Ai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A uHECK LIST OF HAWA1 IVIA LAfhND N RSAE iBgRNICE, P.Bisiio Mus BULETN ~56~ Pu Ms By "Y i Mu uine /z IL: I CHECK LIST OF HAWAIIAN LAND AND FRESH WATER MOLLUSCA BY EDWARD L. CAUM BERNICE P. BISHOP MUSEUM BULLETIN 56 ~ 4, HONOLULU, HAWAII PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM 1928 IA A ' 1 *V rf.., 1~,,. 'e Check List of Hawaiian Land and Fresh Water Mollusca By EDWARD L. CAUM INTRODUCTION The molluscan fauna of Hawaii has been studied by numerous investigators of various nationalities over a period of many years. As a natural corollary, the literature dealing with this group is very scattered. It has long been thought that a catalog of the molluscan species described or reported from Hawaii would be of value to students of these animals, and at the suggestion of Dr. Paul Bartsch, Curator of Mollusks at the United States National Museum, this list was begun in 1915 by a search for references to Hawaiian mollusks in the conchological literature of the National Museum and the Library of Congress. With the encouragement and help of Dr. Spencer Trotter of Swarthmore College, and of Dr. C. Montague Cooke, Jr. and Miss Marie C. Neal of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, the catalog has been continued to the present time. The list is entirely a compilation from the literature, except for names (particularly in Helicinidae) which Dr. Cooke has revised. While adjudged to be fairly complete, there is always the chance that records may have escaped the eye of the compiler. Also, there is the possibility that immigrant species, or species of cosmopolitan distribution, have been taken in Hawaii, of which no records were made other than the labels in the collections of their captors. In spite of any such omissions, it is hoped that the list will prove useful to students of Hawaiian conchology, and thus justify the opinions of those who aided and encouraged its preparation. In this check list, the systematic arrangement of the orders, sub-orders, and families is that given in volume 3 of the Cambridge Natural History, with the exception of the families of the sub-order Stylommatophora of the order Pulmonata, which follow the system used by Pilsbry in his paper "On the zoological position of Partula and Achatinella" (Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Proc., oo1900, p. 564). The arrangement of the genera is that of the Manual of Conchology; the species in each genus are listed alphabetically. Each specific name is followed by the name of the author, in parentheses if the species was placed by him in a genus other than that to which it is now assigned. References to the original description in the literature take this 4 Bernice P. Bishop Museum —Bulletin 56 form; title of the publication, indicated by a number corresponding to a number given in the list of references cited (p. 67); series number; volume number, page numbers, plates, and figures; date of publication. Proceedings of societies, which have no publication date noted, are listed according to the year covered, the date being placed immediately following the number which represents the series. Thus, "52, 1871, p. 461" refers to Zoological Society of London, Proceedings for 1871, page 461. As the time of publication of "Voyage autour du monde..." (34) is uncertain, no date is listed. As far as possible, a second citation has been given to the Manual of Conchology, as this monumental work is more likely to be accessible than the widely scattered publications in which the species were originally described. This citation is lacking for species which were described subsequent to the publication of the appropriate part of the Manual, and for families not yet discussed in the Manual. For these items a second reference to another standard work, when available, is cited. The island or islands from which the mollusk is recorded is noted, a more definite locality designation not being thought necessary. Most species listed simply "Hawaiian islands" have a rather general distribution throughout the group. This is true in particular of the immigrant pulmonates. Most of the native forms so listed are uncertain and obscure species, which- have not been identified with certainty by later workers, and to which the describers gave no more definite locality. The citation is ended by listing the more important synonyms. To make the check list more readily available for use, an index of species is appended. (See pp. 68-78.) Caurn-C heck List Hawaiialn Mollu~sca 5 Order PROSOBRANCHIATA Sub-order DIOTOCARDLA NERITIDAE Neritina bryanae Pilsbry: 1, P. 330, 1917 (Oahu). Neritina cariosa (Gray): 48, fig. 11; 26, 1st ser., vol. io, P. 75, PI. 22, figs. 79-81, i888 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Nerita cariosa Gray, Nerita convexa Nuttall, Nerita solidissima Sowerby, Nerita lugubris Philippi, Nerita nuttalli Recluz, Nerita perstriata Mousson, Nerita tristis Philippi, Nerita affinis Recluz. Neritina granosa Sowerby: 43, Appen., p. 11; 26, ist ser., vol. io, p. 63, PI. 2 1, figs.- 51, 52, i888 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Neritina papillosa Jay, Neripteron gigas Lesson. Neritina neglecta Pease: 52, i86o, P. 435; 26, ist ser., vol. 10, P. 77, i888 (Hawaiian islands). Neritina spinosa (Budgin): 43, P. 45; 26, ist ser., vol. 10, p. 63, PI. 23, figs. 6, 7, i888 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Nerita spinosa Budgin. Neritina tahitensis (Lesson): 21, vol. 2, P. 385, 1.829; 26, ist ser., vol. 10, p. 73, PI. 2 1, figs. 66, 67, i888 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Nerita tahitensis Lesson, Neritina auriculata Sowerby, Neritina lamarckii Deshayes, Neritina marginata Hombron and Jacquinot, Neritina sandwichensis Reeve, Neritina vespertina Nuttall. HYDROCENIDAL Georissa cookei Pilsbry: 5, PP. 3, 4, fig. i, a (Kauai). Georissa kauaiensis Pilsbry: 5, P. 4, figc. 1, c (Kauai). Georissa neali Pilsbry: 5, P. 4, fig. 1, b (Kauai). HELICINIDAE Sturanya laciniosa (Mighels): 7, 1845, VOL. 2, P. 19; 6, vol. 3, P. 200, 19o8 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Helicina laciniosa Mighels, Helicina sandwicensis Souleyet. Sturanya laciniosa alpha (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, P. 203, fig. 5, 19o8 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina laciniosa alpha Pilsbry and Cooke. Sturanya laciniosa beta (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, P. 202, fig. 4, i9o8 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina laciniosa beta Pilsbry and Cooke. 6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Sturanya laciniosa bronniana (Philippi): 49, vol. 4, p. 124, 1847; 6, vol. 3, p. 201, 19o8 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Helicina bronniana Philippi, HJelicina rotelloidea Pfeiffer. Sturanya laciniosa delta (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 201, fig. 2, 1908 (Kauai). Synonym: Helicina laciniosa delta Pilsbry and Cooke. Sturanya laciniosa gamma (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 202, fig. 3, 19o8 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helicina laciniosa gamma Pilsbry and Cooke. Sturanya rotelloidea (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 19; 6, vol. 3, p. 206, fig. 9, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina rotelloidea Mighels. Aphanoconia dissotropis (Ancey): 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 127, pl. 7, figs. 22, 23; 6, vol. 3, P. 201, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina dissotropis Ancey. Aphanoconia fulgora (Gould): 7, vol. 2, 1847, p. 201 (erroneously reported to occur in the Hawaiian islands). Aphanoconia hawaiiensis (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 204, fig. 6, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina hawaiiensis Pilsbry and Cooke. Aphanoconia kauaiensis (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 205, fig. 8, 1908 (Kauai). Synonym: Helicina kauaiensis Pilsbry and Cooke. Aphanoconia knudseni (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 204, fig. 7, 1908 (Kauai). Synonym: Helicina knudseni Pilsbry and Cooke. Aphanoconia nuuanuensis (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 206, fig. 1o, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina nuuanuensis Pilsbry and Cooke. Aphanoconia oahuensis (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 199, fig. 1, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina oahuensis Pilsbry and Cooke. Aphanoconia sulculosa (Ancey): 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 127, pl. 7, fig. 25; 6, vol. 3, p. 204, 1908 (Hawaii). Synonym: Helicina sulculosa Ancey. Orobophana (?) baldwini (Ancey): 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 126, pI. 7, fig. 24; 6, vol. 3, p. 209, 1908 (Kauai). Synonym: Helicina baldwini Ancey. Orobophana (?) berniceia (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 207, fig. 11, 1908 (Kauai, fossil). Synonym: Helicina berniceia Pilsbry and Cooke. Caumt-Check List Hazwaiian Mollusca 7 Orobophana constricta (Pfeiffer): 52, 1848, p. 100; 28, vol. 1, pt. 18, N. F., p. 236, pl. 46, figs. 13, 14, 1911 (erroneously reported to occur in the Hawaiian islands). Orobophana (?) juddii (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 208, fig. 13, 1908 (Kauai, fossil). Synonym: Helicina juddii Pilsbry and Cooke. Orobophana (?) lymaniana (Pilsbry and Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 208, fig. 12, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina lymaniana Pilsbry and Cooke. Orobophana uberta (Gould): 7, 1847, vol. 2, p. 202; 6, vol. 3, p. 209, 1908 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Helicina uberta Gould. Orobophana uberta magdalenae (Ancey): 40, vol. 7, p. 342, 1890; 6, vol. 3, p. 209, fig. 14, 1908 (Oahu). Synonym: Helicina magdalenae Ancey. Helicina crassilabris Philippi: 49, p. 125, 1847 (erroneously reported from the Hawaiian islands). Helicina pisum Philippi: 49, p. 124, 1847 (erroneously reported from the Hawaiian islands). Sub-order MONOTOCARDIA VIVIPARIDAE Paludestrina porrecta (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 22; 28, vol. 1, pt. 2,. p. 34, pI. 17, figs. 25, 26, 1852 (Oahu). Synonym: Paludina porrecta Mighels. Vivipara chinensis (Gray): 15, Moll., pl. 1, fig. 5; 28, vol. 1, pt. 21 N. F., p. 111, pI. 18, fig. 7; pl. 23, fig. 1, 1909 (Oahu, Maui). Synonym: Paludina chinensis Gray. MELANIIDAE Melania baldwini Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 273, pl. 12, fig. 6 (Maui). Melania indefinata Lea: 52, 185o, p. 187 (Maui, Molokai). Synonyms: Melania newcombi Lea (not Pease), Melania paulla Dunker, Melania oahuensis Pease, Melania contigua Pease. Melania kauaiensis Pease: 2, vol. 6, p. 7, pl. 3, fig. 6, 1870 (Kauai). Synonym: Melania newcombi Pease (not Lea). Melania mauiensis Lea: 1, 1856, p. 145 (Maui, Molokai). Synonyms: Melania granifera Lamarck, Melania tahitensis Pease. Melania verreauiana Lea: 1, 1856, vol. 6, p. 144 (Hawaiian islands). 8 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Order PULMONATA Sub-order BASOMMATOPHORA AURICULIDAE Auricula fusca (Philippi): 28, vol. 1, pt. 16, p. 38, pl. 5, figs. 18-20, 1844 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Conovolus fuscus Philippi. Auricula owaihiensis (Chamisso): 19, vol. 14, p. 639, t. 36, fig. 1, 1829; 28, vol. 1, pt. 16, p. 26, pl. 13, figs. 14-16, 1844 (Oahu). Synonym: Tornatellina owaihiensis Chamisso. Auricula sandwichensis Souleyet: 42, vol. 2, p. 524, t. 29, figs. 29-32, 1852; 31, p. 50, 1856 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Auricula browni Philippi. Auricula semiplicata (H. and A. Adams): 52, 1854, p. 8; 31, p. 139 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Ellobium semiplicatum Adams. Auriculastra elongata (Parreyss): 28, vol. 1, pt. 16, p. 53, pl. 8, figs. 6-8, 1844 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Auricula elongata Parreyss. Plectrotrema clausum Adams: 52, 1853, p. 121; 31, p. 103 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Pedipes octanfracta Pfeiffer. Plectrotrema striatum (Philippi): 49, p. 98, 1846; 31, p. 104 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Auricula striata Philippi, Laemodonta striata Nuttall, Pedipes inaequalis Adams, Plectrotrema labrellum Adams, Lirator multisulcatus Beck. Blauneria gracilis Pease: 52, 1860, p. 145; 28, vol. i, pt. 16, p. 262, pl. 31, fig. 23, 1901 (Hawaiian islands). Melampus bronnii (Philippi): 49, p. 98, 1846; 31, p. 49 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Auricula bronnii Philippi, Laemodonta conica Pease, Melampus sandwichensis Pfeiffer. Melampus castaneus (Muhlfeld): 14, vol. 7, p. 4, t. 1, fig. 2, i8i8; 31, p. 30 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Voluta castanea Muhlfeld. Melampus lucidus Pease: 2, vol. 5, p. 75, 1869 (Oahu) Melampus parvulus (Nuttall): 31, p. 24 (Oahu). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 9 LIMNAEIDAE Physa hartmanni Clessin: 28, vol. 1, pt. 17, p. 371, pl. 54, fig. 9, 1886 (Hawaiian islands). Physa moreletiana Clessin: 28, vol. 1, pt. 17, p. 341, pI. 48, fig. 3, 1886 (Hawaiian islands). Physa naticoides Clessin: 28, vol. 1, pt. 17, p. 341, pl. 48, fig. 5, 1886 (Hawaiian islands). Physa peasei Clessin: 28, vol. 1, pt. 17, p. 339, pl. 47, fig. 8, i886 (Hawaiian islands). Physa reticulata Gould: 7, 1847, vol. 2, p. 214; 28, vol. 1, pt. 17, p. 330, pl. 46, fig. 4, 1886 (Kauai). Limnaea aulacospira Ancey: 20, 2d ser., vol. 11, p. 290, 1889 (Maui). Limnaea binominis Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 391, 1900oo (Oahu). Synonym: Physa sandwichensis Clessin, not Limnaea sandwichensis Philippi. Limnaea compacta Pease: 2, vol. 6, p. 6, pl. 3, fig. 4, 5, 1870; 44, vol. 2, p. 391, 1900oo (Oahu, Kauai). Synonyms: Limnaea ambigua Pease, Physa flavida Clessin. Limnaea hawaiensis Pilsbry: 1, 1903, p. 790 (Hawaii). Limnaea oahuensis Souleyet: 42, vol. 2, p. 527, pl. 29, figs. 38-41, 1852; 2, vol. 6, p. 5, 1870 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Limnaea voluntata Gould, Limnaea sandwichensis Philippi, Limnaea affinis Souleyet (not Beck). Limnaea producta (Mighels): 7, vol. 2, p. 21, 1845 (Hawaiian islands). This species, together with L. (Physa) umbilicata Mighels, probably must be abandoned, as the types were lost and authentic specimens unknown (cf. 2, 1870, vol. 6, p. 5). Limnaea rubella Lea: 3, vol. 4, p. 12, 1843; 2, vol. 6, p. 5, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2, 1870 (Kauai, Oahu). Limnaea turgidula Pease: 2, vol. 6, p. 5, pl. 3, fig. 3, 1870 (Oahu). Erinna newcombi A. Adams: 52, 1855, p. 120; 44, vol. 2, p. 393, 1900 (Kauai). Ancylus sharpi Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 394, pl. 12, figs. 14, 14a, 1900 (Oahu). Sub-order STYLOMMATOPHORA PARTULIDAE Partula gibba (Ferussac): 12, p. 66, 1821 (erroneously recorded from Hawaii). Partula inflata (Reeve): 52, 1842, p. 197 (erroneously recorded from Hawaii). 10 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 PUPILLIDAE Gastrocopta lyonsiana (Ancey): 41, vol. 5, p. 713, 1892; 26, 2d ser., vol. 24, p. 141, 1916-1918 (Oahu). Synonym: Pupa lyonsiana Ancey. Gastrocopta pediculus nacca (Gould): 7, 1861, vol. 8, p. 280; 26, 2d ser., vol. 24, p. 149, 1916-1918 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Vertigo nacca Gould. Lyropupa anceyana Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 253, pl. 26, figs. 3, 6, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Lyropupa antiqua Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 250, pl. 21, figs. 8, 9, 1l, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Lyropupa clathrata Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 125, pl. 7, fig. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 245, pl. 21, fig. 1, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Lyropupa costata (Pease): 52, 1871, p. 461; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 272, 1918-1920; 26, vol. 27, p. 223, pl. 28, figs. 6-8, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Vertigo costata Pease. Lyropupa cubana (Dall): 47, 1890, vol. 13, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 268, pl. 25, figs. 13, 16, 17, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Vertigo cubana Dall. Lyropupa cyrta Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 268, pl. 23, figs. 9, 10o, 1918-1920 (Hawaii, fossil). Lyropupa hawaiiensis Ancey: 18, vol. 11, p. 68, pl. 5, fig. 19, 1904; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 251, pl. 22, figs. 12, 14, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Synonym: Lyropupa mirabilis hawaiiensis Ancey. Lyropupa kahoolavensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 256, pl. 22, figs. 1-4, 8, 9, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Lyropupa kahoolavensis puukolekolensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 258, pl. 26, figs. 9, 12, 1918-1920 (Kahoolawe). Lyropupa lyrata (Gould): 7, 1843, vol. 1, p. 139; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 233, pI. 19, figs. 1-6, 1918-1920 (Oahu, Hawaii). Synonyms: Pupa lyrata Gould, Pupa magdalenae Ancey, Lyropupa carbonaria Ancey. Lyropupa lyrata fossilis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 236, pl. 19, figs. 7, 11, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Lyropupa lyrata uncifera Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 236, pl. 19, figs. 12, 13, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Lyropupa micra Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 263, pl. 23, fig. 7; pl. 25, figs. 5-7, 1918-1920 (Oahu, subfossil). Lyropupa micra maunaloae Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 264, pI. 25, figs. 8, 9, 1918-1920 (Molokai, fossil). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 11 Lyropupa micra percostata Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 264, pl. 25, figs. 11, 12, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Lyropupa microthauma Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 126, pl. 7, fig. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 238, pl. 21, figs. 2, 3, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Lyropupa mirabilis (Ancey): 40, vol. 7, p. 339, 1890; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 249, pl. 21, figs. 5-7, 1918-1920 (Oahu, Hawaii, subfossil). Synonym: Pupa mirabilis Ancey. Lyropupa ovatula Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 265, pl. 23, fig. 11; pl. 24, figs. 1-5, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Lyropupa ovatula kona Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 266, pl. 26, figs. 10, 11, 14, 15, 1918-1920 (Hawaii, Molokai, fossil). Lyropupa ovatula moomomiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 27, p. 225, pl. 28, figs. 3-5, 1918-1920 (Molokai, fossil). Lyropupa perlonga (Pease): 52, 1871, p. 462; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 258, pl. 23, figs. 1-6, 13, 14, 1918-1920 (Oahu, subfossil). Synonym: Vertigo perlonga Pease. Lyropupa perlonga interrupta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 261, pl. 22, fig. 5; pl. 25, figs. 1-4, 1o, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Lyropupa plagioptyx Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 267, pl. 24, figs. 8, 11, 12, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Lyropupa prisca Ancey: 18, vol. 11, p. 68, pl. 5, fig. 19, 1904; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 243, pl. 20, figs. 9-11, 1918-1920 (Hawaii, fossil). Synonym: Lyropupa magdalenae prisca Ancey. Lyropupa rhabdota Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 239, pl. 20, fig. 2, 1918-1920 (Molokai). Lyropupa rhabdota baldwiniana Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 241, pl. 20, figs. 7, 8, 1918-1920 (Maui). Lyropupa rhabdota lanaiensis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 241, pl. 20, fig. 6, 1918-1920 (Lanai). Lyropupa rhabdota pluris Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 240, pl. 20, figs. 3-5, 1918-1920 (Molokai). Lyropupa scabra Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 254, pl. 26, figs. 1, 2, 1918-1920 (Maui). Lyropupa spaldingi Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 248, pl. 21, figs. 10, 12, 13, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Lyropupa sparna Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 252, pl. 22, figs. 6, 7, 10, 1l, 1918-1920 (Molokai). Lyropupa sparna sinulifera Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 253, pl. 22, fig. 13, 1918-1920 (Molokai). Lyropupa striatula (Pease): 52, 1871, p. 461; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 246, 1918-1920; vol. 27, p. 223, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2, 1922-1926 (Hawaii). Synonym: Vertigo striatula Pease. 12 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Lyropupa thaanumi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 242, pl. 20, figs. 12, 13, 1918-1920 (Maui). Lyropupa thaumasia Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 270, pl. 24, figs. 13-15; pl. 25, fig. 14, 1918-1920 (Kauai, subfossil). Lyropupa truncata Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 211, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 247, pl. 21, fig. 4, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa alloia Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 321, pi. 19, fig. 10, 1918-1920 (Kauai). Nesopupa anceyana Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 293, pl. 28, figs. 2, 3, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa bacca (Pease): 52, 1871, p. 462; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 279, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Synonym: Pupa bacca Pease. Nesopupa baldwini Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 122, pl. 7, fig. 13; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 287, pl. 27, figs. 9, 10, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Nesopupa baldwini centralis Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 122; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 288, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa baldwini lanaiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 289, pl. 27, figs. 13-15, 1918-1920 (Lanai). Nesopupa baldwini subcostata Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 288, pi. 27, figs. 11, 12, 1918-1920 (Molokai). Nesopupa bishopi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 296, pi. 28, fig. 4, 1918-1920 (Maui). Nesopupa dispersa Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 284, pl. 27, figs. 7, 8, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Nesopupa dubitabilis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 291, pl. 28, fig. 9, 1918-1920 (Molokai). Nesopupa dubitabilis kaalaensis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 292, pl. 28, fig. 13, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa forbesi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 297, pl. 28, fig. 5, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa infrequens Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 298, pi. 28, fig. 7, 1918-1920 (Kauai). Nesopupa kauaiensis Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 124, pl. 7, fig. 17; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 318, pl. 29, figs. 5, 6; p. 309, figs. 9, lo0, 1918-1920 (Kauai). Nesopupa limatula Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 290, pl. 28, figs. 6, lo, 1918-1920 (Maui). Nesopupa littoralis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, p. 283, pl. 28, fig. i, 1918-1920 (Oahu, fossil). Caum-C heck List Ha~xwaiian Mollusca 13 Nesopupa newcombi (Pfeiffer): 52, 1852, p. 69; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 307; P. 309, fig. 1, 1918-1920 (Oahu, Hawaii, Kauai). Synonyms: Pupa newcombi Pfeiffer, Vertigo costulosa Pease. Nesopupa newcombi angusta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 315; P. 309, fig. 4, 1918-1920 (Kauai). Nesopupa newcombi gnampta Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, P. 317; P. 309, figs. 14, 15, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa newcombi interrupta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 315; P. 309, figs. 4a-6a, 1918-1920 (Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, subfossil). Nesopupa newcombi interrupta disjuncta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, P. 317; P. 309, fig. 13, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa newcombi multidentata Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., Vol, 25, P. 315; P. 309, figs. 3, 3a, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa newcombi seminulum (Boettger): 27, vol. 1, P. 58, PI. 12, fig. 14, i88o; 26, 2d ser., vol. 25, P. 314; P. 309, fig. 2, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Pupa newcombi seminulurn Boettger (not Lowe). Nesopupa oahuensis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 317, PI. 29, figs. 11, 12, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa plicifera Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 122, PI. 7, fig. 14; 26, Ad ser., vol. 25, P. 280, PI. 27, figs. 1-3, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa singularis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 320, PI. 29, fig. 8, 1918-1920 (Oahu, Maui). Nesopupa subcentralis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 294, PI. 28, fig. 8, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa thaanumi Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 123; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 304, PI. 28, figs. 11, 12, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa waianaensis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 281, pI. 27, figs. 4-6, 1918-1920 (Oahu). Nesopupa wesleyana Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 123, PI. 7, fig. i6; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 299, PI. 29, figs. 1, 2, 1918-1920-> (Kahoolawe, Hawaii, Maui, Oahu). Nesopupa wesleyana gouveiae Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 301, PI. 29, fig. 4, 1918-1920 (Hawaii). Nesopupa wesleyana rhadina Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 301, PI. 29, fig. 13, 1918-1920 (Hawaiian islands). Nesopupa wesleyana tryphera Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 25, P. 301, PI. 29, fig. 3, 1918-1920 (Kauai, Oahu, Molokai). Pronesopupa acanthinula (Ancey): 41, vol. 5, P. 709, 1892; 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, P. 5, PI. 1, fig. 7, 1920-1921 (Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Hawaii). Synonym: Pupa acanthinula Ancey. 14 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Pronesopupa admodesta (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 1l, pl. 1, fig. 13, 1920-1921 (Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Hawaii). Synonym: Pupa admodesta Mighels (not Boettger). Pronesopupa boettgeri Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 8, pl. 1, fig. 17, 1920-1921 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Pupa admodesta Boettger. Pronesopupa boettgeri spinigera Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 10, pl. 1, fig. 11, 1920-1921 (Hawaiian islands). Pronesopupa frondicola Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 4, 1920-1921 (Maui). Pronesopupa frondicola corticicola Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 3, 1920-1921 (Maui). Pronesopupa hystricella Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 7, pl. 1, fig. 12, 1920-1921 (Hawaiian islands). Pronesopupa incerta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 16, pI. 1, fig. 6, 1920-1921 (Kauai). Pronesopupa lymaniana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 2, 1920-1921 (Hawaii). Pronesopupa molokaiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 15, pl. 1, fig. 5, 1920-1921 (Molokai). Pronesopupa orycta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 10, 1920-1921 (Hawaii, fossil). Pronesopupa sericata Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 1, 1920-1921 (Hawaii). Pupoidopsis hawaiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 26, p. 107, pl. 17, fig. 2, 1920-1921 (Oahu; Molokai; Maui, fossil). Punctum horneri Ancey: 18, vol. 11, p. 66, pl. 5, figs. 11, 12, 1904 (Hawaii, subfossil; Oahu). Columella alexanderi (Pilsbry and Cooke): 1, 1906, p. 216, fig. 3; 26, 2d ser., vol. 27, p. 248, fig. 16, 1922-1926 (Maui). Synonym: Sphyradium alexanderi Pilsbry and Cooke. Columella olaaensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 27, p. 248, pl. 30, fig. 7, 1922 -1926 (Hawaii). Columella sharpi (Pilsbry and Cooke): 1, 1906, p. 215, figs. 1, 2; 26, 2d ser., vol. 27, p. 247, pl. 30, figs. 14, 15, 1922-1926 (Maui). Synonym: Sphyradium sharpi Pilsbry and Cooke. ACHATINELLIDAE Newcombia canaliculata (Baldwin): 1, 1905, p. 226, pl. 10, figs. 28, 29; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 6, pl. 2, figs. 5-7, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella canaliculata Baldwin. Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 15 Newcombia canaliculata wailauensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 7, pl. 14, fig. 5, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Newcombia carinella Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 136, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 7, pl. 2, figs. 1-3, 1912-1914 (Maui). Newcombia cinnamomea (Pfeiffer): 25, vol. 4, p. 230, 1857; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 10, pl. 3, figs. 7-11; pl. 14, figs. 1-4, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella cinnamomea Pfeiffer. Newcombia cinnamomea ualapuensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, pp. 12, 355, pl. 2, figs. 11, 12, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Newcombia cumingi (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 25, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 10, pI. 3, figs. 1-6, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella cumingi Newcomb. Newcombia perkinsi Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 130; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 8, pl. 7, figs. 18-19, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Newcombia pfeifferi (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 25, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 13, pl. 2, figs. 4, 8, 14, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella pfeifferi Newcomb. Newcombia philippiana (Pfeiffer): 25, vol. 4, p. 89, 1857; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 8, 1912-1914 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Achatinella philippiana Pfeiffer. (This species, known only from the type specimen, may be merely a young form of N. perkinsi.) Newcombia plicata (Mighels): 32, vol. 2, p. 235; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 2, pI. 1, figs. 1-3, 6, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella plicata Mighels. Newcombia plicata gemma (Pfeiffer): 25, vol. 4, p. 230, 1857; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 3, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8, 10, 11, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella gemma Pfeiffer. Newcombia sulcata (Pfeiffer): 25, vol. 4, p. 231, 1857; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 5, pl. 2, figs. 9, 10; pl. 14, figs. 9-11, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella sulcata Pfeiffer. Partulina anceyana Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 223, pl. 10, fig. 16; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 75, pl. 20, figs. 12-14, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella anceyana Baldwin. Partulina aptycha (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 1, pI. 30, fig. 1; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 54, pl. 18, fig. 5, 1912-1914 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Achatinella aptycha Pfeiffer. (A lost species, unknown to present day collectors.) Partulina carinella Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 136, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, PP. 7, 358, pl. 14, fig. 5, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina carnicolor Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 112, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 58, pl. 12, figs. 13, 14, 1912-1914 (Maui). 16 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Partulina confusa (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, p. 312, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 105, pl. 16, figs. 1-12, 1912-1914 (Hawaii). Synonyms: Achatinella confusa Sykes; Achatinella physa procera Ancey. Partulina crassa (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 155, pl. 24, fig. 71; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 40, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2, 1912-1914 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella crassa Newcomb. Partulina crocea (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 210, pl. 7, fig. 36, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 65, pl. 13, figs. 14, 15, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella crocea Gulick. Partulina dolei (Baldwin): 1, 1895, p. 221, pl. 10, figs. 17, 18; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 6o, pl. 12, figs. 15-18, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella dolei Baldwin. Partulina dubia (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 23, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 113, pl. 26, figs. 7-12, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella dubia Newcomb. Partulina dwightii (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 145, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 35, pl. 8, figs. 1-5, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella dwightii Newcomb. Partulina dwightii compta Pease: 17, vol. 17, p. 175, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 36, pl. 8, figs. 6-8, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Partulina compta Pease. Partulina dwightii concomitans Hyatt: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 37, pl. 8, figs. 9-13, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Partulina grisea Newcomb. Partulina dwightii occidentalis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 361, pl. 26, fig. 6, 1912-1914 (Molokai, fossil). Partulina fulgurans (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, p. 329, pl. 11, fig. 5, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 21, pl. 5, figs. 1-4, 7, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Perdicella fulgurans Sykes. Partulina fusoidea (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 144, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 64, pl. 15, figs. 10, 11, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella fusoidea Newcomb. Partulina germana (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 151, pl. 24, fig. 61; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 76, pl. 20, fig. 15, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella germana Newcomb. Partulina gouldii (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 21, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 52, pl. 11, figs. 14-16, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella gouldii Newcomb; Achatinella talpina Gulick. Partulina gouldii perfecta Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 54, pI. 11, figs. 18-21, 1912-1914 (Maui). Cauu-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 17 Partulina grisea (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 153, pl. 24, fig. 66; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 111, pl. 18, figs. 8, 9, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella grisea Newcomb. Partulina helena (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 27, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 16, pl. 4, figs. 1-7, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella helena Newcomb. Partulina horneri (Baldwin): 1, 1895, p. 224, pl. 10, figs. 20-22; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 107, pl. 17, figs. 1-5, 1912-1914 (Hawaii, fossil). Synonym: Achatinella horneri Baldwin. Partulina horneri kapuana J. and A. Gouveia: 6, vol. 7, p. 53, pI. 15, 1920 (Hawaii). Partulina induta (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 207, pl. 7, figs. 34a, e, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 48, pl. 13, fig. 7, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella induta Gulick. Partulina kaaeana Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 113, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 41, pl. 10, figs. 5-7, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina kuhnsi Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 22, pl. 14, figs. 12-15, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina lemmoni Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 112, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 61, pl. 12, figs. 19, 20, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina marmorata (Gould): 7, 1847, vol. 2, p. 200; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 42, pl. 10, figs. 1-4, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella marmorata Gould. Partulina mauiensis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 207; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 20, pl. 4, figs. 11-14, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella mauiensis Pfeiffer. Partulina mighelsiana (Pfeiffer): 52, 1847, p. 231; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 77, pl. 18, figs. 10-17, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella mighelsiana Pfeiffer. Partulina mighelsiana bella (Reeve): 35, vol. 6, pI. 3, sp. 17, 185o; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 79, pl. 23, figs. 2-12; pl. 26, figs. 13-15e, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella bella Reeve. Partulina mighelsiana polita (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 24, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 80, pl. 24, figs. 1-6, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella polita Newcomb. Partulina montagui Pilsbry: 45, vol. 27, p. 40, 1913; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 66, pl. 24, figs. 7, 8, 1912-1914 (Oahu, fossil). Partulina mucida (Baldwin): 1, 1895, p. 222, pl. 10, fig. 23; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 34, pl. 9, fig. 17, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella mucida Baldwin. 18 Bernice P. Bishop Museumo-Bulletin 56 Partulina mucida macrodon Borcherding: 30, p. 56, 1901; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 35, pl. 9, figs. 18-20, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Partulina macrodon Borcherding. Partulina mutabilis Baldwin: 45, vol. 22, p. 68, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 68, pl. 20, figs. 1-7, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina nattii (Baldwin and Hartman): 1, 1888, p. 34, pl. 1, fig. 3; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 73, pl. 20, fig. 8-11, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella nattii Baldwin and Hartman. Partulina nivea (Baldwin): 1, 1895, p. 222, pl. 10, fig. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 59, pl. 12, fig. 8, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella nivea Baldwin. Partulina nivea kaupakaluana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 60, pl. 13, fig. 16, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina ornata (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 149, pl. 24, fig. 55; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 18, pl. 4, figs. 8-1o, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella ornata Newcomb. Partulina perdix (Reeve): 35, vol. 6, pl. 6, figs. 43a, b, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, pp. 45, 363, pl. 10, figs. 14-16; pl. 13, figs. 10-13, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella perdix Reeve; Achatinella undosa Gulick; Achatinella pyramidalis Gulick. Partulina physa (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 152, pl. 24, fig. 64; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 109, pl. 17, figs. 6-13, 1912-1914 (Hawaii). Synonyms: Achatinella physa Newcomb; Achatinella hawaiiensis Newcomb. Partulina physa errans Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 111, pl. 17, figs. 14-16, 1912-1914 (Hawaii). Partulina physa konana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 365, pl. 54, figs. 5, 5a, 1912-1914 (Hawaii). Partulina plumbea (Gulick): 22, vol. 4, p. 213, pl. 7, fig. 39, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 43, pl. 10, figs. 8-12, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella plumbea Gulick. Partulina porcellana (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 146, pl. 23, fig. 47; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 69, pl. 19, figs. 1-4, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella porcellana Newcomb. Partulina porcellana flemingi Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 111, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 71, pl. 19, figs. 5-11, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Partulina flemingi Baldwin. Partulina porcellana fulvicans Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 135, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 73, pl. 19, figs. 15, i6, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Partulina fulvicans Baldwin. Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 19 Partulina porcellana wailuaensis (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, p. 328, pl. 11, figs. 19, 20, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 72, pl. 19,figs. 12-14, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella wailuaensis Sykes; Partulina cooperi Baldwin. Partulina proxima (Pease): 52, 1862, p. 6; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 32, pl. 9, figs. 1-9, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Helicter proximus Pease. Partulina proxima schauinslandi Borcherding: 5o, vol. 19, p. 63, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 33, pl. 9, figs. 10-11, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Partulina schauinslandi Borcherding. Partulina radiata (Gould): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 27; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 49, pl. 13, figs. 8, 9, 1912-1914 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Achatinella radiata Gould; Bulimus gouldi Pfeiffer (?); Partula densilineata Reeve (?). Partulina redfieldii (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 22, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 38, pl. 7, figs. 12, 16, 17; pl. 8, figs. 14-20, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella redfieldii Newcomb. Partulina redfieldii kamaloensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 362, pl. 26, figs. 4, 4a, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Partulina rufa (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 21, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 3-11, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella rufa Newcomb. Partulina semicarinata (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 156, pl. 24, fig. 76; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 86, pl. 21, figs. 1-4, 13, 15, 1912-1914 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella semicarinata Newcomb. Partulina semicarinata hayseldeni Baldwin: 45, vol. 10, p. 31, 1896; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 88, pl. 21, figs. 5-12, 1912-1914 (Lanai). Synonym: Partulina hayseldeni Baldwin. Partulina splendida (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 20, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 51, pI. 11, figs. 1-10, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella splendida Newcomb. Partulina splendida baileyana (Gulick): 22, p. 202, pl. 7, figs. 31a, b, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 52, pl. 1, figs. 11-13, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella baileyana Gulick. Partulina subpolita Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 359, pl. 23, fig. 1, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Partulina tappaniana (C. B. Adams): 22, vol. 5, p. 42, 1851; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 54, pl. 12, figs. 1-3, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella tappaniana Adams. Partulina tappaniana ampulla (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 200, pI. 7, fig. 29, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 57, pl. 12, fig. 4, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella ampulla Gulick. 20 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Partulina tappaniana eburnea (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 199, pl. 6, figs. 28a, b, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 57, pl. 12, figs. 9-12, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella eburnea Gulick. Partulina tappaniana fasciata (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 201, pl. 7, fig. 30, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 56, pl. 12, figs. 5-7, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella fasciata Gulick. Partulina terebra (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 144, pI. 23, fig. 40; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 61, pl. 15, figs. 1-9, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella terebra Newcomb. Partulina terebra attenuata (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 4, pl. 30, fig. 12; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 63, pl. 15, fig. 3, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella attenuata Pfeiffer. Partulina terebra attenuata longior Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 63, pl. 15, fig. 12, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina terebra lignaria (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 209, pl. 7, fig. 35, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 63, pl. 15, figs. 13-17, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella lignaria Gulick. Partulina tessellata (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 19, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 28, pl. 6, figs. 12-21, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella tessellata Newcomb. Partulina tessellata meyeri Borcherding: 30, p. 55, 1901; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 1, 2, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Partulina meyeri Borcherding. Partulina thaanumiana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 112, pl. 18, figs. 6, 7, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina theodorei (Baldwin): 1, 1895, p. 226, pl. 10, fig. 27; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 33, pl. 9, figs. 14, 15, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella theodorei Baldwin. Partulina theodorei multistrigata Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 34, pl. 9, figs. 12, 13, 16, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Partulina thwingii Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 357, pl. 54, figs. 6, 6a, 6b, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina ustulata (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 211, pl. 7, fig. 37, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 47, pl. 13, figs. 5, 6, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella ustulata Gulick. Partulina variabilis (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 154, pl. 24, fig. 70; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 83, pl. 21, fig. 14: pI. 22, figs. 1-12, 1912-1914 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella variabilis Newcomb. Partulina variabilis lactea (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 198, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 86, pl. 22, figs. 15, 16, 1912-1914 (Lanai). Synonyms: Achatinella lactea Gulick; Achatinella saccata Pfeiffer. Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 21 Partulina virgulata (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 25, pl. 6, figs. 1-6, 9, 10, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Partula virgulata Mighels. Partulina virgulata halawaensis (Baldwin): In coll. cf. 50, vol. 19, p. 52, pl. 1, figs. 13-16, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 27, pl. 6, figs. 7, 8, 1l, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella virgulata halawaensis Baldwin. Partulina virgulata kaluaahacola Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 359, pl. 26, figs. 3, 3a, 1912-1914 (Molokai). Partulina winniei Baldwin: 45, vol. 22, p. 67, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 44, pl. 13, figs. 1-3, 1912-1914 (Maui). Partulina zebra (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 142, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 19, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella zebra Newcomb. Partulina zebrina (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 202; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 20, pl. 5, figs. 5, 8-12, 1912-1914 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella zebrina Pfeiffer. Achatinella abbreviata Reeve: 35, vol. 6, pl. 3, fig. 19, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 123, pl. 31, figs. 1-5a, 1899 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella bacca Reeve; Achatinella nivosa Newcomb; Achatinella clementina Pfeiffer. Achatinella apexfulva (Dixon): 9, p. 354; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 317, pl. 50, fig. 15; pl. 60, figs. i-ic, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix apex fulva Dixon; Turbo lugubris Chemnitz; Monodonta seminigra Lamarck; Achatinella pica Swainson. Achatinella apexfulva alba Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 299, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 324, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella apicata alba Sykes (not Achatinella alba Nuttall). Achatinella apexfulva aloha Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 330, pl. 60, figs. 15, 16, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella apexfulva apicata Newcomb: 52, 1855, p. 210; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 324, pl. 60, figs. 4-7b, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella apicata Newcomb; Achatinella swiftii var. Newcomb; Apex gulickii Smith; Apex lilaceus Gulick. Achatinella apexfulva beata Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 329, pl. 60, figs. 17-17C; pl. 55, fig. 5, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella apexfulva vespertina Baldwin: i, 1895, p. 219, pI. 10, fig. 14; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 322, pl. 60, figs. 2, 3, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella vespertina Baldwin. Achatinella apexfulva vespertina duplocincta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 323, pl. 55, figs. 6-8, 1912-1914 (Oahu). 22 Bernice P. Bishop Museun-Bulletin 56 Achatinella bellula Smith: 52, 1873, p. 77, pl. 9, fig. 8; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 230, pl. 41, figs. lo-lod; pl. 48, figs. 1-18, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella multizonata Baldwin. Achatinella buddii Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 155, pl. 24, fig. 73; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 187, pl. 36, figs. 7-8a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella fuscozona Smith. Achatinella bulimoides Swainson: 36, p. 86, 1828; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 154, pl. 33, figs. i-ij, 3-4, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella bulimoides glabra Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 139, pl. 22, fig. 25; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 164, pl. 29, fig. 25; pI. 33, figs. 8-11, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella glabra Newcomb. Achatinella bulimoides mistura Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 156, pI. 33, figs. 5-5c, 6-7, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella bulimoides obliqua Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 245, pl. 8, fig. 63, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 158, pl. 28, fig. 8-9a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella obliqua Gulick; Achatinella oomorpha Gulick. Achatinella bulimoides ovata Newcomb: 22, vol. 6, p. 22, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 160, pI. 28, figs. i-id, 2; pl. 29, figs. 2, 2a; pl. 33, fig. 2, 1912 -1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella ovata Newcomb; Achatinella candida Pfeiffer; Achatinella vidua Pfeiffer; Achatinella wheatleyi Newcomb. Achatinella bulimoides rotunda Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 248, pI. 8, fig. 67, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 163, pl. 28, figs. 3-6, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella rotunda Gulick. Achatinella bulimoides spadicea Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 247, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 157, pl. 33, figs. 13, 13a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella spadicea Gulick. Achatinella byronii (Wood): 48, p. 22, pl. 7, fig. 30, 1828; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 133, pl. 27, figs. 1-le, 3 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix byronii Wood; Achatinella melanostoma Newcomb; Achatinella limbata Gulick. Achatinella byronii nigricans Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 138, pI. 31, figs. 10-12, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella byronii rugosa Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 138, pl. 22, figs. 22, 22a; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 135, pl. 27, figs. 8-ioa; pl. 29, figs. 22, 22a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella rugosa Newcomb. Achatinella byronii rugosa capax Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 137, pl. 31, figs. 7-7b, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella byronii rugosa waimanoensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 137, pl. 31, figs. 9-9d, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 23 Achatinella caesia Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 234, pl. 8, fig. 53, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 263, pl. 44, figs. 13-16, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella concidens Gulick; Achatinella formosa Gulick; Achatinella cognata Gulick; Achatinella scitula Gulick; Achatinella cervina Gulick; Achatinella caesia littoralis Pilsbry and Cooke (fossil). Achatinella casta Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 134, pl. 22, fig. 12; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 235, pl. 41, figs. 12-16; pl. 49, figs. 1-16, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella cuneus Pfeiffer; Achatinella concolor Smith; Achatinella pygmaea Smith; Achatinella ligata Smith. Achatinella casta margaretae Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 240, pl. 42, figs. 9, 10, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella cestus Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 132, pl. 22, fig. 8; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 286, pI. 29, fig. 8; pl. 52, figs. 12-14a; pl. 55, fig. 1, 1912 -1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella forbesiana Pfeiffer. Achatinella concavospira Pfeiffer: 52, 1859, p. 30; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 351, pl. 52, fig. 16; pl. 61, figs. 12-12d; pl. 62, figs. 24, 25, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella concavospira griseizona Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 353, pl. 61, figs. lo-lob, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella concavospira turbiniformis (Gulick): 52, 1873, p. 81, pl. 10, fig. 7; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 353, pl. 62, figs. 22, 23, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Apex turbiniformis Gulick. Achatinella curta Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 144, pl. 23, fig. 43; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 252, pls. 45, 46, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella rhodoraphe Smith; Achatinella undulata Newcomb; Achatinella delta Gulick. Achatinella decipiens Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 153, pl. 24, fig. 68: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 145, pl. 32, figs. 2-6c, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella corrugata Gulick; Achatinella torrida Gulick. Achatinella decipiens kaliuwaaensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 150, pl. 32, figs. i-lb, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella decipiens swainsoni Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 4, pl. 30, fig. 13; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 150, pl. 30, fig. 13, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella swainsoni Pfeiffer. Achatinella decora (Ferussac): 13, p. 56, no. 430, 1821; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 331, pI. 61, figs. 1-6, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix decora Ferussac; Turbo lugubris sinistrorsus Chemnitz; Achatinella perversa Swainson; Achatinella quernea Frick; Apex tumefaciens Gulick; (not Achatinella decora Reeve). 24 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Achatinella dimorpha Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 236, pl. 8, fig. 56, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 258, pl. 42, figs. 15-20, pl. 47, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella albescens Gulick; Achatinella zonata Gulick; Achatinella contracta Gulick. Achatinella elegans Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 149, pl. 24, fig. 57; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 166, pl. 28, figs. 12-13d; pl. 32, fig. 15, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella elegans wheatleyana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 168, pl. 28, figs. - lb, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella fulgens Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 77, pl. 9, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 190, pl. 36, figs. 1-6e; pl. 37, figs. 1-9; pl. 43, figs. 2-4c, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella liliacea Pfeiffer; Achatinella crassidentata Pfeiffer; Achatinella augusta Smith; Achatinella trilineata Gulick; Achatinella plumata Gulick; Achatinella diversa Gulick; Achatinella varia Gulick. Achatinella fulgens ampla Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 137, pl. 22, fig. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 198, pl. 29, fig. 19; pl. 54, figs. 7-7e, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella ampla Newcomb. Achatinella fulgens versipellis Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 224, pl. 7, fig. 44, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 196, pl. 43, figs. 5-7d, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella versipellis Gulick; Achatinella fuscolineata Smith. Achatinella fuscobasis (Smith): 52, 1873, p. 77, pl. 9, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 170, pl. 35, figs. 1-4, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Bulimella fuscobasis Smith; Achatinella luteostoma Baldwin. Achatinella fuscobasis lyonsiana Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 218, pl. lo, figs. 9-11; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 172, pl. 35, figs. 5-7, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella lyonsiana Baldwin. Achatinella fuscobasis wilderi Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 173, pl. 41, figs. 1-3a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella juddii Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 216, pl. 10, figs. 3, 4; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 244, pl. 49, figs. 17-22, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella juncea Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 230, pl. 7, fig. 49, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 241, pl. 42, figs. 11-14, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella lehuiensis Smith: 52, 1873, p. 76, pl. 9, fig. 4; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 271, pl. 41, fig. 11, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella lehuiensis gulickiana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 273, pl. 42, fig. 5, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella lehuiensis meinickei Pilsbry and Cooke: 45, vol. 34, p. lo9, 1921 (Oahu). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 25 Achatinella leucorraphe (Gulick): 52, 1873, p. 79, pl. 10, fig. 2; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 301, pl. 59, fig. 8, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Apex leucorraphe Gulick. Achatinella leucorraphe irwini Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 302, pl. 59, figs. 9-15a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella lila Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 139, pl. 31, figs. 15-15d, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella livida Swainson: 36, p. 85, 1828; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 246, pl. 53, figs. 1-9, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella livida emersoni Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 156, pl. 24, fig. 74; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 247, pl. 53, figs. 10-12, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella emersoni Newcomb. Achatinella livida herbacea Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 233, pi. 8, fig. 52, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 251, pl. 44, figs. 1-4., 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella herbacea Gulick. Achatinella livida recta Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 145, pl. 23, fig. 45; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 248, pl. 30, fig. 45; pl. 53, figs. 13-21, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella recta Newcomb; Achatinella glauca Gulick. Achatinella lorata (Ferussac): 34, p. 479, pl. 68, figs. 8-12, 1824; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 278, pl. 51, pl. 52, figs. 1-7, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix lorata Ferussac; Achatinella hanleyana Pfeiffer ' Achatinella ventrosa Pfeiffer; Achatinella alba Nuttall; Achatinella pallida Nuttall. Achatinella lorata nobilis Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 202; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22. p. 283, pl. 50, figs. 1-5, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella nobilis Pfeiffer. Achatinella lorata pulchella Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 6, pl. 30, fig. 2; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 284, pl. 30, fig. 2; pl. 50, figs. 9-14, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella pulchella Pfeiffer. Achatinella mustelina Mighels: 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 342, pI. 62, figs. 1, 2; pl. 63, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella vestita Mighels; Achatinella multilineata Newcomb; Achatinella monacha Pfeiffer. Achatinella mustelina lymaniana Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 219, pl. 10, figs. 12, 13; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 350, pl. 61, figs. 8-9b, 11, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella lymaniana Baldwin. Achatinella mustelina makahaensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 345, pl. 62, figs. 3, 4, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella mustelina sordida Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 139, pl. 23, fig. 27; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 349, pl. 30, fig. 27; pl. 62, figs. 5-11, 1912-1914 (Oahu). 26 Bernice P. Bishop AMuseum-Bulletin 56 Synonyms: Achatinella sordida Newcomb; Achatinella napus Pfeiffer. Achatinella papyracea Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 229, pl. 7, fig. 48, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 243, pl. 42, figs. 7, 8; pl. 54, figs. 8-1o, 14, 14a, 1912 -1914 (Oahu). Achatinella phaeozona Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 214, pl. 7, fig. 40, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 184, pl. 24, figs. 10-13; pl. 36, figs. 10, loa; pl. 43, figs. 1-1d, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella pulcherrima Swainson: 36, p. 86, 1828; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 140, pl. 27, figs. 5-5g, 6; pl. 31, figs. 13, 14, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella mahogani Gulick. Achatinella pulcherrima nympha Gulick: 22, vol. 6, p. 251, pl. 8, fig. 69, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 144, pl. 27, figs. 7-7b; pl. 32, figs. 13, 14, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella nympha Gulick. Achatinella pupukanioe Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 174, pl. 35, figs. 14-17, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella rosea Swainson: 36, p. 85, 1828; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 151, pl. 34, figs. 1-8b, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella bulimoides rosea Swainson. Achatinella solitaria Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 150, pl. 24, fig. 60; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 204, pl. 43, fig. 9, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella sowerbyana Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 4, pl. 30, fig. 14; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 175, pl. 30, figs. 14, 14a; pl. 34, figs. 9, 10, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella oviformis Newcomb. Achatinella sowerbyana dextroversa Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 179, pl. 35, figs. 8-13, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella sowerbyana laiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 178, pI. 34, figs. 15, 15a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella sowerbyana roseoplica Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 18o, pl. 34, fig. 12, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella sowerbyana thurstoni Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 177, pl. 34, figs. 13-14b, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella spaldingi Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 271, pl. 42, figs. 1-3, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella stewartii (Green): 23, pt. 2, p. 47, pl. 4, figs. 1-4, 1827; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 204, pI. 38, figs. 1-6a, 14, 16, 21, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatina stewartii Green; Achatinella fuscozona Gulick; Achatinella pulcherrima Reeve; Achatinella venulata var. Newcomb; Achatinella byronii Gray; Achatinella johnsoni Newcomb; Achatinella aplustre Newcomb. Achatinella stewartii producta Reeve: 35, vol. 6, sp. 13, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 207, pl. 38, figs. 7-13; pl. 43, figs. lo-lob, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 27 Synonyms: Achatinella bilineata Reeve; Achatinella venulata Newcomb; Achatinella hybrida Newcomb; Achatinella dunkeri (Cuming) Pfeiffer. Achatinella swiftii Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 133, pl. 22, figs. 9, 9a; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 306, pl. 58; pl. 59, figs. 1-4e, 6, 7, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Apex albospira Smith; Apex innotabilis Smith; Apex neglectus Smith; Apex versicolor Gulick; Apex flavidus Gulick; Apex coniformis Gulick; Apex tuberans Gulick; Apex polymorpha Gulick. Achatinella swiftii chromatacme Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 316, pl. 59, figs. 5-5b, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella (swiftii?) dolium Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 5, pl. 30, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 316, pl. 30, fig. 15, 1912-1914 (habitat, given as Molokai, is undoubtedly an error). Synonym: Achatinella dolium Pfeiffer. Achatinella taeniolata Pfeiffer: 52, 1846, p. 38; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 130, pl. 24, figs. 14-19; pl. 25, figs. 13-13c, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella rubiginosa Newcomb. Achatinella thaanumi Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 273, pl. 42, figs. 5, 6, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella turgida Newcomb: 52, 1853, p. 134, pl. 22, figs. 10, loa; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 294, pl. 29, figs. 10, loa; pl. 56, figs. 1-4, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella turgida cookei Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 220, pl. 10, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 300, pl. 57, figs. 15-17, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella cookei Baldwin. Achatinella turgida ovum Pfeiffer: 52, 1856, p. 334; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 297, pl. 56, figs. 6-12; pl. 59, fig. 17, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella ovum Pfeiffer. Achatinella turgida perplexa Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 296, pl. 56, figs. 5-5f, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella turgida simulacrum Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 299, pl. 56, figs. 13-14d, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella valida Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 6, pl. 30, fig. 24; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 334, pl. 30, fig. 24; pl. 52, figs. 15-15e, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella valida cinerosa Pfeiffer: 52, 1855, p. 2, pl. 30, fig. 5; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 336, pl. 30, fig. 5; pl. 55, figs. 9-18, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Apex leucozonus Gulick. Achatinella valida kahukuensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 338, pl. 52, figs. 17, 17a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella valida leucophaea (Gulick): 52, 1873, p. 82, pl. 9, fig. 16; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 336, pl. 55, figs. 19-22, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Apex leucophaeus Gulick. 28 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Achatinella viridans Mighels: 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 125, pl. 25, figs. 1-4; pl. 31, figs. 6,6a, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella radiata Pfeiffer; Achatinella subvirens Newcomb; Achatinella rutila Newcomb; Achatinella macrostoma Pfeiffer. Achatinella vittata Reeve: 35, vol. 6, pl. 2, fig. 9, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 289, pl. 57, figs. 1-5b, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix decora Ferussac; Achatinella globosa Pfeiffer. Achatinella vittata cinerea Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 305, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 291, pl. 57, figs. 6-6b, 7, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Achatinella vittata simulans Reeve: 35, vol. 6, pl. 2, fig. 15, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 292, pl. 57, figs. 8-14C, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella simulans Reeve; Apex albofasciata Smith. Achatinella vulpina (Ferussac): 34, p. 477, pl. 68, figs. 13, 14; 26, 2nd ser., vol. 22, p. 212, pls. 39-40, pl. 41, figs. 5-7, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix vulpina Ferussac; Achatinella castanea Reeve; Achatinella adusta Reeve; Achatinella ernestina Baldwin; Achatinella olivacea Reeve; Achatinella prasinus Reeve; Achatinella virens Gulick; Achatinella cucumis Gulick; Achatinella analoga Gulick; Achatinella colorata Gulick; Achatinella longispira Smith. Achatinella vulpina colorata Reeve: 35, vol. 6, pl. 3, fig. 18, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 224, pl. 41, figs. 8-8e, 1912-1914. (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella consanguinea Smith; Achatinella ustulata Newcomb. Achatinella vulpina tricolor Smith: 52, 1873, p. 76, pl. 9, fig. 6; 26, 2d ser., vol. 22, p. 226, pl. 37, figs. lo-lib, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella tricolor Smith. AMASTRIDAE Leptachatina accincta (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 25, pl. 3, figs. 53, 56, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatina accincta Mighels; Achatinella margarita Pfeiffer; Achatinella granifera Gulick (not Achatinella accincta Gould). Leptachatina acuminata (Gould): 7, 1848, vol. 2, p. 200; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 5, pl. 7, fig. 41, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatinella acuminata Gould. Leptachatina anceyana Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 39, pl. 1, figs. 18, 19, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Leptachatina antiqua Pease: 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 7, pl. 8, figs. 60-62, 1911 (Kauai, fossil). Leptachatina approximans Ancey: 20, p. 222, 1897; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 52, pI. 3, fig. 46, 1911 (Oahu). Caurn-C heck List Hawaiian Mollusca 29 Leptachatina arborea Sykes: 44, vol. 2, P. 3557, P1. i1, figy. 21, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, P. 38, PI. 1, figs. 5-7, 1911 (Hawaii). Leptachatina artata Cooke: 26, 24 ser., Vol. 2 1, p. 8o, p1. 13, figs. 1-4, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina attenuata Cooke: 26, 24 ser., vol. 21, P. 69, P1. 7, figs. 45, 46, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina baidwini Cooke: 26, 24 ser., Vol. 2 1, p. 12, P1. 2, figs. 33, 41, 1 9 11 (Maui). Leptachatina balteata Pease: 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 24 ser., vol. 2 1, P. 70, P1. 7, figs. 27, 28, 30, 31, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina brevicula Pease: 17, vol. 17, P. 169, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2 1, P. 24, pI. 8, fig. 54, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina brevicula micra Cooke: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 2 1, P. 24, PI. 8, fig. 55, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina calosa (Pfeiffer): 52, i856, P. 334; 26, 24 ser., vol. 21, P. 78, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella callosa Pfeiffer. Leptachatina captiosa Cooke: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 2 1, P. 29, P1. 1 1, fig. 12, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina cerealis (Gould): 7, 1847, Vol. 2, P. 201; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 2 1, P. 13. P1. 11, fig. 7, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella cerealis Gould. Leptachatina chrysallis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, P. 99; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 2 1, P. 82, P1. 4, figs. 77, 78, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatina chrysallis Pfeiffer; Leptachatina columna Ancey. Leptachatina cingula (Mighels): 7, 1845, Vol. 2, P. 21; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 2 1, P. 52, PI. 5, figs. 85-88; p1. 12, fig. 5, 191 1 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella cingula Mighels (not Pfeiffer); Achatinella fumosa Newcomb; Achatinella vitrea Newcomb. Leptachatina compacta (Pease): 17, vol. 17, P. 172, 1869; 26, 24 ser., Vol. 21, P. 44, PI. 2, fig. 25, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Labiella compacta Pease. Leptachaftina concolor Cooke: 26, 2d ser., Vol. 21, P. 31, p1. 6, figs. 9, 10, 1911I (Molokai). Leptachatina conicoides Sykes: 44, Vol. 2, P. 359, PI. II, fig. 26, 1900o; 26, 24 ser., Vol. 2 1, P.- 32, p1. 6, figs. i11, 14, 15, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina conspicienda Cooke: 26, 24 ser., vol. 21, P. 56, p1. 1 1, fig. 10, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina convexiuscula Sykes: 44, Vol. 2, P. 360, p1. I i, fig. ii1, 1900o; 26, 2d ser., Vol. 21, P. 19, P1. 9, figs. 1, 2, 5, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina cookei Pilsbry: 45, Vol. 28, p. 61, 1914 (Oahu, fossil). 30 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 56 Leptachatina corneola (Pfeiffer): 52, 1845, p. 90; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 58, 1911 (Oahu?). Synonym: Achatinella corneola Pfeiffer. Leptachatina coruscans Hartman: 1, 1888, p. 52, pl. i, fig. 16; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 41, pl. 6, figs. 6, 7, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina coruscans dissimilis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 42, pl. 6, fig. 8, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina costulata (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 177, pl. 6, fig. 5, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 63, pl. 4, fig. 80, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella costulata Gulick. Leptachatina costulosa Pease: 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 71, pl. 7, fig. 42; pl. 12, fig. 6, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina crystallina (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 186, pI. 6, fig. 14, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 26, pl. 3, fig. 50 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella crystallina Gulick. Leptachatina cuneata Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 6, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2 (Kauai). Leptachatina cylindrata Pease: 17, vol. 17, p. 168, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 18, pl. 8, figs. 63, 64, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina defuncta Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 39, pl. 1, fig. 16, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Leptachatina dimidiata (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 205; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 47, pl. 5, figs. 93-96, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella dimidiata Pfeiffer; Leptachatina singula Hartman. Leptachatina dormitor Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 6, pl. 11, fig. 3, 1915-1916 (Molokai, fossil). Leptachatina dulcis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 85, pl. 13, figs. 8, lo, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina emerita Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 361, pl. 11, fig. 10, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 31, pl. 6, figs. 1-3, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina exilis (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 188, pl. 6, fig. 16, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 19, pl. 9, figs. 6, lo, 191 1 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella exilis Gulick. Leptachatina exoptabilis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 21, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Leptachatina extensa Pease: 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 71, pl. 8, fig. 67, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina fossilis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 61, pl. 8, figs. 58, 59, 1911 (Kauai, fossil). Leptachatina fraterna Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 91, pl. 12, figs. 8, ii, 1911 (Kauai). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 31 Leptachatina fulgida Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 12, pl. 2, figs. 39, 40, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina fumida (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 181, pl. 6, fig. 9, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 40, pl. 3, fig. 58, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella fumida Gulick. Leptachatina fusca (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 28, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 89, pl. 4, figs. 65-69, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella fusca Newcomb; Achatinella irregularis Pfeiffer (cf. 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 355, 1911). Leptachatina fusca striatella (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 178, pl. 6, fig. 6, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 91, pl. 4, figs. 70-72, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella striatella Gulick. Leptachatina fuscula (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 180, pl. 6, fig. 8, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 84, pl. 3, fig. 51, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella fuscula Gulick. Leptachatina gayi Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 72, pl. 7, figs. 39, 40, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina glutinosa (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 204; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 46, pl. 5, fig. 92, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella glutinosa Pfeiffer; Achatinella lacrima Gulick. Leptachatina gracilis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 6, pl. 30, fig. 22; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 16, pl. 3, figs. 47, 48, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella gracilis Pfeiffer; Achatinella elevata Newcomb. Leptachatina grana (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 29, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 34, pl. 2, figs. 26, 27, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella grana Newcomb. Leptachatina gummea (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 182, pl. 6, fig. 10, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 26, pl. 3, fig. 54, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella gummea Gulick; Achatinella fragilis Gulick; Achatinella guttula Newcomb. Leptachatina guttula (Gould): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 201; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 36, pl. 2, figs. 34-36, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella guttula Gould. Leptachatina henshawi Sykes: 18, vol. 10, p. 2, text fig., 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 86, pl. 1, figs. 15, 17, 1911 (Hawaii). Leptachatina hyperodon Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 12, pl. 11, figs. 6, 7, 1915-1916 (Maui). Leptachatina illimis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 10, pl. 10, fig. 3, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina imatatrix Sykes: 44 vol. 2, p. 364, pl. 11, fig. 9, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 68, pI. 1, fig. 14, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). 32 Bernice P. Bishop Museum —Bulletin 56 Leptachatina impressa Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 127; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 66, pl. 6, fig. 18, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina isthmica Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 270, pl. 13, fig. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 44, pI. 2, fig. below 30; pl. 12, figs. 9, lo0, 1911 (Maui, subfossil). Leptachatina knudseni Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 8, pl. 9, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina konaensis Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 364, pl. 11, fig. 13, 19o0; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 45, pl. 1, figs. 1-3, 1911 (Hawaii). Leptachatina konaensis olaaensis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 45, pl. 1, fig. 4, 1911 (Hawaii). Leptachatina kuhnsi Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 48, pl. 11, fig. 3, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina labiata (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 27, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 77, pi. 3, figs. 45, 49, 55, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella labiata Newcomb; Achatinella dentata Pfeiffer. Leptachatina laevigata Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 11, pl. 6, figs. 4, 5, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina laevis Pease: 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 7, pI. 8, figs. 56, 57, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina lagena (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 175, pI. 6, fig. 3, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 78, pl. 5, figs. 83, 84, 89, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella lagena Gulick. Leptachatina lanaiensis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 67, pl. 12, figs. 2, 3, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina lanceolata Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 65, pl. 6, figs. 12, 13, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina leiahiensis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 22, pl. 10, figs. 9, 10, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Leptachatina lenta Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 79, pl. 2, figs. 23, 24, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina lepida Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 40, pl. 1, figs. 12, 13, 1911 (Hawaii). Leptachatina leucochila (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 173, pl. 6, fig. 1, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 73, pl. 7, figs. 33-38, 1911 (Kauai). Synonyms: Achatinella leucochila Gulick; Achatinella pyramis Newcomb. Leptachatina longiuscula Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 57, pl. 11, fig. 11, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina lucida Pease: 52, 1869, p. 650; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 62, pl. 8, figs. 65, 66, 1911 (Kauai). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 33 Leptachatina marginata (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 179, pl. 6, fig. 7, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 58, pl. 11, fig. 8, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella marginata Gulick. Leptachatina mauiensis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1854, p. 126; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, P. 355, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatina mauiensis Pfeiffer. Leptachatina mcgregori Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 8, pl. 1l, fig. 8, 1915-1916 (Maui). Leptachatina microdon Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 10, pl. 9, fig. 3, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Leptachatina molokaiensis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 22, pl. 10, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina morbida Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 87, pl. 13, fig. 12, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina nitida (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 29, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 42, pl. 2, figs. 20, 21, 1911 (Maui, Oahu?, Molokai?). Synonym: Achatinella nitida Newcomb. Leptachatina nitida occidentalis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 43, pl. 2, fig. 22, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina obsoleta (Pfeiffer): 52, 1856, p. 335; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 23, pl. 2, figs. 31, 32, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Spiraxis obsoleta Pfeiffer. Leptachatina obtusa (Newcomb): 52, 1855, p. 209; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 14, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella obtusa Newcomb. Leptachatina octogyrata (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 190, pl. 6, fig. 18, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 63, pl. 9, fig. 13, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella octogyrata Gulick; Achatinella obclavata Newcomb. Leptachatina omphaloides (Ancey): 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 269, pI. 12, fig. 8; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 83, pl. 13, fig. 11, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Thaanumia omphaloides Ancey. Leptachatina opipara Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 30, pl. 12, fig. 1, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina opipara manana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 7, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Leptachatina optabilis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 84, pl. 13, fig. 9, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina oryza (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 206; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 28, pl. 3, fig. 59, 1911 (Oahu, subfossil). Synonyms: Achatinella oryza Pfeiffer; Achatinella triticea Gulick. 34 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Leptachatina oryza avus Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 5, pl. 10, figs. 12-16, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Leptachatina oryza hesperia Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 5, pl. 10, figs. 10, il, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Leptachatina oryza subcylindracea Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 28, pl. 3, figs. 60, 6i, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Leptachatina ovata Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 33, pl. 2, fig. 30, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina pachystoma (Pease): 17, vol. 17, p. 171, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 50, pl. 8, figs. 47, 48, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Labiella pachystoma Pease. Leptachatina pachystoma brevis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 52, pl. 8, fig. 53, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina pachystoma cylindrella Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 51, pl. 8, fig. 49, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina pachystoma turgidula (Pease): 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 51, pl. 8, figs. 50-52, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Labiella turgidula Pease. Leptachatina perforata Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 88, pl. 7, fig. 32, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina perkinsi Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 128; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 56, pl. 6, fig. 23, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina persubtilis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 15, pl. 10, fig. 4, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina petila (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 189, pl. 6, fig. 17, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 92, pl. 4, fig. 61-64,1911 (Oahu, subfossil). Synonym: Achatinella petila Gulick. Leptachatina pilsbryi Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 55, pl. 11, figs. 5, 6, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina popouwelensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 1, pl. 9, fig. 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Leptachatina praestabilis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 43, pl. 2, figs. 37, 38, 1911 (Maui). Leptachatina pulchra Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 29, pl. 10, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina pupoidea Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 74, pl. 7, figs. 43, 44, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina pyramis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1845, p. 90; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 47, pI. 3, figs. 43, 44, 1911 (Oahu, Kauai?). Synonym: Achatinella pyramis Pfeiffer. Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 35 Leptachatina resinula (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 174, pI. 6, fig. 2, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 59, pl. 3, fig. 43, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella resinula Gulick; Achatinella succincta Pfeiffer. Leptachatina saccula Hartman: 1, 1888, p. 55, pl. 1, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 61, pl. 4, fig. 79, 1911 (Oahu?). Leptachatina sagittata Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 2, pl. 11, fig. 9, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Leptachatina sandwicensis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1846, p. 32; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 9, pl. 9, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Oahu, Molokai?). Synonyms: Achatina sandwicensis Pfeiffer; Achatina accincta Reeve; Achatinella obclavata Pfeiffer; Achatinella octavula Paetel. Leptachatina saxatilis (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 187, pl. 6, fig. 15, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 20, pl. 4, fig. 76, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella saxatilis Gulick. Leptachatina sculpta (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 21; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 64, pl. 4, figs. 73-75, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella sculpta Pfeiffer. Leptachatina scutilus (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 10, pl. 9, figs. 3, 4, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Bulimus scutilus Mighels. Leptachatina semicostata (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 206; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 65, 1911 (Oahu?). Synonym: Achatinella semicostata Pfeiffer. Leptachatina semipicta Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 128; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 49, pl. 6, figs. 20-22, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina simplex Pease: 17, vol. 17, p. 170, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 38, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9, 1911 (Hawaii). Leptachatina smithi Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 128; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 49, pl. 6, fig. 24, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina somniator Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 7, pl. 11, figs. 4, 5, 1915-1916 (Molokai, fossil). Leptachatina stiria (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 194, pl. 6, fig. 22, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 9, pl. 9, fig. 9, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella stiria Gulick. Leptachatina striata (Newcomb): 8, 1861, vol. 2, p. 93; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 62, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Tornatellina striata Newcomb. Leptachatina striatula (Gould): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 28; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 74, pl. 12, figs. 4, 7, 1911 (Kauai). Synonyms: Achatinella striatula Gould; Achatinella clara Pfeiffer. Leptachatina subovata Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 37, pl. 11, fig. 2, 1911 (Lanai). 36 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Leptachatina subula (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 191, pl. 6, fig. 19, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 17, pl. 9, fig. 14, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella subula Gulick; Achatinella gracilis Newcomb; Achatinella elevata Pfeiffer. Leptachatina succincta (Newcomb): 7, 1855, vol. 5, p. 220; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 9o, 91, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella succincta Newcomb. Leptachatina supracostata Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 370, pl. 11, fig. 22, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21I, p. 66, pl. 6, fig. 19, 1911 (Lanai). Leptachatina tantilla Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 81, pl. 13, figs. 5-7, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina tenebrosa Pease: 52, 1869, p. 651; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 75, pl. 7, figs. 25, 26, 29, 1911 (Kauai). Leptachatina tenuicostata Pease: 17, vol. 17, p. 170, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 68, pl. 1, figs. io, 1l, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Leptachatina terebralis (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 193, pl. 6, fig. 21, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 17, pl. 9, fig. 15, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella terebralis Gulick. Leptachatina teres (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 206; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 14, 1911 (Oahu?). Synonym: Achatinella teres Pfeiffer. Leptachatina thaanumi Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 88, pl. 6, figs. 16, 17, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina turrita (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 192, pl. 6, fig. 20, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 15, pl. 9, fig. 16, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella turrita Gulick. Leptachatina vana Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 372, pl. 1 i, fig. 27, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 28, pl. 3, fig. 57, 1911 (Oahu). Leptachatina varia Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 32, pl. 11, fig. 1, 1911 (Molokai). Leptachatina ventulus (Ferussac): 34, p. 481; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 54, pl. 5, figs. 81, 82; pl. I 1, fig. 4, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix ventulus Ferussac; Achatinella melampoides Pfeiffer; Achatinella accincta Gould (not Achatinella ventulus Reeve). Leptachatina vitreola (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 194, pl. 6, fig. 23, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 35, pl. 2, figs. 28, 29, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella vitreola Gulick. Leptachatina vitreola parvula (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 195, pl. 6, fig. 24, 1856; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 36, pl. 2, fig. below 28, 1911 (type locality unknown). Synonym: Achatinella parvula Gulick. Cauml-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 37 Carelia bicolor (Jay): 16, p. 119, pl. 6, fig. 3, 1839; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 113, pl. 20, figs. 1-4, 7, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatina bicolor Jay. Carelia bicolor adusta (Gould): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 26; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 114, pl. 30, figs. 8-10, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatina adusta Gould. Carelia bicolor angulata Pease: 17, vol. 18, p. 403, 1870; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 116, pl. 20, fig. 16, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Carelia adusta angulata Pease. Carelia bicolor fuliginea (Pfeiffer): 52, 1852, p. 66; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 115, pl. 21, figs. 9, 10, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatina fuliginea Pfeiffer. Carelia bicolor fuliginea minor Borcherding: 37, p. 244, pl. 20, figs. 17, 18, 1910; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 116, pl. 20, figs. 13, 14, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Carelia adusta minor Borcherding. Carelia bicolor fuliginea suturalis Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 122; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2I, p. 114, pl. 20, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Kauai). Carelia bicolor fuliginea zonata Borcherding: 37, p. 244, pl. 20, figs. 13-16, 1910; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 116, pl. 20, fig. 15, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Carelia adusta zonata Borcherding. Carelia bicolor hyperleuca Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 114, pl. 20, figs. 5, 6, 1911 (Kauai). Carelia cochlea (Reeve): 35, vol. 5, pl. 1, fig. 5, 1849; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. o108, pl. 18, figs. 5, 6, 8, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatina cochlea Reeve. Carelia cumingiana (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 106, pl. 32, fig. 1; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 112, pl. 21, figs. 3-5; pI. 18, figs. 7, 9, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Spiraxis cumingiana Pfeiffer. Carelia dolei Ancey: 41, vol. 6, p. 328, 1893; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 109, pl. 18, figs. 1-4; pl. 16, fig. 10o, 1911 (Kauai, fossil). Synonym: Carelia cumingiana kobelti Borcherding. Carelia hyattiana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 108, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2, 1911 (Kauai, fossil). Carelia olivacea Pease: 2, vol. 2, p. 293, 1866; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 10o6, 1911 (Kauai). Carelia olivacea variabilis Pease: 17, vol. 18, p. 402, 1870; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 107, 1911 (Kauai). (This shell occurs in a space of over 15 miles on the eastern part of the island, thereby occupying a larger area than any other species of the genus.) Carelia paradoxa (Pfeiffer): 52, 1853, p. 128; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 105, pl. 19, fig. 3, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Spiraxis paradoxa Pfeiffer. 38 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Carelia pilsbryi Sykes: 24, 19o09, vol. 8, p. 204, text fig.; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 105, pi. 18, fig. lo0, 1911 (Kauai). Carelia rigida Hyatt: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 111, pl. 21, figs. 8, 13, 1911 (Kauai, fossil). Carelia sinclairi Ancey: 4i, vol. 5, p. 720, 1892; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 117, pl. 16, fig. 8; pl. 21, figs. 6, 7, 1911 (Niihau, subfossil). Carelia turricula (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 103, pl. 19, fig. 1, 1911 (Kauai). Synonyms: Achatina turricula Mighels; Carelia turricula azona Ancey; Carelia cocklea Gulick. Carelia turricula newcombi (Pfeiffer): 52, 1851, p. 262; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 104, pl. 19, figs. 4-6, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatina newcombi Pfeiffer. Carelia turricula obeliscus (Reeve): 35, vol. 5, pl. 23, fig. 129, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 104, pl. 19, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatina obeliscus Reeve. Pterodiscus alatus (Pfeiffer): 52, 1856, p. 33; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 121, pl. 22, figs. 1-3, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Helix alata Pfeiffer. Pterodiscus alatus litus Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 122, pl. 22, figs. 4-6, 1911 (Lanai). Pterodiscus cookei Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 127, pl. 23, figs. 6-8, 1911 (Oahu). Pterodiscus discus (Pilsbry and Vanatta): 1, 1905, p. 571, pl. 38, figs. 1-3; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 123, pl. 22, figs. 7, 8, 9, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Amastra discus Pilsbry and Vanatta. Pterodiscus heliciformis (Ancey): 40, vol. 7, p. 340, 1890; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 127, pl. 36, figs. 1-3, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Amastra heliciformis Ancey. Pterodiscus rex (Sykes): 4, 7th ser., vol. 14, p. 159, 1904; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 126, pl. 24, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Amastra rex Sykes. Pterodiscus thaanumi Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 125, pl. 24, figs. 1, 2, 1911 (Oahu). Pterodiscus wesleyi (Sykes): 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 127; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 123, pl. 23, figs. 1-5, 9, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Endodonta wesleyi Sykes; Endodonta alata (Pfeiffer) Pilsbry. Pterodiscus wesleyi ewaensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol., 21, p. 125, pl. 23, fig. 10o, 1911 (Oahu). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 39 Planamastra depressiformis (Pease): 52, 1864, p. 670; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 131, 1911. (Described from a juvenile Trochomorpha swainsoni, which is not Hawaiian-cf. 45, vol. 36, p. 17, 1922.) Planamastra diginophora (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 171, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 130, pl. 24, figs. 9-11, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Patula diginophora Ancey. Planamastra peaseana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 130, pl. 25, figs. 8-1o, 1911 (This is Trochomorpha swainsoni, not a Hawaiian species). Planamastra prostrata Pease: 52, 1864, p. 670; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 132, 1911. (This is Planorbis opercularis, which is not a Hawaiian species -— cf. 45, vol. 36, p. 17, 1922.) Armsia petasus (Ancey): 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 268, pl. 12, fig. 4; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 113, pI. 24, figs. 3-6, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Pterodiscus petasus Ancey. Amastra abavus Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 255, pl. 42, figs. 4, 5, 1911 (Molokai, fossil). Amastra aemulator Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 190, pl. 38, fig. 7, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra affinis (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 142, pl. 23, fig. 35; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 297, pl. 44, figs. 1-4, 6, 1911 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella affinis Newcomb; Achatinella goniostoma Pfeiffer; Amastra rustica Gulick. Amastra affinis bigener Hyatt: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 300, pl. 44, fig. 7, 1911 (Maui). Amastra affinis cinderella Hyatt: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 300, pl. 45, figs. 1, 2, 1911 (Maui). Amastra affinis kaupakaluana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 301, pl. 46, figs. 1-6, 1911 (Maui). Amastra affinis pupoidea (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 144, pl. 23, fig. 42; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 299, pl. 44, figs. 5, 9-11, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella pupoidea Newcomb. Amastra affinis subpulla Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 300, pl. 45, figs. 3, 4, 1911 (Maui). Amastra agglutinans (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 143, pl. 23, fig. 39a; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 283, pl. 36, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella obesa agglutinans Newcomb; Amastra carinata Gulick. Amastra albocincta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 40, pl. 3, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra albolabris (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 149, pl. 24, fig. 56; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 173, pl. 30, figs. 21-23, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella albo-labris Newcomb. 40 Bernice P. Bishop Museum1-Bulletin 56 Amastra amicta Smith: 52, 1873, p. 86, pl. 10, fig. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 320, pl. 43, fig. 10, 1911 (Hawaiian islands). Amastra anthonii (Newcomb): 8, 1861, vol. 2, p. 93; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 155, pl. 15, figs. 15, 18, 19, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatinella anthonii Newcomb. Amastra antiqua Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 233, pl. 11, fig. 47; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 16o, pl. 32, figs. 22, 23, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra antiqua kawaihapaiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 22, pI. 2, fig. 3, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Amastra assimilis (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 148, pl. 23, fig. 53; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 305, pl. 27, fig. 17; pl. 46, figs. 9-14, 1911 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella assimilis Newcomb; Achatinella deshayesii Morelet. Amastra aurostoma Baldwin: 45, vol. 10, p. 31, 1896; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 240, pl. 26, figs. 13, 14, 1911 (Lanai). Amastra badia Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 230, pl. 11, fig. 40; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 185, pl. 29, figs. 15, 18, 19, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra baldwiniana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 292, pl. 43, figs. 4, 5, 1911 (Maui). Amastra biplicata (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 156, pl. 24, fig. 75; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 243, pl. 17, figs. 1-6 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella biplicata Newcomb. Amastra borcherdingii Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 266, pl. 40, figs. 2-6; pl. 41, figs. 1-4, 1911 (Molokai). Synonyms: Amastra mucronata Borcherding (not Newcomb); Amastra mastersi Borcherding. Amastra breviata Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 231, pl. 11, figs. 41, 42; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 171, pl. 30, figs. 15, 17, i8, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra caputadamantis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 184, pl. 30, figs. 19, 20, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra conica Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 137, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 313, pl. 47, fig. 8, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra conica gentilis Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 233, pl. 5, fig. 1, 1908 (Hawaii). Amastra conica gyrans Hyatt: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 314, pl. 47, figs. 3, 4, 1911 (Hawaii). Amastra conica kohalensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 314, pl. 49, fig. 13, 1911 (Hawaii). Amastra conifera Smith: 52, 1873, p. 85, pl. 10, fig. 11; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 303, pl. 45, figs. 10-13, 1911 (Maui). Amastra cookei Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 182, pl. 38, figs. 4, 5, 1911 (Oahu). Caum —Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 41 Amastra cornea (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 141, pl. 23, fig. 32; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 187, pl. 31, figs. 9, 10, 12-14, 1914 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella cornea Newcomb. Amastra crassilabrum (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 141, pl. 23, fig. 31; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 189, pl. 31, figs. 6-8, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella crassilabrum Newcomb. Amastra cyclostoma Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 234, pl. 11, fig. 53; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 147, pl. 15, figs. 1-3, 6, 1911 (Kauai). Amastra cylindrica (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 134, pl. 22, fig. 11; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 227, pl. 34, figs. 13, 14, 16, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella cylindrica Newcomb. Amastra davisiana Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 215, fig. 1, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 176, pl. 31, fig. 1, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra decorticata Gulick: 52, 1873, p. 84, pl. 10, fig. 14; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 200,pl. 33, figs. 4-7, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra durandi Ancey: 20, vol. 19, p. 178, 1897; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 245, pl. 39, figs. 7, 9, lo, 1911 (Lanai, Oahu). Amastra elegantula Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 277, pl. 40, fig. 15, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra elephantina Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 226, pl. 6, fig. 3, 1908 (Oahu). Amastra elliptica Gulick: 52, 1873, p. 83, pl. 10, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 204, pl. 34, figs. 17-23, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra elongata (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 26, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 230, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella elongata Newcomb; Amastra elongata Sykes (not Borcherding); Achatinella acuta Newcomb (not Swainson). Amastra eos Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 26, pl. 2, figs. 14, 15, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Amastra erecta (Pease): 17, vol. 17, p. 174, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 305, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Laminella erecta Pease. Amastra extincta (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 204; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 159, 1911 (Oahu, subfossil). Synonym: Achatinella extincta Pfeiffer. Amastra farcimen (Pfeiffer): 52, 1856, p. 334; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 291, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella farcimen Pfeiffer (not Amastra farcimen Pfeiffer, according to Hartman). Amastra flavescens (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 151, pl. 24, fig. 62; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 315, pl. 47, figs. 12-14, 17, 1911 (Hawaii). Synonym: Achatinella flavescens Newcomb. 42 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Amastra flavescens emortua Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 231, pl. 5, fig. 6, 1908 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra flavescens henshawi Baldwin: 45, vol. 17, p. 34, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 318, pl. 47, fig. 15, 1911 (Hawaii). Synonym: Amastra henshawi Baldwin. Amastra flavescens saxicola Baldwin: 45, vol. 17, p. 34, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 317, pl. 47, figs. 11, 16, 1911 (Hawaii). Synonym: Amastra saxicola Baldwin. Amastra flemingi Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 247, pl. 6, fig. 7, 1908 (Maui, fossil). Amastra forbesi Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 242, pl. 6, fig. 8, 1908 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra fossilis Baldwin: 45, vol. 17, p. 35, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 315, pl. 47, fig. 10, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra fragilis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 24, pl. 2, figs. 11, 12, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Amastra fragosa Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 236, pl. 5, fig. 4, 1908 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra fraterna Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 129; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 233, pl. 49, fig. 9; pl. 17, figs. 11, 14, 1911 (Lanai). Amastra frosti Ancey: 41, vol. 5, p. 719, 1892; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 211, pl. 37, figs. 2, 3, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra goniops Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 41, pl. 4, figs. 1-5, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra gouveii Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 225, pl. 7, fig. 3, 1908 (Oahu). Amastra grayana (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 204; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 241, pl. 39, figs. 2, 3, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella grayana Pfeiffer. Amastra gulickiana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 168, pl. 38, fig. 8, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra hartmani (Newcomb): 1, 1888, p. 54; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 16o, pl. 38, fig. 11, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Synonym: Leptachatina hartmani Newcomb. Amastra hawaiiensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 319, pl. 42, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Hawaii). Amastra hitchcocki Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 243, pl. 7, fig. 7, 1908 (Molokai, fossil). Amastra humilis (Newcomb): 22, vol.6, p. 143, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 255, pl. 40, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella humilis Newcomb. Amastra humilis moomomiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 38, pl. 7, fig. 9-14, 1915-1916 (Molokai, fossil). Amastra humilis sepulta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 39, pl. 7, figs. 15-17, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Caumn-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 43 Amastra hutchinsonii (Pease): 52, 1862, p. 7; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 289, pl. 49, figs. 1-4, 14, 1911 (Maui, Molokai). Synonyms: Helicter hutchinsonii Pease; Amastra villosa Sykes; Amastra elongata Newcomb. Amastra inflata (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 203; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 201, pl. 33, figs. 1-3, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella inflata Pfeiffer. Amastra intermedia (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 135, pl. 22, fig. 13; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 222, pl. 33, fig. 8; pl. 34, figs. 6-12, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella intermedia Newcomb; Amastra conicospira Smith. Amastra irwiniana Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 213, fig. 3, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 172, pl. 30, fig. 16, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra johnsoni Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 304, pl. 45, fig. 16, 1911 (Maui). Amastra juddii Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 223, pl. 6, fig. 5, 1908 (Kauai). Amastra kalamaulensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 37, pl. 3, figs. 4-7, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Amastra kauaiensis (Newcomb): 22, vol. 7, p. 145, 186o; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 143, pl. 16, figs. 1-3, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatinella kauaiensis Newcomb. Amastra kaunakakaiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 36, pl. 3, figs. 8-1o, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Amastra knudseni Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 234, pl. 1l, figs. 43, 44; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 146, pl. 16, figs. 4-6, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatinella knudseni Newcomb. Amastra laeva Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 138, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 288, pI. 48, figs. 12-15, 1911 (Maui). Amastra lahainana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 43, pl. 6, figs. 1-10, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra lineolata (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 29, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 320, pl. 45, fig. 9, 1911 (Maui?, Hawaii?). Synonym: Achatinella lineolata Newcomb. Amastra luctuosa (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 204; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 198, pl. 33, figs. 12, 13, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella luctuosa Pfeiffer. Amastra luctuosa sulphurea Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 121, pl. 7, fig. 9; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 199, pl. 33, fig. 11, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra luteola (Ferussac): 34, p. 480, 1824; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 321, pl. 35, fig. 6, 1911 (Hawaii?, probably a species from the Marianas Islands). Synonym: Helix luteola Ferussac. 44 Bernice P. Bishop Museum —Bulletin 56 Amastra magna (C. B. Adams): 22, vol. 5, p. 41, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 237, pl. 26, figs. 1-6; pl. 39, figs. 4, 8, 1911 (Lanai). Synonyms: Achatinella magna Adams; Achatinella baldwinii Newcomb; Achatinella gigantea Newcomb. Amastra makawaoensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 294, pl. 43, figs. 7-9, 1911 (Maui). Amastra malleata Smith: 52, 1873, p. 85, pl. lo0, fig. 18; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 302, pl. 45, figs. 5, 6, 1911 (Maui). Amastra mastersi (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 153, pl. 24, fig. 67: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 295, pl. 43, figs. 12-17, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella mastersi Newcomb. Amastra melanosis (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 144, pl. 23, fig. 41; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 312, pl. 47, figs. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 1911 (Hawaii). Synonym: Achatinella melanosis Newcomb. Amastra melanosis kauensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser.,vol. 23, p. 50, pl. 1, fig. 18, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Amastra metamorpha Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 19, pl. 5, figs. 1-5, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra metamorpha debilis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 20, pl. 5, figs. 6, 7, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra micans (Pfeiffer): 52, 1859, p. 31; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 210, pl. 37, figs. 5-7, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella micans Pfeiffer; Amastra frosti unicolor Ancey. Amastra mirabilis Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 245, pI. 6, fig. 9, 1908 (Maui). Amastra modesta (C. B. Adams): 22, vol. 5, p. 44, 1852; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 275, 1911 (Molokai?). Synonym: Achatinella modesta Adams. Amastra modesta dimissa Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 276, pl. 40, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra modicella Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 227, pl. 5, fig. 7, 1908 (Hawaii). Amastra moesta (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 157, pl. 24, fig. 77; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 246, pI. 17, figs. 7, 9; pl. 26, fig. lo, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella moesta Newcomb. Amastra moesta longa Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 129; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 247, pl. 26, fig. 15, 1911 (Lanai, apparently extinct). Amastra moesta obscura (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 157, pl. 24, fig. 78; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 247, pI. 17, figs. 10, 12, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella obscura Newcomb. Amastra montagui Pilsbry: 45, vol. 27, p. 39, 1913; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 29, pl. 5, fig. 13, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Caumm-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 45 Amastra montana Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 136, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 308, pl. 43, figs. 18, 19, 1911 (Maui). Amastra montivaga Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 240, pl. 7, fig. 5, 1908 (Oahu). Amastra morticina Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 280, pl. 36, figs. 8, 9, 1911 (Maui, fossil). Synonym: Leptachatina extincta Pfeiffer. Amastra mucronata (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 28, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 268, pl. 40, fig. 9, 1911 (Molokai). Synonyms: Achatinella mucronata Newcomb; Achatinella fusiformis Pfeiffer; Amastra simularis Hartman; Amastra simularis maura Ancey. Amastra mucronata atroflava Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 272, pl. 41, figs. 9-13; pl. 40, figs. 13, 14, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Amastra modesta Borcherding. Amastra mucronata citrea Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 129; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 271, pl. 28, figs. 7-10, 16, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Amastra citrea Sykes. Amastra mucronata roseotincta Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 130; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 270, pl. 28, figs. 11, 12, 15, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Amastra simularis roseotincta Sykes. Amastra mucronata semicarnea Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 269, pl. 13, fig. 8; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 272, pl. 28, fig. 13; pI. 39, fig. 16, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Amastra simularis semicarnea Ancey (not Borcherding). Amastra nana Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 232, pI. 1l, figs. 48, 49; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 301, pl. 43, figs. 11, 20, 21, 1911 (Maui). Amastra neglecta Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 45, pl. 7, fig. 20, 1915 -1916 (Maui?). Amastra nigra (Newcomb): 7, 1855, vol. 5, p. 219; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 292, pl. 43, figs. 1-3, 6, 1911 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella nigra Newcomb; Achatinella globosa Gulick. Amastra nubifera Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 274, pl. 41, figs. 6, 7, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra nubifera dissimiliceps Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 275, pl. 28, figs. 19, 20, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra nubigena Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 48, pl. 5, figs. 11, 12; pl. 3, fig. 15, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra nubilosa (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 259, pl. 27, figs. 8-10, 13, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella nubilosa Mighels. Amastra nubilosa georgii Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 39, pI. 7, figs. 6-8, 1915-1916 (Molokai). 46 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Amastra nubilosa macerata Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 260, pl. 27, figs. 5-7 (11, 12), 1911 (Molokai). Amastra nucleola (Gould): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 28; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 153, pl. 15, figs. 16, 17, 1911 (Kauai). Synonyms: Achatinella nucleola Gould; Achatinella brevis Pfeiffer. Amastra nucula Smith: 52, 1873, p. 85, pl. 10, fig. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 236, pl. 26, fig. 9; pl. 39, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Lanai). Amastra obesa (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 24, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 281, pl. 42, fig. 11, 1911 (Maui). Synonyms: Achatinella obesa Newcomb; Amastra heliciformis Ancey. Amastra obesa aurora Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 18, pl. 4, figs. 9-12, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra pagodula Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 237, pl. 6, fig. 4, 1908 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra paulula Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 240, pl. 6, fig. 6, 1908 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra peasei Smith: 52, 1873, p. 86, pl. 10, fig. 13; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 322, pl. 49, fig. 11, 1911 (Lanai?, Oahu?). Amastra pellucida Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 321, pl. 11, figs. 45, 46; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 170, pl. 30, fig. 13, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra perversa Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 278, pl. 49, fig. 5, 1911 (Molokai, fossil). Amastra petricola (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 143, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 253, pl. 36, figs. 4, 5, 1911 (Molokai). Synonyms: Achatinella petricola Newcomb; Amastra petricolor Baldwin. Amastra pilsbryi Cooke: 45, vol. 27, p. 68, 1913; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 46, pl. 4, figs. 6-8, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra porcus Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 207, pl. 38, fig. 3, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra porphyrea (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 136, pl. 22, fig. 16; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 224, pl. 33, figs. 14-21, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella porphyrea Newcomb; Achatinella grossa Pfeiffer. Amastra porphyrostoma Pease: 17, vol. 17, p. 172, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 226, pl. 37, figs. 8, 12, 13, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra praeopima Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 241, pl. 7, fig. 8, 1908 (Oahu). Amastra pullata Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 228, pl. 11, figs. 31, 32; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 261, pl. 27, figs. 14-16, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra pullata subnigra Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 263, pl. 27, figs. 19-21, 1911 (Molokai). Caum —Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 47 Amastra pullata umbrosa Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 229, pl. 11, figs. 36, 37; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 263, pl. 37, figs. 14-16, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Amastra umbrosa Baldwin. Amastra pusilla (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 144, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 234, pl. 17, figs. 8, 13, 15, 1911 (Lanai). Synonyms: Achatinella pusilla Newcomb; Achatinella pulla Newcomb. Amastra remota Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 228, pl. 5, fig. 3, 1908 (Kauai, fossil). Amastra reticulata (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 148, pl. 24, fig. 54; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 179, pl. 29, figs. 2-4, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella reticulata Newcomb. Amastra reticulata conspersa (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 7, pl. 30, fig. 26; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 18o, pl. 29, fig. 1, 1911 (Oahu?). Synonym: Achatinella conspersa Pfeiffer. Amastra reticulata dispersa Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 18o, pl. 29, figs. 5-7, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra reticulata errans Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 182, pl. 29, figs. 12, 13, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra reticulata orientalis Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 181, pl. 29, figs. 8-11, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra reticulata vespertina Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 30, pl. 2, fig. 17, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Amastra ricei Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 221, pl. 7, fig. 1, 1908 (Kauai). Amastra ricei armillata Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 223, pl. 5, fig. 8, 1908 (Kauai, fossil?). Amastra rubens (Gould): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 27; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 192, pl. 32, figs. 16, 17, 19-21, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella rubens Gould. Amastra rubens castanea Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 194, pl. 32, fig. 18, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra rubens corneiformis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 194, pl. 31, figs. 17, 18, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra rubens infelix Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 195, pl. 31, fig. 15, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra rubens kahana Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 195, pl. 31, fig. 16, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra rubida Gulick: 52, 1873, p. 84, pl. 10, fig. 12; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 203, pl. 33, fig. 9, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra rubristoma Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 137, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 242, pl. 39, figs. 5, 6, 1911 (Lanai). Amastra rugulosa (Pease): 17, vol. 18, p. 95, 1870; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 152, pl. 15, fig. 12, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatinella rugulosa Pease. 48 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Amastra rugulosa annosa Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 230, pl. 5, fig. 9, 1908 (Kauai, fossil). Amastra rugulosa fastigata Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 229, pl. 6, fig. 1, 1908 (Kauai, fossil). Amastra rugulosa normalis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 153, pl. 42, fig. 9; pl. 15, figs. 8, lo, 1911 (Kauai). Amastra seminigra Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 195, pl. 32, figs. 8, 9, 11, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra seminuda Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 137, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 264, pI. 37, figs. 18-20, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra senilis Baldwin: 45, vol. 17, p. 35, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 311, pI. 47, fig. 5, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra sericea (Pfeiffer): 52, 1859, p. 31; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 175, 1911 (Oahu?). Synonym: Achatinella sericea Pfeiffer. Amastra sericea anaglypta Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 239, pl. 7, fig. 9, 1908 (Oahu). Amastra similaris Pease: 17, vol. 18, p. 96, 1870; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 150, pl. 15, figs. 7, 13, 14, 1911 (Kauai, fossil). Synonym: Amastra rugulosa similaris Pease. Amastra sinistrorsa Baldwin: 45, vol. 19, p. 138, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 310, pl. 49, figs. 6, 7, 1911 (Hawaii, fossil). Amastra sola Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 158, pl. 38, figs. 6, 9, lo, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra solida Pease: 17, vol. 17, p. 173, 1869; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 178, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra soror (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 143, pl. 23, fig. 38; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 285, pl. 48, figs. 1-5, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella soror Newcomb. Amastra soror interjecta Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 287, pl. 48, figs. 9-11, 1911 (Maui). Amastra soror laticeps Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 287, pl. 48, fig. 8, 1911 (Maui). Amastra spaldingi Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 214, fig. 2, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 169, pl. 30, fig. 14; pl. 38, fig. 13, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra sphaerica (Pease): 17, vol. 18, p. 94, 1870; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 149, pl. 15, figs. 4, 5; pl. 42, fig. 12, 1911 (Kauai). Synonym: Achatinella sphaerica Pease. Amastra spicula Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 234, pl. 5, fig. 2, 1908 (Hawaii). Amastra spirizona (Ferussac): 34, p. 480; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 215, pl. 35, figs. 16-18, 1911 (Oahu). Caumt-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 49 Synonyms: Helix spirizona Ferussac; Achatinella acuta Swainson; Achatinella baetica Mighels. Amastra spirizona chlorotica (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, pp. 5, 203; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 220, pl. 35, figs. 19, 20, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella chlorotica Pfeiffer; Achatinella rudis var. B Pfeiffer; Achatinella albida Pfeiffer. Amastra spirizona nigrolabris Smith: 52, 1873, p. 85, pl. 10, fig. 9; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 217, pl. 35, figs. 10-15, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Amastra nigrolabris Smith. Amastra spirizona rudis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 5, pl. 30, fig. 17; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 219, pl. 33, fig. 10, 1911 (Oahu?). Synonym: Achatinella rudis Pfeiffer. Amastra subcornea Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 189, pl. 31, fig. 11, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra subcrassilabris Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 293, pl. 45, figs. 14, 15, 1911 (Maui). Amastra subobscura Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 276, pI. 42, fig. 6, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra subrostrata (Pfeiffer): 52, 1859, p. 31; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 174, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella subrostrata Pfeiffer. Amastra subsoror Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 287, pl. 48, figs. 6, 7, 1911 (Maui). Amastra subsoror auwahiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 48, pl. 5, figs. 8-10o, 1915-1916 (Maui). Amastra sykesi Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 273, pl. 42, figs. 2, 3, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra tenuilabris Gulick: 52, 1873, p. 83, pl. 10, fig. 16; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 196, pl. 31, fig. 19, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra tenuilabris rubicunda Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 229, pl. 11, fig. 38; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 197, pl. 32, figs. 12, 14, 15, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Amastra rubicunda Baldwin. Amastra tenuispira Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 232, pl. 11, fig. 51; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 212, pl. 37, fig. 1, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra textilis (Ferussac): 34, p. 482; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 164, pl. 30, figs. 1-7, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix textilis Ferussac; Achatinella textilis Newcomb; Achatinella microstoma Gould; Achatinella ventulus Ferussac; Achatinella ellipsoidea Gould. Amastra textilis kaipapauensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 168, pl. 38, fig. 12, 1911 (Oahu). 50 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Amastra textilis media Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 167, pl. 30, figs. 11-12, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra thaanumi Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 177, pl. 38, figs. 1, 2, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra thurstoni Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 224, pl. 6, fig. 2, 1908 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra transversalis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 204; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 183, pl. 31, figs. 2-5, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella transversalis Pfeiffer. Amastra transversalis bryani Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 26, pl. 2, fig. 16, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Amastra tricincta Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 277, pl. 39, fig. 15, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra tristis (Ferussac): 34, p. 482, pl. 68, figs. 6, 7; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 205, pl. 32, figs. 1-7, 10, 13, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix tristis Ferussac; Achatinella fuliginosa Gould. Amastra turritella (Ferussac): 34, p. 481; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 213, pl. 35, figs. 1-4, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix turritella Ferussac; Achatina oahuensis Green; Achatinella inornata Mighels. Amastra turritella aiea Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 215, pl. 35, figs. 5, 9, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra turritella waiawa Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 215; pl. 35, figs. 7, 8, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra ultima Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 25, pl. 2, figs. 9, lo, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Amastra umbilicata (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 205; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 251, pl. 36, figs. 6, 7, 1911 (Molokai). Synonyms: Achatinella umbilicata Pfeiffer; Achatinella petricola var. Newcomb. Amastra umbilicata arenarum Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 23, pl. 2, figs. 1-4, 1915-1916 (Molokai, fossil ). Amastra umbilicata pluscula Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 228, pl. 7, fig. 2, 1908 (Hawaii). Amastra undata Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 230, pl. 1l, fig. 39; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 185, pl. 29, fig. 14, 1911 (Oahu). Amastra uniplicata Hartman: 1, 1888, p. 50, pl. 1, fig. 7; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 265, pl. 28, figs. 17, 18, 21, 22; pI. 49, fig. 12, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra uniplicata vetuscula Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 244, pl. 5, fig. 5, 1908 (Molokai, fossil). Amastra variegata (Pfeiffer): 49, p. 90, 1849; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 229, pl. 34, figs. 1-5, 1911 (Oahu). Caum —Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 51 Synonyms: Achatinella variegata Pfeiffer; Achatinella rubens Reeve; Achatinella decepta Adams. Amastra vetusta Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 233, pl. 11, fig. 150; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 178, pI. 29, figs. 16, 17, 1911 (Oahu, fossil). Amastra violacea (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 18, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 257, pl. 27, figs. 3, 4, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella violacea Newcomb. Amastra violacea wailauensis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 258, pl. 39, figs. 13, 14; pl. 27, figs. 1, 2, 1911 (Molokai). Amastra viriosa Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 235, pl. 7, fig. 6, 1908 (Hawaii). Amastra whitei Cooke: 6, vol. 3, p. 232, pI. 7, fig. 4, 1908 (Hawaii). Laminella alexandri (Newcomb): 8, 1865, vol. 3, p. 182; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 341, pl. 52, figs. 1, 2, 9, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella alexandri Newcomb. Laminella alexandri depicta Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 228, pl. 11, figs. 33-35; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 345, pl. 52, figs. 6-8, lo, 13-16, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Laminella depicta Baldwin. Laminella alexandri duoplicata Baldwin: 45, vol. 22, p. 68, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 342, pl. 52, figs. 3-5, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Laminella duoplicata Baldwin. Laminella aspera Baldwin: 45, vol. 22, p. 68, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 344, pl. 53, figs. 10-12, 1911 (Maui). Laminella bulbosa (Gulick): 22, vol. 6, p. 253, 1858; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 340, pl. 53, figs. 13-15, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella bulbosa Gulick. Laminella citrina (Mighels): 32, vol. 2, p. 234, 1848; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 350, pl. 50, figs. 1-5, 8, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella citrina Mighels. Laminella citrina helvina Baldwin: 1, 1895, p. 227, pl. 11, fig. 30; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 352, pl. 50, figs. 12-15, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Laminella helvina Baldwin. Laminella citrina semiventula Borcherding: 50, vol. 19, p. 92, pl. 8, figs. 23, 24, 1906; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 353, pl. 50, figs. 6, 7, 9-11, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Laminella semiventula Borcherding. Laminella concinna (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 157, pl. 24, fig. 79; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 336, pl. 54, figs. lo0, 11, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella concinna Newcomb. Laminella concinna circumcincta Dall: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 337, pl. 54, figs. 12, 13, 1911 (Lanai). Laminella gravida (Ferussac): 34, p. 478, pl. 68, figs. 4, 5; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 327, pl. 55, figs. 1-4, 1911 (Oahu). 52 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Synonyms: Helix gravida Ferussac; Achatinella gravida Pfeiffer; Bulimus gravida Pfeiffer; Achatinella suffusa Reeve; Achatinella dimondi Adams. Laminella gravida aurantium Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 54, pl. 1, figs. 3-5, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Laminella gravida kalihiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 54, pI. i, fig. 6, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Laminella gravida waianaensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 54, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Laminella kuhnsi (Cooke): 6, vol. 3, p. 217, 1908; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 343, pl. 49, fig. 15; pl. 52, figs. 11, 12, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Amastra kuhnsi Cooke. Laminella picta (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 21; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 338, pl. 53, figs. 1-9, 1911 (Maui). Synonym: Achatinella picta Mighels. Laminella remyi (Newcomb): 22, vol. 6, p. 146, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, P-. 335, pl. 54, fig. 9, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella remyi Newcomb. Laminella sanguinea (Newcomb): 52, 1853, p. 135, pl. 22, fig. 15; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 330, pl. 55, figs. 9, 12-16, 1911 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella sanguinea Newcomb; Achatinella ferussaci Pfeiffer. Laminella straminea (Reeve): 35, vol. 6, pl. 5, sp. 38, 1850; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 329, pl. 55, figs. 10, 11, 1911 (Oahu). Synonym: Achatinella straminea Reeve. Laminella tetrao (Newcomb): 7, 1855, vol. 5, p. 219; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 333, pl- 54, figs. 1-7, 1911 (Lanai). Synonym: Achatinella tetrao Newcomb. Laminella tetrao gracilior Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 335, pl. 54, fig. 8, 1911 (Lanai). Laminella venusta (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 21; 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, P. 347, pl. 51, figs. 1-10, 12, 1911 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella venusta Mighels. Laminella venusta muscaria Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 349, pl. 51, figs. 13-16, 1911 (Molokai). Laminella venusta orientalis Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 350, pl. 51, fig. 1, 1911 (Molokai). Laminella venusta semivestita Hyatt and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 21, p. 349, pl. 51, figs. 6-1o, 12, 1911 (Molokai). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 53 TORNATELLINIDAE Auriculella ambusta Pease: 17, vol. 16, p. 345, 1868; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 86, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella ambusta obliqua Ancey: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 88, pl. 23, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella amoena (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 2, pl. 30, fig. 3; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 81, 1915-1916; vol. 22, pl. 30, fig. 3, 1912-1914 (Oahu). Synonyms: Achatinella amoena Pfeiffer; Frickella amoena Pfeiffer. Auriculella auricula (Ferussac): 12, p. 66, no. 6, 1821; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 78, pl. 24, figs. 1-10, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Synonyms: Partula auricula Ferussac; Partula dumartroyi Souleyet; Auricula owaihiensis Chamisso; Auricula sinistrorsa Chamisso; Bulimus armatus Mighels; Auriculella perkinsi Sykes; Auriculella triplicata Pease. Auriculella brunnea Smith: 52, 1873, p. 88, pl. 1o, fig. 23; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 105, pl. 26, figs. 10-15, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Auriculella canalifera Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 121, pl. 7, fig. 11; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. o106, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Auriculella castanea (Pfeiffer): 32, vol. 3, p. 524, 1853; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 94, pl. 25, figs. 10-12, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Synonyms: Tornatellina castanea Pfeiffer; Achatinella lurida Pfeiffer. Auriculella cerea (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 2, pl. 30, fig. 21; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 103, pl. 26, figs. 1-7, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Synonym: Achatinella cerea Pfeiffer. Auriculella crassula Smith: 52, 1873, p. 88, pl. 10, fig. 22; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 109, pl. 18, figs. 1-5, 1915-1916 (Maui). Auriculella diaphana Smith: 52, 1873, p. 87, pl. 10, fig. 25; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 76, pl. 27, figs. 1-6, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella diaphana cacuminis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 77, pl. 24, figs. 11, 12, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella expansa Pease: 17, vol. 16, p. 343, pl. 14, fig. 8, 1868; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 3-6, 1915-1916 (Maui). Auriculella flavida Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 103, pl. 26, figs. 8, 9, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Auriculella kuesteri (Pfeiffer): 52, 1854, p. 295; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 100, 1915-1916 (Oahu?). Synonym: Tornatellina kuesteri Pfeiffer. Auriculella lanaiensis Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 107, pl. 19, figs. 12-16, 1915-1916 (Lanai). Auriculella malleata Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 4, p. 120, pl. 7, fig. 12; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 88, pl. 27, figs. 12-14, 1915-1916 (Oahu). 54 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Auriculella minuta Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 90, pl. 25, figs. 5-9, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella montana Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 82, pl. 27, fig. 9, 1915 -1916 (Oahu). Auriculella newcombi (Pfeiffer): 52, 1853, p. 67; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 102, pl. 28, figs. 1-4, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Synonym: Balea newcombi Pfeiffer. Auriculella olivacea Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 81, pl. 27, figs. 10, 11, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella perpusilla Smith: 52, 1873, p. 87, pl. 10, fig. 26; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 91, pl. 25, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella perversa Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 90, pl. 25, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella petitiana (Pfeiffer): 49, p. 149, 1847; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 95, pl. 28, fig. 8, 1915-1916 (Oahu?). Synonym: Tornatellina petitiana Pfeiffer. Auriculella pulchra Pease: 17, vol. 16, p. 346, pl. 14, fig. 6, i868; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 83, pl. 23, figs. 5-20, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella serrula Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 93, pI. 25, figs. 13, 14, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella straminea Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 77, pl. 24, fig. 13, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella tantalus Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 97, pl. 24, figs. 15, 16, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella tenella Ancey: 40, p. 232, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 99, pl. 19, figs. 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella tenuis Smith: 52, 1873, p. 87, pl. 10, fig. 27; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 98, pl. 25, fig. 16, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella turritella Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 92, pl. 25, fig. 15, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Auriculella uniplicata Pease: 17, vol. 16, p. 344, 1868; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. lo8, pl. 18, figs. 8-16, 1915-1916 (Maui). Auriculella westerlundiana Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 218, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 111, pl. 19, figs. 9-11, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Gulickia alexandri Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 112, pl. 28, fig. 7, 1915 -1916 (Hawaii). Elasmias anceyanum Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 118, pl. 31, figs. 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Maui). Elasmias fuscum (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, pp. 306, 307, pl. 12, figs. 23, 24, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 115, pl. 29, figs. 1-6, 1915-1916 (Maui, Molokai, Oahu, Hawaii). Synonym: Tornatellina fusca Ancey. Caum- Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 55 Elasmias luakahaense Pilsbry: 17, vol. 51, p. 295, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 117, pl. 29, figs. 7-10, 1915-1916 (Kauai, Oahu). Synonym: Tornatellina aperta Ancey (not Pease). Tornatellina baldwini Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 238, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 142, pl. 35, figs. 3, 4; pl. 40, fig. 13; pl. 42, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Oahu). Tornatellina baldwini subrugosa Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 143, pl. 35, figs. 7, 10, 1915-1916 (Hawaiian islands). Tornatellina cylindrica Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 381, pl. 9, fig. 28, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 153, pl. 43, figs. 1-3; pl. 40, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Kauai, Oahu, Maui). Tornatellina cylindrica kilohanana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 154, pl. 40, figs. 3, 6, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellina gayi Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 172, pl. 42, fig. 3, 1915-1916 (Kauai). Tornatellina gracilis Pease: 52, 1871, p. 460; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 159, pl. 42, fig. 11; pl. 43, figs. 7-9, 1915-1916 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Tornatellina extincta Ancey. Tornatellina lanceolata Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 158, pl. 43, figs. 4-6, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellina mcgregori Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 144, pl. 35, figs. 14, 15, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellina oblonga Pease: 52, 1864, p. 673; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 160, pl. 41, figs. 6, 9; pl. 42, figs. 7-10; p. 163, pl. 36, figs. 5, 6, 8-11, 1915 -1916 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Tornatellina dentata Pease. Tornatellina peponum (Gould): 7, 1847, vol. 2, p. 197; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 156, pl. 35, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6; pl. 42, figs. 4-6, 1915-1916 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Pupa peponum Gould. Tornatellina polygnampta Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 155, pl. 41, figs. 1-5, 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Maui). Tornatellina polygnampta kamaloensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 156, pl. 40, figs. 4, 5, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellina tantalus Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 172, pl. 40, figs. 8-1o, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides attenuatus Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 219, pl. 48, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu, fossil). Tornatellides bellus Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 241, pl. 53, figs. 4, 5, 1915-1916 (Maui). Tornatellides brunneus Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 238, pl. 51, figs. 5, 6, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Bernice P. Bishop Aluseum-Bulletin 56 Tornatellides bryani Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 210, pl. 53, figs. 9, 10, 1915-1916 (Laysan). Tornatellides comes Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 225, pl. 49, figs. 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides compactus (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, p. 380, pl. 1l, fig. 1, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 204, pl. 45, figs. 1-3, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Synonym: Tornatellina compacta Sykes. Tornatellides confusus (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, pp. 380, 382, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 209, pl. 46, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Synonym: Tornatellina confusa Sykes. Tornatellides cyphostyla (Ancey): 18, vol. 11, p. 70, pl. 5, figs. 22, 23, 1904; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 218, pl. 48, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Hawaii, fossil). Synonym: Tornatellina cyphostyla Ancey. Tornatellides diptyx Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 217, pl. 47, figs. 8, 9, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides drepanophora Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 249, pl. 52, figs. 11-13, 1915-1916 (Kauai). Tornatellides euryomphala (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 239, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 232, pl. 50, figs. 1-3, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina euryomphala Ancey. Tornatellides forbesii Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 247, pl. 52, figs. 8, 9, 1915-1916 (Maui). Tornatellides forbesii nanus Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 248, pl. 52, figs. 5, 10, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellides frit Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 226, pl. 49, fig. 6, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides idae Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 216, pl. 47, figs. 3, 5, 6, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides inornatus Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 214, pl. 46, fig. 13, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides insignis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 220, pl. 48, figs. 10-13, 1915-1916 (Oahu, fossil). Tornatellides irregularis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 234, pl. 50, figs. 4-6, 1915-1916 (Maui). Tornatellides kahoolavensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 211, pl. 46, figs. 3, 4, 7, 1915-1916 (Kahoolawe). Tornatellides kahukuensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 208, pl. 46, figs. 11, 12, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides kamaloensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 207, pl. 45, figs. 1o, 11, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Cauin-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca Tornatellides kilauea Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 208, pl. 45, figs. 12, 13, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellides konaensis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 212, pl. 46, figs. 5, 6, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellides leptospira Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 243, pl. 51, figs. 11-13, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides macromphala (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 296, pl. 12, figs. 3, 4, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 227, pl. 49, figs. 14-16, 1915-1916 (Maui, Oahu). Synonym: Tornatellina macromphala Ancey. Tornatellides macroptychia (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 305, pl. 12, figs. 21, 22, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 239, pl. 51, figs. 8, 9, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina macroptychia Ancey. Tornatellides micromphala Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 229, pl. 49, figs. 12, 13, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides moomomiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 222, pl. 48, figs. 14, 15, 1915-1916 (Molokai, fossil). Tornatellides oahuensis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 222, pl. 48, figs. 8, 9, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides oncospira Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 214, pl. 46, fig. 8, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellides perkinsi (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, p. 382, pl. 2, fig. 14, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 224, pl. 49, figs. 1, 2, 5, 1915-1916 (Kauai). Synonym: Tornatellina perkinsi Sykes. Tornatellides perkinsi acicula Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 225, pl. 49, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides pilsbryi Cooke: 45, vol. 28, p. 79, 1914; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 221, pl. 48, figs. 5-7, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides plagioptyx Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 242, pl. 53, figs. 1-3, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides popouelensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 235, pl. 50, figs. 9-12, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides prionoptychia Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 246, pl. 52, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides procerulus (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 302, pl. 12, figs. 13, 14, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 205, pl. 45, figs. 4-6, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina procerula Ancey. Tornatellides procerulus kailuanus Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 207, pl. 45, fig. 9, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides procerulus puukolekolensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser.. vol. 23, p. 207, pl. 45, figs. 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Bernice P. Bishop Museuwm-Bulletin 56 Tornatellides producta (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 297, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 226, pl. 49, figs. 9-11, 1915-1916 (Kauai). Synonym: Tornatellina macromphala producta Ancey. Tornatellides pyramidatus (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 304, pl. 12, figs. 19, 20, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 236, pl. 51, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Synonym: Tornatellina pyramidata Ancey. Tornatellides ronaldi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 234, pl. 50, figs. 7, 8, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides rudicostatus (Ancey): 18, vol. 11, p. 70, pl. 5, figs. 20, 21, 1904; 26, 2d ser. vol. 23, p. 250, pl. 47, figs. 10-12, 1915-1916 (Hawaii, fossil). Synonym: Tornatellina rudicostata Ancey. Tornatellides serrarius Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 247, pl. 52, figs. 6, 7, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides spaldingii Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 230, pl. 53, figs. 6-8, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellides subangulatus (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 303, pl. 12, figs. 15, 16, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 213, pl. 46, figs. 9, lo, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina subangulata Ancey. Tornatellides terebra (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 303, pI. 12, figs. 17, i8, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 244, pl. 52, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina terebra Ancey. Tornatellides thaanumi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 215, pl. 47, figs. 1, 2, 4, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellides virgula Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 241, pl. 51, figs. 10, 14, 1915-1916 (Maui). Tornatellides waianaensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 237, pl. 51, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellaria abbreviata (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 298, pl. 12, figs. 7, 8, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 267, pl. 55, figs. 12, 13, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina abbreviata Ancey. Tornatellaria abbreviata hawaiiensis Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 269, pl. 55, fig. 14, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellaria adelinae Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 256, pl. 54, figs. 3, 4, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellaria anceyana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 263, pl. 55, fig. 4, 1915-1916 (Maui). Tornatellaria baldwiniana Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 270, pl. 55, fig. 5, 1915-1916 (Maui). Caum-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 59 Tornatellaria cincta (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 297, pl. 12, figs. 5, 6, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 262, pl. 55, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Tornatellina cincta Ancey. Tornatellaria convexior Pilsbry and Cooke: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 267, pl. 55, fig. 8, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellaria henshawi (Ancey): 17, vol. 51, p. 299, pl. 12, figs. 9, 10, 1903; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 264, pl. 55, fig. 3, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Synonym: Tornatellina henshawi Ancey. Tornatellaria lilae Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 256, pl. 54, figs. 1, 2, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellaria newcombi (Pfeiffer): 52, 1856, p. 335; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 258, pl. 54, figs. 9, 1o, 1915-1916 (Kauai, Oahu). Synonym: Tornatellina newcombi Pfeiffer. Tornatellaria occidentalis Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 257, pl. 54, figs. 5, 6, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellaria sharpi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 270, pl. 55, fig. 10, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellaria smithi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 269, pl. 55, fig. 11, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellaria stokesi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 259, pl. 54, fig. 8, 1915-1916 (Oahu). Tornatellaria sykesi Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 265, pl. 55, fig. 6, 1915-1916 (Hawaii). Tornatellaria sykesi illibata Cooke and Pilsbry: 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 266, pl. 55, fig. 7, 1915-1916 (Molokai). Tornatellaria trochoides (Sykes): 44, vol. 2, p. 383, pl. 11, fig. 31, 1900; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 261, pl. 54, figs. 13-17; pl. 55, fig. 9, 1915-1916 (Lanai). Synonym: Tornatellina trochoides Sykes. Tornatellaria umbilicata (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 232, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 23, p. 260, pl. 54, figs. 11, 12, 1915-1916 (Maui). Synonym: Tornatellina umbilicata Ancey. SUCCINEIDAE Succinea apicalis Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 118, pl. 7, fig. 3 (Maui). Succinea approximata (Shuttleworth): 35, vol. 18, pl. 4, sp. 27, 1872 (Hawaiian islands?). Succinea aurulenta Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 424, 1889 (Hawaii). Succinea baldwini Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 250, 1889 (Maui). Succinea bicolorata Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 271, pl. 12, fig. 2 (Hawaii). 6o Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Succinea caduca Mighels: 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 21 (Molokai, Lanai, Oahu). Succinea canella Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 184 (Maui, Molokai). Succinea casta Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 272, pl. 12, fig. lo (Hawaii). Succinea cepulla Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 182 (Hawaii, Molokai, Oahu). Synonyms: Succinea fragilis Souleyet (not King): Succinea souleyeti Ancey. Succinea cinnamomea Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 247, 1889 (Oahu). Succinea delicata Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 243, 1889 (Maui). Succinea elongata Pease: 17, vol. 18, p. 96, 1870 (Kauai). Succinea explanata Gould: 46, p. 13, pl. 2, fig. 31, 1852 (Kauai). Succinea fragilis King: 51, vol. 5, p. 343, 1831 (Hawaiian islands). Succinea garrettiana Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 272, pI. 12, fig. 7 (Hawaii). Succinea gibba Henshaw: 18, vol. 11, p. 62, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8, 1904 (Hawaii). Succinea inconspicua Ancey: 24, vol. 3, p. 273, pl. 12, fig. 9, 1899 (Hawaii). Succinea konaensis Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 299 (Hawaii). Succinea kuhnsi Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 117, pl. 7, fig. I (Hawaii). Succinea lumbalis Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 183 (Hawaii, Kauai). Succinea lutulenta Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 244, 1889 (Maui). Succinea mauiensis Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 248, 1889 (Maui). Succinea maxima Henshaw: 18, vol. 11, p. 61, pl. 5, figs. 1, 2, 1904 (Hawaii). Succinea mirabilis Henshaw: 18, vol. 11, p. 61, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4, 1904 (Hawaii). Succinea newcombiana Garrett: 8, 1857, vol. 1, p. 103; 6, vol. 7, p. 273, 1921 (Hawaii). Succinea pristina Henshaw: 18, vol. 11, p. 62, pl. 5, figs. 5, 6, 1904 (Hawaii). Succinea protracta Sykes: 44, vol. 2, p. 388, 1900oo (Hawaii). Succinea pudorina Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 186 (erroneously reported from Hawaii). Succinea punctata Pfeiffer: 52, 1854, p. 297 (Hawaiian islands). Succinea quadrata Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 119, pl. 7, fig. 5 (Hawaii). Succinea rotundata Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 182 (Oahu, Molokai, Hawaii). Succinea rubella Pease: 52, 1871, p. 460 (Lanai). Succinea tahietensis Pfeiffer: 52, 1846, p. lo09 (Hawaiian islands). Succinea tenerrima Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 118, pl. 7, fig. 2 (Hawaii). Succinea tetragona Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 119, pl. 7, fig. 4 (Maui). Succinea thaanumi Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 272, pl. 12, fig. 3 (Hawaii). Succinea venusta Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 186 (Hawaii). Succinea vescicalis Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 183 (Hawaii). Succinea waianaensis Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 273, pI. 12, fig. 12 (Oahu). Cauml-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca 61 Catinella paropsis Cooke: 6, vol. 7, p. 275, pl. 25, fig. 3, 1921 (Oahu). Catinella rubida (Pease): 52, 1871, p. 459; 6, vol. 7, p. 274, pl. 25, fig. 1, 1921 (Kauai). Synonym: Succinea rubida Pease. Catinella tuberculata Cooke: 6, vol. 7, p. 275, pl. 25, fig. 2, 1921 (Oahu). Laxisuccinea haena Cooke: 6, vol. 7, p. 277, pl. 25, fig. 5, 1921 (Kauai, fossil). Laxisuccinea libera Cooke: 6. vol. 7, p. 277, pl. 25, fig. 6, 1921 (Kauai, fossil). STENOGYRIDAE Opeas clavulinum hawaiiense Sykes: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 113, fig. 3; 26, 2d ser., vol. 18, p. 136, pl. 17, fig. 97, 1906 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Opeas prestoni hawaiiensis Sykes. Opeas javanicum (Reeve): 35, vol. 5, pl. 17, fig. 97, 1849; 26, 2d ser., vol. 18, p. 138, pl. 12, figs. 14, 16; pl. i6, figs. 81, 88; pl. 22, fig. 9, 1906 (Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai). Synonyms: Achatina javanica Reeve; Opeas henshawi Sykes. Opeas mauritianum (Pfeiffer): 52, 1852, p. 150; 26, 2d ser., vol. 18, p. 133, pl. 17, figs. 92-96, 1906 (Maui). Synonyms: Bulimus mauritianus Pfeiffer; Spiraxis sandwichensis Pfeiffer. Opeas mauritianum prestoni Sykes: 24, 1898, vol. 3, p. 73, pl. 5, fig. 4; 26, 2d ser., vol. 18, p. 134, pl. 17, figs. 98-100, 1906 (Hawaii). Synonym: Opeas prestoni Sykes. Opeas operanum (Pfeiffer): 52, 1846, p. 34; 26, 2d ser., vol. 18, p. 183, pl. 22, figs. 1-3, 12; pl. 24, fig. 39, 1906 (Hawaii, Molokai, Oahu). Synonyms: Bulimus operanus Pfeiffer; Stenogyra tuckeri Pfeiffer; Bulimus pyrgiscus Pfeiffer; Bulimus junceus Gould; Stenogyra upolensis Mousson; Stenogyra novemgyrata Mousson. Opeas opella Pilsbry and Vanatta: 1, 1905, p. 785, fig. 1; 26, 2d ser., vol. 18, p. 186, pl. 24, fig. 36, 1906 (Oahu, Hawaii). Geostilbia baldwini (Ancey): 41, vol. 5, p. 718, 1892; 26, 2d ser., vol. 20, p. 45, 1909-1910 (Oahu, Hawaii). Synonym: Caecilianella baldwini Ancey. Bulimus lactifluus Pfeiffer: Cf. 44, p. 399. (This species also described by Pfeiffer as Spiraxis sandwichensis [52, 1856, p. 335] is a native of Chile and is not known to occur in Hawaii.) HELICIDAE Helix approximata Guillou: 38, p. 139, 1842; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 90, pl. 18, figs. 64-67, 1887 (This snail is probably a species of Trochomorpha, erroneously reported as occurring in Hawaii). 62 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Eulota similaris (Ferussac): 11, vol. 1, p. 171, pl. 25b, figs. 1-4; pl. 27a, figs. 1-5, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 205, pl. 46, figs. 27-30; pl. 47, figs. 33-37, 1887 (Kauai,Oahu). Synonym: Helix similaris Ferussac. Papuina barnaclei (E. A. Smith): 4, 4th ser., vol. 20, p. 242, 1877; 26, 2d ser., vol. 7, p. 73, 189o (Hawaii). Synonym: Helix barnaclei Smith. Systrophia sandwichensis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1849, p. 128; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 213, pl. 62, fig. 57, 1886. (Described as Helix sandwichensis, this species does not occur in the Hawaiian islands. It has been referred also to the genus Charopa.) GENERA UNCERTAIN, TYPES BROKEN OR LOST Helix exserta Pfeiffer: 52, 1856, p. 32; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 215, 1886 (Hawaii). Helix fornicata Gould: 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 172; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 27, 1887 (Hawaiian islands). The systematic position of H. exserta and H. fornicata is doubtful. From the descriptions, the genera are not easy to locate, and the type of H. fornicata has been lost, while of that of H. exserta only a fragment remains. ZONITIDAE Godwinia caperata (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 181; 26, 2d ser., vol. 1, p. 171, pl. 38, figs. 61-63, 1885 (Kauai, Oahu?). Synonyms: Helicarion caperatus Gould; Helix newcombi Pfeiffer. Godwinia haupuensis Cooke: 6, vol. 7, p. 267, 1921 (Kauai). Godwinia tenella (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 181; 26, 2d ser., vol. 1, p. 171, pl. 38, figs. 59, 6o, 1885 (Maui, Hawaii). Synonym: Helicarion tenellus Gould. Nesovitrea hawaiiensis (Ancey): 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 120, pl. 7, figs. 8, 8b (Hawaii). Synonym: Vitrea hawaiiensis Ancey. Nesovitrea lanaiensis (Sykes): 24, 1897, vol. 2, p. 298 (Lanai). Synonym: Vitrea lanaiensis Sykes. Nesovitrea molokaiensis (Sykes): 24, 1897, vol. 2, p. 298 (Molokai). Synonym: Vitrea molokaiensis Sykes. Nesovitrea pauxillus (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 171; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 123, pl. 41, figs. 51-53, 1886 (Maui). Synonym: Nanina pauxillus Gould (not Nanina pusillus Lowe). Pseudohyalina kawaiensis (Pfeiffer): 52, 1854, p. 52; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 170, pl. 52, fig. 5, i886 (Kauai, Maui, Oahu). Synonym: Helix kawaiensis Pfeiffer. Caum- Check List Hawaiian Mollusca Pseudohyalina meniscus Ancey: 18, vol. 11, p. 65, 1904 (Hawaii). Lamprocystis misella (Ferussac): 34, p. 473, 1824; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 115, pI. 38, figs. 47, 48, 1886. (This shell, described as Nanina misella, is a Guam species, erroneously reported as occurring in Hawaii.) Microcystis chamissoi (Pfeiffer): 52, 1855, p. 91; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 116, pI. 38, figs. 74-76, 1886 (Kauai). Synonym: Nanina chamissoi Pfeiffer. Microcystina cryptoportica (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 20; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 116, pl. 38, figs. 68-70, 1886 (Hawaii, Oahu). Synonym: Nanina cryptoportica Gould. Philonesia abeillei (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 199, t889; 44, vol. 2, p. 280 (Oahu, Molokai, Lanai). Synonym: Microcystis abeillei Ancey. Philonesia baldwini (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 204, 1889; 44, vol. 2, p. 281 (Oahu, Maui). Synonym: Microcystis baldwini Ancey. Philonesia cicerula (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 171; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 116, pI. 38, figs. 71-73, 1886 (Hawaii). Synonym: Nanina cicerula Gould. Philonesia cicerula boettgeriana (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 206, 1889 (Hawaii). Synonym: Microcystis cicerula boettgeriana Ancey. Philonesia exaequata (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 171; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 114, pl. 30, figs. 40-42, i886 (Kauai). Synonyms: Nanina exaequata Gould; Nanina discus Pfeiffer; Nanina obtusangula Pfeiffer. Philonesia hartmanni (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 198, 1889 (Oahu). Synonym: Microcystis hartmanni Ancey. Philonesia indefinata (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 203, 1889 (Maui). Synonym: Microcystis indefinata Ancey. Philonesia lymaniana (Ancey): 41, vol. 6, p. 329, 1893 (Oahu). Synonym: Microcystis lymaniana Ancey. Philonesia oahuensis (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 202, 1889 (Oahu). Synonym: Microcystis oahuensis Ancey. Philonesia oahuensis depressiuscula (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 203, 1889 (Oahu). Synonym: Microcystis oahuensis depressiuscula Ancey. Philonesia perlucens (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 207, 1889 (Maui). Synonym: Microcystis perlucens Ancey. Philonesia perkinsi (Sykes): 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 126, (Lanai, Oahu). Synonym: Macrochlamys perkinsi Sykes. Bernice P. Bishop Museum1-Bulletin 56 Philonesia platyla (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 196, 1889 (Oahu). Synonym: Microcystis platyla Ancey. Philonesia plicosa (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 200, 1889 (Oahu). Synonym: Microcystis plicosa Ancey. Philonesia rufobrunnea (Ancey): 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 119, (Hawaii). Synonym: Microcystis rufobrunnea Ancey. Philonesia sericans (Ancey): 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 268, pl. 12, fig. 5, (Hawaii). Synonym: Microcystis sericans Ancey. Philonesia subrutila (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 124, 1886 (Oahu). Synonym: Nanina subrutila Mighels. Philonesia subtilissima (Gould): 7, 1846, vol. 2, p. 177; 26, 2d ser., vol. 2, p. 117, pl. 39, figs. 92-94, 1886 (Maui). Synonym: Nanina subtilissima Gould. Philonesia turgida (Ancey): 40, vol. 7, p. 339, 1890 (Maui). Synonym: Microcystis turgida Ancey. Kaliella gaetanoi Pilsbry and Vanatta: 45, vol. 22, p. 73, 1908 (Hawaii). Kaliella konaensis Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 299, pl. 11, fig. 33 (Hawaii). Kaliella lubricella Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 119, pl. 7, fig. 6 (Hawaii). Kaliella thaanumi Ancey: 24, 1904, vol. 6, p. 119, pl. 7, fig. 7 (Hawaii). LIMACIDAE Agriolimax bevenoti Collinge: 24, 1897, vol. 2, p. 295; 44, vol. 2, p. 276 (Kauai, Oahu, Maui). Agriolimax globosus Collinge: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 47; 44, vol. 2, p. 276 (Hawaii). Agriolimax laevis (Muller): 29, vol. 2, p. 9, 1774; 44, vol. 2, p. 276 (Kauai, Maui). Synonyms: Limax laevis Muller; Limax brunneus Draparnaud; Limax arenarius Gassies; Limax parvulus Normand. Agriolimax perkinsi Collinge: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 47; 44, vol. 2, p. 276 (Lanai). Agriolimax sandwichiensis (Eydoux): 42, vol. 2, p. 497, pl. 28, figs. 8-11, 1852; 44, vol. 2, p. 276 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Limax sandwichiensis Eydoux. Amalia babori Collinge: 24, 1897, vol. 2, p. 294; 44, vol. 2, p. 275 (Maui, Hawaii). Amalia gagates (Draparnaud): 10, p. 100; 44, vol. 2, p. 276 (Maui). Synonym: Limax gagates Draparnaud. Caum1-Check List Hawaiian Mollusca ENDODONTIDAE Endodonta apiculata Ancey: 40, vol. 6, p. 188, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 8, p. 95, 1892 (Kauai). Endodonta baldwini (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 176, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 9, p. 26, 1894 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Charopa baldwini Ancey. Endodonta binaria (Pfeiffer): 52, 1856, p. 33; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 61, pl. 11, figs. 87, 88, 1887 (Kauai). Synonym: Helix binaria Pfeiffer. Endodonta capillata (Pease): 2, vol. 2, p. 292, 1866 (Kauai). Synonym: Helix capillata Pease. Endodonta concentrica Pilsbry and Vanatta: 1, 1905, p. 785 (Lanai). Endodonta contorta (Ferussac): 11, vol. 1, p. 10, pl. 51a, fig. 2, 1821; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 63, pl. 12, figs. 8-1o, 1887 (Oahu, Kauai). Synonyms: Helix contorta Ferussac; Helix intercarinata Mighels. Endodonta decussatula (Pease): 2, vol. 2, p. 291, 1866; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 60, 1887 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Helix decussatula Pease. Endodonta distans (Pease): 2, vol. 2, p. 290, 1866; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 60, 1887 (Hawaiian islands). Synonym: Helix distans Pease. Endodonta elisae (Ancey): 40, vol. 6, p. 18o, 1889; 26, 2d ser., vol. 8, p. 95, 1892. (This shell, described as Pitys elisae, is not a Hawaiian species, having been so reported in error.) Endodonta henshawi Ancey: 18, vol. 11, p. 66, 1904 (Hawaii). Endodonta hystricella (Pfeiffer): 52, 1859, p. 25 (Hawaii). Synonym: Helix hystricella Pfeiffer. Endodonta hystricella paucilamellata Ancey: 18, vol. 11, p. 67, 1904 (Hawaii). Endodonta hystrix (Mighels): 33, vol. 3, p. 67; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 59, pl. 11, figs. 71-73, 1887 (Oahu). Synonyms: Helix hystrix Mighels (not Cox); Helix setigera Gould. Endodonta jugosa (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 59, pl. 11, figs. 65-70, 1887 (Hawaii). Synonyms: Helix jugosa Mighels, Helix rubiginosa Gould. Endodonta kamehameha Pilsbry and Vanatta: 1, 1905, p. 784 (Molokai). Endodonta lamellosa (Ferussac): 11, vol. i, p. 369, pl. 51, fig. 3, 1855; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 67, pl. 12, figs. 32-34, 1887 (Hawaiian islands). Synonyms: Helix lamellosa Ferussac; Helix fricki Pfeiffer. 66 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 Endodonta laminata (Pease): 2, vol. 2, p. 292, 1866; 26, 2d ser., vol. 9, p. 25, 1894 (Kauai). Synonym: Helix laminata Pease. Endodonta lanaiensis Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 127; 44, vol. 2, p. 291, pl. 11, figs. 37, 38, 19oo (Lanai, Kauai). Endodonta luctifera Pilsbry and Vanatta: 1, 1905, p. 575 (Hawaiian islands). Endodonta marsupialis Pilsbury and Vanatta: 1, 1905, p. 784 (Oahu). Endodonta nuda Ancey: 24, 1899, vol. 3, p. 268, pi. 12, fig. 1 (Hawaii). Endodonta paucicostata (Pease): 17, vol. 18, p. 395, 1870; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 60, 1887 (Kauai). Synonyms: Helix paucicostata Pease; Helix filocostata Pease. Endodonta ringens Sykes: 24, 1896, vol. 2, p. 126; 44, vol. 2, p. 288, pi. 11, figs. 39, 40, 1900 (Lanai). Endodonta rugata (Pease): 2, vol. 2, p. 291, 1866; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 67, 1887 (Maui). Synonym: Helix rugata Pease. Endodonta stellula Gould: 7, 1844, vol. 1, p. 174; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 61, pi. 11, figs. 84-86, 1887 (Maui). Synonym: Helix stellula Gould. Endodonta thaanumi Pilsbry and Vanatta: 1, 1905, p. 574 (Hawaii). Endodonta tiara (Mighels): 7, 1845, vol. 2, p. 19; 26, 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 38, pl. 8, figs. 25-27, 1887 (Kauai). Synonym: Helix tiara Mighels. PHILOMYCIDAE Tebennophorus bilineatus (Benson): 4, 3rd ser., vol. 9, p. 486, 1842 (Oahu, Kauai, Hawaii). Synonyms: Incilaria bilineata Benson; Philomycus australis Bergh; Tebennophorus striatus Hasselt. Caumn-Check List Hawaiian AMlollusca 67 LITERATURE CITED 1. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Proc., 1854....... 2. American Journal of Conchology, 1864-1872. 3. American Philosophical Society, Trans., 1771.-.. 4. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1829-... 5. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 47, 1928. 6. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Occ. Papers, 1898-1923. 7. Boston Society of Natural History, Proc., 1841....... 8. California Academy of Sciences, Proc., 1853.... 9. Dixon, G., Voyage around the world, London, 1789. 10. Draparnaud, J. P. R., Tableau des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France, Paris, 1801. 11. Ferussac, A. de and Deshayes, G. P., Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestral et fluviatiles, Paris, 1820-1851. 12. Ferussac, A. de, Prodrome d'un nouvelle classification des Coquilles, 1821. 13. Ferussac, A. de, Tableaux systematiques des animaux mollusques... d'un Prodrome General, Paris, 1820-1822. 14. Gesellschaft der naturforschenden Freunde zu Berlin, Magazin, 1801....... 15. Griffith, E., The animal kingdom, London, 1824-1833. 16. Jay, J. C., Catalogue of recent shells in the cabinet of John C. Jay, 3d ed., New York, 1839. 17. Journal de Conchyliologie, 1850...... 18. Journal of Malacology, 1890....... 19. Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher, Verh., Nurnberg, 1727....... 20. Le Naturaliste, Paris, 1879-1914. 21. Lesson, R. P., Voyage autour du monde... sur... Coquille, Zoology, 2 vols., Paris, 1826-1830. 22. Lyceum of Natural History of New York, Annals, 1824-1874. 23. Maclurian Lyceum, Contributions, Philadelphia, 1827-1829. 24. Malacological Society of London, Proc., 1896....... 25. Malakozoologische Blatter,. Cassel, 1854-1897. 26. Manual of Conchology, Philadelphia, 1879....... 27. Martens, E. von, Conchologische Mittheilungen, Cassel, 1880-1892. 28. Martini, F. H. W., Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, von Martini und Chemnitz, Nurnberg, 1837 - 29. Muiller, 0. F., Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium... historia, Havniae and Lipsiae, 1773-1774. 30. Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, Frankfort am Main, 1869......... 31. Pfeiffer, Ludwig, Monographia Auriculaceorum viventium, Cassel, 1856. 32. Pfeiffer, Ludwig, Monographia Heliceorum viventium, Leipzig, 1848-1877. 33. Pfeiffer, Ludwig, Symbolae ad historiam Heliceorum, Cassel, 1841-1846. 34. Quoy, J. R. C., and Gaimard, J. P., Voyage autour du monde... sur l'Uranie et la Physicienne, Zoology, Paris, 1824. 35. Reeve, Lovell, Conchologica iconica, London, 1843-1878. 36. Royal Institution of Great Britain, Quart. Jour. of Science, Literature, and Art, 1816.. 37. Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfort am Main, 1868....... 38. Societe Cuvierienne, Revue Zoologique, Paris, 1838-1848. 39. Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Memoires, 1799. 40. Societe Malacologique de France, Bulletin, 1884-1890. 41. Societe Zoologique de France, Memoires, 1888...... 42. Souleyet, F. L. A., Voyage autour du monde... sur la... Bonite, Mollusca, Paris, 1841-1852. 43. Sowerby, G. B., A catalogue of the shells contained in the collection of the late Earl of Tankerville, London, 1825. 44. Sykes, E. R., Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. 2, pt. 4, Mollusca, London, 1900. 45. The Nautilus, Philadelphia, 1886...... 46. United States Exploring Expedition, Mollusca; Philadelphia, 1852. 68 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 47. United States National Museum, Proc., vol. 13,1890; vol. 17,1894; vol. 45,1914. 48. Wood, W., Index testaceologicus, Supplement, London, 1828. 49. Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie, Cassel, 1846-1853. 50. Zoologica, vols. 1-8 as Bibliotheca Zoologica, Stuttgart, 1888....... 51. Zoological Journal, London, 1825-1835. 52. Zoological Society of London, Proc., 1830....... LIST OF ORDERS, SUBORDERS, FAMILIES, GENERA AND SPECIES. (SYNONYMOUS GENERIC NAMES EXCLUDED.) A PAGE abavus........................................................... abbreviata................................................ 21, abeillei........................................................... acanthinula.................................................... accincta...............................................28, 35, A chatinella................................................... A chatinellidae.............................................. acicula........................................................... acum inata...................................................... acuta..........................................................41, adelinae.......................................................... 39 58 63 13 36 21 14 57 28 49 58 PAGE anthonii.......................................................... 40 antiqua..................................................10, 28, 40 aperta.............................................................. 55 apexfulva.................................. 21 Aphanoconia............................................... 6 apicalis...................................... 59 apicata...................................................... 21 apiculata.............................................. 65 aplustre............................................ 26 approximans.................................. 28 approximata................................................9, 61 aptycha......................................................... 15 arborea...................................... 29 arenarius....................................... 64 arenarum...................................50................... 5 armatus............................................... 53 armillata....................................................... 47 Armsia.................................................... 39 artata................................................... 29 adm odesta...................................................... 14 adusta..........................................................28, 37 aem ulator...................................................... 39 affi nis..........................................................5, 9, 39 agglutinans.................................................. 39 A griolim ax.................................................. 64 aiea................................................................. 50 alata................................................................ 38 alatus............................................. 38 alba.............................................................21, 25 albescens........................ 24 albida.............................................................. 49 albocincta.................................................. 39 albofasciata.................................................. 28 albolabris...................................... 39 albospira..................................................... 27 alexanderi............................ 14 alexandri..................................................51, 54 alloia.................................12 aloha.............................................21 alpha................................................... 5 A m alia........................................................... 64 A m astra....................................... 39 A m astridae................................................ 28 am bigua.......................................................... 9 am busta....................................................... 53 am icta............................................................ 40 am oena.......................................................... 53 am pla............................................. 24 am pulla.................................................... 19 anaglypta....................................................... 48 analoga........................................................ 28 anceyana....................................o, 12, 15, 28, 58 anceyanum.................................................... 54 A ncylus.......................................................... 9 angulata.......................................................... 37 angusta..................................................... 13 annosa................................................... 48 assim ilis.......................................................... atroflava........................................................ attenuata............................. 20, attenuatus..................................................... augusta.......................................................... aulacospira.................................................... aurantium...................................................... A uricula........................................................ auricula.......................................................... A uriculastra.................................................. auriculata.................... A uriculella.................................................... A uriculidae.................................................... aurora............................................................ aurostom a...................................................... aurulenta........................................................ australis.......................................................... auw ahiensis.................................................... avus................................................................ azona.............................................................. 51 40 45 29 55 24 9 52 8 53 8 5 53 8 46 40 59 66 49 34 38 B babori.............................................................. 64 bacca............................................................12, 21 badia.............................................................. 40 baetica............................................................ 49 baileyana........................................................ 19 baldwini...... 6, 7, 12, 29, 44, 55, 59, 61, 63, 65 baldw iniana...........................................1 i, 40, 58 balteata.......................................................... 29 70 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 PAGE barnaclei -—...........-...-..................... 62 Basommatophora.......................................... 8 beata................................... —..................... 21 bella............................................................... 17 bellula.............................................................. 22 bellus.............................................55 berniceia........................................................ 6 beta................................................................. 5 bevenoti —..................................................... 64 bicolor...........................................................37 bicolorata......................................................59 bigener..........................................................39 bilineata......................................................27, 66 bilineatus......... —....................................... 66 binaria.......... ----........................................... 65 binominis 9 biplicata............................. 40 B launeri a............................................................ 12 boettglauneria...................................................... 8 boettgeri........................................................ 14 boettgeriana.................................................. 63 borcherdingii................................................ 40 breviata........................................................ 40 brevicula........................................................ 29 brevis.........................................................34, 46 bronni.. 8 bron ni............................................................. 8 bronniana —..........-................................. 6 browni........................................................... 8 brunnea.. —...... —..........-....................-........... 53 brunneus.....................................................55, 64 bryanae....................................................... 5 bryani.... —................................................. 50, 56 buddii.............................................................. 22 bulbosa —............. —............................. --- - 51 bulimoides...................................................... 22 B ulim us......................................................... 6 1 byronii......................................22, 26 C PAGE carinata ----- --—..-....... —....... --- —.. 39 carinella ------------—.. --- —------------- 15 ca riosa........................................................ 5 carnicolor ------—.. --- —------------. --- —- 15 casta............................................................23, 6o castanea..............................................8, 28, 47, 53 castaneus........................................................ 8 Catinella....................................................... 61 centralis..................................................... 12 cepulla............................................................. 6o cerea....................................... ----.53 cerealis.................................................... 29 cervina............................................................ 23 cestus.............................................................. 23 cham issoi........................................................ 63 chinensis —... ---........... —.-........... 7...-......... 7 chlorotica...................................................... 49 chromatacme................................ 27 chrysallis......................................................... 29 cicerula......................................................... 63 cincta. ---..... —.................................... — - 59 cinderella... —.....-.-............................. 39 cinerea............................................................ 28 cinerosa......................................................... 27 cingula -------—.. --- —--------------—.. ---- 29 cinnamomea.. --- —-—...............................15, 6o circumcincta ---- ------—.. --- —------—..... 51 citrea ----—.-.................. --- —-. --- —- 45 citrina.. —........-...-.....-..,.-................... — - 51 clara.. --- —----------------- --—.. —. --- — 35 clathrata............................... clausum.. —...... —................. ----........ 8 clementina.............-....... —................... 21 cochlea.... —........-............................ — - 37 cocklea.. —.............................. --- - 38 cognata.... — -—.. --- —---------------—... --- 23 colorata.......................................................... 28 Columella ---- -----—.. --- —------—... ---—. 14 columna....... —..............-...................... 29 comes.. —.. --- —-—........-........................ 56 compacta... ---......-........................9, 29,56 compactus -----............-................. ---- 56 compta. ---... —................. —. --- —-......- 1 i6 concavospira -- ----------—.. --- —--—........ 23 concentrica --—..-............................... 65 concidens —...-........... --- —---—......2..-.. ---23 concinna --—.. --- —-----—. --- —----------- 51 concolor....... ----.-...........-.....................23, 29 concomitans -.. —.. —.......-............... —.......i. 16 confusa —. —. —..........i....................-1 —i6, 56 confusus. --- —.................................... 56 conica.. -----------.. --- —---------------- 8, 40 conicoides --........................................... 29 conicospira.................... 43 conifera........................................................ 40 cacuminis.......-................... ---. —.. — - 53 caduca ---- ------ ---—.. --- —-........-....... 6o caesia.............................................................. 23 callosa.......................................... 29 canaliculata.................................................... 14 canalifera...................................................... 53 candida............................................................ 22 canella ------—... --- — ---— 6o capax.............................................................. 22 caperata......................................................... 62 caperatus........................................................ 62 capillata.................................... 65 captiosa.......................................................... 29 caputadamnantis.... —.. ---.. ---.............. ---- 40 carbonaria...................................................... 0 Carelia.......... ----.........-..~................... 37 Index to Hawaiian Mollusca PAGC; coniform is..................................................... 27 consanguinca -----------------.. --- —.. --- — 28 conspersa -—. --- —--------------—.. --- —-- 47 conspicienda ------.. --- —-----------—.. --- — 29 constricta --- - -....... --- —--------- ------------ 7 contigua ----......................... --- —---- 7 contorta. --- —---------------—. --- —------- 65 contracta........................................................ 24 convexa........-5 --- —-----------—. —.-. —. 5 convexior --—. --- —--------------—... --- — 59 convexiuscula -----.2..9................ --- 29- cookei —....................-................-5, 27, 29, 38, 40 cooperi............................................................ 19 cornea ---..-................................... 41 corneiformis... ---....................................... 47 corneola...-............................................. — - 30 corrugata.-................. —............................ 23 corticicola...-... —...........................-........... 14 coruscans -....................-............... --- — —. — - 30 costata... --- —............... —.......-................... — - 10 costulata..-....-............... —....................... — - 30 costulosa. —... —....... --- —----... --- ------------— 13, 30 crassa-.........................................6.................16 crassidentata....-......................-............... 24 crassilabris..... —.........-...-................. --- - 7 crassilabrum.-..............-.....-.......... --- —-. — - 41 crassula.........................................................- 53 crocea....-... —.. —... —.................... — -...... —... 16 cryptoportica..................... ---- ---------- - 63 crystallina.-.....................-.............. —. — - 30 cubana -....-.-.-.....-...................... ----. --- - o10 cucumis ------.................. —. --- —---------- 28 cumingiana...........-.................... —. ---- - 37 cumingi....-............................... --- —-. --- —.15 cuneata.-.................................- -.......... — - 30 cuneus...........-............................ ---.. ---- - 23 curta..........-......................... --- ——.. --- — - 23 cyclostoma........-.....-.-...-...-....................-41 cylindrata.............................................-... 30 cylindrella...........-......-............ --- —-. --- — - 34 cylindrica.-............... --- —--—.-.... --- —-. ---- 41, 55 cyphostyla.. —... --- —----------------------- 56 cyrta..-...10.......... --- —-.... --- —------------ 10 D davisiana....-.... —...............-.... —........ --- —- - ------ 4 1 debilis -—.-................................ —..- - 44 decepta -..... —.......-..................... --- — - 51 decipiens. —..-.2 —3 --- —-----—....... —. -----—.. 23 decora..-.... --- —--------------—.. --- —. --- —-23,28 decorticata...-. --- —------------------—. --- —— 41 decussatula.................................................... 65 defuncta -.... —.....-..-................... ---- - 30 delicata.......................................................... 60 PAGE delta................................................................-6, 23 densilineata............... - ---------------- 19 dentata... --- —-............................ --- —32, 55 depicta. --- —------------------------------- 51 depressiformis ---- -.....................-............. 39 depressiuscula.-............................................ 63 deshayesii........... --- —-........... —..... --- —.. 40 dextroversa. --- —----... --- —-------------- 26 diaphana................................. --- —-- 53 diginophora. --- —--------—. --- —------------ 39 dimidiata ----------------------------------- 30 dimissa...........................................................-. 44 dimondi. ----. ---.... ---..... --- —-----------—... 52 dim orpha. —...... --- —-- ------------—.......-... 24 Diotocardia. —................................................... 5 diptyx ------- --—.. --- —-------------------- 56 discus... --- —----- -... --- —--------- ------— 38,63 disjuncta..-.. ---....... --- —----—....... ---—.-. 13 dispersa -... --- —----------------—.... --- —— 12, 47 dissimiliceps —.-.. --- —-----------------—..- 45 dissimilis -—. --- —----------------------—... 30 dissotropis -----.. --- —---------------------- 6 distans. --- —---------------—... --- —.. --- —--- 65 diversa........ --- —----- -. --- —------------—.... 24 dolei...-......................... ----. — 16,37 dolium --—. --- —-----—. --- —--------------- 27 dormitor.... —. -.....-...-.................... —. — 30 drepanophora -----------....... --- —---------- 56 dubia.-.. --- —-----------------------—. --- —- 16 dubitabilis -—... --- —----- -. --- —-—. --- —---- 12 dulcis. --- —-------.. —.. --- —--------------- 30 dumartroyi... --- —------ ---... --- —-------—. 53 dunkeri -—.. —...................... --- —------------- 27 duoplicata ---—. --- —---------------------- 51 duplocincta -—........-...... --- —----------—. 21 durandi.. ----. --- —-. --- —--------------—... — 41 dwightii.-.......... --- —--------------- 16 E eburnea.-. --- —----------------------—.. -. 20 Elasmias —.. ---......................... --- —... 54 elegans............................................................ 24 elegantula.... ---............ --- —............-.... 41 elephantina --.. --- —---—.. --- —----—...-... --- 41 elevata --. ---.........................................31,36 elisae.............................................................. 65 ellipsoidea.......................... --- —-- 49 elliptica ----................. --- —--—....... — 41 elongata -—.........................8, 41, 43,60 emerita -........ —... —.. —........................ — 30 emersoni..-...... —.........-.......................- 25 em ortua.......................................................... 42 E ndodonta...................................................... 65 Endodontidae................................................ 65 eos..-.............................. --- —--—.-... — 41 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 PAGE erecta.-............. 41 Erinna-.-......... 9 ernestina -.......... 28 errans.- --------------- 18, 47 Eulota...................................... 62 euryomphala............................ --- —.... 56 ewaensis -------------- 38 exaequata.-...... 63 exilis.- --------------- 30 exoptabilis.. ---- --............... — - - --- 30 expansa..... ---- - --- - --- -- 53 explanata -. ----------—. 6o exserta...-..................... 62 extensa -------------- 30 extincta..... --- —--------------- 41, 45, 55 F farcimen..... --- —-- ------------ 41 fasciata................................-. 20 fastigata.-.......................... 48 ferussaci. --- —- -----—..... 52 filocostata.-.................................... 66 flavescens..... --- —---------- 41 flavida..... --- —--------------------- 9, 53 flavidus.....-......................... 27 flemingi..... ---i --- —- --— 18, 42 forbesi.................................................... 12, 42, 56 forbesiana.-........ 23 formosa...-........ 23 fornicata..-........ 62 fossilis. ---... --- —---- 10, 30, 42 fragilis..... --- —---— 31,42, 60 fragosa -............ 42 fraterna ----... --- —-------------------- 30, 42 fricki.-.......... 65 frit. ---.. --- —------- 56 frondicola.................................................... 14 frosti ----- ---------- 42 fulgens....-............... 24 fulgida........................ 31 fulgora.......6.............. fulgurans......-................ 16 fuliginea..-.. --------—. — 37 fuliginosa. --- ------ —.. --- 50 fulvicans................... -18 fumida... ------------------ - ---------- 31 fumosa................... 29 fusca......-. 8,31, 54 fuscobasis......-.... 24 fuscolineata....... 24 fuscozona.......... 22,26 fuscula................ 31 fuscum....-..... 54 fuscus.................-........... 8 PAGt fusiformis —. --- —------ - ------ 45 fusoidea.......-..................... 16 G gaetanoi.....-............. 64 gagates.......-................................................... 64 gamma.-................ 6 garrettiana.-................ 60 Gastrocopta.......-......................... 10 gayi -.. ------- —. — 31,55 gemma.. ---..... ---------—... 15 gentilis --------- ----- 40 georgii —.-. --- —- ---- 45 Georissa ----- ---------- 5 Geostilbia ------ ------- 61 germana- 16 gibba....-......... 9, 60 gigantea --------....... --- —. — -- 44 gigas. --- —----------- ------------------------ -- 5 glabra............. 22 glauca --------------- 25 globosa...-.............. 28, 45 globosus......-.. 64 glutinosa -------------------- 31 gnampta ---------- 13 Godw inia.................................. 62 goniops ------------ 42 goniostoma —... ----.. --- —- 39 gouldi............................................................ i6, 19 gouveiae -----—.. --- —.. -------- 13 gouveii - -------------- 42 gracilior....-................. 52 gracilis...-..... 8, 31, 36, 55 grana........ ---- - ---------- 31 granifera... ---.. --- —----- --------- 7, 28 granosa --------. --- — 5 gravida ---------- ---— 51,52 grayana ------------- 42 grisea.-.................................... 16,17 griseizona.. —.- ----....... ---.- 23 grossa. --- —----------- 46 gulicki.....-......................... 21 Gulickia --------------- 54 gulickiana ----.. ------ 24, 42 gummea......-......... 31 guttula ---------------- 31 gyrans.........-... 40 H haena......-............. 61 halawaensis............-..... 21 hanleyana.-............... 25 hartmanni.... -... 9,42,63 haupuensis.............-. 62 hawaiensis......-. 9,14 Index to Hawaiian Mollusca PAGE haw aiiense...................................................... 61 hawaiiensis...................... 10,, 18, 42, 58, 6i, 62 hayseldeni..................................................... 19 helena............................................................... 17 IH elicidae........................................................ 61 heliciformis................................................38, 46 Hielicina -—...... 7 Helicinidae -.... --- — 5 H elix........................................................61,62 helvina........................................-...-...... 51 henshawi.......-........ 31, 42, 59, 61, 65 herbacea........................................................ 25 hesperia............-. 34 hitchcocki...................................................... 42 horneri........ 14, 17 humilis.................. 42 hutchinsonii......... ----...... 43 hyattiana................ ------- 37 hybrida........................................................... 27 Hydrocenidae......... ---.... —. --- —-- 5 hyperleuca.....................-.... —. 37 hyperodon....................... --- —... --- 31 hystricella.......................................... —14, 65 hystrix............................................................ 65 I idae............... 56 illibata --—...... -...- 59 illimis. ----........................................ 31 imatatrix -—....... —. ----. --- 31 impressa..-.-.-..............-.. 32 inaequalis........................................................ 8 incerta......................................................... 14 inconspicua................ 60 indefinata...... --- —--... ---7, 63 induta............................................................. 17 infelix.....-.......... 47 inflata............................................9, 43 infrequens................................................... 12 innotabilis.......................... 27 inornata...... — 50 inornatus....................... --- —--- 56 insignis.......... ------—... 56 intercarinata............................ 65 interjecta.................................... 48 intermedia................................................ 43 interrupta....................................................,13 irregularis....................................................31, 56 irw ini.............................................................. 25 irwiniana........................................................ 43 isthmica........................... --- —------------ 32 PAGE johnsoni......................24..................................6, 43 juddii ---------------------------- ---------- 7, 24, 43 jugosa...................................... 65 juncea --------------—.. 24 juncea............................................................. 24 junceus.....-...................................................... 61 K kaaeana......-.................... —.... 17 kaalaensis.............................. 12 kahana......... 47 kahoolavensis............................10, 56 kahukuensis................................... 27, 56 kailuanus..................... 57 kaipapauensis.......................... 49 kalamaulensis.................... 43 Kaliella.. ----—... —.. 64 kalihiensis................-............. 52 kaliuwaaensis.... —.-..................... 23 kaluaahacola................................. 21 kamaloensis.-........................ 19, 55, 56 kamehameha......................... 65 kapuana..................... 17 kauaiensis ---. ----.-.-.. 5, 6, 7, 12, 43 kauensis.................... 44 kaunakakaiensis...........-............... 43 kaupakaluana..........8..............1..8, 30 kawaiensis...................................................... 62 kawaihapaiensis........... --- —- 40 kilauea... —............................... 57 kilohanana. --- —--.................... 55 knudseni.................................... 6, 32, 43 kobelti ---.........-....................... 37 kohalensis.................... 40 kona............................................................... 11 konaensis.....-............- 32, 57, 6o, 64 konana............................................................ 18 kuesteri -------. --- —.-... 53 kuhnsi............... 17, 32, 52, 60 L labiata.. 32 labrellum......................................................... 8 laciniosa....... --- —....-. --- — 5 lacrima.. ----..................................... 31 lactea.............................................................. 20 lactifluus.......................................... 61 laeva........................................ 43 laevigata...................................... 32 laevis..... 32,64 lagena.......... 32 lahainana....................................................... 43 laiensis..... 26 lam arckii........................................................ 5 lamellosa................. 65 laminata........................................................ 66 J javanica.. javanicum 61 61 74 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 PAGE Laminella............................................... 51 Lamprocystis............................................... 63 lanaiensis...........................1, 12, 32z, 53,62, 66 lanceolata..................................................32, 55 laticeps....... —............................................... 48 Laxisuccinea................................................. 61 lehuiensis........................................................ 24 leiahiensis -............................................... 32 lem m oni......................................................... 17 lenta..... —...................................................... 32 lepida............................................................... 32 Leptachatina.................................................. 28 leptospira....................................................... 57 leucochila.................................................... 32 leucophaea.................................................... 27 leucophaeus.................................................... 27 leucorraphe.................................................... 25 leucozonus....................................................... 27 libera.............................................................. 6 1 ligata.............................................................. 23 lignaria................................................. 20 lila.................................................................. 25 lilae............................................................... 59 liliacea........................................................... 24 liliaceus.......................................................... 21 L im acidae...................................................... 64 limatula............................................. 12............ 2 lim bata.......................................................2..... 2 Limnaea........................................................ 9 Limnaeidae.....................................9......... 9 lineolata.. —.. —.................................-............ 43 littoralis -................................................12, 23 litus.............................................................. 38 livida...........................................................25 longa................................................................ 44 long ior............................................................ 20 longispira..................................................... 28 longiuscula... —.......................................... 32 lorata ---............................................................. 25 luakahaense —................................................ 55 lubricella........................................................ 64 lucida. ---.. —................................................. 32 lucidus............................................................ 8 luctifera.......................................................... 66 luctuosa —..................................................... 43 lugubris.........................................................5, 21 lumbalis........................................................ 6o lurida........................................................... 53 luteola -—... —............................................... 43 luteostoma..................................................... 24 lutulenta........................................................ 6o lyonsiana......................................... 10,24 lyrata..................................................... 10 Lyropupa..................................................... lo M PAGE macerata........................................................46 macrodon............-....-..........-............ 18 macromphala..... --- —----------------—..- 57 macroptychia —...-...................... —.. 57 macrostoma...................... --- ——... 28 magdalenae -—. —. —..................................7, 10 m agna —. ---.-....-.....-.......................................- 44 magna.~~~~44 mahogani --—. --- —-----------------—...-..-.- 26 makahaensis -.-..................-.. ---...-... — 25 m akaw aoensis.............................................. 44 m alleata........................................................44, 53 manana ----................................. —. — -- - 33 margarita —.. —... --- —--------------------- 28 marmorata. --- —--------—. --- —-----—... —. 17 marsupialis.. ---. —.-......... ----.................... 66 mastersi. ----.........-..................... 40, 44 mauiensis. --- —----------—..........-7,17, 33, 6o maunaloae........................................... 10 maura —.-..-. —.-.....-............-............................ 45 maura.~~~~45 mauritianum -......-.................. --- — 61 mauritianus... ----............................. 61 maxima ----—. --- —. --- —----------------—. 6o mcgregori.-... -.................................33,....... m cgregori. --- —----------------------------- -33, 55 media -. —. --- —------------------—..... --- —..- 50 meinickei......... —............ --- —............... 24 melampoides -—. --- —......................... -— 36 Melampus............. ---................................ 8 Melania ----...................................... 7 Melaniidae. --- —-------—.-................................ 7 melanosis...................................-............. 44 melanostoma.......................................... 22 meniscus —. --- —----- -. --- ——.................... 63 metamorpha. —................-.............-........... 44 meyeri.....................-...-................. --- 20 micans................. --- —-—................-... 44 micra.......-............................. ---10,29 Microcystina...... —...................-............-.... 63 M icrocystis........................................... 63 microdon. —.. --- —----------—.... —..-...-..... - 33 micromphala.-..................... -—.. ---.. — 57 microstoma -.... ----................. --- —-—...... 49 microthauma..... --- —-----------—....... - 11 mighelsiana..... --- —--------—......... ---.. ---. 17 m inor..........................................-........... 37 minuta.. ---........-.-.............. --- ——........... 54 m irabilis................................................ 11, 44,6o misella. ---........................... ----........-... 63 mistura.................-............ —...... ---. - 22 modesta.... ---.. —.................................44, 45 m odicella........................................................ 44 m oesta............................................................ 44 molokaiensis -—........-......................14, 33, 62 Index to Hawzeaiian Mollusca PAGE monacha.......... 25 Monotocardia........ --- —--- 7 montagui -----------—................................................17, 44 montana.....-........................................... 45, 54 montivaga................. ---........ 45 moomomiensis....................................- 1 1, 42, 57 morbida........ --- —-—. 33 moreletiana.................................................... morticina.................................................... 45 mucida...-................. —.. 17 mucronata...................................................., 45 multidentata................................... —.. 13 multiliteata................................................... 25 multistrigata....... —. ---.-...... ---- 20 multisulcatus.......-......... ---.. 8 multizona...................................................... 22 muscaria.. —......... 52 mustelina........................ 25 mutabilis...................................................... 18 N' nacca...1..0.. --- —.. lo nana ----------—... --- — 45 nanus -................- 56 napus............................ 26 naticoides.................-... 9 n attii.............................................................. 18 neali -.. —. --- —------------------------------------—. 5 neglecta... ---............ —. —. --- —----------------- ----— 5, 45 neglectus... --- —-.. --- — 27 Neritidae....................... --- —-------- 5 Neritina......................... --- —- 5 Nesopupa...................................................... 12 Nesovitrea.................................................... 62 newcombi. —............ --- — 7, 9, 13, 38, 54, 59, 62 Newcombia............................... 14 newcombiana.......................... --- —-- 6o nigra... --- —-—....... 45 nigricans........................................... --- —...... 22 nigrolabris................................................... 49 nitida.................................... --- —---—...... 33 nivea....... --- —-------- 18 nivosa..... --- —--—.. --- 21 nobilis............................................................ 25 normalis...... --- —-.. 48 novemgyrata................................................ 6 nubifera....... --- —-.... 45 nubigena... --- —--- ---------------- 45 nubilosa —........... --- —------ 45 nucleola... --- —---- 46 nucula... --- —---- --------- 46 nuda................................................................ 66 nuttalli........ —...... 5 nuuanuensis........................................... 6 nympha.......................................................... 26 0 PAGE oahuensis........... 6, 7, 9, 13, 50, 57, 63 obclavata............33, 35 obeliscus -----................................... 38 obesa ------—. ---.. —...................................- 46 obliqua.-.... —.......................22, 53 oblonga --—.. --- —................ 55 obscura....... --- —------. 44 obsoleta....... --- —------- 33 obtusa --—. ----........ 33 obtusangula...................... 63 occidentalis........... ---......16, 33, 59 octanfracta................................... 8 octavula..........-................. —....... 35 octogyrata.....-......................- 33 olaaensis. --- —... --- —-...14, 32 olivacea..................................................28, 37, 54 omphaloides............... 33 oncospira..................-............ 57 oomorpha............ —.... 22 Opeas......... 61 opella........ --- —-—...... 61 operanum.................... 6i operanus.-......-..............-.................... 61 opercularis....... --- —-—....... ---- 39 opipara -----—.. —..... — 33 optabilis.. —......-...... 33 orientalis ----.......- 47, 52 ornata.............................................................. 18 Orobophana. --- —------- 6 orycta............................ —... -- 14 oryza............................ 33 ovata........................................... 22, 34 ovatula............................................. 1 oviformis --... ----...............-.. 26 ovum................................................................ 27 owaihiensis......................................... 8. 53 P pachystoma....................................... 34 pagodula................. --- —-------—. 46 pallida............................................................ 25 Paludestrina..................................... 7 Papillosa....-..... s.. 5 Papuina....................... --- —----------- 62 papyracea........................ 26 paradoxa -----------—................. 37 paropsis............... 61 Partula..................... 9 Partulidae...................................................... 9 Partulina.......................................... 15 parvula...... 36 parvulus...................................8, 64 paucicostata................................. 66 paucilamellata.......................... 65 Bernice P. Bishop Museum-Bulletin 56 PAC-, paulla.7 --- —--- -------—....... 7 paulula................................. 46 pauxillus...................................... 62 peaseana................................................. 39 peasei......................................... 9,46 pellucida........ --- —------ ------ 46 peponum........ --- — - - -- ---- 55 percostata..................................... 11 perdix.............................................................. 18 perfecta............................................... 16 perforata.................-.-..-......... --- 34 perkinsi............................ 5, 34, 53, 57, 63, 64 perlonga............1................ 11 perlucens............................ 63 perplexa................................... 27 perpusilla —. —..... --- — - -- ----- 54 perstriata..... --- --------- 5 persubtilis....... --- —--------------.....34 perversa..................................................23, 46,54 petasus -------------—..........- 39 petila.........................-.......... 34 petitiana........................................ 54 petricola.............................. 46 petricola var.......................................... 50 petricolor. --- —------------------------ 46 pfeifferi.............................................. 15 phaeozona.................................. 26 philippiana................................... 15 Philom ycidae............................................ 66 Philonesia............... 63 P hysa.......................................... 9 physa........................................ 18 pica...................................................... 21 picta........................................................... 52 pilsbryi......................... 34, 38, 46, 57 pisum. - —..7 —7 plagioptyx.......1...... --- —------------- 11,57 Planamastra....... --- —- ---- 39 platyla...................................................... 64 Plectotrem a.................................................. 8 plicata............................................................ 15 plicifera............................................ 13 plicosa........................................ 64 plumata............................................ 24 plum bea................................................ 18 pluscula......................................... 50 plu ris..........................11........................... polita.............................................. 17 polygnampta................................... 55 polymorpha.................................. 27 popouelensis.................................................. 57 popouwelensis....................................... 34 porcellana...................................................... 18 porcus.............................................................. a6 porphyrea........................................... 46 PAGIE porphyrostoma................................. 46 porrecta............................................ 7 praeopima.......... 46 praestabilis... ---- -----—...... 34 prasinus............................................. 28 prestoni......................................... 61 prionoptychia -. --- —.- ---------- 57 prisca.................... 11 pristina...-6 --- —---- 60 procera.......................................................... 16 procerula -—. — ------. 57 procerulus... -. --- —-- ------ 57 producta.................. 9, 26, 58 Pronesoputpa -.. — ----. —.....-.... — - --—... 13 Prosobranchiata.. — -----—......... 5 prostrata. -----—..... --------------------------------- 39 protracta.......................................... — - 60 proxima. --- — ------- i19 proximus............ 19 Pseudohyalina.................................... 62 Pterodiscus..........-..-.......-.. —..... 38 pudorina........................................................ 60 pulchella. —.. ----. —.. ---- 25 pulcherrima.. ---..... — ----... ---. 26 pulchra............................................ — - - - - 34,54 pulla............................................................. 47 pullata. ----... --- —---------—.. 46 Pulmonata.. ----..-. --- —- 8 punctata........... 60 Punctum.......... 14 Pupillidae....1......... lo Pupoidopsis.......................................... 14 pupoidea.................... --- —----------- 34,39 pupukanioe.......................... 26 pusilla........................................ 47 puukolekolensis....................1....... 0, 57 pygm aea..................................... 23 pyram idalis..8........................... 8 pyramidata. --- —-------------- 58 pyramidatus....... --- —-----------.. —.. 58 pyram is.. --- —------ -------------------------- -------- 32,34 pyrgiscus............. 61 Q quadrata ----....... 60 quernea.................. 23 R radiata.................................. 19, 28 recta.......................... 25 redfieldii......................... 19 remota ------------- 47 remyi -. --- ---- ---- 52 resinula...................................... 35 reticulata................... 47 Index to Hawaiian Mollusca 77 PAGE rex ------ ---------—.. 38 rhabdota....................................... 11 rhadina............................................................ 13 rhodoraphe........................... 23 ricei................. --- —--—................. 47 rigida.......................................... --- ——. 38 ringens............................................................ 66 ronaldi................ —. 58 rosea........................................... 26 roseoplica -.. —. —.. --- —- 26 roseotincta.. --- —----- 45 rotelloidea...................................................... 6 rotunda................................................ 22 rotundata........................................................ 60 rubella........................................9, 60 rubens............................................................47, 51 rubicunda.............................................. 49 rubida....... ---..... —47, 61 rubiginosa....................................................27, 65 rubristoma..... --- ----—.. —.. 47 rudicostata.................................................... 58 rudicostatus....... 58 rudis.. --- ——............. 49 rudis var..................................................... --- - 49 rufa.................................................................. 19 rufobrunnea.................................................. 64 rugata.............................................................. 66 rugosa............................................................ 22 rugulosa........................................47 rustica -..-. 39 rutila.............................................................. 28 S saccata............................................................ 20 saccula —. ------------- 35 sagittata -------------- 35 sandwicensis ---------—................................5, 35 sandwichensis -....-. —.-.5, 8, 9, 61, 62 sandwichiensis............................................. 64 sanguinea -------------- 52 saxatilis -. -------------- 35 saxicola -------------- 42 scabra.................... 11 schauinslandi..... ---------- 19 scitula........................................................... 23 sculpta............................................................ 35 scutilis ---------------- 35 semicarinata................................................ 19 semicarnea.... ------------- 45 semicostata..... ---------—. — 35 sem inigra......2................................................ 1, 48 seminuda............ 48 sem inulum...................................................... 13 PAGE semiplicatum.................................................. 8 semiventula ------—...... ----. 51 semivestita..... --- —-------.. 52 senilis.............................................................. 48 sepulta............................................................ 42 sericans.......................................................... 64 sericata....................... 14 sericea........ --- —------ 48 serrarius........ --- —----—... 58 serrula... —..... --- —--- 54 setigera......................................................... 65 sharpi -.. —. ----. ----. —9, 14, 5.9 similaris............................ --- —— 48, 62 simplex... --- —-----—.... — 35 simulacrum.................................. 27 sim ulans........................................................ 28 simularis.. -- 45 sinclairi.. ----. --- — 38 singula ------—.. --- —--- 30 silgularis.............. 13 sinistrorsa........-............ —48, 53 sinistrorsus.................................................... 23 sinulifera........................................................ 11 smithi........................................... --- —-— 35, 59 sola.......... --- —----. --- — 48 solida...... --- —-- 48 solidissima...... --- —-. ---. — 5 solitaria.......................................................... 26 somniator............ --- —---—.. 35 sordida...................................... 25, 26 soror........................................................... 48 souleyeti................. 60 sowerbyana..................... --- —--—. 26 spadicea.......................................................... 22 spaldingi..........................................11, 26, 48, 58 sparna.......................... 11 sphaerica —. --- —-----—. 48 spicula.. --- —---- -------—. 48 spinigera........................................................ 14 spinosa -. --- —... --- —- 5 spirizona.................................. 48, 49 splendida........................................................ 19 stellula......................................... 66 Stenogyridae................................................ 61 stewartii........................................................ 26 stiria.................... ---........... 35 stokesi................. 59 straminea..... ----. --- —. —.52, 54 striata.............................................. 8, 35 striatella..........-. 31 striatula.......-...... —..-....................... ---- 1, 35 striatum........... 8 striatus.......................................................... 66 Sturanya... ---.......... 5 Stylommatophora........................................ 9 sem ipicta..................................................... sem iplicata................................................... 35 8 78 Bernice P. Bishop Museumll-Bulletin 56 PAGE subangulata................ 58 subangulatus................ 58 subcentralis............ —.......... 13 subcornea............ ---... 49 subcostata...................................................... 12 subcrassilabris.............................................. 49 subcylindracea................ 34 subnigra.................46 subobscura........................ 49 subovata ------—....-....-...................................... 35 subpolita........................................................ 19 subpulla ----------------- -—. —. ---.. ---- 39 subrostrata.................................................... 49 subrugosa -—.-.. —........ - 55 subrutila.................64 subsoror.................................................... 49 subtilissima.............. 64 subula.................................................... 36 Succineidae.................................................... 59 suffusa..............5.............................................. sulcata.-.~. t 15 sulculosa..............6............ sulphurea...............................................43 supracostata ---—... -----—..........36 suturalis -. --- —-----—............... — 37 sw ainsoni..................................................23, 39 swiftii....................................... 27 sw iftii var....................................................... 21 sykesi -.........................................-...........49, 59 Systrophia. ---- --- ---- ----------— 62 staeniolata........................................................ 27 tahietensis....................................... 60............... tah iten sis....................................................... 7. tantalus........ --- —--..-...-....-....................... --- —---- 54, 55 tantilla ---------—.....36 tappaniana......................19.............................. 1 Tebennophorus -—. — ------ 66 tenebrosa. ---- - --—. —.-. -......36 tenelrol sa...................................................... 62 tenella.........................54, 62 tenellus. ----........................ 62 tenerrima..... 60 tenuicostata.... --- —- --- 36 tenuilabris ----------- ---- 49 tenuis.............. —........ —................................. 54 tenuispira -—..................- 49 terebra.......................................................... 20,58 terebralis -—.. --- —.. 36 teres -. ----.. 36 tessellata........................................................ 20 PAGE tetragona ------- ---------------------------------- 60 tetrao... —...........52.................. 52 textilis.................... 49 thaanumi......12, 13, 27, 36, 38, 50, 58, 6o, 64, 66 thaanumiana. ----........ 20 thaum asia...................................................... 12 theodorei.......................... 20 thurstoni.......................................26, 50 thwingii.......................................................... 20 tiara......................................66 Tornatellaria.......................58 Tornatellides...... ----.55 Tornatellina......... --- —..55 Tornatellinidae...........53 torrida.................................................. 23 transversalis.................................................. 50 tricincta... --- —-—.................. 50 tricolor............................................................ 28 trilineata............. 24 triplicata......................53 tristis....-..................................5, 50 triticea.....................33 trochoides...... —...... --- —-- 59 truncata.......................................................... 12 tryphera..........................13 tuberans...................27 tuberculata.................................................... 6 tuckeri............................................................ 61 tum efaciens.................................................. 23 turbiniformis................................. 23 turgida —.... --- —---................................- 27, 64 turgidula --------. —.-............ 9, 34 turricula.............. --- —... 38 turrita........................ ----......... 36 turritella............................50, 54 U ualapuensis............................................. 15 uberta.... ----........................ 7 ultima -------—. ----. ----.50 umbilicata...................................9, 50, 59 umbrosa....-...........................-.......... 47 uncifera.......10................................... o undata...........................50 undosa..............................18 undulata..-...-...-....... 23 unicolor.......................................-...... 44 uniplicata -------—.....- 50, 54 upolensis —................. 61 ustulata........................................................20, 28 V valida.............................................................. 27 vana................... --- —----------------- 36 varia.............. ------- -------- --- -— 24, 36 Index to Hawaiian Mollusca PAGE variabilis................................ 20, 37 variegata............................. --- —------ 50, 51 ventrosa........-.- ----------- 25 ventulus ---—.... —. ----.. 36, 49 venulata........................ 27 venulata var. —..-...... — -—.............26 venusta. --- —--—.. —.-.. —.........-.. — 52, 6o verreauiana.. ---.. —..-.-..-............ 7 versicolor............................... 27 versipellis.......................................... 24 vescicaulis.............................. 6o vespertina............................. 5, 21, 47 vestita....................... 25 vetuscula.5- - --------- 50 vetusta -—...-..-..- -...-... -...... 51 vidua... ---. —.....-................. — - 22 villosa ----------—...... ---. --- — 43 violacea —.-. —........ --- —--- ----- -------- 51 virens.................................. 28 virgula -—.- ----- ------ 58 virgulata.................................. 21 viridans........................................ 28 viriosa.-. ---......................................... 51 vitrea.............................. 29 vitreola - —......-............-.......... 36 PAGE vittata..... —. ----..... ---.. 28 Vivipara -.....-..-.. --- —--..7 Viviparidae ---------------------—. —7 --- --- 7 voluntata —...-......-. - -- -—.... -— 9.... vulpina -—. —..- ----- —.- --.. ---28 w waianaenlsis. ---— 1-......-........ 13, 52, 58, 60 waiawa.............. --- — --- —-— 50 wailauensis. --—.. —.................... 15, 19, 51 waimanoensis....................................... 22 w esleyana........................... 13 wesleyi................. ---...........-.... —..- 38 westerlundiana....................................... 54 wheatleyana.... 24 wheatleyi...22 w heatleyi............................................. 22 whitei. — ------- ---------— 51 w ilderi................................. 24 w inniei.......................................... 21 Z zebra.......... 21 zebrina.......................... 21 zonata...................... — 24, 37 Zonitidae.............6.................. 62 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY _ DATE DUE______ Ak i^ 1^ a BOUND AUG28 1944 JV. OF CH. L.eSRARy 3 9015 02327 Filmed by Preservation 1996:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i' ^ '-.'M^' 'V-.': I?:!....!!, '^., A i d?.;l i Ea; DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD PRtWTtI iN vSS. Cat No. 23 520 .- x - % 4 I PO J 4 1