ENGINEER'S FIE LD BOOK. BY C. S. CROSS, CIVIL ENGINEER, NEW -YORK: STEPHEN HALLET, PRrNTER, 122 Nissiu STREET. 1 855. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by 0. S. CROSS,.,hi the Ciork's Office of the District Court of tre United States for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. I. -- gethod of Staking out Rail Road Curves, and keeping field notes. II. tail Road Curve Tables, for expeditiously determining the points at which to comrnence the Curving. III. Lpplication of the Prismoidal formula in determining the correct quantities of Excavation and Embankment of canals and Rail Roads from cross section notes. IV. excavation and Embankment Tables, for expeditiously determining the cubic yards from the mean area. RAILRLOAD CURVES. The following tables show the distance from the point of intersection of the tangent lines to the beginning of one degree curve, the angle of deflection (=angle at centre) being known. In the columns, under the head of degrees and opposite the minutes, are given the distances in feet from the intersection of tangents to the beginning of one degree curve. To ascertain the distance for any given degree of curve, divide the distance given in the tables for a One degree curve, by the degrees of the required curve, and you have the distance from the point of intersection to the beginning or end of curve. EXAMPLE: Required the distance from the point of intersection of tangents to the beginning of a Two degrees curve, the angle of deflection being 25p. In the tables under 25~, and opposite 0', find 1270.28 which divided by the degrees of the curve (2~) give 635.14 feet, the required distance. In staking the centre line for a Rail-road or a canal, stakes should be driven down to near the surface of the ground, at the intersection of the tangents, and at the different stations; and nails set in indicating the centre point. These stakes serve also for leveling purposes and are useful in detecting errors while the work is being relevelled and staked out. 6 R A IL R O A D C URV E S. The beginning and end of curves should have reference stakes set in at right angle to the centre line, simliarly driven and marked, and -at such convenient distance from the centre as will ensure them from being displaced in making excavations and embankments; and at all the above named points another stake for numbering, &c., should be firmly driven adjacent to them. The radius of a One degree curve is 5730 feet. The circle being divided into 360 parts of one degree (equal angle of deflection) give 360 chords of one foot in length at the. circumference, and also a radius of 57.3 ft. 30.3 =-114.6=57.3 The chord of One foot in length for 1 degree =57.3 ft. Radius. ct" 10 feet " " = 573. 0 " " 100 " " C " = 5730.0 ":iOr the radius may be calculated by natural sines, thus: sin. i 0: 100 ft. chord: sin. 89 O 30': 5730 ft. radius. To determine the degree of curvature, having the radius given, divide the radius of a One degree curve, 5730, by the radius of the given curve. EXAM PLE: Required the degree of a curve having a radius of [000 feet: 5s3 -5 0 73- 5 0 43' 48" To determine the length of the curve having the angle of deflection given; divide the angle of deflection (=angle at centre) by the degrees of the curve, and you have the required length of the curve. If there are degrees and minutes in the angle of deflection, the minutes should be converted into decimals. —(See page 28.) EXAMPL E: The angle of deflection being 20 o 49', 4-=0.816. Then 20,816 is the distance for a One degree curve; if for a 2 degrees curve, divide this result by 2; for a 3 degrees curve, divide by three, and so on. The angle of deflection being given, the following results are readily determined. RAIL R OAD CURVES. 7 Angle Degree Deflection Radius Distance from Length of of per of intersection to of deflection. curve. 100 feet. curve. beginning curve. of curve. 200 49' l~ 00 30' 5730. 1052.49 2081.6 200 49' 2~ 1~ 00' 2865. 526.24 1040.8 200 49' 30 10 30' 1910. 350.83 693.8 20~ 49' 40 20 00' 1432.5 263.12 520.4 20~ 49' 50 20 30' 1146. 210,50 416.3 To ascertain the radius of a curve, having the angle of deflection, and the distance from intersection to beginning of curve given. Find the distance for the angle of deflection in the tables, which divided by 5730. gives the natural tangent of half the angle. Then divide the distance from intersection to beginning of curve by the natural tangent of half the angle, and you have the radius. EXAMPLE: Required the Radius of a curve, the angle of deflection being 20~, and the distance from intersection of tangents to beginning of curve 225 feet. Under 20~ and opposite 0' in the tables, find 1010.37, which divided by 5730 feet gives the natural tangent 0. 1 7633. Then 225 ft. divided by 0.17633 gives the radius 1276. feet. FIELD NOTES FOR A ONE DEGREE CURVE. Bearing of 1st tangent.......N. 20~ W. 4" 2d. "....... N. 400 W. Angle of deflection by needle....... 20~ ( " " "graduated card... 20~ ( The angles measured with the card are the most reliable; but the angles by the needle although it often indicates a slight dif 8 RAILROA D CURVES. ference, serves as a check to greater errors which may arise in reading the degrees on the graduated limb of the instrument.) * Station No. 506.2000 Intersection of tangents. - 10. 1037 from intersec. to beginning of curve. * Station No. 496.0963 point at which curve commences + 20.0000 length of curve. * Station No. 516.0963 point at which curve terminates. DEFLECTIONS FROM TANGENTS. Length of Deflection Stations. chords from REMARKS. in feet. tangent. 496.096 " " " " * Beginning of curve. 497. 90.37 00 27 1~ to left. (Tangent due N.) 498. 100.00 00 57 499. 100.00 10 27 500. 100.00 1~ 57 501. 100.00 2~ 27 502. 100.00 2~ 57' Change pbint. 503. 100.00 30 27 504. 100.00 30 57 505. 100.00 40 27 506. 100.00 40 57 507. 100.00 50 27 508. 100,00 50 57 509. 100.00 6~ 27 0 Change point. 510. 100.00 60 57 511. 100.00 70 27 512. 100.00 70 57 513. 10000 80 27 514. 100.00 8~ 57 515. 100.00 90 27 516. 100.00 90 57 516.0963 9.63 10~ 00 * End of curve. (Tangent N. 200 W.) RAILROAD CURVES. 9 FIELD'NOTES FOR A Two DEGREES CURVE. Bearing of 1st tangent..... N. 100 W. t" 2d "...... N. 300~ W. Angle of deflection by needle........ 20~ 19" " by graduated card... 20~ * Station. 506.200 intersection of tangents. - 5.052 from do. to beginning of curve. * Station.. 501.148 point at which the curve commences. + 10.000 length of the curve. * Station. 511.148 point at which the curve terminates. DEFLECTION FROM TANGENTS. Length of Deflection chords from REMARKS. Stations. in feet. tangent. 501.148 cc" C 0 * 00 Beginningof curve 2 toleft. 502. 85.20 00 51 ('Fangent N. 100 W.) 503. 100.00 10 51 504. 100.00 2~ 51 505. 100.00 30 51 506. 100.00 40 51 507. 100.00 5~ 51 Change point. 508. 100.00 6~ 51 509. 100.00 7~ 51 510. 100.00 8~ 51 511. 100.00 90 51 511.148 14.80 10~ 00 * End of curve. (Tangent N. 30~ W.) 10 R AIL ROAD CUR VE S. In curves of great length, the instrument should be moved forward in about every 5 or 6 hundred feet to insure accuracy, and often to avoid obstruction in line. The mode of proceeding in such cases may be illustrated with the deflections of the 2~ curve. The instrument in the first place is set at station 501.148 an d the deflection from tangent to station 507 is 50 51'. Now chan ge the position of the instrument to station 507, and bring the cross hairs to bear on the staff at station 501.148; after clamping the instrument turn with the vernier as a test for station 502, 0051' for " 503, 1051' for " 504, 2051 for " 505, 3051' and for the tangental station 507, 5~51' * Ch. pt. If the stakes are found to be correct, continue the setting of the remaining stakes to end of curve, and deflect the degrees from the beginning of curve given in the field notes opposite the respective stations. When an odd number of minutes are to be turned off at the commencement and for each successive station, the inconvenience may be obviated by setting the vernier the number of minutes for the required chord in an opposite direction from that in which you would turn for the stations in the curve; or so that the instrument when set in line with the tangent an.d clamped, the nonius instead of reading 0, will indicate the number of degrees or minutes which would be deflected to strike in line with the first stake to be set in the curve. Then the remainder of the stations will be free from the odd minutes which would otherwise be turned off for each successive station. When the instrument is moved forward to another station, the same mode may be adopted with reference to setting the nonius preparatory to bringing the cross hairs to bear on the staff at the beginning of curve. By determining the tangents at the various points in the curve over which the instrument may be set, the staking of the curve may be prosecuted with less liability to error. At the end of curve the instrument should be set over the stake to ascertain if the tangent produced from deflection corresponds with the course and direction of the tangential line. R AIL R A D C U RVES. 11 FIELD NOTES AND METHOI) OF STAKING A 3 CURVE. Bearing of 1st tangent, N. 200 WV. "i 22d " N. 40~ WV. Angle of deflection by needle 20". (" " by graduated card 230 * Station. 506.180 intersection of tangents. 3 368 from do. do. to begin)inng of curve. * Station. 502.812 point at which the cu, ve coinmences. + 6.666 length of curve. S* tation.. 509 478 p-oint at which the curve terminates. The notes are pult down as represented in this diagram, and n:lumb)ered firom righlt to left when curvin, to tha left, and fiom left to riglht when curvinag to the right. c:.. 20~ I 12 R A I L R O D CU RVE S. FIEL D NOTES. Course of Deflection No. of Length tangents from REMARKS. Station. of chords. and chords. tangent. 502.812 " " IN. 200W. 00 0' * B.. 30 to left. 503. 18.8 20017/ 00 17t 504. 100 22.04 1. 47 505. 100 25. 04 3. 17 $ Change point. 506. 100 28 04 4. 47 507. 100 31. 04 6. 17 508. 100 34. 04 7. 47 509. 100 37.04 9. 17 509.478 47.,8 39. 04 10o. 00 E. C. 510. 52.2 N. 400 00 W. The number at which the curve ends should be given to the chainman before proceeding to measurement, so that the proper signal may be made by him on arriving at the station next preceding the termination of the curve. Then set tile instrument over the point of curve at station 502.812 and deflect from the tangent line for station 503, 00 17' 504, 10 47/ a a 5053Q,~ 17' and so on to the enl of curve as per column of deflection, unless the instrument is moved forward. If it is necessary to move the instrument, then set it over another stake in the curve, bring the cross hairs to bear on the staff at the beginning of curve and clamp the instrument; then turn off for the tangent at the station selected, the same number of degrees originally turned from tangent at beginning of curve in setting the stake, and 1C 30' additional for each successive station of 100 feet as you advance; the angles should correspond with those given in the column of deflections set opposite the respective stations. It frequently occurs that the instrument has to be changed to points intermediate between two stations. R AIL R 0 AD C URVE S. 13 If in a five degrees curve, for instance, it is necessary to change the instrument from station No. 0, there being an obstruction in the line of sight between station 0 and station No. 3, and nothing to prevent the instrument being set over a point in the curve 30 feet distant from station 2; the deflections would be made as followxs: Station 0 Deflection = 00 00 B. C. 50 R. " "1 0o 30. " 2 " 5~ 00. (" 2.30 " 50 45. 1 Change point. Then move the instrument forward, and set it over station 2.30, and bring the cross hairs to bear on the staff at the beginning of the curve, station 0; then turn off 50 45' for tangent at station 2.30 and 1~.45' for 70 feet the remainder of station No. 3, making in all for station No. 3-deflections 70 30' C" 4 " 10~ 00' " 5 " 150 00' E. C. The angles for parts of a station on curves may be readily:alculated, and the angles turned off in such manner as will keep;he' stations of uniform length throughout the line. R E V ER SE C UR V ES. These may be put in according to the formation of the ground with equal radii, or not, as the case may require. In the latter case the degree of curve may be assumed and the curve continued as far as deemed necessary; and the tangent is then produced to the intersection and measured-and the angle of deflection determined. These give the data from which the radius and degree of curve are determined.-See page 6 and 7. In the former case select a point in one of the tangents and turn from tangent such angle as the case may require, and measure on this line the distance between the tangents. Then set in a point one half of this distance for the point of reversion, from which both curves may be staked out.-See page 6 azc 7. 14 RAILROAD CURVES. If you wish to compound a curve so that the trains will pass less abruptly from tangent into and through the curve, it may be done in the following manner: We will assume the angle of deflection to be 400; in the tables under 400 and opposite 0' find 2085.55, the distance fiom intersec. tion of tangents to beginning of a one degree curve. If you wish to lay out a compound equivalent to a curve of 5 o for the whole angle, divide the distance found (2085.55) by 5, degree of the curve; and you have the point of beginning 417 ft. from intersection of tangents. You will then decide on what length to substitute the less degree of curve. RAILROAD CURVE S. 15 If a 3 ~ curve is decided on, and the distance 200 feet at each ind of the 5 0 curve, then deduct 3 O for each station of 100 feet, naking 12 0 from the total angle of deflection, (40 o) and you Lave 28 0 to be divided equally between the stations of the internediate curve, or a8= 7 0, the required degree of curve. F IELD NOT ES. No. of Course of Deflection. IREMARKS. Station. Chlords. No. 0,,,, 0~00' Beginning of curve, 3~ 1 N 1~0 3'W 1~ 30' 2 4 30 3 00 End of curve, 30, B. C. 7~ 3 1 9 30 3 30 From tangent. 4 16 30 7 00 5 28 30 10 30 6 30 30 14 00 E. C. 7, B. C. 3~ 7 3O 30 1 30 From tangent. 8 33 30 3 00 E. C. 30 Tangent, N 40~ W. NATUR AL TA N GEN TS. From the tables may also be determined the natural tangent for any given number of degrees and minutes from One degree to 45 0, by taking the distance given in the tables for twice the angle of which the tangent is sought, and dividing the same by 5730. EX A MP L E: 1st, Required the natural tangent of 309. Under 600 (twice the angle) find in the tables 3308.21 and divide the same by 5730, and you have the natural tangent for 30 o =0.57735.. 2d. Required the natural tangent for an, angle of 7 o 28'; in the column of distances under 14 0 and opposite 56' (twice the angle) find 750.97, which divided by 5730 give the natural tangent for 7 o 28'= 0.13106. 2* 16 RIAILROAD CURVES. MEASUhEMENT WITH GUNTER'S CHAIN. When 66 feet chain is used for the length of stations, the radiam of a one degree curve, 5730 feet, may represent 57.30 chains o 66 feet, and the distances in the tables applied the same as for chainm of 100 feet in length; but the radius as well as the length of sta tions will be proportionally less than for stations of 100 feet ir length by -I part. If a 66 feet chain is used, the distance after being found in the tables, may be divided by 66, and the stations in the curve reduced to 75.76 links which are equal to 50 feet, one half the length oi the stations generally adopted in staking the center line of railroads; and the' curve staked out accordingly, turning off one half the number of degrees required for the stations of 100 feet in length. The degree of curvature is understood to express the number of degrees per 100 feet, and hence the convenience of making the stations of such length as will give a definite idea of the degree of curve and length of radius. The following abbreviations are used by some Engineers. P. C. For Point of Curve, or Beginning of Curve. P. T. " "'' Tangent, or End of Curve. P. C. C. " " " Compound Curve-or end of one curve and beginning of another, curving in the same direction..P. R. C. " " " Reverse Curve, or point where the direction of the curve is changed from right to left, or vice versa. P. 1. " " " Intersection of Tangents. RAILROIAD CURVE TABLES. RAILROAD CURVE TABLES.' 00 1 o 20 30 40 50 60 7~ ~ 8o' 0 0.00 50.02 100.00 150.07 200.09 250.17 300.30 350.44 400.70 0 1 0.83 50.85 100.83 150.90 200.92 251.00 301.14 351.28 401.54 1 2 1.67 51.69 101.67 151.74 201.76 251.84 301.97 352.11 402.37 2 3 2.50 52.52 102.50 152.57 202.59 252.67 302.80 352.95 403.21 3 4 3.33 53.35 103.34 153.41 203.43 253.51 303.64 353.79 404.05 4 5 4.17 54.18 104.17 154.24 204.26 254.34 304.47 354.62 404.88 5 6 5.00 55.02 105.01 155.08 205.10 255.18 305.31 355.46 405.72 6 7 5.83 55.85 105.84 155.91 205.93 256.01 306.14 456.30 406.55 7 8 6.67 56.68 106.68 156.75 206.77 256.85 306.98 357.13 407.39 8 9 7.50 57.52 107.51 157.58 207.60 257.68 307.81 857.97 408.28 9 10 8.33 58.35 108.85 158.42 208.44 258.52 308.65 358.81 409.06 10 11 9.17 59.18 109.18 159.25 209.27 259.35 309.48 359.64 409.90 11 12 10.00 60.01 110.02 160.09 210.11 260.20 310.32 360.48 410.74 12 13 10.83 60.85 110.85 160.92 210.94 261.03 311.15 361.32 411.57 13 14 11.67 61.68 111.69 161.76 211.77 261.86 311.99 362.15 412.41 14 15 12.50 62.52 112.52 162.59 212.61 262.70 312.83 862.99 413.25 15 16 13.33 63.35 1138.836 163.43 213.45 263.54 813.66 363.83 414.08 16 17 14.17 64.18 114.19 164.26 214.28 264.387 314.49 364.66 414.92 17 18 15.00 65.01 115.02 165.09 215.11 265.20 315.33 365.50 415.75 18 19 15.83 65.8.5 115.86 165.93 215.95 266.04 816.16 366.84 416.59 19 20 16.67 66.68 116.69 166.76 216.78 266.87 817.00 867.17 417.48 20 21 17.50 67.51 117.53 167.60 217.62 267.71 317.84 368.01 418.26 21 22 18.33 68.35 118.36 168.43 218.45 268.54 318.67 368.85 419.101 22 23 19.17 69.18 119.20 169.27 219.29 269.38 319.50 369.68 419.94 23 24 20.00 70.01 120.03 170.10 220.12 270.21 320.34 370.52 420.77 24 25 20.83 70.85 120.87 170.94 220.96 271.05 321.18 871.86 421.61 25 26 21.67 71.68 121.70 171.77 221.79 271.88 322.01 372.19 422.45 26 27 22.50 72.51 122.54 172.611 222.63 272.72 322.85 373.03 423.28 27 28 23.33 73.34 123.37 173.441 223.46 273.54 323.68 3783.86 424.12 28 29 24.17 74.18 124.21 174.28 224.30 274.38 324.52 374.70 424.95 29 30 25.00 75.01 125.03 175.10 225.13 275.21 325.35 375.54 425.79 30 31 25.83 75.84 125.86 175.88 225.96 276.05 326.19 376.38 426.63 31 32 26.67 76.68 126.70 176.72 226.80 276.88 S327.02 877.22 427.47 32 33 27.50 77.51 127.58'177.55 227.63 277.72 327.86 378.05 428.31 33 34 28.33 78.34 128.37 178.39 228.47 278.55 328.69 378.891 429.15 34 35 29.17 79.17 129.20 179.22 229.30 279.39 329.53 379.73 429.98 35 36 30.00 80.01 130.04 180.06 230.14 280.23 330.387 380.57 430.82 36 37 30.83 80.84 130.87 180.89 230.97 281.06 331.20 381.41 431.66 37 38 31.67 81.67 131.71 181.73 231.81 281.90 332.04 382.24 432.50 38 39 32.50 82.51 132.54 182.56 232.64 282.73 332.87 383.08 433.34 39 40 33.33 83.34 133.38 183.40 233.48 283.57 333.71 383.92 434.18 40 41 34.16 84.17 134.21 184.23 234.31 284.41 334.55 384.76 435.02 41 42 35.00 85.01 135.05 185.07 235.15 285.24 335.38 385.60 435.86 42 43 35.83 85.84 135.88 185.90 235.98 286.08 836.22 386.43 436-70 48 44 36.66 86.67 136.72 186.74 236.82 286.91 337.05 387.27 437.54 44 45 37.50 87.51 137.55 187.57 237.65 287.75 337.89 388.11 438.387 45 46 38.33 8 8.834 138.38 188.40 238.48 288.59 338.73 888.95 439.21 46 47 39.16 89.17 139.22 189.24 239.32 289.42 339.56 389.79 440.05 47 48 40.00 90.00 140.05 190.07 240.15 290.26 340.40 390.62 440.89 48 49 40.83 90.84 140.89 190.91 240.99 291.09 841.23 391.46 441.73 49 50 41.67 91.67 141.72 191.74 241.8 291.93 342.07 392.80 442.57 50 51 42.50 92.50 142.56 192.58 242.66 292.77 342.91 398.14 443.41 51.52, 43.33 93.34 143.39 193.41 243.491 293.60 343.74 393.98 44-4.25 52 53; 44.17 94tit 44C.29 194.2 E2-~833 294.4 344.58 394.81 445.09 53 54 45.00 95.00 145.06 195.08 245.16 295.27 8345.41 395.65 445.93 54 55 45.83 95.84 145.90 195.92 246.00 296.11 346.25 396.49 446.76 55 56 46.67 96.67 146.73 196.75 246.83 296.95 347.08 397.33 447.60 56 57 47.50 97.50 147.571 197.591 247.671 297.78 347.92 398.17 448.44 57 58 48.33 98.33 148.401 198.421 248.501 298.62 348.761 399.01 449.28 58 59 49.17 99.171 149.2~ 199.261 249.34, 299.46 849.60 399.85 450.12 59 19 RAILROAD CURVE TABLES. go 9 100 110 120 130 140 15~ 160 170 0 450.95 501.32 551.74 602.22 652.87 703.53 764.35 805.29 856.35 0 1 451.79 502.16 552.58 603.06 653.71 704.38 755.20 809.14 857.20 1 2 452.63 503.00 553.42 603.91 654.56 705.23 756.05 806.99 858.05 2 8 453.47 503.84 554.26 604.75 655.40 706.07 756.89 807.84 858.90 3 4 454.31 504.68 555.10 605.60 656.25 706.92 757.74 808.64 859.76 4 5 455.14 505.52 555.94 606.44 657.09 707.77 758.59 809.54 860.61 5 6 455.98 506.36 556.78 607.28 657.93 708.62 759.44 810.39 861.46 6 7 456.82 507.20 557.62 608.13 658.78 709.47 760.29 811.24 862.31 7 8 457.66 508.04 558.46 608.97 659.62 710.31 761.13 812.09 863.16 8 9 458.50 508.88 559.30 609.82 660.47 711.16 761.98 812.94 864.01 9 10 459.34 509.72 560.14 610.66 661.31 712.01 762.83 813.79 864.87 10 11 460.18 510.56 560.98 611.50 662.15 712.86 763.68 814.64 865.72 11 12 461.02 511.40 561.82 612.35 663.00 713.71 764.53 815.49 866.57 12 13 461.86 512.24 562.66 613.19 663.84 714.55 765.37 816.34 867.42 13 14 462.70 513.08 563.50 614.04 664.69 715.40 766.22 817.19 868.27 14 15 468.53 513.92 564.34 614.88 665.53 716.25 767.07 818.04 869.12 15 16 464.37 614.76 565.18 615.72 666.37 717.10 767.92 818.89 869.98 16 17 465.21 515.60 566.02 616.57 667.22 717.95 768.77 819.74 870.83 17 18 466.05 516.44 566.86 617.41 668.061 718.79 769.61 820.59 871.68 18 19 466.89 517.28 567.70 618.26 668.91 719.64 770.46 821.44 872.53 19 20 467.73 518.12 568.54 619.10 669.75 720.49 771.31 822.29 873.38 20 21 468.57 518.96 569.38 619.94 670.59 721.35 772.16 823.14 874.23 21 22 469.41 519.80 570.22 620.79 671.44 722.20 773.01 823.99 875.09 22 23 470.25 520.64 571.06 621.63 672.28 723.041 773.85 824.84 875.94 23 24 471.08 521.48 571.90 622.481 673.13 723.89 774.70 825.69 876.79 24 25 471.92 522.32 572.74 623.32 673.97 724.74 775.55 826.54 877.64 25 26 479.76 523.16 573.58 624.16 674.81 725.59 776.40 827.39 878.49 26 27 473.60 524.01 574.42 625.01 675.661 726.44 777.25 828.24 879.34 27 28 474.43 524.85 575.27 625.85 676.511 727.28 778.09 829.09 880.20 28 29 475.26 525.69[ 576.11 626.70 677.35 728.13 778.94 829.94 881.05 29 30 476.10 526.53 576.95 627.55 678.20 728.97 779.79 830.79 881.90 30 81 476.94 527.37 577.79 628.39 679.04 729.82 780.64 831.64 882.75 1 32 477.78 528.21 578.63 629.24 679.89 730.66 781.49 832.49 883.61 32 83 478.62 529.05 579.48 630.08 680.73 731.51 782.34 833.35 884.46 33 34 479.46 529.89 580.32 630.98 681.58 732.35 783.19 834.20 885.32 34 35 480.30 530.73 581.16 631.77 682.42 733.20 784.04 835.05 886.17 35 36 481.14 531.57 582.00 632.61 683.26 734.05 784.89 835.90 887.02 36 37 481.99 532.41 582.84 633.46 684.11 734.89 785.74 836.75 887.88 387 38 482.83 533.25 583.69 634.30 684.95 735.741 786.59 837.61 888.73 38 89 483.67 534.09 584.53 635.15 685.80 736.58 787.44 838.46 889.59 39 40 484.51 534.93 585.37 635.99 686.64 737.43 788.29 839.31 890.44 40 41 485.35 535.77 586.21 636.838 687.48 738.28 789.14 840.16 891.29 41 42 486.19 536.61 587.05 537.68' 688.33 739.121 789.99 841.01 892.15 42 43 487.03 537.45 587.901 638.521 689.17 739.97 790.84 841.87 893.00 43 44 487.87 538.29 588.74 639.37 690.02 740.81 791.69 842.72 893.86 44 45 488.71 539.13 589.81 640.21 690.86 741.66 792.54 843.57 894.71 45 46 489.56 539.97 590.42. 641.05, 691.70 742.51 793.39 844.42 895.56 46 47 490.40 540.81 591.26 641.90 692.55 743.35 794.241 845.27 896.42 47 48 491.24 541.65 592.11 642.741 693.39 744.20 795.09 846.13 897.27 48 49 492.08 542.49 592.95 643.59 69424 745.041 795.941 846.98 898.13 49 50 492.92 543.33 593.79 644.431 695.08 745.89 796.79 847.83 898.98 50 51 493.76 544.17 594.63 645.27 695.92 746.74 797.64] 848.68 899.83 51 52 494.60 545.01 595.47 646.121 696.77 747.58 798.49 849.53 900.69 52 53 495.44 545.85 596.32 646.96 697.61 748.43 799.34] 850.39 901.54 53 64 496.28 546.69 597.16 647.811 698.46 749.27 800.19 851.24 902.40 54 55 497.12 547.53 598.00 648.651 699.30 750.12 801.041 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3541.19 3610.69 3680.95 3751.95 3823.80 3896.51 3970.09 4044.57 4119.93 26 27 3542.34 3611.85 3682.13 3753.14 3825.01)3897.73 3971.32 4045.82 4121.19 27 28 3543.48 3613.01 3683.30 3754.32 3826:21)3898.95 3972.55 4047.07 4122.45 28 29 3544.63 3614.18 3684.48 3755.51 3827.41 3900.16 3973.78 4048.31 4123.71 29 30 3545.78 3615.34 3685.65 3756.70 3828.61 3901.38 3975.01 4049.56 4124.97 30 31 3546.94 3616.51 3686.83 3757.90 3829.82 3902.60 3976.25 4050.8114126.24 31 32 3548.09 3617.68:3688.01 3759.09 3831.03 3903.83 3977.49 4052.0714127.51 32 33 3549.2513618.8513689.19 3760.29 3832.24 3905.05 3978.72 4053.3214128.78 33 34 3550.4013620.02 3690.37 3761.48 3833.45 3906.28 3979.96 4054.57 4130.05 34 35 3551.5613621.1913691.55 3762.68 3834.66:3907.50 3981.20 4055.83 4131.32 35 36 3552.7213622.35 3692.73 3763.87 3835.86)3908.73 3982.44 4057.08 132.59 36 37 3553.8713623.52 3693.91 3765.07 3837.07 3909.95 3983.68 4058.3314133.86 37 38 3555.03 3624.69i3695.09 3766.27 3838.28 3911.17 3984.91 4059.58 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3927.0914001.0114075.87 4151.64 51 52 3571.21 3641.06 3711.6213783.01i3855.21 3928.31 4002.25 4077.134152.91 52 53 3572.36 3642.23 3712.80 3784.20 3856.42 3929.54 4003.48 4078.38 4154.18 53 54 3573.5213643.40 3713.98 3785.4013857.63 3930.76)4004.724079.63 4155.45 54 55 3574.67I3644.57 3715.1613786.593858.84:3931.99 4005.96 4080.89 4156.72 55 56 3575.83:3645.73 3716.3413787.793860.0413933.21 4007.204082.14 8 4157.99 56 57 13576.9913646.90 3717.5213788.98 3861.25 3934.444008444083.3914159.26 57 58 3578.14'3648.07713718.7013790.18 3862.46 3935.6614009.6714084.64'4160.53 58 59 }3579.3013649.24 3719.8813791.38 3863.67 3936.88t4010.9114085.9014161.80 59 26 RAILROAD CURVE TABLES. I 72 730 740 i 750 76o | 770 780 7901 800o o 4163.0 714239.974317.844396.74 4476.73 4557.81 4640.04473.41'4SS.04 0 1 4164.35 4241.26 4319.15 4398.07 4478.08 459.18 4641.43 4724.824809.47 1 2 4165.63;4242.56 4320.46 4399.40 4479.42 4560.54 4642.81 4726.2214810.89 2 3 4166.90 4243.85 4321'77 4400.73 4480.77 4561.91 4644.20 4727.63 4812.32 3 4 4168.18 4245.14 4323.08 4402.06 4482.1214563.27 4645.584729.03i4813.74 4 5 4169.464246.44 4324.39 4403.39'34483.46 4564.64 4646.974730.44 4815.17 5 6 4170.7414247.73 4325;70 4404.71 4484.81 4566.01 4648.354731.85 4816.59 6 7 4172.02 4249.02 4327.01 4406.044486.16 4567.37 4649.7414733.25 4818.02 7 8 4173.29/4250.31 4328.32 4407.37 4487.51 4568.7414651.12 4734.664819.44 8 9 4174.57 4251.61 4329.63 4408.70 4488.85 4570.u 4652.50 4736.06 4820.87 9.10 4175.85 4252.90 4330.94 4410.03 4490.20 4571.47 4653.89 4737.47 4822.29 10.11 4177.13 4254.19 4332.25 4411.36 4491.55 4572.83 4655.27 4738.87 14823.72 11 12 4178.414255.49 4335.56 4412.69 4492.89 4574.20 4656.66 4740.28 4825.14 12 13 4179.68 4256.784334.87 4414.024494.244575.56 4658.04 4741.68426.57 13 14 4180.96 4258.07 4336.18 4415.35 4495.59 4576.93 4659.43 4743.09i4827.99 14 15 4182.244259.36 4387.49 4416.68 4196.93 4578.3060.81 4744 48242 15 16 4183.52|4260.66 4338.8U 4418.01 4498.28 4579.664662.20 4745.9014830.84 16 17 4184.80'4261.95 4340.11 4419.34 4499.63 4581.03 4663.58 4747.31 4832.27 17 18 4186.074263.24 4341.42 4420.67 4500.98 4582.39 4664.97 4748.71 4833.69 18 19 4187,35 4264.54 4342.73 4422.00 4502.32 4583.764666.354750.1214835.12 19 20 4188,6314265.83 4344.05 4423.33 4503.67 4585.12 4667.734751.52 4836.54 20 21 4189.91!4267.12 4345.36 424.65 4505.01 4586.49 4669.12 4752.93I4837 97 21 22 4191.19 4268.42 4346.67 4425.98 4506.35 4587.86 4670.50 4754.3414839.39 22 23 4192.46 4269.71 4347.98 4427.31 4507.70 4589.22 4671.89 4755.744840.82 23 24 4193.74!4271.00 4349.29 4428.64[4509.05 4590.59 4673.27 4757.1514842.24 24 25 4195.0214272.29 4350.60 4429.97 4510.39 4591.954674.6614758.55 4843.67 25 26 4196.30 4273.59 4351.91 4431.30 4511.74 4593.32 4676.04 4759.9614845.09 26 27 4197.57 4274.8814353.224432.6314513.09 4594.69 4677.4314761.37 4846.52 27 28 4198.85 4276.1714354.53[4433.96 4514.44 4596.05]4678.81 4762.7784847.94 28 29 4200.13 4277.47 4355.84 4435.29 4515.7814597.424680.2014764.18l4849.37 29 30 4201.41 4278.76 4357.15 4436.62 4517.13 4598.78 4681.5814765.58 4850.791 30I 31 4202.70 4280.06 4358.47 14437.96 4518.4914600.15 4682.97 47,66.99!4852.23 31 32 4203.98 4281.36 4359.79 4439.29 4519.8414601.5314684.37 4768.414853.66 32 33 4205.27 4282.67 4361.11 4440.63 4521.2204602.91 4685.76 4769.8314855.10 33 34 4206.55 4283.97 14362.43 14441.9714522.5514604.28[4687.16 4771.24 4856.53 34 35 4207.84 4285.27 4363.75 4443.304523.91 4605.664688.55 4772.66 4857.971 35 36 4209.1214286.58 4365.07 4444.6414525.2714607.03 4689.94 4774.07 4859.41 36 37 4210.41 4287.88 4366.39 4445.98 4526.62 4608.41 4691.34 4775.49 4860.84 37 38 4211.69 4289.18 4367.71 4447.32 4527.9814609.784692.73 4776.90 4862.28 38 39 4212.98 4290.481 4369.03 4448.65 4529.3314611.16 4694.13 4778.32 4863.71 39 40 4214.2614291.79 4370.35 4449.99 4530.6914612.53 4695.52 4779.7314865.15 40 41 4215.55 4293.09 4371.67 4451.33 4532.0514613.91 4696.92 4781.15!4866.59 41 42 4216.8314294.39 4372.99 4452.66 4533.4014615.28 4698.31 4782.56'4868.03 42 43 4218.12 4295.69 4374.31 4454 34.76 4616.66 4699.70 4783.98S4869.46 43 44.4219.40 4297.00 4375.6314455.34 4536.1114618.03[4701.10 4785.394870.909 44 45 4220.69 4298.30 4376.9414456.6714537.47 4619.41 4702.49 4786.814872.33 45 46 422198 4299.60 4378.26'4458.01 4538.83 4620.78 4703.89 4788.22 4873.77 46 47 4223.26 4300.91 4379.58{4459.35 4540.1814622.1614705.28 4789.64'4875.21 47 48 4224.55 4302.2114380.9014460.69 4541.54 4623.53 4706.67 4791.054876.64 48 49 4225.83 4303.51 4382.22 4462.02 542.89 4624.91 4708.07 4792.4714878.08 49 50 4227.12 4304.81 4383.5414463.3614544.2514626.2914709.47 4793.89 14879.52 50 51 4228.40 4306.12 4384.8614464.7014545.6114627.66 4710.86 4795.30 4880.95 51 52 4229.69 4307.42 4386.18[4466.0314546.96[4629.0414712.25 4796.72 4882.39 52 53 4230.97 4308.72 4387.5014467.3714548.32[4630.4114713.65 4798.13!4883.83 53 54 4232.26 431o.o2 4388.82 4468.71 4549.67 4631.79 4715.04 4799.55'4885.26 54 55 4233.54 4311.33 4390.144470.044551.034633.16 4716.44 4800.96 4886.70 55 56 4234.83 4312.63 4391.46l4471.38 4552.39 4634.54 4717.83 4802.38 4888.13 56 57 4236.11 4313.93 4392.78 4472.72 4553.7414635.91 4719.22 4803.794889.57 57 58 14237.4014315.2314394.1014474.0614555.1014637.2914720.62 4805.21 4891.00 58 59 14238.68J4316.5414395.42'4475'394556.45 4638.66,4722.01 4806.624892.44 5 27 RAILROAD CURVE TABLES. 81~ 8 820 6830 840 85~ 860 870 880 890 1 O 4893.88 4980.97:5069.44 5159.29 5250.57 5343.28 5437.54 5533.3515630.81 O 1 4895.33 4982.44 5070.93 5160.80 5252.11 5344.84 5439.13 5534.97 5632.46 1 2 4896.7714983.91 5072.42 5162.32 5253.65 5346.41 5440.72 5536.59!5634.10 2 I 3 489'38.22 4985.38 5073.92 5163.83 5255.19 5347.97 5442.31 5538.20 5635.751 3 4 4899.66 4986.85!5075.41 5165.35 5256.73 5349.54 5443.90 5539.825637.39 4 5 4901.11 4988.32 5076.90 5166.86 5258.27 5351.10 5445.50 5541.44 5639.041 5 6 4902.56 4989.78!5078.39 5168.38 5259.81 5352.67 5447.09 5543.06!5640.69 6 7 4904.00 4991.25 5079.88 5169.89 5261.35 5354.23 5448.68 5544.68 5642.33 7 8 4905.45 4992.72 5081.38 5171.41 5262.88 5355.79 5450.27 5546.29 5643.98 8 1 9 4906.89 4994.19;5082.87 5172.92 5264.4215357.36 5451.86 5547.91 5645.6 9 10 4908.34 4995.66 5084.36 5174.44 5265.96 5358.92 5453.45 5549.53 5647.27 10 11 4909.78 4997.13 5085.85 5175.95 5267.50 5360.49 5455.04 5551.14 5648.92 11 12 4911.23 4998.60 5087.34 15177.47 5269.04 5362.05 5456.63 5552.76 5650.57 12 13 4912.68 5000.07 5088.84 5178.98 5270.58 5868.62 5458.22 5554.38 5652.21 13 14 4914.12 5001.54 5090.33 5180.50 5272.12:5365.18 5459.81 5556.00 5653.86 14 15 4915.57 5003.0115091.82 5182.01 5273.66 5366.74 5461.4115557.62 5655.50 15 j 16 4917.0115004.47 5093.31 5183.53 5275.20 5368.31 5463.00 5559.24!5657.15 16 17 4918.46 5005.94 5094.80 5185.04 5276.745369.87 5464.5915560.8515658.80 17 i 18 4919.91 5007.4115096.30 5186.56 5278.2815371.44 5466.18 5562.47 5660.44 18 i 19 4921.35 a008.88 5097.79 188.07 5279.8215373.00 5467.77 5564.09 5662.09 19 20 4922.79 5010.35 5099.28 5189.58 5281.3615374.57 5469.36 5565.70 5663.74 20SO 21 4924.24 5011.82 5100.77 5191.10 5282.90 5376.13 5470.95 5567.32 5665.38 21 22 4925.69 5013.291 5102.26 5192.61 5284.4415377.69 5472.54 5568.94 5667.03 22 23 4927.13 5014.76 5103.76 5194.13 5285.97 5379.26 5474.13 5570.56 5668.67 23 24 4928.58 5016.23 5105.25 5195.64 5287.51 5380.82 5475.72 5572.18 5670.32 24 25 4930.02 5017.69 5106.74 5197.16 5289.0515382.39 5477.32 5573.79 5671.97 25! 26 4931.47 5019.1615108.23 5198.67 5290.5915383.95 5478.91!5575.4115673.61 26 27 4932.92 5020.63 5109.72 5200.19 5292.1315385.51 5480.50!5577 0315675.26 27 28 4934.36 5022.1015111.22 5201.70 5293.67 5387.08 5482.095578.65 5676.91 28 29 4935.8115023.5715112.71 5203.22 5295.21 5388.64 5483.6815580.27 15678.55 29 30 4937.2a5 025.0415114.20 5204.73 5296.75 5390.21 5485.27 5581.88 5680.20 3i 31 4938.71 5026.5215115.70 5206.26 5298.30 5391.79 5486.87 5583.51 5681.86 31 32 4940.16 5028.00o5117.21 5207.79 5299.8515393.37 5488.48 5585.14 5683.52 32 i 33 4941.62 5029.4815118.71 5209.31 5301.40 5394.94 5490.0815586.77 5685.18 33 34 4943.08 5030.9615120.21 5210.84 5302.95 5396.52 5491.68 5588.40 5686.84 34: 35 4944.54 5032.44 5121.7215212.37 5304.51 5398.10 5493.29 5590.04 5688.50 35! 36 4945.99 5033.92 5123.22 5213.90 5306.06 5399.68 5494.89 5591.6715690.16 36 37 4947.45 5035.4015124.72 5215.43 5307.61 540.1.25 5496.49 5593.3015691.82 37 38 4948.91 5036.88 5126.2215216.95 5309.16 5402.83 5498.09 5594.9315693.4l 8 38 39 4950.36 5038.36 5127.73 5218.48 5310,71 5404.41 5499.70 5596.5615695.14 39 40 4951.82 5039.84 5129.23 5220.01 5312.26 5405-99 5501.30 5598.19 5696.80 40 41 4953.28 5041.32 5130.73 5221.54 5318.8115407.56 5502.90 5599.82 15698.46 41 42 4954.741 5042.80 5132.24 5223.07 5315.36 5409.14 5504.50 5601.45 5700.12 42' 43 4956.19 5044.28 5133.74 5224.5915316.91 5410.72 5506.11 5603.0815701.78 43 44 4957.6515045.76 5135.24 5226.1215318A46 5412.30o5507.7115604.71 5703.44 44 45 4959.11 5047.2415136.75 5227.65 5320.02 5413.88 5509.31 5606.35 5705.10 45 46 4960.5715048.72 5138.25-5229.18 5321.5715415.4515510.91 5607.98 5706.76 46 47 4962.02:5050.20 5139.7515230.7115323.12 5417.03 5512.52 5609.61 5708.42 47 48 4963.48i5051.68 5141.25 5232.2315324.6775418.6115514.1215611.2415710.0 8 48 49 4964.94 5053.1615142,76 5233 7615326.22l5420.19 5515.72/5612.8715711.74 49' 50 4966.4015054.64 5144.2615235.29:5327.77 5421.76 5517.32 5614.50 5713.40 50 51 4967.85 5056.125145.76 5236.82 5329.32 5423.345518.93 5616.13 5715.06 51 i 52 4969.3115057.6015147.27 5238.35!5330.87 5424.92 5520.53 5617.76 5716.72 52 53 4970.77!5059.0815148.77 5239.87!5332.42 5426.5015522.1385619.39 6718.38 53 54 4972.22'5060.5615150.27 5241.4015333.97 5428.07 5523.74 5621.02 5720.04 54 55 4973.68 5062.04 5151.77 5242.93 5335.53 5429.6515525.34 5622.66 5721.70 55 [ 56 4975.14 5063.52 5153.28 15244.46 5337.08 5431.2315526.94 5624.29 5723.36 56 57 4976.60 5065.00 5154.78 5245.99!5338.63 5432.8115528.54 5625.92 5725.02 57i 58 4978.05 5066.4815156.285247.51l5340.18!5434.3915530.15 5627.55 5726.68 58 I 59 4979.515067.9615157.7915249.04,5341.7385435.9615531.75 5629.1815728.34 59 28 TABLE OF MINUTES WITH COR- TABLE OF SECONDS WITH COR- RESPONDING DECIMALS. RESPONDING DECIMALS. M. D. M D. S. D. S. D. /.o'- o - 1 - "o- o 1 0.0166 31 0.5167 1 0.0002778 31 0.0086111 2 0.0333 32 0.5333 2 0.0005556 82 0.0088888 3 0.0500 83 0.5500 8 0.0008338 833 0.0091666 4 0.0667 84 0.5667 4 0.0011111 84 0.0094444 5 0.0833 35 0.5833 5 0.0013888 385 0.0097222 6 0.1000 386 0.6000 | 6 0.0016666 86 0.0100000 7 0.1167 37 0.6167 7 0.0019444 7 0.0102777 8 0.1333 38 0.6333 8 0.0022222 38 0.0105555 9 0.1500 39 0.6500 9 0.0025000 89 0.0108333 10 0.1667 40 0.6667 10 0.0027777 40 0.0111111 11 0.1833 41 0.6833 I11 0.0030555 41 0.0113888 12 0.2000 42 0.7000 12 0.0033333 42 0.0116666 13 0.2167 43 0.7167 13 0.0036111 43 0.0119444 14 0.2333 44 0.7333 14 0.0038888 44 0.0122222 15 0.2500 45 0.7500 15 0.0041666 45 0.0125000 16 0.2667 46 0.7667 16 0.001o444 46 0.0127777 17 0.2833 47 0.7833 17 0.0047722 47 0.0130555 18 0.3000 48 0.8000 18 0.0050000 *48 0.0133333 19 0.3167 49 0.8167 19 0.0052777 49 0.0136111 20 0. 33 3 50 0.8333 20 0.0055555 50 0.0138888 21 -0.3500 51 0.8500 21 0.0058333 51 0.0141666 22 0.3667 52;0.8667 22 0.0061111 52 0.0144444 23 0.3833 53 0.8833 23 0.0063888 53 0.0147222 24 0.4000 54 0.9000 24 0.0066666 64 0.0150000 25 0.4167 55 0.9167 25.0.0069444 55 0.0152777 26 0.4333 56 0.9333 26 0.0072222 56 0.0155555 27 0.4500 57 0.9500 27 0.0075000 57 0.0158333 28 0.4667 58 0.9667 28 0.0077777 58 0.0161111 29 0.4833 59 0.9833 29 0.0080555 59 0.0163888 30 0.5000 60 1.0000 30 0.0083333 60 0.0166666 RAILROAD CURVE TABLE. The following Table shows the distance from the point of intersection of the Tangent lines to the beginning of one degree curves, for each 30', the angle ef deflection (- angle at centre) being known. I. = The given angle of deflection. II. = The sought for distance III. = Difference for intermediate angles. 30 RAILROAD CURVE TABLE. I II HIII I J II I III I I I III 00 0' 25.00 25.0 30Q 30t 1562.17 26.8 60O 30' 3341.62 383.4 1 50.02 25.0 31 1589.04 26.9 61,3375.20 33.6 1 30 75.01 25.0 31 30 1616.03 27.0 61 30 3408.95 33.8 2 99.99 25.0 32 11643.08 27.0 62 3442.93 34. 0 2 30 125.03 25.0 32 30 1670.12 27.0 62 30 3477.02 34.1 3 150.07 25.0 33 1697.28 27.2 63 31511.34 34.3 3 30 175.05 25.0 33 30 1724.56 27.3 63 30 3545.78 34.4 4 2a}00.09 25.0 34 1751.83 27.3 64 3580.45 34.7 4 30 225.13 25.0 34 30 1779.22 27.4 64 30 3615.34 34.9 5 250.17 25.0 35 1806.67 27.4 65 3650.41 35.1,5 30 275.21 25.0 35 30 1834.17 27.5 65 30 3685.65 35.2 6 300.30 25.0 36 1861.79 27.6 66 3721.06 35.4 6 30 325.35 25.0 36 30 1889.47 27.7 66 30 3756.70 35.6 7 350.44 25.1 37 1917.26 27.8 67 3792.57 35.9 7 30 375.54 25.1 37 30 1945.05 27.8 67 30 3828.61 36.0 8 400.70 25.1 38 1973.01 27.9 68 3864.88 36.3 8 30 425.79 25.1 38 30 2001.03 28.0 68 30 3901.38 36.5 9 450.95 25.1 39 2029.11 28.1 69 3938.11 36.7 9 30 476.10 25.1 39 30 2057.30 28.2 69 30 3975.01 36.9 10 501.32 25.2 40 2085.55 28.3 70 4012.15 37.1 10 30 526.53 25.2 40 30 2113.91 28.4 70 30 4049.56 37.4 11 551.74 25.2 41 2142.33 28.4 71 4087.15 37.6 11 30 576.95 25.2 41 30 2170.92 28.6 71 30 4124.97 37.8 12 602.22 25.3 42 2199.52 28.6 72 4163.07 38.1 12 30 627.55 25.3 42 30 2228.28 28.8 72 30 4201.41 38.3 13 652.87 25.3 43 22a7.10 28.8 73 4239.97 38.6 13 30 678.20 25.3 43 30 2286.04 28.9 73 30 4278.76 38.8 14 703.53 25.3 44 2315.09 29.0 74 4317.84 38.9 14 30 728.97 25.4 $ 44 30 2344.20 29.1 74 30 4357.15 39.3 15 754.35- 25.4 45 2373.42 29.2 75 4396.74 39.6 15 30 779.79 25.4 45 30 2402.76 29.3 75 30 4436.62 39.9 16 805.29 25.5 I 46 2432.21 29.4 76 4476.73 40.1 16 30 830.79 25.5 46 30 2461.78 29.6 76 30 4517.13 40.4 17 856.35 25.5 47 2491.46 29.7 77 4557.81 40.7 17 30 881.90 25.5 47 30 2521.26 29.8 77 30 4598.78 41.0 18 907.52 25.6 48 2551.11 29.8 78 4640.04 41.3 18 30 933.18 25.6 i 48 30 2581.13 30.0 78 30 4,81.58 41.5 19 958.86 25.7 49 2611.27 30.1 79 4723.41 41.8 19 30 984.58 25.7 49 30 2641.53 30.3 79 30 47(5.58 42.2 20 1010.37 25.8 50 2671.90 30.4 80 14808.04 42.5 20 30 1036.15 25.8 50 3 0 2712.44 30.5 80 30 4850.7u 42.7 21 1062.00 25.8 f 51 2733.04 30.6 81 4893.88 43.1 21 30 1089.90 25.9 r 51 30 2763.81 30.8 81 30 4937.25 43.3 22 1113.80 25.9 52 2794.69 30.9 82 4980.97 43.7 22 30 1139.75 25.9 - 52 30 2825.69 31.o 82 30 5025.04 44.1 23 1165.76 26.0 53 2856.86 31.2 83 5069.44 44.4 23 30 1191.841 26.1 53 30 2888.15 31.3 83 30 5114.20 44.8 24 1217.96 26.1 54 2919.55 31.4 84 5159.29 45.1 24 30 1244.10 26.1 54 30 2951.12 31.6 84 30 5204.73 45.4 25 1270.28 26.2 55 2982.81 31.7 85 5250.57 45.8 25 30 1296.58 26.3 55 30 3014.67 31.9 85 30 5296.75 46.2 26 1322.88 26.3 56 3046.64 32.0 86 5343.28 46.5 26 30 1349.24 26.4 56 30 30078.79 32.2 86 30 5390.21 46.9 27 1375.65 26.4 57 3111.10 32.3 87 5437.54 47.3 27 30 1402.10 26.4 57 30 3143.53 32.4 87 30 5485.27 47.7 28 1428.65 26.5 58 3176.14j 32.6 88 5533.35 48.1 28 30 1455.25 26.6 58 30 3208.91 32.8 88 30 558L.88 48.5 29 1481.89 26.6 59 3241.86 32.9 89 5630.81 48.9 29 30 1508.59 26.7 59 30 3274.92 33.1 89 30 5680.20 49.4 30 1535.30 26.7 60 8308.21 33.3 90 5730.00 49.8 t33o8.21/ 31 RAILROAD CURVES. THE FOLLOWiNG TABLE SHOWS THE METHOD OF KEEPING THE FIELD NOTES OF A SURVEY, FROM WHICH THE CENTRE LINE IS LAID ON THE MAP. |Gonrse Number of Angle at i, - Course of tan- feet from From To Length of Lengthof terseection of gent, and de- Radius of intersectargents curves in tangents or gree aid di- curves in tion of tanstation. station. in feet. feet. angle at rection of feet. gents to becentre, curves. gillling of curve........................._....! Tangent S. 190 21' E. 0. 2. 200 70 24' 39 42' L. 1548.65 100.14 2. 26 2400. 24~ 00' 10 00' R. 5730. 1217 96 26. 43 556 1755 60 Tangent S. 2~ 45' E. 43.,556 61 681 1812.5 360 15' 2~ 00' R 2865 937.82 61 6S1 93 650 3196.90 Tangent S. 330 30' W. 93 650 102 517 886.7 13" 18' 1~ 30' L. 3820 445.37 102 517 143 90 4138.30 Tangent S. 209 12' W. 143 90 155 766 1186.66 23~ 44' 2~ 00' L. 2865. 602.02 155 766 170 43 1466.40 Tangent S. 30 32' E. 170 43 181.296 1086.66 219 44' 29 00' R. 2865. 550-00 181.296 184 506 321.00 Tangent S. 18~ 12' W. 184 506 193.195 868.89 130 02' 1~ 30' R. 3820. 436:37 193 195 213.064 1986.9 Tangent S. 310 14' WV. 213 064 220 908 784.44 11 46' 10 30' L. 3820. 393.61 220.908 230 546 963.8 Tangent S. 19~ 28' W. 230. 546 242.496 1195.00 23~ 54' 2~ 00' R. 2865. 606.37 242 496 252.356 986.00 Tangent S. 430 22' W. 252 356 263 756 1140.00 17~ 06' 19 30' L. 3820. 574.30 263.756 2 6.02 226.40 Tangent S. 26 16' W. 266.02 268.02 200 00 30 10 30' L. 3820. 100.05 263.02 277.21 918.89 27~ 34' 30 L. 1910. 468.55 277.21 279.21 200.00 30 00' 10 30' L. 3820. 100.05 279 21 289 011 980.1 Tangent S. 7~ 18' E. 289.011 291 011 200 00 30 00' 1Q 30' R. 3820 100.05 291 011 301 422 1041.10 310 14' 30 00' R. 19.0. 533.88 301 422 303.00 157.80 20 22' 1~ 30' R. 3820. 78.90 303 00 321 00 1800. Tangent S. 29~ 18' W. 32100 334 00 1300. 26~ 2~ L. 2865, 661.44 334 338 71 471.001 Tangent S. 30 18' W. 338.71 347.15 844-16 160 53' 2~ 00' R. 2865. 425.19 347.15 364 00 1685.00 Tangent S. 20" 11' W. 364 376 633 1263.33 370 54' 30 R. 1910. 655.80 376 633 389 53 389 70 Tangent S. 58Q 05' W. 380 53 392.88 1185. 23~ 42' 2~0 R. 2865. 601.14 392 38 402 92 1054.00 Tangent S. 81~ 47' W. 402.92 404 92 200. 30 00' 1~ 30' L. 3820. 100.05 404 92 418.198 1327.77 390 50' 30 00' L. 1910. 632.04 418 198 420.198 200. Tangent S. 38~ 57' gW. 420.198 441.002 2080.41 83Q 13' 40 L. 1432. 1272.2i 441.002 442.582 158. 40 00' 2" 32' L. 2261.87 79.99.44-2.582 449. 641 8 Tangent S. 4:.) 16' E. 22.262 90 22 637.31 32 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT. A P P L I C A T I O N OF T tI e P R I S M ( I D A L F O R 3t1 U L A zn determining the quantities of Railroad and Canal Excavations anl Embaznkments. In order to obtain the mean area from transverse sections, construct from the average cuttings and average horizontal distances of the slopes of the end sections, a middle section; and add to four times the area of this section the area of the end sections, and take one-sixth of the product for the mean area. The following diagrams show most of the figures which occur in taking cross sections of railroads, and serve to illustrate the application of the formula. In practice, however, intermediate sections would be taken between sta. 0. and sta. 1, and at such other points as any sudden or material change in the surface would seem to require. The cuttings and horizontal distances from the centre to the termination of the slopes, are set down in tabular form, (page 34.) The notes of the middle section may at convenience be interlined in the space between the notes of the end sections. From this form the factors for the areas are made without resorting to diagrams. * It will be seen by inspecting the diagrams that the embankment between stations 3 and 4 assumes the shape of a pyramid) and hence one-third of the area of the embankment set opposite station 4, should be multiplied by the distance between stations 3 and 4 to obtain the quantity. Between stations 4 and 5 the excavation assumes the same form, and should also be calculated as a pyramid; or construct the middle section as before described, and calculate the distance froin the centre to the point where the surface and the grade intersect; and make out the factors accordingly, Having obtained the mean areas, proceed as hereinafter described to ascertain the cubic yards. EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT. 33 Q /O.b /OtX t 1 RAL.,I22.5 12. *1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 S.?.&7__"_ cot~.1 a "! r. 6~~~0. o' ~i.:, "..': FIELD NOTES FOR TRANSVERSE SECTIONS. Dist- Left Right Cubic ancexs slope iDist. Dist. slope Area Area Mean Mean Cubic yards Sta- in stake from IAngl. C'ntr. A'gle from stake of of Em- area of area of y'ds of of Emtions. feet. +or- centr. +or- +or- +or- centr. +or- Excav. bank't. Excav. Emb'k. Excav. bank't. 0 0 0 10. O O O 10. 0.0 M. S. +4. 16. +5. +6. -8. 25. +-10. 200. l100 {+8. 22. +10. +12. +16. 40. -+20. 550. 225. 833.33 M. S. +6.5 19.75 +8. +-9.5 +12. 32.5 +-15. 369. 2 100 +5. 17.5 +6. +7. +8. 25. +10. 222.5 374.75 1387.96 M. S. +2.5 13.75 +3. +4.5 +6. 22. +8. 131.621 6 3 100 0 10. 0 +2. +4. 19. +6. 58. 134.5 498.14 M. S. 3. 14 5-2.5 +1 +3.5 18.25 +5.5 38.34 * 4 100 -6. 19. -5. -0 +3. 17.5 +5. 26.25 47.5 39.60 15.83 146.66 58.62 M. S. -6. 19. -5.5 1-1. +1.5 13.75 +2.5 59.8 5 100 -6. 19. 1-6. -2. 0 10. 0. 77. 8.75 60.61 32.40 224.48 M. S. -7. 205 -7. -5. -4. 16. -4. 153.75 6 100 — 8 22. -8. -8. -8. 22. -8. 256. 158.0 585.18 n. S. -4. 16. 4 -4. -4. 1 46. 1 -4. 104. 7 100 0 10. 0 0. 0 { 112.0 414.81 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMIENT. 35 FACTORS. EXfCAVATION. EMBAN KM E N T. Station 0. A.reas. 0.- O. - 0 000. JMiddle Section. Station 4. Areas. 16. X 5. = 80. 20. X 6. = 120. 19. X 5. = 95. 2.=47.5 25. X 8. = 200. _Middle Section. 400.-+-2.= 200. Station 1. 19. X 5 104.5'22. X 10. = 220 15. X 1.= 15. 20. X 12. = 240. 40. X 16. = 640. 119.5~2.=59.75. 1100.+ 2.=550. Station 5,. /Middle Section. 19.75X 8. = 158. 19. X 6. =114. 9.50X 20. = 190. 20. X 2. = 40. 32.50X 12. = 390. 154.~ 2 =-77.. 738.*2.=369. Station 2. MJiddle Section. 17.50X 6. = 105. 20. X 7. = 140. 20.5 X 7. =143.5 25. X 8. = 200. 20. X 5. =100. 16. X 4. = 64. 445.. 2.=222.5. 3Middle Section. 307.5 2.=153.75 13.75X 3. = 41.25 20. X 4.5= 90. Station 6. 22. X 6.= 132. 22. X 8. = 176. 20. X 8. = 160. 263.25.~2.=131.62. 22. X 8 = 176. Station 3. 20. X 2. = 40. 512.=256. 19. X 4.= 76. 512.2.=256. -.tiddle Section. 116.+ 2.=58..Middle Section., 16. X 4. = 64. 12.8 X 1 =12.80 20. X 4.= 80. 18.25X 3.5=63.88 16. X 4.= 64. 76.68+2.=38.34. 208.+2.= 10& Station 4. 17.5 X 3. =52.5 *~2.-26.25. Station 7. Station 5. _-..._ O0. n.; -. 36 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMZIENT. The cubic yards between station 0. and station 1. according to the method of adding the end areas and taking one-half for the mean area - - = 1018.51 c. yds 185.yds. By 2d (or Prismoidal method)= 833.33 " 185.18 " 1st method between station 1 & 2= 1430.55 " " 2d " " " 1 & 2 1387.96 " 42.59 Ic 1st "- " S2 & 3 519.44 " " 2d (2 " 2&3 498.14 21.30 c1 ist "6 " 3&4 156.01 cc2d "- " I 3 & 4 146.66 C' 1st " 4 & 5 48 59 "; 2d -' 4 & 5 32.40 119 Error on 500 lineal feet of excavation - =274.61 There are other methods which approximate nearer than the averaging method. For instance, taking'I ths of the difference between the end areas, (or the difference X by 0.46) and adding it to the lesser end area for the mean. This method approximates nearer the true quantity. The principal discrepancy -occurs- -:where the embankment assumes the wedge or pyramidal formi.By 3d method between station 0 & 1 937.03? cubic yards.' 2d " (or Prismoidal)- 0 & 1 833.33 i + 103.70 " 3d' between station 1 & 2 1382.03 " 2d "' " I" & 2 1387.96 5.93 "' 3d " " 2 & 3 495.08? "c 2d "' "s a 2&3 498.14 3d 3&4 151.31 "2d " " " 3 & 4 146.66 4.65 3d " 4 & 5 44.72- 2d " 4 & 5 32.40 + 12.32 Error on 500 lineal feet of excavation - 102.38 Another method is to multiply - of the distance between trans. verse sections, by the sum of the end areas, added to four times half their sum; and dividing by 27 for the cubic yards. The results are the same as by the first method except between stations 0 & 1. EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT. 37 Expl2anation of the following tables. The tables are calculated for a distance of 100 feet between transverse sections In the left hand column are given the areas in feet. To obtain the cubic yards for areas, without decimals, look in the second columnn under the head of 0, and opposite the given area, find the cubic yards. EAXAMPLE — Required the number of cubic yards for an area of 1 90 feet. In the -second column under the head of 0, and opposite 190 in the first column, find 703.70 cubic yards. To obtain the cubic yards for a less distance than 100 feet, multiply the cubic yards found in the tables by the given distance, and point off the fractional parts of 100, feet. If the area has decimal parts, pass the eye to the right, opposite the area of the whole number, and under the head of such decimal will be found the number of yards. ExAMPLE.-Required the cubic yards for an area of 105.4 feet. In the sixth column, under the head of 40, and opposite 105 in the first columa, are given 390.37 caubic yards. If the yards for an area greater than 354.90, and not exceeding 3549. feet, are required, the decimal point of the area given in the tables, and that af the cubic yards, being removed one figure to the right, will give the required yards. If there are decimal parts, add the cubic yards found opposite 0. in the first columni under the head of such decimal. EXAMPLE..-Required the cubic yards for an area of 1975 feet; remove the decimal point one figure to the left, and find the yards for an area of 197.5 feet = 731.48, then remove the decimal point' one figure to the right and you:have 7314 8 cubic yards. If there is a decimal, add the cubic yards found for such decimal. Or, To obtain the cubic yards for an area exceeding 3549.eet, take one half of the area, and seek the correspending yards in:ables and multiply the same by 2. EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT TABLES. 0.00 0.10 0.20 1 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.6o0 0.70 0.80 0.90 0 0.00 0.37 0.741 1.11 1.48 1.85 2.22 2.59 2.96 3.33, 1 3.70' 4.07 4.45 4.81 5.19 5.56 5.93 6.30 6.67 7.04! 2 7.41 7.78 8.15 8.52 8.89 9.26 9.63 10.00 10.37 10.74] 3 11.111 11.48 11.85 12.22 12.59 12.96 13.33 13.70 14.07 14.441 4 14.821 15.19 15.56 15.93 16.30 16.67 17.04 17.41 17.78 18.151 5 18.52: 18.89 19.26 19.63 20.00 20.37 20.74 21.11 21.48 21.851 6 22.22' 22.59 22.98 23.33 2U.70 24.07 24.44 24.82 25.19 25.56 7 25.93 26.30 26.67 27.04 27.41 27.78 28.15 28.52 28.89 29.261 8 29.63 30.00 30.37 30.74 31.11 31.48 31.85 32.22 32.59 32.96: 9 33.33 33.70 34.07 84.44 34.82 35.19 35.56 35.93 36.30 36.67{ 10 37.041 37.41 37.78 38.15 38.52 38.89 39.261 39.63 40.00 40.37 11 40.74{ 41.11 41.48 41.85 42.22 42.59 42.96 43,33 43.70 44.07 12 44.44 44.82 45.19 45.56 45.93 46.30 46.67 47.04 47.41 47.78 13 48.15 48.52 48.89 49.26 49.63 50.00 50.37 50.74 51.11 51.48 14 51.85 52.221 52.59 52.96 53.33 53.70 -54.07 54.44 54.82 55.19: 15 55.56 55.93 56.30 56.67 57.04 57.41 57.78 58.15 58.52 58.891 16 59.26 59.63 60.00 60.377 60.74 61.11 61.48 61.85 62.22 62.59 17 62.96 63.33 63.70 64.07 64.44 64.82 65.19 65.56 65.93 66.30 18 66.67 67.041 67.41 67.78 68.15 68.52 68.89 69.26 69.63 70.00 19 70.37 70.741 71.11 71.48 71.85 72.22 72.59 72.96 73.33 73.70 20 74.07 74.44 74.82 75.19 75.56 75.93 76.30 76.67 77.04 77.41 21 77.78 78.15 78.52 78.89 79.26 79.63 80.00 80.37 80.74 81.11 22 81.48 81.85 82.22 82.59 82.96 83.33 83.70 84.07 84.44 84.82 23 85.19 85.56'85.931 86.30 86.67 87.041 87.41 87.78 88.15 88.521 24 88.89 89.26 89.63 90.00 37 90.74 91.11 91.48 91.85 92.22 25 92.59 92.96 93.33 93.70 94.07 94.44 94.82 95.19 95.56 95.93' 26 96.30 96.67 97.04 97.41 97.78 98.15 98.52 98.89 99.26 99.63 27 100.00 100.37 100.74 101.11 101.48 101.85 102.22 102.59 102.96 103.33 28 103.70 104.07 104.44 104.821 105.19 105.56 105.93 106.30 106.67 107.04 29 107.41 107.78 108.15 108.52 108.89 109.26 109.63 110.00 110.37 110.74 30 111.11 111.48 111.85 112.22 112.59 112.96 113.33 113.70 114.07 114.441 31 114.81 115.18 115.56 115.92 116,29 116.67 117.03 117.40 117.77 118.15 32 118.52 118.89 119.261 119.63 120.00 120.37 120.74 121.11 121.48 121.851 33 122.22 122.59 122.96 123.33 123.70 124.07 124.44 124.81 125.18 125.55 34 125.92 126.30 126.66 127.03 127.40 127.77 128.14 128.51 128.88 129.26: 35 129.63 130.00 130.37 130.74 131.11 131.48 131.85 132.22 132.59 132.96 36 133.33 133.70 134.07 134.44 134.81 135.18 135.55 135.92 136.29 136.67 37 137.04 137.41 137.78 138.151 138.52 138.89 139.26 139.63 140.00 140.37 38 140.741 141.11 141.48 141.85 142.22 142.59 142.96 143.33 143.70 144.07 39 144.44 144.81 145.18 145.55 145.92 146.29 146.66 147.03 147.40 14'7.78 40 148.15 148.52 148.89 149.26 149.63 150.00 150.37 150.74 151.11 151.48 41 151.85 152.22 152.59 152.96 153.33 153.70 154.07 154.44 154.81 155.18 42 155.55 155.92 156.29 156.66 157.03 157.40 157.77 158.14 158.51 158.89 43 159.26 159.63 160.00 160.37 160.74 161.11 161.48 161.85 162.22 162.59 44 162.96 163.33 163.70 164.07 164.44 164.81 165.18 165.55 165.92 166.30 45 166.67 167.04 1617.41 167.78 168.15 168.52 168.89 169.26 169.63 170.00 46 170.37 170.74 171.11 171.48 171.85 172.22 172.59 172.96 173.33 173.70o 47 174.07 174.44 174.81 175.18 175.55 175.92 176.29 176.66 177.03 177.41 48 177.78 178.15 178.52 178.89 179.26 179.63 180.00 180.37 180.74 181.11 49 181.48 181.85 182.22 182.59 182.96 183.33 183.70 184.07 184.44 184.81 50 185.18 185.55 185.92 186.29 186.66 187.03 187.40 187.77 188.14 188.52 51 188.89 189.26 189.63 190.00 190.37 190.74 191.11 191.48 191.85 192.22 52 192.59 192.96 193.33 193.70 194.07 194.44 194.81 195.18 195.55 195.93 53 196.30 196.67 197.04 197.41 197.78 198.15 198.52 198.89 199.26 199.63 54 200.00 200.37 200.74 201.11 201.48 201.85 202.22 202.59 202.96 203.33 55 203.70 204.07 204.44 204.81 205.18 205.55 205.92 206.29 206.66 207.03 56 207.41 207.78 208.15 208.52, 208.89 209.26 209.63 210.00 210.37 210.741 57 211.11 211.48 211.851 212.22 212.59 212.96 213.331 213.70 214.07 214.441 58 21481 215.18 215.551 215.92 216.29 216.66 217.03 217.40 217.77 218.15'59 218.52 218.89 219.26 219.63 220.00 220.37 220.74 221.11 221.48 221.85 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT TABLES. 0.00 0. 10 0.20 0 3G 0.40 0.50 1 0.60 0.70 1 0.80 0. 90: 60i 222.22 222.59 222.96 223.33 223.70 224.07 224.44 224.81 225.18 225.55 61 225.92 226.29 226.66 227.03 227.40 227.77 228.14] 228.51 228.88 229.26 62 229,.63 230.00 230.37 230.74 231.11 231.48 231.85 232.22 232.59 232.96 63 233.33 233.70 234.07 234.44} 234.81 235.18 235.55 235.92 236.29 236.67 64 237.04 237.41 237.78 238.15 238.52 238.89 239.26 239.63 240.00 240.37 65 240.74 241.11 241.48 241.85 242.22 242.59 242.96 243.33 243.70 244.07 66 244.44 244.81 245.18 245.55 245.92 246.30 246.67 247.04 247.41 247.78 67 248.15 248.52 248.89 249.26 249.63 250,00 250.37 250.74 251.11 251.48 68 251.85 252.22 252.59 252.96 253.33 253.70 254.07 254.44 254.81 255.18 69 255.56 255.93 256.30 256.67 257.04 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838.15 838.52 838.89 839.26 839.63 840.00 840.37 227 840.74 841.11 841.48 841.85 842.22 842.59 842.96 843.33 843.70 844.017: 22i 844.44 844.81 845.18 845.55/ 845.93 846.30 846.66 847.04 847.41 847.78 22 9 84:8.15 848.52 848.89 849.26 849.63 850.00 850.37 850.74 851.11 851.48 230 851.85 852.2'2 852.59. 852.96 853.33 853.70 854.07 854.44 854.81 855.18 2831 855.55 855.93 856.301 856.66 857.04 857.41 857.78 858.15 858.52 858.89 232 859.26 859.63 860.001 860.37 860.74 861.11 861.48 861.85 862.22 862.59 2:33 862.961 863.33 863.70 864.07 864.44 864.81 865.18 865.55'865.93 866.30 234 866.66 867.104 867.411 867.78 868.15 868.52 868.89 869.26 869.63 870.00 285 870.37 870.74 871..11 871.48 871.85 872.229 872.59 872.96 873.33 873.70, 236 874.07 874.44 874.811 875.18 875.55/ 875.931 876.30 876.66 877.04 877.41 237 877.78 878.15 878.521 878.89 879.26 879.63 880.00 880.37 880.74 881.11 238 881.48 881.85 882.22! 882.59 882.96 883.33 883.70 884.07 884.44 84.81' 1 23ID 885.18' 885.55 885.93 S86.30 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