m I I "IMP JIB! ~ ~ LTE %I~vlawL &.JL'%RLA TJI...I -, -..:, I. I E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I i/) E -.-. D _.,, —. GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS. VOL. I -LI I. ARCHIVES FROM ERECH TIME OF.: NEBUCHADREZZAR AND NABONIDUS BY RAYMOND PHILIP DOUGHERTY, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE IN GOUCHER COLLEGE NEW HAVEN PUBLISHED FOR GOUCHER COLLEGE BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXXIII PAINTED FOR GOUCHER COLLEGR BY W. DILUGULIN, LEIPSIC, GERMANY clp-JneTQo ea, GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS VOLUME I PREFATQRY NOTE. It is a pleasure for me to write this prefatory note, first because Goucher College has a Babylonian collection of importance and is able to add this book to the sum of those which are making real for us today a very important period of ancient history; second, because I am grateful to the men who made it possible to secure the Goucher College Babylonian Collection and to give it to the public in this scholarly and attractive form. Colleges of the size and equipment of Goucher do not ordinarily find themselves possessed of so valuable a collection of ancient records. There are but seven universities in the United States which own such collections, the more important being found at Yale, Pennsylvania, Harvard and Chicago. Only three colleges have similar collections: Goucher with almost 1,000 tablets. Smith with about 800, and Haverford with a smaller number. It is due to Professor Clay of Yale University that Goucher secured its collection. He brought the matter to the attention of Professor Dougherty, who communicated with me. I was desirous of securing a collection of Babylonian tablets for three reasons: because I was eager to have Goucher College take part in the furthering of the knowledge of ancient Babylonia and Assyria; because I appreciated keenly the ability of Professor Dougherty to deal with the tablets and wanted him to have an opportunity for further research work; and because of my personal interest, inasmuch as my graduate research lay in the Semitic field. As usual, there were no funds available to buy the collection. My mind turned spontaneously to a friend of Goucher College whom I thought I could interest in the collection. He granted me an interview and in less than five minutes' time authorized me to proceed with the purchase and to charge the expense to him. It is needless to say that we appreciate his gift and are greatly indebted to him. I regret that he refuses to allow me to mention his name. Others are far more capable than I am to judge of the value of this work which is now given to the public. Buttressed by the opinion of so eminent an authority as Professor Clay, however, and strengthened by the scholarly qualifications of Professor Dougherty, I am confident that this book will be an important supplement to the knowledge we now have of Babylonia and Assyria and particularly of that which comes from the archives ofErech in the time ofNebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus. July 10, 1922. WIIuAM W. GUTH. To PRESIDENT WILLIAM WESTLEY GUTH A.B., S.T.B., Ph.D., LL.D. Whose Interest and Influence made possible the Goucher College Babylonian Collection CONTENTS. Page Prefatory Note. Abbreviations. Introduction. General Remarks............................... 15 The Value of Babylonian Temple Records............ 15 The Goucher College Babylonian Collection............... 16 Period of the Texts in this Volume..................... 17 Allusions to Belshazzar..................... 19 Seal Impressions................................. 19 Important References to the Sirkitu.................... 20 A New Value for the GIS Sign....................... 20 Transliterations and Translations of Selected Texts........... 21 Name Indices. Personal Names................................ 38 Places.................................... 55 Tem ples.................................... 56 Canals.................................. 56 Gates.................................. 56 Catalogue................................... 57 Autographed Texts.......................... Plates I-LVI (9) ABBREVIATIONS. BA Beitrge zur Assyriologie. BE Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. BIN Babylonian Inscriptions in the Collection of J. B. Nies. Br Briinnow A Classified List of all Simple and Compound Ideographs. BRM Babylonian Records in the Library of J. P. Morgan. BT Strassmaier Babylonische Texte. Cyr Inschriften von Cyrus, BT Heft VIII. GCBC Goucher College Babylonian Collection. GCCI Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions. HWB Delitzsch Assyrisches Handworterbuch. M Meissner Seltene Assyrische Ideogramme. MA Muss-Arnold A Concise Dictionary of the Assyrian Language. Nbk Inschriften von Nabuchodonozor, BT, Heft VII. Nbn Inschriften von Nabonidus, BT, Heft I-IV..NKI Langdon Die Neubabylonischen Konigsinschriften. OBW Barton The Origin and Development of Babylonian Writing. REN Records from Erech, Time of Nabonidus, YBT Vol. VI. SBD The Shirkttu of Babylonian Deities, YOR. Vol. V, Part 2. SCWA Ward The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia. TIVN Tallqvist Neubabylonisches Namenbuch. VS Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmdler. YBT Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts. YOR Yale Oriental Series, Researches. ZBAG Ylvisaker, Zur Babylonischen und Assyrischen Grammatik. ZK Zeitschriftfiir Keilschriftforschung. (11) ARCHIVES FROM ERECH TIME OF NEBUCHADREZZAR AND NABONIDUS INTRODUCTION. A little more than a century ago scholars were making their first attempts at the decipherment of the cuneiform language. The task was a difficult one and it was not until 1851 that the science was put on a firm basis by the initial achievement of Rawlinson. Today, as the result of many notable discoveries, the linguist and historian have at their disposal a veritable treasury of ancient literature retrieved from the mounds of Mesopotamia, once the seat of mighty empires and the home of cultured peoples. This literature of a long past age consists of different kinds of inscriptions, each with its value in depicting the life of the period to which it belongs. Accounts of the campaigns of warlike kings, records of architectural work in the construction of palaces and temples, reports of astronomical observations, mathematical computations, bilingual dictionaries, hymns from temple liturgies, texts with formulae for divination, mythological narratives, etc., prove the complexity of the society which they represent. Assyriologists, however, have a rich field for study and investigation in another class of documents, the legal contracts, court records, official letters, and business inventories found in temple archives. The life of ancient Babylonia centered in the temple, which controlled the secular as well as the religious activities of the district over which it exercised jurisdiction. Naturally the main function of the temple was to perform ceremonies in honor of the gods, but it also served as a bank and court for the financial and legal affairs of the people. Careful records of all these dealings were kept by the temple authorities. Scribes skilled in the use of the stylus indented soft clay tablets with accurate accounts of transactions as soon as they were concluded. These tablets, some of them simply sun-dried, others baked in the fire, have been preserved for many centuries in the heaped ruins which now mark the sites of ancient centers of worship. The finding of these documents followed by their decipherment has unfolded a fascinating story of a civilization which was at its height long before the beginning of our era. It is stimulating to the imagination to realize that we today (15) 16 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I possess records of the intimate daily life of people who had highly advanced relations with one another thousands of years ago. Myth, legend, exaggeration, and misinformation find no place in these archives. Each tablet represents a definite transaction which took place at a certain time and place between individuals that are mentioned by name, the temple often being a party to the contract. Such an accumulation of records is of the highest value in the contributions it makes to our knowledge of the language, social relations, industries, commerce, law and religion of a race that once exerted a dominating influence upon the course of history. While there is considerable Early Babylonian and some Assyrian literature of this type, most published texts belong to the Neo-Babylonian, Persian and Greek periods. The important European collections are found in the British Museum' and the Berlin Museum.2 Among American institutions of learning numerous texts have been published by Pennsylvania University3 and Yale University.4 The collections of the late J. P. Morgan6 and the late Dr. J. B. Nies6 are now in the Yale Babylonian Museum, the former as a loan collection and the latter, with $ 50,000 for its increase and publication, as a bequest by Dr. Nies. In 1918 Goucher College was fortunate enough to secure, through the influence of President Guth, who is a specialist in Semitics, and the generosity of a donor, a valuable collection of nearly a thousand Babylonian tablets. The dealer from whom they were purchased at the recommendation of Professor A. T. Clay certified that they came from the mound of Warka, the site of the ancient city of Erech, and their contents prove the correctness of his assertion. All available evidence indicates the antiquity and importance of Erech7 as a metropolis of southern Babylonia. Its great temple was Eanna, noted for the worship of Ishtar, the supreme goddess of the Babylonians and the Assyrians. Astarte, "the queen of heaven," whose worship by the Jews Jeremiah8 so severely condemned, was the Phoenician counterpart of this Babylonian deity. She was represented by Aphrodite among the Greeks and by Venus among the Roinans. About ninety per cent of the documents in the Goucher College Babylonian Collection belong to the Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods. Mentioning the reign with the largest number of tablets first, and so on down to the reigns with t BT Heft I-XII. 2 VS Heft III-VI. 3 BE Vols. VIII-X. 4 YBT Vols. 1, III, VI and VII. 5 BRM Parts I and II. 6 BIN Parts I and II. 7 Genesis 10:10. s Jeremiah 44. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 17 the fewest number, the following reigns are represented: Nebuchadrezzar, Nabonidus, Nabopolassar, Cambyses, Amel-Marduk, Darius, Cyrus, Neriglissar, Kandalanu and Barzia. The dating of nearly three hundred tablets is not complete enough to determine the reigns, or years, to which they belong. However, their contents and style of writing prove that they belong to the late rather than the early Babylonian period. More than fifty records are in the Sumerian language and therefore belong to a very early period. Over a dozen are labels, known as bullae, that were attached to sacks of grain, bundles of produce, etc., sent from one place to another. The four hundred and twenty texts of this volume belong to the reigns of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus, two hundred and sixty-two to the reign of Nebuchadrezzar (604-561 B. C.) and one hundred and fifty-eight to the reign of Nabonidus (555-538 B. C.). (Some authorities regard 539 B. C. as the concluding year of the reign of Nabonidus.) These two kings together reigned a total of sixty years of the eighty-seven years representing the Neo-Babylonian period, from the first year of Nabopolassar (625 B. C.) to the capture of Babylon by Cyrus (538 B. C.). If the time were reckoned from the capture of Nineveh by Nabopolassar (606 B. C.), the combined reigns of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus would represent an even greater percentage. The following tables show the distribution of the tablets throughout the reigns of the two kings. The only years missing in the reign of Nebuchadrezzar are the year of accession, the tenth and fifteenth. All the years of Nabonidus are represented except the fourteenth. While the exact date of thirty-four tablets cannot be determined, it is interesting to note how the tablets are grouped together in certain parts of the reigns. The catalogue gives a summary of the contents of all the tablets. TIME oF NEBUCHADREZZAR. Year of Number of Year of Number of Year of Number of Reign Tablets Reign Tablets Reign Tablets Acc. 0 5 5 10 0 1 3 6 1 11 1 2 4 7 2 12 3 3 4 8 3 13 1 4 2 9 1 14 2 18 GOUCHER COLIEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I Year of Number of Year of Number of Year of Number of Reign Tablets Reign Tablets Reign Tablets 15 0 25 1 35 5 16 1 26 7 36 15 17 1 27 4 37 16 18 6 28 1 38 17 19 2 29 2 39 15 20 3 30 4 40 11 21 6 31 3 41 15 22 20 32 8 42 15 23 8 33 3 43 4 24 6 34 5? 26 TIME OF NABONIDUS. Year of Number of Year of Number of Year of Number of Reign Tablets Reign Tablets Reign Tablets Ace. 1 7 32 14 0 1 3 8 14 15 1 2 4 9 6 16 1 3 10 10 18 17 1 4 5 11 24? 8 5 22 12 3 6 3 13 2 It is not necessary to give more than a brief description of the historical setting of these two kings. Nebuchadrezzar was the son of Nabopolassar, who with the help of the Medes captured the city of Nineveh in 606 B. C. and thus brought an end to the Assyrian empire. While still crown prince, Nebuchadrezzar led the Babylonian army that defeated the Egyptians at the battle of Carchemish in 605 B. C., which victory decided the fate of the Mediterranean countries formerly tributary to Assyria. After pursuing the Egyptians to the borders of their land, he hurried back on account of the death of his father. Immediately assuming the reins of government, he ruled with a strong hand for forty-three years. The royal inscriptions which belong to his reign deal mainly with building operations. In 586 B. C. he captured Jerusalem and caused the Jews to dwell as exiles in Babylonia. v DOUGHERTY- ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 19 After Nebuchadrezzar came the brief and unimportant reigns of AmelMarduk (Evil-Merodach), Neriglissar, and Labashi-Marduk (Laborosoarchod). Nabonidus, the last of the Neo-Babylonian kings, was not of the royal line. The son of Nabu-balatsu-iqbi, he was chosen by the priests of Babylon as the occupant of the throne after the last three kings of the Nabopolassar dynasty had demonstrated their weakness and inefficiency. The character of Nabonidus indicates that he could not have been a usurper in the ordinary sense of the term. Interested more in archaeological investigations and religious reforms than in the political affairs of his kingdom, he left military matters to his son, Belshazzar, who as crown prince seems to have exercised almost regal authority. There is little doubt that the latter would have become another Nebuchadrezzar, if Cyrus had not put an end to his dreams. The texts of this volume contain three references to Belshazzar. No. 322,' which mentions him by name, is a receipt for the tithe which he paid to the temple in Erech. In the other cases he is referred to by the title mar sarri - "the son of the king," i. e., crown prince. No. 405:1- 7 indicates that he was entitled to the same treatment accorded his father, while No. 355:1-32 is a record of money paid to a man sent to him, probably with a message. There are nineteen seal impressions. Thirteen are records of wine received by Gimillu, the son of Ardia, for goldsmiths, coppersmiths, blacksmiths, weavers, shoemakers, farmers, cattlemen and sheep shearers. See Nos. 76, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 136, 138, 171, 182, 183. Gimillu was evidently in charge of the distribution of wine to those who worked for the temple in various capacities. Another tablet with a seal impression, No. 410, shows that he was entrusted with iron wagons. Five tablets are records of flour and barley receivedby Ina-silli-Nergal for similar workmen. See Nos. 105, 106, 137, 147, 150. The most common symbol of these seals is the figure of a worshipper with hand outstretched to a star or crescent, or both. See Nos. 154, 239, 241 in REN. The caduceus, or herald's staff, plus an eight-pointed rosette-like star in Nos. 99, 100, 103, 183, is more unusual. For reference to Ishtar's "caduceus of two serpents with bulging necks" see SCWA p. 156. Figures 135, 414, 416, 417, ibid., give representations of the caduceus without the star. Attention should also be called to No. 385 in this I See transliteration and translation on page 37. 2 See transliteration and translation on page 37. 20 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I volume, as it contains the head of a bird scratched on the edge of the tablet. There is no apparent reason for this action on the part of the scribe. See also No. 368. The texts concerning the sirkftu, are important as they give additional data concerning this class of temple servants, discussed in REN p. 13f. Nos. 161, 361, 401 are among the transliterated and translated texts.1 They show that flour was given to members of the sirkitu for the performance of work, such as drawing the ship of a temple official or going for cattle, and that clothing was also given to them. No. 361 is especially interesting in that it is the simple record of the dedication of an individual to the order. Other references to the sirkutzt are in Nos. 38, 89, 125, 234, 235, 249, 256. From these texts we learn that money, as well as wine, barley and flour, was given to members of the sirkutu. Additional evidence of the existence of a chief sirku is furnished and there is an allusion to the seal of a sirku. The name Sa-dNa-na-a-tas-mit, 96:7; 166:6, meaning "The one whom Nana has marked," no doubt refers to the practice of marking a sirku with the figure of a star. No. 89:2, 3, indicates that there was a table for the sirkutu.2 There is abundant use of the GIS sign in contexts where we would expect forms of nasUq, such as is-su-t, it-ta-sgi, and it-ta-su'-. Evidence that the sign is intended to represent nasg is furnished by the following passages. No. 405:1-7 12 siqil kaspi a-na si-di-ti-su-nu sa ul-tu ara'Abu a-di ara'Tebetu a-na "Nur-e-a u "Ki-na-a sa ri-ha-atu3 a-na mar sarri ig-9st- na-din: "12 shekels of silver for their maintenance, which from the month Ab to the month Tebet are given to Nurea and Kina, who the rihatu to the son of the king brought." No. 72:6-10 1 siqlu a-na mNddina(-na)-ahu apil mdn-nin-zer-ibni sa ri-ha-a-ta3 a-na sarri GIS-u na-din. "1 shekel is given to Nadina-aiu, the son of Innin-zer-ibni, who the rihata to the king brought." I See page 36. 2 For a full discussion of Babylonian temple servants, dedicated to particular deities, see SBD, YOR Vol. 5, Part 2. The reason for writing the term sirkutu with k instead of q is given in SBD, note 1. 3 Cf. 22:5; 184:7; 405:14. Ri-ha-a-tu, ri-ha-a-ta, may be the plural of rehtu, rihtu, "rest," "remainder." See MA p. 959. Rihutu, "liquid," "that which is poured out," also suggests itself. See MA p. 958. Either of these etymologies could be accepted on the assumption that the word probably developed a technical meaning. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 21 Another good comparison is found in No. 36, where GIS in line 10 is used in the same sense as it-ta-si in line 7. A study of all the appearances of GIS and v v GIS-u adds weight to this conclusion.' Thus the value GIS = nasu == "raise," "carry," "bring," "take," seems to be established. The possibility of using this ~~v~~~~~~~ ~~~V value in the hitherto unexplained GIS-BAR at once suggests itself. MAS sibtu = "increase," "interest."2 M 1056 indicates that the more simple MAS sign may be used for sibtu. Hence GIS-BAR may be read GIS-MAS = nas sibti = "the bringing of increase or interest." The shorter translation "tax" is as applicable to nas sibti as to nas bilti. TRANSLITERATIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF SELECTED TEXTS. Transliterations and translations of selected texts are given in order that the catalogue may be supplemented and the actual character of the documents more fully illustrated. Thus students of ancient civilization, unacquainted with cuneiform writing, will have at their command original sources for the reconstruction of Babylonian society. At the same time, lexicographical notes, based on the texts given, will be welcomed by those interested in the Babylonian language. A discussion of other texts and grammatical forms contained in this volume will be published in the future. No. 35. LEASE OF PROPERTY FROM A WOMAN FOR FOUR YEARS. This document shows that a Babylonian woman in the 6th century B. C. could own considerable real estate and had the right to draw up a rigid agreement in leasing it. The fact that she required a daily rental of 12 meals indicates, either that her household was large enough to consume that amount of food, or that it was her purpose to sell what was given and thus profit, we may imagine, by prices, should they advance. A fine was imposed in case of any breakage of property. It was also legal for a daughter to attest the contract. These rights of I For occurrences of GIS see 13:4; 21:6; 31:7; 36:10; 38:4; 39:8; 41:3; 48:5; 53:6; 55:3,6,8; 67:4,6; 81:10; 87:8; 92:9,13; 141:8; 180:4,5; 181:2,7; 191:6; 193:3; 210:4,10; 218:7; 255:4, 8; 266:4; 327:7; 395:8. See also REN 39:6, 7, 10,17,19,21,23,24, 33; 66:3, 11. For occurrences of GIS-4 and GIS-u see 72:10; 78:8; 92:8; 133:8; 212:3; 226:5; 234:14; 241:6; 244:15; 255:2; 402:9. For the purpose of comparison note the use of it-ta-si and it-ta-s-4i in 16:3; 20:5; 30:4; 36:7; 40:5; 42:4; 61:4; 70:4; 86:8; 109:4,6,12; 123:4; 127:4; 134:4; 152:4; 154:8; 169:4; 179:5; 186: 4; 198:8; 204:3; 206:8; 208:9; 210:7; 211:5; 217:6; 218:5; 226:10; 239:12; 240:7; 249:8; 256:9; 271:5; 277:4; 286:6; 293:5; 303:3; 313:4; 318:5. 2 See MA p. 867. 22 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I women are indicative of an advanced state of society in Babylonia long before the beginning of our era.1 Bit mdBel-iddin apil-su sa "dNab.etir bitu siUtu bitu sadu u bitu ru-uk-bu fA-mat-a ina hu-ud lib-bi-su a-na "'Ki-idNAlabf hqal-la Sa mArdi-dNabf a-na u-mu 5 12 a-ka-lu u gattu 112 siqil kaspi a-na ag-sa-bu-tu a-di 4 ganatimes ta-ad-din sa ib-ba-lak-ki-tu 10 giqil kaspi i-tur-ru ina a-8a-bu sa fKul-la-a marti-su 10 hmukinnu 'Kud zrruapil-.sa,aNabu-ulmiddin "Ibni-dInniina apil-Nu sa mBalat-su "a Nabu-'um-l ir apil-utn Sa mNad-na-a u dupSarru md Samas-um-iddin apil-gt.sa td Ba- i-ah-iddin Urukki ara^habdtttu emu 28"am attu 22aam 15 darab.u- kudurri-zu.ur sar Babiliki The house of Bel-iddin, the son of Nabu-etir, the south house, the east house and the rukbu2 house Amata, of her own free will, to KiNabu, the slave of Ardi-Nabfi, at the daily rental of 12 meals and the yearly rental of a half shekel of silver for occupancy for 4 years gave. If anything is broken, he shall return 10 shekels of silver. In the presence of Kulla, his (or her) daughter. Witnesses: Kudurru, the son of Nabf-shumiddin, Ibni-Innina, the son of Balatsu, Nabf-shum-lishir, the son of Nadna, and the scribe, Shamash-shum-iddin, the son of Bau-ah-iddin. Erech, the 28th day of Shabat, the 22nd year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. No. 385. SALE OF A SLAVE. In this document a wife is placed on an equality with her husband in the ownership and sale of a slave. No difference is recognized between the two in the responsibility which is assumed in making the contract. There is undoubted evidence here of the high legal position reached by women in Babylonia. mdBel-usallim apil-~u Sa triba(-ba) apil Bel-ushallim, the son of friba, son of "mpesf-e)-ilu [u fll-su-nu] Epesh-ilu, [and Ilsunu], mdirat-suga itBu-la-aasgati gam4Bel-tsuallim the daughter of Shula, the wife of Bel-ushallim, ina hu-ud lib-bi-gu-nu mdSanag-itti-ia of their own free will, Shamash-ittia, aqal-la-s-nu a-na 1 ma-na kaspi a-na their slave, for 1 mina of silver for 5 nimi gam-ru-tu a-na "mIbni-aItar apil-su the full price to Ibni-Ishtar, the son sa "Mar-duk-a hnappahu id-di-nu of Marduka, the blacksmith, gave. pu-ut hsi-hu-uit fhpa-qir-ra-nu The responsibility of claimant, plaintiff, harad sarru-ut-tu u hmaru-u-tu service for the king and sonship, a ina muT-hi Ma Samag-itti-ia which upon Shamash-ittia, 10 hal-la-Mu-nu i[l-la]-a maBebl-2uallim their slave, rests, Bel-ushallim 1 Cf. Sayce Babylonians and Assyrians, Chapter II. BA Vol. 4, pp. 1-72. 2 Consult rukbu, HWB p. 620 and MA p. 963. GUSUR =- ur ii "beam" seems to have rukbu as a parallel Semitic value. Zirmern Ritualtafein 41-42 i 20 contains the following, tarbasa ura ruk-bi-e-ti apati tultappat. The translation "beams" for ruk-bi-e-ti suits the context. The word rukbu, from raka2bu "mount," "ride," suggests the modern use of the term "rider." The rukbu house was evidently a structure in which beams played an important part. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 2 23 it flftj!-su-)2u aggatu-simu na-gjU-f& m~t~m.ukin ff~-'af —tu apilhiu s-a fflBed1ri-man-ni apil h'nan-di.di hdupjarru ""I'Nabu —be-l-gi-nu apil-s-u ga mnKudurru apil mE.kur-za.kir Urukki arah.Addaru imu likam ~attU 3'"1"' md Nabf'-nd'id gar Babiliki and I[l]sunu, his wife, assume. Witnesses: Mushe'zib-BdI, the son of Shum-uk-in, Sha-Nabl-i-shfi, the son of Be'l-rimanni, son of the measurer, Kishik..Nabi', the son of Shula', son of.'ea Ishtar-ze'r-ibni, the son of Shul'a. The scribe, Nabut-be-lshunu, the son of Kudurru, son of Ekur-z'akir. Erech, the 11th day of Adar, the 3rd year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 15. THREE MEN BECOME SURETY FOR THE RETURN OF A MAN TO THE TEMPLE. Bailment was a common occurence in Babylonian legal procedure. This record presupposes a claim of the temple against the individual whose release is secured for a limited period of time. Failure to live up to the terms of the con tract involved a monetary fine. mdNabu —na'id a~pil-su s-a mi'Bediddin pu-utm-imut apil-su sa' mdNab(u..iddin 53 ia qat In"'Anum-s-ar-u hqjj-jj umdMarduk-etir hgangj E-an-na na-gi4-i inca eli nikasi ga si-e-nu ib-ba-ku-nis-f9im-ma] a-,na hq~pi u "aam 10 i-nam-di-nu-ug la id-dan-nu-ug' 5 ma-na kasjpi a-na E-an-na i-,nam-di-nu hmu-kiwn~u *mZeri-ia aplu " nd~Tab'% inudarnmiq apil.. i5 tndNergal-a- ~a-rid apil-~u ga mNa-din ma~r mAn-da-hir mnMar..duk apiS-u Ia d~labi'.ahiddin uhdu ndr mMarduk-etir apil-~u ~a h.gangf; F-an-na 20 UrUkki aral&Abu u-mu l2kamn &att 5k aNabfI-kudurri-usur g~ar Bdbilikli Nabfti-nh'id, the son of Be~l-iddin, Shi'ilu, the son of Nana'-kara'bi, and Be1-ibni, the son of iNablfi-iddin, the responsibility of R-imu-it, the son of Nabfi —iddin, from Anum-shar-usur, the guardian, and Marduk-e~tir, the priest of Eanna, assume. At the time of the appraisement of sheep they shall bring him and to the guardian and administrator they shall give him. If they do -not bring and give him, 5 minas of silver to Ean-na they shall give. Witnesses: Z'rlia, the son of Nabfimudammiq, son of -—..., Nergal-asharid, the son of Na'din, son of Andahir, Marduk, the son of Nabu-ah-iddin, and the scribe, Marduk- eir, the son of Be'l-shum-ishkun, son of Dabibi, the priest of Ea-nna. Erech, the 12th day of Ab, the 5th year of Kebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. 24 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I No. 260. RECORD OF BAILMENT. This interesting record from the temple archives indicates that bailment involved the performance of definite duties by the person bailed. The original detention of Kurbanni-Marduk may have been due to negligence with respect to the very things which it was stipulated he should do when Shamash-ab-iddin secured his release and became surety for his "feet," i. e., his movements, and his ultimate delivery to Nabu-abe-bullit in Babylon if he failed to perform his part of the con tract properly. mdSama-aS-iddin apil-su sa mnTUR-E-sagila-ni-bi apil '"Mi-sir-a-a pu-utt spe s-da mKEur-ban-nidMarduk apil-~u sa mlqtsa(-ea) apil mBa-bu-tu ina qat rnNabu-almes-bullit(-it) apil-slu sa m1adauuit ^hangft E-an-na na-i suluppa i-ma-i-sti-ma a-ki-i i-mit-ti-'ze a-na mdBBe-ahme"'q-iqSa(-sa) i-nam-din tu'E-til- it ib-bak-kam-ma a-na md'Be-a "-me5 iqiga(-sa) i-nam-din ki-i suluppu al-lal 10 i-mit-ti-s-u un-da-at-tu-zi u mE-til-lu la i-tab-kam-ma la id-dan-nu mdSamas-ah-iddin "Kurr-ban-ni-dMardutk ina at'ahNisannu ina Babilzhi a-na 'dNabu'-ah Oe" -bullit(-it) i-nam-din 15a nmu-kin-nu,ndMarduk-Sarr-a-ni apil-st- sa "Ta-lim apil "mandti-a "'t-la-a apil-stu sa mdlabi-ah-iddin tu hduparru 'In-nin-zer-z. sabsi(-~i) apil-su sa Shamash-ah-iddin, the son of TUR-Esagilanibi, son of Misira, the responsilility of the feet of Kurbanni-Marduk, the son of Iqisha, son of Babiutu, from Nabu-abe-bullit, the son of ShaNabu-shu, the priest of Eanna, bears. The dates he shall measure and according to his impost to Bel-ahe-iqisha he shall give, and Etillu he shall bring and to Bel-aheiqisha he shall give. If the dates aside from his impost are lacking and Etillu he does not bring and give, Shamash-ah-iddin Kurbanni-Marduk in the month Nisan in Babylon to Nabu-ahe-bullit shall give. Witnesses: Marduk-sharrani, the son of Talim, son of Shanatia, Shula, the son of Nabu-ah-iddin, and the scribe, Innin-zer-ushabshi, the son of 1 A sentence occurring in GCBC 770:36,37 which will be published in Archives from Erech, NeoBabylonian and Persian Periods, GCCI Vol. II, 388, throws light upon the use of the Babylonian particle alla. The sentence is airritu al-la su-nu ina lib-bi ia-a-nu, "A farmer other than them in it there is none." Hence al-la i-mit-ti-su may mean "except his impost," or "aside from his impost." The phrase al-ta i-mit-ti-gu should be compared with a-ki-i i-mit-ti-gu in line 6. If these two phrases are opposite in meaning, the former may mean "contrary to his impost," or "not in accordance with his impost," since the latter means "according to his impost." Arabic \J is commonly, though not always, used with a negative. The expressions ia-a-nu and un-da-at-tu-l in the above sentences give a negative force to the contexts in which alla is used. Cf. Wright's Arabic Grammar, II p. 349 for the use of 91 with a pronominal suffix, showing that al-la su-nu is not without parallel. Cf. ZBAG p. 52f. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 25 "'4Na-na-a-kardbi ni-ri-bi sa dwri arahKislimu nmu 9k"am attu 31ikam 20 dlNabft-kudurriZusur sar Babili Nana-karhbi. The entrance of the fort, the 9th day of Kislev, the 31st year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. No. 94. PRoMISSORY NOTE. This document exhibits the usual phraseology of a promise to pay a debt. The facts are stated in the following order: amount of debt, creditor, debtor, and time when the debt is to be paid. In this case there are two debtors and they are equally responsible. Some explanatory notes are often added. 3 ma-na 8 siqil kaspi qaqqadu sa 1/2 siqlu pit-qa 5a mdInnina-zer-ibni apil-iu a ItmRi-mut ina muth-i mdSin-iddin hqi-i-pi sa E-an-na u ndATabf-bdni-ahi apil-su ga 'lbna-a 5 apil mE-kur-za-kir ina "araDu' zu i-nam-din-nu-' istedn(-en) pit-ut sa-ni-e na-su'-i, 7aspu sa a-na dul-la ic curzumateun sa hree'3C sa a-na "Ina-es —etir apil-s-u >a "nda-Ta-a-a-a-iddin 10 e-lat ui-il-tim sa 2/3 ma-na 8 siqil kaspi hilmu-kin-nu ndEnlil-sap2ik-zer h ^K-EN-NA mItti-NAabu-balatu apil-se sa "'dNabf-ga-mil "jrum-iddin apil-su ga mdNerqal-usallim mSamas-ah-iddin 15 apil-siu sa mBalat-ss u hdupgarru "mdAab'tbani-ahi apil-su sa mlbna-a haanqgf sa E'-an-na alSur-ru arahAbtu tmu 8kam sattu 41";Lm dNabu$-kudurri-usur aar Babilik 3 minas, 8 shekels of silver, the principal, consisting of half shekel pieces(?), of Innina-zer-ibni, the son of Rimtft, to be paid by Sin-iddin, the guardian of Eanna, and Nabu-bani-ahi, the son of Ibna, son of Ekur-zakir, in the month Tammuz they shall pay. The two bear one responsibility. Money which is for the work and food of the shepherds which are for Ina.eshi-etir, the son of Nana-ah-iddin. In addition, the document of 2/3 mina 8 shekels of silver. Witnesses: Enlil-shapik-zer, the TIK-EN-NA, Itti-Nabu-balatu, the son of Nabf-gamil, Shum-iddin, the son of Nergal-ushallim, Shamash-ah-iddin, the son of Balatsu, and the scribe, Nabttbani-ahi, the son of Ibna, the priest of Eanna. The city of Surru, the 8th day of Ab, the 41st year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. No. 388. REPORT OF WEAVING. The art of weaving was extensively practised in Babylonia. This is shown by the many kinds of garments referred to in various documents. In the following text a number of unusual expressions occur. 2 ma-na 4kitu-ma-numl a-na hispari 2 minas of woven cloth for the weaver, 15 siqle a-na bit dul-lu 15 shekels for the work house, 1/3 siqhl a-na bit karemes 1/3 shekel for the store house, 1 The expression kitatu-mna-nu refers to some kind of cloth, as the determinative indicates, The root tamu = "spin," "weave," forms the basis of the term. Cp. sulrmanu from saldmu. Cf. REN 168:10 for kittu-man, and REN 113:1,9 for what should evidently be read kitati-mu. 26 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I a-na baitlamuMss~^ sga arAbu?I "' 5 sattu 3kam dNabu-na'id sar Babilik 3 ma-na 1/3 ~iqil kitatu-ma-nu ga ~umu 4kam ga arah Ulfilu ifnu 16kan sa arah Ululu ha sanita(-ta)s"^btlambhu~Sme a-na hispari 1/2 ma-na [a-na] bit dul-lu 10 516 ma-na a-na bit karemes sGa gaiznta(-ta) u"atlam7tssegme9 sa arah Ulult 2 ma-na ki.ttu-ma-nu a-na hispari 1/3 Siqlu a-na bit dul-lu 113 siqlu a-na bit karenes 15 a-na.ubatlamhug g ara. Tisrztu umu 8kam 5/6 ma-na ti-me2 kab-ba-ru a.. ta-KJL aa d Usura-mat-su dAs —ka-'-ti 1 1/2 ma-na a-na. U-ZU ba-ni-ti qatd u tur-ri-e sa bdbatime for a stately garment of the 1st day of Ah, the 3rd year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. 3 minas, 1/3 shekel of woven cloth of the 4th day of Elul, the 16th day of Elul, of two stately garments for the weaver. 1/2 mina [for] the work house, 5/6 mina for the store house,.of two stately garments of the month Elul. 2 minas of woven cloth for the weaver, 1/3 shekel for the work house, 1/3 shekel for the store house, for a stately garment of the 8th day of ' Tishri. 5/6 mina of kabbaru3 weaving of.... KIL4 of Usur-amatsu and Ashka'ti. 1 112 minas for 'i [-ZU, made by hand, and turre6 of gates. I Br. 12055 gives ^uaiSAA-LAM = lamhugss. See MA p. 486. 2 Cp. with kit RNti-iu, REN 113:1,9. 3 iMA p. 367 translates kabbaru 2 "flax," "bast." See Nbn 163:2; 164:12. It seems possible to connect kabbaru with Hebrew I'3 - "to bind together," "to plait," "to intertwine." The nominal forms an> = "sieve," and 'r.- = "something netted" are suggestive, though kabbaru = "very large" would convey the same idea when qualifying ti-me "weaving," or "woven material." See Procedings of the Society of Biblical Archaelogy, Jan. 1916, p. 29, line 11, for what may be read 1aanlti-mtc. 4 The primary meaning of the sign KIL is "enclosure," as the form of the sign indicates. It is difficult to determine whether ta should be read with KIL or a preceding sign which is illegible. If KIL is to be read as a separate ideogram, it probably refers to some sacred compound of the deities Usur-amatsu and Ashka'ti. 5 The correct meaning of isU-ZU is not easy to determine. M 7263 gives qantuszt as a value of the DI sign. Barton in OBW, No. 415:4, translates the expression as "a kind of reed." As ZU also has the value SU, isU-ZU may be read i'?i-su, but this reading is too precarious to form the basis of a final conclusion. Cp. samezizu, HWB p. 36. 6 There are few occurrences of the word turru. See MA p. 1189. In the building inscriptions of Nebuchadrezzar occur the following passages: NKI 86:13, i-na tu-ur-ri e-li-i sa abulli dIs-ta-ar, "at the upper turru of the Ishtar gate." NKI 188:33,34, is-tu si-ip-pi i-mi-it-ti sa abulli dIs-ta-ar a-di tu-ur-ri sa-ap-li-i a Ni-mi-it-ti-dEn-lil, "from the right threshold of the Ishtar gate up to the lower turru of Nimitti-Enlil". Inthe lattercase Langdon translates "bastion," and inhis glossaryhehas turru = Turm, or "tower." The word may be connected with the root %%p, in which case it would refer to something curving in the form of a circle. Nbk 134: 5,14,17 furnishes the expressions bab tu-ru and tu-ru babi. As TU has the value tdru, it may be that tu-ru should be read turru(-ru). The translation "walls, or towers of the gates" for tur-ri-e sa bdbatime may be approximately correct. It is not unlikely that the reference is to some kind of wicker or wattle work. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 27 No. 228. MONEY PAID FOR VARIOUS ARTICLES. As an itemized statement of various transactions, this document gives a glimpse of the commercial and industrial activities of the time. It may be a compilation from smaller documents. 5 Siqil kaspi ina kaspi Sa ir-bi 5 shekels of silver of the silver of the income a-na riqqez"" Sa bit mRab-ba-ni-e for the wood of the house of Rab-bani; 2 1/2 siqle a-na isdalfdtimes 2 1/2 shekels for the doors ~a bit hiSparemeS napharu 7 1/2 of the weavers' house; Total, 7 1/2 siqil kaspi shekels of silver, 5 a-na mdNa'abu-jim-itir apil-gzt a to Nabu-shum-lishir, the son of aNabu-mEukin-zer u "'Gi-mil-lu Nabft-mukin-zer, and Gimillu, apil mArdi-ia na-din the son of Ardia, are given. 1 1/2 siqil kurunnmate"u -u s-a 1 1/2 shekels, his food of arahArahsamntm the month Marchesvan, '"Zeri-ia apil 'Ah-me"-sa-a Zeria, the son of Ahe-sa; 10 1/2 siqlu a-na 5/6 ma-na anali 1/2 shekel for 5/6 mina of lead a-na,"Lib-luIt hnapgpa7i na-din to Liblut, the blacksmith, is given. 1 Siqlu a-na mBaldt-su apil "Ardi-^iNabU 1 shekel to Balatsu, the son of Ardi-Nabu, u h^sbale^" sa it-ti.-u a-na pani hatammi and the soldiers, who with him to the presence i-lik na-din of the administrator went, is given. 15 araArahsamnu fnmu 25am........... The 25th day of Marchesvan............. 4Nabfu-kudurri-usur gar Babiliki of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. No. 379. ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES. Additional phases of Babylonian life are presented in this document. The temple was interested in all the activities of society, as is indicated by the varied entries in this record. 2 Siqle 2-ta qdtdme a-na 1 gur 1 pi 2 shekels and two-thirds for I kor, 1 pi, 24 qa oE-BAR 24 qa of barley a-na qzmi sa-lain biti a-na ran'amas- for flour Palam bitil to Shamashah-iddin ah-iddin; 1 siqlu a-na 2 pi 18 qa SE-BAR a-nza 1 shekel for 2 pi, 18 qa of barley for ki-is-sa-ti alpeme the fodder of the oxen sa 'stal-la-ak-ti2 a-na mZeri-ia apil of the road to Zeria, the son of mdNa-na-a-ah-iddin Nana-ah-iddin (are given). r. 2 siqle a-na i gur SE-BAR ina 2 shekels for 1 kor of barley out of the 7kurummate"u me sa hqi-i-pi maintenance of the guardian 1 Forother occurrences of thephrase salam bitisee 198: 6;203:6;379:2. 8ulmu(DI-mu) bzti occurs in 12:2, while sa-la-mu biti sa 4Adad occurs in Nbn 318: 5. Cf. also Nbn 641:4; 767:2; Cyr. 229:3; and REN189:2; 192:2. The word salmu, construct, halam, means "health," "prosperity," "safety." It is evident that in the contexts just quoted it is used in the sense of some provision for the good condition or complete furnishing of a house. 2 istal-la-ak-ti is an unusual expression on account of the determinative for wood. Tallaktu, from aldku, = "walk," "step," "road," "entrance." It is possible that it may refer to something like a corduroy road, or a bridge-like structure through a marsh. Analogy with French chemin de fer and German Eise)nbahn suggests the possibility of wooden tracks for carts drawn by oxen. 28 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I ina mnas —sar-ti ~a hbappire~me U Anuhatimme'mc I ~iqllu a-na 2 pi 18 qa S~E-BAR ga kurummat&Izun 'a sII-Tti-ildjnimnei htnaggar ~-9elippe~me hagarru I giqlu a-na 2 pi 18 qa a-na ki-is-sa-tu,Ia ispUratizun 10 mZIt~nina-ri-su-tia araNisannu uimu1B5kam taOa1Wbu'rda'id.sar Badbilik from the ma~gartu I of the brewers and the bakers; 1 shekel for 2 pi, 18 qa of the barley of the maintenance of Itti-ilhtnia, the ship-carpenter, the hired laborer; 1 shekel for 2 pi, 18 qa for the provender of fowls, Innina-risfia (received). The 15th of Nisan, the 10th year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 276. STIPUTLATION THAT NO COMPLAINT SHALL BE MADE ABOUT A DEBT. Babylonian law was very exact and all contracts were drawn up with great care so as to avoid all possible future litigation. The document that follows i's an example of this. I pi SE-BAR k~ "ndBUlna~id apil-s-u s- mdIBan'ttum(.twnl)4'rek ina m~u~i-hi mlnfia.qa-tI.Adxabfi(-a..kin hqal-la ga [mJA-ga-a.qa-gau 5 ina arahAyartt i-nam-din m~na-q a —dNabu- -s-akifl it-ti I',~ms-dh u tBa-bu-nu a-na eli 10 ra4s-U-tu-~u ul i-dib-bit-ub h"nukinnu tflKi-din dMardulc apil-~u Mda U —m-k~ "du -arru *ndAnum~ ah-iddin arah rhanu nulkam galtut ikam 15 dNab?'i.na'id ~dr Badbiliki 1 pi of barley belonging to Be'l-na'id, the son of Ba'nitum-e'resh, to be paid by Ina-qaht-iNabfi-sha'kin the slave of Aga'gashu, in the month Jyyar he shall pay. In~a-qa,"t-Nabti-sha'kin with Shamash-iddin, Mushe'zibti, and Babunu concerning his claim shall not go to law. Witness: Kidin-Marduk, the son of Nabft-shum-ukln. Scr-ibe: Anumali-idd in, the son of JInbia. Erech, the 17th day of Marchesvan, the 16th year of Nabo-nidus, king of Babylon. No. 17. RECORD OF INTEREST TO BE PAID. Usury was a common practice of the Babylonian business world and the rate of interest for each transaction vas fixed by documents such as the following. 15 -iqil kasp nda e 15 shekels of silver of Nab-""-z-r-l'shir, apil-~u -sa mNa-din ima inub-hbi md43arduk.. the son of INadin, to be paid by Marduksurn-iddin shum-iddin, I The exact meaning, of rna~artu is still uncertain. It seems to refer to a monthly stipend for temple officials. N DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 29 apil-su z a m"aMarduk-eriba a-di ara"Addaru hu-bu-li ul-tu arah... 5 ina nmuzi-i 1 ma-ni-e 8 siqlu kaspi ina mu1j-7i-S- i-rab-bi hmu-lki-nu mdNab? —e-fir apil-su tsa ",Nd'id-dMarduk m"anabt-suum-uknn apil-su sa "*Nad-na-a 10 z hducpgarru IEr^-etir apil-sz sa mdNabu-s-n.-iskun,(-un) U.rukki arahKislimnu umu 16k aM sattu 61kna 'adNabi -kudurri-usur. the son of Marduk-eriba. Up to Adar the interest from the month......1 upon 1 mina 8 shekels of silver upon it shall increase. Witnesses: Nabi-etir, the son of Na'id-Marduk, Nabuf-shum-ukin, the son of Nadna, and the scribe, Eshl-etir the son of Nabf-shum-ishkun. Erech, the 16th day of Kislev, the 6th year of Nebuchadrezzar. NO. 268. MONEY PAID FOR DIGGING A CANAL. Babylonia was supplied with a network of irrigation canals. It is likely that new canals were continually being dug and old ones cleared of sediment or repaired after the bursting of a dyke. Special laborers were hired for this ditch work. 3 1/2 siqil kcaspi a-na Ii-ru-tu 3 1/2 shekels of silver for the excavation of niri s'a ina abulli dAdad the canal which is at the great gate Adad; 'Bctani-ia,, Sin-uSallim Bania, Sin-ushallim,,aM arduk-na'siru '"dNabtu-arr- a-i Marduk-nasir and Nabu-sharrani, 5 hagarrttu'm 110 ammnatu hired laborers, 110 yards i-hi-ir-ru-zt shall excavate. 1 1/2 siqle ba-ab-ti 1 1/2 shekels, the balance (of) 4 1/2.siqle a-na hagarrttunme 4 1/2 shekels for the hired laborers, ca nadra ina abulli 'Adad who the canal at the great gate Adad 10 i-hi-ir-ru-fu mZeri-ia shall excavate, Zeria, apil mlNal-na-a-a7i-iddin the son of Nana-ah-iddin, (received). ara^Sabatu u mu 22 ka" iattu 7 kan The 22nd day of Shabat, the 7th year dNabuf-ni'id sar Babili"i of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 408. REPORT OF HARVEST MONEY AND HIRE OF LABORERS. The temple had vast land holdings and many laborers were required to harvest the products of fields, gardens and groves. This document indicates that there were gangs of 100 men under the direction of overseers. 1/2 ma-na 5;iqil kaspi ri-Ui-it 1/2 mina, 5 shekels of silver, the balance ebturi-su-nu of their field produce I The common rate of interest is indicated by the following oft-repeated statement in Babylonian contracts, sa arzii ina mu~hi 1 mane 1 siqil kaspi ina muhhi.su irabbi, "monthly upon 1 mina 1 shekel upon it shall increase." The Babylonian mina contained 60 shekels. A monthly increase of 1 shekel would mean a yearly increase of 12 shekels, or 200/0. It is likely that the name of the month Sivan should be restored in the above document. This would mean an interest of 8 shekels for 8 months, if Sivan and Adar are not to be counted in making the computation. If they are to be included, the interest would be 8 shekels for 10 months, a little below the standard rate. 30 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I s saattu 1lk"an 1/3 3 ~iqil kaspi ina kurummate'zu -su-nu napltaru 58 giqil kaspi a-na dln-ninahYme-iddin iu mdln-nin-nit-Sum-usur hrab 1OOe8 nla-din 5 5 iqle a-na i-di sa 5 hagarrfitu"e ga ti-du a-na eli isa-ki-il-lu i-zab-bi-lu a-na ndNa-a-a-a —iddin apil-su sa mArdi- dNabfi na-din ara kDuami zu $ttnt JOkam dAabj Ace'jd "1 Du'izu nu S "att 0o Nabu-nid o10 8ar Babiliki of the 11th year; 1/3 [mina], 3 shekels of silver out of their maintenance; total 58 shekels of silver to Inninahe-iddin and Inninni-shum-usur, chiefs of 100, are given. 5 shekels for the hire of 5 laborers, who tidu to the ~akillu2 trees carry, to Nana-ah-iddin, the son of Ardi-Nabu, are given. The 2nd day of Tammuz, the 10th year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 269. RECORD OF THE PRICE OF A HORSE. The horse was used in chariots and wagons. There are also references to riding horses. In this record a partial payment is made for a horse and provision made for the payment of the balance three months later. 2 ma-na kaspi iMa 3 5/6 ma-na 2 minas of silver of 3 5/6 minas kaspi Nlmu i9ten(-en) sisi of silver, the price of one horse ru-u7-iJu ina szse"A rtsIlh u3 among horses, sa ina qdt "'Sumz ukin which from Shum-ukin, 5 apil mBel-zer ab-ku-nu the son of Bel-zer, are brought, ^Ba-zu-zu apil "'adgmasguballit(-i) Bazuzu, the son of Shamash-uballit, u 'tnlu-gil-la-a-a and Ilugilla, apil mBa-ia-tu the son of Balatu, mah-ru ri-e-Mi received. The balance, 10 1 5/6 ma-na kaspi ina pa-ni-su-nu 1 5/6 minas of silver at their disposal, ina "aiKislimu i-.am-din in the month Kislev he shall pay. ara Ulilu finu 4k"a sattu 8sam" The 4th day of Elul, the 8th year of dNabt-na'id Sar Babiliki Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 206. FOOD GIVEN TO WORKMEN. Labor was remunerated with food as well as with money. This record shows that a man and his son received one standard measure of dates as their sustenance for a month. 1 gur suluppi kurummat-su-nu sa ul-tu umu 25kam "a arahNisannu 1 kor of dates, their maintenance, which from the 25th day of Nisan, 1 See qadi, MA p. 908, for equation IM-TIK = qaduitum- tidu. Cf. Br. 8401. The meaning of qadiz, qaditu is "clay jar," "earthen vessel." HWB p. 581 connects ti-du with tztum, the latter having the meaning "clay," "loam." It may be that tidu should be translated "loam," carried to the gakillu trees for the purpose of enriching the soil. 2 See MA p. 1026 for the term Sakullu used as the name of a tree. 3 Nbk 132:19 contains a reference to alpu ru-uh-hu-ti. It is difficult to determine the meaning with certainty. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 3 31 gattut 39k1am a-di ftmu 2~5kIam ~aarah~Ayaru rn'Dan-nu-cd.ergal 5 hk-sr it mandru-s-u ~a qanigjil.lj tab-ba-,na-a-ta2 a-na Badbilikli 4'f it-ta-t"ft -it arahl 25am attU 39kam 10 c~abA-k1udurri-usztr s-ar B~lbiliki the 39th year, to the 25th day of Iyyar, Dannu dNergal, the binder, and his son, who reed basket-work to Babylon brought, received. The 25th day of Nisan, the 39th year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. No. 181. EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. This itemized statement indicates that a record was kept of the tasks performed by laborers and the money paid to them. 1 1/2 S-iqil kaspi 7munae-4 — ~a 1 1/2 shekels of silver, his maintenance of arah Tebe-tu the month Tebet, mnArdi-ia apil m~ft..la-a Wi(i~GL~) Ard'ia, the son of Shula-, received. 3 1/2 S-iqil kaspi ri-Jhi-ti 3 1/2 shekels of silver, the balance kururnmat 8muns-a 11 A beme5 9a a-nia of the main tenance of 1 1 soldiers who for 5 eli kupri s-ap-rn asphalt are sent, Inn-si-'i apil-s-u Ina-esh'i-eftir, the son sa ""Na-na-a-ah-iddin is'si('GIT) of Nana'-ah-iddin, received. 1 iqlu md11.Aabu~-nfldin-ahi 1 shekel, Nabui-nadin-ahi, 9a ana eli qanatime gap)-rit who for reeds is sent, (received). 10 arahT t iru1kam? -attu 24kam The 16th day of Tebet, the 24th year ~Na blt-kudurri-usur of Nebuchadrezzar, g~ar Ba-bili~i king of Babylon. No. 184. MONEY RECEIVED FOR MIEN WHO PER-FORMED SERVICE FOR THE KING. Messengers and porters were in the constant employ of the temple. This document refers to three men who were paid for delivering something to the king. 19 giqil ka3,pi ma ~5O 5itqil kasp~i 19 shekels of silver of 50 shekels of sil-.arah9Dufitzu s-attut 22kamf ver, which in the month Tammuz, the 22 nd year, a-nza ln~-aaa-di for Nana'-ah-iddin, apil mnAr-rab m'Amel Na-na-a the son of Arrab, Ain'l-Nana', 5 apil "'Baldt-su u rn~me-l-j INa-na-a the son of B~ala'su, and Ame'l-Nana', api1 mA~i-DAGAL-qar 9a the son of Ah-DAGAL-qar, who ri-ha-a-ta a-na s-arri rihd-ta to the king is'-s~f-Ai nadna(-nca) brought, are given, a-na rnakkuri rnahri4(-ru,) for the treasury are received. arahTigritzii limu l0kam, gattu 22k-7am The 10th day of Tishri, the 22nd year dNab A-kudurri-usir g~ar Bibilk of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. 1kasir from kasairu (qasadru) = "to tie," "to bind," seems in this context to be related to the work of basket making. 2 With tab-ba-na-a-ta compare tab-ni-ti, 179:3. The meaning of Hebrew jvlgi is "construction," "~model," "form," "74resemblance." 3 See note 3, p. 20. 32 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I No. 168. LIST OP SOLDIERS. This document makes it apparent that soldiers were apportioned to certain persons who needed them. At any rate a record was kept of the soldiers belonging to an individual. m"dNa-na-a-akardbi apil-u sa Nana-karabi, the son of 'Su-zu-bu apil 'mNa-iia-a-ah-iddin Shuzubu, son of Nana-ah-iddin, mSum-usur apil dIn-nin-zenr-ibni Shum-usur, the son of Innin-zer-ibni, 'nKal-ba-a apil "Amel-dNa-na-a Kalba, the son of Amel-Nana, 5 Amel-dNa-na-a "Ta-qiZ-dGula Amel-Nana, Taqish-Gula, napiaru 5 sdb me; total, 5 soldiers sa "ndNa-na-a-kardbi of Nana-karabi, apil.nThb-ar....... the son of Tab-sar...... "arahislimu iinu 17k"tt sattu 32km The 17th day of Kislev, the 32nd year 10 Nabt-7cudzurri-usur 8ar Babiliki of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. No. 205. RECORD CONCERNING THREE TABLETS. The statements in this document indicate that a record was kept of the clay tablets or contracts which were drawn up for different individuals. The temple scribes who were skilful in writing the cuneiform language were doubtless in great demand when documents or letters had to be prepared. Such a list as is here given may have been simply for the tabulation of the documentary output on a certain day. 1 duppu ina pdni "ldam as-sum-iddil 1 tablet at the disposal of Shamash-shum-iddin, apil mdNabu-bal&t-su-iqbi the son of Nabu-balatsu-iqbi, 1 duppi ina pdni "mNabf-e.tir apil 1 tablet at the disposal of Nabu-etir, the son mdEa-iiddin of Ea-iddin, 1 duppu ina pani "Ardi-aBel 1 tablet at the disposal of Ardi-Bel, apil mSaamag-iddin the son of Shamash-iddin. 5 arahTnritu ftmut 5k"a The 5th day of Tishri, Oattu 12ka' the 12th year dNabu-l-kudrri-usur of Nebuchadrezzar, sar Babiliki king of Babylon. No. 338. MONEY PAID FOR THE HIRE OF LABORERS. Exactness in Babylonian temple accounts is indicated in this document. An official record had to be made of the sources of the money paid to laborers, in this case, gate revenue and the price of two oxen. For other references to gate revenue, or toll money, see Nos. 273, 288, 309, 315, 356, 359, 360, 384 and 404. 44 siqil kaspi a-di 19 siqle mah-rzu- 44 shekels ofsilver, including 19 former shekels, sa ultu umu 10kam a ara Ululu 2kam which from the 10th day of second Elul DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 33 a-di Mumu 29kam -a rah UllZd 2kam a-na qu-up-pu ga babi i-ru-bu 5 6 Siqil kaspi sa ina simi 2 alpi-i ardanite ina qat m"a-.dNabt-i-.al-lim na-'a-a a-na i-di sa hagarrttu'e. a-na m U-qu-pu u "aNa-na-a-aa-iddin na-din 10 arah Ulldu 2kam U'mu 29k"m sattu 1Okam Nabu-na'id sar Bdbiliit to the 29th day of second Elul in the box of the gate entered; 6 shekels of silver, which out of the price of two work oxen from Sha-Nabu-ishallim are brought; for the hire of workmen to Uqupu and Nana-ah-iddin are given. The 29th day of second Elul, the 10th year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 384. SHIP AND GATE RECEIPTS. Ships and boats also contributed to the revenue of Babylonian temples. This probably came from the payment of fare or freight. It is interesting that ship and gate receipts are mentioned together in this document. For other references to ship receipts see Nos. 298 and 404. Ship revenue consisted of gold as well as silver. 1 112 ma-na kaspi 1 siqlu ribdtu(-tuz) 1 1/2 minas of silver, 1 shekel and a quarter iurd-si ir-bli sa iseli2pi of gold, the income of the ship Sa "'b~tkuszti of the temple vestment; 1/2 ma-na 5 Siqil icaspi ir-bi 1/2 mina 5 shekels of silver, the income 5 sa qu-up-pi-e Sa bdbi of the box of the gate. araliSabdatU mtu 25k"m The 25th day of Shabat, sattu 5Ta dANabft-nd'id the 5th year of Nabonidus, iar Babiliki king of Babylon. No. 71. RECEIPT FOR THREE IRON SICKLES. The value of this text is the clue it gives to the meaning of NIG-GAL-LA, when used in the sense of an iron instrument. 3 NIG-GAL-LAI parzilli 3 sickles of iron a-na e-si-du for the harvesting sa sam-mu ina pani of grass [are] at the disposal of mRi-mut Rimft, a hMU 9a K1L alpi the servant of the ox enclosure. arahAddaru utmu 25'am The 25th day of Adar, battu 36kam the 36th year dNabu -kudurri-usur of Nebuchadrezzar, sar Bdbiliki king of Babylon. 1 Various suggestions have been made as to the meaning of NIG-GAL-LA in the sense of a metal implement. See ZK II p. 325 and p. 414. As an instrument for, harvesting grass it seems to be connected with Hebrew U.I, Arabic Js, Syriac P6 = "sickle." The Semitic root 5A may be borrowedfrom Sumerian. 34 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I No. 350. PAYMENT OF SHIP LABORERS. This document evidently refers to men on the bank of a stream pulling a ship or boat by means of a rope. 15 Miqil kaspi a-na hagarriuttme se i.elippmes? a-na Sip-par i-;ad-da-du ' U-ba-ru it "dlramas-zer-ibni 5 it-taSiu-i arahAyaru tmnu 25kam Sattu 11ka dNtab&-na'id -ar Babiliki 15 shekels of silver for the hired laborers, who the ships to Sippar draw, Ubaru and Shamash-zer-ibni received. The 23rd day of Jyyar, the 11th year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. No. 154. RECEIPT FOR TWO COATS OF MAIL AND SESAME. This document is interesting because it shows that protective garments and food were furnished to those who took care of fowls under the direction of the chief caretaker. The element of danger in the work intimates that it was carried on in some district outside the city. 2:"brtsir. a. amme 2 coats of mail, 12 qa ganma-Sammi "Eszi-e.tir 12 qa of sesame Eshi-etir, [apil"m Li-ku-nu u m"Ri-mut the son of Likunu, and Rimuft, apil tnd"abu-sum-ukn the son of Nabu-shum-ukin, 5 sa a-na nTb-s-ar-dIninza who to Tab-shar-Innina, hre'u is-sur the keeper of fowls, a-na re'u-ui:tu for the work of tending (fowls) na-dan it-ta-gu-iU are given, received. Ayara u mAya 17ka" The 17th day of Iyyar, 10 sattu 39kam the 39th year dNabua-kudurri-ustsr of Nebuchadrezzar, sar Bdbiliki king of Babylon. No. 294. DONKEY AND FLOUR FURNISHED FOR A JOURNEY. A glimpse is given in this record of a man about to travel to a distant part of the country. Money is advanced to pay for his means of transportation and his sustenance on the journey. 50 siqil kaspi a-na 1 im2eri alakti(A-G UB-BA)1 u a-na qimi(ZID-DA)-~u a-na mdNabu-mustiq-urra 5 apil IdAstar-na-din-abi 50 shekels of silver for 1 road donkey and his flour to Nabu-mushetiq-urra, the son of Ishtar-nadin-ahi, 1 Cf. Br 11494. The sign BA simply represents the overhanging vowel of A-GUBA. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 35 9a a-na mfTe-ma-al who to the land of Tema sap-ra na-din is sent, are given. arahAddaru it mzi 5kam sattu.5k The 5th day of Adar, the 5th year dNabu-nd'id Sar Bdbiliki of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. I Cf REN 134:4,5. Delitzsch in Wo lag das Paradies? p. 301 f, discusses '4TTe-ma-a-a and connects it with sttn, Jeremiah 25:23, Job 6:19, and i-eL,Z a city in Arabia southeast of Petra, of known importance as early as 500 B. C. Consult Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. IV. p. 694: and Hogarth's The Penetration of Arabia, p. 280 ff. That Tema, or Teima, was "on the old route from the Gulf of Akabah to the Persian Gulf" and "a dividing point of roads from Petra to Gerra (on the Persian Gulf) in the east and Sheba in the south," indicates that it was an important stopping place for caravans. It is called 60ata on Ptolemy's map of Arabia Felix. For a map showing the land surface features of Arabia see at the close of Hogarth's The Penetration of Arabia. The line of oases, within easy reach of one another, stretching from the Euphrates river to Teima, should be noted. An exceedingly interesting indication of the ancient culture of Teima is a monument known as the Teima Stone. See Cooke's North Semitic Inscriptions, p. 195 if. The script is that of "the early part of the middle period of Aramaic writing," and the contents deal with the introduction of the worship of a foreign deity. Cooke says, p. 197, "Caravans (Job 6:19) on their way to Egypt or Assyria halted here; and the influence of commerce with these two countries is evident in this stone: the name of the priest's father is Egyptian, the figures of the god and his minister are Assyrian." For a photograph of the stone see Hogarth's The Penetration of Arabia, opposite p. 282. In the Chronicle of Cyrus concerning the reign of Nabonidus and the fall of Babylon it is recorded that Nabonidus was in 'lTe-ma-a in the 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th years of his reign, while the son of the king (i. e., Belshazzar), the princes and soldiers were in "'^tAkkadu. See Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, Vol. VII, p. 156 if. Pinches, ibid. p. 171, connects dlTe-ma-a with Te-eki sa ki-ir-ba Bdbiliki and Tu-ma,ki shown on a map of Babylon, ibid. p. 152. Aside from the difficulty of equating dtTe-ma-a with Te-eki, and Tu-maki it is stated in the chronicle that the king did not go to Babylon, thus intimating that he was at a place outside the city. Furthermore, the statement that the king was in -tTe-ma-a is followed by the counterstatement that the son of the king was in 'tnctAkkadu, i. e., the country of Akkad, which included the city of Babylon. These statements can best be harmonized by the inference that the king was not in Akkad and that '1Te-ma-a must be sought without the bounds of that country. Cf. Tiele, Babylonisch-Assyrische Geschichte, Part 1, p. 470; and BA Vol. 2, pp. 236 f. Additional proof is furnished by the fact that when the king's mother died in the 9th year of his reign, one of the years when he was in 'aTe-ma-a, he is not mentioned as taking part in the mourning which was observed in Akkad. Another link in the chain of evidence is REN 134, dated in the 10th year of Nabonidus, when he was in a1Te-ma-a, referring to the food of the king as having been taken to mntTe-ma-a. The term lmtTe-ma-a cannot refer to a district in Babylon. Two royal leases of land are contained in REN. No. 11, dated in the 1st year of Nabonidus, was obtained from the king himself, while No. 150, dated in the 11th year of Nabonidus, when he was at t1Te-ma-a, was obtained from Belshazzar who is mentioned by name. That dTe-ma-a and m'tTe-ma-a refer to the Arabian city Teima and its environs can hardly be doubted. III Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, 10 No. 2, associates ~UTe-ma-a-a with [it]Ma-as-'-a-a-a and 4USa-ba-'-a-a-a. Cf. Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, Band II, p. 20 line 53. Genesis 25:13-15 gives the names of the sons of Ishmael, and the list includes Massa and Temd. The alSaba-'a-a-a may well be the Sabeans of Job 1: 15. Cf. Delitzsch Wo lag das Paradies? p. 303. Isaiah 21:13-14 presents an interesting view of the position of Teima as a prosperous city in the desert of Arabia. The term bnmn y'p is equivalent to matTe-ma-a. These facts indicate a hitherto unsuspected condition of affairs during the reign of Nabonidus, the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. If Nabonidus spent much of his time at Teima in Arabia, it is quite possible that the northern and central sections of Arabia were under his rule. In approximate distances Teima is 250 miles southeast of Petra, 200 miles northwest of Medina, and 150 miles from the Red Sea. It may have been the political center from which Nabonidus governed his Arabian province, while Belshazzar looked after affairs in Akkad. All this corroborates and gives added significance to the position occupied by Belshazzar as an energetic and masterful crown prince. The most interesting revelation, however. is the fact that Arabia was intimately connected with Babylonia in the 6th century B. C. 36 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I No. 401. RECEIPT FOR FLOUR GIVEN TO SERVANTS CONSECRATED TO THE GOD IBEL. The sirke, i. e., consecrated servants of Bel referred to in this document, were menials of the temple of that deity. They were detailed for a certain work, in return for the performance of which they received flour as food. 30 qa qi-mu 9a a-na 30 qa of flour which to ahirke (PA-KAB-D Ue) Sa dBel the consecrated servants of Bel, sa a-na eli alp'ne who for oxen Sap-ru-nu id-di-nu are sent, they gave, 5 Zer-bi-bi mahir(-ir) Zerbibi received. ara^Tebetu femu 8kam The 8th day of Tebet, Mattu 9kam dNabul-na'id the 9th year of Nabonidus, War Bdbilki king of Babylon. No. 161. GARMENT GIVEN TO A CONSECRATED SERVANT. This record shows that the class of temple servants known as the sJirkctu, referred to in the preceding document, received clothing as well as food. 1."'lt~KUR-RA 1 KUR-RA garment, 9a a-na 8 ma-na sipdate2 which for 8 minas of wool na-sa-' is brought, a-na mdBel-e-te-ru to Bel-eteru, 5 hir-ki na-di the consecrated servant, is given. 'ara..betu ifmu 9kam The 9 th day of Tebet, Mattu 36kam the 36th year Nabu-kcudurr'i-Zcsur of Nebuchadrezzar, har Bdbiliki king of Babylon. No. 361. DEDICATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL AS A CONSECRATED SERVANT OF ISHTAR. A tablet in the Yale Babylonian Collection, REN 116, refers to two records of the sirku"tu, one kept by the temple and one by the nobility. This document is an interesting example of the kind of record kept by the temple. 'La-a-ki-pi 9a "'Ardi-ia LUkipi, whom Ardia, apil "nNergal-ndsir belu-8su the son of Nergal-nasir, his lord, a-na hgirkutu (PA-KAB-D U-fi-tu) for the sirkutu a-na dBelit ga Urukk to the Belit of Erech (i. e., BIhtar) id-di-mz-us gave. araAddaru ftu 85'an Mattu 7km The 8th day of Adar, the 7th year dNabu-nd'id sar Babiliki of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 37 No. 322. RECEIPT FOR THE TITHE OF BELSHAZZAR. This record throws light upon the Babylonian custom of paying a tithe for the maintenance of the temple. Even members of the royal family participated in this practice. 1 ma-na kaspi es-ru-it 1 mina of silver, the tithe sa "daBel-gar-utsu r mar arri of Belshazzar, the son of the king, 1"'fi-la-a apil-su aa dJE-a-gum-iddin Shula, the son of Ea-shum-iddin, ina E-an-na ma-bi-ir in Eanna received. 5 arah Uldlu fmu 29kam gattu 5kam The 29th day of Elul, the 5th year aNabu-nd'id sar Bdbizkh of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. NO. 355. MONEY PAID A MESSENGER SENT TO BELSHAZZAR, etc. It is known that Belshazzar exercised an authoritative influence over affairs at Erech, which was consonant with his high rank as crown prince and his apparent equality with his father in governmental matters. Hence the interest that attaches itself to this document. 2 siqil kaspi a-na a)Dan-)nu-a}l5-9-itibni 2 shekels of silver to Dannu-ahe-shu-ibni, apil 'IlNergal-uballit (-i.t) sa a-na the son of Nergal-uballit, who to pa-ni mar sarri sap-ru the son of the king (i. e., Belshazzar) is sent; 3 Siqil a-na la-bi-nu Sa libndtizu" 3 shekels for the making of bricks 5 a-na 'La-a-ba-.si to Labashi (are given). DarauDW'u mu 7kam s'attu 9ka The 7th day of Tammuz, the 9th year dNabfi-nd'id gar Bdbilzki of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. NAME INDICES. Abbreviations: d., daughter; f., father; gf., grandfather; gs., grandson; h., husband; in., mother; s., son; w. wife. Determinatives: 4-1, city; d, god; goddess; f, feminine; hi, amineu, denoting occupation; ki, place; mn, masculine; nuiat, country; me, meg, plural; nad'r, canal; tdbnirtu, vicinity; zun, collective. Personal Names. Ad-Ia-mna, f. Babdia. A-ga-a-ga-gu(?), 276:4. A-hu.Iap-ia,' s. Bel-gton-igkun, 57:3; 259:4; 415:3. AhJ-it-tab-94, f. 109-Sa. Ab-DAGAL-qar(?), f. AinPl-Nand'. Aheltne-sc-aa Ahe -s"-a-a, 1. s. BZJ-iqiis-a, 10:5. 2. t -Ranna-.S-m-ibni, Z~ria. 3. A Jyt-ra-du-{-a, 219:3. Ahe' e....~f..'e.tir. Ahu... f. Amine-Nav -". Ahtu-gi, f. Nabu'-bani-ahi. Ahu-gu-nlu, s. Rimu-t, 306:3. Abit-Ai-tu,, gf. Midcin. rA-mat-a, 35:3. Amel-dEa, gf. Nabfi-kisir. Ame'-rnalahu, 240:9. AmedIdNabfii, f. ASantas-ana-biti-g'u. Am'l-,'dNa-na-a, 1. s. Ahu....253:4 2. s. Aij-DAGAL-qar(?), 184:6. 3. s. Baldtsu, 2:10; 184:4. 4. s. Bi.. l. 80:18. 5. s. NYan-iddin, 250:7. 6. s. Tabnet, 180:2. 7. s. Taqi8-G~ula, 168:5. 8. s. Zdkir, 36:6; 55:8. 9. f. Ardi-Innina, Kalba, Nabi,(-ah-iddin, Nand —ah-iddin, A~ajnas —uballit. 10. 22:3; 151:2; 207:9; 241:8. Ame'1-~sa-taiibtizI"n-s-U, f. B61-ubait. Anw"1...d f. Kalb D-"' Amn-me-ni-ilut, 226:8. dAniurru-il-titlZeu-u"' f. Innina-zer-ibni. 4Amurru-ri-man-ni, f. Eanna-ibni. dAmurru-ze'r.ibni, s. Sin-iddin, 251:14. dAmarnrru-4j-ge-zib, f. Nab —u8-allim. Ana-biti-g-u, s. Nana —puseu 80:13. Anal-eli-dB'l-a-amur, f. Eanna-ibni. Ana-di;tar-takc-lak, d-nnina, 87:6; 254:3. Ana-d.Yab-i-tak-1ak, 4:4. An-da-hir, gf. Nergal-as-arid. ('A-nu-e-re~(-es'), f. )~zit-ic-ba-ni.i dA-nu-zer-ibni, s. Nab f-ah-iddin, 80:7. dA-nu-um-iddin, s. Ardi-innina, gs. Sup l-B-1, 398:27. dAnu-ah.iddin, s. Imbnia, 276:12. That A-hu-dan-ia (Cf. BEY p. 15) is not the correct reading is indicated in TNN p. 302. See ahuld' p(i, HTVB and MA4. BEN p. 15 records the name A-di-ma-ti-daftar and what should be read A —u1 ap-dIstar. The two names have the same meaning. (38) DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 3 39 dAnu.s-Umflibui, s. Inniva-zer-us-abs'i, 279:9. Ajp-la-a, Apla-a, 1. s. Ahid~u, f. Nddin, 237:13. 2. s. Arrabturn, f. Mu~zib-Be'l, 65:11; 231:11; 236:12; 248:9; 262:11. 3. s. Marduk-na'sir, gs. Kidinu-M3arduk, 233: 3. 4. s. Nabfi-rnudarnriq, 96:13. 5. s. Sin-liq-unninni, C. Innin-ze~r-usabsgi, 376:6. 6. s. Sin-tabni, f. o~lanas..ze'r-ligir, 390:2. din, Nabft-ahe,-iddin, Nabft-balni-ahji, Nab ft-~!ir, ~ainag-,-hu~n-tkin, A~arid, /~Ula. 8. f........, 198:12; 233:11. 9. 397:9. fA-iat-su-nu, 381:5. A-qar-aiju, f. Nabi'-na'id. A-qar-aplu, 2. s. Nabu'-nalsir, 81:3. 3. f. Nergal-nadsir. Ardi-ica, Ardi-ia6, Ardi-a, 1. s. Mlanna-aki-Arba'il, 280:4; 308:2; 334:3. 2. s. Nania, 80:9. 3. s. Nergal-na'sir, 361:1. 5. f. Girnillu, R1anbaqu, Innin-lip-usur, Nand-kcarabi. 6. 59:2; 126:3; 286:3. Ardi-,dBel, 419:10. 2. s. A~~arnag-iddin, 205:3. 3. f. Ina-eoi.gir, ATab $ —etir-.napvsaj i~amag-iddin, iddi n. Ardi-".A-[aJ, gf. Marduk-s-ayik-ze-r Ardi-djjnjnin, 1. s. Ezupas-ir (Ezupahjir), 207:3. 3.. Innin-sgum-usu~r,,'amnas-ze'r-lis-ir. 4. h~n appahu, 705:4. 5. 130:3; 333:3,4; 387:2. Ardi-cdInnina, d~nnina(..na), 1. s. Ame-t-Nand-t, 363:2. 2. s. Gimillu, 229:14. 3. s. Kunli, 12:3; gs. Nabu~ —sarbi-ildni, 6:11. 4. s. Nabit-t-gum-u kin. 48:4. 5. f. Anurn-iddin, Bdl-e'tir, Gimillu, Hiribturn, Nadin. 6. 67:4; 80:17. Ardi-,IJn-ini-ni, s. M usgallirn-ililarduk, 244:9. Ardi-,dNablfi, 1. S. hN1I-SUR gine& f. Balditu, 95:11; 398: 3,7,29. f. Nabfit-balni-ahi, 233:17; 261:15. 3. C. Balditu, Kidinut,Nabu'-qtsallrn,Nandza. ah-iddin. 397:2. 5. 35:4; 408:8. Ardi~da~na~, hM U ~a KIL al' 5 3:5'. ArdPidNergal, 417:17. Ar-rab, 2. s. Samnas-ah-iddin, 396:9. 3. C. Nctnd-ah-iddin. 4. 210: 10; 234:8S; 255:-8. Ar-rab-ti, tu, turn, 1. f. Nabu%-kdsir, Nabu —usgalim. 2. gf. Mus-ezib-Be'l. "cs'kapu, gf. Nabu —kis-ir. "a -lakul f. Ibni-Innina, gf. A~umind hasft. gf. Marduk-sgum-i bni. hbb"'iru, gf. Badnia, Be'l-ibni, Nabi —ibni, Fir'. Ba-can....,1: 3. Ba-bi-ia, s. Gudadii(, 5:5. Ba-bu-nu, 276:9. Ba-bu-tu, gf. Eiribtu, Kurbannii-Milarduk,. Miarduk. Ba-bu-ut-ti, gf. NJddin. Ba-la-tu, Baldtu, 1.s.Ardi-Nabii-, 188:5; 22 1: 1; 387:13; gs. hNI-S UR gine&, 95:11; 398:3, 7,8, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29. 2. s. Runzit, f. Sin-i bni, 279:13. e 40 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I 3. s. Innin-g'um-usur, 329:3. S~um-utkin, 327:5. 5. s. Nabiit4Rir, 234: 13; 241:22. 6. s. Nabii-ga~imil, 285:5. 7. s. N~ab ft-~ur...., 347:5. 9. S. A~huma4, 340:4; gs. Iddin-Pa~psukal, 236:10. 10. s. kZ'fzub n, hnaggar iselippe', 402:14. 12. h"nar s'ipri, 39:7. Ba-lat-su, 1. s. Ardi-E-[caj, f. Marduk-s-pik-ze'r, 257: 12. 2. s. Ardi-NMabi~, 228:12. 3. s. Miandidi, f. Nddin, 236:4. 4. s. Na..,81:7. 5. s. Nabfiupabifi, 232:2. 6. f. Arnd1-Nan, B'l-upahr bi Innina, Innin-ze-r-us-ab-i', Marduk-s-umibni, Marduk4s-urn-ligir, Nabu'-mus'etiqurrca, Nandfliddin, Sarnag —ah-iddin. 7. hK UR- UD-D1IM-lJ-A, 3 7:2. 8. "rab S-ir-ku, 38:3. 9. 83:8; 293:4; 403:6. Ba-ni-ia, Ba-ni-ia', Badni-ia, Badni-id, 1. s. Ad-la-ma, 352:7. 2. s. Apla', 270: 5; 317:3. 3. s. Tabne-a, gs. hba-'iru, 113:12; 117:3. 4. s. Taribi, 291:4. 5. s. Nabh-baladtsu-iqbi, gs. Sin-l'iqunninnni, 353:13. 6. s. Nadnad, 292:4. 7. s. Nergal-us —ib, 392:9. 8. s. Sarid. 165:2. 9 agarru, 268:3. 10. 289:6. 2.126:4. Bdnfi-tu-hu, f. ~~ftzubu. BANY-KAK-dBe-1, s. o~amag...,250:9. Ba-si-ia, gf. &mr-ukcin. Ba-zu-zu, 1. s. Nddin, 307: 16. 2. s.,~amcag-uballit, 269:6. dBa4t-ah-iddin, f. S~amas'4Sum-iddin. dBau-ah e'res- 4: 21. d'Be-1-ah-6riba(?), 405:2, 18. hBe-l-ah-iddin, f. -Iddin-AMarduk. hBe-l-a7ee-riba, 2. s.... 152:3. 3. f. Nabi-fe'eru, Sin-iddin, Sin-usgallirn. 4. 2390. dBeRae'-iddin, 1. s. Nab?2-zr-ibni,342 2. S. Nifr-Sii, f.Samjas-rniukin-[ze'r],390:8. dIBe'lahj'-qjiga(-sa), 1. s. Egibi,241:6;f.Nadin,353: 12;380:1 5; 394:13; 412: 15. 2. 54:2; 260:7, 8. 2. f. Guzanu. d~'-plus~ nB'-idiai~-et)ap — ti, dBe'lpug(..ug), f. Z~a... dBel.e'riba, f. Nab ft-ka-ir, RAULti 1. s. Ardi-Innina, 70:2. 4. 1:6. dBedthu-ussa.an-ni, 92:6. dBf61_jbnj, 1. s. Bullut,415:1 1; gs."b'r,6a 2;348 2. s. Kurz', f. 1~~amnag-iddin, 403:9. 3. s. Nab 4-iddin, 15: 3. 4. f. Inn in-t'r-49abs-i. 6. 58:10; 331:2; 342:14; 370:7; 386:10. 1. s. "asfz, f. Marduk-g-Ur-ibni, 261:3. 2. s. Marduk-ze'r-ibni, gs. Be'l-apal-usur, 65:13. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 4 41 3. s. Nacdft - e i r, 35: 1. 4. s. ~'igfia, 'f. Marduk-e-ribca, 113: 17; 236:16. 5. f. Nabu'-nad'id. 4BMl-iqbi, s. Nadn"a", 6: 16. 66:16; 237:12. 2. s. Nabu —ka'sir, gs. Niir-Sin, 397: 12. 3. s. hpaharu'f.~ama~-ba'ni-ahi407:18,21. 5. 62:3. dBe-l.ka'sir, 2. 172:3 3, 4. 95:4. dB~t..n.di~plu, s. Z~r-Bdbilikli, gs. Iii'Mlarduk, 231: 12; 233: 15; 248: 11. dBO-.na.sir, s. Z~r-u14n, gs. hrnasar abulli, 394:3. 1. s. Bdniturn-e-re.~, 276: 1; 390:4. 2. S. hqalltu k~ Nabfi-gar-usur, 307: 7; 403:1. 385:13. dBe'l..ar..usur, ma'r.-arri, 322: 2. 1. s. Dabibi, f. Marduk-e'tir, 15:19; f. Nabft-ndidin-.gum, 6: 5. 2. s. Enurta-ah-iddin, gs. hgangiu. 58:12. 3. s. Kurt-, f. Nadinu, 407:22. 4. s. Nabi't-garnit, 392:6. 5. f. A)2uld-ia. 113:13; 175:3; 189:9; 233:19; 236:13; 237:9; 261:13; 262:12. 2. 199: 9; 278:-4. dBe'lTUK-KUP-U'a, 405:14. 1. S. Arne'l-Ea, f. Nab f'-kigir, 279:2. 3. s. Bfiu, 42:3; 92:3. 4. s. A~~mn-ukiln, 173: 5. 5. f. lbni-Innin. 6. 54: 1. 1. s. Eriba, gs. E"pe.g.ilu, 385: 1. 2. f.... 758: 12. 3. 385:2, 10. 1. s. Bctldtsu, 201:4. 2. f. Arrab, lbni-IMar. 3. h itappah pa rzilli, 4 7:3. 4. 223:6. 1. s. Basia, f. Sum-ukin, 167:2; 413:3. 2. f. Szun-ukin.3. 110:6. 1. f. Ame'l-NandA. 2. 123:3; 172:14. Bul-lu-tu~, But-ilut, 1. s. hb&'iru, f. Be-libni, 65: 12; 394: 8. Bul-lut-a, 1. s. Nana-ibni, 3:6. Da-bi-bi, gf. Mlarduk-e'tir, Nabu'-naldin-Mmr. Dam qi(DAN)-a, s. Nabii-ahi-iddin, 30:2. See Nab f —mudamrniq and Sv1arnasvmudam. rniq. dDan-nu..ahe-su-eir, 1. S. R"Infdtu, 7hpu~a', 412: 1. 2. 412:9. dlDan-uah&&tu.ibnzi, s. Nergal-uballti~ 355:1; 414:4. Dan-nu-dNergal, 1. f. S~amasv-ah-iddin, Isinnal. 2. hka'sir, 206: 4. dDajdn-ahe-iddin, 1. S. Girnillu, gs. MSgfia, 353:9. 2. 387:6. dDaj'an-eres', 297: 7. 42 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I DajadnA-IMarduk, 1. hra bMni 243: 2. Writtenh'tab mnba-n i-e. 2. 45: 3; 417: 7,9. -Di-ka-na-a-a, s. Nlergal-ibni. F-a....,83:8..tkan-n a-i bni, 1. s. Ana-eli-Be'l-arnur, 403:3. 2. s. Arnurru-rirnanni, 365:2. 3. s. Iddia, 2 79: 11. 4. s. Ina-?illi-Nand', 377:6. 5. f. Rirntil 6. "M U biti, 240:6. 7. 67: 6. E-an —na-li-.pi-usur, lip 1. s. Tdbi-a, gs. Kidin-Marduk, 418:14. 2. f. NIabic -mukin-apim. 3. 4: 7; 306: 5; 4 02: 5. E-an-na-gurn-ibni, 412:18. 2. 249: 16. dEa..kur-ban..ni, 326:2. d-ct..jtjxln, ~. Nabit-ttir.,dEa..gar-pbd.ljt, 272: 3. d~ka-gurniddin, f. S~ulad. E-gi-bi, g f. B-l -~unu, Mugiallirn.Marduk, Nabiiaje —iqi~a, Nabi24tir-nap~tNdn Zetria - E-kur-za-kir, gf. Marduk-ettir, Mmiranu, Musvezib, Nabic-bd"ni-ahi, Nabuc-betl-gunu. Entil-gapik-z-r, hTIK-EN-NA, 94: 11. i~kun, 58: 13. dEnurta-~ar-usur, "qipu, 15:5. EpeA(-eg)-ilu,, gf. B'I-ugattirn. F-rib-~u, 230: 10. Fgi-etir, 1. s. N~abPi-brn-ikun, 17: 10. F-til-lu, turn, 1. f. 4farduk-ze'r-ibni. 2. 260:8, 10. E-til-pi, s. Sadfinu, gs. "gangi% AN-NA 398:26. E-zu-pa-gir, or F-zu-pa9hir, f. Ardi-Innin. Gi-mil-lu, Gimilim, 1. s. Ardia, 52:3; 77: 7; 93:4; 100:4; 142: 3; 149: 9; 171: 3; 182: 4; 183: 3; 219:5; 228:6; 247:10; 253:12; 321: 3; 366: 3; 410:7. 2. s. Ardi-innina, 323: 3. 3. s. Bclddtu. 63: 13. 4. s. Kund, 6: 13. 5. s. Mardulca, 80: 14; 249: 6. 6.- s. Marduk-bcrn-usur, gs.....,63:27. 7. s. Nergal-iddin, 392: 7. 8. s. Nergal-eg~i-e-tir, gs. 'kgangz2 AN-NYA, 398:4. 9. S. RiQle-tt 250: 5. 10. s. Sig'ac, f. Dajdln-ahe-iddin, 353: 10. 189: 8; 213: 2; 262: 10. 12. f. Ardi-Innina, Kalbd', Nergal-,n4'ir. 13. 8:4; 32:3; 64:4; 76:3; 82:5; 85:4; 87:7; 90:5; 99:5; 101:3; 102:4; 103:5; 104:3; 107:5; 115: 3; 116:5; 117:6; 118: 3; 119:4; 129:4; 136:3; 138: 3; 139: 3; 143: 3; 148:4; 202: 9; 220:6; 224: 10; 226:3; 235:11; 254:8; 410: 8; 420: 2. GirnilAdNa-na-a, 1. gf Jnnin-~ar-usur, Marduk, Marduk2. 58:2. hGIG, ~. Kinend-. Gu-da-du-i%, f. Babia. U UR-D U-..dNergat, 84: 8. Gu-8a-a, 351:5. Gu-za-nu, 1. s. Be'l-aij-u~abgi, ".midr 9ipi~Madk bern-iddin, 410: 2. 2. "li~aru, 409: 5. 3. 387:11. Fa-an-ba(?)-qu, s. Ardia, 380:4, 8. -Ialaqu(IJA-A)-ia-a-nu, 351: 5. Ha-na~p, gf....-betni-ahi. Iffa-fi-ru, s. NabP —a4-iddin, 80:12. ftl i-li, m. Nidinti. RHu-un-ku-i't, gf. Jnninadiar-usur, Itti-Samanv b aldftu, Nergal-hurn-iddin, Sin-i bni. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 4 43 lb-na-a, lbna-a, 1. s. Egibi, f. Z~ria, 380:13. 2. s. Ekur-z,-,akir, f. Nabi —balni-ahi, 94:4; 113:15. Nabfi-ze-r-iddin. 4. 302:4. Ibni-dlnnina, innina (-na), 412:17. 2. s. Bald tsu, 3 5: 11. 4. s. Miardulca, 336:3. 5. s. NabM-ze'r-ukiin, 81:9. 6. s. Nergal-uballti, 199: 13. 7. s. Nergal-us'allim, 133:4; 229: 1. 8. s. Birnfit, 157:5. 9. s. Suv^-B-i,f.Anum-muk'In-a plt,398:28. 10. s. 80:11; 85:3; 302:4. 1. s. hag-laku, f. Surna', 189:12; 262:14; 353:15; 394: 11; 419:14. 2. s. B'1-upahhjir, 357:3. 3. s. Afarduka, hnappaiju, 385:5. 4. f. ~umnd. Ibni.., 1. S. Sula, 97: 3. 2. s. Taqi.- Gula, 308: 5. 3. 80:21. Id-di-ia, f. PJ7anna-ibni. Iddin-dMarduk, 2. f. ~'um.... Iddin-dNergal, f. Isinnmt Jddin~dIpapSukal, gf. Batlatu. Iddin...., 266:3. llainimes*v., 258:5. JltIlnime8 -iddin, s. Nab u-u-atlim, 63:17, 22. Jlu-gil-ta-a-a, s. Bala'u, 269:7. Itu-na-dan-nu, f. ITtti-ila'ni-ia. 1li'-dMardukDA,1D- GAL,gf.B't-na'din-alu r~l-su-nu(?), d. h'ul', w. B-1-ugallim, 385:2; 1 1. Im-bi-ia, 1. s. Ilanap, f~..badni-aihi, 307:4. 2. f. Anu-ah-iddin. 3. 415: 17. fJm-mir-tu, 381:8. 1. s. Ardi-Be&1, 382:3. 2. s. Be-l-apal-usur, f. zer-u.gabgi, 418:13. 3. s. Buttluta, 239:5. 4. s. Hunz&k, f. Nergal-gumi-iddin, 353:5. 5. s. Liikunu, 154:2. 6. s. Nabt'-ugab~i, 239:4. 7. s. Nabu —ze~r-iqi~a, 406:3. 8. s. Nanal-ah-iddi-n,94:8; 181:6. 9. s. Nand~-e-reg, 237:4. Nergal-.guin-iddin, ~~ama~-mudammniq. 11. 75:5; 130:5; 344:8. ln-at4ab —akn 276:3, 6; 381:6. 1. s. Nab f —ahe-ugatllrn, 413: 5. 2. s. Nana'-karalbi, 258:2. 3. f. Eanna-ibni, Nanal-kara-bi, Nand'.. U~ur. 4. 239:8. 1. hagarru killi, 160: 1. 2. 105:5; 110:2; 137:3; 147:4; 150:4; 151:8; 159:3; 203:8. d"in-nin..ahe —iddin, 141:8; 244:11; 408:3. djn..nin..tjp.usur, s. Ardia, 400:13. dln..nin-mrukin..aplu, s. Nabu —ze'r-iqiua, 248:3. djn.nin-gar..usur, 2. s... MU-A, gs. Gimil-Y~and', 18:8. dln..nin-sum..usur, 1. s. Ardi-innin, 409:2. 2. s. Innin-ze"r-ugabgii, 230:2. 3. S. Mukin-ze-r, 393:7. 5. f. Bald-u, N~andi-ah-iddin. 6. 80:8; 91:5; 399:3. 44 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I dln-in-ab-i-uurs. Gimil-Nanda, if. Nab fit1. s. Kinend", 80:3. 2. s. -Rimftt, 169:33; 249:7. 3. if. Ntidina-a~ju, tumn-usur. 4. 416:2. 1. s. Al'bft-bWl-unu, 'In ayyarut, 4 16:4. 2. s. N~adnd', 250:12. I. s. Apbft, gs. Sin-1i2.unnilnni, 376:5. 3.s. Balditsu, 86:7; 95:13; 126:5; 233: 18; 261:16. 4. s. ~TunzPt, if. ITtti-S~arna-balttu, 353:6. 5. S. Nanad-kardbi, 65:15; 247:'3; 249: 5; 260:17. 6. s. -Rimtit, 275:2; 307:3; 346:2. 7. if. lnnin-~um-usur. 8"nappab siparri, 415:8. 9. 80:5. 2. 131:4; 190:4; 396:12. dIn nina-a hiddin, 1.- s. Nabfi-mugetiq-urra, 339: 11. 2. 68:2. dl1nnina-adik-p'ni, s. g-arid, 204:2. din nina-mukin-aplu, 1. s. Z~ria, 419:12. 2. s. Ztrfdu, 128:3. 3. hnaggaru, 409:8. dlzii-r-uua 379:10. dInninza-~ar..sztr, s. Kudurru, gs. Jfunz?~, 3 53:2. bziitzaunt-ereO, 1. s. Alabz%-gum-ukiln, 420:4. 2. s.,~amag-ze'r-ibni, 155:6. dlntzina-.*um..ibni, "Innina(na), 1. hkud4jmmu, 135:5; 251:6. 2. 409:4. dInznina-svtm-um.sur, s. TUR-Be~lda-)iu, 39:5. J-In-nifl-fli-.9?tmfl-Uur, 408:4. 1. s. Arnurru-il-tu-lu-iif, 277:2. 2. s. NabP-,-usvallim, 250:6. 3. s. ]iRimi-t, 94:2. 4. ara ekatli, 409:7. 5. 396:6. dijnizna..zer..ugabj4'(4ji), dlnbnina(..na), 1. s. Bakitsu, 18 9: 11. 2. if. Anzc-ium-ibni. 3. hsangfu, 255:3. Iq-ba-a, 67:4. 1. s. Apid', 33:3. 2. s. Ahj-ittab.~i, 22:4. 3. s. Babiitu, if..Kurbanni-Alarduk, 260:3. 4. s.. @. a, 66: 14. 5. S. "rrfit, 262: 13, if. S~ama~-rniedammiq, 113:14; 231:13; 162:3; 236:14. if. Tarib, 65:14. 6.. re-'2alpvi,f.Swina"'i3-mudarn;iiq,237:1 1; 238:11; 248:10. 7. if. Kind, Nab i%-bala'tsu-iqbi, Nabf5t mnukin-apiu, Nfirea, S~amnal~-rnudarnmiq. 8. 302: 5; 405: 11. IT-sin-na-ct-a, 1. s. Dannu-Nergal, 216: 2. 2. s. -Iddin-Nergal, 239:11. 3. hjf'fj, 109: 11; 140:2; 241:7. IAI4-dArnurru-li'~ir, 372: 1. dfltar-alh-ddin,z 1. s. Ncdnut-mu~eatiq-urra, 320: 6. 2. hrea'ui, issurdiun 387:19. dl~tar-jlj/p plni, 253:7; _pa.~aridzt, 364:3. dkgtar-dftr.e-du, 179: 2. dk~tar..e.du.u-sur, hgirku, 125:6. dltrna"dnai if. Nab ft-mugetiq-urra. dfl9tar..gumn.ibni, 386: 1 kudimnmu, 395:3. d~itar..zer-ibnj, 1. s. H~ul, 385:.15. 2. 370: 7. dfttar..zer..,s. Nabt2-aii-iddin, 271:3. dfltar.,4:6; 342: 14. Is-sur, 1. s. Nabfiaetir-nia}4dti, 371:4. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERE~CH 4 45 2. 318: 5. Itti-E-an-n a-bu-di-ia,' 2. 226:2. 1. s,. Ilu-nadannu, 319: 4. 2. hnaggar isdala-ti, 379: 7. Itti-d-31arduk-baldu H~U. KA K, 78:4. Jtti-dNabh-baltat, S. Nab ft-ygmil, 94:1 2. IIurtz/(, 353:6. Kal-ba-a, Kalba-a, 1.- s. APlO, 229: 8; hdahbt, 109: 5. 2. s. Amn-1-Nanal, 168:4. 4. s., (hifimil. 208: 6; 209: 6. 6. f.,SarnaO-M~m-iddin. 8. 1,U-HUH, 371: 2. 9. 207:10. KW~(?)...., s.lNergal-ugallirn, 229:1I..Kab-ti-ia, s. hrab batnii, f. Tabne'a, 217:4. Ka-Iu-mu, f. Nabu% —gin-iddin..Ki..i.dNabit, hqallu.ga Ardi-Nabft, 3-5: 3. Ki~.ik-dNabft, s. A~~ula-, gs. — ea, 385: 14. Ki-di-n it, 1. s. Ardi-Nabiet, 330:4. 2. s. o~adinM4, gs. Lultammir-Adad, 257:1I. 3. 257: 5. Ki-di-nu-Marduk, Ki-din, 2. s.,'ad?Thu, gs. Lultammiir-Adad, 257:9. 3. gf. Apiad, Pianna-lipi-usur, Nabft-zeriddin. 4. 29:2. Ki-na-a, 2. s. ~a6mnahjanni, 117:13. 3. s. Ras~-i, 256:4. 4. s. ZNHi, 345:2; 389: 5. I"'With Eanna is my responsibility." 5. f. Nab ft-bala'tsu-iqbi. 6. 373:7; 402: 6; 10, 21. Ki-ne-na-a-a, 1. s. Man.,108: 9. 32'h GIG, 87: 3. Hi-rib-lu, tumn, 1. s. Ardi-Innina, 279: 3. 2. s. Nddin, gs. Babitu, 66:1, 7, 10. -Kud-a-a, 387: 13. Kutd-da-a,278:4. Hud-di-ia, s. Nanam-eres', 229:9. Ku-du-ra-nu,s.Nabit-4s'zib-annii,290:3; 392:13. Hudurru, 1. S. Elcur-zakir, f. Nabfi-be-l-.unu, 385: 16. 2. s. Hunzfi, f. Jnnina-~ar-usur, 353: 3. 3. s. Nab U —gum-iddin, 35: 10. 4. s. Nabft-taqbi-lis'ir, 229: 5. f. f:Laba-gi, Nergal-ze~r-ibnii, S~ffzubu, Tukulti-Miarduic. 6. hr~'i sattuklci, 11: 2; 121: 3. 7. 61: 3. Kul-la-a, 35:9. Ku-na-a, 1. s. Nab fu-garhi -ila'ni, fArdi-.Inniina,6:1 1. 2. f. Ardi-Inimna, Gimillu. 3. 4: 8 (?) Kuri-i, gf. Nadinu, vamnag-iddin. Kur-ban-ni-dWarduk, 1. s. Jqiz~a, gs. Babidtu, 260:2. 2.260:12. Hut -ti-ilu, f. Nabii-e-"pu. La-a-ba-gi, La-ba -s.', 1. s. Hudurru, 207: 11; 387: 15. 2. hmalahju, 240: 1 1. t~.96:12; 290:4; 355:5. La-a-ki-pi, La-ki-pi, 1. f. Hal bal. 2. 361:1. Lib-lut, 2.3987:10. Li-.gi-ru, s. Nabft-etir-nap~lti, 289:3. 46 GOIICHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I Lu-u-taam-i-ird~dd tLul-tarn-mi-ir, gf. Kidinu, [Kidintgl-Marduk. Lu-mur-dut-un-qu-d-1iar, 55: 3. Mizn-di-di, hignjj.4j-qjj gf. ~a-Nabi%4i4-f Ndtdin. Mian(?)...., f. Ki.... a-a,. Mian-nia-nu, f. Pa~ia. Man-na-a-ki-i-Ar-bd —'-il, Ar-ba-it, Ar-bi-il, 1. f. Ardiia. 2.241:17. Mar-duk, 1. s. Babutti, f. Ndditz, 6:12. 2. s. Marduk-nd'sir, gs. Girnil-Nand', 95:12. 3. s. Nadndl, 6:14. 4. s. Nabhf-ak-iddin, 15:17. 5. s. g~amag-ibni, hirrihzc 19: 5. 6. f. Nab fzsvio-ibiii. 7. 4:6. Afar-duk-a, 1. s. Nand —ibni, 3:6. 2. f. Gimillu, Ibnzi-Innina, Ibid-Ittar. 3. 387:3. dMarduk-eriba, 1. s. BU-iddin, gs. Sigffta, 11 3: 16; 236:15. 2. 1?. Nabti- apal-iddin, iddin. 3. 32:4. dMarduk-etir, 1. S. BUl-9urn-i.*kun, gs. Dabibi, hgangft.Eanna, 15:18. 2. s. Mftse'zib, gs. Aiur-zdkir, 257:3. 3. a. NYergal-e-tir, 108:4. 4. h~a tgf.tanna, 15: 6. 5. 14:4; 257:5. dMarduk-nd"sir, 1.S. Girnil-N~anii, f. Miarduk, 95:12. 2. a. Kidinu-Marduk, f. Ap, 23a 3 3. f. Nabuftum-liutr. 4. hagtarru, 268:4. d-Marduk-.a-mu, 4:9. dMarduk-9dpik-ze-r, a. Bala'tsu, gs. Ardi-Ea, 257:11. dMarduk-garr.a-ni, a. Talim, ga. Sanidtia, 260:15. dMarduk-gumn.ibjzi, 1. a. Baladtsu, 78:13; 187:8. 2. s. Beal-iddin, gs. hasit, 261:3. 3. 78:6.,jfardukcgum-.iddin, 1. a. Nab fc-baladtsu-iqbi, 230:4; gs. GirnilNan d", 233:13, 261:-11; 262:9. 2. s. Nergat-nad"'ir, 245:3. 3. h.gajp% 410:4. 4. 193:9. dJ~arduk..Mm-ligir, II. a. Baladtsu, 208:5; 296:2. 2. 331:3. d~farduk.~umn.usur, a....., f. Girnillu, 603: 26. 1. s. Be'l-apal-ujsur, L' Be'l-iddin, 65: 13. 2. a. Etillum, 164: 3. 3. ha~j~ Adad, f. lMu vlatim-Afarduk, 262:.3. 4. f. Mlusalttim-Marduk. 5. 57:5; 15-6:2. dMarduk...., S. Babu'tu, f. Marduk, 66:13. dMarduk (.2).. 199: 3. hmassar abudli, gf. Be-t-na'sir. Mukin-aplut, s. Zbria, 380:16. Mutkira-gurn, s.Sin-li'q-unnitnni,f.NLabft-ut~allirn, 189:4. Mu ki n - zter, 1. a.lNddin, 185:2. 2. f. Nabf-Wumn-iddin, Nddin, Nan ad-iddin, 3. 177:5. Mlfuk-ki-e, 396:13. M~u-ra-nu, 1. s.Nabft-baini-ahii, gs.Ekur-zdlkir,380:16. 2. a. Nabi-f%4itir, 392: 5. Mu-rct.9fx-u, 387: 11. Mu-gal-lirn-4Miarduk, Mus"allim, 1. a. Marduk-ze-r-ibni, 164:5; ga. 'tgangf't Adad, 262: 3. 2. Taq-zh-Guda, ga. Eqibi, 65:5. 3. f. Ardi-Inninii. Mu-&e-zib, Mugezib, 1. a. Ekutr-zdkir, f. Marditk-e'tir, 257: 3. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 4 47 2. s Aergal-e'pug, gs. Ekur-zdkir, 257:7. Mu-se-zib-dBel, Mfugezib, 1. s. Apl', gs. Arrabturn, 65: 10; 231: 10; 236: 12; 248:8; 262: 11. 2. s. Blrnfit-Ea, f. Nabi'-b dni-alii,407: 1,9; f. Aamag.ze-r..,307:1. 3. s. Sum-uliin, 385:12. 4.. s. i~acmasvi-nudarnrniq, 324:3. 6. f. Baladtu. 7. kJudimmu, 325:2. 8. hnappahu, 132:4. 9. hlnappahvparzilli, 194:4. 10. 212:6; 407: 10. Mue-zib-,d~abf,u 352: 10. fWu-e-zi b-ti, 276: 8. Na...., f. Balaltsu1. s. Nadnad, 107:4; 304:4. 2. s. Rimidt, 312:5. Nd'id-dkMarduk, f. Nabft-e-tir. dl~abft..ah-iddin, 1. S. Ame-1-Nand', 109:3; 241:8. 2. s. hag1kapu, f. Nab&s-kig-ir, 117:11I. 3. s. Nabi'-nishur, 393: 3. 4. s. Nabfi-dca'~, 352:2. 5. s. Nabf..-.9.280: 3. 6. f. Anu-ze'r-ibni, Darn qia, IHasiru, I9tarzer... Mcarduk, ~ula. 7. 18:3; 211:4; 241:21. dNabf —ah...., 241:8. 1. S. Nana'-a~-iddin, 304:2. 2. g s. la - Nabf( -fi f, 26 0:4. 3. 88: 1; 199: 6; 260: 14. dNabft-ahi —eriba, 1. S...hrn-ibni, 63: 12. 2. 63:8, 19. 1. S. Apiad, 33:5. 189:10; 233:19; 236:13; 237:10; 261:13; 262:12. 3. f. Nabufi-etir. 4. 110: 3; 256: 3; 392:17.. d'Nabi'tahei"&us'allirn, 1. s. Ina-e'i-e'tir, 6:-17. 2. s. Ncabu —mudamnrniq, 252:13. 4. s. Ze'ridu, 207:6. 5. s.... ugezib, 170: 5. Nddina- ahi u. 7. 65:3. dNabzit a.ku..usur, hqallu ga S~ula, 38 1 dNabt-fapal-iddin, s. MVarduk-e'riba, 417: 2, 3 6, 11. 1. s. Girnil-Nand-, f. Marduk-s-ur-iddin, 233: 14; 261: 12; 262: 9. 2. s. Ibna', 86:5; 250: 14. 3. s. ITqi-sa, 63: 4, 16, 19, 20. 4. s. Kindl, 303:2; 395: 7. 5. s. Nanal-e-re.~F 231: 3. f. Nabu2-baini-ahi, 233: 20; 394: 10; 412: 19; 419: 11. 7. s.,. f. Samnag —~um-iddin, 63: 24. 8. f. Marduk-gurn-iddin, NAabiit-b~ani-ahi S~ara.~-.Am-iddin, Taddan-a'Tu. 9. 58:14; 190: 5; 387: 7; 396: 10. 1. s. Aku-gi, 165: 6. 2. s. Apla', 229: 10. 3. s. Ardi-NabighIS U-Rgine,233:16; 261: 14. 4. s. Ekur-zadkir, f. Mitra-nu, 380: 17. 5. s. lbnad, 94: 15; gs. Ekcur-zadkir, 94:4; 113: 15. 6. s. Mflug-ezib-Be-1, gs. Rimfit-E'a, 407: 1, 9, 15, 17. 7. s. Nabif-baldtsu-iqbi, 293:3; 313:2; 378: 3; gs. Sin-liq-unninni, 233:20; 394: 9; 412: 19; 419: 11. 8.. irit-Laf.Samag-ah-iddin, 407:3. 9. s. S~amas'-ze'r-iqis-a, 201:3. 48 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I 10. 36: 10; 241: 20; 247:-6. dAN'atf bdtku..nu, 1. s. Kudurru, gs. E'kur-zd'kir, 385:16. 2. s. Nabit-gar-ah&-gu, 210: 6. 3. s. Nabtt-us-absi, 207: 4. f. Jnnin-ze-r-iqi~a, Nininnu-sUm-ibni. dNab~tt.buI..[lufl..ani.ni, 348: 3. dNabpida-la-) f~ Nab4-ah-iddin. d~il —i-sr 213: 8. dNabFi..e.id..rit, 239: 6. dl~abit-epussozt), 1. s. Kalbi...., 506: 3. 2. s. Kutti-ilu, 400: 13. d Aa b it eres-, 1. 1'. Nab&~-rnudamnriq. 2. 1:7. 1. s. APOd, I110: 7; 38 7: 12. 2. s. Ec-iddin, 205:2. 3.. Nd'id-Marduk, 17: 7. 4. s. Nab fiah&-iddin, 54:4. 5. s Nb -gm-jbnj, 291:3. 6. s. Nergal-ndisir, gs.... a-pat, 380: 2. 7. 1'. Baladtu, Be-1-iddin, Mfird'ni. 8. 239: 6; 352: 4, 11; 380: 7. 1. s. Ardi-BeAt, 218: 6; gs. Egibi, 353: 11; 419:9. 2. s. BNt-iqih~a, 155:2; gs. BO-apal-usur, 66:15; 237:12. 3. s. Innin-tabni-usur, gs. Girnil-Nand-, 403: 12. 4. s. Siy~a, 6: 9. 5. f. Issur, Lhs-iru, Zerbibi. dabft-qa-injj, f. BalUUU, BeAI-5surn —idcun, IttiNab4-baldtu, Auld, Z~ria. dAaipjbnj, s. Btltgs b"bdiru, 394:8. dA~abti-iddin, 1. f. BOt-i bni, Rimfit. 2. hUR.QI-4M, 180:4. See M8672. 4NAabti-iq-bi, iqbi, 1. s. Nadnd', 6:16. 2. s. NYergatlJur-ibnzi, 112:4. 3. 175:4, 5. I Cf. KEN p. 29, note. dIlablttjcarttbi, 4: 10. 1. s. Arrabti, 178:3. 2. s. Be't-eriba(?), 21:3. 3. s. Niir-Siu, f. Be-t-i qita,, 397:13. 4. 21: 5; 351: 6. 1. s. BAl-uibatlit, gs. Amet -Eu, 279.: 1. 2. s. Nab?'-ah-iddin, gs. hagkapu4 117: 10. 3. s. ZNrbatniturn, 39:4. 4. f. Nabftze'r-ug-ab~i. 5. 27: 3; 218: 4. I dNabIpkudurrj..testr, ~ar Ba'biliki, 1: 9; 2: 13; passim. d~abt~u4&u-'sa..tin, a~au 271: 2. 6Nb -mt-i 351: 4. d'Nabfktmudantiiq (DAN), 1 1. sa Nab fl-A re~, 195: 10. 2. s. Samag-zA,er-i bni, 282:4; 284:4; 295:2; 369:3. 3...f.ZNrlia, 15: 14. 4. f. Aptd, NabP'-aheA-ug-atlim. 5. 80:21. dNabi- mukiln.apu 1. s. LPanna-tip-uisur, 415:13. 2. s. ITqi~a, 305:3. 3. s. Satti-ilu, 158: 1. 4. s.S~Iutat392:4. 5. s. Z~fa, gS. It 407: 19. dNabf't.muk'in..zer, f. Nab figumVig-isir. C' Nabk'-rnukin...., f. S~amas —ze-r-ibni. d.Labfpjmzts-tiq-urra1. s. Batdtsu, 317:5. 2. s. Igtar-nd-din-ahi, 294:4. 3. s. Rirnitt, 241: 18. 4. s. S'amnaia, 267: 2. 5. s...-.. ibni, 418: 6. Nidinti. 7. I'ma'r -i'pri ga Taribi, 150:2. 8. 417: 15. CNab u'-na~id, 1. s. Aqar-altu, 108: 6. 2. s. BAI-iddin, 15:1I. DOUGHERTY —ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 4 49 3. s. Na14t-ze'r-ukinu, 108:2. 4. s. 'Za.... ti, 250: 8. 5. f. Ardi-Innin. 6. gar Bdbiliki 263: 6; 264: 7; passim. dl~abetna-danznu, f. Nabf... dNabl'tnddin..ahi, 2. 181: 8. d~abC~ddi~.aplu, s. Sin-toabn i,f. Silla 40 3: 10. dlNabfz-na-din-gium, 6:5. 2. f. ~um-iddin. dNabA2-ndsilr, 1. S. Zabida, 146: 2. 2. f. Aqar-ajilu, Z~ria. 3. 351:6. dINabft-ni.is4ur, f. Nabet-ah-iddin. dNabu'rizman-n.i~, 149: 3. 2. 212:13. dI~abft-sarr-a-ni, Ragarru, 268:4. d'Nabh.s-ar.usutr, 1. hs~aqft ~arri, hWUlpiqitti Eanna, 380: 1 1; 394:6; 403:2; 419: 7. 2. 307:8, 11, 15; 332:3; 345:4; 367:3; 411: 3. dATf.Blabii-sar...,f B~-'tir, ~urn-usur. dYabf'e-in..e.e, f. A'um-usur d Natbu'-sum-eres-, 1. s. Nab ft-ugallimn, 84: 11. 2. 348:3. 1. s. Marduk, 252:19. 2. f. Ncana'..., Nab u —etir. 1. s. Kalurnu, 108:3. 2. s. M3ukin-ze'r, 6: 15. 3. s. Pir', 250:.1 1. 4s.Spe-BM, f. Sin-ah'-bullut, 398: 25. 5. s. Zibi 197: 7. 6. f. Kudurru. dNabft-.gumn.ijkun(-un), 2. hAD-BIT, 396: 14. 2. s. Mlarduk-nds~ir, 245:4. 3. s. NAb -nki-r 228: 5. 4. s. Nadtua, 35:12. 5. f. ~Sadftnu, 6. 241:5. 1. s.N-adna-, 17:9. 2. s. 4na's'patri, 398:24. 3. f. Ardi-Innina.,Innina-~urn —ere%,KidrnMarduk, Rirnit. 4.162:7; 193:3, 10; 387:17. 2.s. ang AZariqu, 201:6. 3. s. ullurn, 19:4. 4. f. Baldtu. dl~abft-taq-bj-It'gjr, f. Kudurru. IINLabft-upaf i(A-ir), f. Batl&tu. dNa b A - u sa b si'(..i) 1. s. Nabhf-ze-r-ukiln, 153:4. 2. f. Ina-esgi-e'tir, Nabi't-be-l-sunut. 3. 239:9. 1. s. Ardi-Nabu%, 405: 2. 2. s. Amurru-us-ezib, 113:4. 3. s. Arrabtu, 56:5; 172: 10. 4. s. Miukin-s-um, gs. Sin-lliq-unninni, 189:4. 7. 210: 5; 306:4, 9; 405: 13, 18. 1. h~rab bMb, 386:2. 2. 278:3. d'Nabf&.z0riddin, 1. s.IbAnd, 84:5. 2. s. N~ana-e'res-gs.Kidinu-Marduk, 233:4. 3. 10:4. dNab u-'ze-r-i'qjga(..a), 50 GOIJOHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. 1 1. IT ina-cg-i-ttir, Innmin-rnukin-cqflu. 2. 4:8. d~b-erlf-r s. Nbdin, 17: 1. dl~abft-zer-,ukin, 1. IT. Itni-Innina, Nabui-nd'"id, Nabiii i a bgi. 2. 4: 3; 78: 7; 210:4.,lYlf-e-~b-~) TIL, 1. s. Nabfc-ki,,ir, 117:8, 14. 2. 109:8. di~abtt.z&r... 9:4. dNabft -..1. s. HaM -nadannut, 108:5. 2. s. Zabdia, 108: 1. 3. IT. Nab'ft-ahj-iddin. 4. 25: 6; 418:1I. Nddina(-na)-ahtu, 1. s. Innin-zer-ibni, 72: 7; 238: 1 1. 2. s. NabWt-akieugallim, 383:2. 3. 73:3. Nddina(-na)-aplu, 1. s. Nftrea, 80: 15. 2. s. ~um-ukcin, 125: 3; 290: 7. 3. IT. Sitme. 4.141:10. Na-di-nu, NYa-din, 1. s. An-da-hir, IT Nergal-as'arid, 15:15. 2. s.Apld, 198:12; 218:9; 245:2; gs. A'tfttu, 237: 13. 3. s. Ardi-Innina, 368: 2. 4. s. Babzttu, IT. Kiribftu, 66: 2. 5. s. Baldltsu, gs. Mandidi, 236: 3. 6.5s. Btt-ahe-iqi~~a, gs. Egibi, 353:12; 380:14; 394:13; 412:15. 7. s. B6l-&-um-igkun, gs. Kurii, 407:22. 8. s. Marduk, gs. Babutti, 6:12. 9. s. Nand-&e-rW 301:13. 10. s. Nergat-s-um-ibni, 234:12. 11.. "..., I. S~'arnag-uballit, 407: 20. 12. IT. Bazvuzu, Mukin-ze-r, Nab fe-z~r-ligir, S~ajna&-. 13. 22: 3; 387: 10, 1 1; 407: 7. HVad-na-a, 1. s. NiA-su-ilu, 114:3. 2. IT. BJdnia, Be't-iqbi, ]nnzriia Marduk, Nd'id-Jdtar, Nabf5-iqbi, NabP'gurn-lisgir, Nabuft-gurn-ukiin. 3. 226: 7; 255: 6. 1. s. Ame'l-Nand', 80: 10. 2. s. Ardi-Nabit, 4038: 7. 3.5s. Arrab, 184:3; 238: 10. 4. s. innin-g-um-usur, 373:-5. 5. S. Nana4-&erest 413: 14. 6. s. Nergat-ubatlit, 164:9. 7. IT. Ina-es~i-effr, Nab ft-ahe&-bullu~tzubu, Z&ria. 8. 25: 7; 338: 9; 373: 2. dNa..na..a-pugQ-ug), 1. IT. Ana-bizti-gu. 2. 234:4. 1. s. Kidinu-Marduk, IT. Nab it-ze'r-iddin, 233:4. 2. f.Jna-e.gi.&tir,1nnini-sum-tusur, Kuddia, Nabi2-batd'tsu-iqbi, Nab ft-um... Nddinu, Nant-ah-iddin,.Raha?, Z~ria. 3.hizaqppah siparri, 3 58: 2. 4. hpusa 212: 2. 5. 255: 6; 392: 16; 402: 11. d~-aa-i IT. Budtzta, Marduk, Nergalndsir, Upaqu. 4'Na-na-a-iddin, 1. s. Baldttsu, hjpusd"" 412:3. 2. s. Mukin-ze'r, 108:15. 3. S. hgang,4 ili, IT. Ze'ria, 307:5. 4. IT. Ame'l-Nandl. 5. "alaka~, 26:4. 6. harad ekalli, 409:6. 7. hMU( g-a KIlL issurditi, 23:4; 200:8; 234:6. 8. 4: 11; 5 3: 9; 6 8: 3; 241: 8. dNa-na-a.kardbi, 1. s. Ardia, 46: 3; hnapabpritj,93 2. s. Ina-silli-Nand, 258:2 3. s. [ld b-gar..,168: 7. 4. I T. na-sittu-Nand', Innin-z er-ugabY4.~i 5. 80:19; 168: 1; 396:7. 'dNa..na-a-.gumrsiddjn, 191: 9. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECUI5 51 dNa-na-a.. usur, s. Ina-silli-Nana', 419: 2. dNa..na-a a 1. s. Birn,~it, 74: 6. 2. s..., 108:13. 'Na-na...s. Nab f-gum-ibni, 196:4. Na-ni-ia, f. Ardia. hnag patri f. Nabiu-sum-ukhi. d'Yergal..ah-iddinz, f. Z~ria. (lNergal-a-8-a-rid, s. NXtdin, gs. Anidahir, 15:15. dNergal-da..nu, 343: 7. (zNergal-e."pug~3.us), s. EkIur-zdkir, f. Mus-zib, 257:8. dNergal-e8gii-tir, 1. s. h8-angh AN-NA f. Girnillu, 398:4. 2. s. ~amu, gs..., 63: 23. 3. s. Zabida, 63: 11. cI Ne rgal-e-tir, f. Marduk-e-tir. d'Xergal-ina-6ie."itir, 65:3. dAWergal.ibmzi, 1. s..... ze'r, 392: 11. 2. f. Dikana'. V1ergal-iddin, f. Girnillu, Rimfitt,,~~adu-nu. d'Nergal..na-sir, nad'ir, 1. S. Aqar-apglu, 20:4; gs. Be'l-apal-usur, 6:10. 2. s. Girnillu, 357:4. 3. s.Nan d-ibni, 84: 2; 165:.7; 191: 3; 389: 3. 4. s. - ibni, 418: 4. 5. s. - a-pal, f. Nabuft-etir, 380: 2. 6. s. 40:4. 7. f. Ardia, Mardukcsiumn-iddinz. 8. 81: 9; 389: 7. dNergal-sfum-ibni, f. Nablit-iqbi, Nddin. dNergal-sum.-iddin, 1. s. Ina-es~i-e'tir, 362:4;375:3;gs.THuneuf 353:4. 2. 387:.9. diNergal..uballit(..it), 1. f. Dannu-ahe4-u-ibni, Ibni-Innina, Nand-ah~-idditz. 2. 13:4. Innin-s-ar-us~ur, Surn-iddin. d Nergal-i4-ge-zib, 1. f. Bdnia. 2. a ut, 230:6. ciNergal.ze-r-ibni, s. Kudurru, 63: 26. Ni-din-ti, turn, 1.- s. JIRili, gs. fZa...,pusai, 412: 5. 2. s. Nab ft-mus-etiq-urra, 28'3: 3; 366:6. 3. hknai gipri 9a NabKi-tsar-usur, 345: 3.,hNI.S U~gi-ni-e,gi-na, gf. Bald-tu,Nabut-bd'nidNinn..'n-nu-unt-.ibi2j, s.Nabftu-b~l -sunu, 397: 10. Nig —su-ilu, "We called, 0 god!" f. Nadnad. Ni-qu-du, 169: 7; 402: 10. N?%r-e-a, 2. f. Nddina-aplu. 3. 387: 9; 402: 5; 405: 10, 20. Ni'tr-dAcarna.~, 381:7. hpakiaru, gC. ~aina -bdni-ahi. Pa-s.-i-ia, s. Mannanu, 311:8. Pi?", 1. s. Tabne'a, gS. hba'irn, 63: 25. 2. f. Nabfi-s-um-iddin. 1?ab.... ni-e, 228: 2. hrab mIba-ni..e, f. Dajain-Mardulk, gf. Tabne'a. ahas. Nand- eres', 1 7 7: 9. Ra-ii-irn, 29: 3, 4. Ra-si-ilu, f. Kind'. hre'i, f. Ze'r-Badbili'l, gf. A~~amnas"-rudapnmniq, Tarib. hr&'f- alpi, gf. Bala'tu, S~amnas-rudammiT. hre'f.sattuklci, gf. Nab f —us'allim. 2. s. Bataiu, 167:3, 5. 3. f. Ardi-NAabu-, Gimillu, Nabz%-ahe — usallim. 4.250:4. 1. s. Jianna-ibni, 80:4. 2. s.lNab t-iddin, 15:4. 3. s. Nabzut.s fzum-ici, 154:3. 4. s. Nergal-iddin, 51:2; 241:4. 5. s. Sin-aqe-iddin, 229: 3. 52 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. 1 6. f. Ahu-s-unu, Dannu-ahep&~u-e-tr, Ibni.. Innin-ze-u-Oab-il, Igtar-sgar-usur,NflidI9tar, Nab fe-mus-etiq-urra, Nana'.. 7. hyMjga KIL alpi, 71:4; 249: 15. S. hgs-sgan, 134:#-2. 9. 'X~uanu ~a sisi, 122:-4. 10. 44: 4; 9 3: 9; 1 10: 2; 2 04: 5; 2 58.6; 351:4. Ri-mut-dPa, dta, gf. Nabu atbniaiSzaak-iddin, Samnag-ze-r.... Sa-ar-ma-', 351: 3. Sa-ar-ri-im, 278:3. Si-lim-dBe-l, 413: 11. dSirnabhe..iddin, f. Rimnit. d Sin-al M —bui-[luf], s.Nabf-t-Am-iddin, gs. Sup& — Be'4 398:25. d Sin-ereg, 387: 7, 8. d Sin-i bni, 1. s. Baldtu, gs. IHnzi%, 279:12. 2. S. hre-'fc alpi, f. Baldltu, 380: 18. 3. S. tama& —mzdanmnriq, 387:14. 4.4:20; 193:5. di in-iddin, 1. s. Be'-ahie-ariba, 352:6. 2. f. Arnurru-ze,"r-ibni. 3. h qip ga-Jannas 251:2. 4.hqp ga anna is hbe1 piqiniti s a.tanna, 66:4. zer-uabi Nab ft-bdni-ahi, Nab itugallim. 1. s. Be'-abe&e&iba, 352: 6. 2. Jaagarru, 268: 3. 'dSu-pi-e-4'Bd, gf. Anum-mukin-aplu, Sin-7ahbullut. SWa-amn-ma-ha-act-ni, f. [Kijnad. &a-du-nu, 1.s."ang? AN-A, f. Etilpi, 398:26. 2. a. Lultamnmir-Adad, f. Kidlina, 2571:1. f1 [Kidinuj-Miardluk, 257: 9. 3. a. Nabu-.-zsm-tigir, 292:5. 4. a. Nergal-iddin, 91: 3. 5. a. S'a-Nabaft-su, 314:4. 6. "rab bit kilti, 120:2; 156: 5. 7. 89: 6; 230: 1 1; 391: 7. Sa-ma-ia, f. Nabz"'nus-etiq-urra, S'amag-a}~iddin. dS~s2;2a-ah..iddin, l. S. Batdtsu, 94:14. 2. a. Dannis-Nergal, 234: 7. 3. a. Nabufz-bdti'i-ahi, ge;. Rim'st-.t,473 15, 17. 4. a. jSamaia, 274: 1. 5. a. TUR-Esagila-nibi, gs. Misirdl, 260: 1. 6. f. Arrab. 7. hje5l pihadti, 386: 4. 8. 260: 12; 335: 4; 343: 6; 379: 2; 402:6. d ~aa~aa-bii-sua. Ame-t-Nabfi, 275: 3. oSam ag-a.pal-iddin, 4: 10. d S'amag-bdni-ahi, a. Be'l-iqis-a, ga. Apahharit, 407:21. dt'ama&4-eriba, 1. haglaku, 26: 4. 2. 215:2. 1. f. Marduk. 2. 227:3. Ai ama.*-iddin, 1. a. Be't-ibni, ga. Jiuri, 403:8. 2.as., 167:9. 4.h"pahharu, 287:5. 5. 276: 7. d,~atag-it-ti-[ia], "qalin, 385: 3. di tamas —mudammiq(-iq), mudantniq(DAN), 1. a. Iqi~a, gs. hre"ft alpi, 113: 14; 162: 3; 231:13; 236: 14; 237: 11; 248: 10. 2. a. ina-e.*i-etir, 396:16. di anza5 —muki'n-[ze'r, a. B61-aij&-[iddin], ga. Nfir. Sin, 390: 7.,',ama-~a-usra. Mgaggi, 202: 2. a Samnagg-Rumntddjn, 1. a. Bais-alt-iddin, 35: 13. DOUGIIERTY —ARCH[VES FROM ERECH 5 53 2. s. Kalb -a, 390: 10. 3. s. Naba,-bal disu-iqbi, 63: 24; 205: 1. dIbama~4..um-uki'n, s. Apld, 241:15. 1. s. AmeWINana-, 192:9. 2. s. Nadin, gS. hU.... 407: 20. 3. f. Bazuzu. 4. 212:11. di ~ama~-z&r-ibni, 2. f. Nab ii-mudammiq,.... um-eres. 3. 4: 9; 3 50: 4, Sd'a ma, -z er -iqjg sa (- a), 1. f.INab f-bdni-ahi. 2.83:4. 1. s. Apld, gs. Sin-tabni, 390:2. 2. s. Ardi-Innin, 299:4. 1. s..Mu~zib-Be'l, gs. Rimfit-Ea, 307: 1. 2. s. Ta[riblJ, 31:5. d~amnas-.*-. 1. s. Nddin, 40 7:7. 2. f. BAN-KAK-Be"l. 'a-mu...s ~ ra-fU'i,6:3,'a-dIlnnina- U'-DA, 340: 3. S' —au-4llm 338:6.,~YA(?) —'Nabu2.man-na-da, 337:4. 1. s. Bel-rimanni, gs. hmandidi, 385:13. 2. f. Bazuzu, Nab fi-ahe'-bullit, Sl'adinu. S'a-.Ya-na-a-ta~-mit,1 96-: 7; 166'-. 6. A~1andti-a, gf. Marduk-garrani. A'ta-pi-cdBAl f. Be'l-ah-ugabg-i, Ina-Esagila-ze'r. hgangf' dAdad, gf. Musgallim-ilarduk. hgang$ ili, gf. ZNria. hgangit dZariqu, f. Nabit-.~um.. h~angi...,gf. BeI-Pum-i~kun. t'a-rid, 1. s. Ap1 a, 229: 7. 2. f. Binia, Innina-ailik-padni. 3. 229:7. I "The one whom Nana' has marked." o~i-gu4&ta, /&-gu-u-a, gf. Uimillu, Dajdan-ah~ — A'-rik-ti, hkudimmu, 336:.7. gfi-la-a, 1. s. A.pid, harad ekalli, 354: 1. 2. s. Ea-g-um-iddin, 322: -3. 3. s. Na bfia/j-iddin, 260:16. 4. s. Nab i-t-gaimil, 390: 9. 5. s. -...'a, f. Ki-~ik-Nabi A, 385: 14. ibni Naii.rnuin-plu, Sin-z-r-iddin. 7. 308: 7; 318: 5; Ahul-lurn, f. Nabii-~um... 19: 4. Sit-ma-a, 412:17. 250: 10; 262: 14; 353: 15; 394: 11; 419:13. ~4. f. Baldtu. S~um-a, s. Iddin-Pa~psukal, f. Balakit, 236: 11. o~um-iddin, 1. s. Nabu —naddin-ahi, hpusd, 412:4. 2. s. Nergal-u~jllirn, 94: 13. 3. s. Iddin-Papsukal, f. Baldttu, 236: 11. 4. 387:8. A~urn-ukin, 1. s. Be'l-ze-r, 269:4; 292:2; gs. Bsaiia, 16 7: 1; 413: 2. 2. s. Nabit-ah-e're.g, 113: 6. 3. f. Be'l-uballit, Mu~ezib-Be'l, Nddinaaplu. 4. 25:8; 214:2; 327:6; 387:2. 2. s. Nab u-gsar...., 392: 15. 3. s. Nabfit-seme-, 87:8. 4. 151: 3; 246: 8,9. S~um...., s. Iddin-Marduk, 58: 2. Sfi4-a-is. Anu-e're~, 320:2. 54 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM 1NSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I 2. s. Kudurru, 311:2. 3. s. N~andi-ahi-iddin, 168:2. 4. s. Z&r-ukin, 63: 17, 20, 21. 5. f. Batadtu. 6.111:3. Sit-ta-a, 1. s. Nabtft-nadin-aplu, gs. Sin-tabni, 403:10. 2. hre~u- s-a Gimil-[Nanaf], 1: 2. S5il-ine, 1. s. Nb~dina-a.ptu, 225: 9. 2. 225:11. Ta,-ad-dan-ahu, s. Nab f —bala'tsu-iqbi, 352:3. Tub-ni-e-a, 1. s. hbcj'iu, f. Baina, 113: 12; 117:3; f. Pir', 63:25. 2. s. Kabtia, gs. hrab bUnit, 217:3. 3. f. Ame-l-Nan4a. Ta -tim, 1. s. fSandtia, f. Marduk-garrani, 260: 16. 2. 295:6. Ta-qig-,dGu-1a, 'ME-ME, 1.- s. Egibi, f. Musgaltim-Marduk, 65:6. 3. 163:2. Ta-ra-bi, 108: 12. Ta-ri-bi, Ta-rib, 256:8. 2. s. Jq~iza, gs. hrei"lit, 65: 14. 3. f. Bdn'ia, ~Iamas —ze-r.. 4. 108: 12; 150: 3. Tukulti-.dMarduk, KU, KU-tit 1. s. Kudurru, hrefit sattukki, 85:5. 2. hr-'fit sattukk-i, 50: 3; 144: 3; 216: 5. TUR-dBe~t-da-nu, f. Innina-guin-usur. dTURtPsagila-nibi, s. Misird, f. gamag-ahziddin, 260:1. TDbi-ia, s. Kidin-Marduk, f..Eanna-lipi-usur, 418:15. Tab-g-ar-Ejanna, 127:3; 209:3; 212: 10. 2. 241:13. TOjb-s'arAd-itar, 4: 5;13: 3. Tdb-gar..,f. Nana4-kartdbi. U-ba-ru, 350: 3. U-.pa-qu, 1. s. Nanad-ibni, 241:11, 16, 19. 2. f.,58: 11. U-qu-pu, 338:8. Zab-di-ia, f. Nabfit.... iddin. Za-bi-da-a, Za-bi-da, 2. 7: 5. Za-kir, f. Amen"t-Nand". fZa-ni-is, gin. Nidinti. I-Za.... ti, f. Nab fz-na'id. Za...L.f. ibni, 417:19. 2. s. IJb ni""', gs. Eg ib i, hkam kanna, 380:13. 3. S. h[i-paru], 345:2. 4. s. Nabu —ga"mit, 264:3. 5. s. Nabit-rnudammiq, gs., 15:14. 6. s. Nabu —na'sir, 178:4. 7. s. Nana'-ah-iddin, 268: 10; 270:3; 282:7; 318:6; 377:4. 8. s. Nanal-iddin, gs. 4.ang it iti, 307::5. 9. s. Nandtt-kardibi, 379:4. 10. s. Nergat-alt-iddin, 240:3. 11. S. i~&giaM. Girniltu, 95:9; 189:-8; 262: 10. 12. f. Innina-mukin-aj~u Kia ukn aplu, Nabft-mukin-apt,~rd 13. 32:-5; 45: 4; 265:3; 354:3. 233:15; 248: 11. 2.rs. hr', 2 30: 8. Ze'r-bdni-turn, f. Nablt-ki~ir. Z~r-bi-bi, DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 5 55 2. 263: 3; 300: 3; 387: 20; 401: 5. ZNr-ibni, 39:.4. ZNr-kit-ti-lis-ir, 372: 2. Zir-ukin, 1. S. hrnasar abulli, f. Be'lnd'ir, 394: 3. 2. f. ~fizubu. ZNru-ie-tu, Z~ru-tu, f. Innina-rnukin-aplu, NYab ft-aie"-u.~aIim. Zi-i-bi, f. Nabfi-g-urn-iddin*....a, s.Ap, a 86 a-pal, gf. Nabff'-e'ir. batni-aiji, s. Imbia, gs. Ilanap, 307:4. *...di-ia, 244: 12. e-a, 1. s. Balditu, 218: 8. 2. f. Apla4, 66: 14. 3.1 gf. Tukulti-Nab ft..... Esagila-a-a, 417:19. ia, 352: 11. ibni, 1. s. Za..,417: 19. 2.8.....58:1. 3. f. ki.. ir, Nabu f-mus'etiq-urra. iddin, 2. s..Marduk-e-riba, 17:2. 3. s....88:3. 4. hq itu ga Eanna, 94:-3. ki-g-ir, S.....ibni, 176: 4....kudurri-usur, 61:2. dMarduk, s. Marduk..,gs. Babfttu, 66:12. mu-a, s. Girnil-Nand', f. Innin-s-ar-usur, 18:9. na-a-a, s. Dannu-Nergal, 216:3. dNergal4 106: 5. ri-ia, 399:6...ri-su -u-a, hrab bit ki -it, 318: 2.... g-ilu, 9: 10. gurn-e're~, S. Samas —zer- ibni, 207:2. gum-i bni, f. Nabuft-ahe'-eriba. ft-ge-zib, f. Nabft-ah~e-ugallim. -..zer- iddin, f. Musaei zb-Be 1 2. 412: 16. -...zer, f. N~ergal-ibnti. Names of Places. veiUAr-na-ba-.nu, 225:4. 6tA....ra, 108: 16. Bd~bilulli, 1:10; 2:4; passim. Bar-sipkti, 117:15; 296:4. Bit a-ki-tu, turn, ti, 286:5; 308:2; 377:3; 393: 2, 6; 396: 11. Bit alp-me, 64: 2. Bit mBal~tu, 398: 7. Bit mdBe-..iddin, 35: 1. "~'Bit DA-KUR, 54:6. Bit dul-lu, 388:- 2, 9, 13. Bit InGjmjillu 398:4. Bit ihi-il-su,?i, 178: 2; 190: 3; 314: 3; 320:5; 339:4. Bit immeri, 64:3. Bit his-ar', 228:4. Bit igtaemu, 398:-5. Bit ka-ra-am, 241: 1. Bit ka-ri-e, 241:1; 253:8. Bit kare-, 96: 2; 2b4: 5; 258: 6; 388: 3, 10,14. Bit kil- li~ ki-il, 120: 3; 156: 6; 203: 3; 318: 3. Bit mBab ba..ni-e, 228: 2. AMBit M~r Badbilikli 353: 16. Bit i'-ri-e, 335: 1. Dilmun(NLI-TUKkli), 42: 2; 238: 2; 347: 1; 373:1. Dftruic, 314: 6. tMmirluHu..us..si..e-u, 16: 1. mneiUlsal.la, 225:2. AlKAR Eanna, 231:16; 248:13. KIP.ga Ba'biliki, 60:5. 56 GOUCHEB COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I LU'KUR-BAT, 413:2. md tMi..sir, 327:3. thmirfu~aq..qat3l79amag-, 103: 3. Si~p-par, 350: 2. si —!n a dB~it s-a Urukki, 248: 13. mait Si-im-mir, 9:2. P-an-na, 15:6, 13; 65:8; passim. E-bar-ra, 386: 10. k-uratitmles, 86:2. Name~ d4'ur-ru, 94: 17. mctSfur..ru, 151: 6; 169: 3. Ta-bi-nu, 403:6. sweitTe-ma..a, 294:6. A1U-.pi..ia, 58:15; 256:6. Urukki, 15:20; 17:12; passinm. rames of Temples. EJcdNusku, 89:-5. E- c Us u r-amat-su, 173:4. P-'Sin, 418: 18. S Of Canals and Gates. tihrHar..ri, 96:11. neraru 3706:2. n~"S'a ina abulti dAdad, 268:2, 9; 317: 1, 2. Abullu, 394:4. Abullu dAdad, 268:2, 9; 317:2. Badb a-ki-ti, 393:2, 6. Bdb kca-lak-kit, 279:7. CATALOGUE. TIME OF NEBUCHADREZZAR. Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC 1 1 3 11 225 2 1 4 16 300 3 1 7? 57 4 2 3 7 748 5 2 8 29 417 6 2 9 24 472 7 3 1 8 412 8 37 1 28 128 9 3 12a 7 110 10 3 10 7 111 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 9 22 12 5 18 6 7 5 4 22 14 22 5 11 8 16 14 23 22 22 4 5 11 7 5 1 9 2 2 3 11 8 6 1 8 4 8 6 2 12a 3 10 14 1 22 12 16 16 6 23 19 15 13 22 15 15 14 8 3 13 26 23 112 92 65 83 133 102 285 107 431 136 78 95 93 320 79 80 88 295 89 75 68 Contents. Receipt for animals. Itemized inventory of animals. Receipt for animals or hides. Itemized receipt for wool. Report concerning animals. Itemized statement concerning money. Record concerning cattle. Date wine received for workmen who burn bricks. Iron placed at the disposal of blacksmiths. Receipt for iron and iron wagons used in digging a canal. Receipt for the bodies of dead animals. Delivery of barley for flour. Receipt for wool. Record concerning barley. Three men become surety for another. Receipt for dates. Record of interest to be paid. Record of interest to be paid. Impost on barley. Receipt for wool. Record of a transaction concerning sesame. Payment of money and barley to two men in the service of the king. Receipt for the bodies of dead fowls. Receipt for sheep and goat' hides. Record concerning dates. Delivery of garments to fullers. Receipt for barley. Report of revenue in currency and grain. Receipt for the body of a dead sheep. Receipt for money. Receipt for barley given to a sailor. (57) 58 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 32 5 4 16 64 Receipt for barley. 33 22 9 10 90 Receipt for dates as part of impost. 34 22 8 2 299 Delivery of money as impost. 35 22 11 28 415 Lease of property from a woman for four years. 36 26 12a 9 401 Payment of barley to workmen who perform special tasks. 37 4 3 28 458 Silver paid for gold. 38 18 1 5 99 Dates and wool paid to the chief consecrated servant. 39 12? 23 298 Itemized receipt for dates. 40 21 9 28 96 Receipt for honey. 41 18 7 2 48 Receipt for dates presented as an offering. 42 21 12a 26 272 Receipt for money, the price of dates. 43 7 10 11 105 Temple record. 44 23 7? 86 Record concerning oil for lighting purposes. 45 23 12b 3 325 Receipt for money in payment for wood and salt. 46 21 7 16 315 Receipt for iron and hoes. 47 32 7 21 312 Iron delivered to a blacksmith. 48 22 9 1 67 Receipt for oil used For lighting on feast days. 49 21 7 24 309 Delivery of iron to a blacksmith. 50? 7 9 335 Receipt for the body of a dead animal. 51 36 11 21 91 Record concerning an implement of iron. 52 37 6 7 53 Date wine received for priests. 53 24 3 24 82 Barley received for the use of cattle, and fowls. 54 24 10 17 146 Money paid to men detailed for a specific work. 55 26 9 23 413 Receipt for money paid for food to different persons. 56 22 11 28 74 Revenue money paid for reeds. 57 36 10 14 463 Document promising to paythepriceof adead ox. 58??? 477 Record of interest to be paid. 59 22 11 27 117 Record of barley paid to various artisans. 60 20 5 15 331 Record concerning animals. 61 13 9 12 291 Receipt for clothing. 62 26? 19 310 Receipt for barley used as food. 63? 4 16 424 Transaction concerning sheep and goats. 64 37 2 20 85 Receipt for date wine given to ox and sheep stables. 65 36 8 6 439 Record of debt to be paid. 66 36 11 5 440 Bailment with provision for a fine in case of default. 67 32 12a 16 61 Receipt for salt used in temple sacrifice. 68 36 12b 19 118 Receipt for flour. 69 22 10 11 123 Money given for a wooden instrument. 70 22 11? 60 Temple receipt. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 59 Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 71 36 12a 25 87 Record concerning iron sickles used in harvesting grass. 72 12a 26 119 Flour given to consecrated servants and the porter of the king. 73 39 3 22 103 Oil deliveredfora ship carrying templevestments. 74 27 2 1 81 Barley paid for dates and remuneration of workmen sent for grass. 75 42 8 11 70 Record concerning iron and hoes. 76?? 321 Receipt for date wine. 77 37 2 21 104 Date wine received for various artisans. 78 18 7 23 73 Money disbursed for the provender of fowls, etc 79 23 4 10 286 Record concerning barley and flour. 80 30 11 10 430 List of workmen. 81 26 '3 21 273 Report concerning dates and barley. 82 30 12b 27 77 Date wine paid to fullers of temple vestments83 23 11 3 100 Statement concerning honey used on certain feast days. 84 37 2 - 94 List of animals delivered to an individual. 85 23 8 22 115 Barley from monthly revenue disbursed for food. 86 41 7 29 307 Barley reported as tax. 87 27 4 19 54 Receipt for barley used as food. 88 22 10 13 841 Temple receipt. 89 36 9 29 46 Flour received for use in the temple. 90 38 4 18 63 Receipt for date wine. 91? 11?, 55 Receipt for flour. 92 20? 22 297 Money received for various purposes. 93? 2 9 116 Barley received for the food of shearers, etc. 94 41 5 8 454 Record of debt to be paid. 95?? 24 447 Record of debt to be paid. 96 24 2 16 101 Itemized record concerning barley. 97 42 9 23 126 Body of a dead animal received. 98 36 12b 13 69 Receipt for flour. 99 38 3 16? 306 Temple record. 100 37 7 12 59 Wine delivered to stable workmen. 101 40 8 8 50 Receipt for date wine. 102 38 2 6 296 Receipt for date wine. 103 38 9 11 66 Receipt for date wine. 104 38 3 15 58 Receipt for date wine. 105 40 11 30 275 Flour received for various artisans. 106 40 11 15 276 Receipt for barley. 107 43 3 11 316 Receipt for date wine. 108 32 4 3 484 An order in the presence. of witnesses. 109 32 3 26 416 Barley given as food for brickmakers, etc. 110 29 12a 18 76 FlourdeliveredtomessengerssenttoBabylon,etc. 60 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 111 22 12 a 11 62 Dates substituted for flour in payment of messenger. 112 37 6 26 51 Body of a dead fowl placed at the disposal of an individual. 113 35 5 5 408 Promise to pay a debt. 114 36 4 9 324 Document concerning the price of a garment. 115 38 8 27 301 Receipt for date wine. 116 38 9 6 125 Date wine received for various artisans. 117 33 12b 12 426 Record concerning the calculation of impost on barley. 118 39 5 24 72 Receipt for date wine. 119 36 12a 9 47 Receipt for date wine. 120 37 1 8 313 Flour received by the prison master. 121 2 7 21 319 Receipt for diseased and dead animals. 122 41 11 16 305 Record concerning an animal hide. - 123 23 (?) 9 13(?) 302 Receipt for barley. 124 36 1 17 (?) 294 Receipt for the body of a dead animal. 125 33 12b 4 56 Payment of wool, containing a reference to the seal of a consecrated servant. 126 41 6a 6 303 Receipt for tithe. 127 41 11 2 49 Receipt for honey used on feast days. 128 34 7 29 277 Hides received for royal use. 129 37 8 29 52 Date wine received for a coppersmith. 130 42 8 17 71 Document dealing with iron and baskets. 131 41 2 13 322 Receipt for barley paid as hire for laborers, who carry gypsum. 132 39 8 2 284 Receipt for iron and other articles. 133 27 7 19 155 Barley received as the food of two men for a month. 134 40 6 24 288 Receipt for dates. 135 42 6 16 278 Gold received by goldsmiths for the making of articles of adornment. 136 38 4 22 308 Receipt for date wine. 137 40 7 7 318 Flour received for branders. 138 42 12b 29 122 Date wine received for shoemakers. 139 38 2 21 274 Date wine received for shearers. 140 21 3 28 139 Record concerning sacrificial animals. 141 38 4 11 120 Oil received for sacred use and for the making of bricks. 142 40 8 1 140 Receipt for date wine delivered to stable workmen. 143 37 3 19 323 Date wine received for priests. 144 36 5 20 317 Receipt for the bodies of dead animals. 145 39 11 9 314 Receipt for an article given to a fuller. 146? 5 (?) 22 282 Receipt for the body of a dead animal. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 61 Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 147 40 9 17 124 Receipt for flour. 148 37 3 8 281 Receipt for date wine. 149 40 4 27 121 Receipt for an animal. 150 42 9 11 200 Flour received for a messenger. 151?? 2 (?) 98 Flour received for the men who delivered food to the king and his soldiers. 152? 3 23 114 Receipt for barley and money. 153 41 7 20 145 Receipt for barley, the massartu of brewers. 154 39 2 17 113 Two coats of mail and sesame given to two men. 155 42 12b 11 97 Receipt for money paid for various purposes. 156 37 5 30 106 Flour paid to a messenger. 157 40 1 2 283 Receipt for the bodies of burned animals. 158 24 2 5 151 Statement of money paid for wool. 159 43 2 15 (?) 279 Barley received for flour. 160 39 4 13 212 Receipt for barley. 161 36 (?) 10 9 290 Garment delivered to a consecrated servant. 162 36 6 2 108 Receipt for honey used on feast days.. 163 19 5 13 289 Receipt for money in payment for food. 164 43 6 15 333 Record concerning an animal. 165 24 6 5 224 Record concerning barley received for food. 166 12 9 2 (?) 152 Record concerning barley and cattle. 167 34 9 4 135 Record of a debt to be paid, with accompanying oath. 168 32 9 17 149 List of five soldiers. 169 42 6 24 144 Receipt for-dates. 170 23 6 16 154 Record concerning honey, etc. 171 37 8 29 304 Date wine received for goldsmiths. 172?? 8 280 Itemized statement of money paid for various purposes. 173 34 2 29 287 Record of salt used in the temple. 174 10 (?) 4 3 109 Record concerning hides. 175 42 5 19 227 Money paid for precious stones and clothing. 176 42 6 16 330 Flour received for a messenger. 177 38 8 3 210 Record concerning animals. 178 22 11 14 131 Disbursement of revenue money. 179 31 10 23 446 Barley paid to a laborer, who brought a basket to a priest. 180 25 6 5 205 Receipt for barley. 181 24 10 16 201 Itemized statement of money paid to laborers. 182 39 11 20 132 Date wine received for stable workmen. 183 39 2 8 129 Receipt for date wine given to a shearer. 184 22 7 10 141 Money received for men who performed work for the king. 185 27 1 19 209 Receipt for goat's hair. 62 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBO. Contents. 186 33 3 4 202 Receipt for sesame. 187 36 1 9 465 Document concerning iron and baskets of iron. 188 22 10 3 449 Receipt for wool, etc. 189 42 1 29 443 Promissory note. 190 10 (?) 9 20 464 Receipt for barley and date wine. 91? 6 23 451 Money paid for the food of ten workmen, etc. 192 35 4 24 445 Record concerning animals, garments and wool. 193 34 6 30 137 Statement of honey used on feast days. 194 8 9 11 148 Articles of iron delivered to a blacksmith for marking. 195 41 2 7 143 Inventory of animals. 196 42 12a 5 470 Sheep placed at the disposal of an individual. 197? 9 9 418 Inventory of animals. 198 39 11 12 425 Itemized receipt for various articles. 199 40 (?) 9 7 435 Statementof honey etc., usedonvariousfeastdays. 200 28 8 7 453 Statement of grain brought as food for fowls. 201 32 3 2 429 Document concerning barley. 202 37 12a 12 422 Receipt for jugs of wine. 203 41 1 7 469 Receipt for flour. 204 29 4 20 127 Money paid for the rent of a ship, etc. 205 22 7 5 211 Record of the delivery of three tablets. 206 39 1 25 427 Record of dates given as food to persons who took baskets to Babylon. 207 38 11 3 448 Itemized account of dates paid for workmen. 208 - 7 13 409 Money paid for flour, oil, salt, etc. 209 40 9 2 420 Statement of honey used on feast days. 210 18 8 26 434 Receipt for dates and barley. 211 35 2 22 402 Money received for precious stones. 212 12 (?) 6 14 153 Itemized receipt for oil. 213 42 4 11 460 Statement of oil delivered for wool. 214 39 9 2 455 Money paid for wool. 215 30 6 10 442 Temple record concerning hides. 216 26 12a 26 473 Receipt for animals. 217 31 12a 6 478 Receipt for various articles. 218 43 1 2 459 Receipt for dates. 219 42 12b 22 450 Temple document. 220 38 3 6 206 Receipt for a jug of the best quality of date wine. 221 40 5 12 150 Money deposited for wool. 222 30 3 28 476 Inventory of animals. 223 41 5 28 (?) 467 Receipt for iron. 224 38 11 22 441 Itemized receipt for date wine. 225 42 12b 2 147 Receipt for sixteen jugs, etc. 226 8 11 26 292 Record concerning food given to workmen. 227 41 6b 13 466 Hides placed at the disposal of shoemakers. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 63 Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 228? 8 25 421 Money paid for various articles. 229 18 9 25 444 Statement of the destruction of a tablet recording an obligation. 230 36 11 10 483 Itemized temple record. 231 41 6b 27 433 Record of debt to be paid. 232 3 9 4 438 Receipt for sheep hides. 233 38 4 26 471 Record of debt to be paid with provision for fine in case of default. 234 32 9 14 428 Itemized receipt for barley. 235 38 4 5 461 Itemized statement of wine given to workmen. 236 35 7 6 480 Record of debt to be paid with provision for a fine in case of default. 237 35 7 24 475 A note promising to give 6000 reeds in payment for wool. 238 26 3 7 468 Articles of food supplied to the king. 239 20 10 29 479 Itemized account concerning barley and dates. 240 41 6a 23 456 Record of barley given to workmen and sailors. 241 32 11 19 744 Itemized receipt for barley paid for various purposes. 242 22 6 12 226 Record of the payment of money, etc. 243 21 11 24 293 Receipt for flour. 244 20 (?) 9 10 134 Itemized record concerning various articles. 245 39 12a 26 130 Receipt for dates. 246 23 4 4 138 Receipt for animals used in temple offerings. 247 39 2 2 411 Receipt for salt, etc. 248 41 6b - 485 Record of tax to be paid. 249 34 9 3 423 Salt, etc., disbursed for various purposes. 250 30 (?) 5 7 419 Itemized statement of barley and money given to different individuals. 251 39 2 2 462 Gold given to goldsmiths to make articles for a goddess. 252 41 3 13 437 Inventory of animals. 253? 2 17 432 Record concerning barley. 254 39 2 14 332 Itemized receipt. 255 19 7 25 142 Receipt for barley. 256? 1 2 334 Money disbursed for various purposes. 257 17 2 2 207 Record concerning the disposal of money. 258 26 4 23 203 Itemized statement of barley used as food. 259 37 12a 13 329 Promissory note. a 260 31 9 9 414 One man becomes surety for another. 261 38 3 18 452 Promissory note with provision for fine in case of default. 262 37? 3 436 Promissory note with provision for fine in case of default. 64 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I TIME OF NABONIDUS. Text No. 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 Ye 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ar. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 9 9 1 199 Flour received for the making of money. 7 12a 10 217 Receipt for impost. 7 6 27 195 Receipt for clothing.?? 182 Statement concerning wool and barley. 7 5 18 187 Money placed at the disposal of an ifidividual. 7 11 22 243 Money paid for digging a canal. 8 6 4 264 Receipt for money paid for a horse. 1 3 18 241 Money advanced to canal diggers. 8 12a 26 254 Receipt for money. 7 12a 28 237 Receipt for the money paid for sheep. 1 5 13 262 Receipt for gate revenue. 1 5 18 267 Money received for deposit in storehouse. 1 3 17 260 Record concerning a deficiency in money. 6 8 17 198 Promissory note with provision that no complaint shall be made. 1 3 25 183 Money received in payment for an ox. 8 4 16 256 Money received in payment for linen. 1 2 16 (?) 266 A note promising to pay a debt. 0 12a 11 247 Document concerningmoneypaidtobrickmakers. 1 4 19 197 Record concerning articles of copper. 1 5 7 251 Money paid to canal diggers. 8 6 26 255 Receipt for money paid to hired workmen. L1 3 28 178 Money paid to canal diggers. 7 10 14 265 Record concerning the price of hides..1 11 9 220 Receipt for wool. 4 12a 23 180 Barley received by a potter for work on a gold vessel..1 2 27 196 Receipt for gate revenue. 7 9 7 233 Receipt for honey used on feast days. 7 1 2 236 Receipt for garments, a coat of mail and hides..0 6b 27 179 Money paid for the burning of bricks. 8 10 22 229 Record concerning the price of a house. 7 12a 29 186 Receipt for money paid for sesame for sacrificial purposes. 5 12a 5 185 Disbursement of money for donkey and flour..0 9 1 223 Money expended for canal laborers and reed cuttings.? 4 4 239 Money paid to persons sent to Borsippa. 3 1 12 166 Receipt for date wine given to workmen for measuring barley. 7 4 12 258 Money received as revenue from a ship carrying temple vestments. 296 297 298 DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 65 Text. No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 299 11 4 30 230 Money paid for a coat of mail of dyed wool. 300 9 10? 221 Flour received for the sindu of doors. 301 8 5 9 190 Inventory of animals. 302 11 4 23 213 Sheep placed at the disposal of three individuals. 303 8 1 17 259 Receipt for money. 304 7 1 23 268 Statement concerning the price of wool, representing a debt. 305 10 6b 6 234 Temple receipt. 306 8 2 16 181 Money paid for various purposes. 307 12 1 11 219 An act prohibited with the penalty stated. 308 8 9 20 510 Money paid for various purposes. 309 10 5 18 175 Statement of gate revenue. 310 7 6 12 189 Ten hides received for money, the price of two sheep. 311 7 4 20 177 Itemized report of money expended. 312 7 3 26 828 Money paid for the hire of workmen sent for poison. 313 11 4 18 235 Temple receipt. 314 4 11 26 193 Record concerning garments. 315 10 11 7 188 Report of the revenue for a stated time. 316 11 4 7 214 Record concerning articles of copper. 317 7 12a 23 253 Statement of money paid for digging a canal. 318 11 (?) 1 15 252 Report of money paid for food. 319 11 1 14 231 Payment of balance due on the price of a ship. 320 10 11 7 222 Money received for an ox and herbs. 321 2 9 15 176 Receipt for hides and an implement. 322 5 6 29 503 Receipt for the tithe of Belshazzar. 323 10 10 12 494 Money paid to canal diggers. 324 7 12a 14 512 Statement of the price of gold. 325 3 10 6 228 Barley received by a goldsmith. 326 5 12a 18 491 Record of ship rental. 327 5 6 28 240 Money paid for precious stones, etc. 328?? 22 208 Report of gate revenue. 329 10 8 29 261 Money paid for sesame. 330 9 3 17 172 Record of money paid for animals. 331 3 6 (?) 22 218 Statement concerning money. 332 7 3 24 191 Record of a monetary transaction. 333 3 3 12 167 Record concerning various articles. 334 10 11 20 204 Payment of money for making bricks. 335 5 8 7 216 Record concerning an ox which died in the stable. 336 3 12a 26 232 Silver brought for lead, etc. 337 3 3 4 215 Receipt for salt used for sacrificial purposes. 338 10 6b 29 492 Record concerning revenue and the payment of wages. 339 7 10 1 263 Record concerning sesame, oil, wool, etc. 66 GOUCHER COLLEGE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS, VOL. I Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 340 7 6 13 169 Temple document. 341 8 9 (?) 28 174 Report concerning the payment of money for reeds. 342 6 8 16 184 Transaction concerning gold, silver and precious stones. 343? 9 (?) 19 194 Report concerning revenue. 344 9 3 25 171 Document dealing with the stipend of workmen. 345 5? 4 242 Record concerning dates. 346 5? 7 257 Receipt for animals. 347? 9 6 192 Receipt for dates. 348 5 5 6 168 Receipt for barley. 349 7 6 26 271 Money brought for oil. 350 11 2 23 248 Wages paid to ship laborers. 351 7 4 11 522 Money paid for linen. 352 10 11 2 249 Money paid for the makingandburningof bricks. 353 7 11 6 244 Note promising to pay a"debt. 354 10 6b 12 499 Money expended for the food of a palace servant, etc. 355 9 4 27 270 Money paid for service to Belshazzar and for the making of bricks. 356 8 11 18 519 Report of gate revenue. 357 8 10 22 497 Silver paid for gold. 358 4 10 7 488 Payment of wages to a coppersmith. 359 5 12a 505 Silver and gold received as revenue. 360 7 10 4 490 Report of gate income. 361 7 12a 8 498 Individual consecrated as a servant of the goddess of Erech. 362 7 5 16 245 Receipt for massartu. 363 5 4 29 516 Money paid for a three year old ox. 364 5 4 23 250 Wages paid to straw carriers. 365 7 8 22 170 Money paid to hired laborers. 366 8 5 29 515 Itemized receipt for money. 367 6 9 23 511 Report concerning money needed by the temple. 368 5 5 7 513 Receipt for money. 369 11 3 5 506 Money paid to canal diggers. 370 5 5 9 502 Gold given for making a temple utensil. 371 10 6a 26 504 Money paid for-various purposes. 372 11 4 29 514 Record concerning garments. 373 11 4 7 520 Document concerning dates. 374 7 4 21 269 Report of revenue. 375 4 11 10 747 Money paid for implements. 376 11 5 11 495 Money paid to canal diggers. 377 7 9 6 521 Payment of money to hired laborers, 378 11 3 29 493 Record concerning sesame. DOUGHERTY-ARCHIVES FROM ERECH 67 Text No. Year. Month. Day. GCBC. Contents. 379 10 1 15 763 Money paid for various purposes. 380 12 5 20 760 Record concerning the decision of a witness. 381 13 10 10 (?) 525 Document concerning barley. 382 11 4 18 496 Record concerning a garment of wool. 383 8 7 22 238 Report of revenue. 384 5 11 25 489 Record of ship and gate receipts. 385 3 12a 11 759 Sale of a slave. 386 5 12a 6 487 Goldrevenue placed atthe disposal of goldsmiths. 387 11 11 15 738 Itemized statement of barley given for massartu. 388 3 5 1 517 Fabrics given to weaver, etc. 389 4 2 24 500 Receipt for money, the price of wool. 390 17 7 17 528 Promissory note. 391 7 7 9 246 Record concerning money. 392 1 4(?) 10 523 Itemized receipt for oil. 393 5? 21 508 Payment of money to hired laborers. 394 5 11? 527 Promise to pay a debt. 395 7 1 2 501 Statement concerning the disbursement of money. 396 7 6 25 507 Report of harvest money. 397 3 1 30 518 Temple document recording an obligation. 398 1 3 17 764 Document concerning a house or an estate. 399 12 1 1 526 Receipt for money and sesame. 400 13 3 14 736 Inventory of animals. 401 9 10 8 173 Receipt for flour given to consecrated servants of the temple. 402 5 (?) 9 12 535 Itemized receipt for money and wool. 403 1 12a 30 531 Record of a debt to be paid. 404 10 11 27 743 Statement of ship and gate receipts. 405 5 4 19 755 Temple record dealing with various transactions. 406 7 6 30 749 Receipt for money. 407 15 2 5 737 Document concerning money. 408 10 4 2 756 Receipt for harvest money and the hire of laborers. 409 5 12a 24 754 Itemized receipt for money. 410 2 7 26 534 Document concerning iron and iron wagons. 411 5 2 11 530 Record of a discrepancy in an amount of money. 412 2 9 21 745 Record concerning five fullers. 413 5 12a 7 524 Record of a debt to be paid. 414 10 6 a 12 533 Receipt for the hire of laborers. 415 5 12a 10 532 Document concerning money and garments. 416 5 8 7 536 Temple record concerning sheep and money. 417 Acc. 8? 529 Document dealing with interest to be paid. 418 12 (?)? 14 509 Record of a debt to be paid. 419 6 10 20 (?) 739 Record of a debt to be paid. 420 2 11 2 742 Report of impost. AUTOGRAPHED TEXTS PLATE I 1~ 02TW -T 9M00V, 5 yT Lo T YToI fr T ZOR 10 T h T /// ' 1 U.~~~OT~ 3 OTTT M ~ } IT T Lo E. lo ~- Ti~ 0. -~ 4)5~~~~~~tk -~ PLATE 11 6 0~ R. JO1 m T;' x 4 T~Y'T 7 T~kVK~f4 15 )~~~~~'4 f mwr T 11 —T R.~ 12I4,6R T~~~r fKrT 7 9 S R 14 71rrr~ 4T~% 8 0 g _ -d -ff 'I -4 4 la % 1 — 7 Ti M-M OE- 'o'f W T X T 4k ql — R-5 o VK % 4- -<K V--4- - 10 0. kf0-47R PLATE XII 1 7 10 1 5 '5 PO-OaT~ -<T TtO ~Ymj i T~~~OfOPT111MIN U. ~~~~Tll 0. Lo. E.:7t R. T)OKf 18 0. if ff Lo. E.~~~~~~~~ 16 ~ 0.~L~ S45 Kr) 19 PLATE IV 20 0. 22 23 Ow gj~gg *iw~j K ~~Y ~tT~Th A 10 24 26 Th- C 7 4-WOA 29 ~{T AT4ZA s4lf-'qf 30 0-4Tf4jg O 31 La gm~ 4 Lo E.5T-f A yEfr4 32 0. 5 R. PLATE V 35 5 7~ f ~t~4 F s~~T~h#~-4r4rr T Tr#-ffr LY~ -f 'YT: E rasure. 's~~T~~z~T~~4 k A44K 3 6 Lo C_ l0 33 0. 1=7(y R A;4* "M 4'TTaTq TfjT'T -ff 'ff Lo. E.5 * R.Tf)7TTT"'ff T4 - :: Z < - iI k -0 A Aa -:6-I-T 34 R. I I <~ 5 0 -.<W w ffg ttolpq Tff- 312Tfflp li m -ff -ff- I jpff — 11K O., -* —.iT 4 n ff -4-W4 R. -0 -< -k )k ti -0& —ar Iffff, T _ i ta *- -d.\ 38 R. 42 R. PLATE VI 46 o,W~Th ~-44 > a,;O 43 39 0. glf ~Trha TT4-ff - Ro. U. E. 40 0.'T4Tf"R 41 R. 4l 41, 54 ti 4i-T A 0. 47 R. XZ r 48 44 49 45 0 - IT Wff T 9 ):r tf flO -< A -R e-w A-ta -,<IT via 9 Rg 5.jff R 07,4k -<Tlr* I -W Gave 50 O. /imqgx,- O f.~~ -/V' PLATE VII T Wf -+ +T t* 10 ff-.4,Y 97 Rl T'ff t Of PliIR4- -! -* -<<-T 4 U. E. T x 15 : -T 51/ 52 oi J4 %5 RTBT/, 53 o~lT4r 54 55 0 T lw~: f-K 4 tTh T Aff-tZY74 7Thf.T*4 0.55 T A K~-Th- ff-fTf 57 LoETqT-4 0 Io7 ~-~ll toKTEKK-\ PLATE VIII 59 o.T tfr 5 ' Lo E 60 61 56 0 La0 E to R TFUyfg P T'94rOTI4 19'' 'ff' 4 A$ -k'ff , 62 ',,~4-' '- A'-~ OT written up~on erasure ~~~~~~~~~~ 4v~ 15 UI E. PLATE IX 63 t, _r/1" IN I, 1// - star ~~~*Tr M 4 ~~t- qz4 4 qlift~~/ j", Fr~ /0 T Lo. E. 7-1~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~4"f7 oT ~ -rnT FrfrT 9 'f ~-f -Tl-P Yf. TY a, Er -57" IqO l ~f f L. E. /__4 64 o!TrK '7T~ ~> 7q ~ &'r ~~~~- i, -~ Kr -ff — 7N4 14 -1 f at - iaq *f -laITO. 66 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, Lo E. t r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 15stI& a PLATE X 67 Lo E J ~-147 68 69 r0. 70 o T 5 R.' 71 0.5 R U~ EE~ r 72.5 Lo E.1 Thf o.~ mK~\7~ T0:fIAl 74 10 t PLATE XI 77 Ko E R T~KT 78 75,r.&~~~~~~5 A(4 0 76 0 < Vl~ ~~~ Erasure. 10 79 PLATE XII 80 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~51,7t~,T 74/IR" 'T T 1' loTr T ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~7T T -Ti ~~~L aE. T )~-~ "X/ zo J;, "I Lo. E. '/Y/' M ", /;., -de A, R.'V I -aa)j I ' \ T 6, - I U. -, * * -7 ta A 4.-11, 81 82 0. TT 9~'f f '~", LoAEsT -7 R. U. E. 15 R. I~ lo fff 4M,6k- ta "-I k 111n -d' -A0 4 4 83 PLATE XIII 86 Lo. E T 69 0 7 1 T$ -T'Mo RT~ -7r'#jm,tT -4~~ Lo lot i 10 E. ~ r( 92 or ~~~TfTh~ ~~OTT7 5;r4-\ f R. -~-,~T E. ~T,M:T 7 414:Ta -1." 87 90 Lo E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~L 10 I "Is 4tz L., - "a 5: V/ , / h , X, I -, 4,. -I ,, 1 - , X Z-t, 7k, T 7 " 0. 93' r -.9 88 71( S1 4 - p Lao E. ar 10~ R ~~~ ~ U. E lo 94 4 ~ 0 omitted 7 -1,77 0,4~~~~~~~~~~~~~by scribe. 0K~~x~ 95 PLATE XIV 96 10 97 5 98 O. ~ 4 O. Jif IIIt 'l 5 — LT '\ \ 4 U. E.). ~ I j PLATE XV 99 ~~~102 KA 4~'4Y Th4~ZTfyI~ LoL.tE Lo to (Vi 105 *IW 106 o. TK *tWYh TI $W~T t~LtYY 100 Lo. T R. -k k-tf 45f4J *g<f iO ta~~aiOL <-tg1 103 0.Tw~mf,~T 'Tff S R'. II 107 101 o. ~-V~ 4" Af Mf ~~t*-2 104 0. T O _7 ,-* 7 Tf, ff -1 ffl", -, T -RT:!.5 T ff Al R. 104 14 tO -d(k 4't-ff. - lz=:v tzx R. jix. I# Ik s \ -<<<W )Z;;K U. E. t T,;T4j;T- f t 1 11 g <k V& i4 f PLATE XVI 108 0. 'TT l44W7 " 'V tia i 'ff T ~M TfIY T TIq-q~f f 10~~4 1 k 109 51~~)1 A, Lo " E~ R R j,, 'AI':~ - 110 Lo. E.T _ PLATE XVII 113 o.< wr wr - 4 -Y47f Asgi _F#VW,,10 ' I117 YIT1-mTt",lk4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lo. 15W U. F. j a W 1t t: r T P g x o r xt: R 4 KT - f 4 Yt 14~e #L-~4tK TV XY9 116 120 1 14 sTf 116 620,,3 A '4*C 0"t'Wo 0 4 ( ~ ot 0 4 T a Al4 T~ T u. s Ak 4: 4 4 <*<t- ~ W 119E T4 &~TW tot. t # K K K T h % 121 0. p j~,q: TT Tttlj 122 0 ) ~~ 1*~11,410K1 %ktTal T~~~~~ R (& 4g -ff -o 4T --o 0 < ) = 'L IOIQ '7* - -<! E. 126 0 7 I:k, Ita- 9 pn mvv___ -41 ig P4 — - 91 446 --- -.9 1 PLATE XVIII 1504~k-t~lo.) 15TV 123 S R o ~124 T ~T 12 Lo 127 T~~~V~~TA+4~Lof E,?atl - 4k~~~ 128 'Y t;7mI~f rnT~ 129 v 132 o T T ---T -4 1.4 4 -T - --q 7 )Tx"Pff 7 JK4ff 1::Tff Jk 5 l R F,4 -Z 'ff -t --#\ -<K< t ik t;! - -d: : _] rij PLATE XIX 133 Lo, E. - U. E. 135 oJ{ MOP f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Lo E)& R.~ ~ R. 5 140 141 137 R. \Z2A /T~ 138LoE 0.4, R. O o O fll 142 139 &. Irg~k ~ q 0. t: Mal )-4 $4. ITI — -7 -qffff-g ffo,OTIRT,ff -g -R a -k R. 4 4::4T talk PLATE XX I-M 7 4:5 )P -4 40 A A I, 9,11, , Kol 4010-1' — TIR31, lovl44;a U E.-T 4 Ot,6-4 4.t t 143 144 O.Trtns4 WrJ Lo.tE t o Jo 147 141~ C' R. 148 O.j% E t 5 Lo~* 1'-R. n I 150 T ~- APW4tl — 54 ~ 151 145 >4 4~~Mui~~ 142 4#t-~wrt o.T t4ff 146 152 re PLATE XXI 153 R. 154 U.. 155.TTf LR. 10 156 0. Lo.,E. 157 10 U E. 158 Lo, 159 5 ~ ~ 'id/~ 160 omitted &LI scribe. 161 162 o.~~TfT7 Zj 7-;i 1 ~ 163 PLATE XXII Lo. E. 164 165;~~,:4 10 166 * 77 A, = — S I IVIV IT V 49 -111 5 Lo if R 0 ~~167 o ~' ~ T r iTflu~~~~A-47,-7l T h X 1 - P 4 s UZi o. Th'4~-Tf T To E 10 T4 ~ % rT - PLATE XXIII 169 S ",17, Zl~ % 44 tT.41,40a4L < -*,-4 --- 170 L 5 /,T)E <)o,. E 1 72 o5T~f E.T ~~~47 -ql,%~" / Sie '5 1 73~~~', 10 175 0T~ff - PJ T9 1 76f- S; 177 F~-, Lo. S ).E. 1 74 5 R )-Z' -d", U E PLATE XXIV 178 179 ~~I ff3 1.5 180 0.4 181 nTMT M:FApf* ~4( Li Lo E R 182 183 0. ~~~~* omtte 184 Th I TZ T10 t 185 R.Of KK4Tr tk 188 187 Lo 188 189 R. 190 191 T ~4 -t T4,W1 Tf f-7k 0-7 ) 192 La E Ej~ra ure 193 0.~ R. U.E. 194 PLATE XXV 195 o.T TO T,-,,T _ -:K 196 19 7 O.'m Off 4- 7 links TTT -V7 'Y r IT - #- — IX 6 -#T ", T, o 4 ffi 7ff Lo La ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1MI\ I PLATE XXVI 198 0.)V w-/11Y)-7 -j E. -) T ~ TA1f O ~ ~ ~ 9 Lo E. p - m _!,,4k4,' <l R.,oT44: f - ~7 ' -"f: ~rw4 I4VT 4T~ 15 200 Lo LoE R."ff 202 20 T~T77k, wl'~Tomtte b LO. E ~ ~ ~ ~ '~1 srie RT 4~ Kf 204 o F 4t ---i 1rrf-4 PLATE XXVII 205 0. T-pf4 - -M-f f~1 < ~~,-~TT$ I fff ~~ 4i~~~i ~ ~t-(t ~~~~~~~~~~ Lo E.1 ~ f ff~ T 10 - '-I"'' _ _ 206 T iK 444 209 212 Lo. E.~3 ~ (~f~Y -T 1%TT2T~ T~ThR LoE A R 5 ~ 208 21121 214 v 0. ff- j -z PLATE XXVIII 215 7T _ 216 Y. X-TI*T 7-K~~ '~fT ~f o~~~~~;4I 10 217K~ 218 219 222 TVT.~ 5ff12-< TI A IqoT tT4 221 V. -R. 223 umttifted bp PLATE XXIX Lo 224 0 ~:*Zf 9<Xn t~k T-Ktk iE7 R 227 o.474 Lo Lo Mistake of scribe for ~~,1iii~~ ~ ~ ~rest mistake Lo ET Cif7Wf Tv VYf vf of scribe. La? J-!T iTI RTT~Pff 230 0 V 225 o f~*ff ---ft 5 - a I~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L'a 1' ~~~~~~~om itted bp2 8 R. ~~~~~~~~~scribeoW,- -, N. 4'- - -\ '", -,- - - -, \ PLATE XXX 231 Lo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 233 0. V; T ttT~~V Tg 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ wry, 2~ - ~/<~A~f /, ~T r 44Rk T1 0# W R ~ ~ ~ ~ A 0. ~~232 Lo.E 4l - - 1)'*-i~-N 234 o0 K ~ r T - A YT~T~:Tg s T q ffA f PLATE XXXI Lo E7 ~~ ~~4-0~- I -19 0 4;- ~4 — R -ff f ffl-K q< T ~-,U 'S ~ ~ T-( ~ Io~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 236 0. 7 R. Io~~~~~1~ 237 0. m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.Lo E ~ ~ R. 4E.T~ 2 38 TY~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ /4~~~~~~zMd? 4\~ - ~ tl11150,1'-7', PLATE XXXII 239 JO.r4~ -v~ 0. ~~~241 10-fw9T tft~~~~~~~~f T q~-z T i -~ Lo.#nq aN R.E Is ' 1 4 I 7r - T 9P:T 240 0. E. ~ 242 O~~ff ~ Lo. E5.f 4~4~ ~f:.T &~ ~;~ T1 244 i/I'.~ g L M Y VJ - PLATE XXXIII Lo 245 TT 7 246 4il" LoEK~ M0 247 4 ~~24 0. 5~/ ~)~~ rlyi Ti 17 1 I —aj~T- 16( fl ~o rrT tlt:~ *t4-4 4$4<,( 4 f f 1~ 4~ 47 - t' R U~~)248 ~t 1 f T 15 u 0. ~&~"'~~249 PLATE XXXIV 5 r Ifty if -w "" ---Ti, -Zjv 4VffT '77 D- n *4 0!ll 9v,x 10 ~ T2 15 U 250 ~Tr T I ~ 1 Y VW, 10 40f, 251 o r~~ 252 20 * 253 O I: 4 ] ~ ~ -, 254 R. OT Trff-'r- JR4- P~10 -(\K K K\ ~t K 255 Wi ofe ~g;: -\), PLATE XXXV 258 lo ~ E. <l "Ill 256 701 Lo E R h-:fl# I0 v z q, R. AT~~~~~A 259 D/1Lo. Ef K 260 ~~~KT~ ~ ~ llw 257 Lo. E 4-tT R. q1 1T PLATE XXXVI Lo Ef~V~f4 261 10 262 R. —TT 44~~W1arJ - ~~~~~~~~~-0 U. E. 265 Loi. E 264 265 R.;' a % -.' - << T *" '\.5 4 'IT -AA4-:v 266 267 5 268 5 R 10 269 0. ~~~~4 5~~~Vi PLATE XXXVII 275 271 0 2 76 omitted 5 ~ ~~~4\bp scribe 272 Lo E. f ~~ Misplaced ~~~< ~~10 273U.E R. ~OT:~ ~T to\277 0. 274 R 278 5 PLATE XXXVIII I _t, I fly,, R 7 -<I —: - 9T 5 tT<T ha 9 ff -f IT lw TJR. d ff jk\ Lo ET4 R Y P ----'W Ab-4 A I I. I I N lt AT T I 279 Lo. E. 280 or0 281v 0 r-.-TW~ R.MT zo0N 282 iox1K~r~ 28311* TfVf 2843 285 286 287 ' O 9 -R. A\T ~ PLATE XXXIX 288 0 I4 289 V/ o <rf)4;T o: ~~~~ k 4i 292 Lo.Ef~ 293 290 Kklgq 294 Lo E j oKj4 R. f T4-6t;rI sa 296 Tq 297/ IE. 298 299 oi1 T7. -92 -ff ;!m VW::R L Tr:4w I J" 291 5.Z f~ T-9'~-4 - Lo 295 500/ 501 0. 414 3 0'2 0~~0 304 505L PLATE XL. 507 sT 308 0 -,( u 506 ~ h S4~~T4~ ~Lo EZk~7 Io~ -<T ~~ T 309 310 U. E. 313 10 ~ 31 PLATE XLI 316 31 7 318 319 311 LR. IT Zff-a 315 0. Z'T ygpilt: M.d6j< 17 -da(#o::fT4( 7 4.4 -<* R. 00 — - 5 PLATE XLII 3< >W-Z -0 -v 09, 324:). E t wIll*, -4 -4 "# k tTTAX- t 10 - -4 M- a 320 321 C.TI 0. -<,Tj 11 M T I T I 11 It —T -5R. 0 #:4 -<7 t 4&-( 325 0 TU::ff gllAk -q ( laz;591ff R. t'131 a '4 'ff lk\ 5 A t4 328 o R. -< i 5 1 / 329 326 0 322 0.Il 4IfJ 323 T qo~t 327 331 5. 4;ffffT PLATE XLIII R. 332 338 0. T~ 33 0 ~ ~ 0 R. 339 0. 10 333 Si~ LoVTT~1 Al f"l,334 1 ~~336 La. E. ~ - ~t zz ~ ~ " 10 ofr 15 ~~ ~~rk-& 337 0. 4 t4ff -<k7 A M:Ty ff 4 z tF 5 R. #t 4714\ 0, m X-T ---r 340 PLATE XLIV 341 - 344 o 7ff fr:4 -ff 4 7 - tT-fj 77 rtg41-1 Om m - 5 R. 4- 348 0. omitted bp scribe. 0 5I Lo E 104gikltl t — -61, qaIA4 -5R _4 _I Zff *"I\ -* -Iff -.d6\ :Z 345 51 346 349 350 S 3511 343 1. E. 5 p~~: -.1,j444-: 347 V 352 H~~~~f T T aco 41/0f/ gj~-Erasure. T~K~K::-KTV 'K < Lo 10 353 Lo E. R ~ ~ X T IA04 T -,,d U. E;If tT PLATE XLV 354 R. 357 oK j PLATE XLVI 558 365 0<9kt7d% R.0 359 560 v 561 562 OT V 564 565 366 0 567 568 T Kfl fI+W 5 569 571 PLATE XLVII 5~~ 372 KW 7thrt O~~~T37 o g.E.~f ~ R. ~ ~ -i*~~ 376 Lo E.7 T 4K % R 10 - 377 Lo. E. 378 Lr- z % 04 a ar g:-\ ITT A-, 10 3T1-74~' t 375 PLATE XLVIII 379 T tT9R~- U )0 Lo Ef. T 381 0- * T T-T -ff fklqT < t t -- - 4 ao -, -% 111\ <\M(\Itt5l-9-19K s 7 T ff7 7 1 T4-79T- tTE-7 :4 0o 382 380 4 T '~ scribe. 383 * ~.384 77;-o -,~-z,\ O 7 h;~ 15 -ffl~~~77 1~ N~N~~ 7~ 1)5~ it I PLATE XLIX 385 387 0. Mistake o ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~< ittnf ed bpj 1 10,,,,__ R.44f P 7 Q2( ~ ~ ~ ~ $~ m -7,5 // ~~~~~ r -~~~ V101, I-,/, 7 ITY 386 441Tv~~LA ~ 'T -Y -,- / ~t l10 Lot. E. h4W R.lf\ 388 07 lak~i 90 ff39 391 PLATE L Lo. 393 PLATE LI 396 _f ~ a~ )Z T *4ll 'Y ~ 4 4 394 "4> "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sue R. zoT 44~t Ko E T If ~ x t2 10~A R. is v. E.' 395 o.T Tr HIM IT41-K~T Y74-T T Lo. E.ft R.T % ~ * is5 398 0. Z-r 0 y OT Taf ~T fkP $~~~~~~~~14-h -4~~~4-3 Lo.E. - PLATE LII 400 0 <rrT h YV- ~T Tr OI R. ~K4 T~ 401 ~ — R.:! 402 5 o 0.A41f~ 5 *K4 0,,;g YR PLATE LHII Lo. E. f ~rrr ~* ~ 403 U. E.T 404 405 *10 < Lo. E.r d K 4 R. ~ Tr 20 T 406 0 T 407 I0 ~ ~ ~ w-R ~TTLo. E. PLATE LIV 409 10. T Lo. E. T~~~~~ U.E 408 _ T F1T lo~ N t 410 Lo. E. 411 R.~ Ozf ff PLATE LV 412 o T44 10,~ / L~o 414 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ om itted bP 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~scribe 415 0 I ~T 1T 416~ 413 11f-T 7 k,/11a)~i ~ w r4 ~ i-tT~ ri t PLATE LVI 417 / m~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~omitted bp 0~~~2 6< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~srb-L E. Lo. E. 410 R. U. E.o ~ 42 Lo. IT 74-~~~~~fr ' ~~~~~~' ~ ~ ~ ~ I A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YNITlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1111111 ll li 1i i6 1111 I 3 9015 01456 7724 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD _ ~~~~~~ I~-B~La_. s~ --- a