A MANUAL OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY: INCLUDING THE APPLICATION OF THE ART TO MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. BY JAMES NAPIER, F. C. S. FOURTH AMERICAN, FROM THE FOURTH LONDON EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY CAR EY BAIRD, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, 406 W\ilnut Street. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. THE fact of this Treatise being reprinted from the plates of BYRNE'S PRACTICAL METAL WORKER'S ASSISTANT will sufficiently account for the numbering of the chapters, pages, and engravings appearing to be somewhat irregular. It may here be as well to state that the present is an exact and faithful reprint of the Fourth London Edition. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2, 1867. PREFACE. THE author of the following Treatise was engaged for several years in the application of Electro-Metallurgy to the purposes of manufacture. His operations were performed with solutions of all the metals, and upon objects of every size and form. They commenced when the art was young-when its practical applications were speculative-its advantages and disadvantages equally unknown; when difficulties of all kinds, such as beset every new art, had to be met, and considered, and overcome. The course of his daily proceedings threw him into the way of observations, much more extensive and much more diversified, than could possibly have occurred to any amateur of the art. Where large operations in an extensive business were concerned, it was necessary to attend to details that some would have considered trifling, and to overcome obstacles that others might have deemed insurmountable. Under the pressure of these circumstances, all means were employed to procure information. Innumerable electrotype processes were repeated as soon as they were published, and original experiments were made in a variety of forms, and frequently on an extensive scale, with a view to the removal of particular difficulties, or to find the means of accomplishing certain desirable ends. These proceedings and inquiries afforded numerous results, not only useful in the manufacture in which the author was engaged, but interesting to the man of science. And it is because bf their general utility to all persons engaged in the multifarious processes into which the art of Electro-Metallurgy has ramified, that he has been induced to throw them into the form of the following Treatise. While, however, he can state, that what is collected here is derived from extensive personal experience, he by no means Vi PREFACE. ventures to assume that the work is free from deficiencies. He has too frequently had to deplore the effects of his processes, and to point out the desirableness of others of greater certainty and economy. Neither can the author presume that this work will be a stardard on the subject to which it relates. Arts and sciences, like kingdoms and nations, have their several periods of rise, prevalence, and decadence; and nothing can be more unstable than descriptions of an art like Electro-Metallurgy-an art that must fluctuate with the course of experimental discovery, that has rapidly attained a distinguished eminence, and that promises to extend its utility still farther over regions now unthought of. The superb specimens of its products, which were displayed to the admiration of the world, at the GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS, prove at once the immense importance of Electro-Metallurgy, and how much may yet be expected from one of the most ingenious of those modern applications of science, which subject the powers of nature to the use and pleasure of civilized man. GLASGOW, May, 1851. NOTE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The rapid sale of two editions of the Manual of Electro-Metallurgy has afforded great gratification to the author, and he has embraced the present opportunity of revisal to include every approved novelty, so as to bring the work down to the present state of knowledge on this most valuable art. GLASGOW, February, 1857. CONTENTS. PAGCE HISTORY OF THE ART OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY,.. 489 DESCRIPTION OF GALVANIC BATTERIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PECULIARITIES, 509 ELECTROTYPE PROCESSES,. 533 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS OF THE PROCESS OF COATING WITH COPPER, 563 BRONZING,.. 572 DEPOSITION OF METALS UPON ONE ANOTHER, 574 ELECTRO-PLATING,. 587 ELECTRO-GILDING,. 610 RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE DEPOSITION OF OTHER METALS AS COATINGS, 617 THEORETICAL OBSERVATIONS, 628 INDEX,...633 MANUAL ELECTRO-METALLURGY. CHAPTER XXIV. HISTORY OF THE ART OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. IN reviewing the rise and progress of any discovery in the arts and sciences, particularly of one connected with the application of chemistry to manufacturing purposes, there are two circumstances which almost invariably demand especial notice. The first is, that the discovery has been the result of accidental observation-a fact eliminated during investigations undertaken for other purposesrather than the result of a direct endeavor to make the discovery. The second is, that, after the discovery has been made known, it is found that many previously published experiments exhibited results which bore more or less directly upon the subsequent discovery, and which are consequently sometimes cited to detract from the merit of the discoverer, and the originality and value of his discovery. The following historical sketch will show that these observations directly apply to the discovery of the art of ElectroMetallurgy:VOLTA'S DIscovERY.-At the beginning of the year 1800, Professor Volta invented the Apparatus which has been named after him, the Voltaic Pile. As originally constructed by Volta, it consisted of an equal number of round pieces of zinc, silver, and paste-board-the zinc and silver pieces being each about the size (489) 490 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER'S ASSISTANT. of a penny, and those of pasteboard a little smaller; the pasteboard pieces were soaked in a solution of common salt, and then with the metals were piled in the following manner:-zinc, silver, pasteboard; zinc, silver, pasteboard; and so on, in the same order, till all the pieces, amounting to upwards of a hundred, were piled upon each other, the uppermost plate being of silver, and, as already stated, the undermost of zinc; these exterior plates, to each of which a wire is attached, form the terminals or poles of the pile. Fig. 540 shows the construction of the Pile. Fig. 540 ]'w|I1.... { C —Silver Plate. A \ / _ (illllll!llllllllllllllllllll z z Zinc Plate. / W —Pasteboard between. A AA-The Wires in connection with z the Terminal Plates. By this instrument all the phenomena of an ordinary battery can be produced. CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITIONS BY THE PILE.-This discovery placed in the hands of the philosopher an instrument by which he could make such investigations as had never previously been conceived to be possible. Nicholson, for example, effected the decomposition of water and of several metallic salts: and observed, as a general rule, that in the decomposition of the latter the metal of the salt was reduced upon the zinc terminal of the pile. FIRST BATTERY.-Cruikshanks, of Woolwich, with a view to facilitate the construction of the pile, employed square plates of copper and zinc, soldered together two and two; these were cemented, by means of pitch, into a wooden trough, at the distance of about a quarter of an inch from each other, and so arranged that the zinc plates all faced one end of the trough, and the copper plates the other end. The spaces or cells between every pair of plates were filled with a solution of common salt, or a mixture of acid and water, which produced the same effect as the moist cards in the pile. The trough thus charged with its metals and solution acted the same part as the Voltaic pile. This was the first of those instruments now so well known as the "galvanic battery." DECOMPOSITION BY THE BATTERY, AND ITS APPLICATION.Cruikshanks attached a silver wire to each terminal of his battery, HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 491 and the other ends of these wires he placed in a glass tube. When this tube was filled with a solution of acetate of lead, and the electric current was allowed to pass through it for some time, metallic lead was found deposited upon the wire attached to the zinc terminal of the battery. Solutions of sulphate of copper, nitrate of silver, and several other salts, were tried with similar results. The metals, as Cruikshanks expressed it, were "revived," and that so completely, as to suggest to him the application of the battery to the analysis of minerals. While Cruikshanks, Nicholson, and several other gentlemen in this country were making investigations and applications of voltaic electricity, upon the Continent, Brugnatelli, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Thenard were making similar investigations, and obtaining similar results.* DEPOSITION OF METALS UPON OTHERS.-Brugnatelli, in his Annals of Chemistry, gives a long list of experiments on the decomposition of salts by the pile. He observed the transfer of the elements of a decomposed compound from one pole to anotherthat silver, when deposited upon platinum, preserved all its metallic brightness-and that, when copper or zinc were used in connection with the silver terminal, or positive pole, of the pile for decomposing salts, these metals were dissolved, and deposited upon the negative pole. The researches of Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Th6nard gave the same results. GILDING. —In 1805, Brugnatelli, in a letter to Van Mons, mentions, among other scientific facts, that "he had gilt in a complete manner two large silver medals, by bringing them, by means of a steel wire, into communication with the negative pole of a voltaic pile, and keeping them one after the other immersed in ammoniuret of gold newly made and well saturated."t EARLY OPINIONS CONCERNING ELECTRO-DECOMPOSITION.-The above few instances are selected from a host of a similar kind upon electro-decomposition, to show that the fact of the deposition of metals by an electric current was familiar to philosophers at this early stage of the history of galvanism; that nevertheless, the. phenomenon was never thought of further than as a curious action of electricity when passing through a solution containing metals; and that although these effects were produced again and again, it was only to prove and enforce certain speculative views respecting the electric fluid. As for example, Brugnatelli had formed an idea that the electric fluid had some relations to an acid which he called the electric acid, and he therefore viewed the decomposit;on of solutions, and the obtaining of the metal, which he termed an electrate, as the result of the combination of this electric acid with the metal of the solution. In one of his memoirs upon this subject, he says-" Gold and platinum are not sensibly altered by the electric matter which passes through them, though it often * Wilkinson, Elements of Galvanism, vol. ii. 1804. t Phil. Magazine, 1805. 492 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER'S ASSISTANT. happens that the electric current deposits on gold a stratum of zinc copper, mercury, or silver, according to whichever of these metallic bodies it traverses."* In the same paper it is several times stated that gold and platina do not seem sensibly affected by the electric acid. And, when he communicated the above experiment of gilding the two medals, his object was to show that he had now found that the electric acid had also the power of acting upon gold; and the publication of these results and observations excited no other idea in the minds of philosophers of that period than that they were mere scientific curiosities. The editor of the Philosophical uiagazine appended the following note to the extract already quoted:-" The result here detailed reminds me of one, somewhat similar, which took place during some experiments performed some years ago in the Askesian Rooms. Some gold leaf was put loose upon a new piece of copper coin, which was then brought into the circuit of the pile. A part of the gold was inflamed, and other portions adhered to the surface of the copper, as completely as if they had been attached by any common gilding process."t HOW THESE RESULTS AFFECT THE DISCOVERY.-We have been particular in thus noticing the observations of the first pioneers in electro-chemistry, because these and similar facts of later date have been brought prominently forward by writers upon electrometallurgy, with the apparent intention to detract from the merit due to the discoverers of the new art; founding their objection on the ground that the principle upon which the discovery is founded is not new. "Electro-metallurgy," says Mr. Smee, "may be said to have its origin in the discovery of the constant battery by Professor Daniell, for in that instrument the copper is continually reduced upon the negative plate." And again, when speaking of Daniells' battery, he says-" Mr. M. De la Rue experimented on its properties, and found the copper plate also covered with a coating of metallic copper, which is continually being deposited; and so perfect is the sheet of copper thus formed, that being stripped off, it has the counterparts of every scratch of the plate on which it is deposited.": Doubtless these experiments border very closely upon the discovery; but yet they have no more claim to serve as dates to its origin than those we have been referring to. But if it be necessary that an originating experiment must have a resemblance to that which it suggests-such as Daniell's battery; and the single cell of electro-metallurgy-why omit to refer to Dr. Wollaston's earlier experiments of 1801? He says-" If a piece of silver, in connection with a more positivd metal, be put into a solution of copper, the silver is coated over with the copper, which coating will stand the operation of burnishing."~ But in our opinion none * Brugnatelli, Annals of Chemistry, vol. xviii., and Wilkinson, vol. ii. t Phil. Mag., 1805. J Smee, Elements of Electro-Metallurgy, 2d Edition, 1843. Philosophical Transactions, 1801. HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 493 of these results originated electro-metallurgy: the discovery of that art, although it is an application of such results as we have described, was as original on the part of the discoverers,.and as unconnected with these results at the time it was made, as it would have been had the earlier observations never been published. The discovery seems to have been deduced from results which the discoverers had obtained in their own experiments, not even while searching for such a discovery but during investigations instituted for other purposes. USE OF OBSERVED FACTS.-It must not be supposed that we depreciate the value of the published facts upon the decomposition of salts, nor that we overlook their relation to the discovery which followed; for the multiplication of facts, and the improvement of instruments for experimenting, enlarge our knowledge of the principles to be investigated or applied; they facilitate inquiry, and increase the number of observers. The circumstances connected with the discovery of ELECTRO-METALLURGY-Of the application of the decomposing force of an electro current passing through a solution, will illustrate these observations. SPENCER'S FIRST EXPERIMENTS.-Mr. Thomas Spencer, of Liverpool, states that, in 1837, while experimenting with a modification of a Daniell's battery, he used a penny piece instead of a plain piece of copper, as a pole. Copper was deposited from the solution upon it, and on removing the wire which attached the penny to the zinc plate he also pulled off a portion of the deposited copper, which he found to be an exact counterpart or mould of a part of the head and letters of the coin as smooth and sharp as the original. But this did not suggest to him any useful application, until sometime after he dropped, accidentally, a little varnish upon a slip of copper which he was about to use in the same way as he had used the penyt piece. On finding that no deposit of copper took place on the pAi s where the varnish had dropped, he then conceived the idea of applying thin principle to the arts, by coating a piece of copper with varnish or wax, and cutting a design through the wax or varnish, leaving the copper bare, and then depositing upon these parts, so that upon removing the varnish the design would be left in rdlef. JACOBI'S EXPERIMENTS. —While Mr. Spencer was following up these ideas, the following paragraph appeared in the Athenaum foi 4th May, 1839: "Galvanic Engraving in Relief.-While M. Daguerre and Mr. Fox Talbot have been dipping their pencils in the solar spectrum, and astonishing us with their inventions, it appears that Professor Jacobi, at St. Petersburgh, has also made a discovery which promises to be of little less importance to the arts. Hie has found. method-if we understand our informant rightly-of converting any line, however fine, engraved on copper, into a relief, by galvanic process. The Emperor of Russia has placed at the Professor's disposal, funds to enable him to perfect his discovery." In consequence of this announcement, Mr. Spencer, on the 8th 494 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER S ASSISTANT. of May, 1839, gave notice to the Liverpool Polytechnic Institution, that he should make a communication to them of his process' for effecting results similar to those of Professor Jacobi. But MI Spencer appears to have changed his design of reading it to the above Institution, in order to have it read at the meeting of the British Association, which was to take place a short time after. JORDAN'S EXPERIMENTS.-Meanwhile the announcement of the Athenwum was quoted in the London AMechanics' Magazine for May 11th, 1839, which brought forth a letter from Mr. C.J. Jordan, a book-printer, dated 22d May, 1839, and published on the 8th June of the same year in the London Mechanics' Magazine. In this letter Mr. Jordan describes his experiments upon the same subject, detailing the method of procuring electrotypes, and offering hints for their application which have since been acted upon with considerable success. The following is a copy of Mr. Jordan's letter, which was, no doubt, the first published description of the art in this country: "Engraving by Galvanism. "Sir:-Observing in the last page of a recent Number of your Magazine, a notice extracted from the Athenaeum, relative to a discovery of Professor Jacobi, its perusal occasioned the recollection of some experiments performed about the commencement of last summer, with the view of obtaining impressions from engraved copper plates, by the aid of galvanism, which led me to infer some analogy in principle with those of the Russian Professor, and may probably give me the right to claim priority in its discovery and application. These experiments were abandoned from the want of that most important element in pursuits of this nature-time; the writer's share of the said element being occupied in a manner more imperative than pleasing. I regret, however, not having made it the subject of an earlier communication, as this would have placed my pretensions beyond doubt; but, inasmuch as the notice alluded to is given from memory, and is undescriptive, while I may be enabled to exhibit the modus operandi, my assertion may be at least partially substantiated. "It is well known to experimentalists on the chemical action of voltaic electricity, that solutions of several metallic salts are decomposed by its agency, and the metal procured in a free state. Such results are very conspicuous with copper salts, which metal may be obtained from its sulphate (blue vitriol), by simply immersing the poles of a galvanic battery in its solution, the positive wire becoming gradually coated with copper. This phenomenon of metallic reduction is an essential feature in the action of sustaining batteries, the effect, in this case, taking place on more extensive surfaces. But the form of voltaic apparatus which exhibits this result in the most interesting manner, and relates more immediately to the subject of the present communication, may be thus described: —It consists of a glass tube, closed at one extremity with a plug of plaster of Paris, HISTO1aY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 495 and nearly filled with a solution of sulphate of copper; this tube and its contents are immersed in a solution of common salt. A plate of copper is placed in the first solution, and is connected, by means of a wire and solder, with a zinc plate which dips into the latter. A slow electric action is thus established through the pores of the plaster, which it is not necessary to mention here-the result of which is the precipitation of minutely crystallized copper on the plate of that metal, in a state of greater or less malleability according to the slowness or rapidity with which it is deposited. In some experiments of this nature, on removing the copper thus formed, I remarked that the surface in contact with the plate equalled the latter in smoothness and polish, and mentioned this fact to some individuals of my acquaintance. It occurred to me, therefore, that if the surface of the plate was engraved, an impression might be obtained. This was found to be the case; for, on detaching the precipitated metal, the most delicate and superficial markings, from the fine particles of powder used in polishing, to the deeper touches of a needle or a graver, exhibited their correspondent impressions in relief, with great fidelity. It is, therefore, evident that this principle will admit of improvement, and that casts and moulds may be obtained from any form of copper. "This rendered it probable that impressions may be obtained from those other metals having an electro-negative relation to the zinc plate of the battery. With this view, a common printingtype was substituted for the copper plate, and treated in the same manner. This also was successful; the reduced copper coated that portion of the type immersed in the solution. This, when removed, was found to be a perfect matrix, and might be employed for the purpose of casting, where time is not an object. It appears, therefore, that this discovery may be turned to some practical account. It may be taken advantage of in procuring casts from various metals, as above alluded to; for instance, a copper die may be formed from a cast of a coin or medal, in silver, type metal, or lead, etc., which may be employed in striking impressions in soft metals. Casts may probably be obtained from a plaster surface surrounding a plate of copper; tubes or any small vessels may also be made by precipitating the metal around a wire, or any kind of surface, to form the interior, which may be removed mechanically, by the aid of an acid solvent, or by heat. "C. J. JORDAN." " To the Editor of the London Mechanics'.Magazine." Clear and perspicuous as this letter is, it did not attract the slightest notice. And a few weeks after, we find that its existence was forgotten even by the editor of the magazine in which ift appeared. SPENCER'S FIRST PRINTED PAPER UPON ELECTROTYPE. -Mr, Spencer's communication, referred to above, was, in consequence 496 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WVORKER'S ASSISTANT. of some misunderstanding, not read at the meeting of the British Association, but it was immediately afterwards read before the Polytechnic Institution of Liverpool, at their meeting on the 13th September, 1839, which was upwards of three months after the publication of Mr. Jordan's letter in the London Mechanics'.iagyazine. Mr. Spencer's paper was accompanied with specimens both of electrotypes and of printing from electrotypes. The publication of this paper acted like an electric shock upon society, and men both of science and art became active competitors in this new field of application; the one class anxious to bear away the honors arising from some important improvement; the other, the profits which might follow some novel application of the process to their own or some other branch of manufacture. Indeed, thousands of all classes and ages, who had never previously given science a passing thought, became fascinated with the new art, and-the process being simple and easy to perform —the amateurs soon became excellent electrotypists. With these combined efforts, it need not be wondered at that in a very short time improvements of great scientific interest were pointed out, and applications of the greatest importance to the arts and manufactures of this country were introduced. In consequence, some of our old and standard manufactures, as we shall subsequently have occasion to notice at some length, have already been revolutionized. HISTORICAL ANOMALY. —During a period of nearly five years -while the country was passing through an electrotyping mania -Mr. Spencer held the undivided honor of being the first to apply the deposition of metals to practical purposes in this coun. try, but early in 1844, Mr. Henry Dircks, in a letter to the London Mechanics' Magazine, revived Mr. Jordan's letter, and told us that he was aware of its existence from the time of its first publication. We cannot eulogise either the policy, or the love of scientifir truth, which induced Mr. Direks to remain silent so long, and see the claims of Mr. Jordan set aside by one whom he considered to be a mere pretender to the merit of the discovery. Nor; after a careful and impartial examination of all the details published on the subject, can we agree to his condemnation of Mr. Spencer's prior claims; as he, Mr. Spencer, upon the 8th of May, as already noticed, stated to a public meeting of the Polytechnic Society of Liverpool, that he had made a similar discovery previous to any knowledge of either what Jordan or Jacobi had done, and which was a publication as much as if printed in the Times or Athenteum, and especially when followed by a detailed description of the discovery. It is to be regretted that Mr. Jordan's diffidence, which in this case was far from being commendable, prevented his setting the public right upon this important matter. As a consequence, he must now be content with a much smaller share of the honor of the discovery than he might have enjoyed. Crs reviewing the circumstances of this discovery, it strikes us HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 497 as being a remarkable instance of the unity of intellectual perception in reference to the general principles of Nature and their applications; for we believe that Professor Jacobi, Mr. Spencer, and Mr. Jordan, viewed the subject of electro depositions in the same light, and about the same time; and each, according to their several abilities, presented to the public the same discovery, independent of the other, excepting the announcement made by one having hastened the publication of the observations of the others. The following is Mr. Spencer's original paper on electro-metallurgy, which we give at length, trusting that its importance in connection with the history of the art, and the lucid description of its practice, will serve as a sufficient apology for not abridging it: "On Working in Metal by Voltaic Electricity, reprinted from the Paper Published by the Liverpool Polytechnic Society, and read at the Meeting of September the 12th, 1839, Notice being given May the 8th: Henry Booth, Esq., President, in the Chair. "In the paper that I have the honor to lay before the society, I do not profess to have brought forward a perfect invention. My only object is to point out a means by which, I hope, practical men may be enabled to apply a great and universal principle of Nature to the useful and ornamental purposes of life. In this I may be considered sanguine-an error, I am aware, too often fallen into by those who, like myself, imagine they have discovered a useful application of an important principle; but however this may fall out, I shall lay an account of its results, with specimens, successful and unsuccessful, before the members and the publicpreviously stating, however, that all my first experiments were made on a small scale-a method of procedure attended with many advantages to the experimentalist himself, but having its disadvantage when laid before the public. In this first respect, perhaps, the chemical experimenter has an advantage over the mechanical one, as the success of his experiment, when tried on a small scale, doubly guarantees it if conducted on a still larger scale: with mechanical results I believe in most instances it is the reverse. But when the chemist produces his microscopic proofs, the public are generally slow to believe that such minute appearances should warrant him in coming to any general conclusion. "In the latter part of September, 1837, I was induced to make some electro-chemical experiments, with single pairs of plates, consisting of small pieces of zinc and equal-sized pieces of copper, connected together with wires of the latter metal. It was intended that the action should be slow: the fluids in which the metallic electrodes were immersed were in consequence separated by thin discs of plaster of Paris. In one cell thus formed was placed sul. phate of copper in solution-in the other, a weak solution of common salt. I need scarcely add that the copper electrode was placed in the cupreous solution, the other being in that of the salt. 32 498 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER S ASSISTANT. I mention these experiments briefly-not because they are directly connected with what I shall have to lay before the society, but because, by a portion of their results, I was induced to come to the conclusions I have done in the following paper. I was desirous that no action should take place on the wires by which the electrodes were held together; and t-o attain this object I varnished them with sealing-wax varnish: but, in one instance, I dropt a portion on the copper electrode that was attached. I thought nothing of this circumstance at the moment, but put the experiment in action. " This operation was conducted in a glass vessel; I had consequently an opportunity of occasionally examining its progress from the exterior. After the lapse of a few days, metallic crystals had covered the copper electrode-with the exception of that portion which had been spotted with the drops of varnish. I at once saw that I had it in my power to guide the metallic deposition in any shape or form I chose, by a corresponding application of varnish or other non-metallic substance. "I had been aware of what every one who uses a sustaining galvanic battery with sulphate of copper in solution must knowthat the copper plates acquire a coating of copper from the action of the battery; but I had never thought of applying it to a useful purpose, except to multiply the plates of a species of battery, which I did in 1836. My present attempt was with a piece of thin copper plate, having about four inches of superfices, with an equal sized piece of zinc, connected as before by a piece of copper wire. I gave the copper a coating of soft cement, consisting of beeswax, resin, and a red earth. It was compounded in the manner recommended by Dr. Faraday, in his work on Chemical Manipulation, but with a larger proportion of wax. The plate received its coating while hot. When it was cold, I scratched the initials of my name rudely on the plate, taking special care that the cement was quite removed from the scratches, that the copper might be thoroughly exposed. This was put in action in a cylindrical glass vessel, about half filled with a saturated solution of sulphate of copper. I then took a common gas glass, similar to that used to envelope an argand burner, and filled one end of it with plaster of Paris, to the depth of three-quarters of an inch. Into this I put water, adding a few crystals of sulphate of soda to excite action, the plaster of Paris acting as a partition to separate the fluids, but, at the same time, being sufficiently porous to allow the electro. chemical action to permeate its substance. "I now bent the wire in such a manner that the zinc end of the arrangement should be in the saline solution, while the copper end, when in its place, should be in the cupreous solution. The gas glass, with the wire, was then placed in the vessel containing the sulphate of copper. "It was then suffered to remain at rest, when in a few hours I perceived that action had commenced, and that the portion of the HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 499 copper rendered bare by the scratches had become gradually coated with pure bright deposited metal, whilst all the surrounding portions were not at all acted on. I now saw my former observations realized; but whether the deposition so formed would retain its hold on the plate, and whether it would be of sufficient solidity or strength to bear working if applied to a useful purpose, became questions which I now determined to solve by experiment. It also became a question-should I be successful in these two points-whether I should be able to produce lines sufficiently in relief to print from. This latter appeared to depend entirely on the nature of the cement or etching-ground I might use. "This I endeavored to solve at once; and, I may state, it appeared at the time to be the main difficulty, as my impression then was, that little less than one-eighth of an inch of relief would be requisite to print from. "I now procured a piece of copper, and gave it a coating of a modification of the cement I have already mentioned, and having covered it to about one-eighth of an inch in thickness, I took a steel point and endeavored to draw lines in the form of net-work, that should entirely penetrate the cement, and leave the surface of the copper exposed. But in this I experienced much difficulty,.from the thickness I deemed it necessary to use; more especially when I came to draw the cross lines of the net-work. The cement being soft, the lines were pushed as it were into each other, and when it was made of harder texture, the intervening squares of the network chipped off the surface of the metallic plate. However those that remained perfect I put in action as before. "In the progress of this experiment I discovered that the solidity of the metallic deposition depended entirely on the weakness or intensity of the electro-chemical action, which I knew I had in my power to regulate at pleasure, by the thickness of the intervening wall of plaster of Paris, and by the coarseness or fineness of the material. I made three similar experiments, altering the texture and thickness of the plaster each time, by which I ascertained that if the partitions were thin and coarse, the metallic depositions proceeded with great rapidity, but the crystals were friable and easily separated; on the other hand, if I made them thicker and of a little finer material, the action was slower, but the metallic deposition was as solid and ductile as copper formed by the usual methods -indeed, when the action was exceedingly slow, I have had a metallic deposition apparently much harder than common sheet copper, but more brittle. "There was one most important and, to me, discouraging circum stance attending these experiments, which was, that when I heated the plates to get off the covering of cement, the meshes of copper net-work occasionally came off with it. I at one time imagined this difficulty inseparable, as it appeared that I had cleared the cement entirely from the surface of the copper that I meant to have exposed; and I concluded that there must be difference in the mole 500 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER S ASSISTANT. cular arrangement of copper prepared by heat and that prepared by voltaic action, which prevented their chemical combination. However, I determined, should this prove so, to turn it to account in another manner, which I shall relate in the second portion of the paper.'I now occupied myself for a considerable period in making experiments on this latter section of the subject. "In one of them I found, on examination, that a portion of the copper deposition, which I had been forming on the surface of a coin, adhered so strongly that I was quite unable to get it offindeed, a chemical combination had apparently taken place. This was only on one or two spots on the prominent parts of the coin. I immediately recollected that, on the day I put the experiment in action, I had been using nitric acid for another purpose, on the table I was operating on, and that in all probability the coin might have been laid down where a few drops of the acid had accidentally fallen. Bearing this in view, I took a piece of copper, coated it with cement, made a few scratches on its surface until,the copper appeared, and immersed it for a short time in dilute nitric acid, until I perceived, by an elimination of nitrous gas, that the exposed portions were acted upon sufficiently to be slightly corroded. I washed the copper in water, and put it in action as before described. In forty-eight hours I examined it, and found the lines were entirely filled with copper, I applied heat, and then spirits of turpentine, to get off the cement, and, to my satisfaction, I found that the voltaic copper had completely combined itself with the sheet on which it was deposited. " I then gave a plate a coating of cement to a considerable thickness, and sent it to an engraver; but when it was returned I found the lines were cleared out so as to be wedge-shaped, or somewhat in the form of a V, leaving a hair line of the copper exposed at the bottom, and a broad space near the surface; and where the turn of the letters took place, the top edges of the lines were galled and rendered rugged by the action of the graver. This, of course, was an important objection, which I have since been able to remedy in some degree by an alteration in the shape of the graver, which should be made of a shape more resembling a narrow parallelogram than those in common use: some engravers have many of their tools so made. I did not put this plate in action, as I saw that the lines, when in relief, would have been broad at the top and narrow at the bottom. I took another plate, gave it a coating of the wax, and had it written on with a mere point. I deposited copper on the lines, and afterwards had it printed from.*' I now considered part of the difficulties removed: the principal one yet remaining was to find a cement or etching-ground, the texture of which should be capable of being cut to the re* This plate was shown to friends, and also specimens of printing from it, In 1838. HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 501 quired depth, without raising what is technically termed a burr, and, at the same time, of sufficient toughness to adhere to the plate, when reduced to a small isolated point, which would necessarily occur in the operation which wood-engravers term crosshatching. "I have since learned, from practical engravers, that much less relief is necessary to print from than I had deemed indispensable, and that, on becoming more familiar with the cutting of the waxcement, they would be enabled to engrave in it with great facility and precision. "I tried a number of experiments with different combinations of wax, resins, varnishes, earths, and metallic oxides, all with more or less success. One combination that exceeded all others in its texture was principally composed of beeswax, resin, and white lead. This had nearly every requisite, so that I was enabled to polish the surface of the plate with it until it was nearly as smooth. as a plate of glass. With this compound I had two plates, five inches by seven, coated over, and portions of maps cut on the cement, which I had intended should have been printed off. I applied the same process to these as to the others, immersing them into dilute nitric acid before putting them in action; indeed I suffered them to remain about ten minutes in the solution. I then put them into the voltaic arrangement. The action proceeded slowly and perfectly for a few days, when I removed them. I applied heat as usual, to remove the cement, but all came away, as in a former instance-the voltaic copper peeling off the plate with the greatest facility. I was much puzzled at this unexpected result; but, on cleaning the plate, I discovered a delicate trace of lead, exactly corresponding to the lines drawn on the cement previous to the immersion in the dilute acid. The cause of this failure was at once obvious: the carbonate of lead I had used to compound the etching-ground had been decomposed by the dilute nitric acid and the metallic lead thus reduced had deposited itself on the exposed portions of the copper plates, preventing the voltaic copper from chemically combining with the sheet copper. I was now with regret obliged to give up this compound, and to adopt another, consisting of beeswax, common resin, and a small portion of plaster of Paris. This seems to answer the purpose tolerably, though I have no doubt, by an extended practice, a better may still be obtained by a person practically acquainted with the etching-grounds in use among engravers. " I now proceed to the second, and I believe the most satisfactory portion of the subject. Although I have placed these experiments last, some of them were made at the same time with the others already described, and some of them before; but, to render the subject more intelligible, I have placed them thus. " The members of the society will recollect that, on the first evening it met, I read a paper on the'production of metallic veins in the crust of the earth,' and that among other specimens of cupre. 502 THE PRACTICAL METAL WORKEB'S ASSISTlx'v.l ous crystallization which I produced on that occasion, I exhibited three coins-one wholly covered with metallic crystals, the other on one side only. It was used under the following circumstances. When about to make the experiment, I had not a slip of copper at hand to form the negative end of my arrangement, and, as a good substitute, I took a penny and fastened it to one end of the wire, and put it, in connection with a piece of zinc, in the apparatus already described. "Voltaic action took place, and the copper coin became covered with a deposition of copper in a crystalline form. But, when about to make another experiment, and being desirous of using the piece of wire used in the first instance, I pulled it off the coin to which it was attached. In doing this, a piece of the deposited copper came off with it; on examining the under portion of which, I found it contained an exact mould of a part of the head and letters of the coin, as smooth and sharp in every respect as the original on which it was deposited. I was much struck with this at the time; but, on examination, the deposition metal was very brittle. This, and the fact that it would require a metallic nucleus to aggregate on, made me apprehensive that its future usefulness would be materially abridged; but it was reserved for future experiment, and in consequence laid aside for a time, until my attention was recalled to the subject in a subsequent experiment, already detailed, by the drops of varnish on a slip of copper. Finding in that instance that the deposit would take the direction of any nonconducting material, and be, as it were, guided by it, I was induced to give the previous branch of the subject a second trial, because I had, in the first instance, supposed that the deposition would only take place continuously, and not on isolated specks of a metallic surface, as I now found it would; but the principal inducement to investigate the subject was the fact of finding that deposited copper had much more tenacity than I at first imagined. "Being aware of the apparent natural law which limits metallic deposition by voltaic electricity, excepting in the presence of a metallic body, I perceived that the uses of the process would, in consequence, be extremely limited, except in the multiplication of already engraved plates, as, whatever ornament it might produce, it would only be done by adhering to the condition of a metallic mould. "I accordingly determined to make an experiment on a very prominent copper medal. It was placed in a voltaic circuit, as already described, and deposited a surface of copper on one of its sides to about the thickness of a shilling. I then proceeded to get the deposition off. In this I experienced some difficulty, but ultinlately succeeded. On examination with a lens, every line was as perfect as the coin from which it was taken. I was then induced to use the same piece again, and let it remain a much longer time in action, that I might have a thicker and more substantial mould, in order to test fairly the strength of the metal. It was accord HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 503 ingly put again in action, and let remain until it had acquired a much thicker coating of the metallic deposition; but on attempting to remove it from the medal I found I was unable. It had, apparently, completely adhered to it. "I had often practised, with some degree of success, a method of preventing the oxidation of polished steel, by slightly heating it until it would melt fine beeswax; it was then wiped, apparently completely off, but the pores or surface of the metal became impregnated with the wax. "'I thought of this method, and applied it to a copper coin. "I first heated it, applied wax, and then wiped it so completely off, that the sharpness of the coin was not at all interfered with. I proceeded as before, and deposited a thick coating of copper on its surface. Being desirous to take it off, I applied the heat of a spirit-lamp to the back, when a sharp crackling noise took place, and I had the satisfaction of perceiving that the coin was completely loosened. In short, I had a most complete and perfect copper mould of one side of a half-penny. "I have since taken some impressions from the mould thus taken, and, by adopting the above method with the wax, they are separated with the greatest ease. "By this experiment it would appear that the wax impregnates the surface of the metal to an inconsiderable depth, and prevents a chemical adhesion from taking place on the two surfaces; and I can only account for the crackling noise, on separation, by supposing it probable that the molecular arrangement of the voltaic metal is different from that subjected to percussion, and this difference causes an unequal degree of expansibility on the application of heat. "I became now of opinion, that this latter method might be applied to engraving much better than the method described in the first portion of this paper. Having found in a former experiment that copper in a voltaic circuit deposited itself on lead with as much rapidity as on copper, I took a silver coin, and put it between two pieces of clean sheet-lead, and placed them under a common screw-press. From the softness of the lead, I had a complete and sharp mould of both sides of the coin, without sustaining injury. I then took a piece of copper wire, soldered the lead to one end, and the piece of zinc to the other, and put them into the voltaic arrangement I have already described. I did not, in this instance, wax the mould, as I felt assured that the deposited copper would easily separate from the lead by the application of heat, from the different expansibility of the two metals. "In this result I was not disappointed. When the heat of a spirit-lamp was applied for a few seconds to the lead, the copper impression came easily off. So complete do I think this latter portion of the subject, that I have no hesitation in asserting that fac-similies of any coin or medal, no matter of what size, may be readily taken, and as sharp as the original. To test further the 504 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER'S ASSISTANT. capabilities of this method, I took a piece of lead plate, and stamped some letters of its surface to a depth sufficient to print from, when in relief. I deposited the copper on it, and found it came easily off, the letters being in relief. "Finding from this experiment that the extreme softness of lead allowed it to be impressed on by type metal, I caused a small portion of ornamental letter-press to be set up in type, and placing it on a planed piece of sheet lead, it was subjected to the action of a screw press. "After considerable pressure, it was found that a perfectly sharp mould of the whole had been obtained in the lead. A wire was now soldered to it, and it was placed in an apparatus similar in principle, but larger than the one already described. At the end of eight days from this time, copper was deposited to one-eighth of an inch in thickness; it was then removed from the apparatus, and the rough edges of the deposited copper being filed off; it was subjected to heat, when the two metals began to loosen. The separation was completed by inserting a piece of wedge-shaped wood between them. "I had now the satisfaction of perceiving that I had by these means obtained a most perfect specimen of stereotyping in copper, which had only to be mounted on a wooden block to be ready to print from. " From the successful issue of this experiment, which was mainly due to the susceptibility of the lead, I was induced to attempt to copyr a wood engraving by a similar method, provided the wood would bear the requisite pressure. Knowing that wood engravings are executed on the end of the block, I had better hopes of succeeding, the wood being less likely to sustain injury. "I accordingly procured a small wood block, and placed its engraved surface in contact with a piece of sheet lead made very clean, and subjected it to pressure, as in the former instance. I had now, as before, the gratification of perceiving that a perfect mould of the little block had been obtained, and no injury done to the original. Several wood engravings and copperplates were subjected to similar treatment, and are now in process of being deposited on in the apparatus before me. "' I now come to the third and concluding portion of the experiments on this subject. The object being to deposit a metallic surface on a model of clay, wood, or other non-metallic body-as, otherwise, I imagined the application of this principle would be extremely limited. Many experiments were made to attain this result, which I shall not detail, but content myself with describing those which were ultimately most successful. "I procured two models of an ornament, one made of clay, and the other of plaster of Paris, soaked them for some time in linseedoil, took them out, and suffered them to dry-first getting the oil clean off the surface. When dry, I gave them a thin coat of mastic varnish. When the varnish was nearly dry, but not thoroughly so, I HISTORY OF ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 505 sprinkled some bronze powder on that portion I wished to make a mould of. This powder is principally composed of mercury and sulphur, or it may be chemically termed a sulphuret of mercury. There is a sort that acts much better, in which is a portion of gold. I had, however, a complete metalliferous coating on the surface of the model, by which I was enabled to deposit a surface of copper on it, by the voltaic method I have already described. I have also gilt the surface of a clay model with gold leaf, and have been successful in depositing copper on its surface. There is likewise another, and as I trust it will prove, a simpler method of attaining this object; but as I have not yet sufficiently tested it by experiment, I shall take another opportunity of describing it." [At the close of the paper, several specimens of coins, medals, and copper plates, some of them in the act of formation by the voltaic process, were exhibited by Mr. Spencer to the Society.] PLUMBAGO AS A COATING.-Shortly after Mr. Spencer's paper was published, several important improvements were introduced, one or two of which we will refer to here, and will give the others when detailing the processes to which the improvements were applied. The first was the use of plumbago or black lead, to give the surface of non-metallic bodies a conducting property. This was the discovery of Mr. Robert Murray, a gentleman of high attainments and unassuming manners, who communicated the process to the members of the Royal Institution orally. The Society of Arts afterwards awarded to Mr. Murray a silver medal, as an expression of their sense of the value of the discovery. Seldom was reward more deserving, or a discovery more important to the pur. poses to which it was to be applied, for this application at once freed electro-metallurgy from every bond: it was no longer necessary to use either metallic moulds, or moulds having metal reduced upon their surfaces by chemical means-which, according to the processes then known, was both tedious and uncertain, and only applicable to certain substances. Plumbago possessed all the requisite properties: it was convenient, plentiful, and cheap, easily applied, and equally effective for every substance on which the electrotypist desired to obtain a deposit, or which he could wish to cover with metal, either for useful or ornamental purposes. SEPARATE BATTERY.-The second improvement to be noticed is one that must have followed the original discovery very soon, namely, the application of a separate battery for the purposes of deposition. This was suggested by Mr. Mason. Although those instances of deposition of metals which have been referred to in the early history of galvanism were effected by means of separate batteries, namely, by placing the ends of the wires attached to the terminals of the battery in the solution to be decomposed, still the discovery under 506 THE PRACTICAL METAL-WORKER S ASSISTANT. consideration was made by means of what is termed the single cell. It consisted in simply attaching by a wire the article upon which a deposition was to be made to a piece of zinc, and immersing the zinc in diluted acid, and the other article in a solution of the metal to be deposited; the two liquids being separated by a porous partition, or diaphragm, such as moist bladder, or unglazed porcelain. In this case, the whole electricity was expended within the cell, to deposit the metal within or upon the mould. By Mr. Mason's discovery, the electricity generated in the cell could be made to do an equivalent of work in a separate cell as well-making the original arrangement the generating cell or battery to the second cell. In this last cell was also a solution of a metal having in it a sheet of similar metal attached to the copper of the first cell, and the mould to be covered was attached to the zinc of the first cell. Fig. 541 is an illustration of Mason's improvement, which consisted in causing a medal, in the act of being deposited, to serve as part of a battery for the deposition of another medal. 02, Outer vessel filled with sulphate of copper; o', another vessel, with P, a porous cell filled with dilute acid, in which is placed z a zinc plate, which is connected by a wire with a medal m' in the second vessel charged with sulFig. 541. phate of copper. The medal, m, in the first cell, is connected by a wire to a piece of copper, c, in the second cell: the electricity passes from the zinc z to m, and by the wire to c, then to in', and by the wire back to the zinc z.. c i, The use of a separate battery, however self-evident, was a valuable ad-. dition to the electro-metallurgist for \02 A ~many of his operations; although -. 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