov. 2, 1869
May 24, 1870
May 21, 1872
Sept. 24, 1872
Jan. 21, 1873
Sept. 12, 1871
Dec. 13, 1870
Oct. 22, 187-2
Nov. 19, 1872
Oct. 20, 1868
May 9, 1871
Aug. 20, 1872
Aug. 21. 1860
July 16, 1872
July 16, 1872
Sept. 22, 1818
June 8, 1869
Sept. 29,1868
Sept. 29, 1868
Oct. 27, 1868
Jan. 11, 1859
87, 016
96, 357
103, 380
127, 019
131, 502
134, 987
118, 948
110, 154
132, 475
133, 263
83, 226
114, 705
130, 721
29, 745
129, 241
129, 568
82, 663
82, 664
83, 425
35, 582
S. J. Reeves................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 17,1862
J. H. Briggs..................
E. Brown -..........
H. Brown and S. N. Noyes.....
T. L. Calkins..................
F. A. L. Cassidey.............
G. F. J. Colburn..........
G. F. J. Colburn...............
J. S. Dickinson................
J. Emerson...................
C. Foster......................
J. H. Hicks...................
O. Johnson....................
E. H. Knight.................
C. H. Noycs..................
E. M. Noyes...................
E. M. Noyes...................
J. P.Noyes................
H. M. Paine..................
W. Pauly.............
L. Picot................
L. Picot.....................
L. Picot......................
J. C. Reed....................
I. Rice........................
C. L. Robertson...............
T. Schreiber.................
J. Smith.....................
I. H. Southworth...............
E. Sperry............
T. Lanston...................
G. Staekhouse...............
W. and H. WV. Noyes........
WV. Fosket and B. S. Stedman.
C. E. Gibbs...................
A. Sahlstrom..................
E. J. Toof..................
C. P. S. Wardwell...........
H. S. Cook...................
S. Curtis...................
N. Toot......................
B Haskell...................
T.W. Hill...................
D. E. Noyes..................
C. B. Rogers...........
E. Wilson..................
J. B. Siecardi and J. Hide...
WV. Rasev...................
E. E. Wheeler..............
D. Carrington and I. Ives....
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Oct. 15, 1867 69, 755
Wappinger's Falls, N. Y.. Jan. 30, 1866 52, 262
West Newbury, Mass..... June 1, 1869 90, 816
Hartford, Conn.......... Mar. 17, 1857 16, 859
Newnansville, Fla........ Mar. 5, 1867 62, 606
Newark, N. J............. Jan. 17, 1865 45, 909
Newark, N. J.......... Jan. 31, 1865 46, 082
Essex, Conn.............. Apr. 7, 1868 76, 414
Lowell, Mass............ Dec. 18, 1866 60, 494
Wappinger's Falls, N. Y.. Jan. 28, 1868 73, 884
Brooklyn, N. Y-----------............ Nov. 27, 1866 60, 004
Grand Lodge, Mich....... Jan. 30, 1872 123, 177
Washington, D. C......... Dec. 4, 1866 60, 197
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Apr. 4,1871 113, 330
Newark, N. J............. Apr. 24, 1860 28, 008
Newark, N. J.............. June 7, 1864 43, 038
Newark, N. J............. June 5, 1866 55, 349
Newark, N. J.............. Apr. 6, 1869 88, 582
College Point, N. Y....... Dec. 17, 1867 72, 324
Hoboken, N. J------------............ Nov. 13, 1866 59, 645
Hoboken, N. J........ Aug. 11, 1868 80, 831
Hudson City, N. J -..... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 340
New York, N. Y.......... June 14,1870 104, 202
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 20, 1866 59, 926
Providence, R. I.......... Apr. 13, 1869 88, 811
Wheeling, W. Va......... Nov. 13, 1866 59, 664
Leominster, Mass........ Sept. 29, 1868 82, 560
Essex, Conn ------ - -........... - Oct. 10, 1865 50, 400
New Haven, Conn........ Oct. 10, 1829.
Washington, D. C......... May 30, 1871 115, 488
Mount Washington, Pa..- June 29,1869 91, 984
Newburyport, Mass...... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 154
Meriden, Conn.....A..... Aug. 26, 1856 15, 634
Boston, Mass............. May 10,1870 102, 803
Chicago, Ill............... June 27, 1871 116, 500
Fort Madison, Iowa...... Apr. 28, 1868 77, 416
Lake Village, N. H........ 1)ec. 18, 1860 30, 949
Leominster. Mass........ June 3, 1851 8, 129
Newtown, Conn.......... Nov. 18, 1851 8, 522
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 28, 1819....
Paris, France............ Nov. 3, 1819....
Leominster, Mass......... June 10, 1851 8, 144
Philadelphia, Pa........... Oct. 14, 1819....
Saybrook, Conn...-...... Dec. 20, 1845 4, 321
Redding, Conn............ Mar. 14, 1848 5, 472
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 14,1865 46, 397
Remington, Ind........... Sept. 30,1873 143,3 83
South Norwalk, Conn..... Nov. 4,1873 144, 242
Litchield, Conn........... Aug.20, 1813........
Inodx of patents issued from the Unit(ed States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Comb-making machine---...--------------------. J. Pitts, C. Houghton, and J.
Rice, jr.
Comb, Metal...................................A. Porter....................
Comb or hair-pin, Ventilating.................. E. Clark......................
Comb-presses, Fluting and bending.............. R. Munson........-............
Comb-sawing machine........................... W. Booth....................
Comb-sawing machine.......................... G. F. H. Brown...............
Comb-teeth, Cutting.............................. L. Adams.....................
Comb-teeth, Cutting............................. J. Brown.................
Comb-teeth, Cutting............................. M. J. Littleboy - -.............
Comb-teeth, Cutting and pointing-............. I. Tryon...................
Comb-teeth, Die for cutting metalic-...---..... C. Foster.....................
Comb-teeth, Machine for sawing.................. P. Pratt.......................
Comb-teeth, Machinery for cutting-...........- W. Noyes, jr.............-...
Combs, Cutting.....----------------------------------- J. H. Derby...................
Combs, Cutting horn and tortoise-shell for-......... S. Allen.......................
Combs, Machine for cutting all kinds of..-..-...... T. G. Thomas.................
Combs, Machine for cutting the teeth of-.......... J. S. Ives----------------.....................--
Combs, Machine for making..................... P. Pratt.....................
Combs, Machine for making...................... P. Pratt......................
Combs, Machine for manufacturing....-----.. D. Pettibone ---..................
Combs, Machine for slitting tortoise-shell for mak- W. Rledheffler.................
Combs, Manufacturing......................... J. Brown...................
Combs, Manufacturing-----....- -. A. B. Newton.................
Combs, Manufacturing..........-.----.. B. and W. Redheffer..........
Combs, Manufacturing.........................- E. Sperry-----------------....................
Combs, Mode of forming and shaping _..--.---. S. Lambert...................
Combs, Ornamenting and making--------... -------. -E. Mustin....................
Combs, Press for molding..------------------------W. and H. W. Noyes.......
Combs, &c., Pressing and rendering transparent E. M. Canviss................
horse-hoofs, &c., for making.
Combs, Rolling backs of-------------------------..... N. Bishop...................
Combs, Rtubbing down and polishing..------..-. --- L. B. Prindle and D. Curtis..Combs, Steel plate for pressing horn for... -....... U. Bailey.................
Combs from cattle-hoofs, Mode of making-...... R. Gedney.................
Comber-boards, Mechanism for operating...----... J. S. Templeton.............
Combing-machine..................-......... I., B., and H. Smith and C.
Combing-machine................................. E. Tavernier................
Combing-machine comb.-------------------------C. Weiler-...------------.
Combing-machines, Mechanism for operating the H. Daniels................
nippers of.
Combination and register padlock................. H. S. Shepardson............
Combination, Bench-----------------------------............................... W. Weaver..................
Combination-lock................................ M. Adams...............-..--.
Combination-lock................................ F. W. Alexander...........
Combination-lock................................S. Bentley and C. Mee.......
Combination-loeek..k.............................................. H. Clarke.....................
Combination-lock................................ S. Colton..................Combination-lock................................ J. W. H. Doubler...........
Combination-lock............................... H. Gross.....................
Combination-lock................................. P. V. Hall...................
Combination-lock................................ W.N. Hall.................
Combination-lock....................................... A. D. Hoffman.............
Combination-lock................................ F. B. Kalkbrenner...__.......
Combination-lock................................ W. A. Kerr..................
Combination-lock................................ I. W. Lamb..................
Combination-lock..............................._ H. S. Leland........
Combination-lock................................. S. Loyd......................
Combination-lock................................. F. P. Marsden..............
Combination-lock................................. S. Miller..................--
Combination-lock................................ J.Moffet....................
Combination-lock................................. J. H. Morse.................
Combination-lock................................. G. H. Peacock...............
Combination-lock................................ G. H.Peacock................
Combination-lock................................ S. Perry......................
Combination-lock................................. -G. M. Phelps...............
Combination-lock................................ J. Pigot.....................
Combination-lock................................ O. E. Pillard..............
Combination-lock................................ N. Reed......................--
Combination-lock................................S. K. Seelye..............
Combination-lock.................................. J. T. Taylor..........
Combination-lock................................ A. B. Vandemark..........
Combination-lock..................._.......... E. Vorbe.....................
Combination-lock................................ J. B. White................
Combination-lock............................. J. B. White..................
Combination-lock................................ J. P. White................
Combination lock and key........................S. L. Chase...................
Combination-lock for doors......................... S. Andrews................
Combination-lock for doors....................... W. C. Bussey............
Combination-lock for doors, safes, &c.............. R. Newell...............
Combination-padlock............................. M. P. Thatcher.............
Combination-tool............................... C. A. Foster..............
Combined supporter.............................. S. Dike....................
Combining or mixing two or more sobstances, Ap- G. W. Wilson..............
paratus for.
Combustion-power............................... A. Day....................
Combustion, System of supporting................ J. A. Bassett andE. L. Norfolk
Comminuting various substances, Apparatus for.. G. B. Canning..............
Commode........................................ J. D. Averell...............
Commode..--------------------------. W. Prangley...............
Commode and wash-stand combined........ S. P. Boone................
Commode, Chamber............................... T. Elkins..................
Commode, Chamber............................... E. S. Farson...............
Commode, Disinfecting........................... H. J. Alvord..............
Commode, Earth.............................. G. F. Stone..................
Commode, Earth.................................. E. W oodruff.............
Commode, Folding............................... R. G. Elder.................
Residence. Date.
Lancaster, Mass.......... Oct. 1, 1830
Hartford, Conn........... June 14, 1834
Louisville, Ky-----............ ------Sept. 3, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... May 22, 1832
College Point, N. Y........ Mar. 5, 1872
Leominster, Mats......... Aug. 11, 1868
Redding, Conin...........May 2, 1835
Springfield, Mass......... Dec. 8,1824.
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 28, 1816............-................ Feb. 22, 1798.
Wappinger's Falls, N. Y.. June 2, 1868
New Yoik, N. Y.......... Apr. 20, 1825.
West Newbury, Mass..... June 7, 1859
Leominster, Mass......... Mar. 26, 1814............................ A pr. 1, 1815
Philadelphia, P-.......... Juno 14, 1817
Bristol, Conn............. Oct. 8, 1840..................Co..... Apr. 12,1799
Saybrook, Conn.-....... Mar. 5, 1808
Philadelphia, Pa -....-.... Aug. 11, 1818
Penn Township, Pa....... aJune 18, 1842
Providence, R. I.......... June 11, 1829
Baltimore, Md............ Mar. 31, 1834
Penn Township, Pa....... May 26, 1834
New Haven, Conn....... Mar. 27, 1816
Hanover County, Va...... Jan. 9, 1829
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 27, 1829
Newburyport, Mass...... Sept. 24, 1872
Southington, Conn........ May 6, 1812
Danbury, Conn........... Nov. 17, 1827
Newtown, Conn........... Oct. 10, 1829
West Newbury, Mass..... Feb. 2, 1828
New York............... June 26, 1809
Glasgow, Great Britain... Oct. 4, 1870
Bradford, England....... Apr. 1, 1873
Lille, France.............. Jan. 9,1872
Landennburgh, Pa......... Apr. 18, 1871
Pawtucket, R11. I........... Aug. 17, 1869
Shelburne Falls, Mass....
Nashua, N. H.............
Chilmark, Mass..........
Baltimore, Md............Detroit, Mich.............
Baltimore, Md............
Philadelphia, Pa.....-...
Darlington, Wis..........
Tiffin, Ohio................
Calvert, Tex..............
Springfield, Tex..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Clinton, Mo..............
Williamsport, Pa.........
Salem, Mich...............
Mount Union, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y..........
Galena, Ill................
Gratis, Ohio-.........New York, N. Y..........
Peoria, Ill................
Webster, N. Y...........
Webster, N. Y............
Newport, N. Y............
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New Britain, Conn.._.....
Otisville, N. Y...........
Hudson, Mich.............
Newnan, Ga.............
Phelps, N. Y..............
San Francisco, Cal........
Detroit, Mich.............
Detroit, Mich.............
Savannah, Ga.............
Lockport, N. Y._........
Perth Amboy, N. J.......
San Francisco, Cal..._....
New York, N. V..........
Pontiac, Mich.............
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
New York, N.Y........
Chelsea, Mass.............
Sept. 13, 1870
Nov. 5, 1867
Nov. 2, 1869
Apr. 30, 1861
Mar. 15, 1870
Feb. 4,1813
Jan. 6, 1844
May 23,1871
May 11, 1869
July 1, 1873
Sept. 12,1871
Aug. 19, 1873
Oct. 18, 1870
July 16, 1.72
July 20, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 26, 1871
Aug. 8, 1871
Apr. 9,1872
Dec. 4, 1860
Oct. 17, 1871
June 11, 1872
Junie 22, 1858
Dec. 23, 1862
July 16, 1872
June 1, 1869
Aug. 71, 1869
Nov. 22, 1870
Sept. 17, 1872
Dec. 1, 1868
May 4, 1869
Dec. 1, 1868
Aug. 27, 1872
Sept. 21, 1869
Nov. 6, 1847
Sept. 30, 1841
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 17, 1844
Dec. 7, 1869
Apr. 19,1870
Aug. 24, 1869
June 6, 1871
130, 978
124, 243
80, a55
78, 585
24, 358
1, 811.....
2, 679......
107, 979
137, 326
122, 678
113, 825
93, 811
107, 414
70, 657
96, 376
100, 714
135, 523
3, 395
115, 037
89, 9e9
140, 500
118, 9130
141, 876
108, 360
129, 482
92, 844
88, 490
113, 316
122, 124
117, 912
125, 475
30, 830
119, 948
127, 706
20, 658
37, 241
129, 052
90, 682
93, 747
109, 437
84, 659
89, 817
84, 664
130, 964
95, 058
5, 359
2, 276
76, 300
3, 747
97, 568
94, 087
115, 799.....
46, 624
136, 700
143, 488
132, 775
118, 510
122, 518
8, 099
56, 870
185, 627
108, 950
121, 344
Bordentown, N. J........ Jan. 19, 1811
Salem, Mass.............. Mar. 7, 1865
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Mar. 11, 1873
New York, N. Y......... Oct. 7, 1873
Salisbury, England........ Nov. 5, 1872
Americus, Ga... Aug. 29, 1871
Albany, N. Y............. Jan. 9, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 15,1808
Detroit, Mich J...u... July 31, 1866
Baltimore, d...... Apr. 9, 1872
Elizabeth, N. J.......... Nov. 1, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 28, 1871
Index of patents issued from the United States PatEnt Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Commutator, Electric.....................
Compass--------- -----------------------
Compass and magnetic needle----------------.....................
Compass, Azimuth...------------------------
Compass, Beam....---------------------------
Compass, Beam...--------------------------
Compass, Correcting the deviation of the mariner's
Compass for determining vaziations from local
Compass for mining.............................
Compass, Instrument for determining the variation of the.
Compass joint, Measuring...................
Compass, Liquid..........................
Compass, Liquid.................................
Compass, Magnetic................................
Compass, M arine.................................
Compass, Marine.................................
Compass, Mariner's.............................
Compass, Mariner's..............................
Compass, Mariner's..............................
Compass, Mariner's...............................
Compass, Mariner's----------------
Compass, Mariner's---------------
Compass, Mariner's...............................
Compass, Mariner's..............................
Compass, Mariner's...............................
Compass, Mariner's...............................
Compass, Mariner's
Compass, Mariner's.................
Compass, Mariner's and surveyor's............
Compass, Mariner's or surveyor's................
Compass, Mariner's time..........................
Compass-needle, Magnet izing.............
Compass needle, Marine and surveying............
Compass or theodolite, Surveying............
Compass, quadrant, and protractor..........
Compass, Self-registering ship's.............
Compass, Ship's.................................
Compass, Ship's..........................
Compass, Ship's..........................
Compass, Solar..........................
Compass, Solar.................................
Compass, Surveying.......................
Compass, Surveying.......................
Compass, Surveying...............................
Compass, Surveyor's.......................
Compass, Surveyor's...........................
Compass, Surveyor's.......................
Compass, Surveyor's.......................
Compass, Surveyor's.......................
Compass, Universal..............................
Compasses and calipers..............
Compasses and calipers......................
Compasses and calipers, Combined beam. -__--
Compasses, Card for liquid.....................
Compasses, Binnacle for mariner's.............
Compasses, Card for mariner's liquid.............
Compasses, Construction of.......................
Compasses, Construction of........................
Compasses, Construction of spring................
Compasses, Electro-magnetic attachment to ships'.
Compasses insensible to local attraction, Rendering.
Compasses, Local-attraction indicator for ships'....
Compasses, Mode of fixing mariners'...........
Compasses, Pencil-atta hruent for...------------.
Compasses, Pencil-attachment to..................
Compasses, Preventing the deviation of ships'.....
Compasses used in calking seams............
Compensating or equilibrium spring..-........
Composing stick.................................
Composing stick..................................
Composing stick..........................
Composing stick..................................
Composing stick..................................
Composing stick..........................
Composing stick, Printer's......................
Composing stick, Printer's........................
Composing stick, Printers........................
Composing stick, Printer's........................
Composing stick, Printer's........................
Composing stick, Printer's..................
Composing stick, printer's..................
Composite piper....................................
Composition handle or pull.......................
Compositor's stand...............................
Compost..----------------------- -.Conipost for soil..................................
Compound engine.............................
L. B. Firman.................
P. Roessler..................
H. Stewart.................
O. Stoddard.....................
J. Hanks...................
E. S. Ritchie..................
J. Lymn....n............
M. Toulmin.................
L. F. A. Arson...............
J. R. St. John................
J. Blomgren..................
E. S. Riitchie................
T. Alteneder..................
T. Alteneder...........
J. and G. H. Bliss.............
E. Blunt-- --.................
H. W. Hunter.................
S. Custer....................
E S. Ritchie.................
J. Ball......................
J. and G. H. Bliss..............---
J. and G. H. Bliss..............
H. Colby.....-.............
S. Custer..........
J. S. Pender...................
E. S. Ritchie..................
E. S. Ritchie.................
E. S. Ritchie.................
E. S. Ritchie.................
W. C. Poole...................
W. Russell.............. -
R. Reeder....................
S. Custer...................
M. Smith...............
J. Eames...................
F. H. West..................
F. Whiteley............
B. H. Peverly.............
James, Earl of Caithuess......
J. Prime....................
G. W. Wood...................
H. O. Cook.................
B. S. Lyman............
G. W D ick in son, jr.......
W. J. Young.............
N. Bassett..................
S. Kern......................
J. Locke.....................
H. B. Martin...................
S. R. M iller...................
S. Dew.....................
J. E. Earle --....--.....-----......F. P. Pfleghar and W. Schollhorn.
W. Burrows................
E. S. Ritchie................
G. W. Richey and H. E. Bixby
E. S. Ritchie................
T. Hagerty.................
T. Hagerty..............
T. Hagerty...............
A. Foucaut..............
J. S. Gisbone and W. Simpson.
H. Glover.....................
L. Langley...............
C. Schott................
C. L. Tyler...................
J. W. Girdlestone.........
G. Dowling...................
C. Shea..................
L. Buschbmann................
A. F. Cloudman and G. W.
J. M. Eaton...................
F. W. Murray.................
R. W. Thing..................
WV. T. Tillinghast..........
J. L. Wait.....--------------.
J. W ilson....................
R.C. Young.............
S. W. Brown.............
A. Calhoun..............
O. F. Grover..........
P. S. Hoe..................
J. and W. Tidgewell.....
W. T. Tillinghast.........
D. Winder..............
A. P. Stephens...........
T. B. Gunning...-----
W. B. Gleason............
F. Vallee..............
E. Blonchard.................
A. B Martin................
A. Hartupee.................
Residence. Date.
Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 24, 1868
New Haven, Conn..-.. Sept. 19, 1865
Clinton, Mass............ Apr. 21, 1868
Detroit, Mich............ Aug. 27, 187-2
Troy, N. Y............... July 22, 1833
Brookline, Mass.......... Aug. 1, 1865
Lenox, Mass.............. leb. 21, 1871
New Orleans, La.......... Sept. 16, 1873
Paris, France............. May 31, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 2, 1852
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 25, 1870
Brookline, Mass-........... Jan. 3,1865
Philadelphia, Pa......... Feb. 14, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa....... July 16, 1850
Brookly n, N. Y.......... Jan. 24,1871
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 5, 1865
New York, N. Y.......... May 6,1862
Salem, Va................ Juno 26,1866
Brookline, Mass........... July 19,1870
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Mar. 6, 1835
Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 24, 1870
Brooklyn, N. Y...........May 24,1870
Rochester, N. Y........... May 1, 1847
Salem, Va................. July 16, 1867
New York. N. Y.......... Sept. 27, 1864
Brookline, Mass........... Sept. 9, 1862
Brookline, Mass........... Apr. 7,1863
Brookline, Mass........... Apr. 7,1863
Brookline, Mass........... Apr. 10, 1866
Lancaster, Pa............July 31, 1840
New Bedford, Mass.... Dec. 1, 1809
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Feb. 9, 1847
Salem, Va................. July 16, 1867
New York, N. Y..........June 15,1830
Newry, Me................ Feb. 11, 1835
San Francisco, Cal........ Sept. 25, 1860
Stanardsville, Va......... Dec. 6, 1836
Chelsea, Mass............. June 3, 1856
MiddlesexCounty,England Nov. 5,1867
Washington, N......... Feb. 12, 1856
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Mar. 21,1871
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 12, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 18, 1871
Breckenridge, Va......... Feb. 21,1860
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 17, 1832
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 11, 1834
Wilmington, Del.......... June 28, 1836
Strasburgh, Va........... July 28, 1846
Cincinnati, Ohio........ July 16, 1850
Santa Rosa, Cal......... June 7, 1864
Front Royal, Va....... Oct. 22, 1835
Romney, Va.............. Apr. 13,1822
Leicester, Mass.......... Aug. 1,1854
New Haven, Conn......... Jan. 9, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 29, 1868
Brookline, Mass........... June 2, 1863
Saint Louis, Mo.......... July 4, 1871
Brookline, Mass........... Jan. 24,1871
Richmond, Va............ July 130, 1872
Richmond, Va............ July 30, 1872
Richmond, Va............ July 30, 1872
Orlea5ns, France........... July 19, 1870
Birkenhead and Liverpool, Mar. 8, 1864
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 17, 1872
Gosport, Va............... June 23, 1828
Nashville, Tenn............ July 12, 1870
Ithaca, N.Y.---.......... Nov. 2, 1869
Strand, England.......... Oct. 25, 1870
Fair Haven, Conn......... June 11, 1867
Newark, N. J............ Oct. 12, 1869
Newark, N. J.... - -........ Oct. 21, 1873
Brooklyn,N.Y.,andCharles- Oct. 18, 1870
town, Mass.
Charlestown, Mass........ Aug. 10, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Mar. 16, 1869
Bceston, Mass.............. Jan. 26, 1.69
Dayton, Ohio....._......May 2-2, 1866
East Cambridge, Mass.... May 19, 1868
Boston, Mass............. Aug. 6, 1872
Middletown, Conn........ Oct. 18, 1870
Syracuse, N. Y............ May 22, 1860
Hartford, Conn........... Aug. 31, 1858
Middletown, Conn...... July 15, 1856
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 5, 1872
Middletown, Conn........ June 2, 1857
Dayton, Ohio............ Jan. 27, 1857
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Apr. 7, 1857
Brooklyn, N. Y............ May 26, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 3, 1871
Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 22, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa........ Apr. 8, 1873
Greenfield Mills, Md...... Aug. 9,1859
Baltimore. Md............ June 2, 1819
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Apr. 16, 1872
75, 743
50, 037
77, 123
130, 879.....
49, 157
111, 954
142, 823
103, 701
8, 785
108, 555
45, 753
111, 715
7, 501
111, 169
51, 90
35, 156
55, 827
105, 492.....
103, 287
5, 096
66, 805
44, 451
36, 422
38, 125
38, 126
53, 875
1, 707.....
4, 964
66, 805
30, 187
15, 017
70, 520
14, 251
112, 999
141, 766
117, 184
27, 210
4, 675
7, 510
43, 036
11, 420
51, 967
85, 430
38, 762
116, 631
111, 1254
130, 036
130, 037
130, 038
105, 562
41, 839
105, 376
96, 366
108, 585
65, 654
95, 736
143, 875
108, 451
93, 426
88, 800
86, 257
54, 979
130, 170
108, 54)
28, 436
21, 321
15, 358
132, 722
17, 457
16, 500
17, 607
78, 336
119, 603
101, 119
137, 639
24, 988
125, 812
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Compound engine............................._
Compound gage..............................
Compound steam-engine........................
Compound steam-engine..-..... -....-.........
Compound tool................................
Compress, Double-acting.......................
Compressed-air engine.........................
Compressed-air motor----------.............---..----...........
Compressor, Spiral-curvilinear....................
Compressing and baling press..................
Compressing and beater press................
Concave-cutting device------------------------............................
Concentrator, Metallic............................
Conception, Preventing.........................
Concerlina, Key-face for...........................
Concrete, Apparatus for feeding and mixing gravel,
&e., in forming.
Concrete arches for buildings, Construction of-.....
Concrete block for buildings and other purposes...
Concrete-block machine
Concrete-block machine...........................
Concrete-block-making machine..................
Concrete-block mold..............................
Concrete-block press.............................
Concrete building-block press-.....................
Concrete-composition for walks, flooring, &c.......
Concete for pipes, biicks, &c..---....................-------
Concrete for pipes, tubes, buildings, &c............
Concrete, &c., Machine for mixing.................
Concrete-pipes, Machine lfor making.............
Condensation and refrigeration, Method of.....
Condenser.............................- -.........
W. Wright---...-------------
A. Williams..................
WV. W. Crane..................
L. H untoon...................
J. Dillon-------------------......................
C. W. Armstrong.............
J H. Fellows..................
H. A. Burr-...................
E. H. Grant...................
W. Nelson....................
D. S. Gardner and N. A. Manning.
G. Ertel......................
J. Powell------------------.....................T. Wallworth.................
E. Wright...................
J. H. Chidester.................
A. W. Davies.................
H. C. Rosin....... -..........
J. Heady.....................
J. Hendy.....................
Z. W heeler....................
J. B. Beers..................
L. A. Seward...............
A. D. Foote..................
C. C. Dennett.................
T. Heap......................
L. Dodge and L. J. Magnusson
O. V. Evans...................
J. P. Campbell................-----
L. S. Warner..................
O. L. Jordan..................
R. S. Lewis............-.......
T. J. Barren..................T. J. Barron..................
S. Putnam and T. Burt.......
G. L. Eagan..................
N. V. Wheeler..............
E. H. Ashcroft................
B. T. Babbitt..................
A. C. Brown..................
S. W. Brown.................
T. Callan......................
L. Cook...................
J. H. Fairchild...............
A. C. Fletcher...............
A. Hartupee and H. P. Gengembre.
J. Houpt.....................
G. A. Jasper..................
W. Jeggle and L A. Brooks...
W. A. Lighthall.............
W. A. Lighthall..............
J. F. Llewellyn..............
P. Mihan and M. A. Lane....
F. Ortlieb.....................
WV. Phela................
W. Phelan....................
F. Ransom..................
J. Root......................
T. Shaw......................
J. F. Spence..................
J. M. Spiegle..............
G. Stump.....................
H. A. Towne................
G. IR. Vanderbilt..............
G. I. Washburn............
J. C. Wharton.................
F. Wegmann...............
N. W. Wheeler...............
WV. L. and T. Winans.........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Auburn, N. Y.............
Natick, Mass............
New York, N. Y..........
Detroit, Mich..............
Lewisport, Ky............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Washington, D. C........
New Haven, Conn.........
Batavia, N. Y.............
Greene, N. Y..............
Liberty, Ill...............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Newton Heath, Great Britain.
Medford, Mass...........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Cleveland. Ohio...........
Chicago, Ill...............
San Francisco, Cal.....
San Francisco, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal........
Rochester, N. Y..........
New Orleans, La..........
Washington, D. C........
Nottingham, England....
Saint Joseph, Mo..._....
Chicago, Ill...............
Ripley, Ohio............
Dayton, Ohio.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Dowagiac, Mich...........
Rockville, Conn..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y......
Rockville, Conn...........
San Francisco, Cal.._....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Lynn, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Lowell, Mass.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Whitestown, N. Y......
Highgate, Vt.............
New Yoik, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Nov. 18, 1873
May 26, 1857
June 3, 1873
Jan. 28, 1873
Dec. 30, 1873
Nov. 30, 1869
Dec. 20, 1864
July 21, 1868
Sept. 7, 1869
Apr. 15, 1873
Nov. 13, 1828
Mar. 25, 1862
Mar. 31, 1868
Jan. 18, 1870
Feb. 18, 1868
Aug. 17, 1869
Dec. 18, 1866
June 18, 1867
Aug. 29, 1871
Apr. 17,1866
May 19,1868
Sept. 6,1864
Aug. 28, 1846
Oct. 26, 1869
July 16, 1872
Jan. 4, 1870
Dec. 28, 1869
Dec. 29, 1868
Sept. 22, 1868
June 4,1872
May 12, 18808
Jan. 21, 1868
Nov. 22, 1870
Feb. 14, 1871
Jan. 24, 1871
Jan. 17, 1871
Apr. 9, 1872
July 3, 1866
Nov. 5,1867
Sept. 1, 1863
July 10, 1860
Dec. 19, 1854
Sept. 12, 1865
Mar. 26, 1811
Mar. 27,1866
July 11, 1865
Dec. 13, 1864
17, 403
139, 549
145, 992
97, 265
45, 559
80, 132
94, 594
137, 889
34, 750
76, 063
99, 001
74, 641
93, 849
60, 475
65, 883
118, 489
53, 976
78, 089
44, 130
4, 729
129, 330
98, 571
98, 373
85, 291
82, 301
127, 562
77, 854
73, 600
109, 524
111, 806
111, 106
111, 000
125, 551
56, 130
70, 389
39, 709
29, 054
12, 089
49, 855
53, 528
48, 710
45, 408
97, 923
43, 413
63, 391
46, 254
76, 929
57, 932
30, 078
68, 382
76, C55
83, 092
95, 275
53, 498
45, 941
39, 688
142, 060
41, 949
40, 872
58, 0;9
106, 973
66, 541
83, 430
70, 934
106, 206
3, 7 32
144, 331
102, 965
100, 766
138, 517
6, 9'9
31, 600
46, 253
103, 824
28, 341
24, 561
116, 728
96, 157
84, 995
63, 405
70, 543
Springtown, Pa........... Dec. 14, 1869
Charlestown, Mass....... July 5,1864
Chicago, Ill............. Apr. 2,1867
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 7, 1865
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 21, 1868
Louisville, Ky.-.......... Sept. 11, 1866
Boston and Charlestown, Sept. 18, 1860
Williamsburgh, N. Y..... Sept. 3, 1867
Peoria, Ill................ Apr. 14, 1868
Peoria, Ill.................... Oct. 20,1868
Buffahlo, N. Y.............. Oct. 13, 1868
Painesville, Ohio...... May 26, 1834
Philadelphia, Pa..-........ Sept. 28, 1869
Wihllamsburgh, N. Y.... Mar. 27, 18616
Philadelphia, Pa........ Jan. 17,1865
New York, N Y....... Aug. 25, 1803
Hannibal, Mo......... Aug. 19, 1873
Mount Vernon, N. Y..... Mar. 15, 1864
Worcester, Mass..-..-...... Dec. 8, 1863
Nashville, Tenn.......... Sept. 1, 1866
Naples, Italy... --... Aug. 30, 1870
Brooklyn, N............. July 9, 167
London, England, and Bal- Oct. 27, 1868
timore, Md.
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 19. 1867
Ashtabulaand Cincinnati, Aug. 9, 1870
Allegheny City, Pa....... Sept. 7, 144
Martinsburgh, W. Va.... Nov. 4, 1873
Peoria, Ill................ May 10, 1870
Toronto, Canada........... Feb. 21, 1871
Hartzburgh, Germany.... May 20, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio....... Mar. 15, 1870
San Francisco, Cal --........ May 6, 1873
Paris, France........... Dec. 4, 1849
New Carlisle, Ind........ Mar. 5, 1861
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 7,1865
Auburn, N. Y............. June 7, 1870
Pittsburgh, Pa..... May 22, 1860
Baltimore, Md............ June 28, 1859
New York, N. Y........ July 4, 1871
Chicago, Ill........ Oct. 26,1869
Fulton, N. Y.............. Dec. 15, 1868
Now York, N. Y.......... Apr. 2, 1867
Westerly, R. I........... Nov. 5,1867 I
Condenser, Air...................................0. Abruzzo.................
Condenser, Air-heating steam..................... P. J. ice and D. A. Scott.....
Condenser and boiler, Stleam-engine............
Condenser and feed-water apparatus, Combined...
Condenser and feed-water heater................
Condenser and teed-water heater, Steam-engine..
Condenser amnd feeder, Steam-boiler................
Condenser and lime-extracting heater............
Condenser and refiner for spirituous liquors...
Condenser and stuffing-box, Vapor-engine.._......
Condenser and water-heater, Steam-engine........
Condenser-ease........... _...................
Condenser, Coal-gas..............................
Condenser, Coal-oil...............................
Condenser, Coal-oil.......................
Condenser, Compound surface....................
Condenser bfor alcohol-stills......................
Condenser for brewers' boilers......................
Condenser for carbonic eacid and for drawing off and
applying the same for cooling and freezing.
Condenser for carding-engines....................
B. Crawford................
J. S. Gibson................
W, Phelan....................
J. Dilworth and J. C. Hodgins.
F. A. Fischer...............
J. Huntington.........
W. Neil...................
P. V. Du Trembley......
J. S. Hooton..................
W. A. Lighthall.............
A. Pabbett and W. W. Binney.
J. F. Bennett...............
W. G. W. Jaeger.............
W. A. Lighthall..........
E. Smeeth....................
C. Cliflord................
T. S. C. Lowe.................
G. R. Gardiner................
Index of patents issued front the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Condenser for carding-machines................... N. Lucas.- -----....................
Condenser for coal-oil stills---...---------------. C. WV. Grannis................
Condenser for distillers, Refltigerating....-.-.... F. Haeck.....................
Condenser for distillation................--... T. O'Connor.--...............--
Condenser for fibrous material-..--.-..-..-........... W. H. Howard-------..........---- - -
Condenser for gas-works...------------------------- P. Munzinger...............
Condenser for heating mash in distilling...-----------A. Ande son...............
Condenser for illuminating-gas, Friction...----- W. H. St. Julohnia and S. O. Rockwell.
Condenser for lard-rendering kettles, Vapor...... W. M. Bartram...............
Condenser for list-speeders........---...-........... WV. Mattison -.....Condenser for making potable water---------............-. W. A. Lighthall.. -......
Condenser for marine engines.................... J. Houpt......................--
Condenser for nmaine engines, Surface---------............ -D. Carpenter.................
Condenser for oil-stills.-----.............--.............. J. Adair......................
Condenser for oil-stills............H............... H. W. Faucett and T. McGowan.
Condenser for rectifying-apparatus................ A. Feubert....................
Condenser for spirits, seeamn, and other vapors.... A. W. Cram................
Condenser for stills----............................. T. J. Dean.--...............
Condenser for stills....----.--_ --------. J. Harrison and C. Low.......
Condenser for stills............ C. Morfit............ -.----...Condenser for stills......................-......... H. C. Sherman...............
Condenser for stills............................... C. E. Werner...............
Condenser for stills------------------------------................................ J. Yates and E. Deuell..--..
Condenser for vacuum-pans, &c-----------------................... C. W. Dyrant and J. Griffith..
Condenser, Gas---------------------------------................................... I. N. Stanley...-...............
Condenser, Gas---- ----................................... E. Thompson........
Condenser, Hydro-atmospheric.................... J. P. F. Datichy..............
Condenser, Jet.......-............................ J. P. F. Datichy............---
Condenser, Marine....------------------------- B. T. Babbitt................
Condenser of steam-engines and apparatus for sup- J. Echols.................
plying boilers with water.
Condenser, Oil-vapor._....................I. W. Wetmore.............
Condenser or cooler for alcoholic and other liquids J. R. Neil....................
Condenser or refriierator...................----. W. A. Lighthall.............
Condenser, Potable water...--------------------W. A. Lighthall------------..............
Condenser-pump, Empl ment of an auxiliary en- J. Ericsson..............
gine in combination with the.
Condenser, Revolving.......................... J. F. Spence................
Condenser, Steam................................. J. L. Alberger............
Condenser, Steam................................ J. L. Alberger................
Condenser, Steam..................-----------------------....--........ B. C. Atkinson................
Condenser, Steam................................. A. Cail.....................
Cendenser, Steam................................. J. N. Dennisson...............
Condenser, Steam............................... J. K. Ferguson...-.............
Condenser, Steam................................. J. Houpt......................
Condenser, Steam................................. C. Hughes................
Condenser, Steam................................. T.L. Jones.........
Condenser, Steam................................ A.Kennedy andJ.H. Berkshire
Condenser, Steam---....---------------------------............................ J. T. King....................
Condenser, Steam............-.............. E. Korting...................
Condenser, Steam................................. E. Korting.....................
Condenser, Steam................................. W. A. Lighthall..............
Condenser, Steam................................. W. R. Pitts and G. K. Gluyas..
Condenser, Steam-------------------------------................................. A. Van Orsdale...-..........
Condenser, Steam..-------------------------------W. Wright...............
Condenser, Steam-engine......................J. Absterdam..........
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... - II. Anderson.............
Condenser. Steam-engine.......................... E. Baldwin..................
Condenser, Steam-engine.---------------------L. Bolman......................... L. Bllman...
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... W. Craig and H. L. Brevoort - -.
Condenser, Steam-engine...................... B. Crawford......_............
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... J. T. Denniston............
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... A. C. Fletcher.........
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... S. A. Goodwin............Condenser, Steam-engine-- ---... -......- J. Houpt..................
Condenser, Steam-engine...---------------------B. F. Lemmon...........
Condenser, Steam-engine......................... W. A. Lighthall............
Condenser, Steam-engine......................... D. Matthew..................
Co..denser, Steam-engine......................... J. M. Miller.................
Condenser. Steamni-engine-........................ F. Ransom..................
Condenser, Steamn-engne......................... J. Shirt and C. Briggs.....
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... T. E. Sickels.-......
Condenser, Steam-engine.......................... T. Skidmore..................
Condenser, Steam-engine...... F................. A. F.Smith...................
Condenser, Steam-engine...-----------------------i F. G. Smith...................
Condenser, Steam-engine......................... H. K. Stephens................
Condenser Steam-engine.......-............. -. F. B. Stevens.............
Condenser, Steam-engine......................... F. B. Stevens...............
Condenser Steam-engine.......-................. F. B. Stevens..................
Condenser Steam-engine......................... F. B. Stevens..................
Condenser, Steam-engine......................... A. C. Twining..............
Condenser Steam-engine- - --...........G. Vales..-..
Condenser Steani-engine......................... G.I. Washburn......
Condenser Steam-engine........................ H. Waterman.....
Condenser Steam-engine................... W. Vright.................
Condenser, Steam-engine jet..................... G. XV. Hall....................
Condenser Steam-engine jet..................... J. Hupt......................
Condenser Steam-engine, &c., surfce............ J. Cragg and S. Archbold......
Condenser, Steam-engine surface............... P. Hogg....................
Condenser, Steam-engine surfac,-..-------------J. M. Miller...................
Condenser, Steam-cngine surface...------- -. J.P. Pirsson.................
Condenser, Steam-enaine surface-----...... W. Sewell.............
Condenser, Steam-engine surface----...... A. Smith.....................
Condenser, Steau iengine surface.................. N. Thompson, jr..............
Condenser, bteam pump........................... D. Stoddart..................
Con enser, Surface................................ D. Barnum....................
Residence. Date.
Norwich, Conn........... Sept. 23,1873
Gowanda, N. Y........... Sept. 9, 1862
Brussels, Belgium--..---... Nov. 8, 1864
New York- --........... July 9,1807
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 15, 1855
Philadelphia, Pa--...-----... Nov. 8, 1870
Jan. 26, 1801
Brooklyn, N.T, and Jer- Apr. 4, 1871
sey City, N.J.
Philadelphia, Pa... Sept. 15,1868
Northbridge, Mass..... Sept. 1, 1857
New York, N. Y....... May 20, 186-2
Springtown, Pa....-...... July 19, 1870
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 12,1854
Pittsburgh, Pa............ June 10,1862
Titusville and Meredith, Aug. 8, 171
Buffalo, N. Y............. Aug. 29, 1871
Saint Louis, Mo........... Jan. 19, 1869
Saint Louis, Mo........ July 20,1869
Fawn Grove, Pa......... May 24, 1870
Baltimore, Md............ July 2, 1867
Buffalo, N. Y........... Mar. 11, 1862
New Castle, Ill.......... Dec. 6, 1853
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 25, 1871
New York, N. Y......... Oct. 15, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y........ Apr. 18, 1871
Madison, Wis.......... May 24, 1870
New York, N. Y..........Aug. 30, 1864
West Hoboken, N. J...... Jan. 15,1867
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 9,1873
Columbus, Ga....-....... Aug. 11, 1841
Erie, Pa..................
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Buffalo, N. Y............
Newburyport, Mass.......
Paris, France............
Newark, N. J............
Portland, Ky.............
Springtown, Pa...........
Colen, Cuba.................
Natchez, Miss.......
Muscatine, Iowa..........
New York, N. Y........
Vienna, Austria.....
Vienna, Austria.....
New York. N. Y.........
San Francisco, Cal......
Jasper, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.-..
Peoria County, Ill........
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y-......Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Lyons, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Springtown, Pa.....
New Albany, Ill......
New York, N. Y......_
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y........
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Tamworth, Great Britain.
Kennett's Square, Pa.....
New York, N. Y..........
Norwich, Con.............
Columbia, Tenn..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Weehawken, N. J.......
Weehawken, N. J.......
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Now Haven, Conn........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........Worcester. Mass.........
Hudson, N. Y.........
New York, N........
Havana, N. Y.............
Springtown, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N.Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Niagara Falls, N. Y...-_
Willianmsburgh, N. Y'.._..
San Francisco, Cal......
New Yerk, N. YV..........
Sept. 15,1863
Oct. 17, 1871
Feb. 14, 1865
Apr. 22, 1862
Apr. 3, 1849
May 1, 1866
May 20, 1873
June 24, 1873
June 22, 1869
Oct. 10, 1871
Feb. 8, 1859
July 31, 1866
Apr. 19, 1870
Nov. 30, 1869
Apr. 26, 1870
Feb. 27, 1872
Feb. 12,1856
Jan. 14,1813
July 29, 1873
Dec. 17, 1861
Oct. 1, 1872
Sept. 8,1868
July 11, 1871
Oct. 2,1866
Sept. 27, 1870
July 9, 1850
Apr. 3, 1855
Mar. 28, 1871
Nov. 1, 1853
Aug. 26, 1856
June 30, 1863
Feb. 18, 1873
May 25, 1869
Aug. 7,1860
Dec. 17, 1861
Sept. 2, 1856
Dec. 4,1866
June a2, 1869
Dec. 8, 1868
July 7, 1863
Dec. 1,1821
Sept. 15, 1863
July 11, 1854
Dec. 4, 1843
Dec. 3, 1861
Dec. 3,1861
Aug. 4, 1863
Nov. 3, 1863
Aug. 12, 1862
Jan. 21, 1873
Oct. 6, 1863
Dec. 12, 1854
Feb. 6,1872
May 14, 1872
Sept. 17, 1872
Feb. 19, 1861
Oct. 30, 1855
May 20, 18506
Apr. 2, 1850
Mar. 20, 1860
Dec. 20, 1859
May 20, 1856
Dec. 16, 1873
May 24, 1859
143, 020
36, 403
45, 003
12, 863
109, 142
113, 463
82, 195
18, 121
35, 319
105, 457
11, 661
35, 497
117, 873
118, 601
85, 910
92, 941
103, 326
66, 243
34, 648
10, 305
114, 245
132, 263
113, 942
103, 392
43, 976
61, 167
142, 665
2, 212
39, 978
119, 942
46, 368
35, 029
6, 255
54, 428
139, 102
140, 232
91, 506
119, 817
22, 916
56, 738
102, 005
97, 405
102, 272
124, 065
14, 244
134, 900
141, 361
33, 952
131, 779
81, 964
116, 909
58, 362
107, 748
7, 486
12, 619
113, 021
10, 179
15, 604
39, 040
135, 906
90, 542
29, 499
33, 951
15, 663
60, 222
91, 770
84, 773
39, 176
39, 965
11, 274
3, 366
33, 856
33, 857
39, 49
40, 510
36, 183
135, 180
40, 204
12, 079
123, 541
126, 696
131, 351
31, 441
13, 721
14, l;23
7, 250
27, 573
26, 529
14, 932
145, 538
24, 6u7
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I I f I
Condenser, Surface........................
Condenser, Surface........................
Condenser, Surface......................
Condenser, Surface...........................--
Condenser, Surface................................
Condenser, Surface...........................
Condenser, Surface...---------------. ----.....
Condenser, Surface................................
Condenser, Surface.------------------------
Condenser, Surface........................
Condenser, Surface..........................
Condenser, Surface...............................
Condenser, Surface.......................
Condenser, Surface........................
Condenser, Surface- - - - - - -
Condenser, Surface................................
Condenser, Surface................................
Condenser tube fastening..................
Condenser-tube fastening...................
Condenser, Tubular.......................
Condenser, Tubular.........................
Condensers and heaters, Construction of tubular...
Condensers, Connecting the tubes with the heads
of surface.
Condensers, Device for cleaning surface..........
Condensers, Joint for tubes of surface - -.............
Condensers, Means of securing tubes in surface...
Condensers, Method of affixing tubes in steam - -....-.
Condensers, Method of setting tubes for...........
Condensers of steam-engines, Mode of discharging
water and air from.
Condensers of stills, Construction of..............
Condensers, Shield for surface.................
Condensers, Steam-enginery for surface...........
Condensers, Tube for surface....................
Condensers, Tubejoint for.......................
Condensing and evaporating apparatus-..........
Condensing apparatus for forcing liquids, Air....
Condensing-apparatus for marine steam-engines...
Condensing-apparatus for salt and gases.......
Condensing-apparatus, Steam-engine...........
Condensing coal-oil, Apparatus for...........
Condensing-engines, Mode of operating air pumps
and condensers of.
Condensing, evaporating, and cooling apparatus....
Condensing mercury in amalgamating-vessels,
Mode of.
Condensing smoke and gases.....................
Condensing steam and cooling the liquor..........
Condensing steam and elevating feed water, Apparatus for.
Condensing steam and feeding steam-boilers......
Condensing steam or cooling water, Method of
supplying water to steam-vessels for the purpose of.
Condensing-tub for heating water for distillation _
Condensing vapors and gases and for evaporating
liquids, Apparatus for.
Condensing-worm, Tinned sheet-copper...........
Condiment or relish..--..--..............-...-.......
Conductor-pipes, Construction of..................
Conductor-pipes, Construction of sheet-metal......
Conductor's bracket...........................
Conductor's register.............................
Conduit, Clay...----------------------------.
Conduit totr water around canal-locks, Self-regula ing.
C naluit-pipe......................................
Conduit-pipe coupling- ---------.
Conduit-pipes, Applying ice to.................
Conduit-pipes from clay-, Making...................
Conduit-pipes, Preventing the waste of water in...
Cone ind chimney-elevator.......................
Cone springs, Making.......................
Confection from raisins............................
Confection or cake..............................
Confection-pan, Steam.......
Confectioners' and grocers' can.................
Confectioner's mold...............................
Confectioner's paste and other materials, Machine
for making and breaking.
Confectioner's pipe, Machine for making..........
Confectionery, Apparatus for making..........
Confectionery, Apparatus for manufacturing......
G. H. Corliss.................
A. C. Fletcher................
P. Hammond..................
B. Holly.....................
J. Houpt.....----------------
R. Lighlithall................
J. Nason..----------------..
F. Ortlieb...................
T. Prosser---------------....................W. Sewell.-- --------------
F. B. Stevens..................
F. B. Stevens.................
F. B. Stevens..................
A. C. Stimers..................
J. J. W. Watson and W. H.
N. W. Wheeler-----------...............
I. S. Wilson and H. See.......
S. Archbold.................G. H. Reynolds...........
W. A. Lighthall..--..----..--.
N. W. Wheeler...-----------
W. West and A. Mills-.......
H. Allen.....................
H. C. Bucknam..............
J. V. V. Booraeinm...........
W. A. Lighthall..............
W. F. Brooks...-----..---------..
W. A. Lighthall -....--..R. G. Eunson.............
P. Mihan----------------.....................
F. B. Stevens-------------..................
W. A. Lighthall..........
D. H. Chamberlain...........
H. Allen......................
J. J. Miller...................
H. Strater, jr....-------------
J. Houpt...---------------..
J. C. Salomon,jr.............
D. Treadwell.....-------------
W. T. Barnes................
A. H. Bartlett.................
W. A. Lighthall.........
R. F. Soper..................
Providence, R. I..........
New York, N. Y..........
Castleton, N. Y..........
Lockport, N. Y -......
Springfield, Pa......
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
New York, N.Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........Paris and Nantes, France.
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Chester, Pa..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn. N.Y............
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Bucksport, Me.........
Jersey City, N. J......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y...._...
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y._-..
West Roxbury, Mass......
New York,N.Y........
Chicago, Ill............
Roxbury, Mass........
Springtown, Pa........
Baltimore, Md........
Cambridge, Mass........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y....
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Aug. 26, 1862
Apr. 17, 1866
Jan. 20, 1863
Apr. 4, 1871
Apr. 13, 1869
Apr. 12,1870
May 29, 1866
Nov. 27, 1866
Dec. 15, 1857
Oct. 31, 1854
Oct. 28, 1862
Oct. 28, 1862
Oct. 28, 1862
Feb. 9, 1864
May 10, 1864
June 25,1867
Mar. 3, 1868
Sept. 30, 1873
June 20, 1871
Jan. 31, 1865
Apr. 25, 1865
Nov. 25, 1856
Jan. 14, 1868
Sept. 16, 1873
Sept. 22. 1863
Mar. 3, 1868
Mar. 31, 1863
Dec, 17, 1861
Sept. 23,1842
May 15, 1860
Oct. 28, 1862
Apr. 28, 1869
Nov. 19, 1861
July 20, 1858
Dec. 23, 1862
Apr. 21, 1863
Nov. 4, 1873
June 16, 1857
Mar. 31, 1840
Aug. 2, 1859
Apr. 5,1859
Dec. 10, 1867
Aug. 28,1849
Nov. 17, 1863
June 4, 1861
J. J. Miller.................. Chicago, Ill..............
V. Ryerson.................New York, N. Y.......
36, 280
53, 967
37, 444
113, 668
88, 960
101, e92
55, 149
60, (42
18, 861
11, 883
36, 807
36, 809
36, 810
42, 720
66, 194
75, 102
143, 314
116, 098
46, 117
47, 480
16, 10
73, 221
142, 766
40, 013
75, 173
38, 027
33, 950
2, 786
28, 325
36, 808
89, 156
33, 763
20, 927
37, 258
38, 250
144, 203
17, 586
24, 920
23, 437
72, 054
6, 673
40, 662
32, 488
10, 271
40, 392
4, 383
31, 609
37, 538
17, 448
105, 514
71, 222
97, 289
76, 646...............
37, 828
2, 738
42, 045
t8, 031
125, 446
91, 632
66, 158
81, 401
97, 155
73, 018
59, 325
64, 497
118, 899
112, 710
115, 039
43, 735
190, 375
11, 089
138, 587
111, 638
I. Bloom--.................
B. F. Joslin...............
J. Briggs................
J.P. Pirsson,jr...........
W. A. Lighthall.....
H. Witmer...................
A. Anderson.................
S. Wilson....................
A. F. W. Partz...............
J. Taylor...................
W. F. Swasey................
J. C. Rohrman................
WV. Austin...................
P. Gantz......................
W. C. McGill.................
S. Bartlett----------------....................
J. Clarke---.....-------------................
J. Clark and L. Crowell.......
E. Putnam.................
W. S. Sampson................
U. West......................
H. Cunningham................
R. Ramsey....................
E. Putnam.................
W. R. P. Cross...............
W. H Goodale...............
L. P. Eleuterius..................
J. Q. Hill.......--...........
E. C. Maltby and E. Smith...
D. L. Page.....................
J. B. Bidwell.................
W. Manning.............
H. Wathew................
G. H. Cross...................
J. S. Batchelder..............
H. S. Howe...................
R. Duff......................
O. R. Chase..................
L. E. Chase..................
F. Walter.....................
W. H. Seidenstricker........
W. F. Goward...............
East Woburn, Mass-....-.. Nov. 29, 1853
New York, N. Y...-..... Feb. 9, 1825
Louisville, Ky............ Oct. 27, 1863
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 10, 1846
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 5, 1861
Lancaster, Pa............
Philadelphia, P a..........
Auburn, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal... - - _
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Albany, N. Y........
Cincinnati, Ohio...-...
Hartford, Conn.......... - - -
Westmoreland County, Pa.
Westminster, Va..........
Albany, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Jolhnstown, N. Y.........--.Hanover, N. H...........
Albany, N. Y...........
Portlsnd, Me ---............
Colton, N. Y...........
New Orleans, La ----..........
Worcester Mass -.........
Northford, Conn..........
Lowell, Mass..............
Grand Rapids, Mich.......
(Chelmsford, Mass.-......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Montpelier, Vt............
Fort Wayne, Ind.......
Rutland, Vt.-...........
New York, N. Y..........
May 17, 1805
Oct. 27, 1813
Jan. 27, 1863
June 2, 1857
June 30, 1795
July 19, 1870
Nov. 19, 1867
June 2, 1868
Nov. 30, 1869
Apr. 14, 1868
Jan. 15, 1809
Jan. 25, 1831
Dec. 18, 1818
Nov. 18, 18'18
Mar. 3. 1863
July 23, 184-2
Ju ne 29, 1825
June 24, 18'08
Dec. 31, 1816
Mar. 22, 1864
Mar. 23, 1x69
Apr. 9, 1872
June 22, 1869!
June 25, 1867
Aug. 25, 1868
Nov. 23, 1869
Jan. 7, 1868
Oct. 30, 1866
May 7, 1867
Sept. 12, 1871
Mar. 14, 1871
May 23, 1871
Boston, Mass............. Aug. 2, 1864
Watertown, Mass......... Mar. 1, 1870
Saint Louis, Mo.......... Nov. 19, 1 67
Hagerstown, Md----------.......... May 6, 1873
Boston, Mass............- Feb. 7, 1871
Index of pattents issued from the United States Patent Offlee fromt 1790 to 1873, inielusive--Continiaed.
Confectionery, Applying sirup by steam to...
Confectionery for druggists....................
Confhe tioncia jar- -- ------ -- ------
Confectionery, Machine for mnaking. -....-....
Confeetionery Machine for mixing paste for-...
Coniectcionery Machine for making..............
Confectionery, Minnfactore of......... _--.-------_...
ConfectioneryMannfactnre of..................
Confectionery or cocoa-nut candy.................
Confoimator- - - -- - ---i- - - - -- -
Conic secotions and the lines of the globe, Apparatus
forilulustr atiing.
Conical-edged knife, Machinery for grinding... _-.
Connecting-rIod..-. ----..-.._.......--._
Connecting-rod ads.ment... _....................
Conctn.. oul................ _...._...
Coiinecting-irod fos locomotives.................
Couniecting-rod fos machinery... -.. -.... -.........
Coiiiecting-rod joint...........................
Conncctiig-iod, Steam-engine, &c---.............
Connecting-rods, Adjusting the brasses of.----
Coiinectiiig-iods, Apparatus for adjusting eccentiics to.
Connecting-rods applied to cranks...... - ---
Connecting-rods, &c., Method of securing keys in-..
Cocavalescent chair.............................
Conaerters, Lining Bessemer..-..-....-..-.-.......- --
Convertible fosk and hook......................
Convey or block.--. -- ---- --- -- - -
Convey oreleavator, and hopper-boy.............--
Conveyor flisbt'.............................--
Cook-m i k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cooking aiid air-beating fur-nace................--
Cookling and boiling, Conjures- for...............
Cooking and eavapoirating apparatus.............- ---
Cookisig siid beating, apparatus, Petroleum.---
Ceoiling andsteass-beatisig appasatos..._ -......Cooking and was-sing atpartments, Apparatus for
Cooking and warmin g a ppar.ttis---------
Cookingasid washing, Boiler attachment fos.
Cookin-aipparatus _..................
Cookini-appairatus............................Cookisig-spparatus. -....... -.................
Ccokinga sppsatns.............................
Cooking-aj~pssratus.... -.......................--
Cocin itiiii tu................-..........._
Cookin g-apparatus............................
Cockizn -apparatus...........................---
Cooking-aaa itius...........................----
Cooking-apparatns -----.. ---.---...--_
Cookis -itpl)aratcis..............__............
Cockisi ais aratus.........--..................Cockisig 'ppaiatus._.........................--
Cochui gappairatus----------------------------.
Cocking ai paratas............................
Coi-a k Ingpasatius............................---
Cocking-ap pairatus....................---.....
Cookisig-apparatus, Alcohol.....................--
Cooking-appar-atus anti tocuse-warmiers------........
Cooing-a-paratcs and cirefigrtrerigeratos...............
Cooking-apparatus, Camp......................--
Cookisig-upjisrstns, Gas.......................--
Cocking-apparatus, Gas.......................--
Cooki-ig apparatus, Cas anid steam..... _... _.....
Cockisig-iapaatus, Lamp.--- --os --- --
1R. L. and A. Stuart...........
M. Laenmmel..._......... _....
A. Soilz. -.... --.......J. S. Batchelder.... -........_
S. S. Campell andJ. Goodwin.
B. D uff.--- -- --- -- --- --
J. Gardner------------------
L. E. Chase..----.........
G. asid C. B. Miller..
H. N. and T. J. Harbach...
B. loseen..................
F. Shepherd...............
J. L. Plimupton...........
E. Bsown_.................W. G. Fi-eem~an............
J. F. BHaskins..............
E. S. Pierce................
T. T. Prosser...............
WP. L. Switzers..-.........
S. N. \Vate.jr................
S.N. Wate,jr................
B. F. W~ilsons.................
J. W. Zinn----........
P. S).0.odget................
H.S.Podgc c.................
D. Plit...................... Sa....................
L. BSh..................J. Bisl............R. Sees...................
G. Foawler..................
New York, N. Y...
Bay Ilicige, N, Y......
Hobokens, N. J.._........
Fort Wayne, Ind.....
Philadelphsia, Pa....
Near Yor-k, N. Y _..
Philadelphia, Pa -. _-.
Charlestown, Mass. _..
Philadelphia, Pa..
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y.
New Hiaven, Con..
-Westfield, Mass......
New York, N. Y..__.._
Richmiond, Va..........
Ftcbburgb, Mass..-_
ilaitford, Coca..__---.
Chiicago, Ill - -.... -
Zanesa-ille, Chio.....
Danaville, Pa....--.....
cDanaille, Pa..........
Salem, Ohio.............
Moisison's Mills, Fla.
-Washington, D.C....
Lockpost, N.Y..._
LancasteiPa... __..
Bergen, N............
Philadelphia, Pa.
New York, N.Y..._.
New York, N. Y....
Philmont, N.Y.....
Mar. 7, 1833
Jan. 30, 1172
Nov. '29, 1870
Sept. 12, 1871
Oct. 7, i862
May 2, 1871
Dec. 22, 1161
May 1, 1166
Oct. 18, 1S70
Mar. 21, 1171
Nov. 5, 1117
Dec. '22, 1857
M ay 4, 1152
Sept.. 22, 1111
Jan. 10, 181
Dec. 24, 1872
Mar. 3, 1168
Dec. 23, 1t73
Dec. 23, 1173
July 9, 11b-1
Nov. 19, 1172
July 22, 1173
Dec. 19, 1171
June 16,11868
Dec. 12, 1165
Dec. 10, 1811
Mar. 19, 1167
Feb. 1, 1166
May 14, 1850
Mar. 18, 1116
June 1,1869
1R. Boelen................. Jersey City, N. J.......... Oct. 11, 1159
G. H. Coney................-- -- -- Boston, Mass............Sept. 11, 1e55
J. Med.................. Albany, N. Y............ Mar. 13, 1817
A. L. Holler................. Brooklyn, N. Y......-June 21, 1870
L.- Riggs................. - -.. Lansing, Mich. _.........Jan.* 14, 1161
W.Do Witt.._._...........Talimasige, Mich---------- Api. 26, 1871
S. Walgemose................- - - -Washingom County, D. C Feb. 22, 1812
J. M. Leumon................. Polk City Iowa..----- June 15, 1869
13. Smith..................... Des Moines, Iawa..-..Apr. 14,161
0.Packard...................]-iRoxbury, Mass............ May26,1142
T. PsssnoI-e __ _ __ _ _ _ - - _ -..- -..... Dec. 23, 1796
T. J. Newby.................PuRbshond, lcd............ Oct. 11, 1179
J. S. Bull.................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........Sept.23 1166
EWhtly---------CmrdeMas-..- Oc.1D. Stephens............ __ __ _...irstland, Ohio... _.........Oct.18, 1837
D. Willis..................... New Yoik, N. Y.......... July 25,1854
I. C. Sebranicn................Des Moines, Iowa...Oct. 1, 1172
B. Ansognissi -_.. _..........Nea r lens, La. _........Aug. 14, 1147
E. E. Bennett.................RKingsbmry, N. Y.......... -- -Feb 15, 1121
J. Benisett..............____LBntus, N.Y.............July 25,1132
H. C. Berry................... Wauseonm Ohio.......... Aug. 16, 1170
5.. R acnd W. T. Day......... -Westficld, Mass......... -Jusne, 132
M. J. Pc Leon................BL i mose, Md....._....June 24, 1173
J. U. Fiester.................Ve __ _ incohestes, Ohio..... June 1(, 1862
AV. Fultosi...........Els-sheth City, N. J..-- Feb. 4, 1162
W. Fllosi------------------- Eb-abeth N. J...... Dee. 9, 1162
J. M Cale and I. M. Avery. _ - Neaw York, N. -I - --Junse 2, 1861
J. Gill-a-her.................. Cleaeland, Ohio Sept. '20,11S70
N. Ccigesa-------------------LBullasic N. Y....._ Nor. 21, 1871
J. Crime....................Bceiknntosm N.Y Dec. 21,1840
It W I Ml....... __.._......... Nauatusck- Con.. up. 23, 1159
C.Dccii...................... Sencca Fa-lls, N.Y..._ Apr. 15, 1873
J. Jennings..................-NearYosk N.Y----- May 14, 1110
A. C Iasson................. Milus ukec Wis.__._ July 10, 1866
J. Mossris...................NearHsven, Con... Oct. 3, 1812
W. W.Parr-ott...............Bostocc Mass.._... Mar. 11, 1137
G. Pierse.._.............New York, N.Y.....May 6,1816
J. Sisger..................... Chicago, Ill......._........ Dcc 1,163
I. Snoibski................. Nc-aYos kN. Y.......... May 25, 18e2
N. Sterry..................ChiscaoIII-......_.... July 2), 1171
D. Wessos-field................NewrYoik, N. Y..........MLvas 24,1827
E. Whiley.................. Cambridge, Mass..........-Aug.11, 18o3,T. Zimmusrman................IRoyaltos, N. Y...........May 9,186
T. G. Clinton............ _... Washinggton, D. C._--_---_Nov. 25 1856
11. Johnson... _............ li altisos e, Md.... _........- Noa. 19, 1e33
J. asid I. Newburg... _..........New York, N. Y... _-.......Nov. 6, 1 e6
D. McKenzie...........Booklyn N. Y......-..... Sept. 24, 1161
W. L. Fish....._.............oNeask, N. J...........F.lb24,1163
Di. G. Itassiss............. - Cat sridge, Mass...Oct. 29,i867
J. S. Gattaher, jr..............WasinsgtonD. C.... - loFb.12,i1856
J. G.Coteyi...................S-int John, Caiada...-May1117-2
S. Coopersr.. _.................Washington, D. C..._ June 18, 1872
C. B.isham..................Burlington, Vt... __.... _....Jan. 19, 1869
D. F.Jas--.......-._..- -ariisbnstm Pa..........Nov. 19,1872
J. arid W. Toothill..._.... _._....ingsford, Conn.. Decc 10, 1161
C Yncei--- ------- -_---aris ish,Pa.......... Feb. 11, l87
A M. Silver and F. White I s- i Lndoss En-laud. _........b18,1173
J. Louis.....................LaltinmoreMd............Jan. 6,P112
J. 0.Clay....................Hudson, Wis-------------Nov. 231869
J. Covecay....._... __......... _Saint John, Canada... M ay 0108l7
J A. Little --_______ Cartorsbssrgh, Ind _..-- sMy 21, 1872
B. C. Mastin................. Now York, N. Y.__. - _:..J_ Api- 19, l04
I Millitiss...... -----. otoMas.............BotnMis-Api 2t 1861
lA. 1. V. Neyssabes.. _...... _....I hiadelpia, Pa..... _. Nov- 21, 1865
123, 265
109, 677
118, 598
36, 601
114, 423
15, 013
54, 216
113, 047
11, 931
8, 926
110, 842
134, 276
75, 051
145, 752
145, 917
128, 131
133, 112
141, 191
79, 019
51, 512
33, 962
52, 455
7, 357
14, 473
90, 655
25, 716
104, 592
73, 390
102, 377
91, 351
2, 642
101, 288
58, 260
40, moo
11, 399J
131, 719
5, 239
106, 457
140, 253
35, 512
34, 297
37, 092
71, 581
107, 477
121, 164
1, 918
25, 196
56, 232
39, t03
59, 441:17,745
70, 207
14, 33
Index of patents issu(d from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. INo.
Cooking apparatus, Steam..................
Cooking apparatus, Steam.....................
Cooking apparatus, Steam..--------------...
Cooking-apparatus, Water - heater surrounding
fire-pot of.
Cooking, Applying heat by means of iron castings
and irates for.
Cooking by steam, Vessel for.......................
('ooking furnace and oven, Portable............
Cooking furnace, Charcoal......................
Cooking -furnace, Portable---........
Cooking-furnace, Portable........................
Cooking-furnace, Portable........................
Cooking-furnace, Portable.......................
Cooking furnace, Summer.........................
Cooking-machine, Portable.......................
Cooking or boiling apparatus..................
Cooking table.....----------------------------
Cooking utensil...................................
Cooking utensil...................................
Cooking-utensil for boiling and steaming...-...
Cooking-utensil, Hollow cast-iron.............
Cooking-utensils, Cover for-................
Cooking-vessel for frying, steaming, &c............
Cooking vessel or boiler..--....-.--.-----.-.-..
Cooking, washing, &c., Apparatus Ifor..........
Cooking with quick-lime, Apparatus for.......
See Ale, beer, and water cooler..
Brewer's cooler.
Brewing and distilling cooler.
Butter-tub cooler.
Double cooler.
Filte or- cooler.
Graduated cooler.
Lining for cooler.
Liquor- cooler.
Refrigerator water-cooler.
Soda-water cooler.
Water and beer cooler.
Cooler, A ir........................................
Cooler, Air, liquid, &c............................
Cooler and filter..................................
Cooler and freezer...-.----------.
Cooler and freezer.........................
Cooler and preserver.....................
Cooler and preserver...........................
Cooler and iefrigerator.........................
Cooler and refi -serator............................
Cooler and ref igerator..........................
Cooler and vintilator.............................
Cooler, Rcom.....
Coolers and condensers, Construction of tubeshees for.
Cooling air in buidings and chambers, Mode of....
Cooling air in buildings, Mode of..................
Cooling air, Mode of...............................
Cooling and conveying up meal, &c................
Cooling and disinfecting apIaratus...............
E. Savage...---------------..
C.W. Steric-k...........
L. K. Williams...............
E. Whiteley...................
Chicago, Ill...............
Mechanicsburgh, Pa......
Hudson, Mich.............
Boston, Mass..............
Sept. 29, 1868
July 16, 1872
Apr. 2, 1872
June 17, 1856
82, 557
129, 613
125, 155
15, 156
P. E. Sanborn................ Troy, N. Y............... June 11, 1829...
L. S. De Bibory..........
L. S. Hall...............
HII. Engelnmann................
HI Engelmann------------................
H. Gleason.....................
S. B. Badger....-------------
A. Madison..............
A. Cross.....................
W. Haggerty, C. Lawrence,
and T. Frazer.
J. D. Kellogg, jr.............
R. H. Waldron..............
R. O. Stevenson..............
F. Butler.....................
J. Seger.................
D. Asher................
T. K. Anderson..............
E. D. Dodge..............
B. W. Dunklee............
T. Godfrey...................
J. Mansfield..................
J. A. Morrison.............
E. L. Packard................
J. Smith and I. E. Hall........
S. Spoor......................
E. J. Sprague..........
F. P. Warren...............
J. Stevens.................
A. V. Van Hoevenbergh......
L. B. Oviatt..................
M. V. B. Johnson..............
W. Y. Thomson..............
W. W. Tice................
R. Broome.................
W. Y. Thomson..............
S. S. Fitch.....................
W. W. Albro.................
G. D. Blocher................
W. F. Messenger and H. Rehahn.
C. F. Pike....................
P. Nezeraux.................
I). E. Somes.................
H. 'W. Fisher.................
A. C. Twining................
A. C. Twining.............
C. F. Pike....................----------------
DI). E. Som es...................
J. Agato.....................
A. Koch......................
P. H. Vander Weyde..........
J. J. Schillinger _....___....
A. M. Lesley.................
W. A. Lighthall..............
D. E. Somes...................D. E. Somes...............
1). E. Sonmes..................
G. F. So onstall.............
S. C. Maine..................
Baltimore, Md...........
Washington, D. C.........
Salt Lake City, Utah....
Salt Lake City, Utah......
Boston, Mass..............
Dover, N. H...............
Cincinnati, Ohio._......
Cazenovia, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Northampton, Mass.._...
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Baltimore, Md.....................................
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass.............
Worcester, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Jefferson, Wis...........
Brady's Bend, Pa..........
Stoughton, Mass........
Logan, Ohio...............
Phelps, N. Y.............
Youngstown, Ohio........
East Court Gosham, Great
Middletown, Md..........
Southside, N. Y...........
Brooklyn Village, Ohio...
Holden, Mo...............
Oyster Bay, N. Y..........
California, Ohio......
Central Falls, R. I........
Oyster Bay, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Binghamton, N. Y........
May 11, 1852
Feb. 16, 1864
Aug. 12, 1873
Aug. 12, 1873
Dec. 15, 1837
Jan. 30, 1829
Dec. 28, 1869
May 12, 18:to0
May 22, 1830
Aug. 10, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Apr. 5, 1870
Aug. 22, 1800
Nov. 14, 1815
Feb. 18, 1825
Mar. 22, 1833
Sept. 6, 1870
Feb. 14, 1860
Jan. 19, 1864
Feb. 4, 1873
Apr. 19, 1870
Oct. 18, 1870
Aug. 11, 1868
Jan. 19, 1869
May 27, 1873
Apr. 2.3, 1872
Oct. 31, 1848
Apr. 20, 1858
Sept. 27, 1870
May 24, 1870
Mar. 4, 1873
Sept. 17, 1872
Apr. 30, 1867
Oct. 15, 1872
Nov. 28, 1865
Mar. 4, 1856
8, 939
41, 618
141, 778
141, 779
98, 282
93, 538
88, 352
101, 676
107, 015
41, 338
135, 483
102, 031
108, 385
80, 881
139, 433
126, 114
5, 890
20, 009
107, 803
103, 468
136, 467
64, 278
132, 334
51, 164
14, 340
57, 281
18, 263
99, 107
136, 753
130, 250
69, 200
34, 018
35, 051
120, 667
100, 683
94, 373
77, 624
105, 0609
9.1, 840
139, 470
32, 522
48, 456
44, 672
60, 212
Indianapolis, Ind-------.......... -Aug. 21, 1866
New York, N. Y..........----- -- Sept. 22, 1857
Providence, RI..........
Paris, France............
Washington, D. C.........
Philadelphia, Pa-_.......
New Haven, Con........
New Haven, Con........
Providence, R. I--.--........
Washington, D. C.........
Pittaford, N. Y.......
Baltimore, Md......
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.......
Washington, D. C.........
Washington, D). C................Boston, Mass................
Boston, Mass..............
Jan. 25, 1870
Mar. 11, 1873
Aug. 6, 187-2
Sept. 24,1867
Dec. 24, 1861
Apr. 22, 1862
Nov. 7, 1871
Mar. 8, 1870
Aug. 31, 1869
May 5,18x68
July 19, 1870
Aug.17, 1869
June 3, 1873
June 11, 1861
June 27, 1865
Oct. 11, 1864
Nov. 28,1865
Aug. 21, 18 1
Dec. 4,1866
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cooling and preserving meats, fruits, vegetables,
&c., Apparatus for.
Cooling and preserving milk and other liquids....
Coo!ing and preserving perishable articles. Process and apparatus for.
Cooling and purifying air in breweries, packinghouses, &c.
Cooling and ventilating dwellings and other buildings.
Cooling and ventilating roonis, &c., Method of.....
Cooling and ventilating ships and other vessels...
Cooling and ventilating ships and other vessels,
Mode of.
Cooling buildings and making ice, Apparatus for -..
Cooling, freezing, and heating apparatus..........
Cooling, freezing, and preserving solids, liquids,
and gases.
Cooling parts of the body, Apparatus for........
Cooling preserving-house, packing-house, refrigerator, &c.
Cooling rooms and buildings, Apparatus for.......
Cooling storage-rooms, Apparatus for............
Cooling-tub for water and beer....................
Coop, Chicken...........................
Coop, Chicken.............................
Coop, Chicken............................
Coop, Chicken......................
Coop, Folding---------------------------....................................Coop, Folding chicken.............................
Coop, Folding chicken.............................
Cool)p, Fowl....................................
Coop, Poultry....................................
Coop, Poultry............................
Coop, Poultry ----------------------------
Coop, Poultry...----------------------------
Cooper's croze.....................................
Cooper's croze and howel...................
Cooper's hoops out of split timber, Machine for
Cooper's howel, Adjustable.....................
Cooper' s tool.....................................
Cooper's tool.....................................
Cooper's tool............................
Cooper's tool---..............................
Cooper's ware, Machinery for dressing headings
Cooper's ware, Sawing round bodies for...........
Cooper's work, Machinery for.................
Cooper's work, Manufacture of..................
Cop-tube and machine for making................
Cop-tube machines, Die for.................
Cop-tube-making machine................
Cop-tubes, Machine for making -.--.-..-.Cop-tubes. Machinery for making.............
Cop-waste, Machine for picking...................
Cop-winding machine...............................
Cop-winding m achine............................
Cops, Composition for pasting.....................
Copper and bras goods, Process of utilizing the
waste formed in cleaning.
Copper and cast-steel, Combining...............
Copper and in separating other metals therefrom,
Manufacture of.
Copper and other ores, Process for the reduction of.
Copper boiler...................................
Copper bolt for ship-building..................
Copper bolts, Uniting............................
Copper, Coating metals with.....................
Copper for boilers, &c., Mode of preparing sheet..
Copper from its ores, Extracting.............
Copper from its ores, Extracting.............
Copper from ores, Extracting.....................
Copper, Manufacture of sheet....................
Copper, Melting -..-------------------------
Copper, nickel, and cobalt, Separating.....-...
C iper-ones, Process of reducing.............
Copper-oies, Reduction of'.......................
Cop,)er-plates, Finishing...................
Copper, Process for production of sulphate and
oxides of.
Copper pyrites, Treating.....................
Copper-roasting furnaces, Purifying the waste
gases from.
Copper sheathing, Machinery for cutting and
Copper sheathing-naile, &c., Mold for casting......
Copper tubes, Casing..........................
Copper tubes, Casting............................
Copper tubya, Machinery for making.............
Copper vessels, Planishing
Copper, Welding.............................
C. F. Pike....................
D. E. and F. C. Somes.........
D. E. Somes..................
Providence, R. I..........
Washington, D. C.........
Washington, D. C.........
Dec. 11, 1866
May 16, 1871
Oct. 19, 1869
60, 552
114, 985
96, 048
L. Schulze.................... Philadelphia, Pa.........
D. E. Somes................... Washington, D. C.........
Aug. 19,1873 142, 046
Feb. 28, 1865 46, 596
A. S. Lyman.................. New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 25, 1856
D. E. Soines.................. Washington, D. C.- Feb. 28, 18165
D. E. Somes.................. Washington, D. C......... June 27, 1865
W. S. Mason..................
D. E. Somes...................
D. E. Somes...................
O. M. Fuller..................
D. E. Somes..................
T. D. Kingan.................
J. Ring...-------------------
A. Haustetter..............
J. R. Achenbach..............
S. S. Bent..--......- -..........
W. J. H. Kappe...............
J. H. Mabbetr................
E. P. Lawrence...............
G. E. Cleeton..................
E. J. Wilcox.................
J. B. Smith...................
S. S. Bent.....................
J. Golder.....................
M. Potter.....................
W. J. Sloan................ -
J. F. Brodhead..............
W. R. Davis..................
J. McWhorter...............
M. Moriarty................
J. Christy...................
J. P. Heacock...............
M. Sutton...................
J. P. Wood...................
E. Greenlee...................
S. Newton....................
H. W right....................
H. Waters....................
O. Baiber.....................
J. Eaton.....................
J. Marland and E. Crockett...
N. Whitmore.................
J. E. Coffin..................
J. Eaton....................
H. and J. Douglas............
R. Douglas..................
W. Whitmore................
A. A. Wood..............
W. Chadwick and S. Lownds.
B. H. Jenks................
J. I)Dunkerley and J. Knight...
F. Wilcox..................
Raleigh, N. C.............
Washington, D.C....._.
Washington, D. C.......
Catasanqua, Pa..........
Washington, D. C........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Philadelphia, Pa.Saddle River, N. J.-..-..
Port Chester, N. Y.......
Quincy, Ill...............
Jersey City,.N. J..........
Worcester, Mass..........
New Haven, Conn.......
Joy Mills, Pa............
North Haven, Conn.......
Port Chester, N. Y........
Fort Recovery, Ohio.....
Girard, Pa................
Smith's Ferry, Pa........
Kingston, N. Y...........
Union City, Pa........
Brookville, Ind...........
Bangor, Me..............
Clyde, Ohio...............
Marlborough, Ohio........
Penfield, N. Y............
Troy, Ohio................
Summer Hill, Pa..........
Hamilton County, Ohio...
Onondaga, N. Y........
Watertown, N. Y........
Hartford, Conn..._.......
Townsend Harbor, Mass..
Lawrence, Mass..........
Somerville, Mass.........
Portland, Me............
Townsend Harbor, Mass.
Glasgow. Scotland.......
Lowell, Mass.............
Lynn, Mass..............
Jersey City, N. J..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.............
Bridesburgh, Pa.........
Paterson, N. J.............
Waterbury, Conn.........
June 21,1870
Oct. 15, 1867
Feb. 28, 1871
Aug. 2, 1864
Feb. 28, 1865
Apr. 29, 1873
July 15, 1873
July 12, 1864
Nov. 15, 1870
May 19, 1868
June 24, 1873
May 19, 1868
Dec. 9, 1873
Dec. 7, 1869
Nov. 14, 1871
Aug.29, 1871
Mar. 23, 1869
Dec. 22, 1868
Apr. 2, 1872
Mar. 16, 1869
Oct. 8, 1838
Sept. 23, 1873
Nov. 6, 1843
July 16, 1872
Dec. 21, 1869
Nov. 27, 1855
Sept. 9, 1835
Apr. 17, 1860
July 21, 1863
June 29, 1833
Oct. 23, 1822
Apr. 3, 1828
Jan. 8,1810
Apr. 13, 1858
Apr. '28, 1857
Jan. 6, 1857
Jan. 2, 1872
Jan. 30, 1855
Oct. 12, 1869
Apr. 30, 1872
June 12, 1847
June 22, 1858
Oct. 7, 1873
Aug.21, 1866
Jan. 19, 1864
Nov. 2,1819
14, 510
46, 593
48, 457
104, 614
69, 955
112, 294
43, 679
46, 595
138, 411
140, 792
43, 498
169, 166
78, 044
140, 277
78, 109
145, 302
97, 605
120, 921
88, 118
85, 226
125, 142
87, 798
142, 995
3, 328
129, 419
98, 029
13, 846.....
27, 955
39, 268...............
19, 918
17, 164
16, 363
122, 362
12, 311
95, 670
1'26, 192
5, 157
20, 677
143, 497
57, 330
41, 286
96, 525
73, 375
100, 131
145, 031
39, 881
3, 070
88, 660
101, 009
86, 754
35, 509
36, 82-2
119, 365
40, 116
5, 140
5, 461
108, 317
26, 589
108,; 462
93, 067
5, 625
125, 044
96, 911
7, 397
29, 177
145, 686
J. Park, jr....-.............. Pittsburgh, Pa........... Jan. 14, 1868
J. B. Elkington............... Birmingham, England.... Feb. 22, 1870
H. Stull................
A. C. Brownell..............
Berg and Ivers..............
G. Morgan...................
O. Gaunin, J. B. J. Mignon,
and S. H. Rouart.
Ione City, Cal............
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
New York................
Onancock, Va.............
Paris, France..........
A. O'Neill................... Portsmouth, Ohio.........
N. Haskell-------------------................... San Francisco, Cal.......
T. S. Hunt and J. Douglass, jr Montreal and Quebec,
F. W. Dhhne.................. Swansea, Great Britain...
L. Powe---------------------...................... Pittsburgh, Pa...........
J. Kintz..................... West Meriden. Conn......
A. Monnier................... Philadelphia, Pa - -........
J. Napier.....-.........-..... Shacklewel!, England.-....
J. Napter.. -........ Shacklewell Lane, England
B. F. Dudley-............. Boston, Mass..............
H. Holland................... Westfield, Mass.........
C. M. T. Du Motay.......... ------ Paris, France...........
A. Bigelow and J. S. Baldwin.. Newark, N. J.............
W. H. Danforth -......--....... Salem, Mass..............
T. Mcllwham................ Princeton, N. J..........
J. F. Guthrie.............. Sou-h Bridgewater, Mass.
J. F. Guthrie................. Somerville, Mass....-_....
E. Hamilton.-A------.... Bridgeport, Coun........
H. Kay and T. Avery, jr....Brooklyn and Morrisania,
E. Renaud.................... Washington, D. C........
Dec. 30, 1873
Sept.15, 1861
Mar. 15, 11.,24
May 2, 1843
July 22, 1873
Apr. 6, 1869
Mar. 22, 1870
Feb. 9, 1869
June10, 1862
Oct. 28, 1862
Sept. 26, 1871
Sept. 29,1863
June 5, 1847
Feb. 29, 1848
Oct. 18, 1870
Dec. 27, 1859
Oct. 18,1870
May 18, 1869
June 13,1848
Oct. 6,1807
Mar. 26, 1872
Nov. 16, 1869
May 28, 1850
July 17, 1860
Dec. 16, 1873
Index of patents issn si from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Copper, Welding-------------------------_._-----C. L. Si-hurr and W. GItelibein
Copperas, Manufacture of-----------------------. ItDI. Birch................--
Copperas, Method of making ----_-------------I. Tyson-------------------__
Copyholder ------------------------------------- J. S. Butler..................
Copy-holder------------------------------------- W. 1H. Carter...............
Copy-holder-----------------------------------L. G. Davis................--
Copy-holder------------------------------------..H. B. Denny------------ ----
Copy-holder------------------------------------..S. French and R. D Chase....
Copy-holdler --------------------------A. B. Manard --------- -----
Copy-holder------------------------------------__C. B. Moseley and L. L Woolley.
Copy-holder..................................... H. A. Treinper.............- - -
C o p y-h ol d er.............................- -- - -- - - -...A. Westcott............... -- -- --
C o p y -h o ld e r.....................-............... - - - - - H. It. Williams..............
ophodrCompositor's...--....................P.A. La France............
(opyhider, Printer's...........................-H. W. Knight...............
Copy-holder, Printer's............................W. H. and C. J. Young...
Copies froni manuscript, Process of multiplying -.. A. C. F. N. De St. Victor _.
Copiesi of manuscript, &e., Mode of taking.. ___M. B. Hardin................
Copying........................................ C. Willcox.................Copy ing and folding press........................ S. XV. Odell..__...._.._
Copying-apparatus............................W. J. Purcell..-............
Copying- apparatus, Portable.................... W. Van Anden..............
Copying~ colored and dlefective drawings.......... -.I Helm.....................
Copying designs, Apparatus for.._____ ______T al................T.Hal......
Copyiii figures, &c., Macline for. -_......__.......F. C. Meyer_...............__ __ __
Copying letters, Press for..........................G. Burnham.................
Copying-niachine.............................. L. Carpenter................
Coyngnanuscript............................J. Jones -._..............
Copying press.................................... C. Adams..................--
Copying-press.................................... J. H. Atwater...............
Copying-press.................--........ S. G. Cabell..................
Copying-press................_...................C. Chaiubers, jr..............
Copying-pm ess....................................FE. Clark....................
Copying-press............................._P. G. Coppin...............Copying-press................................... J. Fensom..................
Copying-piess..................................--J. Fowler..................--
Copyiiigpress.................................-I G. C. Gage.................--
Copyig-press................................... C. F. Grabo.................Copying-piess................................--- W. H. Hawkins............
Copying-press................................... C. Y. Heckler.............Copying-press:................................F. Hovey.._..........
Copying-press...........--.................T. P. How..................
Coyigprs.................................. J. M. Keep.................
Copying-press...................................C. Knauer..................
Copying-press....................P. Lawrence and G Jefferys..
Copying-press...................................A. Le Clercq.................
Copying-press................................--- E. aiid J. B. Platt.......
Copying- press..................................XV-. Shiriver.................
Copying-press...........--.......................W. Shriver................
Copying-press...................................E. 11. Smith................
Copying- press..............X.... V. M. Smith........
Copying-press.......................W. M. Smith........
Copy ing-press...................................J. D. Spaulding and D. N B.
Coffin, jr.
Copying-press.................................--.G. C. Tait..........--......
Copying- press................................---.C. angye.................Copymng-piess...................................W. W. Underhill....----
Copying-piess.......--..........................A. XWhicomb...............--
Copying-piress.......--.....................A. Whitcomb.-----...--
Copy u" piess................................. A. A. Wilder...............Cop ing-press bed-........................-- XX'. Shriver.................
C'pying-press daumper...........................-A. Pearl...........
Copy ing press, Letter._................G. C. Taft...................
Copymng-pr-ess, Portable_.........................J. H. Atwater._.._..
Copy iu-press, Portable....................H--I. M. Paine...._.........
Copy ing-piess table.............................--B. Brewer..................
Copying sur-tace by electricity................... -- --- -A. Bain..... _.. _............
Copying writing, amaps, &c., Process of.____.___--J.Uiiderwood ____
Coid and line reel...._...-...................Chamberlain __.__
Coidcacii........................._........-C.C. Moorec--------
Coid-clammp....................................... S.WV Meiedith--li ----
Coid-clarmip..................................... WXV-Momredith........
Coind coupling-................................ L.I. Ware...........
Cord-co ernug macblue.........................-. Biclielder ---------
Card-cov'ering niachiine.............. -- -- - _......_...JBusei._.___.-----.--
Coird-c o ve rinug machino......................-----. N. Dake, pr.amid G. Kraink
Cord-coveimg machine machine..............................J. E. Gillespie amnd.. Kuhn..
Cord-coverinig machine...........................11. Heinemanand J. Buser. -
Coid-covernig machine.......................---..ILewi----.--___.
Cord-cover-ing machnii......................... XV. It. Palmer. jr...........--
Cord-coverinig machine................ -- - - -.. _..... Turimer..-..._........
Cord folding and measuring machine..............G. - P. Farmer............... - - _
Cord-hmolderr-.... _.... _._......_..... __.. J. P. Grngem- and C. Makinson
Cord-holder for picture-frames, &c................11. D. lleureuse...... ---...... -
Cord-book for doorsprings, Adjustable...........WA. B. Barinard..............
Cord-making machine.. __..................H..Boaidmau...............
Baltimore, Md..-__-........
Philadelphia, Pa --_.
Baltimore, Md...........
SivrCity, Idaho.
Brooklyii. N. Y..........Salem,Ind..............--
Washingtomi, D. C.----
Orange, Mass.."........
Rockford, 11_............
Medford, Mass.........
Hammonton, N. J _.__.
Syracuse, N. YV.---_
Buffalo, N. Y_............
Elmira, N. Y.........
Seneca Falls, N. Y...
Cambridge, Mass._.._
Paris, France...........
New York, N. Y.-----
New Haven, Coan -_-.
Saint Louis, Mo _. ____.
New York, N. Y......
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Washington, D.C....
Newvton, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa.-__Philadelphia, Pa. -.
Oswego, N. Y..........._
Clyde, N. Y.............
Pittsburgh, Pa-_-.__.__
Providence,1R. I.....
Quinc yIll..........----
Philad elphiia, Pa.._.__
New York, N. Y.._.__
Cincinnati, Ohio -__.
Toronto, Canada.----
Saugatuck, Mich.----
Waterford, N. Y-_-.
Boston, Mass............_
Cleveland, Ohio. ___.
Philadelphia, Pa.___-_
New York, N. Y.-----
Brooklyn, N. Y.__....
New Yoi-k, N. Y.._.
Pittsburgh. Pa...........
New Yoi-k, N. Y.._
New York,N.Y....
Clarke County, Ga-_._
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y __-.___
New York, N. Y..
Washington, D. C.-_--
Boston, Mass.............
Worcester. Mass..-.. _.
Birmin gham, England.
Boston, Mass --..._- -
XWorcester, Mass.----
Worcester, Mass. _.
Detroit, Michi. _......
New York, N. Y._
New York, N. Y.-----
Worcester, Mass..-___..
Providence, H. I-.Worcester, Mass.
New York, N. YV.----
London, England. __.
London, England._..___.Jersey City, N. J -.
New York, N. Y._
Warren, iI...........----
Norwich, Conno...........
New York, N. Y....
Paterson, N. 2...........Hartford, Conn.... _..... __
New York, N. Y -_._.__.
New York, N. Y.-----
Middletown, Conn..__
Norwich, Conn...........
Philadeiphire, Pa..._..
Lancaster, Pa.......
New York, N. Y....
Bristol, Conn.............
Lancastei-, Pa............
Lancastei- Township, Pa -
Nov. 14, i871
Jan. 31, 1871
Feb. 15, 18-27
Nov. 2, 1869
Oct. 14, 1873
Dec. 17, 1872
Tuly 13, 1869
May 13, 1 873
Nov. '28, 1871
Jan. 22, 1867
Dec. 24,1867
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 14, 1871
Nov. 12, 1867
Nov. 2, 1869
Sept. 14, 1869
Jan. '21, 1868
Feb. 5,1867
Oct. 24, 1871
Dec. 9, 1873
June 27, 1871
Sept. 7, 1858
May 16, 1871
Oct. 1, 1872
Apr. 24, 1860
Oct. 8, 1850
Dec. 31, 1842
June 1, 1852
Jan. 24, 1854
Jan. 13, 1863
June 18, 1867
Oct. 2, 1860
Dec. 18, 1860
July 16, 18 7-2
July 11, 1871
June 29, 1869
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 14, 1860
Mar. 29, 18 70
May 21,1861
Ma-. 29, 1664
Apr. 7, 1868
Aug. 10, 1869
June 3, 1856
May 30, 1867
Dec. 26, 1871
Oct. 26, 1838
June 13, 1865
Feb. 13, 187-2
June 14, 183
May 12, 1867
Feb. 23, 1869
Jan. 16, 1866
June 21, 1864
Oct. 26, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Jan. 4, 1859
July 4, 1871
Mar. 11, 1851
Aug,. 6, 1872
Oct. 13, 1868
Apr. 24, 1860
Apr. '2, 1861
Oct. 2. 1849
Aiug. 5, 1873
Ilee. 5, 1848
Mar. 31, 186:1
Oct. 2, 1866
May:3, 1870
Mar. 12, 1872
kug. t, 187-2
May 2', 1831
Sept. 1, 188
Sept. 5, 1865
Sept. 6, 1870
Apr. 1, 1873
Dc. 18, 1860
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 1, 188
Sept. 1, 1868
May 10, 1870
Apr. 21, 1868
1-21, 009
111, 305
96, 391
143. 616
134, 0:6
92, 588
138, 877
61, 444
72, 569
93, 931
112, 664
70, 865
96, 445
94, 807
73, 514
61, 733
1-20, 223
145, 306
116, 351
21, 456
131, 819
28, 640
7, 696
2, 894
8, 980
10, 438
37, 379
65, 873
30, 204
30, 959
129, 321
116, 824
9-2, 03-2
89, 035
29, 585
101, 262
32, 363
4-2, 141
76, 457
93, 536
15. 011
48, 0-21
21, 802
48, 217
123, 584
9, 786
17, 307
87, 304
5-2, 086
43, 266
96, 285
93, 567
22, 524
116, 781
7, 978
130, 320
83, C88
28, 020
31, 8(60
6, 7 52
141, 4-2-2
5, 957
38, 086
58, 378
1t02, 575
1-24, 6(14
130. 1431
8, 099
49, 8-25
107, (10
30, 944
11:3, 675
84, 306
81, 845
10.2, 9:31
77, 034
90, 998
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Cords, Guide for laying...........................
Cords into a series of united skeins, Machine for
Cords, Machine for dressing worsted..............
Cords, &c., Machine for drying sized or dyed......
Cords, Machine for making covered...............
Cords, Machine for weaving a covering for........
Cords, Machinery for manufacturing plaited.---
Cords. Machinery for weaving shade.............
Cords, Method of double-stretching strands of
Cords or bands, Machinery for making............
Cords or covering around cords, Machine for weaving.
Cords, ropes, &c., Coupling-attachment for.......
Cords, ropes, &c., Machine for making.......
Cords, ropes, &c., Machine for manufacturing.....
Cords, Stop-motion for machine for covering......
Cords, wires, &c., Covering........................
Coi dage and improving its quality, Machine for
Cordage by machinery, Mode of making.......
Cordage, Flexible.................................
Cordage-laying machine...................................
Cordage, Machine for making....................
Cordage, Machine for making..................
Cordage, Machine for making..----------------...................
Cordage, Machine for manufacturing.............
Cordage, Machine for manufacturing long........
Cordage, Machine for pressing tar out of yarn for.
Cordage-machines, Laying top for..............
Cordage, Machinery for braiding............
Cordage, Machinery for making...................
Cordage, Machinery for making..............
Cordage, Machinery for making.............
Cordage, Machinery for making cotton.............
Cordage, Machinery for making cotton............
Cordage, Machinery for manufacturing.............
Cordage, M aking.................................
Coidage, M aking.................................
Cordage, Making and laying................
Cordage-making machine.........................
Cordage-making machine...................
Cordage-making machine.........................
Cordage, Manufacturing-------------................------..........
Cordage, Manufacluring..........................
Cordage, &c., Mode of laying....................
Cordage, Top-sled for.............................
Cordage uninflammable, Process for rendering....
Cordage, webbing, &c., Manufacturing braided... -
Corded bindings for India-rubber and other fabrics, Machine for making.
Cording, webbing, &c., Machine for making-.......
Cordial, Anti-bilious stomach.....................
Core-bar for casting pipes........................
Core bar for casting pipes...................
Core-bar for castings.......................
Core-bar for forming cores for casting pipes.......
Core-bar for molds used in casting metal..........
Core- bar for pipe-molding......................
Core-barrel, Collapsing.....................
Core-barrel, Collapsing....................
Core-barrel for castings..--------------------..
Core-barrel for castings...........................
Core, Collapsing..........................
Core, Dry-sand....................................
Core, Dry-sand...................................
Core for casting..........................
Core for casting iron, glass, &c., Expansible......
Core for castings, Iron.............................
Core for dikes....----------------------------
Core for molding plastic substances........
Core-making machine......
Core or form for making castings, Composition....
Core-gowder, Composition for....................
Core, Sectional...........................
Core-spindle for casting........
Core-spindle joint................................
Core, Supporting..................................
W. Taylor.................... Berlin, N. Y............... Feb. 19,1861
E. Brown.................... South Otselic, N. YV........ Feb. 6,1866
I. E. Palmer.................
D. Mclnroy....._...........
J. Turner.....................
J. Danby..................
C. Feickert...................
T. Nelson....................
T. Unsworth..................
T. Unsworth and E. Whalley.
F. Veerkamp and F. Leopold..
J. L. Howard...............
J. O. Mathieu................
J. A. De Maniquet...........
R. Lewis.....................
F. Beck.......................
R. Fulton and N. Cutting..... --
R. Graves...................
H. H. Matteson.............
R. Greaves..................J. P. Arnold..................
J. P. Arnold.................
C. Cobb......................
A. Hathaway..............
J. W. Peer...................
A. Hill........................
W. Joslin....................
I. E. Palmer..................
S. and J. A. Bazen...........
W. E. Meginnis..............
T. Barnitt....................
W. Robinson...............
H. T. Jencings, C. S. Collier,
and T. P. How.
H. Pearce...................
G. Stephenson...............
P. B. Tyler..................
J. A. Bazin..................
B. F. Adams.................
F. Kellsey....................
R. Porter....................
F. Slaughter and D. Perry....
F. Slaughter and D. Perry...
W. Joslin....................
E. Bartholomew...............
J. Drummond.................
C. L. Sargent................
J. Hall........................
X. B.aleonard----------------
W. B. Leonard................
DI). Perry..................
G. Parkinson.............
J. Pitman........
R. Graves.....................
R. Graves...................
J. H. Johnson................
J. A. Bazin.................
C. A. Ensign.................
J. A. Bazin...............
S. Lozarus....................
R. T. Crane..................
J. Enright..................
J. Enright...................
D. Gallagher.................
G. Peacock...................
F. Shickle.....................
J. Demarest..................
J. E. Thomas.................
R. Lye.......................
W. Smith....................
J. B. Aston---------------....................W. Smith----------------.....................J. C. Chapman...............
J. S. Harper..................
A. Van Horn...............
S. Fulton....................
A. T. Brodie and R. R. Smith - -
W. Gage and R. B. Felthousen
W. Gage and R. B. Felthousen
J. Herald.....................
A. Balding.................
A. C. Mott....................
W. A. Thompson..............
J. Pilgrim.....................
B. S. Benson.................
A. Burt.......................
W. B. Lupton........
W. A. Butler.............
D. A. Webster and G. F. Burroughs.
W. F. Perkins............
E. B. Phillips.............
Hackensack, N. J.........
New York, N. Y.........
Norwich, Conn..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Troy, N. Y.............
Manchester, England.....
Preston, England.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Hartford, Conn............
Paris, France.............
Paris, France............
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y., and
Washington, D. C.
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Boston, Mass..............
Louisville, Ky.........
Louisville, Ky...........
Plymouth, Mass........
Boston, Mass............
Schenectady, N. Y......
Hoosick Falls, N. Y.......
Walpole, N. Y........
Waterford, N. Y......
Hackensack, N. J......
Canton, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa...
Warsaw, N. Y........
Bethany and Buffalo, N. Y.
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Northfield, Ind......."..
Springfield, Mass........
Canton, Mass..-....
New Bedford, Mass.......
Middletown, Conn.......
Washington, D. C.......
Fredericksburgh, Va...
Fredericksburgh, Va......
Waterford, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass...-.. - -..
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Suffolk, Mass...........
Munroe Township, N. Y..- -
Fishkill, N. Y............
Fredericksburgh, Va.....
Boston, Mass.........
Boston, Mass........
New Orleans, La........
Canton, Mass.........
Naugatuck, Conn.........
Canton, Mass...................................
Chicago, Ill.....------------
Louisville, Ky...........
Louisville, Ky........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
West Troy, N. Y.....
Saint Louis, Mo.....
Mott Haven, N. Y.........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa ----.........Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Waltham, Mass.........
Baltimore, Md..........
New York, N. Y..........
Conshohocken, Pa.........
Pitt sburgh, Pa..........
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Buffalo, N. Y.........
Unadilla, N. Y.........
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y. - -.......
New Britain, Conn.....
Baltimore, Md..........
Detroit, Mich...........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y...-..
New York, N. Y., and
Lumberton, N. J.
Boston, Mass.............
Cambridge, Mass.........
Apr. 18, 1871
July 30, 1867
June 15, 1869
Mar. 20, 1866
Mar. 9, 1858
Dec. 16, 1856
Mar. 26, 1-72
Aug. 22, 1871
Aug. 23, 1864
Apr. 17, 1860
Jan. 24, 1865
July 5, 1864
Apr. 9, 1872
Dec. 1, 1863
Mar. 4, 1808
July 25, 1827
Jan. 10, 1854
Feb. 1, 1821
Mar. 24, 1857
May 19, 1857
July 17, 1866
July 9, 1839
July 6, 1852
Feb. 24, 1857
June 30, 1812
Mar. 23, 1852
Mar. 16, 1869
Oct. 17, 1817
Nov. 9,1839
May 20, 1822
Jan. 20, 1857
Nov. 16, 1852
May 22, 1855
May 31,1859
June 27, 1854
June 29, 1858
June 13, 1846
Feb. 8, 1825
Feb. 21, 1854
Jan. 1, 1850
Jan. 8, 1850
Jan. 19, 1847
May 17, 1826
July 22,1833
Oct. 4, 1817
June 11, 1867
Jan. 9, 1819
June 15, 1852
June 16, 1794
May 25, 1795
Nov. 22, 1820
Mar. 28, 1821
Nov. 26, 1850
June 29, 1858
July 17, 1866
July 17, 1866
Dec. 21, 1802
Aug. 4, 1868
Oct. 13, 1868
June 14, 1870
Sept. 23, 1873
Feb. 8, 1853
June 29, 1869
Apr. 8, 1856
Oct. 4, 1864
May 28, 1872
Jan. 17, 1871
Sept. 9, 1873
Sept. 9, 1873
Feb. 6, 1872
June 5, 1860
Jan. 27, 1857
Apr. 16, 1861
Jan. 24, 1871
July 7,1857
Dec. 29, 1857
Dec. 13,1870
Mar. 8, 1870
Jan. 4, 1870
Jan. 30, 1872
Dec. 28, 1858
July 7,1868
July 20, J869
Mar. 27, 1866
May 13, 1873
Oct. 20, 1857
Apr. 30, 1872
Feb. 14, 1871
31, 494
52, 382
113, 917
67, 328
91, 498
53, 372
19, 554
16, 248
124, 988
118, 408
43, 937
27, 906
46, 057
43, 461
125, 467
40, 801.....
10, 411
16, 867
17, 310
56, 372
1, 228
16, 694.....
8, 825
87, 964.....
1, 404.....
16, 452
9, 414
12, 920
24, 244
11, 202
20, 690
4, 574.....
10, 559
6, 992
7, 007
4, 931............
65, 565
9, 040
7, 797
20, 691
56, 393
56, 485.....
80, 607
82, 931
104, 397
143, 005
9, 577
92, 108
14, 637
44, 563
127, 178
142, 662
142, 746
123, 329
28, 574
16, 502
32, 060
17, 732
18, 964
110, 038
100, 585
98, 516
123, 306
22, 450
79, 629
92, 699
53, 460
138, 853
18, 481
12, 230
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Core, Venting.............................G.G. Cressey.................
Cores, Apparatus for making solid.............. S. J. Peet......................
Cores Dcvce for forming......................... H. Parker....................
Cores, Flask for forming......................... E. R. Austin.................
Cores for axle-skeins and hub-boxes, Making sand. J. G. Holt.....................
Cores for castings, Composition for making..... E. Rees......................
Cores for castings, Machine for making and hold- L. H. Crocker................
Cores for castings, Making.................. I. Kellogg..............
Cores for castings, Mode of making and venting.. J. Harrison,jr.........
Cores for foundery purposes. Venting........ H. Tucker................
Cores for molding articles of lead and other metals, L. Brandeis..................
Method of making.
Cores for molding iron, Compound for forming.... J. I. Vinton....................
Cores for pipe-castings, Method of making........ W. E. Bird.............
Cores for stench-traps and other metal castings, C. Lightbody, jr..........
Manufacture of.
Cores f om hollow castings, Method of loosening J. C. Parry.._...............
Cores in flasks, Implement for undercutting sand. W. L. McDowell.............
Cores in molds Anchor for securing.............. Z. Ellis.....................
Cores, Machine for making pipe................ W. and G. Braid..............
Cores, Machine for producing................. S. J. Peet....................
Cores, Manufacture of...........S. Flton....................... S. Fulton......................
Cores, M olding........................P............. P.Davis..................
Cores, Molding and compressing.................. C. Warner..................
Cores, Venting metallic.............. A. Shepard.................
Corer and cutter, Apple.................. J. Bowsir............
Corer and cutter, Apple.. -.................- A. Frost...............
Corer and cutter, Apple.......................... S. Mead..................
Corer and cutter, Apple........................... J. M. Meschutt...............
Corer and cutter, Apple........................ C. D. Read...............
Corer and quarterer, Apple....................... J. M. Hassam................
Corer and quarterer, Apple.................. B. J. McFeely...............
Corer and quarterer, Apple...................J. S. Tripp..................
Corer and slicer, Apple - -..................-.... G. Custer........_.........
Corer and slicer, Apple....................... E. Dean and C. O. Potter......
Corer and slicer, Apple..................... R. J. Dodd.................
Corer and slicer, Apple................................ R. Onderdonk
Corer and slicer, Apple......................D. R. Reed.................Corer and slicer, Apple..... I.Rogers......................I. Rogers..
Corer and slicer, Apple...................... S. Saucerman.................
Corer and slicer, Apple........................H. W. Williams...............
Corer and slicer, Apple......................... G. C. Wright.................
Corer and slicer, Apple............................ M. B. Wright.............
Corer and slicer, Fruit......................... C. E. Thurston and J. H. Wilkinson.
Corer, Apple..................................... A. N. Alcott............
Corer, Apple............................. S.C. Collins....
Corer, Apple..... M.M. Hatch..................
Corer, Apple..................................... M.P. Smith..............
Corer, Apple.............-....................... G. L. Swett and B. F. Drake...Corer, Fruit -.............................. E. J. Marsters................
Coring and quartering apples........ C. Gates.............
Coring and quartering machine, Apple.......... C. Lounsberry..........
Coring and quartering machine, Apple........... J. J. Vankersen.............
Coring and slicing machine, Apple............... C. H. Gifford........
Coring, slicing, and stringing machine, Apple...... N. Bennett........
Cork........................................... W. H. Towers........
Cork, Air-tight................................. J. S. Davison.........
Cork rnd bung cutting machinery................. W.R. Crocker.........
Cork, Artificial................................... L. Boch and A. F. Wheeler...
Cork, Artificial..................... E. L. Perry and E. D. Lazell...
Cork, Bottle..............................W.. Newton................
Cork-composition, Water-proof.................A. Stevens....................
Cork-cutter...................... E. F. Harrington.............
Cork-cutter.-.............................. L. Hills................
Cork-cutter.........--........................... E. O. Sehartau................
Cork-cutting machine............................ R.P. Abernethy..............
Cork-cutting machine............................. R. P. Abernethy and M. M.
Cork-cutting machine.................... A. F. Allen....................
Cork-cutting machine...................... O. Arnold....................
Cork-cutting machine.........................A. J. Bailey...................
Cork-cutting machine --..................... H. Boardman.................
Cork-cutting machine....................... E. A. Brimson................
Cork-cutting machine........................ E. Conroy.....................
Cork-cutting machine......................... E. Conroy................
Cork-cutting machine.........T. S. Disston..................
Crkcutting machine.......................L. W. Felt....................
Cork-cutting machine............................. L. W. Felt....................
Cork-cutting machine.......... Geodspeed..............
Cork-cutting machine....................... I.Goodspeed..............
Cork.cutting machine...... G. Hammer..............
Cork-cutting machine............................. G. Hammer..................
Cork-cutting machine....................... G. Hammer..................
Cock-cutting machine.........................P. Hayde................
Cork cutting machine..... P. Hyden...................
Cork-cutting machine..... W. King.......
Cork-cutting machine..... G. Lloyd................
Cork-cutting machine.......... A. Mackie........
Cork-cutting machine....... A. Millar.........
Cork-cutting machine............................ A. Millar......
Cork-cutting machine......................... G. Purves......
Cork.cutting machine....... G. Rawlings..................
Cork-cutting machine.......... S. Sawyer....................
Cork-cutting machinery...... H. F. Cox and A. Millar......
Cork-cutting tool.......... A. Brass -....................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y...-.....
Gananoque, Canada....
Norwalk, Conn...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Cincinnati, Ohio... - -..
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Oct. 20,1868
Mar. 1, 1870
Dec. 23, 1873
Dec. 24, 1867
Nov. 20, 1866i
Dec. 17, 1850
Oct. 22, 1850
83, 135
100, 318
145, 748
72, 586
59, 840
7, 843
7, 729
4, 483
49, 264
59, 684
85, 056
89, 187
68, 033
132, 299
New Hartford, Conn...... Apr. 25, 1846
Philadelphia, Pa.. --....... Aug. 8, 1865
Newton, Mass........... Nov. 13, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y.......- Dec. 22, 1868
Altoona. Pa........... Apr. 20, 1869
West Bridgewater, Mass.. Aug. 27, 1867
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Oct. 15, 1872
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Dec. 24, 1850 7, 859
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.._.....
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Conshohocken, Pa........
Middletown, Conn......
Louisville, Ky........New Britain, Conn........
Basil Ohio.............
Seymour, Ind............
Fort Branch, Ind..........
Newark, N. J............
Lowell, Mass......
Mount Vernon, Me........
Chestnut Springs, Pa.----
South Danby, N. Y........
Norristown, Pa..........
Jersey City, N. J.........
Orth, Ind.............
New York, N. YV........
Tekorsha, Mich.....
West Chehalem, Oreg.....
Freeport, Ill...........Galesburgh, Ill........
Le Roy, Ohio..........
West Meriden, Conn - - -
South New Market, N. H..
Gowanda, N. Y...........
Oregon, Mo...............
Portland, Me............
Baltimore, Md..........
Leominster, Mass.....
Shaw's Flat, Cal........
Rutland County, Vt.....
Nichols, N. Y......-.
Kalamazoo, Mich.........
Auburn, Mass............
Sherman, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y...........
Cranberry, N. J...........
Norwich, Conn........-----.
Sheboygan, Wis......
Brooklyn, N. Y.....
Newport, R. I..........
Now York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Feb. 22, 1870
Jan. 11, 1870
Aug. 15, 1865
Mar. 1,1870
June 8, 1869
May 30, 1865
Jan. 9, 1849
Nov. 17, 1868
Dec. 6, 1864
Aug. 11, 1868
Mar. 5, 1 872
July 16,1872
Feb. 16, 1869
Oct. 27, 1868
Sept. 27, 1870
Sept. 13, 1864
July 23, 1867
July 9, 1872
Apr. 12, 1870
Feb. 20, 1866
July 14, 1868
July 14, 1868
July 25, 1865
Feb. 6, 1872
Oct. 22, 1867
Dec. 28, 1869
May 7, 1872
Feb. 23, 1858
Nov. 14,1871
July 21, 1868
Sept. 3, 1872
Sept. 28, 1869
Aug. 23, 1870
Dec. 15, 1810
Aug. 10,1858
Mar. 6, 1866
Jan. 5, 1864
June 13, 1865
Dec. 23, 1862
Dec. 1, 1863
Jan. 27, 1863
Aug. 8, 1865
Sept. 12, 1865
Feb. 21, 1871
Dec. 7, 1858
Apr. 12, 1870
June 18, 1827
Dec. 13, 1870
July 6,1858
July 6, 1858
100, 172
98, 676
49, 368
100, 320
91, 008
47, 937
6, 013
84, 072
45, 312
80, 938
124, 368
129, 289
87, 004
83, 494
107, 794
44, 239
66, 951
128, 865
101, 838
52, 740
80. 010
48, 981
123, 540
98, 457
126, 426
19, 402
120, 857
80, 172
131, 126
95, 286
106, 706
53, 063
48, 149
37, 249
40, 742
37, 543
49, 220
49, 916
112, 070
22, 246
101, 730
110, 075
20, 770
20, 171
129, 304
96, 184
55, 036
35, 867
93, 958
21, 944
34, 291
134, 982
66, 141
76, 615
40, 444
8, 422
22, 949
54, 896
83, 850
51, 587
8, 208
40, 144
52, 000
1, 842
31, 253
31, 990
118, 269
1, 623
33, 192
26, 083
Providence, R. I......... July 16 1872
Pawtucket, R. I.......... Oct. 26, 1869
Charlestown, Mass...... May 29, 1866
Lancaster, Pa............ July 15, 1862
New York, N. Y......... Aug.24, 1869
Boston, Mass......... Nov. 2, 1858
Boston, Mass.......... Feb. 4,1862
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 21, 1873
Keene, N. H............... June 25, 1867
Keene, N. H............ Apr. 14, 1868
Norwich, Conn........ Oct. 27, 1863
Philadelphia, Pa'._......- Oct. 14, 1851
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 15, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 22, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 11, 1868
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Dec. 19, 1865
New York, N. Y.......... July 8, 1851
Philadelphia, Pa..........Sept. 29,1863
Philadelphia, Pa......... Jan. 9, 1866
Hyde Park, N. Y.......... Oct. 31, 1840
New York, N. Y........ Jan. 29,1861
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 9,1861
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 22,1871
Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 30, 1827
Boston, Mass.............. June 10, 1840
JerseyCity, N. J., and New Aug. 20, 1861
York, N. Y.
Newark, N. J............ Nov. 15, 1859
Index of patecnts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Cork for filling beds, mattresses, &c..............
Cork-inserting apparatus...............................
Cork into strips, Machinery for cutting...........
Cork, Metal-capped................................
Cork or stopper holder...........................
Cork-polishing machine..........................
C. Alexander................
C. Chinnock.................
J. Autenrith.................
E. A. Burgess................
E. Button..............._
G. L. Gibson, jr..........
C. Gooch................
C. F. Hunt...............
J. P. Miers and J. Groendyke.
J. L. Morrill.............
J. Morton..................
C. Rosenberry...........
J. Walker.................
W. G. Waterman..._......
C. G. Wilson................
E. D. Weatherbee..........
S. Bates.................
W. Rheiner and L. H. Wolff...
C. Gregor...................
A. Albertson.........
H. Boardman...............
E. Conroy..................
I. Goodspeed................
H. Lockoe..................
A. Millar................
J. Power................
E. O. Schartau..............
E. Street................
G. H. Plummer....._....
H. F. Cox and A. Millar......
C. L. Lochman.............
J. Ewing...................
F. G. Bielefield and C. C. E.
Cork-pull.................................S. E. Clapp..............
Cork-pull.................------------------------- C. Lofier....................
Cork-pull---------------.......................-------------------................. G. W. Schermerborn......
Cork-pull--------------------------------.......................................... C. T. Simpers.............
Cork-pull..----------------------------------..J. D. Van Zandt.............
Cork-pull....................................... D. Williamson............
Cork-pull....................................... W. C. Wyckoff..........
Cork-screw..................................... J. J. Adt.......................
Cork-screw.............................. P. Blake........... P. Blake.....
Cork-screw.....-------------------------------J. Bussey....................
Cork-screw........................................ M. L. Byrn..............
Cork-screw.....-------------------------------C. Chinnock...............
Cork-screw....-------------------------------S. E. Clapp................
Cork-screw.....------------------------------- J. L. Clark..............
Cork-screw.---------W. Dickson....................................... W.Dickson....
Cork-screw........................................ J.E. Earle...........
Cork-screw -----.. ------------------------- W. Fradgley.................
Cork-screw.....-------------------------------S. McCown...............
Cork-screw........................................ W. C. M cGill................
Cork-screw-- ------------------------------- C. L. Ridgway------------
Coik-screw.....................C. L. dgw ay.............
Cork-screw.....-------------------------------A. T. Russel.........-.
Cork-screw-------------------------------....................................... J. A. Smith.................
Cork-screw.....-------------------------------G. Twigg.................................. G. Twigg....
Cork-screw...------------------.------------- W. H. Van Gieson........
Cork-screw attachment-------------..........------...............- ---W. Dickson.................
Cork-screw, cork-puller, and can-opener combined. J. Harrigan.................
Cor k-screws, Holding-frame for--------------................... - H. M. Creamer.............
Cork, Sirup......-------------------------------.................................. A. J. Morse..............
Cork-slicing machine.------------------J. Power............................. Power....
Cork-trimming machine................................ B. T. Roath.................
Cork-wood, Machine for slicing.................... H. Boardman.............- - -
Corks by steam, Mode of softening............. B. Potter, jr..................
Corks for stoppers, Machine for cutting---------............-J. D. Crocker..................
Corks from bottles, Instrument for extracting..... J. T. Ashley..............
Corks in bottles, &c., Method of fastening........ G. Bousigues, (dit Bley)......
Corks in bottles, Mode of securing--....-.-.-.. R. M. Huston................
Corks, Machine for manufacturing............ W. R. Crocker............
Corks, Machinery for cutting...................... P. C. Traver................
Corks of oil-cans, Method of protecting............ E. A. More.............
Corks, rubber, &c., Compound of................. L. Bauhoefer................
Corn and cane cutter.------ - J. Peck............................. J. Peck
Corn and clover shelling and thrashing machine, D. Mullier..................
combined with a grist-mill.
Corn and cob breaking and grinding machine..... J. and W. Murray............
Corn and cob crusher.....------------------------A.lover........................ A. Glover..
Corn and cob crusher------------------..........................----.. --J. S. Griffith...........
Corn and cob crusher............................ J. L. McKnight.............
Corn and cob crusher....................... J. M. Mowrer.............
Corn and cob cutter............................... S. B. Shinn.............
Corn and cob grinding mill-----------.......................-------. S.A. Bantz and W. Andrew..
Corn and cob grinding mill....................... S. L. Herr.................-.....
Corn and cob mill............................... S. A. Briggs................
Corn and cob mill................................ J. De Frain.................
Corn and cob mill.........--...A. Fisher.................... A. Fisher.....
Corn and cob mill.................................. R. D. Granger...............
Corn and cob mill................................ H. Hall....................
Corn and cob mill................................. D. S. James....................
Corn and cob mill................................. J. 0. Joyce -.........
Corn and cob mill.--.--------------------- --- -l J. H. King...............
Corn and cob mill............................... E. A. Knowlton..........
Corn and cob mill--------------------------................................. R. F. Maynard............
Corn and cob mill................................J. M. Miller..........
Corn and cob mill..........................G. Pattn............. G. Patten.......
Washington, D. C.........
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New Haven, Conn.......
Annapolis, Md..........
Concord, N. C...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Lebanon, N. J...........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, IllII..-. _
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Middletown, Conn.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass.........
Boston, Mass.............
Detroit, Mich.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Lancaster, Pa.........
South Boston, Mass.....
Norwich, Conn............
South Boston, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
East Haven, Conn.........
New York, N. Y.....-...
Jersey City, N.J., and New
York, N. Y.
Carlisle, Pa.............
New York, N. Y...
Berlin, Prussia, and Ham.
Cambridge, Mass........
Hoboken, N. J............
East Limington, Me.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Wolcottville, Conn......
New Haven, Conn........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y -..........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Cambridge, Mass........
Chester, Conn.............
Albany, N. Y............
New haven, Conn...
Greenbush, N. Y........
Stamford, Conn..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Boston, Mass....._...
New York, N. Y........ _
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Birmingham, England....
Passaic, N. J..-..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Fort Wadsworth, N. Y....
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass...........
Norwich, Conn...........
Lancaster, Pa......
Charlestown, Mass........
Norwich, Conn...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Rheims, France...........
Calais, Me................-------------
Norwich, Comn............
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Oakland, Tenn...........
Wooster, Ohio...........
Baltimore, Md............
Powhatan Point, Ohio....
Huntingdon, Pa...........
Buchanan, Va............
Millheim, Pa..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Frederick, Md...........
Mexico, Pa................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Tuscaloosa, Ala...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Mansfield, Ohio........
New Market, Va..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Martinsburgh, W. Va....'.
Columbia, S. C............
Baltimore, Md............
Mobile, Ala.......
Washington, D. C.........
Aug. 7, 1860
Apr. 14, 1863
Sept. 1, 1868
May 21,1861
June 2, 1868
Apr. 27, 1869
Jan. 25, 18,0
July 8, 1873
Jan. 26, 1864
May 17, 1864
Jan. 14, 1868
Oct. 16, 1866
Jan. 22, 1867
Dec. 17, 1867
July 13, 1869
May 11, 1869
Dec. 28, 1832
Jan. 15, 1867
Mar. 18, 1862
May 3, 1859
Sept. 19, 1865
June 16, 1857
June 4, 1861
June 21, 1859
Apr. 16, 1861
July 3,1855
Dec. 13, 1870
Apr. 19, 1870
Dec. 2, 1873
July 19, 1859
Aug. 27, 1867
June 28, 1870
Apr. 4, 1865
Jan. 21, 1868
Oct. 30, 1866
Sept. 22, 1868
Nov. 14, 1371
July 30, 1867
Feb. 25, 1868
May 21,1861
May 8, 1866
Mar. 27, 1860
Feb. 18, 1868
Mar. 27, 1850
Nov. 24, 1863
Feb. 11, 1868
Nov. 22, 1864
Aug. 2, 1870
June 23, 1868
June 10, 1862
Nov. 26, 1867
Jan. 8, 1867
Aug. 18, 1868
Jan. 21, 1862
Dec. 6, 1870
Jan. 21, 1868
Jan. 22, 1867
JuDe 6,1871
July 25, 1871
Apr. 14, 1863
June 8, 1869
Aug. 8, 1865
Aug. 16, 1864
Dec. 6, 1864
7ov. 18, 1856
Mar. 25, 1862
Oct. 23, 1866
Mar. 6, 1866
May 31, 1859
Oct. 30, 1855
Mar. 6, 1847
July 25, 1865
Sept. 3, 1867
Aug. 28, 1844
Jan. 24, 1832
Feb. 12,1842
June 5, 1860
Feb. 6, 1855
Dec. 15, 1843
Feb. 15, 1870
May 3, 1859
July 22, 1851
Apr. 4, 1844
July 3, 1860
Feb. 15, 1859
Aug. 28, 1847
Sept. 18. 1855
Dec. 15, 1857
Aug. 21, 1855
Aug. 5, 1856
Nov. 26, 1872
Feb. 11, 1845
Apr. 7, 1857
Jan. 20, 1843
Oct. 30, 1855
29, 539
38, 147
81, 728
32, 396
78, 513
89, 477
99, 080
140, 706
41, 385
42, 784
73, 370
58, 889
61, 488
72, 247
92, 552
90, 037
61, 255
34, 716
23, 880
49, 971
17, 557
32, 497
24, 471
32, 075
13, 200
110, 046
102, 181
145, 235
24, 841
68, 093
104, 841
73, 435
59, 241
82, 355
120, 830
67, 234
74, 966
32, 394
54, 640
27, 665
74, 435
27, 615
40, 674
74, 199
45, 137
79, 216
35, 514
71, 316
61, 080
81, 292
34, 216
109, "58
73, 677
61, 4e5
115, 585
117, 278
38, 155
49, 299
43, 867
45, 310
i6, 098
34, 74L
58, 969
53, 090
24, 215
13, 714
5, 603
48, 972
68, 408
3, 721
2, 459
28, 571
12, 348
3, 373
99, 933
23, 865
8, 243
3, 524
29, 033
22, 997
5, 266
13, 569
18, 844
13, 476
15, 488
133, 455
3, 908
16, 988
2, 923
13, 730
Index of patents issued from the Unitcd States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Corn and cob mill................................
Corn and cob) mill..............................._
Coin and cob mill..-----------------------...............................
Corn and cob mill................................
Corn and cob mill.................................
Corn and cob mill.................................
Corn and cob mills, Securing the legs of sectional..
Corn and cob crushing machine.............
Corn and fertilizer dropper...............
Corn and grain drying machine..............
Corn and grain ventilator and drier..............
Corn and grinding bark, Cracking................
Corn and malt, Kiln drying.................
Corn and other grain, Process and apparatus for
Corn and for other purposes, Machine for shelling
and cleaning.
Corn and other seed planting machine..........
Corn and phosphate drill...................
Corn and potato coverer...........................
Corn, Band-tightener for shocks of...............
Corn balls, Machine for molding parched..........
Corn-breaking machine...................
Corn-cake cuitter...............................
Corn-cake machine.....................
Corn-cake machine........................
Corn-cake machine...............................
Corn cake mold..................................
Corn-cakes, Machine for making.................
Corn, cob, and husk mill.........................
Corn-cob cutter..........................
Corn-crib.................................... -...
Corn-crib and thrashing-floor, Combined...........
Corn cutter, Green.-....-......................
Corn, Device for marking and planting.........
Corn, Disk for shelling.....................
Corn dropper and cultivator, Combined............
Corn, Edible preparation fromn Indian...........
Corn fodder, Cutting and grinding.............
Corn-fodder cutting and grinding machine.......
Corn for grinding, Process for preparing..........
Corn fork, Green..................................
Corn Irom the cob, Device for cutting............
Corn from the cob, Device for cutting green....
Corn fromn the cob for table use, Apparatus for
Corn Ir-our the cob, Implement for cutting green... -
Corn from the cob, Knife for cutting green......
Corn from the cob, Knife for removing.........
Corn from the cob, Machine for cutting green.....
Corn from the cob, Machine for removing green..
Corn from the cob, Machine tar separating green.
Corn from the stalks, Machine for severing the
ears of.
Corn, Gathering and husking........
Corn grinder and crusher...................
Corn grinding and crushing machine..........
Corn grinding and shel. ing machine.....
Corn ground, Machine-for furrowing...----
Corn, Hand implement for severing the butts and
separating husks from ears of.
Corn holder, Hot...---------------..
Corn-houses, Method of ventilating............
Corn huler, sheller, and feed-cutter..------
Corn, Hulling...-----------------..
C. Roberts...................
J. P. Ross...............
W. Sailor....................
T. B. Stout....................
T. Ucker and A. Hutchins....
B. Winter..................
R. F. Maynard...............
S. K. Gauntt...............
A. Towberman and J. Keys..
B. Parry...................
D. A. Dickenson.............
M. J. Whiton................
J. Hughson.................
H. H. Beach.............
Belleville, Ill.............
Lewisburgh, Pa...........
Philadelphia, Pa...
Keyport, N. J............
Amanda, Ohio............
Buckingham Court-House,
Baltimore, Md............
Greenville, Tenn.........
Washington, 111.........
Bucks County, Pa......
Baltimore, Md...........
Amsterdam, N. Y......
Clinton County, N. Y......
Rome, N. Y...............
L.Stevens.................... I...........................
E. L. Miller.............
J. W. Wood and G. Moore....
J. Swart...................
J. C. Jay...................
R. Arnold......._.......
WV. Furbish -...........
W. Furbish.................
L. Felker....................
C. C. Harriman...............
H. and C. Littlefield..........
W. Manning..................
B. Witherell...............
W. Manning..................
E. Mire.....................
I. Straub................
A. J. Combs...........
J. D. Haynie................
I. N. Monroe..................
J. A. Moore..................
J. Tweedy..................
D. Weygandt.............
C. B. Clark...................
N. T. Fitch...................
A. B. Furbee................
J. M. Hughes and A. J. Mapes.
J. R. Jordan and J. Campbell.
W. Beal...---------------- --
A. Bolander..............
T. B. Coursey------------................
H. V. Corbett...............
V. Baker.......................
J. P. Zeller..................
J. P. Smith...................
It. F. Patton..................
B. W. and N. T. Remy.....
R. M. and W. HI. Boman......
M. R. W. Caldwell.........
L. M. Doddlidge, H. Reitenour, and J. B. Swhier.
J. H. Gross..............
J. HI Junkins.................
R. B. Killin........._
C. E. Lipe....................
J. Nevison...................
J. L. Smith...................
L. Weaver..................
P. P. Gardner..........
S. Bernheisel..............
J. W. IHaskins...............
A. Erkenbrecher..............
B. and D. IH. Harnish........
A. Goodhart.................
W. Standing.................
W. L. Gilroy..................
F. A. Morley...............
J. Burtr' and L. F. Dunn.......
W. C. McGill................
W. L. Gilroy.............
I. Winslow.................
J. W. Jones.............
W. B. Coates..-.............
T. S. Lewis...................
H. Walsh..................
A. J. and J. A. French........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New Leeds Corner and
Fairview School-House,
Hoffman's Ferry, N. Y.
Bear Creek Township, Ind.
Hartford, Conn...........
Hallowell, Me............
Hallowell, Me.............
Tewksbury, Mass.........
Warner, N. H-.--..........
Tewksbury, Mass.........
Chelmsford, Mass.........
Charlestown, Mass......
Chelmsford, Mass.........
New Orleans, La.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Olney, Ill.................
New Antioch, Ohio......
Bridgeport, Ill.............
Salem, N. J -.............Vernon, Ind...........
Jeromeaville, Ohio....
Pleasant Grove, Iowa....
Forsyth, Ill.............
Dresden, Ohio.............
Independence, Mo........
West Alexandria, Ohio...
Lowell, Mass.............
Akron, Ohio...........
Frederica, Del.........
Allendale, Mich,........
Otisfield, Me........
South Bend, Ind......
Hummelstown, Pa......
Quincy, Ohio..............
Brookville, Ind.............
London, Ohio.............
Jackson, Ohio............
New Mount Pleasant, Ind.
Niantic, Ill...............
Upper Sandusky, Ohio...
Canton, Ohio..............
Fort Plain, N. Y..........
Morgan, Ohio.............
Pemberton, N. J............
Canton. Ohio.............
Stoneborough, Pa........
Tyrone Township, Pa.....
Charlestown, Mass........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Lancaster Pequea, Pa....
Newville, Pa.............
Duquoin, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Oneida, N. Y.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.._--_
Portland, Me...........
Philadelphia, Pa-........
Portland, Me.............
Philadelphia, Pa.._..-..
Franklin, Vt.............
July 1, 1856
Nov. 1, 1845
May 17, 18:-9
Dec. 25, 1855
July 21, 1868
Apr. 27,1858
Apr. 7, 1857
May 25, 1827
Nov. 2,1869
July 7, 1810
June 16, 1868
Apr. 30, 1834
July 18, 1811
May 7, 1872
May 8,1804
Apr. 10, 1841
Jan. 31, 1871
Aug. 4, 1868
Mar. 9,1869
Nov. 20, 1860
Dee. 26, 1833
Mar. 15, 1833
Dec. 10, 1867
Mar. 5, 1867
July 30, 1867
July 10, 1866
Dec. 3,1867
Nov. 22, 1870
Aug. 7, 1860
July 25, 1854
Aug. 27, 1867
June 9, 1868
Oct. 25, 1870
Nov. 25, 1873
Jan. 28, 1873
June 4, 187-2
Mar. 20, 1872
Oct. 22, 1867
Dec. 6, 1859
Apr. 29, 1873
Dec. 15, 1868
May 30, 1854
Aug. 22, 1871
May 31, 1859
Dec. 13, 18:0
May 31, 1870
Sept. 7, 1869
Nov. 25, 1856
Sept. 21, 1869
Mar. 28, 1871
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 29,1870
May 4, 1869
Jan. 24, 1871
July 30, 1872
June 11, 1867
Sept. 3,1867
Dee. 1, 1868
June 7, 1870
Oct. 15, 1867
July 6, 1869
Feb. 5,1856
Feb. 12, 1867
Aug. 27, 1867
Aug. 22, 1871
Aug. 20, 1867
June 10, 1873
June 1, 1869
Aug. 21, 1866
June 19, 1866
Apr. 10, 1866
May 25, 1869
Dec. 5, 1865
Apr. 24, 1866
May 13,1856
Aug. 24,1869
Sept. 30, 1856
Oct. 27, 1857
Sept. 3, 1867
May 29, 1855
Oct. 28, 1835
June 12, 1835
Oct. 16, 1866
June 2,1857
Aug. 31, 1869
4, 249
14, 002
80, 244
16, 987
96, 510
78, 935..........
126, 511
2, 047
80, 689
87, 678
30, 661..........
71, 864
62, 628
67, 202
56, 241
71, 831
109, 529
29, 509
11, 390
68, 329
78, 665
108, 717
144, 918
135, 301
1-27, 534
125, 021
70, 080
26, 348
138, 332
85, 011
10, 979
118, 188
24, 198
110, 014
103, 543
94, 687
16, 127
95, 132
113, 205
145, 552
109, 584
89, 742
111, 200
1'9, 963
65, 578
68, 760
84, 571
103, 936
69, 876
14, 181
68, 293
118, 234
67. 975
139, 743
90, 836
57, 361
53, 849
90, 522
51, 379
54, 170
14, 855
94, 013
15, 835
18, 505
68, 507
1-, 977...,9 7
58, 9-23
17, 466
94, 330
J. I) Hill...... ------------------Fort Scott, Kans..-......
W. D Wilson........... Richmond, Ind.........
A. P. H. Jordon............... Madisonvillo, Ten....-..
G. M. Weaver................ Montgomery County, Pa..
W. H. Warwick.............. Dunlevy, Ohio............
I. N. Whitaker............... Pecatonica, Ill............
W.A. Morgan and T. B. Mosher Brooklyn and New York,
N Y.
N. Seitz...................... Mellmore, Ohio.............
T. Thomasson................. Calhoun, Mo..............
W. Carpenter................ Newcastle, Pa.............
June 14, 1859) 24. 407
Nov. 8, iS70 109, 157
Jan. 2,186....
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1730 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
i i I.
Corn-husks, Machine for hackling................
Corn-husks, Machine for hackling..................
Corn-husks, Machine for stemming...............
Corn-husks, Slitting..............................
Co n-hr sker.....................................
Corn-husker --------..........---...........................---
Corn-husker -................................
Corn husker......................................
Corn-husker..-. ---.......-----------..
Corn -husker................................
Coi n-husker.............................
W. A. Fullerton...............
G. B. Stacy.................
D. M. Mefford... - -..........A. Barrett.................
L. A. Aspinwall..............
E. M. Bates--------------...................
1). BEcdell----...---------..---
D. Bookwalter............- - - -
G. K. Brown.........-.--
T. J. Brown_.............- -
R. Bryson.---------------
I. S. Bunnell-...........
T. J. Burgess------------.
J. M. Carl sle...----.------
G. WV. Carr. -..-----
E. H. Carver and G. M. Baker
J. Cawthra ----..............
J. Cawthra.-------- -- ---
J. C. Clapp...---------------
H. A. Doster.....---. -...
A. R. Davis........ -......
A. R. Davis..--------------
H. A. Doster.............
J. M. Evarts---....------.N. Evinger.-.------------
J. and J. L. Fagan...-._E. Field.--- -------------
C. Ford..----------------
E. F. French-............E. F. French....-------......
J. H. Gano.................----
A. M. George-.............
H. P. Gerrish.---------
J. WV. Glass ----------------
J. I. Gorton----------------
S. A. Gould..................M. H. Gragg...---------------
S. N. Gragg................
A. Graham...----------------
L. A. Grover...............
H. L. Hall................. - - -
J. M. Hartnett.---.- --..B. Hazen---...---------------
J. D. Heaton and WV. A. Clark
J. B. Reich.................H. N. Hill...................
J. Hindman...----------------
J. Hood......................-----------------
L. H. Johnson....-------------
S. Johnston.------------..---..W. D. Jones...---------------
W. D. Jones...............C. A. Lang....-----------------
L. Leavenworth.............
C. N. Lewis................C. N. Lewis.................
D. Lombard................
B. B.Meacham...............
L. R. Mears............-...
D. M. Mcfford...-...........
D. M. Mefford..........
A. Merwin....................
T. Percival.............
O. S. Perkins and L. A. Crandall.
C. J. C. Peterson.........
I. Philbrook.............
P. Philip....--............
P. Philip..............
P. Philip... -.............
W. Pickett and A. Hills.....O. M. Pond.............
WV. N. Rowe.............
J. Russell..................
D. Sager..............
D. Sager.....................
D. Sager....
J. Sechrist..................
G. F. Shaw............--..
S. A. Skinner..........
D. C. Smith..........--......
D. C. Smith..................
T. S. Smith................
W. H. Smith...............
P. P. Suell...................
N. T. Spear...................
N. T. Spear..............
J. Stengel and C. C. Davy...
Louisville, Ky.........
Richmond, Va..........
Jeffersonville, Ind-......(
Baltimore, Md.........
Albany, N. Y..........
East Rochester, Ohio......
Seneca Falls, N. Y.........
Gardner, Ill..........
Moultenborough, N. H...
Clio, Ohio.. ----
Schenectady, N. Y-....
Carbondale, Pa..........Rondout, N. Y------...........
Sumter, S. C----------.............
Philadelphia, Pa-.....- --
Humberstone, Canada, and
Buffalo, N. Y.
Rochester, N. Y.........
Rochester, N. Y.........Seneca Falls, N. Y.......
Bethlehem, Pa--------...........
East Cambridge, Mass....
East Cambridge, Mass. -
Bethlehem, Pa............
New Haven, Conn........
Sandford, Ind............
San Antonio River, Tex..
Geneseo, Ill................
Forest City, Ill-...........
Franklin, Vt..............
New York, N. Y.......
Tremont, Ohio.........
Nashua, N. H........-----
Sandoval, Ill........
Richland, Ind............
Sing Sing, N. Y-.._..
Seneca Falls, N. Y-...._.
South Boston, Mass.......
Shelburne Falls, Mass....
Roxhury, Mass.........
Roxhury, Mass--------..........
Woodbridge, Iowa........
Waukegan, Ill............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Dixon, Ill................
Cincinnati, Ohio-.......
Pontiac, Mich............
Olathe. Kans............
Milwaukee, Wis-.......
Branford, Conn.........
West Shelby, N. Y.......
Hagaman's Mills, N. Y...
Hagaman's Mills, N. Y...
Palmyra, Me--.......
Trumansburgh, N. Y....
Seneca Falls, N. Y.......
Seneca Falls, N. Y........
Boston, Mass----------.............
Ridleysville, Fla.-........
South Abington, Mass...
Perrysburgh, Ohio........
Jeffersonville, Ind.......
Saint Joseph, Mich.......
Augusta, Me..........
New Haven, Conn......
Davenport, Iowa........
Shelby County, Ill.......
Stockport, N. Y.........
Stockport, N. Y.
Stockport, N. Y.......
Naugatuck, Conn.........
Independence, Iowa......
Sharpsburgh, Md........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.......
Connellsville, Pa........
Woburn, Mass...........
Lawrence, Mass.........
Tecumseh, Mich..........
Tecumseh, Mich.......
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Newport, R. I............
Manheim, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass -..........
New York, N. Y........
Croton and Big Prairie,
East Saginaw, Mich.....
Saginaw, Mich........
Greensborough, N. C.....
Washington, D. C........
Marathon, N. Y...........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.._
July 11, 1854
Mar. 23, 1869
Oct. 2, 1860
Apr. 21,1836
Apr. 12, 1870
June 18, 1867
Nov. 17, 1857
May 18, 1869
Oct. 20, 1857
Aug. 21, 1866
Oct. 13, 1857
May 19, 1868
June 28, 1810
Jan. 7, 1873
Oct. 14, 1873
Apr. 4,1871
Nov. 10, 1857
May 18, 1858
June 7, 1859
Nov. 17, 1857
Feb. 9, 1858
Jan. 25, 1859
Mar. 22,1859
Mar. 12, 1872
Mar. 15, 1870
Mar. 9, 1858
July 6, 1869
Mar. 10, 1868
May 12, 1857
May 16, 1865
Sept. 11,1866
Oct. 6,1857
Oct. 6, 1857
Apr. 2,1867
Dec. 15, 1868
Nov. 10, 1857
July 19, 1859
July 5, 1859
Oct. 20, 1857
July 6, 1858
Apr. 6, 1869
Sept. 1, 1868
June 22, 1858
Jan. 19, 1858
Oct. 13, 1857
July 30, 1867
Jan. 22, 1867
Sept.13, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
Mar. 27, 1860
Jan. 5, 1869
May 18, 1869
June 3,1873
June 15, 1858
Nov. 17, 1857
May 4, 1858
Feb. 9, 1858
May 25, 1858
June 22, 1858
Dec. 22, 1857
June 26, 1860
Jan. 3, 1871
May 26, 1868
May 25, 1869
Aug. 31, 1858
Mar. 13, 1866
Aug. 9, 1870
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 11, 1873
Mar. 2, 1858
Feb. 19, 1867
Feb. 8, 1859
May 18, 1869
July 2, 1867
Oct. 3, 1871
Sept. 24,1867
July 12, 1859
Nov. 17,1857
May 11,1858
Aug. 2, 1859
Mar. 15, 1870
Oct. 6,1857
Feb. 6, 1872
Sept. 14, 1858
Apr. 10, 1860
July 11, 1871
July 7,1868
Oct. 21, 1873
Feb. 9, 1858
Mar. 5, 1861
Feb. 23,1858
June 7,1870
11, 277
88, 092
30, 239.....
101, 809
65, 867
18, 625
90, 230
18, 433
57, 283
18, 385
78, 052
104, 693
134, 510
143, 667
113, 495
18, 571
20, 253
24, 281
18, 658
19, 325
22, 710
23, 295
124, 486
100, 740
19, 552
92, 295
75, 403
17, 269
47, 710
57, 888
18, 331
18, 332
63, 501
84, 876
18, 584
24, 843
24, 628
18, 447
20, 849
88, 708
81, 631
20, 637
19, 142
18, 396
67, 301
61, 428
107, 259
76, 464
27, 638
85, 593
9u0, 175
139, 586
20, 568
18, 644
20, 163
19, 326
20, 360
20, 653
18, 922
28, 884
110, 772
78, 321
90, 574
21, 363
53, 180
106, 276
135, 840
135, 841
19, 512
22, 894
90, 311
66, 255
119, 654
69, 258
24, 765
18, 662
20, 223
24, 958
100, 941
18, 358
123, 4-28
21, 522
27, 841
117, 011
79, 703
143, 797
19, 320
31, 637
19, 458
104, 085
106, 436
Corn-husker....................................... G. E. Stewart................
Corn-husker------------------------------....................................... J. Ure----........------.
Corn-husker....................................... F.M. Walker................
Corn-husker....................................... G. R. Walker...............
Corn-husker....................................... L. F. Ward--------------...................
Corn-husker....................................... R. Warriner, J. H. Baker, and
G. B. Slocum.
Corn-husker....................................... D.F. Welsh.................
Corn-husker....................................... S. W esson....................
47 P
Bucyrus, Ohio--.....---------Aug. 16, 1870
Worcester, Mass-------.........- Sept. 22, 1868
Index of patents issuedl from the United States:Palent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Corn-husker....................................... A. Whitcomb................. Worcester, Mass....... -Apr. 27, 1869 89, 533
Corn-husker------------------------------------...................................... D. Williams................... Saginaw City, Mich"-.. Aug. 27,1867 68, 272
Corn-husker.--..................................... F. Winchell....-............ - Springfield, Ohio..--.....-... Jan. 1, 1867 60, 977
Corn-husker...................................... C.O0. Yale................... Rome, N. Y............... June t16, 1868 78, 908
Corn husker and picker.......................... S. H. Mitchell................. Lacon, Ill................ May 7,1872 126, 565
Corn husker and sheller......................... M. Jones..................... Amelia County, Va....... May 5, 1868 77, 494
Corn husker and sheller and grain thrasher and J. W. Huntoon...... _........ Washington, D. C......... Sept. 13, 1870 107, 378
cleaner, Combined.
Corn husker and sheller, Hand.................... J. M. Gray................... Louisville, Ky............. Dec. 27, 1870 110,565
Corn-husker and stalk-cutter..-............-..--..... E. Briggs, sr-------.. ----------... Fayette, Iowa............ July 9, 1867 66, 455
Corn-husker, Field...-.......................... J. H. Whitney and W. W. Rochester, Minn., and De Nov. 7, 1871 120, 689
Marsh. Kalb, Ill.
Corn-husker, Hand-...............................---------------------------S. L. Bligh.....-....... Sandy Lake, Pa........... Aug. 16, 1870 106, 311
Corn-husker, Hand................................ A. W. Brinkehoff------............ Upper Sandusky, Ohio.... Apr. 23, 1872 125, 931
Corn-husker, Hand..--............................ H-. L. Hall..................... Woodbridge, Iowa..-... Feb. 25, 1873 136, 157
Corn-husker, Hand............................... J. G. Johnson..-...-..----......... Carthage, Ill.............. July 25, 1871 117, 296
Corn-husker, Hand................................ S. L. Mitchell................. Lacon, Ill................. Dec. 3, 1872 133, 659
Corn-husker, Hand--- --------.....- C. M. O'Hara.----.....-......... Cincinnati, Ohio........... Aug. 1, 1871 117,670
Corn-husker roller............................... J. Russell..................... Brooklyn, N. Y........... Feb. 13, 1872 123, 580
Corn husker, sheller, and cleaner-.................C. J. Legg................... Penn Yan, N. Y........... June 6, 1865 48, 077
Corn husker, sheller, and stripper..............-F. Hafelfingerand R. N. Eagle Washington, D. C-........ Nov. 24, 1868 84, 419
Corn-husker, straw and stalk cutter............R... Warriner and J. H. Baker..- Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... June 23, 1868 79, 166
Corn hushing and shelling machine---...------------.. A. Lane..................... Moscow, Ky.............. Feb. 27, 1872 124, 068
Corn husking and shelling machine.......... J. Wind...................... Thomasville, Ga..........- Dec. 4, 1860 30, 860
Corn-husking bench............................. J. E. Draper-----------------.................. Northville, Mich------..........,Feb. 28, 1871 112, 131
Corn-husking device......................... A. W. Brinkerhoff............ Upper Sandusky, Ohio.... Sept. 2, 1862 36, 333
Corn-husking glove............................. A. C. Meyn..................... Jerseyville, Ill............ May 7,1872 126, 474
Corn-husking implement......................... 0.J. Warren.................. Des Moines, Iowa......... Feb. 25, 1873 136, 194
Corn-husking instrument......................... Bushnell................... Norwich, Conn------.......... -Nov. 14, 1826.
Corn-husking machine......................... L. A. Aspinwall-........... Albany, N. Y............. Nov. 18, 1873 144, 590
Corn-husking machine......................... G. W. Bachman............... Clifton Springs, N. Y...... July 7, 1857 17, 720
Corn-husking machine............................D. Bookwalter................ Gardner, Ill.....---...... Oct. 13, 1868 83, 033
Corn-husking machine........................... R. Bryson......................... Schenectady, N. Y........ Dec. 9, 1856 16, 204
Corn-husking machine............................ H. Carver.......---......... Preble, N. Y..---.---.......... - May 31, 1870 103, 561
Corn-busking machine.......................... A. W. Case.................... South Manchester, Conn.. Dec. 13, 1864 45, 387
Corn-husking machine......................... J. Cutler...................... Putney, Vt................ July 31, 1837 324
Corn-hushing machine............................ D. A. Dickinson................ Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 30, 1867 64, 206
Corn-husking machine............................ W. Emery, jr.................. Chester, Ill..............July 7,1857 17,731
Corn-husking machine.................................H. P. Gerrish-.-..--.---..-. Boscawen, N. H...........Nov. 4, 1856 16, 008
Corn-huskhing machine.-..-....... E. S. Holmes.................. Lockport, N. Y............ Feb. 10, 1857 16, 633
Corn-husking machine.............................J. M. Hubbard................- West Haven, Conn........ Dec. 19, 1865 51,589
Corn-husking machine........................... A. R. Hurst............... New Cumberland, Pa...... Mar 31, 1857 16, 924
Corn-husking machine........................... M. C. Jeffers.... New York, N. Y.......... -------- Oct. 18, 1870 108, 484
Corn-husking machine------------... ------------. ---H. W. Knowlton.............. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Jan. 14, 1868 73, 251
Corn-husking machine................... W. Lewis................... Seneca Falls, N. Y..-. Mar. 3, 1857 16, 737
Corn husking machine...........................J. Massey....................Buffalo, N. Y.............. Mar. 3, 1857 16, 740
Corn-husking machine......................... J. Naeher..................... North Orange, N. J....... May 17, 1859 24, 047
Corn-husking machine.................................. J. Perkins............... _West Killingley, Conn... Nov. 4, 1856 16, 023
Corn-husking machine........................... J. Russell................... Brooklyn, N. Y....... Mar. 21, 1871 112, 967
Corn-husking machine......................... J. Russell.................... New York, N. Y......... June 11, 1872 127, 801
Corn-husking machine......................... D Sager...................... New York, N. Y.......... June 16, 1868 79, 011
Corn-husking machine.......................... W. H. Smith.................. Newport, R. I............. Oct. 28, 1856 15, 985
Corn-husking machine......................... M. W. Stevens and E. G. Stoughton, Mass.......... --- Oct. 20, 1857 18, 473
Corn-husking machine............................ 0. Stoddard.................. Busti, N. Y................ June 3, 1856 15, 047
Corn-husking machine............................ H. Strait..................... Covington, Ky............ Mar. 3, 1857 16, 758
Corn-husking machine.......................... J. Taggart and L. A. Grover... Roxbury, Mass.-...... Dec. 9, 1856 16, 201
Corn-husking roll -............................... P. Philip....................... Stockport, N. Y...........Mar. 14, 1871 112, 735
Corn-husking shield............................... A. C. Robinson................ Louisiana, Mo........... Apr. 16, 1867 63, 941
Corn-husking thimble.................................. G. W. Gash and C. L. Owens.. Clinton, Ill................ Apr. 15, 1873 137, 771
Corn in the cob, Cutting and grinding......... J. Urney...................... Wilmington, Del.......... Cct. 25, 1845 4, 244
Corn in the cob,Grinding-......................... W. Mayo....................... Henrico, Va............... May 15,1812.......
Corn in the ear and other grain, Grinding...-. - T. Briggs................... East Bloomfield N. Y..... Jan. 10, 1834....
Corn into meal, Machine bfor grinding........ T. Baker.................... Statesburgh, S. C.......... Jan. 21, 1829..
Corn-knife........_.......................... G. Stevens.................... Zionsville, Ind........... Apr. 29,1873 138, 447
Corn knife, Green..............................W. L. Gilroy.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 306
Corn knife, Green............................... J. Harrington................. New London, Conn-........ Sept. 22, 1868 82, 403
Corn, &c., Machine for covering................... T. Williams.................. Pittsylvania, Va.......... Dec. 19, 1822..
Corn, Machine for cutting the stalks of standing.. W. B. Coates.................Phildelphca Pa. - Dec. 9, 185 16, 177
Corn, Machine for facilitating the husking of..... G. Young, jr................. Saratoga Springs, N. Y..... Nov. 17, 1857 18, 656
Corn, Machine for grinding cobs and..............S. Stukey........................ Sugar Grove, Ohio....-. Oct. 16,1866 58, 912
Corn, &c., Machine br grinding shelled............ J. Webster.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 31, 186
Corn, Machine for marking and covering.......... E. Barto...................... Tiffin, Ohio..... Nov. 10, 1868 8., 905
Corn, &c., Machine for planting..................... E. Bunce....................Westford, Mass.......... July 16, 1838 841
Corn, Machine for r emoving husks from........ J.Young.....................Varick, N. Y............. Dec. 24, 1861 34, 033
Corn, Machine bfor shelling and cleaning...........J. S. Gardiner................ Canandaigua, N. Y........ June 11, 1829
Corn-meal for shipment, Preparing............ L. S. Chichester.............. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 25, 1873 136, 306
Corn-mill....................................... C. Leavitt..................... Cleveland, Ohio.... May 11, 1858 20, 208
Corn-mill.........................................J. W. Taylor................ Philadelphia, Pa........ May 31, 1859 24, 249
Corn, Mill for grinding and crushing..............J. C. and C. B. Baldwin..... Virginia.................. June 26, 1839 1,199
Corn, Mill fbr shelling and grinding.......... H. R. Miller................... Louisville, Ky............ Dec. 5, 1854 12, 030
Corn picker and husker, Field.......... G. and C. Meader.............. Prairie Centie, Ill......... Dec. 13, 1870 110, 061
Corn picking and husking machine................ S.R. Kenyon................. Greenville, R. I........... Aug. 27, 1867 68, 085
Corn picking and husking machine........R. Kenyon................. Greenville, R. I........... aar. 28, 1871 113,174
Corn picking and husking machine........ S. R. Kenyon.................Greenville, R. I........... Nov. 28, 1871 1-21, 384
Corn-picking machine............................S. W. May.................. Galesburgh, Ill.......... Dec. 28,1858 2-2, 440
Corn-planter....................................H..Blair......... Glenross,Md.............. Oct. 14,1834..
Corn-planter................................... T.V. Bush.................... Clark County, Ky......... Dec. 17, 1834.
Corn-planter, Hand................................ C. L. Green.................... Johnson's Cseek, N. Y..... Jan. 2, 1866 51, 825
Corn planting and working machine----....... W. Ross...................... Middle Baxton Township, June 24, 1826..
Corn-planting, Furrowing-device for............... J. Plumb..................... Carksville, N. J.......... Feb. 13, 1866 52, 598
Corn-pan:ing machine.......................... J. Blocher................... Lancaster, Pa............. Apr. 12, 1814.
Corn-poppeor-...---------------....J. H. Bigohow.............. Worcester, Mass.......... -Aug. 3, 1869 93, 271
Corn-popper....--................................. W. F. Collier..... Worcester, Mass - July 20, 1869 9'2, 939
Corn-popper...................................... W. F. Collier..... Woscester Ma.Jan. 31, 1871 111, 319
Co-ope---------- A. F. Costis and 0. N. Pahmer - Delaware, Ohio.Ohio -. May 14, 1872 126, 680
Corn-popper.................................... D. A. Denison................. Troy, Mich..... Dec. 17, 1867, 72, 173
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclzusive-Continued.
Invent ion.
Corn-popper-------------------------------------G. D. Dudley................
Corn-popper------------------------------------- B. B. and J. H. Hill...--.....
Corn-popper----- --------------------------------IJ. W. Howe and J. K. Barton..
Corn-popper -------------------------------------W. G. JKinsey...............
Corn-popper.................................E.Knley..W...S.Gi.bton----- -
Corn-popper.....................................C. H. S. Schultzn............
C- rn - po pp er and coffee-roaster..................._ _ _ _L. A. Warner. -__.............
Corn-popper and coffee roaster...................--L. A. Warner...............--
Corii, Preparation from Indian...................F -- - -. F. Prentiss and C. C. Par.
CornPiep-iring seed....- -...............-- - _...J. M. Petit.............
C o rn preserved green, Indian....--..-..-..-..-..-.......-- -I. Winslow... __..... _......
Corn, Process for treating Indian............._,.. E. F. Prentiss and C. C. Parsons.
Corn-row s &c. Laying of---------- --------------- P. Moseley..................
Coin-separ ator ----------------------------------FE. MeLane.------------------
Corn-shaving machine -..------------E. Watts....................
Coin-speller-----------------------------------_ A. Adanis.....--............
Corn-sine11cr----------------------------------... A. Adams..................Corii sheller -------------------------------------A. Adams..........
Coi shlle---------------------------A. Adams--------------------
Corn-sheller.................................... A. Adams -------------------
Coin-slieller.................................... C. Adams...................
Coin-s.elle.--------------------------------C. Adams...................Corii-sheller.----------------------------------.. H. A. Adams..--............
Cern-sheller...................................... A. B. Allen..................
Corn-sheller-------------------------------J. M. C. Armahy.............
Corn-sheller.....................................D. Bacon...................--
Corn-sheller..................................... C. B. Baldwin................
Coin-sheller..................................... I. C. Baldwin.................
Corn-sheller-------------------------------------- C. Beach..-.............
Corn-sheller...................................... W. Beach............... _....
Corn-sheller...................................... W. Beach..................
Corn-sheller................_...........P. Bergen.-----------------.
Corn-sheller..................................... G. Bevitti...................
Corn-sheller------------------------------------- C. Bishop--------.----------
Corn-sheller-------------------------------------- T. W. Bishop................
Corn-sheller -------------------------------------W. Black...................--
Corn-sheller---------------.-- ----------------- F. A. Bolles.................Coin-sheller.................................M. Iioinherger...............
Corn-sheller...................................... J. Bowles..................--
Corn-sheller..................................... C. H. Brady..----.._-.
Corn-sheller....................................- C. H. Brady..........
-------Crn-shel ler..................................... B. Bi-idendolph...............
Corn-sheller.....................................J. D. Bri,.gs........-........Corn-sheller..._................................. J. Brinkerhoff...............
Corn-sheller...................................... J. Brinkerhoff........
Corn-sheller................................ J. Brinkeihoff..-_.......
Corn-sheller.-.-....-.--.-.--.-..--..-.-..------_ J. Brinkerhoff.--------------
Corn-sheller------------------------------------._F. C. Brown and J. H. Shangle.
Corn-sheller................................... _L. S Bundy and L. F. Edgeiton
Corn-sheller...................................... W. IR. Bums-..-.............
Corii-sheller...................................... N. Bnrr.....................
Corn-sheller....................................- T. 1). Burrall.................
Corn-sheller...........__..................M. Caipenter-_.........
Corn-sheller.....................................M. Careter...............
Corii-shieller.......................... J. A.Caiildwell.............
Coin-sheller.......................... PI. Chalfant.-------.---------
Corn-sheller....................................- P. C. Chipron................
Corn-sheller..................................... A. and C. N. Clow............
Corn-sheller.........-...........................PD. Codd....................--
Corii-sheller...................................- S. S. Cole...................
Corn-sheller, &c_................................._G. S. Coleman...............
Corn-shelleri------------------------------------- W. Colwell.................--
Corn-sheller..................................... Covkis................Corn-sheller....................................... 'Cook.................--
Corn-sheller...................................... H. W. Coinell.-.__.._.
Corn-sheller..._.................................. H. W. Cornell..............
Corn-sheller----------------------------------..- C. S. C. Crane..............--
Corii-sheller....................................C.. GI anforthi.................
Corii-sheller....................................- A. B. Davis_................
Coin-slheller ----------------------.._---------- A. B. Davis and T. Crook. jr..Corin-shllirci....................................J. lDavis....................--
Corn-sheller........-..-....................------L. H1. Davis..................
Coin-sheller..................................... M. Day....................--
Coin-shlcler.........._........................- M. Day.....................
Corn-sheller ------------------------------------- L. Day.......................
Corn sheller..................................... J. H. Derby..................
Coin-sheller....................................- P. Dickinson.................
Corii-sheller........................ _............. A. Diliman... _.... _..........
Coin-sheller-....................................-0. R. Dinsmorc...-......
Corn-sheller------------------------------------- S.J. Dosnnell...............
Residence. Date.
Lowell, Mass-------------- Aug. 13, 1867
Worcester, Mass-----July 27, 1869
Worcestei-. Mass.. _........_Dec. 10, 1867
Newtoii, Mass.._ __-.. _- July 4, lx71
Stoughton, Mass.......... Nov. 12, 1867
ilaverhill, Mass.......... Oct. 30, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 29, 1867
Boston, Mass.------ Mar. 5, 1872
Freeport, Ill.............. _ __ _Apr. 7, 1868
Fi-eeport, Ill ---_ _--------- July 19, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa., and Bus- Mai-. 26, 1867
ion, Mass.
Monroe Township, Ohio. - Mar. 21, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.... ___ _...Api. 8, 1862
Philadelphia, Pa., and Bos- Mai-. 26, 1867
toii, Mass.
Benton. Mliss.____.......... Dec. 12, 1842
Young America, Ill-._____May 4, 1869
Keyport, N. J............Aug. 29, 187t
Sandwich, Ill ___------------ Sept. 28, 1858
Sandwich, Ill............._Aug. 6, 1861
Sandwich, Ill.............-May 15, 1866
Sandw-ich, Ill..... _......Feh. 20, 187-2
Sandwich, Ill....._-_...Jan. 28, 1873
Oak Hill, N. Y._........Aug. 12, 1816
Pittsburgh, Pa------------ Aug. 17, 1858
Sandwich, Ill __..__._......Oct. 15, 1872
New York, N. Y..---------July 15, 1862
Worcester, Mass. -_._ Jan. 7, 1851
Brewersville, Ind ___- _.Aug. 21, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio-----------__ _July 16, 184-2
Staunton, Va-------------- Oct. 11, 1836
Penn Yac, N. Y...........Jan. 1, 1867
nBaltimore, Md ------------Apr. 18,1816
Baltiniore, Md------------_ __.Dec.26, 1848
New York, N. Y----------__ _Mai. 30,18~8
Madison, Wis.__- --__ ___July 2, 1867
Norwalk, Ohio------------. _.Oct. 9, 155
Austin,Ind---------ov. 5,1867
Allegheny City, Pa-_______-Oct 21, 1856
Unadilla, NY------------ June 18, 1867
Hummelstowni, Pa-_______.Jan 4, 1859
Augusta, Ga.............. _ __ _May 4, 1869
Mount Joy, Pa..... __ _...Sept.17, 1867
Mount Joy, Pa............ Mar- 311868
Clear Spring, Md.......... Dec. 20, 1859
Saratoga, N. YV------------ __.June 14, 1845
Aubuin, N. Y............ _ _Apr. 1-2,1864
Auburn, N. YV............_ _ eb. 28,1865
Auburn, N. Y.------------Aug.131867
Auburn, N. Y............-Mai. 3,1868
Hightstown, N. J.___-____-Api. 22,187.3
Hyde Park, Vt ----------- May 14,1861
Lancaster. Pa..__.......... _Apr.13,1866
Batavia, Ill...............Nov.8, 1859
Geneva, N. Y.............Dec. 6 1845
Geiieva, N. Y.. _..........Mar.24, 1863
Onondaga, Mich_----------- Feb. 13, 1872
Lancaster, Pa. _- _-..- __Oct. 25,1832
Lancaster, Pa..-----------_.Aug. 8,18.33
Westville, Ind------------._.Mar. 29,1859
Horseheads, N. Y -._..._.Dec.1, 1868
West Grove, Pa _.........lFbb.27, 1847
Highland, Ili. _.........._leb. 11, 1868
Port Byron, N. Y -________-June 26, 185
Ottawa, (anada. _-_-_.. _.. _Nov. 10, 1868
Hlenryx-illo, Ind ___..........Mar. 30, 1869
Alexaiidria, Va...........-Sept. 27, 1870
Chillicothe, Ill __-__-___ Oct. 23, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio..-_ _ __ __Tan. 7, 1846
Milford, Mass............__ _- -Oct. 6, 1857
Owego, N. Y............. Nov. 2, 1869
Owego, N. Y............. Aug. 1, 1871
Owego, N. Y-------------- Juno 18, 1812
Taunton, Mass._.__.._. May 27,.1856
Fiiendsvillc, Ill. Aug. 21, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa.._ _......Apr. 13, 1858
Philadelphia, Pa----------__ _Feb. 18, 1862
Oaks Wis._._..........Feb. 25,71866
Kennett s Square, Pa..Sept. 6, 1853
Baltimore, Md----- ___ ---July 14, 1868
Baltimore, Md------------_ _July 14, 1868
Baltimore, Md.____.........._ June 13, 1871
LeoiuinsterMass. - Nov_. 1141
67, 736
92, 967
71, 881
116, 600
70, 723
59, 253
70, 368
124, 305
76, 362
105, 5::0
63, 175
112, 845
34, 928
63, 174
2, 882
89, 589
118, 564
21, 594
3-2, 971
54, 651)
123, 758
135, 31.6
15, 502
21, 174
132, 128
35, 864
7, 881
81, 458
2, 718
60, 825
4, 460
5, 982
19, 809
66, 205
13, 634
70, 396
15, 920
65. 868
22, 481
89, 550
68, 941
76, 154
26, 471
4, 079
42, 271
46, 540
74, 981
138, 125
32, 273
53, 567
26, 010
4, 300
38, 00-2
123, 676
23, 42-1
84, 610
4, 979
13, 122
83, 83-2
88, 367
107, 761
58, 986
4, 348
18, 325
96, 306
128. 124
14, 990
29, 673
19, 915
34, 410
52, 690
10, 002
79, 961
79, 962
115, 939
2, 337
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Corn-sheller --------....................................
Corn-sheller.------------------------- -----
Corn-sheller............. --...
Residence. Date. No.
F. Fanning...................
P. Ferrier..................
D. E. Field...................
S. Field.......................
G. W. Fitts...................
S. Fletcher and J. P. Pike..-...
J. S. Fowler..................
C. C. French..................
W. Gee....................
B. Gilbert....................----------------
W. Gilman...................
P. A. Gladwin.................
L. B. Glover...................
G. Goewey..................
G. Goewey...- -..
G. Goewey..................
N. Goldsborough.........
J. W. Gordon..........
J. Gould.....................
H. A. Graeff..................
S. L. Graves...............
A. W. Gray..............
D. G. Greene.............
R. Green......................
S. Gumaer...................
D. C. Guttridge........
D. Hall.................
J. R. Hamilton.............
J. R. Hamilton................
D. W. Harris and E. P. Carter
J. S. Harris..................
G. W. Hathaway.........
M. Hausman.............
J. M. Hawley..................
A. Higley......
F. Hollen and A. C. Holland-...
D. S. Hollister...............
W. W. Holt................
M. and S. Housman...........
M. and S. Housman...........
W. H. Hovey.................. Hoyt.......................
L. T. Hulbert and A. P. Teachout.
D. Hutchinson....................
E. L. Hutchinson.............
J. Hutchison.................
W. Janes....................
G. F. Johnson...............
J. B. Johnson.................
W. Johnson -...................
J. J. Johnston................
J. J. Johnston................
J. J. Johnston................
A. H. Jones...................
E. Jordan....................
J. Jordan..................
E. Kelley....................
I. Kepler.....................
C. Ketchum..................
N. S. Ketchum...............
M. C. Kilgore.................
S. H. Kisinger...........
W. D. Leavitt................
C. J. Legg................
A. F. Severance...........
J. R. Lindner................
W. Linsley..................
W. J. Ludlow................
W. H. Main..................
W. Manning.................
J. Marshall................
E. Mathers....................
T. J. Mayall..................
W. M. Mayall................
G. Maynard...................-----
W. MeAll...................
T. U. McFarlan and L. H. Davis.
R. M. McGrath............
J. H. McPheeters and P. P.
S. McQuiston................
J. A. Merriman---------...............
W. Millir.....J. Miller and N. Dubrul.......
E. L. Millis...............
A. C. Mills...................
E. Morrison..............
E. Morse....
J. W. Morton-..............
J. Mumma..................
J. Murray..................
F. Nelson-----------------
L. T. Newell................
T. J. Newland...............
G. and H. OConner........
I. E. Overpeck.....
Atchison, Kans..........
Ypsilanti, Mich...........
Leaksville, N. C...........
Oakham, Mass............
South Hampton, N. H.....
Bloomfield, Me............
Peoria, Ill...............
West Stockbridge, Mass..
Prince George's County,Va
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Ottawa, Ill................
Chester, Coon............
Easton. Conn.....-..
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Easton, Md..............
Jamestown, N. C.........
Grinnell, Iowa............
Birdsborough, Pa.......
Springfield, Ill..-........
Middletown, Vt..........
North Bridgewater, Mass
Cussawago, Pa............
Aurora, Ill-.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Strasburgh Township, Pa.
Portland, Oreg............
Kingston, Minn...........
Yorkshire, N. Y..._.....
Poultney, Vt.............
Tioga, Pa.................
Huntington, Ind..........
Holton, Ind..............
Warren, Ohio...........
Marion, Ill..............
Baltimore, Md...........
Dunkirk, N. Y............
Huntington, Ind..........
Huntington, Ind..........
Springfield, Mass.........
Miamisburgh, Ohio.......
Painesville and Madison,
Fort Ancient, Ohio........
Auburn, N. Y...........
Three Rivers, Mich.......
Ashford, Conn..........
Marshall, Iowa..........
Alma, Ill----.... -..
Boscawen, N. H..........
Allegheny, Pa............
Allegheny, Pa............
Allegheny, Pa...........
Fallsington, Pa.........
Pickens County, Ala......
Red Wing, Minn..........
Locust Grove, Ohio.......
Milton, Pa................
Penn Yan, N. Y...........
Marshalltown, Iowa.......
Washington, Iowa----........
Williamsport, Mdi........
New Orleans, La..........
Penn Yan, N. Y.........
Concord, N. H............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Waddam Township, Ill...
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Liverpool, Ohio...........
South Trenton, N. J.......
Cordova, Ill............
Morgantown, Va..........
Boston, Mass...........
Gray, Me..............
Greenfield, Mass..........
Talladega, Ala............
Salem, Ohio, and West
Chester, Pa.
La Fayette, Ind............
Palmyra, Mo............
Morris, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill.............
Bloomington, Ind.......
Joliet, Ill.............
Rochester Depot, Ohio -....
Oaktown, Ind............
Franklin, N. H.........
Knoxville, Tenu.......
Brunswick, Ohio.
Middletown, Pa...........
Baltimore, Md.........
Wyandotte, Mich.......
Springville, N. Y..........
Wolcott, Vt...........
Mishawaka, Ind..........
Overpeck Station, Ohio...
June 8,1869 91,003
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 920
Feb. 15, 1870 99, 768
Jan. 18, 1870 98, 944
July 11, 1865 48,670
Jan. 3, 1860 26, 662
May 13, 1862 35, 227
Jan. 15, 1861 31, 115
May 10, 1832.....
Jan. 3, 1854 10, 390
June 12, 1866 55, 485
Apr. 24, 1840 1, 567
July 31, 1846 4, 677
Feb. 10, 1863 37, 662
Oct. 18, 1864 44, 768
Oct. 29,1867 70, 195
Feb. 12, 1841 1, 975
Oct. 7, 1846 4, 806
Dec. 10, 1867 72, 020
July 9, 1867 66, 485
Sept. 17, 1850 7, 653
Mar. 31, 1836..-.
Mar. 9, 1858 19, 603
May 18, 1858 20, 266
Nov. 7, 1854 11, 891
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 605
Nov. 12, 1832.....
Jan. 14, 1868 73, 323
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 315
Nov. 6, 1849 6, 847
Sept. 18, 1835..-.
Oct. 16, 1860 30, 403
Sept. 4, 1860 29, 886
Jan. 5, 1869 85, 500
Mar. 17, 1863 37, 912
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 842
June 13, 1846 4, 572
Apr. 9, 1872 125, 392
Dec. 11, 1866 60, 375
Feb. 11, 1868 74,364
Apr. 19, 1859 23, 686
Oct. 31, 1834...
June 20, 1871 116, 192
Jan. 17, 1865 45, 924
Aug. 5, 1873 141, 559
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 228
May 6, 1819.
Aug. 25, 1868 81,375
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 795
Dec. 17, 1834....
Dec. 11, 1855 13,912
Sept. 23, 1856 15, 765
Apr. 19, 1859 23, 687
Nov. 5, 1861 33, 648
Oct. 4, 1870 107, 919
June 29,1869 92, 056
Mar. 16, 1869 88, 790
Apr. 24, 1849 6, 382
Feb. 7, 1865 46, 245
June 4, 1872 127, 610
Mar. 12, 1867 62, 857
Oct. 31, 1839 1,385
Aug. 10, 1869 93, 455
Sept. 22, 1863 40, 052
Mar. 29, 1864 42, 114
Feb. 2, 1858 19, 253
Mar. 9, 1852 8, 788
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 562
June 22, 1858 20, 650
Aug. 4, 1843 3, 208
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 356
Apr. 29, 1856 14, 771
Apr. 23, 1872 126, 067
Nov. 16, 1869 96, 938
Sept. 12, 1854 11, 672
Apr. 13, 1844 3, 540
Apr. 6, 1858 19, 862
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 949
July 7, 1868 79, 675
Oct. 8, 1861 33, 442
Feb. 18, 1868 74, 569
Aug. 3, 1869 93, 328
May 23,1871 115, 227
Aug. 9, 1853 9, 924
July 28, 1868 80, 362
June 10, 1856 15, 105
Sept. 9, 1835.
Nov. 24, 1857 18, 700
June 12, 1849 6, 526
Oct. 7, 1846 4, 805
Jan. 24,1871 111.139
Mar. 5, 1867 62, 671
July 17, 1860 29, 188
July 11,1871 116, 987
Nov. 27, 1866 60, 046
Index of patents issnied from t1w United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
iResidenice. Date.
Corn-sheller --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corn-sheller. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corn-sheller-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corn-sheller................. - -
C orn-sheller....................................
Corn-sh eller- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corn-sh eller...................
C orn-sheller.................. -
Cr- Corn-siellei-....................................
Corn-sheller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corn-sheller -----------------------------------
Cot i-sh eller....................................
Corn-sheller................. -
Corn-sheller- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C orn-sheller- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C orn-sheller-----------------------------------
Cot-n-sh eller...................................
C orn-sheller..-.-............................
Cornu-sheller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Corn-sheller - ----------------.--
C. Page----------------------..Sanhornton, N. H.- ---_ Mar. 13, 1834
E. Parker._---------------Baltimote, Md------------Apr. 20, 1858
J. J. Parker ------------------Marietta, Ohio-----------Sept. 29, 1857
S. J. Parmele------------------ Killingwortlh,Coon-_ Dc. 24, 1861
A. H. Patch ------------------ Hamilton, Mass ----------- July 4, 1871
A- H. Patch------ ------------ Hamilton, Mass -_-------Apr. 2, 1872
W. P. Patton and W. A. Mid-I Harrishurgh, Pa--_ _----Jan. 25, 1870
R. Pleifer--------------------- Linz, Austria-------------.Jan. 18,1870
C. G. Pressey and J. B. Dudley. Andover-, N. H------------.Mar. 30, 1843
IL. 0. Prouty and E. Whitman. Philadelphia, Pa., and Bal May 29, 1849
timore, Md.
I G. Putnam------------------ Tioga, Pa----------------.May 22, 1860
E. Rand and A. L. Norcross -.-- Hallowell, Me..------Feb. 13, 1835
J. B. Rand and W. A. N. Long _ Fisherville, N. H----------..Aug. 13, 1861
J. Rankin--------------------.Binghamton, N. Y------Jan. 28, 181'3
P. Heading-------------------..Trenton, N. J------------- Dee. 27, 1824
P. Reading-------------------._.._ _Batavia, Ohio-------------. _ _Sept. 25, 1841
W. R ea d i ng- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --Washington, ID. C --.Jnly 13, 1S52
D. K. Reeder..................Elliottshurgh, Pa-.__..__.Jnne 5,186
G. W. Reid..................--Evansville, Lad----------- May 3, 1853
G-. W. Reisinger- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Harrisburgh, Pa......... Sept. 13, 1870
G. W. 'Reisinger.............. Harrishurgh, Pa.......... Dec. 6, 1870
I. I. Richardson............... New York, N.Y......... Apr. 17, 1849
S. Richardson................--Rochester, N. Y----------- June 17, 186-2
J. W. Ricker ----------------- Boston, Mass-------------_Mar. 25, 186~2
J. W. Ricker- _- ---------------. Chelsea, Mass..........- May 3, 1870
J. W. Ricker and T. S. Lewis. Chelsea, Mass - _- _- -------Aug. 8, 1865
J. Robb..h. __-.--.--...--._Lewistown, Pa.----------- _ _Dec. 25, 1855
C.Rohhins and R.P.Burlingame Chicago, Ill.. __...........Apr. 1, 1862
W. Roherts.. _......._.......Farnham, N. Y....._.....Juno 16, 1868
J. Ross----------------------_Ronndhrook, N. J.---- Apr. 12,1833
J. M. Ross-------------------- Linden Hall, Pa------ - June 29, 1869
S. P. Ross and N. Hailer - __-Pittshbu-gh and Allegheny Aug. 31, 1869
City, Pa.
S. W. Ryckman----------- - -Pontiac, Mich...----------_ _Feb. 7, 1860
N. C. and E. A. Scofield..____Norwich, Conn ------------.j an. 20, 1843
S C. Seofield----------------- Chicago, Ill..--------------June 6, 1871
F. H. Schroeder --------------- Bushnell, Ill-------------- May 30,1,l165
HI. Sells---------------------- Vienna, Canada.-----------Jan. 16, 1872
J. H. Sharp_-----------------Wortaville, N. J----------- Apr. 28, 1868
H. F. and G. F. Shiaw..._.West Roxhury, Mass..- _.Oct. 31, 1865
W. E. Sheffield............... New York---------------.Apr. 15, 1823
E F. Sherman...............Chicopee Falls, Mass._.Aug. 21, 1866
E. F. Sherini....-.-.-.-.-.------Chicopee, Mass. _.......Feh. 18, 1868
J. Shipe----------------------- Upper Augusta, Pa-_._Aug.2, 1864
A. Siddall--------------------- Ransom, Mich-------June 28, 1859
I. B. Siddle ----------- ------- Caswell County, N. C---Mai. 19,1867
C. Sines ---------------------- Village Green, Pa. -...Oct 10,ho18
J. Small-----------Bi-idgewater, Pa---------- _ _Mai. 27, 1849
J. P. Small-------------------- Gilmauton, N.H---------- July 21, 183).5
F. A. Smead------------------ Tioga, Pa---------------- June 5,1860
A. B. Smith------------------ Wellshurgh, W. Va_._Nov. 14,1871
A. J. Smith.................. Pqua, Ohio --------------- Aug. 29, 1854
F. N. Smith------------------- Kindeihook, N. Y-----June 1, 1841
H. E. Smith------------------- Philadelphia, Pa ----------Dec.9, 1856
J. P. Smith --_---..--- --------Hummelstown, Pa -_Jan. 18, 1853
J. P. Smith------------------_Hummelstown, Pa-_..Nov. 7,1854
J. P. Smith------------------..._ _Hummelstowr, Pa-___..__Feh. 20, 1855
J. P. Smith - _------._--------Hummelstown, Pa. ---_Dec. 11, 1855
J. P. Smith------------------ _ _ __Hummelstown, Pa...Mar.4, 1856
J. P. Smith------------------ _ ___ _Hummelstown, Pa -..__Jaii 19, 1858
J. P. Smith------------------.....Huminelatown, Pa.- _.- Feb.8, 1859
J. P. Smith------------------_ __ __ _Hummelstown, Pa..._June 19, 1860
J. P. Smith------------------....Hummelstown, Pa-.__.._May 6, 1862
J. P. Smith------------------....Hummnelstown, Pa.--.. e.15 1868
J. P. Smith------------------....Hunmelstown, Pa...__June 22, 1869
E. E. Stedman---------------- __ __ _Randolph, Ohio - _- --------May 21, 186 7
D. C. Ster-ry, 1st.- __ ___ - - - __Worcester, Mass.-- -- -----Sept. 3, 1872
A. H. Stevens----------------- Geneva, N. Y.--------May 16, 1848
A. H. Stevens----------------- Warsaw, N. Y------------ Apr. 22, 1856
F. M. Stevens................ Boston, Mass........ Dee. 23, 1856
A. Stickiiey................. Concord, N. H------------ _ _Oct. 6, 1857
A. Stickney------------------ Concoid, N. H------------ Oct. 29, 1861
Vt. D. Stroud.----------------Oshkosh, Wis-------Apr. 9, 1867
P. Sweeney------------__.----New York, N. Y---------- Jan. 31.,1865
A. Swift------- ___..__ olotV--------------WoctV. - - Apr. 8, 1862
P. P. Taft--------------------_Tattsville, Vt --_------July 6, 1858
J. H. Taylor and A. J. Cowles Westfield, N. Y-----------.. _Feb. 11, 1835
S Terry ----------Boscawen, N. H...........Nov. 26,1867
C. Thomuas-------------------....Lancaster, Pa _. _..........Sept.3, 1832
A. B. Thompson -.._.. __. Oswego, N. Y............. June 7, 18 70
A.B hmsn..... seoNY.--___ c.3,G. W. Tolhnrst -- -- - -- -- -- - ---Liver-pool, Ohio- -- -- - --- - -Oct.4, 1859
M. Trimble------------------__Princeton, Ill------------- Mai. 26, 1861
G. Turner-------------------_Camhridge, Mass- -_.._Apr. 29,1862
J. Turner-_-_-----------Poland, Me--------------- Aug. 16, 18.35
20, 003
18, 296
34, 108
116, 627
125, 217
99, 106
98, 999
3, 025
6, 421
28, 440
33, 052
135, 362
2, 266
9, 120
55, 36-2
9, 698
107, 410
109, 945
6, 320
35 6-25
34, 775
102, 593
49, 303
13, 997
34, 846
79, 007
92, 103
94, 444
115, 646
47, 088
12-2, 740
77, 410
50, 740
57, 393
74, 726
43, 713
24, 583
5, 848
6, 228
28, 612
120, 1509
11, 620
16, 191
9, 549
11, 913
12, 454
13, 922
14, 374
19, 160
22, 898
28, 784
35, 185
84i, 035
91, 572
64, 919
131, 129
5, 569
14, 745
16, 291
18, 361
33, 627
63, 671
46, 155
34, 912
20, 831
71, 551
103, 941
120, 549
25, 688
31, 839
35, 119
22, 595
74, 64:1
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Corn-sheller....................................... W. H. Whiterow............
Corn-sheller...................................... W. H. Whiterow and W. Detrick.
Corn-sheller...................................... J. A. W hitford..............
Corn-sheller.....................................-----------------------------. J. R. Wilbur..................
Corn-sheller-------------------------------...................................... C. Willis........---.-...........
Corn-sheller...................................... J. B. Wolford..............
Corn-sheller......................................---------------------------. T. Wright..----------..----
Corn-sheller...................................... G.A.Xander...........
Corn-sheller-------------------------------....................................... J. C. Zimmerman..........
Corn-sheller and apple-grinder, Combined..-...... M. H. Ripley and W. N. Temple
Corn-sheller and bean-thrasher----------------...................- B. P. Pendexter...........
Corn sheller and cleaner---------------------........................... R. Gray. -.........
Coin sheller and cleaner...................--------------------......- J. Hubler and R. M. McGrath.
Corn sheller and cleaner.......................... J. C. Richards...............
Corn sheller and cleaner.......................... N. Shock.....................
Corn sheller and cleaner.......---------------......... --........ M. F. Williamson and J. J.
Corn-sheller and fanning-mill combined..--.......---. J. P. heagland and G. E. Moser
Corn-sheller and grain-hulling machine- -e............ J. Mercer....................
Corn sheller and separator------------------.......................- B. and D1). H. Harnish.........
Corn sheller and separator--------------------........................ E. Knapp.----------...Corn sheller and separator feeder combined....... J. Bernheisel, sr...........
Corn-sheller and straw-cutter combined--------........... J. P. Smith....................
Corn-sheller and vegetable-slicer combined........ J. P. Smith...................
Corn-sheller and wheat-thrasher, &c.............. ---------- Z. Phinney..-......-..-......Corn sheller case............................-...... --A. Borneman.................
Corn-sheller for table use......---------------------.................... E. L Tevis...................
Corn sheller, Green............................... V. Barker....................
(orn-sheller, Hand--------------------------................................ G. C. Ballard----..---...
Corn-sheller Hand- ----------------__--------O. A. Bryhin and W. T. Farre..
Corn-sheller Hand--------------------------................................-C. Christian............
Corn-sheller Hand............................... J. C. Cunyer..................
Corn-sheller, Hand.............................J. E. Finley.................
Corn-sheller, Hand-------..........-------------------....................-J. O. Fraizer.................
Corn-sheller, Hand.....-------------------------- J. M. Hawley................
Corn-sheller, Hand..-------..-------------------.. A. McLean and J. H. Ross....
Corn-sheller, Hand................................ W. A. Middleton...........
Corn-sheller, Hand--- -----C.. OHaa...................................... C.. O'Hara.................
Corn-sheller, Hand................................ C. M. O'Hara--....-...-.......Corn-sheller, Hand--------------------------................................ C. M. O'Hara.................
Corn-sheller, Hand............................... C. H. Pickering..............
Corn-sheller, Hand--------------------------................................. T. Weaver...................
Corn-sheller, Hand--------------------------................................ T. Weaver....................
Corn-sheller, Hand..-------------------.-------W. H. Wilson................
Corn-sheller, Longitudinal...------------------.....................-. G. E. Waring...............
Corn-sheller, Phinney's----------------------............................ H. Gallagher.................
Cornssheller teeth................................ ---- H. H. Reuter............
Curn-shellers, Cob-carrier for------------------...................... H. H. Eby....................
Corn-shellers, Concave for--------------------......................... L. J. Miller...........
Corn-shellers, Concave of--- ----------------- D. Hoats.....................
Corn-shellers, Device for feeding corn to--------.......... H. C. Robison.................
Corn-shellers, Feeding-elevator for-------------P. Kaufman.............
Corn-shellers separately or jointly with a fan or W. L. Potter.................
cutter, Arrangement of machinery for operating.
Corn, Shelling...----------------------------- I. A. Hedges.............
Corn, Shelling....................................--------------------- ------- H. G. Neal-..........
Corn, Shelling----------------------------.................................... I. Smith--..--------------
Corn shelling and cleaning machiie... - - -. -. L. A. Beebe...................
Corn shelling and cleaning machine..-..-..-...... L. Kamp................
Corn shelling and cleaning machine----------............... J. Reed....................
Corn shelling and cleaning machine------------............... J. W. Webb...............
Corn-shelling and grain and plaster grinding mill.. B. M. Kemp................
Corn shelling and grinding-------... --------------...--S. Slater and S. Noblit........
Corn sh.lling and grinding machine------------............... G. Seymour................
Corn shelling and grinding machinery...------. - S. Fowks--------............--------........
Ccrni shelling and husking machine--..----- --S. S Allen........................
Corn shelling and winnowing machine -.-...---.B. Clough....................
Corn-shelling machine -----------------------A. Bailey....................
Corn-shelling machine............................. J. C. Baldwin...-......
Corn-shelling machine..--........--.................. J. Barnes and N. T. Loomis...
Corn-shellin machine............................-------- --------. J. Brown....................
Corn-shelling machine................. C. Bulkeley...................
Corn- helling machine......----------------------- E. W. Coffin......................
Corn-shelling machine........................... B. Crooker.................
Corn-slelling machine-----------------------.e............................. T.J. Dean....
Cornishelling machine....----------------------- L. E. Denison.................
Corn-shelling machine....----------------------- L. E. D)enison................
('orn-shellingmachine------------............................. J. Fuller.....................Cirn-shelling machine............................. P. Grosjean...................
Corn-shelling machine---------------................-------............ W. C. Hawley........
Corn-shellingmachine --------------------.i............................. J. Heavin.....................
Corn-shelling machine.------------------...--,. D. Hitchcock...............
Corn shlielling machine, &c.......----------------------................. C. Ioxie.. -
Corn-shelling machine-............................ W. Hoyt........
Corn shelling machine-----------------..... W. Hoyt......................
Corn shelling machine..................... W. Hoyt......................
Corn shelling machine------------------... S. Laneo.......................
Corn shelling machine............................. N. Lindsay...................
Corn-shelling machine................ H. Lipp~oldl....................
Corn-shelling machine...----------------. A. Little...................
Corn-shelling machine...................... W. McIroy and B. and W.Boon
Corn-shelling machine................. J. M oon......................
Corn-shelling machine................. T. Newman...................
Corn-shelling machine................ J. Parker and H. MI. Smith....
Corn-shelling machine.......... W. Ii Parker................
Corn-shelling machine--------....... L. Peck.......................
Corn-shelling machine..------------... P. Pilsbury..............
Date. No.
New Albany, Ind......... Aug. 18, 1868
New Albany, Ind......... Mar. 16, 1869
Saratoga Springs, NY... - -
Chicopee, Mass...........
Chelsea, Mass...........
Lancaster, Ohio-........
New Village, N. J.......
Hamburgh, Pa..........-.
Eberly's Mill, Pa..........
Minneapolis, Minn........
Mechanics' Falls, Me......
Northfield, N. H..........
La Fayette, Ind........
La Fayette, Ind...........
Baltimore, Md.............
Hyattsville, Ohio.........
Centralia, Pa.............
Harrisville, Ohio.-..-.-..._
Lancaster and Pequea, Pa.
Jamestown, N. Y...._....
Green Park, Pa.........
Schuylkill Haven, Pa.....
Hummelstown, Pa.......
Cairo, N. Y.-..............
Lancaster, Ohio........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Otisfield, Me..............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Montreal, Canada.........
Milwaukee, Wis._.._
Thorntown, Ind..........
Memphis, Tenn.........
Worthington, Ind.........
Alma, Ill...............
Carondelet, Mo...........
Harrisburgh, Pa.........
Bolivar, Tenn.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Memphis, Ten...........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Boston, Mass........
Poundridge. N. Y.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.............
New Hope. Mo............
Mendota, Ill..............
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Milton, Pa................
Monmouth, Ill............
Hudson, Ill.............
Clifton Park, N. Y........
Elmira, N. Y.............
Poultney, Vt...........
Downington, Pa _...._._
Chicago, Ill...........
Vanderburgh County, Ind.
Marshfield, Mass..'.......
Mount Morris, N. Y.....- - -.
Fort Plain, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cedar Rapids, Iowa......
Catskill, N. Y............
Miamisburgh, Ohio......
Natick, Mass............
Poultney, Vt.............
Staunton, Va..............
Cornwall, Conn.........
Providence, R. I........
Manchester, Vt......
Gilead, Me..---....---
New York, N. Y.........
Virgil, N. Y...............
Saybrook, Conn...........
Saybrook, Conn.....
Rockland, Va.............
Louisville, Ky.........
New York, N. Y......
Fredericktown, Md....
New York, N. Y......_
Hudson, N. Y.............
Vernonii, Ind...........
Vernon, Ind.........
Vernon, Ind..............
Hallowell, Me............
Catskill, N. Y - -
Silver Creek, N. Y._....
Columbia, Conn........
Greenwich, N. J..........
Morrisville, Pa...........
Guilford County, N. C....
Richmond, Va...........
Milton, Del.............
Brookfield, Coni............................
Jan. 23, 1841
Feb. 25, 1868
Jan. 27, 1841
July 26, 1870
June 12,1838
Jan. 3,1854
June 9, 1868
Sept. 15, 1868
June 26, 1866
Jan. 16, 1835
July 1, 1862
Sept. 25, 1860
Sept. 8, 1868
July 23, 1861
Sept. 10, 1867
June 24, 1839
May 21, 1872
Sept. 27, 1864
Dec. 31, 1867
Apr. 9, 1872
May 3, 1870
Feb. 16, 1815
Jan. 21,1873
Jan. 16, 1866
Nov. 9, 1869
Nov. 5, 1872
June 27, 1871
Mar. 10, 1868
Apr. 13, 1869
Oct. 11, 1870
Nov. 12, 1872
Feb. 11, 1873
June 18, 1872
July 26, 1870
Nov. 23, 1869
May 2, 1871
July 18, 1871
May 24, 1870
Apr. 12, 1870
Nov. 26, 187:
Jan. 30, 1872
Mar. 16, 1827
Oct. 29, 1818
Jan. 23, 187-2
Jan. 14, 1873
Oct. 8, 1872
Jan. 22, 1850
Jan. 10, 1865
Aug. 12, 1873
Apr. 5, 1859
81, 121
87, 811
1, 946
74, 965
1, 952
105, 872
78, 714
82, 250
55, 899
35, 757
30, 185
82, 039
32, 909
68, 744
1, 187
127, 051
44, 433
72, 783
125, 415
102, 607
135, 029
52, 092
96, 658
132, 708
116, 262
75, 368
89, 001
108, 126
132, 958
135, 709
128, 056
105, 825
97, 109
114, 331
117, 105
103, 497
101, 949
133, 346
123, 319......
122, 968
134, 790
132, 017
7, 036
45, 862
141, 717
23, 488
Feb. 3,1836....
Feb. 10, 1836.
Feb. 13, 1-36.
Oct. 21, 182 36, 700
Jan. 31, 1871 111, 350
Sept. 1, 1831......
July 16, 1838 840
Jan. 31, 1829........
May 12, 1834.
July 25, 1861 32,898
May 4, 1825...-.
Jan. 15, 1840 1,472
Feb. 17, 1863 37, 674
Nov. 1, 1895
Oct. 11, 1836. 45
Apr 13, 1831......
Mar. 18, 1828...
May 25, 1824.
Dec. 23, 1834....
Dec. 2, 1824....
Dec. 8, 1828.....
Oct. 8, 1838 972
Aug.12, 139 1, 283
M ar. 19, l,1t....
July 29, 182S........
June 22, 1825....
May 8, 1810 -...
June 13, 1831...
Dec. 8, 1825........
Apr. 29, 1828......
Dec. 17, 183.......
June 13, 1831........
Sept. 9, 1825........
Mar. 28, 1821.Aug. 15, 1871 118,139
Dec 23, 1824.
Mar. 30, 1839 1,112
June 27, 1825.....
Feb. 7, 1t-27........
Apr. 9, 1831........
July 9, 1839 1, 227
Apr. 9, 1824.....
Oct. 25, 1803......
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Corn-shelling machine............................
Corn-shelling machine...........................-.
Corn-shelling machineo............................---------
Corn-shelling machine............................-------------------------
Corn shelling machine-------------------------............................
Corn-shelling machine............................
Corn-shelling machone-------------------------.
Corn-shelling machine---.....----------------------
Corn-shelling machine..........................
Corn-shelling machine--..----------------..--..
C~orn-shelling machino.................
Corn-shelling machine and family mill............
Corn-shock binder................................
Corn-shock binder---....-------------------------............................
Corn-shocks, Device for loading and unloading.. -.
Corn shucking and shelling machine...........
Corn shucking and shelling machine...........
Corn-stacking horse..........................
Corn-stalk chopper..................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter..................................
Corn-stalk cutter------------.................................
Corn-stalk gutter..................................
Corn-stalk cutter..................................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter..............................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter..................................
Corn-stalk cutter.................................
Corn-stalk cutter......................................
Corn-stalk cutter..................................
Corn-stalk cotter-------------------------------
Corn stalk cutter_..................................
Corn-stalk cutter and corn-husker..................
Corn-stalk cutter and cultivator combined......._.
Corn-stalk cutter and stripper............
Corn stalk cutter preparatory to plowing........
Corn-stalk cutting alnd gri-nding machine.......
Corn-stalk cutting ad taking machine............
Corn-stalk-cutting knie........................
Corn-stalk-cutting machie.......................
Corn-stalk-cutting macl:i:e............
Corn-stalk-cutting machine...........
Corn-stalk knife................................
Corn-stalk pith for use in the arts, Preparing.....
Corn-stalks in the field, Machiine for cutting...
Corn-stalks in the field, Machine for cutting up...
Corn-stalks, Machine for cutting and crushing..
Corn-stalks, Machine for cutting and grindirg..
Corn-stalka, Machine for cutting and pulverizing-.
Corn-stalks, Machine for cutting standing........
Corn-stalks, Machine for shocking.......
Corn-stalks on the grou:ud, Device for cutting.
Corn-stubbles preparatory to plowing, Machine for
Corn with malt extract, Treating Indian......
Corns, bunions, &c., Comlposition for curing....
Corns, bunions, &c., Implements for removing..--
Corns, Composition lot curing.....................
Corns, Eradicating and curing.........._......
Corns. Eradicator for..........................
Corns, Eradicator f'..............................
Corns, Instrument for removing...............
Corns, Tincture for curing........................
Corner protector, Stair tand room.................
Cornet, &e.......................................
Cornet, &c.......................................
Cornet, &c.......................................
Cornet-bells, Machine otr forming................
Cormets, Machine for cutting the wind-passages in
the rotary valves of.
Comrnets, Machine for forming the branch-tubes of
valve-cases for.
Cbrinice and gutter, Metallic.....................
Cornice-bracket, Adjustable metallic.........
Cornice, Curtain..................................
Cornice, Drapery.................................
Cornice, Extension window-.-........-......
Cornice for window-curtains, Adjustable..........
R. Porter....................
F. Price......................
J. S. Rackham................
H. and E. J. Rosevelt.........
E. Russell....................
S. Spooner....................
G. W. Tolhurst...............
T. Wellman,jr...............
L. Whitney................
L. J. Wicks...................
E. Bond.......................
B. Brandrcth._..............
J. E. Hunter.................
C. Stowe......................
W. M. Mason..................
G. E. Johnson.................
S. Kingsbery..................
J. J. Rallow.................
L. S. Barker..................
J. Hollingsworth.............
R. H. Avery..................
S. BrEyan...................
M. Clark......................
G. W. Cole...................
J. W. Cornell................
T. A. Galt and G. S. Tracy.....
A. Hunt......................
H. Jackson.................
J. R. Marshall................
H. Martin....................
G. D. McClure................
A J.Nehergall................
J. B. Sherlock.................
S. Walters....................
D. W ilde....................
J. W ood.....................
J. Wood-ll------------------
J. Russell.....................
M. Gordon...................
N. Gabel.....................
J. D. and J. H. Wilde..........
W. G. Huyett...............
T. M. Hill and S. D. Tuttle - - -
G.D.Goodsell and N.E. Babcock
A. Glendening....................
J. M. Goff....................
H. Johnston..................
J. M. Brick..................
W. M. Bryant..................
H. Bilharz...................
F. M. Green..................
H. and A. Hersh..............
W. M. Taylor...............
F. J. Freeman.............
S. B. Lawrence...............
T. W. McDill.....-..........
J. Augspurger................
S. March......................
M. Cziner....................
A. J. Ferguson................
C. L. Roorback................
G. Oakley...................
W. Davis...-.......
C. Wheat....................
P'. Williamson................
J. C. Jacobsohn...............
E. Smith....................
H. C. Richards................
G. Corbett...................
I. Fiske....................
I. Fiske....................
L. Schreiber...................
L. Schreiber..................
L. WV. Spen cer...............
L. W. Spencer................
L. V. Spencer................
Residence. Date.
Billerica, Mass-----------........... Sept. 12, 1838
New York.....--------------- May 4, 1825
Waterport, N. Y.......... Oct. 20, 1868
New York, N. Y........ Jan. 26, 1821
Greensborough, N. C...... Oct. 24, 1826
Petersham, Mass-...--... Feb. 27, 1823
Liverpool, Ohio..-.---.. Nov. 30, 1858
Brooklin, Vt -..-... --- Oct. 9, 1834
New York, N. Y-..------.. Nov. 13, 1824
Racine, Wis........... Aug. 24,1858
Mendon, N. Y............. June 13, 1831
Sing Sing, N. Y...... June 4,1872
Mechanicsburgh, Ohio.... May 25, 1869
Braceville, Ohio -..... Apr. 24, 1860
Polo, Ind......----------------- Mar. 22, 1864
Smith Valley, N. Y........ Dec. 9, 18-3
Carrollton, Ga.....---------. Oct. 6,1857
Fredericksburgh, Va..... July 3, 1855
Pittsford, Mica........... ------ Dec. 19, 1865
Chicago, Ill.............. Oct. 29, 1872
Galesburgh, Ill........... Aug. 6, 1872
Jefferson, Wis.-..- -.. May 14, 1867
Oakley, Ill............... June 15, 1869
Canton, Ill............... July 14, 18'63
Lawn Ridge, Ill....----------- Aug. 8, 1871
Sterling, Ill.............. Nov. 28, 1871
Macomb, Ill..-..--.... Sept. 10, 1867
Elmira, Ill.......... Mar. 9, 1869
Marine, Ill-...-.-..... Aug. -21, 1860
Round Grove, Ill-........ June 4, 1872
Denver Station, Ill....... Apr. 10, 1866
Cedar County, Iowa....... Sept. 6,1870
Port Byron, Ill............ Oct. 19, 1869
Dallas City, Ill..-----........ Mar. 5, 1872
Washington, Iowa....... July 16, 1872
Pella, Iowa................ Feb. 7, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y---............ -- Dec. 18, la66
Washington, Iowa........ Apr. 21, 1868
Preble County, Ohio...... Jan. 30, 1866
Washington, Iowa........ Feb. 18, 1868
Williamsburgh, Pa........ Dec. 22, 1857
Eaton, Ohio............... Nov. 27, 1866
Rockford, Ill............. Feb. 8, 1870
Butler County, Pa....... Sept. 25, 1823
Ionia, Ill---........... Sept. 11, 1866
Collinsville, Ill...... Apr. 12, 1859
Marlton, N. J.......... Apr. 22, 1873
Alexandria, Va........... May 3, 1870
Seneca, Ill............... July 2, 1867
Sullivan, Ill..............- Aug. 24, 1858
Lancaster County, Pa-.... Mar. 9, 1858
Tredyffrin Township, Pa.. July 31, 1847
Newburgh, Ohio........ Nov. 19, 1872
Heyworth, Ill....... Apr. 2, 1861
Hookstown, Pa... July 24, 1860
Perry, Ill--------------July 11,1865
Trenton, Ohio.-.......... Sept. 1, 1857
83, 314.....
22, 206..........
21, 2S8.....
127, 454
90, 451
28, 019
42, 008
145, 423
18, 342
13, 182
51, 540
132, 578
130, 100
64, 743
91, 420
39, 214
117, 746
131, 353
68, 749
87, 676
29, 705
127, 623
53, 848
107, 090
96, 042
124, 401
129, 384
111, 709
60, 643
76, 909
52, Â~82
74, 652
18, 905
60, 008
99, 560
57, 893
23, 644
138, 069
102, 484
66, 287
21, 254
19, 561
5, 207
133, 270
31, 928
29, 286
48, 704
18, 076
63, 912
120, 721
81, 486
110, 162
92, 993
21, 7190
122, 468.....
56, 800
131, 506
59, 204
74, 331
49, 925
64, 582
63, 761
63, 819
63, 760
144, "259
124, 382
91, 441
132, 941
127, 367
89, 139
101, 293
101, 556
99, 930
58, 701
78, 381
139, 049
133, 8-20
1-24, 549
100, 763
0, 893
131, 551
Norfolk, Va.............
New York, N. Y..........
Sharon, Pa...............
Saint Clair, Pa............
Quincy. Ill................
Williamsburgh, Va......
Geneva, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New Brunswick, N. J.....
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Worcester, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Apr. 16, 1867
Nov. 7, 1871
Aug. 25, 1868
Dec. 13, 1870
July 27, 1869
Sept. 9, 1835
Oct. 12, 1858
May 17,1838
Oct. 22, 1872
Jan. 20, 1826
July 31, 1866
Sept. 24, 1872
Oct. 30, 1866
Feb. 11, 1868
Sept. 12, 165
May 7, 1867
Apr. 9, 1867
Apr. 16, 1867
New York, N. Y..........j Apr. 9,1867
J. B. Cornell................. New York, N. Y..........
A.T. Perkins and N.Waterminan T2oledo, Ohio............
C. WV. liil-...------------------Now York, N. Y..........
H. It. Watson-...----------_--Albany, N. Y -...........
A. Pohl -.-............ Brooklyn, N. Y............
O. L. Gardner----------------................ New York, N. Y......
M. Meany, J. McGinnis, and Brooklyn, N. Y........
W. Cuiningham.
Cornice-moldings, Machine for making............ C. L. Wood and C. A. Sheridan. Cleveland, Ohio..........
Cornice, Ornamental-------------.. ---------------... Y. J. McGeary................ Newark, N. J............
Cornice-plastering mold......................... C. P. Walter..........-........ --- Aston Township, Pa......
Cornice, Running................................ A. Leverty-----------------.................... - Bridaeport, Conn.......
Cornice, Stucco.................................... A. Derronm..--...---...-. -- Paterson, N.J.............
Cornice-tool.-................................... J. P. Ballantine -......... _- Detroit, M ich.............
Cornice, Window.................................. D. Coney and J. H. Norcross... Augusta, Me., and Melrose, Mlass.
Cornice, Window................................. R. N. Hoffman....------......... Chicago, Ill..---..........
Corni-ce, W:(dow.................................A. J. 11olmes......----..... - Saratoga Springs, N. Y..
Cos"ieo, W indow.................................. W. Lloyd..................... New York, N. Y.........
Nov. 4, 1873
Mar. 5, 1872
June 15, 1869
Nov. 12, 1872
May 28, 1872
Apr. 20, 1869
Mar. 29, 1870
Apr. 5, 1870
Feb. 15, 1870
Oct. 9, 1864;
May 26, 1868
May 20, 1873
Dec. 10, 1872
Mar. 12, 18-12
Mar. 15, 1870
Apr. 16, 1t867
Sept. 24, 1872
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Offie from 17 e to 1, 73,. ibelsire-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residlence. Date. No.
Cornice, Window-------------------------------...W. Lloyd--------------------_New York, N.Y---------- Sept. 17,1872 131, 358
Cornice, Window-curtain------------------------......C. W. hill............. _....- New York, N. Y...........June 2-2, 1869 91, 746
Cornice, Window-curtain-------------------- __ _ __ __ _-PI. Lloyd-------------------- _ _New York, N. Y----------..Dec. 19, 1871 122, 037
Cornices and moldings, Tool for forming plaster.. - S. Groesbeck--------------Ne.Yor, N.17.........wYrN _-.----_Sept. 17, 1850 7, 654
Cornices, Construction of metallic...........__ __ _...J. M. Blackburn, C. L. Wood, Cleveland, Ohio---........... -Apr. 5, 1870 101, 57-2
BK.Price, and C. A.Sheridan.
Cornices, Machine for bending sheet-metal for -.... C. A. Buttles and D. Murphy..- Milwaukee, Wis-._.- --------Oct. 12, 1869 95. 650
Cornices, Macblue for rolling---------------------.A. Johnson.--------------Cairo, N, Y.--------------- Dec. 22, 1857 18,9006
Cornices of sheet-metal. Machine for forming. J. Lee...- - - -- --.... __Bolivar, Ohio --_.._ -. - -_ June 1;;, 1860 28, 676
Coinices to windows, Mode of attaching----------- _ _A. Peple. - - - - - - _____ ___ East Billerica, Mass..- -_Mar. '2, 1870 101, 158
Cornish-engine----------------------------------- J. Storer.------------_------Peekskill, N. Y17_..- - -.Aug. 30, 1870 106. 886
Cornucopia, Transparent-------------------------. I.Lohse----------------.... New York, N.Y17----------Dec. 12, 1871 121, 791
Corpse-cooler-------------------------------..... S. H. Crump-------------------BReading, Pa....-----------July 29, 1873 141, 331
Corpse-cooler------------------------------------E.zr. Earley------------------_Philadelphia, Pa.--------Jan. 28, 187:3 135, 210
Corpse-cooler-----------------------------------........J. Hoffman-------------------_.._ _Toledo, Ohio-------------- _.Sept. 2,1873 14-2, 393
Coipse-cooler------------------------------------- F.N. Ti-ol-------------------.Baltimore, Md----------Sept. 2, 1873 14-2, 533
Corpse- preserver---------------------------------IR. C. Andrus------------------ Poughkeepsie, N.... 17 Dcc. 6, 1870 309, 861
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------G. D. Blecher................. Indianapolis, Ind._.-- ------Feb. 26, 1867 62, 3 10
Corpse-preserver--------------------------------..L. ID. Bunnn--- ---------- Morristown, N. J---------- Oct. 28,1862 36, 765
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------.....J. T. Carpenter.......... _... Dowaingtown, Pa....May 2, 1871 114, 407
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------...J. L. Clark.---------------Providence, 11. I-----------May 25,1869 90,4-26
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------S._ Cobb-----------------.-Cobb---.. _.. _ Cincinnati, _ Ohiocinati,.Oio..Jan... 27,n. 185718 16,6,446
Corpse-preserver-----------------------------....C. IW. Compton---------------- Newark, N.J.-------------Nov. 5,1867 70, 510
Corpse- preserve r-------------------------------- J. E. Cox......---------------.Baltimore, Md------------ Aug. 22,1871 118, 346
Corpse -preserver.- - - - - - - --___.__.__._.H. M. Iiggins----------------.Cincinnati, Ohio---------- Apr. 18, 1871 113, 861
Corpse-preserver -----------------------------. H. V. Griffith----------------- Altoona, Pa.----.......(kt. 18, 1870 108, 350
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------........1). L. Holden------------------...Covingtoii, Ky..----. _--Feb. 13, 1872 1-23,697
Corpse-preservers--------------------------------.J. Kuosman sr. -...... Reading, Pa--------------- May 2-2, 1866 55,013
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------..H. Kersten------------------- Wheeling, W. Va_-..Sept. 16, 1873 142,3919
Cerpse-pi-eserver-------------------------------..H. Lee.----------------------.I asluington, D.C -.....May 17, 1870 10:3, 060
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------........E. F. Lenox and C. Eckhart. -- - Trenton, N. J-------------...June 21, 1870 104, 607
Cor-pse-preserver-----------------------------...__ I.It. Margerum-------------- Trenton, N.J------------- May 2,1871 114,315
Corpse-preserver_-------------------------------_M. E. Mot-------------------.RousesPoint, N.Y 17 - Mary 26, 1868 78, 314
Corpse-preserver --------------------------------G.Ns------ ----------CmuO------....----a 3 8115
Corpse-preserver--------------------------------__C. 0. Peck.--------------Pittsfield, Mass----------- Dec. 9, 1873 145, 307
Corpse-preserver------------------------------C. F.Pike-------------------- Providence, R.I......------Dec. 31,1867 72,893
Corpse-pieserver------------------------....... _----A. G. Reed-------------------...._.Philadelphia, Pa......... Mar. 30, 1869 88, 510
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------..._ _..._ _J. J. Reicherts.............. Delaware, Ohio-----------._.Sept. 29, 1868 8-2, 552
Corpse-preserver- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -S. Stockton and J. Sehepler. -.- Lambertville, N. J -.Sept. 27, 1870 107, 831
Corpse-preserver------------------------------....... P. Taltavull------------------...Washington, D. C.---------Apr. 29, 1873 138, 449
Corpse-preserver-------------------------------..J. C. Taylor------------------- Trenton, N.J............. July 5,1870 105, 013
Corpse-preserver.._... _.......................... J. F. and E. G. Waters.-.-_ Philadelphia, Pa.__... Mar. 5, 1872 124,3t0
Corpse-preser ei--------------------------------........B. IWilson--------------------....Morristown, N. J..._. Nov. 3,18163 40,529
(orpee-preserving--------------------.......- ---C. A. Seely and C. J. Eames.. New York, N..17... Feb. 18.,1868 74,6117
Corpse preserving and embalming-- -----------.. J. A. Mitchell-----------------.. _.Maysville, Ky-.--.- Aug. 6, 1872 130,'),2
Coipse-preservino box ---------------------------P. Weadhiser----------------- Rockvslle, Conni..........- Dec. 17, 1867 72, 346
Corpse-preseving ease -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -I. Giaven stine---------------_._.PhiladelphiaIPa...._July 23, 1871 1l7, 407
corpse-preservmg ease_--------------------------_ _ _ _ _A. G. IReed.....---------------. _Philadelphiai Pa.____-.-. July 12, 1870 10.),368
Corpse-piesering ease... _......................-J. Searing-------------------...Morristown, N. J.. _-- Dec. 6, 1864 45,349
Coipse-pieserving ease.......................... J. S. W~atermnan-------._ _.-----Roxbury, Mass. -.._. - - _ Apr. 23, 1867 64, 172
Corpse-preserving ease--------------------------I...... S. Waterman----- __ ------RoxburyMass. - - - - _- Apr. 7, 1s68 76, 68
Coipse-pieservin- (asket------------------------....N. F. Cnn-an---------... ---BaltimoreMd.......Sept. 24, 1872 1.1, 668
Coipse-pieserving casket-----------------------.....I C. H. Kimball-----------------. _Quincy, Mass.__....Jani. 2s, 1868 P73,:9
Corpse-preserving composition.------- -------J. Al. Gallaher----------------...Carthae, N..17._ Oct. 28, 1873 144,0685
Corps- reeps to------------------ - -- -- ----T. Holmes.................. Washiingtoii D. C..... July 21. 1863 39, 291
Coipses, Dev ice for hiandlin g....... --- --- --. H. H uhber......................Crestlisir Ohio.._..._. Nov. 26, 187-2 133, 447
Corpses in placeDcevice for seeml ing the features of. A. S. Chesebrough._- --- -- ----HartoslI on._..... May 3, 1870 102, 430
Corpses, Refigeriator for------------------------.. H.. Fredr-ick and G. A. Trump- Baltiniore, Md.._.... May 9, 1846 4, 504
Coirugated hosir_- ------_..---- - --------_ _------Montgomery---------------..New York, N Y-17 -- Oct. 29, 1850 7, 742
Coringated fabr-ics, Manufaturing................F. Baare and J. G. Garelly - _New Yoik, N. 17.._. July 5, 1859 24, 691
Coriugated knives. M-chne for giinding.----------.1J. B. Wilson.- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---New YoikN - 7- -- ---Nov. 9, 1869 911, 756
Corrugated aietals, Roingl n g----------------------H..........1.Montgomery.-.- --_ -------New Yoik, N. Y.._-. -.Dec. 27, 1859 26, 607
C oirugated plates, Manulactere cC---------------.. S. J. Seely-------------.. _ _---BrooklyiiIN.Y-----.._----Sept. 9, 18112 36, 4-24
Corrugated steecl plates aaiini-rticle of iuanufac- H. Montgomery..-------------..New YorkN.17.-......... Mai-. 19, 1867 63, 077
ture, Curved.
Coirugatinigaiid molding sheet-metals. Machine for.! A. Johnson- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -BrooklynIN. 17-----------Feb. 8, 1870 99, 684
Cerrugating c-irular imet-al plates- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -R. B. Itugunin - - -.- ---------- Cleveland, Ohio._-.. _ - Apr. 19, 1864 42, 377
Corrugating-machine---------------J. G. Baker-------------------..Washinton, D. C. _ _ -.. I. ec. i5, 1863 40, 897
Corrugatin' iiiachine, Metal-------------- ---S. J.- Seely--------------------- Brookl ii N. 17........... Feb. 3, 1863 37, 593
Ceiirugatiii- machine Sheet-mietal---------------. _.I IW. Mann---- _..--------------_Newcastle, Pa -- - --- -- -- - -Api. 12, 1870 101, 750
Coiriugatingnimachine, Sheet-metal............... G. IH. Moore-.__ -.- - -- ---------Lyons. Iow a -- -- -- -- -- - --- -Fe b.18, 1868 74, 57-2
Corr ugati ng nacliine, Sheet-metal---- ------F.boys ---------------------- _ _ _East Berliii Connii - J..._ une 3, l1t73 139, 480
Corating metal plates.............J.Facs---------------Jins --------------. New YorkIN. 17---.-----June 2. 1863 38,7911
Corugating metal plaie- -- - --- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -. Montgoery.... _. -__.-.New York. N. Y......... Feb. 21, 1854 10, 549
C oiiugatingnietal plates, Ma:cbiiuo foi- - --- -------A.IV. Gravy -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Middlelowic, Vt.. _.... Dec. 11, 1872 133, 773
Corugatingimetal plates. Machine foi-. I:. Montgomiery.. ------------ New York, N. Y.- _-------Apr. 1-2, 1859 23,59
Coiiugating metals, Appa~-atrs Pf------- ---.---- J. l anmgoinei-y............... New York, N. Y----------May 10,1670 102, 119
Coii-uo atiug metals, Macline for -----------------... J. Moffet--------------------- _.New York, N. Y. _........-t uy 16, 18721 129, 21 0
Index of pateflts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Corset-------------------"----------------------- M. L. C hangeur.............Corset ------------------------------------------ L. L. Chapman...............
Corset ------------------------------------------ M. Cohn.--..................
Corset.---------"-------------------------------- S. Collins....................
Corset ------------------------------------------ j. S. Crolty......--......
Corset ----------------------------------------- C. Z. Cummings.........--..
Corset----------------------------------------- S. A. Dake..................--
Cor-set------------------------------------------H. H. Dayton...............--
Corset --------------------------------------.. Do Baun.................
Corset............................--.......T. B. Do Forest.............
C orset.........................................--S. Dixon...................--
Corset.........................................F-. Drueker................
Corset.........................................-D. H. Fanning.............-"
Corset.......................................--- D. H. Fanning.............Corset.......................................... S. B. Fisler................Corset.......................................... H. S. flood...................
Corset.......................................... L. H. Foy...................Corset.-....................................... L. H. Foy...................
Corset........................................L. H. Foy...........
Corset.......................................... T. S. Gilbert.................
Corse.........................................1'. S. Gilbert.................
Corset.......................................... T. S. Gilbert................
Corset.........................................--T. S. Gilbert................
Corset.........................................--T. S. Gilbert................
Corset.......................................... C. A. Griswold...............
Cose......................................... C. A. Griswold...............
Corset.......................................... E. H ambujer...............Corset.......................................... T. F. Hamilton........
Cose......................................... T. F. liamilton..............Corset.......................................... C. L. Hamlin.................
Corset.......................................... J. W. Lane............._.._.
Corset.......................................... L. H. and A. F. Loomier and L.
H. Smith.
Corset..........................................H. A. Lyman........
Corset.......................................... H. E. Marchand..............
Corset.......................................... A. S. McLean...............--
Corset......................................... E. J. Meriman.............
Corset..........................................E. J. MUeriman...............
Cre.........................................W. Miller..................--
Corset........................................ W. W. Nettorfield...........Corset..................................... S. Ottonb eimer.-....-......
Corset.......................--- --............L. A. Palmer................
Corset..................................... S. M. Perry...............
Corset..................................... C. Preston..................
Corset...................................-----M. Russell................
Corset..................................... C. D.Riutberford...._.......Corset...................................... M. Sehillo.................
C orset ---.....---------......---W. H. Stroup.............---
Cot-set -...........--------------- J. Waterman................
Corset...................-----................-A. M. Weber...............
Corset, Abdominal.._...._-....._..._........J. P. McLean............--
Corset, Abdominal............................ C. Smith...................
Corset, Abdominal and skirt-supporter..........- - _J. MeNeven..............-- - --
Co rs e t a(1 bustle, Conmbined..................__ __ _ _L. 11. Foy................
Corset a0(d skirt-snpporter.................____.E Blakesleeo..............
Corset and skirt-supporter combrined.. -.._..W. Bacherler..... -___. __. --.
Corset and skirt-supporter comhined.............L..Spgemeyer. _..-....--_.
Corset and skirt-supporter, Comhined.. _......... M. J.C. anorstrand.-.--__.
C orset-hnsk............................ FHan..............E etn----------
Corset-husk.................................. Wallace,jr..............Corset-bnsk clasp............................. W. Dcxines.._...........Corset, Child's.................................H. G Emery and M. C Fuller
Corset, Child s5..................._..-_M. 1. Solomron..........._.
Corset-clasp................._... __...........IE. Bolkicy............
Corset-clasp.................................. W.B. Cargill......--------
Corset-clasp................................_. J. W. Carter..............
Corset-clasp................................. C. 0. Crosby..............--
Cor set-clasp...........................L Hl.............L il---------...
Corset-clasp.................................. P. Lippman..........----
Corset-clasp.......................----.....J. P. MacLean.............
Corset-clasp.............................---"-- T. A. Nelson..............
Corset ciasp and spring........................P. II. Niles.... _. _........._
Corset-clasp.......................------......J. B. iRohy.................
Corsettclasp..................................F. Str-aus................---
Corset-clasp.................................. R.Wallace and D. G. and H E.
Corset-fasteninue...................... J. Bowers.................
C orset-fastening............................----M. P. Bray...............--
Corset-fastemiug..................... W. B. Cargill._............
Corset fastening.............................. W. B. Cargill..............
Corset-fastening.............................. W. B. Cargill..............
Corset- fastening...................---.....S. ChOapman........--.....
Corset-fastening...............................J. F. Dubber.............
Corset-fisstenirr -....."......................---M. E. FrIentz. _.--.......
Cor. ct-fastening............................L. Jarchowv............._
Corset-fosterring...........................---J. P. Love...............--
Corset-'fasteine........................... ston..........-- --..
Paris, France........ _..._
Camden, N. JeYokN....._....._.
New Haven. Conna.
New York, N. Y....
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Eureka, Wis............
Worcester, Mass.....
Chicago, Ill............
Birmingham, Conn..
Nottingliari, England..
Paris, France.._......._..
Worcester, Mass...._.
Worcester, Mass. _...
Newark, N. J.... _.....
San Francisco, Cal..__.
Worcester, Mass. _..
Worcester, Mass. _...
Newton Centre, Mass.
Birmingham, Conn -_.
Birmingham, Conn. __..
Birmingham, Conn.,.
Birmingham, Conn.._._
Birmingham, Conn. -......
Willimantic, Con..
Willimantic, Coma.._
Detroit, Mich.-_--.._
Now Haven, Con.--.--
New Haven, Con. _.
New York, N. Y..
Bristol, England.__..._
Birmingham, Coon...
London, England. _..
Louisville, Ky..-.._...
Williaurshurgh, N. Y --..
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y. - _.
New York, N. Y.._
Rtochsester, N. Y -_..---
New York, N. YV_.._._
Boston, Mass.........._
Plainfield, N. J.._..__
Detroit, Mich......... _.
Union Bridge, Md...
Br-ookryn, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Pittshus gin, Pa._...
New York, N. Y-_._
Oshkoshi, iVis.-..........
New York. N. Y. -_.
Louisville. Ky.........--
New York, N. Y -._
Worcester, Mass.-----
Plymouth, Corro.W est Newbury, Mass ---.
Eastonr, Pa.......
Pekin, Ill......_........
New Hlaven, Conno..___.
Ausonmia, Con.........
Brooklyn, N. Y -... _._.
Boston, Mass............
Charlestown, Mass.__.
Pro vidlerce, R. I...._.
Bestonr, Mass............New haveni, Conn.Greenville, N. J__.__.._
New Haven, Conn -.-.--
North Br-ookfield, Mass.
New Yorke, N. YV.._____..
Brooklyn, N. Y....
Birmingham, Conn-_-.
Bostonr, Mass.. _........
Carrbridge, Mass..
New York, N. YV.._
Wallingford, Coun __.
New Ycrk, N. Y.-----
AsnaConNw Haven, Conn --_._
New Haven, Coun....
Waterhmry, Conn....
New York, N. Y -.__._
Brooklyn, N. Y --_._--_
New Albany, Ind._--_
New York, N. Y ____.
Now York, N. Y.-----
Boston.- Mass...........
Date. No.
July 16, 1867 66, 794
Dee. 15, 1863 40, 907
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 893
Apr 26, 1864 42, 460
Sept. 3, 1872 130, 983
Jan. 14, 1868 73,9235
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 209
July 7, 1S63 39, 126
Oct. 3. 1871 119, 583
July 28, 1868 80, 4(62
Jan. 21, 1873 1:15, 097
May 7, 1867 64, 530
May 25, 1869 90, 353
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 278
Feb. 23, 1869 87, 160
Sept. 10, 1872 131, 262
Sept. 15, 1863 39, 908
Sept. 15, 1863 39, 9109
Jtuly 7, 1868 79, 647
Arug. 10, 1869 93, 528
Feh. 8, 1870 99, 664
Apr. 4,1871 113419
Oct. 1, 1872 131,873
July 22, 1873 141, 1:34
Feb. 5, 1867 61, 825
July 4,1871 116,585
Juno 26, 1866 55, 972
June 13, 1871 115, 954
Feb. 25, 1873 136, 320
Nov. 14, 1871 120, 967
Jan. 14, 1873 134,90-2
Dec. 16, 1873 145, 665
Nov. 30, 1869 97, 418
Joan. 8, 1869 90, 950
Dec. 28, 1858 22, 443
Sept. 8, 1868 81, 926
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 570
July 30, 1867 67, 333
Sept. 15, 1868 8-2, 147
Apr. 23, 187-2 126, 079
Nov. 16, 1889 96, 951
July 31, 1866 56,794
May 23, 1865 47, 856
Apr. 8, 1873 137, 7-24
Dec. 11, 1866 60, 4-28
Sept. 15, 1863 39, 964
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 140
Oct. 7, 1873 143, 479
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 985
Nov. 8, 1859 26, 039
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 513
Aug. 11, 1868 80, 1)88
May 1, 1866 54, 3-23
Juno 19, 1866 55, 608
Jan. 22, 1867 61, 380
Nov. 21, 1871 121, 210
Dec. 19, 1871 122, 081
Feb. 16, 1869 86, 9-20
Oct. 13, 1863 40, 298
Apr. 3, 1866 53, 734
Mar. 26, 1872 124, 891
Apr. 7, 1868 76, 354
May 28, 1867 65; 163
Oct. 7, 1873 143, 403
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 8596
Aug. 14, 1866 57, 085
Apr. 16, 1867 63,863
Mar. 12, 1867 6-2, 848
Sept. 30, 1873 14:1, 359
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 689
July 21, 1863 39, 3-22
Dec. 20, 1870 110,273
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 279
Aug. 0, 1869 88, 752
Oct. 17, 1865 50, 524
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 005
Mar. 22, 1870 100, 9 70
Jan. 28, 1868 73, 873
May 19, 1868 78, 056
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 633
Junne 14, 1864 43, 094
Index of patents issued fromnt the United States Patent Office fromnt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Corset, Skeleton.................................. D. H. Fanning.............
Corset, Skeletonr........-..................... T. S. Gilbert..................Corset skirt-supporter....--------------------------- J. W. Brooks.................
Corset skirt-supporter-......................... J. W. Brooks.................
Corset skirt-supporter................-....... - J. V. Brooks.................
Corset skirt-supporter............................. L. H. Foy.....................
Corset skirt-supporter............................. L. H. Foy..................
Corset skirt-supporter.....--------------------------- L. H. Foy.....................
Corset skirt-supporter.-.......................... L. H. Foy..................
Corset skirt-supporter................. L. H. Foy............
Corset Sirt-supporting -.............. - - - - - C. A. Griswold-......--...
Corset, Skirt-supporting......................... L. S. Scofield..................
Corset, Skirt-supporting...--------------------.. -- S. Young-------------------.....................
Corset, Spinal................................. A. Abb-------------------......................Corset spring................................... H. Bennett---....---.............
Corset spring................................... S. H. Brown and C. H. Willets
Corset spring..................................... T. B. De Forest and T. S. Gilbert.
Corset-spring..................................... J. Hananer and N. Sartor.....
Corset-spring..-----.------------------------------. T. A. Hares----------------...................
Corset-spring...----------------..-------------------.. F. W. Marston................
Corset-spring..............------.... G. O. Schneller...............
Co set-spring................................... G. 0. Schneller.................
Corset-spring------..-----------------........ - G. 0. Schneller................
Corset-spring................................- G. O. Schneller................ ------------
Corset-spring, Extension......................... S. H. Barnes.................
Corset-spring fastener............................. E. Kunze....................
Corset-spring-punching machine--............ P. Brooks..................
Cor set steel.................................. M. Adler..------.....--------............
Corset steel... ------------------------------------F. L. and S. H. Barnes........
Corset steel.........-............................ C. S. Chaffee.................
Corset steel--.......---............................. -------------------------J. L. Fitzpatrick............
Corset steels, &c., Japaning----------------... -... C. H. Bassett................
Corset-weaving................................ B. J. Goullioud.......---.......
C orset, W oven........................ _....... J. O ttenheim er...............
Corsets and abdominal supporters, Manufacturing E. Adams.....................
Corsets and bustles, Manufacturing-----......... D. Lamoureux................
Corsets, Bust or stay for.-------..- --.- ----... T. B. De Forest..............
Corsets, Device for attaching steels to-----........---.... W. A. and H. E. Starrett.....
(orsets, Device for measuring, laying out, and M. Williams.................
Corsets, Fastening for stays of-..-----------------.. J. W. Brooks..................
Corsets, Machine for rounding whalebone for...... J. A. Sevey............
Corsets, Skirt-supporting hook for..---------------- D. H. Fanning...............
Corsets, Steam former for shaping and forming.... C. Heptonstall.. -...........
Corselets for medicinal and other purposes, Manu- A. Abbe....................
Corundum-wheels, Mode of making-.........-.. A. W. Calder.................
Corundum-wheejs, Mold for making..-------------.. E. H. Danforth.................
Ccsmetic..............................----..........-----------------------------------. I.M. Wilson................
Cosmetic compound.............................. H. Z. Sill.....................
Costumery..----------------------...-------------- W. F. Munroe.................
C ot and chair, C om bined folding -.............. T. C. P otter...................
Cot and chest, Combined camp.................. T. J. Griffin...................----------
Cot and stretcher, Field-hospital.................. W. Dann--... - - ---...
C o t - b a t h, E l a s t i c................... W. C. P a l m e r..................
Cot, Camp.....------------------------------------I C. Mettam....................
Cot,Camp and hospital............................ G. M. Powell, C. D. Lincoln,
and G. Evans.
Cot, chair, &c., Reclining valetudinary....------------ J. Mead.......................
Cot, Hammock------------.. -------------------. --J. C. Day--------... ---------..................--
Cot, lounge, and chair-...........................G. B. Gourley and O. G. Brady.
Cot or bedstead................................... WV. Wells..................
Cot or cross-bedstead sofa----.......----..-............ -G. Sickels.....................
Cot, Soldier's...................................... E. V. Pierce and W. J. Clark..
Cot, Spring...-------------------------------------. T. J. Griffin...................
Cottage-chair... -----------------------------------C. O. Collignon..........
Cotton after ginning, Machine for cleaning and J. Simons and J. McJames....
C otton and corn-stalk cutter-................. - G. S. R oudebrush.............
Cotton and corn-stalk puller.---------------------...................... W. Altick-------------....................-----
Co ton and corn-stalks, Machine for extracting.. - - - J. Bishop........----.--...---.........--
Cotton and corn-stalks, Machine for pulling and IH. F. Hicks.................
Cotton and feeding to gin, Cleaning seed.......... M. B. Clarke..................
Cotton and hay press......---------------------------- B. B. Alfred..................
Cotton and hay press................ B.B. Alfred...................
Cotton and hay press........................... G. tH. Aylworth...........
Cotton and hay press.............................. S. T.Baker................
Cotton and hay press...-------------------------... -L. Balles, J. Prescott, and W.
A. Bickford.
Cotton and hay press---........ W. Bullock...................
Residence. Date. No.
Worcester, Mass........----------.. Feb. 15, 1870 99, 871
Birmingham, Conn........ Apr. 4, 1871 113, 413
Boston, Mass............ June 8, 1869 90, 920
Boston, Mass-----............. - Jan. 25, 1870 99, 146
Boston, Mass............. May 31, 1870 103, 556
Worcester, Mass----.......... July 22, 1862 35, 930
Worcester, Mass----.......... --- Sept. 15, 1863 39, 910
Worcester, Mass.......... Sept. 15, 1863 39, 911
Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 22, 1864 41, 987
Worcester, Mass-----.......... Nov. 29, 1864 45, 296
Willimantic, Conn........ July 10, 1866 56, 210
Boston, Mass------------............. Aug. 23, 1864 43, 930
Elmira, N. Y-----------............. -- ov. 7, 1871 120, 808
Boston, Mass------------............. May 26, 1857 17, 356
New York, N. Y-----......... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 665
New York, N. Y ----...-..... Apr. 14, 1868 76, 708
Birmingham, Conn....... Jan. 21,1868 73, 440
New York, N. Y......... June 7, 1870 104, 022
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 30, 1870 106, 934
Philadelphia, Pa..........Aug. 16, 1870 106, 38L
Ansonia, Conn............ Feb. 20, 1872 123, 938
Ansonia, Conn........: Sept. 10, 1872 131, 305
Ansonia, Conn-- ---............ Dec. 31,1872 134, 490
Ansonia, Conn------............ July 8, 1873 147, 733
New York, N. Y------.......... July 17, 1866 56, 345
Buchholz, Saxony--......... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 217
Waterbury, Conn........ Apr. 18, 1871 113, 737
New Haven, Conn......... Sept. 3, 1872 130, 967
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 399
Birmingham, Conn........ Jan. 21, 1873 135, 079
Waterbury, Conn......... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 685
Derby, Conn.-.-..-........ Apr. 26, 1864 42, 457
Paris, France------............. Jan. 27, 1863 37, 546
New York, N. Y----.......... -- Nov. 25,1873 144, 921
Boston, Mass....---...... Jan. 21, 1841 1, 940
New York, N. Y--...-...... --- Jan. 4, 1859 22, 532
Birmingham, Conn--....... Sept. 15,1868 82, 209
Lawrence, Karns.........------ - Oct. 4, 1870 107, 974
Camden, Ohio............. Mar. 29, 1870 101, 337
Boston, Mass............. Apr. 920. 1869 89, 018
Boston, Mass............. June 15, 1869 91, 370
Worcester, Mass...-....... Nov. 15, 1870 109, 309
Providence, R. I-----.......... - Aug. 2, 1870 106, 063
Worcester, Mass---...---.. -Apr. 2, 1841 2, 035
San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 10, 1869 93, 413
Jamestown, N. Y......... June 13, 1865 48, 160
Sequin, Tex.............. Feb. 25, 1868 74, 871
Pittsburgh, Pa---....-..... Feb. 27, 1872 124, 018
Boston, Mass-----............. July 2, 1872 128, 559
Williston, Vt...---........--.. June 25, 1872 128, 423
Brooklyn, N. Y------............ Jan. 28, 1862 34, 250
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... ----- Dec. 20,1864 45, 479
New York, N. Y----------.......... Nov. 24, 1832...--
New York, N. Y..-----.. July 23, 1861 32, 884
River Falls, Wis., Bidde- Sept. 15, 1863 39, 954
ford, Me.,and Richburgh,
Albany, N. Y.......---... - Mar. 18, 1816..
Jersey City, N. J..---........ - Oct. 28, 1562 36, 768
New York, N. Y.....-...... - Sept. 3, 1861 33, 192
Harrisburgh, Pa...... July 23, 1861 32, 919
Middletown, Conn...... Sept. 25, 1840 1, 800
Southington, Conn....... Jan. 7, 186-2 34, 089
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Apr, 8, 1873 137, 675
Closter, N. Y-..-..--...... Mar. 10, 1868 75, 373. May 17, 1804...
Natchez, Miss............ Nov. 13, 1860 30, 645
Dayton, Ohio...------------- July 24, 1866 56, 509
Austin, Tex.............. Feb. 19, 1861 31, 437
Grand View, Ind......... Nov. 8, 1859 26, 034
Newnan, Ga -.............. Dec. 19, 1854 12, 091
La Grange, Ga.-----...----.. - Nov. 19, 1867 71,113
La Grange, Ga...--.. --- Nov. 26, 1867 71, 4:19
Brighton, Ill.......... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 612
Portland. Me.--.. Dec. 17, 1834.....
Memphis, Tenn........... -- Feb. 13, 1841 1, 979
Jersey City, N. J......... Sept. 28, 1843 3, 288
Mystic River, Conn-...... Jan. 18, 1860 26, 750
Milford, Mass..--- -.. Jan. 15, 1867 61, 159
Dire West, S. C.......... Feb. 27, 1872 124, 035
Trenton, Ten -........... Dec. 5, 1871 121, 591
Trenton, Tenn-......... Dec. 16, 1873 145, 6-29
Franklin, Ind...... Mar. 13, 1860 27, 429
Madison, Ind............. Apr. 2, 1867 63, 477
Columbus, Miss.......... July 5, 1870 124. 936
Monticello, S. C--....... Sept. 28, 1869 95, 3-28
Louisville, Ky.......... Sept. 10,1867 68, 613
Battle Ground, Ind..... Mar. 29, 1870 101, 239
Fredericksburgh, Va...... Jan. 21, 1835...
New York, N Y....... Apr. 16, 1842 2, 555
New Haven, Coun...-.. Sept. 25, 1866 58, 341
Greenville, N.C......... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 631..Cotton and ay press...........-................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton arid hay press.-------------------------.
Cotton and hay press............................
Cotton and hay press.............................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press...........................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press-------------------.............................
Cotton and hay press............................
Cotton and hay press.............................
Cotton and hay press.............................
Cotton and hay press.............................
N. Chapman................
N. Chapman.................
A. W. Clarkson.-------------
E. S. Collins.................
E. S. Collins..........-.......
J. WV. Conway...............
J. W. Conway................
J. G. Cummings.............
J. K. Davis......-..........
W. I)eering.........
J. S. Dufiy...------------------
E. Eliason, jr.................
P. G. Gardiner.-........ C. Goodsell and D. Frisbie..
1R. Greene...............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cotton and hay press..................
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press.......................
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press.............----.-.-------
Cotton and hay press....----------------------
Cotton and hay press. ----------------------
Cotton and hay press.----------------------
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press...................
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press....---------------------.
Cotton and hay press.....................
Cotton and hay press.....................
Cotton and hay press.............----.-....--..---.
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press.............................
Cotton and hay press..................
Cotton and hay press..............................
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press......................
Cotton and hay press...................
Cotton and hay press...-----------------..-----
Cotton and hay press...................
Cotton and hay press.............................
Cotton and hay press, Portable.................
Cotton and linen waste, Treating..................
Cotton and other fabrics, Sizing..........
Co ton and other fibrous materials, Combing.....
Cotton and other fibrous materials for carding, Machine for preparing.
Cotton and other fibrous materials, Machine for
Cotton and other fibrous materials, Machine for
treating comnpressed.
Cotton and other fibrous materials, Pressing.......
Cotton and other fibrous substances, Cleaning.
Cotton and other fibrous substances, Cleaning....
Cotton and other plants, Cultivation of............
Cotton and other presses............
Cotton and other presses, Self-adjusting platens for.
Cotton and other seeds, Cleaning.................
Cotton and other seeds, Hulling.................
Cotton and sugar-cane elevator..................
Cotton and tobacco press.........................
Cotton and tobacco press..................
Cotton and wool factories, Straightening and soldering drums or cylinders for.
Cotton and wool ginning machine.............
Cotton and wool picking and cleaning machine....
Cotton and wool, Roping and spinning,............
Cotton and woolen rolls, Machine for splicing..
Cotton and woolen waste from oil, grease, &c., Process of cleaning.
Cotton, Apparatus for preparing...........
Cotton-bagging, Machine for rolling and measuring.
Cotton-bagging, Manufacture of.................
Cotton-bale fastening..............................
Cotton-bale hoop..........................
Cotton-bale tie..............................
Cotton-bales, Applying and securing metal bands
Cotton-bales, tobacco-hogsheads, &c., Packing-machine for.
Cotton-band, Metallic..........................
Cotton-band, Metallic..........................
Cotton bats or laps, Method of making..........
Cotton-batting., Manufacture of....----------.-----
Cotton-batting, Mode of glazing...........
Cotton-batting, Sizing and drying..............
Cotton-batting sizingand drying apparatus...-.
Cotton beating and picking machine.........
Cotton before ginning. Machine for cleaning....
Cotton being carded, Mechanism for mixing soapstone with.
Cotton, Bleaching damaged......................
Cotton, Bleaching stained.....................
Cotton burring and ginning machine...-----------
Cotton Carding, drawing, and roping...........
Cotton chopper...............................
Cotton chopper...............................
Cotton -choppe(r.....................
Cotton chopper...................................
Cotton chieper...................................
Cotton chepper...............................
Cotton-chopIl er................................
J. P. Herron..................
H. F. Hicks...................
J. J. BHines....................
M. Jaques and H. Freeman....
J. E. Kelsey and J. A. Potter..
D. Knowles..................
C. K. Marshall----....----.........
J. Massey.....................
J. C. McCurry.................
A. McGowen..................
J. L. Nelson..................
J.D. Nix......................
G. W. Penniston............
L. Potter.....................
D. Reynolds...................
J. G. Rux....................
W. Russell...................
W. M. Smith................
W. M. Smith.................
R. Stallings..................
E. Stockbridge..........
C. W. Stopple.................
R. Tiiplett...................
C.P. Wagner..............
G.P. Webster, jr...........
T. D. Wilson................
S. W olff.......................
A. G. Murray................
E. N. Horsford................
J. W. Speyer..............
J. Noble.....................
R. Kitson....................
Atlanta, Ga -............
Grand View, Ind........
Evergreen, Ala........
Woodbridge, N. J........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and
Providence, R. I.
Philadelphia, Pa -........
New Orleans, La.......
Thomasville, Ga.......
Wall Hill, Miss...........Houston. Tex..........
Greenville, N. C......
Noble, liI...............
North Vernon, Ind.......
Warren, Ohio........
Prospect, Md..............
Raymond, Miss...........
Atlanta, Ga.............
Augusta, Ga.............
Augusta, Ga............
Louisburgh, N. C.....
Houston, Tex...........
Houston, Tex.............
Davis County, Ky.....
New York, N. Y..........
Cross Bridge, Tenn......
Corydon. Ind...........
Vicksburgh, Miss.....
Annapolis, Md.......
Cambridge, Mass.........
Hamburg, Germany.....
Leeds, England -.......
Lowell, Mass.............
Date. No.
Sept. 13, 1870 107, 371
July 24, 1860 29, 341
Sept. 7, 1869 94, 602
Oct. 2, 1811.....
Sept. 25, 1840 1, 798
Nov. 22, 1870 109, 424
Apr. 18, 1871 113, 900
Dec. 15, 1857 18, 854
Jan. 30, 1872 123, 275
Aug. 8, 1871 117, 794
Jan. 2, 1872 122, 483
Nov. 21, 1871 121,121
Dec. 1, 1857 18, 766
Apr. 24, 1847 5, 088
Oct. 14,1873 143,641
May 21, 1867 64, 909
Feb. 18, 1868 74, 603
Aug. 16, 1870 106, 417
May 23, 1871 115, 126
Apr. 4, 1871 113,700
July 5, 1859 24, 672
Aug. 9,1870 106,229
May 19, 1834........
May 14, 1867 64, 814
July 25, 1871 117, 491
June 6, 1827.....
May 31,1859 24,256
Jan. 9.1835........
Sept. 15, 1857 18, 203
May 24,1870 103,384
June 27, 1854 11, 199
Sept. 22, 1863 40, 049
Dec. 6, 1864 45, 371
Feb. 23, 1864 47, 731
July 5, 1833.
Apr. 18, 1854 10, 803
Jan. 9, 1866 52, 008
May 26, 1868 78, 233
Feb. 28, 1845 3, 930
Apr. 22, 1845 4, 006
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 975
Feb. 12,1834........
May 20, 1856 14, 927
Apr. 12, 1870 101, 822
Jan. 29, 1827........
Jan. 23:, 1829.....
C. Whipple................... Providence, R. I.........
W. Wanklyu.................
H. L. Conner..................
J. C. Hurd....................
E. Lord.......................
P. Poullain...................
P. G. Gardiner................
J. C. Colt......................
T. Rowe.....................
L. D.Cavarly................
E. Price...................
N. Cheek......................
B. R. Curtis...................
L. N. Perry..................
S. R. Parklhurst...............
S. R. Parkhurst...............
J. Brown......................
G. B3arton, jr..................
H. M. Baker................
Albion Mills, Bury, England.
Natchez, Miss.............
Medway, Mass............
Todmorden, Great Britain
Greensborough, Ga.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Waterford, Conun..........
Waterproof, La...........
Chapel Hill, N. C..........
Richmond, Va............
Worcester, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Bloomfield, N. J..........
Providence. R. I.........
Shaftsburgh, Vt..........
Washington, D. C......
May 1,1845
July 24, 1866
Aug. 8, 1812
Apr. 22, 1826
June 15,1869
C. Lewandowski............. Paris, France............. Jan. 1, 1867
T. H. Murphy..........----------.... - New Orleans, La.......... May 17, 1859
T. Tebow...................
M. Tildesley...y..........
G. W. Penniston..............
J. Boot h----------------.......................J. J. McComb................
Lexington, Ky........
Willenhall, England......
North Vernon, Ind...--
Saint Louis, Mo-...........
Liverpool, England.......
30, 1871
12, 1869
1, 1859
15, 1866
23, 1866
T. Jennings.................... Stateburgh, S. C.......... Mar. 3, 1829
R. Lewis.........-..........
R Lewis.....................
J. C. Smith and G. C. Kellogg..
H. B. and H. T. Lawton......
E. P. Rider.................
J. Essex.....................
D. Goff......................
IH. A. Stearns.................
E. P. Rider..................
D. hIarding..................
B. Seguine....................
T. Welham..................
J. B. Richards................
J. A. Meany.............
J. Goulding..................
R. R..Hulnme.................
W. Tiffany and P. Allen......
S. W. Odell..................
C. Bailey and G. K. Bagby...
J. Caston........................
C. B. Douglas.................
J. Al. Garrett................
R. C. Holt....................
W. Holt......................
J. R. Htood....................I. J. K idd.....................
J. A. Lutz....................
E. T. Matthews..............
A. G. Powell..................
Charleston, S. C...........
Charleston, S. C...........
New Hartford, Conn.......
Cohoes and Troy, N. Y....
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Bnnington, Vt........
Rehoboth, Mass........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass............
Alexandria, La............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Kilburn, England.....
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Worcester, Mass.........
Providence, R. I..........
Otsego, N. Y..............
)Ouachita Parish, La......
Kinston, N. C.............
Bowdon, Ga............... -
Montgomnery, Ala........
Brenlham, Tex............
Morehouse Parish, La....
Dawson, Ga.............
Wedlowee, Ala...........
YVeungs Settlement, Tex..
Waynesborough, Va......
G Iveston, Tex............
Smithfield, N. C.....-.....
Apr. 5, 1859
Apr. 5, 1859
Feb. 20, 1843
Mar. 13, 1849
May 18, 1852
Feb. 10, 1846
Jan. 15, i1846
Sept. 19, 1848
July 30, 1850
June 25, 1867
July 3, 1843
Apr. 13, 1809
Dec. 23, 1873
Apr. 3,1866
May 31, 1864
June 4,1872
July 17, 1815
Aug. 31, 1869
Apr. 29, 1873
Dec. 23, 1873
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 30, 1873
June 14,1870
May 3, 1870
Jan. 31, 1871
Apr. 28, 1868
Nov. 1,1870
Oct. 8, 1872
Dec. 19, 1871
4, 023
56, 675
91, 407
60, 754
24, 046
115, 388
95, 854
22, 823
54, 675
59, 151
23, 474
23, 475
2. 969
6. 189
8, 958
4, 372
4, 353
7, 533
66, 020
31, 154
88, 997
145, 816
53, 646
42, 940
127, 486
94, 334
138, 363
145, 849
113, 640
146, 061
104, 154
102, 541
77, 2931
108, 918
1:2, 015
122, 057
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I I I
Cotton chopper and cultivator........._........
Cotton chopper and cultivator.....................
Cotton chopper and cultivator......................
Cotton chopper and cultivator, Combined._........
Cotton chopper and cultivator, Combined.........
Cotton.chopper and grain-cultivator..............
Cotton chopper and scraper..-...-----------------
Cotton chopper and scraper, Combined............
Cotton chopper and thinner....................
Cotton chopper, cultivator, and drill..............
Cotton chopper, scraper, and cultivator...........
Cotton-chopper, Self-adjusting rotary............
Cott on-cleaner....................................
Cotton-cleaner--------------------------------.....................................Cotton cleaner, Sea-island----------.............-----..-.......
Cotton, Cleaning..--------------------...-----.
Cotton cleaning and ginning machine.............
Cotton-cleaning machine..........................
Cotton-cleaning machine.......................
Cotton-cleaning machine.-----------------------
Cotton-cleaning machine...-----------------------
Cotton-cleaning machine....-----------------------
Cotton-cleaning machine...---------------.--------
Cotton-cleaning machine.......................
Cotton-cleaning machine....------------------------
Cotton-cleaning machine.......................
Cotton-cleaning machine---..................
Cotton-cleaning machine...-------------..--..----
Cotton-cleaning machinery........................
Cotton-cleaning machinery.....................
Cotton-cleaning machinery...---------------------.
Cotton, clover, and other seed huller..............
Cotton-coated seeds, Proce's for separating the
fibers from the husks ii.
Cotton, &c., combing machine--------.. ----------
Cotton-combing machine.....-----------------------
Cotton-combing machine-..----------------...--.
WV. Price.....................
K. Puckett...................
W. C. Tilton..................
E. B. Turnipseed.............
D. F. Welsh........
J. D. Dunn..................
J. M. Harcrow...............
M. L. Nearn..................
A. F. Roberts................
J. B. Underwood.............
D. Mosely..................
H. B. Cage.............
W. C. Bibb.................
D. P. Lewis.................
J. A. Hall....................
F. A. Leonhard..............
S. A. Jefferson................--------------
S. C. Ames....................
J. L. Coker....................
A. S. Eastham................
J. Gilliam....................
I. Hayden...................
E. A. Hearne.................
W. H. Johnson...........
J. H. Kinyon and J. Hollingsworth.
F. McCarthy.................
J. Ralston...............
J. Ryder, W. Carpenter, and
H. R. Jolley.
Z. B. Sims.................
C. Smith.............
C. S. Tarpley........
J. W. Thorn............
J. W. Thorn.................
J. Wind....................
J. Reed... -. ------.
T. Shapard..............
G. Macdonald...--------------.. -
F. A. Calvert and C. G. Sargent
L. S. Chichester...............
R. J. Clay....................
L. T. Clement..............
J. Gilmore-....................
R. H. Hilton..................
J. E. Hooper..................
B. Jackman..................
C. Leavitt....................
T. Oliver......................
G. T. Sadler..................
S. W. Brown----------------..................
I. Hayden...................
D. Hess....................
J. Whiteman...............
T. Rose and R. E. Gibson....
H. Conant....................
I. Dimock...................
C. Whipple and R. J. Stafford..
Mount Olive, N. C........
Parish of Morehouse, La..
Spring Place, Ga.........
Columbia, S. C...........
Neve-da, Ohio.............
Griffin, Ga................
Marshall, Tex.............
Double Bridges, Tenn.....
Knoxville, Tenn-..........Fayetteville, N. C.........
Ozark, Ark................
Madison Station, Wis.....
Madison. Ga..............
Huntsville, Ala...........
Keokuk, Iowa............
Columbia, Tenn...........
Franklin, Tenn..........
Washington, Ark..........
Hartsville, S. C...........
Wharton, Tex............
Reedy Fork. S. C..........
Lawrence, Mass...........
Lowndes County, Ala....
Hempstead County, Ark..
Richmond, Ark..._......
Chicago, 111..............
Apr. 8, 1873
Mar. 26, 1867
May 6, 1873
May 16, 1871
Jan. 17, 1871
Feb. 22, 1870
Apr. 16, 1872
Nov. 4, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
July 8, 1873
Mar. 7, 1871
Oct. 12, 1869
Feb. 28, 1871
Jan. 22, 1867
Aug. 1, 1865
Sept. 12, 1871
Oct. 18, 1870
Sept. 11, 1860
Dec. 10, 1872
Mar. 12, 1861
Oct. 10, 1829
Sept. 11, 1860
Feb. 19, 1861
Oct. 20, 1857
Oct. 2, 1860
Apr. 22, 1856
Demopolis, Ala.......... Feb. 12, 1845
Brenham, Tex------------............ Feb. 4, 1873
Clinton, La............... Dec. 18. 1860
Cotton-combing machine, Feeding-device for...... C. F. Hadley and E. Johnson...
Bonham, Tex.............
Knoxville, Tex............
Jackson, Miss.............
Courtland, Ala.............
Courtland, Ala............
Thomasville, Ga..........
Marshfield, Mass..........
Haywood County, Tenn...
Aston, England...........
Lowell and Westford, Mass
New York, N. Y......_
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Smyrna, Tenn............
New Orleans, La........
New Berne, N. C..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Louisville, Ky..........
Quincy, Ill............
Yazoo City, Miss.........
Lawrence County, Ala.-..
Lowell, Mass.............
Lawrence, Mass.........
West Union, Iowa -.......Philadelphia, Pa.........
Earlestown, England-.....Providence County, R. I...
Florence, Mass............
Providence and Smithfield,
R. I.
Chicopee, Mass., and
Wethersfield, Conn.
Saint Louis, Mo._........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Bath, M e..................
Smithfield, R. I............
Raleigh, N. C.............
Boston, Mass...........
North Providence, R. I._..
Providence, R. I..........---
Norwich, Conn............
Cold Springs, Miss........
Mobile, Ala.............
Baltimore, Md..........
Lowell, Mass..............
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass.............
Clinton, Mass............
Paterson, N. J............
Aiken, S. C...............
Oldham, England.........
Memphis, Tenn..........
Marshfield, Mass..........
Zagazig, Egypt...........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Boston, Mass.............
Memphis, Tenn.........
Boston, Mass.-....-...-............................
Stark, Fla...............
Boston, Mass.-...........
July 4, 1871
Sept. 11, 1860
Jan. 1, 1861
Oct. 16, 1860
Feb. 25. 1868
Nov. 13, 1847
Aug. 10, 1827
Dec. 24, 1867
Jan. 8, 1867
Feb. 3, 1857
July 14, 1857
Jan. 1, 1867
Oct. 26, 1869
May 22, 1860
Feb. 25, 1868
Jan. 30, 1866
Dec. 11, 1860
Apr. 11, 1854
May 18, 1858
Mar. 10. 1823
Oct. 24, 1854
Feb. 11, 1862
Oct. 25.1859
June 26, 1835
July 26,1870
Feb. 8, 1870
Sept. 12, 1865
Mar. 4, 1862
June 15, 1869
Nov. 3,1868
Apr. 16, 1867
May 10, 1838
Apr. 28, 1836
Apr. 15, 1873
Apr. 3, 1819
Aug. 10, 1836
Feb. 16, 1858
Aug. 25, 1868
Feb. 12, 1826
Dec. 6, 1859
(Oct. 21, 1851
Aug. 19, 1862
July 16, 1867
Sept. 3, 1867
Mar. 24, 1857
Mar. 12, 1833
Dec. 29, 1857
Mar. 29, 1864
Sept. 10, 1850
Feb. 3, 1826
Sept. 18, 1866
Sept. 19, 1871
Nov. 20, 1838
Nov. 1,1869
July 12, 1839
Nov. 24,1803
July 11, 1871
Mar. 26, 1867
137, 715
63, 176
138, 596
114, 889
125, 811
144, 281
143, 997
140, 746
112, 481
95, 651
112, 209
61, 438
49, 104
118, 951
108, 358
29, 945
133, 761
29, 971
31, 456
18, 454
30, 227
14, 725
3, 912
135, 586
30, 989
116, 764
30, 003
31, 069
30, 435
74, 776
5, 369.....
72, 691
61. 078
16, 526
17, 819
60, 859
96, 202
28, 361
74, 822
52, 289
30, 880
10, 762
20, 270
11, 826
34, 363
25, 897
105, 729
99, 641
49, 865
34, 606
91, 229
83, 783
63, 808
137, 939
19, 314
81, 357
26, 353
8, 444
36, 219
66, 921
68. 386
16, 870
18, 980
42, 127
7, 631
58, 187
1, 013
25, 943
1, 233
116, 924
63, 136
87, 535
51, 402
Cotton, &c., compress...........................
Cotton, Condensing.............................
Cotton, &c., Double-speeder for roping..........
Cotton, Double-speeder for roving..............
Cotton. &c., Drawing...............................
C< tton drawing and-spinning machine..........
Cotton, &c., Drying...-----------------------------
Cotton, Drying wet seed......................
Cottoe-duck, Dressing..-------------------------
Cotton, &c, Dust-room connected with machines
for picking.
Cotton, Dust-room in cleaning.................
Cotton-flannel, Manufacturing---...............
Cotton, flax, &c, Can for manufacturing....
Cotton for molding purposes, Preparing plastic....
Cotton, &c., for spinnig, Machine for preparing...
Cotton from the bolls in the field, Picking...
Cotton from the seed, Cleaning...---....
E. L. Morse.................
E. L. Morse..................
H. Waterman.................
A. Man.......................
C. T. Reams..................
P. Moody....................
A. Arnold....................
C. Whipople...................
J. B. PFilLer..................
J. Philbrick.................
G. G. Henry..................--
H-I. N. Gamnibrill-------------...............
R. Kitson.....................
J. Wlitehill................
W. Potter and E. Crane.---.
A. S. Carleton................
II. Moses ---..................
J. M. Legar..............
J. Taylor...................
S. S. Rembert and J. Prescott..
J. Reed..........-- --...........
F. T. Ackland, H. G. Mitchell,
and M Mustapha.
C. N. Andrews..............
WV. P. Baker.................
B. G. Beadle................
J. Beath.....................
WV. Bell......................
W. F. Bowen -...-..........
J. B. Brackett and W. Dearborn.
J. B. Brackett and W. Dear
Boston. Mass..............I., _---.
Mar. 9, 1869
Dec. 5, 1865
Cotton-gin...................................... C. Brakell.................... Oldham, England.........
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Cotton-gin -.........
Cotton-gin ----------------------------------
Cotton-gin.-------... --------------------------
Cotton-gin...- ------------------
Cotton-gin....- ------------------
Cotton-gin.....- - - - - - - - -
Cotton-gin.... --------------------
Cotton-gin.- ----------
Cotton-gin...- ----- -...----------
Cotton gin...
C otton-gin....................
Cotton -gin.....................
Cotton gin.....................
Cotton-g in....................
Cotton-gin..... -......-----------..
Cotton-gin.... -.....-----------.
Cotton-gin..... -......-----------..
Cotton-gin.... -.....-----------.
Cotton gin....
Cotton gin.....
Cotton gin....
Cotton gin.
Cotton gin..
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
R.. I. M. Brooks.................Woodbury, Ga............ Apr. 14, 1868 76, 594.. H. W. Brown................. Millville, N. J..-......... Mar. 23, 1858 19, 679.. I.F. Brown................... Columbus, Ga----------............. Apr. 23, 1861 32, 116
-. I. F. Brown.................. New London, Conn........ Sept. 1, 1863 39, 767. A. H. Burdine................ Chulahoma, Miss.......... Aug. 28, 1860 29, 765.. L. Campbell.................. Columbus, Miss........... Jan. 10, 1854 10, 401.. L. Campbell......... Columbus, Miss.......... May 22, 1855 12, 894.. E. Carver. jr.................. Bridgewater, Mass........ June 13, 1823.... J. E. Carver.................. Bridgewater, Mass-.... Jan. 2, 1866 51, 892.. J. G. Case-------------------.................... -New London, Conn........ Feb. 20, 1872 123, 868. J. A. Chanfourier..-.......... Paris, France.............June 11, 1867 65, 643. L. J. Chichester............... New York, N. Y........... Feb. 9,1858 19,324.. L. S. Chichester............... Brooklyn, N. Y........... July 25, 1854 11,355.. L. S. Chichester............... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 20, 1855 13, 815
SL. S Chichester............... New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 3, 1857 16, 565.. L. S. Chichester............. New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 12,1858 21, 795
-. L. S. Chichester..-............. New York, N. Y----.......... - Jan. 10, 1860 26, 815.. H. Clark...................... New London, Conn........ Feb. 25, 1836...... H. Clark...................... Eufaula, Ala--------------.............. Aug. 29, 1848 5, 740.. H. Clark...................... Newport, Fla............ Feb. 13, 1855 12, 376.. R. J. Clay..................... Green Point, N. Y......... Mar. 9, 1869 87, 635.. J. M. Clough....----------------- Ilion, N. Y................ June 7, 1870 103, 981.. J. M. Clough..........-.. Ilion, N. Y................ Nov. 19, 1872 133, 080.. P. E. Collins.......... Mobile, Ala............... Oct. 4, 1259 25, 630.. H. Conklin-------------------.................... -Poughkeepsie, N. Y....... June 7, 1839 1, 168
S. T.Conn..................... New York, N.Y.......... June 11,1829... E. A. Cooper.................. Westminster,Great Britain Apr. 3, 1866 53, 753..T. C. Craven................ Greenbush, N. Y.......... Feb. 9, 1864 41, 487. O. Crawford....................-........................ June 22,1807.......... E. Cruse..................... Charleston, S. C........... Nov. 18, 1816........
SB. Dobson and W. Slater...... Bolton, England.......... Mar. 30,1869 88, 374
J. Du Bois.................... Greensborough, Ala....... Jan. 8, 1850 6, 998.. J. Du Bois.................... Greensborough, Ala....... Apr. 27, 1858 26, 051.. J. Du Bois.................... Greensborough, Ala...... July 18, 1871 117, 058
F. Durand.................... Paris, France.............. Feb. 24, 1863 37, 743. F. Diurand................... Paris, France............. Sept. 19,1865 50, 080.. H.L. Emery.................. Albany, N. Y.............. Sept. 4, 1860 29, 867. H. L. Emery................. Albany, N. Y............ Mar. 30, 1869 88, 464. W. B. Emery.................. Albany, N. Y..............May 9, 1865 47, 626
A. Fessenden................. Beaufort, S. C............. July 9, 1867 66, 577.. C. L. Fleischmann.............. New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 16, 1866 52, 037.. C. L. Fleischmann............. Washington, D. C......... May 4, 1869 89, 751
H. H. Fultz.................... Lexington, Miss......... Oct. 9,1855 13, 641.. J. E. Furguson............. Micanopy, Fla............. Jan. 1, 1861 31, 062.. N W. Gaddy................ Nichols, S. C...............Nov. 18,1873 114, 668
T. C. Garlington............. La Fayette, Ala......... Feb. 23, 1858 19, 415.. E. Gottheil................... Galveston, Tex............ Apr. 19, 1859 23, 679.. J. Goulding.................... North Wilbraham, Mass... Aug. 28, 1860 29, 780. B. D. Gullett................ Aberdeen, Miss........... Jan. 10, 1854 10, 406.. B. D. Gullett................. Aberdeen, Miss........... Feb. 23, 1858 19, 417.. B. D. Gullett.................. Amite City, La........... Sept. 7, 1869 94, 488.. B. D. Gullett.................. Amite City, La............ July 1, 1873 140, 365. R. R. Gwathmey........ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 5, 1870 101, 610.. S. Z. Hall.................... Sing Sing, N. Y........... Mar. 16, 1869 87, 771. S. Z. Hall..................... Ossining, N. Y............ July 5,1870 105, 070.. R. Hancock, sr., andE. W. Carr Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 6, 1811. -.. B. Hempstead............... Little Rock, Ark.......... Sept. 23, 1873 143, 074. W. L. Henderson............. Comrawattee, West India. Nov. 28, 1871 121, 365.. H. Holmes.......................................... May 12,1796.-... W. W. Howell............. Columbus, Miss........ Feb. 28, 1860 27, 290.. B. H. Jenks and W. A. Tuttle. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 3, 1860 26, 681.. I. Jennings.................. New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 17,1817. ---.. A. Jones.................- New Orleans, La.......... Apr. 25, 1837 180.. E. Jones..................... London, England....._ Sept. 24,1872 131, 546.. A. P. Keith................... Bridgewater, Mass...... Jan. 2, 1855 12, 132.. E. Keith.....................Bridgewater, Mass...... Dec. 22, 1846 4, 901
E. Keith...................... Bridgewater, Mass.... Jan. 27, 1837 16, 488.. J. W. Kokemuller............. Bluffton, S. C.............. Aug. 13, 1867 67, 773.. T. J. Laws................... Washington, Ark......... Mar. 16,1852 8, 803.. W. T. Layton..............- Darlington, S. C........... May 22, 1849 6, 463
C. Leavitt and W. H. Burridge Cleveland, Ohio........... Nov. 24, 1868 84, 287.. J. Leavitt, C. Lane, and T. Suffield, Conn............. Mar. 24, 1825.......
Leavitt... W. B. Lindsay.............. New Orleans, La.......... May 27, 1856 14, 965.. W. H. Livingston............ New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 5, 1864 42, 206.. J. Lynch................... Tuscaloosa, Ala........... July 22, 1833 -..-.. O. W. Massey............ Macon, Ga................ July 4,1871 116, 615.. M. McAuley......-..... Thomas County, Ga....... Apr. 24, 1849 6, 378.. F. McCarthy..............Demopolis, Ala........... July 3,1840 1, 675. F. McCarthy.............. Orange Springs, Fla-....... July 30, 1867 67, 327.. J. McCreight.................. Winnsborough, S. C....... July 2,1836. -... W. and J. McCreight..........Winnsborough, S. C...... Feb. 5,1836.......... R.A. L. McCurdy............ Sabine Parish, La......... June 26,1855 13,131.. R. McKenna......... White's Station, Tenn.... May 31, 1870 103, 638. R. McKenna.................. White's Station, Tenn..... Oct. 18, 1870 108, 500... 1. McKenna................. White's Station, Tenn..... Mar. 5, 1872 124, 278.. R. McKenna................. White's Station, Tenn..... July 9, 1872 128, 743. F. M. McMeekin.............. Morrison's Mills, Fla...... Dec. 11, 1866 60, 402... F. M. McMeekin..............Morrison's Mills, Fla...... May 21, 1871 115, 226
C. A. McPhetridge.......... Saint Louis, Mo........... Nov. 18, 1856 16, 096. W. McLendon................ Greenville, Ga........... Dec. 27, 1859 26, 604... J. B. MeU.................... Riceborough, Ga.......... Apr. 3, 1855 12, 635. J. B. Mell..................... Riceborough, Ga......... Oct. 21, 1856 15, 930... J. B. Miles.................... Chicot, Ark.............. July 22, 1856 15, 381... O. Murray........ New Market, N. H........ Feb. 4, 1873 135, 485.. D. G. Olmstead................ Vicksburgh, Miss...... Jan. 12, 1858 19, 097
1.. D.G. Ohnstead................ Vicksburgh, Miss. Dec. 20, 1859 26, 516.. J. F. Orr --------------------Orrville, Ala............. Jan. 13, 1857 16, 394
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cotton-gin.....----------------------------------- J
Cotton-gin -------------------------------------
Cotton-gin..... -------------------------------------I
Cotton-gin ----------------------------------- S
Cotton-gin. ----------------------------.....-------
Coton"i ----------------------------------- 4
Cotton-gin -----------------------------------
Cotton-gin -----------------------------------
Cotton-gin -----------------------------------
Cotton-gin ------------------------------------
Cotton-gin -----------------------------------
Cotton-gin ------------------------------------
Cotton-gin...d p-............................
Cotton-gin- - - - -.......................
Cotton gin and machine cards, Manufacturing cylinders for.
Cotton gin and picker.............................
Cotton gin and picker.............................
Cotton-gin attachment......................
Cotton-gin bush.................................
Cotton-gin, Common foot---------------
Cotton-gin feeder------------------
Cotton-gin feeder...............................
Cotton-gin feeder --------------------------------
Cotton-gin feeder ------------------------------
Cotton-gin feeder.................................
Cotton-gin feeding-attachment........
Cotton-gin flue...................................
Cotton-gin flueo............................
Cotton-gin, Foot-..------------------------------
Cotton-gin for ginning long staple and other kinds
of cotton, Roller.
Cotton, Gin for linting...------------------------
Cotton-gin frame, Cast-iron-....-..------------
Cotton-gin grate....------------------------------
Cotton-gin knife-roller........................Cotton-gin, Long- stapled...........................
Cotton-gin, Railway---er-------............
Cotton-gin rib.-l -...........---------
Cotton-gin rib....................................
Cotton-gin rib---------------------------------....................................Cotton-gin ribs, Manufacturing-----------------
Cotton gin Roller--......................
Cottoii gin, Roller-------------------
Cotton-gin Roller.................................
Cotton-gin, Roller.................................
Cotton-gin, Roller-----------------------------................................Cotton-gin roller - - - --wCotton-gin roller, Metallic fluted.............................
Cottongin saw--------------------------------
Cotton-gin saw--------------------
Cotton-gin saw--------------------
Cotton gin saw-------------------
Cotton gin, Saw -...- - - - - - --.............
Cotton-gin, Saw...................................
Cotton-gin saw....................................
Cotton-gin-saw teeth-..............................
T. F. Orr.....................--------------------
E. Osgood.....------------------
E. Osgood...----------..
E. Osgood....................
E. Osgood. ------------------
H. C. Parkhurst.....-------------. R. Harkhurst............... R. Parkhurst...............
S. R. Parkhurst-------------...............
S. R. Parkhurst...............
S. R. Parkhurst --------------
S. R. Parkhurst...............
N. A. Patterson................
S. Pennoyer...----------..
J. Perkins... __.......
D. Philips.....------------------
J. Platt and W. Richardson... -
A. A. Porter.................
D. Pratt----------------......................
M.. Patt------------------
M. E. Pratt...................
W. F. Pratt...................
W. F. Pratt...................
W. A. Purdom....--.........
P. Reading...----------------..
C. G. Sargent..............
C. G. Sargent... -.----
C. G. Sargent and A. B. Ely...
P. C. Sawyer.................
H. V. Scattergood............
H. V. Scattergood..........
J. Simpson... -------..C. Spofford and C. H. Hersey..
C. Spofford and C. H. Hersey..
J. Stevens.....-----.............---
R. A. Stough...---------------.
L. G. Sturdevant.....------------
J. Tetlon.....................
E. Town.....................
J. L. Tuttle..................
J. L. Tuttle..................
J. A. Ventress--------------................
P. Von Schmidt..--.............
J. Watrous,jr-------------.................J. W. Webb----------------..................H. L. Weeks..................
E. Whiting................
W. Whittemore, jr..........
F. L. Wilkinson..--------..
J. W ilson....................
J. N. Wilson and G. W. Payne.
A. Q. Withers...........
F. Wuterich and J. Koerber..
J. L. Tuttle-................J.B.Brackett and W. Dearborn
E. Osgood....-----..
H. P. Harrell...............
E. Keith---....----------------..................
I. B. Barnes...--------------................
S. Z. Hall....................
L. Z. Hall................-----------------...
N. Hoggatt...................
J. Prescott....................
J. Ralston-----------------...................S. Z. H all....................
J. W. Gaines.....---.-----------...........J. B. Peyton.................
W. Gould...---------.---------
E. Carver------------------....................G. W. Payne....--------------
E. A. Lester---------------.................E. Keith------------------.....................T. H. Rushton and W. Dobson
C. W illey,jr.................
D. Philips...............
I. F. Brown................
W. J Horton................
J. Robison.....----------......-.....--
J. W. Webb.................
W. Bell and J. S.De Montmollin
E. Carver...................
T. Ely.......................
R. Reynolds, jr.........
J. Schley..................
W. Wanklyn.............
Residence. Date.
Orrville, Ala------------.............. -Jan. 5, 1858
Boston, Mass.............. May 11, 1858
Boston, Mass-...----......... Oct. 18, 1859
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 22, 1863
Boston, Mass.............Aug. 13, 1872
New York, N. ----.-. ---Aug. 31, 1858
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 11, 1849
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 23, 1850
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 27, 1858
Bloomfield, N. J............Jan. 9, 1867
Mont Clair, N. J.......... Jan. 11, 1870
K ngston, Tenn........... Oct. 23, 1860
Cross River, N. Y...-.. July 24, 1822
Bridgewater, Mass.-....... June 14, 1834
Jefferson County, Miss... Apr. 3, 1829
Oldham, Great Britain.... Oct. '28, 1862
Griffin, Ga................ Dec. 22, 1868
Prattville, Ala............ July 14, 1857
Prattville, Ala......----...... - July 15, 1873
East Bridgewater, Mass.-..- Aug. 30, 1859
East Bridgewater, Mass.. July 6,1869
Jackson, Miss............ Nov. 4. 1856
Trenton, N. J............ Apr. 13, 1836
Westford, Mass........... Apr. 20, 1869
Westford, Mass.. - -......... May i1, 1869
Westbford and Newton, May 11, 1869
Macon, Ga................ June 10, 1873
Albany, N. Y............. June 12, 1866
Albany, N. Y............. June 25,1867
Lewisville, S. C........... Aug. 14, 1855
Boston, Mass-........-.. June 19, 1866
Boston, Mass.-........ Aug. 20, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... May 30, 1865
Griffin, Ga................ Apr. 13, 1869
Delaware, Ohio---........... July 23, 1841
Taunton, Mass--.....----..... July 13, 1858
Washington, D. C......... May 8, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 14, 1856
Bridesburgh, Pa.......... Sept. 21, 1858
Woodville, Miss.........June '29, 1858
Washington, D. C........ Oct. 17,1846
Mystic River, Conn....... Apr. 10, 1866
Cotton Valley, Ala-........ May 18, 1869
Hannahatchie, Ga........ Sept. 6,1853
--- - Jan. 22, 1801
West Cambridge, Mass. - - May 25, 1839
Adams' Run, S. C......... Mar. 9, 1858
AidersonCourt-House,S.C Sept. 27, 1859
Memphis, Tenn........... Apr. '27, 1859
Byhalia, Miss............. Oct. 5, 1858
New York, N. Y---------.......... -Nov. 8,1859
New York, N. Y.-........ Oct. 14, 1856
Boston, Mass-------------............. Aug. 27, 1867
Boston, Mass............. Jan. 15, 1867
Roxobel, N. C............ - Sept. 19, 1871
Bridgewater, Mass........ Sept. 19, 1845
Beaufort, S. C............. - Nov. 6, 1826
Seguin, Tex...-......... ---- Sept. 11, 1860
Sing Sing, N. Y........... Sept.. 10, 1872
Madiron Parish, La....... July 18, 1871
Rockford, Ill...-----... Oct. 13, 1857
Brenham, Tex............ Sept. 6, 1870. Camden, N. J............ Aug. 6, 1867. Clarksville, Tex........... Aug. 13, 1872
Raymond, Miss--..-- -.. Feb. 5, 1861
SMcIntosh County, Ga..... Feb. 20, 1821. Bridgewater, Mass........ Sept. 27, 1838
19, 041
'20, 216
25, 848
41, 046
130, 438
'21, 357
6, 703
7, 307
20, 086
51, 962
98, 705
30, 497
36, 789
17, 806
141, 791
25, 307
92, 208
16, 022
89, 083
89, 890
89, 891
139, 820
55, 542
66, 202
13, 441
55, 787
67, 923
48, 032
88, 924
20, 904
54, 625
15, 906
21, 582
20, 747
4, 817
53, 910
90, 210
9, 998
1, 158
19, 598
25, 600
20, 120
21, 714
26, (65
15, 904
68, 035
61, 2:39
119, 140
4, 196
131, 163
117, 074
18, 410
107, 102
67, 533
130, 423
31, 326
106, 613
140, 218
8, 907
2, 103
92, 724
132, 9217
16, 699
2, 429
4, 3(2
3, 415
5, 921
45, 109
13, 484
3, 875
115, 441.....
'2, 608
3, 091
2, 068
3, 097
81, 392
138, 575.
Memphis, Tenn..........
Boston, Mass.............
Bridgewater, Mass-......
Bolton, England..........
Chicago, Ill............
Georgetown, Pa.........
Columbus, Ga-----------.............
Newburgh, Ala.......
New York, N. Y......
Cotton Valley, Ala...................................
Bridgewater, Mass........
New York, N. Y..........
Beaufort, S. C............
Columbus, Ga............
Albion Mills, Bury, Great
Â~ Britain.
Aug. 23, 1870
Jan. 8, 1831
Mar. 4, 1836
June 24, 1873
Apr. 27, 1852
May 22, 1841
July 18, 1854
July '20, 1869
Oct. 15, 1872
Feb. 24, 1857
Mar. 7, 1803
Jan. 17, 1842
Dec. 11, 1845
Feb. 2, 1844
Nov. 14, 1848
Nov. 15, 1864
G. F. Saltonstall...................................... Sept. 2,1801
A. D. Brown................. Columbus, Ga............ Aug. 28, 1855
E. Carver.................... Bridgewater, Mass........ Jan. 4, 1845
T. C. Craven.................. Philadelphia, Pa-.......... ---- May 30, 1871
P. Gardner-------------------................... -Woodville, Mass------.......... Apr. '22, 1830
T. J. James............-----..--.. ---- Princeton, Miss....... May 7, 1842
H. H. Kelley.................. Port Gibson, Miss....... May 19, 1813
C. A. McPhetridge............ Natchez, Miss........-.. Apr. 24, 1841
W. B. Stewart-------------................ --Cincinnati, Ohio....... - May 19, 1843
W. Sutton................... Washington, D. C...-. Nov. 24, 18(68
T. B. Oglesby................. Hempstead, Tex......... May 6, 1873
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Invention. In ventor.
Cotton-gin-saw teeth, Machine for punching and J. M. Clough.....................
Cotton-gin-saw teeth, Manufacture of-------.... ----T. C. Craven..................
Cotton-gin saws, Filing......................... C. P. Pool....................
Cotton-gin saws, Machine for filing-------..... J. T. Turner...................
Cotton-gin, Self-feeding......................... J. A. Chanfourier............
Cotton-gin sharpener.--..-........--.--...... -. -A. H. Burdine..............
Cotton-gins and corn-mills, Running-gear for...-. B. Huckaby......_....._...
Cotton gins, Boxing for........................ XV. S. Cooley.................
Cotton gins, &c., Construction of horse-power.for.. J. M. Albertson..............
Cotton-gins, Construction of rubber rollers for... - -. W. Dearborn....--..........-..-.
Cotton-gins, Constructing saw-cylinders for....... A. Jones......................
Cotton-gins, Electroplating with nickel the metallic L. Watrous....................
parts of
Cotton-gins, Feeder for roller...................... -- L. J. Mallard and W. S. Baker.
Cotton-gins, Grate of saw--...---.--.-.------- A. Washburn.................
Cotton-gins, Mechanism for driving......-... WV. L. May......................
Cotton-gins, Propelling.....---------------------.. P. Knox.....................
Cotton-gins, Roller for--...----..---------------- I. F. Brown.................
Cotton-gins, Saw and grate for.-----------------.................... E. Carver, jr --..........
Cotton-gins, Saw-cylinder for......-----------------J. Idler.......................
Cotton-gins, Tool for turning cylinder-rings for. -.... J. Gibbons......---...-.--..-......Cotton, Ginning............................... J. M irry................
Cotton, Ginning...----------------------------R. Watkins..............
Cotton, Ginning and cleaning-----------------S. Sawyer..................... S. Sawyer.....
Cotton, Ginning and cleaning-...--------------.-C. Speer....................
Cotton ginning and cleaning by a combination of S. Sawyer.......................
Cotton ginning, carding, and spinning machine.... J. M'Bride...................
Cotton-ginning machine...----.------------- W. Bell and S. De Montmollin.
Cotton-ginning machine--... --------------------R. R. Gathmey..................
Cotton-ginning machine...-------------------.. I. Jennings--....---...........
Cotton-ginning" machine---------..... ---.--- - L. H. Moselcy.................
Cotton-ginning machine...-------------------- J. Stevens....................
Cotton-ginning machine.........................---------------------... Whitney..................
Cotton-ginning machinery--------------------......................J. Percy........_.........
Cotton-glazing machine---------------.-------..........................S. Turner................
Cotton goods, Machine for finishing....--.----. C. S. Davis......................
Cotton goods, Warping, dressing, &c-----------.............. J. Morgan........._..._...
Cotton, hay, and cheese press....-...---------. E. and L. L. Macomber.......
Cotton, hay, and hemp press------------------.....................- W. H. Morris................
Cotton, hay, &c., Apparatus for compressing..- F. Weldon......--...------..-......
Cotton, hay, &c., Machine for binding and securing. J. Simmons.................
Cotton-hiller......................------..-. - A. W. Washburn............
Cotton-hopper..-------------------------- G. F. Saltonstall..............
C o tton -in sp ectin g m ach in e- - - -............... - L. V iales.....................
Cotton in the field, Machine for picking..-.----. - J. W. Thorn..-..............
Cotton in the seed, Machine for separating trash J. Idler.......................
Cotton into yarn, Manufacturing._... - - - - L. Crane......................
Cotton laps, Machine foir making...--------------- T. C. Craven..................
Cotton-lapper brake-...----.-------------------- D. Hussey.........
Cotton-lapper brake---...-------.---------.. R. Kitson..................
Cotton-lapper brake.... ------.-------- R. Kitson...................
Cotton-lapping machines, Friction-brakes for-...... E. Van Winkle...............
Cotton, linen, and other fabrics to prevent them J. McGill............._........
from burning, Solution to be applied to.
Cotton, linen, &c., Printing and dyeing-...-..... A. Paraf.......................
Cotton-lint room, Fire-proof...--.-.----..... R. R. Warren..................
Cotton-lint room, Revolving.---........-...... W. T. Crenshaw..............
Cotton, Long trunks for cleaning.................. I. Hayden...................
Cotton, Machine for cleaning.---.......-......- J. Kershaw...................
Cotton, Machine for cleaning.....-----------------B. J. F. Owen------.................--
Cotton, &c., Machine for cleaning and opening.... J. E. Van Winkle.............
Cotton, Machine for cleaning unginned-............ R. M. Livingstone.........
Cotton, Machine for forming rolls of------------............... C. White, J. Goulding, and
S. Lowder.
Cotton, Machine for ginning and cleaning.-......... L. T. Clement................
Cotton, Machine for packing................ -.. O0. Stith.......................
Cotton, &c., Machine for preparing----...------ --W. and F. W. Crighton.......
Cotton, &e., Machine foi roping and spinning... W. Carmichall...............
Cotton, Machine for roping and spinning...... P. Moody.....................
Cotton, Machine for separating seed from...-... J. Eve......................
Cotton, Machine for topping---....--------------- A. A. Dickson....-...----.........
Cotton, Machine for whipping anid cleaning....... S. P. Mason..................
Cotton Machine for winding------------------...................... D. Brown, jr..................
Cotton Machinery for cleaning---------------................... S. W. Brown.................
Cotton, Machinery for cleaning.................. M. Livingston.............
Cotton, Machinery for cleaning.................. R. Needham..................
Cotton, Machinery for combing------...-. ---------M. D. Whipple...............
Cotton, Machinery for ginning or picking..-... F. A. Calvert..................
Cotton. &c., Machinery for picking------------................ -. Kitson......................
Cotton-machinery, Sizing-roll for------.. ---------J. M. Dunlop...................
Cotton, Manner of constructing and affixing the A. Copeland.................
ribs of saw-gins for ginning.
Cotton, Manufacturing...-------------. E. Congdon...................
Cotton, Manufacturing...----------.... J. T. Sharrock................
Cotton, Mode of making machine and hand cards for W. Barker...................
Cotton, Mode of packing...------------. W. C. Thomas...............
Cotton-opener...---------------------. R. Kitson.....................
Cotton-opener...------------------- -.. R. Kitson....................
Cotton-openers, &c., Feed-mechanism for.......... W. Noton..............
Cotton-openers, &o., Fed-regulator for............ D. Harding.......
Cotton-openers, Feed-regulator for................ R. Kitson....................
Cottonopeners, &e., Feeding-mechanism for-....... W.E. Whitehead............
Cotton opening and cleaning machine......... S. Fay........................
Cottono pening and cleaning machine.......... 1. Kitson....................
Cotton-opening machine---------------.... W. C. Jillson and A. B. Pahner
Date. No.
Jan. 2,1872 122, 307
Ilion, N. Y................
Northampton, Mass.......
New Market, Ala.........
Bridgewater, Mass........
Paris, France.............
Chulahoma, Miss.........
Huntsville, Ala...........
Norwich, Comn............
New London, Coun.......
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y.........
Mystic River, Conn.......
May 21,1872
Aug. 9, 1859
June 2, 1857
Apr. 12, 1870
July 19, 1859
Aug. 16, 1824
Jan. 7. 1835
June 7, 18170
Aug. 27, 1867
July 20, 1842
Nov. 22, 1870
Riceborough, Ga.......... June 17, 1856
Bridgewater, Mass........ June 16, 1841
Linwood, Ala............. Nov. 14, 1869
Augusta, Ga............. Dec. 7, 1826
New London, Conn........ Jan. 3, 1865
Bridgewater, Mass........ June 12, 1823
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 1, 1837
West Troy, N. Y......... June 16, 1868.......................... Dec. 23, 1796
--- Dec. 23, 1796
Boston, Mass.--- ---........ Mar. 30, 1833
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 10, 1954
Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 30, 1833
Nashville, Ten....---....... Aug. 8, 1805..........- Apr. 7,1802
Middletown, y.......... Dec. 31, 1867
New York, N. Y --...-...... Dec. 27, 18111
Poughkeepsie, N. Y...... Nov. 25, 1837
Poughkeepsie, N. Y...... Nov. 25, 1837............................ M ar. 14, 1794
Albany, N. Y...-...... Apr. 29, 1862
Cranston, R. I.......- Oct. 6,1835
Harrisburgh, Pa......... Jan. 24, 1860
Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 5, 1821
Gardiner, Me............. Aug. 15, 1835
Troy, Ten-- -..--..--- May 24,1870
Kilmorony, Ireland.._....Mar. 25, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov. 7, 1809
Yazoo City. Miss........- Mar. 25, 1856
Fayetteville, N. C...... Dec. 31, 1817
New Orleans, La-........- Oct. 29,1818
Courtland, Ala............ Oct. 6, 1857
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 31, 1838
Ware, Mass.............. M-ar. 26, 1825
Hudson, N. Y............. Feb. 4, 18^73
Nashua, N. H............. Oct. 16, 1866
Lowell, Mass..--......... Sept. 22, 1863
Lowell, Mass............. Mar. 3, 1868
Paterson, N. J.........Aug. 10, 1869
Boston, Mass... - -......-. May 1, 1866
Mulhouse, France......... Nov. 7, 1865
Raleigh, N. C.--.---... Aug. 19, 1873
Burton, Tex.......-... May 13,1873
Lawrence, Mass...... Dec. 1, 1857
Paterson, N. J............ Aug. 11, 1868
Memphis, Ten........... Dec. 15, 1868
Paterson, N. J............ June 2, 1863
Mobile, Ala............... July 20, 1843
Dedham, Mass............ June 25,1824
Smyrna, Tenn........July 27, 1869
Lawrenceville, Va.-..... Aug. 25, 1829
Manchester, England..... Jan. 22, 1867
Sand Lake, N. Y.......... June 10, 1826
Boston, Mass..---....---....... Feb. 19, 1821.......................... Dec. 6, 1803
Griffin, Ga................ Oct. 4, 1853
Killingly, Conn......... July 8, 1834
Warren, R.I--------...----.. Feb. 5,1807
Lowell, Mass.............. Sept. 8, 1855
Mobile, Ala............... Mar. 6.1847
Memphis, Tenn.,......... Mar. 13, 1847
Charlestown, Mass-........ Oct. 26, 1858
Lowell, Mass........... Sept.17, 1850
Lowell, Mass............. Oct. 31,1854
Manchester, Great Britain Nov. 1, 1864
Bridgewater, Mass........ Apr. 8, 1840
Norwich, Conn.......... Mar. 12, 1824
Winchester, Va.......... June 20, 1823
Smithfield, R. I........... Aug. 12, 1815
Richmond, Va............ Feb. 15, 1827
Lowell, Mass.............. Oct. 4, 1870
Lowell, Mass............ Nov. 11, 1873
Oldham, England......... Feb. 25, 1873
Lowell, Mass.............. Aug. 26,1873
Lowell, Mass...--.. Dec. 9, 1873
Miles Platting, England... Dec. 20, 1870
Lowell, Mass.............. Jan. 22, 1867
Lowell, Mass.....-......... Dec. 11, 1866
Willimantic, Conn........ Dec. 20, 1870
126, 815
25, 042
17, 458
24, 790
103, 821
68, 052
2, 731
109, 475
15, 138
2, 133
97, 945.....
45, 695... 6
78, 954...........
11, 795...........
72, 846.....
26, 895.....
103, 356
137, 160.....
14, 539..........
18, 363
1, 050.....
135, 528
58, 945
40, 048
75, 169
93, 649
54, 382
50, 885
142, 065
138, 865
18, 742
80, 826
85, 024
38, 794
93, 057.....
61, 322
10, 065
13, 564
5, 008
21, 932
7, 646
11, 865
44, 911
1, 547
107, 922
144, 394
136, 173
145, 300
110, 318
61, 411
60, 387
1110, 368
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continted.
Cotton or hay press..............................
Cotton or hay press.............................
Cotton or hay press..............................
Cotton or other bale-goods, Machine for pressing..
Cotton or wool, Machinery for roving.............
Cotton or wool, Vibrating rolling-machine for......
Cotton or woolen can.............................
Cotton or woolen can.............................
Cotton, Packing..............................
Cotton, Packing and pressing.....................
Cotton-packing machine..........................
Cotton-packing machine..........................
Cotton-packing machine.........................
Cotton -picker...................................
Cotton -picker.....................................
Cotton, &c., picker................................
Cotton picker and cleaner........................
Cotton picker and cleaner------------------....................---....
Cotton, Picker and lap machine for manufacturing
Cotton-picker cylinder............................
Cotton-picker, Electrical..........................
Cotton-picker, Hand...............................
Cotton-picker, Hand.............................
Cotton-picker wallet............................
Cotton-pickers, Screen-cylinder for-..-.--------
Cotton-picking device.............-....-..........
Cotton-picking machine....................
Cotton-picking machine....
Cotton-plant protector............................
Cotton-plants, Apparatus for destroying worms on
Cotton-plants, Destroying worms in..............
Cotton-plants, Machine for cutting up.............
Cotton-plants, Machineo for destroying worms on..
Cotton-plants, Machine for thinning...............
Cotton-plants, Machine for thinning..........
Cotton-plants, Preventing rot &c., in..............
Cotton press.....................................
Cotton press......................................
Inventor. Residence.
J. S. Allums----------------.................. Cuseta, Ga.............
U. Page..-................... Ringgold, La.............
J. Went-z................. Girard, Ala...............
J. Idler...........................................
W. Whitehead................ Paterson, N. J...........
J. Hopkins -..--..---...... Strasburgh, Pa..............
H. W. Shepard................ New York, N. Y..........
H. W. Shepard................ New York, N. Y..........
L. S. Chichester--....-........ New York, N. Y.........
W. Hart..........--------------......... Petersburgh, Va..........
J. M ead....................... Aurora, Ind...............
W. J. Cooke................. Cabin Point, Va...........
J. Cooke...................... Fayetteville, N. C.........
L. Laysard.................... Halifax, N. C..............
W. Apperly................... Louisville, Ky..........
J. E. Carver.................. Bridgewater, Mass.......
R. F. Cooke................... Newark, N. J...........
R. F. Cooke.................. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
B. I. Dreeson.................. Marion County, Tex.....
B. J. Dreeson and J. L. Buskett Schleswig, Germany, and
Saint Louis, Mo.
W. Goodwin and S. D. G. Niles Helena, Ark...............
J. Griffin..................... Louisville, Ky...........
J. Giiffin...................... Louisville, Ky............
J. Griffin...................... Louisville, Ky............
G. A. Howe................... Brooklyn, N. Y.........
G. A. Howe............... Brooklyn, N. Y....
J. Hughes.................... New Berne, N. C..........
L. Jennings................... Brooklyn, N. Y............
W. D. Ludlow............... New York, N. Y._.......
D. M. McRae............p... Webberville, Tex.._.....
J. G. Page.................... Memphis, Tenn.........
G. F. Palmer.................. Rochester, N. H...........
C. Payne and B. Vandecar.... Brandon, Vt,, and Waterford, N. Y.
A. Pettingill.................. East Livermore, Me......
N. F. Sandelin................ New York, N. Y..........
I. S. Schuyler................. New York, N. Y..._.....
B. G. Shields................. Marlin, Tex............
Z. B. Sims.................... Bonham, Tex............
H. Stevens.................... Memphis, Tenn...........
A. Tiensch...-....-......... Memphis, Tenn.............
S. H. Gilman................ Galveston, Tex.....
Z. B. Sims..................... Bonham, Tex.............
J. Whitehead................. Godwinville, N. J.........
J. Pitts....................... Lancaster, M ass.........
R. F. Cook.................... Brooklyn, N.Y............
W. B. Cargill........... W-Waterbury, Conn........
G. A. Howe................... Worcester, Mass.........
G. H. Peabody................ Columbus, Ga.............
R. Kitson..................... Lowell, Mass...............
J. Griffin...................... Louisville, Ky............
J. Pinnell and H. Maxon...... Barbourville, Va.........
WV. E. Prall.................. Knoxville, Tenn..........
A. L. Blanc................... Louisiana, La.............
M. Perl..................... Houston, Tex..............
T. W. Mitchell-................ Richmond, Tex...........
B. T. Currier.................. Bath, M e..................
W. Ewing.................... Columbia, La.............
C. A. McCaughan.......... Moscow, Tenn............
J. Weaver................... Washington, D. C........
S. W. Pomeroy............... Brighton, Mass..........
E. H. Adams.................. Taladega, Ala.............
W. W. Anderson............. Wartrace, Tenn...........
J. B. Armstrong.............. Bornwell D., S. C..........
T. Ashcraft.................. Randolph County, Ala.... -
Z. Atkinson................... Riclhmond, Ga............
A. Baldwin................. New York, N. Y..........
WV. C. Banks.................. Come Depot, Miss.........
W. C Banks.-........-.... -Come Depot, Miss......... -
C. J. Beasley.................. Petersburgh, Va._.......
C. J. Beasley.................. Petersburgh, Va........
C. J. Beasley._.......... Petersburgh, Va........
W. I. Blackman............... Columbus, Miss...........
J. P. Bolin................... Orangeburgh County, S. C.
S. Booton....................Seguin, Tex..............
T. J. Bottoms and J. A. Bullock Thomas County, Ga.......
M. V. Bradford...-......... Greenwood, La............
W. Bradley..................West Point, Ga...........
J. M. Brooks, jr-----------.............- --Griffin, Ga................
R. M. Brooks............_..... Greenville, Ga............
R. M. Brooks................. WVoodbury, Ga............
R. M. Brooks................. U. S.,Ga.................
A. D. Brown.................. Clinton, Ga...............
V. Bullock................ Jersey City, N. J..........
C. A. Caldwell.............. Concord, N. C............
J. Carson................. R aleigh, N. C.............
F. A. L. Cassidey..-----.. Newnansville, Fla.......
J. Chambers............... Alexandria, La..........
N. Chapman.................. Mystic River, Conn.....
N. Chapman.................. Mystic River, Conn.......
N. Cheek..................... Chapel Hill, N. C..........
C. C. Conner................. Ripley, Tenn............
C. C. Conner.................. Ripley, Term........
W. P. Craig----------...... Newport, Ky..............
J. G. Cummings-........... Columbus, Miss...........
G. C. Davies.................. Dayton, Ohio..............
H. J. Davis..- -. Wetumpka, Ala..........
Dec. 18, 1866
July 5, 1870
Apr. 14, 1868
Sept. 24, 1802
Apr. 11,1825
Jan. 14, 1824
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 11, 1873
Dec. 20,1859
May 4, 1825
Aug. 14, 1847
Feb. 4, 1828
Oct. 12, 1821
Sept. 28, 1825
Aug. 2, 1870
May 14, 1867
May 26, 1868
Mar. 29, 1870
Oct. 18, 1870
July 4, 1871
Mar. 28, 1871
July 3, 1860
Jan. 22, 1861
Mar. 5, 1861
Mar. 13. 1866
Mar. 27, 1866
Mar. 28, 1871
July 31, 1860
Jan. 30, 1866
Aug. 23, 1870
Dec. 4, 1866
Feb. 8, 1870
Feb. 11, 1868
Jan. 5, 1869
Mar. 26, 1872
July 30, 1861
Sept. 16, 1856
Sept. 3, 1872
Oct. 25,1864
Apr. 10, 1866
Sept. 1, 1868
Aug. 31, 1869
July 22, 1833
Feb. 28, 1854
June 7,1870
Mar. 6, 1860
Dec. 4, 1855
Nov. 29, 1859
Apr..21, 1868
June 5, 1866
Sept. 10, 1828
Feb. 27, 1866
Mar. 22, 1870
June 15, 1869
Jan. 3, 1871
Mar. 6, 1860
Oct. 19, 1869
Feb. 5, 1867
July 5, 1837
May 6, 1824
May 17, 1859
Jan. 16, 1872
Dec. 20, 1853
Mar. 6, 1849
Feb. 1, 1859
Oct. 5, 1869
June 18, 1867
Jan. 23, 1872
Sept. 21, 1869
Feb. 22, 1870
Nov. 28, 1871
June 14, 1870
June 20, 1871
Oct. 18,1870
Aug. 31, 1858
Mar. 5, 1872
June 18, 1872
Mar. 11, 1873
Oct. 2,1860
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 7, 1871
Jan. 22, 1850
Jan. 4, 1845
Oct. 5, 1869
Nov. 4, 1830
May 14, 1867
May 19, 1843
Aug. 8, 1854
Jan. 12, 1858
Dec. 27, 1870
Apr. 4, 1871
July 23, 1872
May 7, 1861
Aug. 20, 1867
Apr. 25, 1865
May 2, 1871
60, 457
104, 991
76, 860..........
135, 853
135, 854
26, 546
5, 235
106, 022
64, 629
78, 362
101, 231
108, 4' t
116, 694
113, 159
28, 980
31, 596
53, 147
53, 447
113, 170
29, 435
52, 303
106, 601
60, 235
99, 699
74, 242
85, 532
124, 978
32, 968
15, 746
44, 828
53, 901
81, 622
94, 352
10, 578
103, 986
27, 348
13, 877
26, 288
76, 926
55, 283
52, 880
101, 028
91, 365
110, 774
27, 352
95, 995
61, 845
23, 995
122, 752
10, 329
6, 158
22, 775
95, 411
65, 865
122, 983
94, 993
100, 105
121, 317
104, 103
116, 144
108, 320
21, 317
124, 245
128, 104
136, 697
30, 200
76, 593
112, 413
7, 047
3, 873
95, 563
04, o6io
3, 087
11, 472
19, 071
110, 549
113, 265
129, 792
32, 240
67, 961
47, 490
114, 271
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Cot ton-press......................................
Cotton press.....................................
Cotton-press ---.....................................
Cotton-press ---.....................................
Cotton-press ------...............................
Cottonpress.--.. ----------------
Cotton-press -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cotton-press ----..................................
49 P
T. F. De Bruler..............
P. K. Dederick................
J. P. Derden................
A. Devall..................... Deatt----------------- -
S. Dike......................
J. A. Disbrow and J. E. Cronk.
J. C. Duvoll..................
E. N. Elliott..................
J. T. Elliot...................
G. Faulkner..................
C. I. Fay....................
WV. Field....................
G. Fitz...-..................
S. Fry......................
H. H. Fultz.........
C. Gardiner....................
P. G. Gardiner................
P. G. Gardiner...............
P. G. Gardiner..............
P. G. Gardiner..........
F. Gilbert....................
A. M. Glover........
G. W. Grader...............
J. B. Gridley..................
I. Griffin................
J. H. Groves.................
J. T. Ham...................
M. B. Hand..............
R. J. Harrison...............
J. Hawthorn.............
W. Haynie..............
J. R. Hitchcock and W. F. Serrel.
C. C. Howard...............
H. Hughes.............
C. S. Hunt............
T.R. Jackson................
R. Jernigan...................
W. J. Johnson.................
A. Jones.....................
M. M. Jones.............
J. B. Knight..................
W. W. Knowles............
S. Lamb....................
S. Lamb....................
W. D. Leavitt.................
T. D. Leonard.................
L. Lewis...................
L. Lewis......................
L. Lewis................
R. Lewis...................
N. I. Lilly...............
E. W. Long and I. N. Patten... - -
C. N. Lovejoy.................
J. Loving...................
M. Lynch.................
B. G. Martin................
C. Martratt..................
H. Mason.............
R. Mauldin.......
A. Z. McBride............
T. H. McCray................
E. McDonnell..............
A. B. MeGennigil..........
J. WV. McIntyre..............
T. E. McNeill...........
J. W. Miller..............
C. W. Millerd............
G. Milliran..............
J. J. Morrison..............
M. Murchison.............
W. B. North -- -..............
D. G. Olmstead.........
W. T. Opie....................
M. L.Parry-.................
W. W. Patrick...............
1. N. Patten and E. W. Long..
P. Payne..................
P. Payne and J. Rundell......
P. Payne and J. Rundell....
W. Pendleton and H. M.
D. Philips...---.-----------. -
P. W. Porter................
R. Powers.......
J. Prescott...............
J. Price..................
J. P. Pridgeon.........
W. F. Provost........
W. F. and C. J. Provost.......
W. F. and C. J. Provost.......
W. F. and C J. Provost....
11. W. Randle......
H. W. Randle.................
Rockport, Ind............
Albany, N. Y---------.............
Bastrop, La...........:...
New Orleans, La..........
Columbia, S. C............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Saint Martinsville, La.....
Sardis, Miss..............Port Gibson, Miss.........
Carrollton, Miss...........
Warrenton, N. C..........
North Lincoln, Me........
Providence, R. I..........
Clinton, Miss.............
New York, N. Y..........
Lexington, Mass..........
Richmond, Ala..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Natchez, Miss........
Louisburgh, N. C..........
Waterborough, S. C.......
M em phis, Tenu.......
Louisville, Ky.............
Milford, Ga...............
Greenwood, Miss..........
Sinatobia, Miss.........
Handsborongh, Miss......
Raleigh, N. C.............
Thomas County, Ga.......
Memphis, Tenn...........
New York, N. Y..........
Lowndesborough, Ala.....
Port Gibson, Miss.......
Bridgewater, Mass.......
Dallas, Tex...........
Waynesborough, N. C.Mobile, Ala.............
New Orleans, La..........
Morrisville, N. Y.......
New Orleans, La........
Bastrop, Tex..........
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
New Orleans, La.......
Waco, Tex..............
Vicksburgh, Miss.........
Vicksburgh, Miss.....
Vicksburgh, Miss......
Charleston, S. C..........
Selma, Ala............
Memphis, Tenn...........
Columbia, S. C............
Moscow, Tenn.........
Horn Lake, Miss.......
New York, N. Y.Waterford(, N. Y..........
Lancaster, Mass.......
Marietta, Miss........
Hannahatchee, Ga......
Tellic.,, Tex...............
Baltimore, Md............
Helna, Ark..............
Memphis, Tenn...........
Lynchburgh, Va..........
Shannon, Miss............
Monticello, Ark...........
Byhalia, Miss..............
Rutherford, Tenn.........
Atlanta, Ga..............
Denmark, Tenn...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Vicksburgh, Miss.........
Scarborough, Ga.........
Galveston, Tex...........
Midway, S. C..........
Shelby County, Tenn.....
Claiborne County, Miss -...
Port Gibson, Miss._.
Claiborne County, Miss...
Fairfield, Conn............
Augusta, Ga..............
Natchez, Miss.......
Columbia, Tenn.....
Charleston, Miss.
Memphis, Tenn......
Nashville, Tenn.......
Marion Court-House, S. C
Barnwell D., S. C......
Barnwell D., S. C.....
Slma, Ala................
Selma, Ala.............
Burnsville, Ala...........
Burnsville, Ala........
Apr. 26, 1859
Jan. 7, 1873
Mar. 4, 1873
Apr. 17, 1847
Oct. 16, 1860
Feb. 2, 1858
Feb. 23, 1858
June 11, 1867
Nov. 22, 1859
Oct. 22, 1859
Apr. 30, 1872
Jan. 31, 1854
Apr. 6, 1858
June 3, 1,37
May 7, 1842
Aug. 14, 1855
Oct. 16, 1847
Mar. 20, 1844
Sept. 4, 1860
Oct. 23, 1860
Mar. 26, 1861
Apr. 9, 1861
Apr. 12, 1826
July 3, 1855
Sept. 26, 1871
Feb. 14, 1871
Jan. 8, 1861
Jan. 2, 1872
Jan. 10, 1860
Aug. 16, 1859
Feb. 14, 1871
May 17, 1859
Dec. 6, 1870
Sept. 30, 1839
Mar. 11, 1873
May 12, 1857
Jan. 15, 1856
Sept. 30, 1873
May 15, 1827
Mar. 13, 1849
Oct. 26, 1838
May 15, 1860
Sept 26, 1871
Aug. 0, 1870
May 12, 1843
Mar. 16, 1844
Aug. 20, 1872
Nov. 18, 1873
Mar. 2, 1852
Aug. 17, 1852
Oct.,17, 1871
Mar. 18, 1873
Mar. 8, 1859
Mar. 21, 1871
Oct. 25, 1859
Mar. 9, 1858
July 30, 1872
Mar. 18, 1873
Oct. 26, 1858
July 24, 1860
Aug. 15,1871
Feb. 5, 1861
Mar. 13, 1860
Mar. 19, 1867
July 4, 1871
Apr. 16, 1867
Nov. 20, 1866
May 14, 1872
Mar. 23, 1869
June 5, 18(0
Mar 12,1836
Mar. 2, 1869
Oct. 2:23, 1860
June 13, 1848
Jan. 26, 1858
Sept. 4, 1860
Jan. 27, 1857
June 17, 1873
Dec. 20, 1870
Aug. 10,1829
July 20,1831
Jan. 25,1833
Mar. 9,1844
May 10, 1870
Apr. 27, 1832
Aug. 11, 1842
Feb. 4, 1873
Nov. 9, 1844
Dec. 7, 1t'9
July 15, 1873
Sept. 14, 1844
Nov. 21, 1843
Nov. 20, 1855
Oct. 21, 1856
Feb. 16,1858
May 3, 1859
23, 759
134, 592
136, 422
5, 067
30, 394
19, 279
19, 413
65, 655
26, 174
7, 731
126, 194
10, 472
19, 838
2, 611
13, 426
5, 332
3, 503
29, 874
30, 473
31, 796
31, 96'.....
13, 199
119, 346
111, 739
31, 070
22, 458
26, 764
25, 161
111, 840
24, 026
109, 897
1, 349
136, 725
17, 278
14, 098
143, 349.6, 175
28, 281
119, 367
106, 833
3, 086
3, 489
130, 728
144, 775
8, 774
9, 197
119, 934
1.56, 841
23, 180
112, 822
25, 904
19, 571
130, 060
136, 846
21, 894
29, 290
118, 142
31, 323
27, 459
62, 965
116, 733
63, 916
59, 853
126, 731
88, 159
28, 592.....
87, 505
30, 493
5, 632
19, 202
29, 904
16, 494
139, 970
110, 278..........
3, 466
102, 963
2, 752
135, 486
3, 815
1, 426
140, 841
3, 739
3, 347
13, 826
15, 936
19, 381
23, 860
Index of patents issued from the United Siats Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Cotton-press --...-.......--------
Cotton-press ---------------------- --...... -.. -
Cotton-press -----------------------------
Cotton press --......................................
Cotton-press --......................................
Cotto-pres -----------------------------
Cotton-press --......................................
Coton-res ---------------------"--------
Cotton-press...--------- --------------------.
Cotton-press- ----------------------------
Cotton-press -......................................
Cotton, &c.,-press...-...............................
Cotton- press...-----------------------------
Cotton-press -..----------------------------
Cotton-press -----------------------------
Cotton-press -----------------------------
Cotton-press- ------- - owe-cob...................
Cotton-press ---e-................................
ottonpress er.......................o...............
Cotto-pres -----------------------------
Cotton-press m...............................
Cotton-press -----------------------------
C otton-pressgmin......................
C otton-pressin hn......................
Cotton-press and feeder --------------------....................
Cotton-press and horse-power combined--...........Cotton press and tramper---------------------
Cotton press, gin, and horse-power combined.......Cotton-press, Horizontal rack and pinion..........
Cotton-press, Lever...............................
Cottonpress, Self-acting......--------------------
Cotton-press, Steam-. -- ---............
Cotton-press, Steam..............................
Cotton-press, Steam..............................
Cotton-press, Steam-----------------..----...........--.
Cotton-press, Water-power........................
Cotton-presses, Self-releasing door of----------..............
Cctton pressing and packing machine............
Cotton-pressing machine...--------------------
Cotton-pressing machine......--------------------
Cotton-pressing machine...-.......................
Cotton-pressing machine.....--------------------
Cotton-pressing machine..........................
Cotton, Process of treating raw....................
Cotton-railways, Drawing-head for................
Cotton-renovating machine.................
Cotton-rolls, Process for utilizing immature.......
Cotton roller-gin............-------------------
Cotton roller-gin---... ---.-..---.. -..-.
Cotton, Rolling-machine for cleaning............
Cotton, Rolling or twisting rovings of..---....-...
Cotton, &c., Roping.-............---------
Cotton, Roping....................................
Cotton roping, Machine for making................
Cotton roping, Machine for making..............
Cotton, Roping, twisting, and winding.............
Cotton-roping, Counter-twist speeder for...........
Cotton roping, Machine for making................
Cotton roping, slack threads, &c., Making....
Cottoni, Roving---------------------------.....
Cotton-roving, Drawing-can for---------------...
Cotton-roving machine---------------------....
Cotton-roving machine---------------------....
Cotton roving, &, Machine tor condensing or prop'oring.
Cotton-roving machintes, Speeder for............
Cotton roving, Manuf~thotiing-..................
Cotton, Roving or roping------------------.......
Inventor. Residence.
F. M. Ray....----------------- Catskill, N. Y---------.............
S. S. Rembert................. Memphis, Tenn.......... ---
J. R. Remington........... Montgomery, Ala.........
W. H. Reynolds......--.-.. New Orleans, La..........
S. D. Roberts................. Washington, La.. --..H. Ross...................... Rockport, Ind.....-----------
I. G. Roux.................... Iaynond, Miss...........
T. H. Scarborough-.-...--.. Brownsville, Tenn........
M. M. Scherer...---_. Batesvillo, Ark...-..
J. Schlevy------------------...................... Savannah, Ga..........
R. Scott, jr-..... Madison, Ind.............
J. C. Sellers.................. Wcodvill,, Miss...-....
W. Sewell,jr.................. Macon, Ga-----------....
W. A. Shepard................ -------------New York, N. Y......
H. Shrader................... Burnsville, Ala........
F. Simmons.................. - New Orleans, La......
T. D. Simpson and W. S. Lam- Marshall, Tex........
J. Slocum..................... Syracuse, N. Y..........
R. Smith...................... Towanda, Pa............
R. Smith...................... Towanda, Pa-.........
T. S. Smith................... Tooner's Station, Tenn....
N. W. Speers............. Memphis, Tenn........
W. T. Stewart.-............. Moscow, Tenn.-----..
H. D. Stover and W. Hutchin- New York, N. Y..........
E. Stuart...................... Shufordsville, Miss...-..
U. T. Stuart and C. E. Stewart Fayetto County, Tenn....
W. H. Tappey, W. C. Lums- Petersburgh, Va..........
den, and A. Steel.
J. Templeton.................Florence, Ga..............
D. R. 1orbet.-------------Columbus, Ga.............
P. B. Tyler........-...... Philadelphia, Pa...-....
G. Utley...................... Chapel Hill, N. C..........
W. C. Van Hoesen.-... --.... Catskill, N. Y..........
W. C. Van Hoesen............Catskill, N. Y.............
I. J. Way -------......-............... Memphis, Tenn...........
WV. and D. K. West........... Kentish Town, England...
P. B. Wever.................. Scarborough, Ga..........
O. Whitney.-....... Augusta, Moe.....-.....
D. Wilkinson................ North Providence, R. I...
J. T. Williams................ Blakely, Ga...............
P. Williams...................Lodi, Miss................
P. Williams.-------------Winona, Miss.............
P. and R. A. Williams...-_ -Winona, Miss........
R. G. Williams................ H-annahatchee, Ga....
U. T. Wilson................. Independence, Miss.......
J. G. Winger---............ Vicksburgh, Miss.......
F. W. Witting................Yorktown, Tex-........
D. H. Wooldridge.--......... Humboldt, Tenn..........
P. M. Wright................. New York, N. Y........
Y. F. Wright-............. Green Hill, Ga........
Y. F. Wright.................Green Hill, Ga........._
R N. Wyatt..................Tehula, Miss..............
H. Zellner................. Columbia, Tenn.......
J. M. Albertson.._..._.....-New London, Conn........
C. K. Marshall................New Orleans, LaJ. M. Shaw, sr.....--------------Water Valley, Miss.....
Z. B ronson........ J asper C ounty, G a.......
C. Williams-----..--------- Petersburgh,'Va..........
J. Grout-.....................Hocking City, Ohio.......
A. Baldwin...............-.... New York, N. Y..........
T. J. Do Yampert-.--....... Mobile, Ala.............
C. Hurst......................New Orleans, La..........
J. Roy--..--...-------------New Orleans, La..........
J. Durden..................... Washington, Ala.......
G. W. Penniston------------.............. North Vernon, Ind.....
J. H. McClelland............. Fairfield District, S. C....
J. Boatwright and J. Nathans. Richland, S. C............
J. N. Gordon................ _Plymouth, N. C..........
F. Shaler...................... Georgetown. Ohio.........
R. V. W. and J. Thorne........ New York, N. Y..........
P. White...................... Chatham County, N. C.-..
J. C. Hurd.................... Medway, Mass........
W. B. Leonard................ Fishkill, N. Y..._....
J. B. Lyons.................. Milton, Conn.............
J. Hughes................... New Berne, N. C..........
W. Whittemore, jr............ West Cambridge, Mass....
W. Whittemore, jr............ West Cambridge, Mass...
G. F. Saltonstall..............-........................
W. Whitehead, jr............. Paterson, N. J............
L. Brewster................... Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
W. Fowler................... Fishkill, N. Y.............
P. Moody..................... Boston, Mass..........
S. Shepard................... Taunton, Mass........
D. Grive.......... Providence, R. I......
J. Whitehead..... Manchester, Va......
J. Whitehead................ Manchester, Va.......
S. Whiting................... Franklin, Mass......
4. A. Bradshaw.............. Foxhorough, Mass.....
M. Mead..................... Lowell, Mass..........
A. Arnold..................... North Providence, R. I....
W. Bryant-----....... Davidson County, Tenn...
J. Graves --- - - --New Ipswich, N. H......
W. Mason.................... Taunton, Mass........
G. Brewster.................. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.....
L. H. Mosely................. Lisbon, Coun..........
Aug. 25, 1840
Aug. 22, 1871
Apr. 15, 1843
May 6,1873
July 2, 1867
Mar. 23, 1858
Mar. 29, 1859
Oct. 16,1834
Sept. 2, 1873
Aug. 15,1871
Oct. 9, 1860
Aug. 28, 1860
June 15, 1844
Oct. 24, 1865
Mar. 30, 1858
Apr. 25, 1871
Dec. 26, 1871
Apr. 16, 1845
May 29,1847
Dec. 29, 1857
July 29,1873
Dec. 20,1870
July 30, 187-2
Oct. 8, 1867
July 23, 1867
Mar. 8, 1859
Sept. 15, 1868
Sept. 5, 1871
July 30, 1867
Jan. 16, 1845
Feb. 21, 1871
Apr. 2, 1841
Feb. 1, 1842
Nov. 14, 1865
July 16, 1872
Aug. 21, 1860
Mar. 17, 1843
Dec. 8, 1825
Dec. 17, 1872
Dec. 27, 1859
Jan. 21, 1868
Sept. 16. 1873
July 20, 1858
July 11, 1871
July 13, 1852
Feb. 16, 1858
June 10, 1873
Nov. 26, 1844
May 1, 1860
July 30, 1867
Mar. 5, 1872
Oct. 15, 1867
Oct. 10, 1871
Apr. 18, 1871
May 28, 1872
July 7, 1829
June 3, 1826
June 12, 1855
May 17, 1870
Oct. 27, 1857
Aug. 22, 1848
Dec. 15, 1857
June 23, 1825
Apr. 14, 1857
Dec. 28, 1826
Nov. 21, 1826
Oct. 8,1825
May 5, 1824
Feb. 22, 1810
Feb. 19, 1827
May 12, 1857
Sept. 16,1833
Dec. 13, 1870
May 23, 1871
Mar. 7, 1834
May 29, 1835
May 14, 1803
June 14,1826
Dec. 17, 1834
Mar. 23, 1836
Jan. 19, 1821
Mar. 23, 1821
Sept. 18, 1818
May 29, 1841
June 24, 1839
Nov. 17, 1824
Dec. 8,1832
May 6, 1862
Jan. 21, 1823
Apr. 29, 1816
Sept. 1, 1843
May 4, 1838
Mar. 28, 1827
Nov. 19, 1833
1, 738
118, 275
3, 051
138, 583
66, 394
19, 714
23, 397
142, 517
30, 356
29, 827
3, 631
50, 635
19, 821
114, 056
3, 997
5, 135
18, 995
110, 304
129, 918
69, 721
67, 147
23, 201
82, 178
118, 756
67, 230
3, 885
112, 095
2, 026
2, 445
50, 971
129, 636
29, 736
3, t06
134, 021
27, 635
73, 683
142, 882
20, 973
117, 027
9, 124
19, 399
139, 845
3, 835
28, 124
67, 243
124, 307
69, 887
119, 731
113, 901
127, 276
13, C10
103, 123
18, 502
5, 730
18, 864
17, 053
17, 279
110, 149
115, 209
2, 108
1, 186
3, 250
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Cotton roving, Speeder for making...............
Cotton-sampling borer............................
Cotton, Saw-mill for cleaning......................
C Aton-scraper...................................
Cotton scraper-....--------------------------
4 otton-scraper....................................
Cotton scraper and chopper....................
Cotton scraper and cultivator, Combined.........
Cotton, Screen for machine for treating..........
Cotton-seed and corn grinding machine-............
Cottn-seed and guano distributer.................
Cotton seed and lice Lulling.......................
Cotton-seed cleaner...............................
Cotton-seed cleaner..............................
Cotton-seed cleaner..............................
Cotton-seed-cleaning machine........................
Cotton seed-cleaning process......................
Cotton-seed heater.................................
Cotton-seed huller................................
Cotton-seed huller........................
Cotton-seed huller.-...............................
Cotton-seed huller-..---............................
Cotton-seed huller........................
Cotton-seed huller.................................
Cotton-seen huller.................................
Cotton-seed huller..-...............................
Cotton-seed huller.................................
Cotton-seed huller --................................
Cotton-seed huller..................................
Cotton-seed huller.................................
Cotton-seed huller.................................
Cotton-seed huller................................
Cotton-seed huller....-............................
Cotton-seed huller.................................
Cotton-seed huller.............................
Cotton-seed, Hulling................................
Cotton-seed, Hlulling ------------------- - ----.
Cotton-seed, Hulling...........................
Cotton-seed hulling and separating machine.......
Cotton-seed-hulling machine.--................
Cotton-seed-hulling machine.....................
Cotton-seed-huhling machine......................
Cotton-seed-hulling machine..................
Cotton-seed-hulhng machine.....................
Cotton-seed-hulling machine.......................
Cotton-seed machine..............................
Cotton-seed mill..........................
Cotton-seed, rice, &c., machine....................
Cotton-seed separator and planter......................
Cotton seeds and motes, Machine for linting and
relin ing.
Cotton-seeds and separating the hull from the kernel, Machine for hulling and husking.
Cotton-seeds by roller gin, Separating..........-.
Cotton-seeds, Engine for separating fibers from
the husks of.
Cotton-seeds for extracting oil, Preparing........
Cotton seeds for planting, Machine for preparing..- -
Cotton seeds for planting, Method of preparing....
Cotton seeds ifor planting, Preparing............
Cotton seeds for planting, Preparing.............
Cotton-seeds, Hulling and breaking..........
Cotton seeds, Machine for detaching short fibers
Cotton-seeds, Machine for hulling or husking......
Cot ton-seeds, Machine for husking and separating
the hulls frem kernels of.
Cotton-seeds, Machine for planting.. - -....
Cotton-seeds, Machine for planting...-.......
Cotton-seeds, Machine for removing lint from.....
Cotton seeds, Machinery for breaking..............
Cotton-seeds, Process for hulling..................
Cotton-seeds, Process of cleaning...............
Cotton-seeds, Process of separating fibems from...
Cotton-seeds, Treating.....
Cot on, s lk, &c., Roving, spinning, and doubling...
Cotton-sliver can- ---------------..................
S. P. Mason..............
E. A. Clark --..............
G. F. Saltonstall. -.-........
C. H. Burbidge...............
J. M. Cobb...............
I. W. Collins and R. Y. Wilkinson.
M. Earnhart................
W. C. Finney...............
T. T. Fleming............
C. A. Gaines...........
J. Henderson.............
J. D. Houston...............
W. Jarrell................
I. J. Kidd....... -.
W. L. Milholen.............
J. H. Mitchell................
P. Sharkey...................
J. S. Smith....................
H. Starke.....................
A. W. Washburn.............
J. G. Winger..............
N. M. Hale...................
B. F. Bowling -----.....-........
R. Kitson....................
J. Martin...................
J. T. Graves................
J. Kellogg..................
T. W. Brown................
W. H. Delamere.............
A. W ells.....................
A. I. Hardin................
J. G. Page....................
W. M. Force................
H. C. Bradford..........
W. P. Callahan and D. R. De
W. R. Fee....................
W. R. Fee.....................
J. Harrington...............
L. Johnson..............---.--
C. A. Lowber.............
P. Martin................
G. H. Peabody..............
J. Perkins....................
P. Reading....................
E. C. Singer.................
J. D. Stillman - ---............
W. HI. Trott, D. R. Torbett,
and F. A. Pomeroy.
A. J. Vandegriit.............
F. A. Wells................
W. Wilber..................
H. Hubbard..-.................
J. Walker.....................
W. Wilber..................
W. R. Fee------. --
J. Lineback..............
Miller and Lawes.........
J. B. Ruperts............
J. Smith....................
J. Tiffany---.-...........
F. A. E. G. De Massas......
I. F. Brown...........
N. Mixon --- --................
S. W. Thompson............
G. W. Grader............
Leesville, Conn..........
Jackson, Tenn..........
Middletown, Conn........
Jackson, Tenn........
Clinton, La............
Cold Water, Miss.........
Fayette County, Tenn.... --
Memphis, Tenu........
Watson, Miss........
Bluff Springs, Miss.......
Pope's Depot, Miss......
Humboldt, Tenn.........
Young's Settlement, Tex..
Centre, Ala..............
Germantown, Tenn.......
Brownsville, Miss.......
Helena, Ark.......
Wilkinson County, Miss..
Yazoo City, Miss.........
Vicksburgh, Miss........
Cleborne, Tex............
Holly Springs, Miss......
Lowell, Mass............
Petersburgh, Va..........
Wilson, N. C......--.......New Hanover County, N. C
Cudworth, Barnsley, England.
Deptford, England.....
Morgantown, W. Va......
Shelby, N. C.............
Rockford, Ill..............
Newark, N. J............
Providence, R. I........
Dayton, Ohio.-...........---
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
New London, Conn........
Madison, Ga..............
Medina, N. Y.........
New Orleans, La........
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, H.I......
Trenton, N. J...........
New Orleans, La.........
Memphis, Tenn...........
Columbus, Ga...........
Covington, Ky...........
Memphis, Tenn...........
New Orleans, La.......
Claremont, N. H.......
Dover, England......
New York, N. Y.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Salem, N. C.............
Washington County, Miss
Jersey City, N. J........
Petersburgh, Va..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Hoxton, England..........
New Loncon, Conn.....
Madison, Ga...........
Otsego, Ohio..............
Memphis, Tenn...........
Dec. 29, 1830
Aug. 19, 1873
Jan. 4, 1803
Nov. 27, 1860
June 26, 1860
Nov. 27, 1860
Nov. 15, 1859
Apr. 24, 1849
Aug. 27, 1867
Oct. 5, 1858
Mar. 8, 1859
Jan. 15, 1861
July 29, 1873
Apr. 28, 1868
Nov. 27, 1860
Sept. 13, 1859
Apr. 26, 1859
Feb. 9,1869
Feb. 3, 1824
Mar. 25, 1856
Oct. 27,1857
Nov. 8,1870
Dec. 28,1869
Aug. 11, 1868
May 16, 1835
Oct. 18, 1870
Mar. 30, 1835
Aug. 4, 1868
May 28, 1872
Dec. 4, 1866
Nov. 6,1860
Dec. 26, 1865
Mar. 26, 1872
Jan. 17, 1871
Jan. 18, 1870
Sept. 13,1870
Nov. 1, 1870
Dec. 13, 1870
May 29, 1833
Dec. 6, 1859
July 31, 1860
July 27, 1869
June 19, 1866
Apr. 13, 1836
July 5, 1840
June 29, 1869
Jan. 2,1872
June 28, 1870
Oct. 26, 1869
Sept. 11, 1855
Apr. 19, 1834
Mar. 27, 1855
Jan. 27, 1857
Aug. 11, 1857
Mar. 31, 1814
Oct. 27,1835
Jan. 30, 1866
Mar. 15, 1845
Sept. 18,1860
Jan. 16, 1866
Jan. 23, 1872
Dec. 20, 1833
Oct. 19, 1869
Aug. 31, 1869
141, 998.....
30, 718
28, 835
30, 721
26, 096
6, 379
68, 296
21, 667
31, 122
141, 355
77, 292
30, 746
25, 434
23. 7e8
86, 704.....
14, 540
18, 525
109, 124
98, 341
80, 975
108, 349
80, 593
127, 224
60, 300
30, 573
51, 7 45
124, 945
98, 921
107, 349
108, 896
110, 134
26, 372
29, 393
92, 997
55, 701.....
105, 136
91, &-0
122, 341
104, 799
96, 177
13, 556......
12, 610
16, 509
17, 961
52, 321
3, 951
30, 096
122, 877.....
96, 054
94, 304
F. Follet..................... Petersburgh, Va......... Dec. 15, 1829...
W. and W. Whittemore, jr.... West Cambridge, Mass.... Mar. 21,1833
T. Rose and R. E. Gibson..... Earlestown, England..... July 26, 1870
O. Reichenbach...............
R. C. Wrenn.................
W. Blessing.................
P. C. Ingersoll..........
R. M. Lafferty.........--...
C. Leek and W. Jenks.- - -
L. P. Jenks................
J. Smith......................
F. Follet..................
N. E. Badgley................
I. W. McGaffy............
W. F. Pratt......--..........
T. Rose and R. E. Gibson......
D. W. Messer................
J. Kirkman.................
J Duval.....................
J. J. Powers................
J. Jones..--------------... --
W. Hamnier...............
Norristown Township, Pa.
Covington, Ky..........
Jeffersonville, Ohio.......
Green Point, N. Y......
Three Rivers, Mich.......
Columbia, S. C............
Boston, Mass..............
Oct. 23, 1855
Dec. 4, 1855
July 3, 1866
June 25, 1867
July 7, 1868
Dec. 17,1834
June 25, 1861
105, 728
13, 708
13, 894
56, 140
66, 089
79, 765
32, 626
Petersburgh, Va.......... Dec. 28,1829........
Pctersburgh, Va..........Jan. 21, 1829.
New York, N. Y....... Oct. 16, 1866 58, 752
Chicago, Ill -......... July 17, 1866 56, 430
East Bridgewater, Mass... June 29, 1869 91, 866
Oxton and New Brighton, July 27, 1869 93,124
Boston, Mass........... July 24,1855 13, 317
Peoria, Ill............. Nov. 26, 1867 71, 499
New Orleans, La........ Aug. 2,1870 105, 923
Memphis, Tenn......... Mar. 14, 1871 112, 628
Manchester, England..-. May 16, 1835....
Little Lever, near Bolton, Oct. 8, 1867 69, 658
Poughkeepsie, N. Y...... Aug. 29, 1833.......
Cotton-speeder..................-................ S. Parmelee...................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1799 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cotton-spindles, Step and bolster for............
Cotton spreader and picker...................
Cotton-stalk cutter or pulverizer................
Cotton-stalk knocker......................
Cotton-stalks in the field, Machine for cutting.....
Cotton-stalks, Machine for cutting standing.......
Cotton-stalks, Machine for cutting standing.......
Cotton-stalks, Machine for gathering...........
Cotton-stalks, Machine for pulling and cutting...
Cotton, Teeth of machine for picking..........
Cotton-thinning machine..........................
Cotton-thinning machine.........................
Cotton-tie fastening....---------------------.--
Cotton-tie-forming die.............................
Cotton-tie stretcher........................
Cotton to gin, Machinery for opening and feeding.Cotton to market, Rafting baled.................
Cotton-ties, Fastening ends of..............
Cotton, Utilizing the silky down of the wild...._..
Cotton wadding..................................
Cotton wadding, Apparatus for drying the sizing on
Cotton-waste and other fibers from oil, &c., Process of cleaning.
Cotton-waste and other fibrous materials, Cleaning.
Cotton-waste, Cleaning.............................
Cotton-waste, Cleaning............................
Cotton-waste for cleaning machinery, Preparing...
Cotton-waste for cleaning machinery, Preparing
certain kinds of.
Cotton-waste, Machinery for picking and separating
Cotton waste or rags previous to their being operated on by the cutting and dusting machinery,
Machine for dressing.
Cotton-waste, &c., Process of cleaning...........
Cotton-waste-separating machine.................
Cotton-whipper. ---------------------------
Cotton whipper and cleaner..................
Cotton-whipper, Cylindrical grate...............
Cotton-whipper, Oblique....................
Cotton-whipper, Revolving..................
Cotton-winding, Double-speeder for...............
Cotton, Wire-screen for cleaning..............
Cotton, wool, fur, and other fibrous materials, Machinery for cleaning and separating.
Cotton-wool, Machine for cleaning and picking....
Cotton-worm destroyer...........................
Cotton-worm destroyer...........................
Cotton-worm destroyer..........................
Cotton-worms, &c., Machine for exterminating....
Couch, Accommodation....................
Couch, Accouchement............................
Couch, Adjustable................................
Coach and car truss..............................
Couch, Folding...........................
Couch, Hospital..................................
Couch, Invalid...................................
Couch, Nursing..................................
Couch or cradle..................................
Couch or cradle..........................
Couch, Variety...................................
Counter and desk seat...........................
Counter and show-case...........................
Counter-brace, Metallic..........................
Counter, Show..........................
Counterfeits, Check to detect...................
Inventor. Residlence.
N. Rider...................... Dudley, Mass............
C. H. Chapman................ Shirley, Mass............
J. C. Whitin---------------.................. -Northbridge, Mass........
G. German.......-............ Lamar, Miss..............
M. M. Carruth................ Helena, Ark......--........
F. Bradshaw.................. Greene County, Ala......
J. W. Bocage.................. Cypress Mills, Ark.......
S. Bowerman.................. Detroit, Mich.---..........--.
R. Ray-----------------...................--.... Louisport, Ky............
S. Beers..------------------.................... Naugatuck, Conn....
T. E. C. Brinly................ Louisville, Ky...........
B. M. Smith................... Brooklyn. N. Y............
J. Gatling.............-.... Murfreesborough, N. C....
E. M. Harris and J. Cleghorn. Cass County, Ga.......
I. W. Burch................... 1ayette, Miss...........
E. M. Greeson................. Americes, Ga.............
E. B. Bishop.................. New Orleans, La.........
W. F. Buckelew.............. Shreveport, La............
W. I. Carroll................. Natchez, Miss...........
J. H. Fraley................... New Orleans, La..._.....
J. W. Hedenberg.............. Chicago, Ill...............
J. F. Milligan................. Saint Louis, Mo.........
M. A. Tarloton-----------............... New Orleans, La..........
C. W. Wailey................ New Orleans, La..........
T. McIntire................... Portsmouth, Ohio.........
C. W. Walley................. New Orleans, La..........
S. Mather..................... New Braunfels, Tex.......
M. B. Clarke.................. Newnan, Ga..............
G. R. Griffith.................. Mobile, Ala...............
A. Barbarin.................. -ew Orleans, La..........
M. H. Simpson................ Boston, Mass.........---...
C. L. Fleischman---.............. ---- Washington, D. C........
O. Tenny...................... Dorchester, Mass.........
H. M. Baker.................. Washington, D. C........
Date. No.
Nov. 3, 1832.....
Feb. 8, 1870 99, 534
July 20, 1832..
Sept. 20, 1853 10, 043
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 825
Feb. 12, 1850 7, 078
Sept. 11, 1855 13, 538
Aug. 28, 1855 13, 505
Aug. 14, 1855 13, 436
Jan. 17, 1860 26, 828
Nov. 22, 1870 109, 491
May 8, 1866 54, 619
Juno 19, 1835..
Aug. 21, 1847 5,257
Oct 5, 1869 95, 422
Apr. 12, 1870 101,962
July 23, 1867 67, 098
Apr. 16, 1867 63,849
Jan. 23,1866 52, 137
Dec. 10, 1867 71,867
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 187
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 512
Oct. 30, 1866 59, 293
Oct. 9, 1866 58, 698
Sept. 11, 1866 57, 945
July 30, 1867 67, 236
Aug. 22, 1871 118, 254
Dec. 4, 1855 13, 898
Sept. 25, 1841 2, 267
June 25, 1867 66, 065
Mar. 7,1871 112,391
June 19, 1847 5,161
Jan. 10, 1845 3, 881
Jan. 11, 1870 98, 658
Nov. 7, 1871 120, 564
July 28, 1868 80, 381
June 17, 1873 139, 921
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 821
Feb. 15, 1870 99, 945
H. M. Baker.................
H. M. Baker..................
G. Sagar...................
A. Peple.....................
A. Peple.....................
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Chicago, Ill..............
Billerica, Mass............
East Billerica, Mass.......
D. Goff........................ Pawtucket, RI. I........... Aug. 4, 1868
E. Smith...................... North Sudbury, Mass..... Sept. 10,1840
G. W. Sylvester..............
F. S. Robinson...............
W. Hopkins.................
H. G. Davis.........._.
J. S. Simmons..............
L. Osgood....................
E. Baker.....................
W. Hines....................
J. E. Crane....................
I. Hayden....................
E. Raymond.................
J. Helm......................
J. WV. Johnson...............
J. W. Johnson...............
C. Steinmann.................
J. Mead......................
E. L. Moore..................
G. Widmer.._...............
G. F. Chalender...............
A. J. Bell....................
J. Keck................
C. L. Taillant............
J. H. Cogshall.................
A. E. and J. B. Blood and F.
W. Pope.
R. Hale.....................
E. Carver...................
W. R. Pomeroy...........
L. F. Vienot..................
J. L. Cooper..................
J. Feed......................
D. H. Krauser................
N. Stow.................
A. Beardsley................
J. Reising...................
J. Perkins....................
Z. Allen.......................
S. L. Abbott..............
A. G. Bachelder..........
R. P. Buttles.................
W. H. Dodge...............
S. E. Holbrook, jr............
L. H. Hunt...................
L. H. Hunt....................
F. H. Palmer.................
M. M. Petts...................
W. B. Shedd..................
H. S. Shepardson............
D. F. Sutton..................
A. Wheeler.................
P. A. Whitney...............
A. Williams..................
Belleville, N. J...........
Boston, Mass.............
Plainfield, Conn..........Clarke County, Ala.....
Scituate, R. I........
Abington Post-Office, Coun
Warwick, R. I............
Coventry, R. I............
Lowell, Mass..............
Lawrence, Mass..........
Norton, Mass..........
Hochhbeim, Tex........
Columbus, Tex...........
Columbus, Tex......:....
Napoleonville, La.........
Aluany, N. Y.............
San Francisco, Cal.......
New York, N. Y..........
Burlington, Iowa........
Cincinnali, Ohio........
Barrington, Ill............
New York, N. Y..........
Lexington, Mich..........
Lynn, Mass...............---------
Jan. 3, 1871
Oct. 7, 1862
Mar. 6, 1823
May 16, 1845
Oct. 1, 1830
Oct. 27, 1835
June 4, 1830
Feb. 6, 1819
Jan. 24, 1860
Mar. 17, 1857
Jan. 18, 1812
May 20, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Feb. 4, 1868
Mar. 14, 1817
Mar. 11, 1873
May 12, 1868
Oct. 7, 1873
Mar. 31, 1868
Dec. 24, 1872
Dec. 20, 1859
Feb. 12, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
80, 724
1, 782
110, 800
36, 625
4, 050..........
26, 887
16, 833.....
139, 062
145, 571
145, 572
14, 165
136, 663
77, 856
143, 498
76, 148
134, 147
26, 534
62, 010
80, 801
73, 832
65, i15
82, 921
101, 542
136, 558
96, 188
59, 075.....
9, 962
117, 237
9, 705
92, 261
123, 246
103, 461
86, 674
126, 963
110, 494
108, 837
41, 894
109, 154
101, 796
83, 348
52, 776
Chicago, Ill.............. Jan. 28, 1868
Bridgewater, Mass........ June 12, 1838
Millersburgh, Ohio........ May 28, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 12, 18-0
Preston, Conn............ Oct. 13, 1868
Reading, Pa............. Apr. 5, 1870
Pottsville, Pa....-........ May 10, 1870
Binghamton, N. Y........ Mar. 4, 1873
Mount Zion, Iowa......... Oct. 26, 1869
Aurora, Ill...-.......... Oct. 23, 1866............................ Mar. 19, 1799
Providence, R. I.......... Aug. 23, 1853
Deering, Me.....---------- July 25, 1871
Lowell, Mass............. May 10, 1853
Mansfield, Pa.......... July 6, 1869
Mishawaka, Ind.......... Jan. 30, 1872
Charlestown Mass........ May 24, 1870
Rockingham, Vt....--...... Feb. 9, 1869
Saxton's River, Vt........ May 21, 1872
Foxcroft, Me.............. Feb. 28, 1871
Worcester, Mass.......... Dec. 27, 1870
East Boston, Mass........ Nov. 1, 1870
Shelburne Falls, Mass.... Mar. 8, 1864
Toledo, Ohio...............ov. 8, 1870
Brattleborough, Vt........ Apr. 12, 1870
Woodstock, Vt............ Oct. 20, 1868
Wellsville, Ohio.......... Feb. 20, 1866
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Countersink and bit.................................
Countersink and plug borer....................
Counting-machine and machine for indicating motion.
Counting register, Locomotive....................
See Aqueduct-coupling.
Auger-shaft coupling.
Car-heater coupling.
Carriage-felly coupling.
Drill-rod coupling.
Drop-light coupling.
Elastic coupling.
Felly-joint coupling.
Fire-engine coupling.
Flexible cou ling.
Friction coupiing.
Gas and water main coupling.
Gas and water pipe coupling.
Harvester-pitman coupling.
Hollow-shalt coupling.
Hose and pipe coupling.
Leader-pipe coupling.
Lightning-rod coupling.
Mill-shaft coupling.
Platform spring-coupling.
Pump-rod coupling.
Railway-rail coupling.
Rope-band coupling.
Seeding-machine coupling.
Shaft and pole coupling.
Steam-heater coupling.
Steam or air brake coupling.
Stove-pipe coupling.
Strap-couplit g.
Sucker-rod coupling.
Telegraph-wire coupling.
Train-boat coupling.
Tumbling-shaft coupling.
Union coupling.
Universal coupling.
Universal-joint coupling.
Vehicle-spring coupling.
Wagon-reach coupling.
Wlheel-feliy coupling.
Wire-rigging couphng.
Coupling and brake.......................
W. A. Clark..................
W. H. Dodge.................
H. C. Lewis............
A. Wheeler..................
J. A. Bazin.....-..............
S. Comfort...................
J. Dolbeer..................
P. Stillman...............
U. Turnar.............
T. J. Young..................
W. Y. Sterling..............
A. P. Atkinson............
H. Chandler..................
J. S. Detrick................
R. P. Hinds..................
W. H. McNary...............
C. W. Pyle...................
G. Sickels...............
G. H. Van Vleck............
A. M. White............
E. P. Curtis..............
J. Henermann...............
M. Newman, 2d N. C. Whit.
comb, and G. C. Cole.
T. A. Weston.........
Woodbridge, Conn.....
Mihawaka, Ind..........
Essex, Conn............
Brattleborough, Vt.....
Canton, Mass..............
Morrisville, Pa........
San Francisco. Cal........
New York, N. Y..-...
Versailles, Ky.............
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Bridgeport, Conn........
Vermont, Ill...........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
San Francisco, Cal.....
Chicago, Ill..........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Wilmington, Del......
Boston, Mass...........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Bridgeport, Conn.......
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Aug. 17, 1869
Feb. 6, 187-2
Dec. 4, 1866
July 11, 1871
Dec. 23, 1856
Feb. 20, 1866
Dec. 20, 1864
Aug. 22, 1854
July 2, 1867
Mar. 11, 1862
Sept. 19, I 54
Nov. 7, 1871
July 30, 1872
Aug. 4, 1868
Jan. 28, 1873
May 17, 1870
Apr. 18, 1871
Sept. 28, 1869
Mar. 25, 1873
Apr. 30, 1872
Apr. 2, 1872
93, 807
123, 463
60, 207
116, 901
16, 3!3
52, 681
45, 482
11, 577
66, 269
34, 665
120, 609
130, 017
80, 612
135, 336
103, 221
113, 794
95, 389
137, 262
126, 361
82, 117
75, 2827
Davenport, Iowa.......... Sept. 15,1868
Lanesborough, Pa., and June 13,1854
Hartford, Conn.
King's Norton, England..I Mar. 3,1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
Coupling and steering apparatus.............
Coupling-bar for railway car, locomotive, &c......
Coupling-box for shafting.........................
Coupling-iron for railway and other carriages....
Coupling-pius, Machine for making...............
Coupling-pipe, Wrought-iren.....................
Coupling-spring, Gum-elastic................
Coupon, Mode of numbering......_..............
Court-plaster, Preparation of.....................
Cover-lifter, hammer, &c., Combined...............
Cow and sheep rack......................
Cow-catcher..... --......----------..
Cow-catcher, Railway..................................
Cow-tail holder...................................
Cow-tail holder...........................
Cow-tail holder...........................
Cow-tail holder...................................
Cows and calves from sucking and for leading
cattle, Device for preventing.
Cows ftem kicking, Device tor p eventing........
Cows from kicking, Device for preventing......
Cows while being milked, Device for confining... -
See Car-cowl.
Emery-wheel cowl.
Crabs, Device for securing and feeding soft......
Cracker and biscuit cutting......................
Cracker and biscuit cutting..............
Cracker and biscuit cutting.............
Cracker and biscuit cutting................
Cracker and biscuit cutting.......................
Cracker andi biscuit cutting.....................
Cracker and biscuit machine..............
Cracker, biscuit, &c.............................
Cracker, biscuit, &c..............................
Cracker cutter and stamping machine.............
Cracker-cutting machi....................
Cracker-cutting machine...................
Cracker-cutting machine...................
Cracker-cutting machine........................
Cracker-cutting machinery.......................
Cracker-dough, Rolling and cutting..............
Cracker-machine --------------------------
Cracker machine.........................
Cracker making mrachine....................
Cracker making machine............
Cracker making machine.........................
Cracker-molding machine......................
Cracker or meat biscuit..........................
Cracker, Oyster -...........................
Cracker rolling and cutting machine...............
Crackers, biscuit, &c., Cutting....................
Crackers, biscuit, &c., Machine for cutting........
Crackers, biscuit, pilot-bread, &c., Machinefor cutting.
Crackers, Machine for cutting..............
Crackers, Machine for cutting..............
Crackers, Manufacture of cream................
Crackers, Mode of making cylindrical strips of
dough in the manufacture of.
Crackers, Molding........................
Crackers, ship-biscuit, &c..........................
Crackers, ship-bread, &c...........................
Cracking and grinding mill.......................
Cracklings cutting machine.................
Cracklings, &c., Cutting-machine for reducing.....
CrackEngs from roasted pork, Cutting-tools for
the manufacture of
J. McCreary.................
W. D. Chesnut................
W. B. Dunning...............
T. G. Owen.................
H. A. Brown and E. B.Keith.
C. H. Williams...............
W. Hudgin..................
S. Vanstone...................
S. M. Hoover.................
S. M. Clark...........
L. C. Gale...................
C. K. Pevey...........
H. Wettsten...............
R. MI. Lafferty............
R. Lover t....................
C. Darling...............
T. B. Smith...................
W. J. Orr.....................
N. Dutton.....................
W. IH. Gray..................
J. Knight....................
G. Tlanner....................
A. S. Haven................
Middletown, Pa..........
Wilmington, Del.......
Geneva, N. Y............
Baltimore, Md............
Galesburgh, Miss....
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C.........
Providence, R. I..........
Carlisle, Pa...............
Washington, D. C.........
Chicago, Ill...............
Worcester, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Three Rivers, Mich......
Canton, Ohio.............
Utica, N. Y...............
Triune, Tenn.............
Manorville, Pa............
Janesville, Wis..........
Ashfield, Mass........
Whitestown, N. Y...-..
Freetown, N. Y.........
Barre, Mass..............
July 23, 1872
Feb. 20, 1844
June 22, 1858
July 1, 1140
Sept. 27, 1870
Dec. 13, 1870
Apr. 6, 1858
June 28, 1870
Apr. 18, 1865
July 9, 1867
May 1, 1866
July 15, 1873
Jan. 29, 1867
June 4, 1867
May 15, 1866
June 8, 1852
July 11, 1854
Dec. 31, 1867
Apr. 30, 1867
Mar. 14, 1871
May 31, 1870
June 21, 1870
Feb. 4, 1868
T. Pyle-..--..--...-...... Nottingham, Pa........... Aug. 27,1872
H. J. Sadler and S. H. Spencer Mecca, Ohio----.............-. July 8, 1873
L. Brown -..--.......-.......... Evans, N. Y............... Nov. 13, 1866
C. W. Atkeson...............
W. F. G. Beeuwkes............--
C. iDrexler...................
J. Clark and H. Henderson. - -
S. P. Ciark..................
J. P. Fairlamb and M. Dunot..
T. and T. H. Havener........
W. RIi. Nivens.................
J. S. Stiles...................
T. Bladen...................
T Bladen...................
D. Poole......................
C. F. Thurston.................
A. Clarke and T. Reece.....
C. Baldwin........_..........
E. O. Brinkerhoff..............
C. P. Forbes...................
W. 1. Nevins.................
W. Perkins..................
W. R. Nevins...............
W. Cairns...................
W. Cairns..................
P. Emmons................
J. Fox.......................
J. Fox........-.............
W. M. Garrison..............
G. Y. Gray.................
J. E. Hawkins.................
J. and J. C. Holyland.......
J. and J. C. Holyland..........
J. Johnson and O. Freeman... - -
G. J. Kingsbury..............
C. Marsh, 2d......................
C. Marsh, 2d.................
J. McCollum..................
J. McCollum.................
C. Neer....................
L. A. Rockwell...............
G. R. Skillman................
T. Sloat.....................
R. Darling.................
D. S oward..................
H. Winslow...................
P. Emmons...................
E. Greel:field.................
W. P. Lyon..................
D. Pool.....................
J. Clarke and H. Hen erson...
J. Cooper...........
J. Clark and H. Henderson....
G. M. Kendall..............
L. Kirtland..................
D. M. Holmes-........F. C. Treadwell, jr., and H.
J. G. Driscoll.................
J. and C. Bruce.............
N. Daskam and D. G. Wood...
W. Beal, jr., and B. S. Hale....
A. Smith....................
A. Smith.....................
L.F. Lannay.................
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Holland, Mich............
Washington, I). C.......
Baltimore, Md............
Baltimore, Md............
Wilmington, Del..........
Washington, D. C.........
New Yerk, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Dauphin County, Pa......
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Goffstown, N. H........
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md...........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass....
New York, N. Y.-'---
Jersey City, N. J......
Jersey City, N. J......
New York, N. Y........
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.......
Niles, Mich...........
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
Rochester, N-. Y........
Rochester, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Natchez, Miss.............
Natchez, Miss........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Troy, N. Y..............
Tremont, N..Y.........
Baltimore, Md............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
East Greenwich, R. I......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Swansey, Mass............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y....
Portchester, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Baltimore, Md...........
Mar. 3, 1868
Jan. 22, 1867
Dec. 17, 1867
June 13, 1831
Nov. 7, 1835
June 13, 1831
Oct. 17, 1835
Oct. 17, 1835
Aug. 9, 1831
Mar. 16, 1830
Oct. 1, 1830
May 20,1834
Mar. 12, 1872
Jan. 15, 1867
Nov. 7, 1848
Aug. 25, 1863
July 17, 1841
Nov. 10, 1841
Aug. 20, 1850
Apr. 12, 1841
Mar. 2, 1836
Nov. 12, 1872
Jan. 31, 1871
Feb. 13, 1855
Feb. 1, 1859
Oct. 14, 1873
June 5, 1866
May 11, 1869
June 25, 1867
Sept. 28, 1858
Nov. 27. 1860
May 17, P144
Oct. 14, 1873
July 24, 1860
Nov. 9, 1869
Mar. 23, 1852
Feb. 15, 1859
June 15, 1858
June 17, 1873
Apr. 4, 18, 1
Apr. 20, 1869
Sept. 30, 1841
Nov. 26, 1867
Dec. 14, 1840
Aug. 1, 1854
Feb. 15, 187j
May 8, 1866
Dec. 24, 1824
Sept. 18, 1833
Mar. 11, 1830
Sept. 13, 1830
129, 844
3, 443
20, 634
1, 666
107, 656
110, 179
19, 852
104, 9;5
47, 305
66, 461
54, 326
140, 948
61, 588
65, 397
54, 745
11, 273
72, 752
64, 207
112, 587
103, 753
104, 661
74, 086
130, 943
140, 594
59, 550
75 109
61, 387
72, 177.....
124, 459
61, 163
5, 906
39, 628
2, 180
2, 344
7, 580
2, 029
133, 014
12, 383
22, 793
143, 686
55, 276
89r 985
66, 682
21,6 6
30, 732
3, 585
143, 579
29, 295
96, 715
8, 828
2-2, 966
20, 577
139, 9-20
113, 356
89, '250
2, 277
71, 42(1
1, 896
11, 418
99, 8r 0
54, 566..8....
58, 644
25, 775
4, 895
61, 884
71, 545
125, 137
Catskill, N. Y -........ May 3,1833
New Haven, Conn...... Sept. 4, 1834
Brooklyn, N. Y.....---------- Oct. 9, 1866
New York, N. Y., and Oct. 11, 1859
Windham, Conn.
Auburn, N. Y............. Nov. 19 1833
Kings County, N. Y....... Mar. 13. 1832
Geneva, N. Y.-...... Aug. 5, 180
Norway, Me., and Lowell, Dec. 17, 1846
Cincinnati, Ohio.......- Feb. 5,1867
Cincinnati, Ohio --..... Nov. 26, 1867
Baltimore County, Md.... IApr. 2, 1872
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cradle.. ---------------------------------
Cradle...- ---------------------------------.
Cradle and baby-walker, Circular swinging.....
Cradle and chair...........
Cradfe and chair, Combination of.-------------
Cradle and chair, Combined.......................
Cradle and chair rocker....---------------------
Cradle and churn, Propelhng------.... -----..
Cradle and rocking-chair combined.................
Cradle and tete-A-tee...----------------------
Cradle, Automatic.....------------------------
Cradle, Automatic...----------------------..Cradle, Automatic.........................
Cradle, Autouiatic..........................
Cradle, Automatic--------... --------------..--
Cradle, Child's....................................
Cradle, Child's...................................
Cradle, Child's....---------------------------
Cradle, crib, and standing stool combined..........
Cradle, Fleecing.....................
Cradle, Folding.....---------------------------
Cradle, Folding............................
Cradle, Folding------......---------------------.
Cradle, Folding...---- ----- -..
Cradle, Hydrostatic steam.........................
Cradle, Infant's......---------------
Cradle, Infant's --...-------..---------------..
Cradle or crib....----------------------------
Cradle or crib....................................
Ctadle or crib, Folding....---------------------
Cradle or crib, Portable................
Cradle, Portable---......----------------------.
Cradle, Portable.............................
Cradle, &c., rocker... ------ -.---
Cradle, Rocking...- -.-----------..
Cradle, Rocking-......-------------------------
Cradle, Self-moving.....------------------------
Cradle, Self-rocking..............................
Cradle, Self-rocking....-----------------------
Cradle, Self-rocking..---------------------.-...
Cradle, Self-rocking--...---------------------
Cradle, Self-rocking........................
Cradle, Sofa.......................................
Cradle, Sprng.....................
Cradle, Spring-rocking...---------------------..
Cralle, stool, and chair-............
Cradle, Swing.....................................
Cradle Swing ----------------------------
Cradle, Swiinging.................................-------------------------
Cradle, Swinging....................
Cradle, Swinging.....-------------------------
Cradle, Wire....................
J. B. Charlton................
F. Chichester................
P. Cooper..................
P. Coope------------------
D. Cox....
A. Dick......................-----------------
D. A Dunham................
W. H. Earnest................
W. H Earnest...............
C. A. Fenner..................
M. Griffin..................
L. Heywood...........
L. and A. R. Hill.........
S. W. Knowles.............
R. W. Myers................
A. H. Ordway...........
D O. Parker...------------..............S Pope.....................
D. Sonder....................
L. Sperry and L. Robinson.... -
A. Spieiel..-...............
H. H. Wiggers..............
F. R. Woltinger..........
W. M. Messick.............
A. Berny.........
A. Hicks................
F. E. Coomes..-.............
S. Simmons...................
E. Wh' man, jr..........
E Hambujer.............
G. H. Hazlowood........
DI). Alger...................
S. G. Delano..................
S. G. Delano................
I. S. Goidman.................
W. V. Van Dervoort and R. B.
J. H. Havens.................
M. Stucdey............
J. L. Riter.................
L. K. Sedden..................
W. J. Stowell....-............
C. E. Nurse...................
J. K. Alwood.._.............
C. Klein......................
J. A. Latham and G. W. Tileston.
T. W. Moore..................
L. K. Selden...................
C. Miner...................
T. C. Ball.....................----------------
S. F. Brooks..................
E. N. Cutter................
J. M. Read.._...............
M. McNamara................
D. M. Reynolds...........
W. R. Evans..........
W. S. Harris.................
R. A. Jackson.................
P. Power....................
H. R. Taylor..................
W. A. N. Long.........
W. D. Tewksbury.............
A. Buchenberger..............
C. H. Helmkamp..............
C. Holtz.....................
B. Brazelle....................
D. Walker.................
H. G. Williams...............
H. A. Axtoll................
F. Chichester...............
J. B. Malbert and A. Cheviron.
J. B. Warren...............
P. P. Carroll..................
Z. M ills.....................
S. W. Knowles................
J. McKinney............
L. F. Whitaker............
L. Chevallier and R. Brass....
Keyport, N. J.............
Kalamazoo, Mich.....
Milwaukee, Wis.......
Hempstead, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y.........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Pilatka, Fla..............
Clarksburgh, Va..........
Parkersburgh, W. Va.....
Mystic River, Conn.......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Gardner, Mass............
Alexandria, Va...........
New Haven, Conn........
Clarksville Post-Office,N.J.
Haverhill, Mass..........
Liverpool, Nova Scotia....
Windsor, Conn............
Houston, Ohio.............
East Windsor Hill and
New Haven, Conn.
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Vermont, Ill..............
Louisville, Ky......
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Flushing, N. Y...........
Berlin, Wis..............
Baltimore, Md...........
Winthrop, Me...........
Detroit, Mich............
Boston, Mass...............
Bryon, Mich.............
Grand Blanc, Mich.......
Argentine, Mich..........
Winterset, Iowa........
New Antioch, Ohio........
Lewiston, N. Y............
South Yarmouth, Mass....
Brownsville, nd..........
Haddam, Conn...........
Baltimore, Md......_...
Chesterfield Factory, N. H
Delta, Ohio...............
Albany, N. Y.............
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y.........
Haddam, Conn...........
Lyme, Conn...............
Keene, N. H..........
Weston, Mass............
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Trenton, N. J...........
Alliance, Ohio...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Roxbury, Mass.........
Fisherville, N. H.......
Cuylersville, N. Y.._....
New York, N. Y........
Reading, Ohio............
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Nashville, Ill..............
Newark, N. J............
Hamilton, Iowa........
Westfield, Mass...........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Davenport, Mass......
Washington, D. C........
Hartford, Conn...........
Middletown, Conn.......
West Chester, Ohio.......
Raleigh, N. C.............
Williamsburgh, N. Y., and
Waterbury, Conn.
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Dennis, Mass..............
Dorchester, Mass.........
Yarmouth, Mass..........
Yarmouthport, Mass......
Yarmouth, Mass.......
Medford, N. J.........
Duxbury. Mass.....
Tyngsborough, Mass......
Lowell, Mass..............
Providence, R.I...........
Chic-ago, Ill............
'Topsham, Vt...........
New York, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Date. No.
June 5, 1866
Apr. 4, 1871
July 22,1873
Mar. 27, 1815
Feb. 5, 1867
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 23, 1866
Oct. 2.9, 1867
May 20, 1862
June 25, 1872
Nov. 11, 1873
Jan. 7, 1873
Jan. 21, 1873
Jan. 28, 1868
July 2, 1867
Feb. 28,:871
Jan. 10, 1871
Aug. 8, 1871
June 15, 1813
Apr. 15, 1873
July 20, 1869
Oct. 5, 1869
Aug. 13,.1872
July 5, 1564
July 30, 1867
July 3, 1866
May 10, 1864
July 31, 1866
Dec. 21, 1819
Mar. 27,1835
Feb. 4, 1873
July 5, 1853
Sept. 6,1870
Sept. 1, 1868
Mar. 15, 1870
Apr. 22, 1873
June 10, 1873
Aug. 5, 1862
Mar. 2, 1869
Jan. 16, 1872
Apr. 10, 1860
Feb. 21, 1871
Nov. 19, 1872
Nov. 3, 1868
Feb. 25, 1868
Aug. 23, 1864
July 11, 1871
May 24, 1859
Nov. 16, 1827
Nov. 16, 1858
Apr. 24,1860
Apr. 6, 1869
Feb. 27, 1830
Jan. 21, 1873
Nov. 8,1870
Sept. 12,1871
Dec. 30, 1873
June 20, 1871
Oct. 8, 1867
Jan. 16, 1843
Aug. 13, 1861
June 7, 1859
Nov. 3,1829
Feb. 9,1864
May 27, 1873
May 15, 1866
Feb. 25, 1862
Mar. 7, 1865
Feb. 25, 1868
July 22,1873
May 18, 1858
June 5,1866
Apr. 14, 1868
July 17,1806
Oct. 28,1851
June 13, 1831
Oct. 21, 1851
Jan. 11, 1870
Sept. 9,1873
Sept. 8, 1868
Nov. 20, 1866
Mar. 7, 1865
Jan. 22,1867
June 6, 1865
Mar. 22, 1870
Dec. 30, 1873
Jan. 19, 1858
Apr. 4, 1854
Dee. 2, 1862
July 2i3, 1867
Dcc. 3, 1867
July 8, 1834
July 15, 1873
55, 227
113, 497
61, 720
138, 320
52, 146
70, 179
35, 307
128, 375
144, 391
134, 661
135, 117
73, 892
66, 361
112, 271
110, 931
117, 809.....
137, 868
92, 896
95, 530
130, 554
43, 448
67, 331
55, 990
42, 7:0
56, 718.....
135, 425
9, 829
81, 757
100, 735
138, 144
139, 838
36, 091
87, 378
122, 737
27, 835
111, 989
133, 169
83, 754
74, 917
43, 947
116, 856
24, 142
22, 056
27, 964
88, 553.....
135, 138
109, 050
118, 918
146, 069
116, 061
69, 698
2, 915
24, 340
139, 247
54, 815
34, 535
46, 744
74, 876
141, 032
20, 284
55, 401
76, 601
- 8, 46
8, 461
98, 742
142, 583
81, 897
59, 857
46, 760
61, 476
48, 136
101, 040
145, 979
19, 151
10, 736
37, 058
67, 150
71, 682
140, 882
Cradles to rocking-chairs, Coupling for connecting. J. Reeves....................
Cranberry-gatheier...-......................... W. Hall.....................
Cranberry gatherer.............................. E. D. Miller..................
Cranberry gathee r..........G. Shove..................... G. Shove.....
Cranberly-gatherer......................... G. Shove.....................
Cranberry- gatherer......................... C. Thacher...................
Cranberry picker...................... J.P. Prickett.................
Cranberry picker........................... J. Weston....................
Cranberry-soeparator................... D. Perham...................
Cranberry-winnower............................P. Flanders..................
Cranberries for preservation, Putting up........A. Sampson...................
Cranbeirie, Machine for cleaning and assorting... G. L. Merrill...............
Crane....----------------------------------------- A. S. Batten................
Crane........................................... H. Lradford.............
Crane......................................... I.iggs............. R. Biggs.....
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, iiclusive-Continued.
Crane ----------------------------------
Crane, Balance...........................
Crane, Blacksmith's......................
Ciane, Compensating forge......................
Crane, Dredging.................................
Crane, Elevating..................................
Crane for loading or discharging goods on board
of vessels, Labor-saving.
Crane for raising brick, Portable............
Grane, Hoisting..................................
Craue, Hydraulic...............................
Crane, Hy-draulic.........................
Crane, Portable..................................
Crane, Portable..................................
Crane, Portable----------------------------...................................Crane, Power.-.....................-..............
Crane, Rotary....................................
Cran, Yald and tank............................
Crank, Anti-friction.......................
C rank-box......................
Crank-brace for augers, Adjustable.............
Crank-connection ---..----------------..
Crank-engine for raising and throwing water.....
Crank, friction-wheel, and brake, Combined.......
Crank-heating apparatus--.....--------- ----
Crank-indicators, Arrangement of machinery for
actuating the.
Crank-motion.- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Crank-pin box.................................
Crank pins, Apparatus for turning locomotive.....
Crank-pins, Machine for tunr.ing.....
Crank-pins, Machine for turning..............
Crank-pins of locomotives, Machine for returning.
Crank, ratchet, and brake, Combined...-........
Crank, Serial......................... -...
Crank-shaft eccentric... --...................
Ciank, Substitute...-......................
Crank-wrist....................--- ----------------
Crank-wrist connection -.....................
Cranks by crank-pins, Mode of connecting......
(',ranks on rods, Machine for bending...........
Cranks overdead-points, Carrying................
Cranks to machinery, Attaching...........-..
Cranks, Wheel used in machinery instead of......
See Folding-crate.
Fruit-box crate.
Sewing-machine crate.
Crate, Folding.....................................
Crate, Folding.....---------------------------
C ravat......................--.
Cravat, Vulcanized rubber...---.-.........---.........
Crayon. Composition.................
Crayou composition..............................
Crayon-holder, Tailors'............................
Crayon, Rubber..........-------------------
Crayon-sharpener, Tailors'..........................
Crayons, Manufacture of nitrate of silver.._.....
Cieam -f eezer....................
Cream - reezer.....................................
Cream freezer.....................................
Cream from milk, Extracting......
Cream from whey, Method of extracting......
Cream-paste press and strainer..............
Cream, Process of preparing................
Cream saver.............................------...
Creeper..-----------------------..Cresset or barrel-heater...........................
Crevasses, Method of stopping..............
B. J. Burnett................
B. J. Burnett.--...............F. Farrel.....................
G. Hunziker.................
E.M arsh......................
J. W. Middleton....._......
J. L. Pennock.................
F. Rumpf..................
G. Sherwood.................
J. F. Smtnl...................
C. Williams.................
L. Henry................
W. Maher.._...............
T. M orris....................
G. Wood and J. King-..........
J. T. Wright................
T. Godwin....................
E. Mann and G. Hill..........
J. Y. Parce.................
D. S. Hines...................
S. K. We.lman...............
L. A. Beardsley...........
S. It. Marshall..............
C. Snyder and S. M. Smith....
W. F. Durfee...........
J. S. Coffinan...........
L. Y. Ketcham and J. Taynton
C. T. Moore...............
A. Shedlcck..........._......
B. S. Oliver..................
G. Westinghouse.........
J. Gourlay..................
E. R. Cole............
J. Clap..............
L. Swenson...................
R. M. Van Sickler...........
T. J. Mc.owan.............
J. Miller---......................
S. B. Hutchins...............
W. Bricknell................
E. Quinn..................
T. Taylor...............
11. C. Bradford..............
T. Welch.....................----------------
W. Blythe and N. Hayes...
H. S. Smith and W. D. Whitmore.
M. G. Wood.................
N. Wright..................
R. B. McElrath........._.....
C. F. Ritchel.................
J. F. Haskins................
A. Brooks.................
J. Wallace..................
C. B. Gallinghouse............
J. M. Long..................
J. Clayton..................
F. E. Sickels.................
E. Lord.......................
F. Glass...................
A. Westcott.............
J. Steadwell, 3d...........
L. A. Lindsey................
F. R. Van Dake...............
O. Ernst----------------......................J. N. Thomson...............
W. WV. Beach.................------------
W. Compton.............
I. IN. Peirce..............
A. F. Howard.................
H. Wright...............
J. A. Gooch..........
D. F. Pond..................
R. R. Miles.................
S. P. Wheeler................
E. S. Farson..................
E. C Seaman.................
S. W. Smith...................
E. S. Torrey...............
S. Davis...................
K. Egger..------.....
J. C. Beddol and J. S. Coon....
L. Bishop...............
C. D. Birdseye.......
O. Abell......................
S. E.M allett..................
L. Witting.......
W. B. Geddis............
L. A. Gossin..................
W. B. Carpenter..............
New York, N. Y.........
Mount Vernon, N. Y.....
Ansonia, Conn............
Summit, Miss.............
Oswego, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Coatesville, Pa............
Cold Spring, N. Y....
Erie, Pa..............
Portsmouth, Va...........
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France.............
Slack, Ky...............
Clarbeston, England......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Nashua, N. H.........
New Yotk, N. Y......
Rochester, N. Y..........
Fairport, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Nashua, N. H..........
South Edmeston, N. TY....
Wilksbarre, Pa...........
Hawley, Pa.............
New Bedford, Mass.....
Greenville, Ind...........
Port Jervis, N. Y.........
Gilmanton, N. H.......
New York, N. Y........
Salem, Mass............
Schenectady, N. Y........
Ogdensburgh, N. Y.....
Pawtucket, R. I.......
Montague, Mass........
North Cape, Wis......._
New York, N. Y.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y..........
Oswegatchie, N. Y......
Hartford, Me...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New Orleans, La.......
Providence, R. I..........
Churchville, N. Y.....
Alexandria, Va.......
Bloomington, Ill..........
Boston, Mass.............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Fitchburgh, Mass...
Crawford County, Ind...-.
Columbia, S. C.......
Allensville, Ind..........
Hamilton, Ohio.......
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Todmorden, Great Britain
Knightstown, Ind.......
Syracuse, N. Y............
Carmel, N. Y...........
Jackson, Miss..........
Jackson, Miss........
New York, N. Y..........
Not th Attleborough, Mass
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass --.............
Waltham, Mass..........New York, N. Y........
Biddeford, Me...........
New lhaven, Conn......
Wabash, Ied..............
Bridgeport Conn.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa....
Brooklyn. N. Y......
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y....
South Cortland, N. Y.....
Branchport, N. Y....
Cortlandville, N. Y...
New York, N. Y.........
Witoka, Minn.....
CoIrry, IP.................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Rochester, N. Y..........
La Fourchi Parish. La...
West Topsham, Vt.......
Dec. 25, 1855
Feb. 7, 1865
May 13, 1873
July 16, 1872
Feb. 12, 1836
Mar. 21, 1871
Dec. 2, 1873
Mar. 6, 1866
June 30, 1836
July 10, 1860
Aug. 18, 1868
Nov. 9, 1844
Dec. 23, 1856
Nov. 5, 167
Nov. 9, 1858
Aug. 22, 1865
Oct. 2, 1838
July 21, 1827
July 26, 1859
July 23, 1867
July 7,1868
June 25, 1861
Jan. 5, 1864
Oct. 9, 1860
Aug. 11, 1865
Dec. 31, 1867
Feb. 15, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
July 16, 1872
Mar. 9, 1821
Mar. 20, 1860
Dec. 18, 1855
Aug, 20, 1867
Nov. 21, 1810
July 30, 1872
Oct. 8, 1867
July 25, 1871
Apr. 15, 1973
June 3, 1851
Sept. 3, 1867
June 27, 1871
Juiy 23, 1867
Jan. 21, 1873
Aug. 1, 1865
Apr. 14, 1868
July 5, 1870
Apr. 18, 1871
Feb. 15, 1870
June 13, 1871
Aug. 4, 1868
Apr. 1,1873
Aug. 3, 1858
Sept. 25,1824
June 30, 1863
Apr. 21,1863
May 2, 1865
Sept. 19, 1845
Mar. 13, 1866
Jan. 26, 1864
May 23, 1865
Nov. 25, 1823
Mar. 1, 1870
Feb. 15, 1870
Mar. 27, 1866
June 27, 1871
July 19, 1864
June 8, 1869
Dec. 20, 1864
Apr. 15, 187.1
July 28, 1868
Aug. 20, 1872
Sept. 21, 1852
Dec. 21, 1869
Nov. 22, 1859
Mar. 23, 1858
Oct. 3, 1848
Mar. 1 1859
Feb. 5, 1867
Oct. 1, 183
Sept. 25, 1866
Mar. 22, 1870
Feb. 20, 186
Sept. 17, 1850
June18 1172
Aug. 25, 181
Jan. 1 iH5
Mar. 5, 1867
Jan. 14, 1808
Aug'. 19, 1-73
13, 976
46, 213
138, 876
129, 282.....
112, 829
145, 234
53, 044.....
81, 317
3, 813
16, 283
70, 455
22, 052
49, 579
24, 912
67, 113
79, 710
32, 908
41, 161
30, 3-8
80, 930
72, 801
99, 912
89, 423
128, 181.....
27, 588
13, 943
67, 157
129, 996
69, 127
117, 312
137, 944
8, 131
68, 482
116, 487
67, 001
135, 073
49, 185
76, 702
105, 007
113, 959
99, 993
115, 881
80, 769
137, 441
21, 061
39), 634
38, 233
47, 322
4, 199
53, 242
41, 373
47, 885
100, 299
99, 977
53, 428
116, 510
43, 620
91, 00
45, 518
137, L44
t0, 378
130, 6341
9, 277
98, 085
26, 223
19, 733
5, 821
23, 271
61, 895
58, 232
101, 086
52, 6t1
7, C44
12e, (J!O
81, 519
19, 10)
62, 510
73, 318
141, 918
Index of patents issued fromnt the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Crib and bedstead..................................
Crib and bedstead, Extension...................
Crib and chair---------------------------....................................
Crib and cradle................................
Crib and cradle---------------------..............------....................
Crib and cradle combined, Folding...............
Crib and cradle, Folding..............................
Crib and walking-stool---------------------............................Crib, Child's.......................................
Crib, Child's.......................................
Crib, Child's.......................................
Crib, Child's.....................
Crib, Child's.....................
Crib. Child's......................
Crib, Extension...................................
Crib, Folding....................
Crib, Folding......................................
Crib or cradle....................................
Crib or cradle.....................................
Crib or hammock, Swinging....................
Crib, Reversible....................
Crib, Traveling....................
Cribs or cradles, Means of rocking...............
Cribbage-board, &c.........................
Cricket and commode...........................
Crimping and fluting machine....................
Crimping and fluting machine.....................
Crimping brake------------------------------
Crimping clamp...................................
Crimping-forms, Machine for shaping.........
Crimping machine ------------------------
Crocheting and knitting needles, Machine for
forming barbs of.
Crockery stilts---------....................................
Crockery-ware, Heated metallic mold for forming.
Croquet, Apparatus for parlor....................
Croquet, Apparatus for parlor----...-------..----
Croquet-ball, Rubber.............................
Croquet-boards, Method of mounting...........
Croquet-wicket driver.....................
Cross-bar lock for doors, &c..........................
Cross-bow... - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Cross-head shifter.........-------------------------
Cress, Memorial -.............................
Crosses, Mode of mounting ornamental............
Croup and other diseases, Apparatus for treating..
Crow and tamping bar.....................
Crow-bar, Compound.............................
Croae and howel, Cooper's.................
Croze, Cooper's.....--------------------------
Croze, Cooper's ----------------------------....................................
Croze, Cooper's.......................
Croze, Cooper s....
C roze, Cooper' a....................................
Crozing-knives, Method of operating..............
Crozing machine......
Crucible and metal-heating furnace..............
Crucible, Black-lead..............................
CrucilC tr mlting iron and steel................
Crucible fPr melting iron, steel, &c...............
Crucible fmr melting metals, &c-...............
Crucible for melting metals.....
Crucible for melting metals, &c..............
Crucible for metallic baths........................
50 P
G. T. Palmer................
C. H. Hudson.............
J.E. Small..................
W. H. Earnest..............
H. W. Eastman..........
J. B. Brolaski..............
D. M. Reynolds...............
S. S. Burr................
J. Batley.................
D. Cox............
G. W. Ennis -- --.............
W. L. Gerard.........
J. D. Lewis.-...........
A. R. Swartz..........
S. S. Burr..................
A. J. Bettridge.........
C. Kilburn.................
L. A. Chichester..........
W. T. Hazard..............
D. O'Grady............
A. E. Eaton.................
S. L. Mercer.............
J. S. Ryan..................
J. Gill..--------------------
B. J. Davis and I. S. Cramer...
M. H. Sullivan...............
J. C. Knowles............
M. Doherty..................
W. Haenlon..........
R. Werner.................
R. Werner....
J. Howe...............
L. H ill.... -.......
J. Kunstler................
P. A. Schoellhorn.............
J. H. Jellison..........
D. Bissell..................
W. Butterfield._....._
S. G. Cabell.................
L. Crevissier and L. Lecamp..
J. P. Jamison..............
S. W. Jamison............
J. Joslyn..............
M. R. Lemman and W. A. L.
L. P. Lum...................
R. A. York.................
C. N. and A. C. Tyler-.......
II. Fletcher--................
J. P. Tirrell...............
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y...-...
Berlin, Wis..........
Parkersburgh, W. Va.. -.
Baltimore, Md...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Dedham. Mass...........
Orange, N. J.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.. -. _.
Orange, N. J..............
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
Toronto, Canada.......
Carlisle. Pa--...--..--
Dedham, Mass...--..---
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Philadelphia. Pa..........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Randolph, Mass..........
Charleston, Ill..........
Portland, Me............
Washington, D. C.......
Berlin, Wis.......
New York, N. Y ---_-._
Sergeantsville, N. J.......
Providence, R. I..........
New Bedford, Mass.....
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Hoboken, N. J..........
Hoboken, N. J...........
Milford, Mass..........
North Brookfield, Mass -... -
Collinsville, Conn.......
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Milford, Mass..........
Detroit, Mich.........
Boston, Mass...........
Quincy, Ill..............
Reims, France..........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y......-.
Canton, N. Y..............
Hamilton, Ohio..........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Reading, Mich............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
London, England...-...
North Bridgewater, Mass.
May 19, 1868
Nov. 30, 1869
Oct. 23,1866
June 14, 1870
Jan. 31, 1t65
Sept. 3, 1872
Mar. 15,1870
Jan. 1, 1867
Nov. 5, 187-2
Mar. 26, 1872
Mar. 14, 1871
Dec. 11, 1866
Dec. 2, 1873
May 11, 1869
Sept. 28, 1869
Mar. 26, 1872
Jan. 14, 1873
Oct. 12, 1869
May 2, 1871
Mar. 25, 1873
May 23, 1871
Sept. 24, 187-2
Jan. 1, 1867
Dec. 22, 1863
Mar. 10, 1868
May 19, 1868
May 31, 1870
Feb. 22, 1859
July 23, 1861
Jan. 7,1873
June 24, 1873
Aug. 31, 1869
Aug. 25, 1868
July 25, 1871
Aug 19, 1873
Sept. 19, 1865
Aug. 28, 1860
Mar. 8, 1870
July 17, 1866
Oct. 29, 1872
May 15, 1866
Feb. 15, 1870
Feb. 19,1867
Sept. 26, 1871
Dec. 9,1873
Apr. 7, 18(;8
Nov. 10,1868
Apr. 29, 1862
Apr. 2, 1867
78, 123
97, 403
59, 687
104, 288
46, 091
131, 049
100, 925
60, 684
132, 745
124, 884
112, 570
60, 357
145, 218
89, 953
95, 318
124, 877
134, 895
95, 768
144, 292
137, 235
115, 042
131, 698
60, 793
40, 999
75, 382
78, 155
103, 754
23, 017
32, 869
134, 621
140, 326
94, 213
81, 503
117, 304
141, 956
50, 074
29, 757
100, 498
56, 365
132, 637
54, 735
99, 906
62, 208
119, 234
145, 303
76, 576
83, 892
35, 091
63, 442
40, 310
127, 074.....
109, 120
55, 139
117, 865
122, 926
59, 376
104, 151
51, 016
136, 388
88, 335
142, 072
54, 848
62, 495
78, 960
63, 172
54, 457
99, 686
123, 694
93, 664
97, 613
94, 244
138, 599
12, 288
9, 835
119, 570
114, 089
112, 205
139, 852
80, 9i7
78, 740
25, 498
38, 519
115, 974
10, 684
133, 538
4"2, 959
108, 084
122, 585
124, 076
88, 072
120, 807
49, 009
P. Pointon-................. Trenton, N. J............. Oct. 13, 1863
E. Leak, H. Moore, and J. Trenton, N. J............. May 21, 1872
P. Pettinos....---------------- Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 3, 1829
A. P. Eastman-----------. Washington, D. C......... Nov. 8, 1870
W. S. Messinger---...-----.. --- Roxbury, Mass. ----------May 29, 1866
F. M. Clarke-----...---------. Washington, D.C.".... Aug. 8,1871
J. H. Tuttle................... -------- East Hampton, Mass..... Jan. 23, 1872
J. Federhen............... Boston, Mass........... Nov. 6, 1866
H. R. Heyl.............. Philadelphia, Pa.....-------- June 14, 1870
S. Byrnes..- -- -.. Boston, Mass.......... Nov. 21, 1865
E. A. Ross...................Albany, N. Y......... Mar. 4, 1873
F. W. Smith, jr............... Bridgeport, Conn...-... Mar. 30,1869
E. A. Barker............... Providence, R. I......... Aug. 26, 1873
L. and M. Bradley........... Springfield, Mass....... May 22, 1866
G. L. Morse...---------------Harrison, N. J-------............ -- Feb. 26, 1867
J. E. Hanger..---------------Staunton, Va.............. June 16, 1868
E. C H. INye............... Acushnet, Mass.......... Mar. 26, 1867
J. West- --............--- Bethlehem, Pa........ May 1, 1866
C. 14 Joyce................. Alexandria, Va............ Feb. 8, 1870
E. W. Hall................ New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 13, 187-2
XV. B. Bennett.--...--.. Providence, R. I........... Aug. 17, 1869
G. Dclat..................... Paris, France...------.--. Dec. 7, 1869
J. G. Schwarz................ --------------Indiavapolis, Ind.......... Aug. 31, 1869
A. Wright and A. F. Tew..... Westfield, N. Y......... May 6, 1873
I. J. Cole................... Piermont, N. Y........... Jan. 23,1855
N. J. Tilghmani............... Salisbury, Md............ July 5, 1853
A. Busenger--...........-- Mount Solon, Va..........- Oct. 3, 1871
J. F. Applegate and C. Feiock. New Albany, Ind....... Apr. 25, 1871
V. Applegate, M. P. Jacobs, Harrison County, Ind..... Feb. 28, 1871
and S F. Roby.
J. Bailey...................... --- Sprineport. Ind........ June 17, 1873
C. O. Cook...-------------.. Rockford, Ill.............. Aug. 11, 1868
J. C. Hofer.....---------------- Bellaire, Ohio........... June 9, 1868
G. Finn.................. - Oswego, N. Y........ Sept 20, 1859
V. W. Houck -.............. Buffalo, N. Y........... June 10, 1862
W. R. Middleton............. Cleveland, Ohio.......... June 13, 1871
A. Wilbur --.. ---. - Lancaster, Pa.............. Mar. 21, 1854
B. A. Mson............ New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 3, 187-2
G. Nimmo............ Jersey City, N. J.......... May 31,1864
J E. Atwood................ Pittsburgh, Pa............ Oct. 8, 1870
W F. Dunbarr....------------- Pittsburgh, Pa-------............ Jan. 9, 1872
J. L. North..----------. Ansonia, Conu............ Feb. 27, 1872
E R. P.ayle..-------------. Great Bend, Pa---------........... Mar. 23, 1869
R. Yeilding.................. Detroit, Mich.............Nov. 7,1871
B. S. Stokes............... Manchester, N. H......... July 25,1865
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Crucible-making machine.....-------------------
Crucible-repairing process..................
Crucible-stand for fusing metals......................
Crucibles and in melting steel, Mode of repairing
Crucibles and other articles of earthenware, Mode
of forming.
Crucibles and potter's ware, Molding..............
Cru ibles, Apparatus for making plumbago.....
Crucibles, Appal atus for molding...........
Crucibles, Drying and preparing- -................
Crucibles, glass-melting pots, &c., Composition for
Crucibles, Machine for making...................
Crucibles, Making..........................
Crucibles, Manufacture of.........................
Crucibles, Manufacture of..................
Crucibles, Molding.......................
Cruet or bottle for caster..........................
Cruet or bottle, Vinegar...........................
Cruet or decanter.--..-....------------------
Cs uet-stand-----.....------------.............------------------....................
Crupper, Horse..................................
Crupper, Spring................................
See Bark-crusher.
Beefsteak crusher.
Corn and cob crusher.
Culinary crusher.
Fruit and vegetable crusher.
Rock and ore crusher.
Crusher and press for culinary purposes..
Crusher, cultivator, and harrow, Combined.....
Crusher, harrow, and roller combined...........
C. ushing and baling machine...............
Crushing and grinding machine..............
Crushing and grinding mill_...................
Crushing and grinding mill----------................---.....
Crushing and grinding rock, phosphates, &c., Machine for.
C rushing and pressing m achine- - -.............
Crushing machine, Rock, ore, &c.................
Crushing mill, Apple, sugar cane, &c...........
Crushing-mill, Pendulum...--.......
Crush-mills, Flask for casting stamp-shoes for.....
Crushing, rolling, and kneading machine........
Crutch--------------- --
Crutch - --...........................................
Crutch-foot, Revolving...-------......
Crutch or perambulator, Wheel.............
Cryptographic alphabet...-------------
Crystal-cutting machine-.................
Crystal fountain................................
Crystallized metallic surfaces, Protecting and
CrystaLized salts upon glass, mica, &c., Preserving
and beautifying.
S. R. Thompson....... -.
T. G. French................
W. F. Sherman...........
J. C. McManus................
N. Washburn.................
Portsmouth, N. H........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Bucksport, Me.............
Providence, R. I..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Nov. 27, 1866
Nov. 7, 1865
Feb. 16,1869
June 14, 1870
July 13, 1869
J. Akrill..................... Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Oct. 26,1852
A. Newkumet................
W. Smith....................
J. L.Presby..........
G. Nimmo.....---------------
W. A. Fischer...............
J. Winkle..................
J. Dalliba....................
A. K. Eaton.................
G. Nimmo...................
G. Nimmo...................
T. H. Mead..................
J. O. Mead.................
G. W. and G. H. Simmons.....
A. H. Newton...............
J. W. Ells..................
A. B. Hoffman...............
F. Howes....................
P. A. La France..............
E. Powell....................
G. B. Fowler.................
J. B. MeClean and C. A. Mayes
J. Simpson....................
J. Price, jr...................
J. W. Rutter.................
J. Weigle....................
A. P. Norton.............
F J. Kimball................
C. and O. Waste.............
J. Rowe----------------.......................W. F. Goodwin and C. R. Squire
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Taunton, Mass.........._
Jersey City, N.J.......
Allegheny City, Pa......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Watervliet, N. Y..........
Piermont, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bennington, Vt..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Pittsburgh, Pa........_
Roxbury, Mass.......
Boston, Mass............
Elmira, N. Y..............
Conneautville, Pa........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Franklin, Ky............
Charleston, Ill...........
Petaluma, Cal...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Swan Station, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cameron, Ill..............
Athens, Ala..............
East New York and New
York. N. Y.
Jan. 26, 1869
Nov. 3. 1863
Apr. 24, 1866
July 11, 1865
Nov. 7, 1871
Jan. 12, 1869
Sept. 26, 1823
Sept. 14, 1869
Aug. 1,1865
Aug. 1, 1865
Jan. 4, 1870
Feb. 15, 1859
May 17,1859
Apr. 8, 1862
Feb. 21,1871
Nov. 27, 1866
May 30,1865
Feb. 23,1869
Jan. 1, 1867
Mar. 4, 1873
Dec. 31, 1872
Nov. 24, 1868
Nov. 28, 1865
Mar. 23, 1869
Feb. 6, 1855
Apr. 25, 1848
May 2, 1871
June 7, 1864
Apr. 24, 1840
Oct. 8, 1867
60, 090
50, 812
87, 075
104, 19
92, 676
9, 351
86, 243
40, 506
54, 204
48, 713
120, 579
85, 775.....
94, 726
49, 141
49, 140
98, 511
2-2, 970
24, 083
34, 899
60, 009
47, 953
87, 269
60, 784
136, 498
15, 388
84, 386
51, 212
88, 216
12, 356
5, 533
114, 303
43, 054
1, 560
69, 656
137, 035
34, 296
109, 006
108, 556
40, 325
56, 877
47, 265
51, 677
26, 829
47, 695
134, 351
79, 305
40, 443
127, 028
37, 387
9, 518
45, 242
45, 709
77, 824
121, 234
73, 386
39, 751
57, 416
39, 854
36, 743
102, S01
49, 371
116, 603
130, 283
48, 681
36, 548
77, 290
105, 576
105, 560
102, 821
77, 436
J. W. Smith.................. Columbus, Ga............. Mar. 18, 1873
J. H. Ellis.................... BrooklynPa------.............. -- Feb. 4, 1862
J. Hart......--.......-...... Sweden Centre, N. Y...... Nov. 8, 1870
H. Bolthoff.................... Central City, Colo.-........ Oct. 25, 1870
E. Chipman-... -.......New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 20,1863
C. Bates...................... Kingston, Mass........... Aug. 7, 1866
G. T. AllambyandJ.G. Bughee Bangor, Me.............. Apr. 18, 1865
G. T. Allamby and J. G. Bugbee Bangor, Me-........... Dec. 26, 1865
A. Bickel..................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 17, 1860
A. Bickel..................... ----------------Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 16, 1885
S A Bracket............... Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 31. 1t7-2
A. E. Brown.................. Baltimore, Md........... June 30, 1868
L. Crandall................... Plainfield, N. J.-..--.... Oct. 27, 1863
L. Crandall-----------------................... -New York, N. Y----------.......... May 21,1872
H. G. Davis.................. New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 13, 1863
J. S. Gallagher, jr..-..-.. - Washington, D. C........ Jan. 4, 1853
T. E. Gordon................. Cleveland, Ohio........... ---- Nov. 29, 1864
T. E. Gordon.................. Brooklyn, Ohio............ Jan. 3, 1865
J. A. Lobb.................... Independence, Mo..-... May 12, 1868
E. T. Pearl.................... Milwaukee, Wis....... - -Nov. 28, 1871
J. C. Rhodes................. Stiilwater, Minn.......... Jan. 14, 1868
D. Ring..................... D1)amariscotta, Me......... Sept. 1, 1863
R. W. Ware.-... -............ Chicago, Ill --------Aug. 21, 1866
J. D. W. Wemple............. Albany, N. Y-.......- Sept. 8,1863
J. Whittemore............... South Reading, Mass...... Oct. 21, 1862
P. R. Wimer................. Trenton, N. J............. May 10, 1870
J. G. Bugbee---------------.................. Bangor, Me..--...-.. Aug. 15, 1865
S. Kreger.................... Philadelphia, Pa........ July 4, 1871
S A. Darrack................. Orange, N. J.........--.... Aug. 6, 1872
E. H. Hawley................. Signal Corps, Army of July 11, 1865
P. Pryibil.................... New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 23, 1862
J. C. Johnson............... Louisville, Ky............ Apr. 28, 1868
H. M. Johnston............... New York, N. Y.......... July 19, 1870
O. S. Follet................... New York, N. Y.......... July 19,1870
J. Huber..................... Saint Louis, Mo........... May 10, 1870
D. Aldrich.................... New York, N. Y.......... May 5,1868
Index of patents issued from thle United State8 Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cuff.---------------------------------- -----
Cuff supporter.................
Cull, Fabric for.....................................
Culinary apparatus.......................-----
Culiuary apparatus.......................-.
Cnlinary apparatus..........................
Culinaiy apparatus........................ ----
Culinary apparatus --------------- ---------
Culinary apparatus....................-....
Culinary apparatus..........................
Culinary apparatus------------------------....
Culinary appairatus-..................
Culinary apparatus...........................
Culinairy apparatus, Steam....................
Culinary baking apparatus....................
Culinary boiler...............................
Culinary boiler..............................
Culinary boiler--------------------------._...
Culinary boiler---------------------------.....
Culinary boiler---------------------------.....
Culiary boiler..............................
C uliary boiler---------------------------.....
Culinary boier-... - - - - - --............
Culiniary boiler.............................
Culinary boiler.............-.-... -..-......---
Culinary boiler------------------------------
Culinary boiler...............................
Culinary boiler..--------..---.---..--..--.....----..Culinary boiler..............................
Culinary boiler...............................
Culinary, boiler--------------------------.....
Cuinary toiler...............................
Culinaiy boiler---------------------------.....
Culinary boiler---------------------------.....
Culinary boiler............................
Culinaiy boiler ------------------------------
Culiniary boiler............................_
Culinary boiler...........................------
Culinary boiler..............................
Culinaiy boiler--------------------------......
Culinary boiler...............................
Cuinaiy-boiler cover.........................
Culinary boiler, Portable..................._
Culinary cabinet.---------- __---------------
Cunlinairy tixtures foi- anthiracite coalCoastruction of
Culinary fork and spoon............
Culinary fuinace.............................
Culinary pot...................
Culinary sink._. _...............
Culinary uses, Componnd for--- - - - - - - -_Cauary uses, Shortening, for..................
Culinary utensil.............................
Culinary utensils for broiling and frying-...
Culinaiy vessel............................_
Cuiay vessel...............................
Culinary vessel...............................
Culinary vessel...............................
C ulinary vessel..............................
Culinary vessel--------------------------......
Culinary~ vessel..............................
Culiniary vessel...............................
Culinary vesself..............................
Culinary vxessel..............................
Culinary vessel...............................
Culinairy vessel..............................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
I. Levine------------------
E.. Mack--------------...
I. M. Post-----------....---
A. Douglas..................
L. H. JFe................
T. Cogswell----------------
H. H. Thayer and W. H.Hart, jr
R. H. Cazier.............---
J. S. Field---------------...
I. Former---------------...
G. B. Isblam................
T. W. Moore.............--
F. Morandi----------------
W. W. S. Orbeton -........
V.M. Thomas.............
J. Van....................
B. Wardwell-------------...
H. A. Zopiff.........
C. I. Paine.................
P. Wilcox.............
E. K. Ames.--.............A. Anderson.-.-.-.-...........
G. W. Bliss--------------..
P. Boesn and M. Bedessem. _-_-.
J. Bowlin..__.............
I. S. Bunnell--------------...
F. M. Carnes..............
J. H. Corey................
W.H. Crosby............--
T. Dare-------------------
F. W. Dembois............
J. D. Durham-------------..
S. S. Fitch-b---------------
B. French.................
J. Gibbs ------------------
W\ H. Henderson............
T. ID. Ingersoll.............
1. Kinney:............... --
R. B. Lewis..............---
S. P. Loomis...............
L. McLellan...............
F. Meyer.-.....-------
0. Poole.................---
T. T. Presser...............
Ri. Russell --------__-----
S. E. Saul._.............. --
J. R. Stafford..............
P. L. Suine ----------------
J. S. Toitten..............._
1.11. West and T. L. Camp.__.
Ri. C. Whiehouse..........--
F4. Wilcox...............---
J. Zimmnermxan.............
P. J. and J. Abbott. _.. -_.....A. WV. Spencer.............
J. Billings...............---
J. F. Walters......--....
A. Hills................----
J. Reed.................--
J. D. Flaniburghli..........
J. S. Kidd and M. Melville._-.
Z. Hunt...................
H. WV. Bradley..............
H. W. B rauley.........
H. G. Dunkelberger....
S. Lee....................
J. C. Nobles--.............WV. A. Bailow............--
W. H. Bennett.-.-........
W. H. Bloom.- -----...---
XV. J. Buriiett.............
J. H. Cliappell............---
S. W. M. Chattaway._._._-._L. Clark..................
C. E. Corbett.............--
H. L. IDni~cklee............
C. Estabiooks.._....--.....
C. W. Fuller...............
C. WV. Hermance............
L. Rerreance._............
B. M. flermance.........._
C. Jessup................---
C. A. Johnson._............
A. C. Kasson...............
G3. Landrine...............
New Haven, Conn...
New York, N. Y.___.
Albany, N. Y.._..._.....
Philadelphia, Pa....
English Neighborhood,N.J
Jersey City, N. J-_.New Haven, Con.._..
Boston, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa.._..__
Philadelphia, Pa. __.
Brooklyn, N. Y..
Graftoxi, Va............
Burlington, Vt _.........
New York, N. Y......
Malden, Mass.._.......
Bradford, Mass.
Brandon, Vt............
Cincinnati, Obio......
Providence, 1R. I....
Milwaukee, W is......
Young America, Ill _..
Springfield, Mass.
Chicago, Ill............
London, Canada.. _ -__.
Brooklyn, N. Y..__.....
Kenosba, Wis.........--
Charlestown, Mass.._.
Rochester, N. Y.---_-.___
New York, N. Y......
Wasbington, D.C._
Osceola, Iowa.-.......
East Saginaw, Mich.
Daiston, Englaiid.
New York, N. Y.-----
Rochester, N. Y....
Opelousas, La. _.--
Franklin, Ind.........---
Monroe, Michb......
London, Canada-. --__.
Quincy, 111. __...._.......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Gorham, Me..........._.
New York, N. Y......
Detroit, Mich...........
Chicago, Ill............
New Bedford, Mass...
New York, N. Y......
Cleveland, Ohio._.__..
Shirleysburgh, Pa. -.._.__.
Lebanon, Ohio.--.........
Evans, N. Y.............
Hogdons Mills, Me.-__Newark, N. J-......_..
Royalton Centre, N Y.__
Dexter, Me...........---
Cazenjovia, N. Y......
Brighton, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa. __.
Naugatuck, Con...
Marshfiel, Mass....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Brooklyn, N. Y.--........
Hudson, N. Y.........._ _
B~ng hamton, N. Y....
Plainfield, N. J.........
Shamokin, Pa.. _... _....._
Tfauntoni, Mass..........
Ilion, N. Y.............
Chicago, Ill............
New York, N. Y.....
Tiffin, Ohio............
Cairo, Ill...............
New Yor-k, N.Y....
Middletown, Conn.---_.
Buff':lo, N. YV..........--
Binghamiton, N. Y.._._.
Bostoii, Mass...........
Calais, Me.............
Earlville, Ill......---...
Scbnylerv ille, N. Y...
Lansingburgh, N. Y...
Troy, N. Y............---
New Haven, Ccnn.--.__.
Des Moines, Iowa..-.
Milwaukee, Wis..___.
Jersey City, N. J.-----. I I
Aug. 27, 1t72
Mar. 5, 1t67
Dec. 30, 1873
Mar. 11, 1873
Apr. 19, 1864
Oct. 28, i873
Apr. 15, 1873
Mar. 22, 1870
May 2, 1871
July 22, i873
Sept.. 8, 1868
Oct. 2, 1860
M ay 12, 1868
Jan. 21, 1868
Mar. 31, 1868
July 28, 1868
July 28, 1868
A ug. 23, 1870
May 4, 1869
May 5, 1868
Jan. 18, i870
Feb. 18, 1829
Feb. 2, 1819
Feb. 13, 1872
Mar. 1, 1870
Mar. 28, 1871
Dec. 17, 1872
May 10, 1870
Mar. 15, 1870
Opt. 14, 1873
Sept. 30, 1862
July 30, 1861
Mar. 27, 1866
Feb. 20, 1872
Apr. 8, 1873
Dec. 1!, 187i
Feb. 20, 1872
Sept. 3, 1867
Mar. 26,11861
Aug. 27, 1872
Mar. 25, 1873
Feb. 2, 1869
Apr. 27, 1869
May 30, 1871
Feb. 11, 1868
July 24, 1866
Jan. 2, 1872
May 22, 1866
June 12, 1847
June 30, 1863
Nov. 2, 1869
Feb. 18, 1868
July 25, 1871
Apr. 20, 1869
Dec. 17, 18(67
Oct. 11, 1870
Juno 19, 1815
Mar. 20, 18186
June 8, 1827
Apr. 10, 1860
Jan. 5, 1831
Jani. 21, 1862
July 16, 1872
July 10, 1866
Jan. 3, 1871
Oct. 17, 1871
Nov. it, 18731
June 11, 187-2
Nov. 7, 1871
Dec. 16, 1873
Jan. 21, 1868
Api. 25, 1871
Apr. 9,187-2
Jan. 31, 1871
Junie 6. 1871
July 26, 1870
Mar. 15, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
Mar. 29, 1870
June 2, 1868
May 17, 1870
Mar. 21, 1871
Dec. 13, 1870
Mar. 7,187,
July 7, 1868
Nov. 17,1868
Ieoh 22, 1870
130, 801
62, 648
145, 957
136, 760
42, 434
144, 101
137, 907
ILO, 985
114, 490
141, 114
81, 887
30, 214
77, 884
73, 630
76, 231
80, 303
106, 745
89, 613
77 1702
98, 881
86, 488
123, 6132
100, 361
113, 011
133, 918
10-2, 765
100, 8853
143, 673
36, 558
3-2, 964
53, 4-21
123, 876
137, 604
121, 770
123, 8-20
68, 564
31, 807
130, 921
137, 1401
89, 419
115, 338
74, 419
56, 609
122, 407
54, 964
5, 153
39, 077
96, 509
74, 647
117, 3.6
89, 189
72, 354
108, 082
53, 260
27, 802
34, 202
1-29, 1034
56, 2-25
144, 518
1-27, 60
1-20, 769
145, 550
73, 568
113, 971
125, 5:18
111, 317
113, 703
105, 7 79
161, 863
76, 310
101, 244
7 8, 587
103, 180
112, 916
110, 039
19, 574
84, 194
118, 4(;2
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Culinary vessel, Nickel-lined...................
Culinary vessel, Steam...........................
( urinary vessels, Pivoted lid for...................
Culinary vessels, Sheet-copper plate for...........
Cultivating and improving earth..................
Cultivating and tilling the ground.............
Cultivating corn and beans, Machine for..........
Cultivating implement, Garden...................
Cultivating land by steam........................
Cultivating machine, Cotton......................
Cultivating machine, Cotton.......................
Cultivator. _.............................
Cu ltivator......................
Cultivx ator..-................
Cultivator-. --..................
Cultix ator.lCultivator.........................................
S. C. Moore....................
C. Waterman.................
J. H. McConnell...............
A. O'Neil.....................
J. Hall........................
J. D. Prescott.................
E. Spooner...................
J. F. Leitch..................
D. Mack....................
J. Fowler, jr.................
C. G. Grabo-----------------...................W. F. Quimby and G. G. Lob-i
W. Altick....................
W. P. Sample..................
H. A. Adams-------------.................
J. Adams.....................
W. Adams....................
A. Agnew and W. Morrison.. - -
M. Alden....................
J. T. D. Alexander............
D. R. Allen...................
A. H-. Allison...................
A. H. Allison-.................
A. H. Allison................
J. H. Allison........................
P. H. Allstott.................
C. Alvord...................
C. Alvord....................
W. D. Ament................
W. D. Ament................
A. Anderson..................
J. H. and E. H. Anderson......
A. P. Arderson and B. Edwards
W. W. Andrew..............
W. J. Andrews.............
W. J. Andrews.............
B. Anyan.................
J. Armstrong............
J. Armstrong, jr.............
T. Arndt.....................
O. J. Arnold.................
H. B. Arnoldt and J. Grimm...
W. J. Arriugton.............
J. N. Arvin...................
J. Austin....................
I. Avery.....................
R. H. Avery...................
R. H. Avery............
J. Ayres and M. F. Hunt......
D. C. Baker..................
J. M Baker..................
N. Baker....................
W. T. Baker.................
L. Baldwin................
P. O. Baldwin...............
WV. M. Ball...............
W. M. Ball...................
T. J. Ball and J. Post........
J. T. Baltimore...............
W. Bancroft...................
J. Banks.....................
W. Bankson..................
1. Barber, jr.................
I. Barber.....................
J. A. Bardel...................
J. H. Barley.................
J. H. Barley.................
H. Barnes....................
N. Barnes...............
M. Barnett and E. Wood......
F. Barney.................
A. S. Barnwell................
M. J. Barr..................
O. Barr and F. F. Cox.........
F. M. Barrier................
H. Barsalow................
L. B Barton...................
L. B. Barton.................
W. E. Bates...................
I. Bates, A. Wood, and D.Wells
J. W. and L. Batson..........
J. N. Baumann..............
W. T. Bazemore.............
C. Beach and T. Brown.......
T. Bealeo...................
H. Beau and J. D. Tyson......
Residence. Date.
Boston, Mass............. July 6, 1869
Providence, R. I.......... Nov. 2, 1869
Beaver Falls, Pa.......... N ov. 26, 1872
Portsmouth, Ohio......... Aug. 27, 1867........................... Nov. 19, 1814
Chesterville, Me.......... May 15, 1834........................... Jan. 25, 199
Oxford, N. Y.............. June 7, 1870
Barnesville, Kans...-...... Nov. 25, 1873
Cornhill, England.._..... Jan. 10, 1865
Greenfield, Mich--------.......... May 26, 1863
Stanton and Wilmington, Apr. 7, 1863
Dayton, Ohio............... Apr. 23, 1867
Bedford County, Tenn.... Sept. 3, 1831
Sandwich, Ill............... May 31,1870
Manteno, Ill............. June 21, 1870
Detroit, Mich............. Aug. 3, 1858
ChesterCountyandChadd's July 10, 1860
Ford, Pa.
Auburn, N. Y.............. May 10,1859
Maryenna, Tex........... Jan. 15, 1861
Cumberland, Me.......... Feb. 26,1867
Charlottesville, Ind....... Jan. 29, 1867
Charlottesville, Ind....... Oct. 15, 1867
Charlottesville, Ind....... Sept. 15,1868
Eureka, Ill................ May 7,1867
Jeffersonville, Ind........ July 18, 1865
Westford, Wis........D... Dec. 15, 1868
Courtland, Wis........... Apr. 26, 1870
Muscatine, Iowa......... Jan. 10, 1865
Muscatine, Iowa.......... July 25, 1865
London, Canada........... Sept. 18, 1e66
Easton, Md............... Nov. 27, 1860
Princeton, Ill............ July 10, 1866
La Porte, Ind............ Mar. 5,1872
Columbia, Tenn........... Sept. 11, 1866
Columbia, Tenn.......... Feb. 26, 1867
Marengo, Mich.......... Nov. 28, 1871
Fitchville, Ohio......... Mar. 24, 1868
Elmira, Ill............... Dec. 26,1865
Elmira, Ill.................Feb. 19,1867
Mount Joy, Pa............ Nov. 24, 1868
Mount Ida, Wis...... Feb. 26, 1867
Saint Louis, Mo........... Feb. 4, 1868
Louisville, Ga....... Aug. 15, 1871
Valparaiso, Ind........... July 24,1866
Rockford, Ill.............. Mar. 15, 1864
Ottawa, Ill............... July 17, 1866
Galesburgh, Ill............. Dec. 27, 1870
Galesburgh, Ill............ May 28,1872
Bushnell, Ill.............. July 23, 1872
Fulton, N. Y.............. May 13, 1873
Fayetteville, Tex........ Sept. 7, 1869
Flowerfield, Mich.........Aug. 15, 1848
Lancaster, Tex......... Nov. 2, 1869
Stone Mills, N. Y......... Apr. 8, 1873
Spring Lake, Mich........ July 18, 1871
Morristown, Ind...----... Apr. 16, 1867
Morristown, Ind--...-.- July 23, 1867
Pittsfield, Mich......... -- Apr. 6, 1852
Marble Rock, Iowa........ Dec. 31, 1867
Whiteford, Ohio.......... Nov. 14, 1854
Dadeville, Ala......... Mar. 30, 1858
Mount Pleasant, Iowa.... Feb. 28, 1865
La Porte, Ind............. Jan. 3, 1865
La Porte, Ind..........Dec. 3, 1867
Freeport, Ill.............. Sept. 12, 1865
Longwood, Mo............ Sept. 4, 1866
Sedalia, Mo.............. Sept. 24, 1867
Burlington, Wis..-.--.. May 1, 1866
East Hampton, N. Y...... Sept. 10, 1840
Hardinsburgh, Ind........ Nov. 12, 1867
Bloomington, Ill......... July 12, 1864
Savauah, Ga............. Mar. 12, 1867
Centreville, Ind........... Mar. 5, 1872
Beloit, Wis............... May 15, 1866
Stevenson, Ala........... Feb. 4, 1868
Saint Anne, Ill............ Jan. 8,1867
Metamora, Ill............ -- Apr. 25, 1865
Metamora, Ill............ Oct. 17, 1865
Elmore, Ill............ May 16, 1865
Adams, N. Y.......... May 28, 1a42
Clarksville, Md.... -May 24, 1859
Mascatine, Iowa......... July 29, 1862
Bibb County, Ga........ Aug. 29, 1854
Jacksontown, Ohio........ Feb. 12, 1861
New Milford, Ill...... Oct. 9, 1866
Schuyikill and LowerProv- Oct. 15, 1867
iuence, Pa.
Rocklord, Ill.............. Nov. 2, 1869
Augusta, N. Y............ Oct. 17, 1848
Rockford, Ill.............. Feb. 18, 1873
Midldlebury, Ohio......... Feb. 13, 1866
Farmington, Ohio......... Dec. 4, 1860
Goresville, Va............ Nov. 12,1867
-West Springfield, Pa...... June 15, 1869
Holmesville, Ohio......... Feb. 8, 1870
92, 337
96, 518
133, 326
68, 331
104, 042
144, 912
45, 892
38, 676
38, 124
64, 057
103, 537
104, 399
21, 055
29, 043
23, 886
62, 385
69, 743
82, 060
64, 469
48, 783
84, 931
102, 201
45, 807
48, 884
58, 188
30, 709
56, 157
124, 241
57, 841
62, 386
121, 267
75, 826
51, 680
62, 109
84, 338
62, 387
74, 031
117, 961
56, 511
41, 899
56, 344
110, 419
127, 293
129, 642
138, 838
94, 542
5, 715
96, 379
137, 649
117, 034
63, 830
66, 934
8, 850
72, 780
11, 924
19, 742
46, 537
45, 687
71, 834
49, 845
57, 660
69, 162
54, 280
1, 779
43, 470
62, 808
124, 316
54, 669
73, 945
ti61, 040
47, 380
50, 439
47, 693
2, 647
24, 089
33, 985
11, 593
31, 367
58, 578
69, 7Z0
96, 382
5, 859
135, 964
52, 515
30, 798
70, 785
91, 303
99, 625
Cultivator......................................... E. C. Bean and F. N. Welden..
Cultivator...............................-...... G. Beeching...................
Cui evator......................................... J. Behetli.......................
Cal iva ic-....................... C. Belden.............
Ciii ira cC'.........................le..........
Cul ivator........................................ H. M. Belden.............
Cul lvat er.......-......... A. C. Belt............................... A. C. Blt...
Cul ivator........................................ I. A. Benedict.................
CuIm vator........................................ D. G. Benner..................
Index of patenats issued fronm the United States Patent Office fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Inventi on.
Cultivator------------------e_......-- - -..
Cultivator----------.. -__...............
Cultivator ------------------------------------
Cultivator.. - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - -
C.ultivator................. _
Cultiva-tor.. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
C ultix -i................e......
C ultivator....................
Cultsi tor...................
Cultiv ator....................
Cultiv ator...................
Cultiv ator...............e
Cultiv ator---------------..............
Cultivator ------------------- ---....------
Inventor. Residence.
A. Bennett-------------------Rockford, Ill-.......
J. S. and W. Benson...-._ -.Lebanon, Pa-............
L.B. Beaton..-----.....Penn Yan, N. Y....
J. Bergen--------------------..Plain Township, Ohio.---.J. Bergen--------------------_. _Canton, Ohio............
T. F. Bertrand and P. Satmes - Rockford, Ill.............
T. F. Bertrand and P. Samos - Rockford, Ill.............
J. T. Bever... -.... -....Bethel, Ill _..............
J. T. Bever-------------------.Bethel, Ill..............._
C. Billups-------------------- Norfolk, Pa.......
C. Billups.......-----.....-----Norfolk, Va._....._.
C. Bird----------------------_ _Ackley, Iowa............
J. C. Bird--------------------I....tisinig Sun, Md._...._
A. M. Black..................-Auburn, Ilit._.._...
A. M. Black.-.-.-.-....-....----Auburn, Ill............_
T. Black---------------------_... _Princeville, Ill.. _........
W. B. Blanchard--------------...Hertford, N. C..........
B. C. Blomsten---------------- Waupaca, Wis. _........
A. R. Blood, A. Hathaway, Independence, Iowa.....
and V. R. Beach.
A. H. Blood, A. Hathaway, Iudependence, Iowa.-..
and V. R.. Beach.
D. G. Blue--------------------....Winfield, Iowa........ _.
J. Bohan..........-........New Hartford, Iowa -......J. WV. Booker--------------- _. Fairmont, Ill......__..
J. W. Boosinger------------.... Marine, Ill. _..._........_
L. Boughton------------------.East Bloomfield, N. Y -....-.
A. Boutee-------------------.Napa, Cal..-------------_
H. W. Bowen---------------... Providence, H. I....
J. Bower.---------- - Dayton, Ohio.......... _.
H. Bowers------------------- _New Hudson, Mich _.
D. W. Bowmau---------------..Tippecanoe City, Ohio..-_.
J. C. Boyd-------------------.Milroy, Iud --------------
H. Boys------------------H ushville, Ind............
B. C. Brabdley-----------------...Chicago, Ill.............
0-. Bradley-------------------H. _ ockford, Ill.----------...
S. Brady------------------Salena, Pa...............
B. F. Brute-------------------.New Scotlanid, N. Y.
M. Breneinan..-....-..-.. East Doneal Township,
Date. No.
J. Brewer....................
J. Brewer................
E. Briggs...................
I. Briggs...................
T. B. C. Brinly...............
T. E. C. Brinly..............
A. C. Briser................
J. H. Briuton.................
H. C: Bristol-..........
J. T. Brittain................
S. W. Br-ock---------------..
G. W. Brouson-------------...
J. B. Brooks.................
It. M. Brooks................
W. Brooks........ _..........
it. Brotten......... _.........
F. E. Brown.................
G. W. Brown.................
G. W. Brown................
J. Brown....................
W. P. Brown................
M. Bruner, jr................
R. C. Buckley................
M. H. B uelsunal l...............
C. J. Buckner................
H. Bullock..................
H. I. Burbank.. -..........
J. M. Bunke----------------..
J. Burnham.................
J. Burnham and W. C. Lathrop
J. Burns....................
W. J. Burton................
IN. Battler..................
S. S. Bushnel.................
W. Bushnell--------------.....
E. T. Bussell.................
H. F. Byorly................S. M. Cain and W. Stelfox..
G. Calkius...................
J. F. Cameron...............
J. Canfield.................
J. Canfield and C. Hess...
T. F. Capp..........
A. Carey....................
P. 5. Carbart..........P. S. Carhart................
J. H. Caslow.......
A. F. Carlson.............._
D. F. Ca-c.............
H. Carr........-...--...
H. Cars-....._..._............
H. Carr....................
N., jr., and J. Carr...........
N., jr., and J. Car...........
C. H. and S. E. Carrington..
Albany, Ill.............
Albsany, Ill....._......
Medina, Ohio..........._
Cleveland, Ohio._.....
Louisville, Ky. -.-......
Louisville, Ky.. _.......
Middletown, Pa....
Tisos-bury Towvnship, Pa.
Ravenna, Ohio.........
Spr-ingfield, Ohio......
N iantic, Ill.............
Ottawa, Ill..............
Goodisng's Grove, Ill..
Grteenv ileGa..... _..._..
Lexing~ton, Ga............
Oskaloos, Iiowa.....Hightitown. N. J -...
Tlkisxilh.. Ill...........
G-desburgh, Ill.-_..-._-.
Iaw Ru idge, 11......
Malta, Ohio. _.............
Ftremont, Ohio.. _.......
Peosia, Ill................
Darien, Wis.............
Paxton, Ill.............. _.
South Mills, N. C....
Bosten, Mass.............
Dasisville, N. YV..........
La Salle, Ill.............
La Salle, Ill..............
Franklin, Ohio....._......
Turtle, Wis.............
Otterville, Mo. _..... _.....
Horicon, Wis.............
Easton, Pa..............
Indianapolis, Ind. -- --
Clinton, Ill...............
Butler, Pa..............
Austin, Tex. _............
El Paso, Ill..............
Livingston County, Mo....
Sabula, Iowa............
Washing;ton and Lyons,
Bloomington, Ill. e.....
Rome, Ga.............
Collamer, N. Y...........
Collanmer, N. YV......_....
Kidder, Mo...._.........
Attica, md._......._....
E+ast Union Township,
Wooster, Ohio........._
Wooster-, Ohio..........Wooster, Ohio........... - -
M 'oum outh, lt..........
M~tosmouth, Ill...........
Weymouth, Ohio.
Tan. 14, 1868
Sept. 3, 1867
Nov. 27, 1860
Aug. 28, 18i66
Apr. 23, 1867
Apr. 24, 1866
Jan. 1, 18617
June 27, 18615
Dec. 5, 1885
May 7, 1872
Jan. 21, 1873
Mar. 29, 1870
June 11, 1887
Nov. it, 1862
July 3, 18661
Aug. 28, 1860
Jan. 16, 1869
Aug. 22, i87i
June 2, i868
June 30,t88
Jan. 6, 1863
Oct. 12, 1889
May 26, 18113
Sept. 4,38866
Jan. 31, 1854
Oct. 3, lii5
June 4, 1872
Api-. 19, 1870
Aug.27, 1861
Dec. 5, 1871
Jan. 14, 1868
May 28, 186 7
Feb. 4, 18'13
Juno 1i, 1872
Apr. 6,1842
Mar. 4, 1873
Jan. 29, 1867
May 16, 1865
Aug. 1, 1865
July 17, 1860
July 29, 1873
Sept. 25, 1860
June 20, 1871
Aug. 24, 1869
Dec. 15, 1868
Apr. 9, 1867
Oct. 17, 1871
Nov. 23, 1869
Jan. 17, 1871
Dec. 24, 1807
June 26, 1860
Nov. 5, 1872
Sept. 10, 1861
Mar-. 25, 186i2
June 5,i819
Aug. 28, 1860
Nov. 14. 1854
July 9, 1872
Mar. 15, 1870
Dec. 24, 1872
Sept. 11, 1866
Feb. 23, 1864
July 10, 1866
Feb. 2, 1869
Nov. 15, 3864
Feb. 4, 1868
Sept. 11, 1866
July 28, 1863
Sept. 26, 1865
Aug. 10, 1869
Jan. 14, 1873
Mar-. 27, 1860
July 23, 1872
May 2-2, 1868
Mar. 5, 1872
June 4, 1881
Sept. 5, 1865
Juneo 26, 1860
July 26, 1864
Mair. 27, 1866
May 23, 1871
Feb. 14, 1860
June 10, 1862
May 9,31865
73, 224
68, 549
30, 711
57, 619
64, 061
54, 099
60, 916
48, 358
51, 286
126, 513
135, 070t
101, 216
65, 719
39, 889
55, 193
29, 758
86, 205
118, 186
78, 417
79, 304
37, 271
95, 762
38, 651
57, 668
10, 467
50, 217
127, 453
101, 976
33, 129
121, 484
73, -291
65, 158
135, 401
127, 674
2, 540
136, 409
61, 512
47, 699
49, 075
29, 136
141, 199
30, 119
84, 935
63, 698
lit, 037
72, 598
28, 829
1:12, 7113
3:1, 235
34, 732
6, 511
29, 762
11, 929
1-28, 701
100, 7-20
134, 248
57, 856
41, 677
56, 173
86, 50-2
45, 019
74, 044
57, 858
39, 3:17
50, 693
93, 412
134, 728
27, 614
1-29, 712
54, 814
124, 329
32, 468
49, 715
28, 8;{ i
43, 635
53, 408
115, 159
27, 106
35, 505
ï~~3 i8
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
N. C. Carter..................
J. Case.....................
J. Case.......................
J. Case.....................
A. B. Cass..................
A. B. Cass....................
L. J. Caswell...........N. A. Cates..................
W. W. Cato...................
I. N. Cauthorn................
R. S. Cavett................
J. Caylor.....................
M. and J. Caywood...........
I. H. Chappell.................
I. H. Chappell and J. Montgomery.
J. Charlton...................
E. Children................
E. Children................
J. G. Christopher...........
A. L. Chubb.................
D. Churchill................
D. Churchill and S. C. Brewer.
C. Clark.....................
C. A. Clark...................
C. M. Clark..................
M. M. Clark.................
W. F. Clark.................
G. D. Cleaveland........
G. M. Clements..............
A. P. Clements and J. C. Nealey
J. H. Clifton................
L. Clifton...................
B. M. Close...................
I. Cobb........................
B. C., T. W., and J. M. Cochran
C. A. Cogswell..........
D. C. Colby..................
J. H. Coleman................
J. Collins...............
A. B. Colver and J. Priest....
T. S. Cone and H. S. Potter....
J. H. Conley.................
A. Connelley.................
J. W. Connely...........
J. W. Connely..............
L. W. and R. G. Conner.....
G. W. Conolly...............
I. Constant...................
A. M. Cook...................
G. W. Cook.................
J. Cook.............
P. Conrod................
A. Cooper..................
I. Cooper................
N. B. Cooper................
J. Copeland................
T. R. Cormick.............
W. T. Coulter, G. F. Trabue,
and W. A. Lowery.
S. Cowan...................
B S. Cox................
B. S. Cox................
J. Cox and J. A. Throp........
J. Cox and J. A. Throp........
R. D. Craft...................
A. Crafts and E. Weeks.......
R. Craig......................
C. C. Creek..................
S. Crossley...............
J. Crowther...................
S. Crutcher...................
D. Culver...................
W. H. Cummings..........
J. Cunningham..............
H. W. Curtis...............
J. Custer....................
W. Custer.............
D.P. Dlaggett............
W. P. Dale.................
C. H. Dana..................
C. Daniel.....................
J. Danner..................
J. HT. Davey........
E. Davies, jr........
D. Davis................
D. M. Davis..............
F. Davis......................
J. Davis........
J. R. Davis...............
C. H. Dawson................
S. Day........
W. Day..........
C. Debolt........
I. Denham........
D. Dennett...............
E. W. Dennis........
O. H. Dennis.................
i _ _ _ _
Union City, Ind...........
La Fayette, Ind..........
Springfield, Ohio..........
La Fayette, Ind.........
Muscatine, Iowa....._
Chicago, Ill...............
Scott Township, Ind......
Thorndike, He............
Hicksford, Va...........
Carthage, Ill...........
Bedias, Tex...............
Fairview, Ind.........
Peoria County, Ill......
Lawrence, Kans.......
Decatur, Ill.............
Allegheny, Pa...........
Liberty, Wis............
Lancaster, Wis..........
Byron, Ill............
Grand Rapids, Mich.....
Ionia, Ill.................
Ionuia, Ill.................
Andersonville, Ga.......
Bloomfield, Iowa..........
Seward, Nebr..........
Industry, Ill............
Hagaman's Mills, N. Y....
Flint, Ind(l..........
Kenduskeag, Me........
Monroe, Me...........
Newcastle, Pa..........
Barry, Ill.........
West Camden, N.Y.....
Westminster, Vt..........
Pana, Ill.................
Maquoketa, Iowa.......
Claremont, N. H..........
Columbia, Mo.........
Farmington, Ill..........
Albany, Oreg.............
Oneida, Ill.........
Moingona, Iowa.......
Milan, Ind..............
Charleston, Ill............
Charleston, Ill..........
Troy, Iowa...............
Rochester, N. Y........
Buffalo Heart Grove, Ill...
Chicago, Ill..............
Macon, Ill...........
Collinsville, Ohio...-..
Keithsburgh, Ill...........
Macomb, Ill..............
Sayvbrook, Ohio.........
Gratis, Ohio..........
Quasqueton, Iowa.......
Cap Au Gris, Mo......
Hardinsburgh, Ind.......
Oct. 9, 1860
Feb. 2, 1864
Apr. 17, 1866
Jan. 31, 1871
June 24, 1862
Jan. 3, 1865
Nov. 6, 1866
Oct. 1,1867
June 25,1872
Jan. 14, 1873
Nov. 18, 1873
July 15, 1873
Feb. 16, 1869
Apr. 2, 1872
Dec. 1, 1868
June 26, 1860
Oct. 2, 1866
Feb. 12, 1867
Apr. 10, 1860
Jan. 4, 1870
Jan. 7, 1868
Oct. 17, 1865
July 3, 1860
Nov. 27, 1860
Apr. 23, 1872
Dec. 15, 1863
Feb. 5, 1867
Sept. 10, 1872
Nov. 11, 1862
Apr. 26, 1870
Sept. 15, 1868
Nov. 10, 1868
June 15, 1869
Dec. 7, 1829
June 18, 1867
May 26, 1868
Nov. 11, 1862
Jan. 19, 1869
Feb. 18, 1862
Jan. 28, 1873
May 28, 1861
May 16, 1871
Mar. 23, h1 69
Feb. 19, 1867
Sept. 24, 1867
Mar. 28, 1871
Aug. 2, 1864
Nov. 4, 1851
Feb. 9, 1864
July 14, 1868
Oct. 2, 1866
June 16, 1863
Dec. 23, 1873
May 14, 1861
Aug. 12, 1862
Dec. 12, 1865
July 21, 1863
Nov. 24, 1868
30, 295
41, 423
53, 947
111, 432
35, 668
45, 700
59, 358
1;28, 369
134, 732
144, 740
140, 885
86, 905
125, 271
84, 611
28, 833
58, 380
62, 004
27, 776
98, 560
72, 975
50, 453
26, 968
30, 720
125, 936
40, 909
61, 805
131, 150
36, 894
102, 223
82, 089
83, 931
91, 212.....
65, 875
78, 186
36, 895
86, 003
34, 406
135, 264
32, 413
114, 767
88, 136
62, 185
69, 186
113, 019
43, 671
8, 483
41, 569
79, 956
58, 383
38, 884
145, 841
32, 276
36, 139
51, 428
39, 2711
84, 413
39, 553
98, 471
132, 201
31, 702
43, 836
91, 718
6, 997
27, 406
68, 290
124, 724
75, 127
144, 321
1;8, 860
130, 7C0
22, 630
54, 122
55, 826
83, 259
18, 840
136, 708
57, 482
37, 219
79, 450
68, 848
43, 901
26, 656
43, 395
40, 915
23, 159
83, 838
87, 151
30, 362
50, 229
51, 567
76, 411
-24, 013
Bloomfield, Iowa.......... Aug. 18, 1863
Paulsborough, N. J....... Jan. 4, 1870
Paulsborough. N. J........ Oct. 15, 1872
Three Rivers, Mich....... Mar. 19, 1861
Three Rivers, Mich....... Aug. 16, 1864
La Porte, Ind............. June 22, 1869
Auburn, Ohio......... Jan. 8, 1850
State Line City, Ind....... Mar. 6, 1860
Liberty, Ind..............Aug. 27, 1867
Rock Island, Ill.'--.. Mar. 19,1872
Oxford, Mich.............. Mar. 3, 1868
Little Mount, Ky......... Nov. 4, 1873
Kingston, Pa............ July 9, 1872
Boonesborough, Iowa..... Aug. 20, 1872
Marshall, Mo........... Jan. 18, 1859
Worcester, Mass.......... Apr. 24, 1866
Sandusky, Ohio........... June 26, 1866
Shannondale, Ind........ Oct. 20, 1868
Palmyra, N. Y............. Dec. 15, 1857
Agricultural College, Pa.. Mar. 11, 1873
West Lebanon, N. H...... July 25, 1854
Lamonte, Mo........ Aug. 28, 1866
Milton, Ill............. Dec. 23, 1862
Rockford, Ill............. June 30, 1868
Carthage, Ill............. Sept. 17,1867
Fredericksburgh, Va..... July 17, 1835
Ashbury, Ill........... Aug. 23, 1864
Lima, Ohio............. Jan. 3, 1860
Allegheny, Pa......... July 5, '864
Bloomfield, Iowa........ Dec. 15, 1863
Jacksonville, Ill........... Mar. 8. 1859
Delavan, Ill................ Nov. 10,1868
Morristown, N. J.......... Feb. 23, 1869
Ottawa, Ill............... Oct. 9, 1860
Lanesfield, Kans.......... Oct. 3, 1865
Buxton, Me............. Dec. 19, 1865
Peoria, Ill.............. Apr. 7, 1868
Altona, Ill............... May 17,1859
Index of pattenzts is8ued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive, 4 c.-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
C ultivator-...................................
C ultivator...................................
Cultivator -.............................---
C ultivator..............................-----
C ultivator..............................-----
C ultivator...............................-----
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator...............................-----
C ultivator...................
C ultivater..................................
E. M. Dever and I C. Pratt.
G. W. iDeweese.............
C. B. Deyo.................
E. F. Dhart................
RD. Dod go.................
G. W. Doolittle. _.. -_......
W. C. Doss.._........._.
W. D. Dorsey...............
W. D. Dorsey..............
J. W. Doud................
J. W. Doud..............----
L. H. Doyle................
L. H. Doyle................
W. A. Dryden-............_
W. A. Dryden..............W. A. Dryden_............
W. A. and C. E. Dryden _.
W. A. Dryden and J. M. Turn.
J. B. Duane...............
W. Duffner...............
J. K. Dugdale.........
J. Dundas_.-....-...._
A. P. Durant...............
G. M. Dwight.............---
S. Dwight.................
S. Dwight...............---
W. Dysert...............---
W. Dyzert.................
D. S. Early...............---
D. S. Early..........
IN. Earlywine..............
C. Eastburn...............
J. S. Eastman...............
D. B. Eberly...............
D. B. Eberny..............--
R N. Eby.................
Peoria, Ill............. May 10, 1864
Lima, Ohio.............. Apr. 7, 1868
Marengo, Ill..........Fe.13, 1866
Swan Creek, Ill.. _....... Sept. 24,1867
Adel, Iowa.............----- --Fe.June 24, 1862
Pawnee, Ill...........__ Jan. 7, 1868
Lincoln, Ill.............__Oct. 2, 1866
Lavaca, Tex..........___ May 10, 1859
Decatur, Ill......___....Apr. 3, 1860
Decatur, 111.... __.......Apr. 28, 1863
Forestville, Iowa.. _.._.Jan. 7, 1868
Ward's Corner, Iowa._... July 1, 1873
Waterloo, Iowa.. July 9, 186i
Waterloo, Iowa.. ____Dec. 9, 186~2
Monmouth, Ill........... Jan. 15, 1861
Monmouth, Ill. _..._...... Dec. 29, 1868
Mounouth, Ill........... Jan. 10, 17
Monumouth, Ill......... ___July 30, 1867
Monmouth, Ill........... Sept. 14, 1869
Cultivator.................................... D. Edelman.................
Cultivator................................---- D. Edwards.................
Cultiv atori................................... D. Edwards.................
Culivatoir........I dad........................I.Ewrs---- ----
Cultivator.......................-----.........G. Ekstrand and A. P. Cassel..Cultiv ator................................----- A. Elored..........--...
Cul t i va t o r................................... T. E. Ellett.............. _.
C u lt ixva t o r................................- -- - -- -- -- -- J. L. Ellis......- --.........
1,u ltiv a to r............................ T.Eli................T.Els--- ------
Cultiv.ator..............................----- R. Ellwood and R. L. Pitcher-..
Cultiv ator-................................11---. Ellwood and 11. L. Pitcher..Cltivator................................-----B. M.Ely..................
Cultivator.................................... C. W. Emerson............
Cultivator.........................E. Emmert................
Cultiv ator._..... _... _.........................J. Endsley and E. Fletcher...._
Cultiv ator..................................C. A. Erickson.............
Cultivator................................----- J. W. Ernst ----.........
Cultiv ator------------------------------------.C. Escudier..............---
Cuinator............................. A shea.............A slmn--------
Cultiv ator................................... G. Essirwton...............
Cultivator..............................- str'..............G sely--____-_--
Cultivator.................................... G. W. Esterly and J. Van Do
Cultivator.................................... 0. Etnier..................
Cultivator..................................S. P. Etter.................
Cultivator.................................D. Z. Evans...............
Cultivator................................-----C. A. Ewick.............--
Cultivator_..................._.............. J. F. Eylar.................
Cultivator................................... J. Faning and F. Logler...
Cultivator................................... J. P. Farnutzer.-_........
Cultivator................................... C. K. Farr................Cultivator.................................... C. K. Farr................Cultivator....................................0-. Fawcett................
Cultivator.................................... J. W. Fawkes..............
Cultivator.................................... J. Ferguson...............
Cultivator.................................... J. Fernald................
Cultivator.................................... B. F. Field.................
Cultivator...................................B. F. Field.................
Cultivator................................ J. Fink...................
Cultivator............................11. A. Fish...............---
Cultivator.................................. W. D. FishoT..............
Cultivator.................................... 0. F. Fitch................
Cultivator................................... J. S. Fleming...............
Cultivator..______________.....................0. A. Forsgard-_............
Cultivator.................................... W. J. Forshee............
Cultivator................................... J. P. Fostevin..............
Cultivator..................................J. H. Frampton............
Cultivator.................................... J. Frank..................
Cultivator............................JFrn................J rn ----------
Cultivator.................................... J. H. Frank...............
Cultivator.................................... J. T. Frankebergor.._.._...
Cultivator.................................... D. D. Franklin...........Cultivator.................................... W. Frantz.................
Cultivator...................................N. W. Fraser and A. J. McLellan.
Cultivator.................................... P. F. Freeland.............
Cultivator....................................J. C. French...............
Cutvao................................J. C. French...............
Cultivator.................................... A. Friberg..........
Schenectady, N. Y..
Petersburgb, nd......
Richmond, DId..........
Little Reck, Ill. __........
Atlanta, ill.............
Oregon, Ill............
Byron, Ill........ _
Rockford, ill...........
Getty sbnrgh, Pa....
Gettysburgh, Pa....
Hummelstown, Pa...
Ilummelsiown, Pa...
Centreville, Iowa _. _.
Spencer County, Ky.__.
Baltimore, Md. --.-.-__
Pine Village, Id.
Pine Village, Ind. ---._
Upper Leacock Township,
Madison, Ind._...-......
Maroug, Australia..
Melbourne, Australia.
Paoli, nd.............
Wataga, Ill........---..
Oppenheim, N. Y....
Mpumoutb, Ill..........
Concord, ill............
Decatur, ill............
Sycamore, 111......__..
Sycamore, Ill....._..
Perry, Mo........---...
Albany, N. Y........
Franklin Grove,l Ill...
Abingtou, Ind...........
Swede Bend, Iowa. _.
Heidel burgh, Pa.____.--..
Iberia Parish, La. _...
Martinsville, Pa....
Plainfield, Ill..........
Heart Prairie, Wis...
Whitewater, Wis..
Mount Union, Pa.....
Scotland, Pa............
Town Point, Md._-..
Rushville, Ind.........--
Scott, Ohio.............
Burlington, Iowa...
Fond du La, Wis.-_._.
Hinds County, Miss.-__Auburn, Miss..........
Decatur, Ili............
Huntley Grove, Ill....
Frnkfort, Ind..........
Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Baldwinsville, N. V_..
Worcester, Mass.....
Freeport, Ill._......
Island Creek, Ohio....
Houston, Tex.........
Indianapolis, nd......
Racine, Wis............
Hopewell, Ohio.........
Webster City, Iowa...
Webster City, Iowa...
Millheim, Pa...........
Hensly, Ill............ _.
Flora, Ill...............
Piqua, Ohio............
La Porte, nd............
Newark, Ill.........._.
Monmouth, ill..........
Monniouth, Ill..........
Moline, Ill.............
Jan. 4, 1859
Dec. 10, 1867
May 13, 1862
Feb. 8, 1859
May 31, 1864
Dec. 15, 1868
Feb. 5, 1861
Apr. 3, 1866
Aug. 28, 1846
Aug. 16, 1844
Oct. 6, 1868
Mar. 2, 1869
June 4, 1872
May 31, 1859
June 30, 1836
Oct. 10, 1871
Dee. 16, 1873
Aug. 27, 1867
Aug. 1, 1871
Mar. 28, 1870
Feb. 18, 1873
Sept. 19, 1846
Aug. 23, 1865
Dec. 20, 1845
July 3, 1866
Nov. 18, 1862
Aug. 15, 1871
Oct. 29, 1872
July 1, 1873
Mar. 2, 1869
Aur. 23, 1861
July 31,1860
May 18, 1858
Soyt 1, 1863
Nov. 19, 1867
Oct. 3, 1871
Dec. 6, 18 70
Feb. 8, 1859
Apr. 22, 1856
Oct. 1, 1872
Apr. 23, 1867
Sept. 18, 1866
Dec. 26, 1871
Oct. 29, 1867
Apr. 24, 1860
iNov. 7, 1871
Apr. 30, 1867
May 9, 1854
Aug. 1, 1854
Apr. 30,1872
Jan. 24, 1865
Nov. 30, 1869
Nov. 21, 1865
Sept. 29, 1863
Sept. 29, 1863
Dec. 24, 1861
Aug. 12, 1873
May 1, 1066
June 26, 1860
Aug,. 29, 1871
Sept. 10, 1872
Oct. 6, 1857
Sept. 19, 1865
Sept. 13, 1859
Aug. 6, 186:
Feb. 18, 1868
Sept. 30, 1873
Dec. 234, 1867
Aug. 10, 1869
Jan. 7, 1868
Aug. 10, 1858
Aug. 9, 1859
Nov. 6, 1866
Mar. 16, 1869
May 14, 18617
42, 646
76, 412
52, 542
69, 081
35, 673
73, 172
58, 389
23, 806
27, 703
38, 295
73, 173
140, 484
32, 760
37, 089
31, 112
85, 292
110, 836
67, 173
94, 725
22, 494
72, 004
35, 223
22, 859
42, 932
85, 001
31, 305
53, 592
4, 725
3, 709
82, 814
87, 40
127, 409
24, 203
119, 750
145, 636
68, 056
117, 524
113, 148
136, 047
4, 762
49, 512
4, 320
56, 022
36, 945
118, 000
13-2, 527
140, 353
87, 401
32, 128
29, 368
20, 260
39, 724
71, 152
119, 588
109, 812
22, 80
14, 715
131, 861
64, 086
122, 240
70, 328
27, 975
120, 732
64, 262
10, 886
11, 454
126, 276
45, 987
97, 377
51, 031
40, 095
40, 096
33, 985
141, 707
54, 317
38, 843
118, 522
131, 160
18, 3:30
50, 052
25, 403
67, 522
74, 678
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Coritinued.
Invention. Inventor. Recsidence. Date. No.
Cultivator.-.-----.-................---------- A. Friberg-------------------.Moline, Ill---------------- June 11, 187-2 1-27, 757
Cultivator-------------------------------------- J. Fridy---------------...----West Donegal Township, Oct. 16, 1866 58, 805
Cultivator --------------------------------------E. W. Fuller------------------ Martinsville, La........---Jan. 2-2, 1861 31, 163
Cultivator-------------------------------------- B. and C. Furnas-----------.. Ononwa, Iowa--..- ------ Nov. 18, 186-2 36, 948
Cnltivator ---------------------------------------W. Furnas-----------------.. Ononwa, Iowa.__._-Feb.16, 1864 41,614
Cultivator -------------------------------------- C. Furst.---.-----------Chicage, Ill--------------- May 30, 1871 115, 459
Cultivator.-------------------------------------L. M. Ganong----------------- Friar's Point, Miss ---Mar. 4, 1873 136, 500
Cultivator.....................H.D as-----------------------------H.D as..- - Freehold, N. J _-------Mar. 27,1855 12,589
Cultivator -------------------------------------- H. ID.Gause ---------------Frechold, N. J............ Aug. 2-6, 1856 15, 606
Curltivator....................................--- C. Gaidner...................--Heesick, N.Y............-Mar. 19, 18(61 31, 710
Cultiv ator...__................................. J. M. Garnett..__...........Loretto, Va..............-Feb. 3, 1836..
Cultivator......................................--G. Garrett._..........._..Elkhart City, Ill...__.....Jne 9, 1868 78, 799)
Cultivator......................................---W. K. Garrison.._...._.......Abingdon, Ill.......Jan. 29, 1867 61, 661
Cultivatoi......................................H--. Garter.._..............Grand Rapids, Mich---.-Dec. 31, 1867 7-2, 835
Cultivator..........I................ I.. Gaskill.................. Wyanet, 111............ Oct. 7, 186-2 36, 609
Cultivator........................................ H. A. Gaston........._...- Stockton, Cal _....._........ May 19, 1868, 8, 080
Cultivater......................................I. N. Gates................. _ Burnside, Ill -............. Nov. 23, 18619 97, 07.1
Cultivator.....................................- W. Geahr..._............New Holland, Pa. -.-..__Sept. 4, 1866 57, 699
Cultivator...................................... J. B. Geisinger and D. H S. Montville, Ohio... _........ Dee. 18, 1860 30, 363
Cultivator....................................... J. Gerber.-.-..._._. RIockford, Ill............. Aug. 16,1870 106,478
Cultivator.....................................---J. Gerber._._..........Rockford, Ill............- Oct. 18, 1870 108, 471
Cultivator................................... -- J. Gerber and H. Brown..----Reckford, Ill.............-Apr-. 4,1871 113, 511
Cultivator......................................--J. Gibbs_...............Newark, Ohio............--Dec. 1, 1857 18, 739
Cultivator.....................................---H. H. Gibson.................. Quiney, 111..............- Oct. 15,18- 13-2, 277
Cultiva-tor..._-................................... G. T. Gifford................ Monmouth, Ill............ Sept. 4, 1.866 57, 700
Cultivator.............................I. B. Gilbert. _.. _... _..........Lewisville, Jud..........Jan. 12, 1869 85, 7:i6
Cultivator.....................................---J. R. Gilbert and S. H. Weston. Starkville and Dawson, Ga Sept. 4, 18f0 29, 876
Cultivator.....................................---J. G. B. Gill..._........._..Chester Court-House, S. C Jan. 12, 1869 85, 812
Cultivater.s...................................... H. Gilliard.................... Mount Hope, Wis.----Dec. 27, 1859 2i, 581
Cul ixator........................................E S. Gillies..................-Albany, Wis.............. June 20,1865 48, 271
Cultivator..-_.............................D. C. Gilliland................-Brownsville, Ohio..... Dec. 24, 1861 3.3, 988
Cultivator.....................................---J. Gilpatric..................-Biddef'ord, Me.......... Feb. 26, 1867 62, 405
Cultivator...................................... J. H. Given, H Hutsonpiller, Des Moines, Iowa....._ Mar. 7, 1865 46, 657
and C. Gilbert.
Cultivator...................................... S. M. Goft.................... East Addison, Vt. -.. Feb. 12, 1861 31, 38-2
Cultivator....................................... S. Goldsmith.................. Wataga, Ill............... Aug. 14, 1860 29, 583
Cultiv ator...................................... A. Gordon................... Rochester, N. Y.......... Apr. 9, 1867 63, 717
Cultivator.........................M. L. Gerham............... _Rockford, Ill.............Dee.- -- - 5, 1871 121, 613
Cultivator.....................................--M. L. Gorhiamrn...........Rockford, I111.............-Oct. 1, 1872 131, 818
Cultiv ator.......................................0. P. G oslee.. _.... _.......... -Glastenhury, Con. ---Apr. 2,1861 31, 884
Cultiv ator...................................... E. M. Graham................ Vernon, La. --___...___May 20, 1873 139,001
Cultivator.--................................... H..J. Graham................ Monmnouth, 111._..._..Nov. 5, 1867 70, 430
Cultivator.....................................---J. L. Graham.................--Bentley Station, Ill --. Aug.1l6, 1870 106, 354
Cultivator................................------ B. A. Grant..................--Mount Pleasant, Iowa.Dec. 5, 1865 51, 306
Cultivator....._.................................I. A. Green.-..-.-...--_Heary, Ill................ Mar. 11, 1862 34,7630
Cultivator....................................--.VWX. Green.._........_..Chelsea, Ill..-....._......Mar. 6, 1860 27,363
Cultivator........................----...........T. Green and J. Somimer.....Metamora, Ill............. Feb. 11, 1868 74, 344
Cultivator........................................F. S. Gregory... _..... _........Lockport, N. YV. _..........Aug. 10, 1869 93, 530
Cultiv ator......................................W. H. Griffith......._Lockhart, Tex........... July 23, 1872 1-29, 730
Cuitivator................................... A. M. Griswold..._......_..Momence, 111............. July 30, 1867 67, 295
Cultivator....................................... A. M. Griswold _._._...Moinence, 111............. Oct. 27, 1868 83, 487
Cultivator...................................-----A. Gousn................ South Saginaw, Mich.---Mar. 2:3, 1869 88, 034
Cultivator...................................... G. Gross, jr..............German town, Ohio.....Sept. 26, 1848 5, 890
Cultivator.................................----- J. Gress......_............Manilla, Iowa............. Apr. 1,1862 34, 828
Cultivator.._..................................... J. Gross and J. C. Tunison.. Decatur, Ill.............. Dec. 10, 1867 7-2, 027
Cultivator..................................... A. F. Girove................... James Creek, Pa...........Nov. 13, 18 (16 59, 592
Cultivator-...............S ue.....................S uik--------- -Kline's Grove, Pa. lo....Fb. 14, 1865 46, 349
Cultivator.......................................J. and S. Gum................--Marseilles, Ill............. Dee. 18, 1861) 30, 966
Cultivator.....................................---J. and S. Gum...._...._.._..Marseilles, Ill............. June 18, 1861 3-2,56t0
Cultivator...................................... ID. Guptail.................... Elgin, Ill.................-Oct. 15, 1867 69,801t
Cultivator...................................... J. M. Gustin....-_........Wilmington, Ohio.--- Aug. 12, 1873 141, 786
Cultivator...................................... J. Guyer_..................Westport, Con.......Mar. 13, 1860 27, 445
Cultivator.....................................I C. S. Gwiiiaup---..........Milroy, led..._...._....Feb. 2(1,1867 62,3-26
Cultivator...................................... W.G. Halburt................ Columbus, Miss........... Jan. 7, 1873 134, 66-2
Cultivator........................................C. M. and ID. E. Hall...... Uniontown, Ill............ Mar. 13, 1860 27, 6-27
Cultiv ator......................................ID. K. Hall..................... Abingdon, 11Ill...... Nov. 10, 1857 18, 587
Cultivator...................................... S. Hall.......................--Russellville, Kcy......... Nov. 14, 1865 50, 930
Cultiv ator.......................................T. J. Hall..... _.... _........Bryan, Tex ---...... Sept. 28, 1869 95, 338
Cultivator...................................... J. H. Hamilton.... _-...........Stevenson, Ala. Sept. 20, 1870 107, 484
Cultivator....................................... A. P. Hammon, J. H. and S. Montfort, Wis...........Jan. 1, 1867 60, 7-2-2
Lincoln, and T.W Hammon.
Cultivator....................J. H. Hand...................-- -- -- -College Corner, Ohio...Feb. 4, 1868 74, 08-2
Cultivator...................................... J. H. Hand -..... _-_..........Billingsville, Ind......... Apr. 13, 1869 88, 868
Cultivator......................................HR. Haney and J. S. Estes.... Peoria, 111............... Aug. 24, 1869 94, 106
Cultivator...................................... M. F. Hanover and D D. Lamoille, Ill.............. June 30, 1868 79, 344
Cultvatr.............................. Baley
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
C ultivator........................................
Cultivator......- ----------..................................
Cultivator - -.............
Cultivator --...............................
Cultivator --..............................
Cultivator ----....................................
51 P
J. W. Hatcher...............
L. D. Haughey...............
L. Haverstick.................
L. E. Hawkins................
A. W. Hawley..............
W. H. Haworth.............
G. J. Hayes................
C. W. S. Heaton.............
C. W. S. Heaton.............
C. W. S. Heaton...........
C. W. S. Heaton.............
H. I. Heaton.............
T. Heermans..............
C. Hefft............
A. T. Heflin................
A. T. HIeflin...........
J. M. Heiges.............
S. L Heisey.................
J. Helm.......................
R. H. Henry................
S. Henry......................
I. Henton..-................
I. Henton....................
J. B. Herman.....------------
J. T. Herndon... -.........
J. B. Herr..................
S. H. Herrick.................
T. Hicks.................
G. W. Hildreth...........
P. Hildreth.................
J. H. Hill.....................
J. B. Hinckley......
J. Hinds and J. Gee...........
C. Hoagland.................
S. Hoake.--.-----------.
J. C. Hoffeditz................
S. Hoffheins..................
A. Hoffman and H. W. Limebeck.
S. B. Hoisington..............
L. M. Holland................
J. Hollinger...................
J. Hollinger..................
J. Hollingsworth..............
C. Holman..............
B. Holtz and W. Enoch......
L. Homrighouse..........
H. T. Hooker...............
H, Hoover...............
W. A. Hopkins........
S. G. Horming.................
J. Houck-----..-----------..
H. Howe....................
H. Howe...--.............
H. Howe...................
H. Howe....................
W. H. Howell..............
D. C. Hubbard...............
S. Hubbard and J. Graves -...
E. S. Huff...................
J. Huff.......................
M. H. Hullinger..............
M. H. HIullinger.........
J. M. hume.................
A. Hunt...................
A. Hunt......................
H. C. Hunt..................
G. E. Hutchinson...........
G. L. Hutchinson...........
B. S. Hyers.................
B. S. Hayers...........
N. Ide...........
J. Imel -.................
C. B. Ingersoll............
J. W. Ingle and R. H. Wright..
H. Ingranam..............
H. Ingraham................
H. Ingraham................
H. Ingraham.................
N. L. Isgrigg ---.............
J. B. Jay.................
P. R. Jenkins --..--...........
C. M. Jenne.........
C. M. Jenne ---..............
C. M. Jenne..............
J. W. Jessop.................
G. Jessup...................
F. C. Jewell..............
T. Jobe....................
C. H. Johnson........
J. P. Johnson............
M. Johnson..............
W. D. Johnson........
I. B. Jones...............
E. P. Jones and J. L. Harrell..
H. P. Jordan.............
W. It. Jordan.............
Residence. Date.
Bethesda, Tenn........... ------ Oct. 24,1871
Atlanta, 111............ Mar. 7,1865
Manor, Pa........... Nov. 25, 1873
Sangamon, Ill............. Aug. 14, 1860
Milan, Ohio........ Dec. 22, 1857
Towanda, Ill.......... Aug. 27, 1861
Ionia, Mich............ Mar. 2, 1869
Salem, Ill.......... Mar. 12, 1861
Belleville, Ill........... Jan. 20,1863
Belleville, Ill... Apr. 21, 1863
Salem, Ill.......... Aug. 11, 1863
Peoria, Ill.............. Dec. 16, 1862
Sumner, Tenn......... Mar. 8, 1859
Tazewell County, Ill...... Jan. 28, 1868
Monmouth, Ill........ May 14, 1867
Monmouth, Ill......... Sept. 22, 1868
York, Pa............ Jan. 7,1873
West Donegal, Pa....... Aug. 6, 1867
Hockbeim, Tex....... Apr. 22,1873
Monmouth, Ill....... Jan. 5, 1869
Chenoa, Ill............ Feb. 14, 1865
Shelbyville, Ill........ Mar. 6, 1866
Shelbyville, Ill......... July 13,1869
Mount Vernon, Iowa...... Oct. 23, 1866
Bancroft, Mo.......... Jan. 28, 1868
West Tampeter Township, Oct. 23, 1866
Grinnell, Iowa.......... July 2, 1867
Pecatonica, Ill...... Feb. 9, 1869
Lockport, N. Y.......... May 21, 1861
Beloit, Wis................ Mar. 27,1866
Clinton, Ill............. June 23, 1868
Nacogdoches County, Tex. Feb. 18, 1873
Conologue, Ill_.......... Dec. 22, 1868
Delavan, Ill........... Mar. 24, 1868
Frederick, Md......... Mar. 27, 1860
Mercersburgh, Pa........ Jan. 1, 1867
Hamilton Township, Pa... Apr. 24, 1866
Half Day, Ill.......... Nov. 19,1861
Galesburgh, Ill............. Aug. 9, 1870
Galesburgh, Ill.......... Apr. 14, 1868
Millersburgh, Ohio....... Sept. 4, 1866
Millersburgh, Ohio...... May 21,1867
Chicago, Ill.......... May 9, 1865
Cameron, Ill........... Mar. 27, 1866
Springfield, Ohio......... June 20, 1865
Baltimore, Ohio.......... Sept. 27, 1870
Skaneateles, N. Y....... Dec. 15, 1863
Hemlo, Ill............ Sept. 11, 1866
Vicksburgh, Miss......... June 29, 1858
Mount Carroll, Ill........ June 6, 1865
Clinton, Ind............ - Feb. 2, 1858
Darlington, Wis.......... June 6, 1865
Oneonta, N. Y.......... Mar. 19, 1867
Oneonta, N. Y............. Dec. 17, 1867
Oneonta, N. Y......... Nov. 8, 1870
Ewingsville, N. J...... Dec. 26, 1865
Okolona, Miss.......... July 6,1858
Wihnington, Vt......... June 21, 1823
Zanesville, Ohio......... Aug. 28, 1860
Young America, Ill....... Jan. 26, 1869
Granville, Ill........... Feb. 2, 1864
Granville, Ill.......... Mar. 20, 1866
Colchester, Ill.......... May 21, 1867
Macomb, Ill............... Sept. 28,1869
Macomb, Ill...... Apr. 4, 1871
Amboy, Ill............. Nov. 13, 1866
Clevelaaid, Ohio......... Apr. 16, 1872
White Rock, Ill......... Jan. 16, 1866
Pekin, Ill........... Apr. 27, 1869
Pekin, Ill........... Jan. 18, 1870
Shelby, N. Y........... Apr. 18, 1846
Liberty, Ind......... Jan. 2, 1855
Morris, Ill............ Nov. 25,1862
Livingston, Ill......... Mar. 7, 1865
Naples, N. Y........... Dec. 27, 1864
Naples, N. Y........... Aug. 1, 1865
Naples, N. Y.............. Nov. 21, 1865
Naples, N. Y........... July 9, 1867
Moore's Hill, Ind........ Feb. 22, 1870
Arlington, Ill.......... Apr. 6, 1869
Cottonville, Iowa...... Oct. 17, 1871
Ycung America, Ill..... Oct. 18,1864
Young America, Ill....... July 18, 1865
Young America, 111...... Oct. 1, 1867
Harveysburgh, Ohio...... Dec. 29, 1868
Shortsville, N. Y.......... Nov. 5, 1872
Rahway, N. J........ Dec. 13, 1870
Clarksville, Ohio....... Feb. 5, 1867
Morristown, N. J....... July 20, 1869
Macon, Ill.......... Dec. 3, 1867
Three Rivers, Mich...-.. July 19, 1870
Raleigh, N. C......... Sept. 13, 1859
Xenia, Ohio............ Aug. 12, 1862
Hertford, N. C.......... Sept. 12, 1871
Victoria, Tex........... Apr. 23, 1872
iRoseville, Iad...... Oct. 28, 1862
120, 274
46, 666
144, 846
29, 592
18, 900
33, 176
87, 492
31, 665
37, 474
38, 261
39, 528
37, 166
23, 170
73, 891
64, 668
82, 406
134, 665
67, 430
138, 085
85, 662
46, 355
52, 998
92, 529
73, 805
59, 013
66, 340
86, 750
32, 366
53, 445
135, 912
85, 095
75, 911
27, 632
60, 892
33, 740
106, 161
76, 634
57, 719
64, 808
47, 641
53, 446
48, 281
107, 777
40, 935
57, 906
20, 712
19, 248
48, 068
63, 050
72, 297
109, 129
51, 721
20, 798
29, 789
86, 160
41, 435
53, 303
64, 878
95, 352
113, 520
59, 720
125, 681
52, 049
89, 409
98, 970
4, 459
36, 998
46, 675
45, 612
49, 111
51, 055
66, 495
100, 040
88, 638
120, 073
44, 729
48, 817
69, 442
85, 387
132, 764
110, 046
61, 836
92, 835
71, 6223
105, 460
25, 416
36, 158
118, 946
125, 961
36, 785
Index of patents issued from ihe Ln01(d Stoics.Patcart Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. tutvtr_..--..-------------
C ultivator..-............_..................
C ultivator...............................-----
C ultiv ator.....................----..........C ultivator.......................------......
C ultivator..---------------------------------
C ultivator...............................-----
C ultivator..-..............................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator..................................
Cultix ator...............................-----
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator..............................-----
C ultivator...............................-----
C ultivator........._.........................
C ultivator..................................
W. T.Jordan..............
Il,. F. Joynes..............---
E. Julier................----
A. Keck..................
P. H. Kecks...............J. Keezer.................r
A. M. Keith..............---
J. H. B. Keller..............
L. W. Kelley.............---
WV. H. Kelly................
A. H. Kennedy.............
B. F. Kessler..............
J. Kessler..................
W. Kiddoo.._..............
A. B. Kiug...............---
A. B. King.................
J. R. King........
M.D. King...............---
W. H. L. King...........
T. and R. Kinghorn.........
H. R. Kinney.............--
J. Kirkman..............._
W. Kietfel.......---.........
J. G. Knapp and S. D. Libby...
Cultivator.................................... E. H. Knight-.-............
Cultiv ator.................._................J. MI. Knox................
Cultivator..................................S. A. Knox.................
Cultiv ator..................................J. Koehn..................
Cultivator.................................... P. Kribs....................
Cultivator....................................L K. Krieble..............
Cultiv ator................................... G. W. Krin g..............Cultivator................................... C. and P. G. Krogh..........
Cultivator................................... S. A. Kroner...-..-........
Cultix ator....................................0O. Kugler.._...............
Cultivator....................................0. Kugler..................
Cultivator.................................... H. P. Kynet...............
Cultivator................................... J. Lacey..................
Cultivator................................. J. Lacey...................
Cultivator.................................... J. Lacey....._............
Cultivator...................................J. Lacey..................
C ultivator.................................... H. Laird...................
Cultivator.................................... H. J. Lace.................
Cultivator.................................... A. Lamb..................
Cultivator............................ H.Le............... ads.------ --
Cultivator................................... W. B. Lane and W Coultor....
Cultivator................................... J. B. Lang_..........._.._..
C ul'ivator.................................... G. Large..................
Cultivator................................. J. T.W.Larrabee........._ _
Cultivator................................... G. W. Lawbaugh and J. Will.
Cultivator.................................... L. Leber..................
Cultivator................................... G. Lecltenthaler...........
Cultivator.................................. T. M. Lee................---
Cultivator.................................. Z. W. and E. ID. Lee --.Cultivator....................................KR. A. Leeper and Z. B Kidder.
C ultivator.................................... A. B. Lefier........._......
Cultivator.------------------- FC.Lflr..........Cliao..................................... Leier.................
C ultivator.................................A. Leigadh.................
Cultivator...................................A. Leolnd........Cliaor.........._...............J ei ----------
Cultivator...................................WI. Liewis................
Cultivator..................................... Lire.................
Cultivator..................................4J. I. Little...............--
Cultivator............................... Ltl................Liee.---------
Cultivator............................... J. R. Little...............
Cultivator..................................... Livezey................
Cultivator...................................J.. Lock....e..............
Cultivator.................................. I. Lord and S. Woodman. -.
Cultivator.................................... W. C. Lostutter and S. Wolcott.
Cultivator...................................4J. P. Lotz..................
Cultivator....................................L Low....................
Cultivator.................................... M. F. Lowtlh and T. J. Howe.Cultivator...................................NM. F. Lowth and T. J. Howe..
Cultivator...................................4. Lueth...................
Cultivator.................................... G. H. Lund.................
Cultivator.................................... W. Lyman, jr..............
Cultivator....................................K P. Lynch................
Cultivator................................ E. P. Lynch.................
C ul ti va t or.................................................I. B. Mahon............
Cultivator...................................LB. Malion................
Cultivator...................................L B. IMahon................
Cultivator................................. I. B. Mahon................
Cultivator.................................... I. B. Mahon.................
Cultivator........................P. Maier..................
Cultivator...................................J. Mallon................---
Cultivator._._._._.............J. Mallon and H. Von Phul, jr.
Cultivator.................................... H. Mann..................
Cultivator........................._..........H. Main..................
Cultivator.................................... A. J. Manny...............
Cultivator....._....... _....................... A. M. Manny............. _.
Cultivator....._..............................A. M. Maiiny............. _.
Culiv to.............................J.P.M anny...............
Newnan, Ga...........
Bristol, R. I _......_.._
Beverly, Ohio....... _...
Montgomery, Ill...
Morgantown, Va._....
Chillicothe, Ohio..__..
Kosciusko, Miss._..Cliambersburgh, Pa....
Brunswick, Ohio.----
Onondaga County, N. Y...
Oberlin, Ohio..........
Wilmington, Ill. _-...York County, Pa......
Keithsburgh, Ill.....
Camden, Ohio.........
Camden, Ohio.._........
Raleigh, Tenn... _......
King's Ferry, X. Y...
Princeton, Iowa._.....
Morgan, Ohio..... _.....
Portsmouth, Ohio....
Peoria., Ill......_...__
Maple Crek, Neb.....
Madison and Blooming
Grove, Wis.
Ulnadilla, Mich. _.__
Worcester, Mass. _..
Canton, Ohio..........__
Jefferson Furnace, Pa..
Lansdale, Pa...........
Fairbury, Ill... _.......
Krohville, Wis...........
New Britain, Pa. _..
Raritan, N. J..........---
Three Bridges, N. J...
Lisbon, Iowa.........._.
Chicago, Ill............
Chicago, Ill............
Chicago, Ill............
Chicago, Ill.............
Mechanicsburgh, Pa...
Conquest, N. Y...........
Skaneateles, N. Y.
Bath, Pa...............
Organ Spring, nd..
Ithaca, N. Y..........
Rosemond, Ill...........
Newton, Id...........
Shanesville, Ohio......
Springfield, Ill. ---_.......
Limestoneville, Pa...
Broad Ford, Va....
Blakeley, Ga..........
San Jose, Ill............
Canton, nd.............
Highland Township, Iowa
Clinton Station, N. J._
Newell's Run, Ohio...
Bergen, N. Y...........
Washington, ID. C.
Oxford, N. C............
Aurora, Ill.............
Galesburgh, Ill.....
Galesburgh, Ill._....
Galesburgh, Ill......._
Clarksborough, N. J..
Humphrey, N. Y._.._
Terre Haute, nd._.._.
Penn Township, Pa.
Savo, Me...............
Rising Sun, nd....
Lacon, Ill..............
East Fairfield, Ohio.---
Owatonna, Min......
Owatonna, Minna..__
Kankakee, Ill..........
Mackford, Wigs.........
Malone, N. Y...........
IDavenport, Iowa.._.
IDavenport, Iowa._...
Vineland, N.J...........
Marion, Ohio._......
IDunukirk, Ohio..........
Dunkirk, Ohio..... _....
IDunkirk, Ohio..._- _..
IDate. No.
Nov. 28, 1871 121, 381
June 4, 1861 32, 479
Mar. 13, 1860 27, 450
Jan. 10, 1865 45, 833
May 31, 1853 9, 754
Juno 18, 1861 32, 567
Sept. 13, 1859 25, 419
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 509
May 11,1858 20,207
Mar. 4, 1862 34, 578
Apr. 4, 1871 113,306
Jan. 16, 1866 52, 053
Jan. 29,186 7 61,6-22
Oct. 30, 1866 59, 231
IMay 7,1867 64,429
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 201
Dec. 27, 1859 26, 597
July 9, 1872 128,734
Sept. 26, 1865 50, 141
June 26, 1860 28, 870
Jan. 3, 1860 26, 682
IDec. 27, 1864 45, 615
May 14, 1812 126, 815
Jan. 25, 1870 99, 208
May 7, 186 7 64, 542
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 933
Mar. 13, 1855 12, 536
June 18, 1867 65, 918
July 5, 1859 24, 644
Feb. 25, 1873 136, 249
Jan. 5, 1869 85, 675
IDec. 10, 1872 13:3, 865
Nov. 5, 1867 7 0, 578
July 22, 1873 141, 145
July 22, 1873 141, 146
Aug. 1, 1871 117,547
Feb. 23, 1864 41, 709
Feb. 23, 1864 41, 743
July 4, 1865 48,6---7
Api. 10, 1866 53, 837
May 24,1870 103,476
Nov. 27, 1860 30, 737
Feb. 6, 1866 52, 421
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 045
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 344
July 30, 1872 129, 894
Jan. 5, 1864 41, 159
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 831
Aug. 13, 1861 33, 044
Aug. 21, 1860 29, 704
July 25, 1854 11,379
Oct. 12, 1858 21, 763
July 31, 1860 29, 30
Feb. 12, 1861 31, 393
Jan. 22, 1861 31, 178
July 25, 1865 48, 959
Apr. 14, 1863:38, 171
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 7 82
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 221
July 12, 1870 105, 225
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 019
Jan. 31, 1865 46, 116
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 311
Sept. 6, 1870 107, 069
Oct. 4, 1870 108, 037
July 10, 1860 29, 087
Oct. 26, 1869 96, 126
Sept. 7, 1858 21, 428
May 27, 1873 139, 320
Feb. 12, 1867 61, 943
July 31, 1860 29, 391
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 604
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 229
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 119
Sept. 22, 1868 82, 423
Sept. 7, 1869 94, 497
Sept..17, 1872 131, 404
M~ay 27, 1862 35, 422
Sept. 14, 1869 94, 903
Sept. 23, 18 73 143. 172
May 10, 1870 102, 84i
Index of patents issued fronm the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator..............................-----
C ultivator..................................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator................................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator.....................
Cultiv ator....................
Cultiv ator.....................
Cultiv ator.....................
Cultiv ator....................
Cultsi ator....................
Cultiv ator.....................
C ultivator..................................
C ultivator...................................
T. J. Marinu-s..............
J. Markel...............---
A. S. Markham...........__
A. S. Markhami.............
ID. and A. S. Markham and ID.
C. Marsh, 2d...............
C. Marsh,;2d...............
R. Marsh................---
W. W. Marsh and H. McIntyre.
T. J. Martin........___..._.
H. E. Mason..............---
W. May.................---
L. ID. McClintick............
R. McCorkell...............
R. McCorkell...............
W. McCormick............
W. J. McCoy...............
A. S. McI~ermott..........
T. W. MeDill..............
J. C. McDonald...........---
T. E. Mcl~onald -------...A. S. klcDoucll.......---...
F. McEwen................
P. McGlew................
J. Mellvain................
K. McKinnon..............
I). McNab -..............
D. McNeely and C. J. Cady..
T. MeQuiston...............
H. S. Mead......------
C. E. Mead and G. E. Stevenson
C. F. Mcgqnier.............
R. M. Melton...............
A. Merrill................--
N. Messenger..............
W. Mottler................
I. Micrs..................
J. Millard..................
E. and B. Miller............
G. ID. Miller..............---
I. Miller..................
W. Millerton...............
J. Mills...................
J. Mills...................
J. R. Mills.........
S. G. Mills.................
E. Minnich.................
J. R. Minter...............
F. and P. A. Misner..... _...
S. H. Mitchell..............
S. H. Mitchell..............
P. Monaghan...............
J. B. Moody................
J. B. Moody...............
W. A. Moody...............
G. Moore................---
0. Moore................---
M. H. Moore and A. Satter.
J. B. Moor head and T. A. and
G. G. Pool.
B. S. Morgan.............._
B. S. Morgan..............
A. H. Morrel...............
J. E. Morrison..-.-.....
I. J. Morrow...............
J.M. Morse.............---
S. Mowry................---
J. Mumford and J. W. Wilson.
T. Murphey................
T. Murphy.................
W. H. Murrey.............
B. F. Muschert.............
A. H. Myers..............--
J. Neff~jr.....--..........
J. Neff,jr..................
J. Ncff,.jr.......---.......
J. Neidichi and E. R. Girvin..
0. S. Neisler.............._
H. Nelson................---
J. B. Netherlaud.------
W. Nevins................
E. Newlon...............---
I). J. Nohli................
J. S. Nolen.................
ID. Norman..................
Independence, Iowa...
Monticello, Ill..........
Monmouth, Ill........._
Bushnell, Ill...........
Monmouth, Ill...........
NTatchez, Miss..........
Natchez, Miss..........
Steubenville, Ohio....
Sycamore, Ill............
Willow Hill, Ill--.
Norway, Ill......---._...
Winchester, Ohio.
Glenwood, Iowa...
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa.
Muscatinc, Iowa...__...
Cartersville, Ga..
Ogden, Iowa............
Oquawka, Ill...........
New Brunswick, N. J..
Osgood Township, Canada.
Lisbon, Ill.............
Des Moines, Iowa._...--
Tennessee, Ill..........
Pleasant Hill, Ala._...
Moscow, Mich..........
pren d..__..... _..
Morning Sun, Ohio..--_
Gloversville, N. Y.
Denmark, Iowa....
Eureka, Ill............
Criglersville, Va......
ingersoll, Canada..___
Newark, Ill.........._
Frankfort, Ill.... _......
Clay Lick, Ohio.......
Winslow, Ind......-_..
Rising Sun, Ind..
Loviugton, Ill...........
Worth, Mich............
Jacksonville, Ill......
Reading, Ill............
Johnstown, Wis.._..._
Bloomfield, Iowa.....
Des Moines, Iowa.
McKee's Half Falls, Pa _..
Unionville, S. C.... _.._..
Fox, Ill................
El Paso, Ill..............
El Paso, Ill............
Camac, Ga.............
Pembroke, Ky..........
Louisville, KY..........
Montezuma, Iowa.._..
Moline, ill.............
Moline, ill.............
Rome, Ga............---
Mar. 16, 1869
Mar. 19, 1861
Aug. 4, 1863
Feh. 6, 1866
Mar. 8, 1859
Aug. 13, 1872
Nov. 26, 1872
Apr. 25, 1865
J my 16, 1872
Jan. 26, 1869
July 2, 1.87~2
Oct. 16, 1860
Dc. 22, 1868
Oct. 3, 1865
Aug. 4, 1868
May 15, 1866
Nov. 27, 1860
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 21, 1860
Apr. 8, 1873
Nov. 24, 1868
Nov. 4, 1873
Aug. 22, 1865
Feb. 9, 1864
May 18, 1869
Feb. 25, 1873
Jan. 3, 1865
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 18, 1859
July 4, 1865
Aug. 4, 1863
Mar. 12, 1867
May 31, 1859
Juno 11, 1871
Nov. 27, 1869
June 14, 1864
Dec. 11, 1860
Dec. 29, 1868
Sept. 13, 1859
Nov. 15, 1864
July 26, 1870
Mar. 4, 1873
May 93, 1865
Feb. 18, 1873
Jan. 5, 1864
Jan. 23, 1866
Feb. 14, 1865
Feb. 6, 1872
Jan. 3, 1860
Dec. 1, 1863
June 14, 1870
Dec. 27, 1859
Apr. 27, 1869
July 12, 1870
Sept. 3, 1867
Sept. 10, 1867
July 2, 187~2
Nov. 27, 1860
87, 951
31, 725
39, 41t2
52,.429;43, 182
130, 384
133, 467
47, 439
128, 969
128, 497
30, 447
85, 233
50, 257
80, 556
54, 751
30 744
123, 715
29, 707
137, 703
84, 430
144, 346
49, 540
41, 523
90, 112
136, 254
45, 7:30
Si, 807
25, 843
48, 575
39, 450
62, 868
24, 227
127, 785
30, 745
43, 123.30, 926
85, 467
25, 4:12
45, 066
105, 828
136, 477
47, 655
135, 997
41, 086
52, 184
46, 376
123, 410
26, 695
40, 7 66
104, 334
26, 6116
89, 422
105, 3 58
68, 525
6t8, 643
128, 499
30, 748
33, 208
21, 690
25, 754
12, 690
95, 035
69, 468
25, 031
32, 431
27, 144
66, 871
126, 828
147, 724
117, 803
28, 19i
75, 185
107, 526
30, 7 51
122, 400
3, 406
27, 376
37, 005
68, 104
53, 328
119, 6:19
129, 420
Bellefoutaine, Ohio...Sept. 3, 1861
Delhi, Iowa..............Oct. 5,1858
Delhi. Iowa............... Oct. 11, 1819
Marlin, Tex. _....._....... Apr. 10, 1855
Washington, D. C.._..__Apr. 24, 1866
Everton, ln.............. Sept. 21, 1869
Sandwich, Ill. __..........Oct. 1, 1867
Womelsdorf, Pa....... ___Aug. 9, 1859
Clarksbnrgh, Ohio...May 28, 1861
Cincinnati, Ohio.._....... Feb. 14, 1860
Albany, Ga..............July 16, 1867
Brodhead, Wis............ May 14, 1872
Morrisville, Pa............ July 8, 1873
Hermon, Ill..... __.......Aug. 8, 1871
Pultney, N. Y......... _.. May 8,1860
Pultney, N. Y............. Mar. 3, 1868
Pultney, N. Y............. Sept. 20, 1870
Lancaster County, Pa..._. Nov. 27, 1860
Indianola, Iowa.....Jan. 2, 1872
West Point, In.._. Jan. 15, 1844
Near Louisville, Ga.._.Mar. 6, 1869
Irving, N. Y.............Nov. 25, 1862
Monmouth, Ill........... Aug. 27, 1867
New Boston, Ill...__.......Mar. 20, 1866
Paulsborough, N. J.--------Oct. 3, 1871
Crawfordsville, Ind...July 16, 1872
Roseville, Ill...........-- -- -Jan. 22, 1867
Prairie City, Iowa.._ Oct. 18, 1870
IDeerfield, Ohio........... Mar. 8, 1870
Sacramento, Cal... _.......Feb. 22, 1870
Royalton, N. Y...... _..... July 17, 1847
Packwaukee, Wis... _..... Jan. 26, 1864
Green Oak, Mich... _......Oct. 21, 1862
Green's Fork, nd..:. I_. July 10, 1860
Green's Fork and Rich- July 28, 1857
menud, nd.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
B. F. Osborn.....................
J. D. Osborn.................
H. W. Ostrom.................
G. W. Owens...............
W. J. Oxer...................
L. Packard..................
J. S. Pardon..................
J. G.Page....................
1. B. Palamountain.... _.....
I. A. Palmer.................
I. A. Palmer..................
I. A. Palmer...............
C. S. Pangborn and G. W.
W. Y. Parker.................
R. B. and J. R. Parks..........
R. B. and J. R. Parks..........
E. Parmele and G. Curkendall
E. Parmele and PR. N. Patterson.
J. Paterson.................
D. Pattee..................
J. H. Pattee.................
J. H. Pattee...................
E. C. Patterson.............
D. H. Paul...................
J. J. Paxson................
R. L. Payne..................
S. G. Peabody...............
S. G. Peabody................
J. C. Pearl.................
H. N. Pease.................
E. Peck.....................
J. Peeler.-...............
L. D. Pelton and J. Barrow....
W. C. Percy.................
C. D. Perkins................
H. H. Perkins................
A. S. Perrigo............
F. L. Perry................
F. L. Perry.................
F. L. Perry...............
G. Perry......................
C. B. Pettengill...............
E. Phifer....................
E. Phifer.....................
W. W. Philler................
J. W. Philp..................
H. L. Pigg...................
E. W. Pike............
W. H. Platt..................
T. Poling....................
O. M. Pond...................
T. W. Poole.................
M. Porter and C. E. and G. F.
J. Potts.................
T. J. Potts and P. C. Yost.....
J. Powell.....................
E. Pratt......................
A. Preston...................
H. Preston...................
W. Rice......................
W. Rice.......................
G. W. Prugh and W. H. Beard
I. N. Pyle....................
I. N. Pyle...................
J.A. Quick..............
W. F. Quinby................
A. Ralston...................
N. A. Rand..................
H. C. Ravenscraft.............
W. B. Read................
J. Rebman...............
J. E. Reed....................
S. Reed......................
T. M. Reed...............
E. Reese.....................
F. Reese.....................
J. Reichard................
J. K. Reiner...............
L. Repp..............
J. H. Reynerson.............
J. H. Reynerson..........
E. D. and O. B. Reynolds......
P. B. and L. C. Reynolds.
W. Rhodes and M. Porter.....
H. Rice................
R. Rice.................
J. C. Rich...............
G. R. Richardson and J. Behel.
J. C. Rickerd.......
J. J. Rider...............
M. Rigell.......
Nashville, Tenn...........
Goshen, Ind........
Grand Rapids, Mich.....
Fairfield, Iowa............
Williamsport, Ind.......
Galesburgh, Ill..........
Summerfield, Ill..........
Rockford, Ill.........
Tarhborough, N. C. --.---
Monmouth, Ill............
Monnmot h, Ill........
Monmouth, Ill............
Onarga, Ill...............
Verona, Miss.............
Neponset, Ill...........
Neponset, Ill...........
Davenport, Iowa, and Moline. Ill.
Davenport, Iowa..........
Medina, N. Y............
Ypsilanti, Mich...........
Monmouth, Ill...........
Monmouth, Ill...........
Chicago, ill..............
Do Witt, Iowa..........
Middletown, Ind.......
Riceville, Va..........
Champaign, Ill.........
Champaign, Ill..........
MendIota, Ill.........
Toledo, Ohio..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Tallahassee, Fla..........
Harrison, Ohio...........
Bayou Sara, La..........
Havana, Cuba.........
Princeville, Ill..........
Osceola, Ill...........
Sandwich, Ill.......
Canandaigua, N. Y........
Canandaigua, N. Y.......
Canandaigua, N. Y........
Muscatine, Iowa..........
Hebron, Me...............
Trenton, N. J..........
Trenton, N. J..........
Trenton, N. J........
Port Byron, Ill..........
Humboldt, Tenn..........
Knobnoster, Mo..........
Galesburgh, Ill..........
Dayton, Ohio.........
Guthrie, Iowa.........
Independence, Iowa......
Brunswick, Ohio......
Terre Haute, 111.......
Aug. 30, 1870
Nov. 29, 1864
June 7, 1870
Aug. 29, 1871
Feb. 12, 1867
Aug. 9, 1859
July 29, 1862
Aug. 28, 1865
May 10, 1859
Feb. 14, 1865
Sept. 10, 1867
Dec. 29, 1868
Apr. 3, 1866
Feb. 11, 1873
Jan. 8, 1867
June 22, 1869
July 23, 1872
May 15, 1866
Apr. 17, 1847
June 20, 1848
Mar. 5, 1872
Jan. 21, 1873
Jan. 17, 1865
July 6. 1869
Mar. 6, 1860
Aug. 30, 1870
Dec. 31, 1867
Dec. 1, 1868
Oct. 12, 1869
Oct. 4, 1870
Oct. 22, 1867
June 21, 1859
June 18, 1867
June 4, 1872
Sept. 30, 1873
Sept. 3. 1872
Apr. 1, 1873
Oct. 5,1869
June 29, 1869
Nov. 2, 1869
Oct. 10, 1871
Apr. 10, 1866
Dec. 17, 1867
May 23, 1865
May 7, 1867
June 30, 1868
Nov. 13, 1866
June 28, 1870
July 2, 1872
Oct. 29, 1867
Mar. 18, 1873
Aug. 13, 1872
Mar. 25, 1873
Sept. 28, 1858
Aug. 28, 1866
106, 864
45, 264
103, 918
118, 549
62, 060
25, 037
36, 019
49, 547
23, 942
46, 383
68, 784
85, 471
53, 663
135, 726
61, 091
91, 661
129, 859
54, 763
5, 075
5, 639
124, 218
45, 934
92, 350
27, 378
106, 956
72, 889
84, 575
95, 831
107, 954
70, 111
24, 486
65, 938
127, 508
143, 380
131, 066
137, 478
95, 505
91, 963
96, 344
119, 786
53, 867
72, 227
47, 904
64, 563
79, 387
59, 643
104, 763
128, 653
70, 258
137, 024
130, 440
137, 094
21, 625
57, 562
62, 2-23
47, 332
88, 409
44, 747
24, 053
80, 502
11, 008
31, 400
52, 743
26, 121
114, 040
89, 791
31, 738
79, 598
30, 758
111, 250
109, 247
126, 412
115, 771
79, 001
108, 392
118, 053
134, 099
81, 108
58, 476
62, 971
63, 426
75, 647
134, 166
37, 789
47, 568
52, 606
38, 337
60, 422
139, 478
74, 138
45, 177
29, 618
Bridgeport, W. Va........ Feb. 19, 1867
Hamilton, Ill.......... Apr. 18, 1865
Sullivan, Ill............. Mar. 30, 1869
Grand Detour, Ill....... Oct. 18, 1864
Unionville, Ohio........ May 17,1859
Oxfordville, Wis........ July 28, 1868
Goldsborough, N. C...... June 6, 1854
Mount Olive, N. C........ Feb. 12, 1861
Armington, Ill....... Feb. 20, 1866
Decatur, Ind............ Nov. 15, 1859
Pleasant Mills, Ind........ Apr. 25, 1871
South Danville, N. Y...... May 4, 1869
Stanton, Del.............. Mar. 19, 1861
West Middletown, Pa..... Sept. 2, 1845
Winslow, Ill........... July 7,1868
Kingwood, Va............. Nov. 27, 1860
Gallatin, Tenn......._..Jan. 24,1871
Binkley's Bridge, Pa...... Nov. 15, 1870
Manheim Township, Pa.. May 7, 1872
Mineville, N. Y........... June 6, 1871
Rising Sun, Md........ June 16, 1868
Germantown, Ohio........ Oct. 18, 1870
Eutaw, Ala.......... Aug. 15, 1871
Wilsonville, Ala..... Dec. 17, 1872
Fayetteville, Pa......... Aug. 18, 1868
Line Lexington, Pa...... Oct. 2, 1866
Tiffin, Ohio.............. Mar. 19, 1867
Pleasant Plain, Iowa...... Apr. 2, 1867
Pleasant Plain, Iowa...... Mar. 17, 1868
North Bridgewater, Mass. Dec. 24, 1872
Prophetstown, Ill........ Feb. 24,1863
Lovington, Ill............. May 2, 1865
Springfield, Ohio.......... Feb. 13,1866
Georgetown, Ill.......... Apr. 28, 1863
Penfield, N. Y............. Dec. 11, 1866
Earlville and Rockford, Ill June 3,.1873
Lewisville, Ind........... Feb. 4, 1868
Wilton Junction, Iowa.... Nov. 22, 1864
Dawson, Ga.............. Aug. 14, 1860
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
C ultivator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cultivator...............................--- -
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator--------------------------.......---
C ultivator....................................
C ultivator...................................
Cultivator.. -.....-- - - - - --.......Cultivator...................................
C ultivator...................................
C ultivator....-.........................
C ultivator........................-........-..
C ultivator-------------------------------.....
C ultivator.....................................
C ultivator--------------------------......---
Cultivator................................... -
Cultivator.....................- -....
W. S. Riggs..........
J. Righter.................
R. B. Robbins.............
C. Roberts.................
C. Roberts.................
C. Roberts................_
C. Rtoberts.................
C. Roberts................C. Roberts................_
C. S. Roberts..............
F. B. Roberts------------..
T. B. Roberts............_
T. A. Robertsou............
T. A. Robertson.....--....
H. H. Robertson and C. G. Carr
L. Robinson...............
W. R. Robinson...........
S. Rockafellow.............
A. Reden..................
W. Rodgers................
1).B. Rogers.............__
L.B., S., and B. Rogers -.
M. L. Rogers......_.
T. B. Rogers...........
J. Root..................
H. M. Rose.........---......
J. J. Rose.................
A. W. Ross--------------...
H. S. Ross...............---
A. P. Routt................
A. P. Routt................
J. S. and I. Rowell.-.._...
J. E. Rowland..............
J. Rue..................---
J. Rue..................---
R. Rust...................
S. A. Sabin...............--
N. F. Sandelin._.........
J. It. Sanders.............---
R. Saudiford...............
J. W. Sanford............---
J. Sattison...............---
M. Sattley.................
W. G. Savage.............
J. Savill...................
R. Sawyer...............---
A. Sawyer and H. Barnes.
E. H. Sawyers............__
E. H. Sawyers.............
C. HI. Sayre..............---
G. H. Schanck............--
J. D. Scbeetz and R. Adams...H. Schreiuer, jr............
J. Selirlider...............
C. Schwvanger............---
M. Schwartz.............---
T. S. Scoville.-........
W. Seely.........
E. S. Seger and J. C.'Ormstn
G. and J. Seibert...........
J. B. Sexton..............---
J. B. Sexton................
WV. H. and L. Seymour....
S. B. Shank............. --
J.. Shaon...............
D.A. Shares----------------
A. Shaw...............------
S. C. Sheller................
J. Shepard.................
J. Sherrill................
A. T. Sherwood............
IL. Sherwood...............
T. N. Sherwood. _...... _....
N. S. Shields..............
J. Simpson...............---
M. P. Simpson.............
M. P. Simpson and J. P.Ellacott
Z. B. Sims..................
JR. Sisson................
J.H. Skelly...............
M. H. Skill................
A. M. Skinner..
Residence. IDate.
Jlightstown, N. J..---.. Mar. 19, 1 861
Clarksburgh, Va........ Dec. 2-2, 1857
Adrian, Mich..........._- -Aug. 5, 1873
Three Rivers, Mich.__.. Oct. 28, 186-2
Three Rivers, Mich. _..Nov. '25.186-2
Three Rivers, Mich------Nov. '25, 1862
Three Rivers, Mich...... _. Jan. 10, 1865
1 hree Rivers, Mich...Jan. 10, 1865
Three Rivers, Mich.._.__.June 27, 1865
Lyons, Iowa........... Nov. 6, 1866
Rochester, N. Y........ Mar-. 17, 1868
Franklin, Ill -..... June 20, 1871
Friendship, Md..........- - -Oct. 27, 1857
Washington, D. C.___..Mar. 29, 1859
Kingston, Mo........... - --o.Nov. 6, 1860
Weet Cambridge, Mass.. Sept. 30, 1856
Mattoon, Ill............ -- - -Aug. 27, 187-2
Muscatine, Iowa. _....... Aug. 25, 1863
MRumford, Ala.......... Dec. 23, 1873
Lynnville, nd......Oct. 6, 1868
Seneca Falls, N. Y..----- an.Jan. 16, 1849
Pittsburgh, Pa..- _....... _Mar. 9, 1858
Spring, Pa.............. Dec. 27, 1819
Weatherafield, Conna..--Apr. 2, 1867
Hartland, N. Y. ---......Aug. 23, 1870
Clinton. Ill............. - -- Jan. 24, 187t
Elmwood, Ill. __---......... Aug. 17, 1869
Northield, Mass......... Oct. 30, 1866
Mi liville, Ohio..........--Apr. 19, 1870
Liberty Mills, Va.--.-__..Apr. 30, 1 867
Liberty Mills, Va.....July 14, 1868
Beaver Dam, Wis. --.__.July 3, 1866
Hagerstown, Md.-_........-.May 7, 1867
Englishtown, N. J...Aug. 9, 1859
Englislitown, N. J.----Apr. 30, 187-2
Odessa, Del.............. May 20, 1873
Pecatonica, Ill..........-- - -Oct. 5, 1869
New York, N. Y _........-.Feb. 27, 1872
Davenport, Iowa-_-.-....Oct. 1, 187-2
Joliet, Ill..............__Dec. 1, 1868
Byron, Ill.............. Dec. 3,1867
Ripley Township, Ohio.. Jan. 3,187 1
Taylorville, ill._-..__.--. Feb. 14, 1871
Clinton, Ill............. June 6, 1865
Monmouth, Ill.......... Feb. 20, 1866
Wales, Me............. ___ _Aug. 10, 1858
Burlington, Wis _..-_-.....Feb. 25, 1862
Orleans, Iowa. -_..._ _.....Jan. 10, 1885
West Grove, Iowa. --..Feb. 24, 1863
Utica, N. Y.............__ __ _ _Aug. 25, 1857
Lihertyville, 111.........- - -Sept. 8, 1863
Robesonia, Pa..........--May 7, 1867
Iierrysburgh, Pa -......... _ July 14, 1857
Kickapu, Ill......Sept. 24, 1867
Mount Joy Township, Pa. Jan. 12, 1869
Canterbury, N. H. _-. _Jan. 30, 187-2
New York, N. Y -._-....Mar. 6, 1860
Chillicothe, Ill.._ -.......Oct. 11, 1859
Erie, Ill-...............--Oct. 30, 1866
Ashley, Ill.............__ _ _Sept 29, 1868
Pella, Iowa........... Jan. 14, 1868
Pella, Iowa.............. Apr. 13,1869
Pella, Iowa.............- - -- -Nov. 22, 1870
Weymouth, Ohio._.. Sept. 11, 1860
Millersville, Pa.......Aug. 15, 1871
Dakota, Wis............--Aug. 14, 1860
Hamden, Conn. _......... _Aug. 1, 1854
Monmouth, Ill. -_.........June 29, 1869
Monmouth, Ill.. _.. _.....Nov. 30, 1869
Lewisburgh, Pa -------..Feb. 13, 187-2
Newport, Me. _.. _....... June 29, 1869
Harrisburgh, Oreg -_-. _. Jan. 7, 1873
Amador, Cal..._.. Oct. 1, 187-2
Marine, Ill..._.........Jan. 3, 1865
Dunlapsville, Ind...._.Jan. 23, 1866
Rockford, Ill..-_.. Aug. 23, 1870
Cordova, Ill...- -........ _Nov. 16, 1869
Rosamond, Ill...........--May 2, 1871
Pnna and Shelbyville, Ill.. July 1, 1873
Bonham, Tex............ Jan. 21, 1873
Bastrop, La.............Dec. 16, 1873
Aroma, Ill.............. July 21,1868
Cornwall Bridge, Conn.. Dec. 8, 1863
PRckforIll...... Mr.15,1870
31, 742
141, 462
36, 859
37, 009
37, 010
45, 860
45, 861
48, 445
59, 454
75, 578
18, 520
30; 589
15, 819
130, 869
39, 703
145, 901
82, 753
6, 037
19, 584
26, 618
63, 430
106, 7-28
111, 256
93, 749
59, 269
102, 045
64, 370
80, 015
56, 1(2
64, 576
25, 048
126, 156
139, 193
95, 520
124, 014
131, 908
84, 649
71, 794
110, 682
111, 781
48, 162
52, 754
21, 179
34, 528
45, 866
37, 775
39, 837
64, 580
17, 8-21
69, 225
85, 862
123, 128
27, 388
25, 764
59, 279
82, 646
73, 392
88, 915
109, 554
30, 000
118, 159
29, 626
11, 460
91, 876
97, 319
91, 973
134, 615
131, 1903
45, 758
52, 213
106, 733
96, 979
114, 483
140, 437
135, 165
145, 535
80, 0914
40, 859
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cultivator.................................... G. Smith.....................
Cultivator......................................0G. H. Smit.................
Cultivator...................................... H. B. Smith.................
Cultivator.................................... H. B. Smith.................
Cultivator......................................1. It. Smith..................
Cultivator........................................J. A. Smith.................Cultivator......................---.............J. ID. Smith---...............
Cultivator......................._ N. E. Smith..................
Cultivator......................................--N. S. Smith --------....--
C ultivator...................................... P. E. Smith..................
Cultivator........................................ P. W. Smith.........
Cultivator...--.................................W. Smith..................Cultivator...................................... W. ID. Smith...............--
Cultivator..................................... W. E. Smith................
Cultivator....................................... W. H. Smith................
Cultivator.................................F. L. Smithson...............
Cultivator...................................... W. Smook................_.
Cultivator...................................... S. Snider....................
Cultivator......................................J. Snyder..................
Cultivator.............................E. M. Sorley.................
Cultivator........_............................ J. W. Spangler..............
Cultivator.....................................---J. W. Spangler..............
Cultivator......................................A. T. Sparks..............
Cultivator.._....................................S.T. Spanuing............
Cultivator...................................... J.A. Spear, jr....._...
Cultivator......................................A.B. Spies..................
Cultivator.....................................P. Sprague...........
Cultiv ater....... -......................._.......It. H.Springstead.. _....
Cultiv ator....................................... A.B. Spriugasteen.._...._.
Culiv~ator...................._..............._..DS. Stafford..............
Cultivator....................................... S. Stafford...............
Cultiva'tor...._..................................D. S. Stafford.................
Cultiv ator.......................................F. Stamm...............
Cultiva'tor...................................... J. K Staman.........
Ctcao.....................................A.F. and T. M. Stansbury....
Cultivator........................................A. Stark.....................
Cultivator....................................... S 'r....................
Cultivator....................................... W.H. Start zman............
Cultivator......................................C. C. Stearns.................
Cultivator......................................---C. E. Steller._..._.._......
Cultivator....................................L. Stevens............_.....Cultivator....................................T. S. Stevens...............
Cultivator...................................... U. T. Stewart................
Cultivator......_................................W1. L. Stewart..............
Cultivator....................................... G. Stiber.....................
Cultivator....................................... A. F. Stillwell...............
Cultivator..................................... 0. B. St. John............._
Cultivator....................................... G. B. St. John...............
Cultivator...................................0. B. St. John...............
Cu iltivator...................................... W. W. St. John..............
Cultivator...................................... A. ID. Stocking...............
Cultivator...................................... G. W. Stockton..............
Cultivator....................................J. C. Stoddard...............
Cultivator.................................... J. C. Stoddard.......
Cultivator...................................... M. Stoll...................
Cultivator......................................- M. Stoll.....................
Cultivator.................................._ 0. Stone....................Cultivator........................................ A. F. Stoner................Cultivator...................................... C. E. Storrs, W. E. Keyes, and
ID. W. Jones.
Cultivator...................................... I. Stout.....................
Cultivator...................................... I. and S. Stout...............
Cultivator..................................... A. J. Stover.................
Cultivator......................................ID. C. Stover.................
Cultivator...................................... ID. C. Stover.................
Cultivator.....................................ID. C. Stover................
Cultivator...................................... J. G. Stowe..................
Cultivator...................................._ J. G. Stowo..................
Cultivator.....................................- W. Strieby..................
Cultivator...........................J. C. Stroud................
Cultivator......................................W. ID. Stroud................
Cultivator....................................... J. Stryker..................
Cultivator...................................... E. E. Stubbsa.................
Cultivator...................................... J. Summers. -...............
Cultivator......................................B. J. Svenson................
Cultivator......................................J. Swart....................
Cultivator......................................M. Sweet..................
C ullivator............................J. W. Swickard..__....___.
Cultivator....................................... C. W. Taliaferro.............
Cultivator......................................J. E. Tate...................
Cultivator.......................................A. C. Taylor.................
Cultivator....................................... C. F. Taylor.................
Cultivator.................................- - J. W. Taylor................
Cultivator.......................................XV. Taylor.-................
Cultivator...................................... W. A. Taylor and W. WV.
Cultivator......................................IH. M. Teasdale._..........
Cuvto r........................... Taerad..M.llln
Baltimore, Md..... _.....
IDes Moines, Iowa...
Eureka, Ill.............--
Eureka., ill..............
Elgin, Ill................
Lacon, Ill...............Peoria., Ill..............--
Springdale, Iowa.._.._.
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Scotland Neck, N. C.-_--
Abingdon, Ill...........
Boonville. 10(............
Homerville, Ga..........
Oquawka, Ill.............
Mecklenburgh CountyVa.
Nine Eagles, Iowa._...
Taylorsville, Ky. _...
Rock Lick, W. Va.._.
Neenah, Wis............---
Jackson Township, Pa.-_
York, Pa...............--
Wynnet, Ill.............
North Cohocton, N. Y.
Manchester, Pa....
Sterling, Ill.............
Pecatonica, Ill..........
Constantine, IMich.--_Schodack Landing, N. Y..
Decatur, ill.............
IDecatur, Ill.............
IDecatur, Ill.......
Lancaster, Pa.... _......._
Mifflin, Ohio............lewiston, Ill............
Toea as-----Ro al Oak, Mich. -----.
Big Lick, Va.............
Homer, Ill..............
Chicago. Ill.............--
IDover, Ky..............
Pepperell, Mass....
Fayette County, Tenn._
Rushville, Ind.....--.....
Cogan Station, Pa.__.._"I
Fayette, Iowa.... __.......
Kalamazoo, Mich....
Brooklyn, Mich......
Kalamazoo, Mich.._._.
Saint Louis, Mo._.._...
IDowagiac, Mich.._..
Oquawka, Ill...........--
Worcester, Mass.....
Worcester, Mass..----.
Conestog.a Township, Pa..
Conestoga Township, Pa..
lonia, Mich.............--
West Unity, Ohio.----_
Grandville, Mich.---_
Tremont, Ill.............
Tremont, I111.............
Sandyville, Iowa..._._._
Lanark, Ill...............
Lanark, ill..............
Lanark, ill..............
Bloomington, Ill..._..
Bloomington, Ill.....
Wagont-own, Pa....
Lockhart, Tex... _.. _....
Oshikosh, Wis..... _......
Six-Mile Run, N. J...
West Ell: on, Ohio.
Raleigh, Va............
Manor Station, Tex...
Hoffman's Ferry, N. Y._. -
Galva, Ill................
Keithsburgh, Ill.--____
Columbia, Ten....
North Fairfield, Ohio _. _
Vassalborough, Me...
Ashland, Va.._.......
Mansfield, Mass......
Fort Adams, Miss..
IDansville, N. V.....__
Terre Haute, nd....
Mar. 27, 1860
Sept. 13,18710
Sept. 1, 1t63
June 5, 1866
Apr. 24, 1860
Oct. 26, 1869
Apr. 211, 1864
Aug. 25, 1863
Aug. 31, 1858
Dec. 20, 18 70
Sept. 10, 1t67
July 27, 1869
Nov. 26, 1872
July 23, 1867
Jan. 15, 1t86l
Apr. 3, 1855
June 29, 1869
Nov. 7, 1871
Feb. 11, 1868
July 10, 1866
July 18, 1871
Mar. 26, 1872
IDec. 15, 1863
IDec. 21, 1869
Apr. 9, 1861
IDec. 1, 18168
May 4, 1869
Oct. 20, 1863
May 21, 1872
Jan. 15, 1861
Jan. 6, 1863
Sept. 17, 1867
Mar. 19, 1861
Jan. 10, 1860
Mar. 12, 1 867
Sept. 18, 1866
[July' 10, 1866
Oct. 27, 1868
Aug. 4, 1863
IDec. 10, 1867
Nov. 27, 1860
Oct. 19, 1858
June 18, 1867
IDec. 21,1868
June 4, 1872
Sept. 4,186(1
July 25, 1865
IDec. 8, 1868
Apr. 5, 1870
Nov. 21, 1885
May 29, 1866
May 14, 1867
Mar. 29, 1859
June 21, 1839
Mar. 28, 1871
Aug. 13, 1872
May 26, 1868
Nov. 10, 1868
IDec. 24, 1867
Apr. 16, 1861
IDec. 1, 1883
Feb. 27, 1866
July 10, 1866
Mar. 9, 1869
Nov. 1, 1870
June 11, 1872
Nov. 12, 1872
Mar. 12, 1861
Sept. 29, 1868
Mar. 21, 1871
Apr. 17, 1855
Aug. 13, 1867
Nov. 24, 1857
Aug. 20, 1872
Feb. 23, 18164
Sept. 10, 1867
Feb. 18, 1873
Nov. 11, 1862
Apr. 23, 1867
Nov. 7, 1871
Feb. 25, 18168
Feb. 12, 1861
Feb. 11, 1873
27, 654
107, 416
39, 760
55, 381
28. 016
96, 279
42. 514
39, 686
21, 377
110, 302
68, 662
93, 017
133, 387
67, 078
31, 132
12, 653
91, 981
120, 789
74, 4141
56, 286
117, 215
125, 093
40, 959
98, 202
32, 010
84, 588
89, 801
40, 367
126, 991
31, 133
37, 309
68, 910
31, 753
26, 796
62, 898
58, 147
56, 288
83, 564
39, 428
7'2, 107
30, 771
21, 857
65, 961
85, 488
127, 658
57, 792
49, 008
84, 776
101, 536
51, 096
55, 175
64, 721
2:3, 407
24, 50
113, 109
130, 393
78, 24:3
84, 016
72, 560
32, 092
40, 776
52, 905
56, 289
87, 724
108, 945
127, 935
31, 683
82, 562
112, 862
12, 744
67, 817
18, 714
130, 765
41, 728
68, 8:03
136, 108
311, 922
64, 165
120, 794
74, 775
31, 416
135, 736
9, 6:17
Ottawa, Ill............... I July 23, 1872
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Cultivator................................... J. J. Thompson.._..........Columbus, Ohio....
Cultivator.................................... W. L. Thompson............. Rockville, Ind...........
Cultivator.................................... J. J. Thompson and V. F. Ricliwood, Ohio-.___._.
Cultivator.................................... P. XV. Thomson.............. Truro, Ill..............
Cultivator.--- --------...............T. Thorley................. Sonihfield, Mich...
Cultivator................................------J. A. Throop and J. Cox...Three Rivers, Mich..
Cultivator.................................... J. B. Tibluets...............Portland, Mich..........
Cultiv ator.................................... E. S. Tichenor..............--Jacksonville, N. YV.Cultivator............1 Tcjn.......................H.ites--------Lyons, Iowa_-........
Cultivator....._............................. H. Tilden......--.......avenport, yos Iowa--.__Cultivator................................. B. TiuLibami..............Camern.I......._-_..
Cultiv ator.................................... J. B. Tipton...............--.Peoria, Ill......._....
Cultiv ator..................................L. K. Tiplou..................Easton, Mo.............
Cultivator..................................... J. C. Tohias and W. N. Bates. El Paso, Ill...___... _.....
Cultiv ator.................................... G. W. Tolhurst........... Liverpool, Ohio.....
Cultiv ator...................................F. W. Tolley................ Coxsackie, N.YV....
Cultivator......................._....__F. W. Tolley................ Coxsackie, N.YV....
Cultivator.................................... S. A. Tombs--....._........Ashley, Mo............
Cultiv ator.................................... J. H. Tomlinson............. Mount Carroll, Ill..
Cultiv ator............................... A.Tmkn............A.T pkn--------..Paris, Ill........---....
Cultivator................................... Z. Toms and L. W. McMullan.. Hertford, N. C......-.
Cultivator.................................... J. P. Testevin.................HRacine, Wis...........
Cultivator.....................__........P. H. Totten................ Adams, Ill............
Cultivator.......--........................__A. C. Tower...............Mendota, Ill............
Cultivator................................... J. Townsend................. Head of Sassafras, Md--
Cultivator.................................. F. Trigalet................. Astoria, N. YV..........
Cultivator.................................. A. G. 'Tucker............... Richview, Ill...........
Cultivator.................................. W. Tucker._.._..._........Blackstone, Mass.---
Cultivator................................... J. B. Turner................ Jacksonville, Ill......
Cultivator................................... J. B. Turner................ Jacksonville, Ill......
Cultivator.................................. 1. Turner..._...._......... Marysville, Ohio...
Cultivator................................... L. G. Tuttle...............N-- orth Haven, Conn.
Cultivator...................... _........ _... S. D. Tuttle and J. H. Gans... Eaton, Ohio _.__........
Cultivatr __................................__J. W. Tyson................ Lower Providence, Pa....
Cultivato r.................................. J. W. Tyson....._.__.... Lower Providence, Pa....
Cultivator....________.-._....................C. A. Uhl................... Millershurgh, Ohio.Cultivator...................................... F. J. Uniderwood.............. Reck Island. 1111....
Cultivator.........................._........P. C. Van Brocklin............ Buffalo, N. V..........._
Cultiviator................................... G. W. Van lBrunt............ Horicon, Wis...........
Cultivator.................................. E. W. Vangundy.............--Galeshurgh, Ill._-_
Cultivator.................................. J. Van Horn................ Plainfieldi, Ill.........--
Cultiv ator......................... _.... __..H. P. Van Horn............. Jackiontown, Ohio.._.
Cultiv ator.................................R. P. Van Hrne............ Gratiot, Ohio...........
Cultiv ator................................... H Van Meter............... Macomb, Ill............
Culivator.................................. F. Veal..................Hallettsville, Tex....
Cultivator................................X.F. ehe....W.FVer....... _...... _Bowling Green, Ohio.
Cultivator...................... _............. W. H. Vick.. __........... _. Holly Springs, Miss.._
Cultivator....................J. Vowles.............New Hudson, Mich _..
Cultivator................................... J. Vowles................... New Hudson, Mich..
Cultivator................................... J. Vowles.................. Milford, Mich...........
Cultivator.................................J. Waddell--_........_. Liberty, Ind.__.........
Cultivator................................... H. Wadsworth.............. Duxhury, Mass....
Cultivator................................... C. L. Waffle._............Sharon Centre, Ohio..
Cultivator..__._................................ G. XWaggoner.............. New Kingston, Pa...
Cultivator..........___.._..............T. Waite................... Plymouth, Ohio.....
Cultivator................................... L. Walker................. Victoria, Tex...........
Cultivator.................................. L. B. Walker....._...._. Chicago, Ill...........
Cultivator................................... W. T. Walker._.....Fontenoy Mills, Ga..
Cultivator._...............................___E. Walker and J. J. Piatt. La Porte, nd.......
Cultivator........_............................ E. Walker and J. J. Piatt_. La Porte, nd.........
Cultivator..................................... E. Walker and A. M. Weed.. La Porte, Ind.-----
Cultivator................................... W. Walton................. _East Palestine, Ohio..
Cultivator... _...................B. F. Ward................... Indian Springs, Ga. _.
Cultiv ator...................................... C. Warner.................Monroe, Ohio...........
Cultiv ator................................... J. Warner....................HReading, Pa............
Cultivator............. are..................A. WarretCon................Wsprt on
Cultivator..................................G. W. Warren............... Macotmb, Ill............
Cultivator................................I----L. B. Waterman........... Chicago, Ill...........
Cultivator................................I----L. B. Waterman........... Chicago, Ill...........
Cultivator...................................L. B. Waterman............ Chicago, Ill...........
Cultivator................................____W. M. Watkins............. Talcott, Va...........
Cuiltivator.................................. C. H. Watson................ Washingtou, D. C...
Cultivator................................... C. H. Watson.._.......Washington, P. C-._
Cultivator...................................W. T. Watson............. Nottingham, Md ___...
Cultivator...........................__...._H. J. Wattles...............HRockford, Ill..........
Cultivator.... _......................... _..... H. J. Wattles........ _.......HRcckford, Ill..........
Cultivator...................................TI. J. Wattle.... __.........HRockford, Ill.... _.....
Cultivator.................................. S. Way....................La Porte, Ind.......
Cultivator................................. T. U. Webb...............__Springfield, Ill....
Cultivator.......--................N. G. Webber..............--East Springfield, Pa.
Cultivator...................................HU. H. Webster -....._.......Claremont, N. H....
Cultivator.................................. W. S. Weir, p._........... Monmouth, Ill....
Cultivator...............................----- W. S. Weli r.............. Monmouthi, Ill....
July 4,18 71
Sept. 24,1l8 12
_Oct. 13, 1868
Feb. 9, 1864
Sept. 15, i868
Jan. 27, 1863
Aug. 9, 1870
Aug. 12, 186i2
Sept. 3, 1867
_Aug. 6, 1872
Dcc. 11, 1860
Feb. 16, 1869
Aug. 13, 1872
Jan. 26, 1869
Jan. 4, 1859
July 9, 1872
Dec. 31, 1872
May 10, 1864
Nov. 7, 1871
Aug. 29, 1871
-Apr. 30, 1872.Aug. 18, 1863.Oct. 27,868.Jan. 14, 1873
Dec. 5, 1865
Oct.. 22, 1872
July 5, 1864
Oct. 12, 1818
Mar. 12, 1861
Dec. 3, 1861
Dec. 14, 1858
Feb. 19, 1867
Oct. 8, 1867
Aug. 14, 1866
Feb. 26, 1867
June 24, 1862
Dec. 29,1868
Mar. 24, 1863
Jan.26, 1869
Feb. -2,1864
July 22, 1862
Mar. 27 185..May 29, 1x60
May 18, 1869
June 21118109
Apr. 2,1861
May 14, 1872
Feb. 14, 1860
May 21, 1861
Nov. 10, 1868
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 3, 1869
July 26, 1870
Jan. 14, 1873
Nov. 17, 1868
May 23, 1871
Sept. 12, 1865
May 13i, 1873
Aug. 31, 1869
Oat. 26,1869
Oct. 29, 1867
June 2, 1868
Jan. 4, 1870
Mar. 26, 1872
Mar. 13, 1849
Aug. 9, 1859
July 10, 1866
May 13, 18612
Nov. 25, 1862
June 21, 1864
Nov. 28, 1871
July 2, 1872
July 2, 187~2
Dec. 1i, 1866
Apr. 6, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Dec. 7, 1869
Nov. 24, 1868
May t29, 1866
May i0, 1870
Aug. 29, 1865
May 28, 1861
M.1,1 866
11(1, 776
131, 720
83, 111
41, 550
82, 180
37, 532
106, 235
36, 180
68, 469
130, 337
30, 897
87, 080
130, 454
86, 329
22, 520
128, 827
134, 446
42, 737
118, 562
126, 165
39, 597
83, 569
134, 824
51, 365
132, 504
43, 441
21, 787
31, 682
33, 860
22, 316
62, 302
69, 7 25
57, 222
62, 511
35, 718
85, 412
37, 988
86, 261
41, 454
12, 609
28, 523
90, 208
24, 507:31, 917
126, 658
27, 174
32, 391
84, 029
119, 206
93, 374
105, 745
134, 949
84, 238
115, 138
49, 938
138, 964
94, 456
70, 381
78, 626
98, 650
124, 92
6, 167
25, 066
56, 295
35, 282
37, 019
43, 268
121, 439
128, 685
128, 686
60, 449
88, 758
93, 651
97, 573
84, 449
55, 185
102, 983
49, 667
32, 442
11 97, 1
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Contiuuod.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Cultivator-------------------------------------F____. P. Wheeler----------------..Nebraska City, Nebr..
Cultivator--------------------------------------N. Whitehall------------------ Rob Roy, Ind----------..
Cultivator. --------------------------J. Whiteside and H. F. Crabill Fuller's Corners, mnd--_
Cultivator...................................--- S. M. Whiting---------------- Galesburgh, Ill..---
Cultivator.....................................---J. MI. Whiting. _.............Bolton, Mass.......
Cultivator...................................... E. Wiard._....._........Louisville, Ky...........
Cultivator...................................... J. Widman-................ Panola, Ill.............--
Cultivator....................................... T. Wiles and J. M. Ginnis _. Muscatine, Iowa....
Cultiator...................................J. Wilhelm._-__.-_-._-- Muscatine, Iowa--__
Cultiator_............_...............L. H. Wilkinsoun......... Michigan City, nd.
Cultiator....................................--- E. Wilcox.................... Delhi, Iowa..........
C ultiator......................................---C. Willard..._.._........Newtown, Pa...........
Cultivator......................................---A. Williams...._._.........Berea, Ohio.............
Cultivator_....................................._J. Al. Williams..__........Greenville, Ga....
Cul ixator......................................--W. Wilimot.................. Wilmningtoii, Del....
Cultivator...................................---.0.. Wilson..............._Mount Olive, N. C...
Cultivator.......................... J. Wilson._..............Somerford, Ohio...
Cultivator....................................---- J.A. Wilson................_-Hambuigh, Iowa....
Cultivator....................................--- W. C. Wilson.__...._.......Brunswick, Ill.........._
(Cultivator.._..............._.__._._W. I. Wilson.................. Franklin, Ind...........
C'ultiv ator...................................... B. W. Wingo................- Chillicothe, Mo.----
Cultivator..________ ___________A.Wtes..........................AQ.Wtes.... Red Banks, Miss...
Cultivator.....................................---B. Witter.._.........Shrerrills Mount,, Iowa..
Culivator..........--------------- F. Wolf....................- Brooklyn, N.Y......
Cultivator_....................................-_ J. Wood....................Wedowee, Ala...........
Cultivator....................................... J. F. Wood...................Houma., La.............C ahiator........................................ J. A. and S. S. Woodward and Sandwich, Ill. _.......
T. Ma son.
Cultiv ator...................................... J. A. anid S. S. Woodward aind Sandwich, Ill............
T. Mason.
Cultivator...................................... R. Wottring.................. Prospect, Ohio...........
Cultivator....................................... G. W. N. Yost................. Port Gibson, Miss....
Cultivator...........................G. W. N. Yost................. Yellow Springs, Ohio._
Cultivator.................................G. W. N. Yost.........._...Yellow Springs, Ohio..
Cultivator...................................... A. Young..__..._.........Milistadt, Ill............
Cultivator.....................................--B. F. Young.................Toulon, Ill........---..
Cultivator.._................................._. B.1F. Young.................. Toulon, Ill..............
Cultivator..................................... I'. F. Young................... Tonlon, Ill..............
Cultivalur....................................J. Young..................... Juliet, Ill................
Cultivator...................................- S. L. Young..................--Scottville, Ill..__.......
Crltivator...................................... W. B. Young.................. Chicago, Ill..........
Cultivator_......................................_L. G. Youngs.................. Wilmiingtori, 111......
Cultivator..................... V. P. Zane...._............Woolwichi, N.J......
Cultivaitor....................................... G. W. Zeigler._..............Tiffin, Ohio.............
Cultiva'tor..................................... G. W. Zeigler................Maumee City, Ohio...
Cridtivator...................................... J. P. Zeller.................... South Bend, nd....
Curltivaitor.m..........-_.__.J. Zimmiermnan_.............Oswego, Il............
Cultiivator and chopper. --. -_....................... - -- Z. Doolittle and A. M. Crowder Houston Factory, Ga.
Cultiv ator aiid corni-mill, Combined.. _... _.......- C. L. Wilcox................. __ __ _Wayne Township, Ohio.
Cultixvator and corn-stalk cutter, Combined._... S. T. Miller...................Emrpire Prairie, Mo.-_Cultiv ator arid ditcher, Combined.................N. Hawkes................... Appleton, Me...........
Cultivator and grain-drill, Conibined.............J. Gire........................ Tiptoin, Ill.............--
Cultiv ator anud grain-drill, Combined adjustable T. Lnmsdon................... Waterford, Ohio....
Cultivator and gang-plow._.... _...................I. B. Mahon.. _...._..........Dunikirk, Ohio.._..__
Cultivator arid gang-plow, Wheel................XW. Hammond-_-......._-........Marshall, Mich.._.
Cultivator and harrow............................S. Conrad._............Petaluma, Cal -_..._._
Cultivator and harrow............................ T. Russel..................--Indianapolis, Id...
Cultivator and harrow...................__. T:Short.....................--Fairmouint, 111.-----
Cultivator arid harrow, Combined................II. Benedict. _...... -........Detroit, Mich..._.......__
Cultivator and harrow, Conibiaed.................F-- - -. Emmert. _. -.....-...- Franklin Grove, Ill..
Cultivator and harrow, Combined. -. -.........J. Maxton _...........Saybrook, Ill.. __.......
Cultivator and harrow, Combined...__-....... _... D. and 0. B. Rey nolds._..North Bridgewater, Mass
Cultivator and harrow, Combined................. - - -C. Rich and 0. L. Noisier._..Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Cultivator and harrow, Combined rotary.-_........ -H. T. Taplin. __...........South New Market, N. H.
Cultivator and harrow teeth. _.....................R. West and H. F. Paul_..Concord, N. H.-_.-_-._.
Cultivator and hoe, Combined....................H. P. Eckler.__.............Cat skill,' N. Y...........
Cultivator- and horseshoe...............--......J. W. Blake................. Jefferson, Wis....
Cultivator and manurc-drag, Combined... __..........P.R. Stauffer................._ __ _Lehrighiton, Pa.--.-__.--
Cultivator and other teeth, Fr-ltion-block for at- W. Workman and J. Hitchcock Ripen, Wis............ --- --
Cultivator and planter...........................FE. MI. Wright..._....._..._..Wilmington. Ohio-...
Cultivator and planter, Combined................. __ __ _B. Aryan... _..... _..........Fitchville, Ohio..___._..
Cultivator arid planter conibined...._ -........P. Burress....................Braidwoodl, Ill. -__.........
Cultivator and planter, Combined........ _....... S. B. Conover................New York, N. Y.___..
Cultivator arid planter combined -.. -_--__.. - C. L. Lee...... _...........Fitchville, Ohio -._-----
Cultivatoiarid planter coumbined.................F. Spangier..._...........ork, Pa.-_......._
Cultivator and plow..............................XW. H. Damroii, R. H. Massey, Macomb, Ill... __.._.__
and L. F. Whitman.
Cultivator and plow...........................S.F. Seely..................... Sylvania, Ohio....
Cultivator and pIow.............................. S.F. Scely..................... Whiteford, Mich....
Curliva-trandnplow----------------------------.T. L.R.Wri lit. - - _.._._Tn-nv.N. Y............--
-Apr. 10, 1866. Oct. 27, 1857
- Nov. 22, 1859. Jan. 15, 1867
-Mar. 1, 1859
-Mar. 4, 1873
-Jan. 7, 1868
Jan. 3, 1865
Feb. 9, 1864
-Jan. 1, 1869
Dec. 15, 1863
-Feb. 5, 1867.June 21, 1864. June 26, 1860. Nov. 30, 1818
-Mar. 6, 1860
-July 23, 1867
-Dec. 28, 1869
-Nov. 7, 1871
-May 24, 1859
-Nov. 25, 1873
Ilec. 1, 1857
-Feb. 11, 1873
Aug. 14, 1860
Apr. 18, 1872
-Sept. 25, 1860
-Sept. 15, 1868
June 29, 1869
-Apr. 5, 1870
-Mar. 20, 1855
-Aug. 28, 18160
-Sept. 4, 1860
Nov. 6, 1866
-May 8, 1866
-Feb. 16i, 1869
-Nov. 15, 18710
June 7, 1859
-Feb. 25, 1873
-Sept. 10,18 S67
July 11, 1865..Mar. 27, 1855
-Mar. 13, 1861
Feb. 9, 1869
July 13, 1869
-July 29, 1856. I Feb. 18, 1868
-July 12, 1870
-Jan. 2, 1872
Oct. 16. 1866
-Sept. 13, 1870
Sept. 6, 1870
-Mar. 24, 1868
May 29, 1866
Apr. 7, laGS
Aug. 9, 1870
-Feb. 7, 1865
July 27, 1869
Aug. 17, 18169
Feb. 14, 1871
3 Jan. 24, 1865
Jan. 21, 1868
-Sept. 28, 1869
-Oct. 8, 1867
June 2,71868
Nov. 28, 1871
Jan. 19, 1869
Dec. 13, 18 70
Aug. 1,1865
Apr. 20, 1869
_- a. 1 t."-7i
53, 911
18, 530
26, 216
61, 294
23, 135
136, 574
7:3, 217
45, 782
41, 56-2
90, 905
40, 973
61, 906
43, 249
c8, 9-29
2-2, 215
27, 402
67, 093
99, 326
120, 692
24, 171
145, 038
18 785
135, 872
29, 644
125, 87-2
30, 173
82, 191
91, 894
101, 695
12, 571
29, 849
29, 931
59, 499
54, 637
87, 019
109, 363
21, 348
136, 297
68, 679
48, 7 58
1-2, 611
53, 212
86, 794
92, 686
15, 453
74, 519
105, 285
12--, 479
58, 819
107, 359
107, 186
75, 94t
55, 093
76, 578
506, 118
46, 274
93, 04-2
93, 692
111, 857
46. 0-25
7:3, 547
95, 334
69, i31
78, 442
121, 228
86, 110
110, 103
49, 204
110, 736
63, 476
79, 2:16
122, 861
73, 081
67, 595
133, 614
81, 054
61, 980
109, 55--8
Apr. 2, 1867
_.Jue 23, 1808.Jan. 16,187-2
_. Jan. 7, 1868
Au.6, 1867
Dec. 15, 18(1
Cultivator and plowvcombined.................... L. R. Wright.................. Troy, N. Y....... -- --.....-Aug. 11,;186
Cultivator anai plow, Comibined.................... I. Young.....................BIyhmalia, Miss.............-Feb. 12, 1867
Cultivator and plowv, Cotton...............J. R. Thomas................-- Midio, Pa........Nov. 2-2, 1870
Cultivator andi plow shovel fastener............... - - -J. Pierponitanod S. S. Tuttle-. La Harpe, Ill............. -- --c Oct. 18, 1870
Cultivator and plow, Wheeled....................-S. Fisher....................._Hightstown, N.J.---_Oct. 5, 18619
Ceultivator and potato-digger..................... -- -- -- -C. P. Goss....................- _- -- _Saint Johnsbury, V t --. May 27, 1862
Cultivator arndlpotato-digger.- -..............J. G. Lacy.............- - --..Eureka, Wis.............. -- -- -Mar. 26, 1872
Cultivator and potato digger, Combined-..........MI. and 1. WV. Chandler-. -_-East Corinth, Me.-----.-.July 4, 1865
Cultivator and potato-digger, Combined -.-.......MI. Darling dadi.1H. Gray-----. Marathon, N. Y....._-- -...Apr. 28, 1868
Cultivator anai potato-digger, Comnbined........... - _J. D C. Oatwater. -........... _Newark, N. J- -- -.- -- -- ----Nov. 26, 1867
Cultivator and potato-plow, Corn..........- -_ -_.....J. Kurtz...............- --- --....Clinton Township, IPn. July 16, 1867
Curltivator- and roller, Combined..................-- -- -- -L. G. and F. F. Reed.-_-- - -- --Stark County, Ill - - -- -- ----June 21, 1870
Cultivator and seed-planter......................- -- -- -- _D. B. Morgan ---....-..._....Washington, Ohio -.----- Feb. 9, 1869
Cultivator and seed-planter.........................II. Spriugsteed--------------XWooster-, Ohio-----------Feb. 12,1845
Cultivator mnd seend-planter, Combined.... --....._ D. E. IHolt------------------- Wilkinson County, Miss _'.~Nov. 2, 111-6
Cultivator-anailseeder.-........-.............L. Bishop........ -. Talladega, Ala............ IMar. 24,l1681
Cultivator and seeder---------------------------. _.. IC.Lobdel-------------------.For-i Hill, Ill_-.- -- - ------Dec. 1, 1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Cultivator and seeder............................ C. E. Miller...---.----..-.. Amelia, Ohio.........
Cultivator and seeder......................... T. L. Ray........-...._. Flora, Ill-...........
Cultivator and seeder, Combined---------------.................. -M. Baer...-------..-----------.. Logansport, Ind......
Cultivator and seeder, Combined.................. A. Dodge ---.---.. --.--..--Georgetown, D. C.....
Cultivator and seeder, Combined.................. J. Lewis...................... Washington, D. C......
Cultivator and seeder, Combined.-................. A. S. Markham---....-.. --Bushnell, Ill.............
Cultivator and seeder, Combined.................. C. Norwood----...--------. Bloomington, Ill.......
Cultivator and seeder, Combined............ - -R. J. Robe, on and W. Nash - -._ Oskaloosa, Iowa..
Cultivator and seeder, Combined.....-......... S C. Schofield.......-.--....... Chicago, Ill........
Cultivator and seeding-machine................... C. Denton------------------Pekin, Ill............
Cultivator and seeding-machine, Combined-....... C. Churchill---- ---...... --. New Hartford, Iowa....
Cultivator and seeding-machine, Combined-........ A. P. Durant...--------------- Atlanta, Ill......
Cultivator and shovel-plow...-----------------. T. F. Hamilton....------------- Geneseo, Ill.............
Cultivator and shovel-plow........................ G. W. Parsons and W. S. Fin- Harrisburgh, Pa.......
Cultivator and stalk-cutter..........-.....--..... G. Johnson--------------................. Carthage, Ill......
Cultivator and stalk-cutter, Combined----------............. E. F. Dehart--------------.................. Swan Creek, Ill. -----
Cultivator and sulky-plow..................-.... J. H. Barringer---------............... Hillsborough, Ill.........
Cultivator and weeder-----------------------..........................-S. M. Marshall and J. W. Co- Dracut, Mass............
Cultivator and weeder, Hand...................... W. G. Comstock----..------. East Hartford, Conn.....
Cultivator and weeder, Root-----------------...................... C. Jarvis...------------------ Ellsworth, Me...........
Cultivator and weeding-machine.................. M. Johnson-..---------------. Three Rivers, Mich......
Cultivator-bar elevator...........................J. S. and I. Rowell -------- Beaver Dam, Wis........
Cultivator-blades, Mode of attaching-----.........----.... -J. L. Fountain--------- - -.. New Milford, Ill.......
Cultivator, Bog-cutting---- -- ------.. ------- E. L. Freeman----..-------.. Ann Arbor, Mich...
Cultivator, Comb ned corn and cotton -.---......... W. C. Gaines------------..............--.. Salem, Va................
Cultivator Combined double-shovel and two-horse. S. G. Rayl---...-------------- Agency City, Iowa.......
Cultivator Combined harrow and shovel.......... A. B. Baum-..---------------. Grantville, Pa......
Cultivator Corn................................... W. R. Adams------... -------. Independence, Mo....
Cultivator Corn------..........----------------.........------............-J. B. Baker.--------------- Onondaga, N. Y.........
Cultivator Corn-----------------........----------......................... S. Bell and G. W. Bronson.... La Salle County, Ill.....
Cultivator Corn---------------------------................................... N. G. Blauser....-------------- Etna, Ohio...............
Cultivator Corn.................................. ---------- P. F. Brittain --...--. Geneseo, Ill.......
Cultivator Corn- --------......... --......................... G. D. Brown --------------- Lebanon, Ill..............
Cultivator Corn - --------------------------. A. Campbell-..-----.----. Oxford, Ind..............
Cultivator, Corn.................................. A. Canfield --------------. Lyons City, Iowa........
Cultivator, Corn...........--...........-........... J. Chapman-----...--------.. -Linn County, Iowa....
Cultivator, Corn....... --........................ J. Clements-..---------------. Blooming Grove, Ind.....
Cultivator, Corn......-------..........----................... W. Emmons and D. A. Wells.. Sandwich, Ill............
Cultivator Corn...........----........................ I. Emrick-----.... ----.--- Vernon, Mich............
Cultivator Corn-----..........-----------------------....................-J. C. Erwood...... --------------Vernon, Ind.............
Cultivator Corn- --.............. C. Flory....------------------ East Donegal, Pa........
Cultivator Corn---- -------------------------. W. Gilman....---------------- Ottawa, Ill..............
Cultivator, Corn----------------------------................................... A. J. Grush...--------------- Springfield, Ill............
Cultivator Corn------------ --..... -----------J. Harper.-----------------Salem, Iowa..............
Cultivator Corn.---------------------------. J.C. Holmes ---------- ----- Wyoming, Pa............
Cultivator Corn.................................. N. S. Johnson--..---------- Maquoketa, Iowa........
Cultivator, Corn.........--...................... A. Kinyon...---------------- Amboy, Ill..............
Cultivator, Corn..............-- --------------.. A. Martin..----------------- Oquawka, Ill.............
Cultivator Corn---------.............-------------------..................L. B. Moore..---------------- Janesville, Wis.........
Cultivator Corn ----...--............................. D. J. Noble -- -------------- New Boston, Ill..........
Cultivator Corn--------......-.--- - -............------....--........--- W. H. Parlin...-------------.. Canton, Ill...............
Cultivator Corn.......-----............................ H. S. Potter.....---------------- Fairfield, Iowa...........
Cultivator Corn................................. E. F. Rate....----------------- Cedar County, Iowa-......
Cultivator, Corn........................... -..... W. N. RthinehartandH. Felker Miami City, Ohio.........
Cultivator, Corn................................ R. B. Robbins..... -...-- Adrian, Mich...........
CultivatorCorn.................................. S.B. Shank.-----.------.. Manor Township, Pa......
Cultivator, Corn.......................... J. B. Smith................ Norfolk, Va..............
Cultivator, Corn.................................. G. Sprague.--.---.--...... Spring Hill, Kans........
Cultivator Corn..---------------------------.. L. 0O. Stevens............. Pekin, Ill...............
Cultivator Corn.................................. S. Stukey... ----.. Sugar Grove, Ohio.......
Cultivator, Corn- --............................ C. V. Taliaferro............ Keithsburgh, Ill.....
Cultivator Corn................................. D. W. Travis--.-.-.... Enfield, N...........
Cultivator, Cornncn............................... Travis.... EfieldN.Y............nOl.
Cultivator Corn.................................. D....... Wilde............. Washington, Iowa........Cultivator Corn................................. M. Wilson ---................... Marquette, Wis -..........
Cultivator Corn and cotton............. G. T. Bennett............... Mount Olive, N. C........
Cultivator, Corn and cotton..................J. W. Milroy........-----.... -----Galveston, Ind............
Cultivator, Corn and cotton......-............ R. F. Patton............ Quincy, Ohio...........
Cultivator Corn and cottonJ........................ J.H. Robinson.... -------------Selma, Ala.........
Cultivator Cotton.....---------....................... J. Adams..--.-...-.. Clarksville, Tex......
Cultivator, Cotton................................ R.N. Adams---- ----- Greenfield, Ohio...........
Cultivator Cotton.......-....................... S. XV. Akin..... ----------------Maury County, Ten......
Cultivator Cotton------------------.......................-------........ W. J. Andrews..... -------------Columbia, Teun...........
Cultivator Cotton............................. W. Baker......... Memphis, Tenn.....
Cultivator, Cotton................................ F.L. Bates.--..-------------- Bremond, Tex......
Cultivator, Cotton................................ G. W. Beard...-- ---- Canton, Miss..........
Cultivator Cotton..........--..................... N. Bell and H. Winfield...... Pantego Township, N. C..
Cultivator Cotton---..------------------- -J. C. Bethea................... Blakely, Ga...............
Cultivator, Cotton................................ V.. Blair............ Lebanon, Ten............
Culivator, Cotton......-...--........................ I. W. Burch................... Fayette, Miss...........
Cult ivator, Cotton..- -M. B. Camp.................. Riley Centre, Kans.......
Cultivator Cotton....................... C. Cannaday...---- -.. Indianapolis, Ind..Cultivator Cotton................................ C. Casey -----------------Goldsborough, N. C.......
Cultivator Cotton..........................C.W. Chambers and I.Washam Talladega, Ala............
Cultivator Cotton...... T.Dale........................ Russellville, Ky......
Cultivator Cotton................................. S. C. Darden............... Connersville, Miss.....
Cultivator Cotton-. T. H. Dodge................ Washington, D. C..
Cultivator Cotton-. - R.I. Daaughon............. Claiborne, Ala.........
Cultivator Cotton................................ E. Enete. --................... Catahoula Parish, La......
Cultivator Cotton................................ D. P. Forney............. Jacksonville, Ala........
Cultivator Cotton ---------------------. A. M. and B. H. Foster...... Hallettsville, Tex.........
Cultivator Cotton --. L. M. Ganong............. Friar's Point, Miss.....
Culti..to. Cotton---------..... J. Gatling................. Indianapolis, Ind......
Cultivator Cotton........... C. Gibbon.................. Hicksford, Va........
Cultivator Cotton.-............................... N. A. H. Goddin-............ W ilson, N. C..............
Cultivator Cotton................................ E. H. and E. B. Goelet........ Goldsborough, N. C.......
1 f
Jan. 19, 1864
Oct. 11,1864
July 25,1871
Apr. 17, 1866
Nov. 2-2, 1870
Oct. 29, 1867
May 30, 1865
Nov. 1, 1870
Oct. 26, 1869
Mar. 27, 1866
Dec. 31, 1867
May 20, 1862
Aug. 22, 1871
May 16, 1871
July 20, 1869
Jan. 5, 1869
Jan. 8, 1867
Oct. 3, 1838
June 1,1869
Jan. 10, 1865
May 23,1871
June 2, 1868
May 8, 1866
June 21, 1853
June 27, 1871
Nov. 16, 1869
July 26, 1870
Mar. 24, 1868
Mar. 31, 1857
May 4, 1869
Aug. 19, 1873
Aug. 20,1867
May 30, 1871
June 2,1868
Aug. 27, 1867
Sept. 12, 1865
Sept. 27, 1870
Aug. 10, 1869
Feb. 4,1873
Mar. 1, 1870
Oct. 22, 1867
Sept. 13, 1870
Nov. 16, 1869
Mar. 28, 1865
Dee. 14, 1869
Feb. 4, 1868
Dec. 20, 1864
Aug. 6, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
Sept. 18, 1866
Sept. 10, 1867
Aug. 28, 1866
Oct. 13, 1868
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 23, 1869
Jan. 19, 1869
Apr. 15, 1839
Apr. 30, 1867
Oct. 9, 1866
Feb. 6, 1866
July 3, 1866
Dec. 22, 1868
Oct. 26, 1869
Dec. 20, 1864
Sept. 10, 1867
Apr. 24, 1860
Feb. 4, 1868
July 13, 1869
Sept. 21, 1869
Aug. 13, 1867
Apr. 2,1867
Mar. 20, 1849
Mar. 22, 1870
July 16, 1872
May 6, 1873
Aug. 9,1859
Jan. 7, 1873
Feb. 5,1867
June 19, 1866
Dec. 14, 1869
Jan. 9, 1872
Jan. 4, 1859
Mar. 27, 1860
June 25, 1867
Sept. 19, 1871
June 1, 1869
July 17, 1860
Nov. 9, 1869
Sept. 7, 1869
Oct. 20, 1857
Dec. 18, 1866
July 12, 1870
July 3, 1850
July 30, 1867
Dee. 4, 1860
Dec. 24, 1867
41, 314
44, 658
117, 361
53, 960
109, 432
70, 345
47, 975
108, 8?3
96, 271
53, 525
72, 799
35, 306
118, 362
114, 964
92, 834
85, 570
61, 039
90, 639
45, 831
115, 213
78, 484
54, 522
9, 796
116, 425
96, 938
105, 770
75, 718
16, 906
89, 729
141, 988
67, 949
115, 427
78, 424
68, 165
49, 856
107, 760
93, 605
135, 414
10), 277
69, 981
107, 357
96, 801
47, 016
73, 979
45, 503
67, 441
57, 752
58, 125
68, 648
57, 563
83, 093
61, 760
87, 296
85, 968
1, 121
64, 376
58, 693
52, 462
56, 122
85, 189
45, 549
68, 678
27, 962
73, 988
92, 641L
95, 142
67, 700
63, 451
6, 204
129, 081
138, 555
24, 983
134, 632
61, 705
55, 607
97, 870
122, 515
22, 487
27, 616
66, 1"28
119, 015
90, 734
29, 147
96, 552
94, 481
18, 442
60, 625
105, 326
28, 978
67, 289
30, 810
72. 4t9
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cultiva~tor, Cotton..-----------------------------
Cultivator, Cotton.............................Cultivator, Cotton..............................
Cultivat orCotton.............................
Cultivator, Cotton. -.....................-......
Cultivator, Cotton.............................-----------
Cuttiva'tor, Cotton..............................
Cultiv ator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton.............................
Cnltivator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton...............................
Cultivator, Cotton.......................... _...
Cultivator, Cotton.............................---
Cultivaor, Cotton..............................
Cnltivator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton..............................
Culttivator, Cotton.............................
C ur n itor, Cotton.. _....................._......
Co tivator, Cotton......................__.......
taltivator, Cotton..................... _-.......Cultivastor, Cotton...._..........................
Cultivator, Cotton.--.-.....-.----.........
Cultiva'tor, Cotton..............................
Cltivator, Cotton..............................
Cultnvator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton.............................
Cultinvator, Cotton.............................
Cultivator, Cotton.............................
Cultnvator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton...._............._..........._
Culivastor, Cotton.............................._
Cultivator, Cotton...............................
Cultivator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton.......................... _.....
Cultivator, Cotton.. _...._......................
Cutivator, Cotton..............................
Cultivator, Cotton and eano.--......-.....-_Cultivator, Cotton and corn..........
Cultivator- coupling................_......... _...
Inventor. Residence. Date.
A. J. Going..................--Clinton, La..............Apr. 6, 1860
W. W. Golsan............... Autaugaville, Ala._... Sept. 4, 180
N. Gotten...........__.. _....Union Depot., Ten..Jau. 1, 18(67
J. A. Hall.................... Columbus, Ohio...._. Oct..30, 1866
J. M. Hall....................Warrenton, Ga.......... Apr. 21, 1057
J. M. Hall................... Warronton, Ga.......... _Jan. 18, 1059
J. A. Hartsfield............. Kinston, N. C........... July 17, 1860
F. E. Heiway and J. J. Walls.. Hazlehurst, Miss.......... _Juno 25, 18 72
L. Heuderson... _............ Mauson, N. C............ May 19, 18-;8
H. 1B. Henderson............. Warreu County, N. C.. -Mar. 20, 1867
J. Hinman and D. S. French... Watertown, Mass., and July 10, 1860
Marietta, Ga.
W. F. Johnson...............Wetumpka, Ala.........T une 5, 1860
M. B. Lamar................. Atlanta. Ga.._........ Aug. 22, 1075
P. Y. Leatherman._. _....Woodville, Miss.........._Oct. 1H, 1870
W. McCracken.............. Bainbridge, Ind.... __.......Mar. 5, 1867
J. L. Middlebrooks............ Salem, Ga..._....Aug. 7, 1860
F. H. Nelson.................Gainesville, Ala.......... Sept. 2, 1873
T. Newcomb and G. W. Byrd.. Smith's Fork, Ten....Jan. 3, 1860
11. H. Puruello............... Beulah, Miss............. Oct. 3, 1871
G. W. Rico................. Demopolis, Ala --._.. -. Apr. 16, 1861
M. Rigell and W. D. Ivey.._.Dawson. and Milford, Ga.. July 17, 1860
W. J. Rivers.................Sumter District, S. C... June 28, 1850
A. A. Roberts and B. Davis. La Grange, Ga............ May 26, 1857
N. Rogers.. _..... _. _.........Thomas County, Gs,.....Nov. 27, 180
W. A. Rogers............ Somumerville, Ala......... Apr. 1, 1842
J. C. Sellers...................Woodville, Miss.......... Sept. 25, 1860
N. F. Sandelin...............Molt Haven, N. Y...Mar. 28, 1872
J. Shaw.................... Richland, Ga.. _... _.......Jan. 13, 1857
A. Smith.............. _..... Ashville, Ala............ July 6, 1858
M. Snow..................... Auburn, Miss..._._ Mar. 27, 1860
J. Speer.................... Hazleburat, Miss....July 31, 1860
H. G. Street.................. Liberty, Miss............ Nov. 27, 186)
H. A. Viek..................Byhalia, Ms..........Oct. 20, 1857
J. H. Wallace and B. A. Mc. Murfreesborongh, Ten._.. Apr. 9, 1807
G. W.N. Yost...............Yellow Springs, Ohio..July 17, 1860
C. Zoeher................... Augusta, Ga............ June 10, 1873
T. E. Shannon...... Woodville, Miss.......... July 21, 1857
M. Reed...................... Little Rook, Ark........ Oct. 18, 1870
J. Pierpont...........La Harpe, I....... _.... Oct. 8, 18671
88, 027
20, 877.59,215
17, 091
22, 647
128, 393
78, 088
63, 246
29, 127
28, 183
118, 371
108, 159
02, 660
29, 507
142, 501
26, 699
119, 044
32, 082
24, 580
17, 391
30, 763
2, 526
30, 163
125, 087
1'i, 401
20, 823
27, 659
29, 413
30, 773
18, 478
63, 767
29, 211
139, 7.50
17, 849
09, 697
Cultivator-coupling............................. S.. Whitney..._............(Galesburghll11......._. Nov. 13, 1800 59, 098
Cultivator, Device for steering................... S. Lapham...... -_..........Salem, Ohio............. Nov. 1, 1853 10, 197
Cultivamtor, Double-shovel........................ S. B. Forbes................ Now Cumberland, W. Va May 5, 1808 77, 474
Cultivator draft-hook.... _.. _...............A. Adams................... Sandwich, Ill............. Juno 10, 1873 139, 752
Cultivator drag-bar..............................C. Alvord................... Ceurtland, Wis.......... Oct. 20, 1868 83, 235
Cultivator, Equalizing...........................M. Eichlioltz -............ Troy,, Ohio -.............. Apr. 6, 1869 88, 557
Cultivator, Field and garden.....................FE. L. Dorsey. -.. -............Union, Ind -.---_.......Juno 5, 1866 55, 256
Cultiv atom, Finishing......................... B. Johnston.................. New Iberia, La -...........Apr. 5, 1870 101, 468
Cultivator her dirting-cotton....................J. S. Smith................. Helena, Ark.......... __Jan. 26, 1869 8(3, 185
Cultivator-0.nanes, Attaching teeth to.............G. W. Zeigler............... Tiffin, Ohio.............. Oct. 2, 1866 58, 533
Cultivator-frames to wagon axletrees, Attach. D. Fuller..................... Fullersbnrgb, Ill.... _.. Nov. 8, 1870 108, 906
ment of.
Cultiator, Gang............................... C. Belden...................Middlebury, Ohio. -_.. Jan. 2, 1866 51, 790
Cultiator, Garden........................_...J. H. Chapman.............. Newton, Iowa.......... Mar. 30, 1869 88, 275
Cultivator, Garden............................... J. M. Culver......_........... Gilbertsvilhe, Iowa.... May 4, 1869 89, 634
Cultitor, Garden.. _.......................... J. A. Hall.................. Colnubus, Ohio... _......Oct. 16, 1806 58, 814
Cultivator, Garden..............................C. F. ituggles.... __...........Henderson, Ky.......... May 30, 187 1 115, 526
Cultivator, Garden............................... G. W. Smith................ Monnt Olivet, Kcy..-_.-_.May 21, 1867 64, 917
Cultia tor, Garden............................. I. B. Smith................ Norfolk, Va............. Apr. 10, 1839 1, 117
Cultivatem, Garden.._._....... _......... __.................................... W. Spratti. -.....__..... Allegheny City, Pa...Felb. 9, 1809 86, 079
Cultivator, Garden or hand................... M. D. Cone and A. N. Douglass Port. Gibson, N. Y.. Feb. 26, 1867 62, 317
Cultivator, Garden plow................... _..... C. A. Harris.................Austin, Ark.............. Oct. 15, 1867 69, 803
Culivator guard-attachment. _................... J. Ammstrong,,jr.............._Ehmira, Ill.............. Apr. 13, 1869 88, 940
Cultivator guard-attachmnt.....................HT. B. McConaughey......... Newark, Del..._.......... Sept. 4, 1866 57, 747
Culiva tor, Hand................................ L. L. Beach.................. Mount Upton, N.Y... Dec. 28, 1869 98, 337
CultiatorH an d................. Bluna. _................. Champaign, Ill.........Apr. 16, 1867 63, 840
Cultivatomr and................................ D. Boggs and H. Robs..._Cymthiana, Ky.......... Sept. /'6, 1871 119, 261
Cultivatem, Hand.............................. _N. B. Chase amnd C. W. Saun- Wilkinsonville, Mass. Mar. 6, 1855 12, 478
Cultivator, Hand.. _.. _........................... E. Clairk.................... Rushvillo, Ind.... _........ Oct. 19, 1869 95, 986
Cultmivator, Hamnd..... _.......................... P. 5. Clinger................ Conestoga Centre, Pa.Apm. 3, 1800 27, 694
CultivatorlHand............................ S. A. Conammt.. _...... _....... Contralia, Ill... _. _........Iec. 2, 1873 145, 153
Cultiatem, Hand..........................__.....L. J. Dawdy................. Hamburgh, Iowva.-_.._ Feb. 25, 1873 136, 2211
Cultivator, Hand.............................. _L. Duval.................... Big Spring, Kcy.......... Feb. 8, 1870 99, 543
Cultmvatom, Hand.._..............................H. B. Fitts and W. Thackama Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 18, 1063 39, 560
Cultivator, Hand.................................J. H. Gill................... Mount Pleasant, Ohio-. July 2 7, 1869 93, 080
Cultivator, Hand..... _......... _...... _.......W. C. Goodwin..............Hamden, Conni. -.........Dec. 1.0, 1867 72, 018
CultmvatorIHand............................... J. D. and A. M. Halsted._Rye, N.Y................. May 20, 1862 35, 313
Cultivator, Hand..__............................ E..Hawley.. _..._... _.........Middletown, Comm...Dec. 5, 1848 5, 956
Cultmvator, Hand. __.............................. W. G. Jomnes.. _........... Marshall, Tex.......Fe.27, 1872 124, 140
Cultivates, Hand............................. D. C. Jordoma..--_--.... _........Centre Port, N. Y__........May 22, 180 28, 3746
Cultivates, Hanmd............................... F. G. Maithews.............. Newton, Mass........... June 8, 1869 91,144
Cultivates, Hand................................J. Nauigle. _. _... _.... _........Mooresville, Ind.......... Mar. 21, 1865 46, 926
Cultivastem, Hamnd............................... J. A. Hobimnson.. _............Poplin, N. I............ Feb. 20, 1853 11, 428
Cultivattem Hand................................1. W. Hess.................. Northield, Mass......... Nov. 25, 1873 144, 927
Cultsiter, Hand................................ G. W. Itue..................Hamiltons, Ohio.......... Mas. 25, 1873 137, 098
Cultivamtos, Hamad.................................J. Scheibleins and J. Heitznman Philadelphia, Pa......... Dee. 15, 1068 84, 910
Cultivator, Hand... _............................61. Smitis.................. Omaha City, Nebr..___Jan. 16, 1806 52, 083
Cultivaiter, Hand... _............................ B. Taylor... _............._ Forestville, Munn........ Aug. 11, 1868 81, 034
Cultiv atom, Hand garden.......................P. Byrmas...._..-........Mindoro, Wis.._.........July 13, 1869 92, 581
Cultmvator, Hansd-hoe...........................WA. Goodwim........Marbleahead, Mass..._Mar. 19, 1872 124, Si0
Culimvater, Harrow....................._..... F. Mislawita............. _. Brooklyn, N. Y.... _....... Dec. 7, 1809 97, 080
Cultiatem, Harmow................ _.............Ostroms............... Grand Rapids, Mich..Sept. 24, 1867 69, 239
Ctimtliviatosrlice................................. J. H. Fester. _... _............ Charlottesville, Va _... Aug. 17, 10169 93, 869
Cultivator, Horse-hoe........_............... A. Webb..... __..... _.........Bangor, Me.._....._ Aug. 8, 186.5 49, 354
Cultiaiter-Joint.._................................ A. Dmyden. _............. Monmouth, Ill........... June 22, 1069 91, 727
Cultiv atom joint mand couplimig...................... A. it. Edwairds........Moline, Ill. Nov. 10, 1860 83,1)44
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Office franm 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Cultivator, marker, and cover, Combined_-._---. H. J. Coylo................
Cultivator, Mleadow-------------------------____F. P. Devenport__...._....
Cultivator, Two-winged shifting-tooth............ W. Beach..................
Cult ivator or hoe-harrow........----..-.........N. J. Shull.................
Cultivator or hoe-harrow.------.------------ --- N. J. Shull................
Cultivator or hoe-harrow, &c., Teeth for--------- _W. Beach................ _.
Cultivator-plow--------------------------..... C. C. Baum.................
Clixatur-plow----------------------------....G. G. Black...............
Cultivator-plow----................V oi----------------------..Bls........
Cultivator-plow----------------------------._._.. Creoshaw--------------
Cultiv ator-plow----------------------------....D. Cnlver.................
Cu..i..ato.plow-------------------------J. Doak...............
Cultiv ator-plow--------------------------.....- J. H. Finley...... ".........
Cultiv ator-plow--------------------------........ 0. Gibson...............
Cultivator-plow ----------------------------J. S. Gilmore...............
Cultivator-plow ------------------------------ W. Gowen.................
Cultiv atoi-plow----------------------_____--_--G. W. Hatfield........_...
Cultivator, Plow----------------------------....L. Homrighonso............
CultivatoiPlow----------------------------F..... S. Huff................Cultivator-plow----------------------------....M. J. Hunt................
Cultivator-plow.----------------"---.---------AW. J. HLeis--------------
Cutvtrpo.................A.Lws---------Cultivator-plow ------------------------------ W. Looker.................
Cultivator-plow------------------------------ N. McKay.................
Cultivator-plow--------------------------K. McKinnon------------...
Cultivator-plow----------------------------....J. Meyer..................
Cultivator-plow-------------------J. G. Miner...............
Cultivator-plow----------------------------V..... H. Miner and S. Heavenridge.
Cultivator-plow----------------------------....W. D. Nichols.............
Cultivator-plow----------------------------..__J. Sinner..................
Cultivator-plow-------------... --------------- W.. Startzmau...........
Cutivator- plow----------------------------____W. XW. Stiliman.--.-.....
Cultivator-plow----------------------------....L. Strickland------------.. _
Cultivator-plow.---.-----------------------..L. S. Tewell.-------------...
Cultivator-plow---------------------------.... M. Toile...................
Cultivatoi-p1(ow----------------------------....L. M. Whitman............
Cultivatot plow--------------------------.........S-A. Wirny...............
iultivator-plow----------------------------....W. F. Wycheo.............
Cultivatoi-plow--------------------------..... W. E. Wycheo..............
tulivto powaxle, Wheeled------------------G. WV. C. Gillespie..........
Cutivator-1p10w, Double----------------------...P. Coonrod................
Cutvao pofender-----------------------X...V. E. Moore..............Cultivator-plow, harrow, and roller, Combined..--S. C. Thornton..............
Cultivator-point--------------------------.......R. Creswellj i-......._......
Cultivator, Potato and corn- -- -- - --- - - --- -.- ---J. M. Davidson............
(;ul rvator-take....................... J. V. Vau W yck...........
Cultivator, Reversible---------------------..._ S. G. 'lufts--------------.._
Cultivator, Revolving-----------------------....W. A Estes................
Cultivator, Revolving-----------------------.......A. J. Stephens.............
Cultivatoi, Revolving------------------------- G. Whitlock.._.........
Cultivantoi, Rice -----------------------------. G. WV. Cooper.........
Cultivator, Rice -----------------------------. G. W. Cooper.._...........
iultivator, Rotary-_----------_-_-------------__E. T. Bussell...............
Cultiator, Rotary------... ------------------- -G. Collins..................
Cultivator, Rotary................ C. Comstock...............
Cultivator, B~otary--------------------------....M. Decolle..................
CliaoRotary--------------------------....B. F. Field.................
Cultivator, Rotary--------------------------....G. B. Field....._.......
Cultivator Rotary................. J.C. Fitzgeraid............
Cultiva-toi, Rotary--------------------------....H. M. Johnson.............
Cultivator, Rotary.....................- - - - G. F. Lynch................
Cultiv ator, Roary------------------------..... S. Mahurin................
Cultivator, Rotary--------------------------H..... McKinley...............
Cultiv ator, Rotary.............................. -J. W. Milroy...............
Cultivator, Rotaty.............. -------...C. N. Ponndstono...........
Cultivator, Rotaiy--------------------------.....P. F. Royse................
Cultivator, Rotary--------------------------....P. Shaw...................
Cultivator, Rotary--------------------------..._J. D. Starritt...............
Cultiva-tor, Rotary--------------------------..__A. Thompson.__........
CuivatorRotaiv------------"----.------ ------ J. Young-----------
Cultivator, Rotaiy root-digging............------.S. Snow and A. Hine.--..-._.
Cultivator, Rotating-------------T eln.......................T hln--._---._.
Cultivator, Rotating-tooth--------------------...J. IDensmore...............
Cultiv ator,craper, and chopper, Cotton.- -.- -----J. H. W. Young......... ___.
Cultivator, Soet-planting.- -- -- - - - - - - -----G. Phillips.................
Cultiva-tor, seeder, anud stalk-cutter, Combined. - - -.! J. and W. Whait...........
Cultivator, Seeding-------------------------....IA. P. Durant...............
Cultivator, Seeding-------------------------....J.. Ewell.................
CitiixatorSeeding.-----------------------.....V.. A. Galt.................
Cultiv ator, Seeding---------- -----................. Goodman and S. Rote..
Culli- tom S Lcedmg-----------------H Htchlinso........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Carthage, Ill...........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Bensalem, Pa... __......Bensalem Towaship,Bucks
Connty, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa. _...
Oxford, Iowa. - -...-_..- -
Crossinville, Ohio. _.
Saint Mary's Parish, La. - -
Spriiigfleld, Vex.
Kingston, Pa...........
Keitbsburgh, Ill._...
Char-leston, S. C. _.__..
Millersburgb, Ill.....
Bart lett, Tenn.._......._
Holton, Ind.-._ _......
Baltimore, Md...........
Zanesville, Ohio. __...
Cincinnati, Ohio..
Townsend, Ohio....
Pittshurgh, Pa-.....
Graham, Mo...........
Columbia, Mo...........
Pleasant Hill, Ala..__
Linden Halt, Pa..___...
Greenfield, nd..........
Chicago, Ill............
Moudota, Ill.............
Big Lick, Va. __........
Mounit Hawley, Ill...
Talleyrand, Iowa-._..
Elbinsville, Pa..........
Newport, Ky.............
Weedsport, N.V......
Greenfieold, hid..........
Brookville, N. C. ___..
Brookville, N. C..
Burlington, Iowa......
Keithsburgli, Ill.....
Crawfordsville, Ind.--
Macomb, Vex._.........
Chambersburgh, Pa.-_.
Pulaski, Pa.._.........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y-V.--
Mainv ille, Ohio... _..._..
South China, Mo..-.-.__
El Dorado, Wis.----.__
Crown Point, N. YV-__..
Ogeechee, Ga............
Ogeechee, Ga..........
Shelbyville, lad -.. _-_...- _..
Fremont, Nebi-..........
Milwaukee, Wis-._ -.
INewburgh, Ohio-._..
Sheboygan Falls, Wis..-_.
Saint Louis, Mo.__.__
Willet, N. V...........
Carlisle, Pa...........---
Milwaukee, Wis...
Clayton, Ill -- --_. _..
Hyde Pat-k, N. Y...Haywood, Cal............
Livonia, Ill............
New Albatiy, hnd..._.
Abington, Mass....
Chicago, Ill............
Ottumwa, Iowa....
Joliet, Ill.............___
Fayetteville anod La Fayette, N. Y.
Logan, Nob..__.........._
Holloy, N.J............
Henderson, Vex. -.
Philadelphia, Pa......
Indlependetnce, Iowa.... _..
Atlanta, Ill............
Baltimore, Md....__.......
Stetling, Ill----------....
Lancaster, Pa.........--
Three Rivers, Mich.._..
Guilfoid Township, Pa. - _.
Date. No.
Aug. 15, 1871 117, 989
Feb. 28,1871 112,130
Oct. 25, 183-2...
Nov. 26, 1t36..
Nov. 26, 1836 88
Nov. 8, 1825...
Dec. 26, 1865 51, 682
July 14, 1857 17, 777
Sept. 27, 1870 107, 754
Mar. 23, 1856 14, 533
May 23, 1871 115, 033
Nov. 29, 1861434, 231
May 2, 18?65 47, 534
Oct. 23, 1866 59, 603
Jan. 23, 186 12, 159
Feb. 21, 1871 111,9-25
Feb. 5, 1867 61, 828
May 3, 18 70 10-2, 543
Junie 29, 1869 91, 847
Sept 30, 1t4-2 2, 792
Juno 21, 1853 9,17'8
June 8, 1869 91, 031
Mar. 9, 1869 87, 690
Aug. 17, 1869 93, 730
Dec. 2, 1873 145, 22
Nov. 11, 1862 36,1109
June 28, 1870 104, 754
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 322
Sept. 11, 1866 57, 952
Jan. 31, 18761 111, 391
Sept. 3, 1867 68, 393
Aug. 7, 1866 57, 007
Jan. 23,1866 52, 222
May 9, 1871 114, 726
June 16, 1857 17, 594
Oct. 11, 1853 10, 123
Jan. 1, 18687 60, 982
Jan. 8, 1856 14, 075
Fob. 26, 1856 14, 333
Sept. 9, 1851 8, 348
Dec. 24, 1867 7-2, 456
May 25, 1869 911, 376
Nov. 3, 1868 83, 675
Sept. 5, 1848 5, 75
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 914
Nov. 8, 1870 109,082
Juno 15, 18'19 91, 497
Sept. 7, 1869 94, 482
Mar. 9, 1869 87, 7-21
July 10, 1841 2, 163
June 18, 1867 65, 877
IAug. 4, 1868 80, 604
June 15, 1858 20, 603
Mar. 5, 1872 124, 332
Feb. 26, 1861 31, 531.
Juno 11, 1872 127, 746
July 19, 1859 24, 799
Mar. 14, 1854 10,6-24
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 164
June 27, 1854 11, 162
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 643
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 187
May 20,1873 139,013
Jan. 21, 1873 135, 00-2
Feb. 11,1873 135,664
Feb. 17, 1852 8.,747
Mar. 14, 1854 10, 6416
Nov. it, 1873 144, 419
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 319
Jutne 28, 1839 24, 597
Oct. 11, 1853 10, 113
Oct. 10t, 1869 95, 956
Dec. 3, 1867 71, 589
Dec. 27, 1870 110, 531
Nov. 15, 1853 10, 236
Feb. 20, 187-2 123, 959
July 16, 1861 3-2, 825
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 860
Dec. 11, 1860 30, 876
Jan. 15, 1861 31,118
May 21, 1867 64, 981
Dec. 16,.183:1-----
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cultivator, Sulky.........................
Cultivator, Sulky.........................
Cultivator, Sulky............................
Cultivator, Sulky...............................
Cultivator, Sulky.........................
Cultivator, Sulky.........................
Cultivator, Sulky.........................
Cultivator-teeth----... -.........................
Cul. ivator-teeth, Adjustable---------.. -----------..
Cultivator-teeth, Die for cutting and forming......
Cultivator-teeth, Hanging........................
Cultivator-teeth, Machine for forming....---------.
Cultivator-teeth, Machine for pointing blanks for..
Cultivator-teeth, Manufacture of....-------------
Cultivator-teeth, Mode of attaching........
Cultivator-teeth, Operating................
Cultivator-teeth, Plate for blanks of..........
Cultivator-teeth, Rolled steel plates for making....
Cultivator-teeth, Spring...........................
C ltivator-teeth to beams, Attaching.............
Cultivator, Vin-, &c.................
Cultivator, Walking..............................
Cultivator, Walking...............................
Cultivator, Walking..............................
Cultivator weed-cutter.............................
Cultivator, Wheel................................
Cultivator, Wheel...............................
Cultivator, Wheel.................................
Cultivator, Wheel..............................
Cultivator Wheel..............................
Cultivator Wheel -................................
Cultivator Wheel..................................
Cultivator, Wheel...............................
Cultivator Wheel....------------------------
Cultivator Wheel................................------------------------
Cultivator Wheel...............................
Cultivator Wheel...------------------------
Cultivator Wheel...............................
Cultivator Wheel...............................
Cultivator, Wheel-l..............................
Cultivator, Wheel.................................
Cultivator, Wheeled...............................
Cultivators, Insect-destroying attachment for....
Cultivators, Shovel-teeth for................
Culvert, Iron............................
Culvert, Irofn. - - - - -
See Breast-cup.
Dentisls' impression-cup.
Di inking-cup.
H. P. Jordan..................
R. B1. Robbins...............
R. B. Robbins................
J. Robinson.................
I. Welty................
N. Whitehall...............
N. Wilson....................
G. C. Aiken..................
G. C. Aiken..................
W. Beach.....................
S. Beckwith.................
J. Birdsell. -...............
M. Bucklin...................
N. Chappell................
J. P. Cramer._ -..............
G. Custer..................
L. Dayley....................
D. Dean.................
J. D. De Turk...............
H. Francisco.................
E. L. Freeman...............
E. L. Freeman...............
H. F. French................
W. P. and T. H. Ford-....-.
F. R. Forsythe...............
H. B. Hammon................
B. F. Hisert...................
J. S. Honey..............
W. H. Kelly..................
L. Lamborn.........
M. F. Lowth and T. J. Howe..
D. C. Matteson and T. P. Williamson.
G. Maynard.................
W. Morrison.............---
E. B. Pratt..................
W. B. Ready...............
DI). B. Rogers................
D. B. Rogers..................
L. Rogers...............
H. Sanders...--...........
C. H. Sayre..............-----
C. H. Sayre...----...........-----------
C. H. Sayre and G. Klinck....
J. Stockdale..........
G. F. Stroud...-...........J. Turner and T. P. Smith.....
B. Van Braeklin...............
W. M. Hurlburt..........
D. B. Rogers.............
J. Fowler and F. M. Bacon...
D. B. Rogers................
J. Pedder and G. Abel.........
J. Behel......................
J. C. Hoffeditz................
T. W. Hammon..............
W. H. Singer..............
W. WV. and D. D. Skinner......
H. Francisco...............
M. F. Lowth and O. H. Porter.
J. Mason...................
A. Friberg.........
E. P. Lynch and H. R. Raff....
J. Vanluvanee and H. Smith..
C. Rodger....................
D. S. Billings..............G. Bradley...........
W. F. and G. Coulter and J. A.
A. P. Durant and D. M. Buckley.
N. Earlywine...............
J. Eshleman.................
E. D. Hatch..................
J. F. Matchet and P. W. Smith.
W. M. Pitts-..................
J. H. Randolph,jr...........
S. Rockafellow................
F. P. Root...................
T. C. Selring..................
W. A. Sisson................
W. HI. Strong...........
J. A Viars..............
S. H. Dwight and W. B.
C. T. Hurd...................
T. Harding..............
C. McIntire..............
M. G. Freeman...............
M. G. Freeman...............
Victoria, Tex............
Adrian, Mich........
Adrian, Mich..........
Plainfield, Ill............
Olney, Ill...............
Newtown, Ind...........
Saint Louis, Mich........
Nashua, N. H..........
Nashua, N. H........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Oshkosh, Wis.........
Hamorton, Pa.......
Grafton, N. H...........
Lima, N. Y.............
Schuylerville, N. Y.......
Monroe, Mich..........
Minaville, N. C.......
Brighton, Mich........
Exeter, Pa......._
Lake Mills, Wis......
Brownville, N. Y......
Williamstown, N. Y....
Boston, Mass..........
Concord, N. H........
Cape Vincent, N. Y.......
B istolville, Ohio.......
Norton Hill, N. Y.......
Hartford, Ohio.........
Lysander, N. Y.........
Kennett's Square, Pa.....
Owatonna, Minn......
Stockton, Cal...........
Ilion, N. Y.............
Chadd's Ford, Pa......
Monroe, Wis..........
Sacramento, Cal.......
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Stafford, N. Y.........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Utica, N. Y..........--....
Utica, N. Y..............
Utica, N. Y..............
Utica, N. Y..............
Ypsilanti, Mich...........
Oshkosh, Wis...........
Sunapee, N. H........
Le Roy, N. Y...........
Winona, Minn...........
Stafford, N. Y...........
Watertown, Wis..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
West Pittsburgh, Pa......
Rockford, Ill..............
Mercersburgh, Pa.........
Montfort, Wis............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Des Moines, Iowa.........
White Water, Wis........
Wabasha, Minn...........
Union, N. J...............
Moline, Ill................
Davenport, Iowa..........
Moline, Ill...............
Montpelier, Vt............
Conneaut, Pa............
Rockford, Ill.............
Hardinsburgh, Ind........
Jan. 10, 1871
Mar. 8, 1871
Nov. 9, 1869
June 22, 1869
July 21, 1868
Aug. 29, 1871
June 29, 1869
Feb. 14, 1860
Apr. 24, 1860
Apr. 13,1826
Mar. 15, 1870
Nov. 9, 1844
Feb. 2, 1858
Dec. 3,1867
Jan. 6, 1857
Dec. 2, 1862
Aug. 22, 1871
June 30, 1868
Mar. 17, 1868
Mar. 7, 1865
Sept. 8, 1857
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 17, 1869
Feb. 15, 1859
Aug. 4, 1857
Apr. 10, 1860
Sept. 3, 1867
Apr. 17, 1849
Oct. 27, 1863
Mar. 26, 1850
Mar. 10, 1868
Apr. 9, 1867
June 28, 1859
Apr. 16, 1861
July 20,1869
July 28, 1868
May 8, 1860(
Nov. 1, 1845
Feb. 4, 1868
Nov. 29, 1859
Oct. 20, 1857
June 19, 1860
Feb. 12, 1856
Jan. 30, 1855
July 99, 1873
June 26, 1860
July 20, 1869
Jan. 26, 1869
Nov. 8, 1845
Mar. 28, 1865
Mar. 28, 1854
Mar. 7, 1871
June 3, 1873
Jan. 1, 1867
Dec. 27, 1864
Nov. 30, 1869
Sept. 26, 1871
Nov. 5, 1861
July 18, 1871
May 28, 1842
Feb. 7, 1871
Sept. 7, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
June 25, 1850
Feb. 1, 1848
Dec. 9, 1873
Mar. 16, 1869
110, 853
112, 496
96, 733
91, 566
80, 102
118, 567
92, 135
27, 092
27, 956.....
100, 713
3, 819
19, 234
71, 581
16, 364
37, 071
118, 208
79, 451
75, 669
46, 654
18, 174
89, 137
93, 695
22, 946
17, 925
27, 797
68, 440
6, 336
40, 414
7, 220
75, 436
63, 647
24, 568
32, 077
92, 880
80, 503
28, 198
4, 245
74, 004
26, 2t97
18, 471
28, 780
14, 254
12, 332
141, 400
28, 945
92, 910
86, 306
4, 265
47, 008
10, 706
112, 374
139, 535
60, 893
45, 671
97, 451
119, 419
33, 641
117, (92
2, 650
111, 627
94, 623
112, 990
7, 463
5, 429
145, 331
87, 824
46, 550
122, 373
106, 039
106, 579
143, 631
119, 404
138, 931
126, 092
9, 003
121, 670
68, 124
146, 030
119, 205
101, 240
145, 949
105, 570
36, 472
109, 886
114, 662
Atlanta, Ill--------------..............- Feb. 28, 1865
Centreville, Iowa.........
Canaan Centre, Ohio......
Oconomowoc, Wis.......
Paris, Mo.................
Holden, Mo...............
Bayou Goula, La..........
Moline, Ill................
Sweden, N. Y............
MilIford, Mich. - -..........
Sheffield, Ill.................
Seneca County, Oio......
Sherman, Tex.............
Decatur, Ill..............
Victoria, Tex.............
La Fayette, Ind...........
Easton, Pa.............
Wenona, Ill..............
Bloomington, Ill..........
Jan. 2,1872
Aug. 2, 1870
Aug. 23,1870
Oct. 14, 1873
Sept. 26, 1871
May 13, 1873
Feb. 23, 1872
June 8,1852
Dec. 5, 1871
Aug. 27, 1867
Dec. 30, 1873
Sept. 19, 1871
Mar. 29, 1870
Dec. 30, 1873
July 19, 1870
Sept. 16,1862
Dec. 6, 1870
May 9, 1871
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Grease.cup.
Surgical cup.
Tin cup.
Cup and bell.............................
Cup and saucer, Metallic Columbian..............
Cup for effervescing drinks.....-................
Cups, Device for holding lids to..................
Cupboard and extension-table combined...........
Cupboard and sink...............................
Cupboard and table.................................
Cupboard, Portable..............................
Cupboard, Revolving.............................
Cupola and blast furnace.........................
Cupola and blast furnace..........................
Cupola and blast furnace.........................
Cupola and other furnace.........................
Cupola and other furnace..........................
Cupola and other furnace.....................
Cupola and other melting and smelting furnace...
Cupola and other metallurgic furnaces........
Cupola, blast, and smelting furnace................
Cupola-furnace for melting iron.......-..-..
Cupola or blast furnace.....................
Cupping and breast glass.........----..............
Curd and gutter, Combined metallic street........
Curb, Excavating and well-boring..............
Curb for street, road, &c...........................
Curbing, Street....................................
Curing provisions.................................
Curl, Artificial....................................
Curling-pin, Hair...--------------..
Cuslin g-rod for paper cigar-lighters.......
Currency and stamp box.....
Currency note, Diagram for testing the value of
Cutren and paddle wheel.......................
Current and tide mill..............................
T. Leach...................
J. Love.................
A. Rottanzi.................
P. I. Schopp...................
B. F. Partridge................
A. Iske.......................
J. C. Mack...............
P. D. F. Goeney.............
I. Ottner...................
J. L. Prescott...............
W. Wright..................
J. R.Grout...............
D. W. Hendrickson..........
C. Truesdale.............
A. Cowan and R. H. Starr.....
P. W. McKenzie and C. W.
L. Quincke.................
J. Absterdam.................
O. Bolton, jr.................
H. Fayette..................
F. C. Adams................
R. Barckley..................
N. Burdick. -.....
A. G. Cook...................
J. Dougherty...........
J. Dougherty...............
J. il.Eddy.............
J. Howarth..................
J. and T. Insull...........
A. A. Lincoln...............
P. W. Mackenzie.............
P. W. Mackenzie............
J. B. Pearse..................
A. Pevy......................
C. Truesdale..................
C. Truesdale.................
H. Warral..................
I. D. Marshbank.............
A. G. Cook.................
L. Tillotson.............
W. S. Thomas.................
W. D. Hooper...............
M. Mattson..............
R. J. Dodd............
E. J. Leyburn..............
S. McLean..................
W. E. Worthen..............
W. C. Baker................
T. S. Smith...............
J. Cowperthwaite, sr........
O. Faurot and W. P. Harris...
J. Miller......................
D. Herr.................
F. J. Claxton and C. D. Stevens
M. M. Hooton................
J. Smith...................
D. C. Hall.....................
J. H. Maydole.................
B. G. Swain.................
P. Crary.....................
F. G. Abbey...................
J. Crosby.................
J. B. Lyons.................
J. H. Maydole..............
C. Wadsworth...............
C. W. Terpening.........
J. Macadam.................
W. Ralph.................
D. E. Somes.................
J. Graham..................
J. O. Bentley and J. Jackson..
H. Christian................
S. E. Condon................
H. D. Jennings.................
J. S. Morgan...-...........
L. Rosenstein and S. Feder....
J. H. Williams...............
J. Hall..................
L. L. Tower.............
L. Fox......................
Taunton, Mass...........
Baltimore, Md........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Louisville, Ky........
Syracuse, N. Y........
Lancaster, Pa.............
Bristol, Conn?..........
Albany, N. Y -....
New Britain, Conn........
North Berwick, Me.......
Bloomfield, N. J..........
Detroit, Mich..........
Red Bank, N. J........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
New Haven, Conn......
Jersey City, N. J., and
New York, N. Y.
Joliet, Ill................
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Portchester, N. Y -......
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Albany, N. Y............
Burlngton, Vt..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Taunton, Mass.........
Salem, Mass- - -
New Haven, Conn.......
Norton, Mass..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Blauveltville, N. Y........
Swatara Township, Pa....
Lowell, Mass...........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
New York...........
Harrisburgh, Pa...._...
Burlington, Vt..........
Thompson, Ohio..........
Norwich, N. Y..........
Liberty, Va..............
New York, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Lexington, Va.........
Reynale's Basin, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass...................................
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Lockhaven, Pa..........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Clinton County, Ill......
New Market, Ohio.......
Barnes' Corners, N. Y....
Eaton, N. Y............
Colden, N. Y...........
Lowville, N. Y..........
Sandisfield, Mass..........
Rome,N. Y..........
Milton, Conn............
Eaton, N.Y.............
East Livermore, Me.......
Genesco, ll..........
Little Falls, N. Y..... _
Utica, N. Y...........
Biddeford, Me...........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
New York, N. Y........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Ilion, N. Y..............
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Memphis. Tenn...........
Middletown, Conn.......
Watertown, Mass.......
South Pittsburgh, Pa.....
Cambridgeport, Mass.....
New York, N. Y..........
Aug. 2, 1870
June 14,1814
July 7,1868
Aug. 10, 1869
Feb. 4, 1873
Aug. 7, 1860
Sept. 22, 1868
Sept. 15, 1868
Nov. 5, 1872
Nov. 6, 1866
Dec. 14, 1869
July 31, 1866
Aug. 13, 1872
Aug. 25, 1868
July 9, 1867
May 29, 1866
Oct. 7, 1873
Feb. 9, 1869
Mar. 25, 1873
Oct. 29, 1867
May 12, 1868
Aug. 4, 1863
June 16, 1868
June 13, 1871
May 14, 1867
May 2, 1871
Aug. 4, 1868
Jan. 14, 1868
May 8,1866
Oct. 31, 1i65
Aug. 25, 1857
May 6, 1873
Apr. 22, 1873
Oct. 24,1865
May 1,1866
Dec. 11, 1866
Dec. 31, 1821
July 16, 1872
Feb. 20, 1866
Aug. 26, 1856
Mar. 16, 1852
Sept. 17, 1867
Aug. 13, 1867
Apr. 13, 1844
Sept. 10, 1867
Aug. 19, 1856
May 10,1859
Jan. 23, 1866
Oct. 13, 1863
Apr. 13, 1809
Apr. 14,1868
Sept. 3,1867
Apr. 16, 1872
Apr. 18,1871
July 12,1870
Jan. 1,1867
June 22, 1869
Dec. 1, 1863
Sept. 13, 1870
Jan. 21, 1868
Sept. 6, 1864
Mar. 8, 1864
Apr. 5, 1864
Oct. 18, 1864
Oct. 3,1865
Aug. 17, 1869
June 30, 1868
July 21, 1868
Nov. 13, 1868
Mar. 11, 1873
Oct. 11, 1870
Sept. 26,1865
Feb. 25, 1868
July 4,1865
Nov. 11, 1873
July 22,1873
July 16, 1872
Feb. 20, 187-2
Apr. 5,1870
July 7,1863
Aug. 1, 1865
106, 066
79, 689
93, 562
135, 440
29, 493
82, 426
82, 108
132, 771
59, 516
97, 980
56, 746
130, 370
81, 561
66, 465
55, 204
143, 463
86, 795
137, 125
70, 329
77, 795
39, 372
78, 924
115, 823
64, 645
114, 422
80, 537.73, 333
54, 552
50, 769
138, 510
138, 184
50, 623
54, 470
60, 440
129, 151
52, 684
15, 626
8, 809
68, 985
67, 663
3, 537
68, 630
15, 5C8
23, 973
52, 125
76, 614
68, 379
125, 814
113, 855
105, 333
60, 951
91, 622
40, 764
107, 423
73, 508
44, 058
41, 833
42, 209
44, 733
50, 290
93, 768
79, 365
80, 089
30, 658
136, 720
108, 234
50, 095
74, 800
48, 626
144, 471
141, 079
129, 445
123, 778
101, 561
39, 184
49, 699
16, 975
J. H. anchett...............Beloit, Wvis.............. Apr. 7, 1857
H. Allen......................Fayette County, Tenn.... Dec. 30,1820
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Current and tide wheel...........................
Current-changing apparatus.................
Current-reversers and circuit-breakers..........
Current-wheel and condensing-engine, Combined..
Current-wheel, Apparatus for....................
s for..... C Hydraulic.................
Currents, Means for creating artificial.........
Currier's arm or grain-board--------------......................--
Currier's beam and knife...................
Currier's beam, Constructing the fce of.....
Currier's bench, Clamp for holding leather to the..
Currier's knife...................................
Currier's knife..................................
Currier's knifo....................................
Currier's knife....................................
Currier's knife...........................
Currier's knife............................
Currier's knife...................................
Currier's knife..................................._
Currier's knife...................................
Currier's knife...................................
Currier's knife and double trimmer..............
Currier's knife for shaving leather................
Curriers' knives, Constructing and grinding......
Curriers' knives, Grinding..................
Curriers' knives, Machine for sharpening........
Curriers' scourer.........................
Curriers' slicker..........................
Curriers' slicker.........................
Curriers' slicker, Whitening....................
Curriers' tools...................................
Curriers' tools....................................
Curry-comb and brush............................
Curry-combs, Construction of.....................
Curry-combs, Cutting the bars and teeth of........
Curry-combs, Method of casting the backs upon
the teeth of.
C urry-combs, Mode of making.....................
Curry-combs, Riveting.....................
Currying and leather-dressing machine............
A. Madison..................
C. C. Hare..................
G. H. D. Gray................
J. Wallace...................
J. E. Smith..................
P. Chesley...................
J. Clarke......................
J. Dennison..................
C. Morehouse................
W. S. Smith..................
W. Tuder....................
C. W eeke....................
E. A. White.................
A. Spear...................
J. Secor........
W.P. Wing...............
E. Bantz................
A. Chase....................
J. D. Willoughby..........
I. Lindsey..................
J. Shimer.....................
T. C. Barr...................
G. Featherston...............
L. A. Gignac................
J. Glenn and J. Herd..._.....
I. H. Harrington..............
J. P. Hawks................
W. P. Moses.................
F. Palmer.....................
S. Parsons...................
D. Tomlinson............
L. Townsend.................
J. Batchelder...................
S. Brooks.....................
H. Cunningham.............
J. Bachelder................
J. Hankeyv...............
G. T. Collins.................
D. Peters and J. W. Pauly -..
D. Peters and W. D. Wilson.--
J. T. Barnstead...............
C. A. Gardner and J. A. Enos..
W. F. Arnold................
J. M. Baker..................
H. L. Baldwin...._.........
J. H. Ba ringer, jr...........
W. Beach................
C. B. Bristol..................
C. B. Bristol..................
J. Chaumont.................
E. L. Evans..................
E. L. Evans..................
J. Filson, jr................
F. N. Frost...................
N. C. Harris...................
N. C. Harris and A. Butler....
D. E. Hayward..............
A. Hotchkiss.........
A. A. and A. Hotchkiss........
J. E. Insley...................
L. P. Jenks..................
J. Jones.....................
W. P. Kellogg..-...........
W. P. Kellogg and M. Sweet.-..
J. W. Latcher................
W. E. Lawrence.............
W. E. Lawrence..............
H. Mithoff...................
S. A. Morton...............
B. F. Neal.....................
E. M. Noyes...................
R.D. Porter..................
A. H. Reid...................
B. W. Remington.............
J. W. Rockwell..............
J. W. Rockwell..............
C. W. Saladee.................
C. W. Saladee................
R. C. Shippey.................
M. Sweet....................
M. Sweet....................
M. Sweet....................
J. W. Trussell...............
J. E. Yager.................
S. J. Wheeler................
W. Wheeler..................
N. Whipple...................
T Wilkinson........
H. C. Smith..............
W. Wheeler........
W. Wheeler......
J. M. Gardner............
Detroit, Mich............
Kansas City, Mo..........
Southampton, Va.........
Hartford, Ky.............
New York, N. Y..........
Candia, N. H......................................
Hillsborough. N. H........
Wayland, N. Y...........
Cedar Rapids, Iowa......
Moffettown, Tex..........
Saint Charles, Mo......
Boston, Mass..............
Cape Elizabeth, Me.......
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Greenwich, Mass........
Baltimore, Md............
Weare, N. H.........
Carlisle, Pa..........
Charlestown, Mass.....
Bronson, Mich..............
Clark County, Ky........
Au Sable Forks, IN. Y.....
Troy, N. Y...............
Urbana, Ohio..............
Albany, Y. Y............
Troy, N. Y................
Exeter, N. H...........
Littleton, N. H..........
Parsonsfield, Mass.......
Brookfield, Conn.........
Farmington, Me..._.....
Lancaster, N. H........
New York...............
Albany, N. Y.............
Lancaster, N. H...........
North Cambridge, Mass...
North Eastham, Mass....
Keokuk, Iowa............
Keokuk, Iowa........
Peabody, Mass..........
Peabody, Mass..........
Winthrop, Conn..........
Marshfield, Ohio......
Branford, Conn...........
Hillsborough, Ill........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New Haven, Conn...-..
New Haven, Conn.....
Woodhaven, N. Y......
Providence, R. I.........
Providence, R. I.........
Racine, Ohio..............
New Britain, Conn.......
Poultney, Vt.............
Poultney, Vt..............
Malden, Mass.............
Sharon, Conn.............
Sharon, Conn..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..........
Bristol, Conn...........
Troy, N. Y...............
Lansingburgh and Troy,
Woodhaven, N. Y.........
Albany, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Columbus, Ohio.........
Wadesborough, N. C......
Poultney, Vt..........
Binghamton, N. Y........
Zanesville, Ohio..........
Brandywine Manor, Pa...
Providence, R. I...........
Ridgefield, Conn.........
Richfield, Conn...........
Putnam, Ohio...........
Putnam, Ohio............
UTnion, N. Y...............
Troy, N. Y...............
Troy, N. Y................
Troy, N. Y...............
Troy, N. Y...............
Barbouraville, Va..........
New Britain. Conn........
West Poultney, Vt........
Ledyard, Conn............
Cambridge, N. Y..........
Coxsackie, IN. Y...........
Troy, N. Y...............
West Poultney, Vt........
Troy, N. Y................
July 10, 1829
June 8, 1869
Sept. 25, 1822
Sept. 11, 18%9
July 16, 1872
Oct. 28, 1356
Dec. 31, 1793
July 20, 1869
May 16, 1871
Mar. 27, 1855
June 6,1871
July 29, 1873
Feb. 8, 1870
Mar. 15, 1870
Feb. 20, 1849
Sept. 22, 1837
June 17,1873
Apr.* 5, 1864
Aug. 17, 1852
Jan. 27, 1841
May 26, 1868
Jan. 28,1833
Jan. 6, 1863
Aug. 31, 1869
Dec. 16, 1833
June 26, 1828
Jan. 9, 1866
June 5, 1860
Feb. 17, 1826
Oct. 25, 1810
July 6, 1820
Jan. 16,1835
Nov. 3, 1825
Nov. 13,1826
Oct. 12, 1869
Nov. 9, 1824
Feb. 6, 1866
June 6, 1871
Feb. 12, 1867
Apr. 19, 1864
Feb. 21,1871
Apr. 8, 1873
Oct. 23, 1866
Sept. 21, 1869
June 11, 1861
Mar. 3, 1868
Mar. 13, 1849
Mar. 1, 1864
Nov. 3,1868
June 27, 1571
Nov. 25, 1856
Jan. 26, 1858
Feb. 6, 1872
Nov. 27, 1866
July 5, 1864
Oct. 6, 1857
July 16, 1872
Mar. 13, 1849
July 8,1856
June 22, 1869
July 13, 1869
Aug. 28, 1847
July 2, 1872
Sept. 24, 1867
Mar. 1,1870
July 21, 1868
Dec. 27, 1870
June 6, 1871
Aug. 17, 1869
Dec. 23, 1873
Oct. 6, 1863
Sept. 17, 1867
Dec. 10, 1861
Dec. 2, 1873
Feb. 11, 1868
May 26, 1863
Dec. 15, 1863
Dec. 27, 1864
Mar. 7, 1865
Aug. 20, 1872
Oct. 21,1862
June 12, 1866
Apr. 20, 1869
Nov. 25,1873
Nov. 23, 1869
Jan. 22, 1861
Apr. 25, 1846
Oct. 29, 1872
Aug. 16, 1844
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 1, 1853
Oct. 25, 1853
Mar. 18. 185)1
91, 1"6
129, 607
15, 970
92, 803
114, 959
12, 606
115, 660
141, 301
99, 614
100, 946
6, 132
139, 854
42, 165
9, 207
1, 955
78, 334.....
37, 285
94, 197..........
28, 594..........
95, 778.....
52, 491
115, 709
62, 064
42, 397
111, 901
137, 671
59, 118
94, 991
32, 505
74, 974
6, 181
41, 755
83, 757
116, 268
16, 115
19, 188
123, 469
59, 992
43, 405
18, 337
129, 224
6, 178
15, 294
91, 637
92, 454
5, 263
128, 632
69, 100
100, 417
80, 190
110, 576
115, 733
93, 7<2
145, 891
69, 016
33, 904
145, 242
74, 423
38, 696
40, 946
45, 640
46, 710
130, 755
36, 736
55, 553
89, 182
145, 033
97, 258
4, 470
132, 551
3, 706
119, 659
9, 605
10, 166
7, 986
31, 064
27, 885
N. C. Sandford................ Meriden, Conn........... Nov. 3, 1838
B. B. Hotchkiss.............. Sharon, Conn............ Jan. 1, 1861
R. P. Boyce.................. Erata, Miss..............Apr. 17, 1860
Index of )atents issued from thle United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Currying and tempering knife................
Currying cattle, Cards for...................
Currying, Process for preparing stuffing for.....
Curtain-cord fastener......................
Curtain-cord fastener.............................
Curtain and carpet fastener.................
Curtain and map fixture........................
Curtain and shawl stretcher......................
Curtain-cord bracket........................
Curtain-cord clamp............................
Curtain-cord fastener......................
Curtain-cord rack................................
Curtain-cord retainer............................
Curtain-cord tightener.....................
Curtain-cord tightener.....................
Curtain-cord tightener......................
Curtain-cord tightener.........................
Curtain, Electro-magnetic burglar-proof...........
Curtain-fastener, Reversible......................
Curtain-fastening... - - --.........Curtain fiastening, Window.......................
Curtain- tixture....................................
Curtain -fixture....................................
D. S. Delano..................C. S. Dickerman...............
C. L. Morehouse.............
J. P. Arnold...................
C. Gammel....................
R. Neuninger and F. Brauer..
P. Miles......................
J. W. Burns..................
J. Nicklin...................
T. S. Baylie and G. H. Maurer.
B. F. Watson and A. Shepard.
J. G Whittier and T. M. Powell
T. L. Pye................
G. W. Bishop.................
H. Lull.......................
W. D. Ludlow...............
H. Holcroft...................
J. E. Baum.................
W. H. Betts..................
T. C. Lippincott............
J. O. Montignani-.........
E. Holmes and H. C. Roome...
J. Starkey....................
J. F. A. Blatterlein........
H. Binder---------------.....................J. R. Cook...................
H. Guyer.....................
J. D. Ayers..............
A. C. Babcock..............
J. B. Bailey..............
J. B. Bailey.................
J. B. Bailey.................
H. O. Baker..............
T. C. Baldwin................
A. P. Barlow................
J. H. Barnes and T. W. Brown
J. E. Baum...................
J. E. Baum..................
J. E. Baum..................
R. Beal......................
G. T. Beardsley............
G. W. Beers................
H. Binder....................
E. T. Briggs................
E. T. Briggs................
J. G. Brothwell...............
E. Brown....................
S. S. Brown..................
W. Brown...................
C. M. Brown and C. L. Gates..
C. Buckley..................
C. Buckley..................
C. Buckley ---------------
W. N. Bulkley..............
T. Burgen..................
H. H. Burritt...............
H. H. Burritt.................
H. H. Burritt................
N. Campbell................
N. Campbell................
N. Campbell................
N. Campbell.................
W. Campbell...............
R. Cassady.................
H. W. Chace................
J. Chace.....................
H. N. Chapman............
D. G. Chase.................
J. Chase and W. S. Loughborough.
A. M. Cheney............
D. Clagett..............
H. Clayton................
W. Cleveland.................
B. F. Cloud..................
W. C. Clover..................
W. R. Cole...................
M. Converse.................
H. T. Cooper................
J. M. Corns.................
G. B. Cowles..................
J. Crandell and P. W. Smith..
J. P. Crawford.................
W. R. P. Cross................
J. Cunningham.............
T. Curley.....................
J. W. Currier and J. M. Thompson.
J. David......................
J. David.....................
A. S. Dickinson...............
A. S. Dickinson...............
L. Dodge................
E. Doen.................
J. D oyle......................
J. Doyle....................
L. J. LEarll...................
Cornwall, Conn...........
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Utica, N. Y..............
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y..........
Medway, Ohio.._.......
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Washington, D. _........
Bridgeport, Ill...........
Attica, Ind...............
New York, N. Y.........
Saratoga, N. Y..........
Hoboken, N. J...........
New York, N. Y..........
Media, Pa.................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N.Y., and Jersey
City, N. J.
Portland, Me.............
West Meriden, Conn......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Winsted, Conn...........
Albany, N. Y...........
East Greensborough, Vt..
New Haven, Conn.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Newton, Mass...........
Claremont, N. H..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Commerce, Mich..........
Ithaca, N. Y..............
Bridgeport, Conn.........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass..............
Wolcottville, Conn.....
Waterbury, Conn.........
Woonsocket, R. I.........
West Cambridge, Mass...
Hartford, Conn...._.....
Meriden, Conn............
Meriden, Conn...........
West Meriden, Conn......
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Rutland, Vt..............
Newark, N. J...........
Newark, N. J.............
Belleville, N. J............
Rochester, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Newport, N. J............
Fall River, Mass........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C.._.....
Boston, Mass.............
Rochester, N. Y..........
Charlotte, Mich..........
Hagerstown, Md..........
Lexington, Ky...........
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md..........
Jordan, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Black Rock, N. Y.........
Bridgeport, Conn.........
Chicopee, Mass............
Carmichael's, Pa..........
Portland, Me................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Troy, N. Y...........
Holyoke, Mass........
Apr. 6, 1833
Feb. 9, 1858
June 5, 1866
May 27, 1873
May 13, 1873
Feb. 21, 1871
Mar. 30, 1869
Jan. 25, 1870
Dec. 21, 1869
Jan. 3, 1871
Nov. 24, 1868
Sept. 26, 1865
Dec. 18, 1860
May 21, 1872
May 27, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
May 9, 1871
Aug. 30, 1870
Feb. 9, 1869
Aug. 27, 1867
Jan. 12, 1864
Nov. 14, 1871
Oct. 30, 1866
July 29, 1873
Sept. 12, 1871
Aug. 15, 1865
Mar. 11,1851
June 22,1869
Jan. 11, 1860
May 23. 1865
June 12,1866
Feb. 23,1869
July 3,1866
Nov. 30, 1858
Dec. 3, 1867
Apr. 3,1866
July 18, 1871
July 18, 1871
Sept. 26, 1871
Nov. 1, 1870
June 30, 1868
Apr. 1, 1873
Sept. 17, 1872
Sept. 3,1867
Feb. 20, 1872
Dec. 6, 1870
Apr. 3, 1860
Oct. 6, 1868
Feb. 18, 1868
Feb. 14, 1871
July 11, 1871
Jan. 2,1872
Feb. 18, 1873
Oct. 3, 1871
Feb. 15, 1870
Sept. 24, 1872
Oct. 7, 1873
Dec. 23, 1873
May 16, 1871
May 16, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
Sept. 3, 1872
Apr. 18, 1871
Feb. 9, 1869
Oct. 8, 1861
Mar. 24, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
June 4, 1872
Apr. 25, 1865
Apr. 20,1869
Mar. 5, 1872
Sept. 26,1871
July 24,1860
May 11, 1869
Nov. 1,1870
Dec. 17, 1872
May 28, 1867
June 15,1869
Feb. 18,1868
Jan. 21, 1873
July 13,1869
Dec. 21, 1869
Aug. 14, 1866
Mar. 12, 1867
Mar. 24, 1868
Nov. 3.1857
19, 288
55, 426
139, 228
138, 878
112, 067
88, 501
98, 094
110, 726
84, 448
50, 193
30, 985
127, 016
139, 404
134, 812
114, 560
106, 770
86, 634
68, 092
41, 231
120, 875
59, 320
141, 313
49, 381
91, 591
26, 824
47, 891
55, 454
87, 234
55, 978
22, 153
71, 679
53, 724
117, 037
117, 038
119, 299
108, 752
79, 435
137, 405
131, 328
68, 552
123, 861
109, 800
27, 686
82, 796
74, 661
111, 723
116, 929
122, 356
136, 030
119, 568
99, 837
131, 496
143, 494
145, 785
114, 917
114, 918
119, 740
130, 977
113, 852
86, 810
33, 461
75, 860
87, 757
127, 565
47, 392
89, 126
124, 330
119, 321
29, 242
89, 917
108, 761
133, 921
65, 058
91, 422
74, 508
134, 980
92, 428
98, 039
57, 096
62, 8-24
75, 869
18, 536
69, 189
81, 258
85, 433
95, 993
91, 923
63, 621
92, 710
107, 764
140, 901
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 24, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 18, 1868
Washington, D. C......... Dec. 29,1868
New York, N. Y....... Oct. 19, 1869
Syracuse, N. Y........... June 29, 1869
New Britain, Conn........ Apr. 9, 1867
Hoboken, N. J............ July 60, 1869
Hoboken, N. J........... Sept. 27, 1870
Union City, Pa........... July 15, 1873
Index of patents issued fromnt the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Curtain-fixture............... _................
Curtain fixture...................................
C urtain-fixture-....................
C urtain-fixture....................................
C. Eaton......................
C. Eaton.....................
M. R. Fenton................
H. Fininley..................
C. Fisher...................
A. C. Flint...................
J. W. Foard..................
C. H. Fowler.........._......
C. E. Fritts.................
C. E. Fritts...................
G P. Fuller...................
G. P. Fuller................
G. Gatty................
A. F. Gerald................
A. F. Gerald.............
H. B. Gingrich...............
A. J. Goodrich................
N. S. Graves.................
J. Gray......................
W. D. Gridley.............
L. B. Gusman...............
T. Hagerty...........
J. F. Hall..................
J. F. Hall....,...........
J. F. Hall..................
A. N. Hallowell and H. S. Rue
B. Handforth...............
B. Handforth................
O. Hanks.....................----------------
T. G. Harold.................
T. G. Harold and G. L. Kelty.
S. Hartshorn...............
S. Hartshorn.............
S. F. Hay..................
W.B. Hazzard...............
S. and M. Henry.............
C. F. Herrick................
J. J. Hessler...............
A. Hicks.................
W. C. Hicks...................
R. E. Hitchcock.............
F. Hobart....................
J. B. Holmes, jr..............
M. G. Imbach................
C. R. Jenkins..............
A. D. and E. M. Judd.........
E. M. Judd.................
E. M. Judd..................
E. M. Judd...............
E. M. Judd..................
H. L. Judd..................
J. W.King....................
I. Kinman...................
G. R. Kelsey..................
G. L. Kelty and T. G. Harold..
W. C. Kennedy..............
S. Ker..................
A. H. Knapp.............
A. H. Knapp.............
A. H. Knapp.............
A. H. Knapp...............
A. A. Knapp and G. W. Bailey.
C. F. Knauer..................
C. F. Knauer..................
E. B. Lake..........
W. A. Lamberson and T. 0.
B. Landon.................
A. E. Lazell.............
C. Lee and J. Pandler.......
J. D. Legg........
J. D. Legg-----------------
J. D. Legg..............
J. D. and I. W. Legg..........
M. Loeb.......................
D. E. Long...................
J. S. Lovejoy................
T. Lovell.....................
H. and A. Lovie...........
H. and A. Lovie.............
T. Lyons...............
H. E. Marchand.........
J.Y. Marsh..............
M. S. Marshall -....
W. W. Massey................
E. Mentz......................
W. T. Mersereau..............
L.E. Michell..................
P. Miles.................
P. Miles........
P. Miles.................
P. Miles.................
J. P. Miller...............
J. Montgomery............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Washington, D. C...-.
New York, N. Y..........
Milton, Mass.............
Boston, Mass...............
San Francisco, Cal........
West Roxbury, Mass......
Oneonta, N. Y.........
Oneonta, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Humphrey, N. Y........
New York, N. Y....
Kendall's Mills, Me.......
Fairfield, Me..............
Bradford, Ohio........
Wolcottville, Conn.......
Boston, Mass............
Medford, Mass.......
New Britain, Conn.-...-.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Richmond, Va.............
Bangor, Me...............
Bangor, Me.............
Bangor, Me.............
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Chicago, Il..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn and New York,
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chenoa, Ill................
Independence, Iowa.......
Reading, Pa................
Factoryville, N. Y........
Summit, N. J..........
Waterbury, Conn........
Mount Pleasant, Iowa....New York, N. Y.........
Bethlehem, Pa...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Haven, Conn._......
New Britain, Conn.._....
New Britain, Conn.......
New Haven, Conn.......
Wolcottville, Conn........
New Britain, Conn......
New York, N. Y..........
Freeport, Ill.........
West Haven, Conn...
New York and Brooklyn,
Commerce, Mich..........
Washington, D. C.........
Newton Centre, Mass.....
Newton Centre, Mass.....
Newton Centre, Mass....
Newton Centre, Mass.....
Newton Centre and Boston, Mass.
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Bridgeport, N. J..........
New York, N. Y.....
Canton, Pa................
West Meriden, Conn......
Washington, D. C........
Long Eddy, N.Y.........
Long Eddy, N. Y..........
Long Eddy, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill............
Pawtucket, R. I........
Washington, D. C........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa., an d
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Independence, Iowa.......
New York, N. Y......
Somerville, Mass......
Baltimore, Md............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Newark, N. J.............
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Hartford, Conn......
Hartford, Conn.....
New York, N. Y...-..
New York, N. Y......
Somerset, Pa.......
Marseilles, Ill..........
Nov. 28, 1871
Oct. 22, 1872
June 25, 1867
Dec. 29, 1868
Jan. 31, 1860
Nov. 3, 1863
July 20, 1869
May 28, 1867
May 11, 1869
May 6,1873
Sept. 28, 1869
May 17, 1870
Apr. 16, 1861
Oct. 6, 1868
Sept. 17, 1872
Dec. 3,1872
Jan. 16, 1872
Aug. 11, 1857
Nov. 28, 1871
Mar. 24, 1868
Feb. 17, 1857
Feb. 27, 1872
Mar. 9, 1858
May 22, 1860
Sept. 4, 1860
Oct. 1, 1872
Oct. 23, 1866
Nov. 10, 1868
Aug. 27, 1867
Mar. 5, 1861
Dec. 11, 1860
Oct. 11, 1864
July 9, 1872
July 30, 1872
June 18, 1872
Dec. 23, 1873
Aug. 20, 1867
June 25, 1867
Dec. 6, 1864
July 2, 1872
Dec. 28, 1869
Oct. 17, 1871
Oct. 4, 1859
Dec. 28, 1869
Jan. 28, 1868
Apr. 1, 1873
Jan. 29, 1861
Oct. 20, 1863
Dec. 19, 1865
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 13, 1864
Aug. 24, 1869
May 12, 1868
Nov. 12, 1861
Mar. 6, 1860
Mar. 21, 1871
Feb. 4, 1873
Jan. 1, 1867
May 25, 1869
Sept. 5, 1871
July 30, 1872
Apr. 26,1870
Jan. 15, 1867
Jan. 21, 1868
July 23, 1867
Jan. 30,1866
Nov. 5,1872
June 10, 1873
June 25, 1867
Aug. 18,1868
Sept. 19,1871
May 5, 1868
Nov. 30, 1869
Aug. 4, 1868
Jan. 4, 1870
Apr. 23, 1872
Dec. 15, 1868
Feb. 5, 1867
Oct. 15, 1867
Oct. 22, 1867
Nov. 4, 1873
Jan. 7, 1868
Feb. 26, 1861
Feb. 16, 1869
Dec. 16, 1873
May 1, 1866
Oct. 8, 1867
Aug. 4,1868
May 15, 1855
Aug. 26, 1856
Sept. 26, 1865
Mar. 26, 1867
May 26, 1868
May 24, 1870
121, 342
132, 453
66, 010
85, 295
26, 980
40, 466
92, 812
65, 067
89, 926
138, 493
95, 218 -
1(3, 167
32, 062
82, 824
131, 346
133, 641
122, 826
17, 967
121, 242
75, 750
16, 673
19, 560
28, 363
29, 935
131, 753
59, 009
83, 957
68, 189
31, 643
30, 878
44, 624
128, 798
129, 889
127, 975
145, 868
67, 876
66, 084
128, 489
98, 261
119, 983
25, 644
98, 384
73, 811
137, 450
31, 1246
40, 381
51, 594
62, 635
45, 413
94, 006
77, 890
33, 708
27, 410
112, 814
135, 562
60, 908
90, 366
118, 725
199, 893
102, 409
61, )212
73, 612
66, 970
52, 296
132, 726
139, 719
66, 094
81, 280
119, 158
77, 499
97, 304
80, 750
98, 508
125, 966
85, 016
61, 745
69, 823
144, 4
31, 550
86, 933
145, 669
54, 384
69, 572
80, 650
12, 866
15, 615
63, i69
78, 311
103, 353
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Ilnvention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Curtain-fixture----------------------------------- J. A. Morrison.._..._....-...Pittsburgh, Pa...........T an. 12, 1869 85, 5
Cui----u-------------------------------------- C. C. Moore..................New _--_ X Yolk, N. Y-------Dec. 9, 1873 145, 359
Cutain-fixture----------------------------------- B. Meser.....................--Brooklyn, N. Y._......Jn 216 5 4
Curtin-fixue-...............................-.B:Moser.....................--Philadelphia, Pa.-.....May 25, 1889 90, 571
Cuitain-fixturi.............__-..............B. Moser._._.............Waltham, Mass.........May 16, 1871 114, 843
Curtain-fixture-.................................-Ii. Meser..._.............Walthamn,Mass........... June 27,1871 116, 343
Certain-tixtiire--------------------------....----M. 1I. Mosman....._..._.......Waterbury, Coon..-Nov. 22, 1870 109, 53 )
Gui taiL fixture..................................G._VaT Nell...................-Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 5,1866 55, 344
Cuitain-fixture.--...-----.-....---.---. W. Nell.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 11, 1869 89, 883
Curtainfixture................................-- P. lIt. Niles.................... Bostoin, Mass....-.......Jaii.2,1855 12, 110
Curtail,-fixtiue-...............................-- P. it. Niles...................--Boston. Mass-------------Sept. 18, 1855 13, 5P8
Cuurinain turfixture.................................J._____.__.__ Norklnman..........Curain-ixtue......Bre-------y----N.----..J....O.ver...J...ly..4,.._187ton1,181,16244
Curamufixure....................... J.L. lier--------------Boto, Mass.._.._......Nov. 15, 1870 109, 241
Curfain-fixture-................................- P.O('Tliayne.................. New York, N. Y---------- Jaii. 12, 1869 85, 845
Cui fain-fixture..................P 'Tbayne and D.W Canfleld New York. N. Y.......... Jan. 12, 1869 85, 846
C.tnfxtr--- - _- -- -..- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----C. C. Parker..........Brooklyn, N. H.__---_.--- Apir. 16, 1867 63, 934
Cuitain-fixture.................................. F. G. Peoble..................-New Yiirk, N. Y.......... Oct. 4, 1870 107, 956
Cuitain-fixture-................-.................H. H. Phillips..-._.........Buffalo, N. Y.............-Feb. 27, 1872 124,153
Curtain-fixture.................................H.- H. ElPhillips................Buffalo, N. Y.............-Feb. 27, 1872 124, 154
Cutain-fixture-.................................-P. W.PhiV'lips.............. Salem, Mass..............--Feb. 21, 1871 111,967
Cuitaiu fixture.................................--P. W. Phillips............. Salemi, Mass._...._....Apr. 218714
Cuitanfixture_................................_ P. WV. Phillips.............- Salem, Mas............ Nov. 14, 1871 120, 997
Cutau ixur.....................P. w. Phillips_................ __ _Salem, Mass......_ _.......Apr. 1, 1873 137, 480
Criiin-irfixtumr..........................T ole.....................Pide_:" "--San Francisco, Cal..Sept. 10, 1872 131,28
Ccx unfixume........................L.C._i__le............Chicago, Ill _....__._May 16, 1871 114, 852
Cmrtair-fixtuie................................... S.. Prindme.........owc, N. Y...........--June 29, 1869 92, 094
Cmi tuufitec........................S Ptnm..............Boston, Mass..____. -. Oct. 3, 1854 11, 757
Curtain-fixture................................. S. S. Putnam...........Dorchester, Mass.......Mar. 5, 1861 31, 623
urini fixture...................................S. S. Putnam _..............._Dorchester, Mass.__--_--. July 1, 1862 35, 779
Cci taiifixture................... S. S. Putnam.. _.............iDorchester. Mass.._.. _Sept. 2,186:2 36, 366
Curtain-fixture.................................. S. S. Putnam.._.............Dorchester, Mass.......Feb. 4, 1868 74, 135
Guitain-fixture-....--..........-.................S. S. Putnam....._........Dorchestei, Mass.... Jan. 19, 1869 86, 100
Curt ain-fixtuie-...-.-...........................-W. Rice......................--Philadelphiau, Pa...... Jan. 24,1860 26, 925
Cuitain-fixture.................................-- T. C. Richards.._-.........MilwaukeeWis..........Mar. 4, 186-2 34, 59)3
G:rtaiu fituire.................................--C. J. Roberts..............Chic ago, 311...............Jan. 5, 1869 85, 095
Curtain-fixture.................................. C. Robin._.._............Chester, Con. ----- - Mar. 7, 1871 112, 383
Ciiitai fixture.................................---A. ioelofa._..............Philadelphia, Pa._.......Oct. 24,13871 120, 168
Curtain-fixture.................................--A. Roelots.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 31, 1871 120, 538
Guirtaiii-fixture-.................................-A. ]toelofs......._..........Ihiladelpiau, Pa.......May 14, 1872 126, 835
Cutain-fixtuire.................................. Roeo....................Phiiladelphiai, Pa.......... July 16, 187-2 129, 172
Curtan-fixure------------------------------F. Lot....e__s_.a.Mass._.CheseaMass..May---17, M 1870, 103,10,084
Gui amn-fixture.................................---F. 10......................atlr, Coni.....Aug. 9, 1870 106, 211
Cutuinfixture..................-"._.......F Root............Hartford, Coiin.-........Oci. 11, 1870 108, 1S:0
Cuilan fxtre.......................C. Rose..................... Allentowu, Pa.. _.........Jan. 8, 1867 61, 106
Curtain-fixture................. L. Ross..._ _................._ _ Springfield, Mass..._ Dec. 11, 1866 60, 426
Curtain-fixture................................... L. L. Sawyer-.......-......San Francisco, Cal-.---July 11,7 1871 116,86
Gui tain-fixtume..................................L. J. Schaefer.... __........... Philadelphia, Pa.........Mar. 31, 1868 76, 252
Cuitaiii fixture.................................. F. B. Scott..................-- Lancaster, N. Y. -......Feb. 27, 187-2 124, 088
Cuiuain fixture.................................--F. B. Scott.................... Lancastei-, N. Y...........May 28, 1872 127, 274
Curtain-fixture.........................._--....W. E. Scranton.............. New Haven, Conn _._ Oct.25180 0,73
Cu li fxu~......................Shre............Lowell, Mass. __....... Aug. 11, 1868 81, 01)
Curtaiu fixture................................-- J. Shorey....................Lowell, Mass.............-Oct. 22W, 187-2 132, 376
Cuitaiu-fixture.....................................J. Sthorey and F. H. Butler.... Lowell. Mass_.............___ _Dec. 28, 1869 98, 307
C urtain-fixture.. _.................._ -......... D. C. Siiart............Cambridgeport, Mass__ Sept. 12, 1854 11,083
Cui lain fixture.................................---J. Smith.....................--New York,N.Y.-__.. Apr. 3, 1860 27, 747
Cuirfain fixture................................. R. L. Smith..................--Welcotiville, Con. ----Aug. 16, 1870 108, 416
Curtain-fixture.................................. W. R. Smith-__...........Seafortli, Canada-..........Nov. 7, 1871 120, 787
Cuitain-fixture........... -- --.. _... -... _.......L. Smith and S. Foster, jr.... Des Moines, Iiiwa... Nov. 24. 1868 84, 443
Curtain-fixture.................................II -- -- - - -. C. Spalding.........Brooklyn, N. Y...........-Feb. 22, 1859 23, 047
Curtain-fixture-.....................-............J. Stephens.................. New York, N. Y.......... July 1, 1856 15, 258
Curtain-fixture................................--- J. Stepihens...__..........Fairview, Ohio...... Nov. 15,1710,6f
Ciili itr..........Stevens and W. B. Fay.. _ChcpeFalls, Mass...May 1, 1866 54, 434
Cuirfain-fixture................................--- T. Stewart...................-Philadelphia, Pa.....Nov. 29, 1870 169,6083
Curt ain-fixture................................. J. S. Stewart and S. B. Pierce. Homer, N.Y............ _July 24, 1866 56, 630
Curtaiim fixtume......_... _......_.__C. F. Stock..... __.. _......Peoria, Ill.........Feb. 13, 1872 123, 591
Curtain-fixture................................. A. Studley...................--Natick, Mass.--- Mar. 3,1868 75, 072
Curtain-fixture.................................. T. S-mnonds...................I oatlandMe._...... Apr. 22,1873 138, 054
Curtainfixture................................_W. H. Tambling.............. Eleroy, Ill................ Jan. 10, 1871 1tO, 939
Curtain -fixture................................... J. B. Tarr..................... Chicago, Ill--------.. - Apr. 3, 1866 53, 703
Curtain-fixture.................................. J. W. Taylor, jr............... Dubuque, Iowa..__.......Nov. 27, 1866 61),087
Curtain-fixture-................................- C. Al. Thielcke................Chaicigo, ill...........Aug. 30, 1870 106, 8S0
Cointain-fixture................................--- L. H. Thomuas............... Waiterbury, Vt...... Apr. 2, 1867 63, 440
Cuitain fixture.................................--H. L. Traphagen_._.........New Yomk, N. Y.......... Feb. 18, 1873 135", 950
Curtlain -fixture ---------..........................II. Ti-enor_..........New Yomk, N. Y.......... Aug. 2-2, 1865 49, 571
Curtain-fixture.................................--A. E. Tripp.------. --...-Spriugfiel 1 Ohio.____.....Aug. 23, 1870 106, 637
Curtain-fixture.................................-- L. A. Tn pp..................--Middletown, N. Y..Feb. 19, 1867 62, 235
Curtain-fixture..................--..............L. A. Tripp and S. M. Boyd. New Yoik, N. Y.......... Jan. 19, 1869 86, 044
Curtain-fixture.......................T nd V. Trubuhill.......I-nco.u Was 1Vnh. Mar.1,1870100,( 341
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Custain-fixture rack........................
Curtain-fixture, Self winding and balancing.....
Curtain fixture, Spring......................
Curtain fixture, Window...................
Curtain fixture, Window.....................----
Curtain fixture, Window..........................
Curtain fixture, Window.........................
Curtain fixture, Window..........................
Curtain fixture, Window...........................
Curtain fixture, Window------------.............---..........
Curtain fixture, Window.....-................
Curtain fixture, Window...................._....
Curtain-fixtures, Cord-tightener for...............
Curtain-fixtures, Cord-tightener for..............
Curtain-fixtures, Cord-tightener for.....-..........---
Curtain-fixtures, Cord-tightener for......-------------
Curtain-fixtures, Cord-tightener for...............
Curtain-fixtures, Cord-tightener for...............
Curtain-fixtures, Selfholding clamp for...........Curtain-holder....---------------------------
Curtain holder, Window.--- --------
Curtain or shade fixture...................................
Curtain-roller, Extension...................
Curtain-roller for windows, Adjustable........
Curtain-roller holder................................
Curtain-roller, Spring.........................
Curtain-roller, Spring................................
Curtain-roller stop........................
Curtain roller, Window........................
Curtain roller, Window...........................
Curtain-rollers, Fixture for..................
Curtain-rollers, Fixture for........................
Curtain-rollers, Fixture for. - -...............
Curtain-rollers, Hub or spool for-.._.......------.....
Curtain screw and key, Window..............
Curtain slide, Window............................
Curtain suspension, Window...................
Curtain-weight, Adjustable......................
Curtain, W indow................................
Curtain, W indow.................................
Curtain, W indow..................................
Curtain, Window..................................
Curtain, Window and bed..-.................
Curtains, Apparatus for operating window......
Curtains, blinds, and maps, Mode of hanging......
Curtains, Cord-tightener for window............
Curtains, Manufacture of window and bed.......
Curtains, Mode of banging window..............
Curtains, Spring-roller for...
Curtains, Spring-roller for window...........
Curved pipes, Mold for casting...............
Curved pipes, Mold for casting...................
See Air-cushion.
Billiard-table cushion.
Car-seat cushion.
Elastic cushion.
Elliptic cushion.
Hydraulic cushion.
Lubricatin g-cushion.
Pin cushion.
Rubber cushion.
W. C. Wilcox................
J. H. Wilhelm..............
J. H. Wilhelm..............
H. Wocher and B. Geiger.....
H. Wocher and B. Geiger.....
J. F. Wollensak...............
J. F. Wollensak.............
J. F. Wollensak..............
W. H. Woods................
WV. H. Woods.................
T. K. Work..................
J. Wyatt......................
W. P. Yates..................
A. Young.e...............
J. L. Young..................
W. H. and L. Young..........
J. Pusey......................
F. C. D. McKay...............
J. Shorey......................
R. Ballou, jr., and B. F. Hooper
J. Gibbs................
N. H. McLean...............
P. M iles......................
P. Miles......................
G. L. Miller..................
S. S. Putnam..................-------------
A. WV. Tanner and 0. P. Gorton
T. C. Williams.........
A. Carter....................
A. S. Dickinson.............
E. M. Judd...................
H. L. Judd...............
H. L. Judd...............
E. Turner.....................
F. C. Payne..............
G. W. Count, P. P. Roister, A.
L. Keeports, and W. Yount.
J. S. and J. O. Burch.........
H. L. Judd...............
W. Campbel............
J. F. Calhoun................
F. and W. Schmidt............
C. M. Fairman and J. A. Henderson.
C. Fisher....................
P. M iles.....................
D. H. Chamberlain...........
D. H. Chamberlain and J.
D. N. B. Coffin, jr.........
F. W. Urann............
T. Van Wagoner.........
E. S. Clark...............
B. G. Fitzhugh...............
B. B. Webster...................
R. Wangemau................
W. Gorton..................
W. W. Grier.........
J. Hartshorn and D. H. Chamberlain.
C. H. Wheeler...............
L, W hite.....................
F. Pilling...............
H. Andrew..............
G. Trinks.....................
C. F. Herrick.................
G. H. Marden................
W. F. Shaw.................
G. Butterfield and D. Bowker.
H. Foster.....................
D. G. Morgan...............
W. H. Morrison.............
W. F. Phyfe..........
J. Stephens and J. Collins.....
J. F. Landis...................
M. Hey..... -
S. Abbot and J. Prentis.......
H. Aiken................
J. and J. Hartshoru..........
B. Bray.................
N. Thompson.................
S. Williams.................
Residence. Date. No.
Waltham, Mass........... May 30, 1871 115, 402
Chicago, Ill.............. July 26, 1870 105, 87t
Chicago, Ill.............. Nov. 8, 1870 109, 087
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 767
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 768
Chicago, Ill.............. Apr. 16, 1872 125, 712
Chicago, Ill............ Apr. 16, 1872 125, 870
Chicago, Ill........... Nov. 25, 1873 145, 040
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 10, 1867 72, 150
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug.- 4, 1868 80, 793
Hartford, Conn........... Apr. 20, 1858 20, 013
Philadelphia, Pa....... Jan. 4, 1870 98, 654
Elmira, N. Y............. Sept. 27, 1870 107, 747
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 821
New York, N. Y.......... May 14, 1872 126, 666
Boston, Mass............. Nov. 3, 1868 83, 680
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 1, 1873 137, 320
Elmira, N. Y............ Apr. 19, 1870 102, 142
Lowell, Mass............. July 26, 1870 105, 854
Albany, N. Y............. Apr. 7, 1857 16,960
Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 19, 1863 38, 579
United States Army...... Oct. 2, 1860 30, 236
Hartford, Conn............ Apr. 7, 1857 16, 989
New Britain, Conn........ June21, 1859 24, 479
De Witt, N. Y.....-...... May 5,1868 77, 638
Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 15, 1851 8, 041
Paw Paw, Mich.......... Apr. 3, 1860 27, 749
Randolph, Wis.......... Mar. 21, 1871 112, 876
New York, N. Y.......... June 8, 1869 90, 922
New York, N. Y......... Oct. 19, 1869 95, 994
New Britain, Conn........ Aug. 5, 1862 36, 094
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Mar. 23. 1869 88, 179
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 4, 1873 135, 561
Wolcottville, Conn........ Dec. 21, 1869 98, 209
New York, N. Y........... Sept. 15, 1863 39, 949
Littlestown, Pa........... Jan. 25,1870 99, 271
Buffalo, N. Y............ Aug. 31, 1869 94, 393
Brooklyn, N. Y............ June 10, 1873 139, 676
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 11, 1864 44, 602
WVolcottville, Conn........ May 24, 1859 24, 097
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 3, 1871 119, 536
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Oct. 1, 1872 131, 864
Milton, Mass.............. May 26,1857 17, 368
Hartford, Coun........... Mar. 3, 1857 16, 741
West Roxbury, Mass...... Aug. 21, 1855 13, 481
Boston, Mass............. Jan. 23, 1855 12, 271
Newton, Mass............. Oct. 6, 1857 18, 323
Saxonville, Mass......... Mar. 13,1855 12, 524
Newark, N. J............. Jan. 4, 18 70 98, 649
Suffolk County, Mass..... Feb. 19, 1850 7, 698
Frederick, Md.......... Apr. 22, 1873 138, 014
Woleottville, Conn...... Sept. 28,1869 95, 232
Boston, Mass.............. May 15, 1855 12, 881
Chicago, Ill................ Jan. 4, 1870 98, 532
New York, N. Y.......... July 18, 1871 117, 068
Hulton, Pa............... May 13, 1873 138, 749
Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 3, 1855 12, 661
Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 7,1857 17, 006
Hartford, Conn.......... July 28, 1857 17, 911
Washington, D. C........ Mar. 27, 1866 53, 480
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 6, 1822.
Jersey City, N. J.......... June 26,1860 28, 922
Independence, Iowa....... Apr. 2, 1867 63, 386
Charlestown, Mass....... Oct. 17, 1848 5, 868
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 23, 1869 87, 209
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 16, 1860 30, 385
Port Jervis, N. Y......... Feb. 13, 1866 52, 555
Jordan, N. Y.............. July 30, 1867 67, 337
Indianapolis, Ind......... Oct. 9, 1866 58, 668
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 19, 1830....
Fairview, Ohio....... July 19, 1870 105, 508
Harrisburgh, Pa...... Feb. 13, 1866 52, 577
Philadelphia, Pa..........Nov. 21, 1865 51, 045
Chester, Mass............. Aug. 23, 1825...
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 19, 1869 95, 965
Boston, Mass............. May 1, 1855 12, 792
Salem, Mass.............. Sept. 5, 1854 11, 638
Brooklyn, N. Y........... June 25, 1872 128, 264
SFoxborough, Mass....... May 15, 1866 54, 826
Index of patents issuecd from the United States Patent Office from 1750 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Inivention. Inventor. Residence.
Zaee Sota-cushion.
Spring carriage-cushion.
Cushion, mattress, &c..-.-......------------... T. H. O'Brien----------------_Providence, R.I......
Cushion or mattress............................._L.BIantoefer------------------ 'Philadelphia, Pa -__..
Csinsrn---------- - -- -- -- -----J. W. Evans-----------------._New York, N. Y-._
Cushiolns, mattresses, &c., Apparatus for diffusing W. Welch.................... Montreal, Canada. __.
vapor through.
Cuspadore --------- ------ ---------------------. E. A. Heath......-------.----New York, N. Y..Cuspadore------------------------_--------E. A. Heath ------------------- New York, N.Y._-_-_
Cutlery........................................--J. Baldwin.................... Northampton, Mass.._....
Cuttlery........................................--C. L. Butler.-............Greenfield, Mass._.._
Cutlery........................................--W. T. Clement...............--Northampton, Mass.......
Cutlery.........................................HR. E. Curtis................. Great Bend, Pa-.._
Cutlery......................................... E. Day......................---Chicago, Ill..--..--
Cutlery...........It--------------. H. Fisher............_.... West Meriden, Conna-..Cutlery-............-.-......................-._._). Fitzpatrick................-West NWinsted, Conn..
Cutlery........................................--M. W. Lyman................ Chicago, Ill.............Cutlery......................................... S. Mason..................... Beaver Falls, Pa.----
Cutlery..........................................W. C. Mason.................. Beavet- Falls, Pa.___.
Cutlery -._.... z-----------------------_. ____..._ T. MeGrah........--........Sheffield, England....
Cutlery...............____...................J. IH. Nichols and W. Bower.._ Beaver Falls, Pa.._
Cutlery........................................--H. T. Reeves................. Beaver 1-tlls, Pa..-_
Cutlery........................................W. W. Robinson.............iRipon, Wis -------
Cutlery --------.................................M. Rubel....................-Chicago, Ill--------
Cutlery.............................----.........M. Ruhel --................Chicago, Ill.............
Cutlery.......................................... H. Sanderson................. Sheffield, Engltand-_.
Cutlery......................................... W.Sanderson........ "--Ne or,.........Ne.ok..V
Cutlery........................................----W. Sanderson.....-".........New Yerk, N. Y.-"--
Cutlery -"----"...---................ A. L. Taylor-................ Sptingfield, Vt..........Cutlery........................................--W. D. Woods...............Bennington, N. H....
Cutlery and tool handle--........................J. T. Haviland...............-Saii Francisco, Cal_-..
C-ttry, Attaching 1,andles to.. _................M. Chapman................. ___ __ _Greenileld, Mass......
Cutlery, Attachitng handles to-....................M. Chapman_............Grenfield, Mass.----
Cutlery, Attaching handles to....................--J. Flood --._................ New Hav en, Con.Cutery, Attaching handles to-........... _...J. W. Gardner...............- -- -- -Shelburne Falls, Mass
Cutlery, Attaching handles to.................... _ __ _J. XV. Gardner.........- --.....Shelhurne Falls, Mass.ulrAtcighdeso..._- ___.._.-J.WGrdr..............SebrnFasM s.....
Cutlery, Attachitng handles to.................. S. Masotn and E. Binus _. Beav ei Jails, Pa-.---__
Cutlety Casttng ha-ndles of tahle................. N. S. Clement.............____---_New Britain, Conn.
Cutlery ole niug and polishing machine.. -.. ______M. N. Armstrong............. Wtlliamshnt h, N. Y..
Ciutlery, Coistriction of table................... A. E. Elmer..................--Windsor, Vt-...-.....
Cutlery, Devce tor grinding-....................J. P. Curtiss.................-New Britain, Con. _-_
Cutlery, edge-tools, &c., Substance for making. T. H. Jenkins -................. - -- New York, N. YV. __-_
Cutlety, Fastenn handles to.................... E. G.Ost....................--Shelburne Fulls, Mass._
Cutlery, Forging..............................H. B. Harvey_..............West Meriden, Conn._
Cutlery-grindtng apparatus............ _.__........XW. Fosket._..................Meriden, Con.. _. _.....
Cutlery grinding and polishing maclineo. -_.........J. Dodge....................__ _ _ _Waterfoid, N. YV __.
Cutlery -grinding machine _. __..._._.... _.it. S. Gladwin.. __....-........Mteriden, Con..........
Cutlet yhandle..................................T. I). Frary...................-New Britain, Conn...
CutletrN-hatle.................................. M. Chapman..............Greenfield, Mass.._CutlerN handle.................................---J. XW. Gardner.._._.._.......Shelburne Falls, Mass __.
(tutlem1 h-mdle...............................F. '-T'D. Lakin._.........Hatieoek, N. H.
Cutlet - handle blank............................--I. G. Hotchkiss...............--Naugatnek, Conna.----
Cutlery Handle for table and other...............--M. Chapm~an.................-Greenfield, Mass...._
Cutlet5 handle, Metallic......................... L. S. White_............Waterbury, Conn._Cut lery handle, Pocket........................... S. Barnes...................._New Haven, Coon.
Cutlery-handle Securing.....................it._ RH. Fisher..................Beverly, N. J.......
Cntlei-y handle, Table............................ H. Fisher..............Beaver Fails, Pa...
Cutlery handle, Table............................ J. XW. Gardner...............-- Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Cutlery handles, Cotnstruction of table --..-.........W. Sanderson...._ --.......New York, N. Y.._.__.
Cutlety, Manufacture of............ _..........G. Parr......................_Buffalo, N. Y..__.......
Cutlery, Manufacture of blades for pocket_.........W. H. and G. W. Miller _.__Meriden, Conn... -......- --
Cnt~ery,Manufacture of holster for.............--J. D. Frai-............New Britain, Conn--.
Cutlery, Manufacture of table..-............J. WV. Gardner................ Shelburno Falls, Mass.
Cutlety, Manufacture of tahle.................... A. McGuire..................-- insted, Conn._-..._
Cutlery, Manufacture of table -_-............F. XW. Presber and P. Shiober..- Winchestet, Conn -_-.
Cutlery, Manufacture of table.................... L. Rice--.................West Winsted, Cotta -.
Cutlery, &c., Metallic compound for coating _. __ J. Zimmer...................- - - -Cleveland, Ohio.-_---
Cutlery, Metbod of attaching the tangs to handles 1). N. Ropes................... Meriden, Coin...........
of table.
Cutlery, Method of cleaning and polishing._.__W. Vine.....................New York, N. Y._._..__
Cutlery, Mode of attaching haitdles to table-. -_-_J. W. Gardner................_ __ __ _Shelburno Falls, Mass...
Cutlery, &c., Plating scales with hard rubber for F. Beats......................New Haven, Colin. _.
the titinufacture of.
Cutlery,Pocket.................................--J. Carreer....................-Southington, Conn-_.
Cutlery, Pockei.................................__P. 5. Hoe.__.._...........New York, N. YV.----
Cutlery, Pocket.............................._ _ __ __ __ __...)"1. Hundley.............. Mountain House, Ala..
Cutle-Nj, Pce.................................P.I. and G. WV. Miller._- Meriden, Conn..........
Cutlery, Pocket.................................. F. B. Pet-ry_.._... -.......Northamptoni, Mass..
Ctttlery, Pocket.................................. D. E. Smith...._..Bronxviie, N.Y _V.._
Cutler-sharpening implement..................._A. Thaver................... Albany, N. Y-.._
Cttery, sponons,-&.,Mahine for prduicitugni-. W. VSperry.........olcottville, onn.__ ___
Oct. 4, 1870
Nov. 27, 1866
Mar. 26. 1861
Feb. 15, 1870
Oct. 10, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
Sept. 24, 1867
Dec. 19, 1865
Nov. 10, 1868
Apr. 28, 1868
July 21, 1868
June 23, 1868
Feb. 13, 1866
Jan. 17, 1871
June 30, 1868
June to, 1868
Mar. 5, 1867
Apr. 20, 1870
Nov. 7, 1871
July 3, 1866
May 26, 1868
Jan. 26, 1869
May 28, 186 7
June 18, 1887
Aug. 10, 1869
July 21, 1868
Oct. 6, 1868
Decc. 20, 1870
Jan. 4, 1839
Dec. 20, 1859
Jutie 9, 1868
Dcc. 23, 186-2
Oct. 5, 1869
Junmo 7, 1870
Apr. 20, 1869
Apr. 6, 1869
Jatn. 24, 1842
Feb. 16, i86:t
Dec. 3, 1867
Dec. 26, 1865
Feb. 15, 1870
Nov. 26, 1867
Feb. 1t,186e
July 21, 1863
July 17,186 5
1)ec.28, 1860
Aire.7, 1860
May 3,1859
Ang 28 1866
Feb. 16,1869
Sept. 13, 1870
Mar. 07,1866
Feb. 11, 1b8
Apr. 10, 18ti0
Ma-. 16, 1869
Feb. 1, 1839
June 9, 186i8
Nov. 27, 1866
Aug. 2, 1870
Apr. 4,1871
Ma. 27, 1866
Aug. 9, 1664
May 21, 1864
Aug. 30, 1864
Jan. 21, 1873
May 29, 1849
Feb. 28, 1844
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 15, 1868
Dec. 22, 1868
Nov. 12, 1867
Oct. 25, 1870
May 24, 1870
Nov. 19, 1867
July 6,1869 -Jumo 1, 1868
Jan. 5, 1869
108, 043
59, 945
31, 793
99, 986
119, 7(5
119, 706
69, 157
51, 648
83, 831
77, 175
80, 062
79, 011
52, 552
79, 370
79, 371
62, 661
102, 306
1-20, 774
56, 099)
78, 328
89, 25'.
65, 123
65. 952
93, 560
82, 779
110, 358
22, 527
78, 796
37, 2 25
95, 457
103, 86 7
j89, 0159
88, 5,14
2, 435
87, 0)32
71, 58!i
51, 724
99, 7845
74, 014
56, 403
98 3 i)
29, 465
80, 98.1
53, a46
74, 279
27, 790
87, 767
22, 735
78, 834
60, 048
106, 073
11.3, 648
5:3, 529
43, 785
42, 87-2
44, 056
135, 028
6, 482
3, 458
62, 6-26
85, 211
70, 718
71, 211
92, 217
78, 771
85, 542
Nov. N, 1867 70, 5l5
Juy, 28,168 8034
Oct. 1818-0 108,6
Mar.06,18601 27,
Sett22, 1863 40, 031
Apt. 16, 1867 6379
Mar. 22, 1870 101, 13')
Mat. 16, 1869 87, 8(;
Mat. 16,1809 87, 87
Jan 21, 1873 1l35,l16
Fb 7,1885 46,:0
Jan.t 5 18-0 99,101
Apr. 1-,16169 88,810
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Cutlery, Table..................................... M. Smith.....................
Cutlery, Table..................................... J. Stott................
Cutlery, Table..................................... ---------- W. D. Woods...............
Cut-nail machine................................---------------------------... W. Haddock...............
Cut-nail machine.................................. E. A. Kimball................
Cut.nail machine.----- -- J. Russell................................. J. Russell.....
Cut-nail machine --......--------- J. P. Sherwood...............
Cut nails and brads from rolled iron, Making cold.. J. Elgar - - -.................
Cut nails, cut points, and cut brads, Manufacturing J. Perkins..................
Cut nails from iron-hoops, &c., rendered tough..... - N. Kent.-...-...
Cut nails from Muntz's metal..................... S. L. Crocker - -.............
Cut nails, Heading.................... Davey............... J. Davey.......
Cutnails, Machine for heading............. S. Wilmot, jr..................
Cut nails, Machine for making.................... D. J. Farmer.................
Cut nails, Manufacturing--.......................... P. Cliff- --.......................
Cut nails, Manulacturing.......................... D. French...............
Cut nails while being headed, Device for holding... D. Savery............................
Cut-off...-------------------------------.... ---H. Allen.....................
Cut-off.......................................... F. E. Sickels.........
Cut-off........................................... F. B. Stevens................
Cut-off, Adjustable................................ S. H. Gilman..............
Cut-off, Adjustable----------------------........----J. King....................... J. King.....
Cut -off and horse-power indicator, Adjustable...... A. Stuckenrath.........
Cut-off and regulating cock, Gas................... C. E. Seal................--
Cut-off and regulator valve.................... R. Stewart..................
Cut-off and reversing valve-gear for engines.... R.M. Fryer..................,Cut-off and steam-stop of rotary engines........... J. W. Webb.............
Cut-off and steam valve......................... A. Kendall..................
Cut-off and steam valves, Method of connecting B. H. Bartol..................
the action of
Cut-off and working the valves of steam-engines... G. H. Corliss..............
Cut-off apparatus, Steam-engine................. R. Miller................
Cut-off apparatus, Steam-engine............. A. S. Walbridge...........
Cut-off apparatus, Steam-engine................. D. A. Woodbury.............
Cut-off apparatus, Variable...................... T. May.....................
Cut-off arrangement for steam-valves............. J. Hornig.............
Cut-off attachment to slide-valves................. T. Sault.....................
Cut-cff Automatic water......................... D. F. Sweet................
Cut-off, Automatic water-spout.................... E. Stewart.............
Cut-off, Blast-furnace.............................. H. Davis...................
Cut-off, Cistern........--F. Fischer................................... F. Fischer.....
Cut-off; Cistern.................................. G. W. Howell..............
Cut oft Cistern................................... J. P. Watson..............
Cut-off Cistern.......................... C. Wuerz....................
Cut-off; Electro-magnetic-engine.............. L. H. McCullough............
Cut-off for cistern-leaders........................ W. N. Hicks and F. Welker..
Cut-off for cisterns, Rain-water.................. X. Amouu..............
Cut-off for cisterns, Water................... J. R. Manny................
Cut-off for fire-plug systems.................. F. W. Eames.............
Cut-off for oscillating-engines.................... W. Craig............
Cut-off for pipes............................ J. H. Perkins............
Cut-off for rain-water pipes............. C. Avery and J. W. Wetmore.
Cut-off for relays and other electro-magnetic in- F. M. Perry..................
Cut-off for water-conductors..................... E. B. Armstrong..............
Cut-off for water.conductors..................... J. Ash......-............
Cut-off for water-conductors.................. H. Myers, jr..............
Cut-off for water-spouts....--------------------- H. W. Mosher...............
Cut-off for engines of water-works, Variable..... B. Holly................
Cut-off gear-------------------------...................................G. H. Corliss.............
Cut-off gear for puppet-valve engines, Adjustable. H. Allen and D. G. Wells.....
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine- -.................. E. R. Arnold.................
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine.................. J. Broughton.................
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine.................. C. P. Buckingham.........
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine..........P. W. Gates, D. R. Fraser, and
T. Chalmers.
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine....................... P. W. Gates, D. R. Fraser, and
Meriden, Conn.-......
Philadelphia, Pa. ---..
Bennington, N. H.......
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Abington, Mass.........
Providence, R. I.... -...
Fort Edward, N. Y.....
Boston, Mass..............
Taunton, Mass.........
Fairhaven, Vt.......
New Haven, Conn........
Wheeling, W. Va...................................................
Wheeling, W. Va......
New York, N. Y.. - -
New York, N. Y........
Weehawken, N. J.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..-...
Bordentown, N. J.......
New York, N. Y.....
Winchester, Va...........
Elmira, N. Y.........
Nashville. Tenn...._...
Ledyard, N. Y..........
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Cold Spring, N. Y.........
Providence, R.I...........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Malone, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J...........
New Haven, Conn......
Otsego, Mich.............
Fort Madison, Iowa......
Newport, Ky............
Quincy, 111............
Covington, Ky........
Rochester, Minn........
Kimmswick, Mo..........
Richmond. Ind......
Saint Louis, Mo......
Sidney, Ohio............
Chicago, Ill-........-..
GraudRapids, Mich.......
Binghamton, N. Y........
Omaha, Nebr............
Erie, Pa................
Barton, Vt..............
Columbus, Ohio -..-...
Storling, ill -......
McLean, Ill ------------..
Aurora, Ill.__-.....
Lockport, N. Y...........
Providence, R. I...........
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I.....
New York, N. Y..........
Mount Vernon, Ohio...
Chicago, Ill.............
Oct. 3,184kApr. 2, 18607
Apr. 2, 1867
Nov. 25, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 4,1873
Aug. '26, 151
Dec. 16, 1803
July 17, 1810
May 1, 1801
Apr. 17, 1849
Apr. 7, 1814
Apr. 21, 1809
Aug. 31, 1869
Nov. 16, 1796
Dec. 23, N796
Sept. 22,1868
Aug. 29, 1848
Feb. 24, 1852
Dec. 3, 1861
Mar. 18, 1851
Mar. 20,4849
May 1, 1866
July 1, 1873
May 19, 1863
Feb. 11, 1873
May 15, 1849
Apr. 12,1870
Sept. 20, 1844
Mar. 10, 1849
Nov. 29, 1859
Sept. 10, 1861
May 31, 1870
Nov. 8, 1870
Nov. 22, 1859
Mar. 28, 1871
Feb. 8, 1870
Mar. 28,1871
Apr. 18, 1871
Dec. 13, 1870
Sept. 9, 1873
Mar. 1,1870
Sept. 16, 1873
Feb. 26, 1867
Nov. 27, 1866
Sept. 14, 1869
Oct. 4, 1870
Feb. 18, 1873
Oct. 15, 1861
Nov. 2,1869
July 25, 1871
Aug. 2, 1870
Sept. 10, 1867
Sept. 19, 1865
June 13, 1871
Oct. 1, 1867
Apr. 25, 171
July 29, 1851
Feb. 15, 1853
May 17, 1859
Dec. 21, 1858
Aug. 23, 1859
Dec. 21, 1858
5, 827
63, 439
63, 598
144, 845
145, 504
144, 229
8, 326...............
6, 354.....
94, 194
82, 354
5, 745
8, 760
33, 858
7, 987
6, 209
54, 439
140, 549
38, 610
135, 794
6, 448
101, 886
3, 755
6, 162
26, 281
33, 274
103, 698
109, 137
26, 186
113, 101
99, 727
113, 108
113, 745
110, 1-28
142, 569
100, 474
142, 832
62, 352
60, 005
94, 694
107, 936
135, 976
33, 477
96, 478
117, 493
105, 975
68, 682
49, 960
115, 9-77
69, 359
114, 010
8, 253
9, 552
23, 998
22, 344
25, 174
22, 361
24, 624
14, 486
34, 013
95, 838
25, 541
24, 801
23, 684
2:23, 685
37, 063
13, 934
23, 737
118, 958
6, 462
7, 964
36, 319
7, 830
6, 324
130, 400
130, 352
55, 072
93, 694
83, 176
125, 742
118, 054
131, 121
82, 653
83, 808
137, 268
12, 064
16, 781
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine.......................
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine.......................
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine........................
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine.....................
Cut-off gear, Steam engine variable...............
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine variable...............
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine variable...........
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine variable...............
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine variable..............
Cut-off gear, Steam-engine variable.............
Cat-off gear, Variable.............................
Cut-off, Governor.................................
Cut-aff, Governor variable.......................
Cut-off, Hydrant..........................
Cut-off motion for puppet-valves..............
Cut-off; Piston-valve --...........................
Cut-off, Rain-water.............................
Cut-off, Rain-water...............................
Cut-c ff, Rain-water...............................
Cut-off; i.ain-water...............................
Cut-off, Rain-water................................
Cut-off, Rain-water...............................
Cut-off, Rain-water.............................
Cut-off. Rain water.............................
Cut-off, Rain-water.............................
Cut-off, Rain-water................................
Cut-off, Rain-water...............................
Cut-off regulator, Steam-engine....................
Cut-off, Steam-engine.............................
T. Chalmers.
O. Leonard....................
A. K. Rider.....--------------
J. B. Root..................
H. Withington...........
A. Foster and N. Sutton...
A. L. Holley..................
B. Hotchkiss.............
J. Tremper................
W. W. Wade...........
D. A. Woodbury.........
J. E. McKay............
W. McCammon...........
H. Waterman............
E. Ba:iley..........-...........
S. H. Gilman.................
G. McKay----------------....................J. Abercrombie and E. D.
L. Baltz....................
D. W. Doty..............
E. Fleming..................
R. S. Laird and W. F. Stone...
T. Leo.......................
B. Rein...------.
C. and W. Scales..........
J. Spear--................
J. Van Norman and W. Young
G. W. Wetmore.............
H. A. Luttgens............
J. F. Allen---...............
Chicago, Ill............. July 5,1859
Somerville, Mass....----.. Mar. 18. 1856
Hydeville, Vt ---.---- ---Dec. 24, 1861
New York, N. Y.......... -----Oct. 12, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa...--.. Sept. 20, 1859
Now York, N. Y..... July 19, 1859
New York, N. Y...- -- Apr. 19, 1859
New Haven, Conn........ Apr. 19, 1859
Buffalo, N. Y - -- -... Dec. 2, 1862
Springfield, Mass..-... Dec. 11, 1855
Rochester, N. Y....- Apr. 19, 1 859
New York, N. Y........ Sept. 12, 1871
Albany, N. Y..-... -May 22, 1849
New York, N. Y-...... Mar. 4, 1851
Baltimore, Md.......... Aug. 26, 1862
Cincinnati, Ohio--------... --.. Dec. 10, 1853
Pittsfield, Mass... -...Apr. 17, 1849
Morrisania, N. Y......- - Aug. 13, 1872
Saint Louis, Mo........... Aug. 13, 1872
Aurora, Ill......... May 29, 1866
Ann Arbor, Mich..... Aug. 17, 1869
Sandwich, Ill--.- -- Oct. 2 0, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio-........ Apr. 16,187-2
Marietta, Ohio-........ Aug. 15, 1871
New Albany, Ind...... Sept. 3, 1872
Carbondale, Ill............ Sept. 29, 1868
Easton, Pa............. Nov. 3, 1868
Erie, Pa................ Mar. 25, 1873
Paterson, N. J.......Dec. 12, 1854
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 10, 13857
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cut-off, Steam-engine--.........................-- H. Allent
Cut-off. Steam-engine----------------------------.......C. Carr. _Cut-off. Steam-engine----------------------------- S. Dunbar
Cut-off; Steam-engine----------------------------......T. Hatisbr
Cut-off; Steam-engino----------------------------. _ _ _H. 0. Lotl
Cut-off, Sto'uii engine--------------------------... J. McPhee
Cut-eft; Steam -engino----------------------------.J. HI. Paii
Cut-off, Steam-engine----------------------------- G. W. fin
Cut-off, Steamn-engine_----------------------------C. W. Rat
Cut-off;Steam-engine------------------------------G. J. Roby
Cut-off; Ste-am-engine------- ------- --------- ------ A. P. San
Cut-off, Steam-engine-----_---------------- -------- J. S. Shape
Cut off, Steam-eiiginc --------------------------- A. Stucke
Ciit-( ff Steam-engine ----------------------------- W. Watts
Cut-off; Steam-engine----------------------------.J. Widine
Cut-off;Steam-engitie---------------------------- D A. Wo
Cut-offSteam-engine ---.-----------.--------X.Wrigli
Cut-off, Steam-engine adjustable- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A. llartuj
Cut-off, Steam-engine adjustable - ---- -- - --- - --- -. H. J. anti
Cut-off',Steam-engine adjustable -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --J. R-es
Cut-off, Steami-engine adjustable------------------_ __ __ _W.Wt-igli
Cutof; toff ngneaSteam _ __enine __ __automatic-.---utof--tem---ie-ovrnr-- ---- ---- ------- -- A.. eWor
Cut-off, Steam-ensune-governor-------------------J..... G. elber
Cut-off, Steam-engine variable.. ---- --------- --- A. Crosby
Cut-off. Steani-engine variable. -...----------------_.X_ _.1. Ci-o
Cut-off;Steam-eiigine variabulo -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - W. B. Cic
Cut-oif, Steam-engine variable..-------------------....A. Cr-uil
Cut-off, Steam-engine vari-lhe--------------------....D. Fellen'
Cut-off, Steam-engine variable--------------------.....C. 11. Rey
Cut-cff, Steam-engine v artable......- -- - - - --- M. C. Tay
Cut-off, Steam-engine variable.--------------------.X..V.. Wrigl
Cut-off valve..........."------------------------ J. M.Ai
Cut-off valve---------------------------------_____ 1. Allen.
Cut-off valve....................................CG. 1.1. Balb
Cut-off vahve-----------------------------------11..11. C-i
Cut-off valve................................. LGrisivi
Cut-oftvalve................................... J.EL Henn
Cut-off v alve.................................... C. H. Par,
Cut-off valveo-.-..........................----. D. Stodda
Cut-off xalve, Adjustable-------------------------.C.-.. _. W. Sm
Cut-off valve, Bal-unce.- ------------------------ __ _ _ B. F. Mcl
Cut- ffxvalye check for steam-engines- -- - -- --- - --- --.W. Wrigl
Cut-off-valve gear _.............................. A. W. A
Cut-off-valve gear...............................XV.DIawe
Cut- off-xvalxc gear................................G. W. Fis
Cut-offxalveogear............................... AW. F
Cut.-uff-v alve gear -------------------------------- A. Kenda
Cut-off-vaix e gear-------------------------------....... K. 1H. Loc
Cuat-off-valve gear................................ W MeCli
Cut-off-xvalvecgeai.-....................-..__.P u-f-av er.._..................WJ.C. RPu
Cut-off-valve gear............................. _. J.TB.iche
Cut-off-vovegear.. _.............................J.. Scmto
Cut-off-valve gear...............................S. Steai
Cut-offtxvfive gear ------------------------------. H.tws
Cut-offvalve gear................................ Ste.wa:
Cut-off-valve gear.............. W.W ril
Cut-offx five goar-.-.................----------- J. N. Wri
Cut-off valve, t overuor------------------------......... K. H. Lo(
Cut-off-valvo motion...................._.......S. XW. Hoc
Cut-off-valvo motion ------------------------------F. B. SteCut-off valve, Oscillating ongine -.--_. ____- - -11... E. Car
Cut-off valve, Rotary balanced....................P. Shelle
Cut-off valve, Sliding..___._...................... Imayor.
Cii.-nfl valxve, Steam------------------------------iiR. Sander
Cut-off xvaixve, Steam.----------------------------__. M. St(
Cut-offtxvalve oear aud valve----------------------C-.. _. E. No)
Cut-off x aixe goar and valve, Variable-------------_.W. Broxv
Cut offtxvalve gear, Regulating.............. S. W. R01
Cut-off x ixe goat, Steam-engine....---------------. _.H. Allonts
Cut-off-valve gear, Steam-engine.------------------___ __ _W. L. Col
Cut-offxvalve goat, Steam-engine................... P. WV.Cal
T. Cbal
Cut-off-valve gear, Steam-engine................... J. F. In
Cut-off-xvalve geari Steam-engine_..................__ __ _J. Montfh
Cut-ofxalxegear, Steam-engine------------------__ __ __ _C. AV. XWa
Ctil valve geat~ r Steam-eiue------------X. Wi-g
Itiventor. Residence. Date.
and D. C-. Wells - Now York, N. Y. _........_June 21, 1853
---------.. Boston, Mass...... - Apr. 27, 18619
r------------- New York, N. Y---------- June 1, 1869
roxv------------Sacramento, Cal.-----------Jan. 12, 1869
lirole.......Milford, Mass------------- _. _Mar. 3, 1868
i-soil----------------_B-ooklyn, N.Y. -... June 30, i18
to-------------------liar; o ldn onti------_--Jan. 24, 18C5
tyson.- - -- - - - - ------Catubridgoport, Mass - Nov. 12, 1867
wsoti ---.----.---_--Cambidfieport, Mass. Oct. 6, 1868
oerts.--------------Dayton, Ohio -------------Sept. 129, 1868
tntel - -----_---_-_ Nv YorkN. Y.. -.._Jant. 19, 1858
)tr------------------1\New Yomk, N.Y ----------Apr. 15, 1856
enrath.--------------Nexw Yotk.N.Y........Jan. 1, 1867
sand F. A. Phelps-. Newark, N. J-------------. __Jan. 10, 1871
ar-------------------Neow HaxenConit....Aug. 31, 1858
oodbnry-------------Rochester, N.Y.......... Ap-. 5, 1859
lit------------------- tow Voim.Y..........Oc.10, ltil
pee and J. Morrow-- - Pittsburght Pa. _---- --. Sept. 2, 1856
T. Hawkins.-------_Mobile, Ala-.--.----------. June 24, 1856
--.....------Pittsburgh, Pa............ May 9, 1871
it -----------__Hartfotd, Conn...........Nov. 25, 1856
odbury-------------- Rtchester, N.- Y........... Sept. 27, 1870
------------Saitit Lo)uis, Mo..-.. Jan. 29, 1867.k----------Chillicotbe, Mo..........Jan. 25, 1870
y-----.....----- Fi-edonia, N. Y............ Jan. 19,1858
oss5.....------ Sacramento, Cal... Jan. 24, 1n71
oss ------_.--------Sac-antento, Cal.......... Aug. 8, 1871
tie and R. D. Briggs..- Brooklyn, N. Y- _-- - - -- --May 3,1859
batim...............Lacaster-, P. -- June 5, 1860
-nolds...............Lewiston, Me............. Sept. 16, 1856
y-.................Grass Valley, Cal-_._Dec. 21, 1869
lit- - - --........Nexw York, N. Y ----------May 20, 1873
oerison-------- ------ Now Lundotn, Conn-....Oct. 10, 1865
-...........Now York, N. YV_........Mar. 20,1847
ceock andi S.Wilcux, jr Pt-ovidence, R. I-_.--------- Apt.04, 1866
ame----.------------- New Yot-k, N. Y---------- Mar. 20, 1847
old and C-. Caul _. _- Portland antd York, Wit.. July 23, 1867
ces.- -----.....Newark, N. J-------------.Apt. 24, 1866
shall.................Detroit, Mich-------------. _ _June 28. 1864
oer-------------------lIydeville, Vt............-May 6, 1862
tt anti W. H. Rckart- - San Francisco, Cal ---June 25, 1e67
trt------------------- Elmira, N. Y._......_..Jan. 23,1866b
trt.._............Cincinnati, Ohio.-....May 29,i1855
pith.................._New Haven, Conn...Deo. 26, l87i
Kinley...............Falmnouth,IKy...........June 12,1866
lIt__------------------_ __ _Hartford, Conn... _........ June 21, 1856
ilmqvist atid F. W. New York, N. Y - -_... _. Feb. 8, 1876
Â~s --------------LeedsEtngland........... Nov. 2, 1861
slier and H. Reid -_. _- Saint Louis, Mo.. _........ Dec. 20, 1876
aster, jr... _.........Pittsburgh. Pa...........- -_ Jan. 2,1860
ill.................._BuffaloSN.Y-------------May 19, 1808
orris -.--.. aiooM------------ Blioe d......Aug. 8, 1865
lintock---------------.._ _ Wiltuitgton, Del----------. _Oct. 3, 1865
he..............Philadelphia, Pa----------...Nov. 20, lo6t
Li.. _ _ _- - - - - _ __ __Philadelphia, Pa......._...Apr. 3, 1868
stick -._.---------Ansonia, Conn.-......Apr. 17, 1855
o--------------------_Nexwbuigh, N. Y---------- July 14, 1868
rt------------------- ElmiraIN Y------------- May 19, 1863
art ----Emir-N-------------- EmrN....__June 30, 1861
tiley-----------------...New Orleans, La.... _...... Jan. 11 1870
itmore--------------- Decatu-, Ill - - -------- Mat.28, 1871
ht ---------------.... Now York, N. Y---------- Mat. 24, 1860
igley and C-. Smith - _ Newark, N. J..........-Oot. 1,1867
omin------------..____ Baltimore, Md------------ Aug.23, 1864
gers ---------- Baltiniore, Md------------Dec. 21,1852
veus................. Weehawken, N. J... Doec.3, 1861
81 old----------------- New Yor-k, N. Y---------- Oot. fISMa
unback and F. Bril- Hamilton, Ohio-----------._.Mar. ii,1875
li---------- Abn NY.--_-- p.1,14son -----------------Cleveland, Ohio------July 28, 186;,evonson-------------- Sharon, Pa---------------Not. 26,1867
yes------------------_Washingtonu,. C..... July a, 187(
u-------------------..Hoboken, N. J..........Apr. 26i, 1871
binson--------------- _ _Chamupaignt, Ill-----------..May 16, 1871
-___________Now York, N. Y ---------- Dec. 15, 1857
[bornle.........liaN-------------EliaN.Y.._..._Mar. 1, 1864
rtes, D. R. Fraser, and Chicago, Ill---------------..Oct. 5, 1851
rito........PtsugP............Jl 4 8 r.---------Nevburgh, N. V.......... Sept. 12, 1871
ailey........Nexv Orleans, La.......... Sept. 15, 1861
At---------------NewYor, N.T--------No. 20, 1861
9, 792
90, 643
85, 817
75, 834
79, 375
46, 0-20
70, 743
82, 751
8-2, 556
60, 804
110, 94:1
23, 521
119, 908
15, 650
S 15, 181
114, 001
S 16, 132
107, 746
r 61, 528
99, 220
3 19, 134
11i, 180
117, 747
23, 8:30
28, 632
1 15, 745
98, 122
3 50, 320
7 5, 025
54, 090
7 5, 026
7 67, 043
3 54, 153
1 43, 334
2 35, 176
7 611, 046
3 52, 2-21
1122, 198
G 15, 208
D99, 518
J 96, 400
G 51,821
5 49,284
6 53,6850
5 12, 729
S 80,025
3 39,075
0 98, 724
1 1,22
4 43,920
2 9,488
1 33855
5 13,t637
3 13662
9 6,306
8 80, 509
7 71, 547
0 105, 119
0 102, 367
1114, 861
7 18, 8:17
4 41,810
8 21,668
3 39, 228
1 11 8,873
8-82, 184
59, 886
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Cut-off valve, Steam-engine.....-----------------
Cut-off valve, Steam-engine...-----------------..
Cut-off valve Steam-engine.....------------------
Cut-off valve Steam-engine....................
Cut-off valve Steam-engine....-------..-----------..
Cut-off valve Steam-engine....................
Cut-off valve, Steam-engine...------------------.
Cut-off valve Steam-engine.....-----------------
Cut-off valve Steam-engine..........Cut-off valve Steam-engine...-----------.-------
Cut-off valve Steam-engine.------------------
Cut-off valve Steam-engine.......................
Cut-off valve, Steam-engine...---------------------
Cut-off valve, Steam-engine.....------------------.
Cut-off valve, Steam-engine variable................
Cut-off valve Variable.................
Cut-off, Variable--------------------------..................................
Cut-off, Variable....................--------------------------....
Cut-off valves, Arrangement of means for operating steam-engine.
Cut-off valves, Device for operating---...-----.---
Cut-off valves, Device for operating steam-engine-..
Cut-off valves, Operating...-------------------
Cut-off valves, Operating..............__..
Cut-off valves, Means of operating..........
Cut-off valves, Method of operating...---.-.--..--
Cut-off valves, Method of operating steam-engine.Cut-off valves, Method of operating steam-engine.
Cut-off valves, Mode of tripping...-.-----.---
Cut-off valves, Operating steam-engine---..-----
Cut-off valves, Operating steam-engine-..--------
Cut-off valves, Operating steam-engine......-...
Cut-off valves. Operating steam-engine............
Cut-off valves, Operating steam-engine -..-........--
Cut-off, Water....---------------------------
Cut-off, W ater......................................
Cut-off, Water..---------------------------..................................
Cut-off, Water..................................
Cut-off, Water.------------------------------
Cut-off, W ater.....................................
Cut-off, Water-pipe...------------------------
Cut-off with secondary toe No. 1, Adjustable lever.
Cut-off with secondacy toe No. 2, Adjustable lever.
Cut-offs, Means of regulating and working steamvalves as.
Cut-offs, Means of regulating steam-engine variable
See Angle-iron cutter.
Apple cutter.
Bait and vegetable cutter.
Bait or meat cutter.
Barrel-head cutter.
Beef and vegetable cutter.
Billiard-cue cutter.
Blind-slat cutter.
Bolt and rivet cutter.
Bolt and rod cutter.
Boot-pack cutter.
Broom-oorn cutter.
Button-hole cutter.
Carpet-rag cutter.
Cigar-tip cutter.
Cigar-tuck cutter.
Circular cutter.
Circular and elliptical cutter.
Corn and cob cutter.
Corn-cake cutter.
Corn-cob cutter.
Corn-stalk cutter.
Cylindrical cutter.
Dried-beef cutter.
Fish-bait cutter.
I.M. Colman..................
G. Frost.....................-----------------
N. T. Greene..................
J. Jackman, jr..............
W. A. Lighthall............
S. McCarter..................
S. Parks, jr...............
F. Perry................
G. H. Reynolds---.....-----
T. Rodgers--------------....................
C. B. Sheller----....--.-............
R. L. and F. B. Stevens........
J. D. Whelpley............
G. S. Young...........
I. M. Colman................
L. Eikenberry..............
W. G. Pike...............
J. Randles...................
H. E. Canfield................
K. H. Loomis...............
W. W. W. Wood and H. Howson.
S. Barber.......................
H. T. Peak...................
W. A. Foster..................
G. B. McDonald..............
J. Cochrane...................
W. Wright................
F. E. Sickels...................
T. Asheroft..................
W. Lowe.....................
G. H. Reynolds.............
W. Wright...............
W. Wright...............
R. M. Bixby.................
J. W. Burkholder -... -.-- -
W. H. Lilley............
P. B. Peters............
W. Phipps..............
F. H. Goddard..............
H. Allen...................
H. Allen.................
C. H. Brown and C. Burleigh..
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Brooklyn, N. Y-...........-------
Bridgeport, Conn....-....
Newburyport, Mass.......
Albany, N. Y.............
Norristown, Pa............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y.-.......
Paterson, N. J............
Bellefontaine, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Clearfield, Pa...........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
New York, N. Y..........
Nov. 30, 1858
Sept. 25, 1860
Mar. 13, 1855
Aug. 24, 1858
Nov. 26, 1840
Aug. 22,1871
June 11, 1842
July 31, 1855
Dec. 6, 1859
May 1, 1845
Aug. 13, 1872
Jan. 25, 1841
Mar. 1, 1864
Jan. 3, 1871
Apr. 12, 1859
Apr. 1, 1862
Nov. 21, 1865
Mar. 22, 1870
Apr. 15, 1856
New York, N. Y.......... May 9, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa-..........- July 5, 1859
Date. No.
22, 164
30, 138
12, 507
21, 300
118, 340
2, 602
13, 359
26, 400
4, 028
130, 541
1, 950
41, 800
110. 813
23, 553
34, 821
51, 081
101, 162
14, 649
114, 574
24, 707
5, 129
5, 310
34, 679
41, 083
4, 002
39, 089
4, 201
11, 055
11, 294
16, 570
10, 398
15, 207
111, 720
124, 033
125, 581
121, 960
118, 639
124, 053
6, 093
6, 092
14, 125
14, 545
New York, N. Y..........
Charleston, S. C...........
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
Louisville, Ky.............
Baltimore, Md............
Hartford, Conn..........
New York, N. Y..........
Dorchester, Mass.........
Hartford, Conn.-.........
Medford, Mass............
Hartford, Conn............
Hartford, Conn..........
Iowa City, Iowa...........
Rushford, Minn...........
Hannibal, Mo............
Marietta, Ohio...........
Milwaukee, Wis....
Omaha, Nebr...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
May 22, 1847
Sept. 25, 1847
Mar. 18, 1862
Jan. 5, 1864
Apr. 16, 1845
June 30, 1863
Sept. 19, 1845
June 13, 1854
July 11, 1854
Feb. 3, 1857
Jan. 3, 1854
June 24, 1856
Feb. 14, 1871
Feb. 27,1872
Apr. 9, 1872
Dec. 19, 1871
Aug. 29, 1871
Feb. 27, 1872
Feb. 6, 1849
Feb. 6, 1849
Jan. 15, 1856
H. S. Hopkins................ Providence, R. I........... Mar. 25,1856
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Glass-cutter.
Hand-sole cutter.
Hoop-lock cutter.
Key-hole cutter.
Key-seat cutter.
Lumber tonguing and grooving cutter.
Meat and vegetable cutter.
Metallic-bar cutter.
Molding-machine cutter.
Operating cutter.
Paper-box cutter.
Pasteboard cutter.
Photographic-print cutter.
Pipe and rod cutter.
Relisher and wedge cutter.
Revolving cutter.
Ring-twine cutter.
Rock-channeling-machine cutter.
Rotary cutter.
Screw-thread cutter.
Sewing-machine cutter.
Sewing-machine-thread cutter.
Shaft and pipe cutter.
Sheet-iron cutter.
Shingle-band cutter.
Shoe-lacing cutter.
Stencil-plate cutter.
Stone molding cutter.
Tin-bottom cutter.
Tobacco-plant cutter.
Tonguing and grooving cutter.
Tube-hole cutter.
Twine or thread cutter.
Well-casing cutter.
Welt and strap cutter.
Wire cutter.
Wrench and bolt cutter.
Cutter-bars in grinding, Device for holding.....
Cutter-bench and knee, Bent.....................
Cutter-bits for rifling-machines, Apparatus for
Cutter. grater, and sharpener.....................
W. H. Daniels................. Bryan, Ohio............ Apr. 22,1873
E. Milner.................... Strathroy, Canada....... Nov. 21, 1871
D. Slate...................... Hartford, Conn........... Feb. 16,1864
E. Culver.................Shelburne Falls, Mass.... May 28,1867
D. C. Allen..........-". Concord, N. H-----------A....... ug. 12, 1873
E. Benjamin............ Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 9, 1873
M. W. Clark.............. Worcester, Mass.......... July 27, 1869
M. W. Clark................ Worcester, Mass.......... Apr. 26, 1870
41, 646
141, 744
142, 669
93, 0,56
102, 22-1
Index of patents issued fromt the United Slates Patent Office fromt 1799 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Cutter-head------------------.------------------ J. F. W. Erdmann------------- Philadelphia, Pa _.......July 15, 1873 140. x'05
Cutter-head------------------------------------- W G. Farmer----------------..Burlington, Vt------------ Oct. 6, 1868 82,6(99
Cutter-head------------------------------------- S. Fawcett------------...----Rochester, N.YV-----------Sept. 15, 1868 8-2, 211
Cutter-head ------------------------------------- H. Fletcher.___-----------Louisville, Ky_-----__----Oct. 14, 1Ns73 143, 5e5
Cutter-head------------------------------------..J. Gage--__._-_------------fenniker, N. H.---------Sept. 7, 18(69 94, 510
Cutter-head------------------------------------F_. B. Hayes------------------- Vergennes, Vt-..----- Aug. 22,1871 118, 365
Cutter-head -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ------J. Kindleherger and W. A. Ar San Francisco, Cal.._ Oct. 12, 1869 95, 809
Cutter-head ------------------------------------- M. Lehman------------------- Cincinnati, Ohio......... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 628
Cutter-head -------------------------------------T. Lon g---------------------- Cerro Gordo, Ill----------- Nov. 26, 1872 13:3, 463
Cutter-head------------------------------------- C. E. McBeth-------- -------- Ham~ilton, Ohio.-_--------Oct. 3,1871 119, 632
Cutter-head------------------------------------__R. N. Meriana--_..---------Worcester, Mass.--.---- Dc. 28, 1569 918,31;6
Cutter-head------------------------------------..P. W. Ponry -.-------------Wilkesharre, Pa---------- Nom. 15 1870 109, 244
Cutter-head------------------------------------........C. Rlichards and W. Curtiss.. Cleveland, Ohio----------- _.June 15, 1869 911, 269
Cutter-head......................................G. Rowe and S. W. Nelson.-_ Worcester, Mass- -._--.July 7, 1868 79, 69)0
Cutter-head------------------------------------...E. A. Rowley----------------- Williamsport, Pa. -.__- Apr. 9, 187-2 125,'618
Cutter-head..................................... A. ID. Shea-ar............-..Baltimore, Md------------- Apr. 2,1872 125,140
Cutter-head..................................... A. H. Shipmnan...--------Arcadia, N.YV.............Aug. 19, 1873 142(148
Cutter-head _...._..........................G. E. Somers................. Waterhury, Conn.......Aug. 9,18.0 106,291
Cutter-head.................................... A. L. Sweet-........-........Norwich, Con............Apr. 4, 187i ill,464
Cutter-head..........._...................H. Thompson.__...........Worcester. Mass...-----Dec. 21,1869 98, 124
Cutter-head....................................-- A. Van Vieck................-Jordan, N.YV-.---..--- Feb. 20, 1872 1213,800
Cutter-head..................................... J. V. Woolsey................--Sandutsky, Ohio...........-Aug. 8, 1871 117,830
Cuttei--head......................................FE. S. Wright ________-------New York, N. V..........Sept. 1, 1868 81,859)
Cutter-head and tahle-rest for cutting iri-egular J. P. Grosvenor............... - - -Lowell, Mass.... --- -........May 25, 1858 20, l4
Cutter-head for dressing moldings.___..._....._.-.T. Temple......... -_. _.......Tei-re Haute, Ind. _. -. Dec. 3, 1867 71, 817
Cutter-head tor- irregular form............__ __ _ _....3DuInulap..__...............Concord, N. H..-__...........Aug. 7, 1855 13,:86
Cutter-head foi- matching hoards, Rotary.-- - - ------G. Greenwood.................Lawrence, Mass............eb.Feb. 18, 1873 13a,'907
Cutter-head or moldings........................-J. Whitworthli.................Cleveland, Ohio...........-Dec. 3,1867 71, (0
Cutter-head, Rotary-----------------------------1_P. Tice.....................Baltimore, Md............13cc. - - 6, 1859 26,1813
Cutter-heads, Method of securing knife to..__..W. D. Hooker.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Dedham, Mass.......... _-.May 1:3, 185 6 14, 84
Cutter-heads, pulleys, &c., Fasteniag..... -_.......J. Du Bois and E. F. Bengler - - Williamsport, Pa.....Mar. 29, 1870 101, 03
Cuttem-stok..................J. Peace.....................Camden, N. J------ Jaii. 3, 186-5 45,742
Cutters for turning, Arrangement of.......... - M. Roherts....... _........... South Levant, Me.- --.-A ug. 23, 1853 9, 157
Cutters in their heads for irregular fornis, Method J. Fear...................... - - - -Chicago, Ill _.._.. _.........June 17, 1856 15, 153
of opera(ing.
Cutting andl hending sheet-metal, Machine f r.. J. R. Maitland.................ttleLittle Rock. Ark....- --....May 2, 18 71 114, 311
Cutting and coring knife, Apple.................. C. ID. House.. _.. __... _.......Lake Village, N. H.....Feb. 2, 1869 86, 401
Cutting and gr-asping sheais- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- --5. XW. Valentine. _-.. __..........Boston, Mass......._...... Aug. 1, 1865 41), 178
Cutting and grinding apparatus...-............... P. Miles........-........New Haven, Con......Jan. 8,1861:31, 098
Cutting and polishing compound--------------- -- J. P. Hall...........New York, N. Y..._.....July 27, 1869 9-2,9162
Cutting-hlocks, Machine for leveling-------.A. Davis. __-....................- - Oxford, Mass. _...... _......Sept. 12, 1871 118, 912
Cuttiii-bhaaid..-.....-......................... 1.C. Hussey ----------------- Milford, Mass........Aug. 28,1I066 57,513
Cutting -ox..................................--. X.Green....................--Kinzua, Pa............Mar. 6, 1866 52,95t12
Cutting-hux..................................... C. Sewerka-op----------------- Louisville, Ky------------ Aug. 7.1860 29,5-24
Cutting;box--------------------------------W1. Willis..........South Carolina............ Aug. 24, 182-2.-.
Cutting c-iies, spherical, ellipsoidal, &c., Ma- t. B. Hartwell................Woodstock, Vt.. __......... _July 3, 1855 13, 169
chine for.
Cuttinggriniding, and polishing tools, Maiiifac- A. K. Eaton.................. Piermont, N. Y V.. _.....July 12, 1870 105, 320
tuiro of.
Cutting irregular- forms, Feeding-apparatus for C. P. Bailey.................. - - - -Zaiiesville, Ohio. ---..--__.Dec. 19, 1854 12, 088
machines tor.
Cutting irm-egular forms iii wood- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - --P. George and H. Robertson... Granville, Ohio......... _. Oct. 24, 1848 5, 873
Cutting areular ferms, Machint for--------------..A.. Aldrich. _................ Pi-inceton, Mass.- -- -- ------Sept. 16.1854 ]1,738
Cutting irregular lioima, Machine for- - -.-- --------A Bahhett.................. Auburnm, N. Y. -.........June 19, 1855 13,076
Cutting irregular faims, Machinme for--------------..1. S. Barber...................- - Boston, Mass......... _...May 15, 1855 12, 884
Cutting reular foinus, Maclane for.-_ - - - - - -. IV. Caniphell....- -.. -........New Yor-k, N. Y......... June 131, 1871 115, 520
Cutting ammogular forms, Machine for............---W. N. Oakes..................-Dana, Mass.---.---Jumie 8,1i58 20,505
Cutting irregmlar feams. Macime for-------------0. L. Reynolds------- --------- Dovem-, N. H......- -Aug,. 15, 1854 I11 533
Cutting mrreular foemm, Machine for - - -- - -- - - - -. R Iussell.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Philadelphia, Pa -........Jaii. 3, 185 1,36
Cutting irregular foams, Machimie for.............-- -- -C. Spoffarrd. --. _... -........Amesury, Mass -.- -- -- ----Oct. 7, i5a6 i5,85a9
Cutting irceglar torms, Machine for--------------HID. Stover -_- - - ---.-.- -- ----loston, Mass.. _.......... Au(-. 31,1.i.58 1, 139
Cutting irregular forms, Macline foar-- -- -- -- -- -- - -IT. I). Stover and J.W. Ricknehl Boston, Mass - - - _- ----. Mai-. 11, 18 56 14, 421
Cutting irregular forms, Macline for-------------....I. P. Tice -.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Baltimore, Md------------ _ _May 24, 1859 24, 163
Cuttiangirregular foams, Machine for............- -- --.WXadleigh-----------------...Hill, N.H---------------- _ _Jam. 2, 1855 12),174
Cuttingiregular forms, Machine for- -- -- -- -- -- - -P. H. Wait.--_--.--_-- - - - - - Barkem-sville, N. YV __.. Aug. 28, 1855 113,ill
Cutting-macbanem................................W. H.J.ohnason---------------- Sprinlugeld, Mass-------May 19, 1868177,985
Cutting-machine................................. M. H. Merriam and E.L.Nom-ton Chiarlestown, Mass. -.-_-_June 5, 1516 a5i,3.1.6
Cmttang-machine, Reversing................. - -- -- _ S. ID. Tripp-----_._._-- -- ---Lynmn, Mass. ----.. -...__ Sept. 1,18538 81, 707
Cutting-machine, Rotamy------------------------TJ. J. Butler...................--Cincinnati, Ohio -__.- Dec. 1i, 18636 60,,:141
Cutting objects with straight sides and seniicircu- C. W. Packer.................- - - -Philadelphia, Pa -- -- -.- - ---Dec. 20, 18::4 45, 565
lam ends, Machine fom-.
Cutting or hap hoard - -.----------.... N.. O'Donnell.................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Sept. 13, 1870 107, 283
Cutting polygonal suarfaces in timbher, Machine for 12. Uimger.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - --ayton, Ohio. _...........1). c. 20, 1853 10,3)146
Cuttlingpress................. NJ.innd------------------- ---._N.JSiod.__.--.--Wobaman, Mass.._........Ma r 23,1071 11, 118
Cuttingpiun-hing, and bonding machine.. ---.......C. Wright....................Newark, N. J.. _..........Api. 12, 1864 42, 325
Caaltinpnchin, and upsettine ompnound tool A. A. Kent -................... - - -Lyons, Iowa -_............- -Nov. 19, 1867 71, 181
ndex of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
C vlinc'er for machine-c-n - --__-.s.---.
Cylnder for sniootlning walks, &ce-- -- -- -- - --- - - -
(m' I e orspreaders, cotton-giss,&c., Brnsh --
Cyliiimer-heats, Michine for giinding-............ -- -
Cx -lincler, Hydraulic.............
C} linder mill for grinding corn and other grain-.
Cxliiidei mill for granulating corn, powder, bark,
(Clinder, Mixiandmd (rxing-----------
Cxlinder, Mnltaply ing racting hollow - -- -- -- --
yiandiei-press Ifan-fly- attachment - -.- - -- ----
Cyliinder, Pnlverizin; and mixing- -- - ---- -- -- -- -
Cylinder, Steam -------- --- - ----
Cxlinder, Steam-drying.-............
Cxlinder, Steam-diiig--- ----._ ----_
Cylinders, Apparatus foirhemring................----
Cylinders, Apparatus for sizing glass-- -- -- -- - - --
(.ylindlers, Arrangement for poits in steam---
Cyliiiders, Poring and squaring~ off -----------
Cxylinders, Boring-bai for facing 6the ends of.---.
xylinders, Casting copper..................Cylinders, Casting Loll ow..._........
Cxlinders. Casting toothed... _.............
Cxyliiiders, Devfce for cnttinig section of annlar. -
Cy lindems, Lubricator fior steam-engine.....--....Cxlinders, Macnhine for boring and facing.__....
Cy liiiders, Macline for- horing curved... -.._--
Cy linders, Macline for cutting teeth on..........
Cylinders, Machine for facing...................
Cylincers, Macline for making wire.........--.
Cy lindems, Machine for polishing the iiiner snrfaces of.
Cy linders, Maclane for tuning.................
Cxlinders, Machinei for turning-- -- -- -- -- - - - ---_
Cy linders, Mannei of nionting. hollow revolving..Cy liders, Methlid of forming..........._..
Cxylinders, Methboil of lowering -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --
Cxylinde sMode(ofnmakiing foothied- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Cylinders, pulleys, &c. Mode of balancing ---.-_xylinders, Rep-iriing cast-iron._.__.._.___._-_.
Cyxlanders to he polished, Claip for holdiiig..._
Cylindria'l boiler................
C lindiail.........ex........
Cyxlidrical boxes, Machine for manuifactniing - - -.
( alnicautter for leathir, &c........
Cxylindrical citting-knixes. Meilaid of sharpening.Clin iai mold for rubber-gnods, Machine for
Cylindial er taperina'slacks, Tool for ecutting..
Cylridrical strnctures, Constrnction of donuile -..
Daguerreotype-apparatus-_ - - -.- _---- -- ------
Dagncrieotype-ppa-atns for giliding plates _--.-..
Dagerreotype-appaatus for panoramic views.
Residence. I
C. E. Brownell ----------------East Haddam, Conn._-.
J. Giles and C. B. Tompkins..- Dryden and Ulysses, N. Y.
A. M. Lamiplier---------------.Gloucester, N. J....
J. Shirrell...................._Paterson, N. J.....-...
ID. Fitzgerahd................. New York, N. Y.--._.
S. Browning-...........Franconia, N. II.....
11. W. Pitts................... Wilsonville, Ala....
J. Wilson...................._New London, Conn.-.
L. B. Pitcher.................Salina. N.Y.-...........
T. Poxvell...-.........._..Newv Yoik, N. Y.----
P. A. Cotter.................. Boston, Mass..-....._..
W. Coggeahall and J. W. Stan Spmringfield, Ohio., a in d
ley. ClhicagoIll.
W. Corliss................... PovidenceIH. I. __.. -...
J.Baota..................... Pawtucket, RI.......
H. WV. Bntterworth............Phialadelpia, Pa......
S. IL XWilinot.. _-. -..........Lidgepoit, Coinn....
L. B. Flanders................Philadelphiia, Pa....
Bl. Eatoni.-._..................I Roanoke, Id...........--
J. C. Chapman................Chailestown, Mass. _.._..
J. Flower.................... DetioitMn i...........--
F. Adams....................-Semerville, Mass...
J. W. Biitlin.................Black Rock, Conn....
H. W. Cornell................ I Owego, N Y.._......... __.
J. 0). Joyce.................... Dayton, Ohio............
J. Henwood.................-- New York, N. Y_._.
J. MacDonald...............- Best on, Mass.............
WX. Wrig.ht..................- New York, N. Y....
S. B. Dean, W. T. Nicholson, Boston, Mass., Providence,
and G Anmes. RI, and Oswego, N. Y.
T. M. Henderson and F. L. Omaha, Nebr............
C. H. Lathmam................ Lowell, Mass.. _.._.......
T. Gooidrnm..................Pirovidemice, H. I. -.-.
J. AT. Poole.............Wilniangton, Del....
(G.Sibley.....................inxyN. H..............
L. B. Pitcher.................S-alia, N.Y............
11. Willard.-..................Grand Rapids, Mich..
G. P. Biainhall...............Chicag'oIll.............--
I. L. Tutle. -.... _.. I axvreimae, Mass _-_.
XV. Kitsen...................ILowell, Mass.-.......
S. Faikenbmry............... - - -I SusqehannalaDepot, Pa.--
(G. Williamson............... Newark, N.J -...... _..
P. M. Ilackley...-.._.........Hudson, N. Y............
E. Waters.................... Troy, N.Y..............
IT. S. Smith, F. Hanson, and IRntlanid Vt..............
M. S. Bichardson.
S. Crani..................... New York, N. Y_..
J. H. Goldlinig-----------...--Liverpool, Enigland..
J. H. and A. T. Goodell............. Nx- York, N. Y..-__..
J. W. Cobb.................. Melrose, Mass......
Mar. 25, 1862
Nov. 15, 1859
Sept. 31, 1858
Sept. 16, 1873
Dec. 16, 1862
Nov. 25, 1814
July 1, 1840
Jnly 23, 1841
Nov. 12, 1867
Dec. 3, 1813
Apr. 8, 1873
July 13, 1869
24, 734
'A 6, It0
21, 568
142, 874
37, 195
1, 670
2, 192
70, 742
137, 597
9-2, 585
Dec. 31, 187-2'134, 362
Mar. 31, 1857 16, 905
June 25, 1867 66, 675
Sept. 20, 1864 44, 296
Nov. 10, 1868 84, 040
Apr. 28, 1857 17, 142
Jan. 13, 1863 37, 384
Dec. 26, 1871 122, 24.3
Ang. 2, 18S5) 24, 915
Jan. 23, 18 70 98, 144
Sept. 5, 1871 118, 693
Dcc. 8, 1868 84, (697
Mar. 10, 1857 16,1796
Oct. 21, 1873 143,917
May 3, 1864 42. 616
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 361
Dec. 2, 1873 145, 103
Apr. 18, 1871 113, 779
Jimly 16, 1872 129, 402
Julx 7, 1868 79, 683
July 3, 18O0 29, 014
Sept. 20, I870 107, 534
May 10, 1870 103,6001
Junmel16,1868 -78,860
Oct. 30, 184) 6, 840
Dec 20,1870 110,247
June 22, 1858 20, 6i35
Nov. 13, 186', 30, (660
Oct. 9, 1813...
Jan. 30, 1835 12,35
Apr. 7, 1857 17, (.01
Jn 2,13.I)ec. 22, 1868 85 8
May 1, 1800 28, 074
June 18, 1867 65, 794
Jnly 13, 1858 20, 866
Anug. 28,1.866 57, 462
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 347
Nov. 15, 1833 10, 225
No\-. 11, 1831 8, 513
May 8, 1849) 6,4.31
Apr. 17, 1849 6,:157
G5. Davis..................---
I). L. Bartlett and G. H. Johnsou.
S. J. Kelso................---
Duoquesne, Pa...........
Baltinmore, Md..........
Detroit, Mich..........
J. Brown..---..----....-......New York N. Y.-----
W., xv. H., and H. J. Lewis. - Nexw York, N. Y.-----
WW. anal XV.IH. Lexwis -- -- -- -- --New Yaork, N. Y....
1. VaiiBunseloten, J. G.Wood- New York, N. Y.
br ile, aiid W. Manm.
Ilaguerreotvpe-c'ase........................H-- 1.1Hill..................... New Yark, N. Y.......... June 18, 1861
Daguerreotype-c-iso...........................- I. F. Maseh-uer.................- -- -- -- -Philadelphia. Pa. __.____.Mar. 8,185:
Dagmerieotxpe-case hinges, Fastening for.._S. Pack............Ix___ _ exx HaxcnConn. Feb,a1856
Iagunerre.otype-ca se, Monumental............. -- -- - -..4.. lleagstresser....-.....Berryshnrgh, Pa.--..... _....Feb. 8,1859
I)aguermeolxpe-c-ises, &c., Apparatus for the maii- I. T. Anthony and F. Phoehus New Yerk N. Y.......... -- -M r. -Mar. 23,1854
u factume of.
Da'uerreotype-cases, Manufacture of.............- - -H. Halvorsen. --...........Cambridge. Mass -. -----Ang.7, l855
llaoiemreotype-cases, Manufacture of. _......... S. Peck......................- -- -- -- -Now Haxen, Coon. - Oct.3, 1854
Dagmaerr-eoty-pe-cases, Mold for makin,,..- -........,TJ. L. Baladwin................ Nexvark. N.J.............-- l - - Feb.Fb 11, 186-2
D)aguerr-eotypae-cases, &c., Process for ornamenting J. F. Maseber................- -- - IPhalade-lphia, Pa -........Feoh 10, 1857a
Daguerreotxpe face-plates or mias, Machine for E. Brown.................... Wateahury, Coon.__.:_.-----.udy 3, 185
beveling -md polishing t he inner edges of.
Dai'iermeotypei-iat................... _.._.....I.J. Dean.------------.........Worcester, Mass.---_Dec. 24,1861
Daguerireatype-picture---------------------------C. J. Anthony................--Pittshburgh, P-- I--- an.1,1851
D)a (gucrreoty pe-pictureo.............................H. E. Insley -...-.... _......New York, N.Y.--.-. Jan. 6, I8;
Da'uerreotyp-pcture case. --....... _.........A. F. Stles...................Southabury, Conno -.-._Jan.2,1850
1)ar'maeretype-picturmes, Colorinig................. __ __ _D. Davis,jr....... __.......Bosmear Mass (__3m_ 0._ _Oc.22, 1842
Da'guer-eotype pictures, Coloring.__. __.___........W. Thompson................I_ l_ a _ __ Piladelpha, Pa M.1ax' 12,184:1
IDa ueireotxpn i1lite bulling apparatus......-- -.....V. anal XX. H. Lewis. -.-_. New York, N.Y............uly Jurly20) 18511
Dagiarreetype-plate holer......................P. II. Benedict. -. __.. __._..__Syracuase, N. Y.......T an. 31, 1854
IDauerretype-plateImlaer......................I -- -- -- - D. N. 13. Colin, jr..__...... _......Lynn, Mass... l._. eb. 6 1855
L aguerieaty pi-plate holler....................... M. Finley............ -- -......CanandaiuauuNY_ (Je _Ot.4, 1851
Dna- unrreotxp-p late bolalrra-......................J. Hill.----_____--_-Saetls.................Si meeN Aug. 22,1854
1)aoie'raxatxpc Inate holder -......._._......._----_.H.Knechat _..........._.....1aston, Pa. ----- l eb. 7,1854
Daaacri-eatypa- fate hlduer.__..............._......G. Mallory...................-INew York, N Y __.._Sept. i7,1850
Daguer-reotyp-p l-temolaler................."..._.S. Peck..............--........Nexv HaenCon..._Apr. 30, 850
1)a-iurer-e- pltateIholaer......................HD. Sir-e.................... Phi-adelphai Pa -__-. I Oct. a),l1-55.
1)agaierreualxpe-pl-aite-aolishimg machine..... _....1 ). Shix-e............._. _. - Philadlphaa-i. P.-u. - iamr20,1855
Daguameameotype-plte vise.....................S. S. Day.._._...............Non V oakN.Y..__ Oct. 23,1455~
Dionra rrlolvpe-plates, Apparatus for cleaning and I3F. Lengkirag....._______.BokyNY...........Bmo.xTN an. 31, 1854
Daguerotxpe-llates, Aparatuas for holding.JXX. amid W. IH. Lewvis.........Ncxv York, N. Y....Oct.03, 1840
54 P
32. 56-2
9, 611
14, 202
2 2, 850
10, 953
13, 410
34, 344
1(6, 600
13, 19(6
34, 035
7, 641
2 821
10, 466
12 344
10, 093
10, 508
7, 6335
7, 326
13, 6(15
13, 701
10, 475
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Daguerreotype-plates, Apparatus for polishing.... B. F. Upton.................. Bath, Me............. Sept. 19, 1854 11, 709
Daguerreotype-plates, Block for holding......... A. Beckers - -................ New York, N. Y......... Oct. 23, 1849 6,812
Daguerreotype-plates, Box for coating............. W. and W. H. Lewis....... New York, N. Y......... Nov. 15, 1853 10, 233
Daguerreotype-plates, Box for coating............. J. I. Tompkins............. I Buffalo, N. Y........... Jan. 15,1856 14, 122
Daguerreotype-plates, Coloring............. J. B. Isenring.............. Canton of St. Gall, Swit- Jan. 30, 1846 4, 369
Daguerreotype-plates, Coloring............... F. Langenheim............ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 30, 1846 4, 370
Daguerreotype-plates, Machine for cleaning.... C. Ketcham............ Penn Yan, N. Y......... June 29, 1858 20, 718
Daguerreotype-plates, Machine for polishing-.... T. Duryea................ Williamsburgh, N. Y...... June 15, 1852 9, 018
Daguerreotypes, Camera for taking stereoscopic S. A. Holmes............ Brooklyn, N. Y.......... May 30, 1854 10, 987
and other.
Daguerreotypes, Coloring........................ W. A. Pratt.................. Alexandria, D. C......... Mar. 14, 1846 4, 423
Daguerreoptyes, Coloring. -....................B. R. Stevens and L. Morse... Lowell, Mass............. Mar. 28, 1842 2, 522
Daguerreotypes for stereoscopes, Taking........... A. S. Southworth and J. J. Boston, Mass............... July 11, 1854 11,304
Daguerreotypes, Gilding..................... C. L'Homdien............ Charleston, S. C.......... Oct. 26, 1852 9, 354
Daguerreotypes in monumental stones, Securing _. S. Jenkins............--.... West Cambridge, Mass... Mar. 11, 1851 7, 974
Daguerreotypes, Taking................. J. A. Whipple................. Boston, Mass............. Jan. 23,1849 6, 056
l)aguerreotyping................ W. Yarnall............ Newark, Ohio.......... Dec. 28, 1852 9, 511
Daguerreotyping, Mercury bath for............... B. F. Upton.................. Bath, Me............ Apr. 12, 1853 9, 666
Dairy-apparatus.................................. J. A. Whitney............. New York, N. Y......... Aug. 17, 1869 93, 936
Dairy-can....................................L. A. Sunderland............ Chagrin Falls, Ohio..... Aug. 6,1867 67, 607
Dairy-cooler...............................D. Whimer................ Paradise, Pa.............. Dec. 7,1826..
Dairy-heater for heating water................... G. W. McCammon and D. H. Manheim and Little Falls, May 16, 1781 114, 836
Burrell. N. Y.
Dairy-house......................................L. D. Yerks................... Downington, Pa........... Mar. 27, 1866 53, 516
Dam....................................... J. Du Bois.................... Williamsport, Pa........ Sept. 2, 1862 36, 342
Dam, Adjustable................................. J. A. Wood................ Pittsburgh, Pa.......... July 11, 1871 117, 028
Dam and level................-............... B.Britten................ Galena, Ill............ Sept. 11,1866 57,852
Dam or water-weir, Adjustable.................... M. S. Wheaton............. Riga, N. Y.............. Apr. 3, 1849 6, 266
Dam, Portable and adjustable still-water....--...- S. Lewis................. Brooklyn. N. Y............ July 28, 1868 80, 492
Dam, River............................... P. Magrath --................ Philadelpihia, Pa.......... Oct. 10, 1829....
Dam, Self-acting.................................. Werner----------------Louisville, Ky.----....Jan. 21,1873 135,023
Dam, Still-water adjustable -------------------- S. Lewis.---------------..- Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y..... Jan. 5, 1869 85, 598
Damrs, Building-------------------------................................. S. J. Burr-- --..................... Chambersburgh, Pa....... Feb. 28,1833..
Dams, Mode of constructing.................. -W. P. Craig.... -.-- -.... Newport, Ky............ July 8, 1856 15, 317
Dam s, M ode of constructing-.......... J. M. Syme--............. Richmond, Va.......... Feb. 22, 1830.....
Damask hair-seating, Figured ----........... S. Ross ---------------.. Camden, N. J....... Sept. 18, 1841 2, 262
Damper.......................................... F. Bleier..................... Pittsburgh, Pa............ Jan. 15,1860 7,015
Damper----------------------------------F____.a Blele r ne--------------Pittsburgh, Pa----------J an. 15, 1860 37,3015
Damper.......................----------------------------------.............. E. andJ.Bourne-----------.............. Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Mar. 24, 1863 37, 347
Damper------......---............---.....................-------------------------... R. Brann -----------....... illsborough, Ill..... June 10, 1862 35, 500
Damper......................................... M. C. Burleigh-------------................ Somersworth, N. H-....... July 12, 1870 105, 167
Damper......................................... G. Chilsom....---------------- Boston, Mass............. Apr. 29, 1862 35, 080
Damper......----------------------------------.................................... D. B. Cox.............. Troy, N. Y.....------------- Aug. 11, 1868 80, 920
Damper.......................................... A. E. Elmer...............Springfield, Mass..... Oct. 24, 1865 50, 569
Damper......----------------------------------.................................... I. L. Frankem................. Indianapolis, Ind.......... Oct. 15, 1867 69, 791
Damper..................................----- J. W. Freer -................ Pittston, Pa............. Jan. 31, 1871 111,336
Damper........................................ W.Hailes................. Albany, N. Y..---------. July 28, 1868 80, 476
Damper......................................... E. C. Harrison -.........._ New York, N. Y......... May 26, 1863 38, 678
Damper.....................................--..... W. B. Hayden --.............. Columbus, Ohio....... - Sept. 26,1871 119, 270
Damper..................................... F. M. Hubbard........ Protection, N. Y.......... Mar. 31, 1863 38, 045
Damper......................................--.. J. G. Jennings................ Cleveland, Ohio-..-..- Nov. 15, 1864 45, 045
Damper.......................................... W. Johnson-----------........----.......... ----Milwaukee, Wis......... Sept. 26,1865 50,133
Damper........................................ M. W. Kidder.............. Lowell, Mass.....----------- Feb. 26, 1867 62, 341
Damper......................................... J. Kinckerbocker.......-... Hartford, Conn-........ July 11, 1865 48, 695
Damper......-................................. J. W. Martin............--..... Milton, Mass.....----------- Mar. 22, 1864 42, 049
Damper................................... ------ S. Munson-- ---.---..... - Joliet, Ill _........... Feb. 16,1864 41,636
Damper--------......-----.......................-----------...-.. W.W. Paxson................. Point Pleasant,Pa-...... Jan. 8,1867 61,093
Damper....---------------------------------- N. R. Ramsey.......... Orange, Mass..- --..- June 27, 1865 48, 491
Damper..-------.-...................... -- H. Raymond -........... Racine, Wis......... Aug. 9,1864 43, 794
Damper ------..-............................. J. C. Rhodes --....--...--. Stillwater, Minn.....-.. July 21, 1868 80, 223
Damper......................................... W. Sanford...... Brooklyn, N. Y..... May 6, 1862 35, 179
Damper.......................................... ---- J. F. Stafford............... North Granville, N. Y.... Nov. 19, 1867 71, 077
Damper ---......-...................................C. C. F. Stender............... Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 8, 1864 41, 869
Damper.......................................... L. C. Taber....-------.............. ----- Eaton, N. Y........Feb. 23, 1869 87, 221
lamper.......................................... G. Tainter......-........ Watertown, Mass-...... Oct. 14, 1862 36, 679
Damper....................................-.. L. S Taylor --------------- Sigel, Mo........ Mar. 21, 1871 112, 863
Damper----- ------------------ I. B. Thomas --.. Racine, Wis - -...... - Apr. 8,1862 34,925
Damper ---- --------.---------------------A. Tracy...----------------........... Paris Hill, Me.......... May 23, 1871 115, 135
Damper..-------------- -.. J.P. Tuttle.---- -... Warren, Ohio. - Mar. 8,1870 100, 692
Damper.........................................--- P. Verbeck and O. T. Walker. Neenah, Wis.....-----------. June 2, 1863 38, 776
Damper ------..----------------------------............ N.W. Wheeler............... Ripen, Wis..--...--------- Feb. 2, 1864 41,457
Damper and handle for anthracite coal stove...... E. Nott -- ----------. - Schenectady, N. Y -...... June 29, 1833....
Damper and register, Ventilating.................. W.J. Towne... -Newton, Mass........ Aug. 30, 1864 44. 030
Damper and shelf, Stove-pipe.....................E. H. Clinton and W.H.Lavinia Chicago, Ill.......... May 23, 1871 115, 025
Damper and stove-pipe collar combined -......... A. L. Shontz.............. Quincy, Ill... --.- Jan. 30, 1872 123, 298
Damper and valve regulator, Electro-magnetic.... G. M. Sternberg............... Fort Riley, Kans......... Mar. 1, 1870 100, 462
Damper and ventilator........... - J. H. Littlefield--...... Cambridge, Mass Sept. 12, 1865 49, 899
Damper and ventilator............................ L. Skinner..----- -.. Amboy, Ill-----...... Aug. 5, 1873 141, 601
Damper and ventilator, Combined................. A. Anderson.................. Londor, Canada........ Dec. 17, 1867 72, 261
Damper and ventilator, Stove-pipe................ A. R. Burdick................ Racine, Wis---....... Mar. 1, 1870 100, 369
Damper and ventilator, Thermo regulator for...... J. N. Adams.--------- -.. Olate, Kan.......... July 30, 1872 130, 002
Damper, Automatic...-------------- -.. G. A. Townsend...- -.. Hornellsville, N. Y...... Aug.13, 1867 67, 687
Damper, Chimney -------------------- -.. P. Baker..------------. Oakland, Md.......... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 245
Damper, Chimney....................... A. Campbell.-.---------. Philadelphia, Pa..... Apr. 21, 1857 17, 077
Damper, Chimney ---------------------.. T. F. Engelbrecht......... New York, N. Y....... July 29, 1856 15, 458
Damper, Cooking-stove.----------------- -.. H. L. Sheperd..------... Dayton, Ohio- -........ Aug. 27, 1850 7, 607
Damper, Cooking-stove.---------------- -.. L. L. Thomas--Dighton, Mass- -Jul 19 1859 24, 849
Danmper die, Stove-pipeJ............................ Van Hagan.-----....Chicago, Ill -...... lOct. 6, 1868 82. 771
Damper, Fire-place---- ------- -------------J. Bradford..-------- -... Charlotte, N. C.. -.. Oct. 8, 1872 131, 994
Damper, Fire-place.-----------------...-.-. J. Bridgham.--------... New York, N. Y..... May 21, 1872 126, 927
Damper for air-tight stoves, Self-acting...........S. P. Lyon.-.............. Farmington, Mich....... Nov. 15, 1853 10, 234
Damper for chimrneys, cranks, and wheels - J. Reilly and J. Flanagan...... Waynesburgh, Pa..... Mar. 10, 1827
Damper for fire-places, AdjustableS.................. Albertson.................. New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 20, 1866 59, 789
Damper for fiat-iron heater........................ G. R. Moore................... Lyons, Iowa............ Mar. 5. 1867 62, 557
Damper for flues-d-r--------ust-ble-......... J. Liming --.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 20, 1864 45, 508
Damper for heatirrg-drums, Adjustable----------A. J. Lovejoy................ Augusta, Me.............. Nov. 12.1872 132, 913
Damper for hot-air furnaces....................... A. H. Mershon................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 5 1868 77, 512
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Damper for hot-air furnaces..__-.................._ __ _A. C. Warren-----------------. _.Concord, N. HI.------------Feb. '25, 1873 136, 291
Damper for bot-air furnaces, Selfadjusting..-_E. Barrows, jr---------------- __ __ _Brooklyn, N. Y- -- - - ------Mar. 23, 1858 19, 678
Damper for multitubular steam-boilers------------_ _J. iR. Robinson................Boston, Mass.............--Mar. 19, 1861 31, 744
Damper for steam-boilers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --J. It. Robinson... _... _... _.....Boston, Mass.............. June 11, 1861 32, 533
Damper for sugar-furnaces.......................-J. Jordon--------------------....Boston, Mass --_ ------Dec. 27, 1833.
Damper for windows, Fire-----------------------.....M. J. Barwick.- - - - --_-----New York, N. Y...........June 17, 1873 1 9, 999
Damper, Giate---------------------------------- J. O'Brien--------------------- New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 15, 1857 18, 885
Dampei guard Stove---------------------------- _ __ __ __ _RItR. Howell -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Fostoria, Ohio... July 9, 1872 128 8
Dampeirllmiatng.................J"H-Kysr...........New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 15,1868 8-2, 228
Dap iii steam-boiler- - -- -- - -- -- - - -"-- ----HI. McDonough.............. New York, N. Y -.....June 25, 1867 66, 181
Damper, Operating stove- - ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -0. Paddock... __.............Watertown, N. Y..... Feb. 18, 1862 34, 446
Dampei oi draft-regulator for stove.............. - - -S. Oppenheimer -...... -. Peru, lnd.. __......... __. _.,Dec. 11, 1866 68, 412
lDampei, Oven.................................. J. P. Sherwood................ Fort Edwards, N. Y...Oct. 10, 1854 11,794
Dampei-regulator.......................... ___.. B. Fittsa.. _.................Worcester, Mass. __........Jan. 21, 1873 1:35, 103
lDamper-reguuator........................ _J. How and C. W. Copeland... Breoklyn, N. Y.......... Feb. 2, 1858 19, 249
Dampetrceulator.............................. J. H. Murrill....... -_ -........Baltimore, Md... _........_Oct. 4, 1870 107, 948
Damper-regulator. --............................ J. F. Neall and W. Myers -. - Philadelphi, Pa............ov.Nov. 6, 186 9 439
Daniper-regulator.----........---------- W. Noyes................ Ixew York, N. Y.........Dec. 13,1864 45,4-29
Damper i-egulator and indicator, Steam. _.... _.......C. H. Ford....................Baltiniore, Md...........Jan. 16, 1866 52, 114
Damper regulator, Fire..........................-- ----- -- -P. Lamb.. _..._..... _.......San Francisco, Cal. _..__June 21, 1864 41, 213
Damper regulator, Fire........... -- - -.... _-........W. Webster................... Morisania, N. Y.. __._...Aug. 19, 186-2 36, 252
IDamper regulator, Steam-boiler. _.................- -- W. Webster..-__............Morrisanvm, N. Y.......... Feb. 17, 1857 16, 664
D)amper regulator, Steam-boiler..................'IP. White.._..._..._.._. Brooklyn, N. Y........... Junie 9, 1857 17, 533
Damper regulator, Steam-pressure..-... F... E.B. Beach _........_....... _West Meriden, Conn..Oct. 8, 187-2 131, 982
Damper regularor, Stove......................... L. Boome--.-------------Buffalo, N.Y-------------Ma.2,17 2,93
Damper, Self-regulating..........................C. H. Lavis -. __. __... ____......Phuladelphiai, Pa.......... __ _June 20, 1865 48, 291
Damper, Stove.................................. G. Asmus-..............Portageo Michb............ Oct. 3, 1865 50, 216
Damper, Stove................................... G. Cessford................... Uticai N.Y--------_-----Mar. 11, 186-2 34, 660
IDamper, Stove...................................FE. F. Cook..........._.._..Omab-iN ~ebr.............-Dec. 30,1873 145,8189
Damper, Stove............ ----.--_-... own....................IACoa... Scranton, Pa-------------- July 9, 1872 128, 859
Damper, Stove 'F-----------------.T. Duke...-........Plattsmouth, Nebr-_..Nov. 26,1867 71, 368
Damper, Stove..................................L. H.H.Hutly.............Quincy, Ill---------------- Nov. 18, 1873 144, 676
Damper Stove......................................W. Langdon...............-Northampton, Mass... INov. 30, 1869 97, 414
DamperStove----..........F----------. Lobsand...... ------ aPot, n.............LaPre d------May 2,1871 114, 453
Damper, Stove...................................H. Mallory. ___..... _........Milwaukee, Wis----------.June 15, 1869 91, 245
Dampem, Stove..................................- IJ. Smith and S. C. Brown ----lichmond, Ind...........-Mar. 1-2, 1867 62, 896
D)amper, Stove..................................--G. W. Walker........._..._ Boston, Mass--------...... June 19, 186ti 55, 451
Damper Stove.......................J. D. Willoughby -------------- Washiugton, D. C.... Feb. 4,1873 135,611
D~amper" Stove --------........-------- I. Worster.................... Central Falls, F. I--- Oct.. 28, 1873 144, 043
Damper, Stov e self-regulating....................-B. Owen....................... Senieca Falls, N. Y......June 19, 1849 6, 546
Damper, Stove-pipe.............................__L. 0. Allen.................... Gardiner, Me ----------Dec. 1.5, 1868 84, 930
D)amper, Stove-pipe............................. I. C. and A. B. Allerton.....Aztalan, Wis.......Sep.12, 1865 -51, 489
Damper, Stove-pipe............................. T. K. Anderson... _............ Homnellsville, N. Y_....M.....S.ai-. 26, 1867 63, 196
Damper, Stovc-pipe.......................... _...T. K. Anderson.........- -- -...Hornellsville, N. Y......June 8, 1869 90, 912
Damper, Stove-pipe............................J. Ash_._.._................Sterling, Ill._...........Oct. 17, 1871 119, 911
Damper, Stove-pipe..........................,.. I H. Baker.. __..... _.. _........Lancaster, Pa........... Jan. 25, 1870 99, 048
IDamper, Stove-pipe................... _........ _J. M. Biaker................... Aurora, Ill---------. __..--Oct. 19, 1869 95, 967
Damper, Stove-pipe.............................FR. F. Ball.. _...... __.......... est Meriden' Conn. -. Sept. 24, 1872 131, 591
Danipei, Stov e-pipe........................... J. Barton.- - -----._-- -----Battle Ci-eek, Mich._.. Feb. 13, 1866 52, 514
Daiiper, Stovc-pipe.._............__...........N. A. Boynton-----__-------New Yor-k, N. Y..........July 4,1871 116, 675
Danmper, Stove-pipe................J. Bradshaw and S. C Wilson. Albion, N. Y- - -.- -- -- ------June 6, 1865 48, 046
Dampei, Stove-pipe -.-............ -- - -............'-R. M. Breckenridge -- -- - --- -- --West Meriden, Conn -__..Aug. 7, 1866 56, 891
Damper, Stov e pipe............................._IH. C. Brown------------------ Buffalo, N.Y_----------May 30, 1865 47, 923
Damper, Stove-pipe.......................F C. Chiapmani.............. _Lacoii, Ill----------. __ --Nov-. 4, 1873 144, 192
Damper, Stov e-pipe............................. I). A. Cleavelmnd.............. Providence, F. I- ----------._ _Sept. 3, 1872 130, 97 9
Damipem, Stove-pipe _........................... _A. Colton... - _.. _... -Scamore, Ill - -..----------.Mar. 24, 1868 75, 863
Damper-, Stove-pipe._.........................._ B. F. Cowan -- -- -- - - - - - - ------New York, N. Y..........-July 17, 1866 56,:179
Damnper-, Stove-pipe.............................--. Cox and A. W Potter__-Monroe, Wis------------Aug. 6,1867 67, 415
D)amper, Stove-pipe.............--_..__. '.Ds..................F.K en----------Bangor, Me--------------- Feb. 18, 1873 1:36, 042
Damper, Stove-pipe..__...........................I). lDe Garrno --.... _._........Rochester, N. Y----------- _Jan. 29, 1867 61, 613
Dampem-, Stove-pipe............................- W.H. Ieily................... Sycamoie, Ill------------Oct. 20,1868 83,139
Danmper, Stove-pipe...__.......................... N. J. FEld-ed..................Chicago, Ill- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Sept. 25, 1866 58,233
Daniper, Stove-pipe.............................. Emmuirt.__.......-.........Chicago, Ill-__----------May 2011 3,97
D)amper, Stove-pipe............................. L. S. Fonos..............Almond, N. Y -_-- -_--July 1 4,1868 79, 817
Damper, Stove-pipe.............................. C. I'. Ever-son.........Plnya.Y------DcT,86 6,li
PamrNI ----__ e.416 0 6 amper, Stove-pipe.............................. A. V. and A. F Fletcher _. --.Athiol, Mass _- - - - - ---June 6, 1865 48, 058
Damperm Stove-pipe...............J. Fowler-------------Watertown, Wis---------- Aug,. '9, 1865 49, 619
Damper, Stov e-pipe... _..._......................._I__ _ _. Fr-aser- and 0. S. Garretson - 'Buffalo, N. Y.- -.- -- -- ---Dee. 18, 1866 (6t, 498
Damper, Stovc p pe _........_.........I. rnc............1..Fenh...... RIochuester, N. Y ----------Aug. 8, 1871 117, 762
Dampem, Stove-pipe -....... -................M. Gardner... __............ autucket, Mass--__..._Apr. 18, 1865 47, 293
Damper, Stove-pipe............................. W. T. Gray...__.. _.........Galesbuigh, Ill_-----_------May 7, 1867 64, 415
Damper, Stove-pipe............................ -D. L. Grover. -- - - _....--Grotoii, N. Y -.. ___........Apr. 3, 1866 53, 695
l)ampem, Stov e-pipe.............................XW. Hailes and P. Finkle...__ Albany, N. Y.. _..........Sept. 10, 1867 68, 738
Damper, Stove-pipe..............................FE. R. Hall -mud D. A Keyes - _.. Norfolk, Conn -- -- -- -- - ---May 16, 1871 114, 806
Damper, Stove-pipe............................. G. B. Halsted _......_.......New York, N. Y..........--Nov. 1-2, 1567 70, 836
Damiper, Stove-pipe.... _... _.....................FR. Ham................... _Troy-, N. Y - __. __.............ept.Sept. 28, 1869 95, 340
Daniper, Stove- pipe.........................__..B. I. Harris....._ __............._Ham misbur'li, Pa -- -- -- -- --Sept. 25, 1866 58, 251
Danipem. Stove pipe.............................. J. Healey, ii -..................-Detoit Mich _- ---.---.Juliy 71868 79,-758
ï~~42 8
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Onfce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continuied.
Damper, Stove-pipe------------------------------
D~amper, Stove-pipe-..---------........-.--.......
Damper, Stove-pipe------------------------------
Damper, Stove-pipe............................ -
Damper, Stove-pipe..............................
1)amper, Stove-pipe -----------------------------
Damper, Stove-pipe.-----------------------------
lDam per, IStov e-pipe.--------- --------..-----......
Damper, Stove-pipe-- - - -- - - -- - - - - --
Dlamper, Stove-pp 1).....11....)0......
Dainper, Stove-pipe-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
Damper, Stove-pitpe-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dam per, Stove-ipe-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Damper, Stove-pipe - - - --- - - - -- -- - -
1)anper, Stove-pipe-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
)ainpei, Stove-p pe1)11)0- -- - -- - -- - -- -
D)am per, Stove-pipe - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - -
D)amper, Stove-pipe.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dam per, Stove-pipe - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -
D~amper, Stove-pie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dam per, Stove-pipe-- - - - - -. - - - - - - - -
Damper, Stovepipe.------- ---------Dmetv-ie---------------
1)am per, Stove-pipe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Damper, Stove-pipe..........-......
ID am per, Stove-pipe-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D~am pei-, Stove-pipe-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
iDamper, Stoe ipu e....................
Dampei-,vStve, pivpe p............
IDaiiper, Vetilat-i1)g5---------------------------
Damper, Vetoxle-pipe.............................
Damper stroie......................f......
Daps iiinroaare, stovespe.............---.......
Dampets in steaiiietbygthppat-stureoMetho
steaii, Regulating the.
Danmcer, Automatic--- - - - --...............
Dancer, Automatic._............_
1)ancei, Antoiiatic.................._.._......
JDancer, Automatic tight-rope.............
Daiieer, Automaton.............................
Dancer, Automaton............................__
1)asli-benrd------..............................Daishi-board -nid rein-holder.....................--
1)si-boair( bag ------- ------------------------
D)ashi-wheel foi- washing and bleaching, Use of the.
Da)n dnmaclone - -- -------- -
Daxvit aind wvhiicth, Ships..........................
Davit-all-block hook. - -----------------.
Dax itnuet'se-----e-si-g------------------------
D~avit, Ship's..................................--
D avit, Ship's - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Davit, Ships ----------------------------------
Davits, Device for detaching boats ti-em--------.
DavitsTirippinig-block for boats.................
Dead ceniter, Device foi- overcoming...............
1)ead-eeiter in cranks, Means for av-oding the --- -
Deal-emye blocks, Mactine for making...........- -- --
D e alt-poi n t in cranks, Engine tor- overcoming.
IDead-point in ciranks, Machine foi- overcoming-..
Deaid-point in cratiks, Mo of arrangiig the cylinder in duoible. cylinder engines for overcoming.
Dead-spindle -- - - - - - - -- - - - -. - - - -
Decantei-stopper, Self-actinig.- - - - --------------. -.
Decarbomiziiig furnae-------------------------
Deck and side light for vsse..................._
M. S. Marshall---------------. iMerose, Mass- -_- -- -- -
S. Marvin.._-_____-----__South Royiston, Mass -...
J. C. Merritt------------------Wyoming, N.Y -.....
B. F. Miller------------------.New York, N. Y..-..
It. S. Miller ------------------Battle Creek, Mich...M. F. Moody-_---------Andover, N. H._.-_.
J. A. Noble.------------------ Florence. Mass -----------
W. H. Nutting.-----_._--------Oange, Mass---._._-- --
S. RI. Nye -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -----aire, Mass------------
H. Ogborn----------...- -- ---Richmond, Ind...........
H. Ogborn and A. T. Chapin.. Richmond, nd.... __......
E. Parker--------------------..Marlow, N. H-----------. _
E. Parker--------------------....Ma-loav, N. H - -_....
F. D. Pastorious -- - --- -- -- -- --Philadelphia, Pa----
W. V. Perry-----------------.Burnett, Wis---__----
J. M. Read ------------------- Boston, Mass-----------.
C. Reed----------------------.Beaver Dam, Wis....
W. F. Rossmn---------------Hudson, N. Y-........
R. S. Sanborn and WV. Benuett. Ripon, Wis............._
D. Sanders-------------------..Milwaukee, Wis.----
D. Sanders-------------------..Milwaukee, Wis.-._HI. J. Sayers-------_.-------Salina, Pa..............
Gt. E. Smith------------------E RanueWis----- -_.-----
J. Spear---------------------...Pladelpia, Pa._..
W. N. Stevens and W. E. Puffer' Worcester and Lexington,
WV. A. St. John--..-----------Saint Louis, Mo...
D. and S. Sweeney------------ Constableville, N. Y...
G. Tamkin..-.......--....NewbuirghN..V..
W. Taylor-------------..----Lowell, Mass..---------
I. Van Hageii----------------Chicago, Ill----------...-..
W.\VWasson and Gt. W. Dumigan., Genoa, Nev ------------...
D. A. White-----------------....Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
G. V. Wiseman --------------Sycamore, I111............
ft. 1B. Wiseman--------------- Sycaniore, Itl--...__.
N. A. Boynton----------------_ __ _New Vorko, N. V.._....
ft. Tainter----------------... Watertowni, Mass - __.
J. A. Lawson----------------- Troy, N. V..........---..
W. E. Hayes -----------------Geneva, N. V...........W. WV. Hilt------------. _..----Greenport, N. YV.....
J. J. Smith-------------------..Elizabeth, N. J.........
Mar. 5, 1867
Apr. 10, 1866
Mar-. 6, 1866
Aug. 7, 1866
Aug. 28, 1866
Oct. 8, 1872
Sept. 6, 1864
July 31, 1466
Apr. 24, 186
Nov. 26, 1867
Aug. 21, 1866
May 22, 1816
Apr. 23, 1w67
Aug. 11, 1868
Mar. 5, 1867
Nov. 18, 1873
June 4, 1872
Aug. 16, 1870
Apr. 10, 18C6
Feb. 16i, 1869
June 28, 1870
Apr. 6, 1864
Nov. 8. 1869
Mar. 12, 1872
Apr. 16, 1867
Feb. 6, 1866
May 2-2, 1866
Sept. 29, 1868
May 31, 1870
Sept. 21, 1869
Aug. 13, 187-2
Jine 16, 1868
Dc. 17, 1867
May 21, 1867
May 5, 1863
May 13, 186-2
Fcb. 7, 1865
Apr. 22, 1876
June 6, 1854
Aug. 20, 1861
N o.
D. Treadwell -- ----------Canibridge, Mass----------.Aug. 2-2, 1854
P. Clark---------------------... _Rahway, N. J............-Jan. 3, 1854
P.1Hill1.....................H. T. Davis..................
J. E. Atwood and C. P. Stimets
C. Chinnock----------------..
T. N. and J. N. Crow------
W. Humnms................I. S. Clough and V. Fountain, jr
WV. Nuniis ------------------
J. 5- Caimpbell...............
P. Vcrplanck, jr -------------
S. Hipkios-------------------
J. Wallace, jr...........-.
D. P. Nickerson-.-...-.
XiV. R. Satterty..............A.. Guild aiid W. H. Pierce...
WV. Crosttiavait.............- -
L.F.Frazee................S. Gill and D. C. Woods.
C. ft Meinhardt.............
C. Pci tey...................
1. A. W hiting-..........E. H. Sheffield and E. P.
C. Per-ley....................
J. Coy.....................--
T. Williams.................
J. J. German.........
T. tBlanchard.................
J. Griffin -------------------
J. P. Cooper................--
C. S. Ferris.................--
Philadelphia, Pa. ---- eb. 5,1867
New Cross, Great Br-itain. Dec. 1 1868
Trenton, N. J., and New Sept. 27, 1864
Yot-k, N. V.
Brooklyn, N. V------------ Oct. 17, 1865
Mott Haven, N. YV..- - - _ ec. 1,1863
BostonMass...-.-..---- INov.12, 1867
Brooklyn and North Shore, Aug. 9, 1864
N. V.
New York, N. V. May 31, 1864
lrigeport, Conii. -.-. --Aug.12, 1873
Binghamon, N. Y..... Mat. 24, 1868
Chiarlestown, Mass._-.--_. July 1, 1873
Glasgowv, North Britain. -.Sept 30, 156
Bluffalo, N. V-------------...Jtie 26,1860
Cleveland, Ohio...... Mari- 26, 1867
Port J etfem-son, N. V --. Sept. 18, 1866
Middletown, Con - - Ge ---Ot. 18, 1870
Biutfalo, N. V--------------(let. 8 18762
SouhAumboy, NJ...---- uty 3JO1867
Sant Pablo and SaiiFin Dee.8, 1868
cisco, Cal.
Altoonat, Pa--------------- Auo 11, 1868
Neav York, N. V __.....Jain 27 1852
Baltimore, Md -_---_.----.j Aug. 2t0, 187-2
Stoiiitoii Coin., and Api-. 10, 1866
New Yoik, N. V
New Vork,..-..V - INov. 2, 1858
Oswego, N. --_V - _ May 7, 187-2
Prov-idenee,.I..............Atpr. 2, 1861
Cinciiinati, Ohio. Jaii. 31, 1865
United ataes...............A u g.' u.10,18:;6
Louisvillo, Ky------------ June 11, 1561
Fiiileyvitle, Pa,..-.- -. Apit. 3, 1860
Courtlatid,.....V_..July 1, 1840
62, 655
53, 9-25
53, 024
56, 975
57, 544
131, 96:3
44, 169
56, 789
54, 197
71, 524
57, 368
64, 136
80, 832)
62, 559
144, 634
127, 516
106, 410
53, 886
86, 5'43
104, 889
88, 744
44, 981
1-24, 456
5-2, 460
54, 9t76
82, 565
10:3, 686
94, 586
130, 456
711, 041
72, 437
65, 0:33
38, 370
35, 269
46, 249
14, 720
11) 010
33, 107
11, 583
10, 387
61, 833
84, 5:18
44, 378
50, 452
40, 740
70, 850
43, 759
42, 962
141, 758
716, 607
140, 416
15, 836
28, 861
63, 289
58, 142
108, 35:3
1:31, 041
67, 282
84, 74-2
80, 869
8, 6912
53, 9-28
21, 979
126, 526
31, 926
46, 102
32, 575
27, 698
1, 667
55, 124
59, 301
42, 087
48, 836
48, 033
H. ft. Davis................. Nortiboroug;h, Mass... Sept. 9,i1835
L. Loefflei.-----------....- --East Cambridge, Mass...I May 29, 1866
S. H. XVlittaker -- - - - - ----- --. Coving;lon, Ky.-.. I --.!Oct. aO,1866
E. S. hidden.................. New York, N. V.._..IMar.2), 1864
C. Peirley._._.............NewVoilk, N. V..--. July 18,1865
S. Wiiter....................- loeston, Mass..............-'tar 2-211864
E. Ii. Vaiunevar...............Besten, Mass ----... _. May 30,1865
I. M.ileat-se..................-Boston, Mass...........I l; eb. 25,1873
E. S. Hiddecn...........Nexv York, N. V. -_.-I Nov.3, 1863
H Lanergan................. East Camabridge, Mass_ Jan.29, 1861
J. Suttoii and J. Gregory..New York, N. V-----------_ _Apr. 28, 1863
ft. Gray.....................Lynn, Mass.............I Mar. 26, 1825
IV. Adamnson................ Philadelphia. Pa----------..Sept. Ii, 1859
F. (loran -..................... Nesy York, N. V... _.......May 20, 1856
P. M. Belton................. -IBiooklyn, N. V. -_-..-Au". 14, 180
16. Heobbins................. - -_ -Somers Toawni, Eniglanad.. Fe 1. 1, 1o70
J. Foster.................... IPhiladtelphia, Pa....... __..Aug.:3, 18-69
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office froi:z 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Delaine, Process of manufacturing...............
Delineator for giving fac-simile....................
Dental anesthetic-instrument......-..............
Dental and surgical instruments, Handle for......
Dental apparatus-..........................
Dental apparatus -------------- -------------
Dental apparatus for casting plates for artificial
Dental apparatus for relief of pain while operating.
Dental articulating-cup....................
Dental articulator................................
Dental articulator................................
Dental blow-pipe--....---- ---. --..--
Dental crystalline-gold, Manufacture of...-....
Dental drill...............................
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill.......................................
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill.......................................
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill.......................................
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill-----------......................................
Dental drill......................----------------------------..............
Dental drill......................................
Dental drill, Automatic..........................
Dental drilling-machine.........................
Dental engine............................
Dental engine............................
Dental file holder and polisher....................
Dental filling..................
Dental fillings, Porcelain blocks for..............
Dental fillings, Securing..........................
Dental forceps..................................
Dental forceps...................
Dental forceps....................
Dental forceps....................................
Dental forceps....................................
Dental forceps....................................
Dental t(forceps.................................
Dental forceps...................................
Dental forceps..............................
Dental forceps....................
Dental forceps..........................
Dental forceps.................
Dental gold, Manufacture of.......................
Dental hammer. See Hammer.
J. Marland.............
J. W ickes...........
G. W. and S. W. Foster........
E. Cutter....................
H. T. Fogg...................
W. H. Dibble.................
W. H. Dibble..................
J. A. Loomis and C. F. Moll...
N. Washburn................
C. Von Bonhorst.............
L. Hoffstadt.................
G. F. Schaffer.................
J. Thompson.................
A. J. Watts..................
J. W. Baxter.................
G. V. Black...................
H. F. Bryant.................
W. S. Elliott.............
W. S. Elliott..........--.......
W. H. Gates.................
A. Hartman..................
C. Poor.....................
W. M. Reynolds.............
J. J.Ross....................
P. Soper....................
K. Spencer...................
L. D. W alter................
M. I. Gallager................
C. E. Edwards................
C. M. Curtis..................
J. B. Morrison...............
H. Lawrence...............
C. E. Blake....................
C. H. Mack..................
C. H. Mack..................
H. J. Batchelder............
E. Bourne...................
J. C. Burch...................
J. D. Chevalier..............
J. G. Coates..................
N. A. Durham................
N. A. Durham...............
C. G. French...............
L. G. Haskins................
P. N. Jacobus................
J. A. McClelland..............
S. Woolverton...............
R. S. Williams..............
Residence. Date. No.
West Bridgewater, Mass.. Sept. 9,1856 15, 703
New York, N. Y....... Sept. 9, 1825.....
Charlestown, Mass-...... Apr. 2, 1872 125, 187
Woburn, Mass....-.. Nov. 13, 1866 59, 562
San Paulo, Brazil... Sept. 1, 1868 81, 616
Bordentown, N. J....... Oct. 17, 1865 50, 461
Bordentown, N. J....... Apr. 9, 1867 63, 709
Carthage, Ill., and San Apr. 19, 18 70 102, 019
Francisco, Cal.
Bridgewater, Mass........ Dec. 6, 1859 26, 388
Lancaster, Ohio........... June 1, 1809 90. 706
Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 22, 1871 118, 242
New York, N. Y........ Feb. 8, 1870 99, 598
North Bridgewater, Mass. Sept. 7, 1852 5, 2 4
Utica, N. Y............ Dec. 4, 1860 30, 847
Vevay, Ind.......... May 20, 1873 139, 039
Jacksonville, Ill........ Aug. 8, 1871 117, 732
Marathon, N. Y......... Nov. 26, 1867 71, 361
Goshen, N. Y........... Feb. 13, 1872 123, 559
Goshen, N. Y............ Sept. 10, 1872 131, 156
Louisville, Ky............ Oct. 9, 1866 58, 631
Murfreesborough, Tenn... Aug. 22, 1871 118, 237
Dubuque, Iowa........... Aug. 22, 1871 118, 268
New York, N. Y........... May 28, 1872 127, 269
Memphis, Tenn.......... June 4, 1872 127, 518
London, Canada........... Mar. 13 1866 53, 245
Athens, Ga............... Oct. 17, 1848 5, 866
Fort Plain, N. Y......... May 15, 1847 5, 121
Savannah, Ga........ Jan. 21, 1873 135, 109
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 098
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 29, 1873 138, 318
Saint Louis, Mo...........Feb. 7, 1871 111, 667
New Orleans, La...... May 23, 1871 115, 070
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 9, 1873 145, 275
New York, N. Y........... May 20, 1873 139, 012
Portland, Oreg.......... May 2, 1871 114, 454
West Fairlee, Vt.... July 1, 1856 15, 215
New Bedford, Mass....... Sept.25, 1849 6, 741
Evansville, Ind.........Sept. 9, 1851 8, 351
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 22, 1872 132, 354
Big Lick, Va.............. Sept. 16, 1856 15, 730
Duquoin, Ill............. Dec. 5, 1871 121, 599
Duquoin. Ill....... Dec. 12, 1871 121, 858
Springfield, Ill......... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 058
Newport, N. Y........... Dec. 19, 1871 122, 012
Montague, N. J........... Dec. 26, 1871 122, 254
Louisville, Ky............ Apr. 21, 1857 17, 107
Trenton, N. J............ Mar. 17,1868 75, 716
New York, N. Y............. July 15, 1873 140, 984
Dental hydraulic-cup----........J. Harrison.................. Jamestown, N.Y.........
Dental impression-cup....................... O. B. Buttles................. Milwaukee, Wis.........
Dental impression cup................ R. V. Jenks................. Paterson, N. J..........
Dental impression-cup.........................G. McDonald................ Athens, Ga..............
Dental impression-cup................ G.T. Schaffer................ New York, N. Y.....
Dental impression-cup.......................C. L. Wuestenlberg............ Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Dental impression-cup and suction-mold.......... G. H. Hurd................ Memphis, Tenn... - -..
Dental impression-mold, Construction of.......... W. C. Smith................... Warrensburgh, Mo....
Dental instrument.......................... C. H. Dubs................. Natchez, Miss...........
Dental instrument................................C H Mack................... Portland, Oreg............
Dental instrument................................ W. R. Pomeroy............... Millersburg, Ohio.......
Dental instrument............................. IA. Salmon................. Boston, Mass............
Dental instrument............................... S C. Taylor.............. Toledo, Ohio.............
Dental jaw-brace................................ G. H. Hurd................Memphis, Tenn..........
Dental lathe.................................. E. C. Rishel.................. White Haven, Pa........
Dental mallet.................................... J. A. Bidwell................. Chicago, Ill.............
Dental mallet.................................... J. A. Harris................ Pontiac, Mich............
Dental mallet.................................... C. Poor...................... Dubuque, Iowa..........
Dental mallet.................................... J.N.ScrantonandH.i.Parsons Bennington, Vt., and Hoo-.
sick Falls, N. Y.
Dental mallet, Automatic.......................... H. Hodge and J. P. Noyes..... Binghamton, N. Y......
Dental models, Method of obtaining............ L. Stuck..................... Bryan, Ohio.............
Dental mold............................... G. H. Hurd.................. Saint Louis, Mo.........
Dental mouth-meter............................. C. Von Bonhorst............. Lancaster, Ohio.........
Dental operations. Application of electricity in.... W. G. A. Bomvill.............. Dover, Del...............
Dental operations, Applying electricity in.........I W. G. Oliver................. Buffalo, N. Y...........
Dental pinm................................ P. Crans, jr.................. Philadelphia, Pa........
Dental pins, Machine for heating.................I W. A. Duff and J. J. Griffith... Philadelphia, Pa.........
Dental pins, Manufacture of.................. F. W. Smith............Philadelphia, Pa....
Dental plate.............................. J. A. McClelland............. Louisville, Ky.........
Dental plate............................. J. A. MeClelland............. Louisville, Ky........
Dental plate........................ E. J. Merick............. E.J.Merick.... Rochester, N. Y........
Dental plate.............................. S. Purvine and H. Smith...... Salem, Oreg............
Dental plate....................... L. R. Streeter................ Chelsea, Mass............
Dental plate..................................... G. W. Tripp................. Auburn, N. Y...........
Dental plate..........._........................ H. Twitchell................. Pulaski, N. Y...........
Dental plate and teeth...............................1 R.E. Burlan................. Lewisburgh, Pa..........
Dental plate, Atmospheric..................... N. T. Folsom................. Laconia, N. H............
Dental plate atmospheric attachment.............I J. P. Gillespie................ San Francisco, Cal........
Dental plate, Atmospheric pressure.............. M. Levett.................... New York, N. Y........
Dental plate atmospheric pressure attachment..... J. B. Beers.................... San Francisco, Cal........
Dental plate, Composition.................. A. Hill....................... Norwalk, Conn...........
Dental plates and other articles, Composition for S. Lawrence................. Lowell, Mass.........
molds and models in casting.
Dental plates and other purposes, Vulcanizing C. M. Kelsey.................. Mount Vernon, Ohio......
rubber for.
Dental plates, Apparatur for molding.............. J. W., jr., and I. S. Hyatt.... Albany, N. Y............... Aug.26, 1851 8,312. June 12, 1866 55, 465
Dec. 21, 1869 98, 066
Sept.21, 1869 95, 126
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 347
June 1, 18 9 90, 802
SApr. 27,1869 89, 316
July 5, 1870 105, 008. Oct. 17, 1848 5, 865. Aug. 8, 1871 117, 904. May 25, 1869 90, 388. Feb. 26, 1867 62, 504. Feb. 18, 1868 74, 629. Feb. 16, 1869 86, 922. Jan. 10, 1871 110, 869. May 31, 1870 103, 706. Oct. 17, 1865 50, 468
SSept. 18, 1866 58, 133
Oct. 24,1865 50, 633. July 23, 1867 67, 114. Sept. 29, 1868 82, 563. Sept. 4, 1866 57, 726. June 1, 1869 90, 705
Feb. 8, 1859 22, 851. Apr. 19, 1859 23, 697. June 28, 1870 104, 835. Mar. 14, 1865 46, 786. Mar. 4, 1862 34,616
Aug. 11, 1863 39, 538
June 1, 1869 90, 765
July 23, 1867 67, 129
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 484
Apr. 20, 1869 89,253
Aug. 4, 1862 39, 434
Apr. 6,1869 88, 682
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 451
Jan. 1, 1867 160, 871
June 13, 1871 115, 951
Apr. 6,1858 19, 858
Jan. 24, 1871 111, 168
July 27, 1869 93, 086
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 324
Aug. 10,1869 93, 623
Dec. 5, 1871 121, 522
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Dental plates, Casting---...----------------..------
Dental plates, Composition for....................
Denrtal plates, Composition for.....-..............
Dental plates, Flask for casting...................
Dental plates from pyroxyline................
Dental plates from pyroxyline, Manufacture of....
Dlental plates, Lathe-attachment for finishing.....
Dental plates, Machine for polishing..............
Dental plates, Manufacture of..................
Dental plates, &c., Material for..............
Dental plates, Mode of connecting artificial teeth
Dental plates, Mode of forming air.-chamber in....
Dental plates, Preparing an application of pyroxvline for.
Dental plates, Vulcanized rubber for............
Dental plugger................................
Dental plugger................................
Dental plugger...............................
Dental plugger................................
Dental plugger................................
Dental plugger and burring-tool combined.........
Dental plugger, Pneumatic...................
Dental plugging-instrument....................
Dental plugging-instrument......................
Dental plugging-instrument......................
Dental plugging-instrument, Automatic...........
Denutal seltf-feeding plugging-tool.................
Dental substitute.................................
Dental swage, Adjustable...............
Dental tongue-holder...................
Dental tongue-holder.............................
Dental tool.......................................
Dental tools for separating teeth.................
Dental turnkey..................
Dental use, Apparatus for packing rubber for.....
Dental use, Compound for...........
Dental use, Diamond-pointed drill for.............
Dental use. Gold for...............................
Dental use, Making crystal shred gold for.........
Dental use, Manufaicture of gold-foil for.........
Dental use, Manufacture of rubber for...........
Dental use. Metallic foil for.....................
Dental use, Method of preparing gold for.........
Dental use, Method of preparing gold for.........
Dental use, Preparing gold for.................
Dental use, Preparing gold for..................
Dental use, Preparing gold for................
Dental use, Preparing gold for.............
Dental use, Process for preparing gold for.........
Dental use, Rubber for..........................
Dental vulcanizer, Safety-valve for............
Dental vulcanizing-heater.........................
Dentifrice....................................Dentifrice........................................1)entifrice-p ste.................................
Deutifioe, Vegetable..........................
Dentist 's and barber's a chair...............
Dentist 's and barber's a chair.............................
Dentist 's and barber's chair......................
Dentist s and barber 's chair..............................
Dentist's and barber's chair......................
Dentist's and barber's chair, Head-rest for........
Dentist's and surgeon's chair..................
Dentist's chair..........................
Dentist's chair....................................
Dentist's chair....................................
Dentist's chair.................................
Dentist's chair..................................
Dentist s chair...................................
Dentist's chair....................................
Dentist's chair...................................
Dentist's chair....................................
Dentist's chair...................................
Dentist's chair....................................
Dentist's chair...................................
Dentist's chair..................................
Dentist's chair...................................
J. U. L. Fremster.............
G. F. J. Colburn.............
L. R. Streeter.................
S. Lawrence----------------..................I. S. J. W. Hyatt, jr., and J.
A. Perkins.
J. Brockway...............
E. H. Danforth...............
E. A. Mayor.................
F. M. Shields..................
J. A. McClelland..............
H. Crane.....................
M. A. Boughton...............
R. H. Winsborough............
C. M. Kelsey.................
J. T. Codman.................
W. F. Griswold...............
C. M. Hooker.................
W. G. Redman...........
W. D. Stillman..............
I. M. Seaman..................
E. A. Hyde..................
J. N. ScrantonandH. A.Parsons
G. B. Snow and T. G. Lewis...
G. B. Snow and T. G. Lewis...
G. B. Snow and T. G. Lewis...
M. Burchardt..............
G. W. Cool..................
E. H. Dantorth................
F. M. Osborn.................
F. M. Osborn..................
C. P. Grout...................
R. Arthur....................
H. Todd......................
F.C. Brown..................
F. Smith......................
J. P. Gillespie...........
R. S. Williams................
E. Lamm....................
U. K. Mayo.............
I. Woolworth..............
C. E. Blake...................
E. G. Kearsing...........
E. Lamm.................
6. J. Pack....................
G. J. Pack....................
R. S. Williams.................
R. S. Williams.............
E. G. and L. Kearsing.........
E. L. Simpson................
F. R. Moorhead.............
D. J. Peer....................
J. G. Cook...................
0. Danforth...................
G. F. J. Colburn...............
E. H. Reid.-..............
R. W. and G. W. Archer.......
A. T. Boon and J. B. Finchure
F. J. Coates..................
A. Gebhard and J. Blodan.....
0. C. White..................
R. W. Archer.................
F. Searle......................
A. M. Asay................
A. M. Asay................
W. M. Butler.............
W. M. Butler.................
A. M. Holmes.................
A. W. Morrison..............
D. W. Perkins................
I. A. Salmon..................
R. A. Stratton................
V. Van Vleck...............
J. O. Whitcomb...............
O. C. White..................
0. C. White..................
0. C. White andA. T. Ashmead
Residence. Date. No.
Greencastle, Ind......... Oct. 11, 1870 108. 245
Newark, N. J............. July 23, 1867 67, 025
Chelsea, Mass............. Mar. 23, 1869 88, 26)
Lowell, Mass................ Aug. 31, 1869 94, 323
Albany, N. Y.............. Mar. 28, 1871 113, 055
Albany, N. Y.............. Aprill18,1871 113, 736
Jamestown, N. Y.......... Jan. 11, 1859 22, 548
Owego, N. Y.............. Aug. 6, 1872 130, 304
Sacramento, Cal.......... Sept. 26, 1871 119, 245
Louisville, Ky............ Apr. 28, 1868 77, 304
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 16, 1869 86, 972
Norwalk, Conn............ Jan. 31,1871 111,429
Saint Louis, Mo........... April25,1871 114,242
Mount Vernon, Ohio...... Nov. 21,1871 121, 174
Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 2, 1873 145, 051
Leavenworth, Kans....... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 452
Hartford, Conn........... Sept. 25, 1866 58, 257
Louisville, Ky............ Jan. 22, 1867 61, 460
West Winfield, N. Y...... Aug.27, 1872 130, 954
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Sept. 3, 1872 131, 123
Ann Arbor, Mich........ June 29, 1869 91, 849
Bennington, Vt., and Hoo- June 1, 1869 90, 879
sick Falls, N. Y.
Buffalo, N. Y............. Oct. 30, 1866 59, 284
Buffalo, N. Y............. Nov. 20, 1866 59, 784
Buffalo, N. Y............. June 23, 1868 79, 270
Berlin, Prussia............ Oct. 10, 1865 50, 428
Portland, Oreg............ Dec. 3, 1867 71, 707
Jamestown, N. Y.......... Mar. 22, 1859 23, 293
Port Chester, N. Y........June 28, 1870 104, 874
Port Chester, N. Y....... Aug. 22, 1871 118, 386
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 22, 1873 138, 150
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 3, 1872 133, 617
Columbus, Ohio........... May 9, 1846 4, 506
Palmyra, N. Y............ Sept. 19, 1865 49, 969
Schenectady, N. Y....... June 4, 1872 127, 656
Louisville, Ky.-........ Apr. 1, 1873 137, 434
New York, N. Y.......... Apr.30, 1872 126, 242
New Orleans, La........... June 4, 1867 65, 398
Boston, Mass.............. Nov. 1, 1870 108, 806
New Haven, Conn........ Dec. 19, 1865 51, 642
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 9, 1873 145, 274
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 12,1865 51, 459
New Orleans, La.......... July 31, 1866 56, 765
New York, N. Y.......... May 17, 1870 103, 227
New York, N. Y.......... May 14, 1872 126, 830
New York, N. Y.......... June 21, 1870 104, 524
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 8, 1873 137, 747
Spring Valley, N. Y....... Dec. 19, 1871 122, 029
Bridgeport, Conn.......... Oct. 16, 1866 58, 901
Chandlersville, Ohio...... July 5, 1870 105, 115
Rochester, N. Y........... Apr. 3,1866 53, 666
Lewiston, Me............. Jan. 22, 1867 61, 320
Bibb County, Ga..........Feb. 14, 1871 111,821
Newark, N. J...... Dec. 22, 1868 85, 166
Clarkesville, Ga......... Mar. 1, 1834.....
Rochester, N. Y........... July 9, 1872 128, 775
Galesburgh, Ill........... Aug. 4, 1868 80, 589
Cincinnati, Ohio.....-.... Oct. 15, 1872 132, 255
Indianapolis, Ind....... June 27, 1871 116, 427
Hopkinton, Mass.......... Nov. 14,187 1 120, 919
Rochester, N. Y...........Aug. 17,1869 93, 662
Springfield, Mass...... Mar. 26, 1850 7, 224
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 23, 1850 7, 299
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 7, 1854 10, 490
San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 19, 1865 51, 553
Louisville, Ky............ Aug. 16, 1870 106, 463
Morrisville, N. Y........Sept. 14,1858 21, 562
Saint Louis, Mo........... Aug. 13, 1872 130, 525
Rome, N. Y.............. Aug. 7,1855 13, 396
Boston, Mass............. June 5, 1866 55, 368
Philadelphia, Pa.........- May 29, 1855 12, 972
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 20, 1860 30, 706
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 3, 1865 50, 291
Hopkinton, Mass.......... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 794
Hopkinton, Mass.......... July 30,1872 130, 093
Hopkinton, Mass., and Oct. 6, 1868 82, 776
Hartford, Conn.
Canton, Miss.............. June 21,1870 104, 398
Lyons, N. Y............... Sept. 4, 1860 29, 936
Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 4, 1859 25, 702
Washington, D.......... Dec. 31, 1872 134, 424
Jefferson City, Mo...... May 13, 1873 138, 796
San Francisco, Cal...... Apr. 29, 1873 138, 370
Kinston, N. C............. Apr. 8, 1873 137, 589
Gloversville, N. Y........ Dec. 15, 1868 84, 988
East Abington, Mass...... Mar. 3, 1868 75, 000
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Feb. 4,1868 73, 974
Chelsea, Mass.......... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 029
New York, N. Y.......... July 19, 1859 24, 823
Odell, Ill.................. Oct. 12, 1869 95, 823
Hernando, Miss........... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 571
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Dec. 1, 1883 40, 750
Lowville, N. Y............ Oct. 8, 1867 69, ii0
Mount Vernon, Ohio...... Oct. 16, 1566 5S, 822
Dentist's chair, Folding......................... C. M. Adams.................
Dentist's chairs, Construction of.................. J. Ask........................
Deutist's chairs, Construction of.................. N. C. Lewis, jr..............
Dentist's chairs, Head-rest for................. WV. W. Evans.................
Dentist's chairs, Stool for........................ T. B. Downs and W. D. Morris.
Dentist's clamp................................. C. E. Blake...................
Dentists flask.................................. C. Bailey...................
Dentist's flask................................... C. P. Bellows.............
Dentist's flask.................................. G. E. Donham................
Dentist's flask.................................. G. E. Hays...................
Dentist's flask.................................. L. R. Streeter.................
Dentist's furnace.............................. E. A. L. Roberts...............
De.tist's grinding and polishing wheel........... J. K. Merrick..................
Dentist's instrument-stand....................... J.. op......................
Dentist's lamp for vulcanizing..............---.....- --G. E. Hayes................
Dentist's lamp-heater............................. J. C. House...............
Dentist's lamp-stove............................. S. P. Hildreth.................
Index of patents issued from the United S'ates Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Dentists, Mold for metal die used by................
Dentist's operating-chair..........................
Dentist's pattern-plate---- -----... ------------.
Dentist's rest....................
Dentist's saliva-pump........................
Dentist's tool-holder.......................
Dentist's tool-rack...............................
Dentist's tool-rack.................................
Dentist's use, Lathe-bath and sponge-holder for.. -
DI)entist's use, Vulcanizing-vessel for.............
Dentist's vulcanizer...............................
Dentists, Vulcanizing-apparatus for..............
Dentist's vulcanizing-flask.......................
Dentist's vulcanizing-flask.......................
Dentist's vulcanizing-flask.......................
Dentist's vulcanizing-flask..................
Denture, Artificial........................
Denture, Artificial.................................
Deodorizer for privy-seats......................
Deodorizing air and gases in fat-rendering, boneboiling, &c.
Deodorizing and fertilizing compound............
Deodorizing and fertilizing materials.............
Deodorizing and improving alcoholic and vinous
Deodorizing and purifying sewerage.............
Deodorizing and treating offal, Apparatus and process for.
Deodorizing-apparatus for water-closets...........
Deodorizing-apparatus for water-closets...........
Deodorizing-apparatus for water-closets..-......
Deodorizing composition..........................
Dc odorizing compound.......................
Deodorizing, desiccating, and mixing manure, Apparatus for.
Deodorizing excrement..........................
Deodorizing gases from lard-boiling, &c...........
Deodorizing hydrocarbon oils, Process for.........
Deodorizing.n(lia rubber, gutta-percha, &c.......
Deodorizing offal.........................
Deodorizing oil obtained from acid-tar of oil-refineries.
Deodorizing oils and fats, Process for.............
Deodorizing night-soil, &c.........................
Deodorizing water-closets...................
D)eoxodizing-furnace for iron ore...............
Depilating animal carcasses, Apparatus for-......
Depressor and atomizer....................
I)Depth of water indicator for vessels---... --- - - -
Depth of water register for vessel's hold..........
Depurator for the teeth and gums................
Depurator, Liquid..............................
F. Y. Clarkipp------......--------..
G. WV. Tripp............
W. M. Wright..............
R. F. Hunt.....---------------
C. Newton....................
G. F. Foote...................
G. E. Hayes.............
I. A. Salmon...............
D. Murlless..............
G. E. Hayes--------------
C. H. James-...............
J. L. McDermut..............
H. F. Clark..................
L. W. Dowlin...............
L. Hoffstadt---...---..--------
E. T. Starr....................
W. Ballard.................
J. Johnson..................
E. C. Smith and D. F. Wilcox.
F. C. Brown..---...-----.--..
S. C. Taylor..................
N. Clifford and A. N. Bell......
A. and E. Lister and C. J.
J. M. Leewenstein...........
J. E. Dotch...................
L. Bradley.................
C. Rawson, P. Ovenden, J.
Wylde, W. McCree, and
H. Hill.
J. J. Storer..................
A. Jordan.....................
P. S. Luther..................
H. Mouleand H. J.Girdlestone.
A. Rankin..................
R. Fish.....................-----------------...
H. S. Firman.................
P. N. Goux....................
W. H. McNeill............
R. Gaggin..............--.......--
E. De la Granja.............
A. and F. Lister.............
R. Gaggin.....................
O. Loew and J. E. Dotch......
J. E. Dotch.................
G. E. Waring, jr.............
A. W. HIonsinger............
D. H. Sherman...........
O. A. Shultz..................
I. A. Hurd---------------....................H. B. Sommers................
N. Edwards..................
A. Rush...................
W. Curran...................
W. Curran..................
S. C. Frink.....................
S. C. Frink and L. D. Harlan..
F. C. Leland and F. W. Poland.
L. W. Werner................
J. D. Wingate............_
W. Needham and J. Kite......
J. Firmenich..................
H. S. Blood....................
A. Campbell..........
J. S. Clarke..............
F. Donald and G. S. Newton...
J. B. Drake and W. H. Hutson.
F. M. Everingham..........
S. S. Fertig............
C. Fricke................
S. Hill and C. M. Dupuy, jr.. -.
Savannah, Ga............
Auburn, N. Y.............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Washington, D. C-...._
New York,N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Buffalo, N. Y_...........
Boston, Mass..............
Holyoke, Mass............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y...........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Sherbrooke, Canada.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Saco, Me................
Greenville, N. Y..........
Palmyra, N. Y...........
Monroe, Mich............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Newark, N. J............
May 22,1860
Jan. 5,1858
June 29, 1858
Nov. 22, 1870
Sept. 27, 1825
May 22, 1866
Nov. 11, 1873
Feb. 26, 1867
Nov. 2, 1869
Apr. 3, 1866
Aug. 7, 1866
Oct. 4, 1864
Apr. 2, 1867
Jan. 15, 1867
Aug. 14, 1866
Aug. 14, 1866
Jan. 16, 1866
July 19, 1864
May 12, 1868
May 7, 1872
Sept. 26, 1865
May 21, 1867
Nov. 29, 1870
New Orleans, La.......... Mar. 26,1872
Washington, D. C........ Feb. 27, 1872
Jersey City, N. J---.......... -- Oct. 25.1870
London, Surrey County, Aug. 29, 1871
Leamington, Leyton, and
Hastings, England.
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 3,1872
Washington, D. C......... Nov. 14,1871
Hartford, Conn.-..-..:. June 29, 1869
Fordington and London, June 15,1869
New York, N. Y---.......... Nov. 28, 1865
Washington, D. C........ Aug. 10, 1869
New York, N. Y-----.......... Dec. 8, 1868
Paris, France............ Oct. 10, 1871
West Orange, N. J -...... Dec. 26,1871
Erie, Pa................. Aug. 22,1871
Boston, Mass.......-...... Dec. 17,1867
Newark, N. J.............Feb. 27, 1866
Erie, Pa............... May 6,1873
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 26,1872
Washington, D. C......... Apr. 23, 1872
Newport, R. I............. June 1, 1869
Rome, N. Y............... Jan. 4, 1870
Jersey City, N. J.......... Oct. 28, 1873
Chicago, Ill............... June 16, 1868
Boston, Mass-------------.............. July 2, 1867
Ithaca, N. Y -----Dec. 10, 1g50
Chittenden County, Vt.... Mar. 5, 1850
Fairfield, Iowa...-..-...... Dec. 6, 1864
Saint Louis, Mo........... Feb. 23, 1869
Saint Louis, Mo........... Mar. 15, 1870
Indianapolis, Ind......... July 26, 1870
Indianapolis, Ind.......... --- Dec. 14, 1869
Lowell, Mass.............. Apr. 4, 1871
Saint Louis, Mo........... Dec. 31, 1872
Carbondale, Pa----------............ Feb. 4,1873
Vauxhall, England........ July 13, 1869
Buffalo, N. Y-----------.............. Mar. 18, 1862
New Orleans, La.......... Mar. 26, 1872
Downierville, Cal......... Dec. 29, 1868
New Orleans, La.......... - Oct. 22, 1872
Waupum, Wis............ Feb. 11, 1873
Montoursville, Pa......... Nov. 10, 1868
Saint Martinsville, La..-... Sept. 20,1859
Lafayette, N. Y........... Oct. 8, 1867
Titusville, Pa............. Aug. 20,1872
Mobile, Ala------... ------........... Apr. 28, 1868
Jersey City, N. J., and June 15, 1852
Rondout, N. Y.
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 21, 1854
Topsham, Me............ Oct. 3, 1871
La Fayette, Ind........... Apr. 31, 1867
Newburgh, N. Y.......... Aug. 25, 1868
Wil.iamstown, Mo........ Apr. 27, 1869
Gold Hill, Nev............ Dec. 10, 1867
Boston, Mass.....----------- July 17, 1855
Chicago and Taylor, Ill... -Nov. 23, 1869
Louisville Ky............May 7,1872
Boston, Mass.............. -----Dec. 23, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 9, 1873
Chicago, Ill............... May 5, 1868
Picture Rocks, Pa...... Sept. 17, 1867
Onarga, Ill.......... Dec. 13, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 22, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Feb. 20, 1866
Iberia, Ohio..._....... Oct. 8,1872
Saint Louis, Mo........... Jan. 7, 1873
Rochester, N. Y........... Jan. 10, 1865
28, 348
19, 052
20, 754
109, 411
54, 882
144, 539
62, 368
96, 467
53, 612
56, 945
44, 541
63, 470
61, 174
52, 012
43, 588
77, 773
126, 517
50, 186
64, 841
109, 638
124, 901
124, 041
108, 558
118, 485
120, 979
91, 855
91, 474
51, 216
93, 607
84, 686
119, 756
122, 273
118, 359
72, 272
52, 863
138, 629
133, 322
125, 886
90, 709
98, 496
79, 015
66, 239
7, 826
7, 138
45, 348
87, 247
100, 867
105, 666
97, 768
113, 536
134, 406
135, 612
92, 465
34, 677
124, 878
85, 279
132, 442
135, 785
83, 938
25, 494
69. 552
130, 706
77, 271
9, 025
10, 544
119, 612
64, 336
81, 3R5
89, 416
72, 064
13, 269
97, 114
126, 484
145, 899
142, 740
77, 541
68, 909
45, 445
138, 215
52, 777
131, 934
134, 677
45, 890
Derrick ---..------------------------------------- J. B. Holmes..................
Derrick ----------------------------------------. W. M. and G. L. Howland..... -
Derrick -------------------------------.---_.. J. S. Lester and L. G. Jennings
Derrick.................----------------------------------------C..................... S. Lockwood..........
Derrick. --..-------------------------------- N. Matlick...................
Derrick.....---------------------------------------- D. J. McDonald.............
Derrick.....---------------------------------------- E. Mingay............
Derrick.......................................... J. W. Piper and W. J. and J.
S. Hanger.
Derrick................--.... W. J. Perkins..--...............Derrick................-.......................... A. K. Richmond............
Derrick ---.......................................... J.. Serrell..................
Derrick ---........................................... J. Sheldon....................
Derrick...........................-..... --- A. B. Sprout.................
Derrick --........................................-.. S. Turner.....................
Derrick ---..------------------------------------- J. E. Walsh...................
Derrick................................_ D. D. Winant.................
Derrick and crane.---- -....................C. Brown...................---
Derrick and crane................................ J. W. Kennedy.............
Derrick and horse-power.......................... D. Woodbury...............
Index of patents issued from 11w Unitd States Patent Office from 17900 to 1873, i'ncusie-Continued.
Dlerrick -boat..................................--
ID erriclk, Boomr-- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -.tei-riek,.1)11110........___._.._.._.........
Derrick, Field..---------------------
Derrick, Floating..............
Dleviick, I+loatiti..............
D nrinckh e lating --------.-.-..-__..._
Pe-tiic-1,Floating annd revolving................ -- -
lbrtick for hoisting and laying stone, &c., Boom -.
Lk 111ic k lor raising sunken vessels--------------_
D eriickh [a...................
Derick, laI ottablo------------------------------
Dci tick otablo.............................
Derick, n -kri.............................
IiCtii- ethod.of.molding...................
Dlesicadiustale...............................Desk, Atngjubsta ce,---- rat-s---------- - - _--
D esk.and. book-cae....................
Desk atidbo-rack-------------------------------
IDesk nudluchair------------- -------------------
Deskandjchar cone-.--.....---------------.
Deskandv chia - combined,_Office._-_-- - - -
Desk and chai combined,.School.................
Desk audtboscat................................
Desk andicsent---- ----------------------------..
Desk and seat, Folding...............
Desk aud seat, Folding-----c.-- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -
Desk and msatcaluntete, School---------------. _
lDesk andi seat,..Sc..ool..........................
Desk andi seat. School-------------.---_---------
D)esk and seat,..School-------------------------..
lDesk andi seat, Scolg..........................
Desk and seatftSchool...o.....................
D.esk andi seat, School.........................
D)esk and seat, School-............
Desk antI seat, School..........................
Desk anailscat, School...........................
Desk antI seat, School...........................
Desk anai seat, School..........................
Desk anti seat, School......................-..._
Desk anti seat, School..........................
lDesk and seat, School..........................
Desk and seat, School..........................
Desk and seat, School-------------------------.....
Desk and seat, School..........................
Desk and seat, School-------------------------...
Desk and seat., School..........................
Desk anai seal, School.................._._..
Desk and seat, School..........................
Desk andi seat, School........................._
Desk and seat, School...............
Desk and seat, School..........................
Desk antI seat, School...........................
Desk and seat, School...........................
Desk and seat, School-------------------------...
Desk and seat, School -.....-.....
D)esk and seat, School...................
Desk and scat, School..........................
Desk and~ seatt, School...........................
Desk anailseat, School _................ _..._......
Desk and seat, School..-..........._..._...
lDesk aiid seat, School...........................
Desk aind seat, School------------------------.....
iDesk and seat, School...........................
Desk and seat, School...........................
Deskebt -est--------------------------------
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
T. Saulpaugh-------------- Rock Island, Ill_- -- -----Sept. 20, 18 70 1107, 6:3o
A. 1). lishtip._...... Brooklyn, N._--------Aug. 2-2, 18463 4, 709
C. E. Warner---------------......I Sprinigtieltl, Mass-....Juno 5, 1849 (3, 515
A. M., Tomb-----------------..I Owego, N. Y17------------an, 2, 187-2 1-2),416
I. J. Hattabough--------------...Santa Clara County, Cal - Dee. 3, t8617 71, 749
G. W..hriish----------------- Brooklyn, N.Y-----------.Apr. 9, 1861 31,95i)
J. V. Collins ------------------ Getrgetown, D. C..-...May 3, 18164 40, 511
G. W. Tnleott. - - - --.....Bufifado, N. Y.......- - -.Aug. 16, 1864 4:3,87:3
F. Joiies............. Brooklyn, N. Y7- -- -- -- - ---Feb. 1, 1859 22, 811
J.,-). Savage...-..........--Boston, Mass -------------Feb. i5, 18:38 607
S. Petrie---------------------.Buffalo, N. Y7------------- Aug. 14, 1866 57, 183
A. Barnes-------------------- Bloomington, ill -....Apr. 19, 180 101,971
W. Denton-------------------...Iowa City, Iowa.---------_ Oct. 5, 1869 95n4319
G. E. Johnston---------------..Bloomington, Ill----------.Jati. 12, 1869 8), 831
W. Minick-------------------_.. _Kansas, Ill---------------_ _Sept, 26, l86n 50, 15
W. P. Squire-----------------..Paris, Ill......----------. Nov 20,1866 59,870
1). L. German----------_. _.----Michiganm Bluff, Cal-.__._-Aug. 13, 1872 130, 367
H.lS. Bitted-------------------. _..New Oileans, La.------- June 7, 1la7O0101, 834
0-. C. Brown-----------------..Philadelphia, Pa----------.N_ Rar. 31, 1868 76, inn
J. Greives-------------------.Brooklyn, N. 17----------- July 18, 186n 48, 808
J. U. Hammond--------------...Sedalia, Mo -_ -..- --_. ____Dee, 14, 1869 97, 911
C. B. Wright-----------------..Belmont, Ohio -- -- -- -- -- --Dec. 3, 1867 71, 833
S. Rider---------------------.Oil City, Pa.- ------Aug. 16, 1870 1013, 408
WV. J. Ranid------..... roky-,.------------Broln N 7, June27, 1865 48,45;2
B. IR. Smith and J. C. Harris. -_ Philadelphia, Pa -- -- -- - ---Jan. 11, 1870 98, 608
B. F. Calley - -.--.- -----------Saugus, Mass. -. -. July 26, 18740 105, 637
L. V. Rite and C. Rozidre-- Pais, France------------- Apr. 21, 1868 77, 042
F. Baltz------------__-------New York, N. Y.----------May 30,1865 47, 915
J. T. Hammitt---------------... Philadelphia, Pa----------_ _Nov. 4, 1851 8, 486
I. H. Norris anid D. Flanders. Parishville, N. 17---------- Nov. 18, 1851 8, 530
G. and J. A. Schaff------------ Chicago, Ill---------------. _.May 6, 187:1 1:18, 55
C. W. Titus------------------...Philadielphmia, Pa. _......Aug. 30, 1870 106, 970
E. bumimer------------------_ __ __ _Newvburyport, Mass....- Nov. 19, 18 72 133, 087
M. Staha-------------Baltimore, Mil- --- - - - - - - July 23, 1872 129, 870
C. H. Loomis - _-..------------New Philatlphia, Ohio... June 21, 1870 104, 472
H. WV. Crotzer----------------...Philadelphia, Pa - _.__-. Apr. 19, 1810 102, 196
F. Hopf---------------------- Chicago, 11l-------------- Ag.1, 1871 117, 632
J. A. P'ayne------------------..Now Orleans, La....- May 27, 1873 139, 419
G. Mumger-------------------- Madisoni, Con-----------J.an. 4, 1870 98, 614
A. S. Vaughan ---------------- Elkton, Md--------------- Jan. 3, 1871 110, 805
A. A. Porter------------ri..,.-.......... GifnGi-...-....Oct. 31, 1871 120, 455
M. P. Not-ton-----------------.Troy, N. YV...............li- - - ar.22, 1864 42, 016
G. Buchantan----------.._----Hickoiy, Pa -.- - - ---------Jan. 11, 1859 2-2,545
W. 0. Trowbr-idge ------------ Newtoni Corner, Mass.-.. Oct. 13, 18638 83, 008
R. C-uishak-------------awrnceille N.J ~ lnt. 0, 868 75, 379
R.Cukhn........Lwecvle.J...lr 0 88G. A.- Stewart.-.-.....--..--..----Des Moines, Iowa-.Oct. 6, 1868 8-2, 165
H. W. White----------------- Olney, Ill................. Ja. 14,18 73, 416
A. Chandler and S. F. Estell.._. Davetiport, Iowa, and Feb. 16, 1869 8 7, 025
Richmond, lad.
H. E. Gillet..-.-.-.........-----Oswego, N. 17.- - -.-- - ---- Oct. 26, 1869 96, 100
J. L. Hitter-------------------.Brownsville, lad.- - -- - -----Oct. 10, 1871 119). 882 e 478
B. W. Arnold----------------- Des Moines, Iowa -....Nov. 30, 1869 97, 338
A. M1. Botdwell---------------- _ _ _Ann At-her, Mich..-.._Aug. 22, 1871 118, 187
A. Chandler.................. Davenport, Iowa.-----Sept. 7, 1869 94, 473
C. T. Chase.---------------Albany, N.Y17------------De. 17, 1867 72, 367
WV. Chase -------------------- Buffalo, N. 17-------------Mar. 8, 1870 100, 6U0
M. B. Cochran................ Davenport, Iowa.---------- _Fob. 18, 1868 74, 504
B. Cruikshank----------------_ _ _Pottstown, Pa------------.May 24, 1864 42, 859
J. D. Diffeatet-fer.- - - -- -------Lewisburghi, Pa----------.Mar. 8, 1870 100, 50)8
W. P. Erwin and T. A. Dugdalt Richmnd, lad-----------l nt-. 1, 18 70 100, 276
G. H. Grant.. - - - --...._Richmiond, lad.- - ---------.Apr. 6, 1869 88, 563
C. H. Ct-ant------------------.Richmnd, lad.-----------h_ ay 23, 1871 115, 192
C. J. Higgins.-_._----- - _---. lndianapolis, id -.__Feb. 21, 1871 112, 038
C. W. Hildreth.- - - - - -------Lockport, N. 17-----------..Jutne 5, 1866, 55, 293
M. L. Halt and L. C. Abbott. -_- Eatoni, Ohio..............-Feb. 15, 1870' 99, 893
W. P. Hood.....--.-.. -..... inona, Minn -_- -- -------Nov. 28, 1871 121, 287
A. Hutchinson---------------....Philadelphia, Pa----------_Dec. 15, 1868 84, 947
J. Ingels------------------... liltoni,lad--------May 10, 1870 102, 941
N. Johnson------------------..New York, N. 17..... Nov. 22, 1870 109, 318
WV. H. Kline ----------------- Eaton, Ohio.-------------- Mar. 1, 1870 100, 416
J. Monteith..................Now Yet-k, N. 17-----------Sept. 29, 1863 40, 117
G. Munger-----------------..... New York, N. 17_- --------- Sept. 4, 1866 57, 8-24
J. S. Rlankin..................Minneapolis, Minn. __._-_Dec. 5, 1871 121, 470
A. E. Roberts.-__-- -- ---- Des hoines, Iowa __--_Apt. 2-2, 1873 138, 045
J. P. Scott-------------------_ _ _ _Lewisbnrgh, Pa.- _- --------Nov. 1,1867 70, 904
J. P. Scott and S. H. La Rue... Lewisbuegh, Pa... __........Feb. 11, 1868 74, 433
H. C. Sellmnan. - _. __.- - - _ __ North Newburgh, Mich.. May 16, 1871 114, 869
C. M. Shierwooid------------- _. Chicago, Ill--------------Nov. 6, 1866 59, 466
H. M. Sherwood.............. Chicago, Ill--------Sep.10, 1867 68, 660
J. B. Shterwvood.,-----------Chicago, ill---------------A...........Spt. 15, 18 73 137, 866
WV. A. Slaymaker _........... Atlanta, Ca.--------------_ _Nov. 29, 1870 1 109, 7 70
WV. H. Stper-----------------___ _ Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 17, 1869 93, 919.A.Stewart.-------- ___DesMoinesIowa-_-_Jati. 5,1869 85,.544
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Desk, Fire-proof...................................
Desk, Folding.............................
Desk, Folding...................................
Desk, Folding....................................
Desk, Folding....................................
Desk, Folding....................................
Desk, Fholding.....................................
Desk, Folding school.........................
Desk. Folding school..............................
Desk for chair, &c., Adjustable...................
Desk for schcol-rooms, Arrangement of....-....
Desk for school-teacher, &c.................
Desk, Hand.......................................
Desk joint, School.................................
Desk joint, School..----------------------------
Desk joint, School.................................
Desk-lid, Prop....................................
Desk, Night-reading..........................
Desk, Office......................................
Desk or seat joint................................
Desk oir table, Recording........................
Desk, Pendent reading.........................
Desk, Portable writing........................
Desk, Portable writing......................
Desk, Reading....................................
Desk, Reading................................
Desk, Reading and writing:....................
Desk, Revolving.................................
Desk, School.....................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School...................................
Desk, School...................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
DI)esk, School.....................................
Desk, School..................................
Desk, School............................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.......................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School....................................
Desk, School---------------------------------......................................
Desk, School.................................
Desk, School......................................
Desk, School..................................
D sk, School....................................
Desk, School..................................
Desk, School.................................
Desk, School....................................
Desk, School---..................--------------------......-...........Desk, School.....................................
D esk, School ----------------------------------
Desk, School....................................
Desk, School.....................................
Desk, School.................................
Deskseat, School..............................
Desk seat, School..................................
Desk seat, School.................................
Desk, table, and shelf combined...................
Desk, Wall...................................
Desk, Writing................................
Desk, W riting.................
Desk, W riting..................
Desk, W riting.....................
Desk. Writing....
Desk, Writing.....
Desk, Writing.....
Desk, Writing.....
Desk, Writing....
Desk, &c., Writing..- - - - -.......
Desk, Writing.....
Desk, Writing....
Desk, Writing................................
Desk, Writing and drawing.......................
55 P
M. B. Bigelow and A. Hardy..
A. Chandler.................
E. W. Gilles and J. Wendell...
H. E. Gillet...............
T. W. Hreitz..................
J. F. McNel...................
J. Milwain.................
E. Convers.................
S. F. Estell....................
S. C. Ripley.................
H. G. Eastman................
W. C. Carter and J. P. Emery.
M. C. Stebbins.............
C. U. Crandall..............
T. A. Galt and G. S. Tracy....
T. Gregg.....................
H. R. Russell................
J. Rogowiski.................
H. Mott...........
L. and W. F. Sylla............
W. B. C. Stirling.............
G. F. Perkins..................
W. Bothe.................
W. H. Lochman...............
E. Kast.....................
J. Moessinger..............
C. Pretsch...................
C. Hope......................
H. L. Andrews...............
W. Blackburn...............
J. E. Blair...................
W. M. Brooke................
J. D. Brown..................
A. Chase..................
J. W. Childs..................
S. Cox and W. W. Fanning....
W. E. Doyle........
W. P. Erwin and T. A. Dugdale
W. N. Foster..................
J. H. French..................
E. W. Gilles and J. Wendell..
B. N. Hemenway.............
C. J. Higgins.................
G. W. Hildreth...............
A. O. Huffman...............
A. J. Bull...................
A. Hiutchinson...............
W. Johnson.................
J. Long and E. Convers.......
H. S. McRae................
J. Mealey........
H. B. Osborne and N. W. Hammon.
J. Peard......................
J. F. Piehl.................
I. N. Peirce.............
J. F. Prehl...................
C. H Bresbrey...............
J. S. Rankin..................
A. E. Roberts...............
A. E. Roberts...............
C. H. Roberts................
J. Russel............
A. Schlag............
C. W. Sherwood...............
W. A. Slaymaker............
W. A. Slaymaker.............
J. Smith...................
J. Smith....................
J. Smith.....................
W. H. Soper.................
E. I. Stearns..................
TR. A. Thompson..............
D. G. Venable................
A. S. Vorse...................
F. A. Wilber..................
E. W ilson...................
W S. Wooton................
C. Perley...................
A. S. Vorse.................
L.H.Morrilland E. G. P.Smith
T. Cogswell..................
C. I Bergmann..............
J. WV. Fiester...............
J. II. Grimsley and P. I. Ankney.
W. Hoper.....................
E. Hughes....................
S. Luther.....................
C. Monson..................
A. J. Ritter...................
F. Robbin...................
D. Schafer....................
E. Scheel.....................
J. S. Watson..................
W. G. W olf...................
W. W. Levering.............
Boston, Mass...........
Davenport, Iowa..........
Oswego, N. Y..............
Oswego, N. Y............
Quincy, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Nashville, Tenn........
Oswego, N. Y..............
Richmond, Ind.........
Portland, Me..............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Galva, 111...ll...............
Springfield, Mass..........
Sterling, Ill...............
Sterling, Ill...........
Danville, Pa.............
Woodbury, N. J.........
New York, N. Y..........
Troy, N. Y...............
Elgin, Ill.................
Batavia, Ohio............
San Francisco, Cal.......
Williamsbuigh, N. Y.....
York, Pa................
Waterbury, Conn.......
New York, N. Y........
Trenton, N. J.............
Springfield, Mass......
Chicago, Ill...............
Manchester, Great Britain
New Haven, Conn.........
Eaton, Ohio...............
Madisonville, Ohio.......
North Weare, N. H.......
Kansas City, Mo..........
Richmond, Ind............
Eaton, Ohio..............
Richmond, Ind._........ _.
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Burlington, Vt...........
Oswego,N. Y..........
Rockland, Me.............
Indianapolis, Ind........
Lockport, N. Y.........
Springfield, Ohio..........
Sterling, Ill..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Topsham, Me...........
Oswego, N. Y..........
Muncie, Ind..............
Fairville, New Brunswick
Des Moines, Iowa.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Richmond, Ind...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Richmond, Ind............
Steling, Ill..............
Madison, Ind..............
Des Moines, Iowa........
Des Moines, Iowa........
Geneva, Ohio............
Plymouth, Ind.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Atlanta, Ga...........
Atlanta, Ga......
Richmond, Ind.........
Richmond, Ind............
Richmond, Ind..........
Baltimore, Md.............
Cambridge, Md............
Beaver Falls, Pa.........
Christiansburgh, Ky......
Des Moines, Iowa........
Wabash, Ind..............
New Brighton, Pa.........
Richmond, Ind............
New York, N. Y.........
Des Moines, Iowa.......
Falmouth and Portland,Me
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y.........
New Lexington, Ohio.....
New Lexington, Ohio.....
New Haven, Conn........
McCartysville, Cal........
Boston, Mass...........
New Haven, Conn.......
Rlahway, N. J............
Hudson City, N. J........
Parkersburgh. W. Va.....
New York, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass............
Plhiladelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
June 28, 1859
Apr. 6, 1869
Mar. 22, 1870
Apr. 26, 1870
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 15, 1865
Jan. 24,1871
June 14, 1870
Oct. 26, 1869
Oct. 22,1872
Sept. 6,1864
Sept. 26, 1871
Oct. 8, 1872
May 9, 1871
Sept. 5, 1871
Oct. 3, 1871
June 4,1872
Apr. 23, 1861
Sept. 26, 1871
May 30, 1871
July 13, 1869
Dec. 12, 1871
June 14, 1870
Mar. 29, 1859
May 22, 1866
Sept. 28, 1869
Apr. 10, 1860
June 12, 1866
Sept. 15, 1868
June 11, 1872
Apr. 16, 1867
Dec. 26,1871
Feb. 15, 1870
Sept. 11, 1860
June 3, 1873
Jan. 21, 1873
Nov. 15,1870
Mar. 1,1870
July 9, 1872
June 13, 1871
Jan. 19, 1869
July 16, 1872
Oct. 21, 1873
Feb. 18, 1868
Aug. 1, 1871
Feb. 1, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
Dec. 26, 1865
July 18, 1871
Dec. 24, 1867
Oct. 27, 1868
June 27, 1871
Feb. 2, 1869
May 23, 1871
Aug. 16, 1870
Dec. 5, 1871
Apr. 26, 1870
Jan. 21, 1873
Feb. 18, 1862
Aug. 17, 1869
Jan. 11, 1870
May 3, 1870
July 25, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
Apr. 5, 1870
Feb. 20, 1872
Feb 20, 187-2
Feb. 26. 1867
Mar. 1, 1870
Aug. 15, 1871
Mar. 31, 1863
Apr. 14,1868
Dec. 3,1872
Mar. 25, 1873
Nov. 16, 1869
July 15, 1873
Dec. 13, 1870
Nov. 10, 1868
Mar. 30, 1858
June 28, 1870
Dec. 12, 1871
Oct. 29,1872
Feb. 5, 1856
Aug. 24, 1858
June 8, 1858
Feb. 8, 1870
May 1, 1860
June 19, 1838
Feb. 4, 1862
July 1,1862
Nov. 16, 1869
Nov. 18, 1873
Oct. 25,1870
Aug. 16,1864
July 31, 1855
Aug. 4,1868
24, 534
88, 609
101, 118
102, 249
70, 339
49, 428
111, 230
104, 116
96, 096
132, 494
44, 082
119, 316
132, 030
114, 649
118, 773
119, 515
127, 519
32, 148
119, 390
115, 383
92, 550
121, 810
104, 255
23, 379
54, 919
95, 369
27, 831
55, 492
82, 061
127, 839
63, 839
122, 221
99, 832
30, 020
139, 543
135, 089
109, 304
100, 275
128, 871
115, 839
85, 924
129, 559
143, 760
74, 688
117, 633
99, 440
89, 484
51, 727
117, 090
72, 662
83, 521
116, 477
86, 440
115, 232
106, 403
102, 317
135, 154
314, 448
93, 907
98, 801
102, 713
117, 467
119, 794
101, 670
123, 796
123, 797
62, 375
100, 334
118, 161
38, 064
76, 839
133, 551
137, 263
97, 005
140, 979
83, 8.)6
19, 791
104, 906
132, 632
14, 217
21, 249
20, 487
99, 672
28, 086
34, 312
35, 781
96, 996
14, 636
108, 635
43, 876
13, 371
80, 749
Index of patents issed from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusite--Continued.
Desks, Attachment for school..........
Desks, Device for supporting and connecting school
Desks in school-room, Arrangement of............
Desks, seats, &c., to floors, Device for fastening...
Desks, System of school-----..........................--------------
Desulphurizing and reducing furnace, Ore........
Desulphurizing furnace, Ore..................
Desulphurizing fiurnace, Ore..................
Desulphurizing furnace, Ore.....................
Desulphurizing furnace, Ore-----------------......................
Desulphurizing furnace, Ore----------c------.......................
Desulphurizing furnace, Steel and other wire......
Desulphurizing metals and ores.................
Detaching-hook for nautical use...................
Detective-register for watchman.................
See Bank-note detector. High and low water
Coin-detector. detector.
Egg-detector. Low-water detector.
Fire-detector. Pick-pocket detector.
Steam-boiler detector.
Detents, Tripping mechanical....................
Detergent compound.............................
Detergent purposes, Composition for..........
Detergent, Vegetable pulmonic...................
Detergents, Manufacture of.......................
Developing-stick.- ---------------------
Devulcanizing India rubber......................
Dial, Sun........................................
Dial, Sun..--------------------------------
Dial, Sun................................
Dial, Steam-gage..................................
Dials to ascertain time, Combination of the needle
and sun.
Dials, Transmitting time-movement to distant.....
Diamonds, Method of setting black...............
Diamonds, Setting..............................
Diamonds, &c., Setting.....................
Diamonds, Setting and adjusting glaziers'..........
Diaper, Child's...................
Diaper or shawl pin..............................
Diapers, Substitute for infants'....................
Dice apparatus, Mechanical......................
Dice, Instrument for throwing..................
Dice, &c., Tool for marking........................
See Auger-die. Carriage-shackle-eye
Anger-bit die. die.
Auger-blank die. Carriage-shackle-eyeAxle-clip trimming forging die.
and straightening Carriage-shaft-shackle
die. die.
Axle-forming die. Carriage-spring-headAxle-nut die. bar die.
Bead-forming die. Cartridge-shell die.
Bit and auger die. Chord-bar die.
Blauk-forming die. Chord-bar-head die.
Blind-shaping die. Clinch-ring die.
Bolt-die. Clinching-die.
Bolt-heading die. Clock-collet die.
Bolt-threading die. Collar-die.
Box-stamping (lie. Cotton-tie-forming die.
Buckle-closing die. Damper die.
Bullet-cutting die. Design-die.
Bullet-making die. Draw-bar-followerdie.
Bunter-shape swag- Draw-head-face-plate
ing and forming die.
die. Electrotype-die.
Button-molding die. E iptic-spring die.
Can-making die. E c-bolt-forging (lie.
Carriage-clip lie. Eyelet-forming die.
Carriage-clip-swag- Folly-plate die.
ing die. Felly-plate-making die.
Carriage-head block- Fifth-wheel die.
plate die. Fifth-w hee l- headCarriage-shackle die. forging die.
D. I. Stagg..................
J. L. Rankin............
V. Woodcock..........
J. D. McAuliff...............
S. L. Wilkinson............
J. Maunton..............
W. Briickner.............
WT. Briickner..............
L. G. Mar shall................
C. A. Stelefeldt...............
T. D. Worrall................
A. Cary................
L. G. Marshall........
T. J. Harte...................
J. Bozorth--------------...................
J. O. Lord, jr............
J. W. Tuttle and J. Peterson..
J. M. Brooke.................
P. H. Duffy...................S. Chester and C. T. Chester... -
S. Coburn....................
WV. Berrey............
A. Lovis............- --
G. Rogers...................
S. Coburn................
T. C. Roche.._..............
S. Beer......................
P. Fldchet.................
J. P. Gardner................
J. Scott..---.......-...........
E. H. Ashcroft...............
C. R. M. Pohlh...............
H. J. Wenzel.................
W. Shumard..................
G. D. Dunham...............
J. E. Karelson.................
B. F. Southgate...........
F. J. Herpers...............
T. W. Baxter............
J. Dickinson...............
I. Lindsley...............
M. Kleeman................
J. C. Hempel................
A. M. Hughes...........
M. A. Moore.............
J. G. Klinger.............
J. Heilmann................
W. H. Hockensmith...........
H. S. Lesher.................
J. Rabbeth....................
J. E. Rabbeth................
I. W. Stewart................
A. Wanner.................
J H Hall....................
A. Klingenberg........
E. W. Quincy.........
J. Twamly...............
J. E. Zender..............
B. F. Bee.....................
C. B. Rogers.................
New York, N. Y.........
Minneapolis, Minn........
Swanzey, N. H.......
Saint Louis, Mo........
Cross Plains, Tenn-........
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
San Francisco, Cal........
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y.........
Central City. Colo._......
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Camden, N. J.............
Middletown, Conn.......
Rochester, N. Y..........
United States Navy......
Somerset, Ohio............
New York, N. Y., and Englewood, N. J.
Stamford. Conn........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass.........
Northampton, Mass.......
Stamford, Conn...........
Williamsburgh. N. Y.....
New York, N. Y........
Paris, France............
Columbia, Tenn...........
Portland, Me............
Lynn, Mass...............
Richmond, Va..........
San Francisco, Cal......
Richmond, Ind.........
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N.Y.........
Bridgewater, Vt......
Newark, N. J.........
Chicago, Ill........
Phila elphia, Pa.........
Providence, R. I.......
Columbus, Ohio.......
Baltimore, Md.........
Hudson City, N.J........
Lisbon. Ill..........
Jersey City, N. J......
New York, N. Y... -...
Bridgeport, Conn.........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Mansfield, Conn..........
East Hartford, Conn......
New York, N. Y..........
Hoboken, N. J...........
Kittaning, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Lacon, Ill...........
Troy, N. Y...............
New York, N. Y.........
Harwick, Mass..........
Deep River, Conn.........
Oct. 1,1867
Dec. 5,1871
Mar. 6, 1855
Nov. 8,18:0
Sept. 18, 1860
Nov. 12, 1867
Dee. 4, 1866
June 11, 1867
Sept. 1, 1863
June 14, 1864
July 31,1866
Dec. 1, 1868
Apr. 19, 1864
May 24, 1870
June 21, 1870
Nov. 15, 1870
Apr. 19, 1870
May 28, 1861
Nov. 29, 1859
Mar. 23, 1869
July 5,1864
Mar. 13, 1870
Nov. 8,1859
Dec. 31, 1808
Oct. 10, 1865
Feb. 20, 1866
May 29, 1855
May 13, 1862
Dec. 5, 1843
June 5, 1849
July 23, 1867
July 27, 1858
July 8, 1873
Jan. 28, 1873
Mar. 22,1870
iJuly 10, 1866
Sept. 3, 1867
Sept. 3, 1872
Jan. 21, 1873
Nov. 30, 183"
Sept. 29, 1857
May 9, 1865
June 15, 1869
Nov. 22, 1870
Dec. 8, 1868
Feb. 2, 1858
July 21, 1857
Aug. 29. 1871
Oct. 2, 186011
Jan. 21, 1847
July 11, 1854
Aug. 16,1870
Aug. 30, 1864
Feb. 23, 1858
Nov. 21, 1871
Dec. 11, 1866
Oct. 14, 1873
Nov. 12, 1867
Sept. 5 1865
May 2, 1865
69, 501
121, 471
12, 497
109, 031
30, 102
70, 873
60, 134
65, 538
39, 786
43, 140
56, 842
84, 534
42, 441
103, 455
104, 547
109, 328
102, 067
32, 408
26, 260
88, 010
43, 393
1C0, 844
26, 072
50, 336
52, 748
12, 983
35, 225
3, 370
6, 506
67, 096
140, 661
135, 249
101, 111
56, 231
68, 538
131, 058
134, 968
18, 2'88
47, 645
91, 334
109, 410
84, 703
19, 280
17, 857
118, 533
30, 232
4, 938
11, 272
106, 422
44, 031
19, 418
60, 421
143, 599
70, 732
49, 700
47, 571
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusivc--Continucd.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Finishing-die. Punching-die.
Flange-turning die. Roller-die.
Furniture-nail die. Screw-capping die.
Hammer-die. Screw-cutting (lie.
Hammer-claw die. Screw-threading die.
Hammer-forging die. Shackle-die.
Hammer-swagingdie. Shears-die.
Harness-blind die. Shears-bot die.
Harness - blind- shap- Shears-bow die.
ing die. Shears - bow -forming
Harness-tooth die. die.
Hat-box-cutting die. Sheet-metal-box-cover
Hat-forming die. die.
Hat-pressing d(lie. Sheet-metal-ware die.
Hatter - iron - making Shovel-die.
die. Shovel-making die.
Heel-die. Shuttile-tip die.
Hoe and pick die. Skelping-die.
Horseshoe-die. Sleeve-die.
florseshoe-calk die. Soap-bar die.
Kettle-die. Sole-die.
Key-blank die. Spike-head die.
Key - blank - making Spike-machine d(lie.
die. Spoon - blank - cutting
King-bolt die. die.
King-bolt-forging die. Spring-calipers die.
King-bolt-formingdie. Square-forging die.
King-bolt-head die. Stay-end die.
King - bolt - trimming Straw-goods die.
die. Tea-kettle-bail die.
Knife-die. Thill-iron die.
Knob-die. Thrashing - machine -
Lead-die. teeth die.
Lead-pipe die. Tin - ware - stamping
Link-welding die. die.
Locket-die. Tinners' die.
Mattock, hoe, &c., Tube-punching die.
swaging die. Tube skelp die.
Metal-die. Tube-thread die.
Metal cupping and Type-wheel die.
raising d(ie. Upsetting-die.
Metal-raising die. Vise-box die.
Mold - board -bending Washer-die.
die. Washer-making die.
Nail - machine - grind- Watch-die.
ing die. Watch-case die.
Nozzle-bending die. Watch-case- swaging
Nut-machine lie. die.
Ox-shoe die. Watch-hand -swaging
Ox-shoe-forging die. (lie.
Paper - collar - cutting Whiffletree T-boltdie.
die. Wire-die.
Perch-iron die. Wire-drawing die.
Pistol-frame die. Wrench-bar die.
Plier-joint die. Wrench-head die.
Plier-making die. Wrench-head-forging
Plow-brace die. die.
Plow mold-board die. Wrench-swaging die.
D ie......................................
Die and plunger.................................
Die and plunger...................................
Die and punch...--------...........................--.
Die and punch, Method of holding and adjusting -..
Die and tap......................................
Die cutter stock...................................
Die-cutting machine.......................
Die for stamping polished blanks or shells for buttons, &c., Bright.
Die-forming press...............................
Die-holder for screen-press.....................
Die-mold for composition articles...............
Die-operating mechanism........................
D ie-press.........................................
Die-rolling machine.......................
Die spike-machinery, Reciprocating.........
D ie-stock...........................................
Die-work as a substitute for etching, &c..........
Die-work on steel, Mode of impressing...........
Dies, Construction of..............................
Dies, Formation of.................................
Dies, Hardening..................................
Dies, Manufacture of......................
Dies, Press for operating, bending, and shaping...
Diet, Compound to be used as an article of.....
Diet, Compound to be used as an article of.........
Digester for treating bones, Steam...............
R. Brayton...................
L. Wetherell..................
J. H. Cole...............
H. G. Williams..............
T. G. Arnold................
P. EI. Austin.................
A. Lemont....................
H. C. Meyer..................
W. Newsham................
W. B. Dunbar...............
M. H. Stein...................
J. McWilliams..............
I. Smith.................
H. Waters...............
F. D. Bliss.................
J. D.Driggs................
W. Burke..................
J. Mays and E. W. Bliss.......
H. Waters...................
M. Belknap.................
W. and J. Holroyd.-...........
J. Koberle...................
J. F. Sharer.................
S. P. M. Tasker..............
J. Teachout.................
J. Teachout...................
A. Brewsler...............
J. Perkins and G. Murray....
R. W. Hayden..............
T. Hollister..................
E. W. Sperry..................
F. W. Arvine.................
W. D. Mendenhall.............
C. G. Baylor..................
W. D. St. Clair...............
Buffalo, N. Y-----------.............. Jan. 13, 1857 16, 372
Boston, Mass-----------.............. Feb. 19, 18C7 62, 174
Millbury, Mass........... Feb. 15, 1870 99, 848
Providence, R. I.......... July 14, 1868 80, 042
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 3, 1868 83, 586
New Haven, Coun........ Dec. 1,1868 84, 468
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Jan. 29, 1830
Flushing, N. Y............ May 28,1872 127, 257
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 5,1870 104, 985
Waterbury, Conn......... Oct. 31, 1839 1, 392
New York, N. Y.......... June 2, 1863 38, 767
Providence, R. I........ Aug. 3,1869.93, 215
New York. N. Y.......... Aug. 8, 1871 117, 826
Northbridge, Mass........ Jan. 1, 1857 60, 973
New Bedford, Mass....... Jan. 28,1873 135, 314
New Bedford, Mass....... Oct. 8,1867 69, 644
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 25, 1870 99, 149
Brooklyn, N. Y----------............ Jan. 28, 1868 73, 823
Northbridge, Mass.... Apr. 15, 1873 137, 984
Canton, Mass....... Nov. 9,1852 9, 397
Waterford, N. Y.......... Nov. 21,1865 51, 048
Bavaria--- ---..... Aug. 29, 1869 49, 687
New York, N. Y........ June 2,1837 17, 453
Philadelphia. Pa.......... July 26, 1870 105, 861
Waterford, N. Y........ June 30, 1857 17-707
Waterford, N. Y.......... Mar. 27,1860 27, 657
FrankfortPa............. July 15,183........
Newburyport, Mass., and June 25, 1813...
Philadelphia, Pa.
Waterbury, Conn......... June 17,1851 8,159
Cornwall, Conn......... May 9,1848 5, 554
Wolcottville, Conn....-.. Feb. 2,1869 86, 467
Fair Haven, Conn........ Mar. 12, 1372 124, 414
Farmington, 111.......... July 27, 1869 93, 107
Quincy, Mass............ Mar. 8, 1870 100, 587
Chicago, Ill............... Feb. 22, 1870 10, 081
North Bridgewater, Mass. Feb. 26, 1867 62, 439
Index of patents issued from the U iltd Slates Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See Garden-digger. Potato-digger.
Peanut-digger. Rotary-digger.
Peat-digger. Stone and root digger.
Post-hole digger. Tree-digger.
Digging -machine---------
Digging -machine................................
Digging machine.................................
Digging machine..................................
Digitcoreum ------------- -------------------
D ike core.........................................
Dikes and embankments against the ravages of
animals, &c., Protecting.
Dikes and levees, Construction of.................
Dikes, levet s, and embankments, Construction of -..
Diking-sheet frame.............................
Dicing and ironing table and quilting-frame.......
Dining and other tables..........................
Dining-chair, Child's.............................
Dining-room fixed at the end of vessels............
Dining-table.-...-------------- -- ---
Dining table.............................
Dining-table, Calorie.........................
Dining-table, Extension........
Dining-table, Revolving..........................
Dining-table, Self-waiting...-- -----..-......
Dinner-pot... - ---------------..
Dipper-handles, Means of attaching................
Direct-acting compound engine...............
Direct-acting engine....................
Direct-acting engine........................
Direct-acting engine.........................
Direct-acting engine.......................
Direct-acting engine...............................)irect-acting engine.....................
Direct-acting engine.......................
Direct-acting engine..............................
Direct-acting engine..............................
Direct-acting engine.......................
Direct-acting engine.......................
Direct-acting engine........................
Direct-acting steam-engine.......................
Direct-acting steam-engine..............
Direct-acting steam-engine..................
Direct-acting steam-engine..................
Direct-acting steam-engine.......................
Direct-acting steam-engine...............................
Direct-acting steam-engine.......................
Direct-acting steam-engine.......................
Dirk-knife, Spring................................
Discharge pipe and nozzle.......................
Dish and clothes washer.........................
Dish and vegetable washer.......................
Dish, Baking......................................
Dish, Baking.....................................
Dish, Butter.....................................
Dish, Butter.....................................
Dish, Butter.............................
Dish, Carving............................
Dish, Carving............................
Dish-cloth holder.........................
Dish-cloth holder.........................
Dish-cover, Refrigerating........................
Dish-covers, Forming wire-cloth..................
Dish-covers, Machine for making wire.......
Dish, Covered............................
Dish drainer and drier........
Dish, Earthenware........................
Dish, Glass..............................
N. Badger....................
A. A. Garver..................
J. Mitchell....................
C. H. Stratton...............
I. P. Tice.....................
M. Marks....................
J. P. Culver-------------...................S. Gardner....................
L. S. Robbins.................
J. C. Schooley...............
J. S. Pierson....................
T. Elkins...................
A. Kinkead..................
A. Smith...................
B. Maillefert and L. Hayden..
E.H.Bleebaum and C.H.Nagel.
D. Boardman................
M. P. Boyd.............
R. C. Case....................
J. H. and L. Drane...........
S. R. Garner..................
J. L. Knight..............
A. Land....................
G. L. Motter.................
J. C. Nichols..................
M. Pirz......................
B. Welteck......................
H. L. B. Lewis................
D. T. Robinson...............
R. Wilson....................
L. Pusey.....................
A. A. Arnold.................
J. H. Murphy................
A. F. Wolf...................
J. B. W ood....................
W. M. Henderson.........
G. F. Blake.............
A. S. Cameron................
A. Campbell and C. B. Hardick.
C. P. Deane................
T. Hanson...................
T. Hanson...................
W. D. Hooker................
B. M. Johnson.............
S.F.Shelbourne and C.E.Emery
W. J. Stevens...-...........
J. Storer...................
L. Winterbauer..............
J. Bailey................
H. A. Benson and W. Avery..
C. P. Deane...................
G. H. and C. P. Deane and J. B.
W. B. Hayden...............
W. D. Hooker...........
J.B. Smith..................
T. Thatcher...................
A. Henninger................
C. Hibbard..................
A. Lovie.....................
A. W. Roberts...............
G. Williamson.............
J. N. Paddack...............
B. Harrington...............
H. C. Wilcox..................
N. Lawrence.................
D. T. Lyon...................
W. M. Whittaker.............
E. P. Bernard................
C. W. Sykes................
R. T. Osgood........
W. J. Johnson...............
J. T. Walker..................
H. B. and F. M. Goff.........
A. J. Ohmer..................
W. H. White.................
O. Marland....................
L. H. Allen...................
W. Lincoln...................
W. A. Fenn.................
C. Britain....................
W. H. Gould..................
H. F. Pond...................
H. R. Richmond..............
R.W. Stone and H A. Kendrick
A. and T. Vail................
C. R. Freet...................
J. S. and T. B. Atterbury......
W. Brand...
S. S. Fitch................
Residence. Date. No.
Shelbyville, Ky........... Feb. 25, 1862 34, 473
Mechanicsburgh, Pa.... May 22, 1860 28, 359
Oceola, Iowa.............. Oct. 13, 1857 18, 404
Munroetown, Pa.......... Jan. 10), 1865 45, 877
New York, N. Y......... Jan. 31, 1871 Ill, 404
London, England........ Aug. 8,1871 117,791
Jersey City, N. J.......... Nov. 14, 1871 120, 943
New York, N. Y......... Sept. 20,1870 107, 60C8
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 889
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 913
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 14, 1841 120, 896
Albany, N. Y............ Feb. 22,1870 100, 020
Washington County, Ohio Oct. 26, 1858 21, 885
Peirysburgh, Ohio....... Oct. 18, 1870 108, 5z6
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 5, 1864 41, 078
Saint Charles, Mo......... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 375
Columbus, Ind........... Nov. 8, 1870 109, 107
Unionville, S C.......Aug. 16, 1870 106, 460
Guilderland, N. Y... Nov. 1, 1870 108, 878
Eminence,Ky..-- -..... lune27, 1871 116, 419
Independence, Iowa...... Mar. 7, 1871 112,441
Tracy Creek, N. Y -...... May 31, 1870 103, 625
Hillsdale, Mich........ Apr. 15, 1873 137, 719
Bloomington, Ill.......... Mar. 4, 1873 136, 381
Woburn, Mass........ Aug. 21, 1849 6, 065
East New York, N. Y..... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 896
New York, N. Y.......... June 11, 1872 127, 720
New York, N. Y......... Sept. 27, 1845 4, 207
Boston, Mass....--... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 557
Rees Corners, Md....... July 6, 1869 92, 413
Patterson, Pa........... June 14, 1853 9, 783
Clyde, Ohio.............. June 17,1873 139, 851
Boston, Mass.............. May 24, 1864 42, 865
Beaver Falls, Pa.......... Mar. 19, 1872 124, 775
Cranston, R. I............ Jan. 7, 1868 731, 066
Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 2, 1870 105, 941
Boston, Mass.............. Jan. 1, 1867 63, 852
New York, N. Y......... May 3, 1870 102, 486
Brooklyn, N. Y-........ Apr. 26, 1864 42, 527
Springfield, Mass......... Apr. 26, 1870 102, 234
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 1, 1863 40, 749
New York, N. Y.......... June 20, 1871 116, 051
San Francisco, Cal....... Aug. 18, 1868 81,168
Brooklyn, N. Y-..--...... -- Sept. 19, 1871 119, 088
New York and Brooklyn, Dec. 6,1870 109, 951
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 6, 1870 109, 963
New York, N. Y........... Sept. 7, 1869 94, 665
New York, N. Y....... A pr. 14,1863 38, 193
Quincy, Ill............. Mar. 18,1873 130, 8106
Warren, Mass--............ --- June 4, 1872 127, 451
Springfield, Mass......... Dec. 5,1871 121, 45L
Springfield, Mass........ Mar. 9, 1869 87, 550
Columbus, Ohio...... Sept. 28, 1869 95, 225
San Francisco, Cal...... July 16, 1872 129, 345
Dunmore, Pa............. Mar. 19,1872 124, 862
Danville, Pa.............. Dec. 1, 1863 40, 178
New Haven, Conn........ July 11, 1865 48, C85
Chicago, Ill.............. Sept.11, 1866 57, 902
Albany, N. Y............. Aug. 27, 1872 130, 927
Hartford, Conn............ Oct. 25. 1859 25, 915
Goldsborough, Pa......... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 251
Oswego, N. Y.............. Sept. 24, 1867 69, 240
China, Me................ July 9, 1872 128, 725
West Meriden, Conn...... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 791
Taunton, Mass............ Apr. 14,1868 76, 639
West Meriden, Conn...... Oct. 15, 1867 69, 824
Wallingford, Conn........ Dec. 4, 1866 60, 308
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 253
Suflield, Conn............. Aug. 17, 1869 93, 844
Orland, Me............... Sept. 24, 1872 1;1, 555
Newton Corner, Mass..... Feb. 21, 1860 27, 225
Xlbany, N. Y............. July 21, 1868 80, 100
Middletown, Conn...... July 14, 1868 79, 824
Hamilton, Ohio........... Mar. 18, 1873 136, 856
Kent Island, Md.......... Juno 11, 1867 65, 626
Boston, Mass.............. Jan. 12, 1864 41, 228
Amherst, Mass............ June 4,1861 32, 457
Oakham, Mass............ Oct. 9, 1855 13, 651
West Meriden, Conn...... May 26, 1868 78, 366
Saint Joseph, Mich..... Jan. 14,1864 43, 088
Manchster, N. H...... Aug. 12, 1873 141, 643
Franklin, Mass........... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 725
New Plymouth, New Zea Feb. 27,1872 124, 085
Rowe, Mass............. Mar. 6, 1866 53, 055
Berlin, Wis.............. July 13, 1858 20, 906
Upper Strasburgh, Pa..... July 26 1870 105, 794
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Oct. 29, 1872 132, 558
Burlington, Iowa.......... Aug. 11, 1863 39, 459. New York, N. Y.......... July 15, 1873 140, 169
Index of patents issued from the United States Patcnt Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Dish-holder....................................... T. M. Hubbard...............
ish-mop-------------------------------........................................ A.S. Hadley..........
Dish-pan.-------------------------------- --- S. Lafferty...............--
Dish-pan.... -...............................J. Vadercar.................
Dish-pan.F. Budcamr..................
Dish pan and drainer-..-...................-F. Bucknam.- ---.................
Dish-rack.-------------------------------........................................ W. H. Duffett................
Dih-rack--------------------------------.......................................J. M. Rudier................
Dish-rack--------------------------------......................................... E. A. Sawyer.................
Dish, Soap......................................J. Cundy......................
Dish-stand........................................ W. F. Collier.........
Dish-stand........................................ I. WV. Lamb--------------.................
Dish-stand -...................................... D. Sherwood................
Dish-stand........................................ H. C. W ilcox..................
Dish-stand, Table................................ F. Gresjean.................
Dish-stand, Wire.................................G D. Dudley.................
Dish-:tand, Wire........................... E. P. Woods and D. Sherwood
Dish-stancs, &c., Machine for making wire........ E. P. Woods and D. Sherwood.
Dish-washer.................................... C. Bartlett..................
Dish-washer..................................... F. E. Clarke...................
Dish-washer.................................... W. H. Emerson...............
Dish-washer..................................... W. H. Emory.................
Dish-washer..................................... R.I and R. D. S. Filson and J.
D. Cope.
Dish-washer..................................... M. Hoblson.................
Dish-washer........................................ J. A. Hotchkiss and R. Eaves..
Dish-washer............................ M.E. Lewis..................
Dish-washer, &c................................... W. M. Long................
Dish-washer..................................... C. Messinger............
Dish-washer..................................... M. K. Morris.............
Dish-washer.............................. S. D. Mcxley.................
Dish-washer.............................. E. and J. S. B. Norton........
Dish-washer................................... M. S. Orton and P. B. Stiles....
Dish-washer........................................ G. Richards and L. Alexander.
Dish-washer.............................. J. J. Sawyer.................
Dish-washer..................................... C.H. Sterling.............
Dish-washer.............................J. A. Strong..............
Dish-washer................................... V. L. Thompson.............
Dish-washer..................... A. W. Thornton..............
Dish-washer.................. H. B. Todd...................
Dish-washer........................... V. and S. B. Way and S. C.
Dish washer....................................G. A. Wells..................
Dish washing and drying machine............. A. W. Ward.................
Dish-washing machine............................ L. A. Alexander............
Dish-washing machine.............................. A. M. and J. I. D. Bristol......
Dish-washing machine.......................D. Guptail............
Dish-washing machine................. G. Richards.................
Dish-washing machine....._.................H. C. Robertson...............
Dish-washing machine.....................S. S. Tupper............._
Dish-washing machine........................... J. Usher....................
Dish-washing machine.......................... J. Wheeler...................
Dish-washing machine...........................C. 1. Williams................
Dish-washing machine.......................... L. R. Witherell................
Dish-washing machine.......-........... L. R. and E. A. Witherell.....
Dish-washing machine............. C. Woodruff...............
Dishes, Apparatus ifr drying.................... C. W. Schroeder..............
Dishes, knives and forks, &c., Machine for washing C. M. Leland.................
Disinfectant...........-....................... L. Broad.....................
Disinfectant-compound.......................... J. Hilton...-................
Disinfectant-package........................... W. P. Tenny.................
Disinfectant or ozone generator--------------................... --W. H. Ford and S. Logan......
Disinfectants, Apparatus for vaporizing and atom- E. S. De Luce and H. M. Wells.
Disinfecting and antiseptic compound............ J. Strigel......................
Disinfecting and deodurizing compound - - - -.........-. H. G. Dayton.................
Disinfecting and embalming fluid................ H. C. Coffman................
Disinfecting and preserving, Composition for... J. Hickson and L. L. Wilkinson
Disinfecting and purifj ing hospitals, camps, &c., J. L. Kidwell..................
Composition for.
Disinfecting and ventilating burial-vault......... B. F. Lyford..................
Disinfecting-apparatus..................... J. M. Scudder. -.............
Disinfecting bone-boiling cstalrlishments, Mode of D. E. Contaret.......
Disinfecting buildinge, chips, &c., Process of...... H. M. Wells..................
Disinfecting-composiin....................... F. Hoffman and R. Wendler.
Disinfecting compound........................ J. Gamage...................
Disinfecting compound..................... J. Le Doyen..................
Disinlecting compould........... J. WV. Lee and J. W. Davis...
Disinfecting-compound.......................... H. Napier..................
Disinfecting-compound.... - - - - - --.....0. OldIberg.................
Disinfecting compound.....--------------------- L. S. Robbins..........
Disinfecting-compound........... C. A. Seely and C. J. Eames...
Disinfectieg-compound......................E. Silivrn....................
Disinfectling-compound..........................H. A. Tilden..................
Disinfecting-compoun............................ H. A. Tilden.................
Disinfecting-com;pound......................G. Vique, sr...................
Disinfecting fecal matter.................. D. E. Coutaret................
Disinfecting foul air in vessels, Apparats for..... A. Peteler...............
Lisinfecting noxious valors iro:n renderieg-houses, t. B. Lockwood...........
hospitals, &c., Mode ( f.
Disinfecting noxious vapers, Process for......... W. Adamson..................
Disinfecting-powder........................ H. G. Daytn.................
Lisinfecling rooms, shins, &c., Process of......... E. Dumplemnann.............
Disinfecting soap-boiling establishments.......... S. Strunz................
Disinfecting vessels, Apparatus fr.... E. H. Coovel..............
Disinfecling waterclosets, urinals, gutters, &c.... A. G. Brown.................
Disit.ectur...............................J. D. C. Outwater.............
Ripen, Wis............. July 16, 1867
Boston, Mass......... Dec. 11, 1866
Chicago, Ill........... May 27, 1873
Brooklyn, N. Y......... July 5, 1864
Portland, Me........... Apr. 2, 1867
Rochester, N. Y......... Apr. 18, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y..........i Jan. 16, 1872
Portland, Me.......... Oct. 27, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa -....... Feb. 16, 1864
Worcester, Mass........ Aug. 23, 1870
Rochester, N. Y......... Feb. 13, 1866
Lowell, Mass--------...---.. Apr. 27, 1869
West Meriden, Conn..... Apr. 12, 1870
New York, N. Y -...--.. July 8, 1873
Lowell, Mass........... Mar. 19, 187-2
Lowell, Mass......-.. Dec. 31, 1867
Lowell, Mass.......... Nov. 12, 1867
Providence, R. I...---. Dec. 2, 1873
Flint, Mich.............. Dec. 7, 1869
Dixon, Ill............. June 22, 1869
Ashburnham, Mass. -. Sept. 19,1871
Xenia, Ill.............. Dec. 27,1870
66, 842
60, 364
139, 252
43, 442
63, 361
113, 862
122, 855
83, 413
106, 552
52, 576
89, 440
101, 797
140, 623
124, 798
72, 770
70, 770
145, t42
97, 634
91, 529
119, 0e5
110, 559
101, 129
48, 814
120, 886
131, 451
84, 431
126, 566
126, 735
70, 883
100, 657
40, 280
58, 895
130, 761
95, 618
119, 953
133, 811
114, 367
63, 677
Williamsburgh, Mo.......
Derby, Conn..........
Mansfield, Ohio.........
Moline, Ill........
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Louisville, Ky........
Keeseville, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.......
Galesburgh, Ill......
Cummington and Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Woodstock, Conn........
Gambier, Ohio.........
North Wolcott, Vt.....
Stan stead, Canada...
Mendecino, Cal...........
Plymouth, Conn......
South Butler, N. Y........
Luzerne, N. Y...........
Fish-ill, N. Y........
Colerain, Mass........
Detroit, Mich........
Elgin, Ill...........
Cummington, Mass.......
East Saginaw, Mich.....
Churchville, N. Y......
West Albany, N. Y........
Athol, Mass..........
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Galesburgh, Ill...........
Galesburgh, Ill........
Antioch, Cal..-....
New York, N. Y..........
Central City, Coleo......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.........
New Orleans, La......_
United States Navy......
Louisville, Ky............
Dayton, Ohio............
Washington Court-House,
Auburn, N. Y...........
Georgetown, D. C......
San Francisco, Cal.......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y........
London, England.........
Paris, France.............
Washington, D. C.........
Elizabth, N. J......
Washington, D. C.......
New York, N. Y.._......
New York, N. Y..........
Halle, Prussia.........
New Lebanon, N. Y.....
New Lebanon, N. Y.......
Bordeaux, France.......
Boston, Mass...........
New Brighton, N. 1.......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Maysville, Ky............
Washington, D. C.........
Pittsburgh, Pa........
New York, N. Y.......
Southwark, England.._...
New York, N. Y..........
Mar. 22, 1870
July 18, 1865
Nov. 14, 1871
Sept. 17, 1872
Nov. 24, i868
May 7, 1872
May 14, 1872
Nov. 12, 1867
Mar. 8, 1870
Oct. 13, 1863
Oct. 16, 1866
Aug. 90,1872
Oct. 5, 1869
Oct. 17, 1871
Dec. 10, 1872
May 2, 1871
Apr. 9, 1867
June 14, 1870 104, 235
July 23,1867 67, 088
Nov. 21, 1865 51, 000
Nov. 3, 1863 40, 457
Apr. 20, 1869 89,216
Jan. 15, 1867 61, 256
Aug. 1, 1871 117, 568
July 26,1870 105; 742
Jan. 21,1873 135,176
Mar. 27, 1866 53, 511
Oct. 7, 1873 143, 484
Sept. 28, 1869 95, 400
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 155
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 434
Oct. 23, 1866 59, 083
July 6, 1869 92, 323
Sept. 18, 1866 58, 163
July 29, 1873 141, 274
Sept. 16, 1873 142, 963
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 297
June 25, 1872 128, 368
July 23, 1867 67, 082
Nov. 30, 1869 97, 469
May 28, 1867 65, 174
May 1, 1866 54, 345
June 2, 18.3 38, 748
Jan. 31, 1871 111,358
Apr. 24, 1866 54, 221
Aug. 14, 1866 57, 093
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 355
May 22, 1866 54. 907
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 430
Dec. 24, 1844 5, 403
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 433
Aug. 14, 1866 57, 174
Aug. 1, 1871 117, 671
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 327
Feb. 18, 1868 74, 6108
Sept. 17, 1867 69, 043
Sept. 26, 1871 119, 250
Dec. 12,1871 121,913
Apr. 18, 1871 113,820
Jan. 8, 1856 14, 053
Apr. 9, 1861 31, 996
Dec. 11, 1866 60, 394
Feb. 14, 1865 46, 317
Aug. 5, 1873 141,546
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 467
May 3, 1873 138, 954
Apr. 28, 1864 42, 464
Sept. 17, 1872 131, 422
Aug. 28, 1866 57, 559
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Disintegrating substances, Apparatus for......
Disintegrator, Rotary --......................
Disk, bolt, and rivet machine, Rotating......
Disks, Machine for cutting out and flanging metallic
Disks, Machinery for cutting and bending metallic
Disks, Mode of securing cutters to rotary.........
Disks, rivets, &c., Machine for molding metal.....
Dislocations, Apparatus for reducing..............
Distance between itself and the target without
chaining, Instrument for ascertaining the.
Distance-indicator for railway-...---------------
Distillates, Apparatus for cooling..................
Distillation and other purposes, Mode of fermenting liquids for.
Distillation, Apparatus and process of............
Distillation, Apparatus for continuous..........
Distillation, Apparatus for continuous.............
Distillation, Apparatus for cooling mash for......
Distillation, Apparatus for destructive...........
Distillation, Apparatus for destructive..........
Distillation, Apparatus for destruictive.........
Distillation, Apparatus for treating grain for......
Distillation, &c., Application of steam in......
Distillation by steam in wooden or other stills... -.
Distillation, Condensation of vapors in...........
Distillation for hydrocarbon oils...................
Distillation, Method of....................
Distillation, &c., Mode of cooling the mash used in
the process of.
Distillation of bromine and iodine.................
Distillation of coal, Apparatus for.................
Distillation of coal-ails..........................
Distillation of coal-oils...........................
Distillation of coal-oils, Apparatus for... - -..-....-.
Distillation of fresh water from salt water.........
Distillation of hydrocarbon oils...................
Distillation of hydrocarbon oils...................
Distillation of hydrocarbon oils.................
Distillation of hydrocarbon oils..............
Distillation of oils from resin......................
Distillation of petroleum-.. -----.--.--.....
Distillation of petroleum, &c., Apparatus for the
Distillation of salt water, Ship's galley for........
Distillation of spirits of turpentine, Apparatus for
Distillation of tar and other substances, Apparatus
Distillation of wood, &c., Apparatus for destructive
Distillery and brewery boiler...................
Distillery and kitchen range------..........
Distillery-boiler. -................................
Distillery-furnace, Fire-proof......................
Distilleries, Mashing-machinery for...........
Distilleries, Refrigerator for...................
D istilling........................................
D istilling........................................
Distilling --....................................
G. B. Davis----------------...................
C. G. C. Simpson.........
H. Dusch....................
J. G. Day.............
G. W. Bentley...............
E. Savage...................
J. Newton...................
P. L. Higley..................
G. O. Jarvis -.-....
B. Do Villeroi................
S. O. Schoonmaker............
H. G. Layton.................
J. W. Alder-----------------...................J. F. Collins...................
J. Dimond....-.............
W. Richardson................
H. B. Sinks....................-----------------
R. D'Heureuse.....-------------
G. S. Williamson..............
C. H. Budd....................
VW. G. W. Jaeger...............
T. W\Vhitemell..................
L. Atwood....................
L. Atwood....................
L. Atwood....................
A. Woolner...................
S. Brown, and E. and T. West.
N. Blanche-----------------...................J. J. Johnston --...............---
V. B. Ryerson.................
A. D. Ward..................
D. Alter......................
H. P. Gengembre.............
B. Garvey..................
D. S. Stombsand J.Brace......
L. Atwood.......-----..........
A. Normandy................
L. Atwood....................
H. Grogan and G. T. Lape.....
F. McCarty...................
J. M errill...................
S. Frazer--------------------......................A. Millochau.................
J. I. Vaughn..................
Baltimore, Md............
Montreal, Canada........
Baltimore, Md............
Brooklyn, N. Y-.........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Berlin, Conn..............
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Portland, Conn............
Philadelphia, Pa,..........
Wright, N. Y.............
Maysville, Ky............
Pennsborouh, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Kingston, N. Y............
Cincinnati, Ohio......
San Francisco, Cal........
Gallatin, Tenn............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md............
Halifax County, N. C......
Brooklyn, N. Y-............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Louisville, Ky...........
Brooklyn, N. Y.................................
New York, N. Y.........
Allegheny, Pa..........
Neow York, N. Y --.... -.
Minerva, Ky..............
Freeport, Pa..............
Allegheny, Pa------............
New York, N. Y..........
Newport, Ky., and Point
Creek, Va.
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Smith's Ferry, Pa.......
Boston, Mass..............
Galena, Ill.............
New York, N. Y..........
London, England.......
Dec. 14, 1869
Aug. 8, 1871
Oct. 25, 1870
July 3, 1849
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 30, 1853
June 19, 1855
May 11, 1869
Sept. 14, 1843
Mar. 22, 1859
Sept. 22, 1863
Oct. 18, 1864
Apr. 19, 1814
Oct. 30, 1866
Dec. 28, 1808
June 15, 1816
Mar. 29, 1870
Aug. 6, 1867
Sept. 6,1870
Mar. 9, 1869
May 1, 1866
Sept. 2, 1815
Dec. 28, 1858
Feb. 22, 1859
Mar. 29, 1859
June 10, 1873
Feb. 16, 1816
July 8,1803
Mar. 2, 1811
Apr. 9, 1861
May 7, 1861
Nov. 7, 1840
Mar. 19, 1867
Mar. 20, 1860
July 17, 1860
Apr. 10, 1860
Apr. 10, 1860
Oct. 5, 1858
Apr. 10, 1860
May 11, 1869
June 29, 1869
July 2, 1861
June 12, 1860
Mar. 13, 1866
Aug. 29,1869
117, 824
108, 692
6, 578
123, 667
9, 982
13, 096
89, 866
3, 263
23, 294
40, 066
44, 712.....
59, 187
67, 512
87, 537
54, 358
22, 407
23, 006
23, 337
139, 749.....
31, 982
32, 254
1, 850
62, 988
27, 542
29, 218
27, 842
27, 768
21, 093
27, 767
89, 988
91, 953
32, 704
28, 663
49, 689
52, 151
E. Hutchinson................ Baltimore, Md............ May 20, 1839
J. Jennings................... New York, N. Y......... Aug. 27, 1835
L. S. Fales.................... Boston, Mass............. Jan. 23, 1866
L. Atwood....................
H. Becker....................
H. H. Kirk....................
B. Eggleston,jr...............
W. Gamble...................
T. Pierce...................
J. Miller.....................
WV. Whitney.................
L. C. and P. Rodman..........
J. M. Aiken.................
E. Barnum and B. Brooks....
J. Bates-------------------.......................--
W. H. Bayless.................
J. Cairon......................
J. Cairon......................
I. Carpenter and J. Roe.......
(). Carrier.....................
J. Carze.......................
VW. J. Cocke...................
W. Cook......................
F. S. Cozzens............
A. Dunlap..................
C. F. Fisher..................
T. Gallaher...................
M. Garber, sr.................
J. J. Giraud...................
P. Griener....................
N. Hart......................
S. Harwood, 3d...............
J. L. Jencks...................
L. Johnston.................
A. R. Kerr and H. Hoover_....
T. Lawes and P. Grosjean....
J. Lusk.....................
M. McDonald...............
J. Miller......................
J. Miller.....................
S. Oliver....................
A. Putnam.................
N. Read....................
G. Riley.....................
P. Swartz, jr................
E. Talmage...................
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Warwick Township, Pa...
Springfield, Trm
Springfield, Tenn.........
Princetown, N. Y........
Washington, D. C.......
Hartwick, N. Y.......
Northampton, Pa.......
Rochester, N. Y........
Baltimore, Md...........
Philadelphi, Pa..........
New Marlborough, Mass..
Hartford, Conn......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass-...........
New York, N. Y........
Enfield, Conn.............
New York, N. Y.........Sorry County, Va.........
Southport, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
York, Pa.................
Liverpool, Pa..........
Staunton, Va..............
Baltimore, Md........
Brandywine, Pa.........
Braintree, N. Y.........
Sackett's Harbor, N. Y....
Easton, Pa............
Waynesborough, Pa......
Louisville, Ky..........
Butler County, Ohio.....
Fayette County, Pa.......
Lancaster County, Pa.....
Lancaster, Pa............
Northampton, Pa....................................................
New York, N. Y........
Muncy, Pa.................
Lancaster, Ky............
Dec. 28, 1858 22, 408
June 29, 1833......
Feb. 4, 1868 74, 098
May 27, 1805........
Apr. 18, 1811.
Feb. 27, 1819.-.
Mar. 13, 1823..-..
Jan. 19, 1826.
Jan. 6, 1826........
Aug. 30, 1827.....
July 13, 1808.
Jan. 26, 1813........
May 29, 1847 5, 136
Jan. 10, 1831..
Aug. 22, 1831.
Jan. 29, 1824........
Jan. 18, 1813........
Mar. 18, 1819........
Oct. 30, 1827..
Dec. 7, 1829..
July 27, 12 2..
May 3, 1811..
Apr. 24, 1830 -.
Dec. 14, 1830.....
July 13,1810.......
June 14, 1811..
Apr. 17, 182........
Oct. 29,1814......
Alr. 15, 1826.......
May 2, 1831.......
Nov. 9,1832..
July 1, 1836........
July 30, 1828.......
Dec. 22, 1827.......
Feb. 19, 1823.......
Mar. 2, 1811...
Feb. 16, 1832....
Aug. 4, 1841 2, 207
Jan. 29, 1791...
Aug. 26,1791...
May 29, 1847 5, 133
July 8, 1816...
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Distilling.........................................W. M. B. Wollias and H. P.
Distilling.... P. Words---------------..................... -
Distilhng................L. W. Wright............
Distilling acid and naphtha from resin.......... L. S. Robbins.............
Distilling alcohol........................... J. T. Heard...................
D)istilling alcohol, &c., Apparatus for...........- P. L. Howlett.................
Distilling alcoholic liquors................... S. F. Van Choat...............
Distilling alcoholic sprits-......---------------------- H. Fake.....................
Distilling alcoholic spirits and liquors--....--... - J. Dennis. jr..............
Distilling and bleaching o --------------s......................C. J. T. Burcey.........
Distilling and brewin-, Treating grain for-....... A. Woolner..............
Distilling and coactntting liquids, Apparatus for C. C. Parsons.............
Distilling and condensing apparatus............J. K. Stafford.................
Distilling and employing the residuum advanta- I. Jennings.................
Distilling: and evaporating extracts, saline solu- T. Steers, jr.................
tions, &c., Apparatus ior.
Distilling and evaporating liquids.................... P. T. Badoux.................
Distilling and evaporation....................A. Matthews...............
Distilling and producing fresh potable water, Ap- W. A. Gray..................
paratus for.
Distilling and purifying liquors, Apparatus for.... F. M. Young................
Distilling and purifying spirits, Apparatus for.... D. Woodard..........
Distilling and purifying turpentine from wood.... J. D. Stanley................
D)istilling and rectifying apparatus..............C. Gresinchnas................
Distilling and rectifying petroleum, Apparatus for. C. Stott.....................
Distilling and rectitying spirits................ C. Falktnan...................
Distilling and rectifying spirits, Apparatus for.... A. Foubert.......................
Distilling and rectifyirg spirits, Apparatus for.... G. Kaiser.....................
Distilling and rcctifyiug spirits, Apparlatus for re A. Noteman.................
Distilling and rectilying spirituous liquors, Appa- M. Newmann.................
ratus for.
Distilling and rectifying whisky and other spirits, E F. Prentiss and R. A. RobApparatus for. ertson.
Distilling and rectifying whisky, Apparatus for... E. F. Prentiss and R. A. Roberts(on.
Distilling and refining pparatus................ J. Sherer and A. Killian.....
Distilling and refining its, Apparatus for......... A. Foubert....-..............
Distilling and refinii: g ils, wines, and other liquids A. Fcubert..............
Distilling and refining petroleum, &c., Apparatus J. Ellis and E. C. Kattell.....
Distilling and refining petroleum, Apparatus for... C G. Howell.................
Distilling and sepa ttiig oils, fats, and glue, Appa- C. A. Seely...................
ratus for.
Distilling and treating alcoholic spirits............ G. Clark....................
Distilling and wooden still.................... J. J. Giraud.................
Distilling-apparatus................. A. Blood.....................
D istilling apparatus........................ A. B oucherie.................
Distilling-apparatus........................ W. Chamberlin...............
Distilling-apparatus...... _.................... J. A. Coffey.................
Distilling-apparatus................ W. Corfield.............
Distilling-apparatus..W........................W. Corfield...................
Distilling-apparatus.......................... H. G. Dayton............
Distilling -apparatus....... C. Delesciuze...........
Distilling apparatus........................ S. Do Witt...................
Distilling apparatus........................ S. R. Divine and C. A. Seely..
Distilling apparatus........................... C. Douglass................
Distilling-apparatus.................... H. Driiding.................
Distilling apparatus................ J. T. Dwyer..................
Distilling apparatus............ J. T. Dyer...............J. T. Dvyer.....
Distilling- apparatus......................... H. F. Fisher.................
Distilling apparatus........................... C. L. Fleischmann...........
Distilling-apparatus....................... A. Foubert....................
Distilling apparatus.. -.............. J. Frageser and I. Illofsky..-.
Distilling apparatus......................... C. F. Frederici...............
Distilling-apparatus.......................... N. Goodsell..................
Distilling-apparatus......................... T. Grundmann...............
Distilling apparatus............... C. H. Hall oand J. Ellis........
Distilling-apparatus................... H. Halvorson................
Distilling apparatus....................... A. Heistand..............
Distilling apparatus............ Hoffman...................I.Hoffman............
Distilling apparatus..........................G. Hurziker..................
Distilling-apparatus.......................... F. Kalisky...................
D istilling -apparatus -................ P. K essler....................
Distilling-apparatus.. J.Kunze.......Kunz...............
Distilling.apparatus.................. L. Lecesne..................
Distilling apparalus..........................A.A. Meyendorff............
Distilling apparatus..-................... C. Otis........................
Distilling-apparatus..........L. Pray.......................
Distilling-apparatus......................... G. Riley.....................
D istilling-apparatus-................ J. D. Riley....................
Distilling-apparatus.............. D. 8avalle....................
Distilling-apparatus......... H.A. Schesch................
Distilling-apparatus........................J Sloan......
Distilling-apparatus........................U Swetland........
Distilling-aplaratus..... A.. Tait and T. W. Avis.....
Distillin g-aplaratus.... A. Tobey.....................
Dislilling-apparatus.........................A. Webster...................
Distilling-apparatus........ C. E. Werner..................
Distilling apparatus...... E. Wrner....................
Distilling-apparatus..... J. M. Wcyand.................
Distilling-apparatus.... F. W. Willard.................
Ijistilling-apparat us atid boiler................... J. Lovatt...................
Distilling-aparatus, Combination................ L. Wolff......................
Dist iling-apparatus, Construction of.............. J. Slan.......................
D stiling, Apparatus for and mode of........... A. W aver....................
R siden ce. Date.
Oneida County, N. Y...... May 6,1814
Frederick County, Md.... Sept. 29, 1818
London, England.......... Sept. 28, 1831
New York, N. Y........... Nov. 4, 1851
Boston, Mass.............. Sept. 9, 1843
Springfield, Ill......... Dec. 16, 1862
Boston, Mass............. Nov. 9, 1869
Chicago, Ill............ Dec. 3, 1872
Washington, D. C........ Aug. 10, 1869
Black Rock, Conn......... Jan. 16,1872
Louisville, Ky............ Feb. 27, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 17, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Apr. 25, 1854
New York, N. Y.......... June 13, 1831
8, 490
3, 256
37, 167
96, 640
133, 523
93, 523
122, 810
124, 188
110, 997
10, 813.....
Richmond, Va............ July 12,1870 105, 381
New York, N. Y..........
Island Creek Township,
New York, N. Y..........
Jan. 29, 1867 61, 651
June 13, 1831.....
May 25,1869 90, 444
Nashville, Tenn........... May 24, 1870 103, 535
Springfiehl, Teun......... May 11, 1869 89, 961
Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 20, 1872 130, 598
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 7, 1868 73, 092
San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 27, 1867 68, 257
Stockholm, Sweden....... Nov. 20, 1849 6, 881
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 20, 1867 67, 863
New York, N. Y......... Sept. 7, 1869 94, 611
Toledo, Ohio............. Apr. 19, 13870 102, 033
New York, N. Y..-....... Mar. 5, 1867 62, 670
Philadelphia, Pa., and Liv- Mar. 1, 1864 41, 819
erpool, Efgland.
Philadelphia, Pa......... June 27, 1865 48, 436
Lancaster, Pa............. June 17, 1811.
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Aug. 29, 1871 118, 602
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 4, 1866 60, 166
New York and Bingham- Apr. 16, 1867 63, 789
ton, N. Y.
Corning, N. Y............. July 16, 1867 66, 841
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 23, 1869 87, 207
Buffalo, N. Y............. Oct. 26, 1869 96, 201
Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 3, 1813....
Boston, Mass............. July 16, 1816........
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 30, 1809........
Vermont.................Mar. 17, 1810
London, England....Dec. 18, 1866 60, 477
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 29, 1868 85, 286
Philadelphia, Pa......... Dec. 29, 1868 85, 287
Maysville, Ky............ Aug. 25, 1863 39, 635
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 12, 1852 9, 317
Albany, N. Y............ Jan. 30, 1833.......
New York, N. Y.......... May 29, 1866 55, 071
Troy, N. Y................ Nov. 26, 1825...
Brieg, Prussia............. June 25, 1872 128, 291
Nashville, Tenn.......... Nov. 19, 1833....
Nashville, Tenn........... Oct. 14, 1834.....
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 12, 1821.
Washington, D. C......May 4, 1869 89, 749
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 19, 1867 71, 156
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 3, 1867 68, 470
New York, N. Y.......... July 11, 1865 48, 672
Paris, N. Y............... June 13, 1816.....
Cleveland, Ohio........... Dec. 3, 1867 71, 744
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 16, 1866 58, 813
Boston, Mass....._....... May 2, 1854 10, 850
York Town, Pa...... Nov. 27, 1805.....
Shawangunk, N. Y....... Dec. 31, 1813........
Summit, Miss.......... Mar. 18, 1873 136, 921
Philadelphia, Pa..... Dec. 14, 1819..
Belleville, Ill............. Mar. 1, 1859 23, 089
Chatsworth, Ill........... Apr. 9, 1872 125, 463
Belleville, N.J............Dec. 4,1811..-_
New York, N. Y.......... June 9,1868 78, 678
Tunkhannock, Pa........ Feb. 16, 1831.....
Charlestown, Mass........ Jan. 8,1867 61, 098
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 17, 1849 6, 317
Cincinnati, Ohio.........Apr. 28, 1868 77, 216
Paris, France............ June 23, 1868 79, 260
Brooklyn, N. Y-.......... Apr. 24, 1866 54,218
Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Jan. 17, 1860 26, 877
Kingston, Pa............. Nov. 18, 1822..
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 20, 18616 53, 359
Alford, Mass.............. June 21, 1810..
Seneca Falls, N. Y...... June 2, 1868 78, 498
New Castle, Ill........... Jan. 24, 1854 10, 463
Canton, Ill............... Sept. 26,1871 119, 436
Saint Louis, Mo.......... May 3, 1870 102, 632
New York. N. Y.......... Mar. 13, 1860 27, 503
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 17,1829.
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 5, 1870 101,555
Pittsburgh, Pa......... Oct. 4, 1859 25, 705
Auinams County, Pa-..... Apr. 23, 1807.....
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Distilling-apparatus for spirits....................
Distilling-apparatus for spirits...................
Distilling-apparatus for spirits..................
Distilling-apparatus, Wood......................
Distilling ardent spirits, Mode of.................
Distilling by steam...............................
Distilling by steam..............
Distilling by steam..............................
Distilling by steam........................
Distilling coal-oils...........................
Distilling coal-oils and other substances, Apparatus
Distilling coal-oils, Apparatus for............
Distilling coal-oils, Apparatus for...............
Distilling coal-oils, Apparatus for..................
Distilling coal-oils, Apparatus for................
Distilling coal-coils, Apparatus for............
Dis illing coal-oils, Apparatus for.............
Distilling coal with hydrogen-gas.............
Distilling, Cold.............................
Distilling, Combination of astringent woods and
vegetables in.
Distilling corn-meal...............................
Distilling crude oils from mineral coal, Apparatus
Distilling, Cylinder-heater for mash-water, &c., for
Distilling, Double boiler for..................
Distilling essential oils and spirits................
Distilling, evaporating, and refining oils, &c., Apparatus for.
Distilling fresh from salt water.....-..............
Distilling fresh from salt water, Caboose of a vessel
Distilling from grain, &c..................
Distilling gases and vapors, Apparatus for...
Distilling, Generating steam for--...........
Distilling, Heating liquor, mash, &c., for.......
Distilling hydrocarbon-oils.......................
Distilling hydrocarbon-oils.......................
Distilling hydrocarbon-oils......................
Distilling hydrocarbon-oils.......................
Distilling hydrocarbon-oils Apparatus for.......
Distilling lhydrocarbon-oils, Apparatus for.......
Distilling hydrocarboas, Apparatus tfor........
Distilling hydrocarbons, Apparatus fot.r............
Distilling hydrocarbons, Apparatus for............
Distilling hydrocarbons, Apparatus for............
Distilling in vacuo, Method of..........
Distilling, Increasing the burface of evaporation
Distilling Indian-corn...........................
Distilling liquids from coal-tar, Mode of...........
Distilling liquors............................
Distilling, Machinery used in....................
Distilling, &c., Mode of conducting off steam from
cylinder of steam-engine in.
Distilling naphtha and other hydrocarbon liquids..
Distilling oil--...------------------ ----..
Distilling oils and paraffine from heat and other
Distilling oils, Apparatus and process for..........
Distilling oils, Apparatus for.................
Distilling oils, Apparatus for...................
Distilling oils, Apparatus for....................
Distilling oils, Apparatus for.......................
Distilling oils, Apparatus for....................
Distilling oils, Apparatus for.....................
Distilling oils from coal, Apparatus for............
Distilling oils from coal, Method of...........
Distilling oils from coal, Process for.............
Distilling oleaginous matter..............
Distilling or boiling water...-----------------..Distilling or making alcohol.....................
Distilling petroleum....-----------------------
Distilling petroleum.....-------------------- --
Distilling )etroleum- - --.......................
Distilling petroleum.....------------------------
Distilling petroleum..............................-----------------------.
J. C. Cookson.................
D. Green......................----------------
F. Soneater-------------------......................
G. Hunziker..................
J. Shaw......................
J. M. Bennett.....---------------
W. Berkley...................
D. Dewey.....................
E. Geilhausen..---..-...-........
S. Hudson...............---......H. W. C. Tweddle-------.............
H. W. Adams.................-------------
J. L. Alberger...............
J. Bullard.....---------------
H. P. Gengembre..---.........
G. W. Kirchhoffer............
F. WV. Willard..............
S. Meredith.................
A. V. H. Webb................
F. H all........................
Lancaster, Pa.............
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Ill---------............
Summit, Miss.---............
Palmer, Mass.............
Middletown, Conn........
Lebanon, Ky..............
Sullivan, N. Y---------............
Halifax Township, Pa-.....
Plainfield, N. J....--.....
Great Britain---------.............
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Buffalo, N. Y-........
Stockbridge, Vt...........
Tarentum, Pa.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........Meadville, Pa.............
Utica, N. Y...........................................
Sept. 1,1868
Sept. 1. 1868
Oct. 12, 1869
June 9,1868
Nov. 13, 1811
May 1, 1810
May 20, 1830
July 5, 1814
Jan. 14,1823
Feb. 20, 182
Feb. 4, 1862
May 29, 1860
Mar. 3, 1863
Jan. 21, 1862
Nov. 12, 1861
May 21, 1861
Feb. 28. 1860
July 31, 1855
May 14, 1836
Apr. 17, 1797
81, 605
81, 624
95, 740
78, 743...............
123, 907
34, 324
28, 446
37, 798
34, 195
33, 699
32, 373
27, 327
13, 358..
A. Doolittle................... Ann Harbor, Mich........ Nov. 10, 1829...
C. Cherry-----------------.................... 1Pittsburgh, Pa----------............ Sept. 2, 1856 15, 643
C. Jenks anid A. Pease.......
A. Gunn....----------------
D. Jewett....................
J. Ellis and E. C. Kattell......
A. M. Ring............
East Windsor, Conn......
New Haven, Conn........
Pittsfield, Mass..........
New York and Binghamton, N. Y.
Saint John's, New Brunswick.
July 12, 1813
Dec. 19, 1808
Jan. 24, 1811
Sept. 17,1867
68, 860
June 11, 1872 127, 797
S. Rouse-----------------...................------------------------.........................- Jan. 1,1803...--
S. Shurtliff.....................
J. Hovarth................
E. Brown................
T. Belden...................
XV. Archer....................
C. H. Hall..................
S. A. Hill and C. F. Thumm.. -
H. W. C. Tweddle.............
S. A. Hill and C. F. Thumm...---
J. J. Johnston.................
1H.W. Faucett and T. McGowan
J. J. Johnston................
J. J. Johnston-...............
H. A. Stearns................
F. Gutzkow..................
B. Henfrey.................
J. R.Nance...................
M. L. Keen..........
N. and A. Wolcott...........
D. Jackson.................
G. W. and G. Davis..-........
Oneida County, N. Y-.....
Salem, Mass........
Oneida County, N. Y.-...
Hartford, Conn...........
New York, N. Y..........
Smith's Ferry, Pa......
Oil City, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Oil City, Pa..............
Allegheny City, Pa........
Titusville and Meredith, Pa
Allegheny City, Pa..... -.
Allegheny, Pa...........
Smithfield, R. I...........
San Francisco, Cal..............................
Floyd County, Ind........
Royer's Ford, Pa........
Bloomfield, N. Y..........
Peru, N. Y................
Canal Fulton, Ohio........
July 5, 1814
May 17, 1864
Jan. 23, 1815
Aug. 18, 1813
Sept. 6, 1864
Feb. 2, 1869
May 2, 1871
Dec. 10, 1867
May 10, 1870
June 15, 1869
Nov. 26, 187-2
June 15, 1869
July 25, 1871
May 24, 1870
May 31, 1870
Mar. 2, 1801
Dec. 27, 1828
Sept. 20, 1859
Dec. 8, 1826
Dec. 28, 1824
May 4, 1842
42, 772
44, 137
86, 535
114, 293
72, 126
102, 819
91, 448
133, 425
91, 447
117, 425
103, 385
103, 604.....
25, 552..........
2, 602
120, 539
58, 197
39, 607
110, 806
57, 311
20, 562
48, 285
32, 568
31, 998
27, 603
25, 568
25, 575
7, 124.....
50, 571
54, 157
78, 878
56, 276
H. HI. Rogers.................Brooklyn, N. Y........... Oct. 31, 1871
S. Andrews............. Cleveland, Ohio..........Sept. 25, 1866
S. L. Wiegand.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 18, 1863
W. G. Warden................
J. B. Grant...-................
J. Howarth.................
J. J. Johnston................
E. G. Kelly and A. H. Tait...
A. Quinn....................
H. VW. C. Tweddle.............
C. J. Van Wyck..............
J. Howarth..................
G. M. Mowbray..............
A. M. Poisat and D. C. Knab..
E. Barnum and B. Brooks.....
L. J.Kilborn...............
H. Fleury..................
A. Kirk.._-.................
W. H. Sangster and T. C.
J. and J. Stuber and J. W.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Salem, Mass.........
Allegheny City, Pa........
New York, N. Y., and Jersey City, N. J.
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........
Salem, Mass.............
Green Point, N. Y.........
Paris, IFrance.............
New Marlborough, Mass..............................
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City. N. J.........
Allegheny City, Pa........
Buffalo, 1N. Y.............
Jan. 3,1871
Aug. 21, 1866
June 15, 1158
June 20, 1865
Juno 18, 1861
Apr. 9, 1861
Dec. 10, 1867
Mar. 20, 1860
Sept. 27, 1859
Sept. 27, 1859
Feb. 26, 1850
Mar. 21, 1 08
June 4, 1803
Oct. 24, 1865
Apr. 24, 186;
June 16, 1868
July 10,1866
Astoria, N. Y............. Feb. 13, 1872 123, 741
Distilling petroleum-----...........--------------------A. Thirault..................... A. Trault...
Distilling petroleum----...----------. A. W. Wilkinson..............
Distilling petroleum and other liquids.-........... C. H. Hall......_...........
Distilling petroletum and other liquids------............--- P. H. Vander Weyde..........
Distilling petroleum and other liquids, Apparatus W. G. Warden...............
Distilling petroleum and other liquids, Apparatus A. Quinn....................
Distilling petroleum and other substances...-.-. O. Lugo.......................
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for............. E. Braggins....................
Distilling petroleum, &c., Apparatus for.....-...... J. F. Collins...................
Distilling Fetroleum, Apparatus for--...--------- A. Dubreuil................
Distilling petrolcum, Apparatus for.............. H. B. Everest................
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for.---------. _ M. P. Ewing..................
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for...---. M. P. Ewing and H. B. Everest.
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for............... L. V. Fichet..............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Jan. 8, 1867
Dec. 16, 1e73
June 26, 1866
Sept. 11, 1866
Mar. 14, 1871
I New York, N. Y..........I Sept. 16, 1862
New York, N. Y..........
Titusville, Pa.............
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Rcchester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Jan. 2, 1866
Mar. 7, 1865
Oct. 30, 1866
June 20, 1865
Sept. 3, 167
July 31, 1866
Sept. 11, 1866 -Apr. 17, 166
61, 10
145, 707
55, 855
58, 0,5
112, 751
36, 481
51, 843
41, 633
59, 334
48, 265
68, 426
56, 8:2
58, 021
53, 964
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for...............
Distilling petroleum, &c., Apparatus for...........
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for.............
Distilling petroleum, &c., Apparatus for.........
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for..............
Distilling petroleum, Apparatus for.................
Distilling petroleum, &c., Apparatus for...........
Distilling petroleum, &e., Apparatus for..........
Distilling petroleum, oils, and other substances,
Process of.
Distilling petroleum, Process for..................
Distilling petroleun, Process for..................
Distilling petroleum, Process of..................
Distiiling petroleum, Retort for................
Distilling petroleum, Retort for..................
Distilling petroleum, Retort for................
Distilling pine wood...............................
Distilling pine wood.......................
Distilling pine wood, &c., Apparatus for...........
Distilling pineo wood, Apparatus for...............
Distilling pine wood, Apparatus for...............
Distilling pure alcoholic spirits...................
Distilling, rectifying, &c............................
Distilling resin-oils, Process for...................
Distilling resin-oils, Process of...............
Distilling resin-oils, Process for....................
Distilling rock-oils..............................
Distilling rock-oils and other hydrocarbons, Apparatus for.
Distilling salt-water, Caboose adapted for.........
Distilling sea-water, Apparatus for...............
Distilling sea-water, Apparatus for..............
Distilling spirits..............................
Distilling spirits..........................
Distilling spirits and other liquids, Apparatus for
Distilling spirits and other liquids, Apparatus for
condensing in.
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for...................
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for..................
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for.................
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for...................
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for.....................
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for....................
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for..-..............
Distilling spirits, Apparatus for................
Distilling spirits by steam....................
Distiling spirits from corn-stalks............
Distilling spirits from grain...-.................
Distilling spirits from grain and fruit..........
Distilling spirits, Method of.......................
Distilling spirits of turpentine...--------------.
Distilling spirits of turpentine, Apparatus for....
Distilling spirits of turpentine, Apparatus for.....
Distilling sp rits, Process of......................
Distilling spirits, Process of...................
Distilling spirituous liquors.....................
Distilling spirituous liquors........................
Distilling spirituous liquids, Apparatus for........
Distilling spirituous liquors, Apparatus for........
Distilling, Steam................................
Distilling together spirits of turpentine and alcoholic liquids.
Distilling-tub for essential oils...................
Distilling turpentine.............................
Distilling turpentine..........................
Distilling turpentine, Apparatus for..............
Distilling turpentine, &c., Apparatus for.......
Distilling turpeutine, Apparatus far.............
Distilling turpentine, Apparatus for.............
Distilling turpentine, Apparatus for..............
Distilling turpentine, Apparatus for..............
Distilling turpentine from wood..-................
Distilling turpentine, tar, &c...............
Distilling volatile hydrocarbons and other substar ces, Apparatus for.
Distilling whisky and other spirits................
Distilling whisky and other spirits, Apparatus for
Distilling whisky from corn.................
Distilling with cast-iron stills, Mode of.........
D.stilling wood, &c., Pertable apparatus for.....
Distributing-pilpe, Hot-air...........................
Distribu ing table.............................
Diiches, Construction of...................
Ditches, Covering ior blind..................
Ditches, Machine for cutting open................
Dif cher and grader...............................
Ditcher and gradcr................................
Ditcher and grader...............................
Ditcher and pipe-la er combined.................
Ditching and boring michinc......................
Ditching and embauking carth, Machine for.......
56 P
A. Kreusler..................
O. Lugo......................
J. Miller----------------......................
A. Millochan................
E. F. Prentiss and R. A. Robertson.
W.i. Snow.................
A. H. Tait and J. W. Avis.....
C. M. Warren - -- ----
O. Lugo and T. O. L. Shrader.
R. A. Chesebrough...........
A. Dubreuil................
L. S. Fales.................
G. H. S. Duffus................
G. H. S.Duffus................
G. H. S. Duffus...............
J. A. Matlocks...............
T. W. Wheeler................
S.L. Cole................
D. F. Mellen................
WV. Messau...................
C. Andersen........
J. Whips....----------------
H. Ealvorson................
M. Page..............
J. Riley and W. Allen.........
A. Thirault..............
E. F. Prentiss and R. A. Robertson.
M. Rocher..................
J. Ericsson and R. B. Forbes...
G. S. G. Spencer...............
R. Blaikie..................
D. Ilsley...................
F. iaeck...-..............
H. G. Dayton and J. Christie..
E. D. Bannister..................
H. G. Dayton..................
A. Foubert....................
F. Ha ck....................
C. S. Hutchinson..............
A. Kreusler and W. T. Pelton.
F. M. Young................
W. Avery....................
B. Allison...............
W. H. Ford, J. D. Burns, and
L. C. Clarke.
J. Iugus..................A. Whiston..:............
C. J. Meinicke................
D. Cashwell...................
D. Reid......................
J. Ellingwood.................
C. B. Jarvis..................
-W. J. Cooke..................
J. Simpson...............
O. Lugo.....------
WV. Schilling.................
B. Barr......................
W. Corfield.................
B. P. Van Marter...........
D. Cashwvell..................
R. F. Smith.................
L. Bellingrath, jr..................
C. '. T. Burcey............
A. K. Lee - - -....----
A. K. Lee....................
A. H. Van Bokkelen..........
o. E. Winants and J. F. Griffen
G. H. H. Leifiler..............
W. A. RIlapp................
C. M. James.................
J. S. Oliver and E. Harris.....
H. C. Dayton.................
D. Samson....................
J. Coppinger................
G. E. Mills...................
H. C. Crehure................
}. Whitaker.............
T. K. Gruhe................
T. M. C. Lutes...............
J. N. Smith and W. O. Buckley
W. Robbins...................
C. F. Woodruff...............
E. L. Foreman................
J. H. Martin and C. D. Bradshaw.
J. G. Sisson and L. Delana....
J. I. M ottler.................
I. B. Jones...................
H. Cleveland.................
New Lebanon, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
Allegheny City, Pa.......
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass......... - -....
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
Now Orleans, La..........
Swansborough, N. C......
New Berne, N. C..........
Burlington, Vt...........
Manchester, N. H.........
Atlanta, Ga..............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Jefferson County, Ky.....
Boston, Mass.............
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Southfield, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa., and Liverpool, England.
Nantes, France........
New York, N. Y., and Boston, Mass.
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Brussels, Belgium...._
Maysville, Ky., and Atlata, Ill.
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Maysville, Ky..........
New York, N. Y...........
Brussels, Belgium........
Burlington, N. J.........
Georgetown, Mo..........
New Lebanon, N. Y.......
Nashville, Tenn...........
Pompey, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.-... _.
New Orieans, La.......
Westmoreland County, Pa,
Staunton, Va...........
New York, N. Y..........
Fayetteville, N. C.........
Washington, N. C......
Owensborough, Ky.....
New York, N. Y..........
Cabin Point, Va...........
New York, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md............
StrasburghTownship,Lancaster County, Pa.
Chicago, 111.............
Lyons, N. Y..............
Wilmington, N. C.........
Charleston, S. C...........
Fayetteville, N. C.......
Black Rock, Conn........
Galveston, Tex...........
Galveston, Tex........
Wilmington, N. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md.........Now York, N. Y_..-__-..
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N.Y..........
Maysville, Ky............
Perrysburgh, N. Y......
Beaufort, S. C.....
New York, N. Y.__...
Boston, Mass.....
Lewistown, Ill-..........
Napoleon, Ohio............
New Mount Pleasant, Ind.
Washington, Ill...........
Hancock County, Ill......
Newbern, Tenni...........
Rantonl, Ill..............
Danville, Ill...............
Arcola, Ill................
Mendota, Ill..............
Xenia, Ohio...............
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
Date. No.
Oct. 10,1865
Sept 18, 1866
Apr. 21, 1868
Mar. 21, 1865
June 27, 1865
Aug. 20, 1872
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 11, 1865
Dec. 11, 1866
June 27, 1865
Nov. 28, 1865
Sept. 5, 1865
Jan. 31,1865
Jan. 31, 1865
Jan. 31, 1865
Apr. 3,1866
July 5, 1870
May 19,1863
May 5, 1868
July 23, 1872
Oct. 14, 1873
Apr. 22,1816
May 2, 1854
May 24, 1853
Mar. 22, 1853
Mar. 8,1864
Mar. 8, 1864
Aug. 28,1841
Oct. 23, 1849
July 3, 1860
Apr. 27,1821
May 14,1803
Dec. 5, 1865
Dec. 1, 1868
58, 113
77, 070
46, 923
48, 435
130, 668
63, 115
60, 396
48, 367
49, 739
46, 088
46, 089
46, 090
53, 641
105, 019
38, 560
77, 636
129, 849
143, 654.....
10, 849
9, 752
9, 627
41, 871
41, 858
2, 232
6, 815
29, 015
51, 403
84, 479
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 434
Apr. 3, 1866 53, 581
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 864
Sept. 29, 1868 82, 519
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 740
Dec. 19, 1871 122, 032
Nov. 7, 185 50, 876
May 3, 1870 102, 745
May 13, 1825 -.. - -.
July 6, 1809.
Aug. 11, 1868 89, 860
May 17, 1828..
Sept. 28, 1825.
July 30, 1850 7, 528
Nov. 19, 1867 70, 956
May 25, 1858 20, 371
Oct. 5, 1869 95, 574
Apr. 27, 18(69 89, 318
Feb. 4, 1828....
Mar. 4,1794..
Jan. 21, 1868 73, 539
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 470
Apr. 5,1828..--
Feb. 25, 1873 136, 137
Jan. 19, 1869 86,115
May 10 1870 102, 774
Oct. 2,1847 5, 320
June 1,1858 20, 465
May 30,1871 115, 429
Aug. l, 1871 117, 549
Sept.2 4,1872 131,550
Aug. 22, 1871 118, 305
May 28, 1867 65, 147
Sept. 27, 1864 44, 435
Dec. 4, 1815....
June 26, 1869 86, 232
Oct. 19, 1869 96, 029
Feb. 16, 1869 87, 029
Oct. 1, 1830....
Nov. 21, 1809.
Mar. 29, 1864 42, 101
Jan. 31, 1871 111,483
Nov. 20, 1866 59. 883
Aug. 23, 1870 106, 690
Mar. 9, 1869 87, (94
Aug. 11, 1868 80, 880
June 22, 1869 91,771
Feb. 22,1870 100,231
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 183
Sept. 13,1870 107, 393
Feb. 22,1870 100,199
July 25, 1871 117, 441
Oct. 6,1868 82, 846
Dec. 31, 1842 2,897
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Ditching and embanking machine............
Ditching and embanking machine.............
Ditching and grading machine..................
Ditching and grading machine...................
Ditching and grading machine...................
Ditching and grading machine................._
Ditching and grading machine. -. ___.....
Ditching andl grading machine.................- -- -- --
iDitching and grading machine.................. __ __ __
Ditching and hedging machine......... _......
Ditching and tile-laying macline. _............_
Ditching and tile-laying machine............. _. _.
Ditch~ng and tile-laying machine, Combined.
Ditching, grading, &c., Machine for...............
Ditching -machine..............................
Ditch ing-machine..............................
Ditching-machine_________ ______ ___
Ditching-machine----------------------------- _....
Ditching-machine ------------------------------
Ditch ing-machine..............................
Ditching-machine--------- -------
Ditching-machine..-.-. ---------
Ditching-machine....... _......................
Dlitching- machine..............................
Ditching-niachine. _. -___ __ __ _ _ _..
Ditcling-machine...._.__.-- - - - - --.......
Ditclh ig-machine...............- -.-....Ditching- macline...........-- - - - - -.....
Ditching- machine...........-...- -..-..
Ditching-machine ----------------------------
Ditclang-machiie -----------------------------
W. C. Bussey................
L. Thorn--------------------
F. H. De Tray..............
I. and J. Hoskins-----------.
F. M. Howard and D. W. Avery
L. D. Noble.................
W. J. Wanchope.............
H. A. Winter.-........-..-..
W. S. Worley------ ------ ----
W. Stacy...................--
B. P. Fester and W. H. Chaffee
M. M. Iooton...............
0. W. Voorhis, S. M. Mapes,
and W. M. Voorhis.
W. Provines----------------..
I. V. Adair-------------------
P. W. Adaire---------...----
J. S. Anderson and J. B. Cooley
A. S. Ballard...-.............
J. Ballard and T. J. Magee.
J. W. Barcroft...............
J. WV. Barerolt...............
F. Barnes...................
C. Bartholomew-------------..
I. A. Benedict and G. W. Cnmmin~s.
I. A. Benedict and G. W. Cnmminigs.
Rock Grove, Ill...........
Washington, D. C _..__.
Odin, Ill................
Wilmington, Ohio-...
Sainit Paul nd.d..........
Cerro Goido, Ill -...
Brookfield, Ill _..... _......
XW indsor, Ill--- -----
Tuscola, Ill.............--
Hardin County, Iowa _.
Flint, Mich -.............
Lawrence, ill............
Colnmhus, Mo............
Varick, N. Y............
Hays' Creek, Miss. _..
Clark's Hill, Ind.-__._
Monnt Pleasant, Iowa-.
New Antioch and Cincinnati, Ohio.
Friendship, Va.__.......
Friendship, Va..........
Chelsea, Mich.......... _.
Etna, N. Y.............
West Springfield, Pa., and
Conneant, Ohio.
Conneaut, Ohio----------..
Sept. 3, 1846
Oct. 10, 180-8
Jan. 21, 1868
Oct. 25, 1859
May 5, 18638
Apr. 1,1873
Feb. 19, 1867
Nov. 8, 1870
Febi. 5. 1867
July 26, 1870
Oct. 15, 1861
Feb. 6, 1872
May 31, 1870
Jan. 4, 1859
Nov. 12, 1867
June 5, 1860
Sept. 7, 1869
Aug. 14, 1860
Sept. 4, 1866
Oct. 25,1859
Mar- 13, 1860
May 19, 1868
Sept. 14, 1869
May 15, 1860
Mar. 12, 1861
H. Benett--------------------_Linden, Cal..._..-....Nov. 9, 1869
S. Bentley-------------------- Green Oak, Mich.-_Aug. 10, 1869
1U. Blickensderfer - -- -- -----Springfield, Pa. --.........Aug. 23, 1870
I. Beas. - -----------New Oirleans, La....May 2, 1871
J. C. Boyd....................HRushville, Ind...._......Mar. 20, 1866
C. M. Brown------------------ Baltimore, Md............Jumne 10, 1873
M. E. Burthas----------------. _ _Seneca Falls, N. YV- _.-- May 25, 1869
E. T. Biissell -_-------_------Indianapolis, lad.......... Dec. 12, 1871
C. Bymer and J. Imlay.__...Greensbuigh, Ind. __-.-- Nov. 26, 1867
J. Calliham------------------_Baton Rouge, La---------- Mar. 8, 1870
H. Carter--------------------- Aylmer, Canada.......... Nov. 23,'1869
H. Carter --------------------Aylnier, Canada.........Nov. 7, 1871
H. Carter--------------------_Aylmier, Canada ---------- Apr. 2, 187-2
W. Cline, jr_._.............Clayton, Ind.............. Dec. 7, 1869
H. Conarroe------------------ Camden, Ohio......... Nov. 19, 1867
H. Con arroe------------------.....Camden, Ohio............. July 20, 186t9
TI. It. Cook...................-West Newton, lnd---Apr. 17, 1866
A. W. Cox ---------------- ---- Dublin, lad.............. May 3, 1864
A. W. Cox-------______DulnId------------Du-a e. - - Aug. 8,1865
I. R. Crane-------------------- Warsaw, Mo-------------- Dec. 27, 1859
WV. Crawford.................-Streator, Ill-.-_-------Aug. 10, 1869
H. Cummings----------------- Lima, Ind.......- - -... July 14, 1845
WV. H. Dalbrey----------------- __ __ _Clarhisburgh, lad-._..__Aug. 8, 1865
A. C. Decl~er-----------------.Bushnell, Ill--------------Mar. 31. 1868
0. D)oolittle------------------.Dansville, N._--------Sept. 23, 186-2
0. Doolittle and H. Eldridge. Dansville, N. YV-----------_ _Feb. 12, 1861
T. B. Fagan. - __- - - -Meadon,___ __ - -- -Ohio-------------May 26,1868
J. W. Fauver------------------ Augusta Connty, Va-..Aug. 26,1873
H. Feithoff and L. D. Tingley-. Prince William, led - -..._ May 25, 1869
L. W. Fisher-----------------_lRockville, Ind -_---------Dec. 17, 187-2
E. L. Fomreman----------------Itantoml, Ill----.---------Apr. 21, 1868
H. G. Forsyth-----------------_Clayton, Ind -------------- May 31, 1870
0. anid 0. S. Fester.- _.- - -----Darhamville, N. YV - _. _.Oct. 8, 187-2
C. Freese---------------------- Aurelius, N.Y------------ Apr. 3, 1866
A. A. Fusliler- -- -- - ---- -- - -- Algiers, La---------------.. _Feb. 4, 1868
S. F. Gaid... _.. - __-..--.- New Orleans, La----------...Oct. 11, 1870
V. Gause--------------------- Greenshorougli, lad--Feb. 11, 18"8
A. Gifford and I. Seright ---Milroy, lad -- - Sept. 17, 186 7
IT. G onel! az..................Vermil lionville, La -. - July 15, 1873
0. F. Hale..--..-----.-.-------Irv-ington, Iowa-----------.Oct. 10, 1871
11. L. Hall---------------------Dauffalo, N. Y_------------ Dec. 7, 1869
E. Heath ----------Fowlem-ville, N. YV-__Oct. 2, l866
M. C. anai G. B. Higgins-._.Flemington, N. J- -.-------Juno 14, 18 70
F. and B. Holnmes ------_-----Buffhlo, N. Y.-------------Ocr. 13, 1857
WV. T. Hoskimis----------------....Livia, Ky---------- _ --Feb. 11, 187:3
1. W. Huinplreys-------------.. _La Fayette, hod- ---------- _.Jan. 21, 1873
J. WV. Humphircys. _........Oxford, Ind--------...----Iec. 23, 1873
H. C. Ingralmain.- ------------- _ Tecumsehi, Michli----._ ---Oct. 23, 1866
H. (C. lngraham---------------__ __ _Tecumseli, Mich----------... e.Dec. 17, 1867
G.E.Ilnmaii------ BuflN ------------- Bfao.Y.......Nov. 22, 1859
G. Ives----------------------I.letroit, Michi-.----------July 9,1861
G. Jensena-------------------- Brooklyn, N. Y.....-------Oct. 16, 1866
S. 1. Jones-------------------..Saiiit Paul, lad------------ Aug. 8, 1865
N. Kidder....... -....--.Moscow, Iowa------------ _ _June 24, 1862
J. King ---------__------------Indianapolis, lad...... Feb. 18, 1868
A. La Tourrette-------------- _.Waterloo, N. V....:...I Oct. 8, 1867
N. B. Lewis------------------ Hopewell, N. V ----------- Sept. 14, 1869
P. Lngcnhell.----------------... Greensburgh, Id -.__Aug. 14, 1866
P. Lugenhbel---------------- _ ___ Green shnrgh, lnd-..__..Api-.20, 1869
P. Lugenhell and J. S. Arn- Greensburgh, Iad.--_--. Nov. 21, 1865
J. Marsh.-.-.............---. Seneca, Ill................ Oct. 20, 1868
J. H. Marshall and 0. F. Mann Lockport and Somerset, Nov. 27, 1866
N. Y.
E. C. Martin ------------------IMuscatine, Iowa----------. iFeb. 26, 1861
J. Masteis.________ -__I akegan, Ill...........- May 22, 1160
J. Masters----------....... Waukegan, Ill -_-_. - - --. Api. 14, 181(8
C. Motieny.------------------(h-reensburgh, lad I...Jniie10,118671
It. C. Maack.........IHarrisonbuigh, Va.;Mair. 13, 1855
4, 7 40
73, 441
25, 819
77, 487
137, 318
62, 171
109, 091
61, 908
105, 858
33, 506
12:1, 479
103, 801
22, 512
70, 772
28, 544
94, 539
29, 647
57, 814
25, 875
27, 419
77, 949
94, 696
28, 247
31, 653
96, 540
93, 401
106, 653
114, 395
53, 264
1:39, 7635
90, 495
121, 846
71, 275
97, 164
120, 711
125, 167
97, 606
70, 960
9-2, 707
53, 950
4-2, 563
49, 235
216, 566
93, 419
49, 239
76, 17-2
36, 511
31, 376
78, 198
142, 2-22
90, 517
133, 974
77, 0-24
10.3, 595
131, 947
53, 737
74, 074
108, 218
74, 3:38
140, 820
119, 759
97, 504
58, 41:3
104, 153
18, 398
135, 807
174, 9911
145, 5736
59, 088
72, 399
26, 189
58, 834
49, 276
35, 736
61) 18-2
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Ditching-machine---------- -------
1itcinng-machine...................-tc- ---n-- --macli-- --e
Ditching machine.................
Ditching-machine..- _.............
Ditching niachine..__...........
D..tcli. _r.-.hine---..---.........-.---....--
Ditching- machine.................
Ditching-machine -------------
Ditching-machine ______________..
Ditching-machine -----------------------------,Ditching-machine.-------- -------
Ditching niachine -----------------------------
Ditching-machine---------- -------
Ditching-machine---------------..---- ---
Ditching,-machine ----------------
J.W. McAlister and J. C. Rtoffeaherger.
J. W. McGehee....------
S. P. McKelvy --------------
W. D. McKinney------------
J. W. Metz.--....-------
H. E. Moon and J. Dean..
J. W. Merr-ill.-----.--------
G. W. Nevill---------------..
G. W. Nevill ----------------
G. W. Nevill---------------..
W. A. Nichols----..--------
L. D. Nohie................--
P. O'Connor and MI. Collins..-.
J. C. Osgood--..------
R. R. Osgood.---..._._..
A. B. Overhaugh............
E. Owen----------- ---------
J.A. Parsons --------.------
W. M. Perkins-------------..
W. Pierce--.-----------
R. C. Pratt----------------..
adJ. P. Rees and R A. Graham.
J. R. Remington-----------..
B. Rhea t------------------
L. Rickard.---------------
J. W. Roherts.......-....----
D. Sawyer----------------..
F. B. Scott----_.--------
W. It. Selfridge -------------
W. Y. Singleton.---.----
J. H. Snyder--------------...
A. Spencer---------------....
R. Staihuck---------------..
N. Starhmclz--------------..
N. Starhuck----------...---
A. J. Stephens-------------
J. Stevens----------------.
G. H. Stevenson.----------.
B.T. Stowell....-----------.
T. J. Stratton.------- - -.
G. Snllivan----------------
1". Tyo------------------
E. W. Thomas-....._..S. Thrailkill--------------..
B. Tohias..........._.
S. E. Todd. --..........J. Valentine--------------..
H. Vannatta --------------
J. Vanghn and E. Chamness
Jacksonville, Ill---------- IFeb. 27, 1872
Fayetteville, Tex.___
Faimer City, Ill-_._
Marion, lcd----------.... -
Stonts, Ohio... _.........
Wilmington, Ohio-..... -
Hampton Falls, N. H -...
Richmond, Va.---- --
Richmond, Va.------
--.-Richmond, Va.-.- -------
West Litberty, Iowa. - - - - - -
Cerro Gordo, Ill-.---
Decatnr, Ill..------------
Troy, N. Y --------------
Troy, N. Y.- --.......
Newark, N. J -..-.._.
La Porte, nd ------------
Cleveland, Ohio-.__..
La Fontaine, Ind-.__._.
Trnxton, IN. V------------
Canandaiguma, N. Y..-..
Greenshuigh, Ind. - _- _-.
Lowades County, Ala-__.
Ahheviile, S. C - --.__-----
Danville, Ill.....--------
Hartford City, Ind...
Wehster, Ohio-----------.
Bnffalo, N. V.-----.-----
Greensbnrgh, lad....
Springfield, Ill------- ---
Kilihuck, Ill -.--------
Granipian Hills, Pa..-.Wilming.ton, Ohio. _..Wilmington, Ohio -.
Wilmington, Ohio.._..
Milford, Ill--------------_
Chicago, Ill-------------
Washington. Ohio.-.-_..
Waddam's Grove, Ill-.
Waterloo, N. Y.. _. _..-.
West Liherty, Ohio -__._
Indianapolis, Ind -_-.
Chicago, Ill--------------
La Fayette, hid._..__._
Washington, Ill ----
Brooklyn, N. YV..........
Buffalo, N. V------------...
Jefferson, Ill - -- -----
Mianit County and Grant
Nov. 16, 1869
Apr. 5, 1870
May 4, 1869
Oct. 3, 1871
Oct. 16, 1866
May 10, 1853
Jan. 25, 1870
Jaii. 30,1872
Mar. 11, 1873
Mar. 31, 1868
June 21, 1870
July 14, 1868
Sept. 27, 1870
Sept. 20, 1870
Mar. 2, 1869
Sept. 24, 1844
Jnly 12, 1870
Jan. 2.1866
Mar. 8, 1870
July 19, 1853
May 15, 1866
May 28, 1846
July 18, 1871
Nov. 17, 1868
Nov. 15, 18 70
Oct. 23, 1866
Jan. 24, 1860
July 21, 1868
May 28, 1846
Apr. 11, 1865
Nov. 12, 1872
Feb. 4, 1873
Aug. 1, 1865
June 18, 1867
Ang. 2, 1870
Aug. 7,1866
May 12, 1868
Aug. 22, 1848
Jan. 15, 1856
Jan. 8, 1867
Nov. 14, 1871
viar. 27, 1847
Sept. 10, 1846
May 27, 1862
Nov. 12, 187-2
Dec. 12, 1871
Oct. 11, 1870
Apr. 7, 1868
124, 074
96, 824
101, 640
89, 676
119, 633
58, 871
99, 102
123, 286
136, 752
76, 237
104, 631
79, 851
107, 710
107, 5-29
3, 757
105, 364
51, 859
100, 664
9, 860
54, 8-23
4, 539
117, 235
84, 136
109, 251
59, 140
26, 934
80, 092
4, 535
132, 929
135, 605
49, 166
65, 841
105, 995
57, 050
77, 930
5, 719
14, 117
61, 114
120, 836
5, 042
121, 737
108, 2t7
76, 359
56, 299
28, 320
97, 464
72, 953
72, 140
119, 209
43, 660
74, 653
109, 480
117, 848
27, 404
73, 560
106, 721
101, 112
65, 640
121, 850
71, 370
127, 6r6
119, 873
50, 173
72, 4:33
64, 391
168, 799
64, 240
6i3, 636
731, 126
144, 468
19, 058
Ditching-niachine................................ I. S. Weaver------------------ Dayton, Ohio ----_-----Jnly 10, 1L466
Ditching-machine--------------. - --......... C. 0., D., and E. West, J. R. Martinsville, Ohio..-.-_May 15, 1860
Smith, J. Carey, G. Janney,
R. Hunt, A. Hackett, and J.
Ditching-machine-------------------------------- J. W. and M. H. Weston.-Windsor, Ill.----------Nov. 30, 1869
Ditchimag-machine-------------------------------- D. Whisler------------------- Union Township, Ohio.__. Dec. 31, 1867
Ditching-machine-------------------------------__A. H. and T. S. Whitacre - Morrow, Ohio --_------Dec. 10, 1867
Ditching-machine -------------------------------D. Whitesell-----------------.Mattoon, Ill--------------.Sept. 19, 1871
Ditching-machine----------------------------G. W. Wiggin.---------------- Exeter, N. H.----- June 7, 1864
Ditchinig-machine-----------------------------... I. M. Williams._----------Blanchester, Ohio._-.Feb. 18, 1868Q
Dlitchinig-machine-------------------------------..S. S. Wood-------------------_Brooklyn, N. V---- - --- Nov. 2-2, 1870
Ditchimig-maclime-------------------------------..S. S. Wood-------------------_Brooklyn, N. Y---------- Ang. 8, 1871
Ditchig-machine-----------------------------. -..... A. Woollolk - - -_- - - _- -------Iherville Parish, La.- __.Mar. 6, 1860
Ditching niachine-------------------------------..E. Worth amid C. A. Davis-_.Oswego, N. V _- ---_Jan. 21, 1868
Ditching machine, Mole--------------------------..I. Hodgson-------------------- New Michigan, Ill-.....July 24, 1860
Ditching machinue, Mole--------------------------.A. Peterson ---------------Stockwell, lnd------------ Aug.23, 1870
Dlitchinmg machine, Railway----------------------........W. Chadwick and S. L. B. Terre Haute, id.- -------- Nov. 2, 1858
Ditching-machine, Steam-------------------------A. J. Dye..-------------------.New Olcans, La.----------Mar. 22, 1870
Dlivan and hod_--------------------------------_ H. Buckler------------------- New York, N.Y...- -..June 11, 1867
Dividers---------------------------------------__A. A. Cook-------------------- Mihford, Mass --------.Dcc. 12,1871
Dividers---------------------------------------..ES. Fisher __.- - --_....Boston, Mass -------------. Nov. 26, 1867
Dividers---------------------------------------..H. Gerecke------------------- Carlstadt, N.J----------Jnne 11. 187-2
Dividers---------------------------------------..........C. M. Nichols---------West Greenwich, R. I-._Oct. 10, 1871
Dividers.- - - - - - - - - --................ S. A. Shurtleff'. - - - --.....Tannton, Mass ------------ Sept.. 26, 1865
Dividers.a.......................................0. E. Veatherhead. - - -..Wincliondom, Mass...Dec. 17, 1867
Dividers -_-.-------------------------------------. Whiting------------------.New York, N. V---------- Apr. 30, 1867
1)ividcrs and calipers----------------------------__G. W. Lamne --.-----------Plantaville, Conn-_----Nov. 1, 1870
Dilvidlersanod calhpers ---------------------------- G. L. McKnighit---------------Worcester, Mass ---------- Api-. 311, 1867
D)ividers -ndimi dpers------"----------------------S. Sawyer.--"--------..--------Fitchnurgh, Mass-..-.Apr. 9, 1867
Dividers and c-alipers----------------------------.......ES. Scripture - - -- - - -- -------Brooklyn, N. Y.- - - -----Jan. 7, 1868
D~ividers, Extension-----------------------------..G. C. Miller.__------- -_--Deli-nit, Mich..........- Nov. 11, 1873
Dividers, Mathema'ticah -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---J. E. Earle-------------------_...Leicester-, Mass - - --_----Jani. 5, 1858
Dividers, Mathematical--------------------------....A. Schiaefer - _-- - _--__._.._ New York, N. V ---------.Mar. 9, 1858
Dividers or compasses --------------------------- D. H. Chamerlain------------ Boston, Mass. --------- Apr. 9, 1850
Dividersa or measouring-compasses.--------------.. C. Reiffel and N. Thorn-._...New York, N. V----------.. _Nov. 21, 1848
Dividers, Pemicil-attachment for..........-----------.W. Scimollhorn---------. _ _---New Haven, Coon -..__June 17, 1873
Dividecrs, Proportional---------------------------.....H. M.Jiarkuhurst--------------...Perth Anmhoy, N. J.... Dec. 25,1855
IDividers, Sping ___ ___----------__ ___ ___ __J. W.Strange ---------_----Bangor, Me--------------- Sept. 11, 1860
Dividing-Ecngie, Circular and straight-lined.- It. Tyler- -- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- - -Phmiladelphuia, Pa----------_Sept. 10, 1828
Divmdi-ecnice Variahle dial for----------------- W. H. Binown.------------------ Worcester, Mass ---------- Jan. 15, 1836
1)mvingapparatus------------------------------ 1. C. McKeen-------.-------Dunkirk, N.YV------------Sept. 29, 1863
Diviun-ai-urtus---------------------------------- T.C. MeKeu----------------- Irvinglon, N.J----------- Juno 11, 1867
Livinig-appamatus --.-1 ayo-----------------_...._ _W.Tyo - _._._.New Voik-._-----------Jan. 2, 1838
Dliving-apparatus-----------------------------... G. Williamson---------------- Brooklyni, N. V ----_--Sept. 22,1857
Divn-'apparatus-------------------------------........C. Wilson--------------------.....Biidgeport, Conno -....i Sept. 19, 1871
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Diving-bell, Deep-sea...............................
D iving suit.......................................
Diving-suit, Elastic...............
Divitials and preventing forgery, Making..-...
Dock and wharf fender............................
Dock, Buoyant....................
Dock, Dry.......................................
Dock, Dry-..............................
Dock, Dry:.........................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry.....................
Dock, Dry........................................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry........................................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry.......................................
Deck, Dry...............................
Dock, Dry........................................
Dock, Floating....................................
Dock, Floating....................................
Dock, Floating...........................
Dock, Floating...........................
Dock, Floating...............................
Deck, Floating...................................
Dock, Floating...........................
Dock, Floating dry........................
Dock, Floating dry........................
Dock, Floating dry........................
Dock, Floating dry
Dock, Floating dry........................
Dock, Floating dry.........................
Dock, Floating dry..............................
Deck, Floating dry..................
Dock, Floating dry.................................
Dock, Floating dry.............................
Dock, Floating dry...........................
Dock, Floating dry................................
Dock, Floating dry --.....------------
Dock, Floating dry----------------
Dock, Floating dry................................
Dock, Floating dry................................
Dock, Floating dry...............................
Dock, Floating dry...............................
Dock, Floating dry................................
Dock, Floating dry..............................
Dock, Floating graving.............................
Dock, Floating screw..............................
)Dock, Floating sectional dry...................
Dlock, Floating tide-.................-----..........----
Dock for cleansing the bottoms of vessels, Floating
Dock for raising and removing vessels, Float ng
Dock for repairing vessels, Dry. _..............
Deck for repairing vessels, &c., Floating dry....
Deck, Fresh-water dry...--------------------
Dock, Graving.............................
Deck, Hydraulic................................-------------------------..
Dock, Lydrostatic suspension...............
Dock indicator, Dry.......................
Dock, Lifting.............................
Deck, Marine dry.........................
Dock, Marine elevating--........................
H. C. Billings...".........
E. W. Foreman...........
B. Maillefert..................
J. R. Wooster.................
J. A. Richards and I. W. Wolcott.
C. Hall......................
R. Tripe....................
W. C. Davison and D. Clark...
F. Smith and L. S. Steel.......
N. Wolcott...................
L. Norcross..................
C.'S. Rafinesque..............
J. Moomey..................
M. Isnard..................
G. A. Albertson...............
D. Brown.....................
R. Bulkley.................
G. H. Ferris.................
J. L. Gilbert...............
J. Houston, A. Hinman, and J.
C. F. Johnson................
W. Jones....................
C. Krogh...........
I. J. Merritt.---..-...--.-.--
J. W. Munger and W. O. Jones
A. Place.....................
J. Richardson................
J. Ryan.................
E. Selden...........
J. E. Simpson................
H. K. Wagner................
J. Campbell................
S. Janicki....................
S. Janricki..................
A. R. McNair...............
E. Turner...................
H. Van Keuren..............
O. T. Williams...............
J. Adamson...................
J. Barron....................
A. Brnx....................
J. R. Campbell and J. S. Withingtcn.
E. Covenhoven...............
D. Dodge and P. Burgess......
J. Floyd...................
J. G. Gilbert..................
J. G. Gilbert.................
J. Hawes..................
S. H ill.......................
S. Loveland..................
J. T. Martin................
R. Moody and S. D. Dakin.....
R. Porter................
J. Thomas...................
J. Thomas..................
J. Thomas...................
W. Thomas..................
T. Cunningham..............
S. F. Stinchfield..............
J. Seely....................
W. Pickard...................
W. Rhodes...................
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New Rochelle, N. Y......
Astoria, N. Y..............
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass.............
Dover, N. H.._.............
Pittsford, N. Y...........
Norfolk, Va...............
Sidney, N. Y..............
Dixfield, Me.............
Lexington, Ky............
Clinton, Iowa...........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y........
Buffalo, N.Y.............
Tioga, N. Y..............
New York, N. Y..........
Kroghsville, Wis..........
New York, N. Y..........
Portland, Me..............
New York, N. Y..........
Germantown, Va..._.....
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Haddam, Conn...........
East Boston, Mass.......
Saint Louis, Mo..........
London, England.........
St. Petersburg, Russia....
St. Petersburg, Russia....
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Smithland, Ky...........
Boston, Mass.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Augusta, Ga..................
Boston, Mass.............
Greenburgh, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Kittery, Me............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Cayuga County, N. Y.....
Jersey City, N. J.........
Oswego, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.Bellerica, Mass.-..........
New York, N. Y.........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New Orleans, La.........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Jersey City, N. J.........
New York, N. Y..........
Date. INo.
Dec. 14, 1869
Aug. 23, 1853
Mar. 30, 1858
Apr. 24, 1849
Apr. 3,1849
Dec. 24, 1810
Apr. 1, 1806
July 26, 1824
Apr. 23, 1834
Apr. 17, 1834
June 14, 1834
Aug. 23, 1825
June 19, 1860
June 22, 1826
Mar. 14, 1871
Feb. 11, 1832
Aug. 28, 1821
June 28, 1870
May 12, 1840
June 22, 1836
Mar. 6,1840
May 3, 1870
Sept. 8, 1863
Dec. 10, 1867
Aug. 28, 1866
Apr. 1, 1826
Feb. 23, 1869
Oct. 10, 1865
July 30, 1829
Dec. 5. 1854
Nov. 10, 1846
Nov. 9, 1869
Feb. 6, 1872
Apr. 30, 1872
Sept. 17, 1872
Apr. 25, 1865
July 18, 1871
Feb. 24, 1852
Dec. 13, 1816
July 17, 1837
Nov. 6, 1818
Nov. 28, 1835
Oct. 30, 1821
Oct. 9, 1841
Aug. 17 1826
Mar. 25, 1840
July 28, 1842
Apr. 22, 1835
Feb. 1, 1842
Feb. 5, 1847
Mar. 19, 1840
Nov. 24,1843
Nov. 14, 1835
June 15, 1812
Mar. 26, 1834
Dec. 20, 1837
June 26, 1841
May 19, 1840
Oct. 1, 1830
Apr. 27, 1832
Feb. 24, 1857
July 26, 1870
May 16, 1808
97, 862
9, 965
19, 785
6, 397
6, 250.....
28, 765
112, 525..
104, 843
1, 606
1, 506
102, 554
U9, 818
72, 066
57, 550
87, 291
50, 390
12, 032
4, 842
96, 6;72
123, 402
126, 146
131, 365
47, 501
117, 223
8, 765
1, 524
21, 742.....
2, 442
4, 954
1, 518
3, 351
2, 149
1, 609.....
16, 696
105, 725
1, 792
J. S. Gilbert................... New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 19, 1840
C. Bergh.....................
W. R. Loweree..............
L. H. Clarke and L. M. Wiss..
W. A. Kenrick and G. H.
Z. Ring.------------------...
T. Evans and J. Parsons......
P. F. Campbell................
Z. P. Leach....................
II. I. Crandall.................
E. Buck, H. Crehore, R. Gerry,
and A. Bayard.
Dock, Rotary dry...............................J. Webb....................
Dock, S rew.................................... J.C. Ely...................
Dock, Screw...................................... E. Turner..................
Dock, Sectional dry--------...---------------......S. Loveland...................
Deck, Ship-railway............................... J. Thomas....................
Docks and harbors, Machine for clearing-..-..-.. S. Colver-...................
Decks andmarine-railway, Adjustable cradlefor dry W. Van Deusen...............
Docks, Basin to be used in connection with floating R. Moody and S. D. Dakin.....
Docks, Bilge-supporter for holding vessels in...-. H. I. Crandall................
Docks, Building..---------------------------------A.W.Thompsonand J.Pattison
Docks, Carrying and lifting trunk.......--.......... J. Barron....................
Docks. &c., Construction of--------...-------------. S. J. Seely.................
Docks, Erecting dry.............................J. Gardiner...............
Docks, Machine fobr cleaning out. - - --.................. J. Greenleaf...................
Docks, Method of holding vessel by the keel in dry J. Smith......................
andti other
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Danbury, Conn............
New Bedfoird, Mass.......
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y-..........
Astoria, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Norfolk, Va...............
New York, N. Y........
Neponset Villge,...................Ma.......
Neiponset Village, Mass...
Apr. 29,1825........
June 23, 1825..
Dee. 22, 1825.........
Dec. 20, 1859 26, 501
Feb. 13, 1836....
May 13, 1831..
July 31, 1866 56, 702
Jan. 3, 1865 45, 724
June 12, 1860 28, 658
July 11, 1825........
May 3, 1817....
Jan. Â~8, 1829.....
Oct. 10, 1829....
Mar. 7 1854 10, 600
Feb. 24, 1826....
Dec. 14, 1798.
Dec. 14, 1858 29, 317
Sep. 17, 1844 3, 745
Dec. 19, 1854 12, 093
Mar. 4, 1873 136, 560
Aug. 2, 1826.......
Jan. 31, 1865 46, 146
Dec. 3, 1802..
July 13, 1802.
Dec. 19, 1854 12,101
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Docks, Mode of adjusting vessel upon the keel- H. I. Crandall...............
block of dry sectional or railway.
Docks, Mode of constructing projecting.......... M. Rogers..................
Docks or harbors, Machine for cleaning............ P. Zacharie...............
Document case................................. -- C. S. Trevitt..................
Document holder and filer......................... M. L. M. Hussey.............
Dog kennel or house.......e............................ S.S. Bent..................
Dog-power............... F. Cole.........................FCole..................
Dog-power......--------------------------------. A.W.Hager and J. H. S. Grove.
Dog-power....................................... A. Tieman...................
Dog-power, Operating machinery by.............. D. C. Slater..................
Dull......................................_......-.. K n z a k.........
Dll-- - - - - -- - -M. Kintzback.................
Doll............................................. J. Lacman....................
Doll.............................................. H. C.W ork...................
Doll, Creeping....................._........ G. P. Clarke.................
Doll, Creeping... -------- -.. R. J. Clay.....................
Doll. Fancy....................................... D. Checkeni.................
Doll-head....-------- G. Benda............................... G. Bend....
Doll-heads and other toys, Mode of constructing... L. E. Sallee..-................
Doll-heads, Constructing.......................... L. Greiner..............
Doll-heads, Construction of........................ G. H. Hawkins...........
Doll-heads, Manufacture of------------.......... ------............. G. H. Hawkins............
Doll-joint.......................................... J.A.H. Ellis.............
Doll, Walking.................................... A. W. Nicholson.............
Dolls, Ai ms tor.................................... C. F. Blakeslee...............
Dolls, Manufacture of.....----------------------- F. E. Darrow.................
Dolls, Process for manufacturing.................. W. Rumbold..................
Dome.......-...-.."...................... I. F. Walker................
Dome, bridge, &c., Mode of uniting timber for-.. W. Armesley.................
Domestic boiler................................... F. Till................_......
Domino...............J............................W. Hyatt, jr............
Domino...........................................B. Louinean............
Domino -................................ W. X. Stevens..............
Dominos, Manufacture of.-..........--.. -J. W. Hyatt, jr...............
Dominos, &c., Treatment of wood for the manu- G. H. Chinnock...............
facture of
Donkey, Mechanical.............................. A. and W. Shedlock...........
Door............................................. E. R. Ball...................
Door------------------------------------.............................................. B. F. Barker...........
Door.............................. C. Hill..............O.C. Hill.....
Door.....------------------------------------ G. M. McMahan..............
Door-alarm..................................... H. Behn.......................
Door-alarm-- ----.. - - ----- - H. Curtis and A. Tufts........
Door and blind fastening...--------------------... D. Bull.......................
Door and chest lock, Construction of-----------.............. R. Wilson..................
Door and gate bolt.------- J. Smith................................ J. Smith.....
Door and gate closer.------------------------.............................. H. N. Conklin.............
Door and gate fastening, Barn-----------------..................... L. B. Hayes and W. Norris....
Door and gate spring.............................. S. L. Bean and L. Mills.......
Door and gate spring.............................. J. T. Foster......................
Door and gate spring.............................. J. C. Gould...................
Door and gate spring.............................. P. Kern.................
Door and gate spring..----- C. N. Owen.......................... C.N. Owen......
Door and gate spring.............................. C. W. Saladee.................
Door and gate spring.......................... J. Stephenson................
Door and gate spring -------...... E. Stinson...............
Door and gate spring...-.......................-- M. F. Taber..............
Door and gate spring........................... S.D. Tuttle...............
Door and other locks........................... - A. Prutzmann...........
Door and other locks............................. C. F. Voorkies.............
Door and other locks--. -- --. Wilcox............................. R. Wilcox......
Door and other locks, Manner of closing and open- D. Evans................
ing the key-hole of.
Door and package holder......................... J. K. McDonald..............
Door and safe lock- ----................................. J. Gillingham............
Door and sash clamp ------------------------ E. F. Dunaway...............
Door and sash guide, Sliding...------------------G. L. Waitt..................
Door and shutter ---.............................. S. G. Cabell..................
Door and shutter bolt.............................. J. Feldman...................
Door and shutter bolt.._..-..............._. G. B. Green...................
Door and shutter fastener...-........... J. Anser.....................
Door and shutter fastening and buffer, Combined - W. C. Wendell..............
Door and shutter, Metallic......................... C. K. Marshall..............
Door and shutter spring -------------L.Bommer........................... L. Bommer......
Door and trunk lock...............................------------------------ A. Beals.................
Door and window bolt -----------------------. Smith............................ G. Smith.....
Door and window fastener........................ W. I. Corthell and P. Richards.
Door and window fastener......................... J. Z. Davis.............
Door and window fastener......-................... H. Wilkinson.................
Door and window frames, Machine for making..... W. W. Maughlin...........
Door and window guard........................... J. W. White...................
Door and window locking device.....---------------. A. H. Boyd...............
Door and window tightener and fastener......... D. Conlon.....................
Door apparatus, Sliding............................ ------ J. Capron.........
Door-bell.......................................... J. Harrison..............
Door-bell.......................................... W. M. Preston...............
Door-bolt.......................................... G. T Allamby.............
Door-boltS........................................ S. D. Arnold........
Door, &c., bolt.................................... W. F. Arnold and O. L. Steele..
Door-bolt......................................... N. W. Bonney.................
Door-bolt......................................... C. Chevallier.............
Door-bolt......................................... J. H. Cohen, W. A. Pennoyer,
and W. H. Crosby.
Door-bolt......................................... J. M. Crosby.......
Door-bolt--------------------------...... F. Engelbrecht............
Door-bolt. --........................... L. J. Evans...............
Door-bolt-. - - - - A. P. Floyd -........
Door-bolt................................ B.E. Fowler......
Residence. Date.
East Boston, Mass....... Nov. 14, 1854
New York............... Jan. 7,1817
S....... Nov. 24, 1791
Washington, N. C -..... May 30, 1871
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 7, 1866
Port Chester, N. Y........ Jan. 5,1869
Conesus, N. Y.....---------- July 14, 1863
Waverly, Iowa..-...... Nov. 24, 1868
New York................ Apr. 27, 1818
Laurens, N. Y............. June 7,1859
Philadelphia, Pa....... Oct. 5, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 4, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y......... July 8, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 29, 1871
New York, N. Y....... Mar. 14, 1871
Marion, Conn............. Feb. 20, 1866
Coburg, Germany.....:... July 16, 1872
Decatur, Ill........ Feb. 7, 1865
Philadelphia, Pa........ Mar. 30,1858
New York, N. Y.........Sept. 8, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 5,1869
Springfield, Vt.....---------- May 20,1873
Brooklyn, N. Y...........Mar. 23,1869
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 3,1865
Bristol, Conn........... May 1, 1866
Saint Louis, Mo.......... June 17, 1862
Central Falls, R. I........ Nov. 4, 1873
Albany, N. Y............ Nov. 6,1830
Reading, Pa.............. Dec. 19, 1871
Albany, N. Y............ June 15,1869
Sables d'Olonnes, France.. Oet. 14, 1873
East Brookfield, Mass..... June 17, 1873
Albany, N. Y............June 15, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 10, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 25, 1868
Oswego, N. Y............. Apr. 5, 1832
Belfast, Me.............. June 20,1871
Malone, N.Y............. June 19,1855
Mount Sterling, Ky...... Apr. 14,1868
New York, N. Y..... Oct. 2,1860
Charlestown, Mass........ Apr. 9, 1861
Amboy, Ill................ Sept. 17,1867
Burdett, N. Y............. May 10, 1838
Soutbold, N. Y............ Dec. 2,1873
Indianapolis, Ind......... Oct. 6,1868
Greene, N. Y.............. Nov. 5,1867
Galesburgh, Ill...-....... Mar. 4,1873
Jersey City, N. J.......... Apr. 15,1873
Boonton, N. J............. Oct. 2, 1866
Dayton, Ohio....-......... June 20, 1871
Salem, Ohio- --......... Apr. 8, 1873
Saint Catharine's, Canada Feb. 20, 1872
Canandaigua, N. Y....... Jan. 1, 1867
Mcntpelier. Vt.......... Nov. 19, 1867
Salem, Ohio............. July 4, 1871
Eaton, Ohio............... Oct. 1,1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 5, 1840
Newark, N. J............ June 9, 1843
New York................ Apr. 20,1824
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 10, 1841
Newark, N. J............. Mar. 31,1868
Turner, Me..............Sept. 8,1868
Cincinnati, Ohio..---..-.-Mar. 24, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 9, 1871
Quincy, Ill................ Nov. 13,1866
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 21, 1865
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 21, 1870
Mount Vernon, N. Y...... Dec. 15,1868
Philadelphia, Pa....-..... June 27, 1871
New Orleans, La..-...... May 26,1868
New York, N. Y...... -Mar. 31,1863
Exeter, N. H.............. Jan. 26, 1830
Philadelphia, Pa......... Dec. 18,1839
Boston, Mass............. Nov. 12, 1867
San Francisco, Cal........ May 23,1871
Newburgh, N. Y.......... Sept. 13,1864
Baltimore, Md............ May 14, 1867
Weymouth, Mass......... Dec. 23, 1873
Rockville, Mass..-... Oct. 15, 1867
Portland, Me.-..-.... Jan. 12, 1869
New York, N. Y.-... --.. May 17,1870
East Hampton, Conn...... Apr. 22, 1873
Roxbury, N. Y........ Sept. 2,1873
Bangor, Me.......... Aug. 28, 1866
New Britain, Conn....... Apr. 29, 1873
New Britain, Conn........ Apr. 20, 1869
Victoria, Tex............. June 26, 1860
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 1,1865
Catskill, N. Y............. Aug. 13, 1872
115, 542
56, 941
85, 557
39, 263
84, 354
24, 338
95, 489
113, 532
140, 605
118, 435
112, 550
52, 782
129, 086
19, 770
81, 999
85, 589
139, 130
88, 197
45, 691
54, 301
35, 630
144, 373
121, 973
91, 234
143, 703
139, 928
91, 235
133, 697
74, 772.....
116, 010
13, 090
76, 790
30, 193
31, 957
68, 9 7
145, 131
82, 804
70, 562
136, 482
137, 710
58, 405
116, 1.6
137, 619
123, 843
60, 954
116, 644
131, 914
1, 773
3, 125
2, 166
76, 224
81, 988
75, 880
114, 731
59, 553
46, 891
104, 449
84, 024
116, 379
78, 218
38, 023.....
1, 435
70, 699
115, 176
64, 779
145, 77-2
69, 753
85, 729
103, 139
138, 151
142, 412
57, 616
138, 360
28, 827
49, 085
130, 483
Norwalk, Ohio............ May 5,1857 17, 204
Memphis, Tenn........... May 16, 1871 114, 782
Binghamton, N. Y........ Nov. 7,1871 120, 729
Niagara Falls, N. Y....... Nov. 21, 1865 51, 034
Hartford, Conn........... Jan. 15,1867 61, 185
Irdex of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
I i
Door-bolt and lock...............................
Door-bolt and weather-strip.................
Door-bolt, Automatic.............................
Door bolt, Barn...........................
Door bolt, Barn-..----------------------...
Door-bolt, Cylindrical.............................
Door-bolt for safes, &c...........................
Door-bolt, Signal.................................
Door-bolt, Spring...............................
Door-bolts, Adjustible keeper for................
Door-bolts, Locking cylindrical...............
Door buffer and catch......................
Door-catch and cushion..........................
Door-check....... --.........---.
Door-check. ----------------
Door-ch eck---------"-----------------------
Door-check -.
Door-check -....................................
Door check and holder............................
Door check and retainer..........................
Door-closing apparatus...........................
Door-closing apparatus...........................
Door-closing device...............................
Door-closing fixture...............................
Door-closing mechanism.....-....................
Door, Double-acting..............................
W. H. Hart...................
W. H. Hart....................
W. H. Hart--------------....................
L. G. Hoffman.................
A. G. Hofstatter.............
C. C. Jones.................
J. Jones------------------.......................
J. Levy...................
D. McArthur...............
M. McGonnigle..............
C. G. Page...............
J.. Parker.............
A. Pelham...................
G. A. Pridham.._...........
L. B. Prindle................
B. Russell.................
J. B. Sargent..............
J. B. Sargent.............
A. H. Sherwood...............
H. S. Smith..................
S. B. Swartz and J. M. Opdycke
A. F. Warren................
A. Westcott...................
A. Westcott..................
W. Wheeler..................
S. R. Wilmot.................
G. M. Wood..................
J. Woolman..................
J. S. R. Wright..............
C. Sulzman...................
A. Newcomb.................
A. McKay...................
W. Campbell.................
M. R. Green.................
C. G. Page...................
0. Gallagher.................
C. Page....................
G. F. Atkinson.............
G. W. Davis..................
C. G. Page...................
A. A. Veer....................
G. F. Beardsley...............
0. F. Fogelstrand--... ---..
T. Lincoln and G. Hubbard....
W. E. Spar ks...........
H. Underwood..............
W. E. Sparks..................
A. Blood, jr..................
J. M. Crosby.................
W. H. Fowler...............
R. V. Phillips..................
S. Wagner...................
C. R. Anderson............
J. Bader.......................
C. Bird......................
W. O. Clough........
L. Goodyear........
A. Hanna..-..................
L. S. Hicks..................
G. C. Idly....................
J. P. Israel and D. W. McLane.
W. H. Johnson, sr..........
J. and A. Kolb...............
H. N. H. Lugrin..............
J. A. McNabb...............
G. W. Pagett...............
M. R. Perkins.............
S. Peters and C. D. Eisaman... -
J. Pool.......................
B. Poulson..................
G. Ramsay...................
G. E. Rittenhouseo.............
G. Rohrbaker...............
D. C. Smart..................
H.D. Weever................
C. P. Young........
S. L. YHart ----------------
S. L. Hart...................
G. H. Worster................
H. O. Hooper................
H. O. Hooper...............
M. T. Cooper.........
H. F. Shaw...................
D. I. Stagg.............
W. Wilson...............
H. Smith....................
L. Burger.....................-------
W. Rippon.....-------------- --
L. C. Bignall.............
H. Burt......................
J. M. Clark...................
E. H. Crane...................
L. Crofoot....................
W. F. Davis and C. E. Broad..
G. V. Hazard..................
W. A. Howard................
H. M. Jones...................
S. P. Kittle...................
J. Letort......................
New Britain, Conn......
New Britain, Conn........
New Britain, Conn.......
Waterford, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Portland, Me..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn.......
Allegheny City, Pa......
Washington, D. C.........
West Meriden, Conn......
Plymouth, Mich..........
Newark, N. J.............
Norwich, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Conn........
Southport, Conn..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Lumberville, Pa._...
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Syracuse, N. Y............
Troy, N. Y................
Wartertown, Conn.....
Decatur, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa....-....
Nichols, N. Y.............
Waterford, N. Y..........
Shipman, Ill...........
Montreal, Canada......
Belleville, Mich...........
Warwick, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C.......
Boston, Mass.............
West Meriden, Conn......
Seymour, Conn...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Washington, D. C.........
Delaware, Ohio..........
Binghamton, N. Y.....
Kensington, Conn......
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Conn.......
Tolland, Conn............
New Haven, Conn........
Independence, Iowa......
Norwalk, Ohio..........
Newburgh, N. Y........
Council Bluffs, Iowa......
Galion, Ohio.............
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Olathe, Kans............
LowerMerion Townsihp,Pa
Lexington, Ky............
Trumansburgh, N. Y...
Dover, Ky...............
Peoria, Ill.................
Burlingame, Kans........
Oil City, Pa...............
Clayton, Ind.........
Oxford, Ind.............
Chelsea, Mass..........
Olathe, Kans..............
Oxford, Ind.....--.......
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Penn Station, Pa.........Elizabeth City, N. C.....
Forte Wayne, Ind........
Clyde, Ohio............
Akron, Ohio...........
Penn Station, Pa.........
Cambridgepor, Mass....
Mount Vernon, Ind.......
A ttleborough, Miss.......
Menasha, Wis...........
Athol, Mass...........
Diamond Springs, Cal.....
Diamond Springs, Cal...
Ballston Spa, N. Y........
West Roxbury, Mass.....
New York, N. Y.......
Northampton, Mass.......
Boston, Mass.............
Springfield, Ill............
Providence, HR. I...........
Lockport, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J............
Lancaster, Pa.............
Jonesville, Mich..........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Boston and Milton, Mass..
Torrey, N. Y........
Dugway, N. Y......
West Meriden, Conn......
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Wytheville, Va...........
Date. No.
July 4, 1865 48, 555
Sept. 26, 1865 50, 120
May 31, 1870 103, 606
Sept. 6, 1859 25, 335
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 841
Dec. 17, 1867 72, 302
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 211
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 330
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 920
June 20, 1865 48, 297
Dee. 20, 1859 26, 518
Aug. 8, 1865 49, 296
Mar. 18,1873 136, 861
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 895
July 19, 1870 105, 489
Apr. 9, 1861 32, 002
June 6, 1871 115, 645
June 18, 187-2 128, 074
Sept. 17, 1867 69, 033
Feb. 10, 1863 37, 646
June 8, 1869 91, 180
June 29, 1869 92, 130
June 2, 1857 17, 464
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 740
Oct. 23, 1817 5, 338
June 2, 1857 17, 474
Aug. 14, 1866 57, 241
Apr. 6, 1858 19, 891
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 994
Apr. 14,1868 76,671
Jan. 26, 1869 86, 242
Dec. 27, 1870 110, 486
May 21,1872 127, 024
Oct. 4, 1870 108, 017
July 21,1857 17, 843
Sept. 14, 1869 94, 735
May 17,1859 24,051
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 149
Jan. 26, 1869 86, 217
July 14,1857 17,808
Nov. 29, 1870 109, 692
Nov. 28, 1871 121, 271
Jan. '8,1873 135,215
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 186
Mar. 24, 1868 75, 996
Sept. 27, 1864 44, 474
July 2, 1872 128, 565
Nov. 19, 1867 70, 945
June 9, 1857 17, 490
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 380
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 342
May 4, 1869 89, 819
Mar. 14, 1871 112, 673
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 246
Feb. 28, 1871 112, 210
May 7, 1872 126, 445
Aug. 5, 1873 141, 435
Jan. 21, 1873 135,115
Mar. 7,1871 112, 455
Mar. 11, 1873 136, 731
June 24,1873 140, 139
Nov. 16, 1869 96, 924
Jan. 28, 1873 135, 346
Jan. 17, 1871 110, 985
Aug. 5, 1873 141, 577
June 6, 1871 115, 768
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 222
Apr. 30, 1872 126, 328
Oct. 31, 1871 120, 533
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 237
Oct. 8,1872 131,970
May 20, 1873 139, 082
Jan. 7, 1873 134,612
Aug. 15, 1871 118, 063
July 23,1872 129, 875
Nov. 8, 1870 109, 096
May 17,1870 103,044
May 6, 1873 138,551
July 13, 1869 92, 531
Mar. 7,1871 112,342
Apr. 6, 1852 8, 855
Aug. 19,1873 141, 896
Jan. 7, 1862 34, 075
May 16, 1848 5, 579
Nov. 13, 1866 59, 667
May 5, 1868 37, 450
July 6, 1852 9, 102
May 31, 1864 42, 924
Aug. 16, 1859 235, 090
Dec. 22, 1868 83, 165
Feb. 21, 1865 46, 451
Nov. 11, 1856 16, 048
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 295
Dec. 20, 1859 26, 494
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 942
Sept. 28, 1869 95, 231
June 7, 1853 9, 765
Dec. 23, 1856 16, 282
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Door-fastener, Adjustable.......................
Door-fastener and key-ring combined..............
Door fastener and pocket-knife combined..........
Door-fastener, Mortise-latch......................
Door-fastener, Portable.............................
Door-fastener, Portable..........................
Door-fastener, Portable...........................
Door-fastener, Portable...........................
Door-fastener, Portable...........................
Door-fastening and alarm.........................
Door-fastening and alarm, Combined..............
Door-fastening and knife...................
Door fastening, Barn.............................
Door fastening, Chamber.........................
Door fastening, Double.....................
Door, Fastening for folding..................
Door fastening, Gate and barn.....................
Door-fastening, Mortise...........
Door-fastening, Portable......................
Door-fastening, Portable.......................
Door-fastening, Spring-catch.......................
Door-fastenings, Mode of operating the bolt of....
Door -fender ----- ---------------------------
Door -fender..............................
Door for buildings, Safety..................
Door for churches, Safety............._.....
Door for guarding against cold...................
Door for steam-boilers, Water.............
Door flush-bolt...................................
Door gong...............................
Door guard..............................
Door guard..............................
Door guard..............................
Door guard, Elastic..........................
Door guard, Elastic........................
Door hanger.............................
Door hanger.............................
Door hanger.....................................
Door hanger.............................
Door hanger and rail.......................
Door hanger, Barn........................
Door hanger, Barn........................
Door hanger, Barn........................
Door hanger, Sliding.......................
Door hanger, Sliding..............................
Door, Hatchway..........................
Door holder or check..............................
Door-holder, Spring.......................
Door, Illuminating........................
Door indicator................................
Door indicator....................................
F. C. Levalley................
J. Lightfoot...................
G. H. Lindner..............
F. McDonough.............
D. E. McDougall..........
J. H. McElroy and J. H. Holly
G. W. McGill.............. -.
J. A. Morris..............
E. P. Moulton................
H. Orcutt.................
G. F. Perkins and S. F. Gibbs-.
W. Quayle...................
J. 0. Reilley...........
W. J. Ross....-------..
G. W. Sayre.................
W. H. Smith.............
H. N. Taft...............
G. E. Thompson.............
G. Yates...............
L. P. Barnes................
B. H. Melendy..............
B. F. Porter..................
L. Foster..............
B. R. Eames...........
G. W. Griswold.........
E. H. Janney and E. J. Hamilton.
L. C. Johnson...............
J. Pepper..................
A. Call........................
J. Decker..................
C. Frost....................
W. Hartsfield..............
L. G. Hoffman...............
N. Hornady.............
F. H. and A. J. Illingworth...
J. C. Palmer.................
R. Peck.................
S. M.Pye...................
F. Reed.................
C. Washburn................
A. F. Kitchen................
0. Fisher....................
A. W. Hall...............
A. D. Wright and A. Roys.... -
J. P. Frazer.................
G. H. Lindner...............
E. L. Roberts...............
W. W. Peck.............
L. Foster................
D. Coulon...............
L. S. Enos...................
J. Buck..................
A. Bingham..................
W Cole and I. Johnson........
S. Durfee.....................
C. Hesse.....................
A. H. Wagner..............
D. Williams,jr..............
I. W. Ayres..................
S. D. Arnold..................
C. W. Penfield...............
C. W. Gochwind.........
N. C. Perry and G. S. Gladding
W. N. Clark.............
D. E. Peck.............
A. C. Arnold............
S. L. Bignall..................
T. Kent and J. S. Barker... _..
A. K. Rider..........
S. P. Robinson............
T. F. Hamilton...............
W. R. Axe...............
J. A. Cauldwell _......_
W. W. Soden................
C. B. Clark...............
G. Rumsey..............
M. S. Driggs................
G. C. Bunsen................
J. K. Clark...............
C. J. Fisher.................
J. Hale................
J. J. Harris and I. H. Mosher..
E. Huddart..............
E. Manley...................
W. A. Messler........
E. Morris...............
W. Quayle..................
0. Shl:er......................
G. Wells................
J. S. White...............
0. Sliker................
J. B. Okey....................
T. Hyatt......................
A. Hadley....................
F. E. Mills.........
Date. No.
I- I
Warnerville, N. Y.......
Cold Spring, Ky......
Hoboken, N.J........
Chicago, Ill...............
Troy, N. Y...............
Warwick, N. Y...........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Greenbush,N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Amherst, Wis........
Holyoke, Mass.............
Warsaw, Ill..........
Baltimore, Md..........
Worcester, Mass........
Pisgah, Ohio----------_
New York, N. Y..._.. _..
Sag Hrrbor, N. Y........
New Haven, Conn......
West Dresden, N. Y._..
Fitchburgh, Mass.........
Manchester, N. H.........
Manchester, N. H.........
Boston, Mass............
South Newry, Me.........
Carbondale, Pa..........
Fairfax, Va.......
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Lake Village, N. H.......
Kilbourne City, Wis......
Springfield, Mass.........
Sparta, N. J............
Waterbury, Conn.........
Thomaston, Ga....
Waterford, N. Y........
West Elkton, Ohio.......
Weston, Mass............
East Haddam, Conn......
Cortlandville, N. Y......
Acquackanocnk, N. J....
Brattleborough, Vt......
Bridgewater, Mass.......
Shelton Depot, S. C.......
Smyrna, Del.............
New York, N. Y..........
Belleville, Mich...........
New York, N. Y.- --
Hoboken, N. J...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Cassopolis, Mich........
Boston, Mass.............
Portland, Me.............
Almond, N. Y.............
Bucksport, Me...........
Boston, Mass.........._
Randolph, Mass.......
Providence, R. I......
Champaign, Ill...........
Pimlico, England....
Colchester, Conn.-. -
New York, N. Y..........
New Britain, Conn.......
New Britain, Conn..._....
Port Republic, N. J.......
Chester, Conn----------............
New Haven, Conn......
Chester, Conn...........
Burlington, Conn........
Norwalk, Conn........
Chicago, Ill-.- -...
Waukegan, Ill.....__....
Walden, N. Y............
Canterbury, Conn.........
Geneseo, Ill...............
Rockton, Ill.............
Watkins, N. Y..........
Unadilla, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Watkins, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Belleville, Ill...........
Mount Pleasant, Iowa....
Waukon, Iowa...........
Scranton, Pa.............
Greene, N. Y.............
Prairie du Lac, Wis......
Marion, N. Y............
Eureka, Ill...........
Burlington, N. J.......
Warsaw, Ill........
Lincoln, Ill.........
Bethel, Conn..............
Prescott, Wis.............
Lincoln, Ill...............
Indianapolis, Ind.........
New York, N. Y.
Washington, D. C.
San Francisco, Cal........
Dec. 10, 1867 72, 053
May 8, 1860 28, 186
Apr. 8, 1856 14, 594
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 431
May 31, 1853 9, 753
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 321
Apr. 13, 1858 19,937
July 4,1871 116, 621
Apr. 29, 1856 14, 773
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 724
May 5, 1868 77, 651
May 11,1869 89, 242
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 243
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 767
Aug. 29, 1865 49, 656
May 6, 1856 14, 834
May 14, 1867 64, 808
Feb. 6, 1866 52, 469
Dec. 28, 1858 22, 469
Jan. 10, 1871 110, 821
May 17, 1870 103, 068
Nov. 5, 18671 70, 609
Aug. 28,1841 2,231
Apr. 10, 1855 12, 675
Sept. 5,1854 11,646
June 5, 1866 55, 305
June 28, 1859 24, 603
Aug. 6, 1867 67, 578
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 673
Mar. 7,1846 4, 407
Mar. 5, 1867 62, 532
July 26, 1859 24, 859
July 5, 1859 24, 632
Nov. 22, 1859 26, 185
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 846
Jan. 16, 1866 52, 050
Oct. 11, 1845 4, 229
Jan. 15, 1856 14, 112
Mar. 28,1848 5, 492
Nov. 13, 1866 59, 653
Apr. 18, 1832.
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 362
June 6, 1871 115, 724
July 23, 1867 67, 044
Jan. 21, 1873 135,027
Sept. 30, 1862 36, 563
June 15, 1858 20, 570
Mar. 15, 1859 23, 264
Dec. 24, 1867 72, 536
Feb. 25, 1831....
June 19, 1866 55, 624
June 12, 1866 55, 477
Sept. 28,1831...
June 5, 1844 3, 611
Mar. 27, 1829 _........
Oct. 1, 1830.
Aug. 24, 1869 94, 109
May 10, 1864 42, 719
Sept. 11,1828..
Oct. 31, 1848 5,888
June 10, 1873 139, 647
Oct. 28,1873 143, 996
May 17, 1870 103, 042
Feb. 6, 1866 52, 497
Oct. 16,1866 58,916
Nov. 17, 1857 18, 627
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 427
July 23, 1872 129, 777
Oct. 14, 1873 143, 557
Aug. 8,1871 117,894
July 29, 1873 141, 382
June 7,1870 104, 064
Jan. 31, 1871 111, 342
Mar. 1,1870 100, 351
July 2,1872 128, 590
July 16, 1872 129, 065
June 11, 1872 127, 846
Apr. 4, 1871 113, 697
May 22,1866 54,874
Sept. 1, 1868 81, 746
July 28, 1868 80, 390
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 823
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 333
June 11, 1867 65, 566
July 9, 1867 66, 591
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 785
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 235
June 19, 1849 6, 549
May 14,1867 64, 704
June 29, 1869 91, 978
Dec. 3,1867 71,828
Apr. 20, 1869 89, 101
Nov. 29, 1870 109, 771
Jan. 28, 1868 73, 829
Dec. 2,1873 145, 183
May 26, 1868 78, 278
May 21, 1867 64, 894
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence.
Door, Iron--------------------------------......L. Hover.................... Chicago, Ill............
Door-key---------------------------------......W. 1I. Andrews------------...New Haven, Conn...
Door-key.--------------------------------.....J. Brady------------------...Branford, Conn...
D~oor-k-ey------------------------------------ J. Brady ------------------Branford, Coon....
Door-key ------------------------------------C. C. Carpenter.............. Huntsville, Ala....
Door-key---------------------------------_____J. Collins.......- - - Hohokus Towoship, NJ..
Door-key---------------------------......---H. H. Elwell---------------._Sooth Norwalk, Conn...
Door-key---------------------------......---F. Greene ------------------ Troy, Pa ------------- - --
Door-key---------------------------- FPre-----------------.Pakr...........New Britain, Con -...
Door-lkey attachment ---_--_-_---__----------D. E. Campbell-------------...Boson, Mass---------...
Door-key fastener ----------------------------S. Macferran---------------...Philadelphia, Pa-....
Door-key, Folding ----------------------------J. Seibert-----------------...Pittsburgh, Pa.....
Door-key guard -----------------------------H. A. Adams- _-----------New York, N. Y.....
Door-key giard, Safety.-----------W. K. Marvin-------------....New York, N. Y -.....
D)oor-keys from being tnurned, Device for preventiog A. Westcotti---- -- -- - - - --- - Syracuse, N. Y.......
Door-knob fastening-------...----------------W. H. Mackrell-------------.New York, N. Y......
Door-knobs, Manufacture of------------------...J. Ottoer------------------...Bridgeport, Conn.----
Door-knobs, Shank for mineral -- -- -- - ---- -- - - - -J. Laird------------------...Cincinnati, Ohio-....
Door-knocker with brass plate, Cast-iron.......... I. Wilson-----------------...New London, Conn....
Door-latch--------------------------------W.....T. Monger-------------...New Britain, Con_.._
Door-latch.----------______________J. H. Vickers--------------._Norwvich, Coon......
Door-lock---------------------------------....C. Adams------------ ----Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Door-lock---------------------------------.....H. Abrend ----.-.---------New York, N. Y..
Door-lock ----------------------------------F. Allen and J. Brady.......Norwich, Con -.....
Door-locic-------------------------------_____ W. H. Andrews..............Now Haven, Con...
D)oor-lock.................................... S. Andrews -__-_---------Perth Ambhoy, N. J.--
Door-lock-------------------------------...... T. B. Atterbury------------..Pittsburgh. Pa. ----
Door-lock---------------------------------_____J. Atwater----------------...New Haven, Con. ---
Do-ok................_.._J..Bae----_----_JreCiyN......Door-lock---------------------------------J.... D. Baker-------....... Kngbry NY---------JreCiyN..
Door-lock.....................................Ba-------------------Ngsbuory, N. Y....
Door-lock...................................F.. Bartholomew.......... New York, N.Y.....
Door-lock....................................T. Batlme...........NWheling,VN.Y....
Door-lock....................................C.. Beatt.............. elna......... RcfrIl------
Door-lock.................................... J. Buady----.--------------Branford, Con.....
Door-lock..................................JT. Bradly------------------...Brooklyn, N. Y....
Door-lock....................................FE. W. Brettell---------------- Newark, N. J..........
Door-lock.................................... J. Brown and G. W. Robinson. Providence, H. I....
Door-lock................................... J. H. Butterworth----------Dover, N. J...........
Door-lock................................... W. Cayce ------------ ------ Franklin, Tenn-....Door-lock------------- ----------------------- S. L. Chase. -- - - --- New York, N. Y...
Door-lock---------------------------------_____H. Clarke -----------------_Baltimore, Md..........
Door-lock------------------------------.---- A. Cnant-----------------...Lowell, Mass..-. -...
Dooer-lock---------------------------------.....J. H. Davis----------------...Lumberville, Pa....
Door-lock---------------------------------.....W. P. Dodson-------------- Philadelphia, Pa....
Door-lock---------------------------------.....H. H. Elwell---------------__Sooth Norwalk, Con..
Door-lock---------------------------------.....J. B. Erb----------------... Strasburgh, Pa......- --
Door-lock ----------..................P. 5. Felter----------------...Cincinoatus. N. Y---.._
Door-lock---------------------------------.....W. D. Field----------------..Providence, 11. - - -..--
Door-lock--------------------------------F..... Finney -----------------. Cleveland, Ohio.--__
Door-lock--------------------------------......C. Fleischel and W. C. Bussey. San Francisco, Cal..__
D)oor-lock-------------------------.....-__.M. B. Foote-_.._..---_--- Northampton, Mass.
Door-lock._____.______________ M. 13. Foote.---_--.-.---------Northampton, Mass.
Door-lock---------------------------------.....E. P. Fowler and C. J. Clements Brooklyn and Mott Haver
VT. Y.
Date. No.
*Oct. 13,18168 83,062
Mar. 2:3, 1869 88, 1-13
*Joune 7, 1870 103, 837
June 28, 1170 104, 823
Feb. 28, 1871 112, 123
*Dcc. 9, 1873 145, 41
-Oct. 18, 1870 108, 466
*June 30, 1868 79, 466
-May 4, 1869 89, 596
Apir. 30, 1867 64, 281
-July 3, 1866 56, 071
Feb. 4, 1873 135, 609
Feb. 9, 1869 86, 797
May 5, 1868 77, 633
Feb. 10, 1863 37,6165
-Oct. 30, 1847 5, 345
-May 1:3, 1873 138, 7 58
-May 22, 1849 6, 473
-Mar. 11, 1831.._
Dec. 6, 18 70 109, 834
-May 31,1870 103,819
-July 3, 1860 28, 949
-Jan. 12, 1869 85, 776
-Sept. 3, 1867 68, 334
*Apr. 5, 1870 101,564
-Jan. 11, 1836.--.
-June 2, 1857 17, 4i2
-July 24, 18461 4, 659
-Apr. 30, 1872 126, 248
-July 12, 1838 833
Mat-. 24, 1867 -75, 838
Apr. 3, 1829 -.---
-Oct. 14, 1851 8, 4-26
-Feb. 11,1868 74, 283
-Nov. 7, 1871 120, 714
-Sept. 24, 187-2 131,7654
-Mar. 26, 1867 63,.-204
-Feb. 20, 1827 _._..
-Apr. 11, 1846 4, 452
-Aug. 1, 1854 11,412
Mar. 26,1867 63, 214
-July 20, 1869 9-2, 796
-.Mar. 12, 1836..
Mar. 7, 1846 4, 403
--Mar. 12, 1872 124, 424
-.Feb. 18, 1873 136, 049
-Apr. 22, 1856 14, 714
--Mar. 31, 1868 76, 066
Apr. 28, 1868 77, 267
-June 18, 1839 1, 173
Dec. S, 1868 84, 737
Dec. 1, 1868 84,484
*-May 4, 1869 89, 753
nJune 22, 1869 91, 733
--Sept. 3, 1872 131, 093
--Apr. 30, 1861 32, 218
-Junc 2, 1868 78, 449
-Sept. 10, 1867 67, 622
Id. Nov. 16, 1869 96, 802
-Oct. 10, 1871 119,758
--Apr. 27, 1858 29, 063
-Junel16,1868 78,962
-.May 21, 1867 64,975
--Feb. 8, 1859 22, 872
--Sept. 25, 1849 6, 733
-Dec. 24, 1867 72, 499
--May 11, 1869 89,931
--Mar. 12,13867 62, 753
--Feb. 12, 1867 61, 036
--Nov. 13, 1860 30, 654
-June 27,1871 116, 452
--Sept. 14, 1858 21, 504
--June 12, 1855 13, 037
--Nov. 5, 1867 70, 57 6
-Junel17,1856 15,136
--July 1, 187:1 140, 377
-May 18, 1832..
--Sept. 16, 1833.__--
-Sept. 16, 1833...
Mar 5, 1876Mar. 5, 1867 62, 645
--June 28, 1<70 104, 749
I. May 1,1860 2868
Door-lock ------"---------"------------------
Door-lcck -----------------------------------
Door-lock ----- - -----_---.Door-lock------------------------------...
Door-lock -"-------------------------------
1)oor-lock........................ -----------
Door-lock ----------------------------------
Door-lock -- -------------------------------
Door-lock.......................... -------
D)o o-lock..................................
V. Frazee...............---
S. Frye -------------------
J-. E. A. Gibbs.............--
H. H. Gillingham...........
C. G. Gumpel..............
F. Gvss.------------------
B. C. Harrington............
W. I. and J. W. Harr-is. -...
J. S. Hoard and V.0O. Spencer..F. B. Horn...............---
H. Jackson-------------.....J. W. Jones ---------------
D.C. Jordon, sr-----------....
F. Juster..................
J. H. Kinsman.............
J. Kinzer..................
J. C. Kline...............---
M. and J. Knapp----------...
C. Knauer...............----
T. Kromer...............---
J. Kyleo.................
J. Kyle...................
F. F. Landis........
A. Leich..................
J. Lickder........ __........
H. dLckwood.--------------.
W. Maurer.........---...-.
J. McClory...............---
J. McClory ---.....-----
H. McDowell...............
A. McKinnon..............
D. V. Miller................
J. F. Milligan..............
W. Moore.................
W. T. Monger..............
H, Norton---------------....
G. Oates...................
T. A. Olson................
San Francisco, Cal. _.
Monongahela City, Pa.Steele's Tavern, Va..
Baltimore, Md.._.
Leicester Square, Foglan,
New You-k, N. Y..-__.
Newcastle, Ind.._._.._.
Newark, N. J -.. _ -_.,
Newport, N. Y.-----
M ansfield, Pa........--
Boston, Mass..-_.-_----_
New York, N. Y....
Paducab, Ky---------..
Brooklyn, N. Y -._._.
Buffalo, N. Y. -...... itsugP -.....
Salem,- Mass.. _......._
Pittsburgh, Pa.....
Pittsburgh, Pa.._..___
Hudson City, N. J...
Birminghamm, Pa ___.
Freiburg, Baden...
New York, N. Y...
Rlamapo, N. Y.......
Ramnapo, N. Y-..--
Lancaster, Pa-....--
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Seneca Falls, N. Y. _.
New York, N. Y..._
Cincinnati, Ohio. _._.
New Yor-k, N. Y....
New York, N. Y -__.
New York, N. Y...
New York, N. Y...
Lambertville, N. J..
New York, N. Y..
Weedsport, N. Y.----
Saint Louis, Mo..-__.. _
Williamsburgb, N. Y..- - -
New Britain, Coon.._
Delton, Wis..........
Charleston, S. C. - -.
Beloit, Wis...........
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Door lock.....-------------------------------
Door-lock-alarm attachment.......................
Door lock and bolt, Sliding................
Door lock and key.................................
Door lock and latch.............................
Door lock and latch...............................
Door lock and latch..............................
Door lock anod latch--------------------------
Door lock and latch...............................
Door lock and latch, Sliding.....-----------------
Door-lock and other fastening....................
Door-lock bolt... ------------....
Door-lock, Burglar-alarm-.....-.............
Door-lock by a combined key and gage, also a thief
Door-lock by which one key-hole serves for two
distinct keys.
Door-lock, Combination -...-.....--...--
Door-lock, Combination safety....................
Door-lock, Combination tumbler...................
Door-lock, Compound...........................--
Door-lock, Divided-bolt.....................
Door-look, Escutcheon latch and bolt.............
Door-lock, Extension-bit guard-key for..........
Door-lock guard.......------------------------- --
Door lock, Jail.....---------------------------
Doer-lock keeper................................
Door-lock key............................
Door-lock key, Swivel-nibbed......................
Door-lock, night-latch, &c.......................
Door lock or latch-----------------......--
Door lock or latch................................
Door lock or latch, Compound lever graduating...
Door-lock or spring-catch........................
Door-loco, Portable........................
Door-lock, Portable...............................
Door lock, Prison...............................
Door-lock, Protector-slide for-----... -----------..
Door-lock, Safety..................
Door-loeek, Sliding....
Door-lock, Slidinr..............................
Door-lock strike or keeper...-------.--.---------..
Door-locks, Bolt-attachment to.-..--------..
Door-locks for banks, vaults, &c., Mode of constructing.
Door-locks, Keeper for-. - - - - -
Door-locks, Keeper for right and leit hand....
Door locks or latches, Check-bolt of...............
Door-locks, Safety key-holder for......
D oor-m at............................
57 P
E. Parker..-......---...........
J. E. Parker.................
W. Parr and J. F. Fowler.....
A. Patterson.--..--...--..........
N. Petr6...-----------------
E. P. Porter and G. W. Hallett.
E. P. Porter and G.W. Hallett.
S. M.Pye----------------.....................W. Pye..--- -..
J. M. Quimby and A. S. Dyer..
W. Reynolds..............
B. F. Roberts....-.....--.
P. Rodgers...------------.....--
A. Roff- -......----- -------
R. Schade........._.......
I. P. Sherwood.............
J.C. Silvy.....---------------
B. Smith..................
D. M. Smith-------------...................
J. G. Spathelf.....-------------
M. R. Stephenson...........
W. Stephenson..........
W. Stephenson.............
C. I. Stewart..................
B. Van Dyke..............
R. Vollschwitz..............
N. Warren....................
W. Warwick.................
J. Weimar...................
J. Welsh.....................---------------
W. P. Wentworth............
J. L. Whetstone...............
T1. Whitehouse................
T. Whitehouse...............
A. F. Whiting..............
L. Whitney..............
J. T. Williams.........
A. W olfe.....................
W. E. Woodbridge........
L. L. Woolley...............
T. B. Worrell.................
L. Yale......................
L. Yale......................
J. Schneider.................
T. Whaley..................
G. M. Zahm.................
E. Halley------.....
N. and C. Hunt..........
W. T. Mungeo..............
G. W. Wilson...............
E. J. Kehoe....................
J. R. and H. C. Cambell.......
E. Parker.....................
E. Tracy................
F. C. Goffin..............
A. Call......................
M. R. Stephenson and 0. Edwards.
S. Yale and C. Wilson.........
R. M. Tuttle................
G. Hubert....................
J. Huert---------- -------
P. F. W. and J. A. Blake......
W. Damerel...................
W. Ballauff and F. Wurth....
E. Jacobs..................
G. W. DaCunha..............
T. K. Webster...............
A. C. Harig..................
J. McClory...............
W. Hall...----.-------------.
T. L. Littlefield...............
S. Noyes................
R. J. Byram.................
E. G. F. Arndt...............
J. W. Webb...................
L. M. HIam....................---------------
0. F. I. Colburn............
W. Stillmnan..................
A. W. Cram...................
J. Davidson..................
J. Scott.......................
W. I. Andrews.............
J. McClory----------------...................
S. B. Williams...............
C. Adams...--------..
A. Bingham................
F. J. May...--------..
N. Berkeley...................
J. J. Diehl................
P. W. Neefus..............
A. P. Noyes.....
F. V.Noyes........
J. V. Oldaker..........
Residence. Date. No.
New Britain, Conn........ July 16, 1872 129, 587
West Meriden, Con...... Nov. 6, 1860 30, 586
New York, N. Y...-....... Nov. 19, 1833....
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Apr. 8, 1856 14, 618
New York, N. Y.........--------- Sept. 7, 1869 94, 639
Waterford, N. Y.......... ar. 26,1867 63, 295
Waterford, N. Y..........Nov. 26, 1867 71, 411
Acquackanonck, N. J -..... Mar. 13, 1849 6, 184
New York, N. Y...---.. - Apr. 28, 1818..
Westbrook and Cape Feb. 21,1871 112,076
Elizabeth, Me.
Greenbriar County, Va.... May 9,1848 5, 557
Lacona, Iowa --_---------Jan. 17, 1871 111, 005
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 25, 1840 1, 796
New York, N.Y.......... July 1, 18:16
New York, N. Y........ Nov. 26, 1867 71, 534
Sandy Hill, N. Y -...... Dec. 17, 1842 2, 886
New Orleans, La.......... June 12, 1855 13, 050
Canton, Conn............. Apr. 13, 1836....
Springfield, Vt.......... July 14,1846 4, 635,
Sandusky, Ohio....... July 28, 1868 80, 369
Boston, Mass............ July 13, 1852 9, 126
Ci:cinnati, Ohio ---..-.. Sept. 12,1848 5, 758
Cincinnati, Ohio.........Sept. 12, 1848 5, 766
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 12, 1871 118, 828
Chicago, Ill............... Aug. 20, 1872 130, 619
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 1, 1867 60, 970
Wilmington, Del........ Nov. 21, 1871 121, 142
Birmingham, Pa...-... Mar. 13, 1855 12, 526
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 12, 1854 12, 081
Canton, Ohio.......... Jan. 31, 1871 111, 499
Detroit, Mich.. --..... June 25, 1867 66, 059
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... July 20, 1846 4, 640
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 8, 1837 377
Boston, Mass.............. June 14, 1838 783
Bath, Me.................. Feb. 6, 1872 123, 531
Toledo, Ohio.............June 8,1858 20, 524
Chicago, Ill........ July 11, 1871 116, 907
Pittsburgh, Pa......... Apr. 18, 1831 -New York, N. Y..-----.. - July 14,1846 4, 630
Medford, Mass ----........... May 19, 1868 78, 038
Frankford, Pa............ July 13,1869 92, 502
Springfield, Mass......... June 13, 1844 3, 630
Newport, N. Y............ Oct. 18, 1853 10, 144
Rochester, N. Y........... May 1, 1855 12, 784
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 2, 1821.
Lancaster, Pa............. May '6, 1842 2, 638
Branford, Conn-------...........- Sept. 1, 1863 39, 770
Cleveland, Ohio....-...July 29, 18 9 1, 268
Branford, Conn........... July 7, 1863 39, 203
Nashua, N. H-----------............. June 11, 1841 2, 123
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 15, 1870 109, 220
Charlestown, Mass........ Dec. 28, 1835....
West Meriden, Conn...... Feb. 7,1860 27, C64
Kansas City, Mo.......... Dec. 3, 1867 71, 822
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 10, 1849 6, 165
Springfield, Mass......... Feb. 13,1849 6, 109
Boston, Mass............. Apr. 17, 1844 3, 543
Springfield, Mass......... Oct. 20, 1843 3, 312
Newark, N. J..... -....Dec. 5, 1842 2, 869
Lancaster, Pa............. July 23, 1867 67,116
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 15, 1848 5, 708
New Haven, Conn -...... Dec. 31, 1833.......
Brooklyn, N. Y......... May 9, 1854 10, 883
Cincinnati, Ohio...... Mar. 6, 1855 12, 476
Cincinnati, Ohio........... Aug. 23, 1864 43, 915
New York, N. Y --........ May 21, 1867 64, 8,7
Lawrence, Mass.......... Nov. 17, 1857 18, C54
Louisville, Ky............ Mar. 1, 1853 9, 599
New York, N. Y.......... June 14, 1837 215
Chelsea, Mass............ Oct. 18, 1843 3, 308
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 21, 1843 3, 343
Beverly, Mass............ Feb. 20, 1843 2, 963
Boston, Mass.......May 31, 1832--
Rondout, N. Y.---------- Sept. 18, 1860 30, 035
Washington, D. C -...... Feb. 7, 1854 10, 511
Boston, Mass.............. May 4, 1869 89, 830
Newark, N. J............. Feb. 27, 1849 6, 142
Westerly, 1. I....-.... Sept. 14, 1839 1, 323
Saint Louis, M o......... M ay 20, 1873 139, 118
Aliany, N.............. Nov. 1, 1870 108, 767. Philadelphia,?a.......... Apr. 22, 1873 138, 048
New Haven, Conn......... Dec. 10, 1867 VI, 944. New York, N. Y.......... June 19, 1838 787
Leavenworth City, Kans._ Dec. 19, 1865 51, 639
Oak Hill, N. Y............ Feb. 24, 1857 16, 676
Boston, Mass............ Oct. 17, 1842 2, 719
Morrisenia, N. Y.........Mar. 12, 1867 62, 865
Alie, Va................. Apr. 4, 1871 113, 389
Idaville, Pa............... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 512. New York, N. Y.......... May 30, 1871 115, 345
Middleton, Mass......... June 7, 1870 103, 916
Mattoon, Ill............... Sept. 5, 18(i5 49, 780
Atlanta, Ill.............. July 9, 187-2 128, >97
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Door-mat ---------..............---- ------------------
Door-mat, India-rubber............................
Door-mat, Metallic and elastic.................
Door-numbers, Casting...-----------. ---------
Door or partition for separating rooms, &c., Drop..
Door or shutter fastener...------------------..--
D)oor or shutter, Metallic.....-------------------
Door-panels, Composition for......................
Door-plate and alarm..............................
Door-plate and bell-alarm-------------------.........................Door-plate and card-receiver......................
Door-plate and indicator...........................
Door-plate and letter-box-------------------..........................
Door-plate and letter-box, Combined..............
Door-plate and letter-chute, Combined............
Door-plate, Glass..................................
Door-plate, Index-----..................................
Door-plate, letter-box, and bell-pull combined......
Door-plates and signs of separate types or cutters,
Method of making.
Door-plates, Casting.....-----------------------
Door-plates, Making and preparing..............
Door-plates, &c., Number for---...------------..Door-retainer.......................--------------
Door-register... -------------...---------------..
Door, sale, &c., Burglar-proof......................
Door-securer....................-................Door-securer and key-ring, Combined.............
Door, Self-closing -............................
Door sheave, Sliding.....................
Door sheave, Sliding.......................
Door sheave, Sliding.................-.......
Door-sill---------------------------....................-----......................Door-sill, Adjustable......----------------------
Door-sill, Adjustable..............................
Door-sill gutter................................
Door-sill, Self-adjusting........................
Door-sills and door-strips, Arrangement of.......
Door, Sliding......................................
Door, Sliding.....----------------------------
Door, Sliding.....----------------------------
Door, Sliding............................
Door, Sliding................
Door, Sliding.....................................
W. Young, jri.........
E. M. Chaffee......-------------
P. \V. Neefus...........
J. T. Fuller..................
G. Kilburn.............
W. Fields.....---------------
A. B. Mullett and B. Oertly....
L. W. Kimball------------...............
R. B. Andrews..-----------
J. W. Bliss........-...........
W. A. Caron..................
J. H. Grout and F. M. Ray.....
J. S. Richardson..............
J. S. Richardson..................
E. I. Sause...................
C. H. Miller..................
W. G. Brady.............
S. A. Baldwin...............
T. M. and W. F. Tobin.........
E. A. Hopkins-.................
J. T. Green.................
B. Morningstar..............
D. Montague and J. Townsend
N. Ames.....................
T. Thompson --....--..
E. Morris...........
J. A. Pease....................
W. C. Austin.................
J. T. Smith...................
C. T. Gravatt.................
G. W. Perry and J. D. Billins..
J. G. Miller.................
G. Little.....................
D. Arndt...................
B. F. Baer....................
W. H. Caldwell...............
B. H. Melendy..............
G. B.Pharo................
W. H. Phipps.................
S. A. Pool..................
J. P. Tuck...................
J. C. Harkness................
R. G. Hatfield..............
M. L. Deering..............
M. L.Deering.................
R. G. Hatfield......
D. Hitchcock and D. S. Trout..
J. Johnston and E. O. Marlow.
M. Armstr ong...............
J. H. Morris....................
J. A. Hemberger.............
G. C. Bigelow...............
H. Tryon...................
J. Capron.....---------------
L. A. Cook............
WV. T. Forsyth...............
J. M ore......................
E. Prudhomme and P. M. Leprohon.
W. A. Waterhouse...........
W. Allen...................
W. Badger,jr...............
G. L. Bailey...........
G. L. Bailey.................
A. T. Ballantine...............
B. F. Barker..............
J. Barkley...................
W. S. Barlow.................
O. D. Barrett.................
A. Barton....................
A. S. Blake...............
J. O. Blythe.................
J. Boyd and J. Belford.......
J. Broughton................
J. Broughton.................
I. Buckman, jr...............
C. Burnham.................
L. Burwell...................
A. F. Chatman...............
H. Cody......................
J. M. Connel.................
J. M. Connel.................
J. J. Corvell..................
S. Cutler.....................
D. Dick.......................
F. Dodge.................
R. B. Donaldson.........
W. Duncan..................
W. Duryea....................
I. Eaton.....................
S. Elliott......................
C. Ellis.......................
B. G. Fitzhugh................
O. V. Flora...................
J. T. Folwell.................
H. S. Frost...................
Residence. Date.
Franklin, Mass........... July 28, 1868
Providence, R. I-........... Feb. 16, 1858
New York, N. Y........ Nov. 29, 1870
Louisville, Ky....... Apr. 10, 1860
Walpole, N. H...- -.. -- Dec. 31, 1838
Wilmington, Del........ Feb. 20, 1872
Washington. D. C....... July 6, 1869
Pittsford, Vt........ Aug. 11, 1868
Poland, Me.............. Nov. 9, 80
Hartford, Conn-------.-- July 13, 1858
Springfield, Mass....._.. Dec. 12, 1871
New York, N. Y.... - Mar. 20, 1844
Boston, Mas...... Oct. 15, 186
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 15,1836
New York................ Aug. 11, 1843
Buffalo, N. YV........... Mar. 16, 1869
Lowell, Mass... -..... June 29, 1869
Waterbury, Con..... Sept. 9, 186-2
Middlebury, Vt....... Apr. 1, 1873
Minneapolis, Minn..... Dec. 24, 1867
Marquette, Wis......... Oct. 15, 1867
Pittsburgh, Pa.-. - - -..-- Apr. 15, 1873
New Bedford, Mass., and May 22, 1860
Gardiner, Me.
Saugus Centre, Mass..... July 31,1860
Cleveland, Ohio........... Oct. 22, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 25, 1844
Philadelphia, Pa........... Aug. 14,1847
Greensville, Va........... Jan. 31, 1837
Washington, D. C......... Jan. 18, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 8, 1870
Wilmington, Del.......... Dec. 8, 1868
Swanton, Md.............. Mar. 16, 1858
Rutherford Park, N. J.... Apr. 1, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio........... Dec. 19, 1871
Lancaster, Pa........... May 23, 1871
Wheeling, W. Va -........ Mar. 7, 1871
Amherst, N. H.......... Mar. 12, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa...... Nov. 12, 1872
Poquonock, Conn........ Nov. 4,1873
Memphis, Tenn........ May 21, 1872
Doulton, Me ----... - -.. Nov. 18, 1873
Washington, D. C......... Oct. 12, 1858
New York, N. Y........ June 21, 1864
New York, N. Y........... Mar. 2,1869
New York, N. Y........... May 25, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... May 5, 1863
Arcola, Ill...._..-....... Oct. 12, 1869
Brodhead, Wis----............ June 14,187C
Girard, Ill....------------- July 26, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa -....... Mar. 30, 1809
Reading, Ohio...--...... Oct. 26, 1869
Worcester, Mass........ Mar. 23, 1858
Steuben, Pa.......---------..... May 5, 1857
New York, N. Y.........------ --Mar. 1, 1870
Concord, Mich----- ---...........- Nov. 1, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 12, 1844
New York, N. Y........Jan. 31, 1871
New York, N. Y......... May 18, 1869
Liverpool, N. Y........... Mar. 22, 1870
Oswego, N. Y........ July 5, 1870
North Chelsea, Mass..... Mar. 22, 1864
Portland. Me-----------.............. Apr. 15,1856
Portland, Me----...... Apr. 21, 1857
Titusville, Pa......... Apr. 19, 1870
San Francisco, Cal........ Mar. 27, 1866
Weston, Mo............Jan. 11, 1859
Paterson, N.J----.. --.. " Nov. 17, 186:
Cleveland, Ohio....... Sept. 27, 1859
Syracuse, N. Y......... Apr. 1, 1856
Waterbury, Conn....... May 3, 1859
Germantown, Pa---...-----. Apr. 2, 1861
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 16,1860
Chicago, Ill........... Aug. 19, 1856
Chicago, Ill-----.. -------.. Jan. 6, 1857
Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Nov. 5, 1872
Philadelphia, Pa,.......... Dec. 24, 1867
Berlin, Conn.............. Nov. 25, 1829
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 27, 1857
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 4, 1873
Newark, Ohio............. Dec. 18, 1866
Newark, Ohio............. Feb. 9, 1869
Newark, N. J......May 28, 1872
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Mar. 18, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... June 3, 1873
Syracuse, N. Y........... Sept. 21, 1869
Washington, D. C......... Oct. 30, 1860
Lebanon, N. H............ Feb. 23, 1869
Glen Cove, N. Y.......... Aug. 11, 1868
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 24, 1830
Richmond, Ind............ June 22, 1869
Boston, Mass............. Dec. 15, 1843
Frederick, Md........... Mar. 1, 1870
Madison, Ind............. June 15, 1869
Camden, N. J............. June 7, 1870
Watertown, Conn......... Aug. 6, 1867
80, 379
19, 347
109, 650
27, 861
123, 816
92, 205
80, 972
96, C55
20, 859
121, 703
3, 496
3, 216
87, 958
91, 820
36, 388
137, 508
72, 493
69, 800
137, 946
28, 396
29, 430
132, 378
3, 565
5, 243
99, 019
1i0, 616
84, 756
19, 646
137, 456
115, 012
112, 320
124, 503
132, 922
144, 223
126, 903
144, 642
21, 754
43, 205
87, 329
90, 345
38, 387
95, 799
104, 321
105, 623
88, 502
96, 233
19, 673
17, 242
100, 373
108, 763
3, 428
90, 193
105, 025
14. 686
17, 070
102, 197
53, 391
22, 540
84, 1.9
25, 602
14, 583
23, 819
30, 383
15, 555
16, 324
132, 710
72, 449.....
16, 512
144, 256
60, 481
86, 815
127, 311
136, 974
139, 458
94, 949
30, 531
87, 095
80, 931.....
91, 528
3, 376
100, 388
91, 22-2
103, 859
67, 525
Index of patents issued from Ilhc United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Door-sprig ---..----------.--
Door-spring- - - -- -- - --" - - - - - - -
Door-spring ---"---------------------------------
Door-spring -- - - - - - - - " - - - - - - -- - -
Door-spring. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1)ooi_"-sprinug - - - - - - - - - - - -
Door-sp ing.------------------"
D eoi-sp iing - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - -
D oor-spring "...................
D oor-sprinug......- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Door-sp rig....................
D oor-spring....................
iDoor-sprng.. _ - - " -. _ -- - - -- - - - -
Door spring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
D oor-spiing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" - -
1)oor-spring -- - - - - -........... " -
D oor-spring.................. -
ID oor-sprnig................ - -
Door-spran g...--.................
D oor-Spring....... ___....__........
Door-spring -- - - - "..............
iDoor-spr ing...................
Door-spring............ -. _ _ " -
Door-spring------------------...----------- ---
Door-spring - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - -
Door-spring.--...............................1)oor-spring-------- ---"-----------"-------"--"--
Door-spring....................... "...........
Donr-spring ---------- ---- -- --......
IDoor-spring ---"...............................
Door-spring.............................--"Door-spring............................. -.."...
Door-spring -----"-----------------------------
D~oor-spring--------------. ------------- ------"Door-spring..............---...............
Io-pig................................ _..Door-spring........._................."........
Dooi-spring and-ing......................"------
Door- spring --n----retainer --co --bin-d "--....
Door-spring brack..........-----.........".....
D~oor springanrbber.......................
Door, Spring wire............................
Door springs and lovers, Arrangemnen tof.....
Door"-springs, Vertical wire for-.................
D oor-stay - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D oor-stop) " - - - - - " " - "- - - - - " - " - -
I)oor-s tp - - - - - -- - - " - - -- - - - - -
F. Gardner........... Ge r -- - --ci- - -- -
XV. Gitfilla- -- ----- --
W. Gi-ltllan.........
J.S. rany ---------
W. M. Gray.....-.--.
G. W. Griaswold..............
L.J. Higgins..........
IL. ilebrand.........
IL. lillebiaiid........
Ht Hochistrasser and A. Masson
A. D). Hottinan..............--
G. IL. Hudson................
H. Hughes..................
S. W. Huntington....-......
M. Jincks..................V. M. Kellie.................
XW. F. Ketls..................
F. Keilsey..................D. C. King------------------
J. Losee....................
J, J. Mackey................J. F. Mayon and J. Johnson.-...
Bostoii Mass......
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N.V... -_......_
iNew York, N.Y.----
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N.Y..........
Canrbondale, Pa.----.----
Mount Desert, Me -..
Philadelphia, Pa-...
Philadelpia, Pa _------
Plinladelpjiia, Pa -.
Chicago, Ilit.-.........
Conne ut, I111............Utica, N. Y..............
Augusta, Me............
Walace, N. Y............
San Francisco, Cal ---
Middletown, Coon - _.
Boston, Mass.-- --
Peekskill, N. Y-_.......
South Brooklyn, N. Y.
Newark, N. J., and Brooksn. N. Y
Jan. 2, 1872
Mfar. 4,1873
July 30, 1867
Apr. 6, 1e69
Jan. 11,11859
Dec. 5, 1871
Dec. 5, 1871
Apr. 15, 1856
Apr. 1, 187:3
IDec. 3, 1867
Jan. 26, 1869
Feb. 3, 1852
Feb. 18, 1873
Feb. 8, 1859
July 16, 1867
Juno 23, 1868
Sept. 20, 1870
Mar. 18, 1873
Oct. 11, 1870
Junce 27, 1848
July 9, 1872
July 16, 1872
Dec. 3, 1867
Apr. 16, 1867
J. Maxon----------------..- B e iRuyter, N. Y........... Sept. 19, 1848
TF. J. Mayall------------------- Roxbury, Mass..----------Dec. 28, 1858
A. Mishler-------------------. _ _New York, N. Y----------..Apr. 19, 1870
E. L. Morse------------------...Saint Louis, Mo.......------Mar. 16, 1869
E. D. Morton---------- ------- Cuba, N. Y.-------No.2,1869
J. M. Newton-----------------..Norwich, Conn-----------J........v.uly 16, 1867
C. W. Oldham...--------- _--Leipsic, ind.- -- -- -- ----- July 8, 1873
C. A. Peck-------------------....New York, N. Y.--------Dee. 29,1]857
T. Peck----------------------.....Syracuse, N. Y..-----._ --May 22, 1847
T. Peek----------------------..Syracuse, N. Y------------ Oct. 17, 1848
J. Post---------------------... Newark, N. J------------- June 12,1860
I. Powars--------------------.Waukegan, Ill------------ Jan. 26, 1869
L. C. Prindle -- -- -- - --- -- - --- - -Ch i c a oIll-------------...-. Feb.4, 1868
F. 11. Richards----------------....New Britain, Conn._--.Nov. 25,1873
W. T. Root- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -G(eieva, N. Y-------July 01, 1861
W. Ross---------------------..BaltimoreMd------------ Apr. 13, 1869
W. T. Rtossiter----...---------- Lincoln, Nebr------------..Dec.2, 1871
C. W. Saladee-----------------...Newurk, Ohio-------------..Apr. 30, 1867
C. W. Saladee---------.----Newark, Ohio------------- Nov. 12, 1861
S. Sawyer--------------------L__ _ _ ostoi, Mass------ Jan. 21, 1841
Rt. Sclieidler------------------.INewark, Ohio----------Oct. 23, 1860
11. Schrader------------------...Indanaipolis. Id.- --------Dec. 10, 1867
J. Shaw,jr-------------------_lHinckley Ohio---------- Judy~ 20,1846
J. Simpson -------------------NT -"--"- ewark, Ohio ----"---.-----Nov. 2,1869
D. 0- Smith-------------Carbondule, Pa-- - -- -- -- - -Feb. 26, 1856
P. Smith---------------------..Newport, Ky..------------Auk;.31869
W. W. Smith and B. Mulli- Nuew York, N. Y----------_.Nov. 13, 1840
ken, jr.
W. H. Stafford---------------....New York, N. Y- _--------Dec.6, 1870
F. Stemmier -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --East News York, N. Y - _Apr. 23,18-2
E. Slti ms on-------------------- Montpelier, V--------Juily 13, 1869
L. Thomas-------------------.....Allegheny City, Pa._- _-Mar.3, 1857
T. Thorpe-----------...- _----West Cambi-idge, Mass. -. Dec. 771813 -A. Tittmnr----------Evansville, Indl------July 1, 1873
E. P. Tori-ey and W. B. Tilton. New York, N.Y.- ---------_ Sept. 8,1857
J. IL. Tucker-----------... ---Iaconia, N. H------.. --June 8, 1869
T. Van Karinel---------------...Cincinnati, Ohio. _.......July 9, 1867
M. IL. Webster----------------Albany, N.Y------------May 20, 1873
A. Westcott------------------...Sracuise, N. Y.- - -- ----Oct. 1, 1850
A. Westcott------------....oe...........Srcse.Y_-_--_Nov. 6, 1855
F. S. Willcox.- _------------- "Bridgeport, Con -._.._-Feb. 2, 1869
W. Wilson-------------------...Geield, Mass. ____.--July- 17, 1838
A. Wiswal------------New YorkN. Y- i--- Aug. 14, 186
IL. 1F. Witherell._-- --- _----Galesburgh, Ill----- _.---May 2, 18 71
W.H.Worcesterand E. F. Jones Far-nington, N. H.....- Aug. 30, 1864
A. Wiswall------------------___ __ _New Yoi-k, N. Y----------.July 16, 1867
C. Bird..- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Lowr Merion Tp., Pa. - - Oct. 8, 1872
A. J. Walker._.---------------_ New York, N. Y - --- -- -- --Oct. 7, 1856
G. Blarton, jr-----------------...Shatabury, V t- -- -- - - - ---July 1, 1840
B. G.Fitzhugh---------------...Sykesville, Md----__ ---Jan. 7,1868
J. B. Hayden----------------- _ ___Shaghicoke, N. Y.._...June 7, 18i0
J. Codman----------Boston, Miss-------------__.Aug. 17,1835
W.V. Ba-rnrd--------------...Bristol, Conin--_--_-----Apr. 9,1850
J. Codmnan-------------------Boston.Mass.....-......1)ec. 28,1832
A. 11.P1-itt------------------..... relow Springs, Ohio.-. Aug. 5,1856
111 V.1Doyle and J. Bebel-I Rockford, Ill-------------__ _ _May 23,18H1
W. 11. Fahrney--------------B.. ockford, Ill............ May 31, 18i0
W. 11. Falrney-- -- -- -- - - - - - -Rockford, Ill-------------1). De c.13, 1870
TI -Iaza-d and J. M. Richardson Wilmington, Ohio- --_.---.Feb. a,1867
G. W'VHunt.------------------XX ruchendonMass ---May 28.1867
IV. May-------------------- Binghamiton. IN....-.Nov. 3, 1868
A. C.Stevens.._... -_.. __ MarichesterN. H. -_. -.Apr. 01,1868
1 IL. Weiner--- -- -- -- -- -- - - ILeba-non, Pa.------------ Oct. 29,1867
I. J. Wells- - --- - --- -- -- -- -- - - - eillmar, Minna----------- _.July 4, 1871
IL. C. Wenple................I Rockford. Ill-------------Nov. Ia,1870
C. IL.Willis ------------------Wsin(atonD. C -....Jurne 25,1867
O. C. Ross--------------------...PenfieldN Y-------.nl 14,1868
G- W. Canrpender........avs n-------- a,1J.Ksle -------------JI ivisbIrd---------------Mayt
A. 1).Smithb- -- -------....- - - -CGr ltonOhio------------Mfay '25n 1-t9
W. Al ()hr ion--------------I..Sari Frinisco, Cal-...._S-I.3 15
C. Loiun-...--.-----.---__South Brantiree, Mass --.1Nov- 01, 11'65
O. G.Thomuas......... l.'aunton, Mass............Apr. 09,1873
122, 316
67, 290
88 6-25
2-2 554
121, 507
1-21, 508
14, 691
137, 367
71, 616
86, 228
8, 704
135, 914
2, 874
66, 843
79, 125
107, 616
136, 0-23
108, 268
5, 654
129. 57-1
71, 772
63, 914
5, 784
22, 441
10-2, 029
87, 867
16, 470
66, 873
140, 6:18
18, 987
5, 124
5, 864
28, 689
86, 318
73, 999
144, 926
88, 985
145, 244
64, 372
70, 903
1, 938
59, 08-2
72, 089
4, 641
96, 493
14, 326
93, 359
1, 854
109, 962
125, 995
92, 486
16, 759
140, 446
18, 164
91, 184
66, 538
139, 0:37
7, 69-2
13, 770
86, 48-2
57, 240
114, 379
44, 034
66, 9-27
132, 046
15, 864
1, 668
7-2, 992
104, 027
7, 255
15, 493
115, 038
103, 729
110, 0:-6
61, 8:10
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Door, Trap....................--....._
Door, Ventilating...-..........................Doors, Adjustable hasp and hook for...........
Doors and gates, Closing.........................
Doors and gates, Device for closing---...........
Doors and gates, Spring for shutting.............
Doors and gates, Weight and lever attachment for.
Doors and sashes, Machine for laying out..........
Doors and windows, Mode of hanging.............
Doors and windows, Tightening...............
Doors and windows water-tight, Method of rendering.
Doors, Apparatus for closing.....................
Doors, Arrangement of spring and spring-catch
for closing.
Doors, &c., Attachment for opening and closing... -
Doors, Automatic catch for sliding............
Doors, &c., being too tight, Preventing.......
Doors, Bolt for double.....................
Doors, Bolt-mechanism for prison.................
Doors, Bolt-work for............................
Doors, Closing....................................
Doors, Combined latch and lock for sliding.......
Doors, Construction of.....................
Doors, Construction of...........................
Doors, Device for closing.........................
Doors, Device for closing..........................------------------
Doors, Device for holding open....................
Doors, Device for opening and closing double....-.
Doors, Elastic stud for.....................
Doors, Fastening for jail...................
Doors, Fastening for sliding....................
Doors, gates, &c., Apparatus for closing......
Doors, gates, &c., Closing ---........................
Doors, gates, &c., Device for closing..............
Doors, gates, &c., Spring for...................
Doors, Guard-lfastener for.........................
Doors, Guide for fitting locks to..............
Doors Hanging...........................
Doors, Hanging...................................
Doors, Hanging..........................
Doors, Hanging..........................
Doors, Hanging...................................
Doors, Hanging and fastening...................
Doors, Hanging double............................
Doors, Hanging sliding.....................
Doors, Hanging sliding...........................
Doors, Hanging sliding...........................
Doors, Hook-catch for...--..........................
Doors, &c., Machine for relishing.................
Doors, &c., Machinery and art of locking........
Doors, Method of mounting porcelain roses for....
Doors on the inside, Fastening...................
Doors open, Device for holding................
Doors open, Holding..........................
Doors, Operating bolt and lock for controlling series of.
Doors or shutters, Attachment for opening and
Doors or windows, Guard for nursery.............
Doors, Rail for sliding.............................
Doors, &c., Retaining-device for................
Doors, safe-walls, vaults, &c., Burglar-proof plates
Doors, Sheave and rail for sliding.................
Doors, Spring catch and stop for...............
Doors, Spring-catch for...........................
Doors, Spring-catch for.....................
Doors, Spring for closing........._..........
Doors, Spring for closing...................
Doors, stair-rails, lasts, &c., Fastening for.... -.
Doors, stiles, &c., Mortising.....................
Doors to prevent rain from being forced under
them by wind, &c., Method of hanging.
Doors, &c., Turn-button for......................
Doors, Water-excluding attachment for..........
Doors, Water-table for...........................
Doors, Water-table for.....................
Doors, Water-table for..................
Doors, windows, &c., Rolling screen for...........
Double and single tree fastening for carriages.....
Double and whiffie tree coupling. Open link for....
Double.centered joint, butt, or hinge.........
Double-cylinder boiler for hot-water apparatus....
Double gate.............................
Double-headed wrench............................
Double sliding or turning gate....................
G. Runge................
T. R. Timby.............
W. Bisbee and F. G. Hearn...
S. Stewart..........
S. P. Griffin and B. M. Harrod.
I. S. Richardson............
A. S. Blake..............
S. C. Ellis.........
A. B. Carpenter..........
S. Hayward.....--------------
W. C. Fuller- - -.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Sratoga Springs, N. Y....
Yreka, Cal..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Orleans, La.........
Boston, Mass............
Waterbury, Conn..._..._
Jersey City, N. J.........
New York, N. Y.........
Plainfield. Mass..........
London, Great Britain....
July 11,1854
June 4, 1867
Dec. 31, 1867
Sept. 11, 1860
Nov. 19, 1872
Oct. 20, 1837
July 29,1862
Feb. 15, 1870
Sept. 19, 1845
Oct. 17, 1829
Apr. 18, 1865
D. Ball....................... Albany, N. Y............. Feb. 1, 1847
J. Clark-- ---............. North Hadley, Mass...... July 25, 1854
A. W. Webster..............
A. W. Gibbs..............
D. Fraser.....................
D. B. Conklin................
T. R. and J. Pullis...........
J. Sargent..................
C. Perley.....................
J. Capron....................
W. C. James..................
W. W. J. Toussaint..........
T. Peck-...........R. F. Stevens............
J. B. Sweetland............
G. C. Gooch and T. B. Jeffery.
A. Eliaers................
E. Jacobs....................
E. W. Staples, jr...........
G. Barton..............
O. Davidson................
L. S. Deming................
R. Espey................
E. C. Cochrane...............
F. P. Pfleghar................
G. Heegler...................
A. Hitchcock....................
G. W. Holly................
A. W. Morse.................
G. W. Wilson................
C. W. Earl...................
C. E. Brown..................
A. J. Culver.................
G. M. Darley................
G. F. Prindle.............
C. B. Richards.----------...
F. D. Green..............
J. Dillingham.............
J. Bell.......................
B. H. Green.................
W. W. Green, jr.............
A. D. Witzleben.........
D. I. Stagg...................
W. Post.....................
A. Howard..................
J. Collins.................
L. F. Howell..............
L. Yale, jr...................
T. M. Lyons.................
C. W. Barnes...............
W. Glue....................
J.C. Plumer.................
L. Evans................
R. T. Knight.................
W. Sellers...................
A. Whitmarsh...............
E. C. Tilson..................
Waterbury, Conn.........
Norwich, Conn...........
New York, N. Y..........
Hardwick, N. J.........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Rochester, N. Y -..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Fishersville, N. II.........
Boston, Mass.............
Syracuse, N. Y............
Syracuse, N. Y:...........
Pontiac, Mich.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Boston, Mass.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Norwich, Conn...........
Waterford, N. Y..........
Ballston Spa, N. Y........
Newington, Conn........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Buffalo, N. Y............
New Haven, Conn......
San Francisco, Cal.....
New York, N. Y.........
Low Moor, Iowa..........
Eaton, N. Y...........
Nashua, N. H............
Elk River, Minn..........
New York, N. Y.........
White Hall, Ill............
Nebraska City, Nebr......
Stockbridge, Mass.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..............
Williamsport, Pa.........
Turner, Me.............
New York, N. Y..........
Princeton, N. J...........
Janesville, Wis...........
Washington, D. C........
Hoboken, N. J...........
May 25, 1858
Dec. 16, 1873
Dec. 12, 1825
Mar. 12, 1872
Apr. 22, 1873
July 9, 1872
Feb. 24, 1863
Nov. 15, 1870
July 18, 1871
July 15,1873
Apr. 10, 1847
Apr. 10,1847
Oct. 18, 1870
Feb. 16, 1869
Jan. 24, 1865
Nov. 15, 1859
July 22, 1873
Sept. 23, 1843
Mar. 30,1835
Jan. 1, 1867
Jan. 21, 1873
July 7,1868
May 18, 1869
Jan. 7, 1873
Dec. 22, 1863
Oct. 16, 1866
June 9, 1857
July 10, 1840
Apr. 13, 1869
Jan. 8, 1856
June 29, 1869
Nov. 26, 1872
July 9,1872
May 8, 18601
Mar. 4, 1873
June 2, 1825
Apr. 3, 1849
June 11, 1841
Nov. 24, 1868
Aug. 28, 1860
June 13, 1854
11, 254
65, 451
72, 784
30, 005
133, 221
35, 988
99, 866
4, 200
47, 368
4, 947
11, 358
20, 381
145, 644
124, 422
138, 099
128, 816
37, 770
109, 298
117, 080
140, 99
5, 058
5, 061
108, 534
45, 984
26, 108
141, 019
3, 280
60, 703
135, 192
79, 550
90, 299
134, 542
41, 006
58, 827
17, 513
1, 678
88, 857
14, 047
133, 359
128, 903
28, 241
136, 505
6, 280
2, 1-1
84, 352
29, 770
11, 093
7, 940
127, 166
145, 630
83, 967
9, 350
115, 333
78, 355
111, 196
46, 697
5, 515
59, 414
42, 994
119, 499
1, 901
65, 692
102, 940
88, 098
11, 926
9, 176
59, 242
77, 367
132, 048
33, 820
38, 952
114, 116
132, 281
62, 957
113, 895
119, 757
143, 173
80, 872
Flushing, N. Y............ Feb. 18,1851
Milford, Mass..........
Bergen County, N. J......
Camden, N. J............
Newport, N. Y............
New York, N. Y.........
Janesville, Wis...........
Muskegon, Mich..........
Boston, Mass..............
Fayetteville, N. Y.. --.
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y..........
East Bridgewater, Mass..
Thomaston, Me..........
P. Bradford.................. New Haven, Conn.........
A. Kirkpatrick............... Newark, N. J.............
N. Briggs......------------------- Windham, Vt............
D. Dulkely.....------------------- Hampton, Conn...........
J. Burt, jr.................. Tiverton, R. I.............
W. G. Perkins.......... Walden, Vt..............
J.Ingels..................... Milton, Ind........
N. C. Sample................. Penningtonville, Pa......
E. Hede.................. Hartford, Conn...........
J. Van 3uzer.............. Otisville, N. Y............
W. Beebe.................... New York, N. Y..........
J. S. Brown.................. Washington, D. C-......... --
J. J. Love.... ---...New York, N. Y..........
R. Fleming.................. Victory, N. Y............
H. L. Bowen................. Belvidere, Ill..............
C. C. Bradley................ Brodhead, Wis...........
W. Dowell............................ Ricksville, Ohio.........
M. Durnell and W. Milner... Leesburgh, Ohio......
A. W. Green............. South Dansville, N. Y.....
J. B. Hough.................. -----Lebanon. Ohio............
D. W. Kauffman.............. Sterling, Ill...............
A. Lomax.................... La Porte, Ind.............
W. Martin......--.----... Clarence, Iowa............
H. Palmer and A. N. Case..... Kingsville, Ohio.........
May 28, 1872
Dec. 16, 1873
Nov. 10, 1868
Oct. 19, 1852
May 30,1871
May 26, 1868
Jan. 24, 1871
Mar. 7, 1865
Apr. 18, 1848
Nov. 6, 1866
May 31, 1864
July 30, 1833
Jan. 9, 1838
Oct. 3, 1871
Dec. 14, 1840
June 17, 1809
June 14, 1834
Jan. 24, 1834
June 11, 1867
May 10, 1870
Jan. 17, 1871
Nov. 23, 1837
Mar. 23, 1869
Nov. 14, 1854
Aug. 10, 1852
Oct 30, 1866
Apr. 28, 1868
Oct. 8, 1872
Dec. 3, 1861
June 23, 1863
Apr. 25, 1871
Oct. 15, 1872
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 18, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
Sept. 25, 1873
Aug. 11,1868
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 170O to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Double-tree, Carriage- -.............-.............
Double-tree-clevis hook..........................
Double-tree, Compound................
Double-tree draft-equalizer....................
Double-tree, Equalizing-----. ------.........---....--.........
Double-tree fastener............................
Double-walled coolers, Construction of...........
Doubling and spooling machine, Stopping-mechanisim for.
Doubling and twisting machine, Stopping-mechanism for.
Doubling, twisting, and reeling.............
Doubling, twisting, and reeling machine....
Douche, Electro-nasal............................
Douche, Nasal...---------------------------
Dough and cake mixer.....................
Dough and cutting crackers, &c., Machine for
Dough and paste, Breaking---------------.....................--
Dougrh and paste, Liquid lor raising............
Dough and sponge raiser........................
Dough, Apparatus for abrating--------------....................
Dough, Apparatus for raising.....................-.
Dough, Apparatus for rollii g and spreading......
Dough apportioning, expanding, and sha ping apparatus for manufacture of bread.
Dough-box for cake-machine...................
Dough, Breaking and kneading...........
Dough-breaking machine..............
Dough-breaking machine.......................
Dough-breaking machine......................
Dough, crushing sugar, &c., Machine for rolling -
Dough-cutter and rolling-pin, Combined.........-.
Dough-dresser, Rotary.............................
Dough for biscuit, &c., Preparing.................
Dough for bread, Apparatus for raising..........
Dough for molding crackers, Machine or preparing
Dough into loaves or crackers, Machine for molding and shaping.
Dough-kneader-- - - --- - - --- - - - -- --
Dough-kneader- ---...........................
Dough-kneader and meat-pounder, &c-.........
Dough kneader and roller..................
Dough-kneading machine........................
Dough-kneading machine.........................
Dough-kneading machine....................
Dough-kneading machine....................
Dough-kneading machine........................
Dough kneading machine.......................
Dough kneading machine...................
Dough machine...................................
Dough machine..................................
Dough, Machine for breaking or working.......
Dough, Machine for feeding the flour, mixing the
materials, and kneading.
Dough. Machine for making.....................
Dough, Machine for sheeting...----------.------
Dough, Machine for sheeting----......
I)ough, Machine for sheeting....................
Dough making and kneading machine - --....... - -....
Dough, Method of kneading...............
Dough mixer and roller...........................
Dough-mixer, Revolving...--------- -..
Dough-mixer, Revolving.......
Dough mixing and kneading machine........
Dough mixing and kneading machine.....
Dough-mixing machine.....................
H. W. Palmer................
M. V. B. Williamson........
J. Hoover...............
W. W. Bently.................
J. VWykoff.................
M. V. B. Williamson.......
E. Griswold, J. B. Cramer, and
W. Blay.
D. W orst.....................
J. O.dfield..................
J. Arnold................
Kingsville, Ohio........
Jamesport, N. Y........
Manchester, Md.....
Lee Township, Mich......
Grant City, Mo.........
Jamesport, N. Y.......
Helena, Mont...........
South Bend, Ind..........
Thompsonville, Conn...
Pawtucket, R. I........
W. Cockcroft and R. Ackroyd Chester, Pa..............
G. Levan.....................
H. E. and J. Haight...........
M. Mattson................
S. E. Adams..................
W. B. Snyder...............
T. Holmes...................
I. M. Heagle-------------..................
D. Pettibone.............
A. and G. Sauer and L. Cachal
W. Pearce....................
E. Fitzgerald.................
T. Stockton..................
G. F. Fessenden...............
J. Perry.................
H. F. Morse......-..---........N. B. Petterson..............
D. M. Holmes...........
I. Cole........................-------------------
C. Barnard....................
L. Folger..----------------
L. Shaw...................
G. Perkins.....---------------
F. E. Chadwick...............
G. H. Cross...................
J. R. Treadwell..............
J. Johnson...................
F. C. Treadwell,jr............
W. Hotine..................
J. H. Barr and J. H. Smith...
L. Bell......................
H. H. Hawes..............
C. C. Johnson..............
H. P. Jones............
F. C.King...............
S. H. Lombard................
J. C. Loveland...............
E. Mathers...................
W. B. Morrison........
A. J. Palmer.........P. W. Robinson...............
A. P. Routt..............
G. W. Sanders.....------------
C. B. Sawyer..................
F. Thrall.....................
W. Tyler.....................
C. I. Wilmans and W. J. Wolfe
P. Perry................
W. A. Snow.................
G. R. Baker.................
H. Berdan...................
S. Emmore..............
J. S. Fisher and S. W. Talbot.S. Nixon..................
J. L. Rolland.................
N. C. Willett................
O. B. Fuller...................
D. and T. Shackford...........
J. W. Post.................
J. Hecker and W. Hotine.....
Gap, Pa..............
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.........
Springfield, Ohio.......
Bridgeport, Conn......
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
New Haven, Conn.......
Paris, France.........
McLean County, Ill......
New York, N. Y...-..
North Chenango, Pa......
West Cambridge, Mass...--
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Manchester, N. H.........
McGregor, Iowa........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Nantucket County, Mass.
Burlington, Vt........
Gardiner, Me.............
Montpelier, Vt............
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Brooklyn, N. Y.....
Roanoke, Ind...........
Washington, D. C.......
Mount Meridian, Va._...
Springfield, Vt........
Davenport, Iowa........
Portland, Me..........
Winona, Minn............
Springfield, Vt......
Harrisville, W. VaMuskegon, Mich........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New Bedford, Mass.....
Orange Court-House, Va..
Springfield, Mass........
Fitchburgh, Mass........
Oshkosh, Wis...........
Georgetown, D. C.........
Olney, Ill.................
Charlestown, Mass.......
Killingworth, Conn.......
Brooklyn, N. YV............
New York, N. V..........
Stouchsburgh, Pa........
Dedham, Mass............
Prince Georges County,Va
Paris, France...............
Jonesborough, Tenn......
Newark, N. J............
West Brook, N. Y.........
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y..........
Date. No.
Apr. 13, 1869 88,896
Feb. 11, 1868 74, 471
Mar. 21, 1865 46, 904
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 888
Oct. 6, 1868 82,781
Feb. 11, 1868 74,470
Feb. 11, 1868 74, 347
Dec. 13,1870 110,095
Feb. 23, 1869 87, 283
May 24, 1870 103, 277
Sept. 2, 1873 142, 374
July 20,1846 4, 649
Aug. 30, 1813
June 3,1862 35, 458
Nov. 22, 1870 109, 367
June 25, 1872 128, 257
Sept. 6, 1870 107, 050
Apr. 13, 1838 689
Nov. 16, 1797........
Aug. 9,1870 106,213
July 7, 1868 79, 680
Jan. 3, 1865 45, 706
Mar. 28, 1865 47, 050
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 323
May 26, 1868 78, 232
Apr. 2, 1872 125, 208
Oct. 31, 1871 120, 394
Feb. 9,1869 86, 752
Dec. 12, 1848 5, 959
Apr. 17, 1810........
Nov. 1, 1804.....
May 26,1843 3,102
Apr. 23,1867 64, 029
July 2, 1872 128, 462
June 11, 1867 65,649
Sept. 15, 1863 39, 972
Oct. 5,1858 21, 683
May 13, 1856 14, 889
Sept. 11, 1866 57, 908
July 12,1870 105, 1293
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 823
Mar. 14, 1871 112, 707
July 2, 1867 66, 351
Jan. 15, 1867 61, 206
July 25,1865 48, 979
May 19, 1868 78, 106
Jan. 16, 1866 52, 062
Jan. 23, 1872 122, 902
Oct. 1,1867 69, 467
Aug. 9, 1864 43, 791
July 30, 1867 67, 353
Aug. 7, 1866 56, 995
June 19,1866 55, 718
July 13, 1869 92, 479
June 8, 1869 91, 054
May 16,1871 114, 993
June 9,1868 78,778
July 3, 1866 56,091
June 25, 1872 128, 333
Oct. 10, 1865 50, 322
Sept. 15, 1857 18, 180
Dec. 3, 1867 71,723
Apr. 23, 1822.....
Feb. 28, 1818........
Jan. 9, 1855 12, 217
Dec. 28, 1832.......
July 8, 1873 140, 695
Mar. 2, 1836.
Mar. 14, 1840 1,516
Nov. 24, 1857 18, 723
Feb. 14, 1806.....
Mar. 12, 1872 124, 431
Nov. 18, 1873 144, 666
July 25, 1871 117, 474
July 1,1856 15, 254
Feb. 19, 1850 7, 105
Oct. 9, 1866 58, 596
June 25, 1872 128, 288
Oct. 6, 1868 82, 710
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 403
Mar. 26, 1872 125, 072
Oct. 9, 1866 58, 691
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 652
Jan. 2-2, 1867 61, 307
June 15, 1869 91, 335
Sept.2 1, 1869 95, 021
Oct. 8,1861 32, 432
Feb. 25, 1873 136, 144
July 5, 1864 43, 415
Feb. 20.1866 52, 678
G. Richards.................. Stonington, Conn.........
D. B. Fuller.................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
O. B. Fuller......... Newark, N. J............
J. H. Shrote.................. Baltimore, Md............
S. M. Rlidgaway...-............ Saint Michael's, Md.......
H. N. Rider...-----------.. Adams, Mass.............
C. Chavanne.................. New Orleans, La..........
W. E. Damant............... West Hoboken, N. J......
F. Grenier................... Beroserac, France.........
R. Kent...................... Portland, Me............
A. E. Muth.............. Cincinnati, Ohio..........
J. M. Stanyan............... Milford, N. H............
S. J. Talbott.........--.-.-...... Milford, N. H..........
J. Bailie and J. Gervers...... Cincinnati, Ohio........
T. Holmes................... Williamsburgh, N. V......
T. Holmes.................... Williamsburgh, N. Y......
E. Fitzgerald...----... -New York, N.Y..........
E. Edwards................... London, England..........
W. Wells................... Middleton, Mass..........
G. Clark, jr., and L. P. Jenks. Dorchester and Boston,
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1373, inclusive-Continued.
Dough-mixing machine.........................
Dough-mixing machine................
Dough, &c., Mixing or breaking.___.--_.
Doughl, paste, &c., Machine for making. -.........--
Dough-raiser, Automjatic........................
Dough, Haisin.--" _Dough raising and kneading machine.....
IDough-raising apparatus.........................
Dough-raising apparatus.._................
Dough-raising trough.___----------
igh-roller -----------------------------------
Doieghrioler and cutter-._--------.---------
Dough, Roller for pressing.....................__
Dough rolling and catting machine...............
Dough-rolling machine..................
Dough-rolling machine.------------
Dough-rolling macline_...._...................
Dough under pressure, Apparatus for measuring
out and discharging.
1)oughnut-mold ----- -------------
Dovetail anid tenon cutting machine.............- - -
Dovetail joiut for wood, &c.........
IDoxetail joint, Sliding-------------------------..
Dovetail key-cutter...........................Dovetail-marker...............................
Dovetail-miarking device----------------------...
D v ti mo d (evice.._............
Dovetl-imolding tool..........................
Dovetaiul-moldings, Machimie for cutting-----
Dov etail-mortises, Machine foi- making ---_----.
Douvetails. Adjusablle rarefor- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
J. Davidson..................
W. Htotine..................--
H. Ball---------------------
E. Stevens..................--
J. Stai-k.....................
J. Perry and E. Fitzgerald. -
G. Scott.....................
S. V. Dodge.........
W. Lens-------------------..
11. L MeKean --------
1). B. Baker----------------..
W. Loin - - -- - - - - - - -
F. J. Ihece aiid G. WV. Hayward.
I. S. Schuyler------- --
H. Goodwin and C. H. Bennett, 2d.
J. Hecker and AV. Hotine.
J. McCollum.--..--------
J. Perry...................WV. H. Pool.................--
G. Machiet.............--...
T. J. Wells.................J. C. Ilursell................
1. S. Barnard...............
(. B. Raymond..............
A. P. Hughes................
J. Evans..................G. slhy..........
A. L. Finch..........
B. MeEnally and E. Farrell...
S. Withinigton...............
I. D. While--------
J.SI. IBabsiaand A. H.11 P..
Xenia, Ohio --------
Broolklyn, N. Y-.-.-.
Cincinnati, Ohio --
Londoni, England..-..
Thomasville, Ga..-..
New York, N. Y.-----
Steuibenville, Ohio...
I)e Solo, Iowa -..- --..
Kokonio, Ind......-....-..
Alleghiny, Pa----.-.
R ollerevilshe Ohio.....
Wateitown, N. Y -....--
ProvidenceB It.I ---.
Providence, 11.I...-.-..
New York, N. Y......
South Beiwick Jumiction,
New York, N. Y.-.-.
New York NY ----
ilavana, Ala.........
Thomaston, Me..---..
Newark, N.J............
New York, N. Y......
Baston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y......
Philadelphia., Pa.-.-....
Philadelphia, Pa.-.-.
Decatur, 111._.............
Sing Sing, N. Y.........
Detroit, Miclih -.----
Saint Louis, Mo..
Cincinnati, Ohio.-...--.
Boston, Mass., and Providence, H. I.
Clear Water, Minn....
Lancaster, Mass.-.....
New Alhaiiy, id...
New Aihany, nd....
Riichumonud,Ind..... -....
Philadelphia, Pa.--..---.
Harlem, N. Y......... -. -.
Battle Creek, Mich...
Pomeroy, Ohio..........
Dale. No.
May 25, 1869
Jaii. 8, 1861
Feb. 27, 1847
Oct. 20, 18.63
May 25, 1869
Mai. 9, 1858.Nov. 27, 1860
Apr. 9, 187-2
Jamn. 9, 111
Mlar. 7, 1865
Dec. 19, 1 -6
May} 26, 1868
M1ay 14, 1872
July:3, 1860
Api-. 13, 1r5
May 4, 1869
Mar. 22, 1859
1Dcc. 1, 1857
July 8, 1862
May 24, 1870
July 9, 187-2
Mai.- 25, 187:3
July 8, 1841
Aug. 13, 1867
Apr. 12, 1859
Mar. 26, 1816
Sept. 18, 1853
Apr. 21, 1868
Dec. 16, 1873
Api-. 2,157-2
Nov. 30, 1869
Nov. 30, 1858
Apr. 21, 1868
Dee. 15, 1857
Feb. 10, 1857
Sept. 6, 18:33
June 5, 1866
Jan. 1, 186 7
Oct. 10, 1860
Mar. 8, 1870
Oct. 23, 1855
Oct. 8, 1872
Sep t. 19, 1871
Dovetails and their grooves, Machinie for cutting. - E. G. Matthews......... -...
Dovetailini-board------..........................-A. Davis.......-.......-....
Dovetailing-macline.............................TJ. S. L. Babbs.......... -- - -.
Dovetailinig-machine...........................-- I J. S. L. Bahbs-.-..........
Ilovetailing-niachine....--............... J. Baiii and S. C. Brown...
1)ovetailiiig-uiacliinue -----------t----H H. Bashore.-........
Dovetailinig-machiune....................j JBl...........1JBel.-_.-....-...
Dovetailinug-machiie --------------"--------------j M. T. Boiilt-----_------
Dovetaling-miachinie........................ -- -- - -- --...V.G. Branch, J. A Haseltine,
aiid( W. and C. F. Branch.
Dov etailing machine.......I........H. Burley......... - _. --....
Dox etailinginaulinuc................'F.Burley...._ _.......... -
Dovetailing,-mach.Iine............._.... Coffin..................._.
1)oxetanlin" mucliue I-----------------.Cullen..........------..
Dov etailing-machine.---------------A avis.-......-......
Dov etniling-unicliine ---------------A. Davis...................
Doveutailing-macline ---------i...---.ad A. Davis..............
Dov etailinng- iachine --------------- J. Dill.....................
Dov etailini-iiichine ---------......J.Dill............
---.-_--.---Doxet inlun miacliiie -- - 11----- -- - --.H. Evarts................
Dovetiiung-imachine............_..H. H. Ev arts................
Dov etailing maclimo--_.............J.Flanders...............
Doxetailnamachine................ I A. S. Gear- mnd B. F. Duinklee -_
Dovetailing-nachine.__............... __
Dovetailin -machinie................
Dovetailing-macline------ ---------
Dovetailin.,machine------- --------
1)ovetailing-iachie---- -- ---- -- ---
Dovetailin -machine...............
ilovelailiii nachino __........-_..
D...vetailin gmachine..............
Dovetailin ginacliiiie......
Dovetailinmachine...............1)ovetailing-mach ine....i........_..
I)ovetailiiimacliiie.- - - - - -- - - -- - --,Dovetailing-machine.-..__........
Dovetailin -machinne..............
Dovetailing-machine ---------------
Dovetailing-machin ______m________
Dovetailing-nm-wine ---------------
Dovetailin -imachine-_____ _____- ---
R. J. Gould.................
C. S. Griffin and J. W. Wilkiiis
C. S. Griffin aiid J. W. Wilkins
II. I. aidtH. J.Hale, Jr...
J. J.Haley. --....--- -
S. L.Hart well...............
J. E. Haskell................
E. Heath...................E.Heathi...................oathW.eif.................
I. L. Jones and M. E. Carten-..
D. Jordan..................--
1). Joidan and J. Dill __.
D. A. King and T. Norris..
T. E., A., and E. King.._.
C. B. Knapp and N. S. Clement
C. F. Kulmule................
WV. A. McI~onald.---.---.---
W,. A. McDonald.-........._.
XV. F. M1 oody..............._
C. Ohlemnaclier and 0. Kromer.
L. A. Orcut.........
0. J. Penmiell and G. Ziminer...J. Phlilp, j--- - -- - --
D). Pemioy.---------
J. B.Rihey-.......v.
J. B. R rcliey......---
J. 11. S-ebmid. -......
J. B. Selimid........
J. MAl.cSuyour.......
WV. E. Si Ic-u.........
XV,. 1 Sibic..........
Cincinnati, Ohio........ ___Jan. 2, 1855
New Yoi-k, N. Y.....--- _..Jan. 3, 1860
Indiaiiapolis, Ind.----_. Feb. 5, 1861
Blackstone, Mass -..-Apr. 15, 1873
Lowell, Mass.............- - _Nov. 28, 1871
Lowell, Mass-.-.....-..---..-..May 27, 1873
Lowell, Mass.......... -- -- Feb. 26,1856
Grand Rapiuls, Mich.-... Aug. 30, 18 70
Boston, Mass.............--Nov. 19, 1871)
Chicago, Ill...... -......._Jan. 3, 1871
Chicago, Ill -------------- June 7, 1870
Vergenuucs, Vt............ Nov. 15, 187(0
Boston, Mass., and Con- Apr. 2, 187-2
corud, N. H.
Newark, N. J............ --- _Aug. 11, 1868
Williamsport, Pa....-.eb. 25, 187:3
Stocktonu, Me...-......Nov. 8, 1870
Chelsea, Me.............. Junue 20, 1871
Indianapolis, Ind...... Main. 3,186:3
Philaudelpia, Pa. --......Sept. 4, 1855
D~ublimu, Irelanud. -...-.....Nov. 11, 1873
New Albany, Iund.--..--_Mar. 22, 1ta64
Baltimuore, Md - --l-- am-. 4, 1873
Sari Francisco, Cal.-------_July 21.1
San Franucisco, Cal-__-. -_May 16, -71
Sum Francisco, Cal.---_Juuue 14,1 I
Appleton. Ohio..---.. Jumue 12,8 6
Sainut Louis, Mo------ Aug. 80, 1'0(1
Charulestown, Muss-. --_Febi. 1, lI'0
Chiarlestown, Mass., andl Apr. 19, 1870
Grind Rapids, Much.
Lexungton, Ky..._. Jan. 82286
Cherry Valley, Ohio.. -- Sept. 14, 185u8
Waterloo,Wis., and North- Jan. 2, 1872
ampton, Mass.
Washington. D. C. -.... -_Dcc. 15, 1868
MotHaven, N. Y.--_-.._Feb. 15, 1859
Molt Haven, N. Y.._..._Sept. 13, 187;9
Chicago, Ill..------ Apir. 1,187:3
Sanduisky. Ohio... l am-. 9, 1869
Albany, N. Y -...........,July 8, 1856
Williamusport, Pa._-_-_Nov. 7,1871t
Chicago, ill--.--------Aug. 3, 1869
San Francisco, Cal - ___.Api. 4, 1871
Pomseroy, Ohio........... - _May 113, 1871
Pomerouy, Ohio. -__------ July 25, 1871
Salem, Va............ Nov. 29, 1870
Salem, Va --------------- Nov. 29, 1870
Newark, N. J... Sl... am- 7,1871
We~stomn, Mass.... __. Dec. 6,1864
Westoni, Mass........ May 31, 18 70
90, 509
31, 08
4, 981
40 37O
90, 471
19, tuft)
30, 64.u1 949
46, ti1S SO9
29, (06
19, 968
2:3, 301
18, 758
35, 837
103, 366
1-28, 78:3
137, 142
8, 158
67, 1554
83, 54-2
i13, 574
145, 477'
125, 16
97, 3138
77, 149
18, 1338
16, 627
55, 2-23
60,1843:30, 382
10t, 704
13, 696
1:31, 93-2
119, 113
12, 122
26, 647
1:33, 145
110, 1642
104, 601
109, 194
'60 942
1311 2'36
109, 1-3
41, X91}
11, x,4
104 17
17 175
t4, 864
18)7 13746
15, 3;11
Index of patents issued fromt the United States Patent Office fromi 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Dovetailing,-maclhine----------------------------- P. A. U. Triacca...............
D)ovetailing-machine----------------------------- A. C. Van Aistine.-.......
Dovetailing-machine ----------- ---------------- -J. R. Van Epps..............
Dovetailing-machino---------------------------T. D. Wh-te.................
D o ve tairin g -mac h i ne- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -D. Whitlock_._......._...
IDovetaiie michine----------------------------- E. Wight--------------------
Dovetarhing-machine-----------------------------IY. Wolf...------------------.
IDovetaihing-machine---------------C. Young..................
Dovetailing-machine, Cutter for------------------....J. C. Hlursell _......... _--..._
Dovetailin-maclrnie, Cutter for--------. _.-- ----1). Jordan. -- ----- - - --------
Dovetailing-machine cutters, Method of operating. J Bell.-- -.-- -- -- ---- -- -- - --
lDovetailing machine, Miter- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -F. A. Gleason.........
Dovetaihingniachine, Miter----------------------........F. A. Gleason. -______________Dovetailing machine, Squarejoint-------- --------XW. Pci-iin ------------------
Dovetailing-machine tahle----------------------- J. Dill.___--.-.-.Dovetailing rotary cutters in their headsMethod of. G. H. Mallory......_.
Dovetaiig-tool.-_--------.------------------G. W.Billings........
Dovetailing-tool------------------A. P. Hughes...... _... _....
Dowel-hract, Double headed and pointed....---------_J. Sowle.......__--------------....
Dowvel-gage -------------------------J. Er-------------------------
Dowel-hoop for cooperage------------------------..A - W. Ballow................
Dowel-pins, Machine for- naking---------M. Events...-...-..-- - - -....
Dowel-pius, Machine 1korniaking wooden. -... A. H. Boyd------------------.
Doweling---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - ---P. Jones................... - -- -- --
D)o we li ng -hbit used in ship-building--------------...... J. Thomas._-..-_---__--.--.
Doweling heading for cooperage, Machine for._-1..Hunt................... __.
D~owelirg-instrumnent----------------------------XV_. lowbay----------------..
IDoweling-machine, Cooper-s---------------------.J. German...................
Diraft aiid hold-hack attachment------------------XV.... H. Chaumberlin........ __.
Draft and shaft tug.--...............-------------1. Bower-s-----------------..
Dr-aft-attachment-------------------------------......M. Adsit..._.... _.........._..
Driaft-attachment-------------------------------C_. (. Coriolly. - --._--.
Draft-attachment for horse.-.----..--..-.----------...I C. C. Cole............. _..._..
Draft-attachment for horse----------------------F.. Sanford._.._.._.....
Draft-har---------------------------------...._. and M1. Foreman....
Dlraft-bar, Railway ILFee.................:......... ig l--------------------
D r aft -c h ai n,whiffletree, &c., Hook for------------...V. B. Paul._...---_.---.---.
Stamuford, Conna-..-.
New Yoi-k, N. Y -.....
Albany, N.... -........
Cincinnati, Ohiio..--.
Newark, N. J...........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Burlington, Iowa -..
Auburn, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass-....-.......Charlestown, Mass..-.
Harlem. N. Y.-------
Rome, N.Y.......
New YorkN. Y......
Low ellMas..-........
Gran d RapridsMich..
New YorkN. Y...Cevland, Ohio..-.-----.
1Philadelphia, Pa......
Biostoni Mass...-..........
C~levelmnd, Ohio........Sa n nt Chairles, Mich....
Girardl Township, Pa..
baco, Mo................
Newark, N.J............
Washington, 1). C....
Ontario County. N. Y..
Philadelphia, Pa -.
Oriskany Falls, N. Y..
ilodinia, N. Y............
Albany, N. YV............
Forest, N. Y.............
Rochester, N. Y....
Phelps, N Y.............
Meriden, Conn.-......
Dalton, Ohio.............
Moiitgomcr-y County, Pa..oMerrill,\Me------- --
Date. No.
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 548
July 22, 1873 141,t898
Apr. 19, 18ti0 102, 069
Apr. 21, 1808 77, 148
Jan. 30, 1872 123, 17
Mar. 11, i856 14,4-27
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 506
July 16, 1e87 66, 763
June 19, 18106 55, 061
May 31, 180 103, 730
Juily 10, 1860 09, 051
Mar. 17, I863 37,910
Aug.9, 1804 413,767
Mai. 24, 1841 2, 014
July 5, le70 104, 943
Jan 5, 1858 19, 035
Feb. 23, 188 19, 406
Feb. 21, 1854 10,548
June 27, 1871 116, 307
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 337
Mar. 19, 187-2 124, 056
Feb. 4, 1873 135, 410
Apr. 20, 1858 20, 016
Apr. 1, 1862 34, 835
Au 2,12-D ec. 11, 1820 -...
Ot14116..Feb. 10, 1803 37, 619
Jan. 21, 1870 104, 557
May 5, 1808 77, 575
May 5, 1808 77,4:3
July:3, 186 56, 012
Jan. 4, 18 70 98, 503
Nov. 26, 1507 71, 415
Apr. 14, 1808 70, 737
Apr. 4, 1805 47, 098,Sept. 10, 1872 1:11, 224
Feb. 21, 1871 111,944
Jan. 28, 1808 73, 804
Oct. 28, 18731 144, 052
Dec. 30, 1873ii1 14), 983
Dec. 9 1873 14); 474
Oct. 14, 1873 143,0911
Dec. 30, 1873 146, 011
Sept. 1,18688 81, 669
Arig. 12, 1873 141, 813
Oct. 25, 1870 168, 727
Sept. 22, 1808 82, 443
Fe. 9, 18119 80,708
May 10,11l114, 988
Feb. 23, 1u-69 )87,305
Dec.i168 85, 039
May 4, 1869 89, 014
May 28,1807 65, 297
Nov. 5, 187-2 132, 725
Mar. 14,1871 112,715
Aug. 11, 1803 39, 517
Apr. 1, 1873 1:17, 286
Nov. 4,1873 1144, 249
Dec. 5, 1871 121, 4114
May 20, 1843 3, 100
Apr. 10, 1847 5, 056
Draft-equahizer............................----J. Averill and E.S. Fitch. t.. hamplain and Mlovers,
Di-aft-equalizror.............................. J. P. Beckenbau,,h........... Springfield, Ill...........
1)raft-equalizer............................... E. H. Blake -----------------tCortsuigli Ill..._..
Draft-equalizer.......................... - - -- -- - -- -- 0. N. Collins and P. B. Stiles... tedaii Ralaids, Iowa.
Dr-aft-equalizer............................... V. X. Hinman - ---------_ Ekhart, Ill........
D)raft-eqlualizer............................... W. McClelland, sr............F ow-ier. Ill.......
Dr-aft-equalizer............................... I G. A. Musher................ ChamplainIN. Y.---._
Draft-equalrzer.............................- J. Parker ------------------ Pontiac, Michli-------.
Draft-equalizer..................................XV. M. Perkins and T. F. Van- La Fontaine, Id.
Draft-equalizer....................... _ __ __ _.... -....S. Shadduick _....... _..........Elk River Township, Iowa.
Draft-equalizer................................... I. Starr......................--Prairieville, Mich....
Draft-equalizer-.................................-XV. Stevenson----------------- Neponact, Ill.............
Draft-equalizer.................................---S. H. Smith ------------------- North Adams, Mich......
Dr-aft-equalizer.................................--IX alker and G. Trumhull. - - Blatavia, N.Y...--.......
Draft-equalizer..................--.............S. H.Wheeler................--Dowagiac, Mich.....
Draft-equalizer for horse-power.................. - - - A. Stewart.................. Troy, Wis.- --- ----_--_-.
Drat-equalizer for wagons.... ________..____L. Kendle, G. Gates, and J. M. Roehelle, Ill I..............
Draft equalizer, Three-horse.....................- +H. F. Jer-anid _.............Vandalia. Ill.............
D)raft-equializing attachment................... J. XWilkinson. _.. _............Prophetstown, Ill..
Draft-evener............................___...... Bunker_...._..._.......Hudsonr, Wis...........
1)i-ft for furnaces, Hot-air-------------.......----. Boughton- - --- - -- -- --- - - - -South Norwalk, Conn..
Dr-aft-hook, Detachahle--------------------------.. J.Nicholson..........Monticello, Ind-........
D)raft in flues, furnaces, &c., Machine for creating..- T. Fair-hanks-----------------....Saint Johnshury, Vt..
Draft in smoke-pipes, Using exhaust steam for- R. Winans...................-Baltimore, Md...__....
Draft-link, Sprang..............................---B. Richards..-----------------.._..North Industry, Ohio..
Draft-plate-------------------------------.....IG. Smith..................... Providence, 11.1....
Dralt-promoter_----------------------------__ jB. A. Haycock---------------..Richland, Iowa....
Dr-aft-iegulator----------------------------.....IJ. W. Branham-------------.Franklin, mnd. -.___._
Draft regulator----------------------------_..__.IC. A. Harper-----------------..Burlington, N. J.-..._
lDraft-regulator----------------------------B..... Harrington-------------._Boston, Mass............
Draft-riculator.--.-.........................---A. L. Ide.. - - - -- - - --... Sprinfeld, Mass-....
Draft-regulator----------------------------------- J. J.Smith and S.WXood-...Cleveland, Ohio....
Draft-regulator---------------------------------..H.B. Turner-----------------..Boston, Mass -........
Draft-regulator.:...--J. XWoodruff------------------.llahway, N. J. -.......
IDraft regulator and ventilator - --G hlo-------------------.GCisnIl........ oston, Mass-._---- --
lDraft-regulator for heating-apparatus..- -.. -___.- R1. E.Deane....... -..... __..Brooklyn, N.Y...........
Draft-regulator for warming-apparatus------------.J. Brown and C. R. Ellis..-.__.Newv York and Brooklyn,
Draft-regulator, Hot-air-furnace.............-F. E. Chatard, jr.-----------. _Baltimore, Md........_
Dinaft-regulator, Ilot-air-furnace------------------...S. J. Gold.... _............ _Cornwall, Coon.
D alt-regulator, Locomotive. -....- - -.. --........P. H. Corlett...-------------- _.I West Manchester, Pa.Draft-regulator, Steam-boiler-----------------I L t.. E. hase..... _.........IPhiladelphia., Pa..__.
Dr-aft-regulator, Steam-holler------------------H IIN.XXWinans...............I New York, N. Y......
D)raft-nogulator, Steamn-hoiler-furnace- - --- -- -- - - E B.Beach--------------.-__ X._ _ est Meriden, Conn.---
Draft-regultatorStove..- --------B.IotJ------------------ otj.....__..- Seneca Falls, N.Y....
Draft-regulator, Stove and furnace -_- -- -- -- -- -- ----J.Briggs--------------------.. _ _Roxbury, Mass........ _.
Drafting-attachnient -T-Evans--------------------.T vs.........._Newark, N.J...........--
Draftinnn instrument---------------..:....:.-.....1 J.t Moore----------------._._.Belmont County, Ohio --
Draftsman, Adjustable curve for use of----------I_.. _ S.K. Kirby...---------------..-. East Saginaw, Mich ---..
Dr-ag -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --.IWXVNewton---------..-----Geneva, Wis............
Drag and cultivator combined--------------------....II. H.thristie - - - _- - - ---------Perch River, N. Y -.__-._
Dreggand hookIDun-----------------------------It XV Wiss.u-----------------Qtkertown, Pa......
Dr-ag for- removing~ stones, &c., froum the bottoms of P. L. Lyme------------------... New York, N. Y -.....
rfiverstakes,&e. {
Dr-agGround ----___________.._.-fB. J.McAfee and J. H.Wirt- Delplnia, Ind.............
Drag-hook...-..-...........--.........-.-.... 11J.IParish............--------_-.I Chicago, I111.............
Feb. 9, 1809
Apr. 10, 1867
Al ay 2, 1871
Mar. 31, 1808
July 10, 187-2
Sept. 0. 1864
July 11, 1871
Nov. 2, 1869
Febi. 24, 1863
July 9, 187-2
Aug. 23, 1804
June 8, 1869
Apr. 3, 18600
May 7, 187-2
Juno 18, 1872
Nov. 10, 1803
(Oet. 14, 1856
Nov. 8, 1864
Feb. 13, 187-2
May 20, 1842
Feb. 16, 1864
Dec. 3, 1867
Dec. 30, 1833
Juno 7, 1870
Nov. 16, 1869
Nov. 11, 1802
Nov. 24, 1808
Oct. 31, 1839
Sept. 11, 186
Dec. 24, 1867
63, 95i
114, 291
76, 045
1-29, 551
44, 091
116, 902
96, 494
37, 781
128, 836
43, 897
90, 934
27, 087
126, 377
128, 035
40, 555
15, 870
44, 992
123, 608
2, 630
41, 598
71, 595
103, 896
96, 929
84, 452
1, 386
57, 9:49
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
11 1
Drag, Marine............................
Drag-rake, Hand.........................
Drag, Sea --------------------------
Drag, Sea...................................
Drag, Sea..........
Drag, Steam.............................
D rain - - -- - -- - --- -- - - -- --- - -- - - - -
D rain.............................................
Drain -------------- ----------------------.Drain and sewer pipe molding machine..........
Drain and water pipe......................
Drain and water pipe...................
Drain, Arched.....................................
Drain-pipe machine...............................
Drain-pipe machine..............................
Drain-pipe machine..............................
Drain-pipe machine.......................
Drain-pipe machine................................
Drain-pipe machine...............................
Drain-pipe machine..............................
Drain-pipe machine...-.------.... -....-....-..
Drain-pipe machine...............................
Drain-pipe machine........................
Drain-pipe mold...................--......---------..........
Drain-pipes, Apparatus for carrying........
Drain-pipes, &c., Apparatus for mixing and preparing material for manufacture of.
Drain-pipes, Devise for the manufacture of........
Drain-pipes, Flask for............................
Drain-pipes, Machine and mold for- ----------...............
Dr ain-pipes, Machine for making ----------..................
Drain-pipes, Machine for making...................
Drain-pipes, Machine for making composition - - -.....
Drain-pipes, Manufacture of..................
Drain pipes, tiles, &c., Composition for the manufacture of.
Drain roller and molder combined.................-----
Drain, Sediment..................................
Drain-tile-laying apparatus.......................
Drain-tile machine................................
Drain-tile machine...-----------------------
Drain-tile machine.......................
Drain-tile machine..............................
Drain-tile machine...............................
Drain-tile machine..............................
Drain-tile mold......................--......
Drain-tiles, Apparatus fbr laying...........
Drain-tiles, Bottom-plate for....-...----.-..Drain-tiles, Casting............................
Drain-tiles, Mode of laying.....................
Drain, Underground...............................
Drain, Waste-water............................
J. Faunce....................
G. H. Hackett................
H. F. Morton.................
E. Brown....................
S. Curtis.....................
J. Edson....................
G. Bradley................
G. R. Moore.................
G. W. Smith..........
G. WV. Smith...........
D. Copeland, jr..............
W. P. Kirkland..............
G. H. Titcomb and J.P.Culver.
G. R. Moore................
S. Carlton....................
T. J. Mayall.................
W. G. Monk........
G. Richardson..............
H. Bissell -_...............
I. C. Bryant.................
A. J. Davis...............
C. W. Kennedy -.........
P. McIntyre..........
B. S. Pierce and M. R. Pierce..
M. R. Pierce.................
G. Richardson................
J. W. Stockwell...............
J. W. Stockwell.............
J. S. Roake...................
D. W. Brown.............
J. A. Middleton.............
J. W. Stockwell...............
E. Dayton....................
P. McIntyre.................
A. Miiller....................
A. Skinner.................
R. Skinner and R. Gaines.....
F. Dickerson, jr..............
E. J. Eames..................
F. B. Fournier.........
G. R. Moore.................
A. Newkumet...............
E. WV. Rowe.......................
-. W. Nevill.................
J. Daines.....................
G. Graessle..................
J. Hotchkiss...........
H. Knight...................
T. Maycock..................
S. M. Smith and C. Winegar..
J. J. Alvord..................
B. B. Briggs.................
J. Parsons...................
J. Coy........................
I1. F. Baker-------------..................
J. C. I. Sturm.................
J. McMillan..................
S. H. Warner............
C. H. Parker and G. N. Copeland.
Washington, D. C..-_
North Tunbridge, Vt....:
West Sumner, Me.........
Kennebunk, Me.......
Lynn, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.........
Paterson, N. J..........
Lyons, Iowa.............
Springfield, N. J.........
Springfield Township, N. J.
Rochester, N. Y...........
San Francisco, Cal.....
Jersey City, N. J.........
Lyons, Iowa..............
Lynn, Mass..............
Roxbury, Mass...........
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y......
Milwaukee, Wis....
Hartford, Conn...-..
Washington, D. C.........
Newark, N. J...........
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y......
Norwick, Conn.....
New Bedford and Mansfield, Mass.
New York, N. Y..........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Portland, Me..............
Portland, Meo..............
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Woodbridge, N. J.........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
Portland, Me.............
Meriden, Conn............
Hartford, Conn-.--..........
Jersey City, N. J..........
San Francisco, Cal.......
San Francisco, Cal......
Hartford, Conn...........
New York, N. Y.._......
Berea, Ohio..............
Lyons, Iowa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brewer, Me..............
Richmond, Va...........
Birmingham, Mich.......
Hamilton, Ohio _........
Yellow Springs, Ohio......
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Buffalo. N. Y..............
Union Springs, N. Y......
Tecumseh, Mich.........
Sharon, Ohio..............
Cleveland, Ohio -..Oswego, N. Y.............
Centreville. Ind-...........
Buffalo, N. Y...............
Perinton, N. Y...........
I)arbyville, Ohio..........
Cortland, N. Y............
Charlestown, Mass......
Boston, Mass............
Hartland, Vt..............
Irwin, Ohio, Rockford, Ill.,
and Urbana, Ohio.
Fairview, Ill..............
London, Ohio.............
Lawrence, Mass...........
Morton, Ill...............
New Orleans, La.........
New York, N. Y..........
Meadville, Pa..............
Grafton, N. H..-...........
De Witt, Ill...............
Somerset, Va........_
Liberty Mills, Va........
New Orleans, La.........
Mount Pleasant, Iowa...
West Meriden, Conn......
Aurora, Ind..............
Roxbury, Mass...........
Adrian, Mich.............
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
McClure Township, Pa....
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Stamford, Conn...........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Feb. 22, 1870
Jan. 18, 1870
M ar. 30, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Aug. 31, 1869
Aug. 31, 1869
Nov. 11, 1856
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 9, 186i4
Nov. 15, 18614
May 23, 1871
Apr. 14, le68
May 3, 1870
July 16, 1872
May 4, 1869
June 21, 1859
Feb. 11, 1873
Sept. 6, 1870
July 11, 1871
Nov. 23,1869
Nov. 21, 1871
July 11, 1871
Dec. 7, 1869
Apr. 19, 1859
Nov. 14, 1871
Sept. 12, 1871
June 27, 1871
July 4, 1871
Sept. 17, 1872
Mar. 14, 1871
Sept. 17, 1872
Mar. 19, 1872
Nov. 29, 1864
Oct. 15, 1872
Sept. 16, 1a73
May 12, 1868
Aug. 9, 1870
June 25, 1872
Apr. 2, 1872
Feb. 4,1862
Mar. 11, 1873
Apr. 16, 1861
July 3, 1860
Mar. 11, 1873
June 14, 1859
Aug. 14, 1860
Mar. 27, 1860
Aug. 18, 1863
Nov. 4, 1856
Jan. 10, 1860
Aug. 25, 1863
Oct. 4,1859
Aug. 7, 180
May 10, 1864
May 1, 1860
Jan. 16, 1872
Aug. 23, 1870
Nov. 22, 1870
July 2, 1867
Apr. 16, 1867
Aug. 21, 166i
May 1, 1860
Oct. 4, 1859
Mar. 10, 1868
Feb. 28, 1860
May 5, 1863
Jan. 3, 1860
May 11, 1869
July 18, 1871
Apr. 12,1870l
Aug. 2, 1859
Nov. 11, 1856
July 14, 1857
Jan. 15, 1867
Sept. 27, 1853
Aug. 9, 1859
Oct. 15, 1867
June 29, 1869
Jan. 11, 1859
Aug. 10, 1869
Aug. 8, 1871
Aug. 22, 1871
Mar. 11, 1873
Mar. 15, 1870
July 10, 1855
June 1, 1869
Aug. 8, 1871
100, 021
98, 954
88, 325
109, 294
94, 402
94, 191
16, 044
155, 723
41, 542
45, 089
115, 030
76, 7 78
102, 623
129, 578
89, 630
24, 476
135, 721
107, 103
116, 920
97, 035
121, 160
116, 839
97, 668
23, 703
120, 999
118, 880
116, 371
116, 643
131, 375
112, 538
131, 366
124, 702
45, 229
132, 169
142, 930
77, 925
106, 290
128, 369
125, 125
34, 327
136, 608
32, 079
29, 040
136; 751
24, 379
29, 586
27, 669
39, 579
16, t65
26, 793
39, 621
25, 624
29, 516
42, 643
28, 050
122, 866
106, 709
109, 474
66, 380
63, 784
57, 284
28, 091
25, 73
75, 295
27, 324
38, 371
21(i, 708
89, 946
117, 156
101, 744
24, 928
16, 046
17, 809
61, 263
10, o0O
25, 027
69, 766
92, 062
22, 6 7
93, 584
117, 953
118, 322
136, 757
160, 910
13, 235
90, 743
117, 954
50, 756
5, 341
37, 823
Drain-water pipes, Machine for making----........... - C. Collier...............
Drains, Apparatus for suppressing effluvia from... W. Bryent..................
lDrains, Construction of cement----.. -.........-..... B. Livermore.............
Drains, Lining underground---...--..--. -- J. C. Miller, S. A. Clemens,
and G. H. Clemens.
Drains, Pen-stock for underground............ D. A. Parks..................
Drains with cement, Lining underground........ A. Watson................
Drainer, Pipe..................................... A. Brigham.........
Draining and pipe-laying machine-...------------I. C. Pratt................
Draining-apparatus......................... J. Rov........
Draining cellars........................ E. S. I)ickinson and J. L. Peake
Draining cellars, Sink-apparatus for.............. A. Knacker..............
)Draining-machine................................ M. Bucklin...............
Draining-machine................................. J. Cole and A. L. O. Wall......
Draining-machine................................ A. P. Routt...................
Draining-machine..........................- A. P. Routt...................
Draining-machine, Centrifugal.................... W. Richardson...........
Draining machine, Underground.................. A. Miller.................
Drapery-hook..................................... E. Carrington..............
Draw-bar......................................... W. Kotzum.................
Draw-bar and bumper, Elastic...................T. J. Mayall.................
Draw-bar, Railway............................ D. S. Beals..............
Draw-bars of railway-coupliags, Die for making J. T. Wilson.................
Sfollowers for.
Draw-bars or buffers, Method of making...-....... J. T. Wilson.............
Draw-bolts, Blank for............................ D. B. Oliver.........
Draw-bridge..............................--.... N. Macneale..................
Draw-bridge signal, Railway.................... S. L. Spofford..............
Draw-bridge signals, Connection for...........T. S. Hall.................
Draw-head face-plates for railway-couplings, Die J. T. Wilson................
for making.
Draw-head plates, Bending and punching......... P. L. Weimer...............
Draw-heads, Regulating the speed of............. I. MacLean.............
Draw-heads, Stop-motion for---------------..................... -- B. O. Paige...................
Draw-heads, Stop-motion for railway............. B. O. Paige.............
Lebanon, Pa.............. Oct. 31,1865
Paterson, N. J............ Oct. 23, 1847
Lowell, Mass............. Mar. 3, 1863
Lowell, Mass............Feb. 12,1861
Index of patents issued from' the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
lInvention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Draw-heads while in motion, Mode of changing the A. Jenks---------------------.... _Bridesburgh, Pa---------- Dec. 11, 1849 6, 938
gearing of.
Draw-hook and buffer, Self coupling. - - - -- ------ P. G. Gardiner---------------.New York, N. Y7.......... May 23, 1871 115, 050
Draw-plate --------------------------------------J. 0. Kane ------------------- New York, N. Y.-__ July 2,1867 68, 248
Drawer ----------------------------------------- B. J. Greely------------------.Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 22, 1873 138, 017
Drawer---------------------------------------- I. A. Howe-------------------..Boston, Mass-------------.Aug. 8, 187i 117, 885
Drawer-alarm ----- ------------------------------ W. B. Card-------------------- Sag Harbor, N. Y7-._Jan. 10, 1860 26, 813
Drawer-alarm-------------- -------------------.F. H. Purington--------------.Willimantic, Conn.-.Jan. 22. 1861 31, 188
Drawer, Bureau ---------------------------------M. Fitzgibbons---------------- New Yoik, N. Y -_-------Aug. 24, 1869 94, 096
Drawer catch, Money----------------------------..S. Hubhell, jr---------------.. West Salem, Ohio.-_July 14,18868 79, 988
Drawer, Closet, bureau, &c ----------------------- H. iR. Tailor------------------ Roxbury, Mass------------.Apr. 27, 1858 20, 100
Drawer-fastening-------------------------------J._ Scbweinfurt------J--Shweinfrt---------- ---PhiladelphiaPhil Palphia-Pa ----Oct. _ 8,Ot 187218 132,2,008
Drawer-fastening ---------------------__-------J. Serrill------------..------Philadelphia, Pa........... Dec. 19, 1865 51, 625
Drawer-guide----------------------------------__G. S. and H.Custis----------.. Chicago, Ill.-_----------July 28, 1889 92, 798
Drawer-handle ----------------------------------J. Smith---------------------_Brockport, IN. Y_-.__------Apr. 13, 1869 88, 817
Drawei-handlo ----------------------------------C. A. Stock..................--New York, N. Y17 -.__ Dec. 6, 1870 109, 984
Drawer-lock---------------------------------A. 0-. Burton----------------Rochester, N.Y1----------- Mar. 24, 1808 75, 854
Drawer-lock -- ---------------------------------- E. L. Gaylord----------------- Terryville, Conn-_--_------Jan. 1, 1807 60, 874
Drawer-lock_------------------------- ------E. G. Gory-------------------.Cincinnati, Ohio---------- Apr. 22,1873 138, 148
Drawer-lock-----------------------------------...I. Robbins-------------------.Hughesville, Pa--------- Mar. 2, 1869 87, 514
Drawer-lock------------------------------------FE. Skinner ------------------- Sandwich, N. H----------- Apr. 13, 1830-....
lDrawer-locking device --------------------------. L. Renker--------------------- Hoboken, N. J------------.Aug. 5, 1873 141, 461
Drawer or till alarm- -- -- - - - - - - - --- - ------ --- - -.F. H. Purington--------------.Williruantic, Con.----Dec. 13, 1864 45, 4:35
Drawer-pull.__.__________-- - - - - - --______C. S.and E.A. Barnard-....West Meriden, Conna...Feb. 11, 1873 135, 754
Dr aw er -p ul l -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --H.Herlt -_-----------------New York, N. Y17------Feb. 6, 1142 123, 398
Drawer-pull.------------------------------------1.IKintz----------------------- West Meriden, Con-_Mar. 21, 1871 112, 816
Drawer-pull------------------------------------...C. H. Pierpent -_-----------West Merieen, Cono -....Jan. 24, 1871 111, 243
Drawer-pull----------------------------------.... W. E. Sparks ---_-------- New Haven, Conn -_Ja-n. 30, 1872 123,301
Drawer pull and label, Combined.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --J. Quinlan--_ - -- ---------New York, N. Y-----------June 22, 1869 91, 81t0
Drawer pull and label, Combined._- - -- -.-- ----C. H. Robinson-----------------Greenwich, N. Y-----------June 29, 1869 92,102
Drawer, Slide-----------------------------------..J. L. Chapmran------_.-------West Roxbur-y, Mass-...May 3, 1870 102, 489
Drawer, Slide-----------------------------------..J. S. Gibbons-_---__---------Phil'sdelphia, Pa---------- Apr. 18, 1871 113, 871
Drawer-support ---------------------------------J. Baggs--------------------Li Esten, Md-.------------Nov. 12, 1872 133, 005
Drawers---------------------------------------...J. Bellamy------------------ New York, N. Y...-..Nov. 19, 1872 133, 138
Drawers-------------------------------------.... H. Heath--------------------_New York, N. Y -_-------Feb. 4, 1868 73, 975
Drawers_---------------------------------------0. Jenkins-------------------- Boston, Mass------ June 22, 1842 2, 690
Drawers ---------------------------------------- F.Rose ---------------------- Boston. Mass------------- _Mar. 18, 1873 136, 869
Drawers ---------------------------------------- J. Ware---------------------North Hohoken, N.J-_Oct.. 3, 1865 50, 308
Drawers, Cloth--------------------------------... J. Dyson -_--_--- _--------New Britain, Coon --- Oct. 20, 1868 83, 141
Drtawers, Cloth---------------------------------...H. Heath --- --------------New York, N. Y---------Apr. 28, 1868 77, 189
D~rawers, Cloth. _........ __.......................P. Wetmore and J. G. Hitch- Elizabeth, N4. J., and New Nov. 17, 1868 84, 073
sock. York, N. Y.
Drawers, Device for cutting out bands and frontseof. L. Bennet- -- -- - ---- ---- -- - - -Ainatcs-darv, N. Y - --. Mar. 3, 1868 74, 977
Drawers, Device for locking--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -C. E. Gould...._--............- -. Northampton, Mass....July 16, 1872 129, 404
Drawers, Device for locking a series of-..-.- ----W. F. Daly- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Porun d -_- ---- - ---.--July 1, 1873 140, 481
Drawers, Device for locking a series of.- - -_- - ---- C. A. Stock- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --New York, N. Y---------- _Apr. 1, 1873 137, 391
Drawers, Device for supporting.-- -- -- -- -- - - -.----C. F. Langford.- -_- -- ------Brooklyn, N. Y.- -_--------Dec. 26, 1871 122, 178
Drawer-s for wearing-apparel------------H rwr--_-----------__NwYrN ----------H.b 812 okn............__._ + Brewer------------------LNw York,VN. Y----------Fe. 28, 1825-2. -
IDrawers, Mo's-------------------------------- -E. L. Closse---------__-------Cleveland, Ohio----------- Aug. 19, 1873 142, 0
Drawes-s, Men's---------------------------------..K. V". 11. Lansingh,jr----------- Albany, N. Y------------- Nov. 28, 1871 121,250
Dr-awers-stretching franme-----------------------..J. Dyson ---------------------New Britains, Coon....Aug. 18, 1868 81, 263
Drawers-supporter-------------------__.--------C.1". Langford---------------- Brooklyn, N.Y17-----------Jan. 23, 1872 123,0-27
Drawers, Supporter for soon's-------------------- _ __ __ _E. K. Cleaveland.------------.. Boston, Mass-------------_.. _Apr. 15, 1871 137, 761
Drawers, Supporting furniture -------------------11. 11. Taylor ------------------ Roxhury, Mass------------ Fob. 21, 1860 27, 247
Drawing and camera table -----------------------2J. B. Stackpolo--------------Boston, Mass-------------- Nov. 17, 186:3 40, 647
Dr-awing apparatus, Perspective------------------A. Ri chter ------------------- New Yes-k, N. Y---------- Nov. 10, 1852 9, 409
Drawn- board.---------------------------------H1. W. Chamberlin-----------Pittsfield, Mass -__- ---_- Dec. 25, 1'49 6,967
Drawsn'-hoard..................................-C. G. Colliss------------------New Yes-kN.Y17----------June 4, 1872 127,7
Drawing-hoard ---------------------------------.J. B. Franklin----------------- New York, N.Y.--------Aug. 8, 1871 117, 761
Drawing-hoard-------------------------------... I. P.liarisell------------------ ISpringfieldIll-----------Aug. 31, 1858 21,336
Drawing-boarsd..-..-.--..-...............--------A. Hitchcock----------------- New Yosk, N. Y----------June 3,187:1 139,507
Dr-awinig-bo-aid---------------------------------.T. H. Kane-------------------- New York, N.Y.17 -... Jan. 7,1873 134,550
Drawsng-boasd--------------------------------- _W. Kottcl -sod H. Esser-...HobokenN.J.--._ May 13, 1n73 138, 896
Dr-awing-board-------------------------------..._1 11.31. Moyer------------------ Denver, Cole------------May 27, 187:3 139,411
Drawvsng-board---------------------------------- L. F'. Selirenkel-------------- 4New York, N. Y17----Mar. 26, 1872 125,089
Drawing-board, Symmetrical-------------------._ __ __ __ C. D. B ihuian.- - - -- -- -- -- ----LouisvilleKy------------.Oct. 24, 1865 10, 583
Drawing-heard trestle------------------------. 11. Ilarilen------------------Piladelphsi, Pa---------- Dec. 2,1873 14), 174
Drawing-boards, Ruler-attachment for- -_.--.- -----. Bergiser-------------------_ _ _ _Pisladelpia, Pa - - - - ----Apr. 18, 1871 11,l 2
Drawirng-clamp-----------------------------.J. Bouniol-------------------.. 1.'.. _ hiladelphsa, Pa----------.Feb. 4,1868 7.3, 947
Drawing, Device fur teaching---------- A. C. Covell------------------. _ _New Yes-k, N. 17----------_.May 27, 1873 139, 237
Drawing-frame.................................. S. Brooks and J. Standish-_.. West Gorton, England... July 16, 1872 128, 99
Drawing-frame---------------------------------..G. Draper--------------Hopedale, Miss..........-Apr. 18, 1871 113,752
Drawing-frame ----------------------- G. Draper-------- ----------Hopedale, Mass.--- Dee. 27, 1870 110, 516
Drawing -rine---------------------------------- J. T. Harris-------------------lRichsmons, H. I----------- July 2, 1872 108, 618
Drawing-frame------------------------------- OP. Hussey_-----------._ Nashua, N. H------------- Sept. 14, 1889 94, 752
lDrawing-fr'rmo---------------------------------..C. P. Leavitti-----------.---- Now York, N. 17----------Nov. 22, 1870 109,4:10
Drawinge- Irime.................................. J. McDonald----------.__----Cosicord, N. C.......- - -.Oct. 1, 1872 131, 766
Drawing-lIranso----------------------------------- B. Moon-.___----------------Coventry, 11 -I.1......-..July 18, 1871 117, 098
Drawing-frame - - ----- ------ --- ------- ------J. Pray and C. Stafford-....IEast Killingly, Conn-...Nov. 12, 1846 4, x'47
Dain rie--------- ------------G. E. Taft-------------------- Norltlibsidge, Mass...Apr. 25, 1871 114, 064
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Drawing-frames, &c., Top-roll for.................
Di awing-instrument---------------------------
Drawing-knife-------------------- -------------
Draiang-knife ---------------------------------
Drawing-knife O--------------------------------
1)iawing-k nife ---------------------------------.lias iiig-ife it---------------------------------
Draiwit"-knife.................................IDraiwin"-knife ---------------------------------
Driawingrmtchine i-oiler------------------------
Drawin"-machinery, Applying pressure to toprolls of.
Dr-awing metals, Apparatus for----------------.....
Drawing perspsective muechanically...... -__-.
Drawing- rods antd shafting, Machine for cold..
Diawing-roller- cleaner---- -------_ --
Dirawing- olli-r regulator --- ----------
Drawing-iollers, 1Vachisic for rolling cots on-_-__
Dirawig-ioller s, Mode of lubi fiting -..........._
Draiwing-roll(-rs,IVWiper for----------------------
Drtwing scrolls, Instrument for---------
Drawing-table and desk, Combined. --------.
Drnawin'sIistrument for hatch-lining... _. _--_.
IDrawings, Machine for making perspective-_-._
D ray - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dredge, Boxl....................................
D red.c-box. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dredge-box - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - -
Dredge-box, cake-cutter, a'nd grater.- -..- ---- _Dr edge-biox with grater and cake-cutter attached.Dredge, Salt and pepper.......................--
D redger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1Dredger-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D iedgei-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D redgei - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D iedger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Drcd'in" and excavating machine --------
DrIedging and excavating machiiie...............
Diodgin" saparains.------------------------
I )eulgiiig-apparatus............................
lDred'isng-boat foi- excavating rivers -- -- -- -- -- -- -
IDiedgin" boat, Harbor..........................
Diedging- boat, Steam.........................._
Dredging-ca-i---------- ----------------------
Dredeing-machine -----------------------------
D)redging-rmachiiie.............................Lrr'dgan giii'achine..................._...._......
Died' in"- maciiie.............................
Died'ing-matchine -----------------------------
Inventor. Residence. Date.
H. T. Potter...----------------....Norwich, Conn------------Sept. 2, 1873
E. W. Elisworthli------------.. East Windsor, Con -.June 7, 1845
J. P. Jamison----------------- New York, N. Y----------.June 12, 1861
W. WV. Wyithes---------------..Philadelphia, Pa---------- July 27, 1858
J. U. Atwater................ Oshtemo, Mic----------- IJune 18, 1870
C. C. Barton----------------..
W. Bradly-------"--"---------
M. Brooks ------------------
T. M. Carke ----------------
E Parker..................
E. Richirds.-.-........------
J. C. Smead.........
H. C. Smith.................A. M. Steele-----------------
H. N. Watrous..............
F. and G. G. Cragne --
N. E. Hale -------------------
L. Christoph,W. Hankswcrth,
and G. P. Harding.
S. De Witt.................
G. H. Billings ----------------
D). ilussey------------------..
S. P. Spencer...............
D. Crowley-----------------
Wm. Hayden.................--
WV. C. Joslin._............
F. Hardenurg............._
1. M. Dunham--------------..
E.E. Stebbins-...............
WV. Bell....................---
J. L. Ross and F. C. Hanson -.. -
J. A. Wilkens...............
E. K. ilaynes- -- -- -- -- - - - - -
II. Lyyons --------------------
C. S.Marlin-----------------
E. Warren and T. Brangwin -.
E. H. Bisopell---------------
N. A. Williams...............
H. M. Clark..................
P. F. Cooley..................
J. Dalzell---_-------.......
W W. Putwn--------------
I. SmiPt...................
C.F. Speiieer................
A. F.FTripp...............
T. Williams.................
S.Cooke...................G. D. Bayley................
D. U.Ripley................A. C. Booth.................
T. J. Clepper...............J. 1' Morse................--
R. G. tackard..............
T. Synionds............
T. Symonds.................W. Atkinson...............
B. and DI. Hughes.... _.......
C. A. Scanlan...............- -
EL. Bradty ----....---"
W. H. Nobles...............--
W. H. Nobles............
D. W. Pepper...............E. B. Bishop................A. Blood, si-.._......._.._.....
A. IBoschke.................
T. Byrne..................."1D. Carmichael and J. C. Osgood
0. Chanute and G. L. Munison.W. A. Collins...............
D. C. Cregier...............--
J. Du Bois...................
W. Easby...................
J. Ebbert...................
C. H. Fonda................--
C. H. Fonda and T. B. Lyons...
H. Gonellaz-------- --------
L. J. tGormyo.................
A. J. Cove..................--
A. J. Cove..................J. Hamnilton...._........... _..
D. S. Howard................
D. S. Howard...............
R!ochester, N. Y........... June 21, 1878
Mount Joy, Pa-.-.........Mar. 5, 187-2
Chicago, Il11-- ----- ------ -Dec. 16, 1873
Winsted, Conn-.. --......Nov. 21, 1871
Chainbersburgh, Pa-...Sepmt. 9, 187:1
Hingham, Miss........... - -June 28, 18:36
Hntingtoii, Ohio.-----_---Nov. 19, 1 87 2
Westville, Conii..... ---..July 9, 1872
Danbury, Coun- - -- - -- - - --Jan. 30, 1872
Cham lestown, Ohio - -__--Dec. 15, 1837
Lewiston, Me-------------...Apr. 28, 18168
Nashua, N. H........Nov. 8, 1859
Paris, France, Gartness, July 21, 188
North Britain, and Chiswick, England.
Albany, N. Y._........Apr. 30,1813
Cincinnati, Ohio._____. Aug. 13, 187Â~2
Nashua, N. H... _.......... -May 15, 186
Lancaster, Pa............-June 29, 1838
Philadelphia, Pa..........- - -Fo.11, 1868
Windham, Coun...........M r.ar. 12, 1850
Putnam, Con....._........Mar. 31, 1868
Providence, R. I.._........ June 25, 1872
Holyoke, Mass............ Nov. 5, 1872
Meadville, Pa.. -__........._Apr. 2-2, 187:3
Buffailo, N. Y-------------.Oct. 31, 1871
Boston and Charlestown, Dec. 26, 1871
Indianapolis, Ind..-___......Dec. 9, 1873
Hanover, N. H -..._ _.......Dcc. 10, 1887
New Rumiley, Ohio._-.._. June 14, 1834
Milwaukee, Wis.-.......Apr. 30, 1887
Ceresco, Mich............--Apr. 14, 1868
Adrian, Mich -___.......July 2, 1887
Philadelphia, P',s. _......Jan. 5, 1884
San Francisco, Cal..._..__Apr. 22, 1873
Warwick, H. I... __........Jan. 2, 1872
Toledo, Ohio.............. -- -- -Oct. 1, 1872
Pittsfield, Mass.... _-....Oct. 1, 18712
Birmingham, Pa............ov.Nov. 26, 1872
Chicago, Ill..............Feb. 20, 1872
Peterbor-ough, N. Y -. __. June 4, 1867
Cleveland, Ohio. -._-.......Jan. 21, 1873
Cleveland, Ohio.- _- - -------Oct. 24, 1871
Buffalo, N. Y.............-Aug. 18, 1870
Boston, Mass.............-----July 9, 1887
Bayonne City, N. J.. _.-_Api-. 28, 1870
Lebanon, N. H.._ _.......eb. 17, 18863
Pittsburghi, Pa __-............_Sept. 2, 1873
Portland, Me -......._-....Ap-. 29,187:1
Columbia, Pa..----...........Nov. 28, 187-2
Oshikosh, Wis. _.._- - - __--Sept. 9, 1873
Biooklyn, N. Y..- -- -- -- ----Jan. 14, 1873
Portland?, Me------------- _Fob. 25, 18731
Portland, Me............ Apr. 29, 1873
Brooklyn. N. Y...------ July 7, 1863
Philadelphia, Pa........ -.Miar. 2-2, 1870
Paris, France..... -.......Sept. 30, 18 73
Rochester, N. Y........... Sept. 21, 1889
Charleston, S. C -.- - -----Api-. 19, 1870
New Orleans, La.._.......Dec. 17. 1887
Saint Paul, Mum- - -------Juiie 5, 1888
Saint Paul, Minn. -..-....June 5, 1888
Philadelphia, Pa.- - -------Apr. 28, 1870
Shreveport, La..---_........Apr. 13, 1858,
Norfolk, Va-------------.... Atig. 11, 1857
Boston, Mass....._.......Sept. 22, 1868
San Francisco, Cal...Aug. 12, 187:3
New York, N. V ---------- Sept. 11, 1888
Btrooklyn and Chittenaugo, May 30, 1848
N. V.
Kansas City, Mo. _.......Jaii. 18, 1870
Bl omfiel, N. J.___. -_ Dec. 2:3, 1873
Chicago, Ill..............--June 30, 1868
Willianisport, Pa....._..... Aug-.18, 1888
Washington, D. C._....Aug. 75. 1810
Chicago ll....... _......June 27, 1871
Mobile, Ala.............. Apr. 17, 1855
Mobile, Ala............... Mar. 21, 1851
Houmia, La.-...........Aug. 8, 1872
Vermillionville, La. -_.-__July 15, 1873
North Buffalo, N. V. _-__June 4, 1872
San Francisco, Cal -.--_. - Nov. 10, 1868
San Framicisco, Cal._.. Sept. 24, 1872
Now York, N. Y......... Mar. 30, 1852
Lyonadale, N. Y. Jan. 9, 1855
Lyons Falls, N. Y--..--Jan. 21, 1870
142, 509
4, 070
32, 506
21, 841
98, 103
184, s5t9
124, 248
145, 485
1-21, 084
14-2, 720
133, 1-28
1-28, 821
123, 286
18, 877
77, 1731
28, 031
80, 057
130, 485
54, 73-2
20, 788
74, 202
7, 185
78, 199
128, 2-24
132, 714
1:38, 05:3
120, 384
1-22, 134
145, 378
72, 036
64, 316
76, 856
86, 4-26
41, 054
1:17, 9908
131, 810
131, 744
1:13, 307
12:1, 7592
65, 4:30
135, 048
106, 430
66, (61
102, 225
37, 716
142, 351
133, 303
142, 577
134, 817
136, 187
138, 295
39, 194
14:1, 289
95, 114
10-2, 049
7-2, 380
55, 346
55, 347.102, 428
19, 908
8-2, 376
141, 75-2
57, 859
4, 547
98, 818
79, 448
81, 076
1, 7:-7
116, 282
Index of ipatents issued from the United States Patent Office from 170. to 1873, inclusiv--Continued.
Dlredging-machine --. ----- -----.Dredging-machine............................--
Dredg-ing-machine............................Diedging-machine -----------------------------
Dred, inii" iihiu----------------------------
Die-eil ii ' -ichinc............................--
Drdii'"giachine ----------------------------_
Drecvin" isachine.............................
Dredging machine bucket......................
Dr-edgiing-machine-dipper handles, Mode of fastening~ racks of.
Dredging machine, Harbor and river.............
Dredging machineLlydi-aulic.................. - - ---
Dredging-machine, Pneumatic...................
J. IH. McLean.........
A. Minard._........
G. Mitchell................__
J. H. Newcomb.__.....
W. H. Nobles...............
Ri. R. Osgood.........
R. G. Paclkard________
E. Platt....................--
W.D. Rohertson -------
J. Stewart..................W. T. Thelin...............I. D. Yandecar...............
I. D. Vandcc-,ar..............
J. L. Vergniais..............
N. A. WVilliams........
T. and A. Walsh............
R. R. Osgood.........
A. "T. Gove..................
P. S. Elliott.. --- -----
A. F.DnFaur and C. H.Campbell.
Saint Louis, Mo.--.--
Point ia Ia Hache, La._
New York, N. Y...-.
Philadelphia, Pa _...
Port Norris, N. J.-----
Saint Paul, Minno __.
Troy, N. Y.....-.......
Brooklyn, N. Y.._-.......
Charleston, S. C --.
S-in Francisco, Cal..-..
New Londoni Conn..Balimore, Md....-......._
Clime- o, Ill.. _...........
Wurwick, P I...........
New Yoirk, N. Y.-----
San Firancisco, Cal. _-.Saint Louis, Mo.-_.
NewarkN. J., and New
YeorkN. Y.
Dredging-machine, Rotary.......................__ _ ___ _J. Molyneux.................-Bordentowo, N. J.
Dredging machine, Saud.........................-J. T. Clarkson.-.-.........Chicago, Ill..............
Dredging-machines, Method of directing the scoops J. Callaghan................ New Bedford, Mass.-__in..
Drnedging or excavating machine.................0O. Allen..............--....Norwich, Conmi._.........
Dredging-scoop................................ A. C. Ellithorpe............... Chicag~o Ill..............
Dredging, Spice and pepper box..................-- -- -- -G. W. Putuans............... Petem-bom-on-li, N. Y..
Dress and satchel holder comhined................ -- -- -G. McFadden................. - - _ Thous stun, Conn.-_Dress and skirt protector-------------............A.HI. Graton.................-Lawience, Kans._----
Dress-body lining, Lady's.........................S. Moseheowitz...............-- -- -New York. N. Y --.
Dress, Bay's............................----..... C. Herwick.-"---- --- e ok.Y..............NwFi.Y
Dress-cutting, System of.........................IT. M. Caipenter..... __........Grand Rapids, Mich..
Dress-emtting, System of........................._IC. Dittenhafer.__...........Canton, Ohio.............
Dress, Diving...................................J. R. Campbell................Boston, Mass.----.~..
Dress-elevator..................................---M. Dewey..................-- New Alhaiiy, Ind._Dress-elevator.,..................... H. Essex and J. Johiison. --_-West ilaverstraw and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dr-ess-elevator.................................__ M. Fox-----------------------oew York, N. Y.-----
Di ess-elev'ator........................... _....... G. Kammeri and D. L. Belier- New York, N. Y..___..
Dress-elevator................................. G. W. Keller.....--.........Philaidelphima, Pa.----
Dress-elevator........................__......S. A. Mloody.................. NecwxYoik, N. Y.----
Dress-elevator..................................I. Nathan............. -.....New Hiaven, Conn.
Dress-elevator..................................__T. V. Phelps..........Woicester, Mass.-------
Dress ------------------ --- -."--elevator..................W. E. Stein.............New Yoik, N. Y ___.
Dress-elevator ----------------------------------.C. Tage...................... Philadelphia, Pa..
Dress-facing....................................--- W. 13. Gallup...." -..........Troy, N................
Dress-facing_..................................J. A. Mackee._..._.............Lesion, Mass..........__
Dress-framie, Lady's.............................. J. R. Palmenberg_._... _NwYrNY...........xYukNY
Dress-goods holder............................... A. S. Grant..__...........Rochestei, N. Y. --
IDress-hiook.....................................-M. A. Keilig..................Boston, Mass...........--
Dress-hook, Self-fastening.......................--J. W. Strange..-...........Bangoi Me..............
Dress, Jubilee stock............... X_. V. J. Cantolo amid R. M. Ker- New York, N. Y.
Dress, Lady's..................................II. and E. S. Judson.... _.._.....Brooklyn N. Y -._... _.
Dress, Lady's. - ---.........-----------A. Kel I ey.................... - - - New York, N. Y. ----
Di- es s -l oo p ing clasp, Lady's........................ H.I Cole -.............. New York, N. Y.--_._._--
Dre s s measuring amid fitting appai-atiis-..........IA. La M e nt................-New York, N.Y.._.
Dress, Mode of attaching trimming to articles of.- J Sies................ -- -- - -...Liverpool Road, England..
Dress-pattern...................................F.P.Suiith..................Chicago, Ill.............--
Dress-protector................................. A.Heri ann -..............New Yoi-k, N. Y.-----
Dress protector......................_......F bliggiiis...............- B-oston. Mass -------. -
Dress-protector_............................I inies........._........._ New Alhany, Ind.---
Dress-protector..................................I.1 Witti no.._..._.........S-in Francisco, Cal..
Dress-protector, Lady's..................._..... I).IDay-------------_.------New Yor-k, N. Y....
Diess-protector, &c., Fabric for. -- -- -- - - - - - --- -- J. McMulleno- - - _-_- -- --------Brooklyn, N. Y...._.
Dress-shield--------------------B. M. THotchikiss...------------ _Naugatuck, Coon -..---.
Dress-shield-------------------------------._---. I. M. Post--------------------- Philadelphia, Ia----. -
Dresses, Apparatus for obtaining the nieasure for C. E. McDonald------------.. Indianapolis, nd.
Dresses, Cutting ladies'------------------------- H. Segar---------------------- Macomi, Ga...............
Dresses, Fasteninig for ornaments on-------------...D. B. lowvell....... __.....- New York, N. Y __.
Dresses, litting ladies'.- -- -.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -S. S. Richardson-----..- - ---I Baldwvin, Me.............
Dresses, iramne for finishing ladies'.- - - - --_---J. it. Williams----------------...Baltimore, Md _--_...........
DresssInstrumeiit for dialting ladies'-----------....H. A. Fowlerm................. -- -- -Aftoii, N. Y--. _........_.
Diresses, Method of finding waist aiid chest incas M. M. Turner- - --------------.... North Fairfield, Ohio.--.
July 9, 1867
July 12, 1859
Sept. 2 8, 1818
July 5, 1870
May 20, 186-2
Aug. 7, 1866
June 28, 1870
Oct. 1, 18742
July 18, 1871
May 24, 1870
Dee. 28,1858
Apr 2, 187'
Api. 23, 1867
Oct. 10, 1e71
July 30, 1867
May 28, 187-'
Jan. 21, 1868
Sept.30, 1873
Feb. 01,1865
Sept. 28, 1s69
Nov. 12, 1872
Oct. 4,1819
Mai. 26,1872
Jan. 16,18-19
May 1,185
June0, 181
Nov. 5,1867
July 21, 1868
Nov. 16,1869
Jun. 24, 1871.
May 16, 1826
Sept. 4,l1866
July 17, 1866
Nov. 30, 183
Jul, 16,1872
June 26, 1866
Feb. 11,1873
Aug. 28, 1866
Nov. 5,1867
Mar. 20, 1(6
July 10, 1866
Mar. 20, 1860
Nov. 11, 1873
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 10,,1865
Jan. 10, 1860
Mar. 26, 18 72
Dec. 31, 1867
May 8, 10
Aug. 30, 1826
66, 608
24, 730
21, 613
104, 980
35, 324
56, 98-1
104, 737
1:31 825
117, 109
103 37
23, 45
64, 1(i)
11', 90t
127, 397
7., 678
143, 247
46, 463
95, 1
13.3 022
125, 023
4, 020
116, 171
111, 236
129, 399
55 84-2
135, 703
57, 519
70, 575
57, 930
53, 3-24
56, 341
27, 578
144, 576
138, 3-26
43, 841
26, 781
124, 948
72, 86-2
28, 213
June 10, 1873 139, 677
Nov. 14, 18 71 1-20, 81
IFeb. 27, 1866 5-2, 822
Aug. 14, 1866 57,:54
Oct. 5, 1569 93, 523
Ap-. 19, 1a7.1 137, 967
July 1, 18731 140, 415
Aug. 5, 1862 36, 125
June30, 1868 79, 350
Mai-. 2-2, 18731)101, 203
Feh. 7,118631 46, 218
Apr. 1, 1873 1 137,311
Nov. 1, 1810 108, 908
July 1, 1873 140, 5318
Nov. 27, 1866 60, 0-28.Jan. 28, 1846 4, 367.May 5, 1863 38, 390.Apr. 4, 1844 3, 322.Mar. 3, 1824.
M ay 13, 1862 35, 2-26.Feh. 14, 1865 46, 409
Jan. 23, 1841 1, 944
June 29, 1819 91. 830
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 8;-2
Apr. 7, 1863 38, 130
Apr. 14, 1829..
July 3, 1855 13, 180
Aug. 1,1871 117, 985
No;-. 5, 1850 7,7750
Dec. 10, 1861 7l7,994
Jan. 22, 1856 14, 136
Feb. 19, 1867 62, 123
uremeut of ladies'.
Dresses, &c. Takiiig measure and drafting for the
cuuttuig out of ladies'.
Dressing-ease - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Drcssin g-case and hath-tub.....................
Dressing-ease. Portable.... -.. -........ -...... -...
IDressing-~combs otfavood, Manufacturing....
Dressing- conical tapering surfaces. Machine for...
Dressing-frames, Composition roll for............
Dressing irregiular- fornms, Machine for............
D c sam" -rolhw..................
Diessin" sticks to polygonal forms, Maclino for...
Drier: See Dryer.
D )rift.......................
See tBoring-(dIill Chiuck-di-ill.
Bow-dirill. Dental dirill.
Biract-drill. Dentist's di-ill.
A. A. Tenther...............
H. AV. E~stman..............
C. A. Staplgs.............._
J. Riussell.................
N. Bnshiiell.................
P. Peckiam.i................
It. Collier..................
A. Cai-y......................
B. It. Cotton.................
J. W. Killain...............J. E,,lin....................
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Baltimoie, Md...........Boston, Mass............
Bostoii, Mass............
Middletown, Conn...
Petersham, Mass......
Laurel, Md..............
Worcester, Mass......
Lewiston, Mo...........--
East Wilton, N. H...
Manchester, England..
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See Expanding drill. Rock-drill,
Grain-drill. Seed-drill.
Guano and seed drill. Self-feeding drill.
Hand-drill. Steam-drill.
Jeweler's drill. Stone-drill.
Machine-drill. Stone-c hanneli n g
Metal-drill. drill.
Mining-drill. Suction-drill.
Oil-well drill. Tapering drill.
Planter-drill. Twist-drill.
Pneumatic drill. Upright drill.
Power and hand drill. Well-drill.
Ratchet-drill. Well-boring drill.
Reservoir-drill. Wheat-drill.
D rill..............................................
D rill..............................................
D rill.............................................
D rill.............................................
Dr ill...........................................
D rill.............................................
D rill.............................................
D rill.............................................
D rill..............................................
D rill.............................................
D ill----------------------------------------.............................................--
D rill.............................................
Drill and bit stock...............................
Drill and blacksmith's tongs, Combined...........
Drill and counter sink............................
Drill and crane attachment.......................
Drill and cultivator teeth, Securing...............
Drill and fertilizer, Combined...................
Drill and holder..................................
Drill and sand-pump.............................
Drill and saw-gummer, Combined-------------.................---
Drill and seeder, Combined.......................
Drill and seeder, Combined.......................
Drill and seeding-machine, Combined...............
Drill-bit-. "
D rill-bit...........................................
Drill-bit and reamer..............................
Drill, Cylinder..-------------------------------..
Drill gage, Machine..............................
)Drill -head.........................................
Drill holder......................................
Drill holder......................................
Drill holes, Device for charging..................
D rill jar...........................................
D rill jar..........................................
D rill jar...........................................
Driill jars, Construction of......................
Driil, Machine....................................
Drill or pump-rod coupling.......................
Drill or well tube...............................
D rill-rest..........................................
Drill-rod attachment...........................
Drill-rod coupling...............................
Di ill-rod couplin.............................
Drill, roller, and cultivator, Combined.............
Drill-shaft, Feeding...........................
Drill-spring for quarrying stone, &c..............
D rill-stock.......................................
Drill-stock, Geared......
1)li'l-teeth setting....--------------...
Drill, Well...................................
Drills, Feed-motion for.........................
A. E. Allen.......
C. H. Amidon......
L. Andrews......H. and D. L. Bates
T. V. Boyden.......
G. F. Case.......
R. Dudgeon-.....
F. Glasser.........
H. Hufendeck......
C. W. Le Count...
H. Loftic and E. Hi
L. G. Marshall.....
L. G. Marshall....
J. M. May.......
C. L. No......
M. Nottingham an
A. Shiland.........
W. Stivers....
G. C. Taft..........
G. C. Taft..........
A. Thompson......
F. Vestor.....
D. Warner........
R. G. Wells........
E. S. Young and A.
C. H. Amidon.....
F. Nevergold and
P. A. Whitney.....
I. S. Lauback...
J. H. Thomas and P
G. E. Cooper.......
I. McLaughlin.....
E. R. Morrison.....
W. C. Marr........
J. E. Buxton......
J. E. Buxton......
J. E. Buxton-......
W. W. Grier and R
S. A. Morse......
P. M. Ward......
E. E. and C. T. Pac
C. S. Pattison......
D. Kunkel....
G. C. Taft.....
A. C. Trafton.....
W. C. Wells.......
W. C. Wells.......
E. G. Parkhurst -...J. F. Case.........W. W. St. John... -
T. K. Bacon....
C. Burleigh.....
W. Hall, jr.........
F. X. Lavalle.....
J. C. Eastman....
E. Guillod.........
R. McMullen......
C. A. Read...._.
E. Guillod.........
J. Conner and T. NE
J. R. Cress.........
J. Hutchins......
J. M. Cullen and A.
C. Teachout.....
R. S. Torrey.......
R. A. Clark.....
W. I. Downing..
T. S. Mills....
G. C. Taft.........
E. W. Walton.....
E. G. Lamson......
M. S. Brooks..
C. M. Daboll....
M. Hainque...
D. F. Hartford.....
W. H. Rand...
G. Page...........
S. Black...........
P. I and P. Schmitt
W. Tingley........
G. F. Case.......... Residence. Date. No............. Perch River, N. Y......... Sept. 3, 1872 131, 074........... Miller's Falls, Mass....... Dec. 24, 1872 134, 237
---............ Biddeford, Me............ Jan. 15, 1867 61, 134............ Dayton, Ohio............. July 13, 1869 92, 4i9............ Bridgeport, Conn......... Feb. 28, 1871 112, 115._-... New York, N. Y-.......... Feb. 12, 1867 62, 003. -. New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 2.1864 43, 673.-......- Mystic Bridge, Conn..... Sept. 1, 1868 81,769........... Saint Louis, Mo.......... Jan. 1, 1867 60, 895............ Norwalk, Conn............ Dec. 22,1868 85, 107
nman-...... Syracuse, N. Y------............ -- Nov. 21, 1865 51, 065........... Mokena, Ill............... July 18,1865 48, 819
-..... Mokena, Ill.............. July 18, 1865 48, 872........ Janesville, Wis-------........... ---Aug. 1, 1865 49, 129...... Bergen Point, N. J........ Mar. 14, 1865 46, 815
d Wi. Dun. Vinton, Iowa............. Nov.13, 1866 59, 631........... West Troy, N. Y.......... Mar. 21, 1865 46, 949
S....... New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 9, 1864 41, 546......... Worcester, Mass-.......... -- Feb. 28, 1860 27, 320........... Worcester, Mass.......... June 28, 1864 43, 372.. Burlington, Vt............ Apr. 19, 1870 102, 066....... Newark, N. J............. Mar. 24, 1868 75, 816........... Port Clinton, Ohio...-.. Aug. 13, 1867 67, 825.. Plumer, Pa.............- July 4, 1865 48, 609
Whipple. Whitingsville, Mass..... Sept. 10, 1867 68, 827.... Miller's Falls, Mass......July 1, 1873 140, 451
G. Stack- Pittsburgh, Pa............ June 19, 1866 55, 696.......... Woodstock, Vt........... Feb. 25,1868 74, 870
-New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 17, 1866 53, 992. P. Mast.. Springfield, Ohio.......... July 12, 1870 105, 387........... Baltimore, Md............ June 5, 1866 55, 243
East Arlington, Vt...... Oct. 18, 1870 108, 374.. New York, N. Y......... Nov. 15, 1864 45, 068
Peru, Wis..-.--.. ---July 27, 1869 92, 983.-........ Owatonna, Minn....... July 6, 1869 92, 262............ Owatonna, Minn....-... Mar. 14, 1871 112, 540
Owatonna, Minn......... Aug. 16, 1870 106, 320. H. Boyd. Hulton, Pa.....--------------- May 23, 1865 47, 812
-......-- East Bridgewater, Mass... Apr. 7, 1863 38, 119..... Cow Run, Ohio............ Nov. 21, 1871 121,223
ker-.....Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 26, 1866 55, 895.-.-.. North Adams, Mass...... Apr. 25, 1871 114, 193........Oregon, Mo....-.......... Aug. 26, 1873 142, 244...... Worcester, Mass.......... Nov. 27, 1860 30, 774...... -... Worcester, Mass........... June 3, 1873 139, 487.......... Newark, N. J............. Nov. 28, 1865 51, 248.......... Newark, N.J.1............ Mar. 31, 1868 76, 123.......... Hartford, Conn........... Oct. 1, 1872 131,775.......... Windsor, Vt.............. Mar. 22, 1870 101,095
-........ Syracuse, N. Y-----------............ Jan. 9, 1866 51,980....-.. Norwich, Conn............ May 26, 1868 78, 251
-......... -Fitchburgh, Mass....... July 28, 1868 80, 386........... North Adams, Mass...... July 28, 1868 80, 406........... Auburn, Cal.............. Nov. 12, 1872 133, 040......... Titusville, Pa.._.......... July 16, 1867 66, 816.......... Titusville, Pa. -........... Nov, 24, 1868 84, 353.......... Titusville, Pa............- - Apr. 1, 1873 137, 378..... Lockport, N. Y-----------............ Nov. 28, 1865 51,217......... Titusvillc, Pa............ June 16, 1868 78, 958
ewby.... Richmond, Ind............ Aug. 7, 1855 13, 383........... Chicago, Ill....... _Aug. 15,1865 49,386... Elmira, N. Y...............Nov. 13, 1866 59, 608
J. Baird..- Pittsburgh, Pa........... Oct. 27, 1868 83, 366
-.-W.. Waterford, N. Y.......... June 19, 1860 28, 791........... Bangor, Me............... Nov. 7, 1865 50, 857........ Petrolia City, Pa.......... Aug. 12, 1873 141, 694.. Shamburgh, Pa. - Nov. 5, 1872 132), 755
-. Kendallsville, Ind -... Jan. 14, 1868 73, 365........... Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 24, 1857 16. 900........... Drytown, Cal.............. Mar. 3,1868 75, 084
-Shelburne Falls, Mass.... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 262........... Chester, Conn............ May 17, 1859 24, 005... New London, Conn..... Aug. 11, 1868 80, 812... San Francisco, Cal..... June 23, 1868 79, 115... Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 17, 1866 54, 069... Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Apr. 4, 1871 113, 344........... Keene, N. H........... May 8, 1838 730........... West Alexandria, Ohio.... Mar. 4, 1873 136, 408
t.......... Waterloo, Ill.............. Feb. 16, 1869 87, 074........... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 338........... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 27, 1866 59, 963
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromnt 1790 to 1873, incurusive-Continuecd.
Drills, Gearing for operating......................
Drills, Machine for operating...............
Drills, Mode of mounting.....-------------------
Drilling and babbiting jig.........................
Drilling and bolt-tapping machine..............
Drilling and boring machine..................
Drilling and boring machine.....................
Drilling and driving machine...............
Drilling and hoisting machine.................
Drilling and milling machine.....................
Drilling and pumping apparatus.................
Drilling and pumping machinery, Standard jackpost for.
Drilling-and screw-cutting machine...............
Drilling-and screw-cutting machinery..........
Drilling-apparatus, Submarine....................
Drilling, Coupling-tool for----------------........................--
Drilling machine- - - -- - - -
Drilling-machine----- - - - -...
Drilling-machine- ------..--..
Drilling-nmichine- - - - - - -
Drilling-machine- ----......................
Drilling-machine...---- -----..
Drilling-machine.... --............................
Drilling-machine --------------------------
Drillingmachine - -- - -- -
Drilling-machine carriage.....-..........--..-..
Drilling-machine-cutter head......................
Drilling machine, Hand...........................
Drilling machine, Hand..........................
Drilling machine, Metal..........................
Drilling machine, Metal...........................
Drilling-machine, Portable........................
Drilling machine, Radial..........................
Drilling-machine, Steam..........................
Drilling-machine, Steam----------------------
Drilling-machine, Subaqueous.....................Drilling-machine table...........................
Drilling-machine, Adjustable feed-gear for.......
Drilling metal, Machine for.......................
Drilling or tapping instruments, Stock for.........
Drilling, riveting, and watch-jeweling apparatus..
Drilling-tool, Portable.............................
Drinking cup.........................
Drinking-cup, Invalid........
Drinking-cup, Pocket............................
Drinking-cup, Telescopic..........................
Drinking-cups, Mustache-shield for................
Drinking-fountain, Poultry.......................
Drinking-glass holder............................
Drinking-glasses, Manufacture of................
Drinking-tube, Invalid............................
Inventor. Residence.
A. Blatbchly................... San Francisco, Cal........
J. W. Stockwell.............. Portland, ie...........
H. Haupt.................... Cambridge, Mass.........
J. Underwood...- -.. Muscatine, Iowa..........
C. W. Coe................. Fentonville, Mich.........
H. Haupt............. Cambridge, Mass........
S. W. Shryock......... Hopkinsville, Ky........
I. M. Rose.................... New York, N. Y.........
W. C. McGill and A. J. Gibson. Cincinnati, Ohio..........
W. D. Sloan.................. New York, N. Y..........
M. T. McCormick---............ --Meadville, Pa.............
W. W. Eastman and W. H. H. Meadville, Pa.............
J. P. Heacock................. Marlborough, Ohio........
C. W. Coe.................... Corunna, Mich...........
J. Fanning................... New York, N. Y..........
A. J. Fullam.-.............. Springfield, Vt............
S. Lauchli- ----............ Saint Louis, Mo...........
J. Y. Smith............... Pittsburgh, Pa-.........
S. Lewis.................... Williamsburgh, N. Y......
J. R. Moore................. Brooklyn, N. Y............
N. Barnum and G. C. Schreiber Saint Louis, Mo...........
M. M. Ammidown............ Boston, Mass..............
T. P. Bashford................ Decatur, Mich............
G. W. Bishop.....--------------Stamford, Conn...........
P. Blisdell................... Worcester, Mass..........
J. Button--.................... Springfield, Mass.........C. W. Coe..................... Ashtabula, Ohio..........
J. Cumming.................. Boston, Mass----------.............
WV. H. Elliot.................. New York, N. Y..........
W. and J. Gardam............ Williamsburgh, N.Y......
A. Gordon.................... New York, N. Y..........
W. D. Grimshaw.............. Newark, N. J.............
J. Hale....................... Scranton, Pa.............
E. Hall....................... Byron, N. Y...............
A. Hatch.................... New Haven, Conn........
J. G. Hirzel.....--------------- Wilmington, I)el-..........
T. M. Howard................ Charlestown, Pa..........
A. P. Jackson and L. Thomp- Memphis, Ind. -...........
G. Koch...................... Cass, Pa..................
I. S. Lauback................. New York, N. Y.........
J. Lemman.................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......
W. Lyon...................... New York, N. Y..........
H. Martin.................... Duncan, Pa...............
A. Morgan.................... Wooster, Ohio............
A. Morgan.................... Massillon, Ohio...........
N. A. Morlan................. Salem, Ohio.............-..
W. Morton................... Woodhull, N. Y..........
J. Moulton.................. Boston, Mass.............
R. Nutty...................... New York, N. Y..........
W. F. Parker................. Andover, Mass..........
C. P. Philippi...........Crown Point, Ind.........
W. Sellers-----.. ----------. Philadelphia, Pa.......
F. Shaller..................... Hudson, N. Y...........
J. Smith...................... New Haven, Coun........
R. H. Springsteed.............Wooster, Ohio..........
G. C. Taft.................... Worcester, Mass..........
R. A. Thomas................ Damascus, Cal...........
W. H. Thorne....-........... Philadelphia, Pa........
W. H. Thorne and I. M. De Philadelphia, Pa..........
A. and C. Van Haagen........ Philadelphia, Pa.......
D. Warner, W. F. Peiffer, and Port Clinton, Ohio........
A. F. Lepper.
W. C. Whipple............... New Haven, Conn........
E. J. Worcester............... Worcester, Mass..........
E. J. Worcester.............. Worcester, Mass.........
E. J. Worcester and A. F. Worcester, Mass..........
C. Burleigh................ Fitchburgh, Mass.........
E. Weicke.................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
R. Daniels.................... Woodstock, Vt............
T. J. Sloan.................... New York, N. Y..........
W. H. Judson............... Titusville, Pa............
J. C. Keller................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
W. H. Thorne................ Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. A. Gray, jr................ Cincinnati, Ohio..._....
J. W. Fowle................. Boston, Mass.............
S. Lewis..................... Brooklyn, N. Y..........
T. Reanev............... Chester, Pa............
A. R. Morrill and H. Baldwin. Nashville, N. H...........
G. C. Taft.................... Worcester, Mass..........
G. Bunch..................... Bonnot's Mill, Mo.........
C. Hopkins................... Philadelphia, Pa..
C. Van Haagen --------.. Philadelphia, Pa..
B. Adler-.............. New York, N. Y..........
L. Grosholz................... Philadelphia, Pa-......
A. Millar..................... Roxbury, Mass......
J. S. Ostrander............... Albany, N. Y..........
M. P. Codman................ Boston, Mass.............
J. S. Towndrow............... Moline, Ill...............
P. H. Niles................... Boston, Mass.......
J. J. Greenough.............. Syracuse, N. Y...-..
G. H. Lomax................. Somerville, Mass.......
J. V. Snider................. Philadelphia, Pa......
J. L. and T. B. Atterbury.... Pittsburgh, Pa........
E. Chapin -- - -- - Saint Louis, Mo.......
May 16, 1871
Apr. 1, 1873
May 2, 1865
Oct. 29, 1867
Jan. 19, 1869
May 23, 1865
Nov. 6, 1855
Mar. 13, 1866
Mar. 6, 1866
Sept. 29, 1857
July 2, 1867
Sept. 9, 1873
Nov. 27, 1855
Jan. 20, 1863
July 2, 1867
July 30, 1867
June 1, 1869
Mar. 26, 1867
June 7, 1870
Mar. 28, 1865
June 25, 1867
Dec. 4, 1866
Feb. 27, 1866
Oct. 8, 1867
Jan. 28, 1873
Nov. 14, 1865
Dec. 7, 1852
Oct. 25, 1859
June 18, 1867
Febr 20, 1872
Apr. 19, 1864
Sept. 3, 1867
Oct. 26,1869
Aug. 29, 1839
Nov. 21, 1865
Mar. 13, 1866
Apr. 17,1866
Nov. 28, 1865
Sept. 12, 1871
Feb. 21, 1865
Aug. 8, 1871
Jan. 31, 1865
May 6,1873
May 30, 1844
May 15, 1847
Dec. 31, 1872
Mar. 22, 1864
Mar. 14, 1865
Sept. 18, 1866
Apr. 30, 1867
June 23, 1863
July 2,1872
June 26, 1866
May 24, 1870
Feb. 20, 1843
Apr. 18, 1871
Aug. 7, 1866
June 3, 1873
Sept. 16, 1873
Apr. 23, 1872
Aug. 13,1867
July 13,1869
Feb. 15,1870
Feb. 4, 1873
May 21, 1872
July 28,1868
Aug. 26, 1873
Sept. 21, 1852
June 25, 1872
July 23, 1872
July 15,1873
Apr. 25, 1871
Dec. 14, 1869
Mar. 11, 1851
Jan. 5,1869
Jan. 17,1871
Aug. 27, 1850
Feb. 1, 1870
May 20, 1873
Jan. 4, 1870
Dec. 20, 1870
Dec. 7, 1869
Nov. 2, 1858
Jan. 8,1867
July 1, 1862
Nov. 14, 1865
Oct. 20, 1868
June 5, 1860
Nov. 18, 1873
Oct. 1,1867
Mar. 21, 1871
Oct. 17, 1865
May 24,1870
No..114, 754
137, 504
47, 541
70, 294
86, 001
47, 819
13, 766
53, 022
18, 305
66, 372
142, 619
13, 845
37, 433
66, 229
67, 284
90, 670
63, 319
103, 899
47, 031
65, 991
60, 114
52, 815
69, 533
135, 313
50, 985
9, 441
25, 886
65, 802
123, 886
42, 365
68, 362
96, 227
1, 305
53, 145
53, 981
51, 189
118, 950
46, 478
117, 896
46, 123
138, 570
3, 609
5, 116
134, 392
42, 011
46, 813
58, 175
64, 357
38, 981
128, 665
55, 918
103, 515
2, 961
113, 815
57, 0o11
139, 629
142, 966
126, 111
67, 826
92, 682
99, 803
135, 613
127, 132
80, "87
142, 133
9, 271
128, 430
129, 831
140, 945
114, 229
97, 908
7, 972
85, 597
111, 084
7, 604
99, 495
139, 042
98, 497
110, 405
97, 583
21, 955
35, 777
50, 906
83, 341
28, 597
144, 614
69, 351
112, 974
50, 437
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Drik ing-tube, Invalid............................
Drinking.vessel cover................
Drinks, Apparatus for mixing.............
Drinks from fruit, Manufacture of effervescent...
Drip-collecting device.............................
Drive-well tube..................................
Driver, Friction...................................
Diive", Friction.................................
Driving bit...................................
Driving bit...................................
Driving bit...................................
D riiving hoop.....................
Drivin- lines.................................
Driving power, Machinery......................
Driving wheel of locomotive-engines..............
Driving wheel of locomotives for ascending inclined planes.
Driving-wheel of portable steam-engines and agricultural implements, &c.
Driving-wheel of steam drags or propellers........
Driving-wheels, Method of connecting the wheels
(if locomotive steam-engines to render them.
Driving-wheels of locomotive-engines, Applying...
Driving-wheels of locomotives, Method of arranging galvano-electro belices for magnetizing.
Driving-wheels of steam vehicles, plows, &c., Giving adhesion to.
Drop-light and hanger.............................
Drop light and hanger.............................
Drop light, Center....----------------------------.
Drop light, Center-slide...........................
Drop light, Chandelier........................
Drop light, Chandelier..........................
Drop light, Chandelier............................
Drop light coupling...............................
Drop-light fixture......------.......................
Drop-light, Gasolier...........................
Drop-light joint.-................
Drop-light of gasaliers, Sustaining-device for center
Drop-light standard...............................
Drop-light standard........................
Drop-lights, Sliding gas-joints for extension.......
Drop-pipe, Rotating............................
Drop press....................................
Drop press and hammer lifting device............
Drop.press and trip-hammer.................
Drop-press strap..................................
Drop-weight-lifting machine...--------------...
See Corn-dropper. Medicine-dropper.
Corn and fertilizer Seed-dropper.
dropper. Seed and manure
Harvester-dropper, dropper.
Hoe seed-dropper.
Drub, Universal...................................
Drug-crusher, Portable............................
Drugs, &c., Machine for pulverizing..............
Drum and grate for stoves and furnaces, Hot-air.. -
Drum and oven, Combined.....................
Drum and oven, Stove-pipe........................
Drum attachment for furnace, Heating............
Drum, Clip --........................................
Drum evaporator..............................
Drum for coal-stoves, Hot-air...................
Drum for heating apartments.....................
Drum for hot-air furnace......................
Drum, Heating..........
Drum, Heating...............................
Drum, Heating.--------------------------..
Drum, Heating...............................
Drum, Heating...............................
Drum, Heating................................
Drum, Heating...............................
Drum, Heating...............................
Drum, Heating..................................
Drum, Heating.............
Drum, Heating...............................
E, Chapin.....................
J. Hener mann................ Harnett...................
A. Meucci.....
J. A. Harris.................
J. G. Widmann...............
A. Reid.....
J. M. Mott.....
J. T. Jones...................
J. T. Jones...................
E. S. Dawson.................
D. Hale......................
C. Huie.......................
T. Lucey......................
L. D. Woodmansee............
S. P. W. Douglass.............
J. F. Elliott..................
J. Morss......................
Saint Louis, Mo.._.......
Davenport, Iowa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Clifton, N. Y.............
Providence, R. I........-..
Yonkers, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Chicago, 111...............-------
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Syracuse, N. Y...........Roston, Mass...............
New York, N. Y..........
Salem, Mass..............
Dayton, Ohio.............
Williamson, N. Y -........
New Haven, Conn.......
Washington, D. C.........
May 24, 1870
May 25, 1869
Dec. 24, 1872
Jan. 3, 1872
Mar. 11, 1873
June 3, 1873
Aug 16,1870
Feb. 22,1870
Mar. 3, 1868
Mar. 3. 1868
Sept. 24, 1867
Sept. 10, 1867
May 14, 1872
Sept. 22, 1868
Mar. 17, 1868
May 22, 1841
Apr. 20, 1858
Sept. 5, 1854
G. W. Barnett................ Springfield, Ohio.......... May 25,1858
G. W. N. Yost................. Pittsburgh, Pa.............
H. Hinckley................. Boston, Mass.............
A. M. Eastwich............... Philadelphia, Pa..........
O. D. Vosmus............... Boston, Mass.............
June 3,1856
Apr. 1, 1845
Nov. 20,1837
Apr. 12, 1859
J. T. Price................... Rockville, Ind------------............ Apr. 13, 1858
G. F. Blaisse and W. F. Crites
WV. Stachlen..................
C. Deavs.....................
C.D eavs-................
R. Cornelius................
R. Cornelius................
N. W. Williames............
R. S. Roeschlaub......
S. B. H. Vance and E. M.
C. Dears......................
T. G. Arnold..................
C. Deaves....................
J. Cunningham...............
J. Horton.....................
C. Deavs..------------------....................G. C. Morgan.................
J. Duff....................
T. Gaillard.................
H. C. Gladding...............
W. F. Goulding and F. Cheney.
W. C. Hicks..................
B. Hotchkiss.................
N. P. Maker..................
J. P. Noyes..................
M. Peck......................
M. Peck......................
M. and C. Peck................
S. Remington..................
J. C. Rhodes..................
N. C. Stiles and J. S. Miller....
W. Wilson, jr..........
C. Peck.......................
L. L. Whitlock...............
C. McBurney.................
L. L. Whitlock.................
S. Felton.....................
H. C. Becker................
I. Eddy.....................
J. Mason.....................
B. F. Campbell................
G. F. Reinhardt...............
J. Beebe.....................
W. Duryea and W. Ennis.....
F. Pelzer...................
D. Wolf.........................
G. J. Bentley.................
W. Frazier...................
J. H. Keyser..............
J. E. Bartlett.................
S. M. Bayard.................
J. Hall........................
T. Jefferis...................
M. W. Lester..................
F. Proudfoot...............
J. Reynolds..............
C. W. Servoss................
C. W. Servoss.................
O. 1). Spalding................
I. P. Tice.....................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa....-..
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Quincy, 111..........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.......
West Meriden, Conn.....
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago. Ill...............
Peoria, Ill.................
Brooklyn, N. Y....._...
Providence, R.I...........
Providence, R. I., and Hartford, Conn.
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn.........
Providence, R. I...........
Binghamton, N. Y........
New Haven, Conn..._....
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Conn.......
Ilion, N. Y...............
South Abington, Mass...
Meriden, Conn., and
Springfield. Mass.
Brandywine, Del.........
New Haven, Conn.......
New York, N. Y..........
Roxbury, Mass............
New York, N. Y..........
Holmes County, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass............
Louisville, Ky............
Boston, Mass.............
Lincoln, Ill................
Chicago, Ill.............
Glen Cove and Hudson,
Kohlacheid, Prussia.......
Easton, Kans...........
Michigan City, Mich.....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Ionia, Mich.............
Pleasant Hill, Ill.- _..
Council Bluffs, Iowa......
Chicago, Ill.............
Toronto, Canada.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...............
Mankato, Minn...........
New York, N. Y..........
Nov. 4, 1873
Dec. 30, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
May 20, 1873
July 1, 1873
July 1, 1873
July 1, 1873
May 21,1872
May 29, 1866
July 19, 1870
June 5, 1860
Aug. 22, 1871
May 30, 1871
June 14, 1870
May 30, 1871
Sept. 26, 1871
June 16, 18Q8
Apr. 9, 1,,72
Jan. 3, 1865
Sept. 16, 1862
Jan. 20, 1863
Feb. 17, 1863
May 25, 1869
Oct. 16, 1866
Nov. 25, 1851
May 26, 1857
Sept. 4,1860
Dec. 1, 1863
July 16, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
Aug. 11, 1857
June 8, 1869
Aug. 22, 1871
Oct. 20, 1863
Aug. 22, 1871
July 22, 1828
Aug. 14, 1866
Dec. 31, 1823
June 30, 1863
July 9,1872
July 13, 1869
Mar. 6, 1866
Apr. 30, 1867
Oct. 8,1872
Aug. 18, 1868
Apr. 26, 1870
Apr. 30, 18401
Oct. 6, 1868
Aug. 12, 1873
June 15, 1869
Oct. 1,1872
June 29, 1869
July 16, 1872
Dec. 2, 1873
May 10, 1870
Apr. 19, 1870
Aug. 8, 1871
Nov. 11, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
103, 300
90, 539
134, 274
122, 478
136, 597
106, 506
100, 179
75, 023
75, 024
69, 079
67, 623
126, 74
82, 425
75, (-14
2, 104
19, 986
11, 650
28, 318
15, 049
3, 981
23, 648
19, 947
144, 309
145, 632
130, 123
140, 347
140, 348
140, 565
127, 105
55, 212
105, 435
28, 548
118, 349
115, 442
104, 155
115, 447
119, 388
78, 867
125, 386
45, 792
36, 459
37, 445
37, 692
90, 456
58, 880
8, 548
17, 411
29, 910
40, 7M9
66, 884
71, 080
18, 004
91, 159
118, 317
40, 349
118, 316.....
57, 071.....
39, 058
128, 709
92, 543
53, 077
64, 293
132, 099
81, 236
102, 210
1, 571
82, 723
141, 621
91, 301
91, 940
129, 147
145, 237
102, 866
15;2, 053
117, 820
144, 573
143, 795
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Drum, Heating and ventilating................
Drum, H ot-air....................................
Drum, Military.................................
Drum or heat-radiator, Stove-pipe.........
Drum, pulley, and wheel, Double-griping flanged.
Drum, Stove......------------------------------.
Drum, Stove.....................................
Drum, Stove....................................
Drum, Stove.....................................
Drum, Stove......................................
Drum, Stove.....................................
Drum, Stove....---------------------------...
Drum, Stove......................................
Drum, Stove.....................................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove...........................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove......................................
Drum, Stove----------......................--------------..........----.....
Drum, Stove......................................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove......................................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove.................................
Drum, Stove.............................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe--...----------------------...
Drum, Stove-pipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe...........................
Drum Stove-pipe...-------------..-----------
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum Stove-pipe..............................
Drum, Stove-pipe...............................
Drum, Stove-p ipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe...............................
Drum Stove-pipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe................................
Drum Stove-pipe....................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum Stove pipe................................
Drum Stove pipe...........................
Drum, Stove pipe.................................
Drum Stove pipe....................
Drum, Stove pipe..................
Drum, Stove-pipe.....-------------------------
Drum, Stove-pipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum, Stove-pipe..................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum, Stove-pipe..................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.....................
Drum, Stove-pipe.........................
Drum, Stove-pipe................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe..................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe "
Drum, Stove-pipe..................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.....-------------------------
Drum, Stove-pipe..................................
Drum Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe.................................
Drum, Stove-pipe..............................
Drum-wheels, Fork for holding rope belts upon....
Drums, Constrdction of military...............
Drums, kegs, casks, &c., Manufacture of..........
Drums to shafts, Mode of attaching..............
Dry-goods boxes, Device for packing-... -..
Dry goods, Device for displaying.............
Dry-goods rack..................................
Dry-goods rack............................
Dry-goods rack...........................
Dry-goods stand..........................
Dry-house flue.....
See Bone-black dryer. Cloth-dryer.
Brick-dryer. Clothes-dryer.
Car dboard-dryer. Collar and cuff dryer.
Cigar-dryer. Fish-dryer.
R. Jennings.................
W. Allchin u..................
J. Dermond..................
F.A. Balch..................
W. Kelsey..................
J. Adams.-- --....
W. Allchin...................
G. C. Benton--------------.................
H. E. Blemker................
J. L. Collins and H. C. Bergie..
D. W. Cutting..............
N. Downes...................
C. Fisher................
T. F. Hamilton.............
W. P. Hepburn and W. Reiner
R. A. Hunter..................
M. S. Morgan.................
T. Roberts-......-------...
T. Scantlin... ----.-----.
E. Selbach....................
A. F. Smith..................
C. D. F. Smith...............
G. T. Spaulding..............
F. Stiidter..............._
M. Turly and J. D. Bayliss -...
W. Twitchell..---..-. -..-.
J. Voegtle....................
J. F. Beckwith...............
E. S. Blake.............._
E. E. Blinn..................
A. Cant..................
J. P. Chaplin..............
J. T. Clymer.................
P. Cocker..................
L. R. Comstock...............
J. Conver...................
H. Cook....................
T. R. Cook............
J. Crimmuins..............
L. Dowe and A. C. Colton.....
A. Ernst.....................
A. W. Foote................
M. Gage................
G. D. Greenleaf.............
S. A. Halladay.............
G. H. Hammond..............
W. Hearle...................
J. Heger......................
B. J. Hobson.................
F. P. Hunt................
J. B. Hyzer.................
D. Knowlton..............
W. Kroeger..............
W. Kroeger...................
J. A. Lakin.................
G. W. Lore....---------------
J. A. Marvin................
H. Meyer...............
B. F. Miller............
E. P. Morse............
H. Northup and J. H. Patterson.
J. C. Paine...............
W. L. Phillips...............
L. Racine................
T. R. Renwick................
E. D. Roberts...... -.......
C. E. Russell.................
F. E. Ruth and J. De Long....
H. H. Senniksen..............
C. D. F. Smith................
J. G. Sorgen..................
G. S. Walker.................
J. C. Ward...................
G. Van Waters...........
C. C. Webber............
B. Webster............
E. Webster................
H. G. Whitaker..........
T. Whitson.................
C. Foster.................._
C. H. Zimmermann........
D. Cope.................
B. G. Brooks.............
T. Webber...................
J. D. Chambers..............
C. N. Cadwallader.........
D. Keiser...................
D. Keiser....................
J. J. Bisel....................
J. K. Boswell.............
J. Schultz................
W. B. Hix...............
Shelbyville, Ind.........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Louisville, Ky............
Hingham, Wis........
London, England...-...
Findlay, Ohio.............
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Port Huron, Mich........
Evansville, Ind-...........
Chicago, Ill............
Cambridge, Vt............
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Niles, Mich..............
Geneseo, Ill..............
Clarinda, Iowa..........
Ionia, Mich..............
Clintonville, Ill............
Shelby, Ohio...........
Evansville, Ind...........
Columbus, Ohio..........
Ellsworth, Me...........
Geneva, Ill..............
Brodhead, Wis..........
Plattsmouth, Nebr........
Council Bluffs, Iowa-......
Syracuse, N. Y............
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Albion, N. Y..............
Pttsburgh, Pa............
Brewerton, N. Y..........
Galt, Canada..............
Valparaiso, Ind...........
Galion, Ohio............
Philadelphia, Ps..........
Macon, Mo................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bluffton, Ind.............
Saratoga Springs, N. Y....
Detroit, Mich.........
Sycamore, Ill............
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Medina, N. Y..........
Three-Mile Bay, N. Y.....
Marilla, N. Y.............
Oneonta, N. Y............
Beamsville, Canada.......
Jefferson, Wis............
Covington, Ky...........
Medina, N. Y..........
Janesville, Wis........
Liberty, Me...........
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Milwaukee, Wis.. _
Thompsonville, Conn....
Dexter, Mich............
Red Wing, Minn........
Richmond, Ind.......
New York, N. Y. __-__
Batavia, N. Y.............
Sandy Hill and Glen's
Falls, N. Y.
Dubuque, Iowa.......
Normal, Ill......
Hillsdale, Mich...........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Hartford, Conn...........
Jacksonville, Ill..........
Upper Sandusky, Ohio....
Richmond, Ind............
Geneva, Ill................
Kenton, Ohio..............
Erie, Pa.................
Bergen, N. Y...........
Durand, Wis...........
Calmar, Iowa.........
Kingfield, Me........
Holland, Mich............
Brattleborough, Vt.......
Woodstock, Ill............
Pompey, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Manchester, N. H......
Chicago, Ill..............
West Lebanon, Ind.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Reading, Pa...........
Reading, Pa.---------
Williamsport, Pa.........
Richmond, Ind............
Ellenville, N. Y..........
Rome, Ga................
Apr. 25, 1871
Jan. 5, 1869
Feb. 3, 1863
July 24,1866
July 12, 1870
Dec. 22, 1868
Oct. 5,1869
Apr. 25, 1871
June 8, 1869
Oct. 29, 1867
June 23, 1868
Apr. 28, 1868
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 17, 1872
June 15, 1869
May 18, 1869
Feb. 4, 1868
Feb. 21, 1865
Mar. 29, 1870
Mar. 10, 1.868
Jan. 28, 1868
Oct. 6, 1868
Oct. 24, 1871
May 4, 1869
July 6,1869
Feb. 7, 1871
Apr. 7,1868
July 30, 1867
Oct. 30, 1866
Oct. 17,1871
Feb. 2, 1869
Mar. 6, 1866
Aug. 31, 1869
Dec. 20, 1864
Nov. 6, 1866
Nov. 19, 1867
Feb. 20, 1866
Apr. 10, 1866
Apr. 17, 1866
Feb. 18, 1868
June 11, 1867
July 22, 1873
Apr. 10, 1866
May 30, 1865
Apr. 9, 1867
Mar. 5, 1867
Dec. 14, 1869
Apr. 19, 1870
Oct. 3, 1871
May 22,1866
May 23, 18 5
Apr. 14, 1868
June 13, 1865
June 5, 1866
July 21, 1868
Jan. 18, 1870
Aug. 13, 1867
Sept. 8, 1868
July 31, 1866
Mar. 6,1866
Jan. 30, 1866
July 11,1865
Apr. 4, 1871
Nov. 14, 1871
Oct. 3, 1871
Mar. 8, 1870
June 11, 1867
Aug. 28, 1866
Sept. 4, 1866
June 29,1869
Mar. 5.1867
Sept. 1, 1868
Oct. 22, 1867
Nov. 26, 1872
July 17, 1866
July 11, 1871
Nov. 5, 1867
June 26,1866
May 23, 1865
Apr. 24, 1849
Mar. 9, 1858
Apr. 21, 1863
Oct. 3, 1871
Nov. 29, 1864
Apr. 27, 1869
Apr. 1, 1872
Sept. 10,1872
Dec. lo, 1872
Apr. 29, 1873
Sept. 4, 1866
May 7,1867
Mar. 8, 1870
114, 013
85, 554
37, 570
105, 341
85, 196
95, 551
113, 969
70, 168
79, 212
77, 179
113, 413
134, 054
91, 231
90, 267
73, 990
46, 499
101, 316
75, 472
73, 762
82, 761
120, 217
89, 698
92, 404
111, 589
76, 564
67, 251
59, 173
120, 024
86, 362
52, 966
94, 398
45, 556
59, 363
70, 961
52, 685
33, 789
53, 954
74, 520
65, 554
140, 999
53, 806
47, 945
63, 720
62, 627
97, 915
102, 119
119, 609
54, 911
47, 833
76, 779
48, 184
55, 419
80, 076
67, 719
82, 019
56, 774
53, 029
52, 366
48, 716
113, 694
121, 001
119, 646
100, 557
65, 770
57, 572
57, 778
92, 114
62, 699
81, 714
70, 138
133, 506
56, 473
116, 900
70, 659
59, 939
47, 887
19, 602
28, 217
119, 504
45, 304
89, 384
137, 416
131, 221
133, 781
138, 226
57, 669
64, 586
100, 530
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See, Fruit-dryer. Salt-dryer.
Glue-dryer. Sand and gravel dryGrain-dryer. er.
Hop-dryer. Steam dryer.
Lead-dryer. Sugar-dryer.
Lumber-dryer. Sugar and salt dryer.
Malt-dryer. Tan-dryer.
Offal-dryer. Tobacco-dryer.
Paper-dryer. Towel dryer.
Photograph-dryer. Wool-Dryer.
Poudrette-dryer. Yeast-cake dryer.
Dry er..................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer.............................................
D ryer............................................
D ryer............................................
D ryer............................................
D ryer............................................
D rycr............................................
D ryer............................................
D ryer............................................
Dryer and evaporator...........................
Drying and burning kiln......................
Drying and desiccating apparatus............
Dry ing and oxidizing colored goods...............
Drying and preserving animal and vegetable substances, Process and apparatus for.
Drying and ventilating apparatus................
Drying cloth......................................
Drying-cylinder for fibrous manufactures.._.....
Drying-cylinder, Steam..........................
Drying-cylinders by steam, Mode of beating......
Drying fibrous substances, Machine for.........
Drying-frame, Lace-curtain, &c...............
Drying furnace and oven........................
Drying house and oven............................
Dr ying house for drying fruit....................
Drying house for fruit, &c..........................
Drying kiln...................................
Drying kiln -----....................................
Drying room......._........................
Duck-shooting boat...............................
Ducks, Mode of catching.........................
Ducts or natural passages for animal fluid, Instrument for obliterating strictures in.
D um b-bell.............................
Dumb-bell, Graduated.....................
Duinb-jockey, the cross and saddle-tree being made
of guttapercha.
I I i
H. W. Adams and S. S. Bacon.
H. W. Adams and S. S. Bacon
R.N. Allen.................
C. E. Ashcroft...............
E. H. Ashcroft...........
D. Barker....................
J. Brakeley..............
J. Butterworth............
S. L. Cheyney...........
S. L. Cheyney-............
A. W. Cox...............
A. W. Cox and W. Gause....
C. Crane................
L. J. Crow and G. Sanderson -..
E. Drevet................
E. Foote and M. P. Smith..... -
H. Garrett.................
W. A. Gibbs and A. Borwick.
T. S. Harrison.............
H. Henry...................
C. H. Hersey..................
J. B. Johnson............
C. Kaibel...................
R. Kidd.....---------------- --
I. B. Kinkead..............
A. W. J. Mason.............
O. F. Mayhew...........
P. Mickel...................
J. P. Miller.................
C. A. Moffat..................
J.E. Rice...................
E. Y. Robbins...............
M. P. Smith..................
M. P. Smith...................
M. P. Smith..................
E. Trowbridge and J. M. Jones
J. Turner....................
C. H. Wakelee...............
J. M. Ward ---..............
G. W. White and L. E. WentWorth.
W. E. Wright..............
C. Alden....................
J. Buhrer. --- - -......
H. G. Bulkley.............
J. C. Kempton................
C. Alden.....................
J. Royal................
D. K. Boswell............
J. O. Mellen..................
F. I. N orton.................
A. Stevens...................
J. E. Tourn..................
R. L. Hawes..............
H. W. Peaslee..............
W. C. Collier............
A. P. Pitkin.................
J. Essex......................
S. Short.....................
J. K. Caldwell.............
J. J. Allen...............
H.' B. Gallup and C. Wood.....
D. Stouder...........
S. Strong.....................
L. A. Oellig............
HI. G. Bulkley...............
B. R. Hawley..................
N. E. Chaffee.................
R. Dalrymple.................
E. Fisher......................
R. Bogle.....................
W. Coffield.........._.....
G. N. Palmer................
E. Durand...................
J. Low........................
E. Ballou..................
D. P. Butler...............
D. F. Savage................
G. B. Windship.............
S. Blackwell.................
T. B. Bryson.................
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
Pittsford, Vt.........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass.........
Northfleet, England.......
Bordentown, N. J.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Wooster, Ohio..........
Springfield, Ohio.......
Indianapolis, Ind........
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Boston, Mass............
Fredericksburgh, Ohio....
New York, N. Y........
East Bloomfield, N. Y., and
Baltimore, Md.
Linneus, M9..........
Sewardstone and London,
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Halbert's Bluff, Ind......
Boston, Mass..........
Indianapolis, Ind... _....
Sacramento City, Cal.....
Montezuma, Ind..........
Watertown, Ohio........
New Orleans, La.......
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Milford, N. Y............
Somerville, N. J........
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Moline, Ill..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Baltimore, Md..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Baltimore, Md..........
Detroit, Mich...........
Chicago, Ill.............
San Francisco, Cal........
Oxford, Ohio........
Malden and Melrose, Mass
Rome, N. Y.............
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Munich, Bavaria........
New York, N. Y..........
Manayunk, Pa........
Newburgh, N. Y........
Rochelle, Ill...........
Corinth, Miss...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Tremont, Ohio.............
West Milton, Ohio......
New Orleans, La........
Worcester, Mass.....
Malden Bridge, N. Y......
Salford, England..........
Hartford, Conn..........
North Bennington, Vt.... -
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Allegheny City, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Watertown, Wis..........
Dayton, Ohio..........
Wilks Township, Ohio....
Martinsburgh, Pa........
Kalamazoo, Mich....
Normal, Ill.........
Ellington, Conn..........
Galt, Canada...-----
Detroit, Mich...........
Rock Hall, Md......----------
Norfolk, Va..............
Greene, N. Y.............
July 4,1871
July 4, 1871
Dec. 24, 1867
Feb. 9, 1869
July 7, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
May 12, 1868
May 6, 1873
Apr. 28, 1868
Oct. 24, 1871
Apr. 26, 1870
Jan. 4, 1870
Sept. 1,1868
Apr. 28, 1868
June 27, 1871
Mar. 26, 1872
116, 531
116, 532
72, 583
86, 625
79, 623
75, 113
77, 712
138, 475
77, 253
120, 242
102, 230
98, 470
81, 606
77, 362
116, 279
124, 944
Jan. 25, 1870 99, 182
Jan. 7, 1873 134, 659
Apr. 5, 1870
May 26, 1868
Apr. 25, 1871
Mar. 10, 1868
Feb. 9, 1869
July 23, 1872
May 31, 1870
Oct. 31,1871
Sept. 21, 1869
June 14,1870
Nov. 15, 1870
Oct. 25, 1870
Aug. 9, 1870
July 19, 1864
Feb. 1, 1870
Sept. 13, 1870
Apr. 2, 1872
Oct. 4, 1870
Dec. 12, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
Nov. 16, 1869
May 3, 1870
July 23, 1872
Mar. 15, 1870
Sept. 29, 1868
Oct. 22, 1867
Sept. 2, 1851
Dec. 5, 1871
Feb. 4, 1868
Nov. 14, 1865
Apr. 2, 1867
Apr. 28, 1868
July 31, 1866
Oct. 16, 1860
Oct. 3, 1854
Dec. 2, 1856
Jan. 14, 1873
July 19, 1859
May 31, 1859
Dec. 23, 1873
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 26,1872
Aug. 14, 1866
Mar. 26, 1867
Sept. 2, 1811
Jan. 21, 1868
Feb. 13, 1866
Nov. 17, 1868
Feb. 20,1849
Oct. 10, 1871
May 10, 1870
May 5, 1857
Jan. 18, 1830
Sept.10, 1867
101, 458
78, 285
114, 137
75, 277
86, 840
129, 736
103, 622
120, 447
94, 967
104, 333
109, 234
108, 616
106, 205
43, 603
99, 488
107, 417
125, 344
107, 982
121, 915
119, 903
97, 006
102, 742
129, 775
100, 835
82, 488
69, 964
8, 334
121, 569
74, 149
59, 895
63, 412
77, 205
56, 823
30, 436
11, 748
16, 149
134, 786
24, 819
24, 205
145, 912
88, 444
124, 998
57, 117
63, 327
73, 637
52, 524
84, 117
6, 119
119, 747
102, 799
17, 192.....
68, 647
72, 824
28, 811
113, 966
48, 514
28, 505
46, 413
14I, 438
69, 759
Norwich, Comn............ Dec. 31, 1867
Clinton, Mass............. June 19, 1860
Zaneaville, Ohio........... Apr. 25,1871
Boston, Mass............. July 4,1865
Boston, Mass......... May 29, 1860
Boston, Mass..-..... Feb. 14, 1865
Middlesex County, Eng- Mar. 18, 1856
Newcastle, Pa............ Oct. 15,1867
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Dumb-waiters, Pulley arrangement for........
Dummy- engine....................................
Dummy- engine....................................
Dummy engine...................................
Dummy or traction engine............
Dumping and loading machine, Portable........
Dumping-box fbr agricultural purposes...........
Dumping platform- --........................
Dumping-platform-. - - - - -
Dumpinsg-tub hook................................
Dung-forks, Device for convertible...............
Dung-fbrks, Making four-tined...................
Duplex wrench....................................
I)uplex wrench..........................
Durogel, Manufacture of.........................
D ust-pan.........................................
Dust pan and brush..............................
Dust pan and brush..............................
Duster, Feather..................................
Duster, Feather..................................
Duster, Feather.................................
Dye, Aniline......................................
Dye, Aniline......................................
Dye for coloring wool......................
Dye-stuff ------------..-------------------..
Dye-stuffs, bark, &c., Cutting.. _..............
Dye-stuffs from spent matter, Preparation of.....
Dye-stuffs, Machine for cutting and shaving.....
Dye-stuffs, Preparing vegetable...................
Dye-wood and dye-stuff cutting and shaving machine.
Dye-wood cutter, Self-feeding....................
Dye-wood, Cutting and separating. _..............
Dye-wood-cutting machine.............
Dye-wood-cutting machine....................
Dye-woods and bark, Machine for reducing ard
Dye woods, Machine for cutting..................
Dye-woods, Machine for cutting....................
Dye-woods, Machine for cutting......
Dye-woods, Machine for cutting and chipping-.....
Dye-woods, Machine for grinding, sawing, or rasping.
Dye-woods, Machine for grinding, sawing, and
Dye-woods, Machine for rasping.................
Dye-woods, Machine for rasping and cutting......
Dye-woods, Machinery for rasping................
Dye-woods, Mode of extracting color from.........
59 P
A. Cannon, jr...............
L. Carrier.....................
W. H. Elliott..................
R. W. Lawrence.............
A. Murtangh.---------------
A. Murtaugh................
J. Comly...................
M. H. Kollock -..........
T. C Robinson...........
C. G. Spengler.................
A. A. Wilder..................
W. Goff...............F. Ficht.......................
R. M. McGrath..............
G. W. Reed..............
L. B. Stilson and J. G. Payson
J. Van Doren.................-----------
G. W. and W. S. Hough-...-..
B. Walton..................
J. Atkinson...................
R. M. Fish.................
W. W. Iinman..........
S. C. Kenago..................
F. Peteler....................
N. Swickard..................
D. A. Wells.............W. H. Brown...............
J. S. Evans..............
J. R. Thorne...............
R. W. Green.............
E. H. Dawes..................
M. Stevens....................
J. G. Good....................
A. B. Davis...................
A. B. Davis----------------
A. B. Davis.......
C. C. Peck and F. E. Engelhardt
A. Brigham..............
D. C. Colby...............
S. E. Condon.............
W. M. Conger............
W. M. Conger................
W. M. Conger..............
F. L. Daniels................
F. L. Daniels..........
F. L. Daniels and J. Russell..
O. C. Forsyth, jr...........
T. G. Harold.................
A. B. Hoffman..............
G. H. Horstmaun..............
R. S. Jennings..............
T. E. McNeil..................
J. B. Morgan................
W. Musgrove...................
W. S. Potwin...............
J. H. Rohrman..............
T. F. Rooney...............
P. A. Schanck........
M. Vanderhoven.............
W. Westlake................
L. F. Wheaton..............
H. Whittemore...........
C. H. Parker and G. Burnham.
C. H. Parker and G. Buinham.
C. Butterfield................
G.M. Smith...................
C. L. W. Baker.............
M. A. Goodenough..........
M. A. Goodenough..........
B. Block...-----.-----------..
J. Lambert, jr...............
G. W. Talbot...............
C. E. and M. E. Fox..........
A. Broad................
F. Pfanner...............
B. Swift..........-.......
F. E. Schmidt...............
T. Sampson..................
T. E. Rogers................
B. Swift....................
A. Foster................
G. W. Pearson and D. Coburn.
M. Hurd......................
L. II. Mosqley................
A. McMillen.................
E. Converse............
O. E. Pray..........
4. Richards, 3d.........
E. Morris.....................
J. Mathews........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia Pa..........
Mystic River, Conn.......
Hoboken, Ga..----..---
Detroit, Mich...........
Big Flats. N. Y...........
Isle Royal Mine, Mich.... -.
La Fayette, Ind..........
Middlesex, Pa...........
Minneapolis, Minn.......
Farm Ridge, Ill...........
Galva, Ill................
Farisburgh, Ill..........
Cameron, Tex..............
Glenwood, Iowa...........
Elkhart, Ill..........
Kankakee, Ill........
Bloomington, Minn.......
Galva, Ill............
Sandwich, Ill...........
Erie, Pa.................
Berkley, Mass............
Waldoborough, Me.......
Bradford, Pa.............
Litchfield, Me............
New Haven, Conn........
Raps, Pa.................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.._......
New York, N. Y...........
Cold Brook, M ass........
Washington, D. C.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J.........
Newark, N.J.........
Newark, N.J...........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Roxbury, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa._........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Davenport, Iowa........
New York, N. Y......
Chicago, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Chicago, Ill...............
Matawan, N.J.J.......
Utica, N. Y............
Chicago, Ill..........
Madison, Conn..--........
Orangetown, N. Y..._...
Waltham, Mass........
Waltham, Mass........
West Waterville, Me.....
Louisville, Ky............
Camden, N. J.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Soultz, France............
New York, N. Y_....
Providence, R. I.......
Gilroy, Cal................
Litchfield, Conn..........
Providence, R. I..........
Washington, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I..........
Dexter, Me..............
United States......._.
Rochester, N. Y...........
Lowell, Mass............
Augusta, N. Y........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Bedford, N. H............
Dayton, Ohio..............-----
Portsmouth, N. H -.........
Norfolk, Conn.....
Bloomfield, N. J......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
May 25,1869
Dec. 3, 1872
May 24, 1870
Sept. 11, 1866
Dec. 4, 1860
Apr. 3, 1855
Apr. 1, 1873
Mar. 25, 1873
Jan. 9, 1872
Aug. 22, 1871
Mar. 18, 1873
Oct. 29, 1867
Sept. 27, 1864
June 6, 1871
June 3, 1873
Nov. 29, 1870
Mar. 16, 1858
June28, 1870
Nov. 23, 1869
Feb. 11,1873
Apr. 5, 1870
Apr. 29, 1873
Oct. 20, 1868
Sept. 9, 1873.
July 16, 1872
Aug. 13, 1872
Mar. 3, 1863
Sept. 7, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Aug. 11, 1863
Oct. 5, 1853
Apr. 16, 1824
Apr. 16, 1867
Aug. 24, 1869
Aug. 9, 1870
June 4, 1867
July 23, 1867
Apr. 28, 1868
Feb. 25, 1868
Aug. 22, 1871
Feb. 6, 1872
July 30, 1872
Nov. 30, 1869
July 12, 1870
Apr. 25, 1871
Dec. 23, 1873
Mar. 1, 1864
Oct. 16, 1866
May 21, 1861
Mar. 12, 1872
July 6, 1858
Sept. 19, 1871
Oct. 22, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
June 7, 1859
May 2, 1871
July 20, 1869
July 30, 1867
Aug. 15, 1871
May 26, 1868
Feb. 21, 1871
July 4,1865
Oct. 3,1865
Feb. 12, 1867
Jan. 28, 1873
Nov. 18, 1873
Apr. 28, 1868
Jan. 11, 1870
July 14, 1868
Sept. 15, 1868
Feb. 1, 1870
Sept. 8, 1868
June 9, 1814
Sept. 13,1845
Aug. 10, 1836
July 15,1856
Nov. 8, 1870
Mar. 8, 1870
Aug. 10, 1836
Dec. 9, 1828
Feb. 18, 1868
July 22, 1831
June '2, 1837
Dec. 26,1837
Jan. 10,1821
Jan. 21, 1868
Aug. 13, 1810
Sept. 27, 1825
Aug. 13, 1805
90, 422
133, 561
103, 313
57, 928
30, 831
12, 640
137, 421
137, 216
122, 534
118, 291
136, 886
70, 196
44, 412
115, 759
139, 613
109, 776
19, 663
104, 736
97, 252
135, 683
101, 451
138, 400
83, 288
142, 724
129, 618
130, 551
37, 808
94, 483
109, 274
39, 478
63, 878
94, 085
106, 129
65, 4-25
67, 019
77, 258
74, 801
118, 343
123, 331
129, 935
97, 276
105, 315
113, 985
145, 792
41, 771
58, 825
32, 368
124, 584
20, 811
119, 042
132, 367
132, 176
24, 331
114, 341
92, 754
67, 232
118, 084
78, 406
112, 102
48, 582
61, 999
135, 376
144, 728
77, 278
98, 759
79, 942
82, 129
99, 496
81, 992.....
15, 361
109, 059
100, 670
74, 586....
J. Mathews................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 6,1807...
J. Reed.......................
B. Swift.........- --...........
C. W. Roberts and J. Hambley.
L. Kent......................
Boston, Mass............ June 3,1808
Washington, N. Y........Feb. 1, 1817
Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 21, 1847
Dorset, Vt............ Sept. 27, 1838.....
5, 251
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Dye-woods, &c., Rasping and grinding........
Dye-woods, Rasping or sawing..............
Dyes and colors, Manufacture of................
Dyes and colors, Preparation of... - -...............
Dyes and colors, Preparation and manufacture of..
Dyes by steam, Mode of manufacturing............
Dyes from aniline, Manufacture of............
Dyes, ink, &c., from aniline, Production of colors
Dyes made from aniline, &c., from portions of fabric, Removing.
Dyes, Manufacture of madder.....................
Dyes, Preparation of.............................
Dyes, Putting up bluing and other.............
Dyer's and bleacher's implement.................
Dyer's vat..............................
Dyer's vat....------------------------------
Dyers' wood, Machine for cutting................
Dyeing and bleaching machine...................
Dyeing and bleaching yarn and thread, Apparatus
Dyeing and embossing table and piano covers,
Mode of.
Dyeing and finishing reel for silk and velvet woven
Dyeing and finishing, Silk.....................
Dyeing and finishing silk goods, Machine for......
Dyeing and printing a black color on fabrics with
aniline compounds.
Dyeing and printing, Compound to be used as a
mordant in.
Dyeing and printing, Material called ole-izerine
Dyeing and printing, Mode of producing black in
Dyeing and printing, Preparing coloring-matters
Dyeing and printing textile fabrics...........Dyeing and printing textile fabrics and in compounds lherefor.
Dyeing and printing with aniline colors....._....
Dyeing and printing with aniline colors..........Dyeingand tanning, Preparing quercitron or blackoak bark for.
Dyeing and washing fibrous materials, Apparatus
Dyeing black, Process of.........................
Dyeing black with aniline colors....................
Dyeing blue..................................Dyeing blue, Process for.............
Dyeing, Composition of the pastel-vat to be used in
Dyeing cotton, &c..........................
Dyeing cotton in the staple..................
Dyeing cotton, &c., Mode of.....................
Dyeing door-mats...................................
Dyeing, &c., Extract of bark for................
Dyeing, Extracting the effective matter in bark,
&c., for.
Dyeing, Extracting the essence of bark for.......
Dyeing fabric...........................
Dyeing fabrics, Apparatus for...............
Dyeing fabrics with naphtylamine colors........
Dyeinar felt caps, &c., Device for..................
Dyeing felt hats and caps...................
Dyeing fibrous and textile materials, Apparatus
Dyeing hair on seal-skins, &c....................
Dyeing hair, wool, &c......................
Dyeing hats..............................
Dyeing hats, Apparatus used in.................
Dyeing in various colors for manufacture of Scotch
plaids, &c., Frame for.
Dyeing, Iron liquor as a mordant for.............
Dyeing machine, Silk.......
Dyeing madder-colors........
Dyeing, Manufacturing of prussiate of potash and
soda for.
Dyeing &c., Mode of treating fish-water for use in.
Dyeing, Mordant for........
Dyeing, Mordant for.......................
Dyeing nankeen, Mode of...................
Dyeing piece-goods, Apparatus for................
Dyeing, &c., Preparing quercitron or black-oak
bark for.
Date. No.
i i
J. Bread....................
S. Stone................
G. H. Reed...-..............
M. Howe and H. R. Stevens..
G. H. Reed..................
R. Wood...................
R. Pinkney..................
R. Pinkney........
Springfield, Mass..........
Enosburihl, Vt.......
Boston, Mass........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass......
Erin, N. Y.........
London, England.........
London, England....
J. Lambert, jr................ New York, N. Y..........
T. Bristow......................
J. Reynolds...................
E. L. Molineaux.............
H. W. Holly..........
H. Champenois... --........
W. Vine and W. H. Jubb......
E. Hubbel.................
J. P. Derby.................
H. Hibbard.......
P. Magennis...............
S. Mallard.................
J. Young.................
W. I. Elliot and I. Osgood.....
Cranston, R. I...........
San Francisco, Cal.......
New York, N. Y......
Norwich, Conn..........
New York, N. Y........
Norwalk, Conn.........
Middlebury, Vt........
Amesbury, Mass.....-.
Attica, N. Y............
Paterson, N. J..........
Staten Island, N. Y....
New York, N. Y.....
New York and Utica, N. Y
Mar. 1, 1814.
May 3, 1811........
May 22,1866 54, 957
Oct. 13, 1863 40, '263
Oct. 17, 1865 50, 495
Aug. 25, 18-29...
May 21, 1872 127, 102
Aug. 23, 1870 106, 6i6
Nov. 8, 1870 109, 025
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 365
Jan. 28, 1868 73, 756
Dec. 24, 1867 72, 524
Jan. 14, 1868 73, 331
Oct. 5, 1869 95, 425
Mar. 3, 1868 75, 081
June 27, 1809..
Oct. 21, 1856 15, 959
May 2, 1843 3, 068
Apr. 21,1838 703
Mar. 27, 1849 6, 242
Aug. 18, 1863 39, 609
Mar. 31, 1868 76, 178
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 098
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 844
Sept. 2,1818........
June 27, 1809..
May 19, 1863 38, 589
Sept. 7, 1869 94, 581
Jan. 17, 1871 110, 994
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 121
June 7, 1864 43, 066
Feb. 7,1871 111,654
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 084
A. Jack........-............ Milton, N. H.............
E. Mafat...-................ New York, N. Y..........
A. Stearns and W. Barrett... Boston, Mass.........
WV. Barrett...................................
J. Lightfoot................... ccrington, England..
F. S. Dumont................ New York, N. Y..........
A. Paraf..................... New York, N. Y..........
A. Paraf..................... New York, N.Y..........
A. W. Hoffmann-............Middlesex, England.......
J. Lightfoot................. Burnley, England.........
A. Paraf................ Mulhouse, France......
R. H. Gratrix.......--- Salford, England........ Jan. 5,1864 41, 066
N. Loyd and J. G.Dale. - -- Accrington, England..... Apr. 1, 1x62 34, 840
N. Harper -................. Frankfort, Pa............. Oct. 30, 1810........
C. G. Sargent..............--- Graniteville, Mass....... Jan. 14, 1873 134, 935
C. T. Appleton..............
E. Brierley.................
G.M. Rohrbacher.............
M. Waterhouse..............
J. Gee........................
L. Jarossen and J. J. MullerPack.
J. Percy...................
E. Swiney....................
F. Graupner.................
H. N. Barrow................
F. Graupner.....................
F. G. Vettercke.........._..
H. Haigh and R. Heaton......
J. R. Stewart..................A. J. J. d'Andiran............
R. Shaler.....................
T. Bedwell and W. Mitchell...
S. Downing...................
F. G. Graupner.............
T. M. Drown.................
F. Lamy, jr.................
J. Mcl arlane................
J. T. Waring.................
C. Corron...................
J. Herring.................
D. Williams..............
I. Taylor......................
M. Burt......................
C. Barton...................
J. D. Prince..............
N. Mary, sr..................
F. A. Gatty..............
F. Fossard..................
J. B. Herreshoff..........
R. O. Burgess and S. LaRhett..
G. A. Hagemann.........
A. G. Trott................
H. Burrows..............
T. Benger................
Roxbury, Mass...........
Lowell, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Passaic, N. J.........
West New Brighton, N. Y.
Lille, France, and Basel,
Andover, Mass......
Evansville, Ind........
East Windsor, Conn......
Evansville, Ind.........
New York, N. Y........
Huddersfield, England....
New York, N. Y.......
Mulhouse, France........
Madison, Conn..............................
Mar. 21,1854
Dec. 11, 1849
May 7,1872
June 2, 1868
Dec. 7, 1869
Dec. 17, 1872
Mar. 3, 1800
Nov. 4, 1851
Aug. 16, 1870
Dec. 5, 1848
Aug. 1, 1c71
July 26, 1853
Jan. 5, 1864
Nov. 11, 1831
Jan. 19, 1869
July 22. 1851
June 12, 1801
June 7, 1803............................ Apr. 19, 1802
Evansville, Ind......... June 3, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa-....-... Jan. 10, 1871
Deville-les-Rouen, France. Dec. 17, 1872
Matteawan, N. Y........ May 24, 1864
Yonkers, N. Y......... Aug. 19, 1873
St. Etienne, France-....... Aug. 6, 1872
New York, N. Y........... Nov. 16, 1826
Albany, N. Y.......... Mar. 14, 1846
Trenton, N. J...... Aug. 27, 1824
Warwick, N. Y.......... Nov. 8, 1825
Paterson, N. J............ Feb. 15, 1870
10, 677
6, 932
126, 578
78, 559
97, 497
134, 066
8, 494
106, 479
5, 947
117, 620
9, 890
41, 153
85, 912
8, 249..........
139, 573
110, 907
134, 076
42, 915
142, 064
130, 280.....
4, 416
99, 750
2, 060
17, 974
139, 056.....
40, 933
144, 952
143, 449
74, 985
Lowell, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Accrington, England......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Bristol, R. I...............
Providence, R. I..........
Copenhagen, Denmark....
New York, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass..............
Apr. 24,1841
Aug. 11, 1857
May 20, 1873
Nov. 7,1835
Dec. 15, 1863
Nov. 25, 1873
Oct. 7, 1873
Feb. 11, 1825
Mar. 3,1868
Jan. 25, 1804
J. Holt........................ Lowell, Mass............. July 19, 1870 105, 455
C. T. Appleton................ Roxbury, Mass......... May 30, 1854 10, 978
C. T. Appleton.............. Roxbury, Mass..........Mar. 21, 1854 10, 664
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Dyeing silk.....................................
Dyeing textile fabrics with aniline colors........
Dyeing with alkaline prussiate--------..........--------.........Dyeing with alkaline prussiates and manufacturing potash.
Dyeing with aniline black........................
Dyeing with indigo...............................
Dyeing with madder-colors............................
Dyeing wool, Process of............................
Dyeing wool, silk, &c., with aniline colors.......
Dy eing woolen goods.............................
Dyeing yarn, &c.................................
Dyeing yarn from the beam, Machine for.........
Dyeing yarn, Machinery for.......................
Dyeing yarn parti-colored.......................
Dyeing yarn parti-colored...........................
Dynamic macine................................
Dynamometer, Recording........................
Dynamometer, Registering........................
Ear-cover -...-.................................
Ear-drop lobe-attachment......................
Ear-drop suspender.............................
Ear-ring supporter............................
Ear-rings, Device for piercing and lining ears fbor
the reception of.
Ear-rings, Fastening for..........................
Ear-trumpets, Construction of..................
Ears, Device for applying remedies to the........
Ears, Method of attaching ornaments to the-...-..
Ears, &c., Surgical instrument for examining the..
Earth and sand, Raising and removing............
Earth and stone, Machine for removing.......
Earl h-borer....................................
Earth borer and elevator.......................
Earth-borer for post-holes, &c.................
Earth-boring implement ---.......................
Earth-boring implement..........................
Earth-boring instrument................
Earth-boring machine.............................
Ear th-boring machine...........................
Earth-boring machine.........................
Earth-boring machine...........................
Earth-boring machine...........................
Earth-boring machine...........................
Earth-boring machine.......................
Earth-boring machine.........................
Earth-boring machine...........................
Earth-boring machine...........................
Earth chamber-vessel........---.................
Earth chamnber-vessel- -------.........---................
Earth-closet -.......................
Earth closet..................................
Earth -closet..................................
T. Harrison and R. Pierpont...
I. O.Iverson.................
F. Fossard.............
F. Fossard...................
J. Higgen.....................
L. Scala--------..........----------.......A. C. and A. Duncan...........
F. Fossard....................
R. H. Gratix...............
W. W. Sanborn...............
A. Paraf......................W. Spencer.................
W. A. Burke............
D. B. Hinman.........
D. B. Kerr...................
L. C. Errani and R. Anders...
G. W. Bigelow...............
J. Emerson...................
J. Emerson...................
J. Emerson...................
J. Emerson..................
G. and J. W. Gibbs.........
G. Juengst....................
C. Neer......................
C. Neer-.-......................
J. W. Sutton.................
W. Tucker................
A. Warren and E.Damon,jr -
L. M iller.....................
W. B. Leonard................
H. R. I eonard.................
W. I. Weaver................
M. Stone......................
L. L. Northrup................
L. Weed.....................
S. Goge....................
C. Sedgwick..................
M. Lidor...-------------------
G. Haberland..---------------
L. L. Northrup..............
J. P. Tryner----------------
W. C. Edge.................
G. E. Higgins...............
T. H. Stilwell.......
E. G. Hyde....................
J. Fanyon------------------....................
W. B. Carpenter....------------
H. Le Riemondie...-.........
C. Barnard............
S. Davis, jr...................
M. C. Chamberlin.............
P. Dow.......................
A. S. Ballard.................
D. Gordon....................------------------
C. N. White...................
W. T. Huntington..............
W. H. Bouser................
J. Burns----......--...............--------------
J. R. Failing.................
J. R. Failing.....
I. G. Manley and F. Wedge....
S. R. Owen....................
J. E. Race....................
W. H. Salyer................
C. Vernier....------------------
G. Wilson and G. H. Baisley...
W. H. Bliss.................
G. G. Baldwin...............
W. H. Bliss................
J. A. August................
A. F. Baird.................
W. J. Bradshaw.....................
W. J. Bradshaw...............
H. C. Bull...................
R. A. Cannell................
R. A. Cannell................
HII. Clark......................
W. Rit. C. Clark................
W. R. C. Clark............-...
W. R. C. Clark................
W. R. C. Clark................
L. G. Clock....................
L. G. Clock....................
D. B. Collins..................
R. A. Cowell..................
R. A. Cowell..................
A. W. Davis..................
M. E. Doolittle................
J. A. Drake...................
J. A. Drake...................
J. A. Drake...................
J. A. Drake.................
SJ. A. Drake........
New York, N. Y..........
Madison, Wis...........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Manchester, England.....
Genoa, Italy............
Manchester, England.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........
Lewiston. Me.............
Mulhouse, France........
Lowell, Mass..............
Manchester, N. H.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y........
Liege, Belgium..........
New Haven, Conn.....
Lowell, Mass.............
Lowell, Mass.............
Lowell, Mass.............
Lowell, Mass..............
Canton, Ohio............
New York, N. Y.........
Albany, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Portland, Oreg............
Blackstone, Mass.........
Boston, Mass..............
Akron, Ohio..............
New York, N. Y.......
Portland, Oreg...........
New York, N. Y.........
Vermillion, Ohio........
Johnston, R. I............
Norwalk, Conn.....
New York, N. Y.---..-.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Bloomington, Ill.._......
Olneyville, R. I...........
Bloomington, Ill...........
Newark, N. J............
Date. No.
Oct. 18, 1814......
Oct. 27, 1868 83,5
Dec. 14 1832.
Apr. 23 1834.
Apr. 22, 1873 138,1
July 23, 1872 129, 7
June 18, 1872 128, 0
Apr. 21,1838 7
Apr. 28, 1863 38, 3
Oct. 18, 1870 108, 5
Feb. 27, 1866 52, 9
Sept. 25, 1838 9
May 30, 1844 3, 6
July 26, 1853 9, 8
Mar. 23, 1858 19, 7
June 17, 1873 140, 0
Nov. 25, 1873 144, 9
July 7, 1868 79, 5
July 7, 1868 79, 5
Dec. 21, 1869 98, 0
June 27, 1871 116,2
Aug. 26, 1856 15, 6
Dec. 22, 1857 18, 9
July 12, 1859 24, 7
Jan. 15, 1867 61,2
Dec. 21, 1869 98,2
Dec. 21, 1858 22, 3
June 26, 1860 28, 9
May 21, 1872 127, 0
Dec. 19,1854 12, 0
June 11, 1872 127, 9
June 14, 1816......
June 10, 1873 139,
Oct. 3, 1871 119,5
Apr. 27, 1869 89,4
Dec. 2, 1873 145, 1
Apr. 2, 1872 125, 3
May 13, 1873 138,8
Sept. 27, 1870 107,6
Jan. 2, 1872 122,3
Aug. 20, 1872 130,7
Mar. 28, 1871 113,
Syracuse, N. Y............ May 16, 1854
New York, N. Y.......... June 2, 1868
Camptown, N. J........... May 29, 1855
Bridgeport, Conn......... June 13, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y........... June 8, 1858
New Orleans, La.......... Feb. 8, 1853
Newlin, Pa---------------................ July 14, 1826
North Dartmouth, Mass... Feb. 22, 1831
Warsaw, N. Y............ Jan. 30, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 25, 1849
Mount Pleasant, Iowa.... Sept. 25, 1860
Evansville, Ind........... Oct. 25, 1859
Concord, N. Y............. Apr. 10, 1855
Washington, D.C........ Jan. 12, 1869
Paris, Ill...-.... -......... June 10, 1873
Anamosa, Iowa........... Aug. 19, 1873
Canajoharie, N. Y......... June 13, 1827
Canajoharie, N. Y......... Aug. 25, 1828
Zanesville, Ohio........... Feb. 19, 1861
Stewartville, Mo.......... Nov. 25, 1873
Chicago, Ill...........-. July 21, 1868
Hamburgh, Iowa....... July 8, 1873
Stryker, Ohio............. May 21, 1872
Hamilton, Mo............. July 22, 1873
Newport, R. I............. Sept. 5,1871
Milford, Conn............ May 10,1870
Newport, R. I............. May 3, 1870
Hot Springs, Va.......... Apr. 16, 1872
Pimlico, England......... Nov. 16, 1869
Cleveland, Ohio........... June 20, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio........... Oct. 31, 1871
New Orleans, La.......... Dec. 26, 1871
New Orleans, La.......... July 5,1870
New Orleans, La.......... May 23, 1871
Baltimore, Md............ Nov. 5, 1872
New Orleans, La.......... Mar. 22, 1870
New Orleans, La.......... May 3, 1870
New Orleans, La........... May 3, 1870
New Orleans, La......... July 5, 1870
Manchester, N. H......... June 14, 1870
Manchester, N. H-......... Sept. 20, 1870
Richmond, Va............ Dec. 5, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio........... Nov. 1, 1870
Cleveland, Ohio........... June 6,1871
Wilmington, Del.......... Mar. 19,1872
Hartford, Conn...........Sept. 12, 1871
New Orleans, La.......... May 17, 1870
New Orleans, La.......... July 5,1870
New Orleans, La.......... Aug. 23, 1870
New Orleans, La....... Aug. 23, 1870
New Orleans, La......I Aug. 23, 1870
10, 921
78, 493
12, 951
115, 944
20, 480
9, 581
52, 267
6, 970
30, 175
25, 896
12, 706
85, 741
139, 761
141, 916
31, 469
145, 007
140, 595
127, 124
141, 097
118, 681
102, 750
102, 480
125, 781
96, 767
116, 015
120, 367
122, 103
105, 139
115, 024
132, 802
101, 098
102, 494
102, 495
105, 045
104, 270
107, 451
121, 489
108, 885
124, 725
118, 795
103, 029
105, 053
106, 564
106, 565
106, 666
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Earth -closet........-.............................
Earth closet......................................
Earth-closet..... --.....-----------..
Earth-closet -..... --.............
Earth -closet -.........
Earth closet, Dry.........................
Earth-closet, Portable..................
Earth-closets, Portable dumping-hod for..........
E rth, Endless-conveyor for removing.... --..---
Earth, Excavating and removing.................
Earth, Machine for pulverizing..............
Earth, Machine for raising and removing......
Earth, Machine for raising and removing......
Earth, &e., Machine for removing.............
Earth, Machine for removing..............
Earth, &c., Machine for removing.............
Earth, Machine for removing..............
Earth-moving machine-----------... ----..----- - -.
Earth, mud, &c., Machine for raising..............
Earth-removing apparatus............................
Earth scraping ant loading machine.............
Earth, stones, &e., Concentrating the volatile parts
of calcareous.
Earth to be excavated or removed, Machine for
Earth-works, Machine for building...............
Earthen covers, Molding.................
Earthen or cement pipe mold.................
Earthen or cement pipes for conveying water, Construction of.
Earthen-pipe mold..................
Earthen-pipe mold...-..-----------------------
Earthen pipes, Machine for making curved......
Earthenware kiln........
Earthenware, Machine for making................
Earthenware, Manufacture of ornamental........
Earthenware, Ornamenting baked........
Earthenware pipes, Machine for making.......
Earthenware pipes, Process of making curved....
Earthenware-shaping apparatus.........
Earthenware, Stilts for burning.................
Easel, Artist's..........
Easel, Artist's........
J. A. Drake and W. R.C.Clark.
B Ferris----------------......................
J. A. French.................
B. A. G. Fuller...............
H. J. and J. W. Girdlestone....
E. Griffith...................
D. C. Hartman...............
C. C. Haskins................
C. D. Holmes.._.............
A. A. Jaqua..............
A. A. Jaqua...................
G. B. Jewett................
G. B. Jewett.................
G. B. Jewett.................
W. A. Jordan.................
W. A. Jordan................
B. L. Kent...................
B. L. Kent...................
B. L. Kent......................
C. Kieffer and J. R. D. Seeds.
J. M. Loewenstein.............
J. M. Loewenstein............
B. L. Mack...................
A. Mallory...............
P. M alone....................
J. Megratten........
H. Moule and J. Brannehr...S. D. Newbro...............
W. H. Newton............
N. P. Rider..................
G. W. Roberts.............
G.W. Roberts and J. H.Graham
I. S. and H. R. Russell........
I. S. and H. R. Russell.........
H. Sherman....._........_
H. Sherman..................
J. G. Smith...................
R. R. Strain...................
E. WV. C. Vanderveer..........
G. H. Vroom...................
C. A. Wakefield..............
C. A. Wakefield..............
C. A. Wakefield............
C. A. Wakefield...............
R. S. Williams..............
R. S. Williams..............
R. S. Williams.............
J. Wood....................
J. L. Young..............
J. L. Young...............
J L. Young.................
W. H. Grove.............
A. Panyard................
E. W. C. Vanderveer..........
N. Russell..................
S. Falwell...............
N. Currier----------.... -..
W. M. Bush..............
J. Platt................
J. Platt.................
W. H. Doll....................
P. Reading...................
J. Ring.................
J. Welsh................
J. Cowdon.................
S. Collins.....................
J. W. Pence..............
I. L. Skinner and S. F. Tooker.
A. Ward....................
J. Fowler................
W. H. Butler.................
H. Morey....................
W. S Thompson.............
C. M. Peirce,jr...........
C. Stearns.................
P. McIntyre..................
P. McIntyre................
1. Connable........
J. Hassell.....
C. W. Saladee........
C. L. Fleishmann.......
R. B. Beech........
J. Bingham......
R. Connable.....
J. H. Baddeley............
P. Painton.....
E. G. Chormann.......
N. Johnson..-----..
G. Munger and J. W. Schernmerhorn.
F. W. Bacon.................
G. W. King...................
i i r
New Orleans, La.........
Wilmington, Del.........
Milwaukee, Wis.......
West Roxbury, Mass.....-.
London, England..........
Wilmington, Del.........
Baltimore, Md...........
New Albany, Ind.........
Boston, Mass..........--------.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Salem, Mass----------..............
Salem, Mass.............
Salem, Mass...........
New Orleans, La.........
New Orleans, La........
West Chester, Pa.......
Coatesville, Pa........
Coatesville, Pa..........
Wilmington, Del.....
New Orleans, La.......
New Orleans, La..........
Essex, Conn..............
Mystic Bridge, Conn.....
New Orleans, La.......
Wilmington, Del..._.
Fordington and Exeter,
Lansing, Mich...........
Newport,. I.............
Mandevile, La..........
Wilmington, Del._.......
Wilmington, Del.........
New Market, Md., and
Woodbury, N. J.
New Market, Md., and
Woodbury, N. J.
Waverly, Pa.............
Waverly, Pa.............
Saint Louis, Mo -..........
San Francisco, Cal........
Linden, N. J..............
Zanesville, Ohio...........
Pittsfield, Mass...........
Pittsfield, Mass..........
Pittsfield, Mass.............
Pittsfield, Mass..._......
Norristown, Pa...........
Norristown, Pa...........
Norristown, Pa...........
Martinsville. Ohio.......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Massillon, Ohio.......
Elizabeth, N. J..........
Harrison, Ohio............
Memphis, Tenn...........
Methuen, Mass.........
Greensburgh, Ind.........
Albany, N. Y............
Albany, N. Y.........._
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Trenton, N. J.............
Ogden, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y..........
Clayton, Ohio.............
Hartford, Conn............
New Michigan, Ill...................................
Apr. 12, 1870
Apr. 4,1871
June 14, 1870
Dec. 7, 1869
Sept. 13, 1870
Feb. 21, 1871
Feb. 14, 1871
Sept. 30, 1873
Oct. 3, 1871
Feb. 20,1872
June 4, 1872
Apr. 19, 1870
June 14, 1870
July 26, 1870
June 27, 1871
July 16, 1872
Jan. 16, 1872
Apr. 9, 1872
Feb. 11, 1873
Aug. 23, 1870
Sept. 26, 1871
Dee. 26, 1871
Mar. 18, 1873
Sept. 24, 1872
Jan. 17, 1871
Mar. 28, 1871
May 16, 1871
Mar. 14, 1871
Sept. 27, 1870
May 14, 1872
Nov. 29,1870
Apr. 30, 1872
Mar. 25, 1873
Dec. 23,1873
Oct. 18,1870
Jan. 16, 1872
Dec. 10, 1872
Nov. 21, 1871
Nov. 15, 1870
Nov. 12, 1872
May 17, 1870
May 23,1871
Dec. 3, 1872
June 17, 1873
Apr. 2, 1872
Apr. 2, 1872
Jan. 21, 1873
Aug. 9, 1870
June 4, 1872
Feb. 4, 1873
Dec. 30, 1873
May 2, 1871
Apr. 1, 1873
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 24, 1867
Jan. 11,1859
May 29, 1835
Jan. 5, 1869
May 4, 1805
May 4, 1805
May 29, 1826
Junie 1,1826
July. 1, 1840
May 6, 1805
Nov. 10, 1857
Sept. 26, 1826.Sept. 13,1870
Mar. 23, 1820
Mar. 9, 1869
Nov. 16, 1796
101, 717
113, 411
104, 296
97, 495
107, 358
111, 926
143, 2.59
123, 780
127, 606
102, 128
104, 319
105, 803
116, 320
129, 480
122, 727
125, 575
135, 817
106, 593
119, 376
137 013
131, 694
110, 989
113, 186
114, 960
112, 620
107. 799
126, 745
109, 667
126, 155
137, 099
145, 756
108, 396
122, 784
133, 899
121, 068
109, 276
133, 071
103, 200
115, 256
133, 685
140, 099
125, 156
125, 370
135, 026
106, 244
127, 540
135, 504
146, 119
114, 434
137, 319
113, 364
72, 542
22, 559.....
85, 639.....
1, 669
18, 573
8107, 736
87, 736
Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 3,1867 68, 411
Cameron, Tex.............Dec. 2, 1873 145, 119
Rochester, N. Y........... June 25,1872 128, 437
New Bedford, Mass....... Aug. 27, 1861 33, 161
Springfield, Mass........ May 8, 1839 1,147
Hartford, Conn............ Apr. 22, 1873 138, 035
Hartford, Conn.......... Aug. 26, 1873 142, 168
Jackson, Mich............ Oct. 14, 1873 143, 670
Elizabethtown, N. J....... Oct. 21, 1815.
Putnam, Ohio...........Mar. 28, 1865 47, 043
Washington. D.C......... Juily 2, 1872 128, 479
Kensington, Pa.......... June 3, 1851 8,140
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 21, 1873 143, 870
Jackson, Mich......... Oct. 14, 1873 143, 671
Greensborough, Pa....... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 537
Trenton, N. J.-........... July 28, 1863 39, 356
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 10, 1872 133, 759
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 16, 1872 122, 725
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 29, 1870 101, 377
New York, N. Y -...... Mar. 23,1869 88, 256
Perth Amboy, N. J........ Oct. 6,1863 40,171
Index of patents issued from the Unitd States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Easel, Carriage-painter's.-..--...................... B. Irons----------------------....................... Columbus, Wis-----------........... May 18, 1869 90, 105
Easel, Coach-painter's--..............-----------............. --- I). R. arris.................. South New Berlin, N. Y... -- Mar. 28, 1871 113,049
Easel, Folding..----------------------------------I. Wright...----------- Brooklyn, N.Y-----------........... June20, 1871 116, 133
Easel, Painter's................................. P. Dechause.................. New York, N. Y.......... ------Dec. 10, 1867 71, 858
Easel, Painter's..................................G. Gillett.................. Little York, N. Y......... Sept. 15, 1857 18, 198
Easel, Studio................................... J. C. Forbes................... Toronto, Canada.......... Nov. 28, 1871 121, 240
Easy-chair....................................... A. Clarke..................... New York, N. Y......... May 1, 1849 6, 416
Easy-chair.............. J... J. H. De\ ereux............... Alexandria, Va........... May 17, 1864 42, 753
Easy-chair...-................. J. D. Finney.................. Keee, N. H.............. May 8, 1823.....
Easy-chair..................................... E. Foster..................... Hartford, Coun........... Aug.23, 1859 25, 188
Easy-chair.....................................B. F. Hays.................... Pittsfield, Mass.......... Dec. 17, 1834........
Easy-chair....D. Mareau.................................D.Maa............ Ilubbardstown, Mass..... Aug. 8,1868 81,282
Easy-chair.................................W. C. Poppendieche.......... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 12, 1870 10, 764
Easy-chair..................................._D. S. Rice...... Portland, Me............. May 21, 1872 126, 984
Easy-chair................................... A. Wood...................... harlestown, Va.......... June 28, 1836........
Easy-chair, Folding.............................. C. C. Schmitt and R. Wodrich. New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 6, 818 82, 754
Easy-chair for invalids, &c.....P. ONeil...............i......Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 23, 1851 8, 377
Easy-motion and pavement-saving wheel.......... F. Varela..................... New York, N. Y.......... July 20, 1831.....
Eave-gutter for houses........................... G. W. Wheatly................. Harrodsburgh, Ky........ Mar. 13, 1855 12, 527
Eave-protector..............................J. J. Lovell................... New York, N.. Y......... May 25, 1869 90, 454
Eave-trough............................. J. P. Abbott................. Cleveland, Ohio........... June 19, 1866 55, 595
Eave-trough........... Adel...................... lockton, Ill.............. Dec. 28, 1869 98, 328
Eave-trough...................................... I. R. Baker................... _Kendaliville, Ind.......... Nov. 19),1872 133,186
Eave-trough.................................J.P.Dauth.................. Reading, Pa............... Dec. 31, 1867 72,813
Eave-trough....................................N. J. Eldred.................. Elk Horn, Wis.......... Aug. 20,1861 33, 076
Eave-trough.....................................F. J. Emery.................. Springfield, Ill............ Jan. 31, 1865 46, 093
Eave-trough................................... J. Jacoby..................... Doylestown, Ohio......... Apr. 17,1866 53, 984
Eave-trough................................. P. F. Kiblinger...............Millersbuigh, Ind..N.... Nov. 18, 1873 144, 770
Eave-trough......................................T. C. Moore..................Marion, Ind........... Feb. 6,1866 52, 438
Eave-trough..................................... J. Reinig.................... Fond du Lac, Wis........ Sept. 1, 1868 81,818
Eave-trough....................................... G.M. Selden................ Troy, N. Y................ Dec. 18, 1860 30, 934
Eave-trough..................W..................W. Stine...................... Elmore, Ohio............. June 2,1868 78, (;17
Eave-trough...................................... W. Yapp..................... Cleveland, Ohio........... Sept. 4, 1866 57, 813
Eave-trough and conductor.....................K. B. Miller................Utica, N. Y.............. May 30, 1871 115, 340
Eave trough and gutter machine..................J. Lee..................... ---- Wellsville, Ohio.......... Oct. 8, 1850 7, 704
Eave-trough and lightning-rod, Combined......... J.W. iHankenson and W. Baker Minneapolis, Minn........ Oct. 18, 1870 108, 354
Eave-trough attachment........................F. M. Buckles................ Altona, Ill.............. June 29, 1869 91, 823
Eave-trouth brace...............................W. H. Henderson............ Franklin, Ind............. May 4, 1858 20, 155
Eave-trough bracket........................... J. W. Gillespie............... Aliiance, Ohio............ Apr. 6, 1869 88, 626
Eave-trough bracket............................ J. Marshall................... Hartland, Mich........... Sept. 3, 1867 68, 765
Eave-trough bracket............................ W. Yapp...................... Cleveland, Ohio........... Aug. 15, 1865 49, 466
Eave-trough bracket and cornice............. J. N. Ball................... Buffalo, N. Y.............July 30, 1867 67, 155
Eave-trough fastener.......................... L. Cook...................Shreveport, La.......... Jan. 3,1871 110, 633
Eave-trough fastener........................... M. Henney and W. B. Rager.. North Manchester, Ind... Nov. 1, 1870 108, 906
Eave-trough fastening............................J. P. Abbott.................. Cleveland, Ohio.......... June 18, 1872 128, 089
Eave-trough fastening........................ P. Ahn...................... Brandon, Vt.............. Dec. 10, 1867 71, 941
Eave-trough fastening......................... W. H. Hammond............. Syiacuse, Mo.............Aug. 19,1873 142, 016
Eave-trough former............................... L. Granger and L. Phillips.... Memphis, Mich.......... July 20, 1869 92, 720
Eave-trough hanger.......................... J. P. Abbott................. Cleveland, Ohio........... July 19, 1870 105, 404
Eave-trough hanger........................... J. P. Abbott.................. Cleveland, Ohio.......... Jan. 21, 1873 135, 056
Eave-trough hanger............................. D. Ater..................... Ashland, Ohio............ Dec. 1, 1868 84, 467
Eave-trough hanger..........................T. WV. Bailey.............. Savannah, Ohio.......... Sept.16, 1873 142, 758
Eave-trough hanger............................... H. S. Bishop.............. Cleveland, Ohio........... July 2, 1872 1-8, 457
Eave-trough hanger............. D. Dimmick...............Orwell, Pa................. June 18, 1872 128, 128
Eave-trough hanger............................J. J. Kaufman...............Ashland, Ohio............ Aug. 2, 1870 105, 947
Eave-trough hanger........................... R. A. Lucas.................. Wooster, Ohio............ Apr. 26,1870 102, 412
Eave-trough hanger........................... T. F. Palm.................... Toledo, Ohio.............. Sept.30, 1873 143, 375
Eave-trough hanger.............................H. B. Todd..................... Plymouth, Conn.......... Feb. 18, 1873 136, 109
Eave-trough hanger.............................. T. G. Williams................ Aikron, Ohio.............. Nov. 4, 1873 144, 299
Eave-trough hanging...................... H. M. Gilbert and F. Elberson Ada, Ohio................. July 28,1868 80, 473
Eave-trough-making machine.................... L. Mann..................... Ionia, Mich.............. Apr. 17, 1860 27, 916
Eave-trough-sawing machine.................... J. Wing................... Hancock, Vt............. Mar. 17,1838 635
Eave-trough support............................ F. Morrison............... Findley, Ohio............. Dec. 30,1873 146, 014
Eave-trough support............................ J.3 D. Pierce................. Milwaukee, Wis......... Dec. 24, 1872 134, 163
Eave-trough supporter.......................... A. G. Perry................... Clyde, Ohio...............May 18, 1869 90, 122
Eave-trough supporter..........................B. Prugh and H. Austry...... Grant City, Mo. -------- Apr. 9, 1872 125, 483
Eave-trough suspender..........................T. F. Palm.................... Toledo, Ohio.............. Apr. 20, 1869 89, 068.
Eave troughs and pipings, Process for manufactur- S. T. Field.................... Worcester, Mass......... Feb. 19, 1861 31, 449
inmg woo(den.
Eave-troughs, Apparatus for suspending......... J. A. Watrous................ Green Spring, Ohio....... Sept. 1,1857 18,113
Eave-troughs, Connecting sheet-metal for..... - V. M. Phelps.................. Marshall, Mich........... Oct. 28, 1862 36, 855
Eave-troughs, Finishing......................... C. A. Codding................. Battle Creek, Mich....... Oct. 11, 1864 44, 605
Eave-troughs, Machine for forming................J. Brett.................... Memphis, Mich.........Sept. 15, 1868 82, 077
Eave-troughs, Machine for bforming............... A. Calkins and W. Tower.... Almont, Mich........... Mar. 19, 1867 63, 012
Eave-troughs, Machine for making.................O. E. Mallory................. Castile, N. Y.............. Jan. 1, 1856 14, 025
Eave-troughs, Machine for making............... O. W. Noble..........Darlington, Wis........May 15, 1866 54, 758
Eave-troughs, Machine for making sheet-metal.... S. A. Scofield and E. Churchill Morenci, Mich........... Dec. 15, 1863 40, 951
Eave-troughs, Machine for making wooden....... A. T. Stearns.................. Dorchester, Mass......... Apr. 2, 1867 63, 572
Eave-troughs, Machine for manufacturing......... S. Yates..................... Clarence, Iowa............ Aug. 28. 1866 57, 615
Eave-troughs, Making.........................- L. Pierson.................. Jeffersonville, Ind........ June 26, 1868 28, 901
Eave-troughs, Suspending...................... C.D. Woodruff................ Toledo, Ohio.............. --Mar. 7, 1854 10, 606
Eave-trou'hs to houses, Method of attaching..... V. R. Vallis....... Alliance. Ohio............ June 11, 1867 65, 779
Eave-troughs, while soldering them, Device for E. Wilkinson,jr............... Mansfield, Ohio........... Aug. 14, 1866 57,237
Eccentric.................................... J.C. Butterfield............... Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 16, 1873 142, 898
Eccentric......................................J. C. Wells..............-...... Warren, Pa......... Sept. 21, 1869 95, 174
Eccentric, Adjustable...................... J. B. Strickland............... Scranton, Pa.............. May 21,1867 64, 922
Eccentric, Adjustable..... D. F. Walker................. Bowling Green, Ky...... Mar. 7, 1865 46, 737
Eccentric adjustment............................ M. Stone.................. North Andover, Mass.... Feb. 7, 1865 46, 278
Eccentric, Variable..............................T. Keeler and G. S. Avery.... Danbury, Coin........ Apr. 28, 1868 77, 197
Eccentrics, Mechanism for actuating adjustable.. M. Stubbs.................... Cincinnati, Ohio....... Apr. 6. 1852 8, 863
Edge-burnishing machine for boot and shoe soles.. A. C. Carey................... Malden, Mass............ July 16, 187"2 129, 457
Edge-burnishing machine for boot and shoe soles.. F. Curtis.................... Boston, Mass......... Aug. 6, 1872 130, 109
Edge-burnishing machine for boot and shoe soles.. S. H. Hodges.......... Lynn, Mass............... July 23, 1872 129, 825
Edge'burnisngirn machine, Sole..................A.. C. Carey...... Malden, Mass............. Sept. 17, 187-2 131, 4-25
Edge buinishing tool, Welt.......... M. J. Ferren.................. Stoneham, Mass.......... Apr. 15, 1873 137, 903
Edge-finishing machine for boot and shoe soles.... L. Cote....................... Saint Hyacinth, Quebec, June 21,1870 104, 510
1 Canada.
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Edge-finishing tool................................
Edge-finishing tool, Sole------------..............-------............
Ed:ge-gage, Feather......................._
Edge-iron for shoemakers.....................
Edge-key for boots...........................
Edge-key for making and polishing the edge of
boot and shoe soles.
Edge-key handle................................
Edge-parer, Boot and shoe.......................
Edge-plane for boot-soles-------------------.........................
Edge-plane for boots, &oles....................
Edge-plane for boots and shoes...................
Edge-plane for boots and shoes....................
Edge-plane for boots and shoes.................
Edge-plane for boots and shoes.................
Edge-plane for boots and shoes...............
Edge-planie for boots and shoes....................
Edge-plane for trimming boot and shoe soles-......
Edge-plane for trimming boot and shoe soles......
Edge-plane for trimming soles and welts of boots
and shoes.
Edge-plane for trimming soles of boots, &c........
Edge plane, Shoemaker's-------------------.........................Edge plane, Shoemaker's.....................................
Edge plane, Shoemaker's..............
Edge plane, Shoemaker's -------
Edge plane, Shoemaker's..................
Edge plane, Shoemaker's.....................
Edge-plane, Shoemaker's..----------------.----
Edge-plane, Shoemaker's...................
Edge-plane, Shoemaker's -------------------
Edge plane, Sole, (8'ee also Sole) --------------
Edge-setting tool, Sole...........................---------------------
Edge, Straight...................................
Edge-tool sharpener...--------------------- ---
Edge-tools, Composition for sharpening-.........-.. --
Edge-tools, Grinding............................
Edge-tools, Grinding......--..................
Edge-tools, Machine for holding and grinding....
Edge-tools, Making....-----------------------
Edge-tools, Manufacture of................
Edge-tools, Manufacture of...-.-.--..--.-.-..-.
Edge-tools, Process of hardening-----... - -.-.
Edge trimming and burnishing machine, Jackcenter for.
Edge trimming and setting machine, Boot and
Edge-trimming machine for boots and shoes......Edge-trimming tool, Sole....................
Edges of boot and shoe soles, Burnishing-machine
for setting the.
Edging and ripping machine.................
Edging boards, Machine for--.....---------------
Edging-gage for shoemakers, Feather -...-.....
Edging leather straps, Machine for................
Edging machine, Feather.......................
Edging-machine for turning the edges of tin, copper, or sheet-iron.
Edging metals, Machine for...........................
Edging soles, Machine for feather..............
Edging lin plates, sheet-iron, sheathing-copper, &c.
Edging-tool for boot and shoe soles...........
Edging-tool, Harness-maker's-.....-.-........Edging-tool, Harness-maker's-..................
Edging-tool, Tinman's...........................
Edible composition...---------------------------
E el-pot............................................
Egg and cake beater..............................
Egg and cake beater.............................
Egg and cream beater..-------------------------
Egg and firuit carrier...--------------------------
Egg and fruit carrier...........................
Egg and fruit carrier..............................
Em -beater-------------------
Egg-bc ter........................................
Egg-beater.. - - - - - -
J. B. Blarchard...............
F. M. Schmitt.................
G. G. Townsend..---....-.....
E. I). Beales...................
E. Campbell..................
G. C. Todd.-------........-----
G. C. Todd---....--------------................
R. A. Woodberry...........
W. Frederick................
C. P. Bigelow---------------
J. H. Conklin------....
C. D. McAuley-...-----.-----
S. Miller.. ------...
M. Newman...........
J. E. Plummer................
H. Sauerbier.--......-..C. Coti---------------------........................
F. Buxton and G. Crosby......
W. Bayhouse.........
A. B. Clark.................
P. S. Fester...................----------------
J. C. Griin....................
E. S. Snell....................
B. Tolman....................
1. A. Dunham................
C. Warren. -----............
B. J. Tayman..............
J. Brooks and J. H. Sanford...
F. F. Baumann.............N. Bueher------------------....................I. A. Dunham...............
A. P. Hazard..............---------------...
A. P. Hazard--------------................C. E. Hersey................
D. W. Horton.................
A. J. Parker...............----------------...
J. H. Sandford................
M. Packard.................
J. H. Morrison................
S. Darling....................
J. WV. Wood...................
G. L. Witsil.....................
G. C. Eaton...................-----------------
S. D. McLelland..............
J. Richardson.-.............
W. W hite.....................
S. W. Collins.................
R. C. Grover..............---
L. W. Stuart...................
T. M. Orr and A. R. Sears.....
Marlborough, Mass.......
Jamaica Plains, Mass.....
Rochester,N. Y...........
Gallipolis, Ohio _..........
Bath, Me.................
Lynn, Mass...............
Lynn, Mass...............
Beverly, Mass...........
Ashland, Pa..............
Clinton, Mass...........
Yorktown, N. Y...........
Carthage, Ohio...........
Urbana, Ohio.............
Unadilla, N. Y............
Binghanyon, N. Y.......
Newark, N. J.............
Marlborough, Mass.....
Lake Village, N. H.......
Portland, Oreg.......
Auburn, Mass........
Richmond, Me............
Peoria, Ill................
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Pembroke, Mass..........
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Pu'tnam, Coun......-....
Philadelphia, Pa...--... -
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Cambridge, Mass.....
W'Veedspo:t, N.Y.........
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Noith Bridgewater, Mass.
North Bridgewater, Mass.
East Stoughton, Mass...
Petersburgh, Ind.......
Lynn, Mass.............
North Bridgewater, Mass.
North Easton, Mass.Marlborough, Mass.......
Bangor, Me...............
Watertown, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Lockport, N. Y........
McGregor, Iowa.....
Turner, Me..............
Newark, N. J...........
Canton, Conn.............
Newton, Mass.........
Hawley, Pa.............
North Bridgewater, Mass
Date. No.
Apr. 7, 1868 76, 391
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 563
Sept. 23, 1856 15, 789
June 21, 1870 104, 540
Apr. 30, 1861 30, 230
Dec. 7, 1858 22, 248
Nov. 25, 1856 16, 128
May 31, 1870
Aug. 28, 1866
Mar. 30, 1869
I)Dec. 27, 1864
Feb. 18, 1868
Sept. 18, 1866
May 30, 1865
Nov. 12, 1867
July 19, 1859
Apr. 6,1869
June 23, 1868
Jan. 22, 1867
Feb. 5, 1867
May 4, 1869
Feb. 27, 1866
Apr. 10, 1860
June 21, 1859
Sept. 22, 1857
July 28, 1857
May 20, 1e73
Mar. 31, 1863
Jan. 28, 173
Nov. 2, 1852
June 24, 1856
July 19, 1870
Sept. 20, 1870
Sept. 6, 1864
Oct. 17, 1854
Dec. 5, 1871
Apr. 19, 1870
June 9, 1868
Feb. 18,1873
Jan. 7,1868
July 24, 1860
Mar. 24, 1868
Feb. 10, 1863
July 12, 1864
Apr. 3, 1866
Dc. 28, 1858
Nov. 20, 1860
Oct. 6, 1868
July 1, 1873
Nov. 11, 1873
S. H. Hedges.................. Lynn, Mass............ Mar. 19, 1872
R. C. Lambert---------------............... --Raynham, Mass...-... Aug. 11, 1868
I. R. Rogers...........-- ---.... Lynn, Mass............. Feb. 18, 1873
S. H. Hedges-----------------.................. Lynn, Mass....... July 23, 1872
103, 812
57, 493
88, 264
45, 669
74, 561
58, 123
47, 973
70, 894
24, 825
88, 551
79, 203
61, 384
61, 804
89, 754
52, 845
27, 840
24, 526
18, 237
139, 034
38, 026
135, 308
9, 364
15, 176
105, 452
107, 491
44, 093
121, 465
102, 048
78, 758
136, 087
73, 082
29, 336
76, 025
37, 616
43, 518
53, 747
22, 466
30, 668
82, 711
140, 390
144, 560
124, 744
80, 828
136, 096
129, 663
129, 400
122, 780
8, 247
9, 986
113, 487
33, 190
139, 142
111, 093
143, 264
44, 300
83, 365
127, 618
88, 920
94, 629
105, 242
54, 342
64, 856
6, 407
82, 913
140, 891
108, 498
86, 267
112, 784
117, 988
56, 845
76, 970
58, 750
28, 047
55, 802
39, 453
80, 440
52, 518
68, 037
E. C. Dicey..................... H. ichardson..............
J. Jenkins....................
J. Ba:ones...................
H. E. Bradt...................
L. Fay.....................
O. H. Gromberg and WV. M.
E. H. Stearns.................
E. II. Stearns.................
L. Goddu.....................
J. Woolley...................
W. Crossley..................
A. S. Libby...................
C. F. Fisher...................
T. Smiley..............
O. W. Morley............
F. M. Patterson and H. P.
W. H. Henderson.............
D. Fobes.....................
E. Allen....................
G. D. Allen...................
J. W. Condon................
H. S. Maltby ----...............
F. Oakley..................
I. R Amsden...............WV. J. Clark................
J. T. Co:nforth...............
L. B. Alden...................
W. N. Angus.................
V. G. Arnold.................
F. Ashley.............
F. Ashley.....................
U. Baker. -.-........
L. T.Elake.................
A. 1. B!asse..................
G. E. Bridger.................
Whitehall, Mich.........
Bangor, Me.............Andover, Mass..........
Franklin, N. Y............
Manistee, Mich.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Ferrysburgh and Grand
Haven, Mich.
Erie, Pa..................
Erie, Pa..................
Braintree, Mass...........
New York, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill.............
Lawrence, Mass...........
York, Pa................
A ll n Twa.
July 16, 1872
Jan. 16, 1872
July 22, 1851
Sept. 6, 1853
Apr. 4, 1871
Sept. 3, 1861
May 20, 1873
Jan. 17, 1871
Sept. 30, 1873
Sept. 20, 1e64
Mar. 16, 1831
Oct. 27, 1868
June 4, 1812
Feb. 28, 1833
A r 13 18f69
rl u a, w...........-. -AI)r.3,;:
Tarrytown, N. Y......... Sept. 7, 1869
Seymour, Ind............ July 12, 1870
Franklin, Ind............. May 1, 1866
Boston, Mass----.------...... ---...... --May 21, 1867
Windham, Conn.......... May 1, 1849
New York, N. Y.....-- Oct. 13, 1868
Logansport, Ind-.......... --- July 15, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 18, 1870
London, England......... Jan. 29, 1867
Buffaiblo, N. Y............. Jan. 26, 1869
Lena, Ill................ Mar. 21, 1871
Kansas City, Mo.......... Aug, 15, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio......... July 31, 1866
Morristown, N.J........ Apr. 21, 1868
Providence, R. I..........Oct 16, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... May 1, 1860
New York, N. Y.......... June 26, 1866
Brooklyn, N. Y.-.......... -- Oct. 23, 1860
New Haven, Conn.........July 28, 1868
Westminster, Md......... Feb. 13, 1866
Milwaukee, Wis.......... Aug. 27, 1867
Index of patents issued from 1the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Egg-beater-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Egg-beater ------------------------------------
Egg-beater -----------------------------------
Egg-beater------------------------------ -----
E gg-beater------------------------------------
Egg-beater, &c --------- ---------
Egg-beater ------------------------- ----------
Egg-beater---------------..--------- -----------
Egg-beater.- - - - - - - - - -...... - - -
E tg-beater................--..................Egg-beater------------------------------------
+:gg-beater ------------------------------------
Eg g-beater.....................................
Egg-beater ------------------------------------
Egg-beater -------------------------------------
Egg-beater.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E gg-beater-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eg g-beater -------------------------------------
Egg-beater ------------------------------------
Egg-beater -..........--------------
C. H. Butterfield............G. G. Carver.............--..
D. 13. Clayton----------------
M. G. Ci-ane---- -----
M. G. Crane.........
W. 0. Crocker..............---
J. Daneis...................
G. K. Dearborn.--- - --- -
C. M. Drennan..............
HF. Drott......... TEal------------------
3?. Earle --------------------
T. Earle----------..-------
3?. Eat-Ic-------------------
3?. Earle and G. K. Dearborn-.
H. ID.ad J. T. Feitbonse..
Hi G. and A. C. Fougen.._-.
E. IHadley..................
W. H. Ilaines...............
V\ Hart...................
J. B. Heieb -----------------
HI. P. Hoed----------------...
J. M. Jay..................--
J. M. Jay and J. Danner.--
H. F. Jenks and 3?. Marsh.... -
S. F. Jones..................
F. L inig..-..-..-....-----.
P. Klepper..................
F. Krandelt---------------....
E. B. Kunkle---------------..
L. Laurie...................
H. W. Lotiden..............
D. D.Mackay--------------
3?. Marsh...................T. Marsh and J. Bet-ney...
T. Mat-sb and J1. Berney..
3?. MeBean..................
J. P. McLean and P. A. Morley
P. Mihan............_......
H. Miller------------------.-..
H. Miller------------------...
N. C. Miller----------------.N. C. Miller.........
J. F. Monroe and E. P. Monroe
D. Munson..................
D. Munson.._..............._
W. 3?. Nicholson...........
W. 3?. Nicholson and 3?. Earle
Residence. Date.
Stur-bridge, Mass-- _- - -----Oct. 16i, 1866
Roxbury, Mass ----------- Dec. 3,1867*
Columbia, S. C ------Aug. 15, 1871
Boston, Mass-------------._..July 4, 1865
Boston, Mass..------------ _ June 19, 1866
Laconia, N. H------------ _.Sept. 24, 1872
Newark, N. J ---__ _- -- --Jan. 23, 1872
Schenectady, N. Y V_-._July 17, 1866
Pawtucket, R. I-----------July '26, 1870
Boston, Mass - -----------Sept. 18, 1866
Cuinberland, Md----. _--Sept. 18, 1860
Smithfield, 11. I............July 7, 1863
Valley Falls and Smith- Apr. 24, 1866
field, R. I.
Valley Falls, Ht. I -.._Jan. 25, 1870
Sntithfield, It. I...........-July 5, 1870
Valley Falls, Smithfield, Sept. 27, 1870
andi Pawtucket, R. I.
Philadelphia, Pa---------- _Mar. 27, 1866
Cape Gi-ardeau, Mo....Nov. 30, 1869
Chicopee Falls, Mass -. - -_-. May 6, 187:1
Newark, N. J------------- _Feb. 15, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa - -... Mar. 12, 1861
Cincinnati, Ohio---------- _Dec. 15, 1857
Indianapolis, lad..---------_Aug. 6, 1872
Canton, Ohio-------------....Feb. 7, 1860
Canton, Ohio- -_.- -- -- ----Apr. 17 1860
Pawtucket, R. I...........June 13, 1871
Saint Paul, lad...........-May 3, 1859
Worcester, Mass.........-Jan. 2, 1886
Centralia, Ill-------------.. July 16, 1867
San Francisco, Cal-.__..Feb. '22, 1870
Fort Wayre, lad.........-Sept. 5, 1871
Washington, D. C -....._Dec. 21, 1869
Ephratah, Pa-------------_ _Feb. 25 1866
Whitestone, N. Y...- Dcc. 29, 1168
Pawtucket, 1B. I _.........Sept. '20, 1870
Pawtucket, R. I. ---......June 14, 18 70
Pawtncket, Ht. 1..---------Aug. 9, 1870
Fowl erville, N. YV-_....May 24,1859
Brookb an, N. V........... June 19, 1860
Boston, Mass-------....----Mar. 2:, 1858
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Dec. 1, 1857
Cincinnati, Ohio..---------..Feb. 6, 1672
Strondsbnrgh, Pa.....Feb. 1, 1870
Strondsburgh, Pa-._...Apr. 22, 187:3
Fitchburgh, Mass., and Apr. 19, 1859
New York, N. Y.
Indianapolis, lad __.-._Mar. 5, 1872
Indianapolis, lnd-._..._._June 17, 1873
Providence, R. I----------._.July 23, 1861
Pr-evidence and Smithfield. Sept. 23, 1860
Rh. 1.
58, 770
71, 696
117, 982
48, 525
55, 625
131, 600
122, 997
56, 182
58, 165
30, 05:3
39, 134
54, X34
99. 173
105, 057
107, 673
53, 429
97, 379
138, 647
99, 883
31, 66:1
18, 849
130, 297
27, 054
27, 908
115, 86-2
23, 843 -51, 839
66, 855
100, 155
118, 7-27
98, 168
74, 837
85, 480
107, 515
104, 174
1t6, 182
24, 134
28, 760
19, 738
18, 759
123, 353
99, 337
138, 094
23, 694
124, 375
140, 067
32, 886
30, 152
23, 814
54, 761
130, 591
75, 787
58, 882
54, 776
144, S5i7
4-2, 603
40, 188
88, 672
36, 0:30
5)1, 758
108, 203
49, 176
26, 958
72, 136
63, 774
98, 53:1
64, 928
103, 811
75, 340
57, 59
101, 281
45, 309
25, 038
26, 123
16, 267
49, 062
Egg-beater..................."--..............J. L. Nicolal-----------------ChiaoIl.......
Egg-beater...................................... S. B. Pangborn and G. H. Boston, Mass............--
Egg-beater...................................... C. R. Peirce................... Philadelphia, Pa.----
Egg-beater------------------------------------- W. H. Peirce................ Bangor, Me -............
Egg-beater--------------------.Pne...............................Pne _--_._._._Lowell, Mass.-.....
E,,g-beater...................................... A. M. Robinson..............-Boston, Mass............
Eggbete...................................- J. F. Rote-------------------Reading, Pa.............Egg-beater.....................................-- W. Sal adee an d E. M. L uckett Philadelphia, Pa.----
Egg-beater...................................... P. Schildecker---------------- Pittsburgh, Pa.....
Egg-beater-------------------------------------...C. F. A. Seitz----------------..Philadelphia, Pa __..
Egg-beater....................................13. Shive---------------------.Philadelphia, Pa...
Egg-beater...................................W. B. Smith................ New York, N. YV.....
Egg-beater...................................... D. M. Swartz............... Lewisburgh, Pa.....
Egg-beater.-.-....................-...-...-.-----H. Tilden..................... Boston, Mass.------------
Egg-beater...................................... S. Walker...................Boston, Mass.-...----
Egg-beater--------------------------------------- D. Webster................... Washington, D. C -....
Egg-beater....................................... W. Weckersham.............. Boston, Mass ----_-.-_Egg-beater-------------------------------------..L. Williams----------------... errysville, Con....
Egg-beater-------------------------------------..M. 3?. Williams --------------- Milwaukee, Wis _.-.
Egg-beater....................................3?. Williams -------.---------Providence, H. I.,.__
Egg-beater.._............................... S. C. Wilson ------------------ Central Falls, R. I...
Eigg-beater and liquor-mixer......................E. C. Strange - -- -- -- -- ------Taunton, Mass.... --- -...
Egg beater and stirrer--------------------------__C. Lehman._............Hartford, Con..........Egg-beatee-, cake-cutter, and nntmeg-grater-._S. C. Moore------------------....Boston, Mass------------.
Egg beater or agitator..----------------.W.Bls....................Bis---------- Hartfo-d, Conna..........
Egg beater or churn.-.---------.------...--..--..-....-J. J. Parker...----------------_ __.Marietta, Ohio -.-__....
Egg-beater or ice cream freezer------------------......J. Pyne and W. Burr ---- -_ Harrisburgh, Pa.----
E gbeater, Rotary-----------------------------..R. Collier.-----------------Baltimore, Md...........
E..oie.....................................F. Ashley..................... New York, N. V.----
E.g butler-------------------------------------...P. Malapert and E. A. Des Poitiers, France, and New
Courtis York, N.Y.
Egboiler....................................... A. Shat-low..................Feort Lee, N.J...........Egg-boiling apparatus...... __...... _... _......... Dihnock... __...............Flotence, Mass.._--- ---
Egg-box.......................................--J. D. Michael................. Baltimore, Md.-......
Eg-carier------------------------------------ __......_ _J. H. Asher-.................. Oskaloosa, Iowa.. _.- -..'gcarrter------------------------------....----J. A.Beam i-------------------Califotnia, Mo----------
Ei gc-triter-------------------------------------__W. Braniwell..._..........Toledo, Ohio------------..
Eg- cantier...................................... A. H. Biyant------------...ao.l.........Chcgll.__._...
Eg-ca(sier....................................- A. H. Btyant................. Chtcago, Ill.............Eg -carier------------------------------------...A. H. Btyant................. Chtca~oIll....-.....
Ek" carrter...................A.Byn--------------------------------A H.Brynt.............e okN.Y
Egg-cattier-------------------------------------.A. H. Bryant----------------- Nw York, N. Y.-----
Eog-cattvier-------------------------------------.A. HII. ryant---------------- Chicago, Ill -...--- --
Egcattier....................................- W. J. Clark.................. Lena, Ill.........
Apr. 26, 1859
May 15, 1866
Aug. 20, 1872
Mar-. 24, 1868
Oct. 16, 1866
May 15, 1866
Nov. 1.1, 1873
May 3, 1864
Oct. 6, 3863
Apr. 6, 1869
July 29, 1862.
Dee. 26, 1865
Oct. 11, 1870
Aug. 1, 1865
Jan. 24, 1860
Dec. 10, 186 7
Apr. 9, 1867
Jan. 4, 1870
May 21, 1867
May 31, 1870
Mar. 10, 1868
Aug. 28, 1866
Mar. 29, 187 0
May 1, 1866
Dec. 6, 1864
Aug. 9, 1859
Nov. 15, 1859
Dec. 23, 1856
Aug. 1, 1865
Oct. 24, 1865
Apr. 11, 1865
Oct. 20, 1868
Jan. 4, 1870
Sept. 6, 1870
July 15, 1873
Aug. 13, 1872
Mar. 22, 1870
Mar. 22, 1870
June 14, 1870
July 16, 1872
Dee. 17, 1872
June 3,187:3
Mar. 15, 1870
Index of patents issuned from llhe Usiiled Stoles Poteni Off ce fromt 17CO to 1873, inclusiv-Continued.
Inventioin. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Egg-carrier.----------------------------- ------- G. Dorn--------------------- Albany, N. Y------------- Aug. it, 1868 81, 151
Egg-carrier-.------------------ ------------ -----G. Porn and J. Shibley-- Albany, N. Y-------------.Apr. 20, 1869 89, 133
Egg-carrier - - - - --- -.- -- -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- - - ----W. Duchernin----------------..Charlottetown, Prince Ed- June 27, 1871 116, 280
waid Island.
Egg-carrier------------------------------------..P. A. Fanghaenel-------------.Kansas City, Mo----------_.July 9, 1872 128, 793
Egg-carrier..._-.--------------- ---------E. P. Herrick----------------- Chicago, Iiit--------------.Jan. 33,17 122, 889
Eg-carrier.--------------.___ G. M. Huston................. San Francisco, Cal...Nov. 26, 1872 133, 315
Egcarrier.....................................-" - -"- -G. M. Huston................ Zanesville, Ohio.. _.._ July 8, 1873 140, 579
Egg-cearrier............................----.......G. NI. Huston----------------- Zanesville, Ohio ----------- July 8, 1873 140, 5J80
Egcarrier-------------------------------------..P. P. Josef..........----------Buffalo, N. Y ------------- Api-. 6, 1889 88,8041
Egcarrier-----------------------------------P. P. Josef.................... Buffalo, N. Y-----__------Oct. 26, 1869 96, 119
Egg carrier...... __..._..........................E. E. Joseff................ Saint Louis, Mo _.. _.......Aug. 16, 1870 100, 369
Egcarier......................................W. A. Laverty.. _...........Philadelphia, Pa. _........Dec. 9, 1873 145, 431
Egg-carrier.....................................E. L. Mueller.._..........Saint Louis, Mo........... Apr. 23, 1872 125, 977
Egcarrier.....................................E. L. Mueller..._.._._........Saint Louis, Mo........... Apr. 15, 1873 137,7191
Eag carrier..................................... A. Selkirk._...........Albany, N. Y..._..._.....Ap. 20, 1869 89, 174
Egg-carrier...................................... C. J. Simmons..-...........Kansas City, Mo.......... Sept. 16, 1873 14-2, 952
Eg-gcarrier -..........................S. H. Surithr.................North Adams, Mich...May 28, 1872 127, 379
E gcarrier....................._............S. H. Smith -............ Noi-th Adamas, Mich.---May 27, 1873 139, 431
E gcarrier.....................................J. L. Stevens.................--Chicago, Ill.............. Oct.. 1, 1872 131, 911
E~g-carries -....................................--J. L. Stevens.................. New York, N. Y...... Dec. 31, 1872 134, 495
Egg-carrier........................--.........W. 0. Strong _...........Ypsilanti. Mich........... July 9,1872 128,9-20
Egcar-ier.....................................__W. D. Taber._............Buffalo, N. Y------------- Nov. 12, 1872 132, 937
Egg-earrier..._........_......................... C. Tlenniant.- ------- _ _------Dublin, Mid---------------.. _Nov. 7, 1871 120, 795
E-g -carrier....................................... I. Wa de--- - -- - -- - ---- -- - -San Francisco, Cal...-Dec. 2, 1873 145, 137
EW -carrier.....................................--. Weis---------------------- Saint Paul, Minm.......... Dee. 30, 1,173 143, 038
Egcaiiiei, Suspension... ------..---.. _-_A. H. Bryant- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Wilmington, Del.... _.....Mar. 17, 1868 75, 62:3
E gcanrers, Pocket for---------------A. H. Bryant _...............Philadelphia, Pa. _........June 22, 1869 91, 516
E gcarriers, Safety-attachment for- -- -- -- -- -- -- --A. H. Bryant. _....__......Wilmington, Del _......... Sept. 1, 1868 81, 593
Erg-cooker.....................................-W. Loucks...................--Sehoharie, N. Y_._.- June 13 1865 48, 190
Egcup. ---....-- -._.........................C. Hellen.._._.._.... _... Washington, ID. C.._.Oct. 8, 1867 6, 665
Eg-cup.................................------C. ID. P. Watters.-----...---Newr York, N. Y._.......Apr. 21, 1888 77, 140
Egg-cp andtand tongs..............................C. -- - -- - lic-hen.-Hllen --..... ---.-.---.--WashingtonigtonP..C-. Sept... 17,ep 1867, 8 68,6,984
Eg-cup, Spiing.................................H. G. Batty -.- - - --. ___ _. __Springfield, Mass...Feb. 14, 1860 2 7, 095
Eg-cutter._..._............ ----"F.L.Kig..................F.L.Kn..- - Worcester, Mass.......... June 18, 1867 65, 916
Egg-detector...................................---F. J. Elsenman ------ ---------Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 26, 1869 96, 693
Frg-detector.................. __ _ __ __..__...........A. Sahlstrom and P. Itohdin. Chicago, Ill........... June 27, 1871 116, 501
Thg detector ------------------------------------ A. F. Summer-s and C. Nyc.--- Peoria, Ill................-Mar. 19. 1867 62, 979
Egg-ftrier------------------------------------ A. Overbagh..................Hudson, N.Y............. Nov. 1, 1864 44, 886
Fgg-histelung apparatus- - _- - - - -- - - -- --_------T. Carter.................... Covin gton, Ky............- -- -Mar. 8, 1864 41, 830
1 i-tching apparatus...............P. Degive._......__ New Yoi-k, IN. Y -.- -- -- -- --Mar. 26, 1867 63, 146
Egg-,holder --------------------------------------F. Ar-nold.................... Haddam, Con..'-........Aug. 14, 1855 13, 414
E g-holler-------------------------------------..........A. Br-own..... -...... Springfield, Vt........... Aug. 2, 1870 105, 901
Loo (,holder.....................................---F. K. Har-baugh--------------- Philaulelpliia, Pa.........--Oct..20, 1868 83, 281
EgLolero..et...................................- J. Nathan..------------ Washington. I). C......Oct. 29, 1867 70, 350
E'gbolher......................................11. M. Washburn-------------- Burlington, Iowa.....July 16, 172 129, 6312
Lgholder......................................F. Wegratlier................. Chicago, Ill.---------------Apr. 3,1866 53, 712
Lgg holder and packer......................... 0. T. Bedell................... New York, N. Y..- -..July 4, 1865 48, 507
L'og inspector.................. __..... __.........A. Jewett.. _...... __...........Sanford's Corners, N. Y July 30, 1872 130, 054
1gg packing.................................... G. Rluston........... Freeport, Ill.....-.....Apr. 19, 1870 102, 047
Egpacking box....................---..........N. L. Janney-........_. Wilmington, Del---------- Oct. 3, 1871 119, 613
Egg-pm.......................................---N. Waterman----------------..Boston, Mass.............Apr. 5,1859 2:1, 517
Egg-poachinig pen.--_-_........ _............M. M. Crutchfield------------ _ _Fayette Coi-ner, Ten-. Nov. 19, 1872 i33, 205
Egg-preserving franie...........................C. A. Erskinme..-------- _ _----Palermo Centre, Me. Feb. 4, 1868 73, 960
Egpreserving process -- -_- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --A. Wadgymar--------._ _.-----Saint. Louis, Mo. -........._Nov. 5, 1867 70, 655
Lgg stand and boiler----------------------------- E. P. Woods and ID. Sherwood. Lowell, Mass-.............Nov. 12, 1867 70, 7(19
Egtester--------------------------------------__F. B. Seeley.................. Johnison's Creek, N. Y -.__ Aug. 21, 1866 57, 389
Egas, Apparatus for assorting--------------------- 11. Burit.._....._...........Newark, N.J.. -- - -.. Nov. 10, 1858 22, 161
Eggs, Apparatus for desiccating-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -C. A. Lamont... _.............New York, N. Y----------... c.Oct. 10, 1865 50, 421
Eggs, &c., Apparatus for desiccating -- -- -- -- -- -- --J. B. Thompson-_._.------.---New York, N. Y -........ Ma r. 20, 1866 53l, 361
Eggs, Box for packing---------------------------..E. M. Coorubs----------------- Memphis, Ind------------- Oct. 30, 1865 50, 341
Eggs. Bux for transpor-ting....................... G. A. Wells.-. ---.---Oskaloosa, Iowa.__......May 17, 1870 10:3, lit
Eggs, Case for transprting- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --. L. and G. W. Stevens- San Francisco, Cal...._ Feb. 26, 1867 6-2.:3 78
E'ggs, chuirnirng, &c., Apparatus for beating - ------W. liorrnan - - I Cincinnati, Ohio - - ----Apr. 27, 1858 211, 032
Eggs, &c., Desiccating--------------------------.....T. It. Quick.. -.__- - --. _..._New York, N. Y.----------.. o.Nov. 21, 1865 51, 084
Eggs, Device for packing and transpot-ting.....B. Illirngworth - --- -- -- -- -- ----Freeport, Ill.. __.. _........ Mar. 8, 1870 100, 63
Egg s, Device for transporting--------------------._...A. H. Bryant.................. Chicago, Ill _..............Mar. 21, 1871 112, 778
Eggs for- transportation, Device for packing.._._._A. S. Smithli-------------------Lawrence, Mass.._..Nov. 2:,1869 97, 129
Eggs, Mode of keeping........................... - - -- -- -B D. Atwell and G. H. Craw Portage City, Wis..._ June 25, 1867 65, 188
Eggs, Mode of transporting.......................-- -- -- -H. Williard.. __...............Grand Rapids, Mich.---July 25, 1871 117, 496
Eggs, &c., Packing......._....................... A. Thomas------ -------------- Ulysses, N. Y.-.__..._ Feb. it, 1868 74, 257
E'ggs, Process of preserving................... _. H. Sefr- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - Saint Louis, Mo....._...... Apr. 30, 186 7 04, 256
Egyptian eck..................................__A. 0. Stansbury --------------- New York, N.Y.......... Feb. 11, 1807_..
Ejecting cup, Oil--------------------------------- H. E. Stager_-............Milwaukee, Wis----------Sept. 26. 1865 50, 183
Ejector----------------------------------------... I. Cull-------__---- -------Millvmrle Borough, Pa--_Dec. 20, 1870 110,205
Ejector---------------------.7.W ls...................._.._......G V ls._-..----New Brighton, Pa--.- July 20, 18619 92, 718
Ejeto-----------------------------. l-Hibr----------heelin, XV.Va- -July.2,-)1i3 11 149
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Ejector for oil-wells. Oil........................
Ejector for refuse matter from steam-vessels......
Ejector for steam-boiler furnaces..................
Ejector for steam-vessels, Ash....................
Ejector for steam-vessels, Refuse.................
Ejector, Insect-powder...........................
Ejector, Liquid...................................
Ejector, Oil........................................
Ejector, Oil........................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil-----------------------------........................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil..............................
Ejector, Oil...............................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil...............................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil......................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil.......................................
Ejector, Oil..............................
Ejector, Oil........................................
Ejector, Perfume..........................
Ejector, Sand......................................
Ejector, Sand............................
Ejector, Sand and seed.............................
Ejector, Steam...................................
Ejector, Steam air.....................
Ejector, Steam and air.............................
Ejector, Steam-operated water.....................
Ejector, Steam water---..............................
Ejector, Steam water......................
Ejector, Steam water..............................
Ejector, W ater....................................
Ejector, Water.- --...........................
Ejector, Water..............................
Ejector, Water.....................
Elastic bands, Clasp for.................
Elastic chair...................................
Elastic clamp for shoemakers, &c..............
Elastic coupling for mill-shafting, &c......
Elastic cups, dippers, &c., Marnufacture of..._.....
Elastic cushion for horses' feet...................
W. Reed----------------......................J. Palmer.................
J. N. Snowdon and H.Wilkins.
G. P. Huut--------------.....
J. Brown, jr., and S. R. Brooks.
S. Rose and N. Goldsmith.....
A. Brear.....................
R. Boeklen...................
A. Brear......................
E. Crooker...................
W. R. Greenleaf.....----------
W. R. Greenleaf..............
W. W. Hubbell...............
G. E. Mills....................
G. M. Mowbray......-..-.....F. S. Pease..................
F. S. Pease...................
S. F. Schoonmaker...........
S. F. Schoonmaker...........
H. Searl......................
H. Searle.....................
J. Y. Smith..................
J. Y. Smith..................
L. W. Turrell, S. Stanton, and
L. C. Ward.
G. L. Witsil and E. Burke.....
C. L. Fehrenson...............
E. W. Poston...............
J. Thayer................
M. Christiansen...............
N. L. Chappell...............
J. Y. Smith....................
S. E. Hewes.................
H. Coll......------------------..................
R. D. and W. F. Cox.........
J. Habermehi and H. Kleiman.
H. S. Ross....................
N. L. Chappell................
H. Coll.......................
T. J. Jones...................
H. S. Lansdell... -...........
R. P. Staats.................
S. Gragg...............
T. R. Hoyt....................
W. S. Reeder.................
T. Smith, jr.......
J. Haseltine and C. L.Wheeler.
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Sandisfield, Mass.........
Brownsville, Pa..........
United States Navy... - -....
New York, N. Y., and Saint
Louis, Mo.
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Saugatuck, Conn........
Brooklyn. N. Y..........
Saugatuck, Conn. -....
Bufihlo, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Philadelpia, Pa..._......
New York, N. Y..........
Titusville, Pa............
Bufhfalo, N. Y.............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
Rochester, N. Y.......
Rochester, N. Y..........
Alexandria, Va..........
Alexandria, Va...........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y....
Fort Wayne, aInd..........
Topeka, Kans...........
Winneconne, Wis.......
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Millville Borough, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Allegheny, Pa.......
New York, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.........
Millvale, Pa.............
Madison, N. J.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.........
Goffstown, N. H.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Boston, Mass..........
Melrose and Cambridge,
Wellsburgh, W. Va.......
New York, N. Y...._...
New Brunswick, N. J......
Naugatuck, Conn.........
Oregon, Pa...............
Rindge, N. H..............
Salem, Mass...........
Washington, D. C.--........
Auburn, N. Y.............
Chelsea, Mass.............
New York, N. Y...........
Mansfield, Mass......
New Brunswick, N. J......
New Haven, Conn.........
Providence, R. I......
Chicago, Ill..............
Derby, Conn..............
Oberlin, Ohio..............
Oberlin, Ohio..............
Leacock, Pa......._......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Newark, N. J.............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Sumter, S. C.............
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Cleveland, Ohio......
C leveland, O hio.......
Tarrytown, N. Y.......
Paris, France.............
Paris, France.............
New York, N. Y..........
Mansfield, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y..........
Lyons, France............
Dec. 31, 1872
Sept. 26, 1865
June 13, 1865
Dec. 3, 1872
Jan. 12, 1864
Nov. 29, 1870
Aug. 20, 1865
Nov. 21, 1865
May 23, 1865
Apr. 25, 1865
Mar. 28, 1865
June 13, 1865
Oct. 31, 18653
Apr. 25, 1865
Mar. 21, 1865
Mar. 21, 1865
Mar. 28, 1865
Apr. 11, 1865
Apr. 11, 1865
Mar. 14, 1865
Jan. 29, 1867
May 23, 1865
June 6, 1865
Apr. 4, 1865
Apr. 4, 1865
Apr. 12, 1870
Aug. 6, 1867
Apr. 1,1873
May 23, 1871
Aug. 6, 1867
Mar. 11, 1873
Oct. 30, 1866
June 8, 1869
May 7, 1872
Mar. 26, 1872
May 26, 1868
Aug. 29,1865
Oct. 21,1873
May 7, 1867
Mar. 26, 1867
Dec. 2, 1873
Aug. 31, 1808
Dec. 6, 1817
Oct. 13,1857
Dec. 16, 1862
Sept. 21, 1869
Apr. 5, 1864
Mar. 7, 1865
Aug. 24, 1858
Aug. 30, 1870
Oct. 8, 1867
Sept. 26, 1854
Jan. 17, 1866)
Jan. 29, 1867
Aug. 6, 1872
Apr. 19, 1864
May 26, 1863
Sept. 29, 1888
Mar. 26, 1861
Aug. 1, 1823
Aug. 21, 1866
Dec. 4, 1866
July 11, 1871
Dec. 17, 1872
Mar. 28, 1871
July 2, 1872
Dec. 26, 1871
Nov. 11, 1862
Jan. 12, 1869
May 11, 1869
Sept. 26, 1871
Feb. 18, 1862
May 5, 1863
Sept. 26, 1871
July 5, 1870
July 5, 1870
Oct. 10, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
July 26, 1870
Mar. 16, 1858
134, 397
50, 153
48, 218
133, 535
41, 192
109, 762
49, 602
51, 038
47, 793
47, 399
47, 011
48, 170
50, 710
47, 444
46, 925
46, 931
47, 034
47, 226
47, 227
46, 824
47, 871
48, 106
47, 174
47, 148
101, 848
67, 580
137, 507
115, 164
67, 413
136, 780
59, 221
90, 930
126, 525
124, 895
78, 395
49, 603
143, 884
64, 539
63, 264
145, 073
18, 412
37, 181
95, 107
42, 228
46, 674
21, 270
106, 924
69, 704
26, 861
130, 349
42, 415
38, 674
82, 636
31, 832
57, 377
60, 131
116, 882
134, 038
113, 016
128, 602
122, 141
36, 911
85, 843
89, 936
119, 230
34, 425
38, 389
119, 298
105, 042
105, 043
119, 763
113, 399
105, 697
19, 642
31, 545
03, 816
123, 923
33, 457
33, 458
114, 652
79, 819
32, 354
137, 810
Elastic cushion for piercing implements-.......... --- B.D. Sanders..............
Elastic fabric............................... H. Hines..............
Elastic fathbric................................ J. W.Newell..................
Elastic fabrics, Apparatus for the manufacture of.. C. A. Ensign.............
Elastic gate, Self'adjusting......................P. S. Reist...............
Elastic goods................................ E.Brown................
Elastic hollow molded articles, Manufacture of.... 1). D. Parmelee............
Elastic mold --...............................T. Taylor...................
Elastic or yielding roller, Driving gear of........ L. M. Woodcock..........
Elastic roller---.............................. L. R. Streeter...............
Elastic-rubber straps, Manufacture of...........C. Goodyear, jr..............
Elastic seat, Portable adjustable................. II.Perkins....................
Elastic shirred goods, Machinery for making..... R. olis......................
Elastic.spring cushion, &c................... S. Blair.................
Elastic springs, Manufacture of............ S. G. Randall.................
Elastic strap for garments-....................J. W. Boughton..............
Elastic supporter, Ladies'..................... G. C. Stillson................
Elastic-tube clasp................................. E. A. Day...........
Elastic tubes, Regulating-clasp for......... W. Bunce.....................
Elastic washer----........-------------------------................... C. Dittman..................
Elastic washer --............................. J. P. Verre...................
Elbow-joint hand................................. S. M. Parse..................
Elbows, Manufacture of curved............... F. G. and W. F. Niedringhaus
Electric alarm.................................. C. T. Mason...................
Electric and vapor chair..................... M. A. Hayward...............
Electric bath.................................... M. W. House.................
Electric bath.................................. M. W. House................
Electric battery.......................... L. Bastet......................
Electric battery.................................. T. Chutaux................
Electric battery.................................. T. Chutaux..................
Electric battery................................ V.Himmer..............
Electric battery for telegraphing and other pur- D. M. Cook...................
Electric battery, Compound switch for........... J. Kidder...............
Electric currents, Apparatus for regulating and J. Lacassagne and R. Thiers..
measuring the intensity of.
Electric currents, Method of integrating incon- C. Kirchhof..................
Electric fire and burglar alarm................... E. Fontaine...........
Electric light.............................-. A. A. Meynial.............
Electric light................................... J. F. May..........
Electric light..............................J. F. May..................
Electric light, Producing the.................. E. L. C. d'Ivernois........
Electric machine........... -.............. A. L. Fleury.................
Electric machine, Frictional....................... R. Cornelius...........
Electric switch............................ S. Gardiner, jr..........
Electrical apparatus, Connecting-post for........ T. Wishart...................
Electrical apparatus, Construction of........... T. Brown.................
60 P
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 26, 1861
Fort Wayne, Ind........ Aug. 17, 1869
New York, N. Y.....-------- Feb. 20, 1872
London, England.......... Oct. 8, 1861
London, England.......... Oct. 8, 1861
Paris, France............. May 9, 1871
New York, N. Y....... July 14, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa...... May 21, 1861
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 19, 1867
Clayton, Del......... Apr. 15, 1873
Albany, N. Y.........._. IDec. 20, 1816
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Electrical apparatus, Keys for use with -- - - - - ------J. Olmsted..................
Electrical apparatus, Pole-changer for.. _...__- -.J. E. Smith...................
Electrical aplparatius, Portable -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -F. IB. Varley..............._
Electrical apparatus, Screw-post for.- - - - - --.-----S. E. Field. _--................-- -
Electrical bath-------------.------------ ----C. Winterburn and W. Kent --
Electrical-current breaker, Automatic - -_-- ------C. Robinson and C. T. Chester.
Electrical heating apparatus---------------------_G. U. Simpson...............
Electrical indicator-_--__-------- --------------- S. S. Laws----------------.....Electrical indicator------------------------------- G. Little....................
}Electirical indicator for elevators -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --J. IH. Corey------------_. _ --
Electrical macblue------------------------------__E. S. Blake...................
Electril machine------------------------------..H. J. Smith-----------------..
Elcn imachine, Holtz -- _-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --E. S. Ritchie.................
El1etrical machines from moisture, Protecting C. A. Seely-- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -
Eiict On Il.
Electrical-pole changer --------------------- ----- J. E. Smith................--
Electrical iregulatoi- for transmittinig-instruments T. A. Edison.._.....___..
lectrical vacuum and vapor treatment, Appara 1. H. Utley............_ __ _ _...
tus f101
Ele ctricity, Apparatus for obtaining light by fric M. Wesolowski..............
Electi icity as a remedial agent, Apparatus for G. Munroe..................
Electricity, Method of utilizing atmospheric....- H. C. Vion.......... _ ___........Electricity, lleinecdial application of-------------- M. WV. House---------------..
Elecctrifyint-niachiue----------------------------- E. Cole-----------__-----_
Electr-o and permanent magnets to render te E. F. Barnes.........
graphing-magnets easy of adjustment, Combinathon of.
Electro-bathing apparatus-----------------------..W. W. Karshner............
Elect ro-depositiou of metals---------------------- I. Adams,jr.................
Electro-gildiug iron-----------------------------._H. Tuckeri-..................
Ect-baigapparatus------------ ----------W. L. Burton --------------
Eectro-magnet--------------_ -_ S. G. Cahell..................
Electro-magnet---------------------------------..C. T. Chester................
Electr-o-magnet---------------------------------..W. E Davis---------------..
Flectro-magnet ----------------------------------M. S. Frost..................
EFlectro-magnet---------------------------------- A. 0-. Holcomb _...._....._.
Flectro-magnet---------------------------------__J. S. Jenness..................
Flectin-magnet------------------------------- --- H. M. Paine.................
Flectro-magnet-----------------------------------IH. M. Paine.................
Eleetro-uiagnet----------------------------------- E. Provost ------------------
Flectro niaghet ----------------------------------W. W. Smith................
ilectro-magnet--------------------..-------------.EP.Tice...................Electio-magnet circuit--------------------------..J. E. Smith..................
Electro-magnet sector.........----------_ ------1. NI. Paine..................
Elecro-niagnetsConstrnctieeu of.----------------H. M. Paine ----_------------_
Electro-magnets, Induction-coil for- - _-.-- ------J. B. Lyon and A. Doll. _.
Electro-magnets, Mode of changing the poles of -- - N. Walkly ---..............
Electro magnetic adjuster---------------------T. A. Edison._..._........
Flectro-mnagneiic alaim -----------------------. 1. -.Butler.___.____.
Electro-magnetic alarm -------------------------- M. G. Crane.................
Electro-magnetic alairm.-----------------_------W. B. Guernsey..............
Electro-magiietic alarm-------------------------T. S. Hall----_.-------------
Electi-omagnetic alarm --_----------- -----------A. 11. Pope-----------------..
Electro-magnetic alarmi for railway-car- - -..--------W. Gillett.................. - - -
E ectro-magnetic appaiatus ---------------------. H N. -Baker.................
Electro-magnetic apparatus - -_---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --S. Gardiner, jr........ _.... _.
Electro-imagnetic apparatus----------------------.....J. Kidderi-------------------....
Electro-unagnetic spparatus------------------- _. __. -. GLittle.....................
Elctro-magnetic apparatus----------------------__ _ __ _J. XV. Powell.._..... _........_
Electro-magnetic appaiatus.----------------------1. Sayer...................
Eltinmgei apparatus, Circuit-closer for.-.M. G. Farmer...............
Electro-magnetic apparatus with toot~h-forceps, J. J. Clark.._.................
Mode of connecting.
Elect ro-imagnetic-bathing apparatus..............J. Young........ __... _... _.
E'lectro-mnagnetic battery------------------------P. Bruso.-_--------------
Electi-o-magnetic batteries to car-brakes, Applica- S. D. Caipenter..............
l ion of.
Electro-magnetic burglar-alarms, Automatic cir- J. P. Snyder..................
cuit-closer- for.
Electro-miagnetic currents constant or iiitermit- M. Marshall........ _... _...
tent, Device foirimaking.
Electro-miagnetic engine.........................-T. C. Avery.................
I+lectro-magietic engine........................i A. P. Berlioz---------
Electro magnetic engine...................._.... H. S. Daggett......-- _......
Elect ro-niagn etic engine........................__ A. J. B. Do Morat..........._
Electro magnetic engine........................_ A. E. Dupas................
Electro-magnetic engine.............. MI. G. Farmer__............. _ _
Elect ro-magnetic engine........................._C. J. B. Gauiie-------------..
Electro-manetic engiue........................- C. J. B. Gaunie_..........
Electro-magnetic engine........................ C. V. Ganme.................
Electro-magneticengine -......1. 5. GT C (nstin........
Residence. Date. N o.
Pirovidence, 1R.It- _- _-------Dec. 10, 1872 133, 797
New York, N. Y---------- June 11, i872 1-27, 809
London, Englaiid - --- -- -- ---prApr. 29, 1873 138, 455
San Francisco, Cal - _---_July 8, 1873 140, 618
Cinciiinati, Ohio - - - -----July 14, 1x 68 79, 929
New York, N. Y - _- ------Jan. 1, 1856 14, 03-2
Washington, D. C....Sept. 20, 1859 25, 532
New York, N. Y......... _Dec. 31, 1867 72, 74-2
Rutherford Park, N. J. Apr. 9, 1872 125, 586
New York, N. Y -- - - - - ----Apr. 1, 18 72 1:37, 4-22
Allegheny County, Pa Mar. 28, 1848 5485
Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 10, 1869 93, 503
Brookline, Mias.......... Feb. 4, 1808 74, 139
New York, N. Y.......... Dcc. 13, 1859 20, 445
New York, N. Y.........July 23, 1872 129, 867
Newark, N, J _.- ---------- Sept. 9, 18 73 14-2, 688
Montreal, Caiiada _...May 23, 1871 115, 137
New York, N. Y---- ------ Jan. 29, 1861 31, 273
Philadelphia, Pa......... -Feb. 28, 1871 1 12, 270
Paris, France-------------....June 19, 1860 28, 793
Cleveland, Ohio.._.........Sept. 1, 1863 39, 733
Richmiond, Ohio-----------._ _July 22, 1843 3, 191
Brooklyn, N. Y.. _........July 20, 1858 20, 930
Cincinnati, Ohio----------.Jan. 25, 1859 2-2, 733
Boston, Mass.............Mar. '2-, 1870 100, 961
Newton, Mass - _--- -- -- ---June 1, 1869 90, 893
Richniond, Va.......Mar. 23, 1869 88, 006
Qnincy, Ilt--- --------June 25,1867 66, 001
New York, N. Y - - -.------Sept. 4, 1860 29, 86-2
Jersey City, N. J----------..Nov. 9, 1869 96, 554
New York, N. Y........May 24. 1870 l0j, 440
New York, N. Y..........- _June 4 1861 3-2, 478
Bangor, Me.............. July 23, 1861 32, 874
Newark, N. J............ May 10, lob 0 102, 856
Newark, N. J------------- _May 17; 18711 103, 230
New York, N. YV. _........Sept. 19, 1871 119, 176
Cincinnati, Ohio ----.. --.Aug. 16, 1870 106,418
New York, N. Y..........-Apr. 2, 1872 125, 151
New York, N. YV _-- -------Apr. 8, 1873 137, 73C
Newaik, N. J...-..._...May 31, 1870 103, 768
Newark, N. J - ------------_ May 17, 18 70 103,231
Cleveland, Ohio...........-_ _Oct. 2, 1866 58,4319
Tuscaloosa, Ala......... June 27, 1838 809
Newark, N. J-------------.... n.Jan. 14, 1873 134, 868
New York, N. Y._.---------July 6, 18691 92, 260
Newton, Mass------------..Aug. 11, 1868 80, 922
Jersey City, N. J..........Apr.:30, 1872 126,'87
Stamford, Con-----------.. July 19, 187 0 105 447
Somerville, Mass -........ June 21, 1853 9, 802
Ypsilaniti, Mich ---------Aug. 31, 1869 94, 198
Binghamton, N. Y----Sept. 4, 1860 29, 850
New York, N. Y --.......... July 11, 1871 116, 944
New York, N. Y. -.....Sept. 18, 1860 30, 018
Rutherford Park, N. J.. 1). ec. 26, 1871 12 2016
New York, N. Y --------Mar. 26, i87-2 1250.8
New Yoi-k, N. Y----...--July 23, 1872 j 1-29, 752
Salem, Mass--------------....May 14, 1872 126, 67
Philadelphia, Pa.._ -......Nov. 16, 1858 2-2, 063
New York, N. Y - _.-------May 14, 1861 3-2, 332
Erie, Pa ------------------ _ Api-. 16, 1867 63, 848
Madisoii, Wis -...----- Jaii. 19, 1858 19, 132
Brooklyn, N. Y -.... _..Sept. 13, 1870 107, 301
Lowell, Mass-------------- Aug. 9, 1859 25,0-23
New York, N. Y -.......Feb. 25, 1851 7, 950
Pais, France.......- -_..Oct. 16, 1866 58, 960
La Fayette, Ind..........Jan. 9, 187-2 122, 57-2
Philadelphia, Pa..--_-........July 28, 1868f 80, 463
New Oirleans, La... _-...- -Aug. 17, 1869 191, 689
Salem, NI ass..............May 14, 1872 126,628
-Davenport, Iowa.......----Ap-. 2, 1867 63,.80
New York, N. Y----_._----Mar. 16, 1819 87,83
Williamsburgh, N. Y.- - _Jan. 23, 187 2 122,944
Trenton, N. J.._ _.........Sept. 28, 1852 9, 291
Tirenton, N. J.......... ___Oct. 1-2, 1852 9,120
New Orleans, La... _....... Nov. 21, 1871 121, 1,1
Jolict, Ill..-----...--...-- Apr. 16, 1850 7,'-87
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 7, 1851 7, 889
Yonkers, N. Y........... July 23, 1872 I129, 857
Washington. D. C -...._Jan. 31, 1851 10480
Newark, N. J- -..---------- May 17, 1871)0 10:1, 228
Now York, N. Y..-___-.......June 2, 1868 78, 619
Victoria, Tex -._.. _.. -.Apir. 9, 1872 I12,.x04
Charlestni, Mass._....Mai-. 31, 1870 1013 798
Charlestown, Mass.__..__Aug. 29, 1817) 118, 561
New York, N. V... _........ Ar.15, 186I 14, 6-.
New York, N.Y..........--Oct.. 2, 18600 30,072
Boston, Mass-..-.. - I Oct. 15, 181)7 69e.40
Index of patcnts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Electro-magnnetic engine--------------------......................----.... W. Wickersham..............
Electro-mnagnetic engine................ W. Wickersham..............
Electro-magnetic engine-----... -----------.... -F. Yeiser.............
Eleetro-magnetic gate and signal-apparatus for W. Robinson---.............
Electromagnetic gate-operating apparatus-........ W. Robinson..................
Electromagnetic helix........................... M. Vergnes...................
Electro-magnetic indicator.......................-----------------------W. D. Smith.................
Electro-magnetic indicator for burglar-alarms, &c. J. P. Snyder--------------...................Electro-niagnetic instrument---------------------..................... L. L. Duerden................
Electro-magnetic lock............................ H. Arden...................
Electro-magnetic lock---------------------------.... J. C. Smith...................Electro-magnetic machine...................---. W. H. Burnap and J. A. Bradshaw.
Electro-magnetic machine, &c--------------------..................... T. Cook.....................
Electro-magnetic machine......................... J. Kidder....................
Electro-magnetic machine-----------------------......................... J. W. Powell..................
Ehl ctro- magnetic machine for shocks.............. S. B. Smith....................
Electro-magnetic machines, Commutator for...... - V. Baijon....................
Electro magnetic meter...--........................ ------------------S. Gardiner, jr................
Electro magnetic motor........---..---........-...... ---J. S. Camnacho----....---------
Electro-magnetic motor........................... S. C. Carter..................------------.--
Electro- magnetic motor........................... L. Finger....................
Electro magnetic motor..........................L. T. Lindsey.................
Electro-magnetic motor........................... L. T. Lindsey-------................----.
Electro-magnetic motor-............-----------------..-...... L. T. Lindsey................
Electro-miagneic motor-........................... G. Little.....................
Electro-magnetic motor------------------------........................... H. M. Paine...................
Electro-magnetic motor------............---...--.......... W. H. Richardson............
Electromagnetic motor........................... A. Schreiber----------------.................Electro-magnetic motor........................... J. Taggart..............
Electro-magnetic motor.......................... M. H. Utley and A. Ross......
Electro-magnetic regulator-----------... ----------.. F. F. A. Achard..._........
Electro-magnetic separator...................... A. B. Balch and W. D. E. Nelsoil.
Electro magnetic separator....................... A. Rss.......................
Electro-magnetic signal-........................ S. F. B. Morse--------------................
Electro-magnetic-signal apparatus............... A. Hal...........................
Electro-magnetic-signal apparatus........ - - -.. G. B. Hicks---------------..................-.
Electro-magnetic-signal apparatus for railway- W. Rob inson..................
crossings, &c.
Electro-magnetic watchman's register............ H.D. Sheppard............
Electro-medical battery........................... H. Fritz...................
Electromotor escapement....................... --------T. A. Edison----------------.................Electrometers, Armature for...............---...... - S. Jones......................
Electrodes, Fibrous covering for spiral............ E. Maynard................
Electrophorus.................................. R. Cornelius........
Electrophorus..................................I). F. Launy...................
Electro-photo damaskening and enameling......- -A. G. Morvan..............
Electroplated rollers, Constructing----------...............--- -J. W. Wilcox.................
Electroplating.................................. J.P. Woodworth.............
Electroplating and gilding cast iron.............. H. Tucker.................
Electroplating and platedware....................------------------ H. W. Wright..............
Electr oplating-apparatus...................... W. Gates.....................
Electroplating-apparatus -...... H. W. Wright...............
Electroplating-frame............................ W. H. Watrous.............
Electroplating iron and other metals with copper, J. E. Walcott..................
Process of.
Electroplating iron, steel, &c., Process of.......... C. Beslay...................
Electroplating iron with copper, &c., Apparatus A. L. Freenu n................
Electroplating letters and numbers on metallic J. J. Pratt......................
plates for signs, &c.
Electroplating steel wires for piano-strings, &c., M. Miller, jr..................
Mode of.
Electroplating the interior of pipes and tubes with D. D. Parmnelee................
silver, nickel, &c.
Electroplating with alloys of gold................. A. Berthoud..................
Electroplating with antimony. -......... J. S. Howard..................
Electroplating with brass and other alloys......... S. Rust jr.....................
Electroplating with copper, &c, the surfaces of J. Von Liebig.................
mirrors, &c.
Electroplating with nickel....................... I. Adams, jr..................
Electroplating with nickel and other metals..... G. W. Beardalee.............
Electroplating with nickel, Mode of............... I. Adams, jr...............
Electroplating with nickel, Process of............. W. H. Remington.............
Electroplating with tin.......................... J. E. Bingham...............
Electro-pneumatic dispatch-transmitter........... C. F. Varley..................
Electrotype and stereotyle plates, Manufacture of It. and H. W. Lovejoy and J.
curved. H. Ferguson.
Electrotype-backing pan.........................W. A. Leggo................
Electrotype die or mold for molding plastic ma- D. Scrynmgeour..................
Electrotype-mold................................. S.P. Knight...............
Electrotype-molds, Coatin _..................... S. P. Knight........
Electrotype-molds, Machine for coating............ H. Loveloy and R. Wheeler...
Electrotype-melds with plumbago, Machine for S. D. Tucker..................
coating sul face of.
Electrotype-plates, Method of backing............ A. H. Jocelyn.................
Electrotype-plates, Mode of backing.............. W. Filmer and E. Bookhout...
Electrotylpe-plates, Mode of forming curved....... VW H. Elliot..................
Electrotype-plates, Production of.................. S. P. Knight...................
Electrotx-pe -)inting block....................... T. Crossley.................
ilectrotypes, Forming curved....................A. Judson..................
Electrotyping................................. J. A. Adams..................
Electrotyping................................... W. A. Leggo..................
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.............
Lexington, Ky............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Lowell, Mass.............
New York, N. Y.........
New Orleans, La........
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y...._
Havana, Cuba.............
Richmond, Ind...........
Cambridge, Mass.........
Jackson, Tenn............
Jackson, Tenn...........
Jackson, Tenn............
Rutlhertford Park, N. J....
Newark, N. J.............
Albany, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Boston, Mass.............
Montreal, Canada.......
Paris, France.............
Montreal, Canada.........
Montreal, Canada........
New York, N. Y.........
Washington, D. C.......
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Cleveland, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y.........
New Orleans, La...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
West Roxbury, Mass.....
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Newton, Mass............
Taunton, Mass............
New Haven, Conn._.....
Taunton, Mass............
Hartford. Conn.........
Boston, Mass..............
June 2, 1868
Mar. 19, 1872
Aug. 3, 1858
July 19, 1870
July 19,1870
Oct. 2,1860
Jan. 31, 1871
May 24, 1870
July 25,1871
Nov. 8, 1870
Dec. 21,1869
Mar. 8,1859
Aug. 25, 1840
Feb. 1,1870
Jund 21 1859
Aug. 10 1869
May 30, 1871
June 4, 1850
July 16, 1872
Oct. 29, 187-2
July 16, 1872
May 13, 1873
July 26, 1870
June 29, 1869
May 3, 1870
Aug. 16, 1870
Nov. 2, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
May 28, 1872
Sept. 17. 1872
June 11, 1872
Oct. 10,1871
Sept. 5, 1865
June ti, 1871
Jan. 2, 1872
June 20, 1840
Feb. 28, 1871
Aug. 24, 1869
Nov. 22, 1870
Apr. 9,1872
Feb. 25, 1868
May 17, 1870
Aug. 29, 1871
Feb. 8, 1859
May 21, 1861
Aug. 23, 1811
Oct. 4, 1870
Apr. 12, 1859
Nov. 17, 1868
June 1, 1869
June 30, 1868
July 28, 1868
Mar. 22, 1870
June 2, 1x68
Feb. 18, 1862
78, 629
124, 868
105, 493
105, 494
30, 271
103, 383
117, 7268
108, 952
98, 114
23, 214
1, 735
99, 300
24, 459
93, 625
115, 518
7, 420
129, 085
132, 569
129, 000
138, 855
105, 663
92, 066
102, 562
106, 493
96, 332
112. 841
127, 309
127, 810
119, 899
49, 842
115, 561
122, 493
1, 647
112, 242
93, 993
109, 549
125, 624
74, 905
103:, 035
118, 538
22, 922
32, 353
108, 041
23, 633
84, 243
90, 894
79, 427
80, 402
101, 075
78, 497
34, 470
36, 750
129, 124
113, 090
34, 640
114, 191
30, 663
100, 038
98, 110
33, 7-21
113, 612
129, 881
90, 332
82, 877
115, 926
78, 845
86, 021
39, 410
111, 688
114, 447
131, 169
21, 509
85, 411
17, 741
16, 141
2.3, 836
20, 353
25, 953
130, 140
102. 077
1i9, 622
Paris, France-------............--I Oct. 21, 1862
South Boston, Mass....... July 16, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 28, 1871
Vienna, Austria--------.......... -Mar. 11, 1862
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 25, 1871
New York, N. Y---.......... -- Nov. 20, 1860
Mansfield, Mass.----------Feb. 22, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio............ Dec. 21, 1869
Munich, Bavaria.......... Nov. 12, 1861
Boston, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Boston. Mass.............
Boston, Mass............
Sheffield, Great Britain....
London, England..........
New York, N. Y..........
Apr. 4, 1871
July 30,1872
May 25, 1869
Oct. 6, 1868
June 13, 1871
June 9, 1868
Jan. 19, 1869
Quebec, Canada.......... Aug. 4,1863
Foxborough, Mass....-.... Feb. 7, 1671
Brooklyn, N. Y-----------........... May 2, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y-----------............ Sept. 10, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 14, 1858
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 29, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... July 7, 1857
New York, N. Y....... iDec. 2, 1850
Plattsiburgh, N. Y........ May 3, 1859
New York, N. Y........ May 25, 1 858
Rockville, Conn........... - Nov. 1, 1959
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Aug. 6, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Apr. 19, 1870
Montreal, Canada........ Oct. 3, 1871
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Electrotyping.................................. G. Mathiot....................----------------
Electrotyping-battery..---------------------------P. S. Hoe......................
Electrotyping iron and steel with silver.-........ A. Law.......................
Electrotyping-machine........................... J. A. Adams.................
Electrotyping, Method of etching plates for...... A. and H. T. Dawson........
Electrotyping purposes, Process of obtaining mold W. A. Leggo..................
Electrotyping, Surface conductor for............... S. Hallock..................
Elevated way................................... H. W. Farley...........-..
Elevated way.................. I. H. WV. Farley..........
Elevating and conveying device........... W. Louden..................
Elevating and transporting device........... E. B. Coffin................
Elevating and weighing apparatus............ J. H. Brookmire.............
Elevating -apparatus.......................... P. R. Berry................
Elevating-apparatus........................... M. A. Blakley and J. Cahill...
E levating- block.................................. W. H. Hawley..............
Elevating-jack.................................. S. Lauchli.................
Elevating-machine............................ G. A. Dupuis...............
Elevating machine......................... D.L. Miller.................
Elevating power-engine and compressing-machine B. Bruff.......................
for raising vessels, &c.
See Balance-elevator. Liquid-elevator.
Barrel and box ele- Merchandise-elevator.
vator. Millstone-elevator.
Beer-elevator. Mortar and brick elevaBucket-elevator. tor.
Building-elevator. Passenger and freight
Car-elevator. elevator.
Car-body elevator. Patient-elevator.
Chain-elevator. Peat-elevator.
Coal-elevator. Platform-elevator.
Corn-elevator. Pneumatic elevator.
Cultivator - bar ele- Portable elevator.
vator. Rotary fluid-elevator.
Dress-elevator. Sash-elevator.
Firemnhn's elevator. Scaffold-elevator.
Fluid-elevator. Self-elevator.
Fluid or grain ele- Sirup-pan elevator.
vator. Skirt-elevator.
Freight-elevator. Sorghum-elevator.
Gear-elevator. Steam-elevator.
Grain-elevator. Store-house elevator.
Hay-elevator. Straw-elevator.
Hod-elevator. Sucker-rod elevator.
Hog-elevator. Tailing-elevator.
Hose-elevator. Telescopic-platform eleHydraulic elevator. vator.
Hydraulic - powe r Tobacco-elevator.
elevator. Wall-elevator.
Ice-elevator. Warehouse-elevator.
Inclined- plane ele. Water-elevator.
vator. Wind-elevator.
Last-block elevator. Wool-elevator.
Elevator........................................ E. IH. Ashcroft................
Elevator......................................... E. H.Ashcroft andJ. R. Brown
Elevator......................................... L. Atwood....................
Elevator.........................................- C. W. Baldwin................
Elevator......................................... C. W. Baldwin...............
Elevator------------------------.........................----------.........----- C. W. Baldwin................
Elevator......................................... J. S. Baldwin..................
Elevator....................................... J.S. Baldwin................
Elevator......................................J.S. Bldwin..................
Elevator....................................... J. S. Baldwin..................
Elevator....................................... J. M. Bean....................
Elevator....................................... A. Betteley.................
Elevator....................................... J. Bishop.................
Elevator...................................... V. C. Blair....-------
Elevator...........................................A. Blass and D. Brown.......
Elevator........................................ J. H. Blohm...................
Elevator......................................... C. D. Bois-...................
Elevator....................................... E. Boyden...................
Elevator P.......................................P. Brand.....................
Elevator........................................ V. D. Brooks.................
Elevator......................................... P. Byrne.....................
Elevator......................................... P. Byrne...................
Elevator......................................... S. B. Castle---..-------------
Elevator.......................................... D. H. Chamberlain..........
Elevator......................................... T. F. Christmanu...............
Elevator....................................... G. R. Clarke..................
Elevator....................................... C. W. Collyer................
Elevator....................................... A. WV. Cram...............
Elevator......................................... A. B. Darling and J. Bones... -
Elevator....................................... J. G. Drew.........
Elevator......................................... W. Edson......................
Elevator......................................... W. Elmes......................
Elevator......................................... Z. C. Favor...................
Elevator......................................... C. R. Foreman................
Elevator......................................... P. Griffhrn..................
Elevator......................................... W. Hamilton.................
Elevator......................................... M. Hanford....................
Elevator......................................... M. Hauford...................
Elevator......................................... M. Hanford..................
Elevator......................................... D. D. Hanson.................
Elevator......................................... O.P. Hatfield.................
Elevator......................................... A. G. Hawkes.................
Elevator......................................... A. C. Herron.................
Elevator......................................... E. Hicks...................
Washington, D. C........
New York, N. Y.......
Kingston, Canada........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
London, England..........
Montreal, Canada.._.....
New York, N. Y..........
Oswego, Ill.............
Oswego, Ill..............
Fairfield, Iowa............
Olneyville, R. I------.......---....Saint Louis, Mo...........
Youngstown, Ohio.._....
Chattanooga, Tenn.......
Utica, N. Y.............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Detroit, Mich............
Madison, N. J.............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Lynn, Mass..............
Boston, Mass..._.._
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass..............
Newark, N. J.............
Newark, N. J.............
Newark, N. J......_......
Newark, N. J.............
Watertown, Mass.......
Boston, Mass.............
Austin, Tex...............
Wheatland, Pa...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y......
Fishkill Landing, N. Y...
Lowell, Mass........ -
Springfield, Ill..........
Bethany, Pa.......
Nashville, Tenn...:..----
Nashville, Tel n...........
Cortland, N. Y............
West Roxbury, Mass.....
Wilson, N. C...........
New York, N. Y..........
Marblehead, Mass.........
Litchfield, Ill.-............
New York, N. Y.........
Boston. Mass..............
Boston, Mass.............
Georgetown, D. C.........
Chicago, Ill...............
West Branch, N. Y.......
Akron, Ohio.............
Allegheny City, Pa....
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass..............Weare, N. H...........
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass..............
North Hempstead, N. Y..
Dec. 10,1850
Jan. 25, 1870
Nov. 29, 1870
Sept. 4.1855
July 22, 1873
May 30, 1871
Apr. 2, 1867
Apr. 8, 1873
Dec. 16, 1873
Sept. 24, 1867
June 28, 1864
Mar. 23, 1869
June 14, 1870
Feb. 4, 1873
Sept. 17, 1867
June 28, 1864
July 1, 1873
Feb. 18, 1862
Sept. 13,1831.
Nov. 5, 1867
Aug. 25, 1868
May 28, 1872
Nov. 19, 1867
Nov. 15, 1870
Feb. 20, 187-2
Nov. 12, 1867
Apr. 14, 1868
Apr. 14, 1868
May 20, 1873
Mar. 11, 1873
May 3, 1859
June 13, 1871
June 6, 1871
Dec. 31, 1872
Feb. 4, 1873
Mar. 18, 1873
Sept. 9, 1873. uly 28, 1868
Dec. 8, 1868
Oct. 3, 1871
Oct. 1, 1872
Mar. 10, 1868
June 20, 1871
Oct. 9, 1866
June 9, 1868
July 1, 1873
June 17, 1873
May 21,1872
Aug. 6, 1872
Dec. 7, 1869
Oct. 22, 1872
Mar. 14, 1871
Sept. 6, 1870
Feb. 6, 1872
June 28, 1870
Feb. 1,1870
Mar. 26, 1872
Dec. 24. 1872
July 19, 1870
Mar. 4, 1862
July 16, 1872
Apr. 22, 1873
Mar. "26, 1867
7, 821
99, 192
109, 633
13, 516
140, 995
115, 490
63, 512
137, 667
145, 638
69, 107
43, 291
88, 124
104, 102
135, 511
68, 874
43, 369
140, 485
34, 440
70, 387
81, 325
127, 138
70, 941
109, 169
123, 761
70, 777
76, 692
76, 693
138, 985
136, 580
23, 818
115, 813
115, 683
134, 416
135, 398
136, 978
142, 555
80, 445
84, 794
119, 572
75, 366
116, 156
58, 715
78, 646
140, 473
140, 017
126, 935
130, 112
97, 489
132, 459
112, 573
107, 028
123, 391
104, 731
99, 433
124, 952
134, 273
105, 449
34, 572
129, 339
138, 154
63, 248
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Elevator-- - - - --..........................
Elevator and carrier..............................
Elevator and carrier............................
Elevator and conveyer...........................
Elevator and conveyer...........................
Elevator and conveyer.....................
Elevator and conveyer.....................
Elevator and conveyer, Combined................
Elevator and distributer....................
Elevator and dumper, Portable...................
Elevator-belt tightener...........................
Elevator-boxes, Machine for miaking...........
Elevator-buckets, Construction of................
Elevator-buckets, Manufacture of.................
Elevator-cup for flouring mills....................
I l i
N. D. Hinman.................
J. E. Hollister................
E. T. Hlope................
G. W. Hubbard..............
A. B. Hunt....................
G. Joslin.....................
J. T. Ketchledge.............
D. Knowles..................
A. Lawton...................
J. S. Lester....................
W. Livingstone..............
W. Livingstone and W. F.
W. Lowden...................
G. B. Lowe.................
J. Macomb......-............
J. Macomb...................
M. Mageean and G. W. Marks.
J. F. Marsh...-...............
W. K. Marvin................
G. McKinzie.................
P. W. Mellen................
N. L. Milburn................
C. E. Moore.................
C. E. Moore............
W. A. Morrison..............
A. B. Nimbs............
C. R. Otis................
C. R. Otis...................
F. B. Perkins................
H. G. Porter..............
J. J. Rea.....................
J. Reedy...................
W. R. Rightor..............
T. H. Rudiger................
W. Sawyer....................
G. Scott......................
G. Scott.....................
G. Scott......................
G. Scott.................
A. Shoemaker and J. R. Gearhart.
T. B. Simonton...........
D. F. Skinner and J. Arnold...
H. Spiro................
F. Stein and H. Haering.......
H. S. Stewart......................
H. C. Stouffer................
J. B. Sweetland..............
G. C. Timpe..................
G. C. Timpe..................
G. C. Timnpe..................
G.C. Timpe...................
O. Tufts.....................
O. Tufts.....................
O. Tufts.....................
O. Tufts.....................
O. Tufts, jr..................
i. M. Van Sickler............
J. Walker....................
J. C. and J. W. Wandell.......
J. D. Warner.................
J. J. Weber.................
J. Westover.................
C. Whittier.................
F. Wicks....................
G. Williams....-------------.
G. G. Winans...............
M. L. Wyman................
J. Yost.......................
S. W. Lackore..............
H. E. Plumb..................
L. Y. Myers...................
T. J. Powell.................
T. J. Powell...............
W. F. Shanks...............
T. J.Powell..................
T. Shanks.....................
W. H. Herriott...............
W. Merson...................
W. H. Hawley...............
W. L. Young..................
F. P. Caufield................
M. G. and C. L. Gill...........
T. Thorn.....................
T. Thorn.....................
J. S. Brooks...................
J. S. Brooks...................
C. Camp.....................
H. Dorer and J. Storms........
J. Magee.....................
J. Pfitzinger.........
N. C. Staples..................
N. Hawkins...................
A. B. Nimbs........
J. H. Gibbens-.................
A. A. Vitt.....................
L. B. Prindle..................
Pleasant Yale, Conn......
Calais, Vt.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa...--
Matteson, Mich...........
Boston, Mass............
Burns, Mich.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Knoxville, Tenn..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Cedar Township, Iowa....
Jamesville, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill..........
Chicago, Ill..........
Littleton, N. H...........
New York, N. Y..........
Zanesville, Ohio...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
Cambridge, Mass..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Yonkers, N. Y..........
Yonkers, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Cadiz, Ohio...............
Chicago, Ill...............
Helena, Ark..._........
Lawrence, Kans..........
Lowell, Mass.............
Louisville, Ky...........
Louisville, Ky............
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
Marion, Pa...............
New York, N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y...........
Knoxville, Tenn......
New York, N. Y..........
Yreka, Cal...............
Salem, Ohio..............
Pontiac, Mich...........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La..........
New Orleans, La........
New Orleans, La.........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y_.._.....
Kansas City, Mo..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Saint Clair, Pa...........
Taylor, Ill..............
Boston, Mass...........
Decatur, Ill..............
Sterling, Cal.............
Scranton, Pa.............
Melrose, Mass..........White Deer Township, Pa.
Worth, Ill...............
Monroe, Conn............
Roanoke, Ind.............
Naples, N. Y..............
Naples, N. Y..............
Louisville, Ky............
Naples, N. Y.............
Baltimore, Md...........
Brimfield, Ill.............
Danbury, Conn...........
Utica, N. Y...............
Marthasville, Mo..........
Boston, Mass.............
Baltimore, Md..........
Saint Clair, Pa............
Saint Clair, Pa............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Lynchburgh, Va......
Chicago, Ill...............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Saint Paul, Minn..........
Union, Mo............
Litchfield, Conn.....
Date. No.
Nov. 29. 1864 45, 245
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 744
Aug. 18, 1868 81, 276
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 013
Oct. 27, 1868 83, 385
June 23, 1868 79, 129
Sept. 14, 1869 94,,96
Sept. 10, 1872 131, 170
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 841
July 20, 1869 82, 847
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 509
Jan. 16,1872 122, 839
Nov. 17,1868 84, 127
Aug. 8, 1871 117, 789
May 30,1871 115,335
Aug 29,1871 118, 468
Apr. 29,1873 138, 337
Apr. 15,1873 137, 940
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 331
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 232
Apr. 1, 1873 137, 464
Sept. 29, 1868 82, 540
May 2, 1871 114, 460
Oct. 3, 1871 119, 635
Apr. 15,1873 137, 789
Jan. 10, 1865 45, 851
Oct. 1,1872 131,896
Oct. 1, 1872 131,897
Sept. 26, 1871 119, 401
June 29, 1869 92, 192
Oct. 20,1868 83,319
July 30, 1872 130, 073
June 17, 1873 140, 076
Sept. 27, 1870 107, 726
Oct. 31,1865 50, 78
Aug. 18, 1868 81, 299
June 22,1869 91, 775
Ndov. 29, 1870 109, 676
Aug. 27, 1872 130, 824
Feb. 9, 1869 86, 703
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 385
Nov. 7, 1871 120, 676
July 7, 1868 79, 697
Dec. 21,1869 98, 203
Dec. 12,1871 121, 822
Mar. 29, 1870 101, 4:,7
Oct. 28,1873 144,161
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 275
Aug. 22, 1871 118, 300
Aug. 22, 1871 118, 301
Feb. 4, 1873 135, 454
May 28, 1861 32, 441
Dec. 11, 1866 60, 441
Dec. 11, 1866 60, 442
Oct. 21,1873 143, 944
Feb. 16, 1869 87, 083
Feb. 12, 1867 62, 098
Oct. 15, 1867 69, 871
Mar. 6, 1866 53, 064
Jan. 16, 1872 122,791
Jan. 24, 1871 111, 285
July 21,1868 80, 103
Dec. 24, 1872 134, 179
Nov. 29, 1870 109, 787
July 17,1866 56,481
Feb. 15,1870 99, 802
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 832
June 8, 1869 91, 193
Mar. 7, 1871 112, 357
Feb. 17, 1863 37, 704
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 436
May 24,1870 103, 367
Feb. 14, 1871 111,869
July 16,1872 129,298
Oct. 11, 1870 108, 183
Dec. 6,1870 109, 950
Dec. 30, 1873 146, 002
July 23, 1872 129, 745
Aug. 27, 1867 68, 193
Sept. 24,1872 131, 648
Jan. 7,1873 134, 640
July 16, 1872 129, 546
Oct. 10, 1871 119, 800
July 16, 1872 129, 625
Dec. 23, 1862 37, 215
Nov. 24, 1863 40, 671
Oct. 9, 1866 58, 595
July 17, 1866 56, 386
Dec. 19, 1865 51, 603
May 18, 1869 90, 189
June 29, 1833..
Jan. 19, 1869 85, 930
May 10, 1864 42, 734
Oct. 15,1872 135, 276
Aug. 15, 1871i 118, 076
Apr. 29, 1862 35, 111
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Elevator for the sick..............................
Elevator-indicator, Electric........................
Elevator stop-motion..........................
Elevators, Apparatus for indicating the position of
Elevators, Automatic safety-lock for..............
Elevators, Safety-device for...................
Elevators, Safety-device for........................
Elevators, Safety-platform for.................
Elixir of life.................................----------------------------------.....
Elixir or cough-drop, Vegetable...................
Elixir, Restorative................................
Ellipses, Instrument for describing................
Ellipses, Instrument for drawing--------------..................Ellips s, Instrument for drawing..................
Ellipses,.Machine for cutting......................
Ellipses, Trammel for-.....................
Elliptic spring................................
Elliptic spring................
Elliptic spring....................................
Elliptic spring....................................
Elliptic spring.................................
Elliptic-spring clip...................................
Elliptic spring for carriages---...--..-..............
Elliptic spring for vehicles........................
Elliptic-spring support............................
Elliptic-spring support------------------------............................
Elliptic springs, Confining the ends of.............
Elliptic springs, Die for making heads for.........
Elliptic springs, Ear-blank for....................
Elliptic springs for carriages, &c., Construction of.
Elliptic springs, Machine for bending..............
Elliptic springs, Machine for forming.............
Elliptic springs, Machine for forming and tempering.
Elliptic springs, Machine for punching the leaves of
Elliptic springs, Machine for setting and fitting...- -
Elliptic springs, Machine for straightening.......
Elliptic springs, Machine for welding ears on carriage.
Elliptic springs, Making the eyes of.............
Eiliptic springs to vehicles, Connecting..........
Elliptic springs, Welding the ears of.............
Elliptical spindles, Grinder for..................
Elliptical spring..................................
Elliptical-spring joints, Machinery for. forming... --
Elliptical-spring sockets, Machine for forming....
Elliptical springs for carriages, &c., Mode of constructing.
Elliptical steel-spring...........................
Embalming and preserving animal substances,
Mode of.
Embalming and preserving dead bodies..........
Embalming birds-........................._.....
Embalming bodies _............................
Embalming composition........................
Embalming d(lead bodies.........................
Embalming dead bodies, Compound for........
Embalming human bodies, Fluid compound for.....
Embankment, levee, &c., Method of forming......
Embossing -...................................
Embossing and compressing machine, Hydraulic..
Embossing and finishing woven fabrics...........
Embossing and perforating paper, &c., Machine for.
Embossing and printing machine..................
Embossing and printing press....................
Embossing and seal press........................
Embossing and seal press......................
Embossing articles of wearing-apparel, Machine for
Embossin bonnets and hts, Apparatus for......
Embossing brass tubes, Machinery for............
Embossing capsules, Machine for...............
Embossing cloth.................................
Embossing consecutive numbers, Machine for..
Embossing designs on metal for jewelry, Process of
Embossing fabrics, Implement for...............
Embossing napkin-rings, Machine for.............
Inventor. Residence.
J. Elliot....................... Newbury, Mass...........
C. It. Otis-...--------------.. Yonkers, N. Y............
O. Tufts...----------------------Boston, Mass.............
E. Holmes....-........... Brooklyn, N. Y............
G. H. Johnson.....---------------- Buffalo, N.Y..............
G. H. Johnson---------................ Buffalo, N. Y..............
H. E. Bathrick---------------................ -Boston, Mass.......
W. S. Auchincloss------------............. New York, N. Y..........
G. C. Timpe................. New Orleans, La.......
P. P. Lane................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........
T. Stebins.................. San Francisco, Cal.......
R. Dunbar.................... Buffalo, N. Y.............
J. Bucco...................... Baltimore, Md...........
S. Cooley..............................................
H. Frink...--------------------- Northampton, Mass.......
J. B. Atwater................ Chicago, Ill...............
F. Bowly.....--------------------- Winchester, Va...........
A. Warr...................- Lockport, N. Y............
WV. G. Merrell....---------------- Auburn, N. Y.............
C. Crow...................... Onargo, Ill...............
H. M. Albee.................. Webster, Mass............
A. W. Browne -......... Bloomfield, N. J..........
J. W. Campbell.............. Brooklyn, N. Y............
E. G. Chormann............... Philadelphia, Pa.........R. E. Harte.................. Marietta, Ohio............
H. Smith..................... Dayton, Oreg.........
T. Williams and W. C. Joslyn. Fisherville, Conn.........
R. Gray....................... Litchfield, Ill............
F. Keeler....................Bridgeport, Conn._......
E C. Lewis -.............. Auburn, N. Y.............
W. A. Sweet--.......... -. Syracuse, N. Y...........
R. Vose......................N-ew York, N. Y.........
W. Evans....-------------------- Pittsburgh, Pa...........
E. M. Chaffee............... Providence, R. I.........
R. Halloran.................. - New York, N. Y..........
E. Eves...................... Millville, Pa.............
J. J. Unsworth-----......... Washington, D. C.......
R. Vose...-------.------------. Iew York, N. Y.........
J. Palmer.......-......... Concord, N. H.............
W. Evans.................... Pittsburgh, Pa...........
M. Tuells............ Penn Yan, N.Y...........
J. Gatchell................... Rahway, N. J............
J. B. Cleveland and H. C. Guil- Newark, N. J...........
G. S. Long..................... Bridgeport, Conn.........
Feb. 15,1811
Jan. 7,1873
Dec. 11, 1866
Dec. 5, 1871
Feb. 16, 1869
Feb. 16, 1869
Apr. 2, 1872
June 21, 1870
Feb. 4, 1873
June 18, 1872
Oct. 8, 187-2
June 24, 1873
Mar. 29, 1817
Nov. 12, 1803
Jan. 6, 1812
June 2, 1863
Jan. 14, 1868
Mar. 19, 1867
Jan. 10, 1854
Mar. 27, 1866
Dec. 18, 1866
May 14, 1872
Dec. 9, 1856
Dec. 21, 185
Dec. 4, 1860
June 22,1869
Feb. 8, 1859
July 16, 1867
Feb. 15, 1870
Aug. 27, 1867
Nov. 30, 1869
May 5, 1863
Jan. 25, 1870
Feb. 5, 1867
Feb. 6, 1872
Nov. 30, 1869
Aug. 24, 1869
Dec. 15, 1863
Sept. 3, 1867
Apr. 13, 1869
July 9, 1838
Nov. 3, 1868
June 14, 1870
Dec. 10, 1867
G. Hopson..................
G. I. Neviel.................
J. W. Gray and C. H. Curtis...
A. Richards and J. Jones.....
W. T. Richards...............
J. W. Lawrence...............
J. Palmer.....
J. Wheaton.................
D. A. Edwards...............
W. T. Richards...............
W. T. Richards.............
G. B. Robinson................
C. Hinkle..............
T. Holmes.................
B. F. Lyford...................
L. Biunetti.................
E. De la Granja..............
S. A. Morey ---................
G. W. Scollay.................
J. C. Sickle..................
W. Iddings.......
E. H. Crane..................
F. A. Hutton.................
W. E. Chenoweth.............
D. Green.......--...
R. J. Chute...................
J. Robertson...............
W. Ralston................
C. Lang......................
S. W. Lowe...................
S. J. Smith and C. Loekle......
B. B. Hill... -..... - -
G.B. Sargent..................
G. W. Ray.................
H. E. West.................
D. F. Sanford..........
W. Betts...................
J. E. Pollard..................
L. Henser....................
W. Riker...................
J. W. McKee.................
J. C. Arms..................
E. H. Eldridge and T. Leach...
G. Clisbee..................
A. Komp..................
J. C. Merriam and W. N. Weeden.
J. M. Willbur............
Bridgeport, Conn....... Mar. 8, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa...-... Sept. 20, 1839
Bridgeport, Conn....... Feb. 14, 1865
Concord, N. H............Apr. 9, 1872
Bridgeport, Conn.......... Aug. 27,1867
New York, N. Y...... Dec. 13, 1859
Concord, N. 1 -.. - May 26, 1868
Providence, R. I-.--..--. May 28, 1834
Boston, Mass.......... Nov. 16, 1841
New Haven, Conn....... Aug. 26, 1851
Poultney. Vt-............ Nov. 16, 1841
Pawlet, Vt............... Oct. 3, 1838
Lehigh County, Pa..Nov. 12,1831
Williamsburgh, N. Y..... Dec. 10, 1861
San Francisco, Cal...... Jan. 24, 1871
Rovigne, Italy......... Oct. 1, 1867
Boston, Mass.............. July 30, 1867
Grand Rapids, Mich...... - Apr. 16, 1872
Saint Louis, Mo........... Jan. 22, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa........ Mar. 24, 1868
Warren, Ohio.......... Nov. 6, 1860
Burr Oak, Mich-......... Sept. 1, 1868
Washington, 1)D. C-..-.. June 2, 1863
Baltimore County, Md.... Nov. 18, 1873
l;alton, Ga.--..--..--........ June 11, 1950
Philadelphia, Pa........ Jan. 9, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Dec. 3, 1872
Manchester, England..... Nov. 1, 1859
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 26,1867
Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 29, 1856
New York, N. Y.......... July 7, 1857
Chicopee, Mass........ May 23, 1865
Boston, Mass._....-...... Sept. 27,1864
Springfield, Mass.......... Mar. 26, 1867
Attleborough, Mass.. - -. July 25, 1865
New York, N. Y... -.. Nov. 27, 1866
No. 1 Wharf Road, City Sept. 13, 1870
Road, England.
Franklin, Mass........... Nov. 19, 1867
Boston, Mass............. Jan. 1,1867
Newark, N. J....... Mar. 13, 1860
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y..... Dec. 19, 1871
Northampton, Mass....... Dec. 4, 1866
Taunton, Mass..... May 8, 1866
Marlborough, Mass..... Apr. 22, 1873
New York, N. Y...-... Jan. 23, 1872
Boston, Mass............. July 10, 1866
134, 698
60, 443
121, 6-20
86, 926
86, 927
125, 256
104, 535
135, 453
128, 152
38, 720
73, 290
63, 123
10, 412
53, 524
60, 609
126, 782
16, 175
22, 347
30, 816
22, 910
66, 702
99, 776
68, 217
97, 458
38, 432
99, 074
61, 712
123, 396
97, 370
94, 150
40, 968
68, 454
88, 861
83, 625
104, 11.4
72, 055
100, 630
1, 333
46, 421
125, 485
68, 113
26, 46L
78, 230
2, 360
8, 325
2, 367
33, 885
111, 222
69, 312
125, 685
75, 992
30, 576
81, 755
38, 747
144, 602
7, 425
122, 569
133, 543
25, 980
63, 263
14, 789
17, 703
47, 821
44, 459
63, 177
49, 049
60. 067
107, 329
71, 213
60, 726
27, 474
1-22, 044
60, 115
54, 515
138, 130
123, 0"26
56, 244
GGlevelavd, Ohio........... I Aug. 31, 1869 1 94,368
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Embossing press for linen and other fabrics.......
Embossing press gage-----........................
Embossing-press, Rotary...................
E m bossing w ood, M ode of... --.--...........
Embroidering machine....................
Embroidery and sewing stand....................
Embroidery, Imitation metal...................
Embroidery, Imitation of-------------------..........................
Embroidery-patterns, Apparatus for transferring..
Emery-cleaning machine.....................
Emery-cloth, polishing-wheels, &c., Composition
for the manufacture of.
Emery-cloth, Substitute for...................
Emery for grinding and polishing tools, Composition of.
Emery from foreign substances, Process of separating crude.
Emery-grinder, Table for...................
Emery-grinder, Table for.........................
Emery-grinding machine...................
Emery or sand-paper holder.........-............
Emery polishing-stick............................
Emery polishing-wheel, &c.......................
Emery sticks and wheels, Composition for........
Emery-vulcanite or hard-rubber compounds, Preparing.
Emery-wheel clamp.............................
Emery-wheel-cleaning machine..............
L. H. Olmsted................
W. Richards, jr..............
J. M. Willbur.................
H. May...------------......-..
H. Berger.................
J. Einhorn....................
A. Heaven and R. Smith......
W. H. Trowbridge...........
H. Gundaker.............
J. S. Smith, jr...............
B. Miiller..----.-....--....---.
C. Bordas-.-----------------
J. H. Hawes and G. H. Bliss-...
L. Francis...................
New York,N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Bridgeport, Conn-..........
Marthalen, Switzerland...
New York, N. Y..........
Manchester, England....
Saginaw, Mich.............
Lancaster, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........Fulda, Germany...-.
New York, N. Y..........
Boston and West Stockbridge, Mass.
New York, N. Y....- - -......
Apr. 9,1872
May 19, 1868
Sept. 22, 1868
Oct. 24, 1865
Sept. 28,1869
July 14, 1868
Apr. 28,1863
Sept. 28, 1858
May 3, 1870
Apr. 8, 1862
Dec. 19, 1865
Oct. 21, 1873
Apr. 28, 1868
Jan. 7, 1868
T. J. Mayall............. Roxbury, Mass---------............ Apr. 10,1860
T. J. Mayall.................. Roxbury, Mass............ Oct. 18,1859
N. C. Sawyer.................. Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 2, 1866
J. L. Jackson..................
J. L. Jackson.................
H. S. Lucas...................
E. R. Barnes.................
G. C. Taft.....................
W. P. Van Kleeck...........
T. J. Mayall..............
T. J. Mayall..................
T. Harding.................
W. S. Jarboe................
W. A. Johnston...............
T. Nelson....................
J. L. Otis.....................
A. M. Sawyer...........
J. Tyzick................
W. T. Vose...................
E.A. Siiwerkrop.............
S. A. and H. Whipple.........
New York, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y...........
Chester, Mass.............
Brookfield, Conn..........
Worcester, Mass........
Charlestown, Mass-.......
Roxbury, Mass.........
Boston, Mass...........
La Fayette, Ind..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
West Troy, N. Y..........
Leeds, Mass............
Athol, Mass....-.......
Saint John's, Canada......
Newtonville, Mass........
Washington, D. C.........
Shaftabury, Vt.. and Port
Richmond, N. Y.
Aug. 15, 1871
Dec. 26, 1871
Feb. 4,1873
Oct. 13,1863
May 30, 1871
June 14, 1870
May 17, 1859
Apr. 9,1872
Jan. 17, 1871
May 14, 1872
July 8, 1873
Nov. 1, 1864
Mar. 8, 1870
Jan. 5, 1869
Sept. 17, 1872
May 7, 1872
Mar. 22, 1870
Oct. 14, 1856
Emery-wheel cowl..------ -.. C. Heaton.................. New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 27,1872
Emery-wheel for grinding and polishing saws, &c. G. L. Benton-------- -----. Rochester, N. Y------........... Nov. 5, 1867
Emery-wheels and artificial stone, Manufacture E. C. Merrill................. Charleston, Vt----------........... Apr. 4, 1871
Emery-wheels and grinding-surfaces, Forming... G.E. Vanderburgh...-_... Mamaroneck, N. Y-........ Jan. 7,1862
Emery-wheels and oil-stones, Compound for..-___. N. B. Hadley and R. J. Costain Northampton, Mass....... Sept. 21, 1869
Emery-wheels and other abrading implements, E. C. Merrill and A. W. Wil- Charleston, Vt........... Oct. 12, 1869
Composition fbr. lard.
Emery wheels and sticks, Manufacture of-......... T. J. Mayall................... Roxbury, Mass............ Jan. 11, 1859
Erner y-whecels, Clamp for girding.....--------------- H. S. Vrooman...--..-........ -- Springfield, Mass........ Nov. 5, 1850
Emery-wheels, Machine for cleaning..-........... J. Chandler...................I Collinsville, Conn.........I Jan. 7,1862
Emery-wheels, &c., Machine for molding......... J. S. Elliott...----------------.... Chelsea, Mass............. July 23, 1872
Emery-wheels, Making---.------- ------.... -- J. D. Alvord.................. Bridgeport, Conn......... -Oct. 2, 1860
Emery-wheels, Manufacture of.....---------------- J. F. Wood----------------.................... Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 13, 1870
Emery-wheels, &c., Mode of finishing and turning. C. Marsh...................... Bridgeport, Conn...-... - Apr. 9, 1869
Emery-wheels, Mode of forming.............. C. G. Marshall................ Florence, Mass............ June 18, 1867
Emery-wheels, Process of making.... - -----T. Nelson -.................. West Troy, N. Y....... Mar. 6,1866
Emery with caoutchouc, Method of combining -...- T. J. Mayall...................i Roxbury, Mass......---------- Oct. 11, 1859
Enamel........................................... T. L. Oest ------................... Berlin, Prussia............ June 27, 1865
Enamel, Composition of....----...................... J. G. Dunn and A. F. Howes... Lawrenceburgh, Ind-..... Sept. 7, 1852
Enamel for clay gas-retorts, burners, tiles, &c..... D. W. Clark.................Chicago, Ill ----...... IMar. 15,1870
Enamel for covering hoop-skirt springs............ W. S. Ryerson -...-------... --- Philadelphia, Pa--...... - Feb. 12, 1867
Enamel for iron................................ C. Stumer -........... New York. N. Y....... July 25, 1848
Enamel for leather................................ C. W. Held-...-......... Brooklyn, N. Y........ Feb. 11, 1862
Enamel for leather........................--........ -- S. A. Hickel.............. Spencer, Pa............... Nov. 26,1867
Enamel or glaze for pottery, bricks, tiles, &c...... W. S. Thomas................i Carbon Cliff Ill........... - ----Nov. 9,1869
Enamel, paint, &c., Composition for.....-....... M. W. Brown.................Morrisania, N. Y-.......... --- Sept. 5, 1865
Enamel to be applied to metals, &c................ W. J. Cheyney and E. F. Diete- Wallingford and Philadel- Oct. 1, 1867
richs. phia, Pa.
Enameled-metal comb......--...-..-....-.-......... C. Foster..................... Wappinger's Falls, N. Y..- July 7,1868
Enameled metal, Manufacture of articles of..... G. A. Burrough.............. Providence, R. I-......... May 30,1871
Enameling and coating articles with rubber, gutta- P. Finley---...--------------... New York, N. Y--.......... -- Apr. 30, 1872
percha, &c.
Enameling bricks, Compound for.................. D. W. Clark................... Chicago, Ill............... -------- Jan. 31, 1871
Enameling cast-iron....................... G. W. Holley.................. Niagara, N. Y............. Mar. 10, 1857
Enameling checkers, Apparatus for.............. I. S., J. W., and C. M. Hyatt... Albany, N. Y -...-.-.--.. July 9, 1872
Enameling cloth, leather, &c., Machine for........ L. L. Allen.................... Hallowell, Me...-.--... -- Sept. 3,187-2
Enameling elliptical frames, Machine for.......... G. WV. and H. H. Ferguson..... - - New York, N. Y........ June 21, 1864
Enameling hard rubber, gutta-percha, &c., Process A. W. and I. C. Monroe........ Rahway, N. J., and Brook- Apr. 2,1867
of. lyn, N. Y.
Enameling hollow ware, Composition for.......... C. E. and C. H. Paris----.......... Paris, France............. ---------Mar. 5,1850
Enameling iron and steel.......................... B. Baugh...................... Chadwick, Dngland-....... Dec. 28, 1869
Enameling iron and steel...................... J. G. Dreyfus -................. ---- New York, N. Y..... Mar. 2,1869
Enameling iron pipes and hollow ware............. E. Pierce................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 23, 1857
Enameling iron, Process for-- --...--------..-. C. F. Thomin and C. Stumer... Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Oct. 17, 1854
Enameling, japanning, and inlaying, Preparing me- D. Rait....................... New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 30, 1864
tallic substances for.
Enameling jewelry and other articles.............. G. Krebs..................... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 30,1872
Enameling-machine............................... H. R. Hall................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 28, 1868
Enameling moldings, Apparatus for............... B. McEachren............. San Francisco, Cal........ Sept. 26, 1865
Enameling moldings, Machine for................. G. Boos....................... New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 18,1860
Enameling moldings, Machine for................. J. Johnson.................... Boston, Mass-----------.............. June 9.1868
Enameling moldings, Machine for................. J. Johnson.................... Boston, Mass.-.... Dec. 5, 1871
Enameling moldings, Machine for................. R. Marcher................... New York, N. Y.......... July 26, 1859
Enameling moldings, Machine for................T. Moore.-.-..-.......... Boston, Mass..............Nov. 7, 1871
Enamelifig moldings, Machine for................R. Ten Eyck, jr ----- ---- Brooklyn, N. Y...... Apr. 24, 1860
Enameling moldings, &c., Machinery for........... R. Marcher................... Cornwall, N. Y............ Oct. 21,1851
125, 610
78, 130
82, 461
50, 608
95, 186
79, 901
38, 358
21, 633
102, 537
34, 907
51, 668
143, 872
77, 281
72, 994
27, 817
25, 841
58, 487
118, 017
122, 253
135, 482
40, 231
115, 384
104, 231
24, 039
125, 600
111, 057
126, 706
140, 630
44, 918
100, 659
85, 537
131, 481
126, 597
101, 158
15, 912
124, 134
70, 393
113, 439
94, 955
95, 824
22, 606
7, 761
129, 801
30, 189
110, 162
88, 725
65, 924
53, 032
25, 747
48, 500
9, 250
100, 725
62, 074
5, 681
34, 366
71, 485
96, 634
49, 708
69, 318
79, 747
126, 195
111, 318
16, 798
128, 729
130, 968
43, 189
63, 553
7, 145
98, 336
87, 475
17, 635
11, 815
44, 046
126, 308
77, 187
58, 146
30, 954
78, 747
121, 628
24, 879
120, 659
28, 02-2
8, 445
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Enameling paper, cloth, card-board, &c., Composi- M. W. Brown................. New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 9,1869
sition for.
Enameling paper, Machine for-------.................... M. H. Gardner-------------................ New York, N. Y.......... May 19, 1868
Enameling photographic pictures, Apparatus for. N. Weston...............-.... San Francisco, Cal-....... Dec. 10, 1867
Enameling picture-frames, &c....---------------- R. Marcher.............-..... New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 14, 1860
Enameling picture-frames, &c., Tool for---- --............ J. Sperry-----.....................------ New York, N. Y......--------- July 10, 1860
Enameling sheet-ihon, Apparatus for--------... ---.. W. Harris and D. Hall........ Chicago, Ill -........... May 31, 1870
Enameling stone and earthen ware............ - - --- J. H. Giles.................... New York, N. Y.......... May 4, 1869
Enameling wood and other solid materials with P. Finley..................... Memphis, Tenn.....--------- Aug. 10, 1869
hard rubber.
Enema-chair...................................------------------------------W. Laighton.................. Portsmouth, N. H-....... Aug. 8,1846
Enema-giving apparatus--------------------.......................... B. T. Babbitt............ New York, N. Y......... Mar. 17, 1857
See Air-engine. Hot-water engine.
Air and gas engine. Hydraulic engine.
Air-compressing en- Hydrostatic engine.
gine. Knapsack-engine.
Ammonia-engine. Link-motion engine.
Ammonia-gas engine. Locomotive-engine.
Ammoniacal engine. Marine-engine.
Atmospheric engine. Motive-power engine.
Atmospheric steam- Motor-engine.
engine. Non-condensing enBeam-engine. gine.
Beating-engine. Oscillating engine.
Blowing-engine. Oscillating steam-enBoring-engine. gine.
Caloric engine. Paper-pulp engine.
Carbonic-acid engine. Paper-rag engine.
Carding-engine. Piston-engine.
Chloride of calcium Pneumatic engine.
engine. Pneumo-hydraulic enCompound-engine. gine.
Compound steam-en- Propeller-engine.
gine. Propulsion-engine.
Compressed air en- Pumping-engine.
gine. Rag or paper engine.
Condensing-engine. Reacting engine.
Crank-engine. Reacting steam-enCylinder-engine. give.
Dental engine. Reciprocating-engine.
Direct-acting engine. Reciprocating steamDirect-acting com- engine.
pound steam-engine. Rose-engine.
Direct-acting steam- Rosette-engine.
engine. Rotary engine.
Drum-engine. Rotary- cylinder enDummy-engine. gine.
Electro-magnetic en- Rotary steam-engine.
gine. Rotating cylinder-enExhaust-steam engine. gine.
Expansion engine. Stationary engine.
Explosive engine. Steam-engine.
Fire-engine. Steam and air engine.
Fire-extinguishing en- Steam and caloric engine. gine.
Garden-engine. Steam-hammer engine
Gas-engine. Traction-engine.
Gas-explosive engine. Traveling engine.
Gear-cutting engine. Triple - cylinder enGunpowder-engine. gine.
Hand-engine. Trunk-engine.
Heated-liquid engine. Turning-engine.
High and low pressure Two-beam engine.
engine. Vacuum-engine.
Hoisting-engine. Vapor-engine.
Horizontal engine. Vertical engine.
Horse-power engine. Water-engine.
Engine.................................. J. Idler....................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 31,1819
Engine........................................... T. C. Robinson and C. W. Clift. Mystic Bridge, Conn...... Mar. 11, 1873
Engine and pump -...--------0........ O. P. Lewis.............. Cincinnati, Ohio........Nov. 28,1871
Engine-boiler and superheater, Combined----.......--- F. B. Blanchard.............. Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y..... ar. 1, 1870
Engine by bi-sulphuret of carbon, Actuating------ B. Hughes................ Rochester, N. Y........... Aug. 22, 1854
Engine for raising weights----.----------.. A. Holmes.............. Boston, Mass.......-....... Oct. 21,1824
Engine-furnace Air-heating apparatus for......... J. H. Shotwell.........--.... Rahway, N. J............. Nov. 26, 1861
Engine indicator............................. C. W. F. Krausch.......... Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 9, 1862
Engine operated by heated liquid................. J. S. Baldwin.............. Newark, N. J............. Dec. 5, 1871
Engine operated by heated liquid................. J. S. Baldwin.............. Newark, N. J............. Dec. 5, 1871
Engine operated by heated liquid --------------- J. S. Baldwin.............. Newark, N. J.........Dec. 5, 1871
Engine-power, Augmenting...................... A. Ochler -.......... Eastville, Va...........Mar. 30,1835
Engine smoke-stack- - - - -- T. B. Phoebus...............Memphis, Tenn.......... Nov. 21,1871
Engine-turning machine........................ A. Schwitler...............New York, N. Y........ Sept. 1,1863
Engines, Applying power to the cranks of-...... - - T. Stewart...............Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 26,1858
Enaines, Combined quarter-connection and par- A. J. L. Loretz.......- Brooklyn, N. Y............ Nov. 25, 1873
allel motion for.
Engines, Crank-motion for.................... J. Smith and G. Joithe...... Newark, N. J......... June 14,1870
Engines, Device for controlling................... J. J. L. Farcot.............. Saint Ouen, (Seine,) France Dec. 29, 1868
Engines for using steam expansively, Arrange- J. Ericsson-----....... - New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 6, 1849
ment of.
Engines, Holding-keys for strap-connections for... T. Cook....................... Washington, D. C......... Apr. 19, 1859
Engines, Mechanism for reversing................. G. W. Bishop................. Brooklyn, N.Y.......... Nov. 18,1873
Engines, Mel hod of lubricating........ J. Marks...................... Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 16, 1860
Engines off their centers, Starting................ A. Sims.... New York, N. Y...... July 9, 1867
Engines, Utilizing the exhaust steam of......... E. Kdrting......... Berlin, Prussia.......Mar. 26,1872
Engraver, Pantographic..................... J. Hope...................... Providence, R. I........ Nov. 19, 1867
Engraver's plate............................ T. Bardon-----....... Brooklyn, N.Y--- -Au.25, 1868
En ravers i ing-clamp.......................T. R. Hopkins............Petersbrh, Va-...... June 29, 1&8
Engravins.ing-......................... J. Huttoi and G. Fairman..- - --.. Jam 8, 1802
Engraving................................ H.S. Ingersoll............... Lansing, Mich.......... Dec. 10, 1872
86, 639
78, 079
72, 133
29, (09
29, 122
103, 741
89, 574
93, 606
4, 684
16, 822
136, 764
121, 388
100, 359
33, 801
36, 411
121, 479
121, 480
121, 481
121, 062
39, 755
21, 911
144, 852
104, 367
85, 439
6, 844
23, 743
144, 731
30, 416
66, 527
125, 056
71, 010
81, 461
20, 711
133, 860
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Engraving and carving machine................
Engraving and carving machine.................
Engraving and chasing articles of metal..........
Engraving and printing, Making and preparing
nmetallic plates for.
Engraving and printing to prevent counterfeits-...
Engraving bank-notes............................
Engraving bank-notes. --- --_________--
Engraving bank-notes, &c.; Style of.-............
Engraving calico-r rinteis' rollers, Machine for....
Engraving copI er, &c-----------..............----------...........Engraving copper cylinders, Machine for........
Engraving copper, &c., Process fr.........-------.....----
Engraving cylinders, Machline for..............
Engraving- machine...............................
Engraving-machine- --.....................
Engraving-machine, Apparatus for supporting and
adjusting graver.
Engraving-machine, Device for pentagraphic.....
Engraving metallic plates, Apparatus for........
Engraving or printing upon glass, Process of.....
Engraving rollers, &c., Machine for..............
Engraving, Transfer...........................
Engravings, &c., Binding.........................
Engravings, &c., Process for reducing copies of....
Enttail-cleaning machine...................
E nvelope..........................................
E nvelope.............................
Envelope and letter-sheet combined...............
Envelope and letter sheet cambined...............
Envelope and letter-sheet combined...............
Envelope-blanks, Gumming and feeding...........
Envelope, Card -...................................
61 L
T. W. Minter..........
T. W. Minter...............
T. Lippiatt --.................
D. H. Mason..................
G. Murray..............
B. Chambers..........
IV. L. Orms..y..........
J. Macdonough..........
J. and T1. Hope...............
V. Q. Wedikind...............
B. L. Phillips-------------.................
A. I",Burson---- -----
A. F. Buron..................
R. Muckett and W. Rigby-.....
E. Allen..................
J. 13. Blair.....................
C. J. Coulter --...--............
J. C. Guerrant and B. J. Field
J. C. Guerrant and B. J. Field.
J. S. Ives..................
J. D. Lathrop...........
J. C. Spencer.............
J. Hope.................
J. Hope-------------------.
J. H ope............ -...........
J. C. Guerrant and B. J. Field.
W. L. Ormsby........
M. D. and L. W. Whipple.....
W. Shields.....---------------
1. Taylor..............
R. Meale..............
WV. T. Anderson.........
J. A. F. Lair..................
J. A. Huss.................
C. W. Felt........
E. L. Barrett.........
S. D. Bates..........
H. C. Bristol...............
iR. S. Clark.................
WV. B. Coates.......
C. Crowell..................
B. C. Davis...............
F. WV. Eberman..............
E. S. Ellis...........
H. Everdell..:...._...........
E. Fitzki......................
J. C. Gaston..................
J. C. Gaston..................
L. Giebrich...................
L. Giebrich...................
J. Gray......................
H. K. Gregg..................
J. V. Groomes...............
G.P. Hachenberg.............
E. Harmon..................
W. E. Haskins.........
B. J. Hoffacker..........
J.W. Huffington and A. Buckman.
R. S. Jennings................
A. A. C. Klaucke and J. Fraser.
RP. T. Knight..................
S. Kuh...................
R. K. Kuhn and T. O. Atkinson
P. Lockwood.............
R. Magee...............
G. H. Mathews.............
W. F. McCrary...........
C. E. McMahan...............
B. Morison....................
J. B. Murray.............
S. E. Pottee.-....-...........
C. Pink and M. Silverberg....C. IR. M. Pohl-..............
C. R. M. Pohl6............
J. Reckendorfer and J. C.
C. W. Saladee................
F. M. Shields.................
E. J. Smith..................
G. W. Starr...................
R. S. Stubbs.....-............
M. Saylor.....................
J. P. Thompson...............
S. Ullman....................
S. Ullman....................
S. Ullman....................
J. B. Wheeler................
S. L. Wiegand...............
J. W. Wilcox................
C. C. Woolworth.............
J. B. Anderson..............
C. Schweizer.............
C. Rowland........
J. B. Doff.....
C. Rowland..................
New York, N. Y...._..
New York, N. Y..........
Orange, N. J..............
Philadelphia, Pa-..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Washington, D. C.....
Jersey City, N. J..........
New York, N. Y.......
Providence. R. I..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Providence, R. I.........
Mount Blanchard, Ohio....
Salford, Great Britain.....
Grafton, Mass...........
Alton, Ill..i.-------------.
Seville, Ohio........
Leaksville, N. C..........
Leaksville, N. C.....-.
Morrisania, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Phelps, N. Y..........
Providence, R. I...........
Providence, R.I...........
Leaksville, N. C...-..
Jersey City, N. J.......
Somerville, Mass.. -
Manchester, England.....
Stanford Rivers, England
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Brooklyn, N. Y..-......---
Paris, France.-..--_-_
Louisville, Ky..........
Salem, Mass.........
Springfield, Ohio........
Boston, Mass...---------..
Saint Clair, Mich.......
Great Bend, Pa.-.. -....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Syracuse, N. Y.........
Binghamton, N. Y.........
West Salem, Ill..........
Trenton, N. J..........--
New York, N. Y.......
Washington. D. C........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Ottumwa, Iowa....--
Ottumwa, Iowa........
Raymond, Miss........
Baltimore, Md.......
Portsmouth, Ohio... _..
Hudson, N. Y --.._..
Washington, D. C.......
New York, N. Y....-..
Melrose, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y._.......
Washington, D. C., and
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa........
Jefferson, Iowa............
Doylestown, Pa..._......
Auburn, Ind....----------
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y...........
Baker City, Oreg........
Elizabeth, N. J...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Cairo, Ill........
Richmnond, Va..........
Richmond, Va........
New York and Brooklyn,
Circleville, Ohio..........
Macon, Miss.........
Washington, D. C.......
Washington, D. C.........
Lisbon, N. IIH..........
Buffalo, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa...-...
New York,N. Y-----
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Neville, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y.....
INew York, N. Y......
Wakefield, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..............
Clinton, Ill...............
Patchogue, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
Oct. 29,1872
Feb. 18,1873
May 10, 1870
May 17,1822
Feb. 13, 1810
June 12, 1847
May 16, 1865
Oct. 23, 1860
Aug. 21, 1855
Oct. 2, 1866
July 3, 1860
Nov. 29, 1864
May 12, 1857
Jan. 16, 1843
May 24, 1853
May 31, 1870
Nov. 5, 1867
Nov. 3,1868
Dec. 23, 1862
June 28, 1870
Feb. 15, 1870
June 8, 1858
Mar. 9,1858
Dec. 18, 1866
May 16, 1865
June 27, 1854
May 15, 1860
June 1, 1852
Aug. 31, 1869
Oct. 2, 1860
Oct. 15, 1861
Nov. 24, 1868
Jan. 9, 1855
Oct. 24, 1865
Dec. 26, 1871
Mar. 8, 1864
Apr. 7, 1868
Aug. 5, 1856
Apr. 16, 1872
Sept. 6, 1870
Nov. 9, 1869
Mar. 14, 1871
May 14, 1867
May 14, 1867
Dec. 31, 1867
Feb. 2:3, 1869
July 1, 1873
Sept. 23, 1873
Mar. 26, 1861
May 9, 1871
June 20, 1871
June 15, 1869
Nov. 20,1855
July 23, 1867
June 1, 1869
Dec. 24, 1872
May 21, 1867
Apr. 6, 1869
June 24,1856
June 24, 1873
Feb. 11, 1873
Apr..25, 1871
Nov. 20, 1866
Dec. 1, 1868
Apr. 30, 1872
Aug. 8, 1871
June 19, 1860
Dec. 18, 1860
Mar. 22, 1859
June 3, 1873
Apr. 28, 1868
Dec. 8, 1868
July 9,1861
Apr. 27,1869
Jan. 7, 1868
May 16, 1871
Dec. 22, 1868
Jan. 3, 1871
July 11, 1871
Apr. 25, 1871
Feb. 25, 1868
Sept. 8, 1868
Sept. 8, 1868
July 21, 1868
Mar. 22, 1864
Apr. 8, 1862
Mar. 1, 1884,Jan. 16, 187-2
Sept. 10, 187-2
Dec. 19, 1865
Dec. 13, 1864
Aug. 8, 1871
132, 594
135, 998
102, 950..........
47, 744
30, 488
13, 462
58, 516
29, 002
45, 224
17, 290
2, 912
9, 743
103, 576
70, 553
83, 708
37, 235
104, 744
99, 794
20, 528
19, 607
60, 506
47, 745
11, 189
28, 332
8, 991
94, 432
30, 277
33, 485
84, 358
12, 200
50, 549
122, 212
41, 828
76, 303
15, 475
125, 664
107, 116
96, 566
112, 568
64, 753
64, 653
72, 836
87, 253
140, 496
143, 16
31, 801
114, 612
116, 180
91, 331
13, 838
67, 111
90, 663
134, 142
64, 879
88, 722
15, 185
140, 204
135, 819
114, 161t
59, 849
84, 501
126, 316
117, 795
28, 767
30, 980
23, 309
139, 475
77, 316
84, 840
32, 813
89, 507
73, 203
114, 871
85. 253
110, 798
117, 015
114, 228
74, 8t7
81, 962
81, 963
80, 257
42, 035
34, 927
41, 804
122, 694
131, 184
5i, 693
45, 397
117, 818
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Envelope, Document.............................
Envelope-drying apparatus.....................
Envelope, Expansive.........-------
Envelope, Express money.........................
Envelope-feeding machine........................
Envelope-folding device..................................
Envelope-folding machine...................
Envelope-folding machine.........................
Envelope-folding machine....................
Envelope for rolled prints, &c....................
Envelope for sewing-needles....................
Envelope, Glove....----------------------.----
Envelope, Glove.............,.......
Envelope gummer.........................
Envelope, Kid-glove...............................
Envelope, Letter- -- ---..............._
Envelope, Letter.........................
Envelope, Letter.........................
Envelope, Letter..................................
Envelope, Letter.................................
Envelope, Letter.............................
Envelope, Letter-..................................
Envelope, Letter.................................
Envelope, Letter..................................
Envelope, Letter..................................
Envelope, Letter-... e............................
Envelope, Letter-sheet...........................
Envelope-machines, Apparatus for feeding paper tc
Envelope-machines, Counting-attachment for......
Envelope-machines, Cutting and gumming apparatus for.
Envelope-machines, Feed-box for.................
Envelope-machines, Folding and printing bed for..
Envelope-machines, Packing-apparatus for........
Envelope, Metallic-seal...........................
Envelope, Oil-cake................................
Envelope, Paper..................................
Envelope, Paper-collar-packing...................
Envelope, Picture---...-----------..----------..
Envelope, Picture.................................
Envelope, Picture................................
Envelope, Post-office way-bill.....................
Envelope, Postal-currency........................
Envelope, Prepaid..........................
Envelope, Registered-package...................
Envelope, Rouleau............................
Envelope, Safety...................................
Envelopes, Apparatus for drying pasted...........
Envelopes, Apparatus for making...............
Envelopes, Construction of......................
Envelopes, Device for moistening and closing......
Envelopes for bottles 'nd jars, Manufacture of.
Envelopes from sheets of paper, Mode of cutting...
Envelopes, Machine for gumming and printing..
Envelopes, Manufacturing........................
Envelopes, Opening........
Envelopes, pocket-books, &c., Slide for fastening...
Envelopes, &c., Pressure adhesive gum for........
Epergne for fruit and flowers.....................
Eper-ne for fruit and flowers..-------------
Epilobium, Manufacture from the fibers of........
Date. INo.
J. W. Wilcox.--------------................
W. E. Lockwood...........
R. Van Buskirk...........
E. Hulbert...................
M. E. Berolzheimer..........
E. Allen.....................
W. H. Hook.................
E. Coleman...................
R. L. Hawes...................L Parks.............
L. Prang................
G. P. Former................
A. D. Foster...............
F. Hegle......................
E. Allen......................
F. Hegle.....................
J. G. Arnold.................
J. G. Arnold.................
H. C. Bristol..................
C. Conkling................
E. Harmon.................
T. S. Lambert..............
J. D. McAnulty..............
A. M. Murphy................
W. Murphy................
C. Phelps...................
A. C. Richard.................
C. Foster.....................
E. Allen.....................
J. Ball.......................
J. Ball........................
T. Berguer....-.............
H. W. Chamberlin...........
J. H. Cooper...............
W. W. Cotton..........
J. B. Duff and T. W. Keating.
J. C. Gaston.................
E. W. Goodale................
J. M. D. Keating.........
J. M. D. Keating.............
W. H. Low............
J. K. Park and C. S. Watson..
R. Parks...................
M. G. Puffer.................
G. H. Reay...................
G. H. Reay...................
A. A. Rheutan..............
A. A. Rheutan..............
D. M. Smyth..............
H. D. and D. W. Swift.......
H. D. and D. W. Swift......
T. V. Waymouth..............
T. V. Waymouth........
G. H. Reay...................
G. H. Reay.................
E. B. Olmsted.................
E. Allen......................
E. B. Olmsted.................
E. B. Olmsted................
R. S. Jennings..............
C. Eskrett and H. Searle......
J. P. Gruger...............
G. S. Hastings, jr..............
A. Kline.....................
W. H. Mantz.................
L. A. Miller..................
C. B. Stephens................
R. Shepard...................
G.K. Snow.............
C. A. Kihlgren..............R. Price.....................
E. L. Wilson.................
M. P. Norton.................
F. Mills......................
J. B. Murray...............
W. T. McCrary.............
A. J. Gove..................
W. S. Stetson.................
J. Armstrong................
E. L Barrett.................
R. T. Knight................
R. W. Walker................
G. Clark...........
J. P. Herron.............
T. V. Waymouth..............
J. Ball........................
A. L. Seabury.........
J. W. Wilcox........
P. S. P. Conner........
W. H. Gray.........
J. S. Smith.........
E. J. Helwig...............
W. J. llorstmann...........
S. S. Barrio.......
S. S. Barrio..................
R. B. Miller..........---......
A. Lafever and R. K. Laranay.
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Newark, N. J............
Atlanta, Ga.............
New York. N. Y.....
Norwich; Conn..........
Walworth, England.....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Worcester, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
B-ston, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa...-...
Sayville, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
Norwich, Conn...........
New York, N. Y.......
Worcester, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass.......
Chicago, Ill...........
Ashland, Ohio.........
Washington, D. C-. -.
Peekskill, N. Y........
Brooklyn. N. Y........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.........
Salem, Mass.......
Newtown, Conn........
Cortland Village, N. Y.....
Norwich, Conn........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y..._
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Clinton, Mass.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y........
New York. N. Y.....
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Rockville, Coun....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Worcester, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Orange, N. J.........._
Worcester, Mass.......
Worcester, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Hudson, N.J.........
Washington, D. C.-.. _...
July 23, 1867
Jan. 14, 1868
Aug. 16, 1864
May 14, 1867
Apr. 26, 1870
Nov. 19, 1872
June 21,1864
Apr. 26, 1853
June 21, 1853
Dec. 17, 1867
Sept. 3, 1872
June 17, 1862
Aug. 6, 1872
Sept. 3, 1872
July 13, 1869
July 30, 1872
Dec. 28, 1858
May 2, 1865
Jan. 27, 1863
Feb. 12, 1867
Mar. 22,1859
Mar. 2,1865
Sept. 2, 1873
June 14, 1864
June 2, 1863
Apr. 27,1858
Nov. 15, 1859
Feb. 6, 1872
Aug. 28, 1866
May 26, 1868
Jan. 31, 1871
Feb. 10, 1857
Feb. 1, 1870
Mar. 19, 1867
Apr. 8, 1856
Feb. 1, 1859
Aug. 29, 1871
Oct. 9, 1855
June 30, 1863
Feb. 19, 1867
Apr. 8, 1856
Jan. 23, 1849
July 10, 1866
Nov. 23, 1858
Aug. 25,1863
Jan. 29, 1867
Feb. 4. 1868
Dec. 10, 1872
June 22, 1869
May 30, 1871
May 30,1871
Sept. 25, 1866
Nov. 19, 1867
Jan. 26, 1864
Dec. 16, 1862
July 16, 1867
67, 092
73, 350
43, 875
64, 674
102, 211
133, 184
43, 272
9, 683
9, 812
72, 225
35, 596
130, 205
130, 997
92, 558
129, 890
22, 405
47, 508
37, 490
62, 011
2:3, 3:0
46, 911
142, 405
43, 126
38, 755
20, 087
26, 127
123, 389
57, 617
78, 353
111, 420
16, 576
99, 290
62, 939
14, 625
22, 7 88
118, 525
13, 647
39, 053
62, 274
14, 643
6, 055
50, 325
22, 149
39, 702
61, 687
74, 140
133, 800
115, 381
115, 382
58, 327
71, 252
41, 395
37, 199
66, 877
142, 606
66, 878
66, 876
55. 955
108, 774
104, 118
139, 312
133, 783
89, 675
105, 356
96, 845
45, 301
48, 848
70, 442
100, 067
35, 861
35, 539
30, 151
133, 712
131, 609
25, 590
34, 326
61, 140
14, 614
106, 098
54, 080
43, 989
55, 562
106, 451
42, 113
64, 608
94, 399
33, 702
23, 6-20
107, 614
111, 456
117, 965
125, 003
46, 9-22
77, 200
Norwich, Conn.-..-...... Sept. 9, 1873
Washington, D. C......... July 16, 1867
Washington, D. C..--- July 16, 1867
New York, N. Y......... June 26, 1866
Hull, England.............. Nov. 1, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 7, 1870
Plainville, Conn...........May 27, 1873
Manheim, Pa............. Dec. 10, 1872
Centralia, Ill-----------.............. -May 4, 1869
Sewicklyville, Pa......... July 12, 1870
Riverton, Conn........... ---- Nov. 16, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y........... ---------Nov. 29, 1864
Watertown, Mass........- - - July 18, 1865
Boston, Mass..............Nov. 5, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 22, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 8, 186-2
Troy, N. Y---------------................ June 10, 1162
Washington, D. C......... June 15, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 25,1860
Baker County, Oreg....... Dec. 10, 1872
San Francisco, Cal.. Sept. 24, 1872
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 27, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 4, 1862
Springfield, Ohio.......... Jan. 15, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 8, 1856
Washington, D. C........ Aug. 2, 1870
London, England.... Apr. 17, 1866
Washington, D. C........ Aug. 30, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... June 12, 1866
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 16, 1870
Norfolk, Va---_...-._.. Mar. 29, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... May 7, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 31, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa..........Nov. 12, 1861
New York, N. Y........ Apr. 12, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa......Sept. 20, 1870
I'hiladelphia, Pa--------..........Jan. 31, 1871
Green Point, N. Y..... Aug. 15, 1871
New York, N. Y -..- -.. -Mar. 26. 1872
Utica, N. Y.......-...... -Mar. 21,1865
Battle Creek, Mich........ Apr. 28, 1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Equalizer for double-trees, Draft..................
(Equalizer or power-regulator............
Equalizer, Spring............
Equalizer, Three-horse--...----------------------
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse...........................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse...........................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse...........................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse.....................................
Equalizer, Three-horse...........................
Equalizer, Three-horse.............................
Equalizer, Three-horse------------------------............................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse............................
Equalizer, Three-horse..........................
Equalizer, Ti ce-horse..........................
Equalizer, Three-ho- se-draft -..................
Equalizer, Two-borse............................
Equalizing-bars, Die for bending............
E raser........................
E raser............................................
E raser - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eraser and burnisher............................
Eraser and burnisher..........................
Eraser and burnisher.............................
Eraser and burnisher, Combined..................
Eraser and eraser-sharpener, Combination of.._...
Eraser and letter-opener.......................
Eraser and pen-handle combined...................
Eraser and pencil-sharpener.......................
Eraser and l)encil-sharp)ener combined.............
Eraser-attachment for pencil, &e.................
Eraser, Blackboard..............................
Eraser, Blackboard...........................
Eraser, Chalk...................................
Eraser for pencils, Detachable....................
Eraser, Ink.......------------..-----------------...........................
Eraser, Rubber....................................
Eraser, Rubber...................................
Eraser, Rubber.................................
Eraser, Rubber.................................
Eraser, Rubber.................................
Eraser, Rubber.................................
Eraser, Rubber...................................
Eraser, Vulcanized rubber pencil-mark............
Escape-pipe, Condensing...........................
Escapem ent......................................
Escapement, Duplex.............................
Escapements, Arrangement of dead-beat..........
Escritoir, Portable---------------------------................................
Essence-extracting apparatus...................
Essences, Mode of extracting.................
Essences, Vessel for extracting............
Etching-grounds, Mode of producing.............
Etching stones. Composition for.................
Ether, Apparatus for administering....-- --........
Ether, Process of manufacturing sulrhluric.___
Evaporating alkaline solutions, &c., Furnace for..
Evaporating and clarifying pan..-- -................
Evaporating and distilling apIparatus..............
Evaporating and distilling apparatus.............
Evaporating and distilling by solar heat..........
Evaporating and distilling liquids................
Evaporating fornace, Salt........................
Evaporating furnace, Sugar-juice-..................
Evaporating furnace, Sugar-j rice....---------------
Evaperating-kettle furnaces, Arch for...........
-1 1 i
G. W. N. Yost................ Corry, Pa.................
R. F. Judson---------------.................. -Kalamazoo. Mich....... -
A. Gregory.....------------------ Brooklyn, N. Y............
H. Davis......------------------- Berlin, Wis...............
E. F. Avery andH. B. Leckenby Dowagiac, Mich...........
F. E. Barr-------------------................... Albion, N. Y..............
J. Blackwood................. Lithopolis, Ohio...........
W. P. Brooks......-........... Bloomington, Ill..........
J. E. Coveney................. Buchanan, Mich..........
G. Cramton................... Marshall, Mich.........
G. Cramton................... Marshall, Mich....-...
G. Cramton and P. A. Spicer.. Marshall, Mich...........
W. Haistiugs, sr.--........ Fowler, Ill.............
T. Hoadley-----... -------.. Toulon, Ill................
A. March.................... Taylor, Ill................
E. K. Parish................. Shelbyville, eud...........
J. C. Pfeil................... Arenzville, Ill...........
Z. B. Sims................... Bonham, Tex.............
A. L., G. J., and T. N. Thomas. Lee's Saummit, Mo........
J. T. Thornton................ Kewanee, Ill..............
L. Warren..................-------------------... Dwight, Ill................
E. M. Wright................ Castile, N. Y..............
E. J. Toof...............------------------...... Fort Madison, Iowa.......
Z. B. Sims------------------.................... -Bonham, Tex.............
A. E. Barnard--------------................ Akron, Ohio...............
H. T. Cushmann.............. North Bennington, Vt.....
J. M. Hicks.....------------------ Boston, Mass.............
A. H. Hook and H. B. Adams. New York, N. Y..........
W. A. Morse and J. G. Powell. Philadelphia, Pa.........
A. G. Shaver.................. New Haven, Con........
R. Smith---------------------...................... Bangor, Me...............
S. R. Andres.................. ----------------Troy, N. Y-------------................A. G. Shaver.................. New Haven, Conn.........
A. G. Shaver.......----------- New Haven, Conn.......
A. G. Shaver_------.....-.. New Haven, Conn- -........
J. Gault.............---------. Boston, Mass.............
G. C. Barney..----------------- Philadelphia, Pa..........
W. A. Morse and J. G. Powell. Philadelphia, Pa........
A. G. Shaver.................. Hartford, Conn..........
C. D. Smith-----------..............------- Washington, D.C.........
G. H. Richards-..------------.. --New York, N. Y..........
F. G. Johnson-.. ---. Brooklyn, N. Y............
W. S. Read---............ Oakland, Cal..............
G. Munger..................---- New Haven, Conn........
W. K. Evans..............- New York, N. Y..........
W. P. Patton...-..-------------- Harrisburgh, Pa.........
J. W. Tallmage....... -..- New York, N.Y..........
W. N. Bartholomew.......... Newton Centre, Mass....
W. N. Bartholomew.---..-- Newton Centre, Mass.....
M. D. Converse and F. A. Bates London, Ohio, and Boston,
E. W. Frost................. Brooklyn, N. Y...........
S. D. Hovey.................. Brooklyn, N. Y...........
T. H. Miler... --.............. Yonkers, N. Y..........
G. Stackpole.............- Elizabeth, N. J............
T. H. Miiller................. Yonkers, N. Y............
B. F. Smith................... New Orleans, La..........
WV. C. Kellum................. San Francisco, Cal....
W. C. Kellum... --............. San Francisco, Cal.......
W. N. Manning........... Rockport, Mass...........
J. V. D1). Patch... -.- Brownville, Nebr........
C. E. Jacot.............. New York, N. Y........
D. J. Mozart................ Yellow Springs, Ohio......
WV. G. Mitchell.............. Holliston, Mass...........
N. Q. Munger................. Brookfield Centre. Wis....
G. Bantz.-.................. Frederick, Md............
J. C. Walker................. Waco Village, Tex........
O. Ernst..................... New York, N. Y..........
R. Gottgetreu............... Munich, Bavaria.........
A. Hoen..................... Baltimore, Md...........
L. Roper................ Philadelphia, Pa....
F. Rena..................... Poughkeepsie, N. Y.----
M. L. Keen................... Jersey City, N. J..........
C. Jacobs......_............ Columbus, Ohio.....
W. R. King..................Yellow Springs, Ohio......
WV. P. Wheeler............. Louisville, Ky............
N. WV. Wheeler and W. W. Brooklyn and New RoEvans. chelle, N. Y.
J. Adair and H. W. C. Twed- Pittsburgh, Pa.............
J. Richardson............................................
J. lRichardson........................................
J. Colguhoun............... Charleston, Va...........
L. Lefebvre.................. New Orleans, La-.........
F. Roy....................... Saint Bernard Parish, La..
E. Laass..................... Syracuse, N Y............
H. O. Ames.................New Orleans, La..........
H. F. Bartlett......... La Grange, Mo............
G. Bez..................... M okena, Ill...............
S. P. Dyer.................... Prairie Depot, Ohio.......
J. J. Mapes and W. A. Cox.... New York, N. Y..........
S. Page...................... McAllisterville, Pa......
G. W. Storer.................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. W. Stoi-er................ Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. XV. Storer................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
E. E. Stubbs and T. C. Davis.. West Elkton, Ohio........
D. Watson................... Mexico, Mexico...........
Mar. 9, 1869
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 9, 1851
Oct. 28, 1873
Feb. 2, 1869
June 8, 1869
Mar. 12, 1872
Aug. 10, 1869
Mar. 2, 1869
Feb. 4, 1868
Sept. 14, 1869
July 21,1868
June 24, 1873
Aug. 19, 1873
Mar. 19. 1872
July 16, 1872
Oct. 11, 1870
Aug. 31, 1869
May '21,1872
Mar. 1, 1870
July 11, 1871
July 13, 1869
Dec. 19, 1865
Aug. 2, 187,
Feb. 9, 1869
May 17,1870
May 14, 1861
July 17,1866
June 16, 1868
Jan. 24, 1865
Aug. 7,1866
Aug. 21, 1866
Aug. 22, 1865
Oct. 9,1866
Aug. 22, 1865
Sept.17, 186 1
Oct. 1, 1867
Feb. 26, 1867
Mar. 8, 1859
Oct. 2, 1866
Feb. 22, 1870
June 18, 1872
Feb. 4, 1873
Nov. 5, 1861
May 14, 1872
Aug. 21, 1866
Jan. 16,1872
Dec. 15, 1868
Dec. 19, 1871
June 28, 1870
Apr. 1, 1873
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 5, 1872
Nov. 4, 1873
Jan. 23, 1872
Sept. 12,1871
Sept. 1, 1868
Sept. 8, 1868
May 19, 1863
July 21,1868
July 27,1852
Aug. 9, 1859
Jan. 24, 1871
July 10, 1860
Feb. 9, 1869
Aug. 13, 1867
Juily 1,1862
Aug. 28, 1866
Apr. 24,1860
Oct. 10,1848
Aug. 11, 1868
Nov. 18, 1873
Aug. 6,1861
Jan. 7, 1862
Aug. 8,1865
May 3, 1870
July 17, 1866
Sept. 13, 1802
Apr. 4, 1803
Feb. 6, 1834
Nov. 23, 1858
Dec. 14, 1858
June 2, 1868
Oct. 16, 1860
Sept. 5, 1865
May 2, 1865
June 11, 1867
Jan. 7,1846
June 25, 1867
June 3, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
July 16, 1867
Oct. 14,1873
87, 612
76, 466
8, 345
143, 966
86, 491
90, 915
124, 537
93, 593
87, 471
74, 053
94, 718
80, 060
140, 268
141, 875
124, 692
129, 050
108, 179
94, 355
126, 998
100, 469
117, 021
92, 503
51, 6:12
106, 084
86, 629
103, 149
32, 288
56, 415
78, 887
46, 032
57, 004
57, 273
49, 558
58, 684
49, 559
33, 304
69, 388
62, 486
23, 16
58, 558
110, 189
135, 4,7
33, 684
126, 792
57, 310
122, 867
84, 985
104, 831
137, 299
93, 823
124, 374
144, 364
122, 104
118, 885
81, 789
81, 910
38, 504
80, 209
25, 034
111, 231
29, 092
86, 803
67, 824
35, 747
57, 651.
27, 981
5, 850
80, 835
144, 682
32, 998
34, 062
49, 328
102, 633
56, 343
'2-2, 307
78, 527
30, 413
49, 694
47, 511
65, 656
4, 352
66, 017
139, 625
143, 939
144, 158
66, 750
143, 649
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Evaporating-pan................................. -- J. A. Webb and C. Cory.......
Evaporating-pan.....--------------------------- N. Willey....................
Evaporating-pan- -.........................J. B. Williams................
Evaporating-pan.................................J. B. Williams...........
Evaporating pan and furnace._................... -A. Kolb...................
Evaporating pan and furnace................ L. Scott......................
Evaporating pan and plant for salt-manufacture... -G. W. Storer.............
Evaporating pan, Cane-juice...-...............-. D. M. Cook..............Evaporating pan, Cane-juice.................... C. A. Desobry...........
Evaporating-pan for saccharine juices---------............ --E. D. Foss..........
Evaporating-pan for saccharine juices............. J. V. Harter.................
Evaporaang-pan for saccharine juices............. J. M. Moss..................
Evaporating-pan for saccharine juices.........ID. B. Neal..............
Evaporating-pan for saccharine juices.......-.... W. E. Prall...................
Evaporating-pan for saccharine liquids............ 0. N. Brainerd...............
Evaporating-pan for saccharine liquids............ F. G. Butler...............
Evaporating-pan for saccharine liquids..--.......... P. W. Gates..............
Evaporating-pan for saccharine liquids............ G. Stump..................
Evaporating-pan for sorghum-juice............... N. Z. Potter.............
Evaporating-pan for sugar - - ----- -.. H. F. Bartlett................
Evaporating-pan for sugar and sirup.............. L. Megowan............
Evaporating-pan for sugar-juices.................. D.M. Cook...............
Evaporating-pan for sugar, salt, &c................ L. R. Cornell....------...
Evaporating pan, Steam........................... T. C. Bartle and C. F. Putney..
Evaporating pan, Sugar........................... C. B. Darrow.............
Evaporating pan, Sugar---......... S. H. Gilman..................
Evaporating pan, Sugar........................ H.F. Sbchroder................
Evaporating pan, Sugar-juice----.....----.. - W. Hedges.................
Evaporating-pan with cellular boiler.............- D. M. Cook..................
Evaporating-pan with tubular boiler.......-..-.. --- D. M. Cook.....................
Evaporating-pans, Apparatus for heating.--...---.. H. O. Ames...................
Evaporating-pans, Apparatus for beating........ E. Skelly................
Evaporating-pans, Cellular or tubular boiler for._. D. M. Cook-----...---------..
Evaporating-pans, Device to regulate the flow of J. Thomas..................
san to.
Evaporating-pans for saccharine juices, &c., Con- T. J. Price...................
struction o.
Evaporating-pans furnaces, Arch bar and sup- G. S. Deane..................
port for constructing.
Evaporating-pans, &c., Method of inserting tubes G. H. Thomas................
Evaporating pans or boilers, Feeder for............ S. A. Mitchell..............
Evaporating-vessel..............................-----------------------------J. P. Hale..............
Evaporating-vessels, Arrangement of steam-coils H. O. Ames................
Evaporation..--------.......------------..............----.....-----..... T. Arnold.....................
Evaporation... ------------------------------T. Bedwell and B. Henfrey....
Evaporation and vaporization................ M. S. Bringier................
See Brine-evaporator. Saccharine-juice evapoCane-juice evapora- rater.
tor. Saccharine-liquid evapCompound evapora- orator.
tor. Salt-evaporator.
Fluid-evaporator. Salt-water evaporator.
Hot-air-pipe evapo- Sap-evaporator.
rator. Sorghum-evaporator.
Liquid-evaporator. Steam-heated evaporaMedicine - evapora- tor.
tor. Sugar-evaporator.
Portable evapora- Sugar-juice evaporator.
tor. Sugar-pan evaporator.
Rotary evaporator. Vacuum-evaporator.
Evaporator.--..-----------------------------C. Alden....................
Evaporator.............--........................... P. J. Badoux..............
Evaporator.................-------------------------------............. A. Balding....................
Evaporator....................................... J. Beechley...................
Evaporator....................................... J. C. Bell.....................
Evaporator............................... J. Bogue......................
Evaporator........................................ S. Bowerman..................
Evaporator...................................... W. Canning.....--...........
Evaporator...................................... B. F. Cauffman...........
Evaporator....................................... E. Chitister..............
Evaporator.................... J. Cook......................J. Cook.................
Evaporator............................... J. Cooper...................
Evaporator...................................S. P. Dyer...............
Evaporator............................... A. S. Eddy...............
Evaporator.......................................J. H. Elward............
Evaporator....------------------------------. N. Evinger..................
Evaporator..---.................................. F. Farquahar and R. E. Dean.. -
Evaporator...................--................... H. C. Gilbert...............
Evaporator...................................S. D. Gilson.................
Evaporator ---............................... L. R. Gleason.................
Evaporator.................... F. M. Harris................
Evaporator........................................ J. Harris................
Evaporator....................................... S. T. Harrison..............
Evaporator............................... B. R. Hawley................
Evaporator -------------------------- -.. R. Hawley, jr.................
Evaporator- -- - ---------------------.... W. L. Hazen...............
Evaporator-----------------------...-.. W. H. Isaacs..................
Evaporator............................... D. Kinzer...............
E vaporator.............................. H. Liglity....................
Evaporator----..----------------------- J. and S. W. Little.........
Evaporator......--------........................... F. A. Lord.............
Evaporator----------....... F. M. Love...................
Evaporator- --------------------------. N. R. Martin..................
Evaporator..................................... S. B. Maulsby................
Madison, N. J., and Lima,
South Windsor, Conn.....
Glastenbury, Conn.....
Glastenbury, Conn......
Steubenville, Ohio.......
Sinking Spring, Ohio......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Mansfield, Ohio.......
Plaquemnino, La -.-.....Maineville, Ohio......
Plymouth, Ill...........
Waverly, Iowa- -.......
Mount Gilead, Ohio.._...
Maineville, Ohio.......
Marion, Iowa............
Bellows Falls, Vt.....
Chicago, Ill............
New York, N. Y..........
Uniontown, Ill.........
La Grange, Mo..........
Upper Alton, Ill -.......
Mansfield, Ohio........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Independence, Iowa......
Orland, Ind...............
New Orleans, La......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Chicago, Ill.............
Mansfield, Ohio.........
Mansfield, Ohio.......
New Orleans, La..........
Plaquemine, La.........
Mansfield, Ohio....Hardwick, Vt.............
Date. No.
Apr. 9, 1867
Sept. 10, 1867
June 29, 18169
June 27, 1871
Jan. 14, 1825
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 28, 1873
June 22, 1858
Nov. 8, 1859
Feb. 25, 1862
Dec. 17, 1861
May 20, 1862
Mar. 11, 1862
Feb. 18, 1862
Jan. 28, 1862
Mar. 7, 1871
Oct. 28, 1862
July 8, 1862
June 9, 1863
Oct. 18, 1864
June 21, 1864
Apr. 14, 1863
Feb. 11, 1873
Dec. 27, 1864
Nov. 3, 1863
Sept. 9, 1856
Dec. 18, 1866
Nov. 29, 1859
Feb. 24, 1863
Feb. 24, 1863
Aug. 9, 1859
Aug. 9,1859
Feb. 24, 1863
Sept. 6,1870
63, 678
68, 821
91, 890
116, 524.....
95, 049
144, 159
20, 631
26, 024
34, 484
33, 942
35, 350
34, 44
34, 469
34, 236
112, 319
36, 881
35, 844
38, 839
44, 698
43, 2:20
38, 152
135, 630
45, 667
40, 460
15, 694
60, 564
26, 325
37, 736
37, 737
24, 978
25, 052
37, 735
107, 124
34, 264
69, 781
13, 832
63, 925
26, 182
20, 687
Industry, Ill.............. Jan. 28,1862
Grand Rapids, Mich...... Oct. 15, 1867
Kingston, Mass.......... Nov. 20, 1855
Alstead Centre, N. H-.... Apr. 16,1867
Kanawha Court-House, Va Nov. 22, 1859
New Orleans, La.......... June 29, 1858.--............ M ar. 5,1806........- -... Feb. 12, 1801....
Ascension Parish, La...... Nov. 12,1867 70, 690
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 4,1859
New York, N. Y.......... June 9, 1868
Madison, Ind--.-----.. -.. Aug. 28, 1866
Dayton, Ohio ------- Mar. 6, 1866
Pawnee City, Nebr--------Dec. 26, 1865
Auburn, Wis....---.... Sept. 12, 1865
Battle Creek, Mich..... Dee. 20, 1864
New York, N. Y----...---... May 23, 1865
Millerstown, Pa.- -- Sept. 1,1868
Chatham, Iowa---...----.. Jan. 12, 1869
Wellsville, N. Y....... Nov. 14, 1871
Mount Vernon, Ohio ---.. --Oct. 9, 1866
Ankney Town. Ohio-...... May 2, 1871
Smithville, N. Y.....-.. Aug. 21, 1866
Polo, Ill...--------------.. Feb. 6, 1866
Terre Haute, Ind...-.. July 28, 1868
Wilmington, Ohio..--.. Sept. 25, 1866
Cambridge, Vt.....------------ Feb. 12, 1867
Syracuse, N. Y...----------.. Oct. 25, 1870
Dundee, N. Y............ Mar. 27, 1866
Winnamac, Ind....--.. Jan. 2, 1866
Janesville, Wis.......... Nov. 24,1868
Baltimore, Md........... Dec. 31, 1838
Normal, Ill.---........ May 1,1866
Detroit, Mich.......... Jan. 24, 1871
Franklin, Ind- - -...Apr. 17, 1866
Terro Haute, Ind...... Aug. 21, 1866
Sardinia, Ohio.......... Sept. 11, 1866
Attica, Ind............... June 4,1867
Patoka, Ind ----------- Au,. 28,1866
Aurora, N. Y...---...- May 30,1865
Waldron, Ind....-..._July 4, 1865
Canandaigua, N. Y-.----- Aug. 9, 1870
Muncie, lnd............ Mar. 20, 1866
25, 614
78, 639
57, 459
52, 952
51, 683
49, 851
45, 470
47, 795
81, 752
85, 791
120, 859
58, 607
114, 278
57, 301
52, 402
810, 342
58, 236
108, 701
53, 438
51, 828
84, 277
1, 056
54, 340
111, 121
53, 975
57, 327
57, 923
65, 404
57, 523
47, 966
48, 628
106, 270
Index of p~atents issued from the United States Pateat Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Evaporator--------------------.B alb...........................SB.Musy----.---
Evaporator-------------------------------------..J. McCracken. --........
Evaporator--------------------------------------- J. A. MeKinney..............
Evaporator.------------------------------------C. and D. Mercer-----------
Evaporator-------------------------------------- F. Michael.................Evaporator-.----------"------"----"----------------J. E. SMoelher...........
Evaporator.-------------------- ------------ ------ It. C. Nourse.-- ------
Evaporator------------------------------------ S. Page...................--
E'vaporator --------------------------------------M. Pake....................
Evaporator------------------------------- ----- I. H. Palmer.................
Evaporator--------------------------------------. H. Parmelee............--
Evaporator....--........-.-.....-... -....-...-..--D. Reeves ------------------
Evaporator-------------------------------------...D. Reynolds...... --------------.
Evapor-ator-"------------------------------------j. F. Riggs..............---
Evaporator-------------------------------------...T. andl J. M. Seantlin....
Evaporator-------------------------------------I. Sherman.................Evaporator --------------------------------------A. WV. Shidler..............Evaporator-------------------------------------11.. Stamlde andl A. Traver.
Evaporator -..- - - - - H tle............................H.Soer----.-----
Evaporator. - -- - - - - - - - - 1............. J. Stout..................
Evaporator---------------------------------I J. Sutton....................
Evaporator-----------------------------------E. NW. Taylor -..............
Evaporator.-.-...............................----T. Thomnasson-._----------
Evaporator.......------._-----------------------S. M. Williams...............
Evaporator-------------------------------------.... S. Worthington..........Evaporator------------------------------------...J. E. Youngman........
Evaporator------------------------------------A. Voungs.................Evaporator and condenser-----------------------..E Lynch...................
Evaporator and cooler---------------------------..H. Koly, jr.......... _....
Evaporator and (irier ----.---------------_-------N. Kendi-ick._..............
Evaporator and ste-am-engine--------------------. _ _1). Heath........ _.... _.....
Evaporator and still.- - - - - - --...........M. H. Powers--------------..
Evaporator, Compound--------------------------..J. A. NWadsworth-------_E'vaporator-furnace-----------------------------_ _.. _NV.- Barrett.................
Evaporator-furnace-----------------------------..M. P. 1-ays..................
Evaporator-finacce------------------------T. lpencer-----------------......Evaporator furnace and fire-place-----------------...P. Tomlinson......... - _......_Evaporator furnace or lire-arch-------------------.S. Ber ry---------_-----
Evaporators, Adjuster for.------------ -- J. A. Do Tar................
Evaporators, Automatic feeder for.......------ _---J. Smead- - --- - ---- -- -- - ---- -
Evaporators. Construction of---------------------- N. Bourne------------------_
Evaporators, Construction cf-----------------J. B. IDagne..................
Evaporators, Construction ef---------------------....T. J. P ri ce..................
Evener ---------------------------- M. Terrill...................
Evener, Three-horse-------------------- _.-----B.WN. Suthealen._........
Evener, Two-borse ------------ ------------------ J. Sturgis.-------------------
Earth, Machine for excavating and convey lug - _.. J. A. Sprague -........
Excavating and ditching machine.- - - -.- - ------M. M. Stewart and J. D. M.
Excavating and ditching machine................ B. F. Stowell...............--
Excavating and dredging---------------N..Smt..................WS.mih-_.__._._
Excavating cad dredging machine----------------6.). Allen....................
Excavating and dredging machine................ J. H. Anderson..............
Excav atin and dredging machine -- -- -- - - - --- --C. Willey, jr................_ _ _
Excav atin and embanking ditches, Machine for-- G. Page.--------------------.-_...
Excaating and grading nmachine................. P. T. Mayne................--
Excavtnag and grading machine.................NVW. P. Miller-.-...........
Excavating and grading machine-.............Z. N. Morrel.................
Excavating and moving earth, Machine for----. A. NV. Cady..................
Excaatmng app aratus-................._.......P. NV. Clark.................
Exaatnnal WthS..........V.Graham.................
Excava mng canals, Machine for................... L. Forrester.................
Excav ating-cart.------------------------------- J. King....................
Exaaigearth, Inclined elevating-hex whleel for J. Rowe. _.. _............
Excavating froniiivers...........................S.-Russell................---
Excav atingmachine..............................5S. Aelenbach_.........
Excav atiiig-machine...........................J. A. Bailey.................
Excav ating-machine...........................J. A. Bailey.................
Exaai~i- n._................_C. Bishop....................
Excavating-machine............................. D. Brown...................
Excavating-machine............................. 'P. Claton....................
Excav~ating-machine....................... R. W.....NV...Davis..................Excavating-machine.......................... N. H. Elliot......._.__..
Excavating-machine....................___......P. NV. Hamel.................
Excav ating-machine............................. W. Hanmilton.....-......
Excavating-machine............................NW. M Hansen.....__......
Excavating-machine..............................IJ. M. Hughes and A. J Mapes.
Excavating-machine............................NVW. S. Lane.........."-.....
Excavating-machine.............................NV. H. Maffet.................
Excavating-machine............................. G. S. Maniiig........-....
Excavating-machine..........................__ 1.T.R.Mark-illie _....
Excavating-machine.....__....................... M. Newman, 2d..._........
Excavating-machine..........................""- B. W. Remy -....------
Excavating-machine--------------------------- J. Robertson.............
Excavating-machine............................- - --- -- -N. Saunders and F. T. Shermaim.
Excavatin g-machine.............................J. J. Sav age........
Blomifield, N. J -. __._..
Giggsvillo, Ill.....-...
Strickersville, Pa.... -
Gratis, Ohio. -.____...
ri e Haute, Id.
Comydon, md.__-_._
Mc Illistersile, Pa.---_
Doichestei, Ill..__.... _....
Lodi, W is.........
Sou th Pass, Il..........Albany, N............--
Saint Joseph, Mo..
Esvansv ille, Ind-----. -
Cleveland, Ohio....
South Bcnd, Id.-.
NV teitownOhio.--
G-ree shiirssh, d.._..
New York, N.Y.
Fianklin n d.. __..._.
Kco(sa, Ill........
ine Village, Ind..
Newtown, N -...-...
Bemrtin, Mi....... _... _..
Brooklyn, N. Y_...........
Potosi, Mo...............
New York, N. Y..
Philadelphia, Pa ---.
Pike Couiity, Iad-._..Portsmouth, H. I.-----
Malden, Mass...........--
Seafortli, Canada......
Syiracuse, N. Y._......
Derby, Coiin............ --
Grand Rapids, Michi
Lanesfield, Kans.
East NWallingford, Vt.
Peosto, Iowa............
Ashley, Ohio.__........_.
Iiidustry, Ill.............
Stam- Prairie, NWis......
Fillmore, Miin...........
Minneapolis, Minn.._..
Dayton, Ohio.............
NWayfield, Ky............
Quincy, Ill........
Oak ParkIll -...-----
Norwich, Conn...... _.. _.
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill.. _.........
Keene, N. H............--
Keosangus, Iowa.----
Marysville, Cal _.........
Cameron, Tex...........Selalivan, N. 17... _.......
Oblong, N. Y.............
New Orleans, La.....
BrdeilConn -..----
Oswego, N. Y...........Triana, Ala. -...____
Biifialo, N. Y.-.----------
Orangeville, Pa..........- -
Detroit, Michi -..-....__.
Detroit, Mich -.. -.
Norwalk, Ohio.- -----
Southamptonm, Ill..
Shelhyville, Indl.._._...
Sonora, N. 17.............
New York, N. Y.-__.
San Francisco, Cal.---
South Pais, Me....
Stockton, Cal............Independence, Mo --_.
Cai-o, Ill..-........_
Wilkesbarre. Pa. _.
Spnringfield, Ill.-......
NWanchaester, Ill........._
Lanesborough, Pa.
Brookville, lad..... _....._
Glasgow, Scotland-..
NashviTllTni. -
July 24, 186ti
Main. 13, 1855,Jan. 8, 1867
Mar. 13, 186t6
Feb. 19, 18ti7
Nov. 28, 1865
Sept.11, 186
Oct. 9, 18361
Sept.15, 1863
July 25, 1863
Nov.,15, 18t4
Api. 10, 18(6
Jne 15, 1869
July 3, 1866
July 25, 1865
May 22, 1860
Ang. 31, 1869
Oct. 8, 187-2
May 11, 1869
Jan. 8, 1F67
Jan. 3, i1-60
July 17, 1866
Apr. 24, 1866
June 11, 1867
Jlan. 11, 1859
Sept. 25, 1866
May 3, 1870
July 18, 1848
Mar. 13, 1866
Apr. 24, 1866
July 26, 1816
June 14, 1870
Nov. 23, 1825
Nov. 19, 1833
Dcc. 24, 1872
July 25, 1848
Mar. 7, 1815
Nov. 17, 1863
Mar. 27, 1866
May 5, 1868
Oct. 4,1859
Oct. 18, 1859
May 15, 180
July 18, 1871
Feb. 11, 187.1
Jani 14,1873
Oct. 15, 1850
Jan. 30, 1872
Ma-. 10, 1863
Apr. 9, 186 7
May 8, 184J
Feb. 3, 1857
Feh. 10, 1852
Oct. 26, 1838
July 17, 1860
Aug. 2, 1859
July 19, 1859
Apr. 29, 1856
May 3, 1870
Sept. 5, 1831
May 10, 18-26
Nov. 21, 1871
Feb. 15, 1838
Apr. 28, 1836
June 11, 187-2
July 13, 1869
Aug. 2, 1870
Mar. 30, 1852
Apr. 30, 1872
Dec. 1, 1837
Aug. 15, 1871
Nov. 23, 1e69
Feb. 23, 1869
May 1-2, 1863
May 31, 1870
Feb. 21, 1871
July 30, 187-2
Aug. 17, 1858
July 17, 1860
Dec. 27, 1859
Nov. 19, 1850
Oct. 21, 1851
July 21, 1868
56, 585
12, 516
61, 0-1
53, 2-29
62, 147
57, 954
58, 671
39, 918
48, 990
45, 07-2
53, 873
91, 485
56, 697
48, 98-2
28, 415
94, 249
89, 951
26, 717
56, 464
54, 231
65, 714
22, 601
58, 331
102, 643
5, 668
53, 2-26
54, 173
104, 351
134, 277
5, 676
40, 599
53, 422
25, 813
123, 303
37, 878
63, 661
1, 591
16, 519)
8, 731
29, 183
24, 946
14, 762
102, 492
121, 108
127, 671
9-2, 508
105, 883
8, 836
126, 178
117, 993
97, 0;8
87, 168
38, 497
103, 740
111, 940
21, 206
29, 18-2
26, COt
7, 787
8, 45'
80, 2-25
21., 511
Index of patents issued from the United States Patcnt Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continnecd.
Excavating machine, Coal.-...........
1Txcavating machine, Coal.............._......
Excavating machine, Ditch...-. -.....--.......
Excavating;-nmachine for ditches, canals, &c-_..-.
Eveavaring-machine for ditching, &c------------...
Excavating-machine, Mode of operating...
Excavating-machine, Snhmarine................
Excavating mnd, Borer for------------
Excav ating, plowing, anud gradingmachines.---
Excava'ting rock, Machinery f o r................ -- -- --
Excavating, Softening frozen gronnd for --__..-.-.
E'xcavatng tunnnels and cnttings, Sinking shafts
Excavating nnder water, Method of.... -_.......
Excavating under water, Method of..._....
Excavation. Cnrhing for........................
Excavator.....--...............................Excavator.- - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - -
Excavator ------------------------------------
Excav ator -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E xcavator......................................
Excavator--- ----------------------------------
Excav ator -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E xcavator---------------------------------"---
Excav ator------------------------------------..
Excavator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E xcav ator.....................................
Excavator -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Excavator....................................Excavator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ex cavator....................................--
Excavator-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -
Excavator-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -
Excavator -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E xcavator....................................--
Excavator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Excavator.-_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E xcavator....................................--
E xcavator.....................................
Excav atni-------------------------------------
1E x ca va tor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - -
E x cav ato r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E x c a v a to r -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sxcav a to r - - - - - -... - -. - - - - - - - -
C. Winegar.................---
J. Borton...................--
H. Aikerth-----------------
J. Hanchett--.- _-.._
G. W. Cherry..-..........
J. A. HI. Ellis and A. Gordon..--
J. C. Osgood.- -- - --------
M. 11. Foid ----._.E'. I. Williams and D. R. W.
J. C. Osgood................0- P. Kniflin.................
1. Pierce...................
A. Derroni.._..............
J. Shelley and M. C. Bullock.--
A. Dnvall..................--
A. I)iuvall..................--
J.P. Smith..................11. Wiutestone..............
S. B. Alger-------------------
A. J. Bartlett...............
J. Bartoo....................
H. H. Beard.................
J. Bonrhin..................
J. Bradley..................HI. Brown-......_........
Z. Butt.....................\\ J. Carroll.........
0. S. Chapman--------------
D. Close...................--..Comstock................--
J. Cowden and D. Brown.__.
J. M. Curless................
S. S. Cnrtis..................
J. P. T1. Davis...............J. M. Dunn.................H. WV. Farley ---------------
I). Gilnmore and WV.XW. Forrest.
J. T. Hami..................--
X. Hamilton...............
B. Hancock..................
J. P. Hayes................--
J. Hodges ------------------
M. M. Hodgman -------------
M. M. Hodgnman.............
T. Hutchinuson..............--
P. Judd.....................
A. Kirby...................--
J. Leo------------------------
J. It. Lewis...................
A. P. Lomax----------------
C. A. Mann,jr--------------
P). McNahbh.................E. B. Meatyard..............--
S. Miller and E. Claringdon.--
J. Milroy --.............
J. Mo.Lyceoron.......... _.....
S. Ai.liMer--on-------------
J. (.Osgood...............--
J. C. Osgood -----------------
E. Phelps------------------
A. LPierce----------------
XV ti'ovines................--
WV Randall..-.........._...H. Sage and S. B. Alger.--.
F. W. Schultz...............
L. Sinsaci..................B Slnsser...................
B. Shusser...................
A. B. Smith.................
J. D. Smithli.................
S. W. Soule.................S4 W. Soule.................
B. T. Stowcll...........
L. T.Stowell................. T. Stowell. _......... _......_
J. W. Swickard...._........_
TI Symonds.................T. Syauonds.....-------
I. D. Vandecar..............--
11VR ehuer...............
J. F. W illeyx -- ------
Ce.X W illiams -------
Riesidence. Date. No.
Unioii Springs, N. Y...Aug. 28, 1866 57.,611
Aintrimi. Ohio_..._.......Aug. 14, 1t68 76, 704
Caseyville, Ky -- -- -- -- -- --Jan. 3, 3860 26, 7-26
Franklin, N. H............ Feb. 1, 1842 2, 440
Coldwater, Michi- - -.- -----Feb. 28, 18340 1, 50-2
Washingtoni, D. C------Jan. 16, 1839 1, 069
Rtochiester, N. Y----------- July 18,11154 11,:323
Troy, N.Y--...............May 2-2, 1855 1-2, 919
New York, N. Y-----------. _Oct. 4, 18.59 25, 636
Clermont, Iowa, and Wer- Apir. 15, 1862 35, 605
ncr, Wis.
Tioy, N. Y......Fh 17, 1857 16, 65-2
Clintoni, Coca............ Nov. r, 1870 109, 1:32
Hartwick, N. Y---.....Mar.-Mar. 3, 38.25.
Paterson, N. J------------ _.Feb. 6, 3872 1E3,1384
Mahanoy and Pottsville, May 23, 1871 115, 115
Baltimore, Md............ Mar. 3, 1868 75, 003
Baltimore, Md.- - -- ----Mlar. 3, 1868 75, 064
Cherry Hill, Pa---_.-----Api-. 28, 1868 77, 329
Louisville, Ky._- -- ------Jaui. 10, 1871 110, 882
Oswego, N. Y. -... --- --Dcc. 24, 1872 134, 187
Romulus, N. Y........... Nov. 13, 1860 30, 610
East Aurora, N.Y.---June 4, 1861 42, 464
Friar's Point, Miss - _--__Aug. 17, 1869 93, 796
San Fi-auisco, Cal._- -_-Ocrt. 14, 1856i 15, 875
Cedar Falls, Iowa..__.Aug. 7, 1866 57, 038
Lowell, Mass - --._-.- -- ---Aug. 25, 1868 81, 3:34
Lincoluton, N. C...........ept.Sept. 15, 1857 18, 185
Natchez, Miss.... __June 6, 1671 115, 700
Canton, Mass _............ - Apr. 16, 186 7 63, 857
Heurmonshnrgh, Pa---._-.July 5, 1864 43, 392
Lokot.Y.._-.Mr 5 85.La Pairie Centre and Ak Oct. 12, 1809 95,658ol Il
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.--May 6, 1873 138, 485
Croton Corners, N. Y -__- Dcc. 14, 1658 22, 279
New Trenton, Ind.......Sept. 12, 1871 118, 793
Erin, Miss----------------- Sept. 26, 1871 119, 334
Hlannihal, Mo............. July 11, 1805 48, 669
Peotore, Ill......-. Jan. 3, 1871 110, 759
Liberty, nd.. _...._.....Feh. 4, 1873 135, 4 75
Stint Catherine, Mo...Sept. 13, 1859 25, 408
Tiny, N. Y...............Oct. 16, 1855 13, 680
Hennepin, Ill-------------- Dec. 4, 1880 30,S819
Bagshot, Enugland-____..__.May 2:3, 1865, 47, 908
Weymoutlh, Mass..Api-. 18, 1871 113, 883
Weymouth, Mass ---_.__Oct. 8, 1872 131,954
Green Poimut, N. Y- ---.-__Aug. 6, 1861 32, 997
Hinsdale, N. Y.-- ------July 10, 1806 16, 29
Hinsdale, N. Y -...........Nov. 18, 1873 144 6 79
Paris, 11. _.............. Apr. 30, 1861 32, 194
G aleshnrgh, Ill _- --.- --Feb. 9, 1869 86,678
Piper City, Ill...........Dec. 14, 1869 97, 783
Warsaw, Dl..............--Mar. 18, 1873 137,O1l
Pike, N. Y---------------- Ma~y 27, 1856 14,966
Moscow, Michl._i--- -------Dec. 8, 1863 40, 850
Chicago, Ill--------------- May 14, 1872 126,729
W~aterloo, N. Y - - - - ------May 23, 1871 l1b5 084
Edinburgh, Great Britain. Apr. 23, 1867 64, 023
Bordleutowui, N. J..._.Janu. 1, 1817 60, 74
Linn, Mo.................-Sept. 30, 1856 1715 813
Bunker Hill, Ill -.- --Mar. 18, 1873 156, 936
Tiroy, N. F...............July 4, 1865 48, 581
Troy, N. Y---------------..Ap-. 4, 1871 113,691
Hendersonville, Ill. ---_-_Juice 6, 1854 11, 0:28
Gilroy, Cal...............-Nov. 9, 1869 96724
Columhia, Mo............. _ _Janu. 13, 1857 1i, 197
Uxhridge, Canada- -__----.Apr. 2, 1861 31, 905
Norwich, N. YV------_----Nov. 29. 1870 169, 64
Mount Pleasant, Iowa..- Jaui. 21, 1873 1(12
Sidlney, Ohio.............Dcc. 4, 186 6)0,26
Sidney, Ohio.............. -- -- -Dec. 10, 1867 72 098
Sidney, Ohio---------_--June 28, 1a70' 101, 782
Denison, Tex -- - ___ _._-- May 6, 1873 l3, 3
Parton, Vt ---- ----.- Jan. 12, 1858 19, 104
Oswvego, N. Y........... July 10, 1855 13, 234
Salit Louis, Mo-.._._. Apr-. 2, 1857 17, 14
Quiucy, Ill.........Dec. 17, 1867 72,.16
Quiacy, Ill. -........ Nov. 17, 1868 84,22 0
Quincy,-Il-.-.--.-.--.-.--.---.Mar. 28, 1871 112, 221
Galva, Ill _------- July 6, 1869!'2,224
Portlaund, Me... __........Feb. 14, 1871 11ill.
Index of patents issued from the United States Palent Office from 1750 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Excavator, Earth................................
Excavator, Earth...............................
Excavator, Earth...........................
Excavator, Floating.....-----------------------
Excavator, Floating.......................
Excavator, Floating................................
Excavator, Floating........................
Excavator for ditching, embanking, and draining
Excavator for excavating and removing earth,
Excavator for railways, Revolving snow......
Excavator for water-courses having currents......
Excavator, Inclined-plane.....-..-.........-.Excavator or digging-machine.................
Excavator or drag for removing mud, &c., in the
beds of rivers.
Excavator or dredging-machine for rivers, canals,
&c., Scoop.
Excavator or self-loading cart........................
Excavator or shovel.............................
Excavator, Post-hole.................................
Excavator, Railway.......................
Excavator, Railway snow..-..................
Excavator, Railway snow...................
Excavator, Roads, &c........................
Excavator, Rotary........................
Excavator, Rotary........................
Excavator, Rotary............................
Excavator, Screw.........................
Excavator, Screw.........................
Excavator, Self-acting bar........................
Excavator, Sewer................................
Excavator, Snow.........................................
Excavator, Steam................................
Excavator Submarine.....................
Excavator, Submarine....................
Excavator Submarine...........................
Excavator. Submarine.......................
Excavator Submarine..-.........................
Excavator, Submarine...................
Excavator, Submarine............................
Excavator Tunnel.........................
Excavators and dredgers, Mode of operating......
Excavators, Dirt-loading apparatus for.......
Exercising chair and scale, Child's...............
Exercising-chair, Inthntine.......................
D. C. Lockwood...............
J. W. Myers..--..---.
J. Taggart- --...............
H. W. Campbell..............----------.
A. Hawley..................
W. Morrison and G. Tomb....
A. W atson....................
C. K. Bartlett.................
New Windsor, N. Y.......
Lyons, Iowa.............
Roxbury, Maes.........
Lockport, N. Y............
Milwaukee, Wis. -.
Jersey Shore, Pa-_....PenailetonI, N. Y..._......
Geneseo, Ill.............
Mar. 31, 1841
Oct. 25, 1870
July 4, 1854
Jan. 22, 1828
Aug. 29, 1848
Aug. 25, 1830
Jan. 18, 1830
Mar. 23, 1842
WV. S. Otis.................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Feb. 24, 1839
J. Urmy.....................
N. Van Deventer.---........-.
D. Marvin...................
F. J. Vandervinne...........
D. Vermillion.............
Wilmington, Del.........
New Albany, Ind....
Canandaigua, N. Y....
Brussels, Belgium.......
Washington, D. C........
Nov. 10,1857
Oct. 8, 1861
Sept. 2, 1831
July 2, 18167
Nov. 9,1844
J. Smith..._ __............... Mansfield, Ohio........... Aug. 24, 1844
W. Beach....................
W V. T. Nichols -..............
J. D. Owen................
E. O. Baxter..................
F. G. Johnson................
S. Y. Ludlum.................
N. Parkins.....-............J. Deveraux.................
D. Judd.....................
G. H. Moore..................
1. Montgomery..............
1. Mo tgomnery..............
G. T. Beauregard.............
F. W. Slater..................
M. V Nobles----------...........-----.....
I. R. Benjamin...------------
V. P. Brayton and J. Hamilton
A. Duvall. -..............
T. Jones...................
WV. Kennishl.................
R. R. and R. R. Osgood.....
G. V. Sheffield................
T. A. and A. F. Fisher.........
H. McCarty.................
W. Cooper.................
D. F. Brackett.......G. Brooks and S. Clements....
J. Felber---------...........-------..........
W. I. Mayo--------------
G. H. Smith................
D. O. Parker................
B. F. Brady.........
H. E. Eastman..........
G. W. S. Hall..................
G. H. Taylor..................
G. H. Taylor..................
S. Chapin.....................J. Stevens.....-.............J. A. Wroe...........
T. Shedd and F. Glockner...
J. Sawin, D. J. Goodspeed, and
J. H. Minott.
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 5,1828
SRutland, Vt............ Mar. 24, 1868. Carlinville, Ill........... Nov. 26, 1861
Foreston, Ill.............. Sept. 6, 1859
SBrooklyn, N. Y......... Aug. 27, 1872
O.st er Bay, N. Y........ June 16, 1857
Frederick County, Va..... Jan. 1, 1847
Marshall, Mich......... Aug. 11, 1868
Hinsdale, NY.......... June 10, 1856
Rochester, N. Y......... Oct. 3, 1857
New York, N. Y........ May 7,1850
New York, N. Y...------.. May 17, 1859
New Orleans, La....... Oct. 25, 1853
Bay City, Mich--...------.. -Jan. 18, 1870
Elmira, N. Y.............. Oct. 29, 1872
SCentralia, Ill------... -----B. Dec. 20, 1859
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 2,1864
i New York, N. Y....-.. Jan. 8, 1839
Baltimore, Md...-.-.. Jan. 26, 1869
Washington, D. C...... July 25, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y......... May 12.1857
Troy, NY...Y..------------- Oct. 17,1871
Boston, Mass-----------.............. --July 11, 1871
Beardstown, Ill---------.......... Feb. 4, 18168
Pittsburgh, Pa...... Apr. 1,1845
Mount Gilead, Ohio... _ Apr. 3, 1860
Bangor, Me.............. Sept. 10, 187-2
Detroit, Mich............. Mar. 24, 1868
Saint Louis, Mo........... Nov. 14, 1871
Orono, Me................ July 16, 1872
Orono, Me...........Mar.. 4, 1873
Guilford, Me.......... Aug. 22, 1871
Liverpool, Canada....... Aug. 29, 1871
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 16, 1867
Green Bay, Wis... -.... Jan. 7, 1873
Baltimore, Md............. Feb. 18, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 3, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 3, 1868
Ashland, Ohio............. - Mar. 26, 1850
Chicopee Falls, Mass...... Aug. 29, 1854
IHagerstown, Md.......... Aug. 8,1868
Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Nov. 21, 1865
Gardner, Mess............ Dec. 15, 1857
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 23, 1867
New York, N. Y..........June 13,1871
Philadelphia, Pa......... June 24, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.........May 14, 1872
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 15, 1873
Newark, N. J............ Sept. 2, 1845
New York, N. Y........... Mar. 13,1844
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 23, 1831
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 28, 1873
Madison, Conn............ June 17, 1873
New York, N.Y.......... Dec. 8, 1863
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 26, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 27, 1864
New York, N. Y.......... May 30, 1865
New York, N. Y..........Apr. 10, 1866
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 1, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 4, 1847
New York, N. V......... May 3, 1853
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 31, 1863
Upper Halloway, England. July 17,1860
Chicago, Ill............... July 19, 1859
Greenbush, N. Y.......... July 3, 1860
East Cambridge, Mass.... Oct. 17, 1871
Nashville, Tenn........... July 30, 1872
Greenbush, N. Y.......... July 12,1864
Lambertsville, N. J.....Aug. 18, 1863
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Mar. 24, 1868
Newark, N. J............ Dec. 5, 1871
Northfield, Vt............ Sept. 20, 1859
Galion, Ohio............ July 5, 1859
Cleveland, Ohio........... Oct. 29,1872
Malden, Mass........... Sept. 26, 1871
Harrisburgb, Pa....... No. 24, 1if 68,
Jersey City, N.J.......... Aug. 10, 1869
2, 025
108, 723
11, 242.....
5, 743......
2, 512
1, 089
18, 615
33, 460.....
66, 425
3, 818
3, 718.....
75, 783
33, 814
130, 807
17, 580
4, 917
80, 813
15, 102
18, 551
7, 346
24, 043
99, 016
132, 684
26, 490
43, 664
1, 063
86, 290
117, 298
17, 306
119, 890
116, 876
74, 069
3, 978
27, 699
75, 728
120, 866
128, 970
136, 529
118, 289
118, 480
63, 846
134, 527
74, 683
75, 217
75, 218
7, 210
11, 622
82, 056
51, 091
18, 873
64, 081
115, 856
140, 237
126, 796
137, 876
3, 480
135, 347
139, 924
40, 865
42, 516
45, 652
47, 999
53, 900
137, 394
5, 273
9, 695
38, 028
29, 226
24, 785
28, 976
120, 120
130, 057
43, 484
39, 583
75, 723
121, 697
25, 509
24, 661
132, 565
119, 219
84, 3;0
93, 470
Exercising-club..................................... J. L. Dibble.................
Exercising-club............................C.E. Biester................
Exercising-device......................... J. E. Austin................
Exercising-lift......................- R. Forward..............
Exercising-machine............................S. M. Barnett................
Exercising-machine........................... J. Elliott....................Exercising-machine............................ O. Halstead.................
Exercising-machine.............................. D. Harrington.............
Exercising-machine........................ C. Kolle...................
Exercising-machine.............................. R. Shaler-.....................
Exercising-machine..... C. F. Taylor..................
Execrcising-machine............- C. F. Taylor..................
Exercising-machine............................... F. Taylor.....
Exercising-machine - - -F T. P. Thorpe..................
Exercising-machine...........................T. P. Thorpe.................
Ex,'rcisnng-machine........................... T. P. Thorpe...............
Exercising-machine...... _................... L.D. Tice....................
Exercising-machine, Child's......------. G. W. Tuttle..................
Exercising-machine, Elastic...-.-- ------.--. -- R. L. Hinsdale................
Exercising-machine, Inlhnt's..................... J. S. Brown...................
Exhaust, Atmospheric air or gas................. R. W. Sievier...............
Exhaust device bfor steam-engines, Variable...... J. Barney...................
Exhaust for locomotive-engines, Variable-........ J. Dykemnan...............
Exhaust for locomotive-engines, Variable....... O. Stewart...................
Exhaust fbr locomotive steam-engines, Variable... C. B. Knowles..............
Exhaust for locomotives, Variable---....----. - J. Dykeman andJ. Bolton..
Exhaust lbr locomotives, Variable. R-------. McDowell.............
Exhaust for non-condensing engines, Variable..... J. H. Baker...............
Exhaust bfor steam-engines, Condensed-steam...... XV. H. Wheatland..........
Exhaust fobr steam-engines, Variable............... W. M. Hurlbert..............
Exhaust in locomotive-engines, Mode of regulating T. B. Quigley.................
Exhaust, Locomotive steam------------------....................... T. Davies-----.....................----
xh aust-mechanism fobr locomotive-engines....... - W. A. Carns..................
Lxhaust-nozzle for steam-engines............... Richard Norris................
Exhaust-nozzle-valve device............... A. Onslow............................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1700 to 1B73. incluisive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Exhaust. of caloric engines, Utilizing the -____ i. P. Sha iv...................._ _ " _
Exhaust of loomotive-engines, V ar ia bl e- -- -- -- - - - -W. S. G. Baker____________
Exhaust of loconmotive-engines, Variable.- - - - - S. L. flay...............__
Exhaust of locomotiv es, Means for directing the -_- 1. Hale-------------------
Exhaust of steam-engines, 1Regulaig - --- -- -- - - J. Thierry- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -
Exhaust-pipe tor steam-ea'ines -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - ---1. Hale----------
Exhaust-pileV-ariable --------------------------- W. P. Parrott and S. H. Head
Exhaust-pipe.\TVariable--------------------------..J. Patrick..................
Exastrguao for locomotives, Rotary.._-. E. 1R. Addison..........------
Exhaust-regulator, Steamn--_-----------_-- J. J Shackleton..............__
E1xhaust valve for steam and air cylinders.._.- - _G. Westinghouse, jr...___.
Sae u~ster, Barometric vacuum.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----J. Gordon and J. Arclhald. --
Ex-hausting ventilator and chimney-cowl---------- J. W. C. Anderson -_--_--____.
'-hiitung case, Spool----- ---------------------. JD1. Cutter -----------_-----
Lxlubiling dry goods, Devic~e for..-_.__-...-. J. J. Bisel.-................
Exhibiting hymns, &c., Apparatus fora-._--------H. V. Edimond..............
E xlhiting hymns, Apparatus for----------------- II. V. Edmond............._
Expanding and folding wheel--------------------H. Steward..................
I~xxlandinl hit----------------------------------- C. L. Ba- nes -------- -------
Expanding hit------------------------------------ H. Stone------------------..
Expanding dlie----------------------------------- B. T. Loomis---------------..
Expanding drill..-..--.--..-...-...-....-..---------F. Gleason ------------------
Expanding drill --------------------------------- T. Pi-esser.................--
Expanding drill - --------------------- J. L. Sayles.- ---------
E'xpanding tool---------------------------------__J. Greenhalghijr.............
Expansilelbit -_------------- -- -----C. L. A dancourt.. _.......
I'xpansien- bolt ------------- ---------------------1). L. Bartlett.. -.....
Expansion-drill---------------------------------- G. Mackinnon_.__......
1Expansion-engine- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - C. G. Wilson................ -
E x pa n s ixveb it---- ---- -..-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- W.A. Clark -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Ex vpa n s i veb it.- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -W. A. Clark ---------------
Expansiveo hit- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --I E. Ford ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --
E xl- a x vh bi t -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -A. Weeks------ --- -- -- -- -- -
I p a ns i v bit for wood-boring------------------ W. A. I ve s --_.................. -- -
E x p a nsixvehits. Method of seating the movable W. A. Clark................_ _ _
cutter in.
Exploding by electricity, Apparatus for - J. B. Dowse............. _.._
Explosixe agent, xyloglodiue-------- ---------- C. Dietmar------------------
Explosiv e agents, Manufacture of xyloglodiae and C. Dittmar--................otie.
IExpiv xe composition......................... E. Harrison - ----------
Explosive compound ----- -----------------------t). H. Bandiseb._...........
Explcsive compound----------------------- -----T. S. Beach..................
Exilcsive compounid----------------------------- C. Ditniar.................--
ExpMlosix ccomunud----------------------------- C. Dittmar...............
Lxplosivec compound............................. E. Goniez........ _..... __.....
Explosive compound...._......................__ E. Gomez..................--
IExplosixe comipounid............................- J. Hafonegger --------------
I xploix oconipound............................. J. Hafenegger..............--
Lxplosive compound..........................--. J. Hafenegger..............
Explcsixe conipound-----------------------------II. fHalvorson......._..
Explosive compound --- -----"-----------"--------, W.Mills---------------------
Exjle ive conipound.........................---.... Mills -------------------
E'q-losive compouiid----------------------------__A.Nobel...................
F xlosi e compound..........................---.ANobel............
I a-lomx-e cemliound.---------------------------- A.sNohel...................--
1.ap'osive compound.... _....... -........_......J.H. Norrhin and J. Ohisson
Explosixve compound..........................--...L. Roberts.-_......
Explosive compound.............................1I. 1. Shaffner................
Exiplosiv e compound.........!T. P Shiaffner.........._...
Explesixve compound..........................-.1P.Shaliner..............--
IExplosixe compound...........................--.. FShaffoer.__.........
Exrlcsix e compound..........................--.IV\arney..................
lExplosive comapoiud__ _______.....__-..-C'.W.Velney_..._........
Explesixve compound for use in fire-arm, blasting, I. P Shaffner-........ ___. __.
Explosixve compound from gun-cotton- --- li ---.Ponslion....._..._.......
Explosive compound or giant-powder...............E..Jndson -.................
Explosive engine................................J. M. Wlbourn-_........
1xploepowder...............................CG.Desigiiohlo and J. Casthelaz
E.P ivxe powder............................----...M. iluselihaupt............
Boston7, Mass..
Chicago. Ill............__
Reading, Mass.... _..... _.
Roxbni-y, Mass...........
Iletroit, Mb-h_............
Roxbury, Mass..........
Boston, Mass...........--
Chicago, Ill.............
Baltimore, Md........._..
Rahway, N. J............
Pittsburgh, Pa._._.._...
San Francisco, Cal..__
New York, N. Y._..
Brooklyn, N. V..........--
Williamsport, Pa-_.
Norwich, Coln...........
Norwich, Colin.----
Clark County, hod._._..
New York, N. Y..__.
Blackstoiie, Mass-.___..
Now York, N. V _._
Philadelphia, Pa._--._..
Now York, N. V..
Gloucester, H. I _.
Bu-nIlle, hY. I............
Troy, N. YV..............Baltimnoic, Md...........M illhury, Mass...........
Brooklyn, N. V..........Bethiany, Coiiu..........New Haveii, Coin. ----
Westville, Ceiiii...___.
New York, N. V-_-.
South Boston, Ma ss -. __
New Haven, Conn.-.
Bethany, Conn...... __. _..
Lockport, Ill...._---....
Cliarlottenburg, Prussia. -
Charlottenu-g, Prussia-
New York, N.Y...
Berlin, Prussia._...._..
New York, N.YV.....
Chamlottenhuig, Prussia.. -
Boston, Mass............
Now York, N. V......
New York, N. V.-----
San Francisco, Cal._
San Francisco, Cal.---
Saii Fraiicisco, Cal-_._
Camibridge, Mass -.. _.._.
Nonw York, N. VNew York, N. Y---....New York, N.Y._-.--
Hamburg, Germany.
Stockhiolm, Sweden -._---
Tilusvillhe, 1P -i ----
Louisv ille, Ky.__....
ILou isvmlblxe c..
Louisv ile, K1._
Saii Fraiicisco, Cal.
Boston, Mass.._.._...
New ca s t10-upon Tyne,
SaiiFr-nc-isco, Cal.-_-.
Caledonia, Onio._...
z Fraii. --........New VYiikN. --V ---
Date. No.
Oct. 15, 1861
May 17, 1859
Oct. 9, 1855
May 5, 1857
Juiie 26, 1860
Sept. 13, 18t9
Feb. 1, 1859
Febi. 1, 1859
Oct.. 13, 1,57
hDec. 1, 1t68
Jan. 9, 187-2
Sept. 17, 18(67
Jaii. 14, 1868
Feb. 11, 1873
July 16, 1872
July 30, 1t67
Apr. 13,18119
Jan. 24, 1811
Nov. 16, 1852
Dee. 28, 185t
Aug. 20, 1867
July 4, 1865
Jami. 25, 1853
Dee. 29, 1868
Feb. 23, 1858
Aug. 27, 1850
Api. 1, 1873
Oct. 15, 1867
Jiimi 21, 1810
Sept. 28, 1858
July 29, 1873
Oct. 8, 1872
Apr. 14, 1857
May 2, 1854
Oct. 13, 1868
May 11, 185t
Aug. 27, 1867
Jan. 25, 1870
Jan. 25, 1870
Feb. 9,.1864
May 11, 1t69
May 13, 1 873
Jan. 18, 1870
D)ec. 9, 1873
Feb. 16, 1869
Dec. 26i, 18 71
Sept. 8, 1868
Dec. 20, 1e701
Feb. 7, 1871
Jan. 7, 1864
Oct. 26, 1869
Fob. 28, 18791
Aug. 14, 1866
May 21;, 1868
Aug. 5, 1873
Ang 5, 1873
Nov. 7, 1871
Aug 17, 1869
Aug 17, 1869
Dee. 28, 1869
June 10. 1873
Jone 10, 1873
Mar. 5, 1872
Aug. 17, 1869
33, 497
'2:3. 999
13, 648
17, 215
28, 918
22, 819
22, 820V
84I, 5'6
12-2, 544
68, 679
73, 20
135, 782
128, 943
67, 177
88, 947
9, 398
22, 474
67, 993
48, 548
9, 562
85, 314
19, 41(1
7, 589
137, 338
69, 825
104, 526
21. 597
131, 1;46
17, 038
10, 87-2
8-2, 956
68, 055
69, 669
99, 070
41, 578
89, 910
118, 84t
98, 854
145, 403
86, 980
122, 245
81, 894
411 (21
1,6, 248
112. 113
57l 173
78, 317
141, 453
141, 585
120, 776
03, 753
93, 754
918, 4-27
159, 7:18
139, 746
1-24, 397
1)3, 732
Explosive substaiices and process of manntiictuiiigI J. B. M useharup..........Knintn Great Britain.
Ext.ress-bag, &c., Lock for- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -. E. A. Locke and W. B. Mason Bostomi, Mass............Exaress-signal------------------_________--------C. H.Seaxvell................_Saint Louis, Mo -.._.Extender-...................................... A. Bibee--------------------.North Yarmouth, Me.Lxtonsion-it -...............H1Chpman.............I. hpa ------_ Essex, Con...........
I xlonsiomi bit.----...............................1J 1 Rollins.................. Boston, Mass.............
Exteiision-bracket............................... W.S. Elliott.................-Goshen, N. V. -.......
Lxtension chair............................_.J. Anderson and N.Pichard- Ei-ieville, N. V..........--
Extension-chair................................N. C 0. and A. Collignon._Closter, N. J.............
E__tiension-chiair ----------------------------------IA IV Lnge...................ChicaYor, Il............
I..ie oo echar................................L- -- - - -- - I - Schwren.. el.................NewoYoi-, N. 1 -V.----
Lxensioii-cair ----------------------------------JC.H. Sravis.... ------ Loivil, '............ hiison as
LxIinnion-chaifrm........_.....o.......................... N--------- oxvVoi,MN.V.......
I \ eusio-id evto...................... __........ I Iomici-......... _............luokbu, O.i11...........
I-E-tensoi ontbe---------------------------------CJ. S. Snead..................osoni, ass..........--
I vi ension-tpltor..............................A1.Morse--------------------- _ _Pohladp, P.........
I xlension stale...............______..... A. der. -soi-----------------olumbu, NOhio.-_._.....Etx ten si orn-ta bl e...............................J J Xanrof---------tosoMc.............. Mota eMss.__-_..--
Iloouser-table................................ i. Be 10c-----------Keypuit, N. J....-....
Lxteiioii-table.. _...... _........................J. M.Illais~lcll.._.............. Sanborutoi, N. HI..
Extension-table..__...............................J. laisdell... _............- Sanbomitomi, N. HI....
Mar. 1-2, 1872 104, 510
June 3, 18473 139, 468
Sept. 16, 1873 142,H
June 16, 1x68 79,610
June 25, 1on. 18,40
Feb. 2, 1e69 t0, 60
Oct. 6, 181,8 82, o5
Jan. 27.1821 ---.
Nov..231, 1869 97, 166
Dcc. 25, 185 it,9.
June 18, 182 1e7,! 67
Feb 17,l1857 16, 6:1
June 27, 1871 116, 271
Sept. 7, 1869,14, 115
Nov. 7, 1871 120, 7C0
July 23, 1872 125. c7l3
Apr. 7, 1818 7657
ct. 6, 1857 H1-3:5
July 23, 1867 67,1.13
May 7, 1.e61 32, 65
Mar. 26, 18-2 12u, 034
May 28, 1 872 1117, 20t
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 43
1)ec. 7, 18.78 22, 224
Sept. 13, 1870 '107, 15
Apr. 1(0, 1866 5:3 774.Apr. 20. 1869 8), 266
Jaii. 16, 1872 122, t0)
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Extension-table----------------------------------W. J. Boda-.-------------Dayton, Ohio ---_-_------- Jan. 4, 18-40 98, 465
Extension-table--------------------------------.. C. Briggs---------------------..Roxbury, Mass-----------..Sept. 9,1845 4 1185
Exte~nsion-table-------------------------------..... C. Briggs..-------- _---- ----Roxbury, Mass............ Sept. 1, 184:1 3 249l
Extennsten-table---------------------------N. Carl....................... Cincinnati, Ohio._.........an. 8, 1867 60, 996
Ext-ensiou-table............................ _.... G. Chelini- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---Washington, D. C.-------_Mar. 23, 1869 88, 132
Extensio.- 8-ble.............---............A. F. Chnbbnck.._..........Casnovia, Mich-----------l..en. i 2, 1873 145, 049
Extension -table.................................-B. Clark-_._..............Oriskany Falls, N. Y. J-- an. 6, 1857 16, 330
Exteni til............................ _.....C. B. Clark....... -_.. -.......Mount Pleasant, Iowa.Dec. 1, 1857 18,14733
Ext ension-table._......................--M. Coleman.................._Jonia, Mich............... Mar. 11, 1873 136,705
Extension-tatble-................................---E. A. Curley..................Westport, Con..........-Jan. 15, 1856 14, 093
Extension-table.................................--E. A. Curley..__._.......... e stport, Conn..........--Dec. 22,1857 1 18891
Extension-table.................................. J. P. Cory...................-Vinicenties, md...........-Sept. 21,1869 I a5 001
Extetisien-table.................................. J. B. Cnrtis..___..........Port Heny, N. Y _. _Nov. 6, 1866 596
Extension-table................................. _ _ _ _ _ _A. Dietsch. _................Frankfort Station, 111. Apr. 26, 18 70 10223
Extension-table.................................. J. Donrson.................... Columbus, Ohio...._.....June 8, 1869 91,099
Extension-table...................--..........J. Dourson.................... Columtbus, Ohio..........Oct. 26, 1869 96,209
Extension-table.....................____......E. Ellison_.._..............Albany, N.Y.............. Dec. 20, 180 1ito 220
Extension-table.................................W. Farson. -_-.............. -...Pla-delphia, Pa...........an.Jan. 18, 1870 98, 942
Extensioi-table.................G.EF. Folson.................LoxburyMass... __........ May 21,1if67 64,5
Extension-table...................T rnk.................Frnc..... New leakN.Y._.......Apr. 10, 1849 6,2
Extension- table.................................--L. Freeman................... New Yeo-k, N. Y._.......Mar. 23, 1869 88.0-28
Extension-table.,................. T. Gray. _..-....__..........Philadelphtia, Pa............ar.Mar. 8, 1851) 23, 219
Extension-table.................................. H. Gross.....................humfli, Ohio...............--Nov. 17, 1857 18, 636
Extension-table.................................J. Haines... __.............. West Middlebury, Ohio - - AMar. 20, 1855 12,5 8
Extension- table.................................---I. Q. Hall.................... Fairfield, Iowa............-Feb. 5, 1861 31, 312
Extension-table.................................--F. Hamblin _. _............Madrid Springs, N. Y.. _Jnne 15, 1,869 91, 33-2
Extenision-table..................................FE. llambnjer.................I Detroit, Michi...... Apr. 15, 1873 137, 917
Extension-table.............-.A..Hansen.........A asn...... _.--._-... _Saii Francisco, Cal ----- l eb.6, 1872 123, 397
Extension-table... _................. W. Ileerdt _.__............... New York, N. Y..__....... June 8, 1858 20, 489
Extension -table.................................--G. HI. Henkel............ Ger mantown, Ohio..-----Jan 21 1872 12-2, 946
Extension-table-.................................-A. Herzog..................... 1ee Youk, N.Y......Feb25,187:3 36, 243
Extension-tab-le... _....................M. Hofmann.................Darlington, Wis._.__-._-...........Fb.an. 28, 1673 135,274
Extension-table.................................-F. Hognet....................-Philadelphia, Pa..-----Feb. 05,1851 7, 954
Extension-table....................._.--__....F. Huber.....................--Franklin, Indl.......... May 28,1872 127, 168
Extension-table................................. A. Iske......................-Lancastei P-.............1Feb. 7,186) 46, 240
Extension-tible................................- A. take.............--.....Laiieaster, Pa............-Apr. 5, 859 23, 469
Extension-table...............................-- G. Laiutet- and J. Kautz-..Vincennes, Ind...........-Sept. 11, 1866 57, 927
Extension-tab le..................................C. P. Lenz..-..... __..__.__.Penghkeepuie, N. Y.._-Selit.7, 1869 94, 617
Extension-table.............................C. P. Lenz....................Pen huolkeplsie, N. Y...Mat-. 15, 1870 100, 776
Extension -table.................................--U. S. Manning................--Daniltle, Ill..............-Jan. 12, 1869 65, 836
Extenion-abe.............................. _.- S. H1. Mart in..................- -- -- -Mount Vemnon, N. Y. _. May 0, 187313i8, 571
Extension-table................................3. 1. McKnight.._-............anr town, N.Y...........ug.Aug. 1, 1871 11.7, 659
Extension-tible......................... __....._ F. Menner............... Flint.,Mich..... _.... _.... May 2, 1871 114, 319
Extensioan-table................... _. _. _...._.......E. Met~z......................- - - - -Reehester, N.Y _.........Sepit. 16, 186-2 36, 496
Extension-table-..............-...............L.Meyer...................... ColniabnsGa.-........Nov. 15, 1859 26, 116
Extension-table................... _........... C. Moiisonti........_ _ _........New Hav en, Cone __..Jan. 14, 1662 34, 160
Extetisien-table................. _.............. L. Muozer..................._ _ _ _Goodriehali..- _........Nov. 7, 1671 120, 700
Extension-table.. _.................................G. Muiizinger.......... ____..Brooklyii N. Y-_.......... Dcc. 4, 1660 50, 623
Extension-table.................................. F. 11. Osgeod..................LRoxburi Mass........... Jan. 2,166 51, 655
Extensioni-table.................................. J. Pleukharp.................Cilmus, Ohio...........-May 14, 1872 126, 631
Exteasion-abile -................................. E. Ponid,Jr...................- Wconsecket It. I..---- Mat. 1-2, 1672 1-24, 447
Extension-taible.................................---G. Pratt................Bosloe, aissa.............-Nov. 7, 1646 5,905
Extension-table.................. Pratt.........-- --...........os nBoston, Miss.......June 6.l1858 20, 530
Extcisioui-table..............................._.AE. Prestoti....._.._........Bnttle CreekMich.0-- Oct.1 6 9, 937
Exteniiin-tbe------------------A.IlR-cd.----------..........C caeo, Ill..._............Mar. i15,83 137, 146
Extension-table..-_................. __ _......... W. Leielienhicb and F. Bosch Chieao, Ill.............. Mar.1, 1870 100,446
Extensiontalile................................. E leithrus._.............News YorkN.Y. -----Apr.in,164:3 3,050
Extension-table.................................. C. hte-er._...........Metrasanit N. Y..........Aug. 19,1873 141, 954
Exitn-aon tible.............................. S lPee.........S..lRmcs-.____..._..Somerset, Mass...........-July 23, 1861 32, 894
Extetisien-table-.........................Nil. -ichii n_.._............Ritdgevallelcd........... Sept. 9,1873 142, 586
Extension-table..............................__ __ _ __ __ _. PSheibote........._....Philadelphia, Pa._........Jutie 26, 1849 0,557
Extetisioii-t-ible.......................... _......J. Shirmnn.................. Buingtuton, N. J ---.........Aug. 31, 1869 94, 44 7
Extension-table................................. 1 oebetgr...r...... _...PattsbiughPa. _...-_.......NON. 195aO 7, 769
Extension-table ____........_________att....._........... Beetown, Was...........--June 25, 1872 126,:330
Extension-table..................... _.......... J. Si nienten. _......... _.... _.. llernaen, N. Y -. -......... June 29, 1669 91. 5)4
Extension-table.................................. F. Souweine.._...._........ New Yet-k, N. Y.......... May 9, 1871 114,2
Extension-table................................----. 1). Litlief................... Wutlitigford, Cean..J-i-- uJa 19, 1869 86(1
Extension-taible_..._........_................... L. '1'iorit.....................Philadelphia, Pa-..........Mair.25a 1851t 7,i97
Extensiont-table................................. S. Tilton._.............Alton, N.H..............-Apt. a,16-40 101,4
Extension-table................................ W. Valeintin..................-- -- -- -New York, N. Y...........JulyJuly 1, 1673 140,39 -Extensteta table................................. S. E. Wales.--....-_Lebanoni, N.HII............Fib. 6, 16-28i 37
E x tetnstei on-t a b l e...............................- S. E. Wales..._...............xd. H.........--...Apr. 1,1673 1i7,51(i
Extension-table ------------------F. 11.Wolfinger....- Chicago, Ill.........e"
Exzcnsion-tible.._--_......_............._.i.Wlige tdJ art Chicago, Ill --..._Oet. 0 1668 6335
Exeso abem ete............M. Debzel................. Wabash, led............. -- -- S ep t. 0.1670 107,463
Extension-table, Cotnvertible...................M. Quigley...................Watertown, Wis.. _.......Apr. 27, 1656 20, 088
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusi're-Continued.
Extension-table slide...........................
Extension-table slide...........................
Extension-table slide----------------------..............................
Extension-table slide-----............-----------------..................
Extension-table slide............................
Extension-table slide.............................
A. HI. Shipman................
A. P Shute and J. F. Jackson.
S. Stilwell...................
J. W. Tefft....................
G. W. Townsend............
A. Zeb, G. P. Livingston, and
P. V. W. Cullings.
Arcadia, N. Y............ -- Nov. 2, 1869
Charlestown, Mass........ Oct. 22, 1867
Waterloo, N. Y........... Sept. 20, 1870
Buffalo, N. Y.............. June 22, 1869
Hubbardston, Mich....... Jan. 7, 1873
Gallupsville, N. Y........ Oct. 7 1873
Ogdensburgh, N. Y....... May 10,1870
Extension-table slides, Tocl for making............. J. Moore and G. A. Buckman.
Extension-table tops, Machine for making........ R. G. Utley...-..........
Extension-tables, Making slides of............... C. F. Hobe..............
Extract of ibaley-malt........................M. Wesselboeft...............
Extract of fruit-..........i........................ I Carpenter..........
Extract of sea-clams............................B. G. Noble...................
Extracts and decocticns from coffee, tea, &c., Ap- L. Brauer.....................
paratus for making.
Extracts and essences, Apparatus for making.... E. E. Burrough...-..........
Extracts, Apparatus for concentrating........... T.W. Johnson............
Extracts, &c., Appatatus for evaporating and con- T. W. Johnson anti A. W.
centrating bark. Goodell.
Extracts, Apparatus for leaching and concentrat- P. M. Church...............ing bark.
Extracts, Apparatus for naking.................. W. Class and E. Reubenow..-.
Extracts, Apparatus for making_................ J. Miller....................
Extr acts, Apparatus for making............._... L. Smith....................
Extracts, Apparatus for making.................. A. Steers....................
Extracts, Apparatus for making.....--.---.--- A. Steers...................
Extracts from animal and vegetable substances, J. Chilcott...................
Apparatus for making.
Extracts from bark and other materials, Appa- J. V. Jones................
ratus for making.
Extracts from bark, &c., Apparatus for making... F. W. Perry and J. H. Pierce..Extracts from bark, Obtaining.-.-.---..--.------ - VW. G. Fessenden............
Extracts from dye-wooers, Apparatus for obtaining I. B. Kirby......--... -
Extracts from sumac, Manutfacture of........... T. Steers, jr., and J. R. Sedgwick.
Extracts from tan-bark, Apparatus for making.. S. W. Pingree.................
Exti acts from vegetable and animal substances, L. Brauer....................
Apparatus for making.
Extracts from vegetables, &c., Apparatus for ob- J. Chilcott...................
Extracts from vegetables, Liquid.................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - G. De Villepoix and J. F.
Extracts, Making---------.. -----------------.. --- T. Close and J. C. Sandford....
Extracts, Making vegetable.................- B. Brandeth................Extracts, Making vegetable... -.......-- T. J. Covell...................
Extracts, Manufacture f fluid................... L. D. Pay..................Extracts, Mode of obtaining --.......-.- B. G. Martin..................
Lxtracts of bark, &c.,Apparatus for concentrating T. W. Johnson.................
Extracts of bark, &c., Apparatus for evaporating. G. W. Klein................
Extracts of bark, Making............................ J. Biddis and T. Bedwell......
Extracts of bark, &c., Frocess and apparatus for J. Pickles....................
manufacture of.
Extracts, Preparation of desiccated vegetable..... W.J. Rand....................
Extracts, Process of making....................... J. Robert...............-----
Extracts, Process of making -------- ---N. S. Thomas.................
Extracts, Process of making concentrated fluid... N. S. Thomas.................
E1xt- acts under pressure, Apparatus for making - -.A. A. Burlingame...........
Extracting process and apparatus................. G. WV. Sylvester............
Extracting tanning matter from bark, Apparatus N. S. Thomas.................
See Bolt extractor. Madder-extractor.
Bung extractor. Nail-extractor.
Cartridge- extract - Obstetrical extractor.
or. Oil-tool extractor.
Cartridge-shell ex- Peach-stone extractor.
tractor. Root-extractor.
Cheese skipper ex- Spike-extractor.
tractor. Stone extractor.
Cork-extractor. Stump-extractor.
Drill-extractor. Tack-extractor.
Hop-extractor. Tooth-extractor.
Kettle-molding extractor.
Eye and lun protector............................ G. A. Crofutt..................Eye, Artificial.................................. A. loissonneau........
lye-bolt (lie.................................. C. Norton..................Eye bolt-foirging die.............................. F. Leonard.........
Ey e-bholts or links without welding, Method of G. H. Sellers.......... -......making.
Eye-cup.......................................... B.K. M altby..................
Eye-cup..........................................- B. F. Stephens................
Eye-cup......................................... J. M. Winslow...............
Eye-glass...................................... A.D. Ansell..................
Eye-glass....................................... J. Cadman..................
Eye-glass....................................... I. Clements..................
Eye-glass....................................... E. M. Cole...................
Eye-; lass............................-----.........J.J.Crispin....
Eye-glass...................................... G. M. Cummings.............
Eye-glass...................................... A.H. Daniels.................
Eye-glass.......................................S. Greacen.....................
Eye-glass...................................... E. K. Josselyn................
Eye-glass...................................... E. Maynard...................
Eye-glass......................................J. K. McDonald..............
Eye-glass......................................... J. Prentice..................
Eye-glass..................................... M. Risley..--------.....
Eye-glass...................................... R. Stranbel.................
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md............
Medford, Mass............
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
Feb. 25, 1873
June 22, 1841
Oct. 6, 1868
Sept. 13, 1859
July 9, 1887
Mar. 15, 1870
Baltimore, Md............ Nov. 10, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 1, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 1, 170
Sault de Ste. Marie, Mich. July 1,1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.. -.....
Upton, Canada East......
Erie, Pa...............
Medina, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y....-....
IBrooklynu, N. Y -..
Cumberland, Md..........
Woburn, Mass..........Walpole, N. H-II.--.
Providence, R. I."....
Richmond, Va............
Lawrence, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Mar 22, 1864
Jan. 23,1866
June 6,1865
Mar. 11, 1856
Mar. 12, 1867
Dec. 27, 1864
Nov. 5,1867
May 22, 1866
Oct. 20, 1812
Jan. 2, 1872
Feb. 13, 1872
Oct. 24,18615
Apr. 18, 1871
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 25, 1865.I..
Abbeville, Somme, and
Paris, France.
Rye, N. Y................
New York, N. Y..........
Bergen, N. J......-......
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........................................
Wigan, England..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Seelowitz, Austria.....
Painted Post, N. Y........
Painted Post, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Belleville, N.J.............
Painted Post, N. Y........
New York, N. Y...........
Paris, France.............
New Haven, Conn.._....
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Phmnixville, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Brooklyn, N. Y. - -..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Hartford, Conn..........
Chatham Village, N. Y...
Fort Ann, N. Y..........
Southbridge, Mass........
Providence,. I.. -.......- -
Providence, R. I..........
Hartford Conn...........
Rye, N. Y................
Cambridge, Mass.........
Tarrytown, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
May 12, 1868
Mar. 18, 1836
Jan. 20, 1843
Feb. 13, 1872
Feb. 6, 1872
Mar. 14, 1865
July 13, 1869
Dec. 15, 1838
Aug. 10, 1791
Apr. 13, 1869
July 11, 1865
Oct. 30, 1866
Aug. 14, 1866
Jan. 31, 1865
Apr. 9,1861
Apr. 16,1872
Aug. 14, 1866
Dec. 9, 1873
June 19, 1866
July 24, 1866
June 16, 1868
Sept. 29, 1868
July 14, 1868
Dec. 10, 1867
Aug. 13, 1867
May 27, 1873
June 14, 1872
June 6, 1871
Jan. 7, 1868
Dec. 3,1867
July 30, 1867
May 26, 1868
July 15, 1873
Jan. 8,1867
Aug. 7, 1866
Feb. 4, 1868
Jan. 8, 1867
Aug. 26, 1873
July 27, 1869
96, 533
70, 127
107, 6:16
91, 579
143, 554
102, 850
2, 135
82, 909
25, 384
66, 616
100, 849
83, 922
81, 643
108, 793
140, 469
41, 974
52, 253
48, 107
14, 418
62, '01
45, 584
70, 439
54, 945
182, 467
123, 590
50, 626
113, 844
47, 393
77, 805.....
2, 920
123, 679
123, 336
46, 809
92, 455
1, 035
88, 807
48, 719
59, 330
57, 217
46, 156
31, 9)51
125, 856
57, 218
145, 337
55, 193
56, 599
78, 977
82, 559
79, 847
72, 1 8
67, 832
139, 353
127, 459
115, 574
72, 978
61, 167
78, 190
140, 912
5, 967
74, 109
61, 099
142, 277
93, 020
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Eye-glass---------------------------------------- A. Sils....................Ee-'lass ---------------------------------------F. Want.-----...........
Eyeglass --------------------------------------- E. Want...................Eve-~lass--------.------------------------------- L. B. Winslow..............
Ly-1eglass andl spectacles-------------------------.J. J. Bausch.................
Eeglass and spectacles--------------.Lm.......................H ob-_..___.._
EFe-glass attacbuent---------------------------..J. Doria..._.._-.
Eye-glass, Double -.-------------....-.- -- -----J. Federhen and W. C. Sherman
Eye glans bolder --------------------------------G. Sickels....................
Eye-glassSprnng--------------- ---.-------------L. Black...................Eye-gtuss supporter-----------------------------T. C. Rice._.............
I yeglass suspender------ ---------------------_ S.F. Merritt..........
Ly e ohss suspender------------------_.------S. F. Merritt......._..._......
Eye-glass, Device for securing- -- - ---- -- -- -- -- -- - -A. W. Roberts------------- _..
Ey e-protector.--------------------------------.. D. Everett----------------...
IFy rtco---------------------------------- L. Morse..................--
Eye-shaiding apparatus--------------------------..F. H. Jones............
Lye-sirup.-------------------------------W. C. Hall and C. Moore.
Eve-wash -__.............-------------------------. C. Fisher---------------_
Eye-avash---------------------- ----------------- H. Whiteley.........--.....
Eye-water------------------------------------- M. Null...-...-.............
Eye-water---------------------------------------MA. Pike.....................
Eye-ate--------------------------- J. Roembheld.................
EeApparatus for ti-eating the- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -M. F'. Pot ter - - - - - - - - -- ----
Eyes, Instrument for modifying focal length of the. 1). Par-ish-. - - - -.... - ---
Eyes, Shade for protecting the--------------------....J. F. Spence. - - _..-___-__..__
Eyelet-------------------"----------------------- G. B. Brayton..............Eyelet ------.--------------..---------- ----------T. (Garrick -----------------
Eyelet ------------------------------------------ It. Leavit..................
Eyle----------------------------------------- E. Parker......------------.
Eyelet ------------------------------------------0G. V. Printice.............Eyelet-----------------------------------------. _J. F. Richards-------------.
Eyelet ------------------------------------------ C. D. Smith----------"-------
Eyelet---------------------------------------S. W. Young..............Eyelet-batten, Self-acting---..--------------------..S. Land-__----------------
Eyltelet-blinks, Mlachine for making--------------- S. W. Young-_.__._._
Eyelet-blanks, Manufacture of -------------------NV. R. Landfear........
Eyelet-casting macinne............. -.._. -AJ..Osgood.....-....
Eyelet-cuttingmachine.-----------------------. B Binyton-__-------
Eyselet-fastening --------------------- ----------- W. W. Wilcox-------------..
LEyelet-fastening for ladies' skirts------------------NV. S Thomson........-...
Eyelet for attaching buttons to textile fabrics.- - - C. M. Plat -.........
Eyelet for fastening buttons- -- -- -- -- - ---- --- -- - -S. AM. Porter...............
Ey elet-formiing die------------------------------D.IE. Lloxsie--------------..
Ey elet-machine---------------------------------..C. V. Clewley..............--
Eyelet-ma chine --------------------------------.. 0. D.Cittehelt..............
Eyelet-machine---------------------------------..XV.Ii. Landfear.- ----- _.
Eyeet-mnia(lne--------------------------------. HL. Lipman..-------------
Eyelet-machine-------------------------.___------ L. Lipman._......._.....
Eyelet-machine --------------------------------- H..LIipman.-------
Eyelet-miachine-----------------------__...--_.-.._----IT.K. Reed and H. F. Packard.
Eyelet-maclone ---------------------------------- S.J. Smith-_...--.__
Eyelet-inchine ---------------------------------- S.N. Smith.........
Eyelet-machine-------------------------------.... NVS cii mtz..............
Eyelet-machine------------------------..t...s..ol............ I.D act -.._.__.
Eyelet-machine---------------------------..... _H D.N)Walcott ---_....
Rys letn aehiiie-------------------- ---------. IILE.vWison and J. Lowe Eee-ahneMciefo edn tokt.-arik._...........Eyelet-inaking ----------- -----------------------NV It. L- neear............
Eyelet-making implement---------------------D K Hosie---------------..
Eyelet-makiiig machine----------------------..X Ad.ns..............SW.Aans__...._....
Eyelet-making in-chine............H. C.Bradford..... _....... _.
Eyelet-making machine-------------------------..E. BBullet"___.__._
Eyelet-making machine------------......- - - ---- H.L Chiuichill and J. D. Robin~on.
Eyelet-making machine-------------------------.. A. Ddkescamp. -....__.._Eyelet-snaking machine..---.---.----...-.-..-.-.-....I.. -'irick.- _-.. -.......
Eyelet-mnaking machine---------------._..........T.Garic-k......_.._
Eyelet-making machine--------------------------I T.Garrick.----- -----.------.
Eyelet-making machine-------------------- ---KL E. Hicks.................
Eyelet niaking miachilne-------------------------- D. K. iloxsie..........--....
Eyelet-making machine--------------------------- E. E. Marsh.................
Eyeclot-makingmachine--------------------------..IJ. C. Rhodes ___.__ __
Eyelet-making macline-------------------------._ IJ. F. Richards.._.._..........
Ey elet-making macline------------.......K icars---------------tcaes..
Eyelet-making macblue---------.._..-_ _;S W oug-----------------SXVYon
Ey elet n-iking machine_.- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - --------.S. NV. Y ou n................
E -le-sttngma hi er __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ _ A.. Edlmnds..............
E yelet-stock -------------------------------------.W o u
Ea*-i e.t -sIto ks,Machinc for forming.-------------. I.... F. G riek ___...............
I 'y elet stocks, Manufacture of-------------------_ __ __ _S. N. Smith............. _...
Eyelet,[in-coat ed----------..-------------------- A. I. Upson. -...._..__..Eyelet' and appaiatus for setting, Manufacture of. A. B. Edniands-.......-_Es (el e ts aiid the preparation of s' ock for the same, S. WV. Younig.-___..... _........_
Macline fom forming and cutting.
E'yeclots. ('n ipsition-nietal for---------------_.0 ___. ____. B. Bi-ayton -_....._.......
Residence. Date.
Edgewrater, IN. Y---------- July 23, 1872
N ew Haven, Conn..-..Jan. 15, 1867
Newv Haven, Conn - -------Sept. 1, 1868
New Yoi-k, N. Y.- --.---Oct. 29, 1872
Rochester, N. Y..........-Jain. 14, 1t68
Few Yoik, N. Y----------.Dec. 3, 1867
New- York, N. Y ---------- Apr. 7, 1868
Boston, Mass- --.---- ----_-Oct. 8,1867
Boston, Mass - --....._June 14, 18O
LetiroatMich-------------.... c.Oct. 19,1869
Woricestei, Mess..--... July 16, 182
New Yomk, N. Y----------_Oct. 16, 1866
Spritgield, Mass..-.-._.Jan. 9, 1870
HuettordI Conn--..--------June 30,1868
Attlebo-oiwli, Mass..-..Jan. 12,1884
Noith Attleborough, Mass Nov. 29, 1864
Fedei lshnigh, Md - --.-- Aug. 18, IS57
Califoinia, Mo------...--Aug.3,1869
P ittsburgh, Pa.-_....._Aptr.90l182
New YoikN. Y--- _------ June 26, 1866
Coini-,N. HI...... _...... Feb. 21, 1865
Chicago, Ill-------------- _Aug.11,1868
Ixanesville, Il------------ O-t. 21,183
Aew Yoik, F.Y.............ec.Dec. 18, I855
lBiookyn A N. Y-...._- Oct. 16,1866
Piovidence, I.__I._ _.Aug. 6,1887
Provideiie, R I..-..Juiie 7, 180
MelrouseMass._ _-- an. 23, 866
Middletown, Con.--Aug. 23,1864
Piovidence, H.I.---.---_Sept.I 118
A ttlelorough, Mass..._Mar. 13,1866
Washngton, D.C _._...leb.13, 1866
PiovidenceR.I.._-._Api. 22,1873
Philad-elplisa,1Pa._.__._ Api. 23,1867
Providnce, H.1.-..Jan. 21,18-66
Ha-rtford. Coon -- ----Jan. 17, 1871
5 mervi'le, Mass. _.- May 5, 1868
Proaidence, R. I----------... e.Dec. 8,1868
MiddletowniiCoiin - A---- ov. a,1867
New YorkA. V- --- -- -- --Sept. 21, 1858
XWalembuiy, Conii-._..-Au-' 29,1871
Aew York, A. V-----------Aug. 2,1870
Providence, R.I----------..Am-'30, 1870
Cransion, It I-----------. June23, 1868
Stonehoyn. Mass.---------Aug. 12, 1862
Hailford, Loan - - -..------Mar. 6,1866
Philaelphia,1Pa.- - ------June 6, 18a4
Ph~lac~elphia, Pa--._-----July 11, 1854
Philadelphia, Pa.- - - ---July 25, 1854
East anti Forth Bridge- July 22, 1862
water, Mass.
New York, N. Y-.-- Apr. 16, 1861
Pi-ovidence, Ht. I.-- -------Dec. 27, 1870
Philadelphia Pa.. -...Apr. 17, 1860
Boston, Mass-------------.Man. 27, 1860
Boston, Mass------------..... Api-. 15, 18112
Pi-ovidence, RIt. __- --_-Apr. 24, 186(6
Provielence, R. I - - -------- Jan. 21,.870
Hlartford, Con...........-June 5,1866
Pi-ovidence, R. I----------._.Feb. 25, 1868
Providence, R. I..........-Mar. 26, 1867
Piovidence, R. I......-_July t6, 1669
Few Britain, Conn._....Aug. 7, 1816
Taunton, Mass...-.. Sept. 30, 1873
129, 765
61, 289
81, 849
132, 612
73, 285
71, 7711
76, 420
69, 554
104, 216
95, 87-2
129, 170
58, 667
1-2, 69
19, 394
41, -209
45, 263
18, 015
93, 300
140, 768
126, 3631
55, 889
46, 494
81, 0118
143, 9228
13, 9531
58, 907
67, 491
104, 113
52, 179
4:3, 954
53, 234
52, 614
138, 221
64, 016
52, 240
110, 979
77, 647
84, 673
70, 488
21, 581
11.8, 640
105, 978
79, 105
36, 191
5.) 080
11, 027
32, 088
110, 506
27, 9134
35, 001
54, 04)
1114, 443
14, 5
96, 401
53, 807
9ti 185
119, 979
72 044
54, 468
119, 647
61) '139
65 036
141, "11
54 1646
112, 97 3
94, 455
106, 9A39
Brooklyn, N. Y..___.._.__
PiovoinceR. I....
ProxidenceR. I.....
Providence, R. I....__
Berltn, Coon.............
Pi-ovidleiceR. I..
Piov idence, Ii. I.._...
South.Abmngton, Mass _.
Providlence, H. I --..
ProxidenceIt. I..._..
Pi-ovidence, It. I.._.
Providence, R. I.-----
Saugus, Mtss.............
Bristol R. I..-........._.
Providence, R. I....
Pirovidence, It. I....
New Yoirk, N. Y.._...
Saumgus, Mass............
Providence, R. I.----
Boston, Mass -........_ -.Providence, H. I.---...
Providence, R. I....
New Yoi-k, N. Y...
Boston, Mass............Marlbor-ough, Mass....
Saugus Centre and Stone
Nov. 2, 1869
Apr. 10, 1.661
July 6, 1869
Oct. 17, 1871
Dec. 17, 1850
Dec. 10, 1867
May 1, 1866
Oet. 3,1871
Oct. 4,1864
Jan. 1,1867
M11ay 21, 1867
May 21, 1867
July 2), 1873
May 8, 1816
Juine 21, IsO
Mar. 21,1871
Aug. 31, 186')
Mat 5, 18)2
Api. 19, 1870
May 11, 1869
Feb. 21, 1871
Ang. 30, 1870
N'ov. 15, 1859
Dec. 31, 1887
Oct. 16, 18611
May 14, 1867
Jan. 2, 1872
May 20, 1b73
Jan. 13,18631
Jan. 13, 1863
E~eltll ma hine ------------"--- ------ham, M ass.
Eycltin-niucbne.....................0. 0. Critchett---------------- Stonehaa, Mass....-.
Eye letiny-umachitne-- -----"----------------------.A. Da -es-----------Hudson, Mass...........
Eycleting-machinie------------------------------.....IL. Do Foi-est............ Birminghanm, Conna..
Eyeleting machine.-.-..................----------V. B. Do Forest........... -...- Birmingham, Conn.
idex of patents issucei from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, istcltsire-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
iEyeleting-machine ------------------------------- A. IDlkescamp...............
Eyeleting-machine-------------------------------1L. Goddu.--.........._.
Eycleting-machine------------------------------- L. Hall -. ----------
Eyeleting-nmaclhine------------------------------P. llariow..................
IEyeieting-m:achine------------------------ ------- H. juge...................
Lycleting-machine------------------------------- J. Keith....................--
K-i doting machine------------------------------- A. Kemp.....................
K xelet a':" machine------------------------------- A. Kornp------------------
Kyeletiang-machine-------------------------------fl. L. Lipmnan--------------..
E (letiri' machine------------------------------- A. A. Reed..................K'eketi:;gn siwnie-------------------.----------- T. K.RPeed..................
Eyelet in' machline------------------------------..J. F. Sargent................Kveietm rachpine-.---- ------ ---------- ----- --.,1. F. Sargent................
Lx ( letin mrachine ------------------------------- J. F. Sargent................
F yeieting-machine----------------------------.. J. F. Sargent._............
IF xletia -machine.-------------------------------EF. Shaw.----------------
K-1 elia gmachine.----------------------------. G. Sbipmaan..._...._....._.
Kyeicting-macHine------------------------------..J. K. Wiggin.._.............
Lx eleting-ma(-line------------..- - - -- ------0. Wunderliek...............
K' ceeing-machine for attaching buttons to gar- E. J. Warner-.. _..........._. _.
m'ce Bleached fabric. Netted orhaed fabric.
Carpet-fabric. TPinm-letf fabric.
Cellular fatbric. Pilefihbric.
Corrugated tabric. P11admcigdumed f'obElastic fabric. tc
Felled fabric. IRuhber labric.
Felted tufted fabric. Sprini-faic.
Fiher and gum fabric. Teraiy fabric.
Figurcd fabr-ic. Te(xtile labric.
Fii-e protf fabric. Tubing-fabime
Fiecked fahric. Tubular fabiic.
Fringcd fabric. Tufited fahic.
Fur-coated fabric. Warp-net fahric.
Gatbemed fahric. Water-pieof fahric.
Hat and bennet tab- W~ater 1)toof fuize
lymirofuzo fabric. Waiter-proofing fabindia-rubber fabric. I c
Unit. fabric Wire fabric
Kritted medicated Woolen faibric.
fabric. Woven faib-ic.
Metallice fabric Woven tuck fabe-ic.
Fabric for bags, roofs. &c......................
Fabric for head-covering............
F ab r ic f or h ea d -c o ve-r i n g....................... -- -- -- -
F ab ic foi- wrapping- and packing. _..............
Faim-ric freni fibrous sheets amidlhai-d rubbem-._._.
Fabric openinig, sincoihiag, and guiding machine _
Fatiric or paper clothm, Imitation................
Fabric, Plaiting.............
Fabric-pressing niachine -------------
Fabm-ic-shim-riimg machine------------------------.
Fabric-stretching machine ------ --------------- -
Faib-ic to he used as a substitute for japanned
Fabi-ics aind introducing flat skirt-wires therein,
Iiistriment for puncturing.
Fahb-ics, &c., Apparatus foi- discharging extraneoiis cooriis-matter from.
Fabi-ics, Coating and imetallizing _..........
Pabi ics, Composition for making designs upon-..
Fabi-ics, F'luhl for extracting grease from --. ---.
Fabrics from vegetable anid animal fibers, Manufacture of useful and ni-natmental.
Fabrics irmpemvious to gas, Composition to rendem-..
Fabrics, Machine far cutting..........__.....
Fabics, Machine for disintegrating.............
Fabiics, Macliniae for disiintegr-at-ing.............Fabiics, Machine for drying and stmetching.----
F abrics, Machine for scouring and washing _._..
Fabmics, Method of miaking dies for figures in
lecss-d y ed.
Fib: ics, Mode of onamentiag..--................
Fa -brics, &c. Preveniting mildew and decay in..
F abicsIRenov-ating fadted..................... - -- -- --
F abmric s, iungeing-miachine for.................. -- -- --
Fabrics to render them water-proof, Treating..
IFabiricsa umafiamiable, lRendei-ing..............- -- --
Fabrc'- wall: button-bole thereini, Mode of weaving
F ameis w iih luiid or semi-fluid substances, Apparatus to: coating.
Fab::ca with parimesine, Coating.. _..............
Fagot fon beam s...._..........................
1Fagot toi- henas.............................Fato:-orvwought-metal cannon, bydinulic pumps,
Fagot, Kindling................................
I+'agmis, Construction of------------------------.....
New York, N. Y--.Boston, Mass. -.....
Boston, Mass... _........
Hudson, Mass -.........
New York, N. Y..._.
New. Bedford Mass.
New Yo:-k, N. Y...New York, N. Y-...
Philadelphia, Pa.-..- ---..
North B- idgexvater, Mass
North Bi-idgew-ate-, Mass
Boston, Mass...- -......
Bestoa, Mass._.._........Boston, Mass.............
Melrose, Mass..........
IJilwaukee, Wis.-. ---.
West Bridgewater, Mass. -
Stoneham, Mass.. -.
Philadelphia, Pa. _..
Newark, N. J...........Paris, France..........._
Philadelphia, Pa.....'.
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.._
Manchester, Great Britain
Salon:, N. Y -....... _.Mamchester. England.
Holjxeke, Mass...._.....
Cheisea, Mass......
Leeds, England....
New York, N. Y.-_
Hackeassack. N. J....
Newark, N. J -...-....._..
Dec. 5, 1871
July 23, 1872
May 14, 1867
Nov-. 27, 1866
Aprw. 11,1867
Jan. 19, 1864
June 30, 1868
Jan. 3, 1871
Jan. 3, 1865
Apr. 10, 1866
Aug. 9, 1864
Jan. 6, 183
Jan. 5, 18134
Aug. 3, 1169
Apr. 19, 1870
Anug. 21, 1866
May 21, 187-2
Nov. 21, 187 1
Sept. 24, 1867
121, 495
1251, 812
64, 761
60, 010
41, 303
79, 482
110, 767
45, 727
53, 626
43, 816
37, 306
39, 7115
93, 35:1
102, 054
57, 446
121, 224
A. Forot...................--
C. Roder:....................
11. WV. Johns................
K. Ar::heim.................B. Lcewenherg..............
J. A. Tamner................--
Ri. 0. Low:-ey...............--
W. Birch....................
J. HI. Newton................_
W. Fuzzaid... -.........
G. H. Mussey and WV. B. Leachman.
A. 1:-clit...................
I. K. lePalmer................
J. Fletcher..................
Au".16, 1859 25, 107
Oct. 1, 187-2 131, x06
Apr. 9, 187-2 125, 57.3
Aug. 2, 1870 106. 024
Mar. 12, 187-2 124, 599
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 340
June 15, 1869 91, 458
Mar. 25, 18 73 137, 169
July 20, 18691 92, 743
Jan. 19, 1869 85,92-2
Jain. 24,1871 111, 141.Tune 7,1870 104,029
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 505
Auig. 21, 186 57, 307
Juno 5, 1866 55, 267
Oct. 3, 1671 119, 503
Dec. 24. 1867 7-2, 601
Sept. 15, 1868 82, 122
Dcc. 19, 1871 122, 094
June 21,18740 104, 6318
M. Fishel....................New York, N. Y. -..
B. G. Brooks................. Manchester, N. 11....
H. Ndiggcrath- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---Paris, France............
R. L. Jones................... Sacramento, Cal.-.-..
J. B. Wilson------------------...Philadelphia, Pa......
K. Pavy---------------------- Pa-is, France...........G. L. Buirnham--------------.. Providence, R. I......
/. J. Cimsen.------------- Richmonid, Va...........
M. Marsh~all-----------------..- Lowell, Mass..-----------
M. Marshall------------------..Lowell. Mass.............
0. C. Swcet -------------------Albany, N. Y.......
Bi. and F. Bates.............. Sowerby Br-idge, Halifax,
J. Holt......................-Lowell, Mass -...-----
W. Swan---...................
W.A. Torrey................
Ii. B. Klamuder-------_.
P. lMeEwen and W. McKenzie.
C. Tapan...........
Ti. N icoll- - - - - - - - - - -
J. Comnuor...................
G. Adamason.................
J. Lexvtiumale..............
W. W. Milkr.................
G. WVaitems amid T. Shaffer.....S. J. lReeves.................
New YorkN. Y.........
Momun Clair, N.J-.... -
Je-rsey Cily and Hudson
City, IN.J.
Wakefield, Mass....... --
London, Eiglamdi..-.l
Boston, Mass.--..--
Piiladclphia, P:........
Safe 111am her, I -t.. -
PliomiixvillkI - -........
Phiiladelphia, Pa.......
Oct. 31, 1871
Dec. 10, 1872
Sept. 30, 1873
Nov. 18, 1873
ISept. 29, 1868
Jai. 28, 1870
Mar. 26, 1867
May 19, 18138
Apr. 26, 1870
July 24, 1866
Oat. 27, 1868
May 31, 1870
Amg. 26, 1873
Apir. 4, 1r65
Jan. 1, 1867
120, 368
133, 7 00
143, 290
144, 1685
82, 564
164, 818
63, 159
78, 156
102, 4,-0
56, 574
83, 395
103, 7 99
142, 267
47, 151
60, 6C0
May 17, 1870 '103, 209
Sm pt 24, 1867 611, 2:17
MmmIr. 17, f1 6I 75, 712
i~ec. 9,18662 37, 168
Tinly 12, 1860 105, 213
Maii. 28, 1t5 47, 077
C. R. Jaci-bi................ Green Point, N. Y.
IF. AV. W~ebbh..------------Crewe, England.....
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 170 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fall-leaf table----------------------------.....................................
Fall-leaf table......----------------------------..............................Family-mill-----------------------------......................................Fan... -----------------------------------
Fan ----------------------------------------
Fan and air-circulator............................
Fan and caster-stand, Table.....................
Fan and fly-brush combined-----------------.......................
Fan and fly-brush, Rotating...................
Fan and fly-driver....------------------------
Fan and parasol...------------------------..--
Fan and parasol combined.-....-...................
Fan and parasol combined---------------....................-----
Fan and parasol, Combined.....................
Fan and screen in cleaning grain for grinding....
Fan attachment, Spring................-.
Fan attachment, Table... --------------------
Fan attachment, Table............................
Fan, Automatic....---------------------------
Fan, Automatic.............................
Fan, Automatic.................................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic.................................--------------------------
Fan, Automatic..................................--------------------------
Fan, Automatic..----------.----------------.
San, Automatic --------------------------
Fan, Automatic............................
Fan, Automatic...................
Fan, Automatic...................................
Fan, Automatic----------------------...............................----
Fan, Automatic...................
Fan, Automatic.............................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic...................................
Fan Automatic................................
Fan, Automatic------- ---- - ------
Fan Automatic..................................
Fan Automatic.....
Fan Automatic..................
Fan Automatic................................
Fan Automatic...................................
Fan Automatic.................................
Fan Automatic...................................
Fan, Automatic....
Fan, Automatic...
Fan Automatic...................................
Fan, Automatic................
Fan, Automatic...................................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic...................
Fan, Automatic....---------------------------
Fan, Automatic.....---------------------------
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic.....---------------------------
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic...........................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic -----------...................................
Fan, Automatic..................................
Fan, Automatic.................................
Fan, Automatic..........................
Fan, Automatic..........................
Fan, Automatic...................................
Fan, Automatic..........................
Fan, Automatic or musquito.................
Fan, Bed an ti l...table----------------..
Fan blast-regulator........................
Fan, Blowing............................
Fan, Buckwheat................................-- -
Fan, Electro-magnetic......................
W. Caldwell...............
J. S. Rankin...................--------------
D. Flagg, jr--------------...................
S. Ainsworth.-...............
G. Anton......................----------------
O. Briick......................
O. Briick......................
O. Briick----------------......................
O. Brueck.-............-.....
G. Brueck--------------...................A. B. Hancock................
N. Harper..................
T. W.Hawkins_..............
T.W. Hawkins-...............
L. Hill.......................
J. L. Jackson.-..,-...........--.
F. Koppenfels and G. Brueck..
W. Lucas....................
C. C. Lusby..................
G. Mallory---...---..--------
J. McLoughlin..........
O. R. Nitsch..................
O. R. Nitsch..-.....-...-..-...A. K. Rich and J. B. Thurston
B. M. Smith...................
H. B. Smith................
J. D. Wright...........
N. H. Tilman and D. G. Good..
H. Mee.....-----..
O. Matcalf.....------------..............--
F. M. Hunt...................
H. H. White..................
J. Brooks....................
G. Mallory..-..............._
C. St. John....................
J. Peyton.....................
J. Carey----------------......................S. S. Binkard and R. H. Boal.._
J. E. Mansker.................D. Aaron....................
J. Beck.....................
J. M. Belcour.................
G. C. Bovey...................------
G. H. Briggs......------------
C. F. Burleigh............
J. D. Bush..................W. B. Campbell............
G. F. Case...................
C. H. Clark....................
F. O. Degener.........
C. Dieringer and M. Lindamann.
E. Dnffner...............
J. R. Dunn and G. B. Burroughs.
W. Fay.................
W. D. Hall..............
W. D. Hall..................
W. D. Hall..................
W. D. Hall...................
A. P. Heidt..................
H. Hoffman...................
F. W. Jones..-............
W. Lawrence and J. Sanders..
J. Lehner................
M. Lochbner...................
W. O. Loeffier.................
J. A. W. Lundberg........
J. Maltry...---------------................H. T. McCormick............
J. McLain...................
J. Naugle.....................
J. B. Powell................
J. B. Powell.................
D. Ramler.--................
L. Rebstock and N. Reimel....
P. H. Reichhardt and M.
J. Schnell and P. Schmidt....
C. B Smith...................
G. C. Steinhauer..............
E. D. Swartwout..............
B. D. Thompson.............
S. J. Tucker and J. H. Rose..
O. Vanorman------------.................
L. A. Walton...............
T. Welch...................
J. B. Williamson.............
S. E. Winslow...............
G. W. Zeigler.................
C. A. Gale..................
W. H. Downs................
D. Garver...................
T. Wallace and H. Backmaste
B. Poulson...................
A. Platt......................
D. Linzie.....................
G. Stevens and J. W. Moyle..
Bryan, Ohio-------------...............
Detroit, Mich.............
Gardiner, Me.............
Saratoga S)rings, N. Y...Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N.Y..........
New York, NY..........
Suspension Bridge, N. Y..
Newark, N. J.............
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Conn...North Brookfield, Mass...
New York, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Watertown, Conn.........
Morrisania, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N' Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y._.......
Essex, Conn----------.............
Bergen, N. J.............
Arcanum, Ohio..........
Crown Point,1nd.......
Orleans, Ind.............
Clinton, Ga...............
West River, Md..........
Boston, Mass..............
Bridgeport, Conn.......
New York, N. Y..........
Orange City, Va.......
Victoria, Mo............
Urbana, Ohio.........
Clinton, La............
San Francisco, Cal...-..
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France _.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Montgomery, Ala..........
Tuftonborough, N. H.....
Elyton, Ala..............
Selma, Ala................
Claremont, N. H..........
Hartford, Conn..........
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Vicksburgh, Miss........
Queens County and Brooklyn, N. Y.
New Orleans, La......._
Memphis, Tenn..........
Memphis, Tenn.........
Memphis, Tenn.......
Memphis, Tenn..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Orangeburgh, S. C.........
New Albany, Ind -......
Galena, Ill............ Newark, N. J..........
New York, N. Y..........
San Francisco, Cal........
Morrisania, N. Y.........
Selma, Ala...............
Saiht Mary's, Ohio.......
Mooresville, Ind..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Union Deposit, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Brunswick, Mo..........
Waterloo, Ill.............. Griffin, Ga................
SIndianapolis, Ind..........
SChicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
Richmond, Va............
Fond du Lac, Wis.._....... Byhalia, Miss............. Philadelphia, Pa..........
- Louisville, Ky............
Kensington, Pa............ Tiffin, Ohio...............
- Boston, Mass............... Jeffersonville, Ind........
Ringgold, Md.............
r Philadelphia, Pa...........
Fort Wayne, Ind.........
Waterbury, Conn.........
Petersham, Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
May 10, 1870
May 5, 1868
Feb. 23, 1826
Apr. 21, 1868
Jan. 16, 1866
Nov. 19, 1867
Aug. 31, 1869
Oct. 12, 1869
Oct. 25, 1870
Apr. 1,1873
Nov. 24,1868
Sept. 25, 1866
Dec. 31,1867
June 1, 1869
Apr. 23, 1867
Apr. 2, 1867
Apr. 2, 1867
Sept. 17, 1867
Dec. 16, 1873
Apr. 24, 1866
July 23, 1872
June 8, 1869
Sept. 7, 1869
Sept. 3, 1872
Nov. 28,1865
May 19, 1868
Jan. 26, 1869
Apr. 28, 1868
Sept. 12, 1871
Sept. 13, 1870
Mar. 21, 1871
May 15, 1866
Mar. 15, 1870
Oct. 29, 1867
Nov. 11, 1873
Nov. 7,1825
July 13, 1869
July 11, 1871
Mar. 2, 1869
June 15, 1869
May 12, 1868
June 25, 1872
Apr. 4, 1871
July 26,1870
Dec. 28, 1869
Aug. 26, 1873
Nov. 11, 1873
July 2,1872
Feb. 4, 1873
Oct. 25, 1859
July 13, 1869
77, 655
76, 875
52, 109
70, 952
94, 390
95, 764
108, 681
137, 413
84, 276
58, 250
72, 372
90, 748
64, 013
63, 389
63, 396
68, 890
145, 666
54, 184
129, 848
91, 156
94, 633
131, 026
78, 145
86, 336
77, 415
118, 870
107, 396
112, 921
54, 799
100, 719
70, 344
144, 575.....
92, 513
116, 919
87, 417
91, 297
77, 709
128, 279
113, 620
105, 772
98, 347
142, 081
128, 589
135, 524
25, 892
92, 589
May 13, 1873 138, 741
May 4, 1869 89, 566
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 189
Sept. 26, 1871 119, 351
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 476
Apr. 30, 1872 126, 292
Feb. 18, 1873 136, 044
Jtn. 7, 1873 134, 543
July 5, 1859 24,638
Apr. 8, 1873 137, 687
Jan. 7,1873 134, 605
May 6,1873 138,567
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 293
July 9, 1867 66, 507
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 431
May 11, 1869 90, 009
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 785
Jan. 7, 1862 34, 066
Mar. 23, 1869 88, 062
Sept. 6, 1859 25, 368
Oct. 4, 1864 44, 553
June 28, 1870 i104, 768
June 9,1857 17,517
Apr. 29, 1873 138, 345
Oct. 25, 1870 108, 637
Feb. 28, 1871 112, 293
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 343
July 23, 1871 117, 346
May 2, 1871 114, 491
Mar. 22, 1870 101,188
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 206
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 832
May 6, 1873 138, 7Â~0
Feb. 27,1872 124,103
Nov. 9,1852 9, 395
Apr. 19, 1859 23, 739
Apr. 10, 1860 27, 862
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 128
May 9,1871 114, 547
June 6,1854 11,047
Dec. 18, 1866( 60, 554
Jan. 13, 1852 8, 659
Apr. 10, 1849 6, 307
July 4,1871 116, 770
Index of patents issued f;-oo the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-'Continued.
Fan, Exhaust----------------------------------R. CookV...................---
Fin, Fy------------ ----.- --- ---------.. ---..A. Godl(I-ihanilP. Miller
taii, Fly.---------------------------------------- J. G.Schwennner and T..Muel
Fin, Fly-expelling.............................---
Fll f'ior apartimenits, lRevolving..................
iFn -ifor hod-chambers, dining-iroms, &e., moved by
F-n foi furnaces, gas-works, &c, Rotary blowing--
1-n -in,:-r venitilating mines, Cross-paddlo propeller
1 n, Gr-in--------------------------------- ---
Fan, Gran..................
Fan, Gr-in....................................
Faii, H ouse - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fan, House....................................
Fan, Lady's..................................---
Fan, Lady's...................................---
Fan, Lady's....................................
Fan, Ladly's -----------------------------------
Fain, L -dy-s..................................
Fan, Mechanical..............................--
Fani-mill -------------- -------------------------
Fan, M usqiiito - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
Fan er brush, Automatic table-----------------..
Faii, Reveisible screw.
Fan, Reeking chair................
Fan, Reekin-cebair...............
lF ii, Rccking-chair._...............
Fan, Rotary...................
Fan, Rotar-ng--------- --------------------------
Fanl, Rotating - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Fan, Reltating fl......................
F-an, Sl-cing ---............................---
F--n, ution Machine.for.makin................
Faii Suction........st.........................
1an --abieionand.blas..........--...............
1Fin, Table----------------------------------....
Pian aable------------------------------.....---
Fall tae-aster andlamp-stand, Automatic _._
Fan Wi\he-at....................................
1 -in VSW heat....................
Fani Wheat....................................
Flii Wheat....................................
W. R,. Fowleu -.............
T. S. Them.................
L. Steini............
J. Barren - - --..........
HT. Aland...................
ID. Rissiuiger ---- -- -- -
P. Bailey...................---
G. Goewey.............--..
0. Lindsay and R. F. Strean.
J1. McPhail.................--
L. Pennington...- - -.....
J. anid A. Bloom........
E. Marquam----------------
S. A. Grant-----------------
F. B. Scott-----------.--.--
B. Td......................
J. and I. N. Todd.............
T. Weiham------._..
J. Ban-on -----_------- ------ -
I. T. Grant-----------------
W. C. hlawley --------.
F. HI. Plymate-------------..
J. M. Beverly................
1R. E. Telar aiid W. D. Orr --- -
W. H. Wiloyn----------------
0. Br.eCk...................
0. Matue-------------------
L. T. Simon.................
I. S. Eastman--------------..
G. Leach -- - - - - - - - - -
1. S. Eastman...............--
J. H. Reyiiersen............--
W. L.I.larrell and H. M. Hall.
0. Brueck.-----------------
B. S. Hunt..................
C. It. Patterson..............
C. B. Patterson..............
J. C. MeEwen................
W. A. Me~evunolds.-----
A. R. Trahe-...............T. W. Carmicbael............
WV. Adasms..................
J. Bamborough-------------..
J. iDeakyne.........-......
G. lioflinan..._..............
J. Holliim sworth.............
J. Montgomery and J. Mont
Residence. Date. No.
Saratoga Spriiigs, N. Y.. Nov. 12, 1t861 33, 693
Plluld-lpllia, Pa -- -- -- - - --Juno 13, 1854 1i, 67F
lHoge, Ohio -- -- - --- --- -- --Feb. 27, 1872 124, 054
Pliladelphia, Pa- -- -- -- - -- --Oec.t. 9, 1866 58, 083
Ainne Arundel Couiity, Mdj Dec. 1, 1t863 40, 7461
South Aniboy. N. J-_--_..Mar. 10, 1 868 75, 316
New York, N. Y.- -- ------lic. 19, 1854 12, 106
Norfolk, Va--------------..Nov. 27, 1830 __._.
London, England.-... --. Mar. 2, 18659 87, 456
Mahanoy (Aty, Pai. - May 27, 1873 139, 330
F-alls Township, Pa- - ___Mar. 13, 1860 27, 417
PhiladelphiaIPa.__. Jan. 10, 18(50 26, 760
Washington,1Pa.. Nov. 29, 1859) 26, 213
Charles City, Iowa._-.--. Mar. 1, 1870 100, 454
Tiffin, Ohio -------- Feb. 1,1870 c19, 469
Neww Buunswick, NT J., and Sept. 3, 1867 68, 483
New York, N. Y................. M ar. 28,1803.Burlington. N. J---------- _ _Aug. 14, 1866 57, 253
Laiic-aster, N. Y---- - Apr 16, 1867 63, 817
Reading, P-i...... Aug. 2t8, 18(56 57, 598
Modlison, lad...... Sept. 13, 1864 44, 237
Washington, 1. C - ---. - Apr. 3, 1866 53, 714
Norfolk V a-------- June 13, 1831..
Schaghticoke, N.Y --_..-_July 10, 1845 4,103
BokilCn---------Oc.1130.Blue Rarth County, Min Sept. 19, 18 71 119, 174
Chicago, Ill..__.._.____ Aug. 15, 1871 117, 969
Newnani, Ga.........Asug.9, 1870 106, 236
Saint Louis, Mo..__ 13. __Dc 13,18164 45, 447
Shamokiii, Pa. li-.- eu. 10, 187-2 133, 772
Union L ill, N. J - - _._-. May 20, 1873 139, 112
Dunrant, Miss.__.._-.---.Nov. 19, 1872 13:1, 164
New York, N. Y. _. -. - Aug. 17, 18(59 93, 916
Madison, Wis._--..-___ Jan. 14,1873 134, 740
Elmira, N. Y _______May 23,1865 47, 838
Madison, Wis........Mar.31,18(58 76, 174
Pleasant Plain, Iowa.------ Aug. 25, 1868 81, 539
Osgood, id--------------.....Oct. 15, 1867 69, 80-2
New York, N. Y----------.Oct. 11, 18 70 1 08, 2:16
Weymouth, Mass -._Oct. 4, 1870 107, 913
Pittston, Pa--------------...Aug. 6, 187-2 130, 310
Pittstonu, Pa -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Oct. 24, 18 71 120, 317
Micanopy, Fla.- - - -------lc. 20, 1870 110, 381
Elktoii, Ky- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Aug. 6, 1867 (57, 562
Saint Martinsville, La -- Jan. 29, 1861 31, 269
Indianapolis, lad -..Feb. 11, 1868 74, 303
Vgii......... Ma111-Lancaster, Pa.-----------_.Mar. 20, 1847 5,031
Petersburgh, Va - - -.- ----Sept. 13, 1833...
Fredericktown, Mid-.____.Aug. 21, 1829.__-ZnsilOi -_.-.-Ar,15 0
Lancaster, Pa., and Balti- June 12, 1855 13, 062
more, Md.
Jamestown. N. C - - _-------Nov. 18, 1844 3,78-29
Poi-t Republic, Vs - -----Feb. 2, 1844 3, 4-23
Rockford, Ill.----.--.-----June 6, 1848 5, 616
Frederick County, Md - - -. Mar. 11, 1816.-Brevle ho---.--_-.Ar,15 slnP ___Sp.1,17 3,3
Nashua, N. H............-Nov. 20, 186(5 59, 783
Baltimuore, Md------------.July 4, 1871 11(5, 788
New York, N. Y----------...Oct. 11, 1870 108, 096
New York, N. Y---------- __.Sept. 20, 1870 104,50t1
Xeuia, Ohio--------------....Oct. 14, 1856 15, 889
Nashua, N. H------.. _.----Nov. 20, 1866 59, 867
Weymouth, Mass-.. __.June 1, 1869 90,7511
Weymouth, Mass--....Dee. 15, 18(58 84, 882
Fayette, Miss..-----------. _Dec. 21, 1858 2-2,3(6
York, Pa..----------------.Aug. 11, 1868 80, 970
Lewis, Iowa----------.... _Mair. 15, 1870 100, 908
Bm-ling;ton, N. Y - -..__Sept. 19, 1808.
Philadelphia, Pa----------. _Feb. 28, 1871 112, 232
Elizabethport, N. J..- -.Apr. 7, 18(58 76, 452
Washington, La----------..Feb. 21, 1871 111,917
Chelsea, Mass-..- - --------. Aug. 25, 1868 81, 353
Fort Covington, N. Y-_- Feb. 13, 1836 -_-._--
Racine, Wis-------------- May 7, 1872 126, 371
Red Wtig, Mmnii.- - July 20, 18(59 92, 774
New Oregon, Iowa--:::.Nov. 8, 1870 108, 953
Time,_Ill-----------------ar. 7,.1871 112,.407
Fan, Wheat -------------------------------------W. Stanley................--
Fa:n. Wheat ------------------------------------- D. Watkins------------------
Fan, Wiheat------------------------------------ P. H. Watson................
F'an, Wheat-------------------------------------S. Weaver..................
Fan, Wheat---------------------------------- J. White...................--
Fan-wheel, Rotary------------------------------__T. H. Walton...........
Fans, Apparatus for bindiiig circular paper- or other R. V. Smith..................
Fans, Apparatus for operating--------------.___XV ____. Mi. Bruton... _..- - - _._
Fans. Device for opening and closing--------------....G. Bordes-----------------_.. _
Fans, Device for operating hand------------------.._N_ V. A. Ireland.............._ __ __
Fans, Escapement movement for automatic-. I__D. J. Mozait---------------...
Fans, Machine for folding paper_------------------R_ _ _. T. Smith..................
Fans, Machine for manufacturing webbin o.W ht.........
ladies'.lu fo J.V.Wie.......
Fans, Manufacture of---------------------------- E. S. Hunt..................
Fans, Manniacture of portable_-------------------J. C. Hall...................
Fanning and rocking chair........................ T. Kerr.....................
Fnnuing and smut m-11...........................H. Littlefield................
Fanning and winnowing mill..................... B. Atwell. _........._....
Fanuning-apparatus............................. L. C. England.. ___..........
Fannin-chair...................................A. H. Hobbs and N. F. Wright
F-iniung m-achineo-------------------------------_E. P.louemus..----------
1 -nning-niachine-------------------------------._G. F. Evans................__
F'anuing-machineo............................. D. Flanders and C. Rathbnrn.
Fanunin-mull------------------------------------- C. Altriuuger.................
Faing-uumull ------------------------------------J.A-shtou. - -........
IÂ~'arin i nll...._..............................-1H. R. Averil...............
Fanning-mill.................................... B. Bauney------------------
1an-mumimll.................................... T. S. Barnum...............
F-a-nning mull....................................E. Bless......................
Fnning-mull.................................... L. Mi. Boardman.........--..
F-anning-mill....................................F. E. Bowon.................
1Fanning-null-------------------.J rde............................J rde-__.---_
Fiannun-mill..................................... L. Bi-onson.................
Fannung-mll.----------------------------------- H. Bruiggeman...............
Fanning-mull.................................... J. K. Buick..................Fanning- mill.................................... G. E. Clarke................
Fa-nning-mil.................................... G. E. Clarke................
1 -mum -mill.................................... G. B. Clarke................
Fauinin-mull....................................I). Cltiton..................
1'a ain mill.................................. D. Chow.....................
F-anning-mill.....................................ID. Collins...................
index of patents issued from the United Statcs Patcnt Office from 1790 to 1873, inelusire-Couttucd.
1, 1 I
I -
Fanning-mill ---- -- - --- --- --- --
Fanning-mill - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
Faurng-mill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fanning-nill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fanning-mill -------------------------- ------
Fanning-mill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Farinina-mill - -------------------------------
Fanning-mill -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -
Fanrn n il - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fanning-mill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fanning-mill - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -
Fanning-mill - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- -
Fanning-null - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Faiinn -mill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fanning- mill....................
Fanning-m ill-- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -
Fanning-mill-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -
B. Cortrite..........
L. MllCrosby.-------------
a Ill Culver-------------....
11I W. Curis..............
L. H. Decker........
L. H. Decker------------....
E. P. Dickey --------------
J. Di ulimoiid............---
CK. hle...........
L. Ensign.........
A, Erwin...........
A. Fanckboner............
L. Farnhaand u~ J. Mosher....
S. Fitch...................
S. Fitch.................----
S. Foster, Jr................
J. Frary -- - - -- - - - - -
J. WV. Free.........
1). A. Fnlk arid L. B. McLain
Fanning-mill------------------------------F..... M. Gilbert..............
Fanning-mill------------------------------H..... Gipson.................
Fannig-m-l------------------------------ J. Goctz...................
Fanning-mill----------------------------A. Hail and J. Faulkner.
-Fauuning-mill------------------------------.....J. W. Hunter; M. Lilnt,
and S. Holman.
Fanning-mill------------........._.. J uthis------------------J.Hthn.......
Fanning-mill------------------------------.....J. W. Johnson-----------.._
F+annine mill----------------------------........ D Kane...................
Funienng-mill------------------------------.....H. Kelly and W. Franklin.--
Fainngn-mill-----------------------------.... _. _. J. M. Kendall and J. Peel..
Fanning-mill------------------------------.....T. B Kirkwood............
Faaniing-mill ----------------- -------------. G. Leach.................
F'anrn-null---------------------------------. F. Lindsley................
Fannuing-midl--------------------------------- S. McMullan.- ------
Faning-mnill--------------------------------- E. Michael.......--.....
Fanning-mill --------------------------------. F. Miles.------------------
Fanning-mill--------------------------------. J. Miller.----------
Fanning mill--------------------------------- J. Miler................---
Fanning-mill--------------------------------- J. Miller.................
F'anun~ingmill --------------------------------- S. Miller anud I. J. Chase.-_
Fanning-null ----------------------------- ---. J. Mnmmua................
Fanning-mill.----------------------.--------. D. Neefns--.....--------
Fana" gmill --------------------------------- A. Niebel.................
Fannin g-mill------------------------------- H. Ogborn...............--
Fanning-mill - -- ------------- ---.H. O'tuorn.........
Fainning-mill-----------"--------------------L. Peck..................
Fanning-mill-----------------------------.____ C. Peterson...................
Fanninigmill----------------.....-----------. Pinncy and J. Olmested - -
Fanning-mill.--_-------------.--------------- J. F. Pool.................F.n...ng.m.....................----------J. P. Pireston........
Fanning-mill--------------------------------- P. Pridie and L. huestis-.Finening mill ----------------------------- ---. B. F. Itandell -------------- -
Fanning-mill-----------------------------...... W. C. Ray and G. Leigh..
Fanning-mill------------------------------.....J. E. Rice-----------------
Faiining-miP ---------------------------_G. Richards and D. Stickland.
Fanning-mill----------------------------...... J. Roberts.-................
Fanning-mill--------------------------------- B. F. Roe.-.....-------
Fanning-nill------------------------------.....J. L. Rnunk and B. H. Sharp.- -
lanning-mill---------------- ------ ----------- F. Saner and J. Coerver...
Fanning-miul------------------------.....--.D. Sears...................
Fanning.m.ll.......................---. H. H. Seeley...............
Fainning-mill---------------------------------11. H1. Seeley..............Fanning-mill------------------------------.....H. F. Seibert..............
Fanning-mill-----------------------------....- L. Shnltz................
Faniiing-mill--------------------------------- A. W. Smith-.............Fanning.mill-----------------------------S. Snedeker.._...._........
Fanning-mill --------------------------------. H. A. Snyder..............
Fannig-mil------------------------------ J. Soper...................
Fanning-mill----------------------------W. Stoddard...............
Fanning-mill ---------"----------------------- H. K. Stoner...............
Fanning-mill --------------------------------F. Tosh...................
Fanning-mill-----------------------------H. W. Veregge............Fanning-mill------------------------------.....W. W. Wait...............
Fanning-mill------------------------------F..._. Walker.__............
Fanning-mill---------------------------------- J. Weidman...............
Fanngml----------.-------------------- N. Wells...............--
Fanning-mill -------------------------------- B. C. White................
Fanning-mill------------------------------....L. L. Willson- - -------
Fanning-mill------------------------------.....B. Wright and J. C. Hogaboam
Fanning-mill..............................-----P. Yoting..................
Fann-iland grain-separator................. H. Oghorn................
Fanning-mill and grain-separator................ H. C'gborn. -. -....... -. __.
Fanning-mill and grain-separator................ID. Wilcox.................
Fanning-mill and grain-separator.............. D. C. Hill.-.._-_.......
Fanning-mill and wheelbarrow combined......... J. Worneldorif-............
Fanning-mill attachment. _.................... P. Austin.... _............
Fanning null-elevator attachment............... N. Hinman................
Fanining-nuill fceding-device...................---N. Killer.................
Fanning-null for cleaning grain..............---- C. 0. Guernsey.........._
Fanning-nill for cleaning grain..--............ W. Jessnp..............
Fanning-mill for cleaning train.............---F-. Walker.................
Fannhig-mill for cleaning wheat, &c............. B. ID. Beecher...........---
Fanning-mill for grain, &c...................----I S. Dodge......_...._.......
Norwa-lk, Ohio.__.....
Ashtubul-u O1hIo.----
Westiheld 7IN. V - _. L_.._
1Lockporti III..........---
Slauk CeattreMinn._
Groe Lake, Mien. _..RacineXVWis...........
Grecnhu',W is.- ----
Miluburn, N..._.....
Jefiuason Md_........Fountain City, Wis --.___
Scheoleraft, Mich _.._.
De'lta. Mich............
Honier, N. V...........
Ednieslon, N. V....
Des Moines, Iowa..
Southuamptoin, Mass...
Hookitown and Lisbon,
Kasson. Minn..........
Shelby, Ohio...........
West Bend, Wis..._._
Dausville, N. YV_-.---.
Oakland County, Mich....Syracuse, Iowa..-_.....
Port Treverton, Pa....
Tivoli, Iowa............
Decorah, Iowa..........
Madelia, Min..........
Dublin, lad............
Elmira, N.Y.V..........
Neenah, Wis...........
Flietcher, Ohio..........
La Poi-te, led..........
Rochester, N. V. -... -.
Canton, Ohio...........
Canton, Ohio.........._ _
Canutonu, Ohio..........__
Barrington, Ill.........Middletown, Ohio.
Tllen, Ohio.........
Richmond, Ind..........
Richmond, Ind.........
Brookield, Conn...
Red Wing, Minn.____.___
Caledonia, N. V..
Monroe, Wis...........
Moiiroe, Wis...........
Auburn, N. V.._....
Des Moines, Iowa __..
Pleasant Run and Clinton
Station, N. J.
Oneida, Ill...........___
Richland Cent-re, Wis. _ -.
Penn's Square Post-Office,
Nebraska Cit~y, Nebr..
Nashville, Il-...
Waterloo, Ill............
Fa-anlklin, N. V..........
Hudson, Michi._..._......
Hudson, Mich---------....Brady's Bend, Pa -.....
Upper Sandusky, Ohio....
Dudleyville, Ala......
Johnstown, N. YV.__....
Shullsburgh, Wis.
Windsor, Conn._..-....
Winona, Mine..........
West Lam peter, Pa...
Manchester, Iowa..._
Richmond, Iind..........
Richmond, Ind.........--
Springfield Four-Corners,
Littlestown, Pa....
Milford, Pa............
Richmond, led..........
Denmark, lMlich....
Hudson, Mich..........
Austin, Mine........ _..
Richmond, led..........
Richmond, lad..........
Chariton, Iowa..........
Apr. 12, 1870
May '2,1871
July 16, 1867
Aug. 28, 186
Mar. 25, 18713
Sept. 23, 1873
June 8, 1869)
Feb. 20. 187-2
Aug. 7, 1866
June 17, 186-2
Sept. 30, 14.39
Sept. 26, 1871
May 2, 1865
May 4, 1869)
Oct. 29, 1.75 14
Jan. 6, 18.32
July 20, 18?6)
Feb. 17,11829
Feb. 27, 1866
Oct. 6, 18413
Oct. 7, 1873
Mar. 14, 1871
Aug. 1, 1871
Feb. 25, 1862
1Dec. 18, 183-2
Nov. 7, 1871
Apr. 29,18~3
Aug. 30, 1870
Dec. 15, 1863
July 30, 1872
Aug 17, 1869
May 23, 1865
Sept. 8, 1868
Feb. 18, 1868
May 25, 1869
June 10, 1862
Jun,, 3, 1862
June 3, 1862
June 3, 1862
July 30, 1867
June 12, 1866
Sept. 2-2,18-23
June 11, 1872
Aug. 16, 1870
Jan. 31, 1871
Aug. 13, 1824
Oct. 4, 18-40
Nov. 7, 1826
Jan. 19, 1869
Oct. 20, 1868
Feb. 23, 183-2
Mar. 9, 1869
May 19, 1868
Feb. 1, 1859
Oct. 13,186
May 28, 1880
Sept. 11, 1860
Apr. 5, 1870
Dec. 20, 1870
Mar. 24, 18.30
Sept. 29, 1868
May 1(1, 1871
Apr. 13, 1869
June 19, 1866
Jan. 21, 1868
Apr. 27, 1810
Sept. 8, 1868
Dec. 3, 1814
Sept. 8, 1868
Mar. 26,18-12
May 17, 1864
Feb. 7, 1865
Mar. 23, 1869
Sept. 20, 1827
May 28, 1850
Sept. 11, 18:3
Jan. 24, 1865
Nov. 5,1872
May 7, 1872
Mayt 16, 1871
101, 713
114, 416
66, 813
5u7, 48:1
1:37, 1 85
143, 127
90, 936
123, 814.i6, 912
35, 594
4^A, 2:3
89, 643
92, 814
52, 840
3, 294
343, 506
112, 584
117, 7; 0
34, 488
120, 745
138, 407
166, 8".1
40, o9i7
129, 9115
93, 721
47, 839
35, 461
35, 463
55, 526
127, 9l2
108, 049
83, 312
87, 706
78, 008
22, 825
83, 066
7, 40
29, 99)8
101, 514
110, 291
82, 558
114, 977
88, 913
55, 785
73, 469
81, 955
81, 957
124, 918
42, 808
46, 312
7, 405
46, 039
1:32, 784
126, 616
14 898ea
Lrdex of patents issued fromttthe United Stales Patenrt Office fronm 1790 to 1873, irtctusive-Colntinned.
Invention. Inventor.
Fannting-nmili 1or grain, &e------------D. Donogtoe...............
F1rniti-miill lor grail) or clover-seed, &c - - - - -----0. Barr ett, jr------------ _.._
Fannrin.-mill, grain and seed separatorsprtr.------------_II.I. Ogorn------------------....
1Fanning-mnill or machine for wiurnowing grain- _.1). Philips and A. Jackson.--
iFanning-mnill shakers,.Attachment to-------------- J. Van Houten-------------..
IFannri--mill slices, Devrice for talancitng-----------.X..V.. W. Crain.m.....
IFanniing-mill, Adjusting-screw for te legs of...- H. Wolf---------------..--
r nuing-units, Bag-filler for----------------------- J. C. (lepirart.........
--ie o --------------------------------------- H..Barartger----------------
F--re-box---------------------------------------- H. Baranger ----------------
i--re-box ---------------------------------------- H. Barang-er......_.
Farn-box ---------------------------------------- W. B. Bartrant--------------.
IFareebox.--------------------------------------- A.H.-tugher.........
Fare-box-----------"----------------------------- A. H. Bugher--------------..
Fi..box.............................--...---A. H. Bugher---------------.
Fate-Cox--------------------------- '.'L. Johttson--------..------
1Fire-box---------------------------------------- S. H. Little...........---.-.
Fare-box---------------------------------------- W. H. MeLellan............
Fa-re-box--------------------------------------- C. Newman................--
Farec-box --------------------------------------. Z. I. Pratt-----------------..
----c o ---------------------------------------J. B. Slawson...............
Farebox--------------------------------------- I J. B. Slawson...............iFa-re-box ---------------------------------------- J. B. Slawson................
Faire-box.....................................--- J. B. Slawson.........--....
1--are-box.........................--....J. B. Stawson...............
1 -re-box....................................... 1R. D. 0. Smith...............
Ftbo.-......................................J. F. Winchell.............--
F are-box...................................... J. F. Winchell..............F-rebox.......................................---J.F. Winchell...............
Fae.o....................................... J. F. XWinchell..............
1a-cbox, Car..-............................ B. F. C-imes...............
Fa-re- box. Car and omnibus....................... J. B. Slawson....--........
Fare-box, City-car- and (omnibus.................. - -- -J. Blackadder...............
1-a-re-box, Omnibus.-.-...........................I. S. Reeves..................
1-are-box, Omnibus, &c. _. _....._ _.._......... J. B. Slawson...............
1-tiee-box, Omnibus, &c..........................W. E. Young....... _........Fare-box, Passernger--car....................... _. H. Baranger.................
Fare-box, Passenger--car.......................... J. E. Woodruff.............._
1Fa-re-bexIPortable................_........_... A. Bradley.................-_
1Fare-box, Portarble............................... J. S. Hagerty-----------------
Fate-boxIPortable.._...................... XV. H ooper................
1Fire-box, Portable..............................X-V - = - - -. L. May - --....-------
F re-box,1Portable.........___ __- --- -__J. W. Preindergast...........--
1 are-bex, Portable..........................-- J. C. Schooley................
Fanrc-box, Portable.._...........................J. C. Schrooley................
F-ar-box, Pailway._.............................. J. H. Pliares.................
1-ire-bex. Railway-car............................G. C. Hat-horn.._.........._...
late-box, Railway-car...........................11-. H. Long._............
F-ire-boxIRailway-car...........................XV. G. Raoual................-.
IFire-box, Railway-car, &c......................H. Tupper...................
1-nrc hexRegistering -.------.....--..--T. L. Johnson......_..._.....
F are-box, Street-car...........................--. XV. X.W ormood.._......_....
Fat-c-box, Street-car.............................--W. H. Young...............
Far-c-box. Vehicle....................... J. B. Slawsorr................
Fare on street-railway cars, Mode of collecting....- J. H. Dennis.................
Fare-receiver. Registering...........W. G. Smoot -......... --..
Far-c-recorder for- ear-a, &c.......................C. H. 113eaten and 0. S. Pease..
Fare-recorder- for cars............................0O. S. Pease.................--
Far-c-register.__. _............................... -- - F. Blackburn and G. XW. Woodside.
Fare-register...................C. A. Calvert.............. _.
Fare-register, Railway......................... S. F. Covingtonu. _. _......_..
Fare-registering machine.....................---M. W. Helten..............
Fare taken ott public conveyances, Apparatus for 1). F. Ilaasz ---......... -__.... _
ascertaining the.
Fare-tick-et.....................................---. A. Jebh......-............
Fainaceous substances, Apparatus for desiccating F. Huckiris and E. C. R. Walker
and torrefying.
Farm-gate......................................C-. W. Baker................
Farm-gate...................................... M. Barthel -....--------
larro gate....................................... J. Baughman...............IFatm-gnto.....................................C--. F. Bissell...................
Farm -ate.....................................C-G. W. Blackwell............
Farm-gate.........-............................. C. S. Bornney................
Farm-gate........................................C-. C. Bovey................--
latin-gate...................................... J. W.Brewster...............
Farm-gate.......................................XW. Browrt..................
T- I I
New York..............Saldy Hill, N. Y....
Richitotid, Inid.----
Georgetown, Pa., a-nd
Franklin Mills, Va.
Mount Morris, N. Y...
Miligrove, Ind........_
1)owagiac, Mich...Saint Louis,,Mo.___._
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Saint Louis, Mo-.
Nor-walk, Conn..........Cincinnati, Ohio -__.-_.-_
Cincinnati, Ohio.-.
Cincinnati, Ohio._.__.._
Louisville, Ky.. -..._-...
Rosemond, 111...__..._.
New Orleans, La.-----
San Francisco, Cal..
Chicago, Ill............ -- --
N ew Orleans, La.-_-__
New Orleans, La......
New Orleans, La......
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.-----
New York, N. Y._._
Wa~shington, D.C..
Springfield, OC-bit- -
Springfield, Ohio. _.
Springfield, Ohio-.... --
Springfield, Ohio._---.___
Memphis, Tenn....._.....
New Orleans, La..-.--__
New Orleans, La.._.__--.
New Orleans, La.._.__._
New Orleains, La-_..
Chicago, Ill -.--...----
Saint Louis, Mo_-._
Buffalo, N. Y-_.-..New Orleans, La. _...
Baltimore, Ald.._-_.-....
Baltintore, Md...._.... _.
Phliladelphia, Pa ---.
New Yet-k, N. Y.__..._
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..._..
Zionrsville,hid...... _...
New York, N. Y.._._.__
Philadelphia, Pa.----
Independence, La _..
Buffalo, N. Y------------.
Louisville, Ky...........Dubhuque, Iowa..........Chicago, Ill-------------..
New Yo-k, N.Y__.._
Louisville, Ky-- - - - __---
Cleveland arid Xenia, Ohio.
-Xenia, Ohio -._... -__
Philadelphia, Pa -_.
-Manchester, C-reat Britain.
Cincinnati, Ohio.-_..
Bloorngtonr, nd. -.
-Philadelphia, Pa. -_._..
Buffalo, N. Y............;Roxhury, Mass...
-Neponset, Ill......_ _....-San Francisco, Cal.---
-Suffield Township, Ohio...
-Oneonta, N. Y..........
-Lebanon, Ind.........--
-Penn Yan, N. Y.....
-Chillicothe, Ohio....
-West Laurens, N. Y..
-Addison, Mich...........
Date. IN o.
Apr. 1(1,10-21.--_Mar.2.1, 18)8.
Nov. 12, 18167 70, 8 85
May 4, 1841 2, Ott)
Mar. 29, 1804 42, 132
Sept. 20, 1870 107. 439
May 14, 1807 04, 708
June 14, i8 70 104, '297
Jart. 9. 187-2 I1.2, 549
May 13, 1873 1.18, 839
July 8, 1873 140, 669
Jan). 22,31801 312t4
Aug. 1, 1865 49, 078
Aug. 1, 1815 49, 079
Aug. 1, 1865 49, 080
Oct. 14, 1873 34:3,6098
Sept. 10, 1873 143, 3600
Apr. 1, 1807 -63, 814
Apr. 10, 1872 125, 830
Mar. 18, 1873 136, 805
ditty 28,1857 17,899
Jan. 29, 1861 31. 262
Aug. 7, 1860 57, 000
June11, 1872 127, 8(18
Oct. 29, 18 7-2 132, 098
Decc. 24, 1872 134, 321
July 15, 1873 140, 959
June 13, 1e371 115, 999
Dec. 12, 1871 121, 920
Feb. 18, 1873 1:6, 118
Jurly 15, 1873 140,985
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 927
Sept. -24, 1807 09.,203
Sept. 24, 1807 09,1011
Feb. 23, 185 19, 471
Arig. 31, 1858 21, 37-2
June 21, 1870 j 104, 530
Jiune 28, 1870 104, 810
Mar. 31, 1808 76,290
I~ec. 27, 1870 110, 428
Jane 11,1.1872 1'27, 809
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 499
June 27, 1871 11W, 400
Mar. 5, 1872 124, 287
Mar. 20, 1872 la5, 088
Sept. 24, 187-2 131, 710
Apr. 27. 1809 89, 337
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 758
Apr., 1869 88,0648
Feb. 1, 187(1 99, 351
Mar. 19, 1801 31, 755
-Oct. 29, 1872 132, 535
Feb. 8, 1870 9(9, 016
Feb. 15, 18 70 99, 804
July 5, 1870 105, 005
Dee. 17, 1801 33, 9-28
Aug. 18, 1868 81, 223
Jan. 3, 1871 110, 770
June 7, 1870 104, 6)59
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 715
Dcc. 20, 1870 110,:139
May 5, 1808 77, 593
-Jnly 24, 1800 29,274
-Feb. 19,11801 31, 513
-July 2, 1872 128, 629. Mar. 19, 1861 31, 703
- Mar. 29, 1859 23, 339. Jnly 18, 1871 117, 143.June 29, 1869 91,816. Nov. 1, 1809 90, 771
-July 28, 1868 80, 439
-Sept-. i5, 1808 8-2,(175
- Nov. 27, 38600:0, 784
July 9, 1807 60, 454. Mat-. 17,1 808 75,517
-Oct. 7, 1873 143, 493
-Jan. 29, 1807 01, 0(05. July 8, 187:1 140, (612
- Ang. 25, 1808 81, 337
-Feb. 25, 1808 74, 748
Farm-gate...................................... W. S. iBrown.........--......Nor-woud, itlt..-.--
IFarm-gate....................................-. anrd A. Buckman...........FEast Greenhush, N. Y.
1Farrt-gale....................................I -- M.Bnrtless...............Seneca Falls, N.Y...
F-r-tgate-...................................... A. L. Bntler................... Ripen, Wis..............Fatin-gate..........................H. F.Birtler. ----....----- Troy, Mich -..........
1armm-gate.-....................................-J. WV. Byers------------------- Mectranicshurgh, Pa..
Farm-gate...___.. _............................... I J. Campbell and A. 1). Krewson Harrison, Ohio...........1-.arm-gate.......................................FE. P. H. Capron.............. Springfield, Ohio...
Fairm-gate....................................... W. D. Car-Iton................. Morrisville, N. C _-.-._-_.
Far-titgate...__........................... J. Case------------ Springfield, Ohio......
Farm-gate....................................... L. Char les----------- Clear Spring, Md......
Famgt.....................A hahm...__.. ahilTn....Farm -te......................................JW. A. Clath......... taa-vh, lTenn.---.Farm-gate...................................... C. N. Cole._-.._.-_-.. Pleasant Valley, N. Y.._
F nm -r-te....................................... T. Colier..----..-_.._._._ I Springfield, Ohio......
Farnm-'ire. ------------------------- S. B. (o per In t------- eoit, Wis...........--
larin "ate......................................--jA. W. (lox. ---------IIndianapolis Ind....
1-at-tn -te......................----"----------...XVTIt Crarwford- -----.;Ashland, Ohio.........
harm-gate.....................................IJ. Curia -.....1 rrof(, 11...............
49 7
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclnsive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Fa' rm -ga ---e-------------------------------- E. B. Decker...............
F ainm- ga te------------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --L. SDeming.-- -----
Ffi-m-g ate. -- ------------------ ----J. IDickason..............---
Farmn-gate -------------- --------------------- J. Dickason..............---
Farm-gate-"---------------------------------J. Dickason and G. W. ID. Culp
East Enterprise, Ind.-.
Carrollton, Ill..........
Newington, Cone.--.
Ye-cay, led._...........
Ye-cay, Ind.......--.....
Vevay and Moore's Hill,
Rari tan, N. J.............
Prairieville, Mich......Stockport, N. Y.........WVoodhull, Ill...........
Danby}, Ill. --...------
Saint Joseph County, Mich
Sidonsburgh, Pa.---..--.
June 23, 1868
Ang. 5, 187 3
Jan.2, 186
Feb. 5, 1867
June 21, 1870
Jan. 4, 1870
Mar. 2,1858
Aug. 18, 1868
June 12, 186
J une 25, 1867
July 26, 1870
July 16, 1867
June 22, 1869
Far-m -gate- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Far m-gate......---.......................Far-r-gate...............................-----
Far-m-'gate- - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Farm-g ate...................................
Farm-gate...............................--- -
Far-g ate- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Farm gate- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --
Farmi -gate.................................
Farm -gate..................................
Far-m -gate.....................
Farm -gate..........-..........
Farm-gate................................Farm-gate. ---...........-----------
Farm -gate...............................-----
Farm-gate..............................--- ---
Farm -gaste.....................
Farm-gate. -........--------------
F a rm -g a te. - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - -
Farm-gate -..........-- ------------
F airm -g ate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F a rm - a te. - - - - - - - - - -.. - - -.. -
Farm-gate -.......................-.
Farm -gate.....................
Farm-gate -..........................
Farm -gate...................................
Farm -gate.......................
A. IDietz --- -- - -- -- - -- -
E. Easton --- - ----....--
Y. Elliott.--- -- -- -- -- --
J. WY. Ellperson..............
(G5. J. Fiedler................
G. W. Fox..................--
ID. C. Fr-azeur and W. ID. Cocklirm.
F. Gay....................
F. Gays --- ----------------
L. Giibs and H. M.Shaw..
C. E. Grllespie............---
N.J. Glover..............--
S. Goewey...............---
C. E. Good win____....___
0. Graham.----......
H. Gray and W. A. Bury..
M. Gunshenan............ _
T. F. Hall.................
W ID. Harrali.._....._.....
C. L. Harsen and M. H. Brailey.
C. Hart.................---
C. Hart.................----
H. P. Haskins -...-_____
A. Hathaway.............--
W. C. 1-ender.............---
H. A. Henderson..........---
W. G. Hermauce.-_-...
E. Hill, C. Ostrander, and H.
A. Spink.
V. WV. Horton.............---
J. G. Aunt.................
J. Kelsey andi J. McLain._H. H. Kelty..............---
ID.L. Koons........ ------ -
I. L. Landis..............----
A. Larowe.................
J. Lee..................----
J. Lee.....................
NY. Lucus..................
HI. B. Lumin...............--
D. F. Luse...............---
J. Martin.................
J. atayben.-.....--"---
ID. McCurdy.............---
1R. WY. McFarland...........
WY. McGuire...............
H. ID. Mead................
A.T. Morris..............---
ID. MOugey................
J. T. Maxley..............
H. NY. Mullennex..........
J. C. Murphy............- --
J. H. and P. J. Murphy.-._
ID. S. Neal...............---
ID. A. Neidig...............
W. Newlove........---..
E. Nicholson...............
J. H. Nonamaker..........
C. Ostrander.-............H. Palmerlee..............
E. H. Peck.............---
ID. Phillips...........
H. Piper.-...............--
J. Pool..................---
A. J. Potter.....-....._.
J. H. Reinhart...._.._..._.
C. Rich.................---
J. C. Rohrer..............---
JT. Root ---------.....---
C. WY. Saladee-............_
S. Scott----.....--- - -
E. C. Stars................--
0. 1'. Seymour...........---
H. S. Siisler.............---
ID. Shoskey..............--
ID. Shockey................
S. A. Skinner..............
H. H. Sloat.................
W. F. Smelley..............
A. ID. Smith..............A. J. Smith and G. S. Hudson.
G. Smith-------..........
R. M. Smith...............
B. Snyder.................
Bedford, Ohio............ July 24, 1866
Bedford, Ghio _.. _. _.......Sept. 4, 1866
Fair-view, Ind _.._......Sept. 22, 18(68
Fremont, Ohio. _.......Jan. 2, 1866
Edwardsvyule, Ill...._.... _Dee. 17, 1872
Wavelanri, Led.--...__Oct. 1, 1867
IDormansvllle, N. Y.-_-__-.July 16, 1867
Portland, Mich - __- _- ------Feb. 18, 1868
Lima, N. Y............... Nov. 5 1867
Goose Isle, Mich -....... Mar. 26; 1861
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 19, 18 70
Circleville, Ohio -... June 1, 1869
IDavenport, Iowa......... Sept. 20, 1864
Norwalk, Ohio..-..-.._..May 1, 1855
Farmington, Ill _. _.......June 29, 1869
Farmington, Ill....... _. Mar. 8, 1870
Roscoe, Ill.......Apr. 4, 1871
Prairie du Sac, Wis _.._.Aug. 9, 1870
Miami, Ohio ----........June 30, 18153
Avoca, N. Y _. _........._ Mar. 24, 1868
Albany, N. Y............-Feb. 20, 186
Bain bridge, Mich - Apr. 6,1869
Palmyra, N. Y........... May 19, 1868
Cincinnati, Ohio........ __Apr. 18, 1865
Granger, Ohio...- - -...June 9, 1868
Saint Mary's, Ohio.__..__.Feb. 26, 1867
Northfield, Ohio - _-._------July 9, 1867
Tfrimuble, Ohio.. __........Jan. 5, 1869
Lancaster, Pa......Ja n. 7, 1868
Cohoct-on, N.Y........... Dec. 18, 1866
Galesburghr, Ill-1.1. -...May 23, 1865
Galesburgh, Ill......... June 26, 186
011-ce Green, Ohio.._... Nov. 25, 1873
Sandusky, Ohio _...__ May 22, 185
Spring Mills, Pa. -....... _May 29, 1866
New Oxford, Pa........ _Mar. 21, 1863
Mihroy, Pa..............May 3, 1870
Ottawa, Ohio.- -_...-.._Aug. 28, 1866
Monticello, Wis _.. __.....Nov. 13, 1866
Chess Springs, Pa._.. _Aug. 25, 1868
Way-ne, N. Y............ Sept. 11, 1866
Seal, Ohio............... Mar. 30, 1869
Marshallaville, Ohio.. Oct. 20, 1868
Owasso, Mich.......Apr. 2 7, 1869
Alpine, N. Y_..........._May 13, 1873
Mokena, Ill.............. Mar. 6, 1866
Mendota, Ill.___ __......Apr. 10, 1866
Abingdon, Ill. -_.._.....Mar. 15, 1870
Lynn, Mass _.. __......... Mar. 26, 1867
Paris, Ohio __....I___Dec. 30, 1873
Penn Yen, N. Y.. __....... Nov. 23, 1858
East Rockport, Ohio._..Aug. 11, 1863
Middletown, Pa... __...... Apr. 23, 1867
Lodi, Wis............Dec. 21, 1869
Grand Rapids, Mich _ _. Jan. 26, 1869
Brownhelm, Ohio. I.. _ Dec. 11, 1866
Shaft-sbury, Vt._- - - ------Nov. 7, 1854
Haskins, Ohio-------- --May 10, 1870
Eliza beth City, N. C...July 12, 1870
Omaha, Nebr............IDec. 29, 1868
McKay, Ohio.. _.. _......Apr. 23, 1867
Marsballsville, Ohio..May 5, 1868
Gouser, Ohio.~...._.__Nov. 4, 1873
Cass County, Mich. __.- Sept. 1, 1868
Saint Catharine's, Canada. Aug. 16, 1870
Yane, Ohio...... _......IDec. 21, 1869
Crystal Lake, Ill....... _Apr. 9, 1867
Madison, 10d1.. _.. _....... Dec. 1, 1868
Manheim Township, Pa -. Aug. Ii 1868
Waynesboroughl, Pa..Dec. 15, 1868
Wayuesborough, Pa.---Oct. 3, 1869
Derby, Vt............. -- -- -Oct. 9, 1855
Sloatsburgh, N. Y......July 9, 1861
Yevay, Ind...........May 30, 1865
Grafton, Ohio -.. -.......Mar. 19, 1867
Ellisburgh, N. Y.-......Feb. 28, 1866
Providence, R. I.... _..... Jan. 26, 1869
La Fargeville, N. Y...Mar. 30, 1869
Clinton, W'is. _. _.........IDec. 1, 1868
Wooster, Ohio..___....... _Mar. 6, 1866
Norwalk, Ohio.....---- Sept. 24, 1867
Milton, Wis. _......... _July 15, 187:3
79, 109
141, 497
51, 811
61, 723
104, 4315
98, 373
19, 409
81, 0.7
53, 006
66, 8z23
91, 733
56, 550
57, 61r8
8-2, 388
51, 8;:4
133, 980
6), 357
65, 88i9
74. 549
31, 800
161, 938
90, 839
44, 3'.6
12, 7911
92, 046
100, 6-20
113, 837
186, 156
88, 569
78, 095
47, 307
62, 4-26
66, 501
85, 67-1
47, 840
46, 9120
102, 569
37, 537
59, 6121
81, 5-21
57, 946
88, 3123
83, 197
89, 4-24
138, 918
53, 084
53, 836
100, 787
631, 288
-146, 015
22, 131
39, 491
64, 133
86, 313
60, 415
ii, 903
10-2, 859
105, 366
85, 4744
64, 034
77, 658
144, 291
81, 8120
1011, 411.
98, 195
63, 737
84, 512'
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Farm-gate-.............................-- - -
Farm-gate -------------------------------
Farm-gate -------------------------------
Farm-gate. - - - - -
Farm-gate, Approach-opening................
Farm-gate, Iron ---------------------------
Farm-gate, Self-acting............................
Farm-gate, Sliding.... -------------------------
Farm-gates by approaching vehicles, Method of
Farm-gates by hand, Mode of opening and closing.
Farm-gates, Closing....---------------------.........................---
Farm-gates, Device for raising or lowering.......
Farm-gates, Hanging....----------------------
Farm-gates, Hinging......................
Farm-gates, Hanging and elevating.........
Farm-gates, Hanging and latching.........
Farm-gates, Opening and closing............
Farm-gates, Opening and closing............
Farm-gates, Opening and closing..............
Farm-gates, Opening and closing.-..-- --....
Farm-gates, Opening and closing-----....------..--
F arm -gates, O pening and closing -..............
Farm-gates, Opening and closing...................
Farm-gates, Opening and closing...............
Farm-gates, Operating.....................
Farm-gates, Operating...----------------...-...---.
Farm-gates, Operating.......................
Farm-gates, Rlaising, lowering, and operating.....
Farmer's boiler....------ -----..---------------
Farmer's boiler-----....................................
Farmer's boiler------------------------...........................---........
Farmer's boiler....................................
Farmer's boiler.....- --...-......................
Farmer's boiler---------------------------....................................
Farmer's boiler---------------------------....................................
Farmer's boiler--------------------------....................................--
Farmer's boiler------------------------....................................Farmer's boiler---------------------------....................................
Farmer's boiler---------------------------....................................
Farrier's clinching-tool. -.............
Farriers tool...--------------. - --..--------.
Fat, lard, &c., Machine for cutting................
Fat, Machine for cutting.........................
Fat, Machine for cutting..................
Fat, Machine for cutting..........................
Fat, Machine for cutting up................
Fats and oils from grains, &c., Process and apparatus for separating.
Fats and oils, Hardening.........................
Fats into fatty acids and glycerine, Method of decomposing.
Fats, Process for decomposing...................
Fats, Purifying and separating..................
Fats, Saponifying.................................
Fatty matter from residuum, Obtaining.-....
Fatty matter from vegetable substances, Apparatus for separating.
Fatty matter, Process for extracting.............
Fatty matter, Treating...................._......
Fatty material, Purifying........................
Fatty substances, Hardening.....................
Fatty substances, Process and apparatus for extracting.
Inventor. Residence.
J. G. Talbot.................. Sloansville, N. Y-..........
J. G. Talbot................. Sloansville, N. Y..........
J. Tanner..er.................. Hebron. Ky...............
L F. Tanner.................. Milan, Ind...............
A. Taylor...------------.............-... New Hartford, Conn......
G. Taylor.................... Richmond, Ind...........
A. C. Teel................... Girard, Ill................
F. F. Terry................... Port Gibson, N. Y........
C. W. Todd----------------................... Spring Arbor, Mich.......
J. A. Treat................... Tallmadge. Ohio..........
S. Vreeland.................. Cuba,N. Y..--............
J. B. Webb................... Muscatine, Iowa.........
B. Werrich and J. Smith...... Middleburgh, Ind........
J. W. Westbrooks and A. J. Aberdeen, Miss...........
T. B. Wicklham............... Granville, Ohio..........
T. B. Wickham.............. Granville, Ohio...........
W. H. Wright.-.............. ---- Rochester, N. Y...........
G. Yeomans.................. Romulus, Mich..........
I.N. Young................... Swann, Ind----..............
C. W. Smart.................. Watertown, N. Y.........
W. F. Whitney-------------............... Milwaukee, Wis..........
E. Dunbar.................... Philadelphia, Pa........
T. Ellison......----------------- Abingdon, Ill...........
A. J. Hamilton................ Kewanee, Ill-..............
June 11, 1867
Mar. 9, 1869
Feb. 2, 1869
Aug. 25, 1868
June 16, 1868
June 24, 1856
Dec. 1, 1863
Nov. 20, 1866
June 8, 1869
Oct. 12, 1858
July 20, 1869
June 4, 1867
Apr. 21, 1868
May 20, 1873
Feb. 5, 1867
Sept. 29, 1868
Mar. 1, 1870
Jan. 12, 1869
July 16,1867
Dec. 22,1857
Jan. 12, 1869
Mar. 4, 1856
July 20, 1869
Mar. 8, 1859
G. Yates.....................
T. B. Hand..................
D. E. Fenn....................
J. Filson.....................
I. S. Rowland................
J. F. Downing...............
J. A. Ayres...................
W. F. C. Beattie......_.......
W. T. Boggs.................
B. M. Dorr...................
D. E. Fenn...................
W. G. Hermance...........
W. Sherwood................
D. Warren...............
J. H. Butler and P. G. Van
J. K. Weber..................
C. W inegar...................
C. Hunter and N. Isham.......
G. H. Buckley............
P. Colvin...............
M. Ellis......................
J. H. Hunter..................
A. N. Merrill..................
A. N. Merrill....._..........
A. B. Nott.....................
W. M. Pryor and R. Ludwick..
G. Stevenson.................
R. W. Thickens...........
R. W. Thickens and D. R.
S. Ogden...................
E. Warren and W. Johnston -..
C. Forschner.................
W. E. Boulger................
J. M. Hunter..................
A. Pfaff....................
F. Miller and J. N. McIntire.-..E. S. Hutchinson..............
C. W. Schindler..............
R. A. Tilghman..............
R. A. Wright and L. J. Fouch6.
A. Paraf...................
G. F. Wilson and G. Payne -..
D. Thain and W. Jackson.....
T. Sim.......................
E. Deiss.......................
L. L. A. E. P. De la Peyrouse..
J. B. Moinier and P. H. Bontignvy.
B. C. Tilghman...............
C. F. A. Simonin............
West Dresden, N. Y--...... Apr. 19, 1859
Madison, Ind------.............. ---- Oct. 20, 1857
Tailmadge, Ohio-------.......... Mar. 10, 1 57
Milroy, Pa-.............. Feb. a, 1853
West Earl, Pa-------............ -Jan. 13,1857
Erie, Pa--------------.................. Apr. 15, 1856
Freeport, Ill.............. Apr. 25, 1865
Hartford, Conn........... -- Jan. 22,1856
Cornwall, N. Y............ May 18, 1858
Cincinnati, Ohio.--....... -- Oct. 19, 1858
Kewanee, Ill............. July 5, 1859
Tallmadge, Ohio -.......... ----- Oct. 14, 1856
Geneva, N. Y.....-........ Nov. 9, 1858
Beloit, Wis.............. June 30,1857
Gettysburgh, Pa....--------- June 21, 1859
Cohocton, N. Y........ July 12,1859
Seneca Falls, N. Y ---........- Oct. 9,1855
Union Springs, N. Y...... Aug. 26, 1856
Norwalk, Ohio........... Aug. 12,1856
Quincy, Ill.......-...... July 25, 1871
Pecatonica, Ill............ ------ Nov. 25, 1873
South Carver, Mass ----....... Apr. 28, 1863
Pennington Point, Ill...... Dec. 13, 1870
Batavia, Ill............... Jan. 18, 1870
Batavia, Ill -...- -..---. May 31, 1870
Fairhaven, Mass.......... Jan. 21, 1873
Kellogg Iowa........... July 4, 1e71
Zionsville, Ind............ Aug. 15, 1871
Batavia, Ill.............-----.. July 26, 1870
Batavia, Ill............... Mar. 28, 1871
65, 707
87, 600
86, 603
81, 558
79, 025
15, 213
40, 777
59, 873
90, 971
21, 785
92, 914
65, 519
139, 219
61, 785
82, 668
100, 484
85, 886
66, 764
18, 932
85, 882
14, 351
92, 805
23, 169
23, 738
18, 449
16, 791
9, 576
16, 400
14, 689
47, 429
14, 131
20, 247
24, 619
15, 881
22, 023
17, 699
24, 513
24, 717
13, 673
15, 631
15, 518
117, 254
144, 890
38, 299
110, 139
98, 988
103, 639
135, 005
116, 753
118, 068
105, 740
113, 222
126, 078
42, 918
28, 960
28, 1 9
104, 878
41, 963
125, 300
7, 760
28, 315
22, 765
137, 564
15, 158
26, 799
121, 903
20, 048
9, 572
Sicily, Ohio.............
Marshall, Mich...........
New York, N. Y...........
Janesville, Wis.......
New York, N. Y '.--------
Baltimore, Md..............
New York, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md............
Apr. 23, 1872
May 24, 1864
Aug. 14, 1866
Jcly 3, 1860
May 8, 1860
June 28, 1810
Mar. 15, 1864
Apr. 2,1872
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 5, 1850
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 15, 1860
Paris, France................
New York, N. Y......
Belmont, Vauxhall, England.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Jan. 25, 1859
Apr. 8, 1873
June 17, 1856
Jan. 10, 1860
Dec. 12, 1871
Paris, France............. Apr. 27, 1858
Paris, France............ Nov. 21,1871t
Paris, France............. Feb. 8, 1853
Philadelphia, Pa......... Jan. 11, 1859 92, 593
Philadelphia, Pa-------.......... -Sept. 19, 1871 119, 188
J. H. Alexander.............. Geneva, N. Y............
C. E. Allan --........-......... Boston, Mass..............
L. L. Alrich.................. Carthage, Miss.......
J. Ashcroft................... New York, N. Y..........
F. M. Bachman and S. Ricker.. Fredericksburgh, Pa......
A. Bain...................... New York, N. Y..........
W. Ball...................... Cabotville, Mass..........
S. Barker..................... Hartford, Conn..........
T. W. Bartholomew........... New York, N. Y.........
D). L. and R. Bollerman........ New York, N. Y.........
R. M. Bouton................. West Troy, N. Y........
C.K. Bradford............... L:inn, Mass.--...-......
A. Brinckmann.............. New York, N. Y..........
J. Broughton............... Chicago, Ill...............
Dee. 19,1871 121,978
Nov. 27, 1866 59, 939
Sept. 25,1860 30, 110
Apr. 5, 1870 101,410
Mar. 8,1870 100, 489
Nov. 15, 1864 45, 012
Feb. 1,1848 5, 431
May 3,1859 23,817
Feb. 7, 1871 111, 5C9
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 498
Apr. 18, 1854 10, 800
Apr. 19, 1859 23, 658
May 28, 1867 65, 160
Sept. 8, 1863 39, 795
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Faucet ----.........-----------------------------................................--
J. Broughton...................
J. Broughton..............
H. L. and J. A. Buckwalter...
J. Bulger.....................
J.. Burk-------------------
G. F. Burkhardt.......
M. Burnett..................
M. Burnett....................
E. Candler....................
I. Carey-......................
W. P. Clark...................
W. F. Class and L. W. Sapp....
WV. Cleveland.........
W. Cleveland...............
W. Cleveland.........
J. S. Clute and H. W. and W.
D1). N. B. Coffin, jr.............
T. M. Coffin..................
WV. S. Cooper..........
W. S. Cooper................
G. T. Dalton................
J. S. Davison.........
J. M. A. Dew................
A. Doll and C. Elling..........
J. H. Dorst...................
C. A. Douglas..---...............
D. Drawbaugh..............
D. Drawbaugh................
E. Duchamp................
A. Eggleston................
J. Fahrney...................
J. Farnan.................
J. Flattery...................
W. Fowler....................
A. Fuller.....................
A. Fuller.....................
A. Fuller......................
H. Getty.....................
J. Goodridge..............
J. Goodridge..................
A. J. Gove..................
R. Graham...................
D. W. Green...............
J. Grundy..................
O. Hanks -.............
A. S. Hart....................
I. W. Harvey.................
J. Hayden, jr---...........
WV. H. Hedges -...........
J. Heine and J. Vonficht...-..
T. Hersee and P. J. Bourgnon.
W. B. Hersman...........
P. Hille.....................
J. Hills --......................N. Hotz -------------------
W. H. Humphrey...........
G. R. Huntley.................
G. R. Huntlley...-..........
J. Jahrans and J. G. Biekel....
N. Jenkins.................
T. J. Jones and T. L. Webster.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Kimberton, Pa.............
Port Sherman, Mich......
Roxbury, Mass............
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass_..............
London, England.....
Morristown, N. J..........
Medford, Mass.........
Cleveland, Ohio..... --.
Orange, N. J..............
Orange, N. J............
Orange, N. J..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Newton, Centre, Mass....
Plymouth, Mass......
Philadelphia, Pa....-_
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Cranberry, N. J.....
Chicago, Ill............
Cleveland, Ohio........
New Albany, Ind........
Franklin, N. Y.. --..
Eberly's Mill, Pa........
Eberly's Mill, Pa.......
Saint Martinsville, La.....
Fall River, Mass..........
Boonsborough, Md........
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Brooklyn, N. Y.-.._.....
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass---..-.---.-..
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.......
San Francisco, Cal........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Port Chester, N. Y........
Stoneham, Mass..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Norwich, Conn............
Haydenville, Mass........
Newark, N. J.............
Toledo, Ohio...........
Buffalo, N. Y--... -----
Richmond, Va.............
Union, N. J..............
Haydensville, Mass......
Green Point, Brooklyn,N.Y
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Taunton, Mass..........
Taunton, Mass..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Boston, Mass....-..------
Summit, N. J.. and Brooklyn, N. Y.
Granville Corners, Mass.,
and Bridgeport, Conn.
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Warren, Mass..............
Reading, Pa...............
San Francisco, Cal........
Hoboken, N. J............
Buffalo, N. Y..............
San Francisco, Cal........
Meriden, Con -............
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
Lansingburgh, N. Y......
New York, N. Y........
Newburyport, Mass....
Pittsburgh, Pa.............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Saint Louis, Mo...
New York, N. Y......
Chelsea, Mass.............
Melrose, Mass.............
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y.....
New Orleans, La....
Auburn, N. Y......
Winchendon, Mass.....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Reading, Pa.............
Owego, N. Y.. -..
Bridgeport, N. Y -......
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Cincinnati. Ohio......
Boston, Mass....
Saratogs. Springs, N. Y..
Boston, Mass..............
Date. No.
Nov. 8, 1864
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 9, 1866
Mar. 15, 1870
Oct. 11, 1864
June 18, 1867
Dec. 5, 1871
Sept. 25, 1866
May 10, 1870
Nov. 2, 1869
Oct. 25, 1870
Sept. 25, 1860
Aug. 8, 1871
Mar. 12, 1872
Apr. 4, 1871
June 16,1857
Oct. 9, 1866
Oct. 23, 1866
May 17, 1870
May 25, 1869
Apr. 16, 1861
Feb. 22, 1870
Nov. 11, 1873
Jan. 11, 1870
Nov. 15, 1870
Nov. 20, 1866
Nov. 20, 1866
Sept. 13, 1859
June 14, 1870
Sept. 4, 1866
Sept. 18, 1860
July 24, 1860
May 8, 1855
Oct. 16, 1855
Aug. 30, 1859
Feb. 18, 1862
July 6, 1858
July 29, 1856
Sept. 9, 1856
Apr. 29, 1862
Mar. 26, 1861
Mar. 23, 1869
Apr. 12, 1864
Nov. 29, 1870
Jan. 17, 1860
June 7, 1870
Jan. 26, 1869
Feb. 21, 1871
Apr. 19, 1870
Oct. 4, 1859
July 23, 1872
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 6, 1870
June 11, 1872
July 23, 1867
Sept. 11, 1866
Mar. 24, 1868
June 3, 1862
Aug. 22, 1865
May 7, 1867
Nov. 4, 1873
June 21, 1870
June 27, 1871
June 2, 1857
Sept. 15, 1868
July 2, 1861
May 28, 1867
Dec. 15, 1863
July 26, 1870
Feb. 7, 1871
Jan. 28, 1868
Nov. 6, 1866
June 27, 1865
June 7, 1870
Sept. 16, 1862
Nov. 4, 1873
June 14,1864
July 12, 1870
Dec. 4, 1866
Oct. 25, 1864
Jan. 17, 1865
Apr. 30, 1861
Feb. 28, 1871
Aug. 3,1869
July 23, 1861
July 25, 1865
Mar. 7, 1871
Sept. 24, 1867
Aug. 18, 1863
Mar. 2-2, 1859
Sept. 6, 1859
June 28, 1870
Nov. 1, 1870
Apr. 5, 1859
44, 933
95, 077
58, 592
100, 721
44, 596
65, 791
121, 487
58, 356
102, 773
96, 394
108, 568
30, 122
117, 866
124, 546
113, 630
17, 604
58, 600
59, 122
103, 145
c0, 343
32, 053
100, 126
144, 516
98, 749
109, 191
59, 792
59, 793
25, 397
104, 128
57, 818
30, 055
29, 263
12, 817
13, 677
25, 253
34, 419
20, 788
15, 459
15, 719
35, 094
88, 032
42, 286
109, 730
26, 844
104, 025
86, 225
112, 8 5
102, 120
25, 643
129, 823
144, 097
109, 902
127, 883
67, 056
57, 910
75, 918
35, 450
49, 527
64, 427
144, 208
104, 602
116, 326
17, 433
82, 232
32, 699
65, 238
40, 939
105, 818
111, 659
73, 822
59, 426
48, 421
104, 050
36, 473
144, 213
105, 360
60, 2-23
44, 813
45, 949
32, 201
112, 173
93, 2.2
32, 888
48, 995
112, 487
69, 124
39, 585
23, 310
25, 349
104, 880
108, 824
23, 533
Faucet....................................... A. D. King and J. W. King....
Faucet........................................... J. Knoche.....................
Faucet........................................... J. Knoche....................
Faucet........................................... L. J. Knowles...............
Faucet................B. F. raft.......................................... B. F. raft....
Faucet -......................................... A. W. P. Ladd...........---..
Faucet.......................................... J. Laing...................Faucet......................................... J. Leitch.....................
Faucet........................................... J. H. Lord....................
Faucet---..................................... J. R. Mackay..................
Faucet..................-.. J. Marchbank -..............Faucet........................................... J. Marchbank and W. H.
Faucet......................................... J. Matthews, jr..............
Faucet........................................... W. McKay.................
Faucet....................................... J. McKenna.....
Faucet........................................ J., A., and T. McKenna...-.
Faucet ---.........................................F. Meyrose....................
Faucet.--................... W. Morgenstern............
Faucet........................................... O. F. M orrill.................
Faucet...-....................................... A.J. Morse...............
Faucet.......................................... Murray ---..................
Faucet.......................................... J. Neumann -................
Faucet........................................... C. B. OSullivan.............
Faucet........................................... S. W. and J. F. Palmer........
Faucet........................................... E. Parks......................
Faucet........................................... G. G. Percival..............
Faucet......................................... S. Pfleger..................
Faucet......................................... J. Phelps......................
Faucet........................................ W. Pinkerman..............
Faucet........................................... J. Powell...................
Faucet........................................... J. Powell......................
Faucet........................................... A. D). Puffer................
Faucet........................................... A. l'utnam,jr-.........
laucet......................................... G. W. Randall................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17 0 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
Faucet -----------...........................................
Faucet, Alarm...................................
Faucet and valve, Grinding......................
Faucet and vent.................................
Faucet and vent, Combined beer.................
Faucet and vent, Combined beer.................
Faucet, Anti-frost.................................
Faucet-attachment, Self-closing................
Faucet-attachment to cans.......................
J. Regester.................... Baltimore, Md..........
E. Ripley------------------...................... Troy, N. Y...............
F. Roach------------------...................... Boston, Mass ---............M. Robbins and J. Powell..... Cincinnati, Ohio.........
A. Rooker-----..........------------....... London, England.........
J. Schaefer and G. Schock....- New York, N. Y........
H. Schnautz and H. Bremen- Cincinnati, Ohio..........
C. Schullian................... New York, N. Y..........
E. Scrannage, jr-----....--....... Melrose, Mass------
M. Scrannage and W. H. Bate Medford and East Somerville, Mass.
A. D. Smith-------------.............---..... Grafton, Ohio.............
A. D. Smith---------------.................. Grafton, Ohio...........--------
D. P. Smith.................. Salem, N. J..............
J. N. Smith...-.............. Jersey City, N. J........
J. N. Smith.-......--........ Jersey City, N. J.-.
J. N. Smith...---------------- Jersey City, N. J- ----
T. Somerville ---................Washington, D. C..--..
C. W. Stearns--------------................. Springfield, Mass -.....- -
E. Stebbins..-................ Chicopee, Mass.-.....
E. A. Sterry....--------------- Norwich Town, Conn.....
F. P. Stiker----------------................... Buffalo, N. Y.............
J. T. Stilwell.....--------------- Dowagiac, Mich......._
S. C. Stokes..--- -.........Manchester, N. H......
H. Strater, jr.................. Boston, Mass..........
H. Strater, jr.............- Boston, Mass..........
H. Strater, jr........- -Boston, Mass............
J. R. Street and S. M. Davis.I Washington, D. C.........
I. C. TateN..................... ew London, Conn.......
G. Taylor..................... New York, N. Y..........
S. R. Thompson.......... ------Portsmouth, N. H.....
T. J. Thorn and J. Dennis, jr. - Skancateles, N. Y., and
Washington, D. C.
D. H. Thorp...... ---------------Chelsea, Mass........
H. B. Tiffany.................. Medina, Ohio.........
R. Tilly.----- -.. Brooklyn, N. Y........
J. W. Trafton --........... Springfield, Mass.......
W. A. Traver....--..........Rhinebeck. N. Y..........
W. H. Trissler............... Cleveland, Ohio........
J. E. Tucker................ Boston, Mass........
J. E. Tucker.................. Boston, Mass......_
C. Utter and G. E. Bruster... iNewark, N. J..........
H. Varwig.................. Cincinnati, Ohio...........
C. T. Vose. ------------. Stapleton, N. Y..........
C. Weaver...----------------- Easton, Pa..............
W. Weaver................... Nashua, N. H.............
D. Wellington.-..------............ Boston, Mass............
H. G. Whitaker............... West Brattleborough, Vt..
J. White...................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
N. P. Whittelsey....-.....Meriden, Conn...........
F. Wieshofer................ Fremont, Ohio............
J. Wilcox............- Thompsonville, Conn......
W. C. Wise and J. Ashman.... Chelsea, Mass.........
M. Woodbury-------------................. Boston, Mass.............
C. T. Woodman-------------............... Boston, Mass..............
W. E. Worthen................ New York, N. Y..........
E. Young..................... Cleveland, Ohio...........
M. Zimmerman............ Earl Township, Pa.....
O. Zwietusch......---------------Milwaukee, Wis......
T. M. Biddle.................. Fort Wayne, Ind.........
F. Shaw....................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Jahraus.................... Buffalo, N. Y..............
J. G. Bickel.................. Buffalo, N. Y.............
J. Miller..----------- -.. Buffalo, N. Y..............
F. H. Bartholomew.......... New York, N. Y.........
J. Church.................... Saint Louis, Mo...........
E. L. Dunbar....--------------- Bay City, Mich......
G. Johnson and W. H. Milliken Sain Francisco, Cal........
R. McConnell, W. Truesdell, Omaha, Nebr..............
and F. Mertsheimer.
J. H. Garrigan and F. L. Hall..- Sacramento, Cal., and
Apr. 9, 1867 63, 748
Mar. 14, 1854 10, 641
Sept. 8. 1868 81, 948
Dec. 21, 1858 22, 402
June 16, 1868 78, 897
July 12, 1870 105, 258
Nov. 15, 1864 45, 085
July 3, 1866 56, 105
May 6, 1873 138, 700
Dec. 20, 1870 110, 292
Oct. 26, 1869 96, 158
Nov. 28, 1871 121,430
Aug. 18, 1868 81, 305
Mar. 14, 1865 46,862
Nov. 13, 1866 59, 672
July 9, 1872 128, 762
Apr. 5, 1870 101, 533
July 22, 1851 8, 237
July 9, 1861 32, 797
June 12, 1855 13, 047
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 925
Aug. 6, 1867 67, 605
Oct. 15, 1867 69, 859
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 726
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 727
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 728
Nov. 27, 1866 60, 082
June 12, 1860 28, 699
May 24, 1870 103, 523
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 422
Aug. 14, 1866 57, 220
Juno 19, 1860 28, 819
Aug. 2, 1870 106, 000
June 21, 1870 104, 663
July 23, 1872 129, 872
Oct. 8, 1872 132, 036
May 3,1870 102, 624
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 919
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 257
Aug. 1, 1871 117,699
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 981
Aug. 6,1872 130, 341
Oct. 8, 1867 69, 730
Nov. 2, 1869 96, 519
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 341
May 21, 1872 127, 128
Oct. 28, 1873 144, 175
July 6,1858 20,853
Dec. 13, 1870 110,099
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 127
Feb. 21, 1871 112,000
Mar. 11, 1856 14, 429
Feb. 16, 1864 41,659
Apr. 22, 1862 35, 054
June 28, 1870 104, 811
Jan. 5,1869 85,717
July 16, 1872 129, 263
Dec. 7, 1869 97, 594
June 13, 1865 48, 216
Sept. 22, 1863 40, 044
May 24, 1864 42, 828
May 10, 1864 42, 676
Nov. 11, 1856 16,043
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 062
July 22,1873 141,040
Dec. 3,1867 71, 622
Sept. 30, 1873 143, 291
Nov. 30, 1869 97, 290
May 8,1855 12, 830
June 23,1868 79, 190
Dec. 24, 1867 72, 453
Aug. 2, 1864 43, 736
May 28, 1872 127, 341
Aug. 14, 1866 57, 134
June 9,1857 17,511
Dec. 3, 1867 71, 790
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 464
May 19, 1857 17, 342
Aug. 2, 1870 106, 020
Apr. 24,1866 54, 091
July 16, 1872 129, 090
July 17, 1866 56, 357
July 30, 1872 129, 938
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 090
Jan. 2, 1866 51, 820
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 283
May 15, 1866 54, 707
June 20, 1865 48, 273
May 1, 1866 54, 359
Oct. 4, 1870 108, 025
Apr. 12, 1870 101,966
Mar. 12, 1867 62, 864
Apr. 25, 1865 47, 442
Reno, Nev.
Faucet, Balance-gate------------------------.............................. E. Ripley-----------------..................... Troy, N. Y...............
Faucet, Basin................................... J. Benson --------------_-Yonkers, N. Y...........
Faucet, Basin.............................. J. Chambers.........--...... Boston, Mass..............
Faucet, Basin.....------------------------------W. P. Clark................... Charlestown, Mass........
Faucet, Basin- -- --- ------..... W. Gordon....-----.---..... Philadelphia, Pa..........
Faucet, Basin......................................J. Hills...-------------------Haydenville, Mass........
Faucet, Basin...............---------------------......-............. W. C. Marshalland H.W. Smith Hartford, Conn.........
Faucet, Basin. -..................... F. Roach-----... -----....... ----......... Boston, Mass.............
Faucet, Basin..................................... R.P. Ross.....................---------------- Bethlehem, Pa...........
],aucet, Basin..........................-.._ E. Stebbins.................... Chicopee, Mass............
Faucet, Beer...................................... T. Ahrens--...--..------------- Louisville, Ky.......
Faucet, Beer.................................-..._J. C. Baer..................... Cincinnati, Ohio......
Faucet, Beer................................. C. Bourgeois...-----_ ----.. Buffalo, N. Y....-......
Faucet, Beer.....------------------------------C. Brown and C. McGhie...... Chicago, Ill...........
Faucet, Beer.. ------------------------------P. F. Donnelly.......... San Francisco, Cal........
Faucet, Beer.....------------------------------. T. Earle.....--..-..... Norwalk, Conn...........
Faucet, Beer.....................................J.Firmenich..................... Buffalo, N. Y..............
Faucet, Beer...................................... J. Firmenich- --..... Buffalo, N Y..............
Faucet, Beer.....................................------------------------------. J. Firmenich-.---.. -------Buffalo, N. Y..........
Faucet, Beer..................................... A. Hallowell.................. Lowell, Mass.............
Faucet, Beer.....................................J. Jahraus.......-...... - Buffalo, N. Y..............
Faucet, Beer...................................... C. Jakob.........---..I New Orleans, La.........
Faucet, Beer------------------------------...................................... F. Manz....................... Allegheny City, Pa
Faucet, Beer........................------------------------------........... T. Marsh....------------------ Smithfield, R. I...........
Faucet, Beer...................................... J. Miller ---..................... Buffalo, N. Y..............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Faucet, Beer.....................................
Faucet, Beer......................................
Faucet, Beer.....................................
Faucet, Beer......................................
Faucet, Beer......................................
Faucet, Beer---------------------------------.....................................
Faucet, Beer and ale..............................
Faucet, Boring..................................
Faucet, Boring................
Faucet, Boring.-------------------------------
Faucet, Boring...................
Faucet, Bottle...................................
Faucet, Bottle...................................
Faucet, Bottle...................................
Faucet, Bung------------------------.........................--.........
Faucet, Casting...................................
Faucet, Compound..----------------------------
Faucet, Compression basin.......................
Faucet-connection ---------................................
Faucet, Diaphragm................................
Faucet, Double...................................
Faucet, Filter---------..................................
Faucet, Filtering..................................
Faucet, Filtering...-----------------------------
Faucet, Filtering..............................
Faucet, Flexible-lined.............................
Faucet, Fluid.................................
Faucet for beer and other barrels.............
Faucet for bottles...............................
Faucet for discharging liquids, Ventilating.......
Faucet for drawing liquor from casks..--.......
Faucet for filling barrels, Self-closing..............
Faucet for measuring liquids......................
Faucet for measuring liquids.......................
Faucet for oil, &c-----.......--.........................----------
Faucet for stove-reservoirs.........................
Faucet-holes, Bushing for.......................
Faucet, Liquid measuring and registering......
Faucet, Measure..................................
Faucet, Measure.................................
Faucet Measure..............................
Faucet measure and funnel combined............
Faucet measure and indicator...................
Faucet measure, Graduated....................
Faucet, Measuring..---------------------------
Faucet, M easuring.............................
Faucet, Measuring ----------------------"------
Faucet, Measuring..............................
Faucet, Measuring..............................
Faucet, Measuring.........................
Faucet, Measuring.............................
Faucet, Measuring..............................
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet, Measuring ---............................
Faucet, Measuring............................
Faucet, Measuring._............................
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet, Measuring..............................
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet, Measuring..............................
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet, Measuring................................
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet Measuring................................
Faucet Measuring..........................
Faucet Measuring..............................
Faucet, Measuring................................
Faucet Measuring................................
Faucet, Measuring................................
Faucet, Measuring................--.............
Faucet, Measuring...............................
Faucet, Meolassesuring...............................
Faucet, Molasses................................
Faucet, M olasses..................................
Faucet, Molasses.................................
Faucet, Molasses.-..
Faucet, M olasses.................................
Faucet, Molasses...............................
Faucet, Molasses..................................
Faucet or gale, Molasses..- -...
Faucet or supply-cock.........................
Faucet or trap.....................................
Faucet, Permutation-lock......................
Faucet, Plugged.................................
Faucet, Protected.................................
Faucet, Rotary measuring........................
Faucet, Rotary measuring.........................
Faucet, Sellbalancing and self closing.............
Faucet, Selt closing...............................
Faucet, Self-closing................................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
L. Mullenhoff---------------................- Buffalo, N. Y............ May 14, 1872 126, 736
L. Poh -.................... Buffalo, N. Y....---------- July 4, 1865 48, 588
A. D). Puffer...------------- Somerville, Mass----------.......... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 861
J. M. Stark-----------------...................- Buffalo, N. Y.....------------- Feb. 18, 1868 74, 625
E. Stirrct..........-......... B-- ffalo, N. Y.....------------- Apr. 3, 1866 53, 692
F. J. Walz and C. Steck....H. Hudson, N. J.............. Mar. 3, 1868 75, 085
J. Deasey...---...-..---......... Fall River, Mass.......... Nov. 11, 1873 144, 447
J. R. Lawrence and J. G. John- Cutler, Me................ Oct. 6,1868 82, 851
S. McGee---------------................----... Madison, N. J............. Mar. 3, 1868 75, 177
A. Weed---............. - -Boston, Mass.....------------- Feb. 25, 1868 74, 961
A. Weed....................--------------------- Boston, Mass.....------------- Feb. 16, 1869 86, 956
H. Fischer---------------...............-... Lanesville, Ind.......... Nov. 1, 1870 108, 898
W. I. Luther -.......--....... Rochester, N. Y.......... Mar. 17. 1868 75, 557
J. Sargent and L. F. Munger.. Rochester, N. Y...-....... Nov. 21, 1871 121, 201
G. D. Lee..-------------------Brookhaven, N. Y........ Dec. 9, 1873 145, 432
O. T. Wood.....-........... Pittsburgh, Pa -....... May 25, 1858 20, 395
W. S. Bate------------------................... Philadelphia, Pa-.......... July 22, 1873 141, 102
W. Goron.-------------------Philadelphia, Pa..........Feb. 4, 1873 135,541
T. H.Brady...------------------New Britain, Conn........ Nov. 9,1869 96,545. Salgee................ Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 26,1871 119, 243
W. Blake-..-....--.-- Boston, Mass............. Nov. 6, 1866 59, 346
E. Sauter-.................... Hartford, Conn.--... Aug. 10,1869 93,561
I1. B. Coar...--------------------Jersey City, N. J.......... Aug. 27,1867 68, 170
L. Finger...................Boston, Mrs..-....... Nov. 20, 1855 13, 836
G. H. Fox and H. J. Siller...... Boston and East Cam- Dec. 16, 1856 16,232
bridge, Mass.
G. Hillegass.................. Philadelphia, Pa....... May 1, 1866 54, 347
J. Broughton.................. New York. N. Y......... Oct. 4, 1864 44, 510
J. Hollely-..-----------------. --Brooklyn, N. Y...--.. May 29, 1855 12, 950
S. Thompson.................Schaghticoke, N. Y..... Jan. 17, 1871 111, 018
J. Hiney..................... Hartford, Conn............ Dec. 11, 1860 30, 920
J. W. McKee................ Brooklyn, N. Y............ Mar. 30, 1869 88, 402
I. Ives..----------------------- Bristol, Conn.............. Apr. 14,1808.. -
S. C. Catlin-.....------..-- --.. Cleveland, Ohio........... Feb. 16, 1869 86, 970
J. Cross..--.------------------ New London, Ohio...-.. Mar. 14,1854 10, 633
J. B. Larwill and J. Cross-..... Bucyrus, Ohio........... Mar. 14, 1854 10, 638
J. D. Frary................... New Britain, Conn........ Feb. 28, 1865 46, 555
J. i. Crowley................ Cincinnati, Ohio...-... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 815
S. R. Thompson.............. Portsmouth, N. H -....... Aug. 5, 1873 141, 473
E. W. Scott-...------------- Wauregan, Conn....-.. Feb. 9, 1869 86, 700
V. L. Maxwell................ Wilkesbarre, Pa.......... Apr. 26, 1870 102, 290
G. Hubbard.....-......-... Sandisfield, Mass.......... Aug. 25, 1863 39, 654
M. W. Nalton-............. Utica, N. Y............... Mar. 13, 1860 2 7, 465
A. Vroomau.................. Kokomo, Ind.............. Feb. 13, 1866 52, 628
T. McMahon................. Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Feb. 1, 1870 99, 454
V. Squarza.................... San Francisco, Cal -........ Jan. 19, 1864 41, 330
G. H. Henkel.................. Middletown, Ohio-....... July 4, 1865 48, 556
G. K. Babcock--..... Utica, N. Y............. Apr. 3, 1860 27, 679
J. G. Baker.................... Philadelphia, P...-.-... - July 10, 1866 56, 342
I E. Bigelow......................... Springfield, Mass..-.. Feb. 22, 1859 23, 008
E. Bigelow----------------.................... --Springfield, Mass..-.. May 1, 1866 54, 282
T. B. Bishop................... New York, N. Y..... Sept.28, 1869 95, 308
O. B. Blake and O. E. Colony... Keene, N. H-...-.--.. - Aug. 11, 1868 80, 852
E. T. Bussell.................. Covington, Ky.......... Oct. 4, 1859 25, 627
J. R. Byler and G.W. Seusenich Be, rtown, Pa............. May 11, 1852 8, 937
J. F. De Navarro.............. New York, N. Y.......... July 6, 1869 92, 287
E. Fitzgerald.................New York, N. Y..-.---.. Dec. 10, 1867 71. 865
F. C. Heiser.................. Brooklyn, N. Y........... Aug.30, 1870 106, 816
W. W. Hollman............. Eddyville, Ky....-.... - Mar. 1, 1859 23, 143
A. Houpt and J. K. Griffith.... Reading, Pa............ Aug. 6, 1861 32, 996
G. Hubbard..................Montville Mass........... July 6, 1858 20, 799
G. Hubbard.................. Montville, Mass.......... Oct. 9, 1860 30, 321
I. Kinman...................Freeport, Ill............. May 3, 1859 23, 845
T. McGirr................... Richmond, Ind........... June 20, 1865 48, 296
E. A. Palmer.................. Clayville, N. Y............ Apr. 22, 1856 14, 734
T. S. Reeve.................... Chicago, Ill............... July 29, 1868 80, 307
F. Saunders................... Aberdeen, Miss.......... Feb. 18, 1868 74, 605
J. Schalk, jr.................. Guttenberg, N. J.......... Oct. 21, 1873 143, 850
J. Smith and G. B. Griffin...... Cincinnati, Ohio, and June 21,1859 24,498
Madison, Wis.
J. D. Smith................... New York, N. Y.......... May 12,1868 77, 928
J. N. Smith....----------------- Jersey City, N. J........ June 20, 1865 48, 318
D. S. Spafford and G. Elsey.... Morrison, Ill ----.......--...... July 2, 1867 66, 406
O. L. Wheeler...---...----.. Lewiston, Me....... Aug. 11, 1868 8, 847
S. H. Wheeler.............. Dowagiac, Mich....-.. July 11, 1865 48, 778
S. S. Wiles.................. Santa Clara, Cal.. -.--- Nov. 27, 1866 60, 104
H. D. Blake................... New Britain, Conn..j.... Jan. 23, 1866 52, 241
J Dudley------------------..................... - Fall River, Mass.......... Feb. 1, 1848 5, 430
J. and S. Fahrney............. Boonsborough, Md........ Sept. 22, 1863 40, 029
D. D. Hanson ---------------.. Weare, N. H.............. Feb. 1, 1848 5,427
W. IH. Hartman............ Fostoria, Ohio........... Feb. 20, 1866 52, 712
C. W. Peckham-........... New Haven, Conn-......... Feb. 10, 1836.......-.
E. Stebbiins..- -.. Cabotville, Mass.......... Feb. 1, 1848 5, 428
C. Woodyear..... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 5, 1834...
E. F. Shoenberger............. Philadelphia, Pa......... May 16, 1871 114, 981
A. L. Webster................. Now York, N. Y....... Aug. 2, 1870 106, 007
W. F. Jones.................. Baltimore, Md.......... Oct. 11, 1870 108, 153
G. Howland and E. T. Ford... Brunswick and Stilwater, July 20, 1869 92, 725
N. Y.
W. Jones.......... New York, N. Y.......... May 13, 1812.
P. A. Schwarz-----......... Boston, Mass............. Dec. 17, 1872 134, 102
J. G. Baker and W. Harbster.. Philarlelphiaand Reading, Sept. 3, 1867 68, 546
W. H. Laubach.............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 8,1871 117, 895
E. Osgood.................. Boston, Mass........... Apr. 21, 1863 38, 269
W. H. Bate.................. Charles own, Mass...... Aug. 26, 1873 142, 192
A. Brinckmann............... New York, N. Y......... Sept. 21, 1869 94, 998
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17911 to 1873, -nclisie-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Fa~ucet, Self-closing-----------------------..... ---A. Brinckmann----------- _ _.. New York, N. Y--_.._-- --June 24, 1873 140, 183
Faucet Self closing _...-...--....- - - - --......A. and E. Buckman........Brooklyn, N. Y-----------_..Api-. 22, 1873 138, t27
Faucet, Self-closing..---..-.--------------..--------..M. S. Clark.- - --_-- --- -----New York, N. V------Feb. 4, 1873 135, 407
1aucet, Self closing-----------------------------__J. Hayde,jr------------------ Haydensville, Mass....... Au-. 15,1871 118,012
laucet, Self-closing------------------------------- H.F. King-------------------- New Yoik, N.Y------Aug. 31, 1869 94, 419
Faucet, Self-closing- __- --- -- -- -- - ---- -- -_- --._- --C. Schultz and T. Xiarker-._.New York, N. Y------Mr. 8, 1870 108, 581
Faucet, Self-closing -._.---------------------------.... J. XW. Trafton-----------------.Chicopee Falls, Mass.__- Sept. 23, 1873 143, 04-2
Faucet, Sol-closing compression------------------ _.E. Noble--------------------- _ _ _ _North Haven, Coun _- _- Aug. 16, 1870 106, 394
Faucet, Self-inserting.---------------------------......S. N. Haight ---------.. _ -. -.._ Bedford Station, N. Y --- June 5, 1866 55,;286
Faucet, Siphon---------------------------------- V1. W. Plum------------------ London, England---------- Mar. 3, 1868 75, 191
Faucet, Spring-lever------------------------------ C. Goodyear._- - - --_.._.Philadelphia, Pa.---_-_--Mar. 16, 183-2.
Faucet, Stop------------------------------------XV. Cleveland- --_------------Orange, N. J-._..........Mar. 20, 1866 si,271Fact wn-oebsn.................adW cang n.BsoMs.... u.2,16 8 2
H. Yale.
Faucet, Vented---------------------------------- H. and J. Schild..............-New York, N. Y.......... May 21, 1867 65, 016
Faucet, Ventilating-----------------------------..C. Cleveland------------------ Ashfield, Mass - -.__- Aug. 14, 1855 13, 424
Faucet, Wash-basin.............................__D. Wellington............Boston, Mass-------------..Jan. 20, 1863 37, 478
Faucet, Wash-stand..............................XW. S. Bate.- - - -._ __-. Philadelphia. Pa......... Dec. 16, 1873 145, 109
Faucet, WVater----------------------------------- P. A. May or------------------- New York, N. Y---------- Dec. 27,1870 110, 484
Faucet, Weighing----------------D. Les h, jr------------------..... Liverpool, Pa............. Apt-. 5, 1870 101, 633
Faucet, Weighing.....-.-..-....-..-..-.-....-...-.--.-.C. H. McAleer and J. Shively..- Canton, Ohio..... _..__.....June 10, 1862 35, 530
Faucet-weighing attachiment---------------------- J. Brown---------------------- Lawn Ridge, Iii........... Nov. 13, 1855 13, 776
Faucet-weighing attachment.. _............... _.. L. C. Fisher and A. D. ilolli- El Paso, Ill...............Oct. 1, 1867 69, 425
Faucets, Hush for................................0. Ne t ow and J. F. Heck. Baltimore, Md. __..........Feb. 20, 1872 12:3, 789
Faucets, Device for locking -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -H. Getty -. _-_.................Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 1, 1857 18, 091
Faucets into fluids under pressure, Method of in- P. Mihan....................Boston, Mass..............July 29, 1856 15, 430
sellin g.
Faucets,. Machine for iearing;.. --------...W. Read..- -........ -......... Ne York, N. Y...__-. May 23, 1846 4, 534
Faucets, Methsod of manufacturing................XV- - -. Westlake.. - -.... --- Brooklyn, N. Y-----------..July 9, 167 66, 656
Faucets, Method of manufalcturin g.-------------_ - _ _ W. XWeslake -....... -...... Brooklyn, N. Y--. -........July 9, 1867 66, 657
Faucets of water-coolers, Arrangement of means J. S. Clark--------------------....Philadelphia, Pa----------. _Oct. 19, 1858 21, 819
for making tight joints ar-unud.
Faucets to pipes, Coupling- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -N. F. Weston.____.............Boston, Mass - -___. -.._July 9, 1867 66, 659
Faucets, Tool for mi-tug and withdrawing.- -_K. A. Wattcndorf.. - - -... New Yos-k, N. Y --..........May 27, 1873 139, 443
Faucets, Valvular arrangement for- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -E. Hampilton - - - -.- - - --Chicago, Iii--------------....June 23, 1857 17, 624
Faucets, &c., Valvular arranmgement in. _..._.......I. C. Macdonald.............. ___ _Cincinnati, Ohio. _.._ - Aug. 11, l107 17 973
Faucets, Waste-way in--------------------------- J. E. Boyle.................... Richmond, Va............ Api-. 21, 1857 17,074
Feather-cleaner _.----------...___._W.Mls----------------------XV il...........New Athens, Ohio._Oct. 29, 1861 33,594
Feather cleaning and dressing machine -.- - -----S. Swetl, jr-------------------....Read field, Me.- -- -- _-----July 31, 1837. 130
Feather- cleainiig and (dryinig machine - -.-- -- ------. B. Lewis-.- _- ---- -- - ---- ----Hallowell, Me..------. June 27, 1840 1, 655
Feather cloaing and pur ifying machine- S. G. Lafdl. -................Hallowell, Me...... _...... Sept. 2-2, 18.38 9 19
1Feather-cleauing miachilue------------------------11_ _ ___ H.J. Beckwith---------------_ _Chicopee, Mass -....._ May 5, 1868 77, 571
Feather-cleining Imachine-------- ----_._- -.. ---__.- -J. HB Sardatu---------------. _. Wellington, Ohio. _-. __- June 4, 1867 65, 418
Feathei-cleaning machine.. ___................ITaylor--------------------.. _...Washington, D. C -_._...Sept.. 1, 1868 81, 841
Fecather-cleaning machine------------- ---------- C.loupet.--............. New York, N. Y---------- Oct. 15, 18-29.__
Feather cleansing anid renovating macline.-..-- 11.B. Steele-.- -.- -- - - ----West Winslead, Conn._.Apr. 14, 1868 76, 840
Feat her-dresser---------------------------------_S Keplinger------------------ Baltimore. Md.------------Feb. 1-2, 1836..
Feeathedreser -.ss..---------------------------------1 _ _ F. PPKKnowlton.. - - -.- - -.. C Cermont N.,HN.H----...---..JulJuly 182,18..:16.
F eather-diesser-----------------._.__.._........S. Or.__..__-- - - -_..- Springfield, Ohio.......... Apr. 9,1861 31, 993
I est- -er- d-iess-in- -----------------------------------Feater-dessig-Coslo.n----------B-P--osto-.....Philadelphiaadlph Pa.Pa......_....-JJune8,28,1836 __ _.
ethles dressing.------------------------------__..____...IG. Rynolds............East Hartfoi-d, Con - __ May 23, 18;36.____
Fetlliesisaing.--------------------------------!B. and A. Todd--------------- Marietta, Ohio------------ May 6, 1836..
IFealther-diessing.-------------------------------FE Wilbur--------------------- Geneva, N. Y..__........Mar. 18, 1836.
leather- (rees~hg and cleaning macline.-..-- 0O Badger--------------------- OtsegoN. Y.............Apr. 22, 1835...
Featler diessing andl purif~ying machine.-ilI----- ----------------__________Shodiack, N. V----------- Nov. 23, 1835.---
Feather diessing and renovating machine. & XV _...Pe a bo dy and 0. L. East Hampton and West- Aug. 6, 1867 67, 449
Cowles. field, Mass.
Feather-dressing machine _-__.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --A. IBailey ---...... _........East. Poultuc~y, Vt..-..Oct. 27, 1857 18, 493
Feather--dressinig machine--- _. _-------------------..S. WV. Bav-ans._ - -... --_- Plymouth, Conii----.. --Apr. 21, 1868 76, 982
Featheir-dressng machine- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - A. B. Moi-ey and W. Scarlet. - Auroia, Ill------ --_-.-- -. July 1, 1862 35, 773
Feathei--dressing machine...--....-..-...-.--------_.. G. Reynolds----------East. Hantford, Conn.-. Oct.. 17, 1835 -_.--.Feather-di-essing machine......................A. Washburn and J. N. Van Medina, Ohio. _-.......... June 11, 1867 65, 782
Feather dryiiig whippingaiid cleanising machinery, N. I.. Manning---------------.Baston, Mass.._ _..__- - - _.Apr. 16, 1841 2, 053
Feather dlusters, Manufacture of-----------------._ _. C. F. Shourds....___ _____New York, N. Y ---------- __ _Apr. 20, 1809 89, 176
Feather puuifying and renovating machine.- -.. C. Turner and J. A. Jackson.- - - Trianbglet N. YV-.- ----Dec. 8, 11-63 40, 871
Feather reovatingaiid dressing------------------....A.. C. Sanford-.._--...... -......Plymouth, Con........... July 14, 1868 80,017
Fieather-r enovating machine-------------J. S. Peasley-----------------.. __Pt-evidence, H. I........... Oct.22, 186 7 0, 110
Fecather-renovator.-------------..Aas-----------------T.Aas___._._..Ansonia, Conn-__-----_---Nov. _6, 1872 1:33,348
Feather-renovator- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - --------CE. Barber and W. Dean... Central Village, Con. July 4 l8 71 116, 535
Feather -renovator. - ------. ----- - - - - - XV. V. Beauchamup------------._ _Grenada, Miss..____..........Oct. l5,18721132,236
Feathier-reno~vaftor.....-..........---------------.J. A. Blell--------------------- Tyrone, Pa.---------------Feb. 7,871 111.606
IFeathier-renovator -...............................E. Bickell and M. F. Noraconk Milton, Pa- -- -- -- -- -- ---Oc. 4, 180 107,133
Fe-ither-renovator------------------------------- L. Blair_---------------_-----Painesville, Ohio..-._ a. 9181)9 87,514
1Fcather-.renovatos._..............................A. Bonrd -------. __ - ---------Chicopee, Mass----------- Sept. 15, 1868 8',200
leather-renovator -............................ -- - -- J. B. Booker and M. C. Green Chicago and Paris, Ill. July 1, 1872 1-9,190
Ptlcsrrrennov-ator..................A. Bye-------------renaioa iss........Ec 4113: 1V5
Index of patents -issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclnrsire-Conti nued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Datec. No.
Feather-renovator...-------------------------- _ _ _. F. N. McKimm and J. R. Gear- Lathrop, Mo--------------...Jan. 14, 18 73 134, 914
Feather-renovator........... A. McKissick and C. M. French' Jordanu and Weedsport, Apr. 15, 186-2 34, 975
Feather-renovator............... J. C. Moorehead and W. W. New aM-drid, Ho. _.......Apr. 21, 1868 77, 075
Feather-renovator.............. M. K. Morris......... _...... Council Bluffs, Iowa..-Oct. 4, 18 70 107,("44
Feather-renovator. 0----"-----..-. J. Penneli ----------------- Wiuamspcrt, Pa-.._.._ May 29, 1801 28. 500
Feather-renovator..._..................J. W. IPerry-------. _. -------? PerrvsbhuighN. Y -.____--Aug. 17, 1869 93, 901
Feather-renovator ------------- ---_J.W. Poet andH. Colliet -__..Badtimore, Md_...._....Mar. 2, 1830.
feather-renovator.J..Rly----------ec1P.........................J.Rly__________!Mny aMar. 25.,1873 137, 240
Feather-renovator....._.._..... 11 II. Riobbins---.-- -- -- - - ----Ir, Mass--------Aug. 18, 1868 81, '214
Feather-renovator.___________.---.I J. C. Rose and J. I. Silver- Aliany,NIN..._........June 20, 1871 116, l0t
Feather-renovator -._--____________IJ. B. Schooler----------------- Chihliothe, Mo...........-Dec. 23, 1873 145, 759
Feather-renovator-------------------------------- J. T.- Sheldon........Chicopee, Maisa----- -Feb. 7,1871 111, 576
Feathei tenovator..........................._...S. B. Shoemaker-----------... Willonghby, hi 01.. __ ov.28, 18 71121, 57
leather-renova-tor.............................. S. G. 'Ihauhauser............. Badtimoi eMd._____ May 20,1873 119, 211
Feather-renova'tor..............................+ U. B. Waddle-----------------.Cleveland, Ohao.......Nov. 20,1867 71, 555
Feathet-ienovator.-------------------------------........J. WelitareandEF. Champagtie Anrora, Ill...._.._Oct. 24, 1871 10, 174
Feat bet-renovantor and cleaner.............. __ _ __..... C. Moiiroe............ __.._.. Poultney, Vt._...._._ Sept. 24, 1807 09, 114
Feather washei and drier-----------------------J. Mallory--------..... Pn Yn N -----------PenVi Mat. Ic 1870 100.,911
Feathers, Apparatna for cleaning and renovatitng..- J. 11. Mlotrison-------- East Springfield, Ohio....OctIa, 1801 31, 489
Feathers, Cleaning................1. K. Hall-----------New York. r.N.. V _.. Feb. 12, 1836....
leathers, Machine for dressing-------------------....11. Glore-----------Nashv ice Tenn..._.. July 20,1869 92, 818
Feathers, Machine for dressing------------------G. Rteynolds------------------ __ __ _East Il-utford, Conn _.._. oFb.7, 1834 -__. - _.Feathcrs, Machine for washing and dressing _- __J. W. Howlet-----------------..Gieeiisbotoug1i N. C... Oct.5, 1838 905
Featheis, Made -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - A. E. Woolf.................. New York, N. -V ---- Mar. 187183 136, 891
Feat hers, Mannfctnrec of ornamental.-_---_--__. T. E. Schmidt............. HohokenN. J -ma -__-_ ue 18, 1867 65, 955
Feathers, Mode of disinfecting......... J. W. Hewlett- -- - --- -- -- - --- -Gteensheaou gh. N. C._._ Oct.4, 1859 25, 647
iFeedl and delivery apr-on....._.._.__..P. R. Mansfild....- - --..._Ln.casteiMaiss._...-Matr. 25,1873 137, 2-24
Feed and other rollers, Wiping-apparautus for._.. L. Crawford - - -_- -- - - -------loioeMas Sept. 27, 1870 107, 667
Feed and straw ctter.- - __________________. A. P. Chapia - --__-.- - --Chicopee Falls, Mass. Sept. 3,1867 68, 412
Feedl and water tr-ough, Combined.........; J. Sher-man ------------------- CoopersvilleMich ---- June 7, 180 1013,935
Feed-attachtment for machinery.- ___._._-. S. Brown................ __...Philadelphia, Pa l. ec. 22, 1868 85a, 064
Feed-bay _._-_.-_____________ J. Bechier and WV. lastin._.Philaidelphia, Pa--- Ich- Fb.23,1864 41,6070
Feed-hag.............................___......C. Clinnock-------_--...Broln Y------------LoknNV Sept. Ic,1808 82, 088
Feed-bag......................................''.1 Fisler.------"--------------- CaidenN.J -------Mar.18,1862 34, 715
Fe g', p.251ed-hag.......................................HI. nnieatidC. Chinnock. - - Neaw YorkN V A1 2 805 47, 498
heed-bag......................___...........F. J. Sitneon..................1, ookixu N V _...June 19, 1800 553,726
Fee-ba __________________..__.-_._-_'J. Vandercar._...........Brooklyni, N.Y------ nJne 25, 1867 06, 190
Feed-hag..................................eV.wt.oWaitass --_.__-Jan. 1', 106-1 41, 346
Feed-bag........es................................ Adams ---- __---_------- Jersey Caty, N.J..I.. Aug. 12,1873 141,1686
Feed ha"- for borets..a...........................-. A.'. Baieniiue-------New Yoik, N.V----- --___Apt. 18,1865 47,270
Feed-bag fat hotrses_........................__... W. A. Hough -----------------.Sonth Butler, N.Y...Mar.7, 1871 112.,458
Feed-ha" l ot hoases and oilier animals.. _........ R1. B. Fitts.................... Philadclphia, Pa----------... e t.Sept. 17, 1861 33, 318
Feed-ha"- tar horses or other- aninials-------------I... W. B. Wait-------------------..._.Greenwood, Mass - Dec. 23, 1862 37, 262
Feed oiox........................................ J. Hlawse---------------------- Wolcott, Vt--------._----Jnc8,1869 91, 013
F'eed-box---------------------------------------.. W. S. Shaw and M. B. Gould --Bnffato N.V-------------- Nov. 14, 1871 120, 906
Feed-hoxc and stanchion, Combined..._.._._.-.W. IX.1. and J. W. Hartis.--.__Newport, N.V------_.- _--May 21, 1872 l26, 886
Feed-hex, Folding..------...---------------------- _.J. L. Edwvai-ds -. __- - - - - ___ Cochrana tile Pa-._..__ I _Jan. 14,18 73 1134,861)
Feed-hex icr animals, Automatic.......------------..A. Goodyear, 2d..--.....Hmdn on------------Haae ot......Nov1(,18518 22, 076
Feed box BIation.................. J. Hayden-------------------.Exeter, Wis--------------- July 24,1860 50, 557
Feed-changing device..._........................H. B. Nelson- -- - --- - --- -- -- - --Me xi c o, N. V._.-----------Feh. 18, 1868 74, 578
Feed-cutter...........................__......_... I.Allen-------------------.Gowanda, N._----------Mat-. 17, 1868 15,5:;8
Feed-cutter.....................................W.F. Altfather---------------.Johnstowu, Pa------------ Oct. 23, 1866 58,9117
Fe-utr...................................W. S. Bartle and J. Gailock - - Newark, N. V-.-..---------Mar. 25, 1873 137, 168
Feed-cutter _......--.-- - - -.- - - _J. H. Bradley.................Hillshorough, Ohio --.-._Jan. 17, 1871 111,035
Feed-cutter_............................... H. A. Buck.................... Fredonia, N.Y------------ Feb. 28, 1871 112,117
Feed cutter...................................C. H. Cain--------_.---------Dayton, Ohio------------ May 3,1870 102, 485
Feed-cutter.....................................J. Ct-hey and W. Gilbreath.- - Shiloh Hill and Rockwood, Feb. 14, 1871 111, 819
Feed-cutter..................................... W. Dablem -...- - --.__.._ Madison, Ind_.........Jan. 10, 1871 110, 834
Friieccl-lokading-------------------------..N...V... Golctier.----------.._------Saint Pani, Minn -- - -- -----Oct.9, 1869
i --elm, Bi-eceb-loading..- _............. --...... I t. Gsa----------New Yor:, N..---------Feb. 27,187:2
Fii- 'i Breechli loding -----.-"---.T. 1' Gouln.hi - -..........Niagara Falls, N. Y -J_... an. 3,1860
Fire -ini, Breechloading-----------------------__ __ __ _ _. J. Gouilding----------------.-_ Worcester, Mass_--_----__May 3, 1864
Fiire-iiniBieeci-loainig-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - - G.13.Giay and J. H. Romans -. Mount Vernon, Ohio-.__..Mar. 21, 1871
Fii-e -ni Breech-loadiiig-------------------------,TJi. -----------Medford, Mass.- -......Nov. 8, 1864
Fire-aim, Breech-loadinig-------------------------....C. Gicen----------- _._.___._.____.___.Rochestei-, N.YV _._.- Dec. 6, 1870
Fie-aim, Biech-lbailing------------------J. D.Gieene.- -.-- - -- ----Cambridge, Mass-....Jan. 3, 1854
Fire-airmiiBree h-lo-iding-------------------------.....J. 1). Greene----------------.-_....Canmb-idge, Mass- -------Jaine 27, 1854
Fire aim,ieech loading-------------------------......J. D. Greenee-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- Cambi-idge, Mass-....Nov. 17, 1857
Fire-airin, Breech loiding-------------------------..4.. J 1). Greene----------------..-_ United States Army --_ Feb. 18, 1862
Fire-aim, Breech-loading-------------------------......J. 1). Gieene ------------------ Cambridge, Mass - -------Mar. 2:3, 1869
Fii-aimnBireei-loading-------------------------...._A. Gullet - - - - -.- - - -.-- -----Philadelphia, Pa----------..Nov. 22, 1864
Fire-aria, Bieeli loadiiig-------------------------....11. Grass--------------..... _----Seneca Connty, Ohio.__- June 10, 1856
Fire -amBieelilolading--------------------------HII Gross.---------------------Tiffin, Ohio---------------.Aug. 30, 1859
FirearmBLieceli-lbding-------------------------.H.Gros---------------------_Tiffin, Ohio-------------...Aug. 11, 1863
Fire -rm, Breech-lo-idiiig----------------H.Gross---------------------..Tiffin, Ohio - _- - -----------_Aug. 25, 186:3
Fii- am. Biem~clloaiding-------------------------..11. Gioss---------------------.Tifi, Ohio.---._ May 31, 1864
Fire-armn, Bi-eeh-leading-------------------------....F. Guenry------------------.... _ Paiis, Fi-ance------------- _ _Dec. 24, 1872
File-arn, Breech-loading------------------------G. Giiundem-seo-----------------Chicago, Ill--------------- Dec. 30, 1873
Fire-armn. Breech-loading-------------------------..F. F. Gon-------------------. __.Charleston, S. C-----------..Sept. 10,1867
Fire-aini, Ileech-loading......................... E. F. Giinn.----------------Charleston, S.C..----------Dee. 29, 1868
Fire-aim, Bi-echl-loading-------------------------......E. Gwyu and A. C. Campbell..- Hamilton, Ohio----------- _ _Oct. 21, 186-2
Fii-e-ai-m, Breech-loading------------------------- _ _ _ _ _A. Hamilon------------------. _ _Broad Birook, Coon __._.Nov. 19, 1861
Fii-e-erm, Breechi-loadiag-------------------------11..... Hammond................. Providence, It. I........... Oct. 25, 164
Fii-e-aim, Breech-loading-------------------------__ __ ___ _H. Hammond...... _... _.....- Hartford, Coiio...........-Mar. 14, 1871
Fire-aim, Breec-loading......... _...............G. Hancock. _...........Providence, RI. ----------Apr. 26, 1864
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................J. Hanson..------------------. Il._. asehliff'e, near Hudders- Nov. 29, 1870
field, England.
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................I. Hareshioro _.._..........Providence, 1R. I----------_ _Mom. 31, 1863
Fii-arm, Breec h-loidinig........................ H. NW. Hayden.- - - - ---_----Waterbury, Coon-._.Die. 0 1864
Fii-aimBireeh loadinig-------------------------.J.S. ileath -------------------.London, Eng~land.......... May 13, 1873
Fire-arm, Breech Inading.......................-J.A. Heekenbach............ Mayville, Vis.- - -- -- - - - -June 22,1869
Fii-armBireechi-leai ilg.........................-A. Heni-................inuirgh, North Biitain' Feb. 13, 1866
Fii-eaimIlmeceli I ii hag.........................A. Henry.._........._...EdibuirghNorth Britain Sept. 11),171
Fire-aim, Breechli i lig............._._......A. Heiiiy.............--"_"--EdminbimhScotland. ---- Dee. 30, 187:3
Fire-aim, Bieechloadtiing---. _- - -- -- ---------W. C. Hicks.................. Niew Yirk, N. Y-----------.. a.Mar. 1, 1804
Fii-arinBieeehbiidiiig----------------A. V. ill------------------....IlimisdaleN.Y............ Aug.2, 185')
Fire arm, Bieech loaiig.........................NV. ID. Hillis----------oe l...................Jlel.__....._Sept. 20 18(i4
Fire-arm Bieech-lIn ilIii........................-A.. J. 11. Hilton--------------...- Boston, Mass _... _....... Juily 16, 1867
D}ire-arm, Breechldin itig..........I. "I. Hiiideii..._.... _......._...De tioit, Mich..-- - -.._ _Junm29,186)9
Fire-aim. Breech loadiing.........................C 11. Holden.................. Worcester, Mass----------_ _Api.1, 1862
Fire-aim, Bieech-loadiig........................ __ C B. Holden-----------...-----Worcester, Mass-....Mar. 29, 1864
Fire-aimn Breech-loid i ig....... _...... __......... L.. Bolt and J. C. Marshall._ _ Springfield, Mass..._.Apr.22, 1873
Fii-e arm, Breech-loading............. 11. i II. Hopkins---------------- Norwich, Coon------------ Sept.23, 1873
File-arm,.IBreecli-loading...........-..- -. 1I l Ippenan................. Kansas City, Mo----._ --Mar.18, 1873
Fii-e-ai-m, Breech-loac iig__........ B... 1-.. Hothiss... _.. _........New York, N. Y. _. _.......ug. 17, 18(69
Fire-arm, Bi-eech-loadingg............. 11. Hotchkiss.............. New York, N. Y----._ --Feh. 1511,870
Fire-arm. Breecli-loadiigi......11....._.L'I'. IHotchkiss...__...._........ New Yoi-k, N. Y.......... Jan. 2,1872
Fire-armn, Brieechl-loading....... C....... ch oward-------------------__.._ _New York, N. Y. _........ Sept. 26, l65
Fire-al-i, Breechi-loading...............". oward-------------------..._ _New York, N. Y.....__ Oct 10, 186
Fii-ai-u, Bi-eel-!adcing........................ tC. NV. Howard................ Hammniiton, N. J._-..July 14, 1863
File-aria, Bi eech-loading................... S. Iltowaid................... Elyria, Ohio -.- _..- - - Oet.28, 1862
Fire-arm, Bi-eech-loading-------------------------.....F. AV. Howe............. _... Providence, RI.........---Sept. 16, 1862
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.................F. AV. Howe....._.- - - - _ __Providence, H. I..__........Mar.7,1865
Fire-ai-m, Breech-loading.....-..-..-..--.-..------..... X.Hubbell..... _.. _......Philadelphia, Pa - - -- -----June 18, 187
Fire-arm, Bi-eech-liiading-------------D. Hug.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --New Yoi-k, N. Y----------..Sept. 2, 187:3
Fir-c-aim, Breech-loading......................... _ __ __ _C. Jackson and T. Goodrem. _ Providence, R. I----------__ _Mar. 7, 1863
Fire oram, Breech loading................... __......A. E. and P. J. Jarre..----------Paris, France------------- _.Api. 15, 187:3
Fire-aim, Breech loading.........................B. HI. Jenks.. _...._.........Brideshargh, Pa......... Febi. 25, 1868
Fire-aim, Breecli-loadiiig......................... L. Jennings...-........New York, N. Y---------- Dec. 25,1849
Fire-arm, Bi-cech-loading.........................NW. Johnston.................. Cincinnati, Ohio----------...May 13, 1862
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................NV. Johnston.................Cinicinnati, Ohio.._........Nov. 1, 1864
Fire-arm, Breech-loading............. __.. __.......F. Jonas...................... MeConnells Grove, Ill- Oc.2, 1860
Fire-aria, Breech-loading........................ B. F. Joslyn. ___.__..........Worcester, Mass..........Au.Ot ln. 28, 1855
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................B. F. Joslyn. _... __.__... Worcester, Mass-.........._ _July 1, 1856
Fire-arma, Breech-loading... ___. - - --.........B. F. Joslyn.. ____..... _.......Stonington, Conn. _..__._June 24, 186-2
Fire-arm, Breech-loadimig-------------------------__ _ _ B. F. Joslyn..__... Stonington, Conn......... _Aug. 4, 1863
Fire-arm, Breech-loading-------------------------.....B. F. Joslyn.- - - _- - _- ___--- Stonington, Coon......... Mom. 2,1864
Fire-arni, Breee-h-loaeng.........................B. F. Joslyn.--. - __-- - - - Stonington, Coon --........June 6, 1865
Fire-armu, Biechb-loading........................ B. F. Joslyn-------- _.._ --------Stonington, Coon----------_ -June 20, 1865
Fire-aria, Breecli-loadinig. _........._.............. _ _B. F. Joslyn.-.- -.- ----- ------Stoningtori, Con......Jan 2, 1866
Fire-aim, Breech-loading.........................B. F. Joslyn. __. _..............- New York, N. Y----------_ _Nov. 15, 1870
Fire-aria, Breech-loading. _...... _..... __.......A. B. Kay.. _............... _. Newark, N. J............. Nov. 22, 1870
Fire-arm, Breech-loading......................... 11. Kelliigg........... _.... _. New Havein, Coon.- ----_May 20, 1862
110, 353
14, 057
88, 470
95, 998
124, 656
26, 7.,-h
42, 5731
112, 803
44, 6695
109, 890
10, 391
11, 157
18, 634
34, 422
88, 161
45, 152
15, 07:2
25, 259
39, 479
39, 646
42, )41
134, 200
145, 998
68, 7:?6
85, 442
36, 709
33, 769
44. 798
112, 589
42, 471
169, 731
38, 042
45, 495
1:38, 887
91, 621
52, 6 54
119, 143
145, 944
41, 814
24, 9:36
66, 709
34, 859
t1it, 157
143, 012
1:36, 998
93, 8-0
99, 898
122, 465
50, 1125
50, 358
39, 232
36, 779
36, 466
46, (171
65, 812
14-2, 396
37. 9:37
137, 927
74, 7(10
6, 9743
35, 241
44, 868
30, 228
13, 507
15, 240
35, 688
39, 407
42, 000
48, 073
48, 288
51, 837
109, 218
109, 419
35, 356
43, 820
54, 743
44, 099
8, 6:37
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17C0 to 1873, inctlusive-Continued.
Fire-arm Breech-loading.......................... J. Manton...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading......................... A. Marelii...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading........................ S. W. Marsh...................'ire-arm Breech-loading......................... S. W. Marsh..................
Fire-arm Breech-loading....................... J. P. Marshall................
Fire-arma Breech-loading....................... J.P. Marshall................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.._..................... J. M. Mason..................
Fire-arm lBreech-loading....................... J. M. Mason..................
Fire-arm Breech-loading......................... F. Maton.....................
Fire-arm Breech-loading-....................... E. Maynard....._"...
Fire-arm Breechi-loading..........................E. Maynard...................
Fire-armn, Breech-loading......................... E. Maynard.......
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...... E.Maynard.......................... E. Maynard...
Fire-arm Breech-loading......................... E. Maynard...............
Fire-arm Breech-loading....................... E. Maynard...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading......................... E. Maynard..................
Fire-arm Breech-loading..................... J. E. McBeth.............
Fire-arm Breech-loading.....................J. E. McBeth................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.....--------------------- R. McChesney...............
Fire-arm Breech-loading.............. R. McChesnucy...............
Fire-arm Breech-loading............. J. McGoveren................J. MGoveren.........
Fire-arm, Breech-loading......................... J. V. Meigs...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading........J. V. Meigs................... J.V. Migs.....
Fire-arm, Breech-leading.....................J. V. Meigs...............
Fire-armr Breech-loading................ D. F. Mellen...............
Fire-arm Breech-loading................. J. Merlett....................
Fire arm, Breech-loading...................... L. A. Merriam................
Fire-arm Breech-loading...................... G. Merrill...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading..................... G. Merrill...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading................ J. H. Merrill.................
Fire-arm Breech-loading.................... J. H. M errill...................
Fire-arm Breech loading..................... J. H. Merrill.................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.....................J. H. Merrill.................
Fire-arm Breech-loading................ J. H. Merrill.................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading................ I. M. Milbank................
Fire-arm Breech-loading..................... I. M. Milbank................
Fire-arm, Breech-loadig..................... I. M. Milbank.................
Fire-arm Breech-loading................I. M. Milbank................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................I. M. Milbank................
Fire-arnm Breech-loading.....................I. M. Milbank................
Fire arm, Breech-loading...................... I.M. Milbank................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.................... I. M. Milbank................
Fire-arm, Ireech-loading..................... I. M. Milbank................
Fire-armn, Breech-loading......................I. M. Milbank.................
Firne-arm, Breech-loading................ W. H. Miller.................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.................. W. H. and G. W. Miller........
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.................... W.H. and G. W. Miller........
Fire-arm, Breech loading................... W. H. and G. W. Miller...._
Fire-arm, Breech- loading.....................J. K. Millner............__
Fire-arm, Breech.loading.....................E. M. Mix andl H. B. Horton.
Fire-arm Breech loading............D. Moore....................
Fire-arm, Breech loading.....................W. Morgenstern.............
Fire-arm, Breech loading.......................... WV. Morgenstern...........
Fire-arm Breech loading.....................W. Morgenstern.........
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.................... W. Morgenstern.......
Fire-arm Breech-loading..................... W. Morgenstern........
Fire arm, Breech-loading....................... W.Morgenstern.............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading..........................W. Morgenstern.........
Fire-arm Breech-loading..................... W. Morgenstern.........
Fire-arm Breech-loading..................... W. Morgenstern and E. Morwitz.
Fire-arm Breech-loading......................... S.Morris andW. andP.Mauser.
Residence. Date.
Montreal. Canada........ Aug. 1, 1871
Milan. Italy...........May 27, 187:3
Washington, D. C........ Dec. 6, 1859
Wr shington, D. C......... Nov. 5, 1861
Millbury, Ma s........... Oct. 4, 1839
Millbury, Mass.......... Apr. 29, 1862
Washington, D. C......... Mar. 7, 1871
Washington, D. C...... Aug. 8,1871
Ne(w York, N. Y.......... Nov. 14, 1854
WVashington, D. C......... May 27, 1851
Washington, DC.... l)ec. 6, 1859
Washington, 1). C-.-_ _Oct. 30, 1860
VWashington, 1) C........ June 27, 1865
Washington, D). C.......I Aug. 1, 1865
XVashington, D. C........ Feb. 2, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 18, 1873
New Orleans, La.......... Jan. 14, 1868
New Orleans, La........... Aug. 11, 1868
Ilion, N. Y...--..........- Oct. 2, 1866
Utica, N. Y.............. May 28, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 13, 1869
Washington, D. C......... Oct. 21, 18621
Washington, D. C......... May 22, 1866
Washington, I). C......... Aug. 18, 1868
Manchester, N. H..... Oct. 4, 1864
13oundbrook, N. J....... Aug. 18, 1868
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 16, 1869
East Orange, N. J......... Oct. 17, 1871
East Orange, N. J......... Oct. 17, 1871
Baltimore, Md............ July 20, 1858
Baltimore, Md......... Apr. 9,1861
Baltimore, Md.......... Apr. 9, 1861
Baltimore, Md............ Oct. 22,1861
Baltimore, Md........... Dec. 8, 1863
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Dec. 2, 1862
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Jan. 31, 1865
Greentield Hill, Conn..... Feb. 20, 1866
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... June 12,1866
Greenfield Hill, Conin..... Jan. 8,1867
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Feb. 5, 1867
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... June 11, 1867
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Dec. 1, 1868
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Apr. 16, 1872
Greenfield Hill, Conn..... Mar. 18, 1873
West Meriden, Conn...... Nov. 13, 1866
Meriden, Conn.......... May 23,1865
West Meriden, Conn...... Dec. 26, 1865
West Meriden, Conn.... May 14, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 17, 1863
Ithaca, N. Y.............. Jan. 19, 1864
Brooklvn, N. Y............ Dec. 3, 1861
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 29, 1864
Philadelphia, Pa..........June 6, 1865
Hartford, Conn.......... Dec. 24, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.........Feb. 18, 1868
Hartford, Conn........... June 23, 1868
New York, N. Y........... Feb. 2,1869
New York, N. Y........... Feb. 23, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 3, 1869
Philadelphia, Pa........ Nov. 10, 1863
117, 552
39, 323:
26, 362
33, 655
25, 661
35, 107
112, 523
117, 906
8, 126
26, 364
30, 537
48, 423
49, 130
86, 566
135, 928
73, 357
80, 985
58, 444
65, 103
88, 890
36, 721
54, 934
81, 100
44, 545
81, 283
87, 058
119, 939
119, 940
20, 954
32, 032
32, 033
33, 536
40, 884
37, 048
46, 125
52, 734
55, 520
61, 082
61, 751
65, 585
84, 566
125, 829
136, 850
59, 723
47, 602
64, 786
37, 723
41, 343
33, 847
45, 262
48, 133
72, 5;6
74, 712
79, 291
86, 434
87, 190
93, 330
40, 572
78, 603
15, 995
20, 503
36, 571
103, 488
74, 119
62, 873
64, 999
113, 194
51, 959)
88, 730
90, 381
11, 198
11, 700
126, 568
85, 120
36, 852
37, 356
37, 407
32, 887
41, 017
70, 463
84, 373
42, 685
35, 947
72, 076
76, 805
39, 494
37, 764
12, 001
68, 786
119, 474
Fire-arm Breech loading....................
Fire-arm Breech loading....................
Fire-arm Breech loading...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading....................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm Breech loading...................
Fire-arm Breech loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech loading...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech.loading.........................
Fire-arm Breech.loading.........................
Fire-arm Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm Breech-loading....................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech loading....................
Fire aim, Breech-loading....................
Fire-arm Breech-loading.........................
G. W. Morse.................
G. W. Morse.................
M. Moses....................
A. Muller....................
F. Muller....................
A. S. Munger...............
S. and G. H. Needham........
R. Nenninger...............
F. D. Newbury............
J. D. S. Newell...........
J. D. S Newell...............
A. N. Newton................
A.N. Newton...............
F. E. M. Nillus...............
P. J. J. Noel..................
J. C. Nye.....................
J. C. Nye.................
J. Oliphant..................
W. Palmer...................
W. Palmer....................
W. RIt. Pape.................
Springfield, Mass., an d
Oberndorf, Wiirtemberg.
Baton Rouge, La..........
Baton Rouge, La.........
Malone, N.Y............
Paris, France............
Hartford, Conn...........
Chicopee Falls, Mass....
London, England....
Newark, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Tensas Parish, La........
Tensas Parish, La........
Richmond, Ind...........
Richmond, Ind............
Havre, France...........
Paris, France............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Uniontown, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Newcastle - upon - T yn e,
Great Britain.
Newcastle - upon - Ty n e,
Gardner, Mass............
Boston, Mass.............
Providence, R. I...........
Providence, R. I...........
Albany, N.Y............
New York, N. Y....
Newark, N. J........_
Paris, France........
June 2, 1868
Oct. 28, 1856
June 8, 1858
Sept. 30, 1862
May 24, 1870
Feb. 4, 1868
Mar. 12, 1867
May 21, 1867
Mar. 28, 1871
Jan. 9, 1867
Apr. 6, 1869
May 25,1869
June 27, 1854
Sept. 19, 1854
May 7, 1872
Dec. 22, 1868
Oct. 28, 1662
Jan. 6, 1863
Jan. 13, 1863
July 23, 1861
Dec. 22, 1863
Nov. 5, 1867
Nov. 24, 1868
May 10, 1864
July 22, 1862
Dec. 10, 1867
Apr. 14, 1868
Aug. 11, 1863
Feb. 24, 1863
Nov. 28, 1854
Sept. 10, 1867
Fire-arm, Breech-loading......................... W. R. Pape.................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, BreeclWloading....................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading..........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.....................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................
C. F. Payne.................
H. O. Peabody..............
H. O. Peabody...........
H. O. Peabody..............
J. Percy.....................
C. Perley....................
A. D. Perry................
M. Pidault and G. Elize dit
G. R. Pierce..................
Grand Rapids, Mich......I Oct. 3,1871
Index of patents issued from the united States Patent O0fice from 1790 to 15 73, inilts??e-Conltinuled.
Residlence. D Iate. No.
Fire-aim, Breech-loading-- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ------T. Poultnxey axnd S. Crispin. -
Fire-aria. Bi ecli-loading --------- 1---. W. Prestoii---------------
Fire-arm, Bmec loadixi. 1 ------- ------. B. Piixdle -.-...-.--
F i c -arm, LBreech-loadng;x'-------------........5... S. Ileiebert... _............
Fire-arm, Breeelx-loadxi;.--"......... S. S. Rember---------------
Fire-arm 33re.........--------------------- S. Remington--.----------
Fire-arm, Bi-cech-loading;------------------------..I.. E...S.IRexnwick..........
Fire-ax-nr,, reech-loading----------------. lestell.-------..--------_
Fire-arm, Breech-loading --------------------------. estell..-.-....._......
Fire-axrn, Br-eei-loading---------------...- -------H. Reynolds--------------- _ _
Fire-arm, Br-eeh-leading-------------------------.......C. 13 ic(haids--------------...
Fii-earm, Breech-loadixng---------.....___..Riha-----------_-----W xhid
Fire-armasBreech-loadixxg--------------------. _. __ _ ---V. ichard xs... _.... _..... _....
Fixe 'ir x Breech-xleading-------------------------XV. W.Richards.--..... -......
Fii-arm, Breech-loadliing-------------------------.X. V...W.Richxards---------------....
Fire-armaBreech-loading-------------------------X_ _ V.Rich-xxds ----------------
Fie rrxei-ech-loadling------------------------...I. ' G.J. Richar-dson.._..
Fire-armBireech-loadingx._..------------------- I ---JRidex----___-_---
Fix-armBieech-loading-------------------------. J. Lx cx...........
Fix-c-arra, breech-loadixxg-------------------------.....J. Ridex-......................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading-------------__ -------J. Rider.....................
Fix-c-arm, Brecech-loading------------------------- _J. Rider......................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................J. Rider. __.---.........-......Fii-e-arxn,Breech-loadixig-------------------------.J. Rider-_...-_..._.
Fire-arra, Breech-loading-------------------------.... _.J. Rider--------------------. _ _
Fire-arni, Breecl-oadinxg-------------------------.IB. S. Roberts.................
Fii-e-arm, Bxeecl-oa-ing------------------------- B. S. 1hbets -..........
Fire-arxn,Becx-odn- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --------------B. S. Hohex-ts................
Fire-arm, Bieech-loading -----...------------------ B. S. Robxerts........
lire-arm, Breech-loading- -- ----- -- -- -- -- - --- - - - - W. H. Robertson and G. W.
Fire-arras, -----------------------lod-XV..........-.. 11. Robertsoxi aoilG. XV.
Firearm BreclxloaingSimpson.
Fire-arm, Breech-loading------------------------- -0-..Hobinsoxi.........-.....
Fire-arm, Breech-leading-------------------------0. 1M. Robinson...............
Fire-axrn, Brecch-loading -------------------------._...E. K. Root ---.. --....- ---
Fire-aria, Breech-loadiixg- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- - - -.A. II. Rowe................
1F'i r e- a rixi,Breech-loading -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -J. Rulex-...............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading-------------------------- C. F. Rlussell -.......
Fire-arm, Bri-ech-loading-------------------------.......S. Ilydheck.._._._.......
Fire-ax-n, Bxeech-loading- ----- --- -- -- -- -- - ---- - -C. 0-. Saez.... _... _...........
Fix--ia, Breech-load ing-----------------------... E. L., argenlt.. _.... _.........
Fire-ax-i, Breech-loading......................... E. L. Saxgent.................
Fire-arm, Br-eech-loadingBeeh-oain ---------------........ ---EL.Sargent..._.......
Fire-axrn, Breech-loading......................... A. Sayer._............... _._..
Fire-arni, Breech-loadixng-................-......J. Scharife...................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading........................- J. P. Schenki................
Fire-axrn, Bi-eech-loading-------------------------......J. P. Schenxkl.-__.. ---. --. --.
Fire-arni, Breech-loading-------------------------.....J. P. Schenkl.. - -..._.._...
Fix-c-axrn, Breech-loading----------..----------H. A. Schesclx...............
Fix--aria, Breech-leading.........................- 0 - -- -- --G. W. Schofield... _..... __...
Fix-c-arm, Breech-loading.......................... G. W. Schofield..._....... _...
Fire-arm, Br-eech-loading.......................... F. Schopp....-..... -..
Fire-arnm, Breech-loading.......................... H. Schroder.
Fire-arm, Breech-loadiing.........................H. Schroeder,.L. Salewski, and
W. Schmidt.
Fire-arm, Breech-loading-------------------------..C. ID. Schnbarth-------
Fire-arm, Breech-loading----..----------P. Schnler................__
Fire-arni, Breech-loading-------------------------..P. Schuler.......... _...... _.
Fire-arm, Breech-loading------------------------.. G. Schulz................ _.
Fire-arm, Breech-loading------------------------.. W. Scott and W. J. Matthews
Baltimore, Md.,anid New I May 14, 1867
Yoik, N.1Y.
NewtlonMass ------------Feb. a,1867
INew laven, Coon - -------Nov. 28,1865
Xel iis I 'rnix----------- tOet. a9, 1867
Mi xpis, lenmi -.......Feb.18, 1868
huumon N.Y---------------Feb. 9,1869
Nmw Yoxk, N.Y ----------Apr. 26,1870
Sonidoni Exnghand-.__..,-.Max. 26,1867
BixriimighxamEngland _. -May 20, 1871
New Haven, Cocxiii -._..Msy 8, 18(6
Haxtfoid, Coxini- _- - -- -----Axg. 18, 1868
BirmxighaxmExigland ---.. July14, 1863
BirmighamEnigland -.....(Oet-.10, 1t65
Birmingham, Englaxid... May 11, 18691
Buxmiixilain Exiglaxnd ---June 2-2, 18'(9
Birminghdami England -- Dec. 3, 187-2
Birmingnham, England-. - May 27, 18 73
P hiladelphia, Pa----------..Aug. 23, 1864
NewXaxk, Ohio....__- Sept. 1:3, 1859
Newark, Ohio. _-... _.-.Nov. 15, 18614
Nearak, Ohio..---._.._Jan. 3, 1863
Newark, Ohio-..._ _.........Feb. 21, 1865
N.ewark, Ohio -----._-Mar. 27, 1866
Newark, Ohio...........---Feb. 11, 1868
Newark, Ohio..-------...---.July 29, 1873
Newark, Ohio _... _.....July 29, 1873
United States Army-Sept.. 23, 186-2
United States Arley.---Feb. 27, 1866
Uxiteil States Armxy..-. Junxe 11, 1867
United States Ax-my._.May i1, 1869
Hartford, Con------------_.Feb. 1-2, 1856
Haxr(lord, Conn.- - ----_--Mar. 13, 1866
64, 701
61, 865
51, 213
70, '264
74, 594
86, 690
10-2, 434
63, 103
1:19, 140
54, 600
81, 290
39, 246
50, 432
89, 889
91,6 8
1133 665
1:39, 420
43, 929
25, 470
46, 530
74, 428
141, 383
141, 384
36, 53 L
52, 887
65, 607
90, 024
14, 253
53, 187
Fieam reh-odn............
Fire-arnm, Breech-loading........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loadixig........................
Fire-arni, Breech-loading........................
Fire-armr, Breech-loading........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading..... _..............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.......................
Fire-arxa, Breech-loading.......................--
Fire-ari, Breecl-loading........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loanding-----------------------..-..
Fire-arm, Breech-loading........................
Fix-c-axrn, Breech-loading.............._..... _...
Fix--arm, Breech-loaig.ig.......................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.......................
Fire-armx, Breech-loading........................
Fire-arix, Breech-loading------------------------....
Fire-arma, Breech-loading------------------------..
Fire-armx, Breech-loading........................
Fire -r-mBreech-loading........................
Fix-aim, Breech-loxading.......................FieamBreech-ling.......................
Firi-aim, Breech-loamixig.......................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.......................
Fire:-ixnilBreech loading.......................
Fix-armxxBreech- loading........................
Fix-arni Breech-loading........................
Fi- xxBreech loadinig.......................
Fix-axnx Breeh-loading_----_-------------
Fire axrmLIreech-loadinig........................
W. M. Scott -........
J. H. Sears.................--
J. H. Selwyn................
C. Sharps...................
C. Sharps...................
C. Shxaips-------------------..
C. Sharps...................
C. Sharps....................
H. N. Sherman...............
T. E. Shuoll.................--
B. F. Skinner and A. Plumnier, jr.
C. 1). Skinner and D. Txyon..J. Smiles.....................
D. Smith...................
D. Smith....................
D. Smithx and M. J. Chamberlin
D. Smith ad J. C. Marshall.- -.
G3. Smith...................--
G. Suith...................0-. Smith...................--
HI. Smith...................--
I. Smith....................
WV. H. Smith.................
W. H. Smith.................
V. S. Smoot-------------.....
W. S. Smoot. -.........
W. S. Smoot..................
W. S. Smoot - --- -...----
W. TI. Snedden...............
W. T. Soedden..............
C. E. Sneiider.................
C. E. Snieider................
Upper Jay, N. Y.
Plat-tshurgh,. N. Y.....
Har-tfordi, Coixix..... -..-..
Hartford. Con..._.
Newark, Ohio............
New Britaixi, Conn._
red yinig, Mun.....
Madriid. Spain-----------._ _
Watertown, N. Y.----
Watertownx, N. Y.....
Watertown, N. Y.
Nauhie, Ciixix............
New York, N. Y.....
Boston, Mess. -.....
Bo-ton, Mass--------------
Worcester-, Mass -.
Ilion, N. Y......... _..
Unit-ed States Army..
United States Army..
New York, N. Y. -.....
New York, N. Y......
Bloomington, Ill- __-_-..
Providence, R. I....
Morris, Ind.............
Fort Maidison, Iowa.-.__
Birminghanm and Aston,
Birmingham, England --
Br-antford, Canada.
Grasmere, Englanxd...
Philadelphia, Pa..__.
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa-.....
Philadelphia, Pa......
Beloit, Wis --........
Millersbxxrgh, Pa..___.__.
Mystic Bridge, Con-._..
Haddarn and Middletown,
Birmingham, England --
Springfield, Mass.
Springfield, Mass...
Springfiold, Mass _...
Springfield, Mass....
Bnttexmilk Falls, N. Y. _-_.
Bluttermilk Falls, N. Y. _ _.
Buttermilk Falls, N. V. _-_.
Norwich, Conn.-_.._.
New York, N. Y....
Birmingham, Conn..__.
Birmingham, Conna.---
Washington, D. C.
Ilion, N. Y. -----._
Iliox, N.Y..............
Ilion, N. Y..............
Johnstownx, Pa.....
Johnstown. Pa...........
Baltimrnoe, 1MxId......... _.
Baltimore, Md............
July 23, 1861
Jan. 5, 1869
Nov. 1, 1870
May 11, 1869
Nov. 25, 1873
Nov. 1, 1870
Dec. 20, 1859
Aug. 14, 1866
Jan. 25, 1859
July 9, 1861
Oct. 29, 1861
Feb. 12, 1867
Apr. 8, 1873
Nov. 25, 1873
Apr. 5, 1859
Feb. 18, 1862
Oct. 20, 1857
Dec. 27, 1870
July 16,1872
Apr. 2-2, 1873
Mar. 7, 1871
Aug. 5, 1873
Dec. 25, 1855
Aug. 5, 1856
June 23, 1857
Aug. 26. 1851
Apr. 26, 1864
Dec. 10, 1861
Ang. 23, 1864
Juno 1, 1869
J mne 20!1871
Nov. 7, 1871
Nov. 12, 187-2
June 27, 1871
Jmxne 27, 1871
Mar. 20, 1860
Aug.-25, 1863
May 24, 1870 103, 504
Ap-. 23, 18 12 125, 988
June 4, 1867 (i5, 509
Apr. 5, 1864 42, 227
Dec. 8, 1863 40, 887
May 14, 187-2 126, 748
Juxne28, 1870 1104,775
Jan. 3, 1865 45,801
Mar. 1, 1870 100,C5
June 21,1870 104, 502
Nov. 15, 1870 103, 05
Jxune 19, 1866 55, 719
Nov. 11, 1856 16,070
Aug. l16, 1853 9) 943
Juie 23, 1857 17642
Oct. 12, 1858 21, 800
Apr. 9, 1872 125,6:
June 14, 1870 104. 211
Jnne 29, 1871 11625
Nov. 28, 1865 5125
June 25,1861 3265
Dec. 23. 1856 16, 288
32, 895
85, 616
108, 836
89, 9-17
144, 870
108, 942
26, 5-26
57, 269
22, 7 52
32, 790
33, 607
62, 077
1:37, 625
144, 872
23, 505
34, 449
18, 472
110, 505
129, 433
138, 207
112, 505
141, 683
14, 001
15, 496
17, 644
42, 542
33, 907
43, 957
90, 792
116, 106
120, 788
133, 063
27, 600
-39, 707
Index of patents issued from thle United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Fire-arm Breech-loading...............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading..............
F i r e - a r m, B r e e c h -l o a d i n g............
Fiie arm Breech-loading...............
Fire-arm Breech-loading...............
Fire arm Breech loading...............
Fire-arm, Breech loading.......... --
Fire-arm Breech loading...............
Fire-arm, Breech -loading.........................
Firc-arm, Breech leading.........................
Fire-arm Breech-loading.......-----
Fire-arm Breech- loading..............
Fire-arm, Breech loading..............
Fire-arm, Breech- loading................
Fire-arm Breech-loading......................
Fire-arm Breech loading.........................
Fire-arm Breech loading...............
Fire-arm, Breech loading..-----------------------
Fire-arm Breech loading....................
Fire-arm Breech loading...-------------------------
Fire-arm, Breech-loading............
Fire-arm, Breech loading......................
Fire-arm Breech loading.........................
Fire-arnm, Breech loading..............
Fire-arm Breech loading.............
Fire-arm Breech leading.......................
Fire-arm. Breech loading.............
Fire-arm, Breech leading........................
Fire-arm, Breech loading........................
Fire-arm, Breech loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech loading.......................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading....................
Fire-arm. Breech-loading
Fire-arm Breech-loading...............
Fire-arm, Breech-loaing...............
Fire-arm Breech-loading....................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.............
Fire arm, Breech-loading......................
Fire arm, Breech-loading.........................
Fire arm, Breech-loading..............
Fire arm, Breech loading........................
Fire arm, Breech loading.........................
Fire-arm Breech loading.....................
Fire arm, Breech loading.........................
Fire-arm Breech -loading........................
lFire-arm Breech loading.....................
Fire-arm Breech loading..............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...............
Fire-arm Breech- loading..........................
F1 ire-arm, hrecch- loading........................
1 ire-arnm, Bre ch loading...----------------------
Fire-arm, Breech loadin _.........................
Fire-arm, Breech loading... -__.......
Fire-arm, Breech loading..............
Fire-arm, Breech loading...............
Fire-arm, Breech loading.......................
Fire-arm Breech loading.............
Fire-arm Breech loading.............
Fire-arm Breech loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech -loading...............
Fire-arm Breech loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech -loading.....................
Fire-arm, Breech loading..........................
Fire-arm Breech loading.......................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.....................
lire-a' in, Breech-leadirng -----------------------
Fire-arm Br eech loading..........
Fire-arm, Breech leading..........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading..........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.........................
Fire arm Breech loading---------------................-----..-.....
Fire arm, Breechiloading..----.. -----.........
Fire arml, Blieech-loading...-----------------------
Fire arm B eech loading.....................
FIre arm. lirech-loaaing..........................
Fire arm, Breech-loading....----------------------.
Fire arm, iBreech-loading.......................
Fire-arm, Breech loading......................
Fire -arm. Breech loading......................
Fire ari, Breech loading..........................
Fire arm. breech loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading...----------------------
lFire-arm, Breechl loading..........................
lire-arn Brech -loading..........................
liire-arm, Breech loading....
lire-anm, Breech loading....
Fire arm, Beech loading......................
Fire arm, Breech loading....
Fire arm, Brech loadin,....
Fire arm, Breech loadin...
Fire arm, Breech loading.........................
Fire arm, Brench-!oading..........................
Firear-m, Breech-loading..........................
Fire-ar, Breech-loading.........................
Fire-arm, Breech loading.......................
C. E. Sneider-................
C. E. Sneider..................
J. Snider,jr...................
W. Soper. -..-------..
G. H. Soule....-----------------
G. H. Soule-....................
A. Spellerb( rg................
C. M. Spencer.............
C. M. Spencer................
S. F. Stanton.................
E. T. Starr...................
R. E. Stephens............
G. R. Stetson.................
A. C. Stevens.................
J. Stevens...................
W. X. Stevens................
J. Stillman..................
J. T. Stoakes.................
WV. M. Storm..................
IV. M. Storm..................
W. M. Storm.................
S. Strong...................
S. Strong..................
S. Strong.....-----------.-----
T. L. Stirtevant........
T. L. Sturtevant---------..............---
I. Sntvan.....................
J. F. Swinburu...............
J. C. Symmnies...............
T. D. Sympson, G. B. Gray, and
J. H. Romans.
J. P. Taylor..................
XV. Terry...................
J. F. 'l homnas....-...-.J. F. Thomas..................
I). C. Thrasher and B. F. Aiken
F. A. Thuer.................
W. Tibbals....................
G. H. Tibbets................
L. B. Tiebel.................
F. Tiesing and C. Gerner......
F. Tiesinga and C. Gerner......
C. H. Todd....................
I. Townsend...............
F. Townsend and N. S. Clement.
H. Underwood................
H. Updegraff..................
II. Updegraff.................
S. F. Van Choate.........
S. F. Van Choate..............
S. F. Van Choate..............
S. F. Van Choate.............
A. L. Varney..................
A. L. Varney..................
A. L. Varney..................
F. Vetterlin.................
F. J. Vittum and E. M. Stevens
J. Von der Poppeuburg.......
E. Von Jeinsen...............
E. Vmon Martini...............
F. Vin Martini...............
F. You Martini..............
F. Von Martini.............
H. Walker....................
J. M. Wampler......................
W. G Ward...................
W. G. Ward...................
W. G. Ward..................
"W. G. Ward..................
J. Warner...................
J. W arner....................
T. A. Washington..........
A. T. Watson................
J. B. Wayne..................
H. B. Weaver................
T. W. Webley................
J. Wernal..................
D. B. Wesson...............
D. B. Wesson...............
F. Wesson....................
F. Wesson...................
F. Wesson and N. S. Harringtor
H. F. Wheeler................
H. F. Wheeler..............
L. Wheelock..................
A. M. White................
G. WV. White.................
G. W. White.................
L. S. W hite...................
R. W hite....................
R. W hite....................
R. W hite....................
A. E. Whitmore.............
A. E. Whitmore.............
E. Whitncy..................
E. W hituey...................
E. Witney..................
Residence. Date.
Baltimore, Md----............ May 16, 1865
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 22, 1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 15, 1867
Reading, England.. -.-. June 14, 1870
Jersey City, N. J.......... Apr. 3, 1855
Jersey City, N. J......... July 6, 1858
Philadtelphia, Pa.......... July 30, 1861
South Manchester, Conn.. Feb. 4, 1862
Hartford, Conn.-..-..... Feb. 11, 1873
Manchester, N H.......... Apr. 29, 1856
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 14, 1858
Owen Sound, Canada...... June 11, 1867
New Haven, Conn........- July 4, 1871
Hudson, N. Y-------------............. May 4, 1869
Chicopee Falls, Mass...... Sept. 6, 1864
Worcester, Mass.......... Jan. 12, 1864
Springfield, Mass......... Oct. 17, 1865
Champlain, N. Y........... July 6, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... July 8,1856
New York, N. Y.......... June 14, 1859
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 5, 1872
Washington, D. C......... Dec. 16, 1862
Washington, D. C........ May 19, 1863
Washington, D. C....... May 19, 1863
Boston, Mass............... Sept. 19, 1865
Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 18, 1866
Bridesbargh, Fa........ Mar. 14, 1865
Birmingham, England ---.... Dec. 17, 1872
Watertown, Mass........ Nov. 16, 1858
Mount Vernon, Ohio...... Aug. 2, 1870
Elizabethton, Tenn......
Birmingham, England.....
Ilion, N. Y................
Ilion, N. Y................
Freetown, Mass.........
East Hartford, Conn......
South Coventry, Conn....
Augusta. Moe.............
Hudson City, N. J........
New Haven, Conn........
New Haven, Conn........
Montgomery. Ala........
Albany, N. Y.............
Albany, N. Y., and Worcester, Mass.
Tolland, Conn............
Fort Laramie, Wyo....
Snmithfield, Ohio...........
Boston, Mass....._.......
Boston, Mass-----------..............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Watertown, Mass.........
Watertown, Mass.........
Watertown, Mass.........
Newhausen. Switzerland -..
Boston and Medford, Mass
Birmingham, England....
New York, N. Y._......
Frauenfeld, Switzerland..
Frauenfeld, Switzerland..
Frauenfeld, Switzerland.
Frauenfeld, Switzerland..
Handsworth, England.....
Loudoun County, Va.....
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Edgewater, N. Y..........
Edgewater, N. Y........
Springfield, Mass.........
Springfield, Mass.._....
United States Army......
Castleton, N. Y........
Birmingham, England....
South Windham, Conn...
Birmingham, England -...
Stever, Austria..........
Springfield, Mass.........
Springfield, Mass........
Worcester. Mass..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..._........
New Haven, Conn._.....
Port Chester, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Waterbury. C('nn.........
Hart frd, Conn...........
Hartford, Conn...........
Hartford, Conn...........
Ilion, I\.................
tlion, N. Y................
New Haven. Conn.....
New Haven, Conn.......
INew Haven, Conn........
May 6, 1873
Oct. 14, 1862
Apr. 2, 1872
May 28, 1872
July 16, 1867
July 12, 1870
Nov. 28, 1865
Feb. 13, 1872
May 11, 1869
Apr. 4, 1871
Apr. 25, 1871
July 27, 1869
Jan. 219, 1861
Sept. 6, 1864
June 2, 1863
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 6, 1872
May 11, 1869
Aug. 24, 1869
June 13, 1871
Oct. 22, 1872
Mar. 30, 1869
Mar. 30, 1869
Sept. 28, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Oct. 22, 1861
Oct. 24, 1865
Dec. 15, 1e68
May 25, 1809
May 30, 1871
Nov. 7, 1871
Oct. 15, 1872
Sept. 17, 1872
Mar. 6, 1860
Aug. 31, 1869
Dec. 7, 1869
Feb. 1, 1870
Feb. 21. 1871
D ce. 27, 1864
Feb. 23, 1864
Oct. 28, 1856
Mar. 20, 1855
Aug. 15, 1871
Oct. 16, 1855
June 11, 1867
Feb. 18, 1868
Dec. 17, 1867
June 9,1868
Nov. 11, 1862
May 31,1870
Oct. 25, 1859
Oct. 31, 1865
June 19, 1866
Oct. 22, 1867
Apr. 18, 1865
Feb. 4, 1862
Jan. 6, 1863
Jan. 6, 1863
Mar. 13, 1855
Mar. 13, 1855
Apr. 3, 1855
Aug. 8, 1871
Apr. 16, 1872
Nov. 8, 1864
Nov. 26, 1867
Mar. 21, 1871
47, 755
85, 252
69, 941
104, 223
12, 655
20, 825
32, 929
34, 319
1:35, 671
14, 780
21, 523
65, 704
89, 699
44, 123
41, 242
50, 507
92, 393
15, 307
24, 414
132, 740
37, 208
38, 643
38, 644
50, 046
60, 592
46, 866
134, 014
22, 0'.4
106, 083
138, 711
36, 681
125, 229
127, 386
66, 913
105, 388
51, 243
123, 595
89, 955
113, 470
114, 230
93, 023
31, 268
44, 127
38, 772
119, 098
130, 165
89, 902
94, 047
115, 911
132, 505
88, 530
88, 531
95, 395
109, 277
33, 563
50, 670
84, 922
90, 614
115, 546
120, 800
132, 222
27, 399
94, 458
17, 734
99, 504
111, 994
45, 660
47, 7132
15, 990
12, 567
118, 171
13. 691
(15, 783
74, 737
72, 434
78, 847
36. 925
103, 694
25, 926
50, 760
- 55, 752
70, 141
4U, 30
34. 325
37, 369
37, 376
12, 528
12, 529
12, 638
117, 843
125, 775
44, 991
71, 349
112, 997
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Fire-arm Breech-loading------------------------- E.Wliitneyx----- -----
Fire-arm, B'reech-loading------------ _--__E.Whtny---.------------h itre
Fire-arm, Breech -loadinrg- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - X.hitineyC. Geruer, and lF.
7 icing.
Fire-arm, Breech-loading- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---- -- -- E.Whiitniey and F. Tiesin g - -
Fii-e-arm, Breech-loading------------------------.......J. M. Wliiitemore.........._
Fire-arm, Breech-loading-----------------------. M. Wittemore-----
Fire-arm, Breech-loading------------------------.......J M. Whittemore.. -------.___
Fire arm, Bi-eech-loading...- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -. JA. Wichmania...... _......
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.- -- - --- --- - --- --- -- -- - -. J1).Willkisn.............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading.----------- ---------- --- -D. Williamson........
Fire-arm, Breech-loading..--------------------4_ 1) __ __ _ D.Williamrson...__.....
Fii-e-armu, Breech-loading - - __-- -- -_- -- -- -- --------Williamson..............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading------------------------- T. Wilson--_-- --.__
Fire-aim, Breech-loading -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - --- - - - -. F. Wilson and H Flather_.
Fii-e-arm, Breech-loading..- - --.......-- F. XWollgemruth.............
Fii-e-arm, Breech-loading. - -- ------ -- - - - --. H. H. Wolcott.._..
Fii-e-arm, Breech-loading------------------------_C. 0. Wood -...........
Fire-arm, Breech-loading ---------.... C. 0. Wood.............
Dire-arnis, Breech-h~ading-_----------------------- S. W. Wood..................
Fire-arm, Breech-loading------------------------- F. U1. Wooidward -- --.__._
Fire-aim, Breech-loading------------------------.. _ _E. S. Wright.._...__.._.__
Fir-am, rech-oaing...................A. Wyley..................
Fr-rBreech-loading------------------------......Yates -........ ____-_-.....
Fire-arm, Breech-loading_----------------_------as..............
Fire-arm, Breech-loading--------------.Von.....................V on -.-.-._.
Fire-nirn, Breech-loading------------------------..G. Zeller...........
Fire-arm, Breech-lomding and magazine- -_- -- - - - --J. S. Rleeder........
Fire-arm, Breech-loading and other --------------- J. XV. Cochran-------------..
Fire-arm, Breech-loading magazine-------------...w _ne...... ny......__... _.._..
Fire-arm, Breech-loading recreating.-------------- _.C. Slirps-.._.....__.
Fire-arm, Bi-eech-loading revolv ing---------------......E. Claude. -_..... -.....
Fire-aim, Breech-loading r-evolving---------------...F. A. Le Mat..--------------..._.
Fire-arch, Double-barreled-----------------------.E. Maynard----------- ------I
Fire-arm, Double-barreled ----------- -------.-----FE. Whitney-----------------
Fire-arm, Double-barreled breech-loading-_- -.W. H. Elliot----------------._._.
Fire-aria, Double-barreled i-evolving -- -- -- -- -- - -.H. I). Ward. _......... _....
Fire-arm lock...............----------------------E. Allen --- ----....
Fire-aim lock.-----------------------------------WV. H. Baker ---------
Fire-arm lock.......-...........-......0. Blunt...................Fii c-arm lock..-.....-....-..--...-..-....J. S. Butteifield.............
Fii-e-arm lock---------------------------------....E, S. Chiapin.................
Fire-aim lock---------------............ oo-------------------N.B ok........
Fire-arm lock------------------W hn........................... W.Fak_-.._...--
Fire-arm lock----------------------------------..P. Hiller....................
Fire-airi leek..........................--------. J. P. Lindsay................
Firearm lock--------------------------------....1). Moore...................
Fire-arm lock........................... J. Post......................
Fieamlock...................-.........-------E. T. Starr..................
Fleamlock---------------------------------... A. P. Stephens...__.......
Fire-ariii lock.----------------------------------A. Tonks..................
Fire-arm lock----------------------------------..M. Tromly.._.............Fire-arm lock. -.- - - - -.Tol..........................M rmy---------
Fire-arm lock.................-------------------------------- A on.........
Fire-arm lock, Double-barreled--_________D B esn-----------------D.B esn.......
Fire-aim lock, Repeating----------------------J. It. Mock._-----------------._.
Fire-armMagazine------------------------------..A. Assmus...................
Fire-aim, Magazine-----------------------....----A. Ball -..............
Fi re-arm, Magazine-----------------------------...S. G. Bay es..................
lire-aimMaimzine-----------------------------..J. H. Bean..................
FieamMagazine------------------------------..P. Boynton..................
Fii e-aria, Magazine-----------------------------...P. Boynton --.......
lire-aini Magazine...------.-.--...-.-....--...-...-.--G. W. Briggs................
Fiirearn, M agazine............................- A. Burgess............IFiie-aria Magazine-------------------------.....A. Burgess _.___....
Firi-arm, Magazine------------------------------..T. Collen...................
F ire-arnnM-igazine---------------------------.__J. Davis----------------....
Fire-arm, Magazine.-...................-------... C. Dodge_.............
Fii-aimMagazine.--.--..---........------------J. B. Doolittle...............
Fire-ai~mMag-wrne------------------------------... W.I. Elliot.................
FraiaMagazine.............-.....-------------D. Ellis.............
Fir-aimr Magazine............................... V. Fogerty..................Fire-airi, Magazine------------------------------- V. Fogerty..................
Fire-arnri, Magazine----------------V oet.........................VFoet-_--______
Fit-aim, Magazine............................... H. K. Fotrbis_________
Fire-armi, Magazine.............................- J. (G-ny....................
Fii-ainiMaazine.----------------------Jry..................Ga -----------
Fire-arni Maazine.............................- H. W. Hayden.............
Fir-arm, Magazinue............................- B. T. Henry................--
Fir ai Maazie----------------------G. W. Hlughes and J. G Pusey.
Fire-aini Magazine..........................- N. Kiii......................
Fire-armMagazine------------------------------..N. in;....................Fire-ai~m Magazine.---..---.-..-.----..-.--.--.----...... E. C. Kirk and E. Sneider. - _ -_
Fire-aimM-igazine---------------------------...- J. L. Kirk...................
Fiearm, Ma,,asine--------------------"----_J. Knraffert...................
Fii-aimMagazine....................W. Lane----------------..
Fii-aini Magazine.............................. G. D. Luee................
New Haveii, Coon...
New Haven, Coun...
New Haven, Con.'.I..
New Haven, Conn..-.
Augusta, Me.........
August-k, Me.........._
Augusta, Me...........
Oldenbuig, Geimany..
Plattsburghi, N. Y..-.-.
Biooklya. N. Y..__.___..
New Yorik, N. Y....
New York, N. Y...
Bii-miiighiam, England. - -
Bi-idesburgli Pa.....
New York, N. Y -.....
Yonkers, N. Y....
Woi este-, Mass.....
Worcester, Mass.. -..__ -
CorLwall, N.Y.........
Worcester, Mass..._..
New York, N. Y........
Birmingham, England --
Milwuvikee, XWis.----
New Yoi-k, N. Y.-----
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Biussels, Bi-lgiumrn -...
Canton, tOhio----------...
New York, N. Y..___..
Charlestowni, Mass..__.
Pliiladelpiia, Pa.._..
New York, N. Y... -..
New Orleans. La.....
Tai rytown, N. Y.
New Haven, Conna...
Plattlsburgbh, N. Y. _.
Pittsfield, Mass.......
Graftoii, Mass...........
Marathon, N Y....
New York, N. Y..
Pihiladielphia, Pa -... - -_Stafford Spirings, Corir. _ _.
Chicago, Ill....... -.....
Mount Sterling, Ill.--_.
Mat-tapoisett, Mass -.
New York, N. Y.___._
Brooklyn, N. Y.-......-.
Newark, N. J............
New Yoi-k, N. Y....
Brooklyn, N. Y -.....
Bostoii, Mass..........
Mount Vernon, Ill....
Mount Vernon, Ill..
lihiladelphia, Pa......
Springfield, Mass.._..
Elizabethtown, Ky....Chicago, Ill............
W~orcester, Mass......
Wauseon. Ohio....
Cincinnati, Ohio.__.--...
Canton, N. Y.............
Canton, N. Y.............
New Haven, Corn -..
New York, N. Y......
Hartford, Conn..._..
San Francisco, Cal. _..
Limestoneville, Pa...
Washington, D. C.._..
Seymour, Coiiu.... _New York, N. Y. _....Whitestone, N. Y....
Boston, Mass..........--
Boston, Mass............
Roxbury, Mass....
Danville, Ky.............
Toledo, Ohio.. _.........._
Medfoid, Mass.----------.Medford, Mass --------.
Waterbury, Conn..
New Haven, Cone --_...
Providence,.It. I......
Bridgeport, Coca....
Bridgeport, Conn..__
Baltimore, Md -....._
Date. No.
-Junel13,1871 115, 997
Mar. 26, 1872 124,!1;94
J July 27, 181)9 93, 149
*July 16, 18 72.129, 637
June 14, 1870 10-1, 387
Sept. 171,1812 13,, 487
Oct. 1, 1872 131, 9-21.
Sept. 29, 1863 40, 151
Aug.29,187l 118,59
Mar. 21, 1865 46, 977
Oct. 2, 1866 58, 5-25
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 197
July 14, 1868 80, 0434
Aug. 15, 1865 49, 46i3
May 18, 1889 90,214
Nov. 27, 1866 60, 106
Oct. 9), 1860:30, 372
Jan. 1, 1861 31, 050
Apr. 1, 1862 34,854
Jaii. 7, 186-2 34, 084
Nov. 15, 1864 45, 1;26
Nov. 24, 1868 84, 459
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 607
May 9, 1871 114, 74-2
June 21, 1870 104, 682
Mar. 18, 1873 136, 894
Nov. 27, 1860 30. 760
Nov. 29, 1859 26, 256
Aug. 21, 1855 13, 474
Jan. 25, 1859 22, 753
Dec. 21, 1858 2-2, 348
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 780
Oct. 20, 1868 83, 194
Oct. 23, 1866 59, 110
Aug. 16, 1864 43, 840
Sept. 8, 1863 39, 850
Nov. 11, 1837 461
Dec. 8, 1863 40, 809
Dec. 25, 1849 6,1966
Jaii. 2, 1855 12, 124
July 17, 1837 274
Aug. 27, 1850 7, 596
Sept. 10, 1861 33, 245
Apr. 30, 1861 3-2, 188
Oct. 9, It CO 30, 33-2
Dee. 2, 1873 145, 118
May 15, 1849 6, 45:3
May 10,1864 42,697
Api. 21, 1863 38,249
Jan. 13, 1857 16,411
Oct. 13, 1857 18, 418
July 12, 1859 24, 768
June 14, 1870 104, 394
May 2, 18 71 114,374
May 31, 1859 24, 2-28
Dec. 16, 1873 145, 478
Dec. 6, 1864 45, 307
Feb. 9, 1869 86,723
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 624
Mar. 15, 1859 2:3,226
Jan. 3, 1860 26, 646
Oct. 16, 1866 5Q, 937
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 115
Jan. 7, 1873 134, 589
Apr. 13, 1869 88, 853
Feb. 28, 1871 112, 127
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 790
July 29, 1862 35, 99)6
May 28,1872 127, 323
Apr. 12, 1870 101, 845
Feb. 21, 1865 46,459
Oct. 23, 1866 59, 126
Oct. 6, 1868 82,819
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 795
Feb. 16, 1869 87, 038
July 4, 1865 48, 62-2
Apr. 17, 1866 54, 068
Aug. 7, 1866 56, 939
Oct. 16, 18S60 30, 4-16
Aug. 15, 1865 49, 409
May 2-2, 1866 55, 0113
Aug. 28, 1866 57, 636
Jan.1;, 186e7 I6, '910
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1673, inclusie-Continued.
Invention. In vector.
Fire-airmMagazine ------------------------------J. D.Snmith...._.-........_.
Fiie-arm, Magazine.............................. J. N. Smith. -------..
Fire-atm. Magazine.............................. C. M. Spencer..........._.. _.
Thre-aim, Magazine----------------......------------C. M. Spencer..............
Fiie-arm, Magazine------------------------------......C. M. Spencer._..............
Fiie 'irmManazine-------------------------------E. Stabler...................
Fire-aurnMJagazine............................... E. L. Stnrtevant.............
Fire-arm, Magazine---------------------...._.- ----ASwingleandF.A.Hnntiagton
lire-armaaazine ------------------------------- L Z. Tei-rill................
ir-niMagazine.c-_-------------------------F. Vetterlin.................
Vii e-rn Magazine ------------------------------ H. F. Wheeler..............
Fiie-armM-igazine------------------------------I.L. Wheelck..------------..
Fire arm,Maigazine-----------------------------.J.. A. Whitney...............
Fire-aim.M-agazine------------------------------- 0. F. Winchester...._.......
ire-arm, Magazine breech-loading - --- - -- - --- -- - -- -H. F. Wheeler.............. _ _
Fire-rn, Magazine for breech-leading............ W. H. Elliot---------------....
Fire-arm, Magazine for self-leading----------------..J. F. Appleby _........_ - -....
Fire-arm, Magi~zne or self-loading----------------.....W. Fitzgei-ald _...._.......
Fire-aim, Magazie or seltfloading--------. _ -----J. Gr ay..-- ------------------
Fr-armI Maazine or self loading._--.- ---------G. W.Hughes-------------...
Fire-arm, Magazine oi- self-leading----------------..R. Rotberts ------------------
Fiie -urm Ma-c zinc or self-loading.- - - -- ------L. Triplett..................
Fire -rmMagazine revolving--------------------_F. J. Fiost..-.-.......-...
Fire-armMany lbaireled ------------------ ------- W. J. Christy................
Fire-urrn, Many-banreed-._.- - --.- --- - -.- ----. H. Elliot. -........
irc-arni Many-banreled-----------------------...... W. H. Elliot...............
Fire-arm, Many-baireled-------------------------.. 11. Elliot................
Fire arni Many-b-irreled ------------------------- W. H. Elliot.. --.__..--
Fiie-arm, Many-chambered-----------------------...CA.Bennett and P.F.H~aviland
Fire-armMany-cleimbered------------------------ C. Parkhiirst...............- - -
F ir e -airm, Many-chambered cylinder- -- - --- -- -- -- --J. W. Cochran.............
Fire-aim, Many-chimbered cylindeir- -..-- --------J. W. Cechran................
Fire-aim, Many chainbeir-d cylinder---------------F.... Jaquith................_
IFire-arm, Many-chambered cylinder---------------....1). Leavitt--. --.- ---------
Fire-arm, Many-chambered cylinder - __-- -_- -- -----. Nichols and E. Childs -...
Fire -rnMany-chambered cylinder.-.- - __- M. Nutting--..-----.-- ----
lir-a-mi Many-chambniered cylinder- -- -- -- -- -- - - --. F. Streng................
Fire-irmi Many-chambered cyl i n de r- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -1)W. Whittier........ ___..
Fre-airii Many-chambered notating-breech - ------S. Colt -..--_____._--...._
IFire-arm, Many-chambered rotating-breech - __--- S. Colt............_.......
F ir-arm percussion-lock------------------ ----- J. 11. B. Latrobe -_--------
Fime-arm percussion-lock--------------- -------0O. Moses................----
Fire-ariii Portable---------------A. 0. H. P. Seliorn..........
FireurnmPortable- ------ -------- - --- -- -- -- -- - -C. L.Stainislaus, Baron Heurtelonip.
ie-aim, Portable--------------------------..........J. Tilton and W. Floyd.
FR-arm, Repeating-------------------------....S. Colt------------------.._
Fiic-aim, Repeating---------------C.Daee.....................Dagr-.----__-.
F ie -armRepeating---------------------- ----11 I. J. Drew.................
lire-aim, Repeating ------------------------. W. H. Elliot...............
Fre-ami, Repeating-------------------------....A. C. Faivre................
i re-arai Repeatiiig --_-------_--.II. Gerliart..............---
lire-aimRepeating--------------------------- J. Gray...................
Fime-aiimRepeating ----------------------------- B. Groomes-----------------..
Fire-arm,Repeating----------------------- ------- A. iHall.....................
lire-ni-rnRepeating ------------------------------P1. J. Jat-re.................--
lire-az-ni, Repeatiiig-----------------------------..F... M. Judd.. _.........__.....
Fiie-arm Repeating.............------------------G. Leonard---------
-----------1rani Repeating-------------------------- E. Maher.................
Fire-arni Repeating-----------------------......... W. W. Marston.. -.. -. -_.....
ie-aimRepeating---------------------- ----- 11. H. Mcieniy and F. Gothi.
Fire-arm, Repeating-------------------------11... _. 5. Mci-shun and J. Hollingsworth.
Fire-arm, Repeating--------------.....------_ W. H. Moiris and C. L. Brown.
lire-aini Ropeaitin-----------------------....- C. S. Pettengill.. _. _......._
Fire-aim, epicating-------------------------.....F. B. 'ricdlle...............
Fire-arm, Repeating.--------------------------J. N. Smith..-....._-...._.
Fire-aria Repeating --------------------------W. S. Smoot..--._...._.
Fiie-am, Repealing------------------- ------- E. T. Start-......._....
Fir-arm, Repeating ------------------------- J. Stevens-.........._.
liie -tim iepeating...............-- - --J. Stevens.....-- -..........-- --
lire -trim Repeating -------------------------- C. C. Tei-iel................
Fiie-aini Repealing.....-..-...........--------_C. N. Tyler...............
Fiie-arni, Repeating------------------------........L. Whicelock- - --- _-- - - - - - -
Fire -m, Repeating.-..-.................-.-....IL.White....... __.........
I ie-aini Repeating.--............... -------... 11. White...........
T ie-inn Ilepeating magazine-----------------..J. C. Sniiih...............Fiie-aim, eopeatiii; or niany-chiambered.........-H. and C. Daniels............
I ie-ai ii Repeating single-barr-eled......- - -.D. B. Neal................. -
lire-aim, Revoelver.--------------------------- J Adams.------ -..._..
Fiie-armRnIevolving.._..._.._....__..._._....._J. Adams-............... "lii e-aimIt, evolving-----------------------.......Adams..................
I in -ti-in Revolving....... -.................- F. Allen.................lireai-mRex lx 1.......EAlln------------
Bridgeport, Coinn..__--.
Cinninaati. Ohio. ---_-.
Bost on, Mass-----------.-_
Boston, Mass..- _.......
Boston, Mass...........
Sandy Springs, Md..
Boston, Mass------------
San Francisco, Cal....
Chicopee, Mass..........
Newhausen, Switzei-land..
Boston, Mass---------...
New Haven, Conn.__...
Maryland, N. Y._--.
New Haven, Conn...
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..
Maze Manie, Wis-.._
Boston, Mass...........
Medford, Mass.....
B~loomington, Ill......
Utica, N. Y............
Columbia, IKy..........
New York, N. Y...
Philadelphia, Pa.
Plattsbu-gh, N. Y._.
Plattsbur-ghi, N. Y.----
lime, N. Y............---
Ilion, N. Y.............
W~aterville, Me -.......
Lawrenceville, Pa.._.
Now York, N. Y...__.
New York, N. Y. __._..
Llrattleborough, Vt..
Cabotsville, Mass....
Conway, Mass.......
Por-tland, Me............
Northampton, Mass.._.
Enfoeld, N. H............
Hart ford, Coon...__..Howard County, Md..
Malone, N. Y............
Mrirfreesborongh, Tenn-. -
Reck House, Ohio _.
Hartford, Conn---.
Indianapolis, led _.
Dixon, Ill....-........--
Plattsburgh, N. Y...
Meadville, Pa _.........
Liege, Belgium.........
Boston, Mass...........
Cunmberland Township, Pa.
New York, N. Y.-----
Paris, France-----------..-_
New Britain, Conn.
Sli-exvsbnry, Mass...
New York, N. Y..._..
New York, N. Y....
Biddeford, Me..........
Zanesville, Ohio..._..
Feb. 27, 1866
An".18, 1863
May 216, 1863
Oct.9, 18616
Oct. 9, 1866
Mar. 14, 18615
July 16, 1867
Feb. 18, 1873
May 4, 1869
Dec. 29, 1868
Juiie 25, 1867
Deg-. 1, 1868
July 30, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
Feb. 7, 1865
Feb. 14,71871
Dec. 20, 1864
Jan. 11. 1865
Dec. 20, 1864
Nov. 15, 1864
Dec. 27, 1864
Dec. 6, 1864
Jnie 11, 1867
Sept. 18, 1866
May 10, 1864
May 10, 1864
Oct. 3,186
Ilec. 12, 1865
Feb. 15, 1838
Sept. 25, 1837
Alit-. 29, 1837
Mai-. 8, 1837
July I2, 1838
Apr. 29, 1837
Apr. 24, 1858
Apr. 2e, 1838
Apr. 21, 18:38
May 30, 1837
Fe-b. 24, 1857
Nov. 24, 1857
Feb. 26, 1856
May 3,"18-28
Jan. 30, 1855
July 29, 1841
Mar. 3, 1857
Sept. 3. 1850
Api-. 8, 1862
Mat-. 14, 1871
May 29, 1860
Mar. 9, 1858
Jan. 27, 1857
Jan. 26, 1864
Jan. 1, 1856
June 10, 1856
June 24, 1862
Feb. 25, 186-2
May 6, 18511
May 6, 186-2
May 26, 1857
Feb. 15, 1859
Feb. 27, 1855
52, 934
319, 591
38, 702
58, 737
58, 738
46, 8-28
66, 751
135, 947
89, 705
85, 494
66, 110
84, 598
67, 24-2
57, 808
46, 288
45, 466
45, 919
45, 560
45, 043
45, 638
43, 361
65, 74-2
58, 664
42. 648
42, 649
50, 232
51, 440
16, 683
18, 678
14, 319
12, 3-28
2, 203
16, 761
7, 61:3
34, 9-22
112, 5114
28, 4 60
19, 553
16, 477
41, 375
14, 017
15, 110
35, 685
34, 504
14, 820
35, 167
2-2, 969
12, 471
26, 919
15, 388
2!, 149
35, 548
97, 821
9. 929
10, 189
19, 387
12, 648
1-2, (649
14, 0:34
1-2, 440
30. t602
85, 350
91, 694
18, 836
21, 400
New Yen-k, N. Y... _.....Jan. 24, 1860
New Haven, Coen - -.---July 22, 1856
Newy Haven, Conin-....Aug. 10, 1858
Jersey City, N.J.........--June 10, 1862
Washington, D. C -..._Dee, 14, 1869
New York, N. Y......... May 10, 1864
Chicopee, Mass-----------... g.Aug. 9, 1853
Chicopee Falls, Mass._.Jan. 2, 1855
Shullsbnrglr. Wis..-_...Feb. 16, 1858
Worcester, Mass.. -._May 3, 1853
New Haven, Cone -- - -Jai. 31, 1871
Hartford, Conn-----------..Api. 3,1855
Hartford, Conn - -.... Apr. 3, 1855
Camden, N. J............. Jan. 1, 1856
Chester, Conn........-Apr. 5, 18:38
Mount Gilead, Ohio...Feb. 27, 1855
Dalston, England...Nov. 6, 1860
Strand, England._--- - Dec. 29, 1868
London, England-..._.May 3, 1853
Worcester, Mass. _..._.Dec. 15, 1857
Worcester, Mass.----------_Sept. 7, 1858
Won-coster, Mass... __.......Nov. 9, 1858
Worcester, Mass._- - ----July 3, 1860
Worcester, Mass.. -....Sept. 24, 1861
Worcester, Mass.......... Oct. 22, 1861
Won cestem-, Mass.._...Apr. 29, 1862
Middletown, Conic -.. _.Nov. 26, 1861
Middletownr, Conn...July 17,1860
Middletown, Conn-_-..May 14, 1861
M1 iddletotni, Con -.._.Jan. 21, 1862
Middletown, Conn-....Mar. 25, 1862
New York, N, Y----------"Oct. 1-2, 1858
Now Orleans, La.__-- ----June 7, 1859
New Haven, Con -....May 26. 1857
Netw Haven, Curie -....Sept.. 14, 18:,8
Index of patents issued fronh the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Fire-arm, Revolving. __.........................W. H Bell _. _................ Washington, DI. C......Mar. 20, 1860 27, 518
Fire-arm, Revolving-.--.......--..-..-..-..-........-..-..- -- -G. A. Blittkowski and F. W New York, N. Y.-- -- ----Apr. 2-2, 1856 14, 710
Fire-arm, Revolving..............................C. C. Brand................. Norwich, Conn............ Sept. 2:3, 1862 36, 505
Fir-c-arm, Revolving.............................. C. C. Brand _.-_-.........Norwich, Conn............-Apr. 28, 1863 38, 279
Fire-arm, Revolving..............................IH. A. Briggs and S. S. Hop- Norwich, Conn-----------..Jan. 5, 1864 41, 117
Fire-arm, Revolving............................. G. C. Bunsen.......- _-........Belleville, 111-. _---.......Dec. 26, 1865 51, 690
Fire arm, Revolving..._..._.......................G. W. H. Calver............... Burlington, N. J......... May 17, 1870 103, 013
Fite-rn, Revolving.........---------..__ A. Christ-....................California, Ohio-..._......Sept. 11, 1866 57, 865
Fire-arm, Revolvitug............................-F. 0-. Cochran..._...._.....Saint LooisMo.........July 4,1871 116, 539
Fir-armIRevolving........... _.................J. W. Cochrani..............New York, N. Y......... Dec. 28, 1858 22, 412
Fitce-trn, Revolv~ing............................. -- -- -- -- -J. W. Cochran..... _.......... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 10, 1863 40, 553
Fire-art, Revolving.............................--S. Colt...........HtodCn------------------HrfdCn.__._.May 4, 1858 20, 144
Eire-armas Revolintg.............................. C. A. Converse and S. S. Hop- Noritch, Con............Aug. 28, 1866 57, 62:)
Fire-arm, Revolving.............................. J. M. Cooper...............-Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 20, 1860 27, 526
Fire-arm, Revolvitug............................J. Ml. Cooper...__.........PtttsburghPa............Sept.. 4, 1860 29, 864
Fire-arm, Revolting.............................. J.M. Cooper.................--Prttshturgh, Pa............ Sept. 22, 1863 40, 021
Fite-arm, Revolvitug.............................S. Crispip..................... New York, N. Y..........Oct. 3, 1865 50, 224
Fit-a-rmIRevolving..................G. G. Ci-owell. _. _...._....Lime Rock. Coon --__. - Apr. 17, 1866 53, 955
Fire-arm, Revolving..................... _...... C. F. and J. E. Do IDartein.Strashouirg, Fiance.. - May 10, 1870 10-, 78-2
Fite -rm, Revolin tg.............................XV__ _ _ _ _. C. Dodge........._... _.....Washintigon, D. C _... Janl. 24, 1865 45, 983
Fite-attn Revolving.............................J. B.tDoolittle.._.... _.. _......- New Haven, Coon.._ Apr. 17, 1866 54, 061
Fire--trw, Rev olvtng.............................1-3. K. 1)orwart_..............Rockland, H. I._._.......Sept. 2,1873 142, 376
Fire-atm, Rev olving....... __....................H. W. Dtew __......__. _......Lowell, Mass -...---__-Apr. 2, 1867 63, 450
Fire-arm, Reolvtng.................W. H. Elliot.................- - - -Plattshurgh, N. Y_. _.. Aug. 17,1858 2-, 188
Fire-arm, Revolvtng..............................W. H. Elliot.___..__.._. Plattsbhurgh,N. Y.__. May 29, 1860 28, 461
Fie-irm, Revolving........ _...................XW. H. Elliot........... _.... Plattshurgh, N. Y. ____. Oct. 1, 1861:33, 38-2
Fire-trm, Revolvinig.........._.........---------IW. H. Elliot...... _.........Plattsbuitgh, N. Y.-----Feb. 7, 1865 46, 225
Fi-e-armn,IRevolving.............................. W. C. Ellis and J. N. White..- Springfield, Mass..... July 12, 1859 24, 726
Fire-arni, Revolving.. _.._.. _.___... _... _........ WX. C. Ellis and J. N. White.. Springfield, Mass..._.July 21, 1863 39, 318
Fire-artm,Revolving............................. J. Ells......................._Pitlsbtirgh, Pa............ Apr. 25, 1854 10, 812
Fire-arm, Revolving.............................. J. Ells-....__....-.......Pittsburgh, Pa............ Apr. 14, 1857 17, 032
Fire-arni, Revolving.............................. C. Foehl............... _._...Philadelphia, Pa - _.___ June 3, 1873 139,461
Fire-arm, Revolving... _..... __..................- __ _ S. Forehand and H. C. Wads- Worcester, Mass......... June 27, 1871 116, 42-2
Fire-arm, Revolving........................... _S. Forehand and H. C. Wads- Worcester, Mass.. _........ Oct.. 14, 1873 143, 566
Fire-arm, Revolving............................A. T. Freeman._---.._........Binighamton, N. Y _--_. Dec. 9, 1862 37, 091
Fire arm, Revolving _.......................... G. H. Gardner... _... _.........Newt York, N. Y...........May 16, 1865 47, 712
Fire-arm, Revolvitng..............................G. W. B. Gedney... _... _........New York, N. YV.......... - -July 29,1862 35, 999
Fire-arm. Revolving.............................M. F. Geraght~y............._ - _ Jersey City, N. J.-..__._.Aug. 25, 1863 39, 642
Fire-arm, Revolvitig. - _ ___. _.._....____. ___ A. J. Gihson. _...._.........Worcester, Mass-.......... -May 22, 1860 28, 4:37
Fire-aim, Rev olving...........................--.. JGihson._......_.......Worcester, Mass.......... July 10, 1860 29, 126
Fire-arm, Revolving.............................. A.J Gihson........ -- I.....Worcester, Mass. -------.Oct. 9, P60 30,3:09
Tire-arm, Rev olving..................J. Gordon....... _............ San Francisco, Cal... July 16, 1729 129, 334
itre -rm, Rev olving.._...........................E.H. Graham... _.. _..........Yonkers, N. Y..____........Nov. 21, 1863 40, 687
ire-tim, Revolving.............................. H.0Gtoss..................-- 1 iffin, Ohio.........1cc 3,1861 33, 836
lite-aim, Revonlg..................... rs....................Til-------,- Ohio............... Aug. I Gosu.25, 1863 39, 645
Fite-attn Rexvolving................... J. Gruler -nd A. Rehetey-Nor-wichr, Coon.-_-_-..........Dee. 27, 18a9 26,(641
ie -timRevolving............................ A. Goritero----------------. Genoa, Italy-------------- _.Apt. 11, 1865 47, 7252
Fire-armto Revolving------------------------------A. Hall......_........... Dativille, Iowa------------M-tr. 24, 1863:37, 961
Fire aim Hevolvinig.........................._______________.FH.Hairington. -............Sptingfleld, Mass - -------June 1la 188,20, 607
IFie -tintRevolvilog............... _________________________..W.Hartris---------__...-- --Pittshurgh. Pa. _._........ Sept. 1,186;3j 39, 771
Fire-aimRevoltvitig...........................--I P.Hltoghiari----------------- Newv York, N.V.._.._.....eb. 8,1565 46, 562
Fire-arni Rev olvitig................_--------- -.VC.ilay nes................ Melirose, Tex-------------_ _ Iat.1, 185t9'2:, 087
lire-artn Rev olving..-------.....---------------11. I.illtl-------------------Cranston, H. I..._.......F(b.h15a1870 99, 893
Fire-atm, Rexvolving-----------------------------.. 0U.Holman-------------------- Waterville, N.Y---------- Mat. 3,1868 75, 016
Fire-arm, Revolving..............................F. \V. Hood................. Worcester, Ms.....Nov.8, 1864 4 4, 953
Fire-arm, Revolving.. _.. _..... __..............F.Hod......_...Hotal. - -- - Bostoti, Mass......_-... July 4, 1871 11 6, 593
Fire-armRevolving.............................. C.W.Iop-kins................ Nortvich, Con...........-May 27,186-2 35, 419
Fire-arm, Revolving.. -................. S.S.Hopkins----------------- _Norwich, Con....-_........ Mat. 08,1871 11O 453
Ft -e-aimRevolving..................... _....._... CHowe............ _.......Worcester, Mass-.........eh. 17, 1863 37-, 69:3
Fir-amReoling.._....... __.._ _.. __ IJ. Jenkiuson. _.............. Brooklyii, N. Y........_.j 1)cc. 2, 1862 37, 075
Fire-atm, Revolving...................11-F.Joly------------------1.1.Joln......._.Worcester. Mass ---------- May 4, 1858 20, 160
Fire-arm, Revolving............................. B. F. Joslyn-----------....-----Stonington, Con-.... Aug. 4, 186:3 359, 405.
Fire-arm, Revolving........................... B. F Jutslyn.-- -- -.- ------- Stotnirrgton, Cen._.__IAug. 4,11863 311, 406
Fire-arm, Revolvitig.-.-----...-.-.--.-....-----.--..----.-B. F. Joslynr.------------------ _ _Stonington, Coon -.-.--Apr-. 191, 18(i4 42, 3t79
Fire-arm, Revolving..-................... F. Joslyn..._.._........Stoningtont, Coon.__Feb. 7, 1865 1 46, 24:3
Fire-arm, Revolving........................... ii. F. Joslyn------------------..Stonington, Coon _- _--- June 20, 1 e65 48, 287
Erie -i Revolvilog............................. B. F. Josh-n.................. Stonington. Conno -. _._.Jan. 12, 18661 51, 836
Fit-arm, Revolving............................ B. F. Joslyn..............Netv York, N. Y -__...... Nov. 22, 187.) 109, 417
Fire-arm, Revolving_............................. B. F.Joslyn-_----- --------Nw York, N. Y---------Ma~y 30, 1871 115, 483
lire-art, Revolving--------------------------- -- II. S. Josselyn._.............Roxbury, Mass...........--Janr. 2:3, 1866 5-2, 248
lot rn Revolving. -......- ___ _____ __ __J. Ketr. -_........... Southwark, England.__- Aug. 4, 1863 39, 49
Fire-irm Revolinlg----"--"-----------------------C. A. King -------------------Sprtoolihh, Mass ---Aug. 24, 1869 94, 003
lieamRvlig-------------- risey----------------N -tv-rkT.J.........un 8,158 n2,i49
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent (Office from 1700 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Fire-arm, Revolving.--------------------------
Fire-arm, Revolving---------------
Fire-arm, Revolving...........................---
Fire-arm, Revolving..........................---
Fire-arm, Revolving. ---------...-..__--_
Fire-ar, Revolving.............................
F ire-armi, Revolving............... _.............
F ire-arm, Revolving.......-._._.--
Fire-aim, Rexolvinrg.__....___...........
IFire-arm, Rexolxing................
lire-aim, Pe olving-- __ _ __ _ _____ _ _ _
Fire-arimR olvin----- - --------
lire-arm; Rev olv ing-----------------------------
H+ir-arm, Revolvmn-._._...___._...._.
lire-arm, Revolxing.......... -...
lir-arm, Revolving------- ---------
Fire-arm, Revolv ingr ---------------
Fiire-anmRevolxving___________ -_..
Fire-arm, Rev olving...............
1Fire-aimu Revolying......................
lire-arm. Rexvolv ing____-- -- - ---_______
lire armRexvolvin-................
lire-arn, Rexoling....._.___.........
Fire-arm, Rexvolving....................
Fireiam, Rexolviig.......................
Fire-arm, Revolving.-.........
lire -irm, Revoliirg----------------------------
Fire-arm, Revolving.............._...........
Fiie -rimRevolving.... _.......................
Fire-aim, Revolving.............................
lire-aim, Revolving----------------------------.......
Fire-arm, Revolving.............................
lire-aim, Revolving..............
lire-arm, Revolving................
Fire-arma Revolving. ----------------------------
lire-ain Revolving............................
I ire -irm, Revolving............................_
lire-arm, Revolxing----------------------------..
lire-arni Revolinrg..............
ir-arm, Rexvolximg-...........
lire-aim, Rexvolvin,.................
Fire arm, Rexvolving'..........._..
ir-arm, R olvrng ----------------------------
lire arm, Rexolving.._..............
lire -inmRevolving-...............
lire-aini Rev.olvirrg................
lire-aim, hexvolving...._..._.......
Fire -irmRexvolving..............
lire-arnR 1 e lving---- --- ----- ---
lire-ar-in R'-x lx rug - - -.- - - _-- -...lire -imRex olxino...............
Fi- earm, Rev olving................
lire-ar-ni Revolving......................
Fire -irn, Revolxvin"...............
I ir-ar-in Revolving...............
ire-arm, hevolvirig----------------------------
Fire-arm, Revolvirgi.....'........__.
lire-armn levi lxin'.---------------------------
Fire-arm, Revolving.............
lire arur Revoling.. ii....-....-- -...--....Fire-arm, levolving................
F r a R le xo lvin g...............
lire-arm, lexolxing----------------------------.....
lAire-arm. Revolving-------------- -_-----------
F. Newbury ----------------
F. 1). INexvbiiry------ ------ -
F. B. iNexvr-y............--
F. D. Newbury.--.--_--
F.B. Newbury.............
H. S. North and K. Savage.-_-- -
W. I. Page.-----------------
W. Palmer---------------
W. Palmer...................
C. S. Pettengill..............
WV. H. Philip................
XW. J. Pitt...................
R. H. Plass ---------
P. Polain...............
L. W. Pond.................
L. W Pond.................E A. Prescott........
E. A. Raymond and C. Robitaille.
J. Reid....................--
J. Reid....................--
H. Reynolds................--
C. B. Richards.............
C. B. Richards...............
J. hider-...................
J. Rider --------------------.J. Rider...................--
C. Robitaille and F. IDahis -.H. C. Rodier-.................
TI. L. Rood..-.......-.-------
E.K. Root..................
E. K. Root...................
S. H. Roper.................
J. Rnpertus................--
J. R uper-tus.................
J. Rupertus------.-----..--
J. IRupertus-.-----------_
E. Saxvage and H. S. North..0. Schneeloeh.........
G. W. Schlield.............
C. Sharps..................--
T. Shaw.....................
F. P. Siocum................
F. P. Slocum................
A. Smith-------------------
H. Smith and B. B. Wesson...H. Smith and B. B. Wesson__ -
H. Snmith arid D. B. Wesson -. -
0. A. Smith -.............
0. A. Smith-----------------
0. A. Smith.................--
W. S. Smoot.................
C. E. Sudiden................
C.F. Sneider----------------
A. Spellrer.................. --
E. T. Starr.------------------
E. T. Starr.................--
WV. M. Stor-...............
F. A. Thmer.................
WV. Tibbals......._.XV. Tibbals----------------..
A. C. Vaughan...............
J. H. Vickers.-----------..---
J. H. Viekers --------- -
J. H. Vieker................
J. Warner-------------------
B. B. Wesson................
B. B. XWessen ad C. A. King,. -
F. Wesson..................
F. Wesson..................
J. A. Whalen...............R. W hite ---- ---- ---
R. White-------------------
R. White....................
R. White...................
R. W hite.-.............
R. Whitey..................
E. Whitniey..................
B. Wilan.............---
B. Williamson...............
B. Williamison...............
B. Williamson...............
B. Williamson...............
Residence. Bate.
Albany, N. Y.._......Mar. 11, 1856
Albany, N. Y------------- Mar. 23, 1858
Albany, N. Y-------------Junie29, 1858
Albany, N. Y------------- Apr. 10, 18tO
Albany, N. Y-------... --Oct. 23, 18(3
Middletoxwn arid Cromwell,, Jan. 18, 1859
Boston, Mass.. _.........June 21, 1870
Nexw York, N. Y......... Sept. 28, 1858
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 8, 18i4*
New Haven, Conn...-. Jan.4, 1859,
Brooklyn, N. Y.----------- __ Aug.26, 1873
Middletownr, Corin _. __.Jan.7, 1862
New York, N. Y --_.__._.Jan.24, 1865
Brussels, Belgium....Mai. 27,1866
Worcester, Mass.._..__. June 17, 1862
Worcester, Mass..___._..Juine 16, 1e63
WVorcester, Mass -. _........Oct.2, 1860
Brooklyn, N. V. _........July 27,1858
New Yorke, N. Y.__. ___.Apr.28, 1863
Catskill, N. Y------ - Bee.26, 1865
Springfield, Mass....__May 10, 1864
Hartford, Conn--_____.__. July 25, 1871
Hartford, Connr..--.---.-----.Sept.19, 1871
Newaik, Ohio............_ _- _Aug.17, 1858
Nexwar-k, Ohio............May 3,l159
Ncxvark, Ohio.- _- --------- Nov.28, 1865
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Aug.2, 1864
Springfield, Mass..July 11, 1865
Willoxw Vale, N. Y...__Oct. 28, 1862
Marsliall, Michi.. _. _.......Nov. 22, 185:3
Hantford, Conni_._........B ee. 25, 1855
Hartford, Coun.- ---------_ June 4, 1867
Roxbury, Mrass.------Apr. 1t0, 1866
Phriladelphria, Pa...........pr.Apr. 19, 1859
Phriladelphia, Pa..... Dec. 2, 1862
Phniladelphia, Pa..........July 19, 1864
Philadelphia, Pau..___.......Nov. 21, 1871
Cromwell and Middletown, May 15, 1860
Brooklyn, N. Y... _.......Bee. 31, 1872
United States Army.....Apr. 22, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa------Sep.5,1871
Philaudelphia, Pa.._.......Dcc. 24, 1861
Brooklyn, N. V...........-Jan. 27, 1863
Brooklyn, N. Y_..._......Apr. 14, 1863
Hartford, Conn._-__...........Be.ec. 24, 1861
Springfield, Mass -__._-_July 5, 1859
Springfield, Mass.. _.-. June 16, 18(63
Springfield, Mass. _.._.Nov. 21, 1865
Middlefield, Conn._._.. Jan. 28, 187:3
Middlefield, Coon. -.....Jan.28, 1873
Middlefield, Cn ____Apr. l5 1i7
Ilion. N.Y_...............Oct. 21, 187
Baltimore, Md------------.. _Mar. 18, 18
Baltrimore. Md Feb28, 186
Philadelphia, Pa O.........ct.,1860
Nexv York. N. Y..__...Jan.rl, 185(r
Nexx York, N. Y B. ee. 19,1865
New York, N. Y._...__.Mari11, 1856
East Hartford, Connri__ --Sept. 15,1i'6
South Coventry, Conn. June 19, 1866
SmouthiCovenitry, Coin. Juily 17, 186
Bhedford, Pa--------------...May 27, 1862
Worcester, Mass ---------- June 17, 1862
Worcester, Mass............M ay it6,1865
Norwich, Con. ----- Aug. 21, 1866
New York, N. Y ------ eb.8, 1859
Spr-irgfield, Mass -.. --- July 28, 1857
Sprinigfield, Mass..___.. Feb.25, 1873
Springfield, Mass...__July 16, 1872
Worcester, Mass----------B.... Dec.Dec.i15,1868
Worcester, Mass. - - __- _-.J une 13, 1871
Brookly-n, N. Y..._-_-.......Apr. 22,18612
Har tforl, Coan Apr. 13, 1858
Lxwell, Mass. __..- x _-No.29, 1264
Lowell, Mass._._._ July 9, i867
L rwell1, Mass....Au-- 10, 1869
Loxvell, Mass ------------Au'10, 1869
Lowell, Miss l... eb. 1,1871)
Lowell, Mass _._.._.......Sept. 30, 1873
New Haven, Conn. -_. - Jan. 9, 1866
NeIavn Cu. ayT,2:1,17
14, 406
19, 739
20, 765
27, 868
30, 494
104, 6:16
21, 623
41, 857
2.2, 511
142, 175
34, 093
46, 0-2:1
5:3, 548
35, 6-23
38, 934
30, 245
21, 054
38, 336
51, 75-2
42, 688
117, 461
119, 048
21, 215
23, 861
51, 269
43, 709
48, 775
36, 861
10, 259
13, 999
65, 510
53, i881
2:3, 711
37, 059
43, 606
121, 199
28, 331
134, 442
1:38, 047
118, 752
34, 032
37, 551:38, 204
34, 016
24, 666
38, 921
51, 092
135, 378
137, 968
143. 855
34, 703
46, (112
30, 260
14, 118
51, 628
14, 420
82, 258
55, 743
56, 466
35, 404
35, 657
47, 775
57, 448
22, 905
17, 904
136, 348
1-28, 991
84, 976
115, 916
35, 052
19, 961
45, 290
66, 542
93, 57-2
9:3. 853
911, 505
42, 823
Fire-arm, Revolving-breechb...................... P. W. Porter.................
Fire-arm, Revolvinrg-breech.................... -.. J. Warr -... -........... -..
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fire-arm, Revolving chambered...................
Fire-arm, Revolving-hammer......................
Fire-arm, Rifled......-------------------------
Fire-arm, Rifled.................................
Fire-arm, Safety sliding-breech....................
Fire-arm, Self cocking.........................
Fire-arm, Self feeding breech-loading.............
Fire-arm, Self loading.............................
Fire-arm, Self loading...----------------------
Fire-arm, Self-loading-- ---..................
Fire-arm. Self loading..----.------------------.
Fire arm, Self loading..----------------------
Fire-arm, Self loading.....................
Fire-arm, Self loading............................
Fire-arm, Self loading and priming............
Fire-arm, Self loading and self-capping repeating.
Fire-arm, Self priming...............
Fire-arm with several stationary barrels and a
revolving hammer.
Fire-arms, Adjustable back-sight for..............
Fire-arms, Adjustable hammer for many-barreled..
Fire-arms, Adjustable hammer for revolving. - - -
Fire-arms, Adjustable sight for...................
Fire-arms, Adjustable stock of...............
Fire-arms and the lock and appurtenances of the
same, Movable breech for.
Firearms Apparatus for cooling repeating........
Fire-arms, Attached muzzle for.................
Fire-arms Attaching bayonets to.................
Fire-arms Automatic primer for.................
Fire-arms Automatic primer for.................
Fire-arms Back-sight for.....................
Fire-arms Back-sight for....................
Fire-arms, Back-sight for... - ------
Fire-arms, Back-sight for...................._
Fire-arms, Ball-screw for....................
Fire-arms, Ball-screw fobr......-------------------...
Fire-arms, blasting, &c., Explosive compound for
use in.
Fire-arms, Cap-priming attachment to-------............--.
Fire-arms, Capsule for preventing the soiling of..
Fire-arms, Charger attached to..............
Fire-arms, &c., Charger for-....-....
Fire-arms, Charger for............................
Fire-arms, Charger for---------------------
Fire-arms, Combined back-sight and cartridge-retractor for.
Fire-arms, Combined implement for detaching and
replacing the parts of.
S. Colt........................ ------------------
G. Leonard, jr...............
J. B. Atwater.................
A. Henry...............
C. Hartung..............
R. S. Mershon and J. Hollingsworth.
A. Ball.......................
A. Ball......................
N. W. Brewer................
J. D. Moore...................
W. H. Rico--------------...................C. M. Spencer............
C. M. Spencer............
R. Wilson..---------------
S. Day.....................
M. M. Cass...................
G. W. B. Gedney..........
U. Leonard, jr...............
C. Sharps..................
R. I. Howland andW.H.Elliot.
A. Le Mat...................
R. S. Lawrence..............
C. W. Jones.................
B. Chambers-------------..................
J. A. Reynolds...............
P. S. Newton................
H. Berdan....................
J. Rupertus...................
J. H. Wells................
W. Conner..................
H. Hmmond................
J. B. Learock................
E. Maynard...................
J. J. Alises...................
A. Do Witzleben..............
T. Taylor....................
E. D. Seely...................
F. L. M. Dorvault............
O. B. Percival and A. Smith..
J. Johnson.-.......-...........--
T. II. Peavey..............
W. M. Storm..-------------
G. W. Bowlby...............
Hartford, Conn............
Shrewsbury, Mass.......
Ripon, Wis................
Edinburgh, North Britain
Beichliegen, Prussia......
Philadelphia, Pa., an d
Zanesville, Ohio.
Worcester, Mass..........
Worcester, Mass........
Williamsport, Pa..........
Zanesville, Ohio...........
Winds( r, Conn...........
South Manchester, Conn -..
Boston, Mass.............
Macomb, Ill-----------..............
New York, N. Y..........
Utica, N. Y-----------..............
New York, N. Y..........
Shrewsbury, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Ilion, N. Y................
New Orleans, La..........
Hartford, Conn...........
Cheltenham, England.....
Washington, D. C.........
Elmira, N. Y.............
Hartford, Conn...........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Rensselaerville, N. Y......
Hartford, Conn..........
Boston, Mass.............
Washington, D. C....
Washington, D. C...
VWashington, D. C.....
Washington, D. C....
Brookline, Mass..........
Paris, France...........
East Haddam, Conn, and
New York, N. Y.
Washington, D. C...__
South Montaille, Me......
New York, N. Y...-...
Pontiac, Mich.........
Date. No.
sept. 10, 1850 7, 629
July 9, 1850 7, 493
Mar. 6, 1860 27, 342
Oct. 10,1871 119,846
Nov. 13, 1849 6, 87L
Sept. 8, 1863 39, 825
Aug. 16,1864 43, 827
June 23, 1863 38, 935
June 12, 1860 28, 646
Mar. 6, 1860 27, 374
May 19, 1863 38, 604
Mar. 6, 1860 27, 393
Jan. 17, 1865 45, 952
Nov. 15, 1864 45, 105
Aug. 31, 1837 364
Sept. 26, 1848 5, 814
Mar. 15, 1859 23, 241
Sept. 18, 1849 6, 723
July 23, 1861 32,899
Feb. 9, 1864 41,510
June 7, 1859 24, 312
Feb. 15, 1859 22, 958
July 17, 1866 56, 506
July 31, 1849 6, 612
July 17, 1855 13, 294
June 1, 1843 3, 115
Jan. 10, 1865 45, 901
May 10, 1859 23, 952
Dec. 24, 1861 34, 020
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 022
Jan. 8, 1867 61,007
Jan. 27, 1863 37, 512
Oct. 4, 1859 25, 663
Oct. 11, 1864 44, 586
Feb. 7, 1865 46, 220
Dec. 7, 1869 97, 566
July 1,1862 35,783
Apr. 25, 1865 47, 503
July 9, 1850 7,496
Sept.11,1855 13, 547
June 27, 1854 11, 174
May 2, 1854 10, 846
May 21, 1867 64, 941
May 16, 1865 47, 715
Dee. 4, 1849 6, 925
Mar. 11, 1837 147
Apr. 27, 1858 20,129
May 16, 1865 47, 707
Aug. 16, 1853 9, 95
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 6411
Nov. 24, 1863 40, 720
Dec. 20, 1870 110, 338
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 188
Jan. 7, 1851 7, 887
June 17, 1873 149, 028
Feb. 9, 1864 41, 489
May 20, 1862 35, 334
Sept.. 8, 1863 39, 844
Oct. 22, 1872 132, 357
Aug. 27, 1867 6, 292
Oct. 22, 1861 33, 546
May 1, 1860 28, 109
Oct. 3, 1865 50. 312
Apr. 15, 1873 137, 786
Oct. 10, 183....
Nov. 26, 1850 7, 802
Apr. 19, 1864 42, 435
Mar. 3, 1857 16,716
May 7, 1872 126,614
May 7, 1-7-2 126, 615
Nov. 2.8, 1854 12, 002
July 1, 1856 15, 262
Jan. 30, 1841 1,958
Dc. 21,1869 99,(06
June 14, 1859 24, 437
Jan. 7, 1851 7, 894
Oct. 7, 1873 143, 415
Apr. 23, 1850 7, 300
Aug. 28, 1849 6, 669
Jan. 24, 1865 46, 054
Dec. 23, 1873 145, 717
A. Grillet-------------------.....................I Philadelphia, Pa..........
Fire-arms, Concealed trigger for................... --------------J. Pecare and J. M. Smith....
Fire-arms, Construction and mode of loading...... T. McCarty...................
Fire-arms, Continuous priming for................ D. G. Rollin..................
Fire-arms, Cylinder-pin for revolving..-.-.------... W. H. Elliot..................
Fire-arms, Discharging breech-loading........... Stanton...................
Fire-arms, Expanding tampion for............ T. K. Schermerhorn and J.
Fire-arms, Expansible tampion for............ G. R. Wilhnott...............
Fire-arms, Feeder for repeating.................. L. W. Broadwell............
Fire-arms, Fitting lock-plate to stock of---...---... G. Henry..----------------.. -
Fire-arms, Fly tumbler-lock for.-...-...-. W. Marston.......
Fire-arms. Frame and stock for revolving... C..C. F. Garnd................--------------
Fire-arms, Gas-check for breech-loading.......... F. Curtis......................
Fire arms, Gas-check for breech-loading-----...----. J. M. Seymour............
Fire arms, Gas-cheek for breech-loading.........J. C. Symmes.............
Fire-arms, Gas-check for revolving.............."J. Davis..................
Fire-arms, Hammer for breech-loading.......... W. H. Elliot.................
Fire-arms, Hammer-guard to................. C. Sharps.....................
Fire-arms, Hammer-guard for................... B. Singleton..................
Fire-arms, Handle-attachment to................. E. Charlesworth..............
Fire-arms, Hook-attachment to bands of.......... ------ I. Merrill....................
Fire-arms, Loading and discharging........ P. A. Morineau...............Fire-arms, Locking-apparatus of repeating.-..... J. Stevens.....................
Fire-arms, Locking-cylinder of revolving....-. T. Gibson..................
Fire-arms, Lubricating....................... S. Colt........................
Fire-arms, Lubricating-pellet for.....-............. -- S. WV. Wool-..................
Fire-arms, Lubricating-wad for................. S. W. W ood..................
Fire-arms, Machine for boring chambers in the E. K. Root................
cylinders of.
Fire-arms, Magazine-hammer for................. J. N. Ward..............._
Fire-arms, Mannur of discharging................. J. Shaw......................
Fire arms, Manufacture of the metallic parts of.. I. Adams, jr.............
Fire-arms, Means for actuating movable parts of..- T. Bailey...............
Fire-arms, Means for revolving the breeches of re- J. Warner..............
Fire-arms, Means of attaching cartridge magazine- H. Metcalfe..................
blocks to.
Fire-arms, Method of attaching the cylinder in D. H. Chamberlain............
Fire-arn:s, Method cf connecting the hammer with E. Wesson...................
the cylinder of revolving.
Fire-arms, Method of converting muzzle into C. E. Sneider................
breech loading.
Fire-arms, Method of forming receiver for breech- E. G. W. Bartlett............
block ot.
New York, N. Y..........
Elmira, N. Y...--........
New York, N. Y..........
Plattsburgh, N. Y.........
United States Army......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Meriden, Conn...........
Ca lsruhe, Grand Duchy
of Baden.
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France.............
Newton Lower Falls, Mass
Boston, Mass............
United States Ordnance
Limestoneville, Pa.......
New York,N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.._......
Portsmouth, Va..........
London, England.........
Springficld, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa...-.
Chicopec, Mass........
Yonkers, N. Y........
Hartford, Conn.........
Cornwall, N. Y..........
Cornwall, N. Y............
Hartford, Conn...........
United States Army......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Roston, Mass.............
New Orleans, La.........
Springfield, Mass........
United States Army......
Boston, Mass.............
Hartford, Conn...........
Baltimore, Md............
Providence, R.I.........
Index of patents issued fr-om the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Con tinuied.
Fire-arms, Method of revolving the hammer of repeating.
Fire-airns, Mode of altering flint-lock to percussion
F ire-arms, Mode of loading...... -... -..... -..
IFiie-aims, Mode of overcoming the windago in. - -.
ire-arms, Nipple-guard of------------------- --
Fire-arms, Nipple-guard of.....................
Fire-arms, Nipple-guard of......................
Fire-arms, Nipple of.----------------------......
Fire-arms, Nipple-primer for....................
Fire-anus, Patched hall for.--------.-_.
F ire-iains, Percussiont-cap holder for..........
Fire -irriis, Percussioii-cap holder for priming._._-.
Firt-aums, Peicussiori-pellet for.-.--..-.....1iire -irn. sowder aiid shot charger for.-..-----
Tuire-aims, Primitr for...._...............-...
Fir e-airimsPriminig-----------------------....
Fiie-armis, Ramumer connection for revolving._--
lilte-aims, Ranimuer foir many-chiamhered-breech._ --
Fire -inns, Laimer for revolving;.,_.............
Fire. armas, Hamnrifor ievolving..............
F ire -rios Rear-sight hase for.- - -.---.-----_-_
lire-arms, Removabhle rammer for revolving.
IFire-rius, Retractor for revolving...............
Fiie-arnis, Revolving hlock of revolving.---
Fietiins, Rifling-------------------------....
Fire-arms, Rifliig hreechi-loading. -. -.......
IFire-aras, Safety-device for lock of.....- -.. ---_....Fire-armis, Safety-guairl for......................
Fir e-aims, Safety-guard for the hammers of.
IFire-arnis, Safety-inipple for ---.-----------
Fiie anims, Safety nipple-guard.................
Fiie-ariasSafety-stop lot revolving.. _.........
Fie-arms, Screws driver for-------------------
lire-artts, Se curing the hase-pin of revolving.
Fire-aimsSitf primer for-------------
Fire-aims, Sel priming hammer for-.....
Fire-arms, Siglit tot. --............
Fitre-arrinsSilit for...............
ire-aims, Siht for............
lire-armis, Sight f'or.. ----- - - --- --
Fire-aries, Sightinig...............
Fire-arms, Sn i) ring for.---.. _...............
lire-aims so as to prevent oxidation and cotrrostun, Moide of finishintg.
Ftir arams, Spring-power repeating.............
Fire -rms, Stand for testing..... _.... _...... _.
Fire 'inns, Swivel-loop for -.-.. -.........
lire -rms, Swivel-loop for.....................
Fiie-aims, Tape primer for------------------.....
Fir e-arms, Telescopic sight for...............
Fire-arms, Tig,for.....-........-- - - - -...
liie-ins, lompiorifor.------------ --------
Fire-arns, Tonipion for........................
F, ie-aimnsTomlpion for......................
ire-arims'tompion for.. -.._.................
IFie-aims, Tool for-mnufacture of.............
lire-arms, t'ootiheitsegment-lock for.............
lire-aitns, Iigger-cover for._-- - -- -.------
finre-rmsIrigger-protector for..............
Fire-aims wirth tin, Overlaying..-------------..
litc -rrester.................................
I ir-b ack -ad grate setting..................---
ie-hick for warming rooms, Iron...............
lire-halk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fire-liar and connecting-bearing, Tuhnlar..--.
Fitrc heds aiid tuyeres, Constructioti jointly of.
Fire-hex...........----.....................Fire hex and grate.............____..........
Fire-boux, Smotke-consiiminig.. --..-...........
Fi re-hoxes, Smroke-cousuming appai-atns for.
Fire. Canvas conductor to he used when houses
are ott.
Fr-hmeApparatus for clearing...... _....
Fire-chiamiber clearer...........................
Fire, Closed hloniiary ------------------------
Fire eComposition for coating wooden structures
to protect them against.
IPire Coinveying wm mair t..........
C. Sharps..................---
i1. N. Ward..................
C. A. McEvoy...............
A. E. Burriside.----_..
J. M. Hill and R. ID. Hay... -.
B. Lilly..................
D.. WV. Smith................
E. Maytiard - - -...------
L. H. Bradford....._.........
M. Peek...................---
R. S. Pickett................__
L. it. Budd..................
J. Rupertits--_.----.
A. Hall.--------------------_
A. N. Newton...............
C. Sharps------------------..
G. V. Crooker...............
F. Beats--------------------..
J. Kerr--------------------..
CR. Alsop.................
F. I) Newbury..............
F. WV. Howe.................
H. S. North---------------.....
T. Lee......................
C. Shares..................--
E. G. Allen.................
A. Fraruth...................
E. T. Starr..................
B. P. Cutler..................
H. E. Gtibon............ __..
WV. N. Rowe.................
J. Oliphiant..................
W'~. Tileston---------------...
U. W. Schofield.............
S. Remnigton...............
WV. H. Bell...................
A. Tait..................H. W. Colvii.................
W. McKibhin..............
C. E. Sneider................
J. Warner--------------.....-.-.A. F. Garretson.............
J. Rider....................
J.Allen and S. P. Townsend..
J. Gordon..........
J. Lehnert...................
E. Whitney,Jr...............
0. F. Winchester............
T. T. S. Laidley..............
J. M. Trowbridge...........ID. A. Hohikins..............--
It. Kingsley................--
'i. T. S. Laidley..............
R. G. Shurtliff................
A. Tracy...................
A. Rebetey............ _....
ID. H. Chamiberlain.___..____
J. Birkenhead................
B. H. Westerhood...........--
S. Laddt...............
G. W. Ceook. --....------
P. T. Ctllis..................
C. Harris.-................
H. H. Baker. _....._.......
WV. Batchtelor..............._
It. J. Ellie........
P.11 and F.M. Roots..._
G. XV. and W. H. Metcalf.-.
R. Gay...........
G. H Smith..................
J. Dirranit..................S. Green...................--
G. R. Mooi-e.................
G. R. Moore.................
J. Renton and J. H. Crane.
A. Pirz.....................
AE.Peck -------------4 -R. Hutcheson...............--
J. H. Hlawes and OW. Brock..
Unilted Stat
Bristol, R. I
Crooked Cri
Bostoit, Mas
New Bayer
New Haver
New York,
Hartford, C
New York,
New Haver
Londoin, En,
Hudson Cit:
Westport, C
Boston, Mat
Cheuttmitz, S
New York,
New York,
Bostom, Mai
Brooklyn, iN
Unitedl Stat
Ilion, N. Y.Washingtor
Pendlletori (
Buck Vrillej
Baltimiore, 11
Mount Plea:
Newark, Oh
New York,
New Pro-t
LnoLouisville, I
New Haven,
Unitetd Stati
UdSaBrooklyn, N.
Untitedt Stat
United Stat
Norwich, Cc
Boston, Mas
Walthraim, T
Geneseo, Ill
Wehster, 0h
Boston, Mas
New Markel
Liverponol, B
Baltim or, A
Buffalo, N. Y
Columbus, C
Boston, Mas:
Lyonts, Iowua
Lyoiis, Iwa
Newark. N.
Loing Islandl
Hinsdale, N
idenee. Date.
ai, ID. C..- -.-_Dec. 18, 1849
tos Arumy.--_---Jan. 27, 1857
Va------.. -_. Mat-. 26, 1861.........May 12, 1837
-ek, N. C.__.. Oct. 26, 1869
In, England - _-_ - May:3, 1864
s......-........ Jan. 26. 1858
n, D. C.---_Oct. 4, 1859
-s-------May 17, 1864
a, Coin. ----Juily 19, 1864
i, Coiin.-__---_.Alir. 4, 1865
tIowa-----------.May 191, 1863
a. Pa.--_Aug. 16i, 1e59
N. Y----------..May J3, 1873
Ind-----------.May 23, 1854,nun----------- Oct. 5, 185-2
N. YV -........Oct. 20, 1857
aCourt- -.-._Jan. 6, 1863
glanut - __.-..Apr. 14, 1837
a, Court..Aug. 7, 1860
y, N.J------Jan. 31, 1865
R. I----------- Jan. 24, 1865
i, Conn -.._...Attn. 6, 1858
~onn----------- Dec. 26, 1871
a. Pa. -.......Nov. 27, 1860
5s-------- June 30, 1863
axoiny......Oct. 10, 1863
N. Y......-..Jain. 10, 1863
N. Y....... - D1ec. 2J, 1864
ss -..__...-Mar. 31, 1868
r. Y........... Jan. 31, 1865
n, D. C...Jatn. 1, 1867,P............----Jati. 13, 1863
1D. C -.._._.-Sept. 6, 1864
bs Army...Oct. 3, 1871.... _.. Mar. 17, 1863
a, ID. C..... Jan. 18, 1859
N. YV..........Jurne 2, 1863
ounty, Icy --. _ Sept. 13, 1839
yPa..........Sept. 15, 186i3.d._._...._Dec. 7, 1869
Mass_-._Feb. 24; 186:1
sant, Iowa. -. - Oct. 13, 186:3
ro.._.... Feb. 11, 18168
N. Y., arid Jan. 1, 1867
idence, N. JT.
n, C,)n -...ec.Dec. 31,118674
Ky-_...- Apr. 16, 187:2
1Connt..__Apr. 15, 1813
- Connrtmma-........Dec. 1-2, 1871
es Army - ---Feb. 15, 1859
es Army...Mar. 8, 1864
" V...... Sept. 16, 186-2
Mass-._..Feb. 18, 1862
es Anmy...- May 19, 1868
Mass-__..._Feb. 10, 186:3
es Army - -- Mar. 18, 186-2
inn.......... May 10, 1839
a------------- _May 14, 1850.-_------ Feb. 9, 1864
a, Pa......... Jury 2-2, 1836
lass....._..-Oct. 14, 1835
-Apr. 16, 187-2
nio.. _.........Aug. 6, 187-2.s.......--May 15, 1815
t, N. J......Jaim. 17, 18615
*Eng;land - Jan. 17, 1871
naland.-.--I)ec. 36, 1873
eId..... Oct. 18, 1870
ri.......... Jan. 26, 1869.a.._._-Nov. 30, 1869.--- --- Feb. 16, 1838
Ill-----..--Dec. 14, 1869
bhio-----------Oct. 10, 1871............ Mar-. 28, 179-2.s..............Mar. 20, 1811.........Mat. 29, 1864..._._... _Jatiu. 17, 18635
J.-__-.._-Arug. 10, 1848
[City, N. Y... -. Jan. 24, 1871
V Y...... e. 3l113
6, 960
16, 503
31, 815
17, 261
96, 112
42, 6-21
19, 21:3
25, 6214
42, 741
431, 6t01
47, 127
38, 557
23, 142
138, 731
10, 99O
18, 486
29, 538
46, 131
46, (00
19, 868
1-22, 18-2
30, 7t65
39, 024
50, 433
45, 888
4 3, 532
76, 038
46, 100
60, 791
37, 406
44, 1-26
119, 656
37, 9-21
22, 618
38, 770
39, 941
97, 717
37, 78-2
40, 256
74, 4-27
60, 915
7-2, 844
125, 743
137, 989
121, 835
41, 874
36, 464
314, 4:30
34, 705
23, 944
7, 360
41, 47-2
15, 397
1-25, 66:3
130, 195
45; 956
111, 031
145, 995
108, 519
86, 240
19), 358
97, 819
119, 83-2
43, 933
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fire-en iie.......................................
Fire engine.......................................
en F-engine......................................
Fire engine..................
Fire engine......................................
Fire engine.......................................
I ire-engine and lawn-sprinkler, Pneumatic.......
Fire engine and pump---------------------............................
Fire engine and water-pump...........
Fire-engine and wrecking-pump, Floating...-...
Fire-engine, Capstan..............................
Fire-engine, Chemical..........................
Fire-engine, Chemical............................
Fire-engine, Chemical............................
Fire-engine, Chemical......................
Fire-engine, Floating.............................
Fire-engine heater, Steam.......................
Fire-engine, Horizontal..........................
Fire-engine, Horse-power....................
Fire-engine, Miniature steam.....................
Fire-engine on locomotive.........................
Fire-engine pipe.................................
Fire-engine, Steam...............................
Fire-engine, Steam......-..........................
Fire-engine, Steam...............................
Fire-engine, Steam........................
Fire-engine, Steam........................
Fire-engine, Steam................................
Fire-engine, Steam------------------------................................
Fire-engine water-heater....-------------------
Fire-engine water-heater...................
Fire-engines, Application of carbonic acid in......
Fire-engines, Carriage for steam..................
Fire engines, Circulating water-heater for steam..
Fire-engines, Coupling for uniting streams from... -
Fire-engines, Device for applying power to---- _..
Fire-engines, Electric signaling-apparatus for.....
Fire-engines, Flue-blast for steam................
Fire-engines, Method of applying horse-power to...
Fire-engines, Method of woridng the lever of......
Fire-engines, Mode of applying water to...........
Fire-engines, Operating....................
Fire-engines, Operating...........................
Fire-engines, Supplementary heater for steam....
Fire-engines, Supporting the carriage-bodies of....
Fire escape-----------------------------.......................................
Fire-escape...... - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Fire-escape...------------------- -...Fire-escape..............................
J. B. Babcock................
A. Barrett..................
G. Barton, jr.................
G. Barton, jr., and L. Button..
J. Briggs, jr.................
E. Bryant.....---------------
L. Button and R. Blake........
C. and W. C. Cleveland.......
E. Daboll....................
J. N. Dennisson...............
J J..Giraud..................
C. W. Grannis................
I. Hathaway...............
E. Higgins...............
J. Kersey.................
S. Lockwood and W. Loveland.
E. Marx.....................
A. Nudd.....................
T. Odiorne..................
J. Perkins...................
N. Pierce....................
A. Pollock and J. Perkins.....
F. Ransom and D. L. Farnam..
J. Richardson, jr...........
A. W. Roberts............
G. Shalk and W. Tintoff.......
J. Smith, jr..................
J. A. Sinclair.................
S. Steward...................
J. B. Tarr...................
A. Warth....................
J. Williams,jr................
H. C. Neer...................
J. N. Dennisson........._
E. Williams and J. Collins....
G. W. Talcott................
S. E., Hamlin..............
I. H. Clark....................
E. Gordon....................
R. Lapham and G. Clark, jr..
J. B. Stillson and J. A. Kley...
J. C. Lang.....................
W. F. Shaw..................
L. Holland...................
J. C. McCarthy...............
A. L. Dewey................
D. Williams.................
J. Riley....................
N. S. Bean...........
L. Button and R. Blake.......
L. and T. E. Button-............
M. R.Clapp.............
E. R. and H. S. Cole..........
E. R. and H. S. Cole........
W. C -Davol,jr...
P. M. Kafer and J. M. De Lacy.
A. H. Perry..................
I. H. Clark..................
A. B. Latta...................
H. V. Coleman................
D.J. Tapley.................
G. Backstein.................
W. H. Mumler...............
J. Grabner...................
D. Russell....................
S. Huse-------------------
F. Ransom and U. Winman...
J. P., P., and G. Cowing.......
F. G. Smith..........
R. Gilbert and J. P. Topham..
L. Button and R. Blake.......
L. E. Ainsworth..............
E. Ale-----------------........................W. B. Avery..................
H. O. Baker and J. McGill.....
A. T. Ballentine..............
P. WV. Barnes................
J. Bearns and A. Olsson.......
G. W. Bishop and H. H. Smith.
W. Breitenstein...-............
W. and G. H. Burditt..........
O. F. Burton..................
J. A. Chambers..............
R. Chandler...................
L. M. Chipley................
J. T. Commoss...............
J. Cox.....................
C. W. Crosley........
J. W. Davis and J. Vermillion.
J. Deckelmann and F. Spiess..
W. De Pew...................
T. S. Diblin..............
C. Dieterich...
W. Gardner.....::.........
J. A. Griswold...............
J. C. Hancock and E.P. Richardson.
J. M. Hancock...............
Marietta, Ohio........
Baltimore, Md............
Waterford, N. Y.........
Waterford, N. Y.........
St. Louis, Mo....-....
New London, Conn......
Waterford, N. Y...._..
New York and Ithaca, N. Y
Canaan, Conn.............
Newark, N. J.............
Baltimore, Md...........
Collins, N. Y..............
Walton, N. Y........
Saratoga, N. Y..........
Little Falls, N. Y..._...
New York, N. Y..........
Exeter, N. H.............
Portsmouth, N. H.........
Newburyport, Mass.......
Whitehall, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass.........
New York, N. Y.......
Shrewsbury, Mass......
Hartford, Conn.......
Lebanon, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........
Bridgeport, Ohio.....................................
Albany, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Salem, N. Y..............
Park Ridge, N. J.........
Newark, N. J...........
Falley Cross-Roads, Mass
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass......
Chicago, Ill......-........
Washington, D. C.........
Boston, Mass.............
Belchertown, Mass._.....
New York, N. Y..........
Westfield, Mass...........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass.............
Manchester, N. H.........
Waterford, N. Y.-.
Waterford, N. Y...._-.
Seneca Falls, N. Y.........
Pawtucket, R. I...........
Pawtucket, R. I..........
Fall River, Mass..........
Trenton, N. J.........
Boston, Mass..............
Boston, Mass.........
Cincinnati, Ohio-__._.
Chicago, Ill...............
Danvers, Mass..__
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass..... -.......
Warsaw, Ind...............
Lockport, N. Y............
Newburyport, Mass......
New York, N.Y......
Seneca Falls, N. Y........
Columbia, Tenn...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Waterford, N. Y..........
Bolton, Canada............
Clearfield, Pa............
Cambridge, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md...........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y..........
Ogdensburgh, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.........
Saint Louis, Mo.....
New York, N. Y.......
Brush Valley, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.........
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, Canada............
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
Chicago, Ill...............
Charlestown and Somerville, Mass.
Lansing, Iowa............
July 1,1841
Feb. 18, 1841
Aug. 16, 1844
Sept. 19, 1846
Sept. 3, 1842
Mar. 28, 1820
Nov. 30, 1858
Apr. 23, 1872
Apr. 12,1828
Feb. 7, 1765
Nov. 11, 1830
Oct. 7,1846
Aug. 6,1812
Apr. 27, 1822
Apr. 13, 1797
Apr. 16,1822
Dee. 20, 1845
Feb. 27, 1855
Aug. 27, 1835
Mar. 23, 1813
Feb. 23, 1831
Aug. 6,1812
Apr. 17,1847
July 24,1818
Jan. 23, 1855
Sept. 23, 1826
May 20, 1807
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 6, 1803
Nov. 6, 1849
Aug. 1, 1854
May 11, 1839
Oct. 22, 1872
Apr. 24, 1866
June 20, 1823
Oct. 6,1868
Aug. 30,1.799
June 1, 1869
Aug. 4, 1868
May 28, 1867
Sept. 17, 1872
Feb. 18, 1873
Sept. 9, 1873
Mar. 11, 1824
Nov. 2, 1869
Aug. 22, 1871
Apr. 22, 1862
Feb. 6, 1834
Jan. 15, 1861
May 3, 1864
June 20, 1871
Jan. 7, 1862
July 7,1868
Oct. 18, 1870
Oct. 21, 1873
Jan. 7, 1868
Oct. 22, 1872
Dec. 1, 1868
May 22, 1855
Aug. 30, 1870
Dec. 17, 1872
Nov. 28, 1854
Feb. 6,1872
Jan. 14, 1873
June 10, 1856
Apr. 9, 1833
Feb. 13, 1841
Jan. 15, 1856
Sept. 12, 1854
May 13, 1873
Oct. 4,1859
Sept. 23,1873
July 4,1871
June 5,1860
May 22, 1860
June 28, 1864
Aug. 26, 1873
Mar. 19, 1872
Sept. 19, 1871
Oct. 9, 1860
Feb. 1, 1870
Aug. 7, 1860
July 3, 1866
Nov. 8, 1864
Dec. 23, 1873
Mar. 31, 163
June 27, 1846
June 19, 1860
Oct. 31,1871
Apr. 24, 1860
May 2, 1871
Sept. 3, 1867
Oct. 14, 1873
Apr. 4, 1871
Aug. 30, 1870
Aug. 8, 1871
1, 982
3, 707
4, 767
2, 770
-22, 162
125, 883.....
46, 219.....
4, 796.....
4, 316
12, 441.....
5, 077
12, 284
144, 001
6, 859
1, 150
132, 407
54, 247.....
82, 767
90, 637
80, 542
65, 240
131, 414
135, 922
142, 589.....
96, 457
118, 218
35, 053
42, 557
116, 151
34, 087
79, 730
108., 452
143, 750
73, 015
132, 488
84, 613
12, 9.12
102, 782
134, 110
11, 987
123, 355
134, 796
15, 069
1, 980
14, 089
11, 684
138, 880
25, 628
143, 112
116, 659
28, 551
28, 340
43, 283
142, 141
124, 715
119, 008
30, 291
99, 399
29, 542
56, 006
44. 934
145, 844
38, 078
4, 597
28, 740
120, 420
27, 972
114, 421
68, 491
143, 677
113, 509
106, 812
117, 773
Apr. 5,1859 1 23, 462
Index of patents issued front the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
]iire-esc-rpe-------------------------------.....J. J1. Hartmann............
Fire-sc-ape-----------------------------------. F.Hawthorne............IFircescape.-------------------------------------C. Heoldey..........
Fitc ecap----------------------------------. lC erld------------------
Fire-eseape-------------------------------.....J. Ilener-nano.............
Fit eicape ---------------------------- ---------J. Heneruiann---------------
lire-escape--------------------------------------J.. Hobso-----------------
lire-escape --------------------------------------J.H F ibson................
inc escape-------------------------------------- J Jioel - --------
F ire-escape.------------------------------------ J. J. Hnel---------------
Fire-escape---------------------------------. WJ. Hdon.e.............
IFnc escape...................................... G. A. W.Hiittman and G. K.
Korn elio.
ilre-escape...................................... JIvory.....................
Fiic cseape............................L. Jewell----------------....
Fiie-escap3....................---................ C. J. andi E. W. Jones.....
IFir-escape................................. J. L. Jiigens.................
I ire-escape...............................C. P. Keenyon................
Fire-escape...................................... W. Kegg.....................
Fie.scp....................................I G. W. Keller...............--
I ire-ese-ipe.....................................-- L. King......................
i..et.ap..................................... L. Knocke..................
Fit-c-escape........................E. B. Larchar...............
Fi!"-escaipe......................................J.A. Law............--....
lire-esa pe.....................................__G. Layt~or and H. Heimling_-.
Fire-escape...................................... M. Lewis ail J. C. Swenson..
Fire-cs-ape A ipnn........................... ALprau------"lire- scane....................................... I. Lohr-..-__"- _____
lirecscape.....................................H_. Mackenzie and J. Cooper...
Fire-escape....................................... H. Mar-shall.................
F irc-escape...................................... J. Marx....................--
Fire escape....................................... W. McCord.................
Fire-escape......................................J. W. IMcKenzie............
Fun -escape...................................... I. Merritt...................
Firt etc ipo...................................... W. Miller...................
Fire-escape...................................... W. Miller...................
Fart-escape....................................... C. C. Miltonu................
IFire-escape................................H. Morohaii--__--___------
lire-escape.-------------------------------------_E. ER. Morrison------------.....
lire-escape-------------------------------------- S. Murset and E. Zuberbuliler.
lre-escape...................................... G. H. Nichols.............--
Fir-escape...................................... J. O'Brien..................
lire-escape....................................J. Paar...-................
Fire-escape....................................... J. WV. Patton and G. P Terry.
Sit-escape...................................... A. Pelhiam.................Fit-escape....................................... S. Penfield -.....-"-----
FInc escape.-...........................--......H. Poweison...............
Fire-escape.....................................T. C. Rice..................Fii-escape...................................... H. A. Richards...... _.......
Fire-escape......................................FE. P. Richardson.............
Fir-esc-ape.....................................--A. Iignly..................
Fiie-escape....................................... A. Robinson..............
Fire-escape.....................................W. Sawyer.................
lire-escape...................................... I). A. Scott and A. W. Hiltz - r-sae....................HG.Sdwc__..--
Fire-escape....................................... H. T. Seely and W. M Harrisoil.
IFire-escape...................................... F. Seymonr..................
Far esape..........................W. A. Sharp and G- Hollenbeck.
IFireescape....................................... G. H. Shaw.................
lire-escape...................................... A. Shute....................
E~ir esape............................ Shute....................
Fare-escape..................................W.H. Simmons........... -- --
Fire-escape........................._..._....-C. Smith and F. M. Borrows
lire-escape................................... C. Smith and F. M Buirows
Fire-escape...............................om ei...........L omei.-------
Fire-escape........................... 0.Spa................O pa --------"Fire-escape................................... J. WV. Sprague.............
Fire-escape...............................- J. Steger..................
Fire-escape.................................. E. Sturel.................
lire-escape................................... S. A. Swaim and C. C. Schmitt.
IFire-escape..................................0O. Sweeney........._......Fire-escape................................... J. A. Talpey...............
Fire-escape...................................1J. A. Talpey...............
Fire-escape.................................. I T. Thompson..............
IFie-escape.................................... T. Thonipson, jr...........
Fare-escape................................... I J. J. 'Treatior...........---
late-escape.................................. I W. W. Van Loan............
Fire-escape................................... F. A. L. Von Elaren._-.
Fiie-escape..________._._..._......._......... J. Wagner aridJ. Schmid -.
Residence. Date. No.
Saint Lous, Mo.. _. _.......July 16. 187~2 129. 336
Mountain View, Cal--_-_Jan. 7, 1868 73, 007
Chicago, I111.............June 27, 1871 116, 4-1
Pittsburgh, Pa-_..........Oct. 8, 1872 132, 013
Davetiport, Iowa..........-July 23, 1867 66, 901
Datveriport, Iowa...........No v. 9, 1869 96, 698
Philadelphia, Pa... __.....Feb. 14, 1860 - 27, 127
Columnbus, hid...._........ Oct. 9, 1860 30, 318
Newbur-ghi, Ohio --........._July 16,48-1872 129, 410
Carrollton, Mo............ Apr. 4, 1871 113, 667
New York, N. V._.__ J.une 26, 1860 28, 862
Batavia, Ill......._.......July 17, 1866 5(6, 417
Golconda, Ill............ Jan. 10, 1871' 110, 831
Philadelphia, Pa......... Mar. 10, 1849 6, 155
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 14, 1871 112, 714
Stratam, N.Y.V.......... Jan. 22, 1861 31, 173
New Brighton, N. V._..Oct. 24, 1865 50, 586
New Orleans, La.___.. Sept. 22, 1868 82, 325
Selna, N. C -...._____Mar. 21, 1871 112, 928
Lasellsville, N. YV_..._.Apr. 29, 1873 138, 410
Philadelphia, Pa. -__---_- Apr. 18, 1854 10, 807
Bridgeport, Con.......... May 22, 1860 28, 378
Davenport, Iowa.......... May 22, 1860 28, 180
New York, N. V-_.-- -----Nov. 13, 1860 30, 633
Meredith, N. V _. _......... Jan. 29, 1861 31, 248
Baltimcre, Md. __........Apr. 4, 1871 113, 311
Williamsbnrgh, N. V -._ Mar-. 15, 1870 100, 777
New York, N. V..._.I Apr. 24, 1860 27, 9l)2
New York, N. V.-__-..--Feb. 16, 1864 41, 628
New York, N. V....June 4, 1867 65, 408
Atlanta, Ga _. _.._.......Dec. 10, 18 72 1:33, 870
Rochester, N. V. -___.. Nov. 19, 1867 71, 030
Sing Sing, N. TY.......... June 26, 1860 28, 880
Brooklyn. N. V........... Nov. 12, 1861 33, 710
Nor-tb Bridgewater, Mass May 27, 1873 139, 419
Boston, Mass..... __.......July 9, 1861 32, 778
Boston, Mass. _. _.......... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 077
San Francisco, Cal...May 6, 1873 138, 513
Brooklyn, N. Y.... --..Nov. 13, 1860 30, 6:39
Washington, I). C.... Jani. 28, 1873 135, 354
Philadelphia. Pa......... Oct. 28, 1873 144, t122
Richmond, Vs............ Apr. 4, 1871 113, 329
New York, N. V. _........Maiy 27, 1873. 139, 416
New York, N. V...__......Mar. 31, 1868 76, 097
Albiny, N. V............. ___ _June 26, 1860 28, 8998
Plymouth, Mich.._........ July 29,187:31 141, 378
Hartford, Cona........... Mar. 3, 1810 1, 505
Newv Brrunswick, N. J... _ May 29, 1860 28, 501
Worcester, Mass. _........- Oct. 17, 1871 119, 997
Chictgo, Ill..............._ __ _Apr. 1, 1873 137, 483
Manchester, N. H...May 4, 1869 89, 686
New York, N. V....May 7, 1867 64, 569
New York, N. YV. -......._ Atir. 7, 1868 76, 527
Lowell, Mass...........- May 27, 1862 35, 413
Calais, Me................ Nov. 4, 1873 144, 361
Warsaw, Mo............. May 7, 1872 126, 581
Kenosha, Wis.. _.........Jrly 16, 1872 1 129, 9179
Cincinnati, Ohio. ___....May 1, 1860 28, 095
Tama City, Iowa......... Nov. 14, 1871 121, 011
Phelps, N. V.............. Apr. 22, 1873 138, 051
Flushing, N. Y........... Nov. 19, 1861 33, 757
Flushing, N. V............ July 29, 1862I 36, 032
Skarieateles, N. V.._..__.May 18, 1869 90, 316
Baltimore, Md.... _......Apr. 4, 1871 113, 357
Baltiniore, Md........... July 11, 1871 117, 007
Joda, Wis............. _ _ _Mar. 21, 1871 112, 982
Baltiamore, Md........... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 600
Rochester, N. V.......... Jan. 22, 18(31 31, 216
New York, N. V. -_._.. Mar. 29, 1870 101, 393
New York, N. VY-. ___. _.Dec. 18, 1860 30, 939
New York, N. V__......... _Sept. 15, 18681 82, 176
Brooklyn, N. V.------ Arig. 24, 1858 21, 28-2
Somerville, Mass.__-. - __Junie 3, 1873 139, 484
Sarnerville, Mass..________July 22, 1873 141, 093
Biltimiore, Md........... Aug. 11, 1863 39, 505
New York, N. YV. _.....Aug. 25, 1868 81, 436
New York, N. V.....- Dee. 12, 1871 121, 8-26
Catskill, N. VY.._.__..___Feb. 20, 1847 4, 971
Newv Orleans, La........ _Mar. 18, 1873 136, 883
Philadelppa, Pa a.......... June 25, 1867 66, (358
Index of patents -issued from tlhe United States Patent Offce fronm 1700 to 1673, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Fire-extinguisher --........------------------B. T. Babbitt.._.-....._..New York, N. Y......... Dec. 17, 1872 134, 024
Fire-extinguisher--------------------------...J. F. Babcock--------_...----Boston, Mass - -.. Aug. 4,1868 80, 701
Fire-extinguisher-.------------------------__E. Barrett ----- ------------- New York, N. Y---------- Mar. 12, 1872 124, 531
Fire-extinguisher---------------------------....W. H. Bate and 0-. F. Pinkliato Medford and Cambridge, Mar. 30, 1869 88, 359
Fire-extingunisher---------------------------....W. F. Beasley..-------------.Louisville, Ky----------__July 16, 1872 129),519
Fire-extinguisher--------------------...... _---C. Blake ------------------- Boston, Mass------------May 2, 1871 114, 236
Fire-extinguisher--------------------------.... 0-.. Booth._- _---.- - -----Toronto, Canada-------- _. _Nov. i8,1i8-3 144, 595
Fire-extinguisher--------------------------.....J. F. Boynton....------------ _ _Syracuse, N. Y----------- Sept. 17, 1867 68, 940
Fire-extinguisher--------------------------.....J. F. Boynton.....-----------_.Syracuse, N. Y........... June 15, 1869 91, 304
Fire-extinguisher..........................----J. F. Boynton................ Syiacuse, N. Y.........--June 15, 1869 91, 411
Fire-extinguisher..........................----1. F. Boynton............... Syracuse, N. Y........... Nov. 16, 1869 96, 876
Fire-extinguisher_........._._..............-_ Z. Breed................... Weare, N. H............--June 22,1869 91, 709
Fire-extinguisher............................. P. F. Cnrlier and A. A. C. Paris, France - - --.-_--___ Apr. 13, 1869 88, 844
Fire-extingnisher........0-.....k...................G lrj ------------Boston, Mass........... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 471
Fire-extinguisher............................ G. Clark, jr.................. Boston, Mass......Mar. 9, 1869 87, 544
Fire-extinguisher...........................G. Cowing...............Seneca Falls, N.Y.... Apr. 26, 1870 10-2, 229
Fiic-extinguisher............................. C. A. Cox......... _....... Jeffersoaville, lad....Apr. 15, 1873 137, 895
Fiie-extinguisher............................. A. Crane. _. _.............. Fortress Monroe, Va...Feb. 10, 1863:37, 610
Fire-extinguisher.............................ZR. 0. Doremus.............. New York, N. Y... _......_Feb. 19, 1867 62, 118
Fie-extinguisher............................. W. L. Drake................ Evanston, Ill-i.....--....Dec. 9, 1873 145, 405
Fire-extinguisher............................. W. L.Drake................ Evanston, Ill....--......Dec. 9, 1873 145, 406
lire-extinguisher............................. J. l)nffy.................Quincy, IIll.............Apr. 2,187-2 123, 275
Fire-extinguisher............................. W. L. Ellsworth...._........ Brooklyn, N. Y......... Aug.-20, 1872 130,6-26
Fire-extinguisher............................. D. M. Ford and J. A. Kicy.. Chicago, Ill.. __..........June 20, 1871 116, 041
Fire-extinguisher............................. J. Gardner ----------------- Bedford, Ind.............Feb. 14, 1871 111,836
Fire-extinguisher............................J. Gardner................. Louisville, Ky.......... Dec. 26, 1871 122, 244
iFire-extinguisher............................. J. Gardner..................Louisville, Ky.. __. _....Mar. 12, 1872 124, 565
Fire-extinguisher..................... _.... H.Ilenly...................IBloomin gton, nd......July 16, 1872 129, 134
Fiire-extinguisher............................. L. Herman................. Detroit, Mich -.........July 12, 1870.105, 203
Fiue-extiiiguisher............................. C. T. Holloway..............Baltimore, Md.......... Julie 11, 1872 127, 770
Fire-extinguisher................................ S B. Johnson............... _Philadelphia, Pa... _......Aug. 8, 1871 117, 891
Fire-extinguisher.._................... EZ. Jones.....................--Pierrepont, N. Y..........Oct. 17, 1871 119, 931
Fire-extinguisher................................ E. Jones.--- ---.___.__Colton, N. Y............_. Jan. 30, 1872 123,106
IFire extinguisher...........................W. Kitson..............Lowell, Mass.............. Oct. 20, 1863 40,3:43
Fire-extinguisher................................ F. Latta--------------------- __.._ _Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Sept. 9, 1873 142, 637
Fire-extinguishier....................W. H. Laubach---------------__ __ _Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 22, 1868 82, 421
Fire-extinguisher.............................C. L. Levcy ------------------- Newv Yot k, N. Y_....Feb.20 1872 1:3783
Fireexi in guishem -......................S. M. Lillie--_ _- -- _-- -- ----Elizabeth, N. J -___.........._Aug. 8, 1871 117, 900
Fire-extinguisher................................ C. Lippincott and J. Patterson- Philadelphia, Pa - - - - ------July 1, 1873 141), 512
Fire-extiguisher _-------.------------------.S. C. Main.__..............( Boston, Mass............. June 15, 1869 91, 459
Fire-extinuishuer-............................ J. H. Manning............ _.. Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 17, 1871 119), 936
1+ire-extinguisher............................. 1. J. Martin............... Dowagiac, Mich.... _..... Mar. 26, 1872 125, 063
Fire-extinguisher._......................... H. S. Maxim.._...._..._.-..Brooklyn, N. Y.......... July 2-2, 1873 141, 062
Fiie-extigushier..._........................H. L. McAvoy............... Baltimore, Md......... June 17, 1873 139, 906
Fire-extinguishtr........ _.._................. J. C. Meehan...... _........ Springfield, Mass.....Apr. 1, 1873 137, 379
Fire-extinguiusher............................. W. Mullally................ Boston. Mass........... June 2, 1868 78, 636
Fiie-extuuguishem-r-etnuihr... _..._......................G. W. Nichols........ ___. _..Chicago, Ill._..__....___.Oct. 3, 1871 119,;38
Fire-exinguisher..._........................WW. Parker................ Boston, Mass........... Apr. 6,1869 88, 583
lime-ex tinguishier............................. W. M. Parker...............-Boston, Miss.. _........ May 3 1870 10-2, 582
lute-extunguisheri....... _......................G. F. Pinkham. _............Cambridg-e, Mass-._...-Apr.26, 1870 102, 4:31
Fir-eextinguisher...........................W. K. Platt.. -_.._ -- - - - __.._Camden, N.J.... __......Apr. 1,187.1 137, 481
Fre-extinguisher--------------------------....P. V. Pratt................ I Abntoii Mass....... Sept. 17,1872 131, 370
Fire-extinugusher............................ E. Sander--------------------- Saint Louts, Mo._....Oct.32, 1869 95, 810
Fire-extinguisher.............................ZR. Sander-.- _-.- - --- ----Saint Louis, Mo........ Feb. 14, 1871 111,877
lure-ext inguiwher............................. A. J. Sparrow-. _....__........Potsdam, N. Y......Dec. 17, 1872 134, 107
lime-extingusher............................. J. H. Steiner...... _. _........_Cincinnati, Ohio----------...Aug. 12, 1873 141, 825
lire-extinguisher................ J. B. Stilison................ Chicago, Ill------------.....May 27,1873 139, 275
lire-extinguisher............................ D. J. Tapley. _....._.........I aunvers, Mas......Aug. 5 181 141,607
lime-extinguisher-------------------------..... J. S. Tibbuets................Jffesonville, Ind..... uly 8, 187.1 140, 744
Fire-extinguisher............................ J. S. Tibbets..............--'Jeffersonvulle,md.....Sept. 23, 1871 143, 203
Fire-extinguisher............................. T. Tripp.........._....... _Chicago, Ill............. Aug. It) 180 106, 517
ire-extingmuisher............................ W. P. Van Deursen----------..Cincinnati, Ohio.. _........Dec. 6, 1870 109, 975
lime-extunguisher............................. J. B. Van Dyne............. I Covington, Ky...........Juily 12, 1870 lO5, 279
lire-extiuimsher............................. J. B. Van Dyne.............. Covington, Ky...........IDec. 6, i870 109, 976
Fire-extinguisher............................. J. B. Van,Dyne..._........Covington, Ky.....-_...May 9, 1e71 114, 627.
lire-extimgusher............................ J. B. Van Dyine.._.. _........Louisville, Ky............ Apr. 9, 1872' 123, 634
Fie-extinguisher...................._....... C. G. Wheeler................ Chicago, Ill.. -........ Jan. 25, 1870 99, 270
Fire-extinuimsher atud chimniey-regulator. _.......D. Shoemaker..............Philaoelphmia, Pa.... _..... _Mar. 27, 1812.ir-xngshradcmeywepr._...._EPie.............._. PilepiPaIc 1187__._.
Fire-extinguisher and lightning-rod, Combined.- N. Carl......................Cumcinnati, Ohio. _.........July 2, 1872 2128, 534
Fire-extinuguisher, Anti-freezing.. ___-.. ___..__W. C. Bruson....._......... _Chicago, Ill............ Oct. 21, 18 73 143, 746
lire-extingusher, Automatic..................ZR-- -- -- --. H. Ashcroft............. Boston, Mass............ Nov. 11, 1873 144, 493
lire-extinusher, Automatic.................. R. Lapham.................. New York, N. Y......... June 11, 1867 65, 682
Fire-extinguisher, Automatic....................I. P. Ticc. _.. _...._.._......New York N. YV...... Oct. 21, 1873 143, 794
Fire-extinguisher, Boiler...........J. D. Bresnihan.............. Montgomeuy, Ala...Apr. 22, 1873 138, 068
lieex-1use -Ceial.........- R Ineo..........%Tuhds.Nov"_ &-ZTc.-29, 1870 109, 57
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17e0 to 1873, inciusive-Continued.
Fire, Extinguishing...-------------------.---..-.
Fire, Extinguishing..............................
Fire, Extinguishing.............................
Fire, Extin guishing....-----------------------
Fire, Extinguishing......
Fire-extinguishing apparatus......................
Fire-extinguishing apparatus..............--. -
Fire-extinguishing apparatus..................
Fire-extinguishing apparatus...-------------- -...
Fite-extinguishing apparatus.................
File-extinguishing apparatus...............
Fire extinguishing apparatus for vessels..........
Fire extinguishing apparatus for vessels..........
Fire extinguishing composition..............
Fire extinguishing composition....---..--..---
Fire extinguishing composition..............
Fire-extinguishing compound....................
Fire extinguishing compound.....................
Fire extinguishing compound....................
Fire-extinguishing compound......................
Fire extinguishing compound....................
Fire-extinguishing compound...................
Fire-extinguishing device........................
Fire-extinguishing engine....
Fire-extinguishing water-pipe attachment for
Fire- fender, grate, and andiron, Combined adjustable
Fire fender or guard...............
Fire -fender to prevent spread of fire..........
Fire- ifencders, Shaping........................
Fire hearth, &c., for vessels-........................
Fire hearth range or galley--...............----
Fire heater...---------------.--------------
Fire-hydrmit, Extension.................
Fire in buildings, Apparatus for extinguishing....
Fire in buildings, Extinguishing.................
Fire in high buildings, Extinguishing..........
Fire in holds of ships, vessels, &c., Extinguishing..
F re in inaccessible places, Methodof extinguishing
Fire in inflammable liquids, Apparatus for extinguishing.
Fire in oil-tanks, &c., Method of extinguishing....
Fire in steam-vessels, Arrangement for extinguishing.
Fire indicator and alarm..........................
Fire-kindler....................... -...............
Fire-kindler case-------------------------..................................
Fire kindling...........................
lire kindling....-------------------...
Fire kindling........
Fire- kindling..........................
J. Autenrieth.................
I. Clowes....................
J. R. Laurent..-.............
W. C. Marshall.-...............
L. Pusey......................
0. F. Burton....-.-...-.-...
I. H. Clark..................... Dunn......----------------................
C. T. Holloway------------................
R. Lapham.................
W. H. Phillips...............
V. E. Campbell...............
J. L. Stuart...................
C. G. Mueller..................
E. F. Overdeer...............
W. P. Van Deursen...........
R. Bulkley---------------....................T. Drew......-...............
E. A. Galbraith..............
E. Thayer...............
W. P. Van Duersen...........
J. Lamm......................
J. B. Van Dyne...............
T. Miller.....................
M. Benson---------------....................M. Morgan, jr..................
W.N. Hall..................
C. H. S. Schultz..............
E. Ruggles...-..............
T. Thomas and R. Fuller-......
J. Lamb.......................
G. Youle......................
F. Strattner..................
J. G. Ernst....................
J. Fricker, jr.............
J. D. Sutter...................
O. Lugo-----------------.......................A. Watson..-..............
C. Godfrey....................
A. Stone......................
H. Baker.....................
Newark, N. J.............
Norfolk, Va..............
Milford, Pa.............
New York. N. Y -.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass..............
Chelsea, Mass...........
Baltimore, Md............
Boston, Mass........-......
North Brixton, Surrey,
Sterhling Centre, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Chattanooga, Tenn-.......
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y '.........
Salem, Mass.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Port Deposit, Md........
Louisville, Ky...........
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........Mexia, Tex.-.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Rochester, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Amboy, N. J..............
New York, N. Y..........
Wilmington, Del..........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Chicago, Ill..-...........
Baltimore, Md---------............
Washington, D. C.........
Brooklyn, N. V..........
Philadelphia County, Pa..
Chicago, Ill..............
Sept. 19, 1871
July 2, 136
Nov. 20, 1866
May 15, 1866
Feb. 12, 1856
Feb. 11, 1873
Feb. 1, 1870
Dec. 24, 1872
Aug. 20, 1872
Sept. 1, 1868
Apr. 9, 1850
Feb. 2, 1869
May 21, 1861
Mar. 6,1860
Mar. 13, 1855
May 31, 1870
Mar. 21, 1854
Dec. 29, 1868
Aug. 4, 1868
June 29, 1869
Nov. 4, 1851
Aug. 16, 1870
Aug. 6, 1872
May 28, 1872
Nov. 18, 1873
May 19, 1823
July 22, 1844
May 13, 1873
Nov. 19, 1867
Feb. 27, 1821
Nov. 19, 1832
Mar. 18, 1820
Mar. 19, 1819
May 13, 1873
Jan. 6, 1857
June 4,1872
Oct. 28, 1873
Dec. 21, 1869
Dec. 23, 1873
Sept. 23,1862
Dec. 5, 1854
Mar. 26, 1872
J. W. Stanton................. Brooklyn, N. Y........... Dec. 2, 1873
W. Arthur..-.............-Brooklyn, N. Y...........Apr. 5, 1859
J. Fawcett.................... East Boston, Mass.......
R. Willingham............. - New York, N. Y.........
R. Adams..................... East Enterprise, Ind......
W. Altick................... Dayton, Ohio...........
C. Batcheller.................. Des Moines, Iowa........
A. Bushnell.................. Iona Island, N. Y.........
G. S. Coleman................ Alexandria, Va..........
J. C. Crumpton --.............. Allegheny City, Pa.......
J. C. Crumpton............... Allegheny City, Pa.......
E. Everett................... Walpole, Mass..........
M. E. Ezell.................... Hatchechubbee, Ala......
J. E. Finley, G. H. Hurd, and Memphis, Tenn...........
B. F. Tatem.
J. A. Fuller.................. Rockford, Ill............
M. Gernsey................... Middleburgh, N. Y......
J. R. Hice................ Salem, Ohio.............
H. K. Horton................. Winfield, Mich...........
C. E. Imlay............ Brooklyn, N. Y..........
J. Kenney, sr.................. Baltimore, Md...........
A. B. King.................... Camden, Ohio.........
A. Lodeman and M. Desenberg Kalamazoo, Mich.......
J. W Lowe................... Ottumwa, Iowa..........
J. Y. Marks................... Rochester, Pa...........
W. H. McCrary.............. Kingston, Ga...........
J. McFarland................ Clinton, Ill...............
I. M orris..................... Clinton, Ill................
A. S. Morse and E. A. Jefferies Fort Wayne. Ind.........
C. A. Nisbett................. Pontiac, Mich...........
B. Pickering............... Dayton, Ohio............
N. Rogers..................... Thomasville, Ga'.........
R. P. Smith................... Dubuque, Iowa...........
V. G. Tansey................ Quincy, Ill..............
V. G. Tansey.............. Indianapolis, Ind.._......
W. H. Thomas- --.......... Goshen, Ind..............
D. WV. Thompson........... Saint Joseph, Mo........
H. Van Ausdall............. Keokuk, Iowa...........
S. F. Watson............... Richmond, Ind...........
E. P. Wheeler................ Corinth, Miss............
D. WV. Thompson_........... Saint Joseph, Mo..........
I. Bicknell................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........
E. Buss.................... Springfield, Ohio.........
L. Dodge.................. Waterford, N. Y..........
G. W. Eldridge.............. South Chatham, Mass....
G. W. Eldridge............... South Chatham, Mass....
C. Gaudin, and Z.and J Granier San Francisco, Cal.......
J. L. Hlannum and S. H. Steb- Berea, Ohio.............
J. W. Kennedy.............. Plainfield, Conn...........
J. W. Still..................... San Francisco, Cal........
W. B. Tucker................ Baltimore, Md---------............
W. F. Wenisch.............. New York, N. Y..........
Nov. 25, 1873
June 8, 1821
Feb. 4, 1883
Apr. 30, 1872
Apr. 12, 1870
May 13,1873
Sept. 17,1872
Sept. 23. 1873
Sept. 30, 1873
Dec. 17, 1872
Mar. 9, 1869
Aug. 8, 1871
Nov. 2, 1869
Feb. 11, 1873
May 23, 1811
Feb. 9, 1869
Oct. 1, 1872
Nov. 15, 1870
May 23, 1871
Sept. 7, 1869
Feb. 9, 1869
Jan. 28, 1873
June 6, 1871
June 23, 1868
Nov. 10, 1868
June 14, 1870
Mar. 4, 1873
May 28, 1872
Nov. 14, 1871
Oct. 10,1871
June 4, 1867
July 28, 1868
Nov. 5, 1872
Apr. 30, 1872
July 30, 1867
Mar. 19, 1872
Sept. 23, 1873
July 2,1872
Feb. 9, 1869
Sept. 3,18"2
Sept. 5, 1871
Apr. 5, 1870
May 17, 1870
July 14, 1868
June 14, 1870
May 21,1872
Apr. 25, 1871
Feb. 4, 1873
July 31, 1866
59, 847
54, 748
14, "52
135, 772
99, 291
134, 132
130, 716
81, 653
7, 269
86, 360
32, 389
27, 375
12, 519
103, 800
10, 658
85, 434
80, 720
91, 882
8, 495
106, 518
130, 226
127, 390
144, 690
3, 675
138, 885
71, 224
138, 952
16, 329
127, 473
144, 039
98, 175
145, 920
36, 515
12, 038
124, 875
145, 134
23, 435
144, 895
135, 395
126, 245
101, 704
138, 852
143, 066
143, 277
133, 973
87, 654
117, 757
96, 532
135, 706
115, 205
86, 838
131, 759
109, 324
115, 216
94, 621
86, 767
135, 280
115, 757
79, 140
83, 988
104, 336
136, 451
127, 365
120, 898
119, 893
65, 448
80, 429
132, 780
126, 347
67, 382
124, 705
143, 048
128, 676
86, 635
130, 975
118, 700
101, 597
79, 903
104, 145
127, 068
114, 219
133, 607
56, 867
Index of patents issued from the Unit d States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fire-kindling and fuel............................
Fire-kindling comlposition.........................
Fire kindling composition........................
Fire-kindling composition...
Fire-kindling composition........................
Fire kindling composition.........................
Fire-kindling compositio...........................
Five-kindling composition.........................
Fire-kindling composition...................
Fire-kindling composition..................
Fire-kindling composition.........................
Fire-kindling compound...................
Fire-kindling compound..........................
Fire-kindling compound...........................
Fire-kindling fagot................................
Fire-kindling material.....................
Fire-kindling material...........................
Fire, Lehigh forge...............................
Fire lighter.......................................
Fire, Means of detecting and signaling............
Fire, Method of lighting, heating, and extinguishing.
Fire, Method of removing and protecting stores
in case of.
Fire, Method of removing stores, &c., in case of...
Fire, Mode of kindling...........................
Fire, Mode of preventing the progress of..........
Fire, Mode of protecting plastered walls and ceilings from.
Fire, Mode of supplying water to buildings for the
purpose of extinguishing.
I. Bicknell...................
D. B. Andrews...............
E. Bellinger..................
M. Carstens..................
J. C Crumpton..............
B. O'Reilly...-................
W. C. Philbrick..............
A. Reed......................
J. Smith......................
A. Van Camp................
W. P. W inkley...............
J. S. Carroll..................
J. L. Hannum and S. H. Steb.bins.
S. L. Loomis and C. T. Shepherd.
W. J. Wiggins and C. Stout...
L. T. Cheever...............
C. A. Rose...................
J. Evans......................
J. McCallum and J. Hartzell..
J. R. Murphy................
L. H. Whitney..............
W. B. Watkins............
J. Kidd......................
J. H. Page...................
A. Blood, sr., and R.W. Brown
W. H. Towers..............
B. Taylor..................
P. Naylor...............
I. Lowell....................
Fire-place......................................... T.C. Aldridge................----------
Fire-place...................................... A.C.Bacon and J.G.Jennings
Fire-place....................................... T. W. Baird..............
Fire-place......................................... T. F. Baker...................
Fire-place......................................... Bean and Skinner...........
Fire-place......................................... J. S. Blair.................
Fire-place......................................... P. Brecher....................
Fire-place.--------------------------------------W. Bryant...................
Fire-place......................................... R. Buck.....................
Fire-place....-------------------------------W. Burgess.................
Fire-place.......................................... T. F. Card..................
Fire-place........................................ A. Carson....................
Fire-place......................................... A. E. Chamberlain and J. B.
Fire-place.......... G. A. Clark...................
Fire-place -----------------------------------W. B. Cates...............
Fire-place-......................................... -------------------------------W. B. Coates..................
Fire-place......................................... B. F. Conley..................
Fire-place....................... C. D. Cooper...............
Fire-place --------------------------------B. F. Cowan.............
Fire-place....--------------------------------.............................. J. M. Crockett..............
Fire-place........................................ M. A. Cushing............
Fire-place........................................A. D. Dailey................
Fire-place....................................... T. C. Damborg..............
Fire-place................................S. D. Dearman..............
Fire-place........................ C. Dodge.....................
Fire-place....................................--..... J. Ervin, sr.................
Fire-place................................ J. U. Fiester..........
Fire-place........................................ J. S. Ganson and C. T. Colt...--
Fire-place........................................ J. L. Garlington.............
Fire-place...................................... E. H. Gibbs..................
Fire-place.......................................E. S. Greely................
Fireplace-------------..... C. B. Gregory................
Fire-place......................................... C. B. Gregory................
Fire place................................G. Gridley..............
Fire-place............................... - E. Griffiths...................
Fire-place........................................ W. 1). Guseman...........
Fire-place......................................J. Hackett.................
Fire-place......................................... J. Hackett...................
Fire-place--------------------------------......................................... S. Hammond..................
Fire-place---..--------------------------------.. E. Hampton................
Fire-place...................................... C. Harris and P. W. Zoiner...
Fire-place......................................... D. Hattan..........
Fire-place..................................... M. Haughey..................
Fire-place......................................... D. Hemingway...........
Fire-place.............................. J. R. Hendrickson.........
Fire-place.-.............................. W. Hoyland..................
File-place............... W. Hoyt.....................W. Hoyt................
Fire-place..............................- J. M. Irwin..................
Fire-place......................-................. W. H. James................
Fire-place........................................ E. Jenks.._.............
Fire-place-.. ------..--..---------- A. B. Johnson...----------
Fire-place.------------..... I. Kepler-.--------------
Fire-place.............................. W. M. Kepler............
Fire-place......................................... D. F. Launy.............
Fire-place................................J. E. Layton...............
Fire-place......................................... E. Lester----------------....................Fire-place...................................... C. A. Littlefield..............
Fire-place................................ W. Lossie....................
Fire-place........--.............................. J. Maggini---------..........---.......
Fire-place- -...................................... S. Martin...................
Fire-place............. T. Metleary.............
Fire-place........................................t D. McDonald..............
69 P
Residence. Date. No.
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Jan. 7, 1868 72, 964
Fort Wayne, Ind...... Jan. 22, 1867 61, 378
Mohawk, N. Y......... Dec. 13, 1859 26, 408
New York, N. Y-..-------.. Mar. 20, 1866 53, 270
Allegheny City, Pa....... Apr. 29, 1873 138, 382
New York, N.'Y...- -.. N ov. 6, 1855 13, 758
Lynn, Mass...-.... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 922
Louisville, Ky......... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 075
Providence, R. I.... Oct. 17, 1865 50, 503
Washington, D. C-...._ Mar. 9, 1869 87, 734
Des Moines, lowa -...... Sept. 29, 1868 82, 506
Covington, Ga...-..--. Oct. 8, 1872 131, 997
Berea, Ohio--.......... Mar. 7, 1871 112, 337
Washington, D. C......... Sept. 3, 1872 131, 011
Saint Louis, Mo........... June 7, 1870 103, 951
East Greenwich, R. I..... Feb. 20, 1849 6, 125
Columbus, Ga....-........ - Sept. 4, 1866 57, 774
New Haven, Conn...... Jan. 5, 1864 41, 143
Alliance, Ohio.......... Oct. 24, 1871 120, 206
Chicago, Ill -.......... Mar. 12, 1872 124, 505
Vallejo, Cal..........Feb. 25, 1868 74, 782
Jersey City, N. J.......... Mar. 28, 1871 113, 120
New York, N. Y......... Jan. 23, 1872 122, 895
Whitewater, Wis........ Jan. 19, 1869 85, 954
Norfolk, Va, and Wash- Sept. 1, 1857 18,118
ington, D. C.
Boston, Mass-----------.............. Mar. 5, 1867 62, 704
- - - Mar. 23, 1794..
New York, N. Y-..-..-.... Feb. 22,1839 1, 087
Pendleton, N. Y............ Oct. 16, 1840 1, 489
Saint Louis, Mo-.......... June 8, 1869 91,059
Cleveland, Ohio........... Dec. 22, 1863 40, 989
Bowling Green, Ky....... Sept. 6, 1870 106, 985
Cincinnati, Ohio -....... June 15, 1869 91, 299
Sandwich, N. H.......... June 12, 1835..
Boston, Mass...-...... May 17, 1864 42, 739
Louisville, Ky...... -June 2 30, 1871 116, 146
Boston, Mass..-........ Apr. 19, 1864 4'2, 342
Acton, Me -.. -..... July 1, 1836....
Middleboroughi, Mass..... Mar. 12, 1836.
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Apr. 17, 1860 27, 886
New York, N. Y....... May 22, 1860 28, 347
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Dec. 3, 1867 71, 698
Farmington, Conn....... Oct. 4, 1859 25, 629
Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 28, 1868 80, 455
Funnelton, W. Va...--.. Nov. 23, 1869 97, 050
Albany, N..Y......... June 27, 1810.
Memphis, Tenn.....--------- Mar. 26,1861 31, 785
Newbern, Va............. Oct. 12,1869 95, 660
Aurora, Ill............ July 18, 1871 117, 053
Terre Haute, Ind...... Apr. 20, 1869 89, 203
Philadelphia, Pa....... July 16, 1872 128, 953
Rock Hill, S. C........ Apr. 23, 1872 125, 938
Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Mar. 118, 1856 14, 447
Princeton, Ind......... Nov. 3, 1868 93, 701
Winchester, Ohio...-.. June 4, 1867 65, 364
Buffalo, N.............. May 14, 1861 32, 283
Snapping Shoals, Ga...... July 8, 1873 140, 621
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 14, 1869 97, 90-2
Dover, Me............ Oct. 6,1835........
Beverly, N. J............. Mar. 3, 1868 75, 155
Beverly, N. J--....... Apr..14, 1868 76, 750
Newburyport, Mass...... Mar. 14, 1808..
Philadelphia, Pa....... Mar. 6, 1820..
Morgantown, W. Va...... Apr. 14, 1868 76, 751
Louisville, Ky--..-------.. -Feb. 21,1871 111, 929
Louisville, Ky.......... July 25, 1871 117, 276
Baltimore, Md........... June 25, 1839 1, 197
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 23, 1869 87, 099
Cincinnati, Ohio....... Apr. 16, 1867 63, 885
Zanesville, Ohio.......... Aug. 4,1868 80, 731
Saint Louis, Mo.....-.. Aug. 13, 1872 130, 427
Leesburgh. Ky--...-.. - Nov. 13, 1844 3, 821
McKeesport, Pa.......... Sept. 24, 1861 33. 349
Newcastle, Pa............ Nov. 18, 1873 144, 675
Brookville, Ind............ June 3, 1825...
Pittsburgh, Pa ----.... Spt. 16, 1873 142, 791
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Apr. 25, 1865 47, 423
Colebrook, Conn....... Sept. 2, 1818..
Washington, Ind...... July 26, 1870 105, 806
Corry, Pa.------- -.. -Nov. 12, 1867 70, 838
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Aug. 26, 1873 142, 241
Philadelphia, Pa-....... Mar. 18, 1813.
Pittsburgh, Pa......... July 2, 1861 32, 700
Killingsworth, Conn...... June 21, 1830..
Covington, Ky.......... Sept. 11, 1860 29, 980
Owensborough, Ky...... Aug. 19, 1873 141, 937
Baltimore, Md............ Feb. 4, 1822.
Detroit, Mich............ Nov. 30, 180' '97, 307
Blairaville, Pa -............ Nov. 13, 1866 59, 6Q0
Jersey City, N. -.......... Sept. 21, 1869 95, 030
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fit c-place.......................................
Fire -place...............................
Fire-place..... - -
Fire place.........:...............................
Fi e-place and chimney...........................
Fire-place and chimney.....................
Fire-place and chimney....................
Fire-place and chimney for saving fuel............
Fire-place and chimney-stack in buildings.....
Fire-place and furnace................
Fire-place and grate...............................
Fire-place and grate, Open.........................
Fire-place and oven..............................
Fire-place and stove.......................
Fire-place and stove......................
Fire-place and stove...............................
Fire-place and stove.......................
Fire-place and stove.......................
Fire-place and stove.......................
Fire-place and throat of chimney...............
Fire-place and warming buildings...............
Fire-place back....._.......................
Fire-place back....................
Fire-place called "The defiance," Construction of.
Fire-place, Cast-iron.......................
Fire-place, Chimney funneled...................
Fire-place, Close..........................
Fire-place, Close and open........................
Fire-place, Columbia.............................
Fire-place, Cooking and baking..................
Fire-place, Doric..........................
Fire-place, Double-draft....................
Fire-place fender.................................
Fire-place fender...............................
Fire-place fender...................................
Fire-place fender..................................
Fire place fender-------------------------..................................
Fire-place frame-work............................
Fire-place front......
Fire-place, furnace, &c...----------....
Fire-place, Grate.............
Fire-place, Grated.........................
Fire-place heater..................................
Fire-place heater..................................
Fire-place heater..................................
Fire-place heater.................................
Fire-place heater.........................
Fire-place heater.........................
Fire-place heater.........................
Fire-place heater..................................
G. 1H. McElevey.............
W. T. McMillen.............
J. McMurtry...............
W. P. Miller............
E. M ix........................
G. Moody..................
A. Moon.....................
J. M oore.....................
M. Moore-....................
E. Nott.................
C. W. Peale.................
T. Phillips..................
WV. R. Prescott..............
F. Proudfoot.................
C. S. Rankin.................
A. G. Redway..............
I. I. Richardson..........
W. D. Robb..............
E. Y. Robbins.................
E. Y. Robbins............
P. M. Roche.................
F. M. Rogers.................
D. A. Ross...................
J. K. Ross...................
W. Salisbury...------------
H. Saxton....................
(i. R. Scriven.............
L. Shepherd..................
E. A. Skeele..- --.............
E. Skinner--------------...................
H. E. Smith................
J. Smith....................
J. Smith....................
J. W. Smith and J. S. Gallaher, jr.
A. Snyder..................
S. Spalding...................
A. J. Sprague............
P. Sternberg..................
P. Sternberg............
P. Sternberg..............
D. and J. Stoner.............
J. C. Strong and L. C. McNeal.
R. P. Thomas.................
I. H. Upton................
W. R. Warden...............
M. D. Wellman..............
M. D. Wellman and J. Old... -
J. W. Wetmore..............
E. Whiting...............
A. Wilkin...................
J. E. Wood...................
R. Bacon and E. Harris......
C. Blood....................
D. Hemingway..............
S. Morey.....................
H. R. Sawyer................
E. B. Wilson..................
C. Lane....................
R. M. Sherman.........
J. Knight....................
C. Guernsey.................
E. Haskell....................
C. Neer.......................
E. W. Newton...............
A. Pollock...................
F. Stevens...................
C. W. Russell................
J. Cox........................
J. C. Bard -...............
G. W. Cummings.........
E. Bartholomew and W.Church
A. Hayward.................
A. Gerrish................H. G. Spafford................
J. C. Brush..................
R. Heterick..............
J. C. Howard-.................
J. Pierpont..................
T. Rose.................
C. C. Algeo...................
C. C. Algeo...............
W. N. Hall..................
E. Skinner..................
J. W. Truslow...............
J. L. Henderson..............
E. A. Jackson.................
J. W. Boot and W. Lyman....
J. Snyder...----------
A. Graham..............
B. C. Bibb.....................
S. S. Benk................
F. L.Hedenberg..............
W. C. Lesster...............
D. S. Quimby........
D. S. Quimby, jr.............
W. Sanford...................
W. Sinford...................
Newcastle, Pa............
Cincinnati, Ohio.._..
Fayette County, IKy"...
San Francisco, Cal........
New Haven, Conn.......
Piqua, Ohio.. -. -.--..Bethlehem, Ind........
Ergineth, Ireland.........
Bartlett, Ten...........
Schenectady, N. Y.......
Cadiz, Ohio...............
Hallowell, Me.........
Toronto, Canada.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Delaware, Ohio...........
New Philadelphia, Ohio...
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Cleveland, Ohio...-....
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Cincinnati, Ohio...
Lebanon, Ohio.........
Derby, Vt...............-----
Eden, N. YV...............
Hanging Rock, Ohio......
Northampton, Mass.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Sandwich. N. H...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Brantford, Canada........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Washington, D. C.......
Aug. 25,1868
Dec. 4, 1866
Jan. 22, 1861
Feb. 12, 1867
Apr. 25, 1812
Jan. 30, 1866
Feb. 20, 1866
Apr. 5, 1870
Jan. 16, 1872
Feb. 3,1819
Nov. 16, 1797
Oct. 11, 1870
Mar. 19, 1836
June 10, 1873
Mar. 30, 1869
May 7,1867
Mar. 19, 1867
July 1,1873
July 19, 1864
Sept. 10, 1867
Apr. 25, 1871
Apr. 10, 1866
Sept. 8, 1863
Apr. 3, 1860
Aug. 16, 1817
July 8, 1834
Feb. 6, 1872
Jan. 25, 1817
June 23, 1863
Mar. 12, 1836
Sept. 13,1864
Feb. 28, 1871
Jan. 2, 1872
Mar. 6,1855
Richmond, Va............ Oct. 5, 1869
Colchester, Conn.......... Apr. 11, 1822
Springfield, Mo....... Mar. 16, 1869
Montgomery County, N.Y Mar. 20, 1811
Montgomery County, N.Y Oct. 28, 1811
Montgomery County, N.Y Nov. 19, 1811
West Overton, Pa........ May. 17, 1864
Buffalo, N. Y............. Sept. 21,1869
Sciotoville, Ohio.......... Dec. 12, 1871
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 6, 1866
Boston, Mass......----------- Aug. 3, 1858
Pittsburgh, Pa............ May 7, 1867
Pittsburgh, Pa.-....July 11, 1865
Erie, Pa................... Feb. 28, 1871
Great Barrington, Mass.. June 18, 1810
Lucas County, Ohio....June 8, 1869
Webster, Ohio.......... Apr. 25, 1871
Boston, Mass........... Apr. 8, 1835
Washington County, Md.. Apr. 7, 1825
Covington, Ky............ July 17, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa....... Jan. 18,1813
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 26, 1841
London, England........ Nov. 15, 1864
Hingham, Mass......... Dec. 15, 1835
Fairfield, Conn............ June 30, 1837
Stoddard, N. H............ Dec. 15, 1831
Poultney, Vt-----...... July 7, 1813
New London, Conn...... June 25,1813
Troy, N. Y................ May 31, 1853
Middletown, Conn......... Dec. 3, 1834
Boston, Mass.......... Apr. 23, 1807
Springfield, Mass...... -Mar. 2, 1836
Washington, D. C-...... Mar. 5, 1850
Philadelphia, Pa-....... May 2, 1834
New Orleans, La........ Feb. 15, 1870
Franklin, Pa.............. Apr. 22, 1873
Boston, Mass.--.... Aug. 18, 1815
Easton, Mass......... Sept.. 25, 1834
Shopleigh, Me -......... Jan. 23,1835
Hudson, N. Y........... May 3, 1805
Washington, D. C -....... Aug. 19, 1819... June 30, 1803
Howard's Valley, Conn... Oct. 27,1835
Boston, Mass-----------.............. Jan. 8, 1830
-Jan. 23, 1804
Pittsburglh, Pa ---------May 30, 1871
Pittsburgh. Pa.......... Nov. 21, 1871
Springfield, Tex.......... Feb. 27, 1872
Sandwich, N. H---------.......... Apr. 19,1822
Lewisburgh, Va........... July 15,1856
Covington, Ky-------............ -Oct. 22, 1867
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 11, 1873
Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 29, 1826
Philadelphia, Pa-...... June 12, 1835
Fredericktown, Md-...... Nov. 24, 1810
Bal. imore, Md............ July 20,1869
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 1, 1861
New York, N. Y........ May 21, 1861
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 29, 1867
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Oct. 9, 1860
Brooklyn, N. Y........June 8,1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.........Jan. 5, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... May 4,1869
60, 220
31, 212
62, 053.....
52, 375
52, 735
101, 645
122, 775
108, 180.....
139, 813
88, 509
64, 446
63, 098
140, 543
43, 604
68, 653
114, 045
53, 880
39, 836
27, 741
123, 518
38, 991.....
44, 228
112, 188
122, 410
12, 491
95, 529.....
87, 884.....
42, 804
121, 911
59, 484
21, 094
64, 465
48, 752
91, 190
114, 075..........
29, 168
2, 016
45, 111
9, 756......
7, 149.....
99, 748
138, 135.....
115, 265
1-21, 073
124, 132
15, 362
70. 090
144, 459.....
92, 781
33, 412
32, 364
61, 623
30, 349
9t, 957
85, 6 '4
89. 693
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fire-place heater.................................
F rc-place heater.................................
Fire-Ipl ce heater................................
IFire-place heater.................................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning....................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning..--.---.Fire-place heater, Base-burning......-...........
Fire-place heater, Base-burning...................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning...................
Fire-place heater, Base burning...........
Fire-place heater, Base-burning.................
Fire-pi: ce heater, Base-burning..........
Fire-place heater, Base-burning..................
Fire-pl:ce heater, Base-burning...................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning..................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning..................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning.................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning...................
Fire-place heater, Base burning..................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning...................
Fire-place heater, Base-burning................
Fire-place-heater fender........................
Firc-elace heater or furnace...................
Fire-place lining...................................
Fire-place lining..........................
Fire-place lining-------------------------.................................
Fire-place mantel and front...------------.----
Fire-place mantel and front..................
Fire-place, Metallic:...........................
Fire-place, Open.................................
Fire-place or Franklin stove...........................
Fire place or grate, Portable......................
Fire-place or open stove....................._
Fire-place or stove.........................
Fire-place, Parlor..................................
Fire-place, Parlor and kitchen................
Fire-place, Portable.............................
Fire-place, Reflecting....................._
Fire-place register........................
Fire-place, Sheet-iron..............................
Fire-place, Sheet-iron.........................
Fire-place, heet-iron.......................................
Fire-place, Steam..................................
Fire-place to prevent smoking.................
Fire-place warming-apparatus...................
Fire-place with a flat funnel.....................
Fire-place with gridiron attachment, Movable.....
Fire places and grates, Back-plate for............
Fire-places, Back-plate and chimney-throat for...
Fire-places, Constructing flue of open----...-----.
Fire-places, Fire-back for........................
Fire-places for burning coal. Building and altering
Fire-places, stoves, &c., Composition slab for lining.
Fire-places, Ornamental back for.................
Fire-plug ----------.......................................---
Fire-plug.............. "...................
Fire-plug and cistern combined...................
Fire-plug and hydrant........................_..
Fire-plug and hydrant..-....-..................
Fire-plug and lamp-post, Combined...............
Fire-plugs, Casting...............................
Fire-pot for coal-stoves...--.....................
Fire-pot for stoves------------------------................................
Fire-pot for stoves, furnaces, &c....................
Fire-pot, Tinners'..................................
J. M. Thatcher.............
J. M. Thatcher............
J. M. Thatcher..-.........
H. H. Welch.................
B. C. Bibb. - - ---
B. C. Bibb and P. Klotz-o _..
J. H. Burtis...............
E. S. Heath..................
J. Jaeger....................
P. K lotz.................-- -...
P. K lotz......................
P. Kallu -----------------
W. Magill...............
J. Martino..............
W. L. McDowell..........
A. Murdock...................
J. S. Perry...................
S. B. Sexton..................
S. B. Sexton..................
G. B. Snider.................
J. Spear......................
W. E. Wood...............
D. Stuart and L. Bridge.......
O. Collins..-...................
E. A. Jackson............._
A. J. Redwig...............
C. Truesdale..................
D. K. Innes and W. W. Magill
D. K. Innes and W. W. Magill.
J. F. Snider.................
M. D. Wellman...........
J. Peckover..................
J. Williamson...............
J. F. Gould................
J. E. Cayford...............
E. Backus..........- -..........
J. Hagerty...................
W. B. Johns..................
R. Jobson....................
E. A. Tuttle................
J. Ingalls...................
L. Mansfield................
G. Richards..............
J. W. Cochran..........
H. Rober ts...............
C. Kalbfuss...............
A. Fisher.....................
J. W. Wetmore...............
F. E. Pitts..................
J. E. Layton.................
T. Whitson...................
S. M. Echols...................
A. Terrell.....................
W. H. Jackson................
J. W. Baker................
J. P. Cummings..............
J. Fricker....................
J. P. Gallagher................
R. A. Hill.....................
F. Latta......................
J. L. Lowry..................
J. McClelland..............
J. McClelland...............
L. Moss.......................
J. H. Rhodes.................
F. Latta and W. H. Hughes...
A. F. Allen..................
J. M. Jorden................
D. Y. and J. H. Johns..........
W. M. and J. B. Ellis._.....
G.. Moore -.............-...
D. G. Littlefield..............
N. O. Bond.............
P. P. Stewart...............
F. M. Campbell and L. W.
Residence. Date.
Bergen, N. J.......... Dec. 22, 1868
Bergen, N. J............ June 15, 1869
Bergen, N. J.......... June 14, 1870
Athens, Ohio........... Aug. 8,1865
Baltimore, Md............. Sept. 14, 1869
Baltimore, Md.........- Feb. 8, 1870
Brooklyn, N. Y......... July 4, 1871
Baltimore, Md............ Jan. 3, 1871
Tompkinsville, N. Y...... Dec. 6, 1870
Baltimore, Md------------............ Aug. 31, 1769
Baltimore, Md............. Feb. 14, 1871
Port Deposit, Md........ Jan. 28, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 8, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.....-... Nov. 21, 1871
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y...... Aug. 9, 1870
Albany, N. Y............. Jan. 14, 1873
Baltimore, Md............. Dec. 14, 1869
Baltimore, Md.......... Mar. 19, 1872
New Ycrk, N. Y........... June27, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 16, 1872
Baltimore, Md........... Aug. 1, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa......... Feb. 8, 1870
New York, N. Y........... Apr. 30, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 11, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Feb. 4, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... June 22, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio.... Oct. 31, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio.........July 25, 1871
Culpeper County, Va...... July 18, 1854
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Dec. 18, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio........... May 28, 1872
Washington, D. C....... Nov. 8, 1836
Newburyport, Mass....... Feb. 1, 1808
Milburn, Me.............. Dec. 31, 1833
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Sept. 25, 1847
Monroe, Mich............ Mar. 24,1838
Georgetown, D. C......... Dec. 24, 1861
Dudley, England........... May 20, 1851
Brooklyn, N. Y.....----------- July 2, 1861
Sanbornton, N. H........ May 23, 1833
New Hartford, N. Y- -. May 29, 1833
'Ashfield, Mass............ Nov. 26, 1835
Lowell, Mass.............. July 18, 1834
Delhi, N. Y............... Apr. 30, 1840
New Richmond, Ohio.... Aug. 13, 1867
Feb. 19, 1807
Erie, Pa................. Apr. 4, 1865
Nashville, Tenn........... Mar. 3, 1857
Pittsburgh, Pa..... _.Oct. 29, 1861
New York, N. Y.......... June 14, 1838
La Fayette, Ind.......... July 15, 1856.
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 25, 1832
Salem, Mass............Aug. 20, 1835
New York, N. Y........ July 27,1869
Parkersburgh, W. Va..... Sept. 24, 1867
Newport, Ky....-......... July 14, 11'68
Baltimore, Md........... Feb. 8, 1870
Cincinnati, Ohio -.......... Oct. 3, 1865
Saint Louis, Mo........... July 22, 1873
Washington, D. C--......... May 25, 1869
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Aug. 20, 1872
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Feb. 22,1859
Washington, D. C........ Sept. 27, 1864
Washington, D. C......... May 30, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 10, 1857
Brooklyn, N. Y............ May 26,1868
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Mar. 18, 1873
Providence, R. I.......... Dec. 26, 1871
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 8, 1838
Cincinnati, Ohio........... Nov. 19, 1872
Washington, D. C......... Apr. 17, 1860
Pittsburgh, Pa............ July 24, 1860
Albany, N. Y............. June 25, 1861
Needham, Mass.......... May 24, 1864
Troy, N. Y................ Mar. 28, 1865
Cleveland, Ohio........... Nov. 22, 1870
Neponset, Ill.......... Sept. 1, 1868
Cleveland, Ohio.......... Aug. 11, 1863
Williamsburgh, N. Y..... Nov. 8, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... June 16, 1836
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 12, 1830
New York, N. Y.......... June 1, 1843
Philadelhhia, Pa.......... July 21, 1835
New Yoik, N. Y.......... Mar. 20, 1860
Almond, N. Y............. Apr. 18, 1865
New York, N. Y........ July 12, 1864
Girard, Mich........... Jan. 21, 1873
Green Bay, Wis--....... July 2, 1872
Grand Rapids, Mich...... Nov. 10, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 13, 1834
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 12, 1833
New York, N. Y....... Apr. 3, 1835
Germantown, Ky........ Nov. 26, 1867
Girard, Mich. Jan. 21, 1873
Erie, Pa.................. Feb. 15, 1848
85, 255
91, 287
104, 376
49, 325
94, 7 00
99, 525
116, 680
110, 654
109, 989
94, 320
135, 278
100, 539
106, 191
134, 767
97, 970
124, 860
116, 365
122, 863
117, 585
99, 7-26
64, 284
144, 460
135, 587
91, 689
4, 613
117, 294
11, 340
60, 601
127, 265
5, 307
33, 995
8, 101
32, 728...............
67, 769.....
16, 768
33, 591
15, 331
92, 974
69, 156
79, 960
99, 646
50, 235
141, 131
90, 540
130, 726
23, 034
44, 439
115, 495
18, 595
78, 393
137, 006
122, 097
133, 230
27, 896
29, 298
32, 635
42, 831
47, 049
109, 383
81, 644
39, 521
109, 080.....
3, 117
27, 528
47, 275
43, 548
84, 143
135, 152
128, 678
84, 044
71, 303
135, 15:.5, 445
Fire pot, Tinners'............................... C. W. Johnson............
Fire pot, Tinsmiths'..Yp........p..I W. Yapp ---.
Fire- pots Iron lining for................... E. A. Tuttle..............
Fire proof chest...................................... J. Matthews...............
Fire proof chest...........J.Scott................................. J Scott...
Fire-proof chest or safe......................... I). Fitzgerald.............
Fire-proof chests, Use of asbestos in manufacture of J. Scott..................
Fire-proof column, Double-cylinder-------.......... - - - - - - J. B. Cornell.._..............
Fire-proof composition......................... N. E. Blake................
Fire-proof composition for crucibles, &c........... L. Held....................
Fire-proof compound........................ R. Spencer...............
Fire-proof compound for coating roofs, &c..... R. W. Piper..................
Fire-proof, Compound for rendering substances... 0. A. Tooker...............
Fire-proof houses, Construction of................ W. A. Berkey..............
Fire-proof iron chest.............................. J. Delano.....................
Fire-proof iron chest........................... C. A. Gayler.-..............
Fire-proof iron chest.._....................... C. A. Gayler...........
Fire-proef packing for smoke and hot-air flues..- -. J. B. Harris ---..............
Fire-proof paper for roofs, &c...................... R. V. Piper.............
Fire-proof store, counting-room, &c.............. R.D. Curtis.................
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fire-proof structure...............................
Fire-proof rought-iron chest......................
Fire, Protecting buildings against............
IFirc-regulator, Automatic....................
Fire-regulator for steam-boiler....................
Fire safety-line...........................
Fire-screen and stand............................
Fire shield........................................
Fire shield, Camp.........................
Fire-shield, Portable.......................
Fire, Water-gun for extinguishing...............
Fire-works, Machine for charging..............
Fireman's and builder's elevator................
Fireman's elevator..............................
Fireman's protector.......................
Fireman's signal............................
Fireman's trumpet- -----.....-..---..--.....
Firemen, Machine for protecting.-..--.-.--..Firing, Mechanical.............
Firkins, barrels, &c., Device to attach to...._.......
Fish and animal matter to obtain oil, fats, &c.,
H. H. Bryant...............
J. Delano...................
W. McAllister................
J. Rozell.....................
O. M. Eldridge...............
J. M. Stiven...................
C. A. Gregory..............
A. Chestnutwood.............
H. P. Gengembre............
H. P. Gengembre.....
C. Pierce....---.--..
IH. O. Fritsch.................
J. C. Clark...................
J. Lee.......................
H. Rieger....................
M. Saviers....................
A. Dean.......................
I. W. Denning.................
F. M. Ketcham............
S. Kyle......................
F. J. Niemlller................
E. Putnam....................
H. Strait.....................
T. Sharlenberg..............
A. M. Patrick...............
V. O'Bryan...................
C. D. Woodruff................
H. D. Treadwell...............
W. Staehlen.................
R. Bulkley...................
S. Danks......................
C. Alvord.....................
A.T.Dunbar and A.McNaught
W. J. and T. Hooper..........
i i
Boston, Mass.............
Now York, N. Y..........
Lawrence, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.....
Montreal, Canada.........
Davidsville, Pa..__--.
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Salem, Mass.............
New York, N. Y.........
La Grange, Mich.......
Galesburgh, Ill...........
Beaufort, N. C.........
Kansas City, Mo..........
Ann Arbor, Mich.......
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Hyde Park, Ill.......
Rich Fountain, Mo.......
Covington, Ky...-....
Brooklyn,N. Y...........
Long Lane, Mo...........
Saint John's, Mich.......
Toledo, Ohio............
Elmira, N. Y...........
Williamsburgh, N. Y....
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Westiord, Wis............
Alba, Pa..................
Baltimore, Md...........
July 14,1868
Mar. 7, 1826
Nov. 18, 1873
Sept. 29, 1863
Jan. 30, 1872
Aug. 5, 1862
July 29, 1873
Aug. 8, 1871
Aug. 29, 1865
May 15, 1866
Apr. 29, 1829
Jan. 10, 1871
Dec. 15, 1868
Dec. 11, 1866
Nov. 28, 1871
May 24, 1864
Aug. 8, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Sept. 23, 1873
Nov. 26, 1872
May 24, 1864
Aug. 24, 1802
Feb. 24, 1852
Oct. 11, 1864
Feb. 13, 1872
May 19,1868
Mar. 8, 1859
May 3, 1859
July 20,1858
Mar. 29, 1821
June 27, 1871
Aug. 19, 1873
Aug. 13, 1867
Feb. 15, 1870
Fish and ~nimal trap........................ J. T. Harcourt and G. W. Cot- Columbus, Tex..........
Fish. Apparatus for curing and drying............ B. Robinson.................. East Gloucester, Mass....
Fish, Article of prepared cod.....................E. Crowell...................... New York, N. Y..........
Fish-bait................... T. Thorp.................G.. Thorp............ Philadelphia, Pa..........
Fish-bait, Compound for.-.......-- -........ S. A. Goodman,jr........... Jamestown, Tex....
Fish-bait cutter.....---------------------------- V. Doane, jr.............. Harwich Port, Mass.......
Fish-bait mill..................................... W. McKay..... Newburyport, Mass......
Fish -bars, Machine for punching, shearing, and W. Morehouse................ Buffalo, N. Y..........
Fish, Catchin.g................................ J. Ellicott...............................
Fish-catching apparatus....... J. Garl.......................J. Gar. Suffield, Ohio............
Fish-catching apparatus..................... A. Tiffany.................... Gibson, Pa............
Fish, Conveying live........................ A. J. Smidth.................. Copenhagen, Denmark....
Fish, Curing and preserving.................. R. A. Adams............... Camnbridge, Mass.......
Fish-cutter or bait-mill...................... N. Richardson.............. Gloucester, Mass.........
Fish-decoy................._................ I.B. Quimby................. East Boston, Mass........
Fish, Device for hatching the spawn of-.....-S. Green..................... Rochester, N. Y...........
Fish-dressing machine........................ F. Kelsey and F. H. Hosmer.. Sandusky, Ohio........
Fish, &c., drier................................... W. J. and S. Hooper and O. Baltimore, Md..........
Fish-flake...................................... J. Foster...................... Beverly, Mass...........
Fish for food, Mode of preparing................ G. H. Heron................... Washington, D. C.........
Fish for food, Process of preparing............... J. Nickerson............... Booth Bay, Me..........
Fish for use, Putting up cod.................. B. F. Stephens............. Brooklyn, N. Y.........Fish, Globe for............ A. Ivers..........................A.Ivers................ New York, N. Y..........
Fish-grappling spear...............................J. W. Knapp................. Cross River, N. Y........
Fish-hatching apparatus..................... L. Stone....................... Charlestown, N. I........
Fish-hook............................... B. F. Allen................... Boston, Mass...............
Fish-hook.......................................... F. T. Angers.................. Canastota, N. Y...........
Fish-hook......................................... -. F. Angilard.................. Royan, France...........
Fish-hook........................................ L. Arnold.................. Belchertown, Mass........
Fish-hook......................................... J. B. Christian................ Mount Carroll, Ill.........
Fish-hook........................................ I R. F. Cook................... Troy, Ala...............
Fish-hook........................................ C. O. Crosby......-..-........ New Haven, Conn._.....
Fish-hook........................................ W. Davis and J. Johnson-..... Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Fish-hook......................................... T. F. Engelbrecht and G. F. Philadelphia, Pa..........
Fish-hook......R.A. Fish........................Fish................ Worcester, Mass..........
Fish-Ihdok................................ N. A. Gardiner,jr............ Willett, N. Y..........
Fish-hook........................................ W. C. Goodwin............... Hamden, Conn.........
Fish-hook........................................ M. Hiltz..................... Gloucester, Mass.........
Fish-hook........................................ J. Johnson................... Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Fish-hook......................................... J. Johnson................... Brooklyn, N. Y........
Fish-hook......................................... J. Johnson and H. Howarth.. Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Fish-hook..................... mlo..................... Boston, Mass.............
Fish-hook............................... F.Kelo................... Boston, Mass............
Fish-hook........................................ F. Kemlo.................... Boston, Mass..........
Fish-hook........................................ B. Lee,jr.................... Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
Fish-hook........................................ A. I. Lenhart............... New Brunswick, N. J.....
Fish-hook......................................... H. B. Livermore.............. Ashland, Pa..............
Fish-hook........................................ W. S. Morris................. New York, N. Y..........
Fish hook....................................... S. Pendleton............... New Haven, Conn.......
Fish-hook................................ E. Pitcher.................. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Fish-hook............................... H. Sigler............ H......... Houston, Tex.......
Fish-hook........................................ E. Sterling................... Cleveland, Ohio...........
Fish-hook, Double-lever..................... G. Crandell.................. Washington. D. C.........
Fish-hook holder........................... L. Arnold................. Belchertown, Mass......
Fish-hook, Spring................................. W. P. Blake................. New York, N. Y..........
Fish-hook, Spring.......................... D. Ellis and C. T. Grilley..... Naugatuck, Conn........
Fish-hook, Spring.......................... D. Kidder.................... Franklin, N. H...........
Fish-hook, Spring......................... J. King, jr................... Fort Wayne, Ind........
Sept. 17, 1872
July 11, 1865
Dec. 8, 1868
Oct. 26, 1869
Jan. 21, 1873
Oct.. 13, 1868
July 16,1872
Apr. 20, 1869
Mar. 25, 1795
May 25,1858
July 26, 1838
Aug. 4,1868
Nov. 23, 1869
June 3, 1862
Nov. 21, 1865
Sept.1.7, 1867
Sept. 16, 1873
Feb. 8, 1870
Aug. 20,1867
Nov. 5, 1867
Mar. 23, 1869
Mar. 16, 1869
Mar. 14, 1865
Oct. 28, 1873
June 20, 1871
Aug. 19, 1873
Oct. 12, 1869
Aug. 27, 1867
Feb. 21,1871
June 30, 18(18
June 19, 1855
Nov. 20, 1866
Dec. 19,1865
July 28,1846
Apr. 28,1868
Sept. 20,1864
Oct. 2, 1866
Jan. 26, 1869
Aug. 21,1847
Oct. 9, 1855
Apr. 24, 1866
Sept. 14,1869
Sept. 14, 1869
Sept. 14, 1869
Feb. 12, 1867
Nov. 12,1867
Jan. 9, 1866
Feb. 12, 1861
Aug. 21, 1847
July 16, 1872
Apr. 11, 1854
Nov. 12, 1867
Nov. 7,1865
Aug. 8, 1871
Aug. 15, 1848
Aug. 15,1818
Sept. 24, 1867
Nov. 20, 1866
79, 809
144, 625
40, 147
123, 252
36, 128
141, 269
117, 863
49, 622
54, 713
110, 844
84, 859
60, 390
121, 421
42, 879
117, 749
112, 789
143, 018
133, 320
42, 867
8, 762
44, 662
123, 642
78, 122
23, 212
23, 873
20. 961
116, 275
141, 847
67, 737
99, 896
131, 439
48, 723
84, 801
96, 288
135, 113
83, 048
129, 576
89, 062
20, 343
80, 775
97, 145
35, 472
51, 120
68, 871
142, 918
99, 673
67, 9)70
70, 435
88, 064
87, 986
46, 801
116, 112
141, 910
95, 755
68, 027
111, 898
79, 446
13, 081
59, 893
51, 651
4, 670
77, 365
44, 368
58, 404
86, 154
5, 256
13, 649
54, 251
94, 893
94, 894
94, 895
61, 042
70, 868
51, 951
5, 255
129, 053
10, 761
70, 913
50, 799
117, 719
5, 710
5, 709
69, 221
59, 841
Indecx of patents issued fromt the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Fishl-hook, Spring.,---------------------------EB. Rhodes, jr., and J. W.
I LRhoades.
Fish-hooks and artificial bit, Attachment for--. J. T. Budl..._.._.
Fish-hooks, Machine for making - -- ---------- C. 0- Crosby---------
Fish in warm weather, Mode of carrying-----N. IRobbiiis..... - ----
Fish-nurseries-----------------------------.........It. E Sahin...... _.. _...... _.
Fish-plates. Fastening for-----------I nhn...................R.Atoy_-.-.,__
Fish, Preparing and prese-rving----------- ---W. Shari)----------------
Fish, Pi-eparine, desiccating, and preserving.-__._.W. 1). Cutler............._ _ _
Fish, Process of curing anil put ing npo.- _-_- -- - ---J. Atwood, jr.......- --....._
Fish, Process of extracting oil from -- -- -- - - - - --E. II. Woodiward---------...
ish, Putting up salt mackerel and similar. - 1 2. A. Pharo.. _.... _.. _.. _....
Fish-scaling machine------------------------......N. B. White....... _......._
Fish, Serpentine spinner to catch---------------..C. Do Saxe.-.__.........
Fish-spawn hatcher-------------------------...HM. G. Ilolt,,n......._.....
F ish. Spinning bait for catching---------------...J. 'T. Buel....-- _-..........
IFish to obitain oil and fertilizers, Process of treat- A. Smith..................
Fish to guano, &c., Apparatus for reducing-_____..T. L. Robinson. _..__.......
lishi-trap---------------------------------...I). Bowman.--------------
Fish-trap-----------...............Gry----------------------Ii ry........
I isli trap------------------------------------ 1. Goodlwin ---------------
IIisi trap-.-------------------------------- J.E faninioud............
Fish-trap..- ------------------------C. E. Ketcham...........
Fish-trap---------------------------------...... B McCaughan.------..
Fish-trap---------------------------------...........S. Pavonarius and C. C. Michtle
Fish-trap---------------------------------.....L. Van Iloesen...........- -- --
Fi s h, Trolling-bait for- catching- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --. Haskell.............. -- -- --
F i sh - wa y.-...-....-...-..........E A. Brackett.. --.........Fish-way.-............................ A. Liverniore..............
F i sh -w ay for dams--------------------------. _.D. Steck -...._......---
F is h -w e i r -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -H. Emerson.............. --
F i sh i ng -ap pa r atus-------.__.- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - ----P..Ferl and W. Larkins
Fishing-apparatus.------------..--- ------. M. Fuller..-........
Fishing-apparatus--------------------------....J. Koehler-------------_
Fishing-apparatus--------------------------....J. Stetson.-__.----_Fishing-bait, Mode of preserving.- - -- -.- --------- E. Burnham........... _ __
Fishiing-baiit, Preserving ----------------------..6D1. Kellogg..............
Fishiing-boat----------- --------------------- J. Don..................
Fishing.mplemen----------------------E. Hurton ----------
Fisliing jack------------------------------ill... H.D. Ki-k and W. H. Belnap.Fishing jig--------------------------- S.Abe--------- ----- S le..........
Fishiug-lead........................ -......... V. South.................
Fishiiig-line-------------------------------.....F. E. Foster...............
Fishing-line float---------------------------....E. Jewell..................
Fishing-line, Metallic------------------------....H. Camp.---------------...
Fishing-line, Pivot--------------------------....F. X. Monnier.............
Fishing-line reel---------------------------.....A. Dougherty.._..........Fishing-line reel---------------------------.....D. Ellis---------------.......
Fishini, line reel ----------------------------- A. B. Hartill------------.._
Fishing-lhue reel--__------.......... W.Stat-----------------..M tat......
Fishing-line reel................... V.H1. Van Gieson...........
Fishing-line sinker-------------------------....L. A. Burnhamn............
Fishing-line simikei-------------------------.....E. F. Decker..............,
Fisliing line sinker-------------------------....J. R. Martin................
Fihn iesinker-------------------------....J. R. Mar-tin -. ---..._
Fishing-line sinker--------.........___RT.Ogod-----------------H.Ogo
Ilishing-line sinker-------------------------....W. HI. Smith................
Fising-line swiv el-------------------------M. ililtz..................
Fishiiig lines and other small cords, Machine for P. Brooks..................
Fishing-lines, Attaching float and sinker to.- --.J. Ingrains. -_...._..__.
Fishing-reel-------------------------------....P. A. Altmaeir............
Eshiug-ieel............ ---------.W. Billinghurst..........
Fishing-meeh........................... A. H. Fowler. -......Fishing-reel --..............-------------------A. Hatch..._._...........
Fishinig-reel.-------------------------------- G. Mooney................
Fishing-reel.------------------------......----M. S. Palmer...............
Fishing-i-eel..--..........................--- --.J. Ross.................
F'shiing-reei........................... 5-S.B. Terry...............
Fishing-reel-------------------------------.....J. Von lute................
Fishing-rod-------------------------------It........ N. Isaacs.............
Fishing-eod-------------------------------.....J. B. Mcllarg..............
Fishing -----------.................N mih------------------..N mt.......
Fislilo--ind----------------------------.....- T. Toot...................
Fishing-rod and float-------------C oSx......................C.DSae__.-----._
Fish il-rod, Hiiiged------------------------....J. Ii. Moiitrose.............
Fishin-rod bolder--------------------------....F. Senleur._..._._._
Fishing-rod joint-------------------------.....__.WJ. Hubbard..............
Fishing-rod meel---------------------......--- J. A. Bailey...............
Fishiig-ied reel..........--------------------..E. Deacon---------------....
Fishing-rod tip----------------------------.....J. V. Hfee..........
F; Ihimgsake. --------------------J.. Campbe l............
Clyde, Ohio-------------- IJan. 1, 1867
Whitehall, N. Y.
New Haven, Con -..
West Spriiigfield, Mass.Kingston, Pa...... _...
Portliiid, Me......
1hila delphiaPa.._._...
Pi ovincetown, Mass._..
New York, N. Y....
Philadelphia, Pa._._-_..
Cecil County, Md..
New York, N. Y......
Itecste-, N. V....
Whitehall, N. Y..-.
Boston, Mass.......
West Meiden, Con
Timpico, Tenii._._.._..
Ai soii Me......._
Astoria, N.. _....... _.
Niw vBedford, Mass...
Wsasliangtom D. C.._..
Moscow, 'Lenn.-.__
Phiiladelphia, Pa..___.__.
tWestuillo Con......
IPaanesville, Ohio.-----
XWinehester, Mass-.__.
Ashland, Pa............
Hiaghiesville, Pa...
Detroit, Michli...
Catas uqua, Pa.-......
New Yoi-k, N. Y....
West IHarwich, Mas_
Gloucester, Mass.__--
New York, N. Y._.
Washington, D. C -....
Bristol, Con...... _....
Sturgis, Miehi..........._
Wiscasset, Me..........
South Thomaston, Me -..
New York, N. Y..____
Louisville, Ky........._
Covington, Ga._......
Detroit, Michli_.........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Waterbury, Con._..__
New York, N. Y -----
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y. -._
Gloucester, Mass..
Soutbport, Me........
Booth Bay, Me-.._ -
Booth Bay, Me........---
Orland. Me............
New York, N. YV...
Gloucester, Mass....
New Haven, Con.._.
Ti-ny, N. Y............
Haim-ishurgm, Pa---._---_
Rochester, N. Y.....
Batavia, N.YV.--.......
New Haven, Con..
Providence, R. I.
New Bedford, Mass.._.
Buffalo, N. Y----------I..
Brooklyn, E. ID., N..Y...NwYr,.Y.._..__
Rome, N. Y...........- -- --
R e a d in g Pa- ------------
Ca.mbridge, Mass......
NsewYork, NV. Y-- --
New York, N.Y. __..
Mount Steiling, Ky...
Ausonia, Coon..... _...
Jersev City, N.J-.....
Brooklyn, N. Y _........
New York, N...._
Richmond, Id..........
-Apr. 11, 1854
Mar. 7, 1865
Mar 11, 1802
July 11, 187i
Jan. 9, 1872
Sept. 10. 1873
Sept. 8, 1868
May 25, 1869
Aug. 21, 1866
Oct. 15, 1872
Nov. 26, 1867
June 12, till
Mar. 18, 1873
Apr. 6, 1852
Jan. 25, 1870
Apr. 12, 18(4
Dec. 22, 1868
Mar. 8, 1859
Jan. 18, 1859
Apr. 8, 1862
Apr. 4, 1671
Apr. 11, 1873
Apr. 7, 1868
Aug. 5, 1873
Dec. 9, 1856
Sept. 20, 1859
Oct. 22, 1872
Aug. 14, 18(6
June 26, 1866
Aug. 14, 1811
Aug. 7, 1866
Jan. 30, 187:2
May 12, 1868
Nov. 3, 1868
Dec. 15, 1868
Feb. 11, 1868
Mai-. 6,)1835
Nov. 4, 1856
uy2,Nov. 3, 18168
Apr. 1, 1856
Feh. 18, 1673
July 9, 1x7-2
Sept. 5, 1871
Feb. 23, 188
Feb. 9, 1864
July 12, 1864
Aug. 7, 1866
Anyv. 29, 1865
July 5, 1864
Sept. 25, 1866
Felb. 21, 1865
July 31, 1e66
Jan. 29, 1867
Aug. 3, 1869
May 12, 1868
Dec. 10, 1867
1Oct. 23, 1866
Feb. 8, 1870
Nov. 9, 1869
Aug. 9, 1859,June 18, 187-2
June 19, 1866
Jan. 14, 1873
Feb. 28, 1860
Oct. 12, 1869
Nov. 14, 1871
INov. 26, 1867
Oct.. 16, 1866
Mam-. 18, 1873
July 8, 1873
Sept. 26, 1671
Apr. 18, 1854
Dec. 24, 1867
Aug.26i, 1873
Mar. 15, 1870
Aug. 5, 1856
Fob. 10, 1857
May 20, 186-2
May 18, 1858
60, 786
10, 771
46, 644.
116, 9335
122, 547
143, 386
81, 287
57, 4-27
132, 316
71, 434
13, 068
136, 8:34
8, 853
99, 231
42, 31o
85, 199
23, 154
22, 644
34, 887
113, 292
137, 930
76, 489
141, 588
25, 507
13-2, 349
57, 159
55, 929
56, 917
123, 164
17, 893
83, 740
84, 855
16, 614
92, 730
83, 881
14, 587
135, 900
128, 885
118, 77-2
87, 188
41, 491
43, 485
56, 937
49, 663
43, 4t60
58, 211
46, 4 53
568 857
61. 625
93, 2-20
77, 774
71, 879
59, 120
99, 572
916, 65"2
24, 987
128, 137
55, 653
134, 917
95, 839
121, 600
71, 344
58, 833
137, 015
140, 656
li19, 251
10, 795
7-2, 667
142, 126
160, 895
15, 466
35, 339
20, 309
New York, N. YV------- July 12, 1864
Brooklyn, N. V. --_.........Oct. 4, 1859
Aipena, Mich----------... Nov. 25, 1873
Whitehall, N. Y........... Apr. 22, 1856
Themresa, N. Y -._.... May 15, 1866
New Brunswick, N. J.-__July 21, 1868
Penobscot, Mo............ Dec. 15, 1868
Trenton, N. J........... Aug. 2, 1864
Doeve-, N. H............. May 5, 1868
Holden, Mass........... Mar. 3, 1868
Stumrutd, Con----------_. _Feb. 9, 1869
Ghiicester, M a s s.......ly 7, 1863
Stur-gis, Mich -.- --....1Apr. 15, 1873
ï~~5 50
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusirc-Continued.
Fishing vessel and net-------------------------....
listula, Instrument for treating----------------..
I,ixing, puddling, and boiler fuinace...........
Hlag - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fla -halsard.----------------------------------
Flais-hoisting apparatus-----------------------......
Flag, Sgna, &e-------------------------------
Flag, Signal. --------------------
F las Apparatus for press-dyeing stars for...
Fla-is, Apparatus for press-dyeing stripes for...
Fli-icgp t.rii.ng.die---------------------------
Flange un---on---------------------------------
lain ge s,lool for upsetting - --- - ----- - -- ---
Flanged and beaded hoops, Machine for making. - -
Hlanged pipes, Mold for castin~.................
Faiiging-machine............................ _
} laniiel and oilier cloth, Macblue for drying.----
Flannel -indl other cloth, Wetting.................
Flanniel, Process of finishing....................
Hlash-liight signal..............................
Flish-light-signal recorder......................
F lask:
Sete Car-isheel flash Molders' flask.
Coliiiin-lask. Moiding-flask.
Ilentists' flask Pipe flask.
Founders' flask. Pocket-flask.
Ke tile-molding flask Powder-flask.
isquor-flask Vulcanizing-fiisk.
Flask -snd bottle..............................---
Ilask clamip, Foundery........................-_
Hlask, Itnide.................................--
Flaisk or biottle ---------------------------------
IFlaisk or mold fastening-------------------------
1F1ask oi retort --------------------------------
Iilisiss or molds, Slitdo and guide for.............F lat-hoats, Laiitncliisg.........-- - - - -...
Flit-biottoim boat with movable keel------------...
Fl-tbottom boats, Construction of--------------..
1 kiat-iron.....................
--ta --ia ------------------------------------
Fi-lit-iron - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i -litioa Ca---------------------------------
Flait-iron Guard---------------------------------
Iii-t-ion beatr--------------------------------
II t-di nheater------------------ ------------
Flamt-ira heater---------------------------------
Flat-iron 5eater -------- -----------------------..
I lat-iron heater--------------------------------
lst-iron heater................................
Flit-iion holder-...............................
FTlait iron holder and psolisher - -- -- - - - - -- -------
1latiniipolisher antliolder -------------------
1iat -iioii Stean................................
II it or sailiruoii.-------------------------------..
Flst or sail iron...-................------------
Flvin mmondi-ain......................
Flax amd lieiiih, Bleu ehiiig unrotted-------------...
Flax.anti hemp lbrake-------------------------..
F lax uid hemp brake...........................
Fl-a.-mud hemp brake--------------------------..
IFlIax anti hentplriake...........................
lax.anti liemipBreakint......................
1Flax amid ienip, lre-sking and cleaning.-.-...-..
F lax iaidlii(eime lreaskiii ani l eaningt michine. - _.
Flix -nd Iheiipsie-ikinig ail cleaning machine..-..
Fiax and lump breaikingi -ndl clean macline.--
lax and beisipBreakinug- and cdi macs ner
T. XWills, Jr.................--
+'. F. Garvin................M. Z. Evans ------------ -----
A. XWatsoiu-....-----
W.~ Albert------------------..
J. W. Mackenzie------------..
J. Hot......................HI. J.1 igers........
ID. C. Farrington -- -- -- -- -- -- -
1). C. Faurington--- -- -- -- -- -
T. J. Hiutbard ---------------
I). Paterson.----------------
A. XW. Sangster-------------..
A. A. IDame-----------------
J. Cosnnolly-----------------...
I blood-------------------
Gt T. Sheldon................
IL Reganu....................
G. A. Bowers................
S. lowen -------------------
1. M Cummings and A. Hayes
J. W.Hale..................--
S.Aseher -------------------
W. Mitchell and J. J. Mayo...
M. Gustin..................---
Residence. Date.
Galloway, N. J------------ Dec. 17, 1814
New York, N. Y - - - - - ----Dec. 8, 1868
Ourmshy, Pa---------------..Oct. 5, i-0t
Washington, D. C --._Ft-h. 56, i864
Brooklyn, N. F - --- -- - --- - -Sept.. 26, 1871
San Fi-ancisco, Cal-...May 7, 1872
Lowell, Mauss............ Api. 26, 1870
Baltimore, Md------------.Jan. 2, 1855
Lowell, Mass ------------- Mar. 12, 187-2
Lowell, Mass-------------..Mir. i2, 187-2
Hamilton, N. Y _-._- -Jan. 11, 1859
Jersey City, N. J-.-- July 10, 1866
Buffalo, N. Y.-.-.-...-----.Maur. 10, 18631
Titissville, Pa-------------..June 17, t873
Newbnrgh, N. F......... Apr. 2, 5867
Watertown, N. V. _... Sept. 13, 1870
Chselnmsford, Mass.....Apr. 3, 1866
Indianapolis, Ind.- __.- Feb. 8, i8 70
Chicago, Ill- -- - ---- - - - -- Mar-. 26, i872
Tenspei-anceville, Pa-...Aug. 3, 1869
Enfoeld, N. H.- _-----------.Sept. 27, 1864
Haverill, Mass.-....- Apr. 2, 1841
Globe Village, Mass--Aug. 58, 1863
Loiiton and Sutton, Eng- July 22, 1873
Troy, Pa.................. May 6, 5873
84, 815
95, 450
41, 656
519, 292
526, 469
10-2, 267
5-2, 140
124, 128
124, 427
2-2, 557
56, 126
37, 876
15t), 877
63, 474
1117, 216
53, 690
99, 707
1-24, 849
93, 320
44, 402
39, 539
141, 010
538, 4118
XW. T. Fry--------------------_. _ _Philadelphia, Pa... _......Dec. 5, 1865 51, 303
W. T. Fry.- - -----------------... Philadelphia, Pa.-..-._ Oct.. 20, 1863 40, 338
C. C. Stewart.-----------------Oneonta, N.Y..------------May 50, 1870 102,1987
W.S.F '. Fi-y.- - - --....New York, N.YV.......Aug. 11, 170868 180, 939
t). H. Bmisidick -................Auburn, N. Y............-Api-. 26, 5864 4-2, 543
S. L. Geer--------------------...Norwich, Conn........... June 21, 1864 43, 193
Bi. B. Whaey.................lBrooklyn, N. YV-_---------Mar-. 28, 1865 47, 059)
S. A. Traugh-----------------..Cincinnati, Ohio- ----------.. Api-. 1 9, 1864 4-2, 419
J1. aiid IE. )avis.--------------. Matildaville, Pa---__..-----Nov. 22,1I859 26, 168
S. IBuel-----------------------ilnurlingtonVt...... July 7,1810...
II. Haupt and J. V. Smith - Cambiitge, Mass,, and July 25, 5865 48,1)35ndiaVa
J. Alexander--_..- - - - ------Brooiklyn, N. YV........... Fob. 13, 1866 52, 552
A. Itacheliler-----------------.Pelhaim, N. H------------- Aug. 1, 1871 517. 59-2
T. Butlers- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -Concord, N.,HI..------.--Feb. 33, 1866 52, 529
J. Giiiss---------------------..Clevelanud, Ohio----------- Mar. 3, 1868 75, 156
I). Lithgow -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -Philatlelphia, Pa---------- Oct. 26, 1858 21, 891
F.B. Riobinson----------------..Portlanmi, Me _- -.-- ----Sept. 58, 1866~ 58, 138
P. T. Wilbur-----------------.....Boston, Mass.- - -.-_- -- --July 9, 1872 128, 9:36
A. Hallowell and A. T. Atisci- Lowell, Mass.....- - -.. Oct. 26, 5869 96,"228
J. C. Briggs------------------.....Concord, N. H------------. _Feb. 5, 1861 31, 295
M. D. Birge...................(iand Rapids, Mich..July 16, 5872 129), 4:3
J. F. Itall--------------------.. _Albia, Iowa--------....----Nov. 4, 1873 144,3:35
A. Hallowell..................Lowell, Mass. --.------Mar. 17, 1868 75,631t
ft R. Moore------------------.....Lyns. Iowa.. _............Aug. 9,1(864 43, 86
SW.Smuithl...---...------------ _Addison, Vt.-.- ----------Mar. 24, 1868 75, 95
W. C. Wreii-----------.. _.-----Brooklyn, N.V-----------_..Sepit. 10, Is r2 lit 202
J. C. Wiight and J. W. Sursa. - Mohine, 111 -- -- -- - --- -- - - --July 15, 18mb3 140, 987
J. H. Yates-------------------.Batavia,N.Y------------- Auig.20, 5 67 68,024
1" WX- Buoclksieper............. New Biitain, Conn.. lDec. 27.,1864 45, i81
I. Brins...................--Cleveland, Ohio-----------.Nov. 28, i87i 121, i73
I.F.Bown-------------------....New Londons, Conn.-._.- Oct. i5, I1."8,2 13,17
XX. I. Masom-----------------.Boston, Mass.---..-- ----Mai-. 8, l8O7 10,149
C. C. Walworth.- - ----_----Bosstosn, Mass-------------....Dec. 21, 1x'52 9, <194
L. Lincoln..............Nouton, Mass... _.........June 28, 180 104, 48
WV Wilson-------------------...._.Greenfield, Mass......... Mar, 27, 18.15.s
XX Zeig~let and J. H. Sel.._ New York, N. Y._-.----Nov. 55, 1870 161.36,4
C. WX. and 0. ft. Newton..-.._IEdiurghisMo -._. l_-_. eb. 127, 1866 I 52, 677
XW. Cumsberland...--- -- -- -- --- New York, N....... Aug.-27, 58-2-2
J. L. Iloorun and C. ID. Pal- ioinir,.Is.. V. -.... July 5, 1804 43,15-2 -imiter.
J.A. Dana-------------------_Cazeom'm N.Y..V.. July 23, 1811...
A. WX. Hall-------------------.... New York,.Is._..I_. Nov. 22. 1864 45, 154
EL. Rumsey------------------....j Chriistian C ountv, Ky....Apr. 26, 1811...
I. Piillen..........LxutnK._....Jn2,11 A el ---------------------PLxi'tnKn............Jule 20, 1811;...
J. Godden.-------------------..Pittsbnurghlowa..... Jan. 20, 1843 2,91-2
XV.M Meillen-----------------...Ripley, Ohio.._..._.._ Sept 30, 1842 2, 7 96
0. Itobeuts.------- -- ---- ------- --. Apr. 12,1804 -..
(G. Sanford and J. EL. Mallory _ New York, NIY. V _....Jusne 24, 18112 35, 710
(I. Sanbford amid J. E. Mallory -.. -Now York, N.Y............Spt. Sept. 16, 1862 36. 4s5
(G. Sanford antJ. I.Mallory -. New Yorml Y......V Oct. 14, 1862 30, 67 4
5:. (Gillmsan ------------------- Newm Virk, N.Y Nim 5,1824..
E. C. Chase-------------------.Jay, Me J... m.....Nv.6.,1832-2.--
F. Cox-----------------------..Sonmerville, N.J...... Dec. 4, 1823 1 _.
A. Zelimmr--------------------.Gdles Count, Tcin -..-Oct.. 25, 18:32 -.
F. Christian -- - - --.......Phiiadelphia, N.Y V-._Feb. 8, 1828..
Gt. I. Rickets and J. Jiiniuev-, jr AMunit teasant. N. J---July 12, 1814.._.
L. 1ihlitts ---------New Glasgow, Va------Oct. 2.2. 1831...
11. 11. Simith.------------------IMassillonu. Ohio - --_...Oct. 7,1845 4,219
XV. C. D:visonm..---------------.....I IPittsfird, N. Y------------ June 22, 5824 _.
N. (G. Hayuden-----------------tlHarmsdshmrghu. y -. Api. 1-2, 18113_.
I". 1I.5.1 -nis--------.... I... Lexiiigton, Mo-----------j_ Jani. 10, 18431 2, 905
Index of patents issued from thre United Statfs Patent Office from 1790 to 187:3, inclutsive-Continued.
Flax and hemp breaking machine- -- - ----- - - - - -
lax and hemp breaking ma:chiine...............- - -
F lax an~d hemp breaking rnachiine.......... _.....
F lax ai~ hemp bireaking macline........
}lax and hemp b~reaking machine--------------..
Flax and hemp breaking machine...............
F lax and hemp breaking machine..............-- -- --
Flax antd hemp breaking machine..............- -- --
Flax and hemp breaking machinery...--........
F~lax anid hemp breaking, scntcldng, or cleaning
Flamx ani hemp by animal power, Machine for
gathiering or pnlling.
Flax and hemp by steani. Rotting.......... _.._..
Flax and hemp, Cleaning anti breaking.. -------....
Flax and hemp cleaning and dressing machine.
Flax and hemp cleaning and hackling nmachrine
Flax and hemp, Cleaning arid separating the
fibers of.
Flax and hemp cleaning macline...............
Flax and hemp. Cleaning, softening, separating,
and short eni ng the fihers of.
Flax and hemp dresser..........................
Flax and hemp, IDressing..........
Flax and hienip dressing machine.........
Flax and hemnp dressing machine.........
Flax and hemp dressing maichine.--------
Flax and hemp dressing macline._--..-_-._---_..
Flax and hemp dressang matchine........
Flax and hemp dressing machrne...............
Flax and1 hemp dmessing iachiiie---------------...Flax anti hemp dressing maclime.........
Flax and hemp (diessing maclame.........
Flax -aind hemp dressing machiie.._......_..
Flax anti htmp tdressing' miacinie.........
Flax and hemnp dressing- maclilac.................
Flax anti hemp driessing machinery..........
Flax and hemp dressing machinery..............
Flax anti hemp dryimng..........................
Flax and hemp tlm-ingfi-ame....................
Flax aind heiip, Extracting aegetable matter frmr
iFlax antiienip for spinning, Preparing....... _....
Flax and hemp fori spinning, Roving.............
Flax ad hemp hackling ma'-himie................
Flax and hemp hackling macline................
Flax anti heimp machine...... -.....---....F lax aintlhemp machine.................IFlax and hemp miaclrilac.......................
1Flax anti hemp machine.----------------------....
lax and hiempt machine..-............
1Flax anti hemp nmachine..........--------------
Flax arid hemp maclilac --.------------------
F lax antd hemp. Machine for retdneing the fibers of.
1Flax and hemp, Manufacture of.. __..............
1Flax and hemp miii _..................--- -..
Flax and henip preparatoi-y to the various pro.
cesea of cleaning and separating the fibers, &c.,
Motdetof preparing.
Il-ax antd henmp, Retting........................_
Flax arid hemp scrtchring machine-------------
Flxar-i he-mp to make ihem resembmle coitton.
G3. W. Billings..............--
J. Y. Fry.....................
A. Forsyth-----------------
J1. Hisido-------------------
ID. M elville..........
G. Sanfotrd, J. E. Mallory, and
C. P.. Hayes.
\V. Van Loser.............
G2. Sanftir-t and I1. F. Mallory -.
1-. John ioti..
New York, N. Y -.....
Pulaski, Teen -..-.Colnmhia, Tem.._...-...
Schenectady, N. Y.-.-..
Newport, R. I...........
Flenming County, Ky-...
New York, N. Y -.....
Warwick, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y -----
Maysville, Ky...........--
Mar. 15, 1864
Dec. 21, 1 842
Jan. 9, 18:38
Sept. 5, 1854
Nov. 18, 1818
Ang. 31, 1810
Oct. 141, 1862
June 30, 1813
Mar. 25, 1862
Mar. 4, 1843
Nov. 25,18:38
41, 903
2, 889
36, 675
34, 779
2, 980
1, 020
2, 864
2, 831
41, 826
63, 499
SW. 3rittaim and J. Silvers -.. New Hope, Pa.. _..._......
A. Chinn....................
H;. Miller------------- ------
IC., G. W., and C. E. Gelainterfill
C. Learned.................--
(Y. W. Billings..............---
larrison Connty, Ky._.Dee. 28, 1825
Glasgow, Ky-------------..May 211834
Cincinnati, Ohio. _. _... Nov. 28, 184-2
Saint Lonis, Mo. -. __... Oct. 22, 1842
New York. N. Y.......... -Mar. 8, 1864
A. Gartner-------------------...New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 2, 1867
H. Hawley-------------------..Louisville. Ky -- -- - ---- - --June 29, 1833
F. H. Nichols and T. Fairbanks'
L. S. Clirchesterr..............
I 'aintlA13 rnni.--
IP. S.tirappel........
W. Ciminer land.............
N. Gotdsall.........II. Hlawley - -- -- -- -- - -
J Hints anrd WV. Bain..
C. G.How aid.........
B Kellogg...........
B. Lewis.-------------------...
J. Macdionald..._..i...
A. Smitiharnd J.Olney-..
J. C. Ilcnrle-- - - - - -- -
F. Kel sev..........
G. Sanford------------------I.
(3. W. Billingsa...............
G. W. Billings.............
S. Olcot....................
P. Antrim..................
G. Brown..................
J. P. Arnold -.......
F. Derrasters...............
1). Ball.---------------------
0-. W. Billings..............
I. De cv, jr.................
F. F. Hill...................
R. McCormick...............
J. Bich....................
W. 1K. Scott.................
S. Olcot-------------------...
R. Patterson................B. Trier.........
S. Olcott.........
Saint Johnsbuiry, Vt. Oct.1, 1830....
Broioklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 11, 1854 10,772
New Yeo-k, N. Y......... Ntv. 27, 1824_-.__--
Pawl t.N. Y-------------..Jan. 18,1809.....
New York, N. Y..........Jury 9, 18 2.
Paris, N. Y. _-..........Sept. 19,1822.._..
Louisa-ille, Ky------------Jirne 4,l 13....
Colmbuins, Ohio.. _._.......Feb. 3,1823.....
Topeka, Kana..-......Sept.6, 1864 44,138
Pairnyra, N. Y------------_May 11, 1824...._.
LigoniaMe--------------.Jan. 28,1824 ----
New York, N. Y...........Anug g.31,18-22.....
Wtestnmoreland~, N. Y -.__July10, 1830....
ousily.-__._ Ja.1,128MideonCon.__.. No.,12.New Ytrrk, N. Y..._....... Jane 24, 1862 3,709
New York, N. Y ---------- __ Oct. 131l8t63140, 236
Noey York, N. Y ----------Oct. 6, 1863 40, 155
Harsiras, N. J...........l Dc 3, 1828....
Philadelphia, Pa......... Noa.25, 1814 __..
Schatecoke, N. Y.__..-_--Jane 16, 1809 _..
Lonisville, Ky------------ Jan.4, 1853 9, 512
Shelha-ville, Ky -_.........-Ntov. 20, 18:18 1, 012
Sandy Hill, N. Y----------_Jualy 7, 1830....
New York, N...........--Mar. 15. 1864 41,902
Trey, N. Y--------------I Nov. 25, 1830....
FabiasN. Y.---- ------Feb. 11. 180411._
Rockbridge Counaty, Va.- _ Oct. 1, 1830 J...
TroyN. Y............... May 20, 183101..---
Sandy IHall, N.Y --__-----Feb. 11, 18:10... -
Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 11, 1840 1, 550
New Hartford, N. Y. l..Ic. 18, 1849 6, 958
SFeb. 26, 179.
New Hope, Pa.......... _.M-2mr. 31, 1840 1,532
G2. W. Billingas................ _ _ New York, N. Y.......... Matr. 2.821864
G.Sanftord and J. E. Mallory - -New York, N. Y.....Ma.2,86
J. P. (Inmlv......n............- -v- -.- - - -Macr. 4 itin6
41, 825
34, 781
34. 619
T reating..
Flax and hemp without rotting by wvater, Pr- W. Hickingbottom.. _.~...- New York, N. Y........ _.Jnly 12, 1816...
Flax-bleaching machine._.........................I1. A. Roth ad J. Lea......Philadelphia County, Pa _ Apr. 18, 1854 10, 780
Flax-lboll brake................................- I. S. Bnrgamn.._.............Congress, Ohio.......- Jan. 12.,1869 85, 725
Flxbale....................A.Bl.......... uaoaFls ho... u.3,16 1Flax-brake....................................... (oe._.ill __.Cny_._aoga FlsOhi o. Ag.S1,1869 94,776
Flax- brake.............................J. C. Kurtz..................Wooster, Ohio------------Ja........e. ne 27, 1871 116,3-28
Flax-brake......................................M.B. Southwick.._..........Mont Saint Hillaire, July 25,1871 117,342
Flax-brake and swingler---------------.Coa....................S oa ----------Bloomifield, Iowa..........j Sept. 29, 1863 40, 091
IFlax bre-ing-amid cleaning machine--------------.S. A. Clemens---------------- -Chicago, Ill -----.._.. Nov. 6,18466 59, 503
F lax breaking and cleaning machine.............. G. Sanford and J. E. Mallory. - England and New York, Aug. 25, 1863- 39, 680
N. Y.
Flaix breakmn and cleaning nmachitne.. __........G. B. Tamner................. - - -- -C yahega Falls, Ohio. Sept. 6, 1864 44, 128
lix br-eainan -rd dressing machine.............. S. M. Allen--. -.... ----_ Wbrn as............WoamMs. Jane 30, 1863 39, 025
IFlax breakigaildtressing mmachine............. J. Briggs.. __. _..............Schoharie, N. Y........... Oct. 1, 18-25.
Fl ax bre-kinga-ntldiressing mmacine--------------..S. A. Clemens.. _. _..........Springfield, Mass..._Mair. 8, 18531 9, 609
Flax limeaiking and dressing machine.............. L Rundellh --......-.........Pike, N. Y............... Sept. 27, 1864 44, 458
IFl1axbreaking machine........................... Cannmon.......................Jan. 17, 1801....
1Flax breaking mmachinue..----. S. Davison................... - -Romains Township, N. Y. May 17, 12.Fax 18-2-2.cin..................Hksad.Khe.._. ilrbrh n...Nv.1,16 0 2
I I x breakirg nmachirne.._............. 'A.Millerr.. _................IBluffto, Ind.............June 9, 1868 48, 811
Flax-br-eakung rm-cinme.....1..........Readui..............'Irenton, N.J........._...Jan. 3, I8a25..
Fla x-be-kig machine------------------------_ _ _ __ __ I. I chitonhioven..............I niltney.N. Y............. Dee.11, 1827
IFlix ceaningamid dr-easing machine:............J.IE.ICroavell..... -_ -.........._ Chelsea, Miss An r.5,1862 36, 075
Flax-tleainmg machine..........................I C.Peachi...................... Penn Van, N.Y........J Sept.'27, 1864 44,187
Flax cheauanigmachine -_________________ W.Whiddut............... huchuiondhid............ May 28,18671 65,119
IFlax &c.. claansing, dressing, amid cutting machine EF Pmhipa........... -- --.......Blackatone, Mass......Ma- 20 18635 47, 604
FlaxIDrissin....a.........._. _. _ I M ack _. _ _ _........... - - - - -.... _ r 211806' -" _
11 ixdtrensmi," mmachmmnme. -............D. Ahbott------------------Ist hint N.Y....... ue 12,18661 55,446
F lax-driessing machine...................J.11arlotin..-....-__Granv illeMass......_..... Ang.2:1,1809
I I x-es-a-rag- mm(-hiui...............F untilek ----------.Kortrimhit N..._.......Feb. 28, 8. _.._
Flax i--smum" niat-Iiie.----"------ - J.1Haws...................I.JueI 1, 32
1 ix nicssim) ia u-climne..............;J. hun antdW. Bairn... _..I NewIYork, N. Y- -- - -- - - --Ang. 12,1826.....
ï~~55 2
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fronm 1750 to 1873, inrclusive-Contiiucd.
Flax-dressing machine.........................__
Flax-dressing nachineo..........................
Flax-dressing machinery........................
Flax-dressing machinery.......................
Flax, &c., gathering and1loailing machine -..___.
Flax, &c., gathering and loading Machine-.
Flax, hemp, and Manila grass, Comhing and separa ing fibers oÂ~.
Flix, hemp, and other fibrous materials, Mode of
Fla-x, hemp, and other fibrous plants, Disintegrating
IFlax, hemp, &c., Apparatus for separating fiheis of
lax, hemp, &c., hbrcaking and cleaning machine --
IFlax, hemp, &c., breaking anti cleaning machine
Ilax, hemp, &c., breaking machine-------------.. _.
Flaxhemp, &c., hi-caking machine..............-- -- --
F lax, hemp, &c., cntting antd gathering machine. - -.
F lax, hemp, &c., Disintegrating and separating
tibers of.
Flax, hemp, &c., Disintegrating or cottonizing -.
Flax, hemp, &c., Fiher from.................... _ _ _ _
1- lax, hemp, &c., for- spinning, Mode of preparing.Flax, hemp, &c, Mode of separating the fibe~trs ofFlax, hemp, &c., Plant used as a substitute for. --
i-lax, hemp, &c., Betting and disintegrating - - _ - -
Flax, hemp, silk, tow, and wool, Combing and hackling.
W. C. McBride--------------
W. Wheeler -----------------
E. L. Norfolk ------ ---------
D. Warner, jr................
G. XV. Hatch----- ------ ------
G~. W. Hatch.................
S. Couillard,jr...............
Sonmerville, N. J ----
Warren, N. Y...........--
Salem, Mass......-.....
Sooth Hatdley, Mass..-_Markman, Ohio----------.
Parkman, Ohio---.----
Boston, M ass.............
J. WX. Burton and G. Pye.- -_.-Eye and Ipswich, England
Ri. M. Russell---- ------
J. B. Fuller --.__ -
G. Sanford and J. E. Mallory-..G. Sanforti and J. E. Malloiy - -.T. Millard...................
J. L. F. Roumage----------..
11. M. Couch.................
J. B. Fuller..................
11. Burgess..................
I.. Owigs------- --- -------.i.Twnhgw------------------
C. Whitlow-----------------..
B.. T. Shaw.------------------
J. and J. Westerman......
J. Halladay, T. Eldridge, C.
Gihbs, anti J. D. Smith.
Flax-maclit-.-----------------------------_0. Wiltde.-------------------
IFlax, &c, Machine lot drawing-------------------.J. Good.-_------------__.--
1Flax, Machine for- scrtching and thrashing------.M. Jet-oneto- --------- __ -----
Flax, Machine lor sculchtug taugled-.....- - W. C. McBride -.-- - --_-----
FlaxMacieefot straighteniugaad thrashing tan- S. A. Clemens--------------...
Flax, Machine for thrashing---_----------------S. A. Clemens........
ithx, Ma(-lnrty fur preparing-------------------- J. B. Fuller...................
IlxMode of trtng.n.------------..- - -.--- - --A. F. antd J. H. Andrews.
1Flax or hemp breaking and dressing mrachinery - G. Sanford................. - -- --
Flax or hemp, Cylindrical frame fot roving or spin.-XV. Gillen....................
Flax or hemp dressing wheelb---------------------.1)... arid X. A. Benton......
Flax or hemp, Machine for cleaning unrotted otrXV. Cumberland............--
Flax, Picking and cleaning---------- ------------- A. H. Catyl.................
F laxIProtess for bleaching....................... I. A. Rtoth and J. Lea..
ila-txptller........................... J. 1i. Bennett......-.....
II lix-puller................................. L. S. Chichester.............
F lix-pullet---------------------..----------------IB. M. iteeves...........
1 hx-puller...................................... J.Sithif...................F lax-pulletr.......----------. -.... S. XV. Tyler.- -....------
I lax-puilling machine...........................-. -Birrhard...............--
Flax-p~ullitinachine.........................._J. Harrngton.... _._.
lax-pulingitiacitine......................... B. M. Reeves................--
Fla-ixurlltrtg maclite........................... J. Sivets -. _..............
Ilax-pllitng machilne........................... S. WV. Tyler. _...............
Fla-xpulling machine............................-S.XV. Tyler.._.._........_
ila-txscotching machine.......................----------- H. Black.-.............
Flaix-sctchting machinte........................_ A. S. Miller..................
Flax-scutelning machinery.....................----. C. McBride..............
la-seetd-cleanitig machine.. _................. P. Gotry -... __............
Flax-seed, paint, &c., Gmriling-............ -- - _....A. Cr-eta and E. Brown....
Fla-xseeds, Macblne for extracting...-.._...A. Hoiok.. _.................-- ----
F l-tx -e d s, &c., Mill for grinding................. - -- -G. L. Steatn-us........... _ _ -..
Fla-txspinig machine------------------------E. Skeels.--..............
Flax-straw, Machinelfor-preparuingtow from tangled' G. F. Clemonrs.......... -- - -.
Fla-tsraw, Machine for straightening, hi-caking, S. A. Clemens..............---
and cleaningi.
New York, N. Y.---_Clarerritnt, N. H -__..
New Yok,N.Y.-----
New York, N. Y..__.
Kent, Con..............
New Ytork, N. Y..
Lambertsville. N. J _.
Claremont, N. H._..
Roycixs Ford, Pa......
iloyet's Ford, Pa..
Baltimore, Md..........--
New York N.Y.
New York, N. Y.----_
New Ytur-k, N. Y-.New York, N. Y..
Hartford, N. Y....
Canaan, N.Y...........--
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y-..
Dixon, Ill.-------...Raritan, N. J.__..........
Chicago, ill..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Claremont, N. H -_-...
Avon, Con............
New York, N. Y.___.New York, N. Y..._
Amettia, N. Y-..-.......
New York, N. Y...
Sandrusky, Ohio..-_.____
Phtiladelphiat County, Pa -
East Bennington, Vt.-___Brtioklyn, N. Y..........
Franklin, Ptr.._.......
Troy, N. Y........--....
Troy, N.Y..............Livirtgttouville, N. Y -
Menomonece, Wit.
Franklin, Pa.. _.........._
Larnbertsville, N. J...
Troy, N. Y.............._
Troy,.N. Y.. _............
Lewishurght, Ohio._----
Cuidrt'on, intl............
Raritan, N. J............_
Cazenovia, N. Y....
Searsmnirt, Me..........--
Boston, Mass -....
Worthington, Ohio.Springfield, Mass--._... --
Chicago, Ill..............
Date. No.
MYIar. 17, 1868 75, 559
Mar. 26, 18'25..
May 9, 1854 10, 876
Sept. 5, 1854 11, 654
June 6, 1865 48,0i64
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 185
Oct. 19, 1836 -....
Dec. 8, 1857 18, 801
Aug,. 6, 1867 67, 455
Mar. 1, 1864 41,812
June 16, 18631:8, 9)16
Sept. 15, 1863 39,96-2
My6183Au.6189 _.July 16, 1841 2,179
Mar. 1, 1864 41, 813
Jan. 19, 1864 41,276
Jatn. 19, 1864 41,275
Mar. 5, 1812....
Jan. 19, 1864 41, 35-2
Jarn. 1,82_a.19, 1864 4,350u.1,13..
Mar. 4, 1830 --
Apr. 16, 1810..
Oct. 5, 1869 95, -162
June 8, 1-69 90, 946
Nov. 29, 1864 45, 259
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 502
Ntov. 6, 1866 59, 360
Dee. 19, 1865 51,652
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 058
Mar. 18, 186-2 34, 697
Jan. 11, 1812...
May 2-2,.1816..---
No.2,12.Fb 4 84 15Apr. 18, 1834 10, 808
Jan. 23, 1845 3 890
Nov. 16, 1852 9, 400
Aug. 8, 18 71 117, 926
May 10, 1870 102, 85
July 18, 1813 117, 125
Mar. 14, 1865 46, 837
Jan. 22, 1867' 61,.422
Mar. 28, 18 7 11131, 094
July 11, 1865 48, 7.31
Feb. 12, 1867 6-2, 090
A og 27, 1807 68, 132
Jute 5, 1866 55, 232
rurre 9,1868 78, 810
Jan. 25, 1839, 22, 7:36
Apr. 24, 1804'.. _._Sept. 9, 18.3L--.
Aug. 17, 1838 886
Feb. 6, 1866 52, 51)6
Junlv 7, 1863:i9, 1 19
Nov. 6, 18-66 59, 501
Feb. 18, 18;8 -...
Jan. 12, 1864 41,185
Mar. 30, 1869 88,30(0
Jtly 2011=9lt, 196
Nov-. 16, 18169. 9,;. 7-7
Feb. 19, 1167 6-, 276
July 12, 185'9i,2'.4, i1
July 5,183 _.__
Aug. 1-1, 1e63:139, 5:14
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 600
A -e251867 66n. 193'
Flax-twitigling machine------------------------- __ __ _ _ _S. Achey...................... Heidelberg T-wrnship, Lobanoti County, Pa.
Flax, &c., to produce short fihers for spinrting, S. M. Allen--------------__ __ __ ---Wobiurn, Mass..........-- --
TreatigFlea-powdler...................................- -C. E. Jaycox----------------- San Francisco, Cal.Flerce-bunidling apparatus -_-------------------J. XWaltorr.-_...............Iloseburgb, Or-eg......
IF becce-tolder-.................................... C. XV. Rudgers................ Br'ecksville, Ohio.....
Fleece-tying apparatus.....-.------------------.. S. Cooley---------------------- Carto, Mich.------
1lesli-fork--_---------------------------------P. Fisher...........--.......Btookly, iN.Y..........
flesh-for-k................................ J. C. Klein -...- - - --.....Birmingham Pa....
F lesh-fork and skimmrer, Combiration of - - --------_ C. B. liristol.- - -.-- -- - ----Naugatuck, Cotn
Ileb I fruit &c.,Machinery for cutting._---------- _J. Buffington _..--------------_.Chester, Pa-----________
Flesh hooks itid lorksMariufacturing............ __ _M. V. Tr-ask------------------_ __ __ _Meriden,ntmi __.._-.-_16tsh-offal, &cetreatin.. _......................XV - -- -. Adamson and C. F. A. Si- Philadelphia Pa... _..
F lexible heat,.Divm isioni between the tubes of -- E. T. Hlarr-------------------......New York, N.Y
Ilexrblc itiplini ____............N. XV.-Xheeler------- ----.. 1.1r-otddyrr N.Y V....
1-'lm-iblega~t- - - - - - - - --_ ____________ J. M. Richartdson -------------- Elmira N. V---_-_
iFlexible pipe lotrumining-.._._...... _. l.r...... __..Cak..... __.......... Toddi'sXVabley, Cal...
11 6 rhle 1 litri lotgiving mrotion to iwheels and J. Johnson,j r.................Charleston, 6.C
Flexible tub hose, &c. Manufacture of..........1I. B. Harr-is..................--Edinburgh, -cotland _-_
I lcxiblr tnbe or hose- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -). K. Hcxsie and T. L. Reed. Providence, R.I.._.
1Flexibli..tribtes ee lot making curvatures in - -. A. IBeckers- _---------------- _ _ _- New York, N. V_ _-- -._.-.
Flexibe tutbing------------------..Geio..................._...__.F.PGlao......._.New York, TN. V.-.
Flexible tiuhing lot ilnuminating-gas..----- XV---. B. S. Taylor................ New Yet-kc, N.Y.-----
Fl exible Itub ng- er- bse.--------------1..he....................P"L ed.__...._..Iravidenee. B........
Flexibli, tu~bings, E lastic cortcctiion lor-......... B. S. Ta'tylor- - -- -- -- -- -- - - New York, N. Y...V
'Vteaxible tmbittgs, Maniufactuire tif- - - - - - 1) ---_..Ie.Icxtie randtl T. L. Ileet.. - -Pt-t~ntrc e, II.t..._.
IFlexible tubings, Manniacture of.......-----------....1.; Iloxaic and T. L. Reed.. Providence, B.. _ _. -
May 24, 1864
Sept. 27, 1 864
Nov. 29, 1864
Feb. 28, 1865
Feb. 21, 1865
Apr. 30, 186(7
Oct. 28, 18t71
Ntv. 21, 1885
May 2-2,.86u6
44, 42)
46i 507
141, 161
51, 05
54, 909
Indexofpatents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Flexible tuldngs, Manufacture of-----------------....W. B. S. Taylor---------------..New York, N. Y - - --------June 19, 1866 55, 740
Flexoinanus---------........._................H. A. Nathans...............- Philadelphia, Pa--------Dec. 15, 81'7 18,857
Float-gage, feed-regulator, &c., for steam-boilers, &c. T. J. Sloan................... New York, N. Y----------... p.Apr. 27,1852 8, 912
Float or raft.................................- A. Carson..__..............Memphis, T[enn.._.....June 18, 1867 65, 792
Floating-bag----------------.......................G. Mitchell_...............London, England.......... Feb. 16, 1S64 41, 632
Floating battery.................................A. B. Ceoley.-___............Philadelphia, Pa............pr.Apr. 1, 1862 34, 867
Floating battery_......_..........------.....P. Martin....................--Philadelphia, Pa..........Aug. 11, 1841 2,217
Floaitin" battery............................... J. P. Taylor................... Little Compton RI. I.--Oct. 17, 1848 5, 854
Floanting- battery........................... FE. A. Willis..................--Cold Spintg, N. Y......Nov. 22,15 26, 219
Foiong battery and light-house................J. Moody. _.-..........York, England........... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 870
Floatin" battery for ships, &c....................J. flyde -......__.... -......New Xork, N. Y...V.. Dec. 23, 1862 37, 232
Fin-tingb-ttery or steamship.--......._. G. Stiles....................Baltimore, Md...........Apr. 4, 1815..
Fin-ting house or bat'hing-machiiie...............11. Chevens................... - -- -- wNew Yoik, N. Y._._.. July 13, 1813...
Floating mill.................................---- J. A. Dorman................. New York, N. Y.......... May 17, 1864 42, 756
Floating-nill and silent fisher..................... Ford......................--Charleston, S. C........... Dee. 21, 1809...
Floating-wheel.................................. J. Owings.................... l'dtimioic Md -.......Sept. 9, 1816.----
Floating-wxheel for vessels........................ J. Spilman...................lenuw iidt, N.Y.-----July 9,1867 66, 53-2
Flock aend paper-stock cutting machine.. __........J. N. Pitts............Blackstone, Mass_.._.Jan. 29,1856 14, 165
Flock cheainug machine..........................--H. H. lDawson.-...........lockville, Conn.--.. July 8, 1873 140, 684
Flock dloth dyed or printed......................V - - - -. Crossly.._ -.................Bidgeport, Coon_.._.Jan. 31, 1865 46, 199
Flock euttet --------------.......------ M. and C. H. Morse...........ItFrnnmMass ----.--May 9, 1811 114, 588
Flock-cutting matchine.....__................... J. Chase..__............LowellMass.._...__ Oct. 14, 1862.16, 642
Flock-cutting machine, Reversible..................J. Pitts....- _........ -.......Milletville, Mass......Nov. 28,1871 11,415
Flock-duster................................ M. Waterhouse................PassaicPassaic, N.J............ Jaii 7 1868 73, 144
Flock lor lelting, Machine for preparinig.......... _L. W. Boynton................South Cov entry, Conn...Jitlyv18, 1854 11, 318
Flock-grinideir.................................-E.. V Maible.................-Woi cestei Mass..........-Mar. 26, l872 121,903
Flock-gritdet............. _................ J J. Waterhouse...............PtssaicN.1.............Mit. 12, 182 124, 463
Flock-grindinig machine... _...... _............... J. C. Fotida..................AbnN.......Jl 911 826
Flock-miachine-................................-..McAllister................-Lawr ence Mass.... Dec. 6,1870 109,9-20
1I- lock, Machine f or cleaning and opening............W. C. Geer -.. -.............ockville, Coni.. _........(lt257 1859 25, 895
Flock, Machine for opening and cleaning. -_........E. C. Bi-ett................... -- - --Gieat. Barrington, Mass.. Oct.7, 1851 8, 404
FlockMacicne for preparing.................... -- -- -- -L. XW. Boynton __.. _............Worce steiMass. _.........Aug. 7, 1835 13, 380
Flock, Macline for preparing.................... J. R. Peters, jr............New Yiork, N. Y.. _.......June 22, 1852 9, 059
Flock, Machine for sifting -.......................J. F. Greene.................- lriooklyii,N.YV..........Feb. 26, 1861 31,574
Flock, Machinety for cutting.....................--A. Father.................... Stephetowni,N. Y.--- Nov. 18, 18411 4,857
Flock, Machinery- for culling.....................J. Tilton and E. Risn.-- ---Northfield and Sanboruloti, May 15, 1860 28, 316
Flock to cloth,.Apparatus for applying....... _....ID. and 1R. Pratt.............. Elmira, N. Y.............-_ -- Oct. 7, 1851 8, 405
Flock with flannel, Mode of inucoiporating --_-. J. M. Pi-at~t.................- - - -. Dudley, Mass... -.......... Sept. 5, 1848 5, 757
Flecked cloth, IDyeing, printing, and manufactuie T. Crossly........... -- --...... Btridgeport, Conn. Jan. 31, 1865 46, 20
of water-pr-oof.
Flocked labrie foi hats, bonnets, &ce.....__-.......C. L. Mitchell.. -........Westboroughi, Mass.... Oct. 17, 1871 120, 084
Flockiiig-imachines, Feeding-apparattis for.-_..-_H. Turner.................... -- -- -- -New Yoirk, N.Y.-....... Jan. 21, 1868 73, 676
Floeblen t substances, Press for bundling..........-_.D. Kellogg. - -..... --- ---- Pittsfield, Mich..........Oct. 12, 1852 9, 324
Flood --ate.......................... -..._A H. Adams...._............L'iqua, Ohio........Mai. 28,1871 113, 001
Flend-gate...................................... T.H.Breed..........-..... Dundee, Mich............--Sept.6, 1870 107, 159
F100(d-gnto......................................J. Campbell and A. Watson..- Lotndon, Ohio --...........Sept. 27, 1870 107, 659
lned-gito..................................... J. W. Edg'irton.............- ThorttonIndl............June0 1871 116, 170
Iceod "ate...........---................&W.VFlanders..............--Lynn, Mass..............Apr. 8,1876 14, 602
Flood-"ato....................................H.Haticock.......--......AugustaGa..._........_ Sept.6,1859 25,3130
Flood-gate..................-- -- -- -....................Hinckley __..._....... Marston's Mills, Mass -.... Noy.29, lain0109, 734
loed,'-ato..............__...-.________..........S. Hnrt..............--- Georgetown, S.C..........Oct.9,1811.odgt - ---------..Kee.T ad- ndJ adntu ho...Sp.3 81 33,0
G. Wilkinson.
1loed -to...................................... H.A. Kephairt._...........-Fletcher, Ohio............-Apr. 28,1868 77, 384
F100(1gate......................................1J. J. itmhaIt.........Napierville, Ill...........IFeb. 16, 1869 86,985
F lootd-gate............................._--_-..-. J.JKimbll 1.................Napierville, Ill......-.....Jai' 18, 1870 98, 979
Flood-gate....................................__ __ __ _ _ __ __. L.lKing"................... Fat n-ersville, Ohio..... Dccar.16,1S09 8, 071
1Flendgate..................................____... LIeathernian..........---...Napoleon. Ohio............ ug. 18, 1868 81, 180
Flood-gate...................................... J.Maeby --- I ----- Potgis.............-Aug7,1a66 56,962
IFlood-gate......................................A. Mai -_.-__.....1Delaware, Ohio........... Mar. 31' 1869 88, 598
F lendgante.....................................C. li.McKinney...... --. _.....Houston, 0Ohio _..........Sept.3, 18637 6i:, 767
lned-gate.._................................... A. E. Noble.-..........La Motte, Iowa......--..Apr. 5, 1870 101,lii
Flood-gate...................................... A. R a l st otn........... -.....Car-lisle, Pa,...............July 25, 16 48,"77
Flood-gate..................................... S. ilowlatid and T. C. Tipton. - Williamispor-t, Ohio...._..Nov. 15, 18 70 10' 2
Flood-gate.....................................- -- -- -" -- -- -S. It. Shocip................. toj, -------- Ar 6 16' x;;
Flood-gato.....................................J. ---------....._.B. Stotuer..............ateu, io -Il. Apr. 15, 1869 98e63
Flood-gate...................................---.0. Wuuy............ _._....3 lorntown, Iud..........Jutne 20,1871 111',"47
loned-gate, Adjustable.............................N. Tupper -_... _... _.........Gunuid Blanc, Mich..... Mov 24, 1868 84, 321
Ilood-gate lot nuli- d anis......................... - - - - M. Cotton...............-..._.SatdinuiaN.Y.............Mar. 21,18651146,87 3
1'lond gate Revolving...........................-J. Dii Hois....................-Wllimsport,.....Ja.WllasrtPaI 1185 4593
Ilond-gateSelf acting...........................--G. 11. Markham.....--......Mead'sMills, MPa.-.. SeJun 4,1860i 429139
Fel'od-ate, Self-operting......................... - - -- XX'. 1H. Allard and R. W.Thiotias' tage, W ic.............ept.Sept. 41,1860 519 839
Flo rwsegate.."..........................XV. L. Clark..__......_CaubriaWis.....---Juuly 16,18671 6(u,'97
ln rleilert........................X. J. Connell.................VsNest Utuity, Ohio -.._-June 2'2 1869 91, 607
hlootr......................._........_......L. S.Wood................... Maionbora-.........July 1I,18731140,864
-nt'n lnr, ire-pn~rof..........AV. -'I uter...........Cutig.I........T1.J 1 2) 18.3 141 ')u;
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
Floor-clam p....................................
Floor-clamp -- - - - - - - - -
Floor-clamp -----------------------------------
Floor-cloth: See oil-cloth.
Floor-cloth and carpeting.........................
Floor cloth and carpeting----------------------.........................Floor-cloth, Composition for..................
Floor-cloth, &c., Composition for sizing and stiffening.
Floor-cloth, &c., Composition for sizing for use in
the manufacture of.
Floor-cloth from straw-board, Manufacture of....
Floor-cloth, leather-cloth, &c., Mode of producing..
Floor-cloth, &c., Leather-paper for-----------...............--
Floor cloth, Machine for printing...............
Floor-cloth, Manufacture of---...-----------.------
Floor-cloth, Manufacture of......-.-.......
Floor-cloth, Manufacture of......................
Floor-cloth, Manufacture of.......................
Floor-cloth, Manufacture of rubber...............
Floor-cloth, Method of printing...................
Floor-cloth, &c., Printing................._.........
Floor-cloth, Roller for............................
Floor covering..................................
Floor-cove ing, roof, &c..............................
Floor-covering, wainscoting, &c., Fabric for.......
Floor-coverings, Manufacture of..................
Floor, Fire-proof...................................
Floor, Fire-proof.................................
Floor, Fire-proof.................................
Floor, Fire- proof..................................
Floor, Fire proof.................................
Floor, Fire proof tile............................
Floor for buildings..............................
Floor, Hollow tile.................................
Floor minat, India-rubber.........................
Floor, M osaic......................................
Floor, Mosaic.....................................
Floor, Mosaic----------------------------------...................................
Floor, Skating....................................
Iloor, Tessellated..............................
Floor, Tessellated................................
Floortimber support...........................
Floor, Water-proof............................
Floors, ceilings, roofs, &c., Mode and material for
Floors, Clamp for laying.........................
Floors, Construction of marquetry..... - - - --
Floors, Laying malting...........................
Floors, Mosaic covering for........................
Floors of houses, Machine for scrubbing or scouring.
Floors, pavements, &c., Coating concrete and cement.
Floors, pavements, &c., Composition for...........
Floors, sidewalks, &c., Composition for............
Floors, walls, &c., Ornamental covering for........
Floors, W axing...................................
D. Nevin..............
H. W. Oliver..........
D. K. Peoples...............
G. B. Perkins.................
W. Partlock and J. H. Smith..
H. J. O. Reed.................
J. G. Rogers...............
J. B. Spencer.................
O. Taf........................
T. S. Urie..................
H. C. Wight...................
J. D. Winslow...............
S. C. and S. Winslow.....
G. Wood.....................
A. Armstrong...............
S. M. Allen...................
T. Griffin.....................
S. Hawksworth.............
J. B. Meldrum........
J. B. Meldrnm................
J. W. Harmon.................
N. B. Powers.................
Georgetown, Coleo.......
Whitneysville, Conn......
Philadelphia, Pa...-....
Utica, N. Y..........
PleasantGroveand Toolesborough, Iowa.
Salem, Mass..............
Miles, Mich.............
Norwich, Conn............
Whitestone, N. Y.........
Hubbardston. Mich.......
Worcester, Mass..........
Wilmington, Del._.......
Worcester, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Newburgh, Ohio--.........
Woburn, Mass..........
Roxbury, Mass..........
Doncaster, England.......
Paterson, N. J............
Paterson, N. J...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Feb. 7, 1871
Apr. 15, 1856
Nov. 24, 1863
Aug. 25, 1868
Feb. 4, 1868
Oct. 28, 1873
May 27, 1873
Dec. 21, 1869
June 28, 1870
Sept. 19, 1871
July 13, 1858
Oct. 30, 1866
May 15, 1866
Mar. 8, 1870
Mar. 10, 1868
Nov. 17, 1863
June 18, 1867
Apr. 26, 1864
July 30, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
Mar. 31, 1857
Oct. 28, 1862
N. B. Powers..................I Lansingburgh, N. Y.......I Oct. 28, 1862
F. N. Davis..................
R. O. Lowrey.................
E. Richmond.................
S. Savage.....................
J. B. Hodgskin................
G. F. Hopper..................
C. L. Laurence................
J. H. Williams.......
H. W. Joslin..................
J. Albro....................
J. Marchbank.................
R. Hoskin...................
W. Howell, J. C. Finn, and C.
A. Duy.
C. Keen....................
A. H. Platt..................
A. H. Platt....................
D. L. Wolff...................
M. Flurscheim................
J. H. Spencer..................
N. Cheney....................
J. B. Cornell...................
J. Dunseith..................
I. Hodgson and W. H. Brown..
G. H. Johnson and W. Freeborn
W. L. Drake.................
H. M. and W. C. Smith......_.
J. Fales......................
G. H. Johnson and B. Kreischer
T: J. Mayall.................
G. G. Garibaldi...............
J. G. Kappes.......---.........
J. Stegmiller.................
C. M. Shaw...................
W. L. Nelson.................
L. B. Hamilton................
J. F. Worth...................
T. Voelckers................
C. Britain..................
T. New.......................
G. C. Bouziat.................
S. E. Parrish..................
B. H. Shedaker...............
C. Hollinann..................
S. H. Pearce..................
S. B. Willard..................
Beloit, Wis..............
Salem, N. Y...............
Brookline, Mass........... - -- -
Lowell Mass..----...-----......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y...._....
Essex, Conn............
Jersey City, N. J........
Elizabeth, N. J.............
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Yellow Springs, Ohio......
Ann Arbor, Mich.........
Chicago, Ill..............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pc,------
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Chicago, Ill...............
Evanston, Ill............
New York, N. Y..........
Cambridge, Mass.........
New York, N. Y..........
Roxbury, Mass_.........
Buffalo, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Portland, Me............
Saint Louis, Mo.-..._-..
Boston, Mass............
Brooklyn, N. Y.._..........
Boston, Mass.............
Saint Joseph, Mich.......
New York, N. Y..........
Vincennes, France........
New York, N. Y..........
Philade-lohia, Pa..........
Union Hill, N. J...........
Boston. Mass............
Bloomfield, N. Y..........
Nov. 19, 1872
May 19, 1868
June 28, 1864
Mar. 2, 1852
Jan. 2, 1866
Jan. 2, 1866
Aug. 22, 1865
July 7, 1868
Feb. 7, 1871
Nov. 15, 1859
Jan. 6, 1863
May 28, 1867
Sept. 15, 1868
Sept. 18,1866
Jan. 17, 1865
Sept. 4, 1866
June 20, 1871
Nov. 10, 1868
Oct. 2,1866
Apr. 1, 1873
Feb. 15, 1859
Aug. 22, 1871
July 23, 1872
Oct. 15, 1872
July 1, 1873
Aug. 10, 1S69
Sept. 14, 1869
Mar. 21, 1871
Dec. 24, 1861
Apr. 14, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Nov. 2, 1869
Jan. 19, 1869
Nov. 1, 1870
Oct. 19, 1869
Mar. 18, 1873
Mar. 10, 1863
Apr. 18, 1871
May 31, 1870
Sept. 27. 1853
Jan. 19, 1858
May 24, 1870
June 15, 1869
Nov. 17, 1808
14, 676
40, 727
74, 128
139, 265
98, 116
S119, 203
3 20, 913
59, 305
54, 805
100, 700
S 75, 236
40, 592
65, 904
42, 479
67, 330
36, 794
36, 793
133, 210
77, 993
43, 340
49, 537
26, 075
37, 298
65, 223
82, 119
S 45, 937
57, 763
116, 128
83, 948
58, 497
137, 345
22, 939
118, 220
129, 827
132, 292
140, 352
93, 646
94, 814
112, 926
34, 001
76, 742
87, 853
109, 265
96, 355
86, 031
108, 781
96, 059
136, 947
37, 851
113, 787
103, 553
10, 061
19, 174
103, 333
121, 284
C. C. Hallock.................. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Nov. 28, 1871
A. Solari.....................
T. Landmann................
H. Whittemore............
R. B. Walker...............
W. Baum.....-..............
C. J. McAister...............
A. S. Blinn and D. W. Hewitt.
F. G. Lafayette...............
D. D. Mackay...............
D. Nevin...................
S. B. Wood and W. S, R. Y.
H., and A. W. Terry.
Louisville, Ky---...--------... Jan. 31, 1-71 111,395
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... May 11, 1869 89, 933
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 2, 1869 96, 523
Claremont, N. H.... -.... May 12, 1868 77, 784
Hoboken, N. J........... Feb. 8, 1870 99, 522
Chicago, Ill.............. Apr. 5, 1870 101,638
Dubuque, Iowa........... Aug. 14, 1866 57, 078
Middletown, Ohio......... Jan. 19. 1869 8, 939
Whitestone, N. Y......... Sept. 1, 1868 81, 803
Boulder City, Coleo........ Aug. 3, 1869 93, 217
Hamburgh, Ark.......... Aug. 5, 18731 141, 528........................... Apr. 12, 1794....
Stockton, Me............ Feb. 1, 1870 99, 477
Northampton, Mass....... Jan. 4, 1870 98, 652
Flooring houses, Composition for.............. R. Robotham..................
Flooring-sett......-.....................-.... T. M. Richardson.............
Flooring, wainscoting, and other purposes, Compo- S. Whitmarsh................
sition for.
Flooring, Wood-block for-.................... F. Donbrava and J. Staib......
Floral bracket...............................I... E. M. Stigale..........._
Floral ornament..................................H. J. Rogers.................
Flour............................................. T. Carr.......................
Hartford, Conn..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Saint Denis, Md.....
Bristol, Great Britain.....
June10, 1873
Mar. 14, 1871
July 16, 1812
Aug. 15, 1871
139, 662
112, 748
129, 173
118, 105
Index of patents issued f 'orn the United States Patent Office from 10790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Flour and grain elevator-----------------... _
Flour and grist mill---------------------------...
Flour and meal, Bolting-----------------------.....
Flour and meal chest..........................
Floor and meal chest--------------------------. _.
Flour cand meal chest............................
Hour and meal for transportation, Method of preparing.
Fonad meal, Machine for manufacturing....
Flour and meal, Manufacturing................- -
F'l cc eed neal, Process for treating corn, &c., in
the manufacture of.
Floue and cniddhings, Bolt for..................._
Floumr and middlings purifier.. _............ _.....
F'lonr and semolina, Manufacture of..............
Flout- and semolina, Manufacture of..............
Flour, Apparatus foe boling....................
Flouri Appaiatus for dressing....................
Flour, &c. Apparatus for drying.................
Floue bolt....................
Flour-bolt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flot-bolt -------------------------------------
1F lout-bolt..........................Flounrt-bolt-------------------------------- ------
F lour-bolt-----------------------------------
Floni bolt. - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flour-bolt............. - - -.....
Flocie bolt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hlour-bolt. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Floeii-bolt- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flour-bolt- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Floue-bolt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - -
Flone bolt - _.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IFlbier-bolt-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IFloin boll.....................
F lour belt....................
IFloeir h( It- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - --
Floci -e b lt - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - -
iF lone -bolt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flbeii-bolt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.loin -belt - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - -. - -
Fleo rt-bolt- - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 lone-belt - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I- our-bolt.....................
iF boui bolt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ileceebole --- --------- -------------------------
Flour bolt....................
F lo u r -b o lt.....................
F lour-b lt....................
F louc -b o l....................
IFlone bolt....................
Floue bolt....................
iFloin- belt-------------------------------------I
F loe i-b o lt....................
1F lo in -b olt.....................
lo, ni i"b et
Inenitor. Residence. Date. No.
HI. Stanley-------------------.....Saint Johensbury, Vt.. Oct. 13, 1863 40, 313
A. J. Vandlegrift.- --....._Covington, Ky------------.Sept. 13, 1870 107, 311
W. H. Alius------------------ Berkshire, N. Y.....-------Dec. 3, 182-21.E. M. Collis.----------------.... Priieeeton, ied------------.Aug. 27, 1872 130, 898
T. J. Corr.-.------------------. _ _Carlinville, Ill------------.Feb. 11, 1868 74, 200
J. M. Dashiell----------------.Decatur, Ill........ - Apr. 15, 1870 101, 438
E. B. Larcher.................New York, N. Y.--------- _July 11, 1865 48, 697
0. Evans..................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 22, 1808....
W.E n Frue----------------..... De.1,70--W euea..............Saint Louis, Mo.......... May 18, 1869 90, 0253
B. F. Foreman and J. B. Speck. Upton, Pa----------------....Apr. 1, 1873 137, 4:10
E. N. Lacroix.---. ---.----Minneeapolis, Min-.__..Sept. 9, 1873 14-2, 705
G. A. Buchholz---------------..London, England-.__..Oct. 11, 1870 168, 10-2
G. A. Buchhlolz................ Lonedon, England..._.. Oct. 11, 1870 108, 103
J. E. Madigan................Be'loit, Wis---------------....Maet. 21, 1865 46, 919
H. Cahanes------------------....Bordeaux, France..._.Dec. 7, 1869 97, 600
J. Ballantine and A. Clark -.. Zaneesville, Ohio....Mar. 4, 1839 1, 093
W. H. Akins-----------------.. _Ithaca, N. Y.............. Sept. 5, 1854 11, 637
RI. H. Alexander--------------.P. Ilato, Ohio.............. __Aug. 20, 1867 67, 836
W. H. Allen and W. Stoddard Winona, Minna............ May 11, 1869 89, 907
E. 1). Auchey----------------...Manbeem, Pa............ Ma~y 30, 1871 115, 412
W. Baslior------------------- _ ___ _Johnsn City, Tonic...A ieg. 29, 1871 118, 508
E. Bateman------------------__ __ __ _Fredeeick City, Md -...June 18, 1867 63, 789
N. Baumeaen------------..__ __ __ Elmore, Ill----------Sept. 15, 1857 18, 179
J. Beall and S. K. Shaffer...-.-Deeatur, Ill._------_-----Aug. 13, 1865 49, 365
S. HI. Blossom and J. E. Huston BuffaloN. Y., and Hills July 16, 1867 66, 783
J. C. Blytho.................. Perry, N... -........... Aug. 7, 1866 56, 887
A. T. Boon................... Galesburgh, 11ll.._...._...Dec. 6, 1864 45, 311
B. Boorman...-------------...---I_ aukesha, Wis.. _.. _.......May 14, 1867 64, 6-25
G. W. Brown.................Jaceson, Mich. __.......Nov. 27, 1849 6, 897
J. Brownu-.-..................-Utece,N. Y---------------iec.19,1865 51,548
J. Brown......................N rlle Buffalo, N. Y - l _.Iee. 31,1872 134, 354
R. Buechann- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Sulliv an Conety, len.. _ July 24, 1844 3, 680
1). T. Clenat and H. Rice. __- __( eelai Falls, Iowa.-__...Avg. 26,1873 142, 083
J. M. Clark------------------..Pheiladelphia, Pa----------...July 26, k9f9 24, 857
W. F. Coehrane.............. Springfield, Ohio.ee--------- Ja. 1, 1867 60, 860
S. (Cook......................Ad-em's Basin. N. Y -.........ulyJuly 22, 185 8, 241
S. Cook......................Adam's a sinc, N. Y...Mae. 9 1852 8, 786,J. C. Cookson................. Lanaster, Pa. _-..-._.-June 2, 1863 38, 78:1
Al1. Cosgro--------------------- Peocia, Ill----------------- Dee. 3,1867 71, 709
\V. Craig.................... Uenontown, Pa......_..Jan.7 1868 73, 1 67
R W. Cunninigham----------- __.Chesteeville, Ohio.- Jan.3,181 110,6G-5
Ii. Davies and J. Gerrard - Liverlpool, Great Britain -May 01, 1872 128, 936
AV. Derwect, jr---------------_hi_. ockiond l11--- -..-------Mar. 19,1867 62, 943
A. J. Dibble.................Fraeekln, N. Y.------Feb. 15, 1870 99, 861
I.V. Easley-----------------. _ _Johnesne City, Tean...July 25, 1871 117, 395
J. Fricleinger-----------------....Kengsville, Ohio----.. --Oct. 11, 1870 108,246
W. Gosborn-----------------_'.... Wteeloo, Pa-------..----Oct.21, 1873 143, 8-21
E. (Graheam and I. N. Patton 1Elizabethtowei, Ky.-.._Ace. 30 1859 25, 256
H-. Gross aced J. B. Ralmsey.. Tien Ohio - -...._-_- Apr. 0,186,7 63, 506
C. T.fHancen------------------Keokiek, Iowa------------13 Dc. 27, 1870 110,4561
S. ilohner---------------- Alexandrlia, Va-_-------July 11, 186.5) 48,1684
C. L. H~u ortn......... Sand Bank, N. Y ----------__Ang. 18, 1868 81,086
J. G. licces-----------------...Gravios Mills, Mo...-_.-Junie 30, 186e8 71),314
J. E. IIton.. _...._.........Il illsdale, Miehle-----------.....Ace g.2),1865 49, 6-29
J. A. Johneson................Evansport, Ohio.--- Nov. 12,1872132, 965
J. H. Joines------------------_ _ _Yellow Springs, Ohio.--_-_kug. 23, 18"1 I01011, 697
J. G. Kaufmcance----------------Nevada, Mo.- - ----- Oct. 2 1,18713 143, 910
E11.I Keeltogg----------....----Meelwonugo, Wis-._...Feb. 4,1818 j73,1)81
1. L '. etclhucie----------------.H_ ochester, BMince- -- - --- ---.Mar. 16i,1869 88, 792
1. 1.eeis----------------._- Belvidere, Ill------------.. Apr. It, 1872 1-25,819
S.I Lews.s------------------- Tiflin, Ohio--------_.-_--Oct. 10, 1865 1 50,3:71
S.~ Lewis---------------------__Tiffin. Ohio............... Nov 26, l6e7 71, 39(5
S. Lewis---------------------_lifuinOhio...............June 4,1872 P27, (17
J. id1allie.--------------------Ieehicego, 111--------------(et. 4,1870 1(17,1135
1). Macsb--------------------.IFairfield, Con------------ May 2., 18,12 8,970
S. G. McMuertry.-_....._:IWest Urbana, Ill----------1 oh 0eb. 9 1858 19.,:o-3
S. C. Mendenleall-- -- -- - --- ----Richmoond, Indl..__......... Feb.5, 1856 14, 191)
S. C_..Meiedenleall and I. Conner RichmonedImi...........Jculy 29, 1856 15, 455
It. S. Mlitebhell and G. Z. te s Eliza-he ied. _.........May 111869 90, 011
sin iger.
1R. Mohler and J. Becker -.. _. Laecaster County, Pa..Sept. 8,1863 39, 826
T. G. Morgan----------------- ___ __ _Meeric eshorocgh, lena. Oct.10, 1871 119, 783
E. aend A. 11. Nordyko.. ie.. leicRchod, Id-------- ___._..Jccly 5,189 24,656
lD. N.M3. Peregoy......_.......Flizahet8 town, Teun.- - Ma 16, 1871 146
IL. N. Peterson---------------- Peoria,--l-------------------aDc. 1,18 1 1246
J. M. ~eel and W. B. Willis Charlestown, Va-....i Jan. 29, 1850 I 7, 663
II. iteichert------_ _..-----------Sleepperishnrgh, Pa-..._July 22, 186-2 35, 9531
F. Biendeer-------------------.. _ _ tchells, England..... Ilob. 4,1873 i:35, 58
A. N. Shlntz..........-....-----Snlollasville, Mel..........Sopt.1,1 183.81, 831
T. Shlener...........IToladclMc.........Au' 0 i18,701 106t, G221
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Flour-bolt attachment.........................
Flour-bolt feeder.........................--
Hlour-bolt feeder ----------------------------
Hlour-bolt feeder............................ --
Hlour-bolt feeder-------------------------.....
Flour-bolt knocker...........................
Flour--bolt screenti............................
Flour-bolt vibrator...........................
Flour-bolt, Feediug-__------------- -----------
Flour, Bolting --------------------------- ---
Flout, Bolting ----------------------------....
I out bolting----------------------------......
IF lout bolting o -- - - - --..........- - -..
1 lout boltitig----------------------------.....
IFlout bolttng...................
IFlout &c.,Bolting-------------------------....
IFlout boltingi and drtessing macblue-----------.....
IFlout-holtinig apparatus ----------------------
Flout boltite apparatus ---------------------_
Flout- bolting -apparatus------------------------I
IF lout-bottng dmacble------------------------
Hlotit-botiag machine------------------------
IFlout boltiug machinery----...------.-----
IFloutr-holting machinery----------------------
Flour-bottite prchies -----------------------
IFlour-bolting tre ---------------------------
Flout bolliug reel -----------------------"----
Flout-bolting teeld ----------------------------
IFlout bolting reel----------------------------
IF lout--box - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
1Flour by Means of heated air, Kiln-drying --
Flout chest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flour-chest- - - - - - - - -. _ - - - - --.
IFlout- chest and cupboard combined.- - -.- -- --
Flour-cooek - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Flour-cooler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flour-cooler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flout cooler -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -
Flour-cooler... - -.... - " - - - - - - - -
Flour-cooer--- -----------------------------
I lour, Coolitg atnd dr-ying ---------------------
Flour coolitng and dryittg machine -- -- -- - - - - --
IFlour dipper, measurer, and siftert--------------.
IFlotrir Di tg------------ ---..........-------
Hlour-drying teel--------------- -----------
IFlourlev ating, cooling, aud conveying.------.
Hlour, fcedad grain elevator -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----
Flour, Fillitng halrelt with------------------......
1Flour lot htead-moa ing, Preparation of. -.-.-.
Flur fot conlectionery, &c., Preparing.- - - -----
IFlour for exportattionIPtesetrving.............-- ---
110cr front becoming soum Prest rviug -- --- _- -- -
Hlorftom oran, Machine for separatinga.. -.
HaitirItromtbtan, &c. Machinery for separating.. - -
IFlout- front tran, Machinery for sepiarating ------
IFlotir Itrumnbran, Macbine I or separating -
IFlout- &c.,Hoppet-fillet l otrbolting- -- -- -- -- - - --
IF t onu in batrrots, Machtne for packing.-..... __....
1Flotir ini casks, &c. Machine for packing-....
Floua Machine lot matntiacture of------------......
Itlout, Machine far prepairing-----------------
Flour. Machinery for dtessing---------------...
Flou-attiking--------------------- ------
IFloir, Manner of mixing the middlings witha the
chop- itt the Iliacess at making.
IFlout, Manidat tate of.--------------
iFloittIM anufa cture f-. -------at-----
IFlbur, Man-ufacture o ---at----------
Flout, Macua ctatw of----------l---_
IF our, Mautfactute at corn.------ -----
F lout, M antuofI-ctu itn..............
Haiti, Manufactuting.--- ---" -"-----
Flourtnt-al, cnd oilier farmnaceaus sucbstances,
Process and appat-atuis for treating.
Flot -mal c., Treting erealVfor he nafac
Inventor. Residence.
R. Turner------------------ Rochester, N.Y..--..
J. Boehitit------ -----------Peru, Ohio.-----------_
J. Cot-iwell ----------------- Kal-amazoo, Micha---
J. Mallin------------------- Chicago, Ill-----------..
E. J. Weaver----------------- Sterling, Ill............
J. W. Bradley--------------I..tocheport, Mo.........--
E. B. Lowe----------------...Bellefoutaine, Ohio -_. _
ID. Landis-----..--.--- Lanc-aster, Pa..--......
C. F. Canan------_.--------Coldwater, Michb...
F. B. Hunt and F. Nordyke. -_-_ Richmond, Iad.. _....._..
S. Taggart ----.------------Indianapolis, Ind.....
F. Bradfield -----------.------ Rochester, N. Y.-_--_
J. H. Biurk and. T. W. Trussell. New Market, Va. -.
W. F. Cochrane- -- -- -- -- - - - -Springfield, Ohio-_.__.-.
W. F. Coebrane-------------__ _ _Springfield, Ohio. -___.
W. F. Cochtrante-------------....Springfield, Ohio.._.
W. F. Coebrane --- _-.----- Springfield, Ohio...-_.
W'.F. Coebrane-------------..Springfield, Ohio.----
ID. Geib-------------------__Miffliutown, Pa.._.
F. S. Snyder---------------...Charlestown, Va...
J. XWright------------------Saitit Louis, Mo_..--
J. lean-------------------- Atitville, Pa...........
L. Fagin and H. C. Hayman ---Ciucintiati, Ohio.-___L. C. A. Schmidt------------__Tittin, Ohio.............
D. Speck------------------___Weaverton, Md.....
XV. Halderman.............- Freeport, Ill -- --------
M H. Collins ---------------.Chelsea, Massi------.--_J. C. Cooksona.-..-......-..---Lancastet, Pa......
IR.Matick.-_--------------Honeyville, Va........__
B. iD. Sandeis--------------...Halliday's Cove, Va._L. G. Binkley--------------...Baughmtan, Ohio..
F. B. Lewis----------------.."Tiffin, Ohio.............
D. Sharip.-----------ety.N.............Pry.Y--------
A. L. Williams------Ot,..............Otn.__._..
A. L. Williams ---__--.--------Ori lad.........
iF. Monroe ---- - ---- -- - - - - - -Charlestown, Mass.._N. Tyson------------------_.Baltimore, Md..........
M. W. Hill----------------.__New York, N. Y -.__
I.R1. Shatnk.----------....----Buffalo, Va.............
T. J. Corr-----------------...Bloomington, Ill.----
H.. Allis---------------- _Little Rock, Ark.
W. W. Goff ----- ------------ AvocaNY -......
ilebard, Catlin & Abell - --_ Pomfret, N. Y..........
P. Johnson-----------__.--- Waucotida, Ill...-..._...-.
J. Pope-------------------...Winditatt, Mo..........
J. S. Reynolds............... Wauconda, Ill.....
A. and P. Staffer...........- Salt Creek, lad __......
G. B. Willison--------------..Elizabeth, Pa - - --.---
S. N. Park and J. A. Staats.- _ Somerville, N. J.._.__...
(*. C. Carver................ Roxbury, Mass.....
ID. L. Johnson ---_----_------Yorkville, Mich.--._
E. A. Goodes.- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Philadelphia, Pa._.....
H. Ely-------------------- Rocieste-, N. Y....
W. H. Dole and ID. R. Frazer _. Chicago, Il1-----------.....
IJ. White and J. Butndy.-._-.Barnesville, Ohio __..
J. Haney ------------------- Newcastle, Pa -. ------
B. Bowvman and A. Kauffman. - Frankliti County, Pa.-__
H. Jones._......_______Bristol, Great Britaiti..
W. G. IDean-----------.----Bt-ooklyu, N. Y_._
E. fiord anti B. Browning. Fletng County, Ky.
W. Wood, jr--------------....I Saint Clairsviile, Ohio.
W. W. Hutitley and A. Babcock] Silver Creek, N. Y.-__E. and J. At. Clark.__.-_._._- Lancaster, Pa..........
I. Frost and J. Mont-ce._Albiotn, Mich...........--
J. Johtiston----------------..._.Wtlnington, Del..__.
A. Hershe-----------.......Lancauster, Pa. -.......
J. Blarthiolomew-------------..Union, N. Y.._........
J. Hiuttan................Hartley Township, Pa.-_.T. Car.......... _........ Br-istol, Great Britain.
L. S. Chichester.............. Brookilyt, N.Y.__..._
C. Leartied and S. Hughes. - -. Indcliattapolis. nd._.._._..
G. Motley-.................lRochtestet, N............
A. ID. Worman.------------. Fredericktowa, Md.
July 19, 1870
June 11, 187-2
Nov. 12, 1867
June 29, 1869
Oct. 18, 1870
July 5, 1870
Apr. 30, 187-2
Oct. 23, 1860
Dec. 5, 1871
Feb 6, 18355
Feb. 20, 1855
Sept. 15, 1846
Jan. 30, 1872
Jatn. 6, 1863
Jan. 6,186:3
Jan. 6, 1863
Jan. 6, 1863
Jan. 6, 1863
Jan. 5, 1858
May 2, 1846
Feb. 23, 1864
Feb. 28, 1842
Apr. 8, 1851
May 31, 1870
July 16, 1872
Aug. 7, 1860
Oct. 25, 1859
Dec. 12, 1871
Dec. 26, 1845
Aug. 24, 1858
June 27, 1871
May 30, 1871
May 16, 1871
M ay 10, 18 70
Jan. 24. 1871
July 16, 1867
Aug. 3, 1831
Aug. 15, 1865
July 24, 1866
Oct. 311, 18 71
Nov. 9, 1858
Aug. 3, 1869
May 22,1.835
Apr. 27, 1869
Feb. 5, 1836
lDec. 8, 1868
June 15, 1869
July 3, 1S55
May 28, 1861
May 2-2, 1866
Oct. 13, 1868
Sept. 1, 1868
June 6, 1854
June 9, 1863
Dec. 10, 1850
May 5, 1868
Nov. 7, 1848
May 1, 1849
Api-. 18, 1871
Mar. 12, 1825
Nov. 4, 1824
Apr. 12, 1870
Apt-. 17, 1849
Feb. 27, 1849
Apr. 17, 1649
_Jan. 15, 1814
Nov. 1, 1859
Mar. -2, 18:35
Nov. 25, 1873
Jan. 7, 1873
Nov. 27, 1849
Mar. 28, 1871
July 23, 1841
105, 618
127, 67-3
70, 806
92, 070
108, 417
105, 034
12(6, 31-2
30, 483
1-21, 585
12, 349
12, 422
4, 758
123, 082
37, 317
37, 318
37, 319
37, 320
37, 3-21
19, 0-24
4, 490
47, 737
2, 471
103, 784
129, 611
29, 483
25, 884
121, 708
4, 3-29
116, 260
115, 331
114, 980
103, 000
111, 29(2
66, 867
49, 404
29, 319
120, 496
22, 006
93, 297
89, 485
84, 842
91, 381
13, 192
32, 433
54, 857
I82, 958
81, 770
38, 816
7, 828
77, 654
5, 907
6, 418
113, 859
101, 736
6, 335
25, 940
144, 830
134, 513
6, 9,;2
2, 189
L. G. Binkly.................
C. Colgate-------------------
WV. Freudenan...............
ES. Hutchinson.---------..
C. Jones and W. Standitig.
ID. R. Clem.................
J. Rich................
J.J. Ridge.................
Baughman, Ohio...-..
Lancastet, Oh a....
Saint Louis, Mo.. -.....
Blaltimtore, Md. --......
Do Soto, 111-........--....
Edinburgh, Va. -......
Madison Coituty, NewYork
St.. Johns, Southwark,
Basle, Switzerland...
B. Barter-------------------__ Faribault, Minn. - -.-_
W. B Allen..----------------X.. inana, Min...........
J. M. Clark.- -.--- - ---- Philadelphia, Pa..._..
H. Curler----------- ------- Ashland, Mass-.__. ---
J. Dean.................... New Baltimore, N. Y...
J. B. Gendebien and A. Honyet.Btrussels, Belgium.
Ei M. T'hatuas..............- IBrady, Pa,...............
J. F. Weavest.................. Nether Providetico Township, Pa.
J. Buirdge................- Citncinnati, Ohio...__.
L. S. Reynolds-------------...Itndiatnapolis, nd.._..
C. Ntoglihng.___ ____-- - -__Mibwaukee, XWis....
WX. IF. Cochrane-------------..Springfield, Ohio....
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 446
Mar. 31, 1863 38, 033
Feb. 1, 1870 99, 4-27
Feb. 21, 1871 112, 046
Jan. 5, 1869 85, 59-2
Oct. 19, 1869 95,987
Jan. 27, 1812----
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 341
Dec. 22, 1868 85, 261
Apr. 9, 1872( 125, 518
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 819
Jan. 10,1860 26, 751
June 22, 1869 91, 612
Jaune 3, 1873 139, 553
Jan. 5, 1847 4, 920
Apr. 23, 187-2 126, 101
Sept. 28, 1869 95, 293
June 10, 1856 15, 060
Mar. 29, 1859 23, 394
Dec. 17, 1867 7-2, 317
Sept. 30, 186:2 36, 383
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Residence. Date.
i F
Flour, &c., mixing-machine.......................
Flour-pa ker.....................................
Flour packing and pressing machine.............
Flour-packing machine.....................
Flour-packing machine............................
Flour-packing machine...._.................
Flour-packing machine.....................
Flour-packing machine.....................
Flour-packing machine...........................
Flour-packing machine.......
Flour, Preparation of.-.- ---------------------
Flour, Process of manufacturing middlings..-....
Flour-sack packer, Hand........................
Flour-sacks, Apparatus for filling..............
Flour-sacks, Machine for making..............--..-.
Flour, Self-raising.....-------------------------
Hour-separating machine, Power vibrating..
Flour, starch, and spirit from wheat, &c., Making..
F ur, Stone facing to admit cool air to - - - - -......... - -
Flour, Sweet-potato..............................
Flour, Worm for cooling.........................
Flouring and bolting.......................
Flouring and grist mill.....................
Flouring and grist mills, Alarm-indicator for-......
Flomurin and grist mills, Mode of preventing the
des ruction of bolting-cloth in.
Flouring -nmill......................................
Flou ing-nmill......................................
Flouring-mill bolt...............................
Flouring-mill bolt...-..............................
Flouring-mill cleaning-bolt............................
Flouring-mills, Distributing-apparatus in.......
iFloouriug-mills, Distributin-appar-atus in-....
Flouring, Process of.........................
Flower, Artificial.................................
Flower pot.......................................
Flower pot and tub...............................
Flower-pot bracket..............................
Flower-pot support...........................
Flower pot, -use, and basket..................
Flower-pots and other pottery, Machine for molding.
Flower-pots, Green-glaze for....................
IFlower-pots, Hook for hanging.................
i loswer-pots, Macline for cleaning.............
1 lower-pots or vases for plants, &c., Construction
J. B. Peterson................
J. Beall.....................
I. Cook.....--............
I. Cook....................
I. Cook......................
C. Custer....................
S. Howit......................----------------
N. Kinman -............
N. Kinman..................
J. Musser...................
A. H. Nordyke..............
O. Place.................
S. Taggart............
L. W. Teeter...---------- - --
C. E. Timmerman.............
G. A. Warner...............
O. Jewell......
J. Banta, jr...-.........H. A. Barnard. -.........
W. Bashoe....................
B. F. Bashor.................
A. Brown....................
S. A. Clapp..................
J. Mattison..................
T. Byrne....................
S. Hathaway................
G. T. Smith...............-----
J. M. Hurd...........
J. DIetweiler..............
J. C.Philbrook..............
J. M. Hurd...............
C. B. Horton..............
W. C. Hughes -..........
S. Hughes...................
B. Calver....................
E. Perkins....................
1R. C. Stephens..............
C. K. Marshall............- -
J. Smelzer...............
J. Stouffer, P. Brough, and J.
W. Barr.
E. Clark......................
E. Clark......................
W. McKain...................
J. M. Clark...................
W. Bowman.................
R. J. Brown..............
E. Clark......................
E. Clark..................
E. and J. M. Clark.............
T. Crane......................
A. F. Menefee..............
C. Rands.................
J. Thompon....------- -----
D. S. Wagener..............
J. Weis....................
S.W olff.......................
J. L. Yule................
S. Godfrey....................
S. Godfrey..................
W. Cann.....................
A. T. Clark...............
J. M. Clarke...................
D. P. Bonnell.................
C. A. Schaller...............
W. Hichborn..............
J. M. Hess..................
J. M. Hess....................
C. Hochbrunn...........
E. Baldwin..................
O. Eberhardt.................
M. B. Gould...................
T. Griflin...................
J. Hively...................
A. D. Judd.................
M. Ludlum................
M. Ludlum..................
T. J. Mayall..................
C. R. Penfield................
W. H. Pugh...........-------...----....
B. W. Putnam........
C. L. Steele ---..-...-.............
F. C. A. Von Levetzow.......
E. Whitman..................
J. Booher.........
M. D.Jones..............
T. Priuce..................
T. McClunie...............
F. Herrmann......
J. E. Brooks..............
1.A. Love joy..............
S. W. Cur-tis..........
J. Adams......
J. W. Barbour............
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y......
Berlin, Ill............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
SaintLouis. Mo... -.--
Saint Louis, Mo-.--..
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Seneca Falls Village, N. Y.
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Lewiston, N. Y...........
Frizellburgh, Md........
Richmond, Ind.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..-......
nd(liai;polis, lInd........
Hagerstown, Ind..........
Frederick, Md..........
Portland, Oreg..........
Rochester, N. Y..._.....
Utica, N. Y...............
Moline, Ill................
Johnson City, Tenn.......
Carter's Depot, Tenn......
Mifilinville, Pa..........
Hamilton, Ill..............
Oswego, N. Y............
Baton Rouge, La.........
Massillon. Ohio.-----...
Minneapolis, Minn.......
Auburn, N. -.............
West Liberty, Ohio......
East Sanbornton, N. H....
Auburn, N. Y...........
Sand Ba' k, N. Y.....
Scio, Mich.............
Hamilton, Ohio...........
Glastonbury, Coun.......
Shrewsbury, N. J......
Hackettstown, N. J......
N ew O rleans, L a.........
Adams County, Pa........
Chambersburgh, Pa.......
June 30, 1868
May 19, 1863
Apr. 26, 1864
Sept. 12, 1865
May 29,1866
June 23, 1868
Apr. 28, 1868
Oct. 30, 1849
Mar. 23, 1852
June 26, 1866
Dec. 13, 1870
July 24, 1866
Dec. 30, 1873
Nov. 20, 1866
Aug. 13, 1872
Sept. 25,1866
Mar. 30, 1837
Aug. 2,1839
July 30,1867
June 28, 1870
Aug. 30, 1870
Apr. 29, 1862
June 5,1860
Mar. 9, 185e
Sept. 4, 1860
Feb. 13, 1832
Apr. 1,1873
Dec. 26, 1865
Jan. 23, 1872
July 29,1862
Aug. 9, 1864
Mar. 16, 1869
Feb. 25,1868
Apr. 17,1860
Oct. 6, 1830
Feb. 26, 1811
Feb. 18, 1834
June 22, 1869
May 6, 1813
July 11, 1854
Lancaster, Pa............Jan. 14, 1862
Lancaster, Pa.........- Jan. 14, 1862
Conoy Township, Pa...... Dec. 24, 1861
Lancaster, Pa- --...--... May 13, 1851
Craig's Mills, Va...... May 10, 1e70
Perry, Pa........... Aug. 3, 1858
Lancaster, Pa.......... Jan. 5,1858
Lancaster, Pa........... May 25, 1858
Lancaster, Pa --.......... June 6,1854
Fort Atkinson, Wis....... Jan. 22, 1856
Sparta, N. J............... Apr. 21,1842
Rappahannock County,Va Mar. 12, 1850
Peoria, Ill............. - May 25, 1858
Ashtabula, Ohio.......... July 7, 1830
Penn Yan, N. Y........ Sept. 25, 1855
Bordentown, N. J......... Jan. 29, 1856
Vicksburgh, Miss...... July 20,18.8
New Orleans, La..... Jan. 9, 1855
Peoria, Ill...-............ Oct. 17, 1865
Peoria, Ill-..-...... Jan. 9, 1866
Black Rock, N. Y......... June 6, 1854
Lancaster, Pa.......... June 30,1857
Lancaster, Pa.......... Nov. 10, 1857
Tecumseh, Mich......... Aug. 14, 1849
Philadelphia, Pa........ Sept. 2,1873
Charlestown, Mass--...... July 4,1871
Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 25, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.........Mar. 5,1872
New York, N. Y......... June 23, 1868
Washington, D. C......... July 16, 1872
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Feb. 5, 1861
Buffalo, N. Y--..--------- Jan. 28,1873
Roxbury, Mass............ July 30, 1861
Dayton, Ohio........ Jan. 17, 1860
New Haven, Conn....... Sept. 26,1871
Williston, Vt......... Mar. 1,1870
Middlebury, Vt......... July 30,1872
Roxbury, Mass.......... Sept. 3, 1861
Lockport, N. Y.......... Apr. 26, 1870
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 15, 1872
Boston, Mass............ Oct. 26,1869
Boston, Mass........... Sept. 20, 1870
Kiel, Prussia......Apr. 23, 1872
Fitchburgh, Mass........ Sept. 8, 1868
Dayton, Ohio........... Mar. 12, 1867
Boston, Mass........... Jan. 14,1873
Roxbury, Mass............ Jan. 23,1866
Hartford, Conn............Sept. 6, 1870
Milwaukee, Wis....... June 18,1872
Yarmouth, Me........... Mar. 21, 1871t
Lynn. Mass... May 27, 1873
Stoughton, Mass...........July 25, 1865
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 3,1840
Winooski Falls. Vt...... Oct. 11. 1870
79, 386
38, 546
42, 463
49, 859
55, 063
79, 211
77, 374
6, 830
8, 826
55, 885
110, 155
56, 605
146, 107
59, 872
130, 461
58, 325
67, 2419
104, 817
106, 912
35, 075
28, 561
19, 572
29, 859
137, 495
51, 722
123, 000
36, 023
43, 773
87, 930
74, 824
27, 907...............
11, 312
34, 129
34, 130
34, 002
8, 089
103, 013
19, 016
20, 329
11, 015
14, 132
2, 579
7, 174
20, 370
13, 610
20, 972
12, 223
50, 466
17, 667
18, 574
6, 648
142, 353
116, 708
108, 592
124, 207
129, 451
135, 271
32, 942
119, 272
100, 300
129, 972
33, 205
102, 311
96, 144
107, 558
126, 112
82, 052
62, 7-28
134, 751
52, 200
107, 073
128, 039
112, 776
139, '254
48, 91"2
1, 761
108. fil
Wd,.,lA. -.
Index of patents issued from the Utited States Patent Office from 17(1O to k7i3, inclusive-Continuedl.
Flower-stand-.-------------------------....--.' lower-stand..................... ---..........
Flhiwer-staind---.--- -----------------.------
IFlower-stand----------- ---- -------- ------ -----
IloÂ~ei-stand------------------------------ ---
11lower-stand------------------------------- ----
1 1055( -sta15.1(1.................................
I loss si -stn.siiil................................
F'lower sit'nd and holder, Metallic.--..........11lower-i sstnd r Windows ------------
I ioser-sciaidl Revolving-----------------------
IFlosserisandlfruit, Composition for wax.
Flowseis, Artificial stem f'or cut...............---..
F lowers,( 'ise for preserving...................--
Fl,ssers, Compound for the manufacture of wax...
Flowers, C fling wax for artificial --- - - - - - - - ---
1FlowrsMachine for branching artificial.--.-----..
FliowserssManufacture of artificial..............- - -
I lower(1 H inuiheture of artificial..............
Flowssi Mainufacture of artificial.-------------....
Flowss,5Mainnfacture of artificial and preservation of nai~tuial.
Flew s sPreser-sing natural...................
Flo, 'eis, Process for preserving and restoring
sistn al.
Flow ersPiocess of bleaching, &c., dried natural.Flowers, &c.,Transplanting---------------.....---
le nedm setting of open boilers---------------....
Fluie-block -------------------......
lne-bottom of steam-boilers, Adjustable---__--.
Flue-braiser, Portable upright.................- - - -
I liiicleanerci ---------------------------------
1Flun'cleaner, Revolving_........................_
Fluse-cleaner, Steam -................
I'inc-contr-'ctor and chimney -valve for fire-places
Fif oi buildings.............................._
I liii'-siopper-------_---- ------------------.---
Flunes and dampers of' cooking-apparatns, Arraugeiiient of.
Flues, Construction of..---------------- ---------
IFliiid aiid mode of generating the same, Imponderable.
F luin Burning.................................
IFluid,(Coinpound illuminating..................
Fluid-distibutingr apparatus-------------------.. '...I
ibid-elevitor, Rotary..........................
1luid-foicing apparatus.........................
11usd-gate oi faucet--_------------lid-indictor-------------------------------...
Fluiil notes -----------------------------------
-mieteri...................................IFluid-nieter ----------------------------------
IF liid-meter-----------------------------------
F lui-ii m eter...................
Fliur eter----------------------------------...
Fluid-me ter----------------------------------...
I 1usd-m eter...................
Fluid-m eter....................
14uid m eter....................
Fluid-meter -..................................
Fluid-meter, &c................................
Fluid- meter....................
Fluid meter................................
E. T. Cobb..............--...
E 1). Castelow...............
H.lJ. Custer.----------------..
J. Crasvford. ---- ----.
A. C. Dak'in----------------..
G. Eri son...................
C. J. ilauck.................
H. 11. Keindrick --------------
C. T. Lee------------------..
P. B. Sheldon---------------
H. Millem'.. -...----.
F. W. Test ------------------.
T. Leslie ------------------ - -
A. A. Hinskley...........-----
J. B. Craig------------------..
E. M. Si'igale----------------..
K. J. McColl.................
M. J. McI~oll -----------------
A. Gimandat----------------..
0. E. Filli on---------------...
C. E. Howard--------------..
C. C. Nichols.....-.........
E. S. Harris ---------
Conway, Mass ----------_
Xleriden, Ciinn -____
Chicago, Ill..~---_--
Iloxhumy, Mass.-.....
Clinton, Mass....-_......
Brooklyn. N. Y.---_---_
Williamshuurgh, N. YFulton, N. YV-----------...
Taunitou, Msiss.... _...._..
Prattsburgh, N. Y.-..
Cranstons, R. I....... hca o l._- -..Breoklyn, N. Y...--------
Boston, Mass -------
Perrysville, Pa...........
Philaidelphia, Pa ---
Chicago, Ill..............
Chicago, Ill------------..
New York, N. YV -..__
Paris, Fraiice --...._.._.
San Gabriel, Cal.----
Pi'ovidence, R. I. __.._.
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Sept. 12, 1871
Feb. 7, 1871
July 17, 18160
Dec. 2, 1 62
Feb. 11, 1873
Mar. 28, 18 71
Jan. 7, 1868
r;ov. 8, 1870
Jsue 27, 18:1
Maiy ), 1865
July 6, 1869
Dec. 19, 1871
Oct. 17, 1871
Feb. 16, 1869
Nov. 11, 1873
Nov. 24, 1868
Mar. 8,1i870
Feb. 15, 1870
Nov. 9, 1869
Mauy tO, 1870
Mar. 1, 1870
Oct. 17, 1848
Nov. 9, 1869
P. T. Vining.................. Springfield, Mass -_....June 27, 1871
A. J. Knox-------------------.Beaten, Mass..............Feb. 7, 1865
J. W. and M. L. Ware..
E. G. Nichols ------ ----------
N. Fouchd6..................
J. Chilcott..................
J. Binus....................
A. M. Sprague --------- ------
W.Grunem t and G. E. Bingisam
N. W. Wheeler...- - -----
G. E. Bingh~am ---------------
W. Doty.._.................
H. Bi stehelder...............--
I. S. Hamilton---------------
E. T. Gould ----------------_
H. Siiit.h__. _ _ -
J. A. Elder and W. J. Thorn. - -
R. F. O'Brien---------------.
M. Ziegler..................
J. Clemuents........................
N. A. Dyar aiid J. F. Augustus
JF. W. Middleton.............
S. P. Ruggles...............--
C. S. Wheeler--------------..
T. W. Malone-----------..---
J. W. Smith.................
J. Cordnan..................
L. Allen.....................
N. Auibin...................--
E. J. Baker.................--
C. WV. Baldwin...............
P. Ball and B. Fitts.----
S. J. Burr...................
L. F. Bissefmann............
E. A. Chsameroy..............,J. Cochrane..................
R. Crewzbaur.........
H. A. 1)esper................
J. H. A. Gericke.............W. Hamilton -...-........... _-.
J. Harm-is................... --
A. Ileaton.................
H. B. IHlerbert................
J. 0. Johnson................
H. B. Leach.................
H. B. Leach.................
WV. B. Leonard...............
W. H. Lindsay...............
W. H. Linidsay.............-..
J. H. Maxwell..............--
C. Moore....................
C. E.Moore...................
C. E.Mre ----------------
WV. C. Perrine................
T. Ptoore...................--
J. Powers and J. B. Van Densen.
H. C. Sergeant...............
J. Sheffield..................
J. Sheffield.....-..-.-..-.-----
G. Sickles...................
C. WV. Siemens............... B. Spooner............ _...
C. Stein....-.-..............J. Taggart.-.-..........-----
J. B. Vai Desisen.............
F. Wagier..................
Philadelphia, Pa----------_ _Jan. 7, 18,73
Beaufort, S. C.- - -- -----Nov. 5, 1867
New Orleans, La -.--------- Oct. 4, 18 70
Brooklyn, N.Y.-._.... Jan. 9, 1811
Osk-aloosa, Iowa---..------June 9, 1868
Mobile, Ala------------- _.__ May 9, 1854
Milwvaukee, Wis -- -- -- - - --Mar. 24, 1 868
Brooklyn, N. Y------------ Nov. 28, 1865
Milwaukee, Wis----------_ _Dec. 4, 1866
Cisrcleville, Ohio__---_ Aug. 29, 1871
Beverly, Mass -.- - ---------_Jan. 8, 184-2
Hamilton, Ohio.......... Dec. 5, 1871
Mont Clali-, N-..---------July 21), 1873
Southuington, Con -. _--Ma~y 25, 1869
Westbrook, Me., and Hol- Dec. 4, 1855
lister, Mass.
Boonville, Mo - -------May 15, 1860
Mulhouse, France.. Jan. 1,1867
Brooklyn, N. V-----------.Sept. 24, 1850
Anm Aibor, Mich-._... Aug. 1-2, 1862
Medford and Boston, Mass._ Sept. 6, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa----------... e t.Sept. 12, 18541
Boston, Mass-------------.... u yJuly 7, 1868
Flowerfield, Mich-_...__Mar. 8, 1859
Mason City, WV. Va..- __-Sept. 5, 1871
Hairtford, Conn---------.. Mar. 10, 1837
Buooklyn, N. Y-----------.Mar. 31, 1868
New York, N. V.------Mair. 10, 1868
Albany, N. V.- -- - ------July 8, 1862
Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 19, 18(64
Boston, Mass------ ---... May 25, 18119
Wos-cester, Mass.-_--------July 20, 1869
Brooklyns, N. Y............ Api-. 21, 1857
New York, N. Y -.__._ Jan. 17, 1871
Paris, France-------Dec. 1, 1860
New York, N. YV----.. --Mar. 31, 1857
Williamsbnrgh, N. Y...- Jan. 24, 1871
Worcester, Mass.. iNov. 18,18731
Boston, Mass.-...-......... May 14, 18 72
Hoboken, N. J............ Apr. 16, 187-2
Toronto, Cainada. _........Oct. 26, 1869
Bostoii, Mass..........._ Jan. 5, 1869
Bridgeton, Con... Apr. 6, 1869
New York, N. V.- -_-----Aug. 1, 1871
New York, N. V _-_-----May 6, 1873
Boston, Mass.-------------__ _Feb. 23, 1869
Boston, Mass-------------....Nov. 231, 1869
New York, N. YV.......... Nov. 1, 1853
New York, N. V......... Feb. 20, 1849
New York, N. YV..._.. Jun11 22, 1852
Cinciiinati, Ohio...._. June 2, 1857
New York, N. V---------- _June 29, 1869
New York, N. YV..... Jan. 24, 1871
Elizahelhport, N. J- __.._Apr. 28, 1868
Norwich, Conn------------.Aug. 11, 1868
New York, N. V----------.May 4, 1858
Scranton, Pa--------------.May 18, 1869
New York, N. V.......... Mar. 17, 1868
Newaurk, N. J... May 24, 1870
Williamson, N. YV......Nov. 3, 1863
Buffalo, N. Y..............Feb. 23, 1869
Boston, Mass-...--._ _--.- _Feb. 16, 1869
London, England...D Iec. 14, 1858
Syiacuse, N. Y........... ep.-,171
Plsiladelphia, Pa.... Mar. 10, 1868
Roxbusry, Mass......My15 1855
Newv York, N. V..... June 29, 1S691
New York, N. V..........June 29; 1 869
118, 844
29, 145:37, 0,0
135, 696
73, (55
109, 1:30
116, 451)
47, 604
9-2, 203
1-21, 97-2
120, 078
-6, 9.1
144, 446
84, 445
100, 540
99 928
911, 582
102, 798
100, 293
5, 867
96, 587
116, 375
46, 247
13.4, 714
70, 457
1018, 014
51, 92-2
78, 717
18, 897
75, 899
51, 249
60, 128
118, 51)6
2, 418
121, 514
141, 219
90, 401
13, 868
28, 295
60, 986
7, 667
36, 190
25, 362
79, 781
23, 209
118, 776
16, 810
761, 166
75, 342
35, 806
90, 479
9-2, 691
17, 127
111, 040
84, 476
16, 945
111, 179
1-26, 626
9)6, 105
85, 656
88, 7 09
117, 6-28
1318, 657
87, 101
97, 097
10, 198
6, 130
9, 060
17, 443
92, 082
77, 307
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Fluid-meter-------------------------------....................................... F. Wagner.................
Fluid-meter....................-................._ E. D. Weatherbee........
Fluid meter..-------------------------------.................................... J. W. Weller..................
Fluid-meter, Diaphragm........................ J. H. Darlington and W. Piper
Fluid-meter, Diaphragm..---------------------... L. Hawes.._..............
Fluid-meters by hand, Device for operating-...... _ W. Mason....................
Fluid-meters, Propeller-wheel for-......... -W. Van Auden---------...............--
Fluid-motor, Rotary..................-.. --H. Q. Hawley.................
Fluid-motor, Rotary............................. H. Q. Hawley and E. Anthony.
Fluid or grain elevator-.................... R. Christy.......
Fluid-pressure regulator........................... W. J. Fay and T. A. Cairns....
Fluid-regulator.....---------------------------- W. A. Simonds...............
Fluids, Apparatus for compressing elastic-....... J. Jameson.....................
Fluids, Apparatus for expanding and compressing J. Jameson..................
Fluids. Apparatus for raising.......................... J. Parker....................
Fluids, Apparatus for raising and forcing-...-.. M. Alden.......................
Fluids, Cooling ----------------------------W. Thornton.................
Fluids, Gage for measuring the pressure of-........ V. Beaumont.................
Fluids, Machine for raising or projecting------.......... D. Tomlinson.............
Fluids, Pipe for transmission of................... E. P. Vaux...-------.---.----
Fluids, Retention and discharge of................ B. Seymour.................
Fluids under pressure, Device for controlling..... J. Atkins...................
Flush-bolt......-....- -...........- W. B. Carness................
Flush-bolt.........................................------------- J. M. Hopkins....------------
Flush-bolt--------------------------------......................................... C. E. Lattin............
Flute............................................ T. Berteling...........
Flute........................... C. G. Christman....------------
Flute, &c............................ S. C. Goodsell................
Flute.................................... J. Pfaff......................
Flute............................................ O.J. C. Wardrum............
Flute, German.................................. W. Schaffer..................
Fluted cutters, Machine for grinding cylindrical... A. G. Coes.....- ----..
Fluted rollers, Machinery for making........ W. Weild---. --- -
Fluting and plaiting machine---------------..................... --M. E. Wilson and A. J. Perry.
Fluting and puffing iron....-................. A. M. Thorne..........-....
Fluting and quilling, Apparatus for----------..............--- -G. R. Houghton..........
Fluting and sad iron.............................. C. Hyatt.....................
Fluting and sad iron......................... M. H. Knapp...-..........
Fluting and sad iron, Combined----------------................. A. S. Mann --.....-.......
Fluting apparatus............................... G. B. Arnold, A. H. Price, and
A. S. Urner.
Fluting apparatus................................. F. B. Perkins................
Fluting- iron............................... S. D. Hubbard................
Fluting-machine...........................H.B. Adams................
Fluting-machine.........................H. B. Adams..............
Fluting-machine........................ S. W. Babbitt................
Fluting-machine -------------------.. A. Burbank..................
Fluting-nmachine................................. S. G. Cabell..............
Fluting-machine.................................S. G. Cabell..............
Fluting-machine---------------------------................................. S.G. Cabell..........------------.......
Fluting machine................................. M. P. Carpenter............
Fluting machine.............................----. H.. H. Cole...............----
Fluting-machine................................. C. F. Corbett.................
F luting machine................................. W. D. Corrister..------.........------
Fluting-machine................................--------------------------. E. M. Deey..................
Fluting- machine---------------------------................................ E. M. Deey--..................------------
Fluting machine.................................E. M. Deey..................
Fluting machine...--------- - E. M. Deey..................
Fluting machine..................... E. M. Deey...................
Fluting-machine........................... C.Dion.....................
Fluting machine........................... J. F. Hayen..................
Fluting-machine................................ F. Hewitt.....................
Fluting machine.................................E. P. Holley...............
Fluting -machine............................... C. E. L. Holmes...............
Fluting machine................................. A. Y. Hubbell................
Fluting machine................................. -G. E. King...................
Fluting-machine.......................... S. Knox and W. D. Corriston..
Fluting-machine...........................S. R. Knox....................
Fluting-machine..................................S. Leavitt and E. L. Howard..
Eluting-machine..........................H. Lucbs................
Fluting-machine................................ J. W. Madden...............
Fluting machine.................................. J.W. MaddenandJ.Dodsworth
Fluting-machine................................. E. J. Manville. -...... -
Fluting -machine................................. E. J. Manville.................
Fluting machine.................................. W. P. McKee..................
Fluting machine................................. H. Sauerbier.............Fluting-machine........................... D. R. Saunders..............
Fluting-machine........................... C. Schortau.................
Fluting-machine.......................H. C. Sergeant.............
Fluting-machine.......................... H. Sommer and C. Bauer......
Fluting-machine......................... C. A. Sterling..............
Fluting-machine........................T. Stockmarr.............
Fluting-machine........................... C.W. Thompson..............
Fluting-machine....... T. M. Tucker.............
Fluting-machine................................. T. M. Tucker.............
Fluting machine......... W. Weitling.......
Fluting, Machine for straight and spiral......... J. January....................
Fluting-machine roller............................ H. G. Pearson........
Fluting rollers, Machine for.......... W. Weild....................
Fluting sad-iron.......... E. A. Franklin................
Fluting-tongs........ H. Gerecko...................
Fluting-tongs.............................. J.B. Mersereau.......
Fluting-tongs................................... J. C. Robie...............
Fluting-tongs..... E. R. Shepard......
Fluting trimmings, Apparatus for..... S. E. Totten........
Flutter-wheels, Application of water to............ J. Stewart........
Flutter-wheels, Letting water on................. J. Smith.................
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y...._....
Worcester, Mass.........
Warren, Mass............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.....
Albany, N. Y...........
Albany, N. Y.............
Jefferson County, Va....
Denver, Colo...............
Boston, Mass.............
Gateshead, England.....
Gateshead, England......
Camberwell, Great Britain
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Washington, D. C.......
New York, N. Y.........
Brookfield, Conn.......
Washington, D. C----
Westmoreland, N. Y..--
Washington, D. C.........
Roxbury, Mass........
New York, N. Y.........
Birmingham, Conn.......
New York, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y...........
New Haven, Conn..._.....
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Chicago, Ill............
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass.........
Manchester, Great Britain
Galesburgh, Ill...........
Syracuse, N. Y..--..........
Flint, Mich................
Buffalo, N. Y........
Bay City, Mich....._...
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
New York, N. Y........
Elgin, 111................
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
N ew Y ork, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
West Meriden, Conn......
Rochester, N. Y...........
Quincy, Ill------------................
Washington, D. C.........
Washington, D. C.........
San Francisco, Cal........
N ew York, N. Y........
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y...-.
New York, N. Y...-.
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y....-_
New York, N. Y..__
New York, N. Y.....
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Bloomfield, N. J.........
Lockport, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Elmira, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......
NewYork, N. Y..........
Malden, Mass-........
Washington, D. C...... _
Buffalo, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Waterbury, Conn........
Waterbury, Conn......
Cincinnati, Ohio......
Newark, N. J.............
Houston, Tex..........-.
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J............
Newark, N. J..............
New York,N. Y..........
New Yoi-k, N. V.
Chicago, Ill...........
Newark, N. J..........
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y.........
Greenville, Ky........
New York, N.Y."-'....
Manchester, Great Britain
Brenham, Tex...........
Carlstadt, N. J........
Binghamton, N. Y.......
Binghamton, N. Y.......
Binghamton, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Muloy's Post Office, Tenn
Queen's County, N. Y....
Date. No.
Nov. 15,1870 109, 359
July 20,1858 20,979
Feb. 25, 1868 74, 778
Nov. 11, 1856 16, 049
Apr. 15, 1856 14, 662
Dec. 23, 1856 16, 284
Apr. 3 1872 125, 506
July, 1873 140,367
July 30, 1872 129, 943
Nov. 21, 1812.....
July 16, 1872 129, 015
May 1, 1866 54, 424
Feb. 15, 1859 22, 956
Dec. 11, 1860 30, 924
Nov. 19, 1867 71, 050
Feb. 1, 1859 22, 773
July 31, 1827..
June 14,1859 24, 365
May 27, 1805........
Oct. 15,1867 69, 869
Nov. 10, 1827.....
Mar. 30, 1869 88, 431
May 22, 1860 28, 346
May 1, 1866 54, 350
Oct. 29, 1867 70, 340
Apr. 7,1868 76, 389
Dec. 25, 1849 6, 968
Sept. 11, 18ti6 58, 022
Apr. 14, 1857 17, 054
Sept. 14, 1869 94, 795
June 6,1814.......
Oct. 19, 1869 95, 988
Nov. 14, 1865 50, 997
June 24,1873 140, 331
Feb. 9, 1869 6i, 711
Aug. 31, 1869 94, 211
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 828
Aug. 2, 1870 105, 953
Oct. 29,1872 132, 590
July 24, 18e0 29, 337
June 18, 1872 128,168
Nov. 19, 1872 133, 104
Apr. 6, 1869 88, 598
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 751
Apr. 4, 1871 113, 242
Jan. 10, 1871 110, 895
Nov. 10, 1868 83, 924
Mar. 1, 1870 100,371
Sept. 27,1870 107,657
June 28, 1870 104, 825
June 12, 1866 55, 469
Apr. 20, 1869 89, 028
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 799
Mar. 22, 1870 100, 989
Apr. 4, 1871 113,271
Nov. 28, 1871 121,235
Aug. 13, 1872 130. 413
Aug. 19, 1873 141, 923
Oct. 18,1870 118, 336
Jan. 9, 1872 122, 607
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 774
May 6,1873 138, 650
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 405
Nov. 29, 1870 109, 738
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 402
Apr. 3,1866 53, 633
Nov. 20,1866 59, 913
Mar. 8, 1870 100, 645
Nov. 16, 1869 96, 820
Nov. 7, 1871 120. 591
June 18, 1872 128, 156
SFeb. 23, 1869 87, 182
May 17,1870 103,063
Nov. 22, 1870 1,, 535
Nov. 22, 1870 109, 456
Jan. 14, 1873 134, 936
SJuly 6,1869 92, 374
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 125
SMay 23, 1871 115,251. Aug. 21, 1866 57, 403
Mar. 25, 1873 137, 258. Aug. 1, 1871 117, 578. Feb. 7, 1871 111,588. July 25,1871 117, 487. Aug. 27, 1872 130, 962
Mar. 3, 1829-.
Dec. 21, 1869 98,103
Oct. 4, 1864 44, 585. Nov. 14, 1871 120, 869. May 17, 1870 103, 039. May 17, 1870 103, 224. Jan. 31, 1871 111,475. Nov. 28, 1871 121, 428
Jan. 31,1865 46,157
Oct. 24, 1828...
Â~ July 1, 1817...
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from, 171' to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Flutter-wheels. Method of applying water to cornp~oundu buckets of.
Flux for wog king metals aud minerals... _-.__.
F ly arid mosquito bar---------------
I iy and miisqito bar for windows........
Fi v-catcher - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fl1-catchcr.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I li cat er....................
Fly -expelling comupounud...............Flti-(\ltrm iliator..................
IFly-Iraine flyer..................
Fix killino umachine...............
ly o01balance wheel...............
ly-screen for animals-................
IF l slaing cutter and rounder...........
Fiy-sw itch....................
IFly-trap -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F 'x trap......................
lv trap......................
FIyX -trap......................
Fly-trap.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F ly -trap......................
F iy-trap......................
F ly--trap.....................
F ly -tra p......................
Fly-trap -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - -
Fly-trap.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IFly trap- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fly- trap - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FIy-trap - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FIX trap.....................
Fly- trap -....................
iFly-trap- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FIX -trap......................
Fix trap.....................
IFlytrap........... -.. -......
Fl3 trap......................
Fly--trap -....................
Fly -trap......................
F IX t ra p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. Rankin.................--
S. W. Kirk --..............
J.ii. Jennings..............
F. D. W rig-ht.--------
L. Bartlett.................
HI. A. Farnam...............
J. Olson...................--
C. E. Penny.................
W. H. Riceo..................
R. U. Fauntleroy............
A. K. Walker................
T. Rioyer....................
J. G. Luscomb...............
J. S. Strecter................
A. G lendleniug.. _.............
R. Rice....................--
I. Daugherty.................
B. F. Adams.........
S. W. Sheller............. _...
L. S. Welch.................--
S. Arnold..................S. Arnold...................
B. Atwater...........
S. B. Bacheller...............
N. P. Bassett...........--...
V.D. Beach.................
E. D. Blakeman.._...-.......
A. Bristol...... _...........
MV.Lul...--"---P. A. Burgess...............
A. M. hapel and J.G. Hubbard
Ht. L. Chapman.............--
J. B. Childls.................WV. B. Clark................--
I. S. Clorigh and S. R. Burrell..J.J.Craig..................
E. N. Cummings.....-._....._.
A. J. Davis..............---..
S. S. Day...................W. DePriy..................
A. Eames...................
G. W. Eicholtz...............
WV. Elwell...........
J. Emory and J. E. Gott.....
G. W. Ernst and 1. Lucas..
D). aud S. K. Flanders.--.
J. fletcher.................
S. Friend...................
J. B. Fuller and G. W. Pierce..G. Gilbert...................
B. Glasscock.................
L. M. Gould.................
J. 0. Greene.................
L. Grim......................
C. R. Hardy................--
J. M. Klar-per...............--
I). Hender son..............J. Hoover..................P. D. Horton and E. T. Bryan..
J. Hyter....................
J. R. Johnson.... _...........
J. H. and J. Kiplinger....
I). Lake....................--
I). Lake....................
D. Lake......................
T. Lane.....................
G. E. Le Roy................
B. J. Leslie..................
S. F. McGown................
M. Merk..................
R. P. and W. I. Miller....A. C. Mills...................
C. Packard and S. Standsh....
J. Parker...................
M. Patzaner................
N. Pike....................
H. H. Potter.................
Mt. M. Pre ble................
W. Rliley....................
1-1. Li.Robertson.............
Augusta Courity, Va. _.
Philadelphia, Pa....
New Beudford, Mass..Jordan, N. Y............
Yarmouth, Me.......
South Bend, nd......
Chicago, 111.............--
Fort Wayne, Ind....
Oberlin, Ohio............
New Harmony, Ind._-..
Baltimore. Md...........
Hampdeni, Me........ _...
Lancaster, Pa...........
Taunton, Mass.....
Providence, R. I....
Loiidoun County, Va.Mineral, Ill..............
Rocky Station, Va..-.
Bangor, Me......
Mount Carroll, Ill..
Canaan, N. H ----------.
W~ilsoin County, Tenun.
Green Hill, Ten..
Berlin, Con.............
McDonough, N. Y...
Fulton, IN. YV............
Battle Creek, Mich...
New Lebanon. N. Y..-.
Constantine, Mich -..
Sorith Bond, nd....
Butler, Mo..............
Pittsfield, Mass.......
Marcellus, Mich._._....
Lee Centre, Ill..........--
Sout~h Bend, nd._.....
Brooklyn and New York,
Knoxville, Tenn......
Colebrook, N. H...-.
Hartford, Mich....,Nexw York, N. Y.....
Polk Station, Pa......
Kalamazoo, Mich....
New Berlin, Ill....... _....
Gardiner, Me._...........
Bucksport, Me... _........
Frersion t, Ohio...........
Pnrishville, N. Y....
Cleveland, Ohio.. _.._...
IDecatur, Ill.............
Worcester, Mass....
Westville, Conn. --. -..
Hillsborough, Ohio...
Chicago, Ill..............
New Albany, Irid..
Fort Branch, nd..._....
Lexington, Ind. -..... -..
El Paso, Ill..... -.........
North Bridgewater, Mass..
Gratis, Ohio _..............
Marengo Township, Mich.
Kent, nd...............
Benton Harbor, Mich.
North Manchester, Ind...
Smith's Landing, N. J.
Smith's Landing, N. J..
Smith's Landing, N. J..
Whitesburgh, Ten..
Sorith Bend, Ind.----
Irvine, Ky...............
Ashley, Ill...............
Rochester, N. YV.......
Lirieville Station, Pa.Oaktown, Ind........
EurekaNev., and Pacheco,
Durbuque, Iowa.....
New York, N. YV..._..
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Carthage, N. V..--..--.
Kokormo, Ind............
Madison County, Miss.
July 11, 185X4
Nov. 8, 1870
Mar. 13, 18t
Junly 12, 167
Feb. 18, 187.1
Jan. 31, 1871
Nov. 5, 1872
Nov. 12, 1e7,2
Nov. t2, 1872
Aug. 13, 1834
Feb. 23, 1873
Jan. 31, 1871
Aug. 21, 18611
June 8, 186.9
Aug. 4, 1868
Sept. 9, 1824
Sept. 3, 1867
June 3, 1873
Feb. 2, 1869
July 6, 1869
May 6, 1873
Aug. 5, 1856
Sept. 23, 1836
Oct. 5, 1858
Jan. 14, 1873
Apr. 28, 1883
May '28, 1872
Mar. 29, 1159
Dec. 24, 1867
May 14, 1 x72
Apr. 30, 1872
Nov. 26, 1872
Dec. 2, 1873
July 16, i872
Oct. 1, 1872
June 14, 1859
Sept. 7, 1869
Jaun. 16, 1866
Aug. 5, 1873
Nov. 13, 1860
Oct. 1, 1872
Nov. 1,1 859
Dec. 23, 1873
Nov. 1, 1859
May 22, 1866
May 13, 1873
Apr. 18, 1834
IDec. 17, 1872
Dec. 3, 1872
Apr. 16, 1830
Oct. 7, 1856
Apr. 27, 1869
Mar. 26, 18 72
July 9, 1872
Scat. 12, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Sept. 3,1872
Feb. '0, 1872
Dec. 8, 1868
Feb. 21, 1871
July 22, 18316
Asug. 19, 1873
Mar. 23, 18119
June 21, 1864
Jan. 10, 1865
Mar. 20,11866
Dec. 16, 1873
Jrrly 16, 1872
Aug. 22, 1871
Jan. 18, 1870
Oct. 31, 1871
Aug. 2, 1870
May 27, 1873
Aug. 3, 1869
Nov. 25, 1873
Nov. 22, 1870
May 3, 1870
Feb. 20, 1866
Jan. 8, 1867
Jan. 2:2,1867
Apr. 27, 1838
11, 255
109, 621
53, 149
ti6, '272
133, 961
111, 33l2
132, 977
133, 0356
136, 203
57, 384
91, 0:32
80, 783
68, 530
1:39, 332
86, 342
138, 719
13, 464
'21, 646
134, 833
38, 277
127, 297
23, 422
72, 446
126, 671
126, 1811
133, 354
143, 093
129, 317
1:31, 848
'24, 3735
94, 569
52, 034
141, 495
30, 619
131, 813
23, 961
143, 791
23, 997
55, 007
138, 797
10, 801
13, 843
89, 305
124, 931
1'28, 874
113, 513
131, 698
123, 897
84, 825
111, 936
15, 378
141, 931
88, 044
41, 212
45, 839
5:3, 310
129, 350
98, 984
120, 449
105, 963
139, 41-2
93, 329
114, 860
109, 444
102, 383
20, 0911
29, 008
Fly-trap-.......................................-- V. Smith..............-...
Fly-trap.......................................H.-I Snow and L. T. Smart.Fly-trap......................................... A. Snyder...........
May 25, 1869 90, 402
Jurly 29, 1831 8, 23-2
Mar. 10, 1868
75, 480
Index of patients issued from the United Stales Pales I Offie from 1790 to 1873, inclus-ire--Cotinued.
Invention. Inventor.
Fiy-trap --------------------- A. Standinger...............
liy trait---------------------------------------...F. Stengel ------------------
Fiy-tr-al)----------------------------------._..J. F.Stone...........--....
Fix-trap----------------------------------.....G. J. Swingle...............
lx trap----------------------------------......A. Veling---------------..
Fly-tap........................-... -.. H. W hiting--------------.
Fix--trap----------------------------------------- T. Witmore and J. Beebe.
Fix-trap------------------------------------- S. R. Wilmout.............--
lxtiap, Automatic ----._..-----"---------F. L. Rosetrater-..-.......
ly- wheel.--------------------------------...... ). Eldridge ---------------
F ly-wheel---------------._.......__... eey-----------------J.W el.......
I iy-wheel....................-- - - - - C. Root............- ---
I ix wheel and crank-shaft, Combined--------------FE. B. Jueket.................
FI ywheel, Compensating._------------------------A. H. Smith.................
Ixwelfor rolling-mill naindery -------------. J. Geyser..................
I+' l -wheel press-------------------------.....-----). Evans..........ly-wheel, Sectional-----------------------------H Z.. L. Farr..................
11 hesConstruction of-------------J. Bryant----------------- __ _ _
F ly-wheels, Mechanical movement for regulating A. C. Frederick........... __.
the action of.
lyx-wheels, Method of arranging----------------- H. B. Peck..................
Fly-wheels to multiply their- motion, Manner of C. Johnson...................
Flyer----------------------------------------...... C. Johnson..-------------
Fixer------------------------------------------U.. D F. Smith....-------------
F lyer for roving, &.-----------------------------.T. Marqluis..................
Fixyerguides, Machine for manufacturing -- -.- -- ----I). L. hill.....-----------.-..
Fly~ers and spindles, Arrangemtent of---------J. I)ermond..
F lyers, Coinpresser for----------------... ".--------W. B.- Thompson and R. H.
lintg-apparatus................................ W. F. Quinby................
Flying-apiparatus------------------------------... W. F. Qiinhy.--------------
Flying-horse-----------------------------------..E. S. Scripture.._.._.......
Flying-machmne---------------------------------XV...... F. Quinby................
Flying-machine--------------------------------. J. Wootton.................
Fodder-cutter-----------------------------.....J. Eiberweiser-----------...
Fodder-cutter----------------.Hzr......................... T.Hzr-__.__._._
Fodder-cutter-------------------- ---__________A. R. Reese._...__........
Fodder-cutter------------------------...__.----. F. Varner-----------_
Fodder-cutter ad corn-husking machine, Combined Mi. C. letfers..............._ _ __ __
Fodder, Cutting and crushing corn- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -R. Miler...... _... _......
Fodde,Catting and cruishing corn---------------..H. A. Pitts..................
Fodder cutting and grinding machine - - -----------I. Fulton.- - - --.......
Fodder cutting atid grinding machine............. J. Jessop, J. Wani-augh, G. W.
Ilgenfritz, and J. C. Baket.
Fodder cutting and grinding machine............. J. Foyer...............--.;
loddler-cutting maclhine----------------------P... 5.. Clinger..............
Fodder-cutting tmachine, Corn -----------------...1... Elgar....... _........_
Fodder-grating macblue----------------------... I. Lusk ---- _.._....
F'odder-, hay, straw, and potato cutter...........-X--- V -. A. Hamilton. - - - - -- - ---
F'odder, hay, straw, aiid potato cutter._- _- - - -------A. Russell and N. Davis...
Fodder-stand................----.........J. Aitteam and E. B. Mullin..Fog-alarut_.................................. J. R. A nderson.............
Fog.-alarm................................. S. G. Cabell.............
Fog-alarm................................... C. L. Daboll................
log-alairm----------------------------------- G. Hull.................---
Fog-alarm................................... J. C. Lyoiis..............
Fog-alarmni.................................. C. and G. M. Stevens-...
F~og-horn--_-------------------------__.__-----J. Ti. Anderson.----.----
Fog-signal.................................. F. Br-own----------------...
Fo-inl............................. G. P. Gouildiag, D. Clark, and
T. Dickinson.
Fog-signal................................... G. C. Pattison..............I
Fog- signal............................--.--- -W A. Stewrt------- ---.---
Fog signal..-.....................----.....IVaTrump..._..........Fog-signal machitie............................ D. Custert__..._.._
Folding ad extensiotn table................... GC Mayer...........
Folding and reclining chair --..................G Huazingert,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Folding arm-chair-----------------------------H. S, Goightly and C. S.
Folding-bench...........................------.. LIewis..........
l'oldin -boat-.........-------"---------.ema..---------"----JHgia
Foldang box.................................. Mi. adJ.ELupelding.......
Folding-box.................................. C. ( Moore..........
Folding-ease............................JC Lie...............Bakr----------
Folding-chair................................- E.Bairtels................Faoling-chair................................ 11. Beach...........
Folding-chair................................-PI Born-----------
Folding-chair -"---------------------------- A.C. Boyd.................
Folding-chair.-------------------------------. A. C. oyd...n.............
Residence. Date.
Saint Louis, Mo...... Oct. 19, 1869
New Yoik, N. YV.-.._July 23,1872
Fryingc, Mass............ Mar. 16, 1869
Knoxville Ill.............Apr. 14,1868
Pauna, 11l----------------- Nov. 26, 1872
Fort Branch, Iad. -.--..-July 25, 1871
Grand Haveti, Mich...Junte 24, 1873
Waterloo, Iowa....June 25, 1872
Watertowa, Conn.. Sept. 22, 1857
Des Moinies, Iowa-----.Sept. 5,1871
Philadelphia, Pa-----.-.--Mur.21,1865
New Yet-k, N. YV -...._ ept.23, i873
Philadelphia, Pa........ Aug.15, 1871
Cleveland, Ohio.........--July 18, 1671
Roxbury, Mass........... Oct.2, 1866
Cliarlton, N. Y............ June 30, 1868
Allegheny, Pa----------. IMar. 22, 1859
Philadelphia,, Pa........ Aug. 26,181
Indianapolis, lad..._. Fib. 8,1870
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept. 22, 1863
Clateudon, N. Y........... Dec. 1, 1857
Wolcott, N. Y............ Apr. 2, 1861
Amity, Ill_............... Oct. 11, 1841
96, 050
129, 763
87, 801
76, 673
13:3, 107
117, 489
140, 176
128, 444
18, 261
118, 747
46, 890
118, 0-22
117, 115
59, 032
79, 403
23, 299
99, 659
18, 734
31, 935
12, 063
33, 866
5, '9-2
41, 297
7, 681
9, 865
68, 789
132, 022
7, 419
95, 513
54, 892
9-2, 946
54, 899:$o, 6197
83, 571
7.4, 310
3, 77 5
4, 024
49, 396
4, 39L
Lowell, Mass-_...........
Manchester. N. H.
New York. N. Y...
Lowell, Mass_............
Paterson, N. JI.... -.......
Biddeford, Me...........
Dec. 12, 1854
Dec.:3, 1861
(Oet. 31, 1848
Jan. 19, 1864
Felt. 12, 1850
July 19, 1853
Wilmington, Del----------.Sept. 10, 1867
Wilmington, Del.......... Oct. 8,1872
Green Point, IN. Y. -..... June 4, 1850
Wilmington, Del.- - - ------Oct. 5,1869
Booniton, N. J........... Mix 22, 1866
Cincinnati, Ohio -- - - -- - ---Julx 20,1869
Wilmington, Ohio.. -.... Mav 22, 186(6
Phiillipsbur-gh, N. J.......Nov. 20,186))
Harvcysburgh, Ohio._.Oct.27, 1868
NewYork, N.Y-..... Feb. 11,1868 1
York, Pa..................(let.3. 1844
Winthrop,Mle............. May 1, 1845~
Madison, Pa-------...-----Aug.15,1865
York, Pa.................. Feb.20, 1846
Uniontown, Md....___...Mar. 12,16471 3, 938
Conestog-. Cetitre, Pa..Aug.14,186 29, 572
Baltimore, Md------------ _June 19, 1847 5, 159
Fedoi-, Mich _. _-.........Mar. 9,18-691 87, 573
Alb-anyN.Y............. Nov. 19, 1833 I----
Sxiacuise, N.Y_----------Nov.19, 181.3 _._
Franklin, Ohio...... Jan. 31, 1871 111,301
Biooklyn, N.Y............Juily7, 168 9, 538
Quincy, Ill-------------._. Aug. 8,1871 117, 861
New Londoii, Conn -u.e26.16 2,J3
Wallianghird, Conna. _.. Sept. 19, 1865 50, 004
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 3, 1867 68, 763
Boston, Mass -._.._ - -,_ July- 29, 1873 141, 396
Brooklyn, N. YV. -.........- IAug. 8, 1871 117, 717
New York, N. Y.. _.......July 23, 1867 66, 942
Buffalo, N. Y...... _......Nov. 13, 1866 59, 589
Baltimore, Md............Nov. 25, 1873 145, 008
Bethel, Me.. _..__. '..Dec. 23, 1873 145, 915
Wilmington, D~el....... _.. Jan. 21), 1867 61, 643
Morristown, Pa.. _-. __ Oct. 5, 1858 2.1, 656
Sullivan, Ill. __-....... Dec. 21, 1869 98, 0679
Brooklyu, N. Y........... I Sept. 15,16863 39, 995
New Haveni, Conna __.__.Oct. 6, 1863 40, 210
Kendall's Mills, Me -.___.. Dee. 21, 1858 2-2, 371
Visclier's Ferry, N. Y..- July 16, 1872 121), 026
Chicago, Ill.I_.... May 23,1871 115, 183
New York, N. Y..........+ Jutne 6,11871 115, 764
Chicago, Ill............... Feb. 18, 18731 135, 818
New Ytirk, N. Y......... -Oct. 18, 187a1 108, 314
Meriden, Conn............ Dec. 21, 1869 98, 141
New York. N. Y -__.......Oct. 6, 1868 j8-2, 791
Graftoni, Mass..............Oct. 13, 1868 I8:1,0314
Worcester, Mass.__..._. Aug. 2, 1870 105, 898
Waircester, Mass___.. Apr. 22, 1873 138, 124
New York, N.Y _____...IJuly 4, 1871 116,676
PhuildlpiaxPt..... Aug. 1, 1.871 117, 509
'Taunton, Mass....-. Aug. 2, 1870 105, 903
Closter, N. J.... _. _...ept. 29,1l868 82, 493
Closter, N..I..... '.Nov. 24, 1868 84,:144
Closter, N.........Jlutie 10, 1873 139, 776
Closter, N. J...... Sept. 29, 1868 I82, 494
Cloater, N.J.......... Nov. 16, 1669; 96, 778
Closter, N.J....... July 11, 1871 { 116, 811
Prookly-n, N.Y...... Dec. 27, 1870 110, 438
{ Lowell, Mass......._J'au. 11, 1870 98, 743
ILowell, Mass._...... Nov. 8, 1870 108, 973
Cl-uksv ille, N. J May 28, 1872, 127, 221
Bost oti Mis5IAtg. 2,185 13y7
exXokN. Y. --- I.Jtuly 29, 1862' 35. 993
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, incTusive-Continued.
Residence. Date. No.
Folding-chair....------------------------------J.C.CrummyandA.A.Pa sons Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 15,1870 100,733
Folding-chair...------------ ----------------.1. N. ann---... ---- New Haven, Conn........ Feb. 6, 1866 52, 488
Folding-chair..................................... I. N. Dann................. New Haven, Conn........ Oct. 29,1867 70, 323
Folding-chair.................................... I. N. Dann............. New Haven, Conn........ Dec. 6, 1870 109, 876
Folding-chair..... ------------------------------J. A., W. F., and I. A. Dann.... New Haven, Conn........ Jan. 6, 1863 37, 277
Folding-chair.................................... C. Dietrich.................... West Roxbury, Mass...... Apr. 13, 1869 88,776
Folding-chair................................. A. Eliaers.................. Boston, Mass............. Nov. 22, 1864 45,146
Folding-chair.............................. F. B. Fabri................ New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 3, 1872 133, 576
Folding-chair...................................W. Gardner.................. Glen Gardner, N.J....... Oct. 10, 1871 119, 754
Folding-chair.................................... K. Geisler._................ New York, N. Y......... Aug. 12, 1873 141,784
Folding-chair.................................... H. S. Golightly and C. S. Now Haveu, Conn....... Mar. 10, 1863 37, 864
Folding-chair...................................... H. S. Golightly and C. S. New Haven, Conn._..... Feb. 25,1868 74, 910
Folding-chair........................ E. Hambujer................. Detroit, Mich............Sept. 4, 1866 57, 709
Folding-chair..................................... P. J. Hardy....................New York, N. Y......... Dec. 22,1863 41,001
Folding-chair........................ P. J. Hardy............ New York, N. Y......... Aug. 13,1867 67, 759
Folding-chair..................................... B. J. Harrison................. New York, N. Y......... July 29, 1873 141,271
Folding-chair..................................... B. J. Harrison and J. Condie... New York, N. Y........ July 17, 1866 56, 410
Folding-chair.............................. F. M. Holmes................. Boston, Mass............ June 28, 1870 104, 851
Folding-chair.............................. F. M. Holmes................. Boston, Mass............. July 5, 1870 105, 019
Folding-chair....................... F. M. Holmes................. Boston, Mass.............. Jan. 24,1871 111, 209
Folding-chair.............................. F. M. Holmes................ Boston, Mass............. Jan. 31, 1871 111,455
Folding-chair..................................... F.M. Holmes................. Boston, Mass........... Feb. 21,1871 112, C40
Folding-chair................................F. M. Holmes................. Boston, Mass........... Feb. 21,1871 112,041
Folding-chair..................................... ). Howarth.................. Portland, Me............ Apr. 16, 1867 63, 897
Folding-chair.............................. G. Hunzinger................ New York, N. Y......... May 13,1873 138, 892
Folding-chair..................................... J. Hyde..................... Troy, N. Y............ May 7, 1867 64, 535
Folding-chair.............................. J. Hyde................. Troy, N. Y............. July 23,1867 67,119
Folding-chair.............................. C. A. Jackson.............. Boston, Mass........... Oct. 10, 1871 119, 849
Folding-chair.............................. C. A. Jackson................. Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 23,1872 126, 059
Folding-chair......... H. James....................H.James...... North Adams, Mass....... Apr. 2,1812 125, 195
Folding-chair.................................. T. Johnson.................. Portland, Me.............. Jan. 16, 1872 122, 834
Folding-chair.............................. F. Kilian................ New York, N. Y......... Apr. 5, 1870 101, 628
Folding-chair.....................................B. Koechling.................. New York, N. Y........ Feb. 26, 1t67 62, 428
Folding-chair...................................M. Lechler.................... New York, N. Y...... July 5,1870 104, 965
Folding-chair..................................... R. M. Lytle, W. I. Ashton, and Williamson County, Tenn Dec. 14, 1858 22, 297
L. W. True.
Folding-chair...................... C. Marcher................ C. Marcher. New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 20, 1872 123, 832
Folding-chair............................. S. E. Mason and E. Downe..... Bangor, Me............... Aug. 13, 1867 67, 780
Foelding-chair............................. G. MeAleer.................. Worcester, Mass......... Nov. 3,1868 83, 720
Folding-chair............................ G. McAleer.................. Worcester, Mass......... Apr. 19, 1870 102, 022
1olding-chair............................. G. McAleer.................. Worcester, Mass......... July 19,1870 105, 472,Fe lding-chair.............................. J. D. Merriam................ Ashburnham, Mass........ Jan. 6, 1863 37, 324
Folding-chair..................................... G. Miller and P. Hannah...... R ochester, N. Y.......... Mar. 28,1871 113, 077
Folding-chair............................... G. F. Mitchell and A. A. Sheafe South Boston, Mass........ Feb. 6,1872 123, 412
Folding-chair...................................... E. P. More and S. J. Anderson. Cazenovia, N.Y........... Sept. 6,1870 107, 094
iFolding-chair................................W. Morstatt.................. New York, N. Y...... May 24, 1870 103, 358
Folding-chair...................................... W. Morstatt and F. Kipps.... New York, N. Y........_. Sept. 20, 1870 107, 525
Folding-chair...................................... J. Nicolai..................... Boston, Mass...........Nov. 19, 18(67 71,045
Folding-chair..................................... J. Nicolai..................... Boston, Mass............. Aug. 4, 1868 80, 156
Folding-chair............................... J. Nicolai....................... Boston, Mass............. Sept.27, 1870 107, 708
Folding-chair...................................... J. Nicolai and J. P. Rinn...... Boston, Mass............. Oct. 26,1869 96, 139
Folding-chair.............................. P. W. Nolan................... New York, N. Y........... Aug. 5, 1873 141, 456
Folding-chair...................................... P.W. Nolan.. __...........New York, N. Y........... Aug 5, 1873 141, 457
Folding-chair.................................... H. T. Pratt................... Fitchburgh, Mass..... Dec. 4, 1860 30, 838
Folding-chair................................ E.C. Ranks.................. Boston, Mass........ Dec. 28, 1869 98, 415
Folding-chair...................................... F. W. Richardson............. New York, N.Y......... Apr. 25, 1871 114, 199
Folding-chair.............................. A. M. Rodgers............. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Mar. 30,1869 88, 513
Folding-chair..................................... A. M. Rodgers........... Brooklyn, N. Y........ July 12, 1870 105, 253
Folding-chair..................................... C. C. Schmitt and R.Wodrich.. New York, N. Y........... Oct. 6, 18(i8 82, 755
Folding-chair............................... D. N. Selleg................... Newburgh, N.Y---------........... Oct. 14, 1873 143, 721
Folding-chair...................................... A. W. Stewart............... Glasgow, Scotland......... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 209
Foldling-chair..................................... A. W. Stewart............... Boston, Mass.......... Apr. 19, 1870 102, 178
Folding-chair...................................... A. W. Stewart............... Boston, Mass............. Apr. 19, 1810 102,179
Folding chair.......................................A.W. Stewart................Boston, Mass............ Apr. 19, 1870 102, 180
Folding-chair....................................... A. W. Stewart.............Boston, Mass............. Aug. 23, 1870 106, 633
Folding-chair............................... A. W. Stewart............... Boston, Mass........... Aug. 6, 1872 130, 327
Folding-chair....... J. H. Swan.................... New York, N. Y........... Sept.13, 1859 25, 452
Folding- chair...................................... J. H. Swan.................... New York, N. Y........... Aug. 21,1860 29, 750
Folding-chair...................................... J. H. Travis..............Charlestown, Mass....... Mar. 22, 1870 101, 186
Folding-chair..................................... J. H. Travis and E. H. Mahoney Charlestown and Boston, Nov. 26,1872 133, 503
Folding-chair.............................. G. Trinks..................... New York, N. Y........... July 30, 1867 67, 378
Folding-chair........................... G. Trinks...................... New York, N. Y........... June 29, 1869 92, 125
Folding-chair................................C. S. Twitchell............... New Haven, Conn......... Sept. 24, 1867 69, 276
Folding-chair...............................E. W. Vaill............... Worcester, Mass........... Apr. 7,1863 38, 132
Folding chair.............................. E. W. Vaill................... Worcester, Mass.......... Sept. 17, 1867 69, 050
Folding-chair................................E. W. Vaill................ Worcester, Mass......... Sept. 24, 1867 69, 145
Folding-chair............................... E. W. Vaill................... Worcester, Mass.......... Nov. 3,1868 83, 744
Folding chair...................................... E. W. Vaill................... Worcester, Mass.......... Oct. 12, 1869 95, 856
Folding-chair...................................... P. B. Viele................... Rochester, N. Y........... May 7, 1872 126, 595
Folding-chair....................................... P. B. Viele---------............-------........ Rochester, N. Y........... July 9, 1872 128, 767
Folding-chair............................... N. Waterman................. Toledo, Ohio............ Apr. 23, 1867 64, 173
F olding-chair...................................... E. Watkins and A. McConnell. Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 29, 1871 118, 500
Folding -chair............................... A. D. Whitmore----............... ---- Housatonic, Mass...-... Nov. 3, 1863 40, 526
Folding -chair................................... G.E. Whitmore.............. Housatonic, Mass......... June 4, 1867 65, 520
Folding chair.............................. C. A. Wiedemann............ New York, N. Y........... June 29, 1869 92, 133
Folding-chair and life-preserver................J. M. Rudiger.............New York, N. Y.July 18, 1871 117, 209
Foldin'-chair, bed, and ottoman combined........ E. Faub.................. New York, N. Y........... Jan. 14, 1873 134, 875
Folding-chair for pews........................... M. S. Beach.......... Brooklyn, N. Y............ 13,1857 18, 377
Foldino-chair, Iron....................J............................ Chicago, Ill............... June 11, 1872 127, 899
Foldin -chair, Iron................................ G. W ilson..................... Chicago, Ill................ June 27, 1871 116, 384
Folding-chair, Iron............................... G. Wilson................... Chicago, Ill................ July 4, 1871 116, 784
Folding-chair, Iron............................... G. Wilson.................... Chicago, Ill............... Nov. 14, 1871 121,034
Folding-chair or lounge...................... J. Sutter...................... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 3, 1c63 40, 512
Folding -chair or table.......... F. Liidke.................... New York, N. Y....... Jan. 31, 18(15 46, 121
olding convertible chair........................ W.B. Kimball............... Peterborough, N. H..... Apr. 5, 1870 101, 472
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Folding-frame for boats, Sectional.................
Folding gates, Method of opening and closing vertie-lateral.
Foldiig ironing-table............................
Folding knife and fork-----......----......---------------.
Folding or ironing table. -.......................
Folding or knock-down chair----------------....................---
Folding or lanch box.............................-----------------------
Folding or spiral spring for carriages....-----------
Folding screen....................................
Folding seat...................................
Folding seat.....................
Folding seat.....................
Folding seat... - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Folding seat.......................................
Folding seat..................................
Folding seat......................................
F lding-seat.............................
Folding seat.....................
Folding-seat... -................
Folding-seat................ -". --.
Folding-seat and arm................-------..............
Folding-seat for carriage-bodies.................
Folding-table...-------.. ------------------------
Folding-table, &c...............................
Folding-table, &c..................................
Folding-table -----.... ------...-------------------
Folding-table and toilet-glass.....................
Folding table or bench.....------------------------
Folding-table, Portable.....-------------------------.
Folding table support.....--------------------------
Folding table top..................................
Fomentations, Preparing and applying...........
Food and diet from cerealines, Article of..........
Food, Article of....................................
Food, Article of....................................
Food, Article of................................
Food, Artificial....................................
Food, Cattle.............-......................
Food, Cattle......................................
Food, Composition or paste for articles of..........
Food, Compound for cattle........................
Food, Concentrated................................
Food, Cooked vegetable...........................
Food for animals.................................
Food for animals, Machine for cutting........
Food for cattle, Composition for....................
Food for domestic animals.........................
Food for infants from cereals.........................
Food for stock............------------------------........................Food for the sick, Article of.......................
Food for the table, Device for forming articles of.._
Food from algae or sea mosses, Article of..........
Food from cereals.................................
Food from cider, Article of.....................
Food from oyster juice, Article of..................
Food from potatoes, Article of........
Food from pumpkins and squashes, Article of.....
Food from wheat and process of preparing the same
Food, Horse and cattle........................
Food made from beans, Article of................
Food made of sweet potatoes, Article of.....
Food, Method of preparing and preserving.........
W. M. Ducker......-------------........-.
C. A. Ackerson and W. D. Harrah.
I. M eritt....-...................
F. Thrasher and H. B. Horton
A. Douglas..................
J. H. M1allory...............
H. Schumacher---...--------
M. G. Briggs..--------------
J. K. Coolidge and N. H. Hill -
G. B. Mershon...............
J. Armour, jr...............
M. G. Lazarus................
C. J- Everickx-------
C. J. Everickx.................
C. A. French----------------.................. -
J. H. Hall.....--------------................ -
G. W. King-----------------
D. H. Nation..................
A. M. Olds....................
W. W. Parker................
T. Reeve and M. B. Swezey..C. W. Sherwood...............
G. Sherwood..................
J. M. Swain.................
F. J. Dibble...................
R. F. Briggs...----------------
A. C. Ballard................
J. F. Birchard................
J. P. Brown----------------..................J. H. Bush......----------------..............
S. V. Cornell..................
I). Doty......................
F. WV. Heublein-...........
J. Johnson....................
C. Lammrich--......---.........--.
H. Lorth......................
T. P. I. Magoun..............
F. Mohr.....................
P. Munde...................
G. W. Nellis..................
J. Juevedo......-.............
G. G. Small...................
J. W. Smith..................
W. Smith...................
I. Sutter------------
J. Sutter......................
J. Sutter-------------------
J. W. Wayne and J. R. Miller
C. H. Wheeler.....-..........A. Windeck..................
H. W. Eastman................
R. Carter, jr----......
C. D. Barnitz................
J. Daly.--------------------.....................
C. W. Mills...................
C. H. Hudson.................
T. L. Jennison................
J. E. Brown..................
G. G. Campbell...........
W. J. and A. Coleman.......
L. S. and M. G. Johnson......
J. R. Weed..................
H. C. Moiris....-----.-----
J. Christie and H. G. Dayton..
J. T. Harris..................
R. M. Livingston.............
L. S. Chichester..............
L. S. Chiehester..............
L. S. Chichester..............
W. Marsden...................
J. H. Schenck...............
E. C. Frost....................
J. S. Kirk..................
R. Fanslan....................
E. Payne...................
M. S. Bringier................
L. S. Chichester.............
D. Embree...................
A. Meyer-Berck.............
J. Blaettler...................
W. J. Rand. jr...---
L S. Chichester.......
S. W. Mahan.................
B. G. Noble.............
C. K. Marshall................
E. V. and M. C. Ayer......
E. H. Murray........
E. H. Clowser........
S. R. Andres...............
S. R. and S. Andres, and M.
J. M. Call and B. G. Sloper...
Brooklyn, N............
Bath, N.Y., and Davenport,
North West Bridgewater,
Akron, Ohio...............
New York, N. Y...........
La Porte, Ind..............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Boston, Mass..............
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
B ltimore, Md.............
Pittston, Pa..............
Paris, France..............
Lowell, Mass..............
Chicago, Ill..............
Oswego, N. Y.............
Saint Louis, Mo......
New York, N. Y...........
Minneapolis, Minn..-...
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago. Ill.........
Peekskill, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Amesbury, Mass..........
Winooski, Vt.............
Milwaukee, Wis.........
Boston, Mass..............
Bone Creek, W. Va.......
New Haven, Coun........
Detroit, Mich.............
Hartford, Conn...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Worcester. Mass.....
Fond du Lac, Wis.........
East Hampton, Mass....
Richmondville, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.....
(Charlestown, Mass _.......
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Peoria, Ill.................
Baltimore, Md...........
Lawrence. Mass..........
Baltimore, Md............
Troy, N. Y................
Chicago, Ill...............
New York, N. Y.......
Cambridge, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Oswego, N. Y.............
Bury St. Edmunds and
London, England.
Cortland, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y........
Richmond, Va.........
Atlanta,Ill., andMaysville,
Tyngsborough, Miss......
Mobile, Ala...............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Highland Nurseries, N. Y.
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
New Haven, Conn.......
London, England.......
Ascension Parish, La....Brooklyn, N. Y........
Dayton, Ohio..........
Frankfurt-on -the - Maine,
Philadelphia, Pa......
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y...
Brooklyn, N. Y.....
Middlebury, Vt.....
New York, N. Y.....
New Orleans, La..........
South Waterford, Me....
Saint Paul, Minn.........
Boston, Mass..............
Troy, N. Y. - -
Troy and New York, N. Y
London and Walthamstow,
Philadelphia, Pa......
Aug. 19, 1873 1
July 16, 1867
Dec. 18, 1849
Sept. 29,1857
Oct. 5, 1858
Mar. 1,1870 1
Mar. 4,1873 1
June 9, 1868
Sept. 20, 1870 1
Nov. 26, 1867
June 27, 1808..
May 6, 1873 1
Apr. 9,1872 1
Aug. 30, 1870
Oct. 28, 1873
July 12, 1870 1
May 18, 1869
May 14, 1867
May 20, 1873 1
Apr. 19, 159
Mar. 26, 1867
Oct. 15,18671
Sept. 19, 1871
July 23, 1867
Oct. 1, 1867
Feb. 20, 1872
Feb. 18, 1873
Aug. 6, 1e67
Feb. 26, 1867
Apr. 8, 1873
July 16, 1867
June 10, 1873
Feb. 5, 1861
Dec. 14, 1858
May 13, 1873
Feb. 25, 1873
May 1, 1866
Aug. 5, 1873
Oct. 2, 1866
Apr. 9, 1872
Oct. 24, 1865
Apr. 13, 1869
Sept. 22, 1e68
Nov. 3, 1863
Dec. 24, 867
July 12, 1864
Aug. 26, 1873
Aug. 309, 1870
Oct. 18, 1864
Aug. 22, 1865
July 29, 1856
June 20, 1871
Apr. 4, 1871
Jan. 26, 1869
Aug. 30, 1832.
June 14, 1864
Jan. 28, 1873
Dec. 22, 1868
Feb. 25, 1873
July 30, 1872
Mar. 4,1873
Mar. 2, 1869
Nov. 2, 1869
June 4,1867
Feb. 25, 1873
Feb. 25, 1873
Feb. 25, 1t173
May 31, 1870
Nov. 22, 1864
Mar. 31, 1863
Dec. 29, 1868
Jan. 28, 1873
Dec. 1, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
Nov. 11, 1873
Dec. 31, 1867
Aug. 18, 1868
Mar. 19, 1872
Apr. 4, 1871
Feb. 25, 1873
Oct. 21, 1873
July 16, 1867
May 19, 1868
Aug. 31, 1869
June 3, 1873
Jan. 18, 1870
July 23,1861
Feb. 11, 1862
Dec. 20, 1864
Mar. 11. 1862
66, 668
6, 957
18, 308
21, 659
00, 430
36, 552
78, 642
07, 455
71, 511.18, 507
1-3, 556
106, 805
143, 979
105, 222
90, 18:3
64, 694
139, 021
2:3, 708
63, 315
69, 850
119, 060
67, 107
69, 397
123, 806
135, 881
67, 406
62, 391
137, 658
66, 813
139, 673
31, 353
22, 294
138, 9J4
136, 167
54, 386
141, 453
58, 462
125, 484
50, 664
88, 988
82, 360
40, 513
72, 562
43, 538
142, 306
106, 906
49, 500
15, 407
116, 164
86, 159
43, 091
135, 204
85, 070
136, 165
130, 091
136, 447
87, 397
96, 317
65, 494
136, 302
136, 303
136, 304
103, 761
45, 180
38, 039
85, 313
135, 326
84, 574
87, 821
144, 508
72, 827
81, 190
124, 782
113, 562
136, 305
143, 918
66, 732
77, 995
94, 375
139, 600
98, 849
32, 853
34, 389
45, 569
34, 642
Food or beef-tea, Concentrated...................I E. S. Muringer...............
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Food or pearl wheat, Article of---...-----------...Food or sauce...........................
Food, Preparation of wheat for....................
Food prepared from fish and potatoes, Article of..
Food, Preparing...--------------------..................------..............
Food, Preparing farinaceous..... -...............
Food, Preparing tomatoes and other fruits and
vegetables to be used as.
Food, Preparing wheat and other cereals for.......
Food, Preparing wheat for........................
Food, Process for preparing fish for-----------...............
Food, Process of preparing Iceland and Irish moss
for use in.
Food, Sauce for....-------------------------.
I{ ood, Treating vegetables for................
Foot-ball covering..............................
Foot-boards to splints, Attachment of adjustable.. -
Foot-light for theaters.....-........
Foot-lights, Mode of constructing and arranging
Foot-mill, Vertical cylindrical......................
Foot or bed warmer...............................
Foot-power...-------------------- -..
Foot-power apparatus............................
Foot-power machine...--........................
Foot-press ---............---------
Foot-press... -------------------------------
Foot-rest...-. -..-----......------
Foot-rest..--......- ---------------------
Foot-rest and boot-jack, Combined...............
Foot-rest and kneeling-board......................
Foot-rest for chairs................................
Foot-rest for chairs, &c., Extension...............
Foot-rest, grate, and fire-brick base, Combined....
Footstcol for churches, &c.......................
Footstool, Nursery................................
Foot-straightening reel............................
Foot-warmer................................... -
Foot-warmer and reflecting-lamp, Combined.......
Foot-warmer, Electric............................
Forage-ration-----------------------................................----...Forceps, Surgical--------------------.............................---..--
Forceps, Tubular.-..------------------.-..----
Forces, Machine for applying and measuring......
Fore-arm, Artificial...............................
Fore-iron for shoemakers-------------------..........................
Fore-part irons...................................
Forebays, Gate for.....------------------------
Forebays, Regulating...........................
Forge... ----------------------------------
Forge and applying bellows thereto...............
Forge and bellows for blacksmiths, jewelers, &c...
Forge and furnace blowing apparatus.............
Forge and furnace water-back.....................
Forge and furnace water-back and tuyere.........
Forge and other furnaces, Application of air to....
Forge back, Blacksmith's.........................
Forge, Blacksmith's...............................
J. E. Weaver...................
F. A. Friscia-------------..................
W. S. Brewster...............
W. D. Cutler...-------------
J. Bouis....-----------------
E. N. Horsford-----------................
C. Alden......................
G. W. Waitt-------------..................
M. H. Kollock..............
I. L. Stanley..................--------------
W. J. Rand...................-------------
A, P. Agresta and A. Meuecci.
W. Adamson and C. F. A.
E. Bevan and A. Fleming.....
H. A. Alden..............
I. A. Isaacs..................
J. Gruol....-----------------
A. McKeachnie......--....-. -
R. Shaler and C. B. Rogers....
G. W. Rothrock..............
C. Defries---------------....................G. W. Lloyd................
S. Fowks.....................L. M. Roby--------------...................
E. Hutson............-......
G. B. Kirkham................
E. and H. Harding............
F. S. Stoddard------------................
J. N. Smith...................
N. C. Stiles...--................
W. M. Warren....--...........
C. Adams...---------------
C. S. Adams---------..........----........
I. Van Hagen.............
F. M. Watson and H. H. Clough
E. W ilkins-..............
D. H. James.....------
H. Morrison.................
T. A. Johnson................
J. H. Travis...--...............
J. H. Keyser.....-------------
D C. Winans--......--......
W. G. Brown................
L. Burnell....................
L. Buorehll ---------------
G. Goodrich..................
J. J. Andrews................
D. Austin - -----.....................
N. H. Bruce..................
J. B. Craig...............
A. Eckert...............
C. R. Everson.................
H. Forncrook......--.
W. Heissenbuttel........H. Hock and J. Zilz...-...
S. Hunt------------------
J. W. Merrill and J. H. Rowe.
A. Palmer...................
C. L. Palmer..................
J. H. Parsons----.....--.--
H. G. Seekins, sr., and H. G.
Seekins, jr.
G. W. Smith..................
N. Waterman---...............
C. S. Merwin and C. A. Metcalf
C. V. Littlepage----------..............
M. Fletcher--...-........--.....
J. G. Loomis.................
G. W. Wooley..............
H. T. Stanard.............
B. F. Palmer.............
S. A. Shurtleff............
J. Blease...............
J. J. Meeker and L. Cortright.
H. Mallow................
G. Campbell.............
J. Howe....----------------
W. T. Kosinski.........
C. V. Queen............
C. N. Taylor and E. J. Holmes
R. Green...
J. C. Conklin..........
J. A. Stewart................
W. McEwen.................
A. Blood...
S. W. Watson and C. Iobinsc
F. Avery...................
T. Bush, jr..............
A. Graham..............
I. Sawyer.......
C. McMurtry...............
T. S. Clark..................
Havelock, Pa.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chicago, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa-..........
Baltimore, Md............
Cambridge, Mass.......
Newburgh, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
NewYork and Clifton, N.Y
Philadelphia, Pa......
Birkenhead and Shipston,
Matteawan, N. Y.........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Madison and Deep River,
Mifflin, Pa-.............
London, England..........
Detroit, Mich----------.............
Catskill, N. Y..........
Leesville, Ohio.........
Brockport, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
Delevan, Minn...........
Litchfield, Conn-...........
Jersey City, N. J..........
West Meriden, Conn......
Watertown, Conn..........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
B llsdale, Mich...........
Chicago, Ill.............
Warner, N. H.........
Warner, N. 11.............
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Steubenville, Ohio......
Portland, Me...........
Charlestown, Mass.........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Monmouth, Me............
Milwaukee, Wis..........
Portland Harbor, N. Y.... -
Clyde, Ill -..........
Sheldon, Vt...............
Forge Valley, Westford,
Perry-sville, Pa...........
Trenton, Ohio............
Palmyra, N. Y...........
Elbridge, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Danville, Ind..._........
Boston, Mass.............
Hudson, Mich.........
Brookline, Mass........
Quincy, Mich............
Elyria, Ohio..............
Aurora, Ind.............
Boston, Mass..............
Dubuque, Iowa...........
Austin, Tex..............
Louisville, Ky............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Wayne, Mich.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
SNorth Carver, Mass.......
Richmond, Id............ Columbia County, Pa....
SPendleton County, Va....
North Buffalo, N. Y........ Alna, Me................
SPhiladelphia, Pa..........
Peekskill, N. Y...........
Upton and Dedham, Mass
- Brunswick, N. Y..........
- Peekskill, N. Y.. Springfield, Tenn......... Norristown, Pa........... Cohocton, N. Y.....
n Ashtabula, Ohio.... Hamilton, N. Y..........
Springhort, N. Y.......... Hamilton, N. Y........... Hallowell, Me............
- New Marlborough, Mass.. Lena, Ill..............
Date. No.
Jan. 9, 1872 122, 543
Dec. 16, 1873 145, 562
Jan. 28, 1870 104, 700
Nov. 10, 1868 83, 836
Jan. 19, 1826..
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 850
Apr. 5,1870 101, 562
June 25, 1872 128, 342
July 23,1872 129, 835
May 21, 1872 127, 115
Aug. 10,1869 93, 477
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 071
Apr. 2, 1872 125, 247
Apr. 7,1868 76, 390
Dec. 31, 1867 72, 772
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 521
Jan. 5,1858 19, 025
May 25, 1858 20, 359
July 31, 1860 29, 443
June 22,1869 91, 567
June 2, 1868 78, 580
June 24, 1862 35, 696
Sept. 13, 1824..
Oct. 12, 1869 95, 728
Dec. 17, 1867 72, 300
Dec. 5, 1871 121, 525
Aug. 19, 1873 141, 928
May 17, 1859 24, 064
Nov. 13,1866 59, 669
Mar. 27, 1866 53, 499
Sept.16, 1862 36, 491
Oct. 1, 1867 69, 298
July 11, 1865 48, 638
Feb. 19, 1867 62, 167
May 26, 1863 38, 718
May 19,1863 38, 619
Dec. 20, 1870 110, 240
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 434
Mar. 11,1873 136, 734
Oct. 22, 1872 132, 503
Aug.11, 1868 80, 971
Feb. 23, 1864 47, 735
Mar. 22, 1870 100, 971
Oct. 4, 1870 107, 869
July 22, 1833..
Dec. 19, 1865 51, 534
Aug. 24, 1869 94, 060
Sept. 17, 1867 68, 944
Nov. 11, 1873 144, 445
Mar. 7, 1865 46, 649
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 374
Dec. 4, 1855 13, 871
Oct. 28, 1873 144, 095
Sept. 26, 1865 50, 123
July 22, 1862 35, 936
June 10, 1862 35, 532
Aug. 15,1865 49, 433
Apr. 18,1865 47,327
Feb. 13, 1866 52, 593
Dec. 15, 1857 18, 868
Aug. 31, 1858 21,376
Nov. 27, 1855 13, 859
Oct. 2,1866 58, 453
May 17, 1870 103, 061
Dec. 15, 1863 40, 922
Nov. 21,1854 11, 982
Nov. 25, 1862 37, 023
July 2:23, 1867 67, 144
Jan. 11, 1859 22, 575
Nov. 15, 1859 26, 129
Apr. 28, 1868 77, 246
June 26, 1866 55, 882
Mar. 13, 1849 6,172
Mar. 22, 1870 100, 975
Apr. 16, 1834.....
July 25, 1871 117, 303
Nov. 18, 1845 4, 273
Apr. 25, 1865 47, 467
May 31, 1834..
June 19, 1835.
- Aug. 18, 1840 1, 724. Nov. 10, 1841 2, 349
- Sept. 29,1825... Sept.26,1835.. Feb. 12, 1833.... Apr. 12, 1833..
- Feb. 26, 1833... Feb. 13, 1835.
- July 8,1811... Dec. 29, 1868 85, 283
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent ( ffce from 1790 to 1873, incl'usice-Continued1
Forge Blacksmith's........................
Forge, Blacksmith'.b...........................
Forge, Black smith's portable..
For ge Blacksmith's portable.-___......-_..........
Forge-chimneys, Flue-casing for................
Forge fire...................................---
Forge-fire.- ------------------------
Forg e fire, Hot-blast blomary...... _.........
Forge for maanufacturing wrought iron, Blomary..
Forge-hearth ---------------------------------
Foi-ge-hearth, Hot-air...........................
Forge, Hollow-fire-._--------------------------..
Forge, Mode of producing the blast for blacksib h's
Forge, Portable................
Forge, Portable------------------------------...
Forge, Portable................................
Forge, Portable--------------------------------
Forge, Portable..................
Forge, Queen's portable........................
Forge, Smith's.................................
Forge, Smith's................................
Forge, Smi's.................................
Forges aiid furnaces, Back for................. -- -- --
Forges, Bellows-box foi- blacksmith's -.........Forges, Blowing wind for........................
1Forges,1Driving-gear for portable........... -- -- -...
Forges, Fire-box for.--------------------------..
Forges, Ga-chamber and valve f'oi.-..........
For ges, &c. wliei-e a blast is requhred, Back for--
Forg"ery, Means to prevent.......................
Forging and punching macblues, Drop and (die. ogngadstmig ahn-.-.........Foiging andaast._mpi.gmachine.................
Forging pparatu ---------------------------
For ging-apparatus.............................
Forging-appar atus.............................
Folrging-apparatus, Blacksmith's................
Foirging bolts and round iron.-............
Foiging, drawing, swaging, or forming spindles,
rollers, bolts, &c., in metal, Machine for.
Forinlg, Furnace for heating wrought-iron wheels
Forging, Heating- wrought-iron wheels for.
Forging iron, &c. Blacksmith's striker for..
For "in" machine...............................
For "tn" mcllne..............................
Forging -machine...............................
Forging machine, Iron..........................
Forging nietal is sockets, Machine for..... _..._..
Forging mietal'?, Apparatus for..................
Forging metals, Drop for........................
Forging mietals, &c., Machinei- for... _...._.......
Forging, shearing, and piunchinig device. __.........
Forging wrench-bars, Die for....................
k'ee Agricuiltural fork. Hay-fork.
Band-c ftting fork. hlay-elevating fork.
Barley-fork. IHoistinig-fork
Barley or gavel fork. Horse-bag folk.
Converitible fork. Loom-filling fork.
J. H. Gold.................. I. Hobbs..........
W. '1'. Kellogg.............--
J. Kuickerbacci-.............
C. Richardson..............
M.- Scott....................
F. A. Stuaat.................
J. F. Bridge........_......
M. De La Montanya-.-_
XV. 1unkerly....- --..
AV. Duliktrly..............--
11. S. Wilcox...............J. Evaiis..................--
'W. Rodgers and A. Bannon.P. A. Sibbaton..............
S. Gilford..................
B. Hotclikiss aand H. Shattnck.
It. W. Clark.................
Jl. Caubachi...............
L. V. Badger and IL.XWalker..
S. Collins ---------------.-.--
WV. and H1. W. Sharp.....
J. B. Bolii'ger................
J. M. Cayce.................
J. H. Dickerson..............
W. G1. Hyndinaii............
S. Roh i-l...................
P.1 anid F. M. Roots....
C. V. Queen..............._..
A. Bissey'....................
J.XW. CIannel...............
W. E. PRisher...........--...
L. Wilder..................--
C. Foster..................--
I.). Strobel,,Jr............... -
L. H. I'itch.................II. Sayler and J. Bair.....
J. V. Karr...................
A. Gaabam..................
R. Willcox.................--
S. Andrews.................
W. Ball....................--
J. G. N. Alleyne.............
D. Davies...................
T. B. D~e Forest..............
A. J. Graini er...............
IR. S. Lawrence._......_....
E. F. McFarland.............
N. Peterson and G. W. Jones..
J. Pr-ice....................--
E. A. Raymond..............
A. Rix..................... - -- -- --
L. and L. Andrews. -.......... _
C. Rentgin..................
W. Rider...................
*Cincinnati', Ohio.
Hlintsv-ille, Ala -.------.
'Troy, N. Y..............
*La lPorte,Ind.. _.........
Greenfield, N. H.------
Fairfield, Iowa...........
Cathlarine, N. Y....
Deadwood, Cal..........--
San Francisco, Cal..__.
Wooisocket, H. I.__Woonsocket, Ht. I...
Nevada, Ohio...........--
New Haven. Cona.----
Bellefonte, Pa............
Reading, Pa.............
Lebanon, Pa.............
New Haven and Hamden,
Pittsburgh, Pa..__.__
Middletown, Pa _..._..
Portsmouth, N. H..._
Springfield, Mass.___...Catharine, N. YV..........
Detroit, Mich...__... _...
Franklin, Tenn..._.___.
Cincinnati, Ohio...
Cincinnati, Ohio._.._.
Palmiyra, N. Y.....
Connersville, Intl...
Peekskill, N. Y.....
Point Pleasant, Pa..__
Olivet, Michb.............
Austin, Tex.....
Leominster, 'Mass-._.
Roichester, N. Y....
Washington, D. C....
Chicago, Ill............
Saint Paris, Ohio..__._
Goshena, nd........ _... _.
Hamilton, N. Y. --.__..__
New York, N. Y _...Perth Aimboy, N. J..__.
Chicopee, Mass.-----
Alfreton, Great Britain -.--
Ci-umnlin, England._.._.
Birmingham, Conn.
Wilminagton, Ill.. _.._.
Hartford, Conii..........W~orcester-, Mass.-.._
Antioch, Cal...... _......
New York, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y.. __.
San Francisco, Cal. _.
Biddeford, Me.-__..___Bolton, England.._._.
Date. No.
Mar. 14, 1865 46, 792
Sept. 15, 1846 4, 7( 0
Nov. 25, 18673 144,986
Sept. 26, 1835. Mr 2 86--Jn 0 82130uy1 84 3 4
Mar. 29, 1864 42, 068
Oct. 15, 186t 33, 479
May 17, 1870 103, 160
Api. 25, 1871 114,115
Aug. 26, 1873 142, 31t
Mai. 24, 1 863 37, 958
Apr-. 1, 1856 14, 575
Fecb. 24, 1845 3, 922
Dec. 27, 1843 3, 300
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 346
Jan. 21, 1868 73,502
Nov. 10, 1841 2, 348
Nov. 30, 18353....
Sp.1,12...u.2191Nov. 17, 188 84, 048
Aug. 20, 1867 67, 845
Jan. 17, 1865 45,911
Nov. 17, 1857 18, 643
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 67 8
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 941
Sept. 19, 1848 5, 782
June 23, 1838 603
Feb. 3, 1857 16, 53t
Feb. 12, 1867 62, 072
Mar. 17, 1838 645
May 11, 1841 2, 088
My91:1-Nov. 14, 1871 120,957
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 657
-June 4, 1867 65,490
Dec. 15, 18:12.----
Sept. 19, 1823...
Apr. 4, 1824 10,220
Jan. 18, 1870 98, 839
Nov. 27.,1866 59, 9)40
Sept. 15, 1868 8-2, 09:3
Sept. 24, 1867 69, 680
F'eb. 26, 1867 62, 407
F'eb. 18, 186i2 34, 434
Jan. 17, 1865 45, 928
June 9, 1868 78, 825
June 18, 1867 65, 941
Nov. 28, 1865 51, 267
Feb. 6, 1866 52, 447
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 458
Nov. 17, 1796.
Aug,. 26, 1843 3, 235
May 1, 1855 12, 800
June 12, 1835 13, 053
Feb. 16, 1843 2, 956
June 16, 1868 78, 86-2
May 7, 1867 64, 408
May 26, 1868 78, 266
July 4, 1865 48, 560
Mar. 20, 1860 27, 550
Aug. 14, 1835 13, 434
Apr. 18, 1871 113,922
May 29, 1855 12,9861
Sept. 14, 185 2 9, 266
Mar. 29, 1839 23, 400
Feb. 5, 1867 61, 888
Dec. 9, 1856 16, 186
Dec. 17,187-21 134, 045
Feb. 15, 1870 99, 958
Nov. 9, 1858 22, 034
Dec. 14, 1852 9, 471
June 5, 1866 55, 263
Nov. 25;,1873 144, 832
W. H. Thomson...............Cleveland, Ohio......
W. R. Thomson......_....
J. Copley, jr................--
L. L. Crane..................
W. H. Defrees................
J. C. Jewel..................
W. T. Leach.................
D. Noyes...................J. Pipes......................
S. S.Putnam...............
E. Schianker................
J. Stone....................
S.S. Putnam................. Fitch and P. Shaffer.
T. Shaw....................--
E.K. Root...................
J. E. Emerson................
L. Coes.....................
Cleveland, Ohio....
Ridgeville, Va-----------
Allegheny City, Pa._..
Cleveland, Ohio..._._
Andovet, Mass..........
Boston, Mass.............
East Wareham, Mass..
Abington, Mass......
Ripley., W..Va -.........
Boston, Mass._........
West Hoxbna-y, Mass.
Buffalo, N. YV............
Chicago, Ill._...._.....
Boston, Mass -------
Etna, Pa................Philadelphia, Pa...
Hartford, Con....
Providence, R. I....
Trenton, N. J...........--
Worcester, Mass......
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1S73, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
For-------------------------------------------S. C. Blodgett...............Fork andl band-crutter combined------------------.....I.I. B~hl-inmy er..........Fork and band-cutter, Combined - - _---- -- -- ------M. Wenger..................
Fork and cake-lifter-.-----------.- -.-------------P. L. Suine...................
Fork and pick, Combined-------------------------13. Mater,jr..................
Fokand sharpener, Combined -------------------1F. C. Beac.................
Fork-bending machine -- -- -- -- -- - --- ---- - ------. G. Ba tcheller...............
Fork-blank.-----------------.-.. J. C. Richardson------------..
For-k-blank-------------------------------------..J. C. Richardson------.---
J oxk-blank -------------------------------------. J. C. Richardson------
Fork-gruard-------------------------------------II. 13. P. Cunningham....
For-k, hoe, &c------------------------------------ S. 8heble.....................
Fork-moaking machinery--------------------....--H. B. Kinney................
Fork, shovel, and hoe combined-------------------....!J. A. Ileald.................
Fork-tine -------------------------------.---.-.--W. H. Rodden...............
Fork-tines, Die for punching---------------------....L. S. White..................
Fork-wrench-----------------------------------13!. Witt....................
Forks and rakes to their handles, Mode of secour J.P.W. Riley................
ing the tines oif.
Forks and spoons to knives, Means of attaching._ N. Amoes.................
For-ks, Machine for forming shoulders on -- -- -_- -- - -J. C. Batcheller..............
Forks, Making ---------------------------------- H. Whipple and F. Denio..
Forks, Making four-fined ----------------- --------G. Mar-tin--------------..--
Forks, Manufacture of--------------------------- S. H. Gilmnan----------------..
Forming and planing machines, Carriage for-. F. Ailen....................
Flox ming, and punching articles of irregular form.- L. IDodge- -
Forms, Machine for cutting tapering--------------P.. L..Phillips...............- -- --
Fort..-lar............................... E C a-...- - - - - - - -
Ports, &c. by means of inflammable liquid, De- A. Berney-------------------....
Forts, Construction of iron.............-----------_ F. G. Woodmsan.............
-~irrcto------------------------------------ ARoBS'--------------------
IFortific-atrons, Constructing field-----------------..P. Jarnairi...................
iFoundations, Coastructing subaqueous-.-.-- -------J. B. En ds...................
Foundations, Construction of subaqueous.-..-.J. It. Endls............... __. _.
Foundations, Formring sub-----------------------....,C. Pontez and C. L. McAlpine.
iFouder'a cleansing-mill-------------------..--..3.Horton --------------.__
Founder'stflak..------.-.. -.................------A. L. Robinson, M. M. D3onnelly, and 13. H Kruna.
Founding----------------------------------. A. HI. Emery.---- -- - ------
Forud in g-a p p a r tus-----------------------------....C. Warner.......... _........
iFoundery-press, 1Double--------------------------XV...... Iltake....__...............
Fondery purposes, Venting-core for---- -- -- -- - - - -H. Tucker-----------------..
Fonai:Se Crystal fountain. Portable r e f r e s h13inking-four tamn. xnent-fountain.
Ink-founrtain. Rotating fountain.
Lamp-founetain. S elf-fee din g fountain.'
Parlor--fountain. Soda-fountain.
Pen-forutain. Soda-water fountain.
Portable forutain. Wash-boiler-fountain.
Fountain --------------------------------------- H. Breezel..................
Fountain-------------- --------------------------1G'. Finley.........
Fountain----------------------------------------.G. Polvblank anrd J. Parkin -._
Fountain.---------------------------------------i. Ross----------------------
Fountain----------------------------- -----------IH. 1H. Sawtell...............Fountain---------------------------------------L. Schoeney................
Fountain--------------------------------------- J. Stor-er-..................
Foruntain-....................-A.Yts---------------------------A.PYae --..
Fountain and aqruarinm-------------...-------J.Moore...........
Fountain and cooler combined------------.Lrb................C auy.____........
Fountain and evaporator, Conmbined---------------..G. H. Thatcher--...........
Fountain anrd pumnp corrbined--------------------.J. J. Sink -...._._.__
Forutain-comb---------------------------------......W. Kerr, jr., and J. A Robbins
Fowl fetter or clog----------------------------.... S. J. Baker..__...........
Fowl-perch-------------------.T tto...........................LT.Sesn---------
F'owl, Trapping wild ------- ---- ----------------- A. Brear.....................
Fractured thigh, Apparatus for--.----------S. Wolstoir..................
Fractures and dislocations, Apparatus for treating E. IH. Barnes................ _ __ __
Fractures and displacements, Apparatus for treat- J. S. McClelland..............
Fractrures, Apparatus for---------------------.. T. Burr.-___ -_.......
Fractuics, Appar-atus for.----.------...-...----------.W. Mills and M. Hoar.
Fr-acu-es, Apparafirs for........................--L Post......................
Fracirnres, Ap, aratus for----------------------....-.P. Roe......... -........ -....
Fractures, Apparatrrs for.----------------------.-. J. Whitten.-...................
Fractures, Apparatus for the cure of--------------..0. M. Allaben................
Froetur-es, Apparatus for- treatment of.------------ _Z. Hussey. --................
Fracturers, Irnstrumen-t for supporting.--.-..-.. S. B. Tucker.................
Fractrrres of the lower jaw, Apparatus for the J. Stowe.....................
treatument of.
Philadelphria, Pa.. __.
Enterprise, Pa.-_......
Upper Leacock Post-Office,
Shirleysburgh, Pa -.__.
Bellrrore, Ind. -_....._Stratford, Cornn......
Wallingford, Vt.__-.--__
Ilion, N. Y__.____.........
Ilion, N. NT.............Ilion, N. NT..............
Alverstroke, England. - _ -.
Philadelphia, Pa..
Leonardsville, N. YT...
Columbus, Miss....
Toronto. Carrada._-...Hartford, Conn -_.._--_
Hubbardston, Mass..
Montrose, Pa..... _......
Saugus Centre, Mass__.-.
Wallingford, V t...__
Baldwir~sville, N. YT.___
Waterbury, Conn.
Boston, Mass.-........
Newark. N. J_ -
Waterford, N. NT
Bristol, N. V. -. -......
P hil ad el ph i a, Pa. _.
Jersey City, N. J.--..___
Lowell, Mass.-----------
New York, N. NT..__
Bridgeport, Conn ---.---.
Bordeaux, France. -.
Saint Louis, Mo._..
Saint Louis, Mo - -. -...
New York, N. NT..Peekskill, N. NT.-- --
Cincinnati, Ohio..._._
New York, N. NT......
Louisville, Ky.. _........
Boston, Mass. _...........
Newton, Mass...........
Mauston, Ws...-....
Pittsbrurgh, Pa...........
Cleveland, Ohio._.-._--
Greenville, Mich.--_--._-.
Randolph, N. VY. -
Now York, N. NT.-----
Hanmmersurith, ErrglandSyracuse, N. NTY.......
Brooklyn, N. NT..__....
Brodhrend, Wis....._......
Albany-, N.NT...........Philadelphia, Pa -_--.
sBostonr, Mass......
Madison Centre, Me.---
Randolph, Mass...__.
Saugaturck, Conn.... -.
Viricentown, N. J..Marathon, N. NT.._..._.
Crawfordsville, Ind....Battle Creek, Mich...
-New Athens, Ohio-.__..
Lodi, N. NT........
White Plains, N. NT...
Boston, Mass._......._..
Middletown, N. NT.....
Chillicothe, Ohio.-__--
Sairrt Louis, Mo.....
Lawrence, Mass.....
D3ate. No.
Febn. 19,1856 14, 275t
Feb. 1:3, 187-2 123, 67i
Aug. 23, 1870 1O6, 75f
D3ec. 18, 1866 60, t65t
Aug. 13. 18 72 130, 517
13cc. 5, 1865 51, 285
Aug. 30, 1870 106, 761
Nov 24, 1868 84, 377
Dec. 29, l86S 85, 400
Junie1La 1869 91,:67
July 231 1872 129, 7961
TM an 28, 187l 113, 212
Aurg.7, 1866 56, 954
Ang. 18, 1868 81, 1661
Oct. 31, I871 120,1458
June 2, 1857 17, 475
July i6, 1872 129, 302
May 28, 1867 65, 277
Nov. 19, 1861
Mar. 20, 1866
Sept. 8, 1868
June 13, 18-3
Oct. 16, 1845
Nov. 11, 1862
Mar. 12, 1861
Apr. 26, 1864
Apr. 2.,1812
Apr. 26, 1864
Jarr. 27, 1843
Jan. 27, 1863
Apr. 7, 1863
Oct. 6, 1863
Feb. 13, 1872
Jan. 23, 1872
Nov. 11, 186-2
Sept. 11, 1866
Apr. 21, 1863
J an. 27, 1863
13cc. 2, 1851
Apr. 29, 1833
Nov. 13, 18611
33, 7 30
53, 258
81, 965
4, 235
35, 884
31, 660
4-2, 504
42, 458
2, 9-28
38, 127
40, 213
123, 685
123, 102
36, 913
5'i, 907
38, 243
37, 197
8, 570
59, 684
D3ec. 5, 18 71 121, 580
Aug. 27, 1872 130, 798
Sept. 19, 1871 119,046
Mar. 19, 1867 63, 099
Nov. 14, 18 71 120, 902
May 9, 1871 114,718
Feb. 7, 1871 111,697
May 31, 1870 10.1, 814
0(t. 7, 18 73 113, 456
Jan. 9, 187-122, 617
July 22, 1851 8, 232
Aug. a,1873 141, (00
Dec. 29, 186S855, 3111
J an.3.18l71 110,621
Nov. 21, 1871 121,067
N ov.27, 1866 5 5~83
Jirly 2, 183._....
Apr. 7,188 76, 382
Dec 17, 1867 1 7.) 215
Apr. 10, 1881
Nov. 8, 1845
Dec. 16, 1844
Nov. '6, 1844
Feb. 19, 1861
Dec. 12, 18:19
Dec. 14, 1852
Mar. 19, 1867
Aug. 2, 1870
30, 229
4, 25
3, 859
3, 810
31, 501
9, 467
6-2, 8'82
106, 091
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Frame-Continued.,See Drawing-frame. Pillow-frame.
Dress-frame. Pillow-spread frame.
Dressing-frame. Porcelaine - printing
Drying-frame. frame.
Electroplating-frame. Printing-frame.
Fender-frame. Quilting-frame.
Filling-frame. Revolving-frame.
Flax and hemp dry- Rock - drilling- maing frame. chine frame.
Flower-frame. Roller-frame.
Fly-frame. Roofing-frame.
Folding-frame. Roving-frame.
Fruit-drying frame. Szmple-frame.
Furnace-door frame. Sash-frame.
Gilt-firame. Saw-frame.
Glass-frame. Settee-frame.
Grate-frame. Ship-frame.
Grate-bar frame. Shutter-blind frame.
Grindstone-frame. Skirt-frame.
Harrow-frame. Slate-frame.
Harvester-frame. Spectacles-frame.
Hat-frame. Spinning-frame.
Heddle-frame. Spool-frame.
Hinged frame. Staging-frame.
Hoop-skirt frame. Stool or o t t o m an
Hop-frame. frame.
Hop-vine frame. Stove-door frame.
Ivory frame. Stripper-frame.
Kite-frame. Tatting-frame.
Lace-drying frame. Tender-frame.
Looking-glass frame. Tent-frame.
Mattress-frame. Throstle-frame.
Mica-frame. Traveling-bag frame.
Milk-stool frame. Trunk-caster frame.
Mirror-frame. Tub-washer frame.
Mirror and picture Umbrella-frame.
frame. Vehicle-seat frame.
Necktie-frame. Vertical-engine
Net-frame. frame.
Oval frame. Wardrobe-frame.
Pants-s t r e t c h i n g Warp-setting frame.
fl ame. Warping-frame.
Photographic frame. Watch-frame.
Photographic - paper Wheelbarrow-frame.
frame. Winding-frame.
Photographic - print- Window-frame.
ing frame. Window and door
Piano-frame. frame.
Picture-frame. Wi ndo w - s c r een
Pier-glass frame, frame.
Frame.......-------------------... -- B. A. Stevens................ Toledo, Ohio.......... Oct. 8,187
Frame, bottle, &c., Composition for................ J. T. Peet...-........-....... Cincinnati, Ohio......... Aug. 1, 186
Frame-joints, Method of securing................ C. F. Linscott...................New York, N. Y............Jan. 24,187
Frame or caissons of breakwater, &c............. E. H. Tracy...................New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 27, 185
Frame, Standing-press...........................B. F. Brown..................New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 2,182
Framing-joint.....---------------------------- J. Newton....................New York, N. Y...--... July 4, 187
Freeing-tool, screw, and jewel-setter combined.... C. E. Evard................... Leesburgh, Va.......... May 4, 186
Freezer, Artificial................................. N. M. Johnson................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 9,184
Freezer, Ice-cream..._.......................... E. P. Torrey................. New York, N. Y......... Sept. 19,186
Freezing-apparatus........................-------------------------J....... B. Toselli................... Paris, France............. May 19,186
Freezing-apparatus, Process of forming vacuum in. E. S. Boynton................ Meriden, Conn............ Aug. 9, 187
Freezing-box for fish, &c..............-....... V. Davis.................... Detroit, Mich............. Jan. 19,186
Freezing fish, meat, &c., Device for................ 1). Y. Howell................. Toledo, Ohio........_....Dec. 6,187
Freezing liquids, Apparatus for................... J. Baptiste, J. Mignon, and S. Paris, France............. Sept. 26,186
72 132, 114
5 49,147
1 111, 128
9 20, 105
1 116, 623
9 89, 568
3 3, 254
1 31,497
8 78, 159
0 106, 251
9 85, 913
'0 109, 820
5 50,212
H. Rouart.
Freight, Device for unloading or storing......... H. A Whitney................ Brooklyn, N. Y..........June 20,1865 48, 334
Freight-elevator................................. V. F. Morrow............... Shippensburgh, Pa....... Jan. 30, 18'2 123, 189
Freight or merchandise, Unloading.......... R. Bragg..................... San Francisco, Cal....... June 2, 1863 38, 725
Freight, Receiving and discharging.............N. A. Patterson............... Kingston, Tenn......... Sept. 4, 18661 57, 825
Freight-transferring mechanism................... J. H. James, jr................ Urbana, Ohio........... Jan. 12, 1869 85, 829
Friction-brake................................R. Kitson.................. Lowell, Mass............. June 2, 1863 38, 749
Friction-brake for machinery..................J. C. Clapp..-.............. Boston, Mass............ Aug.15, 1871 118,10;
Friction brake or clutch........... A. G. Waldo.................. Milwaukee, Wis'......... June 6,1871 115, 792
Friction-coupling................................. A. and F. Brown.............. New York, N. Y........... Nov. 4, 1862 36, 832
Friction-coupling............................J. Mattison.................. Oswego, N. Y..........Apr. 10, 1866 53, 846
Friction-coupling, Double.................. J. Hendy.................. San Francisco, Cal...... Oct. 11, 1859 25, 733
Friction furnace for generating heat without the J. W. Cochran................ Lowell, Mass............ Nov. 19, 1833........
consuml)tion of fuel.
Friction-heater for mill, &c...................... D. H. Ball.................... Enterprise, Pa............ Jan. 26,1869 86, 270
Friction in machinery, Reducing---....-..--.-. J. J. Reekers.................. Baltimore, Md............June 13, 1831.....
Friction in mill-gudgeons, Reducing.................. F. Eichelberger............... Creagerstown, Md........ June 29, 1833...
Friction joint, Hydrodynamic---------------..................... -T. E. Sandgren................ Wilmington, Del......... July 24,1855 13, 324
Friction, Mode of diminishing - --... - -- C. Badin..................Paris, France........... Aug. 29, 1869 49, 685
Friction of axles, mandrils, &c., Reducin.... I. Cooper..................... Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 28,1831....
Friction-roller...........................I D. Baldwin.................. Queensbury, N. Y........ Oct. 1, 1830..
Friction-roller..................................... W. Brown................... Portsmouth, England.... Dec. 6, 1870 10, 866
Friction roller....................................... - J. Patterson.................. Franklinville, N. Y...... Aug. 9, 1853 9, 926
Friction roler ----------------------------..................................... C. W. Pierce................. Albany, N. Y --........... Jan. 7,1868 73, 117
Friction-roller.-................................ J. M. Totten............ Pe..... Poria, Ill................I Sept.10, 1850 7,639
Friction roller. Adjustable.................... J. and T. Sweeney...........Birmingham, Pa....... Apr. 10, 185 12, 701
Friction roller bearing......................C. M. Daboll.................. New London, Conn....... May 10, 1870 102., 779
Friction- roller, Elastic............................ A. A. Moss................... Philadelphia, Pa........_July 5, 1859 24,653
Friction roller for machinery.................... I. Clwes...................... Norfolk, Va...... Sept. 9, 1834..
Friction roller for machinery................. B. Stanclitfe..............Philadelphia, Pa........ Dec. 31, 1833
Friction roller support or bearing................. S. W. Eaten- -------------- Farmington, Me.......... May 21,1867 64, 958
Friction rollers, Mode of applying...IR. Dickson and S. G Merriman Southington, Conn........ Mar. 6, 1838;57
Friction-rllet s to gudgeons, Applying........... M. C. Forrist................. Foxborough, Mass....... Nov. 16, 1841 2,364
Index of pa-tents issued from the United &tatcs Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inrclusie- Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Friction rolling---------------------------------- G. Danforth........- - - -..Centreville, IlIl------------ May 17, 1833...
Friction-spindles, Reducing---------------------- F. Fredley---------------Logan, Pa----_-----------Mar. 10, 1834-..
Friction-wheel ----------------------- ----------- T. Hotchkiss------------------ Stratford, Conn-----------.Apr. '2, 1867 63, 520
Friction-wlheel and oihme- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ----------A. [.Ambler------------------ Chicago, Ill-------. ---. Mar. 21, 1865 46, 867
Friction-whieel for driving machinery-------------....J. Hinklev-..-.- -- -- -- -- -- ---Norwalk, Ohio -- -_- -- -.----Apr. 14, 1863 38, 165
iFriction-wheel for gearing- - -.- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----W.ID. Ades. New York, IN. Y ---. -.-_Mar. 15, 1870 100, 839
Friction-wheel or roller for machiiiery - - -- - - -- --J. D. Cobb -- -- -- -- -- - --- - - ----Lebanon, Ohio.- ----------June 22, 18:12.---
Frictioiial-br-ike.--.----- ---------------.-------P. W. Yarrell.---.---------Garysburgh, N. C.... Apr.2, 1872 125, 158
Frilfling and crimping machne- -- -- -_- - - -- -- - -----C. O. Cr osby and H. Kellogg..._ Hartford, Con..._.__ Dec.2, 186-2 37, 033
Frlling, Double---------.....- -- ---- -------C. O. Crosby and H Kellogg-. - New Haven, Con - -._. Api. 28, 1863 38, 289
Finlge-----------------------------------------__J. E. Gillespie----------------..Norwich,Conn----------- Feb.27,1872 124,031
Fringe-cutting machine--------------------------. _.W. J. Horstmann.- -- ---------Philadelphia, Pa.._._.__ Apr. 87 -7 16, 977
Fringe, Macinery for twisting shawl----- -- - - __.- - M D. Whipple.............. Lowell, Mass------------ Nov. 27, 1849 6, 911
luinge-making machine-------------------------.....F.. Doran -- - - - - - - - -----------Philadelphia, Pa_..__._._ Aug. 18, 1868 81, 673
Fi-inige-rmahing macline ----------- --------------- L. D. Valet-ton.---------_--New York, N. Y.--._Apr.2, 1861 31, 916
Fringe of shiawls, &c., Machine foi- twisting-._J. Nesmith and W. Sawyer... Lowell and Dracut, Mass. Oct. 33 1851 8, 424
Fringe on textile fabrics, Machine for forming. -.. T. Henderson-----------------_..Glasgow, North Britain.-. Jan. 23, 187-2 123, 617
Fringe-twister----------------------------------H.... I. Howard---------- - ---. Leeds, N. Y--------------.. _May 9, 1871 114, 562
Fringe-twisting machine, Bullion-----------------.i...E. Barton--------------------. _ _Paterson, N. J - - - - -----Mar-. 9, 1869 87, 620
Fringed fabric, Woven ---------------------------P. Cocker--------------------- Philadelphia, Pa---------- Dec. 13,1870 110,012
Frog. Self'-acting guard------------------------. _. _ _ C. A. I'ostley------------------ Spring Garden, Pa-._.June 24, 1851 8, 171
Frowers, I)ie for-forging-------------------------..C. Konold.-------------------- Pittsburgh, Pa.--_------Jan. 21, 18743 134, 993
Fruit. and berry basket - - - _- - - _- - ----.- -----G. W. Swan and W. Finch..- -_ San Fraiicisco, Cal._- - _ Aug. 26, 1873 14-2, 299
Fruit and beri-y box or basket- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -J. IH. Marv il.......... _.....- Laurel, Del.._--- --- ------May 2, 1871 114, 436
Fr-uit and clothes drier -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---- - - - --T... Carroll.......... _....- Inidianiapolis, Ind....-------_July 20, 1869 92, 70
Fruit anul ice house combined_--------------------_ __ __ _J. S. Ross.-------------------- _ _Hiram, Ohio.- -- -- --------Jan. 8, 1867 61, 107
Fruit and lard press----------------------------- W. HI.lDavis------------------ Lexington, Ind-----------Sept. 2, 1873 14-2, 329
Fruit arid meat drying apparatus- -- -- -- - --- -- -- - -H. Endemann -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -New York, N. Y.......... Oct.. 24, 18 71 120, 253
Fruit arid poultry box-.-------------------._----D. B. Spinning---------------- Brooklyn, N. Y-----------June 25, 1887 66, 183
Fruit 'aud preserve,jar--------------------------4...... J5. arid T. B. Atterhury. Pittsburgh, Pa. -_-.......-.Tune3), 1863 39, 027
Frunit and vegetable cr-ate.......................... B. Georgia _-.......-....Clifton Station, Va.....July 16, 18 72 1-29, 33-2
Fruit and vegetabrle cutter..----.----.----..------------. H. Trissler---------------.. _Limna, Ind---------------- _ _May 2-2, 1860 28, 419
Fruit. and vegetable desiccating apparatus-.__..J. A. Miller...................New York, N. Y-.- - - ----Sept. 13,1864 44, 260
Fruit and vegetable preserver--------------------P.... Kephart - - -.- --- ----Uriontown, Md.. -._ -. - - Sept. 24, 1814 3, 758
Fruit and vegetable press.- - - - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - C. Parham-------------- - - - Philadelphia, Pa----------_ _Oct.. 18, 1864 44, 74-2
Iruit annually, Metbod for growing.......---- --F. Clv ruer.- - - -....--- --- ---Galion, Ohio............ -- - -Feb. 9, 1869 86, 733
Fruit, Apparatus for- cooking and preserving - W. Janney-------------------.... Mar in il eMartinsville, Ohio-....Mar. 19, 1867 62, 960
Fruit, Apparatus for packing-------------. _.-----.Fraw -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -Lockport, N. Y----------- _July 12, 1859 24, 7 79
IFruit-bag--------------------------------------W_ N. I. Ludlow----------------..Cleveland, Ohio-----------.Apr. 28, 1868 77, 201
Frrurt bisket................................... I. S. Bartlett --..- -- -- -- -- ---Noitiarmpton, Mass.. _.....Jan. 23, 187-2 122, 984
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------.. _ _ S. ID. Bedell -.- - -.--------------New York, N. Y--- - --May 6, 187:3 138, 605
IFrunt-basket-----------------------------------.. _ _....L. WV. Beecher---------------.. _New Haven, Conn-___._._Apr. 29, 1862 35, 07:3
Ii it-basket-----------------------------------..........L. W. Beecher----------------...New Haven, Conn -..__May 31, 1864 42,9-23
Fruit-basket------------------------------------.... _..L. WV. Beecher---------------.... New Haven, Con -._.._Dec. 17, 18 72 134, 027
Fr-it-basket------........-...---..-----.... -----..... _.WH. Burridge--------------..Cleveland, Ohio- - - -.- ----Jarn. 31, 1865 46, 177
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------..H. Carpient-er --.-----------New York, N. Y---------- Sept. 20, 1864 44, 280
Fruit-basket------------------------------------, H. Carpenter----------------- Williamsbrrrgh, N.Y - Nov. 7, 1871 120,6-20
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------........ N. S. Clrement.----------_..... - _New Britain, Conn..__ Sept. 29, 1868 8-2, 601
li-nit-basket-----------------------------------.......W.Clemient---------------Chiarlestown, Ill----.._ --May 29, 1866 55, 061
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------F. _..... _. Colby---------------------... __Brockport, N. Y----------May 31, 18 70 103, 570
Fr-rnit-basket-----------------------------------.. _ _._.S. B. Conover............... New York, N. Y -..._ Oct. 1, 187-2 131, 851
Fruit-buasket.- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- - -----------.. C. C. Converse---------... ---Dubuque, Iowa- -- -- -- -- - -Au f. 30, 4864 43, 974
Frnit-basket-----------------------------------.......C. C. Conver-se - - _-.- - --------Dubuque, Iowa------Sept. 27, 1864 44, 40
Frult-basket-----------------------------------I.......D. Cook------ - - - _._-.- - -----New Haven, Conn-_...-July 12, 1859 24,7-23
Fruit-bask-ct---------------------------------........A.IDearn-----------Otto, Iud-----------------.. _July 30. 187-2 130, 025
Frnit-basket-----------------------------------..J. H. Doolittle ---------------- Derby, Con--------------Aug. 15, 1865 491.390
Fruirt basket -_----_______ ----------------------------------- II. (C. Gleason-----------.---_Middletown, Conno---June 26, 186r6 55, 851
Fuit-basket.. _....... _..................... _. J. S. Heard and C. M. Milese. Vineland, N. J...........-May 23, 1865 47, 822
Fruit-basket-----------..--------------------. A. Jeffery..----------------New Haven, Conn -...._.- Aug. 22,1865 49, 590
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------H. I. C. Jones. -........ Dowagiac, Mich..-,.- Aug. 6, 1x72 130,28'-9
Fuit-basket-----------------------------------..1). Macdaniel ---_-----------New York, N. Y---------- May 19, 1868 78, 111)
F'ruit-basket-------------------..Mthl.............................R.Mthl.-_.--_--.Smrnra, Del............. Aug.223, 1870 106, 605
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------..... C. Moore---------------------. _.St. atford, Con-----------Nov. 17, 1868 84, 207
Fruit-basket-----------------------------------.. G. Ahirrge-------------------- New Haven, Con -...Oct. 17, 1865 50, 416
Fruuttbaset.et------------...----.----.---..-.--.-.--.-.. -0.. A. N oithA. -o-th-.. ---.---..New-New aiBritain....Cona Aug.27,A872 27, 18
Frui-ba-et------------------------......, JI. Par-k.-------------------Marlborough, N. Y-----June 12, 1866 55,5:30
1'roil-basket______"----_-----"-------...---------S. ID. Payne-----__----------- Kasota, Minn-------------.Aug. 23, 1870 106-719
Fruit-basket---------------------------------.-_... _ I. F. Percival and N. S. True. Hamumonrton, N. J -....Air" 18, 1868 81,'205.Fruit-basket-----------------------------------.......I..D. H-. Priest----------------.... Watertowvn, Mass..-.._..May 8,18116 54, 594
Fnrnit-basket-----------------------------------.,P. 13. Sheldon-..------ -----Prattsbnrgh, N.Y.-.I. May 1, 18116 54, 422
Frnuitl asket...................................ID. Sherwood and G. ID. Dudley. Lowell, Mass-....-. Mar. 16, 1869 87, 7 s7
Frunit-basket..................................... l. L. and 0. A. Stray.._.Willoughby, Ohio.___-----.Mar. 25' 186-2 34, 79-2
Inut-basket.................................... M. IL. and 0. A. Stray...-Willoughby, Ohio _..:.IOct. 30, 1866 59, 290
Frit-basket................................._.- 0. Stoddard------------------ _ _Busti, N. Y--------------- Oct. 27, 1863 40. 4.16
Fruitbaskt..........................._ W. ID. Tiissler_............Dunk-irk, N. Y............ Felb. 11, 1873 135, 737
Fruit-brasket............-.................W. H. Trissler---------------l Dunkirk, N. Y............July 9, 187-2 128, 927
Fnrnit-blasket ---------------------- -- ----------- P. B. Viele--------------Rochester, N. Y ---.._ Feb. hi,1868 74. 436
Frui t- basket-----------------------------------.. _ _.. _C. Wheat and C. Bongo -..._Geneva, N. Y -.__..- -.- Aurg. 7: 1866 57, 024
IF r-intl-basket-----------------------------------.......G. H. White.................. Hunt-ington, N. Y -...Dec. 6, 1870 109, 93
Frunt-basket------------------------------------..... W. R. Wilcox... _.. _... _......Saint JosephuMich.. _..-IN ov 4, 1873 144, 376
F rrutrbasket and crate...........................--A. F. Noe-ell-----------------.War-ron, Ohio.------------Oct. 21,186-2 36, 723
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fruit-box -------------"----------------"--------
Fruit-box------------------------.................------..................---- -...... -
Fruit-box crate--------...........----......-----------................
Fruit-box fastening -------------------------
Fruit-box fastening......
Fruit-box, Folding.............................
Fruit-box handle, Adjustable...................
Fruit-box lock..-..................
Fruit box or basket...............................
Fruit-boxes, Case for conveying--.....--..-...-.
Fruit-can, &c............................
Fruit-can----------------------"--"------ ---
Fruit-can....------------ -----------------
Fruit-can.............................. -........
F r u it -c a n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fruit-can------------ --------------------
Fruit can and jar..............................
Fruit-can bodies, Manufacturing....-------------
Fruit-can cover.......
Fruit-can fastening...............................
Fruit-can manufacture..........................
Fruit-can opener.................................
Fruit-can opener..................................
Fruit-can-opening tool...----.----------------.
Fruit-can-sealing apparatus......................
Fruit-can, Self sealing............................
Fruit-can, Sheet-metal............................
Fruit-can tongs.................................
Fruit-can top......................................
Fruit-cans and cleaning off the tops, Machine for
W. H. Earle..................
J. H. Fisher...................
L. L. Gilliland......------------..........
H. H. and M. L. Gridley......
N. Hallock.................
J. W. Hayes.....-------------
W. Huey...................
T. B. Jones..................
J. H. Marvil..................
E. M orris.....................
E. M orris....................
A. F. Newell.....................
WV. Nicklin------------...... --............ --
J. M. Perkins.................
S. W. Phelps..............
C. Reese....-------------------
A. T. Robinson andJ. Shepard.
J. T. Severns.................
J. Shepard...............
J. Shepard and B. B. Lewis....
J. S. Shields...................
J. Vincent....................
C. W. Weston................
C. W. Weston................
C. W. Weston.._............
C. W. Weston................
J. White....................
J. F. and O. B. Whitney.....
W. R. Wilcox_............
H. B. Willcox.................
J. White......................
H. T. Barker...............
J. H. Hollingsworth-........
C. Peebles..................
C. Colby.............
J. H. Doolittle............
R. H. Baker................
M. Bray.....................
C. Becker, J. A. Ross, and J.
H Callahan...............
B. F. Ells....................
R. G. Farnham.................
O. F. Fitch....................
J. Grimes.....................
J. Haines...................
G. E. Heinig....--..-...
L. E. Holden.................
S. Lutz..-----------------
W. W. Lyman...............
W. W. Lyman.............
A. J. McMillen...........
J. F. Merrill------------.................H. Mitchell................
J. Neuberger and P. J. Illig..
P. Nnmsen....---------.---
M. O'Connor................
W. and G. Pollyblank........
J. S. Shanemanii and J. S. Hoon.
C. F. Spencer.........
L. J. Wicks............
A. A. Wilcox..............
J. It. Williamson....----.........
J. B. Wilson................
J. K. Chase.................
J. PI an.......................
T. Earle.....-----------------.................
G. H. Hammer................
C. Becker, J. A. Ross, and J.
W. W. Lynian.........
A. McClanahan........
II. Holt---------..........------..........--
T. M. Ferguson..........
T. Parker...-----------..
C. F. Sturgis.....--------------
A. T. Atherton....----..
A. Stewart---.............
L. J. Wicks..............
Vineland, N. J............
Chicago, Ill...............
Dayton, Ohio-----------.............
Auburn, N. Y., and Burlington, N. J.
Flushing, N. Y...........
Newark, N. J............
Galena, Md..............
Radnor, Ohio..............
Laurel, Del...............
Burlington, N. J..........
Burlington, N. J..........
Warren, Ohio...........
Marlborough, N. Y........
Plainfield, N. J............
Sandusky, Ohio...........
Baltimore, Md............
Bristol, Conn...........
Burlington, N. J........
Bristol, Conn.............
Bristol, Conn..............
Medora, Ind..............
Newfane, N. Y............
San Francisco, Cal........
San Francisco, Cal._.....
San Francisco, Cal.......
San Francisco, Cal-........
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Milton, N. Y.............
Saint Joseph, Mich......
Troy Mills, Pa............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Napa, Cal------------...............--
PPhiladelphia, Pa.........
Santa Clara, Cal..........
Madison, Wis..........
Ansonia, Conn...........
Jamestown, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass...........
Allegheny City, Pa......
Dayton, Ohio..............
l)ayton, Ohio.............
Elbridge, N. Y...........
Mor ristown, Ind..........
Portsmouth, Ohio........
West Middleburgh, Ohio..
Louisville, Ky..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Seymour, Ind.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........West Meriden, Conn......
West Meriden, Conn......
Ravenswood, W. Va.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Osborne, Ohio.............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Baltimore, Md........
New Brunswick, N. J.....
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Beaver Falls, Pa.........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Bridgeton, N. J..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Bethlehem, N. J..........
Fislerville, N. J..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Smithfield. R. 1.............
Newville, Pa...--.........Allegheny City, Pa.......
West Meriden, Conn......
Bath, Ill.......--........-.
New York, N. Y.........
Rtainsborough. Ohio.......
Germantown, Pa.-_......
Buena Vista, Ala..........
Lowell, Mass..............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Bridgeton, N. J...........
Oct. 16, 1866
Dec. 7, 1869
June 7, 1870
Apr. 9,1867
Sept. 7,1858
Aug 12, 1858
July 2, 1867
Oct. 27, 1868
Oct. 10, 1871
Jan. 10, 1865
Sept. 12, 1865
Jan. 5,1864
July 16, 1872
Sept. 22, 1868
Nov. 28, 1871
June 19, 1866
Mar. 16, 1869
Oct. 16,1866
Feb. 20, 1873
May 8, 1866
Nov. 17, 1868
Feb. 9, 1869
Oct. 10, 1871
Aug. 27, 1872
Nov. 12, 1872
Aug. 12, 1873
Aug. 20, 1867
Sept. 3, 1867
July 16, 1867
Nov. 26, 1867
Nov. 16, 1869
June 12, 1866
Jan. 26, 1869
Mar. 19, 1867
Mar. 10, 1868
Sept. 12, 1865
Jan. 5, 1864
Nov. 11, 1873
July 14, 1868
Aug. 29, 1871
July 17, 1866
Jan. 3, 1871
Mar. 11, 1862
Jan. 2, 1872
Aug. 13, 1867
July 19, 1870
Apr. 21, 1868
Mar. 22, 1870
May 10, 1870
Dec. 28, 1858
June 10, 1862
Dec. 7, 1869
July 5, 1870
Apr. 27, 1869
Apr. 11, 1865
Mar. 3, 1868
Sept. 2, 1873
Feb. 27, 1872
Feb. 21, 1871
Feb. 27, 1872
Oct. 23, 166
Mar. 19, 1872
May 26, 1868
Jan. 26, 1864
June 18, 1872
June 2, 1868
Dec. 22, 1863
June 26, 1866
July 14, 1868
May 22, 1866
Nov. 19, 1872
Dec. 10, 1867
July 28, 1868
Dec. 18, 1866
Mar. 28, 1871
Oct. 17, 1871
Oct. 2, 1866
Dec. 26, 1871
58, 939
97, 493
104, 116
63, 629
21, 415
15, 514
83, 504
119, 872
45, 848
49, 908
41, 168
129, 047
82, 438
121, 412
55, 709
87, 875
58, 899
123, 941
54, 614
84, 139
86, 886
119, 8U 6
130, 963
132, 942
141, 842
68, 019
68, 401
66, 925
71, 435
96, 856
55, 455
86, 157
63, 086
75, 372
49, 866
41, 049
144, 380
79, 889
118, 586
56, 390
110, 757
34, 627
122, 455
67, 7 54
105, 572
76, 917
101, 024
102, 952
22, 436
35, 529
97, 669
105, 109
89, 327
47, 216
75, 189
142, 503
124, 156
124, 171
59, 11
124, 710
78, 346
41, 417
128, 112
78, 605
40, 996
55, 9531
79, 890
54, 929
133, 108
72, 042
80, 401
60, 547
113, 111
119, 912
58, 502
122, 298
106, 724
140, 247
61, 506
39, 643
39, 853
41, 657
130, 989
100, 775
54, 923
55, 845
59, 816
29, 544
41, 985
54, 182
Fruit-cans and other cylindrical packages, Machine A. C. Platt....................
for varnishing and labeling.
Fruit-cans, Apparatus for exhausting the air from L. C. Cooley..............
Fruit-cans by steam, Mode of exhausting air from D. Beardsley----...-----..Fruit-cans, Closing..-....................... N. S. Gilbert...-------------
Fruit-cans, Closing.......................... W. W ebster..................
Fruit-cans, Closing............................ W. Webster..................
Fruit-cans, Machine for closing.......... G. C. Grodhaus............
Fruit-cans, Machine for making............ I. Kliing....................
Fruit-cans, Machine foibr making tin................ A. Kollenberg..............
Fruit-cans, Making tin....-------------------------I J. M. Francis.. -..
Fruit-cans, Sealing..----------------------..._ EL. K. and J. M. Bruce.......
Fruit-cans, Sealing....-- -..-..-..-..-.....--. J. M. Cooper and W. L. Haller
Fruit-cans, Sealing................--------------------............ H. S. Fisher...................
Fruit-cans, &c., Sealing........................... 1W.K. Lewis and J. W. Bailey.
72 P
Sandusky, Ohio.......... Aug. 03, 1870
Albany, N. Y.............
Ithaca, N. Y..............
Lockport, N. Y............
Middletown, Ohio........
Middletown, Ohio.........
Jamestown, Ohio..........
Seymour, Ind.............
Owensborough, Kentucky.
Waldo, Ohio.............
Wilkins, Pa...............
Chambersburgh and Carlisle, Pa.
Newburgh, Pa...........
Boston and West Brookfield, Mass.
June 24, 1873
Jan. 29, 1867
Aug. 25, 1863
Sept. 8, 1863
Feb. 16, 1864
Sept. 3, 1872
Mar. 15, 1870
May 22, 1866
June 26, 1866
Nov. 20, 1866
Aug. 7,1860
Mar. 22, 1864
Apr. 24, 1866
Index of p~atents issued from thre United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive- Continued.
Fruit-cans, Sealing.._......... _... _.........
Fruit-cans, Tongs for lifting........--.---.......
Fruit, Canning-------------------------------...
Fruit-canning ladle........................ -.....
Fruit-canning machine.........................
Fruit-carrier.............. -................._
Fruit-carrying box-_______________
Fruit collecting and drying apparatus. - _ --.
Fruit-coring knife.--------------.--------
Fruit-crate ------------------- -----------------.
Frit, Crate for carrying.... _...................
Fruit-crates, Hasp for fastening................
Frunit, Device for broiling anid stirring..___-......._
Fruit, Device for quartering, coring, and stringing
Fiitdre-------------- ---------------------
Fritdi.o..................................F ruit-dryer....................................
Fruit-dryer ----.-------------------------------
Fritdre------------------------------- ----
Fruit dryer ------------------------------------
Fruit-dryer.....................- -...- -
Fri d e---------------------------"--------
Fruit-dryer ------------------------------------
Fruit-dryer - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IL mit nrver ------------------------------------
Fr nit-dryer....................................
Fruit-dryer ---------"---------------"-----------
Fr nit-diryer....................................
Frut dye -----------------------------------
Fruit-dryer -------------------------------- ---
Fruit rlryer----------------------------------..
Fruit-dryeor................... _
Inventor. IResidence. Date.
C. F. Spencer-----------------.....Rochester, N. Y-------- _ Nov. 19, 1867
A. It. Jonbson----------...---Bridgeport, Cornn-...Jan.7,181:3
J. It. Matthews---------------j Cincinnati, Ohio----_.--_--Feb. 18, 18731
C. J. Paine------------------..i Young America, Ill - Sep.3, 1867
11. D. Baker------------------..Syracuse, N. Y------------ Aug. 8, 1871
J. H. Ellis..-.-............--.-.-- coria, Ill... _-- - -..._ - J_......p.une 21, 1870
J. W. Weston...... o.._.Nw York, N. Y......... _Nov. 3, 1868
G. A. Lloyd-----------..-.......f Sari Francisco, Cal-.__. Sept. 6, 18 70
C. Doolittle and A. Carson.. Oswego and New York, Oct. 9, 1860
N. Y.
S. N. Thomas----------------- Auburn, N. Y------------ June 9, 1863
A. L. Harris.----------------ent, Ohio---------------.July 5, 1870
0. W. Alexander-------------....Osage, Tex---------------....Dec. 17, 187-2
G. Clapp.---------------------Geneva, N. Y------------- Nov. 15, 1870
W. H. Clarkson---------------. _ _Bridgeville, Dcl... _........Mar. 18, 1873
D. Crane...................... Saginaw, Mich------------.Aug. 26, 1873
(G. M. Fenley.--------------... Meulora, Ind...........-Aug,. 17, 1869
W. G. Goodlale----------------....Contralia, Ill------------- _Aug. 18, 1868
H. and E. W. Humphreys-__.Salishury, Md.. - _.. -. Dec. 24, 187-2
L. A. Lindsey and J. F. OSul- Jackson, Miss...- - -. __Apr. 6, 1869
T. Mabbett, sr................ Vineland, N. J------------.Apr. 21, 1868
J. H. Marvil------------------ Laurel, Del -------------Mar. 5, 1872
L. Selling---------- Detroit, Mich-------------.July 29, 1873
F. H. Varn Dake.. __.......... Jackson,;M-iss------------. _ _Sept. 21, 1869
W. Gilbert................--- Catskill. N.Y............. Mar. 27, 1866
F. 11. Baird................... Noftolk, Va............... Fob. 8, 1870
M. G. Collins-----------------..Baltimore, Md._......May 12, 1868
S. T. Sanford-----------------.._.Fall River, Mass.--------- Sept. 15, 1863
J. Allen..-.-..............----Everett, Mo...------------July 18, 1871
J. Allen--------- ______EvretM-------------Ee-tM.- -- July 2,1872
R. N. Allen -.............Cleveland, Ohio......Nov. 20, 1866
S. C. Bar-lu-------------------Indianapolis, mnd -.___ Mar. 19, 187-2
H. Bleamer............Smithbrurg, Pa-----------._.Oct. 9, 1860
J. S. Biddle arid T. S. Lingen Pattonvillo, Pa------------ Mar. 14, 1871
J. I. Boone....................West Milton, Ohio..._Jan. 2, 1866
D. K. Boswell................ Columbus, Ohio _.... _.......Jan. 28, 1868
J. K. Boswell_----------------- _ __ _Richmond, nd............ Apr. 23, 1867
C. A. Boynton---------------- _ __ _Vineland, N. J............ Apr. 23, 187-2
J. W. Brooks and H. Rudoff._ -. Ashley, Ill- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -July 27, 1869
W. R. Clark------------------ Indianola, Ill.------------- Nov. 23, 1869
N. C. Cooley------------------- Wyoming, Del------------ Juno 21, 1870
I. B. Cottrell.................Bridgeville. Del----------- _.Aug. 26, 1873
E. Dilday_....__......_...South Pass, ill............_.Nov. 23, 1869
E. Duncan...................West Hilton, Ohio.._.Juno 18, 1861
D. Durtee... _..... ___.......Fort Seneca, Ohio.. _.. Dec. 17, 18R61
A. Ediwards.................. ___ _Newv Haven, Con-..._ Jan. 7, 1873
B. F. Ells..................... Dayton, Ohio............ Fob. 21, 1871
0. P. Fence ------------------ Des Moines, Iowa-....Oct. 4, 1870
W. D. Fisher and W. Holly... - Freoport, Ill-------------- _ _ _Sept. 11, 1866
M. W. Florer---------------. __ _ _ Bracken County, Ky __.- Dec. 24, 1867
J. Harvey-------------------- Martinsville, Ind -- Oct. 19, 1869
W. Heaton-------------------......Greene County, Pa.-...Mar. 16, 1858
H. Henley....................Shoals Station, Id. _.._ June 22, 1869
H. Henley................... Shoals, bid - - - ------ - - -._ Aug. 16, 18 70
J. Hildeturand.... _..._... _......Taney-towir, Md-----------.. -May 31, 1870
1. Hogelarid-. - --------.Indianapolis, Ind-.. Aug. 17, 1869
C. Leavitt........... Cleveland, Ohio........... May 14, 1867
A. C. Lewis------------------_iBurlington, Mich ---July 31, 1860
I). Lippy.-_-.__--_. Mansfieldl, Ohio-----------.July 4, 1865
M. E. Lloyd------------------- New York, N. Y---------- May 25, 1869
R. A. Lucas and L. S. Lehman Wooster, Ohio... _.......Dec. 29, 18
C. H. Martin.-------------- --I Chapiniville, N. Y...._Dec. 12, 1871
J. B. May--------------------- Magnolia, Ohio.------------Mlar. 15, 1870
J. V. R. Miller --------I Richmond, Ind. -..-.....Jan. 31, 1871
J. Monigerre-------------------Vincennes, nd-----------Apr-. 26, 1870
H. S. Morse-----------------..... East Dixfield, Me-.__.Jan. 2, i855
G. R. Nohinger......... Lewisberry, Pa_......._..Aurg. 7,1866
G. R. Nebinger..... Philaidelphia, Pa.----------. -May 6, 1873
J. B. Okey._..__.._..Indihanapolis, Ind - j---- Oct. 11, 1870
A. Paige and G. Wilkinson. I Chicago, Ill---------------...Aug. 27, 1872
J. IL. Post--------------------... Ashley, Ill--------Mar. 11, 187:3
J. WV. Pyne.. I....... arnv ile, Ill.. _... _........Oct. 20, 1808
I. Randall,2d ------- -IClarremnt, N. H---- - June 19, 1860
S. D. Rogers and F. C. Selby-. Allegan, Mich........... June 2-2, 1869
B. L. Ryder------------------....London, Pa---------------...Nol. 12, 1872
M. A. Shiepard............. Bridgeport, Ill------------...Apr. 7, 1868
H. H. Sipes and D Delibarigli. Bloody Hun. Pa... _.._......Oct. 19, 1 869
A. J. Smrith..................-Ilecorah, Iowa............-June 29, 1869
M. P. Smith.............. Baltimore, Md.......Sep.3, 1872
A. Snyder...................Clydle, Ohio.._._.._.._..............SJ.uly 11, 1865
J. Spear--------------------... Carbondale, Ill.----------- Sept. 2,1868
H. Spoor arid J. L. Harlow -. Chelsea., Michr---_ -----Nov. 17,.1863
71, 239
134, 604
135, 927
68, 384
117, 723
104, 438
83, 678
167, 070
30, 303
38 848
104, 954
133, 914
109, 175
136, 968
142, 148
93, 693
81, 153
134, 205
88, 647
77, 060
124, 366
141, 389
95, 169
53, 437
99, 620
77, 870
39, 963
117, 029
1-28, 521
59, 806
124, 658
30, 285
51, 792
73, 691
64, 065
125, 9-29
93, 048
5:7, 168
104, 559
142, 147
97, 174
3-2, 597
7-2, 377
134, 528
112, 02-2
108, 048
57, 885
7-2, 471
95, 900
19, 635
91, (626
106, 484
1033, 744
93, 885
64, 678
29, 390
48, 570
910, 369
121, 795
100, 914
102, 298
12, 167
56, 982
1:38, 516
108, 289
130. 861
136, 670
83, 313
28, 775
91, 671
133, 060
76, 5:32
95, 942
92, 113
1:31. 125
48, 733
8-2, (054
40, 646
104, 788
125, 703
137, 634
39, 5' 9
43, 354
43, 038
143, 949
112, 963
4-2, 386
116, 729
50, 113
50, 414
61, t:.0
68, 4.9
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date.
Fruit-foik--------------------------------------- I. C. Draper-------__--------New York, N.Y...--------Feb. i8, 1873
Fruit-framne------------------------------------S. T. Emerson----------------..Seville, Ohio-------------July 28,1868
Fruit- hame....................................--C. Stone----------------Ravenna, Ohio-------Fe.11, 1868
Fruit-gatherer ----------------------------------G. Aidridge----........ edrsnCt, y-----------------HedesobCty.K- uly 11, 1871
Fruit-gatheier------ ----------------------------- J. S. and A. M. Barry---------- Sheridan Township, Mich Aug. 15, 1871
Iitugatherer.-----------------------------J. Bowles --------------------Augusta, Ga----------- Aug. 17, 1869
Fruit-gatherer.................................. A. W. Brinkerhoff and A. T. Upper Sandusky, Ohi.. Sept. 2, 1862
Fruit-gatherer................................... N. H. Bruce................... Shirley, Mass......- -.Aug. 2, 1861
Fruit gatherer.................................. M. L. Byrn and G. Clark-__New York, N. Y------Feb. 26, 1861
Fri-tgatherer----------------------------------.........I. T. Carpenter............. Thompsontown, Pa- -....Aug. 28, 1866
Fruit-gatherer................................... D. P. Chamberlin - - ---_ -----Hudson, Mich------------_ _Jan. 3, 1860
Fruit-gatlierer----------------------------------..P. Collyer--------------------.Hunter, N. Y..___...____June 12, 1847
Fruit-gatherer--------------------------------- J. H. Colthar.................-Hamersville. Ohio-_._ Oct. 29, 1872
Fruit-Â~ atherei----------------------------------..P. Conver..................... Farimingtoii, Ill....... Mar. 5,1872
Fruit-gatherer--------------------J. C. Counts................. Cross Roads, Ohio-_..._May 14, 1867
Fruiit-gatherer........_.......................... M. Darling.................... Blodgett-'s Mills, N. Y._ July 16, 1867
Fruit-gatherer................................. J. A. Daum........_....Canton, Ohio.............. May 15, 1866
Fruit-gatherer.................................... O. Dinsinore--------------- Auburn, N. H............ Sept. 4, 1866
Fruit-gatherer................................... W. Doty...................... South Hartford, N. Y Oct. 27, 1857
Fruit-gatherer...........--.................J. Evans.....................--Newark, N. J............. Nov. 4, 186-2
Fruit-gatherer.................................. T. Flagler-------------------- Grass Lake, Mich.----.-Oct. 22, 1867
Frunit-gatherer................................... L. Fleckenstin.............. __Manor Township, Pa.__July 30, 1867
Fruit-gatherer ----------- ------------------------ J. Franz..................... Selby-sport, Md........... Mar. 5, 1867
Fruit-gatherer..................................__C. W. Gage.................. Homer, N. Y.............. Apr. 7, 1868
Fruit-gatherer.................................-- E. Gilliamn_.....__........Allogheny City, Pa. May 8, 1866
Fruit-gatherer.................................. 1'. Goodwin._...........Astoria, N. Y.............Nov. 10, 1857
Fruit-g~atherer................................... J. B. Haines.----------------- Millersville, Pa.-_ -_ Apr. 23, 1867
Fruit-gather-er...................................HR. S. Hall....................--Harnburgh, Mich_-..June 9, 1868
Fruit-gatherer..................................0O. C. Hamiilton and H. MeKin- Turtle Creek, Pa.- -..__July 14, 1868
Frut-athre.........................F.L. Hicks................... New Haven, Conn...Feb. 13, 187-2
Fruit-gatherer........................... N. Et. Hinds................... Cooperstown, N. Y._-_Mar. 19, 1872
Fruit-gatherer......__........._.......... J. C. Reamns..................Lewistown, Pa............ July 4, 1871
Fruit--gatherer............................... IL. Kelsey.. ____..............-Ottawa, Kans_---...........May 6, 1873
Fruit-gatheer................... Z. S. Kelsey------------------ -Hntington, Ohio ----- Sept. 4, 1866
Fruit-gatheer-...............-_........_._......J. Kisor......._...._......INevada, Ohio -........ Feb. 18, 1873
Fruit-gatherer.................._J. Lanur -......(-------IhicagoI-------------- Tel). 27, 1872
Fruit-gatherer................................. C. F. Lang................. _. V enedj-, I111............. Oct. 20, 1868
Tri-thber.................................. J. A. Lit-tie............... Danville, Id------------- Mar. 21,1865
Fruit-gatherer...................................M.Lonnsbnry------------ --- Seymour, Con...........Dee. 3, 1861
Fruit{ tlicici--------------------------........-----. V. H. Lyon.............Plainfied, Ind -----l Mar. 3, 1868
Fruit-gatheiei.................................. F. A. Maxfield................ East Spring Hill, Pa...Apr. 19, 1864
Fruit-gatherer.................. __... __.... _. A. Mc Williams......_........._Washiiigton, D. C.--------Mar. 13, 1844
Tri-tat herer--.---.--.---..--.---....--.........S. Mellin ger, jr.-.......Mount Pleasant., Pa...Aug. 7,1866
Tri-tatherer................................... M. A. and D. F. Morton-._.AngolaN. Y------------June 4,1867
Fruit-gatherer................................. - --- -- -- -- I. L. Myers and IL Curl-.__..__Agiicultnra1 College, Pa.-_ July 2,187-2
Fri-gatherer.................................. H. W. Neal.............. _.__...Sidney. Ohio. _. --..........Apr. 28, 186S
Fruit-gatherer.----------------.E.Nwoi........................'E.HNecm-------.New York, N. Y..........May 29,1866
Fruit-gatherer.................................. C. Ostrander.................. Poughkeepsie, N.Y_-.Mar. 14, 1871
Fruit-guthierer..................................- -L. M. Parker.................--Shirley Village, Mass Feb. 19, 1861
Fruit-githerer.................................---0. B. Parker...........-_.....Hopuston, Mass - No.17, 1863
Fruit-gatherer................................... H. Perry---------------- ---- ManiunsNN............__Mar. 23, 1869
Fruit-gatheier..................................--C. H. Phillips and D. F. Briggs ProvidenceH. I ---.----------M.ar. 5, 1872
Tri-gatherer................................--- F. I. Itausschert.........BuffaloN N..........Sept. 4, 1866
Fmu t-gathereri.- - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C. it. Roberts and J. S. Hartzell, Addison, Pa.. _.........Dec. 4, 1866
Fruit-gatherer.................................- H. L. Scott............-..-_ PlessisNN.............--Dee. 16, 1866
Fruit-gatherer................................... W. Sedgwick and J. Brooks. _ Poughkeepsie, N. Y- _-_.Oct. 3, 1846
Fruit-gathierer................................... A. Selovc-r...................-Brooklyn, Ohio----------- Mar. 28, 1865,
Fruit-gatherer..................................- Y. WV. Smith.................--Bristol, N.Y------------- Sept. 4, 1866
Friiit-gatherer................................. W. H. Stone.................--Saint John'sMich.----Aug. 7,18611
Fruit-gatherer.................................. G. Tannei-.....__............FreetownN. Y........... Sept. 15, 18=68
Fruit-gatherer.__._..............D. W. Thompson -.--- ----Saint Joseph, Mo - --.._Aug. '21,18 72
Fruit-gatherer............................ B..uey----------------B.FirfieldMe-------------- June 24, 18882)
Fruit-gaitherer................................- J. Vail._..._...............NewfieldN N._._.......Nov. 15, 1864
Fruit-gatherer.............................. XV. H. Wakeman.. _........North Fairfield. Ohio-._Oct. 15, 187-2
Frnit-gatherei-..................................- J. Wateis-_. _-_-........1 West Sutton, Mass...-Maii. 12, 1872
Fruit-gathering bag.-----.----.-------------- - N. B. D)ixon aiid M.W. Sprague] Rochester, N. Y..:::: Nov. 23, 1869
Fruit, grain, &c., Mill for grinding................. M. N. Whitely, J. Tassler, aiid Springfield, Ohio-----------Dec. 15, 1863
O.S el.Fruit-house................................... _ N. Cope......................--New Waterford, Ohio.. Oct. 12, 1869
Fruit-house...................................- E. C. Roberts.............. _--Salem, Mich..............-Oct. 13,1863
Fruit-house ventilator............._.-_J.S. Houghton and C. B. lRets Philadelphia, Pa. -_...Oct. 20, 1868
Fruit in barrels, &c., Macline for pressing--_. F. S. Holmes.................- - -;Wilson, N. Y..._.....Mar. 12, 1861
Ti-nit, Instrument to loosen dried.................- -- -- -J. F. Schmeltzer and J. M. Winona, Minn............ Oct. 28, 1873
Fruit jar........................................ H. U. Allen ------,-__--------North Bennington, Vt - -. D Iec. 26, 1871
Fruitja.............................-.C ae.............J.CBae---------.-I Mechaiiicshiirgh, Ohio-__. Aug. 14, 1860
Fruit-jar........................................ T. J'. Bargis and J. C. Under-I Richmond, lad. _-........Dee. 7, 1869
wood. -
Fruit jar..................._.................... T. F. Batterson...-. -.._.!.Rochester, N. YN.......... May 5.1868
135, 975
80, 468
116, 789
117, 966
93, 66 7
36, 334
32, 973
31, 527
57, 473
26, 651
132, 634
64, 749
66, 807
54, 696:57, 685
18, 50:3
36, 834
69, 980
67, 279
62, 623
76, 320
54, 527
18, 582
64, 096
78, 662
79, 827
123, 630
124, 743
116, 718
138, 565
57, 73 1
136, 07-2
83, 178
46, 916
33, 843
4-2, 387
3, 478
5i6, 972
65, 416
128, 648
77, 400
55, 150
112, 62-2
31, 475
40, 638
88, 071
124, 384
57, 7,66
60, 249
60, 565
4. 7-J2
47, 044
57. 785
57, 008
82, 177
1:30. 7 69
135, 717
45, 095
13-2, 150
1-24, 464
97, 061
95, 657
40, 2821
83, 16:1
31, 689
144, 147
122, 143
29, 557
97, 588 -77, 570
52, 379
96, 869
129, 780n
ï~~5 72
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1872, inclnsice-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Fruit-jar---------------------------------------- A. E. Fife--------------------- Rochester, N. Y-----------Feb. 8, 1870 99, 5'0
Fruitjar ---------------------------------------- J. Facer---------------------.Glassborough, N.J ---- Julie 12, 1866 55, 581
Fruit-jar----------------------------------------- W. Galloway------------------ Philadelphia, Pa---------- Feb. 8,1870 99, 662
Fruit-jar -----------------------------------------H.I C. Gaskill.-----------.....Mount Holly, N.J---Feb. 25, 1873 136,148
Fruit-jar---------------------------------------..V. 1P. Gibbons _..---------Philadelphia, Po.---------- June 21, 1870 104, 574
Fruitjar.-----------------------------------T. Gibsou--------------------..Rochester, N. Y---------- July 28, 1868 80, 472
Fruit-jar---------------------------------------. V.V.Gillinder and EBennett Philadelphia, Pa---------- Aug. 8, 1865 49, 256
Fruit-jar----------------------------------------- C. A. Gregory----------------.Sti-atford, Conu------------ Aug. 17.,1869 931,820
Fit jar------------------------ ------"--------. J. F. Griflen------------------- New York, N. Y---------- Ot. 7, 186-2 36, 612
iruit jar___________".------------------ --------J. Iaines-.------ -----West Middleburgh, Ohio. Mar. 1, 1870 100.,396
Frut jar....................................---. G. Haller..............._-Carlisle,P-.............Feb. 25, 187:1 13(6,240
Fruit.jar.......................................F. G. IHaller--------------Carlisle, Pa............_ July 15, 1873 140,916
Finit jar......................................----. L. Haller.................--Carlisle, Pa--------------- Feb. 5,1867 61, 827
Fruit jar.................................... W. L. Haller.................. Philadelphia., Pa._.......Jan. 4, 1870 98, 586
Iirnit jar.._.................................. L. B. Harbeiger............... Philadelphia, Pa--_.........Nov. 30, 1869 97, 293
Fria-jar...-------------------- B.Hri...........................B1. Harris-.... -Hrishurgh, Pa.......... Aug. 7, 1866 50, 934
Firnit-jar.................................._--E. Harris................... Boston, Mass............. Feb. 9,1864 41, 575
Fruit-jar...........................-_.......H. RHeningray............... Cincinnati, Ohio. June 27, 1865 48, 399
Fruiatjar.......................................--G. W. He mpell................ Millville, N.J............-Mar. 181873 136,996
Fruit-,ar..........................__._..._..... H. Hering.................. Philadelphia, Pa-..........Mar. 4, 187:3 136, 513
1 ruit-jar.......................................---. Hicks..................... Treiiton, N. J............. Mar. 24, 1863 39, 962
Fruit jar.....................................P. M. Hinlman....__........Rochester, N.Y........... Jan. 11,1869 85, 932
Fruit jar...................................... D. I. Hlolcomh................-Henry County, Iowa-.____Dec. 14, 1869 97, 920
Firnit-jar....................................... E. 1). Holman..-.........Buffalo, N. Y.............-July 2, 1867 66, 237
Fruit jar......................................... Olni(1IIH. Houghton.. Philadelphia, Pa---------- Dec. 14, 16 97, 922
Firut jar............................"-_.-..... H. Howson.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 3, 1872 131, 003
Fiiait jar........................................ H. Howsonu- -------------_ __ _- Philadelphia, Pa......... Feb. 4, 1873 135, 4.7 0
Fruit jai........................................P. Hughes, H. E. Shaffer, and Rochester, N. Y........... Mar. 30, 1869 88, 296
WV. S. Thompson.
Fruit-jar.......................................---W. Hunt..._._.........New York, N. Y.......... July 31, 1866 56, 755
Fi uitjai... _.....................C. G. Inlay.................._ __ __ _Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 23, 1865 47, 834
Fruit jai.. _.....................................C. G. and WV. L Imlay._.. _Philadelphia, Pa----------..Nov. 29, 1876 109, 6-25
Fit jar.............................._......_ C. 0. and WV. L. Inlay.._Camden, N. J............- July 16, 187-2 129. 235
r it jar.......................................---J. Johiison.-.-.........New York, N.Y._......May 16, 1865 47, 731
Fruit jar......................................-- J. Johnson................... New York, N. Y._.....Mar. 13, 1866 53, 151
IFruit jar._......... _..._......_........... J. Johnson....__..........New York, IN. Y_......... July 10, 1866 56, 226
Frialjar........................................ A. T. Jones................... Clinton, Wis.............. June 3,1873 139),580
Fruit jar..........-----------------A. T. Jones....._....-_.......Clinton, Wis._.._...... July 1, 1873 140, 508
Frnit jar......................................--- J. M. V. Kitchen.............. New Yoi-k, N. Y..... Jan. 7,18'68 73, 187
Fruit jar..............-.-.................J. M. WV. Kitchen............. Brooklyn, N.Y............ Sept. 21, 1869 95,0-25
Fruiat-jar.......................................___J. Letchworth-.-..........Philadelphia, Pa..._. June 12,4866 55, 51-2
Fruitjar........................................XW. A. Loder.................. Rochester",N. Y........... July 14, 1868 79, 843
IFruit jar.......................................--J. H. andt N. E. Lupton._ Stafford, Ohio............. May 29, 1866 55,1-28
Fruit-jar....................................... W. W. Lyman..........---...West Meriden, Conn.-July 28, 1868 80, 196
Fruit-jar........................................XW. XW. Lyman._...........Mei-iden, Con......Oct. 12, 1869 95, 819
Fruit-,jar........................................ J. B. Lyon......__..._........ East Cleveland, Ohio._Aug. 4, 1868 80, 554
Fruit-jar....................................... J. L. Maaon -._..._... New Yor-k, N. Y.......... Jan. 19, 1869 86, 089
Fuit jar..............................._.....J. L. Mason................... New York, N.Y..... JTan. 19,1869 86, 090
Fruit jar....................................... J. L. Mason................... New York, N. Y..........Feb. 2:3, 1869 87, 274
Fruitjar........................................ J. L. Mason..._............New York, N. Y._.......Mar. 1, 1870 100, 386
Fruit jar................................... ---J. L. Mason................. _New York, N. Y..... May 10,187(1 102, 913
IFruit jar.......................................__J. L.Mason.-..........New York,N.Y._... Sept. 24,1872 131, 695
Finit jar.......................................J. L. Mason.................--New Brunswick, N. J...Apr. 1, 1873 137, 461ri-ar.......................Mcul._.____.-_Pldepaa.._..Ar.1,87 1002
1 mit ja.......................................HA. Mcully............... oPhadephia.YP..........Apr. 7188 7,69Fri-a19,...........187......_._1) 10-2,ad 024e._Ne orNY._.._ My718212,6
Friiitjar........................................AH. D. Morte.............. -Rochester, N.Y.__.......Ma. 1, 1868 75,4639
Fiuitjar........................................ G. H. Myera................. Philadelphia, Pa.._....Dee. 22, 1868 85, 236
Fruit jar....................................... G. Otterson................ Millville, N.J............Oct. 28, 1862 36, 853utjir............._..._.._PPlisr-.--.____SitAnIl.....Sp.1,16 0 2
Fra-nt jar........................................ S. J. Paiker..................--Ithaca, N. Y....__....... Feb. 9,1864 41, 532
Fruit jar..........................- T. C. Purdy.................. Jariesville, Wis........... Apr. 5,18701 101,65O
Fruit jar....................................N. Raymer-.-.......... New Steiling. N. C.----Nov. 17, 1888 84, 214
Frit-jar............................"--...... G. A. Reynolds...............-Rochester, N.Y..........-Oct. 9,18676 58,674
S ru ni t-j a r........................................ F. Iirbacher and F Hoi"- Philadelphia, Pa. _........_Aug. 18, 1868 _ 81, 296
Frit jar........................................ S. B. Rowley..............._Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 14, 18169 97, 964
Fruit-jar......................................... G. H Russell.................. Dickiiison, Pa............. Apr. 3, 1866 53. 685
Fmiit jar........................................ H. F. Shaffer.............Rochester, N.Y........... Aug. 31, 1869) 94, 248
Fruit-jar.......................................H. F. Shiaffer....._._..........Rochester, N Y........... Nov. 2, 1869 96, 490
Fruil jara........................................ A. Shea-wood-...._....... Auburn, N. Y.......S-pt. 26, 61865 50, 17-2
Fruit jar....................................._. C. S. Siddons.................-Rochester, N.Y........... Mar. 2.4, 1868 75,993
FriI jar.................................. C. F. Spencer.................--Rochester, N. Y...........Aug. 27, 1867 68, 319
Friut jar.................................... C. F. Spencer................- Rochester, N.Y........... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 846
Fauat jar..................._..............- C. F. Spenacer................. Rochiester-, N. Y...... Aug. 18, 1868 81, 116
1Fruit jar........................................ J. J. Squire...............X indsor Locks, Coniui-... Mar. 7, 1865 46, 720
Fanat jar.................................... J. J. Squire_...._........New Loandon, Con - ___Sept. 26, 1Z165 50, 181
Fruit jar..........1)tn..........................Soe..Rochester, N.Y.---- - Ale. 14, IlF68 76, 846
Fruit jar......................................H. Stone -........ _..........Cleveland, Ohio----------- _ _July 21, 1868 80, 234
Fruit jar.............................L. C. Straub................--- Pittsburgh,Pa............ July 18, 1871 117, 121
1 mat jar........................................XW. S. Thomapson._..........Rochaester-, N. Y...........Aug. 31, 1869 94, 45-2
IFruitjar...................................... WX. S. Thomapson.............. Rochester, N.Y........... Api-. 12, 1870 101, 944
Fruit;jar....................J. Weidig - _- --------------- __ Philadelphia, Pa... -....May 5, 1868 77, 555
F17-ial ar....................................-- i.7.2 hitmore........... oeter. N.Y.... Jai.14, 1868 7321
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Fruit jar cover.- --- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -T. A. Clark and H. C. Mascroft. Worcester, Mass - - - -.-----Sept. 6, lH7 107, 003
Fruit- ai cover.................................. J. L. Mason------------------.New York, N. Y.--.-_....AIpr.1, 1873 1 37, 462
Fruit-jar cover............................... -- - - - - - H. C. Nicholson.............Mount. Washington, Ohio Ar. 15, 1802 34, 976
Fruit-jar cov er.................................---T. G. Otterson................. Port Elizabeth, N. J._Dec. 19, 1865 1ol, 613
Fruit j-r cover................................S. B. Rowley._.............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 31,i8721 134, 400
Fruitjar cover..................................J. Siddons.. __...... _.._ Rochester, N. H..........(Oet. 0 1808 80, 884
Fruit-Jar covers, Screw-fastening for............. S. B. Rowley................. Philadelphia, Pa..._... _.... Masr.2, 169 87, 515
Fruit jarlastoning..............................-E. Boorse.............Philadelphia, Pa.------ Nov. 16,3869 96, 873
Fruit-jar fastening..............................--W. Galloway.................--Philadelphia, Pa -... Ap. 5, 18 70 1(1,0606
Fruit jar fastening..............--............'.F. Woodward.._.......Winslow, N.J..........Apr. 12, 1870 101, 958
Fruit jar fastening............................. T. F. Woodward. _............Winslow, N. J........... Nov. 29, 180 109, 703
Fruit jar holder.................................. C. G. lImlay.................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 3, 1805 50, 301
Fruit j-r holder.................................. W. P. Walter. _............Philadelphia, Pa. _.......Apr. 20,1l8:01 102, 453
Fruit;jar lifter..................................5S. B. Pinckney............... _New York, N. Y. -. _......Mar. 21, 1871 112, 955
Fruit-jar safety-case.-_.......................J. Carter..-_...............Towanda, Pa.............. Dec. 20, 1870 110, 340
Fruitjar screw-cap and ring.....................-- - - --J. L. Mason..._ -......-.......New Yoi-k, N. Y.......... June 6, 1871 115, 754
Fruit jar stopper............................-..--W. Chrysler...._...... Lockport, N. Y..........Nov. 21, 1805 51,0-20
Fruit jar stopper................................C. R. Doane --------....---Spotswood, N. J----------- Nov. 7, 1865 50,6806
Fruit;jai stopper................................ - - --- -- -W. W. Lyman................ West Meriden, Conn...Jan.2, 18(66 51.,844
Fri-tjar stopper................................-T. T..Prosser.................. Fond du Lac, Wis..May 19, 1863 38, 600
Fruit-jar stopper.................. - - -- --.. -........J. M. \Vhitall................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. ii 1865 47, 2:18
Fruit jais and other vessels, Process of manufac- H. Reed.....................--Jersey City, N. J......Feb. 3,i863 37, 591
tuiring enameled.
Fruit j irs, &c, Closing.........................R. M. iDalbey.-_.............Springfield, Ohio..........-- _Jan. 12, 1864 41, 202
Fruit iars, &c. Closing...-----------------................J. Harhster................. Reading, Pa.............. Aug.4, 1863 39, 441
Fruit jars, Closing..............................- W. L. Imlay.................. Philadelphia, Pa._.... Jan. 28,1868 13, 724
Fruit jarss Closing. -_..........................- - -- ---- W. L. Imlay _-.............. Philadelphia, Pa -...... Mar. 10, 1868 75, 275
FruitjassClosing............................-- C. Newman._...._._......_..Pittsburgh, Pa.------May 12, 1863 38,5:36
Fruit jars, Constructing......................... G. M. Ramsy.................--New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 17, 1866 54, 015
Fr-nit-jars for receiving written labels, Compound G3. W. Duty-...... -..........Wooster, Ohio............Ang. 31, 1869 94,10
to be arpphied to.
Fruit.-jai s, Instrument for extracting air from. J. H. Parrish.................. Talladega, Ala............ Mar. 19,1872 124, 758
Fruit jauslustrument for tiglitening and loosening A. French.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 21, 1869 95, 102
screw-caps 5of.
Fruit jars, Machine f or grinding glass.. -. _..........M. Neckerman.............. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Dec. 15, 1868 85, 022
Fruit jars, Manufacture of locking-rings for closing L. R. Boyd.....-_ -.......New York, N. Y._.........Jan. 21, 1868 73, 571
Frunit-jars, Scaling..............................__11. 5. Manning-................Trenton, N. J -.....-May 20, 1873 139, 170
Fruil ci he-in"..........................E. Purdy.................... Ithaca, N. Y.._.....July 30, 1867 67, 215
Fruitl;.i sSecuin rg the tops o f................... -- -- -- W. Galloway. __..........Philadelphia, Pa. __........Nov. 22, 18740 109, 507
Fruit pellv-....................................-IC. Alden.........__-.........Newhurgh, N. Y..........July ii, 1871 116, 912
Fri-tkntfe...................................--- H. Suggs.....................--Columbus, Pa..__.......Dec. 17, 1872 134, 106
Fruit-knrife-.................................... G. WV. Stevens-.........San Francisco, Cal---- - Apr. 1, 1873 137, 501
Fitnifu e anid nut-picker.------------GMyad....................GMaad.... Brooklyn, N. Y........... June 13, 1865 48, 194
Fr-uit, Knife for seeding stone................... S. S. Marques................. - - -Mason, Ill.... - _.. Auig. 17, 1869 93, 896
Finit knife gag....------....--- C. R. Howe...................Minneapolis, Mi.......... Nov. 12, 187-2 133, 031
Fruit lifter, Pressed -............................E. A. Raymond.._............. Waterloo, Iowa... Mar. 21, 1871 112,'59
Fruit looseii(car, Dried............................--H. W. Holman.............. _Waterloo, Iowa.__.-.--. Nov. 11, 1873 144, 54-2
Fmrit loose.ner, Dried--------------Cia.........................CRga.-_..___-..-..-.-_.Water-loo, Iowa.......... Apr. 8, 1873,1:17,622
Fruit-maisher and lemon-squeezer.................W. XW. Armiagton........... Lowell, Mass.............Sept. 26, 1865 50, 199
Fruit-mill......................................---E. Greenlee.................Rundells, Pa......._..... Feh. 2, 181.9 86, 391
Fri-tmill......................................--G. S. Hull --------.....---Washington, Iowa... Feb. 11, 1868 74,36155
Fruit-mill and press. ----...........................-- - - H. A. Holderman..............-North Manchester, Ind.._.. Feb. 11, 1868 74, 361
Fruit om gri-n dryer. ----........--------C. W. Davis.--- -_..._....Newark, N.J-._........Mar. 25, 1856 14, 494
Fruit-package ----........----------- D. Snedeker................... New York, N. Y._.......Aug. 5, 1873 141, 005
Fruit-packeri.. _________________M.Lws.......................M.Lws...... Mansfield, Ohio.---..-- July 1, 187:3 140, 511
Fruilt-packing box............................ E. D. Lewelling............... - - -San Lorenizo, Cal.__--...Oct. 10, 1871 119, 776
Fruit-packing implement._...................... C. C. Roberts. __.... __.......Perrvshiargh, Ohio...Apr. 2, 187-21 125, 146
Fruit-packing press........------------T. J. Jones..................._Rochester, Mich..._.....Feb. 18, 1808 74, 543
Fruit-p-nringmachine............................-W. H. Williams...............-Cainton, Ohio.............. Mar. 1, 18701 100,3548
Fruit-jpeeling machine...........................--C. Lehman.... _.........Hartford, Conn..... --....June 15, 18169 91,238
Fruit-pickert.................................... J. H. Adams.................- Martinsville, Ind....June 2-2, 1869 91, 698
Frnit-picker..................................--- J. Bally----............. Deposit, N. Y............May 7, 1867 64, 47-2
Fruit-picker................................... A. T. Barnes.................--Tiffin, Ohio..............Aug. 27, 1867 68, 030
Fruit-pickem....................................-- W. Brown -......._........Worcester, Mass.......... Feb. 5, 1867 61, 709
Fruit-picker....................................--L. iD. Cogswell. _..............Lowell, Mass............. Nov. 30, 1809 97, 275
Fruit-picker....................................---P. and S. Conver.............. Yates City, Ill _........Dec. 31, 1867 7-2, 804
Fruit-picker............................... _.....FE. Evaiis.. _................... Sparta, Ohio................ug.Aug. 14, 1866 57, 106
Fruit-picker............. -------------. vas......................R.BEvns...................Brnt..... -. June 30, 1868 79, 455
Fruit-picket....................................--F. W. Gurnee _. --_.............Haverstraw, N. Y..July 30, 1867 67, 296
Fruit-jicker....................................--L. Hotchkiss................. Torrington, Conn. -....- July 14, 1868 79, 906
Fruit-picker.................................... N. G. Hughes....-.........Waynesburgh, Pa..... Aug. 11, 1868 80, 864
Fruit-pic ker-------------------------------------- J. A. Knight------------------ Durham, Me-------------- July 28, 1868 80, 288
Fruit-picker----------------------------------... J. H. and D. A. Lament. o, a.........Try a....... June 23, 1868 79, 292
Fruit-picker..................................._ C. M. and WV. F. Lunt...... Biddeford, Me............ Sept. 4, 1866 57, 741
Fruit-picker....................................- J. Melendy.-------------------.Southbridge, Mass...._.Juiie 2 7, 1854 11, 170
Fruit-picker.----......."....-... H. Mewes.-.-_-----------Binghamton, N. Y..._ May 20, 1873 139, 015
Fruit-picker.-----------.........................O. B. Moore................... Walled Lake, Mich. Feb. 4, 1868 73, 989
FriTikr................... -.Nf,,r------------Pu Xey T. ------ -ug. 28, 1866 57,553
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fruit press..----------------------
Fruit -pulp, Apparatus for separating seed fremn....
Fruit renovator..................................-------------------------------
Fruit seeder......................................
Fruit stand.......................................
Fruit stem cutter.....................................
Fruit-stoning machine...........................
Fruit-straining apparatus........................
Fruit-trarsportation box.....................
Fryer and boiler, Combined......................
F rying-pan........................................
SFrying-pan and kettle............................
Fry1ing-rack, Reversible.....................
F uel............................................
Fuel, also improved stove, Mode of preparing....
Fuel and for compressing conglomerate substances
into masses. Machine for the manufacture of
Fuel, and method of burning same, Artificial.
Fuel and other purposes, Composition of matter for
Fuel, Apparatus for economizing...............
Fuel, Apparatus for the combustion of.............
Fuel, Apparatus for using mineral oils as.........
Fuel, Artificial....................................
Fuel, Artificial...............................
Fuel, Artificial....................--..............
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel. Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial.................................
Fuel, Artificial....................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artiticial..................................
Fuel, Artificial..................................
Fuel, Artificial.................................
Fuel, Artificial..................................
Fuel, Artificial....................................
Fuel, Artificial...............................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial..................................
Fuel, Artificial..................................
Fuel, Artificial................................
Fuel, Artificial....................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial..................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial....................................
Fuel, Artificial....................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial...............................
Fuel, Artificial.....................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial.................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial...........................
Fuel, Artificial...........................
Fuel, Artificial...........................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial...........................
Fuel, Artificial..............................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial..................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Furel, Artificial.........,...........
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel, Artificial...................................
Fuel-box and washing-apparatus with settees,
Combination of.
Fuel.burning furnace, Metal-heating.............
Fuel, Burning oil for......................
Fuel, Burning wet...........................
Fuel by the aid of calcarious cement, Preparing a
composition for.
Fuel, Combustion of..............................
Fuel, Composition...............................
Fuel, Composition -.........................
Fuel, Composition.......................
Fuel, Composition.................................
Fuel, Composition................................
Fuel, Composition for............................
Fuel, Composition for.....................
Fuel, Composition for........
Fuel, Consolidating coal-dust for.................
Fuel-economizing and smoke-consuming furnace..
Fuel for glass-furnaces, Drying...............
Fuel for metallurgic purposes....................
Fuel for producing heat and light, Process and apparatus for using liquid.
D. T. Robinson...............
G R. Rust..................
G. J. Wells...................----------------
R. II. Mayo...................
J. E. Weaver.................
S. A. Russell.................
A. Greenman........... --
A. Strong and J. A. Dadmun...
R. McCormick................
M. E. Grigsby................
G. Smith....-------------------
G. H. Knight...................
S. B. Sexton...................
F. P. Warren.................
R. C. Whitehouse.............
C. Avery...................
F. Bucknam.................
I. Bicknell...................
T. Joice....................
A. Dietz...................
Boston, Mass............
Chester, Ill...............
South Vineland, N. J..
Paris, Tex.............
Lancaster, P.sa...........
Huntington, Conn.......
East Kendall, N. Y.......
South Boston, Mass......
Greenville, Va......
Putnamville, Ind........
Newfane, N.Y....
Williamnsburgh, N. Y....-.
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Baltimore, Md...........
East Court Cosham, Great
Booth Bay, Me...........
Ashtabula, Ohio..........
Portland, Me.........
Cincinnati. Ohio......
Camberwell, England....
New York, N. Y........
A. Berney............ Jersey City, N. J.....
J. S. Lipps--...... Brooklyn, N. Y........
W. Levin.................. Saint Louis, Mo..........
J. Biihrer................... Munich, Bavaria..........
D. Dick.................... Meadville. Pa...........
J. E. Atwood.................. Trenton, N. J.........
R. B. Bayard.............. Philadelphia, Pa.........
W. D. Beaumont............ Mobile, Ala..............
A. W. Buckland and A. M. Hartford, Conn...........
W. Budd and J. L. Husband... Philadelphia, Pa.........
P. Binsone.................... New York, N. Y.......
J. F. Bulkley.................. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
J. Cornell.................. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
R. Courtney.................. Albany, N. Y.........
H. Cutler.................... Springfield, Mass.........
A. M. Daniels................ Hartford, Conn........
A. De Lentilhac............... Tamaqui, Pa............
F. C. Epting................... Schuylkill Haven, Pa.....
M. A. Febrey and T. Smith.... Washington, D. C.........
T. M. Fell.................... Brooklyn, N. Y........
R. Fish...................... Washington, D. C........
G. R. Gladding............. Providence, R. I.......
G. Gray.................. Temperanceville, Pa....
W. Halsted.............. Trenton, N. J.............
W. and O. S. Halsted, jr...... Washington, D. C., and
Newark, N. J.
T. Hooker and W. D. Beaumont New Orleans, La..........
S. D. Hovey.................. Chicago, Ill..........
S. D. Hovey............... Chicago, Ill..............
J. H. Hubbard............. Hartford, Conn.........
J. Kircher................. New York, N. Y..........
C. Korff.---................... New York, N. Y..........
E. Loiseau and C. F. Reguin.-.. Nashville, Tenn..........
E. F. Loiseau and C. F. Reguin. Nashville, Ten.........
H. S. Lucas................. Chester, Mass.........
M. Mann.................... Syracuse, N. Y..........
P. M. McGill..... Washington, D. C.....
P. M. McGill.................. Washington, D. C......
E. Miannay............... New York, N. Y.......
F. C. Payne................ New York, N. Y.......
B. F. Penny................. Rochester, N. Y.........
H. Realich.................... Chicago, Ill.........
J. A. Roth.................. Philadelphia, Pa........
H. Seymour.............. Dartmoor, Great Britain..
E. Sharpe.............. Paris, France...........
J. and R. C. Walrath....... Chittenango, N. Y.....
C. D. Williams.............. Saint Paul, Minn.......
C. D. Williams.............. Saint Paul, Minnm...
H. Wilverth.......... Caseyville, Ky.......
H. Wurtz......... New York, N. Y..........
M. Bishop................. Washington, D. C.......
T. J. Leigh................... London, England..........
R. A. Chesebrough.......... New York, N. Y..........
J. F. Manahan............... Lowell, Mass...........
J. Allen................... New York, N. Y...........
Nov. 27,1866
July 15, 186)
Feb. 28, 1871
Mar 29. 1870
Aug. 6, 1872
Nov. 19, 1 67
June 15,1869
Aug. 20, 1867
June 26, 186IO
July 12, 1870
Mar. 8, 870
Oct. 28, 1873
July 9, 1867
Sept. 20, 1864
Feb. 13, 1872
Mar. 3, 1868
Aug. 30, 1864
Jan. 28, 1868
June 29, 1869
Nov. 12, 1838
Nov. 30, 1869
May 27, 1873
Jan. 1,1867
Apr. 8, 1862
Aug. 6, 1867
Oct. 28, 1862
Nov. 19, 1867
July 4, 1865
June 12, 1855
Apr. 21, 1868
July 12, 1864
Apr. 5, 1864
Apr. 10, 1866
Nov. 8, 1864
Sept. 9, 1856
Mar. 12, 1872
Dec. 24, 1867
Feb. 6, 1866
Jan. 2,'1872
Jan. 9, 1872
Dec. 15, 1863
Mar. 27, 1866
Apr. 18, 1865
Jan. 8, 1867
Jan. 17, 1865
June 14, 1864
May 8, 1855
Oct. 24, 1865
Jan. 2, 1866
Dec. 1,1863
Mar. 5, 1872
July 4, 1865
June 16, 1868
June 21, 1870
Aug. 2, 1864
May 27, 1862
Jan. 11, 1870
Nov. 15, 1870
Dec. 22, 1857
Jan. 17, 1865
Feb. 7, 1871
June 27, 1865
Apr. 18, 1865
Aug. 26, 1862
May 15, 1866
Feb. 5, 1867
May 17, 1870
Feb. 20, 1872
Dec. 20, 1859
Feb. 8, 1870
May 13, 1862
May 12, 1868
Oct. 2, 1866
Jan. 8, 1856
Mar. 17, 1838
60, 060
35, 896
1 x, 04
101, 289
130, 167
68, 011
28, 881
105, 196
100, 676
144, 151
66i, 503
44, 346
123, 753
75, 195
43, 965
73, 692
92, 003
97, 279
139, 288
60, 755
34, 891
67, 492
36, 769
71, 119
48, 556
13, 056
76, 887
43, 475
42, 163
53, 779
44, 994
15, 688
124, 553
72, 460
59, 397
122, 447
122, 590
40, 920
53, 431
47, 296
61, 006
45, 922
43, 112
12, 847
50, 588
51, 833
40, 753
124, 363
48, 564
78, 982
104, 471
43, 695
35, 427
98, 786
109, 231
18, 920
45, 935
48, 439
47, 337
36, 305
54, 832
61, 778
103, 266
123, 962
26, 541
99, 738
77, 822
58, 379
14, 063
6, 446
18, 729
97, 087
113, 083
116, 489
61, 271
12, 159
73, 553
54, 477
77, 970
58, 248
96, 243
162, 662
R. Coad......................
E. Bellenger..............
F. N. Hopkins................
J. Newton...................
E. H. Richter............
H. Slatter...................
S. O. Doris..................
W. Stickney and N. B. Chase.
F. Stoker.....................
W. Footner...................
J. Haines..................
F. P. Dimpfel.............
C. E. Lester..............
T. S. Dickerson and R. M.
Kensington, England..... May 8,1849
Mohawk, N. Y......... Dec. 1, 1857
Baltimore, Md....... Nov. 23, 1869
Providence, R. I.......... Mar. 28, 1871
Taunton, Mass......... June 27,1871
Covington, Ky............ Jan. 15, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa........ Jan. 2, 1855
Lockport, N. Y.......... Jan. 21, 1868
Lyons, France......... May 1, 1866
Chicago, Ill........ May 19, 1868
West Middleburgh, Ohio.. Sept. 25, 1866
New York, N. Y........ May 9, 1839
Philadelphia. Pa....... Jan. 14, l11
New York, N. Y........ Oct. 26, 1869
Chicago, Ill.............. May 3, 1870
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Fuel from anthracite coal-dust, Manufacture of.. E. G. Markley and G. H. Bard
Fuel from brush-wood and twigs, Manufacture of R. Daniels....................
Fuel from coal-dust and fresh-water peat, Prepar- H. S. Lucas..................;no._
Sunbury and Philadelphia, Apr. 30, 1867
Woodstock, Vt............ June 15, 1852
Chester, Mass............ Apr. 30, 1867
Fuel from coal-dust, &c., Manufacture of.......
Fuel from coal dust or slack, Manufacture of.....
Fuel from coal-dust, Solidified.................
Fuel from coal-waste, Manufacture of..............
Fuel from spent tan-bark-------------------..........................
Fuel, Generating and burning vapor.............
Fuel into blocks or bricks, Machine for pressing...
Fuel, Machine for making peat.................
Fuel, Machine for preparing peat for..............
Fuel, Machine for preparing peat for.............
Fuel, Machine for preparing peat for..............
Fuel, Machinery for manufacturing artificial......
Fuel, Manufacture of......................
Fuel, Manufacture of..............................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial...................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial....................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial...................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial..............
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial..................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial...-................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial....................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial...................
Fuel, Manufacture of artificial................
Fuel Manufacture of artificial...............
Fuel, Manufacture of peat..................
Fuel Mears of utilizing fine...................
Fuel Non-fusible.......................
Fuel, Pine resin as...................
Fuel Prepaation of artificial...................
Fuel, Preparation of peat for....................
Fuel Preparing artificial..............
Fuel Prepiaring artificial.........................
Fuel, Preparing peat.....................
Fuel, Preparing peat and other substances for....
Fuel, Preparing peat tfor.......................
Fuel, Preparing peat for......................
Fuel, Pr eparinig peat for.........................
Fuel, Preparing peat for......................
Fuel, Preparing peat for....................
Fuel, &c., Process of forming blocks and slabs
from green grasses for.
Fuel, Saving.-....-..............................
Fuel size-indicator...................
Fullers' nap and card machine................
Fulling mill.......................................
Fulling mill.......................................
Falling m ill.......................................
Fulling-m ill.......................................
Fulling-m ill- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fulling-m ill................... -- -.Fulling-m ill.................. -
Fulling-m ill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fulling-mill and power-loom....._.................
Fulling-mill and washing-machine.........
Fulling-mill called the double-crank, Construction
of the.
Fulling-mill stock, Propelling...................
Fulling vegetable and other textures, Chemical
process for.
Fulminating.powder for needle-guns..............
Fulminating-powder, Manufacture of.............
Fumigating plants, Machine for..................
Fum igator.............-........................
Fumigator for destroying vermin.............
Fumigator for smoking bees, &c............
Fumigator, Hospital, &c...................
A. Kloezewski and D. Mindeleff.
H. M. Smith..................
E. I). Williams...............
J. R. Hayes.----...-----------.............
B. Irving................
A. J. Works and A. J. Daniels
J. B. Collen..................
G. Weissenborn..............
J. H. Ames...................
S. Marden....................
A. M. Sawyer................
M. L. Keen..................
D. E. Breinig................
M. Rae...-..................
D. Barker..............
W. A. Bradley and J. Bigelow.
G. H. Bronson.................
J. F. Cranston, J. H. Banks,
and J. M. Ingersoll.
H. G. Dayton.............
E. J. De Smedt...............
C. Du Lin....................
S. D. Gilson..................
W. Ho'sted.................
C. Saffray................
J. W ebster....................
E. Thayer.....................
W. Buddl.....................
R. L. Wood.................
H. A. Archereau.............
A. Betteley...................
D. E. Contardt..............
W. H. and E. Cory.........
E. H. Ashcroft and A. Betteley
L. S. Robbins..................
A. Betteley.............
L. W. Boynton............
N. F. Potter..................
N. C. Sawyer.............
H. Winter and F. W. Newton.
T. M. Mitchell................
C. L. Fleishmann..............
Z. Phinney..................
J. Gibson, jr.............
J. Groff....----------------
W. and F. Bates.-....-........G. M. Coppo.................
C. P. Ladd...................,
R. Hunt and J. H. Waite......
S. E. Coleman...............
E. Dams....................
A. Danielson.................
R. Eickemeyer...............
E. Gessner.............
W. B. Lodge.................
T. J. M ayall............
J. McKenzie and J. C. Millar.
J. C. Millar..................
S. M. Pike.-...............
W. E. Underwood............
J. H. Waite.................
A. Atwood................
J. Kennion.................
L. Osborne.................
Washington, D. C......... July 2,1872
Chicago, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Washington, D. C........
New York. N. Y......
New York, N. Y., and
Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Newton, Mass...........
Athol, Mass...........
Royer's Ford, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Uphall, North Britain....
Northfleet, England.......
Washington, D.C.........
New York, N. Y --.....---
Springfield, Mass.........
Maysville, Ky.............
New York, N. Y..........
Mans, France............
Oswego Falls, N. Y........
Trenton, N. J............
New York, N. Y......._..Malden, Mass............
Worcester, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa. _.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Paris, France............
Boston, Mass............
New York, N.Y..........
Netting Hill, England.....
7 Lynn and Boston, Mass...
New York, N. Y...._
B.ston, Mass..........
Hartford, Conn....
Providence, IR. I...........
Boston, Mass..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y., and
South Orange, N. J.
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Washington, D. C.........
Cairo, N. Y...............
Albany, N.Y.............
Rapho, Pa..............
SSowerby Bridge, Halifax,
SParis, France............
SBloomfield, N. J..........
Orange, Mass............. West Haven, Vt........... Newark, N. J............
SOtsego, N. Y............
Yonkers, N. Y...........
Aue, Saxony..............
SDanbury, Conn.........
Roxbury, Mass...........
STroy, N. Y...............
SSpringfield, Mass....... Providence, R. I.......... Middlefield, Mass.._......
- Orange, Mass.............. Salem, N.Y................ Dutchess County, N. Y.... -..............................
Oct. 1, 1872
Mar. 6,1860
Mar. 4, 1873
Oct. 13, 1868
Jan. 10, 1871
Jan. 22, 1867
Dec. 24, 1867
July 2, 1867
Dec. 5, 1865
Oct. 1, 1867
Aug. 16, 1859
Apr. 16, 1872
Feb. 25, 1873
July 1, 1873
Dec. 28, 1868
Sept. 15,1868
Apr. 12, 1870
Nov. 20,1866
May 31, 1870
Mar. 9, 1869
Sept. 11, 1866
Sept. 4,1866
June 5, 1866
Jan. 29, 1867
Sept. 13, 1864
Dec. 1, 1863
Sept. 10, 1828
Feb. 22, 1859
Nov. 21, 1865
Mar. 8, 1864
Nov. 5, 1872
Sept. 6, 1864
Dee. 4, 1866
Aug. 8, 1865
Feb. 26, 1867
May 2, 1865
Sept. 20, 1864
Oct. 2,1866
June 7, 1870
July 2, 1872
Oct. 31, 1812
Aug. 25, 1868
Feb. 10, 1830
June 28, 1870
May 12, 1863
June 4, 1872
July 29, 1862
June 11, 1841
Sept. 21, 1869
May 16, 1815
Nov. 25, 1873
June 9,1868
July 27, 1869
Nov. 24, 1863
July 29, 1862
Aug. 20, 1850
May 28, 1872
Dec. 21,1852
Mar. 16, 1869
Oct. 1, 1830
Mar. 26, 1806
July 12, 1804
64, 243
9, 015
128, 636
131, 794
27, 401
136, 375
83. 066
110, 946
61, 318
72, 573
66, 277
51, 390
69, 370
25, 124
125, 656
136, 263
140, 452
22, 410
82, 079
101, 828
59, 791
103, 580
87, 650
57, 890
57, 708
55, 367
61, 586
44, 262
40, 791
23, 005
51, 004
41, 832
132, 751
44, 062
60, 248
49, 218
62, 469
47, 564
44, 342
58, 528
103, 913
128, 478
104, 819
38, 469
127, 489
36, 005
2, 126
95, 094
144, 841
78, 660
93, 100
40, 700
36, 013
7, 579
127, 267
9, 492
87, 806.....
66, 095
8, 303
69, 206
48, 4169
67, 714
44, 143
42, 380
144, 962
59, 025
76, 923
43, 723
50, 752
68, 188
44, 427
143, 583
91, 899
E. S. Norris................... Monmouth, Me.......... July 7,1835
W. B. Lodge.................. Danbury, Conn............June 25,1867
J. Mercer..................... Oakenshaw, England...... Aug. 19,1851
G. Boldt...................... i Chicago, Ill...............
J. Goldmark................. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
H. B. Stockwell............... Brooklyn, N. Y............
H. Biichner and F. Ebertz..... New York, N. Y........
J. S. Lipps.................... Brooklyn, N. Y.........
W. A. Baron.................. New York, N. Y..........
K. P. Kidder................. Burlington, Vt..........
D. S. Brown................... Surrey County, England..
S. Andrews.................... Perth Amboy, N. J.......
A. R. Delinger............... Gordonville, Pa...........
I. Hutchins, jr.............. Wellington, Me..........
R. Kerr.......................... Boston, Mass........
A. W. Todd _................ Chicago, Ill...........I
S. Vanstone................... Providence, R. I..........
J. R. Hamilton............... Portland, Oreg.........
G. W. Hughes................ Bloomington, Ill.........
T. J. Mayall.................. Boston, Mass..............
J. I. Beaumont............... Saint Paul, Minn.........
July 10, 1866
Sept. 24,1867
June 27, 1865
Aug. 13, 1867
Sept. 6, 1864
Sept. 10, 1812
Apr. 19, 1864
Sept. 24, 1850
Sept. 3, 1872
Nov. 25, 1873
Oct. 23, 1866
Apr. 21, 1868
Aug. 2, 1864
Oct. 31, 1865
Aug. 27, 1867
Sept. 27, 1864
Oct. 14, 1873
June 29,1869
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Funnel.......................................... F. Catlin............ Watertown, Conn......... June 25, 1867 66, 127
Funnel----------...........-------------------------...........................----... W. B. Crowther.....-...... Philadelphia, Pa.....---------- July 1, 1873 140, 350
Funnel............................................ L. P. Edwards----..... Hamlinton, Pa.....----------- Feb. 7, 1871 111, 525
Funnel------------------------------------.......................................----.... B. French..................... Rochester, N. Y........... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 637
Funnel..........................................----------------------------------------. J. Goudoin.................... New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 26, 1867 71,378
Funnel----------------------------------------........................................... G. Herrick................. Sharon, Minn............. June 7,1864 43, 075
Funnel-------------------------------...................---------.......................J. Q. Hill--------------------...................... --Worcester, Mass.......... Aug. 22, 1865 49, 522
Funnel............................................ C. Jones- -... -.. -. - Brooklyn, N. Y _...... Dec. 12, 1865 51, 515
F'unnel..........................................----------------------------------------.. H. F. Lawrence....... Vallejo, Cal............-- July 6,1869 92, 321
Funnel---------------------------------------........................................... HF. Lawrence.............. New York, N. Y......... Aug. 6,1872 130, 302
Funnel-------------------------------.................................--..... W. E. Ledmun................ Bridgeville, Del...-.--.. Mar. 1, 1870 100, 420
Funnel---------------------------------------........................................... C. L. Lochman -........... Carlisle, Pa -..-------............ Feb. 7, 1865 46, 255
Funnel.......................................... C. L. Lochman................ Carlisle, Pa............ Aug. 21, 1866 57, 347
Funnel........................................... P. H. Niles................... Boston, Mass.....------------- May 10, 1870 102, 855
Funnel........................................... S. W. O'Laughlen............. Baltimore, Md -...... June 4,1872 127,506
Funnel.-........................................... ----- N. L.Price.......... Lynchburgh, Va.......... Aug. 15, 1871 118, (51
Funnel-------------------------------.........................-------------........................... New York, N. Y----------.......... May 10, 1870 102, 974
Funnel---------------------------------------............................................ C. Schneider................. Washington, D. C........ May 4, 1852 8, 928
Funnel........................................... T. W. Slade.................. Manchester, Mass......... Mar. 3,1868 75, 065
Funnel----------------------------------------...........................................-J. D. Smedley................. Chicago, Ill................ Oct. 6, 1863 40,193
Funnel----------------------------------------............................................ A. Warth..................... Stapleton, N.Y........... Nov. 15,1870 109, 360
Funnel-........................................ C. G. Way........-........ Boston, Mass-........ Jan. 28, 1873 135, 391
Funnel, Air-escape...------------------------------..J. I. Beaumont......... Saint Paul, Minn.......... July 7, 1868 79, 799
Funnel, Air-escape............................... H. F. Hildebrand............. Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 14, 1869 94, 742
Funnel, Alarm.............................. J. Shell and J. Collins...-. Burlington, N. J.......... June 12, 1866 55, 544
Funnel and cock, Combined---------------------....................... A. G. Wilson............. Chicago, Ill.............. Mar. 6,1866 53, 074
Funnel and grater.............................. E. A. Goodes.............. Fhiladlelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 17,1868 75, 541
Funnel, Beer...................................W. Golden.............._Flint, Mich---............... - June 21, 1870 104, 575
Funnel, Bung.....-.........---------------- J. Buck.....................Baltimore, Md............ Aug. 2-2, 1871 118, 337
Funnel can-tiller................................N.L.Brundage and B. Downing Pittston, Pa.............. Mar. 15, 1870 100, 851
Funnel can-filler................................ T. Scantling.................. Evansville, Ind........... Apr. 19, 1870 102, 050
Funnel, Filtering------.. --------------......... J. H. Goodfellow............Troy, N. Y................ May 25, 1869 90, 523
Funnel for canning fruit....................... S. B. Hertwig................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Nov. 26, 1872 133, 445
Funnel for filling vessels with fluid............... P. Apple.................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 13, 1808...
Funnel, Indicating.............................J. D. Smedley................ Chicago, Ill............ Mar. 22, 1864 42, 024
Funnel-measure............................... C. W. Fuller............_Earlville, Ill............ Aug. 28, 3866 57, 494
Fucnel-measure.................................. G. A. Keene................... Newburyport, Mass....... Aug. 5, 1862 36, 095
Funnel, Measuring.....----------------------------- C. Chinnock---........... Brooklyn, N. Y........... Sept. 15,1868 82, 087
Funnel, Measuring............................... J. W. Clarke.......... -Kingston, Wis............ July 31, 1866 56, 710
Funnel, Measuring....---------------------------. W. B. Cloves.....----------------- Binghamton, N. Y-..... Jan. 22, 1867 61,398
Funnel, Measuring................................ J. K. Cohic and D. H. Shartzer. West Hempfield Town- June 3,1873 139, 496
ship, Pa.
Funnel, Measuring........................... T. E. Cropper............... Suffolk, Va......... Mar. 25,1873 137, 182
Funnel, Measuring........................... J. H. Elward.................Mendota, Ill........... May 14,1867 64, 825
Funnel, Measuring................. J. M. Estabrook............... Worcester, Mass.......... Sept. 5, 1865 49, 739
Funnel, Measuring.....------------------------------ R. F. Fisher and G. F. Waldron Boston, Mass----...... July 4, 1871 116, 580
Funnel, Measuring................................ W.E. Keene....----... Lynn, Mass............... Oct. 23,1866 59, 034
Funnel, Measuring............................ J. Lloyd..........-........ Springfield, Ohio......... Apr. 10, 1866 53, 841
Funnel, Measuring................................ G. B. Massey.................. New York, N. Y.......... May 25, 1869 90, 457
Funnel, Measuring.............................G V. McCann............Springfield, Ohio---... ---Mar. 12,1867 62, 866
Funnel, Measuring.............................. N. Otis........................ Cook County, Ill-.- -..... May 10, 1864 42, 684
Funnel, Measuring...--------- ------------. W. H. Rodgers................Brooklyn, N. Y............ Sept.24, 1867 69, 129
Funnel, Measuring...................... A. H. Whitney.............. Portland, Me............. June 26, 1866 55, 941
Funnel, Measuring_-----------.....---- -. -H. J. Wolters..................... Salem, Mass............... Mar. 9, 1869 87, 745
Funnel, Pendent measuring...................... G. A. Keene.............. Newburyport, Mass....... June 17, 1862 35, 613
Funnel, Safety measuring...................-. F. H. Smith................. Burke, Vt............... July 26, 1870 105, 857
Funnel, Sorghum --.--------......... A. Bare----------------------....................... Mexico, Ohio....------------- May 1, 1866 54, 279
Funnel with a vent. -........ D. Clark------.......--............ West Stockbridge, Mass. Apr. 9, 1810..
Funnels, Manufacture of------------------------......................... L. R. Comstock............. Baltimore, Md............ June 17,1873 139, 873
Funnels, Mode of connecting the sectionsofmetallic J. W. Cochran................ New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 23, 1858 19, 685
Fur-band, Elastic..............................- J. W. Gay...................... Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 5, 1864 41,145
Fur-blower....................................... W. B. Rotch.................I New Bedford, Mass....... Mar. 9, 1824.....
Fur-blower....................................... R. Wildman.................. Danbury, Conn........... Mar. 6, 1866 53, 071
Fur-blowing machine............................. S. Whitman-.............. New Albany, Ind......... Mar. 22, 1834.....
Fur-box....................................... H. Braunhold............... New York, N. Y.......... June20, 1871 116, 145
Fur-box.......................................... M. Fitzgibbons................ New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 2, 1869 87,334
Fur-box.......................................... S. C. Nichols..........._ Buffalo, N. Y.............. Sept. 19, 1871 119, 168
Fur-cleaning machine............................ W. Woodworth........... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 19,1831.......
Fur-coated fabrics, Manufacture of.................H. Kellogg.................. Milford, Conn....... Sept. 23, 1873 143, 163
Fur cuff---------------------------------......................................... E. H. Hart.................. New York, N. Y........ May 5, 1868 77, 483
Fur-cutting and cloth-shearing machine.......... B. Martial and D. Johnson.... Concord, N. H........... Dec. 7, 1816....
Fur-cutting machine............................. D. Beard...................... Guildford, N. C.......... Apr. 30, 1816........
Fur-cutting machine............................. M. Petre......................Womelsdorf, Pa......... Dec. 20, 1827...
Fur-cutting machine, Reciprocating............. C. M. Sampson................New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 5, 1835.
Fur, Dyeing...----------------......P. Norden and H. Miseho.... New York, N. Y......Sept. 27, 1870 107, 800
Fur, Dyeing and coloring........................ A. Miiller..................... San Francisco, Cal..... June 20, 1871 116, 211
Fur for the use of hatters, Machine for cutting.... N. Young...----.---------- --....-__.............-.. May 14, 1802.....
Fur from hair, Machine for separating.........-. C. and R. Lockwood and J. Ar- Fairfield County, Conn.... Dec. 4, 1832..
Fur from pelt; Machine for cutting............... D. Williams.......... New York, N. Y......... Oct. 25, 1832..
Fur from peltry, Cutting.......................... J. Witherle................... Boston, Mass........ May 28, 1811..
Fur from peltry, Machine for cutting- -........ E. Cutter..................... Walpole, N. H......Feb. 4, 1813.
Fur from peltry, Machine for cutting--....... W. Jackson...------ -. Burlington, N. J.......... Feb. 2, 1815..
Fur fcom peltry, Machine for cutting............ E. Sprague------........ Danbury, Con........... May 9, 1810.
Fur from peltry, Machine for pulling............. W. Jackson----........ Burlington, N. J.......... Feb. 2, 1815..
Fur from skins and pelts, Machine for cutting.... M. Clark.................. New York, N. Y........ Apr. 21, 1810..
Fur from skins, Machine for cutting............ C. C. K. Beach................. Portland, Me...... Nov. 10, 1827..
Fur from skins, Machine for cutting.......... J. Hubbard................Jamestown, N.C........Nov. 4, 1826.
Fur, Machine and process for blowing or cleaning. I. V. Cochran'.:........ New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 4, 1842 2, 842
Fur, &c., Manufacture of vegetable.......... P. Baumgras........ Syracuse, N. Y............ Apr. 12, 1864 42, 326
Fur muffler...............................G. WV. and V. F. Parker..... Kalamazoo, Mich......... Apr. 21, 1868 77, 085
Fur, Process of treating.......................... A. C. Brush........ Darien, Conn............. Jan. 23,1866 52,133
Fur-set box...... J. Crane................ Bloomfield, N. J......... Feb. 6, 1872 123, 333
Fur-set box............................... J. Crane..................... Bloomfield, N. J........... Feb. 6, 1872 123, 334
Fur-set box............................... C. W. Frazer.................. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Dec. 27, 1870 110, 615
Fur-set box...................................... B. F. Porter................... Nashau, N. H............. Nov. 14, 1871 120, 897
Fum-set box........................................ H. Smith................... Bergen Heights, N. J...... Sept. 19, 1871 119, 095
Fur-skins, Machine for extracting hair from...... S. Graham.................... Farmington, Me.......... Mar. 27, 1835...
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Fur-substitute for dressed fur-skin...............
Fur tassel......................................
Fur, wool, &c., Mode of cleaning....................
Furs, clothes, &c., from injury by moths, &c., Preserving.
See Air-furnace. Lime-burning and oreAir-heating furnace. smelting furnace.
Annealing-furnace. Locomotive-furnace.
Bagasse-furnace. Locomotive-boilerfurBarrel-pitching fur- nace.
nace. Melting-furnace.
Blast-furnace. Melting and smelting
Blast-heating furnace, furnace.
Boiler-furnace. Metal-heating furnace.
Boiler and stove fur- Metal-meltingfurnace.
nace. Metal - plate - heating
Boiling-furnace. furnace.
Bone-black furnace. Metal - treating furBone-black reburning nace.
and ore-reducing Metallurgic furnace.
furnace. Metallurgic gas-furBroiling-furnace. nace.
Charcoal-furnace. Ore-furnace.
Chimney-furnace. Ore-calcining furnace.
Cider-clarifying fur. Ore-oxidizing furnace.
nace. Ore-reducing furnace.
Coal-furnace. Ore-roasting furnace.
Coking-furnace. Ore roasting and treatCooking-furnace. in g furnace.
Crucible and metal- Ore-smelting furnace.
heating furnace. Ore-treating furnace.
Cupola furnace. Oven-heating furnace.
Decarboni z in g - fur- Pipe-welding furnace.
nace. Portable furnace.
Dentist's furnace. Puddling-furnace.
Deodorizing-furnace. Pyrite-burning fur.
Deoxidizing-furnace. nace.
Desulphurizing -fur- Quicksilver-furnace.
nace. Radiating-furnace.
Drying-furnace. Refuse-burning furEvaporating-pan fur- nace.
nace. Regenerator-furnace.
Evaporator-furnace. Retort-furnace.
Fire-proof furnace. Reverberatory furFixing, puddling, and nace.
boiler furnace. Reverberatory and cu.
Forge-furnace. pola furnace.
Friction-furnace. Roasting-furnace.
Fuel-burning furnace. Salt-furnace.
Fuel-economizing and Salt-boiling furnace.
smoke-consuming Sand-drying furnace.
furnace. Saw-dust-burning furGas-furnace. nace.
Gas-burning furnace. Saw-heating furnace.
Gas-generating fur- Scythe - heating furnace. nace.
Gas-producing fur- Shaft-furnace.
nace. Small-coal furnace.
Gas-retort furnace. Small coal or culm furGypsum-calcining fur- nace.
nace. Smelting-furnace.
Glass-furnace. Smoke - burning furGlass-melting furnace. nace.
Hatter's furnace. Smoke-condensingfurHatter's iron-furnace. nace.
Heating-furnace. Smoke-consuming furReating and puddling nace.
furnace. Soldering-furnace.
Hot-air furnace. Spider-furnace.
House-warming fur- Steam-furnace.
nace. Steamboat-furnace.
Iron furnace. Steam-engine furnace.
Iron and steel furnace. Steam-generating furIron boiling and pud- nace.
dling furnace. Steam-generator furIron - finishing fur- nace.
nace. Steel heating and temIron-galvanizing fur- pering furnace.
nace.Steel, iron, &c., meltIron-heating furnace, ing furnace.
Iron heating and pud- Steel-melting furnace.
dling furnace. Steel-tempering furIron-manufacturing nace.
furnace. Stove-furnace.
Iron-melting furnace. Sugar-juice-evaporatIron melting and re- uing-furnace.
fining furnace. Summer-furnace.
Iron-plating furnace. Tailor's furnace.
Iron- remelting fur- Tank-furnace.
nace. Tinman's furnace.
Iron-smelting furnace. Tinner's furnace.
Iron-working furnace. Tinsmith's furnace.
Kiln-furnace. Tire-heating furnace.
Lead - smelting fur- Tire sprinkling and
nace. removing furnace.
Lime- burning fur- Tubc-heating furnace.
nace. Zinc-furnace.
73 P
A. Belden....................
J. Schmid..................
D. Vail.....................
J. Crane.................
Hudson, N. Y.............
Boston, Mass.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bloomfield, N. J...........
Apr. 22, 1835
Mar. 12, 1872
Feb. 21, 1821
July 6, 1869
124, 633
92, 274
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
F urnace.- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -
Furnace - - ----------
Furnace air and boiler-water heater...............
Furnace and bake-oven.............................
Furnace and boiler...............................
Furnace and boiler combined...................
Furnace and cooking-range........................
Furnace and cupola..........................
Furnace and furnace-bar.........................
Furnace and furnace-door........................
Furnace and range, Combined....................
Furnace and steam-boiler, Combined..............
Furnace and steam-generator combined........
Furnace and steam-generator, Combined...........
Furnace and steam-generator for heating, &c......
Furnace and stove...............................
Furnace and stove draft-regulator...............
Furnace and tea-kettle combined................
Furnace and ventilator...........................
Furnace baker:...................................
Furnace-blower tube......................
Furnace, Combined........................
Furnace dead-plate........................
Furnace-door --.................
J. Albee..... -...
T. and J. Aldridge -.......
M. Battel....................
C. F. Baxter..................
B. F. Blood...................
J. Case and I. Soules..........
I. Clute and J. Seabury........
C. F. Cory...............
N. F. B. De Chodzko..........
J. H. Duhme..................
B. W. Dunklee.............
W. Duryea and W. Ennis....
J. Ekin......................
W. Ennis...................
WV. Ennis....................
B. D. Evans..................
S. E. Foster...................
D. Hargar..................
M. L. Horton.................
J. B. Hoyt...............
J. Leeds.....................
D. G. Littlefield............
P. Low........-............
M. F. Magliocco..............
J. McCracken..............
J. T. McDougall..............
J. H. Mearns.................
J. R. Morris..................
B. Palazot....................
S. Pierce.....................
R. B. Pullan.................
G. E. Reynolds...............
C. Schacher and L. Feret......
G. Schreyer...................---------------
T. P. Scripter................
J. Sholl.......................
J. W. Smith..................
L. Solomon..................
T. S. Speakman..............
J. L. Stevens.................
W. Stevens.................
R. R. Taylor................
W. D. Thomas...............
C. W. Trotter...............
J. I. Vinton and E. John......
B. H. Washington............
R. Wells................
D. T. Woodrow..............
Z. C. Robbins.................
C. E. Russell................
H. Meclure..............
A. Harrison.......
J. Brown and L. Bridges......
Z. Ellis......................
E. R. Austin................
B. R. Hawley...............
E. Edwards.............
L. Disbrow.................
O. W. Ketchum.............
F. Morth................
B. R. Hawley..............
C. B. Sawyer..................
F. E. Chatard,,jr..............
C. L. Taylor and G. C. Setchell.
C. B. Sawyer................
B. W. Reynolds..............
J. Seabury...................
L. Disbrow...................
A. C. Rand...............
D. Auld,jr....................
J. M. Clark...................
W. W. Crane................
L. F. Johnson................
J. Philips and D. Keeley......
N. L. Sibley and B. Shiverick.
Residence. Date.
Boston, Mass-----------.............. Oct. 4, 1864
Hudson City, N. J......... Oct. 27, 1857
Albany, N. Y........... Sept. 18, 1860
Boston, Mass.............. June 19, 1860
Port Jackson, N. Y........ Dec. 29, 1857
Amsterdam, N. Y-....... Oct. 20, 1857
New York, N. Y.......... June 28, 1859
Cohoes, N. Y.............. Dec. 5, 1842
Lebanon, Ill.............Nov. 27, 1860
Paris, France............. June 16, 1863
Cincinnati, Ohio......... June 28, 59
Boston, Mass........... Oct. 11, 1859
Glen Cove, N. Y., and Mar. 24, 1868
Hudson, N. J.
Xenia, Ohio........... Mar. 18,1862
New York, N. Y......... May 29,1866
Hudson, N. J........... Jan. 1, 1867
Mount Vernon, Ohio...... Mar. 20, 1860
Fitchburgh, Mass..... Oct. 25, 1864
Des Moines, Iowa......... Nov. 5, 1867
Worcester, Mass........ Feb. 18,1868
Stamford, Conn.......... Feb. 8,1870
Philadelphia, Pa......... May 20,1865
Albany, N. Y......... Oct. 9, 1860
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Apr. 3, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 18, 1864
Bloomfield, N. J.......... Apr. 13, 1858
San Francisco, Cal....-.. Dec. 4, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa....... Oct. 16, 1866
Houston, Tex............. Apr. 12,1870
Bordeaux, France......... July 7, 1863
Troy, N. Y............... Jan. 18, 1859
Cincinnati, Ohio....... Jan. 24, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa......... May 1, 1866
Paris, France............ Dec. 16, 1873
Columbus, Ohio........ Mar. 10, 1868
Des Moines, Iowa......... May 23, 1871
Burlington, N. J........ Aug. 6, 1867
Chicago, Ill............ Tan. 30, 1872
New York, N. Y........ July 19, 1859
Camden, N. J........ -Feb. 22, 1870
Kennington, England.... Nov. 21; 1854
Bloomington, Ill......... Oct. 1,1867
Reading, Pa............ May 8, 1860
Morristown, Vt......... Sept. 4, 1860
Rochester, N. Y........... June 18, 1867
Ironton, Ohio............. Oct. 4,1859
Hannibal, Md-......... July 6, 1858
Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 30, 1856
Cincinnati, Ohio...-... Aug. 28, 1860
Saint Louis, Mo...._.... Oct. 16, 1844
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 13, 1835
Terre Haute, Ind......... Oct. 2, 1866
New Haven, Conn........ Mar. 2, 1836
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 2, 1860
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 15, 1864
Norwalk, Conn............ Oct. 31, 1871
Normal, Ill------...... Mar. 4, 1873
South Boston, Mass..... Sept. 13, 1870
New York, N. Y........ May 6, 1833
Toronto, Canada.........June 10, 1873
Vienna, Austria........ Aug. 10, 1869
Normal, Ill............ Mar. 4, 1873
Fitchburgh, Mass........ June 7, 1859
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 26, 1871
Greenville, Conn.......... Aug. 30, 1870
Fitchburgh, Mass........ Aug. 30, 1859
Boston, Mass................June 10, 1840
Evansville, Ind -....... July 18, 1871
New York, N. Y........July 31, 1847
New York, N. Y......... May 6, 1833
Aurora, Ill................ Mar. 26, 1872
Glasgow, North Britain.. Dec. 16,1873
Louisville, Ky........... Dec. 2,1873
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 22, 1868
Buffalo, N. Y............ Oct. 6, 1868
Phoenixville, Pa.........Sept. 28, 1869
Waltham and Weston, July 25, 1865
Baltimore, Md............ Dec. 19,1865
Saugerties, N. Y.......... Apr. 21, 1868
Chicago, Ill------.........------...... Feb. 14, 1865
Albany, N. Y............. June 21, 1859
Manchester, N. H-......... Oct. 5, 1869
Chester, Pa............... Mar. 3, 1868
Canton, Ohio.............. Oct. 16, 1866
Burlington, Vt........... Feb. 20, 1866
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Nov. 26, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa...... May 27, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa -------Apr. 21, 1868
East Boston, Mass...... May 16, 1871
Alexandria, Va........... Nov. 28, 1871
Pittsburgh, Pa............ June 30, 1863
Paris, France............. Jan. 28, 1873
Muskegon, Mich.......... Feb. 15, 1870
London, Great Britain...., Feb. 7,1871
Boston, M ass......... Feb. 7, 1871
44, 497
18, 491
30, 040
28, 730
18, 432
24, 599
2, 875
30, 724
38, 885
24, 547
25, 729
75, 881
34, 714
55, 079
60, 867
27, 541
44, 835
70, 557
74, 536
99, 570
47, 963
30, 333
27, 724
44, 772
19, 942
60, 219
58, 863
101, 965
39, 168
22, 670
26, 920
54, 409
145, 689
75, 300
115, 111
67, 457
123, 300
24, 828
100, 205
11, 975
69, 505
28, 214
29, 925
65, 967
25, 694
20, 836
15, 832
29, 840
3, 796...
58, 552
30, 203
45, 030
120, 361
136, 509
107, 347
139, 795
93, 468
138, 510
24, 332
122, 105
106, 889
25. 279
1, 627
117, 206
5, 213
125, 080
145, 608
145, 150
82, 294
82, 721
95, 263
51, 638
77, 112
46, 423
24, 493
95, 550
75, 053
58, 799
52, 695
71, 433
55, 138
77, 081
114, 965
121, 398
39, 057
135, 298
99, 793
111, 616
111, 705
Furnace-door................................. J. Wickersham...............
Furnace-door fastening......................... P. E. Shear...................
Furnace-door for boilersJ.......................... J. Penketh.................
Furnace-door flame............ -..........P. A. Sabbaton................
Furnace-door frame........................ D. H. Young..................
Furnace-door latch..........................--.... JL. Reilly...................
Furnace-door-opening device...................... H. Fessler and H. Maxell....
Furnace door-regulator.........................I O. A. Dodge.................
Furnace-doors, Constructing...................... J. Watson...................
Furnace draft-regulator.......... A. H. Mershon...............
Furnace draft-regulator...................... J. F. Neall and W. Myers...
Furnace draft-regulator, Boiler....--.............. W. E. Pearson................
Furnace draft-regulator, Steam-boiler............. T. H. Moore.................
Furnace for burning as fuel tar, oil, &c............ ------- J. C. Love..............
Furnace for burning coal-dust, small fuel, &c-...... J. Tissot-----...----..
Furnace for burning edgings, saw-dust, &c...-..... I. O. Smith...............
Furnace for burning pulverized fuel..-...--...- T. R. Crampton...............
Furnace for burning pulverized fuel under steam- J. D. Whelploy and J. J. Storer
boilers, evaporators, &c
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Furnace for burning shavings -..................
Furnace for burning wet fuel....................
Furnace for heating metallic bars, tubes, &c.....
Furnace for liberating and using the gaseous products of coal.
Furnaco for producing hydrocarbon and treating
Furnace-grate bar...............................
Furnace-grate bar................................
Furnace, Heating----------------------------................................Furnace, Heating................................
Furnace-lining, retorts, &c., Plastic compound for.
Furnaceman's clamp...........................
Furnace-mold clamp.............................Furnace or oven and tempering-die combined....Furnace or stove, Economical..................
Furnace-raking.attachment---------... ----------
Furnace-regulator for hot-water apparatus......
Furnace-shield....................................Furnace smoke-stack..................................
Furnace, stove, &c...............................
Furnace with reflectors..........................
Furnaces, Apparatus for burning liquid fuel to heat
Furnaces, Apparatus for distributing and feeding
powdered fuel to.
Furnaces, Apparatus for increasing the draft of...
Furnaces, Apparatus for supplying gases to.....
Furnaces, Apparatus for supplying saw-dust to...- --
Furnaces, Apparatus for utilizing heat from......Furnaces, &c, Blasts by steam-jets fr...........---------
Furnaces, Bridge-wall for...................
Furnaces, Checking draft in.................
Furnaces, crucibles, &c., Composition fbr lining...
Furnaces, Door for reverberatory and other.._...
Furnaces, Feeding.........................Furnaces, Feeding fuel to.........................
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to..............
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to.................
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to------.......----..--....-.........
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to..................
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to........................
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to.........................
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to...................
Furnaces, Feeding fuel to................
Furnaces, Feeding pulverized fuel to..............
Furnaces, Feeding pulverized fuiel to metallurgical
and other.
Furnaces, Feeding saw-dust to....................
Furnaces, Feeding saw-dust to....................
Furnaces, Feeding saw-dust to....................
Furnaces, Fire-chamber for................
Furnaces, Machine for feeding fuel to..........
Furnaces, Means for directing blast in..........
Furnaces, Method of promoting combustion in....
Furnaces, Mode of making----....----.-------
Furnaces, Mode of producing hot-blast in.......
Furnaces of steam-engines, &c., Supplying air to...
Furnaces, Protecting hearths of...................
Furnaces, Protecting heated parts of..............
Furnaces, Removing slag from...................
Furnaces, Restoring waste heat from................
Furnaces, safes, &c., Lining for---------------....................
Furnaces, Saw-dust feeder for.....................
Furnaces, Saw-dust feeder for...............
Furnaces, Self-regulating hot-blast for.....
Furnaces, Straw-feeding attachment for.......
Furnaces, Straw-feeding attachment to.........
Furnaces, Treating cinder for fixing..........
Furnaces, Utilizing slag of..................
Furnaces, Ventilating...--...-----------..............-......
Furnaces with hot-air, Apparatus for supplying.._
Furnaces with hot-air, Supplying..................
Furnaces with hydrocarbon liquids, Heating......
Furnaces with pulverized metal, Apparatus for
Furniture and other purposes, Composition for....
Furniture. Barber's..........................
Furniture, Cabinet......................................
Furniture, Construction of------......---.................Furniture-drawer...............................
Furniture-drawer and fastening...................
Furniture, Drawer for cabinet.....................
Furniture-edge..-------------------- -..
Furniture, &o., Elastic tip for........
Furniture. Extensible............................
Furniture fastening...........................
Furniture fender -.............................
Furniture fender or cushion....................
Furniture Floor-attachment for................
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
L. Crandell.................. New York, N. Y....--------- Dec. 13, 1870 110, 118
M. Thompson...---.....---. Henrico County, Va-..... Apr. 10, 1855 12, 678
S. P. M. Tasker-...-------.. Philadelphia, Pa-..--------.. Feb. 11, 1873 135, 674
T. T. Prosser............... Chicago, Ill-.....--.. Apr. 20, 1869 89, 239
J. R. Morris---------------.................. Houston, Tex............. ---Mar. 28, 1871 113, 191
J. Cone and W. K. Kelly...... Bristol, Pa............... Feb. 8, 1870 99, 642
C. Hoffman--------------................... -New York, N. Y......... Jan. 23, 1872 123, 018
G. W. Wilson................. Chelsea, Mass........ Sept. 13, 1864 44, 246
M. F. Magliocco..------------Philadelphia, Pa.....-------- Oct. 8, 1867 69, 568
W. Von Faber du Faur -.... Wiirtemberg---------............- Apr. 16, 1842 2, 558
B. A. Haycock------------................ Richland, Iowa--------........... Apr. 7, 1868 76, 442
S J. Payne................... Charlton, England.... May 6, 1873 138, 688
A. P. Briggs.................. Taunton, Mass------ ----Mar. 6, 1866 52, 958
E. Card....................... Providence, R. I--.---.. Apr. 2,1867 63,468
H. Disston.................... Philadelphia, Pa...-. - Sept. 20, 1870 107, 599
J. Poudrell................... New York, N. Y ------. - Apr. 6, 1808....
J. Ballou...................... Boston, Mass---.....--. June 6, 1871 115, 677
J. Rice........................ Owego, N. Y....------------ July 12, 1870 105, 249
E. Barrows...............-New York, N. Y...----. May 28, 1846 4,538
Tc T. Tasker............ Philadelphia, Pa......... Dec. 5, 1854 12, 039
E. S. Collins.................. United States Navy-..... Jan. 22, 1867 61, 401
B. F. Smith-.......... New Orleans, La.... Sept. 12, 1871 118, 883
S. Rolph. - - Wales, N. Y...------------ Nov. 8, 1826........
J. Hurd, jr..-................. Boston, Mass---...------.. --Nov. 10, 1829.
W. C. Wren................. Brooklyn, N. Y ---...--. Oct. 1, 1872 131,804
T. R. Crampton............... London, Great Britain... Feb. 7, 1871 111, 615
I. B. Martin................... Wilmington, N. C......... Feb. 1, 1859 22, 814
S. C. Salisbury...-............. New York, N. Y........ Aug.27, 1867 68, 119
H. Doty.................. Cardington, Ohio........ Nov. 22, 1859 26, 169
S. Bennett----------------.................... Newcastle, Pa-------............ -Oct. 24, 1865 50, 551
P. W. Mackenzie............ Blauveltville, N. Y-........ Apr. 25, 1871 114, 163
S. C. Sturtevant.............. Cleveland, Ohio..-.... Nov. 11, 1873 144, 421
J. C. Bagnall.................. Saint Louis, Mo..-... June 11, '867 65,630
A. E. Bates................... Monroe, Mich-..--------. Dec. 9, 1873 145, 326
C. H. Burgess, 2d............. Sandwich, Mass-...-. -- Feb. 18, 1862 34, 401
S. M. Fales................... Baltimore, Md ----------May 16, 1846 4, 527
G. F. Deacon.................. Liverpool, England...-.. June 20, 1871 116, 165
H. Delano.................. Syracuse, N. Y......... Mar. 20, 1855 12, 546
J. Henington..............Richmond, Ind.......... Apr. 14, 1857 17, 039
C. P. Leavitt......-...........Newark, N. J..........Aug.12, 1873 141, 650
J. G. McCormick............ Louisville, Ky.......... July 14, 1868 79, 914
J. Y. Smith.......... Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Oct. 17, 1871 120, 007
J. Y. Smith... -----.. Pittsburgh, Pa--...-.---.. Nov. 7,1871 120, 680
A. M. Sprague.......... Mobile, Ala......... Apr. 15, 1856 14, 674
J. D. Whelpley and J. J. Storer Boston, Mass-......... Nov. 13, 1866 59, 035
T. R. Crampton............... London, Great Britain..-. Feb. 7, 1871 111,614
J. Y. Smith.............. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Oct. 17, 1871 120, 008
A. J. Emlaw..................Grand Haven, Mich....... Oct. 17, 1870 120, 052
J. A. McClelland--.........Vernon, Ind............. Aug. 4, 1868 80, 647
J. P. Wigal............... Henderson, Ky......---------- May 8, 1860 28, 226
S. Smith_.................. Worcester, Mass.....---------- Apr. 16, 1867 63, 956
A. Rogers and E. Tarrant.... Muskegon, Mich.......... Mar. 14, 1871 112, 636
B. H. Washington---............ - Hannibal, Mo-......... Nov. 7, 1854 11, 914
C. Fisher..----------------................... --Trenton, N. J.......... Sept. 25, 1866 58, 239
G. W. Robinson -. -----. Attleborough, Mass-..... Aug. 19, 1822..
T. McDowell.......... Light Street, Pa.......... Mar. 10, 1868 75, 442
P. Robinson................... Waterloo, N. Y......... Apr. 20, 1844 3, 555
H. W. Ellicott................. Baltimore, Md--..----. Jan. 3, 1871 110, 639
E. G. Scovil................... St. John's, NewBrunswick Oct. 22, 1867 '70, 031
J. Thomas................. Hokendauqua, Pa........ Feb. 14, 1871 111 789
W. Gorman and J. Paton.....Glasgow, Great Britain... July 16, 1872 129, 403
A. C. Hamlin.................. Bangor, He............ Apr. 23, 1872 125, 951
M. Garland............... West Eau Claire, Wis.... May 28, 1872 127, 335
S.-Sykes................---- Chippewa Falls, Wis....-. June 15,1869 91, 384
C. Schinz..................... Camden, N. J............. Dec. 4, 1855 13, 887
D. Morey ------------------Watsonville, Cal........ Feb. 11, 1873 135, 659
D. Morey ---................... Watsonville, Cal.......... May 20, 1873 139, 075
A. McDonald................. Allegheny, Pa..........Mar. 31, 1868 76, 223
W. H. Smith...............Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 7,1852 9, 459
H. Ruttan................... Coburg, Canada....... May 20, 1851 8,109
C. Fletcher.................. Cincinnati, Ohio......... Aug. 16, 1859 25, 159
C. Fletcher................... Cincinnati, Ohio....... June 12, 1855 13, 031
J. K. Caldwell................. -Philadelphia, Pa......--Mar. 19, 1872 124, 791
E. Schmitz--------------................... ----New York, N. Y......... Jan. 23, 1855 12, 286
J. J. Wiggin.................. Cincinnati, Ohio........ Dec. 4, 1866 60, 309
J. B. Haupt................... Philadelphia, Pa..........July 16, 1872 129, 556
O. Stoelker.................... Montgomery, Ala......... Aug. 16, 1870 106, 425
J. H. Howcroft................ Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Mar. 12, 1872 124, 577
J. D. Browne.................. Cincinnati, Ohio--------.......... Aug. 16, 1879 25, 089
A. D. Brown................. Glasgow, North Britain... Jan. 19, 1858 19, 127
C. Brada.................. -Newton, Mass............ Sept. 24, 1867 69, 068
E. B. Johnson............... Milwaukee, Wis.......... May 25, 1869 90, 452
G. F. Joyce................. Boston, Mass............ May 10, 1870 102, 826
J. W. Warth.............. New York, N. Y.......... July 16, 1872 129, 377
J. Koch.................... Brookline, Mass........... Mar. 17, 186s 75, 553
L. Burnell......... Milwaukee, Wis.......... Nov. 8, 1870 109, 110
F. Hiitwohl.................. New York, N. Y......... Mar. 24, 1868 75, 920
W. S. Paddock................ Albany, N. Y............. July 13,1869 92, 639
J. M. Dennis.................. Galesburgh, Ill............ Dec. 5, 1871 121, 596
L. A. Johnson................ Candor, N. Y............. Aug. 23, 1870 106, 590
G. R. Willmot............. Meriden, Conn............ Feb. 20, 1872 123, 965
G. R. Willmot................. Meriden, Conm........... Apr. 11, 1871 113, 605
I. Cole...................... Cincinnati, Ohio......... Mar. 27, 1866 53, -115
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Officee from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Furniture, Folding..............................--
Furniture for vessels......................
Furniture, House, ship, and camp..................
Furniture, Joint for folding.....................
Furniture-legs, Elastic tip for...............
Furniture-lock, Automatic..................
Furniture, Marine.................................
Furniture, Marine...............................
Furniture, Marine..........................
Furniture, Means for attaching elastic tips to legs of
Furniture, Means for attaching hooks to..........
Furniture, Method of manufacturing............
Furniture-nail die.............................
Furniture, Ornamenting....................
Furniture-pad...... ----------------------------
Furniture polish and restorer...................
Furniture, Printers'...........................
Furniture rubber or brush.........................
Furnitureruheor brush----------------------
Furniture, School......-------------------------
Furniture, School.................................
Furniture spring........
Furniture, Spring-guard for legs of..............
Furniture-spring, Japanned................
Furniture-springs, Method of manufacturing......
Furniture, Stationary....-----------------------
Furniture, Triangular stand for.................
Furniture, Upholstering.......................
Furniture, Wall-guard for........................
Furrow in land, Machine for dressing............
Furrowing and dropping corn, Machine for.......
Fuse, Blasting, &c................................
Fuse, Blasting, &c...............................
Fuse, Blasting...........................
Fuse, Blasting...........................
Fuse, Blasting...........................
Fuse, Blasting...........................
Fuse, Blasting...........................
Fuse, Blasting................................
Fuse, Combined time and concussion.............
Fuse, Combined time and concussion...............
Fuse, Combined time, percussion, and concussion.
Fuse composition, Safety..........................
Fuse, Concussion..................................
Fuse, Electric....................................
Fuse, Electric....................................
Fuse, Electric.-----------------------------..
Fuse, Electric....................................
Fuse, Electric.....................................
Fuse, Electric.......................................
Fuse, Electric blasting............................
Fuse for conveying fire in blasting rocks, &c., Machine for making safety.
Fuse for explosive projectiles, Concussion......
Fuse for explosive projectiles, Safety concussion -..
Fuse for explosive shell................
Fuse for explosive shell...........................
Fuse for explosive shell, &c......................
Fuse for explosive shell...........................
Fuse for explosive shell...........................
Fuse for explosive shell...........................
Fuse for explosive shell...........................---------------------
Fuse for explosive shell........................
Fuse for explosive shell, Combined time and percussion.
Fuse for explosive shell, Concussion..............
Fuse for explosive shell, Concussion.......
Fuse for explosive shell, Concussion.......
Fuse for explosive shell, Concussion.......
Fuse for explosive shell, Percussion.......
Fuse for explosive shell, Percussion.......
A. Tracy......................
S. F. Pratt....................
E. Clibborn.................
N. Thompson.................
J. C. Orr and J. M. Baird......
E. S. Torrey...................
J. T. Brown and I. Hird.......
J. Foster----------------......................E. Gallier....................
L. D. Newell.................
E. S. Torrey.............
A. Moutleart and W. Tent.. -.
J. H. Belter.................
W. H. Van Gieson............
J. E. Rogers..................
D. H. Clark and H. Winson....
J. E. Earle...................
W. B. Moses.................
J. L. Brabyn..................
C.A. Libby...................
A. Sabatier..................
G. Bricker, sr.................
T. J. House.................
G. F. Boyden................
A. Strawbridge...............
B. Y. Conklin................
J. M. Johnson................
J. L. Riter.................
W. T. Doremus...............
W. T. IDoremus...............
W. T. Doremus...............
W. T. Doremus.................
D. Hawkins-..............
J. M. Kirkpatrick..........
C. F. and J. W. Tillman.......
F. Tylee....................
W. C. Wyckoff.............
D. F. Hartman................
J. J. Eagleton.................
J. L. Haigh..................
A. D. Hibbs...................
J. F. Akerstein................
O. B. Collins..................
T. W. Currier................
F. Mathesius................
J. L. Brander................
J. Whitehead................
G. H. Comer....-............M. and I. Nichols.............
W. S. Riggs.....................
F. M. Birdsall...............
P. Jotter................
W. H Rutledge...........
J. I. Wilson....................
R. Bacon................
J. S. Bickford.................
S. H. Daddow................
S. H. Daddow.................
T. P. Shaffner................
T. P. Shaffner................
T. H. Walton..................
R. Wren.....................
C. Ariek.....................
W. F. Goodwin..............
A. Merriman..................
W. H. Rogers................
E. Gomez and W. Mills.......
E. A. Dana...................
C. A. and I. S. Browne.........
G. M. Mowbray..............
T. P. Shaffner................
H. J. Smith..................
H. J. Smith..................
H. J. Smith..................
C. A. and I. S. Browne.......
W. Lewis...................
J. L. Henry...................
J. P. Schenckl.............
F. Alger......................
C. Arick.....................
J. F. Clew...................
J. McIntyre.................
J. McIntyre..................
B. F. Sturtevant...........
B. F. Sturtevant...........
B. F. Sturtevant..........
S. and A. M. Sawyer.."
W. S. Beebe........
G. P. Ganster.......
B. B. Hotchkiss...............
J. P. Schenckl................
A. J. Simpson and J. J. Janezeck.
J. W. Cochran...............
J. WV. Cochran...............
United States Army......
loxbury, Mass.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Wheeling, W. Va.....
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Sandwich, Mass..........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y. _.
Mildmay Park and London, England.
New York, N. Y......
Waterbury, Conn.......
Chelsea; Mass....
New Haven, Conn....
New Haven, Conn....
Washington, D. C........
New York, N. Y..........
LaCygne, Kans..........
New York, N. Y..........
Newville, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Providence, R. I..
Covington, Ky............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Chillicothe, Ohio..........
Brownsville, Ind......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Derby, Conn.............
Utica, Ohio..............
La Crosse, Wis..........
Clevelan(, Ohio.........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Charles City, Iowa.......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
Trenton, N. J........
Chicago, Ill--.....-..--.
Carthage Landing, N. Y..
Lawrence, Mass-........
New York, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass...........
Manchester, Va.........
Indiana, Canada..-....
Otsego County, N. Y......
Hightstown, N. J........
Martinsville, Ohio.......
Monroe, Ohio.............
Hamilton, Ohio..-...
Abingdon, Ill..........
Simsbury, Conn-........
Tuckingmill, Great Britain
Saint Clair, Pa............
Saint Clair, Pa............
Louisville, Ky........
Louisville, Ky........
Ashland, Pa..........
Santa Cruz, Cal.....--..
Saint Clairsville, Ohio....
Powhatan, Ohio.......
New York, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brookline, Mass..........
Adams, Mass............
North Adams, Mass......
Louisville, Ky............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass -............
North Adams, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
United States Army......
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass.- ---...
Saint Clairsville, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..
Fitchburgh, Mass.-..
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Sharon, Conn............
Boston, Mass.......
P hi ladelphia, Pa., and
Washington, D. C.
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
June 26, 1860
May 21, 1867
Sept. 12, 1831
Dec. 12, 1871
July '22,1873
Jan. 15, 1867
Nov. 1, 1870
May 21, 1867
Apr. 6, 1869
Apr. 5, 1870
Jan. 1,1867
Feb. 9, 1864
Feb. 23,1858
Sept. 5, 1865
Mar. 12,1872
Mar. 14, 1871
Nov. 6, 1866
Apr. 5,1870
Aug. 19, 1856
Apr. 29, 1873
June 19, 1860
Jan. 1, 1867
Mar. 2, 1869
Dec. 29, 1868
Nov. 29, 1864
Oct. 29, 1872
June 14, 1870
Mar. 4, 1873
Dec. 17, 1872
Apr. 8, 1873
June 24, 1873
June 24, 1873
Oct. 17, 1865
Jan. 19, 1869
Dec. 15, 1863
Mar. 22, 1864
Dec. 19, 1865
May 16,1871
Dec. 19, 1871
Feb. 13, 1872
Apr. 26, 1870
June 27,1871
Dec. 22, 1868
Feb. 22,1859
May 17, 1853
Feb. 6, 1872
June 2, 1857
Nov. 12, 1872
Oct. 12, 1809
Oct. 11, 1864
May 22, 1866
Dec. 3, 1872
Aug. 26, 1873
Feb. 6, 1866
Feb. 5,1847
May 9, 1865
Oct. 8, 1872
Dec. 24, 1872
Aug. 17, 1869
Dec. 28, 1869
Jan. 3, 1865
Apr. 25, 1871
Sept. 6, 1864
Nov. 1, 1864
Oct. 4, 1864
June 7, 1870
Sept.15, 1857
Apr. 20,1869
July 16, 1872
June 10, 1873
Dec. 18, 1866
Nov. 23,1869
Mar. 21, 1871
Oct. 18, 1870
Oct. 26,1838
June 2,1863
Oct. 15, 1861
Sept. 2,1862
Oct. 11, 1864
Nov. 15, 1864
Oct. 20,1863
Oct. 4, 1864
July 29,186
July 29, 1862
July 29, 1862
Aug. 12, 1862
Apr. 16, 1867
June 13, 1865
June 17, 1862
Aug. 19, 1862
July 9, 1867
Jan. 6, 1863
Feb. 17, 1863.
28, 9-21
65, 007
121, 735
141, 071
61, 282
108, 874
64, 962
88, 622
101, 495
60, 967
41, 528
19, 405
49, 808
112, 686
59, 371
101, 648
15, 550
138, 262
28, 779
60, 679
87, 339
85, 361
45, 302
132, 522
104, 161
136, 548
133, 971
137, 600
140, 188
50, 471
85, 938
40, 963
42, 053
51, 644
114, 812
122, 001
123, 627
102, 398
116, 392
85, 071
23, 013
9, 730
123, 377
132, 952
44, 659
54, 842
133, 537
142, 283
52, 482
4, 957
132, 061
134, 128
93, 755
98, 428
45, 771
114, 233
44, 061
44, 861
44, 546
103, 931
18, 199
89, 204
128, 945
139, 686
60, 569
112, 859
108, 324
38, 797
33, 495
36, 329
44, 588
45, 024
40, 350
44, 581
36, 037
36, 038
36, 039
36, 172
63, 834
48, 167
35, 611
36, 236
66, 644
37, 275
37, 675
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Fuse for explosiv
Fase for explosiv
Fuse for explosiv
Fuse for explosiv
Fuse for explosiv
Fuse for explosiv
Fuse for exptlosiv
Fuse for explosiv
Fuse for explosiv
Fuse for shell...
Fuse for shell, Cc
Fuse for shell, Cc
Fuse for shell, C
Fuse for shell, Co
Fuse for shell, C
Fuse for shell, Co
F'use for shell, Co
Fuse for shell, Co
Fuse for shell, Co(
Fuse for shell, Ig
Fuse for shell, Ig
Fuse for shell, P
Fuse for shell, P,
Fuse for shell, P
Fuse for shell, Pe
Fuse for shell, Ti
Fuse for shell, Ti
Fuse head, Elect
Fuse heads, Elec
Fuse-hood for ex
Fuse-hood for sh
Fuse-lock, Miner
Fuse-making ma
Fuse of shells an
Fuse or slow-mat
Fuse. Percussion
Fuse, Safety --....
Fuse, Safety....
Fuse, Safety... - -
Fuse, Shell-....
Fuse, Shell-......
Fuse, Shell..-....
Fuse, Shell......
Fuse, Shell......
Fuse-stock for bo
Fuse, Tape -... -----
Fuse, Tape-...
Fuse to shell, Ap
Fuses, Apparatu
Fuses by electric
Fuses, Compoun
Fuses, Compoun
Fuses, Concussio
Fuses, Construct
Fuses for explosiv
Fuses, Machine:
Fuses, Machiner
Fuses, Mauufact
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
e shell, Percussion............. J. A. Curran............... United States Army..... May 23, 1865 47, 803
e shell, Percussion............. -----B.B. Hotchkiss.--............. Sharon, Conn............. ----Sept. 16, 1862 36,465
e shell, Percussion.............It R. P. Pairott-----------------.................. Cold Spring, N. Y-......... Mar. 15, 1864 41, 937
e thel., iPercussion...----------......... J. P. Shenkl.................. Boston, Mass.....-....... Sept. 30, 1862 36, 576
e shell, Percussion............. J. F. Shearman................ Brooklyn, E. D, N. Y.... Apr. 17, 1866 54, 027
e shell, Time................... M. McDevitt---------------.................. Beloit, Wis.............. Aug. 23, 1864 43, 922,e shell, Time................... G. Wright.................... Washington, D. C......... Dec. 6, 1864 45, 381
'e shell, Time. -................. G. Wright................ Washington, D. C......... Mar. 21, 1865 46,965
e shell, Time and percussion.. B. B. Hotchkiss------------.............. -New York, N. Y-......... Dec. 24, 1867 72, 494..........._...__...E. Estabrook---------------.................. Jersey City, N.J--------......... Jan. 24, 1865 45,986
ombined time and concussion... C. Arick-----------------...................... Saint Clairsville, Ohio.... Nov. 22, 1864 45, 128
ombined time and percussion.... F. Alger---------------------...................... Boston, Mass------............- Sept. 30, 1862 36, 553
ombined time and percussion... J. P. Schenkl.................. Boston, Mass...---.... - Aug. 25, 1863 39, 682
ombined time and percussion... W. S. Smoot.................. Washington, D. C...... Oct. 28. 1862 36, 806
ombined time and percussion... C. W. Stafford------...---.. ---New York, N. Y.......... Aug.30, 1864 44, 023
ncussion....................... W.F. Goodwin............... New York, N. Y.......... No 15,1864 45,035
ncussion....................... W. H. Hubbell.................. Philadelphia, Pa........... Sept. 30, 1862 36, 566
)ncussion....................... S. R. Russell................... Middletown, Ohio......... Dec. 16, 1862 37, 200
ncussion......................... I. P. Tice..................... New York, N. Y.......... June 23, 1863 38, 994
niting...-......................... C. W. Smith................. Evans, N. Y............... Aug. 9, 1864 43, 801
niting time...--------------------- A.M. Sawyer_ -............ Fitchburgh Mass......... May 26, 1863 38, 699
ercussion.........................A. H. Emery.................New York, N. Y----------.......... Dec. 8, 1863 40, 828
ercussion........................ G.P. Ganster................ New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 5,1864 42, 185
ercussion........................ B. B. Hotchkiss..............Sharon, Conn..-........... Feb. 24, 1863 37, 756
rcussion......................... W. F. Patterson.............. Somerset, Ky............. Dec. 8, 1863 40, 885
me.............................. B. B. Hotchkiss.............. Sharon, Conn............. May 10,1864 42, 660
me and concussion............. J.P. Schenkl................. Boston, Mass............ July 15, 1862 35, 897
ric..............................H. J. Smith................Boston, Mass............. June 14, 1870 104, 217
tric and other................... E. A. L. Roberts.............. Titusville, Pa............. Mar. 21, 1871 112, 850
plosive shell..................... T. Taylor.................... Washington, D.C......... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 231
ell................................ S. Sawyer...................... Fitchburgh, Mass.... Dec. 24, 1861 34, 040
rs'.._........................ G. Hagenmeyer.............. Big River, Cal............ Oct. 9, 1866 58, 639
chine..........................A.F. Andrews....... Avon, Conn.............. July 28, 1857 17, 863
ring machine..................... ' T. Richards.................. Medford, Mass....... Aug.18, 1868 81,291
(I other projectiles............... N. Scholfield.....-.......... Norwich, Conn.......- Dec. 15, 1857 18, 866
tch for igniting under water..... T. K. Anderson............... iornellsville, N. Y....... Jan. 28, 1862 34, 233................................. W. Gardner.................. San Francisco, Cal....... May 31, 1870 103, 599................................... A. F. and J. H. Andrews...... Avon, Conn..............Dec. 26, 1 865 51,679................................. J. H. Andrews................ Avon, Conn.........--... Dec. 27, 1864 45, 572............................... J. E. Chase and J. Foy...... Simsbury, Conn......... Nov. 22, 1864 45, 140...............................- J. D. Bacon.................. New York, N. Y.......... June 22, 1869 91, 701................................. ---- J. G. Butler................... United States Army.- - July 30, 1872 129, 929.................................. J. G. Butler................... United States Army..... July 30, 1872 129, 930...................................E.Drake..................... Stoughton, Mass ----........-Feb. 14, 1871 111,823.................................. J. Eggo.................... Jersey City, N. J.......... Dec. 20,1870 110, 219
)mb-shells....................... A. Powell, jr..... -.:... Mare Island, Cal......... June 26, 1855 13,138................................ P. Bacon..................... Simsbury, Conn...........May 8, 1855 12, 810. J. E. Chase and J. Foy...... Simsbury, Conn........... June 30, 1863 39, 033
plying............... R. P. Parrott............... Cold Spring, N. Y....... Nov. 5, 1861 36, 662
s for casting.....................G. Wright.................Washington, 1). C _...- Apr. 28, 1863 38, 352
ity, Firing......................F. E. Beardslee............... College Point, N. Y..-....Aug. 18, 1863 39, 542
d for priming electric........... G. M. Mowbray.............. Titusville, Pa............ Nov. 2, 1869 96, 465
d for priming electric.....-.. G. M. Mowbrav.......... North Adams, Mass...... June 25, 1872 128, 241
)n-bulb for....................... G. P. Gauston and I. S. Schuyler New Nork, N. Y........ Mar. 29, 1864 42, 082
ion of trains or................ E. Gomez.................... New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 7, 1862 34, 057
ve shell, Percussion-igniter of time. B. B. Hotchkiss............... Sharon, Conn.......... Aug. 30, 1864 43, 993
for making...................... A.F. Andrews...............Avon, Conn............... May 25, 1852 8, 963
y for manufacturing safety..... R. Uren, T. Dunstone, and J. Eagle Harbor, Mich....... Dec. 2,1862 37, 079
ure of.......................... G. F. James.................. Manchester, England..... May 7,1872 126, 462
Gaff-chock for vessels..............................
Gaff for ships' spars..............................
Gaff for vessels' sails............................
Gag runner and buckle............................
See Auger-gage. Compound gage.
Axle-gage. Countersink-gage.
Belt-lacing gage. Depth-gage.
Bilge-water gage. Diamond-gage.
Bill-f lding gage. Dowel-gage.
Boiler-gage. Drill-gage.
Boiler alarm-gage. Edge gage.
Boiler safety-gage. Embossing-press gage.
Boot and shoe gage. Feather-ed ginggage.
Boot and shoe hecel Feed-gage.
gage. Floor-gage.
But ton hole-cutter Fruit-knife gage.
gage. Gas-fitter's gage.
Button-shank gage. Grain-gage.
Carpenter's gage. Gun-hammer gage.
Carriage-axle gage. Harness-m a k e r ' s
Cart-gage. gage.
(Changeable gage. Index-gage.
Clapboard-gage. Joiner's gage.
Clock-work-turning Key-way gage
gage. Lamp-wick gage.
Cloth-gage. Lealther-gage.
Cock-gage. Leather splitting gage.
Cock and last gage. Liquid-gage.
Collar-gage. Lumber-shlitting gage.
J. C. Cottingham............
J. H. David...................
G. C. Pattison.................
W. H Conway................
W. Robotham.................
S. Siebold.....................
W. Greacen...................
C. B. Payne..................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Damariscotta, Me.....
Baltimore, Md............
Harrison, Md.............
Newark, N. J...........
Syracuse, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J.............
Clinton, Ill...............
July 6, 1869
Sept. 24, 1872
Apr. 2,1867
Sept. 17, 1861
Feb. 14,1860
Mar. 29, 1870
Oct. 4, 1864
Nov. 3,1868
131, 508
63, 555
33, 295
27, 158
101, 386
44, 579
83, 787
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
See Machine-drill gage, Saw-tooth gage.
Machinist's gage. Screw-cutti n g - t o o 1
Marking and cutting gage.
gage. Sewing-gage.
Metal-planing gage. Sewing-machine gage.
Meter-gage. Shingling-gage.
Micrometer-gage. Siding gage.
Millstone-dressi n g Sliding-gage.
gage. Speed-gage.
Mortising-machin ue Splitting-gage.
gage. Spooling-gage.
Paper-cutter gage. Steam-gage.
Platen-gage. Steam-pressure gage.
Plow-gage. Stencil-cutting gage.
Pressure-gage. Surface-gage.
Printing-press feed- Surface and depth gage.
gage. Taper-gage.
Railway-gage. Tide-gage.
Railway-track gage. Track-gage.
Reading-gage. W atch-maker's gage.
Ruling-gage. Water-gage.
Safety-gage. Water-level gage.
Sash-mortising gage. Water-plow gage.
Saw-gage. Weather-board gage.
Saw-table gage. Wire-gage.
G age.............................................
Gage, A jnustable.................................
Gage and dividers.................................
Gage and try-square, Combined...................
Gage and try-square combined..................Gage, calipers, and rule, Connecting..............
Gage-knife for cutting leather...............
Gaging-rod for liquor-cask...............................
Graininag machine........................
G aiter............................................
Gaiter.................- -.........................
G aiter............................................
G aiter............................................
G aiter............................................
G aiter -.................-..........................
Gaiter, Ankle-supporting.........................
Gaiter, Congress
Gaiter, M an's s....................................
G iter, Spring..............................
Gaiters, Hand;jack for Congress..............
Gaiters, Instrument for stretching elastic....
Gaiters, Machine for fastening lacing-hook to......
Gaiters, Machine for goring........................
Galley-rest.--- -----------------------..
Galley-rest, Printers'......................
Galloon, Method of weaving................
Galvanic apparatus.....---.....................
Galvanic bath ifor treating disease................
Galvanic batteries, Carbon-plate for..........
Galvanic batteries, Combining, generating, and
secondary or accumulating.
Galvanic batteries, Connecting-clamp for the plates
Galvanic batteries, Device for preventing corrosion
of the binding-screws in.
Galvanic batteries, Liquid for..................
Galvanic batteries, Liquid for.................
Galvanic batteries, Liquid for...........
Galvanic batteries, Liquids for exciting.-.....
Galvanic batteries, Method of attaching the electrodes to the poles of.
Galvanic batteries, Porous cell for...............
Galvanic batteries, Zinc for..................
Galvanic battery................................
Galvanic battery.......
Galvanic battery..........................
Galvanic battery..............................
Galvanic battery..........................
Galvanic battery........
Galvanic battery.........
J. W. Butler.................
J. A. Marden.................
E. W. Mathewson...........
L. H. Mayott... -..........
B. F. Merrill..............
T. E. Warren..............
G. Kenny...............
F. Castle...............
F. Castle...................
N. H. Bundy.............C T. Durham, J. Wood, and
T. Hair.
E. S. Prime...................
W. J. Tait.........
D. C. Hyde............
J. Richards..............P. E. Clark...---------------
H. B. Goodyear...............
W. Love..................
G. WV. Ludlow.................
W. E. Putnam............
W. E. Putnam................
M. M. Wheeler................
T. G. Rich....................
H. S. Holmes.................
E. R. W are....................
S. Hodgins....................
F. M. Blodgett...........
H. F. Dougherty.............
A. Wmrden..................
L. S. Wiswell.................
J. W alden...................
F. M. Wildman...........
H. H. Gale --..............
M. T. Lincoln.............
E. Morgan.........-......
J. M. Murphy.............
J K'mper................
E. Smnith......................
J. B. Hatting..................
C. T'. Chester..............
G. L. Leclanch..6...........
Residence. Date.
New Britain, Conn.......
Veazie, Me...............
Norwich, Conn............
Springfield, Mass....__
West Lebanon, N. Hf.f.Shelburne Falls, Mass.....
Nashua, N. H...........
Montana, Iowa............
Montana, Iowa............
Boston, Mass.....
Norristown, Pa..........
Baltimore, Md............
Bergen, N. J..............
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Hartfbrd, Conn........
New Haven, Conn.......
McConnellsville, Ohio...
Elizabeth, N. J............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
Galena, Ill...............
Milton, Mass...............
Lynn, Mass...............
Worcester, Mass..........
Saint Louis, Mo.........
Boston, Mass............
Monmouth, Ill...........
Ypsilanti. Mich...........
Utica, N. Y -.........
Newark, N. J.........
Bethel, Coin..............
Eugene City, Oreg.......
Washington, D. C........
Washington, D. C.......
Olympia, Wash........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Normal, Ill................
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Paris, France............
Jan. 14, 1873 134, 729
Apr. 16, 1872 125, 823
May 19, 1868 77, 997
Oct. 13, 1868 82, 969
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 649
Aug. 2,1870 106, 099
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 504
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 780
July 11, 1871 116, 805
Aug. 8, 1865 49, 337
June 21, 1870 104, 436
Mar. 29, 1870 101, 309
Apr. 24, 1866 54, 229
May 26,1863 38, 681
Oct. 7,1873 143, 531
Apr. 4,1871 113, 259
Jau. 14, 1862 34, 140
May 27, 1873 139, 321
Apr. 21,1863 38, 235
Apr. 2,1872 125, 219
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 186
Oct. 28, 1873 144, 173
Jan. 29, 1861 31, 239
May 14, 1861 32,.91
Mar. 28, 1871 113, 119
Nov. 28,1871 121, 367
July 23, 1865 48, 897
Aug. 21, 1866 57, 297
Oct. 8, 1861 33, 456
June 2, 1868 78, 503
May 7, 1872 126, 598
Sept 6,1870 107, 144
Sept. 13, 1870 107, 246
Nov. 16, 1869 96, 929
July 27, 1869 93, 109
July 11, 1t71 116, 857
Aug. 10, 1869 93, 539
Oct. 19, 1869 96, 044
Apr. 9, 1872 125, 567
Apr. 14, 1863 38, 146
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 113
May 15, 1855 12, 855
C. T. Chester.................. New York, N. Y.........
G. Doyle..................... Ottawa, Ill............... Mar. 30, 1858
V. Barjon....................
D. H. Fitch,jr.................
E. Prevost....................
M. Vergnes...........J. Elmendprf.................
M. G. Farmer...............
E. A. Hill....................
T. C. Avery..............
L. Bastet.....................
F. E. Beardslee...............
J. Blackie....................
C. Boulay...................
D. Brooks....................
D. J. Browne and C. W. Bald
New York, N. Y..........
Litchfield, Ill.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Penn Yan, N. Y.....
Salem, Mass..............
Chicago, Ill............
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C......
Paris, France..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass.............
Nantes, France.........
Nantes, France..........
Englewood, N. J........
Mansfield, Ohio..........
Baltimore, Md...........
Jersey City, N. J.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
July 11, 1871
June 16, 1863
Sept. 27, 1870
Mar. 1i, 1862
Feb. 2, 1858
Jan. 11, 1853
Apr. 25, 1871
Oct. 11, 1859
May 6, 1873
Aug. 13, 1872
Sept. 5,1865
Nov. 12, 1867
May 16, 1871
Apr. 25, 1865
Oct. 26, 1869
Oct. 17, 1871
Jan. 26, 1869
Dec. 20, 1870
Dec. 31, 1872
Sept. 4, 1866
Dec. 7, 1852
July 18, 1871
19, 759
116, 917
38, 894
107, 811
34, (56
19, 245
9, 530
114, 005
25, 710
133, 802
130, 353
49, [24
70, 791
114, 911
47, 389
96, 199
120, 034
86, 134
110, 206
134, 364
57, 687
9, 447
117, 057
Galvanic battery........................... J. A. Calland................
Galvanic battery........................... J. A. Calland.................
Galvanic battery................................ C. T. Chester...............
Galvanic battery................................ D. M. Cook............
Galvanic battery............................. A.G. Davis..................
Galvanic battery........................... J. Dixon.............
Galvanic battery............................ L. Drescher..............
Galvanic battery............................; L. Drescher................
Index of palents issued from the United States Patent Gfice from 170O to 1873, inclsivre--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Galvanic battery---------------------------................................. T. A. Edison...-.....-....._
Galv nic battery... ---------------------------E. J. Fraser..-- ------
Galvanic battery....---------------------------G. W. Freed..................
Galvanic battery...------------------------------ A. C.Garratt..................
Galvanic tattery.................................. E. Grenet, jr..................
Galvanic battery....---------------------------.. Highton...................
Galvanic battery....--------------------------- E. A. Hill.....................
Galvanic battery...------------------------- E.A. Hill....................
Galvanic battery............................ J. Hill.......................
Galvanic battery- ----.... J. Kidder....................
Galvanic battery-...---------------------------J. Kidder....................
Galvanic battery...---------------------------J. Kidder-- - -------....................
Galvanic battery................................. G. L. Leclanch........-......
Galvanic battery...---------------------------E. J. Leland..................
Galvanic battery...---------------------------C. A. Linke--------------..................
Galvanic battery-......................-- -Ii. M. Lockwood.............Galvanic battery.................................. E. D. McCracken..............
Galvanic battery.............................. J. R. McPherson.............
Galvanic battery................................. A. L. Nolf................
Galvanic battery................................. A. Olmstead.................
Galvanic battery...---------------------------G. Al. Phelps.................
Galvanic battery................................ J. Plumbe, jr.............
Galvanic battery............................-.. J. W. Powell.............
Galvanic battery.................................. E. Provost.....--.-.---.-.
Galvanic battery................................ J. A. Roblbins................
Galvanic battery_........................... J. A. Robins.............
Galvanic battery......--------------------------- E. Seaver.................
Galvanic battery -.............purpose V- W. J. Wilder.................
Galvanic battery adapted to medical purposes.... P. Coad......................
Galvanic-battery connection..................... H. Splitdorf..............
Galvanic battery for remedial uses................ H. Fitz..............
Galvanic-battery switch.........................-------------------.-. G. Little.............
Galvanic-battery switch.......................... E.M. Pierson.............
Galvanic chains, bands, &c., Electro......-...... I. L. Pulvermacher.......-...
Galvanic chains, Fluid for exciting---.......... F. T. Bakkcr.................
Galvanic electricity applied to cure disease... 1). Harrington...........
Galvanic electricity applied to surface of the body D. Harrington...........
Gr lvanic fluid for curing certain diseases.......... D. Harrington...............
Galvanic fluid to cure diseases...------------... D. Harrington............
Galvanic instrument......................... D. Harrington..............
Galvanic plate for medical use................... J. Hill..................
Galvanic plate for remedial purposes.............. C. Maray.-..-..................-----.---
Galvanic register for steam-boilers................ A. Dunn.......................
Galvanic ring, belt, &c....................... D. C. Moorhead...............
Galvanism, Apparatus for treating diseases by J. B. Hatting.................
means of.
Galvanism for salivating, &c...................... W. Phoebus...................
Galvanized nails, Cleansing and separating.........Blake...................
Galvanizing metals, Process for...................C. B. Miller.--....-......--....
Galvano-electric machine...---------------------J. R. Palnenberg..........
Galvano-plastic process for precipitating ircn on M. H. Jacobi and E. Klein.....
molds, &c.
Galvanometer, ReflectingW....................... W. Thomson....... -........
Game........................................... C. B. Barlow..................
Game............................................ J. Brandl...................
Game..................................-------------------------------..-..... E.J. Brooks...................
Game........................................-... J. M. Fletcher................
Game..................................... ------------ D.F. Hale....................
Game.--.......................................... H. Jackson.................
Game........................................... G. Krotzinger.. --.....
Game...-------------. --------------- ------ B. E. Mead.................
Game............................................J. B. Murray.............
Game...........................................- R. Patterscn...........
Game............................................ J. M. Rix................
Game............................................ A. G. Slagle...........
Game............................................. N. J. Vander Weyde..........
Game............................................ W. H. W ilson................
Game and rat trap............................... B. F. Tatem................Game-apparatus................................... R.E. Bean.................
Game-apparatus.................................. J. N. Sawkins...............
Game-apparatus................................. A. M. Smith.................
Game-apparatus.F................................. F. W. Smith.........
Game-apparatus................................. P. West and G. S. Lee....
Game-apparatus................................... P. West and G. S. Lee.........
Game-apparatus.................................J. C. Wilhelm................
Game, Arithmetical............................... S. A. Emery.................
Game ball..-----------..................................... E. A. Barrett.................
Game-' oard....-------------------------------J. C. Arnms....................
Game-board...------------.-------------------A. F. R. Arndt..............
Game-board....................................... H. C. Drexel..................
Game-board................................ J. T. Edson.................
Ganme-board......................................C. R. Elliott..................-----
Game-board...----------.---------------------. F. P. Holmes...............
Game-board-.............G. W. Kintz................
Game-board...................................... C. Krath and G. H. Moll.......
Game-board...................................... J. Smith and E. M. Nutter.....
Game-board...................................... G. W entz.....................
Game board, Top................................ D. Wight....................
Game-box..------------------------- S. F. Brooks...................
Game-box for ten-pins........................... G. B. Fowler..................
Grime called vinco............................... J. Carlin....................
Game-card.................................. V. Saladee................
Game-counter.............................. A.A. Grifting......
Game-counter..............................F. H. Richardson.............
Game-counter............................. E. Sche lorn.................
Game entitled "Talisman".1..................... J.1V. Wilson...........
Game for pastime......... C. Richardson.................
Newark, N. J.............
Chicago, Ill..............
Lancaster, Pa.........
Boston, Mass..............
Paris, France.............
Putney, England.........
Galesburgh, Ill...........
Chicago, Ill................
New York, N. Y...........
New York. N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France..........
Worcester, Mass.........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........Beloit, W is................
New York, N. Y..........
Easton, Pa..............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Bcston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Mediord, Mass............
Medford, Mass.........
Boston, Mass...............
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Philadelphia, Pa - -.......... - - - -.
New York, N. Y..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Rutherford, Park, N. J....
Newark, N. J............
London, England..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelpha, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Dalston, England.........
New York, N. Y......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Wilmington, Del.........
New York, N. Y.........
St. Petersburg, Russia...--
Sept. 23, 1873
Nov. 3, 1863
June 7, 1864
July 7, 1868
Sept. 20, 1859
Oct. 1,1872
Aug. 18, 1863
Apr. 25, 1871
May 24, 1870
Oct. 25, 1870
June 27, 1871
Oct. 10, 1871
June 5, 1866
Nov. 7, 1871
July 16, 1872
Apr. 8, 1873
Aug. 16, 1870
Dec 14, 1869
Sept. 2, 1873
Apr. 17, 1849
Aug. 20, 1872
Mar. 4, 1843
May 30, 1871
Sept. 19, 1871
Oct. 24, 1871
July 2,1872
Jan. 26, 1858
Nov. 12, 1872
Mar. 28,1842
Feb. 13, 1866
Mar. 19, 1867
June 13, 1871
Oct. 18, 1870
Nov. 7,1871
June 30, 1868
Mar. 31, 1835
Apr. 8, 1835
July 22, 1833
Jan. 27, 1834
Sept. 2, 1845
Oct. 9, 1860
Jan. 19, 1869
May 28, 1850
Aug. 26, 1845
June 21, 1870
June 9, 1807
Aug. 21, 1860
May 30, 1854
Nov. 9, 1858
Sept. 29, 1868
142, 999
40, 537
43, 014
79, 567
25, 503
39, 571
114, 006
103, 331
108, 602
116, 451
119, 855
55, 441
120, 651
129, 148
137, 556
106, 383
97, 949
142, 502
6, 362
103, 593
2, 984
115, 519
119, 175
120, 327
128, 660
19, 209
132, 997
2, 521
52, 617
63, 03-1
115, 966
108, 513
120, 772
79, 432..........
4, 176
30, 317
86, 088. 7, 394
4; 167
104, 587
29, 664
10, 976
22, 029
82, 525
92, 228
95, 969
134, 125
124, 786
125, 671
108, 587
74, 368
71, 626
45, 731
130, 234
129, 983
124, 915
88, 421
104, 379
82, 370
120, 683
145, 385
145, 757
135, 494
145, 914
143, 087
143, 9
145, 706
83, 946
123, 442
136, 200
145, 271
123, 001
47, 491
136, 048
141, 053
118, 249
107, 065
47, t67
142, 066
76, 572
28, 733
107, 030
85, 281
41, 587
86, 919
128, 910
86, 781
89, 535
64, 148
Glasgow College, Scotland. July 6,1869
Portsmouth, N. H......... Oct. 19, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 24, 1872
New York, N. Y-......... --Mar. 19,1872
Clifton, N. Y........... Apr. 16, 1872
Chicopee, Mass._...... Oct. 25, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 11, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 3, 1867
Peekskill, N. Y........... Jan. 3, 1865
Newark, N. J............ Aug. 6, 1872
New Santa Fd, Mo........ uly 30, 1872
Warren, N. H............ Mar. 26, 1872
Memphis, Tenn---------........... Mar. 30, 1869
Franklin, N. H.....-... June 14, 1870
Providence, R. I.......... Sept. 22, 1868
Memphis, Tenn........... --- Nov. 7, 1871
Franklin, N. H............ ---- Dec. 9,1873
Langport, England....... Dec. 23, 1873
Chicago, Ill.............. Feb. 4, 1873
Bridgeport, Conn........ Dec. 23,1873
Worcester, Mass......... Sept. 23, 1873
Worcester, Mass.........- - Oct. 21, 1873
Shaver's Creek, Pa......-. Dec. 16, 1873
Boston, Mass............. Nov. 10, 1868
New York, N. Y-...-....... - Feb. 6,1872
Northampton, Mass....... Feb. 25, 1873
Detroit, Mich............. Dec. 9,1873
Baltimore, Md.......... Jan. 23, 1872
Stowe, Mass.............. Apr. 25, 1865
Boston. Mass.............. Feb. 18, 1873
North Bridgewater, Mass.July 22, 1873
Rochester, N. Y......... Aug. 22,1871
Saint Louis, Mo---------........... Sept. 6, 1870
Feltonville, Mass..-......- May 23, 1865
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... ----- Aug. 19, 1873
New London, (Conn....... Apr. 7, 1868
Weston, Mass........... June 19, 1860
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Sept. 6, 1870
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 29,1868
Paducah, Ky.............. Feb. 9,1864
Lexington, Mass.......... Feb. 16, 1869
Brooklyn, N. Y.. -..... July 9, 1872
Urbana, Ohio.----... - Feb. 9, 1869
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 27,1869
Richmond, Va............ Apr. 23, 18r67
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Game, Geographic------------------------------...L. Bran son-------------------- Raleigh, N. C------------- Jan. 19, 18t9 85, 990
Game, Letter..............................----J. E. Wheat---------------...Rcchester, N.Y.........--Feb. 4,1868 74, 02-2
Game, Miniature-war........................--- C. Portillo._-.--.........New York, N. Y.........Feb. 21, 1871 111, 969
Game, Musical............................... G. W. Dawson-..........New Haven, Conn_.--Dec. 7, 1869 97, 612
Game of battle war chess..._................. C. Richardson............... Richmond, Va........... Dec. 4, 1866 60, '247
Game of cards.........................------. M. Bradley..-.._..........Springfield, Mass-..-Nov. 26,187-2 133, 296
Game of chance............................---V. Bareau................. Paris, France............ July 16, 1872 128, 941
Game of colors............................... C. H. Douglas.............. Hartford, Conno........ Dec. 15, 1868 84, 865
Gamne, Parlor................................. G. A. Coffin................. Cincinnati, Ohio --_.........June 6, 1871 115, 576
Game, Parlor.............................. C. N. Hoyt................. Providence, R. I.._....... June 8, 1869 91, 0;2
Game, Parlor................................. A. W. Smith................ Birmingham, Pa......... May 11, 1869 89, 894
Game, Parlor.....................................E. Trump... _................ Cincinnati, Ohio... -....... Apr. 6, 1869 88, 756
Game, Parlor...................................---H. M. White..._..._........East Hartford, Con..... Feb. 2. 1869 86, 4
Gagne-register.........................-J. Enright.._.............. _.. Louisville, Kcy........... _Apr. 23, 1867 (64, 085
Game-register----------------------------------...E. H. Keith------------------ _.Peoria, Ill----------------...Mar. 22, 1870 101, 133
Game-register...................................-J. W. Wormald---------------...Buffalo, N. Y.............-Oct. 29, 18 72 132, 553.Game register, Card-----------------------------..C. W. Saladee----------------_...Paducah, Ky------------... Mar. 1, 1864 41, 820
Game-register for cards-------------------------... _J. W. Sheppard---------------...New York, N. Y.....- Oct. 7, 1873 143, 536
Game-signal------------------------------------._W. M. Tileston---------------.New York, N. Y....June 20, 1871 116, 117
Game, Social-----------------------------------.. fM. Bradley-------------------..Springfield, Mass..... Apr. 3,1866 53, 561
Game-table-------------------------------------...E. Brunswick----------Chicago, Ill.........._...Sept. 26, 1871 119, 26-2
Game-table-------------------------------------H... RH. Crawford---------------...Wy timeville, Va............Nov. 18, 1873 144, 659
Game-table...-....-.-..-.-.-.-----.....---.-....---..--H..1.1. Heyl-------------------PhiladelphiaPhildel PaiaPa ------Jan..._ 16,a187-2 1 1-22,2,830
Game-table.....................WKi------------------------------WKe.- - - - Hastings, Min - __.. July 21,, i868 80,185
Game-table......................................-L. A. Powers-----------------....West Meriden, Con -..Feb. 18, 18 73 136, 092
Game-table.......................-.--.-.----.-.--.---L. Raymend------------------ lieckland, Del------------..Nov. 5,1867 70, 469
Game-table..-.............................-----. S. S. Schindler----------------..West Meriden, Con-...May 27, 1873 139, 4-.5
Gamre-table.-----------------------------------........I F. Uebel------------------ _.Cedar Rapids, Jowa..-._May 13, 1873 138, 961
Game-table top..-............................---G. (G. Thomson-------.... _---New Haven, Cen..-.. Mar. 25, 1873 137, 113
Game-target-----------------------------------.........J. C. Schooley----------------_..New York, N. Y -..... Jau. 3, 1871 110, 79-2
Game-trap------------------------------------...I E. M. Day.....----------------Elkhart, Ill--------Dec. 7,1869 97, 747
Game-trap, Self-setting-------------------------..I.._.. A. Wilkin-------------------- __M eConnellsville, Ohio.... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 9-29
Ganmes, Adjustable ball-bolder for-----------------..F. A. Spofford and M. G. Eats Columbus, Ohio. -.....-. Feb. 4, 1868 74, 164
Games, Alley-board for ball----------------------..C. Robinson.....---------------_.Boston, Mass --.. -.._..Sept. 20, 1870 107, 545
Games, Apparatus for playing-------------------. 1H. Plumb--------------------_.._.Philadelphia, Pa---------- _.May 31, 1870 103, 774
Games, Combination apparatus for................C. N. Hoyt-----------------. _. Providence, R. I----------.Aug. 8, 1871 117, 780
Games (of chance, Selecting balls for............... M. Nelson-------------------..New York, N. Y.....- June 18, 1861 3-2, 581
Games, Scoring---------------------------------W _. _. I A. B. 0. Peabody-------------. _.Boston, Mass-------------.Apr. 21, 1868 76, 940
Garancine, Preparation of--------------S. Borden... -...-- - --.... Fall River, Mass. - _-.-_ Nov. 22, 1870 109, 489
Garbage and ash box----------------------------.....C. NW. Stafford...- -...._-. Saybrook, Coon. _.___- -. Apr. 9, 1867 63,664
Garbage-box-----------------------------------......M. Bacharach----------------.._ _New York, N. Y......... Nov. 5, 1872 132, 788
Garbage-box-------------------.Dlp............................E..Clp._._-..-..Washington, D. C..-.. Aug. 6,1872 130, 190
Garbage-box-----------------------------------........J. W. Evans and G. F. Godley. New York, N. Y----------..Mar. 16, 1869 87, 918
Garbage-box-----------------------------------.....M. Gilbert--------. New York, N. Y---------- _Mar. 12, 1867 6-2, 836
Garbage-box-------------------------------..... T1'Jarvis..- - - --....... New York, N. N----------Sept. 24, 1872 131, 617
Gat-bage-box----------------------------------..IJ.L.M ason------------------- New York, N.YV..........Sept.. 8,1868 81, 919
Garbage-box-----------------------------------......J. J. Slevin-------------------....New York, N. Y.....- June 26, 1866 55,.920
Garbage-box-----------------------------------......D. D. Templeton............New York, N. Y----------. _May 14, 1867 64, 810
Garbage can or vessel---------------------------...W. Shires - - -- -- -- -_- -- -- ---. Cincinnati, Ohio..- -.....Jan. 7, 1868 73, 130
Garbage or ash box---------------------......... C. W. Stafford.. _. -- --...._ Saybrook. Ceun.-- - -------Apr. 9, 186 7 63, 665
Garbage, &c., Process of deriving useful products W. E. Johnson----------------....Chicago, Ill--------------.Mar. 2:3, 1869 88, 258
Garbage-tub ------"------------------------------ S. B. Munson, jr--------------- Chicago, Ill _-.--... July 1, 1873 140, 527
Garden-bed border................J. E. Dickson and S. Ricbhmond Annapolis, Md.......... Mar. 28, 1871 113, 145
Garden-digger................................ I. 11. F~rolmock................. Boston, Mass............ May 15, 1566 54, 711
Garden, Elevated and suspended-----------------.. IF. 0. lRogers --.- -.Bosten, Mass - - - - - ------Apr. 12, 1e 70 101, 918
Garden-engine, Portable------------------------...I_. W. B. Robins. _...... - - -. _.Middlesex County, England! July 23, 18 72 129, 750
Garden, Geographical..........-..-....-....G. NV. Cherry. __..... _........Derby, Conn-------May 27,185-Gre-mlmn.......1...........8-2mtog.....5._. uyuOro..- uy7 88 7,5Gre-mlmn............. F ulr.....__... e orN... et.16 1 1
Garden-implement-----------------------------..... J. M. Lunguest---------------_.Atlanta, Ga......... )ec. 30, 18713 146, tb'1
Garden-implement-------------------------..........11. Miller--------------------Il.. e. Radside,\ a.. Aug. 24,1869 94, 125
Gamden implement 11...........""--. Miller.... _........ - -. Ioadside, Va._.... Dee. 7, 1869 97,542
Carden-implement------------------------------......D. S. Wilhoit............ Madison Cout-House, Va Aug. 15, 1871 118, 088
Garden-implement and weeder-------------------..W. Somers-------------------li. ridgeport, Conn.. -_ _.._ May 18, 1869 90,119
Gartden-implement handle------------------------....A. A. Porter..................Griffin, Ga---.------------ May 3J, 181 l15,352
Camdenlinline------------------------------------C..... RCiRickel...................... CleCleveland o.Ohio. Oct... 2-2, 22 1567 00,002
Garnden-rake-----------------------------------......... jM. G. ilaker..-............New Bnmhu '~tonOhio -. Aug. 14, 1866 57,066
Camden-take----------------------------------j.. __.... L. Sisson.-------------------- _ North Easton, Mass __- _.May )18 10 12,9
Gasrden-ake------------------------------------........ S. N. and W. F. Stillman..-_..Leonadville, N YV_.....Feb. 13, 18.5 12, 396
Gardn-roller---------------------------------.I. J. B. Birown... _.. _.... _........ Peekskill N..V.._.Nov. 17, 1868 84, 167
Garden-roller for destroying insects. --.-___ - - -.- H. Gray.....................Sugar Cr. ek, Wis-..._ Mar. 27, 1 r 60 53, 439
Gardemi-spminkler-- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -_- ----J. E. Spear..---------------. San Francisco, Cal.....May 2, 1871 114, 62
Garden-spiinkler, Portable----------------------_ __ __ __ _J. Gibson--------------------. _ _Samn Francisco, Cal.__..__July 16, 18-2 129, 1815
Garden-syminge---------------------------------.......A. F. Hammond..............-Houston, Ohio------------.Mar. 19, 1867 6-2, 95
Garden-syringe---------------------------------........W. J. Johnson--------------.... _. New ton, Mass-----------.-_ July 4, 1871 116, 599
Gari.en.-tol---------------------J an.............Ci T~,111---------Feb.27,1872 184,(1101
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Garment for ladies, Interlined under.............
Garment for travelers, Sleeping...............
Garment-hanger and size-ticket holder combined..
Garment having body and sleeves............
Garment, Hooded..-....-..........................
Garment, Lady's accouching.....................
Garment-pattern, Adjustaile................
Garment-pressing apparatus................
Garment-pressing machine-------... --.---.
Garment, Skin under-..---...------------------
Garment-strap, Adjustable and detachable........
Garment-strap, Adjustable and detachable.._.....
Garment, Under.................................Garments, Apparatus for cutting..................
Garments, Apparatus for fitting and laying out..
Garments, Apparatus for laying off the scye in cutting.
Garments, Applying measurement to and laying
Garments, Attachment for fastening overlapping
parts of.
Garments, Attachment for protecting cuff and
sleeve of.
Garments, Brace for supporting..............
Garments, Cutting.......................
Garments, Cutting........................
Garments, Cutting...............................
Garments, Drafting.......................
Garments, Drafting and cutting..............
Garments, Drafting and measuring.............
Garments, Hook for fastening.....................
Garments, Machine for cutting out............
Garments, Machine for drafting-------------...................
Garments, Manufacturing seamless felt..........
Garments, Marking off and cutting out..........
Garments, Marking off and cutting out............
Garmen s, Mode of constructing.................
Garments, Pattern for cutting....---.---.-.-...-.
Garments, Pattern for laying out.............
Garments, Sleeve of knitted -.. -------------
Garments, Spring-hook fastening for...............
Garments, Spring hook for fastening............
Garments, Square for cutting.....................
Garments, System of cutting................
Garments, System of laying out.................
Garments, Tailor's instrument and mode of measuring
Garments, Tailor's instrument for drafting..
Garments to hooks, Securing..................
Garments, Uniting bats for making seamless felt..
Garments without spinning or weaving, Manufacturing woolen.
G arter..........................................
G arter...........................................
Garter and belt, Coil-spring...................
Garter, M etallic...............................Garter, Metallic..........................
Gas-alarm..................--.--.-- --...-....
Gas and heating buildings, Apparatus for generating.
Gas and heating dwellings, Apparatus for generating.
Gas and illuminating street and other cars, Production of.
Gas and in application of the same, Process of genecrating.
Gas and liquid meter.............................
Gas and Fquid regulator......................
Gas and oil, Apparatus and process fo: obtaining
light from.
Gas and oil from coal, Apparatus for manufacturing.
Gas and other heater.......................
Gas and other lights, Apparatus for igniting.......
Gas and other liquids, Device for igniting.......
Gas and other products, Manufacture of illuminating.
Gas and smoke consuming apparatus......
Gas and steam fittings.....................
Gas and vapesr from petroleum, Apparatus for generating.
Gas and water fittings, Machine for tapping......
Gas and water mains, Coupling for...............
Gas and water meter..........
Gas and water meter register.....................
74 P
F. I. Palmer..-................
R. S. Pickett..................
C. L. Morehouse..............
V. P. Corbett-------------..................
I. Desky and S. A. Jennings..
H. Osler.....................
B. V. Taylor.................
A. Keating..................
M. Fowler ---...........
H. R. Esterling..............
S. Shawcross.............
J. W. Thorp..................
WV. B. Walker................J. H. Andrus...............
S. L. Clemens................
H. C. Lockwood..............
J. L. Kendall...................
H. M. Clemence.............
O. P. Flynt..................
T. H. Moore.................
W. H. Mayer................
P. Spilman...............
Springfield, Mass.......
New Haven, Conn........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Washington, D. C.........
Seneca Falls, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Newark, N. J............
Boston, Mass..............
North Branford, Conn.....
Bennettsville, S. C........
Freeport, Ill..............
South Weare, N. H.......
Boston, Mass............
New York, N. Y.-.......
Hartford, Counn...........
Baltimore, Id...........
Foxborough, Mass........
Worcester, Mass..........
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass..............
Newark, N. J............
Richmond, Va...........
Mar. 27,1866
Mar. 20, 1866
Feb. 28, 1865
Apr. 5, 1864
Jan. 4,1870
June 2, 1863
Nov. 8,1870
Dec. 20, 1870
Jan. 12, 1864
Jan. 30,1872
Mar. 22, 1870
Dec. 16, 1851
Feb. 27, 1872
Mar. 28, 1871
Dec. 19, 1871
Dec. 19, 1871
Apr. 20, 1869
Nov. 19, 1867
Nov. 18, 1873
Mar. 25, 1862
Dec. 5, 1871
July 18, 1854
53, 472
53, 331
46, 575
42, 168
98, 476
38, 757
109, 156
110, 242
41, 213
123, 249
101, 052
8, 598
124, 177
113, 128
121, 992
122, 038
89, 152
71, 136
144, 609
121, 642
11, 339
J. J. Miller.................... McAlevy's Fort, Pa....... July 12,1870 105, 355
B. J. Greely.................. Boston, Mass............. Dec. 7,1869 97, 629
J. C. Reed..................... Boston, Mass............ Oct. 24,1871 120, 324
1). Minthorn..................
O. Madison..................
D. N. Sipperly................
S.B. Stilwell...............
XV. L. Leete...................-------
J. H. Chappell........................
C. Lucas-------------------.....................G. A. Watkins................
W. A. McLaughlin..........
J. M. Weston.................
D).W.Gitchell and L.W.Badger
G. Beard, jr...................
New York, N. Y..........
Troy, N.Y..............
Troy, N. Y..............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Oswego, N. Y.............
Chillicothe, Ohio..........
Charlottsville, Va.........
Springfield, Vt...
New York, N. Y..........
Chesterfieldi, N. Y.........
Matteawan, N. Y........
West Whiteland Township, Pa.
June 5, 1855
Aug. 18, 1829
July 8, 1843
June 20,1845
Sept. 6, 1870
Jan. 18, 1834
June 13, 1848
Feb. 24, 1863
Nov. 10, 1868
Feb. 2, 1858
Oct. 20,1857
Aug. 5, 1833
13, 011
3, 160
4, 083
107, 068.....
5, 635
37, 783
83, 870
19, 271
18, 487
B. J. Lewis................... Mount Vernon, Ohio--...... Nov. 19, 1833........
T. S. Lambert................ Peekskill, N. Y........... Feb. 18, 1862 34, 464
S. A. Millwee................. Greenwood, S. C.......... May 14, 1872 126, 825
W. M. Michael............... Indiana, Pa- -..-.--... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 672
W. H. Abel................... Greenville, R.I -..... _.. Aug. 4,1868 80, 697
D. M. Smith................... S..ringiield, Vt........... June 16, 1863 38, 920
A. Putnam, jr................. Chester, Vt.............. Nov. 11,1862 36, 933
J. G. Wilson..-. -............ New York, N. Y......... Feb. 28, 1827.....
A. Wiswell----------------................... Exeter, N. t----------H............. July 11, 1837 256
J. A. Shreckengaust.-..-...-... Chillicothe, Ohio.......... July 16, 1872 129, 603
L. Flenner............ Philadelphia, Pa......... Nov. 10, 1841 2, 341
E. J. Axford................ Philadelphia, Pa......... Mar. 30, 1839 1, 113
G.WVoodu ard and F. S. Hatha- Keene, N. H............ Feb. 15, 1859 22, 996
D. W. Gitchell..--------------Rahway, N. J-----------............. Sept. 26,1854 11, 739
J. Foster and J. Stondenburgh Greene County, N. Y-..... Apr. 20, 1830.....
E. F. Burrows................ Mystic River, Conn.....- July 24, 1866 56, 524
C. Coester, jr., and J. L. Moore Bridgeport, Conn........ Aug. 16, 1870 106, 328
J.P. Fuliler...................----------------. New York, N. Y.......... June 26, 1860 38, 841
H. A. House.................. Bridgeport, Con......... Nov. 29, 1870 109, 617
H. A. House.................. Bridgeport, Conn........ Nov. 29, 1870 109, 736
II. A. House................. Bridgeport, Conn......... Nov. 29, 1870 1(9, 737
H. A. House---------------.................- Bridgeport, Conn......... Mar. 11, 1873 136, 59P
J. M. Ellis.................... Bridgeport, Conn..... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 160
H11. A. House................. Bridgeport. Conn......... Mar. 7, 1871 112, 344
W. H. McCoy and A. Wheeler Charlestown, Mass........ Oct. 29, 1867 70, 238
P. H. Vander Weyde.......... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 22, 1864 42, 032
S. C. Salisbury................ New York, N. Y.......... --- Mar. 23, 1869 88, 079
T. S. C. Lowe.................. Morristown, Pa........... Aug. 13, 1872 130, 381
A. Barbarin.................. New Orleans, La........ Sept. 22, 1868 82, 273
J. T. Rich..................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 4, 1868 74, 001
H. H. Stuart.................. Jamaica, N. Y............. Dec. 11, 1866 60, 437
T. HII. Dodge................... -----Nashua, N. H-----------............. June 27, 1854 11, 154
J. Kidd...................... [New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 31. 1869 94, 219
J. Shoemaker---------...... -----.......... Putneyville, Pa.......... Nov. 19, 1867 71, 233
J. Q. Birkey.-------.......Philadelphia, Pa-.......... Mar. 17, 1868 75, 516
WV. Klinkerfues.............. Gttingen, Prussia...... May 16, 1871 114, 950
W. H. Smith.................. New York, N. Y.......... May 30, 1871 115, 373
J. Absterdam................. New York, N. Y........ Dec. 15, 1868 84, 981
G. Marlow-.-.Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 24,1871 120, 299
A. Hallowel---......... Lowell, Mass.----------_Nov. 17, 1868 84, 112
A. I. Ambler.................. Washington. D. C......... May 14,1872 126, 770
A. D. Laws-................ Bridgeport, Conn.......... Sept. 23, 1873 143, 168
W. Kilburnu............ Napa, Cal....-........... July 15,1873 140, xi4
G. R. Moore................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 1, 1869 90, 678
J. J. Squire.................... Now Haven, Conn........ Mar. 3, 1863 137, 832
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gas and water pipe............................
Gas and water pipe.....-.....................
Gas and water pipe...................
Gas and water pipe coating.....-----------------
Gas and water pipe joint.........................
Gas and water pipe joint........................
Gas and water pipe plug.................
Gas and water pipes, Casting packing-rings in.....
E. IH. Austin..................
W. B. Guy--------------....................
A. Wyckoff.................
N. Clute -...--..................
C. W. Isbell................
J. E. Quinn..................
E. P. Schutt.................
R. C. Robbins............
A. L. Bogart................J. W. Brown and H. B. West.
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass.............
Elmira, N. Y.............
Schenectady, N. Y........
New Haven, Conn........
Chicago, Ill...........
Cortland, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y......
Butlerville, Ind., and Put
in Bay, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Circleville, Ohio........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Gas-apparatus................................... C. H. Childs..................
Gasapparatus.................................. R. T. Coverdale...............
Gas-apparatus................................... C. DI)eavs.....................
Gas-apparatus.................................... W. Foster, jr., and G. P. Ganster.
Gas-apparatus.................................... J. S. Gallaher, jr, and J. W.
Gas-apparatus.................................... D. M. Graham................
Gas-apparatus.................................... E. J. Manville and S. G. Black.
Gas-apparatus.................................. H.S. Maxim................
Gas-apparatus.................................. J. McCleish..................
Gas-apparatus.................................... R.M orton..........
Gas-apparatus............................A. Myers........... A. Myers.....
Gas-apparatus.................... G. Olney....................
Gas-apparatus................................ A. Pierce....................
Gas-apparatus..................................... E. A. Pond and M. S. Richardson.
Gas-apparatus............. J. Ponton.....................
Gas-apparatus.................................. R. Porter and T. Lane........
Gas-apparatus.................................J. E. Richard.........
Gas-apparatus............................. C. Seeger.....................
Gas-apparatus...............................J. F. Spence................
Gas-apparatus........................... J. H. Steiner.............
Gas-apparatus............................ O. Tirrill---------------.....................
Gas-apparatus..................................... H. H. Wainwright...........Gas-apparatus........................... A. Walker, jr.............
Gas-apparatus..................................... W. Warner and E. S. Redstreake.
Gas apparatus and carbureter, Portable......... J. MacDougall................
Gas apparatus and carbureter, Portable......... M. A. Root and J. D. Custer...
Gas-apparatus, Automatic air-holder for..........H. L. McAvoy...............
Gas apparatus, Coal.............................- i E. Jones....................
Gas, Apparatus for broiling or roasting by...... _ V. F. Shaw...................
Gas, Apparatus for carbonizing............... W. H. Laubach..............
Gas. Apparatus for carbureting and regulating the T. G. Springer..............
pressure of.
Washington, D. C.........
Evansville, Ind.........
Waterbury, Conn.......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y---...
London, England.......
Philadelphia, Pa-..
Brooklyn, N. Y....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Rutland, Vt. --....--
Buffalo, N. Y..........
London, England..........olumbia, S. C..........
Quincy, Ill..............
Williamsburgh, N. Y....
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Burlington, Mass.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Burke, Vt..............
Philadelphia, Pa......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia and Norristown, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.............
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y.......
Date. No.
Mar. 18, 1873 136, 952
Dec. 20, 1864 45, 491
Nov. 22, 1864 45, 201
Mar. 21, 1871 112, 786
July 24, 1860 29, 281
Apr. 26, 1859 23, 811
Mar. 1, 1870 100,456
Jan. 26, 1864 41,413
Jan. 3,1871 110, 729
Apr. 29,1873 138, 377
May 26, 1868 78, 185
July 23, 1867 66, 950
June 25, 1867 66, 004
Mar. 9, 1869 87, 556
Dec. 11, 1855 13, 904
Sept. 3,1867 68, 435
June 1, 1858 20, 438
Jan. 9,1872 122, 625
May 26, 1868 78, 307
Sept. 12, 1871 118, 967
June 7, 1864 43, 079
Jan. 16, 1872 122, 733
Feb. 27, 1849 6, 145
Mar. 27, 1866 53, 482
May 19, 1868 78, 006
Aug. 13, 1872 130, 388
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 937
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 766
Feb. 5, 1867 61,887
Apr. 9, 1872 125, 496
June 5, 1866 55, 395
Feb. 4, 1873 135, 455
Aug. 7, 1849 6, 626
Aug. 7, 1866 57, 020
Nov. 26, 1867 71, 514
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 122
Nov. 22, 1864
Dec. 19, 1871
June 19, 1860
Apr. 21, 1868
Sept. 2, 1873
Gas, Apparatus for collecting marsh and other.... C. S. Hunt and J. B. Knight... Terre Bonne Parish and May 19, 1868
New Orleans, La.
Gas, Apparatus for compressing................. W. H. Gwynne............... New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 7, 1860
Gas, Apparatus for condensing and purifying...... A. Hendrickx................. New York, N. Y- -- - -.......... Aug. 3, 1858
Gas, Apparatus for domestic manufacture of-...... J. W. Brown......---------------............ Wooster, Ohio.......... Sept. 15, 1868
Gas-apparatus for domestic use.............-----..--..--.. Mills and O. H. Burdett... New Athens, Ohio..-... July 7, 186.1
Gas, &c., Apparatus for exhausting................ R. Laidlaw and J. Thomson... Glasgow, Great Britain... Apr. 25, 1871
Gas, Apparatus for exhausting and purifying..... P. Muazinger................. Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug.29, 1871
Gas, Apparatus for exhausting and washing...... C. H. Brown and J. J. Thomas. Philadelphia, Pa--...-... Mar. 25, 1873
Gas, Apparatus for generating and burning....... W. Stewart.. - - -.................. Steubenville, Ohio...... July 5, 1870
Gas, Apparatus for generating and carbureting... C. F. Dunderdale.............. New York, N. Y--...--... - June 1, 1869
Gas, Apparatus for generating aind carbureting J. B. Terry................... I Brooklyn, N. Y--....... - Sept. 12, 1871
Gas, Apparatus for generating carbonic-acid - ____!S. T. Bacon.................. Boston, Mass...---.----- Jan. 29, 167
Gas, Apparatus for generating carbonic-acid...... J. Matthews --..................-I New York, N. Y... ----..! June 25,1872
Gas, Apparatus for generating carbonic-acid...J. D. O'Donnell............... Washington, D. C........ Aug. 8, 1871
Gas, Apparatus for generating carbonic-acid. T1. Warker- --------------- New York, N. Y..... Apr. 27, 1859
Gas, Apparatus for generating carbonic-acid...... O. Zwietusch......--------------- Milwaukee, Wis........ July 30, 1872
Gas, Apparatus for generating carbonic-acid and F. M. Ruschhbaupt--...-.-... Philadelphia, Pa....... -- Apr. 19, 1864
Gas, Apparatus for generating, carbureting, and B. Sloper..................... Saint Louis, Mo.......... May 30, 1871
burning hydrogen.
Gas, Apparatus for generating illuminating....... M. P. Coons.. - ----.................I Broohlyn, N. Y----------........... Nov. 22, 1859
Gas, Apparatus for generating illuminating......- D. I)avison--------... ------- iNew York, N. Y.......... Feb. 15, 1870
Gas, Apparatus for generating illuminating..... C. N. Tyler. - - - -- Washington, D. C........ Dec. 28, 1858
Gas, Apparatus for generauting oxygen...........-... R. Smithson................New York, N. Y......... Dec. 3, 1867
Gas, Apparatus for making illuminating..--..... -O. Collins............... New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 22, 1865
Gas, Apparatus for making water......... - W. H. Gwynne.............. Brooklyn, N. Y----------.... Mar. 11, 1862
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing................ J. Absterdam..-..-........ Boston, Mass........ June 15, 158
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing............ W. Beaumont.................. Paterson, N. J.........I June 15, 1858
Gas. Apparatus for manufactuting........... R. Carkhuff................. Lewisburgh, Pa......... Aug. 2, 1864
Gas, Apparatus lor manufacturing................ B. F. Caston................ Washington, D. C......... July 26, 1847
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing.-.-...... J. C. Clapp---------------.................... Homer, N. Y..--...... July 16, 1867
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing E. Jones....................E.Jones.... Boston, Mass--........ Dec. 19, 1871
Gas, Apparatus lor manufacturing X............. W. Maynard......-........ Salem, Mass....... Feb. 18, 1873
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing............... S. C. Salisbury............... New York, N. Y........ May 30, 1865
Gas, Apparatus fotr mIanufacturing............... W. H. Spencer................ New York, N. Y-....... - July 22, 1873
Gas, Apparatus fotr manufacturing................ G. Symes...................... London, England.... Aug.. 6, 1872
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing coal.... S. B. Darwin................. Shrewsbury. England..... Feb. 13,1872
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing coal........... W. Gibson.......... Cambridge, Mass......... Sept. 19, 1871
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing coal........... A. M. Giles.......... Boston, Mass............ Mar. 26, 1872
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing coal........... H. Irland....... Fayette, N. Y--...... May 26, 1868
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing coal........... E. Jones..----------------..- Boston, Mass............. Feb. 11, 1873
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing heatig and J. A. Bassett................ Salem, Mass.............. Sept. 8, 1868
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing hydrocarbon... E. J. L. Caillot............... Barcelona, Spain......... Dec. 10, 1872
Gas. Apparatus for manufacturing h ydrocarbon... J. Kidd...................... New York, N. Y.......Aug. 29, 1871
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing hydrogen..... W. L. Imlay.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 11, 1873
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing iluminating... R. Alsop.................Philadelphia, Pa......... June 22, 1869
122, 024
28, 781
77, 156
142, 525
77, 982
29, 481
82, 080
39, 159
114, 156
118, 472
137, 174
105, 012
90, 644
118, 983
61, 596
128, 234
117, 805
20, 110
130, 001
42; 147
115, 369
26, 163
99, 860
22, 463
71, 657
49, 505
34, 632
20, 534
20, 541
43, 668
5, 210
66, 676
122, 025
136, o081t
47, 986
141, 090
130, 164
123, 682
119, 135
125, 043
7 8, 209
135, 647
81, 974
133, 829
118, 459
144, 513
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating... J. Dailey.......................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating... J. Jennings.............
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating.. E. Jones.....................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating. H. G. Ludlow..............
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating.. J. G. and W. Miuller..........
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating. H. B. Myer..................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating..S. Nowlan...................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating.. F. W. Ofeldt and A. W. Almqvist.
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating.. A. P. Pitkin....................
Gas, Apparatus for manufactuting illuminating. T. Sabbaton..................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating. S. Short.....................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating J. H. Spang......
Gas, Apparatus for manufacituring illuminating L. Stevens.................
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating. J. E. Thomson...............
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating. J. C. Tiffany..............
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing illuminating.. P. H. Vander Weyde..........
Gas, Apparatus for manufacturing water.......... W. H. Gwynne...............
Gas, Apparatus for mixing...................... A. Walton...................
Gas, Apparatus for naphthalizing............... W. H. Gwynne...............
Gas, Apparatus for naphthalizing -.............. E. H. Kendall.................
Gas, Apparatus for preparing nitrous-oxide...... C. H. Moseley.................
Gas. Anpparatus for uroducing and carbureting.J. H. Steiner.................
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New York, N.Y..........
Boston, Mass............
Troy, N. Y..............
Dayton, Ohio.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y......_
New York, N. Y..........
Hartford, Conn.......
New York, N. Y._....
Buffalo, N. Y...........
Dayton, Ohio.........
Washington, D. C......
Buffalo, N. Y........
Portsmouth, N. H.........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France........._
New York, N. Y......
Claremont, N. H......
Claremont, N. H......
New York, N. Y......
West Roxbury, Mass......
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y., and
Reading, Pa.
Boston and Chelsea, Mass
June 7, 1870
Feb. 1,1865
June 27, 1871
Sept. 6, 1870
Dec. 23, 1873
June 25, 1872
Aug. 30, 1859
Aug. 18, 1868
Mar. 25, 1862
Feb. 20, 1866
June 12, 1860
May 7, 1872
Apr. 14, 1868
Oct. 7, 1862
Nov. 26, 1872
Aug. 18, 1868
Sept. 10, 1861
Apr. 15, 1862
Apr. 30, 1861
Mar. 19, 1861
May 1, 1866
Dec. 28, 1869
Nov. 30, 1869
Feb. 23, 1869
Aug. 4,1863
June 28, 1859
Dec. 21, 1858
Aug. 30, 1853
Mar. 6, 1855
Aug. 19, 1873
July 26, 1870
July 26, 1870
July 19, 1870
Mar. 22, 1864
Gas, Apparatus for producing illuminating......
Gas, Apparatus for producing light and heat from.
Gas, Apparatus forproducing olefiant.............
Gas, Apparatus for purifying................
Gas, Apparatus for purifying....................
Gas, Apparatus for purifying.....................
Gas, Apparatus for purifying illuminating.....-..
Gas-apparatus for railway-cars....................
Gas-apparatus for aailway-cars, &c................
Gas-apparatus for railway-cars, &c...............
Gas-apparatus for railways, &c..................
Gas, Apparatus for regulating the pressure of....
C. F. Dunderdale..............
R. d'Hurcourt............
W. Elmer...............
A. Dickinson.................
A. Walker...................
W. Wigston..................
D. H. Chamberlain...........
J. B. Olney..................
J. S. Wood....................
J. S. Wood................
W. Foster, jr., and G. P. Gauster.
W. A. Simonds, A. H. Silvester, and C. Caldwell.
Gas, Apparatus for roasting and boiling by... J. B. Blake....................
Gas, Apparatus for the preparation andti adminis- A. M. Leslie................
tration of nitrous-oxide.
Gas, Apparatus for treating air and hydrocarbon L. Stevens....................
vapor for illuminating.
Gas, Apparatus for turning on................W. P. Wage..................
Gas, Apparatus for washing............. H. Guild.....................
Gas apparatus, Hydrocarbon................. L. Maring and E. Mertz.......
Gas apparatus, Hydrocarbon...................-.. M. H. Strong and W. 1. Reid
Gas apparatus, Illuminating..................R. Foulis...................
Gas apparatus, Illuminating...................... C. B. Warring............
Gas-apparatus, Portable.......................W. Foster, jr., and G.P. Ganster
Gas-apparatus, Portable................... G. H. Kitchen and S. C. Nash.
Gas-apparatus, Portable........................... G. Lowden.............
Gas-apparatus, Portable.........................J. H. Miller and S. Albright..
Gas-apparatus, Portable........................' M.E. Stebbins..-...........
Gas-apparatus, Portable.................... "W. and M. Stratton-........
Gas apparatus, Portable water.............. C. Harasythy...............
Gas-apparatus, Sealing dip-pipe of.............. R.B. Chapman...........
Gas-apparatus, Sealing dip-pipe of--.-----------.I J. R. Farnum...............
Gas as a motive-power, Utilizing............ O Balton, jr.................
Gas, Attachmnent for heating kettles and boilers by M. Van Vranken..........
Gas-bracket................................ J. F. Goldthwait..... -..-..
Gas-bracket -.............................. J. R Hunter......................
Gas-bracket fender.....-----------------------. W. II. Miller.................
Gas-bracket, lamp-stand, &c., Self sustaining-..--. C. Robb........................
Gas-brackets, Connecting-joint and cock of.....L Hull.. -...
Gas blow-pipe..................................... A. H. Wood..............
Gas burning apparatus........................... R. WV. Hoit...................
Gas-burning furnace.........................-. J. Green........_..........
Gas burning furnace...----------------------- C. Schinz...................
Gas by atomized liquid, Purifying illuminating.-I B. E. Chollar................
Gas by electricity, Switch for turning on and off S. Gardiner, jr..............
and lighting.
Gas by electricity, Turning on and shutting off.. S. Gardiner, jr............
Gas by means of a spirit-lamp, Generating...... S. Andrews.............
Gas-carbonizing attachment for street and other S. Whitney...............
Gas, Chemical compound for the manufacture of A. H. Carpenter...............
Gas, Clay retort for manufacture of..-..---......... F. C. Krause....................
Gas, Combining carbonaceous matters for the man- G. McKenzie.................
ufacture of.
Gas, Combining hydrogen and wood............... V. C. Choate and C. N. Tyler.
Gas-compensator.................................. I P. W. McKenzie.............
Gas-compensator..........-...................... A. Smith......_.
Gas, Composition for purifying................... P. B. Goddard........
Gas, Composition for purifying....................I I. C. G. Howitz....-........
Gas, Composition for purifying illuminating...... S. P. Parham..............
Gas, Composition for purifying illuminating....... W. H. St. John and P. Cartwright.
Gas, Composition-fuel for manufacture of....... I. C. Sellars..............
Gas, Compound for the manufacture of illuminating G. McKenzie...............
Gas, Compound oil for producing..............,J. Butler......................
Gas, Condenser fr manuttheture of illuminating... P. T. Burtis.................
Gas cnideoser, scrubber, and washer..........- T. B. Burtis..............
Gas-consuming furnaceJ............................ J. Green...................
Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 18, 1856
Saint Louis, Mo........ May 7, 1867
Fitchburgh, Mass....... June 11, 1867
Barre Centre, N. Y........
New Oileans, La.........
Basle, Switzerland..-...
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Saint John's, New Brunswick.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.......
New York and Brooklyn,
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Grafton, Va............
Springfield, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
San Francisco, Cal........
Waltham. Mass..........
Waltham, Moass. -..
Chartiers Township, Pa..
Washington, D. C.......
Boston, Mass............
Baltimore, Md...........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Montreal, Canada........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Boston. Mass............
Boston, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa._...
Offenburg, Baden.......
Leavenworth, Kans......
Washington, D. C.........
Dec. 10, 1867
Sept. 27, 1859
Feb. 4, 1873
Mar. 21, 1871
Oct. 12,1852
Sept. 15, 1857
Dec 15, 1868
Nov. 24, 1868
Nov. 7, 1871
Nov. 8, 1859
Oct. 27, 1868
Feb. 1, 1853
May 21, 1861
Aug. 1, 1871
May 21, 1872
Ocr. 28, l973
Matr. 5, 1867
S pt. 23, 1813
Oct. 30, 1855
Sept. 26, 1871
June11, 1872
Sept. 5, 1871
Oct. 20, 1863
Oct. 9, 1860
May 2.3, 1871
Feb. 21, 1865
Oct. 1, 1872
Feb. 27, 1872
103, 994
46, 473
116, 450
107, 208
145, 810
128, 321
25, 275
81, 198
34, 773
52, 751
28, 720
126, 587
76, 841
36, 627
133, 391
81, 232
33, 249
34, 994
32, 222
31, 720
54, 389
98, 442
97, 284
87, 130
39, 387
24, 543
22, 391
9, 981
12, 498
141, 886
105, 756
105, 757
105, 501
42, 023
14, 437
64, 431
65, 705
71, 927
25, 566
135, 568
18, 216
84, 941
84, 283
120, 590
26, 042
83, 419
9, 568
32, 362
117, 6 2
127, 035
143, 954
6-2, 707
143, 138
13, 739
119, 2:36
197, 798
118, 722
40, 376
30, 319
46, 536
131, 740
124, 126
57, 697.....
107, 743
59, 179
110, 249
113, 905
16, 682
34, 582
40, 085
22, 233
37, 815
144, 284
76, 544
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 4, 1866
Perth Amboy, N. J........ May 5, 1831
Newark, N. J............. Sept. 27, 1870
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 30, 1866
New York. N. Y........ Dec. 20, 1870
Glasgow, Scotland...... Apr. 18. 1871
Washington, D.C.........
Jersey City, N. J........
New York, N. Y....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Copenhagen, Denmark....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Feb. 24,1857
Mar. 4, 1862
Sept. 22, 1863
Dec. 7, 1858
Mar. 3, 1863
Nov. 4, 1.73
Apr. 7,1868
Birkenlihead, England..-.. Dec. 10, 1872 133, 894
Glasgow, Scotland....... Mar. 1, 1870 100, 433
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 411
Chicago, 111.............. Aug. 5, 1873 141,543
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 30,1867 6,1, 194
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 3, 15856 15, 009
Index of patents issued from the United Slates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gas, Converting waste into combustible...........
Gas cooking-apparatus...........................
Gas cooler and washer........................
Gas-engine, Explosive...........................
Gas, Engines for the utilization of ammoniacal...
Gas-engine without steam.........................
Gas-engines, Arrangement of.....................
Gas-engines, Method of actuating................Gas-engines, Electrical apparatus for lighting.....
Gas exhausters, &c., Governor for..............
Gas explosive engine for condensing air...._.....
Gas explosive engine for condensing air..._......
Gas-extinguisher and cut-off, Automatic-..-..
Gas-fitter's clamp................................
Gas-fitter's gage-attachment...................
Gas-titter's book-blank.....................
Gas-fitter's pressure-gage.............................
Gas-fitter's tool....................................
Gas-fitter's use, Rod of connected book-blanks for.
Gas-fitter's wrench-................................
Gas-fittings, Device for boring and turning._....
Gas-fittings, Machine for drilling and tapping - -.....
Gas.-fittings, Machine for finishing--...-........
Gas-fittings, Machine for reaming and tapping -.... -
Gas-fixture attachment..........................
Gas-fixture, Extension..........................
Gas-fixture, Extension.........................
Gas-fixture, Oxyhydrogen........................
Gas-fixture socket-coupling.......................
Gas-fixtures, Device for raising and lowering......
Gas-fixtures, Extension-slide for.............
Gas-fixtures, Lock-coupling for--- -----------
Gas-fixtures, Trap-attachment for.............
Gas-flame expander.............................
Gas for fuel, illumination, &c., Manufacture of.....
Gas for fuel, &c., Manufacture of inflammable.....
Gas for head-lights, Apparatus for generating.....
Gas for heating and illuminating, Apparatus for
the nmanufacture of.
Gas for heating and illuminating buildings and
for other purposes, Manufacture of
Gas for heating and illuminating purposes, Method
of applying.
Gas for heating and illumination, Generating..._..
Gas for heating and lighting, Producing..
Gas for illuminating and heating, Manufacture of.Gas for illuminating, heating, &c., Manufacture of
Gas for illuminating, &c., Manufacture of pneumatic.
Gas for illumination, Apparatus for purifying....
Gas for illumination, &c., Manufacture of........
Gas for illumination, Manufacture of coal.........
Gas for illumination, Treating.....................
Gas for illumination, &c., Treating...............
Gas for light-houses, Generating and burning....
Gas for lighting and heating purposes, Manufacture and purification of.
Gas for lighting railway-cars, Apparatus for generating and carbureting.
Gas for metallurgic and otherpurposes, Apparatus
for burning.
Gas for motive-power...........................
Gas for motive-power for extinguishing fire and
for other purposes, Generating.
Gas for motive-power, Generating.................
Gas for the production of heat, light, &c., Process
of burning.
Gas for various purposes, Manufacture and application ot.
Gas from anthracite coal, Generating inflammable
Gas from bitumen, Manufacture of illuminating...
Gas from bituminous coal, Purifying and condensing illuminating.
Gas from blast and puddling furnaces, Apparatus
for collecting and forcing.
Gas'from coal and other materials, Manufacture of
Gas from coal, Apparatus for producing........
B. Todd.......................
M. Germann..................
R. Salter.....................
G. B. Brayton.................
P. Hugon....................
P. Hugon..................
M. Isnard.........
O. H. Kratze..............
W. H. Laubach.............
C. P. Leavitt................
F. Milion.............._.. -
S. Perry.................
S. L. Wiegand................
A. Drake...................
J. Fret..................
S. Brown................
J. C. F. Saloman.............
O. Hammel...............
W. M. Storm............
R. Koch.....................
B. T. Babbitt................
B. T. Babbitt.............
D. M. Reynolds............
G R. Pierce...................
E. P. Gleason...............
R. B. Donaldson.............
J. Himmer...............
J. Fellows and J. W. Lyon.. -.
G. B. Phillips................
G. Rosenthal................
M. Walty...................
R. T. Crane..............
J. W. Lyon...............
H. A. Chapin.............
N. L. Bradley and J. A. Evarts
E. McClintock................
D. Milne...................
C. A. Shaw..................
G. G. Sheldon..............
B. Jacobs.....................
H. Coester...................
H. Kriiger...............
A. W. Wilkinson..........
T. L. Reed..............
J. F. Pond...................
J. Horton....................
T. L. Reed...................
J. B. Hyde.................
H. Whitney..................
W. Elmer....................
W. Elmer....................
H. S. Maxim.................
J. H. Connelly and J. MeLure
T. Arnold...................
Newcastle-upon- Tyne,
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Boston, Mass.........
Paris, France..........
Paris, France.....
New York, N. Y.......
Leipsic, Saxony........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y.........
Paris, France......
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Orleans, France.........
London, England.......
Baltimore, Md........
Jersey City, N. J........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.......
Port Deposit, Md.......
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Camden, N. J..........
Hoboken. N. J.......
New York, N. Y'.......
Washington, D. C.......
Hartford, Conn...........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Albany, N. Y........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........Buffalo, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill............
Brooklyn, N. Y.. -..
Springfield, Mass......
West Meriden, Conn......
New Brunswick, N. J....
Norwich, N. Y...........
Biddeford, Me...........
Chicago, Ill.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.....
Providence, R. I......
Cleveland, Ohio.....
New York, N. Y.......
Providence, R.I.......
New York, N. Y.......
Watertown. Mass.......
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y......
Wheeling, W. Va...-....
New York, N. Y..........
Dec. 24,1872
Apr. 7, 1868
Mar. 30, 1869
Apr. 2, 1872
Jan. 19, 1864
Aug. 8, 1H05
Dec. 11, 1824
Aug. 4, 1863
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. 15,1871
Apr. 2, 1867
Oct. 7, 1846
Oct. 4, 1P04
Apr. 17, 1855
Dec. 18, 1866
Mar. 2, 1824
May 4, 1858
June 18, 1867
Sept. 25, 1855
Mar. 25, 1873
July 14, 1868
July 14, 1868
Dec. 2, 1873
Aug. 27, 1 872
June 27, 1865
Aug. 29, 1871
Aug. 8, 1865
July 2, 1867
Sept. 29, 1868
Mar. 16, 1869
May 3, 1859
Oct. 24, 1871
Apr. 29, 1873
Mar. 15, 1870
Oct. 30, 1860
July 1, 1856
Oct. 20, 1868
Mar. 31, 1868
Sept. 6, 1870
Feb. 16, 1864
May 13,1873
May 22, 1866
Aug. 2, 1870
Mar. 29, 1870
Feb. 6, 1872
July 17, 1866
June 14, 1870
June 15, 1869
Jan. 7, 1868
Sept. 13, 1870
Oct. 17, 1871
Feb. 23, 1869
Aug. 23, 1870
Feb. 15,1870
May 23, 1871
Aug. 15, 1865
Dec. 14, 1858
Dec. 8, 1863
May 4, 1869
Jan. 30, 1872
Apr. 1, 1873
134, 332
76, 321
88, 590
125, 166
41, 299
49, 346.....
39, 448
73, 816
118, 028
63, 416
4, 800
44, 572
12, 715
60, 500
20, 172
65, 808
13, 598
137, 215
79, 938
79, 939
145, 243
130, 940
48, 431
118, 603
49, 257
66, 227
82, 620
87, 919
23, 857
120, 329
138, 456
100, 731
30, 536
15, 219
83, 246
76, 222
107, 191
41, 644
138, 766
54, 915
105, 911
101, 369
123, 535
56, 448
104, 197
91, 443
73, 039
107, 264
120, 139
87, 156
106, 569
99, 927
49, 358
40, 804
89, 802
123, 3255
137, 521
C. Pepper..................... Albany, N. Y.............
J. Arbos...................
T. G. Springer..............
G. Eveleigh..................
R. M. Whipple and J. G. Blunt
J. W. Stow..................
D. Garnet..................
J. Kidd.....------------------.J. W. Smith..............
W. A. Simonds and S. Warner
L. Stevens...................
B. F. Coston.................
G. Eveleigh...................
J. H. Steiner..................
Barcelona, Spain..........
Clinton, Iowa.............
Peckham, Great Britain..
Chicago, Ill., and Leavenworth, Kans.
San Francisco, Cal........
Richfield, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y.........
Washington, D. C........
Boston and East Hampton, Mass.
Fitchburgh, Mass.......
Washington, D. C
London, Great Britain...
Apr. 4, 1871 113; 702
June 27, 1840
Aug. 23, 1870
Dec. 13, 1864
Mar. 24, 1863
July 3, 1866
Jan. 31, 1845
Jan. 30, 1872
Saint Louis, Mo.......... July 6,1869
C. M. Tessi6 du Motay........ Paris, France............ Mar. 2, 1869
J. Arbos..................
C. G. Wheeler............
D. E. Soines..................
S. Stevens....................
Barcelona, Spain..........
Chicago, Ill..............
Washington, D. C......
New York, N. Y.........
Dec. 8, 1863
Aug. 24, 1869
Sept. 4,1866
July 24, 1866
1, 656
106, 699
45, 460
56, 116
3, 894
123, 093
92, 391
87, 476
40, 805
94, 157
57, 787
56, 629
84, 967
7, 052
130, 545
90, 440
P. Salmon.....................London, England.......... Dec. 15, 1868
M. Ward and R. W. Hall......
A. Gesner...........
W. H. St. John and P. Cartwright.
D. H. Geiger.................
Baltimore, Md............
Halifax, Nova Scotia......
New York, N. Y.....
Saint Clair, Pa............
Jan. 1.), 18 8
Jan. 29, 1850
Aug. 13, 1872
May 25, 1869
G. McKenzie.................. Glasgow, Scotland........
T. O'Meara.................... Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Mar. 1,1870 100, 432
Aug. 30, 1870 1106, 863
Index of patentsis sued from the United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Gas from coal-tar, Manufacture of illuminating... J. Kidd-.................. New York, N. Y......... Mar. 12,1872 124, 441
Gas from fuel, Process of producing.............J. H. Burgin...............Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 17, 1867 68, 840
Gas from gasoline, Apparatus for making illumi- H. S. Maxim and J. Radley... New York, N. Y.........May 4, 1869 89, 588
Gas from hydrocarbon liquids, Generating........ M. S. Richardson and E. A. Rutland, Vt............... Oct. 1, 1867 69, 483
Gas from hydrocarbon vapors, Method of gene- J. Butler-................... Brooklyn, N. Y........... Nov. 24, 1868 84, 259
rating fixed.
Gas from hydrocarbons, Apparatus for making... J. T. Tyler and J. J. Johnston. Pittsburgh and Allegheny June 15,1869 91, 499
City, Pa.
Gas from hydrocarbons, Apparatus for the manu- J. Rigby..................... Portsmouth, Ohio......... Feb. 11, 1873 135, 666
facture of.
Gas from hydrocarbons, Apparatus for the manu- J. H. Smith.................. Newark, Ohio............ Dec. 6,1870 109, 848
facture of.
Gas from hydrocarbons, Generating.............. J. R. Smedberg................ San Francisco, Cal....... Nov. 22, 1870 109, 460
Gas from hydrocarbons, Manufacture of illumi- H. H. Eames and C. J. Eames. Philadelphia, Pa., and Oct. 15, 1872 132, 265
nating. New York, N. Y.
Gas from hydrocarbons, Producing............X. Moussard............. Paris, France...........Mar. 28,1871 113,192
Gasfrom hydrocarbons, Retort for the manufac- B. Sloper and R. M. Potter New York, N. Y., and Jer-. Apr. 23,1872 126, 098
ture of. sey City, N. J.
Gas from naphtha, &c., Apparatus for generating D. H. Lowe................... Boston, Mass............. Feb. 23,1869 87, 272
and burning.
Gas from oil, Apparatus for the manufacture of.... M. J. Barry................... Washington, D. C...... May 7, 1872 126, 519
Gas from oil, Apparatus for the manufacture of... C. and F. A. G. Gearing....... Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ious- June 18, 1872 128, 199
ton, Tex.
Gas, &c., from oil, Generating........................ AndrPerth Amboy, N. J....... Apr. 15,1831..S.............. o,.
Gas from oil-vapor, hydrogen, and air, Manufac- T. G. Springer..-- -.. New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 17, 1872 134, 109
ture of illuminating.
Gas from oils, Apparatus for making........... S. H. Goldthorp............. Pittsburgh, Pa............ July 15,1873 140, 911
Gas from peat, Manufacture of illuminating...... J. B. Hyde......_...... Newark, N. J...........July 19, 1864 43, 585
Gas from peat, Method of making......... J. B. Hyde................... Newark, N. J.......-..... Oct. 18, 1859 25, 866
Gas from petroleum and other hydrocarbons, Ap- G. W. Thompson and J. Foster kordentown, N. J......... May 5,1863 38, 429
paratus for generating.
Gas from petroleum and other wells, Device for H. M. Hamilton............... Franklin, Pa.............. June 21,1864 43, 201
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for generating... A. I. Ambler--------------................. Washington, D. C........ Aug. 29, 1871 118, 575
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for generating... A. I. Ambler................------------. Washington, D. C........Sept. 10, 1872 131, 240
Gas fi om petroleum, Apparatus for generating.... D. M. Grabam--------------- Evansville, Ind......May 9, 1865 47, 634
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for manufacturing H. H. Edgerton........... Fort Wayne, Ind......... Apr. 23, 1872 125, 941
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for manufacturing W. C. Wren and W. Barker... Brooklyn, N. Y........ July 31, 1866 56, 843
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for producing.... H. Hirzel..................... Leipsic, Saxofny...... May 14, 1867 64, 672
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for separating...-- J. Smith and A. Greig......... Tarville, Pa............ Mar. 29, 1864 42, 121
Gas from petroleum, Apparatus for separating and I. H. Hobbs.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 27,1864 44, 421
Gas from petroleum-distilleries, Mode of utiliz- H. W. C. Tweddle............. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Dec. 6,1864 45, 363
ing waste.
Gas from petroleum, Generating................... W. M. Sloane.............. Buffalo, N. Y............. Feb. 23, 1869 87, 210
Gas from petroleum, Manufacture and applica- T.S. Dickerson............. Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 12,1869 95, 665
lion of. -
Gas from petroleum, Manufacture of.............. L. Stevens.................... Washington, D. C........ Feb. 22,1870 100, 208
Gas from petroleum, Manufacture of............. G.W. Wren.................. G-Brooklyn, N. Y......... Feb. 9, 1869 86, 793
Gas from petroleum, Manufacture of illuminating. R. H. Smith----------------... Pittsburgh, Pa......... Aug. 12. 1873 141, 732
Gas from petroleum, Manufacture of illuminating W. H. Spencer............. Brooklyn, N. Y......... Feb. 20, 1872 123, 950
Gas from petroleum, Manufacture of illuminating. W. C. and G. W.Wren...--.. Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Oct. 31, 1871 120, 409
Gas from petroleum, Method of generating...-. C. Carpenter...--------------- Buffalo, N. Y............. Aug. 18, 1868 81, 136
Gas from petroleum, naphtha, &c., Apparatus for M. E. Hanson................ Newport, Me............ Aug. 28, 1866 57, 502
generating and burning.
Gas from resin, Apparatus for making............ A. Schmidt................... New York, N. Y........ Sept. 27, 1859 25, 610
Gas from retorts, &c., Apparatus for exhausting... J. Kidd...................... New York, N. Y -....... -Jan. 23, 18^2 122, 894
Gas from retorts, Apparatus for exhausting...... S. Trumbore.....--------------- Easton, Pa...... -..... June 6, 1871 115, 788
Gas from solid carbons, Producing................ L. Stevens.......--.... Washington, D. C....... Feb. 21, 1871 112, 088
Gas from the ignition of explosive compounds ap- H. Rogers.................... New York, N. -......... June 29,1833..
plied to machinery.
Gas from volatile liquids, Manufacture of........ C. A. Seely............... New York, N. Y......... Nov. 17,1868 84, 219
Gas from volatile oils, &c., Machine for making.... J. E. Schwippel............. Saint Joseph, Mo...... Feb. 23, 1869 87, 299
Gas from wood, Apparatus for making......... A. Schmidt................... New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 27,1859 25, 609
Gs from wood, Making........................ L. R. Breisach................. New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 6,1859 25, 316
Gas from wood, Making........................... A. Schmidt.................. New York, N. Y........ Sept. 4, 1860 29, 94t
Gas from wood, Making illuminating............. W. P. McConnell.....------------ Washington, D. C..-.. Sept.26, 1854 11,740
Gas from wood, Retort for the manufacture of..._. M. Levy--...............-....... - New York, N. Y......... Apr. 9, 1861 31, 986
Gas-furnace......................................J. Jordan..................... Liverpool, England...... Sept. 12, 1871 118, 947
Gas-furnace...................................... L. Stevens...--................. Washington, D. C.... July 22, 1873 141, 179
Gas-furnace.- - - - - -. L. Stevens.................... Washington, D. C.... July 22, 1873 141,180
Gas furnace and forge..........--................ J. R. Morris................... Houston, Tex............ Nov. 7,1871 120, 764
Gas-furnace for heating metals, &c............... Z. S. Durfee - - - -.......-. New York. N. Y......... Sept. 17, 1872 131, 333
Gas, &c., Furnace for the manufacture of......... F. Carroll--------------... --.. - ew Orleans, La....... Nov. 11, 1873 144, 506
Gas-furnace, Metallurgic.................. H. Frank................. Pittsburgh, Pa......... Feb. 11, 1873 135, 639
Gas-furnace, Metallurgic.......J. M. Hartman................ Philadelphia, Pa....... July 22, 1873 141, 002
Gas-furnace, Metallurgic.................... C. W. Siemens................ Westminster, England.... Nov. 8, 1870 109, 064
Gas-furnace, Metallurgic........................ J. Thomas................ Middlesborough, England June 10, 1873 139, 834
Gas-furnace, Metallurgic.......................... W. C. Wren-----....... Brooklyn, N. Y.......... July 8, 1873 140, 606
Gas, &c., Gage for measuring the pressure of ex- T. Shaw........ Philadelphia, Pa....... May 3, 1864 42, 6"27
Gas, Gas-works for making coal................... A. Babbett and W. W. Binney. Auburn, N. Y-....... June 8, 1869 91, 066
Gas-generating and blast-heating apparatus for J. D. Whelpley and J. J. Storer Boston, Mass.-..---Jan. 24, 1871 111, 288
metallurgic and other purposes.
Gas generating and carbureting machine, Hydrogen H. I. Hoyt......... Norwalk, Conn......... May 24,1870 103, 465
Gas, Generating and charging liquid with........ J. H. Laning................. Davidson County, Tenn... Dec. 23, 1824..
Gas, Generating and supplying illuminating.....E. A. Pond and M. S. Richard- Rutland, Vt............... June 5, 1866 55, 359
Gas-generating apparatus....................Z.S. Durfee........ New York, N. Y......... Jan. 2, 1872 122, 311
Gas-generating furnace, Portable................. W. M. Sloane.............. Buffalo, N. Y........... Nov. 5, 1867 70, 477
Gas-generating furnace, Steam.................... J. M. Sanders......... New York, N. Y......... July 6, 1869 92, 212
Gas, Generating heat by hydrogenL................. A. Hall....... Newark, N. J......... June 3, 1843 3, 121
Gas, Generating hydrogen and hydrocarbon....... J. S. Wood...------ -.. Philadelphia, Pa..... Dec. 7, 1869 97, 580
Gas, Generating hydrogen and hydrocarbon....... J. S. Wood....... Philadelphia, Pa...... Apr. 5, 1870 101, 558
Gas, Genera'ing illuminating..................... A. Hamar................. Philadelphia, Pa........ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 632
Gas, Generating illuminating.....................I F. King...... Richmond, Va.......... Jan. 14, 1868 73, 252
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17 0 to 1873, inclusive-Continucd.
Gas, Generating steam........................---.A.Lester..--...-..._.....
Ga-sgeiierator------------ ----------------------N. Anbin.............-......
Gas-gecerator------------------------------------ N. Aubin-------------...---
Gais-generator................................... J. Bagot....................Ga -enerator------------------------------------ J. A. Bassett ----------------
Ga scueerator----------------------------------- C. F. Brown..................
Gas-generator---------------------------------- J. A. Bruce................Gas-venerator--------------------------------... J. Butler.....................
Gas- -eneuator----------------------------------- J. Butler...................--
(c.-gen er-tor -..- ------------------------------. S. Chamberlaine.............
Ga's -geerator----------------------------------- 11. P. Coons.................
Gis-generator------------------------------------ M. P. Coons.........---......
G-as gene.,rator....--..-..-..-......-------------. Duty---------------------
G:s-;enoerator--------------------------------- J. J. Ensley................G s-generatot------------------X.Flo........................... M.Flo.---------
Gas-generator----------------------------------'1 B. Fogarty...............
Gas-generator...............--.....------...---.--.----J. W. Fox and D. H. Irland. -
Gas-generator...-.--..-.......................-A. M. Giles.................Gas generator..............................- J. Hansor..................--
Gas-generator ---------------------------------- A. A. Hayes...............--
Gas-geneiator................................... J. G. Hock..................
Gs-geneiator................................. C. A. Howard................
Gas-generator...............................l1). H. rland................G as -g ce i-ator".......................... P. Kelly....................
Ga-g~encrator. - -. --------- - - - - - - H. Lylcs.-- ---------
C as 'wner-tor................................ R. J. Malcolm..............Gas-generator.............................----A. L. McKay.............---
Gas generator.-----------........------- J. Mc Williams........--....
Ga-generator............................... M. Pettenkofer and C. Kniand
Gas-enecratoir........................A. Pieice..................
Gas..er..............................A. Pollock..............
Gas-generator.............................----D. W. Ranke.........--....Gais-generator.............................----S. C. Salisbury............Gas-generator.................................U F. Scheaf................
Gsgniator............-...... A. Sliwaninger.....-...
Gas-generator.................................... G. W. It. Seal...............Gas-generator..................................--S. Skinner..................Gas-generator..................................--W. M. Sloan................Gas-generator................................... J. W. Smith.................
Gas-generator.-.................................. JH. Steiner................
Gas-gencrat....................................C. A. Stevens................Gas-generator. _................................ W. N. Taylor...............
Gas-generator................................... A. K. Tu~-per...............Gas-generator........................... P. H. Vander Weyde.......
Gas-generator................................IJ. Watson and E. Cart-..
Gas-generator................................ E. W. Whitehead and J. 1.
Gas-generator................................ A. B. Wilson.-...........
Gas-generator.............................----J. S. Wood..............."--
Gas-generator and burner.....................C. B. Loveless..............
Gas-generator anai burner........---........_..C. N. Tyler.-_.. _........
Gas-generator and carbnreter................... C. F. Dunderdale...........
Gas-generator and carburetor.................-- J. B. Olney.................
Gas-generator and carboreter.................. J. H. Steiner................--
Gas-generator and carbureter..................... A. Stevens.----_......_...
Gas-geneiator and carbureter....................W. Thompson........-_ _-.....
G as generator and carbureter, Hydrogen....._.....J. S. Wood...................
Gas generator and carbureter, Illuminating...A. Stevens.................. - - - --
Gas generator, Carbonic-acid.....................P. and F. Hinkel..........._
Gas generator, Carbonic-acid......................J. W. Stanton.... --.......
Gas generator, Carbonic-arid.................... F. W. Wiesebrock.... _......
Gas-generator, Compressed.-.-------------------.. J. Gros.......................
Gas-generator lo r heating purposes...............-- -- -L. Stevens.... -_............
GQas generator, Illuminating...................... S. N. Chiamberlin....._......
Gas generator, Illuinating.. _...................G. P. Ganster-......-_-......._
Gas generator, Illuminating...................... H. B. Myer..................
Gas-generator, Portable.......................... C. B. Loveless. _..........
Gas-generator, Portable..........................W. A. Sinionds. --..........
Gas-generator, Portable.......................... W. Snodgrass................
Gas generator, Steam.......................... H. S. Maxim................
Gas generator, Steam petroleum................HR. M. Whipple and A. I. Ambler.
Gas generator, Wood.......................... W. ID. Porter...............
Gas generator, Wood.......................... C. F. Werner...............Gas-generators, Feed-apparatus to..............S. Meredith...............
Gas-generators, Feeding....................... C. B. Loveless..-_.....
Gas-generators, Method of cleansing............S. Coates -.........
Gas-governor.................................. E.Beggs................---
Gas-governor and by-pass.......................P. Munzinger.. _.. _.......
Gas-beater.................................. A. Adams..................
Gas-heater................................... B. Allen --.........
Gas-heater............................Banb.................. anhr.---------
Gas-heater.......................................BE. Barnes--.............
Gas-heater....................................... J. Q. Birkey..............--
Gas-beater................A. L. Boart - -----
Boston, Mass._.........
Albany, N. Y...........Albany, N. Y...........New York, N. Y-.--
Salem, Mass.-...-_Baltininie, Md.._._.
Baltinore, Mid......... _.
Brooklyn, N. Y....
New York. N. Y.-----
Philadelphia, Pa _-__.._.
Brooklyn, N. Y..........Brooklyn, N. Y-_...
Janesville, Wis........--
New York, N. Y_.__
Bloomington, Ill _--.-.-_
New York, N. Y.....
Chicago, Ill......_--...
Boston, Mass.----------...
Wardsworth Road, England.
Boston, -Mass..........---
Newark, N. J -.--........
P on t ia c, Mich. --.......
Hudson, XMich. ---.......
Dayton, Ohio---------...
Richmond, Va..........
Washington, D. C -....
Bolton, Miss.... _........
Pittsburgh, Pa -........Munich. Bavaria._._Philadelphia, Pa._.._.__.
Washington, ID. C.__..
Limestoneville, Pa _..
New York, N. Y......
Dayton, Ohio......... -
Milwaukee, Wis.._.
Winchester, Va. --..
Yonkei-s, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y-........
Washington, D. C.-_-._
Kansas City, Mo __-._._
New York, N. Y.-----
Philadelphia, Pa.----
Milferd, Mitch.........---
Phailadelphia, Pa --.._._.
Hull, England..........
Newark, N. J....... _.. _.
Mar. 10, 18-28
Sept. 26, 1854
Junie 23, 1857
Oct. 24,1r,465
O~ct. 13, 16t8
Feb. 26, 1850
May 12, 1157
Sept. 15, 1857
Jan. 24, 1 t-i
Api. 10, l60
May 3, 1859
Sept. 4,1866
May 10,17
Aug. 8, 1866
Oct. 29, 18b7
May 17, 18 70
Apr. 3, 16721
Mar. 17,1857
Feb. 3,1857
June 16, 1857
Mar. 30, 1858
Oct. 28, 1856
Apr. 2-2, 1873
July 6, 1869
Feb. it, 1868
Aug. 10, 1858
June 2, 1868
Apr. 26, 1870
June 5, 1866
May 20, 1856
June 27, 1846
Aug. 11, 1857
June 9, 1868
Aug. 6, 187-2
Jan. 7, 1868
July 24, 1860
July 13, 1858
Oct. 13, 1837
Apr. 7, 1868
June 30, 1857
Jan. 19, 1169
Jan. 2, 187-2
May 4, 1858
May 2-2, 1860
Feb. 12, 1867
Sept. 18. 1849
June 16, 1857
11, 714
17, 614
50, 548
83, 626
7, 115
18, 184
111, 174
27, 775
23, 828
10-2, 784
57, 41
70, 184
103, 036
1-25, 868
16, 830
16, 544
17, 574
19, 777
15, 973
138, 160
92, 317
74, 230
21, 142
78, 600
10-2, 293
55, 3-28
14, 926
4, 604
78, 828
150, 318
73, 124
29, 318
20, 897
18, 414
76, 535
17, 704
85, 972
1-22, 499
20, 177
28, 421
62, 095
6, 7-29
17, 599
Waterbury, Con-....-Oct. 26, 1858 21, 914
Brooklyn, N. Y............ May 13, 1873!1138, 7 78
Syracuse, N. F-..--- ----Dee. 21, 18:69 98, 174
Washington, D. C..-.._July 24, 1860 29, 328
New Ynrk, N. Y......... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 565
New York, N. Y.......... Dcc. 22, 1868 85, 229
Cincinnati, Ohio. -_. May 14, 18e72 526, 652
Fitchburgh, Mass.._..__.Dec. 21, 1869 98, 118
Cleveland, Ohio........... Apr. 30, 1867 64, 382
Philadelphia, Pa----------... p.Apr. 5, 1870 101, 557
Fitebburgh, Mass......Nov. 30, 1869 97, 457
New York, N. Y._.... Apr. 11, 1865 47, 205
Brooklyn, N. Y._- _-- ------Api-. 1, 1873 1:37, 330
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 18, 1873 144, 719
Paris, France.............Apr. 3, 1866 53, 758
Washington, D. C.....- Oct.. 11, 18 70 108, 302
Abington, Mass-----------. _Feb. 27, 1866 52,0%46
New York, N._Y. _......Mar. 31, 1868 76, 182
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 28, 1866 5 7, 551
Syracuse, N. Y............ Feb. 23, 1869 87, 271
BostonMass.............. Sept. 1, 1857 18, 109
Macomub, Ill..-.... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 080
New York, N. Y --____-------Nov. 26, 1867 71, 40
Chicago, Ill---------------.July 13, 1869 92, 687
New York, N Y.......... Aug. 22, 1854 11, 560
Now York, N. Y.......... June 2, 1857 17,465
Erie, Pa................... Sept. 6, 1853 9, 994
Syracuse, N. Y -......June 2, 1857 17, 435
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 23, 1858 19, 686
Saii Francisco, Cal. -. __May 5, 1868 77, 57-2
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 3, 1873 139, 514
Sturgis, Michi. -_-.......June 21, 18 70 104, 531
Boston, Mass-------------..Sept. 7, 1869 94, 538
Hempstead, N. Y....Nov. 9, 1869I 96, 55;9
London. England....Nov. 5, 1672 132, 793
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 31, 1865 50, 678
New York, N. Y......July 27, 1869 92, 931
Philadelphia, Pa.___: May 19, 18681 78, 053
Jackson, Mich............ May 24, 1870 1 103, 297
Boston, Mass......... _.. Apr. 26, 18 70 102, 258
Philadelphia, Pa...........May 17, 1870j 103, 017
Chicago, Ill............... July 12, 18 70 165, 305
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 1, 1870 108, 8r 8
Bangor, Me............... Feb. 4, 1868 73,6'57
Charleston, S. C........... Jan. 12, 186'J 85, 804
Georgetown, D. C..... Jane 16, 1868' 78, 951
Taycheedah, Wis.__.-. July 10, 1866 56, 204
Kilburn, England.....Oct. 25, 18 70 108, 583
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Ga -heater.......................................
Gas-heater ------------------------------
Gas-heater and petroleum-stove..........------....
Gas-heater boiler.................................
Gas-heater, Drum................................
Gas-heater for cooking, &c......................
Gas heating and cooking apparatus............
Gas heating and cooking apparatus.....-- -
Gas heating and lighting apparatus for locomotive
and railway cars.
Gas-heating apparatus.............................
Gas-heating apparatus............................
Gas-heating apparatus.........................
Gas-heating apparatus.............--..---.------
Gas-heating apparatus............--..--...........
Gas heating or cooking apparatus...............
Gas heating or cooking apparatus------------................
Gas, Heating, warming, and cooking by.-...........
Gas-holder, Dry...................................
Gas-holder, Portable.............................
Gas-holder, Portable --------------------------
Gas-holder, Portable..............................
Gas, Illuminating.........................
Gas, Illuminating-....-----------------------
J. T. Greenwood.............
D. G. Haskins.................
D. G. Haskius------------................
D. G. Haskins.............
J. P. Hayes...................
J. S. Hull.....................
J. H. Jones....................
W. Jones.....................
D. Kellogg....----------------
A. Komp.....................
A. Rompzr-------------------
H. Y. Lazear.........
H. Y. Lazear and J. L. Sharp -..
D. H. Lowe...................
J. Lundgren................
S. T. McDougall.............
G. F. Meiggs.................
A. H. Mershon...............
H. B. Musgrave...........
C. H. Prentiss.. -----.
O. M. Reynolds and D. T.
E. O. Schartan...............
P. Schreyer----------------...................
W. F. Shaw...................
J. Sheedy...................
G. Smith...-.................
W. C. Trowbridge....-........H. F. W. Wesche...--..........
A. T.Boon...................
C. Geisse....-------------------
W. H. Towers--------------................
J. S. Hull..--...--------.............R. S. Andrews--------------................
F. A. Jacquet---------------.................J. H. Connelly.--.......--
P. S. Devlan..................
C. M. Guild...................
D. G. Haskins.....--------------
W. F. Shaw.....----------------
S. L. Wiegand...............
W. F. Shaw----------------...................W. F. Shaw----------------..................W. Boggett and G. B. Pettit -.
S. Hill and W. I. Wood.......
C. A. Stebbins................
T. R. White..................
N. Anbin....................
0. L. Lawson-.................
J. McFarlan..................
W. Elmer......-...............
C. S. Hunt and J. B. Knight -.
Beloit, Wis......-...... Sept. 8,1868
Cambridge, lass....-..... Nov. 19, 1867
Cambridge, Mass..-.... Jan. 11, 1870
Cambridge, Mass..-..... Nov. 21, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.--...... Oct. 10, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio.-....... Mar. 31, 1868
New York, N. Y.-..-----....... Apr. 25, 1865
Chelsea, Mass............ June 23, 1868
Jackson, Mich............ Mar. 10, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 10, 1872
New York, N. Y.......... July 14, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... July 6, 1869
Boston, Mass.----.......... Dec. 15, 1868
New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 2, 1870
Brooklyn, N. Y.-.......... May 5, 1868
Boston, Mass.............. May 17, 1870
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 7, 1872
Cincinnati, Ohio........... Oct. 26, 1869
Cleveland, Ohio.. -....... Mar. 4, 1873
Oil City, Pa............... Apr. 4, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
Ayer, Mass...............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Galesburgh, Ill..........
Taycheedah, Wis.........
New York, N. Y-..........Cincinnati, Ohio-....Baltimore, Md...........
Paris, France...........
Wheeling, W. Va._..... _
Camden, N. J.............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Cambridge, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass.............
Westminster, England....
Rochester, N. Y.........
Springfield, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa....
Albany, N. Y -...--..-.....
New York, N.Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y....--.....
New York, N. Y..........
Terre Bonne Parish and
New Orleans, La.
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J.............
Paris, France.............
Boston, Mass..............
Nov. 9, 1869
Apr. 14, 1868
Jan. 23, 1855
Apr. 12, 1870
Apr. 16, 1872
Feb. 16, 1869
June 6,1871
Mar. 19, 1867
Oct. 16, 1866
Dec. 27,1864
July 3, 1866
May 12, 1857
June 1, 1869
May 23, 1871
Jan. 26. 1858
July 11, 1854
Apr. 10,1866
Feb. 26, 1856
Nov. 10, 1863
Mar. 11, 1856
Nov. 4, 1856
Apr. 18, 1854
Nov. 6, 1855
Apr. 20, 1869
Aug. 6, 1872
July 2,1861
June 26, 1860
Sept. 27, 1859
Jan. 17, 1865
May 19, 1868
Sept. 5, 1871
Mar. 4, 1873
Nov. 6, 1866
Sept. 29, 1868
81, 892
71, 002
98, 767
121, 170
119, 761
76, 195
47, 426
79, 230
75, 429
131, 280
79, 989
92, 322
84, 889
106, 040
77, 635
103, 222
126, 473
96, 260
136, 383
113, 567
96, 623
76, 828
12, 267
125, 850
87, 014
115, 666
63, 004
58, 807
45, 655
56, 052
17, 251
90, 846
115, 027
19, 185
11, 244
53, 820
14, 325
40, 591
14, 414
16, 031
10, 793
13, 754
89, 090
130, 346
32, 676
28, 873
25, 607
45, 915
77, 983
118, 669
136, 565
59, 529
82, 582
Gas-illuminator.................................. M. Andrew....--....-.........
Gas-illuminator.................................----------------------------J. B. Van Patten..............
Gas in apparatus for diving, Regulating the flow of. B. Bouquayrol...............
Gas in fire-extinguishers, &c., Composition for J. F. Babcock -.............
Gas in fu naces, Method of burning --.-.-.-. - J. C. Tiffany...........
Gas, In the preparation of materials to be used in A. A. Croll...............
the purification of.
Gas into furnaces, retorts, converters, &c., Intro- O. M. Phillips-.............
ducing oxygen.
Gas, iron, and steel from the ore, Process and T. J. Chubb...................
furnace for making.
Gas-jets, Device for igniting-...-............... G. W. Parke and J. G. Stowe
Gas-lamps, &c., Apparatus for lighting street-...... J. W. Beard..................
Gas-light and pressure-indicator-------- - - - - W. W. Goodwin.............
Gas-light apparatus............................... J. Crutchett..................
Gas-light globe----------------------------.................................... C. Collier..................
Gas liht globe.................................... T. Trudeau..
Gas-light-governor case.......................... N. Tufts....................
Gas-light multiplier.............................. J. F. Boynton...------------
Gas-light multiplier......................... J. F. Boynton.-......
Gas-light shade...----------------------------W. Fullagar.........-..-......
Gas-lights, Apparatus for lighting and extinguish. N. S. Manross.........----.....-------.
Gas- lights from cotton-seed, Manufacture of....... D. Olmstead............
Gas lights, Means of extinguishing.......... C. H. Harwood................
Gas lig hts, Means of extinguishing............... O.S. Judd......................
Gas li hts, Mode of extinguishing.............. H. K. Symmes-.............
Gas lights, Packing for sliding................ G. Clay................
Gas lighter....................................... W. B. Johns..................
Gas-lighter........................................ E. D. McCracken.............
Gas-lighter............................--. W. Wiler and L. Moss.......
Gas-lighter, Automatic............................ A. N. Allen and R. H. Dewey.
Gas-lighter, Electric..-----....-..-.- -...-. A. N. Allen and R. H. Dewey.
Gas-lighter, Electric....................... E. J. Frost and G. A. Lawrence
Gas-lighter, Fulminate............................ H. B. Stockwell...............
Gas, Lighting............................. A. Barbarin...................
Gas, Lighting.................................... A. Barbarin...............
Gas, Lighting............................ W. W. Batchelder...----------
Gas, Lighting..................................... W. W. Batchelder..........
Gas, Lighting..................................... E. D. McCracken.............
Gas, Lighting and extinguishing......---------------M. G. Farmer-----------................Gas lighting and extinguishing apparatus..... A. N. Allen and R. H. Dewey
Gas lighting and extinguishing apparatus, Auto- E. P. Russell..................
Gas lighting and extinguishing apparatus, Electric, J. Vansant.............
Portsmouth, N. H-...... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 257
London, England........ Apr. 4, 1865 47, 160
New York, N. Y..........
Jan. 26, 1869
Williamsburgh, N. Y..... Nov. 19,1872
Bloomington, Ill.....-.. July 16, 1872
St. John's, New Brunswick Dec. 10, 1867
Camden, N. J............. Apr. 22, 1873
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... May 6i, 1844
Selma, Ala............... -Nov. 29,1870
Ottawa, Canada........... July 25,1871
Boston, Mass.......... May 25, 1869
Syracuse, N. Y.......... Sept. 5, 1865
Syracuse, N. Y...-..-... Oct. 8,1867
Brooklyn, N. Y......----------- June 7, 1870
Forestville, Conn........ Feb. 5, 1861
New Haven, Conn..-...-.... July 21,1827
Salem, Mass.............. Aug. 22, 1871
New Britain, Conn........ June 10, 1862
Newton, Mass............ Feb. 14, 1860
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 8, 1859
United States Army...... Aug. 16, 1859
New York, N. Y..........Feb. 18, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 26, 1855
Pittsfield, Mass......... Oct. 24, 1871
Pittsfield, Mass...... Nov. 28, 1871
Springfield, Mass...... Aug. 8, 1865
Brooklyn, N. Y........... June 27, 1865
New Orileans, La-....... Nov. 20, 1866
New Orleans, La........ Apr. 30,1867
New York, N. Y.......... May 14, 1867
New York, N. Y........ - Nov. 3,1868
New York, N. Y... -...Oct. 17, 1871
Salem, Mass..-..... Dec. 24, 1867
Pittsfield, Mass---..... Apr. 12,1870
Manlius, N. Y......... June 25, 1867
San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 4, 1871
86, 247
133, 202
129, 363
71, 842
138, 016
3, 573
109, 589
117, 486
90, 609
49, 705
69, 621
103, 865
31, 322.....
118, 239
35, 525
27, 170
26, 015
25, 122
136, 084
120, 226
49, 254
48, 459
59, 754
64, 738
83, 593
120, 082
72, 616
101, 806
66, 044
113, 370
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1S73, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Gas lighting and extinguishing, Automatic ma- H. R. Richardson---------............
chine for.
Gas lighting and extinguishing by electricity, E. E. Bean...................
Apparatus for.
Gas lighting and extinguishing by electricity, F. Bean.......................
Apparatus for.
Gas lighting and extinguishing by electricity, J. P. Tirrell...............
Apparatus for.
Gas lighting and extinguishing by electricity, J.P. Tirrell..................
Apparatus for.
Gas lighting and extinguishing by electricity, J. Vansant....................
Apparatus for.
Gas-lighting apparatus............................... A. Barbarin..................
Gas-lighting apparatus........................... H. G. Fiske...................
Gas-lighting apparatus............................E. D. McCracken...........
Gas-lighting apparatus........................ A. Potter...................
Gas-lighting apparatus, Automatic................ F. Korwan...................
Gas-lighting apparatus, Electric.................. C. N. Ealer..............
Gas-lighting apparatus, electrical................. J. Vansant--------------...................
Gas-lighting apparatus, Electro-magnetic...... A. N. Allen and R. H. Dewey.Gas-lighting apparatus, Electro-magnetic....... F. Heyl and P. Diehl........
Gas-lighting apparatus, Electro-magnetic......... A. W. Scharit, L. A. Hudson,
and D. Lyman.
Gas-ligh Iting apparatus, Magneto-electric.-..----.. A. N. Allen and R. H. Dewey.
Gas-lighting by clectrical sparks, Apparatus for...- J. Vansant....................
Gas-lighting by electricity, &c................. A. N. Allen.................
Gas-lighting by electricity.................. E. E. Bean and W. H. Mumler
Gas-lighting by electricity....................... A. L. Bogart..................
Gas-lighlitin by electricity..................R. Cornelius.................
Gas-lighting by electricity....................... R. Cornelius...............
Gas-lighting by electricity....................... R. Cornelius..............
Gas-lighting by electricity...................... S. Gardiner,jr..................
Gas-lighting by electricity........................ S. Gardiner, jr...............
Gas-lighting by electricity..................... S. Gardiner,jr..................
Gas-lighting by electricity....................... S. Gardiner,jr...............
Gas-li hting by electricity....................... S. Gardiner,jr...............
Gas-lighting by electricity..................... S. Gardiner, jr...............
Gas-lighting by electricity.................... J. M. Higgins.................
Gas-lighting by electricity..................... G. G. Percival.................
Gas-lighting by electricity................... R. G. Pike....................
Gas-lighting by electricity......................_ W. A. Pitt..................
Gas-lighting by electricity..................... A. Wilson.....................
Gas-lightig by electricity, Apparatus for......... A. Barbarin...................
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for......... W. W. Batchelder............
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for......... W. W. Batchelder............
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for........ W. W. Batchelder............
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for......... S. Gardiner, jr...............
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for....... W. H. Kelly.................
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for...... W. Klinkerfues...............
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for........ W. J. Morris and W. J. Reid...
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for......... _ I.. T. Robbins................
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for......... T.P. Tirrell..............
Gas-lighting by electricity, Apparatus for......... J. Vansant...................
Gas-lighting by electricit, Instrument for........ R. Cornelius.................
Gas-lighting by electro-galvanic battery, Method of A. Wilson...............
Gas-lighting by frictional electricity, Method of... W. W. Batchelder...........
Gas-lighting by galvanic electricity, Method of.... W. W. Hopkins..............
Gas lighting, Construction of instrument for...... A. D)amarin and G. C. Brower.
Gas-lighting device............................... E. P. Gleason...............
Gas-lighting device............................... J. G. Harper.................
Gas-lighting, &c., Distributing electricity for...... S. Gardiner, jr................
Gas-lighting, Electric apparatus for..... F. Bean.......................F.Bean...
Gas-lighting, Electric torch for................... W. W. Batchelder..........
Gas-lighting, Electrical............................ C.G. Mueller and H. Meier...
Gas-lighting, Electrical apparatus for............. R. Cornelius...........
Gas-lighting, Electrical apparatus for............ S. B. H. Vance............
Gas-lighting, Implement for...................... T. W Houchin.............
Gas-lighting instrument.......................... T. W. Houchin............
Gas-lighting instrument........................... A. Shipley and W.T. Mersereau
Gas, Lighting street.............................. E. P. Russell................
Gas-lighting torch..........................E. P. Gleason.............
Gas-lighting torch................................ C. H. Roberts............
Gas-lighting torch, Electric..................... VW. W. Batchelder.............
Gas-lime, &c., Obtaining bisulphide or carbon from. J. Kircher....................
Gas-lime &c., Obtaining sulphur, sulphuric acid, J. Kircher....................
and sulphurets of sodium and potassium from.
Gas-machine..................................... S.R. Ball......................
Gas-machine...................................... N. W. Bancroft............
Gas-machine............................. W. W. Binny..............
Gas machine............................. E. H. and W. H. Covel.........
Gas-machine................................. T. B. Fogarty...............
Gas-machine................................. B. Fogarty.......
Gas-machine.............................. T B. Fogarty.............
Gas machine...........................T. B. Fogarty.......
Gas-machine... T. B. Fogarty.............
Gas-machine.................................... T. B. Fogarty................
Gas-machine............................. T. B. Fogarty................
Gas-machine.............................. T. B. Fogarty.................
Gas-machine..................................... T. B. Fogarty.................
Gas-machine........ J. P. Gallagher...............
Gas-machine.............................. D. M. Graham.................
Gas-machine........J. W. Groat...................
Gas-machine............................. C. C. Hare...............
Gas-machine.............................. J. Kaufmann.............
Gas-machine.............................. P.H. Lawler and W. H. Gibson
Gas-machine.............................. H. S. Maxim..................
Gas-machine..........................., H. S. Maxim.................
Manlius, N. Y............. June 26,1866
Boston, Mass............. June 1,1869
Somerville, Mass........... Oct. 18, 1870
Charlestown, Mass........ Nov. 28,1871
Charlestown, Mass........ Nov. 28,1871
San Francisco, Cal........ Mar. 19, 1872
New Orleans, La..........
Springfield, Mass.....
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Mannheim, Germany......
Opelousas, La.............
San Francisco, Cal........
Pittsfield, Mass...........
East New York, N. Y.....
Saint Louis, Mo., Syracuse,
N. Y., and Parkman, Ohio.
Pittsfield, Mass.....
San Francisco, Cal......
Pittsfield, Mass........
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N.Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y...
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Brooklyn, N. Y....-..
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New Orleans, La........
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass...........
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y..........
Gottingen, Germany......
New York, N. Y.....
Boston, Mass.........
Charlestown, Mass"....
San Francisco, Cal......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Amelia, Ohio...........
New Orleans, La..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York,N.Y.........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
Hanover, Germany.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
Morrisania, N. Y..........
Morrisania, N. Y..........
Newark, N. J............
Manlius, N. Y.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Troy, N. Y................
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Hyde Park, Ill...........
Worcester, Mass..........
Auburn, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Kings County, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Evansville, Ind...........
Fremont, Ohio...........
Kansas City, Mo..........
Jackson, Miss...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Sept. 1, 1868
May 25, 1869
Oct. 17, 1871
July 8, 1873
Mar. 11, 1873
Sept. 20, 1870
June 10, 1873
Oct. 3, 1871
June 20, 1871
Nov. 2, 1869
July 4, 1871
May 21, 1872
Feb. 6, 1872
June 4, 1867
Oct. 3, 1871
June 4, 1861
May 19, 1863
May 19, 1863
Dec. 2-2, 1857
Mar. 30, 1858
Nov. 29, 1864
Nov. 29, 1864
Nov. 29,1864
June 19, 1866
Nov. 19, 1867
Jan. 15, 1867
Sept. 4, 1866
June 10, 1873
Aug. 16,1859
June 1,1869
Sept. 7,1869
May 17, 1870
June 7, 1870
Feb. 19, 1867
Mar. 15, 1870
Jan. 2, 1872
Apr. 5, 1870
Sept. 6, 1870
Aug. 20,1872
Oct. 31, 1871
Oct. 18, 1864
Feb. 23, 1858
Jan. 31, 1860
Feb. 15, 1859
Apr. 24, 1860
Dec. 8, 1868
July 25, 1865
Apr. 9, 1872
Jan. 28, 1868
Apr. 30, 1872
June 3,1873
May 24, 1864
Feb. 5, 1861
Dec. 10,1867
Apr. 11, 1865
May 12, 1868
Oct. 29, 1867
June 24, 1873
Feb. 18,1873
Mar. 5,1872
May 6, 1873
Apr. 8, 1873
Jan. 4, 1870
Oct. 6, 1868
June 14, 1870
Nov. 24,1868
June 6, 1871
June 6,1871
June 6, 1871
June 6,1871
June 6, 1871
June 6,1871
June 6, 1871
Sept. 26,1871
Feb. 18, 1873
July 12, 1870
July 28, 1868
May 25,1869
May 18, 1869
May 28, 1872
Dec. 22, 1868
Sept. 8, 1868
Oct. 24,1871
5i, 909
90, 629
108, 434
121, 301
124, 773
81, 735
90, 519
120, 083
140, 591
136, 739
107, 465
139, 692
119, 492
116, 054
96, 488
116, 660
127, 000
123, 4;-9
65, 466
119, 561
32, 471
38, 562
38, 563
19, 766
45, 239
45, 240
55 641
71, 005
61, 247
57, 761
139, 811
90, 626
94, 545
103, 127
103, 831
62, 125
100, 773
122, 389
101, 491
107, 105
130, 770
120, 469
44, 708
19, 460
26, 964
22, 952
27, 971
84, 689
48, 932
125, 387
73, 868
126, 251
139, 599
42, 840
31, 359
71, 880
47, 207
77, 771
70, 272
140, 191
136, 006
124, 317
138, 504
137, 692
98, 462
82, 786
104, 253
84, 460
115, 591
115, 592
115, 593
115, 594
115, 595
115, 596
115, 597
119, 227
135, 980
105, 190
80, 404
90, 445
90, 259
127, 245
85, 104
81, 922
120, 302
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 17'0 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I i i i
Gas machine......................................
Gas nmachine, Air....................
Gas machine, Electro-hydrocarbon...............
Gas, Machine for generating and carbureting......
Gas machine, Pneumatic.........................
Gas-machine, Portable........._............
Gas-machines, Adjustable pulley for.........
Gas machines and carbureters, Safety-apparatus for
Gas-m ain......................................
Gas-main pipes, Condensing liquids in.............
Gas-mains, Leveling hydraulic..................
Gas-mains, Straddle-pipe for hydraulic..........
Gas, Making.............................
Gas, Making.............................
Gas, Making and application of combustible.....
Gas, Making and using nitrous-oxide..............
Gas, Making carbureted hydrogen................
Gas, Making illuminating.......................
Gas, Making illumiimating...................
Gas, Making illuminating....................
Gas, Making illuminating.........--.........
Gas, Making illuminating............Gas, Making illuminating --........- '..
Gas, Making illuminating.......................
Gas, Making illuminating.....................
Gas, Manufacture of.............................
Gas, Manufacture of.............................
Gas, Manufacture of...............................----------------------
Gas, Manufacture of..............................
Gas, Manufacture of.......................
Gas, Manufacture of --...............................
Gas, Manufacture of.............................
Gas, Manufacture of...............................
Gas, Manufacture of...............................
Gas, Manufacheture of...............................----
Gas, Manufacture of..............................
Gas, Manufacture of...............................
Gas, Manufacture of...............................
Gas, Manufacture of...............................
Gas, Manufacture of.......--------..
Gas, Manufacture of........................
Gas, Manufacture of carbon-black for natural carbureted hydrogen.
Gas, Manufacture of coal....................
Gas, Manufacture of coal...................
Gas, Manufacture of coal.........................
Gas, Manufacture of coal.........................
Gas, Manufacture of hydrocarbon................
Gas. Manufacture of hydrocarbon.............
Gas, Manufacture of hydrocarbon............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating..- - - -
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........ _......
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating..................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating..........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating......
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminaling.......
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating......
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............
H. S. Maxim and J. F. Lockwood.
W. T. McMillen..-.............
I. Prichard....................
W. A Simonds................
A. R. Spang and D. F. Scheaf..
J. D. Spang..................
T. G. Springer................ - - - -
T. G. Springer------------.................
T. G. Springer.................
T. G. Springer.................
W. Thompson................
H. Tilden---------..........-------........--
H. Tilden----------------....................J. H. Van Houten---------.............
H. Wain-----------------......................P. Werni.....----------------
H. J. Smith..... --------------
C. F.Dunderdale..............
D. Boyle......................
B. Sloper----------------......................
E. F. Van Houten...---.......
J. F. Boynton.........
I. N. Stanley...............
J. Walton.....................
P. Munzinger---...---------............
P. Munzinger...............
J. Hansor......----------------,J. McGeary.....--------------
W. Garnet..................
P. H. Vander Weyde..........
H. W. Adams- --..........
N. Aubin...................---------------
G. Danr6, P. Nicolas, and F.
R. Grant....-----------------
J. L. Graves--------------..................
L. L. Hill....----------------.................
J. Howarth...................
A. C. Rand-...................
J. H. Connelly...............
J. H. Connelly...............
J. Crutchett..................
L. D. Galeo----------------
D. C. Knab..................
T. S. C. Lowe-------------..................
S. T. McDougall...........
G. Michiels....................
C. Noble----------------.....................R. H. Patterson..............
J. T. Rich......"...........
F. A. Sabbaton................-----------
H. Skoines....................
J. L. Stewart..................------------
C.N. Tyler....................
J. Howarth.................
J. A. Bassett................
D. Davison.........--..---......W. Gibson...................
W. H. Gwynne..............
J. A. Bassett------------.................
J. Calkins....................
F. A. Sabbaton..............
J. A. Bassett................
J. A. Bassett...............
J. A. Bassett...............
J. A. Bassett.................
J. A. Bassett.................
J. Boston.....................
A. S. Cameron and W. E.
C. Carpenter...............
D. Daviaon...........
C. F. Dieterich and A. Schiissler.
C. F. Dunderdale..............
W. Elmer.....................
W. Elmer.....................
W. Ehlmer...................
W. Elmer...................
J. J. Ensley...............
R. M. and A. R. Fryer-.......
G. P. Ganster.................
C. Gearing....................
H. D. Green.................
H. D. Green.................
W. H. Gwynne...........
W. H. Gwynne.....
W. H. Gwynne-----------...
A. W. Hall...
G. W. Harris and H. P. Allen.
New York, N. Y.......I June 2,1868
Richmond, Ind........
Terre Haute, Ind..........
Boston, Mass...........
Dayton, Ohio............
Dayton, Ohio.............
Clinton, Iowa.........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Fayette City, Pa..........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Newark, N. J.............
Ravenna, Ohio............
Newark, N. J............
Boston, Mass.............
New York.N. Y........
San Francisco, Cal........
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J.........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Louisville, Ky...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Wardsworth Road, England.
Salem, Mass............
New York, N. Y... -....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa...._
New York, N. Y..........
Albany, N. Y............-----------
Marseilles, France........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Springfield, Mass.........
Hudson, N. Y.............
Salem, Mass.............
Union Mills, Pa........
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Stroud, England..........
Washington, D. C.......
Washington, D. C....
Paris, France.....
Norristown, Pa........
New York, N. Y.........
Paris, France....----------
New York, N. Y......
Hammersmith, England...
Philadelphia, Pa......
Troy, N. Y.........London, Great Britain -...
East Boston, Mass.......
Washington, D.C.......
Salem, Mass............
Salem, Mass..............
New York,N. Y..........
Cambridge, Mass..........
New York, N. Y........
Salem, Mass..............
Hudson, N. Y.............
Troy,N. Y..............
Salem, Mass...........
Salem, Mass..............
Salem, Mass..............
Salem, Mass...............
Salem, Mass.............
New York, N.Y.......
New York and Rye, N. Y.
Nov. 14,1871
Feb. 4,1868
May 2, 1871
Sept. 21, 1869
Dec. 22, 1868
Dec. 7, 1869
Mar. 8, 1870
Mar. 21,1871
Oct. 3, 1871
Nov. 10, 1868
Nov. 23, 1869
May 6, 1873
Nov. 22, 1870
Oct. 20, 1868
Aug. 19, 1873
Mar. 22, 1870
July 20, 1869
June 7, 1870
Oct. 7, 1873
Aug. 19,1873
Sept. 18, 1866
Aug. 7,1866
June 30, 1857
May 25,1869
May 4, 1869
Feb. 10, 1857
Apr. 7,1868
Dec. 27, 1822
Feb. 12, 1867
Apr. 23,1816
Aug. 10, 1852
Jan. 8, 1856
Dec. 28, 1852
Jan. 27, 1857
June 4, 1872
June 17, 1862
May 17, 1864
June 25, 1867
Sept. 18, 1866
May 21, 1867
Mar. 12, 1867
Nov. 8, 1859
Nov. 8, 1859
Mar. 9, 1858
Aug. 13, 1872
Mar. 13, 1860
Oct. 3, 1846
July 11, 1865
Apr. 8, 1873
July 30, 1867
May 20, 1873
Nov. 25, 1873
Junle 1,1858
June 21, 1859
Sept. 17, 1872
Aug. 29,1871
Oct. 24, 1871
Oct. 5,1869
Dec. 15,1863
Jan. 3,1860
Jan. 3, 1860
July 11,1871
July 8, 1862
Aug. 19, 1862
June 25, 1867
June 25, 1867
Oct. 20, 1868
Feb. 11, 1831
May 9, 1871
78, 465
120, 824
74, 132
114, 358
94, 982
85, 185
97, 748
100, 684
112, 975
119, 663
84, 021
97, 247
138, 715
110, 568
141, 973
92, 943
103, 836
143, 426
141, 967
58, 055
57, 006
17, 711
90, 379
89, 592
16, 591
76, 338.....
62, 094.....
9, 175
14, 045
9, 501
16, 480
127, 411
35, 610
42, 771
66, 041
58, 221
64, 845
62, 823
26, 028
26, 030
19, 575
130, 382
27, 460
4, 789
48, 714
137, 713
67, 217
139, 083
145, 021
20, 453
24, 506
131, 446
118, 579
120, 151
95, 459
40, 925
26, 644
26, 649
116, 994
35, 807
36, 254
66, 070
66, 071
83, 239.....
114, 642
87, 466
119, 329
129, 720
94, 297
41, 431
65, 733
141, 500
74, 063
73, 521
78, 870
140, 264
57, 123
59, 004
36, 012
37, 289
39, 227
1119, 510
129, 951
94, 596
Buffalo, N. Y.............. -----------Mar. 2,1869
Now York, N. Y -........ Sept. 26, 1871
New York, N. Y........... July 23,1872
New York, N. Y......... Aug. 31, 1869
New York, N. Y......... --------Sept. 15, 1863
New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 2,1864
New York, N. Y.......... June 11, 1867
New York, N. Y........ Aug. 5, 1873
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 4, 1868
New York, N. Y..... Jan. 21, 1868
New York, N. Y...------...... June 16,1868
Pittsburgh, Pa.....----------- June 24, 1873
Portland, Oreg...........Aug. 14, 1866
Portland, Oreg. ----.-Oct. 23, 1866
White Plains, N. Y........ July 29,1862
White Plains, N. Y........ Jan. 6,1863
White Plains, N. Y....... July 14,1863
New York, N. Y..........Nov. 22, 1870
Elizabeth, N. J., and New July 30, 1872
York, N. Y.
Elizabeth, N. J., and New Sept. 7,1869
York, N. Y.
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................J G. W. Harris and H. Holdrege.
75 P
Index of patents issued fromn the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Gas, M anufacture of illum inating-............ S. H evner -.....-...........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................ E. R. Hopkins.............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................. J. Kidd.......................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating-............ F. King.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............, M. Levy...............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. J. S. Lipps..................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............... C. B. Loveless..............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............ W. L. Lowrey.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating...-------------- W. L. Lowrey...............
Gas, M anufacture of illuminating............. E. P. M cCarthy........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........... W.P. McConnell..............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. E. D. McCracken............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating....__............E. D. McCracken............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................ G. A. McIlhenny...........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............ G. McKenzie..............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating......-------------- T: N. Miller................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. A. Millochau..................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.. - -...........E. A. Pond.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................. E. A. and G. H. Pond and M.
S. Richardson.
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............... A. C. Rand...................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................. A. C. Rand....................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............--- -- A. C. Rand..................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............. W. D. Seal.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................. B. Silliman...................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. B. Sloper and R. M. Potter....
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. J.W. Smith and T. H. Phillips.
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............- J. Somerville and R. Elsdon....
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............- - A. P. Southwick..............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating..............- - - W. H. Spencer...............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........... W. H. Spencer...............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........... T. G. Springer...............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating........... T. G. Springer................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................J. W. Stanley.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating... --........... L. Stevens...................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................. L. Stevens....................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................L. Stevens...................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................. J. B. Terry.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............ J. E. Thomson..............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating... --........... P. H. Vander Weyde........
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. A. Walton and J. L. Kite......
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................ S. L. Wiegand.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating..............S. L. Wiegand.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating..............---- S. L. Wiegand.................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............... A. W. Wilkinson..............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating................ A. W. Wilkinson............
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating............. W. C. Wren...................
Gas, Manufacture of illuminating.............. VW. Young and P. Brash.....
San Francisco, Cal......
Newark, N. J............
New York, N. Y..........
Washingtor, D. C.....
New York, N. Y....
New York, N. Y.........
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
San Francisco, Cal......
Washington, D. C.....
New York, N. Y....._
New York, N. Y..........
Washington, D. C.......
Glasgow, Great Britain...
Pittsburgh, Pa........
New York, N. Y..........
Rutland, Vt...........
Rutland, Vt.............
Union Mills, Pa...........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
Washington, D. C........
New Haven, Conn.....
New York, N. Y., and Jersey City, N. J.
Washington, D. C.......
Maidstone, Great Britain..
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Fayette City, Pa..........
Fayette City, Pa........
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Washington, D. C........
Washington, D. C.........
Washington, D. C.......
Hartford, Conn.......
Buffalo, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.....
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Mag dalen Bridge and
Leith, Scotland.
New York, N. Y.......
Birmingham, England....
San Francisco, Cal........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
White Plains, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.....
Biskenhead, England.....
Baltimore, Md........
Great Britain.............
Putney, County Surrey,
London, England........
Mort lake, Surrey, and
London, England.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Salem, Mass...............
Charleston, S. C...........
Eastport, Me..............
New Haven, Conn., and
Brooklyn, N. Y.
May 9, 1871
Dec. 16, 1873
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 1, 1871
Dec. 9, 1862
Dec. 29, 1868
Dec. 1,1868
July 23, 1867
Aug. 4, 1868
May 17,1870
July 28, 1863
July 12, 1870
Aug. 13, 1872
June 18, 1867
July 9, 1867
June 17, 1873
Oct. 2, 1866
Oct. 10, 1865
Sept. 27, 1870
Feb. 26,1867
Apr. 13, 1869
Mar. 8, 1870
Feb. 27, 1866
Oct. 19, 1869
Jan. 23, 1872
Oct. 8,1867
Apr. 14, 1868
Aug. 26, 1873
July 9, 1872
Sept. 3,1872
Dec. 5, 1871
Dec. 17, 1872
Jan. 31, 1871
Jan. 7, 1868
Jan. 26, 1869
Feb. 23,1869
Dec. 10, 1867
May 20,1862
Apr. 9, 1872
Jan. 14, 1862
May 5, 1863
Aug. 18, 1863
Aug. 18, 1863
Feb. 6, 1872
June 17, 1873
Apr. 8, 1873
Sept. 27, 1870
Jan. 26, 1869
June 24, 1862
June 6, 1871
July 22,1873
June 29, 1869
Aug. 11, 1863
Dec. 9, 1873
Feb. 1, 1870
June 22, 1842
Sept. 22, 1838
Apr. 16,1861
Feb. 22, 1853
July 29, 1873
Sept. 15, 1863
Oct. 5, 1858
Dec. 13, 1859
Nov. 26, 1867
Feb. 8, 1853
Nov. 4, 1842
Sept. 13,1870
Oct. 13,1863
Nov. 2, 1852
Oct. 8, 1850
Mar. 5,1850
Apr. 28, 1868
Mar. 10,1831
July 24, 1860
Aug. 14, 1866
Apr. 27, 1858
Mar. 17, 1868
Sept. 30,1873
Aug. 14, 1860
Aug. 21, 18.60
June 20, 1854
July 21, 1863
June 6, 1871
July 9,1861
Dec. 5, 1854
May 24, 1859
Mar. 18, 1862
Sept. 15, 1863
Apr. 21, 1868
Oct. 23, 1860
114, 559
145, 655
119, 034
117, 645
85, 458
84, 636
67, 127
80, 642
103, 218
39, 350
105, 351
130, 437
65, 927
66, 511
139, 910
58, 553
50, 385
107, 809
62, 363
88, 982
100, 668
52, 893
95, 941
123, 052
69, 594
76, 837
142, 289
128, 918
131, 035
121, 679
134, 108
111, 486
73, 057
86, 187
87, 123
72, 118
35, 336
125, 633
34, 185
38, 438
39, 605
39, 606
123, 538
140, 104
137, 750
107, 848
86, 248
35, 742
115, 684
141, 119
92, 105
39, 480
145, 350
99, 285
2, 687
32, 049
141, 263
21, 663
26, 423
71, 375
9, 580
2, 837
107, 380
40, 266
9, 367
7, 703
7, 154
77, 298
29, 323
57, 268
20, 130
75, 653
143, 390
29, 639
29, 740
11, 128
39, 266
115, 557
32, 747
12, 045
24, 108
34, 678
39, 907
7, 908
30, 524
Gas, Manufacture of oxygen...................
Gas, Manufacture of oxygen.................
Gas, Manufacture cf pneumatic...................
Gas, Manufacture of vapor.....................
Gas, Manufacture of vapor....................
Gas, Manufacture of water..................
Gas, Manufacture of water.................
O. M. Phillips..............
J. Webster...................
H. Bloomfield................
C. L. Cohen................
C. A. Seely.............
W. H. Gwynne...............
E. J. Jerzmanowski...........
T. Brattan...................
C. F. Brown..................
S. Clegg......................
S. Clegg......................
Gas-meter........................................ A. A. Croll...................
Gas-meter........................................ D. De Castro and R. Burton...
J. S. Elliott...................
J. E. Fisk....................
T. B. Fogarty.................
D. Forrest....................
E. R. Hallam and T. B. Barnard
Gas-meter.................................. _.J. Hemming.............. Great Britain..........
Gas-meter..............- H. J.Hyams................. H.J. Hyam..... Pittsburgh, Pa............
Gas-meter......................................... 'eH. H. and J. F. G. Kromschroe- Regent's Park, Hanover...
Gas-meter.................................--- G. Laidlaw.................... New York, N. Y..........
Gas-meter........................................ T. W. Lane........... Woburn, Mass............
Gas-meter....................................J.Long....................Chicago, Ill.....ll.
Gas-meter................................ J. W. Mablon............ Brooklyn, N.. Y.........
Gas-meter..................................... H. Robinson............... Boston, Mass..............
Gas-meter................................ __J. Schatt.................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
Gas-meter................................. J. T. Scholte.............. Paris, France...........
Gas-meter.................................... T. Shaw................ Philadelphia, Pa..........
Gas-meter................................ A. W. Smith.............. Birmingham, Pa..........
Gas-meter............... _...................... W. A. Telling and S. Johnson.. London, England........
Gas-meter...............N. Tufts, jr................ Boston, Mass..............
Gas-meter................................ G. J. Willson and D. H. Fox... Reading, Pa.............
Gas meter and regulator......................... C. C. Lloyd.................West Philadelphia, Pa....
Gas-meter, Dry................................. D. Alcorn........ New York, N. Y..........
Gas-meter, Dry................................... A. W. Almqvist and F. W. New York, N. Y.........
Gas.meter, Dry.._.............................. L. Boore.......... Buffalo, N.Y..............
Gas.meter, Dry.................................. F. Darracott............... Boston, Mass.............
Gas-meter, Dry................................. S. Down..................-New York, N. Y.......
Gas-meter, Dry................................ J.E. Fisk................ Salem, Mass..........
Gas-meter, Dry.................................. J. E. Fisk.......... Salem, Mass..........
Gas-meter, Dry................................... W. W. Goodwin............ Camden, N. J..........
Gas-meter, Dry.................................. R. H. Gratz and C. C. Lloyd....L Philadelphia, Pa..........
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I, i
Gas-meter Dry.................-
Gas-meter, Dry...................................
Gas-meter Dry...............................
G(? s-meter, Dry..................
Gas meter, Dry...................
Gas-meter Dry...................
Gas-meter Dry..................................
Gas-meter Dry..................................
Gas-meter Dry...................................
Gas-meter Dry...........................
Gas-meter Dry...................................
Gas-meter Dry.............................
Gas-meter, Dry................................
Gas-meter, Dry...................................
Gas-meter Dry......
Gas-meter, Dry....................
Gas-meter indicator...........................
Gas-meter, Paper dry............................
Gas-meter register................................
Gas-meter register...............-------------------......---........
Gas meter register................................
Gas-meter, W et..................................
Gas -meter, Wet------------------------------
Gas meter, W et...................................
Gas meter, Diaphragm-bellows for dry.........
Gas-meters, Gearing for................
Gas-meters in the wall of building, Setting........
Gas-meters, Liquid for......................
Gas-meters, Liquid for fluid.....................
Gas-meters, Movement of.....................
Gas-meters, Packing the shafts of dry...........
Gas, Method and apparatus for separating hydrocarbon vapors from illuminating.
Gas, Method of burning---...---..--------------
Gas, Method of compressing and liquefying nitrousoxide and other.
Gas, Method of obtaining benzole and its homologues from coal.
Gas, Method of preserving and storing carbonicacid.
Gas, Method of producing illuminating..........
Gas, Method of producing water............
Gas, Method of relieving liquids of.............
Gas, Mode of obtaining antiseptic............
Gas, Mode of producing hydrogen................
Gas, Mode of producing oxygen..............
Gas, Mode of treating the spent oxide of iron used
for purifying.
Gas of mineral springs, Method of exhibiting the.
Gas of stone-coal, Light by a flame produced from
the vapor on.
Gas on steamboats and other vessels, Apparatus
for supplying.
Gas or air with hydrocarbon vapors, Apparatus
for charging.
Gas or other retort........................
Gas or vapor engine..............................
Gas or vapor engine---....--------------------
Gas-pendant, Extensible.........................
Gas-pipe -..--------------------------------
Gas pipe and fixture-----------------------..............................Gas-pipe and stair-rod............................
Gas-pipe coupling...........................
Gas-pipe cutter.....---------------------------
Gas-pipe drill..................................
Gas-pipe fittings, Machine for finishing..........
Gas-pipe joint........................
Gas-pipe joint..................................
Gas-pipe nipples, Device for holding...........
Gas-pipe safety-attachment................
T. Grodjinski................
A. Harris....................
P. Hodge.....................
T. C. Bopper................
H. J. Hyams................
C. Kirk.....................
C. C. Lloyd...--------------
C C. Lloyd....
H. Logue......-..-.....
G. Lowen and S. H. Goldthorp
W. Lyon and C. W. Dickinson
E. Meredith..................
J. A. Sabbaton................
J. Schatt................
J. Schatt.....................
C. L. Vasquez.................
T. I. Pitt................
A. Schiissler and C.F. Dieterich
H. H. Edgerton...........
J. S. Elliott..............
W. McDonald............
J. Cochrane...................
W. Richards.................
A. Tufts.....................
J. S. Elliott....................
A. Potts................
H. P. Gengembre...........
J. Taylor..................
J. Thatcher..............
N. Tufts, jr.................
H. H. Edgerton..............
New York, N. Y..........Philadelphia, Pa..........
Seneca Falls, N. Y........Philadelphia, Pa..........
Hampton Road, England..
New Haven, Conn........
Philadelphia, Pa...-...
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Newark, N. J................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y.........-.
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y _........
Fort Wayne, Ind........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Albany, N. Y.............
Harburn, North Britain...
Barcelona, Spain.......
Malden, Mass.... -.._
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Rock Island, Ill...........
South Dartmouth, Mass..
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston. Mass.........
Fort Wayne, Ind......."
July 12, 1859
Dec. 16, 1873
Oct. 11, 1870
Jan. 14, 1868
Mar. 31, 1857
Feb. 18, 1862
May 5,1863
Nov. 26, 1867
May 31, 1859
Nov. 15, 1870
Apr. 29,1856
Dec. 17, 1867
July 9, 1861
Apr. 22, 1862
July 2, 1867
Apr. 10, 18601
Nov. 17, 1857
Nov. 25, 1873
Aug. 22, 1871
Sept. 17, 1861
Oct. 9, 1866
Mar. 18, 1862
Mar. 20, 1860
Oct. 13, 1868
Mar. 26, 1861
July 5, 1859
Apr. 27, 1858
June 5,1860
Oct. 3, 1854
Sept. 12, 1865
Aug. 15, 1871
24, 736
145, 650
108, 263
73, 332
16, 9.2
34, 465
38, 448
71, 518
24, 263
109, 230
14, 770
72, 217
32, 788
35, 065
66, 256
27, 847
18, 648
144, 868
118, 221
33, 300
58, 731
34, 670
27, 567
83, 113
31, 791
24, 660
20, 058
28, 617
49, 935
117, 998
55, 777
120, 978
92, 176
55, 039
110, 427
39, 393
52, 477
70, 704
70, 705
91, 313
60, 001.....
J. C. McNulty................ San Francisco, Cal....... June 19,1866
W. F. and W. A. Johnston.... Brooklyn, N. Y........... Nov. 14,1871
F. Engelhorn, A. Clemm, H.
Caro, and C. Clemm.
J. S. Baldwin.................
J. F. Boynton...........
W. H. Gwynne.............
N. W. Wheeler..........
P. De la Bigarre and J. B.
M. Picornell.
C. M. E. Du Motay and C. R.
E. M. E. Du Motay and C. R.
S. R. Divine.................
J. P. Haskins............
L. Enters and W. Zigler.....
N. Treadwell...............
W. H. Burridge..............
J. Chilcote..................
S. Morey................
S. Perry................
G. Warner..............
W. Stephenson...............
J. and T. D. Richardson......
M. Gould..................
D. Freeborn................
J. E. Stanwood..............
W. Daggett.................
C. C. Walworth..............
C. Bruso, jr...................
R. W ilson.....................
L. W. Stockwell..........
L. W. Turrell, S. Stanton, and
L. C. Ward.
Mannheim, Germany..... July 6,1869
New York, N. Y.......... May 29, 1866
Syracuse, N. Y..........
White Plains, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y...................................
Dec. 27, 1870
Aug. 4, 1863
Feb. 6, 1866
Mar. 24, 1803
Metz, France............ Nov. 12, 1867
Metz, France............. Nov. 12, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... June 15, 1869
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...
Georgetown, D. C.......
New York, N. Y..........
Nov. 27, 1866
Sept. 28, 1815
Sept. 25, 1866 58, 321
Cleveland, Ohio........... Jan. 1, 1867 j 60, 857
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Orford, N. H.............
Newport, N. Y............
Des Moines, Iowa.........
Galion, Ohio..........
New York, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y........
Malden, Mass...........
Troy, N. Y...............
Boston, Mass.............
Worcester, Mass........
Cold Spring, N. Y........
Raveuna, Ohio...........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Jan. 17, 1865
Apr. 1, 1826
May 25, 1844
Aug. 30, 1870
July 10, 1860
June 24, 1873
July 12, 1864
Sept. 26, 1865
Apr. 26, 1859
June 1, 1858
Oct. 7, 1856
July 30, 1867
Nov. 13, 1866
July 29, 1873
July 31, 1866
Gas-pipe wrench.................................. G. A. Jenks.............
Gas-pipe, Apparatus for proving................. A. C. Beardslee.............
Gas-pipes, Apparatus for removing obstructions G. Goldsmith and J. Dilkes...
Gas-pipes, Apparatus for temporarily increasing G. S. Dunbar.................
the pressure in.
Gas-pipes, Conduit-joint for....................... C. Monson...................
Gas-pipes, Connection for flexible................. W. B. S. Taylor.............
Gas-pipes, Die for forming....------------------- J. Fieldhouse............
Gas-pipes, Dirt-chamber for...--.............. M. N. Dial....................
Gas-pipes, Drip or water-trap for- -... --- J. H. Vausteenburgh....
Gas-pipes, Hydrostatic stop for.....----------------J. Battin........
Gas-pipes, Machine for.......................-. C. C. Walworth... -...
Gas-pipes, Mode of preventing the freezing up of.. J. H. Mulball..............
Gas-pipes, Street-box for.................... E. McMillin..............
Gas-pipes, &c., Tool for cutting................... W. S. Howarth.........
Gas-pipes, Tool for cutting-..................... J. F. Howland...............
Gas-pliers..................... H. Richter....................
Gas, Portable apparatus for generating illuminating J. 0. Halsey.................
Gas, Portable apparatus for manufacturing illu- G. H. Kitchen...............
Gas, Preparing illuminating....................... S. White..................
Gas, Preparing petroleum for the manufactur~ of T. Clough.....................
Gas-pressure regulator........................ C. C. Ramsay................
Worcester, Mass.......... June 24, 1856
Brooklyn, N. Y---------........... -Oct. 15,1867
Leicester, England........ Nov. 25, 1873
Pittsfield, Mass........... May 7,1872
45, 908.....
3, 597
106, 895
29, 111
140, 165
43, 491
50, 111
23, 792
20, 469
15, 860
67, 161
59, 702
141, 244
56, 836
69, 894
144, 843
126, 451
19, 944
128, 336
54, 643
113, 749
132, 939
5, 295
16, 663
57, 172
98, 287
52, 715
25, 646
87, 972
17, 090
36, 096
7, 043
36, 453
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y.........
Dighton, Mass...........
Painesville, Ohio........
Ballston Spa, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass.............
Albany, N. Y............
Ironton, Ohio.............
New Haven, Conn........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Essex County, N. J.......
New York, N. Y..........
Manchester, England....
New York, N. Y..........
Apr. 13, 1858
June 25, 1872
May 8,1866
Apr. 18, 1871
Nov. 12, 1872
Sept. 18, 1847
Feb. 17, 1857
Aug. 14, 1866
Dec. 28, 1869
Feb. 20, 1866
Oct. 4, 1859
Mar. 16, 1869
Apr. 21, 1857
Aug. 5,1862
Jan. 22,1850
Sept. 16, 1862
Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 8, 1868
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I' l
Gas, Process and apparatus for generating combus- C. M. Tessid du Motay........
Gas, Process and apparatus for making------..........--I T. S. C. Lowe................
Gas. Processes and compositions for the manufac- W. H. Sterling............
ture of illuminating.
Gas producer or furnace........................... C. W. Siemens and F. Siemens.
Gas-producing apparatus for use in metallurgy J. Green.....................
and glass-making and for other purposes.
Gas-producing furnace.-......................... W. Gerhardt...........
Gas, Producing illuminating..W. Elmer.................... W. Elmer.....
Gas, Production of illuminating................... J. M. Sanders............
Gas, Purification of coal........................... A. A. Croll.................
Gas, Purification of coal.......................... E. McMillen..............
Gas, Purification of illuminating........... W. H. St. John...............
Gas-purifier.................................... R. C. Bocking................
Gas-purifier.....................................P. Fontain...............
Gas-purifier..................................... J.T. Goodfellow and F. A. Sabbaton.
Gas-purifier.....................................P. Munzinger.............
Gas purifier and regulator.................. J. A. Enos..................
Gas-purifier, Dry --------------------........................------E.Duffee.....
Gas purifier, Dry lime....................C. F. Werner and C. Deutschmann.
Gas-purifier screen............................... T. G. Arnold................
Gas-purifier screen......................... E.Duffee.......... E. Duffee.....
Gas-purifier screen............................... E. Duffee.................
Gas purifier screen, Coal........................... G. W. Day......................
Gas purifier screen, Coal----------------......................----- E.Duffee-..................
Gas purifier screen, Coal.......................... J. Hale......................
Gas-purifier screen, Dry.......... E. Duffee....................
Gas-purifiers, Mode of forming connection of..... R. Briggs.................
Gas-purifiers, Tray for...................... P. Muszinger.............
Gas-purifiers, Tray or grating for..............- J. L. Cheesman.........
Gas, Purifying.................................... W. T. Kosinski...............
Gas-purifying apparatus....................... W. F. Danowsky..............
Gas-purifying apparatus....................-. A. F. Havens................
Gas-purifying apparatus---------... ---------.. -- A. Longbottom..............
Gas-purifying apparatus --------------------.-A. Walker.........
Gas-purifying apparatus-----------.............----------............ W. T. Walker................
Gas-purifying apparatus------------------.......................--- J. Waterhouse.............
Gas, Purifying carbonic-acid----------....................------ A. P. Meylert................
Gas, Purifying carbonic-acid................... A. P. Meylert................
Gas, Purifying coal................................ J. A. Sabbaton..............
Gas, Purifying illuminating.................... IF. J. De Cavaillon............
Gas, Puiifying illuminating....................... R.J. Everett.-...-...........
Gas, Purifying illuminating...................A. Ruthel...................
Gas, Purifying illuminating...................... P. Spence...-....-----
Gas, Purifying illuminating-- ------ -----W. H. St. John and P. Cartwright.
Gas-purifying machine........................... W. C. Turnbull.........
Gas-iefiector------------------------------.....................................- W. J. McLea.............
Gas-regulator..........L. Abott.................................... L.Abbott.....
Gas-regulator.................................. S.D. Baldwin._.........
Gas-regulator..................................J. Battin................
Gas-regulator -----------------------------S. Bidwell....................
Gas-regulator.............................--- J.E. Boyle....---.....--
Gas-regulator................................... F. W. Brocksieper.........
Gas-regulator....................................F. W. Brocksieper........
Gas-regulator.................................... F. H. Brown...................
Gas-regulator.................................... S. W. Brown..................
Gas-regulator.................................... S. W. Brown...............
Sas-regulator................................... S. W. Brown.................
Gas-regulator..................................... T. Champion and C. Champion.
Gas-regulator.................................... J. S. Conant................
Gas-regulator....................................J. B. Coolidge...............
Gas-regulator.....................................J. H. Cooper............_
Gas-regulator.................................... J. H. Cooper............
Gas-regulator.................................... J. H. Cooper.................
Gas-regulator...................................J. H. Cooper....-------------.
Gas-regulator....................................R. Cornelius.-.........
Gas-regulator.....................................R. Cornelius................
Gas-regulator...................................R. Cornelius.............
Gas-regulator.................................. E. H. Covel................
Gas-regulator...................................C. M. Cresson............
Gas-regulator...................................0. Dean.................
Gas-regulator......................................J. C. Dickey..................
Gas-regulator.....................................G. B. Dixwell and J. A. Dorr..
Gas-regulator............................. J. Edson........... J. dson.....
Gas-regulator................................. C. H. Edwards............
Gas-regulator....................................G. M. Eldridge..............
Gas-regulator.-----------------------------J. Foster......................
Gas-regulator.....................................H. Gerner...................
Gas-regulator.............................H. Giroud........
Gas-regulator.....................................W. Grover..................
Gas-regulator...................................C. J. Halsted and J. Coeyman.
Gas-regulator.............................C. L. Herring.................
Gas-regulator......J. W. Hoard.................
Gas-regulator.............................C. F. Holzer..............
Gas-regulator.................................... H. G. Hubert.......
las-regulator.............................C. T. Judkins.......
las-regulator.................................... J. Keeling...............
las-regulator.............................P. Keller.....................
las-regulator.............................P. Keller......................
Gas-regulator.............................P. Keller......................
las-regulator.............................P. Keller......................
Paris, France............. Mar. 2, 1869
Norristown, Pa.......... Aug. 13, 1872
San Francisco, Cal........ Sept. 16,1873
Westminster, England, May 10,1864
and Berlin, Prussia.
Norristown, Pa.......... Feb. 2, 1869
New York, N. Y..........New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
London, England..........
Ironton, Ohio -..---...
New York, N. Y........
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Troy, N. Y..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Peabody, Mass...........
Haverhill, Mass...........
New York and Buffalo,
N. Y.
New York, N. Y..........
Haverhill, Mass..........
Haverhill, Mass........
Haverhill, Mass.........
Haverhill, Mass.........
Georgetown, Mass........
Haverhill, Mass...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa......
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Allentown, Pa...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Claremont, N. H..........
London, England.......
Little Falls, N. Y.......
New Britain, Conn........
New Britain, Conn........
Albany, N. Y..........
Paris, France......
Bridgeport, Conn..._.....
Savona, Italy..............
Manchester, England.....
New York, N. Y..........
Feb. 8, 181 0
Aug. 4, 1863
July 27, 1858
June 18, 1867
Mar. 1, 1870
Sept. 2, 1873
July 3, 1866
June 28, 1859
June 17,1873
Mar. 30, 1869
May 20, 1873
May 2, 1871
July 1,1856
Oct. 16, 186
July 17, 1866
Aug. 6, 1872
June 11, 1872
Dec. 12, 1871
June 18, 1872
Oct. 2, 1866
June 8, 1869
Oct. 11, 1870
June 10, 1873
May 14, 1872
Aug. 10, 1858
Aug. 29, 1871
Feb. 3, 1852
Aug. 3, 1858
July 30,1872
Aug. 3, 1858
Jan. 21, 1873
Apr. 8, 1873
July 30, 1850
May 6, 1851
Apr. 23, 1872
Oct. 29, 1872
Oct. 27, 1868
Nov. 15, 1870
87, 478
130, 383
142, 959
42, 717
86, 529
99, 554
39, 388
65, 880
100, 309
142, 358
55, 994
24, 551
140, 034
88, 326
139, 131
114, 275
58, 749
56, 490
130, 100
127, 856
121, 764
127, 973
58, 393
90, 917
139, 702
126, 717
21, 121
118, 609
8, 705
21, 095
129, 997
21, 096
135, 001
137, 615
7, 534
8, 081
125, 943
132, 642
83, 417
109, 268
58, 002
76, 789
33, 873
23, 540
5, 300
21, 544
42, 430
40, 602
41, 599
36, 940
12, 943
13, 210
13, 377
29, 246
8, 578
120, 416
16, 639
17, 671
18, 008
20, 625
17, 079
17, 317
38, 561
24, 199
114, 272
13, 700
10, 786
35, 146
142, 155
125, 942
30, 399
116, 176
83, 706:6, 343
16, 951
31, 168
12, 509
21, 048
72, 643
34, 507
120, 2E0
98, 776
108, 029
116, 321
137, 454
New York, N. Y......... Sept. 11, 1866
Buffalo, N. Y.....----------- Apr. 14, 1868
Boston, Mass.........-Dec. 10,1861
Milwaukee, Wis........ Apr. 12, 1859
Philadelphia, Pa........ Sept. 18,1847
Chicago, Ill........... Sept. 21, 1858
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Apr. 19, 1864
Bridgeport, Conn......... Nov. 17, 1863
Bridgeport, Conn......... Feb. 16,1864
Chicago, Ill............... Nov. 18,1862
Lowell, Mass........... May 29,1855
Lowell, Mass.............. July 10, 1855
Lowell, Mass........... - Aug. 7, 1855
Washington, D. C., and July 24,1860
El Dorado County, Cal.
Lowell, Mass.............. Dec. 9,1851
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 31, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 17, 1857
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 30, 1857
Philadelphia, Pa..........Aug. 18, 1857
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 22,1858
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 21,1857
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 19, 1857
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 19,1863
New York, N. Y......... May 31,1859
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 11, 1865
Richmond, Va............ May 2, 1871
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Oct. 23, 1855
Boston, Mass., and New Apr. 18, 1854
York, N. Y.
Boston, Mass................. May 6, 1862
Chicago, Ill.............. Aug. 26, 1873
Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 23, 187-2
Richmond, Va............ Oct. 16,1860
New York, N. Y.......... June 20,1871
Paris, France............ Nov. 3, 1868
Holyoke, Mass............ Sept. 2, 1862
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 31,1857
Saint Louis, Mo........... Jan. 22, 1861
Providence, R. I.......... Mar. 13, 1855
Philadelphia, Pa........ July 27,1858
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 24,1867
Boston, Mass............... Feb. 25, 1862
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 24, 1871
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 11,1870
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 4,1870
New York, N. Y........... June 27, 1871
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 1, 1873
Index of patents issued fromnt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Residence. Date. No.
i i
Gas-regulator.................................... W. K idder.....................
Gas-regulator------------------------------.................................... W. Kidder......-...........
Gas-regulator ----------------------------..Kie.................................... W. Kidder....................
Gas-regulator..--------------------- -.. G. H. Kitchen................
Gas-regulator....-----------------------------J. G. Lefiingwell..............
Gas-regulator------------------------------.................................... W.B. Leonard...........
Gas-regulator................................. C. C. Loyd and R. M. Potter...
Gas-regulator ---------------------------
Gas-regulator ---------------------------
Gas-regulator- - - - - - -
Gas-regulator- - - - -
Gas-regulator -----.....--.----.-..G as-regulator ------------------------------
Gas-regulator..............Gas-regulator- - - - - - -
Gas-regulator -------------------------------
Gas regulator and purifier.........................
Gas-regulator, Dry...............................
Gas-regulator for blow-pipes, Automatic..........
Gas-regulator for nitrous-oxide apparatus, Mercuial.
Gas-, egulator for railway-cars......................
Gas-regulator, Stop-cock.......................
Gas-retort. ------------------------------
Gas retort.........................................
Gas-retort.......- -----------................................
W. Mallerd...................
S. F. Mathews................
J. S. Merriken------------...............
S. P. Mervine, jr..--...........
J. H.Norton.................
E. T. Orne---------------...................
S.P. Parham............
A. II. Phillippi-...-.........
C. C. Place..................
IR. M. Potter.................
J. H. Powers.................------------
J. H. Powers...............
T. Powers....................
S. P. Ruggles................
H. Schutte.... -...........
H. C. Sergeant.............
W. A. Simonds..............
W. A. Simonds.....-..--.......
W. A. Simonds.............
A. Smith.....................
G. H. Smith................
W. G. Sterling...........
W. G. Sterling..........
S. O. Trudell................
H. Waterman................
D. Wheeler and I. Little.......
M. Wheeler------------...................
1I. Wheelock...................
S. H. Whitaker..................
A. H. Wood..................
J. S. Wood...................
J. S. Wood.................
J. S. Wood..........
G.B. Woodruffand J.N. Palmer
P. Fontain..................J. B. Hoffman.................
J. H. Snow.................
J. B. Coolidge................
A. H. Phillippi---------..........---......
O. L. Lawson and A. A. Starr..W. P. Battey and W. N. Taylor
W. Beaumont--...-..-.........
H. P. M. Birkiubine...........
J. Butler.....................
J. Butler....................
M. L. Callender.............
S. Coates.....................
C. M. Cresson.............
J. Davis and S. Chaddock....
D. Davison...................
D. Davison...................
D. Davison....................
D.Davison---------------....................E. Duffee....................
H. H. Edgerton..............
J. M. Gallacher...............
J. Green...................
R. C. Harrington..............
G. W. Harris.................
G. W. Harris.................
J. D. Higgins................
J. J. Holden and S. J. Best....
A. S.King...................
W. H. Lauback...............
A. Marsh.....................----------------
A. Marsh...................
E. D. McCracken............
G. A. Mcllhenny............
M. I. Miller..._..............
J. ). Patton...................
J. Rigby and P. A. Palmer.....
C. A. Robboe..................
W. A. Simonds... -.........
1. T. Sloan, V. Smith, M. Hoover, and R. M. Briggs.
J. H. Smith...................
J. W. Smith...................
T. G. Springer...............
W. Stratton..............
H. K. Symmes..............
J. C. Tiffany.............
J. C. Tiffany..............
A. K. Tupper..............
A. K. Tupper.................
C. N. Tyler...................
E. Walcott....................
Lowell, Mass-......... Oct. 12, 1852
Lowell, Mass...--------. Oct. 12, 1852
Lowell, Mass.......... Oct. 12, 1852
New York, N. Y....... - Oct. 18, 1859
Newark, N. J--...-..-... Oct. 16, 1860
New York, N. Y.-........ Feb. 10, 1852
Philadelphia, Pa.,and New Mar. 15,1864
York, N. Y.
Bridgbport, Corn.....- Oct. 12, 1858
Mechanicsburgh, Pa..... May 26, 1868
Baltimore, Md............ May 9, 1871
Philadelphia, Pa-.......... Jan. 19, 1869
Boston, Mass....---....... June 10, 1862
Boston, Mass.--.--..-- Mar. 27, 1860
Trenton, N. J............. Apr. 10, 1855
Reading, Pa............... Sept. 24, 1872
Boston, Mass.............. June 27, 1871
Jersey City, N. J......... Oct. 8, 187-2
Newark, N. J...----....... Sept. 1, 1857
Newark, N. J............. July 27, 1858
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 14, 1861
Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 14, 1855
Kansas City, Mo--------..... Apr. 25, 1871
Cincinnati, Ohio-..---.. Apr. 15, 1862
Boston, Mass.............. Aug. 15, 1865
Boston, Mass............. Dec. 19, 1865
Boston, Mass............ Mar. 3, 1868
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Aug. 26, 1862
Rochester, N. Y.......... June 25, 1861
Bridgeport, Conn.......... Nov. 11, 1856
Bridgeport, Conn......... ug. 24, 1858
Detroit, Mich............. Sept. 6, 1870
Hudson, N. Y-..---.. - May 13, 1856
Fairfield and Bridgeport, May 31, 1859
Honesdale, Pa-----------............. June 3, 1856
Boston, Mass--...-........ June 5, 1855
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... June 12, 1860
Boston, Mass............. Jan. 29, 1867
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 1, 1865
Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 21, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa---.........- - Aug. 13, 1867
New Haven, Conn -....... May 8, 1855
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 27, 1863
Philadelphia, Pa-- ---.......... Dee. 3,1867
Providence, R. I.....-...... June 15, 1869
Boston, Mass.............. Nov. 23, 1869
Reading, Pa..............
New York. N. Y........
Utica, N. Y., and Philadelphia, Pa.
Paterson, N. J.............
Philadelphia, Pa....-....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........Philadelphia, Pa.........
Boston, Mass......-.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New Yrk, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Haverhill, Mass.........
Fort Wayne, Ind........
Roxbury, Mass............
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Newark, N. J.............
Elizabeth, N. J............
Elizabeth, N. J............
Rome, N. Y...............
London, England........
Commerce, Mich..........
Philadelphia, Pa...-....
Detroit, Mich.............
Detroit, Mich............
New York, N. Y.-........
Washington, D. C--.........
Saint Louis. Mo.......
Trevorton, Pa............
Mai ietta, Ohio.............
Augusta, Ga..............
Chelsea, Mass............
Jackson, Cal.........
Newark, Ohio---------.............
Washington, D. C........
Fayetto City, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Newton, Mass...........
Boston, Mass..............
Portsmouth, N. H......
Pontiac, Mich..............
Pontiac, Mich............
Washington. D. C.........
Providence, R.I...........
July 31, 1860
Aug. 4, 1857
Aug. 5, 1862
June 28, 1859
Apr. 1j 1855
Mar. 5, 1872
Aug. 27, 1872
Dec. 8, 1868
Sept. 8, 1857
Oct. 3, 1854
Feb. 14, 1860
Oct. 4, 1870
Mar. 14, 1871
Aug. 1, 1871
Oc:. 14, 1873
Feb. 27, 1866
Oct. 3, 1871
Apr. 30, 1861
July 16, 1872
Mar. 20, 1860
Dec. 4, 1866
Mar 14, 1871
Sept. 12, 1871
Dec. 3, 1867
Feb. 4, 1862
Dec. 28, 1858
Aug. 10, 1858
May 17, 1859
July 11, 1870
Dec. 16, 1873
Feb. 17, 1857
June 3, 1873
June 7, 1870
Aug. 9,1859
June 1, 1858
May 25, 1858
May 16, 1871
June 21, 1859
May 28, 1872
July 5,1859
Aug 16, 1859
Aug. 13, 1872
Dec. 2, 1873
July 9, 1861
Dec. 10, 1861
June 22, 1858
June21, 1859
9, 325
9, 326
9, 327
25, 834
30, 415
8, 725
41, 930
21, 765
78, 305
114, 699
86, 027
35, 538
27, 659
12, 699
131, 701
116, 349
18, 103
21, 022
32, 319
13, 437
114, 206
34, 985
49, 449
51, 664
36, 306
32, 670
16, 073
21, 281
107, 127
14, 893
24, 253
15, 028
13, 020
28, 729
61, 593
49, 188
57, 425
67, 694
12, 844
37, 500
91, 376
29, 401
17, 936
36, 065
24, 531
12, 711
124, 250
130, 842
84, 679
18, 134
11, 742
27, 113
108, 009
112, 557
117, 610
143, 675
52, 929
119, 586
32, 219
129, 276
27, 543
60, 183
112, 593
118, 936
71, 617
34, 3)3
22, 434
24, 038
105, 350
145, 672
16, 651
139, 605
103, 929
25, 046
20, 448
20, 375
114, 872
24, 524
127, 381
24, 670
25, 225
130, 453
145, 256
32, 802
33, 9-21
20, 671
Index of patents issued fromnt the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gas-retort....................................--------------------------------J. H. Walker and J. Walker-... - -
Gas-retort and apparatus for charging..........
Gas-retort and heating-furnace..............
Gas-retort benches, Arrangement of.............
Gas-retort charger......................:.....
Gas-retort charges, Apparatus for filling......
Gas-retort, Clay....--------------------------
Gas-retort cleaner... --.------------
Gas-retort closings...............................
Gas-retort, Composite............................
Gas-retort cover...................................
Gas-retort fastening.......................
Gas-retort fastening, Copper-ring...-........._
Gas, Retort for generating......................
Gas, Retort for generating...................
Gas, Retort for the manufacture of coal.......
Gas, Retort for the manufacture of illuminating..
Gas-retort furnace...............................
Gas-retort mouth-piece...........................
Gas-retort mouth-piece...........................-------------------
Gas-retort, Portable...............................
Gas-retort, Portable..............................
Gas-retorts, Air-tight joint for....................
Gas-retorts, Air-tight joint for-----------...................---.
Gas-retorts and other like purposes, Apparatus for
charging and drawing.
Gas-retorts, Apparatus for charging....-......
Gas-retorts, Apparatus for charging.----------.
Gas-retorts, Apparatus for charging.............
Gas-retorts, Ap aralus for charging..........
Gas-retorts, Apparatus for charging......- -.......
Gas-retorts, Apparatus for charging.............
G as-retorts, Apparatus for chargingand discharging
Gas-retorts, Appalatus for charging and drawing..
Gas-retorts, Apparatus for raking...............
Gas-retorts, Binder for closing.................
Gas-retorts, Casting.............................
Gas-retor: s, Casting..............................
Gais-retorts, Cleaning.................
Gas-retorts, Cleaning.............................
Gas retorts, Closing...............................
Gas-retorts, Closing...............................
Gas-retorts, Coating...............................
Gas-retorts, Composition for luting....-........
Gas-retorts, Compound for.....................
S. H. and M. C. Walker........
D. L. Weatherhead........
C. W ooster................
J.WotherspoonandW. Foulis..
L. F. Blair....................
G. H. Pond..-..............
J. G. Hock.................
T. 1'. Rowland...............
T. F. Rowland................
J. P. Kennedy............
S. H. aid M. C. Walker......
G. A. Mclhenney............
J. Cochrane..................
A. F. Havens...............
J. G. Hock......
W. H. St. John...............
J. H. Irwin.................
W. H. Laubach...............
W. J. Cochran...........
A. Millochau................
W. C. Wren................
P. Munzinger................
T. F. Rowlnd................
J. W. Smith..............
D. L. Weatherhead and J. T.
C. F. Dieterich and A.Schiissler
C. F. Dieterich andA. Scl:iisslei
S. J. Best and J. J. Holden....
A. F. Havens................
A. F. Havens.................
A. F. Havens...............
T. F. Rowland...-----------
J. F. Snediker and W. F. Bailey
J. Somerville and J. Robinson.
J. J. Holden................ Foulis...............
T. F. Rowland..............
A. Fulton....................
A. Pevey....................
A. Pevey...................
C. A. Bush....................
S. W. Carpenter...............
N. Aubin....................
G. A. Mellhenney.............
A. R. Terry.................
J. Chilcott....................
G. F. Kreischer and L. A. Tartierd.
Milwaukee, Wis., and
South lend, Ind.
Boston, Mass............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
New York, N. Y. -
Glasgow, North Britain...
Painesville, Ohio..........
Rutland, Vt..........
Newark, N. J........
Green Point, N. Y.......
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Trenton, N. J..........
Lancaster, Pa............
Washington, D. C.........
New York, N. Y........
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Newark, N. J....
New York, N. Y.....
Chicago, Ill.............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Baltimore, Md..........
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Washington, D. C.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Date. No.
Dec. 10, 1872 133, 731
Apr. 9, 1861
Mar. 29, 1859
May '22, 1860
Dec. 2, 1873
May 28, 1872
Dec. 27, 1870
June 3, 1856
Apr. 1, 1873
Dec. 31, 1872
Mar. 13, 1860
May 20, 1856
Apr. 8, 1873
Sept. 14, 1869
Dec. 26, 1871
May 20, 1856
Nov. 11, 1856
Sept. 11, 1866
June 15, 1858
June 1, 1869
Dec. 18, 1866
Apr. 15, 1873
Nov. 25, 1873
Oct. 28, 1873
Mar. 16, 1858
Apr. 6, 1858
New York, N. Y....... June 6, 1871
New York, N. Y........ June 18, 1872
London, England........ Jan. 15, 1867
Gas-retorts, Compound for cleaning................... W. L. Pitkin and C. J. Gleason.
Gas-retorts, Cover for............................ B. H. Bartol..................
Gas-retorts, &q Enameling -................... D. W. Clark.................
Gas-retorts, Feeding-apparatus for-.............. N. Aubin..............
Gas-rctorts, Feeding hydrocarbon liquids to hot... - - T. G. Springer................
Gas retorts, furnaces, &c., Cover or door for-....... V. Matthews and J. Moore -..
Gas-retorts, Machine for charging------------............... T. F. Rowland -.......Gas-retorts, Machine for charging............ N. O. J. Tisdale..... -........
Gas-retorts, Machine for making fire-clay....... J. S. Heartt and S. English....
Gas-retorts, Method of preventing deposition of A. Marsh.....................
carbon in.
Gas-retorts, Method of removing carbon from... J. A. Bassett and O. C. Smith
Gas-retorts, Method of removing carbon from.. B. E. Chollar..................
Gas-retorts, Method of removing incrustation from A. J. White................
Gas-retorts, Mode of constructing head, neck, and J. Chilcott........................
connection of.
Gas-retorts, Mode of securing lid on............. J.R. Thomas..................
Gas-retorts, Securing lids to.................... S. Holman-.....-............
G(as retorts, Setting..........T. Curley.................... T. C.rley...........
Gas-retorts, Setting..............................A. Weber.................
Gas-retorts, Stand-pipe of-........................ M. Combs, jr..................
Gas-retorts with liquids, Device for supplying... E. L. Norfolk...............
Gas-seal, &c-------------------------..................---................... R. M. Caffall..................
Gas service-pikes for automatically cutting off the W. Humphreys...............
gas in case of fire, Attachment to.
Gas-socket------------------------------...................................... G. Mooney...................
Gas-socket...... -................................ T. L. Reed....................
Gas-stand, Portable............................. B. Allen and J. Riddell......
Gas, steam, and fluid regulator-------------...............---... E. C. Maldant............
Gas, steam, &c, Method of drawing from manu- t. F. Brewer............
'acturing inclosures waste.
Gas stopper or cork............................. N. D. W hitin..................
Gas-tar and ammoniacal liquors, Apparatus for E. DI). McCracken..-..........
Gas-tar, Apparatus for burning................ -- A. Smith...................
Gas through pipes, Mode of facilitating the flow J. F. Russell-----------................ --
of illuminating.
Gas to be used fir motive-power, Process of gen- D. E. Sornes.-..............
Gas-torch....................................... W. A. Lawton...............
Gas-tube......................................... E. L. Perry..................
Gas-tube, Extension------------------------.............................. C. Monson.............-.....
Gas-tube, Flexible................................ J. Butler......................
Gas-tube for chandelier, Extensible--------..............- - 11. L. McAvoy...........
Gas-tube joint................................... ----------------------------C. Mo san..................
Gas-tube support, Flexible....................... A. Housinger...................
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Green Point, N. Y.....
Bristol, Pa..........
Dublin, Ireland.......
Bermondsey, England....
Glasgow, North Britain...
Green Point. N. Y.......
Albany, N. Y...........
Lowell, Mass........
Lowell, Mass.........
New London, Conn.. --_
Yonkers, N. Y...........
Albany, N. Y............
Washington, D. C......
Detroit, Mich........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
New York, N. Y........
Montpelier, Vt............
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Chicago, Ill..............
Albany, N. Y...........
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Green Point, N. Y.....
New Orleans, La.......
Troy, N. Y....-..
Detroit, Mich...........
Salem, Mass........
Leavenworth, Kans.....
New York, N. Y -.....
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
London, England.......
Wilmington, Del......
New York, N. Y.....
Youngstown, Ohio.......
Salem, Mass..............
Alton, England...........
Waterford, N. Y..........
Providence, R.I..........
Providence, R. I..........
Boston, Mass.............
Paris, France.............
Bloomfield, N. J...........
Dee. 17, 1872
Dec. 17, 187-2
July 8, 1873
Apr. 1, 1873
Mar. 10, 1868
Sept. 23,1873
May 9, 1871
Nov. 11, 1873
Apr. 1, 1873
May 18, 1869
Dec. 22, 1857
Apr. 15, 1862
Oct. 26, 1869
Dec. 1, 1857
Apr. 21, 1857
Aug. 26, 1873
June 20, 1854
Aug. 30, 1864
Apr. 15, 1873
July 8, 1873
July 9,1867
May 16, 1871
June 3, 1856
Nov. 15, 1870
Dec. 29, 1868
Sept. 24, 187-2
Aug. 24, 1869
Oct. 29, 1861
Oct. 11, 1859
July 28, 1868
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 8, 1865
Aug. 8, 1865
May 29, 1860
Aug. 1,1871
May 31, 187,)
Aug. 5, 1862
Nov. 28, 1871
Sept. 22, 1863
Nov. 11, 1873
Apr. 25, 1871
Dec. 15, 1868
Jaa. 7, 1868
June 12, 1866
Mar. 9, 1869
Sept. 9, 1856
32, 019
23, 433
28, 431
145, 267
127, 144
110, 496
15, 010
137, 487
134, 399
27, 451
14, 934
137, 704
94, 714
122, 250
14, 913
16, 075
57, 915
20, 567
90, 819
60, 537
137, 811
144, 857
143, 998
19, 655
19, 900
115, 586
127, 965
61, 144
134, 055
134, 056
140, 6-24
137, 485
75, 3C8
143, 039
114, 682
144, 526
137, 486
90, 162
18, 926
34, 980
96, 197
18, 791
142, 253
11, 142
43, 970
137, 934
140, 590
66, 444
114, 763
14, 996
109, 264
85, 463
131, 564
94, 045
33, 623
25, 790
80, 438
70, 166
49, 329
49, 231
28, 519
117, 631
103, 579
36, 119
121, '76
144. 504
114, 144
84, 961
73, 040
55, 447
87, 575
15, 716
2, 593
10, 499
142, 357
70, 365
53, 695
74, 099
77, 314
28, t47
10, 171
1"24, 897
New York............. Apr. 29, 1842
New York, N. Y ------.. -Oct. 18, 1870
Niagara Falls, N. Y....... Sept. 2, 1873
Washington, D.C...... Oct. 29, 1867
Washington, D. C........ Apr. 3, 18C6
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 4,1868
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 28, 18C68
New Haven, Conn..... Sept. 8,1857
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... June 12,1860
Baltimore, Md............ Feb. 22, 1870
New Haven, Counn........ Jan. 19, 1858
Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 26, 1872
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Gas-tubes, Flexible joint for...-----................... A. Stratton..................
G as-tubes, M anufacture of flexible- - -........... T.J. M ayall..................
Gas-tubing, Flexible- -----..------------...... A. W. Hale..................
Gas-tubing, Manufacture of flexible.-............ G.L. Burnham..................
Gas, water, &c., Machine for making laminated J. S. Patric....................
pipes for.
Gas with vapor of hydrocarbon liquids, Charging C. M. Williams..........
Gas-works, Apparatus for regulating the exhauster J. A. Harris... --......
Gas-works, By-pass for........................... P. Munzinger..................
Gas-works, Center-seal for-- --- P. M zinger........................ P. Mnzinger......
Gas-works, Center-seal for--------------------....................... P. Munzinger.............
Gas-works, Condensing-apparatus for-------.............. H.H. Edgerton............
Gas-works, Dip-pipe in hydraulic main for.- J. Hannan...--------------
Gas-works, Exhaust-apparatus bfor................---------- --- P. W. McKenzie--...-........
Gas-works, Exhausting-apparatus for--------............- - S. R. Brick---------...... ----......----.......Gas-works, Hydraulic main for...-..------------- P. T. Burtis...................
Gas-works, Hydraulic main for---------------................. C. Collier...............
Gas-works, Hydraulic main for.-----..-------. - W. Farmer.................
Gas-works, Hydraulic main for.------..--------. --J. 1. Floyd and J. A. Sabbaton.
Gas-works, Mode of deodorizing the spent lime of..- A. Millochau...............
Gas-works, Purifier, condenser, &c., for--.......... -- A. Fulton.................
Gas-works, Regulator for exhauster in------........-.... A. S. Cameron---...-------..-.
Gas-works, Seal for dip-pipes in.-.... -----. _-W. Cartwright............
Gas-works, Seal for d(lip-pipes in...-................ G. Douty......a....-..
Gas-works, Seal for dip-pipes in....---------------- G. Douty.................
Gas-works, Seal for dip-pipes in...-------------------A. F. Havens.................
Gas-works, Seal for hydraulic mains for------........... A. Odicrne................
Gas-works, Seal for hydraulic mains of---.....--...... -- S. Trumbore...................
Gas-works, Sealing and unsealing dip-pipes in by- W. E. Grenelle...............
draulic mains of.
Gas-works, Sealing dip-pipes of...-...--.....-...... H. H. Edgerton..........
Gas-works, Sealing dip-pipes of--................. E. Jones.........
Gas-works, &c., Superheater for...-........... M. L. Callender..............
Gas-works, &c., Treating ammoniacal liquor of.... u. H. Eames and C. J. Eames.
Gasalier----------------------------------..........................................J. W. Kerr....................
Gasalier----------------------------------..........................................J. H. Seaman.................-------------
Gasalier----------------------------------........................................... J. H. Seaman.................-------------
Gasalier----......................................------------------------------ J. H. Seaman.................
Gasalier and cigar-lighter combined-----......- -....... W. C. Lester................
Gasalier drop-light................................ J. Horton.................
Gasalier extension- -----..---------..... L. Hull.....................
Gasalier-extension apparatus....------------------ L. Hull.....................
Gasalier, Sliding center-light extension............ S. B. H. Vance................
Gasalier smoke-bell.. -.-. ---..--... -- C. Deans.....................
Gasaliers and drop-lights, Means of suspending... S.B. H. Vance...............
Gaseous bodies, Machinery for compressing..- W. A. Royce.................
Gases, Apparatus for liquefying nitrous-oxide and W. F. and W. A. Johnston....
Ga es, Apparatus for mixing------------------...................... W.D. Parrisb...............
Gases, Apparatus for naphthalizing-..------------E. H. Asheroft................
Gases for the purpose of elevating water, Method J. WV. Middleton.............
of applying heat to dilate.
Gases from furnaces, Collecting, separating, and J. H. Connelly and J. McLure.
purifying the.
Gases from oils, Retort for generating--------...--. S. C. Salisbury...............
Gases from petroleum and water, Apparatus for A. J. Griffin.................
producing and burning.
Gases, &c., in furnaces, Apparatus for separating. W. D. Jones.................
Gases. Method of collecting and separating car- J. S. Baldwin.................
bonic acid fi (im mixtures of.
Gases of smelting-furnaces, Apparatus for collect- B. Branon and G. H. Baldwin.
ing the waste.
Gasoline for heating and illuminating, Vaporizing H. Gilbert..................
and burning.
Gasometer.................................. J. Bogardus..................
Gasometer........................................J. Butler.....................
Gasometer......................................... J. E. Hobbs.................
Gasometer--------------------------------........................................ G. W. Kraft.................
Gasometer.......................................--------------------------------. T. F. Rowland..............
Gasometer...................................... H. B. Williams..............
Gasometer or gas-holder..................... J. C. Tiffany................
Gasometer, Portable...................... J. H. Hayward..............
Gasometer, Portable------------------------.............................J. H. Hayward..............
Gasometers, Method of counterpoising........... P. T. Burtis.................
See Approach-openi n g Hanging gate.
gate. Hatchway s a fe t yAutomatic gate. gate.
Balance-gate. Molasses-gate.
Bridge-g-xte. Molder's gate.
Bridge turning gate. Nursery-gate.
Canal-lock gate. Operating-gate.
Cattle-gate. Railway-gate.
Change-gate. Railway cattle-gate.
Chute-gate. Railway-c ros sing
Double gate. gate.
Double sliding gate. Rising gate.
Elastic gate. Road-gate.
Farm-gate. Safety-gate.
Fence-gate. Saw-mill gate.
Field-gate. Self acting gate.
Flexible gate. Self operating gate.
Flood-gate. Sliding gate.
Fluid-gate. Sliding and swingIFolding gate. ing gate.
Grain-gate. Sluice-gate.
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Roxbury, Mass...........
New York, N. Y.........
Providence, R.I.........
Rochester, N. Y..._.......
July 10, 1860
Sept. 4, 1860
July 16, 1872
Dec. 3, 1872
May 13, 1873
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 3,1868
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 26, 1867..............
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Fort Wayne, Ind..........
Gallipolis, Ohio...........
Blauveltville, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........Chicago, Ill...............
Selma, Ala................
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.._......
Albany, N. Y.............
New York, N. Y..........
Oswego, N. Y............
Columbus, Ohio...........
Columbus, Ohio...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Springfield, Ill.........
Easton, Pa...............
New York, N. Y..........
Fcrt Wayne, Ind..........
Boston, Mass...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa., and New
York, N. Y.
Pittsburgh. Pa...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Charlestown, Mass........
Charlestown, Mass.-......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........Newburgh, N. Y.........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Nov. 11, 1873
Nov. 22, 1870
June 6, 1871
July 23, 1872
Apr. 16, 1872
May 30, 1871
Mar. 29, 1870
Apr. 8, 1873
Oct. 17, 1871
Jan. 14, 1873
Apr. 21, 1868
Apr. 6, 1869
Feb. 14,1871
Oct. 3,1871
Dec. 10, 1872
Jan. 31, 1871
Jan. 31, 1871
Aug. 29,1871
June 6,1871
Apr. 18, 1871
Aug. 8,1871
Apr. 1.1872
Nov. 18, 1873
Oct. 18, 1870
Oct. 15,1872
May 22, 1860
June 27, 1671
June 27, 1871
June 27, 1871
Nov. 13, 1866
Jan. 16, 1872
Oct. 21, 1873
Jan. 23, 1872
Apr. 30, 1872
Aug. 12, 1873
Nov. 5,1867
May 26, 1857
Nov. 14, 1871
29, 113
29, 898
129, 405
133, 5C0
138, 814
83, 748
144, 408
109, 540
115, 632
129, 723
125, 733
115, 334
101, 348
137, 655
119, 919
134, 874
76, 004
88, 658
119, 505
133, 756
111, 439
111, 440
118, 608
115, 634
113, 946
117, 880
137, 425
144, 619
108, 328
132, 264
28, 377
116, 358
116, 359
116, 360
59, 617
122, 721
143, 765
123, 022
126, 241
141, 634
70, 653
17, 394
120, 977
38, 499
28, 549
11, 671
103, 572
54, 214
56, 143
20, 351
55, 038
92, 006
61, 024
123, 977
86, 155
21, 887
42, 085
93, 435
20, 988
SPhiladelphia, Pa.......... May 12, 1863. Boston, Mass............. June 5.1860. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 12, 1854
- Wheeling, W. Va........ May 31, 1870
SNew York, N. Y.......... Apr. 24, 1866. Lowell, Mas.............. July 3, 1866
Hagaman's Mills, N. Y.... May 25, 1858
SNew York, N. Y....... May 29,1866. Sharon, Pa.............. June 29, 1869. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 12,1867..........
New York, N.Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
North Berwick, Me.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Green Point, N. Y........
Baltimore, Md...........
Portsmouth, N. H.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill...........
Oct. 7, 1834
Feb. 27, 1872
Jan. 26, 1869
Oct. 26, 1858
Mar. 8, 1870
June 11, 1830
Jan. 21, 1873
Mar. 29, 1864
Aug. 10, 1869
July 27, 1858
Index of patents issued fronm the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
See Snow-gate. Turbine-motor gate.
Stock guard-gate. Turnpike-gate.
Suspension-gate. Wagon end-gate.
Swing-bridge gate. Waste-gate.
Swinging gate. Water-gate.
Tilting gate. Water-wheel gate.
Gate-------------------------------------------__P. M. Ackerman............Webster, N.YV............ Oct. 9, 1866 58, 566
Gate-------------------------------------------..P. M. Ackerman............Webster, N.Y----------June 4, 1867 65,:326
Gate-------------------------------------------..H. Adams.................... Seattle, Wash------------..Oct. 23, 1866 58, 965
Gate-------------------------------------------..J. Adams--------------------_Pontiac, Mich.......- - -May 5, 1868 77, 564
Gate-------------------------------------------..R.Adams._.-._--------------OttawaIll---------------- Jan. 14,1868 73,277
Gate-------------------------------------------...J. B. Alexander.. _...._-- -_ Washington, D. C - June 4, 1867 65, 327
Gate-----------------------------------------... W. J. Alexander--------------.Rolling Prairie, Ind - 1)_ ec. 3,1867 71, 675
Gate-------------------------------------------..S. S. Allen-------------------.Belvidere, N. Y - --. Jan. 5, 1869 85, 555
Gate-------------------------------------------...S. Allington................... West Dresden, N. Y..-..Oct. 5, 1858 21, 645
Gate-----------------------------------------....T. Andrews------------------..Wan-en, Wis.-------------Aug. 10,1870'106, 763
Gate-----------------------------------------.__ S. F. Anthony.....---------Stillwater, N. Y...--------Apr. 2, 1867 63, 455
Gate-------------------------------------------..W. D. and W. I. Armstrong... Harlem, Iill------------ - Apr. 9,1867 63, 687
Gato-------------------------------------------..W. I. Armstrong............. Rockford, Ill------------.. _ Aug. 21, 1866 57, 432
Gate-----------------------------J. Atkins--------------------.Mokena, El---------------..Feb. 4, 1868 74, 034
Gate-------------------------------------------..V. Babcock...- - --..__.Marshall, Mich - --.....July 31, 1866 56, 693
Gate-------------------------------------------......D. B. lBaker------------------_....Rollervilfle, Ohio.--.... - May 8, 1866 54, 641
Gate-------------------------------------------... )..Baker.------------------West Alexandria, Ohio. - June 25, 1867 66, 113
Gale-------------------------------------------..G. E. Baker------------------- Waukegan, Ill------------ July 24, 1860 29, 234
Gate-------------------------------------------...F. Ball------------------------ Cleona, Iowa.............. Mar. 28, 1865 46, 985
Gate-------------------------------------------I_. F. Balschmiter.------------ Davenport-, Iowa -_.._Sept. 10, 1867 68, 684
Gate-------------------------------------------__H. Barber--------------------..Milpilas, Cal.-------------Feb. 19,1881 31, 435
Gate_--------------------------------------___----1. F. Barrow------------------Baltimore, Md.------------Sept. 17, 1872 131, 417
Gate-------------------------------__.---------U. N. Beai'dsley--------------- Geshen, lad-------------- July 16,1867 66, 778
Gate-------------------------------------------..A. Becraft-------------------_Jacksonville, Ill----------Api-. 5, 1870 101, 570
Gate-----------------------------------------.._ J. Belhel----------------------- Rockiford, Ill.-------------Apr. 13, 1869 88, 770
Gate-------------------------------------------..J. S. Benedict-----------------.Bedford, Ohio------------..Sept. 19,1871 119, 110
Gate-------------------------------------------..I. C. Blennett-----------------_Clinton, Ill---------------.Jan. 18, 1870 98, 841
Gate------------------------------------------__.J. H. H. Bennett------------_ Hunt's Hollow, N. Y...Oct. 23, 1860 30, 460
Gate-------------------------------------------..E. L. Bergslresser------------- Sunbury, Pa - --..__.Jan. 1, 1867 60, 828
Gate-------------------------------------------..A. H. Belts------------------- Cleveland, Ohio-----------Nov. 14,1871 120, 932
Gate------------------------------------.._.----J. Bickhart------------------- Harlan, lnd--------------.Dec. 9,1862 37, 083
Gate----------..- --------------------------G. W. Bishop-----------------..Stamford, Conn----------- Mar. 3,1868 15,116
Gale-----------------------------------------_..._J. Blin----------------..Rockford, Ill..-------------Feb. 4,1873 135, 463
Gate-------------------------------------------__A. Blood, sr------------------.Janesville, Wis -.----_--Nov. 22, 1864 45, 132
Gate-------------------------------------------..F. F. Blood-------------------..Janesville, Wis----------- Dec. 15, 186:1 40, 902
Gate-----------------------------------------... C. S. Borney------------------ Syracuse, N. Y.------------Feb. 15, 1870 99, 822
Gate-----------------------------------A. T. Boon------------------- _ _Galesburglh, Ill----------- _ _Mar. 20, 1866 53, 263
Gate-------------------------------------------..D. Beo-dner-------------------..Canton, Ohio-------...----Apr. 30, 1867 64, 190
Gate-----------------------------------------..."H. A. Boulware--------------- Doniplian, Kans---------- Feb. 6,1872 123, 447
Gate-----------------------------------------... G. C. Bovey-----------------..Cincinnati, Ohio---------- Oct. 31,1871 120, 484
Gate-_._ -..-.......... -... -.-_... J. Bowers.........-- - -.. Clinton, Wis.....---------Mar. 10, 1x68 75, 356
Gate --------------.-.....---..-...-..--..--------It. T. Bowne------------------ Fallston, Md.-------------Apr-. 25, 1871 114, 101
Gate-----------------------------------------.... C. D. Brewer-----------------_Williamsport. Pa -...-May 18, 1869 90, 074
Gate-------------------------------------------...11. Brisel------------------- Middletown, N. Y.....- Jan. 1,1867 60, 678
Gale----------.---------------- ----------------- L. D. Brooks------------------.Syene, Wis-------------- Apr. 13, 1869 88, 773
Gate---------------------------------------.--..- I. Bronse--------------------.Wellington, Ohio-.._May 21, 1872 126, 928
Gate-------------------------------------------...F. C. Br-own and C. Allen--Pahnyra, N.Y------._----May 25,1869 90, 421
Gate-------------------------------------------..L.. Brown......- - - -...Keokuk, Iowa...........Oct. 8, 1867 69, 535
Gate-------------------------------------------... 1. Bi-owne..----------------Fallston, Md.------ Nov. 29, 187; 169, 713
Gate-----------------------------------..nd A. Bucliman..-..- Greeiibusb, N. Y----------Dec.8, 1868 84,7129
Gate-----------------------------------------.._.J. Budd..---------------------Pittsford, N.Yc------------ Apir. 10,1867 64,19:1
Gate-----------------------------------------... J. A. Burchard----------------Beloit, Wis....------------May 21, 1867 64, 945
Gate.._...--.......- -..-..-. - --..-..._ J. A. Bunchaid and R. Tatters Beloit, Wis---------------. _ _June 23, 1868 79, 2018~
Gate-------------------------------------------...T. 1. Burhyte---------------. Fond du Lac, Wis..-...Mar. 19, 1867 63, 008
Gate-------------------------------------------.. _......J. 1", Buti and A. McFarland._ Enter-prise, lnd. - - -. _.May 19, 1868 77, 9:)6
Gate------------------------------------ J. P. Cadman-----------------En_ _ Feeport,, Ill-------------- _ _July 10, 1866 56, 174
Gate-------------------------------------------__S. WI. Chamberlain------------.Three Oaks, Mich-_._Dec 20, 1859 20, 477
Gate-----------------------------------------._. J. D. Chambers---------------..Williamspo-t., lad-_._June 21, 1870 104, 555
Gate-------------------------------------------__J. D. Chambers---------------..Williamsport, lad-___June 21, 1870 104, 556
Gate-------------------------------------------- I. A. Clark------------...----Marion, N. Y.............-Sept. 21, 1869 95, 683
Gate---------------- - - - --......._....--B. Clough------------------- Amherst. Ohio------------.Sept. 18, 166 58, 218
Gate-----------------------------------------.... D. M. Cochran and L. A. Haw Richmond, Iad............ May 23, 1871 115, 167
Gate-------------------------------------------.....Conway-------------------.Volga,Ind- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Feb. 26, 1867 62, 3C6
Gate-------------------------------------------_. R. Ccol--------------------- Mil eusBay, N.Y...-.Mar. 1, 1664 41,7630
Gate-------------------------------------------...W. Cooley-------------------- Taflon, Wis-----------Nov. 19, 1867 10,1863
Gate-------------------------------------------... J. SCorbnn.....-- - - -..Anti.Arbor, Mieb.._........Nov. 17, 1863 40, 8(9
Gale-----------------------------------------...... J. B Cottom------------------ _..Dayton, Ohio.._.- - -....Mar. 28, 1871 113, 0;.0
Gae---------- - - - - -T.Co!vel-----------Salt. RiverMich-------Nov. 1,18 70108,.64
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Gate ----------------------- ---------------------
Gate -----------------------------------
Gate---- ------------------------------------
Gate -----------------------------------
Gate.........................---.. ----........
G ate - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -
E.R. Dobbs...................
O. Dowd.....................
W. R. Dugdale...............
E. Duncan...................
R. R. Earnest................
C. Edgar..----------------....................C. H. Eggleston...----------.
S. Elliott................
T. Ellison...................
C. H. Embree................
S. F. Emerson................
J. B. Erwin..................
L. Essig.................
F. Ewer ---..........B. H. Fairchild and E. Sadler..
S. G. Farnham................
J. Fausett....................
D. E. Fenn...................
S. L. Fisher..................
B. F. Fisk....................
J. E. Fitts.--...............
G. C. Flagg............
D. Flint.................
W. G. Franklin..............
P. Freeman...................
S. Ficet.................
F. Friedrich and C. H. Allen.
D. Fuller...............
A. Gaskill.................
W. Gause and J. C. Curryer..
Gate........................................... E. Gemberling.........
Gate............................................ R. Gidley..................
Gate............................................ Gidley..............
Gate............................................ R. Gidley.--...............
Gate............................................. R. J. Gilbert................
Gate............................................. R. J. Gilbert.................
Gate............................................ S. M. Gillett.................
Gate............................................. J. and W. B. Goff.............
Gate.............................................. W. H. Goodale...............
Gate............................................. S. A. Gould...................
Gate.................................................. G. S. Granger and W.Northop.
Gate........................................... J. H. Graves...............
Gate.............................................. I.J. Gray......
Gate.......................................... R. D. Green..........
Gate............................................. W.W. Green,jr..........
Gate............................................ B. Greenside.............
Gate............................................ A. L. Grinnell.................
Gate............................................. S. Grinnell, G. Bez, and H. C.
Gate.................................N............. W.H. Griscom.............
Gate...........................................I. H. Gustin...................
Gate............................................ D. Hague.....................
Gate............................................ U. W. Hardy..................
Gate............................................ U.W. Hardy..................
Gate............................................. J.. Hary..................
Gate............................................. J. Hrpste...................
Gate........................................... N. HIlarrier.................
Gate............................................. J.K. Harris..................
Gate............................................. H.P. Hasin..................
Gate............................................. H.P. Haskin..................
Gate............................................. H. R. Haskins.................
Gate.............HHteir................................ R. Hatch, jr................
Gate............................................. WV. Hathaway........
Gate...................................... C.P. HawleyandE.B. Murdock
Gate................... J. Hays......................
Gate............................................... eal..................
Gate................................................. N.. He H..................
Gate........................................... H. A. hLenderson..............
Gate............................................. S. Henry....................
Gate.............................................L. BHermance.................
Gate............................................. J. Hibbard..................
Gate............................................. E. Hickman..................
Gate............................................. F. M. Hickman..............
Gate................................................ Higgins.. es.....
Gate............................................. W. Holdredge............
Gate.................................N. C. Hooker.................
Gate.............................................W. C. Hooker................
Gate........................................... J. J. andJ. T.Hoss.........
Gate............................................. H. A. House..................
Gate.............................................R.. H. Hudgin...............
Gate............................................ R. H. Hudgin.............
Gate...................................... R.H.Hu in....... H. Hu......
Gate........................ G. Hungerford................
Gate.................................... H. Hunt....................
Gate..................................H. Hunt................
Gate......................H..t. Huntewy..................
Gate............................................. J. H. Hunter.................
Gate........................................... A.B.Hurd...................
Gate..............................................C. B. Huixthal and J. Lee.....
Gate............................................J. L. Janeway................
Gate....................................J. L. Janeway...............
Gate.....................................H. J. Johnson...............
Gate.............................................. J. Johnson....................
Gate............................................. S. S. Kappel..............
Gate................................................... C.Kark...........
Gate.............................................I R.Kelly................
Gate...................................I E.Kemper...............I
76 P
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Dansville, N. Y...........
Penn Township. Ind......
West Milton, Ohio........
Springfield, Ohio.......
Dayton, Ohio.........
Marshall, Mich...........
Richmond, Ind............
Abingdon, Ill..............
West Dresden, N. Y.....
Seville, Ohio..............
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Cant:n, Ohio.............
Honeoye Falls, N. Y......
Farmington, Mich.-.
East Hartford, Conn.___.
Leonardtown Md........
Tallinadge, Ohio..........
Brimfield, Ill.............
Fredonia Township, Mich.
Candia Village, N. H......
Tanktown, Onaio..........
Sacramento, Cal..........
Shelbina, Mo...........
Benton County, Iowa.....
Upper Strasburgh, Pa...
Platteville, Wis..........
Oakwood, Mich.........
Neoga, Ill................
Indianapolis and Thorntown, Ind.
Elkhart, Ind.............
La Grange, N. Y.........
La Grangeville, N. Y......
Moore's Mill, N. Y......
Hanover, Wis.............
Hanover, Wis.............
Homer, N. Y.............
Hornellsville, N. Y.....
Colton, N. Y.............
Aberdeen, Ind...........
Wayland, N. Y..........
Rochester. N. Y.........
Seville, Ohio..............
Columbia, Mo............
Janesville, Wis..........
Fort Dodge, Iowa.....
Des Moines, Iowa...
Mokena, Ill..............
Salem, N. J..............
Middletown, Ind.........
Balville Township, Ohio..
Abingdon, Ill.........
Abingdon, Ill.......
Penn Township, Pa......
Clyde, Ohio............
Muscatine, Iowa..........
Springfield, Ohio.........
Roscoe, Ill..........
Roscoe, 111...............
Harlan, Ind..............
Traverse City, Mich...
Northbridge, Mass'........
East Galway, N. Y.......
Fostoria, Ohio........
Cohocton, N. Y...........
Aldin, Ill...............
Avoca, N. Y..............
Chenoa, Ill................
Hudson, N.Y..............
Prospect Lake, Mich......
Red Bluff, Cal.............
Rolling Praiile, Ind.......
Sacr. mento, Cal..........
Oxford, N. Y..............
Abingdon, Ill........
Abingdon, Ill........
Tipton County, Ind......
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Fairfield, Canada........
Fairfield, Canada..........
Fairfield, Canada..........
Union, Ill................
Delavan, Wis..........
Delavan, Wis.............
Delavan, Wis.............
Versailles, Ind............
Watkins, N. Y...........
Bolivar, Ohio..........
Flemington, N. J.......
Fiemington, N. J........
Saint Peter, Minn......
Geneseo, N. Y.......
Vodhull, Ill..........
Huntington, Ohio..........
Tuscola, Ill..............
Thorn Township, Ohio....
Apr. 9,1867 63, 710
Nov. 12, 1867 70, 819
July 9, 1867 66, 572
Oct. 30,1866 59, 196
June 5, 1866 55, 259
Sept. 10, 1872 131, 257
Feb. 22, 1870 100,129
Aug. 24,1869 93, 977
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 739
Jan. 28, 1868 73, 704
July 17, 1866 56, 392
Apr. 4, 1871 113, 282
Jan. 14, 1868 73, 312
Jan. 29, 1867 61,526
June 4, 1867 65, 359
Nov. 10, 1863 40, 557
Dec. 19, 1871 122, 003
Aug. 28, 1860 29, 774
Aug. 29, 1865 49, 615
Apr. 27, 1869 89, 301
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 378
Apr. 9, 1861 31,965
Oct. 15, 1867 69, 788
Jan. 24, 1871 111, 190
June 12, 1866 55, 481
Nov. 30, 1869 97, 288
Apr. 23, 1872 125, 947
Sept. 10, 1867 68, 726
Jan. 16, 1872 122, 764
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 198
Nov. 29,1870 109, 609
Dee. 24, 1867 72, 477
Jan. 3, 1871 110, 646
July 25, 1871 117, 403
Dec. 4, 1866 60, 11
Oct. 1, 1867 69, 336
Sept. 12, 1865 49, 873
Apr. 30, 1867 64, 303
July 13, 1869 92,524
Feb. 16, 1869 87, 040
May 28,1867 65,210
July 3, 1866 56, 039
Nov. 20, 1866 59, 743
May 21, 1867 64, 860
Sept. 15, 1868 82, 112
July 16, 1867 66, 832
Jan. 9,1866 51,940
Sept. 5, 1865 49, 753
Mar. 16, 1869 87, 841
July 5, 1870 105, 067
Feb. 26, 1867 62, 412
Dec. 29, 1868 85, 306
Apr. 4, 1871 113, 294
Sept. 13, 1870 107, 254
Oct. 19, 1869 96, 002
June 29, 1869 91,932
Jan. 24, 1871 111,201
Dec. 22, 1868 85,091
May 18, 1869 90, 261
Dec. 20, 1870 110,363
Oct. 26,1869 96, 106
Sept. 19, 1871 119, 141
July 17, 1866 56, 412
Mar. 15, 1870 100, 759
Sept. 4, 1866 57, 713
May 21,1872 126, 958
Aug.25, 1868 81, 501
Apr. 19, 1870 102,003
Oct. 15, 1867 69, 914
Feb. 5, 1867 61, 832
Dec. 2, 1873 145,104
Mar. 31, 1868 76, 190
July 25, 1871 117, 418
Apr. 30, 1867 64, 317
June 2, 1868 78, 452
Nov. 1, 1870 108, 786
Feb. 20,1872 123, 802
Aug. 21, 1860 29, (696
Jan. 24, 1871 111,124
Feb. 13,1872 123, 700
July 2, 1872 128, 490
July 2:3, 1872 129, 733
Dec. 24, 1867 72, 495
Apr. 21, 1868 76, 980
May 12, 1868 77, 735
Nov. 2,1869 96, 436
Apr. 23, 1867 64, 108
Oct. 2, 1860 30, 223
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 276
Mar. 31, 1868 76, 081
Oct. 1, 1867 69, 443
Mar. 6, 1860 27, 367
Nov. 6, 1866 59, 405
Aug. 27, 1867 68, 084
Jan. 31, 1865 46,112
June 24, 1862 35, 189
INDEX OF PATENTS ISSUED FROMIndex of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gate ---------------------------
G ate........................................
E. Keimper..................
M. F. Kent.................
S. Kepner.........
J. HT. King.................
W. H. Kosht.............---
S. A. Kroner...............
A. Larrowe...........
A. Larrowe...............
J. Lee....................
V. Leonard.................
F. Livings...................
F. Livingston_..............
M. E. Livingston............
J. C. Long...................
N. Long....................
WV. 1. Ludlow..............
C. Mack...................
G.W. and G. S. Mackey...
H. Mansfield..............
S. L. Marisden-...-..._......
J. Martin..._.............
J. WV. Martin.............---
M. Martin................
H. Z. Mast.................
E. A. Matthiessen. -..._...
C. F. Mawbey..........._
H. Maxell..............
J. M. May.................
J. M. May.................
XV. McAfee..............
OC. McCarty...............
P. McCollum...............
J McCreary...._........._
F. H. McGeorge... __..... _._
E. R. McKiuney...........__
G. McKnighit............
J. H. McKnight......
I. H. McOmber.............
A. XV. Meek-..............--
J. L. Meredith............---
R. C. Mighell.............__
L. Miller..................
P. L. Miller.................
P. L. Miller.................
J. H. Morgan............._
J. D. Morrison.............
G. Mott............
G. Mott, J. Morris, jr., and D.
T. Munger.................
T. Munger................
E. M. Naramore............
M. Neudgeit....._.._ ___
V. C. Newland..... _.......
WV. E. Nichols...............
P. ONeil...................
H. S. Otis..................
C. N. Owen-_...........
M. Packard..............---
C. H. Paine.........._-_
C. H. Paine................
B. F. Paluier.............__
N. Parker...............---
J.Mii. Peirce........
XV. A. Penny.............---
0. and C. Perry............
E. Petteys and T. C. Leggett.
A. H. Phillins............ -
XV. H. Phillips.....-__......
C. H. Platt..............---
N. M. Plat...............
J. Pool.................----
J. Potter.................---
J. B. Powell and S. H. Everett
S. Puffer..................
C. Purdy.--..............
H. H. Raub..............----
F. Raymond..............---
F. Raymond and A. Miller_._.
C. D. Reed...............---
S. Pagan and E. Mensy...
E. Reyiiolds.................
XV. XV. Riley _...........
J. F. Rodgeis..............
Thoraville, Ohio..._.
West Union, Iowa...
Pottstown, Pa...._ _......Smithfield, nd._..... _..
Ashland, Ohio...._.....
Doylestown, Pa.._..___
Cohocton, N. Y..........
Cohoctoii, N. Y.._-.._._.
Massillon, Ohio.........--
Orleaiis, nd.............
East Enterprise, Ind(1.--
Marathoii, N. YV........
Manchester, Ill.......
Eaton, nd.............
Muncie,Ind...._ _......._
Liberty Centre, Ohio. _.
Cleveland, Ohio..._
Leipsic, Ohio..... -- -....
Leipsic, Ohio...........
Lathiop, Pa_._.._.... _
XWarsaw, Ind....... _..._
New Haven, Conn. ___..
New Oxford, Pa _..__
Washing ton, 1D. C...
Rockford, Ill............
Fork Meeting-House, Md.
Cornwall, N. Y--..---
Woodbridge, N. YV-._--
Canton, Ohio...........
Janesville, XWis.._.
Janesville, Wis..... _...
Sninmerville, Mich..__
Haysville, Ohio.. _.._.
Fayette. Md..........
Middletown, Pa..
Corning, N. J.............
Lacon, Ill.............---
Hebron, N. V......... __.
Oakwood, Mich _.._.
El Paso, Ill............--
XWaterloo City, Ind._...
Bloomingsburgh, nd..
ilano, Ill..............
Johnsville, Ohio...___...
Mechianicabuigh, Pa...
Mechauicsbmrgh Pa ---
Warsaw, Ind..........--
Richfield, Ill........... _.
Big Run, Ohio.._.......
BigRun, Ohio..........
Cedar Falls, Iowa..
Jaynesville, Iowa --_.---.
North Underhill, Vt..
Hartland, Mich... _.. _...
Sparta, Wis.._..._...._.
Baldwin, Mo -...-......
Mnrfreesborough, Ten_Prescott, XWis..... __.....
Salem, Ohio............
Clareudon, N. YV-..
Providence, R. I....
Providence, H. I....
Baraboo, XWis............
Trimble County, Ky.Moikena, Ill...........---
Oconomowoc, XWis. -.
Morrisville. N. C. _....
Ortoiiville, Mich. --..._
Chestertown. N. Y..
Chestertown, N. Y-V -.
Pontiac, Mich. _._..
Staunton, Md...........
North Fairfield, Ohio.
Northi Fairfield, Ohio_.
Elizabeth City, N. C..... _.
Pierceton, Ind...........Mlacedont, N. YV...........
Oxford, N. YV.............
Bedford, Ohio............
Pyinatuniiig, Pa.-....
Clevelaiid, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio. -.......
Polo, IIll........
La Motte, Iowa..........
Metonieii, Wi-i...........
Columbus, Ohio. __-.
July 16, 1867
Aug. 11, 1868
Oct. 4, 1870
Sept. 15, 18618
July 25, 1871
Jaii. 15, 1867
Nov. 6, 1866
May 21, 1867
June 2, 1868
Sept. 14, 1869
Oct. 18, 1810
Apr. 21, 1868
Aug. 8, 1871
Mar. 12, 1872
June 20, 1871
Dec. 9, 18_73
Nov. 21, 1811
Oct. 1, 1867
July 6, 1869
Nov. 18, 1873
Sept. 24, 1867
Apr. 6, 1869
May 1, 1866
Mar. 19, 1867
Dec. 26, 1871
Dec. 10, 1872
July 2, 1867
Dec. 24, 1867
Juiie 5, 186
Aug. 8, 1865
Dec. 17, 1887
Aug. 21, 1860
Oct. 23, 1866
Nov. 10, 1868
May 7, 1867
Dec. 14, 1869
Apr. 30, 1867
Jan. 29, 1867
Sept. 1, 1868
Sept. 3, 1867
Sept. 22. 1868
Apr. 25, 1871
Sept. 8, 1868
May 26, 1868
May 7, 1867
Mar. 17, 1868
Aug. 6, 1872
Nov. 21, 1871
June 13, 1871
Sept. 14, 1869
July 16, 1867
Nov. 26, 1867
Apr. 14, 1868
Jan. 12, 1869
Dec. 5, 1871
Aug. 18. 1868
Jan. 24, 1871
Jan. 5, 1869
Feb. 28, 18"1
Oct. 23, 1866
Apr. 16, 1867
June 11, 1867
Apr. 4, 1871
Mar. 21, 1871
Apr. 28, 1863
Apr. 21, 1868
Nov. 7, 1871
Feb. 18, 1868
July 23, 1867
Dec. 18, 1866
Aug. 27, 1872
Mar. 12, 1872
Dec. 31. 1867
Dec. 22, 1868
Feb. 7, 1871
July 14. 1868
June 25, 1867
Sept. 11, 186
May 8, 1566
July 21, 1868
Apr. 12, 1870
Nov. 10, 1868
Oct. 25, 1870
66, 852
80, 969
108, 031
82, 229
117, 431
61, 215
59, 416
78, 598
94, 900
108, 368
76, 9:30
117, 901
124, 600
116, 202
145, 434
121, 181
69, 455
92, 329
144, 780
69, 108
88, 575
54, 381
63, 067
122, 125
133, 788
66, 368
72, 657
55, 322
49, 286
72, 213
29, 706
59, 045
83, 867
64, 548
97, 947
64, 239
61, 676
81, 662
68, 376
82, 336
114, 177
82, 021
78, 389
64, 551
75, 642
130, 306
121, 188
115, 883
94, 764
66, 870
71, 503
76, )?00
85, 755
121, 654
81, 196
111, 238
85, 607
112, 174
59, 060
63, 932
65, 591
112, 843
38, 331
120, 770
74, 716
67, 135
60, 551
130, 938
124, 508
72, 897
85, 127
79, 857
66, 171
57, 967
54, 596
80, 220
101, 765
83, tel
108, 628
108, 186R
Inde of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Residence. Date.
i i i
Gate-.--------- -------------------------------
G ate.--------------------------------------
Gate ---------------------------------------
Gate -------------- ------------------------
Gate -------------------------------------
Gate -------------------------------------
P. Seliwebel._..............
L. M. Scothorn.............
C. Seefeld..................
XV. Serviss--------------....
J. Shartle..................
C. Shepard -.............
F. R. Sherman-............L W. Sibley..............---
L W. Sibley..............--
G. W. Sigerfoos, J. J. Sands,
and G. Fry.
S. II. Sill-----------------....
J. XV. Singleton.............
G. W. Sizer.................
G. A. Slater..............---
L. and ID. Slinger...........
L.. Smith...............
S. Smith and A. Persels...
W. B.Smith................
S. Smyth..................
J. Snell...............
B. Sniyder.. - --.......
XV. W. Sowles.............
S. Spoor....................
G. S. Spragg and G. Mott.
Gi.P. Stebbins.............
G. Slovel----------------...
W. XW. Sutliff...............J. M. Swift.................
X.Talinman- -------- ------.TnyIt. Tattershall and J. A. Burchard.
T. ID. Taylor..............---
G. L. Templeton.. --....-.....J. W. Thompson...........--
WV. Tobay..................
J. J. Tofiemire and J. ID. Liiinell.
C. Trexier.................
G. W. Tucker..............
I. C. Tunison and A. Reeve..
Quiney, Ill.---.....-----
Findley, Ohio.---------
Lomira, Wis............Sidney, Ohio._..._.
Lima, md. - -- - -_____
Binghamton, IN. V....
Dowagiac, Mich....
Ames, Iowa..............
Ames, Iowa...__.....
IPotsdarh, Ohio.- -.-----
Geneva, IN. Y -- ---- --
Quincy, Ill...............
Springvale, Wis-.._
Benton Harbor, Mich._--
Carmi, Ill---------------.
Lacon, Ill..-.-......-----
Easton, Mass------------..
Rockford, Ill., and Beloit,
Copper Creek, Ill....
East Bridgewater, Pa..
Evans' Mills, N. YV.---
Clinton,?XWis..... _.....
A]anlins, N. V.........
Phelps, N. YV............
Phelps. N. Y.............
Tabor, Iowa.............
Sparta Centre, Mich..
New Carlisle, nd....
Chicago, Ill.............Town Line, Pa-.........
Shelbyville, ill......_-..
Mauteno, Ill.............
Columbia, Mo......... _..
Beloit, Wis..............
Hartleton, Pa.......... _.
Pierceton. md............
Greenfield, Mass-.-.. __Naples, N. V--........
Rockford) Ill..-__...,.....
La Grange, Ill..........
Elba Township, Ill...._.
Roodhouse and Pike
Mar. 19, 1872
Nov. 5, 1867
Oct. 23, 1866
Oct. 1, 1867
Dec. 24, 1867
Sept. 10, 1867
Jan. 7, 1868
June 22, 1869
Jan. 24, 1871
Sept. 4, 1866
May 8, 1860
Jan. 1, 1867
May 14, 1867
Jan. 3, 187t
June 18, 1872
Sept. 29, 1868
May 29, 1849
Sept. 10, 1867
Dec. 10, 1872
Oct. 3, 1871
June 22, 1869
Sept. 26, 1871
Apr. 13, 1869
Nov. 20, 1866
Dec. 11, 1866
Jan. 23, 1872
Jan. 7, 1868
June 25, 1872
Mar. 21, 1865
Jan. 8, 1867
Sept. 10, 1867
June 20, 18d35
Oct. 1, 1867
Jnne 25, 1867
Dec. 3, 1872
Nov. 12, 1867
Dec. 10, 1867
Sept. 14, 1858
Sept. 20, 18 70
July 2, 1867
May 5, 1868
Sept. 3, 1872
Gate...................................H. Turner..................Rihpon, XVis._...........July 2,1867
Gate....................................______J. Vail...................-_Beliot, Wis..._....._..May 21, 1867
Gate....................................-----C. H1. Van Eps..............I_ Frmington, Iowa...Apr. '2, 1867
Gate........................................HU. B. Van Voorhis........Pitts.,urghPa..........__June 11, 1867
Gate....................................- - - -- - -V- -.--Waldo.-..-.--.-..B..Wldo.Jo----s-- --_e N.Y......N....Apr.... 19, 118646
Gate....................................-----_ V. S. Wandell............attle Greek, Mich.....Mar. 17, 1868
Gate..........................______.......IL Ward.............--__Stone Church, N. Y...May 15, 1866
Gale....................................------D. H1. Waifield...._. MuseatineIowa.......... Jan. 27, 1863
Gate....................................______D. 38. Warficid-....-.....Muscatine, Iow..... Mar. 15, 1864
Gate....................................------N. XWaterbmi-y........----....load do Lac, Wis......Nov. 8, 1859
Gate....................................______S. U. Wheclar..............1-owagioc, Mich _.._ June 18, 1867
Gate........................................ E. B. Whitaker.............---Be1 Aur Md............--Dee. 17, 1872
Gate..................................______.SWI-'li-na...............-Xayland, N. V......... Sept. 6, 1864
Gate.......................................A. I). Wlcx................ Manlius, N. V..........--Apr. 13, 1869
Gate -----------"----.......------T. P. Theox.......--......Hebron, Ind --...---Apr. 9, 1872
Gate................................... 3 CX ie...............G.i~e------___Somerville, Mass-._.July 27, 1869
Gate........................................ S. I WXilliamrs............... Sheridan, N. V..........-Mar. 23, 1869
Gate........................................ J. 1.Wiuchell............Springfield, Ohio. ------- Sept. 18, 1866
Gate __..................................... J. Wineganer..._..._._...-..Gratiot, Ohio...........----June 25, 187-2
Gate...........................................xXXinteiinger.. _.... _.......Fhredericktown, Ohio. Apr. 21, 1868
Gale........................................D.I)Wisell._.._..........Zanesville, Ind-..........July 23, 187-2
Gate.._______________________H.Zof....................ISWl............... Rolling Prairie, Iad...Apr. 16, 1867
Gate..................................... E LXot.......... ofe-...... -----------Plymouth, Pa.......... July 23, 1867
Gate..................................______.EJ. Well-aug and J. M. Ken- Salem, Ohio.............. Mar. 23, 1869
Gate....................................------J. A. Wood.._............Crosswicks, N. J..........June 27, 1871
Gate..........................................___J. A. Wood and E. V. Mar- Crosawicks, N. J..........Dec. 7, 1869
Gate........................................... R. J. Wood................. Hancock, Mich..........Oct. 24, 1871
Gate............................................ S. G. Wood..---.............Rochester, N. V -_._. Sept. 19, 1871
Gale....................................-----J. Woodward................ Wilmot, N. H............ Oct. 28, 1862
Gate....................................XV_____. J. Wooster.............---Harvard, Ill._...._..._..Sept. 3, 1872
Gate.................................V ot............. W ot __.__.-.....Jackson, Mich.........Aug. 11, 1863
Gate.---- ----- ------------.W h............_............._CWih _... Mason, Ill................ Mar. 14, 1871
Gate...................................... J. Wright.................. Versailles, Ill...........-Nov. 29, 1870
Gate........................E. Voung_.._.._.__ Camden Centre, Mich._July 9, 1867
Gatte..........................------.....I. N. Young...-. -........-Swan, Ind --....----Dec. 31, 1867
Gate, Adj ustably-hinged.....................-- - -- -- -E. M. George.... _.... _.. _.....Three Rivers, Mich. Feb. 25, 1873
G-ale and barn-door fastening.................. -- -- - -E. Pea..__............ _... _. Mechanicsburgh, Ill...Dec. 3, 1867
Gate and door closing device....................G. Turner.._... _............ Lansing, Mich.. _........_Mar. 15, 1864
Gate and doot- spring..........................J. Bliss. -. --..- -.....-.......Cleveland. Ohio.......... Oct. -5, 187-2
Gate and door spring............................A. T. Boon and L. Mills _. Galesburgh, Ill......... July 11, 1871
Gate and door spring........................___J. C. Gould.......------ xor,.........Oxod....... Nov. 26, 1861
Gate and door spring...........................M. Harrington._........... Waupun, Wis -_. _-. -.Nov. 22, 1870
Gate an ddoor spi-ing...................JPle.................._ __-_-_-Cincinnati, Ohio_........July 16, 1872
Gaite and door spring_............................B. F. Whitaker...............-Whitestown, md..---- Mar. 10, 1868
Gate and door swing........................ - -- -- -- -- -F. XW. Kroeber.......... __ __....Forbestown, Cal.. _.......Oct. 9, 1860
Gate and fence combined.....................___J. XW. Sanford....__........Bath, N. V.............--Aug. 20, 1867
Gate and gatepost...........................G. W aligPleasant,Ind.. __........ Nov. 20, 1866
Gate, Approach-opening...................... A. lske and J. B. Erbe.-----Lancaster and Conestoga Aug. 9, 1859
Township, Pa.
Gate, Approach-opening....................... IJ. S. Lloyd-----------------...Philadelphia, Pa...._..Sept. 20, 1 859
124, 858
70, 626
59, 084
69, 494
72, 549
68, 658
73, 129
91, 677
57, 782
28, 205
60, 798
64, 80-2
110, 687
128, 183
82. 648
6, 488
68, 801
133, 807
119, 661
91, 783
119, 421
88, 818
59, 930
60, 435
12-2, 973
73, 206
128, 259
46, 954
61, 115
68, 804
48, 322
69, 509
66, 108
133, 682
70, 76-2
7-2, 120
21, 526
107, 638
66, 421
77, 682
131, 039
66, 423
64, 924
63, 444
65, 619
42, 4-2-2
75, 607
54, 796
37, 536
41, 951
26, 063
133, 960
44, 132
88, 828
125, 511
93, 0-27
88, 249
58, 161.
1-28, 269
76, 063
1-29, 70-2'
63, 974
67, 094
88, 108
116, 526
97, 7 45
120, 358
119, 101
36, 817
131, 043
39, '720
112, 762
109, 704
66, 663
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1H73, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Gate, Approach-opening....--------------------
Gate, Approach-opening....................
Gate-closing device................................
Gate-closing device----------................................
Gate opening and closing apparatus----------..............Gate opening and closing apparatus.............
Gate opening and closing device......................
Gate opening and closing device.............
Gate-operating device.............................
Gate or door spring....------------------------
Gate-post attachable to any panel of its corresponding field-fence.
Gate-post, Non-swagging...........
Gate-post, Portable........................
Gate purchase, Labor-saving rotary..............
Gate-spring..--- - - -----------
Gates and presses, Locking device for........
Gates, Arrangement of weight and pulley for
Gates, &c., Closing and opening...----------
Gates, Construction and hanging of--------- -
Gates, doors, &c., Hanging......................
Gates, &c., Hanging..............................
Gates, Hanging...------------------------..Gates, Hanging.....--------------------------
Gates, Hanging and operating...........
Gates, Hanging for.................
Gates, Opening....---------------------------
Gates, Opening----.....-----------------------
Gates, Opening and closing..--................
Gates, Opening and closing.......................
Gates, Opening and closing....................
Gates, Operating..................................
Gathered fabrics....--------------------------
Gear, Changing........................
Gear, Chill for casting toothed...................
Gear-cutters, Machine for shaping and cutting....
Gear-cutters, Making.............................
Gear-cutting engine.....................
Gear-cutting machine....----------------------
Gear-cutting machine----------------------........................-...
Gear-cutting machine........................-.
Gear-cutting machine. - - -..---- -.
Gear-cutting machine, Adjustable scroll-index for..
Gear-cutting tool..................................
Gear-cutting tool...............................
Gear-cutting wheel.............................
Gear elevator, Differential........................
Gear for vehicles, Running..................
Gear for wagons, Front-.....................Gear, Friction............................
Gear, Friction driving............................
Gear, Machine for cutting teeth of beveled.....
Gear, Machine for cutting wood.............
Gear, Machinery for cutting bevel.............
Gear or pulley mechanism...............
Gear or universal joint, Spherical..................
Gear power machine, Differential..................
Gear press, Power...---------------- -.Gear, Proportional scales for the construction of
Gear, Reversing...-----------------..
Gear, Shitting........
Gear, Spherical...........................
Gear. Universal bevel............................
E. C. Rowland................
C Winegar...................
H. M. Long---------------....................
W. W. Robinson..............
W. Gilfillan................
L. Kolloff....................
J. H. Nichols.................
P. Philippi.........
H. S. Shisler..................
J. D. Bourne................
W. Broomhall................
S. E. James..................
J. C. Kellogg.................
W. Kimball...................
H. Last......................
R. A. Leeds..................
J. Lintner..................
M. B. Markham...........
G. McCoy.....................
C. Seymour.................
J. P. Woodcock...............
S. Young......................
H. Frink.....................
S. G. Dugdale..............
E. Woolmhan.................
J. H. Nevin..................
C. Winegar..................
D. G. Goodall.................
J. W. Briggs................
A. Fishburn................
G. O. Hutson..................
W. F. Veber.................
4. G. Hunt...................
I. Johnson....................
W. A. Dillon..................
J. Musser and L. B. Gitchel -.W. W. Sutliff.............-----
W. Welch..........
W. Twitchell..............
C. Winegar...............
J. fealy....................
S. Oberhcolzer.................
N. W. Cilley..............
A. Hotchkin...............
T. S. Minniss................
T. Parkinson._.....
P. Rasar and D. J. Mayes..
J. A. Ayres..............
F. B. Betts.................
B. R. Cole...................
W. T. Merritt..............
W. G. Philips-............----.-----
J. L. Betts----------...............-----
H. S. Brown..................
T. R. George..................
B. Wright and W. C. Park..-..
W. M. Davis..................
R. T. Davis -..-...............
C. Evotte...................
H. N. Keables.............
E. Parker..................
WV. Sellers---------------..................--
F. A. Pratt..................
L. F. Grant...................
A. T. Boon....................
H. Pfarrer................
HR. Cairns..................
J. W. Foster.................
J. J. Greenough..............
C. Van Haagen...........
W. M. Galusha...............
J. Harrington................
H. R. Taylor.............
T. B. Russell.............
D. Hussey..................
S. J. Edwards................
A. Finley...............
F. Simmons......
W. W. Tunis...............
G. H. Corliss..................
T. F. Freeman...............
C. E. Roper.................
A. M. Damon.................
T. Weav r....................
H. F. Shaw...................
W. and R. Skene.............
J. Walker...................
G. Juengst...................
C. D. Rogers................
T. Weaver...............
J. Lewis.................
W. H. Ward.................
Phelps, N. Y..............
Union Springs, N. Y......
Williamsville, N. Y.......
Ripen, Wis.............
Syracuse, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
La Fayette, Ill...........
Beardstown, Ill.........
Manheim Township, Pa...
De Witt, Iowa...........
Circleville, Ohio...........
Smithfield Station PostOffice, Ohio.
Thorntown, Ill............
Salem, Ohio..........
West Lebanon, Ind.......
Stamford, Conn..........
Indianapolis, Ind...........
Grass Lake, Mich.........
Antioch, Cal.............
La Porte, Ind............
Bedford, N. Y............
Milton, N. Y..............
Chautauqua County, N. Y.
Richmond, Ind...........
Damascoville, Ohio.......
Ogdenshurgh, N. Y........
Union Springs, N. Y......
Beloit, Wis.............
Cleveland, Ohio.........
Carlisle, Pa...............
Iowa City, Iowa..........
Perrysburgh, Ohio._....
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Alliance, Ohio............
Middletown, Mo.........
Canton, Ohio..............
Town Line, Pa.............
Bridgeport, Conn........
Syracuse, N. Y........
Union Springs, N. Y......
South Dansville, N. Y.....
Terre Hill, Pa............
Nottingham Township,
Schenevus, N. Y..........
Meadville, Pa............
Naples, N. Y.............
Illiopolis, Ill..............
Hartford, Conn..........
Brownhelm, Ohio.....
Geneva, N. Y............
Hart's Village, N. Y......
Newport,, Del............
Archbold. Ohio.........
New York, N. Y........
West Dryden, N. Y.......
CardiffN. Y ----------.............
Gardiner, Me.............
Canton, Ohio.............
Paris, France---............
Worcester, Mass.........Middletown, Conn._....
Philadelphia, Pa...-...
Hartford, Conn.......
Thomast on, Conn......
Galesburgh, Ill........
New York, N. Y..........
Waterbury, Conn......
Pawtucket, R. I.....
Syracuse, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa......
Arlington, Vt..........
New London, Conn.....
Westport, Conn........
Salem, Mass............
Nashua, N. H............
New Berlin, N. "..---.-".
Bainbridge, Ind...........
New Orleans, La..........
Easton, Md..............-----------
Providence, R. I..........
Brooklyn, N. Y........
Canton, Ohio.....---------
Lowell, Mass..........
Harrisburgh, Pa......
West Rexbury, Mass......
Louisville, Ky..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..........
Utica, N. Y...............
Harrisburgh, Pa......
Burlington, Vt..........
Auburn, N. Y...........
Oct. 19, 1858
Dec. 7, 1858
Dec. 29, 1868
Oct. 6, 1863
Oct. 14, 1862
Nov. 25, 1862
Dec. 9, 1873
Sept. 18, 1866
May 11, 1869
Feb. 5, 1867
Sept. 12, 1865
Dec. 3, 1867
Feb. 19, 1867
Jan. 2, 1866
Sept. 10, 1867
Nov. 22, 1864
Sept. 25, 1866
May 31,1870
Sept. 29, 1868
Nov. 19, 1867
Apr. 23, 1867
Sept. 5, 1865
Oct. 14, 1856
Feb. 25, 1836
Oct. 11, 1853
Dec. 2, 1851
Feb. 28, 1860
Aug. 14, 1855
Mar. 16, 1869
Sept. 24, 1861
Feb. 2,1869
Sept. 19, 1855
Mar. 3, 1868
Apr. 7, 1857
Oct. 29, 1861
Dec. 3,1872
Feb. 11, 1832
Nov. 19, 1867
Sept. 3,1867
Aug. 7, 1849
May 22,1855
Mar. 7, 1865
May 6, 1856
May 16, 1854
Mar. 7,1854
Feb. 14, 1865
Aug. 6, 1850
July 28, 1868
Feb. 8, 1859
Mar. 2), 1859
Oct. 18, 1859
Nov. 1, 1853
Mar. 7, 1854
Apr. 9, 187-2
Aug. 23, 1864
Nov. 16, 1869
Apr. 25, 1871
July 17, 1847
May 10, 1870
Mar. 16, 1869
July 2, 1867
July 3, 1866
Feb. 1, 1870
Mar. 7, 1871
July 17, 1866
Nov. 10, 1163
Oct. 11,1859
Aug. 6, 1872
Mar. 4, 1873
Jan. 28, 1873
Dec. 20, 1870
Apr. 14, 1868
Sept. 22, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
July 30, 1867
Nov. 17, 1868
Nov. 19, 1867
July 20, 1869
Apr. 29, 1873
Jan. 14, 1873
Mar 10, 1849
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 6, 1867
Feb. 1", 1872
Dec. 2,1873
Mar. 10, 1868
June 28, 1859
Feb. 21, 1871
Sept. 9,1856
Jan. 10, 1865
Aug. 1, 1871
Nov. 29, 1838
May 24, 1870
22, 261
85, 390
40, 187
36, 647
37, 001
145, 362
58, 130
89, 893
61, 800
51, 417
62, 136
51, 838
68, 752
45, 162
58, 268
103, 629
82, 537
71, 195
64, 153
49, 819
15, 911.....
10, 105
8, 572
27, 304
13, 445
87, 839
33, 332
86, 383
50, 005
75, 224
16, 978
33, 590
133, 571.....
71, 083
63, 540
6, 632
12, 930
46, 667
14, 826
10, 928
10, 619
46, 377
7, 548
80, 305
22, 845
23, 345
25, 808
10, 199
10, 593
125, 375
43, 943
96, 794
114, 080
102, 781
87, 766
66, 354
56, 149
112, 379
56, 495
40, 550
25, 759
130, 188
136, 429
135, 218
110, 406
76, 741
82, 402
75, 219
67, 219
84, 123
70, 980
92, 948
138, 444
134, 825
6, 161
70, 192
67, 587
123, 618
145, 075
75, 3t4
24, 585
112, 097
15, 697
45, 864
117, 786
1, 025
103, 398
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Gear-wheel, Adjustable.....................
Gear-wheel and pulley.............
Gear-wheel, Stop-motion....................
Gear-wheel teeth....-------------------------
Gear-wheels, Cutter for cutting...................
Gear-wheels, Cutting teeth of...............
Gear-wheels, Manufacture of.....................
Gear-wheels, Molding..........................
Gear-wheels, Pattern for curved-tooth---...---.---
Gearing---... ---------.-------..-----------..
Gearing and self-adjusting shaft...................
Gearing and ungearing pinions and wheels-- - -........
Gearing, Anti-friction......................
Gearing, Belted friction...........................
Gearing, Changeable........................Gearing, Cog.....................................
Gearing, Cog......................................
Gearing, Device for adjusting...----------------
Gearing, Device for increasing the friction of helical.
Gearing, Differential..............................
Gearing, Differential wheel.......................
Gearing, Driving............................
Gearing for connecting feed or pressure rollers..- - -.
Gearing for driving agricultural machinery, Arrangement of.
Gearing fbr driving machinery.....................
Gearing fobr di iving machinery, Arrangement of...
Gearing for grinding-rollers.....................
Gearing for twisting-apparatus, &c., Differential...
Gearing formachin ry............................
Gearing for machinery.......................
Gearing for machinery.......................
Gearing for machinery, Extension...............
Gearing for machinery, Friction...............
G:aring, Frictional....._...................
Gearing, Gin................................
Gearing, Intermit:ent and expansive..........
Gearing, Machine........................
Gearing, Machine- ------------------------
Gearing, Mill---------................--------------------......................Gearing, M ill.................................
Gearing, Mill.............................
Gearing, M ill.....................................
Gearing, M ill.......................................
Gearing mills..................
Gearing, Mode of increasing, reducing, and communicating motion in machinery to be used as a
substitute for cog.
Gearing, Multiplying......................
Gearing, Pivot................................
Gearing, Spiral....................................
Gearing, Spur or bevel......................
Gelatine-factories, Mode of recovering useful products from the waste liquor of.
Gelatine from alga, Manufacture of vegetable...
Gelatine from bones, horn, pith, &c., Obtaining..
Gelatine from fish-heads, Process of obtaining
Gelatine from impure solution, Manufacture of -- -
Gelatine or glue, Treating liquors containing......
Gelatine, Preparation of portable----...---------.
Gelatine, tannin, and cellulose, Compound of......
Gelatine, Treating marine plants to obtain.......
Genealogy, chronclogy, &c., Representing by lines.
Generating coal-oil, Apparatus for................
See Acid-generator. Steam-generator.
Gas-generator. Steam and vapor
Hydrogen-generator generator.
Ozone-generator. Vapor-generator.
Geometrical interest-table....................
Geometrical interest-table.........................
Geometrical lines, centers, &c., Machinist's instrument for determining.
Geometrical lines, Instrument for drawing......
Geometrical protractor and tablet.........
Gib and self-oiler..........
Gib for cross-heads................................
Gib, Selflubricating-.......
Gig for cloth...------------------..Gig-mill.......
Gig-m ill...........................................
W. H. Ward..................
G. I. Washburn..............
J. H. Whitney---....---------............
J. Letzkus---------------...................
J. R. Brown..................
G. W. Bigelow............
J. Comly...-----------.-----
W. Rowell -....-.............
R. Oliver......................
D. Harigan and J. Whitney..
B. Arnold.....................
A. M. Beard................
E. G. Chormann..............
P. D. Cummings...........
F. Emmerich..................
G. P. Gansater................
E. A. Goodes..................
J. J. Greenough..........
S. W. and J. F. Palmer....
A. Sibley................
H. M. Street.................
G. B. Hamlin-..................
J. Skinner....................
T. Chase......................J. 1). Whelpley...............
J. Evans and J. H. Thompson
J. A. Bazin....................
L. R. Faught................
G. S. Barton.................
G. Lindsay....................
W. D. Andrews..............
C. F. Cooke and J. Standfield.
G. B. Hamlin-------------..................
W. E. Coinell and C.W. Brown
T. Salisbury--------------..................
M. Young,jr...-------------..
J. Urmv.....-----------------
W. E. Sibley -...-...-..
J. and J. H. Webster.........
S. P. Gary...............
T. M. Millet, sr-----------................
W. Wotster.................
H. P. Minot................
F. P. Dimpfel................
D. H. Chamberlain............
H. R. Easterling..........
L. B. Potter...................
R. J. Gatling-------------.................A. Hitchcock................
J. C. Cunningham.........
J. H. Glover.................
J. Shickel...................
H. Shoemaker and J.A. McClintock.
H. M. Smith................
C. Coleman..................
F. S. Barnard.................
F. Dibben and L. Bollman...
J. J. Duchesne...............
U. Haskins,jr............
F. Bihn and W. Schrader._..
W. J. Rand, jr..............
N. B. Rice-...................---
B. Robinson..................
B. F. Shaw....................
O. Lugo...................
P. Cooper................
A. K. Eaton..............
G. Bourgade.................
A. Bostwick.................
W. T. Barnes.................
G. Cobb.......................
G. Cobb.................
R. B. Light...................
W. Ritchie...................
J.Pool, jr........
A. H. Rhodes........
C. B. White...................
W. R. Bishop........
W. A. Devon...........
O. M. Stillman................
E. Gessner...............
R. Kershaw...................
J. C. M iller...................
J. Shaw......................
Auburn, N. Y...........
Worcester, Mass..........
Rochester, Minn -......--....
Allegheny City, Pa.......
Providence, R.I..._ -
New Haven, Conn.......
Williamsburgh, N. Y......
New York, N. Y.........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Winchester, Mass.......
East Greenwich, R. I......
Hillsborough, N. H........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Portland, Me..............
New York, N. Y..........
Reading, Pa.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Syracuse, N. Y............
Auburn, N. Y.......
Pawtucket, R. I...........
Denmark, Tenn...........
Willimantic, Conn.......
Hadley, Mich............
Washington, D. C........
Boston, Mass.............
Paterson, N. J........
Canton, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Belfast, Ireland...........
Brookhaven, N. Y.........
York and Lambeth, Great
Willimantic, Conn.......
Boston, Mass...............
Albion, Pa..............
Frederick, Md...........
Wilmington, Del.........
Weston, Mass........
Boston, Mass..............
Oshkosh, Wis..........
Savannab, Ga............
Jefferson County, Wash...
Chicago, Ill..............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
West Roxbury, Mass.....
Bennettsville, S. C....._
Putnam, Conn............
Indianapolis, Ind........
New York, N. Y.........
Oglethorpe, Ga..........
Glasgow, Ky.............
Harrisonburgh, Va........
Perry, Ill................
Oct. 18, 1870
Mar. 8, 1864
Nov. 8,1870
July 28,1868
Nov. 29,1864
Nov. '20,1855
Nov. 12, 1872
Nov. 24,1868
Nov. 26, 1872
Jan. 7, 1868
Oct. 30,1849
Feb. 18, 1868
Jan. 7, 1873
June 5, 1860
July 8, 1873
Nov. 23,1858
Nov. 23, 1858
Dec. 16, 1873
May 8,1866
July 7, 1868
Aug. 14, 1860
Aug. 16, 18i0
Feb. 28, 1871
July 19, 1870
Apr. 3, 1806
Apr. 24, 1847
Aug. 22, 1854
Oct. 3, 1871
Apr. 6, 1869
July 22,1873
108, 539
41, 896
109, 164
80, 291
45, 294
13, 813
132, 899
84, 305
133, 384
73, 095
6, 821
74, 488
134, 642
28, 631
140, 690
22, 116
145, 499
54, 589
79, 605
29, 634
106, 360
112, 187
105, 426
53, 717
5, 085
11, 585
119, 683
88, 691
June 25, 1872 128, 352
Nov. 5, 1867 70, 416
Apr. 12, 1870
July 17, 1847
Sept. 14, 1869
July 2,1861
Feb. 6, 1838
Mar. 13, 1866
Mar. 25, 1873
Dec. 16, 18 2
Dec. 13, 1870
June 22, 1858
Dec. 24, 1872
Mar. 12, 1861
Mar. 22, 1870
Jan. 30, 1872
Oct. 23, 1866
Sept. 18, 1860
Feb. 12, 1867
Nov. 19, 1867
Jan. 8, 1861
Sept. 10, 1867
Nov. 8,1870
Peoria, Ill................. June 28, 1870
Barry's Bridge, Va........ Aug. i7, 1835
New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 10, 1839
New York, N. Y..........
Lacon, Ill..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Water!ord, N. Y........
Frankford, Pa...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
East Saginaw, Mich.......
East Gloucester, Mass....
Cambridge, Mass.........
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y..........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
Buffalo, N. Y..............
Aug. 9, 1853
Dee. 10, 1867
Mar. 17, 1868
Mar. 9, 1827
Dec. 15, 1868
June 25, 1872
May 9, 1871
May 19, 1868
Dec. 10,1872
Mar. 8,1870
June 20, 1845
July 16, 1872
Mar. 14, 7871
Aug. 2, 1826
Aug. 2, 1859
101, 872
94, 844
32, 733
53, 236
137, 267
37, 165
20, 672
134, 304
31, 659
100, 977
123, 248
59, 064
30, 059
61, 938
70, 970
31, 078
68, 799
109, 063
104, 793
1, 318
9, 914
72, 003
75, 544
84, 934
128, 248
114, 602
78, 016
133, 896
100, 647
4, 084
129, 217
112, 535
24, 921
100, 072
78, 761
80, 376
55, 992
71, 145
74, 443
64, 859
34, 038
36, 550
29, 828
Boston, Mass.............. Spt. 7, 1808
Boston, Mass.............. Apr. 24, 1809
Dunkirk, N. Y............ Apr. 9,1861
Wilmington, Ill......... Feb. 22, 1870
Easton, Mass............ June 16,1830
Fall River, Mass.......... June 9,1868
Port Richmond, N. Y.... July 28,1868
Sherwood, Wis-......... July 3, 1866
Port Richmond, N. Y..... Nov. 19,1867
Westerly, R. I.......... Feb. 11, 1868
Aue, Saxony........... May 21,1867
Philadelphia, Pa......... Dec. 24,1861
Troy, N. Y-............ Sept. 23, 1862
Manayunk, Pa........... Aug. 28, 1860
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gig mold, Mackerel....................-..--------
G ig-tree -.......................
Gigs, phactons, and other carriages, Fall-tep of...
Gilding and rnamentinig ourfaces, Process of.
Gilding and silvering mica and glass...........
Gilding, Apparatus for preparing elliptical frames
Gi lding, Comnound fr---------------...........................
Gilding copper, bliass, &c., Process for---...-----
Gildng i(ol(ings, &e., Composition for...........
Gilding on glass, M de of protecting-..-.-...--
Gilding or plating fibrous substances, Process for..
Gilding preparations to oval frames, Device for
appl. it g'..
G ildin, Preparing frames for-.....................
Gilding, Preparing oval frames for.................
Gilding, 'rocesses of coloring tin, zinc., &c., to
I esemblt.
Gilding, silvering, &c., in dead colors...........
Gilt frames, Manufhcture of partly.............
Ginmlets, &..-----------------------------------
G inilh't.. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G imlet- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -
G im let... -- - - - - - - - -.........
C im let...........................................
Gii-let P171(110.--------------------------------
Gimlet, Twisted screw..........................
Gimlet-ventiduot.--.. -....---------..
Gimnilets, Forging.. -------------------------
Gmn-cordial called Hlollands....................
Giu, Making..............................
Ginger-snap and cracker making machine...
Ginger snap, &c., making machine--------... -----
G irder.....................
Girder I ridge, Truss.......................
Girder for bridges, etc, Tubular-arch.............
Girder, Iron............................
Girder, Ion truss.............................
Girder, Trussed compound....................
Girdcr, Tubular-arch...................Girder, Wrought-iron......-...................
Girders, Apparatus for testing.....................
Girders, beams, &c., Homogeneous metals for
See Drinking-glass. Photographic monocuEye-gla s. lar glass.
Jelly-glass. Pier-glass.
Looking-glass. Spy-glass.
Opera glass. Vault-glass.
G. Bassett..----....------...----.......E. A. Cooper...----------------
J. Eberts...---------------.---
M. W. Brown....------------...........W. M. MarsLall......---........---
R. I. Marcher................---------------
A. L. D. Vries.................
G. R. Elkington...............
J. Lick........................
D1). Wright...................
P. V. Ma'hews............... - - --
A. Hlock.....................-------------------
D. Garrison................
Taunton, Mass...........
Lancaster, N. Y-..........
Philalelpliia, Pa-.........
New York, N. Y.........
Phila elphia, Pa-..........
New York, N. Y.........
Cleveland, Ohio..........
SBirmingham, England...
SSiu Francisco, Cal...
Boston, Mass---------.............
Phiilade'lphia, Pa-.........
Paris, France............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. W. Campbell............ New York, N. Y..........
L. Ileinauer.................. Cincinnati, Ohio........
J. Kintz......-............. West Meriden, Conn.....
Glass and in protecting the same, Silvering...
Glass and " moils," Mode of removing metallie
scale from.
Glass and other vessels, Metallic base for..........Glass andl polishing metallic wares, Compound for
Glass-annealing apparatus..................
Glass, Apparatus for the manufacture of window..
Glass, Application of bronze and gilding to plate.
Glass articles, Manufacture of.........
Glass articles, Preparing surface of.................
Glass articles, Process of forming orifices and
necks on.
Glass-blowers, Chimney-tool for.................
Glass-blower's mold..........................
Glass-blower's mold...............................
Glass-blower's mold...............................
Glass-blower's molds, Machine for opening........
Glass-blower's spring-clamp...................
Glass-blower's tool, Machine for holding..........
Glass-blowing apparatus....................
Glass-blowing machine....................
Glass-blowing machine....................
Glass-blowing machine.........................
Glass-blowing machine....---------------------
Glass-board and apparatus for cutting glass...
Glass by exposure to heat, Method of preventing
the breaking of.
Glass case........................................
Glass case........................................
Glass, Casting plate.........................
Glass, Combination of molds in forming...........
Glass, Composition for writing on.............
Glass, Composition of...............................
Glass cutter and knife, Steel......................
D. Davis, jr.....----------------
V. Walbok....--------------
W. M. Fowler..................
C. L. Griswold..............
E. L'Hommedieu..........
A. Pell.........-----
C. C. Tolman.................
C. L. Griswold............
H. S. Shepardson..........
G. H. Talbot.............
J. Mix.....................
J. Broad......--------------.............--
J. F. Peacock.............
D. Fowler.........................
A. Boucherie.................
J. Eubank, jr................
E. V. Freeman............
J. McCollum and J. Pair.....
D. M. Holmes -..............
Z. S. Ayres...---------------
W. G. Cutler.............
P. H. Jackson...............
1). Hammond and J. Abbott - -.
D. Hammond and J. Abbott..
C. H. Latrobe................
J. W. Murphy............
J. A. Roebling...............
D. Hammond and J. Abbiott..
T. G. Gaylord.................
P. 1. Jack.on...............
W. F. Brooks................
W. C. Hays and J. S. Pancake
H. B. Walker.................
W. P. Parrott and J. J. Bordman.
G. C. White, jr............
H. P. Marquam...........
G. F. Neal and L. Amede......
W. W. Pilkington............
E. Ingraham................
C. A. Moore..-.............
W. A. Fischer------------................
J. W ing.....................
J. G. Mustin..................
S. R. Bowie..................S. R. Bowie.................
O. P. thinkle -...............
D. Jarves..................
T. Wightman................
B. F. Turner.................
B. F. Cloud..................
T. and J. P. Bakewell........
S. L. Fleishman.........---...J. Laird....................
J. Stouvenel and F. A. Martin
F. Bowly.....................
E. Thayer.....................
E. D. Kimnmey and C.Wright..
T. XW. Whitly.................
E. Cossaboorn------------.................
J. B. Dunlop.............
G. and P. C. Dummer and J.
W. Davidson.................
W. Price................
J. Collmannu ana H. Feenders..
P. Jennet....................
M. Kleeman..................
T. Spenard....................
Boston, Mass..-.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
North Branford, Conn....
Chester, Conn...........
Chester, Conn...........
New York, N. Y........
Shelburne Falls, Mass...
Chester, Mass.............
Shelbmurne, Mass --..........
Boston, Mass............
West Cheshire, Conn....
Salisbury, Conn- --..........
Reno, Nov...............
Wallingford, Conn.......
Philadelphia, Pa...
Glasgow, Ky..........
New York, N. Y.........Wiiliamsburgh, N. Y....
New York, N. Y..........
Milwaukee, Wis.........
New York, N.Y..........
Canton, Ohio.............---
Canton, Ohio............
Baltimore, Md...........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Trenton, N. J............
Canton, Ohio.............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y..._.....
Sharonville, Ohio.._......
New York, N. Y..........
Boston, Mass------........--...-.
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
South Boston, Mass......
St. Helen's, England.....
Bristol, Conn.........
Westbrook, Conn.......
Allegheny, Pa..........
Boston, Mass -_......
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New Bedford, Mass......
New Bedford, Mass.......
Covington, Ky..........
Boston, Mass.........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Bridgeton, N. J........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.......
Pittsburgh, Pa........
Pittsburgh, Pa.-..-...
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Winchester, Va..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Paterson, N.J.......
Lenox, Mass..............
Meriden, Conn..........
Jersey City, N. J.........
Date. No.
Aug. 2, 1870 105,887
Apr. 3, 1866 53, 578
Sept. 8, 1815........
Feb. 20, 1e66 52, 673
Aug. 4, 1868 80, 754
Sept. 7, 1858 21, 430
Apr. 9, 1872 125, 383
May 17, 1838 741
Apr. 6, 1869 88, 646
June 9, 1868 78, 780
Apr. 27, 1858 20,078
Mar. 14, 1854 10, 637
June 1, 1869 90, 658
Aug. 10, 1858 21, 173
Mar. 20, 1866 53, 338
July 16, 1872 129, 284
Mar. 21, 1843 3, 015
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 450
Apr. 28, 1836.
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 440
Mar. 10, 1838 627
Mar. 24, 1863 37, 973
Dec. 4, 1855 13, 897
Sept 23, 1873 143, 142
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 671
Oct. 14, 1856 15, 907
Mar. 3, 1868 75, 182
June 25, 1813........
Sept. 17, 1872 131, 408
July 2,1836........
Jan. 31, 1809 -.
July 29,1828.......
Apr. 10, 1811.......
June 22, 1869 91, 759
Aug. 23, 1868 81, 505
Oct. 24, 1871 120, 228
Nov. 26, 1872 133, 306
May 7, 1872 126, 396
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 394
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 392
Oct.. 8, 1872 132, 087
May 8, 1860 28, 240
Aug. 28,1860 29, 825
Apr. 26, 1870 102, 393
Mar. 16, 1858 19, 630
Jan. 7, 1873 134, 549
Aug. 22, 1871 118, 336
Aug. 29, 1871 118, 610
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 838
May 12, 1868 77, 834
Aug. 17, 1869
July 9, 1867
Apr. 30, 1867
Jan. 14, 1873
Apr. 18, 1871
Nov. 29, 1870
Apr. 16, 1872
Oct. 21, 1873
Nov. 18,1873
Apr. 2, 1872
July 23, 187-2
May 8, 1866
Feb. 2, 1821
May 10, 1870
June 4, 1872
Apr. 20, 1869
Feb. 8, 1834
Sept. 16, 1873
Dec. 14, 1832
Sept. 16, 1833
Mar. 9, 1869
Aug. 1, 1865
July 11, 1865
Apr. 21,1836
Oct. 3, 1871
Apr. 16, 1867
Oct. 16, 1827
93, 935
66, 509
64, 244
134, 926
113, 772
109, 646
125, 670
143, 863
144, 628
125, 165
129, 709
102, 899
127, 530
89, 127
142, 845.....
87, 626
49, 171
48, 693.....
119, 451
63, 870......
1, 588
30, 722
126, 302
New York, N. Y.......... May 8,1840
Pittsburgh, Pa........... Apr. 30, 1816
Freeport, Ill.............. Nov. 27, 1860
Meadville, Pa............. Apr. 30, 1872
Columbus, Ohio......... Dec. 18, 1860
Coaticoke, Canada...... Jan. 24, 1871
Index of palents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Glass-cutting, Graved rule and self-adjusting diamond for.
Glass-cutting machine.....................
Glass-cutting machinery................
Glass-cutting, polishing, dressing, and ornamenting machine.
Glass-cutting tool................................
Glass, Device for cutting...................
Glass, Embellishment for.........................
Glass, Fire-polishing......................
Glass, Flattening..................................
Glass, Flattening and annealing..............
Glass, Flattening and tempering window..........
Glass-flattening furnace and leer.................
Glass, Flexible fastening for.....................
Glass for windows, Flattening-cylinder for........
Glass frame for looking-glass, &c.................
Glass from cylinders, Manufacturing plate...-...
Glass, Frosting plates of..........................
Glass furnace....................................
(ilass furnace.....
Glass furnace.....................................
Glass furnace-----------------------------.....................................
Glass furnace....................................
Glass- furnace....................................
Glass furnace....................................
Glass-furnace, kiln, &c...........................
Glass furnaces, and pots. Manufacture of.........
Glass-furnaces, Mode of f'eding resin in the fires pf
Glass fumniture, Method of making............
Glass, Giling on..................................
Glass-globe-cutting apparatus........................
Glass-goblet mold.........................
Glass goblets, glasses, &c., Mold for making......
Glass grinding and polishing machine...........
Glass grinding, cutting, and engraving machine...
Glass-heating table for silvering...................
Glass-house pot............ _..................
Glass in molds, Pressing............- -....._
Glass into molds, Pressing melted...............
Glass-jar mold..............................
Glass jars, Machine for grinding...........
Glass jars. Machineforremovingthe "blow-over" on
Glass jars, Means for attaching covers to......
Glass jars, Mode of grinding the mouth-edges of -
Glass jars, Process of forming smooth tops on.....
Glass jars, Tool for forming mouths of............
Glass jars, Tool for forming screw-threads on.....
Glass, Kiln for annealing....................
Glass, Kiln for annealing...................
Glass, Ladling of molten......................
Glass-lamp mold................................
Glass letters, numbers, &c., Making............
Glass light.......................................
Glass light for ship and building..................
Glass, &c., Machine for cutting and polishing......
Glass, Machine for grinding.................
Glass, &c., Machine for marking designs on......
Glass, Machine for making sheet...................
Glass, Machine for mixing "batch" for............
Glass, &c., Machinery for grinding and polishing..
Glass, Machinery for polishing....................
Glass, &c., Machinery for polishing................
Glassmaker's mold...............................
Glassmnaker's pot...............-..................
Glass, Making....................................
Glass-making pot.................................
Glass-making, Tank-furnace for..................
Glass, Manufacture of.....................
Glass, Manufacture of............................
Glass, Manufacture of............................
G lass, Manufacture of.............................
Glass, Manufacture of.....................
Glass, Manufacture of...----------..
Glass, Manufacture of.............................
Glass, Manufacture of.............................
J. Dickinson.........
W. Vom Hofe.......
J. P. Colr6...........
T. J. WV. Robertson...
S. G. Monce..........
W. Nielson..........
A. S. McClure........
E. Ingraham.........
J. S. Gilliland........
J. J. AdamsS Rickards..........
J. J. Adams..........
J. Clabby...........
W. H. Taylor.........
W. Coffan, jr......
J. Scott..............
W. P. Walter....
I. Taylor...-.-......
E. Bayard and B. A. M
J. Carroll............
H. R. De Monthureux
J. W. Ells and J.J. D
G. W. and C. W. Foste
N. Granger-.......
J. Green.........
J. Green............
A. K. Hay........
A.K. Hay.........
J. B. Hay............
J. Henderson.........
T. Leighton...........
W. Leighton, jr.....
S. Oakman.......
A. Pocheron..........
S. Richards...........
S. Richards...........
S. Richards...........
S. Richards.........
F. Rohrbacher and F. I
F. Schaum--------...........
C. W. and F. Siemens
J. Stanger and D. H. M
J. Green----------..............
E. Wells............
B. Shiverick..........
J. P. Bakewell.......
V. Schwarzenbrch....
J. T. H. Richardson..-.
A. J. Sweeney........
J. Magoun...----------
A Hathaway.....
T. J. W. Robertson...
H. B. Walker.........
B. H. Badger..........
T. Scanlon............
J. Magoun...........
D. Jarves.............
W. M. Kirchner......
R. Hemingway.......
A. W. Kelly and J. B.
J. Chambers..........
D. C. Ripley...-..
O. O. G. Elliott.....
F. Rohrbacher and F. H
G. M. Keeffer.........
W. M. Kirchner......
T. B. Atterbury......
T. Lowry.............
W. P. Walter and J. G:
D. C. Ripley...........
0. Stietz...........
W. A. Demuth.......
J. Oakes.......
J. P. and C. Coln6.....
A. H. Hook..........
H. A. Wassell........
S. S. Ferries......
W. T. Gillinder....
A. Broughton.........
P. Burgess............
A. Lindsay.........
D. Jarves..........
W. H. Capewell.......
W. Price..........
E. Dithridge....
G. Leuffgen........
W. H. Balmain....
L. Bdmelmans and L. D
L. B6melmans and L. D
J. Best...............
J. L. Gilliland.........
C. H. Jenkins.........
11. Napier and J. J. Hol
II. C. Ripley..........
Residence. Date. No.......... Brooklyn, N. Y............ Oct. 1, 1861 33, 380
--_-:___New York, N. Y-...---.. Dec. 31, 1872 134, 498.... -.... New York, N. Y-...-.Aug. 26, 1851 8, 323...... New York, N. Y........ June 7, 1864 43, 042......... Bristol, Conn.......... June 8,1869 91, 150......... New York, N. Y...-.. July 23, 172 129, 856........ New Buffalo, Pa........ Sept. 20, 1864 44, 331......... Bristol, Conn- ----- -. -Nov. 29, 1870 109, 626.. Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 11, 1853 9, 533
Washington, D. C--....- Apr. 21, 1832........... Philadelphia, Pa... - Apr. 6,1843 3, 035
-...... Winslow N. J............. Oct. 17, 1842 2, 820......... Lenox, Mass...------.. Mar. 7, 1871 112, 322.........Stamford, Conn......... Feb. 28,1871 112,193
H.. ammonton, N. J......... Oct. 1, 1830.......
-Philadelphia, Pa......... Apr. 6, 1831.
- Philadelphia, Pa......July 10, 1855 13, 245
-New York, N. Y... -.. Nov. 11, 1851 8, 519
Eason.... New York, N. Y........ Mar. 18, 1873 136, 957......... Longacoming, N. J...... July 25,1865 48, 903......... Birmingham, Pa........ Nov. 19, 1872 133, 083
)eabold.. Pittsburgh, Pa.......... July 9,1872 128, 716
r....... Charlestown, Mass..... July 23,1872 129, 657.. _.. Saratoga, N. Y.......... Aug. 4, 1868 80, 623.. Philadelphia, Pa..... Nov. 7, 1854 11, 890......... Norristown, Pa......... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 241.. Winslow, N. J.......... Nov. 7, 1854 11, 893.... Winslow, N. J....... May 20, 1862 35, 314.. Winslow, N. J.....---------- July 24,1860 29, 342
Wheeling, W. Va......... Jan. 18, 1870 98, 963........ Boston, Mass-.......... Oct. 3, 1846 4, 783.-... Cambridge, Mass......... Sept. 19, 1846 4, 770. Wheeling, WV. Va....._ Aug. 19, 1873 141, 935
-.....- Boston, Mass........-..... Mar. 23, 1869 88, 066........ Paris, France........... Aug. 12, 1873 141, 666........ Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 3, 1856 15, 018......... Philadelphia, Pa....... July 22, 1856 15, 389......... Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 25, 1857 18, 059......... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 887
lormann Philadelphia, Pa.-.. -.. -Aug. 6, 1872 130, 154......... Baltimore, Md._...... Apr. 25, 1854 '10, 830......... Westminster, England, June 11, 1872 127, 806
and Dresden, Saxony.
iller.... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 16,1815....
---........ Norristown, Pa.......... Feb. 23, 1868 87, 255
Covington, Pa -........ Dec. 21, 1858 22, 393...._ North-Sandwich, Mass..-.. Feb. 1,1853 9, 569...... Pittsburgh, Pa.......... Sept. 9,1825......- Berne, Switzerland...... Aug. 12, 1873 141, 670
Tutbury, England...... July 18, 1871 117, 208...Wheeling, Va............. July 3,1860 29, 017
- East Cambridge, Mass... Sept. 10, 1867 68, 633
_... Lenox, Mass............. May 28, 1872 127, 344
- New York, N. Y......... June 7,1864 43, 041......... New York, N. Y......... Oct. 18,1870 108, 413...... New York, N. Y-.......... Dec. 31; 1867 72, 776.. Birmingham, Pa.... Aug. 17, 1869 93, 839........ East Cambridge, Mass.." Dec. 6, 1845 4, 297. Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 1, 1828................ Pittsburgh, Pa.......... May 30,1871 115, 326......... Covington, Ky......... Sept. 18, 1860 30, 063
Samuel. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 28,1869 98, 270......... Birmingham, Pa.......... Jan. 25, 1e70 99, 160.... Pittsburgh, Pa............ June 29, 1869 91, 871... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Mar. 13,1866 53, 218
lormann Philadelphia, Pa........Aug. 23, 1870 106, 624........ East Birmingham, Pa..... Dec. 20, 1870 110, 243....... Pittsburgh, Pa............ Dec. 6, 1870 109, 825..... Pittsburgh, Pa............ June 28, 1864 43, 278
Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 1, 1870 100, -24
reen.. _ Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 6, 1856 14, 838........ Birmingham, Pa.......... June 14, 1870 104, 205.. New York, N. Y..........May 14,1867 64, 807........ New York, N. Y.......... Sept. 22,1868 82, 389.. Boston, Mass... -.. May 11, 1822............ Washington, D. C....... Nov. 19, 1872 133, 204........ New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 15,1859 26,103..... Stourbridge, England..... Feb. 4, 1873 135, 610........ New York, N. Y......... Nov. 10, 1868 83, 841... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Dec. 13, 1870 110, 029
Malone, N. Y.............. May 29, 1860 28, 532
-New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 18, 1856 16, 085.Malone, N. Y.............. Mar. 9, 1858 19, 569
-Boston, Mass- -........ May 28, 1830... Westville, N. J.......... Dec. 3, 1867 71, 578
-Pennsylvania.......... Mar. 4,1816-.. Pittsburgh, Pa............ Jan. 1, 1861 31, 011.Charlottenburg, Prussia.. May 17, 1870 103, 208.St. Helen's, Great Britain. June 20, 1871 116, 137
)e Give. Atlanta, Ga.............. July 14,1868 79, 892
)e Give. Atlanta, Ga............July 14,1868 79, 893........ Pittsburgh, Pa....... Jan. 10, 1865 45, 809........ Brooklyn, N. Y........... Jan. 5, 1864 41, 065........ Boston, Mass........ Apr. 12, 1870 101, 737
alins.... Elizabeth, N. J.......... Dec. 5, 1865 51, 343........ Pittsburgh, Pa............ Mar. 17, 1868 75, 5?7
Index of patents issued from the United States Patet Offce from 17Â~0 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Glass, Manufacture of............................
Glass, Manufacture of...........................
Glass, M. anufacturo of...........................
Glass, Manufacture of........................
Glass, Manufacturo of black bottle................
Glass, Manufacture of crystal.....................
Glass, Manufact:ro of plate......................
Glass, Manufacture of plate--......- - - -...............
Glass, Manufacture of plate and window.........
Glass, Manufacture of window--------------...................Glass, Manufacturing....................
Glass-manualhcturi:g process................
Glass, Material for the manufacture of............
Glass, Melting and fusing.......................
Glass-melting furnace.........................
Glass-melting pot...............................
Glass-melting pot------------------------.................................
Ghlass, Metallic molds for molten..................
Glass, Method of lettering and ornamenting.......
Glass, Method of preventing the corrosion or staining of the surface of.
Glass, Mode of applying crystal frosting to.......
Glass, Mode of frosting.............................
Glass-m old.......................................
Glass-mold and press.............................
Glass-mold carriage.............................
Glass-mold for making argand-lamp fountain....
Glass, Mold for pressing..........................
Glass, Mold for pressing....................
Glass, Mold for pressing.......................
Glass, Mold for working...........................
Glss-mold from gas-carbon or graphite...........
Glass-mold, Machine for operating...............
Glass-mold plunger.............................
Glass-molds, Method of treating.................
Glass-molder's press..........................
Glass, M olding....................................
Glasa, Molding-and pressing.......................
Glass-molding press...............................
Glass-molding tool...............................
Glass, Ornamental window.......................
Glass, Ornamenting.............................
Glass, Ornamenting................................
Glass, Ornamenting...............................
Glass, Ornamenting.............................
Glass-ornamenting composition..................
Glass-ornamenting machine......................
Glass pipes, Mold for making.----------------
Glass plates, &c., Machine for grinding.........-.
Residence. Date. No.
H. Trumbull...-..........
R. Washburn..........
S. Wetherill................
T. A. Zellers................
J. F. McCully..............
O. W uth..................
J. J. Greenough...............
P. Stenger...............
T. Clark... -..............
C. F. Carstens and T. H.
J. M Brookfield and E.VY.White
S. Richards..................
P. E. Minor..............
T. W. Dvott...-------------
L. B. Goodhue--..........
J. Dougherty.................
C. Newman.................
W. Pountney.................
J. B. Shaw....---------------
W. B. Richards.............
H. B. Kimball --........-.......
J. Levy and C. Jones.........
H. Brooke..--------------..................--
H. Brooke...................
W.. Brooke................
E. W. Cooper...........
T. G.Otterson................
C. H. Over, J. Robinson, and H.
J. H. Reighard...............
J. C. Schaffer--...------....---..
G. W. Scollay................
C. Stadelmann..............
C. Stadelmann............
M. Sweeney, J. E. Mathews,
and T. Hartley.
D. Turpie...................
C. H. Warner-............
F. A. Weise...............
H. Wickbham.................
W. M. Kirchner...............
D. Bennett, M. Krebs, and J.
E. B Horn...................
H. Dillaway................
J. Magoun-.................
T. Shaw..----------------
A.N.N. Aubin and J.P.Coln6
J. B. Lhote..............
W. C. King.................
S. Lydiatt.............
F. Klinck...................
J. Magoun..............
J. Magoun.................
W. 0. Davis..............
D. Challinor................
C. Frederici............
W. G. Webb.................
S. M. Adams................
J. S. Miles.....-............
J. C. Millward................
C. Schiissler................
J. J. H. Brainchon.............
T. J. W. Robertson.........
G. Scott..............
J. Kendall and A. Hathaway..
Jersey City, N. J.......... July 3, 1860
Monsey, N. Y............- Feb. 27, 1866
Bethlehem, Pa-----...---.......-- Oct. 16, 1860
East Birmingham, Pa.... July 2, 1867
Gonzales, Tex............. Sept. 2, 1856
Pittsburgh, Pa..-...---....... Oct. 12, 1869
Boston, Mass............... June 14, 1853
Philadelphia, Pa.--....... Aug. 7, 1a55
Pittsburgh, Pa----------........... June 8, 1852
Chicago, 11------------ill..............- Mar. 5, 1872
Honesdale, Pa.............
Ph dadelphia, Pa...__
Schenectady, N. Y. -.. -
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Saint Louis, Mo........
Somerville, Mass.........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
New York, N. Y..........
Charlotte, Mich..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Williamstown, N. J......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bellaire, Ohio............
Wheeling, W. Va..........
Rochester, N. Y....
Saint Louis, Mo..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Wheeling, W. Va..........
Sandwich, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Baltimore, Md...........
Chicago, Ill...............
Birmingham, Pa.........
Balawin Township and
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Boston, Mass.............
Boston, Mass............
East Cambridge, Mass....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Portland,Conn., and Washingt on, D. C.
Paris, France............
Pittsburgh, Pa....-....
East Birmingham, Pa.....
Montreal, Canada.........
Philadelphia, Pa.._.......
Cambridge, Mass...........
East Cambridge, Mass....
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Birmingham, Pa.........
New York, N. Y.....
Wordsley, Great Britain..
New York, N. Y..........
Ann Arbor, Mich.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France............
New York, N. Y..........
4lbany, N. Y............
South Framingham and
Lenox, Mass.
Boston, Mass..............
New York, N. Y..........
South Framingham and
Lenox, Mass.
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa-............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Sandwich, Mass........
Allentown, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Wheeling, W. Va.._.....
West Chesire, Conn.......
Pittsburgh. Pa...........
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Jersey City, N. J..........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Memphis, Tenn...........
Morrisania and Mott Hayen, N. Y.
New York, N. Y..........
June 14, 1853
May 29, 1866
Dec. 31, 1867
Sept. 10, 1828
May 5, 1868
Jan. 14, 1873
May 7, 1867
June 21, 1r64
Aug. 12, 1856
Mar. 28, 1865
Dec. 8, 1868
Dec. 7, 1852
Jan. 5, 1869
Aug. 10, 1869
Aug. 15, 1854
Nov. 24, 1868
Mar. 2, 1869
July 23, 1872
Nov. 19, 1867
Mar. 16, 1869
Sept. 18, 1860
May 30, 1871
Apr.23, 1872
Jan. 30, 1866
Mar. 17,1868
Apr. 10, 18(0
Apr. 2, 1872
Feb. 4, 1873
July 16, 1872
Apr. 29, 1873
Aug. 1, 1848
Aug. 21, 1841
Sept. 25, 1847
June 7, 1859
Dec. 3, 1872
June 29, 1869
May 9, 1871
Apr. 5, 1870
Sept. 9, 1873
Aug. 8, 1871
Oct. 24, 1848
Sept. 25, 1847
Jan. 31, 1854
June 6, 1871
Aug. 12, 1873
Dec. 5, 1871
July 29, 1873
Oct. 26, 1858
Oct. 29, 1867
Aug. 26,1873
Jan. 18, 1859
June 7, 1864
Sept. 4, 1849
June 23,1868
Oct. 10, 1865
July 26, 1859
June 23, 1868
June 17, 1873
Nov. 21,1865
July 11, 1871
June 25, 1872
July 16, 1872
Aug. 25, 1863
Aug. 21, 1866
July 30, 187-2
May 13, 1873
Dec. 17, 1872
Dec. 17, 1872
Mar. 5, 1872
Jan. 28, 1873
Dec. 4,1866
July 7, 1868
Mar. 29, 1864
July 1,1868
Oct. 16, 1827
Dec. 4, 1866
Oct. 5,1869
Mar. 24, 1863
Nov. 5, 1867
29, 020
52. 917
30, 4.i9
66, 274
15, 665
95, 752
9, 791
13, 411
8, 994
124, 195
9, 789
72, 878
717, 479
134, 789
64, 558
43, 224
15, 532
47, 040
84, 699
9, 453
85, 637
93, 591
11, 515
84, 412
87, 506
129, 679
71, 216
87, 795
30, 093
115, 377
126, 099
52, 338
75, 604
27, 873
125, 234
135, 302
129, 036
138, 368
5, 684
2, 226
5, 303
24, 360
133, 515
91, 946
114, 569
101, 485
142, 573
117, 785
5, 875
5, 102
10, 470
115, 569
141, 782
121, 696
141, 305
21, 896
70, 240
142, 125
22, 620
43, 043
6, 694
79, 131
50, 406
24, 908
79, 132
139, 961
116, 926
128, 280
129, 095
39, 698
57, 296
130, 039
138, 750
134, 070
134, 071
124, 364
135, 292
60, 203
79, 635
42, 143
79, 786
60, 119
95, 617
37, 975
70, 554
Glass-polish....................................... J. M. Warren.................
Glass-polishing machine......-------------------- A. H. Hook...................
Glass-polishing machine......................... J. Kendall and A. Hathaway. -
Glass, porcelain, &c., Attaching metal caps to.....
Glass-pressing, Cooling.............................
Glass-pressing machine....................
Glass-pressing machine...........................
Glass-pressing mold....... _................
Glass, process for the manufacture of.............
Glass, Process of forming letters, characters, and
ornaments on.
Glass, Removing stains from......................
C. B. Jenkins................
D. McAfee................
A. P. Brooke..................
A. P. Brooke..................
A. P. Brooke.................
W. O. Davis................
H. Dillaway................
J. h aley.................
J. Haley...................
W. C. King................
W. C. King..,,,,,,,....,
H. J. Leasure............
A. M. Smith................
H. J. Leasure and J. S. Gill....
G. J. Capewell..............
F. McKee and C. Ballinger....
M. Sweeney..........
P. C. Dummer................
H. M. Baker..................
C. M. Strauss................
J. G. Pohle and J. N. Crow....
Glass shades and globes, Mode of ornamenting..... R. Guthrie and J. Shearer.....
Index of patents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1173, inclusive-Continued.
Glass shades, Machine for grinding................
Glass, silver-ware, &c., Composition for cleaning..
Glass, Silvering..............................
Glass-smelting pot..............................
Glass, soluble silicates, hydrochloric acid, and
bleaching-powder, Process to be used in the
manufathcture of.
Glass, Staining...................................
Glass-staining composition..........................
Gla-s stoppers for bottles, &c., Apparatus for
Glass, Tool for manufacture of.....................
Glass, Transparent and flexible materials, designed
as a partial substitute for.
Glass tubes for philosophical apparatus, Joint
Glass, Use of the alkalies obtained from the spent
lye of soap-makers as a flux in the manulacture of.
Glass-vessel covers, Screw-collar for.............
Glass vessels, Attachment of covers to........
Glass vessels, Attachment of hinged covers of.....
Glass vessels, Fastening for metallic covers to.....
Glass vessels to metal base, Mode of securing.....
Glass-ware and metal stem connections............
C. C. P. Waterman............
W. H. Rosevelt.,.............
HI. B. Walker-------------..................
It. Combs and H. J. Leasure...
W. R. Stace and H. M. Baker..
Sandwich, Mass.......
Rochester, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
Wheeling, W. Va........
Rochester, N. Y........
Aug. 27, 1861
Aug. 12, 1873
Dec. 20,1870
May 3, 1870
Aug. 27,1867
E. A. Goodes.................. Philadelphia, Pa........ Mar. 14,1871
H. V. Edmond............. Norwich, Conn............ July 6, 1869
T. R. Hartell............... Philadelphia, Pa -....... Oct. 19,1858
G. Matthewman.............. Williamsburgh, N. Y-...... Oct. 10, 1865
C. Sussegger................. New York, N. Y.......... July 14, 1863
A. B. Latta.................... Cincinnati, Ohio......... Mar. 16, 1852
G. H. Burgin.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 3,1829
J. Cook......................
R. D. Bryce...................
J. H. Reighard and C. L.
J. Bird.......................
A. French....................
C. L. Knecht and T. Adams.... - --
New York, N. Y....... Feb. 23, 1869
East Birmingham, Pa.... Aug. 21, 1860
Birmingham, Pa......... Aug. 21, 1860
Glass-ware, Annealing..................... E. Dithridge.................
Glass-ware, Cooling-stand for.- ---.....-....J. Osterling...............-.
Glass-ware holder..------..........--------------------................... H. D)illaway.................
Glass-ware in bas-relief, Manufacture of hollow... J. S. and T. B. Atterbury and
J. Reddick.
Glass-ware makers, Snap for..-..----------------- O. B. Brigham................
Glass-ware, Manufacture of---...---------------.. J. S. and T. B. Atterbury......
Glass-ware, Manufacture of........----.. - J. S. and T. B. Atterbury-......
Glass-ware, Manufacture of.... ------------------A. H. Baggs.................
Glass-ware, Manufacture of...................... J. P. Pears....................
Glass-ware, Manufacture of.------------------.. D. C. Ripley..................
Glass-ware, Manufacture of graduated.......... J. H. Hobbs..................
Glass-ware, Manufacture of hollow------------................ J. S. and T. B. Atterbury and
J. Reddick.
Glass-ware, Manufacture of hollow................ J. S. and T. B. Atterbury and
J. Beddick.
Glass-ware, Manufacture of silvered............... J. W. Haines..............
Glass-ware, Manufacture of stemmed.-....--......... J. Oesterling...................
Glass-ware, Manufacture of stemmed-----------.............. J. Oesterling..................
Glass-ware, Method and mol for manufacturing.- J. S. and T. B. Atterbury......
Glass-ware mold.................................. D. Ashworth.................
Glass-ware mold................................... J. S. Atterbury, J. Reddick,
and T. B. Atterbury.
Glass-ware mold.................................. H. Dillaway.................
Glass-ware mold --................................R. E. Haines............
Glass-ware mold..-----------------..----------- G. H. Lomax.................
Glass-ware mold...-------------------------..--J. B. Lyon....-----......-..........Glass-ware mold...-------------------------- J. H. Reighard...............
Glass-ware mold...---------------------------- A. E. Young............
Glass-ware, Mold for forming blown.......... H. Dillaway..............
Glass-ware mold, Sectional........................ R.D. Haines.........--.......
Glass-ware mold, Solid........................... R. D. Haines.................
Glass-ware molds, Cooling........................ H. Dillaway..................
Glass-ware-molding press....................... J. Bird......--................
Glass-ware press.................................. H. Dillaway.................
Glass-ware press.--.-------------------------J. Haley.........
Glass-ware press.................................. C. H. Hersey and W. E. Hawes
Glass-ware press------.....................--... J. Myers...------------..
Glass-ware, Process of manufacturing silvered.... E. Dithridge...............
Glass-ware with handles, Manufacturing...-....... J. S. and T. B. Atterbury......
Glass with platinum, Method of coating........... L. P. Angenard...........
Glasses for orreries, &c., Preparing luminous-...... M. J. Gardiner................
Glasses for plants, hot-beds, &c., Folding......... J. St. John....................
Glazier's diamonds, Mounting................... J. Dickinson...............
Glazier's diamonds, Mounting..................... P. Sinsz..................
Glazier's pins, Machine for cutting.....------------- J G. Baker................
Glazier's points, Machine for cutting---------.............. W. Eaton-----------------.....................Glazier's points, Machine for cutting ----...............M. Jay....................
Glazier's points, Tool for driving------....------.. A. Woodworth and E. W.
Glazier's tool..................--................... S. G. M once..................
Glazing, Composition for--..----------------- - T. and E. Parker.............
Glazing, Heating calender-rollers for............. J. Brimhall and T. Keyes, jr... -
Glazing pottery-ware-- ---.............................. C. W. Fenton......
Globe------------------------------------............................................ G. D. Abbott...........
Globe-. -.........................................-.. E. Bascom....................
Globe ---............................................ J. Monteith................
Globe.------------------- ------------ G. Vale......................
Globe, Automatic terrestrial time....-------------- F. S. Barnard...............
Globe, Clock-work.....-------------------------- L. J. N. Mouret.............
Globe, Concentric celestial and terrestrial..-...... H. Williamson............
Globe for teaching geography..................... E. Oram..................
Globe, Geographical............................... E. Perco.................
Globe-holder...-- -.............. T. Hay......................
Globe-holders, Manufacture of-................ C. H. Barney.................
Globe-joint -------------------------------...J. F. Hollister...............
Globe, School.................................. J. R. Agnew.................
Globe, School................................ ------ J. R. Agnew................
Globe, School--.....----------------------------J. R. Agnew.............
Globe, School.....................----- --.. J. R. Agnew........
Globe, School---.................................. E. Weissenborn..............
77 P
Birmingham, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Saint Clair and Stow Township, Pa.
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Sandwich, Mass..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Cambridge, Mass.......
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Bridgeport, Ohio.......
Birmingham, Pa.....
Birmingham, Pa.......
Wheeling, W. Va........
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Aug. 21, 1860
July 5,1870
Dec. 13 1870
June 16, 1863
Mar. 5, 1872
Aug. 11, 1857
June 3, 1862
Nov. 26, 1867
Mar. 3, 1868
Apr. 20, 1869
Dec. 2, 1873
Oct. 13, 1868
Oct. 20, 1868
Oct. 15, 1872
Feb. 11, 1862
Pittsburgh, Pa............ June 3, 1862
Somerville, Mass..........
Wheeling, W. Va.......
Wheeling, W. Va.........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
East Cambridge, Mass...
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Sandwich, Mass..........
Cambridge, Mass.....
Somerville, Mass...
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
Wheeling, W. Va-.........
Dorchester, Mass.....
Sandwich, Mass...........
Cambridge, Mass..._......
Cambridge, Mass..........
Sandwich, Mass.........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Sandwich, Mass.........
Cambridge, Mass.........
Boston, Mass..........
Dorchester, Mass.........
Pittsburgh, Pa...........
Pittsburgh, Pa......
New York, N. Y..........
York, Pa.- -.....
Stamford, Conn...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Baltimore, Md........
New Brunswick, N. J....
Carbondale, Pa.........
Canton, Ohio.------.--.
Cambridge, N. Y......._.
Bristol, Conn..........
Orangeville, Pa........
West Boylston, Mass....
Bennington, Vt..........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......
New York..............
New York, N. Y........
Paris, France -........
New York, N. Y..........
New York..............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Newark, N. J.............
Providence, R. I..........
Plano, Ill................
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Mcrcersburgh, Pa.........
Mercersburgh, Pa.........
Mercersburgh, Pa.......
Hudson City, N. J........
May 30, 1865
Oct. 15, 1872
Oct. 21, 1873
June 17, 1873
July 16, 18-2
Mar. 4, 1862
July 7, 1868
Apr. 30, 1867
Oct. 14, 1873
Dec. 13, 1870
Mar. 26, 1872
May 11, 1869
Feb. 2-2, 1870
June 8, 1869
June 8, 1869.July 7, 1868
Sept. 14, 1869
Oct. 1, 1867
Oct. 1, 1867
June 8, 1869
Jan. 15, 1867
Oct. 29, 1867
June 30, 1868
Mar. 14, 1865
Apr. 30, 1832
Dec. 3, 1867
Sept. 3, 1861
Apr. 23, 1867
June 15, 1858
May 16, 1854
Feb. 18, 1868
June 28, 1870
July 1,1873
Feb. 20, 1844
Apr. 1, 1826
Nov. 27, 1849
Aug. 11, 1868
Oct. 16, 1866
July 24, 1860
Oct. 28,1843
Aug. 28,1860
June 17, 1873
Dec. 3, 1867
Jan. 12, 1831
Mar. 15, 1864
Jan. 26, 1869
Oct. 14, 1873
June 23, 1868
July 24, 1860
June 10, 186-2
Sept. 9, 1862
June 16, 1863
Nov. 24, 1868
33, 175
141, 819
110, 408
102, 502
68, 254
112, 703
92, 292
50, 373
39, 265
8, 801
87, 146
29, 666
29, 718
29, 743
105, 061
110, 049
38, 930
124, 378
17, 9 0
35, 429
71, 447
75, 110
89, 005
145, 141
82, 983
83, 210
132, 208
34, 345
35, 430
47, 948
132, 216
143, 778
139, 193
129, 306
34, 555
79, 737
64, 312
143, 629
110, 056
125, 083
90, 040
100, 127
91, 118
79, 738
94, 863
69, 325
69, 426
70, 325
79, 298
46, 767
71, 812
33, 188
20, 539
10, 925
74, 693
104, 915
140, 426
3, 443.....
6, 907
80, 891
58, 757
29, 291
3, 318
29, 755
140, 065
71, 830
41, 938
86, 224
143, 656
79, 124
29, 2-29
35, 498
36, 387
38, 875
84, 398
Index of patcnts issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Globe, Terrestrial........................
Globes, Apparatus for roughening the outer surface of.
Globes, Making artificial........................
Globes, maps, &c., for schools, Construction of......
Globes, Method of relieving geographical outlines
on molded elastic.
Globes, Method of suspending school.............
Globes, Mold for making school...--.................
Globes, Mounting.........................
Glossing and fluting iron..........................
Glove -clasp......................................
Glove-cleaning composition.......................
Glove, Corn-husking.......................
Glove, Coln-husking..............................
Glove, Gauntlet..........................
Glove, Gauntlet............................
Glove, Gauntlet...........................
Glove, Husking...
Glove, Husking and shelling...............
Glove, Swimming.........................
Glove-turning machine...........................
Gloves, Dyeing kid..............................
Gloves, Dyeing kid.........................
Gloves, Machine for cutting out...................
Gloves, Machine for cutting out.................
Gloves, Manufacturing knit................
Gloves, &c., Mode of coloring kid.................
Glucose and white lead, Manufacture of..........
Glucose, Manufacture of....................
Glucose, Manufacture of..................
Glucose-manufacture, Process in................
Glue and paint pot........................
Glue and water heater......................
Glue, Clarifying.................................
Glue-cutting machine............................
Glue-drying apparatus.....................
Glue-drying apparatus............................
Glue.drying, Holder for..........................
Glue-drying machine.............................
Glue-drying machine............................
Glue from the pith of horns, Manufacture of.......
Glue, gelatine, and size, Bleaching and clarifying..
Glue, Heating.........................
Glue into grooves, Machine for putting.......
Glue, Liquid........
Glue, Liquid.....................................
Glue, Manufacture of.............................
Glue, Manufacture of.......................
Glue, Manufacture of..............................
Glue, Manufacture of......................
Glue. Manufacture of.......
Glue, Manufacture of..............................
G. P. Clarke................. New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 1, 1867
T. W. Mellor............... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 13, 1872
W. B. Annin.................
J. D. Brinkerhoff and J. Duthie.
H. B. Goodyear..............
J. Monteith.................
J. R. Agnew...................
S. Cornell..................
C. W. Monroe.................
E. W. and A. A. Avery........
O. Bartlit and G. D. Edson....
C. J. Brown..................
C. J. Brown..................
R. D. Burr................
R. D. Burr...................
R. D. Burr...................
G. Chant.....................
S. J. Clute and D. M. Durfee...
T. G. Foster................
S. Goge......................
D. S. Hulett..................
H. Z. and A. J. Kasson........
T. Kehoe....................
J. F. Mason..................
J. I. McMartin............
J. H. Putnam.................
J. H. Putnam................
A. J. Stevens................
W. S. Tooker.................
W. S. Tooker................
E. V. Whitaker..............
E. V. Whitaker...............
W. W. Whitaker..............
W. W. Whitaker.............
W. W. Whitaker............
J. L. Whitten................
J. L. Weir...................
M. J. Pulte..................
P. N. Harts..................
A. W. Preston...............
I. Cole...-..................
P. Courvoisier...............
L. Ferris......................
M. B. Foote..................
L. Meyers...................
H. R. Minns..............
H. P. Carver.................
D. A. Cooper.................
T. Deschamps...............
M. B. Foote.........................
C. H. Hall and R. Knott.......
F. Farrant...................
V. Price.....................
I. B. Whipple................
J. H. Titus....................
E. Cohen.....................
D. Campbell.................
F. Vanderpool................
J. T. Reed...................
J. T. Reed....................
H. J. Dickerson...............
J. H. Harlan and T. Pomeroy..
J. Peatfield...................
S. C. Chase...................
R. Rowland................
W. H.Keyt...................
G.R. Percy..................
G. Riley.....................
W. Adamson...............
E. Goddard..................
J. J. Wilson.................
J. Edgecomb.................
W. F. Muchmore.............
S. Krewson...................
W. Adamson..................
T. Brown, jr................
J. J. Manning.--....
M. Newbauer and P. Adelmann.
C. Wahl......................W. Adamson...............
C. Wahl...................
C. Wahl......................
J. Winward..................
N. J. Wells..................
R. Jackman...................
J. A. Danforth..............
C. F. Binder.................
W. Horwitz..............
W. Adamson................
W. Adamson................
C. W. Cooper........
A. Dietz................
H. Fleck................
O. S. Follett..................
Boston, Mass.......... May 4, 1826
Morrisania, N. Y....... Nov. 29, 1870
New Haven, Conn....... Feb. 5,1861
New York, N. Y..........
Lancaster, Pa.............
Rochester, N. Y.........
Chicago, Ill..............
Plymouth, N. H..........
Rockford, Ill.............
Plymouth, N. H..........
Plymouth, N. H..._.....
Kingsborough, N. Y......
Kingsborough, N. Y......
Kingsborough, N. Y......
Port Jervis, N. Y.........
Rockwood, N. Y.........
Gloversville, NY........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Gloversville, N. Y.-......
Gloversville, N. Y........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Johnstown, N. Y..........
Johnstown, N. Y..........
Gloversville, N. Y........
Gloversville, N. Y.........
Rumney, N. H...........
Kingsborough, N. Y......
Kingsborough, N. Y......
Gloversville, N. Y.......
Gloversville, N. Y.......
Gloversville, N. Y........
Gloversville, N. Y........
Gloversville, N. Y.......
Essex, Vt.................
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
French Grove, Ill.........
Mazon, Ill._................
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Paris, France.............
San Francisco, Cal.......
Northampton, Mass.......
New York, N. Y..........
Bristol, England..........
Binghamton, N. Y........
Worcester, England......
Paris, France..........
Northampton, Mass......
Trenton, N. J., and Brooklyn, N. Y.
Gloversville, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Gloversville, N. Y........
Independence, Iowa......
Washington. D. 1..........
New York, N. Y..........
Mayfield, N. Y.........
Charlestown, Mass.......
Charlestown, Mass......
Gloversville, N. Y.....
Denver City, Colo.........
Ipswich, Mass..........
Charlestown, Mass.......
New York, N. Y......
Madison, Ind.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa....._
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Worcester, Mass..........
Astoria, N. Y.............
Springfield, Ohio..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
South Danvers, Mass.....
Rockport, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Chicago, Ill.............
Chicago, Ill.............
East Cambridge, Mass....
Holyoke, Mass...........
New York, N. Y..........
Potsdam, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa.......
New York, N. Y..._
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
New York, N. Y..........
Dresden, Saxony........
Mont Clair, N. J..........
July 24, 1860
July 5,1864
July 5, 1845
Dec. 12, 1871
Apr. 25, 1871
Aug. 31, 1869
May 14, 1872
July 2, 1872
Aug. 4, 1868
May 30, 1871
July 29, 1873
Oct. 8, 1872
July 30, 1872
Nov. 18,1873
June 8, 1869
July 26, 1870
Dec. 5, 1871
Nov. 26, 1872
Nov. 26, 1872
Dec. 17, 181-2
Apr. 5,1870
Apr. 4,1871
Jan. 2,1872
Nov. 1, 1870
Nov. 1,1870
Dec. 19, 1871
Feb. 18, 1873
Mar. 28, 1871
Dec. 12, 1871
Dec. 12, 1871
May 31, 1870
May 14, 1872
June 24, 1862
Apr. 15, 1873
June 18, 1867
June 9, 1868
Nov. 10, 1868
Nov. 4, 1873
Aug. 1, 1871
Aug. 5, 1873
July 30, 1872
July 8.,1873
June 10, 1873
May 25, 1869
July 7, 1868
Aug. 5, 1873
Dec. 2, 1873
Oc. 3, 1871
Ap 15,1873
Jan. 5, 1869
Jan. 5, 1858
Aug. 21, 1855
Dec. 30, 1873
Mar. 29, 1864
Apr. 11, 1865
Nov. 22,1864
Dec. 17, 1867
July 13, 1858
Jan. 19, 1864
June 6, 1865
June 4, 1872
Feb. 28, 1865
Mar. 5, 1850
June 18, 1867
Oct. 4, 1864
Nov. 18,1870
Sept. 20,1864
Mar. 31, 1868
Feb. 9, 1869
Jan. 30, 1855
Aug. 7, 1860
Aug. 8, 1871
June 7,1859
July 21,1868
Jan. 14, 1868
July 21, 1868
July 21, 1868
July 13, 1869
June 18, 1872
Aug. 9, 1864
Oct. 15, 1872
July 24, 1866
Nov. 8, 1870
June 18, 1867
Aug. 16, 1870
Aug. 6, 1861
June 7, 1870
May 18, 1869
Apr. 15, 1873
69, 408
130, 520
109, 581
31, 311
29, 292
43, 379
4, 098
121, 885
114, 091
94, 380
126, 781
128, 536
80, 707
115, 277
141, 203
131, 998
129, 934
144, 665
91, 113
105, 687
121, 630
133, 319
133, 376
133, 998
101, 506
113, 695
122, 413
108, 849
108, 850
122, 091
136, 115
113, 230
121, 832
121, 833
103, 696
126, 657
35, 706
137, 918
65, 827
78, 649
83, 935
144, 197
117, 530
141, 580
129, 900
140, 613
139, 703
90, 348
79, 746
141, 555
145, 099
119, 642
137, 988
85, 707
19, 018
13, 455
146, 111
42, 111
47, 221
45, 145
72, 197
20, 893
41, 279
48, 099
127, 418
46, 585
7, 148
65, 785
44, 528
109, 090
44, 294
76, 233
86, 843
12, 304
29, 541
117, 905
24, 325
80, 248
73, 220
80, 249
80, 250
92, 683
128, 000
43, 774
132, 257
56, 665
109, 010
65, 787
106, 448
32, 979
103, 832
90, 160
137, 835
Index of patents issued from the United States P'atent Office from 1700 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Glue, Manufacture of...........................
Glue Manufacture of......................
Glue, Manufacture of......................
Gluc, Manufacture of.............................
Glue, Manufacture of.............._................
Glue, Manufacture of.............................
Glue Manufacture of.............................
Glue. Manufacture of..............................
Glue, Manufacture of airated.....................
Glue Manulacture of liquid......................
Glue Manufacturing.......................
Glue, Manufacturing......................
Glue, Manufahcturing.............................
Glue, Mode of drying...........................
Glue or cement...................................
Glue or gelatine and other materials called durogel,
Composition of.
Glue, Preparation of............................
Glue, Prepared............................
Glue, Process of making....---..-.-..-.Glue, Process of treating....................-.
Glue-stock and other products from animal substances, Preparation of.
Glue-stock, Preparation of.........................
Glue-stock, Preparing................-.........
Glue-stock, Treating..............................
Gluing and cementing machine.................
Gluing-hopper...-------------- ------------
Glycerine from soap-makers' spentlyes, Process of
Gly3cerine, Manufacture of........................
Glycerine, Manufacture of nitro...................
Glycerine, Preparation of.........................
Goggles, Strabismus............................
Goldi, amalgam, and quicksilver, Apparatus for
Gold, amalgam, and quicksilver saving device.....
Gold and amalgam saving apparatus..............
Gold and other metals from ores, Reducing and
Gold and other precious metals from foreign substances, Machine for separating.
Gold and other precious metals from their ores,
Gold and silver, Amalgamated plate for collecting
Gold and silver amalgamator---------------.....................
Gold and silver from base metals, Process for separating.
Gold and silver from lead, Separating............
G. Guenther................
J. A. and R. Lighthall.........
J. H. Mark...................
H. and C. McDougall.......
W. Plumer..................
L. Reid and J. Rogers......
B.F. Shaw.............
G. Upton....................
W. Adamson................
W. C. Watson...............
P. Cooper...............
J. Morgan....................
H. G. C. Paulsen...........
G. Guenther...............
N. S. Whipple................
H. Wurtz....................
J. I. Baringer................
J. Bragdon...................
T. C. Howes....................
H. C. Stewart...............
J. Tinney..................
J. Turner.........
J. M. Hunter..............
J. F. Peting.................
D. A. James..................
A. Dietz......................
D. K. Tuttle and O. Lugo.....
W. Adamson.................
O. Rich........................
C. W. Cooper..............
M. H. Merriam and E. L. Norton.
J. W. Campbell..............
J. W. Campbell and W. J. Miller.
M. H. Merriam and E. L. Norton.
S. P. Groocock and W. G. Brassington.
B. T. Babbitt................
O. Laist....................
T. P. Shaffuer.................
J. F. Wisnewski..............
T. Leach----------------......................
A. Lake.....................
G. R. Evans................
Chicago, Ill...............
Brooklyn, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa...-...
Chicago, Ill..............
Lexington, Mass......
New York, N. -Y......
Cambridge, Mass.....-
South Danvers, Mass....
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Paterson, N. J...........
New York, N. Y..........
Portland, Me..-........
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y.......
Detroit, Mich........New York,N. Y.......
Germantown, N. Y... - -
Boston, Mass...-..-----..
Troy, N. Y...........
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Westfield, N. Y.... ---.
Cambridgeport, Mass....
Ne* York, N. Y......
Rochester, Ind.......
Cincinnati, Ohio........
New York, N. Y.....
Baltimore, Md........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cambridge, Mass.........
Brooklyn, N. Y......
Charlestown, Mass.....
Date. No.
Dec. 14,1869 97, 771
Apr. 28, 1168 77,388
Oct. 3, 1822......
Aug. 6, 1872 130, 230
July 29, 1873 141, 379
Feb. 28, 1860 27,310
Dec. 9, 1873 145, 454
Jan. 1, 1867 70, 968
June 18, 1867 65, 786
Oct. 30,1866 59, 326
Apr. 29, 1830....
Sept. 18, 1835...
Feb. 28, 1842 2, 474
June 4, 1867 65, 377
June 21, 1870 104, 520
Jan. 1,1867 60, 984
Sept. 19, 1871
July 14, 1868
Apr. 16, 1872
Jan. 1,1867
Feb. 9, 1869
Jan. 24, 1860
Aug. 14, 1860
Nov. 14, 1871
July 26, 1853
July 7,1868
May 4, 1869
June 23, 1868
Nov. 24, 1857
Aug. 15,1865
June 5, 1866
New York, N. Y......... Nov. 22, 1870
New York. N. Y.......... June 15, 1869
Charlestown, Mass........ June 5, 1866
Clifton, N. J., and Brooklyn, N. Y.
New York, N. Y..........
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Louisville, Ky.........
Cincinnati, Ohio.....
Taunton, Mass..........
Flatbush, N. Y.......
Virginia City, Nev........
Dec. 5, 1871
Sept. 13, 1870
Mar. 24, 1868
Dec. 28, 1869
Aug. 9, 1859
Jan. 12, 1869
Nov. 4, 1842
Feb. 2, 1869
O. H. Young and D. J. Vaughn. Wisconsin Hill, Cal....... Feb. 7,1871
G. R. Evans............... Virginia City, Nev...... July 18, 1871
C. M. Nes.................. Baltimore, Md......... Apr. 16, 1872
E. N. Kent................... New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 26,1856
H. Wurtz..................... New York, N. Y........... June 27, 1865
M. Attwood and J. Roach.... San Francisco, Cal...... Feb. 23, 1869
W. M. Fuller................. Chicago, Ill.-....... -- Sept. 1, 1868
E. Lundquist................ Grass Valley, Cal........ Apr. 1, 1873
119, 002
79, 945
125, 680
60, 958
86, 7 8
26, 957
29, 596
120, 996
9, 877
79, 736
89, 709
79, 178
18, 724
49, 383
55, 335
109, 494
91, 414
55, 334
121, 510
107, 324
75, 929
98, 425
25, 072
85, 934
2, 838
86, 379
111, 713
117, 162
125, 835
14, 316
48, 499
81, 767
137, 375
138, 938
46, 909
45, 188
59, 955
99, 571
108, 158
62, 776
83, 582
85, 258
45, 341
42, 371
44, 767
4, 496
73, 838
78, 831
138, 500
90, 955
5, 663
93, 060
52, 850
80, 606
102, 870
86, 388
C. Roswag and A. N. De Pauville.
Gold and silver from mineral and other substances, G. N. Jennings..............
Process for separating.
Gold and silver from ores by means of the vapor of R. Spencer...................
murcury, Mode of extracting.
Gold and silverfrom ores, earth, &c., Mill for grind- W. H. Folger.................
ing, washing, and separating.
Gold and silver from ores, Separating............. E. Brown.....................
Gold and silver from quartz, Separating........... E. A. Hyde...................
Gold and silver from solutions, Apparatus for pre- W. S. Laighton...............
Gold and silver from sweepings, washings, &c., J. H. Rae.....................
Method of collecting.
Gold and silver from their ores, Extracting........ J. W. Kidwell................
Gold and silver from their ores, Method of extract- J. Tunbridge............
Gold and silver, Machine for collecting and amal- E. B. Prater...................
Gold and silver, Machine for grinding and amalga- W. H. Hepburn and G. K. Pemating. terson.
Gold and silver ores, Apparatus for roasting and A. B. Crosby and R. L. Thomptreating. son.
Gold and silver ores, Machinery for washing....... D. Asbury...............
Gold and silver ores, Method and means for treat- L. E. Rivot..................
Gold and silver ores, Process of treating........... L. E. Rivot...................
Gold and silver ores, Treating.. J.Kalmes.................... J. Kallmes.....
Gold and silver, Process of collecting........ A. F. W. Partz..............
Gold and silver, Refining.............-... -N. A. F. Brewer..........
Gold and silver, Sluice and blanket for collecting.. E. Coleman.................
Gold and silver washing apparatus.- ---......... J. Hendy..................
Gold, &c., Apparatus for disintegrating gravel I. B. Cox...............
Gold, Apparatus for saving...................... I C. Schofield...................
Gold, Apparatus for saving floating.............I D. Gay, jr....................
Paris, France........... May 13, 1873
Virginia City, Nev....... Mar. 21, 1865
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 22,1864
Charlotte, N. C........... Feb. 13,1828
Chicago, Ill............ Nov. 27,1866
Ann Arbor, Mich........ Feb. 8,1870
Norwich, Conn.........Oct. 11, 1870
Syracuse, N. Y............ Mar. 12, 1867
Washington, D. C....... Oct. 27, 1868
Newark, N. J......... Dec. 22, 1868
Washoe County, Nev..... Dec. 6,1864
San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 19,1864
Gilpin County, Coleo.......
Colburn's Post-Office, N.C.
Paris, France.............
Oct. 18,1864
May 2,1846
Jan. 28, 1868
Paris, France............. June 9, 1868
San Francisco, Cal........ May 6, 1873
Oakland, Cal.............. June 8, 1869
Camden, S. C........... July 11, 1848
San Francisco, Cal..... July 27,1869
San Francisco, Cal-........ Feb. 27, 1866
San Francisco, Cal........ Aug. 4, 1868
Kernville, Cal............. May 10, 1870
Vallejo, Cal............... Feb. 2, 1869
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gold, Apparatus for washing and amalgamating...
Gold-beater, Mechanical...--------------------
Gold-heating apparatus.....................
Gold beating machine.............................
Gold-beating machine............................
Gold-beating machinery...-.-.----.......
Gold bullion to toughen and refine it, Process of
Gold, &c., by amalgamation, Method of obtaining..
Gold by a vibrating circular cylindrical trough,
Sep arating.
Gold-diggers fork.................................
Gold, Digging and procuring......................
Gold-digging apparatus.........................
Gold, Double-acting rocker for washing.........
Gold-dust, &c., Machine for washing, cleaning, and
Gold firom earth, &c., Machine for separating....-.
Gold from earth, &c., Machine for separating......
Gold from foreign matter, Apparatus for extracting
Gold from impurities, Machine for separating....
Gold from its ores, Machine for extracting......
Gold from its ores, Process of extracting..........
Gold from ores, Collecting.......................
Gold from pyrites, Apparatus for extracting....... --
Gold from river-bottoms, Collecting...............
Gold from sand and gravel, Machine for washing-.Gold from sand and pounded ores, Machine for
Gold from sand, Apparatus for separating.....
Gold-leaf condenser...........................
Gold-leaf condenser...............................
Gold, Machine for collecting and amalgamating
fine particles of.
Gold, Machine for excavating and washing......
Gold, Machine for separating and collecting.......
Gold, Machinery for separating...............
Gold. Magnetic machine for washing and separat
J. C. Dickey..................
R. B. Ruggles and L. W. Serrell
T. C. Robbins.................
M. Hastings...---------------
W. Vine and J. H. Ashmead.-..
W. Vine......................
F. B. Miller...................
M. A. Bertolet, L. Kirk, and A.
M. De Hart.
J. Bogardus..................
J. Perry................
L. Teese and Son----------..............
H. Jordan....................DI). Tisdale....................---------------
A. Buffum and P. Thorp......
R. Lee........................
S. H. Mead....................
G. B. Pahlmer................
A. W. Hall....................
J. Sullivan...................
N. Bosworth................
R. D'Heureuse..............
A. F. W. Partz...............
G. F. Deetken..........
J. Johnson..................
C. Bechtler.................
C. Bechtler...............
D. F. Hawkes...............
J. F. Adams--------------..................J. F. Adams...............
A. B. Crosby and J. Ladd......
S. Johnson....................
W. H. Folger.............
I. Babbitt....................
S. Gardiner, jr.................
Residence. Date.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y... July 19, 1864
New York, N. Y....... Jan. 6,1852
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 21, 1866
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 27,1865
Hartford, Conn........... Aug. 6, 1850
Hartford, Conn........... May 11, 1852
Sidney, Colony of New Mar. 10, 1868
South Wales.
Reading, Pa............. Dec. 28,1852
McIntosh County, Ga..-... Oct. 1,1830
New York, N. Y...-....... Apr. 7,1834
New York, N. Y --......... Dec. 12, 1854
San Francisco, Cal........ Feb. 20, 1855
Lexington, Ky.......... Oct. 1, 1830
Des Moines, Iowa-....... Sept. 7,1869
New York, N. Y..........Oct. 1, 1850
Erwinsville, N. C -.._-.... July 8, 1829
Saint Andrew's, N. Y..... Sept. 10, 1861
Pendleton, N. C.......... Apr. 23, 1831
New York, N. Y.-....... Dec. 27, 1864
Gold Region, N. C-...... Feb. 27, 1847
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 6, 1835
San Francisco, Cal........ Apr. 7, 1868
Oakland, Cal.............. Jan. 4,1870
Nevada, Cal............. Jan. 6,1863
Saco, Me................. Apr. 2, 1867
Rutherfordton, N. C....... Oct. 5,1831
Rutherfordton, N. C....... Oct. 5,1831
Timbuctoo, Cal........... Oct. 5,1869
Worcester, Mass.......... Apr. 20, 1869
Worcester, Mass.......... May 18, 1869
Greene, Me., and Boston, Sept. 30, 1862
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 13, 1858
Spartanburgh District, S.C Feb. 13, 1828
Boston, Mass........... May 2, 1848
New York, N. Y....... Mar. 8,1853
43, 574
8, 642
57, 380
48, 394
7, 552
8, 945
75, 289
9, 499.....
12, 453.....
94, 669
7, 678
33, 257
45, 670
4, 988
76, 413
98, 518
37, 278
63, 394..........
95, 472
89, 002
90, 062
36, 557
19, 930....
5, 545
9, 610
Gold mineral, Reducing... - - - - --........ W. Longmaid................. London, England...... Aug. 10, 1852 9,187
Gold-ores and alluvial auriferous earth, Machine J. Powell.................... Salisbury, N. C.......... Apr. 1, 1831...
for washing.
Gold-ores and alluvial soil, Washing-machine for..- V. De Rivafinoli, C. Harslebin, London, England, and Nov. 1, 1830..
and W. Davis. Great Britain.
Gold, Process for dissolving..................C. F. Spieker..................,New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 10, 1852 8, 729
Gold, Process for preparing........................ A. J. Watts................... Utica, N. Y............... Apr. 26, 1853 9, 691
Gold, Process for refining.....................J. C. Booth.................... Philadelphia, Pa-------.......... Sept. 24, 1850 7, 661
Gold, &c., roasting and smelting furnace........... J. W. Shaeffer................. Red Wing, Minn.......... ----- July 14, 1868 80, 020
Gold, &c., Saving float or fine..................... E. J. Fraser................ San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 30, 1872 123, 096
Gold, Separating and grinding......-............... S. Whisler and J. Smith....... Rockingham County, Va.. Jan. 15, 1830......
Gold, Separating and grinding flint-rock........... A. Carson.........----.--.-..---....... Kingston, Tenn........... --- Jan. 29, 1833..
Gold-separator............................. G. Aughinbaugh- --.......... Portland, Oreg------ ----Apr. 23, 1867 63, 981
Gold-separator............................. J. Dobson.....----------------- Burke County, N. C-'" Aug. 21, 1834..
Gold-separator.................................... R. H. Dunning............. North San Juan, Cal...... Feb. 7,1860 27,041
Gold-separator............................. W. T. Duvall------------- --.. Georgetown, D. C......... Oct. 15, 1867 69, 784
Gold-separator..................... M. C. 6ritzner................ Washington, D. C........ Nov. 29, 1853 10, 272
Gold-separator............................. D. Jones------------------...................... Granville, N. C.. -.. Nov. 3, 1830..
Gold-separator................................. W. H. Long................. Mountain City, Colo...... May 2,1865 47, 557
Gold-separator............................... D. Pierce.................. Woodstock, Vt----------............ Jan. 10, 1854 10, 414
Gold-separator............................. R. L. Reaney............... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 10,1860 26, 784
Gold-separator...........................F. D. Sanno................ Philadelphia, Pa...... -- Dec. 24, 1830..
Gold-separator..................... T. Seay....................... Columbia County, Ga..... May 4, 1841 2, 078
Gold-separator............................. E. L. Seymour................ New York, N. Y -.....- Sept. 19,1854 11, 712
Gold-separator............................. E. L. Seymour............. New York, N. Y.--..-.. Apr. 7, 1857 16, 999
Gold-separator........................... W. C. Stiles.................. Nevada City, Cal.......... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 914
Gold-separator.............................C. F. Testman................ Portland, Oreg...... July 24,1866 56, 636
Gold-separator...------ --- -J. A. Veatch................San Francisco, Cal-... Oct. 2,1860 30, 273
Gold separator, amalgamator, and washer.......... J. L. Montandevert.......... Charlotte, N. C............ Apr. 30, 1831..
Gold, silver, and copper, Process for parting...-.. G. A. Scherpf............... Hoboken, N. J........... Jan. 30,1866 52,325
Gold, silver, and other ores, Smelting......----...... - W. O. Davis.................. Pittsburgh, Pa.-.....-...... Dec. 17, 1872 133, 9-27
Gold, silver, and plated ware, Mode of manufactur- H. G. Reed............. Taunton, Mass...........Feb. 21, 1871 112, 077
Gold-size, Composition for........................ C. Bartholomae...............New York, N. Y.......... May 8,1866 54, 488
Gold-swinging riddle............................. O. Willis.................... Morgantown, N. C........ Sept. 5,1832.......
Gold-washer.....................W. Ball....................... Chicopee, Mass........... June 19, 1849 6, 535
Gold-washer....................................... H. Barnard................... Morristown, N. Y......... Feb. 16, 1858 19, 338
Gold-washer....................................... M. Bradley................... Empire Ranch, Cal........ Oct. 1, 1861 33, 376
Gold-washer...................................... J. Canfield................... Sabula, Iowa............. Mar. 25, 1862 34, 738
Gold-washer...................................... N. D. Clark.......-........... Bentonsport, Iowa........ Mar. 7,1865 46, 641
Gold-washer...................................... W. Davis.................... Fauquier County, Va..... Nov. 22,1832....
Gold-washer....................................... M. English................. [Lagro, Ind..-......... Aug. 28, 1849 6, 676
Gold-washer...................................... L. Jennings.................. New York, N.Y......... May 1, 1849 6, 410
Gold-washer..................................... W. H. Jennison........... New York, N. Y..... Apr. 3,1849 6,267
Gold-washer...................................... L. Lacharme.................. St. Leger de Feugeret, Oct. 2,1849 6, 771
Gold-washer....................................... M. Nelson..................... New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 4, 1859 25, 667
Gold-washer....................................... I. F. Quinby.................. Rochester, N. Y........... July 16,1867 66, 736
Gold-washer....................................... C. Ringel..................... San Francisco, Cal........ Dec. 20,1859 26, 524
Gold-washer...................................... H. M. Ritterband............ New York, N. Y......... Nov. 1,1853 10, 190
Gold-washer....................................... T. Rives, sr................. - Hall County, Ga....... Feb. 3,1832........
Gold-washer.................................... B. Roberts................. Mormon Island, Cal....... July 26, 1859 24, 889
Gold-washer......................................P. Sumnmey.................... Lincoln, N. C............. Jan. 30, 1830....
Gold-washer...................................... J. H. Ward.................. Sonora, Cal................ Oct. 4, 1853 10, 090
Gold-washer....................................... 0. Willis...................... Burke County, N. C....... Dec. 21, 1831.......
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice from 1790 to 1873, incl'usive-Continned.
Gold-washer and alluvial separator..............
Gold washer and amalgamator...................
Gold washer and amalgamator..................
Gold washer and amalgamator...................
Gold washer and amalgamator.....................
Gold washer and amalgamator...................
Gold washer and amalgamator..................
Gold washer and amalgamator..................
Gold washer and amalgamator.................
Gold-washer, Concentric centrifugal...............
Gold-washer, Cylinder and trough................
Gold-washer, Rotary.........................
Gold-washer, Vertical cylindrical...........
Gold-washers, Arrangement of the conductors in
Gold-washers, Method ef connecting sections of..
Gold-washers, Rocker for....................
Gold, Washing............................
Gold washing and amalgamating machine.......
Gold washing and amalgamating machine.......
Gold washing and separating machine............
Gold-washing machine.....................
Gold-washing machine...........................
Gold-washing machine...........................
Gold-washing, Riffle for...........................
Gong, Door........................................
Gong, Electro-magnetic alarm..................
Gong or bell for signals...........................
Gong-striking apparatus........................
Gongs or bells, Mode of striking......................
Gongs, Striking-mechanism for..................
Goods, Apparatus for delivering...................
Goods, Machine for packing.......................
Goods, Machinery for raising and lowering.......
Gouges, M aking..................................
Governor -.........................................
Governor and cut-off device for steam-engines, Automatic.
Governor, Atmospheric.....
Governor, Atmospheric.....................
Governor, Automatic......................
Governor, Automatic cut-off steam-engine...-..
Governo, Centrifugal........
Governor, Centrifugal.....................
Governor, Centrifugal............................
Governor, Centrifugal......................
Governor, Combination of speed and resistance...
Governor-connections for steam-engines...........
Governor cut-off.....
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
ST. W. A. Sumter.......... Poplar Grove, N. C-...... May 22, 1830..
J. S. Addison--------------.... Now York, N. Y....._ Jan. 16,1855 12, 237
M. Battel.................... Albany, N.Y....----------- Jan. 6, 1863 37,268
SA. Buffunt...--------------. - New York, N. Y....------ May 31, 1853 9,759
J. C. Dickey...---------------Saratoga Springs, N. Y.... Aug. 28, 1860 29, 771
J. C. Dickey..-....-..-.. -- Saratoga Springs, N. Y...-. Nov. 20,1860 38, 670
W. S. Pierce-............... North Attleborough,Mass. Aug. 12, 1856 15, 524
A. F. Potter................... Boston, Mass.......... Jan. 25, 1853 9, 561
T. V. Tavnay--- - -.... --- - - -........ - San Francisco, Cal....... July 7, 1857 17, 758
J. H. Bull -.....-.-.. --.-... New York, N. Y......... Apr. 3,1849 6, 268
T. M. Collins....----------------- Marion, Ark.............. May 14, 1850 7, 361
II. Parry---------------------..- Pittsburgh, Pa.....------------ Apr. 10, 1849 6, 308
R. King....................----------------------.. McIntosh County, Ga..-.. Oct. 1. 1830........
L. P. Jenks................... Boston, Mass............. Oct. 2, 1849 6, 763
R. Burton..................... Rome, N. Y.............. Mar. 26,1850 7, 209
T. I. Green................... Jamaica Plain, Mass...-.. Oct. 16, 1849 6, 801
P. L. Dauvergue..-.......... Clarkesville, Ga.....-.... Sept. 17, 1842 2, 7,3
A. Barclay...-.............. Newark, N. J....-...June 22, 1852 9,045
G. C. Wheeler...........-.... Graysville, Ga - - - July 5, 1859 24, 706
W. H. Folger...-------------. Charlotte, N. C........- Sept. 10, 1829........
H. Bourne.....-..-..-..- Eiberton, Ga-.......... Sept. 14, 1843 3, 267
W. B. Eltonhead............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 13.1869 92, 594
S. S. Lewis------------.........----......... ----San Juan, Cal............. Mar. 31, 1857 16, 948
O. G. Auld and J. S. Whiting.. Stockton, Cal.-.---.. ---- May 13, 1856 14, 847
V. B. Starr..-............. East Hampton, Conn...-.. Nov. 8, 1851 8, 537
D. Liebrich.................. Philadelphia, Pa..-.. Dec. 3, 1867 71, 627
C. Williams, jr., and J. Redding Somerville and Charles- Oct. 25,1870 108, 743
town, Mass.
I. F. Woodward-----...-------. Philadelphia, Pa...-.. May 24,1859 24,173
J. W. Bliss...................-Hartford, Conn.......... Dec. 13,1859 26,411
T. G. Estes -------------- Fall River, Mass.......... Aug. 13, 1867 67, 640
S. S. Chandler.----------------. Chelsea, Mass............ --- Dec. 4, 1860 30, 800
W. W. Cooper-.............. Washington, D. C...... July 3, 1866 56, 013
J. D. Sinclair------.. -----.----. Brooklyn, N. Y....... B.. Dec. 31, 1867 72, 924
J. Clark and E. Evans..---------..-------------------------.. July 20,1803....
WV. Bradbury................. Newton, Mass........... June 29,1869 91, 819
J. Bowman.-................ Santa Cruz, Cal--...--------.. Feb. 20, 1872 123, 807
WV. W. McKay -._.-......- Frankville, Iowa.....--.. Ju. 23, 1872 122, 953
D. N. Smith---............ San Bernardino, Cal-...... Oct. 26, 1869 96, 159
J. F. Wood........... -Philadelphia, Pa...-.... Apr. 26, 1870 102, 459
M. M. Brainard........ Great Barrington, Mass... Mer. 4, 1836..
H. Alle...n.................... Brattleboroug h, Vt....-.. Aug. 22, 1848 5, 718
W. Bahme.................. - New Media, Pa-....... Jan. 2-2, 1867 61, 381
WV. Bellis- ----... Richmond, Ind-......... June 9, 1868 78, 782
W. F. Burden............. Troy, N. Y............... Apr. 21,1863 28, 215
J. P. Burnham............... Chicago, Ill --.--..--.Feb. 23, 1864 41, 679
D. A. Clary......-.-....... Pittsfield, Mass........ Mar. 14, 1865 46, 778
G. H. Corliss............. - Providence, R. I...... June 10, 151 8, 148
J. Degnon.----------------.. Cleveland, Ohio--------- Aug. 7, 1866 56, 908
J. B. Duff.................... New York, N. Y...-.... Aptr. 8, 1873 137, 662
M. Gally.--............. Rochester, N. Y........Feb. 4, 1873 135, 423
R. W. Gardner....---. Quincy, Ill.............. May 20,1873 139, 055
W. Gardner.....--------------- New York,N. Y...-.-... June 10, 1851 8,151
J. H. A. Gericke............... Hoboken, N. J -...-..------ Sept. 10, 1872 131,161
J. E. Gillespie................. Hartford, Conn....... July 28, 1868 8, 403
J. W. Hayes---.... -........ Kittery, Me....... --- July 21, 1868 80, 173
C. Hindle-----.. ---------.. - Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 28, 1867 65, 221
J. S. Howell-------... -------.. - Portsmouth, N. H...... Dec. 23, 1862 37, 230
J. E. Hugon -.... --..-... Richmond, Ind..........Nov. 4, 1873 144, 205
W. F. Keeler.................. La Salle, Ill............ Apr. 4. 1865 47, 109
O. A. Kelly...................Slaterville, R. I......... Mar. 12, 1867 62, 853
W. A. L. Kirk............. Hamilton, Ohio.......... Feb. 26, 1867 62, 343
E. H. Knight................. Washington, D. C........ Nov. 6, 1866 59, 4t11
E. H. Knight.................. Washington, D. C..... Nov. 6, 1866 59, 412
E. H. Knight-...-..-........ Washington, D. C....Nov. 6,1866 59,413
T. S. La France.............. Elmira, N. Y.......... May 9, 1865 47, 648
W. B. Le Vau............. Philadelphia, Pa....... July 16, 1872 129, 040
P. Louis--........... New York, N. Y........Sept. 20, 1864 44, 325
T. B. McConaughey........... Newark, Del.......... May 7, 1867 64, 435
T. B. McConaughey...-.--.. Newark, Del............ Oct. 1, 1867 69, 458
T. B. McConaughey.......... Newark, Del............. Jan. 7,1868 73, 111
E. L. McNett................. Canton, Pa -...........-..... Oct. 8, 1867 69, 687
E. Morris-............... New York, N. Y---...---. - Feb. 10, 1852 8, 726
F. J. Nutz and P. Estes........ Leavenworth, Kans..... July 9, 1867 66, 617
J. T. Rich------ -.... Rahway, N. J -.......... Dec. 20, 1864 45, 522
E. P. Rogers.................. Corning, N. Y.......... Feb. 25, 1868 74, 852
H. F. Shaw.................... West Roxbury, Mass..... Dec. 19, 1871 121, 968
R. Spear..................... New Haven, Conn....... Nov. 30, 1869 97, 324
J. L. Todd..................... Newburgh, N. Y........ Nov. 1, 1870 108, 848
E. Towns- ------- -.. Cisne, Ill- --............ June 3, 1873 139, 631
J. Tremper.................. Buffahlo, N. Y.....V------------- Oct. 12, 1852 9,336
D. J. Wolfe...-............. Liverpool, England..... Mar. 19,1872 124, 871
J. L. Warren---........ Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, Mar. 12, 1872 124, 523
C. Moore..................... New York, N. Y.......... June 27, 1871 116, 340
B. Mackerley................. Paint Post-Office, Ohio.... May 31, 1864 42, 956
B. Mackerley.............. Paint, Ohio........... May 29,1866 55, 1:14
C. H. Jones and H. D. Hall.... North Bennington, Vt.... Feb. 20, 1872 123, 911
J. W. Thompson.............. Salem, Ohio........ July 16, 1872 128, 986
J C. Clime................. Philadelphia, Pa........ Feb. 10, 1863 37, 609
J. M. Dillon..... Wheeling,Va............. June 17, 1862 35, 589
T. R. Pickering............... New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 7, 1862 36, 621
J. Tremper...-........... Buffalo, N. Y........ Dec. 2, 1862 37, 064
W. H. Elliot................ Plattsburgh, N. Y...... Mar. 27, 1855 12, 586
T. Carpenter............... Providence, 1. I......... Apr. 8,1862 34, 877
H. H. Meyer.................. Denver, Colo........- i Feb. 6, 1872 123, 500
Index of pat ents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1750 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Governor-cut-off gear-.-.............---------H I. H. Meyer----..----------Denver, Culo------------- Sept. 2,1873 142, 491
Governor, Electro-magnetic speed---------------... _G. M. Phelps----------------.I roy, N. Y-----------Jan. 5, 1858 19, 042
Governor, Engine-------------------------......... E. Buss-------------------.....Buckan Magdeburg,Prns- July 1, 1873 140, 467
Governor, Engine---------------------------.........W. J. Hallefas-------------.. _Brooklyn, N. Y---------_...May 1, i866 54, 336
Governor, Engine............................J. F. Haskins................. Fitchbnrgh, Mass..__- _ June 4,1872 127,t802
Governor, Engine--------------------------...........J. Hendy................... San Fr-aneisco, Cal-..._July 1, 1873 140.,414
Governor, Engine.............................. W. S. Henson.. _.. __.......New York, N. Y........ Oct. 13, 1868 83, 060
Governor, Engine............................F. W. Howe--.. _-------__ --Newark, N. J............. July 28, 1857 17, 879
Governor, Engine............................1. K. iluntoon------------- _...Boston, Mass. _.......May 2, 1871 114, 286
Governor, Engine...............................B. S. Lawson---------------. _.Brooklyn, N. Y........... Nov. 14. 1871 120, 982
Governoi-, Engine........................... J. D. Lynde................ Philadelphia, Pa---------... b.Feb. 21,1871 112, 038
Gover-nor-, Engine............................IR. Stewart..................Elmira, N. Y------------- June 4, 1867 65, 444
Governor- for direct-acting engines............. A. S. Cameron............... New York, N. Y-..-------Mar. 7, 1871 11-2 415
Governor for direct-acting engines- -- -- -- - - - - - -A. S. Canicron....... _...... _New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 7, 1871 112, 416
Governor for electro-motors..................... T. A. Eddison...._....... Newark, N.J............ Jan. 24, 1871 11i, 112
Governor for engines, water-wheels, &c.......... J. P. Sibley and A.. Walsh- Bennington, Vt - _- _-------Oct 6, 1868 82, 758
Governor for machinery-___.-------------------- _ _. _G. M. Phelps................ Troy, N. Y.........Dee. 22, 1857 18, 927
Governor foi- marine and other engines, Differential C. N. Clow................... Port Byron, N. Y....June 17, 1856 15, 12-2
Governor for marine or other enginery -_-_.__. -_ J. Atkins..................W ash in g t on, D. C. _...Jan. 12, 1869 85, 779
Governor for mill-wheels, steani-en gives, &c.. H. Burt------------------........Boston, Mass-----------.... g.Aug. 31, 1844 3,7-22
Governor for regulating the speed of steam-engines T. Silver.................... Philadelphia, Pa---------... r.Apr. 26, 1859 2:3, 790
Governor for regulatinig the work of windm ills, &c E. Allen- -- -- - - - - - - - - - --- -Worcester, Mass.._....... July 28, 1857 17, 862
Govetnor for side-wheel ocean-steamers, Engine W. 13. Godfrey.............. Auburn, Iowa -..-_ -_. M ay 27, 1856 14, 1154
Governior for steam and oilier enginery - - - __.- ___. J. Bell.......................Cincinnati, Ohio----------... e.Feb. 15, 1870 99, 751
Goveinor for steam and other enginiery------ T. Gill........................Waltham. Mass. __-......... July 27, 1869 92, 956
Governor for steam and other enginery...... W. J. and C. A. Kesselmeyer Maiichiester, England, and Oct. 5, 1869 95, 481
antd E. H. Nacke. Als-Schioenfeld, Saxony.
Governor for steam and other enginery...... J. T. Lassen- -- - ---- -- -- -- -- - -Wurzburg, Blavaria-...Oct. 27, 1868 83, 516
Governor for- steam and other enginety...... B. Mackerley ---__ _- - --------Paiiit, Ohio..............Dec. 22, 1868 85, 113
Governor for steam and other eiigiiiery.I).Msa............D..Msa -------- Chelsea, Mass.........._ Mar. 3,t, 1869 88, 406
Governor foi- steam and other eaginery------ M. Murphy..................Chailotte, N. C.............Nov. 9, 1869 96, 008
Goveriior for steam and other engines.-_-__---___ C. P. Bowen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -Silver City, Idaho. Oct. 31, 1871 120, 366
Goverinor for steam and othei engines- -_- -- -_- ------W. Clark - - _- - - - - -----------Plumstead, England - _ - June 4,18-,2 127, 57-2
Governor foi- steam and other engines... _--. J. A. Marden................Boston, Mass------..----May 4, 1869 89, 780
Governor for steam and othei engines.... _.........-I. D. Snow......__.......Rochester, N. Y....... Oct. 11, 1859 25, 769
Governor- fot steam-engines, Centrifugal..---------- _C. T1. Porter.................. New York, N. Y......... June 18, 1861 32, 583
Governoi- for steam-eiigines, Centrifugal -. -........J. Wheeloek------------------_.._.Wotrcester, Mass.......... July 3, 1860 29, 025
Governoi- for steam-etinsFan.................I. Y. Cliubhuek... -..__ Roxbury, Mass.......... Dec. 13, 1859 26, 414
Governor for steam-etigines, Instantaneous....__W. W. H. Mead- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Chestertown, N. Y.... May 27, l856 14, 967
Governor for steaim-engines, Marine.............. J. L. Cathcart-.- -- -- -- - --- -- --Georgetown, D. C _. r._ Api. 26, 185)9 23, 755
Gov, ruor for steam-engines, Ilir o t t le - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11. Caiip and G. W. McIntosh Rouseville, Pa..... Sept. 26,-7t1 119, 315
Goveriior foir sieam-engines, &e., Vane _........... F. Gustine....................Medford, Mass............TJune 23, 1857 17, 6-23
Governor fo- steam-engines, Vane............ _.. C. WV1'ittier------------------.._..Roxhury, Mass... __......._N.Nx 3, 1857 18, 163
Governor for steaiiiengiite.4 Water.... _.. _. _.... G a.......... Aab..-- - - - -Brooklyn, N. Y...........--Oct.3, 1871 119, 490
Governor for steai-hieatiiig apiparatus - -__-_--. S. JT. Olsson.... _.............Chiieao, Ill-------------...__ June 24, 1873 140, 156
G..oeinor for watet-, steam, and othei- powei-s-._._.N. Seholfield..................Noiwich, Conn..._._.July 21, 1857 17, 847
Govetrnot lot water-wheels, &c................... W. M. Bailey.. _............_. Matteawaci, N. Y----------_ _July 23, 1872 129, 707
(Governor, Hydiraulie...........................J. E. Gillespie. - -.. renton, N. J _............Jaii. 7, 1862 34, 055
Governor,1iHydrauhic............................ J. E. Gillespie... _............Bostoti Mass............- Aug. 28, 1866 57, 030
Governor,1-isdraulic.........................- - -- -- - S.S. M. Hunter..._..............IeTrresvsxille, Conn.. Dec. 18, 1866 60, 6:1 -Governor, Hydro-pneumatie....................... A. Hart-is........ _..._. - Philadelphia, Pa.. _.......Dec. 21, 1869 98,16-2
Gov ernoi, Marine... _............................ H..J. Behirens......_ __........ NewvYiirk, N. Y----------_.Mat-. 24, 1863 37, 944
GovernoriMarine-enginie-------------------------.....J. Sullivan............... _... South Bouston, Mass-. Dec. 17, 1867 7-2, 239
Guovernor, Maritie steam...............J. B. Cullen... __............. Philadelphia, Pa----------..Mar. 24, 1868 75, 868
Gxovernoir, Marine steamt engine-------------------0..... Marland................ _ Bostoti Mass........... _Apr. 29, 1e73 138, 4-20
Governort Marine steani-engine------------------- __ __ __ 1'. Silver........... _........ Philadelphia, Pa......... -July 3,185.5 13, 202
Goveinor, Marine steam-engine................. E. Al. Troth... _-.. -.........._New Yorkr N. Y......... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 939
Governor or hiydi-aulic regulator................. S. T. Thomas.-__.- ----- _-----GdileudN. H. _... _........ Dee.. 24, 1872 134, 328
Governor, Power...............................- J. Tudson............... i-wYok, N. Y..........Mar. 4, 183 7, 960
Governor, Steani.................G. W. Claik------------------- Council Bluffs, Iowa. _ Nov. 14,1871 12(0,.856
Governor, Steam..----...----.--.. ------------_ ____ XV ___. W.L. Cutlamore-.. - 11:11_.._ War-en..I......... Jan. 21,1868 7:3,578
Governoir, Steam. - - - - - - -B. I). Jacobus............ Newark, N. J.._........ Apr. 20, 1858 19, 995
Governoi-, Steam................................. A. Matson.- --."__.... Qitincy, Ill.--------------July 16,1872 129, 287
Governor, Steam................................. G. E. Noyes------------------......Washingtoti, D. C...-Noiv.6, 1866 59, 44-2
Govet-nor, Steam......---------.-..-...-..-----.-.--.---....H. 1Parkerr-........ Bucksport, Me...........-Nov. 3 1868 8:3,655
Governot-, Steam................................. A. F. Reeder..............._.i Normal, Ill---------------.July 26, 1870 105, 847
Governor, Steam..................................1R. Sanderson._-.-... ___---. Clevelanid, Ohio......... Jain. 15, 1867 61, 26
Govertnor, Steam................................... Sanderson _................Cleveland, Ohio......May 14, 1867 64, 712
Governot, Stearn St-ea ----------------------------.-....... H.. D.. Snow--..--.-........-.--H.D.-now.Ben _.ing_ _..n,.Vt.....ennn.t.,...Oct __ 1 _1 Oct 71 69,6 64999
Governmor, Steam..............................J. Tremper-...............-- _--_Wilmuington, Del..........lFeb.11,1868 4 444
Governor, Steam-engine........................ C. D. Allen-- -- -- -- - ---- -- - - - -New Yor-k, N. Y.......... Dec. 28, 1869 98, 216
Gover-nor, Steant-engine.......................... T. Alsop.. _................. Elkhart City, Ill...__.._. Aug.2), 1868 81, 455
-Gover not, Steam-engine............ _........... _A. Aniderson _.............. Lancaster, Ohio.. _ _.._- -Aug. 3, 1858 21, (56
Governtor, Steam-engine, &c...................... _,J. atnd E. Arthur........... __.. New Brunswick, N. J.. _. Aug. 14, 1833 1.3, 415
Governor, Steatti-engine--------------------------.W.... N. Ashby................. _.j Timinen- Township, Ill.. -_Jan. 5, 1869 85, 632
Guovcrnort Ste aist-enginie--------------------------...C. H. Bacoa................. Boston, Mass.. __..........May 19, 1868 77,1948
Governor, Steam-enigine..... _....................H. Bulg-am....................Plhiladelphia, Pa..- -.......Nov. 19, 1872 13.1, 192
Goveriou, Steam-engitne......................... H. Boardman... _............Port Richmond, N. Y...Mar. 15, 1870 100, 847
G1overnor, Stearni-egutie, &c..................... J. M. Bottum................ New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 8, 187:3 137, 6;52
Gusvernor, Steamengitne....................... J. Br-oughton................. Newv York, N. Y.......... Apr. 19, 1859 23, 660
Guovcron Steattn-engine........................... A. Brown.......... New York, N. Y....- Nov. 7, 18615 5Si, 793
Govetrno, Steam-engine.......................... C. P. Buckingham............ Mount Vet-noni, Ohio...Aug. 7, 1860 29, 459
Gminu " taTegn..............JQ. aa 1D_-..SikhnnP......ayT28 187 127 30
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Governor, Steam-engine -....................... R. Eickemeyer................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... L. Eikenberry................
Governor, Steam-engine...------ -. J. Farcot.....................
Governor, Steam-engine..........................W. C. Freeman................
Governor, Steam-engine....---------------------....................... --L. F. Fulter..................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... t. W. Gardner................
Governor, Steam engine...-------------------------- R. W. Gardner.............
Governor, Steam-engine---------------------.............-----.............. -----R. W. Gardner................
Governor, Steam-engine.........................-----. W. W. Gilbert -...........
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J. W. Gray..................
Governor, Steam-engine...........................J. L. Hastings................
Governor, Steam-engine.............. A. A. Henderson..............
Governor, Steam-engine-------... -.....--.--..--. J.C. Hoadley..............
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... W-. I. Howland..............
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J.E. Hugon..-................
Governor, Steam-engine -....------------------..................... J. DI). Humphreys-----------............
Governor, Steam-engine........................... R.K. Huntoon...............
Governor, Steam-engine......................--.... R. K. Huntoon................
Governor, Steam-engine............................K. Huntoon................
Governor, Steam-engine...................... K. Huntoon................
Governor, Steam-engine......................... R. K. HIluntoon...............
Governor, Steam-engine........................ R.K. Huntoon..............
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J. Judson...................
Governor, Steam-engine........................0. A. Kelly..................
Governor, Steam-engine....................... A. Kelly and E. Lamb......
Governor, Steam-engine......................... A. K. Kline.............
Governor, Steam-engine........................ T.S. La France..........
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... H. H. Lamiont............
Governor, Steam-engine.................... J. P. T. Lang................
Governor, Steam-engine..................... C. M. Langley................
Governor, Steam-engine.................. A. P. and B. F. Lanterman.....
Governor, Steam-engine.................... A. Lawrence.................
Governor, Steam-engine....................B. S. Lawson.................
Governor, Steam-engine....................... J. F. Letellier.................
Governr, Steam-engine...T................ 1. J. Lovegrove............
Governor, Steam-engine.......................J. A. Lynch...................
Governor, Steam-engine.................... J. A. Lynch and R.K. Huntoon
Governor, Steam-engine.................. D. Lynde................
Governor, Steam-engine........................... J. D.Lynde...........
Governor, Steam-engine........................... J. A. Marden.............
Governor, Steam-engine......J.A.Marden..................... J.A. Marden.....
Governor, Steam-engine................... J. A. Marden.................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J. A. Marden..................
Governor, Steam-engine........................... J. A. Marden and C. E. Abbott
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... A. Matson.....................
Governor, Steam-engine....................... H. D. ilMcMaster and A. Dale..
Governor, Steam-engine...... -..................- S. H. Miller.................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... T. Moore.....................
Governor, Steam-engine........................... D. F. Mosman..................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... W. Nichols..................
Governor, Steam-engine............................ W. Ord...................Governor, Steam-engine........................... J. Parlane...............
Governor, Steam-engine......................... G. T. Parry and H. W. Evans..
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... A. J. Peavey..................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... T.R. Pickering.......
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... W. H. Place............
Governor, Steam-engine........................... J. H. Pomeroy................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... C. T. Porter................
Governor, Steam-engine........................... G. F. Pottle.............
Governor, Steam-engine.................... G. T. Pracy..................
pov(rnor, Steam-engine..........................G. W. Rains..............
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J. H. and C. E. Randall.......
Governor, Steam-engine...................... J. M. Rees...................
Governor, Steam-engine...................... E. Reynolds and N. G. HerreshofLf.
Governor, Steam-engine........................... S. P. Ruggles.................
Governor, Steam-engine...................... C. R. Rungvist...............
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... I. S. Schuyler..............
Governor, Steam-engine........................ H. C. Sergeant...........
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J. W. Shirley and W. H. Fasig
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... D. Shive...................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... T. Silver.....................
Governor, Seam-engine.......................... B. B. Smith....................
Governor, Steam-engine.................... V. Smith....................
Governor, Steam-engine......................... W. Smith....................
Governor, Steam-engine........................... H. D. Snow...................
Governor, Steam-engine.......................... J. H. Springer.............
Governor, Ste:m-engine........................ G. S. Stearns and W. Hodgson
Governor, Steam-engine......................... F. Taggart....................
Governor Steam-engine..................... H. N. Throop..................
Governor Steam-ngine...................... S. Trumbore.................
Governer Steam engine......................... J. H. Wait................
Governor Steam-engine........................... A. F. Ward..................
Governor Steam-engine.......................... C. Waters.....................
Governor Steamengine.......................... H. 1. Weaver................
Goveinor, Steim-engine........................... J. V. W eitz...................
Governor Steam-engine....................... M. Wheeler..................
Governor Steam engine......................... V. Wickei sham..............
Goveror Steam-engine......................... J. Wood...................
Governor Steam-engine.......................... W. W. W. Wood............
Governor Steam-engine..................... J. H. Wooster.................
Governor stop-valve....... J.Crawley....................
Governor stop-valve for steam-engines............ C. A. Con(d............
Governor-valve.................................i R. Andrews and E. Armstrong
Governor valve................................ W. W. Gilbert.............
Governor-valve for steam-engines................. A. Cogswell.......
Gwvernor-valve for steam-engines............... W. A. Cop swell..-...
Goveinor-valve for steam-engines...............X W. 11. Cowles................
Residence. Date. No.
Yonkers, N. Y. -........ Aug. 28,1866 57, 490
Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 15,1863 39, 003
St. Ouen, (Seine,) France.. Feb. 16, 1869 87, 034
Louisiana, Mo -......._ Aug. 13, 1872 130, 422
Providence, R. I........... Mar. 31, 1868 76, 071
Qainey, Ill------...........----.... -Aug. 14, 1860 29, 519
Quincy, Ill............Dec. 27, 1864 45, 599
Quincy, Ill............. Sept. 16, 1873 142, 846
New York, N. Y.......... Ja-n. 5, 1869 85, 580
Clermont County, Ohio.... Apr. 7, 1868 76, 322
Towanda, Pa.............. Apr. 26, 1864 42, 478
Norfolk, Va.............. --- Dec. 18, 1866 60, 629
Lawrence, Mass....... Oct. 28, 1873 144, 098
San Francisco, Cal-..... June 29, 1869 92, 051
Richmond, Ind............ Nov. 4, 1873 144, 204
London, England........ Dec. 1, 1863 40, 754
Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 4, 1866 60, 192
Boston, Mass............... Nov. 19, 1867 71,015
Boston, Mass.............. Dec. 3, 1867 71, 761
Boston, Mass............. May 4,1869 89, 581
WVakefield, Mass........... Nov. 8, 1870 109, 013
Boston, Mass............. July 4,1871 116, 596
Rochester, N. Y-------........... Nov. 19, 1861 33, 743
Slatersville, R. I ---_--- Dec. 17, 1867 72, 204
Slatersville, R. I..........Jan. 31,1865 46, 111
Readington, N. J.......... Nov. 21, 1871 121,109
Elmira, N. Y.............. Aug. 7, 1866 56, 956
S;n Francisco, Cal........ Sept.10, 1872 131, 282
Washington, D. C......... May 14, 1867 64, 775
Lowell, Mass............. Aug. 1, 1e71 117, 548
Prairie t. iy, Ill.......... Jan. 30, 1866 52, 298
Lowell, Mass............. Feb. 20, 1866 52, 789
Brooklyn, N. Y........... July 11, 1871 116, 968
Grand Rapids, Mich...... July 20, 1869 92, 8-18
Philadelphia, Pa......... June 20, 1865 48, 344
Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 28, 1871 112, 159
loston, Mass.............. Sept. 22, 1868 82, 332
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 11, 1870 108, 162
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 8, 1871 117, 903
Boston, Mass.............. Oct. 6, 1868 82, 729
Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 30, 1869 88, 495
Boston, Mass............. Mar. 30, 1-69 88, 496
Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 30, 1869 88, 497
Boston, Mass.............. Mar. 30, 1869 88, 498
Quincy, Ill................ Aug. 26, 1863 142, 167
Guilford. Ireland........ Apr. 5, 1870 101, 487
Hanoverton, Ohio-..... Sept. 11, 1860 29, 986
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Mar. 15, 1870 100, 785
Cambridge, Mass....... Dec. 31, 1867 72, 882
Elmira, N. Y............... Sept. 11, 1866 57, 953
Brooklyn, Ohio........... May 6, 1873 138,521
Brooklyn, N. Y............ May 18, 1e69 90, 294
Philadelphia, Pa........... Mar. 1, 1859 23, 110
Boston, Mass..........-. Aug. 16, 1870 106, 400
New York, N. Y -.......... Oct. 24, 1865 50, 624
New York, N. Y.......... July 26, 1870 105, 841
Jordan, N. Y........... Dec. 10, 1861 33 903
New York, N. Y.......... July 13, 1858 20, 894
Boston, Mass............. Feb. 7, 1871 111,677
San Francisco, Cal........ Jan. 12, 1869 85, 783
Newburgh, N. Y.......... May 29, 1860 28, 502
Boston, Mass............. Oct. 6, 1868 82, 874
Scott, Ohio................. Oct. 17, 1865 50, 496
Providence, R. I........... Mar. 26, 1872 125, 084
Boston, Mass............. Sept. 16, 1873 142, 869
Stockholm, Sweden....... Oct. 14, 1873 143, 642
Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y...... Feb. 20, 1872 123, 939
Columbus, Ohio.......... Dec. 21, 1858 22, 380
Terre Haute, Ind........ June 11, 1867 65, 697
Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 1, 1866 54, 423
New York, N. Y.......... Oct. 2, 1866 58, 491
Nashville, Tenn---------..........-- Apr. 8,1873 137, 573
Philadelphia, Pa......... June 1, 1869 90, 696
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 203
Rochester, N. Y........... Sept. 27, 1864 44, 466
Philadelphia, Pa........... July 21, 1868 80, 096
Cincinnati, Ohio........ Aug. 31, 1852 9, 236
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Nov. 27, 1866 60, 084
Pultneyville, N. Y....... Dec. 29, 1857 18, 997
Easton, Pa................ Nov. 24. 1868 84, 396
Portsmouth, Ohio......... Dec. 26, 1865 51, 764
Louisville, Ky............ July 14, 1857 17, 817
Boston, Mass.............. Jan. 3,1871 110,703
Hartford, Co nn. n..... June 20, 1871 116, 248
Cleveland, Ohio........... Feb. 26, 1867 62, 457
Honesdale, Pa........... June 10, 1856 15, 095
Boston, Mass........... Oct. 5,1869 95, 543
Br, oklyn, N. Y............ Apr. 16, 1867 63, 976
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 7, 1858 21, 475
Stryke sviile, N. Y........ Aug. 20, 1867 67, 936
Perrysville, Ind........... July 10,1866 56,186
In(dianapolis, Ind.......... May 25, 1869 90, 497
Allegheny, Pa............ June 2, 1868 78, 410
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 27, 1869 89, 399
Rochester, N. Y........... Aug. 13, 1872 130, 480
Roch ster, N. Y........... Aug. 13, 1872 130, 481
Erie, Pa.................. Apr. 23, 1872 1'25, 937
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Governor-valve, Steam...........................
Governor valves, Casting casings for steam.......
Governor-valves for steam-engines, Operating......
Governor-valves, Milling-head machine of.......
Governor, Vibrating.................
Governor, W ater.................................
Governor, Water..........................
Governor, Water-wheel.......................
Governor, W indmill.............................
Governor with a slide-valve, Combination of a.....
Governors and other valves, Bushirng for.--........Governors, Equalizing the action of springs in..-..
Governors of steam-engines, &c., Method of constructing.
Governors, Safety-appliance for..................
Governors to horse-power, Method of applying....
Governors, Variable eccentrics for steam-engine... -
Governors with gates of water-wheels, Method of
Grab for clearing conduits........................
Grab for self-closing book.........................
Grace-hoop, Return...............................
Grader, Road......................................
Grader, Road.............................
Gradients, Apparatus for descending..............
Grading and ditching machine.............
Grading and ditching machine-.-.--- ---
Grading and ditching machine, Road..........
Grading and dressing roads...............
Grading and excavating machine.................
Grading and excavating machine.................
Grading and excavating machine..................
Grading-machine, Railway..................
Grading streets and roads, Apparatus for.........
Graduated cutter for cloth and other substances..
Graduated cutter for cloth and other substances -
G rafting.....................
Girafting mielmine--------------------------
Grafting, Method of..............................
Gralting-tool...-- -.............................
Grafts, Ma.chine for cutting root.................
Grahamite called irisine, Preparation firom.......
Grahamite called viscosine, Preparation from.... - -
Grahamite, Chemical product called fused or anhydrous.
Grahamite, Manufacture of refined...............
Grahamite, Preparation of.....................
Grahamite, Preparing anhydrous.................
Grailing-m achino e.................................
Grain and apple grinding mill...................
Grain and berries, Screening.........................
C. H. Burton..................
W. A. Cogswell and J. Judson.
W. G. Crntchfield..........
W. A. Cogswell........
E. Towns..................
H. Curtner.................
A. W. Woodward.............
J. A. Whitman...............
D. Halladay-.................... Gornall..................
D W. Payne and H. Tabor..
H. W. Evans.............
L. Liz6........................
J. Gaskell.....................
J. Arnold -.......-.-......
S. Stanton..................
J. W. Pitt...................
J. Ingram.....................
J. P. James..................
F. Munson.................
0. H. Bogardus............
G. R. Clarke and S. Adams...
E. L. Foreman............
J. M. Ragsdale...............
S. Marsh..................
J. WV. Fawkes...............
A. A. Maxwell...............
G. Trump..-..................
G. W. Sayre..................
W. T. Gi ant.................
T. C. Hammond...........A. Keith.....................
S. L. Donnell.................
S. L. Donnell...........
W.C.Bartlit and J.M.Merryman
IJ.E. F. Hanna...................
J. Preston..................
W. Spalding.................
C. Foster...................
R. Fish------.-----------
H.D. Walcott.'. -. - - -.
H. D. Walcott............
C. E. Symionds...........
1. S. Wagener................
J. W. Crawford..............
D. S. Wagener...............
S. S. Rockwell................
H. Wnrtz.................
H. WVurtz.................
H. Wurtz.............
H. WVurtz.....................
H. Wurtz................
H1. Wurtz.................
P. Pratt..................
C. B. Hutchinson...........
M. N. Armstrong and W. H.
Cleveland, Ohio......
Rochester, N. Y..........
Dayton, Ohio........
Rochester, N. Y..-- --.
Moreland's Grove, Ill -...
Anna, Ohio........
Rockford, Ill..........
Auburn, Me-..-----......
Ellington, Conn...........
Baltimore, Md..........
Corning, N. Y-.........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Bridgeport, Conn.._....
Freeport, Ill..............
New York, N. Y....
North Adams, Mass......
New York, N. Y..........
Pepin, Minn.........
Cincinnati, Ohi.o......
Syracuse, N. Y............
Antioch, Cal.......
Rautoul, Ill..............
McCoy's Station, Ind.....
Chicago, Ill.............
Maroa, Ill..............
Pratt, Ohio..........
Second Fork Village, Pa -..
Pisgah, Ohio..............
Jacksonville, Ill..........
Nico'aus, Cal.............
Lisbon, Ill..........
South Carroll, Tenn.....
Spring Creek, Tenn..
Aledo and Moline, Ill.....
Momence, Ill............
Atchison, Kans.........
Port Clinton, Ohio......
Prairie City, Ill.....
New York, N. Y........
Boston, Mass...........
Boston, Mass.............
Salem, Mass.............
Poultney, N. Y...........
Rockport, N. Y..........
Poultney, N. Y.........
Clearfield, Pa.............
Vermiontville, Mich......
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Newv York, N. Y._.......
New York, N. Y..._.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Meriden, Conn............
Auburn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y........
Aug. 27, 1872
Aug. 13, 1872
Feb. 28, 1860
Aug. 22, 1871
Nov. 20, 1866
Nov. 16, 1869
May 31, 1870
Nov. 2, 1869
Aug.29, 1854
Sept. 14, 1858
Dec. 31, 1872
Aug. 20, 1861
Nov. 25, 1841
Nov. 25, 1873
Sept. 12, 1848
Apr. 4, 1871
Mar. 15, 1864
Jan. 5, 1858
July 23, 1861
Jan. 8, 1867
July 30, 1861
Mar. 31,1857
Nov. 30, 1869
Oct. 27, 1868
Nov. 8, 1e64
Sept. 5, 1571
Dec. 17, 1867
Sept. 19, 1871
Mar. 3, 1863
Mar. 11, 1862
Dec. 3, 1867
Jan. 28, 1862
Sept. 11, 1860
Dec. 11, 1866
Apr. 14, 1s68
Sept. 26, 1871
May 3, 1870
Mar. 3,186:3
Apr. 5, 1864
Nov. 9,1839
J uly 27,1852
May 17, 1853
July 22, 1873
Nov. 21, 1871
Nov. 13, 1860
Sept. 13, 1870
Nov. 14, 1871
Oct. 5, 1858
Jan. 28, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
Feb. 8, 1870
Jan. 28, 1868
Jan. 28, 1868
Feb. 8, 1870
Feb. 12, 1828
Aug. 7, 1860
Dec. 2, 1834
Jan. 16, 1840
130, 790
130, 482
27, 275
118, 200
59, 877
96, 895
103, 813
96, 522
11, 629
21, 493
134, 483
33, 123
2, 374
144, 973
5, 769
113, 701
41, 939
19, 030
32, 872
61, 087
32, 959
16, 902
97, 378
83, 547
44, 965
118, 707
72, 411
119, 6064
37, 829
34, 662
34, 256
29, 955
60, 346
76, 698
119, 353
102, 706
37, 831
42, 183
1, 403
9, 734
141, 092
30, 617
107, 427
120, 986
21, 700
73, 861
73, 862
99, 741
73; 859
73, 860
99, 740
29, 490
Grain and cooling, bolting, and conveying flouri A. Bull....................
Machine for cleaning, scourming, and conveying.
Grain and cooling millstones, Machine for cleaning W, H. Akins and D. Babcock
Grain and destroying insects, Machine for cleaning J. Morgan...................
Grain and flour bags for shouldering, Raising..... J. Kinman..........
Grain and fruit cleaner................S. A. Slocomb.............
Grain and fruit drier..........------------..----------............. C. A. Haskins and G. Macardle.
Grain and grass by horse-power, Cutting......... E. Ambler..................
Grain and grass, Cutting --..-----------------.. R. Frrench and J. T. Hawkins.
Grain and grass, Cutting and gathering.......... J. Comfot................
Grain and grass seed collector..................... D. Ashmore and J. Peck......
Grain and grass seed separator............. J. iB.Wallace..................
Grain and hay elevator...................... J. K)ecis.................
Gin and hisy elevator........................ H. Neck...................
Grain and hay rake.............................. J. M. and B. B. Brown........
Grain and malt cleaner and crusher............ N. Thielen...............
Grain and other material, Reservoir for........... ---- G. H. Johnson and B. Kriescher
Grain and rice huller........................... B. Maltby and M. Fowler....
Grain and rice hulling machineo......... M. Fowler....................
Grain and seed, Apparatus for protecting....... J. M. Joannides..............
Grain and seed cleaner.......................... N. M. Bowen.................
Grain anti seed cleaner........................... J. Sattison..................
Grain and seed cleaning machine.................. W. H. Peabody..............
Grain and seed drill.--------------.------..... G.M. Shirkittle..............
Grain and seed drill-----------------------------............................... J.H. Shreiner............
Grain and seed, Machine for screening............ B. F. Watson and C. H. Tinkel.
Grain and seed, Machine for separating.......... G. M. Brown..............
Grain and seed separator........................ J. Boozer................
Grain and seed separator....................... R. Hawkins...............
Grain and seed separator....................... B. S. Hyers...................
Grain and seed separators, Fan-case for.......... C. L. Allen..................
Grain and seeds for sowing, Coloring............ J. C. H. Claussen............
Grain and similar substances, Drying.- ------- D. C. Iand and M. Wadhams..
Grain and straw carrying attachment for separators B. and B. F. Jackson......
Grain and straw separator --.............. - H. Bierdan....................
Grain and straw separator...................... L. IH. Davis.................
Caroline, N. Y............
Dryden. N. Y...June 12, 1860
Baltimore, Md.......... Feb. 20, 1810
Miflinburgh, Pa........... Mar. 15, 1834
Philadelphia, Pa....... Nov. 29, 18s70
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 23, 1 S18
Root, N. Y............... Dec. 23, 1834
-May 17, 18.3
Bucks County, Pa......l. Feb. 26, 1811
Jefferson County, Tenn... Sept. 18, 1835
Franklin, Ohio........June 20, 1865
Oswego, N. Y............ Sept. 21, 1869
Canaan, Ohio......June 23, 1868
Marits Post-Office, Ohio... May 29, 1847
Sacramento, Cal........... Dec. 9, 1873
New York, N. Y......... Mar. 21,1871
New Haven, Conn....... Feb. 26, 1819
New Haven, Conn.....July 28, 1820
London, England........ Mar. 4, 1873
Knightstown, Ind......... Oct. 4, 1870
Ripley Township, Ohio.... Oct. 1, 1867
Woodbury, Conn.......... June 8,1810
Belleville, Mich..........Oct. 4, 1870
Wilmington, Del....... Aug. 12, 1873
Bridgeport, Ill............ Apr. 27, 1869
Northumberland County, Mar. 19, 1812
Potter's Mills, Pa......... Dec. 26,1871
Sugar Creek, Ind......... July 19, 1870
Pekin, Ill............. Aug. 2,1864
Flat Rock, Mich........ July 12, 1870
Charleston, S. C.......... Jan. 10,1872
Perinton, N. Y............ June 3, 1862
Woodland, Cal............ Mar. 8, 1870
Plymouth, Mich......... Oct. 9, 1847
Newarkl, Del.............. iDec. 17, 1867
28, 643
10, (80
22, 144.....
48, 329
95, 006
79, 130
5, 132
145, 3!4
112, 927......
136, 437
69, 489.....
107, 980
141, 7;0
89, 526
105, 451
43, 693
105, 158
122, 757
35, 469
100, 532
5, 322
72, 374
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Grain and straw separator.....................
Grain and straw separator--..------------------
Grain and straw shaker........................
Grain, &c., Apparatus for collecting and transporting.
Grain, Apparatus for dampening................
Grain, Apparatus for decorticating.............
Grain,&c., Apparatus for decorticating, separating,
and drying.
Grain, Apparatus for preserving...................
Grain,&c.,Apparatus for preventing overheating of
Grain, Apparatus for washing, boiling, and fermenting.
Grain-bag holder..................................
Grain-band and bag-tie............................
Grain-bands, Device for securing.................
Grain bin........................................
Grain bin, Fire-proof................................
Grain bin for storing and drying...............
Grain bins, Operating discharge-valve for.......
Grain binder...............................
Grain- binder.....................................
Grain binder.....................................
Grain binder......................................
Grain binder...................................
Grain binder.....................................
Grain binder......................................
Grain binder......................................
Grain-binder -...--...........................
G ain-binder......................................
G rain-binder......................................
Grain-bind r......................................
Grai- inder.....................................
Grain binder.....................................
Grain binder......................................
Grain binder......................................
Grain binder......................................
78 P
S. Huson......................
A. M ajor.....................
W. H. and P. Bott.............
J. and G. Richards............
J. Shellabarger...............
A. J. Glas....................
L. M. F. Doydre...............
T. A. Hoffmann.............
E. F. Prentiss and R. A. Robertson.
J. W. H. Campbell......-......
W. B. Carlock...............
W. P. Leland.................
E. Foote......................
J. Nelson.....................
G. P. Coan...................
D. D. Badger and W. S. Sampson. -
L. S. Chichester......_......
G. H. Johnson................
S. M arsh......................
C. W. Mills..................
O. I. Porter...................
F. Raymond..................
F. Raymond................
F. Raymond and A. Miller... -.
W. S. Sampson..................
W. S. Sampson................
W. S. Sampson................
C. D. Woodruff...............
G. H. Johnson................
J. Royal.......................
G. H. Johnson.................
J. F. Appleby.................
J. Baker......................
W. P. Barker..................
W. P. Barker.................
C. L. Beamer...............
J. Behel...---------------------
J. Behel....................
C. W. Bowron.................
H S. L. Bryan................
J. K. Bull....................
W. WV. Burson................
W. W. Burson................
WV. W. Burson................
W. WV. Burson.--..............
S. D. Carpenter..._..........
S. D. Carpenter............
E. Chapman...................
E. U. Clinton....................
E. H. (Clinton..................
C. G. Dickenson.............
C. H. Durkee..................
N. B. Fassett.................
N. F. Gilman..................
W. F. Goodwin.................
J. F. Gordon..................
J. F. Gordon..................
J. B. Grecnhut.................
W. D. Harrab.................
W. D. Harrah, I. M. Gifford,
and E. T. Johnston.
H. harrier....................
V. Hayes, C. G. Waldo, and H.
A. Main.
J. F. Hemperly and C. Barns..
J. S. Hickey................
S. T. Holly.................
S. T. Holly.................
S. T. Holly....................
A. S. Hoyt....................
A. S. Hoyt....................
S. Judevine and Z. Shaw......
H. Kaller.....................
1. Lancaster..................
I. Lancaster............_.....
I. Lancaster..................
S. D. Locke...................
S. D. Locke...................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke.....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. I). Locke....................
S. D. Locke.....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke....................
S. D. Locke...................
S. D. Locke....................
W. Lottridge..................
Residence. Date. No.
Jacksonville, N. Y-........ Sept. 16, 1862 36, 467
Lebanon, Pa.....-------------- Jan. 27, 1863 37, 549
West Manchester Town- July 18, 1871 117, 040
ship, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 30, 1873 143, 254
Decatur, Ill........... Aug. 11, 1868 81, 016
Jersey City, N. J.......... Nov. 26, 1872 133, 309
London, England........... Sept. 20, 1870 107, 480
Paris, France............. Dec. 20, 1859 26, 481
Beardstown, Ill.. - -.. Mar. 8, 1870 100, 628
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Aug. 1, 1865 49, 151
San Francisco, Cal.-.. J.. July 19, 1864 43, 567
Worshiam, Va.-..--.... Oct. 21,1873 143, 876
Mendon, Mich...........- May 16, 1871 114, 952
East Bloomfield, N. Y... - -. Feb. 18, 1873 135, 899
Rockford, Ill.......... May 2, 1865 47, 603
Wyandotte. Mich.......... Oct. 28,1873 144,018
New York, N. Y...-.----.. June 14, 1869 24, 424
Brooklyn, N. Y........ Apr. 2, 1872 125, 169
New York, N. Y......... Dec. 9, 1862 37, 134
Roxbury. Mass........... Oct. 23, 1860 30, 486
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... May 18, 1869 90, 116
Hudson, Ohio....._........ Jan. 8, 18(67 61, 095
Cleveland, Ohio........... July 12, 1870 105, 367
Cleveland, Ohio........ Aug. 30, 1870 106, 961
Cleveland, Ohio -......- Dec. 21, 1869 98, 190
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 14, 1862 34, 164
New York, N. Y........ Dec. 9, 1862 37, 139
New York, N. Y...... Aug. 3, 1869 93, 352
Toledo, Ohio -......... Aug. 31, 1869 94, 265
Buffalo, N. Y......... Mar. 9, 1869 87, 568
White Rock, Ill-....... Feb. 6, 1872 123, 424
Buffalo, N. Y....... - Feb. 16, 1869 86, 928
Mazo Manie, Wis...... June 1, 1869 90, 807
Fairbury, Ill....----...... July 27, 1869 93, 035
Grand Rapids, Mich...... Dec. 9, 1862 37, 123
Grand Rapids, Mich..... Mar. 21, 1865 46, 869
Cambria, N. Y............ June 15, 1869 91, 20-2
Earlville, Ill............. Feb. 16, 1864 41, 661
Rockford, Ill.............. Aug. 3, 1869 93, 165
Chicago, Ill............. Jan. 16, 1872 1222. 803
Kearney, Mo............. Oct. 22, 1872 132, 436
Buckingham. Iowa...... Sept. 8, 1868 81, 875
Yates, Ill................ June 26, 1860 28, 830
Atkinson, Ill.....------------- Aug. 11, 1863 39, 463
Rockford, Il..-------------.. Oct. 4, 1864 44, 513
Rockford, Ill............. July 25, 1865 48, 900
Madison, Wis... -... Dec. 22, 1868 85, 209
Madison, Wis........... Dec. 22, 1868 85, 210
Rochester, Minn...--... May 7, 1872 126, 520
Iowa City, Iowa........ July 13, 1869 92, 517
Iowa City, Iowa........ Apr. 30, 1872 126, 129
Poughkeepsie, N. Y....... May 30,1 871 115, 284
Hartford, Wis............ Nov.22, 1859 26, 171
Saint Louis, Mo.......... May 21, 1872 127, 036
Rochester, Minn._........ Aug. 24, 1869 93, 985
Washington, D. C......... Mar. 13, 1866 53, 138
Kalamazoo, Mich.......-May 12, 1868 77, 878
Rochester,. Y........ July 15, 1873 140, 822
Chicago, Ill........ Sept. 8, 1868 81,891
Davenport Iowa.......... Dec. 22, 1863 41, 002
Davenport, Iowa......... May 10, 1870 102, 815
Indianapolis, Ind......... Sept. 4, 1866 57, 710
Tekonsha, Mich........... Dec. 8, 1868 84, 693
West Liberty, Iowa...... Sept. 5, 1865 49, 756
Pike, 111..................... July 17, 1860 29, 170
Rockford, Ill............. Aug. 14, 1866 57, 38
Rockford, Ill............. Sept. 11, 1866 57, 904
Rocklford. Ill.............. June 11, 1867 65, 746
Winona, Minn............. Dec. 13, 1870 110, 138
Winona, Minn........... Aug. 5, 1873 141, 507
Roxbury, Wis............. July 14, 1863 39, 234
Perry, Ill................. June 5, 1860 28, 584
Baltimore, Md............ Jan. 23, 1866 52, 175
Baltimore, Md............ Apr. 24, 1866 54, 177
Baltimore, Md............ Nov. 19, 1867 71, 023
Janesville, WVis............ Dec. 19, 1865 51,599
Janesville, Wis............ Dec. 19, 1865 51, 600
Janesville, Vis............ July 24, 1866 56, 580
Janesvlle, Wis......... Sept. 4, 1866 57, 739
Janesville, Wis........... Dec. 4, 1866 60, 208
Janeaville, Wis............ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 531
Janesville, Wis............ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 532
Janesville, Wis............ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 533
Jancsville, Wis............ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 534
Janesvile, Wi -............ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 515
Janesville, Vis............ Dec. 7, 1869 97, 536
Janeiville, Wit............ Jan. 17, 1871 11t 069
Janesvlle, Wis.......... Nov. 28, 1871 1-21, 2E0
Hoosick Falls, N. Y....... Feb. 11, 1873 135, 826
Hoosick Falls, N. Y...... May 20, 1873 I 139, 08
Charles City, Iowa....... Aug. 10, 1869 93, 458
Index of patents issued fronm the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grain-binder-----------------------------------.)W. Lottridge------------------ Charles City, Iowa ---Oct. 4,1870 107, 933
Grain-binder.- - -- -- --.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --G. W. Loveless and C. H. Shaf- Charles Hill, Ind......-----Nov. 16, 1869 96, 933
Grain-binder-----------------------------------...W. D. May ----_------------Baltimore, Md ----.------Feb 16, 1869 87, 056
Grain-binder---------------------------------.__ J. AT. McMaster --------------- Rochester, N. Y ---.-----June 29, 1869 91. 860
Grain-binder------------------------------------ ID. McPherson----------------..Caledonia, N.Y.-----------Sept. 27, 1870 107, 797
Grain-binder-----------------------------------..J. H. Morse................... Peoria, Ill................. Dec. 17, 1872 134, 089
Grain-binder-.............................. _.... J. H. Mndgett.........Camanche, Iowa _.__.......Oct. 12, 1869 95, 714
Grain-binder................................... W. B. Oglesby................ Ridge Prairie, Ill - no. ne 21, 1870 104, 487
Grain-binder..................................... W. H. Paine..................--Janesville, Wis----------- Aug. 2, 1870 105, 974
Grain-binder...................................---L. Parker...................--- )avenport, Iowa ---------- Dec. 27, 1870 110, 492
Grain-binder................................___..L. F. Parker..................-Davenport, Iowa ---------- Aug. 31,1869 94, 436
Grain-binder.........................___........ Pearson.._...........West Milton, Ohio._Apr. 9, 1872 125. 481
Grain-binder....................................--P. A. Perry.................... Perth Amboy, N.J...Apr. 18, 1871 113, 792
Grain-binder...................................___A. Philippi......_........Saint Louis, Mo........... Sept. 26, 1871 119, 241
Grain-binder..................................... A. Phillippi................... Saint Louis. Mo........... Aug. 19, 187:3 142, 040
Grain-binder.................................... F. W. Randall................. Tekonsha, Mich..........Dec. 27, 1870 110, 498
Grain-binder................................... M. T. Ridont._....._.......Sun Prairie, Wis.......... Nov. 14, 1871 120,828
Grinnbinder....................................0O. B. Ross.._.........Bowen's Prairie, Iowa-Sep t.12, 1871 118, 975
Graiii-bindr.............___.................Q. A. Scott.__............Pittsburgh, Pa.-----------Jnie 17, 1873 140, 083
C rain-binder.................................... G. A. Scribner... _... _.. _......Rochester, N. Y.......... Sept. 27, 1870 107, 8-23
Giain-binder.................................... G. B. Shafer..................--Delta, Ohio...._......Mar".23, 1869 88, 087
Grain-binder...................................__W. Siverd,jr-........... Genesen, N.-----..--Feb. 27, 1872 124, 020
Grain-binder ----------------_-------_---------A. J. Smith....._-..........New York, IN. Y-..........Jan. 15, 1867 61, 2-2
Gr-ain-binder..................................W. W. Sucll................... Bnshford, Mina.....Feb. 23,1869 87, 215
Griun-binder.....................................G. H. Spaulding........Rockford, Ill............ May 31, 1870 103, 673
Grain-biirder..................................... A. S. Stone.._..._.._........Plain View, Minna..... Mat-. 3, 1868 75, 215
Grain-b~iddei....................................0O. 0. Storlo.................... Norway, Wis.............-Dec. 3, 1867 71, 660
Grin-binder....................................0O. 0. Storle.................... Norway, Wis...._.......June 15, 1869 91, 282
Giain-binder....................................M. Sunimers and SB. Lane - _ Zionsville, lad.. _......Oct. 3, 1871 119, 668
Grain-bindr......._............................ J. Waddington.._........New Philadelphia, Ohio.. Aug. 26, 1873 142,:104
Girain-binder....................................- IS. J. Wallace................. Carthage, Ill...".........Apr. 1-2, 1864 42, 322
Grain-binder...................................... J. Wallace................. Carthage, Ill.............. Jan. 10, 1865 45, 885
Grin-binder_.............._.................... G. Warner.................... West Liberty, Iowa. July 30, 1867 67,:189
Groin-binder.................................... J. H. Whitney................ Rochester, Min.......... Apr. 2, 1872 125, 366
Grain-binder................................. C. B. Withington.............. Janesville, Wis.._.........Feb. 20, 1872 123, 967
Grain-binder................................... J. Youl.. -...... Manchester, Iowa..._Aug. 15, 1871 118, 031
Grain binder, Automatic..._.................... R. ID. Brown................... Covington, nd............ Apr. 7, 1863 38, 093
Grain-biiiders, Band-tack for.....................J. Beall. _.......... __........Defiance, Ohio............ Dec. 24, 1872 134, 192
Grain-binders' reel................S. ID. Locke...................Jarnesville, Wis...........-Feb. 20, 1866 52, 72-2
Grin-binders' reel.......... _... ___.. _... _.......S. ID. Locke... _...........Janesville, Wis._ - - - _.._.. Nov. 17, 1868 84, 065
Gran biading apparatus......................... J. F. Barrett - _- -__------ _----North Granville, N. Y -. _Apr. 28, 1857 17, 135
Gi n-binding apparatus.........................__G. W. Chandler.....__...._..Mason, N.H.............. Feb. 1, 1870 99, 404
Grain-bindirng machine.........................ID. W. Ayres.__...............Middleport, Ill............ May 22, 1860 28, 338
Grain-binding macline........................... J. F. Black......._-....._..Lancaster, Ill......... Sept. 22, 1857 18, 231
Grain-binding machine.......................... W. W. Bnrson................ Yates City, Ill............ Feb. 26, 18611 31,5-26
Grain-binding machinie........................... T. Courser.................... Princeton, 1l1......... July, 10, 1860 29, 063
Grain-binding machine....................... T. Fowler..................... Tottensville, N. Y.--Jne 7, 1870 103, 861
Grain-binding machine...........................1'. Fowler..................... Tottensville, N...... June 7,1870 10)3, 862
Grain-binding machine..........................-A. Goodyear, 2d............... New Haven, Conna-----Nov. 7,1865 50, 814
Graiu-binding machine..........................--S. T. Holly..__............Rockford, Ill.............. Jan. 26, 1864 41, 377
Grain-binding machine........................... S. T. Holly-------------------- Rockford, Ill.............. Jan. 26.,1804 41, 378
Grain-binding machine -------------------------- I. Keyes............Patney,Vt---------...__ July 17,1839 1, 251
Grain-binding mnachine--------------------------- W. F. Pagett------------------ Stone Bridge, Va.......... July 29, 1850 15, 436
Grain-binding machine.........................I _L. ID. Phillips................ _Chicago, 111.........Dec. 29, 1857 18, 088
Grain-binding machine................... _.. _... S. Reynolds........ _........ Richmond, R. I.... _......Feb. 12, 1861 31, 402
Gialie-bindfing mechanism...................... A. Sherwood. _..............-Auburn, N. Y-------------. _Aug. 30, 1859 25, 308
Grain, Bnsliing-screen for cleaning............... E. Tisdall.. _..... _.........Windham, Conn - _- -----July 17, 1815...
Grain bybllowing,.Machine foir raising............-J. Bailey---------------------- Chester County, Pa....- Mar. 5,1810...
Grain by handl or- herse power, Grinrding or cracking B. Hinkley- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -New York, N. Y..........-Mar. 10, 1834...
Grain by horse-power, Machine frir cutting- __--_-L. Durham and J. S. Pleasants. Halifax County, Va - -___July 28, 1827 -.. --_
Grain bry ulphiurous acidi, Bleaching.............._ _ _J. M. Clark _-- -- -- - - - ----Philadelphia, Pa_- _--------Apr. 17, 1860 27,87
Graiii-carrier.-............................-------0. M. Gould ------------------ Montreal, Canada -.....Dec. 12, 1871 121, 867
Grain-car riers, Construction of-------------------__ __ __ _A. Linhart arid S. McClain.... Fnlton, Ohio - - - - -- ------Sept. 25, 1849 6, 749
Grain-cleaner....................................W. A,.er---------------------.Washington, D. C..-...July 1:3, 1869 92, 556
Grain-cleaner...... _____.--_--_-._ J.Anesn........................E ndro--------Boiling Springs, Pa-...Oct. 27, 1868 83, 438
Grain-cleaner...................................__G. 1B. Bailey..................--Greenitield, Jnd....._... Dec. 2,1862 37; 031
Grain-cleaner...__.........._____._.C.Byo.................C.F.ayo----------Clinton, N. J __--------Aug. 7, 1866 56, 880
Grain-cleaner-----------------------------------__E. Bradfield................... Rochester, N.Y........... Sept. 19, 1840 1, 794
Grain-cleaner.................................... G. Clark-------------------.. Sandrisky, Ohio_.._.....Air. 21, 1803 38, 258
Grain-cleaner.................................... J. H. Do Force............. Healdsburgh, Cal- _._Jnne 11, 1872 127, 6180
Grain-cleaner.................................... W. S. Deisher-------.. Hmbrha---------Hann~ a__ _- - -.Fob. 16, 1864 41, 609
Grain-cleaner..................................__P. C. Fritz-------------.._-----iarrytown, N. V---------- May 1,1860 28, 071
Gramn-cleaner_.._...............................A. Gaar---------------------- RiclinondI.ld------------ Mar. 13, 1860 27, 497
Grain-cleaner................................... J. A. Hall _----.._------- Greenfield, Ind.._......May 28, 1807 65, 074
Grm lene......................T. Hancock and J. H. Leaman Rtichmrond, Va. _......Jan. 28, 1868 73, 803
Grain-cleaner....................................W. Houghton........ Great Grimsby, England. - Nov. 11, 1873 144, 455
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offiee from 1790 to 1873, inelusive-Continued.
Grain-cleaner - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Grain-cleaner-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Grain-cleaner -..---- ---- -- - -- -- -- -- -
Grain-cleaner ---------- --------- -.
Grin-cleaner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grain-cleaner.. -................
Grain-cleaner - -- --. - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -
G iain-cleaner - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
Grain-cleaner-- -- - - -_ _ _ -- - --- -- _
Grain-cleaner- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grain-cleanerci -------- -- -- -- -- -
Grain-cleaner and fertilizer-sifter-.............---- --
Grain cleaner and scourer.......................
Grain cleaner and separator...................
Grain cleaner and separator.....___......_......_
Grain cleaner and separator..................-_
Graini cleaner and sepiarator--.....--....-....... _- -_
Grain cleaner and separator...................
Grain cleaner and separator-.--.....-....--..-.-..- --
G rain cleaner and sepai-ator...................
Grain cleaner and separator -----------
Grain cleaner and sinat-machine._-_-.-_-__-.____.
Grain, Cleaning..........................-----
Grain, Cleaning.............................
Grain, Cleaning and dressing..................
Grain cleaning and drying machine. _... _......
Grain cleaning and hnlling machine..........- ---
Grain cleaning and winnowing machine..____.__.
Grain-cleaning device.....................----
W. B. Smith...--.........J. Steinberg.._...._.....
W. H. Stevens.............
G. Stevenson...............
G. Stevenson and J. J. Crider..J. Stroop----------------....
B.T. Trimmer -------
I. Wait...................
A.T. Waldo...............
J. H. Weaver..............
W. B. Webster.............
J. E. Wheat.........
J. A. Green................
K. H. Kellogg..._..........
G. S. Carter..............
W. A. Cockrill.............
W. Gardner..-.-.........---
J. W. Patterson..........
J. H. Redfield...............
B. T. Trimmer.............
R. Ward...................
F. Wegmana...............
J. Ferguson...............
R. Itedfeld.................
M. Urflbr..............._...
G. Arnold.................
H. N. Black................
J. M. Mayer...............
Z. Rice.....................
P. G. B. Westmacott......
Grain, Cleaning, halling, and drying............. E. Cole...................
Gran- cleaning machum....................... B. Barney.. -. -...........-..
Grain-cleaning niachine......... --...... -....... J. I). Beers-. -............--
Grain-cleaning machine...................---- S. Bentz...................
Grin-cleaning machine--.........-..-..-..---..--..-. _J. N. Bird and E. D. Weld.
Grinncleaning machine....................... J. L. Bo t h........ -.....
G rins-c l ean i ng machine....................... G. W. Bowers... -.. _.......
Gran cleaning machine....................... 1). I. Cole.................
Giain-cleaning machine......................P. Cook -..........
Gin-cleaning machine-.---..-.....I W. Croizer...........
Graiii-cleaning machine.....................--_ J. De Rush.................
Grati-cleaning machine....................... j M. Eckley................
Giain-cleaning machine... -.................... W. T. Fisher...............
Grain-cleaning machine-. -....-..... -...........11 I. Fitts---.......... -.......
Grain-cleaning machine..................--. - -- - -- -D. Flickenger and S. Krim.. ri-laigmcie...............R ae......
Girain-cleaning maciine......................... T. C. Gleason.............
Grain-cleaninig machine........................I. G. Gahon and W. Bowers.
Grain-cleaning machine....................... M. L. Hall...............---
Grain-cleaing nmachine....................... C. B. Hor-ton..............---
Grai-cleaning maclime..................._I--- G. H. Johnson..............
Grin-cleaning machine.......................(. Mann, jr....--...........
Grin-cleaning machine....................... R. C. Mauck..............
Grain-cleaniing machine.......................-T.McCrea..... --........ -..
Girin-canig machine.................... J. Nott................. -_ - _G r ami -c l e an ing machine....................... W. H. Orr.............. _..
Grain-cleaning~ machine...................... J. Ontram...............---
Grain-cleaning~ machine....................... W. Part ridge and G. W. Shaw
Grin-ceaiing maine..e..................... T. Reese......._...........
Grain-cleanitg machine......................... J. Rood............. _.. _...
Grain-cleaning machine.... _.................. N. H. Slterbttrne...........
Giait-cleaning machine........................ S. Spatngler.............. _-.
Grina-cleaning machine........E..... Swectland-.............
G rin-ncleaning machine...................... G. E. Throop.... _..........
Grain-cleaning machine. -. _................ B. T. Timtmer-...... _.......
Grin-acleaning, machine....................... J. P. Tnnison. -.-....---
Grain-cleaning machum........................ J. Tyler..................
Grain-cleaning machine........................XW. H. Waldiby-----------..
Grin-cleaning machine............-.. H. Wallace and W. Mellon..
Grain cleanitng, scouring, and decorticating machine J. A. Maloney........ -..-.. _.
Grait-cleaninig screen, Revolving................R. P. Fitzpatrick..........
Grinmi &c. Cleansing...........................1. Honeywells..............
Gr amn cofie anti iice cleaner.....................J- A. and LI)D. Crawford....
Graini-conveyeor...............................1 I). L. Bartlett.............
Gmr ami -c ottave yetr.......................... -- - -- -- -- -.DWX. Bryantt.....-- ----
G r a int- co n ve ye r............................. 0. C. D o d g e.............. -- -- -
G inain -c ottav e y en............................. J. Gardiner...............
Gruiit conveyer...........................0.Johnson aitd C. 0. Wall.....
Grain-coneyer............................. C. Lazat-ovitch.. _..........
Grain-conveyer..........................----- J.MA. Rush.---"----------._
Grain-conv eyer............................- - - - - -S. WV. Wood..............- -- --
G i tn -co n ve yetr for elevators.................. - - ---D. C. Chester..............
Grait-conveying apparatns.................... H. G. Yates..............._
Grain-cnveying machinte...................... S. W. Wood........
Grain-cooleci................................... S. A. Stebbins...........
C"i tin coolci.................................. G. I). Woodworthb_.........
Grait cooler anid sifter......................... Artittrong and King.---
Gmrain cooler atid venttilator.................... C. D. Clark................
Grin-ncradile..........................I acc.............ibck ------...--
Grian-ciadlo...................................I). 1) Devoe...............
Grin-eranle.................................. I). Ducalci-.................
Gtaiit-ciadle................................. M. It. Flanders.............
Graia-cradle............................. C.Gs.............. os---.--------
Gr-aincradle..........................I. T.- Grant anad D. H. Vial.
Clayton, Ill.._.._.......
Wehster City, Iowa..
Salem, Ill -.__ _. __ __ _
Zionisville, cI.........
Zionsville and Greenfield,
Jolit, Ill..............
Parma, N.Y.....--....
Watertown, N. Y..
Dryden, N. Y...........
Gap, Pa..........------
Foxvitle, Va...........
Rochester, N. Y.-----
MiliiDale, Va..._......
Milwaukee, Wis....
Lewisbtirgh, Pa.._.._..
Zanesville, Ohio.._-...
Catalpa, Ky............
Monticello, Min. ----
Salem, lad............
Rochester, N. Y....
Edinburgh, lad.._.
Naples, Italy....
Fall River, Mass.----
Salem, nd.............
Upper Milford, Pa -_._-_Angelica, N. Y....
Philadelphia, Pa._.._._.
New York, N. Y......
Lyotns, N.Y...........
Elswick, N ewcastle-upon.
Tyite, Enigland.
Dryden, N. Y............
'laune, I111.............Philadelphia, Pa.----.._.
Boonshoroagh, Md. _-._
Trenton, N. J..........
Cuanloga Falls, Ohio..
Lei'rersbnrgli, Md...
Portland, Me...........
Westfield, N. Y....
Spruce Creek, Pa.._..
Sainit Mary's, Ohio....
Oluey, Ill..............
Cleaxciland, Tenna....
Somerset, Mich.._..
Haniover-, Pa..........--
Eckmansiille, Ohio...
Rochester, N. Y....
Mereersburgh and Chainbersbargh, Pa.
Bridgeport, Conna.._.
Elmira, N. Y'............
Jthnsoabargh, N. Y -._
Lockport, N. 17._-.....,
Ilarrisotiburgh, Va..Anne Arundel Counity, Md.
\'Vst Hempfield, Pa.--
Mttn in's Ferry, Ohio....
ElmiraN. Y..........
Ellicott's Mills, Md.__..
Baltimore, Md.__....
Beaver Dam, Wis..
Camapton, Ill._....
Stoney Creek, Pa...
SotaliBend, lad.__..._
Syracase, N. Y..........
Rtochester, N. Y7....
Ovid, N. Y............---
Claremont, N. H.._
Cooperstown. N. Y..
North Sewickley, Pa.
Georget own, I). C.._.._
Al1otinit M orris, N. Y.._..
Hiltsdale, N. Y........_
Wilkesiarm-e, Pa., and
Bloomington, Ill.
Rockl'ord, Ill...........
Chicago, Ill..-.........
New York, N. 7......
Phtiladelphia, Pa--__-. --.
Galva, Ill...............
Brooklyn, N. 17...........
Mar-ago, lowva..........
Cornwall, N. Y..........
Ogdensburglt. N.Y...
Kalamazoo, Mich -_-...
Cornwall, N. Y..........
Date. No.
July 6, 1869 92, 38 5
Feb. 21, 1871 112,087
July 7, 1846 4, 624
Apr. 9, 18t87 63, 763
Maty 29, 1866 55, 174
Nov. 9, 1869 96, 630
Apr. 3, 1855 12, 657
Oct. 1i, 1859 25,777
Mar. 13, 1860 27,1489
June 20, 1871 116, 122
May 1, i860 28, 119
Jaii 26, 1469 86, 194
Mat. 7, 1871 11"2,3:34
May 9, 181 114, 688
Jait. 2, 1872 12-2, 436
Junte 6, 1871 115, 707
Jan. 28, 1870 104, 728
Dec. 15, i8t3 40,9412
Feb. 6 1872 123, 361
May 29, 1866 55, 179
Aug. 26, 1856 15, 630
Oct. 18, 180 108, 541
July 20, 1869 92, 809
Feb. 27, 1866 52, 882
Oct. 1, 1830.Jui 710.Aug. 1, 1854 11, 458
Feb. 14, 18S65 46, 374
Apr. 24, 1841 2, 067
July 16, 1867 66, 759
June 23, 1863 38, 948
Sept. 18, 1866 58, 048
Dec. 10, 1841 2, 384
July 23, 1841 2, 193
Mar. 28, 1842 2,513
Dec. 18, 1855 13, 937
Sept. 24, 1850 7, 662
July 17, 1838 846
Jain. 17, 1842 2, 423
Nov. 20,1860. 30, 704
Maty 11, 1858 20, 186
May 5, 1868 77, 468
Oct. 5, 1858 21, 662
Apr. 12, 1859 23, 641
May 28, 1842 2, 649
May 19,1857 17,325
May 3, 1859 23, 838
June 1, 1858 20, 4-22
June 1, 1858 20, 425
Nov. 18, 1856 16,088
Dec. 15, 1838 1, 039
Jane 29, 1839 1, 211
Dec. 18, 1860 30,978
Aug. 9, 1839 1, 280
Aug.1,1841 2, 220
July 13, 1858 20, 923
Oct. 30, 186)0 30, 540
Jutte 15, 1858 20, 581
July 20, 1831...
Sept. 28, 1869 95, 269
July 13, 1458 20, e99
M ay 19, 1840 1, 608
Mir. 27, 1866 53. 502
Feb. 11, 1873 135, 675
July 27, 1858 21, 036
Sept. 18, 1860 30, 099
My1,12.Aug. 19, 1862 365a.8 89 2, 205
Nov. 14, 1871 120, 987
Nov. 14, 18315...
Ar2186.Ja. 31, 1871 111,323
Jan. 12, 1869 85, 782
Mar. 21, 1865 46), 876
Feb. 10, 1863 37, 615
Nov. 23, 1869 97, 070
Feb. 22, 1870 100, 154
IDec. 2, 1873 145,11-2
Apr. 7,1868 76, 59
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusie-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grain-cradle....................................--A. P. Grover------------------Enreka, Wis............. Jan. 12, 1864 41, 215
Grain-cradle -------------------------------------C. P. Kelsey -_--------.__ Liviiigstoriville, N. Y---Nov. 1, 1853 10, 186
Grain-cradle -------------------------------------C. P. Kelsey ------------------ Livingstonville, N. V _- Api-. 2, 1861 63, 530
Grain-cradle------------------------------------- J. Leidy----------..--------Lamar, Pa---------------.Mar. 16, 1858 19, 643
Grain-cradle.....--------------------------------. W. H. Locke------------------ Canton, Pa---------------- Apr. 6, 1889 88, 724
Grain-cradle.....................................D. Miffleton.. ___-.............King George Court-House, Oct.:20, 1857 18, 464
Grain-cradle................................I-- ). H. Vaill-...__...........Schaghticoke, N.Y...Apr. 30, 1861 32, 215
Grain-cradrle...............---......----..-S. D. Warren.................. Lcbanon, Ala............ Mar. 10, 1857 16, 815
Grain-cradle....................................-- E D. Wilcox.._.....__........Bellinghamn. Mass..July 24, 1860 29, 349
Grain-cradle....................................---W. A.Wood and J. C. Loveland Hoesick Falls, N.Y V..--Nov. 13, 1844 3, 814
Graiin-cradl1e finger.............................--J. Hougliton.........._..Ogden, N. Y............. Dec. 17, 1850 7,840
Grain-cradles, Method of secnring braces in tire W. W. Bryan................. Schaghticoke, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1856 16, 264
snathls of.
GrainCwuing and preserving................. _.. F. Dorsett.................... Chicago, Ill.. _. Aug. 27, 1867 68, 291
Grin-cotter..................................... J. Reeder_..........- Altori, Ill............... Jan. 20, 1843 2,919
Grain-cutter....................................E. H. Woodsum........Harrison, Me............. Apr. 25, 1871 114, 079
Grain cutter and binder..........................S. D. Locke.. _.............. Janesville, WVis. _....Aug. 30, 1870 106, 945
Grain cutting and binding machine...............- H. Kellogg.................. Mc Henry, Ill -.._........May 5, 18:7 17, 2-23
Grain cutting aiid binding miachine................ F. Meyer................. - - _---_ Naperville, Ill........ Aug. 2, 1859 24~ 945
Girain, Cuttiiig and cleaning -._--........-.......... _C. Brown and F. S. Craus...... Barton, N. Y.............Apr. 6, 1842 2, 542
Gran-dlampeiig apparatns.............. _.......I. -Shellabarger...... -- --. --......... Decatur, Ill.. _........ June 9, 1868 78, 838
Graii-decorticating machine......................-- -- -- -W. P. Robinson.............. Buffalo, N. Y.............. July 9, 1872 128, 912
Grain, Destroying wveevil in-......................W. Watson................... Chicago, Ill.......-_.....May 8, 1849 6,4:34
Gramn(distilling apparatus....................... J. W. Beebe and T. F. Lloyd... Albany, N. Y..----...........Dec. 11, 1866 60, 327
Grin-distrirbuter. _.............................L. P. Haradon..... -- -......... Independence, Iowa.___Jan. 6, 1863 37, '291
Graiandistributei-.............................._G. H. Johnson-..._...........Buffalo, N.Y..------ Feb. 2,1869 86, 410
Griun, Distribnter foi- sowing and drilling. _-..G. A. Titus...................Mantorville, Minn -_-. _ July 20, 1869 9-2, 904
Gr-in-distribiiter, Rotary A.D.Foote...................Foe ----------Berlin, Wis....-... Nov. 18, 1873 144, 753
Giain-drill..................................... I J. B. Amos.................... Lower Chanceford, Pa... June 13, 1865 48, 145
Grain-drill...................................-- {...D. Aylsworth.............. Pine Beiid, Min.......... Apr. 28, 1863 38, 275
Grain-(drill...................................G. S. Ball._...............Dayton, Ohio_._.........Nov. 26, 187-2 133, 292
Gi m drill. _.._............................... W. Ballard..................Homer, N.Y.............. Sept. 30, 1862 36, 554
Grain-drill.........................A. P. Barry............Martinsville, Miss. Oct... 3,1871 11), 495
Graiii-drill...................................._A. G. Bartlett._..........Oxford, Ohio.............--Mar. 10, 1849 5, 992
Grain-drill....................................- -- -- -- - - - -I P. I). Beckwith..............Dowagiac, Micla........... Nov. 17, 1863 40, 597
Grain-drill...................................... 'P. D. Becliwith...............-Dowagiac, Miclr._._......Apr. 30, 1867 64, 274
Grain-drill................................. 11. Beitzell...................-Centreville, Ind. -........ Oct. 6, 1857 18, 317
Grain-drill...................................... L. Bickcford-...............Macedon, N.Y............ Mar. 19, 1867 63, 001
Grain-drill..................................._S. Binkley...................--Dublin, nd............... Oct. 12,1858 21, 736
Giain-drill...................................-- -- -- - - - -- A. R. Blood aiid B. Urich.. Independence, Iowa....Jan. 23, 187-2 12-2, 986
Grinnrdull.....................................--G. G. Blunt._............. Bath, Ill.................-June 17, 1873 139, 860
Grain-drill....................... _...........A. Brooks...........Factoryville, N. Y...Mar. 29, 1864 42, 069
Gaain-drill...................................... A. L. and C. P. Brown..........Shorlasville, N. Y..........June 10, 186-2 35, 501
Grain-drill...................................... J. Bucknell.._.....Decorah, Iowa............-Feb. 9, 1864 41, 474
Grain-dull................................----... W. Bullock..................--Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 8, 1850 6,8396
Gri nndrill......................... __............T. Burns and H. S. Jamison.. - Greensbiargh, Ind.._..__Jan. 31, 18 71 111,4-21
Grin-duill....................................-C. E. Burton...............Gillespie, Ill_...........Aug. 6, 187-2 1:30, 187
Gri-ndirill..................---............ N. N. Conger.................--Sugar Valley, Ohio...Apr. 19, 1864 42, 350
Gran- drill..................................... T. R. Cormick-_............Independence, Iowa..Jan. 12, 1864 41, 199
Grain-drill.................................. J. W. Cr-aven and A. Clark....- Centre Valley, Ind _... _Mar. 28,1871 113, 022
Grain-drill...................................._C. F. Davis..................--Auburn, N. V............-Feb. 18, 1868 74, 515
Graiu-drill...................................... J. Davis -..............Allegheny City, Pa. Nov. 14, 1865 50, 914
hGranduill..................................---- H.B. Dean and S. A. Baker.... Ludloawville,N. Y..-....Apr. 27, 1869 89, 386
Grain-drill............... _.......... _... _... _.. J. S. De Haven. ___...........North Springfield, Ohio -_-_ Juue 10, 186-2 35, 510
haiam-drill.........................D.Diko.................Dcso ------- -Diurham, Ill.-June 9, 1868 78, 722
h-aia-drill.................................... M. A. Dilley................Mendon, Mich............tJune 2, 1883 38, 733
Grain-drill______..........................J. WV.H. Doubler.............. Warren, Ill..._...._......Mar. 1,1864 41, 811
Grain-dirill.....................................IJ. W. H. Doubler......._....... Warren, Ill.............. Feb. 21, 1865 46, 5-23
Grinamdrill.....................................__ _ _ _ _ _ _1J. Easterday and J. B. Crowell. I Frederick County, Md., July 20, 1869 92, 945
Iarid Greencastlc, Pa.
Grinndrill..................................... J. B. Edgell, G. P. Martin, H. C. Quasqueton, Iowa.___.. Oct. 13, 1863 4031
Graindrill.............................. andIE. A. Alexander.
Gran-dill----------"--"-------------J. 1W. Farley----.............Manchester, N. H._----Dec. 26, 1865 51, 707
Grari drill.........................................Finch.................. Dayton, Ohio............ Mar. 3, 1868 75, 142
Grain-drll--...............................-...J. P. Floom..................,Cantonr, Ohio..._.....Sept. 19, 1871 119,0-2-2
Grain-drill....................................- J. P. Floom......._._.......Canton, Ohio.............. Sept. 19, 1871 119, 023
Grain-drill...................................... J. Ford.._............ abash, Ind ---------. - Apr. 1-2, 1859 23, 561
Grain-drill....................iA.Fravel.---.....------- La Porte, Ind............-June 24, 1856 15, 210
Grain darill...................J. P. Fulghum...............Dublin, Ind.. __.......... Mar. 2-2, 1810 100, 998
Grain-drill.......................................J. P. Fulghiuu. _..._._........Dublin, nd........... _. Dec. 23, 1873 145, 795
Grain (trill.. _.............................. N. Gallup. -...... _. Macedon, N. Y --_..__ Mar. 14, 1871 112, 700
Grain-drill-................._____ __ C. 0. Gardiner-_.._.......Springfield, Ohio.._- Oct. 6, 1868 82, 822
Grainrdrill.....................................-- J. F.Gibuson................... Chesnut Level, Pa...'Dec. 14, 1869 97, 903
Gra a (rill........................__........... IB. W. Gould....... _......... Winterset, Iowa--......... Feb. 6, 187-2 123,394
Grain-drill.-_....................__...............S. Grerrell....................-Mokena. Ill.............- Oct. 13,1863 40, 257
Grain-drll..................... __..........W. N. Hamilton............. _Odessa, Del.............let. 2 7, 1888 83, 491
Grion-drill.............................-...--WI N Hmiltn.........Odessa, Del------------..Nov. 30.1889 97,.394
Index of patents issued from Ithe United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Grain-drill.................------------------.....---------.............Grain drill......................................
G rain -drill......................................
Grain drill..................................
Grain drill.......................................
Grain drill........................................
G rain drill........................................
G rain-drill.......................................
G rain-drill.......................................
Grain drill..............................
Grain drill....................................
Grain drill.......................................
Grain drill........................................
Grain drill.......................................
G rain -drill......................................
Grain drill.......................................
Grain drill---------------------------..................................--.....
Grain drill.......................................
G rain-drill......................................
G rain-drill......................................
Grain drill.......................................
Grain- drill.......................................
Grain drill........................................
Grain drill....................
G rain drill........................................
Grain -drill........................................
Grain drill........................................
Grain -drill.......................................
Grain drill.......................................
Grain drill........................................
Grain drill..
Grain drill........................................
Grain drill.............................
Grain drill.....
Grain drill........................................
Grain drill.....
Grain -drill..............................
Grai -drill................................
Grain -drill........................................
Grain-drill and broadcast sower...................
Grain-drill and corn-cultivator, Combined........
Grain-drill and corn-dropper......................
Grain-drill and corn-planter, Combined...........
Grain-drill and cultivator combined..............
Grain-drill and land-roller, Combined..............
Grain-drill attachment............................
Grain-drill feed....................................
Grain-drill feeder..........--......................
Grain-drill grass-seed attachment.---------..
Grain-drill-lifting apparatus.................
I:nventor. Residence.
B. Knhns.....-------------- Dayton, Ohio............
B. Kuhns -_.....-.... Dayton, Ohio...........
B. Kuhns ---------------- Dayton, Ohio.............
E. Lake------------------....................... Davisburgh, Mich........
G. Leigh----..........Clinton Station, N. J......
M. T. Lowth and T. J. Howe.. Owalonna, Minn........
J. T. Lynam--------.... -------.............. Jeffersonville, Ind.......
S. Markham--..-------------Flat Rock, Kans..........
R. Marks and A. C. Behne-..... Connersville, Ind.......
A. Maschka--------------.................. Chicago, Ill...........
P. P. Mast and C. O. Gardiner._ Springfield, Ohio.......
J. McDonald....-.-....... Hardin, Ill............_
D. E. McSherry............... Dayton, Ohio......
D. E. MeSherry - --...- Dayton, Ohio.............
D. E. McSherry.............. Dayton, Ohio........
D. E. McSherry and J. H. Dayton, Ohio..........
T. S. Mills..................... Iberia, Ohio............
J. Milton....................... Hillsborough, Va.--....
W. H. Moore, jr............... Blooming Grove, Ind......
H. A. and L. B. Myers......... Elmore, Ohio.........
H. B. and G. A. Myers......... Schoolcraft, Mich.......
M. L. Nickels...-------------. Dunlapsville, Ind.........
S. R. Nye........ --------------.. Winchendon, Mass.......
H. Paddack and C. Hollar..... Abington, Ind............
A. Palmer................. Brockport, N. Y..........
C. E. Patric................... Macedon, N. Y...........
C. E. Patric.................. Springfield, Ohio..........
C. E. Patric................... Springfield, Ohio..........
C. E. Patric and L. Bickford...- Macedon, N. Y...........
W. P. Penn.---.... --........... Belleville, Ill...........
W. P. Penn, J. Geiss, and J. Belleville, Ill........
O. M. Pond................... Independence, Iowa......
D. J. Powers.................. Madison, Wis...........
A. Pritz........................ Dayton, Ohio..........
H. Pulse..................... Saint Paul, Ind......
H. Pulse...................... Saint Paul, Ind...........
H. Pulse...................... Waldron, Ind..........
G. A.Pursly---------------.................. -Pittsfield, Ill.............
A. Putnam----------------.................... Owego, N. Y.............
B. Regan.--..................... Miamisburgh, Ohio.......
D. Rentchler................. Belleville, Ill.........
M. Rich...................... Horicon, Wis.........
J. L. Riter................... Brownsville, Ind......_
J. L. Riter................... Brownsville, Ind-......
J. L. Riter................... Brownsville, Ind..........
W. Ross..................... Oshkosh, Wis...........
J. R. Rude.................... Liberty, Ind............
J. R., S. B., and G. W. Rude... Liberty, -Ind..............
P. J. Schmitt................. Carlinville, Ill.......
P. J. Schmitt.................. Carlinville, Ill........
P. and P. J. Schmitt.......... Waterloo, Ill..........
P. and P. J. Schmitt.......... Waterloo, Ill..........
S. C. Schofield................ Freeport, 11.............
J. Scovil..................... Hamburgh, N. Y.........
U. H. Shockley............... Litchfield, Ill............
J. H. Shreiner.............. Camp Hill, Pa............
J. H. Shreiner............. Camp Hill, Pa............
B. F. Smith............ Unity, Iowa...........
J. Smith............. Tiffin, Ohio...............
J. Smith..................... Tiffin, Ohio...............
E. Steacy..................... Strasburgh, Pa.....
C. Street..................... Barre Centre, N. -Y....
J. H. Thomas................ Springfield, Ohio.........
J. H. Thomas................ Springfield, Ohio.........
J. H. Thomas and P. P. Mast... Springfield, Ohio.......
J. H. Thomas and P. P. Mast... Springfield, Ohio..........
J. H. Thomas and P. P. Mast... Springfield, Ohio........
J. H. Thonmas and P. P. Mast... Springfield, Ohio..........
J. H. Thomas, P. P. Mast, and Springfield, Ohio..........
C. 0. Gardiner.
J. H. Thomas, P. P. Mast, and Springfield, Ohio.._......
C. O. Gardiner.
W. H. Trimmer.............. Round Hill, Pa...........
W. W. Tuttle........... Gratiot, Wis............
S. E. Tyler................... Horicon, Wis............
J. G. Vale.................. Cumberland County, Pa..
E. Wagoner.................. Westminster, Md-........
L. N. Warren.............. Milwaukee, Wis..........
T. W. Watts.................. Rushville, Ill............
W. Weusthoff............. Dayton, Ohio............
W. Weusthoff............. Dayton, Ohio............
W. Weusthoff........Dayton, Ohio.............
-W. Weusthoffand T. G. Troup Dayton, Ohio.............
S. H. Wheeler andW. Tuttle,jr Dowagiac, Mich..........
L. Wight and O. G. Ewings... Whitewater, Wis.........
J. Ingels......... Milton, Ind..............
D. B. Platt........ Jeffersonville, Ind........
J. D. Sater and T. Barns..... Greensburgh, Ind.........
T. Short................ Fairmount, Ill............
E. Badlam..... Ogdensburgh, N. Y.......
H. D. Palmer............... Volena Township, Mich...
S. Bowman................ Camp Hill, Pa.............
J. L. Riter........ Liberty, Ind............
M. L. Nickels....... Dunlapsville, Ind........
J. P. Fulghum............. Dublin, Ind....
C. E. Patric................... Macedon, N. V....."
Nov. 16, 869
Feb. 14, 1871
July 4, 1871
Sept.17, 1867
Oct. 13, 1863
Oct. 6, 1868
Oct. 27, 1868
Aug. 29, 1871
July 4, 1871
Feb. 23, 1864
Apr. 2, 1872
Sept. 25, 1866
Jan. 24, 1871
July 18, 1871
Jan. 16, 1872
Dec. 5,1871
Apr. 19, 1864
May 14, 1872
Nov. 16, 1869
June 25, 1861
Nov. 3, 1863
June 9, 1868
Feb. 18, 1873
Apr. 27, 1869
June 19, 1849
Dec. 29, 1868
Nov. 5, 1872
Feb. 25, 1873
Nov. 26, 1867
May 24, 1864
June 27, 1865
Oct. 20, 1863
Nov. 18, 1862
Aug. 17, 1858
Feb. 12, 1867
Nov. 12, 1867
Mar. 8,1870
June 3, 1873
June 19, 1866
Mar. 14, 1865
Apr. 4, 1871
Dec. 1,1863
May 25, 1869
Oct. 11, 1870
May 30, 1871
Mar. 29, 1864
Feb. 5, 1867
Oct. 5, 1869
Apr. 20,1869
July 13. 1869
Apr. 24, 1866
Feb. 5, 1867
Oct. 20, 1863
Dec. 2-2, 1863
Mar. 29, 1864
May 12, 1868
Aug. 25, 1868
Oct. 27, 1863
June 17, 1862
Nov. 18, 1862
June 5, 1849
May 29, 1855
July 26, 1870
Feb. 28, 1871
Oct. 17, 1865
June 19, 1866
Dec. 7, 1869
Feb. 21, 1871
Aug. 3, 1869
Aug. 3,1869
Oct. 5, 1869
Dec. 1, 1863
May 31, 1864
Dec. 10, 1867
Nov. 27,1866
May 29, 1866
Apr. 19, 1864
July 13, 1869
July 13, 1869
Oct. 19, 1869
Mar. 19, 1872
Feb. 5, 1867
Dec. 26, 1871
Jan. 25, 1870
Feb. 7, 1871
Mar. 9, 1869
Dec. 6, 1864
Oct. 17, 1865
Sept. 28, 1869
Feb. 2, 1869
Jan. 25, 1870
Aug. 30, 1870
July 8, 1873
Dec. 17, 1867
96, 926
116, 719
68, 996
40, 270
82, 853
83, 517
118, 621
116, 612
41, 713
125, 314
58, 274
111, 132
117, 191
122, 729
121, 648
42, 390
126, 826
96, 825
32, 641
40, 495
78, 682
135, 932
89, 333
6, 536
85, 472
132, 889
136, 260
42, 871
48, 432
40, 359
36, 966
62, 066
70, 896
100, 555
139, 610
55, 707
46,821.113, 564
90, 582
108, 294
115, 523
42, 112
61, 765
95, 607
89, 247
92, 658
54, 219
61, 879
40. 365
41, 023
42, 116
77, 924
81, 547
40, 435
35, 634
36, 969
6, 497
12, 973
105, 866
50, 545
55, 749
97, 729
93, 369
93, 370
95, 619
40, 780
42, 975
72, 127
60, 096
55, 184
42, 424
92, 678
92, 679
96, 064
124, 707
61, 903
122, 299
99, 198
111, 675
87, 716
45, 350
50, 438
95, 375
86, 354
99, 238
106, 950
140, 694
72, 323
Index of pcatents issuCed from the United Stales Patent Office from-1790 to 1873, inclusive--Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Grain-drill roller................................. 0. F. Morany................
Grain-drill, seed-sower, and corn-planter, Combined. 1). Evans. --.-_- - - -..-_
Grain-drill shoe--------------------------------- P. and P. J Sclnmitt -_.
Ci a -drill teeth.--.. - - - - -.B ilt....................... L r kf d---------
Grain-drill teeth--------------------------------....._Ii. H. Palmer................
Graiii-drill teeth-------------------------------.-(". E. Patio ---------
Graini-drill teeth----------------------F. V illard...........--.
Grain-driil teeth. -................ -. -..J. D. W elshWes.........
Crc in-drill tube ---------------------------------- S. K. Lighter and T. Harding.--
Grain di ill tnbe--------------------------------S. K. Lighter, T. Harding, and
J. Curtis.
Grin-drills, Adjnstable drag-bar for..------------- _ _J. I). Jones.................- - -
Cri-r ons &e,., Copfor----- -------------------. J. P. Zellei-...................
Grain-dr ills, Di ag-bar and teeth for......-----------.J. 1). Jones----------------.. _
Grain-drillsDing-bar for. - - - - - _- - - - -- -- ----J. H. Thomas and P. P. Mast.--
Crain-dulls, Fasteniiig tubes in..........F.Grnr-----------------FGade
CGain-drills, Feed-roller for-------------------...J. II. Thomas....---------..
Ciaain-drills, Seed-box foi-- I-----------------...........C. H. Godfi-ey.............
Grain-drills, Seed-co~-erer f o r----------------...... J. S. Gage---------------...
Grin-iidlls, &c., Seed-feeding device for...-------_ _A. Schopp.............
Graiin-drills, Seed-wheel fer-------------------.X....V.. Weosthoff...............
Gr-in-drills, Seed-wheel for- --- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -W. W eosthoff and C. SchmidtGrain-duills, Vulcanized-rubber tube for-._.. __J. H. Bird................. - - -
Grin-drilling machine------------------------... J. Ingels.....................
Grain-dry er ------------------------------------- E. A. Abbott................
Grain-diyer --------------------------------..__L. Abbott and J. A. Sherburne.
Residence. Date.
Dowagiac, Mich..--------._ _June 1, 1869
Newton. Iowa.. _. _...--_June 29, 1869
Wateiloo, Ill.-.-----------Aug. 4, 1868
Macedon, N. Y._---_ ---Apr-. 19, i870
Lodi, X'is ----._.Nov. 3, 1863
Macedon, N. Y -. Feb. 1, 1870
Mount Eaton, Ohio.- - --_-Feb. 15, 18 70
F'aralandInd ----------- Jan. 21,1873
Haniilton, Ohio - - - ----Nov. 6, 1866
Hamilton, Ohio _..........Aug. 13, 186i7
G rain-dry er...................................--
G raiii-dryer --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -
G rain-dryer -....................GriiiidrII-er.................................--
Grain-dryer -.........----------- --
Gr-ain-dry er....................................
Grain-dr7 cr....................................
G rain-dryer....................................
Grain-dry er.................................
G raindryer.............................-----
Grain-dry er.................................
J. W. Adams.............--
S. V. Appleby................
J. Babillion........
H. H.. Bah...............
[H. H. Beach...............
H. H. B~each................
A. Bigelow...............---
H. H. Bingham and J. C. Hunt.
W. Blakey.-..............
W. Blakey...............---
H. Botlen----------------...
13. Bonnell............
A. V. Boon and C. L. Stevens..
C. H. Booth................J. Buickingham-----------..
J. S. Buell and S. A. W. Marsh
J. S. Buell and S. A. W. Marsh
H. G. Bulkley.............
H. G. Bulkley............--
J. Bnrns....--...........
J. nurt................
W. L. Card...............----
C. F. Chiichester...........
L. S. Chichester.............
IL. S. Chichester. -. _.._..
L S. Chichiester. -....
L. S. Chichester..............
L. S. Chichester.............
L. S. Chicliester........
L. S. Chichester.........
L. S. Cliichiester. _...........
G. Clark...................
G. Clark..................--
C. Clark...................--
C. 18. Coo..................--
M. C. Cogswell and A. C. Williams.
M. C. Cogswell and A. G. Williams.:
Pittsbnrgh, Pa..._...
South Bend, 1Ind._..._..
Pittsburgh, Pa -.......
Springfield, Ohio.....
Carlisle, Pa...........---
Springfield, Ohio......
Stewartsville, N. J. -.-.
Dowagiac, Mich...
Belleville, Ill...........
Dayton, Ohio.._........
IDayton, Ohio............
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Milton, lad-------------...Baltimore, Md...........
Lewiston, Me., and Boston,
Elyria, Ohio.............--
Spotswood, N.J. -. _.
Detroit, Mich............
Clinton, Ill...............
Philadelphia, Pa._-.-.._.
Rome, N. V..............
Rome, N. Y............
Adrian, Mich....... _.....
Terre Haute, nd.
Baltimore. Md._........._
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Olney, Ill........... _.....
Oswego, N. V..........._
Galesburgh, Ill.....
Dubuque, Iowa....
Wethiersfield, Coon.
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Kalamazoo, Mich._
New York, N. Y.._..
New York, N. Y.-----
Westpo-t, Mass....
Kankakee, Ill _.....
Brooklyn, N. V...........
New York, N. Y.....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. V...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...._-....
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Brooklyn, N. Y...........
Buffalo, N. YV.............
Buffalo, N. V.--......
Buffalo, N. Y.............
Bloomington, Ill......
Buffalo, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. YV............
Sept. 12, 1865
May 2, 1871
Sept. 26, 1865
June 6, 1865
May 3, 1870
Apr. 25, 1871
June 4, 1867
Aug. 26, 1862
Sept. 21, 1869
Oct. 19, 1869
July 13, 1869
May 2, 1871
July 26, 1870
Ma-. 9, 1869
Jan. 24, 1871
Oct. 8, 1867
Oct. 3, 1871
Sept. 13, 1864
Jani. 1, 1867
June 2, 1863
Nov. 7, 1865
July 17, 1866
NKay 16, 1848
Mar. 24, 1868
Oct. 5. 1869
Apr. 18, 1871
Jnly 30, 1867
_Sept. 29, 1868
Nov. 7, 1865
Jan. 19,11864
Feb. 28, 1871
Oct. 4, 1864
Dec. 20, 1864
Mar. 2, 1852
Aug. 20, 187:2
May 30, 1871
July 9, 1867
July 9, 1872
Dec. 5, 1871
Aug. 25, 1863
Mar. 15, 1861
May 2, 1865
Aug. 15, 1865
June 18, 1867
Feb. 25, 1868
Oct. 20, 1868
Jan. 10, 1871
Apr. 19, 1864
Apr. 3, 1866
July 31, 1866
Nov. 26, 1872
Feb. 18, 1862
Aug. 11, 163
90, 770
91, 925
80. 671
182, 081
40, 497
I9), 467
99, 981
135, 186
59, 4-22
67, 660
49, 883
114, 384
10, 135
48, 11-2
102, 531
114, 2-27
65, 374
36, 291
95, 149
96, 063
92, 680
105, 960
87, 613
111, 163
69, 530
119 493
44, 150
60, 666
38, 723
50, 789
56, 348
75, 844
95, 556
11:3, 840
67, 256
8-2, 589
50, 79-2
41, 273
112, 118
44, 512
45, 471
8, 769
130, 564
115, 431
66, 559
128, 707
121, 588
39, 630
41, 905
47, 596
49, 470
65, 793
7 4, 893
83, 255
11(0, 896
42, 348
53, 575
56, 708
133, 410
34, 405
39, 466
75; 386
39, 7-22
115, 833
59, 989
69, 785
137, 606
53, 293
94, 308
126, 455
98, 374
49, 6-26
58, 254
85, 007
7, 601
95, 351
Grain-dryer.................................. J. Do Bary................. Offenbach. Germany..Mar. 10, 1868
Grain-dryeor...............................---- W. H. Dole and 13. H. Fraser.. Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 1, 1863
Grain-dryer.................................... M. R. Dudley.................. New Orleans, La.----Apr. 30, 1850
Grain-dryer..................................... T. W. Eaton......_.._.......Kankakee, Ill............_June 13, 1871
Grain-dryer.................................. J. 1. Evertson................ Mount Vernon, Ind...Nov. 27, 1866
Grain-dryer.................................. J. R. Evertson...........--- Mount Vernon, Id..Oct. 15, 1867
Grain-dryer.................................. E. S. Forgy................. Dayton, Ohio............ Apr. 8, 1873
Grain-dryer.................................. S. Godfrey...............--- Peoria, Ill.....-Mar. 20, 1866
Grain--dryer..................................R. Grotz................... Chicago, Ill............. Aug. 31, 1869
Grain-dryeor.................................. J. Guar-diola................ Chocola, Central America. May 7, 1872
Grain-dryer.................................. H. B. Hebert............... New York, N. V......... Dee. 28, 1869
Grain-dryer.................................- H. Heneage.................. Bnffalo, N.Y.V........... Aug. 29, 1865
Grain-dryer.................................. R. Heneage...............---Buffalo, N.Y.V........... Sept. 25, 1866
Grain-dryer................................... H. Henley and J. A. Reinhart. - Shoals and Loogootee, lad. Dec. 15, 1868
Grain-dryer...............................___.. J. Hollingswor-th..........--- New York, N. V...... Sept. 24, 1872
Grain,-dryer..............................._ J. H. Hoopes................. West Philadelphia, Pa... Aug. 27, 1850
Grain-dryer..................................... WX. Hull and C. W. Hammond. Baltimore, Md............ Sept. 28, 1869
Grain-dryer.....................................CG. H. Johnson and G-. Milsom Buffalo, N. V.............. Jan. 1, 1869
Grain-dryer............................_...._ S. C. Kenaga.................-Kankakee, Ill.......... Dec. 7, 1869
Grain-dryer......................... E. Knaur and S. Beaver, jr.Valley Forge and Great Apr. 18, 1848
Gran dyer.....................-C. W. T. Krausch............. Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 10, 1863
Grain-dryer................................- S. Marsh................... Chicago, Ill.._..........May 31, 1864
Grain dryer.................................. S. Marsh................... Chicago, Ill........July 4, 1865
Grain-dryer.................................. A. W. J. Mason............I New Orleans, La......... Sept. 12, 1871
Grain-dryer.................................. H. Men-ill.._.._..__.......Brooklyn, N. V.......... Nov. -22, 1870
Grain-dryer.................................F. H. C. Mey................Buffalo, N. V............. Apr. 12, 1864
Grain-dryer.................................. F. H. C. Mey._..._......Buffalo, N. V............. May 218, 1872
Grin-dryer..._._...........................F. H. C. Mey and H. W. Dopp Buffalo, N. V............. Dee. 3, 187:1
Grain-dryer..................................... R. Milbour-ne and T. Browning Wlr'itechapel,Great Britain.Jnly 26, 1870
Grain-dryer...................................C.W. Mills and IL. S. Chichester Brooklyn, N. V............ Sept. 2-2, 1868
Grain-dryer...................................W. F. Morgan........ _... _.. Buffalo, N. V..... July 2-2, 1873
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Grain-dryer... - - - - - - - - -....
G rain-dryer.....................
Giain dryer.......................................
Grain -dryer.......................................
Grain-dryer............... "......................
Grain dryer, cooler, and scourer....................
Grain-dryer furnace..............................
Grain-dryer, Vacuum......................
Grain-dryers, Endless bands for..............
Grain, Drying....................................
Grain, Drying...................................
Grain, Drying.............................
Grain drying and cleaning machine............
Grain drying and cooling machine............
Grain dry.ing and renovating process..............
Grain-drying apparatus........................
Grain, &c., drying apparatus...................
Grain-drying apparatus........................
Grain-drying machine.............................
Grain, &c., drying machine.....................
Grain-drying machine.....................
Grain-drying machine.............................
Grain-drying machine.............................
Grain-drying machine, Wet.......................
Grain, Dumping..................................
Grain elevating and bagging apparatus...-.......
Grain elevating, cleaning, and bagging machine...
Grain, Elevating, conveying, storing, and shipping.
Grain-elevating machine..........................
Grain elevating, measuring, registering, and bagging machine.
Grain elevator and dryer, Floating..............
Grain elevator and dumping apparatus............
Grain elevator and feeder.........................
Grain-elevator, Floating....................
Grain elevator, Pneumatic..................
Grain elevator, Portable wet..................
Grain-elevator, Adjustable gate for...............
Grain-elevators, Clearing guard of.................
Grain-elevators, Yoke for.........................
Grain-fan and corn-sheller...................
Grain-fan blast...........................
Grain fanning and assorting machine..........
Grain fanning and separating machine............
Grain-feeder, Revolving........
Grain feeding and scouring apparatus............
Grain, Fermenting alcoholic liquors from..........
Grain, Filling bags with.................
Grain, Finger for lifting lodged...................
Grain, flour, &c., Apparatus for drying............
Grain for distillation, Mashing..................
J. J. Munger..................
I. Y. Munn...................-------------
J.Norton, 3d.................
J. H. Pattee and E. S. Cleveland
R. S. Reynolds................
A. Robert...................
A. W. Roper-------------.................
P.C. Schuyler and S.W.Warren
S. Schuyler...................
1. H. Scoville...............
C. S. Snead.................
A. Soper...................
J. Souter......................
H. Spendelow and R. Heneage
J. R. Stafford...........
J. R. Stafford.................
J. R. Stafford.--.............
W. Standing.................
W. Stark and J. G. Fisher.....
S. M.Stevens.................
J. E. Strode...................
B. F. Sturtevant.............
B. F. Sturtevant.............
R. T. Sutton..................
R. T. Sutton.................
R. T. Sutton..................
W. H. Sutton and J. J. Gibson
E. Trenholm..................
H. Walker--------------...................
T. Wallace..................
T. E.Weed...................
J. B. Wheeler.................
R. J. Williams.............
H.Wood,G. A. Fourdinier, and
R. Haselden.
M. H. Wright............
L. S. and C. F. Chichester....--
M. C. Coggswell and A. G.
G. Clark.....................
J. M assey....................
J. Babillion.................
J. H. Patten..................
H. Quinn................
A. Tonnar...................
J. B. Wheeler...............
G. H. Johnson and G. Milsom.
C. W. T. Krausch.............
S. M arsh....................
T. F. Rowland J. Stephens, and
W. H. Mason.
E. I. Bodrio...................
C. C. Custer..................
R. Else.......................
T. H. McCulloch..............
S. B. Robinson................
S. V. Appleby................
W. M. Hall,jr..............
J. Sypes.....................
J. S. Hashrouck................
I. A. Stafford.................
H. I., P. F., and E. D. Chase...
J. Bruckshaw, H. Bruckshaw,
and W. S. Underhill.
P. Barker....................
T. H. Green..................
C. W. T. Krausch...........
H. Merrill............
J. F. Moulton...............
J. Nichols...................
A. B. Nimbs..................
A. B. Nimbs.................
J. T.Parlour................
F. Taggart, L. S. Ohichester,
and C. W. Mills.
J. W. Sykes..-..............
M. Eldridge and F. A. Reed...
B. F. Sherman...............
A. B. Nimbs..................
S. W. Wood........._.......
D. W. Kellogg and J. W. McKee.
S. Brown......................
G. Mann, jr........
T. E. Jewell........
H. E. Smith..................
J. and W. H. Butterworth....
H. Nutting...............
J. I. Smith and W. H. Nicodemus.
M. Decamp...................
J. W. Ardinger...............
J. Ellinwood........
L. Eggleston.............
S. Mnning...................
J. R. Stafford..................
M. Thompson..............
Residence. Date. No.
Syracuse, N. Y........... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 436
Chicago, Ill...........Apr. 12, 1870 101, 759
Chicago, Ill.....-......... July 10,1866 56,255
Galva, Ill........... Dec. 5, 1865 51,348
New Haven, Conn-......... June 23, 1863 38, 985
Paris, France............. May 23, 1871 115, 240
Glasgow, Mo...-...... Sept. 17, 1872 131,464
New York, N. Y.......... June 2, 1863 38, 790
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Jan. 22, 1861 31, 191
Chicago, Ill............... Sept. 26, 1848 5, 816
Louisville, Ky............ Oct. 1, 1850 7, 690
New York, N. Y.......... Nov. 18, 1873 144, 710
Chicago, Ill............... June 28, 1859 24, 589
Buffalo, N. Y........... Sept. 15, 1868 82, 170
Cleveland, Ohio... -...... Apr. 18, 1848 5, 518
Cleveland, Ohio........ Apr. 18, 1848 5, 519
Cleveland, Ohio......... Apr. 18, 1848 5, 524
Cairo, Ill................. July 7, 1868 79, 699
Toledo, Ohio.--... ---...- Mar. 28, 1871 113, 219
Elwood, Ill.............. Oct. 5, 1869 95, 616
Litchfield, Ill.............. Feb. 19, 1867 62, 233
Jamaica Plain, Mass...... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 212
Jamaica Plain, Mass...... Feb. 22, 1870 100, 235
Rochester, N. Y........... Dec. 22, 1863 41,028
Rochester, N. Y........... Mar. 15, 1864 41, 947
Rochester, N. Y........... Jan. 2, 1866 51, 880
Bantfoi d, Canada....... Sept. 29, 1863 40, 130
Washington, D. C......... May 19,1863 38,614
Detroit, Mich.............. Jan. 26, 1869 86, 192
Chicago, Ill............... Oct. 6,1863 40, 219
Williamsburgh, N. Y...... Feb. 24, 1852 8, 764
Bolton, Mass.............. Apr. 14, 1863 38, 191
Ottumwa, Iowa........... Aug. 26, 1873 142, 184
Montreal, Lyn, and Mon- Feb. 23, 1864 47, 748
treal, Canada.
C hicago, Ill........... F eb. 5,1867 61,909
Brooklyn, N. Y............ Dec. 12, 1871 121, 847
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Sept. 29, 1863 40, 090
Buffalo, N. Y...-----------........... Dec. 10, 1867 71, 981
New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 17, 1849 6, 322
Detroit, Miclh............ Mar. 3,1863 37, 800
New York, N. Y.......... June 19,1849. 6, 550
New Alexandria, N. J..... Mar. 10, 1849 6, 163
Prussia, Germany...... July 31, 1866 56, 868
Chicago, Ill............ Oct. 23, 1860 30, 512
Buffalo, N. Y.......... Feb. 9,1869 86, 758
Chicago, Ill............... Mar. 31, 1863 38, 048
Chicago, Ill............... Feb. 10,1863 37, 632
Brooklyn, N. Y........... May 22, 1855 12, 922
Saint Louis, Mo........... Oct. 2,1860 30, 196
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Sept. 8, 1859 18, 137
MiddlesexCounty,England Aug. 14, 1839 1, 286
Peoria, Ill................A'pr. 17, 1860 27, 917
Oswego, N. Y.............June 20, 1854 11, 140
New York, N. Y...-. Apr. 8, 1856 14, 588
Bloomington, Ill...-... Sept. 6,1870 107, 040
Fairbury, Ill.............. Oct. 10, 1871 119, 799
Tyre, N. Y---.......... Mar. 15, 1870 100, 887
Essex, N. Y............ Oct. 23, 1860 30, 506
Peoria, Ill................. May 20, 1873 138, 994
Oakley, Market Drayton, Nov. 5, 1861 33, 634
and Newport, England.
North Adams, Mich....... June 1, 1858 20, 399
Fond du Lac, Wis......... Sept. 4,1860 29, 881
Chicago, Ill.............. Mar. 24, 1863 38, 004
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Apr. 22, 1873 138,175
Chicago, Ill -......... June 21, 1864 43, 22
Fond du Lac, Wis-... B.. Dec. 20, 1864 45, 515
Buffalo, N. Y---........ Dec. 6, 1864 45, 336
Buffalo, N. Y...........Dec. 6, 1864 45, 337
Buffalo, N. Y............. May 15,1866 54, 822
Brooklyn, N. Y............ June 27, 1865 48, 495
Chicago, Ill..............Apr. 15,1862 34, 992
Alexandria, Va -.-_----. - Apr. 23, 1867 64, 002
San Francisco, Cal........ Oct. 22, 1867 70,126
Buffalo, N.Y.............. Aug.12, 1862 36,193
Cornwall, N. Y.......... June 16, 1868 79, 044
Buffalo, N. Y............. May 10, 1864 42, 733
Utica, Ohio............. Apr. 27,1869 89, 284
Ottawa, Ill................ May 12, 1857 17, 289
Brooklyn, N. Y.V.......... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 855
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 18, 1859 22, 689
Trenton, N. J......... Apr. 13, 1869 88, 843
Randolph, Vt..... Aug. 10, 1858 21, 144
Frederick, Md........ June 28, 1870 104, 784
South Bend, Ind........... Apr. 24,1866 54, 126
Mount Pulaski, Ill...... Jan. 26, 1869 86, 199
Owensborough, Ill. Nov. 1, 1870 108, 773
Battle Creek, Mich.. Oct. 28, 1862 36, 772
San Jos6, Cal............ Sept. 17,1867 69, 004
Cleveland, Ohio........ Aug. 14, 1847 5, 238
Saint Louis, Mo........... July 20, 1869 92, 901
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire- Continued.
Grain for distillation, Preparing...................
Grain for dlistillation, Preparing................
Grain for distillation, Preparing and treating.....
Grain for distillation, Process for preparing.....
Grain for distillation, Process of preparing.....
Grain for flouring, Preparing...................
Gr ain for food, Preparing..........--
Grain for food. Preparing wheat, corn and other....
Grain for grinding, Apparatus and process for preparing.
G ain for grinding, Preparing....................
Grain for grinding, Process of preparing.......
Grain, &c, for malting, Preparing..
Grain for manufacture into flour, Process for preparing.
Grain for mashing, Process of preparing.......
G rain-fork......................................
Grain fi rk and rake............................_
Ginnok,k sae --------------------------
Grain fork, Loose................................
Grain from garlic, Machine for separating.....
Grain fronm smut, Machine for cleansing.........
Grain from straw, &c., Machine for clearing......
Grain from straw, Machine for extracting........
Grain sfrom straw, Machine for separating-.........
G rain, &c., from vessels, Apparatus for discharging.
Grain from wagons, Apparatus for unloading.......
G rain-gate........................................
Grain gathering and binding machine.............
Grain, grass, &c., Machine for cutting.............
Grain, grass-seed, rice, &c., from straw, Separating.
Grain-grinder, Conical.........................
Grain grinder, scourer, and huller.............
Grain, Grinding. --................
Grain, Grinding....................
Grain, Grinding...................
Grain, Grinding...................
Grain-grinding machine..................
Gj ain, hemp, &c., Band for binding..........
Grain- huller..............................
Grain huller.......................................
Grain huller and cleaner.......................
Grain hulling and cleaning machine............
Giain hulling and cleaning machine.............
Grain hulling and scouring machine...............
Grain hulling, cleaning, and grinding machine..
Grain hulling cotton-seed, rubbing down whetstones, &c., Grinding.
Grain-hulling machine............................
Grain-hulling machine...........................
Grain-hulling machine-----------------------
Grain-hulling machine...............................
Grain-hulling machine...........................
Grain-hulling machine.........................
Grain in a vessel's hold, Apparatus for leveling..
Grain in bulk, Treating and preserving..........
Grain in bundles; Machine for binding..-........
Grain in bundles or sheaves, Mode of securing...--
Grain in elevator-bins, Device for distributing.. _
Grain in mills, &c., Distributing............
Grain in process of grinding, Steaming..........
Grain in the mass, Apparatus for drying....
Grain into flour and meal, Machinery of mills for
the manufacture of.
Grain into gavels, Device for gathering............
Grain, Kiln for drying.........................................
Grain, Kiln for drying......_.......................
Grain, Kiln for drying.---------------------
Grain, Kiln for drying......................
Grain, Kiln for drying.............................
Grain, Kiln for drying.
Grain, Kiln for drying............................
Grain, Kiln for drying.....................
Grain, Kiln for drying.............................
Grain, Kiln for drying.............................
Grain, Kiln for drying.............................
Grain, Machine for cleaning and separating garlic,
&c., from.
Grain, Machine for cuttiag the bands of......
Grain, Machine for decorticating and drying.
Grain by wind power, Machine for grinding...
Grain, Machine for registering measured..........
Grain, Machine for separating........
Grain, Machine for separating and scouring...
Grain, Machine for separating garlic from.........
T. Sim and E. S. Hutchinson..
11. Tauszky...........
M. Thompson-------------.................
J. Chilcott...-----..
J. Fleischman....
I. W.Howlet and F. M.Walker.
R. B. Fitts...................
R. B. Fitts...................
A. S. Sackett.................
L. S. Chichester...............
A. E. W ells..................
S. Weidenfield.............
O. F. Cook...---------------
F. W. De Spessbourg.......
W. W. Bryan................
E. G.Bullis...................
H. M. and W. W. Bruson......
A. Clow.....................
M.C. Remington..........
M. M. Wells..................
H. Gary......................
H. Staub..--------------..
L. Lee and C. Maston........
W. Tunstall...................
C. Hoxie..................
M. and C. B. Packard.......
J. Pagin............
C. S. Dole-- - -. - -.. -.
H. Huak......................
G. Seitzinger...........
W. Herries..............
M. L. Baker..................
C. Taylor............
A. Look and W. Coleman, jr -..
D. and J. Fitzgerald......
D. Parmelee and J. Mooers....
J. Bieknell..................
M. W. Chapman..............
D.Parmelee audJ.C.Shoemraker
O. Wyman..........
A. Ralston..................
W. C. Grimes....------------
M. Hoffmann.................
B. Maltby and M. Fowler._.'-.
J. 1. Thompson.............
R. W. Van Peyma........
O. Lull........................
J. Cross...................
G. H. Rice...........
T. F. Wagoner_.........
C. F. Campbell...........
B. N. Fyler..-...............
C. O. Bullot..................
S. Gardner and A. B. Howe...
W. J. Hart....................
F. Henckel and W. Seek......
A. Hubbell....................
J. A. Welsh................
H. Milsom, H. Spendelow, and
G. V. Watson.
C. F. Parrott...............
J. D. Osborn..................
J. P. Manny..................
W. O. Strong........
C. S. Hamilton..............
J. F. Lawton.................
J. C. Pedrick.................
W. Parkinson..............
W. M. Waggoner..........
R. Andrews..............
I. S. Stover....................
J. Abraham.................
W. W. Alcott................
T. Cook......................
J. Deneale, jr...............
A. Greenleaf, jr., and T.C.Vice
H. Y. and A. Haupt,jr.......
S. Howard...................
W. Poole.....................
N. F. Potter.............
J. H. Tower..................
iN. Wallaster..................
J. Heygel................
A. J. Luckey..................
E. Skelly................
D. McColler......
A. Rakestraw and W. Colwell.
L. Bitler.....................
D. S. Mackey.................
P. C. Fritz....................
Baltimore, Md............
New York, N. Y...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Brooklyn, N. Y............
New York, N. Y...........
Greensborough, N. C......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Rochester, Minn........
New York, N. Y..........
Jamestown, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y......
Grand Island, Cal........
Normandy, France........
Schaghticoke, N. Y......
Manchester, Iowa-.......
Atkinson, Ill-..........
Port Byron, N. Y..........
Auburn, N. Y.............
Hartwic, N. Y..........
Croton,N. J..............
Shepherdstown, Va.......
Penn Yau, N. Y..............................................................
Clarendon, N. Y.........
Buflhalo, N. Y..........
Chicago, Ill.-.............
Myerstown, Pa............
Ottawa, Ill.............
Fayette, N. Y.............
Mannsville, N. Y..........
McKeesport, Pa.........
Fredericktown, Md.......
New York, N. Y..........
New Troy, Pa............
Buckfield, Me............
Troy, N. Y................
Kingston, Pa..............
East Cambridge, Mass....
West Middletown, Pa.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Munich, Bavaria......
New Haven, Conn......
Hoboken, N. J............
Lancaster, N. Y...........
Otsego, N. Y.............
Centre Liste, N. Y......
Kingston, Pa.............
Trenton, N. J.............
Chenango, N. Y...........
Bradford, Vt.............
Santa Rosa de los Andes,
New York, N. Y.........
Talmadge, Ohio...........
Munich, Bavaria..........
Sharon, Conn.............
Xenia, Ohio..............
Buffalo, N. Y............
New York, N. Y..........
Constantine, Mich.......
Rockford, Ill.............
Detroit, Mich.............
Fond du Lac, Wis........
Venedy, Ill..........
Washington, D. C.........
Wheeling, Va.............
Middletown, Ind.........
Fleming County, Ky......
Erwinna, Pa..............
Middlesex, N. J..........
Boston, Mass.............
New Hope, Pa............
Brooklyn, N. Y., and New
Haven, Conn.
Bucks County, Pa. -......
Adrian, Mich......
Wilmington, Del..".. _.._
Providence, R. I.......
Kirkland, N. Y..._.....
Detroit, Mich............
Salisbury, Pa----------
Bradford, Wis............
Plaquemine, La...........
Hudson, Ohio.
Chillicothe, Ill......
Cobleskill, N. V...........
Batavia., N. Y............
Barrytown, N. Y..........
Mar. 16, 1869
Nov. 16, 1869
June 7, 1864
Apr. 25, 1865
Jan. 3, 1865
Oct. 14, 1846
June 13, 1871
July 18, 1871
July 30, 1872
Apr. 2, 1872
Sept. 17, 1872
Apr. 28, 1863
Dec. 23, 1873
Sept. 7,1869
Aug. 23, 1870
Dec. 10, 1867
Aug. 11, 1863
Sept. 3, 1867,iuly 10,1866
Feb. 25, 1873
Nov. 23, 1869
Nov. 11, 1837
Apr. 25, 1826
June 30, 1804
Aug. 20, 1801
Nov. 18, 1844
May 8, 1847
Jan. 5,18 69
Oct. 30, 1866
Aug. 21, 1866
Mar. 13, 1849
Apr. 15, 1862
June 26, 1855
Mar. 21, 1832
Oct. 30, 1834
June 12, 1832
Dec. 11, 1822
June 1,1833
Sept. 26, 1823
Apr. 16, 1833
Dec. 20, 1837
Apr. 5, 1859
Feb. 20, 1866
Apr. 18, 1871
Feb. 28, 1818
June 20, 1865
Feb. 20, 1866
Aug. 25, 1832
Oct. 8, 1838
June 25, 1872
June 28, 1859
Sept. 24,1861
Apr. 15, 1830
87, 980
96, 998
43, 047
47, 394
45, 793
4, 813
115, 947
117, 165
129, 906
125, 170
131, 379
38, 347
145, 846
94, 479
106, 656
39, 464
68, 352
56, 328
136, 347
97, 187
3, 832
5, 101
85, 573
59, 213
57, 445
6, 183
34, 934
13, 143...............
23, 496
52, 706
48, 326
52, 774.....
128, 424
24, 595
33, 336
Aug. 1,1865 49,205
Dec. 12, 1865 51, 445
May 21, 1824..
Nov. 20, 1866 59, 838
Mar. 24, 1868 7, 761
Aug. 28, 1866 57, 605
Mar. 28, 1865 47, 030
July 26, 1870 105, 720
June 14, 1859 24, 400
July 6, 1858 20,'809
Feb. 11, 1862 34, 379
June 21, 1864 43, 200
Sept. 20, 1864 44, 322
Dec. 16, 1856 16, 259
July 31, 1829..
Jan. 18,1859 22, 682
Nov. 7, 1822..
Nov. 11, 1851 8, 518
Dec. 20, 1805.....
Sept. 26, 1846 4, 774
Nov. 30, 1835........
July 10, 1800..
May 5,1863 38, 382
Dec. 5,1842 2, 867
Sept. 26, 1846 4, 777
Dec. 20, 1805.
Dec. 11, 1847 5, 391
June 20, 1848 5, 638
Oct. 23, 1866 59, 102
Sept. 25, 1841 2, 270
Apr. 15, 1862 34, 973
Aug. 23, 1870 106, 627
May 2, 1829...
Dec. 13, 1864 45, 436
June 3, 1837 225
Sept. 18, 1860 30, 072
Dec. 21,1858 22, 359
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Grain, Machine for separating garlic from........ W. C. Grimes.................
Grain, Machine fir separating straw from........- E. S. Snyder..................
Grain, Machine for sowing and drilling.... - G. A. Titus..................
Grain, malt, &c., Apparatus for drying.......... S. R. Andres, S. Andres, and
M. Bucklin.
Grain, malt, &c., Drying...-.--..---.----...-. S. Marsh.....................
Grain, Malting.................................. R. D'Heureuse...............
Grain mash, wort, and beer after fermentation... N. Eisendrath............
Grain, meal, &c., Elevating------------------....................... J. Baily.........
Gr::in-meter------------------------............------......................... T. Brockett and J. J. Brown.
Grain-meter-------------------------------...................................... -F. G. Chesman-----------................
Grain-meter--------------------------...........................-----........... J.T.Keeling......
Grain-meter-------------------------------.....................................-. A. McBride...--------------
Grain-meter -----------------------------...................................... H. Pooley, T. Roberts, and E.
Grain-meter -...................................... R. Rutherford...............
Grain-meter.....................................------------------------------- W. S. Sampson................
Grain-meter................................. ----- W. Schnebley-...--------
Grain meter................................ J. C. Walker-.-.. ---.Grain, Method of unloading...----- --------- --.I. H. Palmer...................
Grain-mill........................................ --------------------------------E. H. Austin...-------------
Grain-mill--------------------------...........................--.........--- G. W. Grader and B. F. Cowan.
Grain-mill......................................... J. J. Johnston...----------
Grain-mill--------------------------------........................................- H. Mellish....---------------
Grain-mill......................................... --------------------------------J. Norman...................--------------
Grain-mill.....-------------------------------- P. Perry......................
Grain-m ill....................................... J. C. Sm ith...................
Grain-mill........................................--- E. G. Ward --.........---........Grain-mill...-...................................... W. W estrup.................
Grain-mill....------------------------------. J. W. Wheeler............
Grain-mill--......................--------------..........---..---------- O. Wyman...--------------
Grain, Mill for cutting.....-----------------------W. Gerrish..
Grain, Mill for hull.ug, grinding, and sifting..-..... T. Ellicoth.......................
Grain-mill, Portable...-------------------------C. Leavitt --................
Grain-mill, Portable --.............................. C. Leavitt................
Grain-mills, Dress of grinding-surfaces for- - - - O. W. Stanford................
Grain-mills, Feeder for..--------..---..-----------.. M. Decamp--------------..................Grain-mills, Feeding and cooling device for..... J. Nairn..................
Grain -mills, Shoe for------------------------.............................. H. Mellish-----.....------.
Grain-moistener-----------------------................-----.................. L. J. Adams and J. H. Esale..
Grain-mover..................---------.................. W Moses....................----------------
Grain, nuts, &c., Machine for cleaning.-......... J. Johnson.................
Grain of wood, Transferring the natural-........... J. R. Cross..--------------
Grain, paints, &c., Machine for grinding--...----- H. Averill..................
Grain, plaster, &c., for sowing, Apparatus for O. W. Smith..............
Grain, Portable mill for grinding.................. E. Arnold...........
Grain preparatory to grinding, Steaming..-........ B. F. Broomell...........
Grainm, Preparing and washing................... C. H. Frings................
Grain, Process for mashig...------------------- E. J. Hainault...............
Grain-rake...................................- W. Baldwin.............
Grain-rake........................................ W. Gates................
Grainrake--------------------------------........................................ D. Harkness..............
Grain-rake........................................ E. Palmer....................
Grain-rake........................................ B. F. Partridge................Grain-rake........................................ E. G. W arner................
Grain-rake------------------------------....................................... R. Warneck and C. Abbey, 2d
Grain-rake........................................------------------------------- M. M. Wells..................
Grain-rake........................................ M.M. W ells.................
Grain rake and loader....----------------------- G. S. Dudley...............
Grain raking and binding apparatus.............. T. K. Griffith...............
train raking and binding machine-----------................ ---A. S. Harding............
Grain raking and binding machine ---.--.-.-- -. J. E. Heath................
Grain, Reaping...------ ---... C. H. McCormick..............
Grain, Reaping and cutting........................ O. Hussey....................
Grain reaping and thrashing machine............. L. B. Lathrop.................
Grain-reaping machine.-........................... S Adams....-...-...........
Grain-register..................................... G. D. Denison..............
Grain-register..................................... L. O. Hayworth..-----------.
Grain-register---------..........---...---.-......---.............- L. W. Hines, G. Saterlee, and S.
W. Harden.
Grain-register.................................... W. C. Howard.................
Grain-register.................................... S. H udson.....................
Grain-registerC.................................... C. Lamb.........
Grain-register................................... G. W.Nesmith...............
Grain-register---------------------------.................................... M. W. and G. W.Nesmith.....
Grain-register.................................... J.S. Price and P. Miller....
Grain-register..................................... S. Ramer.....................
Grain-register.................................... B. Taylor.....................
Grain-register.................................... W. Z. Taylor..................
Grain-register----------------------------.................................... T. N. Wheeler...............
Grain-register..................................... J. T. W iley.................
Grain-registering device........................ W. H. Stinson................
Grain.regulator.................................. E. W. Hitchings.........
Grain, rice, coffee, &c., Machine for hulling and L. H. Whitney...............
Grain-riddle....................................... A. Rowe......................
Grain, Riddle for separating................ M.M.CooperandJ. W.Donaldson.
Grain-sacking device...................... P. Van Lackum...............
Grain-sampler..................................... J. J. Bois................
Grain-scale, Automatic.................... A. Stevely....................
Grain-scourer...------------------.. I. N. Harshbarger...........
Grain-scourer..................................... C. B. Horton..................
Grain-scourer..................................... G. S. Newman........
Grain-scourer..................................... D. M. Richardson.........
Grain-scourer..................................... T. Shively...--- -..
79 P
Residence. Date.
York, Pa............ Sept.13, 1840
Charlestown, Va......... June 3, 1848
Mantorville, Minn...... July 20, 1869
Troy and New York, N. Y. Jan. 1ts, 1859
Chicago, Ill--...-----.----- Jan. 13, 1863
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 8, 1870
Chicago, Ill...-.---------... June 1, 1869
Kennetta's Square, Pa-....- June 19, 1812
Davenport, Iowa..----..- Nov. 16, 1869
Lemont, Ill....------..- July 19,1870
Hibernia, Mo...---..-.. May 24,1870
Fayette, Pa.....------------ July 16,1872
Liverpcol, England....... Apr. 9, 1872
Belleville, Ill............
New York, N. Y..........
Hackensack, N. J.........
Waco Village, Tex.....
Lodi, Wis............
Scott's Hill, Tenn........
Memphis, Tenn.........
Allegheny, Pa............
Walpole, N. H.............
New Orleans, La-..-._
Troy, N. Y...............
Lacon, Ill............
New York..........
Wapping, England......
Cleveland, Ohio..........
Watertown, Mass....... -
Portsmouth, N. IH...-.
Quincy, Ill...........
Quincy, Ill...-------.--
Cincinnati, Ohio-.....--
South Bend, Ind.......
Milton, Ind..............
Walpole, N. H...........
Avon, Ill. -------------
Buffalo, N. Y.---- '-_--
New York,N Y..........
Morrisania, N. Y... -
Richland, N. Y......
Flint, Mich..............
May 14, 1872
Apr. 17, 1866
Aug. 28, 1866
Sept. 3, 1867
June 18, 1867
Sept. 5, 1871
Dec. 19, 1854
Feb. 2,1858
Aug. 22, 1854
Sept. 7, 1869
Feb. 23, 1858
Sept. 25, 1837
Feb. 20, 1841
June 6, 1854
Feb. 21, 1860
July 1, 1836
Jan. 11, 1836
Feb. 17, 1816
July 6,1852
Feb. 27,1855
Aug. 11, 1857
Dec. 10, 1867
Oct. 6,1868
May 29, 1855
Sept. 8,1868
Jan. 30, 1866
May 27,1873
July 2, 1872
Apr. 30, 1829
Aug. 9, 1b70
Otego, N. Y........... Mar. 9,1844
London Grove, Pa........ May 14, 1850
Centreton, Mo-...- - -. - - -. Apr. 25, 1871
Belgium..--------------- Dec. 9, 1856
Plymouth, Conn--------.......... July 7, 1868
Barre Centre, N. Y-....... Dec. 20, 1843
Raisin, Mich............. Mar. 14, 1846
Solon, N. Y............ Aug. 27, 1867
Onondaga, N. Y......Mar. 13, 1844
Union Township, Ohio... July 4,1865
Ridgeville, Ohio--...-----.July 28,1868
Hartwick, N. Y....... - May 5, 1868
Hartwick, N. Y........ Dec. 27, 1870
Dixon, Cal............... May 27,1873
Redstone, Pa............. Aug. 16, 1870
Mount Hope, N. Y........ Apr. 15,1862
Warren, Ohio............. July 22, 1850
Rockbridge County, Va... June 21, 1834
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Dec. 31,1833
San Jos6, Cal.......... May 25, 1869........................... Dec. 28,1805
Troy, Ohio........... Jan. 7, 1862
New Cumberland, Ind.... Mar. 12, 1867
Quasqueton, Iowa......... Sept. 30,1862
Belle Plaine, Iowa........ July 27,1869
Milford, Mich............ May 26,1868
Binghamton, N. Y......... Nov. 22,1870
Metamora, Ill............ Oct. 7, 1873
Metamora, 111. -----------Mar. 3,1868
Champaign County and Jan. 14,1873
Clarke County, Ohio.
Winona, Minn........ Feb. 11, 1873
Forestville, Minn......... July 28, 1868
Burlington, Iowa.....Dec. 27, 1870
Rio, Wis.....------------- July 29,1862
Clayton, Iowa---............ Sept. 5, 1865
Newbern, Iwa--------........... May 9,1871
Potsdam, N. Y............ --- Feb. 25,1868
Washington, D. C......... Sept. 20,1870
Atalissa, Iowa........... Dec. 4,1860
Fairfield, Cal..-...... Nov. 29,1870
Saint Charles, Minn...... Apr. 16, 1867
Rantoul, Ill...-.---.....-.i,Oct. 28,1873
Fond du Lae, Wis....... -Apr. 14, 1863
Bloomington, Wis...... Sept. 20, 1870
Waterloo, N. Y---...----. --Nov. 25, 1873
Liberty Mill, Va......... May 7,1872
Detroit, Mich..---.---... Aug. 6, 1872
-North Lansing, Mich......I Feb. 4, 1873
1, 763
5, 630
92, 903
22, 614
37, 403
99, 541
90, 827.....
96, 878
105, 427
103, 470
129, 045
125, 612
126, 749
54, 072
57, 580
68, 472
65, 826
118, 672
12, 096
19, 251
94, 635
19, 441
1, 988
11, 011
27, 259.....
9, 096
12, 461
17, 985
71, 857
82, 741
12, 959
52, 309
139, 248
128, 468
106, 216
3, 468
7, 358
113, 997
79, 70
3, 386
4, 422
68, 227
3, 482
48, 606
80, 523
77, 556
110, 613
139, 303
106, 357
34, 999
71, 520
90, 561
34, 052
62, 845
36, 565
92, 971
78, 208
109, 522
143, 527
75, 187
134, 928
135, 845
S80, 372
36, 045
49, 817
114, 723
74, 824
107, 644
30, 840
109, 716
63, 967
143, 953
38, 185
107, 486
144, 980
126, 567
130, 315
135, 602
Index ofjpatents issued from the United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i
Grain scourer and cleaner.......-----.................-------------
Grain scourer and huller.......................
Grain scourer and separator.....................
Grain scourer and separator..................
Grain scourer and separator.................
Grain scourer, sniutter, and separator..........
Grain, Scouring....-.............
Grain, Scouring and cleaning.....................
Grain, Scouring and cleaning......................
Grain scouring and hulling machine..........
Grain scouring and separating machine....
Grain scouring and thrashing machines, Cylinder
Grain-scouring apparatus......................
Grain scouring, cleaning, and polishing machine...
Grain-scouring machine....................
Grain-scouring machine...........................
Grain-scouring machine..........................
Grain-scouring machine.........................
Grain-screen - -. - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -
Grain screen...................................
Grain screen and sieve............................
Gl ain-screen, Revolving.........................
Grain-screen, Revolving....................
Grain-screen, Rotary........................
Grain, seed, &c., Machine for hulling and scouring
Grain -separator..................................
Grain-separator.................................. I
A. Smith.....................
t.. E. Throop................
V. Weismantel...............
A. B. Paige..................
L. S. Chichester...............
S. Canby...................
S. H. Hinsdell, H. W. Drake,
and C. B. Way.
C. B. Horton.................
J.C.Hunt and W.W.Ingraham
P. Pettis...................
J. Sitzenberger...............
B. T. Trimmer..............
J. N. Treadwell..............
M. Bartholomew..............
J. A. Welsh..................
Vahlmont, Colo............. Dec. 20,1870
Chicago, Ill............... Dec. 22, 1863
Belleville, Ill.............. Apr. 12,1870
Washington, D.C........ Jan. 2,1872
BLrooklyn, N. Y--.-.......... - Apr. 2, 1872
Ellicott's Mills, Md....... May 26,1857
Camillus, N. Y..........Apr. 4, 1871
Waterloo, N. Y........
Chicago, Ill.. -...
Middlebury, Ohio.....
Philadelphia, Pa........
Rochester, N. Y........
Reading, Conn............
Enterprise, Pa..........
Xenia, Ohio...............
P. H. Massey..-.............. South Bend, Ind.......
G. P. Plant and J. Raith...... Saint Louis, Mo.........
J. Bergstresser.............. Berrysburgh, Pa..........
W. McLaughlin.............. Jersey City, N. J.........
W. P. Robinson.............. Buffalo, N. Y..............
B. T. Trimmer............... Rochester, N. Y...........
J. E. Anderson............. Boiling Springs, Pa.--
ti. B. Bailey.............. Greenfield, Ind.....
C. F. Baylor...Trenton,.J.............Trenton, N. J..
S. Blair.................... New Wilmington, Pa......
D. A. and S. Church..........Friendship, N. Y..........
J. J. Crider----------------................. Greenfield, Ind...........
J. Hatfield and J. Wall-....... Ogden. Ind................
R. Hawkins.................. Palestine, Ind...........
W. G. Hoag................ Hoosick, N. Y.........
J. Long.......-.. Morristown, Ind.........
C. F. and J. B. Messinger..... Logansport, Ind.....
H. Ogborn................... Richmond, Ind..........
H. Ogborn................ Richmond, Ind...........
W. Rowan and J. M. H. Gill.. Freeport, Pa...........
D. D. Sehamp.............. Pleasant Run, N. J........
WV. Tullock.................. Lantern Mills, Or an ge
Court-House, Va.
J. H. H. Wiseheart............ Shawneetown, Ill........
H. B. Thomas.............. Chicago, Ill............
D. Loeffel................... Mount Vernon, Ind......
F. Mills..-.................. Mount Vernon, Ind.......
D. Pease, jr................ Floyd, N. Y...............
O. P. Stevens............. Cleveland, Ohio...........
S. Adams..................... Boston, Mass............
A. J. Alexander.............. Chicago, Ill..............
J. R. Allen _................ Edinburgh, Ind...........
W. B. Allen.................. Winona, Minn............
J. Allonas.................... Mansfield, Ohio..........
P. I. Aukney and D. McGreery New Lexington, Ohio.....
S. K. Ayers.................Delton, Wis..............
S. K. Ayres............ Delton, W is...............
C. F. Babcock.............. Chicago, Ill...............
F. A. Balch.................. Hingham, Wis...........
S. Ballard, sr................. Sullivan, Ind..........
J. B. Barcalo................. Mount Morris, N. Y.......
M. J Barcalo................ Mount Morris, N. Y.......
M. J. Barcalo................ Mount Morris, N. Y.......
P. Barker................... Battle Creek, Mich........
A., C., and H. K. Barkholder.. Clear Spring, Pa.......
H. A. Barnard............... Moline, Ill..__........
C. R. Barnes................. Muncy, Pa..............
C. Bates....................... Hardin, lowa..........
H. H. Beach.................. Philadelphia, Pa.........
F. A. Begole................ Jackson, Mich............
J. Benner.................... Allegheny, Pa............
C. Bergen....... Farmer, N. Y.............
C. Bergen.................... Covert, N. Y..............
J. Bergey................... Wadsworth, Ohio.........
D. Best..................... Yuba, Cal................
C. A. Bikle.................... Hagerstown, Md........
J. Blue....................... Covert, N. Y..............
J. S. Bodge...Bath,. Y................BathN....
J. S. Bodge..ath, N. Y................BathN.....
J. S. Bodge................La Porte, Ind.............
J. L. Booth..................New York, N. Y-.-......
J. L. Booth.................. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio......
J. L. Booth.................. Cuy ahoga Falls, Ohio.....
J. L. Booth................. Rochester, N. Y.........
J. C. Bowden................. Farmington, Cal..........
J. W. Breese................. Canandaigua, Mich.......
J. Brightbill............... Lebanon, Pa............
G. E. Bringman........... Gettysburgh, Pa.......
J. D. Brunner............ Doylestown, Pa.......
J. D. Brunner and E. R. J. Doylestown, Pa...........
M. Bugher.................... New Philadelphia, Ohio...
H. Burdick................Monroe, Wis.............
H. K. Burkholder............ Clear Spring, Pa..........
M. Burr...................... Plymouth, Mich..........
W. T. Chaffee............... Richmond, Va.........
W. C. Chamberlain.......... Dubuque, Iowa...-...
J. H. Chase and J. M. Tiffany. Montgomery, Ill..........
D. Claude, jr........................... Annapolis, Md............
J. N. Clees................... Darbyville, Ohio....
J. Clum and G. A. Fisher..... Shelby and Alabama, N. Y
July 16, 1872
Aug 27, 1872
July 2, 1830
Nov. 24, 1823
Sept. 23, 1862
Mar. 1, 1859
July 24, 1860
Mar. 4,1862
Apr. 7, 1868
Sept. 18, 1860
Jan. 20,1863
Aug. 9, 1870
Jan. 16, 1872
Apr. 12, 1870
Sept. 28, 1869
May 10, 1864
Sept. 18, 1866
Feb. 23, 1869
June 27, 1846
Nov. 24, 1868
Oct. 11, 1864
July 2, 1867
Mar. 24, 1863
Oct. 2, 1866
Aug. 15, 1865
Jan. 3, 1865
May 29, 1866
Oct. 21, 1862
May 7, 1872
Oct. 28, 1806
Aug. 25, 1868
Nov. 15, 1864
July 6, 1869
Aug. 30, 1870
Oct. 29, 1850
July 1, 1856
Feb. 16, 1864
June 11, 1867
Dec. 7, 1869
Feb. 11, 1873
Apr. 9, 1872
Sept. 20, 1859
June 13, 1865
May 2, 1871
June 8, 1869
Aug. 15, 1871
June 8, 1869
Dec. 9, 1862
June 23, 1863
Jan. 12, 1864
Apr. 6, 1869
June 15, 1869
July 25, 1865
Aug. 4, 1863
Nov. 24, 1863
Sept. 19, 1861
Oct. 4,1870
Apr. 12, 1859
July 31, 1860
May 6, 1862
Oct. 5,1852
Apr. 25, 1871
Aug. 10, 1869
Nov. 8, 1853
Nov. 10, 1863
Dec. 26, 1865
Sept. 18, 1866
Mar. 8, 1859
July 12, 1859
Sept. 20, 1859
Nov. 4, 1862
Mar. 5, 1872
Sept. 9, 1873
June 22, 1869
Jan. 19, 1869
July 4,1871
Sept. 6, 1870
110, 301
41, 031
101, 950
122, 330
125, 171
17, 363
113, 296
129, 346
130, 804.....
36, 541
23, 127
29, 237
34, 617
76, 486
30, 090
37, 430
106, 184
122, 7 82
101, 946
95, 313
42, 635
58, 050
87, 239
4, 600
84, 345
44, 625
66, 333
58, 551
49, 429
45, 740
55, 152
36, 733
126, 493.....
81, 567
45, 125
92, 327
106, 949
7, 744
15, 269
41, 660
97, 584
135, 746
125, 513
25, 478
48, 233
114, 251
118, 094
90, 981
37, 082
38, 937
41, 188
88, 690
91, 412
48, 890
39, 374
40, 670
33, 231
107, 856
23, 546
29, 352
35, 134
9, 293
114, 097
93, 586
10, 202
40, 548
51, 687
58, 032
23, 153
24, 714
25, 484
36, 830
124, 244
142, 672 -91, 710
85, 992
116, 549
106, 994
30, 047
99, 835
98, 346
37, 148
75, 520
42, 747
56, 177
2, 974
43, 390
43, 478
Sept. 18, 1860
Feb. 15, 1870
Dec. 28, 1869
Dec. 16, 1862
Mar. 17, 1868
May 17, 1864
July 10, 1866
Feb. 24, 1843
July 5, 1864
July 12, 1864
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Ofice f'rom 1790 to 1873, inclusive-ConQutinued.
Grain separator--..--......----------------------.
G rain-separator...................................
G rain-separator...................................
Grain-separator.---- --------------------.
Grain-separator........-------- -.
Grain separator.................................
Grain- separator....................................
Grain separator......
Grain- separator..................................
Grain-separator --------------------------
Grain-separator........................... - -.........
J. A. Cohoon.............
H. Cook......................
L. B. Corbin.................
J. W.Cormack and F. C. Walker
WV. R. Cox...................
J. B. Crist.................
J. F. and H. D. Cummings....
A. Curtis....................
A. Curtis.................
J. L. Custer........
G. A. Dabney............
E. Davis...................
E. Davis and A. Palmer........
J. Davis.................
L. H. Davis..............
S. Daw.......................
M. Decamp..................
J. A. Denton, D. W. Shannon,
and E. Lucas.
W. W. Dingee and A. B. Farquhar.
A. H. Dixson.................
J. W. Donaldson..............
E. L. Dorsey..................
E. Doud......................
J. F. Dunham................
A. Durrs......................
T. Earheart..................
J. Esse.......................
J. G. Evans...................
O. J. Everson.............
J. H. Fairchild...........
A. Faneboner................
J. Fargusson...............
J. Fargusson and C. S. Burt.. - -
J. Faulkner.................
J. Felsing.....................
P. Flickinger................
A. Foster.................
F. R. Foster...........
S. W. Foster............
J. W. Free..................
A. Gaar......................
D). Garver.....................
W. E. Gaunt and B. B. Hinman
D. Geiser....................
P. Geiser...............
P. Geiser...................
H. N. Goodrich......................
A. Gordon............
J. Gray......................
J. Green.....................
J. C. Gregg...................
P. Griswold...................
P. Griswold....................
P. Griswold and H. H. Seeley..
A. Hall...............
C. S. Hall...........
J. H. Hamaker...............
G. F. Harlan............
S. Harris......................
T. Harrison and W. C. Buchanan.
G. Harrowsmith............
D. Hathaway.................
G. Heberling............,
S. Heflebower and J. M. Reed. 1
A. Higley.....................
A. Higley....................
O. Holmes....................
H. A. Hummer...............
A. Hunter...............
A. Hunter....................
A. Hunter...................
S. S. Hurlbut..................
C. B. Hutchings...............
C. B. Hutchings............
B. S. Hyers...................
T. W. Irvin...............
L. P. Josse..................
C. Kathan...............
J. Kefer...............
E. L. Kelly...................
J. B. King and O. N. Cronkite.
J. Koons......................
D. Ladd.....................
G. Landers and H. Lampman..
J. L. La Rose................
W. H. Lawrence..............
G. Leach......................
S. F. Lefler...................
S. Lessig, sr..................
S. Lessig, sr...................
A. J. and H. Linebarger........
A. W. Lockhart...............
L. Low.......
Toledo, Ohio.............
Dillsburgh, Pa.......
Dryden, N. Y...........
Quincy, Ill............Delhi, Iowa.........
Evansville, Ind.....
Fremont, N. Y.........
Lena, Ill..................
W arren, Ill..............
Bonaparte, Iowa.....
San Jcs, Cal............
Almond, N. Y.........
Hudson, Mich.........
Allegheny City, Pa......
Newark, Del.........
Corvallis, Oreg......--------
South Bend, Ind......
Winslow, Ind........
York, Pa..................
San Francisco, Cal........
Fairfield, Cal..............
Winslow, Ind.............
Oshkosh, Wis.......
Fayette, Iowa.............
San Francisco, Cal........
Donelson, Tenn....
Redwood City, Cal.....
Orville, Ohio.........
Lake City, Minn.....
East Highgate, Vt.......
Schoolcraft, Mich.......
Dubuque, Iowa...........
Dubuque, Iowa, and Dunleith, Ill.
Dansville, N. Y.........
Granville, Wis.......
Hanover, P-..........
Quincy, Ill.............
Brandon, Wis............
Scio, Mich...............
Richmond, Ind...........
Richmond, Ind.......
Ringgold, Md.........
Keokuk, Iowa......
Waynesborough, Pa......
Smithsburgh, Md........
Smithsburgh, Md.........
Aurora, Ill................
Rochester, N. Y...........
Milwaukee, Wis......
Norwalk, Ohio........
Hillsboroug h, Ohio-.....
Hudson, Mich.........
Hudson, Mich..........
Hudson, Mich.............
Dansville, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y.........
Frease's Store, Ohio.......
Elkton, Md.............
Springfield, Mass......
Belleville, Ill.............
Lockport, N. Y.............
Wyoming, Wia..........
Quincy, Ill...............
Alexandria and Londoun
County, Va.
Sand Creek, Minn.........
Chicago, Ill.................
New Lenox, Ill.............
Frenchtown, N. J.........
Solano County, Cal.......
Solano County, Cal.......
San Francisco, Cal........
Cordova, Ill..........
Rochester, N. Y.....
Rochester, N. Y...........
Pekin, Ill................
Marion County, Ind.......
Paris, France.............
Hardin, Iowa...........
Hamilton, Ohio.........
Reading, Mich........
Sacramento, Cal........
New Auburn, Minn.....
Chicago, Ill..............
Atton, N. Y..........
Leaven worth, Kans.......
Baltimore, Md...........
Elmira, N. Y..............
Racine, Wis............
Reading, Pa.................
Reading, Pa................
Jackson, Ill.............. ------
Sacramento, Cal.........
San Francisco, Cal........
Date. No.
Mar. 19, 1872 124, 793
S pt. 13,1870 107, 338
Feb. 28,1860 27, 274
Oct. 14, 1856 15, 879
Nov. 2, 1858 21,945
May 10, 1859 23, 903
Dec. 22,1863 40, 995
July 7, 1857 17, 728
Oct. 8, 1367 69. 545
May 14, 1872 126.683
Mar. 26, 1872 125, 027
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 379
Mar. 5, 1861 31, 591
Nov. 14,1865 50, 913
July 14,1868 19, 813
Nov. 25, 1873 144, 836
Jan. 27, 1857 16, 471
Jan. 12, 1869 85, 801
June 17, 1862 35, 590
Nov. 5, 1861 33, 636
Dec. 27,1870 110, 445
Mar. 3, 1868 75, 133
June 9, 1857 17, 498
July 10, 1866 56, 194
Oct. 11, 1870 108, 120
July 24,1860 29, 256
Feb. 6, 1872 123, 387
Oct. 25, 1870 108, 577
July 22,1873 141,130
Apr. 3, 1866 53, 735
Jan. 15,1861 31,114
Nov. 5, 1861 33, 639
June 30,1863 39, 093
Feb. 20, 1863 37, 440
Apr. 1,1862 34, 824
May 16, 1871 114, 789
Oct. 26,1858 21,877
Oct. 12, 1869 95, 674
Dec. 4,1849 6, 920
Feb. 27, 1866 52, 841
June 21, 1870 104, 571
May 9, 1871 114,546
Mar. 19, 1861 31, 711
Aug. 9, 1864 43, 766
Oct. 19,1852 9, 341
Oct. 9, 1855 13, 644
Jan. 24, 1865 45, 993
Oct. 7, 1862 36, 611
Dec. 22, 1863 41, 000
June 26, 1866 55, 952
July 17, 1860 29, 161
May 22,1866 54,895
Mar. 7,1871 112, 447
Nov. 22, 1859 26, 181
Jan. 19, 1858 19, 140
Nov. 7, 1871 120, 582
Apr. 25, 1865 47, 417
May 18, 1869 90, 260
Mar. 10, 1868 75, 417
Sept. 12, 1865 49, 876
July 10,1860 29, 045
Nov. 3, 1868 83, 630
Jan. 20, 1857 16, 439
Dec. 18, 1866 60, 513
Dec. 3, 1861 33, 838
Jan. 7, 1864 43, 026
Jan. 21,1868 73,605
Feb. 15, 1870 99, 903
Apr. 9, 1861 31,981
Oct. 20,1863.40, 340
June 1, 1869 90, 844
May 5, 1868 77, 480
Nov. 20, 1860 30, 679
Nov. 15, 1864 45, 120
Dec. 22,1863 41,041
Nov. 18, 1862 36, 980
Dec. 1, 1863 40, 756
Oct. 14, 1862 36, 653
May 17, 1864 42, 820
Aug. 1, 1871 117, 45
Dec. 3,187-2 133, 648
Sept. 23, 1873 143, 081
Jan. 25, 1870 99, 093
Oct. 16, 1860 30, 413
Oct. 29, 1872 132, 674
Oct. 24, 1871 120, "285
May 27, 1862 35, 421
Apr. 5,1864 42, 205
Nov. 14, 1871 120, 983
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 211
July 10, 1866 56, 237
July 16, 1867 66, 859
June 28, 1864 43, 318
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Grain-separator.............................. _
Grain-separator...------- ----------..---------
Grain-separator --...............................
Grain-separator --------------------------
Grain-separator...------------- ----------..
Grain-separator...-- ------------.
Grain-separator...----------. -----..-----------..
Grain-separator -........................
Grain-separator...- -.----------..
Grain-separator -...--.--..--..--..--..--..--
Grain-separator....-------------- -..
Inventor. Residence.
L Low....................... Peoria, 111...............
E. Lucas------------------...................... Winslow, Ind............
G. Lull...................... Hardin, Iowa...---------
C. B. Martin---------------.................. Fond du Lac, Wis.......
J. Matthews................. Middletown, Pa...........
F. I. May..----------..-------Beverly, N. J...........
T. H. McCulloch---------..........--.... Monmouth, Ill....-..
W. T. McGahey and H. C. McGaheysville, Va., and
Foote. Fredericktown, Ohio.
I. H. McGehee................ Athens, Ala----------..............
J. W. McKinstry............. Columbus, Wis...........
A. P. Merrill................. Ypsilanti, Mich...........
L. Merrill-..................- Janesville, Wis....-.
F. H. C. Mey --.......... Buffalo, N. Y.............
J. M eyer...................... Chicago, Ill...............
E. Michael.................... La Porte, Ind............
J. Miller...................... Detroit, Mich...........
J. A. and J. W. Miller........ La Grange, Ind.........
W. K. Miller.................. Canton, Ohio...........
D. Y. Milligan------------- Shelbyville, Ill........
C.W. Mills and L. S.Chichester Brooklyn, N. Y...........
J. R. Moffitt................... Saint Louis, Mo...........
J. R. Mofitt................... Piqua, Ohio...............
H. Montgomery and S. Howes Silver Creek. N. Y.......
J. and J. Montgomery and E. Baltimore, Md............
J. Nash--------------................-----...... Janesville, Wis...........
J. Nash-------------------...................... Janeaville, Wis..........
M. T. Nesbitt................. Colora, Md...............
J. and E. C. Nichols and D. Battle Creek, Mich.......
G. S. and H. Nutter....... Bunker Hill, Ill...........
G. S., H., and C. H. Nutter..... Hunker Hill, Ill..........
H. Ogborn.................. Richmond, Ind............
H. Ogborn and J. W. Free..... Green's Fork, Ind........
S. E. Oviatt................... Richfield, Ohio...........
S. E. Oviatt---------------................... Richfield, Ohio...........
J. J. Palmer and A. Plamondon Chicago, Ill..............
J. J. Palmer and A. Plamondon Chicago, Ill...............
J. C. Parmater and E. H. Bowen Vinton, Iowa............
L.Patric------------------...................... Victor, N. Y...........
E. C. Patterson.............. Chicago, Ill..............
E. C. Patterson............... Chicago, Ill..............
E. C. Patterson............... Rochester, N. Y...........
N. A. Patterson.............. Kingston, Tenn......-.....
S. and O. Pettibone.......... Corunna, Mich...........
C. T. Phillips............. Jordan, N. Y.............
J. F. Plum............... Near Greencastle, Pa....
J. F. Pool.................. Monroe, Wis.........
A. Potter.................... Williamson, N. Y.._....
A. W. Powers................. Barrington, Ill............
T. J. Price................. South Union, Ky.........
H. Raymond................ Tecumseh, Mich..........
P. N. and J. Reeker........... Dayton, Ohio.........
W. M. Redd................. Hazel Green. Wis......
B. Rice.................... Schuyler, N. Y...........
O. N. Rich................... Geneva, Ill...............
H. Richmann................. Cincinnati, Ohio...........
C. Rolerts................... Belleville, Ill.............
C. Robers and J. Cox......... New Hope, Pa...........
F. W. Robinson.............. Richmond, Ind............
F. W. Robinson.............. Richmond, Ind............
A. Rowe..................... Atalissa, Iowa...........
L. Royer................... Royerton, Ind............
L. C. Royer................... Royerton, Ind............
J. F. Russell................. Franklin, Ohio...........
B. D. Sanders................. Wellsburgh, Va...........
J. Schaeffer.................. Benderson, Ky........
A. Schenck..OvidMich................... Ovid, Mich.....
J. and D. Schildhauer......... New Holstein, Wis.......
F. Schunko...................York, Pa.................
J. A. Scott................... Rochester, N. Y...........
J. Seebold.................... New Berlin, Pa...........
H. H. Seeley and P. Griswold.. Hudson, Mich............
H. H. Seeley and P. Griswold.. Hudson, Mich............
H. H. Seely.... '......Hudson, Mich............
D. Shannon and W. Spencer..- Winslow, Ind............
N. H. Sherburne............. Elgin, Ill.................
M. Shreiner.................. Carlisle, Pa..............
H. Siddall.................... San Francisco, Cal.......
H. Siddall.................... San Francisco, Cal....
A. Smith..................... Birmingham, Mich........
A. B. Smith.................. Rochester, Pa............
H. Smith................... ector, N. Y..............
H. E. Smith..... Philadelphia, Pa..........
M. H. Smith................. Lawton, Mich............
D. Spencer...------ -.. Cortland, N. Y............
W. Spencer......... Winslow, Ind............
O. W. Stanford............. Lebanon, Ohio.......
O. W. Stanford and A. W. Mason and Lebanon, Ohio.
C. G. and W. Stoll........... East New York, N. Y.....
O. Stone..................... Ionia, Mich......
F. Swift..................... Hudson, Mich.......
F. Swift..................... Hudson, Mich............
F. Swift and M. Standish..... Hudson, Mich............
A. Sylvester................. Dubuque, Iowa...........
H. B. Thomas........ Cascade, Iowa............
Mar. 30, 1869
July 14,1868
Apr. 16,1861
May 28,1861
Feb. 26, 1861
July 19, 1859
Jan. 28, 1868
June 12,1860
Apr. 17, 1860
June 4, 1872
July 23, 1861
Apr. 9, 1861
Aug. 30, 1864
Oct. 22, 1861
Jan. 8, 1861
Apr. 25, 1871
Dec. 1, 1863
July 13, 1869
May 28, 1872
Sept. 22,1868
Dec. 1, 1857
Nov. 29, 1859
Feb. 22, 1859
May 16, 1865
Sept.. 27,1859
Feb. 12, 1861
June 11,1872
Jan. 7, 1862
June 11,1872
July 16, 1872
May 18, 1869
Jan. 12, 1864
Apr. 28, 1868
Dec. 8, 1868
June 24, 1862
June 30, 1863
Apr. 27, 1869
June 24,1862
Dec. 20, 1864
Jan. 16, 1866
June 30, 1868
Aug. 28, 1860
Nov. 20, 1860
June 22, 1869
Sept. 21, 1869
Aug. 18, 1868
June 28, 1859
Feb. 9, 1869
May 1, 1866
Dec. 6, 1870
Oct. 13, 1868
Oct. 18, 1870
Mar. 12,1861
Aug. 4, 1868
June 15, 1869
July 20, 1852
Mar. 25, 1856
Dec. 18, 1860
Feb. 16, 1869
Dec. 9, 1862
Apr. 5, 1870
May 16, 1871
Aug. 10, 1869
Apr. 19, 1864
Apr. 10, 1860
Dec. 3, 1867
June 9, 1863
Apr. 6, 1858
May 28, 1861
Oct. 4, 1859
June 29, 1858
July 2, 1861
Mar. 5,1867
Sept. 8, 1868
Nov. 3, 1863
June 20, 1871
Jan. 6,1863
June 30, 1863
Apr. 11, 1848
Dec. 22, 1868
May 15, 1849
Sept. 23, 1856
Mar. 29,1870
Nov. 22, 1859
Aug. 24, 1869
Aug. 9,1864
May 5, 1863
Apr. 24, 1866
May 31, 1870
Oct. 25, 1859
Dcc. 24, 1867
Nov. 8, 1870
Apr. 21, 1863
July 14, 186:1
88, 396
79, 993
32, 071
32, 429
31, 577
24, 812
73, 736
28, 679
27, 919
127, 626
32, 883
31, 989
44, 011
33, 537
114, 023
40, 767
92, 629
127, 258
82, 431
18, 761
26, 283
23, 039
47, 772
25, 608
127, 788
34, 071
127, 915
129, 583
84, 705
35, 701
39, 063
89, 334
35, 739
45, 517
52, 071
79, 497
29, 812
30, 690
91, 561
95, 136
24, 605
86, 687
54, 403
109, 839
82, 989
108, 391
80, 666
91, 270
9, 140
14, 517
30, 932
86, 942
37, 111
101, 664
114, 974
93, 559
42, 409
27, 834
71, 796
38, 844
19, 877
32, 454
25, 677
20, 735
32, 723
62, 694
81, 951
40, 505
116, 229
37, 362
5, 509
85, 141
6, 452
15, 785
101, 324
26, 208
94, 144
43, 817
38, 425
54, 263
103, 680
25, 921
72, 696
109, 155
38, 251
39, 262
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Grain-separator--------------------------------..................................- H. B. Thomas................
Grain-separator.................................. J. Thompson.................
Grain-separator........--------- J. D. Till....................
Grain-separator..... ----------------------------W.\ Todd......................
Grain-separator.................................. J. Tomlinson...............
Grain-separator..---.....----........................- J. P. Tostevin...............
Grain-separator.................................. B. T. Trimmer................
Grain-separator..._......_.... B. T. Trimmer...............
Grain-separator.............................. B. T. Trimmer................
Grain-separator........... G. B. Turner and J. A. Vaughn
Grain-separator---------------------------------.................................. J. Turner-. -.--------
Grain-separator -- ----------.................................. W. E. Turner...............
Grain-separator -.................................. E. R. J. Weberroth............
Grain-separator.....--------------------------------- J. S. Upton..................
Grain-separator.................................. A. J. Vandegrift..............
Grain-separator--------------------------------..................................- A. J. Vairdegrift...........
Grain-separator.................................. A. J. Vandegrift.............
Grain-separator............................... J. Van Horne.................
Grain-separator....--------.............................. J.Van Houten...............
Grain-separator----------------------------................................... A. J. Vantuyl._........
Grain-separator................................... J. Vaughn............
Grain-separator......---............................. J. A. Vaughn-..-.--------
Grain-separator.................................. 1D. S. Wagener..-----------..Grain-separator................................. W. M. Watson..........
Grain-separator................................. J.V. A. Wemple..............
Grain-separator...----------------------------J. V. A. Wemple and G. Westinghouse.
Grain-separator................................... G. Westinghouse.............
Grain-separator................................ H. L. Whitman...............
G rain-separator........ W. W icken...................
Grain-separator................................... L. W ilcox..................
Grain-separator................................... J. N. Williams. jr.............
Grain-separator..--..--..-....-.--..--...---.. M. D. Williams..............
Grain-separator................................. W. Wilmington..............
Grain-separator...------------------------------- W.. Wilmington..............
Grain-separator _.........................-... S. M.W irts.................
Grain-separator..................--...-..-.._ S. M.Wirts and F. Swift......
Grain-separator-----------...------. S. M. Wirts and L. Swift......
Grain-separator............................... S. M. Wirtz and F. Swift......
Grain-separator................................ D. Woodbury...................
Grain-separator................................... J. Woolerver.................
Grain-separator................................... B. Wright and J. Bean.....
Grain-separator................................. D.S. Yeakel..................
Grain-separator...---.-...-.-------------------. E. Youngs..................
Grain-separator -................................. E. Youngs....................
G rain-separator -.............................. WV. Zim m erm an..............
Grain-separator................................. A. Zwiebel...................
Grain separator and bagger...--..--.---.... J. J. Bradner.................
Grain separator and cleaner...---..----------------- W. M. Arnall.................
Grain separator and cleaner....................... W. M. Arnall...............
Grain; eparator and cleaner....................... D. XV. Harshbarger.......
Grain separator and cleaner.....-..-......-....... S. Howes and G. E. Throop....
Grain-separator and clover-cleaning machine...... E. L. Kelly...................
Grain separator and conveyer................... J. Lyndall------------....................--
Grain separator and fan....------------------------- R.T. Merrill..................
Grain separator and fanning mill................ S. S. Hammond and J. S. Paden
Grain separator and mixer--------...-------------.. -J. J. Crowley...............
Grain separator and scourer...................... S. W. Andrews and L. Godfrey.
Grain separator and scourer--..----------------.. W. P. Clifford................
Grain separator and scourer.....................W. C. Knox.................
Grain separator and scourer....-............ W. C. Knox.................
Grain-st parator and straw-carrier.............. C. Van Derzee..................
Grain-separator and straw-carrier, Combined...... A. T.Dunbar and A.McNaught
Grain, Separator for cleaning................. G. 1. Turner................
Grain-separator, Rotary.......................... H. Moore....................
Grain-separators, Blast-governor for............. I. oge.....................
Grain-separators, Blast-regulator for-..-----------.. A. W. Fox................
Grain-separators, Elevator and table for feeding.. D. C. Matteson and T. P. Williamson.
Grain-separators, Governor attachment to...... L. D. Lane...................
Grain-separators, Hopper for.................... F. H. Schroeder................
Grain-separators, Metallic sieve for................ J. A. Maloney............
Grain-separators, Platform-attachment for........ J. Whiteside................
Grain-separators, Riddle for....................... G. A. Wells.................
Grain-separators, Screen for....................... A. Gaar.......................
Grain-separators, Shoe for...-........... H. Aldridge....................
Grain-separators, Sieve for.................... E. Doud.................
Grain-shovel.................................... B. E. Miles..................
Grain-shovel..................................... D. B. Rogers................
Grain-shovel...................................... G. V. Watson, G. Milson, and
Grain-shovel..................................... E.P. Williams..................
Grain-shovel handler............................. Fi. Clark......................
Grain.shoveling apparatus...................... T. D. Hawley.......
Grain Sifting and bagging..................... E. L. Seymour................
Grain'smutter, scourer, and separator............. J. C. Hunt and W.W.Ingraham
Chicago, Ill............
Chili, N. Y..............
Cuyahoga, Ohio.......
Ottawa, Ill.............
Newburgh, Wis.......
Racino, Wis...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Rchlester, N. Y..........
Rochester, N. Y.......
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio....
Sunapee, N. H........
Neosho Falls, Kans.....
Doylestown, Pa........
Battle Creek, Mich.......
Lexington, Ky........
Saint Louis, Mo.....
Cincinnati, Ohio.......
Magnolia, Ill..............
Mount Morris, N. Y.....
Hector, N. Y...........
Magnolia, Ill........
Cnyaioga Falls, Ohio.....
Penn Yan, N. Y...........
Tonica, Ill............
Chicago, Ill...........
Mohawk and Schoharie,
Schenectady, N. Y......
Saint Louis, Mo._.........
Muscoda, Wis..........
Hudson, Mich............
Saint Paul, Minn.--.._.
Lawton, Mich........
South Bend, Ind.......
Toledo, Ohio............
Hudson, Mich..........
Medina, Mich..........
Hudson, Mich............
Hudson, N. Y...........
Perkinsville, Vt..........
Peoria, Ill............
Hudson, Mich.........
Dillingersville, Pa.......
Tuscarora. N. Y..........
Tuscarora, N. Y........
Quincy, Ill...............
Burlington, Wis.---
Pine Creek, N. Y.....
Sperryville, Va.........
Sperryville, Va.......
Myersburgh, Pa........
Silver Creek, N. Y., and
Chicago, Ill.
Reading, Mich..........
Santa Clara, Cal.........
Bloomfield, Mich..........
North East, Pa........
San Francisco, Cal.......
Greeneville, Tenn.......
West Jersey, Ill..........
Jacksonville Ill..........
Jacksonville, Ill........
Albany, N. Y............
Alba, Pa.............
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.....
Green Lake, Wis.........
Washington, D. C....
McConnellsburgh, Pa....
Stockton, Cal............
Freeport, Ill..........
Bushnell, Ill..........
Georgetown, D. C........
Salina, Cal.............
Oskaloosa, Iowa......
Richmond, Ind..........
Michigan City, Ind.....
Oshkosh, Wis.............
Washington, D. C.....
Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Buffalo, N. Y............
Buffalo, N. Y........
Marcellus, N. Y..........
Detroit, Mich.............
New York, N. Y.........
Terre Haute, Ind., and
Chicago, Ill.
New York................
Berlin, Wis..........
Candor, N. Y.......
Buffalo, N. Y.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Decatur, Ill..........
West Roxbury, Mass.....
New Haven, Conn........
Ilolton, Mass..........
Buffalo, N. Y......
Date. No.
May 3, 1864 42, 628
Apr. 6, 1852 8, 864
Aug. 31, 1858 21, 383
Dec. 27, 1864 45, 654
July 4, 1865 48,603
Aug. 17, 1869 93, 926
Feb. 14, 1860 27, 171
Jan. 3,1865 45, 772
Apr. 18, 1865 47, 346
Apr. 9, 1861 32, 017
Apr. 6, 1858 19, 899
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 676
Nov. 12, 1872 133, 070
Apr. 28,1868 77, 419
June 8, 1858 20, 522
July 24,1860 29, 335
Dec. 12, 1865 51,495
Sept. 4,1855 13, 532
Dec. 22,1863 41,032
July 2, 1861 32, 729
May 10, 1859 23, 965
Apr. 24, 1860 28, 026
Nov. 29, 1859 26, 311
Oct. 29,1861 33, 617
Nov. 1, 1853 10, 195
July 13, 1844 3, 663
Apr. 17, 1860 27,941
May 2, 1871 114, 500
Jan. 28, 1862 34, 29.
Aug. 17, 1858 21, 227
Oct. 22, 1867 70, 060
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 448
May 23, 1848 5,595
Nov. 29, 1859 26, 316
Sept. 11, 1860 30, 017
Oct. 9, 1866 58, 707
June 22, 1869 91, 805
Apr. 16, 1861 32, 099
Mqr. 27, 1849 6, 235
July 10, 1866 56, 316
Oct. 16, 1855 13, 688
July 7, 1868 79, 715
June 30, 1863 39, 080
Jan. 24, 1865 46,044
July 21, 1857 17, 853
June 18, 1872 128,197
Mar. 26, 1872 125, 014
May 1, 1860 28, 046
June 26, 1866 55, 800
July 7, 1863 39, 146
Mar. 16, 1858 19, 637
Aug. 10, 1869 93, 450
Nov. 18, 1856 16, 103
Apr. 8, 1851 8, 031
Feb. 28, 1871 112, 141
June 8, 1869 90, 932
Nov. 4, 1873 144, 180
Sept. 30, 1873 143, 331
June 29, 1869 92, 061
Alf. 9, 1870 106, 177
Feb. 24, 1857 16,698
Feb. 5, 1867 61,816
Aug. 5, 1873 141, 524
Oct. 1, 1t72 131,771
May 6, 1873 138,563
Oct. 1, 1872 131, 870
Feb. 2, 1869 86, 564
July 17, 1860 29,178
Mar. 21, 1865 46, 947
Oct. 3, 1871 119, 626
Jan. 11, 1870 98, 829
Dee. 15, 1868 85, 043
Oct. 20, 1857 18, 444
May 24, 1859 24, 084
Aug. 12, 1873 141, 637
July 12, 1864 43, 519
May 10, 1859 23, 949
Nov. 22, 1864 45, 197
Aug. 8, 1865 49, 330
Mar. 26, 1867 63, 139
June 15, 1869 91, 440
Aug. 12, 1862 36, 176
Dec. 28, 1869 98, 266
June 26, 1835..
May 1, 1866 54, 322
Aug. 1,1871 117, 531
Feb. 16, 1869 86, 925
July 22,1862 35, 916
Aug. 19, 1823 142, 008
Oct. 11, 1859 25, 745
Jan. 20,1863 37, 467
May 13, 1862 35, 271
M-r. 9, 1869 87, 634
Grain, snuff, paint, &c., Grinding.................
G rain-spout......................
Grairn-spreading device............................
Granin-steaming apparatus.........................
Grain stirring and delivering apparaus.........
Grain stirring and drying apparatus.............
Grain, Stirring, conveying, and cooling.........
W. S. Johnson................
A. D. Foote................
J. O. Frost...................
G. H. Johnson................
H. I. Beach..................
J. U. Ebert and E. Pitts.......
S. Marsh....................
T. C. Vice..................
J B. Wheeler................
G. Clark.....................
Index of patents issueed front thte United Stales Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
I i
Grain-storer-- - - - - - - " - - - - - - - " - -
Grain-stripper --------------------------------
Grain-tallying machine._......................
Grain, Tallyitog-machine for measured.. __.......
Grinn Teeth tor lifting lodged_.................._ _ _
Grain-tester, Pocket--------------------------...
Grii, to bur-millstones, Mode of cleaning and
Girin to floui or meal, Apparatus for reducing.
Graon to millstones, (Meaning and feeding in.
Grain to millstones, Feeding....__.
Gaia to mills, Feeding -------------------------
Grain to obtain extractivo matter for coloring and
flavioring spirits, Treat ing.
Grint to prevenot smut, Composition lo be applied to
Gri-ntoileri---------r --t---------------------
Grin-ntoiling apparatus.....................
Grittansterer, Railway--------------------
Grion,&c.,liansporting and torin-----
Graia, &c,1Teating andl storing...---...... -....
Grain, Ventilating -. ---------------
Grino xcssela Ventilating.. _........ __.......
Grain-wtshin~ machine --------- --------- ---
Grasnee s tool....................._____....
Graining and ornamental painting, Process for - _--
Graining, Method of.--................
Grainiug or imitating wood.................----
Graining, pirinting, &c., Flexible forms for._...
Graining process -------------------------....
Grains of wood, Process and conmposition for
Grammantical key.__..... _....................
Gi-snuries andlotlier buildings, Cooling, drying,
and ventilating.
G ranary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G ranary.....................
G ianary.....................
Granar y and..ruit.house.................. ----
Gianary --ime------of--------------------------
(ranie-, Putt-house,.&c.......................__
Gtanaryrto ousee&what,_., Constr-uction of. -. __.- -
Graayti rsremha,&. ostuto fite and stone cuttitig and dressing machine -
Granite-cutting machine...................----
Granite-dressing miachine.......................
Granite, Hammering anid dressing..............- -- --
Grtanite, Machine for dressing or hammering..
Grape-box..............................- -- - -- -- -- --
Gr a pe ernshet aitd stein separator............ -- -- --
Grape crusher aoil stem separator............-- -- --
Grape ct-usher and stentmer.................---
Grape crusher and stutter.......................
Grape-fiam e -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Gtape-gathterer, Self-relieving..................
G ir ipe-m ill....................
Gtape-piessing machine........................
Grape tone cutter..............................
Grape-vine protector_.........................._
Grape-vine support_.........................._
Gin _e-vines, Mode of cultivating.................
Gt ape x toes, Propagating.........-.......
Grape-vines, Training...............--...........
Giapes, apples, &c., Grinding and pressing..._.
Grapes, Implement for haivesting - - - ___--- -.-_.
Grapes, Macline for stemming and crushing.
Gtripes, Mill for compiessing antd grinding.
Giaphite in reducing metals, Using...........__ _ __
Graphodometer, Automatic mechanism for operating sotrvey~or's.
Giaphot. pe-"------------------------"---"
R. M. Mitchiell.-.-------------Fot Atkinson, Wis..-.
J. 0. King and H. A. Rice.... Louisiana, Mo.... -.....
A. Hartert.......... epi n------------------epi.---
S. Hudson-----------------..Millbrd, Mich.........W. M. Jackson---------------...Woodland, Cal--...- -- --
B. Mat-tin------------------.... Prair-io du Chico, Wis---
S. G. Morrison -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -Willianmsport, Pa....
J. J. Webster----------------..Magog, Canada -.....
S. Shearmnia..i.-.-..-.-...----.--Gast eit, Ind............
M. and C. Painter..----------.Owing's Mills, Md.----
AMl. I. Fer-gunson-----------..- Sunfish, Ohio............
S. H. Gilman--------------.-..GalvestonTex..--_.....
AN.etnS.. and B. A. Peden..
J. Armstrong----------------
W. S. Widg er and W. M. Reed
J. W. Sykes -----------------
S. F. Schoomaker............
C. Alden.--------------------
B. Ionuwiddie.............. --
J. Shone--------------------
W. S. Samptson..........---..
Ga. oaldG. XV. Feaga....
Ga. Copeland................--
1". A. Adams -----------------
W. J. Potter..............---
A' 1t. Kay-----------------
W'. Russell...............-.
W. 1t. Berger..............
G. Geiger------------------
B. M. Haill------- --- ------
Jt. J. Sallow --------------
J J. oltown---------------
1. Tlusiong-----..------
JI. R. Ciss................
W. J. Potter and W. H. Artiold
J. Bongarfit----------------
Knoxville, Iowa.-----
Franikino, Ky.......... _.
Blucyrus, Ohio---------..
Fairfield, Iowa. _.._....._
Chicago, Ill-...- ------
New York, N. Y -.....
Newburgh, N. Y......
M onroe, Wit.._..........
Blackwoodtown, N. JeYokN.Y-__.__.__
Fi-ederick, Md. __._.....
Dottier, Cole............
Chicago, Ill............._
Lemont, Ill..............
Beloit, Wis.............Pittsburgh, Pa __.........
Cleveland, Ohio-... -__
South Bend, nd.....
New York, N. Y.._.__
Cleveland, Ohio..
New York, N. YV -..
Pittsburgh, Pa __.........
Mo-risania, N. Y---.--
Chicago, Ill------------..
New York, N. Y -.....
I. Brown------------------- Newark, N. 3..........
D. L. Somes----------------....Wasliin ton, D.C.
A. C. L. Devaux..............
Fr t--...................
T. ilermaus--.--------------
C.'1'. Meet-man, ji...--.......
1B. Mi. Nice...................
J.Walsh........-..........S. It. iBekwit~h..............
i. Hi. Johnson------.-----
S. I;. Be-kwith...............
J. tHarmony _.................
W. C. Poland and E. Blossom. -
J. I). Buzzell.................
\V. Morse-- - - -- - -- -
W. Morse-------------------
C. W. 11. Delano..............
0. Mallory ---- -............
S. P. Taitnan -.......
F. B. Seheenstein and A. Klein
'1. C. Pirinton.......
T. C. Po ingtot.......
0. Hyde.---------------------
G. Johnston and W. F. Johnson
S. 0. Cress...............---
C. Wadsworth..............
A. Hetittninger............--
G. A. Warner.............----
H. Krause........---.....
L. W. Mayer.............---
J. S.Daheis.................
J. Walter..................
F. B3. Green--------------...
G. Petty----------------....
Wt. Gritleth------------....... -
G. S. Salsbury------------....C. B. Hutchinson...........
J. F. Sitigle................
C. Wadhams...............
Z. C. Robbins.-.----.--
J. Weismanti--------------...
J. M. Wampler............--
J. MeElberan..............
N. P. aiid N. E. Allen.-._
J. H. iltinton..-.........-.
J. Burkhart - -----....---
E. G Ciandal---------------..
S. B. Dexter --------..-----
C. La Dow...................
S. ltoers..................--
I. F. Thomas.................
H. Whitehall and J. Burton -...
London, England.___
Spr-ing Cottage, Miss._..
Mitchellsville, Ten. --
Jamtestown, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio..-_-_.
Valley. Town, Ill. -.--.
Cleveland, Ohio....
Buffalo, N. YV............
Cltambersburgh, Pa..
Portlanid, Me.............
Cape Elizabeth, Me.---.
Corinna, Me............
Unitedl States.-.-...Cedar Rapids, Iowa...
Rochester, N. V....
Perrysbtirgh, Ohio.._
SSati Francisco, Cal....
Lincolni, Cal.............
Linicoln, Cal...........--
Oakland. Cal..........--
SSacratnento and Folsom,
Kingsbury, N. Y.
Madison, Ohio........._Sanidusky, Ohio.-----
Sat i lrancisco, Cal _--.---.
New York, N. YV...
Sonoma, Cal............
La Porte, Iad... -.....
Princeton, Ill..........
Seneca Falls, N. Y...
Georgetown, Coon ---.-..
Nott East, Pa..._.....
Clarendon, N. Y....
Auburn, N. V..-..._....
Painesville, Ohio. --.-.
Los Angeles, Cal....
Washington, D. C -.._.
Philadelphi-, Pa......
Baltimore, Md...... _..._
Brooklyn, N. YV....
Salem, Mass.. _.......Thorubury, Pa --.._..-.
Brookville, Ind --.._..__
Belfast, N. V........
Mason City, Iowa.
Sooth Galwtiy, N. V.
Pittsburghi, Pa.. _.. _.....
111o0, N. Y----------......
Philadelptia, Pa., and~
Yates City, Ill.
Date. No.
Sept. 22, 1868 82, 339
Dec. 14, 1869 97, 93-2
Oct. 30, 1866 59, 217
Jan. 10, 1865 45, 8-29
June 11, 18167 65, 750
Jan. 14, 1868 73, 356
June 18, 1861 32, 578
Sept. 17, 187-2 131, 485
Aug. 1, 1854 11, 443
Junte 2, 1857 17, 446
Sept. i1, 1866 29, 901
Jitne 14, 1870 104, 138
Oct. 1,1861 33,40
Jami. 5, 1869 85, 610
Sept. 15, 1868 8-2, 193
Oct. 27, 18168 83, 4-28
Oct. 1-2, 1869 9.5, 747
May 12, 1868 77.,768
Nov. 3, 1868 83,753
May 20, 187:3 139, 126
May 2-2, 1866 54, 969
Oct. 17, 1871 120, 168
Jan. 4, 1853 9, 517
May 7, 1872 126, 5-231
Feb. 12, 1861 31, 363
May 5, 1861 38, 412
May 11,1869 90,064
Apr. 18, 1865 47, 339
Oct. 12, 1869 95, 760
Nov. 06,1872 133, 311
Aug. 13, 1867 67, 755
May 11, 186,9 950, 056
July 5, 180 104, 929
Jan. 2171873 135, 039
Mar. 7,1865 46, 736
Oct. 29, 1872 13-2, 6318
Sept. 15,1863 39,953
Dec. 8, 1868 84, 728
Mar. 3,1817.---
Mar. 21, 1865 46. 950
June 50, 186:3 39, 030
Oct. 24, 1854 11, 830
Oct. 13, 18631 40, 26t
Nov. 19, 1872 133,244
Oct. 3, 1865 50,267
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 971
Nov. 7, 1865 50, 790
Mar. 9, 1869 87, 679
Mar. 13, 1866 53, 101
Nov. 11, 1837 458
Oct. 16, 1866 58, 853
Junte 2,1831)5.---
Sept. 5, 1836...
Sept. 5,1836 21
Noe.25, 1873 144, 837
June 13, 18165 48, 19-2
Jani 23, 182 12:3, 060
Oct. 31, 1641 10, 40i)
Mat. 30, 1869 88, 3-29
Noix 30,1S69 97, 313
Sept. 17,1872 131,35-2
Apt. 2,sf72 125, 197
Junme27, 1854 11. 153
Sept 03, 186 (C8, 199
Noex 22, 1864 4:, l56
Oct. 3,1871 1II, 485
July 20, 1858 20.9147
Feb. 9, 1869 8, 681
May 1, l866 5h,102
Nov 0 7,1866 66, 09
Apr. 25, 1865 47, 415
Feb. 11, 1868 74, 4
May 14,1ie7 64, 60
Sept. 4, 1866 57, 77
Feb. 3, 186:3 37, 579
May 26, 1868 78, 241
Sept. 10, 1872 131, 316
Dcc. 20, 1870 1 I10,32
Index of patenrts issued fronm the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Contiued.
Grapple and excavator..-__.. _.._..... _.......
Grapple for raising stone--------............
(i-apple for raising sunken bodies........ -.. --__.
Grapple for raising sunken vessels....... _.._..
Grapple, Spring.. --.............
Grapple, Store and honsehrold.................
Grappling-apparatus, Naval.. _...............Grappling-fork............................._
Graippling-hook.....-............ rp ln -rn..............................
Grappling or- dredging macline.................
Gras ad grain cutting maclimo...............
G r-ss-cotter................................
G r-es-cuttr - ------ --------- --------- -----. --
GCrasacutter -roilcradling maclineo..............
Grass-cutting machine.......................
Grass-cutting amachine................ _.....
Grass-cutting machine, Flower-maker's. --.-.-_.
Grass, &c., Extracting fiber- from China-...
Grass, Implement for destroying quack _..
Grass, Mode of destroying cocoa- - ---- - - - ---- -
Grass. Mowing..............................
Grass or grain cutter and rake.................
Grass-seed-cleaning machine....................
Grass-seed huller.............................
Grass-seed, &c., Machine for bulling----.-._-----
Grass-seed separator for mangers....._ -. _. -_.....
Grass under water, Apparatus for cutting.
Grass under water, Maclino for cutting-.
Grasshopper-extermninating composition....
Grate--o ------------------------------------
G rate......................................
Grate...........-......................Grate------------------------------ ---------
G rate..................................------
Grate................................. -----
G rate....................................Grate......................................
G rate.......................................
G rate-------------------------------.........
Grate, Adjustable stove......................
Grate, Agitating~ coal ___.....------
Grateanadir-on, Portablefie..............---
Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
A. T. Morris---------------..Bloomfield, N. J--_------Jan. 5, 1869 85, 60:2
111. 11. Cass and L. R. Bigelow-. Watkins, N. Y ---_. ----Feb. 19, 1856 14, 282
G. A.Wilbur ------------ Skoxxbegan,Me -..... Aug. 19, 1856 15,586
J.TI.Martinu- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---Nw York, N. Y ---------July 11, 1854 11, 91
0. Warner and C. S. Gayloird..Gaylord'a Bridge, Coon. - _. Oct. 8, 1850 7, 709
J. Seltzer--..- -- - -.----- i ladlel rha, Pa- -- -- - - ---Apr. 12, 1870 101, 772
S. Riggs --------------------- Blanchester, Ohio.-_Sept. 5, 1865 49, 790
G. Hirrziker------------------ Sn mritMiss-------------.July 16,1872 129, 03-2
E. Hailer -- -------- -. - Dun-- _ oag iac, Mieb-----------.Dec. 28, 1869 98, 259+
11. HI. Iatlieway (due...... lckrlle, N. Y- ---------_.Dec. 7, 1869 97, 6:15
E. J. Piker-------------------- Lewistonr, Me------------- Dec. 1, 1868 84, 510
E. Ziegle~r and C. Cable. - _Harmnon y, Pa - -- - - -------Mar. 28, 1871 113, 1-26
J. HI. Chapman ---------------Utica, N. Y-----------...... Aug. 28, 1866 57, 476
W. 11. Hawley----------------..Utica, N. V _-- - ---------Oct. 22, 1867 69), 992
W. Ii. Hawley----------------.Utica, N. Y---------------Oct. 6, 1868 8-2,83-2
A. Stnner--------------------_Mount Joy, Pa......-------Mar. 24,1857 16, 886
N. WV. Green------------------... Ct rland Village, N. Y - - Dec. 11, 1866 60, 361
W. Manning-----------------.Plinfireld, N. J------------May 3, 1831....
J. A. Craig-------------------..... Clumbia, Ai-k..----------.Feb.:3, 1852 8, 701
S. W. Sears.----------------.... ew York, N. Y -.......S ep t..Sp. 20, 18 70 107, 632
Sturdivaut and Holmes-...Portland, Me............Juno 19,71835 __._.
F. Badlam,jr---------------..Chester, Vt............Sept. 18, 1835...
WV. Boone--------...--- --New 1101e, Mo...--------.Nov. 21, 1848 5, 931
C. H. McCormick............ Chicago, Ill---------------..Sept. 21, 1858 21, 57.3
U. and~ J. Millot.............--New York, N. Y.........Nov. 25, 1873 144, 916
J. Stei t -------------... Bermondsey, Eng-land... Oct. 30, 1866 59, 3.31
C. W. Moseley - -.- _- - _-- ----Onondaga., N. Y- - - -- -----Nov. 2, 1869 96, 464
H. B.Kenner...............__New Orleans, La..... Oct. 6, 1843 3, 296
J. P. Chandler..--..-----.--.--. Wilton, Me -.- - -.... Aug. 17, 1835...
A. 1unrel....................Verona,N.Y.------------Apr. 22,18:35 _-..
J. Gould-bi-- ------ -- -- -- -- - -Lexinrgton, Moss -....May 11, 1869 89,983
It.Cid...........CnoMe.---... a.1,12.... 1.Byramn----------------- Lanisville, Ky--------. Oct. 11, 1853 10, 102
I. Elake---------------------.Paris, Me----------------. [ fu ly 12, 18-22.
1). B. Dixon ------------------_Unionvi-le, Mo......-.. Aug. 23, 1870 106, 562
P. J. Stone-------------------_Athens, Pa-_--------------Aug. 2, 1870 105,9196
J. Hinds---------------------..Hirrdslrurglr, N. Y-__-..__Sept. 5, 1840 1, 772
S. Green ------ ------------- Ar-apahoe Couty, Co.-_. Aug. 8, 1865 49, 258
J. L. Babbitt - - - -.- - - ---------Glen Cove, N. Y --._..._Mci-. 24, 1868 75, 830
J1. Bentnett-------------------_New Yorkc, N. Y---------- May 14, 1836...
E..osdS. Clark----------------- Phla PhiladPelphi....ane23 Pa8-9J.S.Clak-...-.....--.--....-Fhilb.phi,12,._ 1667... e62,218 0030.
J. C. Coebrane--------------. Rochester, N. Y _._-...._ - Feb. 26, 1867 6-2, 316
B. W. Dunklee-------------...Boston, Mass-----------.. _Juno 1, 1869 90, 645
F. Glick and U. Kook....- Allentownr, Pa----------..Oct. 4, 1870 107, 899
G. W. Griswold -.. -__..- - -. __Carbondale, Pa.- -------- _July 25, 1854 11, 371
Iv. Ham-------------------...Troy, N. Y-------------..Aug. 17, 1889 93, 712
C. Hires.------------------..Salemr N. J------------..May 15,186 i, 725
C. Hunt-------------------...New York, N. Y..--------Mar. 17, 1812 --.XV. Keiser---------------....... Stroudsmnrgb, Pa.... June 4, 1867 65, 39-2
S. J. Kelly------------------ Pemberton, N.J.__-._.Oct. 20,1863 40, 341
S. Kepner-----------------......Pottstown, Pa - - _- - -----Dec.2, 1873 145, 21-2
ID. Lister - -- - - - - - - - - ----------... as wGlasgow, Gi-eat Britain-_ Jan. 12, 1 64 41, 2215
C. B. Loveless----------------....Syracuse, N. Y...........-Aug.5, 1862 36, 098
L. G. Marshall----------------..Mokeua., Ill.- _-- --------Jan. 17, 1865 45, 948
W. L. McDowell--------------...Philadelphia, Pa----------..Apr. 28, 1863 38, 317
J. 11. Meissuer- -- -- -- -- - - - -- New Yoi-k, N. Y.........Oct. 22, 1867 70, 10-2
J. Miller-------------------Saint Louis, Mo---------..June 27,1865 48, 425
H. Mrulford...---...----.-.---..--Philadelphia, Pa........ Feb. 8 1870 99, 584
P. Murray-----------------..Milwaukee, Wis-------- _ _Dee. 12, 1865 51, 47-2
P. Mnrray-----------------....Philadelphia, Pa---------..Dec. 29, 1868 85, 470
J. Old--------------------.......Pittsburgh, Pa----------. _Mar. 16, 1869 87, 790
P. A. Palmer---------------[. 'Troy, N. YF-------------. _.Nov. 5,1867 70, 462
J. F. Phelps----------------..I.l. untsville, Ala......... May 30, 1871 115, 515
B. Pike----------New York, N. Y---------. _M~-. 11, 1835a...
F.rmr......... toNY-._.-.- uy2,16 73. S. Renwick--------------. _New York, N. Y---------I _ eb. 23, 1869 87, 112
G. L. Smith.................Brooklyn, N. Y----------- Mar. 29, 1864 4-2, 118
G. L. Smith----------------....Brooklyn, N. Y-----------.Aug. 21, 1866 57,:196
P. Smith------------------ _.. _Fall River, Mass---_._ ---Apr. 12 18a9 23, 621
S. Smyth -- --------East Bridgewater, Pa..- Oct. 21, 1873 143, 856
S. Stevens and J. P. Smith.. - Pittsburgh, Pa........... Sept.l1181 39, 969
J. Tiberi------------------.. _ Saint- Louis, Mo _.._....... S pt.6, 1859 25,33-2
T. Tomkiuson................ Philadelphia, Pa---------..Aug. 17, 1869 93, 923
W. J. Towne................ Newton, Mass ----------- May 30, 1865 48, 000
J. Watson, jr--------------...Louisville, Ky _---------_ Oct. 13, 1863 40, 315
M. D. Wellman. _... _......... Allegheny City, Pa-. __Nov. 19, 1867 71,25:1
J. S. Williams---------Saint Louis, Mo. -..-..__Sept. 13, 1859 25, 46-2
C. J. Woolson-- -- -- -- - - - - - -Cincinnati, Ohio--------...Apr. 14, 1863 58, 194
C. J. Woolson--------------....Cleveland, Ohio -.-....Jan. 1, 1867 60, 981
XV. Wright----------------....South River, N. J.....- Mar. 17, 1863 37, 933
J. H. Yoenm-------------._.__ Ashland, Pa------------_..Jan. 28, 1868 73, 767
P. Moss. - - -----......... Philadelphia, Pa......... Oct. 24, 1865 50, 613
A.Keeney ----------------C..rlisle a-------Apr. 21 850 7,.245
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Grate and stove, Coal.............................
Grate and stove for warming apartments..........
Grate and stove, Parlor and kitchen.............
Grate, Anthracite-coal stove.................
G rate-bar......................................
G rate-bar........................................
Grate -bar.....................................
G rate-bar ---................
Grate bar.......................................
G a e ar.........-...............................
Grate-bar -.---- ---------.-----------------
(hate-bar---------------- -
Grate-bar, Air-conducting........................
Grate-bar and bearer..............................
Grate bar and grating, Furnace....................
Grate-bar for boiler and other furnaces............
Grate-bar for boilers.............................
Grate-bar for boilers....----------------------..
Grate-bar for furnaces and heaters............
Grate-bar for furnaces, Hollow....................
Grate-bar for steam and other enginesry............
Grate-bar for steam-boilers, Hollow...............
Grate-bar for steam-generators----------.............--.....
Gra'e-bar frame, Hollow..........................
Grate bar, Furnace...............................
Grate bar, Furnace................................
Grate bar, Furnace...............................
Grate bar, Furnace...........................
Grate bar, Furnace........................
Grate bar, Furnace........................
Grate bar, Furnace........................
Inventor. Residence.
C. K. Marshall---------................ --- New Orleans, La-.......
E. H. Dixon.................. New York, N. Y.......
E. Ingalls..................... Providence, R. I........
E. Nott....................... Schenectady, N. Y........
H. Ball..................... New York, N. Y.........
HII. K. Bates--...-..-.-... North La Crosse, Wis - -...
H. L. Budd..----------------New York, N. Y.........
J. Buzby...................... Moorestown, N. J -....
G. H. Clarke................. Brooklyn, N.Y..........
G. H. Clarke and C.VanWage- New York, N. Y....-....
H. Collinson................. Boston, Mass............
H. Collinson................. Dorchester, Mass.......
H. Collinson.................. Boston, Mass........
A. F. Crowell................. Hyannis, Mass...........
T. S. Davis................ Lancaster, Pa........
J. Easterly.................... Albany, N. Y.........
W. Ferrel..................... Charleston, S. C........
A. Fickett and C. C. Benton.. Rochester, N. Y.........
A. C. Fletcher.............New York, N.Y..........
A. C. Fletcher............... New York, N. Y.........
A. C. Fletcher....------------. New York, N.Y..........
A. C. Fletcher...............New York, N. Y..........
A. C. Fletcher............... New York. N. Y........
A. C. Fletcher...............New York, N. Y.......
A. C. Fletcher................ New York, N. Y........
A. W. Foster, jr -.......- - Pittsburgh, Pa............
C. A. Greenleaf............ Indianapolis, Ind..........
P. Griffith................... Philadelphia, Pa..........
J.W.Griswold andE. L. Thom- Philadelphia, Pa..........
S. Harrison..................Philadelphia, Pa..........
A. Hartupee ---------------Pittsburgh, Pa...........
H. Hartwig............. Covington,Ky..........
M. Heloling................. Allegheny, Pa............
W. E. Hill................... Brooklyn, N. Y............
M. Hodgson................... East Saginaw, Mich......
D. Housten................. New York, N. Y......
1. A. Hutchinson.......... Jersey City, N. J..........
It. A. Hutchinson............ Bergen, N. J.........
W. Kearney................. Belleville, N. J........
H. C. Kerstine.......... Cleveland, Ohio..........
H. King.................. Waterbury, Conn......
C. Kingsland -........-...... Allegheny, Pa...........
J. S. Kirk and W. H. Elliot.. Plattsburgh, N. Y........
L. F. Lakey and W. B. Hayte Quincy, Ill................
1). Lasher.......... Brooklyn, N. Y-............
W. S. Mackintosh...........--. Allegheny City, Pa......
W. W Marsh.. Aln, Ill................ Alton,.....
J. T. Marshall............... Wilmington, Del.........
J. McDonald................. Cincinnati, Ohio..........
W. McMannies............... Brooklyn, N. Y..........
J. A. Miller..-................ Providence, R. I..........
iR. Montgomery.......... New York, N. Y....
W. Miiir and P. Butler.-..... Archibald and Carbondale,
J. T. Osborn---------.... New Orleans, La..........
B. F. Penny and J. Jones..-.. Rochester, N. Y........
C. W. Pierce---............ Albany. N. Y....-....
A. D. Puffer.............. Somerville, Mass..........
W. Randall.................. Salem, Mass............
M. L. Roucout............... Paris, France..........
S. T. Savage................. Albany, N. Y.............
H. B. Scofield.............. New York, N. Y......
J. Sheimanu..................Burlington, N. J..........
J. A. Sinclair--........... Bridgeport. Ohio........
J. R. Smith................... Salem, Mass..............
S. Smith..................... Salem, Mass.............
J. W. Stanton............. Barnesville, Ohio.._......
O. H. Taylor............ Brooklyn, N. Y..........
L. B. Tupper....--------------- New Ycrk, N. Y..........
L. B. Tupper............... New York, N. Y..........
L. B. Tupper.............. New York, N. Y.........
P. Umholtz..... Tremont, Pa.............
P. and A. Umholtz.......... Tremont, Pa........
S. Vansyckel............ Little York, N. J........
S. Vansyckel.............. Little York, N. J.........
J. Yocum,jr.......... Philadelphia, Pa..........
J. Yocom, jr.................. Philadelphia, Pa..........
R. G. Orwig.................. Des Moines, Iowa........
W. Kearney................ Belleville, N.J............
J. Cuthbert.................. Pittsburgh, Pa............
G. A. Eyars................. Meriden, Conn.....
D. ByarId.................. Sharon, Pa..............
E. Thayer.................Worcester, Mass..........
J. Reynolds...------- Philadelphia, Pa..........
G. S. Nevins............... Bushnell, Ill..............
M. and C. H. Morse........ Franklin, Mass...........
B. L. Griffith............... Reading, Pa.............
E. G. Blakesleeand A. Manser. Sing Sing, N. Y..........
G. E. Turner....... Chicago, Ill..............
F. Armstrong............ New Orleans, La.......
C. C. Bemis........ San Francisco, Cal.......
W. C. Cambridge............. Bristol, Great Britain.....
G. H. Clarke................. Brooklyn, N. Y............
E. Dugdule................... Burlington, N. J.....
J. H. Fellows.................. Cincinnati, Ohio......
H. Gerner.................New York, N. Y..........
Date. No.
July 14, 1868
Aug. 8, 1837
Apr. 22, 1835
June 29, 1833
Nov. 29,1870 -June 19, 1866
Apr. 30, 1867
Oct 11, 1859
Aug. 26, 1873
Oct. 30, 1866
May 5, 1868
Feb. 8, 1870
July 11, 1871
Sept. 30, 1873
Feb. 22, 1870
Apr. 5, 1859
Apr. 25, 1843
Jan. 17, 1871
Apr. 17, 1866
Jan. 29, 1867
Feb. 18, 1868
Apr. 14, 1868
July 7, 1868
Aug. 18, 1868
Nov. 7, 1871
Oct. 24, 1871
Nov. 16, 1869
Aug. 5,1862
Aug. 18, 1868
Sept. 25, 1866
Apr. 21, 1868
Jan. 2, 1872
Mar. 9, 1869
Dec. 12, 1865
Aug. 2, 1870
May 1, 1866
July 30, 1872
Sept. 2, 18731
Aug. 2, 1870
Sept. 23,1873
May 26, 1868
Oct. 16, 1849
Mar. 27, 1855
Oct. 12, 1869
Sept. 11, 1800
Oct. 13,1868
Sept. 18,1860
Jan. 24, 1871
Mar. 29, 1864
Feb. 8, 1870
Sept. 12,1871
Aug. 21, 1866
June 20, 1871
Jan. 22, 1856
July 6, 1869
Oct. 2, 1866
Mar. 21, 1865
Feb. 9, 1869
May 31, 1853
Nov. 23, 1858
May 1, 1866
May 28, 1867
lFeb. 4, 1873
Nov. 5, 1867
Oct. 2, 1866
Feb. 13, 1872
Aug. 4, 1868
June 14, 1864
Feb. 2, 18=66
Aug. 21, 1866
Nov. 4,173
Sept. 24, 1872
Aug. 23, 1853
Oct. 31, 1854
Mar. 30, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Apr. 9, 1872
Nov. 1, 1870
Apr. 26, 1870
May 18, 1869
Sept. 7, 1869
Mar. 28, 1865
May 11, 1869
Jan. 23, 1866
Oct. 26, 1869
Aug. 30, 1859
Oct. 10, 1865
Dec. 28, 1869
Feb. 17,1852
Dec. 4,1866
Nov. 3, 1868
Jan. 21, 1868
Aug. 18, 1857
Mar. 27, 1847
Oct. 11, 1864
79, 845
109, 711
55, 803
64, 191
25, 720
142, 146
59, 311
77, 458
99, 6410
116, 812
143, 224
100, 016
23, 456
3, 059
53, 966
74, 526
76, 734
79, 743
81, 155
120, 733
120, 18
96, 198
36, 083
81, 161
58, 252
77, 138
122, 460
87, 564
105, 942
54, 349
130, 053
142, 471
105, 948
143, 079
78, 292
6, 799
12, 597
95, 812
29, 977
82, 965
30, 074
111, 223
42, 099
99, 582
118, 962
57, 358
116, 080
92, 351
58, 474
46, 939
86, 862
9, 758
22, 134
54, 415
65, 289
135, 447
70, 6.38
58, 494
123, 739
80, 574
43, 143
52, 913
57, 411
144, 372
131, 641
9, 958
11, 8,9
88, 355
109, 285
125, 404
108, 796
102, 233
90, 248
94, 561
47, 052
89, 88
52, 1 9
96, 138
25, 258
50, 327
98, 321
8, 732
60, 125
83, 689
73, 436
18, 010
5, (135
44, 622
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grate bar, Furnace.......................... R. C. Graves................. Barnesville, Ohio...... Feb. 11,1873 135, 799
Grate bar, Furnace-------------------------............................... J. Kymer................... Caermarthen, South Wales July 18, 1844 3, 671
Grate bar, Furnace -------------------------............................... W. S. Low.....----------------- Albany, N. Y......... June 7,1859 24, 316
Grate bar, Furnace----------------....................-.-..-....... W. Mellor............. Paterson, N. J...--.... Mar. 26,1872 124, 966
Grate bar, Furnace............................... A. Rawson------......--........... Des Moines, Iowa....... June 4,1872 127, 428
Grate bar, Furnace-------.---------------..... A. Rawson................. Des Moines, Iowa....... July 23,1872 129, 862
Grate bar, Furnace......................... A. Rawson...---............... Des Moines, Iowa....... Aug. 19, 1873 141, 890
Grate bar. Furnace............................... J. C. Schlough................ Easton, Pa............. May 29, 1855 12,967
Grate bar, Furnace............................... W. H. Settle.................. Louisville, Ky.......... July 23, 1872 129, 756
Grate bar, Furnace............................ Tupper................... New York, N. Y......... Apr. 10, 1865 53, 903
Grate bar, Fulnace..........................J. Vandercar................. Brooklyn, N. Y... May 24, 1864 42, 888
Grate bar, F:rnace................................ B.C. Vanduzen.............Cincinnati, Ohio....... May 30, 1854 10, 996
Grate bar, Furnace......................... _. Wicks................. New York, N. Y......May 15,1855 12, 883
Grate bar, Furnace.........................J. Williams, J. Forgie, and J. New York, N. Y......... Mar. 24, 1868 76, 023
Grate-bar, Hollow................................N. Shaw.................. West Eau Claire, Wis..... Aug. 31, 1869 94, 345
Grate-bar, Revolving................................. G. C. Waggonner............. Hamilton, Ill.......... Oct. 22, 1872 132, 423
Grate.bar, Rocking................................ J. Jones........................ Rochester, N. Y........ May 30,1871 115, 482
Grate-bar, Rotary.............................. D. Byard..................... Sbaron, Pa............. Oct. 18, 1870 108, 327
Grate bar, Steam-generator....................... J. Mahony................ Newport, R. I.......... June 29,1869 91, 949
Grate bar, Steam-generator..................... M.D. Wellman................ Allegheny County, Pa... Apr. 12, 1870 101, 795
Grate bar, Stove................................... G. W. Gardner............ Albany, N. Y -...-... Nov. 18,1851 8,523
Grate-bar supporter..................................... WV. F. Morgan and F. C. Bart- New York, N. Y.. - - -. Sept. 19, 1865 50, 023
Grate bar, Tubular................................... W. H. Farris............. Cairo, Ill.............. May 2, 1871 114, 280
Grate bar, Water.............................. Faris.................... Cairo, 111.....--......... Mar. 28, 1871 113, 037
Grate-bars, Agitating.........................A.D. Spoor................. Troy, N. Y -............. Apr. 15, 1851 8, 043
Grate-bars, Construction of.................F. P. Dimpfel................ Philadelphia, Pa...... Mar. 16, 1852 8, 799
(Irate-bars for furnaces, Casting................J. A. Miller................. New York, N.. Y......... Jan. 31, 1865 46, 127
Grate-bars, Interlocking.......................... S. Vansyckel................. Jersey City, N. J........ Oct. 9, 1855 13, 669
Grate, Brick-kiln........................J. Maltpress................ Edgerton, Wis........ Dec. 1, 1868 84, 639
Grate called caloret, Fire................ C. M. Graham............. New York............ Nov. 10, 1821.....
Grate, Coal....................................... C. O. Greene..........West Troy, N. Y........Jan. 1,1850 6, 985
Grate, Coal.................................... - W. T. McMillen......... Saint Louis, Mo........ May 22, 1860 28, 190
Grate, Coal............... I. Pickard.................... Lena, Ill...............Dec. 13, 1870 110,157
Grate, Coal-stove.........................S. G. Morrison.............. Williamsport, Pa..... Aug. 5, 1873 141, 452
Grate, Coal-vault................................. G. W. Scott................Greencastle, Ind......... Oct. 11, 1870 108, 298
Grate combination....................... J. Wallace................. Louisville, Ky......... Nov. 12, 1867 70, 9-24
Grate, Common fire............................... J. Atwater.........New Haven, Conn...... Oct. 2a5, 32....
Grate, Cooking................................... T. Vinton.................Philadelphia, Pa.........Oct. 31,182J0.
Grate, Drip-receiving............................. W.N. Reed................Arlington, Va.... Nov. 22, 1870 109, 452
Grate-fender..............................S. S. Bent...-. Port Chester, N. Y..... July 12, 187C 105, 295
Grate-fender-.......................... G. Buchanan................ Washington, Pa......... Mar. 9, 1869 87, 629
Grate-fender................................. G. Buchanan.................... Washington, Pa......... Nov. 7, 1871 120, 571
Grate Fire.--................................ 1. At.water..... New Haven, Conn..... Jan. 9,1833....
Grate Fire.......................................W. S. Bronson................ Hartford, Conn....... May 5, 1868 77, 445
Grate Fire....................................... W.H. Farris---------------.................. Cairo, Ill............. Aug. 12, 1873 141. 780
Grate Fire....................................... W. D. Gusemnran -............... Morgantown, W. Va.... June 30, 1863 39, 043
Grate Fire........................................ J. Habermehl.------..--.......... Wheeling, W. Va....... May 3.), 1865 47, 947
Grate, Fire.....................................G. R. Moore................Philadelphia, Pa....--------- Apr. 18, 1871 113, 908
Grate Fire........................................ M. Peckham.................Utica, N. Y.--.. -... Aug. 16, 1870 106, 502
Grate Fire.---.................................. W. HI. Pulver............... Troy, N. Y................ Aug. 7, 1847 5, x32
Grate Fire............................... B. Speeler.................. Trenton, N. J....----------- Jan. 21, 1868 73, 662
Grate, Fire........................................ J. Tiberi------------------.....................- Saint Louis, Mo...........Apr. 2,1861 31,914
Grate Fire..................................... J. Vandercar....-............. Brooklyn, N. Y......... Aug. 11, 1868 80, 844
Grate Fire....................R........... F. Weller................. Albany, N. Y............Sept. 5,1871 118, 762
Grate, Fire...................................... G. Wellhouse................ Akron, Ohio --.....-. Mar. 7,1871 112, 399
Grate Fire................................... G. Williamson............... Milwaukee, Wis..--------- May 4, 1869 89, 720
Grate, Fire-place...........................S. S. Bent............... Port Chester, N. Y..... July 12, 1870 115, 296
Grate Fire-place...--------. S. S. Bent..__.......... Port Chester, N. Y - -. July 12, 1870 105. 297
Grate, Fire-place............................. L. Bertscho, jr............. Allegheny ( ity, Pa...... June22, 189 91, 597
Grate, Fire-place -..--............................... F. S. Bissell................ Pittsburgh, Pa........ Aug. 30, 1870 106, 772
Grate Fire-place.................................. J. Caven...................... Indianapolis, Ind....... Oct. 31, 1871 120, 490
Grate Fire-place.......................... G. Chilson................. Boston, Mass............. June 4, 1850 7, 411
Grate, Fire-place..............................J. A. Crawford......---.......... Newcastle, Pa.---...---. Jan. 28, 1870 104, 836
Grate Fire-place.................................G. W. Everhart............ Louisville, Ky.. -. Dec. 21,1861) 98, 045
Grate Fire place............................... W.H. Garrett.--...-- -..-. - Cannonsburgh, Pa........ Apr. 18, 1871 113, 757
Grate, Fire-place................................. J. Goldenburgh.............Cincinnati, Ohio.......Oct. 7, 1846 4, 801
Grate Fire-place........................... A. Greenaway and H. J. Need New Albany, Ind........ June 27, 1871 116, 438
Grate, Fire-place.................................. J. Hackett.................... Louisville, Ky............ Sept. 20, 1870 107, 483
Grate, Fire-place.................................. G. W. Hinman.............. Paducah, Ky....-... June 29, 1869 92, 049
Grate, Fire-place --.................----------------M. C. Hull................ New York, N. Y..------- Sept. 15, 1863 39, 928
Grate, Fire-place........................... G. If. McElevey............. Newcastle, Pa........... Feb. 8, 1370 99, 581
Grate, Fire-place.................................. E. D. Merrick.....-......... New Brighton, Pa........ Mar. 29, 1870 101, 296
Grate, Fire-place................................. E. Norman..----------------New Orleans, La........July 12, 1870 105, 234
Grate, Fire-place........ M. Obmer.....----------------- Dayton, Ohio ---------.June 11, 1872 127, 916
Grate, Fire-place.....................JO..................... Pittsburgh, Pa......... Nov. 2, 18;69 96, 342
Grate, Fire-place...-----------------.. D. Pangle........ Belmont, Ohio........ Dec. 19, 1871 122, 050
Grate, Fire-place...------------------- V. W. Pulsfort................... Louisville, Ky..........Feb. 21, 1871 111,971
Grate, Fire-place.................................. C. S. Rankin......... Cincinnati, Ohio......... June 30, 1868 79, 891
Grate, Fire-place...----------.....J. S. Runyan --------------Columbus. Ohio....... Nov. 2-2, 1870 109, 550
Grate, Fire-place...J. S. Ruiyan --------------Columbus, Ohio.-----Sept. 2, 1873 142, 514
Grate, Fire-place -----------------------. R. P. Sause.................... Louisville, Ky........ Mar. 19, 1872 1-24, 699
Grate, Fire-place.................................J. W. Thorniley.......... iNow Brighton, Pa....... Mar. 2t, 1871 112, 986
Grate, Fire-place.................................. M. S. Watkins............... Memphis, Tenn.......... Nov. 14, 1871 120, 917
Grate, Fire-place...---------------...... V. E. Whiteburst............ Norfolk, Va.............. Feb. 1,1870 99, 384
Grate, Fire-place........................... V. S. Withers............... Atlanta, Ga----...-.. Aug. 17, 1869 93, 939
Grate, Fire-place...--------------- -..--J. E. Wood....... Huntington, W. Va...... Dec. 2, 1873 145, 141
Grate, Fire-place.................................J. M. Woodcock...... Bridgeport, Ohio....... Apr. 15, 1873 137, 993
Grate, fie-place, and furnace....... W. Young...------ -. -London, England. Nov. 19, 1867 71, 260
Grate, fire-place, and hot-air furnace............J..H. Sherwood................ New York, N. Y........... Mar. 11, 1873 136, 775
Grate, Fire-place and stove. C. S Pankin............... Cincinnati, Ohio........Feb. 13, 1872 123, 7-27
Grate for admitting air tosides and body'of the B. Franklin-------... - -.. Indianapolis, Ind -. Mar. 26, 1872 123, 640
Grate for baseburning stoves, Plate orL.......... W. Harwood and C. D. New- Troy, N. Y............... Jan. 19, 1869 86, 069
80 P
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Offce fronm 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grate for burning coal, Open- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- - -J. Atwater.-- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - New Haven, Conn..._ Nov. 9,1838 1, 001
(hate for burning coal-screenings................. __ -_ _G. W. Hludreth--------------- Lockport N. Y.....___ _...Feb. 28, 18671 112,'216
(hate for burning fuel, Suspension...............--V. Pearson ----------------- - Monroe Works, N. Y-- July 17, 18:17 '270
Grate for burning petioleum and other liquid fuel J. D. Simedley.................-- -- -Chicago, Ill..._..._..__Oct. 28, 1862 36, 805
Grate for coal-stoves............................--J. Easterly................... Albany, N. Y_._..........Sept. 7,1858 21,4.10
hiate f oircoal-stoves..........................-- --- --- -. C.Isbister. _... _............Allegheny City. Pa.__-Api. 17, 1849 6, 358
(iatt for coal-stovcs and furnaces............... W. Hailes.................... Albany, N. Y............._- _Nov. 18, 1862 36,1l)50
Grate fot cooking-stoves.__-_................ _J. G. Clarke.. __...........Cincinnati, Obio.......... -_ -July 11, 1865 48, 773
hrat fttor cooking-stoves.........................-J. T. Davy....._...........Ti-oy, N. Y................ Api-. 16, 0, 7,284
Grate for cookiiig-stoves...................... - - - -.. L. Einnons................. Hamilton, Ohio.. _... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 705
hG-ate fr cooking-stovs -s......................... - - -- -D. P. Foster................... Shelburno Falls, Mass__. July 25, 1865 48, 923
hirale foi cooking-stoves..................-- -- - - -...J. H. Roelker............ _... Evansville, Ind.----- Mar. 23, 1869 88, 21.3
hiate foi cooking-stoves..............W. H. Whitehead... _.........Cbicago, Ill.........Oct. 15, 1867 69, 889
Grat fi cookie -stoves, Portable summer._.._._S. Spoor......................Tiny, N. Y...._ _......... July 30, 187-2 129, 907
hiat itoroire-places, Revolving.. __............... _A. Brase and L. Salladey..Sciotovill-, Ohio.......... - _May 17, 1870 103, 134
Giattfor fumnaces, Basket..._.............J. J. Ileindl_._..........New York, N. Y-..........Apr. 7, 1868 76, 444
hrate fon furnaces, Cocular...................... G. L. Smith..................-Brooklyn, N. Y...........Sepit. 24, 1867 69, 1:34
Grate for furnaces, Drop......................... W. Shepherd.................--New York, N. Y.......... Aug. 15, 1871 118, 062
Grate for furnaces, stoves, &c................. _.. P. WV. Pratt -.._.._.._-.........-Abiinton, Mass. __........Jiiie 4, 1872 127, 514
Grate for furnacesXVWiter.......................H-. L. Walker.................. Globe- Village, Mass. Nov. 19, 1367 71, 231
hi-ate foi- heating stoves........................- G. Nimino................... Jersey City, N.J.-----Oct. 23, 1866 59,0657
hi-ate for locomotiv e-engines....... -_...........J. W. Pole...................._ _ -_ Philadelphia, Pa.......... -July 27, 1858 21, 0-21
Grate for steamr-boiler turniaces... _......_......._.- G. L. Smith...................- -- -- -Biooklyn, N. Y -. -_........June 27, 1865 48, 455
Grate for steaia ho Icr fuaraces.. _.... _...........J. Zeli.._..................... Vienna, Austria.......... __ _June 13, 1865 48, 247
Grate f.)r steani boilers..........................- - -- -- -- F. A. Hull................. Belvidere, Ill._ - -...__ _Sept. 11, 1860 29, 974
Griate for steaiiiboieis.-......................... J. Montgoniery --.........Brooklyn, N. Y...........July 27, 1858 21,013
Grate for steaiiiboiilers, Fire......................HR. Eaton. __-... _._............Lee, England..._---..........-Jaii. 1, 1867 60, 706
hiatt fbr steno-boilers, Hollow................... C. E. Hiitson.................--Commerce, Mo......---- Mar. 8, 1870 1(0, 631
hirale foi steam- boiler-, lubiular..................- -- -- -S. C. Sturtevant-.............._ _- _Cleveland. Ohio...___.......June 11, 1861 32,541
Grate for steam- boil irs Water...................__V___ _. Stone.. _................. Carbondale, 111. _...._- Oct. 24, 1871 120, 34-2
Grate fori steam-engines.........................H-. Wiiiaiis...................Baltimore, Md - ----. Apr. 6,158 19, 890
Grate for stean-generator and other furnaces.-_-_B. T. Babbitt..................- -- -_ _New York, N. Y. -...June;29, 1869 91, 999
hrane for steam-generators, Ci-culating.. __........J. Braden.. _... _.... __......-Indianapolis, Ind _..__.Nov. 2, 1869 6, 354
Giaie for stovcs -a0(1ftue-places.--...----- V-. B. Siitor._........_.....Indiana, Pa...............-Apr. 8, 1873 137, 733
Grate for stoves aiid iiinaces....................N. A. Boyntoiu..-......... New York, N.Y.-_..._.I.May 14, 187-2 126, 777
raate loi stoves andl turnaces.................... J. B. McIntosh _........... Erie, Pa.................-Sept. 28, 1869 95, 2511
Grat fo stoves and( furnaces..................I J.J. Richardson.............. Brooklyn, N. Y__.........Aug. 19, 1873 141, 891
Grate for stovcs and fturina ce s.................. -- -- - -. Vander- Heyden. -....I_-_ roy, N. V............... Dec. 1, 1863 40, 781
hirate for51(toves, Basket.......................--- F. H. Hoot -..-.._.... Buffalo, N.Y............. Apr. 27, 1869 89, 347
hirate foi stoves, ranges,-and heaters..............H _ -. Whiting and A. Hamin.. New York, N. Y -.__... _. Aug. 4, 1868 80, 689
Giate f or stoves, Revolving............- - --..........E. Draper.............. - -..Oskaloosa, Iowa......Feb. 13, 1866 52. 548
LUiate-trame, Base for sunrmer-pieces aiid- _- - - ----A. Bi-own and W. Patterson.. Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y...Feb. 8, 1870 99, 631
Grate-frIort andl (vena Combined......__ -... __ __ __J. W. Gillespie and W. Hughes Alliance, Ohio -_-............_Junie 14, 18 70 104, 136
Giate,11Fumnace.................................. A. Adams_.._...._.........Stamford, Con..-.......Apr. 2, 1867 6:3, 354
GrateI Furnace..................__..............J. Alexander.................. Green Point, N.Y...Jan. 1, 1867 60, 842
Grate. Furinace..................................A. J. Allen and W. S. Hudson.. Paterson, N. J............_ -_ _May 25, 1858 20, 316
Grate, Furnace.................................- 1. H. Barbour.................. Hannibal, Mo............. July 13, 1869) 92, 56-2
hi-ate, Furnace.................................-- C. F. Cory....................--Lebanon, Ill._..._........July 24, 1860 29, 248
Grate, Furnace..__... _...........................-H. W. and D. Davis............ Flushiing and Long Island ApI. 17, 1866 54, 064
City, N. Y.
Grate, Furiiace........................_.._....HR. C. Graves......_......_..Bariiesville, Ohio--------- Apr. 301, 1872 126, 285
hiate, Furnace...... _............................. V. floldsworth............. Brooklyn, N. V............ Aug. 18, 1863 39, 573
hi-ate, Furnace..-----------------.A ucisn.......................H..Hthnsn------Bergen, N. J.............. Sept.27, 1870 107, 70
Grate. Furnace -------"---------"------------.-----C.Ku-Ic.................... Barnesville, Ohio.Apr...- 2, 8-2160
Grate, Fuinace.................................-- IE. Langen..................... Cologne, Prussia.......... Nov. 14, 1865 50, 996
Grate, Furnace................................... D. Lasher------------------Br-ooklyn, N. Y.-..._....Jan. 7, 1862 34, 064
Grate, Furnaceo..................................W. B. LeVan.................- _ _ Philadelphia. Pa.... Aug. 19, 1873 141, 936
Grate, Fuinace..--------------- __.IM~ih.......................E.IMcath Sauigei-lies, N.Y..... July 19, 1859 24, 815
Grateliiirnace ----------------------------------hG. H. Moore....--....-_-_-Phriladelphia, Pa........ Api-. 4, _1871 11:3, 324
hiate, Foinace---------------------------------__ _ _ __ __ _C. M. Northrup....... _.._._.. New YoikN. Y...... July 25, 1871 117, 319
hi-ateIFurnace ----------------------------------- A. L. Penrnock---------Upper Dai byPa..... Sept. 27, 1870 107, 715
Giatet Furnace................................... E. Purchase -..-----..-. DaiivilleIPa.._.....__ Feb. 14, 1860 27, 153
Grate,1Furriace............................. __.. J. Reynolds.. _...........----.. Philadelphia, Ia- - -___ July 9, 1867 66, 628
Giate, Funace......... __..............M. M. Rouiids................Noy Haven, Corn - - - Mar. 12, 1861 31, 676
hi-ateIFurnace -......................_H. Ryder.-------------------- jSomnervilleMa's -----mar. 11, 1873 136, 673
Gi-ate, Furnace.................................. W. H. Short. -.-....1------ m-BooklynN.Y.. - - - Jan. 3,1865 45, 760
hi-ate, turn-ace................................... B. F. Sailtlr.----------_-----Newy OileaiiILa--- -- Set12, 1871 118,884
hiate, Frnace................................. -G. L.Sinith...................-Br-ooklyn, N. V----- Nov. 24,1863 40,712
hi-ate,1 iirnace.................................. E. F. Steele-------------------..Wallingford, Connai---- J-uly 11, 1871 117,0609
Grate, Furnace._................................VT. Von Bolzano -------ScilanAustria - -. --- Jan 28, 1873 135, 390
hr-ate, Furnace---------------------------------H_. Van Velilioven------------- Pliladelpia, Pa..... Apr. 19, 1859 2:1, 7-29
Grate, Furnace...............................____ C. Vaii XVgeneir..............Newv Yotk, N Y.... l..May 28, 187-21127, 203
(r-ate, Furnace.................................---A. B. Weeks................. Rockland, Mo------- Oct. 4, 1870 107, 987
Grate, Furnace...... _...........................C. Whittier.................IRoxbury, Mass.._ _.- - - Jan. 23, 1866 5-2,,235
Grate, Furnace................................ S. L. Wieanud and W.IB. Le IPhiadelphia, Pa- - - -__ Jan. 5, 1864 41, 181
Grate, Furnace.................................. W. A. Wilson arid J. Smith.... Liverpool, E ngl mund Ag 27, 1867 68, 139
hr-ate.Fu,r~rnac..................A. rrtir r..........Albaurrr- IN-Y ------Nov. 3,186:1 40, 532
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office fromt 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grate, Pendulum.__................._..------...N. Winslow._......_........Portland, Me.........July 2, 1836...
Grate, Portable camp_------__--------------------L. ID. Gavitt.--...........Los Angeles. Cal.-._Jan. 17, 1871 110, 967
Grate, Quadrant hinged............. G. H. Tbhatcher.- - - ---------A lbany, N. Y. _..........Aug. 5, 1851 8, 277
Grate, R'everberating..._..................... R. Mayo....--.............Richmond, Va............Nov. 1, 1825.---
Grate, Revolving..__..._..........................P. J. Boris_.. __..........Fairfax, Nova Scotia.__Jntn. 10, 1865 45, 895
Grate, Revolving................................C. Evans. _.. _... _.........Charlestown, Mass...._.Dec. 25, 1855 14, 007
Grate, Revolving and sifting..................... E. B. M. Hughes............ New Haven, Con. July 29, 1837 312
Grate, Revolving coal...........................J. B. Chollar.......... _...... West Tioy, N. Y...Aug. 27, 1850 7, 593
Grate, Revolving horizontal coal.................._ __ __ _J. F. Weishampel............. Baltimore, Md........... June 19, 1849 6, 541
Grate, Rocking.................................---J. Seddon.-..._..._.......Susquehanna Depot, Pa. Sept. 23, 1873 143, 034
Grate, Rotary stove.............................--A. Harrison......_.........PhiLadelphia, Pa.----- Oct. 5, 1852 9, 297
Grate, Sliding................................... J. C. Howard.................-Hampton, Con.------. Feb. 13, 1836...
Grate, Sliding..................... G. W. Walker._........... Boston, Mass.-........Feb. 25, 1862 34, 536
Grate, Sliding-flue............................... D. Desmond..................-New York, N. Y.-... Dec. 26, 1837 541
Grate, Steam-boiler.............................. A. M. Searles. __..............-Cincinnati, Ohio...........Sept. 30, 1856 15, 825
Grate, Stcam-furnace......................E. H. Jones...............W est A lbany, N.Y...June -20, 1865 48, 286
Garate, Stove.._................................... A. J. Arnold.................. Columbus, Ner.-........Dec. 24, 1872 134, 238
Grate, Stove..................................... D. S Baker...._.._.........West Bloomfield, N. Y May 12, 1868 77, 707
Grate, Stove.................................. M. R. Barr.................... Erie, Pa............... June 27, 1871 116, 386
Grate, Stove..................................... P. Boyden................. _Amsterdam, N. Y..._-May 23, 1871 115,021
Grate, Stove...................................L. Bridge.... _.... _..........Philadelphia, Pa.-__-- June 14, 1870 104,1-258
Grate, Stove...............................----....A. Brown..---._.............Tr-oy,N. Y............... Mar. 25,186-2 34, 731
Grate, Stove..................................... A. Brown....................--Troy, N. Y.__........Dec. 11, 1866 60, 334
Grate, Stove.....................................E. Card....................-- Pawtucket, R. I..........1)ec. 7,1869 97, 477
Grate, Stove..................................... G. Chilson........-........Boston, Mass............. Apr. 7, 186x, 76, 302
Grate, Stove.................................... G. Chilson.._................Boston, Mass-...........u eJune 30, 1868 79, 312
Grate, Stove...................................J. Churchman............... _Burlington, N. J.......... _May 16, 1871 114, 762
Grate, Stove.............. _.....................W. Craven. _................ Cincinnati, Ohio...........Aug. 18, 1868 81,1:19
Grate, Stove..................................... S. P. Davis................. _Constantine, Mich..Juiio 13, 1871 115, 8-27
Grate, Stove.................................P. Dempsey.................Eie, Pa.._..._...._......May 24, 1870 103,307
Grate, Stove...................................E. Decwitt -------- ---Belvidere, N. J.._..._....Jan. 21, 1873 135,095
Grate, Stove................................... E. Dewitt....... _.... _.. _.....Belvidcee N. J.. _........Jan. 21, 1873 135, 096
Grate, Stove.....................W Doyle........... Albany, N.Y...........Nov. 28,1871 121,236
Grate, Stove................................ W. Doyle..................... Albany, N. Y...--........June 11, 1672 127, 684
Grate,Stove................................... S. Duncan._.........Syracuse, N.Y............ Feb.4, 1873 135, 471
Grate, Steve..................................... G. W. Eltonhead.............. Saint Louis, Mo.........Oct. 71-73 143, 443
Grate, Stove.. __..._...............I M. P. Farnham..............Janesville, is --. ---. __Mar.26, 1867 63,150
Grate, Stove.................... __............. _. D. A.Flood and D. W. Browii WoodbidgeN. J...June 6, 1871 115, 590
Grate, Stove...................................-- IC. 0. Foley.................... TroyN. Y....._Sept.26, 1871 119, 343
Grate, Stove. _..._.._._...... __..................C. Fulton....................Rochester, N. Y.......... Apr. 27, 1869 89,:34
Grate, Stove....................................---J. Glass......................--Troy, N. Y...............Aug. 8,1865 49, 344
Grate, Stove...............................----... XVA.Green.................--Brooklyn,N.Y........... Nov.21,1871 121,0.7
Grate, Stove..................................... XW. Hageity....... _..... _....Philadelphia, Pa......... -Dec. 2) 1873 145, 172
Grate, Stove.......................W. Hailes. _.................. Alliany, N. Y.___-........May 11, 186) 89, 863
Grate, Stove..................................--- L. F. Hake.....--------Sae, ho..............SaeOi. Feb. 19f 1867 6,2, 265
Grate, Stove...................................H. Ham...................Troy, N._...........Aug.9,180 106, 154
Grate, Steve...................................E. Harrington. _.... _.........Boston, Mass. -. _.......Nov. 18, 1862 36, 952
Grate, Stove................................. A. M. Harris.................--Columbus, Ga............. Feb. 18, 1873 135, 909
Grate, Stove..............................:C.Hr...........T.Hrly._...-........Biidgeport, Ohio.......... Nov. 28, 1871 121,363
Grate, Stoe...............................__..Harvey and J. H. Foote.. New York, N.YV..........May 2,18:1 114, 298
Grate, Stove.....................IL.Harwood...............Troy, N. Y-...............Nov. 13, 1860 30, 6-20
Grate, Stove.................................... L. W. Harwood_.........Troy, N. Y................ Sept.8, 1863 39, 811
Grate, Stove.....................................D. Hathaway................Troy, N. Y................ Sept. 13,1864 44, 188
Grate, Stove DHtay.............................DHahwy---------Troy, N. Y................ Nov. 9, 1869 96, 588
Grate, Stove................................. D. Ilaihawa.................. Troy, N.Y...............-Dec.21, 1869 98, 059
Grate, Stove_. _...................................B. F. Holbrook and E. B. Rum- Boston, Mass. __..-.......Sept. 8 1868 81, 904
Grate, Stove._...................................W. J. Keep._..................Troy, N. Y...............--June 3, 1873 139, 583
Grate, Stove............................-----..H. G. Leonard_....._........Tauntoi, Mass..........May 7,1867 64, 430
Grate, Stove.................................... E. C. Loud ---------- pigilMs....Mr,17 0,3
Ga-ate, Stove....................................---J. Magee....._...........Boston, Mass............ De 10, 1861 33, 919
Grate, Stove.........___.....................A. J. Magoon.................. Providence, R. I._.._.....Aug. 4,1868 80,(045
Grate, Stove................................-11. C. March................Lawrenceville, Pa. July 29,18(2 36, 055
Grate, Stove.................................. WV. L. McDowell.__._...__ Philadelphia, Pa... __......ct 14, 1862 36, 66-2
Grate, Stove....................................- W. Mlivain......_........._ Philadelphia, Pa. _.......Oct. 3, 18(15 50, 258
Grate, Stove..................................... H. Miner.....................--Green Island, N.Y...Apr. l9,1870 102, 143
Grate, Stove.................................... E. Miiiay...............--Bostoni, Mass.............-May 1,1860 28,102
Grate, Stove.. __................................ E. Monense and L. Duparquet New York, N. Y.......... July 7, 1868 79,15M
Grate, Stove................................. G. R. Moore..................--Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jul) 18,1571 117, 194
Grate, Stove.................................... G. R. Moore.. _............... Philadelphia, Pa......... Sept. 12, 1871 118, 874
Grate, Stove.....................................G. R. Moore. _......_._......Philadelphia, Pa......... De. 9, 1873 145,30
Grate, Stove....................................---J. Moran._._.............. ashington, D. C......Sept. 7,1869 94,6027
Grate, Stove...............................-----.H.Moss-.._............Philadelphia, P'a... Nov. 14,1871 120,92
Grate, Stove..................................... 1). H. Nation................. Albany, N.Y............. July 24, 18(0 29, 300
Grate, Stove.................................... D. E. Paris...................--Troy, N. Y...............-Dc. 31,1867 72,754
Grate, Stove....................................- J. W. Parnell.._..........Troy, N. V............... Sept. 25, 1800 30, 18-2
Gi-ate, Stove...................................... H. W. Poll..... _... _.......... Rome, N. V...............Nov. 26, 187-2 133,4-77
Grae,. toe......................- AGnA Phli.............NewYok,. Y.......ept4 8 575,277
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Officee from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grate, Stove...................................... W. S. Thomas..-..-........... Kendallville, Ind--.......... Jan. 31,1871 111, 493
Grate, Stove...-------------------. ---- -.. G. Troh....................... Philadelphia, Pa ----........ Feb. '22, 1870 100, 024
Grate, Stove...----------------------------------. C. Truesdale------------------.................. Cincinnati, Ohio..---.. July 20, 1869 92, 906
Grate, Stove........... -..................... C. Truesdale.-......-......... Cincinnati, Ohio....... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 743
Grate, Stove...--.-.--................--...- J. S. Van Buren............... Troy, N. Y..--.-....-...... June 17, 1873 139, 934
Grate, Stove....................................... G. Vander Hayden........... Troy, N. Y................ --------------Jan. 10, 1865 45, 881
Grate, Stove..................--..........-.. ---G. W. Walker................. Boston, Mass-------------.............. Jan. 10, 1865 45, 883
Grate, Stove....................................... R. Ward.....--............... Edinburgh, Ind-........... ----Aug. 16, 1870 106, 521
Grate, Stove..........-..............-...-....... C. Waters and H. A. Brown.. Poughkeepsie, N. Y--....... Nov. 26, 1867 71, 345
Grate, Stove....................................... M. D. Welman -.......--........ Allegheny City, Pa........ - Jan. 18, 1870 99, 041
Grate, Stove....------------------------------------ R. Wilson..................... Half Moon, N. Y.......... June 27, 1848 5, 652
Grate, Stove....------------------------------------ G. A. Wing.............. - Albany, N. Y............. Feb. 2, 1869 86. 616
Grate, Stove.... ---------------------------------A. Winterburn..... -...._.. Albany, N. Y.......... - June 14, 1870 104, 242
Grate, Stove..............-- - - - - - - -. G. D. W oodworth-. ----........... Chicago, Ill.._........... Oct. 20, 1868 83, 232
Grate, Stove....................................J. H. Yocum.................. - -- Ashland, Pa.--.......... July 7,1868 97, 716
Grate, Stove and furnace..................... J. V. B. Carter................. Albany, N. Y............. July 24, 1860 29, 245
Grate, Stove and furnace........................ W. T. Coggeshall.......-..... Fall River, Mass.......... Oct. 20, 1857 18, 434
Grate, Stove and furnace -... ---.--.-.-..... J. W. Griswold................ Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 28, 1868 73, 800
Grate, Stove and furnace.......................... B. Gommenginger and C. W. Rochester, N. Y........... July 28, 1868 80, 280
Trott er.
Grate, Stove and furnace--...----------.--------- H. W. Pell.................... Rome, N. Y............... Oct. 29, 1872 132, 688
Grate, Stove-furnace.............................. G. A. Wing.......-........ Albany, N. Y............. Aug. 17, 1869 93, 781
Grate, Stove or furnace....... -................ G. A. Wing................ Albany, N. Y............ Aug. 16, 1870 106, 442
Grate, Stove-oven-................................. W. G. James................ Richland Centre, Wis..... Feb. 14, 1871 111,850
Grate, Stove-pipe................................J. O. Malley..................Montreal, Canada......... Nov. 8, 1870 109, 043
Grate, Tubular................................ B. Garvin and R. J. Pettibone Oshkosh, Wis............. Feb. 12, 1867 61, 022
Grate, Tubular.................................B. Garvin and R. J. Pettibone. Oshkosh, Wis............. Sept. 13, 1870 107, 356
Grate, Tubular............E. Thayer................................... E.Thayer..... Worcester, Mass.......... Mar. 28,1865 47,053
Grate, Union or double......................... J. Wilson................... New York............... Sept. 12, 1834.. -
Grate, Water.................................... W. A. L. Kirk................. Hamilton, Ohio........... Oct. 23, 1866 59,130
Grate, Water.................................... J. Ryan..................... Saint Louis, Mo.......... Jan. 31, 187i 111, 387
Grates and dampers for chimneys, Arrangement of J. Cohen...................New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 15, 1856 14, 650
Grates and stools, Fire-back for................... J. Habermehl................. Whceling, W. Va......... Nov. 26, 1867 71, 297
Grates, A pparatus for raising..... ----... J. W. A llyn-.........---.. Philadelphia, Pa.......... N ov. 1, 1864 44, 844
Grates, Ash-sifting device for.................... J. Beesley................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 22, 1867 61, 386
Grates, Casting fire..................... H. Anshutz.................. Allegheny, Pa............ Jan. 14, 1873 134, 832
Grates, Coal-stirrer for furnace...................W. R. Nichols and B. C. Boyes Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 23, 1850 7, 306
Grates, Constructing and arranging stove........... G. (h.ilson..................... Boston, Mass............ Sept. 11, 1841 2, 246
Grates, &c., Draft and ventilating device for open. J. M. Crockett------................ Newbern, Va............. Dec. 3, 1867 71, 711
Grates, Construction of grates for lime-kilus..... W. B. Hill..................... Bellevue, Mich ----............ --- July 30, 1841 2, 206
Grates, Hoisting................................. G. Stowe.................... Braceville, Ohio-....-... July 14, 1868 79, 873
Grates, Raising and lowering stove................ J. Dutcher.................... New York, N. Y......... June 30, 1838 822
Grates, Shade and (draft-blower for...........-.. F. McCarthy............. Chicago, Ill............... Jan. 7, 1873 134, 556
Grates, Shaker-bar of stove....................... G. W. Gardner............ Troy, N. Y................ Feb. 3, 1857 16, 538
Grater- --..........-............................. N. Amas....................... Saugus, Mass............. Oct. 13, 1857 18, 422
Grater............................................ G. Booth................... - Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 22, 1873 138, 122
Grater............................................ J. A. Hard.................... -------------------Lawrence, Kans.......... July 9,1872 128, 796
Grater............................................ W_. Kinyon and J. Maxson.... Scott, N. Y................ Mar. 22, 1870 101,023
Grater............................................ J. A. Latham.......... New Haven, Conn....... Mar. 24,1868 75, 931
Grater........................................... L. Schmidt.................... Lancaster, Pa............. Mar. 15, 1870 100, 809
Grater-.......................-..-.-.... -J. M. Smith................... Seymour, Conn-----------............ June 7, 1870 1;4, 071
Grater......................................... H. Stone--------------------..................... --Williamsburgh, N. Y.... Aug. 27, 1867 68, 256
Grater-----------------------------------------............................................ E. B. Strong.......... Buffalo, N. Y............. Aug. 27,1835....
Grater....................................-...-...H. C. White................... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 25, 1871 114, 070
Grater and egg-beater...----------------------_. W. A. Bermis.................. Spencer, Mass------------............ June 26, 1866 55, 807
G rater and slicer- - - - - - - -....................... - C. W. Saladee and J. H. H all.. N ew ark, Ohio, and Pitts- June 2, 1868 78, 612
burgh, Pa.
Grater, Apple..------------.. U. Emmons................... New York....-.......... Feb. 13, 1828........
Grater, Apple, &c., revolving..................... D. Flagg, jr......................New York................ ----------- Dec. 20, 1830..
Grater. Cider-mill................................ W. Barr-------..... Ypsilanti, Mich........... May 20, 1873 139, 105
Grater, Cocoa-nut............................... W. H. McCall --.. -............ Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 16, 1872 129, 288
Grater, Corn..................................... G.. C. Richards, jr..............Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 30, 1872 126, 333
Grater, Corn.................................... B. Taylor. --...--.-..... Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 12,1856 14, 259
Gra er, Corn and apple........................... C. Moore.....................Guilford County, N. C..... Dec. 30, 1826.......
Grater for carrots, &c................ E. Stimson-------------.................... ----- Montpelier, Vt............ Aug. 14, 1866 57, 213
Gratr for spice and fruit....................... H. S. Shepardson...-.........Shelburne Falls, Mass.... Sept. 5, 1865 49, 836
Grater Green-corn-----------...... G. L. Witsil............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... N ov. 16, 1869 97, 019
Grater, Nutmeg--------------------------..... H. J. Amerling.....--------------- Erie, Pa.................. Apr. 9, 1872 125, 428
Grater, Nutmeg-................................. L. V. Badger.............. Chicago, Ill............... Jan. 8, 1867 61,037
Grater, Nutmeg................................... H. H. Barstow............ Chicago, Ill---------------............... July 21,1868 80, 116
Grater, Nutmeg............................... G. Blanchard-----------------.................. -New York, N. Y........... uly 15,1856 15, 325
Grater, Nutmeg................................. W. Bradley................... Lynn, Mass.............. July 25, 1854 11, 351
Grater, Nutmeg............................. W. Bradley............. - -Lynn, M ass.............. Jan. 29, 1867 61,511
Grater, Nutmeg............................. H. Carsley................... Lynn, Mass............. Nov. 20, 1855 13, 834
Grater, Nutmeg................................R.H. Chiin.................. Washington, D. C......... July 16, 1867 66, 675
Grater, Nutmeg.......-......-............... J. L. and D. H. Coles........... New York, N. Y.......... July 28, 1868 80, 456
Grater, Nutmeg................................... C. A. Durgin.................. New York, N. Y.-...... July 16, 1867 66, 689
Grater, Nutmeg.................. C. L. Gilpatric................. South Dedham, Mass...... Oct. 9, 1866 58, 6:32
Grater, Nutmeg................................... E. A. Goodes..---------.. Philadelphia, Pa.......... July 28, 1868 80, 347
Grater, Nutmeg.................................. H. H. Herrick................. Boston, Mass............. Nov. 1, 1864 44, 865
Grater, Nutmeg...-----------------...J. A. Hooper............... South Berwick, M e....... M ar. 5, 1867 62, 54-2
Grater, Nutmeg-----------....... J. Lofoendahl................. Boston, Mass.............. June 13, 1865 48, 237
Grater, Nutmeg................................... T. Marriatt................... Detroit, Mich............. Dec. 23, 1873 145, 884
Grater, Nutmeg------------------------...... W. W. Owen and D. Kelly..... Muskegon, Mich.......... Dec. 17, 1867 72, 22:3
G rater, N u tm eg-----------.......... A. L. P latt................ B loom in gton, Ill........... A p r. 22, 1873 138, 191
G r a t e r, N u t m e g............................... G. C. R ic h a r d s, j r............. P h ila d e l p h i a, P a.......... J u ly 1 6, 1 8 72 1 2 9, 4 2 6
Grater, Nutmeg.............................. J. Riddle and B. Allen........ Boston, Mass....... Oct. 30, 1866 59, 266
Grater, Nutmeg.............................. J. G. Roth.................... New York, N. Y.......... Apr. 14, 1868 76, 820
Grater, Nutmeg..-----------------------.. A. S. Skillin and G. W. Reed.. Portland, -e.-............ Sept. 3, 1867 68, 483
Grater, Nutmeg-----------...... L. Von Froben................ Washington, D. C....... Aug. 6, 1867 67, 616
Grater, Nutmeg-. - - - D. C. Warner................. Chicago, Ill............... Jan. 21,1871 111, 284
Grater, Nutmeg............................. R. W. Whitney and J. P. Davis South Berwick, Me....... July 23, 1867 67, 010
Grater, Nutmeg- - -.: G. L. Witsil.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 6, 1862 35, 19-2
Grater, Nutmeg-. JC. W orden....................Binghamton, N. Y.... Sept. 24, 1867 69, 150
Grater, Revolving-----------...... S. S. Wilcox and E. J. Cole- Lincklaen, N. Y...... Jan. 18, 1870 99, 042
Grater, Rotary vegetable-----------------...... W. E. Knight................ Shrewsbury, Vt.......... Oct. 19, 1869 95. 913
Grater, Spice-----------------------------..... H. W. Oliver.................. New Haven, Conn........ July 9, 1867 66, 619
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i I
Grater, Vegetable..............................
Grater, Vegetable...............................
Grater, Vegetable....................
Grater, Vegetable.........................
Grater, Vegetable...............................
Grater, Vegetable.........................
Grater, Vegetable........................
Grater, Vegetable.........................
Grating for stove, furnace, &c., Supplementary....
Grating, Illuminating.......................
Grating machine, Vegetable.............._.....
Grating, sifting, and slicing machine...........
Grave cover, Terra-cotta....................
Grave covering....----------------------..-----
Grave mound..................................
Grave-mound cover.............................
Grave-stone, monument, &e., Composition........
Gravel and sand heater.....................
Gravel-heating apparatus....................
Gravel-spreader, Railway...................
G. Booth...................
T. W. Houchin...............
J. Keagy....................
S. A. McGill...............
A. S. McNeir and W. D. Stockton.
C. R. Peirce...................
J. Wehrle and W. Wittlinger..
S. M. Wilson.............
B. F. Foering................
J. K. Ingalls..................
H. Arthur...................
J. F. Shepard.................
C. C. W. Morgan..............
J. R. Abrams.................
A. Rank...................
J. Meley.............
B. Hunter..................
E. A. Locke...................
P. Le Goullon................
W. A. Gay..........
W. D. Andrews..........
H. Franke.................
J. C. Casement and J. Elliott..
Graver........................................... R. S. Mershon...............
Graver........................................... F. R. Stockton.............
Gravimotometer............................... J. W. Whetmore.............
Grease and oils from animal and vegetable sub- J. Besso....................
stances, Extracting.
Grease-cup................................ G. Hagenmeyer..............
Grease-cup................................ G. Hagenm-yer...............
Grease from cloth, &c., Composition for removing. S. Guess....................
Grease from slush, Apparatus for separating...... D. H. Kaufman................
Grease or sizing................................... G. and R. Birtwistle.........
Grease-trap............................... E. Whiteley...............
Green-brier, Obtaining useful products from the P. Baumngras..................
berries of the.
Green-houses, Portable steam-apparatus for...... E. Whiteley.................
Green, Manufacture of Paris..................... T. Schwartz...................
Grenade, Hand............................ G. P. Ganster.............
Grenade, Hand............................ G.P.Gansterand I. S. Schuyler
Grenade, Hand........................... W.F.Ketchum...............
Gre,ade, Igniting hand........................... J. S. Adams..................
Griddle......................................... W. Bennett..................
Griddle......................................... T. D. Gail.....................
Griddle........................................... B. Gilbert....................
Griddle..........E.A.Jeffery................................. E.A. Jffery.....
Griddle......................................... S. Kennedy..............
Griddle.......................................... G. W. Pittock..............
Griddle................................ C. Wilson....................
Griddle-greaser.............................W. H. Bixier...............
Griddle-greaser............................L. Ward....................
Griddle-hlifter................................... M. D. Murphy...........
Griddle or cooking-utensil...............E. J. Smith..................
Gridiron.......................................... W. Andrews.................
Gridiron........................................ D. Ball..............................
Gridiron......................................... A. Bataille.................
Gridiron......................................... W. Bennett...................
Gridiron........................................ E. C. Brewster................
Gridiron.............................._..... J. S. Brooks and L. B. Grover..
Gridiron................................ F. Bush and L. Pratt.........
Gridiron................................. A. Clark.....................
Gridiron........................................ I. Damon....................
Gridiron......................................... C. Den.......................
Gridiron......................................... W. A. Greene and J. G. Treadwell.
Gridiron....................................... J. Hawkins..................
Gridiron.......................................... G. B. Isham...................
Gridiron.........................................I C. H. Mock..................
Gridiron............................... I C. Noble............ C. Noble....
Griciron.................................. M. V. Nobles................
Gridiron.................................. J. T. Page.......... T.Page......
Gridiron........................................ E. B. Phelps...................
Gridiron.........................................J. Powers....................
Gridison......................................... E. P. Russell...............
Gridiron................................. J. Shavor and A. C. Corse.....
Gridiron..........................................J. G. Treadwell..............
Gridiron......................................... N. Waterman................
Gridiron........................................... E. Webster.................
Gridiron and spider............................... A. and G. Sizer................
Gridiron and spider, Combined................... A. and G. Sizer...............
Gridiron-case...........M........................ V. Nobles.................
Gridiron-cover................................... R. Shaler.....................
Gridiron, Folding......................... J. H. Thomas................
Gridiron, Gas-burning....................... E. D. Willard.................
Gridiron, Hollow or gattered..................T. Mussey..............
Gridiron, Rotary........................... K. Strong...................
Gridiron, Sheet-metal............................. I G. Booth...........
Gridirone, Construction of........................ F. Bush and L. Pratt..........
Grinder, Card............................. J. S. Dronsfield...............
Grinder, Cutter............................. N. F. Stone...................
Grinder, Flock................................. R. Aldrich...................
Giinder or hone for razors, penknives, &c., Me- C. Veltenair..................
Grinder, Percussion........................ A. P. Stevens.................
Grinders, Method of forming teeth upon cast-iron.I E. Ripley....................
Residence. Date. No.
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 22,1873 138, 123
Morrisania, N. Y.......... Apr. 30, 1874 126, 144
Newark, Ohio............. Dec. 3, 1872 133, 585
Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Mar. 6, 1866 53, 021
Philadelphia. Pa.......... May 20, 1873 139, 173
Philadelphia, Pa........... Aug. 8, 1871 117, 924
Cincinnati, Ohio......... Mar. 21, 1871 112, 872
New York, N. Y.......... Jan. 11, 1870 98, 832
Philadelphia, Pa........Mar. 4, 1856 14, 356
Brooklyn, N. Y.......... Mar. 1t, 1856 14, 456
Martinsburgh, N. Y...... Oct. 8, 1867 69, 607
Hampton Falls, N. H...... May 24, 1870 103, 378
Holly Springs, Miss..... Nov. 5, 1872 132, 851
Greenville, Ala..:...... Nov. 4, 1873 141, 300
Salem, Ohio.................... July 8, 1873 147, 728
Trenton, Tenn.........Oct. 13, 1868 83, 077
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Nov. 11,1873 144, 392
Boston, Mass........... Sept. 3, 1872 131, 010
Pittsburgh, Pa.............. Jan. 10, 1871 110, 861
Newark, N. J............. Jan. 25,1870 99, 077
Brookhaven, N. YV......... June 25, 1872 128, 351
Brooklyn, N. Y........... Mar. 15,1870 100, 745
Cleveland, Ohio, and Erie, Mar. 9, 1869 87, 542
Zanesville, Ohio........... Dec. 24,1867 72, 521
New York, N. Y......... Feb. 20, 1866 52, 769
Erie, Pa...................... Feb. 16, 1858 19, 392
Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 25, 1867 66, 119
Big River, Cal........... Aug. 8, 1865 49, 259
Big River, Cal............ Apr. 17, 1866 53, 973
Boston. Mass............ Aug. 26, 1845 4, 161
Kokomo, Ind.............. July 4, 1865 48, 559
Fall River, Mass.......... Feb. 11, 1868 74, 288
Cambridge, Mass...... Aug. 3, 1869 93, 258
Syracuse, N. Y...-...... May 17, 1864 42, 814
Cambridge, Mass..... Aug. 3, 1869 93, 380
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 17, 1849 6, 327
New York, N. Y......... Apr. 19, 1864 42, 363
New York, N. Y........ Feb. 16, 1864 41, 615
Buffalo, N. Y.............. Aug. 20, 1861 33, 089
Taunton, Mass............. Jan. 10, 1865 45, 806
New York, N. Y.......... May 26, 1857 17, 361
Waukegan, Ill....... Feb. 14, 1871 111, 835
Pittsburgh, Pa........ Oct. 11, 1853 10,118
Trappe, Md.............. Aug. 27, 1867 68, 202
Allegheny City, Pa...... Aug. 26,18731 142, 164
Union Mills, N. Y...... Sept. 11, 1860 30, 028
New York, N. Y........... Feb. 20, 1855 12, 419
Easton, Pa................ July 22, 1873 140, 992
Poughkeepsie, N. Y...... July 18, 1871 117, 130
Watkins, N. Y......... July 4, 1871 116,739
Washington, D. C....... Jan. 22, 1867 61,478
Alleghany County, Md.... Mar. 3, 1868 75, 107
Ballstonti Spa, N. Y........ Aug. 29, 1822.
New York, N. Y........ Mar. 18, 1873 136, 955
New York, N. Y........ Sept. 30, 1856 15, 799
Bristol, Conn........... Feb. 9, 1864 41, 475
Rochester, N. Y......... July 24, 1860 29, 238
Meriden, Conn........... July 21,1832......
Berlin, Conn.................. Mar. 28, 1834..
Northampton, Mass....... Jan. 30, 1841 1, 960
Frankford, Pa........ June 23, 1868 79, 056
Albany, N. Y............. Mar. 29, 1859 23, 367
West Windsor, N. J....... Mar. 26, 1845 3, 973
Burlington, Vt........... Feb. 16,1869 86, 923
Quincy, Ill............... Aug. 11, 1868 80, 831
Philadelphia, Pa.......... Oct. 31, 1871 120, 528
Elmira, N. Y............. Nov. 23, 1869 97, 217
Rochester, N. Y.......... Feb. 26, 1867 62, 437
New York, N. Y.......... Dec. 8,1868 84, 758
Lansingburgh, N. Y....... Aug. 10, 1829....
Manlius, N. Y............. Apr. 9, 1867 63,,753
Troy, N. Y........ Feb. 19,1861 31, 482
Albany, N. Y........... Dec. 20, 1859 26, 539
Boston, Mass.......... May 1,1847 5, 092
Hartford, Conn............ Feb. 14,1860 27,176
Meriden, Conn............ Nov. 14, 1836........
Meriden, Conn........... Nov. 14, 1836 78
Elmira, N. Y............ Apr. 5, 1870 101,652
Madison, Conn............ June 11, 186 65, 614
Newark, N. J........... Aug. 10, 1858 21, 157
Washington, ID. C....... July 17, 1855 13, 283
New London, Conn........ Mar. 6, 1820..
Meriden, Conn........... Oct. 28, 1820..
Philadelphia, Pa......... Aug. 22, 1865 49, 581
Meriden, Conn........ Sept. 17, 1834.
Olham, Great Britain...... Apr. 26, 1870 102, 236
Chicago, Ill............... Apr. 17, 1866 54, 036
Forestdale, H. I........ Jan. 28, 1870 104, 813... Aug. 10,1804..
Brooklyn, N. V.......... Feb. 28, 1865 46, 597
Troy, N. Y............. Aug. 12,1851 8, 293
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Grinding and abrading surfaces, Method of em- T. Selleck-...------...-------...--
ploying Franklinite pig-metal for making.
Grinding and amalgamating machine, Shoe and F. G. Belknap..............
die for.
Grinding and bolting machines, Combining.. J. M. Clark...................
Grinding and bolting mill _....................... J. Hollingsworth.........
Grinding andi chopping mill, Grain............. P. Pope...................
Grinding and crushing mill...................... W. Frost................
Grinding and crushing mill -----------------P. Perry....................
Giinding and crushing mill................... G. Sanford................._
Grinding and crushing mills, Ore-feeder for-.... C. P. Stanford---..............
Grinding and cutting machine.._.............. F. B. Hunt...................
Grinding and hulling mill, Universal---------..........--.... J. Bogardus..............
Grinding and polishing composition----------..............- - N. A. Bunhle........
Grilding and polishing cylindrical concave sur- W. C. Hicks................
faces, Apparatus for.
Grinding and polishing knives.................... J. Dodge......................
Grinding and polishing machine-..--------------.. D. Lovejoy and G. F. Butterfield.
Grinding and polishing machine..T.................. T. Prosser.................
Grinding and polishing machine, Metal........... J. H. and J. S. Lane.........
Grinding and polishing machine, Metal........... J. A. Whelpley.............
Grinding and polishing machine, Tool-............. --- J. A. Hendrick.............
Grinding and polishing metal--..---------------.. M. A. and J. H. Diedrichs...
Grinding and polishing metal......................1. Dodge.....................
Grinding and polishing metallic surfaces, Machin- R. M. Hoe....................
e y for.
Grinding and polishing tools, Machine for......... J. Vaughan, jr.........
Grinding and pounding mill....................-----------------. A. D. Moore..............
Grinding and shaping metal, Apparatus for....... S. Darling.............
Grinding-apparatus......................... A. Assman...................
Grinding-apparatus..-----------------------.. W. L. Washburn...............
Grinding artificial granite, &c., Facing-beds for... B. Hardinge................
Grinding-cylinder....-------------------------- J. Bridges............
Grinding cylinder, Toothed.................... B. Mackerley.............
Grinding device, Tool............................. D. W. Ayres.............
Grinding edge-tools............................... L. Zimmerman...............
Grinding edged tools, Device for.................. H. K. Trask.................
Grinding edge-tools, Machine for.................. J. D. Smith......---------..........
Grinding ledger and fly blades, planer-knives, &c..- C. Hardy................
Grinding-machine............................ W. Battell and M. E. Worrell
Grinding-machine....-........................ G. T. Chattaway and J. Dickinson.
Grinding-machine................................ P. D. Cummings.......
Grinding-machine........---. --.....-.---. J. lint.......-----
Grinding-machine...------------------------.--G. W. Libbey.................
Grinding-machine... -- ---------. J. L. Otis----.. ----.................
Grinding-machine- ---- -_... -....... T. H. Worrall-................
Grinding-machine for the knives of mowing-ma B. F. Davis....................
Grinding machine, Metal-plate.............. A. R. Reynolds..........._
Grinding-machinery for knives which have warped W. Hovey...............
Grinding metal articles, Machine for.............. J. P. Curtiss.................
Grinding metal plates, Device for --.--...-..--......... E. A. White..................
Grinding, Method of removing and discharging T. Fairbanks..............
dust produced by.
Grinding-mill.. ------------------------------............................... H. Albright..............
Grinding-mill.................................... G. N. Annan......--..
Grinding-mill...------------------------------A. Arnold--------------....................Grinding-mill..------------------------------J. Aubin.....................
Grinding-mill..-------- --- J. G. Baker...................
G rinding-m ill - -- - - - - - - -..-- - - - - - - - -- J. G. B aker...................
Grinding-mill....................................J. W. Baldwin - -................
Grinding-mill- ------------_____--------_...- - S. A. Bantz -and W. Andrew...
Grinding-mill -.-..................._.- ----..- A. Barber....................
Grinding-mill.----.-------------------------- L. B. Bealay..............
Grinding-mill....................................J.H. Bear.............
Grinding-mill -----------------------------___B. A. Beardsley..............
Grinding-mill...-----------------------------T. Bennett...................
Grinding-mill..................................C. P. Benoit.................
Grinding-mill................................ C. Bollinger..............
Grinding-mill...--................................. C. Bollinger..................
Grinding-mill --- -. --.--------- R. V. Bowman................
Grinding-mill...............................-...... - D. E. Breinig............
Grinding-mill ------------------------------A. Briggs.................................... A. Briggs....
Grinding-mill----------------........................--..------------......... E. Brisson....................
Grinding-mill.........................------------------------------J............ Broughton.............
Grinding-mill..................................... W. Broughton..............
Grinding-mill...------------------------------C. W. Brown..................
Grinding-mill.....................................C. W. Brown..................
Grinding-mill.------------------------------IJ. Bryant---....------------...............Grinding-mill- -----------C. P. Buckingham.............
Grinding-mill ----------------------------J. Burns.....................
Grinding-mill -------------- -------------J. Burns......................
Grinding-mill -----------------------------N. Burr..................
Grinding-mill..................................... T. B. Burtis...............
Grinding-mill..................................... D. A. Caldwell...............
Grinding-mill------------------.----.---.---- J........................
Grinding-mill ----------------------------T. A. Chandler...............
Grinding-mill---------------------------- E. Clark.....................
Grinding-mill ----------------------------G. W. Clark and E. Butterfield
Grinding-mill-----------------------.. J. M. Clark...................
Grinding-mill------------------------- - D.R. Clem....................
Grinding-mill ---------.----------.. ---.--.----... E. Coleman...................
Grinding-mill -----------------------------V. P. Coleman................
Grinding-mill........----.------..-------M. Cosgro....................
Greenwich, Con..........
Washoe, Nev...........
May 1,1860
Lancaster, Pa............
Zanesville, Ohio..........Washington Township, Pa
New York, N. Y......
Troy, N. Y..............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
San Francisco, Cal........
Richmond, Ind............
New York...............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Waterford, N. Y.........
Lowell, Mass....-........
New York, N. Y..........
Akron, Ohio..............
Greenwich, New Brunswick.
Providence, Pa...........
Baltimore, Md............
Waterford, N. Y..........
New York................
Union. Me...............
New Haven County, N. C
Bangor, Me...............
Linden, N. J..............
New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.._......
Troy, N. Y............
New Petersburgh, Ohio...
Sheldon, Il--l -......--
Wakeshma, Mich.........
Beaver Dam, Wis.........
Greig, N. Y...............
Biddeford, Me.........
Quincy, Ill................
Brooklyn and New York,
Portland, Me.............
Rochester, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Leeds, Mass..- -..East Blackstone, Mass....
Auburn, N. Y............
Jan. 16, 1866
Jan. 1,1850
Nov. 18, 1851
Aug. 17, 1815
Nov. 19, 1850
Apr. 19, 1859
Jan. 4, 1859
June 3,1873
June 8, 1858
July 29, 1841
Aug. 7, 1866
Dec. 24, 1867
Oct. 12,1858
Oct. 27,1857
June 18, 1867
Nov. 1, 1870
Dec. 31, 1867
Dec. 8, 1863
Sept. 17, 1867
May 2, 1865
May 30, 1842
Dec. 11,1849
Aug 7, 1813
Aug. 30, 1853
Oct. 15, 1872
July 12, 1870
May 8, 1835
July 24, 1832
May 18, 1858
June 23, 1868
July 27, 1869
Apr. 6, 1869
Feb. 23, 1869
June 21, 1870
Apr. 9, 1 872
Dec. 21, 1869
Dec. 16, 1873
Dec. 22, 1868
I)ec. 24, 187-2
Oct. 27, 1868
Apr. 5, 1870
Feb. 23, 1869
52, 015
6, 982
8, 527
7, 782
23, 702
22, 515
139, 523
20, 490
2, 194
56, 896
72, 636
21, 746
18, 509
65, 942
108, 822
72, 957
40, 838
68, 854
47, 527
2, 656
9, 976
132, 931
105, 392
12, 820.....
20, 282
79, 049
93, 031
88, 679
87, 212
104, 584
125, 434
98, 028
145, 488
85, 081
134, 296
83, 405
101, 559
87, 150
62, 566
5, 398
81, 608
96, 066
3, 105
90, 978
81, 725
55, 792
104, 537
143, 867
54, 486
6, 916
20, 692
22, 479
58, 977
39, 793
57, 667
95, 557
19, 826
94, 808
37, 605
26, 412
4, 473
25, 173
27, 102
26, 332
69, 174
122, 811
94, 072
51, 551
145, 786
25, 176
6, 583
36, 893
5, 8-24
37, 151
61, 714
17, 619
7, 679
63, 479
Auburn, N. Y.....-.. Mar. 5,1867
Worcester, Mass.......... Dec. 18, 1847
New Britain, Conn........ Sept. 1,1868
Rock Island, 111........... Oct. 19, 1869
Saint Johnsbury, Vt...... May 26, 1843
Cranesville, WV. Va.....
Buffalo, N. Y_..............
Troy, N. Y...............
Paris, France..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Sidney, N. J..............
Frederick, Md............
Stephentown, N. Y........
Lebanon, N. H...........
York, Pa..................
Waterville, N. Y..........
New York, N,-Y..........
Detroit, Mich.............
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Harrisburgh, Pa..........
Oraugeville, Pa......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Harrison, Ohio........
Orleans, France...........
New York, N. Y........
London, England..........
Boston, Mass..........
Boston, Mass..........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Mount Vernon, Ohio......
New York,N Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
Batavia, Ill..........
Chicago, Ill.........
Jacksonville, Ill-........
Grenada, Miss..........
Rockford, Ill.............
Lancaster, Pa..........
Lowell, Mass........
Lancaster, Pa..........
Front Royal, Va...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
New Orleans, La....
Peoria, Ill.............
June 8,1869
Sept. 1, 1868
Sept. 15, 1857
June 19, 1866
June 21, 1870
Oct. 21, 1873
May 8, 1866
Dec. 4, 1849
June 5, 1847
Sept. 17, 1872
Jan. 29, 1867
June 29, 1858
Jan. 4, 1859
Oct. 23, 1866
Sept. 8, 1863
Sept. 4,1866
Oct. 5, 1869
Apr. 6, 1858
Sept. 14, 1869
Feb. 10, 1863
Dec. 13, 1859
Apr. 25, 1846
Jan. 15, 1850
Aug. 23, 1859
Feb. 14, 1860
Dec. 6, 1859
Sept. 24, 1867
Jan. 16, 1872
Aug 24, 1869
Dec. 19, 1865
Dec. 23, 1873
Aug. 23, 1859
July 10, 1849
Nov. 11, 1862
Oct. 3, 1848
Dec. 16, 1862
Feb. 5, 1867
June 23, 1857
Oct. 1,185,)
Apr. 2, 1867
Index of patents issued from tlhe United States Patent Offce from 1790 to 1873, -inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. I Residence. Date. No.
Grinding-mill.- - - ------ --- - -.- -----------. H. Cotton................ Manchester, N. H...__Nov. 21, 1865 1 51, 022
Gi indin'g11------------- -------------. A. Crease.................... Cleveland, Ohio...........--Apr. 16,1872'L 125, 791
Grimdin.g mill...-......_..............H. P. Crouse.............----__Ilartland, Mich -----------Nov. 8,1864 44, 942
Grinding-mill....................J. Culbertson..........-.. -.( Covington, Ky.. _.........T-in. 6, 1857 16, 325
Grindin;-mill..................................... W. H. Culver................ I West 1ryN.. Ot1087 19,4
Grinding-mill----------------------------------- C. F. Dean..._............... Saint Johnsbury, Vt.---Oct. 9, 1866 58, 719
(Grinding-mill.................................... R. Denison and J. B. Moon...-. Grand Rapids, Midh...Nov. 7, 1t65 50, 805
Grinding-mill.................. J. Donaldson................. Rockford, Ill. _.._. Oct. 15,1887 69, 903
Grnding-mill.................................... J. F. Drnmmond._......New York. N. YV._..._..Dec. 10, 1867 72, 002
Grinding-mill..................................... H. V. Dnryea._...........Fult n, N. V............Feb. 9), 1858 19, 289
Ginding-mill................................. _. G. Eberins and F. A. Heinig.. Washington, Mo -__.........Aug. 18, 186:3 39, 558
Grinding-mill.................................. S. T. Eck ____...... _._..........Taneytown. Md. __.......July 5, 1870 104, 946
Grinding-mill..................................... J. Eliston....................-Cleveland, Ohio...........Mar. 3, 18'68 75, i35
Griiding-mill.................................... G. Erkson._....._......New York, N. Y........July 20, 1858 20, 941
Grinding-mill................................... P. Evans...................... New York, N. YV_.......Oct. 21, 1873 143, 816
Grinding-mill..................................... L. Fagin...................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........-_ _Oct. 30, 1849 6, 827
Grinding-null.................................. A. Felton..................... Tiny, N. Y................ Jan. 2,1855 12,181
Grinding-mill.................................... J. Fickinger._.........Kingwsille, Ohio..........Apr. 9, 1867 63, 712
Grinding-mill...................J A. Forsman............... Jamestown, Ohio..___.......Nov. 3, 1863 40, 467
Grinding-mill................................... J. A. Forsman................ Chicago, Ill.._.._.......Sept. 13, 1870 107, 353
Girinding-mill.......... _......................... M. Fster.. _.... _.. _........Cleveland, Ohio.. _. _.......Sept. 21, 1869 94, 952
Grindingmill..................................... S. Godfrey.................... Peoria, Ill................. Apr. 3, 1866 53, 603
Griilding-mill.....................................HR. D. Granger._.........Philadelphia, Pa....Mar. 9, 1858 19, 559
Grinding-mill...............T Ge.....................T ry------------Clarence, N. Y-...........Dec. 3, 1867 71, 606
Grinding-mil................................._ Z. Griffin..... _............Montgomery, Ala..._.._Oct. 3, 1848 5, 829
Grinding-mill.................................... D. Halladay...............Batavia, Ill-_..........Jnly 19, 1870 105, 448
Grinding-mill.................................... C. A. Harper..........__.... Canterhury, N. H...Nov. 8, 1864 44, 950
Grinding-mill..................................... E. Harrison..__........... New York, N. Y......... Nov. 20, 1847 5, 374
Grinding-mill.................................. E. Harrison................... New Haven, Conn...June 6, 1854 11, 040
Giindin-mar11................................... E. Harrison................... New Haven, Conn..May 8, 1866 54, 535
Grinding mill................................... E. Harrison.. _.. _.. _........ New Haven, Conn......Sept 1, 1868 81, 780
Grindiu-mnill.................................. E. Harrison.._.._.........New Haven, Con... Dee. 29, 1868 85, 444
Giinding-mill.................................. J. T. Harvey.................--Murrysville, Pa....... Feh. 25, 1873 136, 321
Grinding-mill.................................... P. Hauser._-.............Cincinnati, Ohio..... Nov. 7, 1835..
Grinding-mill................................. _M. W. Helton and J. H. Red- Bloomington, Ind..._...Jan. 1, 1867 60, 724
Grinding-mill..................................... F. M. Hemphill.............Newport, Ky.-_.........Mar. 29, 1859 23, 372
Grinidingmill.................................... F. M. Hemphill and H. H. Washington, Ohio..._Oct. 10, 1848 5, 836
Grinding-mill.................................... H. Hensley.............Ely sianfield, Vex..._May 9, 1871 114, 550
Grindirg-mill..................................._S. S. Howard.................--Milton, N. V............ June 18, 1861 32, 565
Grindinrg-mill...........................------S. S. Howard.................. Milton, N. Y.............. Sept. 22, 18,i3 40, 078
Grindirg-mill.................................... G. W. Huhbard and S. A. Philadelphia, Pa......... Mar. 10,.1868 75, 273
Grinding-mill.................................... T. E.Hurmt:._...._.........Louisville, Ky............ Jan. 3,1860 26, 738
Grinding-mill.................................... J. Hiitchison_................ Three Rivers, Mich.... Junie 26, 1866 55, 82
(Grinding-null.................................... E. J. Hyde...................-Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 16, 1860 30, 407
Grinding-mill.................................. S. Hyde............. - -- -".....Malone, N. Y............ Nov. 26, 1835.----
Grindingmill-..............._._...............C. and A. Kaestner._...._..Chicago, Ill........Apr. 17, 1866 53, 989
Grinding-mill......._....._..._.................. F. Kaiser................ Buffalo, N. Y............. Sept. 29, 1868 8-2, 5:32
Grinding-mill.................................. J. Kenip......._.......Brooklyn, N.Y............ Dec. 19, 1865 51,5196
Grinding-mill..............................B. Kenoyor................. Edina, Mo................ Sept. 1, 1863 39, 735
Grindrrg-mill.................................--- F. Klinkerman.............Farmer's Retreat, Ind-. Aug. 30, 1864 44,00
Grinding-mill................................... P. Kraus...................---Angursta, Ga.............-May 31, 1870 103, 626
Grindir-mill....................................F. WV. Krause and (x. W.Strong Chicago, Ill.. __.........Jnne 18, 1861 32, 570
Grinding-gmill................................... J. G. and XV. J. Lane.._..__Mill-brook, N. Y............pr.Apr. 9, 1872 125, 399
Grinding-mill.................................... F. H. La Port................. Clarinda, Iowa.-----Apr. 4, 1871 113, 534
Grinding-mill...................................J. A. Lechler.... _..... Philadelphia, Pa._........Feb. 2, 1864 41, 439
Grinding-mill....................................B. W. Leonard.............. Bridgeport, Conn. 1.._. Jan. 12, 1858 19, 093
Grindin.mill....................................E. D. and E. C. Little..Shabbonas Grove, Ill. ___Mar. 28, 1871 113, 179
Grinding- mill... __...............................G. W. Lay and F. C. Baker.. Jefferson, Tex........... July 23, 1872 129, 741
Grinding-mill.................................... J. C. Lyon and H. F. Phillips Anhrirn and Seneca Falls, May 3, 1859 23, 850
N. Y.
Grinding-mill................................... J. C. Lyon and H. F. Phillips. Auburn and Seneca Falls, June 21, 1859 24, 473
N. Y.
Grinding-mill.................................... D. Marsh and E. B. Nichols. Fairfield, Con............ Oct. 30, 1849 6, 834
Grinding-mill....................................I. and W. D. Mayfield...Mayfield, Ky........Jan. 10, 1871 110, 927
Grnindinmn mill.................................... P. G. McCulla..... -- -......... Philadelphia., Pa --.........Aug. 14, 1860 29, 612
Grinding-mill....................................J. W. Miles.. -. __-_-..........Hubhbardstown Village, July 10, 1866 56, 246
Grinding-mill.. _... _...........................J. M. Miller................ Hamilton, Ohio........... Dec. 11, 1866 60, 404
Grinding- mill................................... S. M. Miller................. i Beaver Mill, Pa...__......Nov. 6, 1866 59, 435
Grinding-mill................................... I G. Mitchell................... Philadelphia, Pa.........Aug. 9, 1870 106, 271
Grinding mill --------------------C.Moegling...-_...._......Milwaukee, Wis.......... Mar. 19, 1867 62, 966
Grinding-mill..................................... J. A. Montgomery..---.._....I Crawford, N. J........ Aug. 25, 1868 81, 526
Grinding-mill.................................... J. P. Moore..............___-Morning View, Ky. June 9, 1808 78, 814
Grinding. mill.................................... S. Moore.. -.............W ellshnrgli, Va........... June 12, 1860 28, 681
Grinding-mill.................................... J. H. Morrison................ East Springfield, Ohio__ Dec. 22, 1857 18, 923
Grinding-mill..................................... E. Munson....................Utica, N. YV.............. Apr. 3, 1860 27, 735
Grinding-mill.................................... W. Newlove...................Utica, N. V............... Oct. 14, 1851 8, 425
Grinding-mili................................... 0. Nichols..---_..._..__ Lowell, Mass.............. Oct. 12,1852 9, 330
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
G rinding-m ill...................................
Grinding mill.._..---- -.---.------...-..._...
Grindin g mill.--..................................
Grtiindig mill....................................
Grinding mill...................................
Grinding -mill......................................
Grinding mill....................................
Grinding mill.....................................
Grinding- mill.....................................
Grinding mill.....................................
Grinding mill....................................
Grinding- mill....................................
Grinding mill....................................
Grinding mill....................................
Gr inding mill....................................
ridn il....................................
Grinding -mill.................................
Grinding mill.....................................
Grinding mill....................................
Grinding mill.....................................
Grinding-mill, Cast-iron....................
Grinding-mill, Conical...........................
Grinding mill, Barcooley.......................
Grinding-mill boltrn...............................
Grinding mill, Bone................................
Grinding-mill, Cast-iron...........................
Grinding-mill, Conicaln.......................
Grinding-mill cooler.....a.................
Grinding mill, Corni.............................
Grinding mill, Corn................................
Grinding mill, Cracker and..................
Grinding-mill crushing and hulling attachment-....
Grinding-mill, Familych.........................
Grinding mill, Feed-egu...-......................
Grinding-mill feed---.............................
Grinding-mill feed-apparatns......................
Grinding-mill feed-mechanism....................
Grinding-.mill feed-regulator...................
Grinding-mill feedregulator................
Grinding-mill feeding-shoe....................
Grinding-mill for coffee, spices, &c..............
Grinding-mill for grain...........................
Grinding-mill for grain.....................
Grinding-mill for grain.....................
Grinding-mill for grain.....................
Grinding-mill for grain........................
R. and S. Patterson..........
W. Peck.....................
J. Peirce...................
E. Peugeot and J. B. C. Laurent.
J. Platt.......................
S. W. Powell------------.................
A. Pi-osens----------------
A. Prosens..........
D. Read-- - -
J. C. Reed.....................
E. Ripley.....................
C. H. Roberts................
J. C. Roberts.................
J. C. Roberts.................
J. Rogers. jr..................
S. G. Rollins.................
J. Ruof, A. Heupel, and F.
J. H. Rusk..................
G. Sanford....................
W. Scarlett...................
A. H. Searfoss.................
G. Selsor......................
G. Selsor......................
H. Shaw.....................
C. W. Shedd:...............
O. Sherwood, jr.............
N. Shoemaker--........
T. J. Sloan..................
T. J. Sloan..................
T. J. Sloan.................
F. Smith....................
J. B. Smith....................
T. F. Smith...................
E. S. Snyder..............
J. Snyder...................
H. Southwick..............
J. R. Stafford.................
O W. Stanford..............
W. H. Starry...-------------
W. Stauffer....--------------
W Stewart...................
G. M. Stone..........
J. J. Storer and J. D. Whelpley
T. B. Stout.....................
H. P. Straub................
I. Straub.....................
I. Straub......................
B. Swift.......................
C. N. Taylor..................
A. Thwing and C. H. Fowler..
G. Todd........................
C. Tripp......................
C. T. Umfrid..................
A. J. and G. W. M. Vandegrift
S. Vascou and A. Guirand....
A. Verbeck..................
E. H. Vining.................
A. H. Wagner................
A. H. Wagner................
A. H. Wagner...................
J. N. Walker.................
G. T. Walters.................
J. W. Webb.................
D. Weimer.....................
J. M. Westmoreland.........
C. T. Weston..-...-...-......
J. D. Whelpley and J. J. Storer
G. L. Witail..................
T. B. Woodward.............
C. D. Young and J. McLean...
J. Mackay....................
R. Denison....................
A. and E. Lister..............
J. Russell.-......-........
A. W. Sweet..................
P. C. Fritz...................
J. J. Johnston.................
R. Medley...............
C. Parker................
G. C. Hohenstein and C. T.
P. M. Wright............
M. S. Harsha.............
G. Parker....................
J. D. Whelpley and J. T. Storer
H. L. Bennett.................
E. H. Austin..................
J. C. Dunlap..............
J. C. Andrew........
J. Garfield....................
J. Brown......................
P. Davis.................
V. Fouchier..............
J. Grant......................
E. Holton.....................
Newcastle-upon-Ty ne,
Rock'ord, Ill............
Buffalo, N.Y.............
Paris, France............
Bridgeport, Conn.......
Tuscarora Valley, Pa....
Philadelphia, Pa._.....
Hamilton, N. Y.......
Mount Vernon, Ohio.....
Troy, N.Y.............
Evansville, Ind..........
Adamstown, Md..........
Adamstown, Md..........
Jackson, Mich.-...........
Boston, Mass.............
Lancaster, Pa............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Kenosha, Wis..............
Newark, N. J.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio...-...
Addison, Ala........
Independence, Iowa......Montrose, Pa..............
New York, N. Y.....-.....
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Evans, N. Y...........----------
Bowensburgh, Ill.-.....
Ohio County, W. Va...._.
Charleston n, Va.........
Hart's Mills, Ind.......
Little Cooley, Pa........
Cleveland, Ohio -.......
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
Franklin, Ohio........
Middlebury, Ind......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Saint Louis, Mo.......
Boston, Mass..............
Keyport, N. J...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Kenton County, Ky.....
Washington, N. Y......
Cookstown, N. J.......
Hopedale and West Roxbury, Mass.
Saint Louis, Mo-..........
Ann Arbor, Mich........
Stuttgart, Wiirtemberg...
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Cincinnati, Ohio...........
Sterling, Ill..............
Govington, Ga.............
Chicago, Ill...............
Chicago, Ill...............
Staunton, Va.............
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Nicholasville, Ky.........
Ledyard, N. Y.........
Gettysburgh, Ohio.......
Danville, Tex.............
Scranton, Pa.............
Boston, Mass.............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Kensington, Pa..........
Waterloo, N. Y..........
Dundas, Canada..........
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Newark, N. J.............
Troy, N. Y................
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Barrytown, N. Y..........
Allegheny, Pa............
Bloomfield, Ky............
Meriden, Conn............
Cincinnati, Ohio.........
New York..............
Batavia, Ill'...............
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass..............
Geneva, Ill................
Scott's Hill, Tenn
Moffat's Creek, Va.....
Seventy-Six, Ky.........
Ayer's, Mass..........
Utica, N. Y.......
North Providence, R. I....
Paris, France.
Providence, R. I......
Westminster, Vt.........
Oct. 14, 1873
May 3, 1870
Sept. 18, 184
Nov. 6,1866
Dec. 26, 1845
Dec. 4, 1849
Jan. 11, 1859
Aug. 7, 1860
June 6, 1854
Apr. 21, 1857
Apr. 12 1870
Oct. 3, 1865
Jan. 1, 1867
Dec. 17, 1850
Aug. 20, 1872
July 3, 1860
Dec. 20,1870
Mar. 9, 1858
Junie 29, 1858
Feb. 24, 1863
Mar. 29, 1859
Feb. 21, 1871
Aug. 17, 1869
Oct. 30, 1860
Oct. 28, 1862
Nov. 28, 1865
Apr. 24, 1866
Apr. 24, 1866
Apr. 24, 1866
Mar. 18, 1835
Dec. 12, 1871
Nov. 13, 1866
Feb. 10, 1846
Feb. 4, 1868
Mar. 2, 1858
June 18, 1850
Feb. 14, 1860
Aug. 9,1864
Sept. 8, 1857
Mar. 20, 1860
Nov. 12, 1867
Sept. 30,186-2
Dec. 16, 1856
Mar. 20, 1866
June 27, 1854
May 28, 1867
Aug. 16,1845
Sept. 3, 1867
May 4, 1869
Apr. 26, 1859
Nov. 10, 1857
Aug. 27, 1867
May 17, 1870
May 18, 1858
Sept. 20, 1870
Mar. 15, 1870
Feb. 24, 1863
June 2, 1863
June 2, 1868
Dec. 24, 1850
Feb. 12, 1844
Jan. 29, 1850
Sept. 28, 1869
Nov. 15, 1870
Oct. 24,1865
Nov. 8, 1864
Nov. 27, 1866
July 11, 1854
July 24, 1866
Mar. 4, 1873
Nov. 22, 1864
Sept. 6, 1870
May 17, 1859
Feb. 21, 1860
Nov. 6, 1866
Jan. 25, 1870
Sept. 5, 1828
Sept. 21, 1869
Jan. 17, 1871
Apr. 14, 1835
Mar. 19, 1872
Oct. 12, 1869
May 16, 1870
Oct. 19, 1869
Sept. 30, 1873
Apr. 29, 1873
Mar. 9, 1869
Aug. 8, 1871
Dec. 19, 1865
May 17, 1838
Sept. 17, 1861
Aug. 19, 1834
Apr. 3, 1835
102, 588
5, 298
59, 528
4, 334
6, 926
22, 580
29, 521
11, 045
101, 917
50, 274
60, 789
7, 844
130, 750
29, 010
110, 397
19, 5t 7
20, 734
37, 793
23, 431
112, 080
93, 913
30, 552
36, 804
51, 227
54, 260
54, 261
54, 262
121, 819
59, 674
4, 382
74, 161
19, 521
7, 447
27, 164
43, 802
18, 163
27, 579
70, 916
36, 580
53, 358
11, 181
4, 149
68, 539
89, 609
23, 799
18, 610
68, 263
103, 106
23, 310
107, 640
100, 824
37, 796
38, 795
78, 624
- 7,862
3, 434
7, 062
95, 396
109, 361
50, 646
44, 990
11, 309
56, 659
136, 527
45, 142
107, 184
24, 058
27, 246
59, 382
99, 205.....
95, 131
111, 06t
124, 737
95, 829
102, 987
95, 973
143, 315
138, 384
87, 615
117, 879
51, 549
33, 301
Index of patents issued from the United htates Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. rInventor. Residence. Date. No.
Grinding-mi l for grain....--------------------------W. H. Hope------------------................... Washington, D. C......... Feb. 1,1859 22, 807
Grinding-mnull for grain, &c................. J. Ives....................----------------------.. New York................ Dec. 2,1825......
Grinding mill ifr grain.......................... E. B. Nichols and D. Marsh... Fairfield, Conn........... Mar. 13, 1844 3, 479
Grinding-mill for grain.......................... H. Pearce.................... Cincinnati, Ohio......... July 29, 1839 1, 266
Grinding-mill bfor grain......................... F. Price...................... New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 20, 1843 2, 962
Grinding-mill for grain...........................E. Ripley...................... Troy, N. Y................ Dec. 25,1855 13, 996
Grinding-mill for grain.......................... J. R. Sleeper.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Jan. 27, 1835.....
Grinding-mill for grain........................... J. Ware..................... Farmington, Ohio......... July 20, 1842 2, 733
Grinding-mill for grain, Cast-iron................. H. Bailey.................... Hartford, Conn.......... May 14,1825.......
Grinding-mill for grain, Cylindrical.............. J. Groat..................... Troy, N. Y...............July 11, 1844 3, 658
Griiding-null for mustard, &c........... C. Walker.................... Brooklyn, N. Y... -.. Aug. 28,1847 5,262
Grinding-mill hopper........._...._...._........... M. Replogle................. Moulton, Iowa.........June 17, 1873 139, 973
Grinding mill hopper............................. G. S. Thomipson............. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Apr. 22, 187:3 138, 212
Grinding-mill hopper and casing................. J. M. Finch................... Cedar Falls, Iowa......... Apr. 1, 1873 137, 429
Grinding-mill-hopper attachment............... D. C. Walters................. Warsaw, Ind............. Jan. 7,1868 73, 142
Grinding-mill, Metalic............................... G. Palmer..................... Littlestown, Pa........... Apr. 22, 1862 35, 036
Grinding-mill, Metallic........................ H. B. Stevens................. Buffalo, N. Y............. Apr. 1, 1873 137, 503
Grinding-mill, Portable......................... L. Scott....................... Saint Louis, Mo........... May 16, 1854 10, 931
Grinding-mill, Portable......................... A. W. Straub................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 25, 1868 74, 774
Grinding-mill regulator......................... A. B. Hamaker............... Salunga, Pa................ Aug. 25, 1863 34, 648
Grinding-mill spindles, Bush for.................... J. H. Teabl.................. Eberly's Mills, Pa......... May 14, 1867 64, 809
Grinding mill, Sumac............................ R. G. Chase.................... Alexandria, Va.......... Jan. 12, 1869 85. 726
Grinding-mills, Apparatus for delivering grain, ore, J. D. Whelpley and J. J. Storer Boston, Mass.............. Feb. 7, 1871 111,593
&c., into.
Grinding-mills, Attachment for preparing corn in J. M. Seely and W. E. Tomlin- Lockport, Ohio............ May 21,1850 7, 386
the ear lor. son.
Grinding-mills, Dress of metallic hemispherical.. A. Atwood.................... Troy, N. Y................ Sept. 9, 1856 15, 680
Grinding-mills, Feeding-device for.............. S. Middleton................. Dunkirk, Ind............. Oct. 28, 1873 143, 9e9
Grinding-mills, Flour-distributing bolt for....... W. W. Hamer................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Nov. 17, 1857 18, 637
Grinding-mills, Operating....................... J. Holben.................. Allentown, Pa............ June 3, 1862 35, 444
Grinding-mills, Tram-staff for....................W. Ring.................. Gosport, Ind.............Oct. 29,1867 70, 266
Grinding-mills, Traminig-bo:t for................ J. T. Noye.......... Buffalo, N. Y.............. Sept. 16, 1873 142, 809
Grinding objects c:; lindr:cal, Machine for......... J. M. Poole................... Wilmington, Del.......... Aug. 20, 1872 130, 741
Grinding objects cylindrically, Machine for..... J. M. Poole.................... Wilmington, Del.......... Jan. 18, 1870 99, 000
Grinding or hulling mills, Grinding or hulling H. Shaw...................... Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Nov. 9, 1869 96, 736
plates for.
Grinding or polishing implement................ N. A. Buble................... New York, N. Y.......... Feb. 19, 1867 62, 110
Grinding-pani and amalgamator................... W. H11. Thoss.................. West Point, Cal........... Mar. 7, 1871 112, 395
Grinding-plate................................. E. S. Howland................. Batavia, Ill............... Apr. 4,1871 113, 432
Grinding-plate............................... E. S. Howland................. Batavia, Ill............... Aug. 20, 1872 130, 719
Grinding-plate..................................P. M. Randall................. San Francisco, Cal........ Nov. 22, 1864 45, 175
Grinding-plate, Iron........................... D. Halladay and B. H. Ruggles Batavia, Ill............-- --. May 25, 1869 90, 531
Grinding, scourmlg, and polishing machine... A. B. Walters.................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... Feb. 4, 1873 135, 456
Grinding-surface in mills.......................... C. Ross......................Rochester, IN. Y........... Oct. 17, 1854 11,811
Grinding-surfaces, Roll for........................----- O. Foster.................. Salem, N.H...........lDec. 10,1872 133,843
Grinding-tool, hammer, sadiron, &c................ D. Welch..................... Canaan, N. H............. Jan. 10, ',3......
Grinding tools, Device for...................... iS. Bennett.................... Wilkesbarre, Pa.......... Feb. 2, 1869 86, 352
Grinding tools, &c., Machine for................... N. B. Reynolds................ Auburn, N. Y............. Aug. 28,1866 57, 571
Grinding tools, Machinery for.................... W. Hovey.................... Worcester, Mass.......... Sept. 23, 1845 4, 204
Grinding tools, Rest for......................... J. H. Brown................... Berea, Ohio............... Mar. 26, 1867 63, 207
Grindstone..................................... C. Burkholder................. Sterling, Ill............... July 30, 1872 130, 014
Grindstone....................................... J F. and S. H. Green.......... Haverstraw, N. Y........ July 15, 1873 140, 823
Grindstone...................................... T. Loring..................... Blackwoodtown, N. J.... Nov. 23, 1869 97, 098
Grindstone......................................... V. P. Miller................. New York, N.Y----------.......... May 21,1867 64, 893
Grindstone....................................... J. F. Shillaber................. Portsmouth, N. H......... Sept. 12, 1865 49, 928
Grindstone, Artificial............................. G. G. Griswold................ Chester, Conn............. Nov. 29, 1864 45, 243
Grindstone-axle................................. J. WV. Ligon.................. Marion, Ky............... June 4, 1872 127, 492
Grindstone cutting machine.......................J. P. Gillespie.............. Louisville, Ky............. Apr. 1, 1873 137, 435
Grindstone-dresser........................... R. Barkley and L. Semple..... Philadelphia, Pa.......... May 17,1864 42, 738
Grindstone-frame.............................. B. Bisbee..................... North Waterford, Me..... Oct. 12, 1869 95, 639
Grindstone-frame................................ G. L. Cummings.............. New York, N. Y......... Dec. 31, 1872 134, 363
Grindstone-frame................................. J. W. Douglas................ Middletown, Conn........ Sept. 1, 1868 81, 611
Grindstone-frame................................ I. L. Lord................... Chester, Conn........ Aug. 15, 1854 11, 526
Grindstone-hanger.............................. S. L. Bignall.................. Chicago, Ill.........-... Oct. 28,1873 143, 952
Grindstone journal-box............................ T. W. Brown.................. Reading, Pa............... June 22,1869 91,514
Grindstone journal-box......................... P. P. Child.................... Saint Louis, Mo.......... Sept. 5, 1871 118, 688
Grindstone journal-box........................- J. L. Haven.................. Cincinnati, Ohio.......... Jan. 12, 1869 85, 819
Grindstone journal-box........................... J. B. Sargent............... New Haven, Conn._..... Aug. 16, 1870 106, 510
Grindstone or tool-sharpener...................... U. Farris and A. Miller....... Red Rock, Iowa........... Sept. 27,1870 107, 768
Grindstone, Parlor............................. J. M. Simpson................. Oshkosh, Wis.............Aug. 16, 1870 106, 413
Grindstone-rest................................. F. M. Stearns.................. Berea, Ohio............... Dec. 27, 1864 45, 650
Grindstone, Self-sharpening.......................J. Pannabecker-..............--------. Elizabeth Township, Pa...- Jan. 20,1852 8, 67-6
Grindstone trough and support..............C. P. Richardson.............. Groveton, N. H........... Mar. 18, 1873 136, 939
Grindstone turning and grinding machine......... P. Leonard................... Sharon, Pa............. June 29,1869 91, 944
Grindstones, Apparatus for supplying water to.... F. Blauss.................... New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 24,1868 75, 725
Grindstones, Device for holding tools against.... E. Fernald..................... Turner, Me.............. July 28, 1868 80, 344
Grindstones, Device for wetting................. D. Cumming, jr................ Jersey City, N. J....... Nov. 25,1873 144, 891
Grindstones, Dressing............................. G. C. Howard................. Philadelphlia, Pa.......... Feb. 5, 1867 61, 73t
Grindstones, Dressing............................. J. F. Schuyler................. Philadelphia, Pa -.... - June 5, 1860 28, 639
Grindstones, Gearing for..................... F. Howlett and C. R. Sherman West Rupert, Vt., and Oct. 13, 1868 83, 064
Salem, N. Y.
Grindstones, Hanging............................. H. M. Church................. Brunswick, Ohio.......... Sept. 6, 1870 107, 0052
Grindstones, Hanging........................ D.B. Herrington........Detroit, Mich............. Sept. 17,1867 68, 87t
Grindstones, Hanging........................... D. Hinman........ -... Borea, Ohio.............. June 24, 1856 15, 1t
Grindstones, Machine for cutting out........... J. E. Mitchell................. Philadelphia, Pa.......... June 7, 1870 103, 915
Grindstones, Machine for facing........ J. Bidwell.................... New York, N. Y.......... June 2, 1863 38, 782
Grindstones, Machine for facing...... R. B. Matthews............... Fitchburh, Mass......... Apr. 28, 1868 77, 30i
Grindstones, Machine for making......... J. Baldwin, jr................. Berea, Ohio............... Jan. 14, 1862 34, 124
Grindstones, Machine for making............... C. Foss....................... Painsville, Ohio........... Apr. 24, 1849 6, 39
Grindstones, Machine for splititng............ J. McDermott................. Cleveland, Ohio........... May 3, 1870 102, 691
Grindstones, Machine fo' tarning off.............J. Thierry................... Aurora, Ill.............. June 10, 1862 35, 55
Grindstones Method of holding edged tools on.... P. V. Dunn......Calamus, Wis............. Mar. 19, 1867 62, 941
Grindstones, minerals, &c., Machine for dressing.. P. Leonard................. Sharon, Pa................ July 14, 1868 79, 99(
Grindstones, Mode of forming the center for the D. Hinman................... Berea, Ohio........... July 31, 1860 29, 371
shaft of,
Grin ttones, Mode of packing.................. F. M. Stearns................. Berea, Ohio............... June 20, 1865 48, 311
Grindstones, Operating.................. H. Pray....................... Sharon, Corn.............. Nov. 30, 1869 97, 441
Grindslones, Tons for dressing.................. C. Arthur........ Keesevulle, N. Y........... Aug. 26, 1845 4, 16(
81 P
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
i i t
Grindstones. Tool-holder for......................
Grindstones, Tool-rest for......................
Grindstones, Tool-rest for.........................
Grindstones, Truing......................
Griping-block for press...........................
Grist and coffee mill..............................
Grist and flour mill------------------------................................Grist and saw mill combined......................----------------
Grist mill.........................................
Grist-mill-------------------------------.........................................Grist-m ill........................................
Grist-m ill.........................................
Grist-m ill.........................................
Grist-m ill.........................................
Grist-m ill........................................
Grist-m ill........................................
Grist-m ill........................................
Grist-m ill.........................................
Grist-m ill........................................
Grist-m ill.................
G rist-m ill.....................
Grist-m ill.........................................
Grist-m ill.........................................
G rist-m ill........................................
Grist-mill - -.....................
Grist-mill alarm...................................
Grist-mill and cotton-seed huller combined._.....
Grist-mill and horizontal spiral water-wheel......
Grist-mill bush.-----------------------..
Grist-mill, Conical........................
Grist mill, crusher, and sheller........
Grist-mill for grain, &e..........
Grist-mill for grinding grain................
Grist-mill-gate pressure....................
Grist-mill grinding-plate.........................
Grist-mill-hopper shoe........
Grist-mill, Portable...............................
Grist-mill, Portable...............................
Grist-mill, Portable...............................
P. Leonard..................
W. H. Mosteller..............
W. H. Straham................
C. E. Wilson................
G. W. Swinebroad..............
J. Stroub.....................
I. Straub......................
N. Porter................_
R. W. Adams------------................
W. Adams...-----------...............J. Amell and J. Gallery......-.
J. F. Anderson...............
A. Bacon----------------.....................C. Badger...............
J. Demis.....................
W. Beubow..................
A. Bencine...................
E. Bigelow....................
E. Brees-----------------......................M. L. Chase...................A. and S. Coe..................
W. Coleman...................
J. Copes....................
J. Crail-----------------.......................
J. W. Dart and W. and H.Webster.
A. Delap and A. Cooe..........
W. W. Forwood.............
J. C. Gentry.._..............
E. Goodell and O. P. Stevens..
E. Gray.--....................
C. B. Gregory..................
E. Griswold............
E. Hale......................
S. M. Handy, J. Albee, and E.
B. Cutts.
F. Harris and J. Wilson......
E. Harrison.................
E. Harrison--------------...................
J. and D. Hascall.............
S. Holland...................
J. W. Holly..................
G. Hotchkiss.............
C. Kaestner..................
R. Kendall..............
E. C. L. Kunnecke.............
C. Sangford................
S. Lawing and J. Monteih...
O. N. May...................
W. and J. McCreight..........
M. Mendenhall...............
T. Newman...................
A. L. Norcross................
J. Northorp..............
L. Olds.......................
B. Overman................
J. P. Phipps and J. Holliday...
I. Platt......................
A. Porter..................
J. Robinson..................
I. Ryon......................
A. Sawyer...............
J. Smith and W. Sapp........
J. C. Smith.................
M. Stockman.................
W. L. Taylor.................
R. S. Thomas.................
W. A. Turner.............
B. Tyler.................
D. D. Wagener.............
A. H. Wagner................
A. Warren...._...........
C. T. Weston. S. Broadbent,
and W. B. Culver.
B. Whitney...................
J. Wickersham and T. Crozer..
I. W ilson.....................
O. Wyman..................
J. Yeamans..................
J. D. Irwin and B. I. Seward...
J. W. Smith-.........
A. Temple.............
G. M. Copelaud................
S. Sheldon..................
J. G. Morse...................
J. Ambler, jr., and D. C. Am
Sharon, Pa......_........
Sharonville, Ohio.......
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Boston, Mass.............
Bolivar, Tenn...........
Charleston, S. C...........
Northumberland County,
Boston, Mass-----------..............
Marlborough, Vt........
Guilford, N. C.............
Brooklyn, N. Y............
Windsor, N. Y..........
Edgerton, Wis............
Colesville, N.Y...........
Worcester, Mass..........
Guilford County, N. C-.....
Caswell County, N. C......
Georgetown, D. C.......
Kingston, Pa...............
Frankfort, Me...........
Guilford, N. C.............
Euclid, Ohio..............
Georgetown, Del.........
Warren, Ohio.............
Truxton, N. Y............
Guilford County, N. C....
Harford County, Md......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Port Lawrence, Ohio......
Ulysses, N..Y.............
Danbury, Conn.........
Truxton, N. Y........
Haverhill, Mass...........
Hallowell, Me.............
Albany, N. Y..........
New Haven, Conn.....
New Haven, Conn..._....
Sikay, N. Y..............
Hanover, Ohio..........
Windsor, N. Y............
Chicago, Ill................
Wilkes County, Ga.......
Dayton, Ohio.......
Claridon, Ohio.......
Statesville, N. C..-.........
Hancock, N. Y........
Winnsborough, S. C......
Greensborough, N. C......
Guilford County, N. C.....
Hallowell, Me.............
Woodbridge, Conn........
Otsego, N. Y....--...-.
Greensborough, N. C......
Wilmington, Del..........
Weston, Connr........
New London, Ind.......
Buckskin Township, Ohio.
Bridgewater, Mass........
Chester, Vt...............
Mount Vernon, Ohio......
Wheeling, Va..........
Hampton, N. H........
McMinn County, Tenn....
Rockingham, N. C.........
Plymouth, N. C..........
Pittsburgh, Pa............
Chicago, Ill...............
Saugerties, N. Y..........
Scranton, Pa...........
New Brunswick, N. J.....
East Fairfield. Ohio.......
New London, Conn.......
East Cambridge, Mass...
Ashtabula, Ohio..........
Corydon and Bloomington,
Columbus, Ga..........
Brookfield. Ohio...........---
Genoa, Ohio...........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Randolph County, N. C....
New Berlin, N. Y........
Dec. 7, 1869
Apr. 26, 1870
Oct. 2, 1866
July 6, 1869
Sept. 24, 1872
Sept. 6, 1833
May 9, 1834
Nov. 17, 1831
Dec. 8, 18t8
July 18, 1827
Aug. 21, 1844
May 3,1831
June 4, 1832
May 22, 1860
Apr. 27, 1832
Nov. 17, 1826
Jan. 19, 1827
Jan. 16, 1827
Feb. 11, 1831
Sept. 28, 1831
Dec. 23, 1829
July 21, 1827
Feb. 25, 1830
May 2,1805
June 19, 1828
July 20, 1831
May 31, 1827
June 15, 1827
July 14, 1832
Oct. 10,1838
Mar. 25, 1840
Feb. 16, 1843
Oct. 16, 1830
Feb. 22, 1807
June 6, 1834
June 9,1826
Jan. 9, 1872
Jan. 16, 1872
Mar. 9, 1822
Mar. 1, 1828
Mar. 27, 1802
Jan. 27,1832
July 4,1871
Nov. 19, 1833
Aug. 15, 1871
July 8, 1830
June 11, 1827
May 5, 1832
Feb. 5, 1836
Oct. 20, 1826
Feb. 6, 1827
Dec. 21, 1833
July 31,1826
May 18, 1833
Feb. 28, 1827
May 12, 1831
Sept. 28, 1843
Mar. 10, 1830
Dec. 11, 1827
June 29, 1826
July 20, 1813
Sept. 9, 1828
Jan. 9, 1830
Apr. 18, 1826
Jan. 128, 1828
June 4, 1827
June 27, 1827
Feb. 20, 1800
Jan. 8, 1839
June 6, 1871
Mar. 12, 1828
June 14, 1870
Oct. 27, 1868
Aug. 29, 1829
Feb. 23, 1830
Apr. 18, 1839
Mar. 8, 1831
Jan. 28, 1868
Apr. 25, 1871
Dec. 11, 1829
Oct. 11, 1841
Sept. 11, 1841
Mar. 20, 1827
June 13, 1831
Oct. 9, 1841
June 4, 1832
July 14, 1868
July 7, 1868
Nov. 5, 1872
Sept. 12,1854
Feb. 18, 1840
97, 656
102, 420
58, 504
92, 242
131, 640....................
3, 711..........
28, 434
1, 523
2, 95-2..122, 605..122, 827..6.....
3, 283
1, 065..115, 791
83, 574
1, 125
73, 896..114, 215...................................
1, 523
2, 952.....
122, 605
122, 827...............
116, 717.....
1 tS, 136..................................................................
13, 86
114, 915
10, 351
83, 58"2
79, 6120
73, 896
114, 215
bier. -
J. Platt....................... Weston, Conn.............
S. Prentiss...............New York..........
H. Shaw and W.D. Leavitt. -- New Orleans, La.- _..-..
W. E. Wyche and Y. P. Dick- Brookville, N. C...........
M. Riech...................... Wheeling, W. Va.........
S. Sheldon..................... Cincinnati, Ohio.......
I. Straub...................... Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Index of patents ittnccd from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention, Inventor. IResidece.
Crist-millPortable..............................11-. We'd --------------------- Sandwich,.N.H.---.
C-ist-null, Poitable iron-husk -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -H. WV. Sliiltey andi Z. Blair -.- -. Mount. Vernon, Ohio ---__
Grist-millIPressure or sweiglited-----------------.. ji.. anud ). C. Amhler- ------New BerlinN
Griist-luScrow------- ----------------------- J. L. Miliir---- --------------- BroohiseIl,.-----
Grii-mill,"Sel-stopper- -----------------------. Ii. MeCir'lilk,,ji------ I-- Augusta C oiintx X i..Girist-nill, spindle, and hush --------------------- J.Blarbiei----_-----_---_Pil),N ------_----Pl_
Girist-mill spindle, Cast-iron----------------------.XV. Rie........... tes a-------_-----.-----tes i
Gruist-mill spinidle, Apparatus for lubiicating.. C. lB-own, sr.-.-- - - --.- - -----chiuomd hId...---
Gismt-mill toll-collettor--------------------------Ih. Kitikerisan---------------.Aurora, In.......
G-uist-mill toll-collector-------------------------- T. R.Vail Gu liler-------------- I) amascus, Pa.._- -
Grist ill1 toll-gathieming macline- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -.J. IBaitilio~onuew.-- -- -- -- -- - ---IDndee, N...._.V_.
Grist-null loll-tikor------ -------_--------.-------. AV.]IktCsulev-------------FI aey Farm, Ky----I
Gistt-nll toll-takimug maclhiine -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---C.F. Keller- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - ---Nevada, Ohio-----------..
C-ist mills Automatic alarni lor -- -- -- -- -- ---- - - -. I W.X Helton aild J. IH. hedl-Iiooiniaigton,hind - --.
Gmrist-mills, Mode of constiructing hales and diveis F. 1I. lBentonm- -- - ---- -- -- -- -- - -Ohio City, Ohio----------..
Crist-nulls, Motive-pow-er cut-off in- -- -- -- ------J. IHough-------------------... West Clestei, Pa.-.-.Gim il &c, "Wry-fly''a ichimamy be applied Ii. Tyler- --------------------- --.---------------------.
hy wind or water to-------------
Gist atinot, and plaster mill--..--- --.---------C. Manning- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -ILittletoni, Mass---.__.-----
Grier' s caii-------------------------------------IJ. Adair------------------KIilhiick Township, Pa.- - _
Grc-ers c aister.-------------------------------. I.f1. Smith -_--_----------PorilaiiiiCoon----------..
Gruommet ---------------------------------------XV. IBrownu--------------. -_.- Middle-town, Conn --
Groiiiiiiet-------------------------------------- J. WV. Noreross.-------------- Bostoii, Mass............C-i eiuniot,letallic ------------------------------- J. Allender----------..------New Lonudoni, Con.Guemniet, Metallic----------.......... JMar--------------------J ai---- - --Phitladelphia, Pa_.--
Groiiimet, Metallic ---------------- --------- ----- E. 1. IPenfield --------------- iddletown, Conim.----
Gromimet Strap ---------------------------------FE. F. Southward-----_.-------Welitleet, Mass ----
Cioved-rol shuping die-------------------------..A. Rteese---------------------- Pittsburgh. Pa----------.
rioodillers, Pattern for castinig--------------- J. Herald-------------------Unadilla, N.Y V------_Gmroov ed whel or pulley-------------------------.J. H. Barnies ------------------lirooklyn, N. V---.-----
Gioos -an( slots, Machine f or cutting-------.---..-i.. F. Urnderhill - ---- ---- ---- -hIidiaialpolis, hod _- -
GriovesIDevice for- casting circlc-iplates, roses, N. Matthuews- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - littshurgh, Pa.- - - - - - ----
&c.,with lox etailed.
Giooves in the niccks of cans, Machiiie for foiminig.J. D. Willoughhy------------... Petersburgh, Vs -._...
Groove., Macline for hoiuug ci-clar-- -- -- - --- -- - -W. Wirighit- _--_--_-- ---- ----Rochiester, N. Y- V._---
GCeovea oii metallic rods, Machaine foi- fornming T. T. IPros: er-----------------__ __ __ _Chicago, I111._....-......_
Grinug hoards, Decvice for...--------------------CG. C. Fisk--------------------I. aosville, N.Y......
G-roovim nmaciine -------------------------------W. H1. Bond and G. -. Lee-Syracuse, N. Y.....------
C-rooving-maehinie-...............................D. 1). Hanson --------------Weare, N. H.._.......
Grounaiii~nuachine.................-__.......... 1. oit..._..._.............Brooklyn, N. Y...........
C-soo ing-mactinte..............................--W. Gi. hRaoul.................- Indepeiidesice, La......
Groovun m-icliiii--..............................J.XW. Smiihli..................Hartford, Coni.....
Grioviog-machine..............................--J. L. Taylor........_.._......New Yoik. N.Y V.._
Grooving-machine soil planiiig-hit... _. _......... _J. Shugert -. - - - - ---- - ----- Lawrenceville, Pa...
Grcoving machiiie, Sheet-smetal................... C. 11. Raymsiodl..... _.........Soutliingtoni, Coon. _.
Grooving;-tool................................... J. Bill.._..__...........Grand Rapids. Mich._
Giooving-tool................................... C. Vani hiagen...............-Philadelphia, Pa._.
Groiiid-seller.................................... C. 1). Roherts...............-- Jacksonville, Ill.----
C-ound-riller and stalk-cotter--------------------......P. H. Toimpkiins aiid 11. Dougal Yaii Buren, Iowa-._.
C-soot-ceniucter.--------------------------------- W. S. Folcisahee---------------Jaiiesviile, Wis.-_- -
C-iuhanid stump machine------------------------- A. McKioiiey-----.--------Mauinec. Ohio...........
(m ub-hook---.------------------------------- - J. W. Goodall--._._...EdeP---------------Fird a......
C-iuhhoiniplement----------------------------..J. Sattazahu, jr--------....----Piiie Gi-ove Township, Pa.G-iubbing- machine------------------------------_.J. ti. Ash---------------------_Elkton, Md-------------..
C-oblong niachine------------------C. Ball-----...- -- -- -- ----Augusta, Micli...........
Griihhiiig-machinue------------------------------..C. Ball and J. W. Houghtelin._IDetroit, Mich-- -..- - ---
Crubhbii-macline-------------------..-..... C. E. Chase and B. T. Devon Wyomnig Township, Michi
Grubi-mcie.._............. 0.AChny------ -OenTonshpchung-m-ichine------------------------------0.... J.ana n. CLney------------Orlansgowl. nSpMih -
S too, Wis.
Gruhhsng- machine------------------------------ __. _J. Frey----------------------....Battle Creek, Micli.
Grtihing-machioe------------------------------..D. L. Hall---------------------.Dowagiac, Michi.-----
(auhhing-machitoc------------------------------.......A. McKenney---------._...----Maniiee City. Ohio.
Giuhsgnicin------------------C iMoffet----------Philadelphuia, Pa-._...
Cuuuhuor nmchuine------------------------------.... U. D.C. Payne------------------.. _Elkhart, Ind -- _- -- -- -- --
Grubiugniachitne------------------------------.V. _ _. W. Slioi-t------------------.Oglethorpe County, Ga. - -
C-rubhbin-machine.----------------------_------ WV. St.. John--------------- Saint Louis, Mo -....
C-uuhhiiig-iiacilne -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -T. C. Wood-------------------..Charleston, Mich..-._
Grushhing-machine and for working on roads - F---. Fm-ac---------------------.l...l. ector, N. Y-------------
Criuhhio machine capstan-------------------..-B1. B. Now-eli.-------------Centreville, Michs-.Guano oilndoftt -fertilizers, Machinefordistrihuting E. Wagner-------------------....Westmninster, Md-.
C-nio and seed dis t r ihbut er- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- - - -J. H. Boyd-------------------_.. _Plain, S. C- - - - - -- -- -- ---
G u ano a nd seed ti-ill------------------..-- ---L.. M. Rhouides..----------------Warrontoi, Ga..------
Guano amid the uuauacture of fertilizer, Ti-at C. Moulit - - - -- -- -----------Now York, N. Y -__--___-.
icolt of.
Guano distihuter.--------------------------------IJ. D. Coxwell---_...__-GisnG-----_---------Gisn a......
Guano-distriute~ur..-......----------------------.N. Foster ------_-__------- Palnmyrua, N. Y------__---
Ciiuse odistruhuter..-............-----------------... 1E. Marntin......- - -.. Oconee, Ga.----.---_----
G -n iuo-dish -iuue----------------------------- F...Stedmian--------------...Sparta, Ga--.---------
1..imio (hu~t~itullunua1cnlno------------ 1 -i. ientudX..Own - Ni OlensLa
Jan. 10, 1831
Atmg. 1(6, 15
Mar. 28, 1810
Apr. 20, 1831
Fet. 28,18:14
Ocet. 1, 1823
May 6, 1856
Fe's. 23, 18169
Mar. 20, 1860
June 15, 1858
ct. 15, 1872
May 19, 1868
Janu. 14, 18168
Mar. 31, 1840
July 5, 18134
Mar. 19, 1804
Apr. 2,18:35
July 9, 1872
May 2, 1871
July 2, 1867
De. 15, 1868
Junue 2(1, 1854
July 6, 1869
Sepit. 19, 1t48
Oct. 8, 1830
Nov. 19, 1867
Feb. 21, 1871
Jan. 1, 1867
M ay 26, 1857
Api-. 20, 1852
Aug. 21, 180
June 10, 1845
June 20, 1871
Aug. 8, 1854
Oct. 20, 18658
Jmme 129, 1833
Junie 22, 18t9
Feh. 1, 1870
Nov-. 1, 1s70
Oet. 15, 1861
Nov. 19, 1833
F'eh. 8, 1870
Dec. 13, 1870
Dec. 20, 1870
Sept. 4, 1865
J une 2-2, 18159
Nov. 19, 1867
Api. 17, 18166
Dec. 21, 1869
May 17, 1870
Aug 21, 1850
NTov. 29, 1864
Arug. 14, 1866
1)Dec. 22, 1868
Mar. 6, 1866
Jan. 19, 18154
Feb. 3, 1863
Dec. 3, 1867
Febm. 18, 186"2
Juno 20, 1865
July 29, 1862
Jan. 28, 1840
Aug. 28, 1866
Nov. 9, 1858
Dec. 31, 1833
June 30, 18158
Nov. 30, 1858
Nov. 4, 18 73
Apr. 18, 1871
Apr.:30, 1870
_June 15, 1869
Apr. 14, 1868
Oct. 4, 1870
Oct. 4, 18713.Oct. 11, 1870
Mayx25 186
25, 144
14, 71
87, 176h
27, 582.20, 540
7 8, 099
1, 5:3
431, 409
128. 837
66, 296
84, 90
11, 108
9-2, 199)
111, 931
60, 668
17, 398
8, 898
29, 7:19
1115, 218
8:1, 1-283
91, 635
259, 3505
108, 9431
33, 501
99, 592
110, 123
57, 773
91, 581
71, 155
54, 00
98, 159
103, OtO
29, 659
45, 216
574, 6157
85, 069
52, 967
41, 287
37, 574
71, 608
34, 4;:9~
48, 298
36. 122
1, 480
57, 593
79, 380
22, 212
14-1, 2:20
11:3, 797
106, 851
91, 434
76, 6:
10)7, 937
107, 975
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Date. No.
See Bridge-guard. Lantern-guard.
Candle-guard. Lock-guard.
Car safety-guard. Loom-shuttle guard.
Carriage-guard. Mining-shaft safetyCarriage-spring guard.
guard. Mowing-machine
Carriage-wheel guard.
guard. Musquito-guard.
Catamenial guard. Mustache-guard.
-Cattle-guard. Paint-guard.
Damper-guard. Pistol safety-guard.
Door-guard. Plow-guard.
Door and window Pocket-book guard.
guard. Railway cattle-guard.
Door-key guard. Railway safety-guard.
Door-knob guard. Rein-guard.
Dress-guard. Roof guard.
Ferry-boat guard. Roof snow-guard.
Finger-guard. Safety-guard.
Fork-guard. Saw-guard.
Grave-guard. Sa w in g-min a c h i n e
flame-guard. guard.
Harvester-guard. Screen-guard.
fat and coat guard. Shoe-knife guard.
Hatchway-guard. Spool-thread guard.
Hatchway safet y- Spring-guard.
guard Steam-boiler safetyHeel-guard. guard.
Heel-shaving guard. Thill-guard.
Horse's elastic heel- Thread guard.
guard. Trunk-guard.
Insect-guard. Watch-guard.
Key-guard. Weather-guard.
Key-hole guard. Window-guard.
Key-hole key-guard. Wi ndow s a fet yKnife-guard guard.
Gudgeon-box, Self oiling....................
Gudgeon, Wing............................
Gudgeons, journals, and wheel-boxes, Iron........
Gudgeons, Oiling................................
Guide and sign board..............................
Guitar-head and capio d'astra....................
Guitars, Bracing the sounding-board of............
Guitars, Tuning-attachment for..................Gum and palate, Artificial......................
Gum, Chewing................................
Gum, Chewing--------------------------.................................- -
Gum, Chewing..................................
Gum, Chewing............................
Gum compound, Chewing.....................
Gum-elastic: (See India rubber.)
Gum-elastic braces.............................
Gum-elastic-cloth making...................
J. Shugert...................
M. Wilder....................
S. Reynolds...................
P. S. Devlin, J. Hancck, and
C. S. Wood.
S. Carter.....................
R. C. Maners..................
R. Knafi.....................
G. D. Reed...................
E. N. Sherr....................
W. B. Tilton.................
W. B. Tilton..................
WV. H. Towers................
L. Brown.......................T. A shborn...............
J. E. Biui.---...... -..
H. Seelhausen....-....
J. A. Cummings..............
T. Adams...............
W. W. Kilbourn.............
VW. F. Semple.................
N. Wood......................
A. H. Tyler..................
R. Warner...................
H. G. Tyer and J. Helm.......
Gum for coating and water-proofing, Artificial_ - -. R. O. Lowrey..................
Gum from machinery, Composition for removing... S. Maxwell................
Gum, Process ofpuirifying spruce--..-------------H. B.Esty....................
Gum, Treating waste and inferior.............. J. Murphy....................
Gun --..----------------------------------- A. Boyden...................
Gun, Air..-- ------------------- G. W. B. Gedney.............
Gun,Air...---------------------------------P. Giffard....................
Gun, Air --......................................... E. Lindner....................
Gun, Air repeating...............................-------------------------P. Giffard..................
Gun, Alarm ---.......................................C. J. Beasley-------------.................Gun, Alarm..................................-.... M. C. Heptinstall.............
Gun, Alarm................................ A. Johnson and S. E. Allen...
Gun, Alarm ---------------------------------. T. A. Marable and G. Utley....
Gun and bayonet battery.......................... J. W.Andrews..........
Gun and blasting powder- -------- -..C. F. Fuchs and A. Clement...
Gun and blasting powder..................... G. A. Neumeyer.............
Gun and blasting powder.........................G. B. Weistling...................
Gun and fire-arm--. ------ -. Shaw................................. J. Shaw......
tun and percussion-lock, Revolving four-barreled. H. Rogers................
Gun and pistol, Air......------------------------- E. H. Hawley................
Gun and pistol bayonet, Combined................. R. K. Colvin............
Gun and pistol lock-------------------------J. Marsh............................... J. Marsh.....
Gun and pistol, Percussion ------.......--............... J. Finch.....................
Gun and rifle------------------------..............................------.. F. Oswan.....................
Gun and rifle, Convertible shot-- ---.. S.M uo.................... S. McCulloch......
Gun, Arrow.......................... -........... C. Robinson..............
Gun-barrel....................------.................. E. Allen....................
Gun-barrel....................................... R. R. M oore...................
Gun-barrel scraper............................... E. L. Pratt...............
Gun-barrels, Cleaning the bores of................. P. F. Carr..............
Gun-barrels, Coloring............................. J. S. Howard..................
Gun-barrels, Expanding acraper for-------......------......... A. L. Bausnian............
Gun-barrels, &c., from Bessemer steel, IProcess of J. Thompsoni.............
Elizabeth, Pa............
Princeton, Mass..........
Guilford, N. Y............
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Raynham, Mass...........
Boston, Mass..........
Nashville, Tenn...........
Springfield, Vt............
Philadelphia, Pa........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.........
Philadelphia, Pa......
B ltimore, Md.......
Wolcottville, Conn......
Mount Vernon, N. Y......
Memphis, Tenn..........
Boston, Mass.........
Hudson City, N. J........
Sanford, N. Y.............
Mount Vernon, Ohio......
Portland, Me..............
Toledo, Ohio..............
New York, N. Y........
Ballard Vale, Mass., and
New Brunswick, N. J.
Salem, N. Y...............
Baltimore, Md...........
Houlton, Me..........New York, N. Y. --...Newark, N. J.............
New York, N. Y..........
Paris, France..............
New York, N. Y........
Paris, France.............
Petersburgh, Va..........
Enfield, N. C.............
Raleigh, N. C.............
Petersburgh, Va..........
Norristown, Pa...........
Boston, Mass..........
Alterbarg, Germany.._..
Oxford Furnace, N. J.....
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Middletown, Ohio.........
Kalamazoo, Mich....
Lancaster, Pa.....--
East Dorset, Vt.-......_
New York, N. Y--.-.........
Harper's Ferry, Va.......
Yellow Springs, Ohio......
Boston, Mass -.......-...-.
Worcester, Mass..........
Cortland, N. Y...........
Boston, Mass...........
Wyalusing, Pa............
Mansfield, Mass..........
Minneapolis, Minn......
Bilston, England......
Apr. 1.1842
Apr. 9, 1850
June 13, 1829
Aug. 8, 1846
Nov. 25, 1829
Aug. 13, 1833
Jan. 7, 1873
Dec. 2, 1873
Oct. 6, 1831
Jan. 3, 1854
Mar. 1, 1856
May 16, 1854
Oct. 17,1865
Apr. 16, 1850
Dec. 24,1867
Sept. 24, 1867
June 7, 1864
Feb. 14, 1871
Sept. 27, 1870
Dec. 28, 1869
Dec. 17, 187-2
July 27, 1869
Mar. 18, 1836
May 6, 1856
Aug. 4, 1868
Apr. 24, 1860
Aug. 21, 1866
Jan. 3, 1860
Jan. 10, 1824
Sept. 24, 1861
Feb. 9, 1864
Dec. 16, 1862
Feb. 25, 1873
Feb. 22, 1870
June 29, 1869
Jan. 1, 1867
May 14, 1867
Nov. 19, 1861
Aug. 6, 172
July 2, 1867
Sept. 22, 1863
May 7, 1829
May 7, 1829
June 1,1869
Oct. 25, 1864
July 1, 1836
Apr. 12, 18-23
Feb. 25.1815
Dec. 10, 1867
Aug. 17, 1869
June 20, 1865
Dec. 26, 1871
Apr. 11, 1865
Feb. 9, 1864
Aug. 30, 1870
Sept. 11, 1866
Nov. 28, 1865
2, 527
7, 278
4, 686.....
134, 679
145, 241
10, 380
14, 378
10, 934
50, 444
7, 279
72, 591
69, 259
43, 009
111, 798
107, 693
98, 304
134, 022
14, 814
80, 641
28, 001
57, 3:4
26, 698
33, 344
37, 173
136, 315
100, 106
91, 935
60, 897
64, 682
33, 731
130, 123
66, 378
40, 070
90, 749
44, 784
72, 063
93, 908
48, 249
122, 187
47, 260
41, 481
106, 823
57, 846
51, 281
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor.
Gun-barrels, Heating and soldering............ E. Allen..................
Gun-barrels, Instrument for cleaning........... W. E. Turner................
Gun barrels, locks, &c., Plating................ J. Fowler....................
Gun-barrels, Machine for boring.............. N. Fobes................
Gun-barrels, Machine for draw-grinding........... T. Dakin.............
Gun-barrels, Machine for rifling.................. W. and C. Sellers..........
Gun-barrels, Machine for rolling............. J. Yates.............
Gun-barrels, Machine for turning...................... S ash.....
Gun-barrels, Machine for turning.................. S. Youngs.................
Gun-barrels, Manufacture of..................... W. Baker.....................
Gun-barrels, Manufacture of....................... J. H. Burton.................
Gun-barrels, Manufacture of.------------------- R. A. Douglas..............
Gun-barrels, Manufacture of....................... S. Hiler......................
Gun-barrels, Manufacture of.................. J. Thompson.................
Gun-barrels, Manufacturing - ------------------ A. Waters....................
Gun-barrels, Manufacturing plates for........... H. Mills.................
Gun-barrels, Means of attaching the fore-end stock J. Deeley and J. S. Edge, jr....
Gun-barrels, Process for making twisted------........... T. Warner...................
Gun-barrels, Scarfing and rolling the scalp for-...... J. Bruce................
Gun-barrels, Scraper for cleaning....... --.. M. G. Crane..................
Gun-barrels, System of rifling..................O. F. Winchester..............
Gun-barrels to stocks, Attaching................ N. R. Davis...................
Gun-barrels, Turning - -........................ A. Waters.................
Gun, Battery...........W. Douglas..................................... Doulas.....
Gun, Battery.................................... W. Fields.....................
Gun, Battery.......................................--- R.J.Gatling.................
Gun, Battery ---..................................... A. E. Miltimore..............
Gun battery, Many-barreled.................. J. Brett.....................
Gun battery, Repeating..............--.......E. Ripley.....................
Gun, Blast -----................................ C. Kirchhof...................
Gun-boat...................... -........... S. D. Carpenter................
Gun-boat..........................-............. L. M. Van Sickle.............
Gun-boats, Drilling bolt-holes in turrets of -.... T. F. Rowland................
Gun, Breech-loading........................ E. Lindner...................
Gun, Breech-loading-----...--.-- -- -.-. -.. IC. Sharps................
Gun, Breech-loading and magazine----...--.----.. B. and W. G. Burton'....
Gun, Burglar-alarm.......................... P. Swisher...................
Gun, Burglar-alarm.........................J. Wilson_ --................
Gun, Cane......-...................-............. A. Davis..................
Gun, Cane........................................ A. Karutez...................
Gun, Cane........................................ J. F. Thomas..................
Gun,Cane.......................-----------------W.H. Werner........
Gun-cap........................-......... C. Bandle and E. J. Cliistner
Gun-cap.......... J. Talbott....................................... J. Talbott....
Gun-capper...----------------------------. H. Bufflington.................
Gun-capping implement..----------------------E. D. Seely...................
Gun-carriage----------------------................................-----. G. Birkbeck, jr...........
Gun carriage..................................... L. W. Broadwell........
Gun-carriage.............................C.oea......... T. Couhlan....
Gun-carnriage.............---.......................------. --------J. B. Eads.....................
Gun-carriage........................................J.B. Eads....................
Gun-carriage..................................... J. B. Eads...................
Gun-curriage...........................J.Ericsson........... J.Ericsson....
Gun-carriage..................................... J. Ericsson...................
Gun-carriage..................................... J. Ericsson...........eso............
Gun-carriage..................................W. C. Fuller.............
Gun-carriage...--.............................. S. B.awkins.............
Gun-carriage....................................J. C. Honiel and F. L. F. Caillet
Gun-carriage.........Ke.......................... e...............
Gun-carriage.............................J. Lauren....................
Gun-carriage.................................J.B. Lyons....................
Gun-carriage..A......................... A. Moncrieff..................
Gun-carriage...............................A.F. Potter..............
Gun-carriage....... T. R. Timby.......
Gun-carriage.....................................C. S. T son.............
Gun-carnriage.................................... G. J. Van Brunt..........
Gun-carriage..................................... J. J. Walsh...................
Gun carriage...................................... M. W appick..................
Gun-carriage................................... G. t. Wison............
Gun-carriage.................................. J. W. Wilson.............
Gun-carriage, Counterpoise------....................... J.G. Foster............
Gun-carriage, Counterpoise...................... J (l Fester.....
Gun-carriage, Counterpoise "-- - J. (" Foster.......
Gun-carriage for naval and other purposes....... W. Smith.....................
Gun-carriage for ships of war.............J. Bubier................
Gun carriage, Pivot............... L. M. Laighton...............
Gun-carriages, Operating....................... S. J. Ashley..................
Gun-carriages, Operating.................. A. L. Caswell.................
Gun-carriages, Operating---------------------J. Ericsson......................... J. Ericsson....
(n-cariages, Operating.-------------J. Eiicssoii................
Gun- carriages, Operating.------...Long.......................... on....................
G un-carriages, Operating......................l. H. Loner
Gun- carriages, Operating.................... I. Rindge.....................
Gu carriages, Pile or fagot for shoe-rails for.....J. L. Lewis...............
Gun carriages, Quoins for..-.............. D. D. Porter..............
Gun carriages, &c., Wheel for................. C. F. Brown...................
Gun, Centrifugal...-------------....C. S. Dickinson............
Gun, Centritugal................................. G. C. Eaton and S. W. Turner..
Gun, Centrifugal.......................J............ Joslin.......
Gun, Centrifugal.....--................-........... C. B. Thaver..................
Gun, Centrifugal spring........................... R. Shaler.....................
Gun-charger.H..................................... H. Kahn.....
Gun-cleaner--------------................. M.G.Crane.....
Gun-cleaner.................................. C. G. Gould.....
Gun, Combinet, piston-breech and firing-cock re- W. Hunt.................
Gun-cotton................................... B. W. Lenk...................
Worcester, Mass.....
Fort Snelling, Minn...
Lancaster, Pa.........
Harper's Ferry, Va.......
Philadelphia, Pa......
Mott Haven, N. Y......
Harper's Ferry, Va......
Hartford, Conn............
Ilion, N. Y...............
Jefferson County, Va......
Orange, N. J...........
Harem, N. Y.........
Bilston, England.......
Millbury, Mass......
Springfield, Mass....
Yardley, England........
Chicopee, Mass........
Springfield, Mass......
Charlestown, Mass.._....
New Haven, Co i.......
Freetown, Mass.........
Milibury, Mass.......
Corry, Pa...............
Wilmington, Del.......
Indianapolis, Ind......
United States Army......
Matteawau, N. Y.........
Troy, N.Y...............
Newark, N. J..........
Madison, W is.............
Woodbridge, N. J.......
Green Point, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
Philadelphia, Pa........
Brooklyn, N. Y. -.._.
Versailles, Ohio........
Anderson Court-House,
Shelbyville, Ind...........
Brooklyn, N. Y..........
Ilion, N. Y..............
Nazareth, Pa.............
SCincinnati, Ohio......
Albany, Ga..............
South Coventry, Conn....
Brookline, Mass......_
New York, N. Y......._.
New Orleans, La......
Newton, Mass.........
Saint Louis, Mo.."......
Saint Louis, Mo...........
Saint Louis, Mo...........
New Yoik, N.Y..........New York, N. Y.........
New York, N. Y.........
London, England....
New York, N. Y.........
Paris, France............
Freedom, Mo..............
Charleston, S. C...._.....
Litchfield, Conn...........
Woolwich, Conn..._......
Oakland, Cal..............
Tarrytown, N. Y..........
Old Point Comfort, Va....
Dedham, Mass..........
New York, N. Y..........
Sacramento, Cal.......
Washington, D. C..........
New York, N, Y...........
Nashua, N. H............
Boston, Mass............
Boston, Mass.............
Washington, Ky........
Mar blehead, Mass.........
Portsmouth, N. H.........
San Francisco, Cal........
Lansingburgh, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y........
New York, N. Y..........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Cincinnati, Ohio..........
Pittsburgh, Pa......
United States Navy.....
Warren, R. I..........
Cleveland, Ohio......
Cleveland, Ohio......
Cleveland, Ohio...........
Boston, Mass..............
Madison, Conn............
Troy, N. Y................
Charlestown, Mass........
Windham, Vt.............
New York, N. Y..........
Vienna, Austria............
Date. No.
June 19,1866 55, 596
June 3,1873 139,633
Jan. 4, 1810.......
Dec. 31, 1804.......
July 28, 1820..
Mar. 7,1865 46,714
Nov. 7, 1865 50, 869
Apr. 11,1818.......
May 1, 1810....
Feb. 23,1864 41,669
Mar. 20, 1860 27, 539
Apr. 14, 1863 38, 201
Apr. 15,18 2 34, 961
May 10, 1864 42, 718
Oct. 25,1817........
July 12, 1834.....
July 1, 1873 140, 482
Sept. 6, 1853 9, 999
Oct. 15, 1824.......
July 19, 1864 43, 573
June 25, 1872 128, 446
Aug. 25, 1868 81, 348
Dec. 19, 1818.....
Aug. 23, 1864 43, 903
Apr. 25, 1871 113, 996
May 9, 1865 47, 631
Dec. 2, 1873 145, 224
May 3, 1864 42, 552
Oct. 22, 1861 33, 544
Apr. 21, 1868 76,925
Jan. 31, 1865 46,074
Apr. 28,1862 38,344
May 19, 1863 38, 605
May 6, 1856 14,819
Nov. 11, 1856 16,072
Oct. 14, 1873 143, 614
Jan. 1, 1867 60, 960
July 9, 1867 66, 662
Aug. 21, 1860 29, 676
Apr. 9, 1872 125, 460
Feb. 9, 1858 19, 328
June 7,1870 104, 087
July 25, 1871 117, 367
July C, 1869 92, 398
June 1, 1869 90, 634
Oct. 29,1861 33, 626
Oct. 4,1864 44, 506
June 1,1869 90,814
Nov. 15, 1870 109, 181
Aug. 17, 1869 93, 691
May 23, 1871 115, 181
June 18, 1872 128, 130
June 28, 1864 43, 298
Mar. 8, 1870 100, 514
July 23,1872 129, 804
July 9, 1861 32, 762
Feb. 19, 1806..
Jan. 4, 1870 98, 595
June 15, 1869 91, 345
July 1, 1856 15, 244
June 9, 1863 38, 831
Nov. 10, 1868 83, 873
Sept. 6, 1870 107, 099
Oct. 31, 1871 120, 553
May 19, 1868 78, 030
June 15, 1858 20,597
Sept. 25, 1860 30, 186
Mar. 10, 1863 37, 882
Feb. 9, 1869 86, 720
Mar. 1, 1870 100, 482
July 13, 1869 92, 597
May 2, 1871 114, 430
Oct. 17, 1871 119, 924
July 19, 1838 847
Oct. 20, 1837 4:32
Nov. 29, 1814..
Dec. 15, 1863 40, 893
Oct. 18, 1859 25, z06
Dec. 15, 1863 40, 919
Jan. 23, 1866 52, 10
Aug. 4, 1883 39, 449
June 21,1864 43, 2z8
Aug. 19, 1862 36, 223
Dec. 21, 1828 22, 377
July 10, 1860 29, 055
Aug. 9,1859 24, 997
Dec. 16,1862 37, 159
May 17, 1859 24, 031
Aug. 3,1858 21, 109
Nov. 18, 1862 36, 968
Oct. 18, 1870 108, 359
Nov. 15,1864 45, 027
Sept.'23, 1873 143, 159
Aug. 21, 1849 6, 663
June 14, 1864 43, 166
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office front 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor,
Gun-cotton and lint. Manufacture of............... J.P. McLean.................
Gun-cotton, Making solutions of...............- - - -.M Newton....... _...........
Gun-cotton, Manufacture of---------------------- -1'A. Abel..................
Gunu-cotton, Manufacture of ----------------------S J. Mackie..................
Gun-Cotton, Manufacture of------_ _ _- --- -.-- -----J. J. Rexy...................
Gun-cotton, Manufacture of------------JJBv.....................JJPv.____.._..
Gun-cotton, Manufact ure of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --1. P. Shaffner....._..........
Gun, El ht-barreled 1ercussit~J................... S. I.I asies.................
Gun, Faucet-breech ---- ------_------------------A. D.IPcry.................
Gun for- driving stock from railr-ond-track, Steam. 1.G. Smith--.-- - - - -.- - - -----
Gun-hammer gage------------------------------.._W. I.Round................
Gun-lock ---------------------------------------8... Belden and J. F. Crabtree..Gun-lock.----------------------------. N. Bennett..-...........
Gun-lock--------------------------------....-----W. Briggs...................
Gun-leek-------------------------------------E. F. Burrows...............
Gn-lock---------------------------------------..J. J. Byers..................
Gun-leek ----------------------------------- ----- J. J. Byers..................Gun-lock---------------------------------------..P. F. Cttaruie.................
Gun-lock--------------------------------------...J. F.and W. N. Crabtr-ee..
Gun-leek-------------------------------------S. Cromwell.................
Gun-lock-------------------------------- _ _.-----W. Dashnes-..................
Gun-lock-------------------------------------... J. D.'ntz-------------------..
Gnu-lock---------------------.B vn............................ W.R v s.--------
Gunu-lock......-.-..............................--_. H. Fauntleroy............Gun-lock--------------------------------------. Gilbert....................un.......................................-.-C. Gordon................---
Gun-leek ----------------------------------------J. B. Gray...................
Gun-leek---------------------------------------..L. Hailer-...................
Gun-lock - - - --..........DB. Hay.._........
Gun-lock---------------------------------------B_. D. Hay and J. M. Hill.
Gnru-lock.....-..-...........................-...-B. B. Hendee...............--
Gnu-lock - - - - - - - - - --............... C. B. Holden.................
Gun-lock-----------------------------------P. W. Hoyt..................
Gun-lock---------------------------------------..J.- Hults_.....................
Gun-lock,-----------------------"-------------- A. Judson...........
Gunu-lock---------------------------------------..J. Kelsay...................
Gunloc---------------------------------------BE. C. Kirk...................
Guts-lock ---------------------------------------- N. C. Lock...................
G ----n-lock-------------------- J. A. Sown...................
Gu-lc--------------------------------------- W. W. Marston.............Gun-lock---------------------------------------- T. J. Massie----..........
Gun-lock---------------------------------------..A. Miller....................
Gun-lock---------------------------------------..J. C. Miller.------------------
Gun-lock---------------------------------------B.. Monroe...................
Gun-lock-------------------------------------W. J. Morris.................
Gun- lock.---------------------------- ----------- S. Morrison.................
Guns-lock--------------------------------------._.J. Phin.....................
Gun-lock---------------------------------------..W. Rudolph and A. Braun.
Gun-lock..........._._...V_.__. Rudolph and A. Braun.
Gun-lock ---------------------------------------- N. Saltonstall...............
Gn-lock.----------- ---------------------------- F. Scheuck...................
Gun.lock.............-.-...................-.-C. W. Scot~t.................
Gun-lock---------------------J.I hpe.............................H hpe --- ----
Guu-lock...-.-.................................--J. H. Smith-----------------..
Gu-lc---------------------------------------BE. T. Starr...................
Gu-lc--------------------------------------- J. Seokes....................
Gun-lock ---------------------------------------- M. Tsomty...................
Gu.n lock---------------------------------------- G. B. Warr-en..- - --.....
Gnu-lock ----------------------------------------F. Wesson...................
Gu-lc--------------------------------------- E. West.....................
G-occcover.....-......................--------J. B. Lovoriels...............
GnlcDouble-acting-----------------------... Brey- - - --....._Gun lock, Lover percussion----------------------.....J. Ana 1ler, j r-................
Gun lock, Magazine percussion-------------------...3__. B. Lowry.................
Gunu lock, Per-cussion----------------------------..J. Caswell...................
Gnlock, Percussionss----------------------------M. Davis....................
Gun lock, Percussion --------V----. A. Hart..................
Gun lock, Percussion-----------------------------J. Lawrence.................
Gun lock, Percussion----------------------------..J. Shattuck................
Gun-lock, Rotary-tumubler------------------------......F. W. Harvey............._
Gun-look, Safety-------------------------------.C. Bowlen.------------------
Gun-lock, Safety--------------------------------X.V. F. Kussmaul......_......
Gun-lock, Safety------------------------- ----D. 11. M1apotiser..............
Gun-lock, Safety--------------------------------..J. B. McBcth................
Gun-lock, Sell-primning ---------------------------F. H. Bell..._...........
Guna-lock, Self-priming-------------- _- -.-------J. S. Butterfield and S. Marshall
Guss-lock, Seif-priming---------------------------.M. I. Gallasher.__...........
Gun-lock, Self-priming---------------------------.BI:. S. Lawrence -.-._. -.
Gun-lock, Se lf-setting hair-triggered...------------_J. A ltman.. _............._
Gunn-lock springs, Fos-grig-------------G.Foster.........
Brooklyn, N. Y.......
Boston, Mass............--
W~ool wich, Great Britain. -
W~estminster, EB:glansd. - -_
Vienna. Anstiia..
London. Enigland.--_-.
Louisville. Ky-----------.
Middletown, Olsio. -_.
New York, N. Y-_.Columbia, Ten. -----
Midldletown, Conn..___.
Pleasant View, Mo. _-..:
Visalia, Cal......_......
Illyria, Iowa-------- _ -
Norristown, Pa.. _.......
Mystic River, Conn...
Delta, N. Y.............
Delta, N. Y_.............
Mount Vet-non, Ohio _.
Visalsa, Cal......_......._
Edgecomb, Me.........__
La Crosse, Wis...........
Point Pleasant, WV. Va. -.. -
San Antosnio; Tex -. _.
Thsomnaston, Me.... ____...
Posey County, nd....
Rochsester, N. Y-.__-_
Goswell Road, England - _ -
Fredes-icksbnrgh, Va..
Washington, D. C.-----
Crookedl Creek, N. C.---
Crooked Creek, N. C..
San Francisco, Cal.---
Worcester, Mass.----
Danbusry, Conn.-_..- _
BriTonhpOho.New Lebanon, N. Y....
Richmond, Mo...-....
Baltimore, Md -........
Salem, Mass.............
New York, N. Y:
New York, N. YV.----
At-rington, Va--------- _
Daleville, Ala.........Dansville, Ky..--------....
Charlestown, Mass ----._..
New York, N. Y -..__
Milton, Pa..............--
Rochester, N. Y -.....
San Fratscisco, Cal -_-._-.
San Francisco, Cal.._..
New London, Conn..__.
San Antonio, Tex.
Constantia, Ohio.-_-_Exeter, N. H...--......
Brewster-s Station, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Springfield, Mass.
Mount Vernon, Ill._-__.
Washington, D. C. __.
Prospect, Pa............--
W~orcester, Mass.....
Philadelphia, Pa.. __-.New York, N. Y....
Peunsu-gs, Pa...__..
South New-Berlin, N..Y--.
Mayville, N. Y...........
Manlius, N. Y............
Mayville, N. YV..........Fredonia, N. V...........
Noe- Berlin, N. Y.
Jefibs-son County, Ohio...
New York, N. V....
Milwaukee, Wis.._.__
Baltimore, Md........._
Louisville, Ky.........._
New Or-leanss, La....
Washinsgtotn, D. C._.._
Philadelphia, Pa......
Savannah, Ga......__. -.
Hartford, CosnnArmstronsg County, Pa. --
Br-istol, R. I..............
Miltowis, On hio.
Apr. 18, 1865
-Jusse 25, 1872
Nov. 20, 186t6
Aug. 12, 1673
Sept. 19, 1865
Sept. 19, 1865
Dec. 18, 1866
Oct. 10, 18-29
Dec. 11, 1849
Nov. 28, 1865
July 2, 1807
June 27, 1871
Apr. 14, 1868
July 25, 18 71
Aug. 30, 1859
Oct. 1, 1872
Junse 18, 1872
Sept. 24, 1872
Aug. 16, 1853
Mar. 10, 1868
Feb. 3, 1827
Mar. 26, 1872
Aug. 1p, 1869
Aug. 16, 1870
Sept. 19, 1871
Aug. 17, 1833
Apr. 3, 1829
Apr. 2-2, 1873
Oct. 7, 1834
July 26, 1870
Nov. -2-2,1870
June 8, 1869
Dec. 20, 1870
Nov. 8, 187,)
Mar. 10, 1838
May 16, 1854
June 13, 1831
Jan. 5, 1869
Mar. 20, 1866
Jan. 11, 1870
Feb. 8, 1859
June 5, 1849
Oct. 31, 1871
Sept. "26, 1871
Mat. 39, 1869
Mar. 25, 1856
Apr. 1, 1873
Feb. 10, 1836
Nov. 20, 1855
Apr. 17, 1866
June 19, 1866
May 29, 1828
Sept. 11, 1866
Oct. 25, 1864
Aug. 11, 18(i3
Sept. 24, 1861
Dec. 19, 1865
Nov. 24, 1868
Aug. 14, 1855
Nov. 17, 1868
Jusne 13, 1871
Apr. 9, 1872
July. 6, 1802
Feb. 23, 1869
Jusse 3, 1862
June 29, 1858
Oct. 16, 18-27
Sept. 11, 1827
May 8, 1 128
July 10, 1827
Fob. 20,182 7
May 24, 1828
Nov. 10, 1827
June 19, 1849
Dec. 10, 1867
Oct.l 1167
Ja- 2, i873
Oct. 2,1866
Apt. 12, I e5
June 14, 1859
July 7, 1857
Ap-. 1-2, 1859
Feb. 17, 1857
Feb. 3, 1857
Aug. 29,518-28
47, 316
128, 416
59, 888
141, 654
50, 08-2
50, 083
60, 571
6, 945
116, 25-2
76, 587
1.17, 245
25. 244
131, 845
128, 015
131, 598
75, 248
124, 939
93, 420
106, 337
119, 020
138, 141
105, 799
119, 514
91, 014
110, 360
10), 128
10, 927
85, 672
53, 306
98, 781
22, 881
6, 514
120, 388
i1l9, 386
88, 319
14, 513
137, 381
13, 825
54, 021
55, 716
57, 978
44, 8-27
39, 501
33, 371
51, 629
84, 314
13, 44-2
84, 233
115, 993
125, 640
87, 316
35, 456
20, 757
6, 537
71, 963
69, 919
135, 23 3
58, 443
23, 541
24, 372
17, 7:33
16, 634
16, 537
55, 588
121, -277
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Gun, Magazine....................
Gun, Magazine..............................
Gun, Magazine...........................
Gun, Magazine....---------------------------
Gun, Magazine, repeating, and needle..........
Gun, Many-barreled..............................
Gun, Method of manufacturing ribs and bolsters
for double-barrel.
Gun, Needle......................................
Gun, Needle.......................................
Gun, Needle......................................
Gun, Needle----------........................................
Gun-nipple protector....................._
Gun-nipples, Safety-guard for.....................
Gun or rifle------------------------------........................................
Gun or rifle, Double-shooting..................
Gun, Percussion...................................
Gun, Percussion..................................
Gun, Repeating...................................
Gun, Repeating..................................
Gun-rest, Hinged................................
Gun, Revolving battery..........................
Gun, Revolving battery..................................
Gun, Revolving battery..........................
Gun, Rifle or plain barrel.........................
Gun-scraper, Adjustable....................
Gun-scrubber holder..............................
Gun, Self-loading battery.........................
Gun, Shot...............................
Gun, Shot........................................
Gun-shot wounds and extracting bullets, Instrument for treating.
Gun-sight...................------ --- --........
Gun-sight, Telescopic.......................
Gun, Sighting....................................
Gun, Spring.......................................
Gun, Spring...................................--..
Gun, Spring....................................
Gun stock and barrel attachment.................
Gun-stock and spade combined....................
Gun-stock, Canteen.,.............................
Gun-stock machine.................................
E. H. Graham.................
E. H. Graham................
C. R. Stickney...............
A. Swingle--------------...................
E. Lindner--------------..................
E. A. Mejia....--------------..............
D. B. Wesson and J. H. Blaze..
G. A. Blittkowski and F. W.
W. Burghart..................
A. A. Chassepot................
T. Twickeler.................
J. Haskins..................
C. T. Moore..................
O. Stith........................
S. Mosher and N. White.......
J. Shaw--------------.................... --.
J. Tyrer......-----.
C. H. Palmer........
A. Wheeler...--..............
J. Hawkins...................
R. J. Gatling..................
R. J. Gatling------------..................R. J. Gatling................
A. Wheeler...................
E. L. Pratt.. -................
L. Fleckenstine-----------...............
T. J. Cranmer ---....--............G. Buckel and E. Borsch......
D. Smith......................----------------
S. J. Howell................-.--.
H. B. Barber.._.............
F. A. Churchill................
M. W. Harrington................
J. T. La Rue..................
F. N. Martin.............
H. A. Schottky and T. Simendinger.
D. Wood......................----------------
E. A. Stevens...............
J. E. Blythe...................
A. Genmunder.................
W. W. Hannah.........
C. R. Alsop.....................
W. Burnett...................
D. C. Thresher...............
W. E. Blake....-............
S. Colt.......................
E. S. Wright and E. Allen.....
Biddeford, Me............
Bidotelord, Me..........
Ilion, N. Y.........
San Francisco, Cal.......
New York, N. Y.......
Springfield, Mass......
Oct. 4, 1853
May 16, 1854
July 2,1872
Apr. 1, 1873
June 27, 1854
Feb. 19, 1867
Dec. 31, 1867
New York, N. Y.......... Mar. 25,1856
Lawrence, Mass..._....
Paris, France...........
Boston, Mass.............
Roxbury, Mass............
Gilmanton, N. H..........
Brunswick County, Va....
Hamilton, N. Y...........
Philadelphia, Pa..........
Petersburgh, Va.........
Lakeville, Conn...........
Concord, Mass.......
West Windsor, N. J.....
Indianapolis, Ind..........
Indianapolis, Ind.........
Hartford, Conn..........
Boston, Mass.............
Manor Township, Pa.....
Vallicita, Cal..............
Monroe, Mich............
Springfield, Mass.......
Orange, Mass...........
Scott, N. Y...............
Pittsfield, Mass...........
Homestead, Iowa........
Pleasant Post-Office, Ind..
Covington, Ky...........
Hartford, Conn...........
Rochester, N. Y...........
Hoboken, N. J...........
New York, N. Y..........
Springfield, Mass.._......
Hudson, N. Y.............
Middletown, Conn........
Boston, Mass..............
Freetown, Mass........
New York, N. Y..........
Hartlord, Conn.........
New York, N.Y., and Newark, N. J.
New York, N.Y., and Newark, N. J.
New York, N.Y., and Newark, N. J.
New Haven, Conn.........
Middlebury, Mass.........
Waterbury, Conn.....
New York, N. Y.........
Charleston, S. C.......
Boonsborough, Md........
Cromwell, Conn-...........
Hartford, Conn......
Philadelphia, Pa., and Buffalo. N. Y.
Gun-stock machine....-........................ E.S. Wright and E. Allen....
Gun-stock machine.................................. E. S. Wright and E. Allen.....
Jan. 12,1858
Jan. 1, 1867
Mar. 18, 1862
May 27, 1862
Aug. 17, 1869
Mar. 16, 1819
May 5, 1828
June 19, 1822
June 3, 1825
Dec. 2, 1862
June 10, 1818
May 14, 1867
Nov. 4, 1862
Feb. 28,1871
Apr. 9, 1872
Feb. 19, 1819
Jan. 31, 1865
Jan. 7, 1868
Mar. 3, 1868
Apr..8, 1856
May 30, 1871
Jan. 19, 1869
Apr. 5, 1870
Feb. 28,1871
Feb. 25, 1873
June 18, 187-2
Jan. 5, 1864
Jan. 14, 1873
May 31, 1864
Jan. 6, 1863
Jan. 3, 1865
Jan. 12, 1858
June 11, 1872
I.ay 22, 1860
Jan. 7, 1862
May 8, 1866
Feb. 11, 1873
Jan. 18, 1859
Nov. 17, 1863
Nov. 17, 1863
Nov. 17, 1863
July 1, 1862
Sept. 6, 1819
June 15, 1820
Feb. 17, 1863
Apr. 12,186
Nov. 9, 1832
Apr. 9, 1861
Jan. 18, 1859
July 18, 1865
July 24, 1866
Dee. 16, 1873
Aug. 6, 1821
June 25, 1872
Mar. 23, 1858
Aug. 4, 1857
Sept. 12, 1865
Feb. 8,1870
Apr. 19, 1870
Mar. 19, 1867
Mar. 31, 1863
Feb. 7, 1865
Apr. 6,1869
Jan. 12, 1864
Feb. 1, 1842
July 30, 1844
July 14, 1868
Aug. 2, 1864
Sept. 10, 1867
Feb. 7, 1865
Jan. 19, 1858
Aug. 13, 1872
Dec. 8, 1829
Sept. 26, 1865
Dec. 10, 1861
Aug. 31,1810
Nov. 26, 1861
Mar. 23, 1869
June 29, 1833
Oct. 28, 1873
10, 944
128, 671
137, 392
11, 197
62, 281
72, 949
14, 488
19, 068
60, 832
34, 706
35, 418
93, 733.....
37, 052.....
64, 765
36, 8:6
112, 138
125, 563.....
46, 140
72, 993
74, 904
14, 597
115, 370
86, 016
101, 568
136, 159
128, 049
41, 162
134, 772
42, 983
37, 365
45, 789
19, 086
127, 873
28, 433
54, 624
135, 624
22, 627
40, 665
40, 666
40, 667
35, 775
37, 705.....
32, 003
22, 626
48, 862
56, 559
145, 563
128, 231
19, 674
17, 915
49, 848
99, 557
101, 997
62, 994
38, 038
46, 223
41, 245
2, 441
3, 685
79, 861
43, 680
68, 813
46, 22
19, 121
130, 501
33, 884
33, 803
88, 008..ii~~
Gun-stocks, Machine for making.................
Gun-stocks, &c., Machine for turning...........
Gun-stocks, &c., Machine for turning.............
Gun-stocks, Machinery for carving and drilling...
Gun-stocks, Mode of crooking.................
Gun-stocks, Sawing...........................
Gun-stocks to pistols, Mode of attaching --...
Gun-stocks with pistols, Mode of coupling..._....
Gun, Submarine steam...........................
Gun traversing-mechanism, Machine............
Gun-trucks, Machine for cutting................
Gun, Walking-stick............................
Gun, Walking-stick.............................
Guns and gun-towers, Operating............
Guns and gun-turrets, Operating.................
Guns, Apparatus for unspiking..................
Guns by adjustable ports, Directing.............
Guns, &c., Combining barrels of....................
Guns, Constructing large......................
Guns, Detachable muzzle for shot............
Guns exhausted of air, Muzzle-cap for.......
Guns, Flexible rammer for turret..................
Guns in turrets, Operating.......................
Guns, Lock of double-barreled.......................
Guns, Machine for battery.........................
Guns, Machine for elevating heavy..................
Guns, Machine for finishing the cascabel of.......
Guns, Machinery for rifling......................
Guns, Making rifle................................
Guns, Maneuvering heavy........................
Guns, Manufacture of breech-plates for.........
Guns,- Manufacturing............................
Guns, Means for operating heavy.................
H. W. Oliver..................
T. Blanchard...............
A. Woolworth................
J. G. Pusey...................
J. Schirer..................
A. M yers...................
E. B. Savage...............---
S. Colt.....................
W. W. W. Wood and J. L. Lay.
P. M. Hendrick and J. J. Chat- Springfield, Mass.........
R. J. Gatling----------------.................. -Hartford, Conn..........
R. Rose ----------------------Washington, D. C.........
C. W. Lovett, jr..-....-.. Boston, Mass-...........
R. R. Beckwith--------------................ -New York, N. Y...
I. Buckman, jr----------------................ Now York, N. Y..........
H. Berdan................... Now York, N. Y..........
C. F. Gillette..--............... Sparta, Wis...............
H. Greve................... Sparta, Wis..............
H. C. Bascom.................. La Crosse, Wis..........
J. B. Eads.................. Saint Louis, Mo...........
J. B. Eads..................... Saint Louis Mo...........
T. J. Dobbs -................ Weehawken, N. J.........
R. Trussell.. -----..-Brooklyn, N. Y.........
J. Griswold.............. Chambers County, Ala...
R. F. Loper - -.......... Philadelphic, Pa........
S. H. Roper...---------------- Roxbury, Mass...........
R. Gibbons.........-......... Oakland, Cal.............
J. B. Walker................. Elizabeth, Pa............
J. B. Eads..................... Saint Louis, Mo...........
H. Barnes.....---.. Wilson, N. C..............
B. B. Hotchkiss........... New York, N. Y..........
L. and W. H. Bell............ ---- Fortress Monroe, Va......
E. Kaylor..................... Pittsburgh, Pa............
W. H. Gwynne............. Brooklyn, N. Y..........
E. Strong and C. Killogg...... New Hartford, Conn......
K. Stewart................... San Francisco, Cal........
W. Baker..................... Ilion, N. Y................
D. G. Colburn................. Canton Canal, N. Y........
A. Moncrieff................. Culfargie, Scotland......
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusire-Continued.
Guns, &e., Method of attaching bits eccentrically
to arbors for stocking.
Guns, Method of preventing accidental discharge
in the Prussian.
Guns, Mounting heavy...............
Guns Muzzle for shot.......................
Guns Muzzle for shot................
Guns Operating heavy...............
Guns, Operating machine...............
Guns, Operating ships'..........................
Guns Percussion-lock for................
Guns Percussion-lock for.........................
Guns pistols, and other fire-arms..............
Guns, Piston for muzzle-loadin..............
Guns, Planing the rim-bases of..................
Guns Priming for needle.............
Guns, Removing stikes from...................
Guns, Rifled muzzle for smooth-bored..............
Guns, Rifling of................
Gune, Shot-charge for measuring shot in charging.I
Guns, Target for air...............................
Gunnery, Repeating.......................
Gunpowler, &c... --.....------.
Gunpowder and blasting-powder, Manufacture of.
Gunpowder and lamp-black, Application of Grahamnito in the manufacture of.
Gunpowder and other explosive substances, Meth.od of blasting with.
Gunpowder, Apparatus for graining........
Gunpowder, Apparatus for the manufacture of....
Gunpowder, &c, Composition for..................
Gunpowder, Composition ifor.r...............
Gunpowder corning or graining machine.......
Gunpowder, Cylinder for polishing.........
Grunpowder, Drying............
Gunpowder, Drying and glazing...............
Gunpowder, (Granulating.........................
Gunpowder, Granulating....................
Gunpowder, Granulating.........................
Gunpowder, Granulating.................
Gunpowder, Granulating..............
Gunpowder, Machine far granulating......
Gunpowder, Machine for granulating..........
Gunpowder, Machinery for the manufacture of....
Gunpowder, Making charcoal for manufacturing..
Gunpowder, Manufacture of............_
Gunpowder, Manufacture of...................
Gunpowder, Manufacture of.....
Gunpowder, Manufacture of...................
Gunpowder, Manufacture of..................
Gunpowder, Manufiacture of....................
Gunpowder, Manufacture of............
Gunpowder, Manufacture of.............
Gunpowder, Manufacture of.................
Gunpowder, Manufacture of.....................
Gunpowder, Manufacturing......................
Gunpowder, Manufacturing........................
Gunpowder, mining-powder, &c..................
Gunpowder, Mode of keeping.....................
Gnnnnrr d of nri-.-in. l, f. hndlrin
S. D. Sizer..................
J. Wurffiein.................
J. B. Newman...............
J. Fry......................
J. A. McKenzie...........
P. F. Jones..........
G. O. Kinne.............
J. H. Ward...................
R. Beale......................
T. Daplyn...................
G. Stocker and J. Bentley.....
J. T. Foster and J. J. Banta...
E. Kaylor...................
C. H. F. Thieme............
A. Lafever...........
C. R. Alsop.................
J. B. Atwater...............
G. W. Dobbin.................
C. A. Demnling...........
J. C. Chambers........
E. B. Dodson.............
L. Du Pont..................
L. H. G. Ehrhardt..........
L. H. G. Ehrhardt..........
A. Molfino...................
J. F. E. Schultze.............
T. Taylor...................
C. M. Wetherill.........
G. A. Neumeyer............
P. H. Vander Weyde._.......
Springfield, Mass........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Milfor d, Pa..........
Latrobe, Pa.............
Galesburgh, Ill.......
New York, N. Y..........
Hartford, Conn...........
United States Navy.......
Washington, D. C........
Dover. Ohio..............
Birminaham, England....
Jersey ity, N. J..........
Pittsburgh, Pa.........
North Vernon, Ind......
Battle Creek, Mich.......
Middletown, Conn......
Ripon, Wis............
Baltimore, Md.........
New York, N. Y..........
West Middletown, Pa.....
Reading, Pa.............
Wilmington, Del.........
Baywater, England.......
London, England.........
New York, N.Y..........
Potsdam, Prussia.........
Washington, D. C.........
La Fayette, Ind..........
Altenburg, Saxe.Altenburg.
New York, N. Y..........
T. P. Shaffner................. Louisville, Ky............
P. A. Oliver................
C. M. Wetherill.......
O. Scott..................
E. Harrison.......
H. Leibert..............
L. T'. Swett..................
R. H. Cunningham...........
E. E. Hendrick...........
J. Smith....................
J. S. Foster..................
R. Crosbie.................
C. Dalmnas...................
G. Fulton...................
D. Rogers...............
J. Worseley..................
E. J. Du Pont de Nemours.....
W. H. Richardson............
P. A. Oliver.................
J. M. Merrow and R. McKee, ji
F. Parker....................
F. S. Allen.............
F. Burney...................
C. W. Curtis................
H. E. Drayson..............
L. and E. DuPont..........
L. H. G. Ehrbardt...........
W. H. Jackson..............
V. L. Maxwell................
F. G. Murray................
R. I. L. Witty...............
T. Ewell......................
H. Keyser.....................
B. Potter, jr..................
H. Hochstalter...............
J. Gale, jr................
A T d,. i
Wilkesbarre, Pa..........
La Fayette, Ind..........
Bennington, Vt..........
New York, N. Y..........
Norristown, Pa...........
Canton, Conn...........
Schaghticoke, N. Y........
Carbondale, Pa...........
Kingston, N. Y...........
Salem, Mass..............
Newark, N. J.............
Wilmington, Del..........
Philadelphia, Pa.........
Newburgh, N. Y..........
Berne, N. Y..............
Baltimore, Md.........
New York, N. Y.........
East Hartford, Conn......
Prince George's, Md......
New York, N. Y.........
Faversham, Great Britain
London, England.........
Edgeworth Lodge, England
New Castle County, Del...
London, England.......
Salem, Mass..........
Wilkesbarre, Pa.........
Washington, D. C.........
Lowell, Mass.............
Georgetown, D. C........
Hubbardston, Mass-...
Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany.
Devonshire Terrace, England.
New York, N. Y.........
Wilmington. Del..........
Basel, Switzerland........
Wilmington, Del..........
United States Army......
New York, N. Y..........
Ramsey, England........
May 12, 1843
Apr. 30, 1850
June 28, 1864
Dec. 15, 1868
Jan. 19, 1869
Dec. 10, 1861
Nov. 7, 1871
May 3, 1864
Feb. 20, 1835
Feb. 20, 1835
Apr. 8, 1840
Mar. 17, 1857
July 12, 1864
Aug. 11, 1868
Sept. 22,1863
Dec. 16, 1862
Sept. 30, l ~62
Mar. 23, 1838
Jan. I, 1867
Mar. 23, 181:
Feb. 10, 1857
May 19, 1857
June 19, 1866
Jan. 28, 1868
Aug. 15, 1871
June 2, 1863
Dec. 7, 1869
Mar. 22, 1864
Sept. 1, 1868
Mar. 2, 1869
Aug. 17,1869
Dec. 31, 1872
Mar. 22, 1864
Dec. 31, 1867
Feb. 9, 1864
Jan. 6,1863
Nov. 16, 1841.
Aug. 26, 1862
Nov. 19, 1867
Feb. 7, 1865
Jan. 30, 1872
Feb. 17, 1812
Apr. 26, 1816
Aug. 21, 1819
Aug. 26, 1818
Feb. 21, 1815
Nov. 23, 1804
Aug. 3, 1822
Apr. 7, 1868
Apr. 19, 1822
July 25, 1815
Oct. 9, 1866
Dec. 2, 1873
Nov. 14, 1871
Sept. 13, 1864
Dec. 3, 1872
Jan. 5, 1869
June 23, 1868
Dec. 27, 1859
June 20, 1865
Apr. 2, 1838
Dec. 7, 1813
Aug. 10, 17 1
Jan. 24, 1860
Mar. 22, 1864
Oct. 3, 1865
Mar. 13, 1866
Sept. 26, 1865
Dec. 5, 1846
Oct. 24, 1865
Oct. 24, 1865
Feb. 14, 1860
Mar. 18, 1862
Aug. 20, 1861
3, 090
7, 334
43, 330
84, 942
85, 949
33, 891
120, 588
42, 630..........
16, 860
43, 510
81, 0:3
40, 051
37, 193
36, 592
60, 862
16, 580
17, 321
55, 7 95
73, 786
118, 040
38, 789
97, 567
42, 056
81, 670
87, 382
93, 757
134, 438
42, 057
72, 916
41, 576
37, 296
2, 362
36, 320
71, 004
46, 275
123, 095
76, 510
58, 567.....
1-20, 862
44, 269
133, 522
85, 576
79, 229
26, 60"2
48, 303
26, 922
42, 047
50, 313
53, 184
50, 104
4, 877
50, 568
50, 617
27, 147
34, 724
33, 069
10, 106
5, 5319
9, 668
14, 97-2
15, 439
13, 315
5, 592
16, 215
11, 906
5, 543
unupow ier, o0 e0o preparing vesseis or no tng...1 and............
Gunpowder,Plate for pressing................... L.Du Pont.............
Gunpowder, Preparation of cotton-wool, &c., asI C. F. Schoenbein.............
substitutes for.
Gunpowder, Press for pressing.................. L. Du Pont...................
Gunpowder, Substitute for........................ A. Noble................
Gunpowder to flat projectiles, giving themir rota- E. O. C. Ord.................
tion, Application of.
Gunpowder to form cartridges, Treatingo.-....... R. O. Doremus and B. L. Buddl.
Gunpowder to serve as charge for fire-arms, Prep- J. H. Brown....................
aration of granulated.
Gutta-percha and caoutchouc, Covering with...... C. Goodyear................
Gutta-percha and caoutchouc, Dissolving and soft- C. F. Durant..............
Gutta-percha and India rubber, Manufacturing... C. Goodyear and R. Haering...
Gutta-percha, Apparatus for cleaning-.......... J. Reynolds.................
Gutta-percha, Apparatus for covering wire with.. J. Reynolds....................
Gutta-percha boats, Making.................... E. B. Larchar................
Gutta-percha by molding, stamping, or embossing, R. A. Brooman...............
Making articles of.
Gutta-percha cord, Making........................... J. Reynolds...................
Gutta-percha, &c., Desulphurizing -.....-----.. -- W. E. Rider and J. Murphy...
Gutta-percha fabricsin imitation of patent-leather, IH. H. Day..............
New Haven, Conn......... Oct. 11, 1853
Jersey City, N. J.......... Apr. 25, 1848
New Haven, Conn.........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y........
Baltimore, Md............
London, England..........
Apr. 12, 1853
May 27, 1856
July 29, 1856
July 24, 1855
May 23,1848
New York, N. Y........ Dec. 9,1856
New York, N. Y........Nov. 7, 1854
Jersey City, N. J........... May 2, 1848
Index of patents issued from the United States Patent Office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive-Continued.
Invention. Inventor. Residence Date. No.
Gutta-percha, Feed-apparatus for working.......
Gutta-percha, Process for purifying...............
Gutta-percha, Process for treating................
Gutta-percha, Process of manufacturing........
Gutta-percha, Process of working.................
Gutta-percha tubing and covering wire. Machine
Gutter, Iron......................................
Gutter, M etallic..................................
Gutter, Street.....................
Gutter-sweeping machine........................
Gutter-sweeping machine......................
Gutter-trough, Tinners..........................
Gutters, Beading rain............................
Gutters for buildings, Machine for making.._.....
Gutters, Machine for forming tubular beads on
Gutters to buildings, Mode of sustaining............
Gymnasium, Equestrian....................
Gymnasium, Portable............................
Gymnastic apparatus........................
Gymnastic apparatus............................
Gymnastic apparatus............................
Gymnastic apparatus----------------.. -...--.-..
Gymnastic apparatus......................
Gymnastic apparatus..---------------------
Gypsum-calcining furnace...................
Gypsum-calcining furnace...................
J. Reynolds..--------------.................
R. Haering....................
J. Murphy.................
J. Rider.......................
S. T. Armstrong and C. J. Gilbert.
J. Reynolds..............
W. L. Rogers --....- -............
E. Whitehead................
T. McClunie..............
A. B. Schulz..............
H. O. Ames..........
W. H. King...........
R. I. Smith--...
J. N. Woolwin----------............-...
W. H. Henderson-....-...-.
A. K. P. Buffum----------.............
O. W. Stow.................
W. Yapp..............
E. S. Scripture................
W. G. Hanlon................
G. W. Bacon................
DI. P. Butler..................
W. Hanlon............
W. Hanlon.................
J. Smith -- - -... - - -
J. Sm ith....................
F. Veerkamp and F. Leopold..
B. Fowler...................
F. Godfrey..............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
New York, N. Y.....
June 10,1856
May 5, 1857
May 30, 1854
June 1, 1852
Sept. 17, 1850
New York, N. Y---------.......... Apr. 22,1851
Rochefort, Mo..........
Cincinnati, Ohio........
Hartford, Con... --..-.
Baltimore, Md.........
New Orleans, La.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Philadelphia, Pa.__
Mechanicsburgh, Ohio....
Franklin, Ind........
Gardiner, Me............
Plantsville, Conn..........
Cleveland, Ohio.......
Williamsburgh, N. Y.....
New York, N. Y..........
London, England........
Boston, Mass.............
New York, N. Y..........
New York, N. Y.......
Saint Psul, Minn......
Philadelphia, Pa.......
Philadelphia, Pa........
Lubec, Me................
Grand Rapids, Mich......
Aug. 29, 1871
Nov. 20, 1866
May 27, 1873
Aug. 15, 1871
Sept. 24, 1872
Aug. 19, 1856
Oct. 23, 1855
July 20,1869
May 28, 1861
July 25, 1871
Mar. 10, 1868
Oct. 28, 1862
July 30, 1872
Oct. 29, 1861
Oct. 22, 1867
Jan. 19,1869
Jan. 4,1870
Jan. 4, 1870
Oct. 18,1870
May 6, 1873
Jan. 1, 1861
June 18,1850
Sept. 11, 1866
17, 214
10, 977
8, 992
7, 643
8, 051
118, 556
59, 804
139, 324
118, 061
131, 588
15, 566
13, 709
92, 922
32, 420
117, 255
75, 487
36, 876
129, 988
33, 583
69, 956
85, 996
98, 587
98, 588
108, 401
138, 590
31, 059
7, 439
57, 892