B 915,432 VK 91 i927 DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AmERICA F ; f ffA I I qt1 Ilql A 4 It's U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE R. P. LAMONT, SECRETARY 1(. G COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY R. S. PATTON, Director SERIAL NO. 474 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT PHILIPPINE ISLANDS PART II PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO SECOND EDITION 1930 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1930 For sale by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and its sales agents - - Price 75 cents U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY, Washington, March 1, 1930. This publication covers the coasts of Palawan, Mindanao, and Sulu Archipelago with adjacent waters, and includes a short description of the northeast coast of Borneo, bordering on Philippine waters, based upon surveys by officers of the British Navy. The description of the Philippine Islands and waters is based mainly upon the work of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, including special examinations made during 1929 by various field officers of the bureau. Surveys are still in progress in Davao Gulf, in the western part of the Sulu Archipelago, and on the west coast of Palawan. The notes relating to those areas have been compiled from various sources, principally from the Spanish Derrotero and Eastern Archipelago Pilot and the China Sea Directory, with additions and corrections reported by Government vessels and the mercantile marine. This volume covers the same area as the first edition of Part II, United States Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, which replaced the former Philippine Sailing Direction, Sections V and VI-VII. The present (second) edition has been prepared at the Manila field station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey by R. J. Christman, chief of nautical division, assisted by L. C. Wilder, junior hydrographic and geodetic engineer, Coast and Geodetic Survey, under the direction of L. O. Colbert, Director of Coast Surveys. Great courtesy has been shown by the various Philippine government officials and local shipping interests in furnishing information for use in this publication. The aids to navigation are corrected to December 31, 1929. Navigators are requested to notify the Director of Coast Surveys, Manila, P. I., of any errors or omissions they may find in this publication or of additional matter which they think should be inserted for the information of mariners. R. S. PATTON, Director. II DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS Note --- —------------------ Index map --- —----- Face GENERAL INFORMATION Page IV 1 Pilots and pilotage --- —------- 3 Quarantine --- —--------- 4 Weather --- —------------ 4 Radio service - ---------- 6 Variation of the compass -- 7 Tides and currents ----- 7 Coastwise navigation 10 Distances between ports of the _ Philippine Islands ---------- 11 DESCRIPTIONS AND SAILING DIRECTIONS Palawan and adjacent islands-_ Islands northeast of Palawan_ Islands northward of Busuanga --- —------ Cabulauan Islands -------- Cuyo Islands --- —-- Linapacan Island -------- Palawan Island --- —-- North coast of Palawan -- East coast of Palawan _ —. Shark Fin Bay --- — Taytay Bay ---------- Dumaran Island ---- Green Island Bay --- —---- Honda Bay --- —-- Puerto Princesa __ — Puerto Princesa to Island Bay --- —----- Island Bay --- ---- Island Bay to Coral Bay___ Islands and channels south of Palawan -------- Balabac Island ---- East coast of Balabac --- — North Balabac Strait --- —Balabac Strait_ Palawan Passage ----- West coast of Palawan ---- Malampaya Sound- ------ Malampaya Sound to Calitan Island_ --- — Bacuit Bay --- —-- Sulu Sea --- —------ Cagayan Islands_ Cagayan Sulu Islands --- — Mindanao_ --- —---- North coast of Mindanao —. Iligan Bay_ ---- -- Dapitan Bay_ ---South coast of Mindanao - -- Sibuguey Bay --- —Port Sibulan -—, -- Dumanquilas Bay- ------ 12 12 13 25 25 33 35 35 35 39 41 46 49 51 55 57 60 62 64 67 67 71 72 76 78 103 112 115 119 124 126 129 129 136 145 150 156 170 176 Mindanao-Continued. South coast of MindanaoContinued. Illana Bay --- —Sarangani Bay ---- Sarangani Islands --- —---- Davao Gulf ------ Surigao Strait ------- Islands northeastward of Mindanao ---— _ --- Suluan Island ----- Dinagat Island ---- Siargao Island --- —Bucas Islands ----- Hinatuan-__ --- —-- Northeast and east coast of Mindanao_- ---- Lianga Bay --- —-- Bislig Bay__ --- —Pujada Bay --- —-- Palmas Island ----- Sulu Archipelago ----- Basilan Group Pilas Islands ------ Tapiantana Islands ------ Jolo Group_ Samales Islands Islands northwest of Jolo__ Cap Island to Pearl Bank-_ Dammai Island to Bilangan and Bambannan Islands_ Tawitawi and adjacent islands --- —---- Sibutu Passage ---- North coast of Borneo _ --- —Sandakan Harbor __ ----_Mallawalle Island _.. Banguey Island Marudu Bay --- —-- APPENDIX Coast pilots and field stations of the Coast and Geodetic Survey --- —----------------- Navigational aids and the use of charts --------------------- Remarks on the use of charts -- Use of oil for modifying the effect of breaking waves ---- Use of sounding tubes ---Instructions to mariners in case of shipwreck ---------- Rules of the road, international_ Harbor regulations --- —Pilotage _ --- —-------------- Special regulations applicable to ports --- —------ Customs collection districts..Meteorological tables.... Index _ --- —- _ --- —---------- ~IndexTI III Page 182 200 202 204 224 225 225 226 240 245 248 249 266 269 274 277 278 278 284 287 288 289 302 305 310 313 336 342 348 357 365 372 377 377 379 384 385 386 390 397 402 403 406 408 417 NOTE The courses and bearings given in degrees are true, reading clockwise from 0~ at north to 359~, and are followed by the corresponding magnetic course in points, in parentheses. General directions, such as northeastward, west-southwestward, etc., are magnetic. Distances are in nautical miles and may be converted approximately to statute miles by adding 15 per cent to the distances given. Currents are expressed in knots, which are nautical miles per hour. Except where otherwise stated, all depths are at mean lower low wuater. In accordance with the desire of the International Hydrographic Conference, each depth is followed, in parentheses, by its equivalent in meters. Heights are given in feet with metric equivalent in parentheses. Changes and other corrections affecting Coast Pilot volumes are included in the Notice to Mariners published weekly by the United States Department of Commerce. Changes and corrections affecting Philippine charts and coast pilots are published quarterly in Manila Notice to Mariners. About one year after a Coast Pilot is published, and at approximately yearly intervals thereafter, until a new edition is brought out, a supplement, giving the more important corrections and additions to its text since the date of its publication, is issued. The date of the latest supplement to each Coast Pilot, for which a supplement has been issued, is shown in the list of Coast Pilots published each week in the Notice to Mariners. Any supplement may be obtained, free of charge, upon application to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., or any of its field stations. Each supplement is complete in itself and cancels all previous supplements. Do not use this Coast Pilot except with reference to the latest supplement that may have been published and Notices to Mariners issued after the date of the supplement. IV Oversized Fold~out UNITED STATES COAST PILOT PHILIPPINE ISLANDS-PART II GENERAL INFORMATION The Philippine Archipelago, comprising 7,080 islands and rocks above water, lies between latitudes 4~ 45' and 21~ 25' north, and between longitudes 116~ and 127~ east. The largest part of the islands lies within an elongated ellipse with the major axis extending north-northwest and south-southeast. Palawan and the Sulu Archipelago extend from this main body in a southwest direction toward Borneo, forming the northwest and southeast boundaries of the Sulu Sea. The approximate land area of the Philippine Islands is 114,400 square statute miles (296,296 sq. km.), 94 per cent of which is contained within the 11 largest islands of the group, there being only 466 islands with areas of 1 square mile or more, 30 of which have areas of over 100 square miles. The Philippine Islands have almost every variety of topographical features from the low marsh, a foot or two above high water at the head of Manila Bay to the high mountain masses culminating in Mount Apo, Mindanao, 9,690 feet (2,953 m.) high. This is probably the highest peak in the islands, but the largest mountainous areas and the most extensive valleys are in the island of Luzon. Palawan is a high ridge with little level land and few rivers of importance. Mindanao has two large valleys, the Agusan and the Cotabato. The Agusan River has its sources in the comparatively low divide that separates this valley from the one making north from Davao Gulf. The river is navigable by small ocean-going steamers of 12 feet (3.6 m.) draft to Butuan, about 5 miles up from its mouth. Small boats and launches of 4 feet (1.2 m.) draft can ascend the river about 70 miles. The valley land tributary to the Agusan River is about 1,000 square miles in extent. The Cotabato Valley or Basin is drained by the Mindanao (Cotabato) River, which empties into the Moro Gulf. Small steamers of 7 feet (2.1 m.) draft cross the bar and ascend the river 5 miles to the town of Cotabato. Launches of 31/2 feet (1.1 m.) draft can ascend the river 60 miles farther. This river flows through a fertile valley, about 30 miles in width, which shows scarcely any change of level. The area of the valley, not including Lake Buluan and Liguasan Marsh, is about 1,800 square miles. The valley to the north of Sarangani Bay is separated from the Cotabato Valley by a low divide. Western Mindanao is mountainous with a rather narrow coastal plain. Basilan Island and Jolo are rugged with comparatively little coastal plain and no large valleys. The remainder of the Sulu Archipelago are mostly small islands of no great importance at present. 4 1 2 IUX1TEI) STATES COAST PILOT A general historical description of the Philippines is given in United States Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, Part I. Communication among the islands and with foreign ports is by regular lines of steamers, by cable, telegraph, telephone, and radio. The interisland cable, telegraph, and radio service is under the Philippine bureau of posts, but some of the radio stations have been turned over to a private corporation for operation. The two cable companies and one radio company accept foreign business and the Cavite naval radio station accepts certain classes of trans-Pacific messages. Regular lines of passenger and freight steamers call at the principal ports of entry and arrangements can usually be made through ship's agents for calls at other ports. Ports of entry for foreign vessels are Manila, Cebu, Iloilo, and Legaspi, described in Part I; and Zamboanga, Jolo, and Davao, described in this volume. The Philippine customs law assigns to the bureau of customs the general supervision, control, and regulation of shipping and navigation (see appendix for extract from regulations), and specially directs that in such matters collectors of customs shall perform the duties that devolve on American consuls or consular officers. The collectors of customs also grant permission for outport loading-that is, discharging and loading at ports other than ports of entry-and arrangement can usually be made for clearance without the necessity of returning to the port of entry. Supplies and stores of all kinds can be obtained in Manila and in more or less limited quantities at Cebu, Iloilo, and Zamboanga. Some supplies may be obtained in an emergency at several other places, but they are usually limited both in kind and quantity. Repairs.-Small slipways are available for making repairs at Cebu and Iloilo. The marine railways at Manila and Cavite have a capacity of 3,000 and 2,400 tons, respectively. The United States Navy floating dock Dewey at Olongapo has a lifting capacity of 18,500 tons and is usually made available for docking merchant vessels in an emergency. Currency is based on the decimal system. The peso is equivalent to 50 cents United States currency and is the smallest unit of paper money. The coins in general use are the 50, 20, 10, 5, and 1 centavo pieces. Legal holidays of the Philippines are the following: New Year's Day --- —---— _ _ __ ----- ----— _ ---. January 1. Washington's Birthday_________ --- —------------ February 22. Holy Thursday --- —-------------------------- (Date varies.) Good Friday ---_________ —_ --- —------------ (Date varies.) Labor Day____________ — ______________ May 1. Memorial Day______________ --- —---------------- May 30. Independence Day —__-__ --- —----------------- July 4. Occupation Day____ — _ --- —-------------- August 13. Thanksgiving Da —___________ —_ --- —----------- Last Thursday in November. Bonifacio Day_ --- —---------------------- November 30. Christmas___ --- —------------ I)eecember 25. Rizal Day ---------- ------- ---- December 30. Election day 1_____ --- —------- ------- June 2, 1931. Overtime rates are charged for the necessary custom's employees when working ship on Sundays and holidays. 1 Elections are held triennially; special elections are not general holidays. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 3 PILOTS AND PILOTAGE Pilotage in the Philippine Islands is optional. The principal ports have pilot associations, the chief pilot usually acting as harbor master. When a pilot is not employed a small berthing fee may be charged. (See appendix for harbor regulations.) The international " Rules to prevent collisions of vessels," which are given on page 390, apply throughout the islands. Aids to navigation are constantly being improved and extended. There are a number of automatic (unwatched) acetylene lights in isolated locations, and navigators should consider the possibility of their not burning if they fail to make the light when expected. The buoyage accords with the system adopted in United States waters. The principal coast lights are described in the text of this volume. For a complete description of all aids see the List of Lights, Buoys, Beacons, and Day Marks of the Philippine Islands, published by the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, which can be obtained, free of charge, from the Director Bureau of Commerce and Industry, Manila, P. I. System of buoyage.-In conformity with section 4678 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, the following order is observed in coloring and numbering the buoys along the coasts or in bays, harbors, sounds, or channels, viz: 1. In approaching the channel, etc., from seaward, red buoys, with even numbers, will be found on the starboard side of the channel, and must be left on the starboard hand in passing in. 2. In approaching the channel, etc., from seaward black buoys with odd numbers will be found on the port side, and must be left on the port hand in passing in. 3. Buoys painted with red and black horizontal stripes will be found on obstructions, with the channel ways on either side of them, and may be left on either hand in passing in. 4. Buoys painted with white and black perpendicular stripes will be found in mid-channel and must be passed close-to to avoid danger. All other distinguishing marks to buoys will be in addition to the foregoing and may be employed to mark particular spots, a description of which will be given in the printed list of buoys. Perches, with balls, cages, etc., will, when placed on buoys, be at turning points, the color and number indicating on which side they shall be passed. Different channels in the same bay, sound, river, or harbor will be marked, as far as practicable, by different descriptions of buoys. Principal channels will be marked with nun buoys; secondary channels will be marked with can buoys; and minor channels with spar buoys. When there is but one channel nun buoys properly colored and numbered are usually placed on the starboard side and can buoys on the port side. Whenever practicable the towers, beacons, buoys, spindles, and all other aids to navigation are arranged in the light list in regular order as they are passed by vessels entering from the sea. Day beacons, stakes, and spindles (except such as are on the sides of channels, which will be colored like buoys) are constructed and distinguished with special reference to each locality, and particularly in regard to the background upon which they are projected. Bearings are magnetic and distances in nautical miles. 4 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Signals for surveying vessels.-The following special signals for surveying vessels of the United States employed in hydrographic surveying have been prescribed: A surveying vessel of the United States under way or at anchor in a fairway and employed in hydrographic surveying may carry where they can best be seen, but in any case well above the running lights prescribed by law for preventing collisions, three lights in a vertical line one over the other and not less than 6 feet apart. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be green, and the middle light shall be white, and they shall be of such a character as to be visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least 2 miles. In the case of a small vessel the distance between the lights of such private code may be reduced to 3 feet, if necessary. By day such surveying vessel may carry in a vertical line, not less than 6 feet apart, where they can best be seen, three shapes of not less than 2 feet in diameter, of which the highest and lowest shall be globular in shape and green in color and the middle one diamond in shape and white. QUARANTINE Quarantine for the ports of entry of the Philippine Islands is enforced in accordance with the requirements of the United States Quarantine Laws and Regulations and is administered by the United States Public Health Service. Quarantine regulations will be found at the stations of that service and at American consulates and will be furnished to vessels upon application either by officers of that service or by the bureau at Washington, D. C. Every vessel should be provided with the quarantine regulations. There are two disinfection and detention stations for quarantine purposes-one at Mariveles and one on Cauit Island, in the harbor of Cebu. Bills of health are issued by the United States Public Health Service and may be obtained at the stations of that service. Quarantine regulations for coastwise ports, except ports of entry, are under the jurisdiction of the Philippine health service and inquiries concerning them should be addressed to the director of health, Manila, P. I. Hospital care for seamen.-The United States Public Health Service maintains dispensaries for the treatment of American seamen at Manila, Iloilo, and Cebu. Sick American seamen are entitled to free hospital treatment at the port of Manila, application for which must be made with the usual master's certificate accompanying the same to the office of the United States Public Health Service, which is in the quarantine office at each port. An American merchant seaman is one " engaged on board in the care, preservation, or navigation of any registered, enrolled, or licensed vessel of the United States, or in the service, on board, of those engaged in such care, preservation, or navigation." WEATHER The climate of the Philippines differs but little from that of other islands in the same latitude. The range of the thermometer at sea level varies from about 60~ to about 100~ F. The year may be divided into three seasons: The first, cool and dry, commences in PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 5 November; the second, hot but still dry, commences in March, the greatest heat being experienced from April to the end of May and the third, which is exceedingly wet, continues from June to November. This division of seasons does not apply to coasts exposed to the northeast monsoon, where the wet and dry seasons are to some extent reversed. In the southern portion of the archipelago the wet season is also much less distinct. During the rainy seasons inundations are frequent and traveling in the interior is difficult. The greater part of the group comes within the range of typhoons and terrific storms occur. The local thunderstorms that occur in the months of May and June, the period of greatest heat, are also at times very severe. The endemic complaints of the country are malarial and other fevers, diarrhea, beriberi, and a few others. The islands have also been visited by epidemics of cholera, bubonic plague, and smallpox. The mortality is, as a rule, low, considering the number of inhabitants and their mode of life. Prevailing winds.-The two regular monsoons that are encountered in the China Sea prevail to a certain extent over the Philippine Islands, the Sulu Sea, and the northern part of the Celebes Sea, but they blow with diminishing force as lower latitudes are reached. The northeast monsoon, which is the more uniform and steady of the two, prevails for six months, from November to April. On the west coast of Luzon northerly winds predominate during November, December, and January, and easterly winds during February, March, and April. In April southeasterly winds are nearly as prevalent as easterly. The northeast monsoon is the season of dry and fine weather, except on the coast directly exposed to it. The high land of the Philippines naturally interrupts the regular course of the wind, and under the land calms are frequent and often a light wind blows from westward, while in front-of the open channels it blows hard, especially off Cape Calavite. In the Sulu Sea the east or northeast monsoon is not a steady, fresh breeze, but is often variable. The southwest monsoon is less uniform, being more interrupted by storms, most of which occur during this season. For the six months from May to October the prevailing wind is southwesterly, May being the month in which the winds veer from east to southwest, while October is the month of change from southwest to north. Throughout the year calms or light winds occur more frequently at night or early morning, the average least force of wind occurring about 6 or 7 a. m.; the greatest force is usually during the hours of greatest heat from 1 to 4 p. m. The average daily velocity of the wind is greatest in September, being nearly double that for December, the month of least wind. Storms and gales.-During the rainy season local tempests or tornadoes, accompanied by thunder and lightning, are frequent. They occur from May to October, and occasionally in April and November, and usually in the afternoon or night. These rains, while sometimes fierce and in torrents, are usually of short duration. The gales of the Philippines are known by the local names of " Colla" and " Baguio." The latter, generally known as typhoons, are the most severe storms of this region. They are described in United States Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, Part I. Colla is the native name for a storm caused by an atmospheric depression to the north 6 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT or northeast of Luzon and accompanied by brisk or strong winds from south to southwest, continuing for several days, with violent squalls at intervals. Collas occur more frequently in June or July. Similar depressions appear in the lower latitudes (4~ to 12~ N.) during the months of December. January, February, and March, causing brisk northeasterly winds, accompanied by rain in Mindanao and the central islands, sometimes extending to southern Luzon. Storm warnings.-Typhoon signals (see appendix) are hoisted in accordance with advices from the central observatory of the Philippine weather bureau at Manila, and their meaning is the same wherever shown in the archipelago. During the progress of a typhoon within the range of the observatory, special warnings are furnished to the Cavite naval radio station and from there broadcast for the information of shipping. Besides these special warnings, two regular daily weather reports are furnished to that station by the Manila observatory. Typhoon warnings are also sent to the threatened localities by telegraph and cable if possible. RADIO SERVICE The supervision of radio communication in the United States, including the Hawaiian Islands but not the Philippine Islands, is controlled by the Department of Commerce and the Federal Radio Commission. The radio division of the Department of Commerce issues the following publications, which may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at the prices stated: Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States (includes ship and shore stations and stations in the Philippine Islands), price, 15 cents. Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, price, 25 cents. Radio Service Bulletin (supplements the first publication listed above, giving changes in stations, radio laws, etc.), price, 5 cents per cop)y; 25 cents per year (published monthly); 40 cents per year (foreign). The International List of Radio Stations of the World (edition in English) can be procured from the International Bureau of the Telegraphic Union (Radiotelegraphic Service), Berne, Switzerland. In addition to the information contained in the list of the United States stations published by the Department of Commerce, the international list shows geographic locations, normal ranges in nautical miles, radio systems, and rates. Supplements to the international list will be issued monthly and will contain new stations and tables of alterations. Inquiries as to the subscription prices of these lists should be made direct to the Berne bureau at the address given above. Remittances to Berne should be made by international postal money orders. Coastal radio stations (Philippine government) listen in on a 600 -meter wave length for ship messages about 10 minutes each hour while open for business. Time signals.-Time signals by radio are sent daily from certain United States naval coastwise radio stations on the Pacific coast and at Honolulu and Cavite, as follows: PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SJULIJ ARCHIPELAGO 7 Time Station Call _ Frequency in kilocycles and type of sign emission G. C. T. Standard San Diego, Calif --- —-------------- NPL 1700 9 a. m__ 30.6 and 102 (Al). San Francisco, CalifI --- —----- NPG{ 0600 10 p. m 42.8 and 66 (A1) and 108 (A2). Honolulu, Hawaii ---------------- NPM 0000 1.30p. m- 26.1 (Al) and 106 (A2). Cavite, P. I --------------------- NPO 0300 11 a. m__ 56 (Al) and 108, 8,872, and 13,308 (A2). NoTES.-All stations transmit second-order time signals suitable for chronometer rating and ordinary use; normally correct as broadcast to less than five-tenths of a second, having a generally constant lag. Types of emission are: Al-Unmodulated continuous waves, and A2-Continuous waves modulated at audible frequency. The signals begin at five minutes before the hour and continue for five minutes. During this interval every tick of the clock is transmitted except the twenty-ninth second of each minute, the last 5 seconds of each of the first 4 minutes, and finally the last 10 seconds of the last minute. The time signal is the beginning of the dash after this long break. Hydrographic information, weather reports, and other information of benefit to shipping are sent out from these stations. In addition to the time service by radio, time signals are sent daily over the lines of the Philippine Postal Telegraph and Cable service at 11 a. m. Mariners can avail themselves of this service at the principal ports of the islands by applying at the local telegraph offices. VARIATION OF THE COMPASS The magnetic variations for 1930 at points mentioned are given below. The annual change may be neglected, as it averages less than 1' for most of the places. Locality C iass Locality Comp varia tion Lva iation Easterly Easterly Coron Bay- ---- ------------- 1 10 Iligan --- —------ 1 45 Cuyo -----------------------—. ---- 1 20 Dapitan ------------------------ 1 40 Puerto Princesa --- —-_ - 1 35 Zamboanga -- ------------------- 2 05 Balabac Strait-1..... --- —-------- l 45 Davao ------------------------ '1 '55 Jolo --— _-_ --- --— __ — _ ---_- ---- 2 10 Mati_ --------------------------------- 1 55 Surigao-. --- —------ - --------— _- 1 25 TIDES AND CURRENTS In the inland waters and western coasts of the Philippine Islands the tides are affected more by the declination of the moon (tropic tides) than by the opposition and conjunction of the sun and moon, or full and new moon (spring tides). Two or three days after the moon crosses the Equator there are two tides a day of equal height. One of the high waters increases, reaching its maximum about two days after the moon's greatest northerly or southerly declination. The other high water diminishes and at Manila usually disappears entirely for from three to eight.days near the time of the moon's greatest declination. During this period there is therefore but one high water and one low water 8 TTNITED STATES COAST PILOT each lunar day. From two to five days after the greatest declination the second tide again appears, and the two high waters again become equal after the moon crosses the Equator. The greatest range of tide occurs in June and December and the least range in March and September. The high water, when there is but one tide a day, or the higher tide when there are two high waters, follows the moon's upper transit when the moon is south of the Equator and the moon's lower transit when the moon is north of the Equator. The "establishment " is much affected by the diurnal inequalities above referred to. The Coast and Geodetic Survey charts give the tropic high-water intervals and tropic low-water intervals, which are the intervals of high and low waters after the moon's transits at the periods of greatest declination, when the highest tides occur. The intervals when the moon is near the Equator may differ an hour or two from these. On the east coast of the archipelago, at points open to the Pacific, the effect of the tropic tides is less marked, and there are two high waters and two low waters each lunar day throughout the month, though the tides arc still affected by some diurnal inequality. Tidal currents.-Two tidal streams enter the Sulu Sea and passages between the Philippines from opposite directions-one from the China Sea through the western openings, the other from the Pacific through the eastern straits, San Bernardino, Surigao, and Basilan. These streams meet in the many channels between the southern islands. The stream from the China Sea enters that sea from the Pacific by the wide opening between Formosa and Luzon and passes from north to south along the western shores of Luzon and Palawan and through the Verde Island Passage, Mindoro Strait, Linapacan, and Balabac Straits. The. Verde Island stream after passing south along the coast of Luzon and deflecting some of its waters in Manila Bay continues along the coast as far as Punias Point, where it branches. One stream runs northeast around Tayabas Bay and north and east of Marinduque through Mompog Pass, reunites with the other branch, which passes southeast along the Mindoro coast as far as Dumali Point, and then runs eastward, south of Marinduque as far as the Bondoc Peninsula, where it meets the flood stream from the Pacific which has passed through San Bernardino Strait. The northern part of the Verde Island stream, which follows round Balayan and Batangas Bays, reunites with the principal current near Verde Island, producing violent tide rips and eddies in that part of the channel between Malabrigo and Escarceo Points. The flood that enters Mindoro Strait follows the coast of Mindoro, setting southeast as far as Nasog Point, Panay, part of it continuing,round the coast of Mindoro northward of Dumali Point, where it meets the stream through Verde Island Passage. The rest of the stream divides at the northwest point of Panay Island. One branch flows along the north coast of Panay past Bulacaue Point and the Gigantes Islands to Bulalaqui Point, the north point of Cebu, where it runs southward and meets the stream from the Pacific through Surigao Strait, about 6 miles south of the Camotes Islands; it also flows through Iloilo and Tafion Straits, in both of them meet PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 9 ing the flow which has entered from southward on the parallels of the north end of Negros and of Tajao Point, Cebu, respectively. The other branch turning to the south from the northwest point of Panay, and being joined midway by the stream setting eastward from Cuyos Islands or Linapacan Strait, continues coasting Panay and Guimaras Islands into Iloilo Strait until it meets the other branch described above. Between the Calamianes and the north end of Palawan the flood stream sets southeast and the ebb northwest. The flood stream, entering by Balabac Strait, turning north-northeast along the coast of Palawan, spreads itself like a fan over the Sulu and Mindoro Seas from northeast to east, forming the current from west to east felt between Cuyos Islands and Panay, and also that which sets to the south of the Cagayanes, where it is said to meet the stream from Surigao Strait approximately in the meridian of the Cagayanes. In Sibutu Passage the flood stream sets northward and westward, and also in the Sulu Archipelago the flood stream sets generally in the same direction, but takes many local directions among the islands. Through Basilan Strait the flood stream makes westward and passes up the west coast of Mindanao northward until it meets the flood stream from Surigao Strait about midway on the coast. In some places the tidal current seems to be influenced by a monsoon current. Along the Panay coast there is a constant northerly current which varies but little in strength with the change of tide. In the vicinity of Seco Island and Batbatan this current changes its direction to westward and then southwestward through the Cuyo Islands, thus forming a great eddy. A somewhat similar eddy exists in the Mindanao Sea southeastward of Bohol. The time of high water of the wave that enters from the China Sea seems to be from 10 to 12 hours and that which comes from the Pacific through the eastern and northern straits from 6 to 7 hours. Tide tables for western North America, Eastern Asia, and many island groups of the Pacific Ocean, including the Philippine Islands, are published annually in advance by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. This volume furnishes, at the nominal cost of 15 cents United States currency, full tidal data for the ports of the Philippine Islands. It contains a table of full daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters for certain standard or principal ports along the coast; full explanations for the use of this table are given on page 8. The use of Table 2 of the Tide Tables should be known to every navigator. By means of this table the predictions given for the standard ports are extended so as to enable one to obtain complete tidal data for each day for stations only a few miles apart for the greater part of the coast, and with almost the same accuracy as though full predictions were given for all of these points. Instead of using the height differences of Table 2, however, a more accurate method is that of multiplying both high and low water heights at the standard port by the ratio of ranges for the given port to obtain the heights of the corresponding high and low water. The ratio of ranges is given in Table 2 of the Tide Tables. The minus sign before the predicted heights in the Tide Tables 10 IUNITED STATES COAST PILOT indicates that the water is below the plane of reference which is mean lower low water. The time of high or low water at any given port in Table 2 is found by taking the time of the corresponding tide for that day from the standard port for reference and applying to it the time difference for the given port from the third column of Table 2, adding it if the sign is plus and subtracting if minus. Caution.-In using the Tide Tables slack water should not be confounded with high or low water. For ocean stations there is usually but little difference between the time of high or low water and the beginning of ebb or flood current; but for places in narrow channels, landlocked harbors, or on tidal rivers the time of slack current may differ by two or three hours from the time of high or low water stand, and local knowledge is required to enable one to make the proper allowance for this delay in the condition of tidal currents. The figures given in Tables 1 and 2 of the Tide Tables are the times of high and low water, and these times are not necessarily the times of slack water. Current tables.-Beginning with year 1927, current tables for San Bernardino Strait are included in the Pacific Coast Current Tables, published annually in advance by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. They may be obtained at any of the chart agencies, price 10 cents, United States currency. COASTWISE NAVIGATION The general routes usually followed by vessels coming to or leaving the Philippine Islands are shown in red on the index map of Coast and Geodetic Survey charts. The navigation of coral seas demands constant vigilance; aside from this the waters described in this volume present no unusual difficulty to the mariner. The lead gives little or no warning of the approach into danger, and the effect of uncertain and irregular currents is a constant source of danger on the longer courses. Over rocky bottom and on shoals the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve should be considered the danger curve, as coral bowlders frequently rise from 3 to 4 fathoms (3.6 to 4.9 m.) above the general level of the shoal, and the surveys may not have found the least water in every case. The waters between Tapul and Tawitawi in the Sulu Archipelago and the west coast of Palawan southward of Malampaya Sound have not yet been carefully surveyed; the present charts are based on reconnaissance surveys only. Both these areas are more or less foul and great care should be used if necessary to enter them. The best harbors of refuge are the following: On the coast of PalaCwn and adjacent islands.-Coron, Halsey Harbor, Cuyo, Puerto Princesa, Port Ciego, Balabac, Ulugan Bay, and Malampaya Sound. On Mindanao and adjacent islands.-Nasipit, Misamis, Port Masinloc, Port Isabela, Port Banga, Port Sibulan, Dumanquilas Bay,, Polloc Harbor, Port Lebak, Malalag Bay, Port Balete, Catarman Anchorage, Port Sibongo. In Sulu Archipelago.-Dalrymple Harbor and Port Bongao. A description of these harbors and the directions for entering them are given in the detailed description of the coast. Distances between ports of the Philippine Islands [In nautical miles] To- ari> Ce a U m 4 * B e~ ~ U bn From- l M I Cd Ca C F" -. i:5 I - I I! I s ^,! I I I I I o 0 Aparri, Luzon —. —__ —_-....._...... 192 383 336 403 483 465 520 568 563 590 591 685 615 900 951 815 840 475 500 660 755 San Fernando, Luzon-.............. 192 ----- 208 518 490 380 455 506 525 487 473 474 637 592 907 776 640 665 304 325 485 580 Manila, Luzon -------------- -_ 383 208 ---- 522 357 246 322 373 392 354 340 353 504 459 774 648 512 540 172 202 363 477 IHondagua, Luzon._-........... 336 518 522 - ---- 205 282 264 319 370 362 389 390 484 414 721 750 614 676 431 495 625 758 Legaspi, Luzon --- —--------------- 403 490 357 205 ------ 119 104 160 204 199 226 227 322 255 563 588 452 513 268 332 462 595 Aroroy, Masbate --- —-----— _ --- —-I 483 380 246 282 119 ---- 79 132 166 158 157 158 273 227 542 530 394 452 156 220 350 492 Calbayog, Samar — _ ---- -- 465 455 322 264 104 79 61 120 119 150 151 226 159 474 508 372 430 221 280 392 519 Tacloban, Leyte ---------------— _- 520 506 373 319 160 132 6! ------ 149 149 182 183 182 98 413 519 383 443 254 314 424 551 Cebu, Cebu-5....... --- —-— _-..._ - 568 525 392 370 204 166. 120 149 ------ 134 175 175 135 113 428 388 252 310 262 323 356 460 San Carlos, Negros ------— 1 __ 563 487 354 362 199 158 119 149 134 —.... 103 104 171 208 523 393 257 314 222 277 345 472 Iloilo, Panay- ----— _ ---_ --— _-_ --- 590 473 340 389 226 157 150 182 175 103 -- 25 230, 284 562 379 243 295 173 194 242 * 369 Pulupandan, Negros --- —--—. --- —-- 591 474 353 390 227 158 151 183 175 104 25 ------ 155 279 557 374 238 294 186 207 255 371 Cagayan, Mindanao~ --- —-~ ----_ — 685 637 504 484 322 273 226 182 135 171 230 155 --- 104 419 382 246 303 340 358 365 465 Surigao, Mindanao ---------—...... 615 692 459 414 255 227 159 98 113 208 284 279 104...~- 318 447 311 368 330 390 423 522 Davao, Mindanao --------— _ ---- - 900 907 774 721 563 542 474 413 428 523 562 557 419 318 --- —- 272 319 373 645 655 584 627 Cotabato, Mindanao -------... 951 776 648 750 588 530 508 519 388 393 379 374 382 447 272 -- 136 212 474 472 401 444 Zamboanga, Mindanao ---— ~-... ---- 815 640 512 614 452 394 372 383 252 257 243 238 246 311 319 136 85 338 336 265 308 Jolo, Jolo --- —------------ -_ 840 665 540 676 513 452 430 443 310 314 295 294 303 368 373 212 85 ------ 378 365 269 264 Mangarin, Mindoro --- —------- 475 304 172 431 268 156 221 254 262 222 173 186 340 330 645 474 338 378 69 223 363 Culion, Culion —. --- —-5. --- —-.... 500 325 202 495 332 220 280 314 323 277 194 207 358 390 655 472 336 365 69 -- 191 320 Puerto Princesa, Palawan~ --- —-- 660 485 363 625 462 350 392 424 356 345 242 255 365 423 584 401 265 269 223 191 152 Balabac, Balabac --------- - 755 580 477 758 595 492 519 551 460 472 369 371 465 522 627 444 308 264 363 320 152 ------ Note.-A more complete tabulation of distances in the Philippine Islands will be found in the Rate Regulation Orders issued by the Public Service Commission, Manila, P. I. DESCRIPTIONS AND SAILING DIRECTIONS PALAWAN AND ADJACENT ISLANDS With the exception of several islands in the Cuyo group, Palawan and the adjacent islands are very sparsely populated and are practically undeveloped. Timber has been cut and exported from Palawan and some of the islands, and this is the major industry of the country. Cattle, copra, and almaciga are shipped out in small quantities. The production of copra is in its infancy but promises to increase rapidly. Weather.-The southwest monsoon blows from July to October, the northeast from January to April. During the change of monsoon-that is, during November and December and again during May and June-the best weather of the year may be expected. Squalls and rain lasting from 5 to 10 days occur during the southwest monsoon. These seem to be caused by typhoons passing to northward. Fair weather occasionally lasting a month or more may be experienced between these periods of bad weather. The northeast monsoon blows more steadily but with less force than the southwest monsoon. ISLANDS NORTHEAST OF PALAWAN The Calamianes are a group of islands, including Busuanga, Coron, Culion, and a great number of smaller islands, situated southwestward from Mindoro, from which they are separated by Mindoro Strait. All the larger islands are, generally speaking, irregular in shape, hilly, and broken. The tops of the higher hills are covered with cogon, the lower slopes and valleys being wooded. The forests produce good lumber for building or cabinet work. Cultivation is not practiced to any great extent, timber and some cattle being the principal products exported. Busuanga Island, the largest of the group, is about 34 miles long east and west and 18 miles wide at the widest part. It is very irregular in form with several large bays. Mount Tundalara, in the southern part, rising to a height of 2,140 feet (652 m.), is the highest point of the island. This peak is frequently covered by clouds, but when visible forms a very good landmark. From Macachin Point, the north point of the island, the coast trends in a general southeasterly direction for 23 miles and then northerly for 5 miles to Coconongon Point. Inagtapan Point, 2 miles eastward of Macachin Point, is the end of a ridge separating two low valleys extending across the island to the west coast. Two miles southward of this point lies Calauit Bay with the barrio of the same name on its northern shore. The Ditipac River empties into the head of the bay and also into Ilultuk Bay on the west coast, this making the northwest end of Busuanga an island locally known as 12 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT ARCHIPELAGO 13 Calauit Island. Launches drawing not more than 3 feet (0.9 m.) use the river as a cut-off, being careful to arrive at the eastern end when there is more than half tide on the flats at Calauit. Minuit (chart 4335) is the headquarters of a large hacienda. A large concrete house, close to the shore, makes a good landmark for approaching the anchorage off Minuit. A partially protected anchorage may be found in the bay formed by the Busuanga shore and the small islands 1/2 miles eastward of Minuit. Port Caltom affords good protected anchorage. A long narrow coral reef extends from its head almost halfway to the entrance, with deep water on either side. Pangauaran River entrance (chart 4335) is the best anchorage in this vicinity. Any small steamer can lie here securely and comfortably. A small stone pantalan with 5 feet (1.5 m.) of water at its end makes the shore easily accessible. To enter, from a point 3/4 mile east of Malpagalen Island steer 180~ (S. 1/ E. mag.) until the rocky point on the north side of Port Caltom is abeam, then steer 246~ (SW. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) for the entrance to the river. When the west entrance point is abeam change to 217~ (SW. 3/4 S. mag.) and proceed to an anchorage in 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.), mud bottom. In entering, favor the west side of the entrance to avoid the coral reef that extends 100 yards off the east point. There is another good anchorage off the southeast end of Cabilauan Island, but it is difficult to approach unless weather and light conditions are favorable. Dicapadiac, Dimalanta, Lauit, Liatui, and Hadyibulac Islands are small islands lying between Cabilauan and the Busuanga shore. A number of reefs and shoals exist in this area. Their position and character can be best understood by reference to the chart. ISLANDS NORTHWARD OF BUSUANGA Dimipac Island, 439 feet (134 m.) high, lies about 2 miles northward of Macachin Point. It is covered with trees and vegetation and is almost surrounded by a coral reef about 100 yards wide. Sail Rocks, a group of bare rocks 109 feet (33 m.) high, lie 1 mile northward of Dimipac Island and Northwest Rock, 127 feet (39 m.) high, is 2 miles farther northwestward. This is a large flat-topped rock, about 200 yards in diameter, bare of vegetation and of dark appearance. Tanobon Island, lying 2 miles northeast of Inagtapan Point, is surrounded by a coral reef. Rocks extend off the northeast end for a distance of about 1 mile, and about 1 mile northwest by west of the island are two rocks about 4 feet (1.2 m.) above high water. The bottom in this vicinity is generally irregular, but the dangerous shoals are close inshore. Colocoto Rocks, lying about 11 miles northeast of Macachin Point, are four large black rocks which appear as one when seen bearing 125~ (SE. by E. mag.) or opposite direction. The largest rock is 214 feet (65 m.) high. They have precipitous sides, are underscored from 3 to 15 feet (0.9 to 4.6 m.) by the action of the sea, and the only vegetation is a small vine, invisible at a short distance away, so that they appear to be a slate-colored pile of barren rocks. 95672~30 —2 14 IUNITED STATES COAST PILOT Dumunpalit Island, 297 feet (90 nl.) high, is situated about 7 miles southeastwalrd from Colocoto Rocks. It is small and rocky, with several detached rocks lying on the same reef. Outside the reef the water deepens rapidly to 20 fathoms (36 m.) or more. Diboyoyan and Dimaquiat are two small islands lying, respectively, 5 miles northleastward and 4 miles eastward of Minuit. The first is surroun(led by a coral reef. Outside the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve the depths increase rapidly. The latter is connected with Malpagalen Island, 1 mile southeastward, by a coral and sand bar of varying depth with 33:1 fathomls (6.8 in.) near the Dimaquiat end of the bar. A 4-fathom (7.3 m.) shoal lies 11/s miles northwest by west from I)imlaquiat Island, with two separate shoals between it and the island. Eight separate shoals, varying in depth from 11/2 to (6 fathoms (2.7 to 11 im.), lie between Dimaquiat Island and the Busuanga shore. These shoals all rise abruptly from a very regular mud bottom. Nanga Islands, 7 miles north-northeastward of Coconongon Point, are two small wooded islands 248 and 173 feet (76 and 53 m.) high. They are joined by a reef, with several small rocky islets on the same reef. There is another rocky islet, 95 feet (29 m.) high and steep-to on all sides, about 1 mile northeast of the northern Nanga Island. Camanga Island, 213 feet (65 m.) high, with several small rocky islets of varying height, lies 2 miles southward of the Nanga Islands. The 90-foot (27.4 in.) islet, ~/ mile westward of Camanga Island, is bold and makes a conspicuous landmark. Neither the Nanga or the Camanga Islands are inhabited. Tara Island, the largest of the islands northeast of Busuanga, is about 3 miles long and over 12 mile wide. The highest point, 477 feet (145 mn.) is in the southern part of the island. The hills of a light brown color, with a distinct greenish tint during the rainy season, are bare of trees and from a distance appear as separate islands. The lower slopes and valleys are covered with bamboo and jungle, with a few small cultivated areas. The western shore is mostly sand beach with a wide coral reef and outlying rocks and islets. The eastern shore is nearly all rocky with steep bluffs. A good anchorage in 17 fathoms (31 m.) mlay be found off the barrio on the western shore. A small stone pier has been built in a break of the reef, which makes an excellent landing for small boats. Lagat, Bantac, and Calanhayaun Islands are ridges rather than detached summits. They are dark in color and covered with a good growth of timber. Lagat, 261 feet (80 m.) high, is very steep and has nearly bare eroded cliffs on both sides, which show red or yellow throu thro the sparse vegetation. There is a coral reef extending south from the island and a detached reef with 114 fathoms (2.3 m.) spot off the north end. Bantac Island, 396 feet (121 m.) high, and Calanhayaun Island, 248 feet (75 in.) high at its southern end, are connected by a coral reef. There are a number of rocky islets on detached reefs westward of these islands that show up well to the northward and southward. Lubutglubut, 366 feet (112 ni.) high, and the brown rocks to the southward are practically bare, taking their dark color from the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 15 weathered rock. They are easily recognized and form excellent landmarks. East coast of Busuanga.-Approaching Busuanga from the northeast, east, or southeast, Mount Minangas, 1,838 feet (560 m.) high, is the first to appear. It is the most northerly and highest of three cogon-covered peaks fairly close together on an irregular sawtoothed range of mountains lying along the east coast of the island. Mount Coconongon is a cone-shaped hill situated on the peninsula at the extreme northeast end of the island, is covered with trees and bushes, and stands out prominently from the mainland. Minangas Bay (chart 4335), 6 miles southeastward of Coconongon Point, is the best protected anchorage on the east coast of Busuanga. From a distance the entrance can be distinguished by several long reddish-brown scars, where small landslides have occurred on the east end of Napuscud Island. Vessels should not attempt to enter by the north passage, as there are a number of coral heads in the fairway not easily seen from the bridge of a vessel. When entering Minangas Bay by the south passage favor the southeast shore of Napuscud Island, keeping within about 250 yards of the shore, rounding the south end of the island to a well-sheltered anchorage midway between Napuscud and Busuanga Islands in about 15 fathoms (27.4 m.), mud bottom. A /-fathom (0.5 m.) shoal lies /4 mile southward of the south end of Napuscud Island and a 1/4-fathom (2.3 m.) spot 14 mile southeastward of the island. Both shoals are easily distinguished in a favorable light and avoided by favoring the island shore as recommended. The southern part of Minangas Bay is exposed to the northeast, and coral reefs extend a considerable distance offshore. Napuscud and Depagal Islands are connected by a reef and the channel between the latter and Busuanga is foul. From Minangas Bay the coast trends southeast for 7 miles to Alonon Point. This coast is characterized by a succession of high cliff points with low mangrove bights with coral reefs. Several islands and rocks lie on the reef close inshore. Port Borac, lying southwestward of Alonon Point, is easy to enter and is a very good anchorage for launches, but too small for large vessels. A stream empties into the bay. The bottom of the basin is mud, with no fringing reef; however, coral and sand is found along the shore at the entrance. Dinaran Island, lying 1 mile southeast of Alonon Point, is about 1 mile long and 1/4 mile wide, rises to a height of 248 feet (75 m.), and all but the summit is covered with trees and bushes. The western shore is steep-to, but a coral reef extends 1/ mile northeastward. There is a fair passage between Dinaran Island and Busuanga. A ridge with a 2-fathom (3.7 m.) shoal, about 2 miles north of Dinaran Island and 1 mile east by north of Salung Island, marks the eastern side of this passage, while a 13/4-fathom (3.2 m) shoal, 1/. mile east of Alonon Point, divides it into two deep channels. Mataya Reef, lying southeast of Dinaran Island, is an extensive reef of coral and sand with its eastern edge marked by Mataya Island, 43 feet (13.1 m.) high. There is a channel between the reef and Dinaran Island, but nothing would be gained by using it. Shoal 16 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT water extends about 11/ miles southward of Mataya Island, and vessels should keep about 2 miles off the island in passing. The channel westward of Dinaran Island and Mataya Reef is contracted by reefs and shoals that extend about 1/2 mile off the Busuanga shore southward of Port Borac. Bocao Point, 116 feet (35 m.) high, is the southeastern point of Busuanga Island. A coral reef with two rocky islets, 45 and 50 feet (13.7 and 15.2 m.) high, lying near the outer edge, extends -3O mile to the southeastward. Dibatuc Island, 435 feet (132 m.) high, lies close to the eastern entrance to Coron Passage and forms an important landmark. The island is covered with bushes and small trees, has little soil, and is uninhabited. Delian Island, 790 feet (241 m.) high, lies about 3 miles northeast of Calis Point, Coron Island. The eastern shore is rocky and cut up, with shoal water extending 1/4 mile offshore; the western shore is more regular and steep-to. A shoal, with 33/4 fathoms (6.8 m.) least water, lies 11/ miles east by north of the north end of the island. Coron Island, as its name indicates, is high and rocky. From a distance the high pinnacle peaks appear as separate islands that merge into one island as they are approached. The highest peak, 2,010 feet (612 m.), is in the west-central part of the island. Calis Point, the southern point of Coron, is a vertical face of rock 400 feet (122 m.) high and undercut to a depth of 20 feet. There are no protected anchorages along the shore of Coron. The basin just northward of Calis Point has no channel over the bar. The channel to the bay, 2 miles northward, is very narrow, with a reef in the middle of the entrance. The other two bays on the east coast are both filled with coral. A shoal with a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 6 miles eastward of Coron. Between this shoal and Coron there are two banks or ridges with shoals of 1 and 2 fathoms (1.8 and 3.6 m.), the inner extending 51, miles northeastward from the coast of Coron to within 3/ mile of Dibatuc Island. The west coast of Coron has a narrow fringing coral reef. Coron Reef, awash at low water, lies 2 miles southwesterly of the highest peak of Coron. The reef extends about 3% mile parallel with the coast of Coron, the part awash being near the northern end. There are several shoals northward of Coron Reef, whose position may be best understood by reference to the chart. The northwestern coast of Coron from Balolo Point to Limaa Point is steep and much broken up, but there are no dangers more than 1/4 mile offshore. A coral reef extends about 250 yards off Balolo Point, but Limaa Point is clear and may be passed close-to. Coron Passage (chart 4351), 1/ mile wide at its narrowest point, between Limaa Point, Coron, and Roja Point, Busuanga, has a dangerous 2-fathom (3.6 m.) shoal 4/5 mile 94~ (E. 1/4 S. mag.) from Limaa Point. The Busuanga shore should be avoided, as it has a broad fringing reef with shoals outside the part that bares. The Maquinit Islands lie on the shore reef eastward of Coron, and East Maquinit Island, 176 feet (54 m.) high, divides the passage into two channels. It is steep and may be passed close-to on either side. A reef awash 35 mile southwestward of Coron Point marks the southern side of the entrance to Coron Harbor. A narrow coral reef PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 17 marked by a red buoy extends 700 yards off the southeast shore of Uson Island, and midway between the end of this reef and the reef awash is a coral shoal with a least depth of 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.). Directions, Coron Passage.-This passage is used by vessels trading between Manila, Coron, and Culion. Pass about 2 /miles eastward and southward of Mataya Island and steer to pass close-to either northward or southward of Dibatuc Island and steer west until the tangent to Limaa Point bears 298~ (NW. by W. % W. mag.), change course to 302~ (NW. by W. 14 W. mag.) and keep close to the Coron coast. Round Limaa Point at a distance of 150 yards and pass northwest of East Maquinit Island at about the same distance. If bound for Culion, bring East Maquinit astern on a course 242~ (SW. by W. 3/ W. mag.). This course will take the vessel about 200 yards off the end of the reef marked by a red buoy and the same distance off the edge of the reef fringing Balolo Point. When the southwest tangent to Tangat Island bears 330~ (NNW. 3/4 W. mag.) change course to 260~ (W. by S. mag.). If bound for Coron, when Coron Point bears 0~ (N. 1/8 W. mag.) steer 314~ (NW. 1/8 W. mag.) to an anchorage in 10 to 12 fathoms (18 to 22 m.), mud bottom. Better protected anchorage may be found westward of the town of Coron about midway between Canitauan Island and Uson Island in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.), mud bottom. The channel leading to the anchorage is unmarked. The shoals are easily visible but strangers should not attempt to enter without previously marking them. Coron, the seat of the municipal government, is the principal town on the island of Busuanga. It has a population of about 1,000, and most of the business of the island passes through its harbor. A stone pier extends from the main street out to about low water, but, owing to the little water on the wide reef in front of the town, can be used only by small boats at or near high water. A pier with 33/4 fathoms (6.8 m.) of water at the outer end has been built about 1/2 mile southeast of the town. In going alongside the pier care must be taken to avoid a 2-fathom (3.6 m.) spot southward and a 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) spot westward of the end of the pier. This pier is seldom used. A good road leads from the pier to the town. Uson Island, situated close to the southern shore of Busuanga, is undulating and of the same general appearance as Busuanga, the higher hills being cogon covered. The highest hill, 670 feet (204 m.), is in the southwestern part of the island. Vega, Pedrasa, East, Cabilauan, and Marinon are all small islands lying on the fringing shore reef. Cagbatan, 80 feet (24.4 m.) high, and Dimanglet, 290 feet (88 m.) high, lie southward of Uson and form good landmarks for navigation. Port Uson, lying between Uson Island and Busuanga, affords several good typhoon anchorages. The best anchorage is in 8 to 9 fathoms (14.6 to 16.4 m.), mud, between Uson and Baquit Islands. The eastern entrance, from Coron Harbor, is clear and wide, with a least depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) in the channel between the two islands. The best approach to this anchorage from the west is through the narrow channel between Pinas and Uson Islands. Another good anchorage is northward of Pinas Island in the approach to Malbato Bayi the head of the bay, however, is shallow with 18 1INITED STATES COAST PILOT a rock awash about 300 yards southeastward of Dianglit Islet. A perfectly protected anchorage may be had in Dipulao Cove, northward of Baquit Island, in 2 to 4 fathoms (3.6 to 7.3 m.), mud bottom. In entering, vessels should favor the Baquit Island shore, as shoal water extends some distance off the Busuanga shore. The western entrance to Port Uson, between Uson Island and Mayanpavan Island, is clear and deep. A reef that bares at low water, lying:%, -mile south of the southwest point of Uson Island. and a 1/-fathom (2.3 Im.) shoal, lying 34 mile east-northeastward of the south end of Batunan Island, divide the approach to the entrance into their channels, the distance between the reef and the shoal being about 850 yards. Port Luyucan, lying northeast of Apo Island, affords anchorage for small vessels only, as the available anchorage space is contracted by a l/-fathom (2.3 m.) shoal near the center of the port. The channel through the mangroves northward of Apo Island is sometimes used by bancas at high water. Tangat Island, 1,510 feet (460 m.) high, is steep-to outside a narrow fringing reef. The channel eastward of the island is deep, but the reefs southward and westward of Calbi Island narrow it to less than 100 yards in navigable width close to the Tangat Island shore. The bay formed by Lusong, Busuanga, and Tangat Islands is clear and deep, with the exception of a rock awash, lying 3/ mile southwestward of the north end of Tangat Island. Coral reefs extend about 975 yards southward of Ditalantang Point, and the head of the bay eastward is shoal. Cattle are brought down the river from Bintuan usually in flat-bottom boats and at high water. West coast of Busuanga.-Beginning 21/2 miles westward of Lusongc Island, the coast trends north-northwest for 13 miles and then 4 miles south-southwest to Detobet Point. The large body of water formed by this bend in the coast line is known as Gutob Bay. A number of large fertile valleys are found on this part of Busuanga. Rice and corn are raised for local use. Lumber is the principal export, while some cattle and copra are shipped to Manila by way of Coron. Concepcion, Salvacion, and Busuanga are the principal towns. The latter is the terminal of the telephone line from Coron and has a small stone pier on the bank of the Busuanga River, about 750 yards from its mouth, where small boats can land. There is a bar at the mouth of the river, over which small boats have difficulty in crossing at low water. A coral reef that bares lies 1 mile southwestward of Salvacion Island, and there are several dangerous shoals from 1 to 1/2! miles west of the mouth of the Busuanga River. Northward of these shoals the eastern part of the bay is shoal and foul. The best protected anchorage is between Bacbac and Capare Islands and the Busuanga shore northward of Detobet Point in 7 to 11 fathoms (12.8 to 20.1 m.). No seas get into this area and the hills give good protection from all winds. Manolaba Island is connected with Capare by a reef. There is a rock awash 1/ mile southward of Manolebeng Island, a rock awash 1/ mile eastward, and another rock that bares 1/2 mile northward; midway between the latter two is a 1/-fathom (0.5 m.) shoal. Talampetan Island and a 200-foot (61 m.) hill lie near the southern edge PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 19 of the coral reef fringing Capare Island. A 1-fathom (1.8 m.) shoal lies 1 mile east by south and a 41/4-fathom (7.9 m.) shoal 1/2 mile southeast of Talampetan Island. Talampolan Island, lying 3/4 mile westward of the south end of Capare Island, has a broad fringing reef. The channel between the two islands has several shoals. The best entrance to Gutob anchorage is between Talampolan Island and Detobet Point, keeping well northward of the reef that extends about 1/ mile northwestward of the island. Malajon Island, about 2 miles westward of Detobet Point, is an almost barren rock rising abruptly on all sides and reaches a height of 779 feet (238 m.) It may be passed close-to on all sides. From Detobet Point the coast trends north by east for 11 miles to the northwest point of Busuanga. The town of Buluang lies in a bend of the coast 5 miles northward from Detobet Point. A break in the reef before the town furnishes anchorage for launches or small vessels, but there is no protection from westward. Ilultuk Bay, 2 miles northward, affords good anchorage in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) of water about 114 miles from the entrance behind a point on the south shore. A small island, 121 feet (37 m.) high, lies near the south entrance point. Elet Island, 228 feet (69 m.) high, and Kalampisauan Island, 380 feet (116 m.) high, lie off the coast southwestward. A pinnacle rock, 43 feet (13.1 m.) high, lies 114 miles northwest of Elinibinid Point and about due west of the northwest point of Busuanga. Halfway between the rock and the main shore is a small 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal. A large bank having 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.) of water extends 1%2 to 21/2 miles southwest of the pinnacle rock. There are several banks and shoals westward and northwestward of Busuanga whose position can be best understood by reference to the chart. Culion Island lies southwest of Busuanga, from which it is separated by a strait from 3 to 4 miles wide with a number of islands which contract the navigable channel to about 1/2mile at its narrowest part. The island of Culion has been reserved as a leper colony, and it is unlawful for any vessel to go alongside the wharf or for any person to land without the permission of the chief of Culion leper colony, Bureau of Health. Culion is about 20 miles long in a northnorthwest and opposite direction, and its greatest breadth is about 10 miles. It is irregular on its northern and eastern sides with a number of islands lying just off the coast, but the western side is nearly straight. Maus Mountain, with two peaks close together, in the southern part, rises to a height of 1,380 feet (420 m.) and Mount Oltaloro, the highest peak on Culion, 2/2miles southeastward of Maus Mountain, rises to a height of 1,560 feet (475 m.). Close to the southern part of Culion is Dicabaito Island, which marks the northern side of Linapacan Strait. Galoc Island (chart 4350), lying close to the north shore of Culion, is about 4 miles long and 3/4 mile wide, rising to a height of 662 feet (202 m.) in the southwestern part. The shore is rocky and fringed by a coral reef. The channel between Galoc Island and Culion is narrow and can not be recommended, as there is a sharp 20 TTNITED STATES COAST PILOT turn in the narrowest part with a shoal close to the turning point and there are several reefs in mid-channel opposite the large reefchoked bay opening off this channel. The bay is only used in getting out firewood from the mangrove along the shore. Napula Island is a small island lying eastward of Galoc. The channel between Napula and Culion is almost closed by reefs. Popototan Island is separated from Galoc southward by a wide, deep channel, in which vessels can find protected anchorage. This island is highest in the western part, rising to a height of 345 feet (105) m.). The western shore is rocky; two small islands and a rocky ledge lie off the southwest point; the rest of the shore line is mostly sand beach and mangrove over a fringing coral reef. The few people living on the island are engaged in fishing. West Nalaut Island, the most western of the Calamianes Islands, is 235 feet (71 m.) high, about 1/5 square mile in area, and serves as a guide in entering Coron West Passage from the China Sea. The east third of the island is a low wooded sand spit. The shore line on the west side and up to the sand spit at both ends is very rocky. A fringing reef surrounds the entire island. The island is not inhabited. East Nalaut Island with its two peaks, 114 and 112 feet (35 and 34 m.) high, is also a good landmark for vessels coming from the northward and westward. There is no reef on the west side, and the shore line is being rapidly undermined. Pamalican Islands lie 4 miles west by north of Kaniki Point, Busuanga. The main island of the group is a low sand island about 425 yards long, covered with trees reaching an elevation of about 70 feet (21.3 m.). North Cay and South Cay are two small sand islets covered with trees. Maltatayoc Island is long and narrow, the western part rising to a height of 220 feet (67 m.). Horse Island, wooded and partly cultivated, rises to an elevation of 245 feet (75 m.). The island to the north on the same reef is 215 feet (65 m.) high and there is a small island 63 feet (19.2 m.) high just eastward of the main island. Malcatop Island, partly cleared of timber and cultivated, rises to a height of 288 feet (88 m.) and is separated from East Malcatop by a narrow deep channel. The latter rises to a hleight of 128 feet (39 m.) near the south end and is partly cultivated by natives who come from Busuanga during the rainy season. The two Malbinchilao Islands and a 112-foot (34 m.) island lie on the same reef and are sparsely wooded. There are three houses on the sand beach at the northeast end of the middle island; the others are not inhabited. Mangenguey Island, 171 feet (52 m.) high, is rocky on the west side and has a prominent boulder, 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, a few yards offshore. Rat Island, 156 feet (48 m.) high, is separated from Malbinchilao to the westward by a narrow channel with 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) of water. Pass Island, lying 2 miles southeastward, rises to a height of 110 feet (34 m.) and is rocky on the west and southwest. The east end is a sand spit not fringed by coral, and in case of necessity a vessel might be beached there. The channel to the eastward between Pass Island and Lajo Island is 1/2 mile wide with a /4-fathom (0.4 m.) shoal midway in the southern part. Halfway between Pass Island and the southern end of Malbinchilao PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 21 Island is a coral reef with several rocks awash at the western end and a sand bar awash at low water to the eastward of the rocks. There are a number of channels among these islands, but some of them are complicated by shoals and should not be attempted without a careful study of the chart. The best channels leading from the westward to the main entrance between Calumbuyan and Lajo Islands are as follows: Southward of Popototan Island, this channel is clear and deep and needs no special directions. Northward of Popototan Island, head for Pass Island bearing 103~ (ESE. 7/8 E. mag.), when the east tangent of Rat Island bears 0~ (N. %/ W. mag.) change course to 81~ (E. 7/8 N. mag.) heading for a prominent tree on the 646-foot (197 m.) hill on the coast of Busuanga. A third channel lies between Mallatayoc and Horse Islands to the northward, and the Malbinchilao Islands southward, passing either westward and southward of the two Malcatop Islands, or northward and eastward of them. Two shoals with depths of 3 and 43/4 fathoms (5.5 and 8.7 m.) lie 1/2 mile southward of the east end of Maltatayoc Island, and a reef and shoal extend 700 yards southwestward of East Malcatop Island. This latter reef can be easily avoided by heading for Pass Island bearing 145~ (SE. 3/4 S. mag.) until the south tangent of Calumbuyan Island bears 90~ (E. /s N. mag.) when the course may be changed to 100~ (E. 3/ S. mag.). Tantangon, Dicoyan, Calumbuyan, Lajo, and Lamud Islands lie across the western entrance to the strait between Busuanga and Culion. As before stated, the best channel is between Calumbuyan and Lajo. This channel is over 1/ mile wide, deep and clear. There is a narrow deep channel between Calumbuyan and Dicoyan. The channel between Dicoyan and Tantangon is almost 1/2 mile wide, with 9 fathoms (16.6 m.) in the middle, but there are two dangerous reefs in the western approach. The channel northward of Tantangon Island is narrow and tortuous. There is a narrow deep channel between Lamud and Culion, but no channel between Lamud and Lajo Islands, the reef between them baring at low water. Tantangon is low. Dicoyan has several hills rising to a height of 200 feet (61 m.) and more. Calumbuyan is steep and rises to a height of 225 feet (69 m.). Lajo and Lamud are 660 feet (201 m.) and 570 feet (173 m.), respectively. All of them are wooded and have fringing coral reef with some mangrove along the shore. Darab, 150 feet (46 m.) high, is a small island lying on the reef eastward of Lajo Island, and Dibu, 120 feet (36 m.) high, is a small island lying off the reef joining Lajo-and Lamud Islands. Manglet Island, lying southward of the main channel in the western entrance to Coron Bay, is steep-to on all sides. The island has several summits, the eastern and highest being 298 feet (91 m.) high. The northern shore is rock but the southern is mangrove. Southward of the island is the entrance of a large irregular bay formed by Lamud and Marily Islands and the coast of Culion. Laput and Pachiri Islands lie close to the Culion shore. Alad, Bakbak, Magpa, Kalo, Nici, and Mona Islands with several shoals lie in this bay. Tampit, Ennanda, Demang, Lakit, and Naglayan Islands lie on the shore reef fringing the southern shore of Marily Island. Tending Island, 220 feet (67 m.) high, lies in the channels between Naglayan, Chindonan, and Culion Islands. A reef 22 I UNITEID:S'TATES COAST PILOT extends off the northwestern end for about 300 yards. Chindonan Island, 615 feet (187 m.) high, is the easternmost of the islands lying along the southern side of this entrance to Coron Bay. Cacayaren Island lies on the northern shore reef and Burgur and Inlulucut Islands lie on the southern shore reef. A reef, steep-to on all sides, marked by a black and white beacon, lies 1 mile 1500 (SSE. 34 E. mag.) from Inlulucut Island. Port Culion is a narrow inlet that affords good anchorage for small vessels but not much swinging room. The eastern side is formed by Sebik Island, and the Culion leper settlement lies on the western shore. The entrance is marked by two beacons, and a mole that goes dry at low water is located on the reef off the settlement. Vessels generally go to the pier about 14 mile westward from the fort. Permission should be obtained from the chief of the Culion leper colony before landing. A fixed red light visible from a distance of 7 miles is shown from the fort. The Culion Leper Colony is located northwestward of the entrance to Port Culion. It consists of quarters, hospitals, and other buildings necessary for the care of the patients. Lepers are also quartered at Baldat and Tubuk. The main entrance to the colony is from the northwest on the road from Culion Landing through a guarded gate. Culion Landing is about 1/4 mile northeast of the fort. A small dock marked by a fixed white light has been built with the outer end flush with the edge of the coral reef. The warehouses, post office, administrative building, and quarters of the officials are located near the landing. To go to the dock, approach from the northeast and place port side to the dock. Small vessels drawing not over 10 feet (3 in.) can lay alongside parallel to the offshore face of the dock. Larger vessels should approach with caution and hold the stern away from the reef with kedges. About 20 yards northwest of the dock there is only 9 feet (2.7 m.) of water and 10 yards southeast of the dock only 10 feet (3 m.). Fresh water may be obtained from a pipe on the dock. There is an ice plant at Culion and a few supplies may be obtained. On the side of the 582-foot (177 m.) hill a large insignia of the Philippine health service, constructed of stones painted white, shows prominently from Coron Bay when approaching Culion. Coron Bay is the large body of water lying between Coron. Busuanga, and Culion. There are a number of reefs, shoals, and banks in the bay whose position may be readily understood by reference to the chart. The entrance by way of Coron Passage has already been described. (See p. 16.) In approaching from southward and eastward the best entrance is just southward of Calis Point, Coron, where the channel is about 21/2 miles wide, deep and clear. Guintungauan Island, the easternmost of the islands eastward of Culion, lies on the southern side of the channel. Shoal water extends about 34 mile eastward and northward of it. The island rises to a height of 240 feet (73 m.) is fringed by a coral reef, which extends about 1/. mile westward of the island. Bulalacao Island, 4 miles long by 21/2 miles wide, rises to a height of 710 feet (216 m.), and is thickly wooded. Bayuan Bay, on the PALAWAN, MINDANiAO, AND STULU ARCHIPELAGO 23 north side of the island, offers fair shelter for vessels during either monsoon. The shore of the island is very irregular, rocky points extending out from 1/4 to /2mile, the bights thus formed being fringed with coral. Several small islands lie on the shore reef. Malaroroy, Cauayan, and Dicalubuan Islands, at the western end are the most important, making excellent marks for passing through Tampel Pass. A shoal with a rock awash on its southern part lies 1-o miles northward of Mandalala Point. Tampel Pass, between Bulalacao Island and Malcapuya and Tampel Island, is sometimes used by vessels coming from northern Palawan ports. It is about 3/4 mile wide, deep and clear. A reef bare at low water, lies 11/4 miles northeast of Tampel Island, and Animosa Reef lies 13/4 miles north of the north end of the island. Between these two reefs there are a number of dangerous shoals. Malcapuya, Tampel, Sina, and Tabmon Islands are all connected by reefs; Tambon Island is about 31~ miles long by 11/2 miles wide and is heavily wooded. Bayaca is a small islet on a detached reef, about 3/4 mile northward of Tubigan Point. Piedra Blanca, 10 feet (3 m.) high, is a conspicuous white rock on a reef lying 3/4 mile northwestward of Bayaca Islet and 11/4 miles westward of Animosa Reef. Dunaun Island, 455 feet (139 m.) high, is a conspicuous landmark. The island is wooded and is connected with Culion by a reef that bares at low water. The channel between Dunaun and Culion and Tambon Islands is deep but narrow, being only about 200 yards wide at its narrowest point with a least depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.). It is of little use, as there are no ports in this part of Culion. The east coast of Culion is irregular, steep, and wooded, with a number of islands and shoals off it. The principal islands are Dibanca Islands, Cheron, Guinlep, Calipipit, and Dipalian. Ditaytayan Island, 318 feet (97 m.) high, lies about 2 miles southwest of Bulalacao Island with the Tres Marias Rocks 1 mile eastward. Vessels going through Tampel Pass should pass about 1/2 mile westward of Ditaytayan Island. Mininlay, Calumbagan, and Canipo Islands lie on the western side of an extensive area of shoals extending 7 miles southward of Bulalacao Island. Malaposo Island, 294 feet (89 m.) high, lies on the eastern edge of this area and affords a good mark for avoiding these dangers. A shoal with a least known depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) lies 21/4 miles south-southeastward of Guintungauan Island. This is the easternmost danger of the shoals southward and eastward of Bulalacao Island. Beta Shoal, with a least known depth of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lies about 5 miles eastward in latitude 11~ 42' 58" N., longitude 120~ 19' 48" E. Tres Reyes are four rocky islets lying 41/2 miles south by west from Canipo Island. They are steep-to with round summits, the highest being 81 feet (24.7 m.). Shoal water extends off about 1 mile north-northwestward and vessels should give them a berth of 11/2 miles when passing to northward or eastward of them. Dicabaito Island, separated from the south end of Culion by a narrow deep channel, is 750 feet (229 m.) high. The shore line is eroded and rocky. The island lies on the northern side of Linapacan Strait and forms an excellent landmark when approaching that strait from the China Sea. Dicabaito Channel (chart 4342) northward of the 24 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT island, affords protected anchorage in 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5 m.) of water. The west coast of Culion is fairly regular, steep, and rocky, with a fringe of coral in the shallow bights. Saddle Rock, lying about 2 miles northwestward of the entrance to Halsey Harbor, is a small rocky islet, 114 feet (35 m.) high, which, when seen from northward or southward, has the appearance of a saddle. It is fringed with a narrow reef. with rocks awash, which extends about 12 mile off its eastern side. These are the only dangers on the west coast of Culion that do not show above water. Halsey Harbor (chart 4342) makes into the west coast of Culion Island, about 4 miles from its southern extremity, and extends in a northeasterly direction for about 5 miles. Saddle Rock, already described, serves to mark the entrance. The shores of Halsey Harbor are in general steep and the water deep. Anchorage may be taken up anywhere in the middle of the harbor in from 15 to 18 fathoms (27 to 33 m.), mud bottom, with perfect protection from all winds. Small vessels can enter the North Arm, passing through the narrow channel between Gage and Iguana Islands. Water can generally be obtained from a small stream which discharges between the two highest hills on the southeast side of the harbor, about 3 miles above the entrance, but it can not be depended on during the dry season. Halsey Harbor is of no commercial value at the present time, but would afford good refuge to a vessel overtaken by bad weather when in its vicinity. Alava Island, 434 feet (132-m.) high, divides the entrance into two channels-Research Channel, north of the island. and South Channel, eastward. It is surrounded by a narrow reef. which, on the northeast and southern ends, extends about /3 mile from the shore. South Channel, while comparatively straight, is narrow and has coral reefs on both sides which contract the navigable width to about 200 yards. The least depth is 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), and when the light is such as to show the location of reefs (generally by a lightgreen color of the water) it is easy to navigate. To enter by the south channel steer midway between Alava and Culion Islands, carefully avoiding the coral reefs on either side, and continue on, giving the northwest side of Rhodes Island a berth of about 1/4 mile to clear the coral reef making off from it. Research Channel is about 3/4 mile wide at the narrowest part and has at this point a clear channel of nearly 1/ mile, with depths of 21 to 26 fathoms (38 to 48 m.). The reefs on the northern side of the channel do not extend out over /s mile. On the southern side there is a reef extending from the northeasterly point of Alava Island in a northeasterly direction for about 1/3 mile, but there is plenty of room to give it a good berth. To enter by Research Channel bring the highest part of Rhodes Island between the two peaks of Maus Mountain on a 95~ (E. 3/ S. mag.) bearing and steer for them; this course will lead through the middle of the channel. Maus Mountain (or Tetas de Calamianes), situated about 4 miles' eastward of the entrance, consists of two round-topped hills, each 1,380 feet (421 m.) in height. There are no dangers in going up the harbor. In general, keep in mid-channel PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTU ARCHIPELAGO 25 and give all points a fair berth; at the place where the channel divides, about 3 miles from the entrance, give the coral reef off the low, wooded spit on the southeast side a good berth, as it extends westward from this point for over 1/ mile. CABULAUAN ISLANDS are a small group of islands situated eastward of Linapacan Island, comprising Cabulauan, Nanga, Nangalao, Magranting, and Tubug Islands. The latter two are connected with Nangalao. They are all high and rocky. Cabulauan has a conspicuous rounding summit near the east shore which rises to a height of 775 feet (236 m.). Along the south and west shores there are hills of lesser elevation. Nangalao Island rises to a height of 760 feet (232 m.), with lesser summits eastward and southwestward of the highest point. All the islands are sparsely wooded. Two rocky islets, 25 feet (7.6 m.) and 10 feet (3 m.) high, lie about 11/4 miles southward of Cabulauan Island. There is a shoal, with a least known depth of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.), 13/4 miles eastward, and another shoal, with 33% fathoms (6.9 m.), 3 miles southeastward of Catulauan Island. Salimbubuc Island, 100 feet (30 m.) high, Canaron Island, 335 feet (102 m.) high, and Solitario Rock, 25 feet (7.6 m.) high, lie southeast of the Cabulauan Islands, rising out of a general depth of 30 to 40 fathoms (55 to 73 m.) of water. Patterson Reef, with a depth of 11/4 fathoms (2.3 m.), lies about 8 miles westerly of Canaron Island. Shoals.-Framjee Bank, Magallanes Bank, Narvaez Bank, Alpha Shoal, Beta Shoal, Aguirre Reef, Coutts Bank, Falmouth Banks, Areta Shoals, Panay Bank, Loreto Reef, Basco Reef, Alipio Reef, and a number of unnamed shoals and banks lie in the area eastward and southeastward of the Calamian group of islands. Their position and characteristics can readily be understood by reference to the chart. Discolored water generally marks those with less than 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) of water on them, but vessels will do well to avoid anything less than 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), as large coral bowlders lie on some of them and the least depth may not have been found during the survey. CUYO ISLANDS This group of islands is located on the eastern part of the submerged plateau on which the Calamianes and Palawan are situated. The depths are fairly uniform, gradually deepening from 30 fathoms (55 m.) to 100 fathoms (183 m.) eastward of the Cuyo Islands. The latter depth curve has a south-southwesterly trend from the vicinity of Seco Islands to near Sombrero Rock. Northeastward of this plateau there is a deep basin with numerous banks and shoals, but there are large stretches of good water, and the various islands furnish well-defined leading marks. The courses which would be pursued are various, and no directions are given, as they may be readily laid out on the chart, the islands forming excellent marks for avoiding the different shoals. The route to the eastward of the islands is generally used in the northeast monsoon from Basilan Strait to Mindoro Strait, thus taking advantage of the constant northerly 26 JUNITED STATES COAST PILOT current along the Panay Coast. All of the islands except Quiminatin are of volcanic origin. Quiniluban Group, the northernmost of the Cuyo Islands, consists of several islands and rocks on a circular reef about 6 miles in diameter. T'hey are of limestone formation, have no permanent streams, and very little wood, but are covered with tall grass. They are sparsely illhabited and there is some cultivation on the larger islands but they are of no commercial importance. The reef itself is flat and sandy with numerous coral heads, some of which bare at low water. Breakers are in evidence at the windward edge of the reef whenever the monsoons are blowing. Anchorage, partly protected from the sea during the northeast monsoon, may be had on the southwest side close up to the edge of the reef. Quiniluban, the largest of the group, lies near the northeast edge of the reef and rises to a height of 1,010 feet (308 m.) From northerly directions it appears as a sharp cone. From easterly directions it appears as a ridge with a doIne-shaped elevation in the center. It has the reddish-brown color of cogon regions and makes a prominent landmark. Alcisiras Island, 510 feet (155 m.) high, lies southwest of Quiniluban with the small islands Calumpin, Yanuta, and Arorunga between themn. Mandit Island, 183 feet (56 m.) high, lies 3/ mile northeastward of Alcisiras. Maligun, Silad, and Tinitiuan Islands, 515, 335, and 480 feet (157, 102, and 146 m.) high, respectively. Tatay and Namaroc Islets and Cambug Rock lie on the northwestern part of the reef. Halog Islands are two small islands lying on a reef about 3 miles southeast of Quiniluban Island. The northeastern one is 80 feet (24.4 m.) high and the other 1/2 mile southwestward of it 16 feet (4.9 m.) The channel between the Halog and Quiniluban reefs is 2 miles wide and free from danger, though there are several banks with from 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.) of water over them. A reef with a least depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.) lies 7 miles 193~ (S. by W. / V. imag.) from the highest point of Quiniluban Island. The reef is steep-to on the west, but a bank with 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.) of water extends about 11/e miles eastward. Pamalican Island, 7 miles southwestward of Quiniluban Island, is low, covered with a scrub growth and uninhabited. The higher of its two hills is 83 feet (25.3 m.) high. The island is surrounded by a coral reef which extends about 1 mile off the northeast side. Manamoc Island lies about 3 miles southwest of Pamalican. It is 720 feet (219 m.) high, roughly circular in form, about 13/ miles in diameter, and surrounded by a wide coral reef partly bare at low water. A break in the reef permits the shallow draft native boats to enter the lagoon in the southwestern part of the island. This lagoon has about 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water at low tide. The population of the island is estimated at 300 and the products are rice and coprax, but there is no regular communication among any of these islands. Lean, 223 feet (68 m.), Imaruan, 430 feet (131 m.), and Oco, 90 feet (27.4 m.) in height, lie, respectively, 5 miles south, 6 miles southsoutheast, and 10 miles east-southeast from Manamoc Island. These islets are all steep-to on the western sides with banks extending from 1/2 to 1 /', miles northeastward. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 27 Dit Island is an oblong-shaped island about 1/2 miles in extent and rises to a height of 820 feet (250 m.) near the center. Two lesser peaks appear as shoulders on the higher peak when viewed from north or south. The shore line is composed of large stones and bowlders with the exception of one small sand beach on the west side and one on the south. Two small shoals with depths of 23/4 and 3/2 fathoms (5 and 6.4 m.) lie 1/2 mile off the southwest part of the island. This part of the island should be given a berth of at least 1 mile. Gosong Rocks, 15 feet (4.6 m.) high, are a group of rocks on a shoal about 14 mile in diameter lying 2 miles 220~ (SW. /2 S. mag.) from the south point of Dit Island. The channel between the rocks and Dit Island is deep and over 1 mile wide. A shoal with a least depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) lies 53/4 miles 23~ (NNE. mag.) from the highest part of Dit Island. The shoal lies on the southeastern part of a bank 2 miles in extent northwest and southeast and 1/ mile wide with depths of 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.). Maracafiao Island, 431 feet (131 m.) high and about 1/2 mile in diameter lies 8 miles eastward of the south end of Dit Island. The bank on which it lies is steep-to and free from dangers. Chinaman Shoals are two shoals lying 4 miles 10~ (N. 3/4 E. mag.) and 61/4 miles 24~ (NNE. mag.) from Maracafao Island, with a least depth of 31/4 and 4 fathoms (5.9 and 7.3 m.), respectively. In the area between these shoals and Luzon Bank, lying 11 miles eastward of Maracafiao Island, there are a number of banks with from 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5 m.) of water. Luzon Bank itself has a least known depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.). There is a deep channel 16 miles wide between these banks, and the group of dangers comprising Sultan Bank, 33/4 fathoms (6.8 m.), Carman Bank, 21/ fathoms (4.6 m.), and Seco Islet, 9 feet (2.7 m.) above mean sea level. These banks lie on the northeast edge of the submerged plateau on which the Cuyos are situated and the water deepens abruptly northward and eastward of them. Agutaya Island is the second largest of the Cuyo group with an area of about 41/2 square miles. The northeastern part is hilly. The middle and highest of the four peaks, 885 feet (270 m.) high, is covered with cogon, the others being wooded. The western part of the island is 450 feet (137 m.) high in the center and slopes gradually to the beach. There are three barrios, Agutaya, Villafria, and Villasol, on the island, with an estimated population for the entire island of 3,000. Wide coral reefs, bare at low water, extend off the northwest and the southeast sides of the island. Guinlabo, 21/2 miles southward of Agutaya Island, is a small islet 195 feet (59 m.) high, lying near the eastern edge of a shoal about /2 mile in diameter. The islet is steep on all sides except the northwest, where there is a rocky beach. A reef with a least known depth of 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.) lies 33/4 miles 263~ (W. 3/4 S. mag.) from Guinlabo Islet; another reef with a least known depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 8 miles westward of Agutaya Island in latitude 11~ 08' 40" N., longitude 120~ 48' 12" E. Both reefs lie on banks that rise steeply out of depths of 40 to 45 fathoms (73 to 82 m.).. 28 T2UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Matarabis Islet, situated about 11 miles east of the south end of Agutaya Island, is easily recognized by its steep conical hill, 364 feet (111 m.) high, which when viewed from northwest or southeast appears to be in the center of the island. This hill makes the islet the most prominent landmark in the group. The islet lies near the southern edge of a bank that slopes gradually toward the north. There is a bank with a least known depth of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 m.) about 3 miles 285~ (WNW. 3/ W. mag.) from Matarabis Island. Siparay, 260 feet (79 m.) high, is a small islet lying 5 miles southward of Matarabis. Tacbubuc, 300 feet (91 m.) high, lies 3 miles southwestward of it. Both islets are steep-to on the southeast and a berth of 1/ mile clears all known dangers. Tagauayan Islands (chart 4336) are two islands connected by a rocky ledge and between them form the best-protected anchorage in the Cuyo Islands. The larger island has three high ridges, the northern being 556 feet (170 m.) high, the middle 390 feet (119 m.), and the southern 490 feet (149 m.) high. Both islands are steep-to except in Tagauayan Bay. The bay affords good anchorage during the southwest monsoon, though the wind draws with considerable force through between the two islands. Fair shelter from the northeast can be obtained behind the peninsula that forms the northern side of the bay. There is a ridge of shoals about the middle of the bay with a least depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.) near the center of the bay. A wreck, visible at all stages of the tide, lies on the beach at the head of the bay. This wreck, the sharp rock on the ledge between the islands, and several hilltops make good marks for entering the bay. Cocoro Island, lying 4 miles south-southwest of the Tagauayan Islands, is steep-to and generally low with one hill, 293 feet (89 m.) high, in the southern part. The entire island is given over to the cultivation of rice and coconut trees. Cuyo Island has a population of about 16,000. It is about 61/ miles long and 5 miles wide, and consists of two hills joined by a low narrow neck of land. Mount Bombon, the northern hill, is 851 feet (259 m.) high and about 11/2 miles across, with a rounded outline and profile. The slopes of the hill are smooth and fairly steep, reddish brown in color during the dry season, and are covered with short grass and a few small bushes and bamboo. The shores in both of the bights directly south of the mountain are mangrove, while that of the northern end of Cuyo Island is steep and rocky. Mount Aguada, 602 feet (183 m.) high, lies in the center of the southern and larger part of the island. It is a sharp hill with long slopes that are covered with a. mixed vegetation comprising cultivated land, orange, mango, bamboo, nangca, papaya, and arica. The shores are low rocky ledges, or mangroves with coconut along the beaches. There are extensive coral reefs along the western shore and in the bight on the eastern side. Lucbuan Hill is a sharp peak on the eastern side, rising to a height of 360 feet (110 m.), making an excellent landmark when approaching the island from the eastward. Putic Island is 420 feet (128 m.) high and prominent from the northwestward; it rises to a sharp peak and has rough, steep, rocky shores on the seaward sides. It is connected to Cuyo Island by a reef almost dry at low water. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 29 Cuyo (chart 4336) is situated opposite a break in the reef on the west side of Cuyo Island. From the west and southwest three iron roofs of school buildings are seen in the northern part of the town; south of these. are the iron roof of the church and gray stone walls of the fort and iron roof of the tribunal; and farther southward on the short stone mole is the light-colored storehouse from which a red lantern light is shown at night. The Philippine Weather Bureau maintains an observer at Cuyo, and there is a radio station maintained by the Bureau of Posts. Supplies of all kinds are scarce and expensive. Water is obtained from wells, is scarce and indifferent in quality. Good anchorage for small vessels, protected from all winds except those from the southwest, may be found in a break in the reef off the end of the mole. During the southwest monsoon vessels are sometimes obliged to seek shelter close to the northern side of Bisucay Island. During heavy southwest weather vessels will find good protection in the bay on the east side of Cuyo Island, and this place is used for landing in bad weather. There is a black can buoy marking the northern side of the entrance to the anchorage off Cuyo and a red nun buoy marking the southern side; both buoys are moored in 3 fathoms (5:5 m.) of water. A fixed red light visible 7 miles is exhibited from the cupola of an old tower near the end of the stone pier. Directions.-Vessels bound for Cuyo should bring the pagoda on the end of the pier to bear 79~ (ENE. 7/8 E. mag.) and steer for it, passing midway between the point of the reef and anchoring 250 or 300 yards from the end of the pier in 21/ or 3 fathoms (4.6 or 5.5 m.) sandy bottom. This course leads just southward of a 41/2-fathom (8.2 m.) shoal, the southernmost of the Gosong Dangers. The depth at the entrance between the reefs is 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), decreasing gradually toward the pier. Indagamy Island, lying 1 mile westward of Putic Island, is small, steep, and rocky with an uneven rounded sky line reaching a height of 130 feet (40 m.) near the center. Gosong Dangers.-A shoal with a least known depth of 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.) lies 234 miles 305~ (NW. by W. mag.) from Indagamy Island. This is the northernmost of a large number of dangers lying between the west coast of Cuyo, Putic, Bararin, and Bisucay Islands. There are several deep channels through this area, but the best approach to the town of Cuyo is through a deep channel 3/4 mile wide just north of Bisucay Island. Gosong Rock, 10 feet (3 m.) high, lies 114 miles west-southwest of Indagamy Island. Bararin Island, a small triangular-shaped island, 297 feet (90 m.) high, lies 41/4 miles west-northwest from the pier at Cuyo. It is steep-to on the western side, but a reef makes out from the southeastern shore. The island is covered with a scrub tropical growth and is of no commercial importance. Bisucay Island is oblong in shape, 1/ by 1/4 miles, with a double-peaked hill, 320 feet (98 m.) high, near the middle. The hill slopes sharply from its summit to about the 100-foot (30 m.) elevation and then more gradually to the shore. Coconuts fringe the shore and the peak is wooded. There is a deep channel, about 1/4 95672-~30 ---3 30 UNITED) STATES COAST PILOT mile wide, between Bisucay and Cuyo Islands. The northeast point is low and sandy; the southeast point is rocky, with a 90-foot (27.4 m.) hill on it, which forms a good landmark for passing through the line of shoals south and southeast of it. Imalaguan Island lies about 3 miles southward of Cuyo Island. It is about 1/3 mile across, 280 feet (85 m.) high, has three summits, and is covered with grass and bushes. There are several banks with 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.) of water between it and the Cuyo shore. Pandan, 82 feet (25i m.) high, is a small unimportant island lying on a bank about 41/./ miles westward of Bisucay Island. The bank is about 3 miles long in a northwest and opposite direction and 11/2 miles wide with general depths of 5 to 6 fathoms (9.1 to 11 m.). A depth of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) is shown 1A mile north of the island. Canipo Island, 540 feet (165 m.) high, lying 8 miles northwestward of Cuyo Island, presents the appearance of a ridge with regular slopes from all directions. It is covered with grass and underbrush. Some rice and coprax is produced, but the island is of small importance and vessels should keep well outside the 10-fathom (18.3 nm.) curve as there is always danger of coral heads in less water. Paya, Patunga, Pamitinan, and Lubic, 180, 455, 422, and 483 feet (55, 139, 130, and 147 m.) high, respectively, are four small islands lying northwest and westward of Canipo. They are about 21/. miles apart in a northeast and opposite direction. and all are steep-to, 1/2 mile clearing all dangers. Cauayan Island, 240 feet (73 m.) high, lies 71/2 miles northwest of Pamitinan, and Tabac Rock, 8 feet (2.4 m.) high, lies 71/. miles westward. A rock awash lies about 1/1 mile northeast of Tabac Rock. A rocky reef of small area with a least known depth of 24 fathoms (5 m.) lies 41,/ miles 236~ (SW. 7/ W. mag.) from the south point of Lubic Island. Round Islet, the westernmost islet of the Cuyo Group, is of basaltic formation, 100 feet (30 m.) high, steep sided, and has only pandanus growing at the top. Capnoyan is the most important of the islands lying southwest of Cuyo Island. It is roughly circular in shape, wooded, and rises near the southwest side to a short ridge, 468 feet (143 m.) high. Some cultivated areas and nipa houses are scattered over the island, the principal products being rice, corn, and cattle. The two villages on the eastern shore are almost hidden by coconut groves. The northern village is marked by several black rocks on the sand beach near the high water line; the southern village by a boathouse at the beach. A narrow coral reef, with a sand beach at high-water line, surrounds the island with the exception of a short stretch at the southwest side, where there is a steep rocky bluff. The eastern side of the island is steep-to, but shoal water 5 to 6 fathoms (9.1 to 11 m.) extends southward to include Malcatop and Pangatatan Islands. This area has numerous coral bowlders. A 5-/-fathom (10 im.) shoal lies about 1 mile northwest of the island. Malcatop Island, 127 feet (39 m.) high, is covered with scrub trees and grass. It has two distinct summits, the northwestern one being the higher. The shore line is rocky, the northwestern and southern ends rising in steep rocky bluffs. The island is not inhabited but is partly cultivated by the natives from Capnoyan. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 31 Pangatatan Island, 127 feet (39 m.) high, rises abruptly to its peak near the northern shore. There is a small sand beach on the northeast side. The island is covered with scrub trees, bamboo, and underbrush and is not inhabited. Silat Island, 118 feet (36 m.) high, rises in an even slope from the northern shore for about one-third of its length, the southern end of the island being high and flat, with an almost perpendicular bluff at its southern end. The island is covered with trees, grass, and bamboo, and is only inhabited during the planting season, when the natives visit it to plant rice and camotes. Quiminatin Island and Quiminatin Chicos differ in character from the other islands of the group, resembling more the structure of Coron Island. Quiminatin Island, 580 feet (177 m.) high, rises in steep precipices on all sides and is eroded and undercut from 10 to 15 feet at the water line. The northwest corner is separated from the rest of the island by a deep saddle and the western shore of this point is the only landing place for ascending to the summit. Some large pieces of rock have fallen from the cliffs and are almost awash and there is a small sand beach on the northern side. A little scrub growth clings to the rocks, otherwise the island is barren. The water is very deep close-to. Quiminatin Chicos mark the eastern edge of a large shoal extending about 13/4 miles north and south and 1 mile east and west. The islands in structure and appearance are similar to Quiminatin, the larger one being 210 feet (64 m.) high. The shoal has a general depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) with numerous coral bowlders, 4 or 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 m.) in height, about 1/ mile southwest of the islands exists a coral head with only 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) of water over it. The edge of the shoal is abrupt, dropping into 20 fathoms (3.6 m.) of water in a very steep slope. Santa Filomena Shoals are three shoal areas, lying 5 to 7 miles southwest of Quiminatin Island and having depths of 11l4, 2, and 11/2 fathoms (2.3, 3.6 and 2.7 m.) of water over coral heads that rise from a general depth of 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.). Each shoal is about /2 mile in diameter, steep-to with deep water between them. They are the outer dangers of the Cuyo Group in this direction. Ramon and Pacheco Shoals are two shoals lying between the Santa Filomena Shoals and Capnoyan Island. They are smaller in area, steep-to, and have least depths of 21/2 and 31/ fathoms (4.6 and 6.4 m.), respectively. Piedra Blanca or White Rock lies 24 miles 182~ (S. 1/8 W. mag.) from Mount Aguada on Cuyo Island. It is a low bare rock, the highest part being 10 feet (3 m.) above high water. It lies on the south edge of a shoal that extends 1/2 mile eastward of the rock and 11/4 miles northwestward with depths of 4 to 8 fathoms (7.3 to 14.6 m.) of water. The shoal is steep-to, over 50 fathoms (91 m.) of water being found a short distance from the edge. Queen of the Sea Bank is a coral shoal of considerable area with a least depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) of water in latitude 10~ 24'.3 N., longitude 120~ 28'.5 E. The southern and western sides are very steep, but on the northern and eastern sides the soundings give ample warning. The shoal consists of sand and coral heads, but is rarely visible and seldom if ever breaks in heavy weather. This is the only 32 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT danger found in this vicinity. Elax Rock does not exist in the location formerly assigned to it. Dalanganem Islands, situated on the western side of Cuyo West Pass, consist of Calandagan, Maducang, and four small islands or rocks. They are steep-to, rising abruptly from the sea, and have a rugged appearance, of a light brown or grayish color, depending upon the season. Calandagan Island is the largest and most important of the group, being about 23/4 miles long by 3/ mile wide. Mount Dalanganem, at the southern end of the island, rises steeply and evenly to an east and west ridge, 704 feet (214 in.) in height. The southern and eastern slopes are barren and large bowlders lie at the base and along the lower slopes. The main part of the island, 1,024 feet (312 m.) high, is very rugged and is covered with grass, bushes, and trees, with some scattered houses and cleared spaces, where rice is planted in season. The northern slope consists of a series of saw-tooth hills, all of which are covered with trees, grass, and brush. Tudela is located on the neck of low land that joins tile two parts of the island. It consists of about 20 houses, a school, and church, but is of no commercial importance. Fair weather anchorage may be had off the northeast side of Calandagan Island in 9 to 11 fathoms (16.4 to 20.1 m.), coral and sand, and in 4 or 5 fathoms (7.3 or 9.1 mn.) on the shoal that extends 3/ mile southward of the southwest end of the island. Nasolot Island, to the northward of Calandagan, appears to be a continuation of the series of hills of that island, the channel separating the two being only about 200 yards wide and 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) deep. It is small, but rises to a height of 202 feet (61 mn.). the top of the peak being covered with trees and brush while the ends are bare. Maducang Island, the second largest island of the group, has the same general appearance as Calandagan, but has less vegetation and no permanent inhabitants. The ridge rises to a height of 965 feet (294 m.), the surface being mostly loose rock and gravel. Anas Island, 296 feet (91 m.) high, is connected to the southeast end of Maducang by a reef that bares at low water. The channel between Maducang and Calandagan has a depth of 9 fathoms (16.4 m.) and affords anchorage with a little protection under the lee of either island. Casirahan Island lies.5 miles east of the north end of Calandagan Island. It is rocky and steep-to, the southwestern end is barren, the northeastern and higher part, 115 feet (35 m.) high is covered with grass and scrub trees. Cauayan Island (Bird Island) lies 2 miles 335~ (NNW. 1/4 W. mag.) from Casirahan Island. It is a bare rock of a light gray color, and rises in almost perpendicular cliffs to a height of 97 feet (29.6 m.) out of a depth of 20 fathoms (36 m.). The northeast corner is somewhat less steep and a landing may be made there. A rock, almost awash at low water, lies about 100 yards westward of the south end of the island. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 33 LINAPACAN ISLAND Linapacan Island is the largest of an extensive group of islands lying in Linapacan Strait between the northeast coast of Palawan and the Calamianes Islands. It is about 9 miles in extent, roughly triangular in shape and of a very irregular outline. It is mountainous throughout, rising to an elevation of 1,086 feet (331 m.) in the southeastern part. All the points are high, steep, and rocky with mangrove or sand beaches in the bays between them. North Bay is a large bay open to northwest, on the north end of Linapacan Island. The head of the bay is divided into three parts by two projecting points. The, old Spanish fort and barrio of San Nicolas are situated at the head of the western bay. There is a good launch anchorage in this bay in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.), mud bpttom. Northwest Bay is also open to northwestward, but good, wellprotected anchorage may be found in the easternmost of the two arms of the bay in 18 to 19 fathoms (33 to 35 m.), mud bottom. In entering this bay, care must be taken to give the rocks making off from the shore 1/ mile southeast of a small cogon-covered island, a good berth. Entrance to Northwest Bay is easy. Vanguardia Islet, 91 feet (27.7 m.) high and lying 3 miles northward of the western entrance point, makes a good mark for vessels approaching from northward, Alerta Rock, 70 feet (21.3 m.) high and lying 11/2 miles southeastward of Vanguardia Islet, is a good landmark for vessels approaching from eastward. There is a rock, 60 feet (18.3 m.) high, 1 mile westward of the north end of the point separating North Bay and Northwest Bay and a rock awash 1/2 mile northeastward of the 60-foot (18.3 m.) rock. This rock, awash, is connected with Alerta Rock, 1 mile northwestward, by a bank with.7 fathoms (12.8 m.) of water. A deeper channel exists southeastward of the rock awash and the 60-foot (18.3 m.) rock, but the point is foul and should be given a good berth. There are a number of detached islets and rocks lying off the northwest point of Linapacan, but a berth of /2 mile will clear all dangers. Calaylayan Bay, on the western side of Linapacan Island, affords well-protected anchorage for launches and small vessels; the anchorage area is deep and is restricted by a wide coral reef making out from the eastern shore. Cagdanao Island, 291 feet (89 m.) high, lies before the entrance to the bay. It has coral reefs on the north, west, and south sides, but is steep-to on the east, the channel eastward of the island being 1/I mile wide, deep, and clear. A shoal with a least known depth of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 m.) lies 1 mile 316~ (NW. mag.) from Cagdanao Island. A rock, 25 feet (7.6 m.) high and joined by a coral reef to a small, unnamed island, 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, lies 34 mile westward of Cagdanao Island. South Bay, lying eastward of Bubulauan Point on the south coast of Linapacan, affords well-protected anchorage in the northeast arm of the bay. Anchorage for launches may be found back of Tondaje Island in 10 to 14 fathoms (18.3 to 25.6 m.), mud bottom. The entrance to South Bay is wide and open, but care must be taken to avoid Goson Reef, lying 11/4 miles southwestward of the eastern entrance point, and also the rocks extending 34 mile westward of 34 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT the point. The eastern part of Linapacan is more regular with steep, wooded ridges close to the shore. A landslide, situated 1:~% miles northward of Sidsid Point, makes a prominent landmark for vessels approaching Linapacan Strait from the southeastward. A number of detached rocks and shoals lie off this coast, a 101 -foot (31 m.) rock lying 114 miles 107~ (ESE. %5 E. mag.) from the landslide. Good anchorage in southwest weather may be had off the barrio of San Miguel. westward of Patoyo Island, and for launches and small vessels in the channel westward of Maapdit Island. The channel west of lie Island is much used by small launches not drawing over 4 feet (1.2 m.) to avoid the bad tide rips that often exist eastward of the island. Patoyo Island is easily recognized by its twin peaks, 740 feet (226 in.) high. There are a large number of islands, rocks, and reefs, with deep channels between them, lying northeast of Linapacan Island. Their position may be best understood by reference to the chart. The channel between Dicabaito Island, the southernmost of the Calamianes, and I)icapulan and Binalabag Islands is 3 miles wide, deep, and clear. There is a partially protteted anchorage for launches on the south side of the latter island. Beacon Rocks, 13 feet (4 m.) high, lie almost 1 mile north of Pangaldauian Island, and a 23/4-fathom (5 m.) reef lies 1 mile westward of the island. Dimanglet Island, lying 1,/ miles north of Bulauan Point, is readily recognized by its two peaks, 375 and 330 feet (114 and 101 m.) high, separated by low ground. The red cliffs on the higher peak show up well from westward. Escucha Rock, 80 feet (24.4 nm.) high, lies 3i mile northward, with a rock awash -1(i nile northwestward of it. Shoals with 2% fathoms (5 m.) least water lie 14 mile northwest and southeast of Escucha Rock. Inapupan, Bolina, Manlegad, Dimancal, Dimansig, Ariara, and Malbatan form the northern side of a deep channel 11/4 miles wide with Gued Islet and reef about in the middle of the channel. Mayokok Islet, 75 feet (22.9 m.) high, lies about 1 mile northeast of Patoyo Island, and the Hidong Islets, a cluster of rocks from 2 to 25 feet (0.6 to 7.6 m.) high, lie 1% miles eastward of the same island. Torres Reef, 41/ fathoms (7.8 m.) least water, lying 11/ miles 128~ (SE. 3 E. mag.) from Debogso Islet, and Sabino Reef, 434 fathoms (8.7 m.), lying in latitude 11~ 30' 00" N., longitude 1190~ 9' 50" E., are the outer dangers to be avoided in approaching Linapacan Strait from the southeast. Malubutglubut is the northwestern island of the Linapacan Group. It is easily recognized by its conical peak, 685 feet (209 m.) high, which, when viewed from northward, appears to be a pyramid. The island is partly wooded and partly covered with cogon. Base Rock, 12 feet (3.6 mn.) hitgh, lies 21,/ miles north-northwestward and a 20-'oot (6.1 in.) rock and a 15-foot (4.6 m.) rock, 14 and 3/ miles northward. Nanga, Cacayatan, Lauanan, and Condut Islands are joined together by a reef. Debogso Rock, 165 feet (50 m.) high, lies about 3/ mile westward of Cacayatan Island. Calibang Island is the largest of the islands westward of Linapacan Island. It is very irregular in shape, with a number of hills, the highest, 650 feet (198 m.), being in the southeastern part of the island. Barselisa, a small islet, 205 feet (62 m.) high, lies 1 mile PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 35 northward, and a rock awash lies I mile eastward of the north end of the island. Between Calibang Island and Gintu Islands, 3 miles eastward, are a number of dangerous banks and shoals. Gintu Island is surrounded by coral reef and a long reef extends northwestward having a narrow channel between it and the island northward. A 50-foot (15.2 m.) rock lies about 1 mile southwestward and a 63/4-fathom (12.3 m.) shoal 11/4 miles southward of the island. A 43/4-fathom (8.7 m.) shoal lies 3/4 mile southeast of the 63/4-fathom (12.3 m.) shoal. PALAWAN ISLAND the sixth island in point of size, is the most western of the Philippine Islands. It extends in a northeast and southwest direction between the parallels of 8~ 21' and 11~ 25' N. latitude, and is long, narrow, and high, forming the western boundary of the Sulu Sea. It has an area of about 4,027 square statute miles and a length of general shore line of about 674 miles (776 statute miles). The coast line is very irregular, being deeply indented by numerous bays and inlets, some of which form the finest harbors in the Archipelago. The shores are faced by numerous islands and reefs, and, owing to the unfinished surveys, navigation is conducted with difficulty. The island is sparsely inhabited and the interior little known. NORTH COAST OF PALAWAN Between Crawford Point, on the west coast, and Darocotan Point, on the east coast, Palawan is about 8 miles wide. Midway between these two points a high promontory, 2 miles wide, extends northward for a distance of 5 miles. The shore line of the promontory is bold and irregular, there being only two small stretches of mangrove on the eastern side, the remainder being rock, or steep, sand beaches fringed with coral. The entire country is wooded. North Hill, 935 feet (285 m.) high and a 965-foot (294 in.) hill, are two prominent hills that lie in the same latitude about equal distances from the east and west coast, respectively. Southward of these hills there is a single high ridge rising to an elevation of 1,200 feet (366 m.). Northward there are two lower hills, one 475 feet (145 m.).high, near Libro Point, the northwest point of Palawan, and a 550-foot (168 m.) hill close to Cabuli Point. These latter hills are inconspicuous except from an east or west direction. Cabuli Island lies 1/4 mile north of the northeast end of Palawan, from which it is separated by a channel having a depth of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 m.). The island is 112 miles long north and south, 455 feet (139 m.) high, with a rather flat summit, and is steep-to on all sides. A good range for the channel between Cabuli Island and Palawan is to keep the northerly of the Brother Islands halfway between a prominent knoll near the north end of Iloc Islands and the highest peak near the center of the island. EAST COAST OF PALAWAN General remarks.-There are numerous dangerous shoals and coral reefs lying from 10 to 20 miles off the east coast of Palawan. 36 6UNITED STATES COAST PILOT The mountains of Palawan and the many small islands scattered along the coast afford ready marks for navigating the various channels. The directions given for entering the various ports are those used by the surveying vessels and have been found safe, but they are not intended in any way to lessen the necessity of keeping that vigilant lookout which the navigation of coral seas on all occasions urgently demands. The adoption of the Palawan Passage in preference to the ro.ute on the east side of the island is recommended for sailing vessels bound for China ports. In the strength of the northeast monsoon sailing vessels may, taking the eastern route, reach the parallel of 100 N., or to the island of Dumaran, without any great difficulty; but to get beyond this they will experience considerable delay, even if they succeed at all, for the current at this season sets strongly southward between Palawan and the Cuyos, the velocity being almost in direct proportion to the strength of the wind. The British surveying vessel Royqalist in 1850 during the month of December was delayed 15 days, vainly endeavoring to get around Dumaran against the monsoon, and had, after all, to make the passage into the China Sea via Panav and Mindoro. Tidal currents.-The flood sets along the shore southward and the ebb northward. The maximum velocity observed was 11/2 knots and the rise 7 feet (2.1 m.). The currents on the east coast depend chiefly on the prevailing winds. Brother Islands are two small islands separated by a deep channel almost ~1/2 mile wide. Deep water exists between them and the Palawan coast. The northern island, 110 feet (33 m.) high, lies 3/ mile east-southeast of Cabuli Point, and there is a shoal with 41/ fathoms (7.8 in.), least known depth, 3/ mile 140~ (SE. 38 S. mag.) from this island. Darocotan Bay, westward of Darocotan Point, is about 3 miles wide. There is a good anchorage in southwest weather about midway between Darocotan Island and the barrio Tiniouiban in 8 fathoms (14.6 m.), mud bottom. To approach this anchorage enter the bay from the northward, keeping Darocotan Island about 1/2 mile distant. Launches and small boats can approach to within 300 vards of the town. The southern part of Darocotan Bay is foul, and vessels are advised not to proceed farther south than a line drawn west from Darocotan Point. From Darocotan Point the coast trends southerly for 11 miles to Shark Fin Bay. It is faced by numerous islands and reefs, and is fringed by a coral reef extending out in places more than a mile. A rock with a least known depth of 11/ fathoms (2.3 m.) lies 11/ miles 114~ (ESE. mag.) from Darocotan Point. A rock awash at one-fourth tide lies 11/2 miles northeast of the town of Sibaltan. A line joining these two rocks and Malonao Rock, at the entrance to Imorigue Bay, bounds the outer limit of shoals along this coast. Malonao Rock, 30 feet (9.1 m.) high, is steep-to on all sides. Imorigue Bay, between Batas Island and Palawan, is filled with reefs and does not afford good anchorage. Vessels desiring to enter the channel westward of Inmorigue Island should bring a saw-tooth projection about halfway up the eastern side of Imorigue Island in range with Shark Fin Peak, bearing 221~ (SW. 1/ S. mag.) before Malonao Rock bears 316~ (NW. mag.). When the northwest point PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 37 of Imorigue Island bears 241~ (SW by W. /s W. mag.) steer for it, rounding the point close-to, and follow a mid-channel course westward of Talaotauan Island. A 2-fathom (3.6 m.) shoal lies north of Imorigue Island, and the channel between it and the island is very narrow. Iloc Island, the largest of the islands between Batas and Linapacan Islands, lies on the east side of the inside route east of Palawan. It has two distinct mountain ranges separated by a valley extending from the northwest to the southeast side. The island is heavily wooded. In the southern part of the island some timber has been cut and the land cleared and cultivated. The shore is fringed with coral reefs, with the exception of a small stretch at the northeast end of the island, which is undercut by the sea. A chain of rocks varying in height from 2 to 18 feet (0.6 to 5.5 m.) extends 1/2 mile off the north end of the island. A rock, 78 feet (23.8 m.) high, on the edge of the shore reef near the north end of the island and a small islet, 185 feet (56 m.) high, on the east side and about 1 mile from the south end make good landmarks when in this vicinity. A bank with a least known depth of 61/4 fathoms (11.4 m.) lies about 3/4 mile eastward of the 185-foot (56 m.) islet. Barangonan Island, lying 1 mile northeast of Iloc Island, has a double-peaked hill 385 feet (117 m.) high in the southwestern part, a 330-foot (101 m.) hill in the east, and a lesser elevation in the northwestern part. The island is easily recognized by the double peak, which is, bare, while the other peaks in this locality are all wooded. Dado Rock lies 2 miles east-southeast of Barangonan Island. It rises vertically from the water to a height of 75 feet (22.9 m.) and is much undercut by the sea. Dado Bank, with a least known depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.), lies 1 mile southeastward. Bagambangan Island, a triangular-shaped island, 550 feet (168 m.) high, lies 2 miles southeast of Iloc Island. It is wooded with the exception of a small area on the west side, which is partly under cultivation; about halfway up the east coast there is a prominent pinnacle rock 90 feet (27.4 m.) high. A conical rock 152 feet (46 m.) high, having a reddish appearance, lies 1 mile southward of the island. Maosonon Island, 1 mile west of Bagambangan Island, is partly cultivated. The shore on the west side is volcanic rock, much eroded and steep-to. A small rocky islet, 25 feet (7.6 m.) high, covered with scrub trees and brush, lies on the reef extending off the southeast point of the island. Little Maosonon Island, 139 feet (42 m.) high, lies 3/4 mile westward of the northwest point of Bagambangan Island on the western edge of a coral reef 3/4 mile long north and south and steep-to on all sides. Binulbulan Island, 2 miles southwest of Iloc Island, has three distinct peaks, the northern and highest one being 660 feet (201 m.) high. The entire island is wooded. One mile off the southeast end of the island is a rocky island 155 feet (47 m.) high. Midway between this island and Binulbulan is another rocky islet 100 feet (30 m.) high. Shoals and detached rocks extend about 1/2 mile off the southeast end of Binulbulan Island. 38 VTNITED STATES COAST PILOT Deribongan, Cagdanao, Maalequequen, and Pangisian Islands.-This group of islands lies 3 miles southwest of Bagambangan Island. Deribongan Island rises gradually from the sea to a peak 328 feet (100 in.) high near the central part of the island. A shoal with a least known depth of 43/ fathoms (8.7 m.) lies 11/4 miles 84~ (E.,% N. mag.) from Deribongan Island on the western part of an extensive bank. Halfway between Deribongan and Bagambangan Island is a small island, low and sandy at its west end and high and rocky at the east end, reaching an elevation of 120 feet (36 m.). A rock 10 feet (3 m.) high lies 650 yards southwest of the islet, and a shoal with a least known depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) lies 1 mile westward. Cagdanao Island can be recognized from the northward by its bare cliffs which rise vertically from the water 326 feet (99 m.) to the highest part of the island. Maalequequen has an elevation of 296 feet (90 m.) at its south end and slopes gradually to the northward. Pangisian Island has cliffs rising vertically from the water at its northeast end and a pinnacle rock, 150 feet (46 m.) high, inclined to the northward, stands out prominently. At distances of 1/ and 1 mile southeast of Pangisian Island are two rocks, 41 and 75 feet (12.5 and 22.9 m.) high, respectively. The channel between Deribongan and the other islands is over 1/2 mile wide, deep and clea.', but there are a number of shoals and reefs eastward and southeastward of each of the other three islands. A rock awash lies 1/ mile eastward of the south end of Maalequequen with a 1/-fathom (0.5 m.) spot westward of it. Shoals.-The following shoals lie in the offshore passage eastward of the north end of P'alawan: Benito Shoal, 634 fathoms (12.3 m.), in latitude 11~ 19' 35" N.. longitude 119~ 51' 00" E.; Primo Reef, 13/ fathoms, in latitude 11~ 15' 14" N., longitude 1190 51' 28" E.; Ubaldo Reef, 23/ fathoms (5. m.) in latitude 11~ 12' 14" N., longitudle 119~ 48' 30" E.; Bera Bank, with a least known depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.). lies 2 miles west-southwestward of this shoal; and Tejada Reef, 51/4 fathoms (9.6 m.), in latitude 11~ 07' 56" N., longitude 119~ 52' 05" E. They are all steep-to, the lead giving little indication of their existence. Batas Island forms the northern side of Shark Fin Bay. It is about 5 miles long in an east-northeast and opposite direction and 21/ miles wide. The island is almost divided into two by the bays making into the low land between the two heavily wooded peaks. The western and higher peak has an elevation of 1,455 feet (443 m.); the eastern, 1,220 feet (372 m.). The shore is bordered by a reef with numerous shoals off the west and southwest part of the island. Imorigue Island, a prominent island 1,062 feet (324 m.) high, lying westward of Batas Island, is connected to it by a reef which bares at low water. Talaotauan, lying westward of Imorigue Island and separated from it by a narrow channel, is 157 feet (48 m.) high. The channel between it and Palawan has a depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) and forms the northern entrance to the anchorage in Shark Fin Bay. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SUJLU ARCHIPELAGO 39 SHARK FIN BAY is formed by Batas Island on the north, Maytiguid Island on the south, and the coast of Palawan on the west. Nearly the entire shore line is mangrove and is fringed with numerous reefs and shoals. The northwestern part of the bay, northeastward of the barrio of Oton, forms the best typhoon anchorage in this part of Palawan. Miraya Island, 125 feet (38 m.) high and heavily wooded, lies 11/4 miles off the southeast end of Batas Island. Macuao Island, 80 feet (24.4 m.) high, lies about 2 miles southwest of Batas Island, near the head of the bay. These two islands form excellent marks for approaching the anchorage. Directions.-The directions for entering the channel westward of Talaotauan Island through Imorigue Bay are given on page 36. To enter Shark Fin Bay from the northeast, round the east end of Batas Island in mid-channel. When the north end of Maalequequen Island bears 45~ (NE. 1/8 N. mag.), change course to 225~ (SW. 1/8 S. mag.), passing about 2/5 mile westward of Miraya Island. When on line between Miraya and Macuao Islands change course to head about 3~ to the left of Macuao Island, or a course of 248~ (WSW. mag.), and keep the north tangent of Miraya Island dead astern. Go nothing to the north of the line joining the two islands on account of several bad coral shoals on the north side of the bay. When the southwest tangent of Imorique Island bears 340~ (N. by W. 7/8 W. mag.) steer for it until Malapari, the largest of a small group of islands on the right, is abeam, then change the course to 280~ (W. 3/4 N. mag.) for a distance of /2 or 3/ mile and anchor in 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 mn.), mud bottom. Small vessels can continue westward and southwestward behind the reef to within 3/4 of a mile of the barrio of Oton. One red and three black buoys now mark this part of the channel into Oton. When approaching Shark Fin Bay from the southward, from a point in mid-channel west of Dinit Island, steer north until the southern tangent of Malotamban Island is abeam, change course to 315~ (NW. 1/ W. mag.) heading for the highest peak of Batas Island, when Miraya Island bears 45~ (NE. 1/s N. mag.) head for Macuao Island bearing 260~ (WV. by S. mag.); keep this course until the southwest tangent to Imorigue Island bears 340~ (N. by W. 7/s W. mag.), and follow the previous directions to the anchorage. A 480-foot (146 m.) hill to the northward is on range with the tangent to Imorigue Island on this bearing. Maytiguid Island, lying on the south side of Shark Fin Bay, is separated from the coast of Palawan by Tanguingui Channel, which in some places is less than 200 yards wide. The island is irregular in shape, the shore line is fringed with mangroves except a few rocky points, and Negra Point at the south end, which is rocky, steep, and much undercut. There are two prominent high points on the island separated by a valley across the island. The north peak, 1,002 feet (305 m.) high, shows prominently to the northward, and is used in connection with Miraya Island as a range in coming down the inside passage from Iloc Island. The peak on the south side is 1,100 feet (335 m.) high, dome-shaped, and prominent when viewed from eastward. Practically all of Maytiguid Island is heavily wooded. 40 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Nabat Island, 226 feet (69 m.) high, lying just off the south end of Maytiguid Island, has the same general appearance as Negra Point. It is of limestone formation with a prominent high point at each end. The shore is steep and has been much undercut by the action of the sea. Islands and shoals eastward of Shark Fin Bay.-A coral patch awash at low water, lies 112 miles south of Miraya Island with a 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) patch 1/ mile northwestward of it. Miraya Island, in range with the east tangent of Batas Island, leads close eastward of the rock awash. A group of four large islands and a number of smaller islands and shoals lie to the eastward of the inside passage along this part of Palawan, affording excellent protection to vessels using this passage. This passage is from 1 to 2 miles wide and easily navigated. The channels among the islands of the group are narrow and tortuous and: should not be attempted except under the most favorable circumstances. Calabugdong, the largest island of the. group, is about 3 miles long and 1 mile wide, and reaches an elevation of 692 feet (211 m.) in the southern and higher of the two hills. A cliff 400 feet (122 m.) high halfway up the east side shows prominently when approaching from the northeast. The shore line on the west side, being well protected from the sea, is fringed with mangrove, while that on the east and north side is rocky with occasional stretches of sand beach. Maobanen Island, 23/ miles long and 1 mile wide, lies 1/2 mile south of Calabugdong Island. It is 706 feet (215 m.) high, the highest point being near the middle of the island and sloping uniformly in all directions. Unlike the other islands of this group, Maobanen is not heavily wooded, some of the peaks being bare andl others covered with cogon. A rocky islet, 91 feet (27.7 m.) high, rising straight up from the water, lies 530 yards off the northeast end of Maobanen. On the northeast side of this islet is a conspicuous pinnacle rock, with rocks awash at half tide 100 yards northeast of it. Casian Island lies 1 / mile east of Maobanen Island. Near the southwest end of the island is a sharp conical peak 865 feet (264 m.) high, which stands-out prominently among the more rounded peaks of this locality. Separating the high ground on the east side of the island from that on the west side is a low, flat valley. The town of Casian is situated on a sand beach at the south end of this valley. Two beacons mark the entrance through the reef for small boats landing at the town. Debangan Island, separated from Casian Island by a narrow channel 320 yards wide, has one prominent peak, 703 feet (214 m.) high. The island is wooded with the exception of a narrow strip along the west side, which is being cultivated. About 300 yards southwest of Debangan Island are several rocks, varying in height from 2 to 15 feet (0.6 to 4.6 m.), and 425 yards northeast of the island is a rock 30 feet (9.1 m.) high, rising vertically from the water. Cagdanao Island, lying about 11/2 miles northeast of Casian Island, has a sharp prominent peak, 533 feet (162 m.) high. Binga Island, 385 feet (117 m.) high, is a small oblong island lying 21/. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 41 miles northeast of Cagdanao Island. A sharp, narrow, rocky point, 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, projects from the southeast end of the island, with a rocky islet, 30 feet (9.1 m.) high, lying 160 yards off the end of the point. Another rocky islet, 95 feet (29 m.) high, lies 215 yards off the north end of Binga Island. Maqueriben Island, 295 feet (90 m.) high, lies just off the northeast end of Calabugdong Island, and Malcorot, 276 feet (84 m.) high, and the two Butacan Islands, 270 and 213 feet (82 and 65 m.) high, lie just off the northwest end. A 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) shoal lies almost3/4 mile 330~ (NNW. 3/4 W. mag.) from the western Butacan Island with a 41/2-fathom (8.2 m.) shoal and a 31/4-fathom (6.0 m.) shoal 1/2 and 1 mile eastward of it. Malotamban Island, 168 feet (51 m.) high, is separated from the southwest coast of Calabugdong Island by a deep channel 1/4 mile wide. Dinit Island, 247 feet (75 m.) high, is separated from the southwest end of Maobanen Island by a narrow, deep channel. The channel westward of the islands is over 1 mile wide, deep and clear. Dadaliten Island, 257 feet (78 m.) high, lies near the western end of a shoal area nearly 2 miles long, bordering the north side of a channel 11/4 miles wide, leading from the eastward into the inside passage and into Taytay Bay. The shore line along this part of the coast of Palawan is mostly fringed with mangroves. The country back of the coast is mountainous and has many prominent peaks. Shark Fin Peak, 1,915 feet (584 m.) high, is the most prominent peak on the north end of Palawan. It is sharp and so inclined that it has the appearance of a shark's fin. From the peak a ridge runs south a distance of 3 miles, with peaks ranging from 1,700 to 1,900 feet (518 to 579 m.), the ridge ending-in a sharp peak known as Sharp Shoulder. A valley running northwest separates Shark Fin Peak from the mountains to the northward. Silanga Peak, 1,535 feet (468 m.) high, is the highest peak on the peninsula formed by Shark Fin Bay, Tanguingui Channel, Silanga Bay, and Mesecoy Bay. From the peak the ground slopes abruptly to the northward and more gradually to the southward. A valley 1 mile wide separates Silanga Peak from the higher mountains westward. The north and east shores of Silanga Bay are foul; the west shore is fringed by a wide coral reef. To enter the bay, from midway between Nabat and Maytiguid Islands steer 269~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.) until Silanga barrio bears 298~ (NW. by W. 5/8 W. mag.), then steer for it, anchoring about 34 mile off the town in 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.). During the northeast monsoon, tide rips, dangerous to small boats, occasionally form off Nabat Island. Silanga Bay may also be entered by passing close southward of Nabat Island to avoid Royalist Reef, and passing midway between the Silanga Islands and Maytiguid on the above bearing. TAYTAY BAY included between Maytiguid Island and Santa Cruz Point, is 10 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 7 miles westward. This part of Palawan is mountainous. A range, with several prominent peaks reaching a height of 1,400 to 1,500 feet (427 to 457 m.) 42 IUNITED STATES COAST PILOT parallels the coast about 212 miles inland. West of the barrio of Polarican this range turns westward toward Bacuit Bay on the west coast, while another ridge slopes northeastward toward the barrio of Mesecoy. There is a low valley between this range and Shark Fin Range northward. With the exception of about 1~ miles, at the town of Taytay, in the southwestern part of the bay, the entire shore line is fringed with mangroves. Reefs and shoals extend over 2 miles off the western shore of the bay. Mesecoy Bay, northward of Talacanen Island, is filled with shoals and is of little importance. Ditnot Islet, lying 134 miles southeast of Talacanen Island, has a conical rock mound about 30 feet (9.1 m.) high at each end. Quimbaludan Islet, another small island in this part of the bay, lies 114 miles southeast of Silanga Point. Quimbuluan and Guindabdaban are two small islands, about 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, lying in the west central part of the bay with a third low rocky islet 1 mile southeastward of Quimbuluan. Apulit Island, 585 feet (178 m.) high, lies 21/ miles southwestward of Negra Point, the northern entrance point to Taytay Bay. It is of limestone formation, easily recognized, and is an important landmark for vessels entering this bay. The island slopes gradually to the northward, but the southern point ends in a high bluff. Royalist Reef, with a least known depth of 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.), lies 11/2 miles eastward of Apulit. Between it and a ~/4-fathom (0.4 m.) reef lying 13/4 miles 105~ (ESE. 34 E. mag.) from the south end of Nabat Island there is a clear, deep channel almost 112 miles wide. The two Pabellones (Elephant and Castle Islands), lying 3 miles southward of Apulit Island, are also of limestone formation. They are separated by a narrow, deep channel, and a number of dangerous shoals lie eastward of them. Calabadian Island, 112 miles southeast of Castle Island, shows no indication of limestone formation. It is triangular in shape, has one peak 550 feet (168 m.) high near its center, from which the ground slopes gradually on all sides. Malatpuso Rock, 77 feet (23.5 m.) high, lying 31/2 miles eastward of the Pabellones Islands, stands out prominently when seen from any direction. Binatican Island, 312 miles north-northeast of Malatpuso Rock, is the easternmost of the islands lying off Taytay Bay. It is 1% miles long north and south and has one prominent peak, 570 feet (174 m.) high, near the north end. There are a number of shoals southward, eastward, and northeastward of the island and a 51/fathom (9.6 m.) shoal lies 34 mile northwestward. Directions.-There are several channels among the many shoals of Taytay Bay, but the following are recommended: When bound for Mesecoy, from a point about 1/ mile southward of Nabat Island, steer for the south tangent of Talacanen Island bearing 266~ (W. 1/2 S. mag.). Hold this course until Quimbaludan Island is abeam. then haul southward. Anchor 1/2 mile southward or westward of Talacanen Island in 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3 in.) of water. When approaching from southward, from a point 1 mile south of Apulit Island steer for the east end of Talacanen Island bearing 297~ (NW. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 43 by W. 3/4 W. mag.). When Quimbaludan Island bears 45~ (NE. 1 N. mag.) haul westward and anchor as above. Small vessels can approach much closer to Mesecoy but should not attempt to do so unless the light is favorable, as there are several dangerous reefs in the vicinity. When bound for Taytay, from mid-channel westward of Dinit Island, steer 180~ (S. 1/8 E. mag.) when the south end of Apulit bears 270~ (W. 1/s S. mag.) change course to 230~ (SW. 3/8 W. mag.) passing between Apulit and Elephant Islands to an anchorage in 18 to 20 fathoms (33 to 36 m.), mud bottom. A good anchorage is in 18 fathoms (33 m.) with Taytay Head bearing 273~ (W. /8 N. mag.)' and Taytay Fort 203~ (SSW. mag.). It is possible to approach close to the town of Taytay, but this should not be undertaken without a knowledge of the ranges through the narrow passage between the reefs. Keep the south end of Apulit Island in range with a prominent sag of the sky line of Casian Island, bearing 421/20 true until the largest of a small group of black rocks on the edge of the reefs northward is in line with a notch in a prominent sag in the sky line westward of Silanga Peak bearing 350~ true. When the fort on Taytay Point bears 214~ true haul westward and anchor in 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.), sand bottom, /3 mile northward of the fort. The best entrance to Taytay Bay from offshore is between Debangan and Binatican Islands. A shoal with a least known depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) lies 1/2 miles northeast of Binatican Island, but between this shoal and Debangan Island the channel is deep and clear. From a point about 1 mile south of Debangan Island steer for the south end of Apulit Island, bearing 250~ (WSW. 1/8 W. mag.) until Nabat Island bears 315~ (NW. /8 W. mag.); steer for the east tangent to Castle Island bearing 207~ (SSW. 14 W. mag.), and when Apulit south tangent bears 270~ (W. /8 S. mag.) change course to 233~ (SW. 5/ W. mag.) and follow the previous directions. When entering the bay from southward keep to the north of a line joining the north tangent of Icadambanauan Island and Taytay Head. There is a 13/4-fathom (3.2 m.) shoal 1 mile north of Santa Cruz Point and a 1/4-fathom (0.4 m.) patch 4/5 mile northeast of the same point. The west tangent of Apulit Island, in range with the 1,100-foot (335 m.) peak on Maytiguid Island, leads eastward of this reef. From Santa Cruz Point the coast trends south-southeast for 20 miles to Esfuerzo Point and is very irregular, being cut into by deep bays and faced with islets and reefs. The mountains are wooded, the prominent points are rocky where the mountains come close to the shore, and the bays are generally lined with mangroves. Between Limbangan Point and Pangkang Point the coast recedes and forms Calauag Bay, at the head of which lies the barrio of Calauag. Ibobor Island, 600 feet (183 m.) high, lies across the entrance with a good channel to southward of it, the channel to westward being almost closed by reefs. Pina and Tomandang are two small islets lying along the western shore reef, while Babarocon Islet lies on the southern shore reef eastward of the latter. Reefs that bare at low water lie along the southern shore from 1/2 to 1 mile northeast of Barbarocon Islet two rocks awash and a reef with 11/2 fathoms 44 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT (2.7 m.) over it lies 3/4 mile northward and 1 mile northeastward of Pangkang Point, the southern entrance point to the bay. Icadambanauan Island lies 1 mile eastward of Santa Cruz Point It may be recognized by its two hills, 500 and 512 feet (152 and 156 m.) high, at the north and the south ends of the islands, respectively. Two groups of black rocks lie eastward of the island, and a white rock, 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, lies 1/4 mile southwestward of a small wooded island off the southeast coast. Calabucay Island, 150 feet (46 m.) high, small and wooded, lies almost 3~1, miles south-southeastward of Icadambanauan. There is a channel 11/2 miles wide with a 2-fathom (3.6 m.) coral shoal in the western entrance. Cagdanao Island, 250 feet (76 m.) high, lies 11/ miles southwestward of Calabucay Island. There is a 1/-fathom (0.4 m.) reef 1/ mile northeastward of the island with deep water close-to. The recommended channel lies between this reef and Cagdanao Island. Paly Island, 610 feet (186 m.) high, is a long narrow island lying 31/ miles east of Pangkang Point. The outer slopes of the island are steep-to and only sparsely wooded, so that the peculiar brown soil is plainly visible. The shore line is rocky with stretches of sand, shingle, or bowlders. Shoals extend northward, eastward, and southward of the island. There is a 1/-fathom (0.9 m.) patch about 114 miles from the north end of the island and 1/4 mile offshore, otherwise the west shore is clean and steep-to. Dangerous ground.-In the area westward of a line joining Binga Island and the eastern point of Dumaran Island there are numerous dangerous coral shoals. Their position and the nature of the channels between them can best be understood by reference to the chart. The following courses are recommended: Directions.-Vessels rounding the east end of Dumlaran Island, bound for Taytay, should keep eastward of the line joining Binga Island and the east point of Dumaran until the highest point of Debangan Island bears 306~ (NW. 7/8 W. mag.); steer for this peak until Dadaliten Island bears 270~ (W. Us S. mag.), when the course should be changed to 250~ (WSAW. 1/ WI. mag.) to pass about 1 mile southward of Debangan and Dadaliten Islands and the previous directions for Taytay Bay be followed. If desiring to pass southward of Icadambanauan Island, when the peak on Calabadian Island bears 270~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.) steer for it until Calabucay Island bears 225~ (SW. 1/ S. mag.); steer for this island until the south tangent to Icadambanauan bears 271~ (W. inag~.) when the course should be changed to 254~ (WSW. 1,/ WN. mag.); hold this course until the east tangent to Cagdanao Island bears 165~ (S. by E. 3/8 E. mag.), keeping the east tangent of Cagdanao Island dead astern until the west tangent of Apulit Island is in range with the 1,100-foot (335 m.) peak on Maytiguid Island bearing 359~ (N. i W. mag.); hold this range until the north tangent of Icadambanauan Island bears 91~ (E. mag.); then follow previous directions. When bound for Calauag by the channel north of Paly Island, hold the 225~ (SW. /s S. mag'.) course mentioned above until the west tangent to Paly Island bears 180~ (S. ~% E. mag.). steer for it; then steer for the prominent 950-foot (290 ni.) peak, 1 mile south of Pangkang Point bearing 217~ (SW. 3/4 S. mag.); then for the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTL ARCHIPELAGO 45 south tangent of Ibobor Island bearing 270~ (W. '/8 S. mag.); then steer for Pifia Island in range with the southern of two conical hilltops bearing 252~ (WSW. 1/4 W. mag.); when the low flat rock off Pangkang Point is in range with south tangent to Paly Island bearing 101~ (E; 7/8 S. mag.) change course to 223~ (SW. 1/4 S. mag.), heading between Tomandang Island and Dasilag Point, favoring the latter point. When the north end of Babarocon Island is in range with the north end of Paly Island, steer this as a back range on a course of 243~ (SWV. by W. /2W. mag.) to an anchorage of from 1 to 5 fathoms (1.8 to 9.1 m.), mud bottom. Directions for the channel northward of Dumaran Island.When about 5 miles eastward of North Point, Dumaran Island, bring the 22-foot (6.7 m.) rock 1 mile westward of Carbucao, to bear 270~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.) and steer for it; when the tangent to North Point bears 219~ (SW. 5/8 S. mag) head for it until the point is distant about 1/4 mile; round the point at this distance until the summit of North Point bears 90~ (E. 1/s N. mag), then change course to 270~ (W. /8s S. mag.) and keep the summit of North Point astern until the 950-foot (290 m.) peak southward of Pangkang Point bears 281~ (W. 7/ N. mag.) steer for this peak; when the east tangent of Cagdanao Island bears 317~ (NW. 1/ N. mag.) steer for it until the south tangent of Ibobor Island bears 270~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.). If bound for Calauag, change course to 270~ (W. /8 S. mag.) and follow the directions previously given. If bound northward change course to 338~ (NNW. mag.) when north tangent of Cagdanao Island bears 287~ (WNW. 5/ W. mag.); change course to 301~ (NW. by W. 3/8 W. mag.), keeping no less than 300 yards off the northeast part of Cagdanao Island and avoiding the 1/-fathom (0.4 m.) shoal northward of the course. Now bring the east tangent of Cagdanao Island astern and steer 345~ (N. by W. 3/8 W. mag.) until on the range west tangent Apulit Island and 1,100-foot (335 m.) peak on Maytiguid Island bearing 359~ (N. 1/ W. mag.) and follow directions for Taytay Bay. Dumaran Channel is 1/2 miles wide between the westernmost point of Dumaran Island and Esfuerzo Point, Palawan. The navigable area of the channel northward of Esfuerzo Point is much contracted by islands and reefs. Mayabacan Island, Central Island, South Island, and South Channel Island lie on the eastern side of the channel, Bivouac and North Channel Islands in the middle, and Capsalon Island on the west. There is a channel westward of the latter, but it is not recommended, as nothing would be gained by using it. While the southern part of Dumaran Channel has numerous dangerous shoals, there are good leading marks for the channels usually used by vessels in this vicinity. Direction for Dumaran Channel.-If bound for Dumaran Channel from the southeast of Dumaran Island steer 261~ (W. 7/s S. mag.), heading very carefully for Flechas Point until the clump of trees on top of the 1,010-foot (308 m.) peak west of Capayas bears 293~ (WNW. mag); if coming from the open sea steer 344~ (N. by W. 12 W. mag.) for the southwest tangent to Dumaran Island, changing course to 293~ (WNW. mag.) when the clump of trees gets on this bearing; hold this course until the umbrella-shaped tree on South 95672-30 —4 46 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Channel Island is in range with the east tangent to Palv Island, bearing. 352~ (N. 3/4 W. mag.); run this range until the southern one of the double points of Esfuerzo Point is abeam, the 950-foot (290 m.) peak south of Pangkang Point then shows in the sag between the two elevations of Capsalon Island; steer this range 331~ (NNW. 5/ W. mag.) until the east tangent of Bivouac Island low point bears 0~ (N. /s W. mag.), and steer for it, passing South Channel Island 1/5 mile on starboard side. If bound for North Point, Dumarlan Island, hold the 0~ (N. 1/ W. mag.) course until the northwest tangent to Central Island bears 41~ (NE. 12 N. mag.), then steer for it; when the west tangent of South Island bears 180~ (S. 1s E. mag.) steer 0~ (N. /s W. mag.), the west ends of Maruyogruyog and South Islands are then in range, when the north point of Mavabacan Island bears 83~ (E. 3/ N. mag.) change course to 301/2~ (NNE. % E. mag.), which will bring Bivouac Island summit dead astern; whien the summit of North Point bears 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.) head for it, round North Point at a, distance of about 1/ mile, and steer oil a course 60~ (NE. by E. 1, E. mag.) for 4 miles. If bound for north Palawan ports by the inside route continue the 0~ (N. 1/ W. mag.) course for the east tangent to Bivouac Island and when the north tangent of Capsalon Island bears 297~ (NW. by W. 3/ W. mlag.) steer for it changing to 322~ (NW. 1/~ N. mag.) awhen the southwest tangent to South Island bears 142~ (SE. 1/2 S. mag.). steering about a mid-channel course until the east tangent of Capsalon Island bears 178~ (S. 14 E. mag.); then change course to 358~ (N. 1/ W. mag.), heading for the east tangent to Pa]y Island. When the east tangent of Cagdanao Island bears 317~ (NW. 1/ N. mag.) head for it and follow directions previously given. If desiring to go north by the channel east of Bivouac Island, when this island bears 210~ (SSW. 5s WN. mag.) head for the southwest tanlgent to Paly Island, bearing 339~ (NNW. mag.) until Cagdanao Island east tangent bears 317~ (NW. ~1/ N. mag.). There are several channels leading into Dumaran Channel from the southwestward. The simplest seems to be as follows: Bring the 550-foot (168 m.) hill southeastward of the town of Dunlaran to bear 27~ (NNE. 1/ E. mag.) before Mount Ilian, 4 miles northward of Flechas Point, bears 330~ (NNW. 3/ W. mag.); steer for the 550-foot (16i8 i.) hill until the range South Channel Island to east tangent Paly Island is reached. D:)UM ARAN ISLAND separated from Esfuerzo Point by the channel of the same name, is about 15 miles east and west and has a greatest width of about 12 miles north and south. It is of irregular form and has no remarkable features by which to distinguish it, the interior of the island being a series of low hills, 400 to 500 feet (122 to 152 m.) high and heavily wooded. Most of the shore line is fringed with mangrove, and extensive coral reefs bare off Piyaui Point and eastward of North Point. Shoals extend off the north coast for a distance of about 3 miles and to a lesser distance off the south coast. North Point is a prominent landmark. It is steep-to on the north and west and affords good protection against the northeast monsoon. Eastward of North Point the coast is foul and should be avoided. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 47 A shoal with a least known depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.) lies in the channel 1/4 mile northward of North Point. Cacbucao Island, 115 feet (35 m.) high, lies 21/2 miles northward of North Point, with a 22-foot (6.7 m.) rock 11/4 miles westward of it. Pirata Head is the easternmost point of Dumaran Island. It is steep-to on the northeast, but a reef bares southeastward to Maraquit Island, which is 205 feet (62 m.) high and wooded. Cotad Island, 345 feet (105 m.) high, lies 3/4 mile southeast of Maraquit Island. The channel between them is contracted by a 41/4-fathom (7.8 m.) shoal lying close to the latter island. Mantulali Island, 168 feet (51 m.) high, lies 1 mile southwest of Cotad Island with a 1/4-fathom (2.3 m.) shoal in the middle of the channel between them. Langoy Island, 329 feet (100 m.) high, is separated from Mantulali Island by a deep channel, about 1 mile wide. All these islands are steep-to:from seaward, with high dark cliffs, and they mark the outer limit of dangers for this part of Dumaran Island. Cambari Island, lying about 5 miles eastward of Pirata Head, is crescent shape, /2 mile in length, and about 230 feet (70 m.) high. The highest point is near the southern end, and the ground slopes to sea level at the northern end. The western side of the island has bare overhanging cliffs rising to the full height of the island over a wide bench about 5 feet (1.5 m.) above sea level. Araceli Bay (chart 4355) is a large indentation on the southwest side of Pirata Head, affording good shelter in 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.), mud bottom, off the town of Araceli lying on the northeast shore of the bay. The shores of the bay are fringed by mangroves, and coral shoals bare a considerable distance out, northward of the town being the only place where small boats can approach close to shore at low water. The town is nearly obscured by coconut trees. Directions.-Vessels bound into Araceli Bay are advised to pass between Langoy and Mantulali Islands. From eastward a ship may pass between Maraquit and Cotad Islands, favoring the Cotad side of the channel, passing over coral bottom of 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.). The entrance between Cotad and Mantulali Islands is divided by a 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) shoal. A range to pass between Baliog Point and Araceli Reef, the latter marked by a red nun buoy, consists of a prominent black rock on reef off Araceli town in line with the west tangent of Araceli coconut grove and a large clump of trees on a prominent hill in the interior of Dumaran, bearing 3480 (N. by W. V/ W. mag.). When Baliog Point is abeam, change to 315~ (NW. 1/ W. mag.) and proceed to an anchorage in 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.), mud bottom, with the south tangent to Maraquit Island bearing about 100~ (E. 34 S. mag.) and the 257-foot (78 m.) hill back of Araceli bearing about 42~ (NE. 3/s N. mag.). A narrow winding channel leads to an excellent typhoon anchorage in the basin northwestward of the town. A depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) may be carried through the channel, but vessels should not attempt to enter unless the channel is staked. Bacaran, Langcan, and Calasag Bays are indentations in the southern coast of Dumaran Island, lying 41/2, 6, and 9 miles southwestward of Pirata Head. The shores of all three bays are mangrove lined, with a few short stretches of sand beach. The coral 48 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT reefs make off a considerable distance from shore. and the heads of the bays are shoal. There are several small settlements on the shores of the bays, Bohol, in Calasag Bay, being the largest. Each of the bays has a good anchorage protected from northeast monsoon weather, and Langcan Bay has a good typhoon anchorage for small vessels northwestward of Langcan Point. Directions.-Coming from Araceli Bay, to pass between the offshore reefs and the coast of Dumaran Island, steer 229~ (SW'. 1/ W. mag.), keeping the south tangent of Maraquit Island astern. To enter Bacaran Bay, when the 235-foot (72 m.) rounded hill eastward of Caran bears 3~ (N. 1/s E. mag.) steer for it until the tangent to the point between Bacaran and Langcan Bays bears 268~ (W. '5 S. mag.); then change course to 328~ (NNW. T} W. mag.) and proceed to an anchorage in 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 in.), mud bottom. To enter Langcan Bay, continue the 229~ (SW. 1/4 W. mag.) course until the hill on Langcan Point bears 320~ (NW. 3/ N. mag.); then steer for it and anchor southwestward of the village of Dagsauay in 2 to 3 fathoms (3.6 to 5.5 m.), mud bottom. Better protected anchorage may be found northwestward of Langcan Point, being careful to avoid a l/1-fatlho (2.3 mn.) shoal 870 yards 325~ (NW. /4 N. mag.) from Langcan Point. To approach Langcan Bay from southward, steer 7~ (N. 1/2 E. mag.) for the western entrance point until the south tangent to Maraquit Island bears 49~ (NE. 14 E. mag.); steer this course until the hill on Langcan Point bears 320~ (NW. 3/ N. mag.) and follow previous directions. To enter Calasag Bay from the south, steer 3440 (N. by W. 1/ W. mag.) for Calasaog Point until the mangrove island southwest of the town of Bohol bears 18~ (N. by E. 1/2 E. mag.); steer for it until the first point north of Calasag Point bears 270~ (W. S. mnag.); then change course to 323~ (NW. 58 N. mag.) and proceed to an anchorage in 4 or 5 fathoms (7.3 or 9.1 m.), mud bottom. When approaching from Araceli, steer the 229~ (SW. 1/i W. mag.) course until the south tangent to Calasag Point bears 261~ (W. 7/ S. mag); steer for this point, and when the small mangrove island southwest of Bohol bears 352~ (N. 3/4 W. mag.) change course to 323~ (NW. 5/ N. mag.) and anchor as directed above. From Calasag Point the coast trends westward for 6 miles to Pivaui Point. then northward for 5 miles to the head of Dumaran Bay. The first part of this stretch of coast has heavily wooded hills close to the shore, the points being high and rocky with a narrow coral fringe all along the shore line. Dangerous reefs and shoals extend out about 3/4 mile at Calasag Point and widen out to 2 miles off Piyaui Point. Sharp Hill, a 525-foot (160 im.) hill close to the shore line, makes a prominent landmark for vessels approaching from southward. The western shore of Dumaran Island is fringed with> mangroves. Dumaran (chart 4355) lies near the head of Dunlaran Bay, on the west coast of Dumaran Island. It is connected with Araceli, at the east end of the island, by a good trail and telephone line. Dumaran Bay is a good typhoon anchorage, but is difficult to approach unless the channel is well marked. The following directions have been used: Leave the Dumaran Channel range 352~ (N. 3/4 W. mag.) when the prominent cove about 11/ miles northward of Piyaui Point bears PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 49 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.) and steer for the cove until Dumaran Point comes abeam; then steer 45~ (NE. 1s N. mag.), and when the east tangent to Dumaran Point bears 0~ (N. /s W. mag.) head for it. When the left tangent to the largest island in the bay bears 45~ (NE. /8 N. mag.), change course to 7~ (N. /2E. mag.) to pass between two small reefs west of this island and head for the fort, bearing 54~ (NE. 3/4 E. mag.), anchoring in 3 to 4 fathoms (5.5 to 7.3 m.), mud bottom, with the west tangent of the largest island in the bay bearing 180~ (S. /8E. mag.). Two black buoys and one red buoy have been placed to aid vessels entering the bay. From Esfuerzo Point, Palawan, the coast trends southwest for 12 miles to Flechas Point. Heavily wooded mountains having welldefined peaks approach close to the shore at Flechas Point. Drake Peak, 1,260 feet (384 m.) high, the 1,010-foot peak about 2 miles southward, and Mount Ilian each has a well-defined clump of trees on the summit that makes an excellent landmark. The mountains in this vicinity are seldom obscured by clouds. Numerous shoals and reefs lie inside the 20-fathom (36 m.) curve, which in the vicinity of Flechas Point is about 8 miles offshore. There are deep channels between them, but nothing would be gained by a vessel venturing among them. Capayas, a barrio lying about 7 miles northeast of Flechas Point, is the only settlement along this coast and is the headquarters of a lumber concession. To approach Capayas from the entrance to Dumaran Channel, steer 295~ (NW. by W. 7/8 W. mag.) for the 1,010 -foot (308 m.) peak, being careful to avoid the shoals close-to on either side of this bearing. Head for Squall Point on the bearing 270~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.) for a distance of 1 mile, and then 348~ (N. by W. 1/8 W. mag.) for 1 mile, to an anchorage off Capayas westward of Capayas Reef. A course of 330~ (NNW. 3/4 W. mag.), heading for a conspicuous dead tree, may be used instead of the 348~ course. To approach Flechas Point from the sea, head for Bay Peak, 1,795 feet (547 m.) high, on the bearing 307~ (NW. 3/4 W. mag.) until Flechas Point bears 344~ (N. by W. /2 W. mag.); then change course to 0~ (N. /8 W. mag.) To continue to Capayas, from a point 1 mile east of Flechas Point steer 18~ (N. by E. 1/2 E. mag.) until the mouth of the Ilian River bears 267~ (W. 3/8 S. mag.); then change course to 87~ (E. 3/8 N. mag); when Capayas Point bears 12~ (N. by E. mag.) change course to 37~ (NE. 3/4 N. mag.) and when the conspicuous dead tree northward of the town bears 330~ (NNW. 3/ mag.) head for it and anchor eastward of the town. GREEN ISLAND BAY Between Flechas Point and Bold Point, 32 miles southwestward, the coast recedes about 7 miles, forming a large open bay known as Green Island Bay. The islands in the bay are all low and flat. Green Island and Johnson Island are the only ones distinguishable when passing offshore. At a distance of 6 or 8 miles only the tops of the trees on Green Island are visible and they then appear like a hedge on the horizon. Johnson Island is a little higher and does not appear so flat, but this is due to the few higher trees near the center, as the island itself is flat. 50 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT There are numerous banks and shoals in Green Island Bay. They are usually surrounded by much deeper water, are generally smooth on top, with the shoalest part near the center. Under favorable conditions bottom can be seen in about 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) and often a shoal of this depth can be seen at a distance. The lead gives very little warning, and on any sudden change in depth the vessels should proceed with great caution. In the bay itself, the islands and sand cays afford ready means of fixing the position of the vessel while passing through the various channels. The most conspicuous landmarks when making the course from Langoy Island to Bold Point on the way to Puerto Princesa are Sharp Hill, the 525-foot (160 m.) hill near the south shore of Dumaran Island; Drake Peak, the 1,010-foot (308 m.) peak 2 miles southward of Drake Peak; Bay Peak, the highest peak, 1,210 feet (369 m.) of Barbacan Range; and the outer of two peaks northward of Bold Point on Palawan. The higher mountains in the interior of Palawan are frequently covered by clouds, while the peaks named above, thouoh lower, are easily recognized and seldom obscured. Flechas Point is steep and high, being the end of the ridge from Mount Baring. From the southward and southeastward, the point merges into the higher background and is not reliable as a landmark on account of its similarity in appearance to several other places. Bay Peak, 1,795 feet (547 m.) high, lying 3 miles westward, is separated from the higher peaks back of Flechas Point by a deep valley, and is easily recoginized even at night on account of the lowland westward. Between Bay Peak and Barbacan Range there are many low hills. The highest point of Barbacan Range is a rounded hill, covered with trees, with a small knob on the western side. About 11/2 miles northwest of the barrio Rizal there is a sharp, conical hill, heavily wooded, and about 3 miles farther inland is the end of a high, sharp, ridge which, when viewed from the southeastward, appears like a lone, sharp conical hill, and is an excellent landmark when the higher mnountains are obscured by clouds. Stripe Peak, Mount St. Pauls, Liberty Cap, Cleopatra Needle, and Escarpado are all high mountain masses, frequently obscured by clouds. Directions.-AH course of 234~ (SW. 34 WY. mag.) from a point about 2 miles off Langoy Island carries a vessel well outside the numerous shoals along this part of the coast of Palawan to the entrance of Puerto Princesa. Vessels entering Green Island Bay, if bound for Taradungan, Tumarbong, and Barbacan, should head for Bay Peak on a bearing of 307~ (NW. 34 WV. mag.) and pass westward along the coast, keeping from 1 to 2 miles off the shore, being careful to avoid a coral reef lying 1.4 miles 142~ (SE. 2 S. miag.) from Tumarbong Point. The reefs break the sea, and anchorage may be taken up anywhere along the coast, the best protected anchorage being in 3 to 4 fathoms (5.5 to 7.3 m.) mud bottom, northwestward of Shell Island. If bound for Malcampo, bring Stanlake Island to bear 323~ (NW. 5% N. mag.) and steer for the middle of the island, keeping the sand cay 1/ mile to the southward inside the tangents. When the sand cay is clearly visible, steer to pass 1/2 mile on either side and continue to pass 14 mile of Stanlake Island, being careful to avoid a coral reef about 1 mile northward of the island; anchor in 4 to 5 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULJTl ARCHIPELAGO 51 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) southeastward of the town. If bound for Rizal, steer for Reinard Island, bearing 270~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.) until the 690-foot (210 m.) hill northward of the town bears 340~ (N. by W. 7/8 W. mag.); steer for this hill to an anchorage southeastward of the town in 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) mud and sand. To enter Caramay Harbor from the eastward, steer 270~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.) for the north end of Reinard Island, pass 1/4 to /2 mile northward of the island, and anchor off the barrio in 3 to 6 fathoms (5.5 to 11 m.), mud bottom, or if desiring more shelter anchor northwestward of Reinard Island. Coming from southward, most vessels enter by the South Channel between Reinard and Verde del Norte Islands, being careful to avoid Zabala Reef, lying about 1 mile southeastward of Reinard Island. It is possible for vessels to pass between the islands and reefs of Green Island Bay and the Palawan coast, but the channels are narrow and tortuous and should not be attempted by strangers. There is an excellent typhoon anchorage in Pascoe Channel (chart 4319) behind Verde del Norte, but the channel for entering is very narrow and should not be attempted by a stranger unless marked. The best entrance is from northward. There is no channel between Verde del Sur and the coast of Palawan. Charybdis Shoal, with a least known depth of 15/6 fathoms (3.3 m.) of water, lies in latitude 10~ 01'.8 N., longitude 119~ 32'.4 E.; a small 9-fathom (16.5 m.) bank lies 11/2 miles northwest of this shoal. A large bank with several shoal areas lies 8 miles southwest of Charybdis Shoal. Pasig Shoal, near the southeastern edge of the bank, has a least known depth of 1%6 fathoms (3.4 m.) and is step-to on the eastern side, dropping off to over 100 fathoms (183 m.) is less than a mile. A 3%-fathom (6.7 m.) patch and a l1-fathom (3 m.) patch lie 3 and 5 miles, respectively, northwestward of Pasig Shoal. These are probably the shoals formerly known as Charybdis and Constancia. West Pasig Shoal, with a least known depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 4 miles westward of Constancia Shoal, with depths of 15 to 20 fathoms (27 to 36 m.) between them. These shoals seem to mark the southeastern edge of the submarine plateau making off from the northeast coast of Palawan and are the outer known dangers off this coast. With the sun in a suitable position they show plainly and may be readily avoided. HONDA BAY From Bold Point the coast trends west by south for 25 miles, then south for 12 miles to the entrance to Puerto Princesa, forming Honda Bay (chart 4334). This large bay is similar to Green Island Bay, containing numerous islets, shoals, and banks, surrounded by a moderate depth of water. The head and east shore of the bay are fringed by a strip of mangrove about 1/4 mile wide, but the north shore consists of sand and coral beaches with high hills rising almost from the water's edge. These hills are separated by deep conspicuous valleys and back of them rise the high mountain masses of this part of Palawan. Bold Point is not conspicuous from seaward but may be readily recognized by the two peaks, Sharp and Dome, lying close together 52 ITNITED STATES COAST PILOT about 2 miles inland. These peaks are frequently seen when the higher mountains are in the clouds. Mangrove Point is a good landmark, as it is the only prominent clump of mangroves on this part of the coast. It may be easily picked up from about 5 miles offshore. Emmit Point is higher but inconspicuous. Coral reefs make off both points and between them form a sheltered cove locally known as Bindlyan Cove, which affords protection for small boats and launches. Pasco Point has a few scattered mangroves but is not prominent unless close inshore. A shoal with a least known depth of /6 fathom (1.5 m.) lies midway between Mangrove Point and Pasco Point and about ~s mile offshore. It lies near the northern edge of an extensive bank with depths of 4 and 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.). It is the first of the numerous detached dangers met with along this coast, being separated from the shoal water off Emmit Point by depth of ~.0 fathomus (55 in.). Tinabog is a small village, not visible from seaward, about 112 miles west of Pasco Point. Anchorage may be taken up about 1 mile offshore eastward of the village in 11 fathoms (20.1 in.), mud bottom. with the southeast point of Fondeado Island bearing 240~ (SW. by W. is W. mag.) and Pasco Point bearing 12~ (N. 7/8 E. mag.). Small vessels may find better protection in 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.), south of the mouth of the Tinabog River, with the reef awash bearing 270~ (W. As S. mag.) distant I/2 mile. Castillo Point, 3 miles westward from Tinabog, probably derives its name from a rocky protuberance on the brow of the hill over it. This hill marks the western end of the bold range of hills which borders the coast from Green Island Bay and lies about midway between Tinabog and Babuyan, the two most important settlements on the north shore of Honda Bay. The Babuyan River can be entered at high tide by small boats and launches drawing not over 6 feet (1.8 in.), which can go as far as the town. Small boats and bancas can ascend the river to the rapids 51/2 miles above the town, the channel having a depth of about 3 feet (0.9 m.). To enter the river, steer a course 328~ (NW. by N. mag.), keeping the east tangent of Fondeado Island directly astern. This course brings the launch into the channel, which is easily followed. Westward of Babuyan the immediate coast is low and swampy and is heavily wooded. The first 4 miles is a narrow sand beach, while the remainder is all fringed by mangroves. Addison Point, a rather indefinite landmark, forms the eastern side of Tapul Bay. Bush Island, lying in the entrance to Tapul Bay, is a low mangrovecovered island with a coral reef extending 380 yards from the south and east sides. The north and west sides are sandy. A rock, bare at high tide, lies 550 yards south of Addison Point. Between this rock and the Bush Island Reef is a good channel leading to a wellprotected anchorage in Tapul Bay in 5 to 6 fathoms (9.1 to 11 m.), mud bottom. Tapul River is a salt-water slough extending 2 miles northward from the head of the bay, where it ends abruptly. The channel up to a small dock 1/ miles from the mouth of the slough is 20 to 30 yards wide and carries 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water. From Tapul a good trails leads through a low pass across the island of Palawan to 53 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO Ulugan Bay on the west coast. Here the island of Palawan is only about 4 miles wide. Westward of this pass rises Mount Peel, 3,600 feet (1,097 m.) high. This peak, with Mount Airy and Mount Herschel to the southwest and the Conical Peak, 1,190 feet (363 m.) high, to the eastward, form the prominent landmarks for approaching Honda Bay from offshore. The western shore of Honda Bay is fringed with low hills with lower land behind them. Immediately northward of the entrance to the Bacungan River lies a conspicuous red ridge; southward of the river there is a jumble of hills, valley, and peaks leading westward to Mount Beaufort and Thumb Peak. The Bacungan River can be entered by large launches, which, at flood tide, can ascend to the town of the same name about 6 miles from its mouth. This river was formerly noted for its nipa. Islands and shoals in Honda Bay.-Fondeado Island, 212 miles southwest of Castillo Point, is about 2 miles in circumference, low and wooded, about 110 feet (33 m.) to tops of trees. The island is surrounded by a coral reef about 250 yards wide. The eastern half of the islands is covered by mangroves, with a fringe of mangroves along the shore to the northwest point, where a sand spit projects about 50 yards. Numerous shoals, several of which bare at low water, lie in the area between Fondeado Island and the shore northward. Deep channels separate the shoals from each other, but they are narrow and winding and no directions can be given. About 1/2 mile northward of the east end of Fondeado Island, anchorage may be had in 9 to 10 fathoms (16.4 to 18.3 m.), sandy bottom, protected from the southwest by the island while the reef to the northeast breaks the sea from that direction. Panglima Reef, with a least known depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), lies 8 miles east of Fondeado Island, and constitutes the outer danger of Honda Bay. An extensive bank lies 2/2 miles northwest of Panglima Reef, with several shoal spots on it, the least water found being %5 fathom (1.5 m.). A number of shoals, with depths of 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) of water over them, lie from 1 to 4 miles eastward and southeastward of Fondeado Island. Their position and character can best be understood by reference to the chart. The channel eastward and southward of Fondeado Island, is the one recommended for vessels going from Tinabog to the anchorage off Babuyan River mouth. Arrecife Island lies 212 miles southwest of Fondeado Island on a large coral reef. The island is bordered by a white sand beach with some mangrove on its eastern and western sides. A clump of mangrove on the reef, about 480 yards southwest of the island, identifies it when approaching from seaward. A rock, with a least depth of /2 fathom (0.9 m.) lies 3/4 mile 70~ (ENE. mag.) from the northern point of the island, and 1 mile eastward of this rock there is a pinnacle shoal with a least depth of 42/3 fathoms (8.5 m.). An extensive shoal, with a least depth of 11/3 fathoms (2.4 m.), lies 23/4 miles southward of Arrecife Island on the north side of the channel leading into Tapul Bay. Buguias, Parunponon, and Kalungpang are three small islands lying on the great barrier reef westward of Arrecife Island. The first two are covered with trees and mangroves; the last is grass 54 TUNITED),'-TATES COAST PILOT covered only a few feet above sea level, and with Addison Point forms the range for entering the channel northward and eastward of Makesi Island. A reef with a sand cay that bares lies % mile east-northeast of Buguias Island. A channel, 1/ mile wide, separates this reef and Buguias Island from the foul area extending southward of Manogan. Buguias Island lies close to the northern edge of the barrier reef and may be passed at a distance of 200 yards. This constitutes the best channel leading from the Babuyan anchorage to Tapul Bay. Makesi Island is a small wooded island lying on the northwest end of a long coral reef bordering the south side of the main channel into Tapul Bay. A long narrow sand spit, which bares at half tide, extends off the southeast end of the island. This sand spit with the light green color of the reef renders it easy to pick up this reef, and this channel is easily navigated by keeping 1/3 to 1/ mile off the edge of the reef. The channel which separates Makesi Island from the reef on which Meara and Frazer Islands lie is not recommended as it is narrow and the edges of the foul water are hard to pick up. Meara and Frazer Islands are both heavily wooded. They are almost connected by a narrow sand spit just awash at high water. A small rocky shoal lies 1 mile north of the east end of Frazer Island. A narrow deep channel separates this rock from a coral reef /2 mile in diameter, on which there is a sand cay bare at all stages of the tide. The channel into Tapul Bay lies eastward of this reef and sand cay. Ramesamey Island is a small wooded island lying on an extensive reef in the western part of Honda Bay. It is steep-to on the west and is used bv the natives a aa resting place when traveling to and from Puerto Princesa. Cafion Island is merely a clump of mangroves. The channel between these islands and the coast is tortuous and foul and is used only by small boats and bancas. Directions, Honda Bay.-The course usually followed from Bold Point to Puerto Princesa passes close to Panglima Reef and over the bank in latitude 9~ 51' N., longitude 119~ 00' E. Vessels should not cross Panglima Reef for, though closely developed, there is always the possibility of a coral head with less water over it. To approach Tinabog, from a point 5 miles east of the south end of Fondeado Island steer 351~ (N. by W. mag.) for the 3,000-foot (914 m.) double peak on the eastern side of the Tinabog valley until about /4 mile offshore, then steer 297~ (NW. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) for the middle of the anchorage and anchor in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) with the bare reef bearing 223~ (SW. 3/ S. mag.) and Pasco Point 72~ (ENE. 1/A E. mag.). To approach Babuyan anchorage from southward, bring Liberty Cap, the high mountain just westward of Mount St. Pauls, to bear 0~ (N. /8 W. mag.) and steer for it. This course leads clear of all dangers. To enter Tapul Bay from southward, set a course to give Makesi Island reef a berth of 1/ to 1/2 mile, and when the western end of Makesi Island bears 180~ steer 342~ (N. by W. 3/ W. mag.) for a point midway between Addison Point and Bush Island, keeping Makesi Island directly astern, Favor Bush Island as the reef ex PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 55 tending out from it is more easily picked up than the Addison Point reef. To enter Tapul Bay from eastward, round Buguias Island, and when the southern edge of the island bears 90~ steer 270~ (W. /8 S. mag.), heading for the center of Bush Island. In rounding up into the bay favor the Bush Island reef as above. Between Honda Bay and Puerto Princesa, a barrier reef, about 200 yards wide, bare at low water, fringes the coast, lying about / mile offshore, and vessels should give this coast a berth of not less than 1/2 miles. PUERTO PRINCESA (chart 4343) is a large inlet extending about 7 miles in a northwesterly direction. It is surrounded by a densely wooded plain, fronting a high mountain chain on which Mount Beaufort and Thumb Peak are conspicuous peaks. The latter, when seen from the southeast, appears as a steep conical mountain with a knob on the summit. Both peaks are prominent landmarks,-but are frequently obscured by clouds. Table Head, though only 545 feet (166 m.) high, is a useful landmark for making Puerto Princesa. It is readily recognized, as it is only about 400 yards from the coast and is the lowest step of a gradually ascending range of hills extending to the southwest. The entrance to Puerto Princesa lies between Bancaobancaon Point northward and Panagtaran Point 2 miles southward. Reefs and shoal water extending out from the entrance points contract the navigable channel to a width of about 1 mile. The range, Tidepole Point on Thumb Peak, leads clear of the reef on the north side of the entrance and Tidepole Point on Mount Beaufort clears the shoal water on the south side. The depth in the entrance is 34 fathoms (62 m.), deepening to over 100 fathoms (183 m.) 1 mile outside. Bancaobancaon Point, the northern entrance point, is low and fringed with mangroves, and a thin fringe of mangroves extends almost to Tidepole Point. The latter point is made conspicuous by the white lighthouse; the point itself is a reddish cliff only about 20 feet (6.1 m.) high. A fixed red light, visible 12 miles, is exhibited, 43 feet (13.1 m) above high water, from an iron frame on the south side of the lighthouse. Princesa Point, 38 feet (11.6 m.) high, is made conspicuous by the government buildings back of it. A wooden wharf with concrete approach extends in a northwest direction. It has a depth of 24 feet (7.3 m.) alongside and deepens to 30 feet (9.1 m.) 5 yards off the face of the wharf. Gedeon Shoal, marked by a black buoy, lies 650 yards west of the wharf. Extensive mud flats and numerous coral reefs fill the head of Puerto Princesa. An important shoal, with a least depth of 1~/ fathoms (2.7 m.), lies 1,300 yards 312~ (NW. 1/2 W. mag.) from the end of the wharf. North of a line passing through this shoal and Iwahig River entrance the bottom is foul. A number of rivers empty through the mangroves into the head of the bay. The islands shown on the chart are little more than clumps of mangrove and are scarcely distinguishable from the shore near which they lie. The Iwahig River entrance is marked by a white light and distinctive beacons which must be left to port on entering. They are 56 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT maintained by the Iwahig Penal Colony, which is situated about 4 miles up the river, where there is a concrete boat landing. A depth of 6 feet (1.8 in.) at half tide can be carried into the river. The channel, which has been cleared by blasting, lies south of River Island and, after passing the beacons, launches should head for the fishing, dock on that island. The river is subject to freshets and consequent chaniges in the channel which passes to southward of the small island about 31/, miles from the entrance. Iwahig lies on the north side and about 150 yards back from the river, with which it is connected by a canal. It has a population of about 1200. The colony has a sawmill, ice plant, and machine shop, where minor repairs may be made, and meat, rice, and vegetables may be obtained in case of emergency. Vinagre Reef, with a rock awash near its center, lies in front of a large slloal bay, into which the Binuan and several smaller rivers empty. It is allmost midway between River Island and Nagplit Point. A shoal, with a least depth of 21% fathoms (3.9 m.) lies / mile northeat4 of the rock awash. Abucayan andI Saguit Inlets lie just inside the southern entrance point to Puerto Princesa. The shores of both bays are fringed with mangroves. Hieron Point has been cleared and planted with coconuts. Abucayan Inlet is long and narrow, the entrance being contracted to about 200 yards by coral reefs, clearly visible under favorable conditions. Beyond the entrance the inlet widens to about 1/3 mile, but reefs, surrounded by deep water, lie off the shore reef, and local knowledge is necessary for its safe navigation. Village Rocks, so named on account of their resemblance to a group of native huts when first seen, are two groups of rocks lying 250 and 450 yards from Red Cliff. Between them and Tabuntabun Point there is a clear channel 1/, mile wide, which leads to an anchorage at the head of Saguit Inlet. This anchorage is usually used by vessels loading lumber in the vicinity. Puerto Princesa, the capital of the Province of Palawan, lies on the eastern side of the harbor back of Princesa Point. Its white government buildings present an imposing appearance from the water. Fresh water may be obtained from a pipe line on the wharf and a limited amount of coal is stored here by the Province. The coal is expensive and intendeel only for the emergency use of vessels. Very few supplies are obtainable. A post office and radio station are maintained by the bureau of posts, and telephone communication may be had with Iwahig and Aborlan. Good roads connect the town with Canigaran arn Tagburos. Directions.-Vessels bound into Puerto Princesa should bring Tidepole Point to bear 304~ (NW. by W.1. 1/s W mag.) and pick up a range in the gap between Mount Beaufort and Thumb Peak and steer in on this ranme. When in line between the entrance points, change to 290~ (WNW. 3/ W. mag.), and when the lighthouse bears 40~ (NE. 5/ N. mag.) change course to 349~ (N. by W. 1/s W. mag.), heading for Cafia Island. When the wharf comes abeam, change course to 35~ (NNE. /s E. mag.) and anchor about 400 yards north of the end of the wharf in 9 to 10 fathoms (16.4 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom. This anchorage is well protected and is recommended as a good typhoon anchorlage. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SJULT ARCHIPELAGO 57 PUERTO PRINCESA TO ISLAND BAY Binunsalian Bay lies between Bay Point and Table Head. Wide coral reefs fringe the shore, and it is open to southeast. A narrow channel leads from its head into an inner basin named Turtle Bay, which affords good shelter for launches and small boats. A sand and coral shoal, bare at low water and readily seen on entering, lies in the center of Turtle Bay. Table Head, 545 feet (166 m.) high, lies close to the shore and is the first step in a gradually ascending range of hills that extends along the coast to the southwest. It is a conspicuous landmark and appears as the right tangent when Panagtaran Point sinks below the horizon. From offshore, Mount Central, a sharp peak 3,205 feet (977 m.) high, shows over the coastal range. It is the northern peak of a central range, which is separated from the still higher mountains near the west coast of Palawan by a deep valley. The Anepahan Peaks, twin peaks 4,250 and 4,200 feet (1,295 and 1,280 m.) high, lie in this latter range. The northern peak is sharp, the southern one flat and ridgelike. Mount Aborlan, 2,505 feet (763 m.) high, is the most conspicuous peak in the central range. A deep gorge separates the central range, with its higher peaks to the southwest of Mount Aborlan, from the Victoria Peaks to the southward. The latter, 5,500 feet (1,676 m.) high, is a massive mountain formation, with numerous peaks and deep gorges, which in the glare of the sun show up as big red scars in a dark background. The teeth are sharp twin peaks very steep on the south side. Another wide, fertile valley separates the Victoria Peaks from the Sultan range to the southward. Sultan Peak rises to a height of 3,835 feet (1,169 m.), and the mountains in front of it terminate in a conspicuous headland near Calatugas. A wide, level plain, heavily wooded and having some good pasture land, slopes from the shore back to the mountains of this part of Palawan. The greater part of the shore is fringed with mangroves, and a coral reef extends off from 50 to 200 yards. The deep water which comes up close to the coast at Puerto Princesa gives way about 7 miles to the southward to a gradually widening bank with many dangerous shoals upon it. Table Head, bearing nothing eastward of 0~ (N. /8W. mag.), clears this bank, which deepens from depths of 10 and 20 fathoms (18.3 and 36 m.) to over 100 fathoms (183 m.) in less than half a mile. The edge of the bank is frequently marked by ripples, and a considerable current may be experienced in the vicinity, which, however, will not be felt farther offshore or on the bank itself. The navigation of this area is fairly simple. The mountain peaks furnish good landmarks for fixing the position of the vessel, and the dangerous shoals offshore can be easily picked up. Tagbarunis Point, 11/2 miles northeast of Inagauan, is a gently rounding, mangrove-covered point, not very conspicuous from seaward. The river emptying to northward of the point has about 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on the bar at half tide, and small boats go up about /2 mile. Inagauan is not visible from seaward but may be identified by a high sand beach in front of the village. The 1,755 -foot (535 m.) peak about 3 miles northwest of Inagauan is conspicuous on account of its perfect cone-shaped summit and the flat coun 58 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT try immediately southward of it. The village consists of a single path running due west from the coast for about 1 mile. There is some cultivated land between the mangrove swamps north and south, and good pasture land extends back toward the high land. It is a station of the Iwahig colony locally known as Sugut. The Inagauan River, with 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on the bar at half tide, empties into the sea 1 mile north of the village. Fresh water may be obtained about 1/2 mile up the river. Small boats can ascend the main branch about 2 miles farther. Fair weather anchorage may be had off Inagauan in about 5 fathoms (9.1 in.), mud bottom. In approaching this anchorage from eastward care must be taken to avoid the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal lying 11/ miles off Tagbarunis Point. Village Bay, between Maasin Point and the Puntog Islands, is very foul with numerous coral reefs and patches, making it unsafe for navigation. The Isog River, which empties into the northern part of the bay, is a deep salt-water slough having about 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water on the bar at half tide. Small boats can go up the left branch about 2 miles. The Puntog Islands, two small mangrove islands, lie on the shore reef. Bancas and small boats can go up the Saub River for about 1 mile to a plantation and cattle ranch. Malanao Island is a large, flat, mangrove-covered island, about 2 miles long and 1 mile wide with trees about 65 feet (19.8 m.) high. A coral reef extends about 600 yards southwest of the island. The channel between the island and the mainland is foul, and vessels should not attempt to pass through the intricate channels among the reefs, many of which bare at low water. Launches drawing 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m.) pass through the channel leading close to Malanao Island. Malanao Anchorage (chart 4334), southwest of Malanao Island, affords well-protected anchorage in 31,, fathoms (6.4 in.), mud bottom. The usual commercial anchorage is southward of Cutter Point off the Aborlan River in 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.). Cutter Point is a gently rounding mangrove point with a hard coral reef 100 yards wide on its southern side. The Aborlan River empties into the sea through two mouths. The northern is the larger and deeper channel, and boats that can cross the bar, about 3 feet (0.9 m.) at half tide, go as far as the wharf at Aborlan. The town of Aborlan, 2 miles up the river, is on a government reservation and is the political and educational center for the several tribes of Central Palawan. The telephone line from Iwahig to Brooke Point passes through the town. The anchorage off the town is best made by bringing the mouth of the river to bear 270~ (W. ~/ S. mag.), passing about 1/3 mile southward of Malanao Island. Calver Point is a double mangrove-covered point about 1 mile wide. The two points are separated by a small bay, Lolo Bay, with a light yellow sand beach which makes a useful leading mark for approaching the anchorage near the point. Good protection during the southwest monsoon may be obtained northward of Calver Point in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), mud bottom. In making Calver Point from the vicinity of Malanao Island the following course is recommended: From a point 1/3 mile south of the most southerly point of Malanao Island, steer 227~ (SW. mag.), heading for the southern point of PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 59 Calver Point, keeping the eastern tangent of Malanao directly astern. To approach Calver Point from the eastward of Sombrero Island. bring the bright sand beach to bear 277~ (W. 1/2 N. mag.) and steer for it. This course will lead between the long reef off Sombrero Island and the 1/2-fathom (0.9 m.) shoal lying 1 mile southwestward of it. The Maasin River empties northward of the point and the Tigman River southward. They both are small and unimportant, the former having only about 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water on the sand flat at the mouth and is little more than a salt-water slough. Fresh water was found /2 mile up the Tigman River. Sombrero Island is a thickly wooded sand cay about 10 feet (3 m.) high and 119 feet (36 m.) to the top of the highest tree. The coral reef on which it lies is about 1 mile long northeast and southwest and /2mile wide. The island is about 800 yards long by 450 yards wide and forms a useful landmark for clearing the many dangerous reefs that lie off this coast. Apoapuraguan Point and river lie 2 miles southwest of Calver Point. The point is low, mangrove-covered, with undercut coral cliffs about 10 feet (3 m.) high on its southern side. Good lumber is being taken out of the river, which is little more than a salt-water slough with 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on the bar at half tide. Vessels can pass between Calver Point and Native Point by keeping from 1/4 to /2 mile offshore following the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve. The Malasgao River empties into the sea about 1 mile north of Native Point through two channels. The southern and deeper one has about 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on the bar at half tide. Inside the entrance points the channel is divided into three parts by two islands, the main channel passing between the islands. Small boats and bancas can ascend the river about 2 miles. Native Point is low and heavily wooded with a few clumps of mangrove breaking a narrow sand beach extending along the line of vegetation. A coral reef 100 yards wide surrounds the point. From the southern end of the point the shore trends due north for 650 yards and then forms a long regular arc to Panacan Point, 3 miles southwestward. The latter point also points southward and the coast forms another arc to Casuarina Point. A shoal, with a least depth of 11/6 fathoms (2.1 m.) of water, lies 34 mile southward of Native Point. The course from Native Point to Panacan passes between the shoal and the point, heading for the western tangent to Rasa Island and favoring that island when heading in for the anchorage. Arena Island is 1/4 mile in extent, covered with trees 65 feet (19.8 m.) high, and lies on the western edge of an almost circular reef /2 mile in diameter. A number of dangerous coral shoals exist in the vicinity, the position and character of which can be best understood by reference to the chart. Rasa Island (chart 4334), lying eastward of Mantaquin Bay, is a large irregular mangrove swamp on a coral reef that extends about 700 yards beyond the island at its northeast and southwest ends. It has only a very few deciduous trees and from offshore is hard to distinguish from the mainland. The channel between the island and the sand spit off Casuarina Point is only about 500 yards wide. Good anchorage protected from the northeast may be had in Manta 60 UNITEI) STATES COAST PILOT quin Bay in the lee of Rasa Island; and anchorage protected from all except the northeast may be had northward of Casuarina Point in about 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), mud bottom. Panacan, at the mouth of the Panacan River, may be recognized by a bright tin roof on a substantial house. It is little more than a plantation, the native village lying along the coast to the south of Casuarina Point. This place is also a shipping point for lumber. Vessels going into Panacan must take care to avoid the shoals lying 1~ to 1 mile northward of Rasa Island. Casuarina Point is long and sharp, and is made conspicuous by the high coniferous trees upon it. A long sand spit, bare at low water, makes off the point. A reef, bare at low water, lies 1/2 mile southward of the point, and a rock, almost awash at low water, lies 1/4 mile southeast of this reef. The channel into Mantaquin Bay from the north lies east of these reefs. From Casuarina Point the coast trends west and southwest for 6 miles to Bivouac Point. It is a succession of sand beaches and mangrove points and islands not distinguishable as islands from offshore. The Malinao River has good fresh water. Small boats and launches can cross the bar and ascend the river about 1/2 mile. Emelina Island is the last of the off-lying islands northward of Island Bay. It is elliptical in form, low, covered with deciduous trees, and has an outer fringe of mangrove; at the northern end there is a loose coral beach with grassy land back of it, and a narrow, white sand and coral spit extends out about 250 yards at this point. Bivouac Point is gently rounding and not conspicuous, being little more than a change of direction in the shore line. Batonbaton River, with only 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water at low tide, empties into the sea northward of the point, and the Katabungan empties westward. The latter can be entered at half tide by small boats and launches having about 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water at low tide in the channel between the sand spits, but is shioal inside. Both rivers have good fresh water. Batonbaton is an unimportant native settlement. ISLAND BAY At Bivouac Point the coast turns to the westward for 14 miles, then southward for 18 miles to Nariz Point. The head of this indentation, between Relief Point and Crawford Cove, forms Island Bay. The coast between Bivouac Point and Relief Point is fairly regular, low and flat, practically free from mangroves, and is fronted by a fine sand beach. At Batobato Point a coral ledge and some, loose bowlders extend out about 100 yards; the shore line turns north for about 200 yards to the Batobato River, a small fresh-water stream. The waters of Island Bay and vicinity have a number of dangerous shoals and close in it is hazardous for vessels to navigate. At 1 mile 202~ (S. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) from Bivouac Point there is a shoal with 21/, fathoms (4.5 m.) of water over it. A shoal, with a least depth of 123 fathoms (3 m.), lies 4 miles 110~ (ESE. 3% E. mag.) from Relief Point and 31/2n miles offshore. Several shoals with varying depths of water are shown inshore of this latter shoal. From Relief Point, in the northeast part of the bay, coral bottom, PALAWAN, MIN IAN(AO AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 61 on which there are patches of 3 to 12 feet (0.9 to 3.6 m.), extends 114 miles southwest. A patch of 21/2 fathoms (4.5 m.) lies midway between Relief Point and Arrecife Island and 3 miles offshore, with the north extremity of Arrecife Island bearing 236~ (SW. 34 W. mag.) and Relief Point 20~ (N. by E. % E. mag.). Arrecife, Bessie, and Gardiner Islands are three low islands upward of a mile from each other, lying in a southwest and northeast direction in the southern part of Island Bay. Arrecife Island, the northeasternmost, has its eastern side surrounded by coral, which bares 1/ mile from it, with 14 fathoms (25.6 m.) near the edge. Temple Island and others and a number of sand banks lie inshore and northward of these, fronting the head of the bay. The depth of water between and around them is 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.). Puerto Separacion lies westward of Separation Point, which projects from the middle of Island Bay. Directions for approaching the anchorage are as follows: From a point about 1 mile south of Arrecife Island, steer 300~ (NW. by W. 1/2 W. mag.) for the south tangent of the unnamed island to the northwestward of Bessie Island, with the 1,630 —foot (497 m.) peak (Malanut Range) on range. When the large sand cay to the northward comes on range with the west tangent of Temple Island, steer for it, course 27~ (NNE. 14 E. mag.). Skirt the western edge of this sand cay, then steer 343~ (N. by W. 3/ W. mag.), and anchor in suitable depth, 2 to 5 fathoms (3.6 to 9.1 m.), soft mud, about 1/2 mile southwest of the blockhouse at Separation Point. Good shelter will be found here from all winds. The coast from Crawford Cove, which is 1 mile in length with 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) of water at the entrance, trends southwestward for about 11 miles to Nariz Point, which is low and wooded with a small hill at the back of it. On the north side of Crawford Cove is the southern extremity of a coast range, and Davie Hill lies 2 miles south of it. Shoal.-A shoal patch, covered with less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) of water, is reported to exist about 2 miles eastward of Eustasia Point and about 4 miles southward of Crawford Cove. Altnacraig Shoal lies in latitude 9~ 00' N., longitude 118~ 20' E., and has a least known depth of /2 fathom (0.9 m.). It is a bank about 1 mile in diameter with several coral heads on the northeastern part. The bottom is distinctly visible and discoloration of water may be seen at a distance of 1 mile. Irregular bottom extends to the southwestward, a depth of 11 fathoms (20.1 m.) being found about 5 miles distant in that direction. Heavy tide rips are frequently encountered and a strong current sets along the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve, and eddies seem to set in every direction across the shoal. Marabout Shoal, on which the ship 2Marabout, drawing 24 feet (7.3 n.), grounded in 1885, is composed of coral and considered to have a depth of about 3 fathoms (5.5 m.). From it Tagaiinog Island bears 246~ (SW. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) distant about 8 miles. Tagalinog Island is a long, narrow, wooded island 5/8 by 1/8 mile in extent and surrounded by a coral reef 200 to 500 yards wide. 95672~-30 5 62 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT The height to top of trees is 80 feet (24.4 m.). The southeastern end at first appears to be a small island by itself, but on closer approach is seen to be connected with Tagalinog proper by a grasscovered sand spit. There is no anchorage near this island, the depths being upward of 100 fathoms (183 m.) close to the reef. Caution.-It must be borne in mind that in a region which is so studded with isolated rocks and shoals not all dangers to navigation may be found during the survey, and extreme caution is necessary when navigating in this vicinity. ISLAND BAY TO CORAL BAY Caramay Bay, 1 mile northeast of Nariz Point, is shoal but affords good protection for launches and small boats. The Caramay River empties into the head of the bay, is shallow, and does not afford good fresh water. Nariz Point is low with young mangrove bordering the shore. The bay to the westward is filled with coral. A shoal, with a leastknown depth of 512 fathoms (10 mn.) lies 2 miles southeast of the point. A similar shoal lies 4 miles southwestward of this shoal on the outer side of a deep, clear channel over 1 mile wide, which parallels this coast. From Nariz Point the coast trends southwest, is low and heavily wooded. This lowland extends a distance of 212 to 3 miles inland to the base of the mountain range of this part of Palawan. The shore is bordered by a coral reef, with several shoals and rocks close inshore. About midway between Nariz Point and Filantropia Point there is a small mangrove point. A rock with a depth of only 2 feet (0.6 m.) of water over it lies almost 1 mile off this point, with a reef awash midway between it and the point. At Filantropia the coral reef extends out about T00 yards, and launches and small vessels can find some protection from the monsoon behind it. The axis of the clear channel mentioned above passes about 2 miles off Brooke Point and Filantropia Point and 1 mile off Nariz Point. Brooke Point, situated about midway between Nariz Point and the Segvam Islands, is low and not prominent from seaward. A small reef makes off the point. Anchorage is usually made west of the point and reef in 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.). This anchorage affords good protection during northerly and northeast weather. The place is of little commercial importance but is the seat of government for the Moro settlement of Palawan. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles, is exhibited at a height of 35 feet (10.7 m.) above high water from the Cupola of the blockhouse on the extremity of Brooke Point. Addison Peak, 3,110 feet (955 m.) high, is a good landmark. The peak is very steep on both east and west sides and usually clear of clouds except in the rainy season. The mountains in the interior are frequently cloud covered. Tami Point, 5 miles southwestward of Brooke Point, has a reef extending out about 500 yards. Tacbolulu is a small settlement to the southward of the point. It is of no commercial importance. The Segyam Islands are two large clumps of mangroves growing on the shore reef about 3 miles eastward of Bonobono. The best PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT ARCHIPELAGO 63 passage along this part of Palawan is close to the shore reef inside the maze of shoals existing about 3 miles offshore. San Antonio Bay.-From the Segyam Islands the coast trends westward and then southward to Sarap Point, forming a deep bay with a large number of dangerous shoals. Discolored water from several rivers that empty into the western part of the bay makes these shoals hard to see. Bonobono, on the north shore of the bay, is the most important settlement, and it is connected with Brooke Point by a telephone line. The Iwahig River has about 21/ feet (0.8 m.) of water on the bar at low water, with deeper water inside. It is the largest river in southern Palawan and, rising in the foothills of Mount Escarpado, drains a fertile and populous valley. Huevo Bank is a series of small shoals lying eastward of San Antonio Bay. Deep water exists in the channel between the shoals, but vessels should not attempt to pass through them. Egg Island is a small sand cay situated on a reef extending about 12 mile in northeast and southwest direction. The position of the cay is continually shifting, due to storms. Gull Bank is a large reef which bares at about half tide. On its southeast side the water deepens abruptly to 20 fathoms (36 m.). Pirate Island is'a small, flat island with a number of high trees on its northeast point. Anchorage sheltered from southwest winds may be had behind. Pirate Island in 16 fathoms (29.3 m.), sticky mud. The reef extending to the northeastward of the island affords good protection from the sea. Caution.-Vessels having no object in coming into San Antonio Bay should not close this part of the coast nearer than 8 miles, as local knowledge is indispensable for safe navigation among the numerous coral shoals of this region. Surveys show the existence of many dangers along the coast, both inshore and offshore. Mariners navigating this section should use only the latest edition of the charts and be guided by them. Iglesia Point, about 6 miles southwestward of Sarap Point, is low and flat, consisting mostly of mangrove. A flat-topped hill just back of the point forms a good landmark for this vicinity. A fair anchorage in the northeast monsoon exists just westward of the point in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.), mud bottom, being careful to avoid swinging on a 2-fathom (3.6 m.) shoal almost in the center of the anchorage space. Coral Bay is the name given to the area between Pandanan and Bugsuk Islands and the coast of Palawan. It contains many shoals and reefs, the latter frequently havin'g sand cays near their western edges. The area between Arrecife and Bowen Islands is extremely foul. These reefs break the swell coming from the Sulu Sea during the northeast monsoon, but leave a choppy sea on the bay. To enter Coral Bay, pass northward of Arecife Island, using the sand cays for fixing the vessel's position. A good typhoon anchorage exists in Coral Bay, behind the larger of the Cabugan Islands, southwestward of Rawnsley Point, in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), sticky mud bottom. Coral Bay may also be entered from westward through a deep, narrow channel between Pandanan Island and the coast of Palawan. A coral shoal, approximate depth 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), lies near this channel 3.4 miles 2~ (N. mag.) from the north end of Bowen Island. 64 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Tuba River affords a good protected anchorage with limited swinging room. The bottom is mud and the entrance easily negotiated. Pass between the northerly of two cays and a 21/t fathoms (4.1 m.) spot off Marantow Point. Ursula Island, lying 91,/, miles 170~ (S. by E. i, E. mag.) from Iglesia Point and about the same distance east-northeast from Bugsuk Island, is a low sandy island densely covered with vines an(l trees. The highest tree, located near the center of the island, is dome shaped, the top reaching an elevation of 100 feet (30 m.) albove high water. A coral reef extends 3/ mile northeastward and shoal water exists eastward and southward of the island. Tie best landing is found on the northwest part of the island where deep water is found close inshore. Vessels bound along the coast of Palawan should pass to the northwest of Ursula Island as there are several dangerous shoals to the southeast of the island. At 21/ miles 306~ (NW. by W. mag.) from the sunmit of Ursula Island is a 11/-fathom (2.7 m.) shoal; a 11/;-fathonl (2.1 m.) shoal lies 21/2 miles 346~ (N. by W. 3/% W. mag.) from Ursula Island, and a 31/4-fathom (5.9 m.) shoal lies 5 miles 10~ (N. 34 E. mag.) from Ursula Island. These dangers lie in the middle of ian otherwise clear channel, 4 miles wide, between Ursula Island and the foul ground extending northeastward of Bugsuk Island. Argyll Shoal, with a least depth of 21/, fathoms (4 m.), lies 4 miles 86~ (E. 1/ N. mag.) froml lrsiila Isllan(. A shoal with la ldeptl of 2% fathoms (4.3 m.) lies 3 miles 183~ (S. / W. mag.) and a shoal with a least depth of 3%6 fathoms (6.7 il.) lies 134 miles eastward of the 2Y% fathoms (4.3 m.) shoal. Between these shoals and Argyll Shoal there are several banks with slightly less than 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) of water over them. Wright Shoal lies with Ursula Island bearing 277~ (W. 1/2 N. mag.) distant 9 miles. It is 11/ miles in length east and west, 1/ mile in width with 1 fathom (1.8 m.) of water on its shoalest part, and 30 to 70 fathoms (55 to 128 m.) close around it. Wakefield Shoal, on which the ship lVakeficld struck in 1889, has a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) over corral and sand. It is 11/4 miles long in an east-northeast aInd opposite direction by:~ mile wide and lies with Iglesia Point bearing 296~ (NW. by W. %/s W. mag.) and Mount Mantalingajan bearing 338~ (NNW. '/ W. mag.). The shoalest spot is on the southwestern part witl dleep water close southward and westward. The Spanish Government schooner Circe, in 1862 obtained a sounding of 41/~ fathoms (8.2 m,) coral, on a bank which is placed on the charts in latitllde 8~ 26' N.. longitude 117~ 56' E., and now marked " E I)" (existence doubtful). This shoal was searched for during the survey without success and as Wakefield Shoal was formerly shown about 4 miles northeastward of its true position it is believed these two shoals are identical. ISLANDS AND CHANNELS SOUTII OF PALAWAN Dalahican Island lies on the southeast edge of a large coral reef; It is low and sandy and is now planted with coconuts. The channel between the reef and Cape Buliluyan is about 1/2 mile wide with 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.) of water in it. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 65 Canimeran is a small islet lying 21/ miles westward from Dalahican Island, on a reef over 1/2 mile wide and 11/ miles long north and south. Shoals with 3 and 4 fathomrs (5.5 and 7.3 m.) of water extend over 2 miles northward of the islet. Patongong Islet, situated 11/ miles southwest of Canimeran, lies on the southeastern edge of a coral reef over 2 miles long in an east and west direction. The channel between the two islets is about 1/2 mile wide and appears to be the best approach to the clannel leading along tle north side of Pandanan Island. Pandanan Island is roughly rectangular in shape, 5 miles long nortleast and southwest and 21/2 miles wide. It is low, fiat, and lensely wooded.with a shorIe line varied between mangrove and rock about 10 feet (3 m.) high. A small settlement, headquarters for a lumber concession, lies about midway of thle island on the: west shore. The channel between Pandanan Island and Dalahican aind the Palawan coast is about 3/4 mile wide and easily navigated. An intricate mass of coral and deep channels extends nlortheastward of Pandanan Island into Coral Bay. Bugsuk Island, low, flat, rectangular in shape, with an area of about 33 square miles, lies eastward of Pandanan Island. It is densely wooded and a wide coral reef encircles the island. An estuary or river (livides the island at high water, the northern entrance laving a etlptli of over 3 feet ((.9 ii.), but the western entrance being blocked by mlangroves. The clhannel between Bugsuk and Pandanan is deep but narrowed to a widtli of about 400 yards by tle slore reefs and leads into a maze of sh}oals at its lnorthern end in Coral Bay. Bowen is a small heavily woloded islet lying on a coral reef northward of Bugsuk Island. Apo, Gabung, and Byan Islands lie on the northern edge of the wide coral reef extending soutlwestward of Bugsuk Island. Bancalan Island, lying 3,1 miles southwesterly from Pandanan Island, is 3 miles in length by 1:4 miles in breadth. The island is half encircled by a reef usually discernible by tlie breakers and the light-green color of the water inside, iand which at tle northwestern extremity extends nearly 13/ miles from shore. There are numerous isolated coral patcles from 1 to 3 fathoms (1.8 to 5.5 m.) in the cliannel between it and Mantangule Island. Mantangule and Canabungan Islands.-Mantangule, lying 2 miles southeastward of Bancalan Island, is 4 miles in length and 13/4 miles in breadth. Canabungan Island, lying southwestward of Mantangule, is 13/4 miles in length and about 1/3 mile in breadth. Malinsono Island is a small island joined to Mantangule by a coral reef. All these islands are low, densely wooded, and fringed by coral and sand. There are no landmarks except the islands and their points. Several shoals have been reported in this locality. A small rock, hard to see, lies ~/2 mile 71~ (ENE. /,s E. mag.) true from Patawan Island; a shoal of small extent lies 1.3 miles 4~ (N. 1/8 E. mag.) true from the same island; a shoal of small extent lies 0.9 mile 78~ (ENE. 3/4 E. mag.) true from the southeast point of Patongong Island; a shoal of considerable area with a depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 1.3 miles 199~ (S. by W. ~/2 W. mag.) true from the 66 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT same point (probably the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal charted 0.3 mile northward of this position). Anchorages.-Vessels may anchor anywhere within the area between Pandanan, Bancalan, and Mantangule Islands, where the shoals do not interfere, in 7 to 15 fathoms (12.8 to 27.4 m.) of water, mud, and sand bottom. For very rough weather the southern entrance to the channel leading between Bugsuk and Pandanan Islands or the channel itself is recommended. No sea can get into this latter anchorage, though the place may be subject to heavy winds in typhoon weather. The channels leading to these anchorages are intricate. The best channel, if they admit of a choice, appears to be northward of Bancalan Island. Between its reef and that extending from Patongong Et is 11/2 miles wide, but a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) coral patch lving in the center, just within the entrance, contracts it to one-half that width. It should be attempted only when the reefs are distinctly visible from aloft. The following remarks may prove of value, but they must not be absolutely relied upon: To enter by this channel sight the edge of Bancalan Reef, which is always well-defined, and keep along it at 1/ mile distance until the western extremity of the island bears 199~ (S. by W. 1W. mag.) to clear a small 3-fathom (5.5 m.) knoll detached 600 yards from the reef; then close the reef immediately to avoid the central patch, and keep 400 to 600 yards off, steering for Patawan Islet, off Bancalan, in line with the north end of Malinsono. Do not approach Bancalan within 600 yards. During the southwest monsoon anchorage may be obtained between Bancalan and Patawan in 8 or 9 fathoms (14.6 or 16.4 m.), sandy bottom, with the latter island bearing 114~ (ESE. mag.). In the northeast monsoon the best anchorage is southeastward of Patawan in 9 to 10 fathoms (16.4 to 18.3 m.), taking care to pass between it and Bancalan, as the ground eastward is foul. The channel between Bancalan and Mantangule has a number of shoals of from 2 to 4 fathoms (3.6 to 7.3 m.), and no direction can be given. The shoals are dark in color and hard to pick up even in the best of light. The channel between Mantangule and Byan was used many times by the steamer Pathfinder and is considered safe for vessels of 15-foot (4.6 m.) draft, being careful to keep to the channel proper, between the dangerous reefs on either side. The east tangents of Mantangule and Malinsono Islands on range will lead between shoals at the south approach to this channel. A course 12~ (N. 7/ E. mag.) to pass midway between Mantangule and Byan Islands seems to be safe but leads midway between a reef with bowlders awash and a 5-foot (1.5 m.) spot 750 yards eastward of it. To avoid this area, as soon as the south tangent of Gabung Island opens northward of Byan Island, haul eastward and follow the edge of the reef until the west end of Gabung Island bears south, when the course may be shaped for the anchorage. The passage between Malinsono Island and the reefs extending southward of Pandanan Island has several shoal spots in it, and in the absence of aids to navigation a careful lookout must be kept. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 67 BALABAC ISLAND lying 17 miles southwesterly from Cape Buliluyan, is nearly 17 miles in length north and south and 9 miles in breadth. On the southern half of the island are several ranges of high hills exhibiting great variety of outline. Only a few, however, are of sufficient importance to require description. Steepfall Range, about 2 miles from Cape Melville, the south point of the island, is composed of several hills in a semicircular form, and, being nearly of the same elevation, 850 feet (259 m.), presents a table-topped appearance, whence the sides fall in a precipitous manner; hence the name. Northward of Steepfall other ranges varying in height from 1,200 to 1,300 feet (366 to 396 m.) extend to Dalawan Bay. Balabac Peak, situated 2 miles northwestward of Dalawan Bay, has the greatest elevation on the island, 1,890 feet (576 m.). Northward other ranges extend as far as Calandorang Bay. On the northern part of the island are several detached hills, the highest being 750 feet (229 m.) high. Ramos Island, lying northward of Balabac, is about 4 miles in extent and is separated from Balabac by Candaraman Inlet, which is nearly blocked by islets and shoals. Port Ciego or Blind Harbor lies in the opening nearly 2 miles wide between Ramos and Balabac Islands. Coral reefs almost block the entrances, leaving deep but narrow channels, through which there flows a strong tidal current, the flood flowing eastward through Candaraman Inlet and ebb in the opposite direction. Bad whirls and eddies are formed during spring tides. The best anchorage is eastward or westward of Albay Island in Candaraman Inlet in 4 to 7 fathoms (7.3 to 12.8 m.), mud bottom. Good anchorage may be had in the heads of the bays out of the channel currents. In entering from westward follow the shore reef of Ramos Island and pass north of Sanz Island. The reefs are easily seen on rising tides and high water, but on a falling tide and low water they are often obscured by the mud from the numerous mangrove inlets. From Port Ciego to Cape Disaster, the northern extremity of Ramos Island, and round eastward the coast is low with two small cliffy hills a little inland. The coast reef bares nearly 1 mile off at low water. Northwest Shoal lies 2 to 3 miles westward of Ramos Island and has as little as 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) of water in places. EAST COAST OF BALABAC The east coast of Balabac is tolerably bold, with deep water close to it in many places. Calandorang Bay (chart 4347), situated 5 miles southward of Candaraman Inlet, is over 1/2 mile wide between Sarmiento and Espina Points, with depths of from 5 to 20 fathoms (9.1 to 36 m.). It is shallow for 1 mile from its head and 800 yards seaward of the town, with isolated patches between the 3 and 5 fathom (5.5 to 9.1 m.) curves. Off the town are depths of 11/2 and 2 fathoms (2.7 and 3.6 m.), according to the distance. The south point of the entrance is formed by Almirante. Gil Hill, 105 feet (32 m.) in height. The 68 UNITED STATES COAST PIL()T north point is mangrove with hills a short distance inside. Coral reefs with shallow water beyond extend about 200 yards off both points and to a greater distance off the points within on the northern shore, which is all mangrove. Balabac. —The Spanish Government in 1858 erected a military station here named Balabac, on the south shore, for the puIrpose of developing the trade of Palawan and other neighboring islands, but it is no longer a port of entry and of little conmmercial importance. An occulting white light, visible 15 miles, is exhibited from a white-framed structure 33 feet (10.1 in.) high, on Espina Point. Climate.-The dry season is from November to April and the wet season from May to October, and the average temperature from one year's observation was 79~. Water can be obtained from a little stream near the town, but no supplies can be had. There is a landing pier for small boats at the town. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, at Calandorang Bay at llh.; springs. rise 6 feet (1.8 m.). Directions-Anchorage.-A steam vessel will find no difficulty in entering Calandorang Bay, guided by the plan. Steer in midway between the entrance points and, when Espina Point bears 159" (SSE. mag.), steer for the bluff westward of the town, bearing 233~ (SW. / WV. muag.), proceeding slowly, as the depths decrease quickly inside the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve. Anchor whel Espina Point bears 109 (ESE. 1/2 E. mag.) in about 8 fathoms (14.6 in.). Small vessels can go farther in on the line of bearing of tlhe bluff. The anchorage is good, with a bottom of mud, and perfectly secure in the southwest monsoon season. In the opposite season the monsoon sometimes blows into the bay with force, raising a choppy sea, so that vessels should anchor nearer the north shore in tlhat season. The Caimanes Estero, which disclarges into the western part of the bay, is reported to offer perfectly protected anchorage for small vessels, 90 or 100 feet long, drawing 7 to 9 feet (2.1 to 2.7 m.). The channel is sometimes marked by stakes, and( a vessel drawing 8 feet (2.4 m.) can enter at high water. A sailing vessel from southward should make for Dalawan Bay if the wind be likely to fail and await a more favorable opportunity for entering Calandorang Bay, for, on account of the deep water, which is unsuited for anchorage, if the wind should fail when within a mile or so of the port the vessel would be swept toward the numerous dangers northward, there being a current in that direction during the southwest monsoon. Dalawan Bay (chart 4347), situated 6 miles southward of Calandorang Bay, is convenient for wood and water and affords good shelter during the southwest monsoon. Dalawan Bay will be readily recognized by the lowland extending in a west-northwest direction from the beach across the island separating the highland about Balabac Peak from Transept Hill, a smooth, table-topped hill, 1,319 feet (402 m.) in height, on the south side of the bay. The bay is about 1 mile wide between the entrance points and extends about 3/4 mile westward with anchorage in 7 to 12 fathoms (12.8 to 21.9 m.), mud bottom, shoaling gradually to the sandy beach at the head. The shores of the bay are densely wooded, the entrance PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND STLTT ARCHIPELAGO 69 points on either side being fronted with mangroves. The best anchorage is nearly in the center of the bay in 9 fathoms (16.4 m.), mud bottom, nearly 1/2 mile from the beach. Reefs, bare at low water, project from both points at the entrance, contracting the channel to about 1/2 mile in width; that on the northern side has a rock at its extremity named Buoy Rock, lying 400 yards south from the shore, and which, being generally uncovered, forms a good mark for entering the bay. The spit on the south side bares 300 yards from the shore, but a rocky spit extends 700 yards beyond this in a northeasterly direction, having in sone parts only 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water, with 5 and 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 nl.) close to the edge. A stream is situated in the southwest corner of the bay northward of White Rock. Its channel is continually shifting in consequence of freshets, but boats can enter near high water. Tides.-It is lligh water, full and change, at Dallawan Bay at llh.; springs rise 5 feet (1.5 m.). Water.-About 1/ mile southeastward of White Rock is a rivulet of good water; in the dry season the water must be obtained some distance up to be good. It is navigable for boats on ordinary occasions about 1 mile, where there are a few houses and some cultivated ground. Clarendon Bay (chart 4347), situated 51/ miles southwesterly from I)alawan Bay andl 3/ mile northeasterly from Cape Melville, is about 3 mile long in a northwesterly direction and has a greatest breadth of about 1/~ mile, with depths of 4 to 6 fathoms (7.3 to 11 m.), mud bottom. From West Point, the western entrance point, the reef extends off a very short distance, but from East Point, the eastern entrance point, it projects more than 400 yards, leaving a navigable channel of about 150 yards wide between the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curves. Clarendon Bay is of no commercial importance and is used only by the lighthouse tender when communicating with Cape Melville Lighthouse. The following buoys are established in Clarendon Bay: A secondclass red nun buoy, moore(l in 3 fathomls (5.5 m.), sandy bottom, marks the edge of the spit southwestward from East Point. A black third-class can buoy, moored in 3 fathoms (5.5 In.), sandy bottom, marks the edge of the bank in the southwestern part of the bay. Directions.-Vessels entering Clarendon Bay should bring the middle of the entrance to bear 321~ (NW. 3/8 N. mag.) and steer for it; pass close to the red buoy, keeping a good lookout for the reefs on either side and anchor off the black buoy in 41/2 or 5 fathoms (8.2 or 9.1 m.), muddy bottom. The head of the bay is reported to be foul. Cape Melville, the southern extremity of Balabac Island, is fronted by a reef to the distance of 1/2 mile and, with the point westward, has detached patches extending off to a distance of 11/4 miles. A flashing white light, visible 24 miles, is exhibited from an octagonal stone tower 90 feet (27.4 m.) high, 11/2 miles northwestward from Cape Melville and % mile from the sea. West coast of Balabac-Dangers.-The west coast of Balabac is fronted by numerous reefs which extend several miles off. The most 70 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT important are Gnat Reef, Balabac Great Reef, and Ada Reef, which bare and extend from 2 to 31/2 miles off shore, while seaward of them are the Southwestern Banks and the Western Shoals, with depths of 2 to 4 fathoms (3.6 to 7.3 m.) and possibly less, from 4 to 61/2miles offshore. The chart will afford better information than a written description. Directions.-When standing toward the dangers off-lying the west coast of Balabac, in the afternoon when the sun will be astern, the outer shoals, and also the reefs, will generally be seen in sufficient time to avoid them; but if the sun be ahead the outer shoals are difficult to make out until close to them. The soundings are so variable and uncertain under the depths of 30 fathoms (55 m.) as to afford little assistance. A good lookout is therefore of the first importance. At night the soundings, coupled with bearings of the light, must be carefully attended to if near these dangers, and a vessel should not approach to a less depth than 40 fathoms (73 m.) off the southwest and west parts of the island nor 50 fathoms (91 m.) off the northwest part. Inshore Channel.-There is said to be a channel between Balabac Great Reef and the island, 200 yards wide in its narrowest part and with not less than 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) of water. There are many isolated dangers in it, and there seems no reason for any stranger attempting it. West Point shows out very distinctly when viewed from northeastward and southwestward and is a useful object for bearings when nearing the shoals. Secam Island is long and narrow, about 1 mile in length, and has trees about 100 feet (30 m.) high. It is situated on the west side of the entrance of North Balabac Strait and separated from Cape Disaster by Bate Channel, which is 13/4 miles wide, with depths of 25 to 50 fathoms (45 to 91 m.) in the fairway, and with deep water close to the reef surrounding the island. This reef extends 1/2 miles northwestward from the western extremity of the island, with patches of coral on it, which cover only at high water. Depths of 4 to 9 fathoms (7.3 to 16.4 m.) extend about 1 mile westward and northward of the west end of the reef. Anchorage tolerably sheltered from southwest winds may be obtained on the north side of Secam Island in 19 to 20 fathoms (35 to 37 m.), bottom sand and coral, about 3/ mile from shore, with the east end of the island bearing south, the reef westward affording protection from the swell. In bad weather a second anchor should be let go in time, as the squalls, which often succeed each other rapidly, are sometimes most violent, and, once off the bank in deep water, a sailing vessel would be awkwardly situated, as there is no other anchorage for which she could run. Tides and tidal currents.-It is high water at Secam Island, full and change, at lOh. 40m.; rise, 5 feet (1.5 m.). The flood stream sets eastward and the ebb westward; maximum velocity observed, 21/2 knots. Candaraman Island, situated on a reef very steep-to, 11/2 miles eastward of the northern part of Balabac Island, is a low, flat island 114 miles in length and 3/ mile in breadth. It is separated from Balabac Island and from Caxisigan Island, lying off Candaraman PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 71 Inlet, by a channel rather more than /2mile wide, with depths of 30 to 44 fathoms (55 to 80 m.). A reef extends 1/2 mile northward of Caxisigan Island, and there are patches of 11/4 to 3 fathoms (2.3 to 5.5 m.) for the distance of 1 mile beyond it. There is also t patch of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) 400 yards southeasterly of its southern extremity. Shoal.-A shoal 50 to 80 feet in extent, with 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) over it, has been reported to lie with Canabungan Island, bearing 339~ (NNW. mag.) distant about 21/2 miles. This shoal is charted where there are depths of 34 to 94 fathoms (62 to 172 m.) and lies in the fairway both of North Channel and North Balabac Strait. NORTH BALABAC STRAIT formed on the north by Canabungan, Mantangule, and Bancalan Islands, and on the south by Candaraman, Ramos, and Secam Islands, is 11 miles in length and has a least navigable breadth of 2 miles, with from 25 to 50 fathoms (46 to 91 m.) of water throughout. There is generally a strong current in the narrow part of the strait, depending on the monsoon. Directions.-Vessels entering North Balabac Strait from eastward should pass Canabungan Island within 11/2 miles from the south end, or if bound from southward, pass the same distance eastward of Candaraman Island, by which means the shoal charted 21/2 to 3 miles from these islands will be avoided; thence midway between Bancalan and Secam Islands into the China Sea, or they may pass between Ramos Island and Secam, keeping a little toward Secam Island to avoid the edge of the reef which extends about 3/ mile from Cape Disaster, on which the sea generally breaks. If entering from northward, steer to pass midway between Secam and Bancalan Islands on about a 142~ (SE. 1/ S. mag.) course, avoiding the reef which extends northwestward from Secam Island and is usually visible. This course continued should carry a vessel midway between Canabungan and Candaraman Islands. If coming from southward or westward, do not approach Balabac Island nearer than 12 miles until Balabac Peak bears southward of 120~ (SE. by E. 2 E. mag.) or until Martin Hill, on Ramos Island, bears 92~ (E. mag.), when Secam Island may be steered for on a 70~ (ENE. mag.) bearing. Nasubata Island is a cleft rock of sandstone formation 90 feet (27.4 m.) high, covered with trees. It lies on Nasubata Reef, 400 to 600 yards from its northern edge. This reef is nearly 2 miles in extent, bare at low water, and steep-to. Roughton Island is a large, wooded sand cay, situated on the northwest part of a reef that is 21/2 miles in length in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction by about 1 mile in breadth. A small spring of fresh water has been reported on this island. The reef is steep-to, except on its northeast side, where shallow water extends from 400 to 600 yards, and 3/4 mile northward of the east point is a patch of 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.). The channel between oughton Reef and Nasubata Reef is 114 miles wide and has depths of about 100 fathoms (183 m,) in the center. 72 UNITED) STATES ('OAST' PILOT BALABAC STRAIT Balabac Strait, between the China and Snlu Seas, lies between Balabac Island on the north and Balambangan and Banguey Islands on the south. The greater part is occupied 1) numerous coral dangers, divided into groups, each group being distinguished by a special denomination, such as Great Danger Bank, Mangsee Danger, etc. This arrangement distinctly defines the limits of the various channels, of which there are eight between the dangers. Balabac Peak and Banguey Peak lie nearly 351(i1/, (N. 1/ W. mag.) and 176~/2 (S. 1/ E. mag.) from each other, 38 miles apart; and as most of the dangers and channels are eastwalrd of this line, these peaks are of the first importance for determining the position of a vessel when navigating the strait, especially for those bound east. Currents.-The velocity of the culrrent throuhll Balabac Strait depends on the prevailn ing wins. In the months of October and November, after a successionl of westerly winds, it vwas found to set constantly eastward, slackening only on the ebb tidle while in July, after a continuance of unusually fine weather, with light east and southeast winds, it set with the same velocity, from 3/4 to 21/2 knots, in the opposite direction. The mean velocity observed for 13 consecutive hours was 13/4 knots. North Channel is 41/, miles wide between Nasubata and Canabungan Island Reefs and 6 miles wide between Roughton Reef and the reefs extending l1/2 miles off Gabung and Byan Islands. In the fairway there are depths of above 100 fathoms (183 in.) in places. Caution.-The only difficulty likely to arise in the navigation of this channel by a sailing vessel will be caused by the tidal strean when combined with the current which runs with considerable velocity during the strength of the monsoons. requiring a favorable breeze to enable vessels to make headway against it. But no danger is likely to occur if they keep northward of the deep water, where there is anchorage. Nasubata Channel is 5 miles wide between Rouglton Reef and Comiran Danger Bank, with depths of above 100 fathoms (183 m.) in the fairway. In navigating this channel it is only necessary to guard against the effects of the tidal stream, which when combined with the current sweeps through it in the direction of North Balabac Strait with considerable velocity at times. Comiran Danger Bank, 21/2 miles in length east-northeast and west-southwest and 1 mile in breadth, includes within its limits Comiran Island and two shoals. Comiran Island lies 7 miles 153~ (SSE. 5/8 E. mag.) from Nasubata Island and 8 miles from the coast Balabac. It is small, wooded, and surrounded by a reef extending 200 to 400 yards from the shore. Turtles in great numbers resort here at times. An automatic acetylene light showing one white flash every second, visible 12 miles, is exhibited at a height of 56 feet (17.1 m.) above high water, from a white steel frame tower in the center of Comiran Island. A shoal nearly 1/2 mile in extent with 2 and 3 fathoms (3.6 and 5.5 m.) of water lies southwestward of Comiran Island, its outer edge being distant nearly 11/ miles, and another shoal, about the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 73 same size, having 23/4 to 3 fathoms (5 to 5.5 m.), lies about the same distance in an easterly direction. Both are fairly steep-to. A shoal about 1 mile in extent, with general depths of 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.), has a patch of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) on its south side midway between Comiran Island and the east end of Lumbucan Island. There is also a patch of 6 fathoms (11 m.) in the channel northward of it. Comiran Channel is over 3 miles wide between the dangers surrounding Lumbucan and Comiran Danger Bank, with depths of 15 to 25 fathoms (27 to 46 m.) in the fairway on either side of the bank mentioned al)ove. It is not recommended, as there are other and better channels, though there seems to be no difficulty in navigating it. Cape Melville Light, bearing 252~ (WSW. 1/4 W. mag.), apparently leads through. Lumbucan Island, about 100 feet (30 m.) high, is about 3/4 mile in length and wood. It is surrounded by a reef and shallow water of a less depth than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), extends 11/2 miles southwestward and over 1 mile northeastward of it. At 2 to 31/2 miles northeastward of the island on the same bank are the Northeast Shoals with depths of 13/4 to 3 fathoms (3.2 to 5.5 m.). At 2 miles eastward of the island are patches of 31/2 to 5 fathoms (6.4 to 9.1 m.), and 1 mile southward is a shoal with 134 to 3 fathoms (3.2 to 5.5 m.), known as South Shoal. The island and all dangers stand on the Lumbucan Danger Bank. A sounding of 71/~ fathoms (13.7 m.), position doubtful, is shown on the charts, 23/4 miles 190~ (S. 3/4 W. mag.) from the west end of Lumbucan Island. Lumbucan Channel, lying between Lumbucan Island and Bank on the north and Ellis Shoal and Simnanahan Reef on the south, is from 4 to 5 miles wide, with deptls of 13 to 25' fathoms (23.7 to 46 n.), andl ajpparelntly free from danger. Doorly Patches divide the channel at its eastern end, but the least known depth over them is 6 fathoms (11 i.) and they are steep-to. Ellis Shoal, situated about 6 miles 200~ (S. by W. 5/8 W. mag.) from the west end of Lumbucan Island and in the western approach to Simanahan Channel, is composed of coral, nearly 3 miles in length east and west and 1 mile in breadth. It has a least depth of 234 fathoms (5 m.) near its center, from which Balabac Peak bears 330~ (NNW. 7/8 W. mag.), distant 14 miles. Simanahan Reef, situated 71/4 miles 132~ (SE. / E. mag.) from the east end of Lumbucan Island, lies on the center of a coral bank 5 miles in length by 1 mile in breadth. The reef, bare at low water to about 1 mile in extent, has a sand bank near its center which it just below the surface at high water. This serves, even when covered, from the light color of the water over it, to point out the position of the reef from some distance. The shallow part of the bank, under a depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), encompassing the reef, is about 3 miles in extent. Simanahan Channel, between Simanahan Reef and Great Danger Bank, is apparently free from danger with depths of 23 to 30 fathoms (42 to 55 m.). All that is necessary for its safe navigation is to pass about 3/4 mile southward of the reef on a 90~ (E. 1/ N. mag.) or 270~ (W. /s S. mag.) course, avoiding Ellis Shoal, 74 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT but occasion can seldom arise to render this a convenient channel by which to proceed. Bank.-A bank on which the least depth obtained was 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) lies eastward of the approach to Simanahan Channel. This bank has not been examined and there may be less water over it; the bottom was plainly visible. Approximate position: Latitude 7~ 40' N., longitude 117~ 38' E. Shoal water about 12 mile in extent with bottom plainly visible is reported 6 miles eastward from this bank. Great Danger Bank comprises many reefs among which no vessel should venture. It is 14 miles in length in a west-northwest and opposite direction and 71/2 miles in breadth at the northwest end, gradually decreasing toward its southeast extremity. On the southeast reef is a sand cay. Southeast Shoals comprises several coral patches situated near the southeast extremity of the bank, extending over a space about 21/2 miles in length, with depths of 13/4 to 4 fathoms (3.2 to 7.3 m.), the shallowest being situated 100~ (E. 3/4 S. mag.) distant 3 miles from Sand Cay. Sand Cay, the only conspicuous object marking any part of the bank, stands at the southern side of it, about 4 miles westward of the southeast extremity. The cay is situated near the center of a coral reef, 3 miles in length, from each end of which shallow water (under 3 fathoms (5.5 ml.)) extends 1/2 mile, with patches of 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) beyond, and in a northerly direction, also, nearly as far as the Middle Shoals. Northwest Shoals, situated at the northwest extremity of the bank, occupy a space of about 5 miles in length, with depths of 11/2 to 3 fathoms (2.7 tbo 5.5 m.). North Patches, two in number, lie near tlie north edge of the bank, with 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) least water. Middle Shoals are a cluster of coral patches forming the middle of Great Danger Bank. They cover a space of about 6 miles east and west, with as little as 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) in one or more places. Middle Channel, separating Great Danger Bank from Mangsee Danger, is 1 mile wide at its narrowest part, with depths of 16 to 33 fathoms (29 to 60 m.) in the fairway. Ray Bank, of sand and coral, is 1 mile in length, 1/2 mile in breadth, and steep-to, with a least known depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) near the center. It lies on the north side of the approach to Middle Channel and 6 miles westward of Northwest Shoals on Great Danger Bank, with Balabac Peak bearing 341~ (N. by W. 7/s W. mag.) distant 16 miles from the 4-fathom (7.3 m.) spot. Directions.-Middle Channel lies out of the usual track of vessels, but may be used if necessary. From a position about 2 miles south of Sand Cay steer 292~ (WNW. 1/4 W. mag.); when Salingsingan Island, on Mangsee Danger Bank, is abeam, distant about 1 mile, the course should be altered to 283~ (W. by N. mag.); when Balabac Peak bears 351~ (N. by W. mag.) all dangers will be passed and the course may be shaped as desired. Mangsee Danger Bank, situated southward of Great Danger Bank, from which it is separated by Middle Channel, includes within its limits the Mangsee and Salingsingan Islands, with the dangers ad PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 75 jacent; also Loxdale, Jessie, and many smaller shoals. This bank is 10 miles in length in an east by south and opposite direction and 4 miles in breadth at the eastern end, tapering to the western extremity. Loxdale Shoal, at the west end of the bank, is a coral shoal nearly 13/4 miles in length and from 600 to 1,000 yards in breadth, with 21/2 to 3 fathoms (4.5 to 5.5 m.) of water, and fairly steep-to. From the west end of this danger, Balabac Peak bears 336~ (NNW. 1/4 W. mag.) and Salingsingan Island 95~ (E. 1/ S. mag.). Salingsingan Island situated 253~ (WSW. 1/4 W. mag.) distant 5 miles from Sand Cay, on Great Danger Bank, is composed of sand and coral and covered with trees. It is rather more than 1/2 mile east and west and 200 yards wide. A shoal nearly awash in places stretches off 3/4 mile eastward and 13/4 miles westward from the island, the breadth of the latter being nearly 1 mile. Jessie Shoal, with a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.), lying 21/2 miles 115~ (ESE. mag.) from Salingsingan Island, is 11/~ miles in length and 1/ mile in breadth. This danger is situated on the eastern part of the bank, and shallow patches outlie its extremities. North Mangsee Island, situated about 2 miles southward from Salingsingan Island, is covered with trees which rise to an apex near the center, 130 feet (40 m.) above high water. The island is 4 mile in length and from its east end reefs and shoals extend beyond those projecting from South Mangsee, for a distance of 21/4 miles, and some patches of 4 to 7 fathoms (7.3 to 12.8 m.) 1/ mile farther eastward. From the west end a line of reefs extends in a 290~ (WNW. % W. mag.) direction for 31/2 miles. South Mangsee Island, covered with trees, is round, about 1/2 mile in diameter, and stands on a reef which extends from it 1 mile eastward, 1,200 yards westward, and less distances in other directions. Mangsee Great Reef, situated southwestward from Great Danger Bank, from which it is separated by a channel more than 1 mile wide, is 5 miles in length in an east and west direction by 23/4 miles in breadth and steep-to on its southern side. It is nearly everywhere covered at high water, but a sand cay upon the eastern part is generally visible from aloft when near the edge. At low water the reef presents a vast expanse of coral and sand, with lagoons here and there. From the west end of the reef, shallow water, under 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), extends about 2 miles in a west-southwest direction, with irregular depths; the least known is 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), but this locality should be avoided. Banguey Peak, bearing southward of 2050 (SSW. mag.), leads westward of it. Kestrel Rock.-H. M. S. Kestrel passed over a patch with 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) water eastward of Mangsee Channel, with Banguey Peak bearing 240~ (SW. by W. 1/s W. mag.) and the southwest extremity of South Mangsee Island 297~ (NW. by W. 34 W. mag.). A late report states that there is a depth of only 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) on Kestrel Rock. Soundings of 8 fathoms were obtained by H. M. S. Comus, in 1882, on a shoal about 1 mile southward of Kestrel Rock. Caution should be exercised while in this neighborhood. 76 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Rock.-A rock covered at high water and marked position doubtful is shown on some charts in approximately latitude 7~ 28' 30" N., longitude 117~ 32' E. No further information in regard to this rock is available. Mangsee Channel, separating Mangsee Great Reef from Mangsee Danger Bank, is 1 mile wide at the narrowest part, where the depths are irregular. It is deep throughout, having from 18 to 33 fathoms (33 to 60 m.) in the fairway. The reefs on the north side are steepto; Mangsee Great Reef, forming the south side, is less so. Directions.-Navigators will rarely have occasion to use this channel, but in case of necessity the following directions may be of assistance: With a proper lookout no difficulty will be found in passing safely through. Coming from westward, having sighted the Mangsee Islands, bring the center of South Mangsee to bear 103~ (E. by S. mag.) and steer for it; when the west end of North Mangsee bears 69~ (ENE. nmag.), steer 137~ (SE. lmag.), passing li(lway between South Mangsee and the Great Reef. Main Channel, between Mangsee (Great Reef, nortllward, and1 Banguey Island southward, is 51~/ miles wide, but the navigable width is contracted to 11/2 miles by reefs extending northward from Banguey Island. Vessels colling from southwestward and bound through Balabac Strait during the northeast monsoon will find tiis channel the most convenient. Directions.-When alplproachting froml westward do lnot bring tile north hill on Banguey Island to bear eastward of 108~ (ESE. % E. mnag.) until Siagut Point, the northern ploint of Balallnbangan Island, bears 180~ (S. 1/8 E. mag.). Froml a positionl 21/, iiiles northward of Siagut Point a 79~ (ENE.,/ E. mlag.) course should carry a vessel about 3/4 mile southward of Mangsee Great Reef. The lightgreen color of the water over this reef will, even at high1 tidle, enable a good lookout aloft to make out the edge sufficiently far off to permit a vessel being guided past it at a safe distance. Fro:11 bibout 34 mile off its south end steer to pass about 2 miles southward of South Mangsee Island and the same distance nortlhward of Kestrel Rock; thence a course about 92~ (E. mag.) until the Muligi Islanlds; bears 137~ (SE. mag.), when they may be steered for. This is the route usually adopted by vessels bound to Jolo andl Sandakan, the channels southward being much encumbered with shoais. PALAWAN PASSAGE is a deep passage 35 to 40 miles wide, lying between the wide bank which fronts the western side of Palawan and an extensive area of dangerous ground in the China Sea. The western side of Palawan Passage is indicated on the charts by a dotted line which no vessel should attempt to cross, as the area defined by it is unsurveyed and is known to abound with dangers. Dangers on the western side of the passage.-The principal dangers shown on the charts, lying close to the dotted line on the western side of the passage, are Half Moon, Investigator NE., Carnatic, and Seahorse or Routh Shoals. Half Moon Shoal has a rock named Inclined Rock, situated in latitude 8~ 51' N., longitude 116~ 16' E., which always shows above PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT ATICHIPELAGO 77 water, on its southeastern side. The sloal, formed by a belt of coral even with the surface, of an average width of 200 yards, is of oblong shape, nearly 3 miles in a northeast and opposite direction, with a breadth of 1 nile. On the eastern side, at 400 and 1,000 yards southward from Inclined Rock, there are two channels into the lagoon, the southern of which has a depth of from 4 to 9 fathoms (7.3 to 16.5 mn.) in it and is marked by a cluster of rocks on its north side awash at half tide and which generally show. Other half-tide rocks are interspersed over the belt. The average depth in the lagoon is 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3) In.), with numerous patches of coral scattered( about it. Froml the shoals, Balabac Peak (not in sight) bears 141~ (SE. %3 S. mag.) distant 71 miles. The tide rises and falls about 4 feet at Half Moon Shoal. Investigator NE. Shoal, shown on the charts in latitude 9~ 12' N., longitude 116~ 23' E., is apparently awaslh. Carnatic Shoal, charted in latitude 10~ 06' N., longitude 117~ 21' E., is said to lhave as little as 31/2 fathoms (6.4 in.) over it. The IBritisl surveying vessel Roya7list, in 1853, could not discover this shoal in the position assigned it, or succeed in obtaining soundings with from 100 to 200 fathoms of line when in the neighborhood. Seahorse or Routh Shoal, forming the northernmost known danger on the western side of Palawan Passage, is a pear-shaped coral reef 8 miles in length in a north-northeast and opposite direction and from 3 to 41/, miles in breadth. The least known depth is 41/2 fathoms (8.2 Im.) in latitude 1() 50' N., longitude 117~ 47' E., which was found on a patch about %4 mile in extent at the northern extlemlity of tile shoal. Nothing less than 6 fathoms (11 m.) was obtained on any of the other patches surrounding the lagoon; the depths in the lagoon vary from 17 to 20 fathoms (31 to 36 m.) at the edge to 35 fathoms (64 m.) in the center. Dangers in Palawan Passage.-The only charted dangers in the fairway of Palawan Passage are the Royal Captain and Bombay Shoals. Royal Captain Shoal lies about 24 miles 690~ (ENE. fmag.) from Half Moon Shoal, contracting the Palawan Passage, which is here the narrowest part, to about 30 miles between it and the shoal heads on Paragua Ridge and other 4 and 5 fathoms (7.3 and 9.1 m.) patches lying southwestward from it. Observation Rock, at its northern extremity, in latitude 9~ 02' N., longitude 116~ 39' E., shows at half tide and from it Bulanjao Range bears 120~ (SE. by E. 1 E. mag.) distant 48 miles. In clear weather the high land of Mantalingajan is visible from this distance. The shoal is elliptical, the length being 13/4 miles in a northwest and opposite direction with a breadth of 1 mile. The coral belt, on which a few rocks are visible at low water, is covered at high water and varies in width from 100 to 400 yards. There are depths of from 15 to 17 fathoms (27.4 to 31 m.), sand and coral, with several coral patches in the lagoon. There is no entrance, but at high water boats can cross the belt. The outer edge is steep-to, having no bottom with upward of 160 fathoms (183 m.) within 100 yards of the reef. Bombay Shoal, lying 31~ (NNE. 5/% E. mag ) 29 miles from Royal Captain Shoal, is circular in shape, aboit 1 minle in diameter and 95672~-30- 6 78 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT steep-to. From Madagascar Rock, on its northeastern extremity, in latitude 9~ 26' N., longitude 116~ 56' E., which shows at half ebb, Mantalingajan Mountain bears 130~ (SE. 5/8 E. mag.) distant 5612 miles and is visible in clear weather. The lagoon, in which there are depths of 16 to 18 fathoms (29 to 33 m.), sandy bottom, is completely inclosed by a coral belt on which three or four rocks show at half tide. There is a tidal range of about 4 feet (1.2 m.) here and the flood was observed setting northeastward. WEST COAST OF PALAWAN The west coast of Palawan is fronted by a bank studded with innumerable shoals and reefs. The 100-fathom (183 m.) curve, marking the outer edge of this bank, is about 20 miles northwest of Cape Buliluyan. From this position it trends in a general northeast by north direction and is about 26 miles off at the northern end of the island. This bank has not been thoroughly surveyed and new dangers are frequently reported. Navigators are advised to keep outside of the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve unless they are possessed of local knowledge or are obliged to enter the ports of western Palawan. A brief description, as they are known to exist at present, will be given. Cape Buliluyan, the southern part of Palawan, is a low shelving point, fronted by mangroves, having on its south side depths of 4 to 8 fathoms (7.3 to 14.6 m.), close-to, with one shoal of 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.) lying 200 yards south of the extreme southern point. On the eastern side, between the point and the north end of Pandanan Island, where the channel is 1,600 yards wide, the depths are from 28 to 30 fathoms (51 to 55 m.). The western side is fronted by a reef, bare at low water, to the distance of 600 to 1,000 yards, with depths of 6 fathoms (11 m.), mud bottom, close to the edge. Coral patches with depths of 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) lie 3/4 mile off the southwestern part of Cape Buliluyan. The sea bottom of this region is composed largely of dark coral and is seldom visible in depths greater than 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). Off Welcome Point, 33/4 miles northward of Cape Buliluyan, rocky ground with 2 to 4 fathoms (3.6 to 7.3 m.) of water extends about 3 miles from the shore. Capyas, a small, low, wooded island lying 6 miles northward of Cape Buliluyan, has a reef extending 800 yards northward of it. The south side of the island is steep-to. Between it and the shore are depths of 4 to 7 fathoms (7.3 to 12.8 m.). Rocky ground lies 21/2 miles westward of Capyas, with depths of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) only in places and 25 and 30 fathoms (46 to 55 m.) close to the western edge. At 11/2 miles northward of Capyas Island a spit projects from Reposo Point, having on it a dry sand bank 11/4 miles from the shore. Foul ground extends nearly 2 miles beyond this, with depths of 1/4 fathom (0.4 m.), rocky bottom, to 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) in places. There is good anchorage to the eastward of this island but exact local knowledge is required to reach it. Alimudin Point, about 7 miles northward of Reposo Point, is a wooded promontory forming the southern entrance point of Canipan PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 79 Bay. The intermediate coast is chiefly mangrove, indented with bays lined with reefs bare at low water and extending from 600 to 1,400 yards, having 10 or 12 fathoms (18.3 or 21.9 m.) of water close to their edges. Rocky patches, with from 2 to 5 fathoms (3.6 to 9.1 m.) of water, lie 21/2miles northwesterly from Alimudin Point. Southwest or Triple Hill.-A low range of hills commencing abreast of Capyas Island lies parallel with the coast, about 11/2 miles inshore, of which Southwest Hill, with a small triple summit 900 feet (274 m.) high, is the highest and most conspicuous. At the northern extremity of the range there is a hill named West Coast Hill. Murex Shoal.-The S. S. Murea is reported to have struck, in 1901, on a reef from which Balabac Peak bears 167~ (S. by E. 3/ E. mag.) distant 34 miles. It is plotted in latitude 8~ 28' 30" N., longitude 116~ 56' E., position doubtful. No sounding was obtained on the reef, but the depth nearby was 7 fathoms (12.8 m.). As far as known this is the southernmost of the outer dangers off the west coast of Palawan. Herefordshire Shoal.-The position of this shoal has not been accurately determined and it is charted about 4 miles within the edge of the bank, in latitude 8~ 35' N., longitude 117~ 01' E. Shoal water has recently been reported about 1 mile westward from the above position. South Regent Shoal is a patch of sand and coral 1/2 mile in extent with depths of 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) and 13 fathoms (23.8 m.) around. It lies with the southern extremity of Palawan bearing 155~ (SSE. 3/8 E. mag.) and the summit of Bulanjao in line with Alimudin Point. On the latter line, 21/4 miles inshore of this shoal, are two other patches, each 600 yards in extent, 600 yards apart, with 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) of water. Kamonga Shoal, situated 110~ (ESE. 3/8 E. mag.) 33/4 miles from South Regent Shoal, is a 2-fathom (3.6 m.) patch, 600 yards in extent. Shallow Shoal is charted about 5 miles 238~ (SW. by W. mag.) from Kamonga Shoal. The depths in the vicinity of these shoals vary from 30 to 35 fathoms (55 to 64 m.), mud bottom, decreasing to 18 and 20 fathoms (33 and 37 m.) near the shore, with occasional patches of 4 and 5 fathoms (7.3 and 9.1 m.), coral bottom. Canipan Bay.-Siacle Point, 21/ miles northward of Alimudin Point, is a wooded promontory, higher than that of Alimudin, and forms the northern extremity of Canipan Bay. In the center of a sandy beach southward of this the Canipan River discharges. It is navigable for boats for about 2 miles, where, on some rising ground on the left bank, is a Malay village. There is only 1 foot (0.3 m.) depth at low water over a reef at the entrance to the river. The shore of the bay is lined with coral, which, in the southwest corner, bares i mile off. A patch of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) lies 325~ (NW. 34 N. mag.), distant 11/4 miles from Siacle Point. Simagup Bay, on the north side of Siacle Point, is small, with reefs baring nearly across the entrance and a rocky spit extending about 1 mile from Koreti Point, its northern extremity. The headquarters and store of a lumber concession are located on its shore. 80 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Good anchorage protected from northeast and southwest weather may be had in this bay but local knowledge is necessary. Canipan Hill, 976 feet (297 m.) in height, on the eastern shore of Simagup Bay, is steep and conical, with two peaks when seen from northwestward, the southern being the sharper of the two. Next to the Bulanjao Range, Canipan Hill is the highest and most conspicuous object on this part of the coast. Bulanjao Range.-Eastward of Canipan Hill and nearly in the center of the island (here about 13 miles wide) is the high land of Bulanjao Range, which attains an elevation of about 3.50() feet (1,064 mn.). It is of reddish aspect, rising gradually on the south from a range of hills behind Canipan. It has a long, smooth summit, of which it is difficult to distinguish the highest part. The northern slope lhas several small, sharp peaks with steep shoulders and ravines, among the most conspicuous of which is Low-hock, generally visible even when the adjacent hills are obscured. Sepangow Bay, situated 51/ miles northeasterly froml Siacle P'oint, has aparently two deep inlets, with Cliff Point, a, sinall red cliff, northward, and two green islets southward. These islets lie near each other, immediately under Steep Hill, the shoulder of a coast range. There are depths of 8 to 9 fathoms (14.6 to 16.4 m.) at the entrance of the bay, but when well within the points the mud bares across it. The bay affords good anchorage in northeast weather. Water.-At 33/4 miles northeasterly from Cliff Point is Rock Point, a long bluff head with a. small rock lying off it. Southward of this point is aR sandy bay, the shore of which is lined with casuarina trees, where, at the western extremity, near Pinos Point, there is a goo(l flow of fresl watterl. Water can also be obtained from the Cololy Rivulet, 1 mile southward of Pinos Point, where there is a depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 in.) close to the beach. Off Pinos Point, and also between it and Rock Point. reefs dry nearly 3/ mile from the shore, about 1,200 yards beyond which are two patches of 3 and 4 fathoms (5.5 and 7.3 m.), coral bottom, with 12 and 15 fathoms (21.9 and 27.4 m.) between them and the reef. North Regent Shoal, about 5 miles east-northeastward of the assigned position of Herefordshire Shoal, is a coral shoal with 11/2 fathoms of water, about 800 yards in extent and steep-to. It lies with Southwest Hill bearing 131~ (SE. i/, E. rnag.) and Pago(la Cliff 78~ (ENE. 3/ E. mag.). A patch of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 2 miles 69~ (ENE. ' l;'(r.) flI North Regent Shoal. Breaker Reef, with a few rocks bare at low water, lie:; 55~ (NE. 3/4 E. mag.), distant about 5 miles from North Regent Sllol. It i^ about 600 yards in extent, steep-to, and is situated with Soutthwest', Hill bearing 153~ (SSE. %8 E. mag.) and Pagoda Cliff 83~ (E.:.1 N. mag.) showing southward of a. double peak on the Iwhiig Range. Rock.-A rock covered by 234 fathoms (5 m.) lies 13/4 miles westward of Breaker Reef. This rock is called Breaker Reef on the charts, and the rocks which bare eastward are not named, but the above description agrees with the Derrotero and is probably correct. Foul ground.-A patch of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) lies 356~ (N. 1/2 W. mag.) 3 miles from Breaker Reef; a patch of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) P'ALAVWAN, MINDANAO, ANI) SULU ARCHIPELAGO 81 322~ (NW. 12 N. mag.) 6 miles, only 2 miles within the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve; a patch of 4 fathoms (7.3 in.) 289~ (WNW. /2 W. mag.) distant 5 miles; one of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) 277~ (W. ~1/ N. mag.) distant 7 miles, and a shoal with 4 fathons (7.3 m.) 120~ (SE. by E. ~2 E. mag.) distant 2 miles from Breaker Reef. There are other patches, fronl 6 to 10 fathoms (11 to 18.3 m.), coral bottom, near the edge of the bank. with depths of 30 to 70 fathoms (55 to 128 m.) around, generally mud bottom. These will hle seen on the chart. Perigee Bank.-The coast between Siacle Point and Cliff Point is dangerous to approach, as rocky, uneven ground, with many shlallow patches, extends in some places 21/2 miles from the shore. The largest of these is Perigee Bank, about 1 mile in extent an(l steep-to, with from 1 to 21/4 fathoms (1.8 to 4.1 m.) over it, on which the sea breaks duringo strong winds. It lies westward of Sepangow Bay and 305~ (NW. by W. /s W. mag.) 21/ miles from Providence Point. Coloby Shoal, situated 24~ (NNE. mag.), 334 miles from thel sollthwestern extremity of Perigee Bank, is 400 yards in extent, witli a least depth of 21/, fathoms (4.6 im.) water and 22 to 25 fathoms (40 to 46 ll.) close-to. It lies withl Siacle Point bearing 196~ (S. by W. 1/i W. mag.) and Balansungain Island (showing as a small flat island with a peak in the center) showing clear of Rock Point. There are patches of 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.) within 1 mile of it. Antelope Shoal, situated 277~ (W. 1/ N. mtag.), 3~/2 liles from Coloby Shoal and 7 miles offshore, is the largest of the Antelope (lluster. It is a narrow stril) of sand and coral, 1,4(0 yards in extent, witl 21/% fatllomls (4.6 m.) of water andl 30 alll;5 fathoms (55 (and (64 in.) o(n eitheri side. Fromn its center Balansulin'ain Island 'bears 89~ (E. 1 N. nmalg.) and Caniplan Hill 153~ (SSE. % E. mag.). At 1:i niles 246~ (SW. ly W. 3/4 W. mag.) from this shoal is a 3-fatlhom (5.5 in.) p)atcll. TheIe is also another of the same depth 345~ (N. by W. 1/ WV. mag.), about 11/, miles from it. At 1 mile 64~ (NE. by E. 1/2 E. mag.) from the shoal is a shoal of sand and coral with 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) of water and a smaller patch with the same depth 3/4 mile north of the latter. All these are steep-to. Northeast Antelope Shoal, situated 47~ (NE. mag.), 23% miles from Antelope Shoal, is 600 yards in extent and steep-to. Not less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) depth has been found on it. From this shoal tile s!nimmit of Pagodla Cliff is just seen over the shoulder of Iwiig Range, in line with the flat Balansungain Island bearing 106~ (ESE. %34 EI. mag,.) and Canipan Hill bearing 170~ (S. by E. 1/s E. nlag.). The lead does not give the slightest indication when in the proximity of these shoals, but they can generally be discovered from the nasthead. Large quantities of seaweed are frequently seen in this neighborhood. Marasi Bay.-From Rock Point the coast trends eastward 4 miles, forming Marasi Bay, off the north point of which and distant 1,200 yards is the bush islet of Litalita, connected with the shore by a reef which also extends the same distance northward of it. 82 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Balansungain Peak.-From Rock Point a low ridge extends along the south shore of Marasi Bay, on which is Balansungain Peak, 947 feet (289 m.) high, and which, when seen from southward, is conspicuous on account of being so sharp. Iwiig Range.-At the back of the above ridge, fronting Bulanjao and lying parallel with the coast, is a higher range, named Iwiig, with Double Hill in the center, 1,814 feet (553 m.) high, from which a flat shoulder extends; the range then gradually slopes toward some low hills on the plain northward, overlooking the eastern shore of Marasi Bay. Balansungain Islands.-In the southwestern part of Marasi Bay, at 1 mile from Rock Point, are two islands of sandstone formation, named Balansungain, lying 600 to 1,000 yards from the shore. The westernmost is flat, and is nearly connected with the shore by a spit that bares at low water. Reefs, which always show, extend from both extremities of these islands parallel with the shore; and in the bay there are several coral patches, with small sand banks, bare at low water. Rocky ground extends 11/ miles in a north-northwest direction from the Balansungain Islands, having in some places only 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) of water with 19 fathoms (35 m.) close-to. Also 13/4 miles northerly from the flat island and 274~ (W. 1/ N. mag.) 21/4 miles from Litalita there is a patch of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) with 18 fathoms (33 m.) mud bottom, around it. Foul ground more or less extends from this 4-fathom (7.3 m.) patch to the head of the bay. There are also two other rocky patches lying, respectively, 319~ (NW. 1/8 N. mag.) and 305~ (NW. by W. /8 W. mag.) 3 miles from the flat Balansungain Island and 27~ (NNE. 1/4 E. mag.) from Siacle Point. They are each 1/2 mile in extent, and have 4 and 5 fathoms (7.3 and 9.1 m.) water, with depths of 20 fathoms (36 m.) between, and 28 and 30 fathoms (51 and 55 m.) westward of them. Mountains; aspect.-Pagoda Cliff, situated 6 miles inland of Marasi Bay, is a remarkable limestone cliff, 2,016 feet (614 m.) in height, having a table summit with two clefts which form pinnacles at either extremity, the southern pinnacle being the sharper. There is a small rock in the gap, conspicuous on the southeast and opposite bearing. Pagoda Cliff rises immediately above a plain which extends across the island separating the Bulanjao and Mantalingajan Ranges, being connected with the latter by a high ridge with various peaks of similar character and formation, among the most conspicuous of which are the Hat or Panalingajan and the Fin, a very sharp pinnacle, and three sharp hills under the fall of Mantalingajan. Mantalingajan Mountain, 6,843 feet (2,086 m.) high, is of reddish barren aspect, and when viewed from the westward has a table summit, the north end being the highest part, while a long, smooth shoulder, terminating in three nipples, slopes gradually southward. It has several spurs and lower ranges fronting it, the most remarkable of which is Sharp Peak, 2,814 feet (858 m.) high, 53/4 miles northward. Landargun and Gantung Mountains.-From Mantalingajan Mountain a high central range extends in a northeasterly direction to the parallel of 9~ 15' N., having on it several remarkable peaks, the two highest of which are Landargun, 5,397 feet (1,645 m.); and PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 83 Gantung, 5,868 feet (1,788 m.). Toward the termination of this range there is a table hill with a sharp nipple, Calibugon, 1,793 feet (546 m.); and at the extremity, 21/2 miles farther northeastward, is Corumi, a conical hill of less elevation. The coast from Litalita Islet trends northeastward 13/2 miles to Pampandugang Point; it is low and has small bays in some of whic are rivulets of fresh water. For 5 miles, as far as Washington Point, the coast is fronted by a reef which extends from 3/4 to 11/2 miles offshore, having openings here and there with depths of 3 to 6 fathoms (5.5 to 11 m.). Beyond Washington Point only the points of the bays have spits extending 600 to 1,000 yards off with 5 and 6 fathoms (9.1 and 11 m.) close to the edge. The depths in the bays decrease gradually to 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), mud bottom, near the beach. Culasian Bay (chart 4346) lies between Washington Point and Jervois Point. There was formerly a Spanish military post on the eastern shore of the bay. The settlement of Culasian is situated on the south shore of the bay. Anchorage may be found about 1/2 mile northward of the town in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), care being taken to avoid the rocky spit making out westward from the mouth of the Candoaga River, which empties on the east side of the bay. Caution.-Vessels should not approach this part of the coast within 3 miles unless bound into Culasian Bay. The land gives no warning when near a reef and the water is not sufficiently clear to see the danger. The depths from 3 to 5 miles offshore vary from 15 to 17 fathoms (27 to 31 m.), muddy bottom, with occasional shoaler patches of sand or coral. Shoals.-At 4 miles 342~ (N. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) from Washington Point is a 5-fathom (9.1 m.) patch, 800 yards in extent, lying 31/4 miles from the shore. There is a patch of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) about 1 mile southwestward of it. A shoal on which the least depth found was 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) is reported to exist about 6 miles 267~ (W. /2 S. mag.) from Washington Point. Brechtel Shoal, about 1 mile in extent, the center of three shoals, lies in the approach of Culasian Bay, with Washington Point 130~ (SE. /8 E. mag.) distant about 11/2 miles and Litalita 200~ (S. by W. 5/ W. mag.). A patch on which the sea breaks lies 11ll miles westward of Jervois Point. Illan Hill, frequently a useful object on this part of the coast, when the high land is obscured, is a detached hill 600 feet (183 m.) high, covered with wood, lying 1 mile from the coast within Townsend Point. There is a low table hill 11/4 miles northeastward, and a conical hill the same distance southwestward of it, the latter apparently being connected with it by ridges which extend along the coast close to Jervois Point. There are also several wooded hills on the plain, not, however, sufficiently conspicuous to be of service to the navigator. Pampandugang Point.-At 1/2 miles southward of Pampandugang Point in the bight of a small bay eastward of Townsend Point is a rivulet from which in favorable weather a supply of good water may be obtained, the entrance being protected by a coral spit. Care is required in approaching, as foul ground with shallow water 84 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT extends 13/4 miles in a northerly and 1 mile in a westerly direction from Pampandugang Point, with 12 fathoms (22 m.) close-to. Merlin Shoal Patches.-The westernmost of these lies 14~ (N. by E. 1/ E. mag.) distant 9/2 miles from Breaker Reef. Two small shoals -bear 86~ (E. 1/2 N. mag.), distant, respectively, 31/4 and 4 miles from the first named. A shoal with 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) lies with Eran Quoin bearing 65~ (NE. by E. 5/8 E. mag.) and Low Hock Hill 162~ (S. bv E. 34 E. mag.); a shoal with depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) lies 249~ (WSW. mag.) from the 4-fathom (7.3 m.) shoal, distant nearly 2 miles; a shoal with 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) lies 249~ (WSW. mag.), distant nearly 5 miles, and also a shoal of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) with Siacle Point 194~ (S. by W. 1/s W. mag.) and Litalita Island 122~ (S. l)y E. 3/8 E. mag.). A shoal with 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) over it has been reported with Washington Point bearing 89~ (E. 1/4 N. mag.), distant 4 miles, and Litalita Island 170~ (S. by E. /8 E. mag.). Shoal water has also been reported in a position from which Washington Point bears 92' (E. mag.) and Canipan Hill 166~ (S. by E. 3/8 E. mag.). Paragua Ridge, the center of which is situated about 16 miles 7~ (N. 1/2 mag.) from Breaker Reef, parallel with and 1 mile inside the edge of the bank, is formed of coarse sand and shells, and is 8 miles in length, with a narrow ridge of coral having gaps through it. On the ridge the least water found was 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), the average depth being 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.), with 20 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.) close-to. The outer edge of this ridge is s;teep-to, having in many places 60 to 70 fathoms (110 to 128 m.) within 400 or 600 yards from it. From the center of the ridge, where the least depth, 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) was found Mantalingajan Mountain bore 103~ (E. by S. mag.) and Canipan Hill 162~ (S. by E. 3/4 E. mag.). Vanguard Shoal is a coral patch 400 yards in extent, with 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water, lying 12 miles offshore, with Canipan Hill bearing 176~ (. /2 E. mag.) and Mantalingajan Mountain 104~ (ESE. 7/8 E. mag.). Between this shoal and Paragua Ridge the depths vary from 30 to 50 fathoms (55 to 91 m.). Scalesby Castle Shoal is a coral patch 400 yards in extent, with a depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.), and 30 fathoms (55 m.) close-to, lying 1~/2 miles within the edge of the bank. From this shoal Bulanjao High Peak bears 171~ (S. by E. mag.), Pagoda Cliff 151~ (SSE. 3 E. mag.), and Eran Quoin 96~ (E. 3% S. niag.). There is a shoal with 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) on it lying 8 miles 86~ (E. /2 N. mag.) from Scalesby Castle Shoal, and another with 41/ fathoms (8.2 m.) 12 miles 91~ (E. /8s N. mag.) from the same. Collingwood Shoal, lying 61~ (NE. by E. 1/4 E. mag.), distant 15 miles from Scalesby Castle Shoal, and 6 miles within the edge of the bank, is /2 mile in extent and on it the least water found was 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.), with 26 to 28 fathoms (47 to 51 m.) close to its outer or western edge, the depths in the neighborhood being 40 to 45 fathoms (73 to 82 m.), soft mud. From this shoal Eran Quoin, in the direction of the nearest land, bears 142~ (SE. 1/2 S. mag.) distant 12 miles; and Pagoda Cliff (which is very conspicuous on this bear PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SUITr ARCHIPELAGO 85 ing over the lowland, and generally discernible when the elevated objects are obscured), 182~ (S. mag.). Coral Patches.-From Scalesby Castle Shoal to the parallel of 9~ 35' N., a distance of over 40 miles, the coral patches on the edge of the bank of soundings are so numerous that to give a description or bearing for each separately would tend more to confuse than make clear the direction for this part of the passage. The least water that has been found on them is 41/ fathbms (8.2 m.), and they may generally be distinguished by an ordinary lookout from the masthead. Two patches of this depth are charted near the edge at 12 and 33 miles northeastward of Scalesby Castle Shoal. It is, however, recommended to avoid the neighborhood, as it is impossible to say whether there may or may not be shoaler spots that have escaped detection. The average depth upon the patches is from 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.) with 15 and 20 fathoms (27 and 36 m.) close to their edges. From Pampandugang Point the coast trends in a northeasterly direction l/2 miles to Eran Point, which, as well as the intermediate land, is low, densely wooded, and fronted by reefs baring front 1/2 to 3 mile from shore. At 1/2 miles eastward of Pampandugang Point is a sandy bay, where there is a rivulet of good water. The shore of this bay for a distance of nearly 11/ miles appears free from reefs. Patches of sand and coral, however, nearly bare, lie 1/2 mile off its entrance with depths of 3 to 4 fathoms (5.5 to 7.3 m.) between. Eran Quoin, a wedge-shaped hill, 518 feet (158 m.) high, stands on the plain between Baja and Eran Points. The depths off this part of the coast are generally more regular than those southward, and with the exception of a few 6 or 8 fathoms (11 or 14.6 m.) patches gradually increase from 7 and 9 fathoms (12.8 and 16.5 m.) near the shore reef to 30 fathoms (55 m.) 1mud bottom, at 6 miles off. There is a small 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch lying 11/ miles westward of Eran Point and half that distance from Becher Point, with the latter in line with Eran Quoin. A shoal with a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 in.) of water was reported to exist 3 miles westward of Baja Point. A shoal area with a depth of 21/, fathoms (4.6 m.) and 4 miles long in an east and west direction has been reported to exist about 81/~ miles west of this point. Eran Bay, eastward of Eran Point, may be readily recognized by Eran Quoin. Water, wood, and a few supplies may be obtained here. Eran Bay is 4 miles wide at the entrance and open northward. At the head of the bay there is a projection named Truce Head, off which and connected with it at low water is a sandy islet named Bivouac. From this islet the reef extends in a northerly direction 3/ mile. In the southwest part of Eran Bay is Eran River, which boats can enter under ordinary circumstances and obtain a supply of good water without going very far up. There are rivulets of fresh water eastward of Truce Head, but in this part of the bay there is a good deal of coral and foul ground. * Anchorage.-The best anchorage is eastward of Eran Point, 1 mile from the shore, in 61/2 or 7 fathoms (11.9 or 12.8 m.), stiff mud bottom, with Eran Quoin bearing 233~ (SW. 1/2 W. mag.), and 86 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Bivouac Islet 126~ (SE. by E. mag.) midway between Eran Point and the reef off Bivouac Islet, or closer up if necessary, recollecting that as the beach is approached the bay becomes contracted by reefs, which on the western shore gradually extend from 400 yards off at Eran Point to /2 mile westward of Bivouac Islet. Vessels should not anchor in any part of the bay eastward of Bitouac Islet, as reefs with off-lying patches project some distance from the shore and a heavily rolling sea sometimes sets in. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, in Eran Bay at 1Oh. 10m.; springs rise 61/4 feet (1.9 m.). Gantung Mountain, which rises to an elevation of 5,868 feet (1,788 m.), and False Sharp Peak (the latter liable to be mistaken when first seen for Sharp Peak, 2,814 feet (858 m.) in height and farther south) overlook this bay and have spurs which approach very near the coast. Between the two is Waterfall Peak (an abrupt rocky shoulder worn bare by the action of the water usually seen running down the side), the commencement of another range lying parallel to that of Gantung, and which from the identity of the features near the northern extremity is designated False Corumi. From Eran Bay the coast trends north-northeastward about 4 miles to Isabel Point, thence northeastward about 10 miles to Hummock Point. It is similar in character to the coast southward of Eran Point, having low, abrupt points, from which reefs, bare at low water, project 600 or 800 yards. The bights of the bays formed by these points, in some of which there are streams of fresh water, are usually free from coral and have from 2 to 3 fathoms (3.6 to 5.5 m.) close to the beach. Pulute Range, which is about 7 miles inland, is 3,067 feet (935 m.) high, with a deep saddle southward and a high and a low sharp nipple, the former 2,930 feet (893 m.) in height, on the slope northward. Between this and the coast range are hills of less elevation. Point Hill, on Hummock Point, is 560 feet (171 m.) in height. From it a low range extends along the coast 5 miiles in a southwesterly direction, terminating in a triple-top hill. On the plain southwestward of this range is a high, wooded mound, between which and False Sharp Peak, over Eran Bay and fronting the Corumi Range, are other hills of nearly equal elevation. Rock.-A sunken pinnacle rock covered by 11/ fathoms (2.7 m.) of water lies 1/2 miles 339~ (NNW. mag.) from Isabel Point, with the south end of Malapackun touching the northern extremity of Marantao Island. Malapackun and Marantao Islands.-At 3 miles 261~ (W. by S. mag.) from Hummock Point and 11/4 miles offshore is Malapackun a wooded island 340 feet (104 m.) high, with a double summit and a round'islet 400 yards southward of it. There is a channel inshore with 9 and 10 fathoms (16.5 and 18.3 m.), but it is not recommended, as fringing reefs project from 800 to 1,600 yards from the coast, increasing in distance toward Hummock Point and inclosing Marantao Island, 247 feet (75 m.) in height, 1 mile westward of the point. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 87 Caution.-Vessels approaching the coast immediately northward of Eran Bay should keep Malapackun Island open of Isabel Point, as the ground is foul in that vicinity; nor should any part of the coast between Eran Bay and Malapackun be approached nearer than 2 miles, as doubtless other patches exist besides those that have been charted. Beyond the distance of 2 miles from the shore the depths vary from 15 to 25 fathoms (27 to 46 m.), mud bottom, with occasional patches of 5 and 7 fathoms (9.1 and 12.8 m.), coral bottom. Nakoda Bay (chart 4346) is formed by Maricaban, Mariquit, and Nakoda Islands, which lie in the bight of the coast between Hummock Point and Albion Head on the reef which fronts the shore as far as the outer extremity of Nakoda. This reef is steep-to and may be avoided by keeping Siriano Island open northward of Nakoda. Nakoda is described as a high island (probably about 200 feet (61 m.)), but the other two are mangrove islands. Anchorage for small vessels may be obtained here in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) tolerably sheltered in either monsoon. The best position -during the northeast monsoon is under the southeast end of Sirinao and in the opposite season southeast of Nakoda Island, observing that the shore reef extends 1 mile nearly northwestward of Albion Head and that a detached reef lies about 1/4 mile off the east side of Nakoda. The entrance between Nakoda and Sirinao is about 800 yards wide between the reefs encircling these islands, with depths of 8 to 11 fathoms (14.6 to 20.1 m.). The eastern entrance between Albion Head and Sirinao is only about 200 yards wide between the reefs and is not recommended. Triple Cima Island is situated about 1 mile northward of Nakoda Island in the approach to Nakoda Bay. It is somewhat flat, with three peaks, the highest being 162 feet (49 m.) in height. A reef encircles the island to a distance of about 200 yards. Sirinao Island is about 3/4 mile southeastward of Triple Cima, and there are depths of 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) in the channel between them. Sirinao Island is about 3/4 mile in length, the highest part (280 feet (85 m.) above the sea) being at the northwestern extremity. The southern extremity is a sand tongue, 1 mile distant from the northern part of Albion Head, but the channel between is reduced to about 200 yards in width by the reefs on either side. The island is fronted by a reef which extends nearly 1 mile eastward of it, but much less in other directions. Reefs.-Nearly 3/4 mile northeastward from the highest part of Triple Cima is a 5-fathom (9.1 m.) patch of coral, with 12 and 15 fathoms (21.9 and 27.4 m.), mud bottom, around it. At 11/2 to 13/4 miles 72~ (ENE. 1/4 E. mag.) from the southeast end of the island are patches of 1 to 3 fathoms (1.8 to 5.5 m.), apparently steep-to. Albion Head, forming the western entrance to Malanut Bay, is a bold, perpendicular limestone cliff, with stalactite caves, is luxuriantly wooded, and has several peaks of nearly equal elevation, the highest being 690 feet (210 m.). KMalanut Bay (chart 4346) affords shelter in all seasons for moderate-draft vessels, being protected on the west by Albion Head 88 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and on the north by Bajallanura Island and its surrounding reef. Bajallanura is low and flat, and reefs extend from it froml 1 to 11/2 miles in a northwest direction and to about half that distance froml the other sides, with outlying patches in places. Fairway Reef.-A coral reef obstructs the fairway between Sirinao and Bajallanura. According to the original survey it was about 1/2 mile in length north and south, with a channel on the eastern side of it about 300 yards wide. From its northern extremity Albion Head east tangent bore 176~ (S. 1/2 E. mag.) and the northern extrellity of Bajallanura 81~ (E. by N. mag); from the southern extremity Albion Head was on the same bea ring, and Back Cap Peak, seen over the southern extremity of Bajallanulra Island, bore 86~ (E. 1/2 N. mag.). The existing plan shows the reef to be of less extent, and in two portions, but it is advisable to pass northward of it, as formerly recommended, where the channel is about 300 yards wide. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, in Malanut Bay, at 1Oh. 15m.; springs rise 6 feet (1.8 m.). The current is scarcely perceptible. Directions-Anchorage.-The plan should be used with caution. The reef off the west side of Bajallanura Island bares at low-water springs, which is the best time to elntel. At highl water tile edge of the reef is not well definied. App)roachingl fromn westward or northwardl, steer to pass about 400 yards northward and eastward of Triplle Cima Island, and when abreast of it, bearing about 227~ (SW. mag.), steer 1030 (E. by S. inag.) until Albion Head bears 159~ (SSE. mag.); then proceed as directed below: In making the entrance from northeastward, the northwest point of Triple Cima should not be brought westward of 249~ (WSW. mag.) until the eastern side of Albion Head bears 159~ (SSE. inag.) in order to avoid the previously described reefs outlying tle reefs extending northwestward from Baj'allanura Island. With tile eastern side of Albion Head bearing 159~ (SSE. nag.), Malanut Mound, about 6 miles inland, will be seen just clear of it; then steer so as to keep the summit of this hill about its own width open to Albion Head until the northern part of Sirinao Island bears 268~ (W. % S. Inag.), when the edge of the reef surrounding Bajallanura Island will probably be discerned. Close this. reef to a distance of 100 yards, passing between it and the coral reef in the fairway, until the eastern side of Albion Head bears 185~ (S. 1/ W. mag.), when a 170~ (S. by E. Is E. mag.) course heading for the town will lead to the anchorage clear of the reefs on either side. The best anchorage is about 1/2 mile eastward of Albion Head in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), stiff mud bottom, about 2 miles distant from the settlement at the head of the bay. A military post named Alfonso XIII was established by the Spaniards at the mouth of a small stream at the head of Malanut Bay, but at present there are only one or two native houses on the beach, and the pier is in ruins. Malanut River discharges in the southeastern part of Malanut Bay, at the western extremity of a sandv beach, about 1/ mile eastward of the settlement. Here fresh water may be procured with considerable facility when the river is swollen, but in the dry season PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU.ARCHIPELAGO 89 it is difficult for boats to proceed any distance up, because of the rocky nature of the bed and because an extensive mud flat bares at low water off the entrance. Supplies are scarce, high priced, and difficult to obtain. Malanut Range, situated on the southern side of Malanut Bay, is 1,630 feet (497 in.) in height and extends southeastward two-thirds of the way across the island(, where it terminates in the conical mound, Malanut, 1.290 feet (393 m.) in height. Viewing the range end on in a southeast or northwest direction, it assumes the form of a precipitous cliff, with slips on its south side. Treacherous Bay, situated about 61/2 miles northeastward of Albion Head, is overlooked by two remarkable peaked hills-Devils Cap and Back Cap. The foot of Devils Cap, 625 feet (190 ni.) in height, which is the one nearer the shore, breaks through the mangroves and forms a conspicuous yellow-looking cliff on the shore. Three-fourths of a mile to tile southwest of it is a stream of fresh water. Back Cap, the higher and inshore peak, is 720 feet (219 m.) in height and has a small table spur at the back. Palm Island, the outermost and smallest of a group of four islands lying between 3 and 4 miles northward of Treacherous Bay, is 100 feet (30 m.) high and has some dark rocks on a sand bank 1/4 mile northeastward of it. T''le two islands, Tidepole and Patelan, immediately inshore of Palm Island are moderately elevated, the higher, Tidepole Island, being 205 feet (62 il.) high, with a rock on its northwest side. Double Island, fronting an indentation in the coast, consists of two low, flat islands, connected by a small neck of sand. Reefs, partly bare at low water, extend 1,200 yards in a southwesterly and 800 yards in a westerly direction from Double Island. The channel within it and also throughout the bay is encumbered with a reef with 5 and 6 fathoms (9.1 and 11 m.) close to the edge. The passages between Double Island and the islands westward have from 8 to 12 fathoms (14.6 to 21.9 m.) of water. Caution.-It is recommended not to stand into Treacherous Bay, as the reefs northward as well as northwestward of Bajallanura Island extend a long distance off and the water is usually so muddy tlhat they can not be seen. The depths vary from 10 to 14 fathoms (18.3 to 25.6 m.), mud bottom, in the bay. The points of the coast are fronted by reefs projecting from 3/4 to upward of 1 mile, and in the center of the bay there is a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch with 13 fathoms (23.8 m.) close-to. From this patch Tidepole Island bears 36~ (NE. by N. mag.) and Back Cap Peak 126~ (SE. by E. mag.). The depths off the coast outside of Treacherous Bay are 25 to 30 fathoms (46 to 55 m.), the bottom consisting chiefly of broken coral with a thin stratum of mud in some places. There is a, 41/4-fathom (7.8 m.) patch in the offing, 800 yards in extent, with 20 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.) around, with Triple Cima Island bearing 164~ (S. by E. 5/ E. mag.), distance 83/4 miles, and Palm Island 1200 (SE. by E. 1/2 E. mag.). The coast from Double Island to Bahia Honda Point, 3 miles northeastward, is low and thickly wooded, and should not be ap 90 IUNITED STATES COAST PILOT proached nearer than 2 miles, as the edge of the reef bares 1/2 mile from the points, with rocky ground in some places 1 mile beyond. From Bahia Honda Point the coast trends northeastward for about 18 miles to Long Point. Near the latter apparently a third separation takes place in the high central range of hills. The lowland, however, at this part is considerably above the level of that which divides the range southward. Victoria Peak, a sharp double peak, the third highest on Palawan Island, attaining an elevation of 5,680 feet (1,731 m.), occupies a central position in the intermediate range, from which several lower ranges of not less remarkable features extend on either side, forming ravines and gorges thickly wooded. On the south part of the range, End Peak, 4,512 feet (1,375 m.) high, is the most conspicuous, having a small double top with a shoulder at the back, from which the land falls rather abruptly. The southern face slopes gradually toward the plain behind Back Cap Peak, while a part of the same ridge, on which is Sultan Peak, 3,820 feet (1,164 m.) high, lies in a southeasterly direction and terminates in a long table spur overlooking Island Bay, on the opposite side of the island. Valley Cone.-From a range immediately in front of Victoria Peak a spur extends to Steep Point, 41/2 miles northeastward of Bahia Honda Point, forming on the north side a valley, at the head of which is Valley Cone, a remarkable conical hill lying beneath three sharp peaks on the ridge above. The plain in front of Valley Cone is densely wooded, and about 3 miles from Steep Point, lying close to the coast, is Cuckold Hill, 280 feet (85 m.) high. On the north side of the valley the hills again approach the coast near Bluff Point, 2 miles northeastward of Cuckold Hill, and thence extend along the shore to Moorsom Point, a distance of 3 miles. Gap Range.-Immediately overlooking these hills is Brow Shoulder, 3,840 feet (1,170 m.) above the sea, forming the extremity of a ridge which here takes a sudden trend to the eastward, attains an elevation of about 5,000 feet (1,524 m.) at its highest part, and has two peaks on it. The northern face of this range is a steep slope, with deep ravines and some conical hills, at the foot of which Brow Cone, 1,180 feet (360 m.) high, over Bluff Point, is conspicuous. Water.-A copious stream of fresh water flows into the sea immediately northward of Cuckold Hill. The bay northward of Bahia Honda Point is bold to approach to / mile, the depth at that distance from it being 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.); but from Steep Point to Bluff Point the coast is fronted by a reef extending from 600 to 1,000 yards off, the edge of which is bare in some places, and has a black rock on it at nearly 1 mile northward of Steep Point. In a small bay southward of Bluff Point is a high rock close to the shore. Peaked Island, 110 feet (33 m.) high, with a rock 23 feet (7 m.) high nearly 3/4 mile westward of it, lies off the entrance of the freshwater stream before mentioned, and about 1 mile from the shore, to which the reefs bare halfway at low-water springs, leaving a channel between the reefs and the shore into the river. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 91 About 1 mile southwesterly from Peaked Island, and the same distance from the shore, there is a 3-foot (0.9 m.) patch, from which rocky ground extends 1 mile in a southwesterly direction, with 18 to 20 fathoms (33 to 36 m.), mud bottom, close-to; and westward 11/4 miles from the rock 23 feet (7 m.) high off Peaked Island there is a 41/2-fathom (8.2 m.) coral patch with 17 and 23 fathoms (31 to 42 m.) of water close-to. To avoid both these shoals keep Back Cap Peak (720 feet (219 m.)) open westward of the lowland about Bahia Honda Point. Moorsom Point, situated 314 miles northeastward of Bluff Point, is rather a prominent headland, moderately elevated, with a small rock above water 1/2 mile ~westward of it. A reef awash lies 12 miles northward of the point and 1 mile from shore, with a depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) inside it. Water.-There is a stream of fresh water in a sandy bay on the north side of Moorsom Point, and also at the extremity of the beach nearly 1 mile northeastward. Long Point, situated 51/2 miles northeasterly from Moorsom Point, is densely wooded, moderately elevated, and slopes gradually from the center, terminating in a rocky coast with several sandy bights. A reef extends 400 yards from the northernmost point. An extensive shoal area approximately 3 miles wide and 23 miles long, which breaks in heavy weather, has been reported to exist about 7 miles westward of Long Point. It extends in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction between latitudes 9~ 35' and 9~ 52' N. and longitudes 118~ 07' and 118~ 23' E. Apurauan Point lies close southward of Long Point. A vessel may obtain a few supplies, such as fowls and vegetables, from the natives, who occupy small farms scattered over a considerable tract of country inland and which are approached by the river. The river is fresh, but is impracticable as a watering place, owing to a reef which extends 1/ mile from the point and bares across the entrance. A low, wooded range, partially cleared, with some huts upon it, extends along the coast southward of the river. The natives cultivate rice, corn, sweet potatoes, tobacco, and cotton in small quantities, and manufacture from the fiber of the plantain the colored textile fabrics usually worn by them. Beeswax and tortoise shell form articles of export. Anchorage.-The best anchorage is in 7 to 8 fathoms (12.8 to 14.6 m.), bottom stiff mud and shells, about 1/2 mile from shore, with Long Point bearing 0~ (N. 1/8 W. mag.) and Peaked Island 225~ (SV. 1/8 S. mag.) Small vessels may anchor closer in, depending on draft. There is good shelter from northward and eastward, but otherwise exposed. Rocky ground extends 1 mile westward of Apurauan Point. At 3/4 mile 261~ (W. by S. mag.) from the point there is a depth of only 3 feet (0.9 m.), with 4 to 9 fathoms (7.3 to 16.5 m.) close-to. Aspect.-Inland from Long Point are two peaks of nearly equal elevation, the northernmost, named Anepahan, being the sharper. They are connected with Long Point by a gradual slope in the range, on which are some round-topped hills, usually visible when the more elevated land is hidden.: * I 92 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT There is a deep valley northward, overlooked by a sharp shoulder 3.606 feet (1,099 m.) in height, which is the commencement of another central range extending to Ulugan Bay. The most remarkable peaks of this range are Mount Stavely, 3,930 feet (1,198 m.) high (a needle peak rising from the center of a table top immediately northward of the sharp shoulder), and two dome-shaped mountains rather northward. The solthernmost of these, named Thumb Peak, 4,180 feet (1,274 m.) high, is the highest part of the range. The other, Mount Beaufort, 3,640 feet (1,109 m.) in height9 has a hollow in the highest part. From Mount Beaufort the range gradually falls and is again almost separated between Mount Herschel and Mount Peel, a low ridge only connecting the two. Mount Herschel is 2,316 feet (706 m.) in height and slopes gradually southwestward. South and North Rocks are two rocks lying parallel with and 1 mile offshore at 3 and 5 miles northeastward of Long Point. South Rock is 20 feet (6.1 m.) high and bold to approach, the depth around it being 18 to 20 fathoms (33 to 36 m.). North Rock is nearly covered at high water. Water.-There are some streams of fresh water in the bay abreast of South Rock, but where the best stream flows the shore is fronted with coral, which extends 400 yards from it, with 3 and 4 fathoms (5.5 and 7.3 m.) close to the edge. Breakers have been reported in a position with South Rock bearing 153~ (SSE. 5/8 E. mag.) distant 7 miles. Anepahan, about 10 miles northeasterly of Long Point, is a small settlement with some cleared ground on the spur of a hill that approaches the coast from the high range and terminates in a small, rocky point. The coast, 2 miles on either side of this point, is fronted by coral, which extends about 400 yards off, with 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) close to the edge. Hen and Chickens.-Bluff Point, 12 miles northeasterly from Anepahan, is formed by a spur froom Mount Herschel and has a bay northward of it. Half way between this bay and Table Point. 6 miles beyond, is a small group of islets and rocks named Hen and Chickens, lying 11 /miles from the shore, with 19 to 27 fathoms (35 to 49 In.) between them and Sprat Point. The outer group consists of three instead of two islands, as charted, the outer one being omitted from the charts. The northwest islet is about 80 feet (24.4 m.) high. One and one-half miles northward of it is a bare reef or rock which dries about 2 feet (0.6 m.) at low water and close to which the depth is 25 fathoms (46 m.). The depths in the bay vary from 20 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.), mud bottom; but northwest from Sprat Point in the direction of the bare reef is a rocky ledge, nearly 1 mile from the point, on which the least water found was 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.). On the shore are numerous sandy bays, free from coral, with streams of fresh water in some of them, the supply depending on the season. Table Point, nearly 3 miles northeast of the Hen and Chickens, is a conical hill with a detached rock close off it. At 2 miles eastward, under a table range at the foot of Mount Peel, is a waterfall. Off-lying shoals.-York Breakers, on which the Countess of London is supposed to have been wrecked in November, 1816, in PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 93 latitude 9~ 53' N., longitude 118~ 08' E., is a coral shoal 800 yards in extent, with 1 foot (0.9 m.) of water, and except in fine weather generally breaks. It lies 61/2 miles within the edge of the bank and is steep-to, having 45 fathoms (82 m.) close to the edge. From York Breakers, Victoria Peak bears 163~ (S. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) and Mount Peel 79~ (ENE. 7/% E. mag.). Coral patches.-There is a coral patch of 3/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) lying 223~ (SW. % S. mag.), 4 miles from the center of York Breakers; and 11/ miles westward of it is another, with 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), the latter lying 31/2 miles within the edge of the bank, with a bank of coarse sand intervening, on which the least known depth is 11 fathoms (20.1 m.). The depths in the neighborhood of these shoals are from 40 to 50 fathoms (73 to 91 m.), mud bottom. Middle Shoal, situated 12 miles offshore, is 400 yards in extent, with 3/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) water, and 16 to 20 fathoms (29 to 36 m.) close-to. From this shoal Mount Peel bears 86~ (E. 1/2 N. mag.) and Mount Stavely 1510 (SSE. 3/ E. mag.). Albay Shoal.-The Spanish gunboat Albay (1888) reported the discovery of a shoal having 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.) of water on it, bottom coral and rock, with Long Point Hill 204~ (SSW. mag.), Aspera or Bluff Point 114~ (ESE. mag.), and Table (Mesa) Point 71~ (ENE. '/8 E. mag.). Duhme Shoal.-The German ship Minerva (1882) reported having sighted heavy breakers in approximately latitude 10~ 06' N., longitude 118~ 30' E., having an extent of about 2 miles, with the appearance of very shoal water. Gode Shoal, reported in 1860, is charted in latitude 10~ 13' 30" N., longitude 118~ 24' 30" E. No further information in regard to this shoal is available. Mount Airy, a double-topped summit at the front of Mount Peel, overlooks Fish Bay, to the southward of which, between it and Mount Herschel, the ridge is low. Mount Peel, 3,600 feet (1,097 m.) in height, has an abrupt fall in the spur extending toward Mount Airy. The northern and western faces have sharp ridges with deep ravines extending to the coast, giving it a bold, rocky appearance; and on the eastern side a second peak, Baheli, precisely similar in appearance, rises to a height of 2,406 feet (733 m.), from which a slope extends in a southeasterly direction nearly across the island. Karsoglan, a high, wedge-shaped hill as seen from westward, lying northward of and connected with Mount Peel by a low ridge, is close to the shore between Table Point and Northwest Head, and forms part of the range which overlooks Oyster Inlet in Ulugan Bay. On the peninsula northward of Karsoglan are hills of less elevation, connected with each other by the low ridges which form the head of the inlets in Ulugan Bay. Northwest Head, 600 feet (183 m.) in height, the northern extremity of the peninsula which forms the western side of Ulugan Bay, terminates in a bold, precipitous cliff, with a detached rock about 40 feet (12.2 m.) high at the north foot of it. Ulugan Bay (chart 4346), within Northwest Head, is 2 miles wide at the entrance between Cordelia Point and Broken Head and 6 miles 95672~-30 7 94 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT in length in a southerly direction. Oyster Inlet, southwestward of Rita Island, affords apparently snug anchorage in 10 to 14 fathoms (18.3 to 25.6 m.), mud bottom. The other inlets are apparently all shallow, but the bay has not less than 14 fathoms (25.6 m.) in the fairway, as far as the reef which fronts its head to the distance of about 1 mile. The northern part of the eastern shore of the bay is bold, cliffy land, and of reddish-brown aspect. Sangbauen, the north peak, 1,816 feet (553 m.) high, has a small table summit, when seen in a northeasterly direction, and two sharp nipples on the brow in front of it. Bentoan, 1,730 feet (527 m.) high, situated immediately southward of Sangbauen, and separated from it by a wooded vallev, which forms the back of Watering Bay, is sharp when viewed as above, and has a lower range adjoining it southward, with four distinct peaks. The remainder of the eastern shore is a shelving mangrove coast, fronting a low, wooded range on which Harbor Hill, 960 feet (293 m.) high, with a conical hill 1,120 feet (341 m.) high southeastward of it, are the most conspicuous. This land is separated from the high land of Bentoan by a shallow inlet named Tagnipa, at the head of which is a wooded limestone cliff named Deans Head. Camungyan Island, 10O feet (43 m.) in height, lies 114 miles northward of Northwest Head, on the western side of the approach to Ulugan Bay from northward. At 250 yards 27~ (NNE. 1/4 E. mag.) from the summit of Camungyan Island is a rock which generally shows, with another rock, visible only at low water, 100 yards northward of it. A rocky ledge, consisting of sand and coral, extends 1 mile southward of Camungyan Island, almost across the passage, on which the average depth is 9 to 12 fathoms (16.5 to 21.9 mn.), with 20 to 25 fathoms (36 to 46 m.) on either side; but less water may exist. Rita Island.-The western shore of Ulugan Bay is undulating highland, with three inlets, and is fronted by Rita Island, 11/2 miles in length north and south by about 200 yards in breadth. It has a detached rock at its northern extremity, 45 feet (13.7 m.) in height, named Observatory Rock, from which rocky ground, with 5 and 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 m.) of water, extends in a northerly direction about 400 yards. The eastern shore of the island is steep-to, having about 20 fathoms (36 m.) within 200 yards of the coral which fringes it. A reef, dry at low water, extends nearly 200 yards off Tidepole Point, the southern extremity of the island. The edge of the reef is generally well defined by the discoloration of the water. The channel westward of Rita Island is about 600 yards wide and has 13 to 17 fathoms (23.7 to 31 m.) in the southern portion, but abreast of South Inlet it is encumbered with coral patches having from 4 to 8 fathoms (7.3 to 14.6 m.) between them. In heavy northerly gales this channel appears to break right across. Observatory Rock, at the north end of Rita Island, is in latitude 10~ 06' 11" N., longitude 118~ 46' 26" E. Magsiapo Reef, with only 11/4 to 3 fathoms (2.3 to 5.5 m.) in places, extends about 2 mile westward and northwestward of Reef Islet, which islet lies nearly 400 yards from Marabay Point, on the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 95 eastern shore of Ulugan Bay. Depths of 4 to 8 fathoms (7.3 to 14.6 m.) on a prong of the reef are charted some 1,200 yards northwestward of the islet, and there are patches of 11/2 to 21/2 fathoms (2.7 to 4.6 m.) at the same distance southwestward of the islet. At 11/2 miles 206~ (SSW. 1/4 W. mag.) from Reef Islet is the center of a rocky patch more than 1/ mile in extent, upon which the sea generally breaks at low water.- The high nipple, 1,254 feet (382 m.), on the brow of Sangbauen well open of Broken Head, bearing eastward of 9~ (N. 3/4 E. mag.), leads westward of Magsiapo Reef, and is a good guide for keeping vessels westward when working out of the bay until they are northward of the entrance to Tagnipa Inlet. Caiholo and Baheli are two small rivers which empty near the southwest corner of Ulugan Bay, and in the rainy season have fresh water near their entrance. Caiholo River breaks through the mangrove between the high ranges of Karsoglan and Caiholo. It is navigable for boats for about /2 mile, where a good stream of water is generally running, but, owing to the extensive reefs which encumber the head of the bay, neither this river nor the Baheli River are good watering places. The Baheli has a small islet at the entrance and is navigable for boats about 11/4 miles. Tarakaiawan Islet lies between the two rivers Nearly /2 mile southward of it is a white rock which, though small, generally forms a conspicuous object after entering the bay. Oyster Inlet, the southernmost inlet on the western shore, is 13/4 miles in length in a west-northwest direction, being separated from the coast outside by a low ridge nearly /4 mile in breadth. Reefs which project from both points contract the channel at the entrance to 14 mile in width. They also fringe the shore within to the extent of 200 yards, gradually increasing toward the head of the inlet, where a bank of mud and rocks extends off 1/2 mile. On this bank good oysters were found. There is a depth of 19 fathoms (35 m.) at the entrance, which depth gradually decreases over a stiff muddy bottom to 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) close to the reef at the head of the inlet. At 700 yards eastward of Coral Point, the southern entrance point to Oyster Inlet, there are some detached coral patches, nearly awash at low water. The two inlets northward of Oyster Inlet are shallow. Anchorage.-There is anchorage in Ulugan Bay off the south end of Rita Island, at the entrance of Oyster Inlet, in 20 fathoms (36 m.), bottom stiff mud.' No experience was had of this anchorage in the northeast monsoon. During westerly gales the swell sets home to the head of Ulugan Bay, breaking heavily on the reefs, especially on the eastern shore. Ih the month of November, during one of these which shifted northwest, H. M. S. Royalist, riding with a whole cable at this anchorage, was at times pitching forecastle under. Oyster Inlet would appear to afford sheltered anchorage, at any rate, for a steam vessel. Water.-Good water can be obtained in Watering Bay, 1 mile southward of Mount Sangbauen. It is not, however, practicable to land there at all times, for, except in fine weather, a heavy swell usually sets in on the stony beach. The anchorage is open. Sailing vessels being compelled to water here should not anchor nearer than 96 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT 1 mile from shore, and they should be prepared to weigh on the slightest indication of a westerly wind, as the swell is liable to come in suddenly. The Royalist, while at anchor off this bay in the month of November, was caught in a strong, westerly wind, which brought in a heavy swell, and with difficulty escaped, being obliged to slip her cable. Winds.-During the fine season-that is, from April to July or August-fresh southeast winds usually blow over the lowlands at the head of the bay. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, in Ulugan Bay at 9h. 30m.; springs rise 41/2 feet (1.4 m.). No perceptible stream was observed in the bay, except after heavy rains or when westerly winds have prevailed, when there is a slight outset. Directions.-Vessels bound to Ulugan Bay or any of the harbors of Palawan northward should not, except under favorable circumstances, come within the 100-fathom (183 m.) line of soundings, southward of the parallel of 10~ N. In coming from southward it is recommended to be near the edge of the bank at daylight, with Mount Peel bearing about 102~ (E. by S. mag.), when Camungyan Island, at the entrance of Ulugan Bay, will bear 86~ (E. /2 N. mag.), distant about 35 miles. Approaching in this direction, the bay will be readily recognized when a considerable distance off, by some high, rugged land and a remarkable dome-shaped hill named St. Paul, just seen over a lower range forming the north point of the bay. At the back of this will be seen Cleopatra Needle (sharp peak), the southernmost and highest of a range extending 51/2 miles in a northeasterly direction. Southward is Mount Peel, already noticed, comparatively an isolated mountain, sloping gradually from the summit to the base. A patch of 6 fathoms (11 m.) and the charted position of Duhlme Breakers should be given a wide berth and a good lookout kept for other dangers which might possibly exist. Approaching from northward the bay is more readily distinguished by an apparent complete separation between Mount Peel and the high land southwestward of Cleopatra Range, the low land at the head of Ulugan Range not being discernible until within a few miles of Piedras Point. The bay presents no difficulties to a steam vessel. In a sailing vessel, if with a southwesterly or westerly wind, pass southward of Camungyan Island, not borrowing too much on Northwest Head, where the vessel is liable to meet baffling wind under the land. Pass at a convenient distance eastward of Rita Island, observing the clearing mark for Magsiapo Reef, and proceed to the anchorage off or in Oyster Inlet. St. Paul Bay. —Eastward of Piedras Point, the northeastern point of Ulugan Bay, and separated from it by a low, wooded valley, is Mount Bloomfield, a table-land of upward of 2,000 feet (610 In.) in height, with several nipples on the summit, and steep water courses down the side, terminating in a bold, barren-looking coast, immediately eastward of which is St. Paul Bay. Overlooking the bay on the south are some dome-shaped hills and perpendicular cliffs of limestone formation, the most conspicuous of PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 97 which is St. Paul Peak, 3,370 feet (1,027 m.) in height, from which the bay derives its name. Eastward of this is a range, named by the old navigators the Four Peaks, of which Cleopatra Needle, 5,200 feet (1,585 m.) in height, is the southernmost and highest. The northern termination of the range is abrupt, and there is a high, round-topped hill lying almost immediately under and between it and the coast. Cliff Head, 10 miles northeastward of Piedras Point and forming the northern extremity of St. Paul Bay, is a long, wooded promontory terminating in a steep cliff 350 feet (107 m.) in height. A smaller head, with a rocky islet on its north side, juts out into the bay immediately southward of it, 1 mile southwestward of which is a rock awash, with 5 to 9 fathoms (9.1 to 16.5 m.) water close-to. The shore of St. Paul Bay is bold to approach, having 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) near the points and from 12 to 16 fathoms (21.9 to 29.3 m.), bottom fine sand and shells in the center. Jibboom Bay, the entrance of which lies between Cliff Head and Peaked Point, 41/2 miles northward of it, has a group of islands and rock near the center. Bay Island, the largest, has a flat summit 307 feet (93 m.) above the sea. Abreast of this group on the south side of the bay is Long Point, with deep, sandy bays on either side and a hill, 2,015 feet (614 m.) high, with a nipple shoulder at the back. The depths in the center of Jibboom Bay are 12 to 15 fathoms (21.9 to 27.4 m.) and 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) at its head. The inlet on the southeast side of the upper part of the bay is shallow. Shelter from northeast winds will be found in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.) about 3/4 mile southeastward of Bay Island Group, with Zoe, the easternmost islet, and Peaked Point, the northern extremity of the bay, in line. There would be more shelter for a steamer nearer the head of the bay. The channel northward of the group is 1 mile wide, with a depth of about 16 fathoms (29.3 m.). From Peaked Point (which has a detached rock, about 100 feet (30 m.) high, close off it) the coast trends northward for 21/2miles to a steep, bold point named Amalingat, at the foot of which lies Ninepin Rock, with a reef awash 100 yards westward of it. Off the next point eastward are the two islands, Catalat, and Cacbolo, which form the western side of Mayday Bay. Cacbolo Island lies 13/4 miles from shore and is separated from Catalat by a channel % mile wide. It has two peaks of nearly equal elevation (about 400 feet (122 m.)), and there is a sandy bay on the eastern side. The north and west faces are bold, steep cliffs, and close off the northeast extremity of the island is a reef awash. Catalat Island, the larger of the two, 11/2 miles in length, has a clump of trees near the summit, and is connected with the main by a ledge on which there are two pyramidal rocks. Mayday Bay, immediately eastward of Catalat and Cacbolo Islands, affords more convenient anchorage for wooding and watering than any of those described southward on this side of Palawan. It is 31/2 miles wide at the entrance between Cacbolo and Cacnipa Islands, 5/2 miles in length, and is formed on the eastern side by a long, irregularly shaped promontory, the continuation of the high range jutting out in a northerly direction from the island. 98 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Cacnipa Island lies off the extremity of the promontory, and is separated from it by a channel 800 yards wide, in which is Passage Reef, with rocks about 6 feet (1.8 m.) high on it. The island is steep and bold, 1,050 feet (320 m.) high and 134 miles in diameter, with two peaks, the southern being higher. Thumb Rock lies off the southwestern point and Peaked Rock 600 yards from the northern shore of the island. In the southeastern part of Mayday Bay is Conical Head, with deep, sandy bays on either side of it. The bay on the north side has from 14 to 20 fathoms (25.6 to 36 m.), while that on the south side has from 17 to 20 fathoms (31 to 36 m.) at the entrance. Some freshwater streams discharge through the beach. The depths at the entrance of Mayday Bay are 25 to 27 fathoms (46 to 49 m.), bottom sand and mud, gradually decreasing to 19 fathoms (35 m.) close to Conical Head. The points in the bay appear to be steep-to, and there is no known danger in it but what shows. Water.-The watering place is at the head of a cove named Watering Bay, in the southwest corner. There is good anchorage in 19 fathoms (35 m.) off the entrance, midway between it and Conical Head, with the eastern sides of Catalat and Cacbolo in line. The stream falls from the rocks on the south side of the cove, where at half tide a boat can go almost under it. Boayan Island, lying 3 miles northeastward of Cacnipa Island, is an irregular-shaped island 910 feet (277 m.) in height, nearly 5 miles east and west and 314 miles in breadth in one place, but in some parts less than 12 mile. Its northwestern extremity terminates in a bold head, with a double peak 725 feet (221 m.) in height, and the shore all around, except on the south side, partakes of somewhat similar features. Shelter from southwest winds will be found on the northeast side of Boayan, in about 14 fathoms (25.6 m.) at 3/ mile northward of Broughton Point, the eastern extremity of the island. Two islands lie from 700 to 800 yardsoff Bluff Point, the southwest extremity of Boayan Island. Saddle Island, the southernmost, 170 feet (52 m.) high, has a reef awash between it and the point, and also some peaked rocks extending 400 yards from its southeastern side. Lump Island, the northernmost, is abrupt and has two islets inshore of it. Royalist Shoal, composed of coral with 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) over it, lies 120~ (SE. by E. 3% E. mag.), distant 1 mile from Saddle Island, with the summit of Catalat open of the southeastern side of Cacnipa Island, bearing 227~ (SW. /8 W. mag.). Boayan Reef, awash, lies 1/ mile from the southern coast of Boayan and 75~ (ENE. 5/8 E. mag.), nearly 3 miles from Saddle Island. There is a depth of 24 fathoms (44 m.) at 400 yards south of this reef. Albaguen Island, lying 21/2 miles southward of Boayan, is 570 feet in height and nearly 1/2 miles in length, with a conspicuous red stripe (land slip) on the northwest side, close to which and connected to the island by a small isthmus is a conical head named Isthmus Cone. Port Barton.-Albaguen Island is tie outer and largest of a group of islands stretching in a northwesterly direction from the eastern PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULUY ARCHIPELAGO 99 shore across the mouth of a deep bay, and which, together with the promontory forming the eastern side of Mayday Bay, incloses a spacious sheet of water to which the name of Port Barton has been given. It affords shelter at all seasons of the year. The entrance to Port Barton is between Riddle and Bubon Points, the latter being approximately in latitude 10~ 29' N., longitude 119~ 07' E. From the entrance the harbor extends 51/2 miles in a southerly direction, and near its head is Endeavor Island, having Wedge Islet lying off its southeastern face, half way to the shore. There is however, nothing to induce vessels to go beyond Middle Reef, nearly 3 miles within the entrance, the harbor affording no good watering place, although there are several streams in the mangroves bordering the shore, which is apparently rocky in that direction. The depths in the entrance of the harbor are about 25 fathoms (46 m.) decreasing gradually to 5 and 6 fathoms (9.1 and 11 m.) close to the edges of the reefs which fringe the shore at the head of it. Queens Bay.-South, 13/4 miles from Bubon Point, the western entrance point, is Oyster Point, and between is Queens Bay, overlooked by Queens Peak, 1,030 feet (314 m.) in height. Its shore is fringed with coral, extending from 200 to 400 yards off, with deep water close to the edge. Capsalay, Double and Regatta Islands.-Capsalay, the inner and next island in point of size to Albaguen of the group forming the northeastern side of Port Barton, is connected with Caramatan Point, on the mainland, by a reef almost bare at low water. At 800 yards southward from the eastern extremity of the island are two rocks awash, with 6 fathoms (11 m.) close-to. At less than 200 yards from the western extremity of Capsalay is Double Island, nearly /2 mile in length, the south side of which is foul to a distance of 200 yards. Northwesterly from Double Island and separated by a channel 300 yards wide, with 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water in it, is Regatta Island, about 1/3 mile in length. Savage, Cone, Dean, Bush, and Morison, small islets forming a chain between Albaguen and Capsalay, are out of the usual track and do not require any special description. Capsalay Reef, a coral patch 200 yards in extent and nearly awash, lies 1/ mile southward of the western extremity of Double Island, with Riddle Point in line with the southwest extremity of Regatta Island, and Oyster Point in line with Queens Peak. Middle Reef, 400 yards in extent and awash at low water, lies 221~ (SW. 1/2 S. mag.), nearly 11/4 miles from Capsalay Reef, and 131~ (SE. 1/2 E. mag.) from Oyster Point. From this reef the bottom appears more or less rocky in an east-southeast direction to the shore. Anchorage.-If requiring only shelter in Port Barton, and in the southwest monsoon, vessels may anchor in the northern part of the bay in 20 fathoms (36 m.) bottom stiff mud, with Queens Peak bearing about 227~ (SW. 18 W. mag.) and Bubon Point 0~ (N. /8 W. mag.), with Bluff Point, the western extremity of Boayan Island, just shut in. Here a vessel would be landlocked. In northeast winds, vessels wishing to seek close shelter for repairs, etc., will find good anchorage in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), mud bottom, 100 UNITET) STATES COAST PILOT farther eastward, south of Capsalay Island, care being taken in approaching it to avoid Capsalay Reef. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, at Port Barton at 9h. 25m. Springs rise 4 feet (1.2 m.). About 2 miles northeastward of Caramatan Point is Betbet Point, with a conical hill near and an islet of the same name north of it, from which a coral spit projects nearly 23 mile in a west-northwest direction. The coral reef extends nearly ~/3 mile in a northeasterly direction from the shore on the north side of Capsalay Island and nearly 2/3 mile in a northerly direction from Caramatan Point on the mainland abreast, with 9 to 13 fathoms (16.5 to 23.8 m.) close to the edge. Pagdanan Bay.-At 23 mile northeasterly from Betbet Point is Reef Point, between which and Pagdanan Peninsula is Pagdanan Bay, 212 miles wide at the entrance and about the same in depth. The Pagdanan Range rises to a height of about 2,000 feet (610 m.) at the back of the bay. Reefs lie off the points of the bay, some to the extent of 1/2 mile. Water.-A fresh-water stream discharges at the foot of Green Head, in Pagdanan Bay, and there are also others in the south part, near Squall Point. Directions-Anchorage.-The depths in the western approach to the bay southward of Boayan Island average about 24 fathoms (44 m.) mud bottom. In the bay there are 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.). Vessels not wishing to go into Port Barton will find good shelter from southwest winds, northward of Capsalay Island, and from northeast winds, in Pagdanan Bay. Approaching either anchorage from westward, care must be taken not to bring the southern peak of Saddle Island westward of 315~ (NW. 1/ W. mag.) till the highest part of Catalat is seen in the center of the passage southward of Cacnipa Island bearing 231~ (SW. /2 W. mag.) to avoid Royalist Shoal. Pagdanan Point, the northern extremity of the bay, is a peninsula head of reddish aspect, 445 feet (136 m.) in height. Confusion Rock, white, and about 40 feet (12.2 m.) high, lies 600 yards northwestward from it. Immediately southward of this point is an extensive landslip and a double island almost connected with the shore at low water. Niaporay Island and Rock.-Niaporay Island, 354 feet (108 m.) in height, lies in the channel between Pagdanan Point and Boayan Island; at /2 mile from the latter and 125~ (SE. by E. mag.) 1/2 mile from the nearest point of Niaporay Island is Niaporay Rock, the southernmost of two rocks which lie nearly in the center of the channel. There is a depth of 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) over Niaporay Rock at low water, the soundings in the immediate neighborhood varying from 4 to 12 fathoms (7.3 to 21.9 m.) on either side. From this rock Queens Peak is in line with the southeast extremity of Albaguen Island, bearing 227~ (SW. 1s W. mag.). There is also a 21/-fathom (4.6 m.) patch lying 69~ (ENE. mag.) /2 mile from the summit of Niaporay Island, with 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) of water close-to. Pagdanan Rock, the northernmost of two rocks in the northern channel, has 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) of water on it, with 7 and 10 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 101 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.) close-to, and lies 35~ (NE. by N. mag.) 1 mile from Niaporay Rock, with Confusion Rock in line with the western extremity of Pagdanan Peninsula and the eastern extremity of Niaporay Island nearly in line with Isthmus Cone joining Albaguen Island. Imuruan Bay, between Boayan Island and Emergency Point, is about 12 miles wide at the entrance. Its eastern shore is backed by a high range of hills, of which Bay Peak, abreast of Imuruan Island, is the most conspicuous. From the low neck of Pagdanan Peninsula the shore of the bay for 81/2 miles is almost one continuous sand beach, with small, rocky heads here and there, the two southernmost having each a rock above water off them. The coast hence is bold and rocky for 2/2 miles, beyond which is a sand beach for 3 miles. Thence to Emergency Point the shore is rocky. The shore throughout the bay is bold to approach, having 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) close to the beach. At the entrance the depths vary from 20 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.), mud bottom. Anchorage.-Shelter from northeast winds will be found in the bay, eastward of Emergency Point, in 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom. A group of rocks above water lies 96~ (E. 1/2 S. mag.) about 11/4 miles from Emergency Point, and there is a rock awash 400 yards northeastward of the group. Wedge Island, in the entrance to Imuruan Bay, 43/4 miles southwestward of Emergency Point, is small, wedge-shaped, 180 feet (55 m.) in height, and thickly wooded. Bay Islands.-Imuruan, the larger of the two, is situated 155~ (SSE. 1/4 E. mag.) 41/4 miles from Emergency Point, and is separated from the coast by a channel 11/ miles wide, with 4 to 7 fathoms (7.3 to 12.8 m.) of water in it. The island is 500 feet (152 m.) high and 1 mile long, with a reef extending 600 yards from the eastern side. Lampinigan is a small island situated about 400 yards westward of Imuruan. Mount Capoas, situated 2/2 miles northeastward of Emergency Point and about 2 miles from the sea, is a table-land 3,350 feet (1,021 m.) in height, with a high and a low sharp nipple at the western shoulder and a conspicuous landslip extending two-thirds of the way from the summit to the base immediately under it. The table part is a sharp, uneven ridge extending 1 mile in an east and west direction, from which the land falls suddenly on all sides. The mount rises near the southwestern extremity of an extensive peninsula, which, on the north, forms part of the secure and capacious sound of Malampaya, and on the south Imuruan Bay. Cape Capoas, situated 7 miles northwestward of Emergency Point is a bold, projecting headland with two peaks, and is the extreme western point of the peninsula on which Mount Capoas is situated. Conflagration Hill Island is situated 2 miles southeastward of Cape Capoas, near one of the points of the several bays with which the coast is indented. It is a steep, conical island, connected with the shore at low water with a small head similar in feature but of whitish aspect forming its southern extremity. 102 TTNITED STATES COAST PILOT Shelter from northeast winds may be found in the first bay eastward of the island, westward of Low Capoas, a peak 1,560 feet (475 m.) in height. A rocky cliff in the center of the bay divides the sand beach. From this head a reef awash extends nearly 800 yards in a southwesterly direction, with 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) close to to the edge. There are three smaller bays between this island and Enterprise Point, southward of Cape Capoas. Northward of Cape Capoas for 6 miles to Diente Point, the southwestern entrance of Malampaya Sound, the coast is deeply indented, the heads of some of the bays being separated from those corresponding to them on the opposite side of the peninsula in Malampaya Sound by very narrow isthmuses. Inlulutoc Bay, the largest of these bays, is 123 miles wide at the entrance and 21/ miles in length. It lies nearly midway between Enterprise and Diente Points and affords good shelter in the northeast monsoon. On the north side of the bay is Saddle Hill, 1,038 feet (316 m.) in height, which, together with Chinongab Peak, 1,222 feet (372 m.), 2 miles 74~ (ENE. 12 E. mag.) from it, form conspicuous objects to identify the locality. There are no dangers known in any of these bays but what are visible. The bights and some of the points are fringed with coral, the edges of which can be discerned by keeping an ordinary lookout. The outer coast is bold, rocky, and precipitous in some places, with deep water close-to. Wreck Head, a bold, rocky cliff, forms the north point of Inlulutoc Bay. Anchorage and water.-There is good anchorage in Inlulutoc Bay, on the north side, with offshore winds, between Teodore Point and Anchorage Island (the only reliable bay for vessels to enter), with Saddle Hill bearing 350~ (N. by W. mag.), in 15 or 16 fathoms (27 or 29 m.), mud bottom. In the bay, north of the anchorage and at the foot of Saddle Hill, are two streams of fresh water. The shore, however, is difficult of access, owing to the coral fringing the bay, which off Teodore Point extends out 100 yards. Cape Ross is the western extremity of the ridge extending from Diente Hill. All the land in this vicinity rises steeply from the shore. The bay southward, between Cape Ross and Black Head, 3/4 mile northeast of Wreck Head, is deep and clear but open to westward and southward. Bay Rock, near the head of this bay, is steep-to with a depth of 61/ fathoms (11.8 m.), 100 yards westward of it. Diente Point, the southwestern entrance point to Malampaya Sound, is steep-to with a very narrow coral reef fringing the shore. A small coral shoal with a depth of 23/ fathoms (5 m.) lies 0.9 mile 333~ (NNW. /2 W. mag.) from the point. The channel between this shoal and Diente Point is deep and clear. Off-lying dangers.-Crescent Reef, with 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) of water, in latitude 10~ 40' N., longitude 118~ 42' E., is a narrow strip of coral, 3/4 mile in length in an east-northeast and opposite direction, lying 11/ miles within the edge of the bank and 22 miles from the nearest shore. There are depths of 40 to 44 fathoms (73 to 80 m.) within 1/2 mile from its edge. From the center of Crescent Reef, Sangbauen, the north peak of Ulugan Bay, bears 168~ (S. by E. %/ E. mag.); summit of Cacnipa PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 103 Island 115~ (SE. by E. 7/8 E. mag.) and the highest part of Boayan Island 103~ (ESE. 7/8 E. mag.). At 212 miles southward of Crescent Reef there is a 7-fathom (12.8 m.) patch with depths of 24 and 50 fathoms (44 to 91 m.) close-to, and 69~ (ENE. mag.) 2/2 miles from the same is another, 600 yards in extent, having only 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) of water on it, with 40 fathoms (73 m.) close-to. Capoas Cluster.-Near the outer edge of the bank, 9 to 15 miles northeastward of Crescent Reef, is a cluster of coral patches covered by from 4 to 6 fathoms (7.3 to 11 m.) of water. They are too closely grouped and too far offshore for bearings to be of any advantage to navigate between them. The bank.-From the northernmost of the Capoas Cluster, from which Diente Hill bears 86~ (E. 1/2 N. mag.), distant 20 miles, the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve at the edge of the bank trends northerly to the parallel of 11~ 12' N., where it gradually takes a northeasterly direction and does not approach the north point of Palawan nearer thhn 23 miles. The bank is steep-to. It has a general depth of 30 to 50 fathoms (55 to 91 m.) with many shoaler ridges and patches of coral and sand on which the depth is 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5 m.). The shoalest of these, on which the depth is 634 fathoms (12.3 m.) lies 1 mile within the edge of the bank in latitude 11~ 26' N., longitude 118~ 58' E., 27 miles from the nearest part of Palawan. The patches are nearly all steep-to with a flat top. The nature of the bottom near the patches is fine sand but in the deeper portions of the bank, especially off the north part of Palawan, stiff green mud predominates. Northward of Palawan the bank is not as steep as abreast of the island. Directions.-Northward of the parallel of 10~ N. the depths on the bank are more regular, and the coral patches lying near the edges have generally more water on them than those southward, seldom having less than 7 and 9 fathoms (12.8 and 16.5 m.) to the parallel of 10~ 40' N., where they have as little at 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) in some places. Sailing vessels, therefore, bound to Ulugan Bay, or wishing to close the land for the purpose of working up inzhore, should approach the bank about on the parallel 10~ 07', with Mount Peel on about a 103~ (ESE. /8 E. mag.) bearing. The bank on this parallel extends 30 miles from the coast. The first soundings obtained on the edge will generally be 18 or 20 fathoms (33 or 36 m.), coarse sand and broken coral, or perhaps, if a little northward of the bearing given, 9 to 12 fathoms (16.5 to 21.9 m.), coral, when the bottom will be visible; after which the depths will be more regular, the 40 and 50 fathoms (73 and 91 m.) soundings being chiefly on a stiff muddy bottom, while in less water, sand and mud or sand and broken coral will predominate. If, when soundings are first struck in the position stated, the vessel can head for Camungyan Island at the entrance of Ulugan Bay the reported position of Duhme Breakers will be avoided. MALAMPAYA SOUND (chart 4349), formed on the northeast of the Capoas Peninsula, is about 19 miles in length in a southeasterly direction, varying in breadth from 2 to 41/4 miles. The bays and inlets along its shores are 104 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT capable of affording safe anchorage to a large number of deep-draft vessels, making this one of the finest natural harbors in the Philippine Islands. The entrance is partly closed by Tuluran Island leaving a deep channel, Worcester Strait, 1,200 yards wide, southward of it. The channel eastward of the island is only 200 yards wide with 43 fathoms (8.7 m.) as the controlling depth. The sound itself is divided into two parts by headlands projecting from both shores. The strait thus formed contains a number of islands and opens into an expanse of water 9 miles in length and 4 miles in width with depths of 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) in the deeper part. The shores of the sound are in general heavily wooded. A small amount of clearing has been done for agricultural purposes. Throughout about 34 of its length the shores rise rather abruptly from the beach with many rocky points and bold headlands, but with small areas of mangrove swamp between. The head of the Malampaya Sound is a vast expanse of very shoal area bordered by tropical swamp of considerable extent. The area bordering the sound is sparsely inhabited. Worcester Strait, the main channel into Malampaya Sound, ig 21/ miles wide between Bold Head, Tuluran Island and Notch Island, contracting to 1,200 yards at its narrowest part between Chinayan Head and Parmidiaran Point. Within this part the strait is about 1 mile wide for 1/4 miles whence it opens into the outer portion of Malampaya Sound. The fairway favors the Tuluran Island side of the strait and has depths of 20 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.). A number of small islands and rocks above water lie in the entrance and on the south side of the strait. Notch Island, /2 mile northeast of Diente Point, is 188 feet (57 m.) high and wooded. It is surrounded by and connected with the shore southward by a coral reef bare at low water on which lie several rocks visible at all stages of the tide. Another group of rocks, the highest of which is 15 feet (4.6 m.) lie on a reef about 250 yards northward of the island. Entrance and Pillar Rocks lie on a reef about,/ mile northnortheastward of Notch Island. The reef is steep-to, about 400 yards long east and west and 150 yards wide; Entrance Rock, 13 feet (4 m.) high, marks the eastern edge; Pillar Rock, 35 feet (10.7 m.) high, the southern edge; and a group of lower rocks lie close to the western edge of the reef. Largon Island, 128 feet (39 m.) high and wooded, lies near the southern edge of an extensive reef about 1 mile southeast of Pillar Rock. The reef has a number of small islets and rocks on it, and Largon Rock, 13 feet (4 m.) high, is separated from the northern edge of the reef by a channel only 150 yards wide. Cone Island, 243 feet (74 m.) high and wooded, lies 1/3 mile southsoutheastward of Largon Island. It is steep-to. The channel between the two islands has depths of over 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), and in the channel between the islands and the mainland the depths are 25 and 26 fathoms (46 and 47 m.). Eastward of Notch Island the shore trends southward for 1/I mile, then northeast forming a deep bay, fringed by coral reefs and of little use to navigation. PALAWAN, MINI)ANAO, AND SITLU ARCHIPELAGO 105 Bolalo Hill is a rounding hill lying eastward of Diente Hill. It has two distinct summits, 886 and 822 feet (270 and 250 m.) high. In general, the country is mountainous and heavily wooded. The exposed portions of the coast present a bold rocky and precipitous aspect with the shores usually bowlder strewn, the bays and inlets are coral fringed and mangrove lined while some have sandy beaches at the head. Bolalo Bay, on the south side of Worcester Strait, is a deep, clear inlet affording ample anchorage area but subject to gusts of wind from the surrounding hills during stormy weather. It is about 1/ mile wide and extends 21/4 miles in a southerly direction, the head of the bay being separated from Inlulutoc Bay by a narrow, high isthmus. Mangrove and coral fringe the greater part of the shores and a sunken coral reef extends about 800 yards into the head of the bay. The anchorage is anywhere inside the points in 16 to 18 fathoms (29 to 33 m.), mud bottom and may be approached by either channel, east or west of Cone and Largon Islands, giving the latter island a good berth to avoid the reef extending out about 300 yards. Chinongab, a sharp peak 1,222 feet (372 m.) high with a small table ridge, and Tozera Peak, 908 feet (277 m.) high, lie eastward of Bolalo Bay. Between Parmidiaran Point and Lookout Point, the southern shore of Worcester Strait forms an open bay. White Rock with a rock awash close northward of it lies on a line joining the points. It has deep water close-to on all sides. Tuluran Island on the eastern side of the entrance to Malampaya Sound, is about 41/ miles long north and south and 1~/ miles wide. It is high, rugged, and heavily wooded. Two sharp peaks, Tuluran, 1,311, and North Tuluran, 1,331 feet (406 m.) high, lie near the middle of the island. Thumb Peak, a high table top near the southern end, rises to a height of 1,066 feet (325 m.) and looks somewhat like the Capoas Cluster; and there are several other peaks of considerable elevation on the island. The northern and western sides of the island are bold, rocky, and precipitous with several conspicuous water courses. The exceptions are the bay eastward of Tuluran Point and North Bay at the north end of the island where the shores are sand and the slopes more gentle. The entire eastern shore southward to Nalinbungan Point is fringed with mangroves. Peaked Island, 270 feet (82 m.) high and wooded, lies off the northwest point of Tuluran Island. Two rocks awash at very high water lie on the edge of the reef which extends 200 yards northwest of the island. The channel between the island and the shore reef is narrow with a depth of about 2 fathoms (3.6 m.). Pyramid Rocks are a group of rocks lying 3/4 mile west of the north end of Tuluran Island. The highest one rises to a height of 42 feet (12.8 m.). A 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) shoal lies 1/4 mile, 40~(NE. 5/8 N. mag.) from this rock, and constitutes the only invisible danger to navigation off the west coast of Tuluran Island. White Round Island, 71 feet (21.6 m.) high, lies almost 1/4 miles 288~ (WNW. 1/2 W. mag.) from Block Head, Tuluran Island. It is steep-to on all sides and lying off the entrance to Worcester Strait makes an excellent landmark, 106 UNITED) STATES C()AST IILOT Endeavor Strait lies eastward of Tuluran Island and the chain of small islands, reefs, and rocks extending 2 miles northward from the northeast point of the island. The strait runs nearly north and south, is about 6 miles in length, and about 400 yards wide in its narrower part. The shores are lined with mangrove and fringed with coral which reduces the effective width of the channel from Chase Head to Relinquish Head to about 100 yards with a controlling depth of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.). Between Relinquish Head and Exertion Point the strait widens to about 1 mile with depths of 10 to 14 fathoms (18.3 to 25.6 m.). A group of rocks awash at low water lies just inside the line joining these two points, 820 yards 5~ (N. 1/l E. mag.) from Exertion Point. Good protected anchorage may be had in this bay in 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.), mud bottom. Southward of Exertion Point the strait is wide, deep, and clear, being over 3/4 mile wide at the entrance between Pillar Point and Endeavor Point. Just northward of the latter on the east side of the strait is a snug little harbor known as Pirate Hold. Directions.-Approaching Malampaya Sound from southwlard and westward the first landmark made will be the Capoas Mountains. On closer approach, Notch Island and White Round Island show conspicuously and soon Entrance and Largon Rocks become visible. The best course is northward of these rocks where the depths average around 30 fathoms (55 m.). In a sailing vessel with a soltherly wind, Largon Rock should be kept close aboard to fetch through Worcester Strait and to prevent being set over upon the northern shore by shifts of wind from the high land about Chinongab Peak. There is a strong tidal current in and out of the sound and with a contrary wind heavy tide rips may result in Worcester Strait. In entering from the north through Endeavor Strait, a midchannel course must be kept. There is a sharp turn when entering the narrowest part of the strait at Chase Head. Great care must be taken to avoid going on the shore reef as there is a considerable tidal current at times in this strait. The strait is entirely practicable for vessels of less than 1,000 tons and saves about 3 miles when coming from the northward. A vessel entering Malampaya Sound through the main entrance, Worcester Strait, on a course favoring slightly the side of the strait toward Tuluran Island will note the northern tangent of Malapina Island dead ahead. Malapina Island is a small island situated near the center of the northern end of the sound. It is wooded, the elevation of the tops of the trees on its summit being about 155 feet (47 m.). It is entirely surrounded by deep water, but has a few detached rocks close to the shore line. The area east and southeast of the island is of irregular bottom to a considerable distance, but no depths affecting free navigation by vessels drawing up to 35 feet (10.7 m.) were found during an unusually close hydrographic development of the area. Pirate Bay is the first bay on the western side of Malampaya Sound after leaving Worcester Strait. This bay is formed between the prominent headland projecting from the Capoas Peninsula at the inner end of Worcester Strait and Tenabian Island, irregular PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULtT ARCHIPELAGO 107 in shape, about 3/4 mile long, and over 300 feet (91 m.) high at its northeasternmost summit. This bay affords good anchorage in 141/ fathoms (26.5 m.), mud bottom. A rocky shoal encroaches slightly on the anchorage area. This shoal is situated about 300 yards northwest by west of Slip Point, the northern extremity of Tenabian Island. Its crest is dotted with bowlders, the shoalest of which is covered to a depth of but 5 feet (1.5 m.). Tenabian Passage is the channel inshore of Tenabian Island. It can be navigated, but is very narrow, being partially obstructed by a reef which bares at low water. Northeast Bay is across Malampaya Sound, opposite Pirate Bay. It is a larger bay and has a considerable deep-water area. It is, however, not especially recommended as an anchorage for deep-draft vessels for shelter purposes as the navigable area and channels are encroached upon by numerous islands, reefs, and detached shoals. The deeper areas are moreover more or less exposed to any swell that may be making in through Worcester Strait. All dangers have, however, been thoroughly examined and the bay may be safely used by vessels desiring to load or discharge cargo there. There are also several localities in the bay where small craft can anchor with good protection. At Binaluan, on the eastern shore of the bay, is a sawmill operating whenever business warrants and an amateur radio station of considerable power. The lone tree on the cleared island just northwest of Binaluan is of aid in navigating the approaches to anchorage off the village. Pirate Hold is a small bay or cove just north of Endeavor Point and on the east side of the inner end of Endeavor Strait. It has depths of 10 to 15 fathoms (18.3 to 27.4 m.) in the outer portion, but free navigation is restricted by two detached rocky shoals, one near the southern side of the entrance about 185 yards north of the northernmost tangent of Endeavor Point, having a least depth on it of 9 feet (2.7 m.), the other about 875 yards northeast of the northern tangent of Endeavor Point and 380 yards southeast of Bando Point with a least depth on it of 11 feet (3.3 m.). A small bay is formed between the southern shore of Tenabian Island and a headland which projects into the sound from the western shore further to the southward. This bay contains deep water except in the vicinity of Double Rock, a small rock area with two pillars of rock rising from it, the higher to a height of 15 feet (4.6 m.) above mean tide level. This bay connects with Pirate Bay through Tenabian Passage. Taitai Bay, another protected anchorage, lies between the headland above mentioned and the headland whose extremity is Bullock Head. Anchorage is in the vicinity of the center of the bay in 10 to 11 fathoms (18.3 to 20.1 m.), mud bottom. There are no dangers except close to the shore line. There is, however, an important shoal, Huron Shoal, east of this bay. Huron Shoal is a small rocky shoal situated about 0.7 mile 47~ (NE. mag.) from Bullock Head. The crest of the shoal has a least depth on it of 16 feet (4.9 m.) and the shoal is surrounded bv depths of from 11 to 13 fathoms (20.1 to 23.8 m.). This shoal affects all navigation to parts of the sound above its position. It can easily be avoided by leaving a position midway between Tenabian and 108 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Malapina Islands and steering 159~ (SSE. mag.) until the Calabuctung Islands are nearly in range. This course leads directly for Wedge Head, the prominent headland at the north end of Tacbolo Island. In leaving the sound, this shoal is given a safe berth by holding a course close to Wedge Head until clear of this headland, then steering for Malapina Island until Taitai Island is abeam. Close to the east end of the headland forming the north side of Taitai Bay are two small islands, Halfway Island and Taitai Island. Both are wooded, and rise to an elevation of over 100 feet (30 m.) and may be passed fairly close aboard. Bullock Head may also be passed on its northeastern side close-to. Therefore, to avoid Huron Shoal in entering Taitai Bay, pass within 1/2 mile of Taitai Island in entering from the northward and within 1/2 mile of Bullock HIead when entering from the southward. Turung Bay is formed by the headland terminating in Bullock Head and a jutting headland terminating in Pugguiauan Point and Green Head. This bay affords another excellent protected anchorage and can accommodate several vessels. There are three small, wooded islands in the bay, namely: Turung Island on the north side of the entrance and south of Bullock Head; and, Cooke and Fleming Islands off the south shore of the bay. The tops of the trees on these islands are about 100 feet (30 m.) above the water. Anchorage is along the center line of the bay, in depths of from 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.), mud bottom. An irregular shoal extends northeast from Pugguiauan Point. An outer crest of this shoal has a least depth of 28 feet (8.5 m.). There is a detached coral shoal 300 yards 65~ (NE. by E. % E. mag.) from the center of Turung Island. The least depth on this shoal is 18 feet (5.5 m.). Turung Island is surrounded by shoal areas with rocks awash at the northwestern extremity. There is also a cluster of rocks, bare and awash at various stages of the tide, a short distance off the northwestern end of Cooke Island. The group of islands which divides Malampaya Sound into two parts consist of the following: Passage Island, the largest, is irregular in shape and thickly wooded with its central summit rising to a height of about 450 feet (137 m.). Tacbolo Island lies northwest of Passage Island with Wedge Head, a prominent bluff, at its northwestern extremity and its central summit rising to an elevation of about 290 feet (88 m.). This island is also thickly wooded, but the northeastern slopes are being cleared for agriculture. The Calabuctung Islands are two small islets situated west of Calabuctung Point. Eniaran Island is a small islet lying close to the eastern extremity of Passage Island with Flat Rock, bare at all stages of the tide, close to its eastern extremity. Palcocotan Island is a small, wooded island about 160 feet (49 m.) high, east of Green Head. Durangan Island is a heavily wooded island east of Alligator Bay, its central summit at an elevation of about 375 feet (114 m.). Calonhogon Island is a small islet about 85 feet (26 m.) high lying to the south of Durangan Island. Bartoc Island is another PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 109 small islet situated about east-southeast of Calonhogon Island. Malaoton Island is a wooded island south of Passage Island with its eastern summit rising to a height of about 280 feet (85 m.) and with Gull Rock, bare at all stages of the tide, lying off its southeastern extremity. Ibelbel Island, lying to the southeast of Passage Island, is wooded, about 180 feet (55 m.) high, and surrounded on all sides by deep, navigable water. In the vicinity of the shore, to the eastward of Ibelbel Island are three other islands: Kanipo Island, wooded, 260 feet (79 m.) high; Vinalo Island, wooded, 190 feet (58 m.) high, and Mallarois Island, small, rocky, thinly wooded, 42 feet (12.8 m.) high, with several very small islets and numerous rocks and shoals in its immediate vicinity. There is an important small, detached, rocky shoal situated about 490 yards east arid a little south of the center of Mallarois Island with its crest covered to a depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.) at mean lower low water, and surrounded by depths of from 61/2 to 8 fathoms (11.9 to 14.6 m.). Passage Island Bay, formed between Passage Island and Calabuctung Point, is another excellent anchorage capable of accommodating several vessels. Entrance is between the Calabuctung Islands and Tacbolo Island. Anchorage is in the west central part of the bay in depths of from 71/ to 9 fathoms (13.7 to 16.5 m.), mud bottom. The only submerged offshore danger is the coral shoal in the east central part of the bay. The least depth on this shoal is 20 feet (6.1 m.). Boswell Island is a small, wooded island about 110 feet (33 m.) high near the north shore of this bay. Alligator Bay is the bay next south of Turung Bay on the western shore of the sound. It is well protected and affords anchorage for several large vessels. Alligator Island, 310 feet (94 m.) high, and wooded, occupies the southern part of the bay. White Rock is a conspicuous, light colored rock, bare 4 feet (1.2 m.) at high water, situated off the northeastern shore of this island. Bay Rock, bare at all stages of the tide, lies west and a little south of its western extremity at a considerable distance. Double Cone Island, a small, wooded island having two summits, each over 100 feet (30 m.) in elevation, lies to the southeastward of Alligator Island. There are two small islets near the northwestern shore of the bay. The submerged offshore dangers are: A large, dark colored rock having a least depth on it of 13 feet (4 m.) situated about 465 yards 145~ (SE. 3/4 S. mag.) from Johnstone Point. This rock rises abruptly near the southeastern extremity of a sunken shoal covered with depths of from 5 to 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 m.) and surrounded by depths in excess of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.). Another crest of this shoal, situated about 175 yards 293~ (WNW. 1/8 W. mag.) from the 13-foot (4 m.) rock has a least depth on it of 27 feet (8.2 m.). There is a rock awash at low tide on the crest of a small shoal about 185 yards north of the northern shore of Alligator Island. A small detached, coral shoal about 550 yards 145~ (SE. 3/4 E. mag.) from Bay Rock has a least depth on it of 8 feet (2.4 m.). The best anchorage is midway between Alligator Island and Johnstone Point in 81/2 fathoms (15.5 m.), mud bottom. Fresh water 95672~-30 —8 110 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT may be boated in small boats of not exceeding 3 tons capacity from the Dapay River on the western shore of Alligator Bay, by ascending the river about 200 to 275 yards. Such boats can enter this river at any stage of the tide above mean sea level. Malipu Bay is formed to the southeastward of Alligator Bay between Balulu Point and Damao Island. The best anchorage is midway between Chinicaran Island and Malaoton Island in 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.), mud bottom. The only offshore submerged dangers are two small shoals in the approaches to Gulang-gulang Barrio on the west shore. The crests of these two shoals are about 260 yards apart in an east and west direction. The inner one lies a little more than 440 yards offshore and has a least depth on it of 24 feet (7.3 m.). The least depth on the outer shoal is 30 feet (9.1 m.). Chinicaran Island and Talbaguen Island are two islands in the southern part of the bay. Both are wooded. Chinicaran Island is the larger and rises to an elevation of about 320 feet (98 m.). Talbaguen Island is about 150 feet (46 m.) high. Damao Island forms part of the eastern boundary of the bay. This island, about 160 feet (49 mi.) high, is partially cleared on the east side. Peaked Island is a small, steep, rocky islet about 82 feet (25 m.) high, close to the northeastern shore of Damao Island. Micota Island is a small, narrow island just southeast of Damao Island. It is thickly wooded on the south half and thinly on the north half. The water area between Damao Island and Micota Island, on one side, and the irregular peninsula which projects to the southward of this island is partially obstructed by several small islets and rocks. There is a 5-fathom (9.1 m.) channel through this area, but it is narrow and tortuous. Navigable passages between the outer and inner sound.A mid-channel course between Green Head and Palcocotan Island is safe for vessels of any draft. There are no dangers between Palcocotan Island and Tacbolo Island. In passing Eniaran Island and Balolo Rock on the one hand, and Durangan Island on the other, vessels should favor the side of the channel toward Durangan Island to avoid Cansea Rock, awash at low water, and a small detached shoal about 300 yards 173~ (S. 34 E. mag.) from Flat Rock (west of Eniaran Island), and covered to a depth of 16 feet (4.9 m.) at mean lower low water. The eastern extremity of Durangan Island must, however, be given a berth of -o of a mile to avoid offlying rocks. Vessels passing to the westward of Durangan Island must give that island sufficient berth to avoid a small, rocky, detached shoal situated about 130 yards west of the northwest extremity of the island. The crest of this shoal is covered to a depth of 2 feet (0.6 m.) at mean lower low water. Vessels passing between Calonhogon Island and Durangan Island should keep slightly to the side of the channel toward Durangan Island to avoid a shoal area extending north-northwest from the northern end of Calonhogon Island, a distance of about 165 yards. This area is dotted with bowlders, the shoalest of which is covered to a depth of only about 7 feet (2.1 m.). PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 111 The channel between Balulu Point and Calonhogon Island is safely navigated by steering a mid-channel course between these features. All submerged dangers in the area between Malaoton Island and Damao Island are close to visible features. Gull Rock is plainly visible at all stages of the tide. Bartoc Island, on the north side of Malipu Bay, is surrounded by a shoal area; its greatest extension is to the westward. A rocky reef about 80 yards long in the east and west direction and 45 yards wide, awash and partly bare at extreme low water, lies to the westward of the island, its western extremity being 110 yards west of the western end of the island. In general, vessels are cautioned against approaching unnecessarily close to rocky points, as inshore dangers in such localities are frequent. Large vessels may anchor practically at will in Malampaya Inner Sound, outside the 5-fathom curve. The only offshore submerged dangers are the 4-Toot (1.2 m.) shoal, 490 yards east and a little south of Mallarois Island, and Coloma Rock. Coloma Rock is the crest of a small, rocky shoal, in latitude 10~ 49' 32" N., longitude 119~ 23' 48" E. There are only 2 feet (0.6 m.) of water on the shoalest rock on the crest of this shoal at mean lower low water. The shoal is surrounded by depths slightly greater than 6 fathoms (11 m.). The head of the sound is an extensive shoal area. There is a considerable area of mud flats in this locality which bares at low tide. A great number of brackish streams empty into this part of the sound. There are two small islands, Cliff Island and Bay Island, in this area. Little Sound is a shallow bay indenting the east shore of the inner sound. The entrance is partly protected by Isthmus Point, Stumps Island, Malutone Island and Entrance Island. The main channel entering Little Sound leads between Entrance Island and Malutone Island and carries an effective depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) until inside. The depths gradually decrease from the inner end of the entrance to the mouth of the Malapajo River on the eastern shore. Little Sound and the Malapajo River constitute the thoroughfare connecting Malampaya Sound to the trail which leads across Palawan Island to Taytay on the east coast. As Taytay is the municipal headquarters for the area surrounding Malampaya Sound, this thoroughfare has considerable travel. It is, of course, navigable by small craft only. There are a number of passages not mentioned above, navigable by small craft, also a number of other small bays and coves where small craft may anchor with excellent protection. The principal resources of the sound region are lumber and other forest products. Agriculture is carried on only to the extent of partially providing for local needs. There are two small herds of beef cattle, one near Malipu Bay, the other near Binaluan Barrio, Northeast Bay. Food fishes are abundant in the sound, but are not taken for commercial purposes in any appreciable quantity. 112 UNITEDI STATES COAST PILOT MALAMPAYA SOUND TO CALITAN ISLAND Saddle Islandl and Camnago Island, the northernnmost of the islands on the west side of Endeavor Strait, lie on a large reef fronting the entrance to Port Kataaba. Saddle Island has two round hills, 280 and 298 feet (85 and 91 im.) high and is very conspicuous. Camago Island, 184 feet (56 m.) high lies southward of it. Both islands are wooded and there are a number of bare rocks and small islets on the same reef. The Needle Rocks and Anato Island lie on reefs separated by a narrow shoal channel. The latter is separated from the northeast point of Tuluran Island by a narrow channel with a depth of 31/ fathoms (6.4 mn.). The channel northward of the Needle Rocks has depths of 5 to 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 m.) but there is a rock awash at low water well off the southern edge of the reef on which Saddle and Camago Islands are situated. Port Kataaba is 1/2 mile wide at the entrance and extends 3 miles in a southeasterly direction. Pig Point divides the head of the bay into two parts. The entire head of the bay is shoal. The Kataaba River, a fresh water stream, emptying into the southeast corner of the bay has its origin in the mountains of the interior. The channel across the mud flats has a depth of about 3 feet (0.9 m.). Once inside the river a depth of 9 feet (2.7 m.) can be carried for about 3 miles. Nearly this entire distance is through mangrove and nipa swamps. Mangrove lines the heads of the several coves of Port Kataaba. Good, well-protected anchorage may be found in 5 to 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 m.) of water, mud bottom, abreast of Pin Point. This anchorage is free from the dangerous winds blowing through the mountain passes at some of the other anchorages in this part of Palawan. Care must be taken to avoid the shore reef which extends almost 200 yards northeast of White Point Island. The reefs are hard to see on account of the silt carried down by the Kataaba River. Fresh water may be obtained from the small stream to the eastward of the anchorage. The unnamed bay eastward of Difficult Point is lined with mangrove, and coral reefs fringe the shore leaving a clear area barely 300 yards wide. The two coves between Difficult Point and Ragged Island are almost closed by coral reefs. The latter lies close to the western edge of the reef. From Ragged Island the coast trends almost due north for 3 miles to Custodio Point. This is the western shore of the high, heavily wooded peninsula which forms the western side of Bacuit Bay. Coast Hill, about 2 miles south of Custodio Point, reaches an elevation of 835 feet (254 m.). It is a rather flat hill and not very prominent viewed from westward. The shore is eroded limestone cliffs with bowlders and small islands at their base, separated by small coves with sandy beaches at the hlead. Fresh water may be obtained in Calver Cove about 1/ mile northward of Ragged Island. Tent Island, lying 1/4 miles north of Saddle Island and the same distance offshore, rises to a height of 86 feet (26.2 m.) with almost vertical sides. There are a number of islands and rocks surround PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 113 ing it and a rock awash at high water lies 500 yards northward of the main island. Rugged limestone group.-From Custodio Point a remarkable group of rugged islands of limestone formation extends 8 miles in a north-northwest direction. The sides of these islands present bare, perpendicular cliffs of every variety of tint, with numerous stalactitic caves in which edible birds' nests are sought. The summits terminate in small clusters of needle peaks, and wherever it is possible for vegetation to take root they are luxuriantly clothed with foliage, of which the pandanus predominates. These, contrastiig strongly with the dark-colored rock and white sandy bays in some of the secluded nooks, impart to the group scenery of a peculiarly picturesque nature. The bases of all the islands are worn by the action of the sea water, undermining in some parts the perpendicular sides up to 15 and 20 feet, thus rendering it almost impossible, except where an occasional slip or disruption occurs, to land on any part of them. The Guntao Islands, most westerly of the group, are situated about 4 miles west of Custodio Point. The southern and larger island is about 1 mile long, less than 1/2 mile wide, and rises to a height of 604 feet (184 m.); the northern island is also about 1 mile long but only 400 yards wide and rises to a height of 531 feet (162 m.). They are heavily wooded on top with bare or shrubcovered uniformly sloping sides. A coral reef bare at low water joins the islands, and coral fringes the shore with the exception of the north end of North Guntao Island, where deep water exists close up to the shore. Rocks and large bowlders lie on the reef, which in places extends 100 yards offshore. Destacado Rocks, 20 and 12 feet (6.1 and 3.6 m.) high and showing like two boats, lie 252~ (WSW. 1/4 W. mag.) 1/2 miles from the opening between the Guntao Islands, and on this bearing Binayan Point, the south point of Matinloc Island, appears in the opening. Several rocks awash lie on this same reef and a 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.) shoal lies 503 yards 226~ (SW. 1/8 S. mag.) from the 12-foot (3.6 m.) rock. The depths near these rocks are from 16 to 20 fathoms (29 to 36 m.). Tapiutan Island, the northwestern island of the rugged limestone group, is 2/2 miles long, north and south, the highest part, which is roundtopped, being 1,460 feet (445 m.) high. A low neck separates this from another round hill to the northward, 715 feet (218 m.) in height, the northwestern extremity terminating in an isthmus head with precipitous cliff to seaward. The shore of the island is bold with a few sand beaches between vertical undercut cliffs. The head of Binangculan Bay is blocked by a coral reef and on account of swell offers little protection even from the northeast. Matinloc Island, eastward of Tapiutan, is separated from the latter by a strait about 600 yards wide with depths of 15 to 20 fathoms (27 to 36 m.). The island is of limestone formation, 43/4 miles long and almost separated into three parts by deep gaps. The middle and widest part rises to a height of 1,299 feet (396 m.) and resembles a hump with a liberty cap on the highest point. This has 114 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT been named the Horn, and when seen from north or south assumes the appearance of its name. The eastern side of this part of the island is wooded, the remainder of the island being bare or covered with brush and pandanus. Vertical or undercut cliffs with occasional narrow sand beaches at their foot form the shores of the island. Between Palilo Island and Cagbantang Cove, on the east side, this gives way to a steep slope with sand and bowlder beach. Ilog Bay, on the east side, just under the Horn, affords shelter for small vessels during the southwest monsoon. Inambuyod Island, lying 1 mile east of the north end of Matinloc, is of similar formation and from a distance has the appearance of an enormous turtle in the water with the head toward the north. It rises to a height of 600 feet (183 m.) and is wooded on top. On the west side are several indentations with sand beaches at the head where a landing may be made. Inambuyod Rock, 150 feet (46 m.) high, lies 200 yards northward of the island. Tambalanang Island, about 1 mile north of Inambuyod Island, is a crown-shaped, barren rocky island, 140 feet (43 m.) high, with vertical and undercut cliffs on all sides except a small bench near the southern end. Picanayas Island, about 400 yards east of the south end of Inambuyod Island, is 125 feet (38 m.) high and is shaped like a mushroom. It is undercut all around about 20 feet to a height of 15 feet (4.6 m.) and has heavy foliage on top extending several feet out over the edge. 1Miniloc Island, lying 11/2 miles east of the southern part of Matinloc Island, is a remarkably high, rugged island, 31/2 miles in circumference with several precipitous crags. The coast nearly all around the island is broken up into cliffy heads and there are several picturesque bays on the south side. Landing is possible only at a few places on the south and west sides of the island. The large bay in the northeast part of the island has depths of 20 fathoms (36 m.) but at low water the entrance is blocked by coral. Two high islets lie off the northeast point with deep water in the channel. Three similar islets lie off the northwest point of Miniloc all rising out of deep water. Miniloc Island is for the most part bare of trees, shrubbery being found covering the top. Paglugaban Island and the island northward lying on the same reef are separated from the south coast of Miniloc by a channel 200 yards wide with depths of 10 and 12 fathoms (18.3 and 21.9 m.), These islands and Entalula Island, 520 feet (158 m.) high situated almost 3/4 mile eastward of Paglugaban, have an aspect very similar to Miniloc. Entalula Island is fringed by a narrow coral reef with depths of 16 to 20 fathoms (29 to 36 in.) close to the edge. Guintungauan Island, 235 feet (72 m.) high, lies about 1 mile west of Custodio Point. As seen from north or south it resembles a huge block figure 8. It is bare except for some slight shrubbery. The shore line all around is vertical undercut cliffs except for a small sand beach on the east side. Jip Rocks, lying 1/2 mile northeastward of Guintungauan Island, are of limestone and rise to a height of 108 feet (33 m.). A 23/4 fathom (5 m.) shoal lies 300 yards northeast of them. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 115 Pangulasian Island, lying /2 mile northward from Custodio Point, has an entirely different appearance from the islands to the northward. It is heavily wooded with uniformly sloping sides rising to a height of 533 feet (162 m.). Except at the west end, there is a beach all around the island. The channel between the island and Custodio Point has depths of 14 to 18 fathoms (25.6 to 32.9 m.) but is contracted to a width of about 400 yards by reefs extending out from both shores. Popolcan Island, a small limestone island 308 feet (94 m.) high, lies 500 yards northeastward of Pangulasian. Shoal water extends 100 yards off its southeast end. The channel between it and the shore reef of Pangulasian Island is 300 yards wide with depth of 18 fathoms (33 m.). BACUIT BAY formed on the west by a part of the islands just described and the high limestone peninsula of which Coast Hill, 835 feet (248 m.) high, is a prominent object, is 31/4 miles wide between Miniloc Island and Ipil Point on the mainland of Palawan, and extends 9 miles in a southeasterly direction. The eastern shore is overlooked by a high range of mountains with a low range of hills from 200 to 500 -feet (61 to 152 m.) high close along the shore. Some curiously shaped peaks are found on this high range which commences at Cauayan Island off the west coast of Palawan and terminates on the east coast at Negra Point and the islands fronting Taytay Bay. The general depths in Bacuit Bay are 16 to 20 fathoms (29 to 36 m.), mud bottom, to abreast of Lagen Island, from where it shoals gradually to 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) close to the reefs that fringe the head of the bay. The bay is exposed to northward. An excellent anchorage, restricted in area by several rocks awash, may be had southeast of Malpacao Island. Protection also may\be found southward of Lagen Island. There are a number of inlets and bays along the shore of Bacuit Bay but they are either exposed or blocked by coral and do not afford good anchorage except for small craft. The bay between Custodio Point and Flat Rock is entirely filled by coral reefs, with a detached 1/4-fathom (0.4 m.) shoal midway and 200 yards northward of the line joining them. The shore reef extends about 100 yards northeastward of Flat Rock. The rock itself is 24 feet (7.3 m.) high. White Rock, 75 feet (22.9 m.) high, lies on an extensive coral reef making offshore about midway between Flat Rock and Cudugman Point. The reef extends 400 yards eastward and northeastward of the rock, and a ridge of coral shoals extends 1/2 mile north of White Rock. Cudugman Point, like several of the islands in Bacuit Bay, is of limestone formation with bare, perpendicular cliffs. The summits terminate in small clusters of needle peaks and, wherever it is possible for vegetation to take root, are covered with luxuriant foliage. The bases of the cliffs are undermined by the sea in some cases to a distance of 20 to 30 feet. Bigun Bay, northward, and Cudugman Bay, southward of the point are both almost filled by coral reefs. Comocutuan Island, 282 feet (86 m.) high, lies almost 3/ mile northward of Cudugman Point. It is steep-to on all sides. 116 TTNITED STATES COAST PILOT Dibuluan Island, 545 feet (166 m.) high, lies 1~/ miles southeast of Cudugman Point. It has two prominent cliffs on the western side. Coral fringes the shore and a number of shoals and coral reefs, bare at low water, lie southward and westward of the island. The head of Bacuit Bay is divided into three parts by Ciminaytoy and Long Points. All three are lined with mangrove and choked with coral. The Langeblangeban River, the largest of the several sluggish streams flowing through the mangroves, empties into the southeast corner of Camago Bay, the eastern one of the three bays. Lagen, the largest of the islands in Bacuit Bay, is 1% miles long and 12 mile wide, of irregular form with several sandy bays between perpendicular cliffs that rise 400 feet (122 m.) sheer from the water edge. The two parts of the island, 1,130 and 1,220 feet (334 and 372 m.) high, are separated by a deep gap having an elevation of only 450 feet (137 m.). The south and east sides of the island are fringed with coral and the channel to the eastward is almost blocked. Two coral reefs awash at low water lie midway between the south end of the island and Long Point. There is another reef awash 1/ mile southeast of the island with a 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) shoal almost midway between the reef and the island. Ninepin Island, 220 feet (67 m.) high, Pinsail Island, 310 feet (94 m.) high, and two rocks, the higher one 80 feet (24.4 m.) high, lie between Lagen and Dibuluan. Pinsail Island and the two rocks are almost connected by reefs bare at low water. Both of these reefs and that surrounding Ninepin Island are steep-to. The area southeastward of these islands seems to afford good anchorage in 9 to 10 fathoms (16.5 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom. It is, however, subject to variable winds during heavy weather outside. Malpacao Island, a remarkable ridge of limestone, 565 feet (172 m.) high with a detached bowlder 310 feet (94 m.) high, assumes the appearance of a double island. Well-protected anchorage may be had in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) southeastward of the island. The available anchorage space is restricted by two shoals awash at low water and by the shore reef which makes off 400 yards from the south side of Ciminaytoy Point. The approach to the anchorage is southward of Malpacao Island, the channel being 600 yards wide between the island and the nearer reef awash. There are reefs and shoals in the channel northeastward of the island and it should not be attempted without aids. Inabuyatan Island, 1,105 feet (337 m.) high, is a conspicuous object on entering Bacuit Bay. It somewhat resembles an elephant on his haunches. The island is steep-to on all sides but a group of six shoals and banks lies 1/ to 1 mile northwest of it. The least water found was 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) with 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3 m.) around them. A 334-fathom (6.8.n.) coral shoal rising out of 16 fathoms (29.3 m.), mud bottom, lies 11/ miles due west of Inabuyatan Island, and is the most serious menace to navigation in Bacuit Bay. Danet Bay, between Ciminaytoy Point and Dilarog Point is almost blocked by reefs. During the rainy season the streams flowing through the mangroves bring down a large amount of silt, rendering the reefs and shoals in Bacuit Bay hard to see. A coral reef about 130 yards in diameter having depths of 12 to 1 fathom (0.9 to 1.8 m.) with one bowlder near the center that bares PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 117 at extreme low water lies in the entrance to Danet Bay on the range formed by the south tangent of Entulala Island on the north tangent of South Guntao Island with the north tangent of Inabuyatan slightly open; from the reef the east tangent of Malpacao Island is in range with the highest peak of Lagen Island. The shoal is surrounded by depths of 8 and 9 fathoms (14.6 and 16.5 m.). Depeldet Island, 234 feet (71 m.) high, lies on the edge of the shore reef about 1 mile northwest of Dilarog Point. It is an island at high water only being connected with the shore by a ridge of gravel and bowlders. A 2-fathom (3.6 m.) coral shoal lies 1 mile northwest of Depeldet Island and the same distance south of Ipil Point. Another 13/4 -fathom (3.2 m.) coral reef lies 1/ mile eastward, almost midway to the shore of Manmegmeg Bay and 820 yards south of Lapuslapus Point. Corongcorong Bay, eastward of Lapuslapus Point, affords sheltered anchorage during northerly weather for small vessels calling at the town of Bacuit. It is separated from Manmegmeg Bay by a wide coral reef extending out from shore, near the outer edge of which are several coral bowlders baring about 2 feet (0.6 m.) at low tide. Ipil Point, the eastern entrance point to Bacuit Bay, is fringed by a coral reef about 100 yards wide. This reef is steep-to and may be passed at a distance of about 300 yards by vessels going around to Corongcorong Bay. Northward of Ipil Point the land rises steeply to a peak 1,543 feet (470 m.) high. This is the highest point of a high ridge over 1 mile long separated from the highland eastward by a low valley, at the northern end of which is the town of Bacuit. Bacuit (chart 4346) lies at the head of a deep bay formed by a group of islands extending northwest from the above-described headland and the mainland of Palawan. The head of the bay is shoal, and there are several rocks awash at low water inside the 3-fathom curve. The best anchorage is about 1 mile north of the town in 8 to 9 fathoms (14.6 to 16.5 m.), mud bottom, and is protected from all directions except north. It is not a safe anchorage in heavy weather, as variable winds spill over the deep gaps in the highland with hurricane force when only a half gale is blowing in the more open places. Lumber, rice, and edible birds' nests are the principal products, but very little is exported. Fresh water, vegetables, pigs, fowls, etc., are obtainable in small quantities. Cadlao Island, the largest of the islands northwest of Bacuit, is largely of limestone formation. Its highest peak, a table top, 1,955 feet (596 m.) high, is a very conspicuous landmark when making the north end of Palawan from the westward. To the eastward of this highest peak are two peaks, the Loggerheads, 1,470 and 1,762 feet (448 and 537 m.) high. From these peaks the land drops off almost vertically to an elevation of about 800 feet (244 m.). The shore line, wherever the limestone cliffs extend to the coast, has been undercut by the sea and is invariably steep-to. The heads of the bays have stretches of sandy beach, and coral fringes the shore fronting the more gently sloping hills. Calaragnan Point on the west side of the island and Abrupt Point 118 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT on the east side are prominent objects. The channel southeastward of the island is 600 yards wide, deep and clear. Dilumacad Island, 780 feet (238 m.) high, is separated from Ubugun Point, Cadlao Island, by a channel 600 yards wide with depths of 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.). The east side of the island has a sand beach fronted by coral, the entire west side is overhanging cliffs. The prominent needle peaks lie near the southern end of the island. Cauayan Island is of limestone formation with two prominent peaks, the northern one 820 feet (250 m.) high and the southern one 560 feet (171 m.) high, with the land between them dropping almost to sea level. Along practically the entire shore line, cliffs rise vertically from 100 to 300 feet (30 to 91 m.) and are much undercut by the action of the sea. The channel between Cauayan and Cadlao is divided into two parts by a small undercut island 295 feet (90 m.) high, very similar in appearance to Mitre Island, 355 feet (108 m.) high, northwestward of Abrupt Point, and the 310-foot (94 m.) island off the coast southward of the same point. Cavern Island, 1/4 mile northwest of Cauayan Island, is a small undercut limestone island, circular in shape and 375 feet (114 m.) high. Off the north side of the island is a pinnacle rock which has broken off the main island and shows up prominently when seen from east or west. A reef awash extends about 200 yards from the south side and a 30-foot (9.1 m.) rock lies on the reef eastward of the island. From Bacuit the coast trends in a northerly direction for 8 miles to Crawford Poi4n. A central range, the continuation of that over Bacuit Bay, overlooks both coasts of Palawan, and in the parallel of Cadlao Island, where it attains its greatest elevation, is a high table top, the northwestern and southeastern shoulders of which are 11/4 miles apart and are, respectively, 1,950 and 2,160 feet (594 and 658 m.) in height. There is a sharp peak, 1,630 feet (497 in.) in height, southward and several hills of less elevation bordering the coast, the features of which are entirely different from those of the limestone formation, and this nowhere is so evident as at the back of Bacuit, where a sudden transition occurs. East Peak, attaining a height of 1,725 feet (526 m.), lies 41/2 miles northeastward of the high table top, but is not generally visible from the west side until some distance offshore. It, however, forms a conspicuous object when northward and eastward of Palawan. Emmit Island, small and wooded, 190 feet (58 m.) high, with two pillar rocks at the north extremity; lies 400 yards from a point midway between Bacuit and Crawford Point. The coast northward, on which there is a sugar-loaf hill, is bold to approach, having 6 fathoms (11 m.) close to the shore, but that southward is fronted with coral. Two rocky islets lie close northward of Crawford Point from which a sandy beach extends 1/2 miles in a northerly direction to a headland, 1 mile eastward of which is Barotoan Bay, with depths of 2 and 3 fathoms (3.6 and 5.5 m.) Bury Islets.-Nearly 1 mile northward of Crawford Point are two rocky islets, 60 and 70 feet (18.3 and 21.3 m.) high. They both lie on the same reef, which surrounds them to a distance of 1/4 mile. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 119 Lalutaya Island lies 3 miles northward of Crawford Point and is separated from the shore by a channel 11/4 miles wide with depths of 9 fathoms (16.5 m.), sand bottom. The island is 11/4 miles in length and 400 feet (122 m.) high, and, except on the eastern side where, fronting two small sand bays some coral extends 400 yards, is bold to approach. Diapila Island is on the north side of Base Bay, which lies close northward of Barotoan Bay. It is 1 mile from the shore, with a safe channel between. Calitan Island, 210 feet (64 m.) high, lies 2 miles northward of Diapila and 1/2 mile westward of the northern extremity of Palawan. There is a sharp double rock between it and the shore. On the south side of Diapila Bay, an indentation on the coast between these islands, the land rises to a peak 965 feet (294 m.) high. SULU SEA The space included between the Sulu Archipelago to the south and Mindoro to the north and having Panay, Negros, and Mindanao on the east and Palawan on the west is known by the name of the Sulu Sea. It is of great depth, over 2,700 fathoms (4,941 m.) in its southeastern part and, though connected with the China and Celebes Seas and with the Pacific Ocean through San Bernardino and Surigao Straits, its waters are prevented from freely interchanging with those bodies by the limiting depths of the several straits. As a consequence, in the Sulu Sea the minimum deep-sea temperature is reached at about 400 fathoms (731 m.), whereas the same temperature (about 51~ F.) is reached at 200 fathoms (366 m.) in the China Sea, at 180 fathoms (329 m.) in the Celebes Sea, and at 230 fathoms (421 m.) in the Pacific Ocean. Winds.-In the Sulu Sea easterly winds with fine weather prevail in October and the northeast monsoon is not established before November. In January and February it blows hardest, but not with the force of the China Sea, and it is felt strongest before the openings between Panay and Negros, and Negros and Mindanao. At the end of May southwest winds begin to blow, and in a month become established, to terminate in October, bringing with them a season made up of rain squalls and tempests, which take place principally in July and August. In September a heavy mist hangs about the coast of Mindanao. Typhoons occasionally pass across the northern part of the Sulu Sea, but are usually of small diameter. The Philippine Weather Bureau has an observer at Cuyo, who is notified of typhoons approaching these waters. Ships with radio stations may get in communication with him through the radio station at Cuyo. During July and August squalls and southwest winds of the outer zones of typhoons affect this area. During these months there are frequently periods of fine, clear weather with southerly and southeasterly breezes. The bad spells are frequently preceded by fine weather with shifts of wind to the north and northwest, with a gradual drop of the barometer. Northwest winds have generally been followed within a few days by bad weather. This does not apply to Mindoro Straits, where northwest winds are frequent. 120 TTNITED STATES COAST PILOT During September and October considerable fine weather prevails. The northeast monsoon makes itself manifest during November and gradually increases in strength. It lasts until about the end of April. Its force has not been seen to exceed that of fresh breezes. During May and June the winds are irregular; fine, clear weather prevailing. The foregoing applies particularly to the offshore area. Near Panay, the Calamianes, and Palawan, during what is termed the southwest monsoon, considerable rain falls. In the Sulu Sea the east or northeast monsoon is not a fresh, steady breeze but is often variable. Near Mindanao the northerly winds never blow fresh, and light changeable winds frequently displace them for several days. This often occurs at the end of,January, and it is considered that the same winds prevail from the Sulu Archipelago to Manila. Currents.-During the northeast monsoon the surface drift is with the wind, about 4 mile per hour. In the southern part of the sea there is generally a northwest or westerly current in the neaps between Jolo and Basilan and in the tracks thence to Balabac Strait. In March and April the current sets mostly eastward among the Sulu Islands, but it sets westward at the same time in the openings of the Philippine Islands to the north of Mindanao. Along the Panay coast there is a constant northerly current which varies but little in strength with the change of tide. In the vicinity of Seco Island and Batbatan, this current changes its direction to westward and then southwestward through the Cuyo Islands, thus forming a great eddy. Observations of currents during the southwest monsoon are too scanty to afford reliable information. In general, however, the current is much weaker and changes with the ebb and flow of the tides. Tidal currents.-Two tidal streams enter the Sulu Sea and passages between the Philippines from opposite directions-one from the China Sea through the western opening, the other from the Pacific through the eastern straits, San Bernardino, Surigao, and Basilan. These streams meet in the many channels between the southern islands. The stream from the China Sea enters that sea from the Pacific by the wide opening between Formosa and Luzon, and passes from north to south along the western shores of Luzon and Palawan and through the Verde Island Passage, Mindoro Strait, Linapacan, and Balabac Straits. The Verde Island stream after passing south along the coast of Luzon, and, deflecting some of its waters into Manila Bay, continues along the coast as far as Pufias Point, where it branches. One stream runs northeast around Tayabas Bay and north and east of Marinduque through Mompog Pass, reunites with the other branch which passes southeast along the Mindoro coast as far as Dumali Point, and then eastward, south of Marinduque as far as the Bondoc Peninsula, where it meets the flood stream from the Pacific, which has passed through San Bernardino Strait. The northern part of the Verde Island stream, which follows round Balayan and Batangas Bays, reunites with the principal current near Verde Island, producing violent tide rips and eddies in that part of the channel between Malabrigo and Escarceo Points. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 121 The flood that enters Mindoro Straits follows the coast of Mindoro setting southeast as far as Nasog Point, Panay, part of it continuing round the coast of Mindoro northward of Dumali Point, where it meets the stream through Verde Island Passage. The rest of the stream divides at the northwest point of Panay Island. One branch flows along the north coast of Panay past Bulacaue Point and the Gigantes Islands to Bulalaqui Point, the north point of Cebu, where it turns southward and meets the stream from the Pacific through Surigao Strait, about 6 miles south of the Camotes Islands; it also flows through Iloilo and Tanon Straits, in both of them meeting the flow which has entered from southward on the parallels of the north end of Negros and of Tajao Point, Cebu, respectively. The other branch turning to the south from the northwest point of Panay, and being joined midway by the stream setting eastward from the Cuyo Islands or Linapacan Strait, continues coasting Panay and Guimaras Island into Iloilo Strait until it meets the other branch described above. Between the Calamianes and the north end of Palawan the flood stream sets southeast and the ebb northwest. The flood stream entering by Balabac Strait turning north-northeast along the coast of Palawan spreads itself like a fan over the Sulu and Mindoro Seas from northeast to east, forming the current from west to east felt between the Cuyo Islands and Panay, and also that which sets to the south of the Cagayanes, where it is said to meet the stream from Surigao Point approximately in the meridian of the Cagayanes. In the Sibutu Passage the flood stream sets northward and westward; and also in the Sulu Archipelago the flood stream sets generally in the same direction, but takes many local directions among the islands, where it also appears to be influenced by the monsoon currents. Through 'Basilan Strait the flood stream makes westward and passes up the west coast of Mindanao northward until it meets the flood stream from Surigao Strait about midway on the coast. The time of high water of the wave that enters from the China Sea seems to be from 10 to 12 hours and that which comes from the Pacific through the eastern and northern straits from 6 to 7 hours. CAGAYAN ISLANDS The Cagayan Islands are situated on the southern part of an extensive reef, very steep-to, the depth of water at 200 yards distance being over 100 fathoms (183 m.). The islands consist mostly of low, even hills, the highest point, 205 feet (62 m.) near the western shore of Cagayan, being only 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.6 m.) higher than the surrounding area. They are all wooded with low trees and brush; cultivation is carried on in the open spaces where the rocky nature of the surface gives way to a few inches of soil, maize being the principal crop, but nothing is being raised for export. Cagayan Island, the largest of the group, is long and narrow with a smooth ridge extending nearly its entire length. The western shore is a rocky bluff from 150 to 200 feet (46 to 61 m.) high with a short stretch of sand beach near the middle of the island, where the bluff 122 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT recedes about 100 yards to the eastward. At the southern end of this beach is the only place on the west shore where an ascent to the top of the ridge is feasible. The bluff is undercut about 4 feet at the water line, and a similar scar is noticed 40 or 50 feet (12.5 or 15.2 m.) higher up the face of the rocks, indicating a sudden uplifting of the island at some past period; a coral reef, bare in spots, extends the entire length of the island. The slope on the eastern side of the island is more gradual, and the shore is very irregular, with a number of small islands and rocks on the reefs close inshore. Cagayancillo has a population of about 3,000. It has a church and school, and the ruins of an old fort are located on the bluff eastward of the town. Calalong Island is composed of a group of low, rounded hills with a steep, rocky bluff on the southern shore. It is separated from Cagayan Island by a narrow channel that dries at low water. The best anchorage, only partly protected by the barrier reef, is southward of this island. The best approach is from the eastward. and the following ranges were used by the surveying party: Bring the south tangent of Calalong Island on the north tangent of the islet just east of Cabuaya Island (which appears to be a part of Cabuaya from that direction) on a course 276~ (W. 1/2 N. mag.). Almost immediately after the bottom becomes visible, or when the southwest point of Dondonay Island is abeam, the south tangent of Cabuaya Island will be in range with a peculiar round tuft on the sky line of Cagayan Island bearing 2721/2~ (W. 18 N. mag.); hold this range until a group of prominent white-barked trees on the southeast side of Calalong Island are abeam, head for the south point of Cagayan and anchor 50 yards farther on in 5 to 6 fathoms (9.1 to 11 m.), sand bottom. A vessel drawing not over 12 feet (3.6 m.) can enter or leave this anchorage at any stage of the tide; the ranges are easy to pick up, and the whiteness of the bottom exaggerates the dangers. It is, however, exposed to the southeast, and southeast storms set home with great force; especial care should be taken not to be caught there by a southeast storm at night, when it would be almost impossible to get to sea or to move farther westward for more protection. The approach to this anchorage from southward was seldom used on account of frequent rain squalls obscuring the ranges. Dondonay Island is long and narrow with a low ridge running its entire length; nearly the entire shore line is bluff and rocky with only a few small stretches of beach. The island is covered with brush and scrub trees with only a few small cleared places. A coral reefs runs along the entire eastern shore. The channel between Dondonay and Calalong is possible for a vessel drawing 12 feet (3.6 m.), but the area inside is so filled with coral heads that it is of no practical use. Tanusa and Volata Islands are separated from the north end of Cagayan Island and each other by narrow, foul channels impassable for anything but small boats. Tanusa has the same general appearance as Cagayan, but Volata is rather flat. Anuling and Lanigisan Islands are bare rocks, the latter 80 feet (24.4 m.) high. These and the many smaller rocks are undercut by the sea. Manucan Island is flat and sandy, covered with a thin brush and some coconut trees. It is completely surrounded by a coral reef, PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 123 which bares at low water. An automatic acetylene light showing one white flash every 5 seconds, visible from a distance of 14 miles. is exhibited from a black steel frame tower erected in the center of the island. Boombong Island the northeasterly one of the Cagayan Islands is low and sandy. Calusa Island lies 10 miles westward of the south end of Cagayan Island. The water between the two is very deep. The island is flat, sandy, and covered with brush and coconut trees. A group of nipa houses, situated on the south side of the island, are occupied by natives from Cagayancillo during the farming season, but there are no permanent residents. A coral reef surrounds the entire island Nicholson Banks.-The southern end of these banks is about 3 miles eastward from Boombong. They extend northerly for 8 miles, with a maximum breadth of 2 miles. The soundings on them are 3 to 7 fathoms (5.5 to 12.8 m.), with frequent intervals of 30 to 50 fathoms (55 to 91 m.). Sultana Banks.-The southern end of these banks is 12 miles 8~ (N. 5/8 E. mag.) from Boombong and they extend northerly for 6 miles. The northern end is in latitude 10~ 02' N., and longitude 121~ 23' E.; the greatest width is less than 1 mile and the soundings on the ridge vary from 212 to 11 fathoms (4.6 to 20.1 m.). Both Nicholson and Sultana Banks are very steep on their western sides, having no bottom at 100 fathoms (183 m.) at less than 1/2 mile distance, but sloping gradually eastward, the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve being at a distance of 6 miles from the shallow ridge. Between the shallow part at the north end of Nicholson Banks and the south end of Sultana Banks, a distance of 3 miles, the soundings are 16 to 25 fathoms (29 to 46 m.). The tops of the trees of Cagayan Island just dip below the horizon at this position. Cavili and Arena Islands are two coral islands situated about 30 miles southwesterly from Cagayan Island. They extend, with their outlying reefs, 81/ miles in a northeast by east and opposite direction, with a deep channel 2 miles wide between them. They are low, the elevation of the ground being only about 5 feet (1.5 m.), and to the tops of the trees 100 and 60 feet (30 and 18.3 m.), respectively. The reef on which Arena is situated has several detached sand cays southward and westward of the island. Both reefs are steep-to on all sides and navigators should be cautious when in their vicinity. Tubbataha Reefs are two dangerous reefs separated by a deep channel about 5 miles wide. The northeastern reef is oblong in shape and incloses a body of water 2 miles wide and 5 miles long. In this lagoon there are depths of 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.), with mud bottom, but there are no passages through the barrier reef. Small launches can cross the reef at high tide. Deep water extends close up to the reefs, and there are no anchorages. North Islet, Central Islet, and a number of small black rocks are the only objects that appear above high water. At low water a large number of detached sand cays or ridges, each about 100 yards long and 10 to 20 yards wide, can be seen along the entire length of the reef. North Islet is covered with grass and some guano. The southwestern of the Tubbataha Reefs is about 41/2 miles long north and south, with several black rocks and sand cays visible at high water. Tubbataha light is located on South Islet. It is a flashing white light (two flashes, 2 seconds apart, every 9 seconds) on a 124 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT cylindrical tower 120 feet (36 m.) high, visible 17 miles. The light keeper's dwellings, of concrete, are quite prominent. South Islet is made up of loose, white sand about 5 feet (1.5 m.) above high water, and is protected by riprap. Jessie Beazley Reef, lying in latitude 9~ 02' 11" N., longitude 119~ 48' 40" E., is a small hill of broken coral about 6 feet (1.8 m.) high, devoid of vegetation, on a reef extending about 700 yards in northwest and opposite direction and about 150 yards wide. At low water the reef bares over a considerable area. A few birds were seen. The reef is readily picked up by day at a distance of 3 to 5 miles, but can not be seen at night. Basterra or Maeander Reef lies in latitude 8~ 06' 30" N., longitude 119~ 17' 35" E. It is a low sand cay surrounded by a coral reef about 900 yards in diameter and is apparently steep-to. Bancoran Island, lying in latitude 7~ 57' 30" N., longitude 118~ 40' 13" E., is nearly /4 mile in diameter, flat, and heavily wooded. The center tree of the island is about 100 feet (30 m.) high and stands up clear of the surrounding trees. A reef extends off its north side for a distance of about 14 mile. The reef and island are steep-to. The island can be picked up on a clear day at a distance of 15 miles. The island is a good landmark for vessels crossing the Sulu Sea from Jolo or Zamboanga for Clarendon Bay, Balabac, or from Puerto Princesa for Cagayan Sulu, and Sandakan. San Miguel Islands consist of four islets lying about 40 miles northward from Cagayan Sulu. Bancauan Islet is the largest, being about 3/4 mile long; about 40() yards from the northeast point it is nearly divided by the sea. The northern point rises to a peak 123 feet (37 m.) high. Bancauan is connected with a small coral islet lying 3/4 mile northward by a reef extending from the north and west sides, with sand cavs and large bowlders on it. The islet is steep-to southeast. Manuc Manucan, the larger of the two southwest islets of the group, is thinly wooded and the tops of the trees are 32 feet (9.8 m.) above the sea. It is situated about 5 miles 248~ (WSW. mag.) from Bancauan and is connected by a reef with a small coral islet lying 1/2 mile southward. From this small islet, which is 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, the reef extends to the north and north-northwest for nearly 11/ miles, with large lumps of coral showing at low water. There is no safe anchorage round any of these islands. In the progress of the survey anchorage was taken up southward of Manuc Manucan in 6 fathoms (11 m.), with 70 fathoms (128 m.) over the stern. Coral Reef.-There is a patch of 214 fathoms situated 214 miles 315~ (NW. ~/8 W. mag.) from Manuc Manucan, which is considered to be connected with it by shoal ground, and therefore to be avoided. West Bank is 4 miles westward of Manuc Manucan and extends about north-northwest and in the opposite direction for 33/ miles. The least water found was 61/2 fathoms (11.9 m.), near the south end. Southwest Bank.-The eastern extremity of the extensive bank lies 220~ (SW. 1/2 S. mag.), distant 6 miles from Manuc Manucan; from this position the bank extends westward 31/4 miles and thence northwest 5 miles, the general direction being east-southeast and west-northwest, about 8 miles. The least water, 9 fathoms (16.5 m.), PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 125 was found on its south and east extremities. The bottom is even, generally coral and sand, and may be clearly seen in 13 to 17 fathoms (23.8 to 31 m.). Anchorage with good holding ground may be had on this bank. From the eastern edge of the bank the summit of Cagayan Sulu can be seen in clear weather, bearing 167~ (S. by E. /4 E. mag.) distant 28 miles. Java Reef.-This dangerous reef, with only 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) over it, lies about 5 miles 26~ (NNE. /4E. mag.) from the peak of Bancauan. The 5-fathom (9:1 m.) limit around this reef extends 11/3 miles in a north-northeast and south-southwest direction. In daylight it may be passed fairly close, as the discolored water is marked and there are strong tide rips around the shoal ground. A good channel exists on either side of this reef. A good clearing mark, if working on its parallel to the north and east, is not to open the small islet north of Bancauan westward of that island. Valparaiso Shoal is stated to be about 2 miles in extent with apparently shoaler water southwestward. Soundings of 6 and 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) were obtained, the bottom of coral being plainly seen at the time. Its approximate position is 7 or 8 miles northwest of Bancauan Islet, in latitude 7~ 52' N., longitude 118~ 27' E. The British S. S. Shantung, drawing 19 feet (5.8 m.), reported touching on or in the vicinity of Valparaiso Shoal. The depth on this shoal is therefore assumed to be about 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) instead of 6 fathoms (11 m.), as formerly shown on the charts. Memnon Shoal is reported as lying about 25 miles northward of Cagayan Sulu. It consists of coral with patches of sand and has an estimated width of about 1 mile. The least depth found was 6 fathoms (11 m.), but it appeared shoaler in other places. The approximate position is in latitude 7~ 28' N., longitude 118~ 25' E. In a further examination of this shoal the least depth found was 8 fathoms (14.6 m.), and it is considered probable that no danger exists in the locality. Heavy tide rips marked the northeastern edge of the shoal and rendered it apparent; otherwise it did not show distinctly. Viola Reef, a coral patch having only 4 feet (1.2 m.) at low-water spring tides, and on which the Spanish vessel Viola struck and remained several hours, is reported as lying in latitude 7~ 50' N. and longitude 117~ 40' 50" E. This reef has been searched for without success. A danger, position doubtful, is now shown on the chart 4 miles north of it. Moyune Shoal is 11/4 miles in extent east and west and 3/4 mile wide. The shoalest area is in the southeastern part with a least known depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) lying in latitude 8~ 02' 18" N., longitude 118~ 07' 30" E. Uncharted shoals have been reported by the U. S. S. Don Juan de Austria, as follows: A small shoal, probably 2 or 3 fathoms (3.6 or 5.5 m.), in latitude 70 36' N., longitude 118~ 08' E. A small shoal, probably 2 or 3 fathoms (3.6 or 5.5 m.), in latitude 7~ 39' N., longitude 118~ 11' E. These shoals lie in a northeast and southwest direction, apparently about 4 miles apart. They were sighted from the masthead and the 956720~30- 9 126 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT ship was slowed and ran about midway between them, heading 135~ (SE. 1/8 E. mag.). No bottom was found at 25 fathoms (46 m.). A shoal, apparently about 1 mile in diameter, in latitude 7~ 34' N., longitude 118~ 22' E. This shoal could not be seen from the masthead until the ship was almost on it. The engine was stopped and backed full speed and the vessel ran into 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) before headway was stopped. Shoal water was seen ahead near the middle of the shoal. Seven fathoms (12.8 m.) were obtained near the edge, which was abrupt. No bottom at 25 fathoms (46 m.) was found just off it. This shoal is covered with very large bowlders, some of which appear to come almost to the surface. The positions of these shoals were obtained by longitude sights, meridian altitude, and bearings of Bancauan, Manuc Manucan, and Cagayan Sulu Islands. In about latitude 7~ 30' N., longitude 118~ 50' E. the water appeared to be welling up from the bottom, or like an overfall, and a peculiar effect of refraction was very noticeable just above the surface. This may have been a very strong tide rip, though the dead reckoning showed no strong currents encountered. It probably marked the edge of the deep. CAGAYAN SU LU ISLANDS are situated in the southwestern part of the Sulu Sea and include the island of Cagayan Sulu, the two Muligi Islands southwestward of it, with Keenapusan, Pomelikan, Bintut, Bisu Bohan, Bohan, Mandah, and Lapunlapun northward. Cagayan Sulu alone is inlabited, the smaller islands being only resorted to for temporary purpose, such as turtle catching. Cagayan Sulu, the largest of the group, extends about 8 miles in an east and west direction and about 5 miles north and south, and (with the exception of the northwest and southeast points, which are steep-to) is fringed by a coral reef extending in some places nearly 3/4 mile from shore. This reef bares in patches at low water, with channels for canoes or rafts between the edges of the reefs and the coast of the island. In the interior of the island are ranges of hills attaining a height of 1,105 feet (337 m.), on the east part of the island sloping gradually to the sea. It is thinly populated. The soil and climate are favorable to vegetation, but the natives are indolent and depend chiefly for their subsistence on fish and rice imported from Palawan and Borneo, for which they exchange coconuts, oil, and mats. Jurata is a small village on the south coast of the island on the eastern side of the entrance to Lake Jurata. There are small horses and bullocks on the island, and the latter, with a few fowl, constitute the livestock, which is becoming quite an industry. Water may be obtained at half tide from a spring at the landing place near the southwest anchorage and at the watering place inside the crater lake on the south side of the island. Anchorage.-The best anchorage during the northeast monsoon is off the west end of the island with Tavotavo Point bearing 353~ (N. 3/4 W. mag.), distant about L1/3 miles, and a remarkable tree on the southwest point, bearing 117~ (SE. by E. 3/ E. mag.), distant about 11/ miles, in 9 to 12 fathoms (16.5 to 21.9 m.), sand and coral PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULLT ARCHIPELAGO 127 bottom. During this monsoon a swell occasionally sets round Tavotavo Point, causing a rolling motion and interrupting communication with the shore, the sea breaking along the entire edge of the reef. At this season there is also anchorage on the south side of the island off the middle remarkable crater lake in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). Anchorage (chart 4348) may also be found on the north side of the island in 18 fathoms (33 m.), with Lapunlapun Island bearing 58~ (NE. by E. 1/8 E. mag.) and Kamutayan Point 193~ (S. by W. 1/8 W. mag.). Bulingis Point, on line with the center of summit of a 926-foot (282 m.) peak, east side of the island bearing 111~ (ESE. 1/4 E. mag.), is the range for this anchorage. Temporary anchorage for communicating with the north side of the island may be taken up east of Lapunlapun Island, but it is not good. Keenapusan Island, the northernmost of the Cagayan Sulu Group, is a little more than 1/2 mile in extent and 311 feet (95 m.) high. It is surrounded by a coral reef which, on the south side, extends about 600 yards. To the north and east the water is deep, but on the south and west sides the 20-fathom (36 m.) line of soundings extends nearly 2 miles. Fair anchorage may be found on the southwest side of the island in from 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.), coral and sand bottom, with Keenapusan summit 41~ (NE. 1/2 N. mag.) and Pomelikan summit 153~ (SSE. /2 E. mag.). Northeast Bank, the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) limit of which includes a circular space of about 1 mile in diameter, with 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) on its shoalest part, lies 58~ (NE. by E. T/8 E. mag.) about 31/2 miles from Keenapusan. The shoal is not steep-to, the soundings decreasing regularly from 20 to 5 fathoms (36 to 9.1 m.), forming a fair anchorage or stopping place on either edge of the shoal. Tavotavo Point, in line with the west point of Bohan 203~ (SSW. mag.), clears it eastward, and Pomelikan, kept just open of Tavotavo Point, clears it westward. Northwest Bank, the southern 4-fathom (7.3 m.) patch of which is 311~ (NW. /2 W. mag.) 31/2 miles from Keenapusan, runs in a northwest and southeast direction, and is 1 mile long and about 1/3 mile broad. It is of the same character as Northeast Bank, but is more steep-to and vessels should not anchor on it. The west point of Bohan, in line with the west point Pomelikan 162~ (S. by E. 3/4 E. mag.), clears it eastward, and the west point of Pomelikan, in line with the west end of Mandah 145~ (SE. 34 S. mag.), clears it westward. Pomelikan is a small islet, about 1/4 mile in extent and 180 feet (55 m.) high, situated 23/4 miles southward of Keenapusan Island. It is surrounded by a reef which extends 1/3 mile southwestward and about the same distance eastward, inclosing a large rock on the eastern edge of the reef. Bintut is an islet lying 1 mile 304~ (NW. by W. /8 W. mag.) from Bohan and appears to be a vast block of dark sandstone. Bisu Bintut is a rock on the east side of Bintut. The channel between Bisu Bintut and Bisu Bohan is clear. There is also a good channel between Pomelikan and Bintut, but the latter island should be kept aboard, as the reef off Pomelikan extends some 600 yards southward and westward. 1.28 VTNITED STATES COAST PIIOT Bohan and Mandah are two small islands, connected by a reef which dries at low water, lying 21/ miles northward from Cagayan Sulu. They are both thickly wooded, and Mandah, the eastern one, has a sharp peak rising to a height of 283 feet (86 m.). Mandah is steep-to except where the reef which connects it with Bohan joins it on the western side. Bohan is surrounded by a reef which extends nearly 1/2 mile from the western side and terminates in a rock, Bisu Bohan, 66 feet (20.1 m.) high. Bank.-A bank about 1/ mile in diameter with a least depth of 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) on it and 22 fathoms (40 m.) close around has been reported to be situated with the highest peak of Cagayan Sulu, bearing 120~ (SE. by E. %/ E. mag.), distant about 30 miles. Muligi Islands.-These two islands are 410 and 232 feet (125 and 71 m.) above the sea, the southern, higher, and larger island being about 1/2 mile long. north and south, and 1/ mile broad. They lie 8 miles southward from Tavotavo Point, with a clear channel 5 miles wide between them an(l Cagayan Sulu. A reef extends 400 yardls northeast of the southern Muligi Island, narrowing the channel considlerablv. The channel between the islands, though clear, should not be attempted. These islands are uninhabited, but the natives resort to them to fish. Shoals southwestward from Muligi Islands.-A shoal about 1 mile long in a northeast and opposite direction and about 600 yards wide, covered by a least known depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), exists in latitude 6~ 50' 45" N., longitude 118~ 10' 15" E. About 11., miles southwestward of this shoal, and separated from it by deep water, is another 5-fathom (9.1 m.) shoal of similar size and shape. A shoal, extending about 11/4 miles in a northeast and opposite direction and 600 yards wide, with a least known depth of 41/,/ fathoms (8.2 m.), exists in latitude 6~ 44' N., longitude 118~ 11' E. A shoal, covered by a least known depth of 21/ fathoms (4.1 m.), exists in approximate latitude 6~ 43' N., longitude 118~ 081/2' E. Another shoal, covered with a least known depth of 21/ fathoms (4.6 m.). lies 11/, miles southwestward from the 21/4-fathom (4.1 m.) shoal. Muligi Patches consist of a number of coral shoals and banks extending about 7 miles east and west, upon which the depths ascertained were 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.). The easternmost of these patches, with a depth of 8 fathoms, lies 20 miles 275~ (W. 3/ N. mag.) from the southern Muligi Island. There may be less water on some of these patches, and numerous reefs are reported to lie westward. Willcox Bank is a small coral bank situated near the middle of the channel between the Muligi Islands and the southeast point of Cagayan Sulu. The least water obtained was 63/ fathoms (12.3 m.), although the bottom was plainly visible at the time. There are 23 fathoms (42 m.) a short distance northward and 55 fathoms (100 m.) within 112 miles southward of the bank. From the shoal the southern Muligi Island bears 239~ (SW. by W. 1/j W. mag.) and Tavotavo Point 331~ (NNW. 5/ W. mag.) distant 7 miles. Mambahenauhan Islet, lying in latitude 6~ 33' 30" N., longitude 118~ 31' 30" E., is 145 feet (44 m.) high, of brown rock with brushwood and small trees on the summit. MINDANAO Mindanao is the second island in point of size in the Philippines, having an area of about 36,904 square statute miles and a length of general shore line of about 1,383 miles. It has a very irregular shape, the coast line being indented with deep bays and inlets. The large bays, Iligan on the north and Illana on the south, nearly sever the island in two, the isthmus between them being only about 71/2 miles wide at the narrowest part, at the head of Panguil Bay. The island is mountainous and drained principally by two large rivers, the Agusan, which ris6s not far from Davao Gulf and flows northerly into Butuan Bay on the north coast, and the Mindanao River, which drains an extensive plain with several large lakes and rivers and enters Illana Bay through an extensive delta near Bongo Island. The volcano of Mount Apo, situated westward from Davao Gulf, rises to a height of 9,690 feet (2,953 m.) and is probably the highest point on the island and in the archipelago. The whole island, being less than 10 degrees from the Equator, has a hot and humid climate, more equable than Luzon. It is under the influence of the monsoons of the Northern Hemisphere, but is largely below the typhoon region. It has all the products of the other islands of the archipelago. About half the population is classed as non-Christian. Mindanao is connected with the general telegraph system of the islands by cable and radio. Zamboanga is the largest commercial port, but only small quantities of general supplies are available. It is connected with Manila and other ports of the Philippine Islands by several lines of steamers. Davao has been opened as a port of entry for the southeastern part of Mindanao, while the north and east coasts of the island are served by steamers out of Cebu and Iloilo. NORTH COAST OF MINDANAO Winds.-Both monsoons blow with strength on this part of the coast, and, together with the tidal currents from the Strait of Surigao, raise a chopping sea. During the southwest monsoon the land breezes are regular; they blow from sunset to morning and shift sometimes to southeast and east-southeast, but during collas the wind remains steady at southwest. Colla is the name given in the Philippines to a southwest gale that blows occasionally during the nmonths from July to October, with violent squalls and much rain. During the northeast monsoon the land breezes are not regular, but still they are experienced when the monsoon is established, and the winds vary from north to northeast and east-northeast. The coast is very exposed at that season. In navigating under sail, in either monsoon, the coast of Mindanao should be approached in order to profit by the land breezes; but care 129 130 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT must be taken to guard against the violent squalls that come off the mountains. Currents.-B3etween Surigao Strait and Camiguin Island there is a constant current to the west in both monsoons, varying in strength according to wind and tide. The flood stream entering through Surigao Strait passes southwest on both sides of Camiguin Island with considerable velocity, but loses its strength as it enters Macajalar Bay; with spring tides it flows with an estimated velocity of 2 to 3 knots. South of Bohol the currents follow the direction of the prevailing monsoon. Near the coast and in the great bays the currents are influenced by the discharge from the rivers. Bilaa Point, the northern extremity of Mindanao, is the termination of the range of mountains that traverses the east coast from north to south; the point itself is of dark rock, clean and fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. Bilaa Shoal, composed of sand and dark coral heads and covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), lies 34 mile northward from Bilaa Point, from which it is separated by a deep channel over 1/ mile wide; vessels using this channel should pass between 1/ and 1/2 mile from the shore. The position of the shoal is usually indicated by tide rips. During the southwest monsoon, anchorage can be found on the slope of this shoal, sheltered from the tide streams. Madilao Point, about 4 miles southwestward from Bilaa Point, is 270 feet (82 m.) high, clean and steep-to, and composed of dark rock. It forms with Bilaa Point a deep bay which extends about 1 mile southeastward and affords anchorage sheltered from northeast to southwest through east but necessarily close in because of the great depth of water. From Madilao Point the coast trends southward for 46 miles to the mouth of the Agusan River. From Madilao Point to Mount Tubay it consists of the western slope of two mountain ranges and is high, bold, clean, and steep-to, and there are no off-lying dangers. Mount Tubay, at the southern end of this section of the coast is a prominent hill which rises to a height of 1,468 feet (447 m.). Butuan Bay, about 20 miles wide at the entrance between Tubay and Diuata Points, extends 10 miles southward and is deep and clear. The eastern shore from Mount Tubay to the mouth of the Agu^sn River, in the southeast angle of the bay, is low, densely wooded, and fringed by a sandy beach, off which shoal water with very deep water at its edge extends to a distance of 1/ to 34 mile. The southern shore of the bay, between the Agusan River and the town of Nasipit, 10 miles westward, is low and wooded to the sandy beach. Scattered houses and clearings exist on this stretch of coast, and the shore line is intersected by small, unimportant streams. Shoal water does not extend more than 12 mile from the shore between these two points. From Nasipit to Diuata Point, about 10 miles northwestward, the shore is fringed by a reef which varies in width from less than 1/ to 1/ mile. Tubay and Cabadbaran, lying about 1 and 312 miles, respectively, southward from Mount Tubay, are the only towns on the east shore of the bay. They are small and of little commercial importance and are only occasionally visited by coasting vessels. The Tubay is a swift-running stream with very little water on its bar at low water. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 131 It is understood that natives pole canoes up it to Lake Mainit, and also that there is an island passage for canoes between the Tubay and Agusan Rivers. There is no anchorage off the river mouth, but vessels occasionally anchor in from 12 to 15 fathoms (21.9 to 27.4 m.) about 7/8 mile 3470 (N. by W. % W. mag.) from the town and 3/ mile from shore. The bar of the Cabadbaran River bares at low water, and there is no anchorage off it. Anchorage can be found southward of a sand pit which extends westward from the south bank of the river. From abreast of this anchorage there is a good road leading to the town of Cabadbaran. There is a fair road between Cabadbaran and the mouth of the Agusan River. Agusan River (chart 4647, which discharges into the southeast angle of Butuan Bay, is the second largest river in the island of Mindanao. Its mouth is divided into two channels by Pontod Island, a small sandy cay with a settlement and a coconut grove on its southern end. The bar of the northern entrance, blocked by stones sunk there for the purpose, has a depth of only 3 feet (0.9 m.) and is not used for navigation. The western entrance has a width of about 150 yards at the narrowest part, and 9 or 10 feet (2.7 or 3 m.) may usually be carried over the bar at low water and 12 to 14 feet (3.6 to 4.3 m.) at ordinary high water. There is no good anchorage outside of the entrance, the water being very deep and the bar steep-to. Good anchorage for small vessels which do not intend to ascend the river may be found at the mouth of the Baug River, which enters the Agusan just inside the bar. The rainy season begins in December and lasts about four months. The river during these months is very high and filled with floating d6bris, most of which can be avoided by anchoring under the lee of a point. The land southward of the village of Magallanes has been washed away by the floods and the white monument which formerly marked the spot where Magellan celebrated the first mass in the Philippines has disappeared. A fixed red light which should be visible from a distance of 7 miles is exhibited from a beacon erected on the eastern bank of the Baug River. The light bearing 96~ (E. 3/ S. mag.) marks the best water across the bar. The beacon is surmounted by a white triangular daymark with black vertical stripe through the center. A natural range for crossing the bar, sometimes used by local pilots, is the tangent to the coconut trees south of Magallanes in line with two high trees eastward of the Baug River. There are no regular pilots in attendance but strangers are advised to arrange for local pilots before attempting to enter the river. Directions.-Vessels entering the Agusan should bring the beacon on the bearing 96~ (E. /8 S. mag.) and steer for it, keeping a good lookout for shoal water on either side. There is a hard gravel shoal extending about /4 mile southward from the south side of Pontod Island. When within about 1/8 mile of Magallanes the vessel should be hauled southward and the eastern side of the channel favored until the mouth of the Baug River is passed, after which the usual rules for river navigation should be followed. A prominent house in Tortosa in range with Mount Maiyapay clears the shoals on the north side of the entrance to the Agusan River. 132 UNITEI) STATES COAST PILOT Butuan, the capital of Agusan Province, lies on the west bank of the Agusan River, about 5 miles from the sea. From the bar to the town, depths of from 21/2 to 5 fathoms (4.6 to 9.1 m.) may be carried. The current in the river is strong and the water off the town is fresh at all stages of the tide. Butuan carries on a considerable trade in hemp and copra, principally with Cebu. There are two wharves alongside which vessels may lie. Vessels should anchor below the upper wharf, as the river higher up is contracted by a shoal making off from the west bank. Nasipit Harbor (chart 4647) is formed by an opening between bluff rock headlands about % mile apart and extends about 1 mile southward. The village of Nasipit lies on the bluff forming the eastern entrance point. A large quantity of copra is produced here, and the coconut groves with the bluffs forming the entrance are good landmarks for making the harbor. The outer harbor is an excellent one for moderate-sized vessels, having depths of from 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.) over an anchorage area about 3/ mile long by about 300 yards wide. The inner harbor is contracted by shoal water and is practicable only for small craft. Both entrance points to the outer harbor are fringed by reefs which show plainly on a clear day. The reef on the eastern side continues much farther in than that on the -western side. A light showing 1 white flash every 5 seconds, visible 15 miles, is exhibited from a concrete beacon erected on the bluff on the western shore of the harbor about 1/2 mile from the entrance. Directions.-Steer a 215~ (SSW. 7/8 W. mag.) course for the light, when the northwest point at the entrance bears 325~ (NW. /4 N. mag.), change course to 180~ (S. /s E. mag.) and continue to an anchorage in mid-channel southward of the light. The reef on the western side of the entrance to Nasipit Harbor extends about 1,1 mile northeastward from the western entrance point, then curves around to the westward, with a point extending northward for about % mile, and then follows the coast about /2 mile out for about 3 miles, when it narrows to less than 1/ mile and extends to and around Diuata Point into Gingoog Bay. Diuata Point, the western entrance point to Butuan Bay, is low, densely wooded, and rises gradually to a height of 1,165 feet (355 m.) at a distance of about 3 miles inland. The coast is formed of coral with coral sand beaches and is fringed by a very narrow, steep-to reef, which widens to 150 yards westward of the point. Gingoog Bay, between Diuata and Sipaca Points, is 20 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 13 miles southward. The shores of the bay are fringed with very narrow, steep-to coral reefs, the center of the bay is deep and clear, and there are no off-lying dangers with the exception of a small l/-fathom (2.7 m.) shoal off the town of Gingoog and a 4-fathom (7.3 m.) shoal off Talisayan, which will be described in their proper order. About 5 miles southward from Diuata Point is situated the village of Linugos directly in front of which there is a break in the shore reef about 1/ mile wide, which affords good anchorage in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), sand and mud bottom, well protected from northeast winds. Odiongan is a small village situated at the mouth of the Odiongan River, which discharges into the southeast angle of the bay about 10 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 133 miles south of Linugos. A small shelf of coral and sand, with irregular depths of from 3 to 7 fathoms (5.5 to 12.8 m.), northward of the eastern side of the entrance to the river affords excellent anchorage for small vessels. Gingoog is a small village lying on the shore about 4 miles westward from Odiongan. Good anchorage in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.), sand bottom, may be found about 1/ mile from shore directly in front of it. A small coral shoal covered by a least depth of 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) exists about 1 mile northwestward from Gingoog and 3/4 mile from shore. There is a deep channel about /2 mile wide between this shoal and the shore reef. From Gingoog to Sipaca Point, 17 miles northwestward, the shores are fringed by a steep-to coral reef. A short distance back from the shore heavily wooded mountains rise to heights of over 3,000 feet (915 m.). Occasional villages and coconut groves exist on this stretch of coast. Talisayan, the principal town in Gingoog Bay, lies about 1 mile southeastward from the summit of Sipaca Point. Anchorage, exposed to northeast winds, may be found close to the shore reef northward from the town in 20 fathoms (36 m.). A detached coral shoal covered by a least depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) lies 1/4 mile from shore on the bearings: Conspicuous ironroofed building near the beach, Talisayan, 237~ (SW. 7/ W. mag.) and the right tangent to Sipaca Point 321~ (NW. 3/8 N. mag.). It is reported in Talisayan that vessels occasionally anchor on this shoal. There is a deep, clear channel about 1/ mile wide between it and the shore reef. Sipaca Point, the western entrance point to Gingoog Bay, is a bold conical hill rising from the water's edge to a height of 875 feet (267 m.); from a distance it appears as an island. It is connected with the mainland by a mangrove swamp, through which there is reported to be a channel passable by canoes at high water. From Sipaca Point the coast trends west-southwestward with a curve northward for about 6 miles to Bagacay Point. This section of the coast is fringed by a steep-to coral reef, which attains its greatest width off the town of Bagacay, where it is over 1/2 mile wide, most of which is bare at low water. Canauayor Anchorage (chart 4639) lies southward from the small islet, Canauayor, which is situated 134 miles westward from Sipaca Point and about 1/ mile from shore. Canauayor Islet is 110 feet (33 m.) high and is connected with the mainland southeastward by a coral reef which is nearly bare at low water. Westward from the islet and close to it there is a break in the reef leading to an anchorage for small craft in 8 to 9 fathoms (14.6 to 16.5 m.) about 300 yards northward from an iron-roofed warehouse in the western part of the village of Balinguan. Camiguin Island, lying 5 miles from the coast of Mindanao, is oval in shape, 12 miles long northwest and southeast, and 8 miles wide. It is extremely mountainous and steep, the highest peak of Mount Mambajao, in the middle of the island, rising to a height of 5,620 feet (1,713 m.). The town of Catarman, on the northwest coast, was destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 1871. The entire island, 134 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT excepting high up on the mountain slopes, is under cultivation, mainly with hemp and coconuts; above heights of 1,500 feet (457 m.) the mountains are heavily wooded. The shores, excepting around Catarman Point and a few detached bluffs, are low and sandy, and fringed with narrow steep-to coral reefs. Mambajao, Mahinog, Sagay, Bonbon, and Agoho are the principal towns. Indifferent anchorage, according to the season, can be found off these towns, but necessarily very close in because of the great depth of water. The principal exports are hemp and copra. Medano Islet is a sand cay lying about 1 mile northwestward from Agoho on the northwest side of the island. It is about 400 yards in extent, stands about 6 feet (1.8 m.) above high water, and has a few bushes on it. It is surrounded by a coral reef which, on the eastern side, extends to a distance of about 1/2 mile. The channel between it and Camiguin is deep and clear and is generally used by coasting steamers. Jigdup Reef is a circular coral reef about 1/ mile in diameter and covered by a least depth of 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.), lying 3 miles from the northeast coast of Camiguin on the bearings: Mambajao Light 265~ (W. %8 S. mag.), distant 4 miles, and Bantigui Island 155~ (SSE. %3/ E. mag.), distant 53/4 miles. Bantigui Islet, lying 2 miles from the east coast of Camiguin, is small, low, wooded, and sandy. Coral reefs extend 23 mile from its north and east sides, while to the southward the bottom drops off rapidly to a depth of 55 fathoms (100 m.). Bulias Shoal is a small 414-fathom (7.8 m.) coral patch lying 1/2 miles northward from Bantigui Islet. Mambajao (chart 4639)7 the principal town on the island, is situated on the north coast. A wide reef fringes the shore in front of the town. A stone jetty about 200 yards long, accessible only to small boats, extends northward to a break in the reef. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles from all points of approach by water, is exhibited 32 feet (9.8 m.) above high water from a white pole near the end of the pier. Vessels may anchor in 18 fathoms (33 m), sandy bottom, with the end of the pier bearing 204~ (SSW. mag.) distant about 1/ mile. Small vessels may anchor closer in, with the pier on the same bearing, in 11 fathoms (20.1 m.), with Medano Islet just open of a. small single tree on the extremity of the point westward from Mambajao. Mahinog is a small town situated on the east coast of the island about 71~ miles southeastward from Mambajao; it contains a large white stone church, which may be seen from a distance of 10 miles. Anchorage may be found off Mahinog in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.), sandy bottom. A break in the shore reef at Binone about l1/2 miles Southward of Mahinog affords a well-protected landing place for coasting vessels. Sagay is a small town situated about 3 miles northwestward from Farol Point, the southern extremity of the island. Anchorage, protected only during the northeast monsoon, may be found in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), sand bottom, with the north gable of the church bearing 2~ (N. mag.). From Bagacay Point the coast trends southward with a curve eastward for 12 miles to Banhayan Point at the northern entrance to PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 135 Balingasag Bay. This section of the coast in fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef, and there are no detached dangers with the exception of a small coral reef covered by a least depth of 2/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) lying /4 mile from shore about 7 miles southward from Bagacay Point. From this reef the church in the village of Salay bears 140~ (SE. /4 S. mag.) distant about 1/ mile; there is a narrow deep channel between this reef and the shore. Constancia Reef, about /4 mile in extent and covered by a least depth of /4 fathom (0.4 m.), lies about 3/ mile westward from Banbayan Point; there is a deep channel about 350 yards wide between it and the reef fringing Banbayan Point. From the center of Constancia Reef the church at Balingasag, which is very prominent, bears 152~ (SSE. 5/ E. mag.) and the tangent to Gorda Point bears 190~ (S. 3/ W. mag.); there are no nearer landmarks. Balingasag Bay, between Banbayan and Gorda Points, is 41/2 miles wide at the entrance and extends 1~ miles eastward. The town of Balingasag, the largest and most prominent in this vicinity, lies on the eastern shore of the bay. The usual anchorage is in front of the town, 400 yards from shore, in 9 fathoms (16.5 m.), sand bottom. Better protected anchorage in the southwest monsoon will be found near the head of the bay in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), mud bottom, with Balingasag Church bearing 5~ (N. 1/ E. mag.) and the right tangent to Gorda Point 265~ (W. 5/8 S. mag.). Gorda Point is clean and steep-to; it is steep and wooded, has a flat crown, and forms a very prominent landmark from any part of Macajalar Bay. Macajalar Bay is 16 miles wide at the entrance between Gorda and Sulauan Points and extends about 12 miles southeastward. The eastern shore is the higher and is formed of sand beaches separated by low, rocky points. The head of the bay is fringed by narrow coral reefs, and about 1 mile inland grass-covered hills rise to heights of over 1,500 feet (457 m.). The western shore of the bay is low and fringed by steep-to coral reefs. A coral reef, partly bare at low water, extends 3/ mile northward from lalugan Point, and between this point and Sulauan Point there are five small detached reefs, none of which are /2 mile from shore. The middle of the bay is deep and clear and contains no detached dangers with the exception of Alutaya Reef. Alutaya Reef, situated 31/2 miles 240~ (SW. by W. '/8 W. mag.) from Gorda Point, is of oval form, having a greatest diameter of 2/3 mile. At low water the center uncovers, leaving bare a bank of sand and rocks. The channel between it and the shore is about 21/2 miles wide, and there is a depth of over 100 fathoms (183 m.) in it. Cabulig Bay, about 4 miles southward from Gorda Point, offers anchorage sheltered during the northeast monsoon, but necessarily very close in because of the great depth of water. The village of qasaan, at the head of the bay, contains a very conspicuous church. Tagoloan is a small town situated 1/2 miles from the mouth of the river of the same name, which discharges 5/2 miles south of Cabulig Bay. There is very little water on the bar at the mouth of the river, and the water outside of the bar is too deep to afford anchor 136 UNITEI STATES COAST PILOT age. The Philippine Packing Co. is planning to erect a wharf about 1 mile southward of the town. Cagayan River (chart 4639), which discharges into the head of Macajalar Bay, has 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) of water on its bar at low water, but the depth and direction of the channel across it are constantly changing with the freshets of the rainy season; shoal water extends about 3/ mile from the river mouth. At the time the survey was made the course across the bar was about 168~ (S. by E. /4E. mag.) and was marked by stakes. Launches drawing, about 7 feet (2.1 m.) can enter the river at high water and proceed to the town of Cagayan, a distance of about 2 miles, above which it is not navigable, being filled with rocks. Macabalan Point, about 3/ mile southeastward from the river mouth, is low and sandy and marked by a few native houses and coconut trees. It is steep-to on its eastern side, but on the northern side shoal water extends to a distance of nearly 1/2 mile. The cable from 1ligan lands on Macabalan Point. A fixed red light is exhibited 58 feet (17.7 m.) above high water from a white steel-framed structure on the north side of Macabalan Point. A red second-class nun buoy in 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) about 600 yards northward from the lighthouse, marks the eastern edge of shoal water northward from Macabalan Point. About 600 yards southward from Cagayan Light there is a small wharf, a few warehouses, and some native houses. This is the landing place for the town of Cagayan, capital of Misamis Province, situated on the Cagayan River about 112 miles southwestward, with which it is connected by a good road. Vessels not intending to go to the wharf can find anchorage in 18 to 30 fathoms (33 to 55 m.) with the wharf bearing 328~ (NW. by N. mag.). Sulauan Point, the western entrance point to Macajalar Bay, is low and wooded. Its shore line consists of low coral cliffs alternating with sandy stretches. It is fringed by a coral reef to a distance of less than 1/2 mile, part of which bares at low water. From Sulauan Point the coast trends southwestward for 11 miles to Initao Point, thence south-southwestward for about 20 miles to the town of Iligan, at the head of Iligan Bay. This section of the coast is fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef with very deep water at its edge. ILIGAN BAY, between Initao Point eastward and Polo Point westward, is a great arm of the sea, about 33 miles wide and 23 miles long. Its eastern and southern shores are in general safe and steep-to. The western side is fringed by reefs which at some points extend to a distance of 1/2 miles. Maputi Point, about 4 miles southward from Initao Point, is broad and rugged. Immediately northward from it the coast recedes, forming Initao Bay, where there is anchorage for small vessel! in 3 fathoms in front of the village of Initao. Quinalang Cove (chart 4639) is a small indentation in the coast 3 miles northward from the town of Iligan, where anchorage, sheltered from the northeast monsoon, may be found in 20 to 25 fathoms (36 to 46 m.) about /8 mile from the edge of the shore reef. Good PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 137 water may be obtained from the Mandulog River, which discharges, eastward from Quinalang Point, the south point of the cove. The town of Iligan is situated in the southeast angle of the bay on the bank of the river of the same name. There is a stone mole immediately northward from the mouth of the river, on both sides of which are reefs which bare at low water. A wharf to extend out into deep water from the end of the mole is under construction. The river is small and unimportant, having only about 3 feet (0.9 m.) on its bar at low water. The cable from Cagayan lands on the north side of the mole. The anchorage of Iligan is very bad because of the great depth of water close to the reefs. Camp Overton is an abandoned military post situated about 2 miles southwestward from Iligan. A few broken piles mark the site of the former wharf at this place. The government wharf, locally known'as Tominobo, located 3/4 mile eastward of Camp Overton, has been rebuilt by the Abago Lumber Co. It has a depth of 36 feet (11 m.) along the west side but considerably less water on the end and on the east face. It is proposed to extend this wharf in the near future. Directions.-Vessels bound for Tominobo should bring the end of the wharf to bear 152~ (SSE. 5/ E. mag.) and steer for it, anchoring in 28 or 30 fathoms of water with sufficient swinging room to clear the wharf. Anchorage, protected during the southwest monsoon, may be found at Camp Overton, but necessarily very close in because of the great depth of water. Both this and Iligan Anchorage are bad and at times during the northeast monsoon are untenable; at such times vessels seek shelter in Quinalang Cove. From Camp Overton the coast trends westerly with a slight curve southward for about 11 miles to Binuni Point and is intersected by an unusual number of small rivers. The Agus River, which discharges about 11/2 miles westward from Overton, is the outlet of Lake Lanao. It is a rapid-flowing river, descending about 2,200 feet (670 m.) in a distance of about 21 miles, has a depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.) on the bar at low water, and is somewhat deeper for a short distance up. From Overton to the Agus River the coral reef which fringes the shore extends to a distance of about 1/4 mile; thence to the mouth of the Ridapon River, about 4 miles westward, there is very little reef. Near the Ridapon River the fringing coral begins again and continues to Binuni Point with a general width of nearly /2mile. Along this stretch of coast heavily wooded hills rise a short distance inland. Binuni Point is low and wooded and surrounded by a fringing coral reef to a distance of about 1/3 mile. From here the coast trends southward and westward toward Port Misamis. Port Misamis (chart 4640), including Panguil Bay, is a long, narrow inlet extending in a southwest direction for about 22 miles. It is 9 miles wide at the entrance between Binuni and Loculan Points and narrows until, about 12 miles from the entrance, it is less than 1 mile wide; from this point it spreads out, forming a large shoal basin known as Panguil Bay. The shores of the port are low and covered with mangroves, but northward from Misamis town there is an extended sandy shore, and immediately southward, on the 138 TUNITED STATES COAST PILOT opposite coast, there are high hills. A number of reefs and shoals render the approach to Port Misamis somewhat dangerous and the entrance should be cautiously approached. Narvaez Shoal, the outer danger on the south side of the eastern approach to Port Mlisamis, is a small patch of coral, covered by a least depth of 13 fathoms (3.2 m.) lying 11/2 miles from the southeast shore of the port. From its northern edge the southern tangent to the fort at Misamis bears 244~ (SW. by W. /2 W. mag.) distant nearly 5 miles. Kulasihan Shoals, with 11/ fathoms (2.7 m.) least water over them, lie southward from Narvaez Shoal and about %3 mile from shore. Panguilinan Shoals are two smallppatches covered by 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) least water, lying about 112 miles southwestward from Narvaez Shoal. From the northern patch the south tangent to Misamis Fort bears 252~ (WSW. 1/4 W. mag.) distance 35/ miles. Pasil Shoal is a long, narrow shoal extending nearly 3 miles in a northeast direction from Palalagoya Point, on the south side of the port. It has depths varying from 14 to 3 fathoms (0.4 to 5.5 m.) over it, and from the northern edge of the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve the south tangent to the fort at Misamis bears 262~ (W. 7/s S. mag.), distant 2 miles. The northern extremity of Pasil Shoal is marked by a black second-class can buoy moored in 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) of water. Kolambugan Bay lies eastward of Pasil Shoal and affords good anchorage in 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) of water. The Kolambugan Lumber Co. has a wharf at Migcaniguing Point. Lighted range beacons have been erected on the point. The beacons in range bearing 194~ (S. by W. /8 W. mag.) lead between the shoals at the entrance to Port Misamis to the anchorage off the wharf. Loculan Shoals, lying 1/2 to 11 miles from shore, about midway between Opol and Loculan Points, are shoals of sand and rock, parts of which bare at low water. Near the southwestern part of the shoals a small sand cay bares at extreme low water. Trunks of large trees, stranded by the currents, may often be seen upon the shoals. From their southeastern edge the fort at Misamis bears 225~ (SW. 1/ S. mag.), distant 3:s miles. There are three shoal spots covered by from 1/2 to 2 fathoms (0.9 to 3.6 m.) lying southward and eastward from Loculan Shoals, between which and the main shoals there is a narrow, deep channel. These patches are marked by a red secondclass nun buoy moored in 21/ fathoms (4.6 m.) of water, coral bottom. Shoal water extends nearly 1 mile eastward and northeastward from the fort, and 1/4 mile beyond this there is a shoal spot with from 21/2 to 3 fathoms (4.6 to 5.5 m.) of water on it. The southeastern edge of the above-described shoal spot is marked by a red second-class nun buoy moored in 4 fathoms of water, hard sand bottom. Loculan Point, just closing in by the land northward from Opol Point, clears the eastern edge of the above-described 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) patch, and the east end of Solaton Island, in the narrows between Port Misamis and Panguil Bay, bearing 227~ (SW. mag.) clears the above shoal and the shoal ground eastward from the fort. The town of Misamis lies on the northern shore of the port, 13/4 miles southwestward from Opol Point. The fort is situated about PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 139 1/4 mile southeastward from the town, on Misamis Point, and is verj prominent. Good anchorage may be found southward and westward from the fort according to draft. A good berth for a large vessel is in 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.), with the fort bearing 36~ (NE. by N. mag.) distant 1/4 mile; small vessels may anchor farther northward, about 200 yards southward from the wharf. The cable from Iligan lands near the east corner of the fort. Directions.-There are two channels that lead into Port Misamis, of which the eastern channel is the wider and better and is the one generally used. Vessels from the eastward should bring the fort to bear 240~ (SW. by W. 1/8 W. mag.) when at least 5 miles distant and steer for it; this course should give the red buoy off the Loculan Shoals and the black buoy off the northern extremity of Pasil Shoal each a berth of about 3/ mile. It has been reported that with certain lights it is difficult to pick up the fort at this distance; if this should be the case it would be advisable to keep at least 2 miles off the southern shore until the fort or the red buoy off Loculan Shoal is made out. When Pasil Shoal buoy is abeam and Loculan Point bears 347~ (N. by W. 3/8 W. mag.) the course should be altered to 211~ (SSW. 5/% W. mag.); when the fort bears 254~ (WSW. 3/ W. mag.) and Loculan Point bears 356~ (N. 1/2 W. mag.) the course should be altered to 230~ (SW. 1/4 W. mag.), giving the red buoy marking the shoal water eastward from the fort a berth of about 250 yards, and when the fort is abeam the vessel may be hauled in for the anchorage. Vessels entering by the northern channel should pass about 3/8 mile eastward from Loculan Point and steer 183~ (S. 18 W. mag.), keeping a good lookout for the shoals on either side. This course should take a vessel about 250 yards from Loculan Shoals; there is usually a stake marking the western limit of the shoals, but its presence must not be relied on. When the fort bears 254~ (WSW 3/ W. mag.) the course should be changed to 230~ (SW. 1/ W. mag.), giving red buoy No. 4 a berth of about 250 yards and the previous directions followed. Loculan Point, situated about 4 miles north-northeastward from Misamis, is low and sandy. The village of Loculan lies immediately back of the point on the river of the same name; it is small and nearly concealed by trees. Anchorage may be found eastward from the point in 6 fathoms (11 m.), fine sandy bottom. Near the shore on the west side of Iligan Bay the land is low, flat, and swampy and interspersed with low-lying alluvial and sandy areas. At a distance of from 1 to 2 miles back from the shore line the foothills begin to rise gradually to the mountain range running parallel to the shore. The foothills for a distance of from 6 to 10 miles from the shore are cultivated, about one-half the area being cleared; on the uncleared portion there are many large trees. The mountains are much broken and heavily wooded. The valleys are precipitous and the peaks seemingly very steep. The shore is generally fringed with coral, which in some places extends to a distance of 11/2 miles. Balicaocao Point, situated 11/2 miles northward from Loculan Point, is a rounded sandy point fringed with coconut trees. There 140 CNITED STATES COAST PILOT are several detached reefs off this point and it should be given a berth of at least 1 mile. From Balicaocao Point the coast trends northward with a curve westward for 6 miles to Tabu Point, forming a large bay with a lowlying shore line of sand and mangroves fringed in most places by coral. The villages of Tudela, Nacavan, and Sinonoc lie on the shores of this bay. A chain of reefs, parts of which bare at low water, begins about 2/. mile northeastward from Balicaocao Point and extends northward to within 1 mile of Tabu Point. The outer edges of these reefs, which are steep-to, lie over 11/2 miles from shore. Between these reefs and the land there is an expanse of water where anchorage, well sheltered from the sea during the northeast monsoon, may be found in depths of from 3 to 20 fathoms (5.5 to 36 m.), mud and sand bottom. Access to this anchorage may be had through channels between the reef lying eastward of it or from the northward, care being taken to avoid a 1/-fathom (2.7 ml.) patch lying in the middle of the northern entrance, 1 mile 188~ (S. /2 W. mag.) from Tabu Point. Tabu Point, situated about 71~ miles northward from Loculan Point, is a low, sharp, sandy point bordered by coconut trees. It is very steep-to, a depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 ni.) being found within 50 yards of it. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles over an are of 1850, from 172~ to 357~, is shown from a concrete beacon on the beach at this point. Jimenez (chart 4639) lies 1/, miles northwestward from Tabu Point and about 1 mile back from the shore. It may be recognized by a prominent white stone church having a square tower and hemispherical dome. The church stands at the head of the main street of the town and shows through the trees when well offshore. The landing place is at the termination of the main street leading to the town. northwardl of a black iron warehouse. The Palilan River, with very little water on its bar at low water, discharges about 3/ mile northward of the landing place. The shore in this vicinity is faced by a number of reefs, parts of which are awash at low water and are usually well defined and easy to pick up. Between these reefs and the shore there is good but contracted anchorage. Between the reefs theree are a number of channels leading to the anchorage, but the southern one is the one generally used. Directions.-To approach the anchorage off Jimenez by the southern channel, when about 1 mile off Tabu Point, bring the church to bear 304~ (NW. by W. 1/s W. mag.) and steer for it; when Tabu Point bears 340~ (NNW. mag.) haul northward and pass 100 to 150 yards eastward from the point; lhaving passed Tabu Point haul a little westerly and anchor off the prolongation of the main street from town in 4 to 6 fathoms (7.3 to 11 m.), 300 or 40( yards from shore. This anchorage may also I)e approached from the northeastward, but this channel is seldom used. In case it is desired to enter by this channel bring the church to bear 236~ (SW. 3/4 gV. mnag.) and steer for it; when Tabu Point bears 161~ (S. by E. %, E. mnag.) it should be steered for and anchorage taken up as previously directedl. Froml Tabu Point the coast trends in a general 348~ (N. by W. 1/ W. niag,) direction for 61/2 miles to Balaring Point. The first 21/2 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 141 miles of this section are faced by detached reefs to a distance of about 1 mile; thence to Balaring Point the reefs which fringe the shore do not extend to a distance of over 1/ mile and there are no off-lying dangers. Mapaan Point, about 31/2 miles northward from Tabu Point, is a low, sandy point covered with coconut trees and fringed by reefs to a distance of about 1/2 mile. Aloran lies about 4 miles northward from Jimenez and 1 mile back from the shore and is not visible from seaward. The landing place is marked by an iron-roofed warehouse and several nipa shacks. Anchorage for communicating with Aloran may be found in about 16 fathoms (29.3 m.) off the edge of the shore reef with the warehouse bearing 249~ (WSW. mag.) distant about % mile. Balaring Point is a round, sandy point bordered with mangroves and nipa, with a strip of coconut trees about 100 yards from the shore, and is fringed by reefs to a distance of about 1/ mile. From Balaring Point the coast trends northwestward for 3 miles to Simio Point. San Vicente lies about 1/2 miles southwestward from Simio Point and 3/4 mile inland; it is not visible from seaward, being entirely concealed by trees. Anchorage for San Vicente may be found in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) about 3/ mile southward from some houses on the beach just northward of the mouth of the San Vicente River. Simio Point is a low, sandy point covered with coconut trees and fringed by reefs to a distance of nearly 1/4 mile. Oroquieta, the largest and most important town on the shore of Iligan Bay, lies about 1 mile northwestward from Simio Point, on the left bank and at the mouth of the Oroquieta River. It is easily recognized by a large warehouse, visible from a long distance northward, and also by the church which stands close to the beach and is unusually ornamental. The Oroquieta River has about 11/2 feet (0.5 m.) of water on its bar at low water. Oroquieta, as well as Jimenez, maintains regular steamer communications with Cebu. Anchorage, protected from southerly and westerly winds, with good holding ground, may be found about 1/4 mile from shore in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), muddy bottom, with the church bearing 227~ (SW. mag.). This anchorage should be approached cautiously as the bank is very steep. At times during the northeast monsoon this anchorage becomes untenable and small steamers find anchorage in Loboc Cove, about 1 mile northwestward from Oroquieta. This anchorage is very contracted, and vessels are obliged to moor fore and aft, but it affords shelter in all but the heaviest weather. Paypayan Bay, between Napolo and Layaban Points, 2 and 2/2 miles northwestward from Oroquieta, is fringed by a wide reef, leaving anchorage space at the entrance, southwestward from Layaban Point, nearly 1/4 mile in extent with a depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) in the middle. Layaban Point is a low, sandy point bordered with coconut trees, which grow so closely together that the point has the appearance of a high bluff when seen from a distance. The reef which fringes Paypayan Bay surrounds Layaban Point, continues northward to Silanga Island, and has a general width of about 1/ mile. 95672~-30 —10 142 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Silanga Island is a small island covered with trees about 60 feet (18.3 m.) high, lying on the reef close to the shore about 214 miles northward from Layaban Point. The reef which surrounds Silanga Island extends to a distance of about 3 mile eastward from the island. From Silanga Island the coast trends northwestward, then northward, and then eastward to Polo Point, which bears 21~ (N. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) distant nearly 3 miles from Silanga Island, forming Polo Bay. This large bay is almost filled by reefs, in which there are two breaks, where sheltered anchorage may be found. There are no aids to navigation, and in the absence of local knowledge a stranger should not attempt to enter them except at low water, when the edges of the reefs can be made out. The better anchorage of the two among the reefs of Polo Bay is about 1 mile southward from the lighthouse on Polo Point. Capayas Islet is a very small islet composed of coral rock, lying 11/4 miles 156~ (SSE. 1/ E. mag.) from Polo Point Lighthouse. It is about 100 yards long, east and west, and 50 yards wide and has bushes about 5 feet (1.5 m.) high on it. In 1906 it had two native houses on it and the greater part of the islet was cultivated witl tobacco. Polo Point, the northeastern extremity of the land in this vicinity, is low and the land is flat for some distance back of it, being a mangrove swamp with a high-water passage to Inamucan Bay through it for small boats. Polo Point is fringed by a very narrow steep-to reef, and depths of over 50 fathoms (91 m.) are found at less than 12 mile from it. A fixed red light is exhibited 60 feet (18.3 m.) above high water from a white steel-framed structure on Polo Point. A small concrete dwelling stands at the base and to the east of the tower. Iligan Reef is a dangerous reef about 600 yards in diameter, composed of coral and white sand and covered by a least depth of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) lying 73 miles 64~ (NE. by E. 12 E. mag.) from Polo Point Lighthouse. Inamucan Bay (chart 4639), situated 1/2 miles westward from Polo Point, is the harbor for Plaridel, standing on the coast about 1 mile northwest from it. It is small and affords good protection in southwest weather and fair shelter in northeast weather because of the reefs extending from both entrance points; these reefs reduce the navigable channel to a width of 300 yards, and in entering a good lookout must be kept for them. The anchorage space is very limited, being less than 14 mile in diameter. Directions.-To enter, a vessel should steer in on a 182~ (S. mag.) course to give Baubaon Point, the eastern entrance point, a berth of about 300 yards; when the buildings on the western shore bear 260~ (WSW. 7/ W. mag.), steer 250~ (WSW. mag.) and anchor about 300 yards eastward from the small wharf at the end of the road leading to Plaridel, in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), soft muddy bottom. Plaridel is a small town about 3 miles westward from Polo Point; it is well marked by prominent buildings. During the southwest monsoon anchorage may be found in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) about 1/2 mile from shore with the bell tower of the church bearing 182~ (S. mag.). In approaching this anchorage care must be taken to PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 143 avoid the Langaran and Usucan Shoals, both of which lie about 5/8 mile from shore; the former lies about 112 miles northwestward from the town and is covered by a least depth of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.); the latter lies about 5/8 mile north-northeastward from the town and is covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.). From Plaridel the coast trends west-northwestward for 8 miles to Bulalo Point at the eastern entrance to Murcielagos Bay. Near the middle of this section of the coast there is a large bight about 2/2 miles long and 1 mile wide, which is nearly blocked with reef, leaving a small boat passage which is used occasionally as a landing place for Baliangao, 2 miles distant, with which it is connected by a good road. Between this bight and Murcielagos Bay the shore is fringed by a very narrow steep-to coral reef. Murcielagos Bay (chart 4641), between Bulalo Point and Silla Point 5 miles westward, is almost filled by coral reefs and shoals, among which may be found several channels and deep pockets affording excellent anchorage. The eastern shore is low and flat, mostly wooded or cleared for coconut plantations. The southern and western shores are hilly, gradually rising to the higher mountains inland. Iligan Hill near the southwest angle of the bay shows up well from a short distance offshore. Mount Nanca and Mount Canim are rather indefinite in shape and hard to distinguish at a distance. Mount Silla, 960 feet (293 m.) high, is the most noticeable landmark in this vicinity and very prominent when viewed from east or west. Bare vertical cliffs rise from the 500-foot level in a sharp peak and with the next hill to the north this mountain takes the shape of a saddle, from which it derives its name. Cabgan Islands are connected with Bulalo and Miray Points by a coral reef bare at low water. Shoal water extends 3/4 mile westward of the largest island, the western limit being marked by a black can buoy. A 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) coral shoal lies 1 mile 273~ (W. / N., mag.) from the northwest point of Cabgan Island and about 500 yards northwest of the black buoy. A 3/4-fathom (3.2 m.) shoal lies — o mile west-northwest of the 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) shoal with a 3/4-fathom (5.9 m.) spot 1/4 mile to the westward of it. There is a clear channel 1/2 mile wide between these reefs and the shoals which fill the head of Murcielagos Bay. Baliangao at the head of Baliangao Bay is the shipping point for the copra which is produced in the vicinity. The approach is marked by two black and two red buoys. In entering from northward or eastward approach black can buoy No. 1 on a 182~ (S. mag.) course to pass 100 yards westward of it. This will lead about 150 yards eastward of the 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) shoal. Hold the south magnetic course to about 400 yards south of black buoy No. 1, then change to 117~ (SE. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) to bring black buoy No. 3 dead ahead. This course will lead well to the southward of a detached shoal about halfway between the buoys and northward of the large shoal area in the head of the bay. Pass close to black buoy No. 3 and steer 80~ (NNE. 7/8 E. mag.) for red buoy No. 2, pass close northward of this buoy and steer 70~ (ENE. mag.) to pass close northward of red buoy No. 4 and anchor when Miray Point bears north. A closer approach to the 144 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT town should not be attempted without specific local knowledge. Shoals narrow the channel southward of Miray Point to about 100 yards. The edge of the channel may be readily seen when the water surface is not choppy. A depth of 18 feet (5.5 m.) may be carried to an anchorage 200 yards southwest of a beacon locally maintained on a shoal about 400 yards off the landing at Baliangao. Casul Bay affords excellent anchorage, but the channel leading into it is narrow and unmarked, being barely 100 yards wide east and northeast of Naburos Island. On a clear, smooth day the reefs bordering the channel are easily seen. Pass about 80 yards eastward of the rounding points of Naburos Island and westward of the 4-fathom (1.4 m.) shoal in the center of the bay to an anchorage northeast or east of Maputhao Island. Taluluc Channel, in the western part of Murcielagos Bay, provides an excellent anchorage near the north end of Sinipay Daco Island. To enter this channel steer for Mount Canim on a 232~ (SW. 12 W. mag.) course, taking up this course before Mount Silla bears 293~ (WNW. 18 W. mag.) to clear the shoal water extending eastward from Latungon Point. This course will lead directly over a 234-fathom (5 m.) shoal 1 mile inside the entrance. To clear this shoal, when Pinahon Island bears 160~ (SSE. mag.) haul southward until Taluluc Island bears 234~ (SW. 5/ W. mag.), steer for it until the west tangent to Sinipay Daco Island bears 207~ (SSW. /4 W. mag.), when the course should be changed to 216~ (SW. by S. mag.) and anchorage taken up when the north tangent of Sinipay Daco Island bears east. A branch channel leads toward Pinahon Island. To enter, when Pinahon Island bears 160~ (SSE. mag.) steer for it. This course can be safely followed to within 200 yards of the island. No depth under 19 fathoms (35 m.) is encountered when running from the outside to this last point. There are several deep pockets in the reef connected by narrow winding channels to which the chart is the best guide. Silla Point is surrounded by a reef less than 1/4 mile wide. The point may be recognized by Mount Silla, which rises to a height of 960 feet (293 m.) immediately behind it. From Silla Point the coast trends southwestward for about 2 miles and thence west-northwestward for 6 miles to Tagolo Point and is composed of low, even, mushroomed coral cliffs. The head of the bight westward from Silla Point is fringed by a wide coral reef, leaving a passage to the village of Cavite, which is situated on the western shore. Tagolo Point, the northern entrance point to Dapitan Bay, is the most northern point of land in this vicinity. It is about 100 feet (30 m.) high and is surrounded by a narrow steep-to reef. About 1 mile southeastward from the point the land rises to a height of 920 feet (280 m.) and is heavily wooded. The tidal currents are very strong off Tagolo Point; the flood sets eastward and the ebb westward. An occulting white light is exhibited 109 feet (33 m.) above high water from the top of a white concrete house on Tagolo Point. Silino Island, lying 8 miles 16~ (N. by E. 1/4 E. mag.) from Tagolo Point, is about 1/ mile in extent, low, flat, and wooded, with PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 145 sandy shore. It is fringed with a narrow steep-to reef, which on the west side extends a distance of about 1/4 mile. Aligbay Island, lying 9 miles 2771/2~ (W. 1/2 N. mag.) from Tagolo Point, is about /2 mile in extent, low and wooded, and from its northwest side a steep-to coral reef extends to a distance of about /4 mile. Challenger Reef, lying 2 miles 160~ (SSE. mag.) from Aligbay Island, is composed of coral and is covered by a least depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.); it is about 3/4 mile in diameter within the 10 -fathom (18.3 m.) curve. Don Reef, composed of coral and covered hy a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies on the bearing Tagolo Point 50~ (NE. 1/4 E. mag.) and Botogan Point 103~ (E. by S. mag.). Within the 10 -fathom (18.3 m.) curve it is about 3/8 mile long northwest and southeast and about one-half that in width; the shoal part is very small compared with the rest of the reef. DAPITAN BAY (chart 4639). From Tagolo Point the coast trends southward for about 11/2 miles to Tubud Point, thence southeastward and northwestward to Botogan Point, situated 33/4 miles southward from Tubud Point, forming Dapitan Bay. The depth at the entrance is 28 fathoms (51 m.), decreasing gradually to the beach at the head of the bay. Good anchorage may be found in any part of it, sheltered from all except northwesterly winds. Tubud Point is formed by a prominent isolated hill; it is fringed by reefs about 1/4 mile wide, which extend northward to Tagolo Point. Liuay Rock is a flat rock about 50 yards in diameter, partly awash at high water, lying about 600 yards westward from Tubud Point. A small coral reef with a least depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.) lies 400 yards 208~ (SSW. /4 W. mag.) from the small islet off Estacion Point. Depths of over 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) are found between the reef and the point. The Dapitan River, discharging into the head of the bay, has very little water on its bar at low water; at high water and with a smooth sea small lighters can cross. The town of Dapitan is situated about 3/8 mile from the beach, southward from the mouth of the river. It contains a very conspicuous church, with two pyramidal spires and an iron roof. The usual anchorage is about 3/ to 1/2 mile from shore in 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.), muddy bottom, with the church, which is very prominent, bearing 92~ (E. mag.). Good anchorage may also be found in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) about 3/8 mile southward from the small islet off Estacion Point, with the river mouth bearing 92~ (E. mag.). Tides.-The high-water interval is O1h. 25m. Springs rise about 4 feet (1.2 m.). Port Talaguilong is a snug little port in the northern part of Dapitan Bay. The entrance, situated 11/2 miles southeastward from Tubud Point, is about 300 yards wide, with a depth of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) in the middle. Immediately inside the entrance there is an anchorage space about 3/8 mile in extent, in which the least depth is 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.j); northeastward from the small island in the 146 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT western part of the port there is another good anchorage basin about 300 yards in extent. From Botogan Point, at the western entrance to Dapitan Bay, the coast trends west-southwestward 11/ miles to Sicayac Point, and then southward 8 miles and westward 14 miles to Blanca Point, forming a large bay. Botogan Point is fringed by a narrow reef; Sicayac Point is fringed by rocks, always visible, which extend about 350 yards westward, beyond which shoal water extends to a distance of about 250 yards. The great bay between Sicayac and Blanca Points is deep and free from danger. Dipolog, the largest town in this vicinity, is situated on the south side of the mouth of the river of the same name, slightly back from the beach, about 212 miles southward from Sicayac Point. The water in front of the town shoals gradually, the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve being found at a distance of 3% mile from shore. Anchorage may be found anywhere westward from the town according to draft. The Dipolog River has very little water on its bar, but may be entered by a pulling boat at high water. There is a good road leading from Dipolog to Dapitan. Sicayac, on the point of the same name, and Lubungan, Langatian, and Dohinog, westward from Dipolog, are small and unimportant. Off Lubungan and Langatian it is necessary to anchor very close in because of the great depth of water. Blanca Point, one of the remarkable features of the coast, is a perpendicular cliff of white clay about 50 feet (15.2 m.) high. It forms a long horizontal table-land covered with grass, but with no trees on it. During the rainy season a stream of good water falls from this headland. The vicinity of the point is shoal; at a distance of about 400 yards there is a depth of only 2 fathoms (3.6 m.). Between Blanca Point and Dohinog, about 8 miles eastward, shoal water extends to a considerable distance, the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve being generally found about /2 mile from shore. The land in the interior in this vicinity is mountainous and there are many small peaks and ridges which are heavily wooded. The lower slope is generally sparsely wooded or covered with cogon. Diwait Point, 212 miles southwest of Blanca Point, is steep-to with a narrow fringing reef. Lumayag Rock lies on the edge of the reef. It has the appearance of a native sail when seen from northeast or southwest. Mount Disacan, 1,497 feet (456 m.) high, shows up well and is the most prominent landmark in the vicinity. Madalag Point is clear and steep-to. The point itself is high, rocky, and very steep with dark trees covering the seaward face, showing up well against the lighter colored vegetation surrounding it. Anchorage may be found along this coast, but necessarily close in on account of the great depth of water. Partially protected anchorage may be found in the bay southward of Siasi. There are protected landings for small boats in breaks of the reef northward and westward of the town. A shoal with a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 1 mile northward of the town and 1/2 mile offshore. This is the only danger to navigation along this coast northward of Palid and Lanboyan Points. Lanboyan Point rises abruptly from the water's edge for about 150 feet (46 m.) to the tops of the trees that cover the point. The PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 147 point itself below the tree line appears as a yellow bank or slide. Conical hills, varying in heights from 600 to 850 feet (183 to 259 m.), lie 2 to 3 miles inland, and detached rocks and breakers extend 400 yards northwest of Palid Point, on which the sea breaks heavily during the northeast monsoon. Southward of Lanboyan Point into Sindangan Bay a coral reef 200 to 300 yards wide fringes the shore, with mangrove bushes growing well outside the high-water line. The east and southeast shore of Sindangan Bay is composed of a low sand beach, while a cobblestone beach, with unimportant rocky points, makes up the shore of the bay from the Pian River westward to Palanduk Point. Palanduk Point is a high cobblestone beach projecting about /2 mile from the general trend of the coast. The point is heavily wooded and, with its background of cogon, appears dark and more prominent from seaward than it really is. High cobblestone beaches, clay banks 15 to 30 feet (4.6 to 9.1 m.) high, and small rocky ledges make up the shore from Palanduk Point to Talinga Point. This coast is heavily wooded to the high-water line. Talisay Point, though faced by a vertical cliff, is not prominent from seaward. Bare rocks and breakers extend about 300 yards north of it. Westward of Talisay Point is an easy sand beach, with sparsely wooded country back of it. Sindangan Point consists of undercut cliffs and rocks, 20 to 50 feet (6.1 to 15.2 m.) high, with deep water close to shore on its east side. Shoal water extends about 300 yards from its north and west sides. The point itself is flat on top and heavily wooded, and when seen from northward appears to rise gradually to a 2,150-foot (655 m.) peak; from the south and west this slope appears broken by a series of hills which rise step by step to the high land inland. Sindangan Bay, between Lanboyan Point and Sindangan Point, affords indifferent anchorage. The best protection may be had in the eastern part of the bay near the town of Sindangan. Bring the tribunal to bear 78~ (ENE. 3/4 E. mag.) and anchor /2 to 1 mile from shore in 31/2 to 8 fathoms (6.4 to 14.6 m.) of water, mud bottom. The southeast corner of the bay is very deep, a depth of 100 fathoms (183 m.) being found less than 12 mile offshore. Lanboyan Point, Palanduk Point, and Sindangan Point serve as landmarks for navigating in the vicinity of Sindangan Bay. Murcielagos Islands are two small islands lying on an oval reef about 3 miles off the coast. The reef is about 1 mile in extent, steep to with an 11-foot (3.4 m.) shoal off its eastern end. The eastern and larger island is about 40 feet (12.2 m.) high to tops of trees. The channel between the islands and the shoal water extending northward of Quipit Point has depths of 16 fathoms (29 m.) with one shoal of 61/2 fathoms (11.9 m.) lying 1 mile southward of the larger island. Sawigan and Quipit Points are low, flat, and sandy. Mount Dansalan, lying about 5 miles inland, has an elevation of 2,355 feet (718 m.) and forms an excellent landmark for this vicinity. Quipit Bay affords anchorage protected from the southwest. The Quipit River empties into the western part of the bay. It has 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on the outer bar and may be ascended about 2 miles by small boats. Shoals with depths of 11/2 to 434 fathoms (2.7 to 8.7 148 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT m.) lie from 1 to 11/2 miles offshore, the best approach to the anchorage being from northeast passing 12 mile off Sawigan Point. Sibalic Point is clean and steep-to. The shore in the vicinity is bold, with short stretches of sand and shingle beach between rocky points. Large trees and underbrush line the beach. The tops of the higher hills and mountains are heavily wooded but the lower slopes have large open stretches of cogon. The country is sparsely inhabited and the settlements are not permanent, being moved to new locations every three or four years. Coronado Point is fairly prominent from the southwest. An anchorage protected from northeast may be found in Coronado Bay just southward of the point in 10 to 20 fathoms (18.3 to 36.6 m.). Shoals with depths of 13/4 and 61/4 fathoms (3.2 and 11.4 m.) lie 2 miles southwestward of the point and there are depths of 2 and 414 fathoms (3.6 and 7.8 m.) closer inshore 2 miles southward of the point. The rivers emptying into Coronado Bay are all small and can only be entered by small boats at high water. During the dry season some of them are entirely closed. Baligian Bay affords good anchorage in 5 to 15 fathoms (9.1 to 27.4 m.) protected from the northeast but is open to westward. The entrance southward of Condulingan Island is recommended as the channel between the island and the northern entrance point is restricted by shoal water extending off the point. Condulingan Island is steep-to but should be given a berth of about 500 yards. Nunuyan Bay (chart 4651) offers a very good anchorage during the southwest monsoon. Sampoak Point cuts off the force of the wind and swell but this bay offers little protection during the northeast monsoon. There are several small settlements in these bays but the natives produce just enough rice, corn, and camotes for a bare existence. Port Santa Maria (chart 4651) affords the best sheltered anchorage on the west coast of Zamboanga Peninsula, being practically landlocked with high surrounding hills. The bay is not easily seen from vessels passing a considerable distance offshore. Mount Santa Maria, 646 feet (197 m.) high, is a rather sharp triangular hill and makes a good landmark. About 1/ mile northeastward of it is a cogon-covered hill with a bushy tree growing out of a 15-foot tower which is easily recognized from west and northwest. The shore at the entrance to the bay is made up of rocks and cliffs, but at the head of the bay itself there are some sand beaches. The hills to the northward are heavily wooded, to the southward partly cogon. There are no settlements on its shore but natives come here to fish. A good anchorage in 12 to 15 fathoms (21.9 to 27.4 m.) of water may be had in either bight. The b)ottom is mud or sand changing to coral near the shore. A coral reef extends about 300 yards northward of the point which projects from the south shore of the bay. Fresh water may be obtained from a small stream emptying into the eastern bight. Dulunguin Point, 2 miles southwestward of Port Santa Maria, is steep-to. A group of three rocks 7 feet (2.1 m.) high lie 3/4 mile north of Dulungruin Point and alout 300 yards offshore. A shoal with a least depth of 234 fathoms (5 ml.) lies 3/4 mile south of the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 149 point and 12 mile offshore. This shoal is dangerous to vessels rounding the point into the northern part of Siokun Bay. Siokun Bay affords anchorage in the northern part sheltered from northeast wind and sea but necessarily close in on account of the great depth of water. The Siokun River has about 4 feet (1.2 m.) of water on the bar at half tide and small launches can ascend the river about 3 miles. There are several square miles of tillable land in this valley partly planted to copra, rice, and hemp. The 245-foot (75 m.) hill on the north bank of the Siokun River is quite prominent and a good landmark for the northern part of the bay. Panabutan Bay (chart 4651) affords sheltered anchorage in northeast and southwest monsoon weather, Cavit Point breaking the force of the latter. The best shelter is in the northern part of the bay in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) sand bottom. A large wharf has been established on the eastern side of Panabutan Point. This wharf is 300 feet wide along the face and extends 686 feet offshore. Mooring dolphins are established near the outer face. The least depth is 24 feet (7.3 m.) at the southern end of the face of the wharf deepening to over 40 feet (12.5 m.) at the northern end. A starboard landing is recommended. There are no currents in the bay. The Panabutan and the Siraguay Rivers are small; the latter may be entered at high water by a small boat drawing not over 2~1 feet (0.7 m.). A good landmark for approaching Panabutan Bay is the 680-foot (207 m.) hill back of Balatacan Point. The hill is heavily wooded with the exception of the lower slope of its southern side. A rock awash at low water lies 100 yards off Balatacan Point. This rock is a danger to small vessels rounding the point close in as it is hard to see in calm weather at high water. Southward of the mouth of the Siraguay River a coral reef makes offshore for 650 yards with a rock awash 100 yards off the point of the reef. This is the only danger in Panabutan Bay. Piacan Bay (chart 4651) affords good protection during southwest weather. The approach to the anchorage may be either northward or southward of Pina Island. Kauit Bay is open to westward and southwestward. The best anchorage is in the southeast corner of the bay and is fairly well protected from the northeast. Temporary anchorages may be taken up at various places along the coast. Usually the points are rocky and steep-to with small mountain streams emptying into the bights between them. There is a small island close inshore southward of Mantibug Point. Bototindoc Point is high and steep with a pinnacle rock just detached from the shore line. This rock can be seen only when close inshore to the north or south. Sibuco Bay (chart 4651) has an anchorage in the southeast corner. It offers little protection from either monsoon. The entrance is so large that considerable swell is felt inside. From Pangian Point, the southern entrance point to Sibuco Bay, the coast trends southwest with a curve to southward to Batalampon Point, the most western point of Mindanao. The coast is clear and free from dangers with the exception of the Migalog Rocks which lie close to shore about 220 yards northward of Lintangan and are a danger to vessels approaching from northward to anchor off that 150 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT place. The rivers are all small and can not be entered by small boats except at high water. Batalampon Point is a small hill 450 feet (137 m.) high close to the shore, with somewhat lower ground behind it. It is flat on top and densely wooded. Care must be taken when approaching from the north by night to avoid Alimpaya Point, which is low and flat and does not show well against the higher point southward. Southward of Batalampon Point the coast curves gradually to the eastward and is low, covered with trees, and bordered with steep sand beaches. Coasters going to or from Zamboanga with the wind and tide against them, land their crews and track the vessel to Caldera Point. The tidal streams set toward this point with great force. San Ramon is the site of a penal colony. The buildings are quite prominent and forms a good landmark, both day and night, as a number of electric lights are kept burning all night. SOUTH COAST OF MINDANAO Caldera Bay and port lie to the eastward of the sanly point of that name at the southwest end of Mindanao. There is anchorage in the bay in a depth of 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.), sand bottom. The inner port of Caldera can only hold four or five vessels of 6 feet (1.8 m.) draft; the entrance channel to it is but 70 yards wide and 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) deep. A small wharf belonging to the Phildesco Co. can accommodate one small steamer. Coconut. oil tanks are visible from eastward. From Caldera Point the coast trends east-southeasterly for 7 miles to the town of Zamboanga. It consists of sand beaches with some rocky bluffs and is low, steep, and wooded. Vessels can anchor, if necessary, off the town of San Mateo, 4 miles eastward of Caldera Point, on a bank of sand in 15 to 8 fathoms (27.4 to 14.6 m.) of water, but elsewhere along this coast the bottom is foul and uneven. Basilan Strait, open from west to east, separates the southwest end of Mindanao from Basilan Island; it is 81/2 miles wide and 24 miles long. The Santa Cruz Islands and Bank, situated on the Mindanao side, divide the strait into two channels, both equally navigable. The northern channel, although the narrower, is generally preferred by sailing vessels, as it offers the advantage of an anchorage on the coast of Mindanao in case of a calm, thus avoiding being carried away by the current. Zamboanga, the principal town in Mindanao and the capital of the Province of Zamboanga, situated on the southwest extremity of the island facing Basilan Strait, is a town of growing importance. It is a port of entry and maintains regular steam communication with the ports of Mindanao and other ports of the Philippines; it is an occasional port of call for steamers from Hong Kong, Australia, Celebes, Singapore, etc. There is a public-health hospital in this port. There is a long wharf with a T on the outer end. The face of the T is 600 feet long. There is a least depth of 28 feet (8.8 m.) near the eastern end of the outer face, decreasing gradually to 25 feet (7 m.) at the western end. Large steamers approaching the wharf should exercise great care to avoid a 17-foot (5.2 m.) shoal lying PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 151 30 yards southwest and a 13-foot (4 m.) shoal lying 60 yards 247~ (SW. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) from the southwestern corner of the wharf. Large interisland steamers often lie on the inside of the wharf on the eastern side where there is a least depth of 17 feet (5.2 m.) on the outer end shoaling up to 13 feet (4 m.) near the causeway. There is slightly more water along the inside of the western part of theT, but large vessels seldom lie there due to the long shoal which makes out from shore. The point of the 1-fathom (1.8 m.) curve lies 80 yards 295~ (WNW. mag.) from the northwestern corner of the wharf. A small red buoy, placed by private company lies 230 yards 295~ (WNW. mag.) from the northwestern corner of the wharf. A fixed red light, visible 9 miles, is exhibited from an iron frame structure with a small cabin at its base near the center of the wharf. There is a current indicator on the wharf close to the light. It consists of an arrow which points in the direction of the current and is horizontal when the current is full and vertical during slack. Three red lights on the arrow illuminate it at night with a vertical line of green and blue lights to indicate the direction of pointing. The lights on this indicator are much brighter than the red light on the wharf and are nearly always picked up sooner when approaching Zamboanga. There is a weather bureau mast, a steel tower, near the inshore end of the wharf from which weather signals are displayed. Water for boiler purposes can be obtained from a pipe on the wharf. A moderate supply of distilled water, coal, and stores are obtainable. There is a radio station at Zamboanga, call letters KIW. The skeleton steel tower is a conspicuous object from the sea, standing about 2/2 miles west-northwestward from the town. The anchorage off Zamboanga is not good; the narrow bank that forms it is very steep, and outside of depth of 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) the bottom is hard and uneven and many vessels have lost their anchors here. Vessels anchor anywhere in front of the town, not going inside of 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), as the water shoals rapidly. This anchorage is much exposed to gales from west and southwest. A heavy sea sets in with these gales and is increased when the flood stream sets against the wind. Vessels have been wrecked here by sudden and heavy southwest gales, their chains having parted or their anchors dragged. On the first appearance of a southwest gale, sailing vessels slip from Zamboanga and if possible run inside Tictauan Island, where there is anchorage in Masinloc Anchorage in 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom, good holding ground. The approach of these storms is generally foretold by the coast of Basilan being hidden by masses of flying clouds, and the Sangboy Islands, to the westward, being lost to view; and if at the same time it should be cloudy, dark, and threatening to the northwest bad weather is certain, the wind generally beginning to blow from the northwest and backing until it settles from the southwest. The cause appears to be a typhoon passing northward. During the northeast monsoon the road is sheltered and the water smooth. Tides and tidal currents.-At Zamboanga there are generally two tides in the lunar day; but at equinoctial quarterings, and when the moon has high declination, there is but one tide. The mean time 152 TTNTTED STATES COAST PTTOT of high water is 6h. 32m. after the moon's meridian passage, and the mean height of the higher high waters is 3.2 feet (1 m.) above the plane of reference. The same phenomenon is observed here as in the China Sea, viz, the highest tides follow the moon's superior transit when she has southern declination and the inferior transit when she has northern declination. Directions for computing the times of high water are given on the chart and they may also be found in the tide tables published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. In Basilan Strait the tidal streams follow the direction of the channel, and near the islands and shoals they follow the edge of the reefs. The flood stream sets westward and the ebb eastward with a velocity of 2 to 3 knots at neaps and 5 to 6 knots at springs. The streams have been observed, however, to set in the reverse way in the months of November and December, and sometimes to set in the same direction for 24 hours, generally from west to east, although there have been two high tides and two low tides the same day. Slack water occurs at Zamboanga approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes after the corresponding high and low water at Cebu. The current indicator on the wharf which has previously been described does not always indicate the current well off the wharf as there is frequently an eddy inshore. It is only when the arrow is strictly horizontal that it indicates the current well off the wharf. The turn of the tide takes place later in the strait than at Zamboanga. The change begins first on the coast of Mindanao, then in the strait, and last on the coast of Basilan. Winds.-In the vicinity of Zamboanga the winds which prevail during the different months of the year are in January from east and northeast, with clear weather; in February, March, and April the same winds, with occasional breezes from the northwest of short duration. In May and June it blows from the southeast and is -ariable, but in June there are squalls, and at the end of the month fresh breezes from the southwest. In July, August, and September it blows from the southwest with more or less force and much rain and foul weather; when a gale occurs it generally does not last more than three or four days. In November and December it blows from the north and northeast and then the monsoon becomes steady. Throughout the year, when the seasonal wind is not strong, the land breeze blows during the night, sometimes freshly. Santa Cruz Bank is a coral bank, the northern edge of which is 11/2 miles distant from the coast of Mindanao. It extends 8 miles in a direction parallel with the coast and has a general width of 2 miles. There is a channel with not less than 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) crossing the middle of the bank diagonally in a northwest and southeast direction. The shoalest water, 1 foot to 4 fathoms (0.3 to 7.3 im.), is distributed in patches along the outline of the bank. There is a dangerous spot, covered by 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water, 234 miles westward from the middle of Great Santa Cruz Island on the continuation of a line drawn from halfway between the fort and the cemetery at Zanboanga and the eastern end of Little Santa Cruz Island. Little Santa Cruz Island is a small, low, flat, wooded island lying on the northern edge of the bank, about 2 miles southwestward from Zamboanga. lt is 3s mile long east and west and /8 mile PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 153 wide; each end is prolonged by a reef which dries at extreme low water to a distance of /2 mile. Shoal water of 2 fathoms' (3.6 m.) depth extends from the western reef to a distance of 11/ miles from the land. An occulting white light, visible 13 miles over the entire horizon except where obscured by Great Santa Cruz Island, is exhibited 64 feet (19.5 m.) above high water from a white steel structure near the middle of Little Santa Cruz Island. Great Santa Cruz Island lies on the eastern end of the bank southeastward from the smaller island from which it is separated by a channel 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.) deep. This island is 11/3 miles long in a northwest and opposite direction and nearly 1 mile wide; low, flat, and wooded and fringed by a narrow reef with 6 and 8 fathoms (11 and 14.6 m.) at its edge. President Shoal, with depths of from 2/2 to 43/4 fathoms (4.6 to 8.7 m.) extends from 34 mile 218~ (SW. 3/4 S. mag.) to 1 mile 142~ (SE. /2 S. mag.) from the eastern end of Great Santa Cruz Island. Two shoal patches of 2 and 21/2 fathoms (3.6 and 4.6 m.) lie, respectively, 0~ (N. /8 W. mag.) and 40~ (NE. 5/ N. mag.) 3/4 mile from the eastern end of Great Santa Cruz Island. There is also a detached patch of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lying 111~ (ESE. 14 E. mag.) distant 11/2 miles from the same point. Clearing marks.-The southwest tangent of Mindanao, bearing 332~ (NNW. 5/ W. mag.), clears the western part of Santa Cruz Bank, and the light on the wharf at Zamboanga, bearing 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.), clears the northern part of the bank. The north tangent to Little Santa Cruz Island, bearing 285~ (WNW. 7/8 W. mag.), clears the shoal patches north and northeast of Great Santa Cruz Island, and Zamboanga Light, bearing 330~ (NNW. 7/8 W. mag.), clears the detached 43/4-fathom (8.7 m.) patch east-southeastward from Great Santa Cruz Island. Luzon Reef lies on the bearings: Fort at Zamboanga 5~ (N. 14 E. mag.) and the north end of Lanhil Island 911/2 (E. mag.). The least depth area of 3/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) is very small and is surrounded by deep water, but the area of less than 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) extends about 4 miles east and west. From Zamboanga the coast trends east-southeasterly for about 2 miles to Mariqui Point and thence east-northeasterly for 4 miles to the mouth of the Masinloc River. This section of the coast is low and composed of mangroves and is fringed with a narrow reef that bares at low water. Shoal water extends southeastward and eastward from Mariqui Point, a depth of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.) being found about /2 mile southeast of it. From the mouth of the Masinloc River to the northern entrance of Masinloc Anchorage the coast is low, bordered with mangroves, and fringed with reefs. About 2 miles northward from the river mouth the shore reef begins to widen and gradually attains a width of about 1/ mile. Masinloc River, discharging into Masinloc Anchorage, has a least depth of 21/4 fathoms (4.6 m.) on its bar at low water, but is very narrow and of little commercial importance. The town of Masinloc lies on the south side at the mouth of the river. Tictauan Island, lying with its western end 13/4 miles east-southeastward from Mariqui Point, is about 2 miles long in an east-north 154 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT east and opposite direction anld 3/ mile wide. Tictauan is low and entirely covered with mangroves, with the exception of a narrow strip of sand beach at the west end and a larger strip at the east end, where there are a few coconut trees and a small native village. At this end of the island there is a wide reef, partly bare at low water, beyond which shoal water with 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) at its end extends about 3/4 mile from the land. Shoal water also extends westward and southward from the island, and it is recommended that these sides be given a berth of about ~ mile. Tictauan Channel, between Mindanao and Tictauan Islands, is 5/8 mile wide at the narrowest part, 10 to 14 fathoms (18.3 to 25.6 m.) deep, and affords good anchorage if required, although it is an area of very strong currents. A sand and coral shoal having a depth of 161/ feet (5 m.) within the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve exists in the southwesterly approach to Tictauan Channel. The northerly tangent of Tictauan Island bears 110~ (ESE. 3/% E. mag.) and the southerly tangent of the same island bears 72~ (ENE. 1/ E. mag.) from this shoal. Enter the channel from the southward with the east tangent of Balabac Island bearing 50~ (NE 1/ E. mag.) and hold this course until abeam of the south tangent of Tictauan Island, then steer 42~ (NE. 3/ N. mag.) till Tictauan shoal is cleared. Tictauan Shoal, about 400 yards long in a north-northwest and opposite direction and 150 yards wide within the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve, exists in the middle of Tictauan Channel. It is composed of sand and coral, covered by a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), and generally marked by tide rips. The wider and better channel lies northwest of it. The southwest point of Tictauan Island bearing 203~ (S. by W. 7/8 W. mag.) leads westward, and the north tangent to the same island bearing 94~ (E. Ls S. mag.) leads northward from this shoal. Sacol Island, forming the eastern side of Masinloc Anchorage, is 7 miles long in a northeast and southwest direction and about 2 miles wide. The western part is low and consists mostly of mangrove swamps. In the eastern part there are two prominent hills; the highest, known as Sacol Hill, rises to a height; of 781 feet (238 m.). From a distance the hills appear as two islands, the southeastern one, or Sacol Hill making a good landmark when approaching from the northward or eastward. The northwestern side of Sacol Island, facing Masinloc Anchorage, is clear and steep-to; the northern and eastern sides are fringed with narrow, steep-to reefs, and the southern side is fringed with coral, outside of which foul ground extends to a considerable distance. Pangapuyan Island is a small island planted to coconuts, lying close to the southwest end of Sacol Island; shoal water, with 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) at its edge, extends 3/ mile southwest from it. Stretching out northeastward for a distance of nearly 2 miles from the eastern end of Tictauan Island there are a number of shoal patches covered by depths of from 21/4 to 3 fathoms (4.1 to 5.5 m.). The channel between these shoals and Panhapuyan Island, while practicable, is not recommended for a stranger. Masinloc Anchorage is the name given to the channel between Mindanao and Sacol Islands. From the entrance to Tictauan Chan PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 155 nel, which may be considered a prolongation of Masinloc Anchorage, it is about 8 miles to the shoals obstructing the northern end. It is over /2 mile wide at the narrowest part and from 7 to 14 fathoms (12.8 to 25.6 m.) deep. Good anchorage may be found anywhere in this strait in from 6 to 12 fathoms, completely sheltered from wind and sea, and vessels take refuge here in the southwest monsoon. The flood tide sets southwestward and the ebb northeastward at the same hours as at Zamboanga. In the northern entrance to Masinloc Anchorage there are a number of shoals which divide it into two channels, both of which are about 1/2 mile wide. The western channel has a least depth of 51/2 fathoms and the eastern one a least depth of 61/2 fathoms (11.9 m.). A small shoal covered by a least depth of 1/2 fathom (0.9 m.) lies 3/4 mile northward from the north coast of Sacol Island on the bearings: West tangent to Sacol Island 224~ (SW. 1/ S. mag.), and the northeast part of Sacol Island 100~ (E.,/4 S. mag.). Roldan Rock is a small rock covered by a least depth of 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.) lying 21/8 miles from the north part of Sacol Island. It is surrounded by deep water and is situated on the bearings: Sacol Hill 201~ (S. by W. 3/4 W. mag.) and the summit of Tulnalutan Island 129~ (SE. 3/4 E. mag.). Tulnalutan Island is a small island less than 1 mile in extent, clean and steep-to, with a central hill rising to a height of 269 feet (82 m.). It is situated 31/2 miles eastward of the east point of Sacol Island. Sinonog Island, lying 2/2 miles eastward from Sacol Island and 2 miles southwestward from Tulnalutan, is small and low except on its eastern side, where there is a cliff 100 feet (30 m.) high; it is surrounded by a reef which extends 1/3 mile east-northeastward with 9 to 17 fathoms (16.5 to 31 m.) at its edge. A very small shoal of black and white sand, covered by a least depth of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.), exists about 11/2 miles 101~ (E. 3/4 S. mag.), from Sinonog Island. Malanipa Island lies on the northern side of the eastern end of Basilan Strait 3/2 miles southward of the east end of Sacol Island. It is 13/4 miles long, northwest and southeast, wooded, and has a greatest elevation of 294 feet (90 m.). Little Malanipa, a small, wooded islet, lies close to its eastern coast. From the west side of Malanipa a bank of fine sand, covered by depths of 4 to 9 fathoms (7.3 to 16.5 m.), extends 43/4 miles westward. It is 12 mile wide near Malanipa, tapering to the western end, where a depth of 61/4 fathoms (11.4 m.) is found 13/4 miles east-southeastward of the east end of Tictauan Island. Coco Island lies 4~/2 miles from the northeast coast of Basilan Island. It is about 1 mile long northwest and southeast, /2 mile wide, 460 feet (140 m.) high at the northwest end, and thickly wooded. The shore reef surrounding it is steep-to at a distance of 400 yards. Little Coco Island, of moderate height, round topped, and covered with vegetation, lies 600 yards northwestward of Coco Island; between the two there is a navigable channel 400 yards wide with depths of 33/4 to 6 fathoms (6.8 to 11 m.), bottom sand and stones. 156 UNITED) STATES COAST PILOT Sibago Island lies 71/ miles eastward of Coco Island and about the same distance northeastward from Matanal Point, the eastern extremity of Basilan Island. It is 112 miles long in a north-northwest and opposite direction, 3/4 mile wide, and covered with vegetation. It contains two distinct and prominent hills, the northern one of which is the higher. A group flashing light, visible all around the horizon from a distance of 20 miles, is exhibited at a height of 661 feet (201 m.) above high water, from a white steel frame structure, with black lantern erected on the highest part of the peak. The shores are low, and stretching off from the southeast side for more than 1/2 mile is a bank of clean sand, with depths of 5, 11, and 16 fathoms (9.1, 20.1, and 29.3 m.), increasing rapidly to 50 and 55 fathoms (91 and 100 m.). Lanhil Island, lying 11/2 miles northwestward of Sibago, is 11/i miles long in an east-northeast and opposite direction, 560 feet (171 m.) in height at the southern part, and covered with forests. The shore is low, and the reef which surrounds the island dries out 1/4 mile eastward, forming a little bay southward of it. Sibago and Lanhil, seen from certain directions, appear as one saddle-shaped island; there are no outlying dangers and the channel between them is clear, having a depth of 17 fathoms (31 m.), sand and stone bottom. SIBUGUEY BAY From the northern entrance to Masinloc Anchorage the coast trends in a general north-northeasterly direction for about 50 miles, and then, after curving around to the eastward for about 10 miles, trends southward for about 30 miles to Lutangan Islet, off the southern extremity of Olutanga Island, forming Sibuguey Bay. This extensive bay is about 30 miles long in a north and south direction and varies in width from 33 miles abreast of Olutanga Island to 16 miles at Buluan Island. Shoals in the entrance.-In the entrance to Sibuguey Bay, about midway between Sacol and Olutanga Islands, eight distinct detached shoals have been located. The shoals are all of coral and white coral sand formation and are surrounded by deep water. In a favorable light they can usually be picked up by the color of the water; but this must not be relied on, for often the coral heads on which the least water is found are dark colored and do not show up as well as the sand of the deeper water. The positions of the shoals are fixed by the bearings of the nearest prominent landmarks that can be readily identified from the shoals, a list and description of which are as follows: Mount Sibuguey, on the eastern side of the bay, is usually visible from all the shoals. Sharp Peak is the highest peak on the ridge westward from Tunganan Bay. The peak is 8/2miles, 351~ (N. by W. mag.) from Mount Taguite, near the southern extremity of the ridge. and there is another peak southward from it at a lower elevation. No confusion need arise as to which is the peak to which the bearings are taken unless the ridge is in the clouds, in which case only the lower peak will be seen. PALAWAN~ MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 157 Mount Taguite is the highest hill near the coast in its vicinity. It is entirely wooded and has steep symmetrical slopes, with a smoothly rounded dome-shaped top. Tulnalutan Island has already been described; its summit is visible from the nearer shoals. A shoal, covered by a least depth of 3 fathoms (.5.5 in.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite --- —----— 2840- (WNW. 7%8W. mag.). Sharp Peak ----------— 3020 (NW. by W. % W. mag.). Mount Sibuguey --------- - 28 0 (NNE. '/4 E. mag.). A shoal, covered by a least depth of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 in.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite --- —----— 2890 (WNW. '/2 W. mag.). Sharp Peak ----------— 3050 (NW. by W. '/8 WV. mag.). Mount Sibuguey --------— 250 (NNE. mag.). Sacol Hill -----------— 24Q' (SWV. by W. '/8 W. mag.). A shoal, covered by a -least depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 in.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite-, --- —---— 29150 (NNW. mag.). Sharp Peak ----------— 3110 (NWV. '/2 W. mag.). Sacol Hill --- —-------— 2410 (SW. by W.'4XV. mag.). A shoal, covered by a least depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 in.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite ---- -- - 3Q00 (NW. by W. '/2 W. mag.). Sharp Peak --- —--------- 3170 (NW. mag.). Sacol Hill ------------— 2340 (SW. 5/8s W. mag.). A shoal, covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 in.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite --- —----— 3150 (NW. 'A8 W. mag.)..Tulnalutan Island -2 --- —-— 297 (SW. mag.). Sacol Hill ------------- 2400 (SW. by W. '/-8 W. mag.). A shoal,' covered by a least depth of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 in.) over an area of 300 yards, lies 2~ 2miles eastward of the last described shoal. A shoal, with several shoal spots 200 to 300 yards apart and covered by a least depth of 11/4fathoms (2.3 m.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite --- —------ - 3050 (NW. by W. 'A 8w. mag.). Malanipa Island --------— 2340 (SW. 5A8 W. miag.). Tulnalutan Island -------— 2430 (SW. by W. 3A W. Mag.) Sacol Hill -----------— 2490 (WSW. miag.). A shoal, covered by a least depth of 3 f athoms (5.5 in.), lies on the bearings: Mount Taguite ---------- - 301 0 (NW. by W. 3/A W. -mag.). Malanipa Island --------— 2420 (SW. by W. % W. mag.). Sacol Hill -----------— 2550 (WSW. '/2 W. mag.). Angosto Shoal, covered by a least depth of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 in.), is a shoal of coral and sand 1/3 mile in extent, lying about 4 miles 750 (ENE. ~1 E. mag.) from Tulnalutan Island. From this shoal Sacol Hill and the north end of Tulnalutan Island are in range, and Matanal Point, Basilan Island, is in -range with the western end of Lanhil Island. 158 rUNITED) STATES COAST PILOT From the northern entrance to Masinloc Anchorage the coast trends in a general north-northeast direction for 25 miles to Vitali Point. This stretch of coast is very irregular, being indented by small bays, most of which are foul and of no importance to navigation. It is cut into by a number of small streams, none of which are navigable, and there are a number of small, unimportant villages scattered along the shore. It is fringed in places by coral reefs and faced by a number of small islands, most of which are clear on their seaward sides. This section of the coast can be safely navigated by keeping 1 mile outside of the islands and outlying points. Malasugat Point, about 5 miles north-northeastward from the northern entrance to Masinloc Anchorage, is low, wooded, and fringed by a narrow reef. Malasugat Bay, a slight indentation in the coast southwestward from the point of the same name, is nearly blocked by reefs. There is a small, dangerous 1-fathom (1.8 m.) patch lying about 112 miles southward from Malasugat Point and about 1 mile from shore. Panubigan Islands are a group of some 20 small islands and rocks lying off the coast between Malasugat Point and Lawigan Point, 53/4 miles northward. None of them are over 2 miles from shore. They are generally high and well wooded and do not require any detailed description. Sheltered anchorage may be found among them as will be seen by consulting the chart. A small shoal, covered by a least depth of 434 fathoms (8.7 m.) and surrounded by deep water, exists on the bearings: Mount Taguite 284~ (WNWA. -7/ W. mag.) and Sacol Hill 216~ (SW. by S. mag.). From Lawigan the coast trends northward to Bluff Point and is indented by a number of small, unimportant bays mostly blocked by coral. Mount Taguite is a prominent hill rising abruptly from sea level to a height of 1,400 feet (427 m.) and is situated about 1/2 mile from the water's edge and 1 mile 326~ (NW. 3/4 N. mag.) from Bluff Point. It is entirely wooded and has steep symmetrical slopes with a smoothly rounded dome-shaped top. It is the highest hill near the coast in this vicinity. From Bluff Point the coast trends northward for 31/ miles and then southeastward in a very irregular line for over 2 miles, forming Taguite Bay. This bay is 3 miles wide between Bluff and Taguite Points and extends about the same distance northward. Taguite Island, lying nearly in the middle of the bay, is a wooded island about 1/ mile in extent, which rises to a height of 217 feet (66 m.). The bay is shoal and of no value to navigation. Vitali Point is situated about 61/ miles northeastward from Taguite Point. This stretch of coast is heavily wooded from the shore line or inner edge of the mangrove as far as can be seen except near Vitali Point; here the low foothills are covered with rank grass. All the hills as far back as can be seen are heavily wooded to their summits. This section of the coast is fringed by a narrow coral reef. About 11/2 miles southwestward from Vitali Point there is a small, low, wooded islet lying on the shore reef close to the shore. A rock awash, surrounded by deep water, lies 160~ (SSE. mag.) distant 5,/ mile froln Vitali Point. PALAWAN, MIDAINA0, AND SULLU ARCHIPELAGO 159 Tigbaon Islands are a group of five islands and one rock lying eastward and southeastward from Vitali Point. They include Tigburacao, the Gatusan Islands, White Rock, Bacungan, and Lampinigan Islands. Tigburacao, the most southeastern of the group, is a low, flat, heavily wooded island lying about 3%5/ miles 134~ (SE. 1/4 E. mag.) from Vitali Point. It is fringed by a narrow reef, widest on the western part. It is about 300 yards long east and west and 150 yards wide. Southeastward, about 100 yards from this island, are two large pinnacle rocks, the higher of which rises to a height of 40 feet (12.2 m.). These rocks are very prominent and can be seen from a considerable distance. When seen from the southwest they appear as one. White Rock.-Over 1/2 mile 248~ (SW. by W. 7/8 W. mag.) from Tigburacao Island there is a white rock, bare at all stages of the tide. It stands on a small coral reef which is surrounded by deep water. Gatusan Islands, two in number, lie about 2 miles 155~ (SSE. 3/8 E. mag.) from Vitali Point. Both are small, about 300 yards long north and south, less than one-half that in width, wooded, and fringed with rocks. The northern island is less than 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, while the southern rises to a height of 117 feet (36 m.). Bacungan Island, the largest of the group, lies 2 miles eastward from Vitali Point. It is about 450 yards long northeast and southwest and nearly 300 yards wide. The shores are fairly bold, and the land rises sharply from sea level to a height of 211 feet (64 m.). About 3/ mile 236~ (SW. 3/4 W. mag.) from Bacungan Island there is a rock awash. The channel between the island and rock is deep and clear. Lampinigan Island lies a little over 12 mile 60~ (NE. by E. /8 E. mag.) from Vitali Point. It is nearly round, about 200 yards in extent, heavily wooded, and rises to a height of 192 feet (58 m.). On the south and east sides are rocks, bare at low water, to a distance of 50 or 60 yards. The channel between Vitali Point and this island has a least depth of 234 fathoms (5 m.). Lampinigan, seen from the southward, appears like a cone with a steep slope on the eastern side and a gradual rise on the western. There is a small shoal, covered by a least depth of 214 fathoms (4.1 m.), lying nearly 3/4 mile 92~ (E. mag.) from Lampinigan Island. From Vitali Point the coast trends sharply westward, then northward and eastward to Linguisan Point, forming Tunganan Bay. Near the coast are numerous hills with heights of from 100 to 200 feet (30 to 61 m.), separated by deep, winding valleys. Back of these hills the land rises in a series of hills to the mountains well back in the interior. Tunganan Bay is a nearly semicircular indentation between Vitali and Linguisan Points. It is about 7 miles wide at the entrance and extends some 3 miles westward. The depths decrease gradually toward the western shore, where there are extensive mud flats. Nearly the whole bay has a mud bottom, but in the few places where the depth is over 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) the bottom is sandy. There is good anchorage in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), mud bottom, anywhere in Tunganan Bay, on a line northward from Basan Reef, except at the northern part, where the depths are slightly greater. 160 UTNITED STATES COAST PILOT Sharp Peak is a small conical hill, 750 feet (229 m.) in elevation, with the entire seaward face cogon covered, presenting a sharp contrast against the surrounding background and serving as an excellent landmark in approaching Tunganan Bay from the eastward. Cabog and Camugan, two small wooded islands, but little over 50 feet (15.2 m.) in elevation, and a very small wooded islet 20 feet (6.1 m.) high lie on the same reef about 11/2 miles northwestward from Vitali Point. Basan Reef, a dangerous detached coral reef, nearly 1/2 mile in extent, lies 348~ (N. by W. 1/4 W. mag.), distant 2 miles from Vitali Point. This reef, part of which bares at half tide, is the only danger on the southern side of the entrance to Tunganan Bay. On the two highest parts of this reef banks of white sand have formed, and are visible from a considerable distance except at extreme high water. The north and east sides of the reef are steep-to and may be approached with safety, but the south and west sides are foul. The water deepens rapidly east and south of Basan Reef. Tigbucay Bay is a small bay extending about 1 mile in a northeast direction from the northern part of Tunganan Bay. The southern part is apparently deep and clear, but the northern part is shoal. It is of comparatively little importance, lying as it does immediately westward from the fine harbor of Port Banga. Bangaan Island lies between Tigbucay and Linguisan Points, the western and eastern entrance points to Port Banga. It is about % mile long in a northeast and southwest direction and has a greatest width of 14 mile. It is sparsely wooded on the slopes, grassy on the highland, and rises to a height of 160 feet (49 m.). Its shores are clean and steep-to on the northern side but foul on the southeastern and lower part of the western sides. From a point 90 yards off the northeastern point a line of rocks extends southwestward to a little below the southwest point of the island, from which point a rocky ledge extends about 3/8 mile in a southwest direction. The southwest point of the island should be given a good berth, as the water shoals rapidly, and at high water the above-mentioned rocks are not visible. A fixed red light is exhibited 104 feet (32 m.) above high water from a white framed structure near the eastern extremity of Bangaan Island. Port Banga Lumber Co. has a wharf on the northern end of Bangaan Island. This wharf is about 250 feet long and 30 feet wide, having a depth of 20 feet (6.1 m.) along the eastern face and 15 feet (4.6 m.) along the northern end. No fresh water is available on Bangaan Island, all local water being obtained from storage tanks on the mainland. During the dry season water is scarce. No sea makes in at this wharf in any weather. Port Banga (chart 4653), opening from the northern part of Tunganan Bay, is 2 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 4 miles northeastward. It affords good anchorage, perfectly protected from all winds, for vessels of any size. Bangaan Island divides the entrance into two good channels. The port is navigable for a distance of 2 miles from the entrance for all classes of vessels and for very small vessels nearly to its head. Lampinigan Island is a small heavily PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND StLUI ARCHIPELAGO 161 wooded island lying off the northwest side of the port, 11/2 miles above Bangaan Island and about 1/4 mile from the shore. Along the northwest shore of the port, northwestward of a line running 45~ (NE. 1/s N. mag.) and 225~ (SW. 1/s S. mag.) from the east side of Lampinigan Island, there is a foul ground with bare coral patches northeastward from the island and coral extending to a short distance off the points southwestward from it. On the southeast side of the port there is a small detached coral patch covered by a least depth of 3 feet (0.9 m.) at low water. It bears 155~ (SSE. 3/8 E. mag.) distant about /2mile from Lampinigan Island and about 1/4 mile from shore; otherwise the southeast shore of the port is clear nearly up to the beach except about Linguisan Point. Linguisan Point, the eastern entrance point to Port Banga, is low and wooded. Surrounding the point and eastward from it along the south side of the peninsula, which forms the eastern side of the port, there is a coral shelf, partly bare at low water. extending to a distance of over 1/4 mile. The extreme eastern limit of this shelf extends a little farther out and is marked by rocks showing above high water. Small shoal patches of 4 and 41/ fathoms (7.3 and 8.2 m.) exist 670 and 875 yards, respectively, from Linguisan Point in a line with the point and the north side of Bangaan Island. A small dangerous detached reef surrounded by deep water lies 1 mile southeastward from the southeast point of the peninsula between Port Banga and Sibuguey Bay, westward of a line tangent to the coast when Buluan Island is just closed in by it, and from its southern edge the northeast point of Bangaan Island bears 283~ (W. by S. mag.) distant 2% miles. The reef is composed of numerous coral heads, some of which bare at extreme low water. Directions.-To enter Port Banga by the western channel, stand westward, giving the southwest point of the island a berth of at least /2 mile. When the channel is well open and Lampinigan Island begins to be shut in by the point on the west side of the port, head up the channel with the above point a little open on the starboard bow, favoring the western shore. Avoid the northwest point of Bangaan Island, and when clear of this haul northeastward and proceed up the middle of the port, anchoring anywhere between Bangaan Island and a line drawn eastward from Lampinigan Island in 11 to 7 fathoms (20.1 to 12.8 m.), muddy bottom. To enter by the east channel bring the northeast point of Bangaan Island to bear 295~ (WNW. mag.) before Buluan Island is shut in by the land and steer for the point; when drawing up to it haul off to give it a berth of from 200 to 300 yards, and when the west channel begins to open haul up northeastward for the middle of the port and anchor as previously recommended. From Linguisan Point the coast trends eastward for I mile and then northeastward for 53/4 miles to Bagolibud Point, at the entrance to Busan Bay, forming a peninsula between Port Banga and Sibuguey Bay. The shore line is well defined by numerous cliffy points with sandy beaches in the indentations between them. The southern part of the peninsula is covered with cogon grass and a few scattered trees. On the northern part are low, wooded hills, the northeasternmost one of which rises to a height of 183 feet (56 m.) and forms the summit of Bagolibud Point. This stretch of coast is 162 7NITED STATES COAST PILOT fringed by a narrow strip of coral, and there are no detached dangers with the exception of a 1/2-fathom (0.9 in.) patch about l1/^ miles southward from Bagolibud Point. Panabulan Islet, situated 3 miles southwestward flrom Bagolibud Point, is very small and is surrounded by a reef which connects it with the land about 300 yards distant. Loclabuan Bay is a small bay about l1/2 miles southwestward from Bagolibud Point, which is about 1/2 mile in extent. On the northern side of this bay there is a prominent heavily wooded hill, which rises to a height of 244 feet (74 m.) and is the greatest elevation in this vicinity. A small shoal covered by a least depth of 1/ fathom (0.9 m.) lies about 11/4 miles 187~ (S. 12 W. mag.) from Bagolibud Point off the entrance to Loclabuan Bav. Bagolibud Point, the southern entrance to Busan Bay, is a heavily wooded narrow neck of land extending in a northeast direction. Foul ground extends to a distance of 1/4 mile eastward from the point and the north side is fringed by a reef and lined with mangroves. Nearly 1/ n mile northward from the point are the Tatal Rocks, a cluster of rocks 10 to 13 feet (3 to 4 m.) high, which are connected with the land by a reef bare at low water. These rocks are very conspicuous when seen from seaward. Padugan Islet lies on the outer edge of the shore reef, which bares at low water. It is situated about 300 yards from shore. is very small, and rises to a height of 20 feet (6.1 m.). Padugan Islet and the rocks just described mark the limit of the dangers northward from Bagolibud Point. Busan Bay.-From Bagolibud Point the coast trends westward for 41/2 miles and then, turning sharply, trends northeastward for 9 miles to Laboyoan Point, which bears 10~ (N. 3/4 E. mag.) distant 7 miles from Bagolibud Point, forming Busan Bay. Among the natural features in the immediate interior Tupilac Hill is the most conspicuous; it lies 13 miles back from the coast and 265~ (W. 5/8 S. mag.) from the summit of Buluan Island. It is a cone-shaped grassy hill, which rises to a height of 517 feet (158 m.), and, having a wooded background, can be seen from a considerable distance seaward. Three grassy hills of less importance are situated southwestward from Tupilac and numerous low hills with grassy slopes lie around the southwest shore of Busan Bay. These hills are separated from the higher, more prominent distant hills in the interior by a valley leading inland in a westerly direction from Calug Point. A similar valley extends from the southern shore of Busan Bay to Port Banga. Anchorage with good holding ground may be found anywhere in Busan Bay. Lalim Point, about 11/4 miles westward from Padugan Islet, is fringed by coral reefs which extend 1/4 mile northward from it. The southwest corner of Busan Bay is entirely closed by coral reefs awash at low water; between the eastern limits of these reefs and Lalim Point there is good anchorage in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) muddy bottom. Saduc Islet is merely a clump of mangroves growing on the reef in the southwest part of the bay, about 300 yards from shore. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 163 Diligan Island, lying about 1/4 miles northwestward from Bagolibud Point, is low and heavily wooded. It is about 1/4 mile long east and west, half that in width, and is fringed by a narrow steepto coral reef. Diligan Island may be rounded in safety at a distance of 1/4 mile. Calug Point, about 2 miles northward from Diligan Island, is a low, narrow point extending in an easterly direction. A coral reef, all but the outer extremity of which is awash at low water, projects about /2 mile southward from the point. Northward from the point the shore is fringed by coral except in the bight on the north side of the point and again in the bight westward from Buluan Island. Laboyoan Point, forming the northeastern limit of Busan Bay, is merely a mangrove point and by its position defines the mouths of the Gango and Looc Rivers, both of which are small and unimportant. From the end of the point mangroves extend about 1 mile in a northwest direction. It is surrounded by coral reefs which extend to a distance of over 1/~ mile. Mlount Silingin, situated from 4 to 5 miles northwestward from Laboyoan Point, is a conspicuous landmark from all parts of Sibuguey Bay. It has three prominent peaks and a lesser one rising from its northern shoulder. Quipit Peak (2,842 feet (866 m.)), the central and highest, and Matanog Peak (2,431 feet (741 m.)) have been accurately located and are readily identified unless obscured by clouds or rain. Buluan Island, the largest and most prominent island in the northern part of Sibuguey Bay, is about /2mile long in a northwest and southeast direction and rises in the southeast part to a sharp, heavily wooded peak 324 feet (99 m.) high. It is situated 65/ miles 20~ (N. by E. % E. mag.) from Bagolibud Point and about 7/s mile southwestward from Laboyoan Point, from which it is separated by a navigable channel 1/4 mile wide and 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.) deep in the middle. The eastern, southern, and southwestern sides of the island are fringed with coral, bare at low water, and 1/ mile southeastward from the island are rocks awash at high water. Deep water is found close to the reefs on all sides except the southeastern, which should be given a berth of at least /2 mile. Southward from the eastern edge of the reef which extends southeastward from Laboyoan Point there is a detached shoal covered by a least depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.). It lies with its eastern edge about % mile westward from Buluan Island. From Labovoan Point the coast trends northeastward with a curve northwestward to Madiaop Point. Buluan River discharges about 11/3 miles north-northeastward from Laboyoan Point; the village of the same name lies on the south side of the mouth. The village of Caparan lies on a low islet in the midst of mangroves about 3 miles 31~ (NNE. 5/ E. mag.) from Laboyoan Point. A white sand beach outlines the south side of the islet. Madiaop Point projects in a southeast direction and is fringed by a narrow belt of mangroves which are protected by numerous rocks awash at low water. Saro Point, situated 1/2 miles east-northeastward from Madiaop Point, is outlined by low cliffs. This point marks the eastern limits 164 UNITEI) STATES COAST PILOT of the low, irregular, grass-covered hills which extend in a southwest direction toward Madiaop Point. Bacalan Point, about 1~ miles east-northeastward from Saro Point, extends about 1/ mile in a southeast direction. The southern extremity of the point is comprosed of low cliffs while a gravel beacl outlines the eastern part. Tie point is slightly over 10 feet (3 m.) high, covered with a thick growth of light timber and brushwood and is in reality an island, being connected with the mainland by an extensive mangrove swami). Between Bacalan Point and Taynabo Point, 314 miles 83~ (E. %3 N. mag.) from it, the shore recedes northward for about 1 mile, forming a large bay, the upper half of which is composed of mud flats bare at low water. The head of this bay is lined with mangroves and there are several small streams emptying into it. There are no villages on the shore of this bay. Coba Islet is a very small wooded islet which rises to a height of 30 feet (9.1 m.) about 400 yards from the shore at the head of the bay. It is an islet at high water only, being surrounded by mud flats at low water. The southern side is composed of cliffs about 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, giving it a rugged appearance when seen from the southward. Taynabo Point is the most prominent point at the head of Sibuguey Bay. Cliffs about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high outline the southern and eastern sides while the southeastern side is a curved, sandy beach. The southern part is heavily wooded; the eastern part is covered with grass and brush and rises to a height of 165 feet (50 m.). The point is connected with the mainland by a narrow neck of mangroves similar to Bacalan Point. Between Tavnabo Point and Ticauan Point, about 41/2 miles east by south from it, there is a bay somewhat larger than the bay westward from Taynabo Point. Tandlo and Banco Points project southward from the head of this bay and divide it into three smaller bays. Both of these points are fringed with coral, but the bays are comparatively clean. Villages lie on the shores of the bays and on Tavnabo Point. A small reef, less than 1/ mile in extent, covered by a least depth of 1/4 fathom and surrounded by deep water, lies in the entrance of the bay on the bearings: Taynabo Point 277~ (W. /,2 N. mag.) and Banco Point 51~ (NE. 3/ E. mag.). There is a clear channel % mile wide aln 9 fathoms deep in the middle between this reef and the reef fringing the 15-foot rock southward from Tando Point. Tando Point, about 12/ miles northeastward from Taynabo Point, terminates in low cliffs about 10 feet (:I m.) high. It is covered with brushwood, and at a short distance from its extremity rises to a height of 211 feet (64 m.). Numerous rocks, awash at low water, lie off the south end of the point. About 400 yards southward from the point there is an irregularly shaped rock about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high. About 11/3 miles northwestward from Tando Point is situated one of the most conspicuous hills at the head of Sibuguey Bay. This hill is heavily wooded, detached from the higher hills of the interior, and has two similar-shaped peaks. The southwestern peak is 696 feet (212 in.) high, the northeastern 656 feet (200 m.). PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 165 Banco Point, situated nearly 1 mile in an east-southeast direction from Tando Point, is outlined on its southwest and south sides by cliffs about 10 feet (3 m.) high. It terminates at the southern extremity in a sharp point surrounded by a number of rocks awash at low water. 'The point is heavily wooded, rises to a height of over 100 feet (30 m.) on the southwest side, and slopes down gradually northeastward. Mangrove swamps northward and northeastward from the point separate it entirely from the mainland. Ticauan Point, situated about 41/ miles east by south from Taynabo Point, is the most pronounced point in the vicinity of the northeast part of Sibuguey Bay; it extends in a southwest direction to a distance of about 1/2 mile. With the exception of two small inconspicuous areas of dry land, the entire point is composed of mangroves. From Ticauan Point the coast trends eastward for 3 miles and then generally southward for 29 miles to Lutangan Islet, the eastern entrance point to Sibuguey Bay. Mangrove swamps extend along this section of the coast and completely obscure the shore line except at Patan Point, where the mangrove belt is very narrow; at Lambayogan Point; at one point in Taba Bay, off the village of Bagalamatan; and at Seboto Point. Atthe three latter points the shore,is rocky or sandy and free from mangroves. Extensive mud flats, bare at low water, front the coast between Ticauan and Patan Points, and deep water is usually found close to the outer edge of them. An exception to this rule is found, however, just eastward from Ticauan Point, where the bare area is less than 1/2 mile wide while the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve is over 2 miles from shore. Between Ticauan and Patan Points the coast is free from danger and may be safely navigated by keeping 1 mile from shore except at the shoal area, which makes off to a distance of 3 miles off the mouth of the Siay River. Mount Sibuguey, situated 12/3 miles east-northeastward from Patan Point, is the most conspicuous and easily identified landmark on the eastern shore of Sibuguey Bay. It consists of one prominent peak, 1,050 feet (320 m.) high, having a short nearly level north and south ridge at the top and several lesser elevations eastward of it. Siay River, the largest and only river of any importance in this region, discharges into the northeast corner of Sibuguey Bay. A clear but narrow and tortuous channel, having a least depth of 8 feet (2.4 m.) at low water, winds through the mud flats of the bay to the mouth of the river. The river has been ascended to a distance of 3 miles by steam launch and no obstructions found. Cabut Island, forming the western side of the mouth of the river, is connected with the mainland southward from it at low water and is so nearly like the mainland that it is not recognized as an island when seen from the bay. Directions.-The following directions for entering Siay River are given by the party engaged in making the survey, but implicit confidence should not be placed in them as changes are liable to take place on the bar and the position of the nipa hut referred to. To enter the river bring the nipa hut at the mouth of the Ley River, over 1 mile northward from Cabut Island, to bear 41~ (NE. 1/2 N. mag.) and steer for it; when within 1/2 mile of the hut change course to 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.) and when the eastern side of the mouth of the Ley River bears 0~ (N. 8 W. mag.) 166 TUNITED STATES COAST PILOT enter the Siay, keeping well over to the north bank, where the best water will be found until well into the river. Sho;il water extends some distance from the eastern side of Cabut Island; this may be avoided by hugging the eastern bank. Pamandian River, whicll discharges into the bay about 11/3 miles southward from Cabut Island, has 5 feet (1.5 m.) of water on the bar at low water and considerably more inside. Sibuguey River, which discharges about 3 miles northward from Patan Point, is nearly dry at the mouth at low water. This river leads to the coal deposits back of Mount Sibuguey that were worke(l to some extent in the past. There is a small patch of coral, bare at low water, 1/3 mile froln shore, at the edge of the mud flat at the mouth of the Tongcolasian River, a small stream discharging 11/4 miles southward from the Sibuguey River. Patan Point, situated 10 miles south-southeastward from Ticauan Point, forms the northern entrance to Taba Bay. The detached hill forming this point rises to a height of 244 feet (74 In.) about 3/ mile eastward from its extremity. The low, heavily wooded area eastward flrom this hill is approximately 25 feet (7.6 m.) above sea level. The southern slope of the eastern extremity of the hill is covered with cogon grass, while the remaining portions are heavily wooded. The western extremity of the point is fringed by a narrow coral reef; low. cliffs define the south side of the point. Taba Bay (chart 4651).-From Patan Point the coast trends southeastward and southward for 5 miles and westward and northward to Cabog Point situated 23/ miles south by east from Patan Point, forming Taba Bay. The Cabog Islands, two small mangrovecovered islets, lie close together on a reef, part of which bares at low water. This reef extends northward from the islets to within 1I/ mile of Patan Point. The inclosed basin, 4 miles long with an average clear width of miile, forms the best sheltered anchorage on the east side of Sibuguey Bay. It is comparatively easy to enter at any stage of the tide and at low water the edges of the dangers are clearly defined. Coral fringes the western extremity of Patan Point to a distance of 1/~ mile and there are two small detached coral reefs, one,s mile southeastward from the point and the other 1% miles in the same direction and about 1A mile from the shore; beyond these shoals the best water is found on the western side of the bay. These two detached reefs, as well as the coral fringing Patan Point, can usually be readily made out by the color of the water over them. The shores of the bay are generally lined with mangroves and the fringing reefs are very narrow. The head of the bay is shoal, and in the southeast corner are mud flats, bare at low water. A number of small unimportant streams flow into the bay. Payao lies on the north shore of Taba Bay eastward of Patan Point. Bagalamatan is situated about 2 miles southeastward from Patan Point. The point on which this village is situated is outlined by low cliffs and rises to a hleight of 35 feet (10.7 m.) about / mile inland. Suong Island is a small mangrove islet at the head of the bay; it can not be distinguished as an islet when entering. The Hercules Lumber Co. maintains three beacons on the reefs in the bay and a fixed white light (elevation 20 feet (6.1 m.)) on their wharf at Lumarao. This light will be changed to a fixed red light PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULUT ARCHIPELAGO 167 some time in the future. A private radio station is also maintained by the lumber company at Lumarao. The wharf at Lumarao is inaccessible to boats having a draft of more than 10 feet (3 m.). Fresh water while available is scarce. Directions.-To enter Taba Bay, pass Patan Point on a 137~ (SE. mag.) course, giving the point a berth of about /4 mile; when the eastern side of the Cabog Islands bears 180~ (S. 1/8 E. mag.), alter the course to 160~ (SSE. mag.) and anchor according to draft. Southward of the entrance to Taba Bay nearly to Lutngan Point the coast is foul and should be avoided by all but small craft. There are good anchorages along this coast where good shelter from all winds except those from the southwest may be had, but these anchorages are not easy to approach because of the many offshore reefs, often not seen until close aboard, and the absence of natural objects ashore suitable for ranges or bearings. No directions for clearing these dangers other than are apparent from an inspection of the chart can be given. About 5 miles southwestward from Patan Point there is a coral reef of which the area awash at low water is about 1 mile long north and south and % mile wide. On the northern part of this reef is a mound of white coral sand nearly 1/8 mile in diameter, which is usually awash at high water; its shape and position change with every storm. Deep water surrounds the reef on all sides, but the bright sand pile not only gives ample warning of the danger but affords a fair landmark for navigating this coast. Labatan Hill, a heavily wooded dome-shaped hill, 440 feet (134 m.) high (the tops of the trees are 150 feet (46 m.) higher), is situated near the coast about midway between Cabog Point and Talaid Point at the entrance to Locsico Bay. It is the only elevation southward from Mount Sibuguey and for this reason is readily recognized from any part of the bay. Pandalusan Island is a small partly wooded island situated 9%/ miles southwestward from Patan Point. It is irregular in shape, about 300 yards in extent, and rises to a height of 72 feet (21.9 m.) near the southeast point. A coral reef, awash at low water, extends 1/5 mile southwestward from the island, while another, not quite awash, extends about the same distance to the eastward. A narrow bank, with a 2-fathom (3.6 m.) reef at its eastern extremity, projects 1/2 miles eastward from the island. Northwest Rock, about 2 miles 302~ (NW. by W. 3/ W. mag.) from Pandalusan Island, is a small coral reef about 1/ mile in extent, which is awash at low water. It is not easily picked up, and vessels should keep well over toward Pandalusan Island and not attempt to pass westward of this reef. About 4i/2 miles 188~ (S. 1/ W. mag.) from Pandalusan Island there is a shoal nearly 1 mile in extent, covered by a least depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.). This shoal has been picked up at a distance of over 1 mile by the color of the water. East Circe Shoal lies about 101/4 miles 179~ (S. 1/4 E. mag.) from Pandalusan Island and is covered by a least depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.). On the north side of the shoal the water deepens rapidly, but southward the depths increase gradually and depths of 16 fathoms are found 1 mile southward from the shoalest spot. 168 1 'UNITED) STATES COAST PILOT West Circe Shoal lies about 10 miles 199~ (S. by W. 2 W. mag.) from Pandalusan Island and 312 miles 282~ (W. 7/ N. mag.) from East Circe Shoal, and has a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) on one rock near the center of the shoal. Lutangan Point, bearing 90~ (E. I N. mag.), will carry a vessel well southward of both Circe Shoals. From Cabog Point the coast trends southward for 41/2 miles to Talaid Point. This section of the coast is lined with mangroves and fringed by reefs which extend to a distance of 1 mile in some places. Beyond this reef are a number of small detached reefs whose position will be best understood by reference to the chart. Talaid Point, forming the western side of Locsico Bay, extends about 1/2 miles in a southwest direction. The entire point is fringed by a narrow belt of mangrove, within which the land is low and heavily wooded. The point is surrounded by a reef which extends nearly 1 mile in a southwest direction. Locsico Bay is about 21/2 miles wide at the entrance between Talaid Point and the islet marking the western entrance to Canalizo Strait and extends about 2 niles northeastward. Its entire shore line is lined with mangroves and fringed with coral reefs. Topocan Point is a small mangrove-covered point extending southward from the head of the bay. This point and the long reef extending southward from it divide the bay into two arms, neither of which are of any value except to very small vessels. The main part of the bay is further obstructed by a number of small detached coral reefs, parts of which bare at low water. In the absence of any natural or artificial aids to navigation it is impossible to give any directions for this bay. Olutanga Island lies immediately southward from the peninsula forming the eastern side of the head of Sibuguey Bay. It is separated from the mainland by a broad, irregularly shaped body of water extending from the eastward along the northern part of the island, and by Canalizo Strait, a narrow, tortuous channel which connects that body of water with Sibuguey Bay. Olutanga Island is of very irregular shape and has a greatest length north and south of 9 miles ancT is 11 miles wide at the widest part. The western coast is fairly regular; the southeastern and northern ends are cut into by deep bays. The entire island is low and flat, generally fringed with mangroves and heavily wooded in the interior. There is a long, low, heavily wooded ridge about 300 feet (91 m.) high to top of trees to the northward of Cangan Point. The highest part of this ridge is 370 feet (113 m.) to the tops of trees and is marked by a prominent lone tree which may be recognized from all directions. The western entrance to Canalizo Strait is marked by a small mangrove islet lying on the north side of the entrance about 1/ mile from shore. This islet is situated 21/2 miles 140~ (SE. 1/4 S. mag.) from Talaid Point. The strait is a narrow and extremely foul channel navigable for launches only. It is about 2 miles long and from 1/x to 1/4 mile wide. At low water 7 feet (2.1 m.) can be carried through the strait, but the western entrance is only 100 yards wide between coral heads and is rather (lifficult to find. It is reported that beacons are maintained in this strait by the Mindanao Lumber Co. Small interisland boats make the passage through this strait frequently. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 169 From the entrance to Canalizo Strait the coast trends in a general south by west direction for 41/2 miles to Deal Point and is fringed by a comparatively narrow belt of mangrove which is intersected by a number of small streams. The shore reef is nearly 1/2 mile wide and there are a number of detached reefs which bare at low water lying nearly 2 miles from shore. Gandaan River, on the western coast of Olutanga Island, has a narrow entrance channel between the reefs, through which a depth of 8 feet (2.4m.) can be carried at low water and for 2 miles up the river. To enter, steer 50~ true (NE. 1/4 E. mag.), passing 450 yards westward of the southern point of the entrance. When about 75 yards from the northern shore, haul eastward into the mouth of the river, favoring the northern shore until well inside the river. Tambanon River, about 11/2 miles to southward, has its entrance obstructed by reefs, bare at low water, over which logs are floated at high tide. Considerable logging activities are carried on in the vicinities of these rivers. A logging railroad extends inland from the southern branch of Tambonan River. Lipari Island, situated about 23/4 miles southward from Canalizo Strait, is a small mangrove island lying less than 1/2 mile from the shore. It is surrounded by a wide reef and when viewed from the westward appears to be a part of the main island. Deal Point, a low heavily wooded point fringed with a narrow belt of mangroves, is the most conspicuous point on the west coast of Olutanga Island. From Deal Point the coast curves around in a general southsoutheast direction for 41/2 miles to Seboto Point, the southern extremity of Olutanga Island. Seboto Point is outlined by a curved, white sandy beach and is entirely covered with heavy timber. There is a small village on this point. The shore reef widens in the vicinity of Seboto Point, where it extends southward, partly baring at low water, for a distance of nearly 11/2 miles, and eastward surrounding Lutangan and Silagui Islands. Vessels passing southward of Olutanga Island should give Seboto Point a berth of at least 21/2 miles. Lutangan Islet, lying immediately southeastward from the southern extremity of Olutanga Island, with which it is nearly connected by a mangrove swamp, forms the southeastern entrance point to Sibuguey Bay. It is about %3 mile in extent, low and heavily wooded. Its southeastern side is composed of low cliffs and a sand beach; the remaining sides are fringed with mangroves. Its eastern extremity is clean and steep-to; on all other sides it is surrounded by reefs, partly baring at low water. Silagui Island is a small, low island, covered with light timber, lying on the same reef as Lutangan Island and about 200 yards northward from it. Its southern and eastern sides are composed of low, brown cliffs. There is a small rocky islet covered with bushes rising to a height of 20 feet (6.1 m.) lying about 60 yards eastward from Silagui Island. The reef on which Silagui Island lies extends 1/8 mile eastward and over /2 mile northward from it. There is a small detached coral patch, baring at low water, lying about 1/4 mile northeastward from the bushy islet previously mentioned. Good anchorage for a small vessel may be found in a pocket 170 INITED STATES COAST PILOT in the reef about 2 mile northwestward from Silagui Island, where there is a clear anchorage space of over 1/4 mile in extent with a depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) over a muddy bottom. From Seboto Point the coast trends in a general east-northeast direction for about 10 miles to Taguisian Point, the eastern extremity of Olutanga Island and the southern entrance point of Port Sibulan. Between these two points there are two fairly prominent points, Cangan and Sarva, between and on either side of which are distinct indentations in the shore line. The first two indentations are less prominent than the third and apparently have no names. The third, between Sarva and Taguisian Points, is known as Pongca Bay. This bay is about 1 mile wide and extends about 3 miles northwestward. It is Ilarrow and extremely foul. Numerous small coral heads are bare or nearly bare at low water. Deeper water, however, lies close to t hem and small boats carefully feeling their way between rocks can carry 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water to within a half mile of the head of the bay. These rocks land shoals are dark in color and, except for those large in area, are not usually visible at high water. At low water they can be seen only when the sun is astern. A narrow channel with a least depth of about 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) extends one-half the distance to the head of the bay. This channel if properly marked would afford a well-protected anchorage for small vessels. However, if unmarked, it is dangerous to attempt the passage. Arayat Shoal covered by a least depth of 23/ fathoms (5 m.), is about 1 mile long east and west and 2 mile wide. From the center of the 23/4-fathom (5 m.) spot Lutangan Point bears 272~ (W. mag.) distant 7 miles and Taguisian Point bears 3~ (N. 1/8 E. mag.) distant 6 miles. A black can buoy moored in 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) of water lies 1/3 mile, 140~ (SE. 1/4 S. mag.) from the 23/4-fathom (5 m.) spot. Another shoal spot covered by a least depth of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) lies 2- mile in a southwesterly direction from the buoy. Vessels of deep draft should pass well to the southward of the buoy to avoid this shoal. In the area bounded by Lutangan Island, Taguisian Point, and Arayat Shoal there are a number of shoal spots whose position will be best understood by reference to the chart. They are covered by depths of from 11/2 to 6 fathoms (2.7 to 11 m.). When directly over them the bottom can be seen distinctly, and they are readily picked up from a distance by the discolored water. PORT SIBULAN (chart 4652) includes the central and largest part of the water area between Mindanao and Olutanga Island. It is about 6 miles wide at the entrance between Taguisian and Lapat Points and extends 8 miles northwestward. From the head of the port, the large bay, Tantanang, extends northward into Mindanao and Tumalung Bay southward into Olutanga; there are also a number of smaller bays indenting the shores of Port Sibulan. The best water in Port Sibulan, between the entrance and the mouths of Tantanang and Tumalung Bays, is in the southwest part of the port, where the shore may be approached to a distance of 3/4 mile at any place, and usually much closer. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 171 Middle Reef, lying in the entrance to Port Sibulan, is a large detached reef covered by a least depth of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.). This reef has a length of about 214 miles in a northwest and southeast direction and a greatest width of 3/4 mile within the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve. The least depth, 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) over a small rocky patch, is situated on the bearings: Tangent to the west side of Letaven Island 349~ (N. by W. 1/ W. mag.), tangent to north side of Sibulan Island 287~ (WNW. 5/8 W. mag.), and Taguisian Point 175~ (S. 5/8 E. mag.). Depths of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) are found to a distance of 1/4 mile westward and 1/8 mile southward from the 11/2-fathom (2.7 m.) rock. The remainder of the reef is covered by depths of from 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) over coral and sand bottom. A beacon has been established and is maintained on the southwestern edge of this shoal in 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) of water by the Walter A. Smith Lumber Co. It is a pile about 1 foot in diameter and 14 feet above high water with cross boards 1 inch by 6 inches by 5 feet long on top. The water deepens to 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) about 150 yards southwest of the beacon. A similar beacon is maintained by the same company near the northeastern point of the shoal making out from Cambulong Point. It is in 33/4 fathoms (6.9 m.) of water which deepens to 4~/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) about 100 yards to the northeast. The best water lies midway between these two beacons. A red nun buoy, moored in 6 fathoms (11 m.) of water is maintained by the same company near the southwestern extremity of the shoal spit which makes out to the southward of Middle Reef. Sibulan Reef, covered by a least depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.), lies about 7/s mile 10~ (N. 3/4 E. mag.) from Sibulan Island; this reef is about 1/4 mile long northwest and southeast and 1/8 mile wide. These are the only detached dangers near the recommended track into Port Sibulan. A beacon is maintained near the southwestern edge of this reef by the Walter A. Smith Lumber Co. It is in 23/ fathoms (5 m.) of water which deepens to 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) 100 yards to the southwestward of the beacon. This beacon is a 10-inch pile about 12 feet above high water with cross boards at the top. The best water lies about 1/3 mile southwest of this beacon. Taguisian Point, the eastern extremity of Olutanga Island, is a long, narrow neck of land projecting in a southeast direction. It is low, heavily wooded, about 3 miles long, and varies in width from 11/2 miles to 1/5 mile. Narrow belts of mangroves fringe its northeastern and southwestern sides. Cliffs, having a greatest height of 40 feet (12.2 m.) and a white sand beach, mark the southeast extremity of the point. The large trees, which cover the point, grow up to the very edge of the cliffs and present a definite and abrupt profile when seen in a northeast or southwest direction. The cliffs do not show up well when seen from offshore, being largely covered with overhanging bushes. The point is fringed by coral to a distance of 3/8 mile with good water at a distance of 3/4 mile. Coayan Bay, situated between Comot and Cambulong Points, abount 21/4 and 31/4 miles, respectively, northwestward from Taguisian Point, has not been sounded out. The head of the bay is shoal. About 1 fathom (1.8 m.) of water can be carried in ap 172 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT proximately 200 yards to the westward of the point on the southern side of the mouth. Both of the entrance points are low and heavily wooded and fringed with mangroves. The entrance to the inner and western extremity of the bay is marked by two small detached rocky islets. The northeastern and larger of these two islets is covered with brush and rises to a height of 30 feet (9.1 m.); the southwestern islet is also covered with brush and is 15 feet (4.6 in.) high. The reef surrounding Cambulong Point has a depth of only 1 fathom (1.8 m.) at a distance of 3/8 mile eastward from the point. The 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve is about 3/ mile from the shore at this point, outside of which the water deepens rapidly. From Cambulong Point the coast trends in a general northwest direction for 31/2 miles to Sumangul Point, the northern extremity of Olutanga Island. Sibulan Island, situated 5 miles northwestward from Taguisian Point and slightly less than 2 miles 110~ (ESE. /8 E. mag.) from Sumangul Point, is a small, heavily wooded island with steep rocky sides. It rises to a height of 65 feet (19.8 m.) and forms an excellent landmark for vessels bound into Port Sibulan. The eastern side of Sibulan Island is marked by light yellow cliffs partly overgrown by brush but still prominent. They rise to a height of about 50 feet (15.2 m.). There is no channel between it and Olutanga Island. Good water is found northeastward from the island, but at a distance of 1/4 mile northwestward the bottom is foul, and slightly less than 1/2 mile in that direction there is a rock covered by 12 fathom (0.9 m.) with fair depths on all sides. Sibulan River discharges about 1/3 mile southwestward from Sibulan Island; the western side of its mouth is defined by rugged cliffs, while a low point outlined by a curved sandy beach ma(rks the eastern side. Sumangul Point, one of the most important points in Port Sibulan, is situated about 7 miles northwestward from Taguisian Point. It is very conspicuous when seen from the eastward and can be readily identified from off the entrance. It terminates in a narrow neck of land about 100 yards wide, which projects about 350 yards in a northwest direction. The point is wooded and rises to a height of 54 feet (16.5 m.). A low saddle, rising only slightly above sea level, extends entirely across the point about 350 yards from its northwest extremity; this depression is very plain when seen from an easterly or westerly direction. The barrio of Sumangul and the sawmill of the Walter A. Smith Lumber Co. are located on this point. The point is covered by coconut trees for a distance of /2 mile to the southward. The Moro barrio of Calida is about 1/2 mile to the southeast. The lumber company has a wharf on the eastern side of the point. Its length lies east and west. The wharf is about 100 feet long and 20 feet wide. There is a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) for about 50 feet along the northern face when it shoals up rapidly to about 1 fathom (1.8 m.). The southern face has about 11/ fathoms (2.7 m.) for a length of about 40 feet. The lumber company maintains a buoy near the southern edge of the 2-fathom (3.6 m.) shoal, which lies about 1 mile east of this point. The buoy consists of an upright post 6 inches square with a small pyramid on top, It is nailed to a float which is moored in 21/ PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 173 fathoms (4.6 m.) of water, which deepens to 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) about 100 yards south of the buoy. Taledom Rock, situated about 1/2 mile 48~ (NE. 1/8 E. mag.) from Sumangul Point, is a lone dark rock, with bushes on the top, which rises to a height of 31 feet (9.4 m.). From an east or west direction the rock shows up well, but not when seen from northward. At low water a sand spit bares to a distance of 200 yards north and west from the rock. Shoal water, less than 1 fathom (1.8 m.), extends nearly 1/4 mile northward from the rock, with the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve 1/4 mile farther to the northward. Tumalung Bay, the entrance to which lies between Sumangul Point, Olutanga, and Marek Point, Mindanao, is the largest indentation in Port Sibulan. It is nearly 2 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 5 miles southward. Its bottom is very irregular and there are numerous detached patches of coral and sand throughout the northern part of the bay. The southern half of the bay shoals gradually to within about 1 mile from the head, where there are extensive mud flats, bare at low water. The entire shore line is fringed with mangroves. Good anchorages in 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.) are found on the eastern side of the bay southwestward from Sumangul Point. Water may be easily obtained from a small stream about 3/4 mile southward from Sumangul Point. At high water a boat can be filled directly from a bamboo pipe line over the high-water shore line; at low water a boat can get within 50 yards of the pipe. Lapinigan Islands, two in number, are situated in the western side of Tumalung Bay and mark the northern side of the entrance to Canalizo Strait. They are low, heavily wooded, and almost entirely surrounded by mangroves. Cliffs of an average height of 30 feet (9.1 m.) outline the northeast extremity of the eastern and larger island. On the smaller island two 15-foot (4.6 m.) cliffs at the northern extremity are the only points showing clear of the mangroves. Irregular bottom with shoal water in places extends a long way eastward of the islands, and they should not be approached on that side within a distance of 1 mile. Marek Point, situated 17/8 miles 310~ (NW. /8 W. mag.) from Sumangul Point, is about 330 yards wide and projects 3/4 mile southward, forming a small bay westward from it, into which the Modoc River discharges. The western side of the point is fringed with mangroves, while its southern extremity is composed of a sand beach and low, perforated, rocky cliffs. On the eastern side of the point there is a reddish-brown eroded bank which rises to a height of 65 feet (19.8 m.); part of this bank is bare and forms one of the prominent landmarks of Port Sibulan and is visible from the entrance to the port. Saong Bay, between Marek and Tantanang Points, is about 2 miles wide and extends about 1~ miles westward. Mangroves and coral fringe the shores and project well off the southern entrance point. The Panagan River discharges into the head of the bay, and a small strip of sandy beach situated northward from the mouth of the river may be seen from the entrance to the bay. 95672~-39 —12 174 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Tantanang Bay, extending northward into Mindanao from Port Sibulan, is nearly 3 miles wide at the entrance between Tantanang and Kaladis Points and extends over 2 miles northward. This bay shoals gradually from its mouth to its head, affording good sheltered anchorage in any desired depth. Between Tantanang Point and the northeast corner of the bay the entire shore line, with one exception, is fringed with mangroves. From the northeast corner of the bay to Kaladis Point there are no points or indentations of any prominence. What small points there are are low, heavily wooded, and composed of low, reddish-brown cliffs, and every indentation is fringed with a narrow belt of mangroves. Tantanang Point is a low, densely wooded point terminating in low cliffs about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high. A pile of rocks, bare at half tide, lies 200 yards 116~ (SE. by E. 7/8 E. mag.) from Tantanang Point. About 34 mile 10~ (N. 3% E. mag.) from Tantanang Point there is a low cliff about 10 feet (3 m.) high showing clear of the mangroves. This cliff itself is not important, but the small point which it forms is covered with large trees, the prominence of which is increased by the growth of smaller trees on either side. A pile of rocks, awash at high water, lies about 330 yards 73~ (ENE. 1/4 E. mag.) from the above-described cliffs. Kaladis Point is composed of a low, red cliff about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high. Although not very prominent, this point is, nevertheless, the most prominent point on the northern side of Port Sibulan above Tegolting Point. Chinkang (Naganaga) lies about 3/ mile northward of Kaladis Point. It is the site of a sawmill and wharf owned by the Mindanao Lumber Co. The following information is abstracted from a report by Capt. Robert Wilson of the steamship Stuart Dollar: The wharf is T-shaped, 400 feet long, 80 feet wide, and 6 feet above high water. Depths at the wharf are 27 feet along the south end, 23 feet along the north end, and 19 to 24 feet along the face. The 19-foot depth is about 60 feet from the south end and large vessels should dock port side to in order to have the least depth near the bow. Fresh water is supplied, for boiler use only, from the dock. There are no facilities for making lines fast to the dock and it is necessary to use kedge anchors. The Stuart Dollar removed several floor planks so as to make lines fast to the dock stringers. There are no lighted aids and the approach to the harbor should not be attempted at night. In the daytime great caution is necessary, as there are numerous shoals and the aids are unreliable. To load at this port it is necessary to bring customs officials from Zamboanga and to return them to that port; also to secure stevedores from elsewhere. From Kaladis Point the coast trends southeastward for 21/4 miles to Tegolting Point. This section of the coast is composed of mangroves, low cliffs, and sandy beach. It is fringed by a reef, narrow at the northwest end and gradually widening to a distance of 1/2 mile from the coast at Tegolting Point. At a distance of 1 mile southward from Kaladis Point and the same distance westward from the shore is the northern end of Pandan Reef, a large detached coral reef that is nearly bare at low water. This reef is of irregular shape, about 11/4 miles long north and south, nearly 1/ mile wide in places, and separated from the shore reef by a very narrow channel with a least depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) in it. A long ridge of white sand, covered at half tide, surmounts this reef and greatly assists the eye in locating it. Kaladis Point, bearing PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 175 18~ (N. by E. 3/ E. mag.), clears the western side of this reef, and the north point of Letayen Island, bearing 92~ (E. mag.), clears the south side. Tegolting Point is the second point on the northeast side of the entrance to Port Sibulan and forms the western side of Balangan Bay. It is heavily wooded and rises to a height of 126 feet (38 m.) about 3/4 mile northwestward from its southern extremity. The western and southwestern sides are composed of a sand beach and low cliffs, while the eastern side is fringed with mangroves, at the southern end of which there is a prominent reddish-brown cliff about 40 feet (12.2 m.) high. The barrio of Tobac, about a dozen native houses, lies about 0.3 mile northwest of this cliff. It is surrounded by a low ridge covered with cogon grass and scattered brush. The point is surrounded by shoal water to a distance of 1/2 mile. Balangan Bay, between Tegolting and Lapat Points, is nearly 2 miles wide at the entrance and extends 11/4 miles northward. The head of the bay northward of the parallel of Tegolting Point is shoal. This bay affords anchorage sheltered from all winds except those from south and southeast. The entrance is from the southeastward between the reefs which surround Letaven Island and Lapat Point. This channel has a least depth of 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) in the middle and is free from danger. Good anchorage will be found in 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) muddy bottom, about 1/2 mile northeastward from the middle of Letayen Island. There is also a narrow channel from the westward between the northwest point of Letayen Island and the reefs which extend from Tegolting Point about two-thirds of the way to the islands. Letayen Island, situated in the entrance to Balangan Bay, 5/s mile southeastward from Tegolting Point, is the largest and most important island in Port Sibulan. It is 3/ mile long northwest and southeast, 1/ mile wide, and surrounded by reefs which extend to a distance of 13/8 miles in a southeast direction. A prominent palm tree on the island makes an excellent landmark for this vicinity, being visible at a distance of 20 miles from seaward. The southern half of the island is heavily wooded and the northern half is covered with coconut palms. A 3-fathom (5.5 m.) sounding is shown on the chart 11/s miles 222~ (SW. 1/2 S. mag.) from the northwest point of Letayen Island. Depths of 31/2 to 5 fathoms (6.4 to 9.1 m.) are shown about 3/ mile northwestward from the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch. Lapat Point, situated between the entrances to Balangan and Dumanquilas 'Bays, is low, heavily wooded, and fringed with a narrow belt of mangroves. Low cliffs of an average height of 20 feet (6.1 m.) outline a small part of the southern extremity of the point. Lapat Point is surrounded by reefs which extend about 1 mile southward and 2 miles eastward from it. Directions.-Vessels entering Port Sibulan should round Taguisian Point at a distance of not less than 1 mile and steer 309~ (NW. 3/4 W. mag.) to clear Sibulan Island by a distance of from 1/4 to 3/ mile, and when Taguisian Point bears 180~ (S. 1/8 E. mag.) the dome-shaped hill, Labatan, should appear between Sibulan Island and the northern coast of Olutanga. This course will carry a vessel over the southern end of Middle Reef in 31/2 to 5 fathoms (6.4 to 176 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT 9.1 m.) of water and nearly midway between Sibulan Island and Sibulan Reef. If bound to Tantanang Bay, the course may be changed to 340~ (NNW. mag.) when Sibulan Island bears 180~ (S. 1/ E. mag.) and the vessel proceed to an anchorage in any desired depth. To enter the anchorage in Tumalung Bay, the 309~ (NW. 3/4 W. mag.) course should be continued until Sumangul Point bears 180~ (S. 1/ E. mag.), when the course should be changed to 216~ (SW. by S. mag.), and when Sumangul Point bears 90~ (E. 1/s N. mag.) change again to 196~ (S. by W. 14 W. mag.) and proceed cautiously, as the water is always muddy an ththe dangers can not be seen. DUMANQUILAS BAY (chart 4651) is about 11 miles wide at the entrance between Lapat Point westward and Dumanquilas Point eastward and extends about 14 miles northward. It affords good shelter and holding ground among the islands and in the bays that it incloses. The general depth is from 8 to 16 fathoms (14.6 to 29.3 m.), with 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) near the shore. The bottom in the vicinity of Lapat Point is rocky and irregular, and this side of the entrance should be avoided. The best channel in the bay will be found by keeping within a mile of the points on the eastern side. Currents in the open channels entering the bay seldom exceed 1 knot, but are greatly intensified near the shoals in the approaches, forming eddies near these shoals. They may be avoided by giving the shoals a berth of about 1 mile. Arayat Shoal has already been described. A shoal covered by a least depth of 6 fathoms (11 m.) lies 3 miles eastward from Arayat Shoal. Liscum Bank, covered by a least depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.), lies 91/2 miles 134~ (SE. 1/4 E. ma.) from Taguisian Point. A shoal with a least depth of 312 fathoms (6.4 m.) lies 6 miles 119~ (SE. by E. 5% E. mag.) from Taguisian Point. Breeches Shoal is a large, rocky, coral shoal extending about 112 miles in a northeast and opposite direction, lying about 8 miles southward from Triton Island. The least depth on Breeches Shoal is 414 fathoms (7.8 m.). From the eastern edge of the shoal the highest part of Dumanquilas Point bears 19~ (N. by E. 1/ E. mag.). A small coral shoal with a least depth of 214 fathoms (4.1 m.), lies 61/4 miles 195~ (S. by W. 1/ W. mag.) from Triton Island. Three shoals with depths of 3%4, 414 and 63/4 fathoms (6.8, 7.8, and 12.3 m.), lie from 2 to 41/2 miles east-northeast from the 214-fathom (4.1 m.) shoal. These constitute the outer dangers in the approach to Dumanquilas Bay. Acha Rock is a small circular patch of coral and sand, steep-to, and covered by 2 fathoms (3.6 m.). From the center of the patch Triton Island bears 66~ (NE. by E. 3/ E. mag.), distant 334 miles. A shoal with a least depth of 11/4 fathoms (2.3 m.) lies about 11/2 miles south-southeast of Acha Rock and a shoal with a least depth of 21/4 fathoms (4 m.) lies the same distance westward of it. There are a number of shoals with depths of 13/ to 51/2 fathoms (3.2 to 10 m.) lying eastward and northeastward of the reefs that surround Lapat Point. Tley are generally small in area and steep-to, being surrounded by depths of 18 to 23 fathoms (33 to 42 m.). Several of them have live coral bowlders on them. The shoals are hard to PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 177 see at times, due to the silt carried down by the rivers during heavy rains and great caution should be used in their vicinity. The chart is the best guide for their location and relative position. Tigabon, Lamuyong, and Lambong Lambong Islands are three small islands lying on the western side of Dumanquilas Bay. They are clear and steep-to on the eastern side. The islands are covered with heavy timber or coconut palms. A small bowlderstrewn reef surmounted by a rock awash lies about 400 yards west of Lambong Lambong Island. This rock bares 6 feet (1.8 m.) at spring low tides. It is known as Bugsok Rock. Tangcocoloan Rocks are a group of rocks lying 1 mile eastward of Lamuyong, the middle island, and nearly 2 miles westward of a line drawn between Igat and Carabuca Points. They are steep-to, 3 feet (0.9 m.) above high water and at extremely high tides the swell breaks over them. Nipa Nipa Islands are three small heavily wooded islands, clear and steep-to, lying 2 miles northeastward of Lamuyong Island and dividing the channel into two passages. The two larger islands rise to a height of 149 and 100 feet (45 and 30 m.), respectively. Malangas is the shipping point for the coal mines of the Sibuguey district. There is a coal wharf with 24 feet (7.3 m.) of water along the face. The outer face of the wharf is 60 feet long. Mooring buoys are placed off either end. Small vessels may lie alongside the east side of the wharf although 35 yards inshore from the end of the wharf it shoals to 7 feet (2.1 m.). Water for boiler use may be obtained at the wharf. Produce in small quantities is obtainable at the market in Malangai and plenty of fresh beef is obtainable in the locality. From a position south of Igai Point approach the coal dock with the offshore end dead ahead on a 305~ (NW. by W. 1/8 W. mag.) course. If seeking shelter in Malangas Bay leave the coal dock about 100 yards to starboard and steer west (true). Anchorage may be had as far in toward the head of the bay as will give sufficient swinging room. The bottom is mud. Lapinigan Island, a small wooded island, lies 21/ miles north of the largest of the Nipa Nipa Islands. It clears within a distance of 50 to 150 yards offshore. A shoal, 200 yards long in a northeast and opposite direction and covered by a least depth of 3 feet (0.9 m.), lies 1/ mile 3371/2~ (NNW. 1/4 W. mag.) from the largest Nipa Nipa Island. A shoal, covered by a least depth of 8 feet (2.4 m.), lies about midway between Lapinigan Island and Igat Point; from it the northwest point of the largest Nipa Nipa Island is in line with the highest point of Lamuyong Island and Putili Islet is in range with the south side of Lapinigan Point. A small rock covered by a least depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.) and surrounded by 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.), lies on a very small 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal 7 mile 185~ (S. /4 W. mag.), from the south end of Lapinigan Island. A shoal, about /2 mile in extent, covered by a least depth of 2 feet (0.6 m.), lies about 1 mile southeastward of Putili Island. The channel between Igat Island and this shoal is 11/4 miles wide and has depths of 15 and 17 fathoms (27 and 31 m.). 178 1UNITED) STATES COAST PILOT A large shoal of white sand, which uncovers at low water springs, lies in the middle of the bay southward of Igat Island. Fatima Islands, locally known as Cabog Islands, are two small islands, covered with coconuts, lying close together at the head of Dumanquilas Bay. They are clear and steep-to on all sides. A clear passage for small boats lies between the islands. To the northward the water shoals gradually from 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) close to the islands to the extensive mud banks, bare at low water, about 1 mile to northward. Kumalarang River empties into the head of the bay in the northwest corner. There are two entrance channels, the best extending in a south-by-east direction from the entrance and the other following close along the western shore 6f the bay. The river is navigable by small craft for about 3 miles above the entrance. Bualan River empties into the head of the bay in the northeast corner. The entrance channel follows close along the eastern shore of the bay. It is navigable by small craft for about 1 mile above the entrance. Latas Island is a small round island lying close to the shore southeastward of Cabog Islands. This island is thickly infested with thousands of huge brown fruit bats. Igat Bay, a large inlet on the eastern side of Dumanquilas Bay, is 31/2 miles wide at the entrance between Latas Island and Igat Point and extends 5 miles southeastward, forming a safe and coimmodious harbor. Putili Islet, lying in the middle of the entrance, is very small and steep-to; the shoal lying southeastward of Putili Island has already been described. Igat Island, 620 feet (189 m.) in height, forming the southwest side of Igat Bay, is separated from the mainland by a narrow channel near the eastern part of which there is a good watering place. Igat Point, the western extremity of Igat Island, is clear and steep-to. The bay formed by the south side of Igat Island and the mainland is 21/2 miles wide at the entrance, between Igat and Carabuca Points, and extends 1/2 miles eastward. It is clear with the exception of the shoal previously described. The coast between Carabuca Point and Dumanquilas Point, 7 miles southeastward, consists of low hills covered with high trees. Carabuca Point, 2/2 miles southward of Igat Point; Buca Point, 11/4 miles southward of Carabuca Point; and Labucan Point, 13/ miles southeastward of Buca Point, are clear and steep-to, and may be passed within 1/2 mile. Between Labucan Point and Dumanquilas Point, 41/2 miles southeastward, the coast line recedes eastward, forming a bay which is foul toward the head. Triton Island, situated about midway between Labucan and Dumanquilas Points and 1/2 mile outside of a line drawn between them, is a small, rocky, wooded island which rises to a height of 155 feet (48 m.). It is steep on the south side but sloping on the northern side; it is surrounded by a reef, narrow on the southwest side and wider on the northeast side. Dumanquilas Point is the southern extremity of a high, bold promontory forming the eastern entrance point to Dumanquilas Bay. It is clean on the southern side but is fringed on the western side by a reef gradually widening on the shores of the bay northward. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 179 Mount Botetian, the summit of the promontory which terminates at its southern part in Dumanquilas Point, is 735 feet (224 m.) high and being practically detached from the remaining high land is very prominent; it is visible from seaward under ordinary conditions from a distance of over 20 miles. From a distance it appears as an island but is connected with the mainland by an isthmus of low land 11/4 miles wide. Directions, Dumanquilas Bay.-Vessels bound into Dumanquilas Bay should approach Dumanquilas Point with Mount Botetian bearing between 0~ (N. '/8 W. mag.) and 320~ (NW. 1/4 N. mag.). If bound for Malangas, give Dumanquilas Point and Triton Island a berth of about 1 mile and head for Tigabou Island on a 325~ (NW. 3/4 N. mag.) course; pass 1/4 mile eastward of Tigabou, Lamuyong, and Lambong Lambong Islands, continuing northward until the wharf at Malangas bears 305~ (NW. by W. /s W. mag.), when it may be steered for. If bound for Margosatubig, give Dumanquilas Point, Triton Island, Labucan, and Buca Points a berth of about 1 mile and Carabuca and Igat Points and the north side of Igat Island a berth of about 1/2 mile and anchor according to draft close to the old stone pier on the south side of Igat Bay. There is a small shoal with a least depth of 41/4 fathoms (7.9 m.) which lies about 350 yards in a northwesterly direction from the point of land 1/2 miles northwest of Margosatubig; elsewhere the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve approaches the beach to within 100 to 150 yards. This anchorage is perfectly landlocked and one of the best in Mindanao. Soundings on the above-described track decrease from 35 fathoms (64 m.) off Dumanquilas Point to 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) 1/2 mile westward from Igat Point, increase to 17 fathoms (31 m.) off the northeast side of Igat Island and then decrease gradually toward the head of the bay. Margosatubig, on the southeastern side of Igat Bay, is a municipality and has a post office, public market, and hospital. There are two wharves, the largest belonging to the Mindanao Lumber Co. The wharf has a length along its outer face of 180 feet. There is a least depth alongside, for keel vessels, of 20 feet (6.1 m.), this depth being at the middle of the wharf with deeper water toward the ends. The other wharf, or boat landing, has a length along its face of 40 feet, the depth at the eastern end being 12 feet (3.6 m.), with 13 feet (4 m.) at the western end. Fresh water is piped to the lumber wharf and provisions may be had at the public market. Dumanquilas River is narrow and shoal and of no importance. Lapuyan River can be entered only at high tide, when small boats can go to the public market 134 miles from the entrance. Gapul Creek is navigable at high tide by vintas and launches for a distance of about 1 mile, but is of no importance. Labao Inlet is navigable at high tide by vintas and launches for nearly /2mile to a boat landing called Song Lupa. The narrow channel between Igat Island and the mainland to southward bares at low water, but is navigable at high tide by small boats. Maligay Bay (chart 4652), lying between Dumanquilas Point and Baganian Peninsula is about 6 miles wide at the entrance and extends 312 to 4 miles northward. The western and northern sides 180 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT of the bay consist of a series of rocky points interspersed with mangrove. Coral reefs which bare at low water extend from i to 3/4 mile off shore. The eastern shoreline is mostly mangrove fringed with coral reefs from 14 to 1 mile in width. An extensive series of shoals covered by from 112 to 314 fathoms (2.7 to 6 m.) lying inside the 20-fathom (36 m.) curve make out from the eastern side of the entrance for a distance of 3 miles. The largest and shoalest of these lies farthest west and forms an irregular bank about 2 miles long and 1 mile wide with several spots covered by 11/ to 13/4 fathoms (2.7 to 3.2 m.). The bottom is of white sand covered by low coral knobs. Anchorage in from 5 to 15 fathoms (9.1 to 27.4 m.) may be found in a belt about 1/2 mile wide near the northern extremity of this shoal. In case a vessel is bound into Maligay Bay she should bring the middle of Maculay Island to bear anywhere from 0~ (N. s/ W. mag.) to 15~ (N. by E. ~/s E. mag.), and steer for it to avoid this shoal. For the most part the rest of the bay is deep, the 20-fathomr (36 m.) curve being from 1/8 to 1/4 mile from the edge of the reefs. Small boat anchorages are afforded by the bights which make out from the head of the bay on the eastern and western shores and also on the northern sides of Maculay and Lunqui Islands. The bight on the eastern shore affords an anchorage over 1/3 mile in width in from 10 to 13 fathoms (18.3 to 23.8 m.), mud bottom, but the entrance is narrow and the sides are guarded by reefs whose position may be best understood by reference to the chart. The other anchorages mentioned above are narrow and guarded by reefs and should be used only by small craft unless local knowledge is available. Naculay Island is a small, rocky, wooded island, 293 feet (89 m.) high, lying on the shore reef close to the land in the northwestern part of the bay. It is 1/2 mile long in a northwest and opposite direction and 14 mile wide. Good anchorage, well protected, may be found in from 20 to 25 fathoms (36 to 45 m.) northeastward from Maculay Island; this is the only sheltered anchorage to be found in Maligay Bay during the southwest monsoon. A small rock covered by a least depth of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 m.) lies 1 mile 38~ (NE. 3/ N. mag.) from the southern point of the island. This is the only danger in this anchorage. Anchorage in from 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3 m.) may be found on a small sandy area about 250 yards in diameter which lies 1/3 mile northeast of Maculay Island. From the center of this area the east tangent of Maculay bears 185~ (S. 1/4 W. mag.) and the north tangent bears 255~ (WSW. 1/2 W. mag.). Lunqui Islet is a small, rocky, wooded islet, 284 feet (86 ni.) high, lying on the shore reef in the northern part of the bay. It is 600 yards long east and west and 250 yards wide. A coral reef makes out 300 yards from the eastern point of the island. A protected anchorage in from 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.) may be found for small craft north of this island and about 150 yards from shore. Baganian Peninsula, situated between Dumanquilas and Illana Bays, extends about 13 miles in a southeast direction and has a general width of about 5 miles. It is traversed throughout its length by a range of hills, the highest of which is Mount Flecha. The base PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 181 of the peninsula between Maligay Bay and Port Sambulauan is low and only about 2 miles wide. Mount Flecha, situated about 4 miles northward from the south end of the peninsula, is extremely flattopped, heavily wooded, rises to a height of 1,126 feet (343 m.), and is visible from a long distance seaward. The west coast of Baganian Peninsula is fringed by a steep-to coral reef, bare at low water, varying in width from 1 mile at the northern part to 200 yards in the vicinity of Flecha Point. Between Maligay Bay and a small bay which makes into the coast about 21/2 miles northwestward from Flecha Point the coast is fringed with mangroves; thence to Flecha Point the shore is a rocky ledge about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high, broken by stretches of sand beach. Flecha Point, the southern extremity of the peninsula, terminates in a rocky ledge about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high, back of which the land rises gradually to Mount Flecha. The point is heavily wooded and very prominent. There is an anchorage southwestward from Mount Flecha in about 20 fathoms (36 m.). Anchorage may also be had on the sandy flat which extends nearly 1 mile off Flecha Point in 10 to 20 fathoms (18.3 to 36 m.), but in strong winds a heavy sea sets around the point. When rounding Flecha Point deep-draft vessels should keep 1/2 mile off to avoid a 4-fathom (7.3 m.) spot just east of the point. Paniquian Island, lying 5 miles 280~ (W. 3/4 N. mag.) from Flecha Point and about 2 miles from shore, is a sandy island about 4 feet (1.2 m.) above high water and is covered with low trees and coconuts, the tops of trees being 39 feet (11.9 m.) above high water. A prominent small wooded islet is located about 0.2 mile in a southeasterly direction from Paniquian Island. It is rocky, 9 feet (2.7 m.) high, with trees 46 feet (14 m.) above high water. Coral reefs, partly bare at low water, extend 100 to 150 yards to the east and north of Paniquian Island, but extend 1/3 to 1/ mile to the west and southwest. To the east, north, and west of the edge of this reef the water drops off to 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) or more in 0.1 to 0.3 mile. To the southward, however, a sand shoal extends for 3/ mile from the southern edge of the reef. This shoal slopes gradually from 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) at the edge of the reef to 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) about 1.1 miles south of Paniquian Island. Outside of the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve the bottom drops rapidly to over 100 fathoms (183 m.) on all sides of the island. An exposed anchorage may be found in from 5 to 8 fathoms (9.1 to 14.6 m.) on this shoal. The bottom nearly always is plainly visible up to 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). Tambulian Point, the southeastern extremity of Baganian Peninsula, situated about 4 miles 74~ (ENE. 3/8 E. mag.) from Flecha Point, is low and wooded and not very prominent unless viewed from a northeast or opposite direction. At the head of the bight between Tambulian and Flecha Points are the mill, wharf, and employee quarters of the Santa Clara Lumber Co. Anchorage may be had in 21 to 23 fathoms (38 to 42 m.), coral sand bottom, about 550 yards 137~ (SE. mag.) from the end of the wharf, but it is insecure except in favorable weather. There is a live coral shoal with least depth of 9 feet (2.7 m.) about 130 yards 155~ (SSE. 3/ E. mag.) from the end of the wharf. Care should be taken in approaching the wharf to avoid this shoal. 182 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Approach the northeast corner of the wharf on a 300~ (NW. by W. 1/ W. mag.) course with the north sides of the house on the wharf and the largest house on the hill (superintendent's house) in range. There is a depth of 27 feet (8.2 m.) alongside the offshore face (face, 145 feet in length) of the wharf, but vessels should not overhang the northeast corner too much, as it shoals abruptly. Small vessels may lay at the inside face, where there is 9 feet (2.7 m.). There is a 1-inch pipe to the head of the wharf from which water may be obtained in an emergency. Few supplies are obtainable. 1LLANA BAY is included between Tambulian Point and Tapian Point; distant 39 miles 110~ (ESE. 3/% E. mag.). It is separated from Panguil Bay, on the northern side of Mindanao, by an isthmus 71/2 miles wide. The tidal currents in Illana Bay run with considerable velocity, especially the ebb, near and eastward of Flecha Point. Vessels bound from Zamboanga to Malabang and Cotabato will often find on nearing the eastern side of the bay that they have been set appreciably southward. Near Flecha Point the currents run with great velocity and cause a heavy sea when there is any wind. Due allowance must always be made for the tidal currents, and great care exercised in coasting in this vicinity, especially in the night time. The eastern coast of Baganian Peninsula from Tambulian Point northward is more irregular than the western. The land along this coast line rises gradually toward Mount Flecha and is densely wooded and sparsely inhabited. It is fringed by a coral reef, bare at low water, which northward from Limbug Cove gradually widens until Gasacan Point is reached, where it extends to a distance of over 1 mile. There are no large rivers along this section of the coast, the Bubuday, which discharges about 11/2 miles southward from Gasacan Point, being the largest. There are no off-lying dangers in this vicinity, with the exception of Rios Rock, and the eastern side of Baganian Peninsula may be safely navigated at a distance of 1 mile. Tambatan Point, situated about 31/2 miles northward from Tambulian Point, is low and not prominent unless seen in a northerly or southerly direction. Limbug Cove (chart 4652), about 31/2 miles northwestward from Tambatan Point, is about 5/8 mile in extent. It is fringed by reefs, and reefs extend from both entrance points, narrowing the channel to a width of about 250 yards. The cove is fringed by reefs, leaving an anchorage area about 3% mile in diameter and 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) deep. About 1,200 yards southeastward from the entrance to the channel there is a bare bluff, which shows white in the sunlight and forms a good landmark for picking up the cove. Rios Rock is a dangerous reef about 3/ mile in extent and covered by a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.). It is situated 5 miles 99~ (E. 5/ S. mag.) from the northeastern Bacauayan Hill and the same distance 5~ (N. 1/4 E. mag.) from Tambatan Point. Tambulian Point, just closed in behind Tambatan Point, will clear the western side of Rios Rock, and the eastern tangent to the land northward, bearing 0~ (N. l,/ W. mag.), leads well eastward of it. Port Sambulauan (chart 4652), situated about 71/2 miles northwestward from Tambatan Point, is of little importance, being merely PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 183 a narrow tortuous break in the reefs. The entrance between Gasacan and Pisan Points is 11/4 miles wide, but reefs from both sides reduce the navigable channel to a width of 3/8 mile. The port is fringed on all sides with reefs, on which there are rocks and coral heads, bare at low water, and there are dangerous detached patches in the channel. The water is generally dirty yellow and the dangers are difficult to locate, except at low water. The tidal streams follow the channel, producing strong currents and eddies at its mouth. From the middle of the entrance channel Sambulauan Hill bears 306~ (NW. by W. mag.), but as the reefs overlap, no courses can be steered. Contracted anchorage may be found near the head of the port in 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.), muddy bottom, but no directions can be given and, in the absence of any aids to navigation, this is an extremely dangerous place to navigate. Gasacan Point, the southern entrance point to Port Sambulauan, is low and fringed with reefs which extend nearly 112 miles eastward from it. At a distance of 1/2and 3/4 mile southward and southwestward from the point are situated the Bacayauan Hills, which form prominent landmarks for the entrance to Port Sambulauan. The northeastern hill is 405 feet (123 m.) high and well wooded; the southwestern hill is 360 feet (110 m.) high, bare, and covered with grass. Sambulauan Hill, lying about 1/2 mile northwestward from the head of Port Sambulauan, is about 300 feet (91 m.) high and covered with grass. It is much lower than the mountains behind it, which attain altitudes of almost 2,000 feet (610 m.), but, owing to the fact that it is covered with cogon grass, it stands out prominently, especially on a clear day. The town of Dinas, situated about 2 miles northward from the head of Port Sambulauan, on the Dinas River, which discharges on the western side of Pisan Island, is not visible from the sea. It has a population of about 2,000, several Chinese stores, and a market. Pisan Island, forming the northeastern side of Port Sambulauan, is low, unimportant, and ill defined, consisting mainly of mangroves. It is irregular in shape, about 3 miles long northwest and southeast and has a general width of 1 mile. It is separated from the mainland by the Dinas and Panaldan Rivers. Pisan Point, the southern extremity of Pisan Island, consists of mangroves and is surrounded by reefs, baring at low water, which extend to a distance of 11/2 miles southeastward and 21/ miles eastward from it. Malubug Bay, included between Pisan Point and Malubug Point, 61/2 miles northeastward from it, is nearly blocked with reefs, the greater part of which are awash at low water, leaving narrow channels between them. The entire shore line is composed of mangroves, back of which the land rises gradually to the mountains. Two large rivers, the Panaldan and Tuludan, discharge into Malubug Bay; their delta forms a network of small streams through the mangroves. Two small villages, Calpapa and Dansalan, lie on the shore of the bay. In addition to the reefs blocking Malubug Bay, there are a number of detached reefs covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lying in the entrance to the bay. They lie in a northeast and south 184 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT west direction on a line between the reef extending eastward from Pisan Point and Sagarayan Island. The channel between their northeast extremity and Sagarayan Islands is nearly 3/ mile wide, deep and clear. The middle of Sagarayan Island kept bearing nothing eastward of 2~ (N. mag.) will clear all dangers in the approach to Malubug Bay. Sagarayan Island, lying about 1 mile southward from Malubug Point, at the northeastern entrance to Malubug Bay, is a small, prominent, well-wooded island about 3/4 mile in extent. It rises to a height of 375 feet (114 m.) in the southwestern part and is surrounded by reefs which partly bare at low water. There is no channel between it and the mainland. Good protected anchorage may be found about ~/j mile westward from the western extremity of Sagaravan Island in 16 fathoms (29.3 in.), muddy bottom. This is the best anchorage in this vicinity. Ticala Islets are three small, wooded islets lying between Malubug Point and Sagarayan Island. The two southern islets lie on the same reef as Sagarayan Island and immediately northward from it. The western of these two rises to a height of 185 feet and the eastern one to a height of 170 feet (52 m.); the northern islet lies on the shore reef surrounding Malubug Point and rises to a height of 120 feet (36 m.). A small coral reef about 1/ mile in extent, covered by a least depth of 41/ fathoms (8.2 m.) and surrounded by deep water, lies about 3/ mile eastward from the southeastern Ticala Islet on the bearings: Southeast tangent to Sagarayan Island 232~ (SW. 1/ W. mag.) and the northern Ticala Islet 300~ ( NW. by W. 1/ W. mag.). From Malubug Point the coast trends northerly and then northwesterly for 712 miles to Dupulisan Point. This section of the coast is bold and rises very rapidly to heights of from 1.400 to 1,600 feet (427 to 488 m.). The shore line is rather irregular, being indented by a number of small coves, at the heads of which small streams discharge through the mangroves; all of these coves are blocked by reefs and are of no value to navigation. The small villages of Dinapan, Culacion, Tagalo, and Nupulan lie on this stretch of coast. The points Pangpang, Tucabadoc, Quiramat, and Tagalo are poorly defined, and from all positions offshore the coast appears very rounded. All the points are fringed by reefs to a short distance. Tagalo Point, the northeastern extremity of the land in this vicinity, is a bold, round headland, which rises to a height of 800 feet (244 m.) at a distance of 3/ mile inland; it is fringed by a very narrow reef and can be passed in safety at a distance of 1/2 mile. About 2~1 miles northeastward from Sagarayan Island is the southern extremity of a large reef which extends nearly 1 mile in a north and south direction and is about % mile wide. This reef is covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) and its presence is plainly marked by discolored water. There is a channel nearly 1 mile wide between it and the shore reef. The southeast tangent to Sagarayan Island bearing 225~ (SW. 1/8 S. mag.) and the tangent to the land northward bearing 348~ (N. by W. iV W. mag.) clears the southeastern and eastern sides, respectively, of this reef. About 1 mile northward and l / miles northeastward from the above-described reef and 12 and 2 miles eastward from Tucabadoc PALAWAiN MINDANAO, ANSt SUtLU AtRtOiPELAGO 185 Point are two small, rocky patches covered by 41/2 and 512 fathoms (8.2 and 10 m.), respectively. The southeast tangent to Sagarayan Island bearing 215~ (SSW. 7/8 W. mag.) and the tangent to the land northward bearing 332~ (NNW. 5/8 W. mag.) clears the eastern side of these reefs. The channel between these reefs and the land is 1 mile wide, deep, and clear. At a distance of 15/8 and 2% miles eastward from Tagalo Point are the Tagalo Reefs, two in number. They consist of two small rocky patches each covered by a least depth of 214 fathoms (4.1 m.) with a deep channel between them. The western reef lies on the bearings: Dupulisan Point 302~ (NW. by W. 3/ W. mag.) and summit of Sagarayan Island 204~ (SSW. mag.). The eastern reef lies on the bearings: Dupulisan Point 296~ (NW. by W. 7/8 W. mag.) and summit of Sagarayan Island 210~ (SSW. 1/2 W. mag.). The channel between them and Tagalo Point is deep and clear. Pagadian Bay (chart 4652), situated in the northwestern part of Illana Bay, is about 9 miles wide between Tagalo and Calibon Points, extends about 5 miles northwestward, and includes the anchorages of Dupulisan and Pagadian. The land on the western side of Pagadian Bay rises gradually toward the mountains, while the land on the northern side is low and flat. Near the middle of the entrance is the southeastern limit of the Boca Reefs, a chain of reefs which extend nearly to the shore about 4 miles northwestward. Parts of these reefs are always awash, parts awash at low water, and the remainder covered by very little water. There are several channels between these reefs and there is also a channel between them and the shore northwestward, but the better channel into Dupulisan and Pagadian Anchorages is between them and Tagalo Point. The southeastern limit of these dangers lies on the bearings: Dupulisan Point 273~ (W. 1/8 N. mag.) and Calibon Point 45~ (NE. 1/8 N. mag.). Dupulisan Point, about 3 miles northwestward from Tagalo Point, is about 40 feet (12.2 m.) high, covered with cogon grass and stands out clear from the wooded background which rises to a height of over 700 feet (213 m.) at a distance of less than 1 mile inland. It is fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef. Dupulisan Anchorage, immediately westward from Dupulisan Point, is nearly 11/2 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 1 mile southwestward. The shores of the bight are fringed with coral, but the middle is clear and good anchorage may be found in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.), muddy bottom. Pagadian Anchorage, northward from Dupulisan Anchorage, is fringed with reefs, and in the northern part there are several reefs awash at low water. The remainder is clear and affords a large area of good anchorage in any desired depth. The village of Balangasan lies on the shore at the northwestern part of the anchorage and the village of Pagadian lies between the mouths of the Pagadian and Talapacan Rivers on the eastern shore. About /8 mile 70~ (ENE. mag.) from the northern entrance point to Dupulisan Anchorage there is a small reef covered by a least depth of 1/2 fathom (0.9 m.). Dumagui Islet is a small wooded islet 190 feet (58 m.) high lying close to the shore on the western side of the entrance to Pagadian Anchorage. It may be safely passed on its eastern side 186{) TIUNITED STATES COAST PILOT at a distance of /4 mile. Lampaqui Islet is a small, low, flat, wooded islet lying on the shore reef at the head of the anchorage. (Good anchorage may be found midway between Dulllnagli and Lampaqiu Islets in 14 fathoms (25.6 m.), mud bottom, or in the same depth between Lampaqui Islet and Pagadian. In approaching the latter anchorage care should be taken to avoid the foul ground lying about 1/5 mile southeastward from Lampaqui Islet. Suanbato Point, on the eastern side of Pagadian Anchorage, is low and flat, covered with mangroves and fringed by reefs which extend over 1/ mile southward. This point is not readily made out from the southward but shows up well when seen from the westward or eastward. From Suanbato Point to Calibon Point the coast trends 80~ (ENE. 7/ E. mag.) with a curve northward for about 8 miles, and is low and fringed with mangroves. From Suanbato Point to within 1/2 miles of Tucuran River, reefs extend to a distance of about 1/2 mile; here the reefs terminate and the remaining stretch of coast is very steepto. The valley between Calibon Point and the eastern shore of Pagadian Anchorage is drained by a number of rivers and is the richest and best cultivated tract of country on the shores of Illana Bay. Marum, Muricay, Maliang, Balaniug, Tanagun, Labangan, Giel, Bayon, and Tucuran are small villages lying on the shores of this section of the coast. Tucuran, at the mouth of the river of the same name, consists of three houses and some old barracks on the hill. The governor's house is near the blockhouse on the beach. Anchorage may be had, 300 or 400 yards from shore, in 20 fathoms (36 m.), muddy bottom, by standing in with the blockhouse near the beach bearing 355~ (N. 5/ W. mag.). This anchorage should be approached cautiously, as the water shoals suddenly. The sea in this vicinity is much discolored at times by muddy water from the river. Calibon Point, situated about 1 mile eastward from the mouth of the Tucuran River, is fringed by a narrow very steep-to coral reef. The land back of the point rises rapidly to heights of over 1,000 feet (305 m.), which are covered with cogon grass and small timber. This ridge is the only mountain of this description on the north shore of the bay and is easily distinguished as far as Flecha Point by its green appearance. Dugolaan Point, about 6 miles eastward from Calibon Point, is surmounted by a hill 335 feet (102 m.) high and is clean and steepto. The greater part of the shore line between Calibon and Dugolaan Points consists of mangrove swamps with flat, heavily wooded land behind them. Coral reefs, which partly bare at low water, fringe this section of the coast to a distance of 3/ of a mile in some places. A chain of dangerous detached reefs, covered in places by as little as 112 fathoms (2.7 m.) of water, begins at the shore reef about 2 miles eastward from Calibon Point and extends in a southeast direction for about 7 miles to within a little over a mile from Semnaruga Point. These reefs are steep-to on their seaward sides. Channels between the reefs are frequent and under favorable conditions it is an easy matter to pass inside of them. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 187 There is no anchorage westward from Dugolaan Point inside the reefs, as in most cases they join the shore reef, but good, clear anchorage may be found eastward from Dugolaan Point, in Caromata Bay, in about 20 fathoms (36 m.), muddy bottom. Caromata Bay, between Dugolaan Point and Semaruga Point, 5 miles southeastward from it, is clear with the exception of a coral patch covered with a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lying about /2 mile from shore with Semaruga Point bearing 165~ (S. by E. 1/2 E. mag.), distant 2 miles. Elsewhere the water shoals gradually toward the shore, affording anchorage in any desired depth. Dato Rock is a large rock awash, lying about 1 mile northward from Semaruga Point and 300 yards from shore. Semaruga Point, the eastern entrance point to Caromata Bay, is a small, well-wooded promontory, 130 feet (40 m.) high, connected with the mainland by a low isthmus. It is clean and steep-to. Sigayan Bay, lying between a point about 5/8 mile eastward from Semaruga Point and Sigayan Point, is about 2 miles wide and extends 1 mile northeastward. The shores of Sigayan Bay rise gradually to an elevation of 100 feet (30 m.) and then abruptly to a ridge about 1,000 feet (305 m.) in elevation. Sigayan Bay is deep and clear, and anchorage, well protected from northerly winds, may be found near its head in 20 fathoms (36 m.), sandy bottom. Sigayan Point, the southeastern entrance point to Sigayan Bay, is over 100 feet (30 m.) high, well wooded, clean, and steep-to. About 1/2 mile southward from Sigayan Point there is a reef covered by a least depth of 33/4 fathoms (6.9 m.) with a deep channel between it and the point. From Sigayan Point the coast trends 107~ (ESE. 5/8 E. mag.) with a curve northward for 13 miles to Lapitan Point and is clean and fairly steep-to. It consists of a number of small, bold points with small bays between them. There are a number of small villages scattered along this section of the coast, but no ports of any importance. Viewed from seaward the land appears very mountainous, but none of the peaks are very prominent except Mount Iniaoan, situated about 9 miles northward from Magapu Point. Mount Iniaoan is fairly conical in shape, well wooded, and easily distinguishable and attains an elevation of 5,204 feet (1,586 m.). Selungan Point, situated about 21/2 miles eastward from Sigayan Point, is steep and rocky and rises to a height of 370 feet (113 m.) at a distance of 1/3 mile inland. The shore between Sigayan and Selungan Points is mostly sand beach, back of which there is a large valley, partly cultivated but mostly grown up with cogon grass and scragly trees. Magapu Point, lying about 5 miles eastward from Selungan Point consists of three small steep-to headlands and is very abrupt, rising to a height of 1,094 feet (333 m.) at a distance of 650 yards inland. This is a very prominent headland and forms a good landmark. The shore between Selungan and Magapu Points is alternately sandy and rocky. There are no rivers of any size between these two points. About 1/2 mile westward from Magapu Point there is a small rocky islet about 75 yards in extent, round in shape, 44 feet (13.4 m.) high, and topped by a few trees. 188 UNITE) STATES COAST PILOT Subuan River is a small stream discharging about 11/ miles eastward from Magapu Point. It is about 50 yards wide at its mouth and has about 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water on its bar at low water. This river drains a large flat valley between Magapu and Lapitan Points, which is cultivated to quite an extent and inhabited by Moros. Between Magapu Point and Tuca Bay the coast line is regular, almost straight, and the beach is sand. Tuca Bay, lying just northwestward from Lapitan Point, is small, being only about 12 mile in extent. The head of this bay is fringed with mangroves, and reefs make out from both sides. The small village of Tuca stands on the bluff adjacent to the eastern side of the bay. In most places along the coast between Sigayan and Lapitan Points the water is too deep for anchorage, the depths increasing rapidly from 2 fathoms (3.6 mi.). Anchorage may be found close in, in 20 fathoms (36 m.) of water, off the Subuan River and also westward from Magapu Point. Good anchorage may be found from 1 to 2 miles westward from Selungan Point. The flood tide runs northwestward, parallel with the coast, and the ebb tide in the opposite direction. Lapitan Point is rather low and flat and mostly covered with cogon grass. The shore is rocky with low rocky bluffs. Immediately back of the point the land rises to an elevation of 400 feet (122 m.) and then slopes gradually back to the mountains, which have a general elevation of about 2,500 feet (762 n.). The small village of Damitan lies on the right bank of a small stream of the same name between Lapitan Point and Port Baras; from here a valley extends some distance inland. From Lapitan Point to Port Baras, about 2 miles eastward, the shore is irregular and is composed of alternate sandy beaches and low, rocky points, behind which it is somewhat hilly and covered with grass and trees. Port Baras (chart 4652) is about 3/ mile in extent; the middle of the bay is deep but the head and eastern part are shoal. About 3 miles back from Port Baras are high, heavily wooded hills, between which and the shore the land is low and wooded. Ibus Island is a small island covered with coconut trees and bushes forming the eastern entrance point to Port Baras. It is 115 feet (35 m.) high to the tops of the trees; the southern part is high with a rocky shore, while the northern part is low with a sandy beach. Shoal water exists between the island and the mainland. From Port Baras the coast trends southeasterly for about 3 miles to the mouth of the Mataling River and is low and sandy and cut into by a number of small streams. It is lined with trees and bushes and for some 3 miles inland is low. The Mataling River is nearly dry at its mouth at low water. Malabang lies on tile Malabang River, which discharges about /2 mile southeastward from the mouth of the Mataling. It is about 3/4 mile from the beach, is very small, and owes its slight importance to the fact that it was formerly a military post. There is a poor sandy road from the beach to the town. The river is only navigable by small pulling boats. The telegraph cable to Parang starts from a cable box on the beach 880 yards southeastward from the northern PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 189 blockhouse and is laid southwestward for 2 miles; thence southeastward. The Bureau of Posts also has a radio station at Malabang. Landmarks.-Good landmarks in this vicinity are the Dos Hermanos Peaks, the fort at Malabang, and two white blockhouses. The Dos Hermanos Peaks are two round-topped peaks connected by a saddle lying about 6 miles northeastward from the mouth of the Malabang River. These peaks lie about 3/4 mile apart in a northwesterly and southeasterly direction and rise to heights of 2,671 and 2,707 feet (814 and 825 m.), the southeastern one being slightly the higher. The fort at Malabang is prominent and shows up well from seaward. The northern blockhouse, a white stone tower, is situated about 160 yards from the beach, on the right bank of the Malabang River; the northern blockhouse and fort when in line bear 47~ (NE. mag.). The southern blockhouse lies about /2 mile southeastward from the northern and about 440 yards from the beach. The only danger northward of the usual approach to Malabang is a small shoal patch covered by a least depth 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) lying 21/2 miles 269~ (W. /4 S. mag.) from the southern blockhouse. The usual anchorage for Malabang is in 12 or 15 fathoms (21.9 to 27.4 m.), about 600 or 800 yards southwestward from the northern blockhouse. Dangers in the approach.-Buford Reef, covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) is over /2 mile long northwest and southeast and /2 mile wide within the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve. From the center of the reef the southern blockhouse bears 22~ (N. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) distant 5 miles and Tugapangan Point 132~ (SE. 1/2 E. mag.). There is a detached patch, covered by a least depth of 31/ fathoms (6.4 m.), lying about 5/ mile 9~ (N. % E. mag.) from Buford Reef. Pinatayan Shoal is about /2 mile long east and west, of irregular shape, and covered by a least depth of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.). From the center of the shoal the southern blockhouse bears 349~ (N. by W. /s W. mag.) and Barrel Rock, off Matimus Point, 105~ (ESE. 7/% E. mag.) distant 2/2 miles. The channel between Pinatayan Shoal and Matimus Point is 2 miles wide, clear and deep. A small, dangerous shoal nearly 14 mile in extent covered by a least depth of 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) exists 23/8 miles 188~ (S. 1/2 W. mag.) from the southern blockhouse and nearly 11/ miles from the shore. There is a small detached patch of 51/2 fathoms (10 m.) lying nearly /4 mile northeastward from the 1li-fathom (3.2 m.) shoal. There is a good channel 34 mile in width between the 13/4-fathom (3.2 m.) shoal and the shore reefs. From the mouth of the Malabang River the coast trends southeasterly for about 9 miles to Tetian Bay and is mostly sand, lined with trees and bushes. It is fringed by a steep-to reef, which in some places extends to a distance of over 1/2 mile. About 3 miles southeast of the Malabang River is a rocky point with a few outlying rocks bare at low water; on the southeast side of the point are a few coconut trees. Southeast of this point is the mouth of the Lalabuan River, nearly bare at low water. Lalabuan, consisting of a few native houses, lies on the right bank. 95672~-30 —13 190 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Salauang Point is low and sandy and covered with trees and fringed by reefs to a distance of 1/2 mile. The Balabagan River empties about 11/2 miles southeastward from Salauang Point. The land for about 3 miles inland is low and wooded; back of this, in the interior, are high mountain peaks attaining an elevation of about 4,000 feet (1,219 m.). Tetian Bay, about 1 mile in extent, affords good anchorage, especially in the northern part. The northern shore is low and sandy, while the eastern shore is composed of alternate sandy beaches and rocky points. The Matimus River, with a village of the same name at its mouth, discharges near the head of the bay; its mouth is nearly bare at low water. Matimus Point, 81/ miles south-southeastward from Malabang. is 322 feet (98 m.) high and wooded and the shores are rocky with low rocky bluffs fringed by a narrow reef. Barrel Rock, the largest of three rocks lying about 100 yards from Matimus Point, is 24 feet (7.3 m.) high and very steep; a lone tree stands on top of it. These rocks form the western entrance point to Tetian Bay and may be passed in safety at a distance of 250 yards. At a distance of 1/ and 1/2 mile from the shore, about 1 mile southward from the 322-foot (98 m.) hill on Matimus Point, are two shoal spots covered by 1/- and 4 fathoms (0.4 and 7.3 m.), respectively. Lalabugan Bay, between Matimus and Tugapangan Points, is about 1/2 miles wide and extends about 1 mile eastward. In the northeast and southeast parts of the bay are two small bights, the southeastern being somewhat the larger. At the heads of these bights are sand beaches and a few houses. Between the bights and northward from them the land is high, and covered with grass and trees. The shore is somewhat rocky and fringed by a coral reef. The southern shore of the bay is composed of alternate sand beaches and rocky points. The water of the bay is deep; the bay is open westward and does not afford any good anchorage. Tugapangan Point, about 41/2 miles southeastward from Matimus Point, is clean and steep-to, and may be rounded at a distance of 1/ mile. It is 350 feet (107 m.), high, rocky, with low rocky bluffs, and covered with grass and trees. Bongo Island, off the entrance to Polloc Harbor, is nearly 6 miles long northeast and southwest, from 1 to 11/2 miles wide, and heavily wooded throughout. The northern part is low, but toward the southern end it rises to a height of about 300 feet (91 m.). It is fringed by reefs which on the northeast, north, and the northwest sides extend to a distance of 1/. mile. On the northwest side of the island foul ground extends 11/2 miles beyond the edge of the shore reef, and this side of the island should be given a wide berth. There are several small islands lying 50 to 200 yards from the southeast side of the island. The channel between the reef extending from the northeast point of the island and Tugapangan Point is 4 miles wide and free from danger. Limbayan Island is a small island lying on the edge of the reef about 150 yards from the south end of Bongo Island; it is 28 feet (8.5 mn.) high and forms a prominent landmark when seen from an east or west direction. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 191 A small coral shoal, covered by a least depth of 3/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) and surrounded by deep water, exists about 3 miles northwestward from Bongo Island on the bearings: North end of Bongo Island 821/2~ (E. /8 N. mag.) and south end of same island 148~ (SE. by E. mag.). A small coral shoal, covered by a least depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) and surrounded by deep water, exists about 4 miles northwestward from Bongo Island on the bearings: North end of Bongo Island 83~ (E. 3/4 N. mag.) and south end of same island 139~ (SE. 1/8 S. mag.). Directions between Malabang and ports southward.-Vessels leaving the anchorage at Malabang should steer out southwestward until Tugapangan Point is well open of Matimus Point, bearing about 143~ (SE. 1/2 S. mag.). From this position steer for Matimus Point, passing westward of the 13/4-fathom (3.2 m.) patch and eastward of Pinatayan Shoal. When drawing up toward Matimus Point haul off to give it a berth of about /2mile in passing and then steer to give Tugapangan an equal berth. Polloc Harbor (chart 4654), between Tugapangan Point northward and Marigabato (Red Rock) Point southward, is an excellent harbor, well sheltered, with an easy entrance, but with a considerable depth of water. It is open westward, but it is protected from winds from that quarter by Bongo Island. On the north side it contains the bays of Quidamak and Sugut, and on the south side a wider bay, in which are the anchorages of Polloc and Parang. A steep coral reef fringes the shore; on the north side it is very narrow; on the south side it extends 400 to 700 yards from the shore, and south of Sugut Bay it projects nearly 2 miles to the southwest. The depth at the entrance is over 40 fathoms (73 m.); within it ranges from 15 to 25 fathoms (27 to 46 m.) and alongside of the fringing reef about 5 fathoms (9.1 m.). There is a small detached hill at the head of the bay, which serves as a good mark for vessels bound for Parang. Parang, a small barrio of frame dwellings, is situated at the head of Polloc Harbor. To the north of the barrio is an old concretewalled dirt-filled mole in a bad state of repair. Piling stubs, the sole remains of a wooden extension, show above the water at the end of the mole. At the end and along the south wall is enough water for pulling boats and ship's launches. There is good anchorage for large vessels about 1/4 mile from the end of the mole in 14 to 15 fathoms (25.6 to 27.4 m.) of water. No mooring buoys are now maintained, and the fixed red light has been discontinued. Polloc Island is a small, irregular-shaped island on the south side of Polloc Harbor. It is separated from the mainland by a narrow channel called Sampinitan Creek, having less than 2 feet (0.6 m.) of water in it at low water. The northern and eastern sides of the island are fringed with reefs and shoals and should be given a berth of not less than % mile. Marigabato or Red Rock Point is clean and steep-to on all except the northern side, where a rocky ledge, uncovering at low water, extends to nearly 200 yards. Polloc is a small town lying on the eastern side of the island. A long stone mole in bad state of repair extends off from the northern part of the town. There is an iron-framed beacon bearing 80~ (ENE. 7/8 E. mag.), distant about 300 yards from the end of the mole, from which a light was formerly exhibited. 192 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Anchorage for large vessels mllay be found on a prolongation of the line of the mole and about %l mile from the end of the mole in 17 fathoms (31 m.) muddy bottom. Small vessels can anchor farther to the southward and westward, not going much inside of 14 fathoms (25.6 mn.), as the banks on the south side of the harbor are very steep. There is anchorage in 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) on the eastern side of Quidamak Bay. Sugut Bay is half filled by a reef. There is a village on its western side. Winds in Polloc Harbor.-During the first months of the year, when the wind is well established from the northeast, there are often squalls in the afternoon from the north, accompanied with much lightning, wind, and rain. Before the squall begins the wind blows from the northwest and west, and after it is over the land breeze sets in until the following morning. During the southwest monsoon the wind freshens after midday and varies from the southwest to west and northwest; rain falls in abundance and heavy thunderstorms occur. Tides.-There are two tides in the day, with some rare exceptions, which take place in the quarters of the equinoxes when the moon is at her greatest declination. The mean establishment is 6h. 16m. Springs rise 7 feet, neaps 412 feet. The tidal stream turns at high and low water in Polloc Harbor and at all the ports on the coast between Zamboanga and Polloc. On the coast, with a rising tide, the stream sets north, northwest, and west according to the local configuration. At Polloc Harbor, with rising tide, the stream sets eastward on the shore and follows the bend of coast southward and westward; the ebb stream sets in the reverse direction. From Marigabato Point, the western extremity of Polloc Island, the coast trends southerly with a slight curve eastward for about 5 miles to Panalisan Point, the northern entrance point to the Cotabato entrance to the Mindanao River. This stretch of coast is low, intersected by a number of small streams and fringed by a reef which in some places extends to a distance of 3/ mile. Anchorage for vessels desiring to communicate with Cotabato may be found on the edge of the reef northwestward from Panalisan Point; this anchorage is not to be recommended for large vessels.- In attempting to anchor here several vessels have got ashore and it should be approached with great caution unless the mariner is fainiliar with the locality. The best anchorage will be found nearly 1 mile from shore, in 5 to 20 fathoms (9.1 to 36 m.), muddy bottom, with Mount Cabalata open westward of Timaco Hill bearing 199~ (S. by W. /2 W. mag.) and the south end of Bongo Island bearing 277~ (W. 1/2 N. niag.) A black can buoy has been placed as a guide to this anchorage in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), muddy bottom, with the lighted beacon at the mouth of the river bearing 170~ (S. by E. 1/ E. mag.), distant about 1 mile. The recommended anchorage is northwestward from the position of this buoy. The beacon is a white steel-framed structure on a concrete base on the southern point of the Cotabato entrance to the Mindanao River, from which there is exhibited, at an elevation of 33 feet (10.1 m.) above high water, an automatic acetylene light showing one white flash every 2 seconds. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIIPELAGO 193 Mindanao River (charts 4654 and 4655), the largest river in the island of Mindanao, discharges 5 to 10 miles southward from Polloc by two large and several small mouths. It flows through a beautiful, fertile valley, about 30 miles in width, which scarcely shows any change of level. The course of the river lies northwesterly for 45 miles between its mouth and Liguasan Marsh, out of which it seems to flow; from the other side of the marsh the direction of the river is south-southwest from its source in the Sugot Mountains. At 21 miles from its mouth the river divides into two arms, which enter the sea about 41/ miles apart and between them form a great delta. These branches communicate by a number of small channels. The northern arm is the wider and deeper and is navigable for small steamers. Altough the bar is now reported to have shoaled to 5 feet (1.5 m.) several small vessels drawing 8 to 9 feet continue to call at Cotabato about 5 miles up the river. Small local river boats drawing 5 to 7 feet make daily trips from Cotabato to Peidrid Pulangui, a barrio 27 miles up the river. At periods of high water the same boats continue up the river as far as Fort Pikit a distance of 52 nautical miles. The municipal wharves at Cotabato can accommodate any vessels which navigate the river. The southern arm is narrow and has a depth of only 1/2 fathom (0.9 m.) on its bar at low water. Near the mouths of the Mindanao and sometimes well out to sea are found numerous small floating islands composed of grass and floating debris of all kinds, and logs and trunks of trees of considerable size are frequently seen. The river currents are felt well offshore, and at times discolored water extends to Bongo Island and Polloc Harbor. The bars at the entrances are subject to change during freshets. Timaco Hill, lying close to the shore, between the main entrances to the river, is the summit of a rounded heavily wooded island. It rises to a height of 603 feet (184 m.) and is very conspicuous, being surrounded by low land. Its western point is very rocky and rugged with low, rocky cliffs 50 feet (15.2 m.) high. Several rocks lie off its northern and western shores. Between the Cotabato entrance to the river and Timaco, shoal water extends to a distance of 1 mile from the coast. Mount Cabalata, or Cabalalaan, another excellent landmark, is situated about 43/4 miles southward from Timaco Hill and 11/2 miles back from the shore. It is a sugar-loaf-shaped mountain, which rises to a height of 2,325 feet (709 m.); its slopes are covered with grass. From here an elevated range of volcanic mountains, dominated by the central peak, Dilafungan, extends some 70 miles southeastward, nearly parallel to the river. Cotabato (chart 4654) is a small town lying on the south bank of the northern arm of the Mindanao River about 5 miles from the sea. The river in front of the town is narrow, and because of the strong current there is considerable difficulty in turning with an ebb tide. There are two municipal wharves with depths of 8 to 9 feet (2.4 to 2.7 m.) along the line of keel of a vessel lying alongside. The bottom is soft mud. Two other small wharves have from 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 m.) less water. Several small commercial river steamers or motor ships make daily trips to Peidu Pulangui 27 * 194 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT miles up the river from Cotabato. A small launch makes a trip to Malabang two to three times a week. Cotabato Hill is a small, conspicuous hill rising from level ground to a height of 185 feet (56 m.), about 1/2 mile southward from the wharf. The provincial building, a prominent white 2-story building, is situated on this hill. Directions.-Vessels bound for Cotabato should bring the light at the entrance to the river to bear about 154~ (SSE. 1/2 E. mag.) and steer for it; when nearly up to it they should haul eastward and favor the southern shore until abreast of the low, mangrove-covered islet about 3/4 mile eastward from the light; from here a 300 (NNE. 1/ E. mag.) course will carry the best water across the bar, about 5 feet (1.5 m.). This bar is reported to be shoaling gradually. Many ocean-going vessels which formerly went up the river to Cotabato have discontinued the practice arid now anchor outside the black can buoy. After crossing the bar the usual rules for river navigation should be followed. (NOTE.-The Islas Filipinas crossed the bar on high tide and tied up to the mangrove on the' south bank between the junction of the mouths of the two creeks, which lie about 1/ mile east of the light, and the island, which is about 3/ mile east. This, however, is said to be an unusual practice.) South entrance.-The south entrance to the Mindanao River is situated about 1/2 miles southwestward from Timaco Hill, between Gardoqui and Bulusan Points. It is very shoal and used only by small native craft. Shoal water extends to a distance of over 1/2 mile westward of a line drawn between the entrance points. There are no aids to navigation. Tamontaca, 5 miles up the river from the entrance, has a well-planned location but only a few houses. It is connected with Cotabato by a good road. From Bulusan Point the coast trends south by west for l1/2 miles to Linek and is low, generally fringed with mangroves and cut into by several small streams. The land eastward is low and covered with coconut trees and bushes. This stretch of coast is faced by a reef to a distance of about 1/2 mile with deep water at its edge. Linek, situated near the beach, consists only of nipa houses and is rather small. From here the coast trends in a west-southwest direction for about 51/2 miles to Tapian Point and in places is fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef awash at low water. The land back from the beach for 1/4 mile and in some places nearly 1 mile is low and covered with bushes, coconut trees, and grass. Back of this, a range of hills, which attains elevations of 1,600 and 1,700 feet (488 and 518 m.), extends in a northeasterly and opposite direction. Tapian Point is low for about /2 mile back from the shore, sandy, and wooded. It is fringed by a reef to a distance of about 300 yards. Tapian Reef, covered by a least depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.), lies less than 1 mile northwestward from Tapian Point. It is about 1/8 mile in extent within the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve, and between it and the shore reef around Tapian Point there is a deep channel over 1/ mile wide. From Tapian Point the coast trends southwest and south for 20 miles to Quidapil Point. The land adjacent to this stretch of coast is broken and mountainous, there being only small areas of lowland at the mouths of the Kinomick and Landassan Rivers and at the head of Resa Bay, Mount Binaca, 3,350 feet (1,021 m.) high, is the i PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 195 highest mountain in the coastal ridge. Its summit is wooded, but its sides are covered with cogon, bushes, and clumps of trees. The coastal mountains in general are covered with cogon and bushes, while the shore line is fringed with trees overhanging the beach of rock, sand, or gravel. The country is sparsely inhabited by Tirurayes and Moros, who raise some hemp as well as corn, sweet potatoes, and hill rice during the rainy season. The Matabal River and the Lapacon River can be entered by whaleboat at half tide, but the channels frequently change during the rainy season. Mount Blik, 4,021 feet (1,226 m.) high, is near the northern end of the higher inland range of mountains and forms an excellent landmark for approaching this coast. Northward of this mountain lies the broad valley of the Mindanao River, and southward the land between Mount Blik and the mountain southeastward of Port Lebak appears comparatively low. The latter is frequently cloud-capped. A continuous northerly current of small strength is felt offshore, with a reverse current close inshore along the reef line. The water deepens abruptly, the 50-fathom (91 m.) curve being usually less than /2 mile from shore. A sand and bowlder reef, about 350 yards in diameter and having a depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) of water over it, lies about 3/4 mile 215~ (SSW. 7/8 W. mag.) from Logung Point. All the other dangers to navigation are less than 1/ mile offshore, and all of them are steep-to from seaward. Manangula Point and Tenotungan Point are low. At Manangula Point is a large coconut plantation. At Tenotungan Point is a barrio of scattered houses showing well to seaward through the coconut trees. Between the latter point and the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal 7/s mile northward small vessels can anchor in an open anchorage in 10 to 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.) of water, sand bottom, opposite a short stretch of sand beach. Logung Point and Tagata Point are fairly prominent, the former having a grass-covered knoll 320 feet (98 m.) high. Resa Bay lies between Tagata Point and Liess Point, 2 miles southward. The Lassak River and the Lapacon River empty into the head of the bay. Four sand and rock shoals, each about 125 yards in diameter, having depths of 3, 5, 8, and 33/4 fathoms (5.5, 9.1, 14.6, and 6.8 m.) of water over them, lie off the mouth of the Lassak River, the outer one lying 1/ mile offshore. The best anchorage is about /2 mile northward of the mouth of the Lapacon River in 17 to 23 fathoms (31 to 42 m.) of water, sand bottom. It is open to westward and only tenable in fair weather. Quidapil Point is a prominent landmark, appearing as an island when first seen from northward or southward. It is formed by a narrow ridge, 350 feet (107 m.) high, covered with grass and bushes. The shore is steep and rocky with large loose rocks and coral reef exposed at low water. Mount Corobong, 21/ miles back from the point, is a prominent cogon-covered peak, 2,350 feet (716 m.) high. Linao Point is rocky with large loose rocks on the coral reef exposed at low tide. Sadam Bay, northward of the point, is almost entirely bordered by coral and mangrove. There is, however, a break in the reef on the western side of the bay, where small boats can find a good landing in rough weather. Huidobro Reef lies 2 miles 240~ (SW. by W. /8 W. mag.) from Linao Point, is 1/3 mile long north and south, about 300 yards wide, 196 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and has a general depth of 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) with one bowlder near the center, having a least known depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) of water. The outer rim is composed of live coral with dead coral and white sand spots inside. It is readily visible from a safe distance. A wide, deep channel lies between it and Linao Point. Linao Bay is open to southwest. The three reefs near the head of the bay are each about 250 yards in diameter with depths of 1/4, 2, and 1 fathoms (2.3, 3.6, and 1.8 m.) of water on them. The shore of the bay is sand and hard mud, with bushes and trees at the highwater line. The best anchorage is off Mati behind the 1-fathom (1.8 m.) reef in the northern part of the bay in 7 to 11 fathoms (12.8 to 20.1 m.) of water. In heavy southwest weather the seas roll in and render even this anchorage uncomfortable. Mati is the name given by the Moros to the small collection of houses at the head of the bay. Tran is a small town on Kalingmomo Point at the mouth of the Tran Grande River. This river can be entered at any stage of the tide by small boats. Between Linao Bay and Port Lebak the country is low and flat, the coastal mountains being from 3 to 4 miles back from the shore. The entire country is wooded; the rivers are small and of no importance. This coast is clean and there are no dangers to navigation. A rocky reef, about 100 yards in diameter, with two bowlders awash at low tide, lies 1/ mile off the rocky point 1 mile north of Lebak Point. A clear deep channel, about 200 yards wide, exists between the reef and the shore. Lebak Point is high and rocky, rising to an elevation of 340 feet (104 m.) 1/2 mile back from the point. Port Lebak (chart 4653) affords the best protected anchorage in this part of Mindanao. It is easy of access and the water shoals gradually from 45 fathoms (82 m.) at the entrance to 12 fathoms (22 m.), mud bottom, 1/ mile from its head, where there is ample swinging room for good-sized vessels. This anchorage is open to the west, but protected anchorage may be had in 16 to 18 fathoms (29.3 to 32.9 m.) eastward of Tubotubo Island, and northeast of Lebak Island in 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3 m.), mud bottom. Lebak Island is a small rock islet, 37 feet (11.3 m.) high, lying near the outer edge of the reef extending from Lebak Point. Tubotubo Island, 110 feet (33 m.) high, lies on the south side of Port Lebak. It is connected with the shore by a reef that bares at half tide. The reef extends about 200 yards northward of the island. The shores of Port Lebak are mangrove, fronted by a coral reef 100 to 300 yards wide. Talamasig and Lebak are two small settlements. The latter, the location of a sawmill, has a substantial wharf 250 feet in length, with a least depth of 19 feet (5.8 m.) at low water along its outer face. A privately operated red light is shown at the west end of this wharf only when a vessel is expected. Fresh water may be had at the wharf. Gasoline and oil for small craft are obtainable from the Port Lebak Lumber Co. A radio station is located at Talamasig. Between Port Lebak and Tuna Bay, 10 miles southward, the coast is much indented and the land rises steeply from the shore and is heavily wooded. The only low land lies northward of Sangay Point PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT AR.COIPELAGO 197 along the valley of the Sangay River, which leads to the coastal mountains. Mount Syniop, 1,730 feet (527 m.) high, is the most prominent peak near shore. It is conical in shape near the summit and is heavily wooded. All these mountains merge into the higher mountains in the interior. Donauang Shoals is the name applied to a series of 7 shoals extending for 4 miles in a northwest and southeast direction along this coast. The northern and outer shoal lies 2 miles 282~ (W. 7/ N. mag.) from Nara Point. It is about 380 yards in diameter and has a least known depth of 41/4 fathoms (8.2 m.), sand and coral. A clear, deep channel separates this shoal from the two shoals lying about 1 mile west of Pitas Point, and a clear channel 1/2 mile wide separates this latter shoal from the group of four shoals lying over 1 mile north of Donauang Island. All the reefs are steep-to on all sides, and a deep passage 2/ mile wide lies between the reefs and the mainland. Basiauang Bay (chart 4653) lies between Basiauang Point and Donauang Island. Its great depth makes anchoring difficult, though small boats and launches can find some protection on either the north or south side of the bay. Donauang Island is about 300 feet (91 m.) high, thickly wooded, and makes a good landmark for vessels approaching from either north or south. It is surrounded by a reef 200 yards wide on the south and west sides, reaching out 380 yards on the north. A deep channel, 220 yards wide, separates it from the mainland. This channel is used by coasting steamers going to Port Lebak. Vessels not calling at these ports should keep about 5 miles offshore, thus avoiding all the dangers described above. Tuna Bay (chart 4653) is open to southward and a heavy swell is felt at the anchorage during the southwest monsoon. Moderatesized vessels can anchor near the head of the bay in 18 to 20 fathoms (33 to 36 m.), mud bottom, protected from all except southerly weather. Tuna Point, the western entrance point, is a prominent rocky point with a narrow rocky shelf, on which there are several rocks awash at high tide. The western shore of the bay is bordered by a coral reef of varying width, the widest part being marked by a small island, 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, which is connected to the mainland by a mangrove swamp. The eastern shore is mainly sand beach with a few patches of rock and gravel. From Tuna Bay the coast trends southeast and east-southeast for 75 miles to Sarangani Bay. High, heavily wooded mountains extend along the coast, their summits being from 2 to 4 miles back from the shore. Two cone-shaped peaks north of Bacud Point are very prominent when seen from west or southeast. The water deepens rapidly, the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve being less than 2 miles offshore. Following the general direction of the coast line a vessel can safely coast at a distance of 5 miles, the outer danger being less than 3 miles offshore. A continuous current of 1/2 to 1 knot sets to the southeastward with a current in the opposite direction close inshore. Malatuna Point is readily distinguishable from the north and from the southeast by the small 80-foot (24.4 m.) island lying close in to shore. 198 TNITED STATES COAST PILOT Taytayen Island, 7 miles southeast of Tuna Bay, lies close to to the shore, the channel between it and the shore having barely enough water to float a rowboat at low tide. It is 120 feet (36 m.) high, with small trees growing on top. The west side is clean and steep-to, but rocks bare 200 yards southward. The island is barely distinguishable from the south, but shows plainly from the northward to vessels coasting along shore. From Taytayen Island to Milbuk, 2 miles eastward of Pola Point, a chain of reefs lies from 1/2 to 2 miles offshore. They lie on the edge of the bank near the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve, having depth of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.) to bare at half tide and are steep-to on all sides. A shoal, with a least depth of 334 fathoms (6.8 m.) of water, lies 11/2 miles southward of Cadis Point and 34 mile offshore. Canipan Reef, a large shoal area with a 1-fathom patch near its southern end, lies 1 mile westward of this reef, the channel between them having a depth of 32 fathoms (58 m.). Palimban Point is low and rounding. Pola Point is 460 feet (140 m.) high with a conspicuous rocky bluff. The point shows up prominent when seen from westward and southeastward. A small flat white-sand cay lies 2.2 miles 280~ (W. 34 N. mag.) from Pola Point. Anchorage in 9 to 10 fathoms (16.5 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom, may be had off the town of Milbuk and in the channel between the reefs and the shore in 15 to 20 fathoms (27 to 36 m.) of water. The channels between the reefs and between the reefs and the shore are deep and clear, but the reefs are hard to pick up, on account of the discolored water from the rivers in the vicinity. A moderate current, little affected by tide or weather, sets northwestward along the shore, but offshore the strong southeasterly current setting toward Sarangani Strait is encountered. Milbuk (chart 4607) is a small lumber town having a good wharf and anchorage. The front range to enter Milbuk Harbor is a large inverted white triangle near the beach to the north of the sawmill; the rear range is an erect white triangle on a prominent tall bushytopped tree on the skyline of the first ridge back of town. A privately operated red light on the front range shows at night. Anchorage for large vessels may be had 150 yards south-southeast of the end of the wharf. This is a heavily constructed wooden pier 400 feet long and 20 feet wide. Large vessels may lay along either side in depths varying from 28 feet (8.5 m.) at the end to 9 feet (2.7 m.) 180 feet inshore from the end of the wharf. Fresh water is obtainable at the wharf. Gasoline and oil for small craft may be purchased from the Findlay-Miller Lumber Co. at Milbuk. A local pilot is available if desired. Maculi Point is low and rounding, the Kraan River emptying near the end of the point. The shore from the Milbuk River to Pinol Point is composed of sand and gravel and is wooded to the high-water line. A convenient anchorage may be had 2 miles eastward of the Kraan River mouth in 14 to 20 fathoms (25.6 to 36 m.) of water 1/ mile offshore. From Pinol Point to the next point southeastward the shore is bordered by an uneven coral reef 150 yards wide, and the land rises steeply from the water's edge. Pinol Point is a point 220 feet (67 m.) high, with a prominent yellow cliff 70 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 199 feet (21.3 m.) high. This point is easily identified, though not so prominent as Pola Point. Pagang Point, 9 miles southeastward from Pinol Point, is a sharp, rocky point 70 feet (21.3 m.) high. Its sea face is a vertical rock face, undercut by the sea; its land side drops off rapidly to the level of the beach. Approaching from the southeastward this rock face shows a prominent white scar until the point bears northeast. The foreshore along this stretch of coast is low and flat, with numerous unimportant rivers emptying into the sea. Some of the rivers can be entered by whaleboats at half tide, and fresh water can be obtained at low water, or a short distance upstream from their mouths. Bacud Point (called Kiamba by the natives) is fronted by a reef about 200 yards wide, on the outer edge of which lies a rock 26 feet (7.9 m.) high. The point itself is made up of cliffs 40 feet (12.2 m.) high, rising to a rather flat-topped peak 760 feet (232 m.) high. The cone-shaped peaks, 1,700 and 1,810 feet (518 to 552 m.) high, lying northward of the point, are prominent from seaward and readily picked up when seen clear of the higher mountains in the interior. Bacud Reef lies 4 miles southeast of Bacud Point and 23/4 miles offshore. From the reef the 1,810-foot (552 m.) cone peak over the eastern edge of the flat-topped peak on Bacud Point bears 337~ (NNW. 14 W. mag.). It is about 550 yards long by 380 yards wide within the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve, rising out of a depth of about 100 fathoms (183 m.). The shoalest water is 1 fathom (1.8 m.) on a distinct cone covered by broken shell and coral, with flat rocks on the deeper parts of the reef. No warning of its existence is given until actually over it. This constitutes the only offshore danger in the vicinity. Two rocks, each having a depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), rising out of 30 fathoms (55 m.), lie about 1/2 mile off the mouth of the Keybatis River, but are practically out of the route of coastwise navigation. Kling consists of half a dozen houses at the mouth of the Kling River. A palm grove extends eastward along the shore for a few hundred yards. A number of houses were noticed scattered over the coastal plain, which seems to be very productive. A large white house near the beach on the south bank of the Molegon River about 2 miles east-southeast from Kling shows up plainly from offshore. Rice, corn, camotes, hemp, and coconuts are the principal products. Most of the country is heavily wooded. Many of the rivers can be entered at half tide by small boats, but are of no particular commercial importance. Bual Point is clear outside the shore reef, which extends about 200 yards offshore. The point is low and wooded. At Pananag is a long building, very prominent from the southward. Mati Point consists of coral rock and sand. It is low and flat, and the tree line is about 100 yards back from the point. The beach consists of a narrow strip of sand and gravel from which the hills rise abruptly to an elevation of over 2,000 feet (610 m.). At Taliak Point the hills are not so high and are more rounded. Shoals with depths of 11/2 to 4 fathoms (2.7 to 7.3 m.) lie 3/4 mile south of Taliak Point. They extend about 11/2 miles in an east and 200 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT west direction with a 9-fathom (16.5 m.) spot 112 miles farther to the westward. Shoals with depths of 11/2 to 41/2 fathoms (2.7 to 8.2 m.) lie 1/2 mile off Kamanga Point. Deep water exists between these shoals and between the shoals and the coast. Coasting vessels frequently pass inside the shoals off Taliak Point when going from Sarangani Bay to ports along the south coast of Mindanao. Eastward of Kamanga Point there is a prominent cliff 50 feet (15.2 m.) high and Tampuan Point is marked by vertical cliffs 35 feet (10.7 m.) high. These cliffs form good marks for coasting vessels. SARANGANI BAY is over 6 miles wide between Tampuan and Sumbang Points and extends 16 miles northeastward. Near the entrance the land rises steeply from the shore, the hills on the eastern side being heavily wooded while those on the western side are cogon or grass covered, only the lower slopes being wooded. At the head of the bay the land is flat, rising gradually in rolling country to the higher hills and mountains in the distance. Mount Matutum, 30 miles northward of Tampuan Point, rises to a height of 7,524 feet (2,293 m.) and forms a prominent landmark when free from clouds. Owing to its great depth of water and steep bottom slopes, Sarangani Bay affords rather poor anchorage in the various bights. Outside of the shore reef the bay is free from dangers. A shoal with a least depth of 214 fathoms (4.1 m.) lies 14 mile eastward of Labu Point, and a shoal with a least depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) lies 1/ mile southeast of London Point. These shoals would be dangerous only to vessels coasting very close inshore. The edge of the shore reef is generally marked by bowlders exposing at three-quarters tide. At Lun Point the shallow water extends out about 600 yards. Makar, in the northwest angle of the bay, is the terminus of the railroad now under construction and the shipping point for the produce of the Sarangani Valley. Anchorage is made in 20 fathoms (36 m.). The anchorage area is small, but is somewhat protected from the southerly wind and sea that prevail almost every afternoon, and the bight affords a safe boat landing. The anchorage off Boayan is very insecure, having deep water close to the mud banks formed by the river and being exposed to the southerly wind. Lago Cove affords anchorage in 20 fathoms (36 m.), but the area is very restricted. Sapu Bay affords anchorage in 20 to 25 fathoms (36 to 46 m.), protected from southerly and southwesterly winds. Canalasan Cove (chart 4653), though steep, is the best anchorage in Sarangani Bay during the southwest monsoon. It is situated eastward of Sumbang Point before the town of Glan. Anchorage may be had in 9 to 15 fathoms (16.4 to 27.4 m.) westward of the town of Glan. Small coastwise vessels can go alongside the dock at Glan. The water deepens rapidly off the end of the dock and also shoals rapidly inshore from its end. A fixed red light is exhibited from the end of the dock. The constabulary barracks are prominent. The rock and the white cliff of Sumbang Point, and the white cliff northward of Tango Point are good landmarks for this part of Sarangani Bay. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 201 ~From Sumbang Point the coast trends southeastward to Tinaca Point, the most southerly point of Mindanao. Saddle Peak, 3,687 feet (1,124 m.), Dome Peak, 1,960 feet (597 m.), and the volcano on Balut Island, 2,775 feet (846 m.) high, are prominent landmarks for this vicinity. They show up well from a great distance, appearing first to be islands lying off the mainland. Dome Peak often is visible when the higher mountains are covered by clouds. Sumbang Point is marked by a white bare cliff 50 feet (15.2 m.) high. Southward of the point the trees grow down to the highwater line and many bowlders eroded from the cliff face lie along the reef, which bares at about one-fourth tide. Lefa Point is very steep and rocky, with many large bowlders lying close inshore. The two small bights northward of the point have light sand beaches. Shoals with depths of 23/4 and 43/4 fathoms (5 and 8.7 m.) of water lie in the bay between Lefa and Sagby Points. Temporary anchorage may be had at many places along this coast, but the water is deep and they are all exposed to the southward. Sagby Point is marked by a red cliff and is the beginning of a long barrier reef affording a protected banca passage with a least depth of about 11/2 feet (0.5 m.) of water. A shoal with a depth of 5/2 fathoms (10 m.) lies 1 mile southwest of the point and a 7 -fathom (12.8 m.) shoal lies 1 mile westward of the 5~/2-fathom (10 m.) shoal. Tinaca Point, the southern extremity of Mindanao, consists of two headlands connected by a semicircular beach. The whole gives the idea of a volcanic crater at an angle of 45~, half above and half below water. It is clean and steep-to southward and may be passed at 100 yards distance. An automatic acetylene light, showing one white flash every 3 seconds, visible 15 miles, is exhibited, 140 feet (43 m.) above high water, from a white concrete beacon erected on Tinaca Point. There is a large shoal of sand and rock covered by 3/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) 11/ miles eastward of Tinaca Point. Open coast anchorage may be taken up eastward of the point or in the vicinity of the 61/4 -fathom (11.4 m.) shoal to the westward. Balangunan Cove, about 2 miles northeasterly from Tinaca Point, affords very indifferent anchorage, being exposed to the sea. Malavinuan Cove, about 1 mile eastward from Balangunan Cove, affords sheltered anchorage in the northeast monsoon in 12 to 16 fathoms (21.9 to 29.3 m.). Eastward from Malavinuan Cove the reef fringing the coast extends offshore as much as 1/4 mile; outside the well-defined reef line the waters are clear of dangers. Gual Point, the most southeasterly part of the peninsula, is low and sloping, with a little reef off it. Camalian Cove, immediately north of Gual Point, offers a deep and poor anchorage. From Camalian Cove the coast is fringed with a very narrow reef to Silacay Point, which forms the southern entrance to Butulan Cove, 2 miles notheasterly from Camalian Cove. Butulan Cove is situated northward of Silacay Point; it is semicircular in form, 2 mile wide, and 1/4 mile long. It offers temporary anchorage out of the swell of the sea, but exposed to the sea that sets in from cross tides. The depth is great, with 14 fathoms 202 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT (25.6 m.) almost touching the shore and 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) at the mouth of the river. A mile southward of Butulan Cove is another cove of the same size. It offers good anchorage for small craft close in to the beach, but poor anchorage for larger vessels, as the depths are great almost up to the beach. The coast northward is clear, save for small reefs jutting out from the points and fringing the shore at intervals. It runs in gently curving shallow bights northeasterly to Banos Point. Landings are feasible all along this stretch on sand and bowlder beaches even during moderate northeast winds, when the small projecting points offer some protection from the northeast swell. In southwest weather good anchorage may be found /2 mile offshore south of Malalan Point in 13 fathoms (23.8 m.), also 1/2 mile offshore south of Banos Point in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.). Numerous small hemp and copra plantations are to be found along the coast from Tinaca Point north to Calian Point. Water is obtainable at streams all along the coast. Beef may be had at the plantation immediately south of Quitaly Point. The coastal hills show many cleared patches under cultivation or grown to cogon grass, though in general they are heavily timbered to the peaks. Banos Point is a prominent peaked ridge, the lowest and most southerly peak of which is about 300 feet (91 m.) high. This, at present, is the northerly limit of the surveyed area. From here the coast runs generally north by east to Calian Point. Good anchorage in southwest weather for any vessel may be found about 1 mile north of Banos Point in 20 fathoms (36 m.) of water. There is no anchorage immediately north of Calian Point except for small craft close -in to the beach. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, at Tinaca Point at 7 hours. Springs rise 6 feet (1.8 m.). The flood stream sets westward and the ebb eastward between Tinaca Point and the Sarangani Islands. On the coast northward and eastward it is said that the flood stream sets northward and the ebb southward, the latter being less violent than the flood; also that northward of Calian Point the tide streams are weaker. Strong tide races and violent eddies are prevalent off Banos Point. SARANGANI ISLANDS consist of two islands and a wooded sand cay, situated 7 miles from the south point of Mindanao. Sarangani and Balut are separated by a deep channel 11/2 miles wide, reduced by reefs on both sides to a passage 3/4 mile wide, navigable for any vessel. In this channel the tidal currents attain considerable velocity, the flood stream setting north and the ebb south. Two shoals, each covered by 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), lie to the west of mid-channel 3/4 mile and 1 mile, respectively from the northeast point of Balut Island. Balut Island, the westernmost of the two, is the larger, higher, and more cultivated, though in general heavily timbered to its summit. In its center is a volcano (from which it is reported smoke sometimes issues, although none was seen from October, 1928, to March 1929) having an elevation of 2,760 feet (841 m.). To the southwest of this highest point is another volcano, and near the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 203 southeast point of the island a hill 1,070 feet (326 m.) high. On the northwest coast about 15 yards inshore of high-water line are two hot springs. The entire coast is bordered by a reef, which in places on the north and east sides of the island extends out 0.3 mile, while on the south and west coasts the fringing reef does not extend out to any great distance. Off the southwest point is a rock 124 feet (38 m.) high. Lajan Point, the northeast point of the island, is low and mostly mangrove covered. From 1/2 to 11/ miles south and southeastward of this point is good anchorage for large and small vessels in from 5 to 20 fathoms (9.1 to 36 m.) with good shelter from ordinary southwest or northeast storms. Anchorage for moderate-sized vessels may also be had, with protection in strong northeast weather, on the 13-fathom (23.8 m.) spot on the south side of Balut Island. Sarangani Island is composed of small undulating hills, the highest, near the north end of the island, being about 540 feet (165 m.) high at ground level. The entire coast is reef bordered, two detached reefs extending 1/ mile out from the northeast point of the island. On either side of the small east coast inlet the reef extends out 0.3 mile. On the west coast, for 1 mile south from Port Bolay, reefs extending out 1/2 mile from the coast make the immediate waters very foul. There is good anchorage in from 12 to 15 fathoms (21.9 to 27.4 m.) along a 2-mile stretch of the east coast northward from the small inlet near the center of this coast. The inlet is the only shelter for small craft along the east coast. There are three well-sheltered inlets on the west coast. Port Patuco (chart 4653), close to the northern end of the island, offers sheltered anchorage for small craft in from 2 to 7 fathoms (3.6 to 12.8 m.). The entrance may be recognized by a cliff of red earth a little northward of it. The channel is narrowed by reefs on both sides. Tiain Point, situated 1 mile southwest from the entrance to Port Patuco, may be recognized by white lime stains upon its rock. It can be approached with safety. There is a detached patch with 27 feet (8.2 m.) of water over it, lying 0~ (N. 1/8 W. mag.), distant 3/4 mile from Tiain Point and westward of the entrance to Port Patuco. Port Tumanao (chart 4653), situated 3/4 mile south of Tiain Point, has 25 fathoms (45 m.) at the entrance, diminishing to 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) in the eastern part of the port. Good anchorage for small vessels may be found in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.) about 1,4 mile from the head of the port. This place was formerly a Spanish military post. The northern side of the entrance, bordered by a reef extending out 1/4 mile, may be recognized by a conspicuous white mark in the rocky bluff. Water can be obtained from a small rivulet on the north side of the harbor. Port Bolay (chart 4653), situated 11/ miles southward of Port Tumanao, is small and only fit for small craft. No fresh water can be obtained here. Olanivan Island is a small flat cay, about 1/4 mile across, lying 1 mile northerly of the north end of Sarangani Island. The island itself has very little elevation, except its apparent height of 113 feet (35 m.) at tree top. It is surrounded by a reef extending out 1/4 204 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT mile from the east coast. Between this reef and that fringing the north point of Sarangani Island there is a 1 mile wide passage navigable for any vessel. DAVAO GULF has its entrance between Calian Point westward and Cape San Agustin eastward, some 30 miles apart, and extends about 70 miles northward. Samal and Talicud Islands largely occupy the northern part of the gulf. The waters of the middle of the gulf are deep and clear. The shoals which fringe the western shores do not extend to a distance of over 11/2 miles, while in the eastern part of the gulf, between Arena Point and Sigaboy Island, there are a number of dangerous detached shoals and reefs lying from 3 to 4 miles from the coast and much foul ground at a lesser distance. From Calian Point the coast trends in a general north-northwest direction for about 25 miles to Tubalan Head. Talugutan, Lais, Malita, and Lacaron lie on this stretch of coast, all of which is still unsurveved. Very little is known in regard to it, but from Lais northward it is reported to be mostly sand with mangroves in places and clean with the exception of the points that send off reefs. The survey at the present time terminates at a perpendicular bluff about 40 feet high, about 112 miles southward from Tubalan Head, between which two points there is a fine sand beach with a few isolated rocks at the low-water line. Lais, Malita, and Lacaron are ports of call for a weekly mail launch from Davao. There are small wharves at Lais and Malita and several plantations along this coast. The bottom is reported foul southward from the wharf at Lais and the recommended anchorage is northeastward of the wharf. At Malita the bottom is foul northward of the wharf and vessels should anchor southeastward of this wharf. There is a radio station of the bureau of posts at Malita. Large steamers sometimes call at Malita to load hemp and copra. Fresh water is easily obtainable at high tide from the small river at Malita. Tubalan Head, forming the eastern side of the port of the same name. is a prominent landmark, being a gently rounded hill which rises to a height of 558 feet (170 m.); the isthmus connecting the hill with the mainland is low, giving it the appearance of an island when seen from a distance. The northeastern and eastern sides of the headland are clean and steep-to, and there are no outlying dangers. Off the northwestern part of the headland, the reef extends to a distance of about 300 yards. The coast from Tubalan Head trends in a general west-northwest direction for about 13 miles to Colapsin Point at the entrance to Malalag Bay, and is by far the most indented section of the coast line in Davao Gulf. The numerous points present no headlands of importance except Tubalan Head. From 1 to 3 miles inland are numerous and usually sharp peaks 600 to 1,400 feet (183 to 427 m.) high. Several miles farther inland and usually separated by pronounced valleys are peaks ranging in height from 1,600 to probably 4,000 feet (488 to 1,219 m.); these interior peaks are generally covered with clouds. The whole system presents no definite ranges or for PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 205 mation but a more or less jumbled and confused mass, which makes it difficult to select particular peaks. The whole area is heavily wooded, but with timber of no great value. Port Tubalan is over 3/4 mile wide at the entrance between the northwest extremity of Tubalan Head and Botak Point. The middle of the bay is deep, and the shores are fringed with coral. Basol Islet is a steep rocky bluff with a few bushes on top lying on the reef in the southeastern part of the bay. The best anchorages in Port Tubalan are in the western corner of the bay, about 1/4 mile from shore, in 20 or 22 fathoms (36 to 40 m.), muddy bottom, and in the southeast corner in 22 to 24 fathoms (40 to 44 m.), muddy bottom, with Basol Islet bearing 115~ (ESE. mag.) distant about /4 mile. Botak Point, the northern entrance point to Port Tubalan, is 361 feet (110 m.) high and slopes quickly to a rocky bluff, 40 feet (12.2 m.) high, at the extremity. The sides of the point are fringed by narrow reefs, but the end is clean and steep-to. Between Botak Point and Sigarin Point, 21/4 miles west-northwestward, there are two indentations formed by Minaban and Babak Points which are of no particular value to navigation. They contain no obstructions except the fringing shore reefs. Sigarin Point, the southeastern entrance point to Basiauan Bay, comes down in a gentle slope notched by five hills lying close to the gulf side and ends in a bluff about 80 feet (24.4 m.) high. Sigarin Point is fringed by a coral reef with foul ground beyond it to a distance of nearly 1/4 mile. Basiauan Bay is 21/4 miles wide at the entrance between Sigarin and Sibalatan Points and extends 13/4 miles southwestward. The middle of the bay is deep and clear, but the shores are fringed by reefs which extend to a distance of /4 mile in some places. The town of Basiauan lies at the head of the bay. The best anchorage in this vicinity is found at the head of Basiauan Bay, northeastward from the town, in 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3 m.), muddy bottom, sheltered from all winds except those from north to north-northeast. The reef from Tambalan Point, which extends to a distance of nearly 1/4 mile, is bare at low water, but the reefs on both sides of the anchorage have about 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water on them at low water and show mostly of a dark brown color. The approach to the anchorage is free from danger with the exception of the shore reefs. Sibalatan Point, the northwestern entrance point to Basiauan Bay, is not prominent from up or down the gulf, but is easily recognized from'northeastward, the point ending in a ridge over 200 feet (61 m.) high that terminates in a curving embankment pointing southward. The point is fringed with a coral reef with foul ground outside of it, which extends to a distance of about 1/4 mile. A small shoal, covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), lies nearly 11/4 miles northeastward from Kabalantia Point on the bearings: Sibalatan Point 163~ (S. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) and Kulungan Point 300~ (NW. by W. 1/2 W. mag.). Kulungan Point, situated nearly 31/2 miles 321~ (NW. 3/ N. mag.) from Sibalatan Point, is easily recognized by a sharp tongue 95672~-30 14 206 ITITED STATES COAST PILOT of bare, rocky, yellow bluff running several hundred yards northward down to the water edge. The point is fringed with coral, but may be rounded in safety at a distance of 1/ mile. Between Sibalatan and Kulungan Points there is a wide bay, divided into two smaller bays by Kabalantia Point. Monkiaua Bay is the eastern bay and Kulungan Bay the western. The center of Monkiaua Bay is clear, but the shores are fringed with coral. Kulungan Bay is foul, containing a number of shoals, some of which are awash at low water. All of the shoals lie inside of a line drawn from Sibalatan Point to Kulungan Point; and as this bay is of no value to navigation, it is not necessary to describe them. From Kulungan Point to Colapsin Point, about 4 miles northwestward, the shore is bold and rocky, with stretches of sand beach, and a fringe of coral 30 to 350 yards wide. Cliff Point situated nearly midway between the two above-mentioned points, is 390 feet (119 m.) high and is clean and steep-to. Colapsin Point, the northeastern extremity of the peninsula, forming the northern side of Malalag Bay, rises to a height of 265 feet (81 m.), is well wooded and fringed by a narrow coral reef, which extends to a distance of about 350 yards. There is a small coral shoal covered by a least known depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) lying 5/8 mile from Colapsin Point on the bearings: Colapsin Point 207~ (SSW. 1/4 W. mag.) and Mount Piapi 271~ (W. 1/8 S. mag.). This shoal should be avoided, as there may be coral heads on it with less water. Mount Piapi is a lone heavily wooded hill, 640 feet (195 m.) high, lying close to the beach, about 3 miles 282~ (W. 7/8 N. mag.) from Colapsin Point. It forms a good landmark, being distinguishable from a considerable distance. Piapi Reef is a coral reef which bares about 1 foot at low water, lying about 11/8 miles 78~ (ENE. 3/4 E. mag.) from the point at the foot of the eastern slope of Mount Piapi, and there is a small detached 112-fathom (2.7 m.) patch about 1/ mile eastward of Piapi Reef. Malalag Bay (chart 4649), situated in the southwest part of the gulf, is about 4 miles long southeast and northwest and 1 mile wide. The eastern entrance point, situated about 1/ mile west-southwestward from Colapsin Point, rises to a height of 189 feet (58 m.) and is surrounded by a coral reef, the western extremity of which lies about %/ mile 240~ (SW. by W. 1/~ W. mag.) from the point. The western shore of the entrance is fringed by mangroves, beyond which shoal water extends to a distance of from 1/ to 3/4 mile, leaving a channel 1 mile wide into the bay. The entrance is clear and deep with the exception of Bolton Reef, a small reef which lies in the middle of the channel. Malalag Bay is surrounded by high hills, and on the west side and also at the head of the bay are extensive mangrove swamps. The western part of the bay is shoal, and there is considerable shoal ground at the head of the bay, the western edge of which is marked by an islet 60 feet (18.3 m.) high. Bolton Reef is a small reef covered by a least depth of 12 fathom (0.9 m.). It lies in the middle of the entrance and divides it into two channels, of which the western one is the wider and better. It PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 207 is very small in extent and is surrounded by deep water. From the position of least depth Mount Piapi bears 299~ (NW. by W. 5/8 W. mag.) and Colapsin Point 74~ (ENE. 3/ E. mag.). Bolton Reef is marked by a concrete beacon which stands in 11 feet (3.3 m.) of water and rises to a height of 17 feet (5.2 m.) above the sea. The town of Bolton lies on the south shore of the bay; it is small and of little commercial importance. The usual anchorage in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), about 1/4 mile northward from the town, is bad in northerly winds, which have a long sweep down the gulf, and even with southerly winds there is some sea here. About 1 mile eastward from the town, just around a bluff rocky point, is a fine sand beach which for a short distance has no coral off it and deep water close-to. Ships of any size can anchor close in here. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles, is exhibited 32 feet (9.8 m.) above high water from a white pole on the eastern side of the mouth of the Malalag River. Immediately under the lantern there is a large white triangular daymark that can be seen from outside the reefs at the entrance to the bay. Directions.-Vessels entering Malalag Bay should bring the light to bear 193~ (S. by W. mag.) and steer for it. This course should carry a vessel about /4 mile eastward of the reefs off Mount Piapi and 1/8 mile westward from the beacon on Bolton Reef. Having passed the latter reef, there are no other dangers. Anchorage in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), muddy bottom, will be found in front of Bolton about 1/4 mile from shore or eastward of the rocky point previously described. Vessels entering for shelter will find good protected anchorage between the islet near the head of the bay and the north shore in about 20 fathoms (36 m.). From Mount Piapi the coast trends 17~ (N. by E. 3/ E. mag.) with a curve westward for 1414 miles to Malusi Point, thence 41~ (NE. /2 N. mag.) with a curve-northwestward for 15 miles to the mouth of the Davao River. The land in the immediate vicinity of the shore is low, but rises rapidly to a mountain range culminating in Mount Apo. This section of the coast is heavily wooded and intersected by a number of small streams, none of which are navigable by steam launches. At low water they are difficult to enter even with a pulling boat. The shores are fringed with reefs, and in some places there are detached reefs lying about 1 to 1/2 miles from the coast. The anchorages are poor and in many cases rendered difficult of access by the off-lying reefs. Umbakanan River discharges about 11/2 miles northward from Mount Piapi. Between these two points the shore is low, flat, and heavily wooded inland, with a hill here and there, and a flat sandy beach overlying coral with an indefinite shore line and mangroves. These sandy flats extend to a distance of about 1/2 mile to the limits of the coral reefs and are nearly bare at low water. Padada River, emptying 12 miles northward from the Umbakanan, is the largest river in this vicinity. A town of the same name lies on the left bank of the river about /2 mile inland. On the shore reef about midway between the mouths of the Umbakanan and Padada Rivers there is a clump of mangroves which form an island at low water. They are about 400 yards from the shore and form a prominent landmark. 208 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT From the mouth of the Padada River the coast trends northward with a curve westward for about 4 miles to Digos Point. This section of the coast is fronted by a fine sand beach fringed with coral, nowhere exceeding 14 mile in width. The Digos and Bulatakay Rivers discharge about 1 and 234 miles, respectively, south-southwestward from Digos Point. Digos Point is low, flat, and wooded, fringed with mangroves, and surrounded by a steep-to coral reef, which bares at low water to a distance of nearly v~ mile. Digos Point is fairly prominent when seen from northward or southward. The channel between the point and the reefs lying eastward from it is about 1/8 mile wide and has a depth of from 7 to 13 fathoms (12.8 to 23.8 m.). Digos, which is a small town of little importance, lies on the north bank of the river of the same name about 1/ mile inland. A large iron warehouse, situated on the beach about 1/ mile southward from the mouth of the Digos River, forms a good landmark. being visible from a long distance offshore. Digos Islet is a white coral sand cay about 2 feet (0.6 ni.) above high water, on which there are a few bushes growing. It stands on s reef about 1 mile southward from Digos Point and about 700 yards eastward from Digos warehouse. The reef on which this islet stands, part of which bares at low water, extends about 300 yards eastward from the islet. About 11,/ miles southward from Digos warehouse and 3/8 mile from shore there is a small detached shoal covered by a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.). Anchorage may be found southward from Digos Islet with the warehouse bearing 317~ (NW. mag.), distant 1/4 mile, in 12 or 15 fathoms (21.9 or 27.4 m.), or northward from the same islet with the warehouse bearing 249~ (WSW. mag.), distant about 3/ mile, in 11 or 12 fathoms (20.1 or 21.9 m.). Small vessels may anchor between the islet and the warehouse. Digos Reefs are a number of reefs lying northeastward, eastward, and southeastward from Digos Point. Parts of them bare at low water, but the area baring is very small compared with the total extent of the reefs. A north and south line passing 11/2 miles eastward from Digos Point will lead well clear of them. There is a narrow, deep channel between the shore reefs and Digos Reefs and several channels between the reefs, but in the absence of local knowledge and any aids, navigation must be conducted with caution. Digos Outer Reef, the southeastern danger in this vicinity, is awash at high water. From the center of the reef Digos Point bears 341~ (N. by W. 78 W. mag.) and Digos warehouse 302~ (NW. by W. 3/8 W. mag.). This reef is steep-to on the eastern and southern side, but on the western side foul ground extends to a distance of nearly / mile. Directions, Digos.-There is a good, deep channel between Digos Outer Reef and the next reef northward, but in the absence of any aids to navigation strangers are advised not to attempt it, but to pass southward and westward of Digos Outer Reef. When the warehouse at Digos bears 332~ (NNW. 5/ WV. imag.) distant 1/~. miles or D)igos Point bears 2~ (N. mag.) distant 2 miles, either of theml may be PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 209 steered for. These courses will carry a vessel well clear of the foul ground extending westward from Digos Outer Reef. If intending to anchor northward from Digos Islet it should not be rounded too closely, because of the reef extending eastward from it. If intending to anchor southward from the islet it should be brought to bear 0~ (N. 1/ W. mag.) and steered for until the warehouse bears 317~ (NW. mag.), when the warehouse should be steered for and anchorage taken up as previously recommended. Should Digos Outer Reef be visible, vessels from the northward may pass northward of it by bringing the warehouse at Digos open of Digos Islet on a 285~ (WNW. 7/ W. mag.) bearing and steering for it. This course will carry a vessel through a channel about 400 yards wide and 11 fo 23 fathoms (20 to 60 m.) deep. Tagabuli Bay, the southern entrance to which is 21/4 miles northward from Digos Point, is not readily made out from seaward, the shore line being all mangroves. It extends about 7/8 mile northwestward and has a general width of about 1/4 mile. The head and sides of the port are fringed with coral, which bares at extreme low water. Anchorage, protected from winds, except those from east-southeast, may be found in the middle of the bay in 16 to 20 fathoms (29 to 36 m.), muddy bottom, where there is a width of about 400 yards between the edges of the reefs. Santa Cruz Point, lying 2 /2miles northeastward from Tagabuli Bay, is low and wooded. The shore between these two points is fronted by reefs covered with white coral sand, which can be seen from a considerable distance. About 11/2 miles northward from Santa Cruz Point are two conspicuous patches of cogon grass extending in a horizontal line at an elevation of from 600 to 800 feet (183 to 244 m.), and about 3 miles west-northwest from Santa Cruz, at an elevation of 1,200 to 1,500 feet (366 to 457 m.), there is another patch of cogon grass. These patches can be seen from a considerable distance and form good landmarks, especially for vessels bound into Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is a small town lying on the point of the same name. It is obscured from seaward by trees. Vessels usually anchor about 300 or 400 yards southeastward from the light in 7 to 20 fathoms (12.8 to 36 m.) of water. Better-protected anchorage may be found in a cove about 1 mile northeastward from Santa Cruz in 17 or 18 fathoms (31 or 33 m.), muddy bottom, back of a reef which bares at half tide. This anchorage is protected from all except strong southeast winds. Mount Apo, situated about 13 miles 317~ (NW. mag.) from Santa Cruz Point, rises to an elevation of 9,690 feet (2,953 m.) and appears as a peak with steep slopes and a rounded summit. There is reported to be a small crater in the summit. On the south side and about 1,000 feet (305 m.) below the summit a part of what was evidently once a crater seems to have been blown away. There are several fissures from which sulphur steam was constantly issuing at the time of the survey. Mount Apo and the surrounding peaks were constantly enveloped in clouds from March to June. From Santa Cruz Point the coast trends northeastward for about 3 miles to Malusi Point, forming a bay the shores of which are fringed with coral. There is very little lowland encircling this bay 210 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and the land in the interior rises rapidly to heights of 2,500 feet (762 m.) within 1 mile from the shore. Facing this bay there are a number of reefs between which and the shore anchorage may be found. Malusi Point is low and rounding and not very prominent. Two small shoals, covered by depths of 43/4 and 31/4 fathoms (8.7 and 5.9 m.), lie nearly 3/4 mile 169~ (S. by E. 1/8 E. mag.) and 191~ (S. 3/4 W. mag.), respectively, from Malusi Point, on a bank about 1/2 mile long in an east and west direction, inside the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve. There is deep water between this bank and the point. Between Malusi Point and Tagulaya Point, 33/4 miles northeastward, the shores are solid except for a little mangrove near Astorga. Astorga is situated about 2 miles northeastward from Malusi Point. Along this mangrove-covered section and for 1/4 mile on either side of it there is a fringe of broken coral thrown up by the sea, but the remainder of the low-water area is fine sand beach, 10 to 20 yards wide, which is extensively traveled as a road. All the interior in this vicinity is heavily wooded and the mountain sides are furrowed by deep valleys. In the bay on which Astorga is situated there are a number of detached shoals, and a little more than /2 mile outside of a line drawn between Malusi and Tagulaya Points there is a broken chain of shoals covered by depths of from 1 to 4 fathoms (1.8 to 7.3 m.). The shoals begin about 11/2 miles southwestward from Tagulaya Point and extend for a distance of about 2 miles in the same direction. They are composed of sand and coral and are generally visible. Tagulaya Point is low and wooded and fringed by a narrow gravel beach. At a distance of 11/2 miles 25~ (NNE. mag.) from Tagulaya Point, and 3/4 mile from shore, there is a small shoal covered by a least depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) and surrounded by deep water. From Tagulaya Point to the mouth of the Siraoan River, 4 miles northward, the shore is wooded to a broad sandy beach. Daron lies on the shore about 1 mile northward and may be recognized by a large, prominent, greenish-white house with a galvanized-iron roof which is visible from a distance of 8 to 10 miles. The Siraoan River has 5 or 6 feet (1.5 or 1.8 m.) of water on its bar at lo-w water but is not navigable for a ship's launch for more than /2 mile. Siraoan is very small, having not more than 200 people in it. Daliao, situated at the mouth of the river of the same name, about 112 miles northeastward from Siraoan, is the most prominent settlement in this vicinity. It has a church, several stores, and a few good wooden houses. A fixed red light is maintained privately and a small dock with a controlling depth of 8 feet (2.4 m.) is available for small craft and lighters. The usual anchorage is in 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.) with the light bearing 283~ (W. by N. mag.). Daliao Reefs are two coral reefs which extend over 1 mile in a north and south direction. The northern reef, which begins about 1/2 mile southward from Daliao, is partly bare at low water; on the southern reef there is a rock awash at low water near the northern end and the remainder is covered with very little water. Between PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 211 these reefs and the shore there is a deep channel about 150 yards wide at the narrowest place. There is a small detached shoal covered by a least depth of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lying nearly 1/ mile northward from the north end of Daliao Reef and over 1/4 mile from the beach. From Daliao the coast trends northeast, east, and southeast to Dumalag Point, forming a large bay which is deep and clear. Lipadas, Dumuy, and Matina lie on the shores of this bay. A substantial pier is maintained by the Ohta Development Qo. 1 mile westward of Matina at which large vessels may lay in a controlling depth of 20 feet (6.1 m.). There are a number of small unimportant streams entering the bay. The land is low, level, heavily wooded, and covered with jungle to the water's edge. The shore is generally fringed with sandy beaches and there is very little coral. Dumalag Point is the most conspicuous point in this vicinity, projecting as it does nearly 1 mile from the general shore line. It is mostly low and well wooded. Dumalag Island, forming the southern end of Dumalag Point, is about 1/3 mile long and separated from the rest of the point by an opening only passable by small boats. The southern extremity of the island is fringed by coral, which bares to a distance of about 200 yards. About 5/8 mile 160~ (SSE. mag.) from the southern extremity of Dumalag Island there is a small shoal covered by a least depth of 514 fathoms (9.6 m.), and about 1/3 mile 107~ (ESE. 5/ E. mag.) from the same point there is another small shoal of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). With the exception of the above-described shoals, Dunalag Point may be rounded in safety at a distance of 1/ mile. From Dumalag Point the coast trends northeastward for about 3 miles to the mouth of the Davao River and is low and swampy and bordered by a sandy beach. Shoal water extends to a distance of about 1/4 mile, beyond which the water deepens very rapidly. Davao River has a depth of only 2 or 3 feet (0.6 or 0.9 m.) on its bar at low water and the channel changes frequently in freshets. In 1907 the channel was along the south shore and was marked by stakes. The sandy point at the south side of the entrance was being rapidly cut away and was being deposited mainly on the north side and forming a large flat of lodged tree trunks and minor drifts. All business for Davao goes through Santa Ana. Davao (chart 4624) is a town of increasing importance, situated on the north bank of the Davao River close to its mouth. It is the principal shipping center for southeastern Mindanao and has been made a port of entry. It has regular steam communication with Manila and other principal ports of the archipelago, and several lines of foreign vessels make Davao a port of call. The bureau of posts maintains a radio station at Davao. The wharf is situated about 1 mile northeastward from the mouth of the river at the barrio of Santa Ana and is connected with Davao by a good road. The outer part of the wharf is of concrete, connected with the shore by a wooden approach, with a width of 30 feet at the end and an available depth of 23 feet (7 m.). The best anchorage is about 600 yards east of the light in 12 fathoms (22 m.), mud bottom, or anchorage may be taken up 300 yards northward or southward of this position in the same depth. A fixed red light which 212 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT should be visible from a distance of 7 miles is exhibited from a white steel structure on the beach about 400 yards southward of the wharf. Oil wharves and tanks are located on the bight about 11/2 miles northeast of the Davao wharf. The available depth at the present time is 13 feet (4 in.) but further improvements are contemplated. From the northern entrance point to the Davao River the coast trends in a general northeasterly direction for 41/2 miles to Lanang Point. The country immediately back from it is low and heavily wooded. All of this stretch of coast is sandy and has broad sand flats exposed at low water, the outer edges of which are steep-to. Along the last 2 miles the underlying coral is exposed at low water along the outer edge of the sand flat and there is a rocky detached shoal, with as little as 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) over it in places, lying nearly 1/2 mile from the nearest point of the beach. Samal Island lies near the head of the gulf and close to the western shore, from which it is separated by Pakiputan Strait. It is about 18 miles long between Bassa Point at the northern end and Paet Point at the southern and has a greatest width of about 8 miles between Linao and East Points, the western and eastern extremities of the island. It is rough, hilly, and well wooded. The highest hills are in the eastern part of the island, and the greatest elevation is about 1,700 feet (518 m.) near the east coast and about 3 miles southward from East Point. It is very sparsely inhabited, no villages being found on the east coast and very few on the west. There are a few small streams, and these are found only on the western side of the island. The eastern coast of the island is clean and steep-to; on the western side, near the middle of the island, shore reefs extend to a distance of about 1/ mile and there are also several detached shoals in this vicinity none of which are over 1/2 miles from shore. The principal cultivation on the island is between Bassa and East Points, where there are some hemp plantations worked by the natives. The only good anchorage off Samal is in from 9 to 12 fathoms (16.5 to 21.9 m.) muddy bottom, in the bay between Pohun Point and the mouth of the Binulin River; here shelter may be found from northeast winds. The fishing village of Pefiaplata is situated at the head of this bay. Malipano Anchorage (chart 4624), on the west side of Samal Island, is well protected from wind and sea by Malipano Islet and its surrounding rocks and reefs. It is of no commetcial importance and is very small and difficult of access, the entrance having a width of only about 100 yards between the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curves; there are also a number of sunken reefs in the approach. Directions.-To enter this anchorage bring the northern part of Malipano Islet to bear 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.) and steer for it; when within 1/2 mile of the rocky islet of the northwest point of Malipano Islet, steer for it and round the north side of Malipano Islet at a distance of about 180 yards and continue around the eastern point; anchor in about 13 fathoms (23.8 m.), muddy bottom, when the eastern point bears 304~ (NW. by W. 1/ W. mag.) and the northwest side of Talicud Island is just open of the small islet off the south end of Malipano Islet. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 213 The Cruz Islands, two in number, lie off the northern coast of Samal Island, with a deep channel nearly 1 mile wide between the south end of Big Cruz and Samal Island. Both are small and heavily wooded. Big Cruz Island is about 1 mile long in a north-northwest and opposite direction and 45 to 220 yards wide. On the north end is a knoll 80 feet (24.4 m.) high; the southern end has an elevation of about 90 feet (27.4 m.), but here it is mainly cliffs, much underworn by the sea. The shore line in some places is fringed by a narrow coral reef. Little Cruz Island lies nearly 34 mile north-northwestward from Big Cruz Island. It is about 700 yards long north and south and has an average width of 110 yards. Near the northern part it rises to a height of 42 feet (12.8 m.). The western side is sand beach; from the northern point reefs, partly bare at low water, extend to a distance of about 1/ mile northward; the eastern side is fringed by a reef, narrow at the northern end and widening to 160 yards at the southern end. In the channel between the two islands there is a small coral patch, bare at low water, and much broken ground. The best water in this channel, 4Y2 to 71/2 fathoms (8.2 to 13.7), is immediately southward of this patch. The greater part of this channel is foul and there seems to be no necessity for using it. About 1 mile northward from Little Cruz Island there is a shoal composed of coral rocks and sand. This shoal, which is covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), is about /4 mile in extent and surrounded by deep water. Nearly 1/4 mile northward from this shoal there is another small shoal with about 6 fathoms (11 m.) of water over it. Talicud Island lies westward from the south end of Samal Island, from which it is separated by a deep navigable channel about 3/ mile wide. It is reported to lack fresh water and to be uninhabited. It is of oval shape, about 4 miles long in a northwest and southeast direction, and 2 miles wide. It is. fringed by a narrow coral reef which, on the north side, extends to a distance of about /2 mile. The only detached danger in the vicinity of Talicud Island is a shoal covered by a least depth of 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.) lying 1/2 mile 249~ (WSW. mag.) from the southern point of the island and about 1/3 mile from the shore. The island is heavily wooded and rises, in a position northward of the center, to a height of 475 feet (145 m.). Pakiputan Strait, west of the northern part of Samal Island and separating it from the main coast, is 12 mile wide and 19 fathoms (35 m.) deep in the narrowest part. It should not be taken by a sailing vessel unless the wind is free and strong enough to enable her to stem the current, which has at times a velocity of 21/2 knots. The flood tide sets northward and the ebb southward. The strait is too narrow to work in and there are several dangers in the approaches. The only danger in the southern approach is the rocky detached shoal previously mentioned as lying off the main coast. It is covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) and lies 2 miles 56~ (NE. 3/ E. mag.) from the northern entrance point to the Davao River and 1/2 mile from the shore. 214 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT The dangers in the northern approach are a small detached reef covered by a least depth of 11/4 fathoms (2.3 m.), lying a little over J'/ mile from the main coast; Arboles Island and its surrounding reefs; and a large reef about 1 mile southward from Arboles Island. Arboles Island,'the most prominent landmark in the strait, is the sand and broken coral-covered summit of a coral reef about 1 mile long north and south by 1/ mile wide, upon which three or four mangrove trees are growing which show very prominently and furnish a good range for navigating the strait when approaching from the southward. The island is entirely covered at high water. The reef surrounding the island is covered with bright coral sand and shows up well even where there is 2 or 3 fathoms (3.6 or 5.5 m.) of water. There is a narrow channel, having depths of from 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5 m.) between Arboles and Samal Islands, but nothing would be gained by using it. The most dangerous shoal in the northern part of the strait lies about 112 miles 188~ (S. 1/2 W. mag.) from the mangroves on Arboles Island and almost 1/2 mile from the Samal shore. This shoal has several heads with very little water over them, and near the middle of it are two small areas in which numerous coral heads uncover at the lowest tides. - Arboles Island, kept just open off Linao Point, clears the shoal in the southern approach, and Arboles Island, in range with Bassa Point, clears the dangerous shoal southward from Arboles Island. The best anchorage in the strait, with both northerly and southerly winds, is about 1 mile northeastward from Linao Point, where the water is moderately deep close in to the narrow fringing reef. Directions.-To enter Pakiputan Strait from the southward bring Arboles Island almost tangent to Linao Point and hold this range until about 1/2 mile from the latter; then follow along the Samal shore until Arboles Island is in range with Bassa Point; hold this range until Linao Point bears 196~ (S. by W. 14 W. mag.) and then steer northward, passing about 1/2 mile westward from Arboles Island. When Bassa Point is abeam, the course may be set for any part of the head of the gulf, the only known off-lying danger northward of the parallel of Bassa Point being the previously described shoal northward from Little Cruz Island. From Lanang Point the coast trends in a general northeast direction with a curve northward for about 18 miles to the mouth of the Hijo River, thence southward with a curve westward for 14 miles to Pangasinan Point. There is good anchorage off the sawmill situated due westward from Bassa Point on the coast of the mainland. There is no dock at this place. A second anchorage is found 4 miles north-northwest of Bassa Point in the bight between Bunauan and Lasang Rivers. There are no known off-lying dangers with the exception of the small shoal about 1 mile northward from Little Cruz Island, and the head of the gulf may be safely navigated at a distance of 1 mile. The general appearance of the coast is low and flat, with heavy timber and jungle growth to the water's edge. The country is a low alluvial plain which extends northward as far as the eye can reach, forming a broad valley, 30 to 40 miles wide. Westward, this valley rises to a range which at the southern end culminates in PALAWAN, MfINDANAO, AND) StULt ARCHIPELAGO 215 Mount Apo and eastward to the range along the eastern coast of Mindanao, in which the Agusan River rises. This stretch of coast is intersected by a number of rivers, none of which are of any importance to navigation. The Tagum and Hijo Rivers are the largest, the others being mere drainage streams. The following is a detailed description of the shores and waters of the head of the gulf between Pakiputan Strait and Pangasinan Point on the eastern shore of the gulf. The Bunauan River, which discharges about 7 miles northward from Lanang Point, and the Lasang, which discharges 2 miles northeastward from the Bunauan, have formed points at their mouths, the delta of the Lasang being much the larger. The Tuganay and Tagum Rivers empty about 121/ miles northeastward from Lanang Point. This section of the coast line is practically all mangrove, a part of the distance tending to more or less solid beach, but it all overflows at very high tides. There is an exception to this in the broad bight northward from the mouth of the Lasang River, where for 2 miles the shore line is straight and solid with banks from 2 to 5 feet (0.6 to 1.5 m.) high and with a narrow fringe of sand beach. The land back from the beach seems drier than elsewhere along this shore. From 1 mile southward of the Bunauan River to the broad coral point 2 miles southwestward from the Tagum River, a distance of about 7 miles, the shore is bordered by a mud flat which bares at low water to a distance of from 150 to 600 yards. From the coral point above mentioned to the mouth of the Tagum River there is a broad sand beach 300 to 550 yards wide at low water. Midway in the bight between the Bunauan and Lasang Rivers is a coral reef, 34 mile long and /8 mile wide; which is awash at the lowest tides. It lies about 300 yards from the shore and has mud inshore from it. There is a fringe of coral over 200 yards wide at the broad mangrove-covered point 2 miles southwestward from the Tagum River. About /2 mile northeastward from this point there is a circular shoal about 300 yards in diameter and 700 yards from shore which bares at extreme low water. This is practically the only danger in this vicinity. Excepting the Tuganay and Tagum, the rivers in general are small and unimportant. The Bunauan and Lasang afford entrance and navigation several miles for launches drawing 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 m.). They have shifting bars at their mouths, and the channels are hard to find. The Tagum River is the best known and most important river in the gulf. It has about 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water on its bar at low water, deeper water inside, and is reported to be navigable for 10 miles. For this distance it has a uniform width of about 60 yards. The Tuganay empties about 200 yards westward of the Tagum, so that at high water they present a far different appearance from that at low. Between the two. openings is a broad point of land that shifts with the channels. Large quantities of driftwood are constantly being brought down. With a flood tide there is a little current, but with a falling tide it runs with a velocity of from 2 to 4 knots. The banks of both rivers are 2 to 4 feet (0.6 to 1.2 m.) 216 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT high, generally solid and heavily wooded upstream. The bars of both rivers drop off suddenly into deep water. A poor anchorage may be found off the bar of the Tagum River in 15 to 20 fathoms (27 to 36 m.), muddy bottom. It is reported that the bottom in this vicinity is quicksand, and that vessels have lost their anchors here. From the mouth of the Tagum River to Mansaca Point, 3 miles northeastward, the shore line for the first mile is mud flats, bare at low water; the remainder is a broad sand beach. Mansaca Point is low and heavily wooded and may be easily recognized by an immense dome-shaped tree, which rises high above the jungle and is visible from a long distance. From Mansaca Point to the mouth of the Madaum River 2 miles northeastward and thence 11/ miles eastward to the mouth of the Hijo River the shore line is solid sand beach 150 to 600 yards wide at low water. The Madaum and Hijo Rivers are the only ones of any consequence in this vicinity; the others are small streams not over 10 or 20 feet wide. The Madaum has 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on the bar at low water and 12 feet (3.6 m.) inside. While apparently it is a river of importance, it is hardly more than a slough. On the eastern side of its mouth is a small coral point covered with mangroves. The Hijo River is unimportant; it is shallow both at its mouth and inside. A small launch can ascend to a distance of about 1/2 mile, but no farther. From Hijo River and down the eastern shore of the head of the gulf to Magnaga Bay, a distance of about 12 miles, there is along the coast a low expanse of land from 1/ mile wide at the northern end to 3 to 4 miles wide at Magnaga Bay. This lowland rises rapidly in foothills and ranges to nearly 2,000 feet (610 m.); then numerous valleys and east of that are ranges and peaks that go up to about 4,000 feet (1,219 m.). The land is all heavily wooded to the water's edge. Pandasan Island, lying about 4 miles southward from the Hijo River and close to the shore, presents the same features as the main land and is hard to distinguish from a distance. It is less than 1/4 mile in extent, fringed with coral and separated from the main land by a narrow channel blocked at the northern end. This channel has a width of about 100 yards and depths of from 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) and forms an excellent harbor of refuge for small craft. The entrance, from the southward, has depths of 10 and 12 feet (3 to 3.6 m.) over muddy bottom. From the Hijo River to Pandasan Island the shore line is nearly all mangroves with here and there a little solid beach. With the exception of about 1 mile of muddy shore in the extreme corner of the gulf, there is a fringe of coral 100 to 300 yards wide. Kopia Island lies southwestward from Pandasan, from which it is separated by a channel about 1/ mile wide. It is about 1 mile long north and south and 1/3 mile wide. It is about 1/3 mile from shore and is low and well wooded on the outside. Nearly 1/ mile 170~ (S. by E. 1/ E. mag.) from the south end of Kopia Island and 3/8 mile from shore is a small round shoal covered by a least depth of 334 fathoms (6.9 m.). PALAWAiN, MINDANAO, AND SULT ARCHIPELAGO 217 A fair anchorage, sheltered from winds from northeast to southeast, in 12 to 15 fathoms (21.9 to 27.4 m.), muddy bottom, may be found 3/4 mile northward from Pandasan Island and 1/3 mile from shore. Good anchorage for small vessels may be found inshore of Kopia Island by rounding the island at a distance of about 300 yards and anchoring in midchannel in 6 to 9 fathoms abreast of the middle of the eastern side of the island. The bottom in the channel between Pandasan and Kopia Islands is foul and should not be attempted by a stranger. There is good anchorage for all classes of vessels with shelter from winds from north-northwest to east-southeast southward of Kopia Island with sufficient swinging room to clear the 33/4-fathom (6. 9 m.) shoal previously mentioned. The shore line from Pandasan Island to Gill Point, 2 miles southward, and for 1 mile beyond Gill Point is solid and steep-to with only a very narrow fringe of beach, that around Kopia Island being coral. The beach at Gill Point is white tide-washed coral and gravel and is very narrow. From 1 mile southward to Gill Point to 3 miles south of the same the shore is bordered by mangroves full of coral points and heads, with several deep channels leading into the mangroves. The shore reefs in some places extend to a distance of 600 yards. From the southern limit of the mangroves to Magnaga Bay the shore is steep-to coral beach. Magnaga Bay is only a slight indentation in the coast. From here to Pangasinan Point, 21/2 miles southeastward, the shore is sand beach and presents no unusual features. The country around the head of the gulf is very sparsely populated and only six small settlements of about a dozen houses each are found. They are called Madaum, near the river of the same name, Kop Kopia Kopia Island, Mampising and Tagnanan on the mainland opposite, and Magnaga (Kingking) on Magnaga Bay. The site of the village of Hijo has only three or four shacks. From Pangasinan Point the coast trends in a general south-southeast direction for 54 miles to Cape San Agustin. Between Pangasinan and Piso Points the coast is a low, flat, heavily wooded plain extending inland several miles to foothills that rise rapidly into ranges and peaks of about 4,000 feet (1,219 m.) elevation. Near Piso Point the high land comes out to the shore again, the first peak of the range here having an altitude of 2,720 feet (829 m.). At this point the plain disappears, the hills rising right from the water. The high mountains extending from the head of the gulf are interrupted in the vicinity of Piso Point and their places are taken by a rather flat section of country that extends eastward to the Pacific coast. This valley is by no means open, but, on the contrary, is broken up by hills from 500 to 2,000 feet (152 to 610 m.) high, which, however, appear low in comparison with the mountains of 4,000 to 6,000 feet (1,219 to 1,829 m.) elevation northward and the equally high, if not higher, peaks that lie between this valley and Cape San Agustin, reaching their greatest elevation about 23 miles northward from the extremity of the cape. The rivers which discharge on this 218 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT section of the coast are small and of little value to navigation. The few villages are small and unimportant. Vessels can find anchorage nearly anywhere along the coast in fine weather, but nowhere can shelter be obtained from southwest winds. Pangasinan Point is low, heavily wooded, and fringed with a coral and sand beach. About 4 miles southeastward from Pangasinan Point there are a number of reefs which are bare at low water, but being inside of the general direction of the shore line they are not dangerous to navigation, provided a vessel keeps at a distance of 1/2 mile from shore. Piso Point, about 6 miles southeastward from Pangasinan Point, stands out boldly, the hill forming the point rising to a height of 775 feet (236 m.) at a distance of less than % mile from the water. Part of the shore of the point is rocky and has a fringing reef 60 to 100 yards wide and the remainder is mangroves with mud exposed to a distance of 50 or 60 yards at low water. Between Piso Point and Arena Point, about 1/2 miles southward, the coast curves eastward, forming Mapanga Bay. This bay appears to be deeper than it really is, the effect being due to the mangroves which form the shore line for 3 or 4 miles. The mouth of the Piso River, which discharges about 4 miles southeastward from Piso Point, is not prominent, but can be recognized by a small reef near it, which bares at low water. It is nearly closed by a bar and can only be entered by pulling boats. The Mapanga River, which enters the sea about 1/2 mile southward from the Piso River, is a salt slough with a fine sandy bottom; it can be entered by a ship's launch at high water. The Kabatan River, which discharges about 21/4 miles southward from the Piso River, is similar to the Mapanga, but is smaller and only 2 or 3 feet (0.6 or 0.9 m.) deep; the mouth is not prominent. Mount Galintan, situated about 6 miles east-southeastward from the mouth of the Piso River, is a symmetrical cone-shaped peak which rises to a height of 1,710 feet (521 m.); being nearly always free from clouds, it forms a prominent landmark. Back from Mount Galintan the country is rolling and higher. There are a number of reefs in Mapanga Bay, of which three are awash at half tide, and others which are covered with depths of from 1/4 to 5 fathoms (0.4 to 9.1 m). Mapanga Reef, lying about 2 miles 160~ (SSE. mag.) from Piso Point, is partly bare at low water; this reef, within the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve, is about /2mile in extent. About 12 mile southwestward from the part which bares there is a small spot covered by 23/4 fathoms (5 m.). Piso Reef is a small reef which bares at low water, lying about 11/2 miles 187~ (S. 1/2 W. mag.) from Mapanga Reef and about the same distance westward from the northern entrance point to the Piso River. Between Mapanga and Piso Reefs and the shore there are a number of small, dangerous reefs, whose positions will be best understood by reference to the chart. They consist of coral and white sand and show up well when the light is favorable. Piso Point, bearing 2~ (N. mag.), will clear the western side of all dangers in this vicinity. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULUT ARCHIPELAGO 219 Arena Point is low, flat, and rounding, and heavily wooded. From both north and south-it appears as a sharp point extending far out from the general coast line. It is bordered by a fine sand beach and is clean and steep-to, a depth of 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) being found at a distance of 250 yards from its western extremity. The Lupon River, an unimportant slough, follows the beach for about 1 mile in a northerly direction and enters the sea about 11/4 miles southward from Arena Point. From Arena Point the coast trends southeastward for 41/2 miles to Sumlug Point and is low and heavily wooded.. This stretch of coast line is straight and bordered by a fine sand beach. Between these two points shoal water extends in some places to a distance of % mile. Sumlug Point is prominent partly because of a dry sand bar off the mouth of the Sumlug River, which discharges through the point. There are a number of native houses standing on the beach, which are of assistance in recognizing the point. About 11/2 miles 255~ (WSW. 1/2 W. mag.) from Sumlug Point there is a small detached reef covered by a least depth of 1/2 fathom (0.9 m.). From here to the parallel of Sigaboy Island, about 13 miles southward, there is a chain of dangerous detached reefs, some of which bare at low tide and others which are covered with very little water. The two outlying reefs, Talisay and Burias, will be described; the positions of the others will be best understood by reference to the chart. In the area between these reefs and the land there are a number of small, dangerous, detached shoal patches, and the waters of this vicinity must be navigated with caution. Between Sigaboy Island and Cape San Agustin there are no known dangers more than 1 mile from shore and this section of coast can be safely navigated at a distance of 11/2 to 2 miles. From Sumlug Point the coast trends eastward and then southward to Bato Point, forming Cuabo Bay, which is about 4 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 1~ miles northeastward. Cuabo is situated at the mouth of the Cuabo River, about 21/2 miles eastward from Sumlug Point. It is small and unimportant; its site is marked by a few few coconut trees. There are a number of small detached shoals in the center of Cuabo Bay, which are covered by very little water. Bato Point, situated about 4 miles southeastward from Sumlug Point, is the abrupt end of a ridge about 400 feet (122 m.) high and 1/2 miles long in a northeast and opposite direction. The western edge of this ridge comes steeply down to the beach. From Bato Point the coast trends southward with a curve eastward for about 3 miles to Bitaugan Point, and for 1 mile southward from Bato Point is fringed with coral to a distance of about 1/3 mile, thence tapering to the coast about 5/ mile northward from Bitaugan Point. The extremity of Bitaugan Point is low and usually shows a bar of shingle, nearly covered at high water, at the mouth of the Bitaugan River, which discharges through the point. Less than 1/2 mile back from the point the land attains an elevation of 400 feet (122 m.). The Bitaugan River carries a depth of from 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m.) 220 jUNYITED STATES COAST PILOT for only about 14 mile and then changes to a shallow mountain stream falling over bowlders and containing good fresh water. From Bitaugan Point the coast trends southward and eastward for about 112 miles to the northern entrance point of Talisay Bay. This stretch of coast shows mostly as mangroves, behind which there is a sandy beach. Midway between the above two points there is a narrow strip of cogon grass, which extends directly inland for nearly 3 miles and is notable for its smooth, level appearance, the country on either side being very rough. Talisay Bay is about 11/ miles wide at the entrance and extends about 1/2 mile eastward. The shores of this bay are fringed with coral to a distance of about 1/i mile, and the land around the bay is low and swampy and thickly covered with jungle growth. On the north side of the bay, about 1/ mile back from the beach, there is a very prominent hill-covered with cogon grass-which rises to a height of 393 feet (120 m.). Talisay Reef, partly bare at low water, lies about 33/ miles westward from the summit of the 393-foot (-120 m.) hill previously described as lying northward from Talisay Bay and 3 miles from the shore. It is nearly 1 mile long in a north and south direction, 1j' mile wide, and is surrounded by deep water. About 1/ mile south-southeastward from Talisay Reef there is a cluster of rocks surrounded by a small reef, which bares at low water. Burias Reef is situated 2 miles southward from Talisay Reef and nearly 4 miles 255~ (WSW. 1/2 W. mag.) from Duas Point, the southern entrance point to Talisay Bay. Near its northern part there is a shifting heap of white coral sand about 2 feet (0.6 m.) high and from 4 to 20 yards in diameter; the remainder of the reef is nearly bare at low water and shows a number of scattered coral heads. A report states that the sand cay has disappeared, but the reef was easily distinguishable by the color of the water. Within the 10-fathom (i8.3 m.) curve this reef is about 2 mile long in a northeast and opposite direction, 1/ mile wide, and surrounded by deep water. The remainder of the reefs in this vicinity are covered by 14/ fathom (0.4 m.) or more, and, being composed of coral and white sand, are easily picked up when the light is favorable. Duas Point, the southern entrance point to Talisay Bay, is prominent, being bare vertical cliffs 50 to 100 feet (15.2 to 30 m.) high, the slope being toward the point. About /2 mile southeastward from the point and about 1/4 mile from shore there is a hill about 800 feet (244 m.) high, on the south side of which there is a valley separating it from a more prominent hill, 910 feet (277 m.) high, situated over 1/ mile southward from the first-mentioned hill. From Duas Point the coast trends southward for about 2 miles to the northern entrance point to Baksal Cove. The shore line for the first 3/4 mile southward from Duas Point is rocky and the remainder is sandy. From Duas Point to the mouth of the Uafigon Creek, 11/2 miles southward, there is very little reef fringing the shore, but it begins southward from the creek, widens to a distance of about 350 yards at the entrance to Baksal Cove, and then narrows in to the coast at the head of the cove. Part of the reef be PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 221 tween Uafigon Creek and Baksal Cove bares at low water and about 1/2 mile southward from the creek there are some mangroves growing near the outer edge of it. There are a number of detached shoals lying 1/2 and 3/4 mile from this stretch of coast. La Union or Uafigon, as it is called by the natives, lies on the beach near the mouth of the creek of the same name. Several iron-roofed houses show to seaward. When the survey was made it had a population of about 50, most of whom were Filipinos. Baksal Cove is a semicircular cove about 11/2 miles wide at the entrance and about 1/2 mile long. The northern entrance point, southward from the mouth of the Mabua River, is fringed with a narrow reef upon which there are mangroves growing. At a distance of less than 1/4 mile from shore, at the head of Baksal Cove, there is a small rock awash and there are several detached reefs in the middle of the cove covered by depths of from 1/2 to 2 fathoms (2.7 to 3.6 m.). Off the entrance to the cove there is a chain of small detached reefs extending for a distance of about 1 mile in a north and south direction. Bais Point, southward from Baksal Cove, is a low, rounding point, showing as a white sand beach to seaward. The mouth of the Timbo River, on the northern part of the point, is fairly prominent, the beach being higher there. Between the Timbo River and the western extremity of the point the timber gives way to cogon grass in places, affording pasturage for a large number of cattle. Sigaboy, situated on the western extremity of Bais Point, has many iron-roofed houses showing conspicuously among the coconut trees. It is the most important village on the eastern shore of Davao Gulf and contains a church of more than ordinarily durable construction, age, and size. From Bais Point the coast trends in a general 165~ (S. by E. 1/2 E. mag.) direction for about 31/2 miles to Borot Cove. Along this coast the beach is of white sand showing well to seaward. This section of the coast is fringed by a narrow reef and faced by a chain of detached reefs lying from 1/4 to /2 mile from shore. Sigaboy Island, situated nearly 11/2 miles southward from Sigaboy Village and about 3/ mile from the shore, is a small island about 1/4 mile long east and west and less than 1/ mile wide. It is rocky, has steep cliffs, and has two round grass-covered hills on it, the eastern and higher one rising to a height of 250 feet (76 m.). There is a blunt pinnacle about 150 feet (46 m.) high at the western end and a sandy point extends 60 to 100 yards from the eastern erid. The navigable channel between it and the main has a width of about 400 yards and a depth of 61/2 fathoms (11.9 m.) in the middle. Sigaboy Island shows up well only from the northward. From other directions it is projected against the background of hills and mountains and does not show except in a favorable light. Borot Cove is about 3/8 mile wide at the entrance between Borot and Salun Points, the northern and southern entrance points, and extends nearly 1/2 mile northeastward. It is readily identified, the approaches on either hand being steep, rocky bluffs. Both entrance points and the head of the cove are fringed with reefs, leaving a contracted anchorage space about 400 yards in extent in the northern 95672~-30-15 222 2UNITED STATES COAST PILOT part of the cove. On Borot Point a white slide shows prominently to the southward. The beach to the north is of white sand. Monserrat, consisting of some 15 houses scattered among the coconut trees, lies at the head of the cove. The buildings roofed with galvanized iron show prominently to seaward. Borot Reef, the center of which lies about 12 mile westward from Borot Point, is a circular reef about 14 mile in diameter and covered with very little water: near its southern edge there are rocks awash. From Borot Cove the coast trends southward for 31/2 miles to Padada Point, thence southward and eastward for 41/2 miles to Batikual Point, the northern entrance point to Nangan Bay. The bluff at Lilisan Point, about 1 mile southward from Borot Cove, is steep and about 100 feet (30 m.) high; it stands out prominently. From this point southward to Nangan Bay the beach is sandy and presents no features of note. This section of the coast is fringed in some places by a narrow reef and faced by a number of small detached reefs, none of which, however, are more than 1 mile from shore. Padada Point is low, flat, and rounding, but from both north and south appears as a distinct point. Magdug lies on the beach about 1 mile northward from the point and Luzon about 11/2 miles southward from it. In the rough country along this part of the coast there are no peaks of much importance except Mount Bilbogan. It lies 1 mile east-southeastward from Lilisan Point and is a landmark that is recognizable for miles, especially from north or south. Seen from either of these directions its summit appears as a serrated ridge of three small peaks. Seen from the west it appears as a sharp peak, from which, a little below the summit, protrudes a sharp thumb when one comes abreast of it and a few miles offshore. The peak attains a greatest elevation of 2,450 feet (747 m.), is pyramidal in form, and wonderfully regular in outline. Situated less than 1 mile from the shore line, towering above the hills around it, its isolation from the high inland peaks makes it an object of reference for the whole eastern part of the gulf. It is rarely in clouds even when the peaks inland are heavily covered. Batikual Point is low and wooded and fringed by a reef which bares to a distance of 1/4 mile. Tiblauan (Ascencion) is situated at the mouth of Tiblauan Creek, about 1 mile northwestward from the point. At this place one large galvanized-iron-roofed house set in an extensive coconut grove shows prominently to seaward. Nangan Bay, southward from Batikual Point, is 3/ mile wide at the entrance between Batikual and Kagan Points and extends about 1/ mile inland. The shores are low and wooded and in the northern part are fringed with reefs. Anchorage, protected from all winds except those from south and west, may be found in Nangan Bay in 22 to 28 fathoms (40 to 51 m.), muddy bottom, about 300 or 400 yards from the shore. From Kagan Point the coast trends in a general 162~ (S. by E. 3/ E. mag.) direction, with a deep curve eastward for 4 miles to Kaganuhan Point, forming Abag and Tagabili Bays. Several large coconut groves lie on the shore of Abag Bay. The shore line is regular and smooth, with a sandy beach and narrow fringing reef, and can be safely approached to a distance of 14 mile. The small and unim PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND STULT ARCtIPELAGO 223 portant villages of Nazaret or Sirup and Kulaguhan are situated on this stretch of coast, 1/2 and 3 miles, respectively, southeastward from Kagan Point. Two iron-roofed houses, close together on the beach at Nazaret, are prominent objects. Kaganuhan Point is prominent from both north and south mainly because of six hills that rise in an ascending series from the point; when viewed from southward only four hills are visible. A large coconut grove is located on this point. The extremity of the point is low and flat and fringed by a reef and foul ground to a distance of about 600 yards. This point should be given a berth of at least t~ mile in passing. From Kaganuhan Point the coast trends in a general 155~ (SSE. % E. mag.) direction with a curve eastward for 8 miles to Cape San Agustin. Along this stretch of coast the foothills come down to the shore line which, as a result, is more or less broken up. The bluffs and ledges are composed of fossil coral, and as such are very difficult to travel over. In this vicinity there are very few sand beaches and the shore is fringed in some places by coral reefs which extend to a distance of 1/4 mile. Tagbanao Cove, situated about 2 miles southeastward from Kaganuhan Point, is a secluded bight, Taghanao Point, on the south side of the entrance, being rather high and shutting out the view to the southward. Restricted anchorage may be found in the middle of Tagbanao Cove in 18 or 20 fathoms (33 or 36 m.), muddy bottom. Pundaguitan Anchorage, on the south side of Lakga Point, about /2 mile southward from Tagbanao Cove, may be recognized by the cogon grass growing on the steep hillside on the north side of a small valley, in which two or three native houses are located. A fine sand beach shows up prominently here. Kanikian Point, about 2 miles southward from Lakga Point, is low and wooded and terminates in a cliff about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high. It is fringed by a reef to a distance of about 300 yards. Lavigan Anchorage (chart 4653), on the north side of Lima Point, nearly 2 miles northward from the extremity of Cape San Agustin, is simply a break in the reef and too small to afford anchorage for anything larger than a small launch. Lima Point and Talisay Point, the latter about midway between Lima Point and the cape, are both fairly conspicuous. Cape San Agustin is the southern extremity of the long peninsula which forms the eastern side of Davao Gulf. The entire promontory is mountainous; the northern part is cut into by deep valleys, but the southern part, for 5 miles northward from the extremity of the cape, is a continuous backbone of hills running down the middle of the long narrow strip which terminates in the cape. These hills decrease gradually in height from 1,120 feet, 5 miles northward from the cape, to a rocky bluff 15 to 20 feet high at its extremity. The Pacific side of the cape, to a distance of about 2 miles northward, is a succession of sandy beaches separated by rocky bluffs, which, however, are passable on foot at any stage of the tide. An occulting white light, visible 14 miles, is exhibited 132 feet (40 m.) above high water from a white steel-frame structure erected on a bluff near the southern extremity of Cape San Agustin. Vessels 224 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT rounding the cape should keep at least 11/2 miles off the light to clear the reefs. A rock, 18 feet (5.5 m.) high, fringed by a reef which connects it with the land, rises about 20 yards southward from the cape; when seen from an east or west direction it is very prominent. About 1/4 mile south-southwestward from Cape San Agustin is the northern edge of San Agustin Reef, a large dangerous reef nearly 3/4 mile long in a south-southwesterly and opposite direction and over 1/ mile wide. This reef, which is covered by depths of from 112 to 5 fathoms (2.7 to 9.1 m.), breaks heavily at times. There is a good channel for small boats between it and the cape, which may be found by steering on a 115~ (ESE. mag.) or opposite course to give the 18-foot (5.5 m.) rock off the pitch of the cape a berth of about 300 yards. This channel is only a little more than 200 yards wide and should be used with caution because of the strong and irregular currents which are experienced in this vicinity. SURIGAO STRAIT Surigao Strait, the only passage for large vessels from the Pacific to the interior waters of the archipelago, with the exception of San Bernardino Strait, is famous for having been traversed by Magellan when he crossed the Pacific and discovered the Philippine Islands in 1521. This strait is less frequented by sailing vessels than that of San Bernardino, which is more to windward in the northeast monsoon. It is, however, more direct and safer than that strait, but it obliges sailing vessels that take it, if they are bound for Manila, to work up the west coasts of Negros and Panay and the east coast of Mindoro. It is of advantage to vessels going to the southern Philippines or to the Sulu Sea and is sometimes used by steamers from Australia that wish to escape the full force of the northeast monsoon. The northern entrance is between Suluan and Dinagat Islands; the southern entrance between the south end of Panaon Island and Bilaa Point, the northern extremity of Mindanao Island. Surigao Strait is deep and safe and the shores of the islands that border it are steep-to. Hinatuan Passage.-The Hinatuan or Eastern Passage, as it is sometimes called, connects the Pacific with the southern part of Surigao Strait. The western end is narrow and tortuous and the tidal currents run with great velocity. It is used by steamers trading to the east coast of Mindanao and occasionally by sailing vessels. A description of this passage will be given in its proper order. Winds in Surigao Strait.-At the mouth of the strait the northeast monsoon begins toward the end of September and blows throughout October and November; in December northeast winds alternate with northerly gales. In January winds blows from northeast to east-northeast, accompanied by heavy rain. In Febuary and March easterly winds prevail. In April, May, and June the prevailing wind is southeast, with occasional gales called collas from the south. In July, August, and September collas from the southwest are frequent. The northeast winds, though strong, cease during the night; but winds from southeast, south, and southwest continue to blow. It PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT ARCHIPELAGO 225 generally rains with north-northeast and east-northeast winds. The rains cease and the weather clears with east winds and more so with southeast winds. With southwest winds it remains clear, unless a gale arises, which sometimes brings rain. In general there is no very bad weather in this part of the archipelago, unless a typhoon should occur. The season of the year when a typhoon might occur is from the end of October to the beginning of January. They begin to blow from the northwest and finish from the southeast, having passed through northeast or southwest; when they haul through northeast they blow stronger and more rain falls. Typhoons are, however, of very rare occurrence in this locality, there being no record of any having been experienced for many years, and the best authorities say that they never pass south of latitude 9~. ISLANDS NORTHEASTWARD FROM MINDANAO SULUAN ISLAND at the northern entrance of the strait, is described in Part I, but as it is a prominent landmark for vessels entering Surigao Strait the description is repeated here. It lies 10 miles southeastward from Sungi Point, Samar, and 26 miles northeastward from the north point of Dinagat Island. Situated as it is-to windward during the northeast monsoon, at the entrance to Surigao Strait and being conspicuous-it is a good point to make for when approaching the strait from the Pacific. It is over 2 miles long northwest and southeast and 1 mile wide. Near the northwest point are two hills, 178 and 204 feet (54 and 62 m.) high, respectively, and the eastern side is formed by a high coral ridge which attains a greatest elevation of 410 feet (125 m.). This ridge has the same characteristic features as the long ridges from Matarinao Bay to Sungi Point. The southwestern half of the island is a low plain covered with coconut groves. From the northwest point a reef, partly bare at low water, extends 3/4 mile in a southwest direction and a similar reef, not so prominent, extends from the village of Granadas to the southern point of the island and has a general width of /2 mile. The coast on the north and east sides of the island are free from dangers and a vessel may approach'it with safety to a distance of 12 mile. There are eight small islets, ranging in height from 7 to 163 feet (2.1 to 50 m.), lying close to the main island, with which they are all, with the exception of the southern two, connected by reefs. Granadas lies on the western shore. A light, showing every 10 seconds a group of two white flashes, separated by an interval of 21/2 seconds, and followed by an interval of 71/2 seconds, visible 28 miles, is exhibited 438 feet ()33 m.) above high water from a cylindrical concrete tower 37 feet (11.3 m.) high on the summit of Suluan Island, about 1/2 mile northward from the southeastern point. The keeper's dwelling, of concrete, stands at the foot of the tower. The only partly sheltered anchorage is off the southwest coast in 6 or 7 fathoms (11 or 12.8 m.), sandy bottom, about 1/2 mile southward of the 204-foot (62 m.) hill on the northwest point, and the same distance westward from the village. This anchorage is protected from winds from northwest through north and east to south 226 iUNITED STATES COAST PILOT east. The best and about only landing is on the shore line inside of the above-mentioned anchorage. DINAGAT ISLAND forming the east side of Surigao Strait, is, including the smaller islands lying close to its south end, about 40 miles long north and south and has a greatest width of 10 miles. Its west coast is very irregular in outline, being indented by deep bays and faced by numerous islands, which afford good sheltered anchorages, while the east coast is more regular and contains few good harbors. A chain of mountains extends along the east coast, the highest of which, Mount Redondo, 3,066 feet (935 m.) in elevation, is situated 7 miles from the north end. Through the middle of the island extends a rather wide valley traversed by low ridges and hills, and on the west side there is another ridge rather flat in general and especially so at its highest part, which is about one-half as high as that on the east coast. There are no rivers of importance in the western part; on the east coast there are two large inlets, into which a number of rivers discharge, which are navigable for small vessels. Dinagat is generally wooded; there is probably little heavy timber except in the valleys, the growth on the higher slopes being mostly small and scraggly. The island is sparsely populated and contains no ports of commercial importance. The principal exports are hemp and copra. Desolation Point, the northern extremity of Dinagat Island, is a low, rocky, and rounding point; it is bold and can be passed close-to. The land back from the point rises rapidly and attains an elevation of 1,420 feet (433 m.) at a distance of 1/ miles inland. Kanamong, Kanpintak, and Panamauan Points, situated 11/2, 212, and 3 miles, respectively, southwestward from Desolation Point, are not prominent. They are low, composed of dark rock, heavily wooded, and are clean and steep-to. In the bays between these points are white sand beaches with coconut trees, a little cultivation, and occasionally two or three native houses. Babatnon Point, about 11/ miles southward from Panamauan Point, is low and wooded. It forms the western side of Panamauan Bay, which is small and nearly blocked by reefs. Partially sheltered anchorage for small craft may be found here. Looc Bay, between Babatnon and Berrugosa Points, is 31/ miles wide at the entrance and extends about 2 miles southward. Its shores are fringed by a narrow steep-to reef, and there are no detached dangers with the exception of a small reef, bare at low water springs, lying about 300 yards northward from the village of Loreto. Loreto and Santiago are small settlements at the head of the bay; small steamers from Cebu occasionally call here. Puyo Island, lying about 12 mile from the eastern shore of Looc Bay, is about ~/2 mile in extent, 120 feet (36 m.) high, and partly wooded. From a distance it is not readily distinguished from the land behind it. Fair anchorage may be found between Puyo Island and the land, but rather exposed to northerly winds. Kayasa Islets (Twin Islets) are two small rocky wooded islets, 115 and 120 feet (35 and 36 m.) high, respectively, lying about 21/4 miles west-northwestward from Babatnon Point. They lie about PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 227 1/3 mile apart in a north-northwest and opposite direction. There is a small rocky shoal, covered by a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.), lying a good 1/% mile northwestward from the northern islet and a rock awash lies about 1/8 mile westward from the southern islet. The tides run with great velocity in the vicinity of the Kayasa Islets and they should be given a good berth. Hibuson Island, lying about 4 miles northwestward from Berrugosa Point, is about 3 miles long northwest and southeast and 11/2 miles wide. It is well wooded and rises to a ridge near the center, 620 feet (189 m.) high. Its shores are fairly clean and steep-to and there are no off-lying dangers. The town of Hibuson lies at the head of Tinaga Cove, a small bay on the east side of the island. Anchorage may be found in front of Hibuson in 20 fathoms (36 m.), protected from all except easterly winds. Little Hibuson Island, lying close to the southwestern part of Hibuson Island, of which it appears to be a part, and Hibuson Island are practically one island, being connected at their extremities by reefs with a deep basin between them. The channel between them is merely a mangrove-lined slough, which can be used only by small craft. The northern entrance is narrow and has many large bowlders in it, covered by 3 and 4 feet (0.9 and 1.2 m.) of water. Possibly 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) could be carried in when the light is good by avoiding the bowlders. The southern entrance is also almost blocked by bowlders, but can be entered at high water when the sea is smooth. Berrugosa Point, about 600 feet (183 m.) in height, is the northern end of a large peninsula between Looc and Tubajon Bays. This peninsula, composed mostly of hills about 600 feet (183 m.) high and covered with a thick scraggy growth, presents a coxcomb appearance when viewed from the westward. Tubajon Bay, between Berrugosa and Esconchada Points, is about 4 miles wide at the entrance and extends 2 miles southeastward, Its shores are clean and steep-to. Tubajon and Santa Cruz lie at the head of the bay. Lisub Cove, a small indentation in the eastern shore of Tubajon Bay, 2 miles south of Berrugosa Point, is small and the entrance is narrow and foul and could only be used by small craft drawing not more than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water. For boats and small launches it affords perfect shelter from all winds. Esconchada Point is a steep, broad, partly wooded bluff over 250 feet (76 m.) high, fronted by a narrow steep-to rocky beach. IA large part of the central portion of the bluff has a steep rocky face of a dark reddish color, clear of timber, and presents a prominent appearance when viewed from offshore. The tide rips off Esconchada Point are marked and heavy, especially with the flood tide. From Esconchada Point the coast trends southward for 5 miles to Tamoyauas Point and is broken by four bays. Pagbabangnan Cove is a small indentation in the shore line about 2 miles southward of Esconchada Point. It is very small and has a coral reef extending entirely across its entrance, which can only be crossed by a pulling boat at high water. Small craft can enter this cove at high water unless the sea is very choppy outside. Layauan Bay, immediately southward from Pagbabangnan Cove, from which it is separated by Tambungan Point, is about 2/5 228 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT mile wide at the entrance and extends about 1 mile eastward; from the north side of the bay, near its head, there is an arm extending about 1/ mile northward. Layauan Bay has a rocky shore all around, hidden by a narrow fringe of mangrove and faced by coral reefs to a distance of 50 to 100 yards. A depth of from 32 to 14 fathoms (58 to 26 m.) can be carried from the entrance to a point southward of the sand spit on the west side of the entrance to the north arm of the bay eastward from this point; the bay is foul and filled with reefs. A channel 150 yards wide leads up the middle of the north arm carrying a depth of 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), mud bottom, for about 1/4 mile beyond the entrance. In entering the north arm the sand spit on the west side should be passed close-to, it being steep and clear while reefs make well off the point on the eastern side. Layauan Bay is a great resort for fishermen, some coming even from Levte. Anchorage, protected from all except westerly winds, may be found in the middle of Layauan Bay in 16 fathoms (29.3 m.); small vessels mav enter the north arm, where they will find landlocked anchorage in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). Little Layauan Bay, a small unimportant bay, lies immediately south from Layauan Bay, from which it is separated by a steep, rocky bluff, which is prominent and bold. This bay is fringed by coral reefs which extend about 50 yards from the northern shore and 160 yards from the southern shore. The best water is in the northern part of the bay. The point at the south side of the entrance to Little Layauan Bay is a steep, cultivated ridge about 80 feet (24.4 m.) high. Libjo Bay lies between Tamoyauas Point, which is high and gently rounding with rocky ledges at its foot and heavily wooded, and Pelotes Point. It is 212 miles wide at the entrance and extends the same distance southeastward. The shores of the bay are fringed with reefs; the center is deep and clear. The town of Libjo lies back of a cobblestone and sand beach at the head of the bay. Anchorage, fairly protected from all winds, may be found in 17 fathoms 1/4 mile northwestward from Libjo. Pelotes Rocks lie about /8 mile northward from Pelotes Point. They are two in number but appear to be four or five, the larger having four separate summits. The southern summit of the larger rock is 120 feet (36 m.) high; the western rock is about 25 feet (7.6 m.) high. They lie on a bank about 14 mile in extent surrounded by deep water. They are steep-to and covered with a thick growth of small trees. Pelotes Point is the termination of Tabunan Peninsula, a wooded peninsula, 590 feet (180 m.) high, which extends about 2 miles northwestward from the coast. Pelotes Point is rocky, steep, and bold. About 1/4 mile northeastward from it there is a steep rock, 58 feet (17.7 m.) high, with a tuft of bushes on its top. The isthmus connecting Tabunan Peninsula with the mainland is about 34 mile wide and 100 feet (30 m.) high. Tabunan, an unimportant fishing settlement, lies on the western side of Tabunan Peninsula, about %3 mile southward from Pelotes Point. At Pelotes Point begins a series of groups of islets and inlets that extends southward along the coast for a distance of 10 miles. The PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULUT ARCHIPELAGO 229 mainland itself is so broken into small haycock-shaped hills that resemble the islands that the number of the latter appears to be almost innumerable. Tabunan Islets are a group of 11 small islets and four or five smaller rocks lying about 1/2 mile southward from Pelotes Point and extending about the same distance from the shore. They range in height from 50 to 210 feet (15.2 to 64 m.) and are all very steep and oovered with light shrubbery. They are divided into two groups; the outer group of four are surrounded by deep water and are separated from the others by a narrow 23-fathom (42 m.) channel. The inner group all lie on the same reef and there is a channel between them and the peninsula passable by boats at high water. Binaliu Rocks, two in number, lie 7/s mile west-southwestward from Pelotes Point. The largest one is about 120 feet long, 13 feet (4 m.) high, and flat topped; the other one is a pointed rock, 9 feet (2.7 m.) high, lying about 50 feet eastward from the larger. They are of limestone formation, much underworn by wave action, and the sea breaks over them in moderately heavy weather. Dayhangan Bay, between the south side of Tabunan Peninsula and Tagabaka Point, presents no special features; the village of Dayhagan lies on the north shore. Tagabaka Cove lies between the point of the same name and a long conspicuous point which extends %3 mile northward and is composed of limestone hillocks resembling the numerous islands outside. There are a number of islets in the cove, the largest of which lies across the entrance. The channels at either end of this islet are foul, and only about 6 feet (1.8 m.) can be carried into the cove at high water. A small shoal covered by a least depth of 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) exists about 1/3 mile north-northwestward from the entrance point to Tagabaka Cove, and a shoal covered by a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) and surrounded by deep water exists midway between the same point and Kanihaan Island. Kanihaan Island, the farthest off-lying island in this vicinity, is situated about 3 miles southwestward from Tabunan Peninsula and 21/2 miles from shore. It is about 11/2 miles long in a north-northeast and opposite direction and 1/4 mile wide, covered with cogon grass and coconut trees, and rises to a height of 167 feet (51 m.); foul ground extends about 400 yards north and south from it. A small, dangerous reef, covered by a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) and surrounded by deep water, exists about 3/ mile westward from Kanihaan Island. The currents in this vicinity run with great velocity, causing heavy tide rips and overfalls, and this reef is hard to pick up. Currents.-During the survey in this vicinity currents were experienced running southward off the points of Dinagat and around Kanihaan Island. When they did set northward there was, as a rule, little strength to them, while, on the other hand, those setting southward ran with great velocity around the north end of Kanihaan Island and the reef to the westward. Kayabangan Island, situated about 3/4 mile southwestward from the western entrance point to Tagabaka Cove, is small, rocky, wooded, and 220 feet (67 m.) high. The area included within the group of 230 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT islets, rocks, and reefs between Kayabangan Island and the shore is foul, and no vessels should venture into it except under the most favorable seeing conditions. Lipata lies back of a sandy beach about 1 mile south-southeastward from Kayabangan Island. There is no good anchorage in the vicinity of Lipata. It is best approached northward from a small islet lying 38 mile northwest from it. When nearing the village care must be given to the fringing reef, which bares at low water and extends 1/8 mile from the shore. Lipata can be approached from the westward by rounding the north end of Kanhanusa Island at a distance of 100 yards and giving the islet eastward from it a berth of about 200 yards. This will clear the reef, which extends about 400 yards southward from the islet lying northwestward from Lipata. The entrance to the cove southward of Lipata is blocked by a coral reef which can only be crossed by pulling boats at high water. Kanhanusa Island is a small irregularly shaped island, 325 feet (99 m.) high, lying 1 mile south-southwest from Kayabangan Island; Tamburay Island lies immediately southward from it. Kanhanusa Passage, between Kanhanusa and Tamburay Islands and the land, is navigable by coasting vessels. A coral sand reef about 50 by 200 yards in extent, which bares at low water, lies in the middle of the passage. There is deep water on both sides of this reef, and it can be left on either hand in passing. Care must also be exercised to avoid the fringing reef making off 100 yards from the point on the mainland just north of the channel reef and another making off 100 yards from the islet near the northern end of Kanhanusa Island. Kayitan Bay, at the main entrance between Tamburay Island and Tungo Point, is about 1/4 mile wide and extends nearly 11/2 miles east-southeastward. Dungoan Cove, the entrance to which is blocked by a coral reef bare at low water, is an irregularly shaped body of water making off from the south side of Kayitan Bay. A fairly good anchorage may be found in 21 fathoms (38 m.), mud bottom, about 400 yards eastward from the entrance to the eastern arm of Kayitan Bay. Care must be taken to avoid a coral head, covered by a least depth of 1/2 fathom (0.9 mn.), lying in the middle of the arm 3/ mile east of the entrance. The north shore of the arm west from the coral head is fringed by a reef about 50 yards wide, while the south shore is practically clear. San Roque is a small village about 2 miles southward from Tungo Point on the north side of San Roque Channel. Back from this village there is a 340-foot (104 m.) hill, which from northwest and southeast shows as a perfect cone and stands up very sharply. San Roque Channel (chart 4638), between Dinagat and Kotkot Islands, is narrowed by fringing reefs on either side to a navigable width of about 100 yards. In the middle of the channel, abreast of the village, there is a depth of about 5 fathoms (9.1 in.), from which point the depths gradually increase north and south. A short distance eastward from the village the channel widens, forming a basin about 300 by 400 yards in extent, where good anchorage may be found in from 22 to 25 fathoms (40 to 46 m.). The north shore of this basin has two reefs extending some 220 yards from shore. The PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 231 channel southward from this basin narrows and is almost closed by reefs, leaving a 9-fathom channel about 50 yards wide through the reef 80 yards eastward from Rabo Rock, the 22-foot (6.7 m.) rock west of Kakub Point. Kotkot Island, forming the southwest side of San Roque Channel, is nearly 1 mile long northwest and southeast, dark and thickly wooded, and rises near the north end to a height of 170 feet (52 m.). It is fringed by reefs which from the ends extend to a distance of about 1/4 mile. On the reef, extending from the southeast end, are situated Kasundalo Islet and several smaller islets and rocks. Hagakhak Island, lying about 1/2 mile southward from Kotkot Island, from which it is separated by a deep, narrow channel, is wooded and 140 feet (43 m.) high. Tinao Islet is situated about 400 yards northwestward from the north end of Hagakhak Island. It is the outer one of an umber of islets and rocks northwestward from Hagakhak; on its western end are two peculiar rocky columns, some 30 feet (9.1 m.) high. Little Hagakhak Island, situated about 14 mile southwestward from Hagakhak Island, is 110 feet (33 m.) high, wooded, and very prominent. It is small, composed of dark, smooth rocks having high cliffs on its northeast and southwest faces, and is clean and steep-to. From a steep bluff at its southeast extremity a bare rocky ledge, about 7 feet (2.1 m.) above high water, extends for 120 yards, and close to the end of this ledge, on top of it, a cluster of large bowlders, steep on the sides and underworn around their bases, lie scattered. The highest of these bowlders is 40 feet (12.2 m.) high and has a few scrubby bushes on it. Kakub Point is a long point which terminates in a little hill 50 feet (15.2 m.) high and forms part of the eastern side of San Roque Channel. The shore line from Kakub extends % mile northward and thence 21/4 miles southward to Kanhatid Point, forming eastward from Kakub Point and the Kanhatid Islands a narrow, deep, unnamed bay the shores of which are practically a wall of coral from 10 to 30 feet (3 to 9.1 m.) high. Extending southward from Kakub Point for a distance of over 3/4 mile is a long reef, on which are situated the Kanhatid Islets, a number of small, partly wooded, rocky, and uninviting looking islets. About /4 mile southwestward from the southern Kanhatid Islet, in the fairway to the southern approach to San Roque Channel, the Twin Islets, two small islets each about 60 feet (18.3 m.) high, lie on a reef surrounded by deep water. They may be left on either hand at a distance of 200 yards when approaching or leaving San Roque Channel. Kabun Cove is a small indentation about 1 mile northward from Kanhatid Point. It is of no value to navigation, being nearly filled by an island the ends of which are connected with the shore by reefs. Kanhatid Point, forming the western side of Babas Cove, has a small islet off its extremity, about 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, the southern and eastern sides of which are clean and steep-to. Babas Cove, lying immediately eastward from Kanhatid Point, is 3/4 mile long north and south, 1/ mile wide, and very deep. It affords anchorage for launches and small craft, a mid-channel course carrying a least depth of 17 fathoms (31 m.) to its head. 232 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Kambagio Point, the northwestern entrance point to Melgar Bay, is rocky and steep and is formed by the base of a little conical grasscovered hill about 200 feet (61 m.) high; it appears prominent from west and southwest. An extensive reef, bare at low-water springs, extends 3/ mile southeastward from the eastern side of Kambagio Point, affording protection to the anchorage off Melgar from southwest winds. Melgar Bay is 31/2 miles wide at the entrance between Kambagio and Kansadok Points and extends 11/2 miles northeastward. It is encircled by high hills lying about 2 miles back from the coast and is bordered with but little foreshore. About 2 miles northward from the head of the bay these hills reach over 1,000 feet (305 m.) in elevation and stand out prominently. Northeast from the bay is a rather broken series of ridges that culminate in Mount Tristan, on the eastern side of Dinagat. Melgar is a small town lying eastward from Kambagio Point. It is built with one street on the beach and the other on the hillside. From Kambagio Point the coast trends northeastward for about 2 miles and thence east-southeastward for about the same distance to Bilabid Point. This section of the coast is rocky around the points and in the bights. It is fringed with coral, which at one point extends to a distance of nearly 1/2 mile. About 1/ mile south-southeast from Tamchagan Point, the first point northeastward from Kambaigo Point, there is a reef composed of coral bowlders and covered by a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.). It is about 200 yards long northwest and southeast, 100 yards wide, steep-to on all sides, and usually shows plainly. Sibukauan Island, lying midway between Bilabid and Mahangin Points, 2 miles eastward from Kambagio Point, and in the entrance to three large inlets, known as Panikian, Tagabaka, and Tagbabui Coves, is of horseshoe shape with the convex side toward Bilabid Point. It is bold, over 100 feet (30 m.) high, heavily wooded, and easily recognized. Sibukauan is joined to Bilabid Point by a reef showing coral heads at low water. Its south side is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef, and between this reef and Mahangin Point there is a deep, clear channel about 400 yards wide. Panikian, Tagabaka, and Tagbabui Coves are large irregularly shaped inlets having a common entrance between Sibukauan Island and Mahangin Point; they do not require any detailed description. They afford perfectly sheltered anchorage for moderatesize vessels. The only dangers requiring special mention are the reefs off the eastern points of Sibukauan Island, which are rather extensive and show coral heads at low-water springs. Mahangin Point, the southern entrance point to the abovementioned coves, has a black rock beach and is bold and steep-to. The land rises rapidly from the point and attains a height of 430 feet (131 m.) at a distance of about /2mile inland. Kanayut Point, lying about 3/4 mile southwestward from Mahangin Point, has no beach, but instead a cliff face, about 30 feet (9.1 m.) high, which shows well from all parts of Melgar Bay. The peninsula terminating in Mahagin and Kanayut Points is well wooded, 490 feet (149 m.) high, and very prominent. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 233 Kambay Cove is 3/4 mile wide at the entrance between Kanayut and Kansadok Points and extends about the same distance southeastward. It affords fair anchorage, although the depths are rather great. Kansadok Point, the southeastern entrance point to Melgar Bay, is low, rocky, and steep-to, and the land behind is steep and wooded. Unib Island is situated about 2 miles southward from Kdmbagio Point in the entrance to Melgar Bay. It is roughly triangular in shape and about 3/4 mile in extent. It is very rugged, heavily wooded, and rises in the center to a height of 650 feet (198 m.). Its shores are generally clean and steep-to. Sibanoc Island lies immediately southwestward from Unib Island, from which it is separated by a deep channel. It is about 2 miles long north and south, narrow, and rises to a height of 448 feet (136 m.). It is the best-cultivated island in this vicinity and supports quite a population. The village of Rizal lies on the most eastern point. Baong Rocks are a cluster of rocks covering an area about 400 yards long east and west and 220 yards wide, situated westward from the southern part of Sibanoc Island, from which they are separated by a deep channel about 600 yards wide. The largest rock is of a dark color, about 10 by 15 feet in extent, and stands about 3 feet (0.9 m.) above the highest tides. About 150 yards west of this rock there is a rocky cluster uncovering at half tide, and about the same distance east-southeastward there is another cluster covered by 1 foot (0.3 m.) at low water; between these dangers, depths of from 1 to 5 fathoms (1.8 to 9.1 m.) are found. With southwest and west winds the sea breaks heavily over these rocks and shoals. Viray Islet is a small islet lying about 3/4 mile southward from Unib Island; it is about 1/ mile long north and south and very narrow. It is low in the middle and higher at the ends, the southern end being the higher (80 feet (24.4 m.)) and more wooded. It is surrounded by reefs, which from the northeastern side extend to a distance of nearly /2 mile and are partly bare at low water. Likoko Islet is a very small islet lying /4 mile from the east part of Sibanoc Island; it is rocky and has a cluster of coconut trees on it. Eastward from Likoko and separated from it by a channel 120 yards wide is a large reef which bares in places at low-water springs. There is a narrow deep channel between this reef and the reef surrounding Viray Islet and also between Likoko and Sibanoc Island. Kalavera Point, about 3/4 mile southwestward from Kansadok Point, is surrounded by a rocky ledge with shoal water outside of it extending to a distance of about 1/4 mile. It is 50 feet (15.2 m.) high and the one street of the village of Odok runs up over the hill. Matingbi Cove, at its entrance between Kamagong Point, situated /2 mile south of Kalavera Point and Kanhinaud Point, is about 1/4 miles wide and extends about 1 mile eastward; it is of no importance. Puyo Islet is a small islet lying in the middle of Matingbi Cove, which is barely distinguishable from the land behind it. 234 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Kanhinaud Point is the western extremity of a long peninsula lying between Matingbi and Masiub Coves. It is bordered by mangroves and fringed by a reef which bares at low water. This peninsula is very prominent, partly because of the scattered cultivated areas and partly because of the sharp hills with clumps of trees on them. A large clump of trees on a 390-foot (119 m.) hill near the middle of the peninsula can easily be recognized from Little Hagakrak Island. Tagbayakao Islet is a small cone-shaped rock, 102 feet (31 m.) high, with bushes on top and mangroves on its inshore side, lying nearly 11/2 miles southeastward from Kanhinaud Point. It is connected with the peninsula northward by a reef, partly bare at low water, and foul ground extends 1/ mile southwestward from it. Masiub Cove is about 1 mile wide at the entrance between Tagbayakao Islet and Masiub Point and extends north and then east for a distance of nearly 2 miles. It contains much foul ground and is of little value to navigation. Dinagat Point, situated 7/ mile southward from Masiub Point, terminates in a promontory, 156 feet (48 m.) high, on the northern slope of which is situated the town of Dinagat. Dinagat (chart 4638) is a small town, consisting of two churches, tribunal, several Chinese stores, a schoolhouse painted white with an iron roof, and 70 to 80 nipa houses. The schoolhouse and church stand on high ground and are conspicuous from seaward. At the back of the town is a perfectly sheltered pier, with 5 feet (1.5 m.) of water at its end, where small native craft and ship's launches may dock. Capaquian Island, lying across the entrance to Masiub and Dinagat Coves, is about 2 miles long, northwest and southeast, and narrow. The southwest side is mostly black, rocky ledges; the northeast side is bordered by mangroves and fringed by a steep-to reef. It is well wooded and rises in the northwest part to a height of 260 feet (79 m.). A reef, part of which is awash, lies 1/2 to 34 mile southeastward from the south end of Capaquian Island. Dakit Rock, lying about 3/ mile from the west side of Capa quian Island, is about 25 yards in extent, flat on top, stands about 4 feet (1.2 m.) above high water, and is conspicuous. Southward from Dakit Rock there are three shoals lying close together, the western and most dangerous being covered by only 4 feet (1.2 m.) of water. Over the larger part of these shoals there is a depth of from 2 to 3 fathoms (3.6 to 5.5 m.), the 4-foot (1.2 m.) spot being found on top of a bowlder at the northwest extremity of the western shoal. Cabilan Islets are two small islets lying on the same reef nearly 1 mile south of Capaquian Island. The western and eastern islets are 138 feet (42 m.) high, respectively. The reef surrounding them is generally less than 200 yards wide and is steep-to. A small detached reef, covered by 1/4 fathom (0.4 m.), lies about %8 mile east-southeastward from the eastern Cabilan Islet. From Dinagat Point to the northern entrance to Gabo Channel, a distance of 41,/ miles, the coast trends southeasterly and forms the northern side of Awasan Bay. From this section of the coast. reefs with very little water over them extend to a distance of about 3/ PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SJTLU ARCHIPELAGO 235 mile. From the entrance to Gabo Channel the coast trends westward along the northern shores of Awasan, Hanigad, and Sibale Islands, forming the southern shore of Awasan Bay, which is fringed by reefs about 1/2 mile wide. Between Awasan and Hanigad Island there is an unimportant bay filled with reefs and shoals. The head of this bay is connected with Kantiasay Bay, between Hanigad and Nonoc Islands, also of no importance, being blocked at the southern entrance by bowlders. Awasan Bay is about 40 fathoms (73 m.) deep at the entrance and shoals gradually toward the head. Sugbuhan Island is a small island covered with trees and grass lying close to the shore at the head of Awasan Bay. It is broken up into several small hills, which show conspicuous red bluffs to the southwestward; east from these bluffs is a sand beach with a small village on it, the remainder of the shore line being mangroves. Tagboabo Islet, small and covered with trees and bamboo, lies immediately southeastward from Sugbuhan Island and marks the northern entrance to Gabo Channel. Awasan Island, lying close to the south end of Dinagat Island, from which it is separated by Gabo Channel, is 21/2 miles long in a north-northeast and opposite direction, 11/4 miles wide, well wooded, and mountainous, rising near the south end to a height of 560 feet (171 m.). Its shores are all mangrove except at the northwest point, where there is a short sand beach and the only house on the island. Its south side is separated from Nonoc Island by a shoal mangrovebordered channel which connects Kantiasay Bay with Gabo Channel. Hanigad Island, lying westward from Awasan and Nonoc Islands, is nearly 4 miles long in a north-northeast and opposite direction, and has an average width of 1 mile. Hanigad Island is mountainous, the eastern half heavily wooded, the southwest part lightly covered with trees, bushes, some grass, and scattering dead trees, with patches of red soil showing. The shore line is mostly mangroves, but there are conspicuous sand beaches and coconut groves on the western side and near the village of Hanigad. On the north end the fringe of mangrove is very narrow with bushes and high land immediately back from them. There are many scattered rocks lying from 10 to 50 yards from the north shore, and foul ground extends nearly 3/4 mile northward from Hanigad Island. Sibale Island lies westward from Hanigad Island, from which it is separated by a short, narrow, mangrove-fringed channel 10 to 15 yards wide. Sibale and Hanigad Islands are connected both at the north and south ends by reefs and are separated by Kantiasay Bay, a large, foul basin. The little village of Saragossa stands on the north end of Sibale Island. Sibale rises in the southern part to a sharp wooded summit 510 feet (155 m.) high. The rest of the island is fairly well cultivated for hemp, coconuts, bananas, and sweet potatoes. This island is noticeably greener than the others and is well settled; considerable hemp and copra are exported. The shore line is mostly rocky near the points, with sand beaches in the bays. A small reef, covered by a least depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.), lies 5/ mile 278~ (W. 1/2 N. mag.) from the north end of Sibale Island. Hikdop Island, lying westward from Sibale Island, is about 4 miles long northwest and southeast and 1 mile wide. It is rugged 236 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and high, its extreme elevation being 994 feet (303 m.) to the tops of the trees. The northern part presents a very broken skyline and is generally covered with coconut trees, grass, and scattered patches of hemp; the southern part is more regular and mostly wooded. The southwest shore is rocky, with small sand beaches at the heads of the coves. The island is generally fringed by a narrow steep-to reef, which from its southeast point extends to a distance of about 1/2 mile, with a least depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) over black coral heads. There are several villages, of which Buenavista, lying on the southwest side, is the most important. The channel between Hikdop and Sibale Islands has a least width of 1 mile and can be safely navigated by keeping in the middle. Onate Rock is a small coral reef showing several black rocks, one of which is awash at high water, lying about 1 mile from the south side of Hikdop Island on the bearings: South tangent to Hikdop Island 98~ (E. /2 S. mag.) and west tangent to same island 4~ (N. 1/8 E. mag.). Beelzebub Reef, covered by a least depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.), lies about / mile westward from Ofiate Rock, with a narrow, deep channel between them. Danaon Island, lying about 3/4 mile west-northwestward from the north end of Hikdop Island, is a small regularly shaped island about 1/2 mile in extent. The east side is low, flat, and sandy, with a white coral sand beach at the village of Danaon; this part is covered with coconut trees. The remainder of the island is high, rocky. and wooded, being 152 feet (46 m.) high to the tree tops. It is clean and steep-to on the east side, but the rest of its shores are fringed by a wide reef to a distance of about 3/ mile, which is covered with bowlders. There is a rock 4 feet (1.2 m.) high standing on a detached coral reef nearly 12 mile northeastward from Danaon Island. Sumilon Island, the most western island northeastward from Mindanao, is situated 51/2 miles northward from Bilaa Point and about 31/ miles westward from the north end of Hikdop Island. It is about 1/2 mile in extent, covered with coconut trees and grass, and 157 feet (47 m.) high to the tree tops. From its southeastern part a long sand spit makes off and surrounds two conspicuous rocks lying about 1/4 mile from shore. The more southerly of these rocks is covered with bushes; the other is bare. Satan Rock, lying nearly 11/4 miles east-northeastward from Sumilon Island, is small and steep and terminates above the surface in a conical-shaped black rock. It may be passed fairly close on either side. Nonoc Island, lying off the south end of Dinagat Island, from which it is separated by Gabo Channel, is of very irregular shape, 612 miles long east and west and about 4 miles wide. Its sea faces are generally steep and clear. It is all mountainous; its highest summit, Mount Conico, situated in the western part, reaches an elevation of 1,100 feet (335 m.). It is composed of a series of parallel ridges trending roughly northwest and southeast. Those at the west and east ends are heavily wooded, but in between, especially bordering on Gabo Channel, are several ridges nearly bare of vegetation with a bright red soil exposed, over which are scattered a few PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 237 dead trees. Along the south side of the island, at the base of Mount Conico's southeasterly slope, are several unusually green grassy hills. Gabo Channel is the narrow deep channel between Port Gabo and Awasan Bay. It has a least width of 150 yards and a least depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.). The shores of the channel are bordered with mangroves and fringed by steep-to coral reefs. In entering from the northward care must be taken to avoid the shoals to the westward of the channel, which is formed by reefs on either side for about 1 mile before entering the channel proper between the islands; these shoals can be passed close to on either side. Gabo Channel is not practicable for anything except small craft which make the passage with the tide. Currents.-Low water at the Awasan Bay end of Gabo Channel comes at about the same time as high water at the Port Gabo end, and as a consequence there are violent and swift tidal currents with dangerous rips and whirls near all the points. The times of slack water do not correspond with high and low waters by two and three hours. Port Gabo, at the southern end of Gabo Channel, lies between Dinagat and Nonoc Islands. It is well protected, being sheltered by high land on three sides. The port, which is easily made out from seaward, is nearly 1 mile wide at the entrance and has a great depth of water. It extends 11/4 miles westward and then forms an elbow southward, turning into Gabo Channel. Gabo Island is a small wooded island, 98 feet (29.9 m.) high, near the entrance to Gabo Channel. It is surrounded by a reef which connects it with Nonoc Island and also extends about /8 mile northward from it. Good, protected anchorage may be found in the northern part of the port, less than 1/4 mile from shore, in about 15 fathoms (27.4 m.). Doot Islet, about 1 mile in extent, lies close to the southwest side of Nonoc Island, from which it is separated by a narrow mangrovebordered channel. The southern half of the islet is covered with mangroves, while the northern half is high, showing three conspicuous, grassy, wooded hills, the highest of which is 190 feet (58 m.). A reef extends off the west shore of Doot, reaching almost to the village of Nonoc, where it terminates in several rocks above water. There is a deep channel between these rocks and the villages, and small vessels could find an anchorage just inside of them. The southwest shore of Doot Islet forms one side of the channel between it and Rasa Islet; this channel is deep and clear, but its use is not recommended because of the heavy tide rips, whirlpools, and strong current in it. There is scarcely any slack water in this channel, the current changing from flood to ebb very quickly. Rasa Islet is a small islet lying on an extensive steep-to reef, part of which bares at low water, about 600 yards south of Doot Islet. It is composed mainly of mangroves, a little sand beach on the northeast shore, and a small hill about 25 feet (7.6 m.) high in the middle. The reef on which the islet lies extends about 3/4 mile on the northwest side around to the southwest and southeast sides, where it narrows to about 1/4 mile. The northeast shore of the islet is steep-to and forms the south side of the channel between it and Doot Islet. 95672~-30 — 16 238 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT A fixed red light is exhibited 10 feet (3 m.) above high water from a concrete pedestal on the extreme edge of the reef, 450 yards southward from Rasa Islet. From Port Gabo the coast trends in a general northerly direction for 37 miles to Desolation Point, at the northern extremity of the island, and is bold and mountainous and of desolate and forbidding character. The spurs from the mountains approach the shore and end in steep cliffs and bluffs. The shores are fringed with reefs varying in width from a few yards to over 1/ mile. It can be safely navigated by keeping outside a line drawn 1 mile eastward from the salient points, care being taken to avoid the dangerous area eastward from Penascales Point, which will be described in its proper order. This coast is exposed to the full force of the waves from the Pacific and there are few places where a landing can be safely effected in bad weather. Owing to the lack of harbors, the strong currents, and numerous offshore dangers these waters are seldom visited by shipping. Mount Gabo is the summit of a bold promontory extending from the south end of Dinagat. It is connected with the rest of the island at a point about 5 miles from the south end by an isthmus a little over 1 mile wide and not much over 100 feet (30 m.) high. Mount Gabo appears as a rather flat-topped ridge sloping gently toward the north and dropping abruptly at the south. The summit, 1,752 feet (534 m.) in height, is densely wooded with low scrub, while the lower slopes are covered with small timber. The shore line of the Peninsula, which is surmounted by Mount Gabo, is mostly rocky ledges with sand beaches in the bights and is fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef. Kagdyanao Bay, about 1 mile in extent and nearly blocked by reefs, lies at the foot of the northern slope of Mount Gabo. Fairly sheltered anchorage for small vessels may be found off the village of Kagdyanao, in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), in a pocket in the reef about 1/4 mile in diameter. From the village of Kagdyanao, which is small and unimportant, there is a trail across the island to the head of Awasan Bay. Tabuk Island is a small tree and grass covered island, 148 feet (45 m.) high, lying on the northern side of the entrance to Kagdyanao Bay. It lies on the shore reef, which extends 3/8 mile eastward from it. Sayao Island, lying over 3/ mile northeastward from Tabuk Island is a small, lightly wooded island, 127 feet (39 m.) high. Its southwest point is clear and steep-to, leaving a deep boat passage, 200 yards wide, between it and the reef surrounding Tabuk Island. The remainder of Sayao Island is fringed by reefs, which extend /4 mile northeastward from it, and surround Dakit Rock, a conspicuous rock, 18 feet (5.5 m.) high, which lies on the extreme edge of the reef. Lahi Bay lies immediately northward from Kagdyanao Bay. Its shores are fringed by wide reefs and it is of little value to navigation. Mangli Bay, about 51/2 miles northward from Dakit Rock, is very small, almost blocked by reefs, and only available for small, native craft during the southwest monsoon. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 239 Penascales Point, the most eastern point of Dinagat northward from Gabo Peninsula, is situated 7 miles northward from Dakit Rock. It is surrounded by a considerable reef, which extends about 1/4 mile eastward, and is steep-to. On this reef there is a small ~group of large black rocks, the highest of which is 22 feet (6.7 m.); these rocks show up well from north and south. Eastward from a north and south line, passing 2 miles eastward from Penascales Point, is an area of foul ground, about 9 miles long north and south and 7 miles wide east and west, in which are found numerous detached reefs covered by depths of from 31/2 to 7 fathoms (6.4 to 12.8 m.). The location of these reefs and the limits of the area of foul ground will be best understood by reference to the chart. Peninsula Point, about 6 miles northward from Peniascales Point, is formed by a round peninsula, about 1 mile in diameter. It is densely wooded, 528 feet (161 m.) high, and rather flat on top, but drops off steeply on the eastern side. It is fringed with reefs, which, from the northeast side, extend to a distance of nearly,/2 mile. About 1/2mile from its southeast point there is a detached patch covered by a least depth of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.). Gaas Bay, lying northward from Peninsula Point, is about 1~ miles wide at its entrance, and extends about 1 mile westward. The middle of the bay is deep, but the shores are fringed with reefs, which at the head of the bay extend to a distance of 3/ mile. Gaas Inlet (chart 4638) is a deep winding waterway extending from Gaas Bay in a general southwesterly direction for about 3 miles and terminating in a large, comparatively shallow basin. about 2 miles long and over 1/ mile wide. The inlet has an average width of about 200 yards and is from 33/4 to 10 fathoms (6.9 to 18.3 m.) deep. The shore line is almost entirely rocky, and has a steep slope with mangroves growing at the edge of the water. The basin, at the head of the inlet, is bordered by mangroves and there are a number of small rivers, navigable by small craft, discharging into it. There is a channel leading through the basin, in which there is a least depth of l1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.). Gaas Inlet is recommended in preference to Malinao Inlet, as the entrance is better protected from northeast sea, and once inside affords perfect protection for small vessels. Care should be taken in entering to keep well in the center, as there are large reefs making off from either shore, and the reef line northward from the entrance incloses several large sunken bowlders. Malinao Inlet (chart 4638) is the first break through the long range of mountains extending from Desolation Point southward on the east coast of Dinagat and is situated 13 miles southward from Desolation Point and 5 miles northward from Peninsula Point. It is about 1/2 mile wide at the entrance and extends about 112 miles northwestward, where it divides into two arms, which end in mangrove sloughs. The depth at the entrance is 5 fathoms (9.1 m.); immediately inside the depth decreases to 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) and then increases to 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). This inlet affords fairly protected anchorage for small craft at all seasons. Shoal water, with a very irregular bottom, covered by depths of from 2 to 10 fathoms (3.6 to 18.3 m.), makes off to the eastward from the entrance 240 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT to Malinao Inlet for nearly 1 mile; good anchorage can be found off this shoal during the southwest monsoon. Masdang Cove is a small cove 2 miles southward from Desolation Point, which affords shelter for boats and where a landing can generally be made in bad weather. Halian Island, situated 8 miles eastward from Kagdyanao Bay, Dinagat, and 434 miles westward from Cowhagan Island, off the west coast of Siargao, is a small, low, coral-sand island, covered with trees, 60 to 80 feet (18.3 to 24.4 m.) high. It lies on the southern part of an extensive reef, which extends about 1 mile northward from it. Heavy swells roll over this reef, but a landing can be made a little north of the most western point of the island, where there is a sand beach and two or three houses. SIARGAO ISLAND situated 15 miles eastward from the southern part of Dinagat Island, is 19 miles long north and south, and has a greatest width of 111/2 miles. It is generally low, the greatest elevation, about 900 feet (274 m.), being found in the southwest part. Sugbuhan Point, the northern extremity of the island, is a low bush and tree covered rounding point, from which reefs extend 5/8 mile in a north-northeasterly direction. Sugbuhan Reef, lying 212 miles north-northwestward from Sugbuhan Point, is 11/2 miles long in an east-southeast and opposite direction, 1/2 mile wide, and covered by a least depth of 112 fathoms (2.7 m.). Strong currents run over this reef and it can be plainly seen when the light is favorable. Malayo Reef, lying 71/2 miles 258~ (WSW. 3/4 W. mag.) from Sugbuhan Point, is about 1 mile long in an east-northeast and opposite direction, 1/4 mile wide, and covered by a least depth of l1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.). From Sugbuhan Point the coast trends in a general south-southwesterly direction for 15 miles to Venus Point, and thence southeasterly for 6 miles to Cambasac Point, on the northern side of the western entrance to Dapa Channel. Between Sugbuhan and Venus Point there is an extensive bank having a greatest width of 5 miles, on which lie Kambiling, Pagbasayan, Kangun, Dahican, Megancub, Cowhagan, Kangbangyo, Poneas, Tona, and Laonan Islands, and numerous reefs and shoals. A chain of reefs begins about 1 mile south of Laonan Island, and stretches southeastward, parallel with the shore and about /2 mile distant from it, as far as Venus Point, where it joins the shore. From Venus Point to Cambasac Point the coast is rocky, bordered with mangroves and fringed by steep-to reefs, nowhere exceeding 400 yards in width. Rizal is a small village lying on the coast about 21, miles southwestward from Sugbuhan Point. The reef, in front of this village, bares to a distance of about 4/ mile, and exposes a cluster of very jagged, dead coral rocks, lying about 3/8 mile from the outer edge of the reef. Kambiling Islet is a small sandy cay, awash at high water, lying 41/2 miles southwestward from Sugbuhan Point, near the outer edge of the bank here about 2 miles wide. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 241 Sapao, the largest town in this vicinity, lies at the head of a mangrove-bordered cove, about 1/2mile southward from Rizal. It contains a stone church and convent, both of which are falling to ruin. Small steamers occasionally call here, anchoring about 1 mile from the town in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), at the entrance to a break in the reef leading to the town. This anchorage may be approached either northward or southward from Kambiling Islet. Pagbasayan Islet is a small, low, sandy islet covered with trees and bushes. It lies on the bank over 1 mile from its outer edge and the same distance from the shore. It is surrounded by an extensive reef that bares at low water. Shoals.-A shoal, covered by a least depth of 314 fathoms (5.9 m.), exists 33/4 miles, 311~ (NW. /2 W. mag.) from Pagbasayan Islet. A shoal, covered by a least depth of 21/4 fathoms (4.6 m.), exists 234 miles, 304~ (NW. by W. 1/ W. mag.) from Pagbasayan Islet. A shoal, covered by a least depth of 13/ fathoms (3.2 m.), exists 234 miles, 325~ (NW. 3/4 N. mag.) from Pagbasayan Islet. Kangun Islet is a low sandy islet lying near the edge of the bank, 21/2 miles southwest from Pagbasayan Islet and 2 miles from shore; a reef which bares at low water extends about 1 mile northward from it. Litalit Bay, formed by Kangun, Dahican, and Litalit Islets and the coast of Siargao Island, is shoal in places and of little value to navigation. From the head of Litalit Bay there is a mangrovefringed channel, navigable by small native craft, leading southward to Numancia. San Benito is a small unimportant village on the eastern shore of Litalit Bay; the village and the sand beach in front of it are conspicuous from seaward. San Benito may be approached by entering Litalit Bay either northward or southward of Kangun Islet. Dahican Island, lying about 2 miles westward from San Benito, is a. long, narrow, flat island, consisting mostly of mangroves with a small wooded area in the middle. Poneas Island, the largest island off the west coast of Siargao, is 5 miles long in a northeast and southwest direction and over 1 mile wide. It is separated from Siargao and Tona Islands by Sayug Channel, Baban Lagoon, and Tona Channel. It appears as a cluster of small peaks, the highest of which is 655 feet (200 m.), lying close together, but separated from each other by deep gorges. An extensive area formed by a wide mangrove flat, intersected by mangrove sloughs, lies between the higher part of the island and the western part of Siargao Island, which is of a very similar formation to the western part of Poneas Island. Sayug Channel, Baban Lagoon, and Tona Channel, separating Poneas Island from Tona and Siargao Islands, are shoal, bordered by mangroves, and only navigable by the smaller class of native craft; they do not require any detailed description. Cowhagan Island and Rock lie about /4 mile from the edge of the bank westward from Siargao and form a rounding point for coasting vessels. The island is small and low; the rock, lying on the northern side of the island, is covered with trees and rises to a height of 62 feet (18.9 m.). 242 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Kangbangyo Island, about 1 mile west of the south end of Poneas Island, is covered with numerous wooded peaks, the highest of which rises to a height of 440 feet (134 m.). It is surrounded by reefs which extend out 1/ mile and surrounds several high rocks. A shoal, covered by a least depth of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 m.), lies 11/2 miles westward from the north end of Kangbangyo. Laonan Island, lying close to the southwest end of Poneas Island, is very small, wooded, and rises to a height of 452 feet (138 m.). Tona Island, composed almost entirely of mangroves, lies southward from Poneas Island. It is about 112 miles square and is separated from Poneas by'Tona Channel and from Siargao by Libas Channel. The Beyobo Channel, through which the town of Numanica is approached, lies on the southeast side of Tona Island. Numancia, the largest town in this vicinity, lies about 8 miles northwestward from the western entrance to Dapa Channel and 2 miles from the sea; the only part of it visible from seaward is the conspicuous church tower. There is a very narrow and tortuous mangrove-fringed channel leading to the town. The entrance is made by approaching the coast nearly 3/ mile northwest from a very conspicuous, small, white-sand islet which is awash at high water. This channel should not be attempted by a person without local knowledge, as there are several small shoals which can not be seen until close over them. The most dangerous shoal is one in the center of the channel, about 1/3 mile south of the pier; this shoal bares at extreme low water, but there is deep water close to the mangroves to the westward. The currents run with considerable velocity and there are dangerous whirlpools at places. It is reported that small steamers, drawing about 8 feet (2.4 m.), make the town at high water and anchor off the pier, which is built of stone and extends about 200 yards into the slough. San Fernando, formerly known as Port Cacub, is a small unimportant town lying about 3 miles south of Numancia on a rather promient green hill and is visible from seaward; most of its houses are deserted. It is on the right bank of the Lumaton River, a mangrove slough discharging into Pamay Bay. The entrance channel is narrow and dangerous, and the currents run strongly in the river. Anchorage may be found in Pamay Bay in about 15 fathoms (27.4 nl.), muddy bottom, 1/2 mile southward from Pamay Point. Quico Reef is a small steep-to coral reef, which shows a few bare spots at extreme low water, on the bearings: San Miguel Point, the northern extremity of East Bucas Island, 111~ (ESE. 1/4 E. mag.) and Bagum Islet, a 60-foot (18.3 il.) islet off the northern extremity of Middle Bucas Island, 212~ (SSW. 5/8 W. mag.) distant 7/8 mile. Barrabas Reef, similar to Quico Reef and somewhat larger, lies on the bearings: San Miguel Point 99~ (E. 5/ S. mag.) and Mount Sibonga 1820 (S. mag.). These two reefs and the rock off the north end of Bucas Grande Island are the only detached dangers in the western approach to Dapa Channel. The summit of Bancuyo Islet (100 feet (30 n.)) in Dapa Channel kept on a 110~ (ESE. 3/8 E. mag.) bearing will carry a vessel well clear of all dangers. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 243 Cambasac Point, the southern extremity of Siargao Island, is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef. It may be recognized by the village of Cambasac, which lies on its southern extremity. Dapa Channel (chart 4638), separating the southern part of Siargao Island from East Bucas Island, is /2 mile wide at the western entrance between Cambasac Point, Siaragao, and San Miguel Point, northern extremity of East Bucas. Inside the heads it widens quickly to a width of 1/2 miles and then gradually narrows to a width of 1 mile at the eastern entrance. It is nearly blocked by islets, reefs, and shoal water, leaving three narrow tortuous channels through which the currents run with considerable velocity. The reefs show plainly, defining the channels, and Dapa Channel is safe for a small, carefully navigated steamer. The middle channel between Abanay and Bancuyo Islets is the best, it being fairly straight and deep and having a least width of 100 yards. The northern channel west and north of Abanay Islet is more generally used, as it passes the town of Dapa; it is very narrow and deep. The southern channel between Bancuyo Islet and East Bucas is very narrow and tortuous and its use is not recommended. Dapa is a small town situated on the northern shore of Dapa Channel. Small steamers occasionally call here, anchoring in 5 fathoms (9.1 n.), mud bottom, about 3/% mile southwestward from the end of the pier. This anchorage can be approached from the eastward, care being taken to avoid a 11/2-fathom (2.7 m.) spot lying about 1 mile east-southeastward from the town and 1/4 mile from shore. From the town of Dapa the coast trends eastward for 31/2 miles to Dolores Point, which is low and covered with cocoanut trees, thence tprns sharply northward for /2 mile to the village of Union, at the mouth of the Union River, and thence northeastward for 5 miles to Tuason Point, the eastern extremity of Siargao Island. This section of the coast is a smooth sandy beach with groves of cocoanuts, hemp, and bananas. Bank.-The southeastern part of Siargao is faced by a wide bank which extends about 5 miles southeastward and on which lie Janoyoy, Guyang, and Daco Islets, Seco Reef, and numerous reefs and shoals, both awash and submerged. A reef, bare at low water, begins at Tuason Point and extends southward and then westward, with only two small breaks around Daco Islet to Seco Reef; it is steep-to and always defined by a line of breakers. Within this reef there is a large area of fairly shoal, always smooth, water, studded with numerous dangers, amongst which no one should attempt to navigate unless possessed of local knowledge. Cabuntug lies on the shore about 3/2 miles northeastward from Dolores Point. It may be approached by small craft through a narrow, tortuous channel which crosses the bank between Dolores Point and Seco Reef and passes close to Janoyoy Islet. Seco Reef, bare at low water, lies on the outer edge of the bank 134 miles southeastward from Dolores Point. There is a small sand cay on its northwest side. A small reef of dark coral formation, covered by a least depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.), exists about 1 mile southward from Seco Reef. 244 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Janoyoy is a small sandy islet lying on the bank about 1 mile east-northeastward from Dolores Point and %3 mile from shore. Guyang Islet is a small sand islet covered with coconut trees lying on the bank just inside the barrier reef and 21/ miles southward from Tuason Point. Daco Islet, about 11/4 miles long in an east-northeast and opposite direction and nearly 1/4 mile wide, lies on the southeastern part of the bank about 4 miles southward from rTuason Point. It is surrounded by a reef which extends about 1 mile southeastward from it. Its ends are 105 and 130 feet (32 and 40 m.) high, but from a distance it appears perfectly flat on top and forms a good landmark. Tuason Point, the eastern extremity of Siargao Island, is a very rocky point about 130 feet (40 m.) high. Its sea face is formed by a bluff 60 feet (18.3 m.) high. It is fringed by a very narrow steepto reef. Sharp Point, low, sharp, and covered with coconut trees, is situated about 21~/ miles northwestward from Tuason Point. It is surrounded by a reef which extends 1 mile eastward and 12 mile northward from it. Between Tuason and Sharp Points the coast recedes, forming a large, shallow, foul bay which extends about 12 mile southwestward. Reefs, partly bare at low water, extend nearly 1 mile outside a line drawn between the headlands of this bay. On the outer edges of these reefs there is a chain of islets, composed of three large bare rocks and one small mangrove islet, which extends with a curve northeastward for a distance of 13/ miles northwestward. The southern rock, lying 1/2 miles northward from Tuason Point, is 50 feet (15.2 m.) high, the next two are each 25 feet (7.6 m.) high, and the small islet lying off Sharp Point is covered with mangrvoves 10 feet (3 m.) high. Between the two 25-foot (7.6 m.) rocks there is a deep channel about 3 mile wide leading to a deep circular basin about 3 mile in diameter. Port Pilar (chart 4638) is an unimportant bay situated northwestward from Sharp Point. It affords the best anchorage on the eat ast coast of Siargao Island, but its use can not be recommended, as even in the southwest monsoon a heavy sea usually sets in around Pilar Point, the northern entrance point. The southern half of the bay is filled with reefs, near the northern edge of which is situated Isda Islet, a small islet 120 feet (36 m.) high, and several large rocks. There are several small streams discharging into the head of the bay. The village of Pilar lies on the north side of the mouth of the Pilar River, a small river discharging into the northwest part of the bay. Anchorage for moderate-sized vessels may be found in 7 or 8 fathoms (12.8 or 14.6 m.) about /2 mile east-southeastward from Pilar. Small craft can enter the Pilar River and find perfectly protected anchorage 200 or 300 yards above the village. From Pilar Point the coast trends northward for 12 miles to Sugbuhan Point at the northern end of the island. This section of the coast is high and bold, and is fringed by steep-to reefs from 1/4 to 12 mile wide. The limits of the reefs can easily be seen and even in the southwest monsoon there is a continuous line of breakers all along the coast. The small and unimportant villages of Caridad, San Isidro, and Alegria lie on this coast. :,,.^., PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 245 Arena Point, the most prominent landmark in this vicinity, is situated about midway between Port Pilar and Sugbuhan Point. It projects but slightly from the shore line and owes its name to a ridge which rises to a height of 600 feet (183 m.) at less than 1/2 mile inland. BUCAS ISLAND Bucas Grande Island, lying southwestward from Siargao Island, is 12 miles long north and south and about 5 miles wide. The northern and western sides are very irregular, being indented by numerous small bays, generally too deep to afford anchorage; the eastern and southern sides are more regular and comparatively straight. The shores are fringed with narrow steep-to reefs, nowhere exceeding 1/ mile in width, and there are a few off-lying dangers which will be described in their proper order. The northern part of the island is formed by a flat-topped ridge, over 800 feet (244 m.) high, lightly wooded, and dropping off abruptly at the coast in bluffs nearly bare of vegetation, exposing to view a dark-red soil. Proceeding southward the inner table-land is lower with several spurs at right angles to the coast and the slope to the shore is more gradual. The southern half of the island forms a striking contrast to the northern. It is mnde up of dozens of small, steep, separate peaks, all heavily wooded, the highest of which reaches an extreme elevation of 924 feet (282 m.) to the tops of the trees. A conspicuous rock, 4 feet (1.2 m.) high, lies 38 miles northeastward from the northeast extremity of Bucas Grande Island, with which it is nearly connected by a reef. Bucas Point, the northwestern extremity of the island, is sharp and high, and surrounded by a reef to a distance of about 400 yards. Manaol Point, the most western point on Bucas Grande in this vicinity, is high and fringed by a very narrow steep-to reef. Kanlanuk Bay, situated about 4 miles southward from Manaol Point, is deep and its shores are fringed by a reef bare at l6w water. Pamosaingan lies at its head from where there is a fairly good trail crossing the island to Socorro; these two villages are the only ones on the island. Anchorage with sufficient swinging room to clear the edges of the reef may be found in 24 fathoms (44 m.), about 3/ mile northward from Pamosaingan. Vessels entering Kanlanuk Bay from the southward should exercise care in rounding Nilusingan Point, the western entrance point, as it is surrounded by reefs which extend / mile northwestward from it. Nakiauit Point, about 3 miles southward from Kanlanuk Bay, is a small conspicuous point 200 feet (61 m.) high and is the most western point on Bucas Grande. It should be given a berth of at least 1 mile, as there are several 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) shoals off it. The outer shoal lies about 5/ mile westward from the point and can not be seen until directly over it. A small 1-fathom (1.8 m.) patch exists about ~ mile southeastward from Nakiauit Point. Sohutan Bay (chart 4638), situated southeastward from Nakiauit Point, is about 11/2 miles wide and extends about 3/4 mile northeastward. From its southwestern entrance point a reef, on which there are anumber of large rocks, extends /2 mile northwestward. The 246 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT outer rock, lying on the northern edge of the reef, is 107 feet (33 il.) high and may be rounded close-to. Eastward from the above reef good protected anchorage may be found in 23 fathoms (42 m.), about 1/4 mile from the head of the bay. In approaching this anchorage from the southward the 107-foot (33 m.) rock on the extremity of the reef should not be brought northward of 47~ (NE. mag.) in order to clear all dangers making off the southwestern entrance point. Sohutan Inlet, making off from the head of Sohutan Bay, is of no value to navigation, there being only 1/l fathom (0.4 m.) of water at its entrance. Dahakit Point is a sharp point extending westward from the south end of Bucas Grande Island. About 12 mile from the point and close to the most southern part of the island the land rises to a height of 330 feet (101 m.). An automatic acetylene light, showing one short white flash every 5 seconds, visible from a distance of 10 miles, is exhibited, 100 feet (30 m.) above high water, from a white concrete beacon on the south coast of the point. The bay northwestward from Dahakit Point is nearly blocked by reefs on which lie the Dahikan Islets, Bobon Islet, and numerous other small islets and rocks. From Dahakit Point to the southern entrance point to Port Batuecas the coast is a series of bold, rocky promontories and sandy beaches. At Socorro, about 3 miles northward from the south qnd of the island, there is a sand beach about 2 miles long. In front of the village there is a break in the coral reef, here about 600 yards wide, affording passage to small craft. The Socorro River, discharging northward of the village, has but 1 foot (0.3 nm.) of water on its bar at low water, but inside the bar it is broad and deep for some distance. A reef covered by from 41/ to 10 fathoms (8.2 to 18.3 m.) exists 1 mile off the east coast of the Bucas Grande on the bearings: East tangent to the island 6~ (N. 3/ E. mag.), southeast tangent to the island 213~ (SSW. 3/4 W. mag.). There are no off-lying dangers on this side of the island except those at the entrance to Port Sibonga. Port Batuecas, separating the northern part of Bucas Grande from Middle Bucas Island, is about 212 miles long north and soutl and from 1/2 to 3/4 mile wide. Its shores are bordered by mangroves and fringed with reefs, about 75 yards wide in the entrance and widening to nearly 1/ mile on the east central side and coining together about 1/2 mile from its northern end, completely closing the area northward. The northern entrance is nearly 1/4 mile wide and is entirely closed by a coral reef which bares about 1 foot (0.3 in.) at low water. The southern entrance, leading from Port Sibonga, is reduced by reefs on either side to a navigable channel about 110 yards wide and 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.) deep, through which the currents run with considerable velocity. Just within the port a reef on the south side extends about 1/4 mile northward, rendering this part of the port useless and confining the channel along the eastern shore. Immediately northward from this reef good protected anchorage for moderate-sized vessels may be found in 9 fathoms (16.5 m.), mud bottom. A small reef, covered by 3/ fathom (1.4 m.), is found in the north central part of the port, making it inadvisable to use the area northward from it. PALAWAN, MINDANlAO, AlND StULU ARCHIPELAGO 247 Middle Bucas Island, lying between Bucas Grande and East Bucas Islands, is roughly circular in shape and about 11/2 miles in diameter. It is separated from Bucas Grande by Port Batuecas, already described, and from East Bucas by a narrow mangrovebordered boat passage about 600 yards long and some 12 to 15 yards wide. This passage is bare at very low water, as is also a wide stretch of reef at either end. Mount Sibonga, in the southeastern part of Middle Bucas, is a well-wooded conical-shaped peak, which rises to a height of 955 feet (291 m.) and forms a prominent landmark for miles around; it is the highest point on the Bucas Islands. Bagum Islet is a very small prominent islet, covered by a small growth and rising to a height of 60 feet (18.3 m.), situated on the shore reef about 200 yards northward from the northern extremity of Middle Bucas Island; foul ground extends about 3/ mile westnorthwestward from Bagum Islet. Port Castilla, formed by the northeast part of Middle Bucas and the northwest part of East Bucas Island, is about 1 mile in extent. The eastern part and also the head of the port are foul. There is a large reef awash in the middle of the entrance with a narrow channel on either side of it. East Bucas Island is a very irregularly shaped island, 5 miles long in an east-northeast and opposite direction and 1/2 miles wide. It is well wooded and rises, near the middle, to a height of 600 feet (183 m.). Its shores are fringed with reefs, which, with those immediately adjacent, extend in some places to a distance of 1 mile and surround several small islets and rocks. The extent of the foul area surrounding East Bucas Island will be best understood by referring to the chart. The village of San Miguel lies on the point of the same name, a sandy point, 146 feet (44 m.) high, which forms the northern extremity of the island. Monserrat lies on the southeast point and Consolacion lies on the southwest point facing Port Sibonga. Port Sibonga is an unimportant bay about 1 mile square situated southward from Mount Sibonga and bounded by the east coast of Bucas Grande, the south side of Middle Bucas, and the west side of East Bucas Islands. A reef, bare at low water, extends about 400 yards southward from the middle of the head of the port, and near its southern end lies Banluto Islet, a small, wooded islet 150 feet (46 m.) high. Anchorage may be found off Consolacion, but care must be taken as the bottom is very uneven and full of coral heads; probably the best place to anchor is midway between Banluto Islet and the village. Casulian Island, lying 3/4 mile southeastward from East Bucas Island, is about 1 mile long in an east and west direction and 3/8 mile wide. It is heavily wooded on the eastern part, where it rises to a height of 295 feet (90 m.), while the western end is lower and covered with coconut trees. It is surrounded by shoal water to a distance of about 600 yards, between which and the reefs surrounding East Bucas Island there is a narrow, deep channel. About 12 mile southwestward from west end of Casulian Island is the northern end of a shoal, covered by depths of from 1/4 to 10 fathoms (0.4 to 18.3 m.), which extends 11/4 miles southward. Shoals covered by depths of 31/2 and 43/4 fathoms (6.4 and 8.7 m.) 248 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT exist 1/2 and 13/4 miles, respectively, from the east end of Casulian Island. A shoal covered by 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) exists 1 mile southeastward from the east end and one of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) lies 1/2 miles southward from the summit of Casulian Island. Anajauan Island, lying about 712 miles southeastward from East Bucas Island, is 11/4 miles long in an east-northeast and opposite direction and is narrow. It is wooded and the highest point is near the eastern end, where it is 200 feet (61 nl.) to the top of trees. It is fringed by a reef, bare at low water, and lies on the southwestern part of a bank about 31 miles long northeast and southwest, on which there are a number of rocks. Lajanosa, Mamon, and Antokon are a group of islands lying on the same reef northeastward and eastward from Anajauan. Lajanosa, the northern island, is rather flat with three hills on the western side, the highest of which is 170 feet (52 m.). Mamon, the middle island, is the highest, rising to a height of 270 feet (82 m.). Antokon, the southern and smallest, rises in three cones, the southern and highest of which is 230 feet (70 m.). Between the reef surrounding this group, which is always breaking, and the reef surrounding Anajauan there is a very narrow, deep channel. A small coral bank covered by a least depth of 6 fathoms (11 m.) lies 61/2 miles 263~ (W. 34 S. mag.) from the southern cone on Antokon Island. Whale Rock, a small black rock, 12 feet (3.6 m.) high and surrounded by deep water, lies on the bearings: Tugas Point, Mindanao, 270~ (W. s/8 S. mag.); Antokon Islet, summit 43~ (NE. 3s N. mag.); and Auqui Islet, east tangent, 187~ (S. 1/2 W. mag.). HINATUAN or Eastern Passage, between Surigao Strait and the Pacific, is deep and free from dangers with the exception of Kabo Reef and Hinatuan Rock, both of which will be described later. Owing to the lack of good harbors on the northeast and east coast of Mindanao and the absence of a thorough survey of that locality, most of the trade has been carried on with Surigao in small vessels. Now that the survey of Hinatuan Passage has been completed, more of the larger vessels are using that passage. Directions.-Vessels bound east should bring Bilaa Point to bear 272~ (W. mag.) and steer 92~ (E. mag.) until the light beacon on the southern edge of Rasa Island Reef bears 137~ (SE. Inag.), when the vessel should be hauled southeastward, the beacon rounded at a distance of 1/2 or 3/4 mile, and a mid-channel course held until the middle of Banug Strait, between Hinatuan and Talabera Islands, bears 137~ (SE. mag.). Pass through the middle of the strait and continue the southeast course until Amaga Islet is made, when it may be steered for and passed on either side. The 137~ (SE. mag.) course from Banug Strait leads near Hinatuan Rock, at present unmarked, and vessels drawing over 15 feet (4.6 in.) should make a slight detour to avoid it. Banug Strait is unobstructed and less current is experienced than in the longer track around Hinatuan Island. Hinatuan Passage is not recommended for a sailing ship without a pilot, because of the strength of the currents and tidal whirls met P.ALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 249 in the vicinity of Rasa Island. Pilots can be obtained and discharged at Surigao and Cantilan, a small town or the northeast coast of Mindanao. In case of necessity vessels can anchor off Surigao to wait for a favorable wind and tide. Currents.-The currents run with great velocity and the tide rips and whirlpools are very marked in some parts of the Hinatuan Passage. The flood tide sets from the Pacific toward Surigao Strait; the ebb in the opposite direction. The maximum current is approximately 7 knots, being usually the strongest abreast and a little to the westward of Rasa Island. In this latter area the tide rips during the strength of the flood are very marked; they are also bad, especially so with the flood current, in the vicinity of Kabo Reef, the submerged reef, about 2 miles to the westward of Rasa Island. The channel northward from Rasa Island is straight, unobstructed, and comparatively deep; this being a short cut the current becomes almost a mill race and when running ebb, full force, produces bad rips and whirls where it joins the currents coming around more slowly south of Rasa Island Reef. There are rips and whirls at certain stages all the way through from a little west of Kabo Reef to and abreast of Hinatuan Island, but the foregoingmentioned places are the worst. The time of high-water slack generally occurs abreast of Rasa Island about 40 minutes before high water at Surigao, while the lowwater slack generally occurs about 50 minutes before low water at Surigao-although at times the times of both high and low water slack will vary from the foregoing by as much as 40 or 50 minutes. The only good anchorage in the vicinity of Rasa Island for large vessels is in Panag Bay, about % mile southward from Lapinig Island and nearly 1/ mile southwestward.from a very conspicuous bare, white coral sand island. Anchorage may be found here in 20 fathoms (36 m.), sand bottom; the advantage of this anchorage is that there is no current here at any time, as it appears to be a neutral area of considerable size. NORTHEAST AND EAST COAST OF MINDANAO Bilaa Point, the northern extremity of Mindanao, and Bilaa Shoal, lying northward from it, have already been described. Basol Island, lying about 21/ miles east-northeastward from Bilaa Point, is a prominent landmark for vessels bound for Surigao or the Hinatuan Passage. It is about 400 yards long in a west-northwest and opposite direction by 200 yards wide. The eastern threefourths is low, covered with coconuts, and has a sandy beach; the western part is higher and wooded with rocky shore line. It is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef, which, on the northwestern end, extends to a distance of about 400 yards. From Bilaa Point the coast trends southeastward for about 4 miles to Surigao. The first 2 miles is mostly stony shore line, with sand beach in small coves and a fringe of jagged dead coral heads 50 to 100 yards from shore, outside of which the water deepens rapidly. The rest of the shore line is a narrow sand beach fringed with coconut trees, back of which are mangroves and low land. 250 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Surigao River, discharging on the west side of the town of Surigao has about 1 foot (0.3 m.) on its bar at low water; the ruins of an iron bridge near the mouth prevents large boats from entering. About 11/4 miles above the mouth of the Surigao River it divides into two branches; the larger branch, known as the Tomanday, flows northward forming Bingad Island between them. The Tomanday has about 14 fathom (0.4 m.) on its bar at low water; at high water small boats drawing not more than 5 feet (1.5 m.) can enter and ascend the river for a distance of about 11/2 miles. Surigao (chart 4629), capital of the province of the same name, stands on low land at the eastern side of the mouth of the Surigao River. It contains a number of large buildings and is prominent from the sea. It is a place of considerable commercial importance, most of the trade of eastern Mindanao passing through here. The wharves, warehouses, and hemp presses are located at the village of Bilanbilan, about 2/ mile southward from Surigao, with which it is connected by a good road. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles, is exhibited 22 feet (6.7 m.) above high water from a concrete tower on the edge of the shore reef about 90 yards from the shore and 2/3 mile southeastward from the river mouth. This light can be passed fairly close-to as the water deepens rapidly outside of it. Good anchorage for vessels not desiring to dock may be found in from 14 to 16 fathoms (25.6 to 29.3 m.), sandy bottom, about 1/4 mile eastward or southeastward from the light. There are a number of small wharves at Bilanbilan, the largest of which has 18 feet (5.5 m.) of water close to its end. Vessels usually drop bower and stern kedge anchors and haul into the wharf according to draft. A shoal covered by a least depth of /4 fathoms (0.4 m.) exists about 11/4 miles eastward from Surigao light. Vessels bound east should stand well off before shaping a course for Rasa Light. From Surigao the coast trends southeastward for 81/2 miles to the western entrance point to Canal Bay. This section of the coast is bordered by mangroves which extend inland to a distance of 1 and 2 miles and is fronted by numerous islands, some with and some without names, composed mostly of mangroves lying so close to the shore and so close to each other as to appear to be part of the mainland. Many of the smaller islands have no hard land, the tide rising in the mangroves to a depth of about 2 feet (0.6 m.). These islands are separated from the shore and from each other by a network of esteros, navigable only by small native boats in charge of those possessed of local knowledge, who utilize them to save distances and escape the rough weather and strong currents of Hinatuan Passage. The hills nearest the coast are generally covered with grass and coconut trees and are detached from the mountains farther inland, which are heavily timbered. The principal mangrove-bordered islands off this part of the coast are Kabo, Load, Lapinig, Lamagon, Bilabid, Maanoc, Cobeton, Cepaya, and Condona. They do not require any detailed description. Their sides facing the Hinatuan Passage are generally clean and steep-to and free from danger. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO i1I 251 Kabo Reef is a small reef covered by a least depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) lying a good 1/ mile northward from the nearest point of Kabo Island and 214 miles 282~ (W. 7/8 N. mag.) from Rasa Light Beacon. Lying beyond the mangrove islands previously mentioned are a number of high islands of entirely different formation, of which Bayagnan, Masapelid, Talabera, and Hinatuan are among the larger. Hinatuan Island, lying 21/2 miles southeastward from Nonoc Island, is 31/2 miles long, north and south, 2/2 miles wide, irregular in shape, very conspicuous, and uninhabited. It is surrounded by a narrow, steep-to coral reef, which, on its northwest extremity, extends to a distance of about 1/4 mile. From a distance it appears as two separate islands; the large southern part is joined to the northern part by a narrow neck of land only about 30 feet (9.1 m.) high. The southern part, 1,135 feet (346 m.) high, is covered with a sparse growth, through which large patches of bright-red soil are exposed to view. The northern part presents nearly vertical cliffs of dark stone, is heavily wooded, and rises to a height of 606 feet (185 m.). The shore line is mostly rocky ledge, with a few short sand beaches. Banug Strait, about 3/8 mile wide, between the southwest point of Hinatuan Island and Banug Islet, is straight and deep. Hinatuan Rock is a small rocky shoal covered by a least depth of 3~/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) and surrounded by deep water, lying directly in the fairway between Banug Strait and Amaga Islet on the bearings: Eastern extremity of Hinatuan Island 344~ (N. by W. 5/ W. mag.), and Nagubat Island 235~ (SW. 3/4 W. mag.), distant 4 miles. Talabera Island, lying 3/4 mile southwestward from Hinatuan, is about 11/2 miles long east and west, 1 mile wide, and of very irregular shape. It is covered with coconut trees and grass and is 605 feet (184 m.) high. It is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef, which from its southwest point extends /4 mile southward and surrounds the sand islet Bagumbanua. Talabera Island is well watered and cultivated. The village of Talabera lies on the north coast of the island. A fairly good anchorage for small vessels may be found at the head of a small bay in the southwest part of Talabera Island in about 24 fathoms (44 m.), muddy bottom. Banug Islet is a small islet situated about /4 mile northward from Talabera Island, from which it is separated by a deep, clear channel about 200 yards wide. It is formed by two hills joined by a low, palm-covered, sandy isthmus; the eastern hill is 130 feet (40 m.) high. It lies on the south side of a reef, bare at low water, about 3/ mile long, east and west, and /4 mile wide. Bayagnan Island, lying 2 miles westward from Hinatuan, is about 3 miles long northwest and southeast and very narrow near the middle. It presents a very irregular sky line; two low passes, 15 or 20 feet (4.6 or 6.1 m.) high, divide the island into three distinct parts. Telegraph Mountain, the sharp peak on the southern part, is covered with tall green trees, rises to a height of 827 feet (252 m.), and forms a conspicuous landmark for miles around. The island is well watered and settled, houses being scattered everywhere. The most important settlement is San Jose, situated on San Jose Point, the southeast extremity of the island. Bayagnan Island is fringed by reefs which at some points extend to a distance of 2% mile 252 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and surround a number of rocks and small islets. Dayan Reef is an extensive reef surmounted by a cluster of rocks about 7 feet (2.1 m.) above high water, situated immediately westward from the north end of Bayagnan Island, from which it is separated by a very narrow, deep channel, in which are violent tidal whirls. Sugbu and Sugbu Diutay Islets are two small unimportant islets lying on the reef which extends nearly 3/ mile eastward from the northern part of Bayagnan Island. Sugbu, the eastern and larger islet, is 214 feet (65 m.) high and wooded on the northeast part; the remainder is grass and palm covered. This east shore is rocky ledge; the south and west shore is a sandy beach. Sugbu Diutay lies between Sugbu and Bayagnan and does not require any description. Sagasae Islet lies on the reef extending nearly 3/ mile southeastward from the southeast extremity of Bayagnan Island. The northeast part is wooded, 175 feet (53 m.) high to the tops of the trees, and the remainder is grass and palm covered. The eastern shore is rocky ledge; the south and west, sand beach. The channel between it and Talabera Island is about 1/4 mile wide and is deep and clear. Bilabid Island, lying close to the southwestern side of Bayagnan Island, from which it is separated by a narrow, foul mangrove slough, is about 2 miles long in a north-northeast and opposite direction and 1 mile wide. The eastern part is covered mostly with grass and scattered coconuts, but has a very prominent clump of green trees at the highest point, which is 298 feet (91 m.) to the tops of the trees; the remainder is mostly mangroves. Caye Island is a small island lying close to the shore reef southeastward from Bilabid Island. Its western side is mangrove; its eastern side, sand beach. It is 269 feet (82 m.) high to the tops of the trees. There are very narrow, deep channels between it and Bilabid and between it and Masapelid. Masapelid Island, southward from Bilabid, is about 4 miles long in a north-northwest and opposite direction and has a greatest width of about 21/2 miles. The west part is a very rough, heavily wooded country, with many small peaks; the northeast part is covered with grass and scattered trees; the south part is a rolling ridge heavily wooded on the west side, while on the east side there is more grass and a great number of dead trees. The highest point on the island. 684 feet (208 m.), is near the south end. A small reef that bares lies 12 mile southeast from its south point. La Condola lies on Canal Bay, near the southwest end of the island. Mahaba Island lies close to the east side of Masapelid Island, from which it is separated by a narrow, deep channel, the southern and better entrance to which is marked by two small islets, one on the Masapelid Island reef and the other on the Mahaba Island reef. Mahaba is covered with green trees on top and has scattering coconuts near the eastern shore. Mahaba is fringed with coral reefs, which on the eastern and southeastern side extend to a distance of from /4 to /2 mile. Bonga Island, lying about 3/4 mile eastward from the south part of Masapelid Island, is about 600 yards in extent, bold on the east PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 253 side, heavily wooded, and 325 feet (99 m.) high. It is surrounded by a reef which extends about /2 mile south from it. About 400 yards from the northwest side of Bonga Island there is a small /2-fathom (0.9 m.) shoal. Nagubat is a small island, 172 feet (52 m.) high, lying 71/2 miles south of the summit of Hinatuan Island, near the middle of a narrow reef about 1/2 miles long north and south. Dijut Rock is a rock, 38 feet (11.6 m.) high, with a lone coconut tree on it, standing on the same reef with Nagubat Island and 3/ mile north-northwestward from it. Dijut Rock is surrounded by several smaller rocks and forms a conspicuous landmark. There is a 31/~-fathom (6.4 m.) channel across the reef midway between Nagubat Island and Dijut Rock. Isa Reef, a small, dangerous reef, covered by a least depth of ll/4 fathoms (2.3 m.) lies about 11/2 miles westward from Nagubat Island in the fairway of vessels approaching Placer, Gigaquit, Bacuag, etc., from the northward; to avoid it vessels should bring the summit of Bonga Island to bear 2~ (N. mag.) and Dijut Rock to bear 92~ (E. mag.), and from this position steer 182~ (S. mag.) until Nagubat is abaft the beam, when the reef will have been passed. Canal Bay, a large indentation on the southwest side of Masapelid Island, is 21/2 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 2 miles northward. It contains a number of small islands and dangerous shoals. Opong and Dinago Islands are two small islands, 402 and 416 feet (122 and 127 m.) high, respectively, lying in the western part of Canal Bay. They are of rough, jagged coral, much eroded at the water line, giving them a mushroom appearance. They are covered with vegetation and are readily identified. Close to the eastern side of Dinago there is a very small islet, having two summits 120 and 125 feet (36 and 38 m.) high, respectively. Masapelid Passage connectsi Hinatuan Passage with Canal Bay. It is formed by Lamagon, Maanoc, and Condona Islands on the west and Bayagnan, Bilabid, and Masapelid Islands on the east. It is sometimes used by small steamers trading between Surigao and ports on the northeast coast of Mindanao. Its use is not recommended unless possessing local knowledge as it is narrowed in several places by dangerous reefs and shoals and the tidal currents run with great velocity. Owing to its intricate channel and the absence of good landmarks, no directions for it can be given. Taganaan is a small village lying at the mouth of the river of the same name, which discharges into the Taganaan Estero about 1/4 miles westward from Opong Island. It lies in the center of a large coconut district, but is otherwise of little commercial importance, as boats drawing more than 2 feet (0.6 m.) can not get to it at low water. Taganaan Estero, a narrow passage through the mangroves between the Hinatuan Passage and Canal Bay, is of considerable importance, as through it pass most of the small native craft plying between Surigao and Taganaan, Placer, etc., thus saving considerable distance and having to contend with a current of only about 2 knots, while in Masapelid the current is much stronger. 95672~-30 —17 254 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Bobon is a small village lying on the mainland abreast of Dinago Island. Here is found the first solid shore line southeastward from Surigao. From Cog Point, western entrance to Canal Bay, the coast trends in a general east-southeasterly direction for 24 miles to Tugas Point. From the town of Placer, 1 mile south of Cog Point, to the mouth of the Bacuag River, 41/2 miles southeastward, a range of heavily wooded mountains rises almost directly from the coast. From the Bacuag River to the Claver River, a distance of about 5 miles, the shore line is low and sandy and the country back from it flat and intersected by numerous small streams. From Claver Point, forming the eastern side of Claver River mouth, to Tugas Point, a distance of 141/2 miles, the shore line is generally rocky with sandy beaches and very little mangrove, and the mountains rise almost immediately back from it. This section of the coast is fringed by reefs with a number of small islets and much foul ground outside of them. Placer is a small town lying on a point about 1 mile southward from Cog Point. From Placer there is a trail to Mainit, on the lake of the same name, over which natives truck hemp and other articles for shipment. Placer has a small jetty with about 12 feet (3.6 m.) of water at its end. The harbor is formed by a large reef, bare at low water, which projects about 5/ mile northeastward from the town and surrounds the small islet Bancay. There is a small shoal, covered by a least depth of 1/2 fathom (0.9 m.), lying nearly in the middle of the harbor, about 450 yards northward from Bancay Islet, back of which there is an area about 400 yards in extent, where two or three small vessels can find sheltered anchorage in 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.), muddy bottom. Bacuag is a town somewhat larger than Placer, lying about 31/2 miles southeastward from it on the south side of the mouth of the Tenanan River. It lies in the center of a large coconut district and is also near a small hemp region.' Shoal water, covered by 11/2 fathoms at its outer edge, extends about 1/2 mile from the mouth of the Tenanan River, and surrounds Puyo Rock, which is large and conspicuous. The Bacuag, Alambique, Gigaquit, Mlagallanes, and Claver Rivers, which discharge between Bacuag and Claver Point, have very little water on their bars, but may be entered by a pulling boat at low water. The Alambique and Gigaquit discharge through a common mouth, which is faced by shoal water to a distance of over 3/ mile. The Magallanes discharges about 2 miles eastward from the Gigaquit, and is connected with it by a boat channel, which is used by native craft during rough weather. Claver River is used mainly by boats as far as the town, but above there it gets very narrow and has very little water in it. Gigaquit is a large village lying on the left bank of the Gigaquit River, about 1 mile from its mouth. It is faced by a long sand spit projecting from Byby Island, which forms the northern side of the mouth of the Gigaquit River. There is a narrow channel with about 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water in it at low water, leading across the bar. There is very little water in the river above Gigaquit, but it is reported that there is a boat passage from the Gigaquit River to the Magallanes River, and thence into the Claver River, Shoal water PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 255 extends to a considerable distance in this vicinity, the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve being found about 1/2 mile from shore. Byby Island, lying between the Gigaquit and Magallanes Rivers, is low and flat, and has a small grove of coconuts, but otherwise is of little value, as it is mainly a mangrove and nipa swamp. Cabgan Island is a small grassy island, 178 feet (54 m.) high, situated about 1/2 mile from Byby Island. It is surrounded by a reef, which extends about 1/2 mile northwest from it, and is generally marked by breakers. There is a small 32-fathom (6.4 m.) shoal lying about 5/% mile north-northeastward from Cabgan. Claver is a village lying on the right bank of the Claver River about /2 mile from its mouth; it is not visible from the sea. Claver Point is a narrow point, 106 feet (32 m.) high, which projects about /2 mile northward from the coast of Mindanao. Its southern part forms the eastern side of Claver River mouth. Candos Bay is formed by an elbow in the coast eastward from Claver Point. Lapinigan Island, Pagbuy Rocks, and Bagong Islet lie in its entrance. Candos Bay is fringed with reefs, which at one point abreast of the west end of Lapinigan Island extend to a distance of over /2 mile and considerably narrow the channel between that island and the mainland. Lapinigan Island, lying about 1 mile eastward from Claver Point, is 3/4 mile long east and west and about 3/ mile wide. It is covered with grass, coconuts, and scattered trees and rises to a height of 22 feet (6.7 m.). It is fringed with reefs, bare at low water, which extend to a distance of from 400 to 500 yards. About % mile southeastward from Lapinigan Island there is a small detached shoal which bares at low water. Good sheltered anchorage may be found westward or southward from Lapinigan Island in from 6 to 10 fathoms (11 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom. Paghuy Rocks are a group of rocks 15 to 34 feet (4.6 to 10.4 m.) high lying about 1 mile eastward from Lapinigan Island. They are fairly steep-to on their northern sides. About 400 yards westward from the reef surrounding Pagbuy Rocks there is a small detached patch which bares at low water. Bagong Islet is a very small islet, 146 feet (44 m.) high, lying midway between Pagbuy Rocks and the shore on the northern edge of a reef, bare at low water, which extends,1/ mile southward from it. Between this reef and the shore reef are detached shoals which bare at low water. The northern side of Bagong Islet is steep-to and may be rounded at a distance of 200 yards by vessels bound for the anchorages southward or westward from Lapinigan Island. Male Islet is a small rocky islet, 104 feet (32 m.) high, situated on the south end of a reef, about 1 mile long north and south, about 4 miles eastward from Lapinigan Island, and /2 mile from shore. A detached coral shoal about 400 yards in extent lies a little more than 1 mile westward from Male Islet and /2mile from shore. It is easily seen on account of the breakers, and at low water there are a few rocks bare. Aling Islet, lying 1/2 mile eastward from Male Islet, composed of coarse white sand, is at no point over 10 feet (3 m.) high and has a thick growth of pine and other trees. The sandy shore is always visible, making it easy to identify, as all other islets in this vicinity 256 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT are of rough eroded coral rock. Aling Islet lies on the south part of a large reef, bare at low water, which extends over 12 mile northwestward from it. There are several detached dangers between the reefs, on which are situated Male and Aling Islets, and the coast; and while there is a deep channel between them and the coast, it is at one point only 200 yards wide. A small shoal, covered by a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), lies nearly 5/ mile east-northeastward from Aling Islet. Taganeto is a small village lying on the left bank of Hegapit River about 200 yards from its mouth. From the beach it is obscured by high cogon grass, but is visible from offshore. Hegapit River, discharging about 12 mile south-southwestward from Male Islet, is navigable by small boats to a point about 1/ mile above the village, where it is blocked by rapids. Telegraph Islet, 220 feet (67 m.) high, and the two Boheson Islets, the western one of which rises to a height of 152 feet (46 m.), lie on the shore reef southeastward and southward from Aling Islet. Lang Islets are a group of small, rocky islets lying 1 to 2 miles eastward from Telegraph Island. The largest islet is 132 feet (40 m.) high; the southerly of the two southeasterly islets is 78 feet (23.8 m.) high to the tops of the trees. A shoal covered by a least depth of 512 fathoms (10 m.) lies about 7/8 mile northward from the largest of the Lang Islets. Amaga Islet, situated in the middle of the channel between Mindanao and Bucas Grande Islands, forms an excellent landmark. It is about 220 by 160 yards in extent and is 169 feet (51 m.) high to the tops of the trees. It is composed of jagged coral rock, much underworn at the water line, making landing on it impossible. It is clean and steep-to and can be passed on either side. Hinadkaban Bay, situated westward from Kaba Point, is 2 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 1 mile southward. Its shores are fringed with coral, which from one point, near the head of the bay, extends to a distance of about 1/2 mile. Anchorage for a small vessel, partially sheltered from the northeast monsoon, may be found westward from Kaba Point. Kaba Point is steep and rocky and 405 feet (123 m.) high at a point about 12 mile southeastward from its extremity. It is fringed by a steep-to coral reef about 350 yards wide, and from its eastern side a coral reef extends to a distance of /2 mile. Red Hills, lying back from Hinadkaban Bay and following the coast of Tugas Point, are a very striking natural feature in this locality. They are nearly bare of vegetation and are composed of bright red soil and sometimes red rock, which is rapidly crumbling where exposed to the weather. Immense quantities of red soil are washed into the sea by heavy rains, leaving the hillsides scoured by deep valleys. The lower slopes in many places are covered with a dense growth of scrub. Dahikan Bay, between Kaba and Tugas Points, is 3 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 21/2 miles southward. It is divided into two arms by a sharp, narrow point extending from Tugas Peninsula. The shores of the bay are rocky and fringed with reefs, but red soil washed down from the hills has formed beaches in all the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTU ARCHIPELAGO 257 small coves. Anchorage, sheltered during the northeast monsoon, may be found eastward from the point dividing Dahikan Bay. A large shoal, composed of coral and white sand and covered by a least depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.), lies 34 mile northward from the point dividing Dahikan Bay; this shoal breaks heavily during the northeast monsoon. Tugas Point is the northeastern extremity of the peninsula of the same name. It is formed by a cliff 79 feet (24.1 m.) high, behind which the land rises to a height of about 300 feet (91 n.) at a distance of 1/ mile inland. It is surrounded by a steep-to reef, which extends about /4 mile northward. Tugas Peninsula is a very irregularly shaped high and hilly peninsula about 234 miles long north and south, extending from the mainland of Mindanao, with which it is connected by an isthmus less than /4 mile wide and 83 feet (25.3 m.) high. The shore of this peninsula consists of rocky bluffs with sand beaches in the coves between them. The eastern shores of the peninsula are fringed by a narrow reef, and a long reef, partly bare at low water, extends about /2mile southwest from its southern end into Carrascal Bay, behind which there is good sheltered anchorage for small vessels. The limits of this reef can be plainly seen and its extremity can be rounded fairly close-to. About 2 mile from the southeast part of the peninsula there is a small 33/4-fathom (6.9 m.) shoal. Carrascal Bay, between Tugas Peninsula and Capungan Point, is 3 miles wide at the entrance and extends about 31/ miles southwestward. It is divided into two parts by Gorda Point. The western part is nearly blocked by reefs, on which lie Ludguron, Puyu, Diju, and Panwas Islands. A tortuous channel between the reefs leads to the village of Adlay, where considerable boat building is carried on. Gorda Point is 170 feet (52 m.) high; it is surrounded by reefs which extend /4 nile eastward from it and fringe the shore of the eastern half of the bay as far as Capungan Point. Capungan Point is the northern extremity of a large peninsula which forms the eastern side of Carrascal Bay; it is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef about 150 yards wide. Capungan Peninsula is about 2 miles north and south, 1 mile wide, and rises in the western part to a height of 450 feet (137 m.). It is connected with the mainland by a low isthmus about 1/ mile wide, on the eastern side of which is situated the village of Consuelo. Carrascal is situated on the western side of the mouth of the river of the same name, which discharges at the head of the eastern half of Carrascal Bay. The usual anchorage is about 34 mile northward from the church in 10 or 12 fathoms (18.3 to 21.9 m.). General Island is the largest and most conspicuous of a group of three islands lying off Capungan Point. It is situated northeastward from Capungan Point, from which it is separated by a deep channel 3/8 mile wide. It is about 2 miles long east and west and 11/2 miles wide near the middle, where a long, irregularly shaped peninsula extends southward and forms a bay on either side of it. Along its northern side is a series of bluffs that are very prominent when viewed from eastward or westward. General Island is hilly and rises in the northern part to a height of 792 feet (241 m.). The west 258 IUNITED) STATES COAST PILOT ern bay on the south side, known as General Island Anchorage, is fringed by reefs; the eastern bay is entirely blocked with reefs and is of no value to navigation. General Island Anchorage affords good anchorage for small vessels, sheltered at all times, in 14 fathoms (25.6 m.), muddy bottom, in the middle of a basin about A mile in extent. The western entrance point is marked by a prominent rock on the edge of the shore reef; the eastern entrance point is clean and steep-to. In entering, vessels should pass midway between the two entrance points, stand northward, and anchor when the second point on the eastern side is abeam. Buenavista lies at the head of this anchorage. Ramillete Rock is a prominent rock, 57 feet (17.4 m.) high, situated over 1/4 mile west from the western part of General Island. It is surrounded by deep water, and the channel between it and General Island is clear. A small, dangerous rock, covered by 1/ fathom (0.9 m.) and surrounded by deep water, lies about 3/4 mile south-southwestward from Ramillete Rock and 1/4 mile from the west end of General Island. When rounding Capungan Point vessels should favor the point side to avoid this rock. A small shoal, covered by a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) and surrounded by deep water, lies /2 mile southward from the extreme southern point of General Island in the fairway of the eastern approach to General Island Anchorage. Auqui, the eastern of the General Island group, lies 2 miles southeastward from General Island; it is about 1 mile long northeast and southwest, narrow, and rises near the south end to a height of 337 feet (103 m.). The southwest extremity is clean and steep-to; its other sides are fringed by reefs which extend about % mile northward from it. The area included between General and Auqui Islands contains much foul ground and should be avoided. Triton Rocks are a group of rocks lying l1/4 miles north-northwestward from the north end of Auqui Island. The northern rock, 15 feet (4.6 m.) high, is steep-to on its northern side and marks the northern limit of the foul ground between General and Auqui Islands. Unamao Island, a high, dead coral, wooded island, lies 1/2 mile eastward from the southern part of Capungan Peninsula. It has four distinct peaks, the highest and sharpest of which is 400 feet (122 m.) high. The eastern side of the island is clean and steep-to; the western side is fringed by a reef on which there are a number of high rocks. There is a channel between the shore reef and that on which Unamao is situated, over 1/4 mile wide, with a depth of 514 fathoms (9.6 m.) in the middle. A shoal about /2 mile in extent, the middle of which bares at extreme low water, lies 3/4 mile northeastward from Unamao Island; about /2 mile northwestward from this shoal there is a 51 /-fathom (10 m.) patch. About 2 miles eastward from the south end of Unamao Island there is a small shoal covered by 31,/ fathoms (6.4 m.). Lanuza Bay is about 15 miles wide at the entrance between Capungan and Cauit Points and extends 8 miles southwestward. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 259 From the low isthmus connecting Capungan Peninsula with the mainland to a point 1 mile beyond the mouth of the Lanuza River, at the head of the bay, there is a continuous stretch of dark sand beach nearly 100 yards wide.- The remainder of the shore of Lanuza Bay is bold and composed of black rocky cliffs. At Nusia and Caridad there are short sand beaches. Along this section of the coast the mountains come close to the shore, have almost precipitous sides, and are covered with a heavy growth of timber. About three-fourths of the way from Lanuza to Cauit Point there is a prominent shoulder of the mountains, 1,080 feet (329 m.) high, lying about /2 mile from the coast; from this shoulder the mountain range runs south and there are only hills of moderate hight on the remainder of the promontory terminating in Cauit Point. There are a number of rocks, 10 to 30 feet (3 to 9.1 m.) high, lying close to the shore 1/2 to 11,/ miles westward from Cauit Point. The middle of the bay is deep and clear; on the western side are situated the General Islands, already described, and the dangerous Cantilan Shoals. On the eastern side of the bay the only detached danger is a shoal covered by a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) lying 23/4 miles east-northeastward from Lanuza and /2 mile from shore. Cantilan is a small town situated on the western side of the mouth of the Cantilan River, about 4 miles south from Capungan Point. It is an occasional port of call for small coastwise steamers, which usually anchor north-northeastward from the town in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) of water. Vessels approaching this anchorage should pass close southward of Unamao Island and not attempt to pass inside the Cantilan Shoals. The Cantilan River has very little water on its bar; pulling boats are unable to enter at low water. The sandy point through which it discharges is surrounded by a reef, bare at low water, to a distance of about 3/4 mile. Cantilan Shoals are a cluster of shoals, covered by depths of 34 to 41/4 fathoms (1.4 to 7.8 m.), covering an area of about 11/ miles in extent, 1/2 to 3 miles northeastward from Cantilan. Suyatun River discharges about 2 miles southeastward of the Cantilan. It has very little water on its bar, but can be entered by a pulling boat at low water in fine weather.. The valley between the Cantilan and Lanuza Rivers is intersected with a network of waterways, forming a sort of delta, for the four mouths of these rivers are connected, making a through inland waterway from Cantilan to Lanuza, passable by small boats. Lanuza is a village lying at the head of the bay on the eastern side of the mouth of the river of the same name. It may be located by a 550-foot (168 m.) hill less than 14 mile southward from it, which is the most western hill in this vicinity. Cauit Point, situated about 18 miles southeast by east from Tugas Point, is the most prominent point in this vicinity. It is the northeastern extremity of a long, well-wooded peninsula formed by a spur of the eastern mountain chain of Mindanao. It is 450 feet (137 m.) high, clean, and steep-to on the northern side, and fringed by a reef on the eastern side to a distance of about % mile. An automatic acetylene light, showing one white flash every 3 seconds, visible 12 260 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT miles, is exhibited, 55 feet (16.8 m.) above high water, from a white concrete beacon on Cauit Point. Cauit Bank, about 1/2 mile long in a north-northeast and southsouthwest direction and about 3/4 mile wide, covered by depths of from 8 to 10 fathonis (14.6 to 18.3 m.) over a rocky bottom, lies with its southwestern extremity 21/2 miles east-northeastward from Cauit Point. The channel between this bank and the reef fringing Cauit Point is deep and clear. From Cauit Point the coast trends southward for 812 miles to Panisaan Point. It is composed of sand and gravel beach as far as Cortes, about 2 miles southward, thence to Panisaan Point it is generally bordered with mangroves. It is fringed by an extensive reef, partly bare at low water, which varies in width from 3/ mile eastward of Cauit Point to 1/2 miles abreast of Taganauan Islet, about 41/2 miles southward from Cauit Point. On this reef there are a number of rocks and small islets, and there are several breaks in it affording boat passages to the various villages. The outer edge of the reefs are generally marked by breakers, and there are no detached dangers, with the exception of a number of small reefs which break at all stages of the tide lying about 11/ miles eastward from Tigao. Cortes, Burgos, and Tigao lie on this section of the coast 2, 3/2, and 6 miles, respectively, southward from Cauit Point. Current.-During the progress of the survey in this vicinity a constant set southward of from 1 to 2 knots was experienced between Cauit and Panisaan Points. Anchorage may be found in fair weather or with westerly winds anywhere along the coast between Cauit and Panisaan Points in from 12 to 20 fathoms (21.9 to 36 m.), sand or sand and rock bottom. Good anchorage for small vessels may be found in a break in the reef about 11/2 miles southward from Cauit Point in 8 fathoms (14.6 ni.), mud bottom, protected from all winds and seas except those from the eastward. Taganauan Islet is situated on the shore reef about 41/ miles southward from Cauit Point and midway between the shore and the edge of the shore reef, here about 11/2 miles wide. It is about 600 yards in extent, bordered by mangroves, and on its western side there are coconut trees about 60 feet (18.3 m.) high. In the vicinity of Taganauan Islet there- are a number of rocks and small islets, the largest and most eastern of which is 75 feet (22.9 m.) high to the tops of the trees. Panisaan Point rises boldly from the water about 21/ miles eastward from a 2,130-foot (649 m.) hill, which is the highest point near the coast in this vicinity. This hill shows up well from seaward but it is frequently obscured in cloudy or rainy weather. From Panisaan Point the coast trends southward for 3 miles to the mouth of the Paninilan River and thence southeastward and eastward to Tandag Point at the mouth of the river of the same name. From Panisaan Point to a point 1/2 mile southward from the mouth of the Paninilan River numerous steep and nearly vertical cliffs appear with short stretches of sandy beach between them, that are fringed with coral. which in some places extend to a distance of 1/ mile; the remainder of this section is formed by a curving sandy PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 261 beach with broken coral reefs off it, which extends to the mouth of the Tandag River. In the bay between the mouths of the Paninilan and Tandag Rivers there are six separate, detached reefs with narrow passages between them. They lie from 1/2 to 3/4 mile from shore and break in moderate weather at all stages of the tide. Their location will be best understood by reference to the chart. Macangani Island, one of the most prominent landmarks in this vicinity, lies on the southern part of a bank about 1 mile long in a northeast and southwest direction and about 11/3 miles wide within the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve, situated about 21/2 miles northeastward from Tandag Point. It is of regular shape, about 1/3 mile long northeast and southwest, 175 yards wide, covered with brush and small trees, and rises to a height of 260 feet (79 m.). There are two rocks 85 and 130 feet (26 and 40 m.) high lying off the northeastern part of Macangani Island. The town of Tandag is situated on Tandag Point, a low, flat point between the Tandag River and the sea, and may be readily located by two small, steep, high, heavily wooded islands at the mouth of the river. It has a stone church and convent, several stores, and a population of about 1,500. It is a place of considerable commercial importance, as most of the products of the valleys of the Tandag and Tago Rivers are shipped from here. The Tandag River has very little water on its bar but may be entered by a pulling boat at high water; its mouth is hidden from seaward by the two previously mentioned islands. Lenungan, the western and larger island, lies about 100 yards from the west bank of the river mouth and forms one side of the channel through which the river discharges. It is about 1/ mile long in a northeast and southwest direction, /8 mile wide, and has three peaks of nearly equal height, the highest of which is 365 feet (111 m.). The eastern island has no name; it is oval in shape, about 1/ mile in extent, has a sharp peak 353 feet (108 m.) high, and lies about 14 mile eastward from the middle peak on Lenungan and the same distance from Tandag Point. The north and west sides of Lenungan are clear and steep-to; the reef surrounding the smaller island extends about /2 mile eastward from it. The Tandag River is said to have originally discharged between these two islands but now a sand spit closes the opening and the river discharges through the narrow channel between Lenungan and the mainland. The opening between the unnamed island and Tandag Point is closed by a coral reef. Anchorage, sheltered from all winds except those from north to east, may be found in 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.), mud bottom, 1/4 mile westward from the north end of Lenungan Island. Small craft of 4 or 5 feet (1.2 or 1.5 m.) draft may find sheltered anchorage at the mouth of the Tandag River, behind Lenungan Island. From Tandag Point the coast trends southeastward for 11 miles to Lambillon Point, the northern entrance point to Caguait Harbor. About 1 mile southward from Tandag Point there is a small point between which and the unnamed island off Tandag Point, reefs, partly bare at low water, extend to a distance of /2mile. There is a 262 IUNITED STATES COAST PILOT small reef about 1/ mile in extent, bare at low water and marked by a line of breakers, lying about 2 miles southeastward from Lenungan Island and 1 mile from shore; a narrow, deep channel, about 1/ mile wide, separates it from the shore reef. From the point 1 mile south from Tandag Point to Magabao Cove, about 7 miles southeastward, the shore line is a clean sandy beach, off which there are no off-lying dangers. Tago River, said to be the largest river in eastern Mindanao, breaks through the beach about 5 miles southeastward from Tandag Point. There is a narrow channel across the bar with a depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) at low water, but the heavy sea usually rolling in on this coast makes it unsafe to enter even in a whaleboat; it is reported that native boats never attempt it. The great size of the Tago River Valley is indicated by the absence of coastal mountains, which north and south of this area rise abruptly from the shore. Here, however, the first mountains are 20 miles or more inland. The river rises back in these mountains and with many wide meanderings flows in a general easterly direction through its wide, flat valley. The town of Tago is situated on the north bank of the Tago River about 1 mile from its mouth and is not visible from the sea. The big surf makes landing on the beach difficult and dangerous. The best landing in this vicinity is at the mouth of the Tandag River. There is a good road between Tago and Tandag, over which all the hemp and copra raised in this vicinity is trucked to Tandag for shipment. Magabao Cove, about 7 miles southeastward from Tandag Point, is about 12 mile wide at the entrance, extends nearly 3/ mile southwestward, and is nearly blocked with reefs. It has a depth of 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) at the entrance and decreases to 51/. fathoms (10 In.) near its head; in the middle of the entrance there is a small 31/2-fathom (6.4 m.) shoal. Its northwestern entrance point is low; the southeastern entrance point is high and rocky and is the first high land on the coast southeastward from Tandang Point. There are no inhabitants on its shore and nothing further in regard to it is known. From Magabao Cove southeastward to Lambillon Point the coast is high, bold, and rocky, with patches of mangrove here and there, and fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef on which there are a number of large rocks. There are no off-lying dangers with the exception of a small reef about 200 yards in extent, which breaks in moderate weather, lying about 3, mile northeastward from Lambillon Point and 1/2 mile from shore. Caguait is a small and unimportant village lying on the south shore of Caguait Harbor about 1 mile southeastward from Lambilion Point; the water in front of the village is shoal. Caguait Harbor is a circular basin about /4 mile in diameter. The northern side of the harbor is high and rocky like the coast northward; the southern entrance point is low and rocky. The depth at the entrance is 7 fathoms (12.8 m.). The depths decrease gradually fron the entrance to the head of the harbor, where a sandy beach with scattering palms is found. Good anchorage, protected from all winds and seas except those from the eastward, may be found anywhere in the harbor according to draft. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 263 From Lambillon Point the coast trends in a general south-southeast direction for 6 miles and from offshore presents a lower and smoother appearance than that northward from Lambillon Point. Immediately southeastward from Caguait Harbor is a small sand cove blocked with reefs and of no value. The shore, consisting of coral rocks, runs eastward from this cove for about 1 mile and then turns southward. From this point a fringing reef makes off for a distance of 1/4 mile and continues along the coast to the head of Bitaugan Bay, varying in width from 1/4 to /2 mile. About 1 mile southward of the point where the shore line turns southward, the rocky shore ceases and mangroves hide the shore line and continue for another mile and then turn westward and southward into a sand beach at the head of Bitaugan Bay. This beach continues southward for over 1/2 mile, where the rocky shore begins again and continues around Umanum Point. Bitaugan Bay (chart 4628) is about 11/ miles wide at the entrance and extends about 1 mile westward. Bitaugan, from which considerable hemp is shipped, lies on the south shore of the bay. The head of the bay is shoal, and there are a number of reefs and sunken rocks in the bay, contracting the anchorage space and complicating the navigation. A triangular reef about 1/2 miles in extent and bare at low water lies in the mouth of the bay, leaving a channel -Io to 1/2 mile wide, where good sheltered anchorage for small vessels may be found. Arangasa Islands are three unimportant islands lying on the large triangular reef in the entrance to Bitaugan Bay. The largest has no name and is simply a big mangrove patch, lying on the western part of the reef about 1 mile long east and west and /4 to 1/ mile wide. Arangasa Island, on the southeastern part of the reef, about 450 yards long north and south and 330 yards wide, is of sand and contains a coconut grove and other large trees, the tops of which are about 80 feet (24.4 m.) above the sea. An automatic acetylene light, showing one white flash every 5 seconds, visible 10 miles, is exhibited, 36 feet (11 m.) above high water, from a white concrete beacon on Arangasa Island. The third island, also unnamed, is about 200 yards in extent, rocky, and covered with brush; it lies about 100 yards south of Arangasa and is of no value. A large rocky shoal, which breaks in moderate weather, lies with its center about 11/2 miles east-southeastward from Arangasa Island. It is about 1 mile long in a north-northwest and opposite direction, /2 mile wide, and covered by 1/2 to 10 fathoms (2.7 to 18.3 m.) of water. Foul ground exists in the channel between this shoal and the reef on which Arangasa Island lies and its use is not recommended. There are a number of small detached reefs lying so close to the big reef that they practically form part of it. The tangent to the land northward from Lambillon Point, bearing nothing northward of 317~ (NW. mag.), clears the northeastern side of the dangers off Bitaugan Bay, and the south side of Umanum Point, bearing nothing southward of 247~ (SW. by W. 3/4 W. mag.), clears the southeastern side of the same dangers. A rock covered by 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) of water exists on the bearings: Tangent to the south entrance point of Bitaugan Bay 300~ (NW. by W. 1/ W. mag.), and Umanum Point 174~ (S. 34 E. mag.). 264 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT About 3/4 mile northward from Umanum Point and 1/2 mile from shore there is a coral reef on which the sea is constantly breaking; it is about 3/ mile long, north and south, 1/8 mile wide and surrounded by foul ground. Umanum Point. bearing 200~ (S. by W. 5 W. mag.), clears all dangers around this reef. Directions, Bitaugan Bay.-The northern channel into Bitaugan Bay is narrow and tortuous and in the absence of any aids to navigation or local knowledge should not be attempted. To enter by the southern channel, when still outside the dangerous area included by the clearing marks, the southern entrance point, on which there is a hill over 200 feet (61 m.) high, should be brought to bear 288~ (WNWX. 5/ WV. mag.), and steered for; pass it at a distance 150 or 200 yards and haul northwestward and good sheltered anchorage in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) will be found with the south end of Arangasa Island bearing 96~ (E. 4 S. mag.), and the dock at Bitaugan bearing 194~ (S. by W. 1/ W. mag.). Umanum Point is a rocky point fringed by a narrow reef. Immediately back of the point the land rises to a prominent 460-foot (140 m.) hill. From Umanum Point the coast trends in a general southwesterly direction for about 10 miles to Jobo Point at the entrance to Lianga Bay. It is very irregular in outline and is intersected by a number of small rivers, indented by numerous bays, fringed by coral reefs of varying width and fronted by numerous detached dangers. From Umanuin Point the coast trends westward for 1 mile and then southeastward for the same distance, forming Santa Cruz Bay. The shore southward continues low, rocky, and black to a point 2 miles south of the Marihatag River, from which point mangrove predominates to the mouth of the Oteiza River. From the mouth of this river a sand beach extends southward for 11/ miles to a point where mangroves begin and extend 2 miles eastward, surrounding and forming Jobo Point. Santa Cruz Bay, immediately southwestward from Umanum Point is about 3/ mile wide at the entrance and extends about 1 mile westward. The shores of the bay are bordered by mangroves and fringed with reefs, bare at low water. In the middle of the bay there is a detached reef, bare at low water, which renders this bay useless to navigation. Santa Cruz, small and unimportant, lies at the head of the bay. A reef, bare at low water, lies 3/8 mile southeastward from the northern entrance to Santa Cruz Bay, and two reefs, also bare at low water, extend 5/ mile eastward from the south point of the same bay; southward of the first-mentioned reef there is a deep channel, over 1/4 mile wide, leading into Santa Cruz Bay. Marihatag is a small village on the south side of the mouth of the Marihatag River, which discharges 3 miles southwestward from Umanum Point through a narrow mouth about 20 yards wide. The Marihatag River has very little water on its bar; at high water small boats can enter the river and ascend it about 3 miles. Marihatag is a port of call for small coastwise steamers that usually anchor about 3/ mile northeastward from Ayninan Islet and 1/2 mile southward from the breaking reef, lying 1 mile eastward from the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 265 mouth of the Marihatag River in 16 to 18 fathoms (29.3 to 32.9 m.) of water. A reef about 1/4 mile long east and west and 300 yards wide, which breaks in moderate weather at all stages of the tide, lies 1 mile eastward from the mouth of the Marihatag River; immediately southward of this reef there is a small 23/4-fathom (5 m.) patch. About 1/4 mile westward from the first-mentioned reef there is a small breaking reef with a deep channel between them. Ayninan Islet, lying 11/ miles southward from the mouth of the Marihatag River and 1/4 mile from shore, is oval shaped, 1/4 mile long east and west, and 90 feet (27.4 m.) high to the tops of the trees. It is surrounded by a reef, partly bare at low water, which extends /4 mile northeastward and the same distance southward. The western end of the islet is a white sand beach, clean and steep-to. A deep passage, about 200 yards wide, separates it from the shore reef. About 3/4 and 11/4 miles eastward from Ayninan Islet are two reefs covered by 4 and 31/2 fathoms (7.3 and 6.4 m.), respectively. The outer reef is about /2 mile long north and south and 1/4 mile wide; the inner one is about 300 yards in diameter. There is also a 41/fathom (8.2 m.) patch, about 200 yards in diameter, lying about 3/4 mile southward from the east end of Ayninan. All of these shoals are surrounded by deep water and are readily picked up by their color. Antipolo is a small village lying about 11/ miles westward from Ayninan Island. Santo Niflo is a small village lying about 2~/2 miles westward from Antipolo at the mouth of the Santo Ninio River; some hemp is shipped from here in small sailing craft. The Santo Nifio River has very little water on its bar. Oteiza is a small village lying at the mouth of the Oteiza River, which discharges about 2 miles southwestward from the Santo Ninio River. Small steamers call here for hemp brought from the neighboring.ports in small craft. The Oteiza River has more water on its bar than either the Marihatag or Santo Nifio; ships' launches can cross it at high water. Salvacion is a small village in the bend of the coast about 2 miles southward from Oteiza, where the sandy beach turns to mangroves. It does most of its business through Oteiza. Two dangerous detached reefs lie near the middle of Oteiza Bay. The first, lying 11/4 miles 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) from the church at Salvacion, bares at extreme low water; the second, lying 1 mile 73~ (ENE. 1/4 E. mag.) from the same point, breaks with a moderate sea. Both are steep-to and at high water with a smooth sea can not be seen until directly over them. These and a small detached reef lying close to the shore reef, 3/4 mile southeastward from Oteiza, constitute the only dangers in Oteiza Bay, and they all may be avoided by steering for Oteiza Church on a 324~ (NW. 5/8 N. mag.) bearing and anchoring according to draft. Jobo Point is a low mangrove-covered point extending about 2 miles eastward from the village of Salvacion. On it are two hills rising from the mangroves, both of which are 110 feet (33 m.) high. Jobo Point is surrounded by a steep-to coral reef about 1/ mile wide, 266 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and its eastern extremity may be passed in safety at a distance of /2 mile. LIANGA BAY is about 11 miles wide at the entrance between Jobo and Branculin Points and extends 13 miles westward. From Jobo Point the coast trends in a general southwesterly direction for 10 miles to the town of Lianga; then turns sharply and trends southeasterly for about 11 miles to head of Gamot Bay, a long narrow bay; thence back in a northwesterly direction for 3 miles to Conceson Point; thence in an easterly direction for about 10 miles to Banculin Point. The north side of Lianga Bay is bordered by mangroves with rounded hills rising out of them and is fringed by a wide reef, off which there are numerous detached dangers. The south side of the bay is higher and is fringed by a wide coral reef as far as Conceson Point; thence to Banculin Point the shore is rocky and steep, with a narrow steep-to coral reef. Jobo Islet, about 13/4 miles southwestward from Jobo Point, is about 300 yards long northeast and southwest, 100 yards wide, flat topped, covered with trees and brush, and about 75 feet (22.9 m.) high to the tree tops. It is composed of sand and lies on a coral reef, partly bare at low water, which extends about 14 mile northeast and southwest from it. About 2/3 miles southeast from Jobo Islet there is a small shoal covered by a least depth of 6 fathoms (11 m.). This is believed to be the "P. D." shoal shown on the old charts 134 miles southward from Jobo Islet. Between the reef surrounding Jobo Islet and the shore reef there is a channel nearly /2 mile wide, but it contains a number of shoal patches, and its use is not recommended. Haycock Islands are a group of some 12 small islets and rocks lying on the shore reef 3 to 31/2 miles westward from Jobo Point and 1/4 to 1 mile from shore. They are of various heights up to 205 feet (62 m.) and are covered with brush. About 2 miles westward from Jobo Islet there is a small flat sandy cay, about 1/ mile in extent, lying on the center of a reef about 11/3 miles long northwest and southeast and 1/4 mile wide. Malinonok Islands are three small high islands lying on the shore reef about 6 miles westward from Jobo Island. Malinonok, the western one, is 110 feet (33 m.) high. Lianga, a port of call for small coasting steamers, lies at the head of Lianga Bay, about 3/ mile south of the mouth of the Lianga River. It is clean and well kept and contains a prominent church that is visible from a long distance. The shore in front of the town is fringed with coral, rendering landing at low water or after dark difficult. Anchorage, sheltered only during the southwest monsoon, may be found in about 20 fathoms (36 m.), muddy bottom, with the church bearing 289~ (WNW. 1/2 W. mag.) and about 3/8 mile southeastward from a prominent 35-foot (10.7 m.) rock standing on the shore reef about 1/4 mile eastward of the northern part of the town. Panirongan Island, about 3 miles southeastward from the town of Lianga, appears to be a part of the mainland, being separated from it only by a narrow mangrove-fringed boat channel. Panirongan is wooded, 130 feet (40 m.) high, and bordered by mangroves ex PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 267 cept on its eastern side, where there is a sandy beach with coconut trees at the back, where a landing for the village of Panirongan can be made. Tomajo Rock is a small rock, about 25 feet (7.6 m.) high, lying on the shore reef immediately eastward from Panirongan Island. Between Panirongan and Conceson Points, a distance of about 4 miles, the coast recedes about 3 miles southward, forming a large bay blocked by reefs and of no value to navigation; the northern limit of the reefs is clearly defined by an almost unbroken line of breakers. Cabgan and Gabao are two small rocky islets on the northern edge of the reefs filling the above-mentioned bay. Cabgan, the western and larger one, lying about 1/2 miles northwestward from Conceson Point, is about 3/8 mile long northwest and southeast and 200 yards wide. Its north side is formed by vertical cliffs undermined by the sea and is clean and steep-to. Cabgan is about 100 feet (30 m.) high to the tops of the trees. Gabao Islet, lying about %3/ mile east-southeast from Cabgan, has the same general appearance as Cabgan, and is about 175 feet (53 m.) high to the tops of the trees. A number of conspicuous bowlders lie off its eastern side. A channel, about 1/4 mile wide and 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) deep, between Cabgan and Gabao Islets leads to a deep lagoon about 2 miles long east and west and s/ to 1/2 mile wide. This lagoon, though navigable by small boats and launches, is of little value to navigation. Gamot Bay, southward from Conceson Point, is about 1 mile wide at the entrance and extends about 3 miles eastward to the mouth of the Gamot River. Both sides of this bay are fringed with reefs, leaving a deep channel between them, which is accessible only to native canoes. Conceson Point is a long peninsula forming the northern side of Gamot Bay. On it are a number of hills, the highest of which, 830 feet (253 m.) in elevation, slopes gradually northward to the shore of Lianga Bay. Sua Islets are two small islets, 65 and 100 feet (19.8 m. and 30.5 m.) high, lying off Conceson Point. A prong of the shore reef extends about 1 mile northward from the western end of Conceson Point. From Conceson Point the shores are rocky, the cliffs rise abruptly from the sea, and parallel ridges rise-in successive steps to the high mountains in the interior. From the prong of the reef extending about 1 mile northward from Conceson Point, the shore reef as far as Banculin Point is narrow and steep-to. Banculin Point, the southern entrance point to Lianga Bay, is a bold, prominent headland, 590 feet (180 m.) high. The coral reef extends about 1 mile eastward of the point and is dotted with numerous large rocks, the largest one being 70 feet (21.3 m.) high and covered with vegetation. In the bay southward of this reef, there is an extensive area of clear water, but entrance to it is blocked by a reef which bares at low water. Singag Island, 450 by 350 yards in extent and rising to a height of 185 feet (56 m.), lies about 11/4 miles eastward of Banculin Point, being separated from the shore reef by a narrow foul channel with a depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.) near the middle. The island has steep rock cliffs on all sides and is steep-to on the north and south 268 UNITED STATES COAST PIiOT with 6 and 7 fathoms (11 and 12.8 m.) of water extending /2 mile eastward of it. From Banculin Point the coast trends southward for 15 miles to the northern entrance point of Bislig Bay; a constant southerly current of moderate strength exists offshore, but in the narrow channels, among the numerous coral reefs lying in the deep indentations of the coast, the current is influenced by the tide, flooding northward and causing frequent swirls and eddies. Lamon Point, 41/2 miles southward of Singag Island, consists of perpendicular cliffs, 50 feet (15.2 In.) high, with a narrow, rocky beach at low tide. From a little distance offshore these cliffs have the appearance of a fresh slide. Northward of the point the narrow valleys are separated by vertical cliff points and the coral reef broadens, entirely filling the indentations of the shore. Southward of Lamon Point the shore recedes to the westward, then southward and eastward, forming a large bay almost filled b a a large coral reef, oi which lies Bagasinan Island. Bagasinan Island, 150 feet (46 m.) high, is long and narrow with steep, rocky slopes. The eastern end appears to be cut off from the main island and is separated from it by a narrow boat passage at high water. Several rocks lie on the reef to the westward of the island. Lamon Anchorage (chart 4627) lies between Bagasinan Island and its reefs and the shore reef to the northward. It affords fairly protected anchorage for moderate-sized vessels in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) of water, mud bottom. This anchorage is open to eastward and has not been tried in heavy northeast weather, but is believed to afford protection from wind and sea fromn that direction. The Port Lamon Lumber Co. has a sawmill and wharf on the north side of the bay. The wharf has about 30 feet (9.1 in.) of water alongside. Three beacons and a range are locally maintained. The range, consisting of two white triangles 14 feet (4.2 in.) on a side. on course 260~ (WSWv. xi W. mag.) leads midway between the beacons marking the edge of the reef. A large shoal area lies southeastward of the east end of Bagasinan Island. The least depth, 23/ fathoms (5 m.), lies 1/5 miles 145~ (SE. 3/4 S. mag.) from the east end of Bagasinan Island, with a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal 12 mile westward of it. Between the latter shoal and the reefs and shoals extending 11/~ miles northeastward of San Juan there is a clear channel over 1/4 mile wide. The shoals break in heavy weather, but in smooth weather they are hard to distinguish, as they have the same appearance as the deeper water around them. San Juan is of little commercial importance. At the time of the survey it had about 40 nipa houses. Mahaba Island is low and flat, being only about 6 feet (1.8 m.) above high water. The greater part of the island is covered with trees and bushes, having only a small strip of cultivated land with a few houses on the western shore. A snug anchorage for launches and small vessels of 6 to 8 foot (1.8 to 2.4 m.) draft exists about 1/2 mile south of the mangrove islet in the channel westward of Mahaba Island. The best approach is from the northward, through the western channel which carries a depth of about 2 fathoms PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 269 (3.6 m.) of water, the channel eastward of the small island being only about 80 yards wide. The channels among the reefs southward and eastward of this anchorage are narrow and tortuous, with strong tidal currents, and should not be attempted without local knowledge. Tigdos Island, lying 3/4 mile southeast of Mahaba Island, is 110 feet (33 m.) high to tops of trees, the surface of the ground being about 8 feet (2.4 m.) above high water. It shows very prominently from seaward and is a good landmark in approaching Hinatuan from northward. Hinatuan is an important shipping center for this section of Mindanao. The church, municipal building, and the school are of strong material, with tin roofs, which show up prominently from the southeast. The Hinatuan River drains an extensive area. Launches drawing 7 feet (2.1 m.) cross the bar at high water and go alongside the wharf in front of the town. About a mile above its mouth rocks obstruct the passage of the larger boats, but native bancas ascend the river for more than 20 miles. Strong tidal currents run in and out fair with the channel, which is usually marked by stakes or beacons. The usual anchorage for Hinatuan is about 11/ miles southeast of the river mouth in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), mud bottom. Better protected anchorage may be found behind the reefs to the northward, in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) of water, mud bottom, with Manomawan Islet bearing 120~ (SE. by E. 1/2 E. mag.), distant 1/2 mile. The approach to Hinatuan Anchorage is deep and clear and almost 1 mile wide. It is, however, bordered on both its north and south sides by numerous reefs and shoals, the most dangerous one being a shoal with a least known depth of 2/4 fathoms (4.1 m.) of water lying 11/2 miles 165~ (S. by E. /2 E. mag.) from the eastern end of Tigdos Island. It has been observed breaking, but in smooth weather has the same appearance as the deep water around it. Mancahorom Island marks the eastern end and Maowa Island the western end of the chain of shoals lying on the south side of the approach to Hinatuan. The former has an extensive coral reef surrounding it and should be passed to eastward and northward at a distance of not less than 1/2 mile. Both islands are low, but trees and palms make them conspicuous and excellent landmarks. Loyola is a small settlement near the mouth of the Bigaan River. The latter is navigable for a whaleboat for about 5 miles from its mouth, but sand bars block the entrance at low water. Extensive coral reefs with several small mangrove islets and mud flats fill the head of the bay southeastward from Loyola. Mawes Island lies on an extensive coral reef off the northern entrance point of Bislig Bay, being separated from the shore reef by a narrow channel with a depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) of water. There are some coconut palms at the southwest end. The remainder of the island is covered with trees and bushes, and a fringe of mangroves entirely surrounds it. BISLIG BAY 5 miles wide at the entrance between Mawes Island and Sanco Point, extends 8 miles in a southwest direction, forming a large open bay 95672~-30 —18 270 U0JNITED STATES COAST PIL.OT containing numerous shoals and reefs. A heavily wooded ridge, about 600 feet (183 m.) high, but without prominent peaks, lies along the south side of the bay. On the north side the land slopes gradually to a height of 420 feet (128 m.), the shore being fringed by mangroves and bordered by a wide coral reef, on which lie Tumano and several other small mangrove islands. Agonoy Island lies on a detached coral reef, is about 6 feet (1.8 m.) above high water, and has a sand beach around it. It is prominent on account of the coconut grove upon it. The valley of the Bislig River, which empties into the northwest corner of the bay, is low, flat, and heavily wooded. The river is navigable for whaleboats beyond San Jose, a small settlement about 5 miles above its mouth. Launches drawing 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m.) enter the river at half tide, the channel across the bar being usually marked by stakes, but care is necessary on account of the strong tidal currents. Bislig, at the mouth of the Bislig River, and Haramelio, in the southern angle of the bay, are the only settlements on the shore of the bay and are of little commercial importance. Directions.-Vessels entering Bislig Bay should keep from 1/2 to 3/4 mile off the southern shore until Agonoy Island bears 320~ (NW. 1/4 N. mag.), when the course should be changed to 272~ (W. mag.), which leads to an anchorage in 4 to 5 fathoms (T.3 to 9.1 m.) of water off the mouth of the Bislig River. If bound for Haramelio or the head of the bay, keep 3/4 mile offshore to avoid two 2-fathom (3.6 m.) shoals lying /2 mile off the southern shore, and anchor according to draft. The head of the bay is shoal and affords no protection from northeast weather. Some protection from the seas may be obtained in the northwest corner of the bay behind the reefs, but the anchorage space is very limited. Sanco Point, the southern entrance point to Bislig Bay, is low, thickly covered with bushes, and has a white sand beach at highwater line. A coral reef bares at low water from 1/ to 2 miles eastward and southeastward of the point. The town of Valencia is small and unimportant and is not visible to passing vessels. From Sanco Point the coast trends almost due south for 15 miles to Catarman Point. The shore is bordered by a wide coral reef, and the land rises to a heavily wooded ridge about 400 feet (122 m.) high, which presents no distinguishing features. About 5 miles from Sanco Point, in front of the town of Barcelona, a break in the reef affords anchorage and some protection. The entrance is narrowed to about 400 yards by a 214-fathom (4.1 m.) shoal. An anchorage in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), sand bottom, may be had 12 mile southwest of Maopia Island, a small island, 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, lying on the reef. This anchorage is well protected by the reef in all directions except from the southeast. The 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal 21/2 miles northeast of Maopia Island and the 4-fathom (7.3 m.) shoal 11/ miles south of that island both break in a moderate sea. The best boat landing at Barcelona is at the mouth of the Taon River. Tambog Point, rising to a height of 260 feet (79 m.). is covered with scattered trees, hemp, and bushes and is very prominent. The point itself is double, the southern and higher point being about 50 feet (15.2 m.) high. The bight northward of Tambog Point is partially protected from the swirls and constant southerly currents which prevail off the point. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 271 Lingit, near the mouth of the Lingit River, is of little importance. The best boat landing is found by following the break in the reef northward of the town at half tide or better, thus gaining the protection of the reef. Catarman Point is bold, steep, and very prominent, with rocky cliffs about 40 feet (12.2 m.) high. The point is covered with bushes with large trees scattered among them. Close northward of the point is a break in the coral reef forming Catarman Anchorage. The entrance between the reefs is about 400 yards, widening to ~/ mile inside. It is protected on the north by the:eef on which the Majangit Islands lie, and its surroundings allow none but an easterly sea to enter. The depth of 18 fathoms (33 m.) at the entrance gradually lessens to 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), mud bottom, 1 mile farther in, where safe anchorage may be had 1/4 mile from the shore. From Catarman Point the coast trends southwest and south, then southeast to Bangai Point, forming a large, open bay known as Cateel Bay. The waters of this bay are deep and almost free from currents, Catarman Point protecting it from the constant southerly current which is felt farther offshore. The shore is bordered by a wide coral reef, showing in some places a glistening white sand beach, but in the main the vegetation comes to the water's edge. The land rises to a high, flat, heavily wooded ridge with several peaks among the higher mountains farther inland showing over it. Hamuan Island, on the shore reef 2/2 miles southwest of Catarman Point, is 275 feet (84 m.) high and covered with big trees. The western part of the island is cleared for hemp. The south and east sides are rocky. A number of high, rocky islets, covered with bushes, lie on the reef between Hamuan Island and Catarman Point. At half tide a small boat can pass between them and the mainland, thus gaining the protection of the reef. A large detached reef, with coral heads breaking at all times, lies 1/2 mile southeast of Hamuan Island with a deep channel between it and the shore reef. Cabugao Island, 220 feet (67 m.) high, tree-covered and prominent, lies on the edge of the reef northward of Boston. A shoal with a solitary rock 30 yards in diameter on its eastern edge baring at low water, lies /2 mile 13~ (N. by E. mag.) from the east end of Cabugao Island. This rock is a serious danger as it lies in the fairway to Boston Anchorage and in a smooth sea is hard to distinguish. The best anchorage is in 5 to 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 m.) of water, mud bottom, about 1/2 mile northwest of Cabugao Island. It is open from north to east and may become untenable during heavy easterly weather. Boston is an important shipping point for the products of this section of Mindanao. Between Tonquil and Tanguip Points there is a break in the high ridge near shore, forming a broad, fertile valley drained by the Cateel River. The channel across the bar of the river is about 100 yards wide and carries about 5 feet (1.5 m.) of water with deeper water inside; but the river can only be entered in the smoothest of weather. Strong tidal currents into and out of the river cause confused seas near the entrance. The town of Cateel lies at the mouth of the river. Anchorage may be taken up 1/4 to 3/4 mile offshore anywhere between Tonquil and Tanguip Points in 12 to 14 fathoms 272 UNITEI) STATES COAST PILOT (21.9 to 25.6 m.) of water, mud and sand bottom, but preferably off the mouth of the Cateel River. Bagoso Island, lying on the shore reef 12 mile southeast of Bangai Point, is a prominent landmark when seen from north or south; a large tree on Quinablangan Island is especially prominent, being visible for 20 miles up and down the coast. Both islands are low, being only about 7 feet (2.1 in.) above high water, with their seaward faces of coral rock formation. A break in the reef leads back of Quinablangan Island and at high water a boat can continue on over the reef back of Bagosa Island. thus avoiding the heavy rips and swirls that frequently exist off this coast. San Victor Island is the largest of a number of low bush-covered islands lying on the reefs between Quinablangan Island and Paypay Point. A narrow channel separates San Victor Island from the shore reef. A large shoal area lies southeast and east of the island, on which there are three spots that bare at extreme low water and that break heavily at all times. There is another detached reef about midway between Paypay Point and the mouth of the Dapnan River. Fair-weather anchorage may be had off the mouth of the Dapnan River, but the remainder of this stretch of coast should not be approached without local knowledge. Baganga Bay is a deep indentation in the coast southward of Lambayon Point. A coral reef extends 1/3 mile southward of the point and a breaking reef lies /2 mile 228~ (SW. 1%s W. mag.) from Lambayon Point. Good anchorage, protected front northerly and easterly weather, may be had in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), mud bottom. about 12 mile westward from Lambayon Point and t,/ mile offshore. The breaking reef divides the approach to this anchorage into two channels, of which the western is the better, being the wider one and having an even bottom. Anchorage protected from southeasterly and southerly weather may be had in the southern part of Baganga Bay in 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), sand bottom, 1/4 mile offshore. Baganga, the only town of importance, lies on the southwest shore of the bay. A nipa house with a tin roof stands out prominently, but the stone church and school are not visible from the bay. Neither the Baganga River nor the Panglimasan River can be entered by boats at low water. Daquit Island lies on the shore reef that fringes the southern entrance point to Baganga Bay. It is low, covered with bushes and trees, and from a distance appears to be a part of the coast line. The coast to Baculin Point, 7 miles southward, is fringed by coral reef but is steep-to and clear. The Languyon River has a wide mouth, but can only be entered at half tide through a narrow channel near the southern bank. Between Baculin Point and Pusan Point, 9 miles southward, there are three indentations in the coast. Baculin Bay, between Baculin Point and Bacul Point, is deep and clear. Both points are low and rounding and are fringed by a coral reef about 400 yards wide. The head of the bay is sand beach. Baculin, San Luis, and Manorigao lie on the shore of this bay but are of little importance at the present time, the products of this section, a small amount of hemp and copra, being taken by trail or native boat to Caraga or Baganga for shipment. Anchorage protected from northerly and northeasterly PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 273 weather may be found about 2 miles west of Baculin Point in 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.) of water, sand bottom, about 1/2 mile from shore. The bay between Bacul Point and Alisud Point does not afford any safe anchorage. Santa Fe, at the mouth of the Hipayaan River, is of no special importance. A rock, which is reported to bare at extreme low water, lies 1 mile 174~ (S. 3/4 E. mag.) from Bacul Point. It is marked by breakers at all stages of the tide. Caraga Bay, between Alisud Point and Pusan Point, affords anchorage protected in easterly and southeasterly weather in the southwest corner in front of Santiago. The anchorage in front of Caraga, on Alisud Point, is available in fair weather only; the depth of water and character of bottom render it unwise for any vessel to remain in this vicinity during heavy weather. Caraga is an important shipping point for the products of this section and is a port of call for coastwise steamers. The Caraga River can be entered by small boats at half or full tide only; heavy breakers extend across the entrance even during moderate weather. Pusan Point is low and rounding. It is steep-to, but even in moderate weather heavy rips and swirls are met with off this point, apparently caused by the constant southerly current which exists off the east coast of Mindanao. From Pusan Point the coast trends south-southwestward for 20 miles to Tugubun Point. The points in between are coral cliffs 15 to 30 feet (4.6 to 9.1 m.) high with sand and shingle beaches at the heads of the several bays. The coastal ridge is somewhat broken, but does not show any prominent landmarks. It is separated from the higher mountains inland by a valley or depression of 400 or 500 feet (122 or 152 m.), and the entire coast is heavily wooded. The only danger to navigation along this coast is a coral shoal lying 21/4 miles north of Tugubun Point. It is connected to the shore reef and has a shoal spot of 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) 3/4 mile offshore, with a detached shoal 1/4 mile eastward having a depth of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.). No anchorage protected from easterly or southerly weather is available along this section of the coast. At the head of Bunga Cove there is a small semicircular opening, into which launches can enter. Bunga Creek, emptying into this basin, affords a good quality of fresh water. Batinao Point is a high, rounding coral cliff. Manay Bay affords anchorage protected from west through north to northeast, westward of Manaol Point. A 38-foot (11.6 m.) rock close to the cliff of the point makes an excellent landmark when seen from northward or southward. Manay is an occasional port of call for coastwise steamers. The Manay River can be entered by small boats, but the rapids block it a short distance from its mouth. The Casauman River, 1/2 miles north of Casauman Point, can be entered by small boats at low water. Just in front of the river mouth is a high shingle ridge cast up by the heavy seas that frequently prevail along this coast. Heavy tide rips frequently exist off Casauman Point. The bays between Casauman, Buan, Manduao, Tambuc, and Yako Points afford indifferent anchorages, all open to eastward and southward. Zaragosa7 Santa Cruz, San Ignacio, Quinonoan, and Tarra 274 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT gona are settlements of Visayans, the latter being an occasional port of call for coastwise steamers. Jovellar is a settlement of Mandayans, the natives of this section, whose villages usually are 3 or 4 miles from the coast. Hemp and copra are the principal products of the country and are usually carried to Caraga or Mati for shipment. Mayo Bay, between Tugubun Point and Lamigan Point, is a deep, open body of water that affords no protected anchorage and very precarious anchorage even in fair weather. Tidal currents are weak within the bay, but at the entrance points they come in conflict with a strong constant southerly current of about 2.2 knots and frequently cause heavy tide rips and much disturbed water. The only known danger is a small coral reef baring at half tide, which lies 14 mile southeast of Flacca Point on the north shore of the bay. The channel between this reef and the shore reef has a depth of over 3 fathoms (5.5 m.). The north shore of the bay is similar to the shore north of Tugubun Point. The points consist of low coral cliffs, the bights of shingle, and sand beaches on a narrow coral reef. At Magbiga Point, between Flacca and Tugubun Points, the rocky ledge shows prominently. At Tacaquinay Point the cliffs are of hard conglomerate, rising sheer from the water for 200 feet (61 m.) in four separate headlands separated by deep gorges. Mount Ambutig, 1,940 feet (591 m.) high, with a sharp grassy top, is conspicuous from seaward and especially easy to identify when seen against the sky. The remainder of the shore of Mayo Bay is a prominent shingle beach overlying a coral reef with the exception of Gorda Point, which is a rocky ledge with a broad sand beach in the bay to the westward. Bobon Point is low and rounding. Lucatan and Mayo are the principal settlements, the inhabitants being mostly Mandayans. The government road from Mati passes through Mayo and it is the intention to continue it along the coast to Caraga. Freight for the plantations in this region is frequently landed at Mati and transported over this road to its destination. Lamigan Point is the southern end of Guanguan Peninsula, separating Mayo Bay and Pujada Bay. It is very bold, having a sheer cliff 108 feet (33 m.) high. The 1,825-foot (556 m.) hill back of the point is a very conspicuous landmark for vessels approaching Pujada Bay. It is overtopped by the higher mountains to the westward, but its isolated position permits of easy identification. PUJADA BAY 6 miles wide at the entrance between Lamigan Point and Tumadgo Point and extending 12 miles northwestward, is too deep to afford good anchorage though otherwise well sheltered. The entrance narrows to 4 miles in width and is divided into two deep clear channels by Pujada Island. The land in this vicinity rises steeply from the water's edge, the shore being fringed by a narrow coral reef, except at Taganilao, where the coral reef extends out 2% mile from shore. The land in the eastern side of the bay from Batiano Point northward is low, and a broad coral reef fringes the shore. Pujada Island, 11/3 miles long, /2 mile wide, and attaining a height of 485 feet (148 m.), divides the entrance into two deep. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 275 clear channels. The island has been cleared and planted to coconuts on its northern end. The southern part is covered with secondgrowth timber. The shore reef on the western side is about 100 yards wide, about 200 yards at its north end, and gradually widens on the east side until it attains its greatest width of 400 yards at the southeast end. Two small sand islands, on coral reefs that bare, lie 3/4 and 11/2 miles southeast of Pujada Island; They are separated from each other by a narrow, foul channel, and from Pujada Island by a channel 1/4 mile wide with a depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) of water. Both sand islands are conspicuous objects, and Pujada Island forms an excellent landmark for entering the bay. Uanivan Island, 105 feet (32 m.) high and covered with trees, lies on the east side of the bay about 3/4 mile northwest of Taganilao Point, with which it is connected by a reef having 51/2 fathoms (10 m.) of water over it. The island has a sand beach on its eastern side but is rocky on the west and a. wide coral reef bares to the southeast. Guanguan Estero is entirely filled by coral reefs, which extend nearly 1 mile offshore between Licoc Point and Guanguan Point. Mati, the seat of government and the most important town of this section, lies at the head of Pujada Bay. It is connected by road and trail with the towns on the east coast of Mindanao and with the east shore of Davao Gulf. It has regular steamer communication with other ports of Mindanao and with Manila, and is an important shipping place for hemp and copra. Business is generally in the hands of Chinese traders. The people are mostly Visayans, with one Moro settlement, Babiasan, at the mouth of the Guanguan Estero and another one. Bajucan, in Balete Bay. Anchorage may be taken up off the town of Mati in 15 to 18 fathoms (27.4 to 33 m.), sand bottom, about 400 yards from shore. A fixed red light is exhibited from a white-framed structure on the beach eastward of the old pier. A substantial wooden pier has been constructed just east of the old pier where moderate-sized vessels may berth. Good anchorage may also be had 1 mile northward of Batiano Point in 15 to 20 fathoms (27.4 to 36.6 m.), 1/ mile offshore. The western shore of Pujada is steep-to, the land high and heavily wooded. A detached rock lies 1/2 mile eastward of Camansi Point, while the shore reef fills the indentations northward and southward of the point. Calayan Point, 1 mile southward, is a high, rounding rocky point. Lacutan Cove has a very irregular shore fringed by a wide coral reef with a 31/2-fathom (6.4 m.) shoal nearly in the middle of the cove. Tataidaga Point and Daca Point are the southeast and southwest extremities of the peninsula separating Balete Bay from the main body of Pujada Bay. Shoal water extends some distance off these points and they should be given a berth of at least /2mile. Balete Bay (chart 4625) affords perfectly protected anchorage for small vessels. About 3/4 mile northwestward of Daca Point, the entrance channel is narrowed to 200 yards by a shoal with a least known depth of /4 fathom (0.4 m.) of water over it. Beyond this shoal anchorage may be had in 16 to 20 fathoms (29.3 to 36 m.) of 276 UNITEl STATES C,()ASIT IAlLOT water, or near the head of the bay in 8 fathoms (14.6 m.), mud bottom. Wide coral reefs border the shore with mangroves at the head of the bay. No river enters this bay, though the gently sloping valley would indicate its existence. Macambal and Magun are two small unimportant settlements on the southwest shore of Pujada Bay. Fresh water can be procured but with great difficulty at these places. Tumadgo Point is a crumbling cliff rising to a height of about 500 feet (152 m.). Back of the point the land rises in irregular ridges to Mount Hamiguitan, 5,345 feet (1,629 m.) high. From Tumadgo Point the coast trends 188~ (S. 1/2 W. mag.) for 30 miles to Cape San Agustin. The first half of this stretch of coast is characterized by steep clifflike points, from the top of which the land rises steeply to the higher mountains. The cliffs are of soft rock, which are undermined by the heavy storm seas striking this coast, and the fallen rock forms huge bowlders on the narrow ledge between the high-water line and the foot of the cliff. Between the several points, of which Macaonan, Nagas, and Salasala are the most prominent, are narrow valleys that rise steeply from the shore and are not noticeable from offshore. A large rock 10 feet (3 m.) high lies on the edge of the shore reef 2/3 mile eastward of Kabuaya. Luban Island, 219 feet (67 m.) high, has an almost perpendicular cliff face on its eastern side, gradually sloping to the mangrove shore line on the western side. A large rock 25 feet (7.6 m.) high lies close to the cliff face. Luban Island is connected to the mainland by a coral reef that bares at low water. At high water small launches drawing not more than 4 feet (1.2 m.) can pass back of the island into a small lagoon in front of Luban town. Entrance to this lagoon from the south side is made difficult by numerous bowlders on the reef. About 3 miles northward of Lagum Point there is a decided change in the character of the vegetation. The country to the northward is heavily wooded with large trees and has a decided jungle appearance. To the southward the trees are stunted, and from a distance offshore the many large-leaved palms have the appearance of nipa houses. There are no good anchorages along this coast. In case of necessity anchorage may be had at several places along the coast. Outside of about 1 mile from the shore there is a constant southerly current. Inshore there is an eddy, and the direction of the currents seems to be influenced by the tides. Heavy tide rips and swirls are encountered around Luban Island and southward. Cape San Agustin and San Agustin Reef have been described on page 223. Currents.-A constant current southward has been observed on the east coast of Mindanao, especially at a distance of beyond 4 miles from shore. Within this distance the tides preserve their influence in some places, but near the projecting points the current remains constant. Northward of Mayo Bay this current shows itself in strong races, which increase on approaching Pusan Point, where they attain their greatest force. They are very violent off Lacud Point and also off Lambajon and Bagoso Points. In order to lessen the effects of the current, a vessel should keep a good distance offshore. Near the coast the sea is always very rough and choppy, and vessels stiffer a good deal from it. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 277 PALMAS ISLAND or Miangas Island, lying 48 miles south-southeastward from Cape San Agustin, is about 11/3 miles long northeast and southwest and % mile wide. The greater part of the island is low and covered with coconut palms, the land being only about 5 feet (1.5 m.) above high water. The northeast part of the island rises to a series of hills, the highest of which is 365 feet (111 m.). The northeast corner of the island is a sheer, vertical cliff 150 feet (46 m.) high. The island is surrounded by a wide coral reef. A break in the reef in front the village on the southwest shore is the best and practically the only landing place for small boats. The survey vessel anchored off this break in the reef in 17 fathoms about 200 yards from the bowlder line, putting a small anchor on the reef to prevent dragging off the ledge into deep water. This place was protected from the heavy northeast swell which prevailed at the time. The southeast anchorage is found about 1/3 mile east-northeast from the extreme south end of the island in 18 to 20 fathoms (33 to 36 m.) of water, sand bottom, with an ample clearance from the shore reef for moderate-sized vessels. This anchorage is subject to swirls and tide rips. A strong southerly current splits on the bank, extending more than a mile off the north end of the island, causing violent overfalls and boiling water in that vicinity and a considerable eddy near the reef to the southward. The range of tide was found to be about 31/2 feet (1.1 m.). SULU ARCHIPELAGO The Sulu Archipelago extends from Basilan Strait on the southwestern extremity of Mindanao for 220 miles in a southwesterly direction to Alice Channel, off the northeast coast of Borneo and comprises more than 300 islands of various sizes. These islands can be conveniently divided into three principal groups-that of Basilan on the east, Jolo in the center, and Tawitawi to the west. The many smaller groups of islands will all be described under the headings of the three main groups. The inhabitants, over 300,000 in number, are nearly all Mohammedans, of Malay race, speaking a Malay dialect which they write with Arabic characters, though English schools are now slowly making headway. They are considerably advanced in civilization and are engaged in cultivating rice, fishing, and the rearing of horses, cattle, and poultry. Several rubber plantations on Basilan Island are well past the experimental stage and lumbering is quite an industry on the same island. The principal articles of commerce are tortoise shell, trepang, edible birds' nests, pearls and pearl shell, rubber, and copra. There is regular steamer communication between Zamboanga, Jolo, Sandakan, and Singapore. Local travel is mostly by Moro vinta or small sailing vessels. BASILAN GROUP This group of islands is a part of the Province of Zamboanga. Basilan Island, which with the southwest end of Mindanao, forms the Strait of Basilan, is the largest and principal island of the group. It is 32 miles long east and west and 20 miles wide. The greater part of the island is mountainous and is heavily wooded. The highest peak, Mount Basilan, 3,317 feet (1,011 m.) high, lies somewhat southward of the center of the island. Many of the higher mountains are frequently covered by clouds. The shores are largely bordered by a low belt of sand and coral debris on which mangrove swamps have formed. There are no large rivers and no good watering places. Many of the small rivers can be entered by boats only at high water and most of them are impassable on account of fallen trees at a short distance from their mouths. Malamaui Island lies off the northwest coast of Basilan Island, from which it is separated by Isabela Channel. It is 370 feet (113 m.) high. All the available land is under cultivation, mainly planted to coconuts, the valuable timber for which the island was noted having nearly all been cleared off. A constabulary post is located on the island opposite the town of Isabela. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles, is exhibited from a white wooden tower on the eastern point of Malamaui Island. A lumber wharf built out to deep water with a face of about 130 feet wide is located on the point of the sand beach about 500 yards southeastward from the light. 278 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 279 There are two small boat landings on Malamaui Island opposite Port Isabela. The constabulary landing has a face of about 12 feet. A small plantation landing lies about 300 yards eastward with a fender pile 15 feet eastward of the wharf. The depth alongside is 8 feet (2.4 m.). Gravel roads lead inland from both landings. Lampinigan Island is about 5/s mile east and west, 188 feet (57 m.) high, and lies 4 miles westward from the western entrance to Isabela Channel. It is covered with coconuts which grow to the water's edge at many places. A boat landing with 9 feet (2.7 m.) of water alongside is located at the village in the bight on the south side of the island. Pamelukan Bank is situated about 2 miles westward from the west side of Malamaui Island. From the position where 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.), the least water, is found the highest part of Lampinigan Island bears 227~ (SW. mag.) and Moro Island 103~ (E. by S. mag.). The remainder of the bank has from 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.) of water over it. There is a long shoal westward from Pamelukan Bank, stretching east and west for 4 miles, which has two patches of 33/4 fathoms (6.8 m.) on it, lying, respectively, 1/4 miles 347~ (N. by W. % W. mag.) and 2 miles 305~ (NW. by W /8 W. mag.) from the summit of Lampinigan Island. Besides these shoals there are several banks northwest of Malamaui, on which the least depth found was 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.). Malamaui Road, southwestward of the island of the same name, affords a safe anchorage for vessels of all sizes and is particularly convenient when they make Port Isabela after nightfall when the entrance into the channel would be dangerous. The holding ground is good and strong winds are rare. The shores are generally low and bordered by coral reefs. Abreast the streams there is usually sufficient depth over the reef at high water to permit entrance of a ship's boat, and it is advisable to make landings at these points, as there is frequently enough surf to damage a boat attempting to land along the shore at other places. A coral shoal with 13 feet (4 m.) over it lies 11/, miles 238~ (SW. by W. mag.) from Moro Island. The best anchorage will be found southwestward of this shoal in the vicinity of San Rafael Bay, and small vessels can lie close in eastward of Balatanai Island. In approaching this anchorage from the northward Pamelukan Bang is the only danger to be avoided. Unless there is sufficient light to make out Balatanai Island and the high land behind it, it is advisable to pass westward of Pamelukan Bank and head for Lampinigan Island, which usually can be easily distinguished. The general character of the land makes it difficult to estimate distances at night. Lampinigan Island may be approached safely, and from its vicinity Balatanai Island can usually be made out, or good anchorage may be had southward of Lampinigan Island. Moro Island, lying close to the south side of Malamaui, is low, covered with trees and brush, and generally visible from a distance of 7 miles. About 300 yards southeasterly from Moro Island there is an extensive reef awash, nearly always covered by driftwood and well marked by the ripple round the edges; part of the sand is always 280 U NITED STATES COAST PILOT above water. The depth of water off the eastern edge of the bank is decreasing toward the coast. At 300 yards westward from Moro Island there is a small shoal covered by 16 feet (4.9 m.). The channel on either side of Moro Island may be taken, but that on the north of the island and south of Malamaui has the greater width and depth of water. Kalut Island is situated in a bight on the eastern side of Malamaui Island, from which it is separated by a very narrow, deep channel. Isabela Channel (chart 4543) is a deep strait separating Malamaui Island from Basilan Island. It is mangrove lined throughout *except for sand spits at each end and small openings at Isabela and at the constabulary landing opposite. The sides of the channel are coral, almost vertical, with the mangrove growing nearly to the edge, and in most places a vessel can go within a small boat's length of the mangroves. The dangers to be avoided in navigating the channel are a 1/4 -fathom (0.5 m.) shoal on the south side of the eastern entrance, a 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) shoal lying 1/2 mile northeast of Isabela; the shoal southeast of Moro Island which bares at low water, the shoals westward of Moro Island; and the reef that extends southwest of the western end of Malamaui Island. The best anchorage in the strait is westward of Lyon's wharf at Isabela in 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.) coral and sand bottom. There is an excellent anchorage in the channel north of Kalut Island. There is not much swinging room, but larger vessels can be made secure by running lines to the mangroves on shore. Isabela was formerly a place of considerable importance, being the site of a navy yard and repair shops. These are now in ruins. At the present time it is headquarters for a constabulary post and for several rubber and coconut plantations. A small radio station is located in the town and there is a daily launch service to Zamboanga. Isabela has three small wharves, the largest having an 80-foot frontage on its north side with a depth of 25 feet (7.6 m.) at the outer corner, decreasing to bare at low water at the inshore end. The wharf eastward of the old hospital ruins has a depth of 7 feet (2.1 m.) alongside, and the new government wharf on the north side of town has a 16-foot face with a depth of 6 feet (1.8 m.) alongside. No water is piped to any of the wharves, but fresh water may be obtained from the ice plant in drums. Supplies and provisions may be obtained in limited quantities. Directions.-Isabela Channel can be entered from either direction, but it is preferable to use the one which will bring the tide against the vessel to avoid turning in the channel. If entering from eastward, steer to pass the red light at a distance of about 250 yards to avoid the 1/4-fathom (0.5 m.) shoal on the south side of the entrance. A 21/-fathom (4.6 m.) shoal lies 150 yards eastward of Kalut Island; after passing this shoal favor the north side of the channel to avoid the 1/-fathom (0.5 m.) shoal eastward of Isabela. Anchor just westward of the wharf in 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.) sand and coral. Vessels entering from westward should give the coast of Malamaui a berth of 1/ mile and pass either north or south PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTU AtRCHIPELAGO 281 of Moro Island, care being taken to avoid the 23/4-fathoms (5 m.) spot westward of that island. If passing northward of Moro Island, the northeast point of the island should not be approached too closely, as the tide seems to set vessels toward the reef, which extends offshore a short distance. The channel southward of Moro Island is good; there is, however, considerable cross current and care must be taken not to be set on the reef southeast of the island. This reef is bare at most stages of the tide and is always plainly visible, being marked by ripples when the tide is running. The current through the strait is tidal, the ebb flowing northeast, with a strength of 4 to 5 knots, and the period of ebb is considerably longer than the flood which has a strength of about 1 knot less. Heavy tide rips may be encountered at the entrances when the wind is against the current. Just westward of Malamaui Island some set northward or southward will usually be found. This diminishes as the distance from Malamaui increases. Basilan Point and the shore southward are heavily wooded. A narrow fringe of coral and sand is backed by a wide strip of mangrove swamp in some places. Bagbagan River may be entered by small boats, but is blocked by fallen trees about 12 mile from the entrance. Pangasahan Channel is deep but narrow and crooked. It is fringed with mangrove and the small streams that empty into it are closed to navigation by obstruction at their mouths. This channel affords good shelter to small boats. A boat landing with an 18-foot face and depth of 6 feet (1.8 m.) alongside is located about 50 yards west of Pangasahan River at the end of a gravel road leading across the marsh from the Philippine national plantation. Pangasahan Hill, 929 feet (283 m.) high to top of trees, is prominent from all directions. The land slopes gradually toward the coast and a few scattered clearings are seen. Malusu Bay is open to westward, but affords anchorage out of the strong tidal currents that sweep through the channels of the Sulu Archipelago. The shores consist of a narrow ridge of sand and broken coral, back of which are the usual mangrove swamps. The chart shows several reefs lying about 1/ mile offshore with deep water close to them, also a small island in the northern part of the bay. The Canabungan River, emptying into the northern part of the bay, is wide but shoal and can be entered only by small bancas. The Malusu River is used by a large number of vintas and bancas and is kept clear of fallen trees and logs. Shoal water, about 3 feet (0.9 m.), with several coral heads awash at low water, extends over /2 mile offshore in this part of Malusu Bay. Port Holland (chart 4540) affords well-sheltered anchorage for small vessels. The Basilan Lumber Co. maintains a fixed red electric light at the western end of their large wharf, which has a face of about 513 feet with depth of 23 to 16 feet (7 to 4.9 m.) alongside. There is a launch landing extension at the east end of the large wharf with a face 85 feet long set back 4 feet from and parallel to the face of the large wharf. A large anchor is at the eastern end of 282 IUNl'TE'l) STATES COAST PILOT these wharves and a chain is set in rock and concrete about 40 yards southwest of the west end of the large wharf for lines of large vessels. Captain Littman, of the Basilan Lumber Co., reports currents along the face of the dock to lag about one-half hour behind the tides and to have a maximum strength of 2 to 3 knots, strongest on the ebb, which sets westward. A small new wharf 130 yards east of the large wharf has a face of 55 feet with a depth of 6 feet (1.8 m.) alongside. Water is piped to the large wharf, but can be obtained only in small quantities at present. There is an extensive new sawdust fill east of the mill on which have been built several new buildings, including a hospital, the luiiber company office, and a large commissary and market. Limited supplies can be obtained here. The company maintains a large machine shop. The best approach to the wharf is westward and southward of Great Gounan Island. There is a shoal of sand with a depth of 33/ fathoms (6.9 m.) northeastward of Great Gounan Island and another with depth of 43/ fathoms (8.7 m.) about 1/2 mile north of Little Gounan Island. The shoal water extending off the mouth of the Malusu River and the absence of good leading marks makes is hazardous to pass northward and eastward of Great Grounan Island. Both these islands have been partly cleared, Great Gounan being partly under cultivation. Kapisahan Island is a small mangrove island in a cove 1/ mile southward of Port Holland. Anchorage while loading logs was had off this cove with the west tangent of Great Gounan bearing north. Islands westward of Malusu Bay.-Goreno and Takela are covered with mangrove, Tengolan, Pandak, Dalauan, and Langas are lightly wooded, and Sicagot, Kaluitan, and Sibakel are heavily wooded. All are low and uninhabited. Tide rips frequently occur off the points of the islands. There is a reef with 1/ fathom (0.5 m.) least water 200 yards off the northeast side of Goreno Island, and a 434-fathom (8.7 mn.) shoal lies 12 mile northward of the island. The latter shoal lies about 1/4 mile westward from the track to Port Holland when approaching from the northward. Shoal water extends almost 1 mile southeast of Kaluitan Island and about 1/2 nile north of Sibakel Island. The 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal 1/3 mile southeast of Sicagot Island, a 11/2-fathom (2.7 m.) shoal 1/ mile north of Langas Island, and a 43/4-fathom (8.7 m.) shoal 1/ mile south of Tengolan Island are dangers to be avoided when approaching Port Holland from the vicinity of Mataja.Island. All the shoals are generally marked by swirls and tide rips. The tidal current through these channels is irregular in direction and frequently attains a velocity of over 3 knots, the flood setting northward and the ebb southward along the coast. Tamuk Island, about 1 mile in diameter and 245 feet (75 m.) high, is heavily wooded. A tall tree on the summit of the island forms a good landmark for this vicinity. A 434-fathom (8.7 m.) shoal lies 11/4 miles northward of the island. Cancuman Island, a small clean islet lying about 11/2 miles eastward of the south end of Tamuk Island, is planted to hemp and coconuts. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 283 Canas Island and Lahatlahat Island are two small mangrove islands separated from the shore of Basilan by deep but narrow channels. A coral reef with 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) of water over it lies 1/2 mile west of Canas Island. A reef with depths of 21/2 and 21/4 fathoms (4.6 and 4.1 m.) extends from 1/4 to 1 mile southeastward of Lahatlahat Island. The southwest and south coast of Basilan is fringed by a mangrove swamp through which several rivers enter the sea. Many of the rivers can be entered by small boats and launches and are the base of logging operations. Moro vintas and launches towing log rafts are the principal traffic along this coast. Larger vessels can navigate with safety by keeping 1 mile off the coast. Mlangal Point is a heavily wooded strip of sand about 10 feet (3 m.) above high water lying along the outer edge of the mangrove swamp. There are similar stretches of beach to the eastward of this point, most of them being only 10 to 15 yards wide. The Mangal River has depths of 1 and 2 fathoms (1.8 and 3.6 m.) inside the bar and is navigable for small boats drawing not over 3 feet (0.9 m.) for a distance of about a mile. The best channel across the bar is near the west side. Mangrove extends about 1/3 mile from the entrance, beyond which there is a steep wooded cliff from 100 to 200 feet (30 to 61 m.) high. Bihintinusa Island is separated from Basilan by a deep, clear channel 3/4 mile wide. The island is low, surrounded by coral reef, and shoal water extends 13/4 miles eastward. Bihintinusa Channel is protected from heavy seas but the strong current which flows through the channel makes anchorage precarious. Tumajubun Point is clear and steep and makes an excellent landmark when in the vicinity. Amoyloi Anchorage (chart 4540) affords good anchorage protected from southerly swell. The eastern entrance is almost closed by two shoals having 11/4 and 23/4 fathoms (2.3 and.5 m.) of water over them. This channel should not be used unless the shoals are buoyed. There is a large shoal area in the western entrance with a least depth of 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.). The channel between this shoal and the coast of Basilan is deep but only about 150 yards wide. Between the shoal and the shoals extending off the Amoyloi Reef there is an effective depth of 51/2 fathoms (10 m.). In the absence of aids to navigation the chart is the best guide. The anchorage is southward of the town in 15 to 20 fathoms (27.4 to 36 m.) fine sand bottom. Kauluan Channel (chart 4540) has a general north and south direction and leads from deep water southward of Kauluan Island to an anchorage eastward of the Takippamasilaan Reefs. It carries depths in excess of 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) after crossing a shoal area at the southern entrance where depths of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) are found. The channel is bordered by coral reefs, the projecting points in some places leaving a channel width of only 100 yards. The anchorage is in 12 to 15 fathoms (22 to 27 m.), sand bottom. The best approach, however, both as to depth and width of channel is from the north through the Bojelebung Channel. There are several other channels through the reefs, but they are narrow and tortuous and in many cases blocked by fish traps. 284 UNITED STATES COA()ST PILOT Kauluan Island is mostly mangrove swamp on a coral reef that bares at low water. Takippamasilaan Island is a narrow ridge of sand and coral bowlders near the outer edge of the reef. The greater part of the reef itself is covered at all stages of the tide. Bojelebung Channel (chart 4540) is a deep east and west channel leading from seaward into the shore a little to the south of Bojelebung, th- largest and most important town on the east coast of Basilan. The anchorage is off the town in 16 to 17 fathoms (29 to 31 m.) coral bottom. Swinging room is limited and strangers should exercise the utmost caution. In approaching Bojelebung Channel bring the grassy 680 feet (207 m.) hill to bear 268~ (WT. %3 S. mag.) and steer in on this course. Several sand cays lying on the reefs both north and south of the channel are always above water. Takut Tangug Bay is the large open bay between Kauluan Island and Matanal Point. It affords anchorage in the northwestern part partly protected by the Takut Tangug Shoals which extend to within 1 mile of the Kandiis River. The depths over the shoals vary from 1/4 to 5 fathoms (0.5 to 9.1 m.). Inside these shoals is an area of about 3 square miles with depths from 10 to 22 fathoms (18.3 to 40 m.) bottom coral and sand. The channel between the shoals and the coral reef at the mouth of the Kandiis River is about 750 yards wide between the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curves. Small vessels can find better protected anchorage in the moutl of the Kandiis River in about 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) mud bottom. Small boats can ascend the river about 1 mile, where the depth is 6 feet (1.8 m.), but the channel is blocked by fallen trees. There are several prominent peaks near the east coast of Basilan. Mount Cobung, 2.000 feet (610 m.) high, is cone shaped; Mount Sining Capan, 1.828 feet (557 m.), and Mount Matanal, 2.066 feet (630 in.) high, are good landmarks for vessels approaching from eastward. They are all heavily wooded. Lamitan is the principal town on the northeast coast of Basilan. All this coast is a succession of mangrove and of sand and broken coral beaches. There are no outlying dangers except in the bay between Calagusang and Batupare Points, where there is a rock awash and several shoals with depths of 234 and 414 fathoms (5 and 7.8 nm.). PILAS ISLANDS is the name given to a group of islands situated west and northwest of Basilan. Teinga Island is low and flat, rising in the northern part to an elevation of 15 feet (4.6 m.). The island is heavily wooded,i has a few coconut trees near the southern end, and has a few people living on it. It is surrounded by a well-defined reef, the depth dropping abruptly to 6 or 7 fathoms (11 or 12.8 m.), and then varying irregularly to the edge of the bank on which these islands are situated. A depth of 534 fathoms (10.5 im.) was found about 212 miles northeastward of Teinga Island. Sangboy Islands are two remarkable islands, often visible when the high land on Basilan is in the clouds. Both islands are low but have a wooded hill in the northern part, the hills rising to heights of 626 and 843 feet (191 and 257 m.), respectively. The shores are sand with the exception of the northern parts, which are covered with PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 285 bowlders. There are small Moro settlements on the islands, and there are several coconut groves. Swirl Reef, with a depth of 2/4 fathoms (4.1 m.), lies 1/2 mile westward of the northern part of South Sangboy Island. Kaludlud Island is low, flat, and densely wooded. The beach is sand and coral with some mangroves on the west coast. Dassalan Island has a sand beach on the east coast, a short stretch of the same at the south end, and another at the entrance to a small lagoon on the west side. This lagoon can only be entered by small boats at high water, due to coral heads in the channel. A small launch anchorage may be found in a bight in the reef at the southern end of the island. This part of Dassalan Island is being cleared for coconut plantations. Salkulakit and the three Lakits are small rocky islets ranging from 36 to 77 feet (11 to 24 m.) in height lying near the western edge of the large bank extending southwestward from the Sangboy Islands. This bank has a general depth of less than 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) with a number of shoals having depths of 31/2 and 4 fathoms (4.6 and 7.3 m.). Favorite Bank lies almost midway between Kaludlud and Tubigan Islands. It extends about 12 miles north and south and 3 miles east and west within the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve. The least water, 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.), is in latitude 6~ 37'.5 N., longitude 121~ 04' E., and there is another shoal spot of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) about 3 miles north of it and a 5-fathom (9.1 m.) near the northern end of the bank. Southwest of Favorite Bank there is another bank, Pangutarang Reef, roughly circular in form and 8 miles in diameter with several dangerous shoals. The least water, 11/4 fathoms (2.3 m.), is found in latitude 6~ 33' N., longitude 120~ 58' E. This shoal is frequently marked by breakers, but there are shoals of 21/4, 31/2, and 43/4 fathoms (4.1, 6.4, and 8.7 m.) upon the bank. The position of these shoals can be best understood by reference to the chart. The tidal current over these banks generally sets north and south with swirls and tide rips in the vicinity of the shoals. The northern edge of the banks is often marked by heavy tide rips, especially during the northeast monsoon season or when the wind is against the current. Griffin Rocks with a depth of 11 feet (3.4 m.) over them lie about 21/2 miles westward of Kaludlud Island. Brutus Rock, with a least known depth of 8 feet (2.4 m.) lies 61/2 miles westward of the south end of Kaludlud Island. Pilas Island, from which the group takes its name, is the largest of the islands near Basilan. It is low and flat except in the northern part, where there are two hills close together 567 and 490 feet (173 and 149 in.) high. There are a few outcroppings of rock on the north coast of the island; the remainder of the shore line is mostly mangrove on a coral formation. The action of the waves has piled up a ridge of broken coral, inside of which the land is practically submerged at high water. The entrances to the two lagoons shown on the charts are on the east side of the island, but the channels are almost bare 95672 —30-19 286 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT at low water. The island is heavily wooded, the mangrove at the points extending out beyond the low water line. A bank with general depths of 6 to 10 fathoms (11 to 18.3 m.) extends 10 miles southward of Panducan Point. There are several shoal spots of 41/4 and 43/4 fathoms (7.8 and 8.7 m.) on this bank, the location of which can be best understood by reference to the charts. A shoal with a least known depth of 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.) lies 31/4 miles southwest of Panducan Point and another shoal with a least known depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) lies 5 miles west-southwest of the same point. Tagutu Island, 185 feet (56 m.) high, lies 1/, mile off the east coast of Pilas. Shoal water extends over 1/2 mile south of the island, but the west, north, and east sides are steep-to. The channel between Tagutu and Pilas is deep and clear. Manangal Island, westward of Pilas, has a 398-foot (121 m.) hill on its western side with a rocky spur somewhat lower to the eastward. This hill forms an excellent landmark from north or south, but from westward it is not so readily distinguished on account of the high land eastward. The channel between Pilas and Manangal Islands forms the bestprotected anchorage in the Pilas group, being protected from wind and sea except for a narrow sector from due south. Entrance may be made either from the north or from the south. If the latter. approach with Pilas Peak on the east tangent of Manangal Island, give Manangal Island a berth of 200 yards to avoid two shoals in the southern entrance, and anchor close to Manangal Island in 5 to 6 fathoms (9.1 to 11 Il.) midway of the island. If approaching from northward, mid-channel courses should be followed and anchorage taken up as above. There is very little current experienced at this anchorage. More exposed anchorage may be had northward of Manangal, sheltered on the east by Pilas Island and on the west by Tambilunay and Saloro Islands and Puju Reef. No special directions are needed to enter from the westward. From the northeast, pass close to southward of Tamila Rock, 4 feet (1.2 in.) high, with the northwest tangent of Tambilunay Islands in range with the east tangent of Siringo Island bearing 203~ (S. by W. /8 W. mag.). This course leads over not less than 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) of water. Give Pilas Island a berth of 1/4 mile, head south, and anchor /2 mile north of Manangal in 11 fathoms (20 m.). Fair-weather anchorage, but more exposed to the tidal currents, may be had at several other places. The Bantolinos are bare rocky islets; Cujangan, Siringo, Palajangan, Minis, Lemondo, Orell, Mamannak, Pasigpasilan Islands, Tinutungan, and Tiguilabun are all heavily wooded. They need no special description, the chart being the best guide to their relative location. Mindoro Shoal, 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), lies 10 miles 276~ (W. 3/ N. mag.) from Panducan Point. Halcon Rock in latitude 6~ 25' N., longitude 121~ 22' 30" E., is a smooth ledge about 10 yards in diameter. It bares 5 feet (1.5 m.) at spring tide and always breaks except in a perfectly smooth sea. I.t is steep-to and surrounded by depths of 20 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.), PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 287 Pabunuan Shoal, consisting of coral sand and shells, is about 5 miles long north and south and 2 miles wide east and west. The shoalest part, 2 fathoms (3.6 m.), lies 6 miles 237~ (SW. 7/8 W. mag.) from Halcon Rock in latitude 6~ 21' 30" N., longitude 121~ 17' 30" E. Depths of less than 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) extend 1/2 miles northward, eastward, and southeastward of the 2-fathom (3.6 m.) patch. There are several banks northward of Pabunuan Shoal with 61/2 to 10 fathoms (11.9 to 18.3 m.) of water over them. The water is very clear and bottom can usually be seen in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). Currents are somewhat irregular and tide rips and overfalls occur near the banks and shoals. Balukbaluk Island has a prominent wooded hill, 526 feet (160 m.) high to top of trees, near its north end. Coconuts are being planted in a clearing at the base of the hill. The southern part of the island is low with a mangrove lagoon in the interior. Mataja Island is heavily wooded. Shoal water extends almost 1 mile northward of the island. The other sides are steep-to. A fixed white light is displayed from a white frame structure on the southern point of the island. The tall trees make it difficult to see the light structure from westward in the daytime and Moro fishing lights sometimes confuse the mariner at night. Pilas Channel, 3 miles wide, is deep and clear. The channel eastward of Mataja and Balukbaluk is 2/2 miles wide, deep and clear. It is the one usually used in going from Jolo to Zamboanga. The currents in these channels are strong, reaching 6 knots during spring tides. The flood sets northward the ebb southward. TAPIANTANA ISLANDS The principal islands of the Tapiantana Group are Bubuan, Linawan, Tapiantana, and Saluping. The latter two have extensive coral reefs to the eastward on which lie several smaller islands that may eventually be joined to the main islands by mangrove. All four of the islands are comparatively steep-to on the north and west. Bubuan has an area of about 3 square miles and is bordered by a coral reef which extends almost 1/2 mile to the eastward. Bolodbolod Point is rocky, being the only part of the island entirely free from coral. The eastern and southern parts of the island consist of extensive mangrove swamps. Mount Bulutbulibato, 786 feet (240 m.) high, has several small cultivated areas, but the greater part is heavily wooded. The island is inhabited by Samal Moros, who are engaged principally in fishing and the cultivation of small areas of coconut, bananas, corn, etc., for local use. Linawan Island, which is 396 feet (121 m.) high near the center, has an area of about 11/ square miles, most of which is under cultivation. A coral reef extends about 300 yards southward of the island; rocky ledges exist at the northwest end of the island, the remainder of the shore line is sand beach. There are three small barrios, all on the eastern side of the island. The small wharf at Linawan has 3 fathoms (5.4 m.) of water at its end, but is in a dilapidated condition. The eastern and southern parts of the island are under cultivation; the western slope of the hills are heavily wooded. 288 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Tapiantana Island is somewhat similar to IBubuan in formation, mangrove swamp and extensive coral reef extending eastward of the high land. Tolonpisa Island is a long, narrow sand and coral spit marking the south limit of the reef. Mangroves grow out from the north side of the spit, almost joining those extending southeastward from Tapiantana. Haluluko Island is a small mangrove island on this same reef, and a small spit of broken coral and sand marks the northeast edge of the Tapiantana Reef. Tapiantana Island itself is well cultivated, though there are some heavily wooded areas on the slope of Mount Bancaobancao. The top of this mountain. 892 feet (272 m.) high, is flat and cleared of trees. A number of piles of loose stones are all that remains of what was at one time a lookout station. Saluping and Timbungan Islands lie on an extensive coral reef almost circular in shape. A chain of disconnected coral islets marks the outer edge of the reef. Saluping Island is low, flat, and well cultivated. A mangrove swamp extends to the southeastward. Timbungan is a coral and sand ridge with mangrove growing on the inshore side. It is not inhabited. Tapiantana Channel, between the Tapiantana Islands on the south and Bihintinusa Island and Basilan on the north is wide, deep, and clear. There is a strong tidal current through this channel, the flood setting eastward and the ebb westward. In the channel among the islands themselves the current is very irregular in direction, at times a reverse current existing close inshore. Balas Shoal, between Bubuan and Tapiantana, is the only danger. The least depth is 1 fathom (1.8 m.), but shoal water of 2 to 5 fathoms (3.6 to 9.1 m.) extends 1 mile eastward and 1 mile westward of the shoalest spot. Anchorage may be had about 34 mile northward of Tapiantana Island, and also in the channel between Bubuan and Saluping, but the bottom in both places is rocky and currents are erratic. Heavy tide rips which sometimes have the appearance of breakers on shoals frequently occur in the southern entrances to these channels. Deep water, over 100 fathoms (183 m.). exists close to the south and southeast of this group of islands. The depths in the channel westward of the Tapiantana Islands are irregular but no dangers to navigation were found. Pababat Shoal, a bank of white coral sand, has a least depth of 8 fathoms. There is another bank with a least depth of 63/ fathoms 41/2, miles 82~ (E. /8 N. mag.) from Tatalan light. JOLO GROUP Under this heading will be described the Samales, Jolo, Pangutarang, and Tapul Islands, which comprise the eastern and northern part of the present Province of Sulu. The Sulu Archipelago enjoys a much more even and cooler temperature than Mindanao; the nights are sensibly cool, and although the islands abound in water, mosquitoes are not troublesome. These islands are seldom, if ever, visited by gales, although strong winds and heavy rains are not uncommon. Fishing is the most important industry. Sea turtles, trepang, and fish of all kinds abound. Pearling formerly was an important occupation, but is now almost discontinued. Cattle rais PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 289 ing is an important industry, and Jolo is noted for its fruits, especially the mangosteen and durian. SAMALES ISLANDS are a group of islands lying on a bank extending 25 miles in a northeast direction from the island of Jolo. They are sparsely inhabited by the Samal Moros, who live principally by fishing. Barely sufficient produce is raised for their own needs. A small amount of copra and a few samal mats are the only articles of trade. The channels between the islands are characterized by strong currents, the flood setting northward and westward, the ebb southward and eastward. Slack water follows from one-half to two hours after the change of tide, high or low water. Overfalls and tide rips dangerous to small boats may be expected near shoals and where there is a decided change in depth. Ton Sandungan Channel is an exception to the foregoing. There is very little current in the channel or off the northern entrance. This is the best anchorage in the vicinity. Tatalan Island, about 11/2 miles long north and south and 3/4 mile wide, is heavily woqded. It rises to an elevation of 353 feet (108 m.) in the northern part, the southern part being low. An automatic acetylene light, showing one white flash every 5 seconds, visible 12 miles, is exhibited at a height of 45 feet (13.7 m.) above high water from a white concrete beacon on the extreme south end of Tatalan Island. Mandi Rock, lying 2 miles westward of the north end of Tatalan Island, is about 60 feet long and 12 feet wide and projects 4 feet (1.2 m.) above high water. It has deep water, 9 fathoms (16.4 m.), around it. Sungu Shoal lying 412 miles southeast of the eastern Bolod Island, is a large bank of loose coral and sand with some clusters of coral bowlders upon it. The shoalest area, 1 fathom (1.8 m.), lies near the southwest edge of the bank with the highest part of East Bolod Island bearing 308~ (NW. 3/4 W. mag.) distant 41/2 miles. There is another cluster of bowlders about 3/4 mile to the eastward of the 1 fathom (1.8 m.) with depths of 41/2 and 434 fathoms (8.2 and 8.7 m.). Strong tide rips are nearly always found in the vicinity, and their exact location is hard to distinguish. There are several banks with depths of 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.) of water on them north and northeast of Sungu Shoal. They are generally steep-to with strong tidal currents in their immediate vicinity. Bolod Islands are two small heavily wooded islands, each about /2 mile in extent. West Bolod is steep-to on all sides and rises to a height of 499 feet (152 m.). East Bolod is 520 feet (158 m.) high with a peculiar dome-shaped top. Both islands are excellent landmarks for vessels passing between Jolo and Zamboanga. They lie about 11/4 miles apart in an east-northeast and opposite direction and the channel between them is deep and clear. Tirana Rock, with an elevation of 4 feet (1.2 m.) at high water, lies ~/2 mile northward of East Bolod Island. It is steep-to and the sea seldom breaks in its vicinity. Shoal water extends /4 mile north 290 1 N ITlED STATES COAST PIL OT of East Bolod Island and a bank with depths of 41/4 nd 43/4 fathoms (7.8 to 8.7 m.) extends 11/ miles southeastward of the island. Sibarut Bank of sand and rock lies 51/2 miles 232~ (SW. 1/2 W. mag.) from West Bolod Island. The least depth found during the survey was 63/4 fathoms (12.3 im.). Bucutua Island, lying 21/2 miles southward of Tatalan, is generally low and heavily wooded. The highest part, a hill near the eastern shore of the island, is 365 feet (111 m.) high. The channel between Bucutua and Tatalan is deep and clear and is the one usually used by vessels coming from southeastern Mindanao ports. The eastern shore of Bucutua is clear and shows a sand beach at low water. Shoal water extends about 1/ mile off the west coast. Butakalut Shoal, 23/ fathomls (5 m.) least water, lies., mile off the west central part of the island. Mamad Island, 108 feet (33 m.) high, lies 13/4 miles west of Bucutua. The lower slopes are covered with cocoanut trees, the higher part of the island is wooded. No dangers to navigation exist more than 1/4 mile offshore. Bulan Island, separated from Bucutua by Ton Sandungan Channel, is heavily wooded. The shore is low and flat with the exception of the northeast point, where it rises in a black rock 220 feet (67 m.) high. Bulan Peak rises to a height of 1,110 feet (338 m.) and forms a good landmark for this vicinity. Ton Sandungan Channel (chart 4540) is a long narrow channel between Bucutua and Bulan. It offers good protection for small vessels. A depth of 7 feet (2.1 mi.) may be carried through the northern entrance and anchorage taken well inside the entrance points. The southern half of the Ton Sandungan Channel is rather difficult; 3 feet (0.9 m.) may be taken through by keeping close to the east shore. Both shores are lined with mangrove, the bottom is coral with many coral heads, but there is practically no current in the channel. Fair anchorage may be had directly off the northern entrance ill to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.), bottom loose coral and sand. This anchorage is well out of the strong tidal currents that are found among these islands. Dipolog Islands are two small, wooded islands lying near the edge of the bank 11/4 miles northeast of Bulan Island. The larger one rises to a height of 226 feet (69 m.), the smaller to 138 feet (42 m.). Tonquil Island is low, flat, and densely wooded. It is crescent shaped with the concave side to northward. The southwest shore is fringed by a barrier reef with several narrow entrances to a shallow lagoon. The southeast shore is composed of broken coral and sand with trees down to the storm water line. Deep water extends close up to the shore, 100 fathoms (183 in.) being found less than 1/4 mile offshore, between Eguet Point on the east and the Po Estero on the west. Eguet Point is a small rounding cliff 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, visible as a tangent through about 270~ from northwest through south to northeast. The north shore of Tonquil Island is fringed by a wide coral reef. Bulisulat, Culatculat, and Gumila Reefs are separated from the shore reef by deep channels. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 291 Gumila Reef, bare at low water, lies 43/4 miles westward of Eguet Point and /2 mile off the shore reef. Eastward and northeast of this reef is a considerable area with little or no tidal currents, affording the best anchorage area within the Samales group. Westward of Gumila Reef the foul ground extends over 2 miles offshore, the channels are narrow, and great care is necessary when venturing among these shoals. Sagui Point is low and fringed by a wide coral reef. Tavialan and Po Esteros are shallow. Bancas and small boats can pass through at high water only. Balanguingui, Sipac, Dawildawil, and several unnamed mangrove islands are low and uninhabited. They are practically one island, being separated by shallow lagoons and esteros. Bunotpasil Island lies close northwest of this group of islands, separated from them by a narrow deep channel. It is a low mangrove-lined island, practically a part of the larger group of islands. Parol Island is low, planted to coconuts and cultivated. It is fringed by a coral reef from 100 to 400 yards wide, with the exception of a part of the southwest shore near the barrio of Parol, where the water is deep close up to a fine sandy beach. A shoal with a least depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.) lies 14 mile offshore at this place. Mamanoc Island is low, fringed with a coral reef 100 to 300 yards wide with a sandy beach at the high water line. The west shore is mangrove. Shoal water 414 fathoms (7.8 m.) extends about /2mile southward of the island. Bangalao and Simisa Islands are both low. A shallow mangrove bordered estuary makes in on the east side of Bangalao Island and shoal water extends 1 /miles northward of the island. Simisa Island has a shallow mangrove-bordered estuary on the northwest side. Deep water comes close up the steep coral and sand beach on the southeast side. Suligan Shoal lies in the channel between Simisa and Sipac Islands. There are several spots with less than 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) within an area of 1 square mile. The least depth, 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.), lies 134 miles west of Bulitalun Point. Manungut Island, the most western of the Samales Islands, is only about /2 mile in extent and is situated about 1/4 miles northwesterly from Bangalao Island. There are two hills in the western part, the northern and higher rising to a height of 263 feet (80 m.). Tides and tidal currents.-Tidal currents are very strong in the narrower channels, especially in those with the main axis lying in a northwest and southeast direction. Slack water is generally of short duration and follows the highs and lows from one half to two hours. The flood runs northwest and the ebb southeast or follows the deeper channels. Tide rips and swirls are generally encountered where there is an abrupt change in depth, especially when the tide and wind are opposed to each other. Jolo Island, from which the group is named, is about 43 miles long east and west and 3 to 13 miles broad from north to south. The island from east to west is a series of hills and valleys, the highest mountain being on the west end and rising 2,665 feet (812 m.) above the sea. The coasts, especially the northern, are in general wooded, clear, and steep-to, as are also the islands and islets that border them. They are slightly indented, forming several bays 292 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT where there is anchorage, the most sheltered and secure in both monsoons being that of Dalrymple or Tulayan Harbor. The only good watering place is at the town of Jolo; at other places it must either be had from the rivers at low tide or from wells. The island has a pleasing appearance. The mountains are covered with magnificent trees or beautiful green pasturage; some are cultivated to the summit. Capual Island (chart 4541), situated at the northeast extremity of Jolo Island, is circular, about 3 miles in diameter, and rises to a height of 976 feet (298 m.) near the southeastern shore. The north and west parts of the island are low and wooded, with some cogon. The shore is mostly sand beach with an occasional coral ledge. A narrow coral ledge extends northwest of the island with 13/ fathoms (3.2 m.) 1/4 mile offshore. Goitya Shoal, 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) coral, lies 1 mile northwest of Capual Island, with deep water between it and the island. There is a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal /2 mile northeastward and a 43/4-fathom (8.7 m.) shoal 12 mile southwest of Goitya Shoal. Capual Channel, between Capual and Jolo Islands, is deep at the eastern end, but the western end is shoal, leaving a very narrow channel of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) between the shoals extending off Capual and Bulicutin Islands. Anchorage may be taken anywhere in the channel south of Capual. The bottom is coral and sand and the tidal currents are strong, but the channel is protected from everything except the southeast. The area northward of Liangliang appears to afford better protection, but a ridge of coral and sand with depths of 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) extends northward from the Jolo shore 1 mile eastward of the barrio and complicates the approach to this anchorage. Bitinan Island is separated from Capual by a deep clear channel. The south end of the island rises steeply to a wooded hill 705 feet (215 m.) high. The northern part of the island is low. Patotol Bay is entirely landlocked. The shores are mangrove, the head a mud flat, and about half the area of the bay is less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.). Near the entrance is an area where good anchorage may be had in 5 to 6 fathoms (9.1 to 11 m.), mud bottom. The approach through the entrance is narrow and crooked and ranges should be established before attempting to enter. Bulicutin Island, a low swampy island with a coconut grove at the east end, lies opposite the entrance. A depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) may be carried through the channel westward of the island. The eastern channel is deeper but complicated by several shoals and coral rocks, the least depth on them being %/ fathom (1.4 m.). The tidal current through these channels attains a maximum of 2/2 knots. Dalrymple Harbor (chart 4541), or Port Tulayan, is formed by Tulayan Island and the coast of Jolo. There are a number of shoals with depths of 13/4 to 23/4 fathoms (3.2 to 5 m.) off the Jolo Coast. The best anchorage is southeast of Tulayan Island in 8 to 9 fathoms (14.6 to 16.5 m.) coral sand bottom. This anchorage is exposed to northeast. During strong northeast better protection may be found in the lee of Tulayan Island though the wind seldom blows home during this monsoon. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 293 Tulayan Island has a cone-shaped peak, 527 feet (161 m.) high, which makes a good landmark when approaching Jolo from the north and east. Much of the slope has been cleared of timber and is cultivated. The east and south shores are sand beach, the west and north shores are steep and rocky. There is no fresh water on the island. Petley Point on the coast of Jolo is fringed by mangrove and fronted by a coral reef which bares at low water. Tandu Bato on the southwest shore of Dalrymple Harbor is connected with the town of Jolo by a good road. The Province is constructing a pantalan or landing for small vessels at this place. The western entrance to the harbor is contracted by shoal water extending northward from Baverstock Point. The best entrance is eastward of Tulayan Island. Directions.-Deep-draft vessels visiting Dalrymple Harbor should round Tulayan Island northward and bring the east end of the sand beach at the head of the bay to bear 193~ (S. by W. mag.) giving Tulayan Island a berth of about 1/2 mile to avoid a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal that lies /4 mile southeast of Martin Bluff. When Balseiro Point on Tulayan Island bears 270~ (W. /s S. mag.) steer for it and anchor in 8 to 9 fathoms (14.6 to 16.4 m.), sand bottom, with Martin Bluff bearing between 0~ (N.,/ W. mag.) and 30~ (NNE. 1/2 E. mag.). In entering by the western entrance the best water will be found by keeping 1/4 mile off the west and south shore of the island and anchoring as directed above. Smaller vessels can go closer to the Jolo shore, but there is little or no trade at present and the best protection is found in the lee of Tulayan Island. Gujangan Island lies 31/2 miles northwest of Tulayan Island. The two wooded hills, 400 and 265 feet (122 and 81 m.) high, are connected by a narrow strip of low land and when first raised have the appearance of separate islands. The island has deep water all around except the east side, where there is an extensive coral reef that bares at extreme low tide. A few Moros live on the island but the only signs of cultivation are a few coconut trees. Bancungan Island, lying / mile east of Igasan Point, Jolo, is triangular in shape, 508 feet (155 m.) high and wooded, though the Moros are beginning to clear and plant the southern slopes to sugarcane, bananas, and coconuts. A bare rock 20 feet (6.1 m.) high lies 380 yards off the northwest corner of the island. The remainder of the island is steep-to, the channel between Bancungan Island and Igasan Point having depths of 16 to 18 fathoms (29 to 33 m.). Panganaa Island, a steep rocky island, lies about 1 mile eastward of Bancungan. It is uninhabited. A small flat rock of reddish color lies just off its eastern shore. Between Baverstock Point and Igasan Point the coast of Jolo recedes to form a large, deep, open bay. The shores are composed of sand and coral beaches with an occasional stretch of mangrove. There are a number of barrios along this coast, and there is increasing cultivation of the lower slopes of the mountains, but all trade is through the port of Jolo. Eseo Bank, 11/2 miles from Caduayan at the head of the bay, consists of a number of shoals, the least depth on the bank being 21/2 294 UNITE) STATES COAST PILOT fathoms (4.6 m.) sand and coral. There is another shoal, a coral head with 13/ fathoms (3.2 m.) over it about 1/2 mile north-northeast of Caduayan. Fron Igasan Point to Daingapit Point, 8 miles westward, the coast is steep-to, the shores are fringed with coral and the sparsely wooded land slopes gradually to the higher mountains in the interior. Mount Bahu, 2.590 feet (789 m.), and Mount Dahu, 2,247 feet (685 ni.), are the highest peaks In this part of Jolo. Jolo (chart 4541).-The town of Jolo, situated in a bight in the coast about 1/ mile eastward from Belan Point, is a port of entry and the seat of considerable trade. It is well laid out in three or four streets, planted with shade trees and surrounded by a wall. The Chinese town is built on a large wharf about 1/~s lnile westward from the town proper. Trade is largely in the hands of Chinese, who do a large business in fitting out boats engaged in the pearl fishery. The imports are principally rice, hardware, and cotton goods, and the exports are pearl shells, hemp, and copra, and a variety of hardwoods. Communication.-Jolo has regular communication with Singapore and Borneo and also maintains steam communication with all ports of the Philippines. There is a radio station at Jolo operated by the bureau of posts. Wharf.-There is a stone mole, projecting northwestward from the north gate of the town, with an extension of concrete having about 24 feet (7.3 m.) of water at its end. Vessels approaching this wharf must be careful to avoid the reefs on either side. There is a pipe laid down on the wharf, from which a good supply of water can be obtained. A fixed red light, visible 7 miles, is exhibited 58 feet above high water from a white steel-framed structure erected about 25 feet southward from the stone tower on the north side of the stone mole. Anchorage.-The usual anchorage for vessels which do not intend to go to the wharf is northwestward from the lighthouse in 12 to 14 fathoms (21.9 to 25.6 m.). During the northeast monsoon ships are sometimes obliged to leave this anchorage and take shelter under the lee of Marongas Island. This is a poor anchorage, as the bank is steep and the tidal currents strong. Tides on the north coast of Jolo are chiefly diurnal, whereas on the south coast they are semidiurnal. The flood sets from east to west with a strength of about 2 knots, the ebb in the opposite direction. At the town of Jolo the direction is somewhat modified by the coast line, the flood setting to the southwest and the ebb to the northeast. From Belen Point the coast trends west-southwest for 31/2 miles to Candea Point, then curves gradually southward for 6 miles to Silangon Point, the western extremity of Jolo Island. This entire coast is fringed with a steep-to coral reef and the land rises in wooded slopes to Mount Tumatangas, 2,664 feet (812 m.) high, the highest peak on the island. Buansa Shoal, with a depth of 41/ fathoms (7.8 nm.) near its outer end, extends 3/4 mile offshore the outer end being 1 mile 40~ (NE. %/ N. mag.) from Candea Point. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 295 Tulian Island, situated 11/4 miles northwestward from Pulaluaac Point, the nearest part of Jolo, is 113 feet (34 m.) high, clear, and cultivated. The channel between Tulian and Jolo is clear and deep on the Tulian side, but there are depths of only 43/4 fathoms (8.6 m.) at a distance of nearly /2mile from the Jolo shore. Busson Rock, which lies 1/4 mile 317~ (NW. mag.) from Tulian Island, is awash at low water with very deep water outside of it. Matos Shoal, about 11/2 miles northward of Silangon Point and /2 mile from shore, is covered by 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). Sulade Island, lying about 7 miles southwest of Bunga Point, Jolo, is low and swampy, consisting of a coral and sand ridge surrounding a shallow lagoon. There is an entrance on the south side through which small boats can enter at high water. Anchorage may be had on the bank that extends westward of the island in 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.4 m.) coral sand bottom. There is considerable current in this vicinity, reaching a strength of 2 to 4 knots on ordinary spring tides. The flood sets northwestward and the ebb southeast. South coast of Jolo.-Bunga Point is situated about 2 miles southward of Silangon Point. It is fringed by a narrow coral reef. The chart shows a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) shoal almost 1/ mile westward of the point. Parang Island is a small low island /2 mile southeast of Bunga Point and is separated from the Jolo shore by a shallow channel 800 yards wide. Parang is a typical Moro town, with houses built on piles over the water. It is the largest town on the south coast of Jolo and is the business center of the most populous section of the Island. It is the terminus of a fairly good automobile highway leading to Jolo and another to Jolo via Silangon. In addition to the houses mentioned, there are several more substantial structures, including a market, school, and large Chinese general store having a galvanized-iron roof. There is no shipping by water, all communications being by highway to Jolo. Anchorage may be had in 9 fathoms (16.4 m.) about 3/ mile from shore, close to some fish traps, with the galvanized-iron roof in Parang bearing 10~ true (N. 3/4 E. mag.) and Tubingantan Point bearing 130~ true (SE. 5/8 E. mag.). The bottom is coral sand, and the anchorage is exposed during the southwest monsoon. Batolaqui Bank consists of a number of shoal patches extending about 11/4 miles easterly and southeasterly from Cabalian Point. They are covered by 1 to 3 fathoms (1.8 to 5.5 m.) with rock awash at low water on the western edge of the bank. The depth between the patches is 6 to 8 fathoms (11 to 14.6 m.), and there is a narrow channel between a small sand oay northward of the bank and Jolo Island, with not less than 6 fathoms (11 m.) in it. Clearing marks.-Bunga Point, open of Tubingantan Point (the point westward of Cabalian), bearing 308~ (NW. 3/4 W. mag.), clears the southwest side of the bank; and Mount Talipao, 1,515 feet (462 m.) in height, bearing 58~ (NE. by E. mag.), clears the southeast side. Maimbung Bay (chart 4541) affords good shelter during the northeast monsoon, but is liable to a heavy swell during the southwest monsoon, which sets in in June, The bay is about 8 miles wide 296 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT between Cabalian Point, the western entrance, and Putic Point, the eastern entrance point, and extends 3 miles in a northerly direction; at the head are the river and town of Maimbung. The shores of the bay are bordered by a narrow coral reef, and a depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) will generally be found at 400 yards from the shore. The eastern side is covered by mangroves. The western shore is wooded, with cleared spaces. Banks and shoals.-Within the bay and fronting the town are two shoals. The southernmost is always bare and is named Dry Bank; the northernmost bares at half ebb. There are four other shoals; Marban Bank, with 6 feet (1.8 m.) least water on it, lies about 1/ mile 120~ (SE. by E. 1/2 E. mag.) from Dry Bank; another shoal of 10 feet (3 m.) lies about 1/2 mile 171~ (S. by E. mag.) from the same bank and two patches of 29 and 27 feet (8.8 and 8.2 m.) lie 84~ (E. 3/ N. mag.) and 92~ (E. mag.) from Dry Bank. The depth between the shoals and the eastern shore is 5 to 15 fathoms (9.1 to 27.4 m.). Directions, Maimbung Anchorage.-There are two good channels into the anchorage off the town. The eastern, between Marban Bank and the eastern shore of the bay, seems to be the better; it is about 1/, mile wide and has not less than 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) in the middle. The other passage is between Dry and Marban Banks. If this passage be taken, Dry Bank should not be brought to bear west of north until after Marban Bank bears east in order to clear a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) spot southwest of Marban Bank. Should this bank not be buoyed it can generally be distinguished by the fishing stakes on it, and also by the light color of the water over it. When clear of the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) spot, steer to pass a little closer to Marban Bank than to Dry Bank to clear a 3-fathom (5.5 in.) spot off the south end of the latter. Entering Maimbung Bay from the southeast, after passing Patian Island, hold the north point of Patian Island on range with the bamboo clump on the top of Pata Island until Mount Matatal, low, round and cogon covered except for a lone tree on top, bears 340~ (NNW. mag.) and steer in on this bearing to the anchorage. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor anywhere in the bay, but the usual anchorage is about %3 mile southward of the town, with Dry Bank bearing 223~ (SW. 3/8 S. mag.) in 8 or 9 fathoms (14.6 or 16.4 m.) coral sand bottom. Smaller craft may anchor a little closer inshore directly off the mouth of the river in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), mud and sand bottom. Tides and currents.-In MaiImbung Bay the tides are semidiurnal. Inside of the shoals the current is not noticeable, but in the offing it is strong and irregular. Flood stream sets westward and ebb sets eastward. The flood and ebb streams overrun the time of high and low water from one-half to two hours. Maimbung.-The town of Maimbung is built on piles on the outer edge of the bar, at the mouth of the river of the same name, which has only 1 foot of water on it at low water. Very few of the rivers of this part of Jolo reach the sea, being lost in the mangrove and low swampy land between the shore ridge and the higher land inland. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 297 Teomabal Island, situated about 31/ miles southwestward of Putic Point, is small and low and surrounded by a coral reef which extends about 1/2 mile from the southeast side. There are coral patches of 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.) lying as much as 21/4 miles southeastward of the island. The greater part of the interior of the island is a large lagoon that nearly bares at low water. Patian and Lumbian Islands are clear and steep-to. The passage between these islands is reported to be clear and deep. There is anchorage in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) in this channel. Garcia Shoal, lying 1/4 mile southwesterly from Lumbian Island, is of small area and covered by a least depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.). Villamil Rock, lying about 3/4 mile southward of Putic Point, in the middle of the pass between Putic Point and Patian Island, is small and covered by a least depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.). It is surrounded by deep water. Tutu Bay, east of Maimbung Bay, is separated from the bay on the north side of Jolo Island only by a low isthmus 21/2 miles wide. A narrow steep reef skirts the western shore of the bay, but from the northern shore, and also from the northeastern, between Tutu and Karangdato Points, the reef extends 1 mile from the coast. Serantes Shoal, covered by 1~/ fathoms (2.7 m.), lies 3/4 mile from the western shore. A 2-fathom (3.6 m.) shoal lies in the middle of the bay eastward of Mabajoc Point about 1/2 mile offshore. There are a number of shoals and reefs in the bay northward of Tutu Point. Small vessels might find anchorage space inside the outer reefs, but the shore reef bares almost 1/2 mile. The best landing seems to be at Pandanpandan just inside Tutu Point. There are a number of towns and settlements on the shores of Tutu Bay. Kulaykulay and Karungdung are connected by good roads with the north coast and with Jolo. Karungdung is situated on a shallow inlet and promises to become important as a trading center for Moro vintas. Tutu Bay is sheltered from southerly winds by Pata Island and anchorage may be had anywhere in the bay clear of the shore reefs. Pata Island is circular, about 41/2 miles in diameter, and rises to a height of 1,385 feet (422 m.) near the center. The higher parts of the island are covered with cogon. The lower slopes are wooded with some patches of cultivated areas. The island is clear and steep-to outside the shore reef. A coral reef extends about 500 yards off the southern shore and surrounds Kamawi Island, the latter being separated from Pata Island by narrow high-water channel through the mangroves. Tanquique Rock is a small rock, 4 feet (1.2 m.) high, on the edge of the reef south of Kamawi Island. Damocan Island is separated from the northeast coast of Pata by a deep, clear channel /2 mile wide. It is small, planted to coconuts, and rises to a height of 136 feet (41 m.) to the tops of trees. Dongdong Island is separated from Pata Island by a deep clear channel over 1/2 mile wide. The island is low, with barrier reefs outside the mangrove on the north and east. The reef extends over 500 yards southeastward of the island. The southwest shore is sand beach and this part of the island is planted to coconut. Tambulian Island is a small low circular island with a coral reef which bares at low water extending about 800 yards to the south 298 TUNITED STATES COAST PILOT east. The channel separating Tambulian and Dongdong has 9 fathoms (16.4 m.) of water. Pitogo Bay, between Karangdato Point and Tandican Point, is open to southward and the water is very deep. The shore is fringed by a coral reef. A break in the reef 212 miles northeast of Karangdato Point affords a landing for launches and small vessels. The bay northward of Tandican Point is filled with coral bare at low water. Tandu Peak, 1,312 feet (400 m.), and Mount Baybay, 1,275 feet (389 m.) high, are grass-covered peaks near the eastern end of Jolo. The edge of the bank on which the Sulu Archipelago lies comes close to the southeast coast of Jolo and tide rips usually are found in the vicinity of the abrupt change in depth. The tidal currents follow the coast and are very strong, up to 5 knots being experienced in the narrower channels. The flood sets westward and northward, the ebb eastward and southward. Tapul Islands are a group of four large and a number of small islands lying south-southeast of Jolo. They are rugged, fertile, and well cultivated. Tapul Island rises to a cogon-covered peak, Mount Dakut, 1,584 feet (483 m.) high. The lower slopes are wooded with patches of coconut and cultivated areas in spots. The shore line is prominent. Coral reefs fringe the south end of the island and shoal water makes off /4 mile from Tabunan and Lapak Points. Lugus Island is separated from Tapul by a narrow channel with a depth of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) southward of Tabunan Point, Tapul. The channel is characterized by strong tidal currents, reaching 6 knots at times in the narrows between the two islands. An extensive coral reef, bare at low water, extends 13/ miles eastward of Lugus Island. Lugus Shoal, 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.), sand and coral, lies 21/4 miles southwest of Bolipongpong Point, the southwest point of Lugus Island. A 61/4-fathom (11.4 m.) shoal lies 11/4 miles westward of the same point. Mount Biubugnan, 964 feet (294 m.) high, the highest hill on Lugus is cogon covered; all the others are wooded to the top. Several crocodile-infested brackish lakes are found on the island. Gondra, a small wooded island near the south coast of Lugus, rises to a height of 112 feet (34 m.). There is a 43/-fathom (8.7 m.) shoal 1/2 mile southeastward of it. Taluc and Cabingaan Islands lie on the same reef. They are both low, the latter being almost entirely mangrove. Sibabag is a Moro settlement built on piles on the reef. A boat passage leads toward the town from the east side of the reef. There are several clumps of mangrove growing on the reef between the two islands. Paquia Island, about 2 miles long and 1/ mile wide, lies to the west of Cabingaan from which it is separated by a deep channel 500 yards wide. The outside coast of the island is fringed by coral reefs from 50 to 200 yards wide. Shoal water extends almost 11/2 miles southeast of the island, 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) being found near the end with deep water close to it. A large Moro cemetery is found on the north end of Paquia Island. Siasi Island (chart 4544) is about 61/ miles long north and south and 53/4 miles in an east and west direction. Gorro, the highest PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 299 peak on the island, is in latitude 5~ 32' N. and longitude 120~ 52' E. It is situated southward of the center of the island, rises to a height of 1,600 feet (488 m.), and is surmounted by a remarkable clump of dark trees. Siasi Island is the highest land between Jolo and Tawitawi, except Tapul Island. There are several large villages, built in the usual Moro style, on the reefs that fringe the southwest and east coasts, the inhabitants of which carry on the pearl fishing, the pearl oyster being found in great abundance in this vicinity. An extensive reef runs off for about 4 miles eastward of Siasi, on the eastern and southern shores of which are numerous low, thickly wooded, and uninhabited islands. Sibijindacula, the largest, is very low, the sea in some places washing through it at high water. Off Basbas Point, the southern point of Siasi, the reef only extends to /4 mile, and at the distance of /2mile there is no bottom at 66 fathoms (120 m.). Southwest of Siasi the reef extends to about 3 miles and is separated from the reef running south of Lapac Island by a narrow, deep channel which varies in width from 100 to 200 yards and is fit only for small craft. Tara Island lies on the reef northward of Siasi and is about 11/ miles long in an east and west direction. It is crescent-shaped with the convex side toward Siasi, and the space between the horns is filled with islets and shoals, forming a deep lagoon in the center. It is very low on the west side, but the east end is about 110 feet (34 m.) high. The channel between Tara and Siasi is about 500 yards wide and 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) deep, but there are shoals at both ends of it. Tincalan Islet is situated near the northern edge of the foul ground, between the points of Tara Island. It is a solitary rock, standing 8 feet (2.4 m.) above high-water mark, and when seen from a distance resembles a canoe under sail. Shoals.-Northward of Siasi Island, in the fairway of the channel between that island and Bolipongpong, three shoals have been found, viz: Sungu Shoal, about 1 mile in extent east and west and /4mile from north to south, with a least depth of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.), coral and sand bottom, and from 16 to 20 fathoms (29.3 to 36 m.) northward of it. From the western 2~-fathom (4.6 m.) patch the small islet north of Tara Island bears 98~ (E. 1/2 S. mag.) and the north point of Siasi 129~ (SE. 34 E. mag.). Langon Shoal.-About 1 mile westward of Sungu Shoal is the eastern extremity of Langon Shoal, with a depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.). Thence the shoal takes a west-northwest direction for 11/ miles, with a breadth of 1/2 mile, having depths of 43/4 to 712 fathoms (8.7 to 21.9 m.). From the shoalest part, 43/ fathoms (8.7 m.) near its western extremity, the northeast point of Lapac Island bears 161~ (S. by E. 7/8 E. mag.), and Sirun Island 241~ (SW. by W. 1/4 W. mag.), distant 4 miles. Unnamed shoal.-At 2 miles 55~ (NE. 3/4 E. mag.) of Sirun Island there is a shoal about 1/ mile in extent, covered by a least depth of 6 fathoms (11 m.). Kadyajan Shoal, lying 2/2 miles eastward of the north point of Siasi and 2 miles north of Laminusa, extends about 2 miles in a 300 UNITTED STATES COAST PILOT northwest and southeast direction and is covered by from 13 to 30 feet (4 to 9.1 m.) of water. Between this shoal and Laminusa there is a channel / mile wide, with a depth of 6 to 12 fathoms (11 to 21.9 m.). During the northeast monsoon heavy tide rips are seen near this bank. Between Kadyajan and Siasi there are several small shoals, and a reef named Bambagan, which partly bares, is situated 1/ mile from the shore. Between Kadyajan and Bambagan is the northern channel to Laminusa, with a depth of 6 to 11 fathoms (11 to 20.1 m.), sand bottolm. Inshore of Bambagan Reef there is a good anchorage in from 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.). Laminusa Island, which lies /8 mile northeastward of the east point of Siasi Island, is low and covered with mangroves; on the northwestern part there is a village and coconut plantation. Eastward of the island a reef bares out to 1/4 mile, and from there the water deepens gradually eastward for 13'4 miles to the edge of the bank, which has 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). At /4 mile beyond the 10 -fathom (18.3 in.) curve there is no bottom with 60 fathoms (110 m.). The channel which separates Laminusa from Siasi is divided into two passages by Gusun Reef, composed of sand and coral, which bares at low water and can at all times be distinctly seen. The passage between the reef and Laminusa is clear but narrow, and more winding than that westward of the reef, which is perfectly clear. Laminusa Anchorage, between Laminusa Island and the reefs adjacent to the east point of Siasi, is of good width, well sheltered, with good holding ground. The reef uncovers in part at low water. It is steep-to, but can not be easily distinguished and must be approached with caution. Tidal currents.-The tidal stream is very strong at springs; the flood sets from east to west and then north through the channel, the ebb from north to south and then east. Springs rise 6 feet (1.8 m.). Directions for entering Laminusa Anchorage.-Vessels entering Laminusa Anchorage should pass 1/ mile eastward of Tara Island; then a course 152~ (SSE. 5/s E. inag.) will lead in 4 to 11 fathoms (7.3 to 20.1 m.) until westward of the head of the reef north of Laminusa. A course should then be steered for Punungan Islet in line with the eastern point of Siasi, which will clear the reefs off Laminusa. Punungan can easily be recognized, being a truncated cone 289 feet (88 m.) high. The channel between Laminusa and the Siasi Reef should be used only in fair weather and with a favorable light for seeing the edges of the reef. It is not recommended for large vessels. To enter the inlet leading toward Punungan it would be well first to mark the channel and to keep on the Siasi side, as the reefs on that side show lumps of coral and have more water near the edge. Tolen Point, on the northwest coast of Siasi and 2 miles north of the town, is low and wooded. From it and front Busbus Point, farther to the south, a coral reef which uncovers at low water extends westward 1/4 mile. Northward and westward of this reef, at 400 yards from it, are two detached coral patches covered by 13 feet (4 m.) of water, and beyond them a shoal of 43/ fathoms (8.7 m.) extends to 1/2 mile west of 'Tolen Point. An isolated shoal, 414 fathoms (7.8 m.), 1/4 mile in extent, lies 1,200 yards northwesterly PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT ARCHIPELAGO 301 from Tolen Point. Within the channel two shoals of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lie off the Siasi shore, about midway between Tolen Point and Siasi town. The northernmost shoal extends halfway across the channel. A small patch of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lies 700 yards north of Siasi fort and 400 yards from shore. Siasi.-The town of Siasi is situated on the west side of the island facing the channel between Siasi and Lapac. It is of very little commercial importance. Currents.-November 1 to 4, 1901, when the southwest monsoon was weak and with no unusual local winds, the tidal current ran strong through the strait from south to north during the ebb tide. The current during the flood tide was weak, setting from north to south. The directions of the currents are reported as being changed by heavy winds. Anchorage.-Vessels anchor in mid-channel, abreast of the town. The depth of water here is greater than shown, the 62-foot (18.9 m.) hole covering nearly the whole channel abreast of the wharf. Directions.-No particular directions are necessary for entering Siasi; Gorro Peak, on a 135~ (SE. /E. mag.) bearing, clears the banks to the northward. After passing Tolen Point, on the eastern side of the entrance, from which foul ground extends 3/ mile, a midchannel course should be held. The southern entrance is very narrow and fit only for vessels of light draft; the bottom is foul and the tidal currents strong. It should not be attempted without a pilot. Lapac Island, situated westward of Siasi, is about 5 miles long in a northeast and southwest direction and 3 miles wide; unlike Siasi, it has two conspicuous peaks with a great dip between them, so that at a distance on a southeast bearing it looks like two islands. A reef runs 3/2 miles to the southward and eastward of this island and nearly joins the reef running to the southward and westward of Siasi. About 1/3 mile from the southwest point of this island there is a dangerous point of rocks. Alican Point, the northeastern point of Lapac, forms the western entrance point to Siasi Channel. A shoal of 31/4 to 43/4 fathoms (5.9 to 8.7 m.) extends about 600 yards 0~ (N. 1/8 W. mag.) to 340~ (NNW. mag.) from this point, and another of 33/4 fathoms (6.8 m.) 400 yards eastward. South of Alican Point the Lapac shore is clean as far as a conspicuous beach opposite the town of Siasi. Luangat Point, the northernmost point of Lapac, situated 1 mile 294~ (WNW. mag.) from Alican Point, is of rock and clean, and may easily be recognized by a small inland close to it. Busluc Point, about 1/ mile 261~ (W. by S. mag.) of Luangat Point, is easily distinguished from it by being formed of huge rocks, and also by its being quite separated from the mountain. Pandami Island lies close to the northwest side of Lapac, with which the northern end is connected by a shoal having a least depth of 10 feet (3 m.) over it. Anchorage.-There is good anchorage in from 7 to 12 fathoms ('12.8 to 21.9 m.), sand and coral bottom, southward and westward of Pandami Island, and immediately off the village of Pandami. Sirun Island is a small island situated about 21/2 miles northwesterly from Lapac. It is about 1/4 mile long, 157 feet (48 m.) 95672~ ----20 302 iNITED STATES COAST PILOT high, covered with trees and steep-to, with a clear channel between it and Lapac. Manubul Island is situated on the south part of Lapac Reef and has a large fishing village on the northeastern side. Tapaan Island is a low island southwest of Lapac. It is of semicircular form with its concave side to the westward and very narrow in the middle, being in some places only 100 yards across. It stands on a coral reef that is bare at low water, with a small sand cay on the north and an extensive one on the south side, curved toward the coast of Lapac. The channel between Lapac and Tapaan is about l1/~ miles wide, and when entering from the south, Sirun, just open of Lapac, clears the reef off the southeast point of Tapaan. Steering northward with this mark on until the southeast point of Lapac bears 70~ (ENE. mag.) a course 306~ (NW. by W. mag.) leads through the channel northward of Tapaan. Tapaan Passage, which is formed by Tapaan and Lapac eastward and Bubuan and Maniacolat Island westward, is about 6 miles wide at the narrowest part, which is between Maglumba, a small island 121 feet (37 m.) high, off Maniacolat, and the northwest side of Tapaan. This passage is clear for a steamer and would be convenient for a sailing vessel, as the tides make fairly through it, and in calms or light winds a vessel could always anchor to await the change of tide. Crest of Wave Shoal is in the fairway of the Tapaan Passage, and the shoalest part of 41t/ fathoms (8.2 m.) lies about 47~ (NE. mag.) 4/4 miles from the little conical island of Parangaan, 88 feet (26.8 m.) high, on the southwest side of the passage. It is composed of sand and coral and the bottom is rather uneven, the 10 -fathom (18.3 m.) limit extending 13/4 miles in a north and south and more than 1 mile in an east and west direction. As a rule, it is easily discerned by the tide rippling around the edge of the shoal water; the discoloration of the sea is also very marked. Tapaan Shoal is a small shoal of coral and sand nearly midway between Tapaan and Bubuan Islands.. It is a little more than 1 mile in extent north and south and 4/, mile wide northward, terminating in a narrow point southward. The least water shown on the chart is 4%4 fathoms (8.7 im). ISLANDS NORTHWEST OF JOLO Marongas Island, lying 31/2 miles northwesterly from Jolo Light, is about 1 mile long northeast and southwest, 1/2 mile wide, and rises at the southwest end in a hill 210 feet (64 m.) high. The rest of the island is low and a mangrove-bordered lagoon almost divides the island into two. Pangasinan Island is almost all mangrove. A hill, 405 feet (123 m.) high, rises above the mangroves near the south central part of the island. The southern and western shores are sand; the greater part of the northern shore is mangrove. The channel between Marongas and Pangasinan is 1/2 mile wide with depths of 6 to 12 fathoms (11 to 22 m.). A shoal with a least depth of 31,2 fathoms (6.4 m.) lies 3/ mile eastward of Pangasinan Island. The shoal is about 1// mile in diameter within the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve with deep water, 16 fathoms (29.3 m.), between it and the island. Anchor PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 303 age may be had in 6 to 12 fathoms (11 to 22 m.) 200 yards from the coasts of these islands, but the tidal currents are strong. Cabucan, Bubuan, Lahatlahat, Tauitaui, Hegad, and Minis are all low, being composed of a barrier reef with mangrove swamp and low land inside. Bubuan Island has a small hill at its northern point, 291 feet (89 m.) high, the others are from 40 to 50 feet (12 to 15 m.) high to the top of trees. Palleagan is a small, wooded island on the same reef with Cabucan. Cabucan and Bubuan are inhabited, having several Moro settlements. The channels between the islands have deep water but rather strong tidal currents. Shoal water extends some distance east and west of Tauitaui Island. The water between Bubuan and Cabucan Islands is divided by Concas Reef and Lahatlahat Island into three narrow channels. The least water on Concas Reef is 2 fathoms (3.6 m.). Lahatlahat Island has extensive reef and shoal water off its northern end. A reef with a least depth of 4/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) lies 3/4 mile northwest of the hill on Bubuan Island. Aguirre Bank, of sand and coral with a least depth of 4/2 fathoms (8.2 m.), lies 21~ miles westward of the west end of Cabucan Island. The shoalest area is of small extent surrounded by depths of 6 to 10 fathoms (11 to 18.3 m.). Very deep water, over 100 fathoms (183 m.), exists close northward, westward, and southward of Aguirre Bank. Pantocunan Island is low, 52 feet (15.8 m.) to top of trees. It is fringed with a wide coral reef on which there are bare rocks. The water is deep close up to the reef. Teomabal Island consists of a coral and sand beach fringing a mangrove swamp the center of which is a large lagoon. It lies near the western end of a bank that extends 9 miles in a northeast-southwest direction and is over 2 miles wide. The general depths on the bank are 6 to 10 fathoms (11 to 18.3 m.). A shoal area with depths of 43/4 and 5 fathoms (8.7 and 9.1 m.) lies 1/ miles northeast of Teomabal Island. A shoal spot with a depth of 414 fathoms (7.8 m.) lies 2 miles 64~ (NE. by E. /2E. mag.) from the prominent trees on the east side of the island, and one of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lies 7 miles distant on the same bearing. The latter is on the southwest part of Teomabal Bank which is separated from the bank on which the island lies by a deep channel 1/2 miles wide.. Tubigan Island is low. The western part attains an elevation of 5 to 15 feet (1.5 to 4.6 m.) and is planted to coconut. The eastern part is mangrove swamp and salt-water lagoon. Coral reefs fringe the shore and shoal water extends a considerable distance to the northwest. A large shoal area, 41/2 miles long north and south by 1/2 to 11/ miles wide, lies with the southern end 1~ miles northeast of Tubigan Islands. The least depth found on the shoal was 1%4 fathoms (3.2 m.) on several coral heads. The channel between this shoal and Tubigan Island has depths of 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.). The bank, of which this shoal, Pangutarang Reef and Favorite Bank are a part, extends 28 miles northeast of Tubigan Island. The Sulu Sea side is extremely steep-to, over 100 fathoms (183 m.) being found within Y / mile of the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) 304 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT curve. Strong and irregular currents and tide rips mark this bank, and it is not advisable for vessels to lay their course across it, as the distance saved on present trade routes would be very small. Kulassein Island consists of a mangrove swamp with a small area of densely wooded solid land on the north and west. The island is fringed with coral. The deep water of the Sulu Sea approaches close to the north shore. Panducan Island has several characteristic groups of trees in the southern part, which is heavily wooded in general. The northern half is mangrove bordered by a coral reef which extends I mile to northward. A shoal, 112 miles long with depths of 31/2 to 5 fathoms (6.4 to 9.1 m.), lies midway between Kulassein and Panducan. This shoal and the two islands lie close to the western edge of the great bank that forms the northern part of the Sulu Archipelago. Pangutarang Island is low and densely wooded, the ground elevation of the ridges being about 20 feet (6.4 m.). The north and east shores of the island are fringed by coral from 30 to 200 yards wide. The beach is of sand with some coral bowlders and is banked by low coral cliffs somewhat underworn by the sea. One long stretch of mangrove is found on the east side of the island. The island is inhabited and numerous patches of coconut and cultivated areas are found near the coast. The water is deep close up to the reef and there is no good anchorage. Temporary anchorage may be had close to the reef in case of necessity. Pangutarang Passage lies between Pangutarang Island to the north and North Ubian and Usada Islands on the south. It is over 4 miles wide and very deep. Tidal currents run fair with the channel and attain a maximum of about 4 knots. This passage is the one generally used by vessels plying between Jolo and Sandakan. Although the islands bordering the passage are low, characteristic clumps of trees form excellent landmarks. The channel is also marked by North UJbian Light, an unwatched flashing white light, visible 10 miles. North Ubian and Usada Islands are the largest of a group of low thickly wooded islands southwest of Pangutarang and usually are included in the description of that group. North Ubian is bordered by a coral reef and all the shore line is mangrove except two short stretches on the north shore. A shallow lagoon on the shores of which there is a small settlement makes into the island from the east side. The depth in both entrances and also in the lagoon is only about 3 feet (0.9 m.) at low water and more or less fouled by growing coral. Launches can enter at high water only. The larger barrio is situated on the southwest shore of North Ubian. An automatic acetylene light, showing one white flash every 2 seconds, visible 10 miles, is exhibited 35 feet (10.7 m.) above high water from a white concrete beacon on the northern point of North Ubian Island. Ticul Island is a small island lying 1 mile eastward of North Ubian; the height to top of trees is 110 feet (33 m.). The channel between the two islands is deep and clear. Usada Island is the eastern island bordering Pangutarang Passage on the south. It is fringed with coral. The greater part of the island is mangrove, only the eastern shore consisting of a narrow strip of solid land back of which lie mangrove swamps, A shoal PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 305 with a least depth of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lies 1/2 miles 310~ (NW. 5/ W. mag.) from the north point of Usada Island. This is the only outlying danger in Pangutarang Passage. Cunilan, Malicut, Basbas, Tubalubac, and Datubato Islands lie on the bank extending 25 miles southwest of Pangutarang Passage. They are all low, though several of them have distinctive trees and coconut groves on them. There are a number of shoals upon this bank; but as vessels should not attempt to cross it without the large scale charts, a detailed description is not needed. Only the more outlying ones will be mentioned. A 33/4-fathom (6.9 m.) shoal lies 21/2 miles eastward of Basbas Island. Apo Lambu Reef lies 3 miles westward of Tubalubac Island. The shoaler area, less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), contains many coral heads. The least water found was 11/4 fathoms (2.3 m.) near the southwest edge of the reef with 9 and 10 fathoms (16.5 and 18.3 m.) close westward of it. Tablas Shoal lies 2 miles eastward of Datubato Island. The bottom is a sand ridge and can generally be seen. The least depth found was 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.). The water southward of the shoal deepens rapidly. Sail Rock, 67 feet (20.4 m.) high, has the appearance of a sailing vessel when seen from a distance and is an excellent and characteristic landmark. A rock, awash at low tide, lies 270 yards southwest by west, and a rock with only 5 feet (1.5 m.) over it lies 230 yards east by north of Sail Rock. Coral heads are generally found in water less than 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) deep, and launches should be particularly careful in approaching islands on this bank. Tidal currents over the bank are strong, the flood setting northwest and the ebb southeast, but both direction and strength are modified by the many shoals in this area. In the vicinity of Sail Rock the currents are almost north and south with a strength of 3 to 4 knots. The current changes at about the time of high and low water, and even during the period of diurnal tides the current frequently reverses twice daily. CAP ISLAND TO PEARL BANK Cap Island, Deatobato Island, Laparan Island, Doc Can Island, and Pearl Bank compose this group. They are of coral atoll formation, with land area exceeding 5 feet (1.5 m.) above high water in very few places, and wooded with mangrove and other deciduous trees of 35 to 50 feet (10.7 to 15.2 m.) in height. The shores are coral sand, broken coral, or coral bowlders, and the interior of the islands are salt-water lagoons of sufficient depth to be navigable by small boats. The islands are not inhabited, but are frequented by roving Moros. When approaching, these islands will be picked up at a distance of 10 to 12 miles and will be easily distinguished from each other by position, shape, and size as charted, except that when approaching Laparan and Cap Islands from the northward the two may be confused until Doc Can or Deatobato Islands are raised. Deatobato 306 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Island is smaller and easily recognized. Pearl Bank may be distinguished by the long chain of small islands along its southeastern edge except when approached from the northeast or southwest. Taja Island is a small, lone, wooded island near the northwest edge of Pearl Bank. As Pearl Bank is an extensive reef, a large part of the area of which covers at some stage of the tide, it should be approached with caution. Vessels should pass to the eastward unless the visibility is such that the positions can be frequently checked, as currents are strong and irregular in this locality. Pearl Bank Light (flashing white every 6 seconds), visible 13 miles, is an unwatched light exhibited from a white round steel tower near the northeast end of Zau Island. The light is about 2/3 mile west-southwest of the most easterly point of land (Magados Island) on Pearl Bank. Off-lying shoals and reefs to be avoided by deep-draft vessels are located as follows: A shoal area of 51 fathoms (10 m.) least depth approximately halfway between Sail Rock and Cap Island; a shoal of 53/4 fathoms (10.5 m.) depth 21,/ miles 273~ (WT. /s N. mag.) from the north end of Cap Island; the shoal area with depths of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) to 33/4 fathoms (6.8 m.) making up for a distance of 31/2 miles to the north and north-northwest of Deatobato Island; a shoal of 51/4 fathoms (9.7 m.) depth 3 miles 312~ (NW. 1/2 W. mag.) from the north end of Deatobato Island; a shoal of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) depth 1/3 mile 190~ (S. 3/ W. mag.) from the south end of Deatobato Island; shoals of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) and 4/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lying 1 mile off the northwest shore of Doc Can Island; and a shoal of 11/l fathoms (2.7 nm.) depth 11/3 miles 235~ (SW. 3/4 W. mag.) from the south end of Taja Island. Anchorages.-Anchorage, depending on the direction of wind and sea, may be had on the various shoals adjacent to these islands. If maximum protection is desired, anchorage should be made as close inshore as possible with sufficient swinging room. There are no typhoon anchorages in this vicinity. The following anchorages are recommended; but as the bottom is coral sand, or broken coral, they are not particularly secure: Off the east shore of Cap Island; off the east and northeast shores of Deatobato Island; off the south and northwest shores of Doc Can Island; on the banks to the northeast, southeast, and west of Pearl Bank. Currents are too strong or too little protection is obtained from anchorage off the west shores of Cap and Deatobato Islands and off the east shore of Laparan Island. Tides.-The mean higher high-water lunitidal interval at Cap Island is 9h. Olm., the mean range of tide 2.1 feet (0.6 m.), and the diurnal range of tide 3.0 feet (0.9 m.). At Pearl Bank the mean high-water lunitidal interval is 9h. 44m., the mean range of tide 2.4 feet (0.7 m.), and the diurnal range of tide 3.3 feet (1 m.). Currents and tide rips.-Tidal currents take various directions around these islands and the off-lying banks and shoals. The prevailing directions of the flood and ebb currents where unobstructed are north-northwest and south-southeast. and they may attain a velocity of 6 knots between Doc Can Island and Pearl Bank; elsewhere the currents are somewhat weaker. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 307 In the vicinity of Cap Island and between that island and Laparan Island the flood sets to the north-northwest and the ebb to the southsoutheast. Maximum strength is about 3 knots. Off the west end of Doc Can Island currents follow the general direction of the 20-fathom curve. About 4 miles southwest of the island the flood was observed to set to the northwest; due west of the island, to the north; and north of the island the flood sets in a northeasterly direction. The ebb current takes the reverse direction approximately; southwest from the north of Laparan Island and southeast to the south and southwest of Doc Can Island. Inside the 100-fathom (183 m.) curve south of Doc Can Island the ebb current was observed to set in an east-southeasterly direction approximately parallel to the shore. Between Laparan and Doc Can Islands currents set parallel to the channel, northerly with the flood and southerly with the ebb. In the deep-water area midway between Doc Can Island and Pearl Bank the flood and ebb set about north and south. South of this area and of Pearl Bank the flood sets to the north-northwest and the ebb to the south and south-southwest. (It was observed to set to the southwest 4 miles south of Pearl Bank.) North of Pearl Bank the ebb divides, part flowing to the eastward and part to the westward of the bank. Inside the 50-fathom curve to the westward the flood sets to the northwest and the ebb to the south. South and southwest of Pearl Bank near the 50-fathom curve the ebb was observed to set approximately east or parallel to the depth curves. In the locality, Cap Island to Pearl Bank, as a rule, slack water occurs from one hour before to one hour after local high or low water, but this varies occasionally two to three hours either way, presumably due to the combined effect of Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea tides. Between Cap Island and Pearl Bank moderate tide rips may be expected in bad weather and strong currents at the edges of all banks. Moderate tide rips have been observed off the west shore of Cap Island, south and west of Deatobato Island, in the channel between Laparan and Doc Can Islands, between Doc Can Island and Pearl Bank, and at the edges of the bank west of Pearl Bank. Very heavy tide rips have been observed between and at the edges of the shoal making out west of Doc Can Island and the shoal to the northeast of Pearl Bank. For this reason this area should be avoided by small vessels except in good weather. Strong tidal currents hit this area and are forced to the surface by the irregularity of the bottom, causing the water to "boil," forming swirls and causing tide rips which run in all directions. On a calm day a line of 3-foot tide rips extending from Doc Can Island nearly to Pearl Bank was observed. Masters of ships not acquainted with this locality will invariably haul about upon approaching this line of tide rips, fearing shoal water. Cap Island is a low island of coral atoll formation wooded with mangrove and other deciduous trees and located 45 miles west of Jolo Island. The area of fast land which is not covered by high water is limited and probably does not attain an elevation of over 5 feet (1.5 m.) above high water. Trees vary from 35 to 50 feet (10.7 to 15.2 m.) in height; the highest are located on the northern quarter of the island. The entire shore line of the island, with the exception 308 IUNITE S CO'AST PILOT of short stretches of sand and coral beaches at the north and south ends of the island, consists of mangrove growing below high water with coral reefs extending from 100 to 300 yards offshore from the mangrove. An extensive lagoon occupies a large part of the interior of the island. There are two entrances to this lagoon on the east side of the island, one entrance about 11/ miles from the north end of the island and the other entrance about 1 mile from the south end of the island. Botl entrances are through breaks, approximately 100 yards in width, in the coral reef where the least deptl is about 1 fathom (1.8 in.) at low water, but the passage is limited to 3 feet (0.9 m.) at low water by shoals 1/ of a mile from the entrance through the reefs. The southern entrance is preferable. Directions.-Deep-draft vessels passing between Cap and Laparan Islands should come up the west coast of Cap Island. keeping about 1 mile off that shore. Avoid passing over the 53/4-fathom (10.5 m.) shoal located 21,2 miles 273~ (W. s/ N. mag.) from the north end of Cap Island. Deatobato Island lies 31, miles southwest of the south end of Cap Island. The elevation of fast land probably does not exceed 5 feet (1.5 m.) above high water and is limited to small areas near the shore; a large part of the interior of the island is submerged at high water. The island is wooded with mangrove and other deciduous trees 35 to 50 feet (10.7 to 15.2 m.) in height, with mangrove predominating. The shore line is a coral and sand beach bounded on the west, north, and northeast shores by coral reefs which make out 50 to 300 yards from the high-water line. The southeast shore is suitable for beaching small boats. Making up to the north and north-northwest of the island for 31/ miles is a shoal of depths varying from 1 to 33/4 fathoms (1.8 to 6.8 m.). A shoal of 31/, fathoms (6.4 m.) depth lies 1/3 mile 190~ (S. 3/4 W. mag.) from the south end of Deatobato Island. Laparan Island lies 7 miles southwestward of Cap Island. The island is a large coral atoll reef overgrown with mangrove and other deciduous trees which attain a height of 30 to 50 feet (9.1 to 15.2 m.). Fast land above high water is practically limited to the barrier reef at the south side, the northwest, shore, and scattered stretches along the east shore. It does not attain an elevation of over 5 feet (1.5 m.) above high water. The shore of the island, except the west side of the extensive lagoon at the middle of the island, is bounded by mangrove trees. A narrow coral bowlder barrier reef, 2 to 3 feet (0.7 to 0.9 m.) above high water, about 4 miles long, and continuous except for one break, lies about 100 to 150 yards off tie mangrove on the south and southeast shore. On the east, north, and west shores coral reefs make out for a distance of 100 to 600 yards off the shore line or mangrove. These reefs are bare at low water. About 300 yards off the northwest shore is a small detached clump of mangrove growing on the reef and appearing as an island. The middle of the island is an extensive lagoon dotted with shoals and scattered clumps of mangrove. Small boats may pass over the reefs at high water either at the east or west sides of the lagoon, preferably at the east side. Extensive water areas of 1 fathom PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 309 (1.8 m.) or greater depth will be found in the interior, but the channels have not been defined and the passage should not be attempted without knowledge of the locality. The channel between Doc Can and Laparan Islands is not recommended for other than small vessels, as currents are strong and there is little need to use this channel. If bound through from the south, come between the barrier reefs with the extreme west edge of the tree line on Laparan Island dead ahead on a 0~ (N. 1/ W. mag.) course; or if bound in from the north, approach the channel on a 155~. (SSE. 3/8 E. mag.) course with the southwest tangent of Laparan Island ahead. When inside the channel, either northbound or southbound, be guided by the edges of the reefs, which can be easily seen. Doc Can Island, directly west of Laparan Island, is similar to that island as regards topographic features. Trees and land areas are of approximately the same height. The interior of the east half of the island is made up of scattered salt ponds and mangrove. The west half of the island is one large lagoon to which there is an entrance, which bares at low water, between the barrier reefs at about the middle of the south side of the island. The eastern half of the south side of the island is coral barrier reefs 2 to 5 feet (0.6 to 1.5 m.) above high water and lying 50 to 100 yards off the tree line. The west half of the south shore, the northwest shore, and scattered stretches on the north and east shores are solid ground of coral and coral sand. Only off the north and east shores do coral reefs make out any appreciable distance from the high-water line. Here they extend from 200 to 500 yards off the high water and tree lines. A few short stretches of beach on the northwest shore are suitable for landing small boats. Shoals of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) and 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lie about 1 mile off the northwest shore of the island. There is a prominent cone-shaped, evergreen tree about 60 feet (18.3 m.)'in height at the southwest end of Doc Can Island. Pearl Bank is an extensive circular shoal of coral atoll formation located 23 miles west-southwestward of Cap Island and 35 miles from the nearest point, Unsang Point, of the Borneo coast. A greater part of the area of the bank covers at some stage of the tide, but shoals which are bare at low water define the outer limits. Depths increase abruptly off the north and south limits and the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve lies less than /2mile off the reefs on the east and west shores except for a detached shoal with a least depth of 1~/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) lying 11/3 miles 2350 (SW. 3/4 W. mag.) from the south end of Taja Island. Along the east, southeast, and south sides of Pearl Bank lies a chain of low coral islands of varying size. About 1/4 mile off these islands along the south side of the bank is a narrow coral barrier reef, 4 miles long and 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 m.) in elevation. The islands are wooded with mangrove and other deciduous trees 35 to 57 feet (10.7 to 17.4 m.) in height. The land area on none of these islands exceeds 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m.) in elevation. Shores are coral and coral sand on the south-southeast and east shores and coral bowlders and'mangrove on the west and north shores. Zau Island, Lahangan Island, and Taja Island are the largest and most prominent islands. Taja Island is wooded similarly 310 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT to the other islands. Pearl Bank Light (flashing white every 6 seconds), visible 13 miles, is an unwatched light exhibited from a white round steel tower near the northeast end of Zau Island. The Moro name for this island is Signaning. A small amount of fresh water was obtained from a hole at the foot of a palmetto tree about 200 yards from the north end of Lahangan Island. The islands are covered with brush, palmetto, and a few large trees 25 to 40 feet (7.6 to 12.2 m.) in height. The interior of Pearl Bank is made up of scattered coral shoals and lagoons varying in depth front 3 fathoms (5.5 in.) to 1 foot (0.3 m.) or less. An entrance which may be used by small craft was found about 1 mile north of Sucoligao Island. Local knowledge is required here, as the channel is tortuous and foul. DAMMAI ISLAND TO BILANGAN AND BAM3BAN'N',AN ISLANDS The nine islands composing this group are of coral atoll formation, low (maximum elevation 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m.) ), and thickly wooded with trees 60 to 100 feet (18.3 to 30 m.) in height. The south shores of these islands, with the exception of Bilangan Island, are steep coral or coral sand beaches which afford good landing places for small boats; east, north, and west shores are bowlder strewn or bounded by coral barrier reefs. Dasaan. Walan, South Lahatlahat. and Bambannan Islands are inhabited by a few families of Moros. In approaching these islands be guided by the size, shape, and positions of the islands as charted, as there are no other characteristic features. Highest trees on the islands will be raised at a distance of 10 to 15 miles. Depths over practically the entire area between these islands varies between 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) and 20 fathoms (36.6 m.), there being numerous shoals of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) depth or less. Off-lying shoals and reefs are located as follows: A shoal of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) depth 134 miles 280~ (W. 3/ N. mag.) from north end of Dammai Island; a shoal of 314 fathoms (6 m.) depth 31/2 miles 252~ (WSW. 14 W. mag.) from north end of Dammai Island: a shoal of 214 fathoms (4.1 in.) depth 314 miles 200~ (S. by W. %8 WV. mag.) from north end of Dammai Island; a shoal of 21/2 fathoms (4.5 m.) depth 23/4 miles 140~ (SE. 1/4 S. mag.) from the southwest end of Walan Island; a shoal of 41/ fathoms (8.2 m.) depth 2 miles 180~ (S. 1/s E. mag.) from the southwest end of Walan Island; a shoal of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 in.) depth 11 / miles 140~ (SE. 1/4 S. nmag.) from the southwest end of Walan Island: a shoal of 434 fathoms (8.7 n.) depth 21/ miles 277~ (W. 1/2 N. mag.) from the southwest end of Walan Island: a shoal of 3/ fathom (1.4 m.) depth 2 miles 312~ (NTW. 1/2 W. mag.) from the southwest end of Walan Island; and a shoal of 434 fathoms (8.7 m.) depth 1 mile, 220~ (SW. 5s S. mag.) from the south end of Bilangan Island. In favorable weather these shoals may be distinguished by discolored water, but little reliance should be placed on this feature for navigational purposes. Bottom on the shoals consists of coral bowlders, broken coral, and coral sand. About 11/i miles to the westward of Bilangan Island is a series of coral reefs, some of which are generally bare 1 to 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 m.) at high water. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 311 Water.-There is no fresh water on any of the islands. Moros dig holes well back from the high-water line and use the brackish water which seeps in. Refuge and anchorages.-No anchorage in this vicinity can be recommended for refuge in severe weather, as the bottom is coral or coral sand, and only partial protection can be obtained by anchoring close inshore to the islands. In moderate weather anchorage can be had in the lee of some of the islands, areas off the northeast or southwest shores of Dammai Island, off Bambannan Island, or Bilangan Island offering the best protection and suitable depth for anchorage. Bottom, however, is coral or coral sand, with occasionally an area of coral bowlder bottom. Tides.-The mean higher high-water lunitidal interval at Lahatlahat Island is 7h. 50m., the mean range of tide 1.9 feet (0.6 m.), and the diurnal range of tide 2.6 feet (0.8 m.). Tidal currents.-Currents take various directions near the islands and shoals, but in the unobstructed areas the flood sets to the northnorthwest and the ebb to the south-southeast. The strength will rarely exceed 2 knots. Slack water generally occurs about one hour after high and low water. Dammai Island lies 29 miles southwestward of Jolo Island. It is of coral atoll formation, low (maximum elevation of fast land not over 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m.) above high water), and covered with trees 50 to 100 feet (15.2 to 30 m.) in height. The interior of the island is an extensive shallow lagoon bounded by mangrove swamps. There is an entrance to this lagoon at about the middle of the northeast shore of the island, but it is blocked by reefs off the entrance which practically bare at low water. Small boats of not over 4 feet (1.2 m.) draft may enter at high water; local knowledge is required. The south shore of this island has about 1/2 mile of steep white sand beach which affords a good landing place for small boats. The west coast of the island is clear and steep-to. The northwest end of the island is bounded by barrier reefs, one of which makes out to a position about 300 yards north of the island. Off this end of the island the water deepens very gradually, the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve lying about 2/5 mile offshore. The east shore of the island is dotted with reefs and rocks to a distance of 150 to 200 yards offshore. The channel between Dammai and Singaan Islands is clear with a minimum depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.). Singaan Island lies directly south of Dammai Island. It is similarly wooded and has a similar sand beach at its southern extremity. The entire island is bounded by coral reefs which lie from 100 to 200 yards off the mangrove. The reefs off the east shore do not cover at high water; those off the west shore cover at some stage of the tide. Dasaan Island lies directly south of Singaan Island. It has the sand beach at its southern extremity and is wooded similarly to Dammai and Singaan Islands. The northern half of this island is bounded by coral barrier reefs, one reef making out from the northeast end for 1/2 mile toward Singaan Island. The area north of this island, /4 to 1/3 mile from the south end of Singaan Island, 312 INITTED STATES COAST PILOT is foul and dlotted with reefs which bare at different stages of the tide. About 10 feet (3 m.) can be carried through the channel between this foul area and the southwest shore of Singaan Island, but only small craft should attempt it, as the channel limits are not clearly defined. Approach the channel on a 313~ (NW. 3/8 W. mag.) course to leave the southwest shore of Singaan Island 300 yards to starboard; hold this distance off the shore until the southern point of the island bears 103~ (E. by S. inag.) and keep that point astern on this course. Mamanuc Island lies 71/2 miles south-southwestward of Dammai Island. The fast land is low and the island is covered with trees 50 to 100 feet (15.2 to 30 m.) in height. There is a short steep white sand beach at the southern extremity of the island; the northeast and north shore are bounded by coral barrier reefs lying 25 to 100 yards off the mangrove. The southwest coast is planted to coconut palms. About 400 yards off the southwest shore is a live coral shoal of 134 fathoms (3.2 m.) depth. Walan Island lies 7 miles southwestward of Dammai Island. There are a few Moro families permanently located on the southeast shore of this island. This shore is a steep, clear, sand beach. A small area of the island is under cultivation, and the whole island has been cut over so that only a few scattered tall trees remain. The northwest shore is bounded by a coral barrier reef and mangrove trees. A 3/4-fathom (1.4 m.) shoal lies 310~ (NW. %/ W. mag.) 2 miles from this island. Bilangan Island lies 121/2 miles southwestward from Dammai Island. The island is of coral formation, low, and covered with trees 50 to 100 feet (15.2 to 30 m.) in height, a single tall tree about 130 feet (40 m.) in height, near the center of the island standing out very prominently. The east and north shores are bounded by coral barrier reefs 100 to 200 yards off the island; the west shore is mostly mangrove trees to the water line. About 1/3 mile off the west shore are two narrow coral reefs, parts of which are bare at all stages of the tide. Between these two reefs is a narrow shallow channel leading into deeper water close off the west shore of the island. This affords good protection for small craft, or equal protection may be found off the southwest point of Bilangan Island, east of the coral reef. One and one-half miles west of the north end of Bilangan Island is an extensive coral reef extending about % mile in a northnorthwest and south-southeast direction. Parts of this reef are bare at all stages of the tide. Between these reefs and the barrier reefs close off the island is a channel with a least depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.). One mile 235~ (SW. 3/ W. mag.) from Bilangan Island is a 43/fathom (8.7 m.) shoal and /2 mile 45~ (NE. i/8 N. mag.) from the island is a 334-fathom (6.9 m.) shoal. The Lahatlahat Islands are two low, small islands just north of Bambannan Island. They are of coral formation and wooded with trees about 60 feet (18.3 m.) in height. The shores of the islands are coral reefs and bowlders; mangrove grows to the water's edge on the north shores. The south end of the north Lahatlahat Island is a steep sand beach suitable for landing small boats. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 313 Bambannan Island lies 13 miles south-southwestward of Dammai Island. The land area has practically no elevation, but is covered with trees of 50 to 100 feet (15.2 to 30 m.) in height. The interior of the island is planted to coconut palms. The shores of the island are coral reefs and bowlders, except the north shore, where mangrove grows to the water's edge. A few Moro families have settled upon this island. TAWITAWI AND ADJACENT ISLANDS, TAPAAN PASSAGE TO SIBUTU PASSAGE This group of islands extends from Maniacolat and Bubuan Islands on the east, located about 34 miles southward of Jolo Island, to Bongao Island on the west, 30 miles from the Borneo coast. Tawitawi Island, by far the largest island, is approximately 28 miles long and 7 miles in width. To the westward of this island are Sanga Sanga and Bongao Islands and to the southward are extensive water areas of varying depths, the eastern part of which is known as Tawitawi Bay and the southern limits of which are defined by a chain of islands extending from Tandubas Island to Manuk Manka Island on the west. Tawitawi Bay is shoal and dotted with numerous shoals and reefs. East of Tawitawi Island to Tapaan Passage are a number of islands among which are navigable deep-water channels. To a distance of about 5 miles off the east coasts of Tawitawi and Tandubatu Islands there are numerous small islands and reefs. A chain of coral islands extends to the eastward of Tandubatu Island to Kinapusan Island. Two miles off the north coast of Tawitawi Island are the Tataan Islands, a good channel existing between those islands and Tawitawi Island. The islands are mountainous or hilly with the exception of the Tataan Islands, the islands south of Tawitawi Island, the chain of islands from Kinapusan Island to Pasegan Island and Kang Tipayan Diki, Kang Tipayan Dakula, Cacatan and Pandanan Islands, and a number of small islands immediately eastward of Tawitawi Island, all of which are of coral formation. The islands are all wooded with deciduous trees 50 to 100 feet (15.2 to 30 m.) in height and shore lines are defined by coral in some form or by mangrove trees growing outside of the high-water line. Caution.-As surveys in this locality have but recently been completed, the latest edition of the chart should be obtained if local knowledge is limited. Strong currents may be expected. Charted names have recently been revised in this locality. Approaches.-Approaching these islands from an easterly direction, the peak, elevation 704 feet (215 m.), on Maniacolat Island will first be raised. This peak is cone shaped as seen from the north and south but appears as a short ridge from the east and west. The peak on Sugbai Island and the summit on Tumbagaan Island are high and will be raised at a distance of about 30 miles. The summit of Parangan Island, elevation 90 feet (27.4 m.), is cone shaped and covered with cogon grass. It is practically the only island in this group which is not wooded. The summit of Magpeos Island is cone shaped, wooded, and very prominent, elevation 417 feet (127 m.). 314 itrl4N r1) S'ATES COAST PILOT The ridge of Bubuan Island and the rounding summit of Tagao Island are easily distinguished. Approaching Tawitawi Island, the highest summits, the Dromedario Peaks, may be seen at a distance of 50 miles if visibility is good. The highest of these peaks, elevation 1,803 feet (550 m.), which are at the northeast end of the range, are often clouded over. From the north and south Mount Butua, elevation 843 feet (257 m.), Mount Bas, elevation 1,152 feet (351 m.), Mount Baluk Sampan, elevation 1.050 feet (320 m.), Thumb Hill, elevation 663 feet (202 m.), and Mount Vigia on Bongao Island are prominent. Approaching from the south, Mount Santiago, elevation 1,060 feet (323 m.), on Baliungan Island, stands out more prominently than other peaks on Tawitawi Island except Mount Dromedario. South of Tawitawi Island the 170-foot (52 m.) hill on Mantabaun Island makes a good landmark when not too distant. There is a low hill on Loran Island, elevation 157 feet (48 m.), which makes a. good landmark when approaching the chain of low islands in that vicinity. From the westward Mount Vigia on Bongao Island and Mount Iromedario are prominent. Off-lying shoals and reefs.-In Tapaan Passage, about 5 miles 470 (NE. mag.) from Parangan Island, a sand and coral shoal of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.) least depth, known as Crest of Wave Shoal, is located, and in this same passage Tapaan Shoal, with a least depth of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.), coral and sand bottom, is located about 41/ miles 1200 (SE. by E. /2 E. mag.) from Maglumba Island. Midchannel Bank is a long shoal lying between Maniacolat and Cacatan Islands. The highest part of this bank is a rock awash which is located 240~ (SW. by W. 1/ W. mag.), 21/ miles from Parangan Island. About 21/4 miles south of this rock awash is a 13/-fathom (3.2 m.) spot, and 11/2 miles north a 41/4-fathom (7.8 m.) spot. Making down in a south-southeasterly direction for about 3 miles from Cacatan Island is a coral shoal, a danger for deep-draft vessels. Two miles southwest of Cacatan Island is a shoal, the depth on which is 6 fathoms (11 m.). From the east point of Sugbai Island, 800 (ENE. 7/8 E. mag.) 51/2 miles is a 61/-fathom (11.4 m.) shoal and 3470 (N. by W. /8 W. mag.) 3 miles from the same point is another 614-fathom (11.4 m.) shoal. One mile 650 (NE. by E. 5/ E. mag.) from the west end of Sugbai Island is a shoal of 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) least depth. One mile 900 (E. 1/8 N. mag.) from Bakeke Island is a coral bowlder reef, least depth 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.). A 5-fathom (9.1 m.) spot is located 1980 (S. by W. 3/8 W. mag.), 41/2 miles from Tancolaluan Island. Southwest of Bueutcut Bank is located Tacutboata Bank with a reported depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.). Off the east end of Tawitawi Island, inside the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve are numerous shoals and dangers. This area should not be entered except with careful piloting, using the latest edition of the chart. Off the north coast of Tawitawi Island there is but one off-lying shoal which could be considered a danger to alongshore navigation. This shoal has a depth of 43/ fathoms (8.7 m.) and is located 3/ mile northwest of the south point of the entrance to Port Languyan. Refuge and anchorage.-The following anchorages will afford excellent protection in severe weather. In Basbas Channel, 1/ mile PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULlU ARCHIPELAGO 315 north of the north end of Tabulungan Island, broken coral bottom in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) of water; in Port Languyan at the junction of the north and south and east and west arms, in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) of water, mud bottom; in Tataan Pass anchorage should be chosen so as to obtain desired protection in 10 to 15 fathoms (18.3 to 27.4 m.), coral sand or mud bottom; in Chongos Bay, south of Malasa Point, 11 fathoms (20.1 m.) of water, mud bottom. With a good knowledge of the channels and dangers in approaching, excellent anchorages may also be had among the small islands near the east coast of Tawitawi Island. Fairly secure anchorage may be had in the lee of many of the smaller islands, having particular care not to anchor where currents are strong or in bowlder bottom. The best of these anchorages are off the east coast of Cacatan Island; between Kang Tipayan Diki and Kang Tipayan Dakula Islands; north or south of Tumbagaan or Sugbai Islands; and between Loran and South Ubian Islands. A fair anchorage exposed to southerly or southeasterly weather can be had in Aguada Bay, east of Bongao Island. Among the islands and reefs off the south coast of Tawitawi Island many anchorages giving partial protection are available, but they are difficult of access. Tides.-The mean higher high-water lunitidal interval, mean range, and diurnal range for the stations named are as follows: H. H. W. L.I. M. R. D.R. Cacatan Island_____ --- —------ 7h. 35m. 2.1 feet 2.7 feet Bintoulan Island________ --- —------- 5h. 00m. 5.1 feet 5.8 feet Tandungan Channel-________________- 6h. 05m. 3.6 feet 4.2 feet Basbas Channel________ --- —---- ----- 7h. 42m. 1.8 feet 2.5 feet Tataan Islands_____- ___ --- —------- 7h. 50m. 1.7 feet 2.4 feet The mean high water lunitidal interval, mean range, and diurnal range of tide for Port Bongao and Banaran Islands are as follows: H. W. L.I. M.. D. R. Port Bongao___ --- —-- ------------ 5h. 52m. 3.3 feet 4.2 feet Banaran Island__ --- —------------- 6h. 00m. 4.8 feet 5.6 feet The tidal wave apparently enters from the Celebes Sea. In the area east of Tawitawi Island cotidal lines (lines joining points at which tides are about simultaneous) run approximately northeast and southwest, the wave progressing to the northwest. From Bintoulan Island to Basbas Channel the range is decreased more than one-half and the wave reaches Basbas Channel approximately 23/4 hours after passing Bintoulan Island. This tidal wave continues to the vicinity, Cap Island to Pearl Bank, arriving about 2 hours later with no decrease in range. Tides to the southeast of Tawitawi Island and in the vicinity of the Kinapusan Islands are distinctly semidiurnal in character, but as the wave progresses to the northwest and north it develops the features of the mixed tide (semidiurnal and diurnal tides), on the north coast of Tawitawi Island being distinctly of the mixed type. Currents and tide rips.-The average direction of flow of tidal currents in the area east of Tawitawi Island is northwest with the flood and southeast with the ebb, although this direction varies somewhat in different passages and channels. The flood, entering Tapaan Passage, sets in a north-northwest direction, the ebb in the reverse direction. In the vicinity of Cacatan Island and Midchannel Bank 316 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT currents set parallel to the channels. Currents flow in the passages between the islands west of Kinapusan Island parallel to the axes of the channels, but northward of the channels are deviated to the westward with the flood. In the area north of the Kinapusan Islands and south of Tagao Island the flood sets to the west-northwest and the ebb in the reverse direction. This current progresses as far as the vicinity of Bakeke and Baturapac Islands before it is turned to the northwest. This current meets the flood flowing north through Tandungan Channel at about the latitude of the north end of Tandungan Island. Observations indicate that the flood to the east of Tawitawi Island meets the flood through Sibutu Passage and along the north coast of Tawitawi Island at about the longitude of Tongehatan Point. East of Tawitawi in the open-water areas tidal currents will only occasionally exceed 2 knots, but in Tapaan Passage, in the channel between Tumbagaan and Sugbai Islands, and the passages between the islands west of Kinapusan Island currents may attain a maximum of 6 knots. The tidal currents along the north coast of Tawitawi Island are weak, the flood setting northeastward from Sibutu Passage, meeting the flood from the eastward of Tawitawi in longitude 120~ 11' E. In Sibutu Passage currents may attain a velocity of 6 knots, the ebb being much stronger, presumably due to the permanent Borneo coast current, which flows in a southeasterly direction into the passage. The flood in Sibutu Passage sets to the north-northwest and the ebb to the south. Off the northwest coasts of Bongao and Sanga Sanga Islands the flood through Sibutu Passage is deviated to an easterly or southeasterly direction by reason of the Borneo coast current. Among the islands and shoals south of Tawitawi Island the general direction of set of the flood is northwest, but is deviated to conform to definite channels. Strong currents setting fair with the channel will be experienced in Simunul Channel. Southeast of Tawitawi Bay, in deep water, currents are weak and irregular. As a general rule, slack water occurs within one to two hours of low or high water. However, the ebb current has been known to continue setting south through Sibutu Passage for several days at a time. In unfavorable weather, heavy tide rips will be met in Tapaan Passage, Sugbai Passage, in the vicinity of Kinapusan Island, at the south entrances to channels between tlie Kinapusan Islands. in the channel between Sugbai and Tumbagaan Islands, in Sibutu Passage. and in the vicinity of Manuk Manka and Simunul Islands. These tide rips are generally heaviest where general depths considerably increase or decrease abruptly as at the south entrance to channels between the Kinapusan Islands. Parangan Island, 31 miles southwestward of Jolo Island, is a small conical-shaped islet covered with cogon grass, the summit of which is 90 feet (27.4 m.) in elevation. It is a good landmark. About 700 yards westward of this islet is a small fiat-topped islet, 14 feet (4.3 in.) high, with a narrow 7-fathom (12.8 m.) channel between the dry reef running eastward from it and Parangan Island. Parangan and Maniacolat Islands are connected by a bank with soundings of from 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 ni.), PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 317 Maniacolat Island is about 11/ miles long north and south and about 3/4 mile wide and is heavily wooded. The summit of this island is a peak 704 feet (215 m.) in elevation, which appears as a cone from practically every direction except east and west. This peak is particularly prominent. Babuan Islet, about 59 feet (18 m.) high and wooded, lies nearly 800 yards west of the southwest extremity of Maniacolat Island, with a channel between. Maglumba Islet, about 300 yards long and 121 feet (37 m.) high, lies about 1 mile 81~ (E. by N. mag.) from the north point of Maniacolat Island. There is a deep channel westward of this islet. Bubuan Island is about 21/2 miles long northwest and southeast and 2 miles wide, with a shallow channel 1/ mile wide between it and Maniacolat. Bubuan is covered with trees, and from the highest peak (457 feet (139 m.)) a chain of hills extends eastward, terminating at the north point. On the west side of Bubuan there is a shallow lagoon with the bar nearly bare at low water, in which small boats may seek protection from stress of weather. Midchannel Bank is a long shoal extending in approximately a north-northwest and south-southeast direction and located between Maniacolat and Cacatan Islands. There are deep channels on either side of this shoal. Depths on this bank vary from 10 fathoms (18.3 m.) to the highest point, which is a dangerous rock awash, located 21/2 miles, 240~ (SW. by W. /8 W. mag.) from Parangan Island. The shoalest parts of the bank are difficult to distinguish. About 21/4 miles south of this rock awash is a 13/4-fathom (3.2 m.) spot and 1/2 miles north a 414-fathom (7.8 m.) spot. Cacatan Island, low, flat, and wooded, lies 7 miles westward of Parangan Island. The island is of coral formation with shores of coral and coral sand, and the elevation of fast land is not over 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2.1 m.). The island is wooded with deciduous trees 50 to 80 feet (15.2 to 24.4 m.) in height. The north side of the island is bounded by a narrow coral barrier reef, and making down in a south-southeasterly direction for 3 miles from the south point of the island is a coral shoal of depths from 33/4 to 10 fathoms (6.8 to 18.3 m.). Magpeos Island is a small rocky islet wooded with undergrowth and situated about 5 miles southward of the west end of Bubuan Island. It is almost a perfect cone, rising to a height of 417 feet (127 m.). There is a reef with a rock awash extending about 600 yards eastward of the island. Tagao Island, southward of Magpeos Island is somewhat larger and wooded throughout. There are two hills near its western shore of the same elevation, tops of trees, 250 feet (76 m.). At the center of the northeast shore is another hill 140 feet (43 m.) in elevation. The shores of this island are coral and coral sand and abrupt at the west and north shores, but sloping more gradually on the east and south shores. Shoals make out from the north, east, and south sides, and a rock with a depth of 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) is located 1/3 mile south of the island. 95672~-30 - 21 318 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Tancolaluan and Pandanan Islands are two small islands situated west of Tagao Island, between that island and the east coast of Tawitawi Island. Tancolaluan Island is of coral rock formation, wooded, and has a small hill, the elevation of which (tops of trees) is about 100 feet (30 m.) There is a coral rock awash at higher high water, 1/5 mile west of the west end of this island. Pandanan Island is of coral formation, low, and flat, tops of trees 60 feet (18.3 m.) in elevation. Kinapusan Islands, lying about 10 miles southward of Bubuan Island, consist of the three low, densely wooded coral islands Tabawan, Bintoulan, and Kinapusan. Tabawan has several small islands and islets on a large reef extending nearly 2 miles southward and is separated from Bintoulan and Kinapusan, which latter islands lie on the same reef, by a 4-fathom (7.3 m.) channel. There is also a clear channel between Tabawan and Loran, which lies westward of it. The channels to the eastward and westward of Tabawan Island have not been thoroughly examined, but the old surveys show a controlling depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) by favoring the east side of the channel east of Tabawan and a controlling depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) in the channel west of this island. The channel west of the island is to be preferred. The island of Tabawan is thickly populated, but Bintoulan, and Kinapusan are only resorted to for fishing, this being the chief occupation of the natives, upon which they depend principally for the means of subsistence. A few boats also leave Tabawan in the season for the pearl oyster banks. No provisions are to be obtained here except fish and coconuts in small quantities. The reef off Kinapusan, the eastern island, extends 11,3 miles eastward from that island, and near the outer edge there is a sand cay that bares 3 feet (0.9 m.) at low water. As the reefs southward of these islands are steep-to and the lead consequently gives no warning, care should be taken when navigating in this vicinity. The tidal currents here also have considerable velocity. Two miles south of the western islet of Tabawan, on the corner of the reef, there is a patch or rock that seldom covers except at very high tides. A fair anchorage may be had with the west extremity of the village of Tahingtahing, on the north side of Tabawan, about 160~ (SSE. mag.) 3/4 mile from shore. Loran Island.-The northwest point of this island is 210~ (SSW. 1/2 W. mag.), distant 61/ miles from the south point of Tagao. It is 11/3 miles long northwest and southeast, about 600 yards wide, and elevated on the northwest side 80 feet (24.7 m.), ground elevation. It is connected by a coral reef with the little islet Manote to the southward. The northern point of Loran is steep-to. A fringe of coral surrounds the remaining shores at a distance of from 200 yards on the northeast to 1,200 yards on the southwest. On this reef, southward, are several small islets. Loran is inhabited and partly cleared and cultivated, as also is South Ubian Island, southward. South Ubian Island, about 3/4 mile southwest from Loran Island, is triangular in shape with the apex to the northwest. It is the best PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 319 cultivated and most thickly populated island in this vicinity. The principal houses are built on the northeast and southwest sides. The island is surrounded by a coral reef extending from it to a distance of 3/4 mile on the east side, having several small islets upon it, the highest of which is only 8 feet (2.4 m.) above low water. There is no passage, except for boats or small vessels, between South Ubian and Loran Islands. West of South Ubian Island is a channel with a controlling depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). The reefs on either side are fairly evident and the channel is easily negotiated. Tabuan Islands, about 2 miles southward and westward of South Ubian Island, consist of a number of rocks and islets, the largest of which, Tabuan, is inhabited. The group lies on the eastern edge of a large coral reef called Bucutcut, which stretches northwestward for 5 miles from Tabuan Islet, with the Lijatlijat Rocks on the northwestern extremity, and 1 mile southward, with numerous sand cays upon it. In the center there is a cluster of rocks 15 feet (4.6 m.) high. The northeast edge of the bank is marked by the Celandat Islets. A circular reef, Tacutboata Bank, awash at half tide, lies 1 mile from the southwestern edge of the bank, with Tabuan Islet bearing 83~ (E. 3/4 N. mag.), distant 2/2 miles. Pasegan Island is a low coral island 5 miles west-northwest of South Ubian, covered with coconut trees the tops of which are 88 feet (26.8 m.) above the sea. It is fringed with a reef northward and eastward to a distance of 800 yards from shore, with soundings of 234 to 61/2 fathoms (5 to 11.9 m.) at the edge. About 1,200 yards northwest of the island there is a narrow shoal nearly 1 mile in length covered by 2/2 to 5 fathoms (4.6 to 9.1 m.) with 51/2 to 8 fathoms (10 to 14.6 m.) at its edge. Pasegan Guimba Island is a low flat coral island planted to coconut trees, tops 70 to 80 feet (21.3 to 24.4 m.), located about 13/4 miles west of Pasegan Island. Coral shoals extend 500 yards off the north, east, and west shores. There is a long narrow shoal with a least depth of 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) 1/2 mile east of the island. About 1~ miles northeast of the island is a 13/4-fathom (3.2 m.) spot, the shoalest sounding on a long narrow coral sand and bowlder reef extending in a north and south direction and about 3/ mile long. Another narrow shoal of depths of from 1 fathom (1.8 m.) to 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) makes up in a north-northeasterly direction from the island. One-half mile north of the island is a shoal of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) least depth. Between Pasegan Guimba Island and the north entrance to Cambacamba Channel and the coasts of Tandungan and Dundangan Islands are numerous shoals of depths 1 to 6 fathoms (1.8 to 11 m.). Caution.-Information concerning the area south and southwest of Pasegan and Pasegan Guimba Islands has been obtained from the old Spanish and British surveys and is not sufficient for recommending the navigation of these waters by any but small vessels, and even then sun and weather should be favorable. Calaitan Islets lie on an extensive reef between the southeast coast of Dundangan Island and Bucutcut Bank. 320 2TNITED STATES COAST PILOT Cambacamba Channel, between Bucutcut Reef to the east and the reefs of Calaitan to the west, is 2 miles long north and south and 1/3 mile wide in the narrowest part, with a depth of 9 fathoms (16.4 m.). To enter it from northward a vessel should pass between Tandungan and Pasegan Guimba or between the two Pasegans. This channel is considered inferior to that of Ubian for vessels of good draft of water, and should not be attempted at night. The currents in it are very strong. Calaitan Channel, between the edge of the Calaitan Islands Reef and the southeast coast of Dundangan Island, is only practicable for handy vessels of less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) draft. The north entrance is divided into two arms by Batan Bank. The southern end joins the Cambacamba Channel by the Sipungut Channel, which runs east and west and is practicable for small craft. Bakeke Islet is rocky, devoid of vegetation, and 26 feet (7.9 m.) high. It makes a good landmark. A reef makes out to the eastward of this islet. One mile eastward of Bakeke Island is a coral bowlder reef, least depth 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.). Calupag Island, lying south of Bakeke Islet, is the only island in this general vicinity which is not heavily wooded. There are large areas of Cogon grass on the island. The highest point of the island, elevation 276 feet (84 m.), is located near the southeast side. Near the western end of the island is a hill of 250 feet (76 m.) in elevation. The south and most of the east coast is bordered by mangrove. The north and east coasts are white coral beaches. Saracsaracan Island is partly wooded and bordered by mangrove. The summit, elevation 195 feet (59 m.), is not wooded. Tandungan Island is hilly and heavily wooded with the shore line bordered by mangrove. Coral reefs extend off the east shore for a distance of 50 to 200 yards. The highest summit, elevation 497 feet (151 m.), a flat-topped hill, lies near the center of the island. There are two other hills over 400 feet (122 m.) in elevation on the island, one of which is near the northwest end. There are a number of small barrios along the east and west shores and parts of the island are under cultivation. Dundangan Island lies close to and south of Tandungan Island, being separated from that island by Salang Salangan Channel, a narrow channel through which 6 feet (1.8 m.) can be carried by keeping a careful watch for several rocks covered by 1 to 5 feet (0.3 to 1.5 m.) of water. In general the south side of the channel should be favored. Off the eastern entrance of this channel are a number of dangers, some of which bare at low water. At the west end, the channel along the north coast of Dundangan Island, should be used. Dundangan Island is hilly and heavily wooded with its shores bordered by mangrove and coral reefs to a large extent. Parts of this island are under cultivation, and there are several barrios along its shores. At the east end of Salang Salangan Channel and at the southwest end of Tandungan Island is an unnamed island, upon which is an area of fast land planted to coconuts, known as Batu Cuning. Channels east and south of the island, the southerly one of which is deeper and to be preferred, lead from Salang Salangan Channel into PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULIT ARCHIPELAGO 321 Tandungan Channel. Off the north end of this island is an extensive coral reef. About 400 yards west of this reef, inside the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve of Tandungan Channel, are severals reefs which bare at low water. About 400 yards west of barrio Toong Toong, which is located at the northwest extremity of Dundangan Island, are reefs known as Bokot Takut. They bare 1 foot (0.3 m.) at low water and lie close to the eastern edge of the navigable route through Tandungan Channel. Tandungan Channel, between Calupag and Dundangan Islands and Tandubatu Island, allows a passage to the south of Tawitawi without leaving the archipelago and without exposure to the sea of the open waters, which is sometimes very heavy during the southwest monsoon. It is practicable for vessels of 19 feet (5.8 m.) draft, and there is anchorage anywhere in it. It is 6 miles long and 700 yards wide in the narrowest part. Shoals do not show very clearly, and it is desirable to have the sun astern. Directions for Tandungan Channel.-From a position in latitude 5~ 16.2' N. and longitude 120~ 20.8' E., from which position the highest summit on Tandungan Island bears 165~ (S. by E. 1/2 E. mag.) and the north tangent of Calupag Island bears 89~ (E. 1/4 N. mag.), steer 205~ (SSW. mag.) to pass 200 yards east of Sangsang Island. The least depth on this course is 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), although a slight deviation from the track will take. the ship into 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.). Care must be had not to get set onto the shoal northeast of Naungan Island, as 1/4 mile off the route laid down will lead into 134 fathoms (3.2 m.). Then steer 224~ (SW. /4 S. mag.) for a hill 633 feet (193 m.) high on the southeast coast of Tandubatu Island and continue this course in mid-channel to between Sinagbuan Islet westward and Sibaloc eastward. When the southern end of Sibaloc is abeam the course should be altered southward to pass 200 yards eastward of a remarkable and clear rock (designated A) east of Tambiluanga Island and close to it; thence a 173~. (S. 3/4 E. mag.) course should be steered to pass midway between the Ambilon and Casapaan Shoals in 5/2 to 61/ fathoms (10 to 11.9 m.) with some patches of 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) which can be avoided by holding somewhat eastward, where' the depth is greater; then the passage is to the west, between the islets Plus and Ultra into the great bay south of Tawitawi. The channel between the islands is narrow and the least depth 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). Another passage practicable for small vessels is north of Plus and Pintada Islets, which lie on the same bank. Caution.-Plus and Ultra Islets should not be passed with the sun low and ahead. At other times the banks can be seen distinctly, and with the aid of the chart no difficulty should be experienced. Water.-On the southeast part of Tambiluanga Island there are three wells of good water, but the supply is not great. Tandubatu Island, separated from the east end of Tawitawi by an almost impractical channel named Gallo Malo, is nearly round and about 5 miles in diameter. There are three prominent peaks rising to an elevation of about 500 feet (152 m.) near its northeast end. The highest part of the island is a peak in the southeastern part, elevation 633 feet (193 m.). The shores of the island are 322 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT skirted by mangrove and coral reefs. The entire island is heavily wooded. Inhabitants.-All of the islands in this general vicinity are inhabited by Moros. There are two sizable barrios, one on the east shore of Tandubatu Island and the other along the southeast shore of Naungan Dacula Island. The people are not unfriendly or troublesome. Water.-Fresh water may be had from a well on the southeast part of Tambiluanga Island, from a spring on the northeast slope of TaVdubatu Island, opposite Taruc Point, and from wells on the southeast side of Dundangan Island. Other slightly brackish wells are found on Calupag and Pasegan Guimba Islands. Pamisaan Island is a low coral island fringed with mangrove off the north shore of Tandubatu Island. It has little elevation. Tops of trees are a bout 90 feet (27.4 m.) high. About 1 fathom (1.8 m.) can be carried through the channel between this island and Tandubatu Island. Avoid the coral reefs making out from Tandubatu Island at the entrances to the channel and keep in mid-channel elsewhere. Situgal Hea Island is an island about 1 mile in diameter located northeast of Tandubatu Island from which it is separated by a wide channel through which about 8 feet (2.4 m.) can be carried. This channel is foul near its northwest end, and care is required to avoid the reefs. An extensive reef lies in the northwest entrance. The channel is best navigated by passing westward of this reef. Situgal Hea Island is hilly and heavily wooded. The greater part of the shore line is bordered by mangrove. Parts of the south and east coast are under cultivation. Extensive reefs make out from the north shore of this island. Situgal Diki Island, Naungan Diki Island, and Sabud Island are small wooded islands lying off the coast of Situgal Hea Island. The ground elevation of the summit of Situgal Diki Island is 43 feet (13.1 m.), that of Naungan Diki 52 feet (15.8 m.), but Sabud is low and overgrown with mangrove. There is a narrow shallow channel between Sabud Island and Tandubatu Island, but the water area between the other islands and Tandubatu is blocked 'by sand and mud flats. Taybuay, Sangsang, Gambol, and Indangan Islands are small wooded islands east of Situgal Hea Island and west of Tandungan Channel. The first three are bordered by mangrove, the fast lands on all are planted to coconuts. A coral shoal makes out for 300 yards to the northeast of Sangsang Island and a large coral reef lies midway between Taybuay and Pasincuan Islands. Small boats may navigate any of the channels between these islands. A good channel of about 41/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) least depth exists west of Sangsang and Gambol Islands. Pass about 150 yards off the mangrove off the south side of Gambol Island to obtain the greatest depth. Pasincuan and Naungan Dacula Islands are two wooded islands east of Situgal Hea Island and west of Tandungan Channel. The west side of Pasincuan is bordered by mangrove and shoals make out from the east shore for a distance of 100 yards. There is a hill, elevation 139 feet (42 m.), located near the south end of this island. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 323 Naungan Dacula Island is all fast land planted to coconuts. Two hills of 185 feet (56 m.) and 191 feet (58 m.) are located on this island. Coral shoals extend off the shores for a short distance and off its south point for a distance of 350 yards. There is a barrio located on its southeast shore. The channel west of Naungan Dacula Island and northeast of Pasincuan Island has a least depth of about 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.), but contains several shoals. About 1 fathom (1.8 m.) can be carried through the channel west of Pasincuan Island. For a distance of 1 mile northeast of Naungan Dacula Island and north of Situgal Hea Island are numerous shoals of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) depths and less. They are extensive in area and channels may be found between them. Dangers.-Located. 11/2 miles 33~ (NNE. 3/4 E. mag.) from the north end of Naungan Dacula Island is a shoal with a least depth of 3/4 fathom (1.4 m.) lying at the north side of an extensive shoal area of depths from 2 to 6 fathoms (3.6 to 11 m.). A shoal which is awash at lower low water lies 328~ (NW. by N. mag.) 3/4 mile from the north end of this island. A rock, 5 feet (1.5 m.) high, known locally as Bosoc Lalong, is located 313~ (NW. % W. mag.) 1 mile from the north end of this island. Baturapac, Tauntong Diki, Tauntong, Nancaan, Cal-loan Diki, and Cal-loan Islands are low coral mangrove islands situated northeast of Tandubatu Island. These islands have very little fast land, and tops of trees have an elevation of 80 to 100 feet (24.4 to 30 m.). There are two small areas of fast land on Nancaan Island which are planted to coconuts. The shores of Baturapac Island are clear and devoid of inshore dangers. Shoals make out from the southeast ends of Tauntong Diki, Tauntong, and Nancaan Islands for a distance of 100 to 200 yards. A long shoal which bares in places makes down in a southeast direction from Cal-loan Island. The channel between Baturapac and Tauntong Diki Island is clear and deep except for a 33/4-fathom (6.8 m.) shoal lying 1/3 mile west of the north end of Baturapac Island. Small boats may carry 6 feet (1.8 m.) through the channel between Tauntong Diki and Tauntong Islands and 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) through the channel between Tauntong and Nancaan Islands. There is a good deep channel up the west side of Nancaan Island and also along the west side of Cal-loan Island, but only 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.) in the eastern part of this channel, 300 yards off the north coast of Pamisaan Island. Dangers.-There are a number of shoals of depths from /2 fathom to 4 fathoms (0.9 to 7.3 m.) lying from 400 yards to 1 mile off the north-northeast and east coasts of Baturapac Island. About 200 yards southeast of the southeast end of Tauntong Island is a circular live coral reef and 1/3 mile in the same direction a second reef. Onehalf mile east of the south end of Nancaan Island is another circular live coral shoal. These three shoals are on an extensive shoal area of depths from a few feet to several fathoms which extends from Nancaan and Tauntong Islands (except for a narrow'channel 200 yards off these islands) to the north coast of Situgal Hea Island and north and east of Naungan Island. 324 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Directions.-The chart is the best guide for navigation among the shoals in this vicinity. Use the latest editions. A good anchorage with excellent protection is available south or east of Baturapac Island. Ships should be guided to anchorage by frequent cross bearings which may be taken to the many islands in this vicinity. Caution.-Shoals in these waters are of live coral as a general rule and a good lookout and use of the lead are indispensable as adjuncts to the chart. West of Cal-loan Island and north of Timbaunan Island is an extensive shoal area of coral banks through which there are a number of shoal channels, in the deepest of which 21/ fathoms (4.6 m.) can be carried into Gallo Malo Channel. Gallo 1Malo Channel is foul and intricate and is not recommended. The Tubu Tubu Islands, Tonkian Islands, Tuncan, and Golloman Islands are coral islands, heavily wooded with deciduous trees, mangrove along the shores. Fast land is limited and attains little elevation. Tops of trees are from 30 to 65 feet (9.1 to 19.8 m.) high. These islands are not inhabited. North of the Tubu Tubu Islands, 200 yards, is a coral reef on which mangrove has commenced to grow. There are several shoals off the shores of the Tubu Tubu Islands which render the otherwise suitable channels east and west of these islands slightly difficult. There is a clear deep channel between the Tonkian Islands and around them by keeping 50 to 100 yards off the shores. Waters are clear and deep off the shores of Tancan Island, and there is deep water between this island and Gol-loman Island. One-third of a mile off the northeast shore of Gol-loman Island is a rock bare at all stages of the tide. There are a number of shoals of less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) depth off the northeast and north shores of Golloman Island. Dangers.-Off the east coast of Tawitawi Island and north of latitude of Baturapac Island, as far east as the longitude of the east end of Tumbagaan Island, shoals and dangers are so numerous that they will not be mentioned here. The chart should be consulted. Only the most important shoals of particular proximity to channels will be noted. A shoal of 4/2 fathoms (8.2 m.) is located 317~ (NWV. mag.) 11/4 miles from Bakeke Island. A shoal of 2~ fathoms (4.6 m.) is located 192~ (S. 7/s WV. mag.) 3 miles from the east end of Tumbagaan Island and another shoal of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.) is located 186~ (S. 3/ W. mag.) 21/2 miles from the same point. A shoal of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.) lies 1 mile northeast of Puhumaan Island. The coast of Tawitawi Island from Dial Dacula is fringed with mangrove and low in elevation. Many of the bights are mud flats. Tabulunga Island is separated from the coast of Tawitawi by Himba Channel, a foul and intricate channel impractical for use by any but small craft. The island is low (tops of trees 140 to 170 feet (43 to 52 m.) and fringed with mangrove except at the north end, which is fast land planted to coconuts. Tabulunga Sibi and Tayoan Islands are two small wooded islands lying off its east coast. In the south part of Himba Channel is a mangrove island with a good channel on either side. The extensive water area to the PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 325 east and southeast is foul or shoal and not practical for use by vessels drawing over 6 feet (1.8 m.). Basbas Island is located off the northeast end of Tawitawi and is separated therefrom by Basbas Channel. There is a low hill, elevation 230 feet (70 m.), at the west side of the island. At this summit is a very prominent umbrella-shaped palm tree. Most of the west side of the island is fringed with mangrove, but there are stretches of fast land. The northeast shore is fast land and the southeast fringed with mangrove. The island is heavily wooded throughout. On the west shore west of the summit of the island is a barrio where fresh water and some food supplies may be obtained. Basbas Channel is navigable by deep-draft vessels to a secure anchorage in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) of water /2mile north of the north end of Tabulunga Island. Directions, Basbas Channel.-From /2 mile off the north entrance bring the highest summit of Basbas Island ahead on a 132~ (SE. /2 E. mag.) course. When fairly in the entrance keep in midchannel, slightly favoring the east bank after passing the summit of Basbas Island. Anchor about /2mile north of the north end of Tabulunga Island, or vessels drawing not over 15 feet (4.6 m.) may proceed through an intricate and narrow channel southeastward to deeper water southwestward of Gal-loman Island. Lying from 1/4 to /2 mile off the east and southeast coasts of Basbas are rocks and shoals which bare at some stage of the tide. There is a good channel between Basbas and Pahumaan Islands and between the latter island and Gal-loman Island, but the dangers are numerous and care is required. About 1 mile 51~ (NE. % E. mag.) from the south end of Basbas Island is a rock, elevation 5 feet (1.5 m.) known as Bosoc Lalung and one mile 40' (NE. 58 N. mag.) from the north end of Gal-loman Island is a rock which is awash at high tide. Pahumaan Island is a low coral wooded island located 11/2 miles east of Basbas Island. The northern half of the island is fast land planted to coconuts, the southern half overgrown with mangrove. One-half mile south of this island are two rocky islets known as Pamacalan and Pamadbaran Islands. Directions, channel west of Tumbagaan Island to Tandungan Channel.-To enter the channel west of Tumbagaan Island from north, steer 1461/2~ (SE. 7/s S. mag.) to pass 450 yards off the extreme west end of Tumbagaan Island and also 450 yards off the 4-foot (1.2 m.) rock 1/2 mile south of the southwest side of the island. If proceeding to Tandungan Channel continue this course, heading midway between two low hills; one on the northeast end of Tandungan Island, 203 feet (62 m.) to tops of trees, and the other the summit of Sarucsarucan Island, 195 feet (59 m.). When abreast of Baturapac Island, haul a couple of points to the eastward to bring the highest peak of Tandungan Island to bear 165~ (S. by E. /2 E. mag.). When this peak bears 165~ (S. by E. /2 E. mag.), haul to that course to bring the peak dead ahead, to avoid shoals to the west, and hold this course to within about 1 mile of the coast of Tandungan Island where course should be hauled into Tandungan Channel. From the northwest end of Tumbagaan Island to this position the least water is about 30 feet (9.1 m.). 326 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT If bound eastward around the south side of Tumbagaan Island, leave the 4-foot (1.2 m.) rock, which is 1/2 mile south of the southwest end of the island, about 450 yards on the port hand, change course to 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.) and leave the same rock about 450 yards to the north of the course. Hold this 90~ (E. 1/8 N. mag.) course into deep water south of passage between Sugbai and Tumbagaan Islands. Least depth passed over will be about 30 feet (9.1 m.). Tumbagaan Island is an inhabited, partially wooded mountainous island situated between Sugbai and Tawitawi Islands. The east and west ends and the points on the north side are rocky cliffs, elsewhere the shore is coral and coral sand. Several barrios are located on the island; the largest one is on the southwest coast. A lagoon known as Setambol Bay makes into the west side of the north shore. There is about 1 foot (0.3 m.) of water through the entrance at low water. The highest summit of the island is a ridge 611 feet (186 m.) in elevation. A prominent knob 402 feet (122 m.) high is located at the east end of the island. The south and northeast shores of the island are planted to coconuts. South of Tumbagaan Island are three rocks, the western of which is 4 feet (1.2 m.) high. The others are close together and known as Boso Dohonan, being 8 feet (2.4 m.) and 4 feet (1.2 m.) high. A 4-fathom (7.3 m.) shoal is located 3/4 mile east of Boso Dohonan. Sugbai Island is located just east of Tumbagaan with a wide deep clear channel between. This island is thickly wooded and the shore line is coral and coral sand, except at the northern shore and east end, where there are rock cliffs. The island is uninhabited but is cultivated to a small extent by Moros temporarily residing there. The northwest shore is planted to coconuts. There is a large lagoon, into which there is no entrance, at the south side of the island. Twin peaks of 770 feet (235 m.) elevation form the summit of the island. The westerly peak is slightly the higher and the peaks merge and appear as one when seen from the east and west. The east half of the island appears as a flat ridge. The west half slopes gradually to the west point of the island, near which there is a low prominent hill. There is a 11/2-fathom (2.7 m.) shoal 1/ mile south of the island. A good anchorage in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) can be had northeast of this shoal, but another shoal of 334 fathoms (6.8 m.) should be avoided in making this anchorage from the eastward. A 33/-fathom (6.8 m.) shoal lies 1/3 mile off the northwest shore of this island. Kang Tipayan Dacula and Kang Tipayan Diki Islands are two low wooded islands of coral atoll formation, the former bounded on the northeast side and the latter on all sides by coral barrier reefs. The heights of trees on these islands are 60 to 100 feet (18.6 to 30.5 m.). The interior of the islands are shallow salt-water lagoons studded with shoals and mangrove clumps. The entrances to these lagoons bare at low water. There is a stretch of about 1/3 mile of sand beach on the south side of Kang Tipayan Dacula Island where, after examination for bowlders, a vessel might be beached. Midway between these two islands is a coral shoal with a least depth of 1 foot (0.3 m.). In passing between the islands the course should be laid midway between this shoal and either island. In either channel there are shoals but of no depth less than 5T/6 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 327 fathoms (9.4 m.). A shoal of 63/4 fathoms (12.3 m.) is located 34 mile off the northeast coast of Kang Tipayan Dacula. North coast of Tawitawi Island, from Basbas Island to Manalik Channel.-This coast is clear and devoid of offshore or inshore dangers except those comprising the shoals surrounding the Tataan Islands and the shoal off Port Languyan. The land area is heavily wooded with trees of exceptional heights and the coast is, for the most part, fronted by ranges of low hills lying between the shore and the prominent mountains farther back. Mount Butua, a prominent sharp wooded peak, lies near the northeast end of the island. Southwest of this peak are hills and then a valley to the northeast of Mount Bas, which appears as a ridge. From Mount Bas a lower ridge continues around Port Languyan to a deep valley northeast of the Dromedario Peaks. The highest point on this ridge is a conical peak (as seen from the general direction of east or west), elevation 1,017 feet (310 m.), which is prominent. Between this ridge and the Dromedario Peaks is a low valley. The Dromedario Peaks are the highest, elevation of the highest peak 1,803 feet (550 m.), and most prominent peaks on the island. The three northeasterly peaks are the highest and of nearly the same elevation. Those to the southwest are lower and scattered. Low hills front the coast from Tataan Pass to Manalik Channel. The coast from Basbas Channel to Port Languyan is clear and steep-to, the shoals lying not over 300 yards offshore. The coast is uniformly straight except for three small coves, Look Tua, Bohi Mahea Creek, and Buailin Creek, which are of little importance except as shelter for small craft. Shore line is coral and coral barrier reef and mangrove or other deciduous trees grow to the water's edge. Port Languyan is a long narrow bay bordered by mangrove and located about 6 miles northeast of the east end of Tataan Pass. The entrance is difficult to recognize until close inshore. The bay is about 300 yards wide and runs south for about 1/2 mile from the entrance and then turns east. Bottom is mud, and the bay furnishes an excellent anchorage, which should preferably be made at the turn. Keep to mid-channel in entering and coming down the north and south arm. A shoal of 43/4 fathoms (8.7 m.) lies about /2 mile off the entrance to the bay. The coast from Port Languyan to Bacung Point is free of dangers, the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve being located not over 300 yards offshore. Two indentations, Maraning Bay and Moco Bay, are shoal but of sufficient depth for small craft. The shore line is coral over the exposed parts and mangrove coral and mud in the bights. The - coast is timbered to the high-water line. From Bacung Point to Bugot Lapit Point the coast is coral and mangrove with no indentations or bays. Tataan Pass is deep and affords an excellent anchorage, which may be selected as desired. The northeast and western entrances are easy of access. At one time there was a settlement and Spanish garrison located at Tataan, near the head of the small bight, 31/2 miles southwest of Bacung Point. This place has been abandoned, but part of an old mole and foundations of buildings remain. Fresh water may be obtained here from a small stream. There are two 328 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT reefs lying about 1/ mile offshore off this cove. Deep water may be carried between them if it is necessary to get close inshore. The Tataan Islands are a number of low coral islands lying from 1 to 2 miles off the coast of Tawitawi. These islands are wooded, elevation of tops of trees 50 to 60 feet (15.2 to 18.6 m.), and entirely surrounded by coral reefs which are plainly visible in navigating these waters. The northwest limits of these surrounding reefs are bounded by coral barrier reefs, except for the shoal area between Tinagta and Sipayu Islands, which are bare except at high water and serve as an excellent navigational aid in approaching the islands. Coral shoals which bare at low water make out to the southeast of these islands. Simalac Dacula and Simalac Sibi are two small islands lying near the northeast end of the Tataan group. There is a barrio on the south shore of Simalac Dacula. A coral barrier reef lying about 1/2 mile northeast marks the northeastern limit of the coral shoal area. An extensive shoal area extends 1/ to 3/4 mile to the northwest of these islands, the northwest limits of which are defined by coral barrier reefs which are bare at most stages of the tide. Cabancanan Island is the largest island of the group. The description of this island is similar to that of the others. Deep water, not less than 5 fathoms (9.1 m.), extends close to its southeast shore. West of Cabancanan Island is a good deep-water channel known as Nusa Tacbu Channel, through which 33 feet (10.1 m.) can be carried into Tataan Pass. Come into the north end on a 177~ (S. /2 E. mag.) course and then keep in mid-channel. Barrier reefs which are generally bare may be seen at the north entrance and along most of the east side of the channel. Other coral reefs at the edge of the channel are easily seen if conditions are favorable. Do not come close along the reefs at the south end of the channel, keep in mid-channel, as there are several shoals of 2 to 4 fathoms (3.6 to 7.3 m.) located at the west and east sides. Basun Channel is not recommended as the edges of the reefs at the sides of the channel are hard to see. The channel has a least depth of about 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) at the center. Between Basun and Nusa Tacbu Channels are two low wooded islands lying on the coral reefs. Basun Sibi, Basun Dacula, and Tinagta are low, wooded islands lying on the reefs between Basun Channel and a good channel to the west of Tinagta Island. Extensive coral reefs lie to the northwest and southeast of these islands. These reefs are bounded on the northwest by a coral barrier reef which is bare at most stages of the tide. There is a good channel into Tataan Pass about 200 yards off the coral barrier reef which lies southwest of Tinagta. This channel is about 1/4 mile wide with a least depth of 6 fathoms (11 m.). An extensive shoal area of depths from 1 to 5 fathoms (1.8 to 9.1 mn.) lies southwest of this channel and between this channel and Sipayu Island. Sipayu Island is a small island at the north side of the western entrance to Tataan Pass. It is low, covered with underbrush, and coral shoals make to the northwest and north for a distance of s/ to /4 mile, PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 329 Directions.-Approach the western channel to Tataan Pass with the south side of Sipayu Island ahead on a 92~ (E. mag.) course and change course when Bugut Lapit Point is abeam to pass 200 to 250 yards off this island. These courses pass about 200 yards south of a 4-fathom (7.3 m.) shoal lying 1/3 of a mile west of the barrier reefs westward of Sipayu Island and 350 yards north of a 43/4 -fathom (8.7 m.) shoal east of Bugut Lapit Point. From abreast of Sipayu Island haul into Tataan Pass. Manalik Channel (chart 4546) lies between Tawitawi and Sanga Sanga Islands, the northern entrance being about 2 miles southward of Bugut Lapit Point. The northern part of the strait locally known as Luuk Saul affords well protected anchorage in about 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) for vessels not requiring much swinging room. Only about 8 feet (2.4 m.) can be carried all the way through the strait and the channel has several narrow and sharp turns with considerable current. Tides flood into the bay through all three entrances for about two hours after high water and ebb out about three hours after low water, the current reaching a velocity of 4 to 5 knots. The shore is lined by a heavy growth of mangrove. Takut Mataha is a large coral reef lying square across the northern entrance to Manalik Channel with Tusang Bongao, a mangrove island, near its southern edge. The channel west of the reef is the deeper but has several sharp turns. This channel is split, by a reef awash at low water, into two rather narrow passages. The northern one carries a depth of about 9 fathoms (16.4 m.) and is the one recommended when entering from the west. The channel east of the reef has a depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) and no sharp turns and on that account is preferred by lighter-draft vessels. The northern entrance eastward of Sambilong Island has a width of about 100 yards which is further contracted by a 2-foot (0.6 m.) rock lying off the reef on the east side of the channel northeastward of the island. Southward of Sambilong Island, Manalik Strait widens into a large bay, much of which is foul. Good anchorage may be found near the center of the bay, where there is an area about'300 by 500 yards with depths of 3 to 4 fathoms (5.5 to 7.3 m.). The bottom is coral, but the water is nearly always smooth with little current at the anchorage. There are no aids to navigation. The chart and a good lookout are the best guides. The controlling depth through the southern part of Manalik Channel is 7 feet (2.1 m.) near Carmen Point. About 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) can be carried up to Tango Island. The passage westward of the island is blocked by a reef that extends across the channel. A reef, parts of which bare at low water, extends about 550 yards 308~ (NW. 3/4 W. mag.) from Tango Island. This reef with the rocks lying westward and northwestward of Carmen Point make this part of the channel difficult, especially as there are swift currents and current swirls. The narrowest part of the south channel, about 50 yards, lies between Bato Bato and Bakhan Dacula Islands. This is further complicated by a large clam shell about 4 feet in diameter with 2 feet (0.6 m.) of water over it at low water lying almost in the middle of the channel. There is a depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) in the narrow channel to the west of it. The current in this narrow channel attains a velocity of 4 to 5 knots. 330 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT There are a number of waterways through and around the mangrove. The one west of Bakhan Dacula Island is used by the natives to avoid the strong currents in the main channel. It has a least depth of 1/2 feet (0.6 m.) at low water. The passage between Sanga Sanga Island and Sambilong Island has about the same depth, but narrows to a width of about 5 yards. Sanga Sanga Island is about 6 miles long northeast and southwest and 4 miles wide at its widest part. It is flat, about 300 feet (91 m.) high, and is densely wooded. It is steep-to on the west with a narrow coral reef fringing the coast. The shore consists of a high coral bank with numerous small sand beaches formed by the wave action on the shore. There is considerable cultivation back of the mangroves that line the south coast, but this is not visible from the shore. Bongao Island, southward of Sanga Sanga, rises to a height of 1,030 feet (314 m.) in the southern part of the island. This high land, consisting of several peaks, is conspicuous from all directions. The northern part of the island is low and the shore line is mangrove. A coral reef with sand shore line is on the south and west. Papahag Island is low, flat, and densely wooded. Near the north coast the land rises to a height of 20 to 70 feet (6 to 21 m.). The south and southwest shores are largely sand and coral with short stretches of mangrove; the north shore is all mangrove. Bongao (chart 4546) on Bongao Island is the largest town in this vicinity and consists of a Moro village, a Chinese community, and a constabulary post. There is a well-constructed wharf about 50 feet long, with a narrow causeway leading to it near the northeast end of the island. The depth alongside is 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), but little maneuvering room available. No marine or ship supplies are obtainable. Water is not plentiful and comes from wells. Dried fish and railroad ties are the only exports. Bongao is connected with Jolo, Sibutu, and Siasi by launch sailing about every two weeks and native sailing vessels leave this port at irregular intervals for the various islands of this group. Directions.-Aguada and Chongos Bays afford deep-water anchorage for vessels, but the former is open to the southwest and the latter to the southeast. Port Bongao is a good harbor for small vessels. For vessels drawing 18 feet (5.5 m.) the swinging room is limited. Smaller vessels can anchor northwest from the dock in 2 to 5 fathoms (3.6 to 9.1 m.) of water. The approach from west — ward lies south of Bongao Island, Bongao Channel being seldom used. To enter bring the east tangent of Papahag Island in range with Thumb Peak bearing 48~ (NE. /8E. mag.). Steer in on this range until Bongao light bears 3331/~ (NNW. 5/8 W. mag.), change course to 360~ (N. 1/8 W. mag.) and run for 3/4 mile, then change course to 307~ (NW. 7/8 W. mag.) heading for Bongao light until Lamon Point is abeam, then change course to 318~ (NW. 1/ N. mag.) to pass about 100 yards east of the light and come to anchor in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) about 400 yards northward of the light, or round the light close-to if bound to the wharf. Approaching from eastward bring Bud Bongao (Mount Vigia) ahead on any course north of 270~ (W. /8 S. mag.) to pass clear of PALAWAN, MVINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 331 shoals south of Papahag Island. When Bongao light bears 3071/2~ (NW. 7/ W. mag.), steer for it and follow the previous directions. To enter through Sanga Sanga Channel, give the eastern end of Papahag Island a berth of 1/4 mile until the south tangent of Sanga Sanga Island bears 265~ (W. 5/ S. mag.), then keep a mid-channel course 263~ (W. 3/4 S. mag.) to the anchorage. To enter through Bongao Channel, bring the westerly entrance ahead on course 95~ (E. /4 S. mag.); keep in mid-channel or slightly favor the northern side throughout its length. At the eastern entrance bring east China Point on Papahag ahead on course 88~ (E. 3 N. mag.) until the radio tower bears 135~ (SE. /8s E. mag.), then change course to 62~ (NE. by E. 3/8 E. mag.) heading for Siabon Point (Rapina Point) until Bongao light bears 128~ (SE. 3/4 E. mag.); thence 104~ (ESE. 7/% E. mag.) heading for China Point to the anchorage or dock. All shoals and coral heads can be readily detected in Port Bongao. Chongos Bay at its head, locally known as Tubig Pandan, affords well-protected anchorage, but with restricted swinging room. By keeping to the east of a bearing 152~ (SSE. 5/ E. mag.) on the tangent to the east end of Papahag Island, the reefs and shoals in the entrance will be avoided. The depth at the anchorage is about 6 fathoms (11 m.). Anchorage may be had in the outer bay northward of Papahag Island in 12 fathoms (21.9 m.), muddy bottom, but this is exposed to winds from the southeast. Vessels bound into these anchorages from the southwest should not bring Thumb Hill to bear eastward of 39~ (NE. 3/4 N. mag.) until Matos Point bears 272~ (W. mag.) to clear the reefs extending southeastward of Papahag Island. The land along the southwest coast of Tawitawi is flat. The shore is fringed with coral and lined with mangrove with the exception of the immediate vicinity of the few towns. Thumb Peak, 663 feet (202 m.) high, is the most conspicuous landmark, showing from nearly all directions as the frustum of a cone. A prominent tree on its top is visible from a distance of 15 to 20 miles. Mounts Luuk and Sikala (Geminis), 475 and 440 feet (145 and 134 m.) high, are conspicuous from southward, showing as twin mounds. Eastward of the Malun River the country becomes more rugged. Tangu Island consists of mangroves growing on a reef lying 13/4 miles eastward of Papahag and about /2 mile off the coast of Tawitawi. Shoal water extends about 250 yards southeast of the island. Tangu Island marks the eastern limit of the shoal water, less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), that extends about 1 mile off the southwest coast of Tawitawi. Depths of 4 and 5 fathoms (7.3 and 9.1 m.) are found in the channel between the above-mentioned shoal water and the reef on which Tangu Island lies. Luuk Sula (chart 4546) affords well-protected anchorage in 4 to 6 fathoms (7.3 to 11 m.), mud bottom. Two reefs lying about /2 mile east and northeast of Patong Point afford protection from southward. These reefs bare at about two-thirds tide. They are easily visible at all times and may be avoided by keeping close to the north shore. The shore line of Luuk Sula is nearly all mangrove. Batu Batu Bay (chart 4546) is easy of access. There is a small dock on the east side of the bay at New Batu Batu, a settlement of Visayans. A depth of 14 feet (4.3 m.) is found at the face of the 332 UNSITED STATES COAST PILOT dock, but a reef extending to a point about west of the dock interferes with its use by large vessels. Mosquitoes are plentiful in this vicinity. The town lies behind a mound and can not be seen from the bay. The Moro town of Batu Batu lies on the coast, eastward of Batu Batu Bay. The Malun River is about 100 yards wide at its mouth, but soon narrows down to a width of 30 yards, which is maintained for about 3 miles. It is navigable at low water for boats of 2 feet (0.6 m.) for a distance of about 5 miles, but overhanging trees, rocks, and underwater obstructions are numerous. The latter are hard to see on account of the muddy water. The banks are mud and are almost perpendicular at the edge of the mangroves. The river is infested with crocodiles. Lubucan Island is low, flat, and circular in shape. The shore is mangrove except a small part of the south coast, which is sand and ledge rock. The interior is partly cultivated, the crops being coconut, cassava, and rice. The island is connected to the mainland of Tawitawi by a mud and sand reef which bares at low water. Coral reefs bare at low water extend about 400 yards off the shore of Lubucan Island. ' Parangan Island is high and irregular oval shaped. The southeastern shore is a rocky bank about 10 feet (3 m.) above high water, the remainder being mud and mangrove. Coral reefs fringe the shore almost closing the narrow channel, which separates the island from Tawitawi. The island is well cultivated with coconut, bananas, camotes, sugar cane, and rice. Most of the people live on their farms. There is a 200-foot (61 m.) hill shaped like the frustum of a cone in the northeast part of the island and a 115-foot (35 m.) hill near the west end. Bunay Bunay is a small low island lying on the reef westward of Balimbing Point. It has a few coconut trees but is not inhabited. Luuk Bay (chart 4546), northward of Lubucan Island, and Parangan Bay between Parangan Island and Balimbing Point, furnish good anchorage either westward or southeastward of Parangan Island in 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.) mud bottom. The anchorage to the eastward is more exposed but closer to Balimbing, the largest town in this part of Tawitawi. Tawitawi Bay is the name given to that large body of water lying between the south coast of Tawitawi and the offlying island and reefs. The western part has a clear area of about 50 square miles with depths of 12 to 20 fathoms (22 to 36 m.) with shoaler water near Laa and Sangasiapu Islands and Tijitiji Reef. The eastern part of the bay is filled by banks and shoals, among which may be found many navigable channels, the character of which can be best understood by referring to the chart. Simunul and Manuk Manka are the two largest islands lying southward of Tawitawi. Both islands are low and flat, Manuk Manka rising to an elevation of 30 feet (9.1 m.) near the center. They are well supplied with water and are extensively cultivated. A steep-to coral reef fringes the shore of Simunul and a shallow lagoon is found back of the reef in the northeast part of the island. There is no anchorage around the island, the water being very deep close up to the reef. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 333 Manuk Manka has a fringe reef around it. On the south and southeast side the outer edge of the reef is marked by coral rocks awash at high water. The channels between the islands and between the islands and the reefs to the northward and eastward are deep and clear. The edges of the reefs can easily be seen, especially with the sun in a favorable position. Sangasiapu is a flat coral islet on a reef that extends about 2 miles northwest and southeast and /2mile wide. There are a few coconut trees and a few scrub trees on the islet. The reef on the south and southwest side drops off steep, while on the other sides it shoals more gradually. The 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve is about 3/4 mile off the north edge of the reef at low water and a 16-foot (4.9 m.) spot lies 2 1/3 miles 299~ (NW. by W. 5/ W. mag.) from the west end of Sangasiapu Island. Laa Island is covered with a dense growth of coconut trees. The coral reef surrounding the island is entirely covered at high water. A shoal with a depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) lies about 1 mile northwest of the center of Laa Island. A reef with a white sand cay that is bare about 3 feet (0.9 m.) at high water lies 3/ mile northwestward from the center of Laa Island. The main part of the reef extends in a southwesterly direction from the sand cay. Tijitiji Reef is separated from Simunul Island by a very deep channel about 11/4 miles wide. The reef is about 31/4 miles long north and south and 21/2 miles wide. The greater part is bare at low water. The channel between the reef and Laa Island is 1 mile wide with depths of 7 and 8 fathoms (12.8 and 14.6 m.) over the entire width. The edges of the reef are easily visible. Shoal water extends about 2 miles north and northeast of the part that bares. The northern part of the channel that separates Tijitiji Reef from the reef extending southwestward from Bilatan Islands winds among these shoals. A depth of about 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) can be carried through between the shoals, but there is no object in using this channel, the one to the westward being much more convenient. Bilatan Island is low and flat, of coral formation, and is covered with a heavy growth of timber. The only fresh water available is from a few puddles in the interior of the island. The Tijitiji Islands lie on the reef extending southwest of Bilatan. They are of similar formation and have the abrupt coral shore line. The northern end of Tumbucan Island is sandy, has been cleared, and is cultivated. A few of the other islands on this reef have been partially cleared and are under cultivation. Biloc Biloc Reef is a continuation of the reef northward of Bilatan Island and forms the southern side of Balimbing Channel. The Dulangdulang Islands, a group of large rocks, mark the northwest edge of the reef and are a good landmark for entering the channel from the westward. The south and southeast edges of this great reef are well defined and steep-to, but the west edge is more irregular and shoals make off for a distance of almost a mile. Basibuli Islands are small coral rocks near the center of a large reef. Panampanang Island is a small sandy island on the east side of the same reef. They are covered with trees and vegetation but are not inhabited. 956720-30 —22 334 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Banaran, Sasa, and Mantabuan Islands lie on one great reef. A barrier of coral rock extends along the southern edge of the reef which is steep-to. There are a number of villages on the islands. The inhabitants are engaged in farming and fishing, the cultivated crops being tapioca, bananas, coconuts, sugar cane, and rice. The surplus products finds its way to Jolo and Cebu. Water, brackish to the taste, is obtained from holes dug in the coral rock or sand. Mundi (Buan) Rocks are two small coral rocks near the northern edge of a large reef northward of Banaran Island. Each is about 16 feet (4.9 m.) high. This part of Tawitawi Bay is dotted with numerous coral shoals rising abruptly from depths of 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.) to within 3 or 4 feet (0.9 or 1.2 m.) of the surface and some baring at low water. They vary in size from a few yards to over 15 yards in diameter. Latuan, Secubun, and Tandubas complete the chain of off-lying islands. They are low and flat, well cultivated along the coasts, with dense growth of trees in the interior. They are poorly supplied with water, depending on seepage into holes dug in the coral or sand. The Bahang Bahang Channel, between Latuan and Tandubas, is narrow and tortuous and there is considerable current, but the reefs can readily be seen. The reefs to the southwest of Latuan bordering the Salang Channel drop off more gradually and are not so well defined. The channel between Secubun and Tandubas is suitable only for native craft. The south coast of Tawitawi, eastward of Balimbing Point is low and practically lined with mangroves which are cut through by a number of small rivers. Nearly all the smaller islands and parts of the larger islands are mangrove. Of the latter Lupa is low, flat, sparsely inhabited, but partly cultivated behind the bordering mangrove. Buan consists of a long rounding hill terminating in a mangrove swamp to the eastward in which there are a few patches of dry land. The island is more populous than the others and is well cultivated. The island is separated from Tawitawi only by a narrow high-water channel. The bay to the westward and northward has numerous coral shoals. Sikaula Island, 80 feet (24.4 m.) high, is partly cultivated. It is joined to Dungun by mangrove and the channel separating the latter from Tawitawi may or may not be overgrown by mangroves. The Taata Islands are low mangrove islands with wooded interior. Baliungan Island is fringed with mangroves. The land is high and densely wooded in the east and south but low in the west. The peaks are isolated from one another and do not form a group. The Tausan Mariki Channel, which separates Baliungan Island from Tawitawi, is reported to have 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) of water through it. It has not yet been examined in detail. The Dungun River is about 1/4 mile wide at its mouth, being broader than the Malum but probably not as long. The water is much discolored. Several of the other rivers have depths of 1 and 2 fathoms (1.8 and 3.6 m.) at the mouths, but are narrow with little navigable distance. The interior of Tawitawi is heavily wooded with the exception of Mount Sintingan and Bud Lussum. Mount Sintingan, 700 feet (213 m.) high, is conspicuous when the sun is shining directly on it, PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 335 showing as a reddish, cliffy block. Mount Sibankat shows as three peaks, the middle and highest having an elevation of 1,800 feet (549 m.). These with the other peaks in the vicinity, Sampan, Lussum, Sintingan, Balugan, Datu Sali, Luuk, and Sikala are easily recognized. Other landmarks are a conspicuous tree on Lupa Island and a very wide, low, square-topped, dark tree located a little to the east of the center of Buan Island showing well from the south and east. Buan Island shows light green against a dark-green background from this direction. Directions.-The western part of Tawitawi Bay is easy to navigate. If coming from the westward, give Bongao Island a berth of about 1/2 mile and follow the directions given for Port Bongao and Chongos Bay. To enter the bay from Simunul Channel pass either 1/2 mile to the southeast of Laa Island on a course 40~ (NE. 5/8 N. mag.) or just east of midway between Sangisiapu and the little sandy island northwest of Laa on course 28~ (NNE. 1/4 E. mag.). Balseyro Channel crossing the Tijitiji Reefs can be navigated on approximate mid-channel course of 351~ (N. by W. mag.) with a least depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) near the northern end. This channel is not recommended, however, as the currents are strong and the water frequently roiled. The currents close to the islands are strong and irregular, sometimes reaching a velocity of 4 knots. They are mainly tidal, but along the west coast of Bongao they occasionally maintain the same direction through several tides. The eastern part of Tawitawi Bay is full of reefs generally awash at low water, but with many shoals having from 1 to 4 fathoms (1.8 to 7.3 m.) of water over them. These shoals so generally cover this area that practically all navigation is through tortuous and narrow channels. Strangers should attempt these channels only with the sun high up and preferably behind them, when all dangerous shoals may be clearly seen. No prominent ranges are available, and should future development bring any considerable traffic to this place suitable range beacons should be erected, as the channels are very narrow. The chart, the lead, and the lookout are the safest guides for navigating this part of Tawitawi Bay under present conditions. About 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) may be carried through Balimbing Channel. Approach from the west on course 77~ (ENE. % E. mag.) to pass the point of land southwest of Balimbing Point 1/4 mile off, continuing on this course with extreme caution until about 1 mile past Dulangdulang Rocks, then change to 118~ (SE. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) for another mile, thence 90~ (E. /8N. mag.) for 1/3 mile, thence 43~ (NE. 3/ N. mag.) for 11/5 miles to the northeast corner of Bilocbiloc Reef, which must be turned with a full right rudder steadying again on course 118~ (SE. by E. 3/4 E. mag.) and continuing in midchannel between the reefs. If seaward bound, continue along the edge of Bilocbiloc Reef, which may be approached close-to. If bound to Banaran Island or to the eastern part of Tawitawi Bay, take the wide deep channel just north of Basibuli Reef. If bound toward Buan Island, pass through the second channel east of the northeast point of Bilocbiloc Reef on 336 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT course 322~ (NW. 1/2 N. mag.) until the channel opens out, thence a mid-channel course to northward. To enter Tawitawi Bay by the channel west of the north end of Banaran Island, bring the north end of that island to bear 50~ (NE. 1/4 E. mag.) and the east end of Panampanang Island 352~ (N. 7/ W. mag.) and follow through on course 24~ (NNE. mag.). If bound to the eastern part of Tawitawi Bay, continue on this course until the north tangent of Basibuli Island is in range with the face of the cliff on the north side of Mount Vigia (Bongao Island); change course to 85~ (E. 5/8 N. mag.) and proceed cautiously. Anchorage protected from swell can be had any place where the swinging room is suitable. The bottom is generally mud or sand and the currents not over 2 knots. The best anchorage and the nearest to the open sea is northwestward of the north end of Banaran Island in 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.), hard bottom, or in 12 fathoms (22 m.), sand bottom, northeastward of the same point. The latter anchorage is protected from the swell and currents are not strong. Banaran Island is low and offers little protection from the wind. SIBUTU PASSAGE Sibutu Passage is the wide strait between Tawitawi Island and Sibutu Island. It is a safe and deep channel, 18 miles wide between Sibutu and Simunul Islands, the shore on either side being steep-to. Tides and tidal currents.-When navigating this passage, great attention must be paid to the tides, which run with a velocity of 2 to 4 knots. The times of high water as Sibutu Island, Dent Haven, Port Bongao, Pearl Bank, Doc Can, and Sagayan Sulu are from 6h to 6h 40m, and the streams run for three hours after high and low water, but it must be borne in mind that the times of high water at Tambisan, and on the Borneo coast northward, are from lOh 52m to 12h, and that the streams are weaker than in the offing. Tile officers of H. M. S. Nassau remarked during the survey in 1872 that the tidal streams in the main channel were very steady in direction, the flood stream setting northwest and the ebb south, but there was uncertainty as to duration, the streams occasionally running as much as 10 hours at a time, probably influenced by the winds and also by changes of the moon's declination, as with the tides on the south coast of Mindanao. In the channel west of Sibutu Island the officers of H. M. S. Egeria in 1892 observed the flood stream to set south, and the ebb north, with a velocity of from 3 to 4 knots an hour, and the streams to turn with high and low water by the shore. Sibutu Islands and Reefs lie directly on the route between Dent Haven and Sibuko Bay. The channel between their northern limits and the southern shore of Tanjong Labian, upward of 16 miles wide, forms the main approach to Darvel Bay from northward and eastward..Navigation amongst these reefs is rendered easy by the help of the islets, which are readily distinguished and are conveniently situated for fixing a ship's position. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 337 The channel on the western side of Meridian and Frances Reefs, and eastward of Blake Reef, Payne Rock, and James Patch, is convenient as affording anchorage in every part; the only narrow part of it is when passing Maranas Islet, which may be passed on either side, and no special directions are necessary. The channel westward of the line joining Blake Reef and Payne Rock and eastward of Riddells Reef is 27 miles long and 3 miles wide in its narrowest part between Blake Reef and Siluag Islet. It is perhaps the most convenient to use generally, being more direct than those farther eastward, whilst the tidal streams do not attain the same strength as in the channels westward. The channel west of Siluag Islet and Riddells Reef and east of Bajapa Reef is 7 miles long, with a minimum breadth of 13/4 miles. The tidal streams run here with great strength, and they should be well considered before using this route. The channel between Bajapa Reef and Alice Reef is about 6 miles long and 11/2 miles wide between the steep edges of the reefs on either side. The tidal streams run straight through the channel with considerable strength. Along the southern edge of the bank on which these reefs stand, a rim of shoaler water runs close within and parallel to the 100-fathom (183 m.) line, but nothing less than 17 to 20 fathoms (31 to 36 m.) could be found on this rim. The edge falls steeply to depths of over 100 fathoms (183 m.) and is very clearly marked by tide rips and overfalls, which give the appearance at times of shoaler water than actually exists. Sibutu Island, the north end of which is in latitude 4~ 55' N. and longitude 119~ 271/2' E., runs nearly north and south, and is 16 miles long with an extreme breadth of 21/2 miles in the middle, narrowing toward the extremities. The eastern coast is slightly convex and the western coast concave. With the exception of a conical hill 500 feet (152 m.) high on the east coast, the island is flat and densely wooded. The coast line is mostly a low cliff of upraised coral, broken here and there by a sandy beach. A narrow reef fringes the coast on both sides and northward, but from the south point the reef extends southward for 41/4 miles, with a breadth of 21/ miles, inclosing a shallow lagoon 6 miles long, lying close to and parallel with the southeast coast, but no entrance to the lagoon could be discovered in passing on either side. The reef bares in patches at low water, and near the southern end there is a sand bank with a wooded islet on it, the trees on the summit reaching to a height of 120 feet (36 m.). Another smaller wooded islet, flat-topped, lies /2 mile southward, and a low bushy islet lies 3/4 mile northwestward of the first islet. The fringing reef is steep-to all around, and there is no anchorage, but a ship might stop a tide by dropping anchor in 15 fathoms (27.4 m.) north of Sibutu Island, swinging round within 150 yards of the fringing reef. On the western shore, at 4/2miles southward of the northern point, there is a village with a small wooden pier for landing. An alternate flashing white and red light, interval between flashes 3 seconds, visible 15 miles, is exhibited 94 feet (28.6 m.) above mean 338 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT high water from a white steel-framed tower erected on Saluag Island, southward of Sibutu. Omapui, Sipankot, and Tumindao are a chain of low flat-topped wooded islets on an extensive reef lying 2 to 3 miles west of Sibutu Island. Tumindao is the largest of these islands. It is 71/2 miles long north and south, with an extreme breadth of 11/ miles, and, like the other islands, is wooded and of uniform height, the tops of the trees being from 130 to 190 feet (40 to 58 m.) high. A chain of small islets and rocks stretches for 3 miles south of Tumindao. Sitanki, the first islet southward from Tumindao, although very small, is of considerable importance, as most of the trade between Borneo and the Bongao district centers there. It is inaccessible except by small boats at high water; by keeping under steam in the channel between Sibutu and Tumindao a boat may be sent across the reefs and return the same tide. Sitanki may also be visited by boat from the anchorage in the southern lagoon, following the rising tide over the reefs and in most cases stopping in Sitanki till the next tide and starting to return as soon as the boat floats. It is stated that there are few permanent inhabitants on any of these islands, but they are much frequented by fishermen from Simonor and Borneo for trepang, which is found in great profusion on the reefs westward. The natives report that wild cattle are very numerous in Sibutu and that Omapui abounds with pigs. From the northeast point of Omapui, the northernmost of these islets, the reef trends northwestward for 2 miles and then southwestward for a distance of 4 miles, to the entrance of a large lagoon which extends 10 miles southward and southwestward and affords access to the western shores of Tumindao, where there is a village. This lagoon was not examined in detail, but it appears to be fairly clear of coral patches and to have a general depth of 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.). The entrance is considerably narrowed by obstructions, but in case of necessity a vessel could doubtless enter the lagoon with a favorable light and a boat ahead. From the entrance of the lagoon the western edge of the reef trends southward for 23 miles, passing at a distance of 6 miles westward of Tumindao, with no break in its continuity except two narrow channels into a lagoon near the south end of the reef. This southern lagoon has depths of 7 to 12 fathoms (12.8 to 21.9 m.) and a narrow. shallow opening eastward. The edge of the reef is everywhere very steep, except on the northwest side, where the 10-fathom (18.3 in.) curve stretches away from 200 yards distance at the north end of the reef to nearly 34 mile distance near the entrance to the large lagoon. The southern lagoon, previously mentioned, consists of two basins, each over 1 mile in extent, connected by a channel over 1/4 mile wide, in which the least depth found was 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). The eastern basin is clear and affords a very safe anchorage, and the only one in the vicinity of Sibutu. The western basin was not thoroughly examined, but also appears to be clear and free from danger. With the sun astern it is easy to enter by either channel and pass through the connecting channel even at high tide, and at low water the reefs are uncovered. The reefs on the southern sides of the channel PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND StJLU ARCHIPELAGO 339 are more steep-to than those on the northern sides. The eastern entrance channel has a navigable width of fully 200 yards and the least water found in it was 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), sandy bottom; the western channel is about 1/4 mile wide and the least water found in it was 6 fathoms (11 m.); the southwestern channel is impassable except by rowboats at high water. Directions.-To enter from eastward, bring the entrance to bear 272~ (W. mag.) and steer in, favoring the reefs on the southern side; haul gradually northward and anchor in 9 fathoms (16.5 m.), sandy bottom. To enter from westward, steer approximately 148~ (SE. by S. mag.), favoring the southwestern side of the channel; haul gradually eastward, pass through the connecting channel, haul northeastward, and anchor as previously directed. The channel between Sibutu, eastward, and Omapui, Sipankot, and Tumindao is from 11/2 to 2 miles wide, but the tidal streams run from 2 to 4 knots at springs, flood southward and ebb northward. Andulinang Islet, lying 111/2 miles southwestward from the northwest point of Omapui, is small and wooded, with a conspicuous tree on its summit, 110 feet (33 m.) high, and a rock about 30 feet (9.1 m.) high close-to and immediately north of it. The islet is situated close to the western edge and nearly 3 miles from the south end of a pear-shaped reef 6 miles long north and south and 11/ miles wide at the southern end, tapering to /2 mile wide at the northern end. The reef bares in patches at low water and has on it near the northern end two sand cays baring 3 feet (0.9 m.). Purdie Patches are a series of small detached sand and coral banks, with 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.) water over them, lying off the north end of the above reef and 5 miles north by east from Andulinang Islet. Chambers Knoll, situated 33/5 miles northwestward from Andulinang Islet, is a small detached coral knoll with 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) water on it. Maranas Islet, lying 23/4 miles south by west from Andulinang Islet, is small and wooded, the tops of the trees being 85 feet (25.9 m.) above the sea. It stands on a reef that projects from 1/2 to 1/4 mile from the islet. The edges of the reef are steep and there is a clear channel /2 mile wide between it and the southwest angle of Andulinang Islet Reef. Meridian Reef, separated from the southern end of Andulinang Reef by a channel 1/ mile wide and 7 to 8 fathoms (12.8 to 14.6 m.) deep, stretches southward for 12 miles, with an average. width of 1 mile. A sand cay that bares 4 feet (1.2 m.) at low water lies near its southern end. The western side of this reef runs off shoal for upward of /2mile from the edge for the greater part of its length and then drops down suddenly into 10 fathoms (18.3 m.). Middle Reef, lying /2 mile southward of Meridian Reef, is 21/2 miles long north and south. A sand cay lies near its northern extremity. The channel between Meridian and Middle Reefs has a depth of 13 fathoms (23.8 m.) in the middle, but is too much narrowed by shoal water running off the reefs on either side to admit of a ship using it with safety, as the currents run through it with great velocity, 340 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Frances Reef, immediately southward of Middle Reef, is the southernmost of the chain of reefs extending from Andulinang Islet. It is 43/4 miles in length northeast by north and southwest by south. The eastern side of Frances Reef is quite steep. The western side, on which there is a long sand cay bare at low water, shoals gradually. The channel between Middle and Frances Reefs has 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) in it, but it is narrow and the edges of the reefs are ill defined. Moreover, it has not been closely examined. Blake Reef, westward of Maranas Islet, is 23/ miles long north and south by 1 mile in width. The channel between Blake and Maranas Reefs is 23 mile wide. Bulubulu Islet, situated 334 miles 207~ (SSW. 1/4 W. mag.) from Maranas Islet, is small and wooded, showing a well-defined summit over the center, 105 feet (32 m.) high to the tops of the trees. The islet is surrounded by a reef to a distance of from 200 to 400 yards, and a small coral patch of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.), lies %/ mile 314~ (NW. 1/4 W. mag.) from it. Anchorage may be found eastward of Bulubulu Islet in 9 to 12 fathoms (16.5 to 21.9 m.), sandy bottom. Payne Rock, awash at low water, is nearly in the center of a narrow shoal of sand and coral, 3/4 mile long north and south, with depths of 3 to 5 fathoms over it, and lies 634 miles south from Bulubulu Islet. James Patch is a small coral patch with 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) on it and 8 to 20 fathoms (14.6 to 36 m.) around. It lies 31/4 miles southward of Payne Rock. Siluag Islet is somewhat larger than the islets noticed above, being /3 mile long north and south, lying 61/ miles 244~ (SW. by W. 1/2 W. mag.) from Andulinang Islet. It is wooded and flat topped, the tops of the trees being 85 feet (25.9 m.) high. A sand cay, that bares 3 feet (0.9 m.) stands on the narrow fringing reef close to and immediately north of the islet. Riddells Reef, the north end of which lies 41/ miles southward of Siluag Islet, is a narrow coral reef, 23/4 miles long, north and south, with two sand cays that bare at low water near its southern end. Nearly midway, and exactly in the line between Siluag Islet and Riddells Reef, there are two coral shoals; the northern of these has on it a patch of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) at 2 miles south of Siluag Islet, with 15 to 19 fathoms (27.4 to 34.7 m.) over the rest of the bank; the other is 1 mile farther south, or 11/3 miles from Riddells Reef, and 1/ mile in diameter with 31/2 to 4 fathoms (6.4 to 7.3 m.) on it. Bajapa Reef, the northeastern end of which lies 21/4 miles westnorthwest from Siluag Islet, is 83/4 miles long in a north-northeast and south-southwest direction and 11/~ miles wide in the middle. It bares in patches at low water and incloses a lagoon in the center, the entrance to which is on the southwest side. This reef is steep-to on all sides, except at the north end, where shoal water extends out for a short distance. Panguan Islet is a small wooded islet, 75 feet high, standing on the southern side of a narrow, steep reef which projects 1/3 mile to the northward of the islet. It lies 63/4 miles 269~ (W. 14 S. mag.) from Siluag Islet. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 341 Alice Reef, northward of Bajapa Reef, is 512 miles long northnortheast and south-southwest, with an extreme width of 134 miles in the middle. It is steep-to around, except off the northeast point, from which point the 5-fathom (9:1 m.) depth curve lies at a distance of over /2 mile. Alice Channel is the deep channel between Panguan Islet and Bajapa Reef to the northeast and Mataking Islet and Reef to the southwest. It is over 6 miles wide at the narrowest part between the south point of Bajapa Reef and Mataking Islet. Bank.-A bank, composed of coral and sand, on which the least depth obtained was 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) lies near the southern entrance to Alice Channel, in latitude 4~ 30' N., longitude 119~ 04' 30" E. It is about 1 mile long in a north-northeasterly and opposite direction and about 1/ mile wide. Tides.-It is high water in Alice Channel, full and change at 6h 20m. The tidal streams run strongly, especially in the vicinity of Panguan Islet and Bajapa Reef, flood southward and westward and ebb northward and eastward with a velocity of 2 to 2/2 knots. In the channel westward of Sibutu Island and also in the channel eastward of Meridian Reef the streams run from 2 to 4 knots. The streams change approximately at high and low water by the shore. On the edge of the bank, southwest of Frances Reef, there are strong tide rips and overfalls. The flood stream runs here with exceptional strength, frequently as much as 3 knots, and sets southward and southeastward over the edge of the bank. NORTH COAST OF BORNEO This chapter gives a brief description of that portion of the northern coast of Borneo and the off-lying islands and reefs bordering Philippine waters. Some of the islands, the Turtle Islands, were formerly claimed by Spain but are now all under the governmental administration of British North Borneo. The principal harbor and chief place of trade is Sandakan, the seat of government of British North Borneo. Monsoons and winds.-On this coast the northeast monsoon begins about the middle of October and continues till the middle of April. During a greater part of the time the wind blows steadily and with moderate strength from the north and east, gradually dying out. In the course of this monsoon, more particularly in December and January, there are generally one, two, or three steady, moderate gales lasting from three to nine days; at other times the wind is a moderate breeze, which, beginning about 11 a. m., gets rather stronger toward evening, and dies away in the early morning, when it may be overcome by a gentle land breeze. At the beginning and end of the monsoon the wind is not so strong nor so steady and the land breeze continues till late in the afternoon. The southwest monsoon lasts from the middle of April till the middle of October. The wind as a rule is not so strong in this monsoon; the land breeze in the morning is more marked and the gales are not so heavy nor so long continued as in the northeast monsoon. On the other hand, there are frequently squalls in the afternoon and evening lasting for an hour or two, and sometimes blowing with the force of a fresh gale. Neither in this monsoon nor in the northeast monsoon does the wind rise to the strength of a storm nor even to a whole gale. The prevailing winds in the afternoon during the southwest monsoon on this part of the coast of Borneo are generally east to south; at night there is usually a land breeze. Rainfall.-The annual rainfall near the coast ranges from 101 to 157 inches, with an average of 124 inches. The true wet season occurs in the northeast monsoon, and includes the months of November, December, and January, and generally part of October or February, or both. During this season the greater part of the rain falls from a uniform dull-gray sky and is pretty well equally distributed between day and night, but the rain is not eontinuous. The true dry season immediately follows this true wet season, and includes March, April, and May, and generally part of February. During this time any rain that falls generally occurs in showers at night or early morning, and no month passes without several showers. This true dry season is followed by a period of moderate rainfall, beginning usually about June, the first month or six weeks of which 342 PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 343 may almost be called a second wet season and the rest of the period up to the beginning of the true wet season a second dry season. As however, the limits of these two are ill defined, their characters similar, and the difference in rainfall comparatively small, it is better to consider them together as a sort of intermediate season. During this period the rain falls chiefly in heavy squalls (either with thunder or from thundery clouds), occurring most frequently in the afternoon or evening, but is not confined to that time; it is during these squalls that the heaviest falls of rain occur. On June 15, 1884, 2.05 inches fell in 40 minutes. Climate.-The climate is noted for nothing more than for its equability and the absence of extremes. The temperature, rainfall, winds, natural phenomena generally, and the diseases are, for a tropical country, of the most mild and temperate types. Temperature.-The temperature recorded on this coast has ranged between the extremes of 67.5~ and 94.5~; but the difference in temperature between the various seasons of the year is very slight. The lowest average temperature (790) for both day and night is during the wet season, in December and January; the highest average during the night occurs during the dry season, in April and May (74~); and the highest average temperature during the day occurs in August and September (89~). The absence of tornadoes, cyclones, and earthquakes is to be noted. The peculiar phenomena of tropical climates generally are found here; thunderstorms, with much sheet lightning, are frequent during July, August, and September and are sometimes severe. Mirage is generally present in the afternoon to a slight degree; phosphorescence occurs in great perfection in Sandakan Harbor. On the whole, the country appears to be fairly healthy for the Tropics, less so than Singapore, but much better than the Dutch islands south of the Equator. There is a considerable amount of intermittent fever and visitors are frequently attacked, but the disease is seldom fatal to Europeans. Tidal streams.-The tidal wave that enters the Sulu Sea from the China Sea by Balabac Strait and Banguey Channel penetrates as far as the northeast point of the island, where it meets the wave from the Celebes Sea, which enters by the Sibutu Channel. The time of high water of the wave from the China Sea is from llh 30m to 12h 00m. and that from the Celebes Sea from 6h to 7h. The range of the tides is 63/4 feet (2 m.) at Sandakan and 31/2 feet (1.1 m.) in Dent Haven. On the coast between Mallawalle and Sandakan no regular tidal stream is perceptible, but when the northeast monsoon is blowing steadily there appears to be a constant set northwestward. Labian Point, the northeast point of Darvel Bay, is low and difficult to locate from seaward. From here the coast curves very gradually northeastward and northward for about 7 miles to Dent Haven. In the vicinity of Labian Point the shore is a hard sand beach, closely backed by jungle, through which, however, it is not difficult to force one's way, but as the shore curves northward toward Dent Haven it becomes swampy and fringed with mangroves. Dent Haven is nearly 2 miles wide between Mangrove and Reef Points and affords good anchorage in the southwest monsoon in 3 to 344 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT 4 fathoms (5.5 to 7.3 m.), sand and mud bottom, but a slight swell sometimes sets into the bay. Three brackish streams discharge into Dent Haven. The two northern are dry across their mouths at low tide; in the southern, boats can find good shelter behind the spit in deep water, the entrance being through a narrow channel in the reef. The whole coast line is but the barrier of a great swamp filled with trees, mostly dead or blasted. Mangrove Point, the southern entrance point, is the northern end of a mangrove-covered island lying close to the land and fringed on the northern and eastern sides by a narrow reef. Reef Point, the northern entrance point to Dent Haven, is foul for nearly 150 yards from the shore. A sandy shoal, awash at low water, lies 600 to 1,200 yards northeastward of the point. Northward from Reef Point within the 5-fathom (9.1 n.) curve, which is about /2 mile from shore, the soundings are very irregular. Hull Rock, situated about 11/2 miles 68~ (NE. by E. 7/8 E. mag.) from Reef Point, has only 4 feet (1.2 m.) of water over it and breaks at times. It is on a long narrow tongue of hard sand, with 1 to 5 fathoms (1.8 to 9.1 m.) on it, which stretches nearly 11/ miles northward and 1 mile southward from the rock. Between the shoal ground making off from the shore and the northern end of Hull Rock Shoal there is a channel 12 mile wide with depths of 6 and 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.), but it is obstructed by a sandy patch about 300 yards in diameter and covered by a least known depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.). This channel is not recommended. A small patch of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.) with depths of 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5 m.) around lies 1,200 yards 255~ (WSW. 12 W. mag.) from Hull Rock. Hardy Patch, a narrow coral shoal about 300 yards in extent, with a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) on it and 7 and 8 fathoms around, lies in the approach to Dent Haven. The shoal is marked by strong tide rips over it, and the water is usually discolored. From it Mangrove Point bears 255~ (WSW. 12 W. imag.), distant 214 miles, and Hog Point 328~ (NW. by N. mag.). This shoal constitutes a danger to vessels passing Dent Haven at night or in thick weather, but it may be avoided by keeping outside of the 20-fathom (36 m.) curve, which passes 1 mile eastward of it. Anchorage.-Between Mangrove and Reef Points the general depths are 31/ fathoms (6.4 m.) over a sand and mud bottom, the deeper water and less irregularity of bottom being found in the northern part of the bay. There are two patches of 23/ and 3 fathoms (5 and 5.5 m.) situated about /2 and /8 mile, respectively, northward from Mangrove Point. Directions.-Approaching from northward, to avoid Hull Rock and Shoal, the extreme point southward of Dent Haven should not be brought southward of 216~ (SW. by S. mag.) until the southern end of the long sandy beach in the bay bears 255~ (WSW. 12 W. mag.), when it may be steered for, giving Mangrove Point a berth of at least 1 mile and anchoring as convenient. Supplies.-There is no village in Dent Haven, but natives occasionally visit the place. Fish may be obtained with the seine near PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULYX ARCHIPELAGO 345 the beach southward of the southern stream. Bathing is dangerous on account of alligators. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, at Dent Haven at 6h 34m; springs rise 31/2 feet (1.1 m.). Tidal currents.-Between Dent Haven and Labian Point the currents run with considerable velocity, from 1/~ to 3 knots at times, flood to the north and ebb to the south, but the tidal currents are extremely variable hereabouts, and there is no certainty as to their direction. Occasionally the current was observed to run strongly in one direction for one or two days, and then in the opposite direction for a day, for no reason that could be assigned; at other times the currents changed approximately at high and low water on the shore. In Dent Haven the tidal current begins to set northward three hours before high water and southward three hours before low water; it appears probable that this is an eddy. From Dent Haven the coast curves gradually northwestward for 10 miles to Unsang Point and then trends west-northwestward for 3/2 miles to Tambisan Island. It is densely wooded and fronted by a narrow fringe of coral which is steep-to. Unsang Point is marked by a group flashing white light, visible 14 miles. Tambisan Island, 3 miles in length east and west by 1/4 in width, is about 220 feet (67 m.) in height and covered with trees. The west point is high and easily distinguished from seaward, but the east point is low; the island is fronted by a coral reef to a distance of 3/4 mile. A narrow channel, navigable only by small craft, separates the island from the mainland. Tides.-It is high water, full and.change, at Tambisan Island at 10h 52m; springs rise 31/2 feet (1 m.). Tidal currents.-Between Dent Haven and Tambisan the tidal currents are strongly marked. The flood tide sets northward and the ebb southward at the rate of from 2 to 3 knots per hour. Off-lying banks and shoals.-Talantam Shoal is composed of sand and coral, the shoalest part of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) being in latitude 5~ 42' N., longitude 119~ 26' 30" E. It is about 3 miles long northwest and southeast and 1/2 miles wide, with an average depth of 8 fathoms' (14.6 m.) within the 10-fathom (18.3 m.) curve. A report states that the German S. S. Offenbach obtained a sounding of 41/4 fathoms (7.8 m.) under favorable conditions, about in the middle of the shoal. Deep-draft vessels should therefore avoid crossing it, as less depths may exist. With wind against the tide there are heavy tide rips around this bank, sometimes extending as far as the eye can see, and much resembling broken water. Sentry Bank, the northern edge of which has not been defined, is probably about 7 miles in extent; it has a least known depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) and deep water around; the shoalest spot ascertained being about 1 mile within its southwestern edge in approximately latitude 5~ 40' N., longitude 119~ 18' E. Currents.-During the two days that the British surveying vessel Egeria was at anchor on Sentry Bank (in the month of August) the current was observed to set almost constantly between northeast 346 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT and southeast, varying from 0.3 to 112 knots an hour, but the tidal currents appeared to exercise a decided influence on the strength and direction of the current. The flood was observed to set to the south and the ebb to the north. Normandy Bank, about 5 miles in length north and south and 212 miles in width, has depths of 6 to 10 fathoms (11 to 18.3 m.), coral, and very deep water around. The shoalest part lies near the southwest end, 20 miles 18~ (N. by E. 3/ E. mag.) from the highest part of Tambisan Island. Sunday Bank, distant about 23 miles 50 (N. 1/ E. mag.) from Tambisan Island, is somewhat circular in shape and about 4 miles in diameter; it has depths of 9 to 47 fathoms (16.5 to 86 m.) upon it and very deep water around. The shoalest part known (9 fathoms (16.5 m.) coral bottom) lies near the northwest edge in approximately latitude 5~ 50' N., longitude 119~ 09' E. The depths between this bank and Normandy Bank, 2 miles southeastward, are upward of 100 fathoms (183 m.). Magpie Bank.-This extensive bank lies southwestward from Sunday Bank with its southeastern end about 6 miles northward of Gem Reef; within the 20-fathom (36 m.) curve it is 7 miles long in a northwest and southeast direction and 21/2 miles wide. With the exception of the western side of the bank, the depths increase suddenly to upward of 100 fathoms (183 m.). The center of the bank, with a depth of 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), lies 2~ (N. mag.), distant 1712 miles from the highest part of Tambisan Island; an isolated patch of 9 fathoms (16.5 m.), the least water found on this bank, lies 112 miles southwestward of this position. Gem Reef, situated 81/2 miles 10~ (N. 3/4 E. mag.) from the highest part of Tambisan Island, is a coral patch 3 miles in length northwest and southeast and nearly 2 miles in width, with a depth of 12 fathom (0.9 m.) in the center. Rene Shoal, composed of coral and sand, is 5 miles in length northwest and southeast and 21/ miles in width. From the least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) the highest point of Tambisan Island bears about southwest, distant 412 miles. A rock, with about 2 feet (0.6 m.) of water over it, lies 6 miles northwestward of Tambisan Island summit in approximate latitude 5~ 32' 30" N., longitude 119~ 04' 00" E. Froml Tambisan Island the coast trends in a general west-northwest direction for 60 miles to the entrance to Sandakan Harbor. It is low and swampy and intersected by numerous streams and backed by dense jungle. Landmarks.-Mount Hatton, rising to a height of 1,990 feet (607 m.), situated 33 miles westward from Dent Haven and 16 miles from the coast, is the most conspicuous mountain in the vicinity, appearing as a sharp peak from all directions. Ragged Hill, 1,455 feet (443 m.) high, about 7 miles westward from Mount Hatton, appears from eastward as two cone-shaped hills. Mount Bagahak, 2,740 feet (835 m.) in height in the center of a long sloping ridge, situated northward from Darvel Bay, is seen in clear weather beyond Mount Hatton. Notch Hill, 803 feet (245 m.) in height, about 11 miles southward of the mouth of the Kinabatangan River, is a conspicuous hill having a sharp fall near the summit. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 347 Confusion Hill, about 10 miles westward from Notch Hill, shows a round top when seen from eastward. Aguja Peak, 638 feet (194 m.) high, midway between Confusion Hill and the coast, appears as a cone when seen from eastward. Kinabatangan Hills, 963 feet (294 m.) in height, situated about 15 miles northwestward from Notch Hill and about 10 miles inland, appears from seaward as a long range with a slight peak. Abai Clump, 17 miles eastward of the entrance to Sandakan, is 185 feet (56 m.) high; when seen from eastward it makes as an island, but it is not easily distinguished from westward. Tangusu Bay is a shallow bight southwestward from Tambisan Island. Rock.-A rock, with 4 feet (1.2 m.) of water over it at low-water springs, lies nearly 1 mile off the shore reefs with the highest part of Tambisan Island bearing 58~ (NE. by E. mag.), distant 2 miles. Marowop River.-The mouth of this river, 101/2 miles westward from Tambisan Island, is about 3/4 mile wide, with depths of from 3 to 5 fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.) between the entrance points. At the mouth of the Marowop River shoal water extends out to a considerable distance, the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve being found over 3 miles from the shore. There is a depth of 14 feet (4.3 m.) on the bar at high-water spring tides, but caution is necessary in crossing, as the sea breaks in northeast wind. From the entrance the river trends southward a distance of 3 miles to Evans Island, where it divides into numerous branches. Segama River.-The mouth of the Segama River is 9 miles northwestward from the Marowop; between the entrance points it is /2 mile wide with a depth of 21/ fathoms (4.6 m.). From the entrance the river trends southward for about 2 miles, with an island in it; thence it splits up into several creeks, which are narrow with depths of from 2 to 3 fathoms (3.6 to 5.5 m.). The shallow flat fronting the river extends about 3 miles from the coast, the least depth over which, leading to the entrance, is 9 feet (2.7) at highwater springs. Vessels entering should send a boat ahead as the tides are irregular. Kinabatangan River.-The mouth of the Kinabatangan is about 15 miles northwestward from the Segama River. Driftwood Point, the eastern entrance point, is wooded and may be distinguished at the distance of 15 miles from the coast, making a sharp and well-defined point. From the entrance the river trends southwestward and southward for 5 miles to Dewhurst Bay, which is 3 miles long and 1 mile wide, having depths of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) and less. The main branch turns westward at 5 miles from the mouth, from whence it was examined for a distance of 6 miles; depths of from 4 to 6 fathoms (7.3 to 11 m.) were found and the river at this distance was 300 yards wide, with a depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.). No villages were seen and but few boats; no fresh water was obtainable. The river between the entrance points is over 1/ mile wide, with depths of from 4 to 5 fathoms (7.3 to 9.1 m.); the bar, which extends 3 miles seaward, has a depth of 12 feet (3.6 m.) at high-water springs. Vessels drawing more than 8 feet (2.4 m.) should not attempt to cross the bar without a boat ahead, as the tides are 348 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT much influenced by the winds, rendering the time of high water uncertain. Pegasus Reef, situated 14 miles 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) from Driftwood Point, is nearly 2 miles in length north and south by 112 miles in width, with a least depth of 3 feet (0.9 m.), and is composed of live coral with patches of sand. Depths of 26 to 30 fathoms (36 to 55 m.) are found at a distance of 1 mile from the shoal heads. The discolored water on the reef can be made out from the masthead. The center of the reef lies in latitude 5~ 46' 15" N., longitude 118~ 50' E. Royalist Rock, a coral shoal 800 yards long in a north-northeast and opposite direction, with a least depth of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) near its southwest end and 18 fathoms (33 m.) around, lies with Driftwood Point bearing about 204~ (SSW. mag.) distant nearly 5 miles. Nymphe Reef, about 1 mile in extent, with a depth of 1 foot (0.3 m.) lies 13/ miles north-northeastward from Royalist Rock, just within the 20-fathom (36 m.) curve. Patches of 53/ and 7 fathoms (10.5 and 12.8 m.) lie between it and Royalist Rock. Being within the limits of discolored water from Kinabatangan River, Nymphe Reef is seldom seen, but it is marked by a slight ripple; it breaks in heavy weather. Clearing marks.-Abai Clump, bearing 286~ (WNW. 3/4 W. mag.), leads southward of Royalist Rock and Nymphe Reef, and the mouth of the Kinabatangan River, bearing 227~ (SW. mag.), leads eastward of them. Between the Kinabatangan River and Sandakan, about 30 miles northwestward, the coast is intersected by numerous streams, some of which are said to lead into the river and to be navigable for boats. Bahala Island, lying on the northwest side of the entrance to Sandakan, is about 2 miles long north and south. The northern part is low, but the southern rises in two conspicuous hills, 591 and 549 feet (180 and 167 m.) in height. These hills slope gradually westward, but their eastern faces are imposing precipices with two lightred streaks running perpendicularly from the toll to the bottom, by which the island may be recognized. Shoal water extends about 11/ miles northeastward from Bahala, but the southern end is clear and steep-to. SANDAKAN IAIKBOR This magnificent harbor is llt miles wide at the entrance between Bahala Island and the broad point opposite to the southeast. From here it gradually increases in width, forming a spacious basin north of Pulo Bai more than 3 miles in diameter, which forms the usual anchorage. The harbor extends south and west of Pulo Bai to a distance of 15 miles from the entrance, and large vessels proceed as far as Germantown, on the Island of Timbang, 11 miles up the bay, to load timber. From the entrance to the head of Sandakan Harbor the depths vary from 16 to 3 fathoms (29.3 to 5.5 i.). Some 13 rivers discharge into Sandakan Harbor and a bar has formed 7 miles from the entrance with depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 in.) at low water. Bahala Island, on the northwest side of the entrance, has already been described. The eastern side of the harbor entrance is fornmed PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 349 by a large island, low and densely wooded and separated from the coast by a channel named Trusan Duyon. From the shore eastward of the entrance an extensive flat projects seaward, the northern edge of which, in a depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), lies 8 miles northeastward of the eastern entrance point; the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve is 2 miles farther out. The north shore of the bay is hilly. Two of the hills are very conspicuous-one on Tanjong Papat, the-point southwest from Bahala; the other, a three-peaked hill, is 850 feet (259 m.) in height. Both of these hills, like Bahala, slope gradually on the western side and are somewhat precipitous on the eastern face. Directions.-When in a position about 10 miles northeastward of the entrance to Sandakan, bring the cliffy hill on the eastern side of Bahala to bear 220~ (SW. %5 S. mag.) and steer for it. This leads across the flats in the approach in depths of not less than 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) and 11/2 miles northwestward of the shoal projecting from the southeastern shore. As soon as the bar is crossed and soundings of 5 or 6 fathoms (9.1 or 11 m.) are obtained the vessel should be hauled a little southward, heading to give the south end of Bahala Island a berth of about /2mile. Atjeh Rock, with 214 fathoms (4.1 m.) at low water and the only detached danger off the town of Sandakan, lies 700 yards 110~ (ESE. 3/8 E. mag.) from the eastern end of the government pier. It is marked by a lighted buoy showing a white flash every 3 seconds. Sandakan, the principal town and headquarters of the North Borneo Co., is built on the north shore of the harbor, 3/4 mile within Tanjong Papat. The commercial town is on the land, but the Malay town is built on piles over the water. The population is about 1,200 and there is a small government hospital for. Europeans. Communication.-Frequent communication is kept up between Sandakan and the other ports of North Borneo by small steamers of the Sabah Steamship Co. There is also steamship communication with Java, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Sydney, and Manila. Sandakan is in telegraph connection with Lahat Datu, Kudat, Jesselton, and Labuan, thence Hong Kong, Singapore, and Europe by submarine cables. There is a radio station here, open to the general public from 7 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4 to 7 p. m. Hong Kong time. Wharf.-There is a substantial wharf, with a depth alongside of 15 feet (4.6 m.). An extension to the wharf has been made, which gives a minimum of 18 feet (5.5 m.) at low water. The head of the wharf is now 338 feet long, 30 feet wide, and has a depth alongside of 20 feet (6.1 m.) at low water. All vessels carrying cargo must load and discharge at the government wharf, unless written permission to do so elsewhere has been obtained from the superintendent of customs. At about 600 yards to the northeastward there is another pier, which'extends into a depth of 11 feet (3.4 m.) at low water. Railroad lines are laid along it from the foundry and shipbuilding yard at its inner end. There is a traveling crane to lift 3 tons. Fresh water is laid on in pipes. 95672 —30 —23 350 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Light.-A fixed red light with a green sector is exhibited from a steel tower on a wooded structure 38 feet (11.6 m.) high situated near the center of the government pier. This light shows red to the eastward of Atjeh Rock and green to the westward. Tides and tidal currents.-It is high water, full and change, in Sandakan Harbor at noon; springs rise 6 feet 9 inches, neaps 1 to 4 feet. The tidal currents turn with the times of high and low water by the shore, the ebb obtaining a maximum velocity of 2 knots at springs and the flood a maximum velocity of 1/4 knots at springs. A cone and ball tide signal is hoisted on a small mast on the center of the government pier to show the state of the tide to vessels approaching it; cone, point down, signifies flood tide; cone, point up, ebb tide; ball, slack water. Trade.-The exports comprise mostly jungle produce, cutch, coconuts, timber, sago, tobacco, rattan, and india rubber. The imports include cloth, hardware, manufactured goods of all kinds, rice, oil, sugar, and tinned provisions. Coal.-A stock of Borneo coal of 2,000 tons and upward is kept on hand. Prices are fairly low, but the coal is far from having the steaming value of Newcastle coal. Water for boilers can be obtained from a hydrant on the government pier. Beef, bread, and vegetables can be regularly obtained in small quantities; fish can be obtained. Ships' supplies and engineers' supplies are available for purchase. Repairs.-There is a foundry and shipbuilding yard, and small repairs can be undertaken; there is also a marine railway, 145 feet in length, on blocks, and with lifting power of 400 tons. Lighters up to 100 tons displacement have been built here. There is one fixed hand crane of 15 tons capacity. Beacon.-A white tripod beacon, about 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, has been erected on the extremity of the rocks bordering the channel, extending about 400 yards eastward from Pulo Bai Island. Borneo Rock, covered by a least depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.) lies about 1,200 yards westward from the western extremity of Tighowis Island in the fairway southward from Sandakan. It is marked by a red can buoy. The best channel is close westward from it. From the western entrance point of Sandakan Harbor the coast trends in a general northwest direction for 16 miles to Tanjong Pandaras, the eastern entrance point to Labuk Bay, and is covered with thick jungle, principally casuarina trees from 150 to 180 feet (46 to 55 m.) high, fronting low, swampy land, with narrow sand beach. This section of the coast is faced by islets and shoals extending in places to a distance of 5 miles. Nanuyon Laut and Nanuyon Derat are two low wooded islands lying about 2 miles northwestward from Bahala Island; they are about 3 miles within the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve and are almost connected with the mainland. Labuk Bay is about 19 miles wide at the entrance between Tanjong Pandaras and Pulo Purapura and extends 16 miles southwestward. The northwest part of the bay is shallow and blocked by numerous sand banks, which render that part dangerous even for boats. The southeastern side is somewhat deeper, affording a passage to the Labuk River. The western side is densely wooded, with PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 351 numerous creeks; the southeast side is fringed by islets and rocks extending some distance offshore. About 8 miles northwestward from Tanjong Niug, a well-defined point covered with trees about 150 feet (46 m.) high, just southward from Pulo Purapura, are Quoin and Flat Hills, 650 and 630 feet (198 and 192 m.) high, respectively. Islets.-Off Tanjong Pandaras are some low islets, merely clumps of mangroves on the fringing reefs. On Bankawan, the outer one, there are trees about 100 feet (30 m.) high. Pulo Tikus is a wooded pyramidal island, 234 feet (71 m.) in height, lying 1 mile westward from Tanjong Pandaras; about /2 mile northward of it there is a rock nearly awash at high water. Pulo Gusong is a small sandy islet about 2 feet (0.6 m.) in height on the eastern extremity of a large sand bank near the middle of the bay, and being perfectly bare, is difficult to pick up. A chain of islets, of which Torongohok is the northern, lie in the southwestern part of the bay. The northern part of Torongohok is wooded with casuarina trees about 140 feet (43 m.) high, forming a prominent object when approaching from northeastward. Labuk River.-The mouth of the Labuk River is 20 miles southwestward from Tanjong Pandaras; the entrance is about 1/ mile wide, with a depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) The Bongaya River and several small streams of no importance to trade discharge in the northwestern part of the bay. The best channel to the Labuk River is between Libarran Island and the low islets off Tanjong Pandaras; the least water on the bar is between Pulo Gusong and Sungei Gumgum, in the southeastern part of the bay, on which there is a depth of 9 feet (2.7 m.). Directions.-From eastward, having passed Gubbins Rock, the course must be shaped to pass between Libarran Island and the low islands off Tanjong Pandaras, avoiding the rocks which lie off the reef extending about /2 mile southward of Libarran Island; and when Round Islet (westward of Libarran) is in range with Gulisaan bearing 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) the course must be altered to 238~ (SW. by W. mag.). These islets in range astern will lead clear and westward of the islets and rocks off Tanjong Pandaras, and the same course continued, allowing for tide, will lead over the flats in a depth of 9 feet (2.7 m.) at low-water springs. When the water deepens the course may be shaped to pass about 3/4 mile westward of Semawang Point, from whence to the mouth of the Labuk River there is a depth of 3/2 to 5 fathoms (6.4 to 9.1 m.). Tides.-It is high water, full and change, in Labuk Bay at 9h. 30m. during the period of the southwest monsoon in the China Sea; springs rise 8 feet (2.4 m.), neaps 5 feet (1.5 m.). The maximum velocity of the ebb observed in the river was 3 knots. Supplies.-There is a village in Pulo Tetabuan and another on Pulo Linkabo, but no supplies were obtainable, neither was any fresh water met with. The village of Balmoral is also shown on the charts near the river mouth. Off-lying islands and rocks.-Within a radius of 25 miles of the entrance to Sandakan Harbor there are a number of islands and rocks, some of which are high and prominent, forming good landmarks for locating a vessel when navigating in this locality. 352 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Laurel Rock, the most eastern danger in this locality, is of small extent, stands 6 feet (1.8 m.) above high water, and is situated in latitude 6~ 09' 30" N., longitude 118~ 29' E. Clotilde Rock, in latitude 6~ 14' N., longitude 118~ 23' E., is a small coral reef, part of which stands 2 feet (0.6 m.) above high water. There is about 20 fathoms (36 m.) of water close-to around it. Baguan is a densely wooded island, 228 feet (70 m.) high, lying 210~ (SSW. 12 W. mag.) 31/2 miles from Laurel Rock. From the north point of it discolored water has been seen to a considerable distance in the direction of Laurel Rock. The passage between Baguan and the rock should therefore not be taken. Rock.-The Norwegian steamer Progress reported striking on a pinnacle rock with a depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) over it 2 miles 311~ (NW. 1/2 W. mag.) from Baguan Island. Taganak.-This island is about 1 mile in length in a northnortheast and opposite direction and is surrounded by a coral reef to a distance of nearly 1/2 mile. It is densely wooded. Strong currents are reported in its vicinity. An unwatched flashing white light, visible 15 miles is shown 486 feet (141 m.) above high water from a tower on the summit of Taganak Island. Taganak Patches, of from 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.), with greater depth between them, are about 21/. miles in extent in an east by north and opposite direction, and lie with the central and shoalest part 293~ (WNW. 1/8 W. mag.), distant 4 miles from the southwestern end of Taganak Island. This position is occasionally marked by ripples. Gubbins Rock is a dangerous patch of coral, with about 1 fathom (1.8 m.) of water on it and steep-to, lying 7 miles 265~ (W. 5/ S. mag.) from the southern point of Taganak Island and 73/ miles 143~ (SE. 1/ S. mag.) from Little Bakkungaan. A coral shoal, with a least depth of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) over it, lies about 21/2 miles southwest of Gubbins Rock. Depths of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) were obtained for a distance of about 300 yards to the westward and about 250 yards to the eastward of the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) spot. Boaan, 192 feet (58 m.) in height, the northernmost of a chain of islands which extends in a northeasterly direction from the mainland, is about 1 mile in length northeast and southwest. It lies 14 miles 23~ (N. by E. 7/8 E. mag) from Tanjong Pandaras. It is surrounded by a coral reef of about 1/3 mile wide and has its lower parts densely wooded. Sibaung is a small coral reef lying 41/2 miles westward of the north part of Boaan Island. There are a few bushes 35 feet (10.7 m.) high on this reef. Shoal.-A small shoal, covered by 23/4 fathoms (5 m.), lies 2.1 miles 104~ (ESE. 7/8 E. mag.) from the summit of Boaan Island. Flying Fish Rock, of small extent, with deep water around, lies 21/2 miles eastward of Boaan Island and has 23/ fathoms (5 m.) on it. Lihiman lies about 21/2 miles southward of Boaan Island, is about % mile in length northeast and southwest, densely wooded, and 172 feet (52 m.) in height. Lihiman Island is surrounded by a PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 353 coral reef which extends northwestward for 3/4 mile and has upon it a small islet 30 feet (9.1 m.) high. Both Boaan and Lihiman are mud volcanoes. Langaan is a small wooded islet, 120 feet (36 m.) high, situated 41/2 miles 110~ (ESE. 3/ E. mag.) from Lihiman on the southwest edge of an extensive coral reef, projecting 11/4 miles northeastward. A rock 2 feet (0.6 m.) above water stands on the reef about 800 yards eastward of Langaan. A coral patch, apparently of small extent, having a depth of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) and possibly less, lies 41/2 miles 112~ (ESE. /4 E. mag.) from Langaan Island. Johnston Rock, a coral patch of 21/4 fathoms (4.1 m.), 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) 21/4 miles from the southeast extremity of Langaan Island, lies near the middle of shoal ground with depths under 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), extending about 1 mile in an east-northeast direction. Great Bakkungaan is a wooded island, about 190 feet (58 m.) in height, fringed with coral, lying 13/4 miles southwestward from Langaan. Detached coral reefs extend from Great Bakkungaan northwestward 11/2 miles and westward and eastward to the distance of 1 mile. A coral patch, with 8 feet (2.4 m.) of water over it, is reported to exist in the channel between Great Bakkungaan and Langaan. Little Bakkungaan is a small wooded island, 157 feet (48 m.) in height, fringed with coral, lying 3 miles southwestward from Langaan. Silingaan is a small wooded island, 139 feet (42 m.) in height, fringed with coral to the distance of /4 mile, lying 3 miles southward of Lihiman. About 1 mile eastward of Silingaan is a coral reef 1/2 mile in extent on which is a sand cay awash at high water. Gulisaan is a small islet on the southern edge of a coral reef, 3/4 mile in extent east and west, and lies about 11/4 miles 193~ (S. by W. mag.) from Silingaan; on it is a conspicuous clump of trees 76 feet (23.2 m.) high. Libarran is a wooded island, 140 feet (43 m.) high, about 11/2 miles long in an east-northeast and opposite direction, lying aboutt 3 miles northward from Tanjong Pandaras and 2 to 3 miles within the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve. From it a coral reef extends eastward 1/4 miles with two rocks near its end-White Rock, the western rock, 6 feet (1.8 m.) high. and Black Rock, the eastern, 8 feet (2.4 m.) high. The reef westward extends. about 1A/4 miles and terminates in a sandy shoal which dries 2 feet (0.6 m.) at low water. On this reef is situated Tree Rock, 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, and Round Islet, previously mentioned as forming a range with Gulisaan Island for entering Labuk Bay. From Pulo Purapura the coast trends northerly for about 11 miles to Tanjong Siasib, thence northwesterly for 26 miles to Simaddel or Jambongon Island. From the northwest point of Simaddel, the coast recedes about 11 miles southward, forming a large bay known as Paitan Bay. The off-lying islands and reefs between which a vessel must pass on her way to and from the Mallawalle Channel have been surveyed to a distance of 13 to 18 miles from shore. Beyond this distance 354 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT there is an unexplored region extending northward to the Pudsey Dawson Dangers. Lankayan Island, situated 111/2 miles 65~ (NE. by E. 5/8 E. mag.) from Tanjong Siasib, is a sand cay covered with trees 100 feet (30 m.) high and is surrounded by a coral reef which extends 11/4 miles southward, 3/4 mile northward and eastward, and has a 31/fathom (5.9 m.) patch at /2 mile farther in the latter direction. A small detached shoal, covered by an estimated depth of from 1 to 3 fathoms (1.8 to 5.5 m.) lies 1 mile 313~ (NW. 3/s W. mag.) from Lankayan Island. A small detached coral patch lies 123 miles 5~ (N. 14 E. mag.) from the same island. The depths for about 41/2 miles north-northeastward of Lankayan are irregular, there being several patches, each about /2 mile in extent, upon which the depths are from 3 to 5-fathoms (5.5 to 9.1 m.), with about 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) of water between them. Shoal ground, with depths of 31/2 to 4 fathoms (6.4 to 7.3 m.) and 12 fathoms (21.9 In.) around, extends west-southwest for 2 miles from Lankayan; and there is foul, rocky ground 1 mile in extent in a northeast by north and opposite direction, with depths of 1 fathom (1.8 m.) lying with its farther extremity 216~ (SW. by S. mag.), distant 3 miles from the cay. This shoal is a danger to vessels passing westward of Lankayan. There is a steep-to coral reef about 4 miles westward of Lankayan Island. This reef is about 1 mile in extent in a north-northeast and opposite direction; the southern half bares at low water. Two shoals with depths of 11/4 fathoms (2.3 m.) and 8 to 10 fathoms (14.6 to 18.3 m.) around, and together about 1 mile in extent north and south, lie with their northern edge 220~ (SW. 5/8 S. mag.), distant 6/4 miles from Lankayan. Beacon.-There is foul rocky ground 1 mile in extent northeastward and southwestward, with depths of less than 1 fathom (1.8 m.) lying with its farther extremity 216~ (SW. by S. mag.), distant 3 miles from Lankayan. A beacon, consisting of a staff and globe painted red and white in vertical stripes, has been erected 218~ (SW. 34 S. mag.), distant 2.1 miles from Lankayan to mark the northeastern edge of the shoal ground. This shoal is a danger situated near the track of vessels passing westward of Lankayan. Foul ground is charted 11/2 miles eastward of the beacon and 2 miles southward of Lankayan. Kestrel Shoal, about 1/2 mile in extent and with a depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) near its center, is situated 4 miles eastward from Lankayan. Kechil Rock, a coral patch about 600 yards in extent, with a depth of 414 fathoms (7.8 m.) and deep water around, lies 54~ (NE. 5% E. mag.), 7 miles from Lankayan. A depth of 51/2 fathoms (10 m.) existence doubtful is charted 1 mile south-southeastward of Kechil Reef. Wanderer Shoal, about 16 miles 43~ (NE. 38 N. mag.) from Lankayan Island, is about 2 miles in extent and has a depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) or less at its southeastern end, situated in latitude 6~ 42' N., longitude 118~ 06' E. Billean, situated 304~ (NW. by W. 1/8 W. mag.) distant 11 miles from Lankayan, is a sand cay on which there are a few bushes about PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 355 38 feet (11.6 m.) high. It is surrounded by coral reefs and dangers which extend in a northerly and northeasterly direction from it for the distance of about 4 miles. A red and white vertically striped buoy marks the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch at the northeastern extremity of the dangers extending northeastward from Billean Island with that island bearing 222~ (SW. /2 S. mag.) distant 33/4 miles. Billean North Dangers.-About 9 miles northward from Billean is a group of coral reefs, about 4 miles in extent, upon which the least known depth is 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.). As these dangers have not been completely examined, they should be carefully avoided. Billean South Dangers is another scattered group of coral reefs lying east-northeastward of Billean Cay, distant 7 to 11 miles. They consist of the following: A small 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) patch situated 9 miles 49~ (NE. 1/8 E. mag.) from Billean Cay, Sunbeam Shoal, a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch lying 71~ (ENE. 1/ E. mag.), distant 7 miles from Billean, with similar shoal of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) 1 mile farther in the same direction; a patch of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) situated 81~ (E. by N. mag.) from Billean and 6~ (N. % E. mag.) from Lankayan; and Paknam Shoal, with less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), in latitude 60~ 40' N., longitude 117~ 56' 45" E. All of these shoals are steep-to and may have less water upon them. Tagipil is a densely wooded, small, conspicuous island, situated 219~ (SW. 3/ S. mag.) distant 41/2miles from Billean. The tops of the trees are about 184 feet (56 m.) high. Bankuruan Cays are two small sand cays covered with trees about 50 feet (15.2 m.) high. Billean, Tagipil, Bankuruan, and the mainland are almost connected by a chain of coral reefs. There is a sand cay, about 4 feet (1.2 m.) high, standing on a coral reef about /2mile in extent, situated 5 miles 155~ (SSE. 3/ E. mag.) from Billean Cay. Simaddel or Jambongon Island, lying 13 miles southeastward from Bankoka Hill, is 11 miles in length east and west and about 71/ miles in breadth. On the western side an inlet, 12 miles wide, the head of which is not defined, penetrates the island in an eastsoutheasterly direction for over 3 miles. The land at the head of the inlet is low and densely wooded; the shores of the inlet and of the south and east sides of the island are wooded. There is a village on the southeast side of the island, and at about 1 mile on either side of it is a cliff 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, the southern one of which is red. Northeast and Southwest Bluffs are two prominent headlands, 514 miles apart, both on the west coast of Simaddel; the former is 442 feet (135 m.) and the latter about 460 feet (140 m.) in height. The inlet mentioned above is between them. The northern point of the island, about 5 miles eastward of Northeast Bluff, rises to a hill about 2/3 mile within the point. The island is separated from the mainland on the south by a channel /4 mile wide in its narrowest part, which has not been completely examined. The western shores of Simaddel appear to be clear, but the water is shallow, there being a depth of 2 fathoms (3.7 m.) in the entrance of the inlet mentioned. A sand patch and reef, which dry 4 feet (1.2 m.) and have 11/2 to 21/2 fathoms (2.7 to 4.6 m.) around lie 255~ (WSW. /2 W. mag.) 21/4 miles from Northeast Bluff. 356!UNITED STATES COAST PILOT From the coast of Simaddel Island reefs and dangers extend north and northeast to a distance of about 51/2 miles and eastward for 9 miles. On these reefs are many sand cays, two of which-Mabahok and Kalangaan-are especially conspicuous, being covered with trees whose tops are about 80 feet (24.4 m.) above the sea. Sipindung is a sand cay about 15 feet (4.6 m.) high on which is a small quantity of coarse grass; it lies 8 miles 37~ (NE. 7/8 N. mag.) from the northeast point of Simaddel Island at the western end of a coral reef about /2 mile in extent. Dangers extend 3/ mile south and southwest of this islet, 21/2 miles in a north-northeast direction and 11/4 miles to the northwest. Between the Sipindung dangers and the reefs projecting eastward from Tigabu (an island lying 41/2 miles westward) there is a clear passage 11/2 miles wide. Southwest of Sipindung a distance of 11/4 miles there is a group of reefs about 12 mile in extent; between these and other dangers also southwest, but nearer Sipindung, there is a clear passage nearly 3/4 mile in width through which lies the track from Mallawalle Channel. A shoal with less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water lies between the above group of reefs and the reef extending from Simaddel Island. A beacon has been established on the 2-fathom (3.6 m.) patch 11/2 miles southwestward of Sipindung Islet. Sandy Island is a small sand cay which sometimes covers, and is near the middle of a coral reef about 1/ mile in extent, off which detached patches extend 1/ mile westward; it lies 41/2 miles 126~ (SE. by E. mag.) from Sipindung; and between them, at the distance of 23/ miles in a west-northwest direction from Sandy Island, there is a coral reef about 1/3 mile in extent. Sandy Island is marked by a skeleton tripod beacon 35 feet (10.7 m.) high, painted red and black, with a basket cage on its summit. Coral patches.-About 3/4 mile southeastward of Sandy Island is a coral patch of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). Another patch lies 13/4 miles 234~ (SW. %5 W. mag.) from the beacon and a patch of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) lies 228~ (SW. /8 W. mag.) from it, the track for Mallawalle Channel lying between. Leonan is a sand cay, 5 miles 178~ (S. 3/ E. mag.) from Sandy Island, and sometimes covers. It is situated on and about 1 mile from the northeast end of an extensive chain of reefs which at this part extend 8 miles east-northeastward from the shore of Simaddel Island. There are four other small cays on this chain of reefs. A small 2-fathom (3.7 m.) patch lies 2 miles northwestward of Leonan. An iron-pole beacon with spherical top mark painted red, situated nearly 3 miles 64~ (NE. by E 1 /E. mag.) from Leonan Cay, marks a small, dangerous coral patch. Between this reef and that on which Leonan is situated there is a clear channel nearly 2 miles wide. At about 1 mile northeastward of the above beacon is the southwest end of some coral patches that bare, which extend northeastward to the distance of about 1 mile. A rock, covered by less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water and with 414 fathoms (7.8 m.) seaward of it, is situated 6 miles 179~ (S. /4 E. mag.) from Leonan. A reef, bare at low water, lies 11/2 miles 148~ (SE. by PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 357 S. mag.) from this rock, and three similar reefs trend southwestward for a distance of 21/2 miles from the rock. Tigabu Island lies 41/2 miles 286~ (WNW. 3/4 W. mag.) from Sipindung. It is about 1 mile in length and densely wooded, the tops of the trees being over 200 feet (61 m.) high. Reefs extend about 31/2miles in a northeasterly direction from Tigabu and about 2/3 mile northwestward. Tibakkan Islet, situated about 21/2 miles northward of the west end of Tigabu, is a sand cay covered with trees over 100 feet (30 m.) high. Dangers extend 11/2 miles in a northeasterly direction from the cay. Two coral reefs, about 1 mile in extent, lie 11/2 miles northwestward of Tibakkan on the northeast side of the track recommended through the Mallawalle Channel. Tambulian (with trees 70 feet (21.3 m.) high), Buaning, and the adjacent reefs (including the two coral reefs, just described) form the southeastern boundary of the Mallawalle Eastern Dangers. Mosquito Rock, about 200 yards in extent, with a depth of 3 feet (0.9 m.) and steep-to, lies 41~ (NE. 1/2 N. mag.) 21/4 miles from Tibakkan. Kukuban is a sand cay situated on the southwest part of a coral reef, about 1/2 mile in diameter, lying 302~ (NW. by W % W. mag.), distant about 41/2 miles from Tigabu. The trees on it are about 70 feet (21.3 m.) high. Rocks.-Between Tigabu and Kukuban there are the following dangers lying near the recommended track through the Mallawalle Channel, and much caution is necessary when navigating in this neighborhood. A rock, situated 148~ (SE. by S. mag.), distant 1.1 mile from Kukuban, and marked by a beacon surmounted by a black spherical cage; a rock, lying 164~ (S. by E. %/ E. mag.), 2 miles from Kukuban, nearly awash at low water and difficult to see. Merlin Rock, apparently nearly awash at low water and dark colored, is situated 1,400 yards eastward of the rock, marked by a beacon. A sand cay on a coral reef, 600 yards in extent and a coral patch of nearly the same dimensions, lie, respectively, 11/2 miles 106~ (ESE. 3/4 E. mag.) and 21/4 miles 126~ (SE. by E. mag.) from Kukuban; these are easily made out from the masthead. In addition to the above, the following shoals have been found in this neighborhood: A depth of 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.), with Kukuban Islet bearing 327~ (NW. /8 N. mag.), distant 2.1 miles. A patch of 31/4 fathoms (5.9 m.) lies about 400 yards southeastward from it. These shoals are small in extent and surrounded by depths of from 9 to 10 fathoms (16.5 to 18.3 m.), muddy bottom. MALLAWALLE ISLAND about 7 miles distant from the southeast part of Banguey, and the same distance from Inarungtang Point, Borneo, is of irregular shape, 5 miles in length in a northwesterly and opposite direction, and about 4 miles in breadth. The island for the most part consists of ranges of hills from 400 to 500 feet (122 to 152 m.) high but one range, toward the northwest end, attains an elevation of 562 feet (171 m.). Close to the coast, on the west side, is West Islet; Northwest Islet lies a short distance off the northwest end; and North Islet, low, and nearly 1 mile long, almost joins the north part of the main 358 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT island. The island is fringed by a reef, which extends nearly 1 mile in places from the east, north, and west points and to about one-half that distance from its south point. A sand cay is situated on a reef, about 1 mile in length, at nearly the same distance northeastward of Mallawalle North Islet, with patches east and west of it, forming the south side of Banguey South Channel. Another sand cay marks the west end of a reef, about 1 mile off the east end of Mallawalle Island; north-northwestward 11/, miles from this sand cay, there is a narrow coral patch, 1/, mile in length, with 13 fathoms (23.8 m.) close around it. Mallawalle Eastern Dangers comprise a large number of detached reefs and shoals which extend 10 or 11 miles in an easterly and southeasterly direction from Mallawalle. It is only the northern edges of these dangers, forming the eastern part of Banguey South Channel, which require description, for there can be no object in risking a vessel among them. About 234 miles 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) from the sand cay off the eastern end of Mallawalle Island is a coral reef which bares and has depths of 14 and 15 fathoms (25.6 and 27.4 m.) close around. About 1/3 mile northward of this reef is a reef, 2 mile in extent, with less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water over it. A cluster of reefs, occupying a space 1/4 miles in extent, with 13 fathoms (23.8 m.) close-to on the northern side, lies 1 mile eastward of the coral reef just described; and 75~ (ENE. 1/ E. mag.) from the same cluster is a reef 1/ mile in length, with 7 feet (2.1 m.) of water on its northern end. This danger, being always covered, is not so readily seen as the others, and it is important to bear this in mind, as the shoal occupies a'prominent position, bordering as it does on the deep water of Banguey South Channel. The Straggler, a small coral islet, with trees 20 feet (6.1 m.) high, is a useful object for assisting in the navigation of the eastern part of Banguey South Channel. From it the 7-foot (2.1 m.) reef, just described, lies 300~ (NW. by W. 1/2 W. mag.), nearly 112 miles, while westward of the islet are several other dangers. The reef surrounding the islet extends 11/4 miles in an easterly direction and more than 1~ mile southwestward. About 1/2 miles southeastward of the eastern extremity of Straggler Reef and 109~ (ESE. /2 E. mag.) from the islet is the outer edge of a reef having in some places less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water; /2 mile eastward of it is a 314 -fathom (5.9 m.) coral patch. Other dangers of the group extend 7 miles farther southward. Fairway Shoal, at the eastern entrance to Banguey South Channel, is 34 mile in diameter, with a rock awash near its southern part, from which Straggler Islet bears 225~ (SW. 1/x S. mag.) distant 21/ miles. The rock awash is, however, only 11/ miles from the eastern extremity of Straggler Reef, which limits the channel southward of Fairway Shoal; the channel northward of the shoal is 3 miles wide. At 1/2miles eastward of Fairway Shoal there is a patch of 314 fathoms (5.9 m.), % mile in extent, with deep water around. Meander Shoal.-This dangerous reef, composed of coral and sand, with 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) least water, is nearly /2 mile in extent and steep-to. It is situated about 6 miles from the northeast PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 359 point of Mallawalle Island. A coral reef with 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) over it lies 15~ (N. by E. /8 E. mag.) 51 miles from Meander Shoal. About 1 mile westward is a patch of 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), and the same distance eastward one of 6 fathoms (11 m.). There are also patches of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) south of Meander Shoal at the distances, respectively, of 2 and 4 miles. A number of dangerous shoals have been reported to exist 5 to 7 miles northward and eastward of Meander Shoal. Their position can be best understood by reference to the chart. The Pudsey Dawson Dangers are a series of coral patches, the westernmost of which lies 98~ (E. 1/2 S. mag.) 19 miles from the east end of Mallawalle Island. From this patch for about 16 miles in an east-northeast direction'there are several shoals and banks, principally coral and sand, with from 21/2 to 10 fathoms (4.6 to 18.3 m.) of water upon them and deep water between. Detached shoal patches.-Northward of Pudsey Dawson Dangers and of Meander Shoal, to the parallel of latitude 7~ 25' N., and between the meridian of longitude 117~ 50' E. and the dangers, already described, lying eastward of Banguey Island, there are numerous coral patches dangerous to navigation. Many of these have depths of from 31/4 to 5 fathoms (5.9 to 9.1 m.), and the space within the above approximate limits should be avoided by vessels when possible. The Muligi Patches consist of a number of coral banks, extending about 7 miles east and west, upon which the ascertained depths are from 5 to 10 fathoms (9.1 to 18.3 m.); the easternmost of these patches, with 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) of water, lies 275~ (W. 1/4 N. mag.), distant 20 miles from the southern Muligi Island. There may be less water on these patches, and numerous reefs are reported westward of them. (See Muligi Islands.) Wanderer Shoal, about 16 miles 43~ (NE. 3/8 N. mag.) from Lankayan Island, is about 2 miles in extent and has a depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) or less at its southeast end, situated in latitude 6~ 42' N., longitude 118~ 06' E. Wanderer Shoal is about 13 miles southward of the Muligi Patches. A small shoal spot, covered by an estimated depth of 1 to 3 fathoms (1.8 to 5.5 m.), exists 10~/2 miles 41~ (NE. 1/2 N. mag.) from Tigabu Island with Straggler Islet and Banguey Peak in range. Minna Reef, about 31/ miles in length northwest and southeast and 3/4 mile in width, with a depth of 1/2 fathom (0.9 m.) at each end and 1/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) between, lies with its northwestern extremity situated 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) distant 8 miles from Tigabu Island. Schuck Reef, about 1 mile in extent and with a depth of 31/2 fathoms (6.4 m.), is reported to be situated in latitude 6~ 49' N., longitude 117~ 52' E. The space included between the Pudsey Dawson Dangers, Muligi Patches, Minna Reef, Billean Dangers, and Schuck Reef has not been examined; this area is reported to contain numerous reefs with from 1 to 2 fathoms (1.8 to 3.6 m.) of water. Mlallawalle Channel.-Dangers extend 3 or 4 miles off from the northeast coast of Borneo, and between these and Mallawalle Island there is a channel 13/4 miles in width. 360 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Egeria Rocks, about 400 yards in extent, covered by 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water and a depth of 9 fathoms (16.5 m.) close around, lie 238~ (SW. by W. mag.), distant 21/2 miles from the islet northwest of Mallawalle Island, with the south extremity of the island bearing 112~ (ESE. 1/4 E. mag.). Lingisan is a small, rocky reef, with a head 30 feet (9.1 m.) in height, lying about 30~ (NNE. /2E. mag.), distant 134 miles from the northeast point of Bankoka. Passage Reef.-At the distance of about 2 miles southwestward of the south end of Mallawalle Island and 11/ miles 36~ (NE. by N. mag.) of Lingisan Rock lies Passage Reef, awash at low-water spring tides and easily distinguished; it may be passed either side, but the route recommended lies northward. Another reef, awash at low water, on which is a small sand cay, is situated 22/3 miles 96~ (E. 3/8 S. mag.) from Passage Reef. A tripod beacon with globe top mark painted black and white marks the northeastern edge of Passage Reef. Fly Rock, on the south side of the Mallawalle Channel, awash at low water, and about 300 yards in extent, lies 81~ (E. by N. mag.) 214 miles from Lingisan, and is distant 11/ miles 246~ (SW. by W. 34 W. mag.) from the sand cay above mentioned. Southward of Fly Rock and separated from it by a narrow channel there is a coral reef about 1 mile in extent, parts of which bare at low water. Clearing marks.-Banguev Peak, in range with the western extermity of West Island (Mallawalle), bearing 325~ (NW. 3/4 N. mag.), leads between Passage Reef and the cay eastward of it; and Kukuban Island, on with the north end of Tigabu Island, leads between Fly Rock and the cay above mentioned. Mandiralla, an island about /2 mile long east and west, is surrounded by a coral reef which extends to a distance of about 1,200 yards on the north side and for 1 mile eastward; it lies 6 miles southward of the eastern end of Mallawalle. Mandiralla is densely wooded, the tops of the trees being 144 feet (44 m.) above the sea. Foul ground extends about 31/ miles east-southeastward of Mandiralla. Bankoka Hill is a conspicuous wooded hill, 587 feet (179 m.) in height, on the mainland west-southwestward of Mandiralla. Tanj Bungaan is a thickly wooded island of considerable extent lying about 4 miles southeastward of Bankoka Hill. Bush Island is a sand cay on which are a few bushes, the tops of which are about 10 feet (3 m.) high. It stands near the middle of a coral reef about 1/2 miles in length in a northeast and opposite direction. Foul ground.-Much foul ground exists between Mandiralla, the coast of Borneo, Tanj Bungaan, and Bush Island. Directions, Mallawalle Channel to Sandakan.-The route now generally used by vessels proceeding to Sandakan is by the Balabac Main Channel, that by the Banguey South Channel and the Mallawalle Channel being practically abandoned because of the numerous charted and uncharted dangers existing in it. Should, however, the Mallawalle Channel be used, the track recommended lies midway between Mallawalle Island and Passage Reef PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 361 and passes about 600 yards northward of the reef (awash at low water), situated 23/4 miles eastward of the latter. Hence, to Tigabu the track lies either eastward of Kukuban Islet and the shoals southeastward of it or westward of this central group until 11/2 miles southwestward of Tigabu, when Sipindung Island may be steered for, bearing 92~ (E. mag.), until Tigabu northeast extremity is in line with the western extremity of Mallawalle Island. This latter mark leads between the shoals extending southward of Sipindung and the shoal waters off the northeast edge of the small coral reef situated 112 miles southwestward of that island. Another good mark leading through this, the narrowest part of the channel, is a sand cay, with a few bushes on it, lying 1 mile northward of Tigabu, in line with the eastern summit of Mallawalle Island 313~ (NW. 3/ W. mag.), which mark also leads past Sandy Island and between the Leonan Reef and the detached reef northeastward of it marked by a beacon. Billean Island should be rounded at a distance of from 41/2 to 5 miles and the course then altered to pass about 21/2 to 3 miles west of Lankayan between that island and the reef lying 33/4 miles westward of it. Foul ground, marked by a beacon, exists from 2 to 3 miles southwestward from Lankayan, and especial care is needed at this part. The track lies between Lankayan Reefs and the beacon on the north end of the foul ground, passing over or near the 4-fathom (7.3 m.) patches westward from Lankayan Reefs or vessels could pass southward of the shoal marked by the beacon in apparently better water, but it has not been surveyed in detail. The route now lies eastward of Sibaung and of the reef extending 11/4 miles eastward of Silingaan and westward of Lihiman, Little Bakkungaan, and the dangerous Gubbins Rock, situated 73/4 miles 143~ (SE. 1/2 S. mag.) from the last-mentioned island. Caution.-This route is marked on some charts and has been followed with safety, but there may be less water than shown on some of the shoals, and in such reef-strewn waters other dangers. not charted may exist. It should be borne in mind also that no reliance can be placed on the position of the sand cays which have no vegetation on them; the action of the sea frequently causes them to shift considerably and even disappear. The beacons are difficult to make out, and are liable to be washed away. Tides.-At Tigabu it is high water, full and change, at llh 38m; springs rise 61/2 feet (2 m.); neaps varjlbetween 9 inches and 23/4 feet (0.2 and 0.8 m.), and are exceedingly irregular. In the Mallawalle Channel the flood runs eastward and the ebb westward at springs, with a velocity of about 2/2knots. On the coast between Mallawalle and Sandakan, no regular tidal stream was perceptible, but when the northeast monsoon blew steadily there appeared to be a constant set to the northwest. Balambangan Island, situated 27 miles southward of Balabac Island, is of irregular shape, about 13 miles long northeast and southwest, with an extreme breadth of 4 miles. The composition of the elevations of this island varies between limestone, basalt, trap, and sandstone. All the rocks exhibit traces of violent convulsion. The southern part of the island presents a range of hills, the highest being 362 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT 440 feet (134 m.); there are other elevations, one of which, Thumb Peak, 314 feet (96 m.) high, near the southwest end of the island, is conspicuous. These hills are terminated on the coast line by abrupt cliffs. The northern part of the island is flat and thickly covered with high trees. On the east coast of Balambangan Island are two inlets, known as North and South Harbors, both affording sheltered anchorage and good drinking water. Kalutan Island is situated 3/4 mile northwestward from Kalutan Point, the southwestern extremity of Balambangan, and about 1/2 mile from shore. It is small and round, 278 feet (85 m.) in height, and has a reef projecting nearly 1/ mile from its western side. Coast.-Between Kalutan Point and Buttun Point, 51/4 miles northward, the reef extends nearly 3/4 mile from shore, and the large bay northeastward of Buttun Point has less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) water extending nearly 1/2 miles from shore. Siagut Shoal, lying 2 miles westward of Siagut Point, the northern extremity of Balambangan, is a detached coral bank 11/ miles in length, with less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water over some parts of it. By keeping in depths of not less than 14 fathoms (25.6 m.) all these dangers will be avoided. Reefs and shoals extend more than 3/4 mile from Siagut Point, and a 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch lies nearly 1/4 miles north-northwest of it. Vessels when rounding Siagut Point should, therefore, give it a berth of 2 miles or not come into less than 9 fathoms (16.5 m.). The whole of the east coast of Balambangan is fronted by a coral reef, outside of which there are detached patches here and there, but the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve embracing these is, for the most part, distant /2 mile from shore. At 11/2 miles southeastward of Siagut Point, and separated from the shore reef by a narrow passage, lies a coral reef more than /2 mile in diameter, having less than 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water over some parts of it. Eastward of this danger, in the channel between it and the reef surrounding Tiga Islet, is a shoal of 31 fathoms (6.4 m.) and another of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.). Caution is therefore necessary v hen passing through that channel. The shoals along the southeast coast are not easily distinguished unless the sun is shining behind the observer. Kalutan Point, the southwestern point of the island, is fronted by several islets and rocks extending 3/ mile in a southeasterly direction. At 1 mile eastward of these is a coral patch with 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) of water, with the point bearing 292~ (WNW. 14 W. mag.), distant 1 mile. South Harbor, the entrance to which is about 3 miles northeastward of Kalutan Point, is fronted by isolated shoals to a distance of about 2 miles, with reefs on either side. The channel abreast of Raha, the south point of the entrance, is 1/4 mile wide between the reefs, with a depth of 7 fathoms (12.8 m.). Directions.-To enter this harbor requires close attention to the following directions, as well as to the lead and lookout, and it is not advisable to attempt to enter unless the reefs are visible from aloft: From southwestward, having given Kalutan Point a berth of at least 1 mile, haul nearer the shore, bringing Cone Islet, the outer islet off Kalutan Point, to bear 250~ (WSW. mag.), well open of Observatory Point, which leads southward of the reefs off Raha Point. When PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 363 Raha Point bears 317~ (NW. mag.) haul up to 2~ (N. mag.), passing between Raha Reef (the edge of which will be seen from aloft and probably marked by breakers) and Raha Rocks and other dangers eastward; round Raha Point at a prudent distance and haul in westward for an anchorage in 7 fathoms (12.8 m.) in the fairway northward and westward of Raha Point. Water.-Fresh water will be found on the south shore about 600 vards within Raha Point. The reef prevents access until about half flood. North Harbor offers more commodious anchorage and is much easier of approach, the shoals being better defined. It is not advisable to enter this harbor, however, unless the reefs are visible from aloft. Directions.-Approaching.from southward, keep Kalutan Point bearing westward of 261~ (W. by S. mag.) to pass southward of Half Channel Patch, which has only 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water on it and breaks at times. Keep within 1 mile of the Banguey coast until Battang Point bears about 322~ (NW. /2N. mag.); then steer to pass between it and the reef awash nearly 1 mile southwestward of it, looking out to avoid a 11~-fathom (2.7 m.) knoll lying 1/2 mile from shore just within Battang Point. A reef awash lies about 700 yards northwestward of this knoll, and anchorage may be obtained in 10 fathoms (18.3 m.), with the center of this reef in range with Battang Point. The head of the harbor is known as Lung Bay and has depths of 5 to 7 fathoms (9.1 to 12.8 m.) between the reefs fringing its shores. Water.-There are two streams discharging near the southern entrance point. The western, it is stated, will furnish about 15 tons per day. Banguey West Channel separates Balambangan and Banguey Islands and has a least breadth of 21/4 miles between Battang and Manyangit Points. The southern portion is deep, with Half Channel Patch, with 3 feet (0.9 m.) on it, nearly in the fairway but with a passage 212 miles wide eastward of it. The northern entrance, between Siagut and Samarang Points, about 81/ miles apart, is obstructed by Tiga Islet and its reef and Rifleman Rock and other patches. The channel between Rifleman Rock and Tiga is navigable and has depths of 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) in its fairway, but it would not be safe to reckon on more than 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) unless the channel were thoroughly buoyed. The rock is buoyed and there is a beacon marking the southeastern edge of the Tiga Islet Reefs, but these marks must not be depended on. The channel along the Banguey shore seems equally good if buoyed. The channel westward of Tiga is narrow and more obstructed. They should only be navigated when the danger can be made out. Tiga Islet, situated in the northern entrance of Banguey West Channel, is low and covered with trees. It is a little more than 1/2 mile long north and south, 14 mile in breadth, and surrounded by reefs fairly steep-to, extending more than 1 mile in a northerly and about 3/4 mile in other directions. The shoal westward of Tiga Islet and southward of Siagut Point and the 21/. and 31/2 fathoms (4.6 and 364 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT 6.4 m.) patches lying in the fairway between that shoal and Tiga Islet Reef have been referred to. A black iron tripod beacon stands southeastward of Tiga Islet near the edge of the reef. Rifleman Rock, a small coral patch with 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.) and 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) close-to, lies in the fairway between Tiga Islet Reef and the Banguey coast dangers with the south end of Tiga Islet 280~ (W. 3/4 N. mag.), distant 2 miles; westward of this rock are depths of 6 and 7 fathoms (11 and 12.8 m.) in the fairway. A buoy has been placed on Rifleman Rock, but it is not to be depended on. Shoals.-About midway between Rifleman Rock and the northwest coast of Banguey are patches of 21, and 3 fathoms (4.6 and 5.5 m.), on a bank about 21/2 miles in extent, northeast and southwest, within the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) limits, and with a depth of 6 to 7 fathoms (11 to 12.8 m.) in the channel between them and the shore. Labuan Rock, covered by 11/2 fathoms (2.7 m.), lies in the fairway 2 miles 159~ (SSE. mag.) from the southern extremity of Tiga Islet and 47~ (NE. mag.) from Battang Point in approximate latitude 7~ 18' 35" N., longitude 117~ 03' 45" E. Half Channel Patch, which has only 1/ fathom (0.9 m.) of water on it and breaks at times, lies in the middle of Banguey West Channel with Manyangit Point, Banguey, bearing 35~ (NNE. 7/8 E. mag.) and Kalutan Point, Balambangan, 259~ (WSW. 7/ W. mag.). Samarang Point, the eastern entrance point of the northern end of Banguey West Channel, has a reef extending nearly 3/ mile northwest of it, on which there is a small sand cay about 400 yards from its end. Nearly 2 miles southwestward there is an islet on the reef fronting the shore. The coast southward is foul only to about 600 yards, except in one or two places, for which see chart. Directions.-The channel between Rifleman Rock and Tiga Islet reefs is available for vessels of moderate draft; if the beacon on Tiga Islet reef and the buoy on Rifleman Rock are in position there will be no difficulty. Vessels from northward should bring Battang Point, Balambangan, to bear 220~ (SW. % S. mag.) and steer for it. This is apparently a good mark and should carry a vessel about 1/ mile westward of Rifleman Rock, /4 mile eastward of the reefs off Tiga Islet, and the same distance westward of the assigned position of Labuan Rock. When Banguey Peak bears 110~ (ESE. %/ E. mag.) all dangers will have been passed and the course should be altered southward along the Banguey side at a distance of 11/2 to 2 miles from shore until southward of Half Channel Patch, when the course may be shaped as desired. Banguey Peak should not be brought to bear northward of 24~ (NNE. mag.) if near Molleangan Islands Reefs. To pass southward of Rifleman Rock in about 3 fathoms (5.5 m.) steer with Saparoak and Battang Points in range until approaching Manyangit Point, when the vessel should be hauled in toward the point to avoid Labuan Rock. This passage is not recommended, as patches may exist in it. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, in Banguey West Channel at lOh; springs rise 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m.). PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 365 BANGUEY ISLAND, the northwestern extremity of which lies 21/4 miles eastward of Balambangan, is 191/ miles in length in a northeast and southwest direction and about 13 miles in breadth. The island is surrounded by a fringing reef, the southeast coast being faced by small islands having deep-water channels between them and large concealed channels which formerly served as the principal rendezvous and hiding places for pirates. These islands form part of the northern limit of Banguey South Channel. For several miles off the northeast and east coast of Banguey are numerous islands, islets, and dangers, as will be seen on the charts. There are several ranges, also some detached hills, on Banguey. The highest, Banguey Peak, 1,876 feet (572 m.) high, is at the northwest end of the island, and shows up as a very conspicuous object for more than 30 miles around. Viewed on a northwesterly or opposite line of bearing, the apex appears as a nipple, but as this line of bearing is departed from the nipple shape becomes less apparent, and the summit assumes a rounded form. A range of hills extends eastward for a distance of 6 miles with East Hill at the end, elevated 1,076 feet (328 m.); thence some smaller ranges lie in a northerly direction and terminate near the coast in North Hill. 742 feet (226 m.) high. About 1/4 miles southeastward of Banguey Peak is a conspicuous hill 1,480 feet (451 m.) in height. Samarang Point has a reef extending nearly 3/4 mile northwestward from it, on which there is a sand cay about 400 yards from its end. Nearly 2 miles southwestward there is an islet on the reef fronting the shore. Between Samarang Point and the north point of Banguey the coast recedes, forming two bays, each having a small stream running into it. The points and sides of the western bay are fringed with coral extending 300 to 400 yards from the shore, but the head of it is a coral and sand beach. Vessels may anchor in the entrance to this bay in 4 fathoms (7.3 m.). The eastern bay, with the exception of a narrow boat passage, is blocked with coral, upon the outer part of which is a small islet. The limits of the islands and dangers fronting the north and northeast coasts of Banguey and bordering the south side of Balabac Main Channel are surrounded on the chart by a dotted line, within which no vessel should enter. The principal ones are contained in the following description: North Guhuan Islet is situated on a reef 3/4 mile in extent, nearly 1 mile off the north shore of Banguey and 5 miles eastward of Samarang Point. There are no offshore dangers westward of it. From North Guhuan, a bank of less than 3 fathoms (5.5 m.), extends eastward, parallel to the shore for about 4 miles, on which are two sand cays and reefs dry at low water. Louisa Shoal, composed of coral, covered with 1Y/ fathoms (2.7 m.) of water, is 3/4 mile in length. From its north end North Guhuan bears 196~ (S. by W. 1/4 W. mag.) distant 1/2 miles. Manyangit Point, well open of Samarang Point, leads northward of it. 956720- 30-24 366 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Maggie Reef, situated about 3 miles eastward of Louisa Shoal, is about 1 mile east and west, with a coral patch 1/ mile in extent on its northern side and many rocks just below the water. The reef, which hares, lies with the western sand clay between it and the shore bearing 204~ (SSW. mag.), distant about 2 miles. Black Watch Rock, on which the British bark Black Watch is reported to have struck, lies just within the danger line shown on the chart, 2 miles northward of Maggie Reef. From the position of the rock as given by the master of the Black Watch North Mangsee Island is well open of South Mangsee Island bearing 10~ (N. 3/4 E. mag.), and the cay on Banguey Outer Northeast Reefs 129~ (SE. 3/ E. mag.). From the iregularity of the soundings in this locality it is possible that coral heads may exist other than those shown on the charts. East Guhuan Islet, about /4 mile in extent, stands on a coral reef 112 miles in length, the northern part of which bares. About 1 mile north-northwestward of East Guhuan there is a 1~-fathom (2.7 m.) patch. Banguey Outer Northeast Reefs are a cluster of reefs separated from Maggie Reef and East Guhuan Islet by a channel 1 mile wide, with depths of 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5 m.). These reefs extend 31/2 miles in northwest and southeast directions and are a little over 1 mile in breadth, with a large central portion bare at low water. Near the northwest end of these reefs there is a sand cay which is useful for pointing out the locality of these dangers, which lie 6 miles from the shore. Close to the edges of these reefs there are depths of 6 to 9 fathoms (11 to 16.5 m.). North Hill, bearing southward of 242~ (SW. by W. 3/ W. mag.), leads northward and the west side of South Mangsee 326~ (NW. 34 N. mag.), or westward of that bearing, leads eastward of these reefs. Fearless Shoal, a coral patch of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.), with another of 6 fathoms (11 m.) 400 yards eastward of it, and a sounding of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) 600 yards northeastward of the same patch, is reported to exist in approximate latitude 7~ 23' N., longitude 117~ 38' E. From the 4-fathom (7.3 m.) patch Balabac Peak bears 314~ (NW. 1/ W. mag.) and the summit of Mallawalle Island (562 feet (171 m.)) 226~ (SW. 1/s S. mag.), distant 28 miles. This is the most eastern danger reported northeastward from Banguey Island. About 31/2 miles southwestward from Fearless Shoal there is a 31/4-fathom (5.9 m.) patch. Borneo Shoal.-A shoal with a depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) over it is reported by the S. S. Borneo to lie in the eastern approach to Balabac Strait, 13 miles 62~ (NE. by E. 3/g E. mag.) from the summit of Latoan Island, or in approximate latitude 7~ 22' N., longitude 117~ 32' E. This shoal appears to be about 11/2 miles long north and south. About 414 miles southward from the 2-fathom (3.6 m.) spot the charts show a 31/4-fathom (5.9 m.) sounding. The east coast of Banguey is fronted by dangers which extend off several miles. They consist for the most part of extensive reefs, bare at low water, separated from each other by narrow channels. Kahamkamman is a small islet 2 miles southeastward of East Guhuan on the northwest end of a coral reef about 1 mile in extent. The part surrounding the islet bares at low water. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 367 Westward of this islet is a reef, about /2 miles in extent, having 3 islets, a sand cay, and several patches of reef, bare at low water, upon it. Balundangan is the name of the southwesternmost and smallest islet. At about 1 mile southwestward of Balundangan, and 600 yards within the edge of the reef fronting the Banguey shore, is an island about 11/4 miles in length with the summit near the center. This island lies a little more than /2 mile from the coast, which is covered with mangroves. Samson Patches, three in number, have 31/2 to 4 fathoms (6.4 to 7.3 m.) of water on them. They lie eastward of Kahamkamman near the edge of the danger line marked on the chart. From the eastern patch Kahamkamman bears 275~ (W. /4 N. mag.) distant 3 miles. May Williams Shoal, situated 1500 (SSE. 7/8 E. mag.) distant 11/4 to 2 miles from Kahamkamman, is about 1 mile in length with a least depth of 2 fathoms (3.6 m.) and steep-to at a short distance. Latoan Island, situated about 41/4 miles southward of Kahamkamman Islet, is an oval-shaped island abound mile in extent, the trees upon it rising to an apex near the center. It is situated at the southwest part of a reef which bares, extending 2/2miles eastward and 11/2 miles northward of it. A large reef lies westward of Latoan, upon which trees are growing. Outer Latoan Patch is the easternmost of three isolated patches which lie off the northeast edge of Latoan Island Reef. It has a rock a few feet under water near the eastern edge, from which Latoan apex bears 244~ (SW. by W. 1/2 W. mag.). Rock.-On the middle isolated patch mentioned above there is a rock 7 feet (2.1 m.) high. East Banguey Patches are two small coral heads with 2 and 234 fathoms (3.6 and 5 m.), lying 3/4 and 1 mile, respectively, off the Bankawan Reefs. From the outer one Latoan Summit bears 292~ (WNW. 14 W. mag.) distant 33/4 miles. Bankawan Island, situated about 1 mile from the east coast of Banguey, is an irregular-shaped island, 21/4 miles long north and south and 134 miles wide. Close to its east side there is an island with an islet off its northeast point, and a little more than 1 mile southeastward of it a small round island, from which a narrow tongue of sand projects 3/4 mile in a southeasterly direction. Bankawan Reefs extend eastward to a distance of 31/4 miles from the northern point of Bankawan Island, and for 3 miles abreast the southern part. Abreast the center of these reefs is an isolated reef, 11/4 miles in length, the outer edge of which is 33/4 miles distant from Bankawan. From the south point of Bankawan numerous small reefs extend out for about 2 miles, which, with the reef extending 1/2 mile southeastward of the tongue of sand, form the northern limit of Bankawan Channel. Molleangan Island, 466 feet (142 m.) high, situated 11/4 miles southwestward of the south point of Banguey, is 1/4 miles long east and west and 3/4 mile wide, with reefs and rocks above water extending 3/4 mile in a northwest, west, and southwesterly direction; the northeast and southeast sides of the island are steep-to. Several reefs with rocks above and below water lie nearly midway between Molleangan and Banguey. 368 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT At 1 mile southwest of Molleangan lies Little Molleangan Island, from which dangers extend 1/3 mile eastward and 3/4 mile westward, with depths of 13 to 17 fathoms (23.8 to 31 m.) close-to. Patanunam Island, situated 3/ mile eastward of the south point of Banguey, is more than 1/2 mile in extent and 428 feet (130 m.) high. The summit is a useful object for determining a vessel's position when passing through the channel. The island is fringed by a coral reef projecting 400 yards from its southwest end, and off its northeast end a detached narrow reef extends nearly 1 mile northeastward. Pagassan Island, hilly in character, is about 2 miles in extent and fringed by a reef which projects 600 yards from the southern part, with a rock awash 200 yards beyond. Westward of the rock awash there are patches of 4 and 5 fathoms (7.3 and 9.1 m.), the outer and most distant of which is situated 255~ (WSW. 1/2 W. mag.) from it. Lampassan Island lies 3/4 mile eastward of Pagassan and is about 3 miles long northeast and southwest. From its southern and eastern points coral spits, dry at low water, extend to the distance of 34 mile. Mitford Harbor is situated on the south side of Banguey Island and within the islands just described. There are three entrances to it; the middle, between Pagassan and the island westward of it, is less than 200 yards wide and has depths of 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.). The western entrance and channel within has about 5 fathoms (9.1 m.). The eastern entrance between the reefs, extending from Pagassan and Lampassan Islands, is 450 yards wide, narrowing to 150 yards at 1 mile from the sea, the depths varying from 7 to 10 fathoms (12.8 to 18.3 m.). The channel up to the settlement is marked by beacons, painted red on the port hand and white on the starboard, situated on the edges of the reefs. There is no danger in the channel, it being only necessary to steer midway between the beacons, or, if they are not in position, between the reefs. A depth of 5 fathoms (9.1 m.) can be carried right up to the anchorage, which is situated between Modum Island and the mainland of Banguey. A small settlement is situated on the coast of Banguey Island, abreast Modun Island. Beacons, made of nibong palm, were reported to be erected on the reefs on either side of the middle and western channels, but they must not be depended on. Water.-The water supply is reported to be good. Directions, Middle Channel.-In steering for the entrance of the middle channel the two patches 1 mile southeast of it must be avoided. The western extremity of Pagassan Island, bearing 311~ (NW. 1/ W. mag.), clears the 4-fathom (7.3 m.) patches eastward; and the same point, bearing 351~ (N. by W. mag.), clears the 5 -fathom (9.1 m.) patch westward. The middle of the hill (663 feet (202 m.) in height) close behind Mitford, bearing 317? (NW. mag.), leads through the middle of the middle channel, and midway between the palm beacons on the fringing reefs should they exist. About 12 mile eastward of Lampassan a point extends from Banguey toward the channel, forming one side of an inlet choked by PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULUL ARCHIPELAGO 369 reefs, the other side being a peninsula forming the southeast end of Banguey. A short distance off the point, on the reef extending from it, lie two islets, and from these a number of rocks, almost connected, extend in a south by west direction nearly 11/ miles. The southeast extremity of Banguey is bordered by reefs, and off the mouth of the inlet just mentioned lie two large patches, the outermost being 1 mile from the shore reef. Carrington Reefs, situated 2~ miles southeastward from the east end of Lampassan, are composed of coral, for the most part bare at low water. They extend 4 miles in an east and west direction and are 1 mile in width. At 800 yards from the north side of these reefs there is a detached patch of 21/2 fathoms (4.6 m.). Between this shoal and the dangers extending from the Banguey shore is a 'channel 3/4 mile wide, but which, as a matter of ordinary navigation, no vessel would require to use. It is, however, practically available for small steamers, which may afterwards round the Carrington Reefs and return into Banguey South Channel; or they may proceed into the Sulu Sea, either by the narrow and intricate passage between the shore reefs and those surrounding Bankawan and Latoan or by Bankawan Channel, a broader and much less intricate passage, separating the Bankawan and Southeast Banguey Dangers. The main channel, however, lies between the Carrington Reefs and those off the north part of Mallawalle Island, and this channel only should be used by strangers, taking care not to near the former dangers under a depth of 13 to 15 fathoms (23.8 to 27.4 m.). The apex of Pagassan, bearing 279~ (W. 5/8 N. mag.), leads close southward, and the east end of Lampassan 348~ (N. by W. 1/4 W. mag.) leads westward. Southeast Banguey Dangers comprise an extensive group of reefs and shoals 101/2 miles in length in an east by north and opposite direction, and nearly 5 miles in width, situated about 1~ miles eastward of Carrington Reefs. The west end of the group is defined by two small isolated reefs, bare at low water and steep-to. A good lookout is essential when nearing them, and the same precaution will have to be observed when passing through the channel, as the. reefs forming the southern edge of these dangers are all steep-to. A space about 2 miles in extent, at the eastern part of Southeast Banguey Dangers, is studded by a number of coral patches with from I to 5 fathoms (1.8 to 9.1 m.) of water, and from the outer or eastern one the summit of Latoan Island bears 299~ (NW. by W. 5/8 W. mag.) distant 91/2 miles. Bankawan Channel, separating Bankawan Reefs from Southeast Banguey Dangers, is 3/4 mile wide at its narrowest part. The channel is nearly straight and lies in a 55~ (NE. 3/4 E. mag.) and 235~ (SW. 34 W. mag.) direction, but it will be necessary to keep a good lookout for reefs on either side; with proper precaution there will be no difficulty in taking a vessel through in safety. Banguey South Channel, leading from the China into the Sulu Sea, is somewhat intricate and requires careful navigation, being for the greater part of its length bordered by dangers, and with others near the fairway. The western entrance, about 13/4 miles wide, lies between Outer Shoal and Molleangan Islands, off-lying the coasts 370 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT of Borneo and Banguey, respectively. The southern limits of the channel are formed by the Northwest and North Borneo Dangers, South Channel Dangers, the reefs off the northern part of Mallawalle, Mallawalle Eastern Dangers, and Fairway Shoal. The northern limits by the islands which lie close-to, and appear to be a part of the southern shore of Banguey, Carrington Reefs, and Southeast Banguey Dangers. Islands and Daggers on the North Coast of Borneo.-Lying off the northwest and north coast of Borneo are a number of coral shoals, generally of small extent, some partially bare at low water, whilst others bare entirely, and two are marked by sand cays which shine brightly in the sunlight. Those dangers only will be described which limit the channels proper for vessels to proceed by. To mention the others in detail would tend rather to confuse navigators, who can have no inducement to risk the safety of their vessels by venturing among them. Outer Shoal, the largest of these dangers, forms the southwest limit of Banguey South Channel. It is about 1 mile in extent and steep-to, with about 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water and a patch which bares on its eastern side. From its northwest end the summit of Little Molleangan bears 36~ (NE. by N. mag.) distant 21/2 miles. A tripod beacon with globe top mark painted black and white, marks the northern side of Outer Shoal. A sand cay, on the east side of a coral ledge nearly awash and steep-to, lies 103~ (E. by S. mag.) 23/4 miles from the northeast extremity of Outer Shoal. Nearly midway between Outer Shoal and this sand cay is a small coral patch with 6 feet (1.8 m.) of water and a depth of 15 fathoms (27.4 m.) around. Another sand cay, in the center of a coral ledge, lies 1 mile eastward of the former. These cays are useful as marking the limits of the channel on the Borneo side; and, being composed of white coral sand, are conspicuous. Nearly 3 miles east-northeastward of the eastern sand cay is a 2-fathom (3.6 m.) patch, with two ledges which bare a short distance southward. From this shoal, which is the most northerly of the North Borneo Dangers, the summit of Patanunam bears 330~ (NNW. 78 W. mag.), distant nearly 4 miles. About 13/4 miles 95~ (E. 4 S. mag) from the 2-fathom (3.6 in.) shoal is the outer of two coral ledges lying close together, with Patanunam summit bearing 314~ (NW. /4 W. mag.), distant 5 miles. A 3-fathom (5.5 m.) patch lies 600 yards east-southeastward, and a ledge of rocks is distant a little over 11/ miles in the same direction from these dangers. The latter is within 1/3 mile of the reef fronting the Borneo shore to a distance of about 2 miles. Dangers in the fairway.-Petrel Rock is a narrow ridge of coral about 40 yards in extent, with 21/4 fathoms (4.6 m.) of water and a depth of 12 fathoms (21.9 m.) close around. It lies with the southern extremity of Molleangan Island bearing 278~ (W. /2 N. mag.), distant about 31/2 miles. A patch of 514 fathoms (10 m.) lies about 3/4 mile eastward of Petrel Rock, with the southern extremity of Molleangan Island PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 371 bearing 273~ (W. 1/8 N. mag.) and the 663-foot (202 m.) hill at Mitford 348~ (N. by W. 1/4 W. mag.). A beacon, consisting of a staff surmounted by a ball, painted vertically red and white, has been erected to mark a shoal which is reported to have a depth of 13/4 fathoms (3.2 m.) over it, situated in Banguey South Channel at a distance of about 21/2 miles 143~ (SE. /2 S. mag.) from the eastern point of Patanunam Island. Ten-foot Rock, the westernmost of the dangers in the fairway, is a coral head 70 yards in length, with a least depth of 10 feet (3 m.) and 17 fathoms (31 m.) close around. It lies with Petrel Rock, bearing 33~ (NNE. 3/4 E. mag.), distant about 1,400 yards. As other dangers may exist here, the utmost caution should be used when navigating in this vicinity. South Channel Dangers comprise six coral reefs lying in the fairway eastward of Petrel Rock, with irregular depths between. Three of these reefs lie in an east and west direction, about 1/2 mile apart. The two westernmost bare at low water; the other is a strip of coral nearly 3/4 mile in length, with a rock nearly awash at its eastern end. A 21/2-fathom (4.6 m.) patch lies 165~ (S. by E. 1/2 E. mag.) 1,200 yards, and another 58~ (NE. by E. mag.) 11/2 miles from the rock nearly awash. Between the different dangers are passages which it is possible for vessels to pass through, but as this would serve no useful purpose it is advisable to consider these shoals as a dangerous group. Clearing marks.-The apex of Molleangan Island, bearing 261~ (W. by S. mag.), leads northward of South Channel Dangers; the same object 275~ (W. 14 N. mag.), leads southward of them and about 600 yards northward of Petrel Rock. Directions, Banguey South Channel.-Attention to these directions must be supplemented by a vigilant and careful lookout from aloft. The best time for proceeding through from westward is with the sun astern, when there is seldom much difficulty in making out the various dangers as the vessel advances. Balabac Main Channel is, however, considered a much safer route. Entering from westward, bring Molleangan Islands to bear about 92~ (E. mag.) and steer for them. When about 5 miles from the reef encircling them, edge southeastward, opening the summit of the larger island southward of the smaller one. Then steer to pass about /4 mile southward of the latter, observing that the whole of Patanunam Island should not be opened eastward of Molleangan Island until the summit of Little Molleangan Island bears 25~ (NNE. mag.), which will lead clear of Outer Shoal. Having passed Little Molleangan, steer more northeastward, keeping within 1 mile of Molleangan and Patanunam. Having passed those islands, bring the peak of Patanunam to bear 265~ (W. 5/ S. mag.) and steer 85~ (E. 5/ N. mag.) through the fairway between the South Channel Dangers and the rock off the south end of Pagassan until the sand cay off the north side of Mallawalle is abeam, distant about 1 mile, when a 109~ (ESE. /2E. mag.) course will lead clear of the dangers off the northern side of Mallawalle. When the sand cay off the eastern extremity of that island bears 182~ (S. mag.), distant 214 miles, steer 70~ (ENE. mag.), which course being preserved will lead 1 mile northward of Fairway Shoal into 372 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT the Sulu Sea. Bearings of Straggler Islet will check the position of the vessel while westward of Fairway Shoal. North coast of Borneo.-Inaruntang Point, the most northern point of Borneo in this vicinity and the eastern entrance point to Marudu Bay, is situated in approximate latitude 7~ 01' N., longitude 117~ 09' E. It is surrounded by a reef to a distance of about 1 mile, northward from which are the dangerous detached patches known as the North Borneo Dangers. Inaruntang Point should be given a berth of at least 212 miles. MARUDU BAY is about 24 miles wide at the entrance between Inaruntang and Sampanmangio Points and extends some 28 miles southward. The depths in the middle of the entrance are 18 and 19 fathoms (33 and 35 m.), decreasing gradually toward the head of the bay, where there is considerable shoal water and extensive mud flats that bare at low water. The only danger in the bay, outside of numerous shoal patches lying close to the shore reefs, is Barraut Reef, a small coral patch covered by a least depth of 4 feet (1.2 m.) lying on the bearing: Sandilands Light 345~ (N. by W. /2 W. mag.) and the chimney of the cutch factory at Mempakit 118~ (SE. by E. 3/4 E. mag.), distant 32/3 miles. From Inaruntang Point the coast trends southwesterly for about 9 miles to Cape Mafsie. Between these two points the shore is fringed by reefs outside of which are numerous detached shoals known as the Northwest Borneo Dangers. On this section of the coast there are two deep indentations. The one immediately westward from Inaruntang Point is completely blocked by reefs; the one northeastward from Cape Mafsie is about 1 mile wide at the entrance between the reefs and extends about 3 miles southeastward to the mouth of the Melobong River. The eastern entrance point is marked by Perak Island, a small, heavily wooded islet with steep, cliffy sides, about 120 feet (36 m.) high and 4 mile long. The reefs on the eastern side of this bight are marked by a beacon, and depths of 2 and 21/2 fathoms (3.6 and 4.6 m.) can be carried as far as Tarang Puteh. Boats entering steer for Perak Island on a 103~ (E. by S. mag.) course, and when within a distance of 1 mile of it a southeasterly course leads to the mouth of the river. Cape Mafsie is prominent, 56 feet (17.1 m.) high, with conspicuous white cliffs and has a sharp rock 35 feet (10.7 m.) high lying close to it. It is surrounded by reefs which extend about 1 mile westward and 21/2 miles northwestward from it, where there is a boat passage leading to the bight northeastward from Cape Mafsie, into which the Melobong River discharges. Shoals.-A shoal having over it a depth of 23/4 fathoms (5 m.) is situated 2 miles 283~ (W. by N. mag.) from Cape Mafsie, and a patch of 4 fathoms (7.3 m.) lies 1 mile in an east-southeasterly direction from this shoal. Perawan Point, about 3 miles southward from Cape Mafsie, is 56 feet (17.1 m.) high and is easily distinguished by its red cliffs. The reef which surrounds Cape Mafsie gradually narrows and finally disappears at Perawan Point. Shoal water extends some distance PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 373 westward from Perawan Point, the 5-fathom (9.1 m.) curve being found at a distance of 11/ miles from shore. Benkoka River discharges about 31/2 miles southward from Perawan Point. Benkoka Islet, a small wooded islet covered with trees about 25 feet (7.6 m.) high, lies at its mouth. The mouth of the Benkoka River is about /2 mile wide, rapidly decreasing to a uniform breadth of 200 yards. It is obstructed by a sand spit, but launches drawing 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m.) can ascend, at high water, a distance of 12 miles to the village of Pitas. There are a number of other villages in this vicinity. The Benkoka and other rivers flowing into Marudu Bay shift their channels after every rainy season and are only available for boats after the beacons have been again placed in position. Tenga River, which is a branch of the Benkoka River, discharges about 11/2 miles southwestward from Benkoka Islet. The Taka River discharges 3/2 miles southwestward from the Tenga. At the mouth of the Taka River there is a bar covered by 3 feet (0.9 m.) at low water which generally breaks. A long sand spit extends northward from the mouth of this river. The area included between the Benkoka and Taka Rivers is low, intersected by numerous small streams, and heavily wooded with mangroves and casuarina trees. Zebra Reefs are several coral patches with deep water between them and also between them and the shore. They are situated about 1 mile from the coast; from the western reef the cutch factory chimney bears 180~ (S. 1/8 E. mag.) distant 314 miles. Mempakit is a small town situated 31/ miles east-northeastward from Ridge Point. It contains a cutch factory with a chimney 90 feet (27.4 m.) high, which forms a conspicuous landmark. Powell Rock, with less than 1 fathom (1.8 m.) over it, lies 1/2 mile from shore with the factory chimney bearing 171~ (S. by E. mag.) distant 5/ mile. Anchorage.-Good anchorage may be obtained in a depth of 8 fathoms (14.6 m.) muddy bottom, with the factory chimney bearing 118~ (SE. by E. 34 E. mag.) distant 800 yards. Ridge Point is 170 feet (52 m.), high and cliffy. A coral reef, bare at low water, extends about 1 mile northward from it. From Ridge Point to the mouth of the Taritipan River, 5/2 miles southwestward, the high land approaches the shore and is heavily wooded. Batu Point, about 4 miles southwestward from Ridge Point, is low and sandy and can be passed at a distance of 1/4 mile. Pier.-About 3/4 mile southward from Batu Point is a pier over 400 feet long, with a depth of 5 feet (1.5 m.) at low water at its end, belonging to the North Borneo Exploration Co. A railway 3 miles long connects the pier with the manganese mines at Taritipan. Anchorage for large vessels may be found in a depth of 51/2 fathoms (10 m.) with the end of the pier bearing 115~ (ESE. mag.) distant about 3/4 mile. Small vessels may anchor farther to the southward and eastward according to draft. Marudu River discharges 5 miles westward from Taritipan.. The shore between the mouths of these two rivers and thence northward for 5 miles to the mouth of the Matungan River is low and fringed 374 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT by mud flats which bare at low water, beyond which shoal water extends to a considerable distance. There is a narrow tortuous channel, about 31/2 miles long, across the bar and through the mud flats to the mouth of the Marudu, passable at high water by small launches drawing about 6 feet (1.8 m.), but it must be previously staked out. Marudu River is reported to be shoaling. Anchorage.-Large vessels should anchor about 4 miles northeastward from the river mouth in 6 fathoms (11 m.), muddy bottom, with Woody Islet bearing 312~ (NW. 1/2 W. mag.) distant about 214 miles. Woody Islet is a small mound about 18 feet (5.5 m.) high, surrounded by low rocks, at the mouth of the Matungan River. From abreast of Woody Islet the coast trends north-northeasterly for 812 miles to Pirate Point and thence northward for 5 miles to Tigasamil Point, at the southern entrance to Kudat Harbor. Between Woody Islet and Pirate Point foul ground extends a considerable distance from the shore. From the eastern extremity of this foul ground, Pirate Point bears 17~ (N. by E. /8 E. mag.) distant about 41/ miles. Low hills rise from the western shore of the bay. Melau Besar, 680 feet (207 m.) high, and Matungan, 1,360 feet (414 m.) high, are easily recognized, the summit of the former being bare and flat while the latter is thickly wooded. Pirate Point is a low sandy point fringed with mangroves; shoal water extends over 1/ mile eastward from it. About 3 miles northward from Pirate Point there is a low point from which a coral reef bare at low water extends 1 mile eastward and surrounds Melau Islet. Melau Islet rises to a height of 65 feet (19.8 m.) and forms a good landmark; vessels bound up the bay should give it a berth of not less than 1 mile. The shores of the bay between Melau Islet and Tigasamil Point are fringed by reefs bare at low water, and the middle of the bay contains several shoal patches. Kudat Harbor, situated on the western shore of Marudu Bay, affords anchorage in 4 to 7 fathoms (7.3 to 12.8 m.), sheltered from the swell during the northeast monsoon by a reef which extends 3/4 mile from its northern entrance point. It is about 11/2 miles wide at the entrance between Bornugus and Tigasamil Points and extends some 4 miles westward. The head of the harbor is shoal and of little value to navigation. Tides.-It is high water, full and change, in Kudat Harbor at 10h 50m; springs rise from 512 to 61/2 feet (1.7 to 2 m.); neaps rise 41/2 feet (1.4 m.). The tidal streams are weak, the maximum velocity observed during a stay of three months being 1/ knot. Tigasamil Point, the southern entrance point, is high and surrounded by a coral reef, bare at low water, on which there are a number of rocks from 1 to 20 feet (0.3 to 6.1 m.) high. The coral reef surrounding Tigasamil Point fringes the southern shore of the harbor as far as White Rock, about 2 miles westward. Tigasamil Spit is a prong of the reef surrounding Tigasamil Point, which extends northeastward for about 800 yards and bares at low water, with depths of about 1 fathom (0.9 m.) at its extremity, increasing to 21/ fathoms (4.6 m.) 300 yards beyond, with 9 and PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 375 11 fathoms (16.5 and 20.1 m.) close-to. The edge of the shoal water is usually marked by a beacon in 12 feet (3.6 m.), but its presence must not be relied on. Sandilands Rock, with 1 fathom (1.8 m.) least water and situated in the middle of the entrance, is about 150 yards long east and west and 50 yards in breadth. It is marked by an unwatched flashing white light exhibited at an elevation of 20 feet (6.1 m.) from a small tower on a wooden structure. Witti Rocks are two small rocks covered by less than 1 fathom (1.8 m.) with 3-fathom (5.5 m.) spots close to them, lying 300 yards 8~ (N. 1/2 E. mag.) and 500 yards 17~ (N. by E. % E. mag.), respectively, from Sandilands Rock beacon. Gueritz Rock, with about 3 feet (0.9 m.) of water, lies 650 yards 150~ (SSE. 7/8 E. mag.) from the harbor jetty and is marked by a wooden beacon, 12 feet (3.6 m.) high, surmounted by a white daymark. Gueritz Rock forms the southern extremity of a reef, party bare at low water, which stretches off 3/4 mile between Bornugus and Kapor Points. A narrow shoal, 300 yards long and having over it depths of from 21/2 to 3 fathoms (4.6 to 5.5 m.), lies about 300 yards off the eastern edge of this reef. From its eastern extremity Sandiland Rock beacon bears 203~ (S. by W. 7// W. mag.), distant about 1,200 yards. Datum Rock, only covered at the highest springs, lies on the edge of the shoal fronting the shore westward from the harbor jetty. A red buoy, shown on the plan of Kudat Harbor, is on the edge of the 3-fathom (5.5 m.) curve, about 300 yards eastward from Datum Rock. Kudat, a settlement of the North Borneo Co., is situated on the north point of the entrance to the harbor. It owes its importance to its being the distributing center for the various tobacco and rubber estates in the vicinity. The chief exports are tobacco, rubber, and copra. There is a native hospital, several churches, and government offices. Jetty.-During the southwest monsoon there is a depth of 14 feet (4.3 m.) alongside the jetty at the southern extremity of the settlement, with about 2 feet (0.6 m.) more in the northeast monsoon. There is a mooring buoy southwestward of the jetty. A fixed red light is exhibited from the harbor jetty, visible seaward, but obscured over the western part of the harbor. Communications.-The Straits Steamship Co.'s vessels, trading between Singapore and Sandakan, call every 10 days. There is a radio station at Kudat. The mast is conspicuous and makes a good landmark for approaching the harbor. Call letters, VQA; wave length, 600 meters, spark. Climate.-The mean maximum temperature is 88~ F. and the mean minimum 74~. From April to September the temperature reaches 96~ F. at times. The mean annual rainfall, derived from 15 years' observations, is 96.7 inches, and the wettest months are October to February. Of these, the months November to January account for nearly half the annual fall. The period of the southerly monsoon is the most unhealthy part of the year, and fever is then prevalent and rather severe. During the period of the northerly monsoon, when the wind blows from seaward, fever is almost absent. 376 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Directions.-Vessels from the northward and westward, after passing Kalampunian Island, off Sampanmangio Point, should give the coast a berth of about 2 miles, and when abreast of Aru Point, Melau Besar Hill, 680 feet (207 m.) high, will be seen southward from Kudat Harbor. Melau Besar bearing 199~ (S. by W. 1/2 W. mag.), open eastward of the 20-foot (6.1 m.) rock off Tigasamil Point, leads eastward from the dangers off Kapor and Bornugus Points and Sandilands Rock; when Johnstone Bluff, 189 feet high, at the head of the harbor, bears 275~ (W. /4 N. mag.) it may be steered for, passing between the beacons on Tigasamil Spit and Sandilands Rock. After passing Sandilands Rock beacon continue on heading for Johnstone Bluff and anchor when a depth of 6 fathoms (11 m.) is reached. Small vessels anchor farther northward nearer the wharf. Sampanmangio Point, the northern extremity of Borneo Island and the western entrance point to Marudu Bay, in latitude 7~ 02' 30" N., longitude 116~ 44' 30" E., is readily distinguished by the tall casuarinas which rise from its grassy bluff and by the island of Kalampunian off it. Kalampunian Island, 1 mile northward of Sampanmangio Point, is of sandstone formation, similar to the nearest bluff of that poinit, and rises abruptly from a flat to the height of 40 feet (12.2 m.). The flat is of considerable extent and composed of detached reefs. There is a safe channel, nearly 1/ mile wide, between it and the main, having depths of 7 and 8 fathoms (12.8 and 14.6 m.). The dangers are visible and are easily avoided by a careful lookout from aloft. A flashing white light has been established on Kalampunian Island. APPENDIX COAST PILOTS AND FIELD STATIONS OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY COAST PILOTS Price U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section A, from St. Croix River to Cape Cod_ —________ _ --- ----— __- -------- $0. 75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section B, from Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, including Long Island Sound --- —--------- -----.75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section C, Sandy Hook to Cape Henry, including Delaware and Chesapeake Bays_ --- — -----------.75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Section D, Cape Henry to Key West-. 75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Gulf Coast, from Key West to the Rio Grande ---___ —. 75 U. S. Coast Pilot, West Indies, Porto Rico, and Virgin Islands-______.75 Inside Route Pilot, Coast of New Jersey_____-_ --- —----------.30 Inside Route Pilot, New York to Key West ----______ --- — ----.30 Inside Route Pilot, Key West to the Rio Grande____ --- —-------.50 U. S. Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, California, Oregon, and Washington___.75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, Alaska, Part I, from Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay- __ _ ________ --- —------------. 75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, Alaska, Part II, Yakutat Bay to Arctic Ocean ---------------------------. 75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Hawaiian Islands --- —------------------.50 U. S. Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, Part I, Luzon, Mindoro, and Visayas __.75 U. S. Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands, Part II, Palawan, Mindanao, and Sulu Archipelago — ___ --- —--------— 7.75 Distances between United States Ports_ --- —------------------.10 FIELD STATIONS Boston, Mass., 92 State Street. New York, N. Y., 311-312 Maritime Exchange Building, 78 Broad Street. New Orleans, La., room 314 Customhouse. San Francisco, Calif., room 510 Customhouse. Seattle, Wash., room 202, Burke Building. Manila, P. I., Intendencia Building. At these stations complete files of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey charts, Coast Pilots, Tide Tables, Current Tables, and other publications relating to navigation may be consulted and information affecting navigation obtained without charge. Light Lists, Buoy Lists, and Notices to Mariners are kept for sale or for free distribution to mariners. The field stations are also sales agencies for the Coast and Geodetic Survey publications. A chart catalogue, giving lists of charts, coast pilots, tide tables, and agencies of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, can be obtained from any of the field stations, or will be sent, free of charge, on application to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Frequent changes occur in the agencies, and the list of agencies is published in the first notice each month of the Notices to Mariners. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS AND THE USE OF CHARTS The IU. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey is charged with the survey of the coasts, harbors, and tidal estuaries of the United States and its insular possessions and issues the following publications relating to these waters as guides to navigation: Charts, Coast Pilots, Tide Tables, Current Tables, a catalogue of these publications, and Notices to Mariners, the last-named published weekly by the Bureau of Lighthouses and Coast and Geodetic Survey. 377 378 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Charts bear three dates, which should be understood by persons using them: (1) The date (month and year) of the edition, printed on the late charts below the border in a central position; (2) the date of the latest corrections to the chart plates, printed in the lower left-hand corner below the border; (3) the date of issue, stamped below the border and just to the left of the subtitle. Charts show all necessary corrections as to lights, beacons, buoys, and dangers, which have been received to the date of issue, being hand corrected since the latest date printed in the lower left-hand corner. All small but important corrections occurring subsequent to the date of issue of the chart are published in Notice to Mariners and should be applied by hand to the chart immediately after the receipt of the notices. The date of the edition of the chart remains unchanged until an extensive correction is made on the plate from which the chart is printed. The date is then changed and the issue is known as a new edition. When a correction, not of sufficient importance to require a new edition, is made to a chart plate, the year, month, and day are noted in the lower left-hand corner. All the notes on a chart should be read carefully, as in some cases they relate to the aids to navigation or to dangers that can not be clearly charted. The charts are various in character, according to the objects which they are designed to subserve. The most important distinctions are the following: 1. Sailing charts, mostly on a scale of approximately 1:1.200,000, which exhibit the approaches to a large extent of coast, give the offshore soundings, and enable the navigator to identify his position as he approaches from the open sea. 2. General charts of the coast, on scales of 1: 400,000 and 1: 200,000, intended especially for coastwise navigation. 3. Coast charts, on a scale of 1: 80,000, by means of which the navigator is enabled to avail himself of the channels for entering the larger bays and harbors. 4. Harbor charts, on larger scales, intended to meet the needs of local navigation. NoTE.-General charts of the Philippine Islands are on scales 1:1,600,000, 1: 800,000, and 1: 400,000; coast charts are on scales 1: 100,000 and 1: 200.000. Coast Pilots, relating to surveyed waters of the United States, Porto Rico, Virgin Islands, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands, and the Philippine Islands, contain full nautical descriptions of the coast, harbors, dangers, and directions for coasting and entering harbors. At intervals of about one year, supplements are issued, containing the more important corrections since the publication of the volume. The supplements are printed on one side of the paper only, so that they may be cut and pasted in the appropriate places in the volume. Supplements and other corrections for any volume can be furnished, free of charge, on application to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., or any of its field stations, provided the volume itself has not been superseded by a subsequent edition. Tide Tables.-The Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Tables are issued annually in advance of the year for which they are made and contain the predicted times and heights of the tide for each day in the year at the principal ports of the world, including the United States and its possessions. A table of tidal differences is given by means of which the tides at about 3,500 intermediate ports may be obtained. Separate reprints from the general Tide Tables are issued for the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and its dependencies. Current Tables, which have heretofore been issued as a part of the Tide Tables, are now published separately as Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of the United States, and Current Tables, Pacific Coast, North America, and Philippine Islands. Agencies for the sale of the Charts, Coast Pilots, Tide Tables, and Current Tables of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are established in many ports of the United States and in some foreign ports. They can also be purchased in the office of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., or any of the field stations. If ordered by mail, prepayment is obligatory. Remittances should be made by postal money order or express order, payable to the "Coast and Geodetic Survey." Postage stamps, checks, and drafts can not be accepted. The sending of money in an unregistered letter is unsafe. Only catalogue numbers of charts need be mentioned. The catalogue of charts and other publications of the survey can be obtained free of charge on application at any of the sale agencies or to the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 379 Other publications.-Lists of Lights, Buoys, and 'other Day Marks of the United States, its insular possessions, and the Great Lakes, are published by the Bureau of Lighthouses and may be purchased from its sale agencies or from the Superintendent Documents, Washington, D. C. Notice to Mariners, relating to the same waters, is published weekly by the Bureau of Light houses and Coast and Geodetic Survey; this publication can be obtained free of charge on application to the Division of Publications, Deparment of Commerce, Washington, D. C. REMARKS ON THE USE OF CHARTS Accuracy of charts.-The value of a chart depends upon the character and accuracy of the survey on which it is based, and the larger the scale of the chart the more important do these become. In 'these respects the source from which the information has been compiled is a good guide. This applies particularly to the charts of the Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Arctic Ocean and part of Bering Sea, and the Philippine Islands. The early Russian and Spanish surveys were not made with great accuracy, and until they are replaced by later surveys these charts must be used with caution. With respect to these regions, the fullness or scantiness of the soundings is another method of estimating the completeness of a chart. When the soundings are sparse or unevenly distributed, it may be taken for granted that the survey was not in great detail. A wide berth should therefore be given to every rocky shore or patch, and this rule should invariably be followed, viz, that instead of considering a coast to be clear unless it is shown to be foul, the contrary should be assumed. With respect to a well-surveyed coast, only a fractional part of the soundings obtained are shown on the chart, a sufficient number being selected to clearly indicate the contour of the bottom. When the bottom is uneven, the soundings will be found grouped closely together; and when the slopes are gradual, fewer soundings are given. Each sounding represents an actual measure of depth and location at the time the survey was made. Shores and shoals where sand and mud prevail, and especially bar harbors and the entrances of bays and rivers exposed to strong, tidal currents and a heavy sea, are subject to continual change of a greater or less extent, and important ones may have taken place since the date of the last survey. In localities which are noted for frequent and radical changes, such as the entrance to a number of estuaries on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, notes are printed on the charts calling attention to the fact. It should also be remembered that in coral regions and where rocks abound it is always possible that a survey with lead and line, however detailed, may have failed to find every small obstruction. For these reasons when navigating such waters the customary sailing lines and channels should be followed, and those areas avoided where the irregular and sudden changes in depth indicate conditions which are associated with pinnacle rocks or coral heads. Dredged channels.-These are generally shown on the charts by two broken lines to represent the side limits of the improvement, together with the depth and date. The depth is the controlling depth through the channel on the date charted and does not mean that this depth obtains over the full width of the channel, nor that the depth has not subsequently changed due to either shoaling or redredging. These changes are often of frequent occurrence; therefore, when vessels' drafts approximate the charted depth of a dredged channel, local information as to conditions should be obtained before entering. Danger curves.-The depth curves will be found useful in giving greater prominence to outlying dangers. It is a good plan to trace out with a colored pencil the curve next greater than the draft of the vessel using the chart and regard this as a " danger curve," which is not to be crossed without precaution. Isolated soundings shoaler than surrounding depths should be avoided, as there is always the possibility that the shoalest spot may not have been found. Caution in using small-scale charts.-It is obvious that dangers to navigation can not be shown with the same amount of detail on small-scale charts as on those of larger scale; therefore in approaching the land or dangerous banks regard should be had to the scale of the chart and the largest scale chart available should be used. A small error in layin'g down a position means only yards on a large-scale chart, whereas on a small scale the same amount of displacement means large fractions of a mile. For the same reason bearings to near 380 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT objects should be used in preference to objects farther off, although the latter may be more prominent, as a small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawn. Distortion of printed charts.-The paper on which charts are printed directly from copper plates has to be dampened. On drying, distortion takes place from the inequalities in the paper, which varies with the paper and the amount of the original dampening; but usually it is not sufficient to affect ordinary navigation. It must not, however, be expected that accurate series of angles taken to different points will always exactly agree when carefully plotted upon the chart, especially if the lines to objects be long. The longer the chart the greater the amount of this distortion. All Coast and Geodetic Survey charts are now printed by lithography on dry paper and have little if any distortion. A lithographed chart may be distinguished from a plate-printed chart by the feel of the surface, the former being smooth while the latter is rough. Lithographed charts also are usually tinted in colors while the others are in black and white. Buoys.-Too much reliance should not be placed on buoys always maintaining their exact position, especially when in exposed positions. It is safer, when possible, to navigate by bearings or angles to fixed objects on shore and by the use of soundings. Gas buoys and other unwatched lights can not be implicitly relied on; the light may be altogether extinguished or, if intermittent, the apparatus may get out of order. Lights.-The distance given in the light lists, coast pilots, and on the charts for the visibility of lights are computed for a height of 15 feet (4.6 m.) for the observer's eye. The table of distances of visibility due to height, published, in the Light List, affords a means of ascertaining the effect of a greater or less height of the eye. The glare of a powerful light is often seen far beyond the limit of visibility of the actual rays of the light, but this must not be confounded with the true range. Again, refraction may often cause a light to be seen farther than under ordinary circumstances. As the range of visibility increases with the elevation of the observer, it is often possible to obtain a bearing before the light is sighted from the bridge by sighting the light from aloft, noting a star in range with it and then obtaining a bearing of the star with compass or pelorus. The actual power of a light should be considered when expecting to make it in thick weather. A weak light is easily obscured by haze, and no dependence can be placed on its being seen. The power of a light can be estimated by its candlepower as given in the light lists and in some cases by noting how much its visibility in clear weather falls short of the range due to the height at which it is placed. Thus a light standing 200 feet above the sea and recorded as visible only 10 miles in clear weather is manifestly of little brilliancy, as its height would permit it to be seen over 20 miles if of sufficient power. Fog signals.-Sound is conveyed in a very capricious way through the atmosphere. Apart from the wind, large areas of silence have been found in different directions and at different distances from the origin of the sound signal, even in clear weather. Therefore too much confidence should not be felt as to hearing a fog signal. The apparatus, moreover, for sounding the signal may require some time before it is in readiness to act. A fog often creeps imperceptibly toward the land and is not observed by those at a lighthouse until it is upon them, whereas a vessel may have been in it for many hours while approaching the land. In such a case no signal may be sounded. When sound travels against the wind it may be thrown upward; in such a case a man aloft might hear it when it is inaudible on deck. The conditions for hearing a signal will vary at the same station within short intervals of time. Mariners must not, therefore, judge their distance from a fog signal by the force of the sound and must not assume that a signal is not sounding because they do not hear it. Taken together, these facts should induce the utmost caution when nearing the land or danger in fog. The lead is generally the only safe guide and should be faithfully used. In regions where the shores are high and rocky the echo of the whistle frequently gives warning of too close an approach to shore. In narrow passages it is often possible to keep in mid-channel by directing course so that the echoes from both shores are heard at approximately the same time. Submarine bells installed on many lightships and buoys have an effective range of audibility greater than signals sounded in air, and a vessel equipped PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 381 with receiving apparatus can determine the approximate bearing of the signal. These signals can be heard also on vessels not equipped with receiving apparatus by observers below the water line, but a bearing of the signal can not then be readily determined. Tides.-A knowledge of the tide, or vertical rise and fall of the water, is of great and direct importance whenever the depth at low water approximates to or is less than the draft of the vessel, and wherever docks are constructed so as to be entered and left near the time of high water. But under all conditions such knowledge may be of indirect use, as it often enables the mariner to estimate in advance whether at a given time and place the current will be running flood or ebb. In using the tables, slack water should not be confounded with high or low tide, nor a flood or ebb current with a rising or falling tide. In some localities the tide may be at a high or low water stand while the current is at its maximum velocity. The tide tables published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey give the predicted times and heights of high and low waters for most of the principal ports of the world and tidal differences and constants for obtaining the tides at all important ports. Plane of reference for soundings on charts.-For the Atlahtic coast of the United States and Porto Rico the plane of reference for soundings is the mean of all low waters; for the Pacific coast of the United States and Alaska and for the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands it is the mean of the lower low waters. For the Atlantic coast of the Canal Zone, Panama, the plane of reference for soundings is mean low water and for the Pacific coast of the same it is low-water springs. For foreign charts many different planes of reference are in use, but that most frequently adopted is low-water springs. It should be remembered that whatever plane of reference is used for a chart there may be times when the tide falls below it. When the plane is mean low water or mean lower low water, there will generally be as many low waters or lower low waters below those planes as above them; also the wind may at times cause the water to fall below the plane of reference. Tidal currents.-In navigating coasts where the tidal range is considerable, special caution is necessary. It should be remembered that there are indrafts into all bays and bights, although the general set of the current is parallel to the shore, and that the effect of a cross current is greater on a vessel running slowly than when at full speed. The turn of the tidal current offshore is seldom coincident with the time of high and low water on the shore. At the entrance to most harbors without important tributaries or branches the current turns at or soon after the time of high and low water within. The diurnal inequality in the velocity of current will be proportionately but half as great as in the height of the tides. Hence, although the heights of the tide may be such as to cause the surface of the water to vary but little in level for 10 or 12 hours, the ebb and flow will be much more regular in occurrence. A swift current often occurs in narrow openings between two bodies of water, because the water at a given instant may be at different levels. Along most shores not seriously affected by bays, tidal rivers, etc., the current usually turns soon after high and low waters. The swiftest current in straight portions of tidal rivers is usually in the mid-channel, but in curved portions the strongest current is toward the outer edge of the curve. Counter currents and eddies may occur near the shore of straits, especially in bights and near points. Tide rips and swirls occur in places where strong currents occur, caused by a change in the direction of the current, and especially over shoals or in places where the bottom is uneven. Such places should be avoided if exposed also to a heavy sea, especially with the wind opposing the current. When these conditions are at their worst, the water is broken into heavy, choppy seas from all directions, which board the vessel, and also make it difficult to keep control, owing to the baring of the propeller and rudder. The current tables published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey give the predicted times of slack water and other current data for a number of places on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America. Current arrows on charts show only the usual or mean direction of a tidal stream or current. It must not be assumed that the direction of the current will not vary from that indicated by the arrow. In the same manner the velocity of the current constantly varies with circumstances, and the rate given 95672~-30- 25 382 UNITEI) STATES COAST PILOT on the chart is a mean value, corresponding to an average range of tide. At some stations but few observations have been made. Fixing position.-The most accurate method available to the navigator for fixing a position relative to the shore is by plotting with a protractor sextant angles between well-defined objects on the chart. This method, based on the i three-point problem" of geometry, should be in general use. In many narrow waters also where the objects may yet be at some distance, as in coral harbors or narrow passages among mud banks, navigation by sextant and protractor is invaluable, as a true position can in general be obtained only by its means. Positions by bearings are too rough to depend upon, and a small error in either taking or plotting a bearing might under such circumstances put the ship ashore. For its successful employment it is necessary. first, that the objects be well chosen; and, second, that the observer be skillful and rapid in his use of the sextant. The latter is only a matter of practice. Near objects should be used either for bearing or angles for position in preference to distant ones, although the latter may be more prominent, as a small error in the bearing or angle or in laying it on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawn. On the other hand, distant objects should be used for direction because less affected by a small error or change of position. The three-aria protractor consists of a graduated circle with one fixed and two movable radial arms. The zero of the graduation is at the fixed arm, and by turning the movable arms each one can be set at any desired angle with reference to the fixed arm. To plot a position, the two angles observed between the three selected objects are set on the instrument, which is then moved over the chart until the three tleveled edges in case of a metal instrument, or the radial lines in the case of a transparent or celluloid instruments, pass respectively and simultaneously through the three objects. The center of the instrulnent w-ill then mark the ship's position, which may be pricked on the chart or marked with a pencil point through the center hole. The tracing-paper protractor, consisting of a graduated circle printed on tracing paper, can be used as a substitute for the brass or celluloid instrument. The paper protractor also permits the laying down for simultaneous trial of a number of angles in cases of fixing important positions. Plain tracing paper may also be used if there are any suitable means of laying off the angles. The value of a determination depends greatly on the relative positions of the objects observed. If the position sought lies on the circle passing through the three objects, it will be indeterminate, as it will plot all around the circle. An approach to this condition, which is called a "revolver," muust be avoided. In case of doubt select from the chart three objects nearly in.a straight line or with the middle object nearest the observer. Near objects are better than distant ones, and in general up to 90~, the larger the angles the better, remelmbering always that large as well as small angles may plot on or near the circle and hence be worthless. If the objects are well situated, even very small angles will give for navigating purposes a fair position, when that obtained by bearings of the same objects would be of little value. Accuracy requires that the two angles be simultaneous. If under way and there is but one observer, the angle that changes less rapidly may be observed both before and after the other angle and the proper value obtained by interpolation. A single angle and a range give, in general, an excellent fix, easily obtained and plotted. The compass.-It is not intended that the use of the compass to fix the position should be given up. There are many circumstances in which it may be usefully employed, but errors more readily creep into a position so fixed. Where accuracy of position is desired, angles should invariably be used, such as the fixing of a rock or shoal or of additions to a chart, as fresh soundings or new buildings. In such cases angles should be taken to several objects, the more the better; but five objects is a good number, as the four angles thus obtained prevent any errors. When only two objects are visible, a sextant angle can be used to advantage with the compass bearing and a better fix obtained than by two bearings alone. Doubling the angle on the bow.-The method of fixing by doubling the angle on the bow is invaluable. The ordinary form of it, the so-called bow and beam bearing, the distance from the object at the latter position being the distance run between tlhe times of taking the two bearings. gives the maximum of accuracy and is an excellent fix for a departure, but does not insure safety, PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 383 as the object observed and any dangers off it are abeam when the position is obtained. By taking the bearing at two points and four points on the bow a fair position is obtained before the object is passed, the distance of the latter at the second position being, as before, equal to the distance run in the interval, allowing for current. Taking afterwards the beam bearing gives, with slight additional trouble, the distance of the object when abeam. Such beam bearings and distances, with the times, should be continuously recorded as fresh departures, the importance of which will be appreciated in case of being suddenly-shut in by fog. A graphic solution of the problem for any two bearings of the same object is frequently used. The two bearings are drawn on the chart, and the course is then drawn by means of the parallel rulers, so that the distance as measured from the chart between the lines is equal to the distance made good by the vessel between the times of taking the bearings. Danger angle.-The utility of the danger angle in passing outlying rocks or dangers should not be forgotten. In employing the horizontal danger angle, however, charts compiled from early Russian and Spanish sources, referred to in a preceding paragraph, should not be used. Soundings.-In thick weather, when near or approaching the land or danger, soundings should be taken continuously and at regular intervals and, with the character of the bottom, systematically recorded. By marking the soundings on tracing paper, according to the scale of the chart, along a line representing the track of the ship and then moving the paper over the chart parallel with the course until the observed soundings agree with those of the chart, the ship's position will in general be quite well determined. Sumner's method.-Among astronomic methods of fixing a ship's position the great utility of Sumner's method or one of its many modifications should be well understood, and this method should be in constant use. The Sumner line-that is, the line drawn through the two positions obtained by working the chronometer observation for longitude with two assumed latitudes, or by drawing through the position obtained with one latitude a line at right angles to the bearing of the body as obtained from the azimuth tables-gives at times invaluable information, as the ship must be somewhere on that line, provided the chronometer is correct. If directed toward the coast, it marks the bearing of a definite point; if parallel with the coast, the distance of the latter is shown. Thus, the direction of the line may often be usefully taken as a course. A sounding at the same time with the observation may often give an approximate position on the line. A very accurate position can be obtained by observing two or more stars at morning or evening twilight, at which time the horizon is well defined. The Sumner lines thus obtained will, if the bearings of the stars differ three points or more, give an excellent result. A star or planet at twilight and the sun afterwards or before may be combined; also two observations of the sun with sufficient interval to admit of a considerable change of bearing. In these cases one of the lines must be moved for the run of the ship. The moon is often visible during the day, and in combination with the sun gives an excellent fix. Position line by means of tables.-The Sumner line of position furnished ready to lay down on the chart may be derived from the tables of " Simultaneous Hour Angle and Azimuth of Celestial Bodies," published by the Hydrographic Office as Publication No. 203. By means of these tables all calculations are avoided. Position line by Marc St. Hilaire or calculated altitude method.-By this method the altitude of the celestial body is calculated for the assumed position. and the difference between the observed and calculated altitudes is laid off toward or away from the assumed position, according to sign, along the azimuth of the observed body. The line of position is then drawn through the new point in a direction normal to the azimuth of the celestial body. This method has certain advantages, the principal one being that the solution is strong even when the body is near the meridian. Full description of this method will be found in any epitome of navigation. Radio compass bearings and positions are especially valuable at night and during fog or thick weather when other observations are not obtainable. For practical navigating purposes radio vibrations may be regarded as traveling in a straight line from the sending station to the receiving station. Instruments for determining, the bearing of this line are now' available. The necessary observations may be divided into two general classes: First, where the bearing of the ship's radio call is determined by one, two, or more radio 384 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT stations on shore and the resulting bearing or position is reported to the vessel; secondly, where the bearing of one or more known radio stations is determined on the vessel itself and plotted as a line of position or as cross bearings. Experiments show that these bearings can be determined with a probable error of less than 2~, and the accuracy of the resulting position is largely dependent on the skill and care of the observer. It must be remembered, however, that these lines are parts of great circles, and if plotted as straight lines on a Mercator chart a considerable error may result when the ship and shore station are a long distance apart. Radio bearings may be combined with position lines obtained from astronomic observations and used in ways very similar to the well-known Sumner line when avoiding dangerous shoals or when making the coast. Radio beacons and radio compass stations operated on the coasts of the United States, Alaska, and the Hawaiian Islands are listed, together with instructions for their use, in the various coast pilots covering those coasts and in the light and buoy lists published by the United States Lighthouse Service. Similar information for such aids to navigation throughout the world will be found in Radio Aids to Navigation (H. O. No. 205), published by the Hydrographic Office, United States Navy. Instructions for converting radio bearings to Mercator bearings will be found in the latter publication and in the coast pilots. Change of variation of the compass.-The gradual change in the variation must not be forgotten in laying down positions by bearings on charts. The magnetic compasses placed on the charts for the purpose of facilitating plotting become in time slightly in error, and in some cases, such as with small scales, or when the lines are long, the displacement of position from neglect of this change may be of importance. The compasses are replotted for every new edition if the error is appreciable. Means for determining the amount of this error are provided by printing the date of constructing the compass and the annual change in variation near its edge. The change in the magnetic variation in passing along some parts of the coast of the' United States is so rapid as to materially affect the course of a vessel unless given constant attention. This is particularly the case in New England and parts of Alaska, where the lines of equal magnetic variation are close together and show rapid changes in magnetic variation from place to place, as indicated by the large differences in variation given on neighboring compass roses. Local magnetic disturbance.-The term "local magnetic disturbance" or "local attraction " has reference only to the effects on the compass of magnetic masses external to the ship. Observation shows that such disturbance of the compass in a ship afloat is experienced only in a few places. Magnetic laws do not permit of the supposition that it is the visible land which causes such disturbance, because the effect of a magnetic force diminishes in such rapid proportion as the distance from it increases that it would require a local center of magnetic force of an amount absolutely unknown to affect a compass half a mile distant. Such deflections of the compass are due to magnetic minerals in the bed of the sea under the ship, and when the water is shallow and the force strong the compass may be temporarily deflected when passing over such a spot, but the area of disturbance will be small, unless there are many centers near together. The law which has hitherto been found to hold good as regards local magnetic disturbances is that north of the magnetic equator the north end of the compass needle is attracted toward any center of disturbance; south of the magnetic equator it is repelled. It is very desirable that whenever an area of local magnetic disturbances is noted the position should be fixed and the facts reported as far as they can be ascertained. USE OF OIL FOR MODIFYING THE EFFECT OF BREAKING WAVES Many experiences of late years have shown that the utility of oil for this purpose is undoubted and the application simple. The following may serve for the guidance of seamen, whose attention is called to the fact that a very small quantity of oil skillfully applied may prevent much damage both to ships (especially of the smaller classes) and to boats by modifying the action of breaking seas. The principal facts as to the use of oil are as follows: 1. On free waves-that is, waves in deep water-the effect is greatest. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTT ARICHIPELAGO 385 2. In a surf, or waves breaking on a bar, where a mass of liquid is in actual motion in shallow water, the effect of the oil is uncertain, as nothing can prevent the larger waves from breaking under such circumstances, but even here it is of some service. 3. The heaviest and thickest oils are most effectual. Refined kerosene is of little use; crude petroleum is serviceable when nothing else is obtainable; but all animal and vegetable oils, and generally waste oil from the engines have great effect. 4. A small quantity of oil suffices, if applied in such a manner as to spread to windward. 5. It is useful in a ship or boat, either when running or lying-to or in wearing. 6. No experiences are related of its use when hoisting a boat at sea or in a seaway, but it is highly probable that much time would be saved and injury to the boat avoided by its use on such occasions. 7. In cold water the oil, being thickened by the lower temperature and not being able to spread freely, will have its effect much reduced. This will vary with the description of oil used. 8. For a ship at sea the best method of application appears to be to hang over the side, in such a manner as to be in the water, small canvas bags, capable of holding from 1 to 2 gallons of oil, the bags being pricked with a sail needle to facilitate leakage of the oil. The oil is also frequently distributed from canvas bags or oakum inserted in the closet bowls. The positions of these bags should vary with the circumstances. Running before the wind, they should be hung on either bow; for example, from the cathead and allowed to tow in the water. With the wind on the quarter the effect seems to be less than in any other position, as the oil goes astern while the waves come up on the quarter. Lying-to, the weather bow, and another position farther aft seem the best places from which to hang the bags, using sufficient line to permit them to draw to windward while the ship drifts. 9. Crossing a bar with a flood tide, to pour oil overboard and allow it to float in ahead of the boat, which would follow with a bag towing astern, would appear to be the best plan. As before remarked, under these circumstances the effect can not be so much trusted. On a bar with the ebb tide running it would seem to be useless to try oil for the purpose of entering. 10. For boarding a wreck it is recommended to pour oil overboard to windward of her before going alongside. The effect of this must greatly depend upon the set of the current and the circumstances of the depth of water. 11. For a boat riding in bad weather from a sea anchor it is recommended to fasten the bag to an endless line rove through a block on the sea anchor, by which means the oil can be diffused well ahead of the boat and the bag readily hauled on board for refilling if necessary. USE OF SOUNDING TUBES Although of undoubted value as a navigational instrument, the sounding tube is subject to certain defects which, operating singly or in combinations, may give results so misleading as to seriously endanger the vessels, whose safety is entirely dependent upon an accurate knowledge of the depths. Efforts have been made from time to time by the Coast and Geodetic Survey to utilize various commercial tubes for surveying operations, but the results obtained have not been satisfactory. A tube recently designed by the bureau, however, has been tested extensively by field parties and, as it gives results exceeding in accuracy any other type of tube, has been adopted for survey work. Even with this tube great care is necessary in order to obtain satisfactory results. There are various types of tubes in common use which are too well known to require detailed description here. They are all based on the general principle that air is elastic and can be compressed, and that if a column of air in a tube be lowered into the water in such a way that the air can not escape, yet at the same time the pressure of the water can be transmitted to it, the amount by which the air is compressed furnishes a measure of the depth to which it was lowered. Theoretically this principle is sound, but when we come to apply the theory to actual practice certain elements enter which result in errors in the depth determination. Actual experiments show that errors of 10 to 12 per cent are not uncommon and that considerably greater errors may occur. It is important to note that the amount of these errors depends on the depth; the greater the depth the greater the numerical value of the error. 386 UNITEI) STATES COAS:T PILOT These errors are due chiefly to uneven bore of tube, variation of barometric pressure from normal, difference in temperature of air and water, uneven thickness of caps used to close one end of the tube, leakage of water, accumulated salt in the tube, and leakage or failure of gaskets and valves used in the construction of some types of tube. In order to avoid serious errors tubes should, therefore, be used with the greatest care. A type that can be used more than once should be adopted and the tubes to be used for sounding to make a landfall should be tested beforehand by stopping for an up and down cast, sending them down on the sounding wire to any desired depth, and comparing their readings with the actual depth to which they were submerged. Additional tests of this nature from time to time during the sounding operations are also valuable. Special care should be taken to prevent leakage by making sure that the cap fits tightly or that the valve and gaskets are water-tight and are working properly. In using the valve type of tube, it is very important to make sure that the tube does not submerge after it once clears the water. INSTRUCTIONS TO MARINERS IN CASE OF SHIPWRECK AS PUBLISHED BY TIHE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD SERVICE GENERAL INFOR~MATION Life-saving stations and houses of refuge are located upon the Atlantic and Pacific seaboard of the United States, the Gulf of Mexico, and the lake coasts. All stations on the Atlantic coast are manned annually by crews of experienced surfmen; upon the lake coasts the stations are manned from the opening until the close of navigation, with the exception of the one on Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, which depends on a volunteer crew; and upon the Pacific coast they are open and manned throughout the year. All life-saving stations are fully supplied with boats, wreck guns, beach apparatus, restoratives, clothing provided by the Women's National Relief Association for the shipwrecked requiring it, etc. Houses of refuge are supplied with boats, provisions, and restoratives, but not manned by crews; a keeper, however, resides in each, who is required to make extended excursions along the coast after every storm, with a view of ascertaining if any shipwreck has occurred and finding and succoring any persons that may have been cast ashore. Houses of refuge are located exclusively upon the Florida coast, where the requirements of relief are widely different from those of any other portion of the seaboard. The life-saving stations are provided with the International Code of Signals, and vessels can, by opening communication, be reported; or obtain the latitude and longitude of the station, where determined; or information as to the weather probabilities in most cases; or, where facilities for the transmission of messages by telephone or telegraph are available, requests for a tug or Coast Guard cutter will be received and promptly forwarded. All services are performed by the life-saving crews without other compensation than their wages from the Government. Destitute seafarers are provided with food and lodging at the nearest station by the Government as long as necessarily detained by the circumstances of shipwreck, and if needed, with clothing provided by the Women's National Relief Association. The station crews patrol the beach from 2 to 4 miles each side of their stations between sunset and sunrise, and if the weather is foggy the patrol is continued through the day. A continuous lookout is also maintained at every station night and day. Each patrolman carries Coston signals. Upon discovering a vessel standing into danger he ignites one of these, which emits a brilliant red flame of about two minutes' duration, to warn her off, or, should the vessel be ashore, to let her crew know that they are discovered and assistance is at hand. If the vessel is not discovered by the patrol immediately after striking, rockets, flare-up lights, or other recognized signals of distress should be used. If the weather be foggy, some recognized sound signal should be made to attract attention, as the patrolman may be some distance away at the other end of his beat. i1Iasters arc particularly cautioned, if they should be driven ashore anywhere inl the neighblorhood of the stations, to remsain on board until assist PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULt ARCHIPELAGO 387 ance arrives, and under no circumstances should they attempt to land through the surf in their own boats until the last hope of assistance from the shore has vanished. Often when comparatively smooth at sea a dangerous surf is running which is not perceptible 400 yards offshore, and the surf when viewed from a vessel never appears as dangerous as it is. Many lives have been lost unnecessarily by the crews of stranded vessels being thus deceived and attempting to land in the ship's boats. The difficulties of rescue by operations from the shore are greatly increased in cases where the anchors are let go after entering the breakers, as is frequently done, and the chances of saving life correspondingly lessened. RESCUE WITH THE LIFEBOAT OR SURFBOAT The patrolman, after discovering your vessel ashore and burning a Coston signal, hastens to his station or the telephone for assistance. If the use of a boat is practicable, either the large lifeboat is launched from its ways in the station and proceeds to the wreck by water or the lighter surfboat is hauled overland to a point opposite the wreck and launched, as circumstances may require. Upon the boat reaching your vessel, the directions and orders of the keeper (who always commands and steers the boat) should be implicitly obeyed. Any headlong rushing and crowding should be prevented, and the captain of the vessel should remain on board, to preserve order, until every other person has left. Women, children, helpless persons, and passengers should be passed into the boat first. Goods or baggage will positively not be taken into the boat until all are landed. If any be passed in against the keeper's remonstrance, he is fully authorized to throw the same overboard. RESCUE WITH THE BREECHES BUOY OR LIFE CAR Should it be inexpedient to use either the lifeboat or surfboat, recourse will be had to the wreck gun and beach apparatus for the rescue by the breeches buoy or the life car. A shot with a small line attached will be fired across your vessel. Get hold of the line as soon as possible and haul on board until you get a tailblock with a whip or endless line rove through it. This tailblock should be hauled on loard as quickly as possible to prevent the whip drifting off with the set or fouling with wreckage, etc. Therefore, if you have been driven into the rigging, where but one or two men can work to advantage, cut the shot line and run it through some available block, such as the throat or peak halyards bl)lck, or any block which will afford a clear lead, or even between the ratlines, that as many as possible may assist in hauling. Attached to the tailblock will be a tally board with the following directions in English on one side and French on the other: " Make the tail of the block fast to the lower mast, well up. If the masts are gone, then to the best place you can find. Cast off shot line, see that the rope in the block runs free, and show signal to the shore." The above instructions being complied with, the result will be as shown in Figure 1. As soon as your signal is seen a 3-inch hawser will be bent onto the whip and hauled off to your ship by the life-saving crew. If circumstances permit, you can assist the life-saving crew by manning that part of the whip to which the hawser is bent and hauling with them. When the end of the hawser is got on board, a tally board will be found attached, bearing the following directions in English on one side and French on the other: "Make this hawser fast about 2 feet above the tailblock, see all clear and that the rope in the block runs free, and show signal to the shore." These instructions being obeyed, the result will be as shown in Figure 2. Take particular care that there are no turns of the whip line round the hawser. To prevent this, take the end of the hawser UP BETWEEN the parts of the whip before making it fast. When the hawser is made fast, the whip cast off from the hawser, and your signal seen by the life-saving crew, they will haul the hawser taut and by 388 TTINITED STATES COAST PILOT means of the whip will haul off to y\our vessel a breeches buoy suspended from a traveler block, or a life car, from rings running on the hawser. Figure 3 below represents the apparatus rigged, with the breeches buoy hauled off to the ship. If the breeches buoy be sent, let one man immediately get into it, thrusting his legs through the breeches. If the life car, remove the hatch, place as many persons therein as it will hold (four to six) aind secure the hatch on the outside by the hatch batr and hook, signal as before, and the buoy or car FIGURE 1 will be hauled ashore. This will be repeated until all are landed. On the last trip of the life car the hatch must be secured by the inside hatch bar. In many instances two men can be landed in the breeches buoy at the same time by each putting a leg through a leg of the breeches and holding onto tle lifts of the buoy. Children, when brought ashore by the buoy, should be in the arms of older persons or securely lashed to the buoy. Women and children should be landed first. FIGURE 2 In signaling as directed in the foregoing instructions, if in the daytime, let;ne man separate himself from the rest and swing his hat, a handkerchief, or his hand; if at night, the showing of a light and concealing it once or twice will be understood; and like signals will be made from the shore. (See also Signals, below.) Circumstances may arise, owing to the strength of the current or set, or the danger of the wreck breaking up immediately, when it would be impossible to send off the hawser. In such a case a breeches buoy or life car w1ll be hauled PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 389 off instead by the whip, or sent off to you by the shot line, and you will be hauled ashore through the surf. If your vessel is stranded during the night and discovered by the patrolmanwhich you will know by his burning a brilliant red light-keep a sharp lookout for signs of the arrival of the life-saving crew abreast of your vessel. From one to four hours may intervene between the burning of the light and their arrival, as the patrolman may have to return to his station, perhaps 3 or 4 miles distant, and the life-saving crew draw the apparatus or surfboat through the sand or over bad roads, to where your vessel is stranded. Lights on the beach will indicate their arrival, and the sound of cannon firing from the shore may be taken as evidence that a line has been fired across your vessel. Therefore, upon hearing the cannon, make strict search aloft, fore and aft, for the shot line, for it is almost certain to be there. Though the movements of the life-saving crew may not be perceptible to you, owing to the darkness, your vessel will be a good mark for the men experienced in the use of the wreck gun, and the first shot sreldom fails. IMPORTANT Remain- by the wreck until assistance arrives from the shore, or as long as possible. If driven aloft, the inshore mast is the safest. FIGURE 3 If not discovered immediately by the patrol, burn rockets, flare-up, or other lights, or, if the weather be foggy, fire guns or make other sound signals. Make the shot line fast on deck or to the rigging to prevent its being washed into the sea and possibly fouling the gear. Take particular care that there are no turns of the whip line round the hawser before making the hawser fast. Send the women, children, helpless persons, and passengers ashore first. Make yourself thoroughly familiar with these instructions and remember that on your coolness and strict attention to them will greatly depend the chances of success in bringing you and your people safely to land. WRECK SIGNALS The following signals approved by the International Marine Conference convened at Washington in October, 1889, have been adopted by the Coast Guard Service and will be used and recognized by the officers and employees as occasion may require: "Upon the discovery of a wreck by night, the life-saving force will burn a red pyrotechnic light or a red rocket to signify-' You are seen; assistacne uwll be given as soon as possible.' "A red flag waved on shore by day, or a red light, red rocket, or red Roman candle displayed by night, will signify-' Haul away.' 390 UNITEl) STATES COAST PILOT " A white flag waved on shore by day, or a white light slowly swung back and forth, or a white rocket, or white Roman candle fired by night will signify' Slack away.' "Two flags, a white and a red, waved at the same time on shore by day or two lights, a white and a red, slowly swung at the same time, or a blue pyrotechnic light burned by night, will signify-' Do not attempt to land in your own boats; it is impossible.' "A man on shore beckoning by day, or two torches burning near together by night, will signify-' This is tl7c best place to land.' "Any of these signals may be answered from the vessel as follows: In the daytime, by waving a flag, a handkerchief, a hat, or even the hand; at night, by firing a rocket, a blue light, or a gun, or by showing a light, over the ship's gunwale for a short time, and then concealing it." RULES OF THE ROA)D —INTERNATIONAL RULES TO PREVENT COLLISIONS ()I VESSELS Be it enacted by the Sncate and House of Representatives of the Unlited States of Amerlica in Congress assembled, That the following regulations for preventing collisions at sea shall be followed by all public and private vessels of the United States upon the high seas in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels. PRELIMINARY In the following rules every steam vessel which is under sail and not under steam is to be considered a sailing vessel, and every vessel under steam, whether under sail or not, is to be considered a steam vessel. The words " steam vessel" shall include any vessel propelled by machinery. A vessel is " under way," within the meaning of these rules when she is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground. RULES CONCERNING LIGHTS AND SO FORTH The word "visible" in these rules when applied to lights shall mean visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere. Article 1. The rules concerning lights shall be complied with in all weathers from sunset to sunrise, and during such time no other lights which may be mistaken for the prescribed lights shall be exhibited. Art. 2. A steam vessel when under way shall carry-(a) On or in front of the foremast, or if a vessel without a foremast, then in the fore part of the vessel, at a height above the hull of not less than twenty feet, and if the breadth of the vessel exceeds twenty feet, then at a height above the hull not less than such breadth, so, however, that the light need not be carried at a greater height above the hull than forty feet, a bright white light, so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of twenty points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light ten points on each side of the vessel, namely, from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side, and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least five miles. (b) On the starboard side a green light so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass, so fixed as to throw' the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the starboard side, and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least two miles. (c) On the port side a red light so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the port side, and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least two miles. (d) The said green and red side lights shall be fitted with inboard screens projecting at least three feet forward from the light, so as to prevent these lights from being seen across the bow. (e) A steam vessel when under way may carry an additional white light similar in construction to the light mentioned in subdivision (a). These two lights shall be so placed in line with the keel that one shall be at least fifteen feet higher than the other, and in such a position with reference to each other PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 391 that the lower light shall be forward of the upper one. The vertical distance between these lights shall be less-than the horizontal distance. Art.3. A steam vessel when towing another vessel shall, in addition to her side lights, carry two bright white lights in a vertical line one over the other, not less than six feet apart, and when towing more than one vessel shall carry an additional bright white light six feet above or below such lights~ ifI the length of the tow measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the stern of the last vessel towed exceeds six hundred feet. Each of these lights shall be of the same construction and character, and shall be carried in the same position as the white light mentioned in article two (a), excepting the additional light, which may be carried at a height of not less than fourteen feet above the hull. Such steam vessel may carry a small white ligjht abaft the funnel or aftermast for the vessel towed to steer by, but such light shall not be visible forward of the beam. Art. 4. (a) A vessel which from any accident is not under command shall carry at the same height as a white light mentioned in article two (a), where they can best be seen, and if a steam vessel in lieu of that light two red lights, in a vertical line one over the other, not less than six feet apart, and of such a character as to be visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least two miles; and shall by day carry in a vertical line one over the other, not less than six feet apart, where they can best be seen, two black balls or shapes, each two feet in diameter. (b) A vessel employed in laying or in picking up a telegraph cable shall carry in the same position as the white light mentioned in article two (a), and if a steam vessel in lieu of that light three lights in a vertical line one over the other not less than six feet apart. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red, and the middle light shall be white, and they shall be of such a character as to be visible all around the horizon at a, distance of at least two miles. By day she shall carry in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than six feet apart, where they can best be seen, three shapes not less than two feet in diameter, of which the highest and lowest shall be globular in shape and red in color, and the middle one diamond in shape and white. (e) The vessels referred to in this article, when not making way through the water shall not carry the side lights, but when making way shall carry them. (d) The lights and shapes required to be shown by this article are to be taken by other vessels as signals that the vessel showing them is not under command and can not therefore get out of the way. These signals are not signals of vessels in distress and requiring assistance. Such signals are contained in article thirty-one. Art. 5. A sailing vessel under way and any vessel being towed shall carry the same lights as are prescribed by article two for a steam vessel under way with the exception of the white lights mentioned therein, which they shall never carry. Art. 6. Whenever, as in the case of small vessels under way during bad weather, the green and red side lights can not be fixed, these lights shall be kept at hand, lighted and ready for use; and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective sides in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side, nor, if practicable, more than two points abaft the beam on their respective sides. To make the use of these portable lights more certain and easy the lanterns containing them shall each be painted outside with the color of the light they respectively contain, and shall be provided with proper screens. Art. 7. Steam vessels of less than forty, and vessels under oars or sails of less than twenty tons gross tonnage, respectively, and rowing boats, when under way, shall not be required to carry the lights mentioned in article two (a), (b), and (c), but if they do not carry them they shall be provided with the following lights: First. Steam vessels of less than forty tons shall carry(a) In the fore part of the vessel, or on or in front of the funnel, where it can best be seen, and at a height above the gunwale of not less than nine feet, a bright white light constructed and fixed as prescribed in article two (a), and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least two miles. (b) Green and red side lights constructed and fixed as prescribed in article two (b) and (c), and of such a character as to be visible at a distance of at least one mile, or a combined lantern showing a green light and a red light 392 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on their respective sides. Such lanterns shall be carried not less than three feet below the white light. Second. Small steamboats, such as are carried by seagoing vessels, nay carry the white light at a less height than nine feet above the gunwale, but it shall be carried above the combined lantern mentioned in subdivision one (b). Third. Vessels under oars or sails of less than twenty tons shall have ready at hand a lantern with a green glass on one side and a red glass on the other, which, on the alpproach of or to other vessels, shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. Fourth. Rowing boats, whether under oars or sail, shall have ready at hand a lantern showing a white light which shall be temporarily exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision. The vessels referred to in this article shall not be obliged to carry the lights prescribed by article four (a) and article eleven, last paragraph. Art. 8. Pilot vessels wlien engaged on their station on pilotage duty shall not show the lights required for other vessels, but shall carry a white light at the masthead, visible all around the horizon, and shall also exhibit a flare-up light or flare-up lights at short intervals, which shall never exceed fifteen minutes. On the near approach of or to other vessels they shall have their side lights lighted ready for use, and shall flash or show them at short intervals, to indicate the direction in which they are heading, but the green light shall not be shown on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. A pilot vessel of such a class as to be obliged to go alongside of a vessel to put a pilot on board may show the white light instead of carrying it at the masthead, and may, instead of the colored lights above mentioned, have at hand, ready for use, a lantern with green glass on the one side and red glass on the other, to be used as prescribed above. Pilot vessels when not engaged on their station on pilotage duty shall carry lights similar to those of other vessels of their tonnage. A steam pilot vessel, when engaged on her station on pilotage duty and in waters of the United States, and not at anchor, shall, in addition to the lights required for all pilot boats, carry at a distance of eight feet below her white masthead light a red light, visible all around the horizon and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least two miles, and also the colored side lights required to be carried by vessels when under way. When engaged on her station on pilotage duty and in waters of the United States, and at anchor. she shall carry in addition to the lights required for all pilot boats the red light above mentioned, but not the colored side lights. When not engaged on her station on pilotage duty she shall carry the same lights as other steam vessels. Art. 9. Fishing vessels and fishing boats, when under way and when not required by this article to carry or show the lights hereinafter specified, shall carry or show the lights prescribed for vessels of their tonnage under way. (a) Open boats, by which is to be understood boats! not protected from the entry of sea water by means of a continuous deck, when engaged in any fishing at night. with outlying tackle extending not more than one hundred and fifty feet horizontally from the boat into the seaway, shall carry one all-around white light. Open boats, when fishing at. night, with outlying tackle extending more than one hundred and fifty feet horizontally from the boat into the seaway, shall carry one all-around white light and, in addition,. on approaching or being approached by other vessels, shall show a second white light at least three feet below the first light and at a horizontal distance of at least five feet away from it in the direction in which the outlying tackle is attached. (b) Vessels and boats, except open boats as defined in subdivision (a), when fishing with drift nets, shall, so long as the nets are wholly or partly in the water, carry two white lights where they can best be seen. Such lights shall be placed so that the vertical distance betwen them shall be not less than six feet and not more than fifteen feet, and so that the horizontal distance between them, measured in a line with the keel, shall be not less than five feet and not more than ten feet. The lower of these two lights shall be in the direction of the nets. and both of them shall be of such a character as to show all around the h.lr'zon, and to be visible at a distance of not less than three miles. PALAWAN, MIXD)ANAO, AD STTLtT ARCHIPELAGO 393 Within the Mediterranean Sea and in the seas bordering the coasts of Japan and Korea sailing fishing vessels of less than twenty tons gross tonnage shall not be obliged to carry the lower of these two lights. Should they, however, not carry it, they shall show in the same position (in the direction of the net or gear) a white light, visible at a distance of not less than one sea mile, on the approach of or to other vessels. (c) Vessels and boats, except open boats as defined in subdivision (a), when line fishing with their lines out and attached to or hauling their lines, and when not at anchor or stationary within the meaning of subdivision (h), shall carry the same lights as vessels fishing with drift nets. When shooting lines, or fishing with towing lines, they shall carry the lights prescribed for a steam or sailing vessel under way, respectively. Within the Mediterranean Sea and in the seas bordering the coasts of Japan and Korea sailing fishing vessels of less than twenty tons gross tonnage shall not be obliged to carry the lower of these two lights. Should they, however, not carry it, they shall show in the same position (in the direction of the lines) a white light visible at a distance of not less than one sea mile on the approach of or to other vessels. (d) Vessels when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging of an apparatus along the bottom of the seaFirst. If steam vessels, shall carry in the same position as the white light mentioned in article two (a) a tricolored lantern so constructed and fixed as to show a white light from right ahead to two points on each bow, and a green light and a red light over an arc of the horizon from two points on each bow to two points abaft the beam on the starboard and port sides, respectively; and not less than six nor more than twelve feet below the tricolored lantern a white light in a, lantern, so constructed as to show a clear, uniform, and unbroken light all around the horizon. Second. If sailing vessels, shall carry a white light in a lantern, so constructed as to show a clear, uniform, and unbroken light all around the horizon, and shall also, on the approach of or to other vessels, show where it can best be seen a white flare-up light or torch in sufficient time to prevent collision. All lights mentioned in subdivision (d) first and second shall be visible at a distance of at least two miles. (e) Oyster dredgers and other vessels fishing with dredge nets shall carry and show the same lights as trawlers. (f) Fishing vessels and fishing boats may at any time use a flare-up light in addition to the lights which they are by this article required to. carry and show, and they may also use working lights. (g) Every fishing vessel and every fishing boat under one hundred and fifty feet in length, when at anchor, shall exhibit a white light visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least 1 mile. Every fishing vessel of 150 feet in length or upward, when at anchor, shall exhibit a white light visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least 1 mile, and shall exhibit a second light as provided for vessels of such length by article 11. Should any such vessel, whether under 150 feet in length or of 150 feet in length or upward, be attached to a net or other fishing gear, she shall on the approach of other vessels show an additional white light at least three feet below the anchor light, and at a horizontal distance of at least five feet away from it in the direction of the net or gear. (h) If a vessel or boat when fishing becomes stationary in consequence of her gear getting fast to a rock or other obstruction, she shall in daytime haul down the dag signal required by subdivision (k); at night show the light or lights prescribed for a vessel at anchor; and during fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rain storms make the signal prescribed for a vessel at anchor. (See subdivision (d) and the last paragraph of article 15.) (i) In fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rain storms drift-net vessels attached to their nets, and vessels when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind of drag net, and vessels line fishing with their lines out, shall, if of twenty tons gross tonnage or upward, respectively, at intervals of not more than one minute make a blast; if steam vessels, with the whistle or siren, and if sailing vessels, with the foghorn, each blast to be followed by ringing the bell. Fishing vessels and boats of less than twenty tons gross tonnage shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals; but if they do not, they shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than one minute. UNITED STATES COAST PILOT (k) All vessels or boats fishing with nets or lines or trawls, when under way, shall in daytime indicate their occupation to an approaching vessel by displaying a basket or other efficient signal where it can best be seen. If vessels or boats at anchor have their gear out, they shall, on the approach of other vessels, show the same signal on the side on which those vessels can pass. The vessels required by this article to carry or show the lights hereinbefore specified shall not be obliged to carry the lights prescribed by article four (a) and the last paragraph of article eleven. Art. 10. A vessel which is being overtaken by another shall show from her stern to such last-mentioned vessel a white light or a flare-up light. The white light required to be shown by this article may be fixed and carried in a lantern, but in such case the lantern shall be so constructed, fitted, and screened that it shall throw an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of twelve points of the compass, namely, for six points from right aft on each side of the vessel, so as to be visible at a distance of at least one mile. Such light shall be carried as nearly as practicable on the same level as the side lights. Art. 11. A vessel under one hundred and fifty feet in length when at anchor shall carry forward, where it can best be seen, but at a height not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, a white light, in a lantern so constructed as to show a clear, uniform., and unbroken light visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least one mile. A vessel of one hundred and fifty feet or upwards in length when at anchor shall carry in the forward part of the vessel, at a height of not less than twenty and not exceeding forty feet above the hull, one such light, and at or near the stern of the vessel, and at such a height that it shall not be less than fifteen feet lower than the forward light, another such light. The length of a vessel shall be deemed to be the length appearing in her certificate of registry. A vessel aground an or near a fairway shall carry the above light or lights and the two red lights prescribed by article four (a). Art. 12. Every vessel may, if necessary in order to attract attention in addition to the lights which she is by these rules required to carry, show a flare-up light or use any detonating signal that can not be mistaken for a distress signal. Art. 13. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation of any special rules made by the government of any nation with respect to additional station and signal lights for two or more ships of war or for vessels sailing under convoy, or with the exhibition of recognition signals adopted by shipowners, which have been authorized by their respective governments and duly registered and published. Art. 14. A steam vessel proceeding under sail only, but having her funnel up, shall carry it daytime, forward, where it can best be seen, one black ball or shape two feet in diameter. SOUND SIGNALS FOR FOG, AND SO FORTH Art. 15. All signals prescribed by this article for vessels under way shall be given. First. By " steam vessels " on the whistle or siren. Second. By " sailing vessels " and "vessels towed " on the foghorn. The words " prolonged blast" used in this article shall mean a blast of from four to six seconds' duration. A steam vessel shall be provided with an efficient whistle or siren sounded by steam or by some substitute for steam, so placed that the sound may not be intercepted by any obstruction, and with an efficient foghorn, to be sounded by mechanical means, and also with an efficient bell. In all cases where the rules require a bell to be used a drum may be substituted on board Turkish vessels, or a gong where such articles are used on board small seagoing vessels. A sailing vessel of twenty tons gross tonnage or upward shall be provided with a similar foghorn and bell. In a fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rainstorm, whether by day or night, the signal described in this article shall be used as follows, namely: (a) A steam vessel having way upon her shall sound, at intervals of not more than two minutes, a prolonged blast. (bW A steam vessel under way, but stopped, and having no way upon her shall sound, at intervals of not more than two minutes, two prolonged blasts, with an interval of about one second between. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND StJLt ARCtIiPtLAGO 395 (c) A sailing vessel under way shall sound at intervals of not more than one minute, when on the starboard tack, one blast; when on the port tack, two blasts in succession; and when with the wind abaft the beam, three blasts in succession. (d) A vessel when at anchor shall, at intervals of not more than one minute, ring the bell rapidly for about five seconds. (e) A vessel when towing, a vessel employed in laying or in picking up a telegraph cable, and a vessel under way, which is unable to get out of the way of an approaching vessel through being not under command, or unable to maneuver as required by the rules, shall, instead of the signals prescribed in subdivisions (a) and (c) of this article, at intervals of not more than two minutes, sound three blasts in succession, namely: One prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. A vessel towed may give this signal and shall not give any other. Sailing vessels and boats of less than twenty tons gross tonnage shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals, but if they do not, they shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than one minute. SPEED OF SHIPS TO BE MODIFIED IN FOG, AND SO FORTH Art: 16. Every vessel shall, in a fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rainstorms, go at a moderate speed, having careful regard to the existing circumstances and conditions. A steam vessel hearing, apparently forward of her beam, the fog signal of a vessel the position of which is not ascertained shall, so far as the circumstances of the case admit, stop her engines, and then navigate with caution until danger of collision is over. STEERING AND SAILING RULES PRELIMINARY-RISK OF COLLISION Risk of collision can, when circumstances permit, be ascertained by carefully watching the compass bearing of an approaching vessel. If the bearing does not appreciably change, such risk should be deemed to exist. Art. 17. When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other, as follows, namely: (a) A vessel which is running free shall keep out of the way of a vessel which is closehauled. (b) A vessel which is closehauled on the port tack shall keep out of the way of a vessel which is closehauled on the starboard tack. (c) When both are running free, with the wind on different sides, the vessel which has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other. (d) When both are running free, with the wind on the same side, the vessel which is to the windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is to the leeward. (e) A vessel which has the wind aft shall keep out of the way of the other vessel. Art. 18. When two steam vessels are meeting end on, or nearly end on, so as to involve risk of collision, each shall alter her course to starboard, so that each may pass on the port side of the other. This article only applies to cases where vessels are meeting end on, or nearly end on, in such a manner as to involve risk of collision, and does not apply to two vessels which must, if both keep on their respective courses, pass clear of each other. The only cases to which it does apply are when each of the two vessels is end on, or nearly end on, to the other; in other words, to cases in which, by day, each vessel sees the mast of the other in a line, or nearly in a line, with her own; and by night, to cases in which each vessel is in such a position as to see both the side lights of the other. It does not apply by day to cases in which a vessel sees another ahead crossing her own course; or by night, to cases where the red light of one vessel is opposed to the red light of the other, or where the green light of one vessel is opposed to the green light of the other, or where a red light without a green light, or a green light without a red light, is seen ahead, or where both green and red lights are seen anywhere but ahead. 396 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Art. 19. When two steam vessels are crossing, so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way of the other. Art. 20. When a steam vessel and a sailing vessel are proceeding in such directions as to involve risk of collision, the steam vessel shall keep out of the way of the sailing vessel. Art.. 21. Where by any of these rules, one of two vessels is to keep out of the the way, the other shall keep her course and speed. NOTE.-When, in consequence of thick weather or other causes, such vessel finds herself so close that collision can not be avoided by the action of the giving-away vessel alone, she also shall take such action as will best aid to avert collision. [See articles twenty-seven and twenty-nine.] Art. 22. Every vessel which is directed by these rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossiln ahead of the other. Art. 23. Every steam vessel which is directed by these rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, on approaching her, if necessary, slacken her speed or stop or reverse. Art. 24. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules every vessel, overtaking any other, shall keep out of the way of the overtaken vessel. Every vessel coming up with another vessel from any direction more than two points abaft her beam-that is, in such a position, with reference to the vessel which she is overtaking that at night she would be unable to see either of that vessel's side lights-shall be deemed to be an overtaking vessel; and no subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two vessels shall make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of these rules, 'or relieve her of the duty of keeping clear of the overtaken vessel until She is finally past and clear. As by day the overtaking vessel can not always know with certainty whether she is forward of or abaft this direction from the other vessel she should, if in doubt, assume that she is an overtaking vessel and keep out of the way. Art. 25. In narrow channels every steam vessel shall, when it is safe and practicable. keep to that side of the fairway or mid-channel which lies on the starboard side of such vessel. Art. 26. Sailing vessels under way shall keel) out of the way of sailing vessels or boats fishing with nets, or lines, or trawls. This rule shall not give to any vessel or boat engaged in fishing the right of obstructing a fairway used by vessels other than fishing vessels or boats. Art. 27. In obeying and construing these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. SOUND SIGNALS FOR VESSELS IN SIGHT OF ONE ANOTHER Art. 28. The words "short blast" used in this article shall mean a blast of about one second's duration. When vessels are in sight of one another, a steam vessel under way. in taking any course authorized or required by these rules. shall indicate that course by the following signals on her whistle or siren, namely: One short blast to mean, " I am directing my course to starboard." Two short blasts to mean. "I am directing my course to port." Three short blasts to mean, " My engines are going at full speed astern." NO VESSEL, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TO NEGLECT PROPER PRECAUTIONS Art. 29. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner or master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to carry lights or signals, or of any neglect to keep a proper lookout. or of the neglect of ainy precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case. RESERVATION OF RULES FOR HARBORS AND INLAND NAVIGATION Art. 30. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation of a special rule, duly made by local authority, relative to the navigation of any harbor, river, or inland waters. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 397 DISTRESS SIGNALS Art. 31. When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance from other vessels or from the shore the following shall be the signals to be used or displayed by her, either together or separately, namely: In the daytime: First. A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute. Second. The international code signal of distress indicated by N C. Third. The distance signal, consisting of a square flag, having either above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball. Fourth. A continuous sounding with any fog-signal apparatus. At night: First. A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute. Second. Flames on the vessel (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, and so forth). Third. Rockets or shells throwing stars of any color or description, fired one at a time, at short intervals. Fourth. A continuous sounding with any fog-signal apparatus. HARBOR RE GULATIONS Rules and regulations governing the operation of Philippine and foreign vessels in Philippine waters are published by the Bureau of Customs in Marine Circular No. 53 and a series of customs administrative orders. Extracts of these rules and regulations are here republished for the information of all concerned. PAR. 117. Manila Harbor is defined as that portion of Manila Bay within the following boundaries: An imaginary line extending from the mouth of the San Antonio Estero (near Fort San Antonio Abad on Malate Beach) due west to its intersection with an imaginary line running due north from the end of Sangley Point; thence along an imaginary line extending from this point of intersection to the mouth of the Vitas River 32~ (31~ mag.); thence along the shore to the mouth of the San Antonio Estero, the place of commencement. PAR. 118. Iloilo Harbor is defined as that portion of Iloilo Strait within the following boundaries: An imaginary line extending from the northern bank of the Dumangas River, island of Panay, across the Iloilo Strait up to the Culasi Point on the northern coast of the island of Guimaras; thence along the northwest and west shore of Guimaras Island to Luzaran Point; thence along an imaginary line extending from Luzaran Point to the south bank of the mouth of Binaragan River in the municipality of San Joaquin, Province of Iloilo, island of Panay; thence along the southern shore line of the island of Panay to the north bank of the Dumangas River, the point of commencement. PAR. 119. Cebu Harbor is defined as that portion of the strait between Mactan Island and the island of Cebu within the following boundaries: An imaginary line extending from Bantolinao Point, Mactan Island, due north to, the island of Cebu; and an imaginary line extending from Lauis Ledge, Mactan Island, to Lipata Point, island of Cebu. PAR. 123. Aparri Harbor is defined as all that portion of the Cagayan River between the barrio of Calarmanargan and the sea. PAR. 124. Cavite Harbor is defined as that portion of Manila Bay to the southward of an imaginary line extending from Sangley Point to Parafiaque and for one-half of a nautical mile due north of said line and limits. PAR. 125. All confluent rivers and other inland waters having outlets within the harbor limits defined for Philippine ports of entry' shall for purposes of these regulations be considered as portions of the respective harbors into which they empty. PAR. 126. All vessels on entering any port, entry or coastwise, in the Philippine Islands, shall show their colors and signal their official numbers or letters and the number of sacks of mail (if any) on board for that port, and such signals shall be kept flying till the vessol is boarded by the proper officials: Provided, That all vessels on entering Manila Bay shall also show their colors and signal their official numbers or letters and the number of sacks of mail (if any) on board when within signal distance of Corregidor, and shall keep such signals displayed for a period of not less than 15 minutes and in all cases till the signal station on Corregidor Island is abeam of the vessel displaying them. 95672~-30 26 398 UNIT1ED STASTES COAST PIIL)T PAR. 127. Should vessels require such service,:a licensed pilot will be furnished upon display of tlhe lroper signal or upon application to the pilot station. Signal by day: International code letter " S; at nighlt, Bengal liglht, which may be preceded by two whistles. PAR. 128. Wheln a vessel is approaclhing or leaving a wharf,,lther vessels ill the immediate vicinity shall obey the orders of the pilot on board the vessel in motion. PAR. 129. Only licensed pilots shall be permitted to pilot vessels at ports having pilots' associations, viz: Manila, Iloilo, Cebu, Nueva, Caceres, Daet, Tacloban, Aparri. and Dagupan..PAR. 130. The following signals or calls shall be used and recognized at Philippine lorts of entry: Customs.-International code K (G W'; at nifght, thlree or four sliort blasts of whistle and waving of a light. Quarantine. —liiternaltioalc, code Q at fore. Pilot.-International (.ode S. Explosives or inflammables.-International code B at fore. Medical assistance. —Ilternational code Q or c(ustolls ('all. Infectious or contagious disease. —Internationial c(-le T.. Death.-Customs al(n quaralitine calls. Distress. —Inlternaltionlal.codle N S (or other code signals). Mail.-International ((cdle Il E1 W. Vessels for MIanila should also fly this signal when passiing Coirregidor Island; if 1mail launch does not respond, fly customs call. Water boat. —International cod(e G 1 J. Harbor police.-Customs call. In Manila Itarb: al customs boardin officer in charge of a harbor launcli is on duty daily fiomi sunrise to sunset, anid a customs patrol ]boat is on duty from sunset to sunrise. Co(lmunication may be establishled by the internationral code signals with thle customs semaphore station, which is equipped with telephones. At other Philippine ports of entry signals will be r1esponded to from the pilot tower or customnl(ouse. PAR. 131. Vessels entering a harl)or shall be considered in quarantine and shall kee) tlhe quarantine flal flyinig it thle fore until loar(lded and given pratique by tlhe quarantine oilicer. This regulation shalll be subject to such exceptiolls as may l)e preiscribed from time to time liy the chief quarantine officer. PAR. 132. No persoiin shall ble permitted to disembark frolm or go aboard a vessel, except the lilot tid quaranttine officer, until pratique has been given; unless the vessel b)e ill distress, in which case those rendering assistance. if compelled to go on board, sliall be subject to quarantine restrictions. PAR. 133. All official orders and regulations of the quaraiitine officer shall be strictly and promptly ol)eyed tby all persons on board or alongside wllile tlhe vessel is under quarantine jurisdiction. PAR. 134. All cases of sickness of a contagious or communicable character which may occur while the vessel i in port shall be at once reported in w-riting to the quarantine oflicer. PAR. 135. Deaths. illness, or accidents, involviig- physical injury to any person on a vessel in a harbor, shall be at once reported to the collector of customs and the qualrantine (officer. IPAR. 136. Every vessel arriving' in port with infllammail)e or explosive cargo slhall hoist a red flag at the foretruck and keep said flag flying i(uring the hours of dlaylight while any such cargo) is on board, and shall displlay by night one red light, which light shall be at a height of not less thaii 20 feet above the deck. Such vessel shall anchor where indicated by the harlbormaster and shall not chaiige anchorage without his permission. PAR. 137. Smoking and the use of many light or fire, with tile exceptionl of the regulation harbor lights at night, on board any boat, lighter, or similar vessel carrying inflammables or explosives, either iln a harbor or a river, is plrohibited. PAR. 139. Every vessel, lighter, or boat carrying inflammlll ble or explosive cargo shall hoist a red flag on its foremast; or, if there is only one mast, at the masthead; or. if tilre is no Imast, oun a pole at least 6 feet,above tlie highest point of the vessel; andt imf ]lermitted to move at night they shall carry a red light in the same positionl as tlhe flag. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULUT ARCIIPELAGO 399 PAR. 140. Discharging, carrying, and other handling of inflammables and explosives in a por.t shall be permitted only between sunrise and sunset, except on written authorization of the collector of customs or surveyor of the port. PAB. 141. Vessels of all classes carrying inflammables or explosives shall not lie alongside of nor be tied to another vessel, except when actually discharging or receiving such cargo. They shall be berthed or lie at such places as may be designated by the harbormaster, and shall be discharged or loaded with the least possible delay. PAR. 142. Upon the arrival of a foreign vessel in port no persons except the pilot, customs and quarantine officers, and, subject to permission of the customs boarding officer, consuls and agents of the vessel shall be permitted to go on board; nor shall any of the crew or passengers disembark until the vessel has been placed under customs jurisdiction. PAR. 143. A coastwise vessel on arrival at a port shall not be required to wait for customs boarding officers before entering the harbor or river. Such vessels upon mooring shall be boarded by a customs officer, who, if there is foreign cargo in transit, shall place a customs inspector on board. PAR. 144. Masters or officers in charge of vessels shall, upon demand, exhibit to the customs officers the ship's roll, register, crew list, passenger list, manifest, or any other public ship's paper. PAR. 145. Any vessel having foreign cargo consigned to a port of entry shall discharge such cargo within the harbor limits of such port, unless permission is obtained from the insular collector of customs to discharge outside such limits. PAR. 147. No launch, lighter, or other vessel shall be allowed to make fast to any channel or marking buoy. PAR. 148. In case two or more vessels are making for the same landing, the one nearest to such landing shall have the right of way, and the other or others are prohibited from making any attempt to go alongside first. PAR. 149. All orders of the harbormaster in connection with the berthing or movement of vessels shall be at once carried out by the master or other officer in charge of the vessel to which such orders relate. PAR. 150. Every vessel entering a port whose harbor limits are prescribed shall be berthed or moored at the point designated by the harbormaster, and no vessel shall change its anchorage or berthing place without his permission. PAR. 152. Masters of vessels desiring to load or discharge ballast shall first obtain permission from the collector or surveyor of customs and shall obey the instructions given them by the harbormaster as to where the ballast shall be taken from or discharged, as the case may be. PAR. 153. At ports having no regularly appointed harbormaster the duties of such official shall be performed by the surveyor of customs or other designated customs officer. PAR. 154. Where it is necessary for a vessel in a harbor to have repairs made that will temporarily disable or prevent the vessel from being controlled or moved, it shall be the duty of the master thereof to report that fact to the harbormaster, and to take adequate precautions against fire and storm. Before such repairs are made the vessel shall be berthed as directed by the harbormaster. PAR. 155. There shall not be thrown, deposited, or discharged from any vessel or floating craft of any kind, or from the shore or wharf, into the waters of any of the harbors described above, or into the navigable waters of any river tributary thereto, any refuse or other matter or thing which might impede or obstruct navigation or cause an obstruction thereto. PAR. 156. Whenever a vessel, raft, or other craft is wrecked and sunk in a navigable channel, accidentally or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the owner of said sunken craft to mark it immediately with a buoy or beacon with a red flag attached thereto during the day and with a red lantern at night, which flag or lantern shall show at least 4 feet above water, and to maintain such marks until the removal of the sunken craft; and it shall also be the duty of said owner to commence the immediate removal of the same and to prosecute said removal with due diligence. PAR. 158. No vessel or other craft shall tie up or anchor in the navigable waters of any harbor in such manner as to prevent or obstruct the passage of other vessels or craft, nor so as to obstruct or endanger the Government dredges, towboats, scows, and other floating apparatus in their work of imrproving rivers and harbors, nor shall they navigate said waters at a rate of 400 UNITE)D STATES COAST PILOT speed that may endanger other vessels or craft at anchor or under way, nor shall any person voluntarily or carelessly sink, or permit to be sunk, vessels or other craft in navigable channels, nor float loose timber and logs in streams or channels actually navigated by steam vessels in such manner as to obstruct, impede, or endanger navigation. PAR. 159. No vessel shall be anchored within any fairway of a harbor set apart by the harbormaster for the passage of vessels, nor shall any vessel be so anchored as to obstruct the passage of other vessels in such fairway. PAR. 163. Steam vessels towing shall have the right of way over steam vessels not towing: Provided, That vessels of over 10 feet draft shall have the right of way in deep and narrow channels. In carrying out the rules for right of way, due regard shall be had to the fact that a vessel going against the tide or current is much more manageable than one going with it. In rivers and narrow channels connected with harbors or the sea which are traversed by steam vessels, such steam vessels shall have the right of way over launches, lighlters, cascoes, and other river and harbor vessels: Provided, That the steam vessels are of 100 gross tons or more. Coastwise vessels of less than 100 gross tons shall conform to the rules of the road with river and harbor vessels. In rivers and narrow channels every steam vessel shall, when it is safe and practicable to do so, keep to that side of the fairway or mid-channel which lies to the starboard of such vessel. PAR. 164. Steam and other vessels are prohibited from turning around in navigable rivers or narrow channels by means of warping lines stretched across the channel in such manner as to obstruct free navigation, but shall be so managed as to leave at all times one side of the river free for the passage of other vessels. PAR. 168. All vessels entering, leaving, or lying in the rivers of the Philippine Islands shall swing all boats inboard, keeping the davits in that position. All gangways shall be folded against the side of the vessel. Each vessel shall have one or more of the small boats which are swung inboard ready at all times to be swung out and lowered in case of necessity. On sailing vessels the yards shall be braced fore and aft and the jib boom shall be run in. PAR. 176. A vessel in a harbor in distress and requiring assistance from other vessels or from the shore shall use or display the following signals, either together or separately, viz: Day signals.-International signals N C or N S and a continuous sounding of any fog-signal apparatus. Night signals.-First, flames on the vessel as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrels, etc.; second, a continuous sounding of any fog-signal apparatus or firing a gun. PAR. 177. Any vessel entering an entry or coastwise port shall, if mail is to be discharged, inform the port authorities thereof by the prescribed signal at the earliest practicable moment. PAR. 178. Masters or other officers in charge of vessels shall give due notice to the collector of customs of their intention to clear, stating the day and hour of proposed sailing, and shall fly the "blue peter" (International Code P) at the fore for 24 hours before sailing. PAR. 179. Nothing in these regulations, whether general or special, shall relieve any vessel, or the owner, master, or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to carry lights or signals, or to keep proper lookout, or from the consequences of any neglect to take the precautions to do that which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the special circumstances of the case. PAR. 180. Harbor police duties are performed by customs officers. Any master or officer in charge of a vessel within the limits of any harbor defined in these regulations desiring police assistance shall fly the international code customs call K G W, and such other signal as the urgency of the case may require. Customs officers have the power to make arrests within harbor limits of persons violating the customs, immigration, Chinese exclusion, and navigation laws and regulations, and of persons committing crimes or breaches of the peace, and shall report without delay to their superior officer. Any person who assaults, resists, opposes, or interferes in any manner with a customs officer in the discharge of his duty shall be liable to the penalties prescribed by law. PAR. 181. Typhoon warning signals are displayed in accordance with advices from the Weather Bureau, and their meaning is the same wherever shown in the archipelago. Masters of vessels are required to notify the collector of PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 401 customs or the harbormaster if, after typhoon signals have been hoisted, any vessels fail to take suitable precautions for their own safety and thus endanger other vessels. PAR. 182. The following typhoon signals will be displayed when occasion requires: DAY SIGNALS Black cylinder, 1'/2 feet in diameter, 2 feet high. Black cone, base 1'/2 feet in diameter, 2 feet high. Black sphere, 2 feet in diameter. Flag 3 or 4 feet square, of any convenient color. Arranged as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6;1 2 3 4 5 6 i !Lj4 I 7 4 8 a NIGHT SIGNALS Red and White lights in either vertical or horizontal follows, the solid black shapes indicating red lights: 1 2 3 4 5 6 line, arranged as 7 I 8 FIRST SIGNAL The meaning of the first signal is necessarily somewhat indeterminate; it may signify(a) Indications of a distant typhoon the direction of whose movement is still unknown. The signal will be changed in case the typhoon approaches; (b) The direction of the distant typhoon is at present such that the storm may pass off without seriously affecting the archipelago; or (c) A general warning, viz: When the weather indications are dangerous but such as are not covered by any one of the other signals in use, for instance, when the typhoon recurves east of the archipelago. In such cases see the daily weather note posted at all the meteorological and telegraph stations and customhouses. Precautions.-Vessels should prepare to strengthen their moorings and to get up steam. Small vessels, especially open launches, should not risk going far from port. SECOND SIGNAL The center of the typhoon will pass (or is passing) to the northward at a considerable distance. Winds from third quadrant (west to south) are to be expected, which may acquire considerable force and continue for several days. 402 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT Precautions.-Vessels should strengthen their moorings. It is deemed advisable that vessels should send down light yards and masts. Steamers should be ready to use their engines on short notice. Dangerous for small vessels to be in Manila Bay; bancas must not leave the rivers. THIRD SIGNAL The center of the typhoon will pass (or is passing) to the southward at a considerable distance. Winds from the second quadrant (east to south) are to be expected. These are generally less violent than those corresponding to the second signal. Precautions.-The same as for signal No. 2. FOURTH SIGNAL The location of the typhoon is dangerous for the place where the signal is hoisted, though the danger is not imminent. Look out for the next signal. Precautions.-Vessels strengthen their moorings. Steamers must be ready to use their engines in case of sudden emergency. Small vessels must remain at their moorings; bancas are not to move about in the river nor cascoes to leave it. FIFTH SIGNAL The center of the typhoon will pass (or is passing) to the northward at a short distance. Strong winds from the third and fourth quadrants (north over west to south) are to be expected, which may become very violent. Precautions.-Vessels strengthen their moorings as much as possible. Lower and secure all gear. Use steam to help anchors. Vessels outside Manila Harbor may find it necessary to seek refuge in Cavite. No vessels under way while this signal is up. SIXTH SIGNAL The center of the typhoon will pass (or is passing) to the southward at a short distance. Strong winds from first and second quadrants (north over east to south) are to be expected, which may become very violent, though usually they are less severe than those corresponding to the fifth signal. Precautions.-The same as for signal No. 5. SEVENTH SIGNAL The center of the typhoon will pass over the place where the signal is hoisted. Precautions.-The same as for signal No. 5. It must be noted, however, that after the absolute or relative lull, due to the actual passing of the center, the winds will suddenly change to a direction opposite to the one from which they came before the calm; also that they may often be more violent than before. EIGHTH SIGNAL Very high tides, and floods. Precautions.-The same as for signal No. 5. No vessel of any description must attempt to enter or leave a harbor or river, nor to move about in them. PAR. 183. Masters of vessels are requested to furnish all shipping news of general interest and such sanitary and hydrographic information as they may have. Masters wishing to have barometers tested can do so by giving glass reading to the harbor master, who shall compare the same with observatory instruments and return correction to ship. The harbor master shall, when requested, supply masters with latest pilot charts, Notices to Mariners, and other hydrographic publications, and harbor regulations, and such meteorological data as may be of use in these waters, for which no charge shall be made. PILOTAGE The employment of a pilot for coastw'ise service in Philippine waters outside of pilotage districts or between pilotage districts shall be optional, but when PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 403 requested and rendered the pilot performing the same shall receive as compensation therefor not to exceeds 32 pesos per day and expenses until his return to station by first available transportation, subject to private contract in each case. Any vessel employing a coastwise pilot between pilotage districts shall pay the prescribed compulsory or optional pilotage fee to the pilots' association within whose jurisdictional waters any part of said service may be rendered, and any vessel employing a district pilot from one pilotage district to another, in addition to the compensation provided for in Paragraph II, shall pay to the association in the district in which said vessel is piloted the compulsory pilotage or berthing fee of said district. Any vessel employing a district pilot from one pilotage district to another, in addition to the compensation provided for in Paragraph II hereof, shall pay to the association in the district to which such vessel is piloted the compulsory pilotage fee provided for said district. When a pilot is kept on board a vessel through quarantine or other causes beyond his control, he shall be entitled to subsistence and to pay at the rate of 8 pesos per day: Provided, That all time less than 24 hours and over 6 hours shall be counted as one day. When pilots' service is rendered at any port between sunset and 5 a. m., there shall be paid therefor double the pilotage fees payable at other times. When pilotage being rendered is not completed before sunset, the charge shall be double the pilotage fees provided for day pilotage. Vessels in the service of the Federal or Insular Government, also tugs, lorchas, launches, and other vessels engaged solely in river or harbor work, shall be exempt from the compulsory pilotage provisions of these regulations; but when a pilot's service is requested and rendered, such vessels shall pay the fees specified for other vessels. The pilotage fees hereinafter authorized to be collected for and on account of the respective pilots' associations, in the manner and at the rates prescribed, shall be known as "Entrance and clearance fees," " Berthing fees," " Unmooring fees," and " Shifting fees": Provided, That when shifting is ordered by customs or other port authority, pilotage for such change of berth shall be rendered free of charge. All pilotage fees provided for herein are stated in the currency of the Philippine Islands and shall be paid in that currency or its equivalent. Fees for the several pilotage districts are given in the appendix to Part I. SPECIAL REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO PORTS DESCRIBED IN THIS VOLUME When a foreign or coastwise vessel berths at a Philippine Government pier or bulkhead, the master of the vessel shall, immediately after the lines have been secured to the pier or bulkhead, cause rat guards of sufficient size and proper construction to be placed on all the lines leading to the pier or bulkhead, so as to prevent any rats from going ashore. The master of a vessel alongside a pier or bulkhead shall also be required to have suitable rat guards placed on all lines leading from lighters or cascos to the vessel. No cargo shall be discharged from or received on board a vessel at a pier or bulkhead before suitable rat guards have been placed on all -the lines leading from the carriers to the vessel and from the vessel to the pier or bulkhead. When a vessel berthed at a pier or bulkhead h::s not a supply of suitable rat guards on board, a sufficient number shall be loaned to the vessel by the wharfinger in charge of the p'er, receipt to be taken in each case for the rat guards and the vessel held responsible for the loss of any of the rat guards so loaned. All foreign and coastwise vessels docking at the Philippine Government piers or bulkhead shall be fended off from the piers or bulkhead a distance of at least 6 feet. All cargo chutes and gangways connecting the vessel with the pier or bulkhead shall be removed at night, as soon as the vessel has stopped work of discharging or receiving cargo, and not put in place again until the following morning. This does not apply to the gangways of passenger vessels, which need not be removed until the pier or bulkhead is actually closed and work has been. stopped. No steamer lying at one of the Philippine Government piers or bulkheads shall be without steam, and no repairs to the machinery shall be done without special 404 UNITED STATES COAST PILOT permit from the collector of customs or the deputy surveyor of customs. Vessels alongside the piers or bulkhead shall have their engines ready to move from same at a short notice. A vessel about to leave its berth at a pier or bulkhead shall give due notice to the wharfinger that he may provide attendants to let go ropes and moorings. Ally responsibility for damage which may be done to a pier or bulkhead and the cargo therein shall lie upon the lmaster of the vessel, if same is caused by the boats having been swung outward, or by anchors (,or other projections not housed, and also by the discharge of steam, water, or other discharges which should be let down by hc:se or other effective appliances. Breast lines must be used on the mooring posts only; not on the cleats. No dirt, ashes. sweepings, garbage, or rubbish shall be thrown overboard, but must be either landed and deposited at places provided for that purpose or burned on board the vessel. Vessels with gasoline, dynamite, or other highly explosive compounds shall not be permitted to berth at a pi'er or bulkhead. The government arrastre plant (pier, wharf, and warehouse) management uses every precaution against fire. Fire appliances are provided. No smoking on the piers, wharves. or warehouses is permitted. The government does not carry Insurance. Merchandise biought on a vessel from a foreign port shall not be unladen except during regular woorking hours on regular working days without lpermission of the deputy surveyor (of custcnms. The granting of such permission shall be conditioned upon the paymenlt of overtime pay of all customs employees engaged therein. The government assumes no legal responsibility in respect to the safekeeping of merchandise stored in any customs or bonded warehouse. (Sec. 1303. ALdministrative Code.) The regular hours for discharging cargo on and delivering from the Philippine Government piers or bulkheads and customhouse wharf and bonded warehouses shall be from 7 a. m. to 11.45 a. m., and from 1 p. m. to 4.45 p. m., Sundays and legal holidays excepted, work outside of sucl hours or regular working hours and on Sundays and legal holidays being overtime work. When a vessel or lighter is granited permission to work overtime the discharge of (argo onto the pier, bulkhead, or wharf shall be between the following hours: From 6 p. m. to 11.45 p. m. and from 12.45 a. m. to 5.45 a. m. The officer or wharfinger in charge of an all-night overtime, together with his detail to safeguarding the merchandise so d scharged, and also the laborers will, however, be paid overtime from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m. and all arrastre employees will be paid overtime to 12 midnight and from 12.30 to 6 a. m. Those detailed to work the first half of the night slall perform the services required of them until 12 midnight, and those detailed to work the last part of the night shall perform the same services until 6 a. m. The stevedoring of vessels discharging or loading at a pier or bulkhead will be performed by stevedores employed by the ship's agents or master. The handling of all merchandise on a pier or bulkhead will be dne by the Government arrastre plant. The stevedore or ship's officer shall give due notice to the wharfinger as to the number of hatches and cranes to be worked and the character of cargo. Shipside or base delivery shall ble given only to large shipments consigned to the United States Army or Nav-y and to shipments of bulk cargo when so stowed as not to interfere with tlhe rapid discharge of the carryingl vessel: P'rovided, That consignments shall be sufficient in quantity to equal at least one casco or lighter load, approximately 30 tons: A ld provided flrthcir', That there is sufficient transportation alongside, properly manned, t,) receive the cargo. When a vessel discharges at an anchorage in the harbor, if the provisions contained in paragraph XXIV (defining bulk cargo) of this order are not complied with, the cargo. except tliat of a perishable or dangerous nature, shall be placed in general cargo lighters and sent to the customhouse. When a vessel discharges at a pier or bulkhead, if the provisions contained in paragraph XXIV (defining bulk cargo) are not complied with. the cargo, if not dangerous or perishable-that is, cold-storage products-shall be placed on the pier or bulkhead. Only one representative of the ship's agents shall be permitted to go on board a vessel berthing at a pier or bulkhead before all of the passengers and baggage have been landed. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULU ARCHIPELAGO 405 No visitors shall be permitted to go on board vessels at the Philippine government piers or bulkheads until all of the passengers and baggage have been landed: Provided, That this may be waived under exceptional circumstances or when the interests of the public business warrant same. Persons having no business to transact shall not be permitted to loiter around customs piers, wharves, or other customs premises. This provision may, however, be waived in the case of visitors calling upon arrival and departure of vessels. All cabin baggage of passengers on incoming vessels should be placed on deck before the vessel reaches the piers or bulkheads, ready to be discharged on the piers or bulkheads by the crew or stevedores as soon as the vessel is made fast. Hold baggage should likewise be discharged at once. Baggage of passengers will be delivered from the piers or bulkheads after customs inspection, as soon after discharge from the vessel as possible. All handling of baggage on a pier or bulkhead, loading on or unloading from carts, will be done by the arrastre plant without charge. There is an office of the customs baggage inspectors on each pier. Outgoing baggage should be sent to the piers or bulkheads marked or tagged for the steamer. No article can be taken from a vessel without a customs permit, except the merchandise discharged on a pier or bulkhead under customs supervision. A passenger, officer of a vessel, or member of the crew desiring to take ashore any personal effect or similar article must submit it to, the customs inspector on board and secure from him a pass so as to avoid delay and trouble. Every vessel engaged in the foreign trade berthing at one of the Philippine government piers or bulkheads for the purpose of discharging or loading cargo shall pay a pier charge of 11/2 centavos per gross ton for the first 24 hours or part thereof, the minimum charge to be for not less than 24 hours; and for each succeeding 24 hours or part thereof exceeding 6 hours a similar charge shall be assessed: Provided, That the maximum charge shall not exceed 1:200 for each day: And provided further, That a vessel which, after having entered a port in the Philippines and discharged or loaded cargo thereat, clears for another Philippine port without going to a foreign port and returns to the first port of entry and moors again at a pier for the same purpose shall pay a pier charge of one-half the regular rate. Any vessel engaged in the foreign trade going to a pier or bulkhead for the purpose solely of landing or taking on passengers and their baggage, or to take on water or fuel oil for oil bunkers, shall pay a pier charge of 1 centavo per gross ton, if at pier not more than eight hours. If at pier or bulkhead more than eight hours, the regular charges specified in the preceding paragraph shall be assessed: Provided, That when such vessels arrive or remain at piers or bulkheads outside of regular working hours they shall be required to pay, in addition to the regular pier charge, an amount equal to the overtime pay of all regular arrastre employees, exclusive of the daily labor force, whose services are necessitated by such arrival or stay at pier or bulkhead, And provided further, That when the pier or bulkhead has to be illuminated as a result of such arrival or stay at the pier or bulkhead, as the case may be, a charge of 13 per hour to cover the cost of illumination shall be assessed against the vessel, the charge to be 1*6 if both pier and bulkhead are to be illuminated. Vessels in the coastwise trade berthing at pier or bulkhead for the purpose of loading or discharging cargo or for any other purpose shall be subject to a pier charge of 1 centavo per gross ton for each 24 hours or part thereof: Provided, That the minimum charge shall be P17. Vessels shall leave their berths at piers or bulkheads as soon as the discharge or loading is finished. Any vessel failing to leave the pier or bulkhead after the master thereof or his representative on board has received verbal or written notice to leave from the wharfinger or other authorized customs official shall be liable to an additional charge of 10 centavos per gross ton for each succeeding 24 hours or part thereof exceeding 6 hours, in the discretion of the insular collector of customs or collector of customs at subports. When a vessel engaged in the foreign trade discharges cargo at a pier or bulkhead or at the customhouse wharf, whether by means of lighters or otherwise, outside of the regular hours of work or at night, on Sundays, or holidays, the master, agents, or stevedores of the vessel shall be required to pay to the customs cashier the overtime pay of the customs inspectors and guards engaged in the overtime work on board the lighter or vessel, as well as the overtime pay of all customs employees working on the pier or bulkhead or wharf in connection with such discharge, including the extra cost*of the labor employed 406 UNITED) STA.TES COAST PILOT over the regular rate per hour of the daily lalbor forec: Provli-ded. That when work is performed (at nig(,ht P33 per hour to cnover. the cost of illumlinaition smill be paid: Aid, providcd fort/ecr, Thlat when wNork is iierforined after midiaghit the, entire, cost (if the labomr force emiployed aifter such midnigh~t shaill be paid. XWhem the ladinig of coastwise or expe(rt cargo on or the discharge of co~astwise cargo from a vessel berthed at a pier or bulkhead is done in hours, outside of regular busincss hours,, and when no other work or- discimr~ging Impiort cargo is befing done, the master or agents of the vessel shall be req uired to pay an.amount, aggregating, the overcmLne pay of all customs and arra,,s-tre employees engaged, including the pay of the daily labor force. and in alddition thereto VP3 per hour to cover 'the cost Of il-111minlation if the work is dIone, ait night. When the whairfilnger is notified by ship's officers, agents, or stevedores that, cargo is to lbe discharged fioni one or more hatches (lurbin a statedl teriod necessitating the emj loxyient of extrVa mien on a pier or bullkhead, iind w\henl for Dany reason said cargo is not, discharged as conteliplate(I, and in accordance wvith said notification, mime mafiser or sacets of the vessel sha-ll lbe requireih to pay an amount iggregotmig time wages of time extra mcii so employe-_d, except wvhen the failumre to discharg'e. is caused by unfavorable xweather. Fresh water shdll be furnished to. vessels desiriig, to take the~ sa-me, at the rate of 20 centavos per ton. Receipts from this source shall )e (deposited by the cashier as recempts fromi operation of the Philippine governminiet piers and bulkheads. Tugs or hiunchis for towa-e or berthing purposes shall be provided by the s~hip's agents. Facilities are proxvided for hinstalling a te-lelhoime with ennim ctions with the city sysiem onl Cay v essel lying alongside a pier or bulkhea-d. The cliarge shall lbe 05 pesos for a pieriod up. to one wNeek, payable me time telephone conipany. Application for its, instilhiliomi should be made to the wvharthiner. On each pier there is a telephone conUnectimig with the telephone central for public use. There is also direct telephone. connection with the customhouse. The piers and sheds, are wvell lightedl with electric illumination, facilitating night work. Arrang-ememits a-re provided for installing electric, lig-hts at hatches or in holds of vessels lyinig -alomigside, the charge for eaich cluster so furnisheil being1 P0.60 iier hour. Application should be made to the wharfinger. Vessels,-, of the United Sta-tes or of the government of the Philippine Islands shall be permitted to use thie pier Or bulkhead when there is a bierth available therefor, Iprovided they simli] first obtairn from the deputy surveyor oif customs or his representative the requireid permit. No pier charge shall be ma1dle against a Goxerinment vessel usmm, the piers, or bulkheads as cabove, descrili)ed. The piers., bulkhieads-1 customihous~e wlhirf. (-and bonrded warehouses- aire( under the mmeiae chairge anl ~upervision (if the deputy surveyor of customs, to xxhomi requests, comaipla mts,lidi matters concerning the cargo.anil its (lelivery,amal the work of the pier, hiulkhea-ids,, customhouse wharf, and] bonded ware-_ hou1Ises shiiuld be piresenled. Tis office is ait thle customhouse. CL _STlON1Qs COLLECTION, DISTRhICTS First4-The dlistrict of Manila, compris~n- the island of rluzoal. (except tha. whole Bicol region; the north coi4t of the island of Minidiiro fromt Point Calavite to Point Dumali:the Cal umirnes, Cux o and Cagatyanes Islands; the islands of Paragua and Ilahabac; the sd'incd of Marinmduqlue and all other islands adjacent thereto and in the.geographical distrinmt covered by thle islands, and Provinces named. in which Mr iia.a slhal lie the principal port of entry. Scond..-The district of Legagspi, coimprinsmn the Prnovinces cif Cam1arine"s Norte, Camarines Sur, Albay, anid Sorsocron;the, mslands of Burias and Ticao; the northeast coast of the isauind cit Misbante fmomu Poiimt Bumui to an~d hicliilug the Port of Alegria and all othern islancs adjacent thereto,anil inl the geographical district covered by time islands anid Prnovinces named, inl wvhich Legaspi shall he the principal port of entuyx Tlhtrd.-The district of Iloilo, compr-ising the eastern and xwestern colasts, of the island of Mindoro. from Point Dumali to Point Calax-ite: the islands of Tablas, Romablon. and Sibuyain thle southtiv~estern coast cf the isLanil of Maltsbate. from Point Bugui tc) time Port of Aiel,,rmi tme islanid iif lmanav: thle Proivinee~ of Occidental Negros noaid all iithi m islands, adja cent thereto, anid in the g-eographicaht district of the islands and Provimices niamed, in xvhich Iloilo shall be the principial port of ~t. PALAWAN, MINDANAO, AND SULTU ARCHIPELAGO 407 Fourth.-The district of Cebu, comprising the islands of Cebu, Bohol, Samar, Leyte, and Dinagat; the Province of Oriental Negros; the Province of Misamis; the northern coast of the Province of Lanao; the portion of the Provinces of Agusan and Surigao northwest of a straight line drawn from Kawit Point on the northeast coast of the Province of Surigao to Quidapil Point on the west coast of the Province of Cotabato; and all other islands adjacent thereto and in the geographical district of the islands and Provinces named, in which Cebu shall be the principal port of entry. Fifth.-The district of Zamboanga, comprising the Province of Zamboanga; the island of Basilan; the Province of Lanao, except its northern coast; the portion of the Province of Cotabato northwest of a straight line between Quidapil Point on the west coast of Cotabato and Kawit Point on the northeast coast of Surigao; and all islands adjacent thereto and in the geographical district in the islands and Provinces named, in which Zamboanga shall be the principal port of entry. Sixth.-The district of Davao, comprising the Province of Davao; the portion of the Provinces of Cotabato and Agusan southeast of a straight line drawn between Quidapil Point on the west coast of Cotabato and Kawit Point on the northeast coast of Surigao; the Province of Bukidnon; the islands adjacent to the coast line of the portion of Mindanao between the points named; and all islands in the Philippine group south of the Provinces of Cotabato and Davao, in which Davao shall be the principal port of entry. Seventh.-The district of Jolo, comprising the islands of Jolo, Siasi, Cagayan de Sulu, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, Sibuto, and Sanga-Sanga, and all other islands adjacent thereto and in the geographical district covered by the islands named, in which Jolo shall be the principal port of entry. Meteorological table PUERTO PRINCESA [Deduced from 8 years of observations] Barometer Air temperature in degrees F. (5 years) recipitation (5 Wind IAvr-TAverage Average years) ___.........________relative amount _ - _ ___ _ hof clouds Mean I MeanExtremes humidity (0-10) Velocity Mo Mean \ Mean Extremes ^0-10^ (0-12) Monthly percentage of wind directions Month -- -- - ----- - _________________.S..... I Mean ~ 2 21 1 1.. H - i 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~(-10 44 0 o C c Per Per Per Per | Ins. Ins. ercente cent cent Ins. Ins. January --- —----- 29.88 29.83 78.6 89.8 64.9 24.9 90.3 63.5 26.8 95.0 68.3 6.6 7.3 4.03 11 3.41 1 3 5 18 14 13 7 8 5 2 4 6 February --- —--- 29.88 29.86 77.7 90.0 63.5 26.5 91.6 60.6 31.0 95.1 66.4 5.6 6.9 3.51 8 4.15 1 3 5 6 8 10 8 4 6 3 5 7 ^ March --- —----- 29..89 29.86 80.1 92.3 66.7 25.6 94.8 64.0 30.8 95.0 64.5 5.4 6.3 1.79 6 1.40 1 3 5 5 11 15 10 7 7 2 6 8 0 April --- —------ 29.86 29.82 81.7 94.3 68.7 25.6 96.3 64.4 31.9 94.8 62.4 5.2 6.5 1.33 6 2.06 1 3 4 9 9 14 9 7 7 2 3 9 > May --- —------- 29.84 29.81 81.5 94.1 70.2 23.9 96.1 67.5 28.6 95.3 68.0 6.6 7.6 7.34 18 1.76 1 2 5 6 5 10 14 9 \ 8 7 9 8 2 June --- —-------- 29.82 29.80 80.6 92.8 69.8 23.0 93.9 67.6 26.3 95.0 71.8 7.4 8.6 9.11 19 4.15 1 2 5 8 8 4 6 9 10 13 14 9 H July --- —- -- 29.81 29.79 80.6 93.2 69.3 23.9 97.7 65.8 31.9 94.3 70.1 7.3 8.5 8.48 19 5.02 1 3 6 3 8 3 6 12 112 14 14 9 August --- —------ 29.83 29.80 80.4 93.2 68.5 24.7 95.2 65.8 29.4 95.1 68.2 7.2 8.4 6.53 16 1.96 1 2 6 3 5 3 8 10 11 18 15 9 ^ September --- —-- 29.83 29.80 80.6 93.4 68.4 25.0 97.0 66.0 31.0 94.0 71.8 7.5 8.6 7.73 20 2.50 1 2 6 8 4 4 6 12 11 13 13 9 I October --- —----- 29.85 29.82 79.9 92.1 68.7 23.4 94.1 66.0 28.1 94.9 71.9 6.7 8.2 9.52 21 3.25 1 2 5 10 5 7 12 9 10 8 4 10 0 November --- —- 29.84 29.80 79.5 91.2 68.4 22.8 91.6 64.8 26.8 95.5 71.2 6.7 7.7 11.41 14 11.58 1 2 5 12 11 8 9 7 9 10 10 8 December --- —--- 29.84 29.82 78.8 90.5 66.2 24.3 91.2 59.5 31.7 95.5 70.8 6.0 6.8 16.45 16 11.00 1 2 6 11 13 10 6 6 4 7 15 9 Mean - 29.85 29.82 80.0 92.2 67.8 24.4 -- ------ 95.0 68.8 6.5 7.6 - - — 1 --- —-- l 2 -Total --- — -- -- ------ ------------------ ------ 87.23 174 ------ - --- 99 101 101 101 100 100 j9 102 101 ______ __ __ ___i_ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _________ _ _ _ _ _ Meteorological table CAGAYAN, MISAMIS [Deduced from 8 years of observations] Barometer Air temperature in degrees F. (16 years) Precipitation Wind ~Averafgei Average relrage amount relative of clouds, Mean Mean Extremes humidity (-12) Monthly percentage of wind directions ad (0-12) Month ------ o wn d irectio ns- - -— ~ — ~Month a I ^2 r 1 I I I -I-z *"~ Mean. ~. o ~ g e Per Per Per Per Ins. Ins. cent cent cent cent Ins. Ins. January ---------- 29.87 29.81 77.4 88.9 66.0 22.9 90.5 63.5 27.0 92.2 73.9 6. 7 7.3 2.03 9 1.77 1 2 6 6 8 0 8 7 12 19 13 10 February -------- 29.89 29.82 77.7 90.3 65.3 25.0 93.2 63.0 30.2 90.7 69.2 5.5 6.1 1.60 7 1.36 0 2 4 7 2. 0 3 6 5 8 12 9 March ----------- 29.89 29.83 79.5 92.3 66.9 25.4 94.5 64.8 29.7 89.4 66.6 4. 9 5.5 1.50 5 1.80 1 2 4 9 4 0 10 10 6 7 13 7 April --------- 29.87 29.80 81.1 93.6 68.7 24.9 94.8 67.6 27.2 86.8 62.8 4.5 5.0 1.34 5 1.35 1 2 4 8 11 0 8 7 5 6 12 8 May --- —------- 29.85 29.78 82.0 93.6 70.7 22.9 95.9 69.6 26.3 89.2 66.2 5.3 6.5 3.87 12 3.03 1 2 4 8 16 8 11 7 6 4 6 7 June --- —-------- 29.84 29.78 81.7 93.0 70.5 22.5 96.1 69.3 26.8 91.5 69.0 6.2 7.4 7.80 18 2.95 1 2 4 9 14 0 10 8 4 3 3 7 July -------------- 29.84 29.78 82.2 94.5 70.0 24.5 96.4 68.5 27.9 91.6 68.0 6.7 7.2 6.02 15 2.25 1 2 4 8 8 8 1 9 8 5 5 8 August ----------- 29.86 29.79 82.0 93.9 70.0 23.9 95.7 68.9 26.8 90.4 65.4 6.5 7.6 7.29 15 2.70 1 2 4 10 8 8 6 9 12 10 7 8 September --- —-- 29.85 29.78 82.0 94.1 70.0 24.1 97.2 68.0 29.2 90.6 68.3 6.7 7.7 7.58 15 2.58 1 2 4 4 10 33 10 10 12 8 5 8 October --- —- 29.86 29.79 81.7 92.8 70.3 22.5 96.6 69.8 26.8 91.4 70.5 5.7 7.0 6.40 15 3.21 1 2 4 9 8 0 8 10 16 12 7 8 November --- —-- 29.85 29.78 60.1 91.2 68.9 22.3 93.2 67.5 25.7 90.9 70.6 5.5 6.8 3.06 9 2.76 1 2 4 10 2 25 10 9 5 4 8 9 December ------ 29.85 29.78 78.4 90.0 66.9 23.1 91.4 63.3 28.1 91.5 72.1 5.8 6.9 4.83 12 4.85 1 2 4 8 7 17 15 8 10 15 10 9 Mean --- —- 29.86 29.78 80.5 92.4 68.7 23.7 ------ ----— i --- —- 90.5 68.0 5.8 6.- 1 2 Total --- ----—. --- —---------------------- ------ 53.32 137 ------ -------- 96 98 99 100 100 101 101 101 98 October..........[ 29.86 ] 29. 79 / 81.7 { 92. 8 7. 3I2.5I9.6I6.8{26 8 4 15 1 2 z L" 0 ts. z 12 0 1. X t3 M (71 t_ C-1 ot Meteorological table S URIG A O [Deduced from 8 years of observations] z1 _I ___ __1________1_________~__________ __ ____ Barometer I Air temperature in degrees F. (16 years) Average relative humidity A verage amiount of clou ds (0 — 12) Precipitation Wind Mean iMlean Extremes Month $5 0 a 0 4o i3 H a 5 0 a 0 '~ 'I;.0 4.0 O;.i. ~S Iz l ^11 a" Mean._ CIA Velocity (0-12) C"~ ho F: M;i i H4 acq ia ~ a, EO C 44 z z zA ^1 1' z 03 W 03 z ^1 P4 1H 411 5 C; P Monthly percentage of wind directions 03 rf) U) Us;4 M Us H) U) z 11 z z >1 ^1 u C' Per Per Per Per Ins. Ins. cent cent cent cent Isns. Ins. January ---------- 29.89 29.i84 78. 1 88. 2 68. 9 19. 3 92. 7 65.7 27. 0 93. 3 82. 8 8.1 7.8 19.08 22 6.95 2 2 5 11 32 14 3 2 2 1 29 February -- 29.90 29.96 77.9 88.5 68. 0 20. 5 91.9 64.8 27.1 93. 1 77.6 7.2 6.7 13.46 17 8.01 1 3 1 11 29 16 3 2 2 2 4 30 March- 29.90 29.86 78.6 89.2 68.7 20.5 92.3 66.4 25. 9 93.2 77.5 6.8.8 8 11.68 18 8.70 1 2 30 20 5 3 2 1 3 29 April ------- 29.87 29.83 79.7 90.1 70.5 19.6 93.9 69.8 24. 1 94.6 75.5 6. 1 6. 1 8.66 16 3. 17 1 2 5 22 20 6 3 3 2 3 34 May ------------ 29.85 29.80 81.0 91.8 71.8 20.0 93.9 70.7 23.2 94.7 73.8 6.2 6.0 5.42 10 4.70 0 2 4 6 14 15 5 6 6 4 4 39 June - - 29.83 29.79 81.1 92.7 71.8 20.9 95.9 69.8 26.1 93.3 72. 6 6. 3 6.3 5.19 12 2.50 1 2 6 4 8 11 5 8 12 6 5 40 July ------------- 29.81 29.78 81.3 93.4 72.1 21.3 ]97.2 71.1 26.1 87.4 67.3 7.0 6.6 5.26 12 2.72 1 2 5 2 3 4 1 9 26 13 5 37 August- -_ 29.83 29.79 81.7 94.1 72.3 21.8 98.6 70.7 27.9 86.8 65.5 6.8 6.0 3.67 10 2.45 1 2 4 2 3 3 1 10 36 12 4 29 September_ 29. 83 29.78 81.3 94. 1 72. 1 22. 0 98.6 69. 8 28.8 89.4 68. 0 7. 2 6.1 5.94 12 2.71 1 2 5 2 3 3 1 8 30 12 5 5 October --- ——......- 29. 86 29.80 80. 6 92. 5 72. 1 20. 4 96. 1 68. 9 27.2 92. 8 74. 0 6.9 6.2 9.41 17 5.09 1 2 4 4 7 6 3 6 19 9 5 41 Noveismber.. --- — 29.85 29.80 79.3 90.7 70.7 20.0 94.1 67.5 26.6 94.3 79. 1 7.0 7.0 15.79 21 8.99 1 2 6 5 16 9 3 6 11 4 8 37 )ecember —..29.86 29.82 78.6 89.6 70.2 19.4 94.3 66.9 27.4 93.4 81.1 7.7 7.5 21.74 23 12. 09 1 2 4 7 24 15 4 3 4 2 6 35 Mean. 29.86 29. 81 79.0 991, 2 70. 8 20. 41 --- —- ------ ------ 92.2 74.0 6.9 6.6. 1 2 -----. — - Total ------ -. ____.- - -- ---- 125.30 |110 - -,191 136 41 5(6 153 C8 58 415 M e a n _ - ----— 6 ----- - -— _ --- —-— 1 --- -- -_ cl z 71 -t — H tr T1 0 C ^;L Ti h-j t 0 H Meteorological table DAVAO [Deduced from 8 years of observations] Barometer Air temperature in degrees F. (16 years) Precipitation (16 Average Average years) Average ai nt relative amount h d of clouds - Mean Mean Extremes (0-12) ~ Velocity Monthly percentage of wind directions '> Mean Mean Extremcs '1 - ~~~~Month -------- - ------- - ---------------- ------- _ -(0-12)| *.S a ~ Mean 1 ^ Z s a I.. c.. Per Per Per Per Ins. Ins. cent cent cent cent Ins. Ins. January-.. --- 29.88 29.82 97.2 91.2 67.1 24.1 94.5 62.6 31.9 95.4 70.2 6.6 6.7 4.64 7 2.92 0 1 4 18 13 4 1 1 0 0 0 11 8 Z February —. --- — 29.90 29.83 79.5 92.8 66.7 26.1 98.1 64.4 33.7 95.3 66.1 6.0 6.3 4.64 7 2.55 0 1 4 16 11 5 2 0 1 0 0 7 0 March --- —--- 29.89 29.83 80.4 94.3 66.9 27.4 98.1 63.3 34.8 95.0 63.6 5.9 6.2 6.35 8 4.65 0 1 4 20 20 7 4 0 0 0 11 6 April_- -— _ 29,87 29.80 81.7 94.6 69.1 25.5 97.9 66.4 31.5 95.7 69.9 5.8 6.2 6.41 8 3.49 0 1 4 9 19 4 10 3 2 0 11 8 May --- -- -- 29.86 29.79 81.5 94.1 70.2 23.9 99.1 68.4 30.7 96.4 68.5 6.2 6.3 10.10 12 3.92 0 1 3 2 7 14 11 16 8 0 8 9 June --- —-----— 29.86 29.80 80.4 91.8 70.5 21.3 95.4 68.0 27.4 96.4 70.9 6.2 6.3 10.18 12 3.90 0 1 3 0 2 6 19 19 33 0 8 9 July ------------ 29.85 29.80 80.1 91.0 69.8 21.2 95.4 68.0 27.4 96.4 70.8 6.1 6.8 7.48 10 2.68 0 1 4 1 1 4 12 16 20 0 0 8 August --- —- 29.86 29.80 80.4 91. 8 69.6 22.2 96.8 65.3 31.5 95.8 68.1 5.8 6.0 7.60 10 3.70 0 1 3 1 1 8 15 17 13 0 0 9 September ------- 29.86 29.79 80.6 92.3 69.8 22.5 94.1 68.0 26.1 96.1. 68.9 6.2 6.3 7.79 10 4.87 0 1 4 1 2 14 17 12 14 60 21 9 5 October -. --- —-- 29.87 29.80 80.6 92. 8 69.3 23.5 95.7 66.6 29.1 96.5 67.6 5.9 6.1 10.07 13 5.25 0 1 4 4 6 17 10 8 6 20 11 9 Q November --— _ _ 29.86 29.78 80.4 92.7 69.4 23.3 97.2 66.4 30.8 96.5 68.8 6.0 6.4 6.55 10 2.92 0 1 4 8 8 13 5 9 2 20 8 9 December.. --- —- 29.86 29.79 79.5 91.6 68.2 23.4 94.5 62.4 32.1 96.1 68.5 6.3 6.6 7.66 10 6.05 0 1 4 18 11 5 2 0 0 0 21 8 H Mean- - 29.87 29.80 80.4 92.6 68.9 23.7 ----------------- 96.0 68.2 6.1 6.4 -0 1 --------- Total-I-__~~__~~~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ---— 90.14 117 17- ------------ 98 101 101 99 101 99 100 110 99 t Tt___ --- —- ------- -------- ------- ------ ---- ------- T 0 ol oI~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Meteorological table NAMBOANGA [I)educed from 8 years of observations] Barometer Air tenlmperature in degrees F. (16 years) Precipitation (16 years) Wind Average relative humidity Average amount of clouds (0-10) Mean Mean Extremes Month I Ins. January-.. --- —--. 29.86 February —. 29.88 March-.... 29.88 April....... —... 29.85 May --- —. ---- 29.85 JuneC __.. _. _ _ 29. 85 July --- —-------- 29. 85 August ----. --- — 29.87 September -.. 29. 87 October-..- 29.87 November..... 29. 85 December. — 2.. 29.84 Is Ins. 29. 83 29.84 29. 84 29. 82 29. 81 29. 81 29. 82 29. 83 29. 82 29. 83 29. 81 29. 80 a 79.5 79. 9 0 0 79. 79. 80. 2 80. 4 79. 9 79. 7 79.7 79.7 79. 7 793.9 79. 9 90.3 90.3 90. 3 90. 5 90.7 90.3 89. 4 88. 7 88. 5 88. 7 89. 2 91(). 3 90. 5 69.1 S 67.8 68. 5 70. 5 72. 0 71.1 70. 7 70. 7 71.1 70. 9 69. 8 69. 8 69'. 8S 21.2 22.5 22. 0 20. 2 18. 3 18.3 18. 0 17.8 18.6 18.3 20. 5 20. 7 93. 7 93.0 93. 6 91.4 91.4 91.0 90. 1 89. 6 90.1 91.2 92.3 92. 7 66. 9 60.1 63. 5 67.8 70. 7 68.7 69. 8 66. 2 67.8 68.2 65. 3 68.0 C) 326 26.8 32. 9 30.1 23.6 20. 7 22.3 20. 3 23. 4 22. 3 23.0 27.0 24.7 Ia Per cent 89.3 88.6 88.5 88.4 * 89. 2 I 89. 8 90 0 90. 0 9(.1 90.4 90. 5 1 89.8 Per cent 75.2 74.0 73.8 76.6 77. 8 77. 3 77. 7 76.7 77.3 78. 6 77. 5 713. 5 a' cy Per cent 7.4 7. 1 6. 6 6.7 7.4 7. 6 7. 6 7. 9 8.0 7. 7 7. 4 7.4 Per cent 6. 9 6.7 6.3 6. 7 7.4 7.2 7.4 7. 2 7.6 7.4 7. 3 7.0 CO 06 0 0 'a;1 S 7 6 5 6 9 12 12 11 11 12 10 10 Ins. 2. 53 2.19 1.13 1.67 2. 8 3.76 4.24 3.74 3. 93 4.62 4. 04 4.24 ca C C- r I I I Ins. 5.04 2.57 1.06 1.21 2.09 1. 56 2.23 2.19 4.49 4.78 3.08 6.34 Mean 1 3 - I ~ 1 3 1 3 1 3 (0loct2)y Mionthly,ercentage of wind directions (0(-121._ f-i I Il I 1 1 I 3 3 3 3. 3, 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 z: 91 l1 8 7 8.1 9 9' 10 9 8 9 541 I3 13 8 8 7 9 8 8 6 6 9 7 11;4 CQ I4 C/3 15 12 7 6 7 5 7 6 8 4 6 18 6 8 9 8 11 1.1 8 10 7 7 6 8 02 11CO II _ I 11 13 2 5 8 6 9 6 8 14 9 9 II CO 7 6 7 8 8 12 10 9 8 8 8 9 7 7 9 8 9 9' 10 10 8 8 7 5 4 9 11 11 11 9 8 7 5 I 1 31 II tn 3 10 11 n 1 0 1 C 6 H ti > 10 7 n 8 9 i 9 Mean-m _-_t 29.86 Total --- —- ------- 29.82 79.8 8 9.8 7(1.2 1.. -_ _ - _ _ 8 29.82 79. 8 98!. 8 70.2 19. 6 - - ---- ------ - 89.6 7I6.3 -- ----— I -= ------- - 1 -- -- ------- -- -1 --- —--------- 7.4,.i.......... 391 - -- 3 -l0.... 74 38.9 111 87..... -.......102 100 1 1( 98101 - j 38, 99 99 Meteorological table JOLO [Deduced from 8 years of observations] Barometer Air temperature in degrees F. (16 years) Precipitation/(5 Wind Average Average years) Average amount relative amount h~raive ~of clouds Mean M|Mean |s humidity Extrems ( ) C I Velocity Monthly percentage of wind directions Mean Mean Extremes w-~w n;i (0-12) Month __ ' _ u rs - M...Mean i * O ~ B s I " 8 S II. a a o h... a o a C.) n s 0 a C Qe 0 d Cc C Per Per Per Per Ins. Ins. cent cent cent cent Ins. Ins. January --- —. 29.84 29.82 79.2 88.9 69.1 19.8 91.6 65.1 26.5 92.0 77.6 7.9 7. 6 5.05 10 5.93 1 2 5 16 21 12 8 4 1 4 10 7 February --- —--- 29.86 29.83 78.8 89.6 68.5 22.1 91.6 65.3 26.3 92.8 77.5 7. 9 7. 4 4.18 8 8.76 1 2 5 13 20 6 6 3 2 3 8 8 March --- —--- 29.86 29.83 79.2 89.6 68.9 20.7 92.7 67.3 25.4 93.6 77. 0 7. 3 7.1 3.37 9 1.99 1 2 5 12 19 9 5 4 3 6 7 10 April --- —------- 29.84 29.81 89.2 90.9 70.0 20.9 93.4 68.2 25.2 94.2 77.1 7. 0 7. 0 5.25 10 3.33 1 2 5 8 7 6 5 7 5 7 11 12 May --- —--- 29.84 29.80 80.6 91.8 70.7 21.1 96.3 68.5 27.8 94.0 76.7 7.1 7.4 7.39 15 9.14 1 2 7 6 3 7 7 9 10 10 7 11 June ------- --- 29.83 29.80 80.1 91.2 70.0 21.2 96.1 66.0 30.1 93.3 75.8 7.2 7. 5 8.63 16 3.18 1 2 6 4 3 10 8 8 17 10 8 9 July ------------ 29.83 29.80 80.6 91.0 69.8 21.2 94.8 66.6 28.2 92.1 74.1 7.5 7.6 6.68 13 5.19 1 2 6 4 2 3 7 15 16 9 6 7 August --- —----- 29.85 29.82 80.2 91.2 69.6 21.6 94.8 67.6 27.2 92.2 72.2 7. 6 7.5 7.51 15 3.88 1 2 6 3' 2 8 7 15 12 10 10 7 September ------ 29.85 29.81 80.2 91.6 69.4 22.2 94.1 67.1 27.0 92.5 73.9 7. 3 7.8 7.00 14 4.96 1 2 6 4 2 12 11 11 8 12 6 8 October -------- 29.86 29.82 79.9 91.2 69.3 21. 9 95.2 67.1 28.1. 93.6 76.6 7. 5 7. 9 9.06 17 3.82 1 2 6 5 3 14 13 10 12 12 4 8 November ---- 2. 29.84 29.80 79.5 90.3 70.0 20.3 92.5 68.0 24.5 93.6 77.7 7. 4 7. 7 7. 76 15 4.77 1 2 6 9 5 6 12 7 10 12 12 6 December --- —- 29.83 29.80 79.5 89,1 70.2 18.9 91.4 67.6 23.8 92.6 76.8 7. 9 7. 6 6.19 16 3.41 1 2 5 16 14 8 12 6 2 6 12 7 Mean- _- 29.84 29.81 80.6 90.5 69.6 20.9 - - - 93.0 76.1 7.5 7.5-1 2 ---- Total --- - ---- -- --- ------ ------------------- 78.07 158 --------— 100 101 101 101 99 98 101 101 100 t ts1 tp t0 0 t4 vt tH M 0 cI Cj4O -f-, MAILING LISTS FOR PUBLICATIONS The Coast and Geodetic Survey maintains a mailing list containing the names and addresses of persons interested in its publications. When a new publication or a new edition of a publication is issued, a circular showing the scope and contents of the publication is sent to each person whose name and address is on the mailing list of the subject covered by the publication. If you desire to receive notices regarding publications of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as issued, you should write to the Director of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., indicating the mailing lists on which you wvish your name entered, or, if you prefer, you may check the lists on the form below, remove this sheet from the publication, and mail it to the Director of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Date, _ --- —— ___ --- —-- The DIRECTOR, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. DEAR SIR: I desire that my name shall be placed on the mailing lists indicated by check below to receive notices regarding publications issued by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey: ( ) 109 Astronomic Work. ( ) 109-A. Base Lines. ( ) 109-B. Coast Pilot. ( ) 109-C. Currents. ( ) 109-D. Geodesy, or Measurements of the Earth. ( )109-E. Gravity. ( ) 109-F. Hydrography. ( ) 109-G. Leveling. ( ) 109-H. Nautical Charts. ( ) 109-I. Oceanography. ( ) 109-J. Precise Traverse ( ) 109-K. Seismology. ( ) 109-L. Terrestrial Magnetism. ( ) 109-M. Tides. ( ) 109-N. Topography. ( ) 109-0. Triangulation. ( ) 109-P. Cartography. ( ) 109-R. Airway maps. (Name) - _______________________, (Address) ------—.._-___________. 415 INDEX A Page Page Abag Bay - -222 Anchorages-Continued, Abago -- ---- 137 Eran Point -—.. —. --- —-- 85 Abai Clump - -347 General Island ------------ 258 Abanay Island -------- ------ 243 Iligan ---------- -------- 137 Aborlan ------- ----------— 56, 58 Jolo -----------------— 294 Aborlan, Mount ----------- 57 Lavigan --------------- 223 Aborlan River ------------ 58 Malanut Bay -----------— 88 Abrupt Point ---------------------------- 117 Malipano -------------------------------— 212 Abucayan Inlet ------- ------- 56 Mantagule ---- ------------ 66 Acha Rock ------ -- ------ 176 Mati ---------—. --- —-- 275 Ada Reef -------- 70 Pagadian ---------------------— ' 185 Addison Peak ----- -------- 62 Pandami -------------------------- 301 Addison Point - -52 Pandanan ------------ 66 Adlay — -------- ------ 257 Pearl Bank --- —------------------------- 306 Agencies ------------------------------------ 378 Port Barton ------------------------------- 99 Agoho - - - 134 Port Languyan --- —--------------------- 314 Agonoy Island ---------------------- 270 Pundaguitan. --- —- ------- 223 Aguada Bay ------- -- ------ 315 Secam Island ----------------------------- 70 Aguada, Mount ------------------------- 28 Siasi ------------------------------------- 301 Aguirre Bank -----------------------------— 303 Sirinao ---------------- 87 Aguirre Reef ------ --------- 25 Turning Bay. --- —--------- 108 Aguja Peak ----------- -------------------- 347 Ulugan Bay ------------------------------- 95 Agus River ------- --------- 137 Zambanga ------------------------------ 151 Agusan River ----------------------------— 1,131 Andulinang Island ------------------------— 339 Agutaya Island ------------- 27 Anepahan ----------------- 92 Aids to Navigation -------------------------- 3 Anepahan Peaks --------------------------- 57 Airy Mount ------------------------------— 53,93 Angosto Shoal ------------------------------ 157 Alad Island ------------------------------- 21 Animosa Reef ------------------------------ 23 Alambique River. --- —-- ---- 254 Antelope Shoal ------------------------- 81 Alava Island ------- -- ----- 24 Antipolo ----------- 265 Albaguen Island -- - -98 Antokon Island ---------------------------— 248 Albay Island ------- ------- 67 Anuling Island -----------------------— 122 Albay Shoal ------------------------------ 93 Apoapuraguan Point ----------------------- 59 Albion Head ----------------------------- 87 Apoapuraguan River ------------------------ 59 Alcisiras Island ------- ---- 26 Apo Island -- ---------- 18,65 Alegria ---------- ------- 244 Apo Lambu Reef ---------------------- 305 Alerta Rock -------------------------------- 33 Apo, Mount --------- 1, 129,207,209 Alfonso XIII --------- ------- 88 Appendix ---------------------------------- 377 Alican Point ----------- --------- 301 Apulit Island ------------ 42 Alice Channel ----------------------------- 278,341 Apurauan Point --------------------------- 91 Alice Reef ----- ----- ----- 337 Araceli ------------------------------ 47 Alligator Bay ---- -- ------ 109 Araceli Bay --------------------------------- 47 Alligator Island ------------------ 109 Araceli Reef ----------------------------- 47 Aligbay Island ------ -- ------ 145 Arangasa Islands --------------------------— 263 Alimpaya Point ---------------------------— 150 Arayat Shoal ------------------------------— 170 Alimudin Point ----------------------------- 78 Arboles Island ----------------------------- 214 Aling Island ------------------------------- 255 Area of islands --- —------------------------- 1 Alipio Reef --------------------------------- 33 Arena Island --- —-------------------------- 59,123 Alisud Point ---------- ------ 273 Arena Point ---------- 204, 219,245 Almirante Gil Hill ----- ---------- 67 Areta Shoals -------------------------------- 33 Alonon Point ------------------------------ 15 Argyll Shoal --------------- 64 Aloran - -141 Ariara Island ------------------------------- 34 Alpha Shoal - -25 Arorunga Island ----------------------------- 26 Altnacraig Shoal ---------------------------- 61 Arrecife Island ---------------------------— 53,61 Alutaya Reef- --- ---------------- 135 Ascension ---------------------------------- 222 Amaga Islet --- —------------------------- 248,256 Aspere ------------------------- ---------- 93 Amalingat Point --------------------------- 97 Astorga ------------------------------------- 210 Ambilon Shoal ------ ----- -321 Atjeh Rock -- ----------- 349 Ambutig, Mount ------------------------— 274 Auqui Island ------------------------------ 258 Amoyloi Anchorage ----------------- 283 Awasan Bay ------------------------------— 234 Anajauan Island ----- -- ------- 248 Awasan Island ----------------------------— 235 Anas Island --------------------------------- 32 Ayninan Islet ------------------------------- 265 Anato Island --------- --------- 112 Anchorage Island ---- ---------- 102 Anchorages: Alorn --- ------ --------- 141 Babak Point ----- ----------------------- 205 Amoyloi ------ -- -------- 283 Baban Lagoon --------------- 241 Bancalan ------------------------------- 66 Babarocon Islet ----------------------------- 43 Bolton ----- -- ------ 207 Babas Cove ------------------------------- 231 Brooke Point ---------------------------- 62 Babatnon Bay ----------------------------— 226 Canauayor --------- ------- 133 Babatnon Point ---------------------------- 226 Cayayan Sulu --------------------------— 126 Babiasan ----------------------------------— 275 Cuyo --------- - ------ 29 Babuan Islet ----------------------------- 317 Dupulisan -----------------------------— 185 Babuyan ------------------------------------ 52 Emergency Point ----------------- 101 Babuyan River -—.... --- —-------------- 52 417 418 INDEX Page Bacalan Point ------------------—..... --- - 164 Bacaran Bay ------------------------------- 47 Bacauayan Hill ---------—.. --- —-— _ 182 Bacayauan Hills ------ -----------— __ ----_ 183 Bacbac Island --------------------.. --- — 18 Back Cap ----------------------------- - 89 Back Cap Peak. --- —----—.. —.-... ---- 88 Bacuag ------------------------------— _ - 254 Bacuag River -------------------------..-.. 254 Bacud Point ----------------------------- 199 Bacud Reef -----------------------------—. 199 Bacuit --------------------------------- - 117 Bacuit Bay --- —---------------------------- 42,115 Bacul Point ---------------------------- 272 Baculin --------------------------------—. 272 Baculin Bay ------------------------------- 272 Baculin Point ------------------------------- 272 Bacung Point ------------------------------- 327 Bacungan Island ------------------------—. 159 Bacungan River ------------------------—. 53 Bagacay --- —-------------------------------- 133 Bagacay Point --- —------------------------- 133 Bagahak, Mount --- —----------------------- 346 Bagalamatan ------------------------------- 166 Bagamhangan Island -------------------— _ 37 Baganga- 272 Baganga Bay --- —--------------------------- 272 Baganian Peninsula ------------------------ 180 Bagasinan Island -------------------------- 268 Bagbagan River ---------------------------- 281 Bagolibud Point ----------------------------- 161 Bagong Islet -------------------------------- 255 Bagosa Island ----------------------------- 272 Bagoso Island --------------------------- 276 Baguan Island ------------------------------ 352 Bagum Islet -------------------------------- 247 Bagumbanua Islet -----------------—. --- —- 251 Bagut Lapit Point.. --- —---— _ --- —-— __ — 329 Bahala Island ------------------------------- 348 Bahang Bahang Channel -. --- —------—. --- 334 Baheli, Mount ------------------------------ 93 Baheli River -------------------------------- 95 Bahia Honda Point ----------------- ------ 89 Bahu, Mount ------------------------ ----- 294 Bais Point ---------------------------------- 221 Baja Point --------------------------------- 85 Bajapa Reef --------------------------------- 340 Bajallanura Island --------------------------- 88 Bajucan ---------------------------------- 275 Bakbak Island ------------------------------ 21 Bakeke Island ---------------------------- 314, 320 Bakhan Island ----------------------------- 329 Bakkungaan Islands ----------------------- 353 Baksal Cove -------------------------------- 221 Balabac ----------------------------------- 68 Balabac Great Reef ------------------------- 70 Balabac Island --- —------------------------- 67 Balabac Peak -------------—.. —_ ---.. ---- 67, 72 Balabac Strait --- —------------------------- 72,121 Balabagan River --- —----------------------- 190 Balambangan Island -_ --- —---------------- 72,361 Balangan Bay ------------------------------- 175 Balangasan ---------------------------------- 185 Balanguingui Island ------------------------ 291 Balangunan Cove -------------------------- 201 Balaniug - --------------------------------- 186 Balansungain Island ------------------------ 82 Balansungain Peak __ --- —-------------— __- 82 Balaring Point ----------------------------- 141 Balas Shoal --- —----------------------------- 288 Balatacan Point --------------------------- 149 Balatanai Island ----------------------------- 279 Balayan Bay --- —--------------------------- 120 Balete Bay ---------------------------------- 275 Baliangao --------------------------------- 143 Baliangao Bay --- —-------------------------- 143 Balicaocao Point ------- ---------------- 139 Baligian Bay ------------------------------ 148 Balimbing ----------------------------------- 332 Balimbing Channel —._ ___ --- —--— _ --- —- 335 Balimbing Point ----------- ----------- 332 Balingasag Bay ---------------------------- 135 Balinguan --- —---------------- ---- ----- 133 Baliog Point ----------- --------------------- 47 Baliungan Island- --------------------------- 334 Balmoral _ --- —-------------------------- 351 Balolo Point -------------------------- 17 Balseiro Point ---— _ ---___- -------------- 293 Page Balseyro Channel ----—.. --- —-.. --- —--— _ 335 Balugan, Mount -----------------------—. 335 Balukbaluk Island ------------------------- 287 Baluk Sampan, Mount --------------------- 314 Balulu Point ------------------------------- 110 Balungangan Islet ------------------------- 367 Balut Island --------------------------— __ 202 Bambagan Reef --------------------—. ---- 300 Bambannan Island -------------------------- 313 Banaran Island ----------------------------- 334 Banbayan Point ----. --- —--------------- 135 Bancalan Island ---------------------------- 65 Bancaobancao, Mount ---------------------- 288 Bancaobancaon Point --------------------- 55 Bancauan Island ----------------------—.. — 124 Bancay Island ------------------------------ 254 Banco Point -------------------------------- 165 Bancoran Island --- —-------------------— _- 124 Banculin Point -----------—. --- —-------- 267 Bancungan Island --------------------- 3... 293 Bancuyo Islet ------------------------------ 242 Bando Point ------------------------------- 107 Banga Port -------------------------------- 160 Bangaan Island ---------------------------- 160 Bangai Point ------------------------------- 271 Bangalao Island ---------------------------- 291 Banguey Dangers, Southeast --------------- 369 Banguey Island --- —------------------- 72,357,365 Banguey Outer Reefs ---------------------- 366 Banguey Patches, East --------------------- 367 Banguey Peak --- —------------------------- 72,366 Banguey South Channel ------------------- 369 Banguey West Channel --------------------- 363 Banhayan Point ---------------------------- 134 Bankawan Channel ------------------------- 369 Bankawan Island --------------------------- 367 Bankawan Reefs --------------------------- 367 Bankoka Hill ------------------—. ----. --- 360 Bankuruan Cays --------------------------- 355 Banluto Islet ----------------------------- 247 Banos Point -------------------------------- 202 Bantac Island -------------—: --- —--------- 14 Bantigui Islet ----------------------------- 134 Bantolinos Island -------------------------- 286 Banug Island --- —---------------------— _ 248, 251 Banug Strait --- —------------------------- 248, 251 Baong Rocks --------------------------- 233 Baquit Island ---------------------------- 18 Barangonan Island ------------------------- 37 Bararin Island ---------------------------- 29 Baras, Port -------------------------------- 188 Barbacan — _ --- —------------------------ 50 Barbacan Range --------------------------- 50 Barcelona -------------------------------- 270 Baring, Mount ----------------------------- 50 Barotoan Bay --- —-------------------------- 118 Barrabas Reef ------------------------------ 242 Barraut Reef --- —--------------------------- 372 Barrel Rock -----------------— 1 --- —9 --- 1s9 Barselisa Islet ------------------------------ 34 Bartoc Island -------------------------- 108, 111 Barton, Port ------------------------------- 98 Bas, Mount --- —------------------------- 314, 327 Basan Reef ------------ --- --------- -- - 160 Basbas Channel --- —--------------— _ --- — 315, 325 Basbas Island --- —------------------- 299,325 Basbas Point ------------ ------------------ 99 Basco Reef -------------------------------- 25 Base Bay ------------------- --------------- 119 Base Rock ---------- -------------------- 34 Basiauan Bay --- —--- ------------- 9 — 205 Basiauang Bay ----------------------------- 197 Basibuli Islands ----- ------ -------------- 333 Basibuli Reef ----------- ----- --- --- 335 Basilan Island --- —---------------------- 1,150, 278 Basilan, Mount --- —----- ------------- 278 Basilan Point ---------------------------- 281 Basilan Strait --- —---------------- 25, 121. 150,278 Basol Islet --- —--------------------------- 205, 249 Bassa Point ------------------------------- 212 Basterra Reef ------------------------------ 124 Basun Islands --------------------- 328 Batalampon Point -------------------------- 150 Batangas Bay ------------------------------ 120 Batas Island ----------- -------------- 36,38 Batbatan Island ---------------------------- 120 Bate Channel -------- -------------------- 70 Batiano Point ------- --------------- 275 INDEX 419 Page Page Batikual Point -....................... 222 Bivouac Island.. --- —- ------- 46,85 Batinao Point....... --- —-----—... --- —----- 273 Bivouac Point ----------- -------- 60 Bato Point ---------------------------—.......... 219 Black Head ------------------------------- 102 Batobato Point..... --- —----—..... 60 Black Rock -------- -------- 353 Bato Bato River........... — 60,329 Black Watch Rock ---------—.... — 365 Batolaqui Bank..... --- —----—...... 295 Blake Reef -------- -- ------- 340 Batonbaton River..... --- —-—..... 60 Blanca Point -------------— 146 Battang Point..... --- —- ----—...... 363 Blik, Mount ---------------- ------ 195 Batu Batu Bay..... --- —-----—...... 331 Blind Harbor ------------ 67 Batu Cuning Island....... --- —---------—... 320 Block Head ------------------------------- 105 Batu Point...... --- — ----—..... 373 Bloomfield, Mount ------------------------— 96 Batuecas, Port......... --- —----------------------—. 246 Bluff Point --- —------------------------ 90, 92, 98 Batunan Island......... --- —------------------------ 18 Boaan Island ----------------- 352 Batupare Point..... --- —----—..... 284 Boayan --------------- 200 Baturapac Island.......... --- —----- 316, 323 Boayan Island ------------ 98 Baubaon Point ------- --------- 142 Boayan Reef -------------- 98 Baug River ------- ----- 131 Bobon ------- ---------- 254 Baverstock Point --------------------—.- 293 Bobon Islet -------- ------- 246 Bay Island --------------------------------— 97 Bobon Point -- ------ ----- 274 Bay Islands --- —------------------------- 101,111 Boca Reefs -------- ------ 185 Bay Peak --------------------------------— 50,101 Bocao Point ---------------- ---------- 16 Bay Point -------------------------------— 50,57 Bohan Island ----- ------ 126,128 Bay Rock --- —-------------------------- 102,109 Bohan Mandah Island --------- 126 Bayaca Island ------------ 23 Boheson Islands ----------- 256 Bayagnan Island --------------------------— 251 Bohi Mahea Creek -----—. ---- ----- 327 Baybay, Mount ----------- 298 Bohol ----------— 48 Bayon ------ -- ------ 186 Bojelebung ------- ------ 284 Bayuan Bay ------------------------------— 22 Bojelebung Channel --------- 284 Beacon Rocks -------- ----- 34 Bokot Takut Reefs --------- 321 Beaufort, Mount ---------—. ----. --- 53,92 Bolalo Bay ------------ 105 Becher Point ------------ 85 Bolalo Hill ----- -— 105 Beelzebub Reef ---------------------------- 236 Bolay, Port -------------- --- 203 Belan Point ----- — 294 Bold Head -- -----— 104 Bells, submarine ----------- 380 Bold Point --------- ----—.49,54 Benito Shoal ------------- 38 Bolina Island ------ ------ 34 Benkoka Island ------------------ 373 Bolipongpong Point ------------- 298 Benkoka River ------------ 373 Bolod Islands ------------ 289 Bentoan Peak ------------------------------- 94 Bolodbolod Point ----------- 287 Bera Bank ------------------- 38 Boltcn --- -----—.....207 Berrugosa Point ------- ----- 227 Bolton Reef ----------- --- 206 Bessie Island ------------------------------— 61 Bombay Shoal ----------------- 77 Beta Shoal ------------------------------—. 23 Bombon, Mount -----------—......... 28; Betbet Point ------- ----- 100 Bonbon ----------------— 134 Beyobo Channel --------------------------— 242 Bonga Island --------------- 252 Big Cruz Islands -------------- 213 Bongao Island.. ----- ------- 313,330 Bigaan River ------ -------- 269 Bongao, Port --------- ----- 330 Bigun Bay ----- -- ------- 115 Bongaya River ------------- 351 Bihintinusa Channel ----------- 283 Bongo Island ------------ 129,190,191 Bihintinusa Island ----------------------— 283 Bonobono - -------- 63 Bilaa Point -—. --- —---------------- 130,224 Boombong Island ----- - 423 Bilaa Shoal --------------- 130 Borac, Port - ------------- ----- 15 Bilabid Island --------------------------— 252 Borneo, North Coast ----- 278 Bilabid Point ---------------------------— 232 Borneo Rock. --- —---—..- 350 Bilanbilan --------- ------ 250 Borneo Shoal -------- -- 366 Bilangan Island ----- ----- 312 Bornugus Point ----------- 374 Bilatan Island --- ----------- 333 Borot Cove ---------—. -—.- 221 Bilbogan, Mount ------------ 222 Berot Point ------------------...222 Billean Dangers ------ ----- 355 Borot Reef ------- ---- 222 Billean Island ----------- 354 Bosoc Lalong Rock - ---- 325 Biloc Biloc Reef ----—. --- ——.333 Boso Dohonan Rock -—.. --- ——....326 Binaca, Mount -------- ----- 194 Boston ----------—. ----- 271 Binalabag Island ------------- 34 Boswell Island -----------—.....- - 109 Binaliu Rocks ----------------- 229 Botak Point - -------------------- 205 Binaluan ---— 107 Botetian, Mount --------- -- 179 Binatican Island ------------ 42 Botogan Point ---------- 146 Binduyan Cove ------ ----- 52 Bototindoc Point --—.- -----.....149 Binga Island -------- ----- 40 Bowen Island - -------- 63,65 Bingad Island -------------------------—.- 250 Branculin Point ---------- 266 Bintoulan Island ------- ----- 318 Breaker Reef -... —... 80 Bintuan --------- ------ 18 Brechtel Shoal ----- --- 83 Bintut Island --------------...-.. 127 Breeches Shoal ----------- 176 Binuan River ------------------ 56 Broken Head ---------- 94 Binulbulan Island ---------- 37 Brooke Point ---- - 62 Binulin River ------- ------ 212 Brother Islands ---- - -- 36 Binuni Point -----------—.137 Broughton Point --------------------- 98 Binunsalian Bay ------— 57 Brow Cone. --- —-- - -- 90 Bird Island ------------- 32 Brow Shoulder --------------------- - 90 Bislig -- -------- ------- 270 Brutus Rock ---— 285 Bislig Bay ------- -------- 269 Buailin Creek - -- 327 Bisu --------- ----------------------- 126 Bual Point ---—... -- 199 Bisu Bohan ------- - ------ 127 Bualan River - -- 178 Bisu Bintut Rock --------..127 Buan Island ------ -- 334 Bisucay Island -------- ----- 29 Buan Point. ---------------- 273 Bitaugan Bay --------------- 265 Buan Rock — --- 334 Bitaugan Point ------ -------- 219 Buaning Island --— 357 Bitaugan River ------ ------- 219 Buansa Shoal — 294 Bitinan Island ----- ------- 292 Buas Point - -220 Biubugnan, Mount ---------- 298 Bubon Point - -99 420 INXDEX Page Bubuan Island --------------------—...-.. 287 Bubulauan Point -------------.... —_ ---.- 33 Bubuday River --- —----------------- 182 Buca Point ---------------------------- 178 Bucas Grande Island --------—. --- ——. --- 245 Bucas Point - ------------—. --- —--- 245 Bucuteut Bank ----------------------—.. 314, 319 Bucutua Island --- —------------------------- 290 Bud Bongao, Mount -----------------— _-__ 330 Bud Lussum, Mount ------------------—.. 334 Buenavista -------—._- --------------- 236 Buford Reef --- —--------------—.......... 189 Bugot Lapit Point ------—.. --- —-----...- - 327 Bugsok Rock -------------------------—... 177 Bugsuk Island. --- —. --- —---—. --- —-. ---. 65 Buguias Island ---------------------—. --- —.53 Bulacane Point ------------------------ 121 Bulalacao Island — ----------------—.- 22 Bulalaqui Point --- —---—.. --- —------—. — 121 Bulalo Point --.. ---__ --- — -------—.....- 143 Bulan Island ---------------------------—. 290 Bulan Peak --------------------------------- 290 BulanjaoRange -----------------------—. — 77, 80 Bulatakay River -------- ------------ 207 Bulauan Point ------------------------------ 34 Bulias Shoal -.. --- —-. --- —--------------- 134 Bulicutinlsland ------------------— _ ----- 292 Buliluyan Cape ----------------------- 64,67, 78 Bulingis Point ------------------------- 127 BulisulatReef -------------------------—. - 290 Bullock Head ----------------------------- 107 Buluan Island ---------------------------- 163 Buluan Lake --- —-------------------------- 1 BuluanRiver ---------------------— __ --- 163 Buluang ---—.. --- —- --------------- 19 Bulubulu Islet --------------------------- 340 BulusanPoint --- —----------------------- 194 Bulutbulibato, Mount ----------------- 287 BunauanRiver -. ---- - ---------------—. _ 215 Bunay Bunay Island --------------------—. 332 Bunga Cove ------------------------------- 273 Bunga Creek ------------------------------ 273 Bunga Point ----------------------------- 295 Bungaan,Tanj 3f --- —----- ---------- 360 Bunotpasil Island -------------------------- 291 Buoyage system ------------- --------- 3 Buoy Rock -------------------------------- 69 Burgos ------------------------------------ 260 Burgur Island ----------—. —.- - ---------- 22 Burias Reef -------------------------------- 220 Bury Islands ------------------------------- 118 Busan Bay --—, --------------------------- 161 Bbus Point -------- ----------- 300 LE h Island --- —---------------------- 52, 99, 360 Bu Island Reef --------- -------— __- 52 Bus - Point ------------------------------- 301 Bu,.. Rock. --- —-------------------------- 295 Busu a -1 -- 15,18 Busum 3 Island. —. --- —-------------— 12,18 Busu.anga River ------------------------ 18 Butacan Islands — 4 --- —-- --- ---------- 41 Butakalut Shoal ---------------------- 290 Buttun Point 3 --- —--- ---- ----------- 362 Butua, Mount --- ------------------ 314, 327 Butuan --------------------------------— 1,131 Butuan Bay --------------------------------- 130 Butulan Cove ------------------------------- 201 Byan Island --- —------------------------. 65 Byby Island ----------------------------- 255 C Cahadbaran ----------------------------- 130 Cabalalaan, Mount --- —--------------------- 193 Cabalata, Mount -------------------------- 192 Cabalian Point ----------------------------- 95 Cabancanan Island ---------------- -------- 328 Cabgan Island --- ------------------------ 143,255 Cabilan Islets ------------------------------ 234 Cabilauan Island ---------------------------- 13 Cabingaan Island -------------------------- 298 Cabog Island ------------------------------- 160 Cabog Islands ------------------------------ 160 Cabog Point ------------------------------- 267 Cabuaya Island ---------------------------- 122 Cabucan Island ---------------------------- 303 Cabugan Islands --------------------------- 63 Cabugao Island ---- ------------------- 271 Cabulauan Islands ------------------------- 25 Page Cabuli Island. --- —-----------... --- —. — 35 Cabuli Point --—. --- —-------- -- 35 Cabulig Bay -------------------........ --- - 135 Cabuntug --------------—. --- —----— __._ 243 Cabut Island -----------—. -------— __ — 165 Cacatan Island -------------— _ --- —-._ 317 Cacayaren Island ------------------—.-.-.- 22 Cacayatan Island -------------------—..__. 34 Cacbolo Island ---------— _- -----— __ 97 Cacbucao Island -------------------—...-._ 47 Cacnipa Island -----------— _ --- —-—.-___. 98 Cacub, Port --------------— _ --- —--- 242 Cadis Point ---------------------— _ 198 Cadlao Island ----------—..._ --- -— _____- 117 Caduayan - ------------- -------—.. 294 Cagayan.-__ --- —------------—._ 121, 136 Cagayan Islands --------------------—. 121 Cagayan River ---------------------- 136 Cagayan Sulu -----------------------— _____ 126 Cagayan Sulu Islands ------—. - -126 Cagayancillo ----—..- ------------- 122 Cagayanes -. --- —----. ---. --. ----------- 121 Cagbantang Cove ------------------------- 114 Cagdanao Island ----------------—. _ 33, 38, 40, 44 Caguait 2i --- —---------- ------------ 262 Caguait Harbor. --- —----- --------- 261 Caiholo River -----—. --- — -------- ---- 95, Caimanes Estero -------------------------- 68 Calahadian Island -----------------— ___ 42 Calabucay Island --------------------------- 44 Calabuctung Islands -.._ --- —-------— _ 108 Calabugdong Island ---------------------- 40 Calagusang Point ---------------------- 284 Calaitan Channel -------- ------------- 320 Calaitan Islets. --- —----------------------- 319 Calalong Island ---------------------------- 122 Calamianes. — -------------------- 12,34, 121 Calamianes Islands ------------------------- 20 Calandagan Island ----------------—....- 32 Calandorang Bay --------------------------- 67 Calanhayaun Island _ --- —------—. — - 14 Calaragnan Point ----------------------—. 117 Calasag Bay -,- ----—. --------------- 47 Calasag Point ------------------------------ 48 Calatugas ----------—. --- —-------—. 57 Calauag ------------—.-.-. — 43 Calauag Bay ------------------------- 43 Calauit Bay ---------------------------- 12 Calauit Island ----------------------------- 13 Calayan Point ----------------------------- 275 Calaylayan Bay --------------------------- 33 Calbi Island. --- —-- ---- ------------- - 18 Calde-ra Bay v.l --- —------------------— _- 150 Caldera Point ---------------------------- 150 Calian Point ----------------------— _ --- 202 Calibang Island ---------------------------- 34 Calibon Point. --- —--- -------------- 186 Calibugon Hill ---------------------------- 83 Calida... ------------------------------—. 172 Calipipit Island. --- —---------------- 23 Calis Point -------—..-.. ----------...16 Calitan Island.. --- —--------------------- 119 Cal-loan Islands --------------------------- 323 Calonhogon Island -----—.. --- —------- 108 Calpapa. --- —--------- —.. -------—. --- — 183 Caltorn, Iort. --- —------------—. --------- 13 Calug Point -. --- —-----—. --- —---------- 163 Calunmbagan Island. --- —---------- ------ 23 Calumbuyan Island ----------------------- 21 Calumpin Island --- —----------------------- 26 Calupag Island ---------------------------- 320 Calusa Island ------------------------------ 123 Calver Cove ------ -----------------—. 112 Calver Point. --- —----------------------—.58 Camago Bay ------------------------------- 116 Canmago Island ---------------------------- 112 Camalian Cove --------------------------- 201 Camanga Island ---------------------------- 14 Camansi Point ----------------------------- 275 Cambacamba Channel ---------------------- 320 Cambari Island ---------------------------- 47 Cambasac Point ---------------------------- 243 Cambug Rock --- —-------- -2...-... -- 26 Cambulong Point ----------------------- 171I Camiguin Island --- —---------------------- 133 Camotes Islands ---------------------------- 121 Camp Overton ------------ ----------------- 137 Camugan Island - ------ -----— 1 --- — 160 INDEX 421 Page Camungyan Island ------------------------- 94 Cafa Island ------------ -------- 56 Canabungan Island ------------------------ 65 Canabungan River ------------------------ 281 Canal Bay -------------------------------— 253 Canalasan Cove ------ -------- 200 Canalizo Strait - ------------------- 168 Canaron Island -------------------- 25 Canas Island ----------------------------- 283 Canauayor Anchorage --------------------— 133 Canauayor Islet ---— _ ----_ --- —----- 133 Cancuman Island —. - -— _... 282 Candaraman Inlet-, _ ---- 67 Candaraman Island... -------------- 70 Candea Point _ ---. --- -- 294 Candoaga River ----- -_ --- 83 Candos Bay -- ----- 255 Cangan Point ---------- 168 Canigaran --- -- --- 56 Canim, Mount ---------------------------- 143 Canimeran Islet ---------------------------- 65 Canipan Bay ---------------------------- 79 Canipan Hill ----------------------- 80,Canipan Reef..... —._,_- 198 Canipan Riveer --- —----------------------- 19 Canipan River --............ 79 Canipo Island ----------------------------- 23 Canitauan Island ------ ---— _ —____-. 17 Caion Island ------------------— 1_-___ ' 54 Cansea Rock ------------------------ _____ 110 Cantilan ------------------------------- 249, 259 Cantilan Shoals ----------------------- 259 Cap Island -----------------— _-____. 307 Capaquian Island ------------------------— 234 Caparan ___ --- —-— _ --- —------— _-_____ 163 Capare Island ------------------—. --- —__ 18 Capayas ---------------------------- 45 Capayas Island ----------------— _ —_- _-_- 49 Capayas Islet ----------------— __ ---- 142 Capnoyan Island --------------— __ ---___-_ 30 Capoas, Cape ----------------------------— 101 Capoas Cluster -------------— ___ —_ —_____ 103 Capoas, Mount ----------------— __ —_____ 101 Capsalay Island ---------------------------- 99 Capsalay Reef_ -------—. --- —---- 100 Capsalon Island ---------------------------- 45 Capual Channel -------------------— _-__ 292 Capual Island --------------------- 292 Capungan Peninsula ------------- 257 Capungan Point ----------— __ --- —-- 257 Capyas Island -----------------— _-___-__- 78 Carabuca Point ---------------------- 178 Caraga ---------------------------- 272 Caraga Bay ------------------------------- 273 Caraga River - --------------------- 273 Caramatan Point ----------— _ --- —_____ — 99 Caramay Bay ------------------------------ 62 Caramay Harbor --------------------------- 51 Caramay River ----------------— __-_____- 62 Caran --------------- -----— __ -______.___ 48 Carbucao --------------------------— __ —__ 45 Caridad ---------------------- 244 Carman Bank ------- ------------- 27 Carmen Point- ------------------- 329 Carnatic Shoal ------------------— ___ — 76 Caromata Bay ----------------------— ____ 186 Carrascal ----------------------- 257 Carrascal Bay --------------- __ --- - 257 Carrington Reefs ------------------ 369 Casapaan Shoal ---------------— _ --- 321 Casauman Point ------------------ 273 Casauman River ----— __ ----__ ---_ ---- 273 Casian Island --------------------- 40 Oasirahan Island --------------------------- 32 Castilla, Port ----------------------------- 247 Castillo Point ---------------------- 52 Castle Island --------------------— ____ ---- 42 Casuarina Point ----------— ______ --- —--- 60 Casul Bay ----------------------- 144 Casulian Island --------------------------— 247 Catalat Island -----------------------— _- 97 Catarman --------— _______. — 133 Catarman Anchorage ----------------- 271 Catarman Point --------------------— __ 134,271 Cateel -------- -- - 271 Cateel Bay -—... --- —---— _ --- -_- - 271 Cauayan Island ----------------------- 30,32,118 Cauit Bank --------------------- - 260 Cauit Point --------------------—.- 259 Page Cavern Island --- —---------- 118 Cavili Island --- —---------------- - 123 Cavite ---------------------— 2,144 Caxisigan Island -------------------------- 70 Caye Island --------------- ---- 252 Cebu_ ------— 2,121 Celebes Sea ---- ----- 119 Central Island ------ ------------- 45,123 Central, Mount ------------------------ 57 Cepaya Island --- —----------------------- 250 Challenger Reef ------ ------------- 145 Chambers Knoll --- ----------------- 339 Charts, use of ---------------------------- 377, 379 Charybdis Shoal -------------------------- 51 Chase Head --------- ------------ 106 Cheron Island --- —------------------ 23 Chinaman Shoals ----------------- 27 China Point ------------------------------- 331 Chinayan Head ----------- --- --- 104 Chindonan Island --- —---------------------- 21 Chinicaran Island --- —--------------------- 110 Chinkang --------------- ------- 174 Chinongab Peak ------------------ 102,105 Chongos Bay ------------ -------- 315,331 Ciego, Port —. --- —-------— 67 Ciminaytoy, Point -------------------------- 116 Circe Shoals ---------------------- 167 Clarendon Bay ---------------------------- 69 Claver ---------------------. 255 Claver Point ------------------------ - 255 Claver River --------------- ----- 254 Cleopatra Needle ------------------------- 50,97 Cliff Head --- —--------------------- 97 Cliff Island ----------------------------- 111 Cliff Point ------------- ---------- 80, 206 Climate, North Borneo --------------- 342 Clotilde Rock --------------------- 352 Coast Hill --- —---- --------------- 112,115 Coast Pilots, list of -------- --------- 377 Coastwise navigation --------------- 10 Coayan Bay ------------ -------- 171 Coba Islet ---------------------- 164 Cobeton Island ----- --------------- 250 Cobung, Mount ----------------------- 284 Coco Island ------------------------------— 155 Coco Island, Little ------------------------ 155 Coconongon, Mount - --------------- 15 Coconongon Point - ----------------- 12 Cocoro Island --- —------------------------ 28 Cog Point ----------------------------- 254 Colapsin Point ---------------------- 205 Colla ------------------------- 129 Collingwood Shoal ------------------------- 84 Collision, risk of ---------------------------- 395 Coloby Rivulet -------------------------- 80 Coloby Shoal ---------------------- 81 Colocoto Rocks ---------------------------- 13 Coloma Rock ------------------- 111 Comiran Channel -------------------------- 73 Comiran Danger Bank ---— _ --- 72 Comiran Island - -------— 72 Communication --- —------------— ____ ---_ 2 Comocutuan Island ------------------ 115 Comot Point ----------------------------- 171 Compass variation --- —-------------------- 7 Concas Reef --------------------- 303 Concepcion ------------------------- --- _ __ 18 Conceson Point --------------------------— 266 Condona Island ---------------------- 250 Condulingan Island -------—. --- —--- 148 Condut Island ---------------------- 34 Cone Islet ------------------— _ ---- 99, 362 Cone Island ---------------------- 104 Conflagration Hill Island -----— ____ --- —-_ 101 Confusion Hill - ------------------- 347 Confusion Rock - ------------------- 100 Conical Head ----------------------------- 98 Conical Peak ---------— _ —_ ____ —. --- — 53 Conico, Mount ---------------------------— 236 Consolacion ------------------------- __ 247 Constancia Reef - ------------------- 135 Constancia Shoal ------------------- 51 Consuelo -------------------------------- 257 Cooke Island ---------------------- 108 Coral Bay ---------------------------------- 63 Coral Patches ------ ------------ 85, 93, 356 Coral Point ------------------------ 95 Coral Reef- ----------------------- 124 *1 422 INDEX Page Cordelia Point ----------------------- 94 Corobong, Mount ----------- -------- 195 Coron - -------------- ------------ 17 Coron Bay ------------------------ 22 Coron Harbor ---------------------- 16 Coron Island ------------ ------------ 16,31 Coron Reef and Passage -------— __-___.__ 16,20 Coronada Bay --- —------------—. --- 148 Coronada Point --------------------- 148 Corongcorong Bay ----------------— _- 117 Cortes. --- —---------------------- 260 Corumi, Mount - ---------—. --- —-- 83 Cotahato --------------—. --- ------ 183 Cotad Island -------------------....... --- -_ 47 Coutts Bank --------------------- 25 Cowhagan Island and Rocks ------------ 241 Crawford Cove - ---------------—. — 60 Crawford Point --------------------- 35, 118 Crescent Reef --- —-— ____ ---__-..___ —...._ 102 Crest of Wave Shoal ------------------ 302 Cruz Islands -----------------------—..... 213 Cuabo -- ------------------------ 219 Cuabo Bay ----------------------------—.- 219 Cuabo River 2 ----9 --- —------ ---- - 219 Cuckold Hill. ---------- --------------- 90 Cudugman Bay ------------------------—.- 115 Cudugman Point --------------------—..-. 115 Cujangan Island ---------------------- 286 Culacion-__ ---. --- —-------------— __-___ 83,184 Culasion Bay --------------—. --- —___-___. 83 Culatculat Reef ------------ ---------- 290 Culion Island --------------------------—. 19 Culion Landing- -- _ —. --- —------— _- 22 Culion, Port ------------------------------ 22 Cunilan Island ---------------------— ___. 305 Currency ------------------------—. —._ 2 Current tables -----------------------—.. — 10 Currents: Awasan Bay --------------— __ --- —.-__- 237 Balabac Strait -----------— _ --- —----.._ 9, 72 Calamianes -------------------—. ---____ 9 Camotes Islands ----. --- —------------— _ 8 Cebu --- —------------------------------- 8 China Sea --- —--------------------------- 8 Dent Haven ----------------------------- 345 Dinagat -------------- ------------------ 229 East coast of Palawan -----— _ --- —--— __- 35 IHinatuan -----------— __ -----—. ----. __ 249 Iloilo and Tanon Straits --- —--—..-_ —__._ 8 Laminusa Anchorage ---— __ ---—._-_____. 300:Maimburg ------------------------------ 296 Mindanao, east coast --------------------- 276 Mindanao, north coast ---------— __ —_ — 130 Mindanao Sea --- —----------------------- 9 Mindoro Strait --- —-------------------—. 8 Palawan ------------—. --- —--— ___-_____ 9 Panayv —... ----_ --- —---— __ --- ——.- 8 Pearl Bank ------------------------------ 306 Samales Islands -------------— ___ --- —— _ 291 Sandakan ------------— _ - ------— _ - 350 Secam Island ----------------------— _-__. 70 Seco Island --- —----------— _ --------- 9 Siasi -------------—. --- —----------- 301 Sibutu Passage ------------ --------— 9, 336 Surigao Strait -----------------—. — 8 The Verde Islands — ___ --- —-------— __. 8 Zimboangan. --- —--— _. --- —---— __ 151 Zulu Sea -------------------------— _ 8,120 Custodio Point --- —------------------------ 112 Customs districts -----------— __ —__-___ —_ 406 Cutter Point ------------------------------- 58 Cuyo --------------------------------- 29 Cuyo Island -------------------------- 28 Cuyo Islands --- —------— 21, --- —----- 25,119 Cuyo WNest Pass ---------------— __ --- —-- 32 Cuy os -_ --- —----------------—.-.. ---- -_ 36 D Daca Point ------—, --- —---------------- 275 Daco Islet ---------------------------------- 244 Dacula Island --------------------— _ --- —- 322 Dadaliten Island --------------------- 41 Dado Bank ----------------------— _- 37 Dado Rock -------------------------- 37 Dagsauay ----------------------------— _ 48 Dahakit Point ----------------------------- 246 Dahican Bay ----------------..-.. --- —.. 240 Dahican Islands ----------------------- 241 Page Dahikan Bay ---------—..-.. —256 Dahu, Mount.. --- —-------------—. 294 Daingapit Point ----------------- 294 Dakit Rock... --- —-----------—.. — 234 Dakut, Mount - ------------------ 298 Dalahican Island f ---- - --------------;4 Dalanganem Islands ---------------- 32 Dalanganem, Mount --------—. --- —- 32 Dalawan Bay -----------—. --- —-.-__ —,8 Daliao ---------------------------— _ -___ 210 Daliao Reefs. --- ——. --- —... ---- - 210 Dalrymple Harbor ------. —. --- —__ —. 292 Damao Island ---_ --- —--------------- 110 Damitan ---------------------—.-_____._ 188 Dammai Island ---------—.... —.... 311 Damocan Island ---------—. --- —---- 297 Danaon Island ---------------------- 236 Danet Bay ------------------------ 116 Dansalan ---------------—.. --- —-______..- 183 Dansalan, Mount ------------------ 147 Dapa - ------------------ --------- 243 Dapa Channel ---------------------- 243 Dapay River ---------------------—.__ —._ 110 Dapitan --------------------------— _ - ___ 145 Dapitan Bay. --- —------ —.- _._ — --- -.'_ __ 145 Dapnan River ----------- ---------— ___ —_ - 145 Daquit Island ---------------------- 272 Darab Island ------------------------- 21 Darocotan Bay --------------------- 36 Darocotan Point ------------------— _____ — 35 Daron - ------------------—....-._ 210 Darvel Bay ------------- ---------- 336 Dasaan Island ----------- ---- -.... --- —- 311 Dasilag Point - ------------------- 45 Dassalan Island --------------------- 285 Dato Rock - ----------------------- 187 Datubato Island -------------------- 305 Datu Sali, Mount ------------------- 335 Datum Rock ----------------------- 375 Davao -------------- -------------- ----- - 2. 204 Davao Gulf --------------------- 1,129, 204 Davao River - --------------------- 211 Davie Hill ----------------------—. — 61 Dawildawil Island ------— _ ----.... --- —-_- 291 Dayan Reef ------------------------- 252 Dayhangan Bay -----------------— __ -—.-_ 229 Deal Point --------- - --------------- 169 Dean Island ----------------------- 99 Deans Head ------------------ ----------- 94 Deatobato Island --— 3()8 --- —------- 308 Debangan Island -------------------- 40 Debogso Islet ------------------------— 1-4- 3 Debogso Rock ---. --- —-------------- 34 Delian Island -------------------------—.- 16 Demang Island --------------------------- 21 Dent Haven -------------------------— ___ 343 Depagal Island --------------------- 15 Depeldet Island --------------------- 117 Deribongan Island —... --- —-— _ --- —_ — 38 Derrotero - ----------------------------------- s Desolation Point ------------ - _ --- —— _ 226 Destacado Rocks — ----------------- 113 Detobet Point ----------------------------- 18 Devils Cap _ --- —----------------— __ —._-. 89 Dewhurst Bay -.... --- —--- - ---- 347 Dial Dacula ----—. --- —----------- -324 Dianglit Island ----------- ---------------- 18 Diapila Island l --- —---------------- 119 Dibanca Islands --------------------- 23 Dibatuc Island - ------------------- 16 Diboyovan Island -----------------.. --- - 14 Dibu Island ------------------------------- 21 Dibuluan Island -------------------- 116 Dicabaito Channel ------------------------- 23 Dicabaito Island ------------------- 23, 34 Dicalubuan Island ----— ___ ----------— _ - 23 Dicapadiac Island ---------------------—.-_ 13 Dicapulan Island --------— _ ----------— __- 34 Dicoyan Island --------------------- 21 Diente Point -------------------------—. — 102 Difficult Point ---------------------------- 112 Digos ------- -------------- ---------- 207 Digos Islet --------------------------- --- 207 Digos Point ----------- ----------------—. 207 Digos Reefs ------------------------------ 207 Diju Island ------------------------ 257 Dijut Rock --------------------—.- 253 Dilafungan, Mount -.. --- —---------— 193 INDEX 423 Page Dilarog Point --- -— 117 Diligan Island ----------------- -6162 Dilumacad Island -- ------------..- - 118 Dimalanta Island ---------— _ --- —---—. --- 13 Dimancal Island --------------------------- 34 Dimanglet Island -----------— __ —_. 34 Dimansig Island ------— _-______.-_______- 34 Dimaquiat Island -------------------------- 14 Dimipac Island ------------------- 13 Dumunpalit Island --------------------— _ 14 Dinagat ---------------------------------- 234 Dinagat Island - ------------------------- 226 Dinagat Point -----------------------— __- 234 Dinago Island ------------------------------ 253 Dinapan --------------------------— _____. 184 Dinaran Island --- —---------------------- __ 15 Dinas ----------- --------------- 183 Dinas River -----------------------— _______ 183 Dinit Island -------------------------- 41 Dipalian Island -------------------- 23 Dipolog ----------- ------------- - 146 Dipolog Islands ----------------------- 290 Dipulao Cove ------------------------------ 18 Directions: Agusan River —.. --- —------------- 131 Araceli Bay --- —-------------------------- 47 Araceli Bay, coming from -----------— ___ 48 Balabac, north coast ----------— __ — 71 Balabac, west coast ---------------— __ --- 70 Banguey, south channel ------------------ 371 Basbas Channel ----------------- 325 Bilangan Bay ---------------------------- 264 Bislig Bay ----------------------- 270 Calabato --------. --- —--------- 194 Cap Island ---------------------------- 308 Caramay Harbor ------------------------- 51 Clarendon Bay ------------------- 69 Coron Passage -----------------------— __ 17 Cuyo ----------------------- 29 Dalrymple Harbor ---------------- 293 Digos ------------------------— 208 Dumaran Island, Taytay bound ---— _- 44 Dumaran Island, northbound ------------- 45 Dumanquilas Bay ----------------— _-___179 Handa Bay --------------------- 54 Hinatuan -------—.. —_ --- —------ ____ 248 Inamucan Bay -----------—.______ 142 Inlulutoc Bay ------------------- 103 Isabela Channel -------------------------- 280 Islands northeast of Palawan ---------— _ 12 Islands north of Busuanga -------— _-___. 13 Jimenez ----------------------- 140 Langcap Bay ------------------- 48 Maimburg Anchorage -------------------- 296 Malabang and ports to south -------— ___- 191 Malalag Bay -------------------- 207 Malcampo --------------------- 50 MalipanQ -------------------------------- 212 Mallawalle Channel ---------------------- 360 Mangsee Channel ------------------- 76 Middle Channel -----------------—,____ 74 Nasipit Harbor ------------------ 132 North Harbor ----------------..- 363 Pagdanan Bay ------------------ 100 Palawan and adjacent islands --------- 12 Pakiputan Strait ---------------- 214 Port Banga --------------------- 161 Port Misamis ---- -------------------- 139 Port Sibulan -------------------- 175 Puerto Princesa ------------------------ 50, 56 Risal --- ---------— 51 Sandakan ------------------— ___ 349 Shark Fin Bay ------------------ 39 Siay River ---------------------- 165 Sibutu ----------------------- 339 South Harbor -------------------- 362 Taba Bay -- -----------—. — 167 Tandungan Channel ----------— ___-____ 321 Tataan Pass -----.... --- —--- _ 329 Taytay Bay ---------------------- 42 Tominobo ------------------— ____________ 137 West coast of Busuanga ---------— __-___ 18 Disacan, Mount --------— __.._______ — - 146 Disaster, Cape -------------------------- 67 Distances between ports ---------------— _ 11 Dit Island ------------------------ 27 Ditalantang Point ----------------- 18 Ditaytayan Island ----------------- 23 Page Ditipac River ---------------------- 12 Ditnot Island --------------------- 42 Diuata Point -------------------- - 130 Diwait Point -------------------- 146 Doc Can Island ------------------- 309 Dohinog ------------- ---------- 146 Dolores Point --------------------- 243 Dome Peak ---------------------- 51,201 Don Reef ----------------------- 145 Donauang Island -----------— __ —___-__._- 197 Donauang Shoals ---------— _ —__________- 197 Dondonay Island ------------------- 122 Dongdong Island --------— ___ --- —-_-___- 297 Doorly Patches. --- —--- -------- - 73 Doot Island -.. --- —-— _ --- — 237 Dos Hermanos Peaks -------— __ --- —-____ 189 Double Cone Island ------------------ 109 Double Island --------------------- 99 Double Hill ---------------------- 82 Double Rock --------------------- 107 Drake Peak. --- —-- ----------- 49 Driftwood Point -------------—. --- — 347 Dromedario Peaks --- —------------- 314,327 Dry Bank.. --- —- ---------------- 296 Duas Point ----------------------— _ 220 Dugolaan Point ------------------- 186 Duhme Shoal- --------------------- 93 Dulangdulang Islands ---------— ___ --- —_ 333 Dulunguin Point. --- —- ----— _ ---- 148 Dumagui Islet -------------------- 185 Dumalag Island ------------------- 211 Dumalag Point -------------------- 211 Dumali Point --------------------- 120 Dumanquilas Bay -----— _..... --- —- 176 Dumanquilas Point --- —------------------- 176 Dumanquilas River ------------------------ 179 Dumaran Bay -------------------------- 48 Dumaran Channel ------------------------ 45 Dumaran Island --- —----------------- 36,44,45,46 Dumunpalit Island ----------------- 14 Dumuy -------------— _... --- —-- 211 Dunaun Island --------------------- 23 Dundangan Island ------------------------- 320 Dungoan Cove ----— ___ ---_-_ --- —--------- 230 Dungun Island -------------------- 334 Dungun River ---------------------------- 334 Dupulisan Point ---- ---- - 184 Durangan Island ---------— __ ----___ —__ — 108 E East Bucas Island ------------------ 247 East Cabilanan Island -------------- 17 East Circe Shoal ------------------ - 167 East Hill ------------------------ 365 East Island ---------------------- — ________ East Maquinit Island --------------- 16 East Peak ----------------------- 118 East Point ---------------------- 69, 212 Egeria Rocks ---------------------- 360 Egg Island ---------------------— _____-__- 63 Eguet Point --------------------— 290 Elax Rock --------------— ___. ---- 32 Elephant Island ------------------ 42 Elet Island ---------------— _ — ---— ___ 19 Elinibinid Point --------------— _ — 19 Ellis Shoal --------------— _ ----_- 73 Emelina Island ----------— _ --- —_- 60 Emergency Point -------------— _ — 101 Emmit Island - --------— _ ----_ ---- 8 118 Emmit Point -----------------------— ___ 52 End Peak -------------------— _ 90 Endeavor Island - ---------------- 99 Endeavor Point - ------— _ --------- 106 Endeavor Strait ----------- -------- 106 Eniaran Island --------------— ____ — 108 Ennanda Island ---------— __. —__ — 21 Entalula Island -----------------—. --- —_ 114 Enterprise Point ----------------— _ 102 Entrance Island --- —- _ —__-_ --- -___ — 111 Entrance Rock --------— __ --- —-___-____-___104 Eran Bay ---------------------- 85 Eran Point ---------------— __.. 85 Eran Quoin, Hill ------------------ - 85 Escarpado, Mount ------------------ 50, 63 Escarpado Point -- --..- 120 Esconchada Point ----------------- 227 Escucha Rock ---------------— ______- 34 424 INDEX Page Eseo Bank.. —. ---. ---_- -----—. --- —------- 293 Esfuerzo Point --- —------------------------- 43 Espina Point ------------------------------- 67 Estacion Point --- —------------------------- 145 Eustasia Point ----------------------------- 61 Evans Island ------------------------------- 347 Exertion Point ----------------------------- 106 F Fairway Ree ------------------------------- 88 Fairway Shoal --------------------- ----- 358 Falmouth Bank ---------------------------- 25 False Corumi, Mount ---------------------- 86 False Sharp Peak ----------------—.. —. --- 86 Farol Point ------------------------------- 134 Fatima Islands ---------------------------- 178 Favorite Bank --- —----------—.-. --- —--- 285, 303 Fearless Shoal --- —-------------------------- 366 Field stations, Coast and Geodetic Survey__ 377 Filantropia Point ------------------------- 62 Fin, Mount ---------- -------- -------- 82 Fish Bay ----------------------------------- 93 Flacca Point ------------------------------- 274 Flat Hills ---------------------------------- 351 Flat Rock --- —----------------------------- 108 Flecha, Mount ----------------------------- 181 Flecha Point --- —-------------------------- 45, 181 Flechas Point ----------------------------— 46,50 Fleming Island ------------------------------ 108 Fly Rock ----------------------------------- 360 Flying Fish Rock -------------------------- 352 Fog signals --- —------------------------- 380.394 Fondeado Island -------------------------— 52,53 Framjee Bank -----------------—. --- —___- 25 Frances Reef --------------------------— _- 340 Frazer Island ------------------------------- 54 G Gaas Bay --------------------------------- 239 Gaas Inlet.. -------------------------------- 239 Gabao Island -----------------— _ —_ --- —-- 267 Gabo Channel, Port ------------------------ 237 Gabo Island ---------------------------— _- 237 Gabo, Mount --- —------------------------- 238 Gabung Island ---------------------------- 65 Gage Island ---------------------------— __ 24 Galintan, Mount --------------------------- 218 Gallo Ialo Channel ----------------------- 321 Gal-loman Island --------------------------- 325 Galoc Island. --- —--------------------.. 19 Gambol Island ----------------------------- 322 Gamot Bay -------------------------------- 267 Gandaan River ---------------— _ --- — 169 Gango River ----------------------—. --- 163 Gantung, Mount -------------------------— 82,86 Gap Range -------------------------------- 90 Gapul Creek --- —-------—. —. --- —-.. --- — 179 Garcia Shoal ------------------------------- 297 Gardiner Island ---------------------------- 61 Gardoqui Point ---------------------------- 194 Gasacan Point ----------------------------- 183 Gatusan Islands ----------— __-_- --— __- 159 Gedeon Shoal ------------------------------ 55 Gem Reef -... --- —-_ --- —---------------- 346 Geminis Peaks --------- ------------— _- 331 General information --------------------— _ 1 General Island -----------—. --- —--------- 257 Germantown _ --- —-------------------— _ 348 Giel - ----------------------------— __ — 186 Gigantas Islands --- —--------------------- 5 121 Gigaquit ---------------------------------- 254 Gigaquit River --------------— _ --- —-- 254 Gill Point ---------------------------------- 217 Gingoog ---------------------------------- 133 Gingoog Bay ------------------------------- 132 Gintu Islands -----------------------— __ 35 Glan -----------------------------------. 200 Gnat Reef ------------------------—.- 70 Gode Shoal ------------------------------ 93 Goitya Shoal ------------------------------- 292 Gol-loman Island --------------------------- 324 Gondra Island ------------------— _ --- —- 298 Gorda Point --- —------------------------- 135,257 Goreno Island --- —------ ------------------ 282 Gorro, Mount --- —------------------------- 298 Goson Reef -------------------------------- 33 Gosong Rock --—. --- —-— _ ---_ --- —----— _ 29 Page Gosong Rocks -------------— _ ----.-.- - 27 Gosong Dangers -----------------—. --- —-- 29 Gounan Islands --------------— _ --- —_ 282 Granadas ---------------- ----------- 225 Great Bakkungaan Island ----------— _ 353 Great Danger Bank ------------------—.-_ 72, 74 Great Santa Cruz Island --- —----------— _ 151 Green Head ----------— _ ---_ --- —— _ 108 Green Island - ---------------------- 49 Green Island Bay ------------------- 49 Griffin Rocks -----------------— _ 285 Gual Point ------------------------- 201 Guanguan Estero ------- ------------ 275 Guanguan Point -------- ----------- 275 Gubbins Rocks -------------------— _____. 352 Gued Islet ------------------— _ --- — 34 Gueritz Rock ------------ ----— ___ — 375 Guhuan Islet, East ------------------- 366 Guhuan Islet - ---------------------- 365 Guimaras Island - ------------------- 121 Guindabdaban Island ---------------- - 42 Guinlabo Islet ---------------— _ ---.- 27 Guinlep Island ---------------------- 23 Guintungauan Island —.-__ --- —-----— _ 22,114 Gujangan Island ------------------— _-___ 293 Gulang-gulang -------------------— _ 110 Gulisaan Island --------------------------- 353 Gull Bank -------------------------- -- 63 Gull Rock l --- —----—. —__ — o109 Gumila Reef --- —---------------—.. 291 Guntao Islands - -------------------— __ 113 Gusong Pulo 3 --- —----- ------------ 351 Gusun Reef - ----------— _ --- -. 300 Gutob Bay -------------------------- 18 Guyang Islet ------------------------------- 244 H Hadyibulac Island ------------------------- 13 Hagakhak Island --------------------------- 231 Halcon Rock ---------------------------- 286 Half Channel Patch ---------------------- 364 Half Moon Shoal ----------------—.- 76 Halfway Island -- ----------------- 108 Halian Island -------------------------— _- 240 HIalog Islands -------------------— _- 26 Halsey Harbor ---------------------------- 24 Haluluko Island ---------------------— __- 288 Hamiguitan, Mount ------ - ----------- 276 Hamuan Island ------------------— _- 271 Hanigad Island ---------------------------- 235 Haramelio ------------------------ 270 Harbor Hill -----------------— __ --- —---- 94 Harbor regulations ----- ------------- 397 Harbors of refuge: Mindanao and adjacent islands ------. — 10 Palawan and adjacent islands ------------ 10 Sulu Archipelago ------------------ 10 Hardy Patch. --- —---—. --- —-._._.... — -- 344 Hat, Mount ------------------------ 82 Hatton, Mount ----------------------------- 346 Haycock Islands --- —--------------------- 266 Hegad Island ------------------------------ 303 Hegapit River ----- - ---------------- 256 Hen and Chickens -------------------------- 92 Herefordshire Shoal ----------------------- 79 Heron Pcint --------- ------------- 56 Herschel, Mount --- —---------------------— 53, 92 Hlibuson --- —---- ------------------------ 227 Hibuson Island ------------------------- 227 IHidong Islets ----------------------------- 34 HIijo - --------------------------- 217 HIijo River ----— _ --- —-------------------- 216 Ilikdop Island --- —------------------------ 235 IHirmba Channel ---------------------------- 324 Hinadkaban Bay ------------------- 256 Hinatuan --- —---------------------------- 248, 269 Hinatuan Island 2 --- —- -------------- 251 Hinatuan Passage -------------------------- 224 Ilinatuan River ---------------------------- 269 Hinatuan Rock --------- - ---------- 251 Hipayaan River -------------------- 273 Hog Point ---------------------------------- 344 Holidays, legal --- —------------------------ 2 Holland, Port ---------------------------- 281 Honda Bay --- —---------------------------- 51 Horn Hill ------------------------ - 114 Horse Island --- —--------------------------- 20 INDEX 425 Page Hospital care for seame.n ------------- 4 Huevo Bank. --- —--------- ------- 63 Huidobro Reef ---------------------------- 195 Hull Rock ------------—. --- —--- 344 Hummock Point --- —----------------------- 86 Huron Shoal ------------------------------ 107 I Ibelbel Island. --- —--------------— 109 Ibobor Island ------------------------------ 44 Ibus Island ------------------------------— 188 Icadambanauan Island --------------------- 43 Igai Point ---------------------------- 177 Igasan Point -----------------------------— 293 Igat Bay ------------ - ------- 178 Igat Island ----------------------- 177 Iglesia Point ------------ -- ------- 63 Iguana Island ------------------------------ 24 Ile Island ----------- ---- ---------- 34 lian, Mount ------------------------------ 49 Ilian River -------------------------------- 49 Iligan ----------------------------- 136 Iligan Bay - ------------------------------ 136 Iligan Hill ----------------------------- 143 Iigan Reef ------- ------------------ 141 llan Hill.......... --- —- --—. 83 Illana Bay ------------------------ 129,182 Iloc Island ----------------------- 35,37 Iloilo ---------------------- 2,121 Ilog Bay --------- -------------- 114 Ilultuk Bay ----------------.... 12,19 Ili__cut Island --------------- 22 Imalaguan Island --------------------- -- 30 Imaruan Island -------- --------- 26 Imorigue Bay ---------------------------- 36 Imorigue Island -------------------------- 38 Imuruan Bay - 101 Imuruan Bay --- —------------------------— 101 Imuruan Island ---------------- 26,101 Inabuyatan Island ------------------------ 116 Inagauan ---- ----------- 57 Inagauan River ----------------------- 58 Inagtapan Point -------- -------------- 12 Inambuyod Island ----------------------- 114 Inamucan Bay -------------------------- 142 Inapupan Island _ --- —------ ----------- 34 Inaruntang Point --------------- __- - 357, 372 Inclined Rock ------------------------- 76 Indagamay Island -------------------------- 29 Indangan Island -------------------- 322 Iniaoan, Mount ----------------------- 187 Initao ---------- --------------- 136 Initao Bay --- —-- ------------------- 136 Initao Point ---- --------------------- 136 Inlulucut Island ------------------------ 22 Inlulutoc Bay ---------------------------- 102 Investigator NE. Shoal -------------------- 77 Ipil Point -------------------------- 117 Isa Reef ---------------- ---- ---- 253 Isabel Point --------------------- 87 Isabela ----------- ----------------- 280 Isabela Channel ------------------------- 280 Isabela, Port ------------------------------ 279 Isda Islet ------------------------ 244 Island Bay --------------------------- 60,90 Isog River ---------------- - 58 Isthmus Cone ----------------------------- 98 Isthmus Point -------------------------- 111 Iwahig ------------------------- 56 Iwahig Penal Colony ------------------ 56,58 Iwahig River ---------------------------- 55,63 Iwiig Range ------------------------- 80 J Jambongon Island ------------------------- 355 James Patch -_ --- —-------------- 340 Janoyoy Island ----------------------- 244 Jasaan --- —-------------------------------- 135 Java Reef --- —----- -------------------— 125 Jervois Point -------------------------- 83 Jessie Beazley Reef ------------------------- 124 Jessie Shoal _ --- —-----------------— _ --- 75 Jibboom Bay ------------------------------ 97 Jigdup Reef -------- ------------- 134 Jimenez --- —-------------------------------- 140 Jip Rocks ---------- ----------- 114 Jobo Islet ---- ------------ -- 266 Jobo Point... ---- —.. --- —-------. 264 Page Johnson Island.. --- —-------------- 49 Johnston Rock --------------------- 353 Johnstone Bluff ------------------- 376 Johnstone Point -------------------- 109 Jolo -------------------------- 2,76,278,294 Jolo Island ----------------------------— 1,288 Jobo Point --------------------------------- 265 Jovellar ------------------------------------- 274 Jurata ---— '. --- —--------------- 126 Jurata Lake --- —---------------------------- 126 K Kaba Point ----------------------------- 256 Kabalantia Point --— _ --- —-_ --- —----—.-_ 205 Kabatan River ------------— _ --- —-— 218 Kabo Island ------------------------------- 250 Kabo Reef -------------------------------- 251 Kabuaya ------------------------------------ 276 Kabun Cove --- —--------------------------- 231 Kadyajan Shoal ---------------------------- 299 Kagan Point ------------------------------- 222 Kaganuhan Point -------------------------- 223 Kagdyanao Bay ---------------------------- 238 Kahamkamman Island --------------------- 366 Kakub Point ----------------------------- 231 Kaladis Point ----------------------------- 174 Kalampisauan Island ----------------------- 19 Kalampunian Island ----------------------- 376 Kalangaan Island --------------------------- 356 Kalavera Point --------------------------- 233 Kalingmomo Point ------------------------- 196 Kalo Island ----------------------------- 21 Kaludlud Island -------------------------- 285 Kaluitan Island --- —------------------------ 282 Kalungpang Island --- —--------------------- 53 Kalut Island -.. --- —----------------- 280 Kalutan Island --------------------------—. 362 Kalutan Point ---------------------------- 362 Kamagong Point -------------------------- 233 Kamanga Point -------------------------- 200 Kamawi Island -----------------------— __ 297 Kambagio Point --------------------- 232 Kambay Cove --------------------------- 233 Kambiling Island ------------------------- 240 Kamonga Shoal ----------------------------- 79 Kamutayan Point --- —----------------—..- 127 Kanamong Point --------------------------- 226 Kanayut Point ----------------------------- 232 Kandiis River ------------------------------ 284 Kang Tipayan Islands -------------------- 313,326 Kangbangyo Island ------------------------ 242 Kangun Island --------------------------- 241 Kanhanusa Island ------------------------- 230 Kanhanusa Passage ------------------— 230 Kanhatid Islets --------------------- --- 231 Kanhatid Point --------------------------- 231 Kanhinaud Point ------------------------ 233 Kanihaan Island --------------------------- 229 Kaniki Point ---- ------------ - ----------- 20 Kanikian Point -.. --- — ----------------- 223 Kanipo Island --------------------------- 109 Kanlanuk Bay _ --- —-------- ------------ 245 Kanpintak Point --- —----------------------- 226 Kansadok Point -------------------------- 233 Kantiasay Bay ------ -------------------- 235 Kapisahan Island ------------- ------- 282 Kapor Point - -------------------- - - - 375 Karangdato Point --- —---------------------- 298 Karsoglan Hill -----------------------— __ 93 Karungdung. — ------------------------ 297 Kasundalo Islet ----- ------------------ 231 Kataaba, Port ----------------------------- 112 Kataaba River ----------------------------- 112 Katabungan River --- —--------------------- 60 Katiga Point ----------------------------- 149 Kauit Bay ------------------------ 149 Kauluan Island ------- ----------- --- 284 Kauluan Channel ------------------------- 283 Kawit Point-. --------------- 149 Kayabangan Island --- —-------------------- 229 Kayasa Islet _ --- —------------------------ 226 Kayitan Bay ---------------------- 230 Kechil Rock -- --------------------- 354 Keenapusan Island ------------------------ 126 Kestrel Rock ---------------- --- - 75 Kestrel Shoal ------------------------------- 354 Keybatis River -. --- —------------- 199 426 INDEX Page Kiamba Point ------...........-......... 199 Kinabatangan Hills ----------------— _-__.- 347 Kinabatangan River -... —........____ — 347 Kinapusan Islands. —. --- —------— _...- 318 Kingking --- ------------------------—.. 217 Kinomick River -----—.. --- —------—._ 194 Kling -.. --- —--------—. --- —------- 199 Kolambugan Bay - ----------------- 138 Kopia Island ----------------------- 216 Koreti Point............................... 79 Kotkot Islands ---------------------- 231 Kraan River ------------------------ 198 Kudat --------------------------- 375 Kudat Harbor -----------------— _-_ 374 Kukuban Island -------------------- 357 Kulaguhan —.- --------—. --- —----- 223 Kulasihan Shoals. --- —-------------- 138 Kulassein Island -- ------------------ 304 Kulaykulay. --- —-------------------- 297 Kulungan Point --------------------- 205 Kumalarang River ---------—... —. —. ---- 178 L Laa Island -------------------------------- 333 Labangan ------------------—. —_ --- ——. — 186 Labao Inlet —. --- —---------------- 179 Labatan Hill -------------------------------- 167 Labian Point ------------------------------ 343 Labovoan Point -----------------—. —_ ---- 163 Labu Point ------------------------------- 200 Labuan Rock ------------------------------ 364 Labucan Point. --- —---— _____. --- —---— __ 178 Labuk Bay --------------------------------- 350 Labuk River --— 311 --- —----------- 351 Lacaron ---------------------------- 204 La Condola -212 --- —--------------- 252 Lacud Point -------------------— __ --- —-- 276 Lacutan Cove ------------------------------- 275 Lagat Island ------------------------ 15 Lagen Island -------------------------------- 116 Lago Cove ---------------------------------- 200 Lagum Point. --- —----------------- 276 Lahangan Island ------------------------- 309 Lahatlahat Islands --- —-----— __-____ 283, 303, 312 Lahi Bay ---------------------------------- 238 Lais ------------------------------------- 204 Lajan Point --------------------------------- 203 Lajanosa Island ----------------------------- 248 Lajo Island -------------------------------— 20, 21 Lakga Point ------------------------------- 223 Lakit Island ------------------------------ 21 Lakits Islands ------------------------------ 285 Lalabuan River ----------------------------- 189 Lalabugan Bay ---------------------------- 190 Lalim Point -------------------------------- 162 Lalutaya Island --------------------------- 119 Lamagon Island ----------------------------- 250 Lambayogan Point ------------------------- 165 Lambavon Point --------------------------- 272 Lambillon Point -------------------------- 261 Lambong Lambong Island __ --- —------— _- 177 Lamigan Point --- —------------------- ----- 274 Laminusa Anchorage ---------------------- 300 Laminusa Island -------------------------- 300 Lamitan --- —----------------------------- 284 Lamon Anchorage --- —---------------------- 268 Lamon Point.. --- —-------------— _ --- —-- 268 Lampaqui Islet ----------------------------- 186 Lampassan Island --------------------------- 368 Lampinigan Island --- —--------------- 101,159, 179 Lamud Island --- —-------------------------- 21 Lamuyong Island --------------------------- 177 Lanang Point ---------------------------- 214 Lanao Lake ___ --- —-_ --- —------— _ --- —-- 137 Lanboyan Point --------------------------- 146 Landargun, Mount ------------------------ 82 Landassan River --------------------------- 194 Lang Islets --- —----------------------------- 256 Langaan Islet ------------------------------- 353 Langaran Shoal ----------------------------- 143 Langas Island --- —-------------------------- 282 Langatian --- —------------------------------ 146 Langcan Bay --- —--------------------------- 47 Langeblangeban River --------- ------ 116 Langisan Island ------ ------------ 122 Langon Shoal --- —-------------------------- 299 Langoy Island - --------------- ---- 47, 50 Languyan, Port ----------------------- 314, 327 Page Languyon River ---------------... — -_ — 272 Lanhil Island ------------ --.. --- —-. —_- 156 Lankayan Island ----------------------- 354 Lanuza -------------— __ --- —-_ ---------- 259 Lanuza Bay -------—. --- —-------- 258 Laonan Island ---------------------—. 242 Lapac Island ------— _ --- —------—.- 301 Lapacon River ------------ ---------- 195 Lapak Point ----------------------- 176 Laparan Island --------------------------- 308 Lapat Point ------------------------------ 175 Lapinig Island --------------------------- 249 Lapinigan Islands --- —------------------- 177, 255 Lapitan Point ----------------------------- 188 Lapunlapun Island ------------------------- 126 Lapuslapus Point --------------------------- 117 Laput Island -------------—. --- —------—. 21 Lapuyan River ---------------------------- 179 Largon Island ------------------------------ 104 Largon Rock ------------------------------- 104 Lasang River ------------------------------- 214 Lassak River ------------------------------- 195 Latas Islands ------------------------------ 178 Latoan Island ------------------------------ 367 Latoan Patch, Outer ----------------------- 367 Latuan Island ---------------------------- 334 Latungon Point --------------------------- 144 Lauanan Island ---------------------- 34 Lauit Island -------------------------------- 13 La Union ---------------------------------- 221 Laurel Rock ------------------------------ 352 Lavigan Anchorage ------------------------ 223 Lawigan Point ---------------------------- 158 Layaban Point ---------------------------- 141 Layauan Bay --------------------- ------- 27 Lean Island -------------------------- 26 Lebak ------------------------------------ 196 Lebak Island ------------------------------ 196 Lebak Point ------------------------------ 196 Lebak Port --------------------------------- 196 Lefa Point ------ -------------------------- 201 Lemondo Island ---------------------------- 286 Lenungan Island --------------------------- 261 Leonan Island. --------------------------- 356 Letayen Island ----------------------------- 175 Ley River ------ -------------------------- 165 Leyte ----------------------------------- 228 Lianga ----------------------------------- 266 Lianga Bay -------------------------------- 266 Lianga River --------------- --------------- 266 Liangliang ------------------------------- 292 Liatui Island ------------------------------- 13 Libarran Island --------- ---- ---------- 353 Libas Channel ---------------------------- 242 Liberty Cap ---------------------------- 50 Libjo Bay ----- -------------------------- 228 Libro Point ----------------------------- 35 Licoc Point -------------------------------- 175 Liess Point ------------------------------- 195 Lights and buoys --- —-------------------- 380 Liguasan Marsh --------------- ------------ 193 Lihiman Island - ----------------------- 352 Lijatlijat Rocks --- —------ -------- ------ 319 Likoko Islet -------------------------------- 233 Lilisan Point ---------------- -------------- 222 Lima Point ----- - ----------------- 223 Limaa Point -._ --- —-------------- 17 Limbangan Point ------------------- 43 Limbayan Island --------------------------- 190 Limbug Cove --- —-------------------------- 182 Linao Bay --------------------------------- 196 Linao Point --------------- -------------- 195 Linapacan Island --- —--------------- 33 Linapacan Strait --- —--- --------------- 19, 33,121 Linawan Island --------------------- 287 Linek ---------------- ------------------ 194 Lingisan Rock ------------ --------------- 360 Lingit ---------- ----------- 271 Lingit River - ------------------------ 271 Linguisan Point ---------------------------- 161 Linkabo, Pulo ---------------- ------------ 351 Lintangan - -- --------------------- 149 Linugos ----------------------- 133 Lipadas. ---- --------------- 211 Lipari Island --------------------------- 169 Lipata ------- --------------------- 230 Liscum Bank ------------------------------ 176 Lisub Cove, --- —------------------------ 227 INDEX 427 Page Litalit Bay -... --- —--- -- 241 Litalit Island ---------- -- --------- 241 Litalita Islet ------------------------------- 81 Little Cruz Island ------------------------- 213 Little Hibuson Island --- —----------- 227 Little Malanipa Islet ---------------------— 155 Little Maosonon Island ------------— _-__-_ 37 Little Santa Cruz Island -----------------— 151 Little Sound --------------------—. --- — 111 Liuay Rock___ --- —------------ - 145 Load Island --------------------------- 250 Loboc Cove ---- - ---------------- 141 Loclabuan Bay --------------------------— 162 Locsico Bay -------------- --------- 168 Loculan Point -----------------------— _- 139 Loculan Shoals ----------------------------- 138 Loggerheads Peaks ------------------------ 117 Logung Point ------------------------------ 195 Lolo Bay ------------------------ 58 London Point ----------------------------- 200 Long Point --- —-------------------------- 91,116 Long Point Hill -----------------—. ---- 93 Looc Bay ------- -----------—.. 226 Looc River ----------------------- 163 Lookout Point ---------------------------- 105 Look Tua Cove -------— _ --- —-. --- —.-_ 327 Loran Island ------------------------— _ - 314,318 Loreto -- ------- ----------------—. ---- 226 Loreto Reef -. --- —-. --- —------- 25 Louisa Shoal ----------------------- 365 Low Capoes Peak - ------—.. --- —--- 102 Low-hock, Mount -------—. --- —--- 80 Low Hock Hill ------------— ___ —___. ---.- 84 Loxdale Shoal --------------------- 75 Loyola _ ---- ---— 269 Luangat Point --------------------- 301 Luban -----------— _ --- _. — 276 Luban Island ----------------------------— 276 Lubic Island —.- ----------—. --- —- 30 Lubucan Island --------------------------- 332 Lubungan ------------------------ 146 Lubutglubut Island ----------------- 14 Lucatan -------- ---- ---------- 274 Lucbuan Hill --------------------- 28 Ludguron Island -------------------- 257 Lugus Island ------------------- 298 Lugus Shoal --------— 298 Lumarao ------------------------— 6__ 166 Lumaton River --------------------------— 242 Lumayag Rock ------------------- 146 Lumbian Island --------------------------- 297 Lumbucan Channel --------—. — 73 Lumbucan Danger Bank ---------------- 73 Lumbucan Island -------------------------- 73 Lump Island ----------------------- 98 Lung Bay ---------------------- - 363 Lunqui Island --------------------- 180 Lupa Island ------------- 334 Lupon River -- -. --- —-------------- 219 Lusong Island —..- --------------- 18 Lussum, Mount ------------------- 335 Lutangan Islet --------------------------- 156,169 Lutangan Point --------------------------— 168 Luuk Bay ----------------------------— _ 332 Luuk, Mount - ------------------- 331 Luuk Sula ----------------------- 331 Luyucan, Port -------------------- --- 18 Luzon -------------------------- 1 222 Luzon Bank ' --- —--------------- 27 Luzon Reef ---------------------- 153 M Maalequequen Island ------------------— _ 38 Maanoc Island ------------—.. --- ______ —__250 Maapdit Island ------------------- 34 Maasin Point --- —-------------------------- 58 Maasin River -------------------- 59 Mabahok Island -------------------— _____ 356 Mabajoc Point ------------------- 297 Mabua River -----------—. --- —--- 221 Macabalan Point -------------------------— 136 Macachin Point ---------------------------- 12 Macajalar Bay -------------------- 130,135 Macambal_ ----— 276 Macangani Island -------------------------- 261 Macaonan Point --------------------------- 276 Macuao Island ---------------------------- 39 Maculay Island --..-....-........... 180 Page Maculi Point... --- —--- — 198 Madagascar Rock ------------------ 78 Madalag Point ---------------------------— 146 Madaum River ----------------------— __ 216 Madiaop Point ------------------- 163 Madilao Point -----------------------—. — 130 Maducang Island ----------------— _______ 32 Maeander Reef ------------------ 124 Mafsie, Cape --------------------------- 372 Magabao Cove ----------------— _ 262 Magados Island ------------------ 306 Magallanes -----------------— _____- 131 Magallanes Bank ---------------—..-_-__. 25 Magallanes River ------------------—. — 254 Magapu Point -------------------- 187 Magbiga Point ----------- -------- 274 Magdug -------- --- ----—.. 222 Maggie Reef -------------------- - 366 Maggie Bank -------------------— 346 Maglumba Island ---------------- 302, 317 Magnaga Bay -------------------- 217 Magnetic disturbance, local ------------- 384 Magpa Island ---------------------- 21 Magpeos Island -------------------—.-__. 317 Magpie Bank --------------------- 346 Magranting Island ----------------- 25 Magsiapo Reef ------------------- 94 Magun - ---------- ------- 276 Mahaba Island ------------------ 252, 268 Mahagin Point ------------ — 232 Mahangin Point --- —----------------- 232 Mahinog ----------------------- 134 Mailing list, publications ---------------— _ 415 Maimbung ---------—...___ —. — __ 296 Maimbung Bay --------- --------- 295 Main Channel ----------------- 76 Mainit -- ---- -. - ---- 254 Mainit Lake --------------------- 131 Maiyapay, Mount -------------------- 131 Majangit Islands ----------------- 271 Makar ------------------------ 200 Makesi Island - -------------------- 54 Makesi Island Reef ----------------—...__- 54 Malabang --------------------- 182,188 Malabrigo Point ------------------ 120 Malajon Island ------------------- 19 Malalag Bay ------------------------—...- 205 Malalan Point ----------- -----------—...- 202 Malamaui Island ------------------ 278 Malamaui Road ------------------— _____.- 279 Malampaya Sound ------------------ 103 Malanao Anchorage___ --- ---------- 58 Malanao Island - ------------------ 58 Malangas --------------------— _- 177 Malangai ----------------------—. ---- 177 Malanipa Island -------------------------- 155 Malanut Bay ----------------------------- 87 Malanut Range ------------------ 61,89 Malanut River ----- ---------- 88 Malaoton Island ------ - ------------- 109 Malapackun Island ----- _ -----—. — 86 Malapajo River ------------------ 111 Malapari Island ---------------------------- 39 Malapina Island -----------------— ___-____ 106 Malaposo Island ------------------- 23 Malaroroy Island -----------— _ --- —- 23 Malasa Point --------------------------- 315 Malasgao River -------------- ___- 59 Malasugat Bay ------------------- 158 Malasugat Point -------—.-. ----_____158 Malatpuso Rock - ----------------- 42 Malatuba Point --------- --------- 197 Malavinuan Cove ----------------- 201 Malayo Reef - -------- --------- 240 Malbatan Island — ----------- --- 34 Malbato Bay ---------------------- 17 Malbinchilao Islands -----— _ --------- 20 Malcampo --------------------------— __ 50 Malcapuya Island ----- --------- --- 23 Malcatop Island ------------------ 20,30 Malcorot Island ----- --------- 41 Male Island --------------------------- 255 Maliang -----------— _ --- —---------— _-___ 186 Malicut Island ----------- — 305 Maligay Bay --------------------- 179 Maligun Island - -------------------- 26 Malinao Inlet -----------------------—.. — 239 Malinao River. —,,-,.- -- -60 428 INDEX Page Malinonok Island -------------------------- 266 Malinsono Island -------------------------- 65 Malipano Anchorage ----------------------- 212 Malipano Islet ----------------------------- 212 Malipu Bay -------------------------------- 110 Malita --- --------------------------- 204 Mallarois Island ---—.. --- —----------------- 109 Mallawalle Channel ---------------------- 343,359 Mallawalle Dangers ------------------------ 357 Mallawalle Island ------------------------- 357 Malonao Rock ------------------------------ 36 Malotamban Island ----------------------— 39,41 Malpacao Island --------------------------- 116 Malpagalen Island -------------------------- 13 Maltatayoc Island ------------------------- 20 Malubug Bay ------------------------------ 183 Malubug Point ----------------------------- 183 Malubutglubut Island ---------------—.-_- 34 Malugan Point --- —----------------------- 135 Malum River --------- ---------------- 334 Malun River --- —----------------- 332 Malusi Point ------- ------------- 210 Malusu Bay ------------------------------- 281 Malusu River ------------------------------- 281 Malutone Island --- —----------------------- 111 Mamad Island ------------- ------------ 290 Mamannak Island ------------------------ 286 Mamanoc Island --------------------------- 291 Mamanuc Island --------------------------- 312 Mambahenauhan Islet ---------------------- 128 Mambajao -------------------------- 134 Mambajao, Mount ------------------------- 133 Mamon Island --- —------------------------- 248 Mampising ---— 2 --- —-------------------- 217 Manalik Channel --------------------------- 329 Manamoc Island ---------------------------- 26 Manangal Island ---------------------------- 286 Manangula Point --- —------------------—.. 195 Manaol Point --- —-------------------------- 245 Manay Bay --- —---------------------------- 273 Manay River --- —-------------------------- 273 Mancahorom Island ------------------------- 269 Mandah Island --------------------—. ---- 128 Mandalala Point --------------------------- 23 Mandi Rock -------------------------------- 289 Mandiralla Island --- —---------------------- 360 Mandit Island --- —------------------------- 26 Manduao Point --------------------------- 273 Mandulog River ---------------------------- 137 Mangal Point --- —-------------------------- 283 Mangal River ------------------------------- 283 Mangenguey Island ------------------------ 20 Manglet Island ----------------------------- 21 Mangli Bay -------------------------------- 238 Mangrove Point --- —---------------------- 52, 344 Mangsee Channel --------------------------- 75 Mangsee Danger Bank --- —---------------- 72, 74 Mangsee Islands --------------------------- 366 Mangsee Great Reef ------------------------ 75 Maniacolat Island --- —-------------------- 302,316 Manila Bay --------------------—.. --------- 1,120 Manlegad Island ---------------------------- 34 Manmegmeg Bay --- —---------------------- 117 Manogan ---------------------------- 54 Manolaba Island --- —----------------------- 18 Manolebeng Island --- —--------------------- 18 Manomawan Island ------------------------- 269 Manorigao -------------------------------- 272 Manote Island ----------------------------- 318 Mansaca Point --- —------------------------- 216 Mantabuan Island ------------------------ 314, 334 Mantalingajan, Mount --- —-------------- 64, 77, 82 Mantangule Island ------------------------- 65 Mantaquin Bay ---------------------------- 59 Mantibug Point ---------------------------- 149 Mantulali Island ----------- -------------- 47 Manubul Island. --- —-------------------- 302 Manucan Island ---------------------------- 122 Manuc Manucan Island -------------------- 124 Manuk Manka Island --- —--------------- 313, 332 Manungut Island --------------------------- 291 Manyangit Point. --- —------------------- 363, 364 Maobanen Island ------------------------ 40 Maopia Island ----------------------- 270 Maosonan Island --------------------------- 37 Maowa Island -— _- --------------------- 269 Mapaan Point --------------------------- 141 Mapanga Bay ------------------------------ 218 Page Mapanga Reef_. —.... --- —------------- 218 Maputhao Island -------------------------- 144 Maputi Point ----------------—. --- —---- 136 Maqueriben Island ------------------------- 41 Maquinit Islands. --- —-------------------- 16 Marabay Point... --- —--- -----—. —__ ---_ 94 Marabout Shoal ---------------------------- 61 Maracafiao Island -----------— __ —.. --- —-- 27 Maranas Island --------------------—._ ---- 339 Maraning Bay.. --- —-----------—.. —.-__ 327 Marantao Island ----------------------— __- 86 Marantow Point ----—.. --- —------------ 64 Maraquit Island ------------------------- 47 Marasi Bay ------------------------------- 81 Marban Bank ------------------------------ 296 Marek Point --- —-------------------------- 173 Margosatubig — _ --- —_ --- —-_ --- —------ 179 Maricaban Island -------------------------- 87 Marigabato Point ------------------------- 192 Marihatag ---------------------------------- 264 Marihatag River. --- —------------------- 264 Marily Island ----------------—... --- —- - 21 Marinon Island ----------------------— __ 17 Mariqui Point --- ---------—. --- —-—. —_ — 153 Mariquit Island ---------------------------- 87 Marongas Island ------—. --- —--------—. 294,302 Marowop River --------------—... — -..- 347 Martin Bluff ---—. --- —------—.t. ---- 293 Martin Hill ------------------------------ 71 Marudu Bay ------------------------------- 372 Marudu River. --- —---------------------- 373 Marum-r............. —.-....... 186 Maruyogruyog Island ----------------—. 46 Masapelid Island --- —---------------------- 252 Masapelid Passage ------------------------- 253 Masdang Cove ------------—...-. ----_ — 240 Masinloc Anchorage --- —-------------------- 151 Masinloc River ----------------------------- 153 Masiub Cove ----------------------------- 233 Matabal River. --- —-.._ --- —-— _. --- —- - 195 Mataja Island ----------------------------- 282 Mataking Island ------------—.-.. --- —- - 341 Mataking Reef ----------------------------- 341 Mataling River.. --- —--------------------- 188 Matanal, Mount ____ --- ——. --- -— 2 --- — 284, 296 Matanal Point ---------------------------- 156 Matanog Peak.... ----. --- —--- _-._. --- —- - 163 Matarabis Islet...._ --- —. --- —------—. 28 Matarinao Bay --------------------------- 225 Mataya Island -----------------— __... ---- 16 Mataya Reef ------------------------------- 15 Mati --------------------------------- - 196, 275 Mati Point ---- --- ----------- -. -. 199 Matimus Point ------------.. --- —-------- 190 Matimus River ---------------------------- 190 Matina ------------------------------- 211 Matingbi Cove ---------------------------- 233 Matinloc Island ------------------------—.- 113 Matos Point ----—. ----_ --- —----------- 331 Matos Shoal -----------------—....-..... — 295 Matungan, Mount ------------------—...- 374 Matungan River -------------------------- 373 Matutum, Mount ---------—....-..... — 200 Maus Mountain -----------—... --- —--- - 19 Mawes Island ---------------------—.. ---- 269 Mayabacan Island -------------.. —_ --- —_. 45 Mayanpayan Island ------—. —...__. --- — - 18 Mayday Bay ------------------------------- 97 Mayo ------------------------------------- 274 Mayo Bay --------------------------------- 274 Mayokok Islet --- ----... ---- ----- 34 Maytiguid Island ------------ -----—. --- 39 May Williams Shoal -. --- —---------—. 367 Meander Shoal ------------------------- 358 Meara Island -------------------------- 54 Medano Islet ------------------------------- 134 Megancub Island. --- —---------------- 240 Melau Besar, Hill -------------------------- 374 Melau Islet ---------------- - 374 Melgar -----—. --- — -------------- 232 Melobong River -----------------------—. 372 Melville, Cape --------------------------— _ 67, 69 Memnon Shoal ------------ ------ 125 Mempakit-. --- —------—. --- — ------ 373 Meridian Reef ----------------------------- 339 Merlin Rock -----------------.... --- - 357 Merlin Shoal Patches ---------------------- 804 Mesecoy --------—...... —..........- 42 INDEX 429 Page Mesecoy Bay.... --- —--------------- 42 Meteorological tables ------------------ 408 Miangas Island --------------- 277 Micota Island-. --- —--------------- 110 Midchannel Bank ------------------ 317 Middle Bucas Island ----------------- 247 Middle Channel ------------------- 74 Middle Reef_ --------------------- 99,171 Middle Shoals --------------------- 74,93 Migalog Rocks ---- ------------------ 149 Migcaniguing Point --- —--------------- --- 138 Milbuk —. --- —------ ---------- 198 Milbuk Harbor -------------------- -- 198 Minaban Point --- —---------------------- 205 Minangas Bay --- —------------------------- 15 Minangas, Mount --- —---------------------- 15 Mindanao ------------------------- 1,5,119,129 Mindanao River --- — ------------- 129,193 Mindoro ----- ----------------- 119 Mindoro Shoal ---- ----------------- 286 Mindoro Strait —... --- — ----- 25,119 Miniloc Island ----------------------------- 114 Mininlay Island --- —----------------------- 23 Minis Island -------------------------- 286,303 Minna Reef --- —---------------------------- 359 Minuit — ----- --------------- 13 Mirage ---- --------------------- 343 Miray Poinrt ---- ------------------ 143 Miraya Island ---------------------------- 39 Misamis ------------------------- 136 Misamis, Port --- —--------------------- 137 Mitford Harbor --- —--------------- 368 Mitre Island ------------------------------ 118 Moco Bay --- —------------------- 327 Modoc River --- —------------------ 173 Modum Island --- —------------------------- 368 Molegon River --- —------------------------ 199 Molleangan Island --- —--------------------- 367 Mompog Pass --------------------- 120 Mona Esland ------------------------------- 21 Monkiaua Bay --- —------------------------- 206 Monserrat ---- ---------------- - 222, 247 Monsoons, North Borneo --- —-------------- 342 Moorsom Point --- —------------------------ 91 Morison Islet ---------------------- 99 Moro Island ------------------------ 279 Moro Gulf ---- ----------- ------- 1 Mosquito Rock.. ---. --- —----------- 357 Mount. See proper name. Moyune Shoal --- —-—, --- —--------------- 125 Muligi Islands --- —--------------- 76,128 Muligi Patches — ------------------ 128,359 Mundi Rocks ----------------------------- 334 Murcielagos Bay --- —--------------------- 143,147 Murcielagos Islands --- —-------------------- 147 Murex Shoal -- ------------------------- 79 Muricay ---------------- ---------- 186 N Nabat Island ---------------------- 40,42 Naburos Island --- —----------------------- 144 Nacavan. --- —----- ----------------- 140 Naganaga.., --- —------- ------- 174 Nagas Point ------------------------- 276 Naglayan Island --- —---------------------- 21 Nagplit Point -------- --------. --- 56 Nagubat Island --- —------------------------ 253 Nakiauit Point ----5 --- —- -------- 245 Nakoda Bay --- —------- ----------- 87 Nakoda Island --- —------------------------- 87 Nalaut Islands --—. --- ----- 20 Namaroc Islet --- —-------------------------- 26 Nanca, Mount ------------- ---------- 143 Nancaan Island — ------------------ 323 Nanga Islands — ----------------- 14,25,34 Nangalao Island --- —------------------------ 25 Nangan Bay ------------------ -------- 222 Nanuyon Islands --- —----------------------- 350 Napolo Point ----------- --------- 141 Napula Island --- —------------------------- 20 Napuscud Island --- —---------------------- 15 Nara Point — ---------------------- 197 Nariz Point --- —---- -------------- 62 Narvaez Bank ---------------------------- 25 Narvaez Shoal ------------------- 138 Nasipit --- —-------- ----- 130 Nasipit Harbor ------------- ---- 131 95672~-30 —28 Page Nasog Point --------------------- - 121 Nasolot Island -------------------- 32 Nasubata Channel --------------------- 72 Nasubata Island -—..... --- — - 71 Nasubata Reef ----------. --- —------ 71 Native Point — ----------------- - 59 Naungan Island --- —---------------------..321 Naungan Dacula Island ------------------- 322 Naungan Dike Island ----------------- 322 Navigational aids ----------- ----------- 377 Nazaret --- —--------------------- 223 Needle Rocks --------------------------- 112 Negra Point ---------------------------- 39,115 Negros Point --- —-------------------------— 121 New Batu Batu --- —------------------------ 331 Niaporay Island and Rock ------ ------ 100 Nicholson Banks --------------------------- 123 Nici Island -----------------— _ --- — 21 Nilusingan Point --- —---------------------— 245 Ninepin Rock __ — --— 97,116 Nipa Nipa Island ------------------- 177 Niug, Tanjong --- —------------------------- 351 Nonoc Island ----------------------------- 236 Normandy Bank --------------------------- 346 North Balabac Strait -------------------- 71 North Bay ------------------------ 32 North Borneo Dangers -------------------— 372 North and South Cays ----------------- 20 North Channel -------—.. --- —------ 72 North Channel Island ---------------------- 45 North Harbor ------- --------------- 363 North Hill ---- ------------------- 35,365 North Island — -------------------- 123,357 North Mangsee Island --------------------- 75 North Patches ------- ---------------- 74 North Point ---------------------- 46 North Regent Shoal ------------------- 80 North Rock..-........ --- —---- 92 North Tuluran ------------------- - 105 North Ubian Island ------ -------- 304 Northeast Antelope Shoal ------------------ 81 Northeast Bank -------------------- 127 Northeast and Southwest Bluffs --------- 355 Northeast Bay -------- ------ 107 Northwest Bank ------------------- 127 Northwest Bay ---------------------------- 33 Northwest Head ------------------------- 93 Northwest Islet --—. --- —------- 357 Northwest Rock ------------------------ 13,167 Northwest Shoal -------------------------— 67,74 Notch Hili ----------------------- 346 Notch Island ---------------- 104 Numancia ---------------------------— 242 Nunuyan Bay ----------------------------- 148 Nupulan -------------------------------— 184 Nusa Tacbu Channel ---------------- 328 Nusia -------------- ----------- 259 Nymphe Reef --------- --------------- 348 0 Observation Rock --- —---------------------- 77 Observatory Point --- —-------------------— 362 Observatory Rock --- —------------- 77, 194 Oco Island ------------------------- 26 Odiongan ----- ----------------- - 132 Odiongan River -------------------- 132 Odok -------- - - 233 Oil, use of.. --- —-— 384 Olanivan Island 203 Olangapo --- —---------------------------- 2 Oltaloro Mount ---------------------------- 19 Olutanga Island --- —--------------— _- -- 156,168 Omapui Island --- —------------------------ 338 Onate Rock -------------------------------- 236 Opol Point -------------------- 138 Opong Island ---------------------- 253 Orell Island ------------------ 286 Oroquieta --- ------------------ - 141 Oroquieta River ---------------------------- 141 Oteiza ---- ------------------- 265 Oteiza Bay --------------- -------- 265 Oteiza River -------------------- 264 Oton -------------------------- 39, Outer Shoal --------------------------------- 370 Oyster Inlet --------------------------- 93,95 Oyster Point ------------------------- - 99 Overtime rates --- —-------------—.. 2 430 INDEX P Page Pababat Shoal -----------------------—.. — 288 Pabellones Islands --------------------------- 42 Pabunuan Shoal --------------------------- 287 Pacheco Shoal ------------------------------ 31 Pachiri Island ----------------------------- 21 Padada Point -----------------------—. — 222 Padada River ------------------------------ 207 Padugan Islet ------------------------------ 162 Paet Point ------------------------------- 212 Pagadian --------------------------------- 185 Pagadian Bay ------------------------------ 185 Pagang Point ----------------------- - ------ 199 Pagassan Island ---------------------------- 368 Pagbabangnan Cove --------------------- 227 Pagbasayan Island ------------------------- 241 Pagbuy Rock ----------------------------- 255 Pagdanan Bay --------------------------- 100 Pagdanan Point ---------------------------- 100 Pagdanan Rock ---------------------------- 100 Paglugaban Island --- —--------— _... --- —- 114 Pagoda Cliff ------------------------ -----— 80,82 Pahumaan Island -------------------------- 325 Paitan Bay -------------------------------- 353 Pakiputan Strait --------------------------- 213 Paknam Shoal ---------------------------- 355 Palalagoya Point -------- ------— '. ---- - 138 Palanduk Point ---------------------------- 147 Palawan ---------------------------------- 1,5 Palawan Island --------------- ------------ 35 Palawan Passage -------------------------— 36, 76 Palcocotan Island ------------------------- 108 Palid Point ------------- - ----------- 146 Palilan River ------------------------------ 140 Palilo Island ------------------------------- 114 Palimban Point ---------------------------- 198 Palleagan Islands ------------------------- 303 Palm Island ---------------------------- 89 Palmas Island ------------- -------------- 277 Paly Island ---------------- ----------- 44 Pamacalan Island --------------------------- 325 Pamadbaran Island ------------------------ 325 Pamalican Islands ------------------------— 20, 26 Pamandian River --- —--------------------- 166 Pamay Bay ---------- -------------------- 242 Pamay Point ------------------------------- 242 Pamelukan Bank —. --- — -------------- 279 Pamisaan Island ------------------------- 322 Pamitinan Island -------------------------- 30 Pamosaingan ------------------------------ 245 Pampandugang Point. --- —---------------- 83 Panabulan Islet ---------------------------- 162 Panabutan Bay ---------------------------- 149 Panabutan Point --------------------------- 149 Panabutan River ---------------------------- 149 Panacan -------------------- ------ 60 Panacan Point -- ---------- ------------- 59 Panacan River --------------------------- 60 Panag Bay --------------------------------- 249 Panagan River ---------------------------- 173 Panagtaran Point -------------------------- 55 Panaldan River ---------------------------- 183 Panalingajan, Mount ---------------------- 82 Panalisan Point. --- —------ —.- --- 192 Panamauan Point -------------------------- 226 Panampanang Island ----------------------- 333 Pananag.. --- —---------------------- 199 Panaon Island --------------------------- 224 Panay ---------------------------------- 120 Panay Bank ------------------------------- 25 Pandalusan Island -------------------------- 167 Pandami Island ---------------------------- 301 Pandan Island -------------- ------------- 30 Pandan Reef - ----------- ------------- 174 Pandanan Island -------------------------- 65,318 Pandanpandan -------------------------- 297 Pandaras, Tanjong ------------------------- 352 Pandasan Island --------------------------- 216 Panducan Island --------------------------- 304 Panducan Point ---------------------------- 286 Pangaldauan Island ------------------------ 34 Panganaa Island --------------------------- 293 Pangapuyan Island ------------------------ 154 Pangasahan Channel ----------------------- 281 Pangasahan River -------------------------- 281 Pangasahan Hill -------------------------- 281 Pangasinan Island -------------------------- 302 Pangasinan Point -------------------------- 218 Pangatatan Island ----------------------- 31 Page Pangauran River.. —............. 13 Pangian Point ----------—. --- ——.. —__- 149 Pangisian Island --------------... --- — - 38 Pangkang Point. --- —------------------ 43 Panglima Reef -----------------—.. --- —- 53 Panglimasan River ---------------—. --- —-. 272 Pangpang Point —. --- —----------------— _- 184 Panguan Island ---------------------------- 340 Panguil Bay --------------------------— __ 129 Panguilinan Shoals ------------------------ 138 Pangulasian Island ------------------------- 115 Pangutarang Islands ------------------—. 288,304 Pangutarang Reef ------------------------ 285,303 Pangutarang Passage ------------------—.- 304 Panikian Cove --------------—. ----_ --- —-- 232 Paninilan River ---------------. --- —-—. — 260 Paniquian Island ----------------.. --- —- 181 Panirongan Island ------------—....... ---- 266 Panisaan Point ---------—..... —. --- —-.- 260 Pantocunan Island. ------------------------ 303 Panubigan Islands --------------------— __ 158 Panwas Island ----------------------------- 257 Papahag Island --------------------------- 330 Papat, Tanjong ---------------------------- 349 Papayan Bay ------------------------------ 141 Paquia Island ------------------------------- 298 Paragua Ridge ----------------------------— 77,84 Parang ---—. --- —------------- 188, 191,295 Parang Island ----------------------------- 295 Parangaan Island -------------------------- 302 Parangan Bay ------------------------------ 332 Parangan Island -------------------------- 316, 332 Parmidiaran Point ---—.. --- ----------- 104 Parol Island ------------------------------- 291 Parunponon Island ---------------------— _ 53 Pasco Point --------------------------------- 52 Pascoe Channel ---------------------------- 51 Pasegan Island --- —----------------------- 313,319 Paseng Gumba Island ---------------------- 319 Pasig Shoal ------------------------------ 51 Pasigpasilan Island ------------------------- 286 Pasil Shoal --------------------------------- 138 Pasincuan Island ---------------------------- 322 Pass Island --------------------------------- 20 Passage Island ------------------------------ 108 Passage Island Bay ----------------— _ --- — 109 Passage Reef --- —-------------------------- 98,360 Pata Island --------------------------------- 297 Patan Point -------------------------------- 165 Patanunam Island ------------------------- 368 Patawan Islet --- —-------------------------- 66 Patelan Island ---------------------------- 89 Patian Island --- —------------------------- 296 Patong Point ------------------------------- 331 Patongong Islet ---------------------------- 65 Patotol Bay -------------------------------- 292 Patoyo Island ------------------------------ 34 Patterson Reef ------------------------------ 25 Patuco, Port ------------------------------- 203 Patunga Island ----------------------------- 30 Paya Island ------------------------------- 30 Payao ------------------------------------- 166 Payne Rock -------------------------------- 340 Paypay Point ------------------------------- 272 Paypayan Bay ---- ----------------------- 141 Peaked Island --- —------------------------- 90,105 Peaked Point ------------------------------- 97 Peaked Rock ----------------------------- 98 Pearl Bank --------------------------------- 309 Pearl Bank Light -------------------------- 306 Pedrasa Island ------------------------------ 17 Peel, Mount ------------------------------ 53,93 Pegasus Reef -------------------------------- 348 Peidrid Pulangui ------------------------- 193 Peidu Pulangui ---------------------------- 193 Pelotes Point —. --- —-----------— __ --- —- 228 Pelotes Rocks ------------------------------- 228 Pefiaplata ------------------------------- 212 Pefascales Point --------------------------- 239 Peninsula Point ---------------------------- 239 Perak Islands ----------------—. --- —-. --- 372 Perawan Point. --- —--------------------- 372 Perigee Bank ------------------.. --- —_- 81 Petley Point ---------------------------- 293 Petrel Rock -------—.- ------------------ 370 Piacan Bay ---------------— _ --- —--- 149 Pian River -------------------------------- 147 Piapi, Mount ------------------------------ 206 INDEX 431 Page Piapi Reef. --- —--- ------------- 206 Picanayas Island. ---. --- —-----------—. 114 Piedra Blanca ------------—. --- —------— 23,31 Piedras Point — - --------- ---------- 97 Pig Point ------------------------- 112 Pikit, Fort ------------------------ 193 Pilar, Port — -------------- ------------ 244 Pilar River ------------------------- 244 Pilas Channel ----------------------- 287 Pilas Islands ----------------- ------ 284 Pillar Rock ---------------— _ --- —-- 104 Pillar Point --------.. --- —-------- 106 Pilots and pilotage ---------- — __. 3,402 Pin Point -. --- —-------------—. ---- 112 Pifia Island — --------------------- 43,149 Pinahon Island -------------.. --- —--- 144 Pinas Island ---------— _. --- —-------- 17 Pinatayan Shoal --------------------- 189 Pinol Point. --- —-----------—. --- — 198 Pinos Point --------... --- —---- --- 80 Pinsail Island ------------------------ 116 Pintada Island ---------------— __, - --- 321 Pirata Head -------------------------- 47 Pirate Bay -------------------------- 106 Pirate Hold ---------------------- 107 Pirate Island ---------------------------- 63 Pirate Point... --- —----- ---------- 374 Pisan Island ------------------— __ ---- 183 Pisan Point ---------------------- 183 Piso Point -----------------------------— 218 Piso Reef ----------------------------- 218 Pitas --- - ----— 373 Pitas Point- ---.. 197 Pitogo Bay --------------------- 298 Piyaui Point ----------------------------- 46 Placer - ------ ------------------- 254 Plane of reference, soundings --------------- 381 Plaridel ---------- 142 Plus Island --- —. 321 Po Estero --------------------- 291 Pohun Point ------------------------- ---- 212 Point Hill -----------------------— 86 Pola Point ---------------------- 198 Polloc 1 --- —------------------ 191 Polloc Harbor ----------------------- 191 Polloc Island. --- -------- 191 Polo Bay --------—. --- —--------- 142 Polo Bai.. --- —----------------------- 348 Polo Point -------------------------— 136 Pomelikan Island ------------------------- 127 Poneas Island --- —------------------------— 241 Pongca Bay ----------------------- 170 Pontod Island --------------- ------- 131 Popolcan Island --- ---------------- 115 Popototan Island --------------------------- 20 Port. See proper name. Ports of entry --- —----------------- 2 Powell Rock ---------------------- 373 President Shoal -------------------- 153 Prevailing winds-.._ __ --- —--- 5 Primo Reef- ---------------------- 38 Princesa Point ----------------- - -- 55 Providence Point ------------------ 81 Pudsey Dawson Dangers -------— _ --- — 359 Puerto Princesa ------------------------ 50,55,56 Puerto Separacion ------------------ 61 Pugguiauan Point -------------------------- 108 Puhumaan Island ------------------------— 324 Pujada Bay --------- ------------- 274 Pujada Island -------------------- - 274 Puju Reef- ------ - -------------- 286 Pulaluaac Point ---- ---------------- 295 Pulo Gusong ----------------------- 351 Pulo Purapura.. —... 351 Pulo Tikus ---- ------------------ 351 Pulute Range ---------------------- 86 Punas Point -------------------------- 120 Pundaguitan Anchorage -------------------- 223 Puntog Islands --- —------------------------- 58 Punungan... ---- ------------------ 300 Purapura, Pulo ------------------- - 350 Purdie Patches -------------------- 339 Pusan Point -.. --- —-------------—, _ 273 Putic Island --- —-- ---- ---------- - 28 Putic Point ---------------------------— 296 Putili Island -----------------------— 178 Puyo Island ---------------------------- 226 Puyo Rock. ---, ---- ---------------- 254 Page Puyu Island ----------------------- 257 Pyramid Rocks -------------------- 105 Q Quarantine ------ ----------- — _-_ -- 4 Queen of the Sea Bank. --- —----—.-_ ---- 31 Queens Bay ---------------------------- 99 Queens Peak ---------------------- 99 Quico Reef ---------------------------- 242 Quidamak Bay ---—. —. --- —------- 191 Quidapil Point ------------ ------- 195 Quimbaludan Islet ----------------- 42 Quimbuluan Island ----------------- 42 Quiminatin Chices -- ----------- 31 Quiminatin Island ---------------— _ --- —26,31 Quinablangan Island ---------------------— 272 Quinalang Cove -----------------------— 136 Quinalang Point -----------------—.. 137 Quiniluban Islands ---------- -------- 26 Quinonoan -------------- -------- 273 Quipit Peak -. --- —--------------- 163 Quipit Point ------------- ------ - 147 Quipit River ---------- ------------ 147 Quiramat Point ------------------------- 184 Quitaly Point. --- —----------------- 202 Quoin Hills ----------------------- 351 R Rabo Rock ----------------------- 231 Radio service ------------.... --- —-- 6,384 Ragged Hill --------------------- - 346 Ragged Island ------------------— _ 112 Raha Point --------------------—.-__.. 362 Rainfall, North Borneo -------------- 342 Ramesamey Island --------------— ______- 34 Ramillete Rock - -------------—..- - 258 Ramon Shoal --------------------- 31 Ramos Island -------------— _ --- —-_ 31,67 Rapina Point ----------------------- 331 Rasa Island ---- -- ------------- - 59,237 Rat Island ---- --- - 20 Rawnsley Point_ --- —------ Ray Bank ----- - -------------------- 74 Red Cliff ---------------------------------- 56 Red Hills ----------------------- - 256 Red Rock Point ------------------- 191 Redondo, Mount ------------------- 226 Reef Islet ------------------------ - 94 Reef Point ----------------------- - 343 Regatta Island ----------------------— _-__ 99 Regulations, harbor --- —----------------- 397,403 Regulations, quarantine --- —---------- 4 Reinard Island -------------------- - 51 Relief Point -------------------- 60 Relinquish Head - --------------— _ 106 Rene Shoal ----------------------- 346 Repairs- ------------- --------—.. 2 Reposo Point ----------------— _-_- 78 Resa Bay ------------------------------ 195 Research Channel ------------------- 24 Rhodes Island ----------------------—.- 24 Ridapon River -------------------- 137 Riddells Reef -------------------- - 340 Riddle Point -................ 99 Ridge Point -------------------- 373 Rifleman Rock -------------------- ---- ' 364 Rios Rock --- ----------------- - 182 Rita Island.. — -. 94 River Island.. ---.. 56 Rizal ------------------------- 50,233,240 Rock Point - ------------------------— 80 Rodondo, Mount -----------------..- 226 Roja Point --------------------------------- 16 Roldan Rock ------------- ---------- 155 Ross, Cape ----------------------- - 102 Roughton Island ------------------- 71 Roughton Reef -------------------- 71 Round Islet --------- ------------- 30,353 Routh Shoal --------------------- - 77 Royal Captain Shoal -------------------- 77 Royalist Reef -------------------------- 42 Royalist Rock --------------------—. 348 Royalist Shoal --------------------- 98 Rugged Limestone Islands ----------- - 113 Rules, lights, etc ------------------- 390 Rules of the Road, International ----- 390 432 INDEX S Page Sabino Reef --- —---------------------------- 34 Sabud Island --- —--------------------------- 322 Sacol Hill --- —------------------------------ 154 Sacol Island --- —---------------------------- 154 Sadam Bay --- —----------------------------- 195 Saddle Hill -------------------------------- 102 Saddle Island --- —------------------------- 98,112 Saddle Peak ---------------------------- 201 Saddle Rock -------------------------- 24 Saduc Island --- —------------------------- 162 Sagarayan Island --- —----------------------- 184 Sagasae Islet --- —---------------------------- 252 Sagay --- —---------------------------------- 134 Sagby Point -------------------------------- 201 Sagui Point --- —---------------------------- 291 Saguit Inlet --- —-------------------------- 56 Sail Rocks ------------------------------- 13, 305 Salang Salangan Channel --- —--------------- 320 Salasala Point --- —-------------------------- 276 Salauang Point --- —------------------------ 190 Salay -- ---------------------------------- 135 Salimbubuc Island. --- —------------------- 25 Salingsingan Island --- —--------------------- 75 Salkulakit Islet --- —------------------------ 285 Saloro Island --- —--------------------------- 286 Saluag Island --- —--------------------------- 15 Salum Point ------------------------------- 221 Salung Island --- —------------------------- 15 Saluping Island --- —------------------------ 287 Salvacion --- —---------------------------- 18,265 Salvacion Island -----------------------— ___ 18 Samal Island --- —------------------------- 204, 212 Samales Islands --- —------------------------ 289 Samar --- —---------------------------------- 225 Samarang Point --- —------------------------ 365 Sambilong Island --- —---------------------- 329 Sambulauan Hill --- —----------------------- 183 Sambulauan, Port --- —---------------------- 182 Sampanmangio Point ----------------------- 376 Sampan, Mount --- —------------------------ 335 Sampinitan Creek --------------------—. 191 Sampoak Point ---------------------------- 148 Samson Patches ---------------------------- 367 St. Paul Bay --- —--------------------------- 97 St. Paul Peak --- —------------------------- 97 St. Pauls, Mount --- —----------------------- 50, 54 San Agustin Cape --- —-------------------- 204, 223 San Agustin Reef --- —--------------------- 224 San Antonio Bay --- —----------------------- 63 San Benito ---------- --------------------- 241 San Bernardino Strait --- —---------------- 19. 224 San Fernando --- —-------------------------- 242 San Ignacio ---------------------------- 273 San Isidro --- —------------------------ - 244 San Jose --- —------------------------------- 251 San Jose Point ---------------------------- 251 San Juan —.. — --------------------------- 268 San Luis --- —------------------------------- 272 San Mateo —. --- —-------------------------- 150 San Miguel --------- -------------------- 34, 247 San Miguel Islands ------------------- 124 San Miguel Point --- —-------------------- 242 San Nicolas --- ----------------------- 33 San Ramon --- ------------------------ 150 San Roque -- -------------------------- 230 San Roque Channel-. --- —----------------- 230 San Vicente -------------------------------- 141 San Victor Island --- —---------------------- 272 Sanco Point -------------------------------- 270 Sand Cay-. --- —---------------------------- 74 Sandakan --- —--------------------------- 76, 349 Sandakan Harbor -------------------— ____ 343, 348 Sandilands Rock. --- —-----------—. --- —- 375 Sandy Island.-35 --- —--------------—. 356 Sanga Sanga Island --- —------------------- 313, 330 Sangasiapu Island -------------------------- 333 Sangay Point --- —--------------------------- 196 Sangay River ----------------------------- 197 Sangbauen Peak —. --- —----------------- 94,102 Sangboy Islands ------------------------- 151, 284 Sangsang Island ---------------------- 321 Santa Ana --- —---------------------------- 2 211 Santa Cruz ----------------—. --- —-- 2;9, 227, 273 Santa Cruz Bank -----—. --- —------------- 152 Santa Cruz Bay --- —------------------------ 264 Santa Cruz Islands and Bank -------------- 150 Santa Cruz Point --- —----------—. --- —- 41,209 Santa Fe --------------------------—. --- —. 273 Page Santa Filomena Shoals -------------— _ —. — 31 Santa Maria, Mount --- —---- ----—.. 148 Santa Maria, Port ---------------------— __. 148 Santiago -------------------------------- 226 Santiago, Mount.. --- —-------------- 314 Santo Nifio -------------------------- 265 Sanz Island -------------------—.. --- -- 67 Saong Bay --------------------------------- 173 Sapao ---------------------------—. ---. — 241 Saparoak Point ---------------------—.._- 364 Sapu Bay ------------------------------—.. 200 Saracsaracan Island --------—. --—... ---- 320 Saragossa --- —-----------------------— ___ 235 Sarangani Bay -------------------—. —...- 200 Sarangani Islands -------------— _ —.. —_. 202 Sarap Point -- ----------------— _ ---_ 63 Sarmiento Point --------------------------- 67 Saro Point -------------------------------- 163 Saruscarucan Island --- —-------- —. --- —.- 325 Sarva Point --------------------—. --- —- 170 Sasa Island ------------------ -----— _- 334 Satan Rock ----------—..- -—. -- 236 Saub River ------------------------------- 58 Savage Islet ---------------------------- 99 Sawigan Point ---------------------------- 148 Sayao Island -—. --- —-------------------- 238 Sayug Channel -_ --- —--------------- 241 Scalesby Castle Shoal ---------------------- 84 Schuck Reef --------------------------- 359 Seahorse Shoal --------------------—.- 77 Sebik Island ------------------------------ 22 Seboto Point -------------------------—... 165 Secam Island -------------------------- 70 Seco Reef ----------------------------- 243 Seco Islands ------------------------—..- - 25,120 Seco Islet --------------------------------- 27 Secubun Island -----------------— __. 334 Segama River -----------------------— _.- 347 Segyam Islands -----------------—..-..- 62 Selungan Point ---------------------------- 187 Semaruga Point ----------------------- 187 Semawang Point -----------------— _ 351 Sentry Bank ---------------------. 345 Sepangow Bay ----------..-. --- —--- 80 Separation Point ----------------— __- 61 Serantes Shoal ----------------------------- 297 Setambol Bay ---------------------------- 326 Shallow Shoal ----------------------------- 79 Shark Fin Bay --------------------------- 39 Shark Fin Peak -----------------—. —. 36,41 Sharp Hill --------------— 48 Sharp Peak -----------—.. --- ——..- - 51,82,160 Sharp Point ------------------------------ 244 Sharp Shoulder ------------------ ---- 41 Shell Island --------------------------------- 50 Shipwreck, in case of --------------------- 386 Shoals: Aguirre Reef - --------------------- 25 Alipio Reef ----------------—.... --- —---- 25 Alpha Shoal ---------------------------- 25 Areta Shoal --------------------- - 25 Basco Reef ----------------—...... —. --- 25 Beta Shoal -------------—. --- —-----—. 25 Coutts Bank --------------------—...- - 25 Eustasia Point ---------- ---------- 61 Falmouth Bank --— _ --- —---------- 25 Framjee Bank --------------------- 25 Great Danger Bank -- -------------- 74 Honda Bay - ------------ -- ---------- 53 Loreto Reef ------------------------ 25 Magallanes Bank ---------------------—. 25 Narvaez Bank ------------------------—. 25 Panay Bank -----------------— _ -—.. ---- 25 Southwest from Muligi Islands ---------- 126 Siabon Point --------------------------- 331 Siacle Point -------------------------------- 79 Siagut Point ---------------------------- 76,362 Siagut Shoal ------------------------------- 362 Siargao Island ------------------— _.. --- —- - 240 Siasi ----------------------------------- 146,301 Siasi Island -------------------------------- 298 Siasib, Tanjong - ---------------— _ 353 Siay River ------------------------------ 165 Sibabag ---- -------------------------- 298 Sibago Island ---------------------------- 156 Sibakel Island ----------------------------- 282 Sibalatan Point --------------------------- 205 Sibale Island ------------------------------- 235 INDEX 433 Page Sibalic Point ------- ----- 148 Sibaloc Island ----- -- ------ 321 Sibaltan -------------- 36 Sibankat, Mount -------------------- 335 Sibanoc Island -------------- 233 Sibarut Bank ---- ------- -------- 290 Sibaung Reef ----------------------------— 352 Sibijindacula Island ----------------------- 299 Sibonga, Mount ---------------------------- 247 Sibonga, Port ------------------------------- 247 Sibuco Bay --------- -------- 149 Sibuguey Bay ------------------- 156 Sibuguey, Mount --- —------------------ 156,165 Sibuguey River ---------------------------— 166 Sibukauan Island -------------------------— 232 Sibuko Bay -- ------- ------- 336 Sibulan Island ------------------------- 172 Sibulan, Port ---------- -------- 170 Sibulan Reef ---------- --------- 171 Sibulan River -------------- 172 Sibutu Islands ------ --------- 337 Sibutu Passage --- -- ---- 121,316,336 Sibutu Reefs and Islands -------- 336 Sicagot Island ----------—. --- —------- 282 Sicayac Point ------- ------- 146 Sidsid Point ----------------------------- 33 Sigaboy ---------------— 221 Sigaboy Island ----- -- ------ 204, 221 Sigarin Point -- ----- ------ 205 Sigayan Bay -------------------------- 187 Sigayan Point ----- -------- 187 Sigbai Island --------- ------ 316 Signals for Survey vessels --------- 4 Signals, distress ------------------------- 397 Sikala, Mount - --------- 331 Sikaula Island ------- ----- ---- 334 Silacay Point -------— 201 Silad Island ------ -------- 26 Silagui Island ------ -169 Silanga Bay ----------- — 41 Silanga Island -- -------------- 41,142 Silanga Peak ----------------------- 41 Silanga Point ------- ----- 42 Silangon Point. — --- 294 Silat Island -------- - - 31 Silingaan Island ----- ------- 353 Silingin, Mount --- ---------- 163 Silino Island -------------- 144 Silla, Mount ------------- 144 Silla Point ----- --- - 143 Siluag Island -------------...- 337 Simaddel Island ------- — 355 Simagup Bay -- -------- -—. — 79 Simalac Islands --- -- ----- 328 Simanahan Channel --------- - 73 Simanahan Reef --- -- ----- 73 Simio Point - --------------- 141 Simisa Island ---- -- ----- 291 Simunul Channel -------------------------— 316 Simunul Island ------------------------ 332 Sina Island ----- -- -- ----- 23 Sinagbuan Islet ---------------------------- 321 Sindangan Bay -------------------------- 147 Sindangan Point ---------------------------- 147 Singaan Island ----- -- ----- 311 Singag Island ----- ---- ----- 267 Sining Capan, Mount ---------------------— 284 Sinipay Daco Island --- -- ---- 144 Sinonoc ------------------------- 140 Sinonog Island ----------------------------— 155 Sintingan, Mount ---- ------- 334 Siokun Bay ----------------------------— 149 Siokun River --- -- ----- 149 Sipac Island ------- ----- 291 Sipaca Point ------— 133 Sipankot Island ------- ----- 338 Siparay Islet ------------------------------- 28 Sipayu Island -----------------------------— 328 Sipindung Island -------------------------— 356 Siraguay River --------------------------— 149 Siraoan River ----------------------------— 210 Sirinao Island ------------------------------ 87 Siringo Island -------------------------- 286 Sir J. Brooke Point --- —Sirun Island- ------------- 301 Sirup - - --------------------------- 223 Sitanki Island ------------ 338 Situgal Islands ---------------------------- 322 Page Slip Point -------- -------- 107 Socorro ------------------------------------ 245 Socorro River ------------------------------- 246 Sohutan Bay --------------------------— 245 Sohutan Inlet -------------------------— 246 Solaton Island ------------- 138 Solitario Rock ------- ----- 25 Sombrero Island --------------------------- 59 Sombrero Rock ---- ------- 25 Song Lupa -- ------- ------ 179 Soundings ------------- 383, 385 South Bay -------- -- ------ 33 South Channel ------------------ 24, 51, 357 South Channel Dangers ---------- 371 South Channel Island ----------------------- 45 South Guntao Island ---- ----- 117 South Harbor -------- ------ 362 South Inlet — ------------- 94,123 South Island ------------------------------ 45 South Mangsee Island ---------------------- 75 South Regent Shoal ------- ---- 79 South Rock --------------- 92 South Shoal -- ------------ 73 South Ubian Island ---------------- 318 Southeast Shoals -----------------------—. 74 Southwest Bank ----------------. 124 Southwest Hill -------------- 79 Southwestern Banks ---------- 70 Sprat Point --------- ----- 92 Squall Point ------------ 49 Stanlake Island -- ---------- 50 Stavely, Mount ----------- 92 Steep Hill -- ----------...- 80 Steep Point ----------- ----------------- 90 Steepfall Range ----------- 67 Storms and Gales ------------ 5 Storm warnings ----------- 6 Straggler Island ----------- 358 Straggler Reef -- ------------ 358 Stripe Peak ----------------------------- 50 Stumps Island ---- -- ------ 111 Sua Islands ------------------------------ 267 Suanbato Point ----------------------—. 186 Subuan River ------------- 188 Sugbai Island ---- ----—. 314,326 Sugbu Islands ---------------------------— 252 Sugbuhan Island ------------ 235 Sugbuhan Point ----------------------—.. 240 Sugbuhan Reef ------------ 240 Sugot Mountains --- ------ 193 Sugut --------------------------------- 58 Sugut Bay — ---- ---------- 191 Sulade Island ------------------------------ 295 Sulauan Point ----------------------—. —. 136 Suligan Shoal --------------------------- 291 Sultan Bank --------- ------ 27 Sultan Peak ------- ------ 57,90 Sultana Banks -----------------------— 123 Sulu Archipelago ------ ---— 5,278 Sulu Sea -------------------------------- 72,119 Suluan Island ------- ------ 225 Sumangul Point ---------------—. --- -- 172 Sumbang Point ------------------ 201 Sumilon Island ------- ----- 236 Sumlug Point -------- ----- 219 Sumlug River -------------------- 219 Sunbeam Shoal -----------------—. --- — 355 Sunday Bank ------------- 346 Sungei Gumgum ---- — _. 351 Sungi Point ---- ----------- 225 Sungu Shoal ----------------------—. --- 289,299 Suong Island ------ ------ 166 Surigao --------------- ------ 250 Surigao River -------------------------- - 250 Surigao Strait --- —---------------------- 119, 224 Suyatun River ----------------------------- 259 Swirl Reef ------------—. —...285 Syniop, Mount -------------------------- - 197 System of buoyage --------------------- - 3 T Taata Islands ---------------------------- 334 Taba Bay --- --------—.166 Tabac Rock -----------------------—.. -- 30 Tabawan Island ----------------------—. 318 Tablas Shoal -------------- 305 Table Head --------------- 55, 57 434 INDEX Page Table Point ---------------------------—.- 92 Tabman Island ------------ -.. --- —-- 23 Tabu Point --- —--------------------------- 140 Tabuan Islands --------------------------- 319 Tabuk Island ----------—. --- —---—.- 238 Tabul Bay --- —---------- ----------------- 53 Tabulunga Island --------------------------- 324 Tabulunga Sibi Island ---------------------- 324 Tabunan Islets ----------------------------- 229 Tabunan Peninsula ------------------------ 228 Tabunan Point ---------------------------- 228 Tabuntabun Point -------------------------- 56 Tacaquinay Point --- —---------------------- 274 Tacbolo Isiand --- —---------------------- 108 Tacbolulu --- —----------------------------- 62 Tacbubuc Islet ----------------------------- 28 Tacut Balas Shoal -------------------------- 265 Tacuthoata Bank --- —-------------------- 314,319 Tagabaka Cove ------------------------- 229 Tagabili Bay --- —--------------------------- 222 Tagabuli Bay ------------------------------ 209 Tagalinog Island ---------------------------- 61 Tagalo --------- ----------------- ------ 184 Tagalo Point --- —--------------------------- 184 Tagalo Reefs -------------------------------- 185 Taganaan ------------- ------------------- 253 Taganaan Estero --------------------------- 253 Taganak Island --- —------------------------ 352 Taganak Patches ---------------------------- 352 Taganauan Islet --- —------------------------ 260 Taganeto --------------------------------- 256 Taganilao Point ---------------------------- 274 Tagao Island --- —--------------------------- 317 Tagasamil Point --- —------------------------ 376 Tagata Point ----------------------------- 195 Tagauayan Bay ---------------------------- 28 Tagauayan Islands --- —--------------------- 28 Tagbabui Cove ---------------------------- 232 Tagbanao Cove --- —------------------------ 223 Tagbanao Point.. --- - ---------------- 223 Tagbarunis Point --- —---------------------- 57 Tagbayakao Islet --------------------------- 234 Tagboabo Islet ------------------------------ 235 Tagburos -------------- ------------------- 56 Tagipil Island ---------------------------- 355 Tagnanan ----------- --------------------- 217 Tagnipa Inlet ------------------------------- 94 Tago --- —------------------------- 262 Tago Point --- —---------------------------- 121 Tago River -- ----------------------- 262 Tagolo Point ------------------------------ 144 Tagoloan --------------------------------- 135 Taguisian Point --- —------------------------ 171 Taguite Bay --- —------------------------ 158 Taguite Island ------------------------------ 158 Taguite, Mount --- —------------------------ 158 Tagulaya Point -------- --------------- 210 Tagum River ----------------------------- 216 Tagutu Island ----------------------- 286 Tahingtahing --------- ------------------- 318 Taitai Bay --------------------------------- 107 Taitai Island ------------------------------- 108 Taja Island -------------------------------- 309 Taka River -----------. --- —- 373 Takela Lsland ----------------------- 282 Takippamasilaan Island -------------------- 284 Takippamasilaan Reefs ----------— _ --- —_ 283 Takut Mataha Reef ------------------------ 329 Takut Tangug Bay --------------------- 284 Takut Tangug Shoals --------------------- 284 Talabera Island ----------------------- 251 Talacanen Island --- —----------------------- 42 Talaguilong, Port ------------------------- 145 Talaid Point ------------------------------ 168 Talamasig -------------------------- 196 Talampetan Island ------------------------- 18 Talampolan Island ------------------------- 19 Talantam Shoal --------------------------- 345 Talaotauan Island --- —--------------------- 37, 38 Talapacan River. --- —----—.. —..-. --- 185 Talbaguen Island -------------------------- 110 Taledom Rock-..-_ --- —-----—. —_ ---.. — 173 Taliak Point ------------------------------- 199 Talicud Island -------------------- 204, 213 Talinga Point -------- ------ ----- 147 Talipao, Mount --------------------------- 295 Talisay Bay ------------------------------- 220 Talisay Point -------- ----------- -. 147, 223 Page Talisay Reef -----------------— ~ --- 220 Talisayan -------—. --- —-------------- 133 Taluc Island ------------------------------- 298 Talugutan --------------------------—.. 204 Taluluc Channel ---------------------------- 144 Taluluc Island ------------------------- 144 Tambalan Point -------------------------- 205 Tambalanang Island ---------------- 114 Tambanon River ----------- -------- 169 Tambatan Point -------------------------- 182 Tambiluanga Island ------------------—..-_ 321 Tambilunay Island ----------------------- 285 Tambisan Island --------------------- 345 Tambog Point ----------------------------- 270 Tambon Island ---------------------- 23 Tambuc Point ----------------------------- 273 Tambulian Island ------------------- 297 Tambulian Point --------------------------- 181 Tambungan Point ---------------------—.. 227 Tamburay Island ----------------------- 230 Tamchagan Point ------------------------ 232 Tami Point -------- ---------------------- 62 Tamila Rock -----------—. --- —---.. — - 286 Tamontaca-.... ------ ------------------- 194 Tamoyauas Point ---- - ------- -—. 227 Tampel Island --------- ------------- 23 Tampel Pass ---------------------------- 23 Tampit Island -------------------------—. 21 Tamquan Point — --------------------- 200 Tamuk Island - ----------------—, --- 282 Tanabian Island --------------------- 106 Tanagun ---------------------------—.. --- 186 Tancan Island -----------------------—..- 324 Tancolaluan Island ------------------—...- 318 Tandag ----------------------------------- 261 Tandag Point ---------------------------- 260 Tandag River ---------------------—.. --- 261 Tandican Point -- -- ------------------ 298 Tando Point ------------------------------ 164 Tandu Bato ------------------------ 293 Tandu Peak ------------------------- 298 Tandubas Island --- —-------------------- 313, 334 Tandubatu Island ----------------------- 313, 321 Tandungan Channel ------------------ 321 Tandungan Island ------------------—.. — 320 Tangat Island ----------------------------- 18 Tang Bungaan ------------------------ 360 Tangcocoloan Rocks ---------------- 177 Tango Island ----------------------------- 329 Tango Point ---- -. ----------- - --------- 200 Tangu Island ---------------------------- 331 Tanguingui Channel ----—. --- —-—._.-.. 39.41 Tanguip Point ------------------------—. 271 Tangusu Bay ------------------------------ 347 Tanjong Labian --------------------- 336 Tanjong Niug --------------------—. --- 351 Tanjong Pandaras _-.-. — ---—. --- —-—.. — 350 Tanjong Papat ----------------------------- 349 Tanobon Island ---------------------- 13 Tanon Strait -- ------------------------ 121 Tanquique Rock ---------— _ --- —-. — 297 Tantanang Bay -------------------------- 174 Tantanang Point ------------ ------------ 174 Tantangon Island --------------- ------- 21 Tanusa Island -. --- —----------------------- 122 Taon River -------------------------------- 270 Tapaan Island ----------------------------- 302 Tapaan Passage ---------------------------- 302 Tapaan Shoal ------------------------------ 302 Tapian Point ------------------------------ 182 Tapian Reef ------------------------------ 194 Tapiantana Channel -------------------—. 288 Tapiantana Islands ------------------------ 187 Tapiutan Island - -------------------- 113 Tapul Bay ------------------------------- 52 Tapul Islands --------------------------- 288, 298 Tapul River ------------------------------- 52 Tara Island --- —-------------------------- 14, 299 Taradungan ----------------------- 50 Tarakaiawan Islet ------------------- 95 Taritipan River ----------------------—... 373 Tarragona ---------- -- ---------- 273 Taruc Point ------------------------------ 322 Tataan ---------------------------------- 327 Tataan Islands ----------------------------- 313 Tataan Pass ----------------------------- 315, 327 Tataidaga Point. --- —--------------- _ 275 Tatal Rocks -------------- ------—.- 162 INDEX 435 Page Tatalan Island ------ ------------- - 289 Tatay Islet — -- -- --------- -------- 26 Tauitaui Island ------- -------- --- 303 Tauntong Islands -------------------------- 323 Tauntong Diki Island ------------------- 323 Tausan Mariki Channel ------------------ 334 Tavialan Estero — ----------------------- 291 Tavotavo Point ---------------------- 126 Tawitawi Bay - ----- ---------- 313, 332 Tawitawi Islands ----------- 278, 313, 327 Tayabas Bay --- ------------------ 120 Taybuay Island ----------------------- 322 Taynabo Point --------------— 16 --- —---- 1i4 Tayoan Island ------------------- 324 Taytay Bay ------------------------------- 41 Taytayen Island --------------------------- 198 Tegolting Point ----- --------------- 174 Temga Island ---- ------------------- 284 Tejada Reef ------------------ 38 Telegraph Islet --------------------- 256 Telegraph Mountain ------- ---- -------- 251 Temperature, North Borneo ------------ 342 Temple Island ------------------------------ 61 Tenabian Island ----- --------------------- 107 Tenabian Passage ------------------------- 107 Tenanan River --------------------------- 254 Tending Island --------------------------- 21 Ten-foot Rock ------------------ ----- 371 Tenga River ----------------------------- 373 Tengolan Island --- —------------------------ 282 Tenotungan Point ------------------------- 195 Tent Island -------- ----- ------------- 112 Teodore Point ------------------------- 102 Teomabal Island -2 --- —----------- 297,303 Tetabuan, Pulo ------------------------ 351 Tetian Bay --- —------------------------- 190 Thumb Hill -----------------------— 314 Thumb Peak --- —------------ 53, 92,105,331 Thumb Rock ----------------------- 98 Tiain Point ------------------- -- 203 Tibakkan Island -------------------- 357 Tiblauan ------------------- 222 Ticala Islets -------------------------------- 184 Ticauan Point --------- --------------- 165 Tictauan Channel -------------------------- 154 Tictauan Island ---------------------------- 153 Tictauan Shoal — ------------------------- 154 Ticul Island --------------- 304 Tidal Currents -----------------------— 8,381 Tidepole Island --- —------------------------ 89 Tidepole Point ---------------------------- 55 Tide tables ---- ------- ------ - 378,381 Tides: Albion Head --------------------- 86 Alice Channel -------— 341 Balabac ----- ----------------------- 68 Banaran Island: ----------------------- 315 Banquey Channel --- —-------------------- 364 Basbas Channel -------------------------- 315 Bintoulan Island -------------------- 315 Cacatan Island --- —----------------------- 315 Cap Island and Pearl Bank -------------- 306 Dalawan Bay -------------------—. - 69 Dammai Island --- —---------------------- 311 Dapitan Bay --------------------- 145 Dent Haven ----------------------------- 345 Eran Bay --------- --------------- - 86 Jolo -------------------------- 294 Kinapusan Islands ----------------------- 315 Kudat Harbor. --- —- —..- - 374 Labuk Bay --- —------------------- 351 Maimburg -------------------------------- 296 Malanut Bay --------------------------- 88 Manila --- —------- -- ------ 7 Polloc ---- ------------------------- 192 Port Barton ------------------------------ 100 Port Bongao --- —----------------- 315 Samales Islands ------------------ 291 Sandakan ------------------------------ 350 Secam Island ------------------—, ---- 70 Sibutu Passage -------------------------- 336 Tandungan Channel --------------------- 315 Tataan Islands ------------------------- 315 Tawitawi Island ------------ ---- 315 Tigabu ---- ----- _ --- — ----- --- 361 Tinaca Point ----------------------------- 202 Zamboanga ------------------- ---- 151 Zulu Sea -------------- ----------- 120 Page Tides, rips, and swirls --- —------------------ 381 Tiga Islet --------------------- 363 Tigabon Island _ --- —--------------------— 179 Tigabu Island ------------------------------ 357 Tigao -------------------------------- 260 Tigasamil Point --- —----------------------- 374 Tigasamil Spit --- —------------------------- 374 Tigbaon Islands --- --------- ------------ 159 Tigbucay Bay ------------- ---------- 160 Tigburacao Island ------------------------ 159 Tigdos Island --- —------------------------ 269 Tighowis Island --- —----------------------- 350 Tigman River ----------------------------- 59 Tiguilabun. Island --- —--------------------- 286 Tijitiji Islands ----- ----------------- 333 Tijitiji Reef ------- ---------------- 333 Tikus, Pulo ----------------------- 351 Timaco Hill ----------------------------- 193 Timbang Island --- —------------------------ 348 Timbaunan Island ------------------------- 322 Timbo River ------------------------------- 221 Timbungan Island ----------------- 288 Time signals --- —----------------- 6 Tinabog --------------------------------- 52 Tinabog River --- —----------------------- 52 Tinaca Point. --- —---- --------------- 201 Tinaga Cove ------------------------------- 227 Tinagta Island ----------------------------- 328 Tinao Islet -------- --------------- ------ 231 Tincalan Islet --- —-------------------------- 299 Tiniguiban...... --- —------ 36 Tinitiuan Island --- —---- ---------- 26 Tinutungan Island ------------------------- 286 Tirana Rock. --- —----------------------— 289 Tobac ---- -------------------- 175 Tolen Point ------------------------ 300 Tolonpisa Island -------------------------- 288 Tomajo Rock --------------------— 267 Tomandang Islet ------- - ------------- 43 Tomanday River -------------------- 250 Timinobo ---------------------- 137 Tona Channel --------------------- 241 Tona Island -— 282 --- —----------- 242 Tondaje Island --- —------------------------- 33 Tongcolasian River ------------------------ 166 Tongehatan Point ------------------------- 316 Tonkian Islands --------------------------- 324 Tonquil Island ----------------------- 290 Tonquil Point --- —------------------------ 271 Ton Sandungan Channel ------------------- 290 Toong Toong --- ---------------- 321 Topocan Point --------------------------- 168 Torongohok Island ------------------------- 351 Torres Reef -- ------------------------- 34 Tortosa ------- ----------------------- 131 Townsend Point- 83 Tozera Peak ---------------------- 105 Tran --------- --------------------- 196 Tran Grande River -----------------------— 196 Transept Hill --------------------- 68 Treacherous Bay ------------------- 89 Tree Island ---------------------- 353 Tres Marias Rocks ---------------- 23 Tres Reyes ------------------------ 23 Triple Cima Island ------------------------ 87 Triple Hill ------------------------------- 79 Tristan, Mount -------- ------------ 232 Triton Island --------------------- 178 Triton Rocks ------- --—..258 Truce Head ---------------------- 85 Trusan Duyon Channel ------------- 349 Tuason Point ---------------------- 243 Tubajon ----- ---------------- 227 Tubajon Bay ---------------------- 227 Tuba River -------------------- 64 Tubalan Head -------------------- 204 Tubalan, Port — ------------------ 205 Tubalubac Island- ----------------— _ __ 305 Tubay --- - ------------------------------ 130 Tubay, Mount -- -1 --- —-----— 1 — t30 Tubbataha Reefs --------------— 123 Tubig Pandan -------------------- 331 Tubigan Island -------— _-....... — 303 Tubilac Hill ---------------------- 162 Tubingantan Point ----------------- 295 Tubotubo Island --- —---------------------- 196 Tubud Point --------------------- 145 Tubug Island.. --- —-------------- 25 436 INDEX Page Tubu Tubu Island --- —--------------------- 324 Tubu Tubu Islands ------------------------- 324 Tuca Bay ---------------------------------- 188 Tucabadoc Point ---------------------------- 184 Tucuran ---------------------------- i86 Tucuran River ----------------------------- 186 Tudela ------------------------------------ 32,140 Tuganay River ----------------------------- 215 Tugapangan Point -------------------------- 190 Tugas Peninsula ---------------------------- 257 Tugas Point -------------------------------- 254 Tugubun Point ---------------------------- 273 Tulayan Island ----------------------------- 293 Tulayan, Port --- —-------------------------- 292 Tulian Island ------------------------------ 295 Tulnalutan Island ----------------—. --- —- 155 Tuluran Island ------------------------------ 104 Tuluran Peak -------------------------- 105 Tumadgo Point ---------------------------- 276 Tumajuban Point --- —---------------------- 283 Tumalung Bay ----------------------------- 173 Tumanao, Port --- —------------------------- 203 Tumano Island --------------------------- - 270 Tumarbong --- —---------------------------- 50 Tumatangas, Mount -------------------— __ 294 Tumbagaan Island --- —------------------- 316, 326 Tumbucan Island --------------------------- 333 Tumindao Island --- —----------------------- 338 Tuna Bay --------------------------------- 196 Tuna Point --- —---------------------------- 197 Tuncan Island --------- ------------ - 324 Tundalara, Mount ------------------------- 12 Tunganan Bay --- —------------------------- 159 Tungo Point -------------------------- 230 Turtle Bay ---------------------------------- 57 Turtle Island ------------------------------ 342 Turung Bay ------------------------------- 108 Turung Island --- —------------------------- 108 Tusang Bongao Island --- —------------------ 329 Tutu Bay --- —----------------------------- 397 Tutu Point -------------------------------- 297 Twin Islands, Dinagat ------------------— _ 231 Typhoon signals --- —---------------------- 6 U Uangon Creek --- —-------------------------- 220 Uanivan Island --- —------------------------ 275 Ubaldo Reef ------------------------------ 38 Ubian Island, North ----------------------- 304 Ubian Island, South ----------------------- 318 Ultra Island ------------------------------- 321 Ulugan Bay --- —---------------------------- 53,94 Umanum Point --- —------------------------ 264 Umbakanan River --- —--------------------- 207 Unamao Island ----------------------------- 258 Unib Island --- —---------------------------- 233 Union River ------------------------------- 243 Union, Siargao - ----- - ----------- 243 Unnamed Shoal ----------------------------- 299 Unsang Point ------------------------ 345 Ursula Island ------------------------------- 64 Usada Island ------------------------------- 304 Uson Island ------------------------------ 17 Uson, Port ------------------------- 17 Usucan Shoal ------------------------------ 143 V Valencia --------------------------------- 270 Valley Cone ----------------------------- 90 Page Valparaiso Shoal. —. --- —----------------- 125 Vanguard Shoal ----------------------------- 84 Vanguardia Islet --------------------------- 33 Variation of the compass -------------------- Vega Island -------------------------------- 17 Venus Point ------------------------------ 240 Verde del Norte Islands -------------------- 51 Verde del Sur ----------------------------- 51 Verde Island Passage --- —---------------- 120 Verde Islands ---------------------------- 120 Victoria Peak -------------------—. --- —.- 57,89 Victoria Peaks ---------------------------- 57 Vigia, Mount ---------------------------- 314, 330 Villafria ----------------------------------- 27 Villlage Bay ------------------------------ 58 Village Rocks ------------------------- - 56 Villamil Rock -----------------------—. ---- 297 Villasol ----------------------------------- 27 Vinagre Reef ------------------------------- 56 Vinalo Island ------------------------------- 109 Viola Reef ---------------------------—. --- 125 Viray Island --- —--------------------------- 233 Vitali Point --- —---------------------------- 158 Volata Island ------------------------------- 122 W Wakefield Shoal ----------------------------- 64 Walan Island ------------------------------ 312 Wanderer Shoal ----------------------------- 358 Washington Point --------------------------- 83 Waterfall Peak ------------------------------ 86 Watering Bay ------------------------------- 94 Weather --- —------------------------------- 4 Weather Bureau ---------------------------- 29 Weather tables ------------------------------ 408 Wedge Head.. --- —----------------------—. 108 Wedge Island --- —------------------------- 99,101 Welcome Point ----------------------------- 78 West Bank -5 --- —---------------------- 124 West Circe Shoal -------------------------- 168 West Coast Hill ---------------------------- 79 West Pasig Shoal --------------------------- 51 West Point -... --- —------- - -- ---- 69 Western Shoals ----------------------------- 70 Whale Rock -------------------------------- 248 White Point Island -------------------------- 112 White Reck --- —---------- 31,105,109,115, 159, 353 White Round Island ------------------------ 105 White Round Rock ------------------------ Willcox Bank --- —-------------------------- 128 Witti Rocks -------------------------------- 375 Woody Island ------------------------------ 374 Worcester Strait --- —------------------------ 104 Wreck Head ------------------------------- 102 Wright Shoal --- —-------------------------- 64 Yako Point ------------------------------- 273 Yanuta Island ------------------------------- 26 York Breakers ------------------------------ 92 z Zabala Reef ------------------------------- 51 Zamboanga --------------------- ---- 129,150 Zaragosa --- —------------------------------- 273 Zau Island ------------------- ------- 309 Zebra Reefs -------------------------------- 373 Zoe Island --- —--------------------- 97 0 UNIVE015OF ICHiG 3 9015 03150 6176 U.S. Coast and geo-. 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