THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE SURTEES SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR I.DCCC.XXXIV. VOL. XLIX. F011 THE YEAR 1M.PCCCLXV'I. THE SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, TAKEN BY JOHN DE KIRKBY, COMMONLY CALLED KIRKBY'S INQUEST. ALSO INQUISITIONS OF KNIGHTS' FEES, THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE, AND AN APPENDIX OF ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. putliJerf for tMte aOtiet; BY ANDREWS AND CO., DURHAM; WHITTAKER AND CO., 13 AVE MARIA LANE; T. AND W. BOONE, 29 NEW BOND STREET; BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY; MRS. NUTT, 277 STRAND (Foreign Agent), LONDON; BLACKWOOD AND SONS, EDINBURGH. 1867. At a Meeting of the Council of the SURTEES SOCIETY, held in the Castle of Durham, on Tuesday, March the 6th, 1866, Mr. CHEVALLIER in the chair, it was ordered " That Kirkby's Inquest for the County of York should be prepared for the Society for the current year by Mr. R. H. Skaife, of York." JAMES RAINE, Secretary. LONDON: A:ITCHELL ABND HUGHEES, PRINTERS, 24 WARDOUR STBEET, W, THE PREFACE. THE important record which for at least three centuries has been known to historical inquirers by the name of Kirkby's Quest or Inquest, was a Survey of several of the counties of England, made in the reign of Edward the First, by the King's Treasurer, John de Kirkby, and his fellows, who, under the authority of a royal commission, enquired, according to the ancient custom by inquests or verdicts of juries, concerning the fees held either immediately of the king, or of others who held of the king in capite. The volume which contains the result of these inquests or verdicts is said to be in some respects analogous to Domesday Book, inasmuch as it comprehends all the immediate military tenants of the crown." The eminent authors of the History of South Yorkshire, in his preface to the first volume of that valuable work, states that in his opinion Kirkby's Inquest, and the returns called the Nomina Villarum, claimed the earliest attention of the Commissioners of Public Records; and he adds, "I speak my own experience when I say, that no single records have afforded more useful and more extensive information than these have done. The Pipe Rolls only, on account of their high antiquity, and their closer bearing on the public transactions of the realm, can be said to surpass them in their claims on the attention of those Commissioners." As with the exception of some of the earlier Pipe Rolls, " Handbook to the Public Records, by F. S. Thomas. b The late Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. b vi THE PREFACE. the Commissioners of Public Records have only published the " Nomina Villarum," which is printed in a bulky and expensive form, the Surtees Society has undertaken to present to its members in the present volume as complete a copy of Kirkby's Inquest for Yorkshire as can be obtained from the records now known to exist. The volume contains also several Inquisitions of Knights' Fees for Yorkshire, and the Nomina Villarum for the same county. The history of the record itself is involved in a cloud of mystery, which I regret my inability to dispel completely. The original returns of the jurors have not been discovered; and, excepting that part which relates to Yorkshire, only one copy of the Inquest is known to be extant. This MS., which is preserved in the Queen's Remembrancer's Department of the Exchequer, cannot be assigned to an earlier date than the reign of Henry the Eighth. It contains an abridgment only of the original survey, and there is nothing to shew whence it was " Subjoined is a list of the counties and the names of the commissioners, the heading of the first roll being given in full. BUK. Rotulus de feodis quoe tenentur de rege in capite, et de aliis diversis in com. Bedd. (sic) et Buk, secundum Inquisitiones inde factas coram Willelmo filio Nigelli, et sociis suis, ad hoc assignatis per ipsum regem. BED. Galfridus de Sandiacre. CANT. ET HUNT. Philippus de Wileby. DEVON. Johannes de Kirkby, tune thesaurarius domini regis. EBOR. Johannes de Kirkby, ut supra. GLOUCESTER. Ricardus Rowell. KANC. R. de Northwod. LINCOLN. Philippus de Wileby. NORTHAMPT. Ricardus de Stanford. NOTT. ET DERB. Philippus de Wyleby, cancellarius de scaccario. OXON. (Commissioners not named). SALOP ET STAFF. Ricardus de Stanford, clericus. SOMERSET ET DORSET. Johannes de Kirkbie, ut supra. SURR. ET SUSSEX. Johannes de Kirkeby, ut supra. LEICESTER. Johannes de Kirkeby et R. de Staunford. Some further account of this MS. will be given at a subsequent page. THE PREFACE. Vii derived. It is remarkable that the Commission authorizing the Inquest to be taken cannot be found. Madox, who knew more of the Exchequer records than any other person, and had read the whole of the earlier Memoranda and Pipe Rolls, never alludes to it either in his History of the Exchequer, or in. the many volumes of his MS. collections now in the British Museum. Nor does Agard, who well knew the importance of the Inquest, mention such a Commission in his Calendar of the Patent Rolls. Mr. Hunter, also, who spent many years in arranging the Miscellanea of the Exchequer, never met with it either in its original sealed form, or in that of an enrolment. The more recent researches of Mr. Walbran have been equally fruitless.d It is scarcely necessary to add that no copy of the Commission has been found in any of the MSS. hereinafter enumerated. Various dates,e ranging from the 5th to the 35th Edward I., have been assigned to this Survey. As the validity of many statements based on the text of the Inquest is affected by the question of its date, both as regards pedigrees and the d The preceding facts have been most obligingly communicated by Mr. Walbran. " Mr. Hunter says, Kirkby's Inquest was taken in 1277, the 5th Edward I. (South Yorks., i., preface). A translation of the return for the wapentake of Holderness is given in the History of that Seigniory, by Mr. Poulson (vol. i., p. 40). He states that the Inquisition " was taken before John de Kirby, treasurer to King Edward I., and other commissioners, assigned to enquire of the fees holden immediately of the crown in the county of York, and the rents of assize then due, by virtue of the commission. It is attested at Clifton, March 5, 1281, ninth Edward I." And he adds in a note, "it was completed in 1295, and is preserved in the Exchequer. It has been lately printed in Palgrave's Writs." Mr. Poulson is here unconsciously referring to the writ of king Edward II., directing the returns of the Nomina Villarum, which was tested at " Clipston, quinto die Martii, anno regni nostri nono" (page 301, postea). In some transcripts of the Inquest the date is referred to the 24th Edward I. (page 1, postea, note c). Mr. Thomas, in his Handbook to the Public Records (page 211), states the Inquest to have been taken in the 35th Edward I., by Adam Kirkeby or Kirby, then Treasurer; and this error is repeated by Mr. Sims in his Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer and Antiquary. b2 viii THE PREFACE. tenure of estates at a certain time by particular individuals, and as the Inquest has been frequently confounded with the "Nomina Villarum," which belongs to the 9th Edward II., it is necessary that this point, at least, should not be left in doubt. The present-volume contains ample evidencef that, with the exception of Richmondshires which was not surveyed until two years later, the Inquisitions for the county of York were taken in the thirteenth year of Edward I. (1284-5). In the return for Langbargh wapentake the exact day is named, "die Sabbati proximo ante Passionem Domini, anno regni regis Edwardi tertio decimo." The Coucher Book of Fountains Abbey contains several extracts from the Itinerary (as it is there called) of John de Kirkby, and the date uniformly assigned in each of these is the 13th Edward I. Even had no date been named in any transcript of the Inquest now extant, a tolerably close approximation is furnished by the Proofs of age and Inquisitions post mortem of persons holding lands at the time the Survey was taken. Two examples may be adduced. William de Aldfield, who is certified as holding the vill of Aldfield, in the wapentake of Claro, did not attain his full age until the 29th of April, 12th Edward I. The Inq. p. m. of Peter de Goushill,i who held certain lands in Beeford, in the wapentake of Holderness, was taken in November, 14th Edward I. It is obvious that the Survey must have been made during the period limited by these dates. In the absence of the Commission itself, or of any copy of it, the special purpose for which this Inquest was required can only be conjectured. Probably it was to afford the king more ample information than he previously possessed preparatory to f See pp. 31, 124, 138. g See page 148. h See page 46. i See page 74. The fact that Kirkby was not appointed Treasurer until January 6th, 12th Edward I., of course limits the date of the Inquest in one direction, and his death in the eighteenth year of the same reign in the other. THE PREFACE. ix the issuing of writs of military service, and the levying of. subsidies. It would be analogous to that valuation of property which precedes the rating at the present day. How muchmoney the king could get from a particular manor or estate, in the form of subsidy, and how many men he could raise when he was going out against his enemies, were questions regulated by the nature of the tenure and the quantity of the land, and it was therefore his policy to have these settled with the greatest exactness. A copy is not extant of the Capitula, or articles of inquiry presented to the Commissioners, which would doubtless vary according to circumstances. Some of them, however, can be recovered from the returns now printed. As the full sense of many of the terms used is not easily rendered by a mere translation, I give them in their original form. De feodis militum quae tenentur de domino rege in capite, et qui ea tenent, et in quibus villis, et qui sunt tenentes sui, et ubi sunt, ut sciatur ubi distrigendum sit pro servitiis domini regis, si a retro fuerint. De feodis quae tenentur de aliis quam de rege in capite. De redditibus assizae regi debitis. Si ballivi infra libertatem et extra veteribus extractis utantur, etc. De extractis et summonitionibus scaccarii per quas debita regis exiguntur in comitatu, tam infra libertatem quam extra. De annuis redditibus ad terminum vitae. Qua ville sunt gildabiles et qune non. Si status eorum mutationem; per quos, etc. Cujusmodi redditus annui debetur in singulis villis vicecomiti, tain ad turnum vicecomitis quam ad visum franciplegii. Quantum quodlibet wapentagium dat pro firma wapentagii sui. Quantum wapentagium solebat dare. In quibus rebus seu redditibus vel perquisitis firma wapentagii collstat, sue levari solebat. De pecunia qua respondetur vicecomiti de persona contra statum. Si ballivi infra libertatem vel extra veteribus exitibus utantul, per quas, etc. X THE PREFACE. De illis qui clamant habere libertates in wapentagio, a quo tempore, etc. Si teneatur aliquo servitio, etc. De prisonamentis et prisonibus ubicunque captis, qualiter et quibus locis deliberar'. Si aliquid domino regi subtractum fuerit de jure suo, etc. Si quid in wapentagio domino regi pertinere debeat unde seisitus non est. Of these nineteen Articles, answers to the first three may be found in the returns for nearly all the wapentakes included in this volume; the fifth and sixth occur only in the inquisition for Ryedale; and the remainder, or some of them, are limited to the wapentakes of Ouse and Derwent, Skyrack, Langbargh, and Pickering Lythe. This peculiarity is perhaps explained by the fact that, with the exception of the four last-named wapentakes, the returns now extant for the county of York are abridgments only of the original inquisitions. As an illustration of the nature and extent of this abridgment, I give two versions of the entry relating to Gate Helmsley:HEMELSAY. Item dicunt quod villa de Hemelsay continet in se sex bovatas terrae, et redd. vjd. pro fin' wappentagii vie', et facit sectam ad prim' cor. et ad prim' wapp. post festum S. Michaelis tantum domino regi, et status non mutatur; et Walterus de Hemelsay tenet priedictam terram. Et idem Walterus tenet pradictam terram per feodum militare de haeredibus de Chaumberlayn de North Duffeld, et illi de hebredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis.k HEMELSAY.1 In eadem villa sunt vj bov. terra quae tenentur de har' de Chaumberleyn de North Duffeld per feodum unius milit., et ille de k See page 60. This extract is taken from the Inquisition for the wapentake of Ouse and Derwent, which is entered in one of the Registers belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Durham, in a handwriting which may be assigned to the commencement of the fifteenth century. There can be little doubt that this Inquisition is an actual copy of the original text of Kirkby. See page 61, note d. THE PREFACE. xi hber' de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; unde ij (sic) car. fac' feod. milit. Et redd. per ann. ad finem wapp. vjd. Before I proceed to describe some of the principal MSS. used in the preparation of the present volume, a short account of the eminent ecclesiastic whose name is inseparably associated with the Inquest may be appropriately introduced. John de Kirkby was of an ancient and knightly Leicestershire family, which took its name from the village of Kirkby Belers in that county. He was the eldest son of Sir William de Kirkby,m of Melton Moubray, by his wife Emma de Gorham., The year of his birth has not been ascertained, and little is known of his early history. On the 12th of April, 1265, he became dean of Wimbourne Minster, in Dorsetshire2. On the 7th of August, 1268, he obtained the living of Thorpe, near Newark,P which he resigned on the 18th of October following.q On the 8th of May, 1270, Robert de Nevill presented him to the rectory of Burnsall in Craven., In 1272 he occurs as archdeacon of Coventry. On the death of Richard de Middelton in August, 1272, the king committed the great seal into the custody of John de Kirkby, who was then, probably, either an officer of the Exchequer, or a clerk of the Chancery. Six years later he was again placed in possession of the great seal, as the substitute of Robert Burnell, the chancellor, when he went abroad; and the same coursewas repeated on several other occasions during that chancellor's temporary absences.t In 1278 he occurs as m Coil. Top. et Gen., v., 300. Nichols's Leicestershire, ii., 224, 259. Harl. MSS., 1180, 7178.-Emma de Gorham is supposed to have been sister of Amicia de Gorham, who died in the 7th Edward I., when John de Kirkby was found to be her heir (Inq. p. m., 7th Edw. I., n. 19), and of Gerin de Gorham, vicar of Lubbenham, co. Leicester, 1286-1312, uncle to John de Kirkby, bishop of Ely (Reg. de Daventry. Cott. MS., Claud. D., xii., fol. 152 b).-J. R. W. O Hutchins' Dorset, ii., 534. P Reg. Giffard, 39 b. q Ibid. Reg. Giffard, 15 a. $ Le Neve, ed. Hardy, i., 568. t Foss's Judges, iii., 110. Mr. Foss does not give any particulars of Kirkby's parentage, neither does he allude to his connection with the Inquest. Xii THE PREFACE. rector of St. Berians in Cornwall.u On the 11th of November, 1279, he was collated to a prebend in the church of York, which had been held by cardinal Hugh de Evesham.v On the 10th of January, 1280-1, archbishop Wickwaine directed that "dominus J. de Kirkeby, regis clericus familiaris," should not have his benefices sequestered.w In 1283, being then archdeacon of Coventry, he was elected bishop of Rochester, but he renounced his right before archbishop Peckham at Michelham on the 17th of May, 1283.$ On the 6th of January, 1283-4, 12th Edward I., he was made Lord Treasurer, which office he continued to hold until his death.Y On the 26th of July, 1286, he was elected to the bishopric of Ely, which had become vacant by the death of Hugh de Balsham.z Although he had previously held so many ecclesiastical dignities, Kirkby, at this time, was only in deacon's orders. He was advanced to the priesthood, at Feversham, on the 21st of September, by the primate, John de Peckham; on the following day hea was consecrated by him in Canterbury cathedral; and on the 24th of December, in the same year, was enthroned at Ely by Richard de Ferynges, archdeacon of Canterbury. Within four years afterwards a violent fever terminated his career. He died at Ely on Palm Sunday, " circa horam completorii," 1290, and was buried in his own cathedral, "coram cruce, ex parte boriali chori, ante altare Sancti Johannis Baptistae."b By his 1 Rot. Parl., i., 14. " Reg. Wickwaine, 58 a. The stall is not named, but it seems to have been that of Botevant.-J. R. John de Kirkby does not occur as a canon of York in Le Neve's Fasti. " Reg. Wickwaine, 34 a. " Le Neve, ii., 562. y Foss's Judges, iii., 110. " Bentham's Ely, 151. a On September 23rd, 1286, archbishop Romanus presented Mr. Thomas de Wakefield to the stall in the church of York, "quoe fuit domini J. de Kirkeby consecrati in episcopatum Elyensem" (Reg. Romanus, 69 b).-For the extracts from the archiepiscopal registers, shewing Kirkby's preferments in the diocese of York, I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. Canon Raine. b Monach. Eliens. Hist., Cott. MS., Titus A., i., fol. 115 b. THE PREFACE. xiii last will, of which William de Kyrkeby, Mr. Gwydo de Tyllebrok, Philip de Everdon and John Cotoun were executors,c John de Kirkbyd bequeathed to the bishop of the church of St. Etheldreda of Ely, and to his successors, one messuage and. nine cottages in Holborn,e in the suburbs of London.f John de Kirkby died seised of large estates in the counties of Leicester, Middlesex, Herts, Cambridge, Northants, Southants, Bedford, Huntingdon and Lincoln.g His next heir was his brother, Sir William de Kirkby, then about thirty years old,h who had summons to parliament, July 8th, 1294,i and died s. p., August 9th, 1302,i when his inheritance was divided between his sisters and co-heiresses, Margaret, wife of Walter d'Oseville,k Alice,l wife of Peter Prilly, of Owersby, co. Line., Matilda,'n wife of Gilbert de Houby, of Houby, co. Leic., and Mabel," wife of William Grimbaud. c Rot. Parl., i., 43. d The bishop is charged with neglecting the care of his diocese in his devotion to the affairs of state, and is said to have borne himself with too much arrogance, sinking the bishop in the treasurer (Foss's Judges, iii., 110. Cf. Chron. Tho. Wikes, apud Gale, ii., 120). In Harl. MS., 315, fol. 46, are these lines on him:"QDe domino Joanne de Kyrkeby, episcopo Eliensi, et Anglike thesaurario, temp. Edwardi I. Si Regi cceli servisset episcopus Ely, Quantum terreno, lare nunc fruereter amseno. Regni thesauri custos fuit; ecce quod auri Nunc habet! angusto clausus post funera busto." The London palace of the bishops of Ely was afterwards erected on this site. f Reg. eccl. Eliens. Cott. MS., Titus A. i., fol. 115 b. g Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 102. h Cal. Gen., i., 416. Nicholas's Synopsis, edit. 1857, p. 275. i Cal. Gen., ii., 622. k John Oseville, a nephew or near relation of bishop Kirkby, succeeded to the archdeaconry of Ely about the year 1289 (Bentham's'ly, 274). See her descendants in Bridges' Northants, iii., 328.-J. R. W. " On the partition of the estates of William de Kirkby in the 30th Edward I., the manor of Kirkby Belers fell to the share of his sister, Matilda de Houby (Rotbl. Orig., 30th Edw. I., rot. 15). She died in the 5th Edward II., leaving a xiv THE PREFACE. The earliest copy of Kirkby's Inquest for Yorkshire now known to be extant, is preserved in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York. This manuscript is a thin folio, twelve inches long by eight and a half inches wide, written on parchment in a uniform hand, which may be assigned to the latter half of the fifteenth century. It contains fifty-nine leaves, of which the first six are not paged, the remaining fifty-three being occupied by the Inquest. There is nothing to shew whence this copy was derived, or by whom made. From the following memoranda on the first page, written in a contemporary hand, the MS. would appear to have once belonged to Sir Miles Wilstrop, of Wilstrop in the Ainsty, who was living in 1484. Noverint universi per prmsentes me Johannem Man, unum collectorum domini regis unius xvma domino regi concessae, recepisse de villata de Parva Cattall xiiijs. vjd., nomine dictae xvme, de qua summa fateor me fore solutum. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum meum apposui. Data penultimo die mensis Aprilis, anno regni regis Henrici vijmi quarto. Et allocatur eidem villae de dicta summa, nomine abat', iiijs. viijd. Et praedicta billa abat' sigillata remanet in custodia mei, Milonis Wyllesthorp, in pixide de Parva Cattall, cum compositionibus de Hammerton Rise. Noverint universi per prasentes me Ricardum Basy, unum collectorum unius xvm~, et medietatis ejusdem, domino nostro regi ultimo concessae, in Westriding in comitatu Ebor. specialiter deputatum, recepisse de villata de Wyllesthorp viginti-quinque solidos et sex denarios in nomine predictm summae dictae decime ips.. concernent'. Data apud Pontiburg, xxij die mensis Aprilis, anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post Conquestum Anglime tertio. Et haec aquietancia est in pixide de Wyllesthorp inter facta registrata, et tamen non est in registro illo. son and heir, Walter, then aged 40 years and more. For his descendants, among whom was George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, see Harl. MSS., 1180, 7178.-J. R. W. She died in the 5th Edward II., leaving Robert her son and heir, then aged 32 years.-J. R. W. This note belongs to the preceding page. THE PREFACE. XV Miles Wilstropo was the king's escheator in Yorkshire from the 5th of November, 9th Edward IV. to the 5th of November following, and this copy of the Inquest may possibly have been made for his official use.P The second, fourth, and fifth pages of the York MS. are blank. On the third page is a Latin enigmaq in the handwriting of Richard Gascoigne, the antiquary. This is followed by some extracts from the Testa de Nevill, which occupy nearly six pages. Kirkby's Inquest commences on the thirteenth page (folio 1), and is thus entitled:-Rotulus feodorum quae tenentur de rege et de allis diversis in comitatu Eboracensi, secundum Inquisitiones inde factas coram domino Johanne de Kyrkeby, tunc thesaurario domini regis, et sociis suis ad hoc assignatis per ipsum regemr; et etiam de redditibus assize regi debitis secundum easdem Inquisitiones. In the absence of the original rolls it is impossible to say whether these Inquisitions embraced the whole county. All " For some particulars relating to this family, see page 27, postea. p Of the subsequent history of the York MS. little is known. Sometime before the close of the sixteenth century it came into the possession of Francis Bunny, rector of Ryton, co. Durham, and archdeacon of Northumberland, whose name, written in a bold Elizabethan hand, on what is probably the original binding, I accidentally discovered on removing a portion of the present outer cover of the book. The rector of Ryton was the third son of Richard Bunny, esq., of Newlands, near Wakefield, and died without surviving issue, April 16th, 1617. His heir-at-law was his elder brother, Edmund Bunny, rector of Bolton Percy, and canon of York, who died s. p. February 6th, 1617-8, and was interred in York Minster. His epitaph records that " Vasa sacra(ta) librosque dedit post funera templo, Et bona pauperibus csetera; seque Deo." A list of the books bequeathed to the church of York by the "aged Edmund " has not been preserved, but there can be little doubt that this copy of the Inquest was one of them. m " Porcus per taurum sequitur vestigia ferri Anser ovem maculat, cui potum vacca ministrat. Expone ct redde sensum." XVi THE PREFACE. the transcripts that I have seen are more or less imperfect, and the York MS. contains the returns for the following wapentakes and liberties only, which are arranged without any regard to their proper classification in Ridings:-Strafforth, Staincliffe, Dickering, the Ainsty, Ouse and Derwent, Morley, (the town of) Driffield, Birdforth, Allertonshire, Buckrose, Hang, Holderness, Hallikeld, Bulmer, Ryedale, Gilling, Skyrack, (part of) Harthill, Howdenshire, Claro, Byland liberty, Barkston, and (part of) Harthill. Two of the MSS. mentioned below contain the returns for Langbargh and Pickering wapentakes, but for those of Agbrigg, Ewcross, Osgoldcross, Staincross and Whitby-Strand, and the liberties of Aldborough, Knaresborough and Ripon, none have been discovered. Perhaps Osgoldcross and Staincross were not surveyed on account of all the manors being held by one person, as appears from the Nomina Villarum; Aldborough with its dependencies was ancient demesne in the hands of the crown; and with regard to the other wapentakes and liberties not included in the returns now extant, the Commissioners may have met with similar treatment to that experienced a few years later by the jurors appointed to enquire concerning Knights' Fees: "Ballivi Comitis Warenni non permittunt nos intrare libertatem Comitis, unde praejudicate vos" (page 227, postea). "Tenentes Comitis Warenni neque in Halomshire nec Donecastre, cum socagio, coram nobis noluerunt respondere nec venire, ideo de eis nihil possunius respondere" (page 231, postea). Although it is occasionally corrupt in its nomenclature, the York MS. appears upon the whole to be more correct than any other copy of the Inquest that I have had the opportunity of examining. It has on this account, therefore, been selected for the textr now printed, with the exception of the inquisitions for, Some slight alteration has been made in the sequence of the wapentakes included in the York MS., so as to bring each into its proper Riding. THE PREFACE. Xvii the wapentake of Ouse and Derwent and the liberty of Richmondshire, which are derived from earlier transcripts. The York- text has been collated with some of the following MSS. (A.)-Treasury of Receipt of the Exchequer Department of the Public Record Office. A folio book, on paper 11 inches long by 73 inches wide, lettered on the back, KIRKBY QUEST, ETC. DOM. CAP. WESTM. Class-mark, B., i., 11. Handwriting, temp. Henry VIII. The volume commences with the Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire. This is followed by Kirkby's Inquest for the same county, which agrees in general arrangement with the York MS., and comprises the same wapentakes. The remaining portion of the book is occupied by Inquisitions of Knights' Fees, taken in the 31st Edward I., for the wapentakes and liberties of Claro, Skyrack, Knaresborough, Aidborough, Ripon, Barkston, the Ainsty, Morley, Agbrigg, Strafforth and Tickhill. (B.)-In the same Department. A folio book, on paper 15; inches long by 9 inches wide, lettered on the back, NOMINA VILLAR' IN COM. EBOR., 9 EDW. II. KIRBY'S QUEST, 24 EDW. I. FEOD. JOH'IS DUCIS LANCAS' P. & AQUITA' INFRA HONOREM DE PONTEFRACTO TEMPORE EDW. II. Class-mark, B., iv., 24. Handwriting, about the middle of the sixteenth century. This transcript of the Inquest includes the returns for the same wapentakes as the York and A. MSS., but there is a slight difference in their arrangement. In addition to the Inquisitions of Knights' Fees, 31st Edward I., as given in the MS. last described, this volume contains a valuable return of a similar nature, and of the same date, for the wapentake of Staincliffe., There is another copy of Kirkby's Inquest in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York, which agrees generally with the MS. just described. It is contained in a Feodary's Book, written in the reign of queen Elizabeth, the class-mark of which is 31. This MS. also comprises transcripts of Inquisitions of Knights' Fees and the Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire. It is hereinafter referred to by the letter F. xviii THE PREFACE. (C.)-Queen's Remembrancer's Department of the Exchequer. A thick folio, unpaged, on paper 16- inches long by 6 inches wide. Class-mark, No. 52. T. G. 15,644. Handwriting, about the middle of the sixteenth century. Besides a transcript of the Inquest for the county of York, which agrees generally with the MSS. already described, except that the wapentake of Harthill is placed between those of Strafforth and Staincliffe, this book contains copies of Rolls of Fees abstracted from Inquisitions taken by John de Kirkby and his fellows in other partst of England. It likewise contains a mass of matter, derived chiefly from the accounts of the escheators in the time of Edward I. and Edward II., and~ comprehending facts possibly not to be found elsewhere. The following is a sample of the entries, taken from the compotus of Thomas de Burgh, escheator ultra Trentam, 15th Edward II.:" QUIXLE. Terras ibidem nune Johannis Crokedayk tenentur de Willelmo de Twenge. Tenementa ibidem nune dicti Johannis tenentur de abbathia de Fontibus per servitium vijs. per annum solvend." (R.) —Rawlinson MS., 450 B., in the Bodleian Library. In addition to a copy of the abridged version of the Inquest, and other valuable matter, fully described in the printed Catalogue, this volumeu contains transcripts of Inquisitions taken before John de Kirkby in the wapentakes of Langbargh and Pickering, which are not found in any of the above-mentioned MSS. It t A list of the counties with the names of the commissioners is given at page vi, antea. " The following memorandum is attached to the inside of the cover:-" This collection is very valuable, serving (principally) for the general History of the County of York, both in Church and State, antient and modern. The Collector appears to be Nichs. Wanton, in the Reign of James I., of whose proper Handwriting most of the MSS. seem to be." Nicholas Wanton was the youngest son and heir of Thomas Wanton, esq., of London, by Joan, only daughter and heiress of John Laxton, esq., brother and heir of Sir William Laxton, knight. He died unmarried, March 2nd, 1617-8, and was buried in York Minster. THE PREFACE. xix includes, also, two versions of the Inquest for Skyrack wapentake. One agrees generally with the abstract given in the York MS. The other is entitled, "Wapentagium de Skyrack alio modo," and appears to be a transcript of the original return. That these two versions may be compared, I have printed both on the same page. (S.) —Addit. MS., 26,729, in the British Museum. A Feodary's Book,v partly written in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and partly in the seventeenth century. This MS. comprises a portion of Kirkby's Inquest for Yorkshire, and includes the return for the wapentake of Pickering, of which only one other copyw is known to be extant. It likewise contains transcripts of the Inquisitions taken by John de Kirkby in Richmondshire, which differ in several important particulars from the MSS. already described, and also from the Register of the Honor of Richmond (Cott. MSS., Faust. B. vii.), whence the text for this portion of the Inquest is derived.x With the exception of the returns for the wapentakes of v This MS. was purchased for the British Museum, in 1865, of John George Smyth, esq., of Heath Hall, near Wakefield. w Rawl. MS., 450 B. " A copy of the Inquest is preserved in the Library of the Leeds Grammar School. It is thus described in the printed Catalogue: "An Inquisition taken by John de Kirkby and his associates, Commissioners assigned by the writ and order of king Edward I. Copied from the originals by T. Wilson, 1747, in folio." This manuscript, however; was not " copied from the originals." According to the title-page, it was "Transcribed from an Antient MS. belonging unto the Right hon. Family of the Percys, Earls of Northumberland, by John Hopkinson of Lofthouse, Gent., Clerk of the Peace for the West Riding, 1656; which Transcript was generously communicated by Richard Richardson of Byerley, Esq., the very good Friend of T. Wilson, anno 1747." The volume comprises the Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire, an abridged version of Kirkby's Inquest, and several Inquisitions of Knights' Fees, but it contains nothing which may not be found in the MSS. already described, and the text is exceedingly corrupt. I would take this opportunity of thanking Dr. Henderson, the Head Master, for his kindness in allowing me to examine this MS. XX THE PREFACE. Langbargh, Pickering and Skyrack, all the so-called copies or transcripts of the Inquest that have just been described must be considered as abstracts only of the original Inquisitions; and from the fact that in all the above-mentioned MSS. the entry relating to the town of Driffield, in the East Riding, is placed between the returns for the wapentake of Morley, in the West Riding, and that of Birdforth, in the North Riding, there can be little doubt that these abstracts were originally derived from a common source. As nearly all the above-mentioned MSS. were found to contain copies of Inquisitions of Knights' Fees, taken in the 31st Edward I., for the wapentakes and liberties of Claro, Skyrack, Knaresborough, Aldborough, Ripon, Barkston, the Ainsty, Morley, Agbrigg, Strafforth, and Tickhill, some of which were not included, and others only partially surveyed, in Kirkby's Inquest, and more particularly, also, as these Inquisitions, with others mentioned below, appeared to afford a valuable means of testing its general accuracy, it has been considered advisable to print them in the present volume. To these have been added similar Inquisitions, of the same date, for the wapentakes of Langbargh, Pickering, Howdenshire, Holderness, Dickering, Harthill, and Buckrose, and the returns of the Aid granted to king Edward I., all derived from the original Subsidy Rolls preserved among the Miscellaneous Records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, which I obtained permission to transcribe through the kind offices of Mr. Walbran, who was the first to point them out as useful for this work. Although the " Nomina Villarum" for the county of York has already appeared in print under the editorial care of Sir Francis Palgrave, yet since the worky in which it is included is not accessible to students of Yorkshire topography generally, and is inconveniently cumbrous in its bulk, it has been thought y Parliamentary Writs, vol. ii., div. iii. THE PREFACE. XXi expedient to append this document to a record, of which it is a valuable illustration. Except where otherwise stated, the text now printed is derived from the Harleian MS., 6281, which was one of those used by Sir Francis Palgrave. A description of this MS. is given at page 302, postea; and to what is there stated I will only add that no pains have been spared to correct the errors of a corrupt text. The illustrative documents printed in the Appendix have been chiefly derived from the archiepiscopal registers at York. Among them will be found some valuable Inquisitions of Knights' Fees in the wapentakes of Bulmer and Holderness, containing particulars relating to several places not named in Kirkby's Inquest; similar Inquisitions of Fees held of the see of York in the counties of York, Nottingham, Lincoln, Leicester and Gloucester; a List of all the Homages rendered to the archbishops for lands in Yorkshire held of the see; and several early grants of wardship and marriage. The Appendix concludes with some tables of Land Measure, etc., taken from a Rental of Henry, earl of Northumberland, which are valuable as being calculations on the subject of carucates and oxgangs, made while the feudal system was in existence. The corrupt and irregular nomenclature of Kirkby's Inquest and the Nomina Villarum has partly rendered necessary the preparation of a somewhat elaborate Index Locorum, which, it is hoped, will prove not the least valuable portion of this work. As far as they can be identified, the Domesday names and the modern names of all the Yorkshire vills mentioned in the text are given in parallel columns, references being added to the facsimile edition of Domesday Book, and to the sheets of the Ordnance Survey on the 6-inch scale. In conclusion, the editor begs to offer the thanks of the Surtees Society to the Dean and Chapter of York, for their liberality in having placed at its disposal an early copy of Kirkby's Inquest, which has furnished the text of a considerable c Xxii THE PREFACE. portion of this work; to Messrs. Buckle and Hudson, for permission to extract from the archiepiscopal registers what might be necessary for the purpose of illustration; to the Rev. H. O. Coxe, keeper of the Bodleian Library, for the unrestricted use of the Dodsworth and Rawlinson MSS.; and to Joseph Munby, Esq., of York, for the loan of the Percy MSS. The editor desires, also, to tender his personal acknowledgments to Professor Max Miller, H. A. Hudson, Esq., and C. A. Thiselton, Esq., for their unvarying courtesy and attention; and to T. Burton, Esq., C. Jackson, Esq., and Dr. Sykes, for their obliging communications. Above all, the writer must express his grateful thanks to his kind relative, Robert Davies, Esq., to the Rev. Canon Raine, and to J. R. Walbran, Esq., for the aid and counsel they have at all times afforded, and for their valuable assistance in securing the general accuracy of this his first literary essay. ROBERT H. SKAIFE. THrE MOr NT, YO(K. YNoomler 301h. 1867. GENERAL INDEX OF CONTENTS. KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. PAGE WVapentagium de Strafford........................................ 1 Wapentagium de Stainclyfe........................... 13 Wapentagium de Aynsty................................... 23 Wapentagium de Morley................................ 30 Wapentagium de Skyrayk.......................................... 31 Wapentagium de Clarow.......................................... 41 Wrapentagium de Barkeston...................................... 48 Wapentagium de Dekeryng........................................ 51 Wapentagium inter Usam et Derwent.............................. Wapentagium de Houdenshire............................. 70 Wapentagium de Buccros...................................... 71 Wapentagium de loldernesse.................... 74 Wapentagium de Herthull..................................... 78 Wapentagium de Brudeford............................... 93 Libertas de Alverton.............................................. 99 De libertate BellIe Lande.......................................... 105 Wapentagium de Bulemer........................................ 107 Wapentagium de Ridale.......................................... 110.Wapentagium de Langberghe...................................... 121 Wapentagium de Pykering........................................ 138 Wapentagium de Hang.......................................... 1 Feodarium de Gillyng West..................................... 16 Feodarium de Gillyng Est........................................ 17 Wapentagium de Halykeld........................................ 81 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Wapentagium de Staincliffe...................1.................8... 189 Feoda militum in wapentagio de Clarhowe............... 203 Feoda militumn in wapentagio de Skyrake............... 207 Feoda militum de libertate de Knaresburgh et Veteri Burgh............ 211 De feodis militlum de libertate ipon........................... 12 Feoda militumn de apntaio de arkton............................ 21 XXiv GENERAL INDEX OF CONTENTS. PAGE Feoda militum in wapentagio de Aynsty............................ 216 Feoda militum in wapentagio de Morley............................ 224 Feoda militum in wapentagio de Aggebrige......................... 228 Feoda militum in wapentagio de Strafford............................ 230 Feoda militum infra libertatem de Tykhill.......................... 232 Wapentachium de Langbergh...................................... 234 Feoda militaria wapentachii de Pykering............................ 239 Houdenshire.................................................... 241 Feoda militaria wapentachii de Heudernesse.......................... 243 Dikering........................................................ 249 Herthill........................................................ 251 Wapentachium de Buckrose........................................ 266 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD I. Stainclif........................................................ 277 Youcrosse...................................................... 278 Morlay.............. 279 Strafford.................................................. 281 Tikehill........................................................ 283 Barkeston...................................................... 284 Skirake........................................................ 286 Aynsty......................................................... 289 Aggebrigg...................................................... 292 Clarhou........................................................ 293 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. Introduction............................................. 299 The king's writ to the sheriff...................................... 301 The sheriff's return........................................... ibid. Holdernesse..................................................... 302 Wapentagium de Herthill......................................... 307 Wapentagium de Dikering............................ 311 Wapentagium de Bucceros........................................ 314 Libertas de Houeden.............................................. 316 Libertas de Beverlaco............................................ 318 Wapentagium inter Usam et Derewent....................... 319 Wapentagium de Ridale......................................... 320 Wapentagium de Brudeford....................................... 322 Wapentagium de Bulmer.......................................... 324 Villse in libertate de Pykering....................... 326 Villke in libertate de Whiteby...................................... 327 Wapentagium de Langbergh...................................... 328 Libertas de Rypon...................................... 331 Libertas de Bella Landa...................................... 332 GENERAL INDEX OF CONTENTS. XXV PAGE Libertas de Richemund......................................... 333 Libertas de Alverton............................................. 340 Wapentagium de Aynsty........................................ 342 Libertas Sancti Leonardi Ebor.................................... 344 Wapentagium de Barkeston.................................... ibid. Wapentagium de Skyrak........................................ 347 Wapentagium de Clarhou......................................... 349 Wapentagium de Aggebrigg........................................ 351 Libertas de Knaresburgh.......................................... 353 Wapentagium de Staynclif........................................ 354 Wapentagium de Strafford........................................ 358 Wapentagium de Morley.......................................... 360 Wapentagium de Youcross........................................ 362 Libertas de Osgotcrosse............................................ 363 Libertas de Tykhill.............................................. 365 Libertas Beatae Marine Ebor......................................... 367 In Libertate Sancti Petri Ebor..................................... 368 APPENDIX. Feoda de Holdernesse.......................................... 371 Feoda militum in wapentagio de Bulmer............................. 378 Feoda militum archiepiscopatus Ebor. in comitatibus Ebor., Notingham., Lincoln., Leycestre et Gloucestre................................ 383 Homagia et fidelitates............................................ 398 A grant of the wardship and marriage of John, son and heir of Richard de Frismarisco...................4........................... 422 A grant of the wardship and marriage of the heir of John le Aleman..... ibid. A grant of the wardship and marriage of William, son and heir of William de Chaerthorp............................................... 423 A grant of the marriage of William, son and heir of William de Lindele.. ibid. A grant of the wardship of Thomas de Burgo, etc.................... 424 A grant of the wardship and marriage of William, son and heir of John de Bellew...................................................... ibid. A grant of the wardship and marriage of John, son of Richard, son of Robert de la Sale de Tymbel................................. 425 A grant of Isabella de Bella Aqua to her son, William de Bella Aqua, of his own marriage......................................... ibid. A grant of the marriage of Richard, son and heir of Sir Robert de Furneaux, knight........................................... 427 A grant of the custody of the lands of Godfrey de Melsa, at Hodelston, to Robert de Grenefeld and William, his son........................ ibid. A grant of the marriage of Hugh, son and heir of Richard de Babington 428 A grant of the wardship and marriage of Agnes, daughter and heiress of John Malebrank, of Farneley.................... 429 XXvi GENERAL INDEX OF CONTENTS. PAGE A grant of the wardship and marriage of Richard, son and heir of Richard de Fourneux.......................................... ibid. A commission to seize John, son and heir of John de Langton, of York 430 A grant of the wardship and marriage of John, son and heir of John de Langton, of York........................................... ibid. Nomina eorum qui tenent xx libratas terrse de rege in capite vel de illis qui sunt infra aetatem qui ex mandato regis distringebantur per vicecomit' ad transfretandum ad regem Henricum tertium in Vasconia contra regem Castellie, qui terram Vasconiae hostiliter ingressurus erat, pugnaturi, anno regni regis Henrici tertii xxxviii, salutis humanse a Christo 1253.............................................. 432 Nomina illorum qui habent xv libratas terrae et tenent per servitium militare et milites non sunt, anno xl regni regis Henrici tertii.......... 433 Redditus et servitia liberorum forinsecorum apud Ripon............... 435 Breve ad inquirendum de duobis feodis archiepiscopi injuste occupatis per comitissam Albemarlie, in Holdernesse, cujus terrse existunt nunc in manibus regis.............................. 43, Inquisitio de articulis tangentibus escaeteriam infra wapentagium de Barkeston.................................................. 438 A letter from Robert de Hilton to archbishop Melton concerning the manor of Swine.................................................... 440 Quieta clamancia quam dominus archiepiscopus fecit Roberto de Annesley et aliis super jure et clameo quse habet in maneriis de Birne et Kirtelington......................d.............................. ibid. Tables of Land Measure, etc............. 442 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. ROTULUS FEODORUMa QUIE TENENTUR DE REGEb ET DE ALIIS DIVERSIS IN COMITATU EBORACENSI, SECUNDUM INQUISITIONES INDE FACTAS CORAM DOMINO JOHANNE DE KYRKEBY, TUNC THESAURARIO DOMINI REGIS, ET SOCIIS SUIS AD HOC ASSIGNATIS PER IPSUM REGEM; ET ETIAM DE REDDITIBUS ASSIZiE REGI DEBITIS SECUNDUM EASDEM INQUISITIONES.C WAPENTAGIUM DE STRAFFORD. HOTON PAINEL. Robertus Luterell tenet Hoton Painel de rege in capite pro ij feodis militum. WATH. Willelmus le Flemmyng tenet villam de Wath de " Except where otherwise stated, this text is printed from a Manuscript, written in the latter part of the fifteenth century, which is now preserved in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York. Torre's reference to it is P.y. A description of this MS., as well as of other copies of Kirkby's Inquest with which it has been collated, has been given in the Preface, and it is only necessary here to supplement what is there stated by a few explanatory remarks. Although, upon the whole, the York MS. is, apparently, the most correct of any of the so-called transcripts of this Inquest which I have had the opportunity of examining, the names of places and persons are occasionally so corruptly given that considerable difficulty has in consequence been experienced in their identification. It has on this account, therefore, been considered inadvisable to perpetuate in every case the errors in the text now printed; but no alteration has been made where the slightest doubt has occurred as to the place or person intended. The more minute variations between the York MS. and some of those mentioned below are not recorded, and the bracketted portions of the text, in the instances unnoted, are supplied by conjecture. In the different readings given in the attendant notes, the several letters appended refer to the following MSS.:A. A book marked B., i., 11, in the Treasury of Receipt of the Exchequer Department of the Public Record Office. B. A book marked B., iv., 24, in the same Department. C. A book numbered 52 in the Queen's Remembrancer's Department of the Exchequer. D. The Dodsworth MS., vol. xxvii., in the Bodleian Library. R. The Rawlinson MS., vol. 450 B (olim 448), in the same Library. S. Additional MS., 26, 729, in the British Museum. ^ Feoda quse tenentur de Rege in capite, A. Secundum Inquisitionem eandem, viz., anno xxiiij [vicesimo quarto, R.] B 2 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. rege in capite pro duobus feodis militum de honore de Skypton in Craven; qui quidem honor aliquando fuit comitis Albemarliae, et nunc est in manu regis. MALTEBY. Isabella et Idonea de Veteri Pontee tenent villam de Malteby de rege in capite de honore de Tikehull pro uno feodo. LAYTHON IN MORTHYNG. Haer' Galfridi de Lesiniacof ten' villam de Laython de rege in capite, in extentam xxxjg libratarum terrse, de dono regis de antiquo dominico regis; et nullum certum servitium inde fac' regi. DENIGBY.^ Johannes de Vavasur tenet villam de Newhall et sex bovatas terrae et dimidiumi in Mekesburg de rege in capite de honore de Tykehull pro j feodo. ARENTHORPE. Abbas de Rupe tenet villam de Arenthorpe pro feodo j militis de rege in capite, in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, de dono regis Ricardi. WADDEWORTH. Thomas de Cheworthj [tenet] in villa de Waddeworth tertiam partem unius feodi de rege in capite de honore de Tykehull. HOTON ROBERT. Henrieus de Tenneslowel tenet in villa de Edwardi primi, A. Even if we possessed no other evidence, the fact that John de Kirkby died on Palm Sunday, 18th Edward I. (Calendarium Genealogicum, i., 416), would prove this date to be incorrect. The Coucher Book of Fountains contains, however, several extracts from this Inquisition, which are thus headed: "In Itinere Johannis Kyrkby, anno regni regis Edwardi primi xiijo, habetur sic." It appears, also, from the Rawlinson MS. (450 B, 84) that the Inquisition for Langbargh wapentake was taken " apud Ormesby; coram domino Johanne de Kirkeby, thesaurario domini regis, die Sabbati proximo ante Passionem Domini, anno regni regis Edwardi tertio decimo." The surveys for the wapentakes of Skyrack (Ibid., 43) and Ouse and Derwent (Reg. apud Dunelm.) are also stated to have been made in the same year. There was a separate Inquisition for Richmondshire, which was not taken until the 15th Edward I. (Cott. MS. Faust., B, viii., fo. 90). d This wapentake, which also comprises a portion of the liberty of Tickhill, has been collated with MSS. A. and C. This note belongs to the preceding page. e Isabella and Idonea de Vipont, the daughters and co-heiresses of Robert de Vipont, were the widows respectively of Roger de Clifford, junior, and Roger de Leyburn. Idonea re-married John de Cromwell, and died s.p. about 1333. In the Inq. p.m. of the above Roger de Clifford, taken in the 11th Edward I., the jurors say that " ipse Rogerus de Clifford et dominus Rogerus de Leyburne tenuerunt manerium de Maltheby;-et hoc ratione uxorum suarum quse erant filioe et haeredes domini Roberti de Veteri Ponte " (Cal. Gen., i., 331). f Sometime before the 42nd Henry III., prince Edward, to whom the honour of Tickhill then belonged, gave Laughton to Geoffrey de Lusignan (S. Yorks., i., 284). g xxj libr., C. a Newhall, A. C. See p. 12. i Such words as dimidium, bovata, carucata, feodum, militis, militare, per annum, reddit, respondet, wapentagium, etc., will henceforth be printed in an abbreviated form. J Thomas de Chaworth had a charter of free warren in Wadworth, 41st Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 85). * tenet, A. C. z Sir Henry de Tinsley married Lucy, daughter of Sir Robert de Hooton Roberts (S. Yorks., i., 399). WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W.R. 3 Hoton di. feod. de rege in capite de eodem honore. Robertus filius Willelmi de Hoton tenet in eadem villa de rege in capite di. feod. de eodem honore. MELTON LE HEYG. Willelmus de Cressi et Willelmus de Sancto Georgio tenent villam de Melton de rege in capite pro j feodo de eodem honore. KIMBERWORTH. Domina de Leyburnrn tenet villam de Kimberworth de rege pro di. feodo de eodem honore. STAINTON. Johannes le Buteler" tenet villam de Stainton de rege pro j feodo de eodem honore. RIKENILDTHORP.~ Radulphus Salvayn tenet medietatem ejusdem villae de rege pro j feodo de eodem honore. BENTLEY. Robertus TibetotP tenet eandem villam cum pertinentiis de rege pro iiijor feod. de eodem honore. SHEFFELD, [BRUDFELD,] q ECCLESFELD [ET] HANDESWORTH. Thomas de Furnivall tenet dictas tres villas et medietatem de Handesworth de rege in capite pro homagio suo, nullum aliud servitium inde faciendo. HAITFELD. Dominus Johannes comes Warenni tenet Haitfeld, Stainford, Parvam Sandhaler [et] Cunynggesburgh; sed non dicit de quo, nec per quod servitium. RAFNEFELD. Robertus de Saundeby tenet duas partes ejusdem villae de rege in capite pro tertia parte j feodi. BARNEBURG. Medietas ejusdem villke tenetur de rege de honore de Tikehull pro [uno feodo]. [GRYSEBROK. Thomas Barbot tenet medietatem ejusdem ville de honore de Tykehull pro]t di. feodo, quarta parte, et viijva parte unius feodi. GOLDTHORPE. Abbas de Beauchefe tenet in dicta villa v " Idonea de Vipont, widow of Roger de Leyburn, was lady of Kimberworth nearly seventy years (S. Yorks., ii., 27). " 5th Edward I. Inq. p. m. of Margaret de Stainton, daughter and heiress of John de Stainton:-" ejus hseres est Johannes le Boteler, filius ejus, qui plenae etatis est" (Cal. Gen., i., 253). ~ Rikenildthorp, now Thorp Salvin, is supposed by Mr. Hunter to have derived its name from its proximity to an ancient highway-formerly called the Street, and now Packman's Lane-which he believed to be of Roman origin, " our ancestors of the middle ages [having] bestowed the name of Rykneld Street upon one or more of the great highways left by the Romans " (S. Yorks., i., 309). P Sir Robert de Tibetot, one of the most eminent persons of his age, married Eva, daughter and heiress of Payne de Chaworth (S. Yorks., i., 325), and died Sept. 11th, 1298 (Cal. Gen., ii., 556). g Brudfeld, A. Mr. Hunter says (S. Yorks., i., 198) that Sandal Parva "is not mentioned in Kirkby's Inquest or the Nomina Villarum." * uno feodo, A. C. t Grysebrok. Thomas Barffbet [Bargot, C.] tenet medietatem ejusdem villx de honore de Tykehull pro, A. C. See p. 11. B2 4 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. bov. terrae, et iiijor bov. terre in Bilingley, duas bov. terrse in Swinton, et molendinum de Wormeleye, [ex] dimissione Danielis le Boteler, qui illas terras habuit de dono regis Johannis; reddendo regi per annum duo flakes vini die [Sancti] Michaelis apud London. TINNESLAWE. Henricus de Tynneslawe et Walterus le Bret tenent in eadem villa j feod. milit. de honore de Tikehull; et dictus Henricus veniet die Sancti Michaelis apud castrum de Tikehull cum uno pari albarum cirotecarum ad recipiendum unum austurtum in custodia, et modo redd. per ann. xls. pro austurto prsedicto. FEODA QU2E TENENTUR DE ALIIS QUAM DE REGE IN CAPITE. STUBBES-LACY.W Robertus de Pontefracto tenet eandem villam de comite Lincolniae. HYKELTON. Petrus de Rorefeldx tenet eandem villam de domino Castri BernardiY pro di. feod. milit. MAGNA HAILGTON. Henricus de Vernyllz tenet eandem villam de Roberto Luterell pro di. feod. milit. ROMEYS.a Johannes de Anneslay, Stephanus de Bella Aqua, et Johannes de Wymtonb tenent eandem villam de Edmundo Eyncurt, et idem Edmundus de rege pro j feodo.c DERFELD. Willelmus filius Thomsed et Petrus de Bosvyll tenent eandem villam de Willelmo le Flemmyng, et nullum servitium faciunt regi. CLAYTON. Robertus Luterell et Priorissa de Hanepol tenent eandem villam de Johanne de Vescy, et redd. eidem xxijd. ob. per ann. BYLLEHAM. Robertus [de]e Barevill tenet in eadem villa di. feod. milit. de feodo de Hoton Painell. FRYKELAY. Radulphus de Normanvill et Alicia de Sancta Maria tenent in eadem villa j feod. de comite Lincolniae. " ex, A. C. I Sancti, C. w Probably Stubbs, now commonly known as Hampole-Stubbs, a small township in the parish of South Kirkby, C. J. " Sir Peter de Rotherfeld, son and heir of Sir Nicholas de Rotherfeld, by Euphemia, daughter and co-heiress of William de Lisle (S. Yorks., ii., 134), was living in 1297 (Stapleton's Trinity Priory, York, 155). y The Balliols were lords of Barnard Castle. * Sir Henry de Vernoil married Agnes, daughter and co-heiress of Swain de Houghton, by whom he had a son Henry (S. Yorks., ii., 128). a Romaries, A. Now Rawmarsh. b In a copy of Kirkby's Inquest seen by Mr. Hunter, instead of John de Wymton appears Will. de Appelforth (S. Yorks., ii., 46). c pro ij feod. milit., A. d Sir William, son of Thomas fitz William, lord of Sprotborough (S. Yorks., i., 336). e de, A. C. WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W. R. 5 SOUTH KYRKEBY. Falco de Bathon, Rogerus de Northwod, Edmundus de Burgo/ et Prior de Sancto Oswaldo tenent eandem villam de feodo de Pontefracto, et nihil certum redd. regi. SOUTH ELMISHALL. Johannes de Cresacre tenet eandem villai de feodo comitis Lincolnive, et nihil certum facit regi. SKYNTHORP.g Thomas Frankh tenet dictam villam de Petro de Malo Lacu pro j feodo. WELES. Prior de Bradelestok tenet eandem villam in puram et perpetuam elemosinam de dono Willelmi [le] Gras,i faciendo inde duos adventus ad castrum de Tikehull. Johannes de HoldbireJ tenet j car. in eadem villa de Thoma Furnivall per idem servitium. BARNEBY SUPER DON. Willelmus de Barneby tenet medietatem ejusdem ville de Petro de Malo Lacu pro di. feod. Adam de Athewyk tenet quartam partem ejusdem villke de Roberto Tebitot pro quarta parte j feodi, et idem Robertus tenet dictam quartam partem de honore de Tikehull. CANTELAY. Prior de Werkesop tenet medietatem ejusdem villve pro di. feodo de feodo Roberti de Everingham qui tenet de rege in capite. Philippus de Vernieles et assignati sui tenent aliam medietatem ejusdem ville pro di. feodo de eodem Roberto, et idem Robertus de rege. LOVERSALLE. Jordanus le Vavasur tenet eandem villam, nomine dotis uxoris sume, de Petro de Malo Lacu pro iiijta parte unins feodi. EDELINGTON. Willelmus le Vavasur tenet eandem villam de Johanne de Percy pro di. feodo. MARE. Willelmus de Hameltonk tenet medietatem ejusdem villse de feodo Adae de Novo Mercato, et dictus Adam de f Burgrave, A. C. g Skinthorpe. " The site of this lost vill has been well ascertained, by Mr. Bower and Mr. Wrightson, to have been in some closes between Cusworth and Newton, where are still certain unevennesses of the surface indicative of buildings having formerly existed in that place " (S. Yorks., ii., 490). h Fuster, A. Franstre, C. Foster (S. Yorks., i., 53). William le Gras gave the manor of Wales to the canons of Bradenstoke, co. Wilts, between 1199 and 1219 (Cott. MS., Vitell., A. xi., fo. 164). J Holdbride, A. Probably John de Horbire. I " Robert de Willoughby, knight, grants to Sir William de Hamilton all his manor of Marr which Sir Adam de Newmarch, his grandfather, gave to Robert, his father, in frank marriage with Margery, his mother, to hold to the said William, rendering yearly one pair of white gloves value one penny " (S. Yorks., i., 360). Sir William de Hamilton is the distinguished statesman and ecclesiastic who, about the date of this Inquest, became archdeacon of York, was afterwards precentor of Beverley, dean of York, and Lord Chancellor of England, and of whom an interesting account may be found in the Memorials of Fountains Abbey (ed. Surt. Soc., i., 188). 6 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. castro de Tikehull. Abbas de Rupe tenet in eadem villa xj bov. terrae de feodo Willelmi filii Thomre, et idem Willelmus de castro praedicto. Willelmus de Langethwayt tenet in eadem villa ij bov. terra de feodo de Fossard. PIKEBURNE. Nicholaus Lyvethl tenet j feod. in eadem villa de Johanne de Vescy, et idem Johannes de Petro de Malo Lacu. HOLGTON MINOR.'n Willelmus le Vavasur et Radulphus de Normanvill tenent eandem villam, et iiijor bov. terrae in Arkesay, pro j feodo de Johanne de Anneslay, et idem Johannes de castro de Tikehull. WYSTAN. Thomas de Furnivall tenet in eadem villa iiijor feoda milit. et di. de Roberto Luterell, et idem Robertus de rege in capite. [ASTON.] Willelmus de Cauntelo (Cantilupe) tenet eandem villam de Thoma Furnivall pro j feodo. TRETTHON, BRAMPTON ET ULLEY. Johannes de Horbire~ tenet medietatem villarum de Tretthon, Brampton et Ulley de Thoma de Furnivall pro j feodo. Ricardus de Bernak tenet aliam medietatem pro di. feodo de eodem Thoma. TOTTEWYK.P Idem Johannes tenet eandem villam de eodem Thoma Furnivall pro uno feodo. SPROTTEBURG. Willelmus filius Thomse tenet eandem villam cum membris de comite Lincolnise pro iij feod. WYKE (RS) LEGH. Hrer' Roberti de Wikerslegh ten' eandem villam de Nicholao Lyvet pro di. feodo, et idem Nicholaus de Benteleyq de honore de Tikehull. TRYBERG. Adam de Normanvillr tenet eandem villam et partem de Bolton, Dalton, et Brinford pro j feodo de Johanne de Halton.* Nicholas Levet, lord of Hooton-Levet.' m Hailton Minor, A. Little Houghton, in the parish of Darfield. For the modern names of nearly all the places mentioned in the text, I must refer my readers, as a general rule, to the Table which I have incorporated with the Index Locorum, where will also be found their names as entered in Domesday Book (edit. 1862), and references to the sheets of the Ordnance Survey on the 6-inch scale. " See p. 9. " On the 3rd Id. March, 1287-8, John de Horebire and Richard de Bernak, knights, presented Ric. de Tidolfside, subdeacon, to the rectory of Treeton (Reg. Romanus, 14). P In the copy of Kirkby's Inquest used by Mr. Hunter, the tenure of Todwick is represented thus: Edmund Wastenes holds one knight's fee of Thomas de Furnival, and he of Geffrey Luterel (S. Yorks., ii., 158).' That is, of the lords of the manor of Bentley (S. Yorks., i., 277). In the 44th Henry III., the king, at the instance of Edmund, his brother, granted to Ralph de Normanville free warren in all his demesne lands at Thribergh, Dalton, and Brinsworth. * Dalton, A. A clerical error for Johanne de Hoton. See p. 10. WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W.R. 7 WYNTWORTH. Adam de Novo Mercato et Willelmus le Flemmyng tenent eandem villam; et pars dicti Willelmi tenetur de feodo de Skypton, et pars dicti Adae de honore de Tikehull. BRAMPTON JUXTA WATH. Willelmus le Flemmyng tenet medietatem ejusdem villke de honore de Skypton. Prior de Bretton [tenet]t aliam medietatem ejusdem villse de honore de Tikehull, pro qua facit duos adventus ad wapentagium de Tikehull. WAMBEWELL. Johannes de Wambewell tenet in eadem villa iiijtam partem j feodi de Willelmo le Flemmyng, et idem Willelmus de feodo de Skypton. SWYNTON. Thomas de Monteney tenet medietatem ejusdem ville de Roberto de Tibbethorpe pro vjta parte feodi j milit., et idem Robertus tenet de castro de Tikehull. HOTON LYVETH. Nicholaus Lyvet tenet eandem villam de Johanne [de] Vesey pro j feodo milit. MORNI(.N)G." Johannes de Morni(n)g et Petrus de Rodes tenent eandem villam de domino Johanne comite Warenni pro di. feodo milit.' REDDITUS ASSIZ2E REGI DEBITUS IN EODEM WAPENTAGIO. HOTON PAINEL. Robertus Luterel pro Hoton Painel, quam de rege tenet in capite, j marc. pro fine wap., et de auxilio vicecomitis xijd. ob, STUBBES LACY. Robertus de Pontefracto pro Stubbes-Lacy, quam tenet de comite Lincolniae, xijd. pro eodem fine, et iijd. de eodem auxilio. HIKYLTON. Petrus de Rorefeldw pro Hikylton, quam tenet de domino Castri Barnardi, xs. de eodem fine. WATH. Willelmus [le] Flemmyng pro Wath, quam tenet de rege in capite, di. marc. de eodem fine, et ijs. jd.x de eodem auxilio. MAGNA HAULGTON. Henricus [de] Vernoele pro Magna Haulgton, quam tenet de Roberto Luterell, ijs. pro eodem fine, et xijd. ob.Y de eodem auxilio. t tenet, A. C. U Morthen, in the parish of Rotherham. v In addition to the places named above, the copy of this Inquest which formerly belonged to Mr. Wilson, of Broomhead Hall, appears to have contained an entry relating to Auckley. Mr. Hunter says: "In Kirkby's Inquest, Nicholas de St. Elena and Alice Touke are returned as holding of the Moubrays a knight's fee in Finningley and Alkley, at the rent of two marks; and, in the Nomina Villarum, Walter Touke is returned lord of Alkley " (S. Yorks., i., 80). " See note x, p. 4. " xijs., A. y A. omits ob. 8 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. ROMARIES. Johannes de Anneslay, Stephanus de Bella Aqua et Johannes [de]z Wimpton pro Romareis, quam tenent de Edmundo de Eyncort, simul cum parte de Wambewell quae vocatur Seinte Marie Fe,a vjs. vjd. de eodem fine. MoRHOUs.! Johannes de Vescy pro Morhous, quam tenet de feodo de Hoton, ijs. viijd. pro eodem fine, et vjd. ob. de eodem auxilio. BILLEHAM. Robertus de Barevill pro di. feodo, quod tenet in eadem villa de Hoton Painell, ijs. vijd.c pro eodem fine, et iiijd.d de eodem auxilio. FRIKELAY. Radulphus de Normanvill et Alicia de Sancta Maria pro j feodo,e quod tenent de comite Lincolnia, vjd. ob. de eodem auxilio. SKYNTHORP. Thomas Fransf pro Skynthorp, quam tenet de Petro de Malo Lacu, xijd. pro eodem fine, et ijd. de eodem auxilio. MALTEBY. Isabella et Idonea de Veteri Ponte pro villa de Malteby, quam tenent de castro de Tikehull, ijs. ijd. pro eodem fine, et vjd. q. de eodem auxilio. BARNEBY SUPER DON. Willelmus de Barneby pro medietate dictse villae, quam tenet de Petro de Malo Lacu, ijs. pro eodem fine, et viijd. ob. [de eodem]9 auxilio. Adam de Atewyk pro iiijtah parte ejusdem villse de Barneby, quam tenet de Roberto Tebitot, xd. pro eodem fine, et iiijd. de eodem auxilio. Ricardus Foliot pro quadam parte ejusdem ville, quam tenet de Willelmo le Vavasur, iiijs. de eodem fine. CANTELAY. Prior de Werkesop pro medietate ejusdem villse, quam tenet de feodo Roberti de Everingham, iiijs. pro eodem fine. Johannesi de Verneoles pro alia medietate ejusdem villae, quam tenet de eodem Roberto, ijs. pro eodem fine. LOVERSALE. Jordanus le Vavasur pro villa de Loversale, quam tenet de Petro de Malo Lacu, xvijd. ob. pro eisdem fine et auxilio. HOLAN(D)j ANSTIN.1 Medietas ejusdem villse, quwe tenetur de Roberto Tebethorp, xijd. pro eodem fine, et viijd. de auxilio vicecomitis. Willelmus [le] Flemmyng pro iiijta parte ejusdem villwe, quam tenet de feodo de Skypton, vjd. pro eodem fine. z de, A. C. a Jordan de Sancta Maria gave land in Wombwell to the canons of Healaugh. b Moorhouse, a hamlet in the parish of iooton-Pagnell, J. S.' A. and C. omit vijd. d iijd., A. duobus feod., A. f See note h, p. 5. g de eodem, A. C. h tertia parte, C. Philippus, A. C. See p. 5. i Hoyland, in the parish of Wath upon Dearne (S. Yorks., ii., 100). * I am unable to identify Anstin. WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W. R. 9 EDLINGTON. Willelmus le Vavasur pro Edlington, quam tenet de Johanne de Percy, xjd. de eodem auxilio ad Pascha, et ad festum Sancti Michaelis. BRODESWORTH. Marmaducus Darell pro medietate ejusdem ville, quam tenet de feodo de Malteby, [ijs. pro eodem fine, et xvd. de eodem auxilio].Z Willelmus le Vavasur pro alia medietate ejusdem villke, ijs. pro eodem fine, et xvjd.1 de eodem auxilio. PIKEBURN. Nicholaus Lyveth pro di. feodo, quod tenet in eadem villa de Pikeburn de Johanne de Vescy, ijs. vjd. pro eodem fine, et vd.? de eodem auxilio. WADDEWORTH. Petrus de Waddeworth pro iiijta parte j feodi, quam tenet de feodo de Fossard, ijs. pro eisdem fine et auxilio vicecomitis. HOTON ROBERT. Henricus de Tunneslowe pro di. feodo, quod tenet in eadem villa de castro de Tikehull, vs. pro wardefe, xd. pro fine wap., vjd. de eodem auxilio, [et] iiijd. pro waytmete. Robertus filius Willelmi de Hoton pro alia medietate ejusdem villae, quam tenet de eodem castro de Tikehull, vs. pro wardefe, xd. pro eodem fine, vjd. de auxilio vicecomitis, et iiijd. pro waytmete. HALTON MINOR. Willelmus le Vavasur et Radulphus de Normanvill pro eadem villa et iiijor bov. terrae in Arkesay, quas tenent de Johanne de Anneslay, iijs. xd. pro wardefe, xijd. pro fine wap., et ixd. de eodem auxilio vicecomitis. ASTON. Willelmus de Canteloo pro Aston, quam tenet [de] Thoma Furnivall, vs. pro prnedicto fine, et xvjd. ob. de eodem auxilio. TRETTON, BRAMPTON [ET] ULLAY. Johannes de Horbire pro medietate villarum de Tretthon, Brampton et Ullay, quam tenet de Thoma de Furnivall, vjs. viijd. pro eodem fine. Ricardus de Barnack pro alia medietate, quam tenet de eodem Thoma, xxviijd. pro eodem fine. TOTEWYK. Johannes de Horbire pro Totewyk, quam tenet de eodem Thoma, vjs. viijd. pro eodem fine, et viijd. de eodem auxilio. HANDESWORTH. Thomas de Furnivall pro medietate ejusdem villae, xvjd.P de eodem auxilio. MELTON LE HEYG. Willelmus de Cressy et Willelmus de ijs. pro eodem fine, et xvd. de eodem auxilio, C.' xvd., A. C. n vs., A. ~ William de Cantilupe married the daughter and heiress of Osbert de Arches, who had a charter of free warren at Aston, 41st Henry III. (S. Yorks., ii., 161. Cal. Rot. Chart., 86). P xvijd., A. C. 10 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Sancto Georgio pro Melton le Heg, quam tenent de castro de Tikehull, vs. xjd. pro eisdem fine et auxilio, et xd.q wardefe. KYMBERWORTH. Domina de Leyburn pro villa de Kymberworth, quam tenet de castro de Tikehull, xxd. pro eodem fine. WYKERLEGH. Robertusr de Wykerlegh pro Wykerlegh, quam ten' de Nicholao Lyveth, xijd. pro eodem fine, et vjd. ob. de eodem auxilio, et xs. pro wardefe. TRIBERG. Adam de Normanvill pro Triberg, quam tenet de Johanne de Hoton, iiijs. pro eodem fine. WYNTEWORTH. Adam de Nymarch5 et Willelmus le Flemmyng pro Wynteworth, quam tenent de feod. de Skypton et Tikehull, vjd. de eodem auxilio. TAMBEWELL. Johannes de Wambewell pro iiijta parte j feodi in eadem villa, quam tenet de Willelmo le Flemmyng, et pro alia medietate quse tenetur de Willelmo Wythington, xvjd. ob. pro eodem fine. Et [pro]t quarta parte ejusdem villae, quam Johannes de Cressacre tenet de libertate de Tikehull, ixd. BOLTON.U Willelmus de Bella Aqua pro medietate de Bolton, quam tenet de Adam de Novo Mercato, xviijd. pro eodem fine, et xvijd. ob. de eodem auxilio. Idem Willelmus pro alia medietate, quam tenet de Adam de Normanvill, viijd. de [eodem] v auxilio vicecomitis. TYRINSCO.W Abbas de Rupe pro medietate ejusdem villae, et Willelmus de Barneby pro alia medietate ejusdem villae, quas tenent de Roberto Luterell, vjd. de eodem fine, et iiijd. de q xs., C. HUer' Roberti de Wykerle, A. Hleredes Roberti de Wikerle, C. See p. 6. Newmarch, or de Novo Mercato. See p. 7.' pro, A. " The historian of " South Yorkshire," in his description of Bolton-uponDearne, says (vol. i., p. 381), " that it appears not to have been the site of one single Saxon, surrounded by his villains and borderers, but of four different lords, whose names, in the time of the Confessor, were Osulf, Ligulf, Turchil, and Ernui. In the new distribution which took place at the Conquest, Osulf's portion was given to De Busli, and the rest to William de Perci. Before the date of Domesday, Percy had placed two subinfeudatories in all his lands in this part of the kingdom; viz., Malger in Edlington and Barnby; and Rozeline in Bolton, Thribergh, and Dalton." That Mr. Hunter has, in this account, mistaken the entry in Domesday Book relating to Bolton Percy in the Ainsty for that referring to Bolton-upon-Dearne,-both of which formed part of the great possessions of William de Perci, and are described on the same page of that record (Domesday Book, edit. 1862, p. 48), but in different columns,-will, I think, be evident by comparing the entries there given with the Recapitulatio (Ibid., pp. 81 b, 82 b), and also with the Clamores (Ibid., p. 79), where "Homines de Anestig wapentac. testificant [quod] in Bodeltune habet Willelmus de Perci v car. de terra Ligulf." Moreover, the eight carucates which Ligulf, Turchil, and Ernui held in Bodetonupon-Dearne, according to Mr. Hunter, is the precise quantity allotted to Bolton Percy in Kirkby's Inquest: another instance of "the exact correspondency of those two noble records." v eodem, A. "' Tornusco, A. Now Thurnscoe. WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W.R. 11 eodem auxilio. Prior de Sancto Oswaldo pro quadam" parte ejusdem villae, quam tenet de Adam de Novo Marcato, et Robertus de Stutevill pro iiijor bov. terram, quas tenet in eadem villa de Roberto Luterell, xijd. pro eodem fine, et iiijd. de eodem auxilio. STAINTON. Johannes le Buteler pro Stainton, quam tenet de castro de Tikehull, xvjd. de eodem auxilio, ijs. vjd. pro eodem fine, xs.y pro wardefe, et viijd. pro waytmete. RIKNILDTHORP. AdamZ Salvain pro medietate ejusdem villae, quam tenet de castro de Tikehull, vd. de eodem auxilio, xxd. de eodem fine, xs. pro wardefe, et viijd. pro waytmete. [Walterus le Chambleyn pro una car. terrae, quam tenet in eadem villa de feodo de Midenhall (?), viijd. pro eodem fine]." Thomas de Furnivall pro iiijta parte j feodi, quam tenet in eadem villa de [castro de]b Tikehull, xxd. pro eodem fine, et vd.c pro eodem auxilio vicecomitis. SWINTON. Thomas de Munteny pro medietate villae de Swinton, quam tenet de Roberto Tibitot, xiiijd. pro wardefe, et vijd. pro fine [wap].d HOTON LYVETH. Nicholaus Lyveth pro Hoton Lyveth, quam tenet de Johanne de Vesey, ijs. vjd.e pro eodem fine, et vijd. ob.f de eodem auxilio. RAFNEFELD. Robertus de Saundeby pro duabus partibus ejusdem villse, quas tenet de rege, iijs. iiijd. ob. pro eisdem fine, auxilio, waytmete et pro wardefe. GRISSEBROK. Thomas Barbot pro medietate ejusdem villue, quam tenet de Tikehull, xxd. pro eodem fine, et vjd. de eodem auxilio, iiijs. iijd. ob.g pro wardefe. [HAMPOLL LUTERELL]. ijs. pro fine wapentagii. MAGNA HAILGTON. Henricus de Vernoyle pro Magna Hailgton, quam tenet de Roberto Luterell, ijs. pro eodem fine, et xijd. ob. de eodem auxilio. SCHIPENESi STODFOLD. Eadem villa tenetur de Petro [de] iiijta, A. Y xd., A. Rad. de Salvain, A. C. See p. 3. a Walterus le Chambleyn pro una car. terrae quam tenet in eadem villa de feodo de Midenhall [Sudenhall, C.], viijd. pro eodem fine, A. C. b castro de, A. * vjd. de eodem, A. d viijd. pro fine wap., C. e iijs. vjd., A. C. f vjd. pro, A. C. g iiijs. iiijd. pro wardefe, A. h Hampoll Luterell, A. C. The York MS. has "Hanapol burell" erroneously. I Shippenes seems to have been a manor without a vill, and of very indefinite extent, but lying in the western part of the parish of Hooton-Paynel (S. Yorks., ii., 152). j Stotfold. " A single farm-house, in the same parish, which has still the air of having been one of the old gentilhommeries of England " (Ibid.). 12 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Cestriak et redd. viijd. de eodem auxilio, et xijd. pro fine praedicto, et iiijs. pro wardefe. DENIGBY. Johannes le Vavasur pro eadem villa, Newhall, et vj bov. terrse et di. in Mekesburg, quas tenet de castro de Tikehull, xs. pro wardefe, xijd. de eodem auxilio, et xxd. pro fine praedicto, et viijd. pro waytmete. Idem Johannes pro Newhale, iiijs. nomine wardefe, et pro Mekesburg, ijs. pro eodem. WYTSTAN. Thomas de Furnivall pro iiijor feod. et di., qune tenet in eadem villa de Roberto Luterell, ijs. jd. SPROTTEBURG. Willelmus filius Thompe pro Sproteburg cum membris, quam tenet de comite Lincolnise, xijs. ad Natalem Sancti Johannis Baptistae pro wardefe ad castrum de Tikehull, et xijs. iiijd. pro eodem die Sancti Thomae Apostoli ante Natalem, et vjd. ob. de auxilio praedicto die Paschae, et vjd. ob. pro fine praedicto ad festum Sancti Michaelis, et xxvd. pro eodem fine die Purificationis. BENTELEY. Robertusl Tibbethofte pro Bentelay, quam tenet de castro de Tikehull, xxs. pro wardefe ad Natalem Sancti Johannis, et xxs. pro eodem die Sancti Thomae Apostoli ante Natalem, et vjs. xd. pro fine praedicto, et iijs. de eodem auxilio, et ijs. viijd. pro waytmete. k Supposed to have been an illegitimate son of one of the Lacies, Earls of Chester (Fasti Ebor., i., 321). Johannes, A. See p. 3. WAPENTAGIUM DE STAINCLYFE. SKYPTON. Villa cum castro est in manu regis tamquam dominicum suum; et sunt in eadem xij car. terrae, quarum sex et di. sunt in dominico regis, et v et di. tenentur de rege; et qualibet car. prwedictarum v et di. redd. per ann. ad finer wap. iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est per ann. xxd. ob. SKYBDON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrve qune tenentur de rege in bondagio; quarum qunlibet car. redd. per ann. ad prwedictum finem iijd. ob. q. Summa xjd. q. SIGLESDON. In eadem villa sunt ix car. terrse que tenentur de rege in bondagio; quarum quelibet car. redd. [ad finem] praedictum iijd. ob. q. per ann. Summa xxxiijd. ob. q. STRETTON CUM TORLEBY. In eadem villa sunt x car. terra quae tenentur de rege et domino castri: quarum una car. dudum assignata fuit per predecessor' comitis Albem'b ad missas celebrandas imperpetuum in capella castri de Skipton; et pro residuis ix car. nullum fit servitium de quo fit mentio in praedictis inquisitionibus. DRAYTHON ET BEREWIC.C In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terrae quae tenentur de rege et domino castri, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xiiijd.d BRINSALL CUM THORP. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae; quarum duae tenentur de rege et domino castri, et una de Priore de Boulton; et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. CONDELEY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de rege et domino castri; et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem predictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. HERTELING [TON]. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de rege et domino castri, et qualibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. ADINGHAM. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur " This wapentake has been collated with MSS. A. and B. " In a charter of Inspeximus, dated in 1512, Henry Lord Clifford mentions " certain evidences belonging to my free chappell of John Evangelist within ye castell of ye foundacyon of ye Erle of Albemarle" (Hist. Craven, p. 347). " The two farms of East and West Berwick are about a mile from the village of Draughton. d xvd., B. 14 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. de rege et domino castri, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. RILSTON. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae qune tenentur de rege et castro praedicto, et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem predictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xviijd. ob. FLASCEBY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae qune tenentur de rege et domino castri praedicti; quarum Willelmus Greindorgee tenet iiijor car. et unam bov., et idem Willelmus redd. per ann. ad finem pradictum iiijs. pro tota villa. COLLING. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quet teenntur de rege et castro praedicto, et qunelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem prsedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. HALTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de rege et castro praedicto, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. HESTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae qune tenentur de rege, et qumelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. MORTON CUM WEST MORTON. In eisdem villis sunt xj car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est iijs. vd. q. KYLDEWYK. In eadem villa est j car. [terrae]f quam Prior de Bolton tenet in puram et perpetuam elemosinam a tempore unde non extat memoria, et nullum inde fit servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. EMMESAY CUM ESTEBY. In eadem villa9 sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vijd. oh. SUTTON. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vijd. ob. BRADELEY [CUM] ALTERO BRADELEY.^ In eisdem villis sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. CONYSTON IN KETTELWELL[DALE]. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. HAUKESWYK CUM OULECOTES.i In eisdem villis sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. e Grandorge, Granordei, or Grano hordei (Hist. Craven, p. 186). f terrse, A. g eisdem villis, A. Upper and Lower Bradley, sometimes called Both Bradleys. There is now no place of this name. Old Cote Moor extends from two to three miles N.W. of Hawkswick. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W.R. 15 CRACHHOU. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terre qua tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem predictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. APELTREWYK CUM WODEHOUS. In eisdem villis sunt iij car. terre quae tenentur de rege, et qumelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem pruedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. OTTERBURN. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem pruedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa [est] xjd. q. HELEFEUD CUM NEUTON.J In eisdem villis sunt iiij~r car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xvd. HETON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae qune tenentur de rege, et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem predictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxijd. ob. HEVENLYTH. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann., ut supra; unde summa xjd. q. SCOTHORP. In eadem villa sunt vjk car. terrae que tenentur de rege, et quaelibet car. redd. per ann., ut supra; unde summa xjd. q. AYRTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terre que tenentur de rege, et qualibet car. redd. per ann., ut supra; unde summa xxijd. ob. CARLETON CUM LOTHERESTON.t In eisdem villis sunt vj car. terrae queu tenentur de rege, et redd. per ann. ad finem predictum iiijs. STIvETON CUM ESTBURN. In eisdem villis sunt iij car. terre quae tenentur de rege, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iiijs. viijd. NEUTON.m In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terrae, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. BRAYCEWELL CUM STOK. In eisdem villis sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de rege, et quelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xjd. q. SLAITBURN. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de regen in capite, et nullum factum servitium de quo fit mentio in praedictis inquisitionibus. BROYTHON CUM ESTLAC. In eisdem villis sunt xviij car. j Little Newton, near Long Preston. " k tres car., A. iij car., B. I Lotheresden, A. Now called Lothersdale, a deep secluded valley, with many scattered houses. * Bank Newton, in the parish of Gargrave. " quas comes Line' tenet de rege, A. B. 16 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. terrae: de quibus Prior de Pontefracto tenet j car. de rege et proedicto castro in puram elemosinam a tempore regis J. et nihil redd.; et ecclesia de Broython dotata est de di. car. a tempore ejusdem regis; et Alanus de Catherton tenet iij car. de Philippo de Kyme, et Philippus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite, et redd. per ann. ad finem wap. ijs., scilicet, pro qualibet car. viijd.; et residuae ix car. et di. tenentur de rege et de prsedicto castro, et qunelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxxvd. ob. q. KIGHLEY CUM HAMELETTIS LACKAC, UTTELEY, HAKEWRITH ET NEUSUM. In eadem villa cum hamelettis praedictis sunt xj car terrae; quarum ix sunt de feodo castri de Skypton, et ij sunt de feodo de Cantelue, quas dominuso de Kighley tenet de Abbate de Kirkestall, et idem Abbas de Milisenta de Cantilupo, et eadem Milisent de rege in capite; et quaelibet car. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijd. ob. q.; unde summa est xxxiijd. ob. q. GERGRAVE. In eadem villa sunt xviij car. terrae; de quibus x car. et di. sunt de feodo castri; et residue vij et di.q sunt de feodo de Percy, quas Johannes de Dayvill tenet; et nullum [fit] inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. CONISTON IN CRAVENE. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; quarum iij sunt de feodo de Percy; et residuae iij car. terrae sunt de feodo castri praedicti, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xiijd. ob.;S [et aliae iij car. de feodo praedicti castri redd. ad eundem finem xiijd. ob.]t ESYNGTON. In eadem villa est una car. terrae quam Adam de Wannervill tenet de comite Lincolniae, et idem comes de rege, et nihil redd. NEUTON" IN BOGHELAND CUM BATERSBY. In eisdem villis sunt iijv car. terrae: quarum comes Lincolniae tenet j car. et ij bov. terrae de rege in capite; et Elias de. Cornlayw tenet iiijor bov. terrae, et Alanus de Neuton ij bov. terrae, de praedicto comite, et idem comes de rege in capite, et nihil redd. o Ricardus, A. P Milisent de Cantilupo, eldest daughter of William de Cantilupo, and coheir to her brother George, married, first, John de Monte Alto, who died s. p., and, secondly, Eudo la Zouch of Ashby, co. Leic. (Dugd. Bar., i., 527, 731). The Inq. p. m. of Milisenta de Monte Alto was taken in the 27th Edward I., when William la Zouch was found to be her son and heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 571). See Bingley. Q vj et di., A. r fit, A. 5 xijd., A. B. t et aliae iij car. de feodo praedicti castri redd. ad eundem finem xiij oh., A. B. Newton-on-Hodder, in the parish of Slaidburn. v ij car., A.' He is called Thorneley in the Inquisition of the 31st Edward I. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 17 BRADFORD. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terra quas comes Lincolniae tenet de rege, et nihil redd. MITTON CUM WYTHEKILL. In eisdem villis sunt iij car. terrae quas Radulfus de Mitton tenet de comite Lincolniae, et comes de rege, et nihil redd. WADINGTON. In eadem villa est j car. terrse quam Rogerus Tempest tenet de comite Lincolniae, et comes de rege, et nihil redd. GRUNLINGTON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrse quas comes Lincolnise tenet de rege et nihil redd. BACSOLVE.$ In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quas comes Lincolniae tenet de rege et nihil redd. AMERTON ET RISTONY In eisdem villis est j car. terrae quam Radulfusz Amerton tenet de praedicto comite, et comes de rege, et nihil redd. PATHORN. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae qume tenentur de Roberto Nevyll, et idem Robertus de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem wap. praedicti xijd. HALTON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terre: quarum dominus de Halton tenet xiija bov. terrae de haeredibus de Mohoud, et haeredes de Mohoud de haeredibus de Swinden, et iidem haeredes de Roberto Nevill, et Robertus de haeredibus de Percy, et Percy de rege; [et] Willelmus de Oswaltonc tenet ij bov. terrme, et Robertus de Halton ix bov., de Ricardo de Halton, et idem Ricardus de aliis, ut supra; et redd. ad finem praedictum xijd. SWYNDEN. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae [et di.]d quas Robertus de Brakanbergh tenet de Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. HORTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae: quarum Johannes Steling' tenet ij bov. terrae de hospitali Sancti Leonardi, [et Robertus]e de Boulton vj bov. terrae de eodem hospitali; et residuum tenetur de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de Percy de rege in capite; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vjd. PATENALL CUM WEST PATENALL. In eisdem [villis]f sunt vj car. terrae: quarum Johannes [de] Bolton tenet iijs bov. terrae de hospitali Sancti Leonardi Ebor., et haeredes Roberti de Bashall, in the parish of Mitton. Y I am unable to identify this place. * Ricardus de, A. a xiiij bov., B. bet, A. c Estwalton, A. d et di., A. B. e et Robertus, A. f villis, A. g ij bov., A. C 18 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Godileburghh viij bov. terrue, et Willelmus Prut j bov. terrae, de eodem hospitali; et residuum tenetur de heredibus de Percy, [et Percy]i de rege: et tota villa redd. per ann. ad finem preedictum ixd.i [NEUSOM ET NAPPAY. In eisdem villis sunt iiijor car. terre: quarum Magister hospitalis Sancti Leonardi Ebor. tenet ij car. terrae et vij bov. terrae a tempore regis J., et redd. nihil; et residuum tenetur de h1er' de Percy, et idem hber' ten' de rege, et redd. per ann. ad finem ixd.]. MALHUM. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terre: unde Abbas de Fontibus tenet j car. terrse, quam Matilda comitissal dedit ad lumina ecclesime de Fontibus, a tempore regis Ricardi, et nihil redd.; idemque Abbas tenet iij car. terrae de haeredibus de Percy, etm redd. ad finem prsedictum xijd.: et Prior de Boulton tenet ij car. terrse; quarum una tenetur in dominico de Willelmo Mauleverer, et idem Willelmus de castro praedicto, et idem [Willelmus]o redd. pro eadem car. ad finem prsedictum iijd. ob. q.; et altera car. terrue tenetur de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de rege in capite, et nullum fit [inde]P servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. GISILBRUN CUM HAMELETTO DE WESTBY. In eadem villa cum hameletto [praedicto]q sunt iiijor car. terrae: de quibus ecclesia dotata est de una car. terrae; et ij car. terrae tenentur de haeredibus de Percy, quarum unam car. tenet Abbas de Sallay, et aliam car. tenet Walterus de Doningtonr de monialibus de Apilton, et eaedem moniales de eisdem haredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege, et nihil redd. Willelmus Dilkoskin' tenet in Westby j car. terrae de praedictis haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege, et dat ad finem wap. iiijd.t MIDHOPP. In eadem villa est una car. terrae quam Robertus" de Rimington et Agnes uxor ejus tenent de haeredibus de Percy, [et] iidem haeredes de rege in capite, et dant ad finem praedictum xijd. h Goldesburgh, B. i et Percy, A. i xvijd. ob., A. B. A Neusom et Nappay. In eisdem villis sunt iiijor car. terrae: quarum Magister hospitalis Sancti Leonardi Ebor. tenet ij car. terree et vij bov. terrse a tempore regis J., et redd. nihil; et residuum tenetur de hoer' de Percy, et idem hber' ten' de rege, et redd. per ann. ad finem ixd., A. B. Matilda, countess of Warwick, daughter and co-heiress of William de Percy, by Adelidis de Tunbridge (Dugd. Bar., i., 270).'" et Percy reddit, A. " xjd., A. o Willelmus, A. P inde, A. q praedicto, A. Willelmus de Benington, A. In the 31st Edward I., Walter de Rimington held here one carucate of the nuns of Appleton. * Ribbeston, A. Dilloskin, B. William de Ribstan and Godith his wife held one carucate in Westby in the 31st Edward I. I ijd., B. " Rogerus, B. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 19 RIMINGTON CUM HOLGILL, GACEGILL, NEUBY ET ARNALDBYGING. In eisdem villis sunt nover car. terrae quas Willelmus de Wolfesv tenet de Alano de Kaderton, et idem Alanus de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de rege in capite, et dant ad finem praedictum iiijs. LITTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae: de quibus Abbas de Fontibus tenet iiijor car. terrae et di. in puram elemosinam de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; et Agnes de Bressenayw tenet ij bov. terrae de domo Sancti Leonardi, et illa de haeredibus de Percy, et nullum fit [inde]x servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. THORNETON CUM EVERBY ET KELBROK. In eisdem villis sunt xij car. terrae: unde ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae; et Willelmus Kyngge tenet j bov. terrae de hospitio Sancti Johannis de antiquo feoffamento; et residuum tenet Philippusy de Kymbe de hseredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de Percy de rege; et redd. ad finem praedictum vs. vjd. KETELWELL CUM STAUERBOT. In eisdem villis sunt viijz car. terrae: de quibus Elyas de Knoll tenet ij car. terrae de Roberto de Grey et Abbate de Coverham, et iidem Robertus et Abbas de Osberto de Archis, et haer' de Archis ten' de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; et residuae vj car. terrae, quarum Abbas de Coverham tenet iij car. terrae, et Robertus de Grey alias iij car., tenentur de haeredibus de Archis, et iidem heredes de praedictis haeredibus de Percy: et tota villa redd. ad finem praedictum iiijs. BUCKEDEN. In eadem villa est j car. terrae: unde Elyas de Knoll tenet di. car. de haeredibus de Percy; et Elias de Buckeden tenet alteram di. car. terrae de praedictis haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite. Et praedicti Elias et Elias invenient iiijor forestarios in Langestrother, et nullum aliud faciunt inde servitium de quo fit mentio in [praedictis]a inquisitionibus. GERSINGTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae: de quibus Robertus de Plumton tenet v car. et di. de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haredes de rege in capite; et Thomas Botte tenet di. car. de praedicto Roberto de Plumton, et idem Robertus de praedictis haeredibus de Percy. LINTON. In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terrae quas Johannes de Treycotes5 et uxor sua tenent de Roberto le Grey, et idem t Roffes, A. " Gressenay, A. Brossenay, B. inde, A. B. Y Johannes, B. Z xij car., A. a praedictis, A. b Craicottes, B. John de Draycotes and Isabella his wife presented Robert de Swynlington, deacon, to one mediety of the rectory of Linton in 1279 (Reg. Wickwaine, 6 b). c2 20 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Robertus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem hweredes de rege in capite; et redd. ad finem prsedictum ijs. ARNECLYFE. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae: quarum Abbas de Fontibus tenet j car. in puram et perpetuam elemosinam de Elia de Knoll, et idem Elias de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege,c et nihil redd.; et ecclesia dotata est de ij bov. terrae; et residune iij car. terrae et vj bov. tenentur de Alicia de Buckeden, et eadem Alicia de Elia de Knoll, et idem Elias de haeredibus de Brakenberg, et iidem haeredes de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege; et nullum inde fit servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. THRESFELD. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terre: quarum Abbas de Fontibus tenet j car. in puram elemosinam de Elia de Thresfeld; et residuas ij car. terrae tenet [idem]d Elias de Henrico [de] Amerton, et Henricus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite. Et dat villa pruedicta ad praedictum finem xijd. HEBDEN. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terre quas Willelmus filius Willelmic de Ebor. tenet de Abbate de Fontibus, et idem " de rege in capite, A. d idem, A.` This William was the son and heir of Sir Nicholas de Ebor., brother to William, provost of Beverley and bishop of Salisbury. Without vouching for its accuracy, I place on record the following scrap of genealogy which, with other curious matter, is appended to a MS. copy of the Reg. Honor. de Richmond., written temp. Hen. VIII., now in the possession of the Rev. Canon Raine, of York: —" Memorandum quod fuit quidam, nomine Willelmus, filius Symonis de Hebden in Craven, qui genuit filiam Elenam, nuptam primo Roberto de Chamblayn, de quibus exiit Robertus Chamblayn, junior, qui obiit sine prole. Mortuo vero prsedicto Roberto, seniori, prsedicta Elena secundo nupta fuit cuidam Nicholao de Ebor., fratri Willelmi Whitte (?). De quibus Nicholao et Elena exiit Willelmus secundus, vocatus Willelmus filius Nicholai de Ebor., qui fuit dominus de Hebden in anno Domini millesimo ccm~ iiijxx vjto. Et de eodem Willelmus exiit dominus Willelmus de Hebden, tertius. Quo mortuo Willelmus Hebden iiijtu%, miles, filius et h&eres dicti domini Willelmi, militis, successi in haereditatem. Qui Willelmus iiijt"s fuit sub custodia et warda Ade Ravenesword, quondam Abbatis de Fontibus, domini sui. Qui quidem Abbas dedit eidem Willelmo in uxorem Isabellam filiam Willelmi de Yeland de episcopatu Dunelm. De isto Willelmo iiijto exiit Ricardus de Hebden filius suus et haeres. Et de dicto Ricardo exiit dominus Ricardus de Hebden, secundus, miles, quem Walterus Abbas de Fontibus recuperavit de Petronilla matre sua in curia domini Regis Edwardi secundi, anno regni ejusdem xvijo. Cujus wardam et maritagium dictus Abbas dedit cuidam Galfrido, et ille Galfridus maritavit ipsum Ricardum cum filia domini Galfridi Luttrell." Sir Richard de Hebden, son and heir of the last-mentioned Richard, married Joan, widow of John Chaumond, esq., of Colton in the Ainsty, and daughter and heiress of Richard de Wateby, bailiff of York in 1356-7, and mayor in 1365, by whom he had two sons, Thomas, dean of the coll. church of Auckland and rector of Welton, etc. (Durham Wills, i., 82), and John, who succeeded to Hebden. Sir Richard died about 1385, and was buried in the church of St. John the Evangelist, near Ouse Bridge. His widow re-married William Newsom, Esq., WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 21 Abbas de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. WIKLESWORTH. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terr.e: quarum Adam de Wickeldf tenet ij car. terrwe de Abbate de Fontibus, et Abbas de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; et Adam filius Adae de eadem tenet vj bov. terrae de Ada de Berwyke, et Adam de Abbate prwedicto, et Abbas de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de haeredibus de Percy; et Elias de Knoll tenet [blank] g car. terrae de Ada de Wiclesworth, et Adam de Abbate praedicto, et Abbas de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; et Magister Militiae Templi tenet ij bov. terrae de Ada filio Adae, [et Adam de Ada]h de Berwyk, et idem Adam de Abbate pradicto, ut supra: et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs. PRESTON. In eadem villa sunt sex car. terrae: quarum ecclesia dotata est de j car.; et iij car. terrme et xj bov. tenentur tam de Ricardo Brus quam de heredibus de Percy, et iidem heredes de rege; et quinque bov. terrae tenentur de Abbate de Sallay, et idem Abbas de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege: et redd. ad finem predictum iiijs. SETILL. In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terrae: quarum una car. et v bov. terrme tenentur de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege; et Willelmus [filius]i Ranulphi tenet unam bov. terrae de hospitali Sancti Johannis; et residuas ij car. et j bov. tenent praefati haeredes de Percy de rege in capite: et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio [in praedictis inquisitionibus]. GICLESWIK CUM HAMELETTO STACHUS. In eadem villa sunt iiij~r car. terrae: quarum heredes de Percy tenent ij car. terrae de rege in capite; et ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae; et Stephanus Scott tenet di. car. terrae de heredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege; [et Abbas de Furn' tenet j car. terrae in Stachus de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege]:k et redd. ad finem praedictum xvd. LANCLIFF. In eadem villa sunt dua car. terrae quas Abbas by whom she had two daughters, Joan, first the wife of Richard Wandesford, esq., of Calais, and afterwards of John Fytling, merchant, of Hull; and Matilda, the wife of Sir John Hotham, knight, of Scorborough. "Joan Hebbeden, relict of William Newsom, of York," died in 1427, and was buried in the above church of St. John. f Wickeleswourth, A. g di. car., A. j car., B. * et Adam de Ada, A. i filius, A. B. i in praedictis inquisitionibus, A. k et Abbas de Furn' tenet j car. terrse in Stachus de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege, A. B. 22 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. de Sallay tenet de hoeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege; et solebant reddere ad finem preedictum xviijd.,l et nunc nihil solvunt. STAINFORTH CUM ALTERO STAINFORTH. In eisdem villis sunt iiijor car. terrue: quarum Abbas de Sallay tenet j car. terrae et vj bov. terrse de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege; et Constantinus Fauvell et Alicia uxor ejus tenent x bov. terrae de Willelmo Mauleverer, et Willelmus de Radulpho de Normanvill, et Radulphus de haeredibus de Percy, et hzeredes de Percy de rege in capite; et Robertus de Stainfort tenet di. car. terrze de Radulpho de Normanvill, et Radulphus ut supra; et Abbas de Derham tenet j bov. terrae de Willelmo Mauleverer, et Willelmus de Radulpho de Normanvill, et Radulphus ut supra. KIRKEBY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae: quarum ecclesia dotata est de ij bov. terrae; et x bov. terrae tenentur de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege; et residuae xij bov. tenentur de Alicia de Buckeden, et eadem Alicia de dictis haeredibus de Percy. CALTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae: de quibus iiijor car. sunt de feodo castri praedicti; et residuae ij car. terrme de feodo de Cauntelou; et quaelibet car. redd. [ad finem praedictum]m per ann. iijd. ob.,f unde summa est xviijd. ob.; et Johannis de Feyser tenet ij car. terrae de heredibus de Cauntelou, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum viijd. GLISEBURN. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrme; de quibus j est de feodo castri praedicti, et v car. sunt de feodo de Percy; et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs. jd. ob.P viijd., A. n ad finem praedictum, A. iijd. ob. q., A. B. 0 xxviijd. ob., A. B. P iijs. jd. ob., B. WAPENTAGIUM DE AYNSTY.a THORP BUSTARD.6 In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrse: de quibus Robertus Bustard tenet unam car. terrae serjantim David le Lardiner, qui tenet de rege in capite; et Robertus de Grey tenet residuas ij car. terrse de Barone de Luterell, et Baro de Luterell de rege in capite, [sed]c per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. THORP MALTEBY.d In eadem villa sunt iije car. terrae: de quibus Abbas de Bellalanda tenet xix bov. de Abbate de Selby, quze sunt de feodo de Moubray; et Robertus Bustard tenet vj bov. de Abbate de Whyteby, et sunt de eodem feodo; et Robertus Bustard et participes sui tenent residuum de Ricardo Malebys, qui tenet de honore de Eya. Et nihil redd. ad finem wapp. ACASTRE MALEBYS. In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terre; sed a quibus tenentur, [vel]f per quod servitium, non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. ACASTRE SELEBY. In eadem [villa] sunt xxvij bov. terrae: de quibus Abbas de Seleby tenet xv bov. terrae de rege in capite; et Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet vj bov. terrae et di. de honore de Eya; et Priorissa de Appilton [tenet]h v bov. [terrae]i de dono Gocelini de Harcy. Et nullum fit inde servitium, nec aliquod redd. ad finem praedictum. THORP ANDREE.j In eadem villa sunt iijk car. terrme: de a This wapentake has been collated with MSS. A. and B. ^ All traces of the village of Bustardthorpe have long since disappeared. It stood, I believe, a little to the north of Middlethorpe, and near the road leading to York. In 1484, the manor of Bustardthorpe is described as extending in length from the village of Drynghouses on the west, as far as the river Use on the east: the common pastures of Knasemyer and Middilthorp forming, respectively, portions of its northern and southern boundaries (City Records, lib. A, 368). c sed, A. B. d Called Thorp Aton in the 31st Edward I., and now Middlethorp, which name it acquired, before 1316, evidently from its position, being situated between Bustardthorpe and Bishopthorpe. c iiijor car., A. B. f vel, A. B. g villa, A. B. h tenet, A. B. i terrae, A. B. i Otherwise Thorp super Usam, and Thorp juxta Ebor. Archbishop Walter Gray purchased the manor of Thorp St. Andrew, and in 1241 conveyed it to the Chapter of York, who engaged to re-convey it to his successors in the see, for the annual rent of twenty marks (Reg., Magn. Alb., pars ii., 85 b. Fasti Ebor., i., 291). From this circumstance the name of the village was shortly afterwards changed to its present one of Bishopthorpe. iiijor car., A. B. 24 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. quibus Robertus Bustard tenet ij car. de rege in capite, et redd. per ann. iiij marcas; et Archiepiscopus tenet x bov. terrae de feodo de Luterell; et Robertus Holdebert tenet in eadem vj bov. terrve de Ricardo Malebys de honore de Eya, et redd. ad finem praedictum vjd.; et Prior Sancti Andrewe Ebor. tenet xvij acras terre de eodem, sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. COUPMANTHORP. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrwe et di.: quarum ij car. et di. Templarii tenent in liberam elemosinam de dono Roberti de Ros de feodo de Trussebut, quod tenetur'de Barone de Moubray, et Baro de rege in capite; et iij car. terrae Ricardus Malebys tenet de haeredibus de Brus, et haeredes de Brus de Barone de Moubray, qui tenet de rege in capite. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. COLTON. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae et di. quae tenentur de heeredibus de Scoteney, et iidem haeredes de haeredibus de Brus, et Brus de Barone de Moubray. Et redd. per ann. ad finem wapp. xd. BOULTON. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrae: et Robertus de Percy tenet villam praedictam de haeredibus Henr.ici de Percy, qui tenere debent de rege in capite [de]' baronia de Topclyff. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iiijs. HORNINGTON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terree: et Robertusm de Holme et participes sui tenent eandem villam de Roberto de Percy, et idem Robertus de Roberto de Plumpton, [et idem Robertus de Plumpton]" de haer' Henrici de Percy, qui ten' de rege in capite de baronia de Spofford. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xd. STIVETON. In eadem villa sunt v car. terra et di.: de quibus haer' Ricardi de Stiveton ten' iiij car. terrae et di. de Waltero de Fauconberg, et idem Walterus de haer' de Brus, et Brus de Barone de Moubray, et haer' (sic) de Moubray de rege in capite; et redd. ad finem praedictum vijd. ob.: et una car. est de feodo de Percy de baronia de Spofford; unde Abbas Beatee Mariae tenet di. car., et Priorissa de Appylton et participes sui tenent aliam di. car.; sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. OXTON. In eadem villa sunt iijo car. terrae quas Willelmus Marescallus et plures alii ejusdem ville tenent de feodo de Percy de baronia de Spofford; et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs. t de, A. B. " Abbas de iolme, A. B. Sir Robert de oolme, knight, and William de Hornyngton, clerk, occur as witnesses to a charter dated in 1283 (Cotton MS., Vesp., A, iv., 10b). " et idem Robertus de Plumpton, A. B. o iiij car., A. B. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 25 WLSYNGTON.P In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrse: et manerium de Wlsyngton ten' hler' Malgeri le Vavasur de Philippo de Kyme, et idem Philippus de haer' de Percy de baronia de Topclyfe, qui ten' de rege in capite; et redd. ad finem prsedictum xijd. PADDOCTHORP.q Manerium de Paddocthorp tenet Philippus de Kyme de hler' de Percy de baronia de Topclyf; et debet per ann. ad finem praedictum xijd. THORP ARCHE. In eadem [villa] sunt iiijs car. terrae quas Johannes de Bella Aqua tenet de feodo Rogeri de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et redd. [per ann.]t ad finem prsedictum ijs. xjd. oh. WALTON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quas haer' Rogeri de Brus et alii diversi tenent de Johanne de BellaAqua, et idem Johannes de Barone de Moubray; et nihil certum dat regi. BYKERTON. In eadem villa sunt vij car. terrae et di. quas Andreas le Gramare et alii diversi tenent de Rogero de Moubray; et redd. per ann. ad finem predictum ijs. BILTON. Stephanus le Waleys" et Alicia le Vavasur tenent eandem villam de haer' de Brus, et haer' de Brus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et sunt in eadem villa ix car. [terrae]; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum viijd. HELAGE. In eadem villa sunt vij car. terrae quae tenentur de Barone de Moubray, et Baro de Moubray de rege in capite; et nullum fit servitium. FOLYFAYT.W Alanus de Folifayt- et Johannes de Banewell tenent eandem villam de Alicia de Vavasur, et ipsa de Brus, et P Afterwards called Wolsington, or Wolston, and now Ouston, which is the name of a farm in the township of Oxton and parish of Tadcaster. This place is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum of the 9th Edward II. According to an Inq. p. m., taken 1st Henry IV., Sir Bernard Brocas, knight,-one of the conspirators against Henry the Fourth, and of whose execution a startling account is given by Froissart,-and his wife Johanna held this manor of Wolston of the gift of his father Bernard (Percy MS., 330). 9 Now Pallethorpe, a township in the parish of Bolton Percy. r villa, A. B. S iij car., A. t per ann., A. B. " Sir Stephen le Waleys, of Burgh Waleys, was living in 1294 (Reg. Romanus, 27 b). V terrme, A. B. v Follithwaite, a division of Walton township, but in the parish of Wighill. Alan de Folyfait granted to the monks of Kirkstall all his meadow and arable land here, lying between the ditch or Foss and the river Wherf, reserving a right of passage to and from this fishery and the river Wherf (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 293). " The tithes of 2 Inges called Christall (Kirkstall) Tngs belong to ye vicar, and are paid in kind. There are several hundred acres of ground known by ye name of Follifoot, wch was formerly a park, but now mostly arrable ground, being disparked time out of mind" (Wighill Terrier, 1716). " 3 non. March, 1313-4. Lie. to Alan de Folyfayt to have an oratory within his manor of Folifayt (Reg. Greenfield, pars ii., 76). 26 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. herr' de Brus de Barone de Moubray qui tenet de rege in capite. Et sunt in eadem villa iij car. terrae, et redd. ad finem prEedictum xijd. WYCHALL ET ESDYK. Reginaldus de Albo MonasterioY tenet villam preedictam de Rogero [de] Moubray, et idem Rogerus in capite de rege. Et sunt in eadem villa v car. terrwe; quarum unam car. tenet Prior de Parco de domino de Helage, qui tenet de prsedicto Barone de Moubray. Et redd. per ann. ad finem prwedictum ijs. HAGGANBY.' Prior de Parco tenet eandem villam de feodo Willelmi de Percy de baronia de Spofford. Et sunt in eadem villa iij car. terrte; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xijd. BYLEBURGH. In eadem villa sunt vij car. terrae et di. de feodo de Paynil, qui teneta de rege in capite; et nihil [redd.]b ad finem prsedictum. ASCAM BRYAN. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrae qune sunt de feodo de Moubray: et Brianus filius Alani tenet villam prwedictam de honore [de] Richemund, reddendo ad custodiam castri Richemundiae per ann. vs. WEST ASKAM.C In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae et di. quae tenentur de haeredibus de Brus, et iidem haeredes de Barone de Moubray. Et debet villa praedicta ad finem praedictum ijs. RUFFORD. Magister Alanus le Bretond tenet eandem villam de haeredibus de Brus, et iidem hzeredes de Barone de Moubray, Y His father " dominus Ranulphus de Albo Monasterio, filius et hieres Lucise Turet," was lord of Wighill in 1254 (Chart. Healaugh, fo. 9). One of the lost vills of the Ainsty, and the Haghendebi of Domesday Book, which Mr. Stapleton, in his account of the Holy Trinity Priory, York (p. 140), supposes to be Angram in the parish of Long Marston. The following extracts from the Healaugh chartulary shew this supposition to be incorrect, and that Haggenby was situated within the present township of Tadcaster East. About 1230, Robert de Lelay (Leathley) granted "domui Sancti Johannis Evangelista de Parcho et canonicis ibidem. Deo servientibus,-totam villam de Hagandeby, in qua continentur tres carucatse terrae" (Cott. MS., Vesp., A., iv., fo. 14 b). Bartholomew Turet gave to the same canons "sex bovatas terrse in territorio de Esedic, propinquiores campo de Haggendeby" (Ibid., fo. 18 b). By an undated charter the Prior and Convent of Healaugh convey to Sir Wm. de Percy " decem acras terrae in territorio de Haggandeby; illas, scilicet, quse jacent propinquiores aquae de Fosse versus boscum de Catherton, et inter boscum de Haggandeby et moram et campum de Tadcaster" (Ibid., fo. 56). By an Inquisition taken 5th Edward III., it was found "quod Prior de Helagh Park et praedecessores sui habuerunt piscariam in Quarfe, sicut terrae et prata de Haggandeby se buttant supra dictam aquam, usque ad filum aqua " (Ibid., fo. 151). According to the Ordnance Survey (6 inch scale, sheet 190) there is a tract of land in the adjoining wapentake of Barkston Ash, and about half a mile to the south of Tadcaster, called Hackenby, which is bounded on the north by the river Cock, and on the south by Hackenby Dike. a quod tenetur, A. B. b redd., A. B. c Otherwise called Askhamn Richard, which is its present name. d de Bretton, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 27 qui tenet de rege in capite. Et sunt in eadem [villa]e iiij car. terra; et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs. MUNKETON. In eadem villa sunt ix car. terrae de feodo de Paynill: de quibus Johannes le Waleys tenet iij car. terrae, et redd. per ann. ad finem proedictum ivd.; et Abbas Beatme Marine tenet de praedictis ix car. terrae j car. de dono Philippi filii Radulphi de Munketon, et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio. SCAKELTHORPf Magisterg de Ros tenet eandem villam nomine custodia haeredis Ricardi de Stiveton, et ipse heres de Waltero de Fauconbergh, et idem Walterus de heredibus de Brus, et iidem heredes de Barone de Moubray, et Baro de Moubray de rege in capite. Et sunt in eadem villa iij car. terre; [et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vjd.].^ [KNAPTON. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae]i: quarum ij car. Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet, sed a quo [tempore]i vel per quod servitium non fit mentio in inqnisitionibus praedictis: et residume iij car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Luterell. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xijd. WYVELESTHORPk. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quas villa, A. B. f Scagglethorpe, now depopulated, in the township of Moor Monkton, about a mile and a half E.S.E. of the parish church of All Saints, and near the road leading to Poppleton, was one of the lordships held by the ancient family of Ughtred, and now belongs to Sir Charles Slingsby, Bart. g Margar', B. a et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vjd., A. B. Knapton. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae, A. B. i tempore, A. B. * Wilstrop, a township in the parish of Kirk Hammerton, was for several centuries the seat of a family of the same name, of which some few notices may, perhaps, be considered interesting from there being reason to suppose, as I have shewn in the Preface, that the manuscript which forms the text of the greater portion of this volume, formerly belonged to one of its most distinguished members,-Sir Miles Wilstrop, the kings escheator in Yorkshire in 1470-1. Robert de Wiuelstrop was living temp. Henry II. (Plump Corr., xv.). Sir Richard de Wiuelestorp, his son (Cott. MS., Vesp., E., 161), was one of the witnesses to a charter made between 1216 and 1221 (Cott. MS., Vesp., A., iv., 8 b). Robert de Wiverestorp was instituted to the rectory of Hutton Wansley, 5th kal. Oct., 1226, on the presentation of Richard de Wiverestop (Rot. Archiep. Gray, No. 48). John, son and heir of Robert Wilsthorpe, esq., was living in 1354. Margaret de Wilsthorp was elected prioress of Nun Monkton, Nov. 13th, 1365 (Harl. MS., 6978, fo. 2 b), and died Aug. 17th, 1376 (Ibid., fo. 7 b). Robert Willesthorp, esq., was living in 1418. His brother, " Mr. Henr. Wilsthorp, in utroquejur. baccal.," was instituted to the vicarage of Catterick, Oct. 29th, 1430 (Ibid., 23 b), and occurs as rector of Brafferton in 1443 (City Records). Katherine Wilsthorp, prioress of Arthington, died about 1484 (Reg. Rotherham, fo. 119 a). Sir Miles Wilstrop, son and heir of Richard, and grandson of the lastnamed Robert, acquired the manor of Bustardthorpe in 1484 (City Records, lib. A., 368). He married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Guy Fairfax, of Steeton, recorder of York, by whom he had a son and heir, Guy, living in 1519, whose son and 28 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Robertus de Pontefractol tenet de hoeredibus de Brus, et iidem haeredes de Brus de Barone de Moubray, etc.; et redd. ad finem praedictum per ann. xijd. HOTON.?t In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae, sed a quibus tenentur non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis; et debent ad finem praedictum xviijd., et sectam ad wapp. praedictum. Et Johannes de Crepingge tenet villam praedictam de haredibus Ricardi de Wyvelesthorp, et iidem haeredes de heredibus de Brus, et haeredes de Brus de Barone de Moubray, etc. MERSTON." In eadem villa sunt xij car. terra: de quibus Willelmus filius Thome~ tenet vj car. [pro iiijta parte feodi de haered' de Brus, et idem haer' de Barone]P de Moubray, etc.; et residuas vj car. terra tenent alii diversi de haeredibus de Brus, et ipsi ut supra. Et debet villa pradicta, una cum ij bov. terra quas Prior Sancti Andreae Ebor. tenet, xiijd. ad finemr praedictum.q heir, Sir Oswald Wilstrope, of Wilstrope, knight, by will dated April 8th, 1574 [proved April 2nd, 1584] desired to be "buried in the quere of the parishe churche of Hammerton (Reg. Test., xxii., 512). Charles Wilstrope, "myne heire apparent," the only legitimate child named by the testator, died, probably, in his father's lifetime, as he is not mentioned in Glover's Visitation of 1584, which gives as the issue of Sir Oswald, —rancis, Eleanor, and Elizabeth. I Robert de Pontefract was seneschal of St. Peter of York (Reg. Magn. Alb., pars iii., 100). By an Inq. p. m. taken 34th Edward I., his son Thomas was found to be his next heir, and of the age of thirty years and more (Cal. Gen., ii., 706). " Thomas de Pontefracto de Whilesthorp " was living Dec. 21st, 1315 (York Corp. Papers, ii., 983). Thomas filius Ricardi de Pontefracto, a member, probably, of the same family, was elected M.P. for the city of York, Oct. 6th, 1320, July 5th, 1321, in 1328, and again in 1333. m Hutton Wandesley, in the parish of Long Marston. " Merston. In itinere Johannis Kyrkby, anno regis Edwardi primi, xiijo, habetur sic:-In Marston sunt xij caruc. terrae: de quibus Willelmus filius Thomae ten' vj caruc. terrae pro iiijt' parte unius feodi de Henr' (sic) de Brus, et idem Henr' de Baron' de Moubray; et resid. vj car. ten' diversi de Henr' de Brus, et ipsi ut supra. Et debet villa praedicta, una cum bov' terrae quas Prior Sancti Andreae Ebor. ten', ad finem praedictum xijd. Et est in wapp. de Aynsty" (Coucher Book of Fountains. Add. MSS. Brit. Mus., 18, 276, fo. 142). " On the 6th kal. July, 1278, " Willelmus filius Thoma de Merston" granted to the Master and Brethren of St. Leonard's Hospital, " unam travam bladi de qualibet caruca arant. per novem dies in terris maneriis meis de Berghthorp et Merston" (Cott. MS., Nero, D., iii., fo. 58b). His father "dominus Thomas filius Willelmi de Belkethorp, miles," gave land in Marston "Willelmo filio Willelmi de Marisco de Hoton, in liberum maritagium cum Laderana sorore mea " (Cot. MS., Vesp., A., iv., fo. 72 b). And by an undated charter, witnessed by Sir Peter de Brus and others, the aforesaid William and Laderana grant land there which they had of the gift " Willelmi filii Thomae quondam domini de Marston, et Thoms filii ejusdem Willelmi, et Willelmi filii ejusdem Thome " (Ibid., fo. 75 b). Of the " Terrae Rebellium date fidelibus tempore regis H. III.," Peter de Brus had, inter alias, "omnes terras quae fuerunt Thomae filii Willelmi de Merston" (Rot. seleeti ex archivis in Dom. Cap. Westm., p. 253). P pro iiijta parte feodi de haered' de Brus, et idem haer' de Barone, A. B. q A. and B. omit ad finem praedictum. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 29 HESSAY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae de feodo de Paynill; et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus prwedictis. DRINGGENHUS. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terr'e: de quibus Robertus de Grey tenet in eadem ij car. de Priore Sanctae Trinitatis Ebor. pro una libra thuris per ann., et idem Prior tenet eas de feodo de Luterell; et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, etc.: et praedictus Robertus et Priorissa Sancti Clementis Ebor. tenent residuas ij car., reddendo per ann. vs.; sed utrum reddere debeant ad finem praedictum, vel ad auxilium vicecomitis, sive aliunde, non fit mentio in inquisitionibus prsedictis.r POPILTON CUM ALTERA POPILTON.S Abbas Beatme Maria Ebor. tenet easdem villas infra metas wapp. proedicti; sed a quo eas tenet, vel per quod servitium, non fit mentio, etc. TODWYK.' In eadem villa sunt vij car. terrse: de quibus xxj bov. tenentur de heredibus de Brus, et haeredes de Brus de feodo de Moubray, et ipse de rege in capite, et redd. per ann. ad finem prmedictum vjd.; et Prior de Parco tenet xxj bov. terrae de feodo eodem, et facit sectam ad wapp. praedictum, et redd. ad finem praedictum vjd.; et residuae xxij bov. terrae tenentur de feodo de Trussebutt, quas Willelmus de Ros tenet de Roberto de Ros, etc.; unde Priorissa de Syningthwayt tenet unam car. terrae et di. in liberam elemosinam, et nihil redd. ad finem prmedictum. CATHERTON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae; de quibus Alanus de Catherton tenet ij car. et di. de Philippo de Kyme, et idem Philippus de Barone de Moubray, qui de rege tenet in capite: et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. APPYLTON. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae: quarum Walterus de Fauconbergh et alii diversi tenent iij car. de Abbate Beatme Mariae Ebor.; et residueu ix car. tenentur de haeredibus de Brus, et haeredes de Brus de Barone de Moubray, qui [tenet] de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ad finem przedictum xviijd. q. r A. and B. omit in inquisitionibus prsedictis. * Nether and Upper Poppleton. t Tockwith, in the parish of Bilton. tenet, A. WAPENTAGIUM DE MORLEY. IN isto wapentagio sunt xxv villae et di. quas Henricus de Lacy, comes Lincolnise, tenet de rege in capite, videlicet, Fypelay,b Idell, Calverlay, Ferselayc Poduscey, Bramelay, [Wirklay],d Hunslett, Bestone, Midylton, Morlay, Drithlington, Suthouerton,e Farnelay, Tong, Hundesworth, Nort Vile,f Batelay, Hecmundwyk, Gomersalle, Leversege, Myrfeld, Claketon, Bolling, Eland et medietas de Ardeslawe. Idem comes tenet de rege in capite [blank]i feod. milit. et di. in honore de Pontefracto; sed per quod servitium, vel in quibus locis illa feoda sunt, non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. Item reddunt per annum ad finem prsedicti wapentagii cvs. iiijd., quorum particule plenius annotantur ibidem.i. This wapentake has been collated with MSS. A. and B. b Shipley, in the parish of Bradford. A. omits Ferselay. d Wirklay, A. B. Wortley, in the parish of Leeds. South Owram, in the parish of Halifax. f Northbirk, A. Northbirle, B. North Bierley, in the parish of Bradford. s Cleckheaton. h A. omits Bolling. iiijx feod., A. xxiiij feod., B. j Driffield, in the East Riding, is the next entry in the York MS., and also in MSS. A. B. C. D. and R., where it is followed by the wapentake of Birdforth in the North Riding. This peculiarity of arrangement is alluded to in the Preface. WAPENTAGIUM DE SKYRAYK. MORTON. Haeredes Simonis de Monte Alto tenent Morton pro ij car. terrse et di., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., de honore de Skypton in Kraven per servitium militare, et debent reddere per ann. praedicto wap. de Skyrayk xijd. YLKELAY. Robertus de Percy tenet Ylkelay pro iij car. terrse, unde xiiij, etc., de Philippo de Kyme, et idem Philippus de haer' Henrici de Percy, et idem Henricus de rege per servitium militare: sed praedictus Henricus (sic) de Percy debet reddere per ann. ad wap. praedictum iijs. WAPENTAGIUM DE SKYRAKE ALIO MODO. [Rawlinson MS., 450 B, if. 43-46, 136-138.] TNQUISITIO6 capta, etc. [Nomina juratorum ad inquirendum, etc., videlicet,] Walterus de Hawkesworth, Robertus Villan, Johannes de Marthell, Michael de Brame, Robertus de Arthyngton, Johannes Samson, Walterus de Medilton, Ricardus de Wygdon, Willelmus de Holm, Willelmus de Alwaldlay, Henricus de Bouisaunt (?), et Thomas de Ulskelfe. Qui dicunt per sacramentum suum quod sunt in wapentagio de Skyrake xlviij villse, ut patet infra, anno regni regis Edwardi xiijo. Morton. Juratores dicunt quod haeredes Simonis de Monte Alto tenent duas car. et di. terrae ibidem, unde xiiij car. terrm faciunt feod. unius milit., de honore de Skypton in Craven per servitium militare, et honor de rege in capite: sed preedicti haeredes solvent ballivo de Skyrake pro fine wap. xijd. Ilkeley. Item dicunt quod Robertus de Percy tenet in Ekeley iij car. terra de Philippo de Kyme, unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., et (sic) liberum maritagium; et idem Philippus tenet ipsas de heredibus Henrici de Percy, reddendo per [ann.] xxiijs. iiijd.; et hberedes Henrici de Percy de rege per servitium militare: sed predictus (blank) solvet ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. iijs.' Collated with MSS. A. and B. b This inquisition, which has evidently been derived from a transcript of the original return made by Kirkby, occurs in the Rawlinson MS., and also in MS. Dodsworth (vol. xxvii., ff. 42 b-52 b), immediately after the abridged survey of this wapentake as printed in the text. Although not free from errors and omissions, this inquisition " alio modo" confirms, with two or three exceptions, the statements contained in the abridgment, and, in addition, gives some account of the vills of Lofthouse, Bramhop, Neusom, Berwyk, Kypas, Wooddeshom, Berdesay, Collyngham, Wyke, Grigton (?), Wriglay (?), Eltofts, Thouhouse or Tofthouse, Creskell and Stubbs. That these two versions of the Inquest may be compared, I print both on the same page. 32 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. YEDON. Henricusc hkeres Johannis de Yedon tenet Yedon pro j car. terrse et di., unde xvj faciunt feod. milit., de Willelmo le Vavasur, et idem Willelmus de hveredibus Henrici de Percy, et idem Henricus de rege in capite per servitium militare: sed haer' preedicti Johannis de Yedon redd. per ann. ad wap. preedictum xijs. ROUDON. Prior de Boulton tenet in eadem villa j car. terrae, unde xvj faciunt feod. milit., de Comitissa Albemarliwe,e et ipsa de rege in capite per servitium militare. Nigellus de Horsford tenet in eadem villa j car., unde xvj faciunt feod., etc., de hserede Johannis Mauleverer, et idem haeres de Petro de Brus, et hrer' ejusdem Petri de rege in capite: sed dictus Nigellus debet reddere predicto wap. per ann. vjd. Et Michael de Roudon tenet ibidem j car. terrae, unde xvj. faciunt j feod., etc., de Willelmo le Vavasur, et idem Willelmus de haeredibus Henrici de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite: et reddit prmedictus Michael per ann. ad wap. praedictum vjd. HORSFORD. Abbas de Kyrkstall tenet in Horsford j car. terrae, unde xvj faciunt feod. j milit., de Roberto de Everyngham, Yedon. Item dicunt juratores quod heredes Johannis de Yedon tenent unam car. et di. in Yedon, cum pertinentiis, unde xvj car. terre faciunt feod. milit., de Willelmo le Vavasure per servitium milit., et idem Willelmus de Henrico de Percy per servitium milit., et Henricus de Percy de rege per servitium milit.; sed haeredes Johannis solvent ad finem wap. ballivo de Skyrake xijd. Raudon. Item juratores dicunt quod Prior de Bolton tenet unam car. terre in Raudon, unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., de Comitissa Albemarliae domina de Herwood, in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, et ipsa domina de rege per servitium milit.; sed Prior dat dicta dominae pro fine wap. vjd. Nigellus de Horseford tenet in Raudon unam car. terra, unde xvj car. terras faciunt feod. milit., de Johanne Mauleverer per servitium milit., et Johannes Mauleverer de heredibus Petri de Brus, et haeredes Petri de Brus de domino rege per servitium milit.; sed Nigellus solvet ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. vjd. Michael de Raudon tenet ibidem unam car. terrae, unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., de Willelmo de Vavasor per servitium milit., et Willelmus le Vavasor de hoeredibus Henrici de Percy per servitium milit., et haredes Henrici de Percy de domino rege per servitium milit.; sed Michael solvet ballivo de Skyrake pro fine vjd. Horseford. Item juratores dicunt quod Abbas de Kyrkstall tenet in Horseford unam car. terras, unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., e A. and B. omit Henricus. d xijd., A. B. " Isabella de Redvers, sister and heir to Baldwin, earl of Devon and lord of Harewood, and widow of William de Fortibus, earl of Albemarle. Inq. p. m. 21st Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 764). WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 33 et idem Robertus de Comitissa Albemarliae, et eadem Comitissa de rege in capite per servitium militare. Idemque Abbas tenet in eadem villa j car. terrae, unde xvj faciunt feod., de haeredibus Henrici de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite. Item Nigellus de Horsford tenet in eadem villa j car. terrse, unde xvj faciunt feod., de haeredibus Johannis Mauleverer de Alverton, et iidem heredes de haeredibus Petri de Brus, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite per servitium militare: et reddit praedictus Nigellus ad praedictum wap. per ann. vjd. CARLETON. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae, unde xvj faciunt feod., etc., quas Johannes de Yedon tenet in Carleton de Comitissa Albemarliae per forinsecum servitium, et ipsa Comitissa tenet in dominico in eadem, sed non dicitur per quod servitium. HEDYNGLEY. Willelmus Petevinf tenet in eadem villa feod. unius milit. de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes de rege in capite per servitium militare; et debet predictus Willelmus per ann. ad wap. praedictum iiijs. vjd. de Roberto Everingham per servitium unius marcae annuatim, et Robertus de Comitissa de Albemarlia de Harwood per servitium milit., et Comitissa de rege per servitium milit., et redd. pro fine wap. vjd. Item Abbas tenet ibidem unam car. terrae de haeredibus de Lethellg quiete, sed solvet pro fine ballivo de Skyrak xijd. Nigellus de Horseford tenet ibidem unam car. terrae, ut supra in Raudon, sed solvet ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. vjd. Carleton. Item juratores dicunt quod haeredes Johannis de Yedon tenent in Carleton ij car. terrae, unde xvj car. faciunt feod. milit., de Comitissa de Albemarlia de Harwood per servitium duorum solidorum, et ipsa Comitissa de domino rege per servitium militare. Item juratores dicunt quod praedicta domina tenet ibidem unam car. terrse, unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., per servitium militare de domino rege in dominico. Hedyngley. Item juratores dicunt quod Abbas de Kyrkestall, Rogerus de Ledes et Johannes Scott de Calverlay tenent in Hedynglay et Altoftesh unum feod. milit. de honore Pontesfracti per servitium militare, et solvent ballivo honoris de domino rege pro fine wap. iijs. vjd., et Comes praedicti honoris de domino rege per servitium militare. f In 1199 there was a convention made between the bishop of London and Thomas le Poitevin concerning the boundary of the wood of Leeds and Headingley (Stapleton's Trinity Priory, York, p. 61). William le Poitevin was living in 1207 (Ibid., p. 64). g William de Lelay (Leathley) gave two carucates and ten oxgangs of land in Horsforth to the monks of Kirkstall (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 294). h In 1324 John de Calverley granted to the monks of Kirkstall " manerium meum de Heddingley,-exceptis terris et servitiis tenentium meorum in Altoftes et Brakanhill" (Mon. Angl., v., 540). Altofts and Fern Hill are in the parish of Normanton in Agbrigg wapentake. D 34 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. POTTERS NEUTON. Willelmus de Wenteworth tenet di. feod. j milit. in eadem de Petro de Arches per forinsecum servitium, et idem Petrus de Comite Lincolnive, et idem Comes de rege in capite per servitium militare. Et debet villai praedicta per ann. ad wap. praedictum iijs. vjd. ALLERTON GLEDHOWE. In eadem villa est una car. terrae qune tenetur de Comite Lincolnire, unde xvj faciunt feod., et idem Comes tenet de rege in capite per servitium militare. THORP SUB ROTHWELL HAWGHT.J Her' Roberti de Stapylton ten' eandem villam pro ij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. milit., de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes de rege in capite. Et deb' prwedict' haer' per ann. ad proedictum wap. iijs. vjd.k GYPTON. Alexander de Ledes tenet in eadem j car. terrae, unde xvj, etc., de Humfrido de Veyly, et idem Humfridus de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes de rege in capite per serNeuton Potter. Willelmus de Wynteworth tenet in Potter Newton di. feod. milit., unde xvj car. terra faciunt feod. milit., per servitium militare Petri de Arcubus, et Petrus de honore Pontefracti per servitium milit., et Comes honoris de domino rege per servitium milit.: sed praedictus Willelmus solvet pro fine wap. ballivo de Skyrake iijs. vjd. Allerton et Lofthouse.l Item juratores dicunt quod Willelmus de Allerton tenet in Gledhawe Allerton unam car. terrae et di., unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., de Abbate de Kyrkestall per servitium milit., reddendo eidem Abbati pro fine wap. xijd. Et idem Abbas et Henricus de Lofthouse tenent ibidem in Lofthouse vj car. terrae et di., unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., et tenent totum de honore Pontefracti per servitium milit., et Comes honoris de domino rege per servitium milit.: sed Abbas solvet pro fine wap. iiijs. vjd.; qui quidem Henricus tenet in Lofthouse ij car. terrae praedictarum vj car. terra et di. Thorp. Item juratores dicunt quod heredes Roberti de Stapilton tenent in Thorp sub Rothwelhaght ij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. milit., de honore Pontefracti per servitium militare, et idem Comes de domino rege per servitium milit.: sed haeredes solvent pro fine wap. ijs. vjd. Gypton. Item juratores dicunt quod Alexander de Ledes tenet in Gypton unam car. terrae, unde xvj car. faciunt feod. milit., de Humfrido le Velle per servitium militare, et idem Humfridus de honore Pontefracti per servitium milit., et idem Comes de rege per servitium Et debet Willelmus per ann., A. B. i Thorpe Stapleton, in the parish of Whitkirk. Rothwell Hague, or Haye, so called from the pale with which it was surrounded, had been an ancient park of the Lacies (Loidis and Elmete, 140). k ijs. vjd., A. B. I Probably Lofthouse, now depopulated, in the parish of Harewood. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 35 vitium militare. Et debet prsedictus Alexander [per ann.]n ad wap. przedictum vjd. ob. SWYNLYNGTON. Hugo de Swynlyngton tenet di. feod. unius milit. de haer' Roberti de Stapelton, et praedict' haer' de Comite Lincolnise, et Comes de rege in capite per servitium militare. Idemque Hugo tenet j feod. milit. in eadem villa de feodi-firma de heredibus de Pateshull, reddendo eisdem per ann. vj marcas, et iidem heredes de Comite Lincolniae per forinsecum servitium, et idem Comes de rege per servitium militare. Et debet praedictus Hugo per ann. ad wap. praedictum xjs. iijd. ALLERTON JUXTA AQUAM. Comes Lincolniae tenet eandem villam pro ij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. milit., de rege in capite per servitium militare; et debet per ann. wap. praedicto xijd. MANSTON. Johannes de Broghton tenet Manston pro iij car. terre, unde x faciunt feod., etc., de Stephano de Waleys, et idem Stephanus de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes de rege per servitium militare. Et debet predictus Johannes per ann. ad wap. praedictum ijs. iiijd. PRESTON. Adam de Preston tenet in eadem di. feod. milit. per forinsecum servitium de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes milit.: sed idem Alexander solvet ballivo de Skyrake pro fine wap. vjd. ob. Swyllyngton. Hugo de Swillyngton tenet ibidem di. feod. milit. per servitium militare de haeredibus Roberti de Stapilton, et haredes Roberti de Stapilton de honore de Pontefracto per servitium milit., et Comes honoris de domino rege. Idem Hugo tenet ibidem unum feod. integrum ad feodi-firmam de heredibus de Pateshill, reddendo eisdem per ann. iiij li., et ipsi haredes de honore Pontefracti per servitium milit., et Comes de domino rege per servitium milit.; sed idem Hugo solvet ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. xjs. iijd., et solvet per ann. pro quodam antiquo judicio ijs. Allerton juxta Aquam. Comes honoris Pontefracti tenet in Allerton juxta Aquam duas car. terrms, unde decem car. faciunt feod. milit., per servitium militare de domino rege; et solvet pro fine wap. ballivo de Skyrak xijd. Manston. Item juratores dicunt quod Johannes de Manston tenet ibidem tres car. terrme, unde decem car. terre faciunt feod. milit., per servitium militare de Stephano de Walleys, et idem Stephanus de honore Pontefracti per servitium militare, et Comes honoris de domino rege per servitium militare: sed idem Johannes solvet ballivo de Skyrake pro fine wap. ijs. iiijd. Preston. Item juratores dicunt quod Adam de Preston tenet ibidem di. feod., unde decem car. terrm faciunt feod. milit., per servitium " per annum, A. B. D 2 36 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. de rege in capite per servitium militare. Et debet praedictus Adam de Preston per ann. ad wap. przedictum ijs. OUSTHORP. In eadem villa est una car. et di. et v bov. [terrme], unde x faciunt feod., etc., que tenentur de Petro de Rotherfeld, et idem Petrus de Comite Lincolniae, et Comes de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ijs. iiijd. SECROFT. Comes Lincolniae tenet eandem villam pro feodo j milit. de rege in capite per servitium militare, et debet per ann. ad wap. praedictum iiijs. vijd. BEKHAGH. Andreas de Gramary" tenet eandem villam pro tertia parte feodi unius milit. de Comite Lincolniae de rege in capite. Et debet praedictus Andreas, etc., ijs. vjd. GYSLEY. Simon le Ward tenet vj car. terrae, unde xxiiij faciunt feod. milit., de Archiepiscopo Ebor., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege in capite; sed non dicitur per quod servitium. militare de honore Pontefracti, et Comes honoris de domino rege per servitium militare: sed Adam solvit pro fine wap. ballivo de Skyrak JS. Hausthorp. Willelmus de Lincoln tenet in Hausthorp unam car. terrse et di., unde decem car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., per servitium militare de Stephano de Wales, et idem Stephanus de honore Pontefracti per servitium militare, et Comes honoris de domino rege per servitium militare: sed idem Johanneso (sic) solvit ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. xxiijd. Ricardus le Barde tenet ibidem de ipso Petro v bov. terrae, et Petrus de Comite, et Comes de rege per servitium militare: sed idem Ricardus solvit ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. vd. Secroft. Item dicunt quod Comes Lincolniae tenet in Secroft unum feod. milit. per servitium militare de domino rege, et solvit ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. iiijs. iijd. Bekehagh. Item dicunt quod Andreas Gramery tenet in Bekehagh tertiam partem unius feodi milit. per servitium militare de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes de domino rege per servitium militare: sed Andreas solvit ballivo de Skyrak ijs. vjd. Gyseley. Item dicunt quod Simon Warde tenet in Giselay sex car. terrse de Archiepiscopo Ebor. per servitium militare et forinsecum servitium, unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., et idem Archiepiscopus tenet eas de domino rege. n About 1270 "Andreas filius dom. Ricardi le Gramarie" granted to John, son of Alan Sampson of York, the sites of certain wind and water mills at "Abberford et Beckhawe" (MSS. Dodsw., clix., 205). His widow Elizabeth was living in 1292 (Ibid., 206). ~ From Stephano to Johannes is an evident repetition of part of the entry relating to Manston, which in the Rawlinson MS. immediately precedes Hausthorp. Peter de Rotherfeld should be substituted for Stephen de Wales, and Willelmus for Johannes. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 37 BURGHLAY ET MENSYNGTON. GodfridusP Wygorn' episcopus tenet Burghlay et Mensyngton pro di. feod. milit. per forinsecum servitium faciendum Archiepiscopo Ebor., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege in capite. HAUKESWORTH. Simon le Ward tenet vij car. terrae in eadem villa, unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod., etc., de Archiepiscopo, et Archiepiscopus de rege in capite. BAYLDON. Willelmus de Stopham et Adam de Neylford in Bayldon tenent iiij car. terrae, unde xxiiij car. terrse faciunt feod. milit., et iidem Willelmus et Adam de Simone Warde, et idem Simon de Archiepiscopo Ebor. per servitium militare, et idem Archiepiscopus de rege in capite. POUELL. Ricardus de Goldesburgh tenet quartam partem feodi unius milit. in Pouell per servitium militare de Archiepiscopo Ebor. OTTELAY. Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet in Ottelay di. feod. unius milit. in dominico. Et ipsa villa de Ottelay, cum Gyslay, Burgelay, Mensyngton, Haukesworth, Bayldon, et Pouell, in wap. proedicto, pertinet ad baroniam suam de Schirburn quam tenet de rege in capite; sed non dicitur per quod [servitium].q Burlay. Item dicunt quod Godfridus Wigornensis episcopus tenet in Burlay et Mensyngton per servitium militare de Ebor. Archiepiscopo pro di. feodo, et forinsecum servitium faciendo, et Archiepiscopus de domino rege. Hawkesworth. Item dicunt quod Simon Warde tenet in Hawkesworth vij car. terrae per servitium militare de Archiepiscopo Ebor., unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., et Archiepiscopus de domino rege. Baildon. Item dicunt quod Willelmus de Stopham et Adam de Stelford tenent in Baildon quatuor car. terra de Simone Warde per servitium militare, unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., et Simon de Archiepiscopo per servitium milit., et Archiepiscopus de rege in capite. Poyuell. Item dicunt quod Henricus de Goldesburgh tenet quartam partem feodi in Poyuell per servitium militare de Archiepiscopo Ebor., et Archiepiscopus de domino rege. Ottelay. Item dicunt quod Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet in Ottelay in dominico di. feod. milit. de domino rege; et ipse villae de Otteley, Gyseley, Burley, Mensyngton, Hawkesworth, Baildon, et Poyuell, in wap. de Skyrak, pertinent ad baroniam de Sherburn quam tenet de domino rege. Bramhop. Item dicunt quod aliquando Bramhop fuit geld., P Godfrey Giffard, brother and heir to Walter Giffard, archbishop of York (Cal. Gen., i., 281). In 1287 Sir Hugh de Babington, his nephew, did homage to archbishop Romanus for the manor of Burley (Reg. Giffard, 8 b), of which he died seised 24th Edward I., Richard de Babington being his son and heir (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 133. Cal. Gen., i., 530). q servitium, A. B. 38 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHTRE. PARLINGTON. Hugo de Spenser tenet in eadem villa di. feod. milit., prseter j bov. terrme, de Comite Lincolnie, et Comes de rege in capite. LEDES. Comes Lincolniae tenet villam de Ledes pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de rege in capite per servitium militare, et pertinet ad constabulariam Cestrise. Item Rogerus de Northallr tenet in eadem viijvam partem feodi unius milit. de Roberto de Everyngham, et idem ]Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege in capite per servitium militare. Et debet praedictus Rogerus per ann. wap. praedicto ijs. iiijd. ob. faciendo wap. regis de Skyrak per ann. iijs.; sed nunc, per cartam domini regis Edwardi nunc, Fratres Hospitalis Sancti Leonardi de Ebor. tenent ipsam villam liberam a quocumque servitio inde faciendo. Neusom. Item dicunt quod Fratres Hospitalis de Templo tenent in Neusom ij car. terrse in elemosinam Comitis Lincolniae. Perlynqton. Item dicunt quod Hugo le Spenser tenet in Perlyngton di. feod. milit., excepta una bov. terrae, de Comite Lincolniae, et idem Comes de domino rege: sed dicunt quod Hugo Spenser, avus istius Hugonis, perquisivit quandam cartam domini regis Henrici, patris regis nunc, per quam quietus est de omnibus finibus et aliis servitiis forinsecis pertinentibus domino regi ad wap. suum; sed, cum scutagium currerit, dabit domino Comiti Lincolnise tantum quantum pertinet ad tanta tenementa. Berwyke. Item dicunt quod Comes Lincolnis tenet tres car. terroe in Berwyke, et pertinet ad constabulariam Cestriae, per servitium militare de domino rege. Kypas. Item dicunt quod Comes Lincolnise tenet tres car. terrae in Kypas, et pertinet ad constabulariam Cestrise, per servitium militare c.e domino rege. Ledes. Item dicunt quod Comes Lincolniae tenet in Ledes quartam partem feodi milit. de domino rege per servitium militare, et pertinet ad constabulariam Cestriae. Armelay. Item dicunt quod Rogerus de Leeds tenet ibidem in Est Armelay octavam partem unius feodi milit. de Roberto de Everingham per servitium militare, et idem Robertus de Comite Lincolniae, et Comes de domino rege: sed idem Rogerus solvit pro fine wap. ballivo de Skyrak ijs. iiijd. ob. Wooddeshom.s Item dicunt quod Robertus de Berlay tenet in Wooddeshom tres car. terrae de Abbate de Kyrkstall per servitium militare, unde octo car. terra faciunt feod. milit., et Abbas de domino rege ad feodum firmam iiijxx et xli. pertinentes de (sic) baronia de r Roger de North-Hall in Leeds, the great-grandson, I believe, of Thomas fitz Peter " qui habuit terras de Ledes ex dono fratris sui, Adam dom. de Birkin, et vocavit se de Ledes " (Ducat. Leod., ed. 1816, p. 106). * Wothersonie township is a detached portion of the parish of Bardsey, about half-way between the latter place and Bramham. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 39 GERFORD. Abbas Beathe Marine Ebor. tenet in Gerford vj car. terrse, unde x faciunt feod. milit., de feodo Comitis Lincolniae. Et Willelmus le Westr' tenet j car. terrse in eadem villa de Hugone de Swynlington, et idem Hugo de Comite Lincolniae. Et Adam de Preston et Simon de Rupe tenent in eadem iij car. terrae, unde x faciunt, etc., de Comite Lincolniae, et Comes de rege in capite per servitium militare; et reddunt praedicti Adam et Simon prwedicto wap. iijs. xd. ob., unde Simon xxijd. ob. THORNOR. Humfridus de Veyllyt tenet eandem villam pro ij car. terrse, unde xij faciunt feod., etc., de Comite Lincolniae, Collyngham: sed praedictus Robertus solvet praedicto Abbati pro firma annua xs. ijd. Berdesay, Collyngham et Wyjke. Item dicunt quod Abbas de Kyrkestall tenet maneria de Berdesay et Collyngham, Woddeshom et medietatem de Wyke pro octo car. terrae de domino rege ad feodifirmam solvendo per ann. iiijx et x li. Wyke. Item dicunt quod Moniales de Synyngthwait tenent in Wyke unam car. terrse de elemosina regis. Gerford. Abbas Sanctee Mariae Ebor. tenet in Gerforde vj car. terrae in puram et perpetuam elemosinam de Comite Lincolniae, et nihil solvit domino regi. Adam de Preston tenet in Gerford duas car. terrse, unde decem faciunt feod. milit., de Comite Lincolniae per servitium militare, et idem Comes de domino rege per servitium militare: sed dictus Adam solvit ballivo libertatis de Skyrack pro fine wap. ijs. Item juratores dicunt quod Simon de la Roche tenet ibidem unam car. terra, unde decem car. faciunt feod. milit., de Comite Lincolniae per servitium militare, et idem Comes de domino rege per servitium militare: sed idem Simon solvit ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. xxijd. ob. Item juratores dicunt quod Willelmus Westrais tenet ibidem de Hugone de Swyllyngton unam car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. milit., per servitium militare, et idem Hugo de Comite Lincolnim per servitium militare, et Comes de domino rege in capite per servitium militare. Thornor. Humfridus Ville tenet in Thornor, Grigton,u Gipton, Wriglayv et EltoftesW ij feoda, di. car. minus, quam Comes tenet in t Sir Humphrey de Veyley was also lord of the manor of Owston, of which he enfeoffed, in 1282, William de Hamelton, dean of York, to the use of Robert, the son and heir of the said Humphrey, and Dulcia his wife, and if they died before age, or without issue, then to the use of the said Humphrey for life, remainder to the said William and his heirs (S. Yorks., ii., 478). Sir Humphrey de Veyley was living in 1295 (Ibid.). In 1303, William de Hamelton held the fourth part of a knight's fee in Thorner. Probably Rigton, in the parish of Bardsey. I am unable to identify this place. Eltofts is in the parish of Thorner. 40 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et Comes de rege per servitium militare. Et debet praedictus Humfridus per ann. preedicto wap. vs. iijd. SKARTHECROFTE. Willelmus de Rither tenet eandem villain pro ij car. terr.e, unde x faciunt feod., etc., de Willelmo le Vavasur, et idem Willelmus le Vavasur de haeredibus Petri de Brus, et iidem hleredes de rege in capite per servitium militare. SHADEWELL. Petrus de Arches et Willelmus de Sayvill tenent in eadem villa de Scadewell di. feod. milit. de Comite Lincolniae per servitium militare, et idem Comes de rege in capite per idem servitium. Et debent praedicti Petrus et Willelmus per ann. ad wap. praedictum iijs. iiijd. ARTHINGTON. Petrusx de Arthington tenet eandem villam pro di. feodo milit. de Abbate de Kyrkestall, et idem Abbas de Thoma Muscell, et idem Thomas de Roberto de Luterell de Paynell Hoton, et idem Robertus de rege in capite per servitium [militare].Y ADELL. Abbas de Kyrkestall tenet eandem villam pro di. manu sua, unde decem car. faciunt feod., de Comite Lincolniae per servitium militare, et idem Comes de domino rege per servitium militare: sed idem Humfridus solvit ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. vs. iijd. Item dicunt quod Petrus de Cestria tenet in Thornor totum manerium de Humfrido Ville ad terminum vitae sume, et quod praedictus Petrus tenet ibidem iiijor bov. terrae et advocationem ecclesie, quas emit de predicto Humfrido, tenendas sibi et haeredibus suis de Comite Lincolniae per servitium militare. Scarecroft. Item dicunt quod Willelmus de Ryther tenet in Scarecroft duas car. terrae, unde decem car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., de Willelmo Vavasour per servitium xijd. et forinsecum servitium, et idem Willelmus de haeredibus de Petro de Brus per servitium militare, et haeredes ipsius Petri de domino rege per servitium militare. Sehadwell. Item dicunt quod Petrus de Arches et Willelmus Eyevill tunc in Schadwell tenent di. feod. de Comite Lincolnia per servitium militare, et idem Comes de domino rege: sed praedicti Petrus et Willelmus solvent ballivo de Skyrak pro fine wap. iijs. iiijd. Arthyngton. Item dicunt quod Robertus de Arthyngton tenet ibidem di. feod. unius milit., unde xx car. faciunt feod. milit., de Abbate de Kyrkestall per servitium militare, et Abbas de Thoma Muschell ad feodi-firmam, reddendo per ann. xls., et Thomas de Andrea Lutterell per servitium militare, et Andreas de domino rege per servitium militare: sed Robertus solvet Abbati de Kyrkstall pro fine wap. vs. vd. ob. Adell. Item dicunt quod Abbas de Kyrkstall tenet di. feod. in Adell, Thouhousez et Creskella ad praedictam feodi-firmam de Thoma Robertus, A. B. Y militare, A. B. Probably the same place as Tofthouse, mentioned below. a Kirskill, between Poole and Arthington. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 41 feodo milit. ad feodi-firmam pro xls. per ann. Thomre de Muscell, et idem Thomas de praedicto Roberto de Luterell, et idem Robertus de rege in capite per servitium militare. Et idem Abbas debet per ann. praedicto wap. xxs. pro istis tenementis et omnibus [aliis]b in eodem, praeter Collingham et Berdesey, quas tenet de rege ad feodi-firmam pro iiijxx x li. WYBERDELAY.C Thomas de Weston tenet eandem villam pro j car. terrae, unde xiiij faciunt feod. j milit., de Comitissa Albemarliae, et eadem Comitissa de rege in capite. ALWALDELEY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrme, unde xvj faciunt feod. milit., quae tenentur de Comitissa Albemarlie, et eadem Comitissa de rege in capite per servitium militare. Muschell, et Thomas de haeredibus Andreae Luterell per servitium militare, et predicti heredes Andreae Luterell de domino rege per servitium militare; unde Rector ecclesiae de Adell tenet di. car. et duas bov. terrae in Adell, et heredes Jordani de Bynglay tenent in Creskell et Arthyngton quintam partem unius feodi. Tofthouse. Item dicunt quod Johannes Sampsond tenet unam car. terrae in Tofthouse de praedicto Abbate de praedicto di. feodo per servitium militare, reddendo duas marcas pro dominico suo, forinsecum praedicto Abbati, et pro fine wap. xijd. Et Abbas tenet omnia pradicta ad feodi-firmam de Thoma Muschell, reddendo per ann. quadraginta solidos, et praedictus Thomas de Roberto Luterell de Hoton Pannell per servitium militare, et idem Robertus de domino rege per servitium militare: sed Abbas solvit per manus suas pro omnibus istis tenementis et omnibus aliis que tenet in wap. de Skyrak pro fine wap. xxs., exceptis Berdsay et Colyngham. Wardelay. Item dicunt quod Thomas de Weston tenet in Wardelay unam car. terrae, cum pertinentiis, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., de Comitissa Albemarlia de Harewood per servitium militare, reddendo vjd. ob. pro fine wap., et ipsa Comitissa de rege per servitium militare in capite. Stubbes.e Item dicunt quod Adam de Stubbesf tenet ibidem duas car. terra de Comitissa Albemarliae per servitium militare et alia servitia forinseca. Alwadlay. Item dicunt quod Willelmus de Alwadlay tenet ibidem duas car. terrae, unde xvj car. faciunt feod., de Comitissa de Albemarlia per servitium militare, reddendo pro fine wap. xiijd. b aliis, A. B. c Weardley, in the parish of Harewood. d Dodsworth gives an abstract of an agreement, dated in 1309, "between John de Valencene and Milisente, his wife, compts, and John Sampson and Agnes, his wife, deforct", of the manor of Tonehouse, and lands in Harwod," and adds in a marginal note:- "Tonehouse is now parcell of Harwod Parke, and the houseing pulled down " (Hist. Harewood, p. 197). e The Stubusun of Domesday Book. Stub House, the name of a farm nearly two miles S.W. of Harewood, stands, probably, on the site of this lost vill. f 1st Edward II. Inq. p. m. of Adam de Stubhouse (Cal. Inq. p. in., 227). 42 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. WYGETON. Prior de Boulton tenet Wygeton pro v car. terre, unde xvj faciunt feod., etc., de Comitissa Albemarlise, et eadem Comitissa de rege. EST KESEWYK. HMer' Simonis de Monte Alto ten' Est Kesewyk pro di. feodo milit. de Comitissa Albemarliae, et eadem Comitissa de rege in capite. HARWODE. Comitissa Albemarlime tenet Harwode pro feodo unius milit. de rege in capite per servitium militare; et eadem Comitissa debet reddere per ann. wap. preedicto pro Harwode et aliis tenementis quae de ipsa in prsedicto wap. xxs. Alii de consimili tenura faciunt iij apparencias per ann., j ad comitatum, secundam ad trithing, et tertiam ad wapentagium. BYNGELEY.S Stephanus le Waleys tenet iij car. [terrae],k Item Willelmus de Brandon tenet ibidem unam car. terrae de praedicta Comitissa de Albimarill', unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., reddendo pro fine wap. vjd. ob., et praedicta Comitissa omnia predicta de rege per servitium militare. Wygdon. Item dicunt quod Prior de Bolton tenet in Wikdon quinque car. terrae de Comitissa Albemaryll' per servitium militare, unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., et solvit predictae Comitisse pro fine wap. ijs viijd. ob., et facit forinsecum servitium eidem Comitisse. Est Keswik. Item dicunt quod haeredes Simonis de Monte Alto tenent in Est Kessewik di. feod. de Comitissa de Albemarill' per servitium militare, et solvunt pro fine wap. iiijs. iiijd., et Comitissa de rege in capite. Harewood. Item dicunt quod Comitissa Albemarill' tenet in Harewode dominica sua, mercatum, et villas de Harewode, Carleton, Wardelay, Wygdon, Est Keswyk et omnia quse tenet in wap. de Skyrak de rege pro feodo unius milit.; et reddit ballivo de Skyrake pro fine wap. xxs. Byngley. Item dicunt quod Stephanus Waleys tenet in Byngley iij car. terre, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., de Roberto de Everyngham, reddendo per ann. vjs. viijd. et alia servitia; et idem Robertus tenet eas de Elienora de Zuche per predicta servitia, et Elienora pradicta tenet eas de Milisanta de Monte Alto, matre sua, ex dono ipsius, per homagium et alia servitia, et praedicta Milisent tenet eas de rege per servitium militare. Et quod Johannes de Martley tenet ibidem tres partes unius car. terrae de eodem feodo de predicto Roberto de Everyngham per g In 1217 Maurice de Gaunt, who had been taken prisoner at the battle called the Fair of Lincoln, ceded the manors of Leeds and Bingley to Rannulph, earl of Chester and Lincoln, as the price of his ransom. And in the 14th Henry III., William de Cantilupe received a confirmation from the crown of the vill and manor of Bingley of the gift and feoffment of the above-mentioned Rannulph, to be held of him by the service of half a fief of one knight (Stapleton's Trinity Priory, York, p. 73). h terrae, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 43 unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., de Roberto de Everyngham, et idem Robertus de Alianora la Zusche, et eadem Alianora de Milicenta de Monte Alto,/ et eadem Milicenta de rege in capite. Item Johannes de Martylayj tenet in eadem iij partes unius car. terrme de eodem feodo de praedicto Roberto de Everyngham, ut supra. Et totum residuum manerii tenet praedicta Alianora pro di. feodo milit. de praedicta Milisenta, et eadem Milisenta de rege in capite, et nihil redd. ad wap. praedictum. servitium trium solidorum, et idem Robertus de praedicta Elienora per forinsecum servitium. Et ipsa Elienora tenet omnia predicta, et totum residuum nianerii de Byngley, de praedicta Milisanta, matre sua, per servitium militare, et ipsa Milisent de rege in capite pro di. feodo unius milit.: sed predicta Milisant dicit se habere quandam cartam regis Henrici, patris regis nunc, per quam idem rex quietam clamavit cuidam Willelmo de Cantelupo, antecessori ejusdem Milisanta, de decem solidis finium comr', wapentagii, et sectam corn', wapentagii et trithing, et omnia forinseca servitia ad corn' pertinenti; et sic hucusque ipsa carta usi fuerunt haeredes predicti Willelmi, etc. Milisent de Cantilupe, mother of Eleanor la Zouch, married, first, John de Monte Alto, and, secondly, Eudo la Zouch. See note to Kighley, p. 16. j John de Martylay married Alice, daughter and co-heir of Simon de Monte Alto (Plac. de Quo Warranto, 225). The hamlet of Marley is about a mile and a half N.W. of Bingley. At the time of the Domesday survey it was called Mardelei. WAPENTAGIUM DE CLAROW. BETHEMSLEY. Willelmus Mauleverer tenet quartam partem hujus ville pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de dominis de Skypton, et iidem de rege in capite. Johannes Mauleverer tenet'quintam partem ejusdem villae pro di. quartse partis feodi unius milit. de hoeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege. NESEFELD. Robertus de Plumpton tenet eandem [villam de]^ Nessefeld pro medietate unius feodi milit. de Roberto de Percy, et idem Robertus de haeredibus Henrici de Percy, et iidem hzeredes de rege in capite. MIDDELTON. Patricius de Westwyk et Petrus de Middelton [tenent villam de Meddilton] pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de hieredibus de Percy, et iidem hxredes de rege in capite; sed non dicitur per quod servitium. DENTON. Maugerus le Vavasur tenet eandem villam pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de Archiepiscopo Ebor., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege [in capite].d ASCWYTH. Patricius de Westwyk tenet tertiam partem de Ascwythe pro medietate quartse partis feodi j milit. de Johanne de Vescy, et idem Johannes de rege in capite; sed non dicitur per quod servitium. Item Maugerus le Vavasur tenet ijas partes praedictm villme de haeredibus de Percy pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit., et iidem heredes de rege in capite. WESTON. Willelmus [de] Stophamf tenet villam de Weston pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de Johanne de Vescy, et idem Johannes de rege. LLELEY. Haeredes de Percy tenent tertiam partem ejusdem villae de rege in capite pro iijtia parte feodi j milit. Galfridus de Monte Alto tenet tertiam partem ejusdem villae de Leley pro tertia parte feodi unius milit. de Comitissa Albemarlie, et eadem Comitissa de rege. Magister Sancti Leonardi tenet tertiam a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b villam de, A. B.' tenent villam de Meddilton, A. B. d in capite, A. B. e Westwyk, A. B. f In the 21st Edward I. William de Stopham claimed to have " emendas assizse cervisise fractae in Weston, Westwyk, Toueton et Bayldon ab antiquo" (Plac. de Quo Warr., 203). His father, Robert de Stopham, had a charter of free warren in Weston and Newton in the 36th Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 75). g Leathley, near Otley. WAPENTAKE OF CLARO, W.R. 45 partem ejusdem villse de haeredibus de Percy in puram elemosinam. CASTELLEY. Ricardus de Goldesburgh et Willelmus de Castelley tenent eandem villam pro iijtia parte feodi j milit. de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem hoeredes de rege in capite. STEINBURN. Abbas de Fontibus tenet villam de Steinburn et medietatem villse de Ryghton pro iiijta parte et di. feodi unius milit. de Comitissa Albemarlise, et eadem Comitissa de rege in capite. RIGHTON. Robertus de Furneys et haer' Willelmi de Plompton tenent medietatem ville de Ryghton pro secunda parte quartae partis feodi unius milit. de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. KYRKEBY ORBLAUERS. Comitissa Albemarliae tenet eandem villam pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite. KEREBY. Willelmus de Cantelupo et uxor ejus tenent eandem villam pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite. COLTHORP. Adam filius Jolanih de Walkyngham tenet villam de Colthorp pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. de Roberto de Plumpton, et idem Robertus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; [sed non fit mentio per quod, etc.].i SICLINGHALLE. Alicia quae fuit uxor Johannis le Vavasur tenet eandem villam integram de haeredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de rege in capite, pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit. SPOFORD. Haeredes de Percy tenent villam de Spoford pro feodo unius milit. de rege in capite. PLUMTON. Robertus de Plumton tenet unam medietatem ejusdem villae de haeredibus de Percy, et alteram medietatem de Johanne de Vescy; et iidem heredes [et]J Johannes tenent de rege in capite pro di. feodo unius milit. BRAHAM. Willelmus de Hartlington tenet villam de Braham de Willelmo de Ros de feodo de Trussebut, et idem Willelmus de Ros de Roberto de Ros, et [idem]k Robertus de rege in capite pro di. feodo milit., cum tertia parte de Dunsford, Brampton, et quarta parte de Folishait.t SUTH DITHON, NORTH DITHON, INOMANTHORP [ET] MEDIETAS [DE] CATHALLE. Willelmus de Ros tenet villas de Suth Dithon, North Dithon, Ingmanthorp, et medietatem de Cathalle de Alani, A. B. * sed non fit mentio per quod, etc., A. B. Robertus et, A. B. k idem, A. B. Follifoot, in the parish of Spofforth. 46 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Roberto Ros, et idem Robertus de rege in capite pro feodo unius milit.; sed non dicitur per quod servitium. [GRENE HAMERTON, QWYXLEY ET MUNKETON]. Johannes de Hamerton tenet villai de Grene Hamerton, et medietatem villse de Qwyxley, et tertiam partem de Munketon, pro feodo unius milit. de haeredibus de Brus, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. [QWYXLEY ET PARVA USBURN]. Adam de Arundale tenet medietatem ville de Qwyxley, et medietatem de Parva Usburn pro feodo unius milit. de heredibus de Brus, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite. ALVERTON. Johannes filius et heres Johannis Mauleverer tenet villam de Alverton et villam de Carlton,m medietatem de Hoperton, medietatem de Parva Usburn, et ijas partes villse de Dunsford, de hoeredibus Petri de Brus, et iidem hieredes de rege in capite. GOLDESBURGH. Ricardus de Goldesburgh tenet eandem villam de Johanne de Vescy, et idem Johannes de rege pro feodo unius milit. KYRKE HAMERTON. Priorissa de Monketon tenet terram suam de Kyrke Hamerton, et ij partes villae de Monketon, de heredibus de Brus, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de Moubray de rege in capite. KYRKBY MALSART [ET STUDLEYE]. Rogerus de Moubray tenet villam de Kyrkby Malsart, cum membris, de rege in capite pro feodo j milit.: unde Johannes de Studleye tenet in villa de Studleyen iij partes ejusdem ville, que est quarta pars feodi unius milit., de dicto Rogero, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. ALDFELD. Willelmus de Aldfeldo tenet eandem villam et quartam partem villae de Studley pro tertia parte feodi unius milit. de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; sed non dicitur per quod servitium. AZERLAWE. Dume partes ejasdem villae tenentur de. Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et Hugo de BeltoftP et Egidia uxor ejus tenent tertiam partem dictae villke de praedicto Rogero, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite pro tertia parte feodi unius milit. m Clareton, in the parish of Allerton-Mauleverer. n Perhaps this is Studley Roger. ~ William de Aldfield, son and heir of Nigel, son and heir of Sir Alan de Aldfield, was found to be twenty-one years old on Saturday, April 29th, 1284 (Cal. Gen., i., 263, 352). He married the daughter of Sir Elias de Knoll (Ibid., 263). P Hugo de Beltoft married Egidia, widow of Nigel, son and heir of Sir Alan de Aldfield (Cal. Gen., i., 263). WAPENTAKE OF CLARO, W. R. 47 ASMUNDERBY. Humfridus de Bassingburnq tenet villam de Asmunderby de Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite pro di. feodo unius milit. RYPPELEYE. Willelmus de Ryppeleye tenet ij partes villae de Ryppeleye de Willelmo de Ros, et idem Willelmus de Robertor de Ros, et idem Robertuss de rege in capite pro di. feodo unius milit.t q Humphrey de Bassingburn, son and heir of Humphrey de Bassingburn, lord of the manor of Abingdon (Cal. Gen., i., 294), married Mary, daughter and heiress of Matthew de Thornton, who had a charter of free warren in Thornton and Aismunderby in 1256 (Plac. de Quo Wtarr., 221). By Inq. p. m., 26th Edward I., his son Humphrey was found to be his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 554). IRadulpho, A. B.' Radulphus, A. B. For the Liberties of Knaresborough, Ripon, and Aldborough separate inquisitions would, no doubt, be taken. Particulars relating to places within these Liberties will be given in the Aid of the 31st Edward I. WAPENTAGIUM DE BARKESTON.SHIRBURN. Archiepiscopus [Ebor.]b tenet Shirburn pro baronia de rege in capite; in qua baronia sunt vj feod. milit. et quarta pars unius feodi in praedicto wap. de Berkeston: unde Johannes de Bella Aqua tenet unum di. feod. in Burne de praedicto Archiepiscopo, unde iiij car. terrae faciunt di. feod.; et Johannes de Reygatec tenet unum feod. de praedicto Archiepiscopo in Stiveton, unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. integrum; et Gilbertus de Nevilld tenet unum feod. in Luterington,e unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod., etc.; et Willelmus de la Launde et [Osbertus]f de Spaldington tenent unum feod. in Mikelfeude, unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod., etc.; et Willelmus de Burstall et Johannes de Lascy tenent unum feod. in Gaytford et Bretton,/ unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod., etc.; et Decanus et Capitulum Beati Petri Ebor. tenent di. feod. in Lumby, unde viij car. faciunt, etc.; et Thomas de Barkestonh tenet quartam partem feodi unius militis in Barkeston, unde viij car. terrae faciunt, etc.; et Willelmus de Suth Muleforth tenet in eadem de Archiepiscopo tertiami partem unius feodi, unde viij faciunt, etc. TADECASTRE. Haeredes de Percy tenent eandem villam de a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b Ebor., A. B. c Sir John de Reygate was escheator north of Trent from 1268 to 1272, a justiciar from 1269 to 1271 (Foss's Judges, iii., 143), and bailiff of Sherburn in 1290 (Reg. Romanus, fo. 95). In 1294 John de Reygate, junior, did homage to the archbishop for lands in Steeton, Micklefield, Lumby, and Milford; and either he or his father was a commissioner of array in 1300 (Parl. Writs, i., 345). d The Inq. p. m. of Gilbert de Nevill was taken in the 22nd Edward I., when his son John was found to be his next heir, and of the age of twenty-six years (Cal. Gen., ii., 484).' Lotherton, in the parish of Sherburn. f Osbertus, A. B. r Burton Salmon, in the parish of Church Fenton (?) h His son Walter having been "in conflictu apud Dumbar habito in vi et auxilio cum Scotis contra regem Anglioe," an inquisition "de terris suis" was taken in the 27th Edward I., when the jurors find that " Alicia quse fuit uxor Thomae patris prsedicti Walteri tenet unum messuagium et xxiiij acras terrae in Barkeston in dotem de haereditate ipsius Walteri: et quve quidem tenementa ad ipsum Walterum reverti debuissent si ad fidelitatem domini regis Anglise stetisset" (Cal. Gen., ii., 575). i In the Aid of the 31st Edward I., William de Camera is returned as holding only the thirteenth part of a knight's fee in South Milford. WAPENTAKE OF BARKSTON-ASH, W. R. 49 rege in capite: in qua villa sunt iiij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. milit.; et redd. per ann. vicecomiti Ebor. pro finibus iiijs. [HESELWODE]. Et Willelmus le Vavasur tenet in Heselwode iij car. terrae et di. de baronia de Spoford, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. unius milit.; et redd. per ann. praedicto vicecomiti iijs. RYTHER. Willelmus [de] Ryther tenet eandem villam de Comite Lincolnire de honore de Pontefracto: in qua villa est unum feod. milit., unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. integrum; et redd. per ann. praedicto vicecomiti vs. iiijd. pro finibus comitis et wapp. NEUTON KYMBE. Philippus de Kyme tenet eandem villam de feodo de Brus, et haer' de Brus de rege in capite: in qua villa est di. feod. unius milit., unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. integrum; et redd. per ann. vicecomiti praedicto iijs. vjd. pro finibus praedictis. BIRKYN. Adam de Everyngham tenet ij bov. terrve in Birkyn' de Roberto de Everynghamk de feodo Comitis Lincolniae. Et dicta villa geldabilis est, et redd. [per ann.]' pro finibus praedictis vicecomiti Ebor., apud Farborn, ut ibi patet in sequente. SUTTON. Petrus de Rotherfeudm tenet ij car. terrae in Sutton de Comite Lincolniae de feodo ejusdem. Et dicta villa geldabilis est, et redd. per ann. vicecomiti Ebor. pro finibus praedictis ijs. POLYS. Robertus de Panely tenet j car. in Polys de Roberto de Percy de eodem feodo. Et dicta villa geldabilis est, et redd. per ann. vicecomiti praedicto pro finibus praedictis viijd. BYROM. Thomas de Sancto Paulon tenet jo car. terrae in i Sometime before 1251, Isabella de Everingham, daughter and heiress of Thomas de Birkin, and widow of Robert de Everingham, " dedit manerium de Birkin cum omnimodis pertinentiis suis et cum advocatione ejusdem ecclesiae domino Johanni de Everingham filio suo, [qui] praesentavit Robertum de Everingham, fratrem suum, ad eandem ecclesiam, ex cujus presentatione dominus Walterus de Gray, tune archiepiscopus Ebor., dictum Robertum ad eandem ecclesiam admisit, et in eadem ecclesia instituit: qui illam tenuit in tota vita sua" (Cal. Gen., i., 407). k Sir Robert de Everingham, the eldest son of Adam de Everingham, and grandson of the above Isabella and Robert, died about two years after the date of this Inquest. By Inq. p. m., taken 15th Edward I., his son Adam was found to be his next heir, "et quod erit de etate septem annorum in festo Sancti Michaelis proximo futuro" (Cal. Gen., i., 380). Adam de Everingham, mentioned in the text as holding two bovates in Birkin of the above Robert, was, I believe, his younger brother.' per ann., A. B. - See note to Hickleton, p. 4. A member, probably, of the family of that name, which was seated at Todwick for several generations (S. Yorks., ii., 159). " ij car., A. B. E 50 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Byrom de eodem feodo. Et dicta villa geldabilis est, et redd. per ann. vicecomiti predicto pro finibus pruedictis ijs. ixd. FARBURN. Robertus de EverynghamP tenet di. feod. milit. in Farburn de feodo Comitis Lincolnise. Et geldabilis est dicta villa; et redd. pro finibus cor' et wapp. xjs. ijd., cum Byrkyn. [NEUTON] WALEYS.q Stephanus de Waleysr tenet ij car. terrae in eadem villa de feodo Comitis Lincolnise. Et geldabilis est, et solvet pro finibus, etc., vicecomiti, ijs. vd. [BRAMHAM].S In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit., qaue tenentur de rege in capite per Petrum de Malo Lacu; et redd. per ann. pro finibus com' et wapp. [praedictis]t iiijs. CLYFFORD. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae et di., unde xiiij car. terrae, etc., quae tenentur de [haeredibus]" Baldewyni Wak, et iidem haeredes de Petro de Malo Lacu, et idem Petrus de rege in capite; et redd. per ann. ad finem com' ijs. vjd. [OCLESTHORPE].v In eadem villa est una car. terrae; et redd. per ann. ad fines com' et wapp. xvjd. ob. [ ].w In eadem villa sunt iijx car. terrae; et redd. vicecomiti per ann. pro finibus com' et wapp. xijd. TOLLESTON. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae et di., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod., etc.; et tenentur de Philippo de Kyme, et idem Philippus de rege in capite; et redd. vicecomiti per ann. pro finibus com' et wapp. iiijs. [HATHELSAY].Y In eadem villa est nna medietas feodi unius milit.; et tenetur de Comite Lincolniae, et Comes de rege; et redd. vicecomiti, etc., ijs. vd. ob.z P His ancestor, Adam, son of Peter de Birkin, who married Matilda, the heiress of Caulz and Anselin, gave a half bovate in Fairburn to the monks of Pontefract, to find wine for the celebration of mass (S. Yorks., ii., 263). q Neuton Waleys, A. B. D. r Sir Stephen Waleys of Burgh Waleys, the son and heir of Sir Richard Waleys, was living in 1294 (Reg. Romanus, 27 b). s Bramham, A. B. D. t proedictis, A. B. " her', A. B. v Oclesthorpe, B. D. " Ayton, D. There is no such place in Barkston wapentake. ij car., A. B. D. Y Hathelsay, D. " A reference to the Aid of the 31st Edward I., the Nomina Villarum, and to the List of Homages rendered to the archbishops of York, printed in the present volume, will shew how imperfect is this account of the wapentake of Barkston. None of the transcripts, or abstracts, of Kirkby's Inquest that I have seen contain any notices of the vills of Barlow, Brayton, Brotherton, Burton near Burn, Carleton, Cawood, Drax, Fenton, Frystone, Grimston, Hambleton, Hillam, Huddleston, Hurst Courtney, Temple Hurst, Kirkby Wharfe, Lead, Ledsham, Lennerton, North Milford, Saxton, Selby, Stutton, Thorpe Willoughby, Towton, Ulleskelf, and Wistow. Particulars relating to these places may be gleaned from the documents above mentioned. WAPENTAGIUM DE DEKERYNG. KILLOM. In eadem villa sunt xxxviij car. terre qume solebant esse de antiquo dominico regis, et Archiepiscopus et Capitulum Rotomag' nunc eas tenent de rege in capite in liberam elemosinam; et rex habebit custodiam praedictarum xxxviij car. terrae post mortem archiepiscopi. POTERBRUMTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae quas Robertus de Everyngham tenet de Johanne de Eston, et idem Johannes de rege in capite pro di. feod. milit. Et redd. per ann. ad finem wapp. praedicti vjs. GALMETON. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrae; de quibus Robertus de Acklum tenet v car. terrae de Gilberto [de] Gaunt, et idem Gilbertus de rege in capite pro di. feod. milit.; et haer' de Johanne de Bocehallc ten' in eadem villa iij car. terrae de feodo haeredum de Percy, et iidem haeredes de Gilberto de Gaunt, et idem Gilbertus de rege pro quarta parte feodi milit. Et redd. ad finem [praedictum] vijs. BENITON.d In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae quas Marmeducus de Thweng tenet de feodo de Nevill, et Nevill de feodo de Mauley, et Mauley de rege in capite; unde xv car. faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. WTLHARDBY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terre; de quibus ecclesia est dotata de una car., et Templarii tenent di. car., et residuas iiijor car. et di. tenet Prior de Bridlington de feodo de Wak, et Wak de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem praedictum vjs.e Et praedicti religiosi nihil reddf a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b This account proves that the following extract from the Close roll of the 7th John does not relate to Kilburn, in Birdforth wapentake, as stated in the Monasticon (vi., 1118), and in Gill's Vallis Eboracensis (p. 240):-" Manerium de Kilbun, cum pertinentiis, quod datum fuit a primo Henrico, bonse memoriae, illustri rege Anglise, archiepiscopo et capitulo Rothomagensi, quod positum est ad firmam pro LXX marcis" (Rot. Lit. Claus., 70). See p. 58, postea. c 18th Edward I. Probatio eetatis. " Dicunt [ juratores] super sacramentum suum quod Nicholaus filius et hseres Johannis de Bossale natus fuit apud Galmeton, et in ecclesia ejusdem villhe baptizatus; et quod idem Nicholaus fuit viginti et unius annorum ad festum Sancti Michaelis ultimo praeteritum " (Cal. Gen., i., 425). d Binnington, in the parish of Willerby. ijs., A. f A. omits this sentence. E 2 52 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. STAXTON. In eadem villa sunt septem car. terrae; de quibus Hospitale Sanctee Mariae de Staxton tenet j car. de dono Gilberti de Gaunt in elemosinam; et residua vj car. terra tenentur de feodo de Percy, et Percy de Gilberto de Gaunt, et Gilbertus de rege in capite; unde viij car. terrse faciunt feod. milit. Et eadem villa redd. ad finem prsedictum vjs. FLIXTON. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrse; de quibus ecclesia dotata est [de] di. car. terrwe, et v car. et di., una cum xvj bov. terrse, tenentur de feodo Baronis de Graystok, et ipse de rege; unde xix car.9 et di. faciunt feod. milit.: et residune iiijor car. terrae tenentur de Willelmo filio Thomse de Graystok, et idem Willelmus de Gilberto de Gaunt, et idem Gilbertus de rege; unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum iiijs. vjd. FOLKETON. In eadem [villa] a sunt iiijor car.i terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de una car.; et dominusi de Lacy tenet unam car. terrae de Barone de Graystok, et idem Baro tenet iiijor car. terre de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et villa praedicta redd. ad finem praedictum iiijs. FLOTEMANBY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrze qua tenentur de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et eadem villa redd. ad finem praedictum vs. MUSEDON. In eadem villa sunt x car. terrse, de quibus vij car. et vijk bov. tenentur de feodo de Gaunt, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et Walterus de Buckeden (Buckton) tenet ij car. terra et ij bov. de feodo de Gaunt. Et redd. per ann. pro terris ejusdem Walteri ad finem predictum xviijd., et pro residuo redd. xijs. xd. FYUELEY.' In eadem villa sunt vjm car. terrae quae tenentur de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde x car. terra faciunt feod. milit. HUNDMANBY." In eadem villa sunt xx car. terrae; de g ix car. terrae et di., A. a villa, A. B. iij car., A. B. J Ricardus, A. B. In 1296 Richard de Lacy gave to the monks of Bridlington pasture for three hundred sheep in the territory of Folketon (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 228). k vj bov., A. B. By an Inq. taken 6th Edward I., Gilbert de Gaunt and Richard de Malebisse are declared to have the right to take a whale whenever caught in their port of Fiweley (Filey), the head and the tail only being reserved for the king (Cal. Gen., i., xxxiv., 273. Plac. de Quo Warr., 189). " v car., B. The text reads corruptly Hundyn Hamby, and MSS. A. and B., Hindin Haneby. Gilbert de Gaunt, who died in 1273, "quondam tenuit de domino Rege in capite et baronia villatam de Hundemanby, sed eandem villain cum WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING, E. R. 53 quibus ecclesia dotata est de una car. terra; [et xij car. terra tenentur]~ de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege pro ij feod. et di. Et redd. per ann. ad finem pradictum vs. BURTON FLEMYNG. In eadem villa sunt xviij car. terrse; de quibus Prior de Brydlington tenet xij car. terra, et Prior de Sancto Oswaldo tenet j car. terra in puram elemosinam; et residua v car. terrae tenentur de Hugone filio Radulphi, et idem Hugo de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege pro uno feod. milit. et di. Et redd. ad finem praedictum vs. FORDON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terre; de quibus Prior de Brydlygnton et Abbas de Whitby tenent ij car. terra in puram elemosinam de Ricardo de Malebise; et residue iiijor car. terrae tenentur de eodem dominop Ricardo, et idem Ricardus de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde x car. terra faciunt feod. milit. NEUTON. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de ijq car. terrae; et Prior de Bridlyngton tenet j car. terrae in puram elemosinam de feodo de Gaunt pro j feodo; et Walranus de Rochefordr tenet viij car. terra et vj bov. terra de her' de Percy, et Percy de Gaunt pro j feodo milit.; et Robertus filius Jordani tenet ij car. de Saneta Hilda, sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. Et redd. villa predicta ad finem praedictum vs. FOXOLES. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae; et Robertus de Acklum tenet ij car. terra de Willelmo [de] Harpham, et idem Willelmus de Domina de Kildale, et ea de rege in capite, unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et Walterus de Bubwyth tenet x bov. terrae de Gaunt, et Radulphus de Fangefosse tenet vj bov. de eodem feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et Rogerus le Despenser tenet unam car. terra et di. de pradicto Willelmo de Harpham, [unde]s ut supra. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem predictum iiijs. BOYTHORP. In eadem [villa]t sunt vj car. terrae; de quibus omnibus pertinentiis suis sine ullo retenemento donavit Gilberto filio suo et h1redi in maritagio cum Lora de Balyolo, et ear inde dotavit, et eos per longum tempus ante decessum suum in plenariam seisinam posuit" (Cal. Gen., i., 212). 7th Edward I. Coram Johanne de Vallibus. Gilbert de Gaunt claims " wreccum balense apud Hundmanby." The jurors say, "quod idem Gilbertus et omnes antecessores sui a tempore quo non extat memoria habuerunt in seisina habendi balenam maris cum applicuerit in portu de Hundmandy, salvis domino Regi cauda et capite ejusdem balense" (Ex MS. penes J. Raine, Canon. Ebor.). ~ et xii car. terrae tenentur, A. B. P A. and B. omit domino. q ij bov., A. B. Sir Walranus de Rocheford gave land in Newton Rocheford, alias Wold Newton, to the monks of Bridlington (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 236). * unde, A. B. t villa, A. B. 54 KIIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Johannes de Kyllyngholm tenet iiijor car. terras, et Johannes filius Roberti de Coton (Cottam) tenet ij car. de Waltero de Faucunberg, et idem W alterus de rege; unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum iijs. vjd. BOTURWYK. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae quas Radulphus filius Willelmiv tenet de Mauley, et Mauley de rege pro j feodo milit. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vijs. ERGHUM [ET BERKILDALE]." In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terrae; de quibus Willelmus [de] Erghum tenet iij car. terrae de feodo de Gaunt; et j car. tenet idem Willelmus de feodo de Meynill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege. Et redd. praedicta villa de Erghum ad finem praedictum iijs., et praedicta villa de Berkildale nihil redd. GRENEDALE. In eadem villa sunt xij car. et ij bov. terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae; et iiijor car. sunt de Praebenda Sancti Petri Ebor., qune tenentur in puram elemosinam a tempore quo non extat memoria; et vij car. et di. et ij bov. terrae tenet Walterusw de Grendall de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde xj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem praedictum vjs. iiijd.x RIGHTON. In eadem villa sunt xiiij car. terrae; de quibus Petrus de Munceus [tenet v car. de Ingeramo de Munceus],y et ipse de feodo de Holdernesse; et v car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; et Abbas de Rivall' tenet j car. terrae in puram elemosinam; et residuae iij car. sunt de Libertate Sancti Johannis Beverlaci. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem praedictum ijs. SPETON. In eadem villa sunt [vj] car. terrae; de quibus Thomas de Speton tenet ij car. terrae et di., et Prior de Bridlington iij car. et di. in liberam elemosinam de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. BUKETON, NEUSOMa ET BEMTON. In eisdem [villis]b sunt u Ralph fitz William was summoned to Parliament as baron Graystock in the 23rd Edward I., and died in 1316 (Dugd. Bar., i., 740). V Both these places have long ceased to exist. Erghum, or Argam, stood a little to the south of the road leading from Burton Flemming to Grindale, and about a mile from the latter village. Berkildale, or Barkedale, was one mile north of Erghum, and its site is indicated by Bartindale Farm, in the parish of Hunmanby. The chapel of Barkedale was given by Walter de Gaunt to the abbey of Bardney before 1269. Willelmus, A. B. * vs. iiijd., A. B. Y tenet v car. de Ingeramo de Munceus, A. B. The Inq. p. m. of Sir Ingram de Monceaux was taken in the 20th Edward I., his son John being found his next heir, and of the age of eighteen years (Cal. Gen., i., 451). vj car., A. B. a The vill of Neusom, or Newsholm, now depopulated, nearly adjoined that of Bempton on the south-west. villis, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING, E. R. 55 xxiiij car. terrae; de quibus ecclesiae dotatae sunt de ij et di.; et ix. car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Meynill, et Meynill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar', et idem Archiepiscopus de rege in capite; et v car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Merley, et Merley de Brus, et Brus de rege in capite; et vj car. terrse tenentur de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; et una car. terrse et di. de honore Cestrie. Et nihil redd. ad finem predictum. BRIDLINGTON. In eadem villa sunt xvj car. terre; de quibus Prior de Brydlington tenet xij car. terrae in liberam elemosinam de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege in capite pro j feodo milit.; et iiij car. terrae tenentur de Priore de Brydlyngton, et idem Prior de Meynill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar', et idem Archiepiscopus de rege; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs. SYWARDBY [ET] MARTON. In eisdem villisd sunt xvj car. terrae et di.; de quibus quinque car. et vj bov. terrae tenentur de feodo de Meynill, et Meynill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et ipse de rege, unde x car. faciunt feod. milit.; et ij car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege, unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et [una car. et di. et]e vj bov. terrae tenentur de feodo de Holdernesse, unde xlviij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et una car. terrae et di. tenetur de Willelmo de Flaynburgh,f et idem Willelmus de Comite Lincolniae de honore Cestrime; et residuae ij car. terrae et di. tenentur de feodo de Malebys, et Malebys de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum xviijd. Et iij car. terrae tenentur de Libertate Sancti Petri Ebor. ESTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; de quibus Willelmus de Bucton et Adam Ulram tenent iij car. terrae et di. et ij bov. terrae de feodo de Kyme, et Kyme de Gaunt; et Prior de Brydlyngton tenet ij car. et ij bov. terrae in elemosinam de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege, unde x car. terre faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs. FLAYNBURGH. In eadem [villa]s sunt xvj car. terrae [et]' ij bov.; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de vj bov. terrae de feodo Willelmi le Constable; et idem Willelmus tenet x car. terrae de honore Cestriae, unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., et nihil redd. ad finem prmedictum. Et diversi tenent residuas iiij car. et x bov. terrae; sed a quibus vel per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. BOUYNGTON. In eadem villa sunt xviij car. terrmei et vj bov.; " A. and B. omit in capite. d In eadem villa, A. B. I una car. et di. et, A. B. f William le Constable de Flaynburgh. g villa, A. B. het, A. B. i A. omits terrae et vj bov. i vij bov., B. 56 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. de quibus x car. tenentur de feodo de Menill, et Menill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege pro j feodo; et Willelmus de Bouyngton et Johannes de Munceus tenent v car. terrae; de quibus Priorissa de Apylton tenet ij bov. in liberam elemosinam de feodo de Holdernesse, unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et ecclesia dotata est de vij bov.; et residume iij car. tenentur de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege, unde xjk car. terra faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum iiijs., excepta parte praedicti feodi de Holdernesse qume redd. pro wardo castri xxijd. ob. CARETHORP.1 In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrse; de quibus quatuor car. terrae tenentur de Libertate Sancti Petri Ebor., et iiijor car. terrae de Libertate Beatae Mariae Ebor., et residuae iiijor car. terrae de feodo de Holdernesse, unde xlviijm car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. ad finem przedictum. THORP. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de feodo de Meynilleynilt ynill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege, unde vj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum vs. RUDESTANE. In eadem villa sunt xxiiij car. terrae; de quibus haer' Willelmi de Rudestan ten' viij car. terrae de [feodo de] Merley, et Merley de Brus, et Brus de rege in capite, unde xj car. terrse faciunt feod. milit.: et Ricardus de Thornayo tenet viij car. terrae de Luterell; de quibus Prior de Brydlyngton tenet iiijor car. terrae de eodem Ricardo, et idem Ricardus de Luterell, et ipse de rege pro j feodo milit.; et residuae viij car. terrae sunt de Libertate Beatae Mariae Ebor., quae tenentur de feodo Peverell',P et ipse de rege in capite. Et redd. ad finem praedictum, una cum Bylipton,q vs. TWENG. In eadem villa sunt xvij car. terrae et ij bov.; de quibus Marmaducus filius Marmaduci de Tweng tenet viij car. terrae de Percy de Kyldale, et ipse de Brus, et Brus de rege pro j feodo milit.; et vj car. terrae tenentur de Brus, et Brus de rege pro di. feodo milit.; et Willelmus filius Anselini de Harpham" tenet iij car. terrae et ij bov. de Brus, et Brus de x car., B. Caythorpe, in the parish of Rudston. m xviij car., A. B. n feodo de, A. B o" Ricardus de Thorny quondam subvicecomes Ebor.," is mentioned in the Hundred Rolls (p. 115). P William Peverell, castellain of Dover temp. Henry I., gave eight carucates of land in Rudston to St. Mary's Abbey (Dugd. Bar., i., 437). q Belipton, A. B. I cannot identify this place. r John, son of John de Harpham, gave the mediety of the church of Tweng to the monks of Bridlington, which was confirmed by Anceline de Harpham, his son, and by William, son and heir of the said Anceline, who quit-claimed the same in the court of York in 1302 (Burton's Mor. Ebor., 242). WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING, E. R. 57 rege, unde viij car. terrse faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem prnedictum xjs. OKETON. In eadem villa sunt xiiij car. terra; de quibus Marmaducus tenet xij car. terra de Mauley, et Mauley de rege pro j feodo milit.; et Walterus de Bukden (Buckton), Henricus de Rouceby, Willelmus filius Elenae et Johannes de Oketon tenent residuas ij car. terrae per servitium unius archeria arentatae ad xxs. Et redd. ad finem praedictum iiijs. SWATHORP.S In eadem villa sunt ix car. terra quae tenentur de Chauncy, et Chauncy de rege, unde xv car. terra faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum iijs. LANGETOFT. In eadem villa sunt xxiiij car. terrae; de quibus xxj car. terra et di. sunt de Libertate Sancti Petri Ebor.; et residuae iij car. terrae tenentur de feodo Reginaldi filii Petri, et ipse [de]t Archiepiscopo Ebor., et [idem]" Archiepiscopus de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. GARTON. In eadem villa sunt xxxij car. terrae et di.; de quibus Robertus de Roos tenet xvij car. terra de rege, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et vj car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Monte Acuto, et ipse de rege pro di. feod.; et vj car. terra tenentur de feodo de Moubray, et ipse de rege pro di. feod.; et residuae ij car. terrae tenentur de Libertate Sancti Johannis Beverlaci; et una car. terra de Libertate Sanctae Mariae Ebor. Et redd. ad finem praedictum iiijs. POKETHORP. In eadem [villa]v sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de feodo de Percy, et Percy de rege; unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum xijd. NAFFRETON. In eadem villa sunt xiiij car. terra et ij bov.w quae tenentur de Percy, et Percy de rege; unde xj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum viijd. WANDESFORD. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae et vj bov.x qua tenentur de Percy, et Percy de rege; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. [Et] nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. FOSTON. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae quae tenentur de Percy, et Percy de rege pro uno feodo milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum ixd. BRYGHAM. In eadem villa sunt sex car. terrae; de quibus iij car. et di. terra tenentur de feodo de Menill, et Menill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.: et ij car. terra et di. tenentur de rege; de quibus Gilbertus de Gaunt tenet j car., et DervorT The vill of Swaythorpe has disappeared, but the name is retained by a farm, standing near its site, about a mile S.E. of Octon, and two miles N.E. of Langtoft. t de, A. B. u idem, A. B. v villa, A. B. w vj bov., A. B.' vij bov., B. 58 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. gilla de Ballioloy tenet j car. et di. de soccagio de Dryffeld, unde x car. terrse faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem preedictum iijs. KYLLUM. In eadem villa sunt 1 car. terrae; de quibus Archiepiscopus et Capitulum Rotomag' tenent xxxviij car. terrwe in liberam elemosinam de rege, sicut supraz continetur; et vj car. terrae tenentur de socagio de Driffeld, et vj car. terrae tenentur de baronia; de quibus Ricardus de Gorun tenet iij car. terrae; et residuae iij car. terrze tenentur de feodo de Chauncy, et ipse de rege, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redditur de baronia praedicta ad finem predictum ijs. LOWTHORP. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae; et una car. terrae et di. tenetur" de Libertate Sancti Johannis de Beverlaco; et residuae vj car. terrae tenentur de feodo de Menill, et Menill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et ipse de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. HARPHAM. In eadem villa sunt xijb car. terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de ij bov. terrae; et xij car. et viij bov. terrae tenentur de Merley, et Merley de Brus, et Brus de rege, unde xxj car. et ij bov. terre faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. BURTON ANNEYS. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae quae tenentur de Brus, et Brus de rege, unde xxj car. terrae et ij bov. faciunt feod. milit.; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de una car. terrae. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. THIRNUM. In eadem villa sunt vij car. terrae [et ij bov. terrae; quarum vj car. et] x bov. terrae tenentur de Merley, et Merley de Brus, et Brus de rege, unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. GRAUNCEMORE. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrme et di.; quarum iijd tenentur de Herberto de Sancto Quintino, et ipse de Merley, et Merley de Brus, et Brus de rege, unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et Prior de Brydlyngton tenet di. car. terrae de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. ad finem predictum. HASSETHORP. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrme; quarum ij sunt de Libertate Sancti Johannis de Beverlaco; et residuas y "Sex car. terrae in Killum et di. car. in Brigham de sokagio de Driffeud fuerunt de antiquo dominico corone, et dominus Henricus, rex ultimus, dedit eas in escambium cum Driffeud pro Cestria, quas Dorvegull, quce fuit uxor Johannis de Ball', tenet (Rot. Hundred., 4th Edward I., p. 114). Dervorgulla de Balliol, the daughter and heiress of Alan, earl of Galloway (Dugd. Bar., i., 524), died Jan. 29th, 1289-90, leaving Sir John de Balliol her son and heir (Cal. Gen., i., 414).' See p. 51. a est, A. B. b xiij car., B. " et ij bov. terreo; quarum vj car. et, A. B. d iiijor car., A. B. WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING, E. R. 59 iij (sic) car. terre tenet Willelmus de Hassethorp de feodo de Merley, et Merley de Brus, et Brus de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem predictum. KERNEBY. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terroe; de quibus xij car. tenentur de haered' de Percy, et Percy de rege; unde x car. terroe faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem praedictum viijs iiijd. BESYNGBY. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrse quas Prior de Brydlyngton tenet in liberam elemosinam de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege in capite. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. ALBURNE.e In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae; quarum una tenetur de Menill, et Menill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege; et alia car. terrae tenetur de feodo de Percy, et Percy de rege; unde x car. terrme faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem prDedictum iiijd. FRAISTHORP. In eadem villa sunt ix car. terrae; de quibus vij car. terrae tenentur de feodo [de] Menill, et Menill de Archiepiscopo Cantuar., et idem Archiepiscopus de rege; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et una car. terrae [tenetur] de feodo de Vescy, et Vescy de Moubray, et Moubray de rege; unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et Prior de Brydlyngton tenet j car. terrae in liberam elemosinam de feodo de Gaunt, et Gaunt de rege. Et redd. ad finem praedictum ijs xjd. WILLESTHORP. In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terre; de quibus ij car. terre tenet Prior [de] Brydlyngton de feodo de Gaunt in liberam elemosinam, et Gaunt de rege; et residuae ij car. tenentur de feodo de Holdernesse, unde xlviij car. terra faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. HILDERTHORP. In eadem villa sunt [vj]f car. terre; de quibus Prior de Brydlyngton tenet in liberam elemosinam xxj bov. terrae de feod. de Gaunt; et Prior de Watton tenet iij car. terrae et iij bov. terrae de honore de Cestria. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. ROSTON. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae; de quibus x car. sunt de Libertate Sancti Johannis Beverlaci, quae tenentur in liberam elemosinam; et residuae ij car. terre tenentur de feodo de Percy, et Percy de rege; unde x car. terre faciunt feod. milit. Et nihil redd. ad finer praedictum. COTUM. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae que tenentur de Libertate Sancti Petri Ebor.; sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. e In 1731 the township of Awburn is described as having " been so washed away by the sea," that "there are only one messuage and two cottages" left therein, containing fifteen persons, six of whom were Quakers. The chapel is also stated to have then "become ruinous and scarce fitt for publick use," for the want of inhabitants within the said chapelry for many years last past to contribute towards its repairs. (Reg. Blackburn, ff. 113, 114). f vj car., A. B. [WAPENTAGIUM INTER USAM ET DERWENT.] [Ex REG. APUD DUNELM., No. I., pars ii., fo. 49.] [INQUISITIOa capta apud Ebor. anno regis Edwardi primi xiijb post conquestum Angliae de le wappyntak in Houdenschyre inter Usse et Derwent per qua, scilicet, et de quibus tenentur terrae infrascriptse.] Juratores inter Usam et Derwent dicunt quod de villis et parvis thorp, videlicet xxxiij sunt in wapp' praedicto, videlicet Hemelsay,c Pontebell,' Scorreby, Kexby, Elvington, Queldryk, Cottingwyth, Thorgandeby, Skipwith, Northduffeld, Menthorp, Bolthorp, Southduffeld, Wodhall, Hakelthorp, Brakenholm, Babethorp, Hemmyngburgh, Clyff, Hosgoteby, Barthilby, Rykall, Kelkefeld, Stivelingflet, Moreby, Naburn, Fulforth, Waterfulforth, Eskerike, Dighton, Hesselington, Grimeston, Donyngton. HEMELSAY.d Item dicunt quod villa de Hemelsay continet in se sex bovatas terre, et redd. vjd. pro fin' wappentagii vic,' et facit sectam ad prim' com. et ad prim' wapp. post festum S. Michaelis tantum domino regi, et status non mutatur; et Walterus de Hemelsay tenet praedictam terram. Et idem Walterus tenet praedictam terram per feodum militare de haeredibus de Chaumberlayn de Northduffeld, et illi de hleredibus de Percy, et haeredes de Percy de Rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. a To the kindness of the Rev. Canon Raine I am indebted for a transcript of this valuable document, which is entered in one of the Registers belonging to the Dean and Chaper of Durham, in a handwriting which may be assigned to the commencement of the fifteenth century. There can be little doubt that this Inquisition is an actual copy of part of the original text of Kirkby. The heading, however, does not appear to have been taken from that record, as it is not drawn in a form used in Kirkby's time, and there is neither day nor month given, nor the names of the jurors. See Langbargh wapentake, postea. b The Durham MS. apparently reads viii., but this, doubtless, is a clerical error for xiii.-the date usually assigned to this Inquest. See p. 1, note c. The scribe has also by an error included Howdenshire in the wapentake. e Gate Helmsley is in the wapentake of Bulmer, in the North Riding. d In the York MS.-hitherto used as the text, and referred to in the following notes by the letter Y,-and also in the versions distinguished by the letters A, B, C, D, and R, the two preceding paragraphs are omitted, and an WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT, E. R. 61 PONTEBELL.e Item dicunt quod villa de Pontebell facit sectam ad prim' com,' et ad primum wapp,' et ad turnum vicecomitis, et nichil pro finis (sic) wapp,' quia tenetur per acras et non per bovatas. Et dominus Robertus de Percy tenet predictam villam de haeredibus le Chaumberlayn, et illi de haeredibus de Percy, et illi de Rege in capite per feodum militare. SCORREBY. Item dicunt quod villa de Scorreby continet in se vj car. terrse, et reddit ijs. pro finis (sic) wapp' [et] vic', et facit sectam ad proxim' com' et wapp' post festum Sancti Michaelis, et ad inquis' vic', et status non mutatur; et dominus Antonius de Beke tenet praedictam villam de Roberto de Percy, et ille de haeredibus le Chaumberlayn, et illi de haeredibus H. de Percy per feodum militare, et illi de Rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. KEXBY. Item dicunt quod villa de Kexby continet j car. terrae, et reddit pro finis wapp. vjd., et facit sectas praedictas, et status non mutatur; et dominus Thomas Burdon tenet praedictam villam deR/ de Percy, et R.g de Percy de haeredibus H.a de Percy, et illi de Rege in capite per feodum militare; unde xiji car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. ELVYNGTON. Item dicunt quod villa de Elvyngton continet in se vj car. terrae, et redd. pro finis wapp. ijsJ vicecomit', et facit sectas praedictas, et status non mutatur; et Ricardus de Mororsk tenet praedictam terram de haeredibus H. de Percy, et illi de rege in ceapite per feodum militare; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. QUELDRYK. Item dicunt quod villa de Queldryk continet in se x car. terrae, et redd. pro finis wapp. vicecomit' ijs., et facit sectas praedictas, et status non mutatur; et Abbas de Fontibus tenet praedictam villam de Ricardo de Malbys, et ille de haeredibus H. de Percy, et illi de Rege in capite per feodum militare; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. COTTINGWYTH. Item dicunt quod villa de Cottingwith abridgment only of this Inquisition, or of another copy of it, is given. The first entry reads thus: —" Hemelsay. In eadem villa sunt vj bov. terrse quae tenentur de haer' de Chaumberleyn de North Duffeld per feodum unius milit., et ille de her' de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite; unde ij car. fac' feod. milit. Et redd. per ann. ad finem wapp. vjd." As the succeeding entries are given in a similarly abbreviated form, I am unable to do more than notice some of the principal variations between the Durham text and MSS. A. B. and Y. e Poxbelle, A. B. Pons Belli, Y. The river Derwent glideth "hard under Stanford Bridge, which also of the battaile there fought is called Battlebridge" (Camden's Brit., ed. 1610, p. 709). f Roberto, A. B. Y. g Robertus, A. B. Y. * Henrici, A. x car., A. B. Y. i xijd., A. B. Y. k Richard de Murers had a charter of free warren in Elvington 38 Hen. III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 80 b). His son and heir, William de Murers, was living 21st Edward I. (Plac. de quo Warranto, 205). 62 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. continet in se v car. terrae; unde Priorissa de Thikheued tenet x bov. terrae de Germano le Hay, et reddit pro fin' wapp. vjd., et facit sectas praedictas; et Germanus tenet de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ille de Rege in capite. Et Johannes Ward tenet dim. car. terrse, et reddit pro fin' wapp. iiijd., et facit sectas praedictas, et tenet de praedicto Germano, et ille de Petro de Malo Lacu, ut prius. Et de illis iiij bov. terrae una bov. est in manu B.M. Ebor., et sic mutatur status, quia clam' ibi libertatem a tempore xxx annorum nunc elapsorum. Et Prior de Ellerton tenet iij (?) bov. de feodo dicti Germani, et solebat reddere fin' et sectam praedict', et modo nihil facit a tempore xxiiij annorunm nunc elaps.; et tenetur de Petro de Malo Lacu, ut prius. Et Abbas B.M. Ebor. habet in manu sua j bov. terrae de priedicto feodo, et solebat reddere fines et facere sectas praedictas, et modo nichil facit a tempore quinquaginta annorum elaps.; sed praedicta terra quam Prior de Ellerton tenet solebat defendere dictam bovatam terrae. Item Prior de Ellerton tenet in eadem j car. terrae de Symone ad Pontem, et redd. pro fin' wapp. vjd., et facit sectas praedictas; et ille tenet de Roberto de Ros, et ille de Rege in capite. Item Thomas in Sallicibus tenet in eadem v bov., et redd. pro fin' wapp. iiijd., et facit sectas praedictas; et ille tenet de Roberto de Percy, et ille de Rege in capite; et de illis v bov. ij bov. sunt in manu Prioris de Ellerton a tempore x annorum elaps. Et Johnnes de Alwardethorp tenet in eadem iiij bov. terrae, et redd. pro fin' wapp. domino de Thorgar.dby iijd., et facit sectas praedictas, et tenet de Matilda de Multon; et illa tenet j bov. terrae in eadem de dicto feodo, et illa tenet de haeredibus de Sayngrevel et illim de haeredibus de Playce, et illi de Johanne de Vescy, et ille de Rege in capite per feodum militare. Et de illis Abbas B.M. Ebor. tenet j bov. terrae a tempore quinquaginta annorum nune elaps.; sed Johannes de Alwardthorp defendit illam. Et Capitulum B. Petri. Ebor. tenet j bov. terrae in eadem de feodo Ullf. NABURN. Item dicunt quod villa de Naburn cont. in se iij car. terrae; unde Reginaldus de Watervyle tenet ij car. terrae nomine haeredum Nicholai de Paumes in custodia, et praedicti haeredes debent tenere de praedicto Reginaldo, et debent facere sectas ad proxim' com' et wapp. post festum B. Michaelis, et ad inquisitionem vie' per praeceptum domini regis; et dictus Reginaldus tenet dictam terram de Roberto de Ros per feodum militare, et dictus Robertus de Rege in capite; unde xij, etc. Et Edmundus Maunsel tenet j car. terrae in eadem de Steyngreve, B. de W. de Plays, et idem W. [Willelmus, A.] de Johanne de Vescy, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT, E. R. 63 Ricardo de Malbyse, et facit sectas praedictas, et tenet per feodum militare; et Ricardus Malbyse tenet de Comite Cornubiensi, et ille de Rege in capite; unde xij," etc. GRIMESTON. Item dicunt quod villa de Grymeston cont. iij car. terrse; unde Alanus Roald et Hugo de Methlay, capellani, tenent ij car. terrme de haeredibus le Pinchardun, et faciunt sectas praedictas, et illi haredes de Ran' de Nevyle per feodum militare, et ille de Rege in capite; unde xij, etc. Et j car. terrae est de libertate B. Petri Ebor.~ de dono Ulf. HESSELINGTON. Item dicunt quod villa de Heselington cont. in se xij car. terrae; unde Radulphus de Thorp tenet x bov. terre, et David de Cawod tenet iiij bov. terrae, et Adam le Lange tenet ij bov. terrae; et faciunt sectas ad primum com' et ad primum wapp. post festum S. Michaelis, et ad inquisitionem vie' faciendam de diversis per breve domini regis; et tenent de domino Henrico filio ConanP per feodum militare: et Henricus tenet de Comite de Richemund, et ille de Rege in capite; unde xij car. terre faciunt feodum militis. Et Magister Hospitalis S. Leonardi de Ebor. tenet ij car. terrae de praedicto Henrico filio Conan; et solebant facere praedictum servitium, sed mutatur a tempore coronationis Henrici regis patris E. nunc. Et idem Magister tenet iij car. terre in eadem. Et illa terra solebat facere sectas praedictas,^et sic status mutatur, sed a quo tempore ignoramus. Et tenet praedictam terram de Henrico Suplyq, et ille tenet de haerede de Moubray, et ille de Rege in capite per feodum militare; unde xij car. terrae, etc. Et Capitulum B. Petri Ebor. tenet quinque car. terre de dono Ulf, in libertate, ut dicunt. MORBY. Item dicunt quod villa de Morby cont. in se ij car. terre; unde Robertus de Gray tenet j car. terra, et reddit pro finis wapp. vjd.; et facit sectas praedictas, et tenet praedictam terram de feodo (sic) Richemund. per feodum militare, et ille de Rege in capite. Et Willelmus de Morby tenet j car. terrae in eadem, et reddit vjd. pro finis wapp. vjd. (sic), et facit sectas predictas; et tenet predictam terram de Willelmo filio Thomae de Merston, et ille de Comite Richm', et ille de Rege in capite per feodum militare; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. KELKEFELD. Item dicunt quod villa de Kelkefeld cont. in se iiij car. terra; unde Henricus filius Conanr tenet xviij bov., ij car., A. B. Y. et nihil redd., A. B. Y. P Sir Henry fitz Conan, knight, Wm. de Moreby, and Henry fitz Conan de Kelkefeld were witnesses to a charter dated in 1283 (Dodsworth MS., ix., fo. 81 a). q Capsy, A.; Copsy, B. Y. r The proof of age of " Henricus consanguineus et heres Henrici filii Conani 64 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et facit sectam ad proximum cor' et ad wapp. post festum S. Michaelis, et ad inquis. vie' faciend'; et tenet prmedictam terram de Cor' Richm' per feodum militare, et ille de Rege in capite. Et Abbas de Seleby habet in preedicta terrae xxs. annui redditus, et clamat ward, et habuit extremam, et sic status comit' mutatur, a quo tempore ignoramus. Et Johannes de Sayngreves et Stephanus le Tulert tenent vj bov. terrae in eadem, et solebant reddere pro finis wapp. xijd., et facere sectas praedictas. Et inde redd. ijs. per extorsionem Thomae de Bykerton, ballivi inter U. et D., anno regni regis E. nunc viijo, pro finis wapp. Et Henricus de Kelkefeld et Robertus le Lange et Henricus filius Thomme tenent j car. terrae in eadem, et faciunt sectas praedictas; et tenent de Rogero de Sancto Andrea per feodum militare, et ille de Comite Wyncestre," et ille de Rege in capite; unde xijv car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. THORGANDBY. Item dicunt quod villa de Thorgandby cont. in se iij car. terrae; unde domina Matilda de Vall'w tenet xxij bov. terrae,x et reddit pro finis wapp. iJs., et facit sectas praedictas; et tenet de haered' de Sayngner (?), et illi de haered' W. Playce, et ille de J. de Vescy, et ille de Rege in capite, et tenetur per feodum militare; unde x car., [etc.] Et rex habet ij bov. terrae in eadem; et Henricus Crokebayn et Galfridus tenent illam terram, et redd. iijs. per ann. vic' Ebor. STIVELINGFLETE. Item dicunt quod villa de Stivelingflete de Kelkefeld " was taken in the 28th Edward I., "coram rege apud Ebor., in termino Sancti Hilarii. - Willelmus de Ebor., manens apud Lesingby,-juratus et diligenter examinatus, dicit quod praedictus hleres-fuit viginti duorum annorum die Lunae proxima post festum Sancti Lamberti Episcopi proximo preteritum.- Dicit -etiam quod quidam Henricus filius Conani, avus predicti haeredis, tempore nativitatis praedicti haeredis manens fuit apud Leverton,-et quod post nativitatem praedicti haeredis venerunt nuncii ad predictum Henricum filium Conani nunciantes ei de nativitate praedicti haeredis, et supplicarunt ei quod ipse veniret ad praedictum haeredem baptizandum, qui infirmitate detentus ibidem venire non potuit, sed mandavit quod imponerent praedicto haeredi nomen suum sive masculus fuerit sive fcemina." William le Cerf, of Catherton in the Ainsty, corroborated the preceding witness, and "requisitus qualiter hoc scit, dicit quod Conanus pater praedicti haeredis fuit tam tenerae setatis tempore quo mater praedicti haeredis fuit de eo praegnans, quod dicebatur communiter quod ipse Conanus prolem suscitasse non potuit; propter quod post nativitatem praedicti haeredis maxima locutio fuit inde per patriam" (Cal. Gen., ii., 597). s Steyngreve, B. Y. John de Steyngreve, son and heir of Simon de Steyngreve, by Beatrice, daughter of Jordan Folyot, died April 20th, 1295, leaving an only child, Isabella, then the wife of Simon de Pateshull (Cal. Gen., ii., 504, 526). t A. B. and Y. add de Ebor. Stephen le Tuler, or Tyler, was bailiff of York in 1278-9, 1281-2, and 1283-4. " Wygorniae, A. B. Y. v x car., A. B. Y. " Vallibus, A. B. Y.' sed de quo [a quibus, A. B.] non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT, E. R. 65 continet in se quinque car. terrae; unde Robertus de Gray tenet iij car. terrae et di.; de quibus ij car. terrse tenentur de haeredibus Baldewini de Wake per feodum militare, et reddit pro finis wapp. ijs., et facit sectas praedictas; et illi haredes tenent de Rege in capite: et una car. terrae et di. tenetur de heredibus Roberti Trussebutt, et fac' sectas praedictas; etY illi de Roberto de Ros, et ille de rege in capite. Et Abbas de Seleby tenet iij bov. terra de praedicta j car. et di. de Roberto de Gray, et solebat facere sectas praedictas, et adhuc facit; sed clamat libertatem; et Robertus de Gray tenet de haeredibus R. Trussebutte, ut prius. Et idem Abbas tenet j bov. terrae de feodo S. Leonardi Ebor.; et clamat ibi libertatem, quo modo et a quo tempore ignoratur. Item Warinus le Calvehird tenet j bov. terrae de feodo S. Leonardi, et nichil facit domino Regi; sed quo modo et a quo tempore ignoratur. Et Robertus de Fiskgate et Thomas filius Johannis tenent in eadem ij bov. terrae, et faciunt sectas prsedictas; et tenent de Roberto le Lange, et ille de Henrico filio Conan, et ille de Comite Richm', et ille de Rege in capite; et tenetur per feodum militare. Et Gilbertus de Luthez y et iidem hoeredes de hweredibus Roberti de Ros, et iidem haeredes de rege in capite, A. B. Y. z A family of the surname of Louth (de Lutha or Luda) was settled in York at an early period, and resided for several generations in a street called Bretegate, in the parish of St. Mary, Walmgate. Nicholas de Brettegate was bailiff of York, with Thomas Palmer, before 1219 (Cott. MS., Nero, D., iii., 221 b). Robert de Lutha, living in 1220, had a brother John, who was bailiff about 1235 (Ibid., 186). "Domina Elena de Bretegate" and Jeremy her son were living in 1250 (Dodsworth MS., ix., 78 b). The latter was a wealthy goldsmith, and, as "Jeremy de Luda de Bretegate," occurs as bailiff about 1263. By his wife Agnes he had a son, John de Luda, living in 1315, and a daughter, Ellen, the wife of Thomas de Thurkilby. Gilbert de Luda was bailiff in 1274-5, and, in 1278, being then a knight, was elected mayor vice Walter de Stokes, and he' filled the same office during part of the year 1282, and again in 1284. On the 7th kal. May, 1282, he had the archbishop's licence to erect an oratory "infra septa sedium tuarum de Ebor., in parochia Beatse Mariei in Walmgate " (Reg. Wicckwaine). In the same year he and Sir John Sampson and other citizens of York lent King Edward 1040 marks (Parl. Writs, i., 826). Sir Gilbert de Luda, who was patron of the church of Stillingfleet (Reg. Romanus), lord of the manor of East Ness in Ryedale, and also possessed property in Grimsby and other places in the county of Lincoln (Cal. Inq. p.m., i., 95), died in 1288, and was buried in the conventual church of the Friars Preachers, York (Coil. Topog., iv., 76), leaving a son and heir, Nicholas de Luda, then aged ten years (Cal. Gen., i., 388), and a daughter who afterwards'married a son of Sir John de Potthou (Fasti Ebor., i., 338). William de Luda, who was prebendary of Ampleford at York 1287-1290, and afterwards bishop of Ely, may have been related to Sir Gilbert. After an interval of more than a century, the name of Louth again appears on the roll of our civic magnates. Robert de Louth occurs as chamberlain in 1387, and filled the office of bailiff in 1388-9. He died in 1407, leaving five sons, William, John, Richard, Robert, and Nicholas, of whom John was chamberlain in 1414, sheriff in 1424-5, M.P. in 1432, an alderman in 1433, and died in 1435, and Richard-the last of the name who filled any of the higher municipal offices-chamberlain in 1423, sheriff in 1425-6, and M.P. in 1434. F 66 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. tenet j car. terrse in eadem de Jurdano Foliot per feodum militare, et facit sectas prsedictas; et ille tenet de Baldewino de Wake, et ille de Rege in capite.a [WATER] FULFORTH. Item dicunt quod villa de Waterfulfforth continet in se iij car. terrae; unde Robertus de Ros tenet j car. terrae de Rege in capite per feodum militare, et reddit pro finis wapp. viijd., et facit sectas praedictas; unde xij car., etc. Et Abbas B. M. Ebor. tenet j car. terrae in libertate; ita quod ballivi domini Regis nichil se intromittant; de quo tempore et de quo feodo ignoratur. Item dicunt quod una car. terrae est de libertate B. Petri. ESKERYK, DYGHTON, FULFORTH.b Item dicunt quod villae de Eskeryk et Dyghton et Fulforth sunt in libertate B. M. Ebor., ita quod nolunt coram nobis venire. A quo tempore et de quibus modis villas pruedictas habent penitus ignoramus. DONYNGTON.C Item dicunt quod villa de Donyngton est in libertate B. Petri Ebor. de terra Ulfe, et nolunt venire coram nobis. Quo modo ignoramus. SKIPWITH. Item dicunt quod villa de Skipwith cont. in se iij car. terrae; unde Johannes de Averoynsd tenet ij car. terrae de feodo Episcopi Dunelm., et Episcopus de Rege in capite; et nihil faciunt Regi. Et Johannes de Thorp tenet j car. terre in eadem villa de heredibus Baldewini de Wake, et illi de Rege in capite. Et idem dat pro finis wapp. iiijd., et facit sectas ad primum com' et ad primum wapp. post festum S. Michaelis, et venit ad inquisitionem vicecomitis: et tenent per feodum militare de dominis capitalibus praedictis; unde xij car. terra faciunt feodum militis. NORTH DUFFELD. Item dicunt quod villa de North Duffeld cont. in se viij car. terrae; unde Robertus Salvayne tenet vje car. terra et ij bov. terrae in eadem de Episcopo Dunelm. per feodum militare. Et solebant et de jure debuerunt teneri de haeredibus H/ de Chaumberlayn per feodum militare, et haeredes ejusdem H. de Episcopo per idem servitium, et Episcopus de Rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae, etc. Et Robertus de Menthorp tenet iiij bov. terrae, et Johannes Freman tenet ij bov. terrae de hzeredibus Petri del Hay, et illi de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ille de Rege in capite per feodum militare; unde, etc. MENTHORP. Item dicunt quod villa de Menthorp continet a A. B. and Y. add unde xij car. faciunt feodum, etc. bThese places are omitted in A. B. and Y. " Omitted in A. B. and Y. d 8 Edw. I. Robertus Dunolmensis Episcopus, et Johannes de Averange alias Averenches et Johannes de Thorp. Inq. de bundis et divisis (Cal. Gen. i., 299). e vij car., A. f Henrici, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT, E. R. 67 in se iiij car. terrae; unde Willelmus de Aton tenet ij car. terrwe de feodo Episcopi Dunelm., et Episcopus de Rege in capite, et nichil reddit domino Regi. Et Johannes de Thorp de Skipwith [tenet?] ij car. terrae in eadem villa de haeredibus Baldewini de Wake, et illi de Rege in capite: et idem Johannes dat pro finis wapp. viijd., et facit sectas ad prim' com' et ad prim' wapp. post festum S. Michaelis, et venit ad inquisitionem vicecomitis: et tenent de capitalibus dominis praedictis per feodum militare; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. BOLTHORP. Item dicunt quod villa de Bolthorp cont. in se iiij car. terrae: et Johannes de Averoyns tenet praedictam terram de Episcopo Dunelm. per feodum militare, et Episcopus de Rege in capite, et nichil reddit domino Regi; unde xij car., etc. WODHALL. Item dicunt quod villa del Wodhall cont. in se j car. terrae: et Thomas de Goldingham tenet pradictam terram de Priore et Conv. Dunelm., et Prior de Rege in capiteg in puram et perpetuam elemosinam. HAKETHORP. Item dicunt quod villa de Hakethorp cont. in se j car. terrae; unde Robertus de Hakethorp tenet vj bov. terrme, et Robertus Hardyng tenet ij bov. terrae; et illi tenent prsedictam terram de Episcopo Dunelm., et ille de Rege in capite per feodum militare; unde xij car. terrae, etc. BRAKANHOLM. Item dicunt quod villa de Brakanholm cont. in se iiij car. terrae; unde Prior Dunelm. tenet ij car. terrse de Rege in capite in puram et perpetuam elemosinam. Et Radulphus de Babthorp tenet xj bov. terra de Episcopo Dunelm. per feodum militare, et Episcopus de Rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feodum militis. Et Robertus de Menthorp tenet iij bov. terre in eadem villa per feodum militare: et idem Robertus tenet de Johanne de Vescy, et ille de Rege in capite per feodum militare. Et Hugo de Collum tenet ij bov. terra in eadem, et facit sectas ad prim' com' et ad prim' wapp. et ad inquisitionem vicecomitis, et nihil dat pro fin' wapp. BABTHORP. Item dicunt quod villa de Babthorp cont. in se j car. terrs; et Radulphus de Babthorp tenet pradictam terram de Episcopo Dunelm. per feodum militare, et Episcopus de Rege in capite; unde xij car. terra faciunt feodum militis. HEMINGBURGH. Item dicunt quod villa de Hemmynburgh cont. in se iij car. terre; unde Prior Dunelm. tenet pradictam g unde xij car. terrm faciunt feodum militis, A. B. Y. F2 68 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. terram de Rege in capite in puram et perpetuam elemosinam de dono Willelmi le Conquerour.h CLYFF. Item dicunt quod villa de Clyff continet in se iiij car. terre; unde Episcopus Dunelm. tenet j car. terrae et di. de Rege in capite. Et Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet ij car. terrae et di. in eadem de Episcopo Dunelm., et Episcopus de Rege in capite. OSGOTEBY. Item dicunt quod villa de Osgoteby continet in se iij car. terra; unde Robertus de Osgoteby tenet proedictam terram per feodum militare de Episcopo Dunelm., et Episcopus de Rege in capite; unde xij car., etc. BARTHILBY. Item dicunt quod villa de Barthilby cont. in se iij car. terrae: et Willelmus de Aton tenet dictam terram de Episcopo praedicto per feodum militare, et Episcopus de Rege in capite; unde xij car., etc. RYCHALL. Item dicunt quod villa de Rychall cont. in se iij car. terrse; unde Episcopus Dunelm. tenet j car. terrae de Rege in capite. Et ij car. terrae in eadem sunt in libertate B. Petri Ebor., et sunt de dono Ulf. SOUTH DUFFELD. Item dicunt quod villa de South Duffeld cont. in se viij car. terrue: unde Ricardus de Amcotes tenet iiij car. terrae in eadem de Episcopo Dunelm. per feodum militare, et Episcopus de Rege in capite. Et Nicholaus de Stapilton tenet in eadem iiij car. terrae de eodem Episcopo, et ille de Rege in capite; unde xij car, etc.i Item dicunt quod turnum vicecomitis, nec visus franciplegii non currunt in comitatu Ebor.; sed ad inquisitionem faciendam coram vicecomite de diversis transgressionibus per breve domini Regis, et non aliter. Item dicunt quod wapp. inter U. et D. dat nunc vicecomiti xiiijs., et solebat dare x in tempore domini Henrici, patris regis Edwardi nunc, 1 annis elapsis. Item dicunt quod idem wapp. consistit in certa firma quod vocatur blauncheferme, xvs. ijd. Item dicunt quod Prior de Ellerton habet de perquis' iiij bov. terrae in Cottingwith quse solebant dare pro fin' wapp. iiijd., et facere sect' ad proxim' com' et ad wapp. post festum S. Michaelis, et modo subtrahitur per praedictum Priorem a tempore xxx annorum elaps. vel amplius. Item dicunt ad articulum si ballivi infra libertatem et extra veteribus extractis utantur, etc. Quod de ballivis nil sciunt nisi bonum. Item dicunt ad articulum de illis qui clamant libertates, linde xij car., etc., A. B. Y. i A. B. and Y. end here. WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT, E. R. 69 etc., quod Episcopus Dunelm. clamat et habet retornum brevis inter U. et D. a tempore xx annorum nunc elaps. vel amplius. Item idem Episcopus clamat habere et habet omnimoda placita quae vicecomites possunt implacitare in comitatu suo per breve vel sine brevi in curia sua de Houeden, excepta corona, qualiter nescimus; et nullun servitium facit domino Regi quod nos scimus. Et dicunt quod ballivus de Honeden, quicumque fuerit, facit inquisitiones de malefactoribus et aliis transgressionibus sicut et vicecomes facit in comitatu suo per returnum brevis ejusdem vicecomitis inter U. et D. a tempore predicto. Item dicunt quod Episcopus Dunelm. habet cippas in curia sua de Houeden et homines inter U. et D. capti in libertate sui ducti sunt ad prwedictam curiam suam de Houeden, et ibi positi sunt in cippis: et si capti sunt cum manu, opere vel per sectam alicujus, ibi liberantur propalam, etsi non missi sunt ad gaolam regis Ebor. Et istis libertatibus usus est ipse et praedecessores sui a tempore praedicto. WAPENTAGIUM DE [HOUDENSHIRE.]a FEODA EPISCOPI DUNELM. DE BARONIA SUA QUAM [TENET] DE REGE IN CAPITE. BARNEBY. In eadem villa sunt v car. terra de feodo Episcopi Dunelm. de baronia sua quam tenet de rege in capite. In Aske(l)byb vj car. terrae. Knedlington vj car. terrae. Sarpc unam car. [terrse].d Belby ij car. terrae et di. Caywyll ij car. terrae. Birland una car. Portington una car. Hausthorpe j car. terrze. Hythef j car. terrae. Sandholm iij bov. terrae. Dyke j car. Benetland iiij bov. Belasys v bov. Neuland ij bov. Estrington vj car. terrze. Linton xij bov. terrae. Balkholm ij car. et ij bov. [Kylpyn]g ij car. terrae et di. Sckelton iij car. terrae. Saltmersk v car. Coutenesse xij bov. terrae. Laxton iij car. terrae. Suthkefleith ij bov. terrae, et in Blaketoft iij car. terrae. " This wapentake-erroneously headed " Harthull" in all the copies of this Inquest that I have seen-has been collated with MSS. A. and B. b Asselby, in the parish of Howden. e Sarpp,' A. B. Probably Thorp, near Belby. d terrse, A. B. Hausyk, A. B. Oustrop, or Ousethorpe, in the parish of Eastrington. f Hive and Sandholme are two hamlets in the township of Gilberdike. g The text reads Clyholm, A. Ekylpyn, and B. Ekilpin. * This is, doubtless, an error for Yucflet, now Yokefieet, a village about one mile west of Blacktoft. WAPENTAGIUM DE BUCCROS.a FEODA QU2E TENENTUR DE REGE IN CAPITE. THOMAS de Chauncy tenet v feoda [milit.]^ de rege in capite in Schyrpenbek, Thoraldeby, Buggethorp, Fangefosse et Frydaythorp. Sowth Warhon. Robertus de Percy tenet eandem villam de rege in capite pro iiijta parte feodi unius militis. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet iiij feoda milit. de rege in capite, videlicet in Bryddeshalle, Warhom; Trurkebyd et Kyrkeby. Robertus de Ros tenet de rege in capite iij feoda milit., videlicet in Husum, Wyuestou, Leuening et Barkethorp.e Rogerus Bygot, comes Norfolkiae et marescallus Angliae, tenet ixf feoda de rege in capite in isto wapentagio, scilicet in Seteryngton, Norton, Deukylby, Schakylthorp, Cullum, Ryllyngton et Meynthorp. FINES QUI REDDUNTUR ANNUATIM AD WAPENTAGIUM PRIEDICTUM DE TENENTIBUS SUBSCRIPTIS, VIDELICET, Thomas de Chauncy in Skirpenbec di. marc. Adam Arundell et Amiciag Mauleverer in Germandebyh ijs. Terrae quae sunt uxoris Willelmii de Grey in Buggethorp ijs. Terrae Walteri de Berkethorp in eadem viijd. Radulphus fil. Willelmi de Berkethorp in eadem ijs. Johannes de Melsa pro terra sua in Lepington vjs. jd. Petrus de Lundj pro terra sua in Lepington vs.k Willelmus de Buketon pro terra sua in Wiuestou xviijd. Robertus. de Forethby pro terris suis in Rintr' (?) iiijs. Willelmus de Aton pro terris suis in Knapton et Wellom vjs. a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b milit., A. c East Wharram, or Wharram le Street. d Thirkleby, in the parish of Kirby Underdale. e Barthorpe Bottoms, in the parish of Scrayingham. f xj feoda, A. undecim feoda, B. g Avicia, A. B. h Garmanby, A. B. Garraby, or Garrowby, in the parish of Kirby Underdale. Walteri, A. B. J Petrus de London, A. B. k vd., A. Binetr', A. I am unable to determine what place is intended. 72 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Matheus de Louvaynesm pro terris suis in Norton ixd. Arnaldus de Percy pro terra sua in Norton vjd. ob. Willelmus de Ebor." pro terra sua in Norton viijd. Stephanus Brun de Ackelom pro terra sua in eadem ijs. Ricardus Wileyso pro terris suis in Ackelom iijs. iiijd. ob. q. Willelmus Crock pro terrap sua in Akelom xviijd. Robertus de Ros pro terra sua de Levening iiijs. Ricardusq de Bernevill pro terra sua de Levening ijs. vjd. Ricardus de Bernevill pro terra sua (de Levening-struck out) Sancti Andrese jd.r De feod. Hartinis de Levening xiiijd. Willelmus de Kenerthorp pro terra sua de Kenerthorp iiijd. Feod. de Buscy de Kenerthorp ijs. ijd. Rogerus Grene pro Turgeringthorpt ijs. Idem Rogerus pro terra sua de Monteu viijd. Idem Rogerus pro terra sua de Raysthorp xijd. Petrus de Malo Lacu pro terris suis in Briddesalle [iijs. iijd. Thomas Waclyn pro terra sua in Briddesall]e vjd. Adam [de] Briddesalle pro terra sua in eadem vjd. Johannes de Briddesalle pro terrisw suis in eadem ijs. Comes Marescallus pro terris suis in Seterington xvjd.I HIer' Thomae de Pokethorp pro terra sua in Ryllington xviijd. Adam de Langtwait pro terris suis in Rillington xd. Gilbertus de Ryllington pro terris suis in eadem vd. Johannes de Kayton pro terra sua in Rillington vjd. Robertus de IllingtonY pro terra sua in Rillington iiijd. [Thomas fil. Agathwe pro terra sua in Relington iiijd.l Willelmus de Latymer pro terra sua in Scameston vs. vjd. Robertus [de] Ros pro terra Roberti Pa in Thorp Eleysa xijd. Willelmus m Matthew de Louvaine, son and heir of Matthew de Louvaine, and grandson of Godfrey, brother to the Duke of Louvaine (Nicolas's Synopsis, Edit. 1857, p. 297), by Inq. p. m., 30th Edward I., died seised of thirteen bovates of land in Norton (Cal. Inq. p. mn., i., 175), Thomas de Louvayn being his son and heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 624). " William de Ebor. of Hebden in Craven. His grandfather, Sir Nicholas de Ebor., had a grant of lands and tenements in Norton from his brother William, provost of Beverley (Poulson's Holderness, i., 476). ~ Ricardus de le Waleys, A. B. P terris suis, A. B. q Robertus, A. B. r jd. q., A. B. * de barom' de Levening, A. de Harom' de Levening, B. t Turginthorp, A. B. Called Thurgenthorp in 31st Edward I., but it does not occur in the Nomina Villarum. Thornthorpe, now depopulated, stood about a mile to the north of Kennythorpe. " The site of the castle of Mont Ferrant is about a mile to the south of Burythorpe. v iijs. iijd. Thomas Wacelyn pro terra sua in [de, B.] Briddesall, A. B. terra sua, A. B. s xvjs., A. B. y Ilkington, A. B. Robert de Rillington held two bovates here in 31st Edward I. z Thomas fil. Agathae pro terra sua in Relington iiijd., A. B. a Thorp Eleys is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum. It is, perhaps, the same place as Thorpe Basset. WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE, E. R. 73 Playce pro terra sua in Neuton iijs. Willelmus Cunyb pro terra sua in Neuton iiijs. [Simon Gouer pro terra sua in Neuton iiijs.]c Thomas de Heslerton pro terra sua in West Heslerton iiijs. Willelmus de Colevill pro terra sua in West Heslerton xixd. ob. Alicia de Biskin (?) pro terra sua in West Heslerton xixd. ob. Henricus de Heland pro terra sua in West Heslerton ixd. Johannes Friboys pro terra sua in West Heslerton xijd. Willelmus de Colevill pro terra sua in West Heslerton di. marc. Idem Willelmus pro Est Lutton vs. jd. ob. Robertus de Heslerton pro terra sua in Est Heslerton ijs. Robertus de Everyngham pro terra sua in Shirburnd xijd. eHelperthorp pro eadem vijd. ob. Thomas de Lutton pro terra sua in West Lutton vjs. Willelmus de Boketon pro [terra]f Walteri de Wildekerg in Kyrkeby xviijd. Willelmus West pro terra sua in Turkeby ijs. iiijd.h Willelmus de Multhorp pro Multhorp ijs. vjd. Petrus West de Deukelby pro terra sua in eadem xijd. Adam de Deukelby pro terra sua in eadem xijd. Robertus [de] Percy pro villa de Suth Warrom di. marc. Henricus Fikede pro terra sua in Kyrkeby Granedalle xiiijd. Thomas de Monhaut pro terra sua in Kyrkeby Grenedalle vijd. Dionis'i de Monte Caniso pro terra sua in Sexendalle vijd. Domina de Ver' pro terra sua in Frydaythorp viijd. Willelmus de Wyvill pro terra sua in (S)ledemer iijs. ixd. Robertus Salvan pro terra sua in Shirburn, Croholm et (S)ledemer iiijs. Idem Robertus pro feodo (blank)i in (S)ledemer xviijd. Willelmus Colom pro eadem vijs. Magister Robertus [de] Scardburghk pro terra sua in Thouthorp iijs. Henricus de Bribaund' pro terra sua in Touthorp xvjd. Simon le Graunt pro terra sua in Thouthorp viijd. b Cyncy, A. Tinsy, B. William Curcy held xij bov. in Neweton in 31st Edward I.' Simon Gouer pro terra sua in Neuton iiijs., A. B. d In the Inq. p. m. of Sir Robert de Everingham, taken 15th Edward I., it is stated that " Adam de Everingham, pater praedicti Roberti, dedit manerium de Schireburn, cum pertinentiis, sine aliquo retenemento, predictis Roberto et Aliciae de la Hyde, uxori suse, faciendo inde capitalibus dominis feodi servitia debita et consueta" (Cal. Gen., i., 380). e There is, apparently, something omitted here. f terra, A. B. g Walter de Wildeker gave twelve oxgangs of land in Kirkby Grendale to the canons of Kirkham (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 375). 7 ijs. viijd., A. B. i Dionisius, A. B. i de Belhus, A. B. k Robert Ughtred, of Scarborough, dean of York from 1279 to 1290.' Berelaund, A. Berilande, B. WAPENTAGIUM DE HOLDERNESSE. FEODA QU2E TENENTUR DE REGE IN CAPITE IN WAPENTAGIO PRIEDICTO. IN wapentagio praedicto sunt ccclij car. terrae et di. queu faciunt vij feod. milit. et di. car. Quse quidem feoda Avelina de Fortibus, quondam Comitissa Albemarliae, tenuit de rege in capite, et qute nunc sunt in manu regis tanquam dominicum suum per mortem ejusdem Aveline; de quibus Robertus de Ros tenet in Rosse, Attigwyk, Arnhall, Gremeston, Audeburgh, Thorp, Fosseym, Ulram, Rihyll et Marflete xlvj car. terrae et di.; unde xlviij car. faciunt feodum militis. Walterus [de] Fauconbergh tenet in Ryse, Wythornewyk, Catefoss, Beghum,b Ulram, Catewyk, Arnhall, North Skyrlaghe, Ruton, Marton, Sowth Frothingham et Est Haitfeld xxxix. car. terrae et vij bov.c terrae; unde, ut supra. Simon Constabularius tenet in Hildeston, Belingholm, Wassand, Tanston, Herdwykd et Ulburghe x car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Item, idem Simon tenet in Marton ij car. terrae quae faciunt iiijta partem feodi unius milit., scilicet, viij car. faciunt feod. Herbertus de Sancto Quintino tenet in Brandesburton, Bristhyllf la More, Mapelton, Thorkelby, Elwardeby,9 Austhorp,k Lambethorp,i Rymeswell, Risum, Rose, Oustwyk, Beghum et Gadhenstedj xlv car. et v bov.; [unde]k lij faciunt feod. milit. Petrus de Gouselll [tenet] in Beford iiij car. terrme; unde xlviij faciunt feod. [milit.]" a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b Bewholme, in the parish of Nunkeeling. " j bov., A. B. d Etherwik, A. B. e Oubrough, in the parish of Swine. f Burshill, in the parish of Brandsburton. g Ellerby, in the parish of Swine. h Austhorp is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum, and I am unable to identify it. i Langthorpe, in the parish of Swine. j Ganstead. k unde, A. B. I Son of Egidius de Goushill. His Inq. p. m. was taken in the 14th Edw. I., when Ralph de Goushill was found to be his son and heir (Cal. Gen., i., 370). " tenet, A. B. " milit., A. B. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, E. R. 75 Johannes de Meaus tenet in Bewyk et Walelintono iiij car.; unde, ut supra. Robertus Hyldierd tenet [in]P Reston, Tunstall, Flynton, [Fyterlyng]q et Parva Coldon xlviij car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Haer' Galfridi Berchaudr ten' in Utneuton et Haitfeld vj car. et vj bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Willelmus [de] Lascell tenet in Otringham, Frothyngham, Connygeston et Seton x car. terrae. Sayerus de Sutton tenet in Sutton et Gaggested5 xj car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Johannes de Ros tenet in (R)ingeburg, Garton et Rue xij car. [terrae]t; unde, ut supra. Robertus de Gousle tenet in Gousle vj car.; unde, ut supra. Johannes de Danthorp tenet in Danthorp et Pundaghu iij car. et vj bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Willelmus de Withyk tenet in Cattewyk, Kyllyngl [et Carleton x car. terre; unde, ut supra]. Stephanus de Oustwyk tenet in Oustwyk et Mapelton iiij car. terrae; [unde], ut supra. Thomas Dareins tenet in Parva Haitfeld iij car.; unde, ut supra. Thomas de Coverington tenet in Coveringtonx iij car.; unde, ut supra. Galfridus de Gumbaud tenet in Thorney juxta Hedon ij car. terrae; unde, [ut supra.] Haer' Gilberti de Mapelton ten' in Hornseburtono vj car.; unde, ut [supra]. Henricus de Wiueton tenet in Wiuetona v car. et di., ut supra. Prior de Bridelington tenet in Skyrlington et Erghumb v car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Haer' Ingerami de Risum ten' in Ravenserc ij car. terrae; unde, ut supra. ~ Watterlington, A. B. This place has disappeared. P in, A. B. i Fyterlyng, A. B. r Inq. p. m., 4th Edward I. "Johannes filius dicti Galfridi est propinquior haeres ejus, et est aetatis undecim annorum" (Cal. Gen., i., 234). * Garhensted, A. Ganstead. t terra, A. B. I am unable to identify this place. v Nun Keeling. " et Carleton x car. terrae; unde, ut supra, A. B. " Camerton, in the parish of Paull, or Paghill. Y Now called Thorngumbald. Hornsea Burton, now depopulated, stood about a mile S.E. of Hornsea. Wyton, in the parish of Swine.' Arram, in the parish of Atwick. " One of the lost towns on the Humber. 76 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Thomas de Sunthorp tenet in Sunthorpd j car terrae; unde, ut supra. Johannes Neusum tenet in Neusume ij car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Haer' Roberti Scottewain ten' in Rolleston iij car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Johannes de Drungou tenet in Drungou ix. car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Adam de Ulram tenet in Ulram [iij]f car terrse; unde, ut supra. Johannes haeres Henrici de Preston tenet in Preston, Roleston, Mapilton, Tunstall et Waxham xj car. et v bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Thomas de Neuton tenet in Neuton ij car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Nicholaus Haukyn tenet in Preston vj bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Johannes Pasmer tenet in Preston j car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Robertus Ros tenet in Preston j bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Nicholaus de Thorne tenet [in Thorne] iiij bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Willelmus [de] Chestrunt tenet in Holmeton, Penigthorp,h Parva Kelke,i Haitfeld et Preston x car. terrae et iiij bov.j Willelmus de Crokhotonk tenet in Tunstall ij bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Hugo Blassell tenet in Conigeston vj bov. terre. Petrus de Nuttell tenet in Nuttell ij car. terrae; unde, ut supra. Michael Aumener tenet in Brustwyk ij bov. terrae. Robertus filius Nicholai tenet in Skeftelyng ij bov. terrEe; unde, ut supra. Johannes de Carleton tenet in Bonniwyk vj car. terre; unde, ut supra. d The village of Southorpe stood on the south side of Hornsea Mere. e Newsom, alias " Newsham juxta Frothingham," in the parish of Owthorne, has disappeared. Its exact site is not known. f iij car., A. B. g in Thorne, A. B. h Peningsthorp, or Pensthorp, in the parish of Welwick, was probably destroyed by the encroachments of the Humber. Poulson says, "There are [now] only some detached pieces of land which bear the name " (Hist. Holdern., ii., 518). i Mr. Poulson supposes this place to have been in the parish of Welwick (Hist. Holdern., ii., 517); but I think it must be Little Kelk, an extra-parochial hamlet in the adjoining wapentake of Dickering, about three miles N.W. of Lisset. In the Nomina Villarum Hugh de Mora is returned lord of "Lesset cum Parva Kelk." i iij bov., A. B. k Crokehou, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, E. R. 77 Petrus de Meaus tenet in Uttethornel iij car.m terrae; unde, ut supra. Haer' Stephani de Monte ten' in Tunstall ij bov. [terrue]; unde, ut supra. Willelmus de Brocur tenet in Neusumo ij bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Willelmus de Hulmo tenet in HulmoP ij bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Simon le Constable, Petrus de Gousell et Stephanus de Paglam tenent in Hulmo et Paghell ij bov. terrae; unde, ut supra. Simon de Vere tenet in Sprotele vj car. [terrae];q unde, ut supra: et nunc est illud feodumr in manu regis. Ingramus de Mounceus tenet in Berneston, Leset, Wynketon,3 Bovington, Carathorp et Rightont xxix car. terrae et di.;" unde, ut supra. FEODA ARCHIEPISCOPI EBOR. QUkE TENENTUR DE REGE IN CAPITE. Idem Archiepiscopus tenet de rege in capite xxxiij car. terrae que [faciunt]v iiijor feoda, videlicet, in Swyn, Wynested, Coldon, Burton Conestable, Neuton Conestable, West Halsaym et Therlethorpw xxxij car. terrae quae faciunt iiijor feoda. Avelina, quondam Comitissa Albemarliae, tenuit de praedicto Archiepiscopo in Burton Constable, [Neuton Conestable], West Halsam, Est Halsam et Therlesthorp ij feoda militum; que quidem feoda nunc sunt in manu domini regis, tanquam dominicum suum, per mortem ejusdem Avelina. I Owthorne. *" ij car., B. 1 terrse, A. B. o See note e, p. 76. P Holme, in the parish of Paull, now called Paull Holme. q terrse, A. B. r A. and B. omit feodum. * Winkton, in the parish of Barmston, appears to have been depopulated in the sixteenth century. I Boynton, Caythorpe and Reighton are in Dickering wapentake. See pp. 54-6. A. omits et di. v faciunt, A. B. w Tharlesthorpe was swept away by the Humber in 1393. " Its site may be placed to the west of Patrington haven, on the Ottringham side of Winestead dough" (Poulson's Holdern., ii., 528). * Newton Conestable, A. B. [WAPENTAGIUM DE HERTHULL.]a ADb articulum de feodis militum quae tenentur de domino rege in [capite], sic dicimus: [DE FEODOd ARCHIEPISCOPI EBOR.] WILTON. Dominus Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet unam baroniam de domino rege in capite; unde ipse Archiepiscopus tenet in dominico in Wylton x car. terrae. Et Willelmus de la Chambre tenet de eodem j car. terrse in eadem. GOUTHORP ET YOLTHORP. Johannes de Melsa tenet in Gouthorp et Yolthorp unum feodum de eodem. YAPUM ET BOULTON. Item Robertus de Gray tenet in Yapum et in Boulton unum feodum de eodem: unde haer' Thomae de Boulton ten'e j car. in Boulton; haer' Thomae de Boulton ten'f j bov. terrte; Radulphus de Hay tenet j bov.; Walterush filius Beatricis tenet j bov. Et omnia supradicta tenentur de Hospitalariis in Boulton per certum annuum servitium, unde rex perdit forinsecum. Radulphus de Mikelfeld tenet iiijtam partem feodi unius milit.; et totum residuum tenet prsedictus Robertus. BRUNEBY. Edmundus de Daynecourte tenet in Bruneby unum feod. milit. per ten' de Archiepiscopo: et ecclesia ejus dotata est de ij bov. terrse. EVERYNGHAM. Item Adam de Everyngham tenet de eodem Archiepiscopo in Everyngham di. feod., tam in servitio,i quam in dominico. a Wapentagium de Herthull, C. This title is omitted in the York text, and also in MSS. A. B. D. and R. b Collated with MSS. A. B. and C. c capite, A. B. C. d In the York and A. B. D. and R. copies of this Inquest, the account of each fee is contained in one paragraph, and the names of the places described are not given in the margin. As this method presents some objectionable features, 1 have retained the language of the York text, but adopted the more intelligible arrangement of the C. MS. haeredes Thomae de Boulton tenent, C. f haeres Thomae de Boulton tenet, C. g A. omits this item. k Willelmus, A. B. C. The service by which the Everinghams held this manor was the performance of the office of butler on the day of the archbishop's enthronization (S. Yorks., i., 82). WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 79 LONE (S) BURGH ET TOLTHORP. Item Reginaldus filius Petrik tenet in Lonebeurg et in Tolthorp de [eodem] Archiepiscopo ix car. terree; unde Thomas de Lutton tenet iij car. terrse in Tolthorp. LONNESBOURGH. Willelmus Sturmy tenet j car. in Lounesbourgh: et ecclesia ejus dotata est de j car. terrse. SUDBURTON. Item Archiepiscopus tenet in Midburton'" xvij car. terrae; unde ipse Archiepiscopus tenet in dominico x car. terrse et vij bov. Willelmus de Car [thorp] " tenet in eadem de eodem [Archiepiscopo]o xxj bov. Willelmus de Stauell j car. terrae. Ecclesia ejusdem dotatur de una car. terrse. Domus Sancti Egidii Beverlaci tenet in eadem de eodem vj bov. Robertus de Gray tenet iij bov. et Radulphus Clericus iij bov. de eodem Archiepiscopo. SKYTEBY. In Skyteby tenet Archiepiscopus v car. terrae; de quibus domus Sancti Egidii tenet j bov. in elemosinam de eodem, et Capitulum Beati Petri Ebor. tenet in eadem v bov. de eodem feodo. COTYNGHAM. Domina de Stutevill tenet in Cotingham duas car. terrae de eodem Archiepiscopo. AYK. Rogerus de la Wudhall tenet in Ayk vj bov. terrae de Archiepiscopo, et ipse de rege. ELGETON.P Item Archiepiscopus [tenet]q in Elgeton x car. terrae in dominico; sedr ecclesia dotata [est] de iiijor bov. WALDEBY. Item in Waldeby vij car. terrze de feodo Archiepiscopi: unde Templarii tenent in elemosinam iiijor bov.; et ecclesia dotata est de ij bov. terrae. RIPPELINGHAM. Item in Rippelingham xt bov. terrae de feodo ejusdem Archiepiscopi; unde Radulphus de Rippyllingham tenet totum illud tenementum de haeredibus de Nigello de Waldeby, et ipsi de Archiepiscopo. SCULCOTES. Item Archiepiscopus habet in Sculcotes ij car. terrae in dominico. DE FEODO DE MOUBRAY. Hzeres de Moubray tenet in capite de rege vij feoda milit.: j The site of the village of Towthorpe may be placed about one mile S.S.E. of Londesbrough. k Descended from Herbert fitz Herbert, whose brother William, treasurer of the church of York, afterwards archbishop, had a grant of the church of Londesburgh from king Stephen (Fasti Ebor., i., 221). Reginald fitz Peter died in May, 1286, leaving John his son and heir (Cal. Gen., i., 370. Dugd. Bar., i., 624). 1 eodem, C. "' Sudberton, C. Sandburton, A. Now called South or Bishop Burton. The archbishops of York had a palace here. Carthorp, A. B. C. o Archiepiscopo, C. P Elloughton. tenet, A. B. C. r et, C. est, A. B. C. xl. bov., A. B. 80 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et illa tenet Johannes de Vescy de ipso, ut de feodo; unde Willelmus le Conestable tenet in Holme, in Grippethorp, Wressell,u Lofthusum, Bubwyth. Herlethorp, Lathom, Wyllardby, Traneby, Eluelev tria feoda milit. et di. HOLME ET ALIBI. Johannes Torny habet in Holme tria feoda et di.; et tenet de Roberto de Percy, scilicet, in praedictis villis, una cum Santon, Heselscoth, Aldergesw et Anlageby, et idem Robertus de Percy de Ada de Everyngham, et Adam de Johanne de Vescy, [et Johannes de Vescy]~ de haer' de Moubray; unde Abbas de Seleby [tenet]Y in Holme j car. terrae in elemosinam. WALSAY.Z Item Hospitalarii [tenent] j car. terras in Walsay. Item Thomas de Beauver tenet in eadem j bov. terrae, quam tenet de Libertate Sancti Johannis Beverlaci in elemosinam, unde dominus rex est perdens. SAUNTON. Item Prior de Watton tenet in Saunton ina eodem feodo xj car. terrwe et vj bov. in elemosinam; et habuitb ingressum per Alexandrum de Santon et [per] Willelmum filium Petri [de]d Anerloby.e ANERLOBY. Item Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. habet feodum in Anerloby, scilicet iij car. terrue antiquitus in elemosinam. Willelmus filius Petri tenet j car. terrae in Anlonby de Priore de Watton in elemosinam. Willelmus de Middelton ing eadem tenet di. car. terrae de Sancto Johanne Beverlaci. Amicia de Brudecrofth tenet j bov. de Sancto Johanne in eadem. Robertus Roheloti tenet iij bov. in eadem de [Hospitalariis].j Gerardus de Furnivall tenet j bov. in eadem, unde Johannes de Vescy est medius. Johannes Lygard tenet ij bov. terrae de Sancto Johanne Beverlaci. Idem Johannes tenet j bov. terrae u A. omits Wressell. * Now called Kirk Ella. " Alderais, A. Aldereyes, C. A lost vill. Dr. Burton, in his account of Watton priory (Mon. Ebor., 412), says, " These nuns had lands in Aldergee, but where that place is, I know not." It may have been identical with the Alderges mentioned in the text, and also with Halderghes, where the same nuns had lands, given to them by William, son of Alexander de Santon, which are described (Ibid., 416) as "reaching from the ditch in Hungerhill to the boundaries of Etton and Gherghton, in length, and from the division of Herghes to the boundaries of Helesco." Gherghton is an error, doubtless, for Gerthum, now depopulated, which stood about two miles W.S.W. of Etton; while Herghes and Helesco will be the neighbouring hamlets of Arras and Heslesskew, each about one mile to the west of Gerthum. et Johannes de Vescy, C. Y tenet, A. B. C. * Whalsea, in the parish of Holme on Spalding Moor. a de, C. b habuerunt, A. B. C. C per, A. B. C. d de, A. B. e Anlonby, A. Anloby, B. C. f Anlaby, near Hull. g de eadem, A. B. C. h Brodecruste, C. i Robelett, A. B. Robolot, C. f de hospitell', A., omitted in C. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 81 de Hospitalariis. Prior de Feryby tenet j car. terrae in eadem. Et redd. vs.k de fine. WILLARDBY. Johannes de Melsa tenet in Willardby di. feod. de Willelmo Constable, et redd. [de] eisdem finibus,' et Willelmus del Vescy, et le Vescy del Moubray. TRANEBY. Prior de Watton tenet in'" Traneby pro di. feod. de Willelmo Constable praedicto, quod solebat reddere vs. [de fine]," et in qua [habuerunt] ingressum per Adam de Traneby: et totum elemosinatur dicto Priori per praedictum Willelmum Constable. Ricardus de Anloby tenet xij bov. et di. de feodo de Vesey. Item domus Sancti Egidii Beverlaci [tenet]" iij bov. et di.: elemosinantur per R[icardum] de Ros veteri tempore quo tenuerunt Templarii. Item [Johannes]r de Gornys tenet j car. Item Willelmus Constable vj bov. et di. de eodem feodo. Item Johannes Braneau't j bov. et di. Item ecclesia dotata est de iiij bov. terrae. Item Ricardus le Ros vj bov. in [eadem]: elemosinantur Hospitalariis Beverlaci de Jerosolima per Johannem [de]" Beauver a tempore xl annorum. Item Johannes Takel [tenet] iij bov.: elemosinantur eisdem Hospitalariisw per dictum Johannem [de] " Beauver. Item Johannes de Santon et dominusy [Ricardus, frater ejus],Z tenent iiij bov. de feodo de Moubray. Gerrardusa Furnivall tenet j car. terre in Elveleb de dono W. de Vescy, et ipse del Moubray. Decem bov. terrve in Heyton tenentur in elemosinam de feodo Beatse Mariae Ebor., quo ward' (sic) de feodo de Moubray. Robertus de Coscalt tenet in eadem ij car. de feodo de Ros. Item Willelmus de Rudestayn tenet in Hayton iij car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; unde Prior de Watton tenet j car. in elemosinam per patrem ipsius Willelmi; qui quidem Willelmus inde facit forinsecum. Et Abbas de Melsa tenet iiij bov., quas dictus Willelmus defendit. Item Adam de Everyngham tenet j car. in eadem. Et residuum tenet idem Walterus (sic). Item Ricardus de Brumeby tenet in Brumeby (Burnby) vj bov. terrae de Scone (Atone) de Flixton, et Acto de Wyvill de Moubray; et redd. viijd. ad finem. Item Prior de Wartre tenet in eadem di. car. terrae de antiquo feoffamento, et in * sex sol., C. 2 eodem fine, A. C.' A. B. and C. omit in. n de fine, A. B. C. o habuerunt, A. B. C. P tenet, A. B. C. q Ricardum, A. B. C. r Johannes, A. B. C. t Torny, A. B. C.' Blandan, A. B. Brandan, C.' de, A. B.C. ~ tenet, A. B. C. eidem hospit', A. B. " de, A. B. C. y A. B. and C. omit dominus. " Ricardus, frater ejus, A. B. C. a The York MS. is the only authority I have seen for the remainder of this fee. b Kirk Ella. G 82 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. elemosinam. Thomas filius Galfridi ij bov. de eodem feodo: elemosinantur Sancto Johanni Beverlaciper le Rabot, per tempus xl annorum. Item Thomas le Cornewalyse ij bov. de eodem, similiter elemosinantur Sancto Johanni per eundem Rabot, vjd. de fine pro praedictis bov.; et creditur quod servitium de feodo de Moubray. Item Brianus filius Alani tenet in Baynton x car. et di. de feodo de Moubray, quae faciunt unum feod. milit. de feodo de Moubray; unde Prior de Parco tenet vj bov, faciendo forinsecum. [Item] Moubray habet in Lathum j car. terrae; unde Prior de Ellerton tenet v bov. in dominico, Willelmus Northyby et Robertus Redhode et Willelmus Hagroby iij bov., Johannes de Bowelton tenet j car. terrae de haer' de Moubray; et solvit vjd. de fine. Item Moubray tenet Brentuth (?) vij bov. terra in eadem sept' (sic) de feodo de Mruthaue (?).c Et idem Moubray tenet in Horne (?) xij car. terrae, faciend. unum feod.; unde Templarii tenent totum in elemosinam, nescitur quo warranto, [nec] a quo tempore. DE FEODO DE MAAULEY. SUTTON SUPER DERWENT. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet de domino rege in capite vj car. terrae in Sutton super Derewent; unde Robertus de Percy [tenet iij]d car. terrae de Anketino Malore, [et]e Anketinus de Maulay. Et praedictus Robertus de Percy tenet alias iij car. de praedicto P. de Malo Lacu sine medio. BAYNTON. Item P. de Malo Lacu habet in Baynton ix car. terrze et di., quae faciunt feod. unius milit.; unde Prior de Giseburgh tenet in elemosinam vf bov. terre, unde rex amittit wardam cum acciderit. GUTH (MUNDHAM). Idem Petrus tenet in Guth(mundham) de rege vj car. terra; unde Prior de Ellerton tenet xix bov. terrae, et debet forinsecum servitium; sed nescitur utrum facit illud necne. Item Magister Thomas de Grimeston tenet vj bov. terrae eodem modo. Item Rogerus de Lynton et ten' ejus tenent xiij bov. eodem modo. Et ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrEe. ESTHORP. Item idem Petrus tenet in Esthorp ij car. terrae et This entry is very obscure. Brentuth may be an error for either Brend or Brighton, which places were held of the fee of Mortimer (Mortuo Mari) in the 31st Edward I. d tenet iij, A. B. C. e et, C. f A. and B. omit v. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 83 vj bov.; unde Willelmus de Monceaxs et Johannes de Coketong et Nicholaus de Percy [tenent] xij bov., et solvunt xviij[d.] de fine. Et Prior de Watton tenet x bov. in elemosinam, nec facit forinsecum, nec scitur quo warranto, nec per quem, nec a quo tempore, alienantur. HoToN JUXTA WATTON. Item idem Petrus tenet [in]i Hoton juxta Watton vij car. terrae, et redd. finem, scilicet, vs. Idem Petrus habet in feodo viij car. terrae, elemosinatae Priori de Watton per Eustac' fil. Johannis, medium inter eos, una cum advocatione ecclesive. KYLLINGWYK.k Item idem Petrus habet in feodo x car. terrae in Kyllingwyk: unde Prior de Watton tenet vij car. et v bov. in elemosinam per Walterum Engayn: de tempore nescitur; et domina de Hersewell tenet in dote xxj bov. LOKYNGTON. Item idem Petrus habet in feodo in Lokyngton iij car. terrae et iij bov.: unde Hospitale Jerosolimme tenet ij bov. in elemosinam, et Sanctus Johannes de Beverlaco xx bov., similiter in elemosinam; et ecclesia dotata est de v bov.; et Johannes de Dakl j bov. de Abbate de Melsa in elemosinam: Willelmus filius Abell' j bov. de Priore de Watton in elemosinam; [et alienata erat per Stephanum de Aldeford: de tempore et warranto nescitur. Et dictus Petrus tenet in dominico in eadem v car. terrae et v bov.] m BESSEWYKE. [Item idem]" Petrus habet in feodo in Bessewyk iij car. terrae: unde Galfridus Aglum (Aguillon) tenet ij car. terrae; et idem Galfridus tenet j car. terrae de Roberto de Raventhorp, et Robertus de dicto Petro. MIDDILTON. Item idem Petrus habet in feodo in Middilton v~ bov. terrae; et dominusP Robertus de Ros et ten' ejus tenent illam terram de eodem Petro. KYBLINGCOTES ET ETTON. Et idem Petrus habet in Kyblingcotes et Etton in feodo iij car. terrae; et totum tenent praedictus R. de Ros et ten' ejus de eodem Petro. SPALDINGTON. Item idem Petrus habet in Spaldington iij car. et j bov. et di. in feodo; unde Russell (sic), Walterus Bathell, et haer' Johannis del Hay tenent totum de Germano le Hay, et Germanus le Hay del Maulay. g Ocketon, C. k xviijd., A. B. C. in, A. B. C. J A. and B. omit scilicet. k Kilnwick, near Watton. t Aake, A. B. Aike, in the parish of Lockington., et alienata erat per Stephanum de Aldeford: de tempore et warranto nescitur. Et dictus Petrus tenet in dominico in eadem v [vj, C.] car. terrse et v [vj, C.] bov., A. B. C. Item idem, A. B. o sex bov., C. P dictus, A. C.,1 Bothell, A. B. C. In the 31st Edward I. the heirs of Walter le Bacheler held four bovates in Spaldington of the fee of Mauley. G 2 84 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. LATHOM. Item idem Petrus habet in Lathom in feodo iij car. terrse: unde Prior de Ellerton tenet vj bov. de Germano [Haye]r in elemosinam, de tempore quo warranto nescitur, et ipse Germanus de Petro de Malo Lacu. [Item]s Remigius de Pokylington j car. terrae et di. bov., Rogerus de Lynton di. car., et Ricardus filius Adae ten' ij bov. de Priore: et Robertus de Fenton jt bov., et Dionis' de Lynton ij bov.; et isti tenent de Germano, et Germanus de prsedicto Petro. Et sciendum [est]" quod [v]v bov. terrae, quas dictus Prior tenet, solebant facere forinsecum servitium per manum Eudonis Jussellw et haeredum suorum, unde dominus rex perdens est. ACTON.X Dominus Petrus de Malo Lacu habet feod. in Acton, scilicet, v car. terrae et di.; unde Germanus Hay et ten' ejus inde tenentes sunt de eodem Petro; unde xxiiijy car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. HUGATE. Item idem Petrus habet in Hugate vij car. terre: unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit.; et unde Prior de Ellerton tenet j car. terrse et di. de Germano Hay, quasi per medium, et qui terram illam defendet. Item Prior de Wartre tenet vj bov. et di. de eodem Germano eodem modo. Item Prior Sancti Andreae Ebor. v. bov. et di. de eodem Germano; et Germanus defendet totum quasi elemosinam. Item Prior de Watton tenet ij bov. in elemosinam de feodoz Germani. Item Sanctus Johannes Beverlaci ij bov. in elemosinam de eodem Germano. Et residuum tenent dictus Germanus et ten' ejus in elemosinam, prieter xij bov. terrae Atonis de Flixton, unde rex amittit wardum cum acciderit; et alienatae fuerunt per Willelmum filium Petri, et confirmatte [per] a Petrum de Malo Lacu. ETTON. Item idem Petrus habet in Etton feod. unius milit.; unde Prior de Watton tenet vij bov. terrae in elemosinam, unde rex perdidit sectam et wardum, de Jacobo de Furnull,b et ipse del Maulay; et idem Jacobus et ten' ejus tenent residuum de Petro de Malo Lacu. YVERTHORP. Item idem Petrus habet feod. in Yverthorp, scilicet, iij car. terrae, unde Germanus Hay solvit sex den. et ob.c ad finem; et ipse et ten' ejus [tenent]d totum, praeter j bov. quam Templarii tenent, et j bov. quam Hospitalarii tenent r Haye, A. B. C. S Item, A. B. t ij duas, B.] bov., A. C. "est, A. B. V v bov., A. B. C. Issell, B.' Now called Aughton. Y xxviij car., A. Sixteen carucates made one knight's fee in Aghton in the 31st Edward I. eodem, A. B. per, A. B. C. Frevill, A. B. Frivill, C. Jacobus de Frivill held iij car. and ij bov. in Etton in the 31st Edward I.' xvjd. ob., A. B. d tenent, A. B. C. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 85 in elemosinam per antecessores ipsius Germani, quos idem Germanus defendet. NORTH CAVE. Item idem Petrus habet in North Cave feod. ve car. terrae: unde Sanctus Leonardus [tenet]f ij bov. in elemosinam; domus de Watton iiij bov.; Hospitalarii Jerosolimse j bov.; item Templarii iiij bov.; et totum in elemosinam: et nescitur quo warranto, nec a quo tempore. Et totum residuum tenent Germanus et ten' ejus de pradicto Petro. RIPPLYNGHAM. Item idem Petrus habet feod. in Rippillingham, scilicet, xxiiij bov.: unde domus Sancti Egidii tenet viij bov. de Thoma de Portington, et Thomas de Maulay; et Willelmus de la Chaumbre viij bov. terrae de dicto Thoma, et idem Thomas de dicto Petro. Item Radulphus filius Adve tenet viij bov. de Maulay. NESSINGWYK. Item idem Petrus [habet]9 in Nessingwyk, scilicet, iXh car. terrse, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; unde ipse et ten' ejus tenent totum, prieter vj bov. quas Hospitalarii tenent; nescitur quo warranto, nec a quo tempore. HOTHOM. Item [idem]i Petrus habet feod. in Hothom iij car. terrse et v bov.: unde Sanctus Johannes Beverlaci j car. terre et j bov. in elemosinam; Prior de Watton di. car. in elemosinam. Item Templarii j bov. in elemosinam; et ecclesia dotata est de di. car.; necj nescitur dek warranto nec de tempore, unde rex perdidit sectam et wardum: et ista remanent tenen' dicti Petri, xj bov. faciunt forinsecum servitium. SETON. Idem Petrus habet feod. in Seton, scilicet, iiij car. terrse et vj bov.: unde Prior de Wartre tenet vj bov. in elemosinam per medium, scilicet, Johannis de Hothom, et Templarii x bov. per eundem medium, unde rex perdidit forinsecum servitium. Item Willelmus Faber tenet in eadem ij bov. [terrae] de eisdem Templariis; unde, etc., ut pradicitur. Item Germanus Hay tenet ij car. terra de Johanne de Melsa, et idem de Maulay. Remigius de Pokelington di. car. [terrae]n per medium Willelmi de Graystok, et ipse de Maulay. FERYBY. Item Prior de Feriby tenet j car. terra in Feryby per medium Thomae de Portyngton" et Willelmi de Melton, et solvunt fin', et praedictus Thomas de Maulay. SUTH CLYFF. Item in Suth Clyfe sunt iiij bov.: unde Prior de Wartre tenet iij bov. in elemosinam, et Willelmus Fatebeno vij bov. [de Templariis] et Templarii di. car. in elemosinam.' sex car., C. f tenet, A. B. C. g habet, A. B. C. h x car., A. B. C. Item idem, A. B. C. i A. and B. omit nec. k quo, B. t terrse, A. B. C. "' terrae, A. B. C. n Pokelington, C. " Faceben, A. B. P de Templariis, A. B. C. 86 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. DE FEODO DE PERCY DE HONORE DE CESTRIA. CATTON. Catton cum soca tenetur pro ij feod. milit.: unde xxiij car. terrae faciunt unum feod., et xj car. et v bov. faciunt aliud feod.: quse feoda domina Regina, mater domini regis Edwardi, habet, nomine custodiae, de consensu domini H., patris regis qui nunc est, de Comite Cestriae, et Comes de rege; unde isti sunt tenentes de eisdem feodis, scilicet, har' de Percy ten' v car. terrae in dominico de dicto Comite, unde Johannes le Cerfeq tenet xj bov. de Johanne de Dayvill, et Johannes de Percy per medium de Comite, et Comes de rege, scilicet, in PONTE BELLI ET CATTON. Thomas de la More j bov. de dictis Davill et Comite. Item Willelmus Tarteturteys j car. terrae de feodo de Percy, et ipse de Comite. Item Willelmus de Bruneby tenet ix bov. de eodem. Thomas Malkak viij bov. de eodem. Henricus de Cave ij bov. de eodem. Et haer' Johannis Ylgerr viij bov.; unde Abbas de Bella Landa di. car., et redd. forinsecum servitium, [sed]s rex perdidit wardum. Item [idem]t Abbas tenet ij bov. per forinsecum. Johannes filius Rogeri ij bov. Item filius Ivonis le Chapelyn ij bov. Item Moniales de Wylberfos ju bov. per forinsecum, per medium Roberti de Percy. Item Thomas Burdon j car. terrae. Item Brianus de Kyllyngwyk j car. terrae de Templariis in elemosinam, et Templarii de Percy. Item Abbas de Bell' tenet xxiiij car." [terrae] de Percy in excambio pro terra apud Semere. Item Moniales de Wilberfose j bov. in elemosinam. Bertramus Clericus de Catton j bov. de Hospitalariis Jerosolimae, [et Hospitalarii]w de Percy, et ipse de Comite. Ricardus le Pertriur ijx bov. de Monialibus de Appelton, et ipsae de hver' Walteri de Catton, et ipse de Percy. Brianus de Kyllngwyk j bov. de haer' de Percy. Willelmus le PescourY ijz bov. de eodem haerede. FUL SUTTON. Item in Foule Sutton sunt vj car. terre: unde xxiij car. terrae faciunt feod., et unde Willelmus de Alta Ripa tenet xxxvj bov. in dominico de haer' de Percy. Item ecclesia dotata est de ij bov. terrae. Walterusa filius Henrici iiij bov. Item Thomas Hornbyb iiij bov. Robertus de Middelton ij bov. Et omnes isti tenent de praedicto Willelmo de Alta Ripa, et [idem]c Willelmus de Percy, et ipse de Comite, et Comes de rege. BURTON.d Item idem haer' habet feod. in Burton iij car. q de Corff, A. B. r Ygef, A.' sed, A. B. t idem, A. B. C. " ij bov., C. acras terrae, A. B. C. hospitell', A. B. C. j bov., A. B. y Peston, B. iij bov., A. B. C. " Robertus, C. b Torry, A. B. C.' idem, A. B. d North or Cherry Burton. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 87 terrae quas Thomas Burton tenet, et ipse Percy de Comite, et Comes de rege; unde xxiij car. faciunt feod. unius milit. WILBERFoSE. Unde (sic) idem habet in Wilberfose in feodo vj car. terr:e: unde Thomas Burdon habet in feodo in eadem xx bov. terrae; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de iij bov. Robertus filius Simonis de Wylberfose ije bov. [terrme]f per forinsecum, factumg dicto Percy. Item Gocelinus filius Gocelini jh bov., per dictum Thomam medium, [et]i per forinsecum servitium praefato Percy. Item Walterusi filius Laurentii ij bov. per dictum Thomam medium, et per forinsecum dicto Percy.k Item Letia de Wilberfose ij bov., nomine wardi Johannis filii ejus, per forinsecum dicto Percy. Item Nicholaus Walding et Willelmus Lavander j bov. per eundem medium, per servitium praedictum. Laurentius Westyby ij bov. de Hospitali Sancti Leonardi per forinsecum servitium dicto haeredi. Custancia, que fuit uxor Alexandri Burdon, tenet, nomine dotis, ij bov. per forinsecum dicto Percy. Item Letia Burdon ij bov. per forinsecum eidem Percy. [Item Alicia Burdon ij bov. per forinsecum eidem Percy.]' Omnes isti tenentes tenent de Philippo de Kyme, et ipse de Percy, et ipse de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et totum residuum tenetur per dominum de Kyme et per ten' ejus, exceptis ij bov. terrae de quibus ecclesia dotata est. Et Prior deWartre tenet in elemosinam per Robertum Barteram, tenentem ejus, di. car. terrae, et dictus Prior habuit ingressum per Emmam, uxorem Petri filii Ygerii,m unde rex amittit wardum et forinsecum servitium. Et Priorissa de Wylberfose tenet ij" bov. eodem modo. Item Petrus de Rotherfeld tenet in dominico [et] per ten' ejus in feodo viij bov. terrae; unde ecclesia dotata est de iijP bov. terrae. Et Priorissa de Wilberfose habet iij bov. in elemosinam quae solebant facere forinsecum. Et Prior de Wartre tenet ij bov. terrEe in elemosinam, unde rex amittit wardum; et habuit ingressum per Willelmum del Hull [et]~ per Ricardum Forestarium. DE FEODO DE STUTEWYLL. COTYNGHAM. Haeresq de Cotingham tenet manerium de iij bov., C: f terrae, A. B. g servitium, A. B. h ij bov., A. B.C. i et, A. B. C. i Willelmus, B. Robertus, C. k A. omits this entry. t Item Alicia Burdon ij bov. per forinsecum eidem Percy, A. B. C. m Yngor, A. B. " j bov., A. B. unam bov., C. ~ et, A. B.C. P ij bov., A. B. C. q The heir of Cottingham was John, son and heir of Baldwin Wake, who was dead in 1283 (Cal. Gen., i., 319), and grandson of Joan, daughter and heiress of Nicholas de Stuteville. He had livery of his lands in the 18th Edward I., and was summoned to Parliament from the 23rd to the 28th Edward I. (Dugd. Bar., i., 458, 540). 88 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Cotyngham cum membris de domino rege: unde Johannes de Hastynges tenet di. car. terrae per medium Sancti Johannis Beverlaci, ut in elemosinam; unde rex perdidit wardum. Item Abbas de Melsa habet in eadem x car.r terrae, cum pastura xxt vaccarum et unius tauri, in excambio pro quodam fossato transeunte per aliud feodum: de dampno nescitur. Et residuum tenet haeres in dominico. NORTH CAVE. Item idem [habet]s in North Cave feodum, scilicet, iij car. terrae, de rege; unde vt bov. habent Templarii in elemosinam. Item j car. de Sancto Johanne Beverlaci. HOTHUM. Item idem habet in eadem villa de Hothom iiij car. terrae per ten', et nullum forinsecum fac'; unde Abbas de Melsa tenet x" bov., nec scitur per quod habuit ingressum. BRENTINGHAM. Item idem habet in Brentingham in feodo xiiij bov. terrae per ten' ejus. RIPPLINGHAM. Item [idem] habet in Ripplingham ij car. et ij bov. in feodo per ten' ejus. DREUTON. Item idem habet in Dreuton j car. terrae. HUNDESLEY. Item idem habet in Hundesley in feodo vw car. terrme; unde Prior Dunelmi tenet iiij car. terrae et di. in dominico in elemosinam, et Radulphus de Belkerthorpx tenet de eodem Priore. WYCHTON.Y Item idem habet Wychton quasi membrum de Cotyngham; unde Johannes de Bello Campo tenet ij car. terra et di., unde dominus rex perdidit wardum. WYLLARDBY. Item idem habet in Wyllardby iij car. terrae et vj bov. de rege. Item Johannes de Melsa tenet ij car. et di.: unde Templarii tenent ij in elemosinam; unde Ricardus le RosZ tenet ij bov. et di., et Robertus Newa ij bov. de Hospitalariis, unde rex perdidit forinsecum; unde Prior de Feryby tenet jb car. in elemosinam in Hessel. ETTON. Item idem habet in Etton feod. unius milit.: unde Templarii tenent xxj bov. in elemosinam, et habuerunt ingressum per Johannemr de Etton et Laurentium de eadem et per Willelmum filium Ranulphi. Item Hospitalarii habent de eisdemd in feodo ij toftae [et]f ij bov. que quidem Ricardus filius Ricardi del Verieg [dedit eis] in elemosinam. Et Prior de Watton tenet ij tofta et iij car. terrae de eodem feodo in elemosinam. r acras, A. B. C. 5 habet, A. B. C. t sex bov., C. "ix bov., A. B. C. v idem, A. B. eadem, C.' sex car., C. " Babbethorpe, A. B. C. Y Little Weighton, in the parish of Rowley, three miles west of Cottingham. l e Rus, C. a Nebo, A. B. Newe, C.'ij car., A. " Willelmum, A. B. Thomam, C. d eodem, A. B. eadem, C. e caruc., A. B. f et, C. t Vert, A. C. Bert. B. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 89 HESSELL. Item idem habet in Hessell feod. iiij car. de rege, qui quidem faciunt iiijtam partem feodi j milit. SWANLOND. Et x bov. terrwe in Swanlond de Stutevillh: unde Gerardus de Furnivall tenet x bov., ille de Vescy, et ipse de haerede. FEODUM DE GRAYSTOK. BRUNHAM. i Baroj habet in Brunhum in dominico ij car. terroe. Moniales j car., unde vj [bov.] k faciunt forinsecum servitium, et ij sunt in elemosinam. Item Radulphusl de Lacels ij car. terrae: similiter faciunt forinsecum servitium [pro unica car.]m tantummodo. Item Prior de Wartre j car., et facit forinsecum. Item Ato de Flixton j car. per forinsecum. Item Thomas Tanesterne j car. per forinsecum. Item Adam de Derwent" j car. eodem modo. Item Galfridus le Charpenter tenet ij bov. et di. similiter per forinsecum. MILINGTON. Item idem Baro habet feodum in Milington, scilicet, vij car. terrze quas liberi tenentes tenent de eodem pro di. feod. HEUGATE. Item idem Baro habet feodum [milit.]o in Heugate, scilicet, x car. terrae quas Prior de Watton et ten' ejus tenent in elemosinam, et habuerunt ingressum [per Galfridum]P de Maundewyll. ELLERTON. Item Baro habet feodum in Ellerton, scilicet, j car. terrae quam Rogerus de Lacelsq et Thomas de Graystok tenent de Barone, et Baro de Gilberto de Gaunt, et ipser de rege. WAPPLINGTON. Item Willelmus de Graistok tenet in Wapplington feodum di. car. terrae per Radulphum filium Willelmi.s FEODUM DE GAUNT. ELLERTON. Haeres de Gaunt habet feodum in Ellerton, [scilicet],t de una car. terrae et j bov.: unde R. de Lacels et h A. and B. omit de Stutevill. i Now called Nunburnholme. J William, son of Thomas de Graystock, Baron Graystock, died in 1288 (Nicolas's Synopsis, Ed. 1857, 229). k bov., A. B. C.' Robertus, C. n pro unica car., A. B. C., Berwint, A. Beswente, B. In the 31st Edward I., Henry de Derwentwater held vj bovates in Brunhom. o milit., A. B. P per Galfridum, A. B. C. q 7-9 Edward I. On a plea of Quo Warranto before John de Vaux and others, Roger de Lasceles "dicit quod tenet manerium suum de Hellerton, ut liberum maritagium Elizabethse uxoris suse, de Willelmo [filio] Thomae, qui ipsum inde defendit et acquietet contra omnes homines" (Plac. de Quo Warr., 200). r Gilbertus, C. Some account of Ralph fitz William has already been given at page 54. 1 scilicet, A. B. C. 90 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Thomas de Graystok tenent unam car., et Templarii unam bov. per ten'; unde rex perdidit forinsecum. FEODUM DE BRUS. BRUNNASu CUM TIBTHORP. Heredes de Brus tenent Brunnas cum Tibthorp in capite de rege: unde Prior de Gysburn tenet iij car. terrae in elemosinam, una cum ecclesiav in proprios usus; unde dominus rex perdidit sectam et servitium. KYLLINGWYK. Item iidemn habent in feodo, scilicet, feod. milit. in Kyllingwyk quod quidem Willelmus de Percy tenet de eisdem hweredibus quasi per medium, exceptis vj bov. quas Prior de Watton tenet in elemosinam, et nescitur quo warranto, nec tempore; et solebat facere forinsecum servitium, et modo nihil facit. Et sciendum quod dominusw W. de Percy reddit iiijs. de fine. NORTH CAVE. Item iidem habent in feodo ij car. terrae in North Cave per ten'. SUTHE CLYFF. Item Nicholaus de Clyff tenet ij bov. de eodem feodo in Suthe Clyff. NORTHE CAVE. Item tenentes de Flaumwill~ [habent] ijy car. in Northe Cave de Willelmo de Percy de Kyldale, et ipse del Brus. ROTTESSE.Z Item iidem haeredes habent in Rotesse ij car. in feodo: unde Prior de Gysburn tenet xiij bov. in elemosinam, et Johannes de Ditona tenet iij bov. de Hospitalariis Jerosolimae, et Hospitalarii del Brus; sed nescitur quo warranto, nec quo tempore. HOTHUM. Item iidem heredes [tenent]b in Hothum j car. terrae per tenentes per medium Walteri de Faukenberg: unde Willelmus filius Petri de North Cave tenet ij bov., et Thomas filius Mathei ij bov., et Galfridus Dunyby ij bov., et solvunt fines., Kirkburn, a small village about three miles W.S.W. of Driffield, includes in its parish the townships of Tibthorpe, Southburn, and Eastburn. On the partition of the estates of Peter de Brus between his sisters and co-heirs in 1273, " Kykeburne" fell to the share of Lucy, wife of Marmaduke de Twenge, Laderina, wife of John de Bella Aqua, had "Tybthorpe et coeteras bovatas in Sethbarne (Southburn)," and Agnes, wife of Walter de Fauconberg, had "Estburne" (Mon. Angl., vi., 268). The church of "Burnnus "was given to the priory of Guisborough by Robert de Brus, the founder (Mon. Angl., vi., 267). dictus, A. C. In the 31st Edward I. there were two carucates in North Cave belonging to the fee of Percy of Kildale, of which the heir of Elias de Flanvyle held four bovates, and Wm. Sturmy twelve. y iij car., C. t Rotsea, in the parish of Hutton Cranswick. ( Aton, A. Ecton, or Etton, B. C. b ten', C. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 91 FEODUM DE ROS. MIDELTON. Robertus de Ros [habet]c in feodo in Midelton, scilicet, iij car. terrwe quwe faciunt [di.]d feod. milit.: unde Prior de Watton tenet ij bov., item Prior de Wartre v bov., item Prior de Ellerton j bov., item domus Sancti Egidii Beverlaci v bov., item Sanctus Petrus de Ebor. iij bov.; in quibus habent ingressum per Robertum de Holme, unde rex amittit ijd. q. de fine. Item Ricardus de Torny, Johannes Thocht,e Robertus de Holmef Radulphus de Haweley tenent vj bov. de eodem [R., et ipse de]s rege per forinsecum servitium. Item Abbas de Melsa tenet j bov., et Priorissa de Swyne j bov., unde rex amittit wardum cum acciderit. SETTON.h Item idem R., hher. de Trussebutte, habet in feodo in Setton xxij bov. quas tenet de rege: unde Sarr' de Spaldington tenet ij car. Item Prior de Wartre vj bov. WARTRE CUM BAGGOTBYi ET GYLDHUSDALL. Item idem R. habet feod. in Wartre cum Baggotby et Gyldhusdall; unde Prior de Wartre et ten' ejus tenent in eisdem viij car. terrae et j bov. Item Abbas de Melsa tenet j car. et iiij bov. Item Prior de Grymesby j bov. Item Prior de Kyrkeham j bov. Item Hospital' tenet per ten' ejus iiij bov. Item Templarii j bov. per ten', unde rex amittit wardum. Item haer' de Bentelei ten' ij car. terrae in eadem, et ij car. terra in Gildusdale, et iij car. terrae et di. in Seton, pro feod. milit., quod ten' de R. de Roos, praeter ij bov. terra quas domus Sancti Egidii tenet de dono Stephani de Crauncewyk in elemosinam. c habet, A. B. d di., A. B. dimid., C. Tocht, A. B. Throkht, C. f de Cave, A. B. C. g R. [Ricardo, A.], et ipse de, A. B. C. h Now called Seaton Ross. i About ten years after the date of this Inquest, John de Thorpe, prior of Wartre, "emit manerium cum campo de Bagotby ab Hugone de Billiburgh, in quo est fons cum aqumductu juxta terram, que extenditur a Westres usque ad Westbek, quam dedit Asketellus Rider priori et conventui de Wartria, anno Dr;nini MCCLXXXVIII" (Mon. Angl., vi., 299). Warter Priory, the modern seat of Lord Muncaster, occupies, I believe, the site of the ancient manor of Baggotby. A portion of the park adjoining the road leading to Pocklington, and a short distance from Westbeck Bridge, still retains the name of Baggaby Bottom. i Richard, son of Richard de Bentele, had a charter of free warren in Bentele and Gildusdale in the 9th Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 109). k William de Feryby, prior of Wartre, 1364-1380, " emit dominium gille de Gildhousdale, cum omnibus pertinentiis, a domino Johanne Bentley, rectore ecclesiae de Scheffelde in comitatu Cancie " (Mon. Angl., vi., 299). Its site is probably indicated by Millhouse Dale, a narrow "gill " or glen, about half a mile south of the village of Warter. 92 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. FEODUM ARCHIEPISCOPI CANTUAR. MIDDELTON. Idem Archiepiscopus habet in Midelton vj car. terra, quae faciunt feod. unius milit.; unde Prior de Watton tenet iij bov., Prior de Wartre iijl bov., Prior de Ellerton j bov., item domus Sancti Egidii Beverlaci iij~ bov.; de tenentibus residui ignoratur; unde rex perdidit forinsecum servitium. Item Sanctus Johannes Beverlaci habet in eadem iij car. terrae, nescitur de quo feodo tenet. FEODUM BEATI PETRI EBOR. KETOLTHORP.. In Ketolthorp iij car. terrae; unde Thomas Daraynes tenet j car. terrae de Templariis, et ipsi de Sancto Petro. Item idem Thomas tenet j car. in eadem de eodem Sancto Petro sine medio, et ipse de dono Wlfi.~ Item Rogerus Russell j car. terrae in eadem quam tenet de eodem praedicto Petro, [et ipse]P de dono Wlfi praedicti. NEWEBALD.q Item in Newebald xxviij car. terrae de eodem Sancto Petro de dono Wlfi praedicti. GUDMUNDHAM. Item in Gudmundham iiij car. terrae de dono ejusdem. BARMEBY.r Item in Barmeby totam villatam integram de dono ejusdem, cum quadam parte pertinente in Pokylington, praeter vj bov. de Archiepiscopo. WILTON.S In Wilton iij car. terrae similiter de dono Wlfi. MILLINGTON ET GEVELDALE.t Item in Millington et Geveldale iiju car. de eodem feodo de dono ejusdem Wlfi." ULVESTHORP.W Item in Ulvesthorpe ij bov. [terrae] quas haeres Roberti [de]Y Stivetonw tenet de eodem feodo, etc. DRYFFELD.a In eadem villab sunt xxiiij car. terrme; de quibus ecclesia dotata est de una car. terrae, et domina de Balliolo tenet iij car. et di. in dominico; et per quae servitia xix car. et di. tenentur, non fit mentio in inquisitionibus. iiij bov., A. B. C. " iiij bov., A. B. Kettlethorpe, a farm in the parish of North Cave, about two miles south of Newbald. ~ Ulphus, son of Thorald, the great benefactor to the church of York. P et ipse, C. q North Newbald. r Barmby on the Moor, near Pocklington. $ Bishop Wilton. t Great Givendale. " iiij car., B. C. V A. omits this entry. Probably Owsthorpe, a small township in the parish of Pocklington, about one mile west of Millington. v terrse, A. B. Y de, A. B. C.' Staunton, A. B. Stiverton, C. " See p. 30, notej. ^ In 1299 the king granted to John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, " manerium de Driffeld, cum hameletto et pertinentiis in comitatu Eborum, quod extenditur ad sexaginta tres libras, decem solidos, quatuor denarios, et quadrantem per annum" (Foed., i., 1002). WAPENTAGIUM IE BRUDEFORD.l DE FEODIS QUE TENENTUR DE REGE IN CAPITE. EDMUNDUS comes Cornubiae tenet villam de Brudeford6 de rege pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Rogerus de Moubray tenet Cokewald, Hoverheslayc et Wlueston de rege pro feodo unius milit.; et Thorneton super Montem et Baxseby pro quarta parte feodi unius milit; et Thurkilby pro tertia parte feodi unius milit.; et in Soureby et Brakinberg pro feodo unius milit.; et in Neusum pro quarta parte feodi unius milit.; et in Kylvington,d Thorneberg et Huppessalee pro feodo unius milit.; et in Kyrkeby sub Knol pro tertia parte feodi unius milit.; et in Hotonf pro di. feod. unius milit.; et in Chouseby pro tertia parte feodi unius milit.; et in Kepewyk pro quarta parte feodi unius milit.; et Ravensthorp, Bolteby, Trylleby et Berhebys pro feodo unius milit.; et in Haunneby pro vjta parte feodi unius milit.; et in Daleh pro iiijt i parte feodi unius milit.; et in Hover Silton pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit.; et in Karltonj et Iselbek pro iijti parte feodi unius milit.; et in Bageby pro sexta parte feodi unius milit. Johannes de Percy tenet in Catton de rege pro iiija parte feodi unius milit.; et in Skypton pro di. feodi j milit.; et in Dalton pro di. feod. j milit. Episcopus Dunelmi tenet de rege in capite in Hotonk pro iijtia parte feodi j milit. HARLYSHAY.. Johannes de Bella Aqua tenet in Herlishay, Sibillmn et Salcbk" j feod. milit. a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b The hamlet of Birdforth, which gives name to this wapentake, is about five miles S.E. of Thirsk. c Hoversley, B. Yearsley and Oulston (Ulueston) are both in the parish of Coxwold. d South Kilvington, near Thirsk. e Thornbrough and Upsall, in the parish of South Kilvington. f Sand Hutton, near Thirsk. g Borrowby, in the parish of Leake. h Now called Dale Town, a small hamlet in the parish of Hawnby. iijti parte, A. See p. 98. i Carlton Miniot, in the parish of Topcliffe. k Hutton, in the parish of Sessay, commonly called Hutton Sessay. " East Harlsey. m The two farms of High and Low Siddle are at the northern extremity of the parish of East Harlsey. n Sakecock, B. Probably East Sawcock, where there are some remains of a moat, about a mile and a half W.N.W. of East Harsley. 94 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. WELLEBERGH. Walterus de Fauconberg tenet in Welleberch di. feod. j milit. THORNETON. Et praedictus Comes Cornubiae et Baro de Graystok tenent in Thornton in Mora de rege pro di. feod. milit. BRUDEFORD. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrve; de quibus Henricus Maunsell tenet ij car. terrae de Ranulpho de Nevill, et Ranulphus de Johanne Maunsell: et residuas ij car. tenet idem Johannes de Edmundo Maunsell, et idem Edmundus de Ricardo Malebyse, et idem Ricardus de Edmundo comite Cornubise, et idem Comes de rege in capite de honore de Eya. Et respondet villa prsedicta pro iiijta parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. COKEWALD. In eadem [villa]o sunt [blank]P car. terrae [et]q ij bov.; de quibus Prior de Novoburgo tenet unam car. et ij bov. terrae in liberam elemosinam; sed a quo eas tenet non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis: et Thomas de Kolevillr tenet iij car. de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et illae iij car. redd. per ann. ad finem wapp. ijs. Et praedictae ville de Cokewald, Wlueston et Eueryslay [proximo]t sequentes, respond. pro uno feodo milit.; unde quaelibet villa respond. pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit. ULUISTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrse quas Prior de Novoburgo tenet de Thoma [de]" Colevill, et idem Thomas de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs.v EUERYSLEY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de Thoma de Colevill, et idem Thomas [tenet] de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. villa praedicta [per ann.]x ad finem praedictum ijs. THORNETON SUPER MONTEM ET BAXSEBY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quae tenentur de Johanne de Eyvill, et idem Johannes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem praedictum iijs., et respondet pro iiijta parte feodi j milit. TOPPECLIVE. Johannes de Percy tenet manerium de Toppeclive de rege in capite; sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. TURKYLBY. In eadem [villa]Y sunt iij car. terrae quae teneno villa, A. B. p iiijor car., A. B. q et, A. B. Thomas Colevyle had a charter of free warren in Cukewald and Eversle in the 41st Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart, 85).' ij car., A. t proximo, A. B. "de, A. B. iiijs., A. B. "tenet, A. B. ~ per ann., A. B. Y villa, A. WAPENTAKE OF BIRDFORTH, N. R. 95 tur de Olivero de Bussey, et idem Oliverus tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. prEedicta villa de Turkelby per ann. ad finem predictum vs., et respond. pro iijtia parte feodi milit. CATTON. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrae; quarum vj car. tenentur de Baldwino de Skypton, et idem Baldwinus de Wiberto Capon, et idem Wibertus de Johanne [de] Percy, et idem Johannes de rege in capite; et una car. terrse et viij bov. tenentur de Johanne de Percy, et idem Johannes de rege in capite. Et respondet villa praedicta pro iiijta parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. SKYPTON. Johannes de Percy tenet eandem villam de rege in capite: et sunt in eadem villa vj car. terrae; quarum iiij car. et VJ bov. tenentur de Johanne [de] Percy, et x bov. terrse tenentur de Baldwino filio Johannis de Skypton, et idem Baldwinus de Johanne [de] Percy. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem praedictum iijs., et respond. villa pro di. feod. milit. DALTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; quarum x bov. tenentur de Maugero le Vavasur, et idem Maugerus de Johanne [de] Percy; et residuze iiij car. et di. et vj bov. tenentur de eodem Johanne [de] Percy, et idem Johannes tenet totam praedictam villam de Dalton de rege in capite. Et praedicta villa respond. pro di. feod. milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. HOTON.Z In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae; de quibus Thomas de Maunsell tenet j car. de Johanne de Maunsell, et idem Johannes de Ricardo Malebyse, et idem Ricardus de Edmundo comite Cornubiae, et idem Comes de rege in capite; et Ricardus Maunsell et Robertus Wygot tenent j car. terrae de Johanne Maunsell, et idem Johannes de Ricardo Malebyse, et idem Ricardus de Edmundo comite Cornubiae in honore de Eya, et idem Edmundus de rege in capite; et Ricardus Oliver de Heton, Marmeducus de eadem, Oliverus de eadem, Ricardus Wilmyn, Ricardus Templeman, Johannes Nutola et Ricardus Filmingb tenent iij car. terre de Marmeduco Darell, et idem Marmeducus de Johanne [de] Percy, et idem Johannes de Episcopo Dunelm., et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro tertia parte feodi milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. NEUSUM. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae: de quibus Abbas de Fontibus tenet j car. terrae; sed a quo vel per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis; et residuae z Hutton Sessay. "' Mycoll, A. Nucell, B. ^ Filling, A. Fyling, B. 96 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. iijc car. terrae tenentur de Jordano Folyot, et idem Jordanus de heredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. villa praedicta ad finem praedictum ijs., et respond. pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. KYLLVINGTON. In eadem villa sunt v car. terre: de quibus ecclesia dotata est de quinque bov. terrse; et Prior de Novoburgo tenet vj bov. terrae, sed a quo et per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis: et residuum tenetur de haeredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et praedicta villa de Kylwington, una cum Thornbergh, respond. pro j feodo milit.; unde quaelibet villa [per se]d respond. pro iiijta parte feodi j milit. KYRKEBY SUB KNOLL. In eadem villa sunt v car. terre; quarum una car. et ij bov. tenentur de Rogero de Lascelys, et idem Rogerus tenet totam villam de Kyrkeby de Hugone de Hupsale, et Hugo de haeredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem heredes de [Rogero de]e Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et solvunt ad finem praedictum ijs. vjd., et respond. pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. THORNETON IN MORA. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae; quarum ij car. et di. tenentur de Comite Cornubiae, et idem Comes de rege in capite de honore de Eya; et residuas ij car. (sic) terrae tenet Willelmus filius Radulphif de Barone de Greystok, et idem Baro de rege in capite. Et illae ij car. terrae et di. redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. ixd., et respond. pro di. feod. unius milit. HOTON.g Rogerus de Moubray tenet eandem villam de rege in capite. Et sunt in eadem vj car. terre; quarum Prior de Novoburgo tenet iiij bov. terrae de Rogero de Moubray in puram elemosinam; et residuae iiij car. xij bov. et iiij acrae terrae tenentur de eodem Rogero, et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs., et respond. pro di. feod. unius milit. [CHOUSEBY.]^ In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae; quarum una car. et iij bov. terrae tenentur de Jordano Folyot, et idem Jordanus tenet ij acrasi et vj bov. terrae, una cum terris praenominatisj de haeredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem haeredes de ij car., A. d per se, A. B. e Rogero de, A. B. f Nephew to William, baron Graystock. His son, Ralph fitz William, had a charter of free warren in Thornton Mora, in the 4th Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 143.) g Sand Hutton, in the parish of Thirsk. ^ The text has Chouiswyk et Kipewyk,and A. and B. Thouyswyk et Kypewyk, erroneously. ij caruc., A. B. j terra prxnominata, A. WAPENTAKE OF BIRDFORTH, N. R. 97 Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro tertia parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. UPPESHALL ET THORNEBERGH. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae quas Hugo de Huppeshall tenet de heeredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs. iiijd. KEPEWYK. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae et vj bov.; de quibus Prior de Martonk tenet vj bov. terrse de Nicholao de Puncharduno et Johanna uxore ejus in liberam elemosinam; et (blank) bov. terrae tenentur de eisdem: et iidem tenent de Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite, praeter j car. terrae quam Prior de Gysburn tenet de Episcopo Dunelm. Et respond. pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. BOLTBY, RAVENESTHORP1 ET BERHEBY.m In eisdem villis sunt vjf car. terrae; quarum j car. et ij bov. terrae tenentur de Ricardo Knoute et Eva uxore sua; et iidem Ricardus et Eva tenent residuas v car. et vj bov. terrae de haeredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem heredes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vs., et respond. pro feodo j milit., una cum villa [de]~ Trillebyp subscripta, unde quelibet villa respond. pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. TRILLEBY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae; de quibus Alicia Ridell et Alicia soror sua tenent ij bov. terrae de Avora de Bolteby, et eadem Avora tenet illas ij bov. terrae, [una]q cum ij car. et vj bov., nomine dotis, de Ricardo Knoute et Eva uxore sua, et iidem de haeredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. HALMEBY. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terra quas Ricardus Malebyser tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de k The prior of Marton in Galtres had a charter of free warren in Kepewyk in the 7th Edward III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 168). 1 The vill of Ravensthorpe has disappeared, but the moat which once nearly surrounded its ancient manor house may still be traced in a field near to Ravensthorpe Mill, about one mile south of Boltby. - Borrowby. See pp. 93, 100. " vii car., A. B. o de, A. B. P Thirlby, B. q una, A. Eldest son of Sir William Malebis and Emma de Percy, and grandson of Hugo Malebis, to whom Roger de Molbrai, the son and heir of Nigel de Albini, granted (inter alia) the fee of lands in Carlton, Silton, Kepwick, Morton, Dale, and Hawnby, by a charter witnessed by Nigel and Robert de Molbrai, two of the grantor's sons, William Malebis, a son of the grantee, Bertram Haget, and others (York Corporation Papers, ii., 950). H 98 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. rege in capite. Et respond. pro vjta parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. DALE. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrse quas Willelmus de Kolevills tenet de Ricardo Malebys, et idem Ricardus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., et redd. per ann. ad finem preedictum iijs. SILTON PAYNILL.t In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae; de quibus Gilbertus de Hanant tenet unam car. de Olivero de Buscy, et Radulphus de Leek tenet unam car. de eodem Olivero, et Thomas de Levesham tenet ij car. de eodem Olivero; et idem Oliverus tenet totam villam pradictam de Roberto de Luterell, et idem Robertus de hleredibus Baldwini Wak, et iidem hveredes de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. milit., et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum di. marcae. CARLETON ET ISILBEK. In eadem [villa], sunt vj car. terram et di.;" quarum Prior de Novoburgo tenet iiij bov. terrae de [ecclesia de]w Carleton; et Henricus de Carleton tenet j car. terrae de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et Johannes de Carleton tenet iijx car. terrae et di. de eodem Rogero, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et Gilbertus de IsilbekY tenet j car. de Johanne de Carleton, et [idem Johannes] de eodem Rogero, ut supra; et Johannes de Burtebya tenet di. car. de Thoma de Clarvaus, et idem Thomas de Johanne de Carleton, et idem Johannes de praedicto Rogero, ut supra. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iiijs., et respond. pro tertia parte feodi unius milit. OVER SYLTON. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae; de quibus Henricus Lungusb tenet iij bov. terrae de Hugone de Uppesale; et Cecilia et Alicia sorores ejusdem tenent ij bov. terrae de eodem Hugone; et Henricus junior et Michael de Herby tenent ij bov. terrae de eodem Hugone; et idem Hugo tenet totam villam de Ricardo de Malebys,c et idem Ricardus de Ranulpho In 1270 Richard de Malebisse demised to Simon de Clerevall "totum tenementum" which John Engram once held of Sir William de Malebisse "in villa de Dale juxta Halmeby," until the full age of William, son of Philip de Colevill, heir of the said John (Ibid., p. 967). * Nether Silton, in the parish of Leake. u villa, A. B. " A. and B. omit et di. " ecclesia de, A. B. iiij car., A. y Gilbert de Iselbek was dead in the 28th Edward I., and his lands in the hands of the King, "pro eo quod Walterus, filius et hseres dicti Gilberti, idiota est" (Cal. Gen., ii., 589). * idem Johannes, A. B. a Breteby, A. B. " Lung, A. King (?), B. In the 18th Edward I. Richard Malebisse demised to Henry de Menill all the lands which were formerly held by Sir Michael de Upsale in Lesser Silton (York Corporation Papers, ii., 974). WAPENTAKE OF ALLERTONSHIRE, N. R. 99 de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs. ERLISSEY, SIBIL,d DERELBYe ET SALECOCK. In eisdem villis sunt vij car. terrae qume tenentur de Edmundo [de] Lascelys; quarum Johannes Nanhop tenet xj bov. terrze, Hugo de Hupsale ix bov., Thomas Salecote xv bov., Brianus filius Johannis unam di. car., Henricus de Middelton xvj bov., et Reginaldus de Toucotes j bov. terre: et prmedictus Edmundus tenet de Johanne de Bella Aqua, et idem Johannes tenet totam villam praedictam (sic) de rege in capite. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum j marc., et respond. pro j feod. milit. WELLEBERGH. Willelmus de Fauconbergh tenet totam eandem villam de rege in capite, et respond. pro tertia parte feodi unius milit., et redd. per ann. ad finem predictum di. marc. BAGGEBY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae; quarum Templarii tenent unam car. de Rogero de Moubray in puram elemosinam; et residuas ij car. tenet Johannes de Blabyf de eoder Rogero, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. [HIC INCIPIT LIBERTAS DE ALVERTON QUAE EST INFRA FEODUM EPISCOPI DUNELM.] BRETEBY.^ In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; de quibus Prior de Parco tenet di. car., et heredes Roberti de Crepelingge tenent aliam di. car. de Johanne de Ferlington; et Nicholaus de Todehowe tenet di. car. de Magistro Simone de Clervaus,i et' See page 93, note m. e Beresby, A. Borelby, B. Torowby, R. The place intended is probably Bordeby or Bordelby. In 1316 Geoffrey de Hotham was returned lord of " Herleysey and Bordeby." And, about 1396, Thomas de Holland, duke of Surrey, founded a Carthusian priory within his manor of " Bordelby prope Cleaveland in comitatu Eboracensi, quam vocamus et vocare volumus, in futurum, domum Montis Gratiae de Ingelby" (Mon. Angl., vi., 23). Mount Grace is about two miles E.S.E. of East Harlsey. f The Inq. p. m. of John de Blaby was taken in the 30th Edward I., when his daughters, Joan, wife of Adam de Horreworth, Alice, wife of Robert de Pothowe, Christiana, wife of William de Snaynton, Elizabeth, wife of John de Alta Ripa, Cecilia, wife of Robert Gower, and Eustachia, then unmarried, were found to be his next heirs (Cal. Gen., ii., 601). g In the Dodsworth MS.,whence this title is taken, the sequence of the places described under the general head of Brudford wapentake is not the same as in the other copies of this Inquest. Welbergh is immediately succeeded by Rungeton, then comes the title, as given above, followed by Bertby, Bagby, Landmoth, etc. " Now called Birkby. Simon de Clarevaux, rector of Bulmer (Fasti Ebor., i., 322), son of Robert de Clarevaux of York, by Eva, daughter of William Fairfax, bailiff of York in 1249. His brother, Nicholas de Clarevaux, was elected M.P. for that city, 25th May, 1298. H 2 100 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. idem Magister Symon de Johanne de Ferlington; et idem Johannes tenet iiij car. terre et di., una cum terra predicta, de Episcopo Dunelm., et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. villa praedicta pro feodo j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. LANDEMOTE. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae quas Magister Simon de Clervaus tenet de Gilberto Hansard, et idem Gilbertus de Episcopo, et Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. villa pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. [ad finem praedictum] i DEDENSALL.k In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae; de quibus Robertus Conniers tenet ij car. terrae et di. de Episcopo; et Johannes de Conniers tenet j car. et di. de eodem Episcopo, et Episcopus tenet totam villam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro iiijta parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. HORNEBY. In eadem villa sunt iiijor car. terrze quas Gilbertus Hansard1 tenet de Episcopo, et Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro iiijta parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem [praedictum].n GRYSEBY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. quae tenentur de Johanne Conniers; et idem Johannes tenet totam villam de Episcopo, et Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. HOLME. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae quae tenentur de Roberto Conniers, et idem Robertus [tenet] de Episcopo, et Episcopus tenet totam villam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro. vta parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. [ad finem]. BERHEBY.P Episcopus Dunelm. tenet eandem villam in dominico de rege in capite. Et sunt in eadem iij car. terrae, excepta una car. quam Michaelq de Berheby tenet de haeredibus de Ravenesthorp. Et dat ad finem praedictum, sed quantum non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, et respond. [pro]r iiijt parte feodi unius milit. KNAYUETON. In eadem villa sunt vij car. terre in dominico i ad finem praedictum, A. B. k Over Dinsdale, in the parish of Sockburn. z On Sept. 30th, 1316, the bishop of Durham granted to Alice de Kellawe, his sister, " custodiam omnium terrarum et tenementorum quse fuerunt domini Gilberti Haunsard, militis, defuncti, in Horneby infra libertatem nostram de Allertonshire, et ad manus nostras devenerunt nomine custodiae, ratione minoris setatis Willelmi filii et haeredis dicti domini Gilberti, una cum omnimodis reversionibus, etc. Habend. et tenend., etc., ad legitimam aetatem haeredis praedicti, etc." (Reg. Kellawe a/pud Dunelm.) n praedictum, A. n tenet, A. B. o ad finem, A. P Bereheby, modo Borowby, D. See p. 97. q Nicholaus, A. B. r pro A. B. WAPENTAKE OF ALLERTONSIIIRE, N. R. 101 quas Episcopus tenet de rege in capite. Et respond. pro j feodo unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. REMUNDEBY. In eadem villa sunt x car. terrse et di.; de quibus Ricardus de Reymundebys tenet iij car. terrse de Episcopo, et Episcopus tenet totam villam de Reymundeby de rege in capite. Et Ricardus de Reymundeby respond. pro viijva parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. THORNETON IN VIVAR'.t In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrwe; de quibus Nicholaus de la Launde tenet unam car. terrwe de Episcopo, et illam car. tenet idem Episcopus, una cum residuis v car. terrs, de rege in capite pro di. feod. unius milit., et nihil redd., ut supra. NORTH OTERINGTON. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrue; de quibus Thomas de Hoterington tenet j car. et ij bov terrue, Alanus Norreis di. car., Thomas de Hallebek j car. de Episcopo: Thomas filius Austini tenet di. car. de Ricardo [de]" Reymundeby, et idem Ricardus de Episcopo. Et idem Episcopus tenet totam villam proedictam de rege in capite; unde Thomas de Hallebekv et Thomas de Oterington respond. pro tertia parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem [praedictum]." SULEBY SUB KOTECLYF.X In eadem villa sunt vj car. terroe; de quibus Willelmus de Suleby tenet j car., Robertus de Fademore di. car., et Hugo Stirky ij bov. terrwe de Episcopo Dunelm., et idem Episcopus tenet totam villam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. unius milit., et nihil [redd.] ad finem predictum. BRUMPTON. In eadem villa sunt xiij car. terrae; de quibus Thomas filius [Radulphi]o de Brumpton tenet iij car. terrEe, Johannes Lungespiea et Johannes de Kylvington tenentb j car. terrae de eodem Episcopo, et idem Episcopus tenet residuas viij car. terrae in dominico, cum tota villa de Brumpton, de rege in capite. Et respond. pro feodo j milit., et nihil redd., etc. HELLERBECK. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae quas Magister Hospitalis de Alverton tenet in liberam elemosinam; sed a quo, vel per quod servitium, non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. Et respond. pro iijtia parte feodi unius milit. WYLTON ET HALIKELD.C In eisdem [villis]d sunt vj car. * Sir Richard de Romundby was Custos of the city of York 1279-1281. He was living in 1301 (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., 117). t Thornton-le-Beans, in the parish of North Otterington. de, A. V Hellebeck, A. B. " praedictum, A. B. Sowerby-sub-Cotcliff, in the parish of Sigston. Y Strik, A. - Radulphi, A. B. Lyngespyd, A. b A. and B. omit tenent. "~ Winton and Hallikeld, in the parish of Sigston. d eadem villa, A. B. 102 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. terrae et di.;e de quibus Stephanus Maunsell tenet di. car. de Henrico Maunsell, et idem Henricus de Episcopo; et iiij bov. terrae tenentur de Ricardo de Reymundeby, et idem Ricardus de eodem Episcopo; et residuae v car. et ij bov. tenentur similiter de eodem Episcopo; et idem Episcopus tenet praedictas villasf de Wilton et Halikeld de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. NORTON.S In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae et di.; [de] quibus Robertus Coniers tenet iij car. terrae de eodem Episcopo; et una car. et xij bov. terrae tenentur de praedicto Roberto Coniers, et idem Robertus de Episcopo, et idem Episcopus tenet totam villam de Norton de rege in capite. Et respond. villa praedicta pro di. feod. milit., et nihil redd. [ad finem praedictum.] h ERLYSHAY.i In eadem villa sunt vj car. terree; de quibus Petronilla de Coniers tenet j car. terrae et bov. terrae de Episcopo; et haer' Willelmi de Bonevill ten' xj bov. terrae de eodem Episcopo; et Thomas [de]j Helbeck tenet vij bov. terrae de prEedictis heredibus, et iidem heredes de praedicto Episcopo; et Robertus de Foxton tenet vj bov. terrae de [Thoma]k Hellebeck, et idem Thomas de Episcopo; et residue iijl car. tenentur de Petronilla de Coniers, et eadem Petronilla tenet de eodem Episcopo, et idem Episcopus tenet totam villam praedictam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro feodo unius milit. SMITON PARVA. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae; de quibus Willelmus de Smiton tenet j car. terrae, et Johannes filius Thomae de Smiton tenet di. car. terrae de eodem Episcopo, et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. villa praedicta pro viijva parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. SYGGESTON. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; de quibus Brianus filius Johannis tenet iij car. de Michaele de Ryhell, et Michael de Episcopo; et Willelmus de Kokevill tenet residuas iij car. terrae de eodem Episcopo, et idem Episcopus tenet villam preedictam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. DYCTON." In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae; de quibus Johannes Smyth (sic) Dyvill~ tenet ij car. terrae et di., et Ricardus de Reymundeby tenet ij car. terrae de eodem Episcopo; et Johannes Morgan tenet di. car. de Willelmo de Smiton, et idem Willelmus de Episcopo, et Episcopus totam villam prEeB. omits et di. f praedictam villam, A. B. s Norton Conyers. h ad finem praedictum, A. B. i West Harlsey. J de, A. B. k Thoma, A. B.' iiij car., A. B. " j car. terrae et di., A. " Deighton, near Welburv. " Johannes de Eyvill, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF ALLERTONSHIRE, N. R. 103 dictam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. unius milit., et nihil redd. [ad finem praedictum]. HOTON BENEVILL. Idem Episcopus tenet eandem villam de rege in capite: et sunt in eadem v car. et di. quae tenentur de eodem Episcopo. Et respond. villa praedicta pro di. feod. unius milit., et nihil redd.. CESSAY. In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae; de quibus di. car. et iiij bov. terrae tenentur de Marmaduco Darell; et idem Marmaducus tenet iiij car. terrae de Johanne de Percy, et idem Johannes de Episcopo Dunelm., et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et villa praedicta cum Hoton [respond.]q pro j feodo milit., et nihil redd. [ad finem praedictum]." THORNETON IN STRATA. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrse; et3 di. car.'et ij bov. terrae tenentur de Ricardo Waxand, et idem Ricardus tenet illas vj bov. terrae, cum iiij car. et ij bov. de eodem Episcopo; et Ricardus de Thorneton tenet similiter j car. de eodem Episcopo, et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. WERKESHALL. t In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae quas Johannes Hansard tenet de Gilberto Hansard, et idem Gilbertus de Episcopo, et Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro tertia parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. NORTH KYLVINGTON. In eadem villa sunt viju car. terrae; quarum xiiij bov. terrae tenentur de Abbate de Eggelyston; et idem Abbas tenet quinque car. et iij bov. terrae; et tenet etiam totam villam praedictam de Episcopo, et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro di. feod. j milit., et nihil redd. [ad finem praedictum]." TYMELBY. In eadem villa sunt [iij]w car. terrme quas Willelmus de Colvill tenet de Episcopo Dunelm., et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit., et nihil [redd.]Y ad finem predictum. LAYSINGBY. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae quas Johannes Lytelgreynsz tenet de Episcopo, et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro vjta parte feodi j milit., et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. P ad finem praedictum, A. q respond., A. B. r ad finem praedictum, A.' quarum, A. B. t High Worsall. " vj car., A. ad finem praedictum, A. W iij car., A. B. vjta parte, A. Y redd., A. Sir John de Lithegrenes, a person much employed in state affairs (Fasti Ebor., i., 336), was sheriff of Yorkshire 1280-1285, a justice itinerant in 1293, escheator north of Trent in 1295, and custos of the archbishopric of York in 1297. In 1290 he and Alice his wife erected a chapel within the manor of Lasenby, and established therein a college for a master and six chaplains. 104 KTRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. KYLBURN.a In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrme; de quibus Johannes de Syvllb tenet ij car. terrae de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et redd. ad finem prsedictum per ann. ijs. et vjd.: et Prior de Novoburgo tenet j car. terram in eadem villa, de dote ecclesiae, de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit. WODHALL APUD TRESK.C Rogerus de Moubray tenet manerium de Wodhalld in dominico suo pro iij car. terrae de rege in capite; et Adam de Pyketon tenet de eodem manerio unam car. terrae et v acras prati de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. Et nihil redd. [ad finem praedictum].e RUNGETONf In eadem [villa]9 sunt iij car. terrae quas Willelmus de Mundevill tenet de Episcopo, et idem Episcopus de rege in capite. Et respond. pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd.h OSMUNDEBY.i Episcopus Dunelm. tenet eandem villam de rege in capite. Et respond. pro tertia parte feodi unius milit., et nihil redd. ad finem pruedictum. a Kilburn is in Birdforth wapentake. b Eyvill, A. B. " Thirsk is in Birdforth wapentake. d On 23rd March, 15th Edward II. the king granted "manerium de la Wodehall, et villam de Thresk, cum pertinentiis, in corn. Ebor., quae fuerunt Johannis de Moubray, inimici et rebellis," to John de Britannia, earl of Richmond (Fed., ii., 480). e ad finem prsedictum, A. f West Rounton. g villa, A. B. h A. and B. omit et nihil redd. Osmotherley. WAPENTAGIUM DE BRUDEFORD.a DE LIBERTATE BELLE LAND2E. SUTTON.b In eadem villa sunt iijC car. terrae, quse sunt de feodod unius militis, quas diversi tenent diversimode de Abbate de Bella Landa, prout plenius continetur in inquisitionibus praedictis. Et idem Abbas tenet de harede de Stutevill, et idem hseres de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege per baroniam; sed non fit mentio per quod servitium. MARTHERBY. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt, etc., quae tenentur de praedicto Abbate, et idem Abbas de haeredibus Baldewyni Wak, et iidem haeredes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; sed non fit mentio, etc. LAYSTHORPE.6 In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae, unde xij car., etc., quae tenentur de praedicto Abbate, et idem Abbas de haeredibus Baldewyni Wak, ut supra. THORMOTHEBY.f In eadem villa est una car. terrae et v bov. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. unius milit., quae tenentur de praedicto Abbate, et idem Abbas de haer' Petri de Brus, et haer' praedicti Petri de rege [in capite];g sed non dicitur per quod servitium. THORP JUXTA EBOR.h In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae et iij bov., unde xij car. faciunt feod., etc., quwe tenentur de predicto Abbate, et idem Abbas de Abbate de Seleby, et idem Abbas de rege; sed non fit mentio, etc., in inquisitionibus praedictis per quod servitium. OTERINGTON.i In eadem villa sunt (blank) car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod., etc.; de quibus Ricardus de Waylomej tenet ij car. et di. de Rogerok de Malbys, et idem Ricardus tenet ij car. et di. de praedicto [Abbate de] I Bella Landa, et idem Abbas de haeredibus de Brus, et iidem haeredes de rege. SKACOLDEN.n In eadem villa sunt vij bov. terrae, unde viij car. faciunt feod. milit., quas Abbas de Bella Landa tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; sed non fit mentio per quod servitium. FALDINGDEN.n In eadem villa sunt xv bov. terrae, unde viij - Collated with MSS. A. and B. b Sutton-under-Whitestone Cliff. c iiijor car., A. B. d que faciunt feod., A. B. e Laysthorpe is in Ryedale wapentake. f Thornaby, in the parish of Stainton, in the wapentake of Langbargh. g in capite, A. B. h Middlethorpe, in the Ainsty. i South Ottrington. i Woland, A. Waylond, B. k Ricardo, A. B.' Abbate de, A. B. m Scackleton, in the parish of Hovingham, in the wapentake of Bulmer. "Fawdington, in the parish of Cundall. By inquisitions taken in 1309 and 106 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. car. faciunt feod. milit., quas Abbas de Bella Landa tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege, etc. AMPELFORD.~ In eadem villa est una car. terrae et una bov. terrae, unde viij car. faciunt feod., etc.; de quibus Walterus de London tenet di. car. de Radulpho filio Willelmi, et Radulphus de Abbate de Bella Landa: Galfridus Attebek tenet j car. de eodem Abbate; et idem Abbas tenet j bov. terrae de Johanne [de] Charkenull, et Johannes de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; sed non fit mentio per quod servitium. OSEGOTEBY.q In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae, unde viij car. faciunt feod., etc., [quas] Abbas de Bellalanda tenet de haerede Walteri de Manull, et idem haeres de Olivero de Buscy, et idem Oliverus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem de rege. BELLAUND. In Veteri Bellaund sunt viij car. terrae, quae faciunt feod., etc.,quas Abbas de Bellalanda tenet de Hugone (?) de Malebyse, et idem Hugo de praedicto Rogero. MORTON.r In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae, unde viij car. faciunt feod., etc., quas praedictus Abbas tenet de Hugone (?) de Malebyse, et idem Hugo de praedicto Rogero. THORP.$ In eadem villa est una car. terrae, unde viij car. faciunt feod., etc., quas idem Abbas tenet de Johanne [de]t Steingreve, et idem Johannes de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege. Et omnes praedictas terras, et alias quas praedictus Abbas de Bella Landa tenet ibidem quam alibi in comitatu Ebor., tenet in liberam elemosinam per cartas diversorum regum. Abbas de Bellalanda tenet de feodo de Moubray iij feoda et di. et ix bov. Item tenet de feodo de Brus di. feod. milit. j car. et v bov. terrae; sed non fit mentio in inquisitionibus predictis in quibus locis praedicta feoda tenentur, nec per quod servitium. 1327, it was found that the Abbot of Byland was exempt from finding meat for man and horse (putura) for the forester at this grange, and that of Balschagh, within the liberty of the forest (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 332). Boscar Grange is about four miles east of Fawdington. o Ampleforth, in Ryedale wapentake. P de Charkevill, A. B. q This is Osgodby, in the parish of Thirkleby, and not "Osgoteby, near Scardeburg," as erroneously stated by Dr. Burton (Mon. Ebor., 335). r Morton or Murton, an extra-parochial district between Old Byland and Hawnby. I Perhaps this is Thorpefield, a hamlet about two miles W.S.W. of Thirsk. Before 1198, the monks of Byland had "ex dono Rogeri de Molbray et Mathildis de Steyngreve, terram in Petithorp juxta Thresk" (Mon. Angl., v. 352). And Dr. Burton says, Maud de Staingrif, and Simon, her son, gave lands in Thorpe, alias Petty-Thorpe, juxta Thresk, to the same monks (Mon. Ebor., 337). They had also lands in Thorpe, near Ampleforth (Ibid.). t de, A. B. WAPENTAGIUM DE BULEMER.a CORNEBURGH. In eadem villa sunt vij car. terrae; quarum iiijor car. tenentur de Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de Petro de Malo Lacu, et idem Petrus de rege in capite. Item, Robertus Haket tenet ij car.; quarum una tenetur de Marmeduco de Tweng, et idem Marmeducus de praedicto Ranulpho, et alia car. tenetur de eodem Ranulpho, et ipse Ranulphus, ut supra; et Prior de Marton tenet iijb car. et di., sed non dic' de quo, nec per quod servitium. SHIREF HOTON. In eadem villa sunt xvj car. terrae; quarum ecclesia dotata est de una car.; et Ranulphus de Nevill tenet in dominico xiiij car. terrae de Petro de Malo Lacu, et idem Petrus de rege in capite, unde xv car. faciunt feod. unius milit.; et Vicarius ejusdem villke tenet unam car., sed non die' de quo, nec per quod servitium. FERLINGTON. In eadem villa sunt iijC car. terrae et ij bov.; quarum ecclesia dotatur de ij bov. terrae; et Johannes de Ferlington tenet residuas iiijd car. terrae de Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de Petro de Malo Lacu, et idem Petrus de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem predictum, nec aliud fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, etc. WEST LILLING. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae quas Johannes de Ferlington tenet de Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite. Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. THORALDETHORP.e In eadem villa sunt iiij car. et ij bov.; de quibus ecclesia dotatur [de]f ij bov. terrae; et Willelmus de Mortuo Mari tenet ij car. et iij bov. terrae, et Comes Marescallusg iij bov. terrae de feodo Baldewyni Wak, et idem Baldewyn de rege in capite; et Abbas de Bella Landa tenet ij bov. terrae et j toftum, sed non dic' de quo, nec per quod servitium. HEWORTH. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae; quarum iij a Collated with MSS. A. and B. b ij car., A. c iiijor car., A. B. d ij car., A. e Tholthorpe, in the parish of Alne. f de, A. B. g Roger Bygod, earl of Norfolk, son of Hugh Bygod, by Joan, daughter and heiress of Nicholas de Stuteville, and widow of Hugh Wake (Dugd. Bar., i., 135, 458). 108 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. car. sunt de feodo Briani filii Alani, et idem Brianus tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; et xvjh bov. terrae sunt de feodo de Mermyun, et iiji car. terrae sunt de feodo Abbatis et Conventus Beatwe Marine Ebor., nec aliquid fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, etc. BULEMER. In eadem villa est unum feodum milit. quod Johannes de Bulemer tenet de Petro de Malo Lacu, et idem Petrus de rege in capite; de quo feodo ecclesia dotatur de v bov. terrae, et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. MARTON. In eadem villa est quarta pars feodi unius milit. quam Prior de Marton tenet de [Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de]j Petro [de Malo Lacu],k et [idem]l Petrus de rege in capite, et nihil redd. BRANDESBY, STERISBY [ET BRAFFERTON.]m Nicholaus de Rypar' tenet in eisdem villis unum feod. milit., unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit., de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite; de quo feodo ecclesia de Braferton dotatur de una car. terrae, et ecclesia de Brandesby dotatur similiter de una car. terrae ibidem, et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. HOTON COLESWAYN." Robertus de Boulton~ tenet Hoton ColeswaynP de rege in capite per servitium quartae partis feodi unius milit.; unde ecclesia dotatur de ij bov. terrae, et nihil redd. [per ann.]q ad finem praedictum. HOTON BARDOLF.r In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae et di.; quarum Prior de Kyrkeham tenet ij bov. terrae, de quibus ecclesia sua dotatur; et xxj bov. terrae tenentur de haeredibus Hugonis Bardolf, et iidem haeredes de Comite Marescallo, et idem Comes de rege; et Walterus Russell tenet ix bov. terrae de Alano de Kyrkeham, et idem Alanus de praedictis haeredibus, ut supra. Item, idem Walterus tenet ij bov. terrae de Priore de h xv bov., A. B. i ij car., A. i Ranulpho de Nevill, et idem Ranulphus de, A. B. k de Malo Lacu, A. B.' idem, A. B. et Brafferton, A. B. Low Hutton, alias Hutton upon Derwent, in the parish of Huttons Ambo. o Son of Thomas de Boulton, and brother and heir of John de Boulton (Cal. Gen., i., 296), who by Inq. p. m. 8 Edw. I. died seised of the manor of Coleswanhoton (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 69). Thomas de Boulton was returned lord of Hoton super Derwent in 1316. q 45th Hen. III. An inquisition, "De serjantia porte Castri Ebor., et de po opinquiore haerede tenendi eandem de Rege." The jurors say that, "Johannes filius Elienorse est propinquior haeres ratione cujusdam antecessoris sui, nomine Coleswayn, qui serjantiam illam habuit de dono cujusdam Regis Angliae a tempore a quo non extat memoria" (Cal. Gen., i., 97). In the 54th Hen. III., "Serjantiam portse castri ipbor." was granted to Thomas de Boulton (Cal. Rot. Chart., 101). q per ann., A. B. r Probably High Hutton. * Hugh Bardolf gave to the canons of Kirkham pasture for a hundred sheep in this territory (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 375). WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, N. R. 109 Malton; et idem Prior tenet j bov. terrse, et Prior de Kyrkeham tenet j bov. terrae; sed non die' de quo, nec per quod servitium. HOTON MUIRTHON.t In eadem villa sunt iiiju car. terrse; quarum Prior de Maltonv tenet j bov.w terrae in liberam elemosinam; et ix bov. terrse tenentur de Willelmo [de]x Percy de Kyldall, et idem Willelmus de Petro de Brus, et idem Petrus de rege; et xiij bov. terrse tenentur de Willelmo de Beverlay,Y et idem Willelmus de proedicto W. de Percy, et ipse ut supra. CONYSTHORP. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terroe, unde xvj car. faciunt feod. milit., quas Prior Sanctae Trinitatis Ebor. tenet de Roberto Luterell, et idem Robertus de rege in capite: et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum.0 t Omitted in A. and B. Hoton Murhom, R. S. I am unable to identify this place. u iij car., A. B. " King John confirmed to the canons of Malton sixty acres "in territorio de Hoton Bardolfe, Colswain Hoton, et Hoton Mainvevilain" (Mon. Angl., vi. 973). w ij bov., A. B. * de, A. B. Y Everley, A. B. This account of the wapentake of Bulmer is very incomplete. Amongst the documents printed in the Appendix will be found an Inquisition " de feodis militum quse tenentur de rege in capite," taken at York in 1315, but referring to the 28th and 31st Edw. I., which contains particulars relating to thirty places not mentioned in the abridgments of Kirkby's Inquest. [WAPENTAGIUM DE RIDALE.a] Veredictum wapentagii de Ridale per xij, scilicet, dominum Ivonem de Ettun, Walterum de Robt',i Nicholaum de Bart(on), Johannem de Besyngby, Johannem de Relaund,c Jacobum de Hoby,d Willelmum Attebec de Hampelford, Willelmum de Habet (on), Rogerum Rabot, Robertum de Sproxton, Bernardum de Berg. Ad articulum de extractis et summonitionibus scaccarii per quas debita regis exiguntur in comitatu, tam infra libertatem quam extra, dicimus quod ballivi Beatse Mariae Ebor. recipiunt extractas et summonitiones de vicecomite, et respondet vicecomes ad scaccarium Ebor., scilicet, de quo tempore Abbas et Conventus [utebantur libertate non constat nobis: similiter ballivi de libertate Sancti Petri Ebor. recipiunt extractas et summonitiones sicut ballivi]e Beatae Mariae Ebor,, et respond. ad scaccarium eodem modo; de quo tempore non est memoria. Ad articulum de hundredis, dicimus quod tres wapentagii sunt in Northridding, scilicet, Ridale, Bulmer [et]f Brudford, et nunc redd. iiijxx marcas, et solebant reddere tantum 1 marcas. Quot sunt villoe in wapentagio, xlvij, scilicet, Malton, Brocton, Swynton, [Eymunderby,]s Appilton, Barton, Yaresthorp,h Sutholm, Slengesby, Fryton, Holthorp, Poklee, Hammelec,i Bolum,j Ampelford, West Neuton, [Sproxton, Harum, Laysthorp, Gyllyng, Colton, Calveton, Howyngham,]k Wath, Staingrive, Nunington, West Nesse, Est Nesse, Buldforth, Northolm, Grimeston, Muscotes, Riclof,n Nawelton," Wyma Collated with MSS. A. and B. b Colt', A. B. Walter de Colton. See p. 118. c Felouid, A. Felaund, B. d Holme, A. B. See p. 117. e utebantur libertate non constat nobis: similiter ballivi de libertate Sancti Petri Ebor. recipiunt extractas et summonitiones sicut ballivi, A. B. f et, A. B. g Eymunderby, A. B. Amotherby, in the parish of Appleton-le-Street. h Yarpesthorp, A. B. Probably Easthorpe, two miles S.S.E. of Barton-leStreet. i Helmsley. i Beadlam, in the parish of Kirkdale. k Sproxton, Harum, Laysthorp, Gyllyng, Colton, Calueton, Howyngham, A. B. I Bulford, A. Balford, B. There is no vill of this name mentioned in Domesday Book; but the district now known as Bulmer wapentake is, in that record, called "Bolesford wapentac." n Ricolff, A. B. This place has disappeared. See p. 117, note t. Nawton, in the parish of Kirkdale. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 111 bylton, Fadmore, Gillingmore, Kyrkeby Moresheued, Ediston, Byldesdale, Butterwyk, Neusom, Riton,~ Habbeton, Thorneton de Riseberg', Parva Berg', Magna Berg'. VETUS MALTON. In Veteri Malton sunt xij car. terrae de feodo de Vescy; quarum Canonici de eadem tenent j car. et di. in elemosinam non geld.; et j car. terrae est de libertate Sancti Petri Ebor.; et domina Agnes de Vescy tenet ix car. terrae et di., tam in dominico quam in servitio, et geld., unde dominus de Vescy tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de Moubray de rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. BROCTON. In eadem villa sunt x car. terrae; quarum Prior de Malton tenet iiij car. terrae in elemosinam de feodo de Moubray non geld.; et Willelmus Lovell tenet iiij car. terrae geld. de Willelmo Latimer, [et Willelmus Latymer] de Rogero de Moubray, et ipse de rege in capite; et ecclesia dotata [est] de j car. terrae, et tenetur de Sancto Albano de feodo de Moubray, et Moubray in capite de rege; et Thomas Maunsell tenet iij bov. et di. de feodo de Luterell, et Luterell in capite de rege; et haer' Rogeri de Buterwyk ten' iij bov. et di. geld. de feodo [de] Luterell, et Luterell in capite de rege; et Prior de Malton tenet j bov. de eodem feodo non geld.; unde de feodo de Moubray xij car. faciunt feod. milit., et de feodo de Luterell vj car. faciunt feod. milit. Et Willelmus de Lovell redd. ad finem wap. ex parte sua per ann. ijs., et alii tenentes non redd. ad finem wap. SWYNTON. In Swynton sunt x car. terre; quarum ij car. terrae sunt de feodo de Vescy; [quarum]" Canonici de Malton tenent j car. terrae in elemosinam; et Ricardus Brids tenet ij car. terra de socagio de Pykeryng; haer' Johannis Ranuphar't ten' iij bov. terrae geld., et haer' Willelmi de Cresakres di. car. terrae de feodo Painill geld., et Painil in capite de rege; et haer' Martini Clerku ij bov. terrae geld. de eodem feodo; et haer' Thomae Maunsell di. car. geld. de eodem feodo. Nicholaus Buddev tenet iij bov. terrae geld. de Priore de Drax, non geld. quia elemosina, et haer' Laurentiiw Carpentarii ij bov. terrae geld., et Robertus Chaumberd j bov., Radulphus filius Gilberti tenet j bov., Willelmus Paynell j bov., Andreas Luterell ij car. et di. Et dicunt etiam quod Appylton et Swynton solebant teneri in capite de domino rege per Johannem Painill, et nunc o Ryton, Habton, and Great and Little Barugh are in Pickering Lithe wapentake. P et Willelmus Latymer, A. B. g est, A. B. quarum, A. B. * Brett, A. B. t Rumphar', A. B. U Clere', A. B. v Dodde, A. B. w Henr', A. 112 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. alienatae sunt Thomwe de Boueltonx per praedictum Johannem. Et Robertus de Bouelton, filius prwedicti Thomse, nunc tenet per medium, sed quot [car. faciunt] feod. ignorant. Et non redd. fines, nec alii praedicti. EYMUNDERBY. In Eymunderby sunt vijY car. terra de feodo Luterell, et iiijor car. ij bov. de feodo Brus,I [et j car. de feodo Brus, unde]" mediet. respond. apud Brocton, et ij bov. in elemosinam ad [ecclesiam]b de antiquo, et Andreas Luterell iiij car. ij bov., unde xj car. faciunt feod.; et de feodo Basset vij car. faciunt feod.; et de feodo de Brus nesciunt quot car. faciunt feod. Et redd. [per ann.]c ad finem wap. ijs. APILTON.d In Apilton sunt iiij car. terrae de feodo de Paynill; unde ecclesia dotata est de j car. terrae, et non geld.; et Robertus de Bouelton tenet iij car. terrae geld. per medium de Johannee Paynill, et Johannes Paynill in capite de rege. Et quot car. faciunt feod. nesciunt. Et redd. fines cum villa de Yarpthorp, prout infra continetur. BARTON. In Barton sunt x car. terrae; unde ecclesia dotata est de di. car. non geld.; et Henricus de Greys tenet ixh car. et di. in capite de rege, et sunt geld. Et quot. car. faciunt feod. milit. nesciunt. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. xs.i YARPESTHORP. In Yarpesthorp sunt ij car. terrae geld. quas Robertus de Boveltonj tenet de Hugonek Paynill pro iiijta parte feodi j milit., et Hugo de Panill in capite de domino rege. Et redd. pro hac villa, et pro Apilton, pro fine wap. per ann. ijs. SUTHOLM. In Sutholm sunt iij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Moubray; unde Yvo de Etton tenet j car. et di., et Nicholaus de Barton j car., et haer' Rogeri de Butterwyck di. car.; et tenentur de Rogero [de]t Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in * In the 3rd Edward I. there was an Inquisition taken " de terra in Swinton quam Thomas de Boulton, nuper defunctus, dum laboraret in extremis, vero sanae mentis, dedit Priori et Conventui de Malton" (Cal. Gen., i., 230). y vj car., A. Z Bassett, A. B. a et j car. de feodo Brus; unde, A. B. ecclesiam, A. B. c per ann., A. B. d Appleton-le-Street. " de Hugone Paynill in capite de rege, A. B. See p. 115, postea. f Yarthorp, A. B. s The Inq. p. m. of John de Grey was taken in the 5th Henry III., his son Henry, then about 14 years old, being his next heir. " Sed dicunt [juratores] quod quidam Thomas de Codenouere venit apud Barton et tulit breve domini Johannis de Grey et cepit seisinam de Barton ad opus Johannae, filiae ejusdem Johannis, et cepit fidelitatem ab hominibus ad recognitionem, sed quia hoc fuit post datam in brevi domini Regis directo eschaetori, eschaetor dictam terram cepit in manum domini Regis" (Cal. Gen., i., 157). x car., A. B.' ijs., A. B. J His brother, John de Boulton, died seised of the manor of Yarpesthorp in the 8th Edward I. k See p. 115, postea.' de, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 113 capite; unde xx car. faciunt feod. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. xviijd. SLENGESBY. In Slengesby sunt xv car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; unde ecclesia dotata est de j car. non geld.; et Fratres Militiae Templi tenent ij bov. non geld.; et Canonici de Kyrkham ij bov. terrae non geld.; et Canonici de Malton j car. non geld.; et Johannes Chaumbard tenet v car. [terrae]m per medium de haer' de Wake, et haer' de Wake de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de Moubray de rege in capite: et Willelmus de Wywyll? tenet vij car. terrae et di. geld. de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus tenet in capite de rege; unde vij car. terrae de feodo Chambard faciunt feod. milit., et xij car. terrae de parte Willelmi de Wiwyle faciunt feod. [milit.].~ Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. xs. iiijd. FRITON. In Friton sunt vj car. terra de feodo de Moubray; unde Johannes de Barton tenet iij car. terrae geld. de Rogero Moubray, [et]P Matheus de Luvainsq ij car. terrae geld.r et vij bov. geld.s de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus in capite de rege; et capella dotatur de j bov. non geld.; unde lx car. faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. ijs. HOLTHORP. In Holthorp sunt ij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Moubray; unde Johannes de Holthorp tenet de Matheo de Lowains et de Johanne de Barton, et praedicti Matheus et Johannes tenent de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde xxviij car. terra faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. xijd. POCKELE. In Pokkele sunt [blank]t car. terrae geld. de feodo de Ros; et dominus Robertus de Ros tenet in capite de domino rege; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et [nihil]u redd. ad finem [praedictum]". HAMMELEC. In Hammelec sunt v car. terrae geld.; unde dominus Robertus de Ros tenet in capite de domino rege; unde xxiiij car. terra faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. 111ijs. BODLUM. In Bodlum sunt iij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Ros; unde Johannes de Surdewall et Willelmus filius Willelmi tenent per medium de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de Ros de " v bov. terrae, A. v (blank) terra, B. " William de Wyvill had a charter of free warren in Slingsby, Sledmere, and Colton in 1253 (Cal. Rot. Chart., 81). ~ milit., A. B. P et, A. B. 9 Matthew de Louvaine has been previously mentioned. He was summoned to Parliament in 1294 (Nicolas's Synopsis, Edit. 1857, p. 297). A. and B. omit terrae geld. I A. and B. omit geld. t iij car., A. ij car., B. u nihil, A. B. v pradictum, A. B. I 114 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. rege in capite; unde xij car. et vj bov. terrse faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. [per ann.]w xvjd. ob. AMPILFORD ET OSWALDKYRKE. In Ampilford et Oswaldkyrke sunt iiij car. terrae et vj bov. geld. de feodo Roberti de Ros quas Johannes de Jarkenwylez et Nicholaus de Barton tenent de Roberto de Ros, [et Robertus de Ros] in capite de rege; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro finibus iiijs.Z Item, sunt ibidem iiij car. terrae de eodem feodo; unde iij car. sunt de libertate Sancti Petri non geld., et Abbas de Bellalanda tenet j car. terrae de eodem feodo non geld. WEST NEUTON. In West Neuton sunt iiij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Ros; unde Abbas de Riewall tenet de Roberto de Sproxton, et Robertus de Sproxton tenet de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de Ros de rege in capite; unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine [wap.] a ijs. SPROXTON. In Sproxton sunt vj car. terrae geld. quas Robertus de Sproxtonb tenet de Roberto de Ros in serjantiam, et redd. per ann. j marc., quae etiam solebant teneri de domino rege in capite, et nune tenentur de Roberto de Ros per medium, et non redd. finem. HARUM. In Harum sunt [iiij] car. terrae geld. de feodo de Ros; unde Willelmus de Harum tenet de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de Ros de rege in capite; unde x car. faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. iiijs. LAISTHORP. In Laisthorp sunt ij car. terrae non geld. quas Abbas de Bella tenet de haer' de Wake in elemosinam de feodo [de]d Moubray; unde ij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., et non redd. finem. DE FEODIS MILITUM CUJUSLIBET VILLAE IN EODEM WAPENTAGIO. MALTON. Johannes de Vescy tenet Malton pro j feodo milit. de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de Moubray in capite de rege. " per ann., A. B. * Jerkenwyld, A. Jarkenwild, B. Y et Robertus de Ros, A. B. 1 Et non redd. finem, A. B. a wap., A. B. b The Inq. p. m. of Robert de Sproxton was taken April 6th, 1299. The jurors say, "quod proedictus Robertus tenuit die quo obiit'in Sproxton septem bovatas terrae, quarum quselibet valet per annum quinque solidos, et quatuor cotagia:-de quibus quidem septem bovatis terrae et quatuor cotagiis prmedictis dicunt quod Matilda, quae fuit uxor praedicti Roberti, feoffata fuit per Willielmum de Sproxton et pacificam seisinam inde habuit per tredecim septimanas antequam prsedictus Robertus ipsam desponsavit." They also say that William, son of the aforesaid Robert, is his next heir, and was 21 years old on the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross last past (Cal. Gen., ii., 565). iiij car., A. B. d de, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 115 BROCTON. Willelmus de Lovell tenet iiij car.e terrse pro quartaf parte feodi unius milit. de Willelmo de Latimer, et Willelmus Latimer de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. SWYNTON. Johannes de Vescy tenet vj car. terrae in Swynton pro di. feod. milit. de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. EYMUNDERBY. Robertus Luterell habet in Eymunderby vij car. terre pro di. feod. unius milit., et tenet in capite de domino rege. APELTON ET YARPESTHORP. Robertus de Bouuelton tenet in Apelton et Yarpesthorp pro di. feod. milit. de Johanne Paynill, et Johannes in capite de rege. BARTON. Henricus de Gray tenet Barton pro di. feod., et tenet in capite de rege. SLYNGESBY. Willelmus Wywyle tenet medietatem feod. in eadem de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; et Johannes Chamberd tenet medietatem feod. in eadem de haer' de Wake, et har' de Wake de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. FRITON ET HOLTHORP. Matheus de Lowains, Johannes de Barton, et Johannes de Holthorp tenent in Friton et Holthorp viij car. terrae pro quarta parte feodi milit.; et tenent de Johanne de Chauncefeld,g et Johannes de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus in capite de rege. HAIMELEC ET POCKELE. Robertus de Ros tenet Haumelec [et]h Pockele pro tertiai parte feodi, et tenentur de rege in capite. BODLUM. Johannes de Surdewall et Willelmus filius Willelmi tenent Bodlum de domino Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de Ros de rege in capite; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit. AMPILFORD ET OSWALDKYRKE. Johannes [de] JarkenvileJ et Nicholaus de Barton tenent in Ampilford et Oswaldkyrke quartam partem feodi milit.; et tenent de Roberto Ros, et Robertus Ros in capite de rege. WEST NEUTON. Abbas de Rievall tenet West Neuton; et solebat respondere pro iijtia parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de rege in capite. HARUM. Willelmus de Harumk tenet Harum; et respond. * iiij bov., A. B. See p. 111. f vt' parte, A. B. g John de Chauncefeld is not mentioned at p. 113. a et, A. B. iiijt', A. J de Jerkenville, A. B. k Of this family, no doubt, was John de Harum of York, who by will dated " in hospitio Willelmi de Thorpe in Flete strete, London," Nov. 21st, 1347 [pr. Dec. 13th], desires to be buried within the churchyard of St. Dunstan. He left two sons, William and John (Reg. Zouche, 320). His brother Robert, son 2 116 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. pro tertial parte feodi; et tenet de Roberto Ros, et Robertus in capite de rege. GYLLING ET SUTHOLM. Yvo de Etton et Ni.m tenet Gilling et Sutholm pro quarta parte feodi; et tenet de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus in capite de rege. COLTON. Willelmus de Wywile tenet Colton pro tertia parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus in capite de rege. CALVETON. Rogerus de Baundmisters" tenet iij car. terrae; et respond. pro iiijta parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Johanne de Paynil, et Johannes in capite de rege. Et Johannes Cruer' tenet iij car. terrae in eadem; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit.; et tenet de haer' de Wake, et haer' de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus in capite de rege. HOVINGHAM. Rogerus de Moubray tenet Hovingham; et respond. pro di. feod.; et tenet in capite de rege. WATH. Nicholaus [de] StapiltonP tenet Wath; et respond. pro xxma parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. STAINGRIVE. Johannes de Staingriveq tenet iij car. terrae; of Hamo de Harum, by will dated at Harum, Nov. 9th, 1349 [pr. Nov. 16th], and witnessed by Sir William de Malbys, knight, Thomas de Etton, Robert de Sproxton, Robert de Flaynburgh, constable of Helmsley Castle, and others, bequeaths to his brother, William de Harum, rector of Acaster Malbis, " totum jus et clameum et terminum meum quod habeo, vel habui, vel habere potero, in manerio de Botholom (Beadlam) in Ridale," as specified "in quadam indentura inter Amandum Surdevale de Benyngholm et me confecta;" also "illud tenementum meum, cum shopis, celariis, solariis, sedificiis, et omnibus aliis pertinentiis suis in vico de Marketskire (Pavement) in Ebor." (Reg. Zouche, 339). The above-mentioned William de Harum was instituted to the rectory of Acaster Malbis Aug. 20th, 1349 (Ibid., 35), resigning it in 1358. His will has not been preserved; but I find that his executor, John de Norton, clerk, by a deed dated Dec. 21st, 1362, conveyed the property in Marketskire to four spicers and citizens of York, members of the Guild of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin in Fossgate, afterwards called the Confraternity and Guild of the Blessed Trinity, and united to the Fellowship and Mystery of Merchants and Mercers of the city of York. Robert de Harum, mercer, was made a freeman of York in 1352, and filled the office of bailiff in 1370-1. He died about 1392, leaving a son, William de Harum, then a monk. I iiijt^, A. "n Nicholas de Barton held j car. in Sutholm (p. 112, ante), but it does not appear that he had any interest in Gilling. n Blaundmusters, A. B. He is afterwards called Blauncmusters. o de, A. B. p Nicholas de Stapelton had a charter of free warren in Stapelton, Wath, Kirkby, North Duffeld, and Oustwyc in the 56th Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 104). q His father, Simon de Staingreve, had a charter of free warren in Stayngreve, Nunnington, Ricalfe, Nesse, and Waterholme in the 41st Henry III. (Plac. de Quo Warr., 221). John deStaingrevexdied s. p. m. in 1295. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 117 et respond. pro di. feod. milit.; [et tenet de Johanne de Paynill, et Paynill de rege in capite.]r NUNINGTON. Johannes de Staingrive tenet iiij car. terrae; et respond. pro medietate feodi milit.; et tenet de Johanne de Paynill, et Paynill de rege in capite. Et Adam Gorny tenet in eadem iij car.; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit.; et tenet de haeredibus de Brus, et haeredes de Brus de rege in capite. WEST NESSE. Johannes de Staingrive tenet iiij car. terrae; et respond. pro ij partibus feodi milit.; et tenet de Johanne Paynil, et Paynil de rege. EST NESSE. Gilbertus de Louths tenet iij car. in eadem; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Jordano Foliott, et Jordanus de haer' de Wake, et haer' de Wake de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. NORTHOLM. Jacobus de Holm tenet j car. terrae; et respond. pro viijva parte feodi milit.; et tenet de haer' de Nevill, et haer' de rege in capite. MUSCOTES. Nicholaus de Stapilton, Jacobus de Holm et Johannes de Steingrive tenent iij car. terrae in eadem; et respond. pro di. feod. milit.; et tenent de Moubray, et Moubray de rege in capite. RICLosE.t Johannes de Staingrive tenet iju car. terrae; et respond. pro sexta parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de rege in capite. NAWILTON. Johannes de Eyvylle tenet iij car. terrae; et respond. pro tertia parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Rogero Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege in capite. Et Rogerus Grunet tenet j car. in eadem; et respond. pro xma parte feodi milit.; et tenet de Gilberto Haunsard, et Gilbertus de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus Moubray de rege in capite. WYMBYLTON. Nicholaus [de] Stapilton et Johannes de Buldfordv tenent iiij car. terre; et respond. de ij partibus feodi milit.; et tenent de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. FADMORE. Haer' de Wake ten' v car. terrae et vijw bov.; et respond. pro di. feod.; et ten' de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. GILLINGMORE. Haer' de Wake ten' iiij car. terrae; et reet tenet de Johanne de Paynill, et Paynill de rege in capite, A. B.' Some account of -Sir Gilbert de Louth has been given at page 65. Ricolff, A. B. The Ricalf of Domesday Book. A lost vill, which may have stood on Riccal Moor, near the spot where the road to Nunnington crosses the river Riccal, and about half-way between Muscoates and Harome. " iij car., B. v Bolford, A. Bulford, B. w vj bov., A. 118 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. spond. pro di. feod.; et ten' de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. KYRKEBY.Z Her' de Wake ten' iiij car. terrEe; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit.; et ten' de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. EDISTON. Ricardus de Breuhusey tenet in eadem [ij car. terrse et vij bov.; et respond. pro iiijta parte feod. milit.; et ten' de Comitissa Albemarliae, et Comitissa Albemarlie de Comite de Bygod, et Comes de rege in capite.]~ BILDESDALE. Prior de Kyrkham tenet ij car. terrae; et respond. pro sexta parte feodi; et tenet de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus [de] Ros de rege in capite. BUTTERWYKE. Nicholaus de Wake tenet j car. terrae; et respond. pro XXma parte feodi milit.; et tenet [de] Johanne de Eyvyle, et Johannes de Eyvyle de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. NEUSOM. Haer' Nicholai de Neusom ten' ij car. terrae; et respond. pro quarta parte di. feod. milit.; et ten' de heer' de Brus, et haer' de rege in capite. RITON. Willelmus de Habbeton tenet ij car. terrae in Riton; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit.; et tenet de haer' de Nevill, et haer' de rege. Et Walterus de Percehay tenet iij car. terra in eadem; et respond. pro di. feod. milit.; et tenet de Roberto Luterell, et Robertus de rege [in capite.]a HABBETON. Willelmus de [blank]^ tenet iij car. terrse; et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit., et pro medietate quartas partis feodi milit.; et tenet de haer' de Nevill, et her' de rege in capite. GILLING. In Gilling sunt ij car. terrae et di. geld. de feodo de Moubray; unde Yvo de Etton tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et respond." pro fine wap. per ann. xvd. [Et]d sunt ibidem iij car. terrae et di. de libertate Beate Mariae" non geld. Et Canonici de Malton [habent]f di. car. Et ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae non geld. COLTON. In Colton sunt iiij car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; unde Thomas [de] Langtoft tenet j car. terrae geld. de Willelmo de Wyvyle; et Willelmus de Wywyle tenet vij bov. terrse geld. in dominico; et Walterus de Colton [tenet] xij bov. terrae de Kirkby Moorside. Y He is called Bronhue, at page 121. * ij car. terrae et vij bov.; et respond. pro iiijta parte feod. milit.; et ten' de Corn' Albemarlise et Com' Albemarliae de Comite de Bygod, et Comes de rege in capite, A. B. a in capite, A. B. i Habbeton, A. See page 122. " reddit, A. B. d Et, A. B. Beati Petri Ebor., A. B. See page 123. f habent, A. B. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 119 Willelmo de Wywyll, et Willelmus de Wywyle de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de Moubray in capite; unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. Item in Colton sunt v bov. [terrae]g non geld.; unde di. car. est de libertate Beati Petri; et Canonici de Malton tenent j bov. terrae in elemosinam de antiquo. CALVETON. In Calveton sunt vj car. terrse geld.; unde Johannes Cruer tenet xxvj bov. terrae per medium de haer' de Wake, et har' de Wake de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus Moubray in capite; et Rogerus Blaunemusters tenet ijh bov. terre geld. de feodo [de] Paynil, [et Paynil]i in capite; unde xiji car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. ijs. xd.k HOWYNGHAM. In Howyngham sunt vj car. terrae et j bov. geld. de feodo de Moubray; etl Johannes de Besyngby tenet x bov. de Rogero Moubray; et Rogerus Moubray.tenet in dominico iiij car. et vij bov. in capite de rege; quot car. faciunt feod. nescimus. Et Johannes de Besyngby redd. pro fine wap. per ann. ijs. Item sunt in eadem villa ij car. et vij bov. non geld.; unde Canonici de Novo Burgo tenent ij car. terra et vj bov., et Rogerus Rabott tenet j bov. terre de libertate Beatse Marise. WATH. In Wath est j car. terrse geld. de feodo de Moubray quam Nicholaus de Stapilton tenet de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus Moubray de rege in capite; unde xx car. terrse faciunt feod. milit. STAINGRYFE. In Staingryf sunt ij car. terras et di. geld. de feodo Paynil quas Johannes de Staingrive tenet in dominico de Paynil, [et Paynil] de rege in capite; unde vj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. [per ann.]n ijs. xjd. Item in eadem villa est di. car. terras non geld.; unde ecclesia dotata est, et etiam de eodem feodo. NUNNINGTON. In Nunnington sunt vijo car. terra geld.; unde Johannes [de] Staingrive tenet iiij car. de feodo de Paynil, et Paynil de rege in capite, et di. car. [terrse]P de feodo de Ros; et Robertus de Ros [tenet] iijq car. terra de rege in capite; et Adam Gornayr tenet iij car. [terrae]P geld. de feodo de Brus, et Brus de rege in capite; unde x car. faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. iijs. Item sunt in eadem villa iij car. terra non geld.; unde Johannes de Staingrif tenet de libertate Beatse Mariae Ebor. WEST NESSE. In West Nesse sunt v car. terra geld. de feodo Paynill; unde Johannes de Staingriff tenet iiij car. terrse, g terre, A. B. h xxij bov., A. B. * et Paynil, A. x car., A. * ijs. ixd., A.' unde, A. B. et Paynil, A. B. " per ann., A. B. O vj car., A. P terrme, A. B. q A. and B. omit tenet iij car. terrae. r Thorny, A. Torny, B. 120 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et Ricardus de Butterwyk j car. de feodo de Paynil, et Paynil de rege in capite; unde vj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem wap. per ann. ixd. EST NESSE. In Est Nesse sunt iij car. terrae geld.; unde Gilbertus de Luee tenet de Jordano Foliott, et Jordanus de haer' de Wake, et haer' de Wake de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. BULFORD.t In Bulford est j car. terrse geld. de feodo de Moubray; unde Johannes de Bulford tenet de Rogero de Moubray pro j libra piperis, et Rogerus de rege in capite. GRIMESTON. In Grimeston sunt ij car. terrae et di. de feodo de Moubray; unde Willelmus [de] Burdun tenet de Rogero Moubray, et Moubray de rege in capite; et tenetur de libertate Beati Petri Ebor. NORTHOLM. In Northolm est j car. terrae geld. quam Jacobus de Holm tenet de feodo de Nevill, [et Nevill]u de rege in capite; [unde]" viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Item est ibidem j car. terrae non geld. de libertate Beati Petri Ebor.; unde Prior de Hexthidhamw tenet [blank]. Et redd. ad finem wap. viijd. MUSCOTES. In Muscotes sunt iij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Moubray; unde Nicholaus de Stapilton tenet j car., et Jacobus de Holm tenet vij bov. terrae, et Johannes de Staingrive tenet v bov.; et tenent de Johanne de Vescy, et Johannes de Rogero [de] Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde vij car. terrae faciunt feod. Et non redd. ad finem. RICLOF." In Riclof sunt ij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Ros quas Johannes de Staingrive tenet de Roberto de Ros, et Robertus de Ros de rege in capite; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et vj bov. terrez eidem pertinent. NAWILTON. In Nawilton sunt viij car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; unde iiij car. sunt de libertate Beati Petri non geld.; et Johannes de Eyvyle tenet iij car. terrae geld. in servitium de eodem feodo; et Rogerus Grunet tenet j car. de Gilberto Haunsard, et Gilbertus Haunsard de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. iiijs. * Gilbert de Lue, or Luda, has been previously mentioned. t Probably this is Bowforth, a farm at the southern extremity of the parish of Kirkby Moorside, about half a mile S. E. of Welburn, and near the ford across Hodge Beck. See p. 110, note 1. u et Nevill, A. B. " unde, A. B. " North Holme is not mentioned in the Black Book of Hexham (edit. Surf. Soc.) Ricolff, A. B. Y A. omits milit., and B. feod. milit. " fac' feod. milit., A. B. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 121 WYMBILTON. In Wymbilton sunt v car. terrae et ij bov; unde x bov. sunt de libertate Beati Petri Ebor. et non geld.; et Nicholaus de Stapilton et Johannes de Bulford tenent iiij car. terrae geld. de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde vj car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem wap. xviij&. FADMORE. In Fadmore sunt vj car. terrae; unde haer' de Wake ten' v car. terrae et vij [bov.] a in servitium, et sunt geld.; et tenentur de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde x car. faciunt feod. milit.; [et]b Moniales de Keldholm tenent j bov. terrae in elemosinam non geld. GILLINGMORE. In Gillingmore sunt v car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; unde haer' de Wake ten' iiij car. terrae geld. de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et ecclesia dotata est de ij bov. terrae non geld. KYRKEBY MORESHEUED. In Kyrkeby Moresheued sunt v car. terre de feodo de Moubray; unde ecclesia dotata est de j car. terrae non geld.; et haer' de Wake ten' iiij car. terrae geld. de Rogero de Moubray, et Moubray de rege in capite; unde x car. terrae [faciunt] feod. milit. EDISTON. In Ediston sunt viij car. terrae de feodo Rogeri Bygod: unde Prior de Hexthidhamd tenet v car. terrae et j bov. non geld. de libertate Beati Petri; et Priorissae tenet v bov. terrae non geld.; et Waterus Romaynf tenet ij car. terrae geld. de Ricardo de Bronhue,g et Ricardus de Comitissa Albemarlia, et Comitissa de Comite de Bygod, et Bygod de rege in capite; unde ix car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem wap. ijs. BILDESDALE. In Bildesdale sunt ij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Ros; unde Prior de Kyrkeham tenet de Roberto de Ros pro j marca annuatim, et Robertus de Ros de rege in capite; unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. BUTTERWYK. In Butterwyk sunt ij car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; unde iij bov. sunt de libertate Beatm Mariae& et non geld.; [et]i Nicholaus de Wake tenet j car. terra geld., et tenet de Johanne de Eyvyle, et Johannes de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de Moubray de rege in capite; unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. EtJ redd. [ad] finem wap. xijd. a bov., A. B. b et, A. B. c faciunt, A. B. d See Memorials of Hexham (Edit. Surt. Soc.), vol. ii., 78. ~ The Prioress of Keldholme. f Perhaps a son of William de Kirkeby le Romayn, who was living in 1242 (Mem. of Hexham, ii., 100). g Ricardo Bronhud, A. B. See page 118. h Beati Petri, A. B.' et, A. B. Et non redd. finem, A. B. 122 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. NEUSUM. In Neusum sunt ij car. terrae geld. de feodo de Brus, quas haer' Nicholai de Neusum ten' de Brus pro xxs. redd. per ann., et har' de Brus de rege in capite. Et redd. pro fine wap. ii1s. RITON. In Riton sunt vj car. terra de feodo de Nevill; et inde Prior de Malton tenet ij bov. terra in elemosinam non geld.; et Johannes de Riton tenet ij car. et sex bov. geld. de Willelmo de Habbeton, et Willelmus de Habbeton de har' de Nevill, et hler' de Nevill de rege in capite; unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. vs. Item Walterus de Percehay tenet iij car. in eadem de feodo Luterell, et Luterell de rege in capite; unde vj car. faciunt feod. milit. HABBETON. In Habbeton sunt iij car. terrae de feodo de Nevill geld.; unde Willelmus de Habbeton tenet de haer' de Nevill, et haer' de Nevill de rege in capite; unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. ad finem wap. per. ann. ijs. THORNETON IN RISBERG. In Thorneton sunt ij car. terrae geld. quas Johannes de Bulmer tenet de haer' de Nevill, et haer' de Nevill de rege in capite; unde iiij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. iijs. PARVA BERG. In Berg est j car. [terrae]k et di. de feodo de Luterell; unde Priorissa de Keldholme tenet vj bov. terrae, et Walterus de Habbeton tenet di. car. terra geld., et Robertus [de] Chambard tenet j bov., et Johannes Colbain tenet j bov. terrae; et tenent de Luterell, [et Luterell]m" de rege in capite; unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et j car. terrae quam Willelmus Malkac& tenet de socagio de Pekeryng, et di. car. terrae de libertate Beati Petri non geld. Et redd. ad finem wap. per ann. ixd. MAGNA BERG. In Berg sunt vij car. terrae; unde iij car. terrae sunt de feodo [de] Luterell, unde Prior de Ellerton tenet x bov. terrae in elemosinam; et Robertus Chambard tenet vj bov. geld., et Bernardus de Berg j car. terrae geld., de feodo Johannis de Wake, quam tenet pro xiiijma parte feodi milit.; et Bernardus tenet de Ada de Everingham, [et Adam de Everyngham]~ de Johanne Wake, et Johannes de Wake de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite; unde xijP car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. Et redd. pro fine wap. per ann. per Bernardum de Berg ixd. SCALTON. In Scalton sunt iij car. terrae geld. quas Ricardus de Malbys tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in k terre, A. B.' de, A. B. t et Luterell, A. B. " Malbay, A. Melka, B. " et Adam de Everyngham, A. B. P xiiij car., A. B. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 123 capite; unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit., et sicq respond. pro quarta parte feodi. VILLIE INFRA LIBERTATES. Dicunt etiam quod vj sunt ville et di. infra libertatem Beatze Marite Ebor., videlicet, Spanton, Laystyngham, Hoton Underheg,r Dueld, Appilton/ Northmanby, Kyrkeby Myperton" et medietas de Gilling. Item dicunt quod iiij sunt ville de libertate Beati Petri Ebor., videlicet, Salton, Bayby; Neuton, et Grimeston, et medietas de Berg, et medietas de Wymbilton, et medietas de Nawelton, et medietas de Appilton;w et non geld., nec respond. alicui nisi ballivis de libertate ejusdem. Ad articulum de feodis militum tenentur de domino rege in capite, respond. superius in libro. Ad articulum de annuis redditibus ad terminum vit&e, nihil dicimus quia nihil scimus. THORNETON INX RYSBERG. Johannes de Bulmer tenet ij car. terrae in eadem, et respond. pro di. feod., [et tenet] Y de haer' de Nevill, et haer' de Nevill de rege in capite. PARVA BERG. Priorissa de Keldholm tenet vj bov. terrae, et Walterus de Habbeton di. car. terrae, et Robertus Kambard j bov., et Johannes Colbam j bov. Et omnes isti respond. pro octava parte feodi milit., et pro medietate octavae partis feodi milit. Et tenent de Roberto Luterell, et Robertus de rege in capite. MAGNA BERG. Barnerdus de Berg tenet j car. terrae, et respond. pro xiiijma parte feodi milit., et tenet de haer' de Wake, et haer' de Wake ten' in capite de rege. SCALTON. Ricardus de Malbyse tenet iij car. terrze in eadem, et respond. pro quarta parte feodi milit., et tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et Rogerus de rege in capite. q A. and B. omit sic. r Hutton-le-Hole.' Dueld does not occur among " The names of all the towns and villages in Her Majesty's liberty and court of record of the late dissolved monastery of St. Mary's" (Eborac., 624). Perhaps Keldam (Keldholme), two miles S.W. of Appleton-le-Moor, is the place intended. t Appleton-le-Moor. " Kirkby Misperton is in Pickering Lithe wapentake. ~ Brawby, in the parish of Salton. " Ampilford, A. B. See p. 114. ~ A. and B. omit in. Y et tenet, A. B. WAPENTAGIUM DE LANGBERGHE. [MSS. Rawlinson, 450 B. (olim 448), fo. 84 a.] Inquisitioa facta apud Ormesby coram domino Johanne de Kirkeby, thesaurario domini regis, die Sabbati proximo ante Passionem Domini, anno regni regis Edwardi tertio decimo, per hos xij viros, videlicet, dominum Ricardum de Scotterscelf, dominum de Roselle, Gilbertum de Camera, Walterum de Hurwath, Walterum Thorpe, Petrum Bagotte, Johannem de Redmershall, Johannem de Kirkeby, Thomam Gower, Robertum Colby, Ricardum de Thorne, R. de Marton, Thomam Waxander et Radulphum de Bathersby: Qui dicunt super sacramentum quod iiijxx et xvij villke sunt in wapentagio de Langberche, scilicet, Marske cum Uplethum cum West Cotum, Tocotts, Lasingby, Lakkingby, Eston, Northmanby, Ormesby, Marton, Tollesby, Newham, Medellesburghe, Acclum, Arsum cum Levingthorpe, Stainsby, Hemlington, Staynton cum Thorneton, Malteby, Thormonby, Barwick, Ingelby-Loringe, Yarom, Wirkesdaillb cum Stayndallrig, Kirke Levyngton, Castell Levyngton, Crathorne cum Foxton, Rongton, Engilby juxta Arnecliffe, Faceby cum Sexhowe, Karleton, Magna Buskeby, Dromonby, Parva Buskeby, Parva Broxton, Magna Broxton, Grenehowe, Engilby juxta Grenehowe, Badersby, Ayton, Neweton, Pinchingthorpe, Esby, Killdayll, Hoton, Gisburne, Upsall, Murton, Nunthorpe, Tonesdaill,c Seymor, Tanton cum Newby, Hilton, Querelton cum Traneholme, Pottowe, Hoton juxta Rudby, Myddelton cum Thorpe, Skelton, Brotton, Skyningrave, Morsom cum Stayneowed " This part of Kirkby's Inquest does not occur in the York copy, or in any of the other MSS. mentioned at the first page of the present volume. A Feodary's Book (temp. Eliz.) in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York contains, however, a portion of this Inquisition which, with a few exceptions, agrees with the Rawlinson text. It is referred to in the succeeding notes by the letter F. Extracts have been printed by Graves in his History of Cleveland, but they are occasionally mixed up with other extracts from the "Feoda Militum" of the 31st Edward I., the same authority being erroneously assigned to both. b Low Worsall, in the parish of Kirk Levington. Tunstall, a small hamlet about one mile S.W. of Nunthorpe. d Stanghow, a village one mile N.W. of Great Moorsholme. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 125 Grenerig,/ Danby, Westerdaill, Leverton cum Wapillhowe,f Scaling, Loftous, Esington, Boleby, Ceton, Rouseby, Hilderwell, Newton, Barntby alias Barneby, Lithe, Egton, Rudby, Pickton et Worstingby.g Et quBe ville sunt gildabiles et qu&e non, dicunt quod omnes villwe superius nominatse sunt gildabiles exceptis Westerdayll, quae est in libertate Templariorum, et Middylburch et Neweham, quse sunt de libertate Abbatis de Withy; et excepta Rudby, quae non est gildabilis. Et cum per rotulum per ipsos praeliberatum testificatum sit ipsam esse gildabilem, postmodum per inquisitionem diligentius et strictius reperiunt ipsam non esse, quia est dominicalis ecclesiEe de Rudby. Et si status eorum mutationem; per quos, etc. THORMANBY.^ Dicunt quod Thormanby mutatur per cartam libertatis Abbatis et Conventus de Bilanda quam habent per cartam domini Henrici regis, patris domini regis nunc, de quadam parte villke praedictwe, prout continetur in cartis suis, a tempore Henrici regis prmedicti. SKELTON ET MARSK. Dicunt quod ville de Skelton et Marske mutantur in hoc, quia ubi dare consueverunt commune amerciamentum cum venitur, ad praesens contradicunt: quae villae sunt Walteri Faconberge, per quem status mutatur de toto tempore suo et x annorum. KYLTON, BROTTON, LYTHUM,i MORSUMj ET DANBY, CUM PERTINENTIIS. Dicunt etiam quod status villarum de Kilton, Brotton, Lithum, Morsum et Danby, cum pertinentiis, mutatur per Marmaducum de Twinge, seniorem, defunctum, qui eas tenuit, in hoc quod, ubi dare consuevit commune amerciamentum, dare contradicunt a tempore x annorum. ORMESBY, NEWTON,' ELERBY, MYKILBY, BARNEBY, LIETH, EGTON, WESTINGBYI ET SLETHOLLME.1n Dicunt etiam quod status villarum de Ormesby, Neweton, Elerby, Mykilby, Barneby, Lythe, Egton, Westingeby [et] Slethollme, cum pertinentiis, mutatur in hoc, et per Petrum de Malo Lacu, quod in eisdem villis ballivi domini regis facere consueverunt e Probably Girrick, a hamlet in the township of Great Moorsholme. f Waupley, a hamlet one mile and a half S.E. of Liverton. g Otherwise Westingby. h Thornaby, in the parish of Stainton. See p. 105, ane. Perhaps this is Upleatham. i Great Moorsholme, in the parish of Skelton. k Newton Mulgrave.' The vill of Westingby has disappeared. Its site is probably indicated by Westonby House, about one mile W.N.W. of Egton, in the parish of Lythe.'" An error, doubtless, for Lealholme. The hamlet of Lealholme Bridge, in the parish of Danby, is three miles W.N.W. of Egton, and Lealholm Hall is about half that distance from Westonby House. 126 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. summonitionem et districtionem, et debita domini regis levare, et per praedictum Petrum impediuntur. QUERELETON,n SEYMOR, HILTON, MIDDELTON, ESTON, GRENEHOWE, HOTON,~ POTTOU, GOWETON, RYMEKTON,P KERLETON. Dicunt etiam quod status villarum de Quereleton, Seimor, Hilton, Mydelton, Estonn, Grenehowe, Hoton, Pottou, Goweton, Rymeketon, Kerleton, et duarum car. terrae de Neweby, et vj bovatarum in Scothrikelff et Thoralby, unius car. terra in Tranehollme, quae sunt de tenura ecclesiae Cantuariensis, quas Nicholaus de Mennell tenuit, mutatur per Stephanum de Mennell, patrem Nicholai praedicti, in hoc quod, ubi dare consueverunt commune amerciamentumj eas dare defendit, a tempore xxti annorum. TONSTALL, AYTON ET BROWCHTON. Dicunt etiam quod status villae de Tunstall, iij car. terrwe in Magna Ayton, x car. terra in Magna Browcheton, que sunt de feodo domini de Mennell, [qui] non permittit ballivis domini regis tenere wapentagium: mutatur per eundem dominum Mennell, quia ubi consueverunt dare amerciamentum, eas dare defendit. WAPENTAGIUM INFRA LIBERTATEM ECCLESI2E CANTUARIENSIS. Dicunt etiam quod dominus Nicholaus de Mennell non permittit ballivis domini regis tenere wapentagium infra libertatem ecclesie Cantuar. de feod. milit. quia tenetur de domino rege in capite. SKELTON CUM PERTINENTIIS, ET ENGLEFELD (sic) JUXTA ARNECLIFF. Dicunt etiam quod dominus Walterus de Faconbridge tenet de domino rege in capite quinque feod. milit., una cum castro de Skelton cum pertinentiis, unde Willelmus de Colvell tenet di. feod. in Engleby juxta Arneclif, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. -unius milit., et reddit ballivo domini regis deq fine cum wapentagio vs. xd. NONNYNGTON.r Johannes de Malteby tenet unum feod. et (sic) Nonnington, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit., et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine wap. vjs. LOFTEHOUSE. Prior de Gisburne, Willelmus Hornet et alii " Whorlton. o Hutton, near Rudby, otherwise called Hutton Rudby. P Rimeketon, F. An error, I believe, for Runcketon. East Rounton, in the parish of Rudby, is about three miles west of Potto and Goulton. q pro fine wapentagii, F. This entry should probably read as follows:-Malteby. Johannes de Malteby tenet unum feod. in Malteby et Thornton, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit., et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine wap. vjs.-In the 31st Edward I. John de Malteby held six carucates in Malteby, where ten made one knight's fee. There is no place called Nunnington in Langbargh wapentake, but the hamlet of Thornton is little more than half a mile E.N.E of Maltby.' Thomas, son of Eudo de Humet, gave a capital manse in North Lofthouse to the canons of Gisburn (Guisbrough), which William de Humet confirmed (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 349). WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 127 tenentes in Loftehouse tenent di. feod. in eadem de dicto domino Waltero, unde xvij car. terrse faciunt feod. unius milit. Et dictus Willelmus Horet reddit ballivo domini regis ijs. iiijd. Prior de Gisburne pro fine reddit iijs. ENGLEBY.t Stephanus Gower et Lucia uxor ejus tenent di. feod. in Engleby-Loreng de dicto Waltero, unde xij car. terrse faciunt feod., et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine viijs. BOLBYE. Robertus Busshell tenet di. feod. in Bolby de dicto Waltero, unde x" car. faciunt feod. milit., et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine iijs. HILTON. Major (quaere magister) Willelmus de Petowe tenet iiijtm partem unius feod. in Hilton de dicto domino Waltero, unde xij car. terrse faciunt feod., et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine iijs. Memorandum quod Walterus Faconberg reddere tenetur domino regi, pro portione sua terrarum et tenementorum domini Petri de Brus, pro fine comitatus et wap. xd. YAROM. Haeres Marmaduci de Thwenge, qui est in custodia domini regis, tenet viij feod. milit. et di.; et Danby pro uno feod. de domino rege in capite; et villam de Jarom, sicut liberum burgum: et reddere tenetur ballivo domini regis, pro portione ejus terrarum et tenementorum domini Petri de Brus, pro finibus comitatus et wap. xjs. KILDAILL, CRATHORN, BARWICK, THORMANBY, ORMESBY, LASINGBY, NORMANDBY, UPSALL, MYTHORPEV ET ARSUM. Hic xvjw car. terrae faciunt feod.; unde Willelmus de Percy de Kyldall tenet iij feod. milit., de dicta hareditate,-in Kildaill, Crathorne, Barwick et Thormanby unum feod., unde xij car. [faciunt] feod. unius milit.; in Ormesby, Lasingby et Normandeby unum feod., unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; in Upsall, Mithorpe et Arsum unum feod., unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. [Et] reddit per ann. ballivo domini regis pro fine xvjs. ACCLUM, LEVYNGTHORPE,Y THORNTON,Z MARTON, TOLISBY ET ROUESBY. Willelmus de Bovington tenet tres partes unius feod., de dicta haereditate, in Acclum, Levyngthorpe, Thornton, t Afterwards called Cold Ingleby, and now, I believe, Ingleby Hill, a small hamlet one mile and a half S.S.E. of Barwick-on-Tees, alias Barwick-Ingleby, in the parish of Stainton. The canons of Gisburn had "ex dono Willelmi Lorengis tres bovatas terrae et tres toftos in Caldengelby " (Mon. Angl., vi., 269). U xij car., F. * Minthrop, F. An error for Nunthorp. In the 31st Edward I. Arnald de Percy held one knight's fee in "Uppesale, Nunthorp et Arsum." " xij car., F. This is the correct reading. ~ Et, F. Y Linthorpe, one mile north of Acklam. Thornton, near Stainton. 128 KIRKBY)S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Marton, Tolisby et Rouesby; unde x car. terrze faciunt feod. milit.; et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine iijs.a TAMPTON.b Nicholaus Mennell tenet iiijtam partem unius feod. de dicta haereditate in Tampton; unde xij car. faciunt feod.; et redd. ballivo domini regis ijs. LEVERTON. Henricus filius Conani" tenet di. feod. de dicta haereditate in Leverton; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod.; et redd. ballivo domini regis [pro]d fine viijs. ASILABY, NEWTON-OTHENBRUCHEe ET THORNETON. Willelmus de Rossells tenet tres partes unius feod., de dicta haereditate, in Asillaby, Neweton-Othenbrugh et Thorneton; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et redd. per ann. domino regi pro fine vs. xd. PICKTON ET JAROME. Galfridus de Pickton tenet iiijtam partem unius feod., de dicta haereditate, in Pikton; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit.; et redd. pro fine iijs. Idem Galfridus tenet xij bov. terrae in campof de Jarom. SETON [ET] SKELTON. Adam de Seton tenet iiijor car. terrae, de dicta haereditate, in Seton, et di. car. terrae in Skelton de feod. Faconbrige; unde x* car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine vs.Y TOCOTTES [ET] MARSKE. Johannes de Tocottes tenet unam car. terrae, de dicta haereditate, in Tocottes, unde x car. faciunt feod.; et unam car. terrae in Marske de feod. Faconbrig, unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit.; et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine ijs. STAINESBY, HEMLINGTON, COLBY, PINCHINGTHORP, TOCOTTES ET BOLBY. Ranulphus de Meinilh tenet in Stainsby, Hemlington et Colleby, de dicta haereditate, unde xiiij car. terrae eti di. faciunt feod.; etj etiam in Pinchingthorpe, Tocottes [et] k Bolby; et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine xviijd. Walterus de Stainsby reddit ballivo domini regis, pro quadam parte feodi illius praedicti, de fine iijs. Adam Tocottes redd. ballivo domini regis, pro quadam parte feodi illius praedicti, de fine vjs. a ijs., F. b Tanton, in the parish of Stokesley. c See p. 63, note r. d pro, F. " Otherwise called Newton subtus Othenesbergh, or Newton-Ornback, and now only Newton. "Not farre off, Ounsbery or Rosebery Topping mounteth up a mighty height, and maketh a goodly shew a farre off, serving unto sailers for a marke of direction, and to the neighbour inhabitants for a prognostication: For, so often as the head thereof hath his cloudy cap on, lightly there followeth raine: whereupon they have a proverbiall Rhime, When Rosebery Topping weares a cap, Let Cliveland then beware a clap" (Camden's Brit., ed. 1610, p. 721). f campis, F. g ijs., F. A An error for Nevill. Ranulph de Nevill was certified lord of Pinchingthorpe in 1316. F. omits et di. J ac, F. k cum, F. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 129 HOTON,/ PINCHINGTHORPE ET NORMANBY. Hugo de Hoton,'" Adam de Northemanby et Rogerus de Lofte tenent unum feod., de dicta haereditate, in Hoton, Pinchingthroppe et Normanby; unde xij car. terra faciunt feod. milit.; et Hugo de Hoton reddit ballivo domini regis de fine, pro sua parte, vijs. Adam de Northmanby, pro parte sua, vjs., et Rogerus Lofte, pro sua parte, in Northemanby, vjs. YAROM. Haeres Stephani Kellet tenet ij bov. terrae, de dicta haereditate, in Yarom; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et reddit ballivo pro fine vijd. ob. ESKEDALL, BARONIA DE MULGRAVE, MAGNA AYTON, MAGNA BROWCHETON ET TUNSTALL. Dicunt quod Prior et Fratres de Gromont tenent in Eskedalle, de dono Petri de Malo Lacu, x car. terrae in baronia de Mulgrave, tam in terris quam in vasto. Accedere debent domino regin custodiendi. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet iiijor feod. milit. cum castro de Mulgrave de domino rege in capite; unde Nicholaus Meinell tenet unum feod. in Magna Ayton, Magna Browgheton et Tunstall; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod.; et reddunt ballivo domini regis pro fine ijs. xd., causa custodiendi terr' Johannae Bayn de Browegheton, quae toto tempore dictus dominus in custodia custodit a tempore xij annorum non reddidit (sic): scilicet Hugo de Tunstall, tenens dicti Nicholai, de dicto feodo, reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine ijs. WILTON, LAKINBY, LASINGBY, WEST COTTUM, ELERDEBY ET THORPEO JUXTA KILTON. Ranulphus de Nevell tenet unum feod. de dicto Petro in medietatem de Wilton et in Lakinby, Lasingby, West Cottum, Elerdby et Thorpe juxta Kilton; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod.: et Johannes de BulmerP tenet illud feod. de dicto Ranulpho, et idem Johannes reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine vjs. viijd. NEWETON JUXTA MULGRAVE. Robertus de Berneby tenet iiijor car. terra in eadem de dicto Petro. Radulphus de Thwing et Robertus de Aclum tenent iiijor car. terrae in Neweton juxta Mulgrave de dicto Petro. Liberi tenentes de Lithe tenent duas Hutton-Lowcross, commonly called Hutton-Locras, a township of scattered houses in the parish of Guisbrough. " The Inq. p. m. of Hugh de Hoton, " qui tenuit de Lucia, filia et haerede Roberti de Tweng, in custodia regis existente," was taken in the 18th Edward I., his son John, then aged fifteen years, being his next heir (Cal. Gen., i., 413). In 1335 the prior and convent of Gisburn granted the manor of Hoton juxta Gisburn to John, son of Hugh de Hoton, during his life, for the annual pension of ~1 Is. Od. (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 346). - The text reads "regi tempore custodiendi," but F. properly omits tempore. o Now called Kilton Thorpe. P His grandson, Ralph de Bulmer, had a charter of free warren in Wilton, Bulmer and Welburne in the 2nd Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 143). K 130 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. car. terrse in eadem de dicto Petro. Liberi tenentes de Egton tenent ij car. terra in eadem de dicto Petro. Liberi tenentes de Mykelby tenent iiijor car. terra in eadem de dicto [Petro]. Quae omnes praedictae car. terrae faciunt ij feod. milit., unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. Et dominus Petrus de Malo Lacu reddit ballivo domini regis pro iijbus feod. praedictis xxxviijs. vjd. pro fine com' et wap. WILTON, [WEST COTUM], MARSKE ET UPLETHUM. Johannes Percy de Topcliff tenet di. feod. in Wilton [et West Cotum] q de domino rege in capite; et Johannes de Bulmer tenet aliud di. de dicto Johanne Percy, et idem Johannes Bulmer reddit x li.,... nomine liberae firmae. Item tenet in Marske et Uplethum vj car. terrae pro di. feod., et est tenens haeredum Willelmi Argent';r et redd. ballivo domini regis pro finibus iijs. jd. CASTEL-LEVENTON. Nicholaus de Menells tenet di. feod. in Castel-Leventon de domino rege in capite, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod.; et redd. ballivo domini regis pro fine viijs. WARLETON,t SEMOR, BRATHWAITH," ESTON, GRENEOWE,V HILTON, MIDELTON, RUDBY, HOTON,w POTHOU CUM GOWETON, CARLETON, RUNGHTON, SCUTERSKELFE, THORALDBY, NEWEBY, TRANEHOLLME ET POTHOUE. Nicliolaus de Menell reddit ballivo domini [regis] pro Warlton, Semor cum Braithewaithe, Eston, Greneowe, Hilton (excepta portione Willelmi de Pottow), Midleton, Rudby, Hoton, Pothou cum Goweton (excepta una car. terre quae est de feod. haered' Marmaduci de Thwinge), Carleton, Runghton, et pro una car. et vj bov. terrae in Scuterskelf [et] Thoraldby, et ij car. in Neweby, et una car. terrae in Tranehollme, quae sunt de libertate ecclesim Cantuar., pro finibus xxxs. (exceptis ijs. quos Robertus de Pottouey reddere tenetur ballivo domini regis, pro titulo suo, in Pottowe, quia est de libertate prsedicta). Et Johannes de Pottowe reddit pro parte sua xijd. quos dictus Robertus et Johannes, de toto tempore suo,' The text reads "Elwest tot" corruptly. The heirs of J. de Bulmer held half a knight's fee in "Willton cum West Cotom " in the 31st Edward I. West Coatham is two miles and a half north of Wilton. r William de Argenton, with the consent of Julian, his wife, and of Roger and Agnes, their son and daughter, gave land in Uplium (Upleatham) to the canons of Gisburn (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 353).' On May 7th, 1285, Nicholas de Meynill had a charter of free warren in all his demesne lands of Castellevyngton (Ord's Cleveland, 610). t Whorlton. u Brathwaith is not mentioned in the Inquisition of the 31st Edward I., or in the Nomina Villarum. Its site is probably indicated by Braworth Farm, about a mile and a half south of Seamer. " Greenhow, a township in the parish of Ingleby-Greenhow. H" utton-Rudby. * et, F. Y Robert de Pottowe married Alice, daughter of John de Blaby (Cal. Gen., ii., 601). WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 131 non reddiderunt ei, a tempore Roberti x annorum, a tempore dicti Johannis xij annorum. Et dictus Nicholaus reddere tenetur ballivo domini regis pro terr' Symonis Bert de Kerleton, de fine ijs., quos non reddidit a tempore xij annorum.z MARTON. Johannes de Blabya reddit ballivo domini regis, de tenemento suo in Marton, pro fine vjs. KYRKELETHUM. Marmaducus de Thwenge reddit ballivo domini regis, de Kirkelethum cum pertinentiis, pro fine xiijs. iiijd. ARSUM.b Willelmus Rusec de Aresum reddit ballivo domini regis, de tenemento suo in eadem, pro fine xijd. MORETON. Willelmus de Moreton reddit ballivo domini regis, de tenemento suo in eadem, pro fine iijs. HILDERWELL. Hveres Roberti de Seton reddit ballivo domini regis, pro tenemento suo in Hilderwell, pro fine xviijd. SOWETHE LoFTOS. Willelmus Percy de Sowethe Loftos reddit ballivo domini regis, de tenemento suo in eadem, pro fine vjs. UPLETHYM. Willelmus Argent' de Uplethum reddit ballivo domini regis, et quod tenet in eadem, de fine iiijs. jd. UPLETHUM. Cutbertus Capoun de eadem reddit ballivo domini regis, de tenemento suo in eadem, pro fine xvd. Cujusmodi annui redditus debetur de singulis villis, tam ad turnum vicecomitis, quam [ad visum franciplegii]. Quantum quilibet ballivis dat pro [firma] wapentagii. YAROM. Adam de Staineley tenet de dicta haereditate in Yarom, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod.; et reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine iijd. ob. NEWTON-THEURBRUGH.d Adam Arundall tenet tres car. terrse in Neuton-Theuerbrught, de eadem hzereditate, vel Margaretae Rose, unde decem car. terrse faciunt feod.; et Rogerus Maliverer tenet eas de dicto Ada; et idem Rogerus reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine ijs. iiijd. THORNEMONEBY, LEVYNTHORPE, STAYNETON, LASINGBY, x The York MS. (F.) ends here. a By Inq. p. m., 31st Edward I., John de Blaby died seised of one messuage, 120 acres of land, a mill, and two acres of meadow in Marton (Cal. Inq. p. n., i., 166). See p. 99, ante. b Ayresome, or Airsholme, near Linthorpe.' An error, I believe, for Ruffus. Richard, son of Baldric de Arusum, gave two acres of land in Leventhorp to the monks of Midlesburg (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 83). William, son of Richard Ruffus de Arusum, gave all his land at Billesdale to the canons of Kirkham (Ibid., 374). William Ruffus de Arusum gave four acres of land at Gaiterig, or Gayteryk, near the Tees, to the monks of Byland (Ibid., 332). d See p. 128, note e. e Margaret, wife of Robert de Ros, and sister and co-heiress of Peter de Brus. Her sister Lucy married Marmaduke de Thweng. K 132 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. GOWETON ET LYTHYM. Prior de Gisburne tenet unum feod. in Thornemoneby, Levyngthorpe, Stainton, Lasingby et Goweton, de dicta haereditate, unde x car. terrse faciunt unum feod. milit.; et reddit pro finibus vjs. quos Prior debet Marmaduco de Thwinge, quos reddere consuevit; haeres suus reddere tenetur pro ij bov. terrwe Johannae Tofte duas acras et ij roddas terrae in Lithum, quae valent xxxiijs. iiijd., quos dictus Marmaducus et haeredes ejus habent in collatione dictorum vj solidorum. Thomas Waxander, pro parte sua illius feodi, reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine iijs. Johannes de Gauton (Gouton), pro parte sua illius feodi, reddit domino regi xijd. THORPE ET MORESUM.f Marmaducus de Thwenge tenet xij bov. terrae in Thorpe et Moresum de haereditate de Brus, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod.; et reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine ijs. viijd. BARNALDEBY.g Prior de Gisburne [tenet] xxj bov. terrae in Barnaldby, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.; et reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine iiijs. vjd. KIRKE LEVYNGTHORPE.^ Henricus de Percy tenet quatuor car. terrae in Kirke Levyngthorpe, unde x faciunt unum feod. milit.; et non reddit ballivo domini regis finem; et est liberum maritagium. KERKE LEVYNGTON. Willelmus de Levyngton tenet xj bov. terre in Kerke Levyngton, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod.; et reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine xviijd. FACEBY, SEXHOWE, WIRKESAYLL,i STANDALL-BRIG,j ACLAM, MARTON ET PARVA BUSKEBY. Domina Margareta de Rose tenet iij feod. et di. feod. milit. de domino rege in capite. Robertus de Scoterscelf, Rogerus Stormy [et] Robertus Gower tenent ij feod. terrae in Faceby cum Sexoue, Wirkesaill cum Standallbrige, Aclam, Marton [et] Parva Buskeby; unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. Et Robertus de Scoterskelf reddit, pro parte sua, pro fine viijd. Rogerus Stormy, pro parte sua, pro fine iijs. viijd. BUSKEBY PARVA, GLAPHOWE,k TOCOTTES' et LETHUM. Wilf Kilton Thorpe and Great Moorsholme, in the parish of Skelton. g Barnaby, a small hamlet two miles and a half west of Guisbrough. h A clerical error for Kirke Levyngton, where Henry de Percy held four carucates in the 31st Edward I. * Low Worsall. J Called Stayndalerigge in the Inquisition of the 31st Edward I. Staindale Hill is the name of a farm on Low Worsall Moor, in the parish of Kirk Levington. k Glaphowe does not occur in the Nomina Villarum. It is probably identical with Wapillhowe (Waupley) mentioned at p. 125. In the 31st Edward I. Geoffrey de Maucovenaunt held half a knight's fee in " Bolleby cum Glapphowe." Waupley is about three miles S.W. of Boulby. Tocketts, a small township one mile and a half S.S.W. of Upleatham. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 133 lelmus Mowebery, junior, pro quodam tenemento quod tenet de illo feodo in Parva Buskeby, reddit pro fine ijs. Matheus de Glaphowe tenet di. car. terrse in Glaphowe, unde x faciunt feod. milit. Adam Tocottes tenet di. feod. in Tocottes et Lethum, unde x faciunt feod.; et reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine vs. ESINGTON. Gilbertus de Camera et Galfridus de Maucov(en) ande tenent di. feod. in Esington de dicta Margareta, unde xij car. terrme faciunt unum feod. Et dictus Gilbertus, pro medietate sua illius feodi, reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine iijs.; et dictus Galfridus, pro sua medietate, reddit de fine iijs. STOKESLAY, BATHERBY, INGLEBY JUXTA GRENEHOWE, PARVA BROWGHTON, DROMONDBY, KYRKEBY, MAGNA BUSKEBY, SCOTERSKELFF, PARVA BUSKBY, THORALBY ET NEWEBY. Johannes de Balliolor tenet iiij [feod.] de domino rege in capite in Stokeslay, Batherby, Ingleby juxta Grenehowe, Parva Browghton, Dromondby, Kirkeby, Magna Buskeby, Parva Buskeby, Scoterskelf, Thoraldby et Neweby. Et Robertus filius Rogeri" tenet ea de dicto Johanne, et Hugo de Euer tenet eadem feoda de dicto Roberto, unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. Et idem Hugo reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine xvs. KIRKEBY. Johannes de Kerkeby, qui tenet partem illorum feod., reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine vs. Robertus de Scoterskelf tenet partem illorum feod., et reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine ijs. Robertus de Hastinge,~ qui tenet partem illorum feod., reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine xs. Robertus de GowertonP qui tenet partem illorum feod., reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine vs. Prior de Hexam,q qui tenet partem illorum feod., reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine xiijs. Willelmus Stormy, qui tenet partem illorum feod., reddit ballivo domini regis pro fine xs.' The celebrated John de Balliol, one of the competitors for the throne of Scotland. He was declared king in 1292, and died in 1296. n Roger de Eure, eldest son of John Fitz Robert, by Ada de Balliol, aunt to the above-mentioned John de Balliol, who had Stokesley of the gift of her father Hugh. The Inq. p. m. of Lady Ada de Balliol was taken in the 35th Henry III., when the jurors say that " dominus Hugo de Balliol dedit manerium de Stokesley cum pertinentiis Adae filiae suse in liberum maritagium, et quod dicta Ada post mortem viri sui feoffavit Hugonern et Robertum filios suos de praedicto manerio cum pertinentiis die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Barnabae Apostoli anno regni regis Henrici, filii regis Johannis, tricesimo quarto" (Cal. Gen., i., 38). " William, son of Adam de Hesting, was lord of Great Buskby in 1231 (Ord's Cleveland, 395). P A clerical error for Gower. q The portion of the fee of Balliol held by the Prior of Hexham comprised lands in Ingleby, Little Broughton and Kirkby (Mem. of Hexham, ed. Surf. Soc., ii., xiv.). " Item Prior de Hextildesham tenet tenementa in Parva Brouton quoe solebant reddere de finibus per ann. xijd., xx annis elapsis" (Rot. Sundr., i., 128). 134 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Dicunt quod dominus Walterus de Faconbrig et hleredes Marmaduci Thewenge, ballivi wapentagii de Langberch in feodo, per cartam domini Johannis regis, dant, pro firma illius wapentagii annuatim domino regi xl marcas. In quibus rebus seu perqucesitis status scilicet wapentagii, etc. Dicunt quod in xvij li. ijs. ijd. annuatim firma wapentagii. In praemissis ad voluntatem promittunt: in wager, waysum, et in aliis perqumesitis constat firma wapentagii. Item non de pecunia que res(pondetur) vicecomiti de persona contra statum, quia nihil. Item, si ballivi infra libertatem vel extra veteribus exitibus utantur, per quas, etc. Nihil. Et de illis qui clamant habere libertat' et wapentag,' etc. SKELTON. Dicunt quod Walterus de Faconbrige clamat habere, per cartam domini regis nunc, wreccam maris pertinentem ad partem suie baronise de Skelton, et furcam, mercatum, et pertinentia, scilicet, a quo tempore, nullum potest inquirere (sic). YAROM ET BROTTON. Hveres Marmaduci de Tweng clamat habere mercatum et feriam in Yarom, et villam de Yarom liberum burgum, et pertinentia, scilicet, qualiter, et a quo tempore, quod non potest inquiri. Et warennam in Brotton per cartam domini regis nunc, et wreccam maris pertinent. ad baroniam suam et pertinent. de Yarom, scilicet, qualiter, dicunt quod sine warranto, scilicet, a quo tempore, dicunt quod a tempore istius anni, etc. CUCKEWALDE.r Stephanus de Malo Lacue clamat habere parcum in Cuckewolde, scilicet, qualiter, ignoratur, et a quo tempore, dicunt quod istius anni. Petrus de Malo Lacu clamat habere furcam et wreccam maris, scilicet, qualiter, dicunt sine warranto, a quo tempore, istius anni. MAGNA AYTON. Haeres Baldwini Wake, qui est in custodia domini regis, clamat habere marcatum in Magna Ayton et warennam, per cartam domini regis Henrici, et furcam, scilicet, qualiter, et a quo tempore, non potest inquiri. WILTON, LAKINBY, LASINGBY ET COTTOM. Nicholaus de Menell clamat habere feriam in Weolton,t per cartam domini Edwardi regis, et warennam, parcum et furcam, scilicet, qualiter, r Peter de Malo Lacu had a charter of free warren in Cukewald in the 38th Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 80). I am unable to identify this place. * Probably Stephen de Mauley, afterwards prebendary of Bugthorpe and archdeacon of Cleveland, who died in 1317, and was buried in York Minster (Fasti Ebor., i., 378). t An error for Whorlton. On July 16th, 53rd Henry III., the king granted a charter of free warren, market, etc., in Welverton (Whorlton) to Nicholas de Meynill, which was confirmed by Edw. I., Nov. 24th, 1281 (Ord's Cleveland, 610). WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 135 et a quo tempore, non potest inquiri. Johannes Bulmeru clamat habere warennam liberam in Wilton, Lakinby, Lasingby et Cottom, in feodo suo, per cartam domini Johannis (data cartse anno vt~), et furcam et pertinent. a Conquesto. AYTON PARVA. Radulfusv de Malbis clamat habere furcam in Parva Ayton, et terras suas non gildabiles in eadem, quae sunt de honore regis. BERWYCK. Hugo filius Henrici clamat habere warennam in Berwik, per cartam domini regis Henrici, et farcas, scilicet, qualiter, non potest inquiri. STOKESLEY. Hugo de Euryw clamat habere feriam in Stokesley per cartam domini Henrici, patris domini regis nunc, Market Town, et furcas, scilicet, qualiter, et a quo tempore, non potest inquiri. KILLDAYLL, ORMESBY ET CRATHORNE. Willelmus de Percyx " His grandfather, Alan de Wilton, had a charter of free warren "apud Wilton cum pertinentiis, scilicet Cothum et Laisingebi et Lacnebi in feodo suo," 28th April, 5th John (Rot. Chart., 127 b). v Undoubtedly an error for Ricardus. The name of Ralph does not occur in the Malbis pedigree. Sir Richard Malbis, of Acaster Malbis, was the head of the family at the date of this Inquest. On Aug. 28th, 1179 (25th Henry II.), Roger de Molbray and Henry de Munford released the capital messuage "et totam medietatem terra de Eton" to Richard Malebisse (York Corporation Papers, ii., 954). w Hugh de Eure had a charter of free warren in Stokesley in the 19th Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 121). * "Inquisitio facta die Dominica proximo post diem Cinerum anno 13~ Edwardi primi coram Johanne de Reygate et Galfrido Aguyllun super statu Willelmi de Percy de Kyldale, etc.-Dicunt [juratores] super sacramentum suum quod predictus Willelmus de Percy de Kyldale ad praesens non est compos mentis suse. Dicunt etiam quod idem Willelmus dedit manerium suum de Crathorne cum pertinentiis Willelmo filio suo juniori, habendum et tenendum de predicto patre suo et haeredibus suis tota vita ipsius Willelmi filii.-Et dicunt quod tempore quo fecit dimissionem praedicti manerii proedicto Willelmo filio suo, infirmabatur quadam infirmitate quse dicitur Paralasis, et fuit tunc minus compos mentis suse.-Dicunt etiam quod predictus Willelmus pater post festum Sancti Michaelis anno regni domini regis nunc duodecimo dedit manerium suum de Kildale cum pertinentiis praedicto Willelmo filio, habendum et tenendum eidem Willelmo filio tota vita ipsius Willelmi filii.-Et dicunt quod post decessum praedicti Willelmi filii praedictum manerium cum pertinentiis remanebit Willelmo filio Arnaldi de Percy et heredibus suis imperpetuum. Et revera dicunt quod tempore quo predictus Willelmus pater fecit donationem et dimissionem illam, non fuit compos mentis sue nec sane memorise, immo omnino impotens sui sensus et virium.-Postmodum prsedictus Willelmus pater visus et diligenter diversimode examinatus per prsedictos Johannem de Reygate et Galfridum Aguyllun super statu suo, utrum videlicet sit compos mentis sue necne, et super aliis articulis in brevi contentis, dixit tenere lacrimando prout loqui potuit quod ipse non fuit compos mentis suse, nec scivit qualiter Willelmus filius suus intravit manerium suum de Kildale, nec quo modo ipse ejectus est ab eodem manerio. Et ad alios articulos brevis, nec ad alia sibi opposita, nihil respondebat; sed petiit tenere lacrimando quod posset pacem ab eis habere, et quod non impedirent ipsum quin posset reverti ad manerium suum de Kildale. Unde viso et examinato diversimode prsedicto Willelmo patre per praedictos Johannem et 136 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. clamat habere marcatum et feriam in Kildayll, per cartam domini regis Henrici, et warennam in Kildaill et Ormesby, per eandem cartam, warennam in Crathorne pertinent', et furcas in Kildaill, scilicet, qualiter et a quo tempore, non potest inquiri. GISBURNE, LYTHUM, TOLLESBY, ARNECLIEF, UGTHORPE, MALTEBY, TOLESBY, UPLETHUM, ARSUM, BARNALBY, LONSDAYLL,Z SKELDERSCHUTHEa ET GISBURN PREDICTA. Prior de Gisburne clamat habere totam Gisburn et totam Lithum,b scilicet, novem car. terrae, cum illa parte de Cotum quae illi adjacet, cum omnibus pertinentiis, etc., de eadem; di. car. terrae in Tollesby; duas bov. terrae et unum toftum eis adjacens in Arnecliff;c unam car. terrze in Ugthorpe, et quandam villam cum duabus bov. terrae in Malteby; di. car. terrae, cum pertinentiis;d in Tolsby duas bov. terrae et unum toftum, ut antedictum est; duas antedictas bov. terrae in Ugthorpe, et tenement' Northmarm'e (sic) et Uplithum et iiijor acras terrae, in eadem terra, in Arsum cum pertinent. in liberam, puram et perpetuam elemosinam. Et clamat habere [soch, infangthef, toll et team]f in liberam et puram elemosinam. Clamat etiam habere warennam, per cartam domini regis Henrici, patris domini regis nunc, in Gisburne, Ugthorpe, Barnalby, Lounesdaill [et] Skelderschuthe, a tempore dicti regis, anno xlvj. Clamat etiam habere mercatum et feriam in Gisburn per tres dies durantes, per cartam domini regis Henrici, a tempore dicti regis, anno xlvij. BROUGHTON ET KYRKEBY. Dicunt quod Abbas de Revalibus clamat habere libertates in omnibus finibus in Broweghetong Galfridum, videtur eis quod idem Willelmus est omnino impotens sui et virium sui corporis atque carens ratione et sensu sanse memorise et intellectus " (Cal. Gen., i., 359). y In 37th Henry III. William de Percy had a grant of a market and fair at Kildale, with free warren there and in Ormesby (Cal. Rot. Chart., 77). z Lonsdale, a farm in the parish of Great Ayton, three miles S.S.W. of Guisbrough. a Skelderskew Grange in Commondale, in the parish of Guisbrough. b Before 1125 Robert de Brus, the founder, gave to the canons of Gisburne "totam Lyum (Kirkleatham), scilicet, novem carucatas terrse, cum illa parte de Cotum, que illi adjacet, et cseteris omnibus ad eam pertinentibus " (Mon. Anyl., vi., 267). c The same canons had "ex dono Walteri Ingelram ecclesiam de Erenclive, cum duabus bovatis terrae et manso eis adjacente" (Ibid., vi., 268). d There is something omitted here. This paragraph is most corrupt. Perhaps Northmanby is the place intended. f The text reads "Sochefanghetoll et tenement." corruptly. King Henry I. granted to the prior and canons sac, soc, thol, theam, and infangentheof, and also allowed them a market at Guisbrough every Monday, and a fair every year for three days, viz., on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, and on the day before and after. He likewise granted them free warren in the demesne lands of Guisbrough, Ugthorpe, Bernaldby and Lounsdale (Ord's Cleveland, 187). g Little Broughton. In an account of the lands, etc., given to the monks WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 137 et Kirkeby, quas habuit de dono Jurdani Payne, Alani Bareni et aliorum liberorum hominum de eisdem villis praedictis, tenend' eas terras quietas et solutas ab eorum servitiis secularibus, et ab omni opere servili, per cartas Richardi regis et regis Henrici, patris domini regis nunc, anno liiijto. CARLETON. Clamat [etiam] habere in Carleton tres bovatas terrae de dono Symonis filii Galfridi Bert in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, per cartam domini regis Henrici, patris domini regis nunc, anno lvj. Et si teneatur aliquo servitio, etc., dicunt quod modo debito intelligunt. Si quid domino regi de suojurefuerit subtractum, etc. Dicunt quod vs. iiijd. annui redditus, de iij car. terrae in Kemesdayllh juxta Greneowe, sunt a domino rege subtracti [per] Robertum de Mennell, avum Nicholai de Mennell, a tempore domini Johannis regis. Et xxs. annni redditus, de iij car. terrse in Magna Broughton, sunt a domino rege subtracti per Allanum Baren, antecessorem Johannis nunc, a tempore Johannis domini regis, etc. Si quid in wapentagio domino regi pertinere debeat unde seisitus non est. Dicunt quod dominus rex seisitus non est de secta comitatus terrae qune fuit Roberti de Lasingby in eadem, quae eidem pertinere debeat, etc. Dicunt quod dominus rex non seisitus est de secta comitatus terrarum que fuerunt Willelmi Capoun in Uplethum, quae ei pertinere debeat; et dicunt quod dominus rex seisitus non est de secta comitatus terrae [qnue] fuit Roberti Barmby in eadem, quse pertinere debeat, etc. of Rievaux during the abbacy of Sylvan, who died in 1189, it is recorded that "grangiam de Brocton cum pertinentiis suis dederunt nobis Jordanus Paen et cseteri liberi homines ejusdem villae" (Mon. Angl., v., 282). h The Camisedale of Domesday Book. Mr. Ord (Hist. Cleveland, 244) supposes this place to be identical with Commondale, a township in the parish of Guisbrough, which, according to Graves (page 435), should more properly "be written Colmandale," having been " so called from the venerable Colman, bishop of Lindisferne, who had formerly an hermitage or place of residence here." The canons of Guisbrough had lands in " Colmandale" (Mon. Angl., vi., 275), which would be included in the original donation of the founder, Robert de Brus. Commondale, however, can scarcely be considered "juxta Greneowe," from which it is distant more than six miles. In the Recapitulatio of the Domesday survey Camisedale is placed between Engelbi and Broctun. Ingleby-Greenhow is only two miles from Broughton. WAPENTAGIUM DE PYKERING IN NORTHR[IDING] COM. EBOR. [MSS. Rawlinson, 450 B, 183 a.] MARTON. Est in eodem wapentagio, in qua sunt tres car. terrze de soca, et talliantur, quas Willelmus de Aton tenet. HOTON.b Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt xj car. et una bov. terra de soca quas Agnes de Vescy tenet, et talliantur quoad domini regis, etc. NEWTON ET PRESTON.C Respondent pro una villa in eodem wap., in qua sunt due car. et di. de baronia, de feodo Rogeri Bygott, et sunt geldabiles; quarum Symon Ughtred tenet x bov., et Jacobus Jordan x bov. terrae, etc. ATON.d Ex parte occidentali aquae est in eod. wap., in qua sunt viij car. terrae de soca de Pykeryng, et talliantur, quas Willelmus de Aton tenet de domino Edmundo,e etc. ATONf Ex parte orientali aquae est in eodem wap., in qua sunt quatuor car. et vj bov. terra de baronia; de quibus ij car. sunt de feodo Rogeri Bygott [et]g sunt geld.; quarum Willelmus de Irton tenet unam car., et Willelmus de Fyshburn et participes sui unam car. Et ij car. et vj bov. sunt de feodo Henrici Percy, et sunt geld., quas Alanus filius Ricardi et Alexander de Percy et participes sui tenent, etc. IRTON. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt iiijor car. terrae de " Collated with Addit. MS. 26,729, in the British Museum, cited in the following notes by the letter S. This wapentake does not occur in any of the other copies of Kirkby's Inquest. There is, however, in the possession of Joseph Munby, esq., of York, "A Booke shewinge the tenure of all such Mannors, Landes and Tenements in the Countye of York, as are at this day holden of the Right honorable Henry Earle of Northumberland." This, which is hereinafter referred to as the Percy MS., was compiled in 1607 by " John Carvile, esquier, his Lordship's steward." It contains two or three notes "ex quadam Inquisitione, capta coram Johanne de Kirkeby, vocata Kirkeby Quest, apud Scartheburg, die Martis.... anno regni regis Edwardi primi tertio decimo, de villis et carucatis terrae in wapentagio de Pickeringe, et de feodis militum ejusdem wapentagii." These notes, fortunately, supply some valuable additions to the Rawlinson text. b Hutton Bushel. c Preston has disappeared. It is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum. d West Ayton. e Edmund Plantagenet, surnamed Crouchback, earl of Lancaster. f'rhst A-yton. g et, S. WAPENTAKE OF PICKERING LYTHE, N. R. 139 baronia, de feodo de Percy, et sunt geld.; quarum Willelmus de Irton tenet xiiij bov. terrae, Sibilla del Hay unam car., Thomas de Irton v bov., et Johannes de Russell v bov terrae, etc. THORPFELD.h Quamvis non sit villa, est in eodem wap., in qua est una car. terrae de baronia, de feodo Henrici de Percy, et est geld., quam Johannes de Percy, qui est in custodia domini regis, tenet, etc. SEMER. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt quinque car. terrae de baronia, de feodo Henrici Percy, et sunt geld., quas praedictus Henricus tenet, etc. DEPEDALE.i Quamvis non sit villa, est in eodem wap., in qua sunt quatuor car. terrae de baronia, de feodo Henrici Percy, et sunt geld.; quarum Henricus de Kayton tenet ij bov., Willelmus filius Reyneri ij bov., Abbas de Bella Landaj vj bov., Thomas de Anlaeby xiij bov., Johannes Bard iiij bov., Johannes de Percy ij bov., Capell' de Osgotby ij bov., et Henricus de Kayton et Willelmus filius Rayneri unam bov. BURTON DALE.k Quamvis non sit villa, est in eodem wap., in qua sunt iiijor car. terrie de soca de Pykeryng (secundum alios rotulos de baronia)l quas Johannes de Percy tenet, et solebant talliari, et pro quibus praedictus Johannes reddit firmam domino Edmundo; sed tallagium subtractum est, a tempore mortis domini regis Johannis, etc. OSGOTBY. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt v car. terrae de baronia, et sunt geld.; quarum Johannes Bard tenet ij car. et v bov., Capell' de Osgotby iij bov., Thomas de Anlaeby ij bov., Johannes filius ejus ij bov., Johannes de la Mare ij bov., haered. S... myffs (secundum alium rot.) ij bov. terrae, ecclesia de Kayton unam bov., Allanus Stanes unam bov., Robertus de Righton unam bov., Johannes Payne ij bov., Ricardus filius Johannis ij bov., Abbas Rievallis unam bov. KAYTON. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt iiijor car. terrae: de quibus ij car. sunt de baronia, de feodo Rogeri Bygott, et * I am unable to identify Thorpfeld. Deepdale, on the east side of Weapon-ness (Oliver's Mount), extends from one to three miles south of Scarborough. i Durand de Cliva, and William de Clayton, son of Durand, gave the manor of Depedale to the monks of Byland (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 332). k Burton Dale, on the west side of Weaporn-ness, near Scarborough. In 1209 king John confirmed to the nuns of Rosedale the grant which "Matilda quae fuit uxor Americi de Scardeburgh per cartam suam fecit praedictis monialibus de sex lagenis olei annuatim infra xv dies post festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistse, de quodam tofto in Burtondale jacente inter toftum beati Nicholai et toftum Siwardi Pistoris, et de quodam alio tofto super Ramesdale, infra murum quod fuit Willelmi filii Gamelli imperpetuum recipiendis" (Mon. Angl., iv., 318). 1 S. omits secundum alios rotulos de baronia. 140 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. sunt geld.; quarum Johannes Bard tenet unam car. terrae, et haer' Willelmi Hatcryst' unam car.: et alie ij car. fuerunt de baronia, de feodo Willelmi Desengers,m et sunt de elemosina de Whitby, et non sunt geld.; quarum Abbas de Whitby tenet unam car., et hver' Willelmi Hatcrist unam car. KYLWARDBY." Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt ij car. terrae de baronia de feodo Henrici de Percy, et sunt geld., quas Symon de Cresacre tenet, etc. LEBRESTON. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt vj car. terrae de baronia de feodo Rogeri Bygott, et sunt geld.; quarum, scilicet Ro. de Percy [et] Robertus Playce~ tenet (sic) vj bov., Johannes Bard tenet ij car., Prior de Bridlyngton iij car., et Abbas Rievallis unam car. Memorandum quod in alio rotulo wap. Robertus WyernP tenet ix bov. terrae infra summam praedictam, etc. GRYSTHORPP. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt iiij car. terrae de soca de Pykeryng, et talliantur; quarum Prior de Bridlyngton tenet ij car. et ij bov., et Rogerus de Morpathq tenet unam car. et vj bov. terrae, etc. NEWBIGGYNG.r Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt ij car. terrae de soca de Pykering, et talliantur, quas Robertus de Wyerums tenet, etc. THURSTANBY.t Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt ij car. terrae de baronia de feodo Henrici de Percy, et sunt geld., quas Willelmus de Mirethu tenet, etc. BRYNISTON. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt iij car. et di. terra de feodo Rogeri Bygott, et sunt geld.; quarum Prior de Bridlyngton tenet xiiij bov., et haeres Rogeri Moraunt tenet xiiij bov. terrae, etc. CLOGHTON. Est in eodem wap., in qua sunt una car. et ij bov. terrae de baronia de feodo Henrici de Percy, et sunt geld., quas Adam de Dugylbyv tenet. Et non plus hic de infra sok quia xij de Scalby respond. inde, etc. m Besengers, S. " Killerby, near Cayton. " In 1308 the Prior and Convent of Bridlington held one mediety of Lebberston, and Robert de Place the other (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 235). P In 1316 Robert de Wyern and the Prior of Bridlington were returned lords of this place. q In 1256 William, son of Robert, son of Roger de Morpath, quit-claimed six oxgangs of land here to the canons of Bridlington (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 231). Newbiggin is one mile east of Gristhorpe. * 3rd July, 1308. Licence to Robert de Wyerne to have an oratory within his manor of Neubyging (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 112 a). t Throxenby, in the parish of Scalby. " An error, doubtless, for William de Morers, who held two carucates here in the 31st Edward I. S. reads corruptly "Abbas de Moreth." See p. 146, vpcteCo Il 1299 Acdam, son of Adam de Dugelby, gave one capital messuage in WAPENTAKE OF PICKERING LYTHE, N. R. 141 YEDINGHAM. Pretiaw Priorissa de Yedyngham tenet in campo in quo est scitus abbathie ij car. terrae de baronia de feodo Rogeri Bygott quee non sunt geld.; et idem Rogerus respond. pro eisdem. FUKBRIGG. Fratres Militiae Templi tenent in loco qui dicitur Fukbrigg,x in quo domus eorum scituatur, [et] sunt ij car. terrae de baronia, de feodo Rogeri Bygot, non geld., etc. [SNAYNTONY CUM WESTETHORPEZ IN BRUMPTON. Est in eodem (scilicet wap. de Pickeringe) in qua sunt xv caruc.; quarum xem sunt de baronia, de feod. Rogeri Bygot, et sunt geld., quas Johannes de Vescy tenet. Et ij carucat. et dimid. de baronia, de feod. Henrici de Percy, et sunt geld.; quarum hbered. Alani Cynere tenent unam carucat. et dimid., et Willelmus Thernef unam car. Et ij car. et dimid. sunt de socagio domini Edmundi, et talliantur; quarum Priorissa de Wykehama tenet xiij bovat., et Robertus de Conoysklef vij bovat.] WAPENTAGIUM DE PICKERINGE IN NORTHR' IN COM. EBOR.b De feodis milit. quae tenentur de domino rege in capite, et qui ea tenent, et in quibus villis, et qui sunt tenentes sui, et ubi sunt,'ut sciatur ubi distringendum sit pro servitiis domini regis, si a retro fuerint, praedictijuratores dicunt quod, Rogerus Bygott tenet de domino rege in capite, pro feodo unius milit., xj car. terrse (secundum rotulum wapp. xij car., etc.) in Syvelyngton,c Marton, Parva Edston,d et Cathwayte; quod feodum Ricardus Bruys tenet de eodem Rogero. Et de quo etiam feodo idem Ricardus tenet in dominico in Syvelington iij car. et iij bov. terrae; Priorissa de Yedingham, de eodem Ricardo, in eadem, unam car. et unam bov. terrae; Prior de Malton, de eodem Ricardo, in eadem, iiij bov. terrae. Clocton, with three oxgangs of land and four crofts, to the canons of Bridlington (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 221). i Proeterea, S. ~ Foukebrigg, now called Foulbridge, about one mile east of Yedingham abbey, was afterwards given to the Hospitallers, and is described in an extent of their possessions in England, taken in 1338, as "una placea destructa, cujus herbagium valet per ann. xs. " (The Hospitallers in England. Ed. Camd. Soc., 140). Y This entry is taken from the Percy MS., fo. 264 a. See p. 144, postea. * Westhorpe is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum, and has now disappeared. a Richard, son of Thora de Sneigton, gave land in Snainton to the nuns of Wykeham (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 257). b S. omits this title. C Sinnington. d Little Edston is in Ryedale wapentake. e Cathwayte is not mentioned in the Aid of the 31st Edward I., or in the Nomina Villarum, and I am unable to identify it. There is a farm called Cartoft about half a mile north of Little Edston. 142 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet de eodem Ricardo, et de eodem feodo, in Marton vij bov. et xxx acras terrwe, vocatas unam bov. terrae, etc. Prior de Malton de eodem, in eadem, ij bov. et di. terrae; Prior de Ellerton, de eodem Ricardo, in eadem, iiij bov.; haeredes Renerif Bertram, de eodem Ricardo, in eadem, iij bov.; haer' Mathei de Benyngfeld, de eodem Ricardo, in eadem, residuum, scilicet, unam car. vj bov. et di. Prior de Malton, de eodem Ricardo, de eodem feodo in Parva Edston, unam car. Et idem Ricardus tenet de praedicto Rogero et de feodo praedicto, in Cathwayte, unam car. terrae, quam haeredes praedicti Mathei de Benyngfeld deberent tenere de praedicto Ricardo. Sed jacet friscus, et est communa pastura, etc. Summa bov. terrae illius feodi iiijx viij; quarum in Syvelington xl bov. Marton xxxij bov. Parva Edeston viij bov. Cathwayte viij bov. Rogerus Bygott tenet de eodem domino rege in capite, et pro feodo unius milit., xij car. terrae in Wilton et Yedyngham; quod feodum Willelmus Brus tenet de eodem Rogero. Et de quo etiam feodo, Priorissa de Yedyngham tenet de praedicto Willelmo in Yedyngham, in puram elemosinam, ij car. terrae. Eadem Priorissa tenet de eodem Willelmo in Wilton iij bov. terrae. Petrus de Nevyll de eodem Willelmo, in eadem villa, quinque bov. Robertus Capellanus de eodem, in eadem villa, iij bov. terrme. Decanus ecclesiae Ebor. de eodem, in eadem, ij bov. terrae. Rogerus de Hokrell de eodem, in eadem, ij bov. Her' Johannis de Allerstane de eodem, in eadem, ij bov. Et idem Willelmus de Bruys in dominico, in eadem, vij car. et vij bov. terrae, etc. CROPTON. Johannes filius Baldwini Wake, qui est in custodia domini regis, tenet de domino rege in capite, pro feodo unius milit., v car. terrae (secundum alium rotulum xiiij car. et tres bov. terrae), quas in Cropton Nicholaus de Wake tenet de eodem Johanne; de quibus Walterus Repingale tenet de eodem Nicholao, in eadem, ij bov., et idem Nicholaus residuum. WRELTON. In Wrelton sunt ij car. terrae quas haeres Walteri Boy et participes sui tenent de eodem Nicholao. AYESLABY. In Aslaeby sunt ij car. terrae: quarum haeredes Arnaldi de Aslacby tenent de eodem Johanne vij bov.; Prior de Malton de eodem Johanne iij bov.; Eustachius de Perte de eodem Johanne iiij bov.; Ricardus Scott de eodem Nicholao f Ricardi, S. g Conyngfeld, S. h Baldwin Wake was dead in 1283, and John, his son and heir, had livery of his lands in the 18th Edward I. (Dugd. Bar., i., 540). WAPENTAKE OF PICKERING LYTHE, N. R. 143 unam bov.; et Templarii de eodem Johanne, in puram elemosinam, unam bov. MIDDLETON. In Midylton sunt iij car. et iij bov. terras: quarum Priorissa de Rossedale tenet de eodem Johanne unam car.; Nicholaus Wake, de eodem Johanne, x bov. in eadem quas Henricus de Boys tenet, ut dicitur; Guido de Aslacby, de eodem Johanne, unam bov.; Willelmus Bruys, de eodem Johanne, unam bov.; Magister Rogerus de Scard', de eodem Johanne, unam bov. et di.; Willelmus filius Rogeri, de eodem Johanne, di. bov.; Willelmus Malkake, de eodem Johanne, unam bov.; Rogerus Dryng, de eodem Johanne, di. car. CALTHORNE. In Calthorn sunt ij car. terrse: quarum Magister Rogerus de Scard' tenet, de eodem Johanne, di. car. terrse, de eodem Johanne, ij bov. (sic); Willelmus de Nevill, de eodem Johanne, ij bov.;i Willelmus de Nevyll, de eodem Johanne, unam car.; Walterus de Repyngdale, de eodem Johanne, unam bov.; et Prior de Malton tenet, in puram elemosinam, unam bov. terrae. Rogerus Bygott tenet de domino rege in capite, pro quarta parte unius feod. milit., iiij car. terrae in Levesham, ij car. terrae in Lokton, et di. car. terrae in Pyckeryng, per cartam domini regis Henrici factam Hugoni Bygott: quarum idem Rogerus tenet in dominico in Levesham ij car. et quinque bov.; Galfridus filius Bartholomei tenet de eodem Rogero di. car.; Thomas filius Radulphi de eodem Rogero iij bov.; Nicholaus RavenJ de eodem Rogero ij bov.; Gocelinus filius Adae j bov.; ecclesia de eadem j bov. Roaldus1 filius Adae tenet in Lokton j car. terre de eodem Rogero; Fratres Militiae Templi in eadem vj bov. de eodem Rogero; Radulphus Skyryng de eodem Rogero, in eadem, j bov.; Willelmus Barneby de eodem Rogero, in eadem, j bov. Et Adam Bruys tenet de eodem Rogero in Pickerynge ij bov.; et Fratres Hospitalis Sancti Nicholai, in eadem, de eodem Rogero j bov., etc. NEWTON. Rogerus Bygott tenet de domino rege in capite, pro xij"m parte feodi unius milit., j car. terrae in Newton quam Reynerus de Nevyll tenet de eodem Rogero, et quam Willelmus de Halton tenet de eodem Reynero; unde Priorissa de Rosse. daill tenet iij bov. terrae; haer' Willelmi de Bolbek iij bov.; Willelmus Jarrur' j bov.; et idem j bov. Et residuum feodi in Hirdirskelk,l etc. S. omits Willelmus de Nevill de eodem Johanne ij bov. i Raudun, S. k Radulphus, S. I Hinderskelfe, in the wapentake of Bulmer. Castle Howard, the princely residence of the earls of Carlisle, now occupies its site. 144 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. ROWCESBY.m De feodo Comitis Marescalli sunt in Rouceby xiij bov. terrse de baronia, quarum vij car. et di. [et] j bov. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit.: quarum Edmundus de Hastyngs tenet de eodem Rogero, in dominico et servitio, iiij bov. terrse; Willelmus de Everle ij bov.; Alanus Pye ij bov.; Matheus Gower ij bov.; haer' Alexandri de Rouceby ij bov.; Stephanus Wotte j bov. Et residuum dicti feodi in Hoton Baldolf,~ etc. THORNETON. Rogerus de Moubray tenet de domino rege in capite iij car. terrae in Thornton, pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., quas Willelmus de Wyvell tenet de eodem Rogero, et hler' Rogeri Morant ten' easdem de eodem Willelmo, etc. THORNETON. Hveredes Willelmi vel Petri (sic) de Bruys tenent de domino rege in capite, in Thornton, pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., quas Willelmus Percy de Kyldale tenet de eisdem, et quas heres Roberti Maungevileyne tenet de eodem Willelmo, etc. SNAYNTON, WESTHORPE ET BROMPTON. Rogerus Bygott tenet de domino rege in capite x car. terrze in Snaynton et Westhorpp in Brompton, pro feodo unius milit., quas Johannes de Vescy tenet de eodem Rogero; de quibus Agnes de Vescy tenet v car., et Rogerus HeldenP tenet v car. terrae, etc. BROMPTON ET SALDEN.q Rogerus Moubray tenet de domino rege in capite xij car. terrae in Brumpton et Salden, pro feodo unius milit., quas Johannes de Vescy tenet de eodem Rogero: unde Agnes de Vescy dotata est de vj car., et eadem tenet in dominico, de emptione, xiij bov.; Willelmus Mayverhermer (?) x bov. (vel xj, secundum rotulum wap.); et Johannes de Vescy in dominico iij car. et j bov. terrae (vel tantum j car., secundum rotulum wap.) Juratores dicunt quod Comes Albemarlime tenuit de Comite Norfolkiae iiij feod. et di. in Thornton, Preston, Newtone, Brinyston, Aton, Cayton, Leberston, et Osgotby in wap. de Pykeryng: in Ryllyngton et Thorpp in wap. de Bukcros: in Potter Brompton in wap. de Dekryng: et in Edeston et Holm in wap. de Rydaill: quae feoda idem Comes Norfolk' tenuit de domino rege in capite. Et Johannes de Estour tenet omnia praedicta "n The site of Roxby may be placed about one mile west of Thornton. et, S. o Hutton Bardolf, in Bulmer wapentake. See p. 108, ante. P Heldeis, S. q Sawdon, one mile and a half north of Brompton. Dr. Whitaker says, " John de Eshton is chiefly memorable for having contested the right to the earldom and estates of Albemarle with Edward I." (Hist. Craven, 183); and that "the king, unable to evade the claim of his competitor, condescended to come to an agreement with him; and in consideration of an WAPENTAKE OF PICKERING LYTHE, N. R. 145 feoda, tam in dominico quam in servitio, de dono domini regis, et per cartam domini regis Edwardi qui nunc est, pro feodo unius milit.: de quibus idem Johannes Eston tenet in Thornton, in dominico, iiij car. et vj bov. terrae; Alanus filius Johannis tenet de eodem Jobanne, in eadem, vj bov.; Hugo Brom's de eodem Johanne, in eadem, ij bov.; Stephanus filius Alani ij bov.; Robertus de Conskylff iij bov.; Alanus capellanus j bov.; Willelmus de Everle j bov.; Henricus de Eston j bov. In eadem Jacobus de Mora tenet x bov. Et Simon Ughtred x bov. de eodem Johanne in Preston et Newton. Prior de Bridlington tenet in Bryniston, de eodem Johanne, xiiij bov.; haer' Rogeri Moraunt de eodem, in eadem, xiiij bov. terrae. Willelmus de Fyshburn tenet de eodem Johanne, in Aton, ex parte orientali aqune, j car.; Willelmus de Irton de eodem Johanne, in eadem, j car. Johannes Barde tenet de eodem Johanne, in Cayton, j car.; haer' Willelmi Hatecrist de eodem Johanne, in eadem, j car. hundred pound lands, John de Eshton released the earldom and barony of Skipton" (Ibid., 226). This account is partly corroborated by the following extract from the Plea Roll of the 35th Edward I.:-" Thomas de Multon et Thomas de Lucy, qui dicunt se esse hveredes Avelinae, quondam filis Willelmi de Fortibus, petunt quod dominus rex respectum habeat ad jus suum, quod habent in maneriis de Cokermewe in com. Cumberland, Skipton in com. Ebor., et Roddeston in cor. Northampton. Petitio mittitur hic, etc. Et Johannes de Cestria, qui sequitur pro domino rege, et servientes regis dicunt pro rege quod in Parliamento regis tento anno iiij regni sui quidam Johannes de Eston petiit proemissa, simul cum aliis terris de quibus dicta Avelina obiit seisita, etc. Qui quidem Johannes illa tenementa remisit domino regi pro C lib. terrse quas idem dominus rex eidem concessit in manerio de Thorneton prope Pykeringe, et Skipton in com. Ebor., etc. Ideo Johannes de Eston, consanguineus et hoeres dicti Johannis, sum' per vicecomitem, etc., antequam procedatur," etc. (Abbrev. Placit., 261). It appears, also, that John de Eston, in consideration of the manor of Appletreewick in Craven, released his claim to the estates of Aveline de Fortibus in England and Normandy. A copy of the acquittance is entered in the Liber Rubeus Feodorum in the Exchequer, fol. 249 b.-J. R. W. In 1279, John, son and heir of Sir John de Eston, granted to the prior and canons of.Bridlington exemption from suits of court at Thorneton (Mon. Ebor., 232). In the 9th Edward I. John de Eston had a grant from the king of a market and fair in Thornton juxta Pickeringe (Cal. Rot. Chart., 109). The Inq. p. m. of John de Eshton, alias Eston, was taken in the 29th Edward I. The jurors say that "Johannes filius Roberti de Eston, quondam fratris dicti Johannis de Eston, est hares propinquior tam predicti Johannis de Eston quam praedicti Roberti quondam fratris Johannis de Eston. Dicunt etiam quod est setatis viginti quinque annorum" (Cal. Gen., ii., 601). 30th Edward I., "Mand. magistro Ricardo de Havering, escaetori regis citra Trent', quod accepta securitate a Johanne filio et haerede Roberti de Eshton dudum defuncti, de rationabili relevio suo de omnibus terris et tenementis quae etiam de rege ut de honore de Skipton in manu nostra existente tenent' per servitium militare" (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., 119). s Browne, S. L 146 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Idem Johannes Barde tenet de eodem Johanne, in Lebreston, ij car. terrse; Prior de Bridlington de eodem, in eadem, iij car.; Abbas de Rievalle de eodem, in eadem, j car. Johannes Barde de eodem in Osgotby ij car. et di.; haer' Willelmi Hatecriste de eodem, in eadem, ij car. et di. Residuum vero dictorum feodorum inquiretur in aliis wap.; ett Frythby et Grymeston in wap. de Buckros; et Crambum in wap. de Bulmer, etc. Summa car. ejusdem feodi in wap. de Pykering, xxviij car. et vj bov. terrwe; quarum in Thornton vij car. et vj bov. terre, Newton et Preston ij car. et iiij bov., Brenyston iij car. et iiij bov. terrse, Aton ex parte orientali aqume ij car., Cayton ij car. terrwe, Leberston vj car. terrae, Osgotby v car. terrae. Item haeredesu domini Henrici Percy tenent de domino rege in capite duo feoda milit. et quartam partem et xvjmam partem unius feodi in Semer, Burton Dale, Aton, Irton, Kylwardby et Snaynton; de quibus iidemv hmeredes tenent in Semer v car. terrae, in Torpfeld j car., et in Burton Dale iiij car. terrae pro j feodo. Simon de Kylwardby tenet in eadem, de przedictisw haeredibus, ij car. terrae pro quarta parte unius feodi. Willelmus de Irton tenet in Irton, de praedictisw haeredibus, xiiij bov. terrae, [T. fil. ejus tenet in eadem, de eodem haerede, v bovat., Johannes Bussell in eadem v bov., et Sibilla de Haya j caruc.]x in eadem, quae faciunt iiij car. terrae, pro di. feodo. Et haer'Y Alani Cyner ten' de haeredibus de Percy, in Snaynton, xiijz bov. terrae pro viijva parte et Xvjma parte j feodi. Et Willelmus Thurneffa tenet, in Snaynton, j car. terraeb quae solebat teneri de antecessoribus ejusdem haer', pro xij maparte unius feodi milit., et modo tenet eandem de Templariis.f Idem haer' tenet ij car. terrae in Thurustanby pro quarta parte unius feodi milit., quas [Willelmus de]d Morers tenet de eodem, etc.' Probably an error for scilicet. "Hseres domini Henrici de Percy tenet, Percy MS. idem hleres tenet, Percy MS. " de praedicto haerede, Percy MS. * T. fil. ejus tenet in eadem, de eodem haerede, v bovat., Johannes Bussell in eadem v bov., et Sibilla de Haya j caruc., Percy MS. y Et heredes Alani Cynere tenent de haerede, Percy MS. " xij bov., Percy MS. a Thornoue, Percy MS. 2 Id. Dec., 1300. Licence to Mr. John de Sneinton, rector of Rudston, "ut in honesto oratorio infra manerium Willelmi Thorneve, germani tui, apud Sneinton, in parochia de Brumpton, erecto, divina pro anima Isabellae Thorneve, matris tuae, per unum annum licite facias celebrari" (Rey. Corbridge, 23 b). b de eodem haerede de Percy quae, Percy MS. c The Percy MS. omits et modo tenet eandem de Templariis. d Willelmus de, Percy MS. WAPENTAKE OF PICKERING LYTHE, N. R. 147 Cujusmodi redditus annui debetur in singulis villis vicecomili, tam ad turnum vicecomitis quam ad visum franciplegii, juratores dicunt quod nesciunt, quia dicunt quod wapentagium de Pekeryng est in manu domini Edmundi, de dono domini Henrici regis, patris regis Edwardi, et non respondet vicecomiti, nisi in hiis quae pertinent ad coronam domini regis. Item, quantum quodlibet wapentagium dat pro firma wap. sui, dicunt quod nesciunt, quia wap. de Pykeryng est in manu domini Edmundi, ut supra, et ballivus suns respondet ei de exitibus, etc. Item, quantum wapentagium solebat dare, etc., dicunt quod manerium de Pykering cum wap. et pertinentiis, dum fuit in manu domini regis, solebat [dare]e per annum vij li. xs., etc. Item, in quibus rebus seu redditibus vel perquisitis firma wap. constat, seu levari solebat, dicunt quod ballivus de Pykeryng levat et recepit omnes exitus, ad opus domini Edmundi, unde firma solebat levari, etc. Item, de illis qui clamant habere libertates in wap., a quo tempore, etc., dicunt quod antecessores Henrici de Percy, apud Semarr, antecessores Johannis de Vescy, apud Brompton, et antecessores Johannis Wake, apud Cropton, habuerunt curias suas et furcas et emendas de serevisia braciata contra assisam, et faciunt judicium de latronibus, per sectam, et hiis usi sunt a tempore a quo memoria non est. Et in illo tenementisf (sic) domino regi pro libertatibus praedictis, etc. Item dicunt quod Fratres Militise Templi, Hospitalarii [et] Canonici de ordine de Sempryngham, tenent curias suas et capiunt emendas de braciatricibus: hoc idem faciunt Willelmus Bruys, apud Wilton, Ricardus Bruys, apud Sevelyngton, Hugo de Hastyng, apud Allerstane, Johannes de Eston, apud Thornton, et Decanus Ebor., apud Pykeryng, [et] tenent curias suas de tribus septimanis in tres septimanas, et capiunt emendas de pistoribus et braciatricibus. Item, de prisonamentis [etprisonibus]s ubicunque captis, qualiter et quibus locis deliberar', dicunt quod Vicecomes Ebor. facit turnum suum per [senescallum?]. Ballivus de Pykeryng facit inquisitiones suas in balliva sua, et judicat'..... invenit' ducerei fac' ad prisonam de Pykeryng, et postea ad curiam proximo sequentem, quos invenit culpabiles per judicium dampnat, et inculpabiles salvat, etc. Item, si aliquid domino regi subtractum fuerit de jure suo, etc., dicunt quod iiij car. terrae in Burton.' dare, S. f tenentur, S. g et prisonibus, S. h Some words are omitted here. i duas, S. L 2 INQUISITIONESa FEODORUM IN RICHEMONDSHIRE FACTIE CORAM JOHANNE DE KIRKBY, THESAURARIO DOMINI EDWARDI, FILII REGIS HENRICI, ANNO REGNI EJUSDEM REGIS EDWARDI XVO, UT PATET IN ROTULO FEODORUM EJUSDEM ANNI IN COMITATU EBOR., ET IN BAGA DE FEODIS IN CUSTODIA REMEMORATORIS THESAURARII EXISTENTE IN EBOR.b (MSS. Cotton, Faust. B. vii., fo. 90 a.) [WAPENTAGIUM DE HANG.] CATERIK. Johannes de Britannia tenet eandem villam de domino rege; sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitione praedicta.d BAYNEBRIG. Idem Johannes tenet eandem villam de rege in capite; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio, etc.]" HORNEBY. Suntf ibidem sex car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feodum unius militis: de quibus Robertus de Lascelles tenet ij car. terrse, Petrus de Crakall ij car., Ricardus de Barton j car., Thomas filius Thomme de Otrington j car. de Edmundo Fyton, et idem Edmundus de haeredibus de Thorneton Stiward, et iidem haeredes de Johanne de Britannia, et idem Johannes de rege; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, nec aliquid redd. ad finemr praedictum.]s a The text of the Inquest for the whole of Richmondshire is derived from the original Register of the Honor of Richmond, a beautiful manuscript of the early part of the fifteenth century, now among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum. The Register, as is well known, has already been printed by the learned Gale (Registrum Honoris de Richmond. Folio. Lond., 1722); but that portion of his text which comprises Kirkby's Inquest has some inaccuracies and omissions. These, with various readings from the A. B. and Y. MSS., will be found recorded in the following notes. b A. B. and Y. omit this title. c Wapentagium de Hang, A. B. Y. The Register has " Incipiunt feoda de Hang West" erroneously, as the wapentakes of East and West Hang are mixed up indiscriminately. d inquisitionibus prsedictis, A. B. Y. e sed per quod servitium non fit mentio, etc., A..f The entries in MSS. A. B. and Y, generally commence "In eadem villa sunt." g sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus prsedictis, nec aliquid redd. ad finem praedictum, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 149 MAGNA APPILTON ET PARVA APPILTON. Sunt in eisdem villis vij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: quarum Abbas Beatae Marine Ebor. tenet ij bov. terrae in puram elemosinam a tempore quo non extat memoria; et Abbas de Jorevalle tenet di. car. in elemosinam a tempore regis Henrici, de hmeredibus Thomae de Burgo; et residuum tenetur de eisdem haeredibus, et iidem heredes de Johanne de Britannia, et Johannes de rege; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis.j] HAKFORD. Sunt ibidem iiji car. terrae: de quibus Robertus de Hakford tenet vijk bov. terrae de haeredibus Thomae de Burgo; et iidem haeredes tenent residuum de Johanne de Britannia, et idem Johannes de rege [in capite; sed per quod servitium non fit mentio; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.].' ASKERIGG. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, unde xiiij faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Ranulphus filius Ranulphi tenet j car. terrae de Henrico de la Wodhall, et idem Henricus de Hugone filio Henrici,'/ et idem Hugo de Comite Richmundiae, et Comes de rege in capite; et Willelmus Banastre tenet unam car. terrae, et Abbas de. Jorevalle tenet j car. et di., et Willelmus Toke di. car. terrae, et Petrus Grossetest j car. terrae, et Thomas de Thorneton j car. de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo de Sibilla de Thorneton Stiward, et dicta Sibilla de, Comite Richmundiae, et Comes de rege [in capite]. Et reddit villa praedicta ad finem praedictum vs. vjd. HOLTBY ET AYNDERBY.P Sunt ibidem ix car. terrae, et faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Willelmus de Holtby tenet iiij car. terrae et di. de Henrico de Ripon, et Henricus de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege [in capite]; et residuum teneturq de Roberto de Aynderby de eodem Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit servitium.]r KIRKBY? ET FLETEHAM. Sunt ibidem ix car. terra, undet (blank) faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Nicholaus de Sta" East and West Appleton, in the parish of Catterick. sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, A. B. Y. J iiij car., Y. k vj bov., Y. I in capite; sed per quod servitium non fit mentio; unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., A. B. Y., Hugh Fitz Henry, lord of Ravensworth, died in the first week of Lent, 33rd Edward I., leaving Henry his son and heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 697). n Johanne de Britannia, et idem Johannes de rege, A. B. Y., and so throughout these MSS. o in capite, A. B. Y. P Ainderby Myers, a farm in the township of Ainderby-Myers-with-Holtby, and parish of Hornby. q tenet Robertus, A. B. Y. r Et nullum fit servitium, A. B. Y. * The vill of Kirkby has disappeared. Kirkby Hall, near the parish church of St. Mary, about one mile north of Kirkby Fleetham, probably occupies its site.' et faciunt, Y. 150 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. pilton tenet iij car. terrae de Willelmo Giffard, et idem Willelmus tenet j car. terra de Johanne de Britannia Comite Richemundise, et idem Comes de rege; et Priorissa de Marrig tenet ix bov. terrae in puram elemosinam a tempore quo non extat memoria; et eadem Priorissa tenet similiter duas bov. terrae de Henrico filio Conani;U et idem Henricus tenet ij car. et j bov. terrse, et praedicta Priorissa tenet ij bov. de Johanne Colman, et idem Johannes tenet ij car. et vj bov. terrae de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. THORNETON RUST. Sunt ibidem sex car. terrae, unde xviij, etc.; quarum una car. tenetur de haeredibus Willelmi de Ridmer, et di. car. et v bov. terrae tenentur de Thoma Tempersnape, et idem Thomas de Roberto de Tatersale,w et idem Robertus de Sibilla de Thorneton Stiward, et eadem Sibilla de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium.]'z WEST BOLTON ET PARVA BOLTON.Y Sunt in eisdem villis vj car. terrae et di. quae faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Henricus de Bothis et Elena de Bolton tenent ij bov. terrae de Magistro Sancti Leonardi, et idem Magister de Willelmo de Preston in puram elemosinam, [a tempore, etc.]; et idem Willelmus tenet iij car. terrae de Maria de Neville,a et eadem Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Willelmus Scrop tenet iij car. terrae de Cecilia de Herneby, et eadem Cecilia de Roaldob filio Roaldi, et idem Roaldus de Maria de Neville, et [eadem] Maria de Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege. [Et nihil reddit, etc.]d AYKESCARTH. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, et faciunt iiijtam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Rogerus Oysell tenet j car. et di. de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de Thoma de Burgo, et Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Ranulphus filius " His grandfather, Henry Fitz Conan, had a charter of free warren in Liverton, Kelfield, and Fleetham in the 55th Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 103). " faciunt feod. milit., A. B.Y. w Robert de Tatersale, son and heir of Robert de Tatersale, who died in 1273 (Cal. Gen., i., 194), married Joan, daughter and co-heiress of Ralph Fitz Ranulph, lord of Middleham, by whom he had a son Robert, who was found to be his heir, and of full age, in the 26th Edward I. (Ibid., ii., 557). See p. 162, postea. X Et nullumr fit inde servitium, A. B. Y. The next entry in these MSS. is Thoraldeby. y West Bolton, in the parish of Aysgarth, and Castle Bolton, in the parish of Wensley. " a tempore, etc., A. B. Y. a The well-known "Mary of Middleham," widow of Robert de Neville of Raby, and eldest daughter and co-heiress of the above Ralph Fitz Ranulph, lord of Middleham. b Roald de Burton, constable of Richmond (Reg. Hon. de Richm., aplud Gale, 229). c eadem, A. B. Y. d Et nihil reddit, etc., A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 151 Ranulphi tenet j car. terrme de Nicholao [de]e Gertheston,f et idem Nicholaus de [dicto]s Thoma de Burgo, et [idem] h Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Rogerus Oysell tenet ij bov. de dicto Nicholao, et idem Nicholaus de [dicto]i Thoma, et idem Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege: Hugo de Kirkby tenet ij bov. terrae de Thoma de Burgo, et [idem] Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege. THORESBY. Sunt in eadem villa tres car. terrm, et faciunt quintamj partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Petrus filius Hugonis tenet duas car. terrse et sex bov. terrse de Willelmo filio Nicholai [de] Ebor.,k et haeredes ejusdem Willelmi de haeredibus de Thornton Stiward, et iidem hseredes de Comite Richmundime, et Comes de rege; et Hugo de Thoresby tenet de Petro de eadem duas bov. terrae, et idem Petrus de haeredibus de Thorneton Stiward, et iidem heeredes de Comite, et Comes de rege. PRESTON. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, et faciunt quintam partem unius feodi milit.: de quibus Thomas de Preston tenet j car. terrae et di. de Willelmo de Preston, et idem Willelmus de Briano filio Briani et Hugone filio Henrici per sequales portiones, et praedicti Brianus et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. BURTON IN BISCHOPDALE. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae quae faciunt di. feod. milit.; de quibus Robertus de Tatersale tenet xiiij bov. terrze de Johanne Comite Richmundiae; et Magister Templi tenet ij bov. terrae de eodem Roberto, et idem Robertus de praedicto Comite; Adam filius Galfridi tenet j car. de Thoma de Burgo; Rogerus Oysell di. car. de eodem Thoma: Johannes Bigot tenet iij bov. de Galfrido de Scot, et idem Galfridus de eodem Thoma; et Thomas Totty tenet ij bov. terrae de haeredibus Willelmi lel Bulure, et iidem heredes de haeredibus Thomme de Burgo; et Hugo de Kirkby tenet ij bov. terrae de haeredibus praedicti Willelmi; [et]m Robertus de Tatersale tenet j car. terrme de Roberto de Ramyt," et idem Robertus de haeredibus praedicti Willelmi le Bulur,~ et iidem haeredes de dicto Thoma de Burgo; et Michael de Harcla tenet tres bov. terrme de haeredibus ejusdem Thomae, et idem Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege. e de, A. B. Y. f Nicholas, son of Robert de Gerdiston (Garriston), confirmed a grant of land in Hunton to the nuns of Marrick in 1266 (Coll. Top. et Gen., v., 119). g dicto, Y. h idem, A. B. Y. dicto, B. Y. J quartam, A. k Some account of this family has been given at p. 20. de Bulmer, B. I' et, A. B. " Runt, B. Raunt, Y. ~ le Bulmer, B. 152 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. EST BOLTON.P Sunt ibidem tres car. terrae, et faciunt vjtam partem unius feodi milit.: de quibus Willelmus de Scrop tenet medietatem de Johanne Comite Richemundiae; et aliam medietatem tenet Willelmus de Scrope de Ranulpho filio Ranulphi, et idem Ranulphus de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de haeredibus de Thorneton Styward, et iidem hleredes de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio, etc.] RIDMER. Sunt ibidem quinque car. terrwe quae faciunt tertiam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus iij car. et di. tenentur de Maria de Neville; et haeredes Alanir de Walkyngham tenent de Abbate de Jorevalle j car. terrae, et idem Abbas de Waltero de Eggesclyf, et idem Walterus de Comite, et Comes de rege. ILKETON.S Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae quae tehentur de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo tenet de Johanne de Wawton,t et idem Johannes de Rogero [de]U Moubray, et [idem]" Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, nec aliquid redd., etc.] SWYNTON. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, unde xij faciunt, etc.; quarum iiijx car. tenentur de Radulpho de Normanvill; et idem Xladulphus tenet residuum de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo de Johanne de Wawton, et Johannes de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, nec aliquod fit inde servitium.] HELHE ET SUTTON. Sunt ibidem in eisdem villis quinque car. terrae quae tenentur de Johanne de Wanton, et idem Johannes de Rogero [de]" Moubray, et [idem]" Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil reddit.]z P Low Bolton, near Redmire, in the parish of Wensley. * sed per quod servitium non fit mentio, etc., A. B. Y. Alan de Walkingham, son and heir of Sir John de Walkingham, by Agnes, daughter of Alan de Staveley, married Eva, daughter of Sir Adam de Boltby. His Inq. p. m. was taken in the 12th Edward I., his son Adam being his next heir (Cal. Gen., i., 347). s Ilton, in the parish of Masham. t Sir John de Wanton, son and heir of Sir John de Wanton, lord of Mashamshire, died in 1297 (Fisher's Mashamshire, 220). By an Inq. p. m., taken 32nd Edward I., his daughter Joan was found to be his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 660). The proof of age of "Johanna, uxor Hugonis de Hepham, filia et haeres Johannis de Wanton," was taken Jan. 21st, 34th Edward I., when " Galfridus Le Lord de Pykenham Wade (co. Norfolk), dicit quod dicta Johanna, filia et hseres praedicti Johannis de Wanton, nata apud Pykenham Wade et in ecclesia ejusdem ville baptizata fuit in supervigilia Sancti Bartholomei anno regni regis Edwardi decimo octavo" (Ibid., ii., 704). u de, A. B.Y. v idem, A. B. Y. " Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus prsedictis, nec aliquid redd., etc., Y., and nearly the same in A. and B. ij car., A., B. y Et nihil redd. ad finem prsedictum, nec aliquod fit inde servitium, Y., and similar in A. and B. " Et nihil reddit, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 153 ELYNSTRYNGE. Est ibidem j car. terr.e: de qua Abbas de Jorevalle tenet j bov. terrae de Waltero le Latryn',a et idem Walterus tenet eandem bov. et iijb alias bov. de Johanne de Wauton; et idem Johannes tenet residuum de Rogero [de]C Moubray, et idem Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd. ad finem prmedictum.]d ELYNGTON. Sunt ibidem vj car. terr'e: quarum iij car. tenentur de Johanne de Wawton; [et]e Abbas de Jorevalle AcLet similiter de eodem Johanne, et reddit per annum xs.; et idem Johannes [tenet]f de Rogero [de]C Moubray, et idem s1Togerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. MASHAM ET PARVA BURTON.g Sunt in eisdem villis xxvij car. terrae, et respondent pro uno feodo milit. Item sunt ibi vj car. terrae; de quibus Magister Militiae Templi in Anglia tenet ij bov. terrae in puram elemosinam; et residuum tenetur deh Johanne de Wawton, et idem Johannes de Rogero [de] c Moubray, et idem Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis.]i FEGHERBY.J Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae: de quibus Elias de Fetherby tenet ij car. de Johanne de Wauton, unde ix car. faciunt feod. unius milit., et idem Johannes de Aviciak Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege. Item praedictus Elias tenet jI car. terrae de Gilberto de Clifton, et idem Gilbertus de haeredibus de Thornton Stiward, et iidem heredes de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. xs.: sed utrum reddi debet ad finem wapentagii vel ad auxilium vicecomitis non fit mentio in inquisitionibus [praedictis]. BURTON SUPER YORE.n Sunt ibidem iiijo car. terrae, unde xiiij, etc., quas Ricardus de Magna Burton tenet de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd.]P CLYFTON.q Gilbertus de Clifton tenet iij car. terrae de Roberto de Tatersale, et Robertus de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd.]p a Lambard, Y. Launde, A. B. b iiijor Y. c de, A. B. Y. d Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, A. B. Y. e et, A. B. Y. f tenet, Y. g Low Burton, near Masham. a Johanne, Gale. i Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, B. Y. i Fearby, in the parish of Masham. k For some account of Avice Marmion, see West Tanfield. ij car., Y. m prsedictis, Y. " Called Great Burton-upon-the-Yore in 1475, and now High Burton. " iij car., Y. P Et nihil redd., A. B. Y. q Clifton-upon-Ure, a township in the parish of Thornton Watlas. It is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum. 154 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. THIRNE. Sunt ibidem tres car. terrae et di., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Ricardus der Staynlay tenet j car. terrae de Gilberto de Clifton; et idem Gilbertus tenet residuas ij car. de Roberto de Tatersale, et Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo, etc.]s THORNETON ET WATLOUS.t Sunt in eisdem villis ix car. terrae et di., unde xiju faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Herveus de Watlous tenet iiijor car. terrae et ij bov. terrse de Roberto de Tatersale; et Petrus de Thoresby tenet quinque car. et ij bcw.terrae de eodem Roberto, et idem Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium, etc.]~ BEDALE ET FRETHBY.W Sunt ibidem vij car. terrae, quarum ij car. et di. et xij bov. tenentur de Briano filio Alani; et idem Brianus tenet residuum de Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio, etc.]I KERPERBY. Sunt ibidem ix car. terrae, qune faciunt quartam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Petrus filius Hugonis de Thoresby tenet xviij bov. terrae de Avicia Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege; et Elena domina de Kerperby tenet totum residuum de Rogero de Lascelles, et idem Rogerus de Roaldo filio Roaldi, et idem Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, nec aliquod fit inde servitium.]y MIDELHAM. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, que faciunt quartam partem feodi unius milit.; et tenet eas Maria dez Nevill de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil reddit.]a CARLETON ET' COVERDALE. Sunt ibidem in eadem villa v car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus j car. [et]c ij bov. terre tenentur de Maria de Neville; et eadem Maria tenet eas et residuas iij car. et vj bov. terrae de Comite, et Comes de rege. COVERHAM. Sunt in eadem villa iiij car. terrae, quae faciunt tertiam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Stephanus de Coverham tenet ij car. terre de Comite Richemundiae; et Abbas de Coverham tenet de praedicto Stephano j car. et di.; et idem Stephanus tenet di. car. de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria rGale omits de. ~ Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo, etc., A. B. Y. t The vill of Watlous, the Wadles of Domesday Book, has now disappeared. "xiiij, A. " Et nullum fit inde servitium, etc., A. B. Y. F irby, a small village and township one mile south of Bedale. " Sed per quod servitium non fit mentio, etc., A. B. Y. y Et nihil redd. ad finem prredictum, nec aliquod fit inde servitium, A. B. Y Gale omits de. a Et nihil reddit, A. B. Y. Carleton in Coverdale, A. B. This is, no doubt, the correct reading. et, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 155 de Roaldo filio Roaldi, et idem Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. CALDEBERGH ET PARVA SCRAFTON.d Sunt ibidem iiij car. terrwe, qum faciunt iijtiam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Stephanus de Coverhame tenet j car. et iij bov. terrae de Maria de Neville; et Rogerus filius Roberti tenet quinque bov. terrae de eodem Stephano, et idem Stephanus de [praedicta]f Maria de Neville; et eadem Maria tenet totum praedictum tenementum de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. WEST SCRAFTON. Est ibidem una car. terrae, quam Abbas de Coverham tenet de Ranulpho filio Ranulphi, et idem Ranulphus de Comite Richemundie, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, nec fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus prmedictis.]s AKELTHORP. Sunt ibidem iij car. terre, quse faciunt iiijtam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Willelmus [de] h Midilton tenet medietatem de Willelmo de Ebor., et idem Willelmus de Roberto de Tatersale; et Willelmus filius Walteri tenet aliam medietatem de eodem Roberto. Et totum praedictum tenementum tenetur de Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes illud tenet de rege. WEST WITTON ET SWYNYTHWAITE. Sunt in eisdem villis vj car. terrae, qume faciunt di. feod. milit., que tenentur de Roberto de Tatersale, et idem Robertus tenet eas de [pruedicto]i Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum.]i MELMORBY.k Sunt ibi ij car. terrae et di., unde xij, etc., qum tenentur de [praedicta] Maria de Nevill, et eadem Maria eas tenet de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd., nec ullum fit inde servitium, etc.] EST WITTON. Sunt ibidem in eadem villa vj car. terrae, qume faciunt di. feod. milit.: de quibus Abbas de Jorevalle tenet quinque car. terrae, et reddit regi per ann. xx li.; et Brianus filius Alani tenet unam car. terrae de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. HOTON HANG. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, quae faciunt di. d East Scrafton, a hamlet half a mile S.W. of Caldbergh. e Stephen de Coverham had a charter of free warren in "Caudeberg et Scrafton" in the 55th Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 99). f prsedicta, A. B. Y. g Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, nec fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, A. B. Y. h de, A. B. Y.' prsedicto, A. B. Y. i Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, A. B. Y. k In MSS. A. B. and Y. Melmorby precedes Akelthorpe, which is followed by Est Witton. I praedicta, A. B. Y. " Et nihil redd., nec ullum fit inde servitium, etc., A. B. Y. 156 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. feod. milit.: de quibus Abbas de Jorevalle tenet iij car. terrae etn di. de Comite Richemundiae; et Walterus Eggeliscliff tenet vj bov. terrae de eodem Abbate, et idem Abbas de praedicto Comite; et predictus Walteruso tenet j car. terrae de eodem Comite; et Walterus filius Alani tenet di. car. de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, etc.]P THORNETON STIWARD.q Sunt ibidem v car. et v bov. terrae, unde xiiij faciunt feod. [milit.]:r quarum una car. et v bov. tenentur de Sibilla de Thorneton; et Johannes de Saperton tenet iiij~r bov. terrae de Johanne de Haseby, et idem Johannes de haeredibus Ricardi de Layburn, et iidem haeredes de praedicta Sibilla, et eadem Sibilla de Comite Richemundie, et Comes de rege. FYNKALL. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, et faciunt di. feod. milit.: de quibus ecclesia dotata est de una car. terrae; et Abbas de Jorevalle tenet ij car. terrae de Comite Richemundiae; et idem Abbas tenet alias ij car. terrae de Johanne let Breton, et idem Johannes de Comite Richemundiae. Item, idem Abbas tenet j car. terrae de Briano filio Alani, et idem Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd., etc.]u BURTON CONSTABLE. Sunt ibidem xij car. terrme; de quibus Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet ij bov. terre, et Magister Sancti Leonardi tenet alias ij bov. terrae in puram elemosinam de Roaldo filio Roaldi; et idem Roaldusv tenet residuum de Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. EST HAUKESWELL. Sunt in eadem villa vj car. terrae, quarum iiijor sunt de feodo Mariae de Neville, et faciunt tertiam partem feodi unius milit.; et ij car. sunt de feodo let Butiller, et faciunt vjtam partem feodi unius milit.; de quibus di. car. et ij bov. terrae tenentur de Waltero de Eglisclyff,w et idem Walterus tenet residuum de praedicto feodo le Butiller de Comite Richemundime, et idem Comes de rege; et haeredes Ricardi de Rybof A. omits et di. o Willelmus, A. B. P Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, etc., A. B. Y. q Dr. Whitaker was of opinion " that this place acquired its distinctive appellation of Steward from some of the seneschals of the earls of Richmond" (Hist. Richnmondshire, i., 368). r milit., A. B. Y. Gale omits terrae. t de, Gale. " Et nihil redd., etc., A. B. Y. " His son, Thomas de Richmond, was returned lord of Burton Constable in the 9th Edward II., and in the following reign sold that manor to Henry, lord Scrope, of Bolton. Isabella, sister and heir to Roald de Richmond, and daughter of the above Thomas, married Nicholas, second baron Stapleton of Carleton, and was buried at Drax. " Son of Robert de Egglescliffe. By his wife Emma he had a son Robert (Whitaker's Richmondshire, i., 112), who was certified lord of Hauxwell in 1316. WAPENTAK(E OF HANG, N. R. 157 tenent vj bov. terrae, et Abbas de Coverham tenet di. car. de Maria de Neville; et una car. et di. et x bov. terrse tenentur de Herveio de Watlous, et idem Herveus de [praedicta]x Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege. MAGNA FENCOTES ET PARVA FENCOTES. Sunt ibidem ix car. terrae, quse faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Magister Militise Templi in Anglia tenet di. car. in puram elemosinam, [a tempore quo non extat memoria];Y et Willelmus de Holtby tenet iij car. et di. de Alano le Fraunceys; et idem Alanus tenet residuas v car. terrse de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo de Henrico filio Conani, et Henricus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium.]SCORUETON. Sunt ibidem xij car. [terrae],a quae faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus ecclesia dotata est de j car. terrne; et Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet ij bov. terrze; et Abbas Jorevallis tenetb j bov. terrae et ix acras prati, et Magister Militiae Templi in Anglia tenet (blank) in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, [a tempore quo non extat memoria]; et residuum tenet Rogerus de Lascelles de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. WALBURN. Sunt in eadem villa vd car. terrae: quarum di. car. et vije bov. terrae tenentur de haeredibus de Thornton; et una car. tenetur de domina de Leyburne, et eadem domina tenet de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de heredibus de Thornton; et Walterus filius Abrahae tenet iij bov. de haeredibus Ricardi de Leyburn, et iidem haeredes de praedictis haeredibus de Thornton: Robertus de Hertford tenet vj bov. de Wymero de Walburn, et idem Wymerus tenet easdem vj bov. cum iiij bov. de praedictis haeredibus de Thornton, et iidem heredes de Comite Richemundise, et Comes de rege: et Abbas de Coverham tenet iij bov., et Abbas Jorevallis ij bov., et Priorissa de Ellerton ij bov. in elemosinam; [sed a quo et per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus przedictis:]f et Magister Militiae Templi tenet j bov,; sed a quo et per quod servitium non fit mentio, [etc., nec aliquid reddit.]9 1 praedicta, A. B. Y. v a tempore quo non extat memoria, A. B. Y. Et nullum fit inde servitium, A. B. Y, a terrae, A. B. Y. ^ Gale omits tenet. c a tempore quo non extat memoria, A. B. Y. d vj car., A. B. Y. e vj bov., B. f sed a quo et per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus predictis, A. B. Y. s etc., nec aliquid reddit, Y. et nihil redd., etc., B. 158 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. WENDESLEY ET ULVESHOWE.k Sunt ibidem ix car. terree, qua faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus una car. et di. et v bov. terrae tenentur de Nicholao de Wendesley; et idem Nicholaus tenet unam car. et v bov. terrmei de Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege; et iij car. et xiiij bov. tenentur de praedicto Comite, et Comes de rege. LAYBURNE. Sunt ibidem vij car. terrae, unde xiiij, etc.: quarum iiij bov. tenentur de Willelmo de Layburn, et idem Willelmus de haeredibus de Thornton Stiward, et iidem haeredes de Comite Richemundiae; et xiiij bov. tenentur de eisdem haeredibus, et iidem haeredes de praedicto Comite; et Cecilia de Layburn, Alicia, Isabella, et Agnes tenent j car. terrae de Johanne de Aldburgh, et idem Johannes de przedictis haeredibus, ut supra; et eadem Cecilia, Alicia, Isabella, et Agnes tenent vj bov. terrae de Maria de Nevill, et [eadem]j Maria de [predictis] k haeredibus de Thornton, et haeredes de Thornton de Comite, et Comes de rege; [et]l Ricardus de Wodyngton tenet ij car. terrae, et haeredes Ricardi de Rybof tenent di. car.; sed non dicitur de quo, nec per quod servitium. HERNEBY. Sunt ibidem ix car. terrae, unde xiiij, etc.: quarum ij car. et v bov. terrae tenentur de Willelmo de Leyburn; et Thomas de Riswik tenet j bov. de Abbate Jorevallis, et idem Abbas de dicto Willelboo; et idem Willelmus tenet j car. terrae et vj bov. terre, una cum predictis tenementis, de Roberto de Furneux, et idem Robertus de haeredibus de Thornton, et iidem haeredes de Comite, et Comes de rege: et ij car. terrae et di. et v bov. terrae tenentur de Waltero Gill; et idem Walterus tenet j car. et iij bov. terrae de haredibus Thome de Stochale, et iidem haeredes de Roberto de Fourneus, et idem Robertus de praedictis haredibus de Thornton, et iidem heredes de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis.]n GRYNTON. Est ibidem una car. terrae, quam Prior de Bridlyngton tenet in puram elemosinam de antecessoribus Gilberti de Gaunt; et nullum fit inde servitium, [ut supra.]' STAYNTON. Sunt ibidem iijo car. terrae, quae faciunt iiijtam partem feodi unius milit.: de quibus Willelmus de Staynton tenet j car. de Roberto de Hertford; et [idem]P Robertus tenet eandem car. et residuas ij car. de Wichardo de Charroun, et h The vill of Ulveshowe has disappeared. It stood, probably, not far from Ulshaw Bridge, near Middleham, and about three miles and a half E.S.E. of Wensley. i v bov. terrae et di., Y. i eadem, A. B. Y. k praedictis, A. B. Y.' et, A. B.'" Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, A. B. Y. n ut supra, A. B. o 6 car., Gale. P idem, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 159 idem Wichardus de Comite, et Comes de rege, quse faciunt di. feod. milit. SPENYTHORNE. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, quae faciunt di. feod. milit.: de quibus ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae; et ij bov. terrae tenentur de Thoma filio Johannis de Spenythorne, et idem Thomas de Ranulpho filio Ranulphi; et j car. et xiiij bov. terrae tenentur de pruedicto Ranulpho filio Ranulphi; et idem Ranulphus tenet ij car. terrae et di., una cum tenementis praedictis, de Maria de Nevill, et eadem Maria de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. BERDENE. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, quae faciunt iiijtam partem feodi unius milit.: quarum persona de Haukeswell tenet ij bov. terrae in puram elemosinam, et nihil reddit: Robertus filius Mathei tenet ij bov. terrae de Roberto de Rand, et idem Robertus de Waltero de Eggesclyff; et Alanus Hawys tenet ij bov. terrae, et Thomas filius Thome tenet alias ij bov. terrae de eodem Waltero; q et idem Walterus tenet xiiij bov. terrae, una cum praedictis tenementis, de Comite; et Edmundus de Killom tenet similiter ij bov. terrae de eodem Comite, et idem Comes de rege; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus.] r DANBY. Sunt ibidern v car. terrae, unde xij etc.: de quibus Ricardus de Charroun tenet tertiam partem ejusdem villae, excepta j acras et di. terrae; et Edmundus de Killom tenet duas partes praedictae villae de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. WELLE, NOSTERFELD ET FAGHERWALDE.t Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, quae faciunt di. feod. milit.: de quibus Robertus de Tatersall tenet v car. terrae in dominico de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege; et Maria de Neville tenet Fagherwald pro una car. terrae de eodem Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil reddit.] u PATRIK BROMPTON. Sunt ibidem xij car. terrae, qua faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Alicia Plays tenet in dominico v car. terrae de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de Rege: Reginaldus de Lyns et Ricardus filius ejus tenent iiij car. terrae et di. de haeredibus de Horneby, et iidem heredes de Edmundo Fyton, et idem Edmunq Willelmo, A. B. r sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus, A. B. Y. * caruc. et di., A. t Fatherwald, A. B. Y. This place has disappeared. It is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum. Gale says, " extitit villa [de Fagherwalde] inter Welle et Cathorpe tempore Edwardi III. cum findaretur hospitale de Welle, prout ex chartis ejus apparet, et vestigiis aedificiorum, quse nomen in agris, Fairwood Fields, etiamnum retinent" (Reg. Honor. de Richm., 245). Carthorpe is two and a half miles E.N.E. of Well. " Et nihil reddit, A. B. Y. 160 KIRKBY)S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. dus de haeredibus de Thorneton Styward, et iidem hmredes de Comite, et Comes de rege; et una car. tenetur de Roberto de Tatersale, et idem Robertus de Waltero de Berdenev et Walterus de Comite, et Comes de rege: Ricardus de Lyns tenet ij bov. de Roberto de Lacelles, et idem Robertus de praedicto Waltero, et idem Walterus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Michael de Berehebyw tenet ij bov. de eodem Waltero, et idem Walterus de Comite, et idem Comes de rege; et Elias de Fereby tenet j car. terrae de Avicia Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil reddit ad finem.]o NEUTON ET RYSEWIK. Sunt in eisdem villis xij car. terrae, quae faciunt feod. unius milit.: quarum j car. et di. et vj bov. terrae tenentur de Roberto Tortemayns; et idem Robertus tenet in dominico unam car. et ij bov. terrae, una cum tenementis praedictis, de Roberto de Tatersale, et Robertus de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege; et di. car. et iiij bov. terrae tenentur de Ricardo de la Chaumber; et idem Ricardus tenet in dominico j car. et ij bov. terrae de haeredibus Thomae de Burgo, et iidem haeredes de Comite Richemundise, et Comes de rege; et una car. terrae tenetur de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege; et j car. terrme et di. tenetur de heredibus Thomae de Burgo, et praedicti haeredes de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Abbas de Jorevalle tenet Rysewik pro iij car. terrae de Nicholao de Gertheston, et idem Nicholaus de praedictis haeredibus Thomae de Burgo, et iidem haeredes de Comite, et Comes de rege. HESILTON. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, quae faciunt di. feod. milit.: quarum di. car. et iiij bov. terrae tenentur de Briano filio Alani, et idem Brianus de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege; et Abbas Jorevallis tenet ij car. de Roaldo filio Roaldi in puram elemosinam, et idem Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Elias deY Hesilton tenet di. car. de Petro de Crakhall, et idem Petrus de dicto Briano, ut supra. Item idem Elias tenet ij bov. terrae de Priorissa de Marrigg in elemosinam, et eadem Priorissa de Elia de Wynderhill, et idem Elias de Petro de Crakall praedicto, et Petrus de Briano, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege; [et Elias de Hesilton tenet ij bov. terrae de praedicto Elya de Winderhyll, et idem Elyas de praedicto Petro, ut supra;]Z et Elias de Hesilton tenet duas bov. terrae de, Bred', Y. Berd', A. B. " Borrowby, in the parish of Leake. See p. 100. ~ Et nihil reddit ad finem, A. B. Y. Y Gale omits de. z et Elias de Hesilton tenet ij bov. terrae de praedicto Elya de Winderhyll, et idem Elyas de prsedicto Petro, ut supra, A. B. Y. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 161 Willelmo de Merkyngton, et idem Willelmus de praedicto Briano, et idem Brianus de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, ut supra.]a HUNTON, GERTHESTONb ET ERETHORNE. Sunt in eisdem villis xiiij car. terrne, unde xij, etc.: quarum ij car. et vij bov. terrae tenentur de Johanne de Hunton; et idem Johannes tenet iij car. et v bov. terrae de Hugone filio Henrici, et idem Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege; et residuum tenetur de feodo diversorum, sicut continetur plenius in inquisitionibus prEedictis. [Et nullum fit inde servitium, ut supra.]c SNAPE. Sunt ibidem v car. terrae, unde xij, etc.; quarum una car. tenetur de Maria de Neville; et eadem Maria tenet residuum de Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium.]d THORP PIRROWE. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.; et Helwisia de Pirrowe tenet eas in dominico de Roberto de Tatersale per servitium militare, et idem Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. AYSCOUGH ET LEMYNGE.e Sunt in eisdem villis vij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Magister Militiae Templi in Anglia tenet j bov. terrae in puram elemosinam de Hugone filio Henrici; et iij car. tenentur de eodem Hugone per servitium militare; et idem Hugo tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege. HIPPESWELLE. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.; de quibus Radulphus de Brantyng tenet ij partes unius car. de Alano de Caber,f et reddit per ann. pro omni servitio di. marc.; et iiij bov. terrae tenentur de eodem Alano; et idem Alanus tenet residuum de Avicia Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de [predicto]g Roaldo, et [idem] Roaldus de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. COLBURNE. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, quae faciunt quartam partem feodi unius milit.: quarum iiji car. terrae tenentur de Johanne Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes tenet eas de rege; et residuum tenetur de Henrico de Ripon, et idem Henricus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium, ut supra.]i " Et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, ut supra, A. B. Y. b Garriston, in the parish of Hawxwell.' Et nullum fit inde servitium, ut supra, A. B. Y. * Et nullum fit inde servitium, A. B. Y. e Little Leeming, olim Lemingford, in the parish of Bedale. The great Roman road leading from Isurium to Cataractonium crossed Leeming Beck at this point. f Kabergh, Y. praedicto, A. B. Y. A idem, A. B. Y. iiij car., Y. i Et nullum fit inde servitium, ut supra, A. B. Y. M 162 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. BURGH. Sunt ibidem vij car. terre, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Abbas Jorevallis tenet j car. terrse in puram elemosinam, a tempore regis Johannis, de Avicia Marmyon; et residuum tenetur de feod. diversorum, sicut plenius continetur in inquisitionibus praedictis; quse quidem feoda tenentur de Roaldo prmedicto, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. BORELL ET THORNTONk COLLYNGE. Sunt ibidem x car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus ecclesia de Bedale dotata est de ij bov. terrae; et Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet j bov. terrae similiter in puram elemosinam; et residuum tenetur de feod. diversorum, qui tenent de Briano filio Alani, et idem Brianus de Maria de Neville, et eadem Maria de Roberto de Mousters, et idem Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. PARVA CRAKEHALL. Sunt ibidem v car. terrae, unde xij, etc., quwe tenentur de feod. diversorum, qui tenent de Johanne de Britannia Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege. [Et nullum fit inde servitium, etc.] MAGNA CRAKEHALL ET RANDE.m1 Sunt ibidem iiij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Robertus de Rande tenet unam di. car., et Gilbertus filius Hawisiae tenet aliam di. car. de Roberto de Tatersale; et idem Robertus tenet residuum de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum.] n THORALDEBY.~ Sunt ibidem ix car. terrae, unde xiij faciunt feod. unius milit.: de quibus Rogerus Oysell tenet di. car. de Roberto de Tatersale;P et idem Robertus tenet viij car. terrae et di. de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil k Now called Cowling only,-a hamlet in the township of Burrill-cumCowling, and parish of Bedale. At the date of the Domesday Survey there were five carucates in Borel, and four in Torneton. According to Gale (Reg. Hon. de Richmond, pp. 25, 240), Thornton Collynge was called Southorneton (South Thorneton) in the 30th Henry II. This is somewhat singular, as Cowling and Burrill are due north of Thornton-Watlas, and east-by-north of ThorntonSteward. I Et nullum fit inde servitium, etc., A. B. " Rands Grange, a small township near Bedale. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, A. B. Y. " See page 150, note x. P In the Inq. p. m. of Robert de Tatersale, senior, taken in the 26th Edward I., the jurors say, " quoad praedicta maneria de Welle, Crakehale et Thoraldeby cum suis membris et pertinentiis, quod praedictus Robertus de Tateshale nihil habuit nec tenuit in eisdem maneriis die quo obiit nisi tantum ratione Johannae, filime Radulphi filii Radulphi, uxoris ipsius Roberti, que quidem maneria de Welle, Crakehale et Thoraldeby:eidem Johannae in propartem suam sibi contingentem de haereditate quse fuit praedicti Radulphi dudum post mortem ejusdem Radulphi jure haereditario descendebant et assignebantur tanquam uni filiarum et haeredum ipsius Radulphi. Et dicunt quod idem Robertus et Johanna uxor ejus, quse adhuc superstes est, tenuerunt eadem maneria conjunctim in forma praedicta de Johanne de Britannia ut de-honore castri sui de Richemond " (Cal. Gen., ii., 557) WAPENTAKE OF HANG, N. R. 163 redd. ad finer praedictum, nec aliud fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis.]q HUDDESWELL. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, unde xij etc.; de quibus Abbas Sanctme Marine Ebor tenet viij bov. terrae in dominico de Comite Richemundiae. DE TERRIS IN LIBERTATE BEATIE MARIE EBOR. IN EODEM WAPENTAGIO. Sunt in eodem wapentagio de Hang villa de Munkeby,r quam Abbas Beatae Mariae de Ebor. tenet in dominico; villa de Langthorne,8 quam Robertus de Lascelles tenet de dicto Abbate. In villa de Scotton sunt iiijor car.; quarum dominus de Latymer tenet ij car., et Johannes de Steyngreve ij car. de dicto Abbate. In villa de Catrik ij car. terrae, quas Abbas tenet in dominico. In villa de Scurueton ij bov. terrae, quas Abbas tenet in dominico. In villa de Huddeswelle viij bov. terrae, quas Abbas tenet in dominico de Comite Richemundime, et Comes de rege. In villa de Danby j car. terrae, quam Johannes de Danby tenet de Abbate, et Abbas de Comite, et Comes de rege.? Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, nec aliquid fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus prsedictis, A. B. Y. In these MSS. the inquisition for the wapentake of Hang ends here. " Munkeby is not named in the Nomina Villarum. Gale says, " nulla hujus nominis villa vel in comitatu Eboracensi, vel Richmondiensi agnoscitur" (Reg. Hon. de Richmond, 245). ~ The Abbat of St. Mary's was returned lord of Langthorne in 1316.'M 2 INCIPIT FEODARIUMa DE GILLYNG WEST.' [MSS. Cotton, Faust. B., vii., fo. 98.] BOWES CUM BOLRON. Sunt ibidem vij car. et di. terrae: unde Comes Richemundise tenet v car. in capite, sed non respondet pro feodo militari; Stephanus de Ulveshowe tenet di. car. terrae de domino Comite, et Comes de domino rege in capite; Thomas de Bolron tenet vj bov. terrae in Bolron de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Magister Hospitalis Sancti Leonardi Ebor. tenet x bov. terrae in Bowes de Comite, et Comes de rege.] Illam terram tenet Magister Templid in puram elemosinam, et nullum facit servitium, nec fecit a tempore quo non extat memoria. BRIGENALE. Sunt ibidem vjC car. terrse, unde xij car. terrse faciunt feodum unius militis, quasf Edwardus Charles tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.] 9 CLIFFE SUPER TESE.^ Idem Edwardus tenet unam car. terrae ibidem de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Thomasi de Laton tenet de eodem Edwardo in Est Laton tres car. terrae, et a Collated with Addit. MS., Brit. Mus., 26,729, cited in the succeeding notes by the letter S., and also, as far as practicable, with MSS. A. B. and Y. In these last-mentioned MSS. the wapentakes of East and West Gilling are mixed up in a somewhat perplexing manner, and the entries are given in a more abbreviated form than in the Register, which itself is only an abstract of the original return by Kirkby. Nevertheless these MSS. occasionally disclose new readings and additional matter. The S. MS. contains two versions of this portion of the Inquest. The first (fo. 72), which corresponds in general arrangement with the Register, supplies several important variations from that text. The second (fo. 78) is headed "Gillyng West alio modo," and agrees in nearly every particular with MSS. A. B. and Y. b Wapentagium de Gilling, A. B. Y. " Magister Hospitalis Sancti Leonardi Ebor. tenet x bov. terrse in Bowes de Comite, et Comes de rege, S. d Illam terram tenet prsedictus Magister in puram elemosinam, et nullum facit inde forinsecum servitium, nec fecit a tempore quo non extat memoria, S. This account is confirmed by MSS. A. B. and Y., which read as follows:-" Item Magister Hospitalis Sancti Leonardi de Ebor. tenet residuas x bov. terrae de eodem Comite in puram elemosinam, et idem Comes de rege in capite, ut supra, nec fit inde aliquod servitium." e iij car., A. f quas haeredes Willelmi Charles tenent, A. B. Y.' sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. * MSS. A. B. and Y. omit this entry.' Johannes, S. WAPENTAKE OF GILLING WEST) N. R. 165 Edwardus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Thomas Gretehede tenet de eodem Edwardo in Atlowe-Coutoni duas car. terrae, et Edwardus de Comite, et Comes de rege. ROKEBY. Sunt ibidem tres car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feodum militare, quas Alexander de Rokeby tenet de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.]k MIKILTON, CROSTHWAYTE ET LONTON. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Thomas de Graystok' tenet unam car. in Crossethwaite de Hugone filio Henrici; et Alexander de Rokeby tenet j car. in Lonton de eodem Hugone; et Alanus Cocus tenet di. car. terrae in Mikelton de dicto Hugone; et dictus Hugo tenet tres car. terrae in eadem de Comite, et similiter tenet residuum de Comite, et Comes de rege. RUMBALDEKIRK". CUM HUNDRETHWAITE. Sunt ibidem tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Brianus filius Alani tenet in Hundrethwaite j car. terrae, et unam aliam car. terre in villa Sancti Rumaldi,f de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Parsona ecclesiae Sancti Rumaldio tenet j car. terrae in eadem villa, unde ecclesia sua dotata est. LYRTYNGTON. Sunt ibidem quinque car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Ricardus [de] Ragill tenet di. car., Alexander Garetq di. car., Hugo Milner di. car. de Henrico Spryng, et Henricus de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Abbas de Egleston tenet ij bov., et Priorissa de Marrig ij bov.; Parsona Sancti Rumaldir tenet ij bov. in elemosinam de Henrico Spryng, et Henricus de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Willelmus de Gergrave tenet di. car. de Briano filio Alani, et Alanuss (sic) de Comite, et Comes de rege;t et Henricus Spryng tenet ij car. et ij bov. terrae de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. i Gale says of Atlowe-Couton,-" villa eadem quse et East Cowton " (Reg. Hon. de Richmond, 245), and gives as his authority the following extract from the Monasticon:-" Robertus Clarevaux tenet in Athowcowton, aliter East Cowton, duas partes decimarum de dominicis quondam Wymari Dapiferi." I believe, however, that Atlowe Cowton was not identical with East Cowton. In 1316 Edward Charles and Robert de Lasceles were certified joint lords of " Suth Couton et Atelou." The hamlet of Atley Hill, and Atley Hill Farm, are within the township of South Cowton, and about one mile and a half W.S.W. of East Cowton. These places are all in the wapentake of Gilling East. k sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. I William, son of Thomas de Graistock, had a grant of free warren in "Crosthayte in Tesdale" in the 13th Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart. 115). Villa Sancti Reginaldi, S. Villa Sancto Romaldo, A. B. Y. Rinaldi, S. o Reginaldi, S. P de, S. q Barott, S. r Reginaldi, S.' Brianus, A. B. Y. t S. omits this entry. 166 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. SCARGYLL. Sunt ibidem iiijor car. terrse, et sita est in foresta: unde Willelmus de Skargill tenet duas car. terrae et di. de Comite in capite, et reddit domino Comiti per ann. xijs., et pro finibus ixd. ob., et Comes tenet de rege; et Johannes de Skargill tenet unam car. terrae de" Willelmo, et Willelmus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Rogerus filius Rogeri dev eadem tenet di. car. terrae de dicto Willelmo, et Willelmus de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.]w BERNYNGHAM. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Willelmus de Bernyngham tenet duas car. terrae, et Willelmus filius Stephani ij car. de Priore de Gisburgh, et Prior de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Willelmus Capellanus tenet in eadem ij car. de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. NEUSOM. Sunt ibidem v car. terrae, unde xij, etc., quas Margeria de Neusom, Willelmus Mikelton,f Cassandra Pigot tenent in parcenar.; et dicti Willelmus et Cassandra tenent partes suas de dicta Margeria, et ipsa de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et sunt ibidem similiter aliae quinque car. quas Henricus Pigot tenet de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et Elias de MikeltonY et Gervasius de Skireswith tenent duas car. de Willelmo de Bernyngham, et Willelmus de Priore de Gisburgh, et Prior de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd.]* DALTON MICHELL.a Sunt ibidem tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc., quas Michael' Ryell tenet de Brianoc filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. DALTON TRAVERS.d Sunt ibi tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: " dicto Willelmo de Skargill, S. V S. omits de eadem. w sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. a de Mideiton, S. Y Middelton, A. B. S. Y. * Et nihil redd., A. B. Y. " Probably Dalton Michell was adjacent to the other two places called Dalton. -I suppose, at some time, the township had been divided into three parts on the occasion of it coming to co-heiresses, and that the husband of each gave his name to his share.-J. R. W. b Michael de Ryhill, A. B. Y.` de Briano filio Briani filii Alani, S. d Gale says Dalton Travers "traxit appellationem suam a familia de Travers, ejus olim per plures annos dominis, licet eorum jam memoria diu obsoleverit" (Reg. Hon. de Richm., 243). Robert, son of Robert, son of Warin de Travers, gave land in Dalton to the priory of Marrick (Burton's Mon. EEbor., 270). In Coll. Top. et Gen. (vol. v., 229), Dalton Travers is stated to have been otherwise called Gailes. In Gale's map of Richmondshire, however, Dalton Travers is placed about half a mile S.W. of Newsham, and the same distance N.W. of Dalton Norreys, the latter being nearly one mile W.N.W. of the village of Gayles. In 1316 John de Stapelton and Roger de Ask were returned joint lords of " Dalton WAPENTAKE OF GILLING WEST, N. R. 167 de quibus Willelmus Berrye tenet unam car., Johannes Frankesf iij bov., Henricus filius Johannis unam bov.,s Ricardus filius Wychardih de Charroun tenet xij bov. de Hugone de Ask, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. DALTON NORREYS. Sunt ibi tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus JohannesO Norreys tenet iji car. de Elia de Midelton, et Elias de Margeria de Newsom, et Margeria de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Matheok de Thorneton, et Matheust de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Johannes de Ask tenet unam car. terrae in eadem de libertate Beata Mariae Ebor. in puram elemosinam, [a tempore quo (non) extat memoria.] n RAVENSWATH. Sunt ibi tres car. terrme et di. quas Hugo filius Henrici tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege, [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.]" QWASSYNGTON. Sunt ibi iiijor car. terrae, quarum Ranulphus filius Henrici tenet duas, et Rogeruso (blank) tenet alias duas de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. KIRKEBY.P Est ibi una car. terra, quae tenetur de libertate Beatae Mariae Ebor. in puram elemosinam, a tempore quo non extat memoria. MORTHAM. Sunt ibi tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Willelmus de Mortham tenet duas bov. terrae de Johanne de Mortham; et Johannes tenet iiij bov. terrae de Alexandro de Rokeby, et alias iiij~r bov. de Michaele de Bernyngham, et Michael de Johanne de Bernyngham, et Johannes de Alexandro de Rokeby; et Thomas Maunsell tenet sex bov. de eodem Alexandro; et Robertus filius Rogeri de Mathamq tenet iij bov. in eadem de eodem Alexandro; et idem Alexander tenet quinque bov. de Maria de Midelham, et Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege. WYCLIFF CUM THORP ET GIRLYNGTON. Robertus de Wycliff tenet xij car. terrae in Wycliff, Girlyngton et medietatem de Thorp, quae faciunt feodum militare; unde Thomas de Girlington tenet iij car. in Girlington de dicto Roberto. Item in Broghton Lithe." This is the only Dalton mentioned in the Nomina Villarum for Richmondshire, and it occurs immediately after Neusam. In the Domesday Survey Broctun precedes Neuhuson, which is followed by Daltun and "alia Daltun." Of Broghton Gale remarks, "ignoratur hodie locus" (Reg. Hon. de Richmond, 230). I am unable to say which of the three Daltons named in the text is represented by the present village of that name.'Varry, Y. Warry, S. Werry, A. B. f Frankyshe, S. g de Wychardo [Ricardo, A. B.] filio Wychardi [Ricardi, A. B.], et idem tenet xij bov., etc., A. B. Y. a Ricardi, S. i Willelmus, S. j unam car., S. k Michaele, Y. t Michael, Y. n a tempore quo (non) extat memoria, A. B. Y. " sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. ~ Rogerus filius Rogeri, S. P This entry is omitted in MSS. A. B. and Y. I Mortham, S. 168 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Michael de Thorp et Rogerus de Halnathby tenentr j car. terrae et di. de medietate villse de Thorp de Felicia de Hoton, et ipsa de eodem Roberto. Item, idem Robertus tenet vijS car. terrae in Wyclyff de Willelmo de Kirkton, cum prsedictis parcellis, et Willelmus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et praedicti Michael et Rogerus Halnathby tenent de alia medietate de Thorp unam car. et di. de eadem Felicia, et Felicia de Roberto Wycliff, et Robertus de Maria de Midelham, et Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege. HOTON LONGVILLERS.t Sunt ibi sex car. terrse, unde xij, etc., quas Margareta de Neville tenet de Rogero Moubray, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et respondet pro finibus wapentagii viijs. vjd. WEST LATON. Sunt ibi tres car. terrse, unde xij, etc.; quarum Nicolaus de Laton tenet de Johanneu Crasy unam car. terrae et di.; et Johannes illas tenet, similiter cum aliis j car. et di., de Maria de Midelham, et Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege. KERKAN.V Sunt ibi tres car. terrae: de quibus Michael de Laton tenet ij bov. terrae, Johannes de Laton vj bov., Matilda Were j bov., Reginaldus de Kerkan j bov. de Matheo de Kerkan; et Matheus tenet vj bov. de Magistro Militiae Templi, et idem Magister de Comite in perpetuam elemosinam,w et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.]? EST LATON. Sunt ibi iij car. terrae: de quibus Michael de Laton tenet di. car. de Roberto de Laton; et Robertus tenet ij car. et di. de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.]~ Et sunt ibi iij aliae car. quas Johannes de Laton tenet de Edwardo Charles, et Edwardus de Comite, et Comes de rege.Y CALDEWELLE. Sunt ibi vj car. terrae: de quibus Petrus Gretehede tenet j car., Stephanus de Bowes di. car., Johannes de Couton di. car., Willelmus filius Willelmi di. car., Adam filius Thomae di. car. dez Roaldo de Richemond; et Roaldus tenet tres car. de Comite Richemondiae, et Comes de rege. BERFORTH SUPER TESE. Sunt ibi vj car. terrae, unde xij, r tenet, Gale.' vj car., S. t Otherwise called Hutton Magna, or Great Hutton. "de Johanne filio... de Laton, A. B. Y. Carkin, a small township in the parish of Gilling. It is not mentioned in the Nomina Villarum. sine aliquo alio servitio soeculari, S.' sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. y This entry is omitted in MSS. A. B. and Y. Thoma filio Roaldi, S. In MSS. A. B. and Y. this entry reads as follows: -" Caldewell. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrse; de quibus iij car. terrse tenentur de Thoma filio Roaldi; et idem Thomas tenet residuas iij car. de Comite Richemundise, et idem Comes de rege; sed non dicitur per quod servitium." WAPENTAKE OF GILLING WEST, N. R. 169 etc.: de quibus Galfridus le Norreys tenet tres car. terrse de Comite, et Comes de rege, et respondet de finibus wapentagii ijs. vjd.; et Emma de Berford tenet iij car. in eadem villa de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege, et non respondet pro finibus wapentagii.a FORSETT. Sunt ibi viij car. terrae, nnde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes del Hegh tenet duas bov. de Pigot de Scurueton, et Pigot de Comite, et Comes de rege; et Simon de Melsamby tenet di. car. de Comite, et Comes de rege; Abbas Beatae Marise Ebor. tenet j car. de Comite in puram elemosinam; et Comes tenet residuum villae, et similiter hoc totum de rege; [sed non fit mentio per quod servitium.]b APPILBY SUPER TESE.C Sunt ibi viij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes de Breton tenet de Henrico de Ripon iiij car., Galfridus de Leyburn tenet ij bov. terrae, et Galfridus Clericus tenet ij bov. de eodem Henrico, et idem Henricus tenet ij car. cum praedictis de Stacio Colman et de Henrico filio Hugonis et Henrico filio Conani, et isti tres de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Emma de Berford tenet in eadem villa unam car. terrae de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite; et Henricus Halflarde tenet iij bov. in eadem de Henrico filio Conani; Robertus de Thorp tenet j bov. de Thoma de Girlyngton, et Thomas de Stacio Colman, et Stacius de Comite, et Comes de rege. ALDEBURGH. Sunt ibidem viij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes de Crauncewik tenet di. car., Johannes Cort di. car., Adam de Langrig di. car., Simon de Melsamby di. car., Rogerus de Halnathby di. car., Rogerus ded Blakman j car. de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Idem Comes tenet in eadem iiij car. terrae, praeter terras praedictas; [sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus predictis.]e CARLETON, HAMELETTA DE ALDEBURGH. Sunt ibi tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes de Laton tenet di.f car. de Hanlaco de Hanlathby, et Hanlacus tenet di.f car. de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. a S. omits et non respondet pro finibus wapentagii. b sed non fit mentio per quod servitium, A. B. Y. ~ In the A. B. and Y. MSS. this entry is thus abbreviated:- " Appelby super Tese. In eadem villa sunt viij car. terrse, unde xij faciunt feod., etc., quas diversi tenent per medium de proedicto Comite, et Comes de rege, sicut plenius continetur in inquisitionibus pr1edictis; sed non fit mentio in eisdem per quod servitium." d S. omits de. " sed per quod servitium non fit mentio in inquisitionibus prsedictis, A. B. Y. f unam car. et di., S. 170 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Itemg Galfridus Pigot tenet in eadem ij car. terrae de Comite, et Comes de rege. STAYNWIGGES. Sunt ibi tresh car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Abbas de Egleston tenet j car. terrae de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege;i Magister Militie Templi tenet j car. in puram elemosinam; Henricus de Staynwigges tenet ij bov., Stephanus de Bowes ij bov., Petrus de Bernyngham ij bov., Eudo de Richemond j bov., Eudo de Pirle unam bov. de Matheo de Kerkan, et Matheus de Magistro Militise Templi, et Magister de Comite Richemondiae in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, et Comes de rege. MELSAMBY. Sunt ibi ix car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Walterus de Melsamby tenet iiij bov., Willelmus filius ejusdem Walteri tenet v bov., Eudo de Carleton j bov., Robertus Capellanus j bov. de Ada de Nairford, et Adam tenet iij car., cum praedictis, de Briano filio Alani; Simon de Melsamby tenet in eadem j car. terre et di. de Abbate Jorevalliae; et Abbas Jorevalliae tenet iij car. de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. [Et nihil redd.]k DIDRESTON-GRAUNGE.I Sunt ibidem tres car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Abbas Jorevallis tenet unam car. et di. de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege; idem Abbas tenet ibidem j car. et di. de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. KNETON.m Sunt ibi quinque car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Alanus de Ulveshowe tenet j bov. terrae, Henricus de Midelton tenet j car. de Rogero de Mynyot; et Rogerus tenet iij car., simul cum praedictis, de Comite, et Comes de rege; Alexander de Kneton tenet di. car. terrae de Willelmo de Lyndesey, et Willelmus de Comite; et Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet iij bov. in puram elemosinam; [sed non dicitur de quo, nec per quod servitium.] MIDELTON JUXTA KNETON.O Sunt ibi xijP car., que faciunt feodum militis: de quibus xv bov. tenentur de Willelmo de Lyndesy; et idem Willelmus tenet ij car. terrae, una cum praedictis xv bov., de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Galfridus g S. omits this entry. A octo car., S. i The rest of this entry is omitted in MSS. A. B. and Y. J A. B. S. and Y. omit de Abbate Jorevalliae. k Et nihil redd., A. B. Y. Didderston Grange is about one mile and a quarter west of Melsonby.' Kneeton, a small hamlet in the parish of Middleton Tyas, and wapentake of Gilling East. In MSS. A. B. and Y. this place is described after, and in the same paragraph with, Middleton. n sed non dicitur de quo, nec per quod servitium, A. B. Y. o Middelton et Kneton, A. B. Y. P These twelve carucates evidently include the five belonging to Kneeton. WAPENTAKE OF GILLING WEST, N. R. 171 Scot' tenet in eadem di. car. de Henrico [de]q Midelton; et idem Henricus tenet ij car. de proedicto Comite, et Comes de rege. Et Parsona ejusdem villke tenet di. car. terrae de qua ecclesia dotata est;' [sed non dicitur per quem, nec per quod servitium.] HOTON PARVA.t Sunt ibi tres car. terrae, unde xij, etc., quas Willelmus de Hoton tenet de Roberto filio Thomae de Thorpe, et ipse Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. HERTFORDE. Sunt ibi iij car. terrae, unde xij, etc., de quibus Agnes de Levenes tenet j car. de Johanne de Hertford, et ipse illam et alias duas car. tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege. GILLYNG CUM OVER SADBERGH.U Sunt ibi ij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.; de quibus Willelmus de Bernyngham tenet unam car. terrae de Comite in Sadbergh, et Comes de rege. Idem Comes tenet [in dominico]v in Gillyng unam car. terrae de rege, [sed non dicitur per quod, etc.]w NETHER SADBERGH.X Est ibi una car.: unde Johannes de Skargill tenet di. car. de Willelmo de Skargill; et Willelmus tenet aliam di. car. de praedicta terra de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. ASK. Sunt ibi vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: unde Galfridus Freman tenet ij bov. de Hugone de Ask; et idem Hugo tenet quinque car. et sex bov., [cum praedictis duabus bov. terrae,]Y de Comite, et Comes de rege. SKITHEBY. Sunt ibi iiij car. et vj bov., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Rogerus Mynyot tenet iiij bov. de Abbate de Egleston, et Abbas de Roaldo de Richemonde; et idem Abbas tenet de eodem Roaldo ij car. de praedictis terris; et Thomas le Teynturell de Richemund tenet iiij bov. de Abbate de Sancta Agatha. Item Stephanus filius Thomae tenet di. car. de eodem Abbate, Johannes del Hill tenet ij bov. de eodem Abbate; et Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet j car. terrae cum praedictis de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus omnia praedicta de Comite, et Comes de rege. q de, A. B. Y. r A different description of Middleton will be found in Gilling East wapentake (p. 179). The two accounts should be taken together, as neither appears to be complete in itself. sed non dicitur per quem, nec per quod servitium, A. B. Y. t A. B. and. Y. omit this entry. " Sedbury Park, one mile east of Gilling, in the wapentake of Gilling East. in dominico, A. B. Y. * sed non dicitur per quod, etc., A. B. Y. Sedbury, or Low Sedbury, one mile and a half E.S.E. of Gilling, in the wapentake of Gilling East. Y cum praedictis duabus bov. terrae, S. 172 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. ESEBY. Sunt ibi viij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Willelmus Thurkill tenet jZ bov.; Johannes filius Henricia ij bov., Ricardus filius Conani j bov., Willelmus filius Ricardi j bov., Willelmus filius Galfridi ij bov., Willelmus Drinkhale tenet ij bov., Willelmus Carpenter iij bov., Stephanus filius Johannis ij bov., Matilda Ape j bov., Adam de Ask iij bov., Alicia Adamswyf j bov., Cecilia de Sadbergh ij bov., Hamob Madd j bov., Magister Sancti Nicholai sex bov.; et omnes isti tenent de Abbate Sanctae Agath'e: et, praeter istas praedictas, dictus Abbas tenet quinque car. et v bov. terrae de Avicia de Marmyon, et Avicia de Comite, et Comes de rege. Idem Abbas tenet duas car. et iijc bov. de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Willelmus filius Agnetis tenet iij bov. in eadem de Abbate Beatoe Mariae de Ebor., et Abbas [de Roaldo de Richmund, et Roaldus]d de Comite, et Comes de rege. RITHE, [ET] HELAGH HAMELETTA.e Sunt ibi iiij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Robertus de Heyer tenet j bov., Robertus Clericus et Robertusf de Rythe iij bov., Willelmus Overswale j car., Hugo filius Henrici ij car. de Gilberto de Gaunt; et idem Gilbertus illas tenet, et similiter aliam di. car., de Comite, et Comes de rege. MARRIGG. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrse, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Moniales de Marrigg tenent j car. in puram elemosinam de Hugone de Ask; et Hugo tenet illam, cum aliis ij car., de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.] g FREMYNGTON. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, unce xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes filius Warinih (vel Briani-superscribed) tenet unam car. de Hugone filio Henrici; et Hugo tenet illam, et alias duas car., de Gilberto de Gaunt, et Gilbertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. MERSKE.i Sunt ibi vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Henricus de Mersk tenet j car., Rogerus de Skargill di. car., Rogerus de Brethami di. car. de Roberto de Mersk; et idem Robertus tenet dictas terras, cum aliis quatuor car., de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. WEST APPILGARTH. Robertus de Appilgarth tenet in West Appelgarth unam car. terrae de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. quatuor bov., S. " Harberti, S. Hamond Maille, S. c quatuor bov., S. d de Roaldo de Richmund, et Roaldus, S. e A. B. and Y. omit this entry. f Johannes, S. e sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. h Briani, S. The entries relating to Merske, West Appilgarth, Skelton, and Feldom are omitted in MSS. A. B. and Y. i Bertham, S. WAPENTAKE OF GILLING WEST, N. R. 173 SKELTON. Hanlacus de Hanlathby tenet in Skelton unam car. terrse de Wichardo Charron, et Wichardus de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. FELDOM. Abbas Jorevallie tenet in Feldom di.k car. de Rogero de Mountford; et idem Rogerus tenet praedictaml terrain, et aliam di. car., de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. k unam car. et di., S. car. terrse et di. de Roaldo, etc., S. HIC INCIPIT FEODIARIUM DE GILLYNG EST. [MSS. Cotton, Faust. B. vii., fo. 101 b.] BROMPTON-BRIGG.^ Sunt ibi viij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes Gille tenet di. car., Magister Sancti Egidii ij bov., Rogerus de Tunstall ij bov., Robertus Lascelles v bov., Nicolaus Laton ij bov., Willelmus ad Crucem j bov., Willelmus Skargillj car.,Petrus Gretehede j car. et di.,et Thomas Bawdewyn j car. et di. de Roaldo de Richemond, et ipse de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet in eadem ij car. de praedicto Roaldo in puram elemosinam, quas idem Roaldus tenet superius de Comite, et Comes de rege. BOLTON.C Sunt ibi vj car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Radulphus de Bolton tenet ij car. et j bov., [et Prior] d de Novoburgo di. car., Johannes de Bellerby j car. et j bov., Robertus Copsy ij bov., Johannes Helbek di. car. de Thoma de Bellerby; et idem Thomas tenet proedictas et aliam car. de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Abbas Beatae Marise Ebor. tenet di. car. terrae in eadem de proedicto Roaldo in puram elemosinam. SCORTON, UKKERBY ET GRENEBERGH-GRAUNGE.f Sunt ibidem xij car. terrse, que faciunt unum feodum militare inlegrum: unde Galfridus de Ukkerby tenet j car. de Johanne de Hunton, et Johannes de Hugone filio Henrici; Thomas de Scortong tenet ij car. de Henrico Springe, et ipse de Hugone filio Henrici; Johannesh de Scorton, capellanus, tenet vj bov. de eodemi Hugone; et idem tenet illas, et alias duas car. et ij bov. in Scorton et Grenebergh-graunge, de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Magister Willelmus de Burgo tenet in Scorton j car. terrae, Abbas de Sancta Agatha di.j car., Eliask de Wauton ij car., Thomas de Ukkerby di. car., Elias de Ukkerby ij bov., Hugo a Collated with MS. A. B. S. and Y. See page 164, note a. b Brompton-upon-Swale. e A. B. and Y. omit this entry. d et Prior, S. The text has " de Priore " erroneously. e Welbery, S. f Now called Greenberry Grange, a farm nearly two miles E.N.E. of Scorton. g Hukerby, A. B. Y. h Hugo, A. B. Y. eodem Henrico, et idem Henricus, A. B. J unam car., S. h Elena, S. WAPENTAKE OF GILLING EAST, N. R. 175 de Ukkerby ij bov., Abbas de Fontibus in Grenebergh-graunge unam car. de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege: et sic medietas illius villse tenetur de feodo Hugonis filii Henrici, et alia medietas de feodo Briani filii Alani. KYPPLYNG CUM STAYNHOWE.Z Sunt ibi ij car., unde xij, etc., quas Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Magister Militiae Templi tenet j car. in Staynhowe in puram elemosinam, et pertinet ad Kipplinge. WHITWELLE.m Sunt ibi iiijor car. terrae, unde xij, etc.; de quibus Henricus de Staynlay tenet ij car., et haeredes Thomve de Whitwell j car. et di., et Johannes Warde di. car. de Andrea Neville, et Andreas de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. LANGTON MAGNA.. Sunt ibi vij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Thomas de Gormier tenet j car., Thomas de Hunton di. car., Henricus Freman j bov., Walterus Bonde j bov., Abbas Jorevallis ij bov. de Hugone filio Henrici, et Hugo de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Hugo de Langton tenet in eadem j car., Robertus Colyngham~ j car. de Thoma de Burgh, et Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Thomas de Scurueton tenet in eadem j car., Alanus Cowhird vj bov., Abbas Jorevallis j car., Willelmus filius Custantiae j bov., Rogerus Lyard j bov. de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. LANGTON PARVA. Sunt ibi iiijor car., unde xij, etc., quas domina Avicia Marmyon tenet de Comite. THIRNETOFT. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Thomas de Ryell tenet j car. de Rogero Lascels, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Robertus Constable tenet ibidem j car. et vij bov. terrae, Robertus Burnell j car. et iij bov. de Rogero Lascelles; et Rogerus tenet illas, et alias vij bov., de Comite, et Comes de rege. MORTON. Sunt ibi xij car., quae faciunt feodum militare; de quibus Robertus BurnellP tenet x car. de Roberto de Furneux, Stanhowe is the name of a farm one mile and a quarter E.N.E. of Kiplin. " Magna Wytewell, A. B. S. Y. * Otherwise Langton-upon-Swale. " Colman, S. de Cullingham, A. B. Y. P In 1280 Robert Burnell, bishop of Bath and Wells, had a charter of free warren "in omnibus dominicis terris suis de Morton super Swale, Kirkeby Orblawere et Osmunderle in comitatu Eboracensi" (Reg. Hon. de Richm., 136. Cal. Rot. Chart., 111). He was sometime archdeacon of York (Fasti Ebor., i. 315), and lord chancellor from 1274 until his death, which occurred at Berwick-onTweed, 25th Oct., 1292 (Foss's Judges, iii., 63). By Inq. p. m., 21st Edward I., his nephew Philip Burnell, son of his elder brother Hugh, was found to be his heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 464). 176 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Elias de Wyndhill tenet ij car. ibidem de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. SOLBERGH.q Sunt ibi iij car. terre, unde xij, etc., quas Johannes Breton tenet de Thoma Raynevill, et Thomas de Rogero Lascelles, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. MAWNBY. Sunt ibi ij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Thomas de Maunby tenet di. car. de Rogero Lascelles, et Rogerus tenet illamr et xij bov. de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non dicitur per quod servitium.]$ KIRKBY [SUPER]t WYSK. Sunt ibi vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibusu Thomas de Maunby tenet ij car. de Rogero Lascelles; et Abbas de Fontibus tenet iiij car. de praedicto Rogero, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. NEUBY SUPER WYSK. Sunt ibi iij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannesv Holtby tenet j car. et di., et Thomas de Maunby j car. et di. de Rogero Lascelles, et Rogerus de Comite, et Comes de rege. WARLAGHBY. Sunt ibi vij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Galfridus de Hewik tenet iij car. et di., Rogerus Sparnore iij car. et di. de Stephano de Coverham, et Stephanus de Comite, et Comes de rege. AYNDERBY FOURNEUX.W Est ibi una car. terre, quam Robertus de Fourneux tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege. YAFFORDE. Sunt ibi vij car. et j bov., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Willelmus le Scrop tenet iiij bov., Hugo de la Mare iiij bov., Hugo de Langton ij bov., Nicholaus de Scurueton j bov., Ricardus Bretvill j car. et iij bov. de Bawdewino Bretvill; et Baudewinus tenet illas, et alias iij car. et di., de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Galfridus de Hanby tenet vij bov. terrae i Sowber, S. Gale has the following note on Solbergh:-" Hodie nullum superest sub hac appellatione oppidulum, licet forense olim floruisse tradunt accole, ubi jam ager amplus et pascuus, Sober Pasture dictus, antiquum retinet nomen, et forsan ex cineribus deleti, aliud in vicinia emersit, cujus nomen Newby, novam satis indicat habitationem, nec in Conquestoris Censu repertam" (Reg. Hon. de Richlm., 230). The hamlet of Low Sowber is in the parish of Ainderby-Steeple, and Sowber Hill in the adjoining parish of Kirkby-Wiske. ~ illas, Gale. 5 sed non dicitur per quod servitium, A. B. Y. t super, S. dominus Thomas, dominus ejusdem villae tenet, etc., S. v Willelmus de Holtby, S. In the 28th Edward I. Thomas de Holteby, in a plea which he brought against Thomas Baucrom, concerning one messuage and two bovates of land in Newby, described himself as being the son of William, son of Henry, son of William de Holteby and Matilda his wife (Coll. Top. et Gen., i., 273). " Now called Ainderby-Steeple. In 1316 John de Furnels was certified lord of " Aynderby wythe Stepil." WAPENTAKE OF GILLING EAST, N. R. 177 de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non fit mentio per quod servitium.] " DANBY SUPER WYSK CUM REDEHAM. Sunt ibi xij car. terre, quae faciunt feodum militare: de quibus Michael Scott tenet ij bov., Bernardus Nevill ij bov., Thomas Baudewyn j car. et ij bov. de Comite;Y et Comes tenet illas, et alias x car. et ij bov., de rege. Item Bernardus de Nevill tenet [in] Redham j car. et ij bov. terroe de Johanne Stayngreve, et Johannes de Comite, et Comes de rege. MIKEL COUTONZ CUM SMETHTON.a Sunt ibi x car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Galfridus Breton tenet di. car., Philippus Boyvill di. car., Robertus filius Alani j car. et di., Priorissa de Marrig vjb bov., Henricus de Horneby iij bov., Johannes de Couton j bov. de Edmundo Fyton.c Item Prior de Bridlyngton vj bov., Johannes Attewell ij bov., Hugo de Herlseyd ij bov., Thomas de Couton ij bov. de Johanne de Chambare, et Johannes de Edmundo Fyton. Item Johannes de Smythton tenet j car. in Smythton de dicto Edmundo; et Abbas Beatae Marie de Ebor. tenet in Smythton j car. in puram elemosinam. Et praedictus Edmundus tenet praedictas terras, et alias ij car. in Couton, de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Magister Militiae Templif tenet vj bov. in Couton in puram elemosinam. SOUTH COUTON. Sunt ibi vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Robertus filius Johannis tenet di. car. de Willelmo Lacelles; et idem Willelmus tenet ij car. et di. de Briano filio Alani. Item Sibilla de Scotland tenet iij car. de Willelmo Lascelles, et Willelmus de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. NORTH COUTON. Sunt ibi iij car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Hugo de Couton tenet ij bov. de Johanne de Laton, Rogerusg Smyth vj bov. de eodem Johanne; et Johannes tenet illas, et alias ij car., de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. * sed non fit mentio per quod servitium, A. B. Y. y Gale omits " Comite; et Comes tenet illas et alias x car. et ij bov. de." Called Temple Couton in 1316, and now East or Long Cowton. " A. B. and Y. omit this entry. b unam bov., S. c By Inq. p. m., 24th Edward I., Edmund Fyton died seised of the manor of Couton (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 127), John de Fyton being his son and heir (Ctl. Gen., ii., 515). d Berdsey, S. * Camberd, S. In 1284 John, son of William Chambard of Hildingley, confirmed to the monks of Bridlington what his ancestors had given to them in Couton-Magna or East Couton (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 222). f Temple House is about a quarter of a mile west of East Cowton. g hser' Rogeri Knyth ten' duas bov. de dicto Johanne. Uxor Rogeri Knyth tenet iiijor bov. de dicto Johanne. Idem Johannes tenet preedictas terras, et alias duas car. terrse, de Briano filio Alani, Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege, S. N 178 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. ERYOM. Sunt ibi viij car., unde xij, etc.; de quibus Nicholaush de Romondby tenet vj car., et Johannes (blank)i tenet ij car. de Comite, et Comes de rege. CROFT. Sunt ibi vij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Johannes de Croft, [capellanus,]i tenet di.k car., Ricardusl le Marschal di. car. de Roaldo de Richemond; et idem tenet easdem, cum aliis j car. et di., de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Johannes Clarvauxm tenet ibidem j car. et di. [de Thoma fratre sno, et Thomas]" de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Abbas Beata Mariae Ebor. tenet ibidem ij car. et v bov. in puram elemosinam. Item Rogerus de Croft tenet ibidem de Magistro Militire Templi iij bov. terr.e. WALMYRE. Est ibi j car. terrae, quam Johannes Breton~ tenet de Roaldo de Richemond, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. JOLBY. Sunt ibi iij car., unde xij., etc.: de quibus Agneys Noreys tenet unam car., Henricus de Jolby tenet j car., Hanlacus de Hanlathby j car. de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. STAPILTON.P Sunt ibi quinque car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Rogerus de Stapilton tenet ij bov., Alanus Orre di. car., Galfridus de Stapilton ij bov. de Nicholao de Stapilton; et Nicholaus tenet illas, cum aliis ij car., de Roaldo de Richemund, h Ricardus de Romondby, S. See p. 101, note s. Johannes de Musters, S. In 1316 John de Markenfeld and John de Musters were returned joint lords of Eryholm. i capellanus, S. k S. omits di.' S. omits Ricardus le Marschal di. car. * A younger son of Robert de Clarevaux (a wealthy citizen of York, and grantee of lands in Croft, before 1246), by Eve, daughter of William Fairfax of York. He married Matilda, daughter of Adam le Cerf, alderman of York, by whom he had, with other issue, William, his son and heir. John de Clarevaux, by will dated at Stivetun (Steeton, near York), Nov. 15th, 1283, desired to be buried in the cemetery of All Saints in Usegate, if he died at York or Stiveton, but if at Croft, then to be buried there (Longstaffe's Hist. of Darlington). " de Thoma fratre suo, et Thomas, S. de Thoma de Clervas, et idem Thomas, A. B. Y. Sir Thomas de Clervaus, knight, Simon, John, Robert and Peter, his brothers, were witnesses, with Adam le Cerf, mayor of York (who held that office for the last time in 1270), to an undated charter by which Nicholas de Neusom and Agnes, his wife, quitclaimed to Eve, late wife of Robert de Clervaus, a messuage in the parish of St. Mary in Walmgate, which formerly belonged to his father, Thomas le Paumer (Original charter at Merchant's Hall). Nicholas de Neusom was probably the same person whose heirs held two carucates at Neusom in Ryedale, as mentioned at p. 122, antea. Thomas Palmer was mayor of York in 1219. Sir Thomas de Clarevaux, who was living in 1298, had an only child, Katherine, who died s. p. (Longstaffe's Darlington). ~ In 1322 John le Breton, son and heir of Sir Philip le Breton, mortgaged the whole vill of Walmire to the above-mentioned William de Clarevaux and his sister Matilda, and subsequently released it to them (Longstaffe's Darlington, lxiv.). P A.B. and Y. omit this entry. WAPENTAKE OF GILLING EAST, N. R. 179 et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet ij car. de prsedicto Roaldo in puram elemosinam. CLESEBY CUM CLOUBEK. Sunt ibidem viij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Harsculphus filius Willelmi tenet j car. de Roberto de Cleseby; Alexanderq de Cleseby tenet di. car. de eodem Roberto; et Robertus tenet easdem terras, et alias vj car. et di., de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. NEUTON MORELL. Sunt ibi iiij car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Thomas de Hanlathby tenet di. car., Willelmus de Houghton j car. de Thoma de Moubray; et idem Thomas tenet ij car. de Briano filio Alani, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet j car. de praedicto Thoma, et Thomas de Comite, et Comes de rege.8 BARTON. Sunt ibi vj car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet iij car. de Ranulpho filio Radulphi, et Ranulphus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Johannes Grymbaldt et Ricardusu de Hodilston tenent iij car. ibidem de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege; [sed non fit mentio per quod servitium.]v BRETANBY. Sunt ibi iij car. terrse, unde xij, etc., quas Thomasw de Appilgarth tenet de Willelmo de Boyvill, et ipse de Thoma de Helbek,x et Thomas de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. HANLATHBY. Sunt ibi iij car., unde xij, etc., quas Hanlacus de Hanlathby tenet de Roaldo de Richemund, et Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. MIDELTON.Y Sunt ibi vj car. terrae, unde, xij, etc.: de quibus Willelmus'de Cornehowe tenet iij bov., Alexander de Brynyston ij bov., Nicholaus filius Thomse ij bov., Stephanus Serlson j bov., Johannes Gayne iij bov., Johannes Gille iiij bov. de Willelmo de Lyndesey; et idem Willelmus illas tenet, et alias ij car. q hser' Alex', S. rMaunby, S. Thomas de Mauneby was returned lord of Neuton Morell in 1~16. * The items in this entry do not agree with the sum total. The A. B. and Y. MSS. read thus:-" Neuton Morel. In eadem villa sunt iiij car. terrae: de quibus iij car. terrae tenentur de Briano filio Alani, et idem Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Abbas de Sancta Agatha tenet in eadem villa j car. terrae de Thoma de Magneby, et Thomas de proedicto Briano, et Brianus de Comite, et Comes de rege; sed non fit mentio in inquisitionibus pr1edictis per quod servitium." t Grumbald, A. B. Y. " Rogerus, S. v sed non fit mentio per quod servitium, A. B. Y. Robertus, A. B. S. Y. G Glebek, A. B. Clebek, Y. Y A. B. and Y. omit this entry. See p. 170, ante. z Evidently an error for vij car. There are six carucates and four bovates accounted for, but the half carucate with which the church of Middleton was endowed, as mentioned at p. 171, is here omitted. N 2 180 KIRKBY)S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et j bov., de Comite, et Comes de rege. Item Galfridus de Scotland tenet ibidem di. car. de Henrico de Midelton, et idem Henricus tenet illas, et alias ij car., de Comite, et Comes de rege. MULTON.a Sunt ibi ix car., unde xij, etc.: de quibus Symon de Multon tenet j car. de Comite; et idem Comes tenet illam, et alias v car., de rege. Item Abbas de Egleston tenet ibidem ij car., et Magister Militie Templi tenet j car. de Comite in puram elemosinam. DE LIBERTATE BEATE MARIE IN PREDICTO WAPENTAGIO DE GILLYNG EST. Inquisitiob facta infra Libertatem Beatoe Mariae Ebor., coram Johanne de Kirkby, thesaurario domini regis, per sacramentum Paulini de Lillyng, Ricardi Buterwik, Stephani Schupton, Hugonis Escrigg, Angerini Redenesse, Thomae de Sancto Martino, Jacobi Milington, Roscelini Scrayngham, Roberti Housome, Nicholai Holford, Willelmi Fynmer et Johannis de Sarterino, qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod sunt in libertate Sanctae Mariae, in wapentagio de Gillyng, villa de Smethetonc (excepta una car. terrae), villa de Gilmanby,d in villa de Croft j car. terrve, in villa de Gillyng j car. terrae, in villa de Daltone j car. terrae, in villa de Boulton di. car. terrae, in villa de Forsetf j car. terrae: de quibus Abbas Beatae Mariae tenet in dominico in Smethton ij car. terrae, et villam de Gilmanby, in Forset j car. terrae, in Boulton di. car. terrae, in Croft j car. terrae; Rogerus Bretby in Smetheton di. car. terrae; Johannes Colby j car. in eadem; Vicarius de Gillyng j car. terrae in Gillyng; Johannes Aske j car. in Dalton; Adam Kirkeby di. car. in eadem;l Rector ecclesiae de Kirkeby di. car. in eadem; et tenent totum de dicto Abbate, et Abbas de Comite Richemundiae, ct idem Comes de rege. a The following transcript of the entry relating to Multon, as given in the S. copy of this Inquest, affords additional proof that the text in the Register, although much less abbreviated than the A. B. and Y. MSS., is only an abstract of the original return:-" Multon. Sunt ibidem ix car. terrse, unde, etc.: de quibus Symon de Multon tenet unam car. terrae de Comite, et Comes illam tenet, et alias quinque car., de rege. Item Abbas de Eggleston tenet duas car. terrme de Comite in puram elemosinam. Item Magister Militiae Templi tenet in eadem villa unam car. in puram elemosinam de Comite, et Comes de domino rege in capite." In the A. B. and Y. copies this entry is thus abridged:-" Molton. In eadem villa sunt ix car. terrae, unde xij, etc.: de quibus Simon de Molton tenet j car. de dicto Comite; et idem Comes tenet v car. terrae, una cum praedicta car., de rege, etc., sed non dicitur per quod servitium." b This Inquisition is omitted in MSS. A. B. S. and Y. c Great Smeaton. d Gilmanby, in the parish of Bowes, and wapentake of Gilling West, has noc been previously mentioned. Dalton Norreys, in the wapentake of Gilling West. f Forset is in Gilling West. g Kirkby Ravensworth, in the wapentake of Gilling West. [WAPENTAGIUMa DE]' HALYKELD. [MS. Cotton, Faust. B. vii., fo. 106.] ESTKILBYC ET LEMYNGE. Sunt in eisdem villis xviij car. terrue, quae faciunt feodum unius militis: de quibus Magister Sancti Leonardi tenet j car. in elemosinam, sed non dicitur de quo; et Thomas de Neuton tenet quinque car. terrae de Alanod et Roberto de Eskelby, et iidem Alanus et Robertus de Avicia Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de Comite Richemundie, et idem Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem wapentagii di. marc.: et non fit mentio in inquisitione praedicta de quo, vel de quibus, residue xij car. tenentur, vel per quod servitium. THEKESTON. In eadem villa sunt xij car. terrae quae faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus viij car. tenentur de Maria de Midelham, et eadem Maria de Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem wap. praedicti iiijs.; et Abbas de Coverham tenet iij car. terrae, et Magister Sancti Leonardi j car. de Roberto de Musters, et idem Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et nullum fite inde servitium de quo fit mentio [in inquisitionibus praedictis].f KARETHORP. Sunt in eadem villa xj car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. [milit.],g quas Avicia de Marmyon tenet de Comite Richemundiae, et idem Comes de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. THORNEBERGH. Sunt in eadem villa ij car. terre, unde xij faciunt feod. milit., quas haeredes Radulphih de Middelton tenent de dicta Avicia, et eadem Avicia de Comite praedicto, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem predictum viijd. EST TANFELDE. Sunt in eadem villa viij car. terrae, unde a Collated with MSS. A. B. S. and Y. b Wapentagium de, A. B. Y. c Exelby, in the parish of Burneston. d Alan de Eskelby, in a plea which he brought in the 6th Edward I. against Picot de Newton, touching ten oxgangs and one and a half acres of land at Eskelby and Newton, set out his descent, as being the son of Henry, son of Ivetta, whose surname is not therein mentioned, sister and heir of Stephen, son of Robert, son of Wimar, who lived in the time of King Henry II. (Mem. of Fountains, i., 358. Coll. Top. et Gen., i., 257). faciunt, Gale. f in inquisitionibus prsedictis, Y. g milit., Y. h' Ranulphi, A. B. Y. 182 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. xij faciunt feed. milit.: de quibus Robertus de Cleseby tenet vj car. de praedicta Avicia de Marmyon; et eadem Avicia tenet residuas ij car. de Johanne de Vescy,i et Johannes de rege. Et redd. [per ann.]j ad finem praedictum viijs. WEST TANFELDE. Sunt in eadem villa xj car. terre, quwe faciunt feed. milit., quas Avicia de Marmyonk tenet de Comite Richemundise, et idem Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iiijs.1 WATH. Sunt in eadem villa ij car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit., quas Avicia de Marmyon tenet de Briano filio Alani, et idem Brianus de praedicto Comite, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xviijd. SYNDERBY. In eadem villa sunt vjl car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit.; de quibus Avicia de Marmyon tenet iij car., et Robertus de Musters tenet residuas iij car. de praedicto Comite, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. vjd. GAYTENBY. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae, quae faciunt iiijtam partem feodi unius milit.; et tenentur de Roberto de Tateshale, et idem Robertus de Roberto [de]" Musters, et idem Robertus de praedicto Comite, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem predictum ijs. SWAYNEBY.~ In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae, quae faciunt di. feod. milit.; et Ranulphus filius Ranulphi tenet eas de Maria de Midelham, et eadem Maria de praedicto Comite, et Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. PYKEHALE ET ROKESBY.P In eisdem villis sunt xiiij car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Andreas de Nevill tenet viij car. terrae de feodo Roaldi, et idem Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et in praedicta villa de Rokesby sunt vj car. terrae: de quibus Abbas de Fontibus tenet iiijor car. et di. de dicto Andrea de Nevill; et idem Andreas tenet praedictas vj car. de Roberto de Musters, et idem Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs. Vestey, Gale. j per ann., A. * Avice Marmion was the daughter and heiress of Hugh, son of Jernegan de Tanfield, who died in the 2nd John, leaving her an infant. She then came into the custody of Robert de Vipont, and in the 16th of John married Robert de Marmion, junior. They were parties to a fine levied in the 19th Henry III. relating to two carucates of land in Wath juxta Tanfelde, by the description of " Robertus Marmion et Avicia uxor ejus." In her widowhood and in the 10th Edward I. she founded a chantry at the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the church of Tanfield, and dying not long after left issue William de Marmion, who married Loretta, daughter and co-heiress of Roesia de Dover.-J. R. W. z iijs., A. B. In vij car., A. "de, A. B. o Two or three farm-houses about a mile and a half N.NW, of Pickhill occupy the site of tlhe village of' Swainhb -T Pidkhil l-wh-l. xby. WAPENTAKE OF HALLIKELD, N. R. 183 KYRTELYNGTON. In eadem villa sunt ixq car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit., quas Robertus de Musters tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem prsedictum vjs. ijd.; de quibus Magister Sancti Leonardi tenet unam car., et Magister Templi vij bov., et nihil redd. AYNDERBY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae, unde xviij car. faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Abbas de Fontibus tenet v car. et v bov. terrae de praedicto Comite, et idem Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs.; et Magister Hospitalis Sancti Johannis tenet iij bov. terrae; sed non dicunts de quo, nec per quod servitium. UPPESLUNDE.t In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae, quae faciunt tertiam partem feodi milit.: quarum Willelmus de Holtebyu tenet ij car. de Maria de Midelham, et eadem Maria de Comite, et Comes de rege; et idem Willelmus tenet j car. de Avicia Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de heredibus Ranulphi de Middelton, et iidem haeredes de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xxijd. MIDDILTON.v In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit., quas haeredes Ranulphi de Midilton tenent de feodo Roaldi, et idem Roaldus de Abbate Jorevallis, et idem Abbas de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. YARNEWIK.W In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae, quae faciunt iiijtam partem feodi milit.: quarum Rogerus de Ingoldeby tenet j car de Roberto [de]$ Tateshale, et idem Robertus de Roberto [de]" Musters, et idem Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. ob.; et Magister Sancti Leonardi tenet j car., et Magister Templi aliam car., sed non dicunt de quo, vel per quod servitium. DISFORDE. In eadem villa sunt vijY car. terrae: de quibus Abbas de Fontibus tenet iij car. et di. de Thoma de Dysford,; et Thomas de haeredibus Henrici de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege; et Johannes de Disforda tenet j car. de eisdem haeredibus, ix car., A. B. Ainderby-Quernhowe, in the parish of Pickhill. s dicitur, A. B. Y. Upsland, a hamlet one mile and a quarter S.W. of Kirklington. " oteby, Gale. Middleton-Quernhowe, in the parish of Wath. Yarnwick, now depopulated, stood a little to the north of Kirklington. de, A. B. Y. Y 6 car., Gale. In 1286, Thomas, son and heir of Marmaduke Darel, son of Ralph, son of Baldwin de Disceford, confirmed to the monks of Fountains all that his ancestors had given in Disceforde, Balderby, Birkou and Eseby (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 162). " Wildford, A. Wilford, B. 184 KIRKBY'S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. et redd. per ann. ad finem proedictum xijd.; et Thomas de Disford tenet ij car. et di. de dictis haeredibus, et nihil redd. AYSCENBY.b In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrve, quve faciunt di. feod. milit., et tenentur de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes tenent de rege; de quibus Prior de Novoburgo tenet duas bov. in elemosinam, et nihil redd. ad finem proedictum. RANYNGTON.C Sunt in eadem villa vj car. terrae et di., unde xij faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Magister Sancti Leonardi tenet ij car. et v bov. in elemosinam de Thoma de Arches; et Abbas de Fontibus tenet iij car. de haeredibus de Percy, et redd. per ann. ad finem predictum ijs.; et Prior de Novo Burgo tenet di. car. de Johanne de Disford, et idem Johannes de predictis haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege; et Hugo de Costr'd et Stephanus de Dalton tenent iij bov. de praedictis heredibus de Percy, et haeredes de rege; et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. NEWBY.e In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit., quas Johannes de Neuby tenet de haeredibus de Percy, et iidem haeredes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xijd. MELMORBY. In eadem villa sunt vj car. terrae, quae faciunt di. feod. milit.: de quibus Abbas de Fontibus tenet iiijor car. de Avicia Marmyon, et eadem Avicia de Comite, et Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum iijs.: et idem Abbas tenet ij car. de feodo Roaldi, et idem Roaldus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et nullum fit inde servitium [de quo fit mentio, etc.]f HOWE. Sunt in eadem villa iij car. terrae, quae faciunt iiijtam partem feodi milit.; et G-alfridus de Howe" eas tenuit de Radulpho de Trehampton, et idem Radulphus de Roberto de Musters, et Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege, et solebat reddere per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. vjd.; et Magister Sancti Leonardi nunc eas tenet, sed quo warranto non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis, nec aliquod fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio, ut supra. THORNETON" CUNDALE. In eadem villa sunt viij car., unde b Aystenby, Gale. " Rainton, in the parish of Topcliffe. d Cestre, A. B. In 1263, Hugh, son of William de Chester, gave security to the monks of Fountains for the payment of an annual rent of 6d. out of a toft and croft at Raynington (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 195). e Newby-super-Swale. f de quo fit mentio, etc., A. g Geoffrey, son of Robert de How, gave ten oxgangs of land with a toft and a croft in How to the Hospital of St. Leonard, York. And John, son of Geoffrey de How, released to it all his right in the manor, town, and territory of How, as well in demesne as in services, and ratified his father's donation of the same (Drake's Eboracum, 335). h Thornton Bridge, near Cundall. WAPENTAKE OF HALLIKELD, N. R. 185 xij car. faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Johannes de Eyvillei tenet vj car. de Jacobo de Nerff, et idem Jacobus de Galfrido de Nevill, et idem Galfridus de Ranulpho de Sley/, et idem Ranulphus de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem prwedictum iijs.: et Prior de Novo Burgo tenet j car., nomine dotis ecclesioe suse, sed non dicitur de quo; Nicholaus de la Ryverl tenet j car. de Rogero Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ixd. MILDEBY. In eadem villa sunt ij car. terrae et di., unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit., quas Johannes de Breton tenet de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xijd. HUNDBURTON.m In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae, quae faciunt vjtam partem feodi milit.; et Willelmus de Harderne tenet eas de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum xijd. LANGTHORP. In eadem villa sunt iij car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Prior de Novo Burgo tenet ij car., et Thomas de Westonn tenet j car. de Rogero de Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs. viijd. KIRKEBY SUPER MORAM.O In eadem villa sunt v car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit.: de quibus Prior de Novo Burgo tenet ij car.; et Alexander de Ledys tenet residuas iij car. de eodem Priore, et idem Prior de Rogero Moubray, et idem Rogerus de rege. Et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum vs. NORTON.P Sunt in eadem villa vij car. terrae, unde xij faciunt feod. milit., quae tenentur de Abbate de Sancto Albano, et idem Abbas de rege: et nullum fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. BALDERBY. Abbas de Fontibus tenet Balderby, Birkhou, et i John Dayvill was certified lord of "Thornton, Cundell et Lecceby, iij villae," in 1316. j Norff', A. B. k Sleys, A. B. t Ryber, Gale. n Humberton, a hamlet in the township of Humberton-with-Milby, and parish of Kirkby-on-the-Hill. n Wistou, A. B. ~ Commonly called Kirkby-Hill. P Norton-le-Clay. q The particular sites of Birkhou and Eseby, in the township of Baldersby, are not known, but the following extracts from the Fountains' charters, kindly communicated by Mr. Walbran of Ripon, prove that these places stood somewhere between Baldersby and Rainton:-Beatrice, widow of Peter de Melsa, gave to the Abbot and Convent of Fountains, eleven oxgangs of land " scilicet, quicquid continetur infra has divisas. A divisa de Birkhou, in longum divisn de Eseby, usque ad filum aque de Swale, et sic deorsum in longum aqume usque ad divisas de Neuby, et sic sursum in longum praedicte divisa usque ad divisas de Ranyngton, et sic per eandem divisam de-inter Raynyngton et Bake-stain-bench usque ad divisam de Birkhow, et sic usque ad capud de Eseby." From another 186 KIRKBY S INQUEST FOR YORKSHIRE. Eseby de hveredibus de Percy, quse quondam fuerunt villae, et nunc est una grangia, quwe vocatur Balderby; et redd. per ann. ad finem prsedictum iijs. BRYNYSTON.r Abbas Beatae Mariae [Ebor.]s tenet unam medietatem de feodo Roberti [de]t Musters, et Robertus de Comite, et Comes de rege; et aliam medietatem tenet de feodo de Midelham, et feodum tenetur de Comite, et Comes de rege. Et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum, nec aliquod fit inde servitium de quo fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis. SUTTON HOUGRAVE. In eisdem villis" (sic) sunt iiijor car. terrae, unde xviij car. faciunt feod. milit., quas Radulphus de Rugemundv tenet de Comite Richemundiae, et Comes de rege; et redd. per ann. ad finem praedictum ijs.: et Abbas de Fontibus tenet v bov. terrae; sed a quo, vel per quod servitium, non fit mentio in inquisitionibus praedictis.w Explicit wapentagium de Halykeld. DE TERRIS DE LIBERTATE BEATIE MARINE EBOR. IN DICTO WAPENTAGIO. SUNT in dicto wapentagio de Halikeld villa de Brynyston, quam Abbas Beatse Mariae Ebor. tenet in dominico; villa de Edelyngthorp, de qua Abbas tenet vj bov. terra in dominico, Ricardus de Buterwik j car. terrae et di., Goram tenet unam car. terrae; Johannes Steynley j car. terrae, et Michael Crokedayke v bov. terrae tenent de dicto Abbate. In Kirkby in Mora [est] j bov. terrae quam Abbas tenet in dominico de dicto Comite, et Comes de rege. charter it appears that there was "fossatum inter grangiam de Balderby et divisas de Esseby," and in another of the twelfth century mention is made of "fossatum quod est divisa inter Balderby et Eseby." Burneston. 8 Ebor., A. B. Y. t de, A. B. Y. u An error, probably, for "eadem villa." The Chartulary of Fountains contains upwards of twenty charters relating to Sutton-Hougrave, all very early and before the date of Kirkby's Inquest, and in all these the place is called "Sutton hougrave." At the time of the Domesday Survey there were four carucates in Sudtone and five in Hograve. I ichemund, A. B. Y. " MSS. A. B. S. and Y. end here. KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. 31ST EDWARD I. FEODAa MILITUM IN COM. EBOR. [WAPENTAGIUM DE STAINCLIFFE.] Inquisitiob facta de feodis milit. et car. terrse in wapentagio de Staincliffe, anno regni regis E. xxxj, per Willelmum de Cest(e) runt, Edmundum Maunsell, Alanum de Catherton, Hugonem de Halghton, Johannem Kighley, Nigellum de Stainforde, Henricum Eliam (sic) de Stretton, Adam de Horton, Willelmum de Sutton, Robertum Bull et Johannem de Paytenall, juratores, qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod, CRAKEHOWE, AYERTON, BRINSALL ET CONISTON. Dominus Radulphus de Nevill tenet in capite de domino castri de Skypton xij car. terrae, et faciunt feod. unius milit.; quarum Prior de Marton tenet de ipso iiijor car. in Crakehowe; Prior de Boulton tenet de eodem, in eadem, unam car. et di.; haeres de Rilleston tenet [in eadem]; de eodem, di. car. terr'e: dominus Hugo filius Henrici tenet de eodem in Ayerton j car.: dominus Johannes Gylliot tenet de eodem in Brinsall j car.; Willelmus de Hebden tenet de eodem, in eadem, j car.: Johannes de Coniston tenet de eodem in Coniston j car.; Rogerus de Barker tenet de eodem, in eadem, j car.; Willelmus Malghum tenet de eodem, in eadem, vj bov.; Gilbertus de Singleton tenet de eodem, in eadem, ijas bov. terree.-Unum feod., unde xij car. terrue faciunt feod. HETON, FARNHILL, CONINGLEY, NEUSOM, AEKEWORTH, ESSHETON ET GARGRAVE. Domina Margareta de Nevill tenet in a The Inquisitions " de feodis militum " were taken preparatory to the levying of the Aid for marrying the king's eldest daughter, which was granted by Parliament in the 18th Edward I. (Rotul. Parl., i., 25), but was not collected until the 31st year (Ibid., 266). Further particulars concerning this Aid will be given in a subsequent page. b This inquisition for the wapentake of Staincliffe is taken from the book marked B., iv., 24, in the Public Record Office, which has hitherto been cited by the letter B. In the following various readings, the letter F. denotes a Feodary's Book in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York, and R. the Rawlinson MS., 450 B, in the Bodleian Library. " in eadem, F. 190 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. capite de domino dicti [Castri]d xxj car. terrae et di., unde xiiij car. terrwe faciunt feod.; et sic de singulis feod. milit. dicti Castri xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod.; quarum Abbas de Furnase tenet de domina Margareta ij car. et di. in Heton; haeres Elime de Rilstone tenet de eadem ij car. et di.f in Heton; Abbas de Fontibus tenet de eadem Margareta, in eadem, j car.: Robertus de Fernhill tenet de eadem Margareta ij car. et vij bov. in Farnhill: Prior de Boulton tenet de eadem in Coningley ij car. et iij bov.; Willelmus Todde tenet de eadem di. car. in eadem; Johannes Browne tenet deg eadem ij bov.: Johannes de Ley tenet de eadem in Neusom di. car.: heres Simonis de Monhaud et Gilbertus de Hotonh tenent de eadem in Aekeworth j car. et di.: Adam (quaere Abbas) de Furnais tenet de eadem in Essheton j car.: Johanna de Strynsall tenet de eadem in Gargrave di. car.; Robertus filius Johannisi tenet de eadem di. car. in eadem; Johannes de Flasby tenet de eadem iij bov.; Stephanus de Caltonj tenet de eadem, in eadem, j bov.; Adam de Newland tenet in eadem ij bov.; Gilbertus Proudefote tenet in eadem j bov.: et in manu sua propria sunt v car. et j bov. [in]k Geyrgrave. Summa xxj car. et di. terrae, quae faciunt unum feod. et medietatem feod. et di. car. AYRTON,I CALTON ET ESSLAKE. Hugo [filius]m Henrici tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri xij" car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod.; quarum Prior de Boulton tenet de eodem in Ayrton et in Calton j car. et di.; heres Johannis de Feueser tenet de eodem, in eisdem, j car.: Ricardus de Plumlund tenet de eodem in Calton iij car.: Henricus de Marton tenet de eodem in Esslake ij car. et di.: [et]o in manu sua propria sunt iij car. in Ayerton. Summa xp car. terrae. d Castri, F. e The Inq. p. m. of Elias de Rilleston was taken " die Sabbati post Ascensionem Domini," 23rd Edward I., his next heirs being his daughters " Emma et Cecilia, unde primogenita est trium annorum et postgenita trium mensium" (Cal. Gen., ii., 601). Cecilia, probably, did not long survive her father. See p. 193, postea. f R. omits et di. g in, R. i Heton, E. Willelmi, F. i Carlton, F. k in, F. R. t 33rd Edward I. Inq. de captione manerii de Ayrton in Cravene in manum regis.-" Causa captionis manerii de Ayrton in Cravene in manum domini regis per Ricardum Oysel, eschaetorem regis ultra Trentam, etc.-Manerium de Ayrton in Cravene cum suis pertinentiis captum est in manum domini regis eo quod Hugo filius Henrici tenuit illud manerium cum pertinentiis de domino rege in capite, ut de honore Castri de Skipton, per servitium militare:-qui quidem Hugo obiit prima septimana Quadragesimwe anno regni regis Edwardi tricesimo tertio. Et super hoc Henricum, filium et heredem ejusdem Hugonis, sine homagio seu feoditate domino regi faciendis, vel aliqua eschaetria, in proedicto manerio [ego eschaetor] inveni ingressum, per quod quidem cepi in manum regis praedictum manerium" (Cal. Gen., ii., 697). "' filius, F. R. xj car., F. o et, F. R. xj car., F. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 191 SUTTON, DRAGHTON ET ADINGHAM. Dominus Willelmus le Vavasor tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri xjq car., ut supra; quarum Johannes de Boyvillr tenet de ipso iij car. in Sutton; Adam de Middleton tenet de ipso in Draghtons ij car.; et iiij car. sunt in manu sua propria in Adingham. Summa xjq car. SCOTHORP, HALTON ET ESBY. Prior de Boulton tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri vj car. et di., unde, ut supra;t quarum heer'u Roberti de Skothorp ten'v de ipso j car. et di. in Scothorp; et v car. sunt in manu sua propria in Halton et Esby. Summa vj car. et di. HALTON ET SKIPTON. Dominus Henricus de Kighley tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri j car. et di.; quarum Prior de Boulton tenet j car. de ipso in Halton; et di. car. est in manu sua propria in Skipton; sedw ij bov. tenentur per serjantiam, et nihil redd. ad finem wapp. Summa j car. et di. BROGHTON. Dominus Johannes Gilliot tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri v car. et unam bov., unde, ut supra; quarum Adam filius Willelmi tenet de ipso j car. in Broghton; Johannes de Lofthouse tenet de eodem, in eadem, j car.; Henricus de Aula tenet de eodem, in eadem, di. car.; et ij car. et di. et j bov. [sunt]x in manu sua propria in Broghton. Summa v car. et j bov. APPILTREWIK ET HERTLINGTON. Dominus Henricus de HertlingtonY tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri j car. et vj bov., unde, ut supra; quarum Willelmus Desert tenet de ipso in Appiltrewik ij bov.; et Henricus de Kighley tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; et j car. et ij bov. sunt in manu sua propria in Hertlington et Appiltrewik. Summa j car. et vj bov. HEGHFELD, OTTERBURNE, HAHMLITH ET MALGHAM. Willelmus Malleverer tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri xiiij car., et faciunt feod.; quarum dominus Johannes Beke tenet de ipso iiij car. in Heghfeld: dominus Henricus de Kighley tenet de ipso in Otterburne iij car.: dominus Henricus de Hertlington tenet de eodem iij car. in Hahmlith: Prior de Boulton tenet de eodem j car. in Malgham; Willelmus de Haukeswik tenet de Q ix car., F. r The Inq. p. m. of William de Boyvill, who died seised of the hamlet of "Collyngge," and the manor of "Sutton in Airdal" (Cal. Inq. p. qn., i., 196), was taken July 24th, 33rd Edward I., John de Boyvill being his son and heir. The jurors say that " dictus Johannes erit eotatis viginti duorum annorum die Sancti Laurentii proximo futuro" (Cal. Gen., ii., 678). " Broughton, F. t F. omits unde, ut supra. U haeres, F. " tenet, F. " et, F. " sunt, F. R. Y Sir Henry de Hertlington, son and heir of William de Hertlington, " fuit de setate viginti unius annorum et amplius die quo dictus Willelmus, pater suus, obiit, scilicet, die Sabbati in vigilia Sancti Thomae Apostoli anno regni regis Edwardi vicesimo primo" (Cal. Genr., ii., 464). 192 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. eodem ij car.; Abbas de Fontibus tenet de eodem, in eadem, j car. Summa j feod. MARTON ET STRETTON. Willelmus de Martonz tenet de domino dicti Castri xij car., unde, ut supra; quarum Prior de Boulton tenet de ipso iija car. et vj bov. in Marton; dominus Johannes Gilliot tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij car.; Isabella de Haukeswik tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Thomas del Storthes tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Ricardusb Molant tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Willelmus Leget tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Willelmus del Hill tenet de eodem, in eadem, ijc bov. Alicia del Hill tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; Willelmus de Cest (e) runt tenet de eodem in Stretton vj bov.; Adam de Fauvell tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Hugo Ake tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.: et iij car. et [blank]d bov. sunt in manu sua propria in Marton. Summa xij car. et vj bov. terrae. CONYNGSTON.e Willelmus de Hebden tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri vj car., unde, ut supra; quarum Abbas de Fontibus tenet in Conyngston vj bov.; Robertus Pychsallf tenet [de] eodem, in eadem, vj bov.; Willelmus de Ilketon tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; et iiij car. et ij bov. sunt in manu sua propria. Summa vj car. terrae. KIGHLEY, HALTON ET ESSHETON. Johannes de Essheton tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri x car., unde, ut supra; quarum dominus Henricus de Kighleyh tenet de eodem in Kighley iiij car.; Prior de Boulton tenet de eodem in Halton ij car.; et iiijor car. sunt in manu sua propria in Essheton. Summa x car. KIGHLEY, SKIPTON, RILLESTON ET BRACEWELL. Haeresi Ricardi Tempest, qui est in custodia domini regis, tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri vj car. et vj bov., unde, ut supra; quarum * The Inq. p. m. of William de Marton was taken in the 33rd Edward I., his son William being his next heir. " De setate dicti Willelmi, filii et haeredis dicti Willelmi, defuncti, dicunt [juratores] quod idem Willelmus fuit die Mercurii in septimana Pentecostes anno regni regis Edwardi tricesimo tertio de aetate viginti et septem annorum" (Cal. Gen., ii., 687). a ij car., F. R. b Willelmus Molant, F. Ricardus de Moland', R. c unam bov., R. d sex bov., R. e Coniston in Kettlewell Dale. f Pighell, F. de Pikhall, R. g de, F. R. h In the 33rd Edward I. Henry de Keighley had a charter for a market, fair, and free warren at Keighley (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). i 1st Oct., 32nd Edward I. Proof of age of John, son and heir of Richard Tempest. —"Willelmus de Marton, aetatis sexaginta annorum, juratus et separatim examinatus super aetate praedicti Johannis, filii et haeredis dicti Ricardi, dicit quod praedictus Johannes natus fuit apud Braycewelle quadam die Sancti Bartholomei Apostoli, quoto anno domini regis nunc ignorat, et in baptisterio ecclesiae Sancti Michaelis ejusdem villae baptizatus; dicit tamen quod a dicto die Sancti Bartholomei nativitatis praedicti Johannis fuerunt viginti et unus anni elapsi die Sancti Bartholomei proximo praeterito. Et dicit se super certi WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE) W. R. 193 dominus Henricus de Kighley tenet de eo in Kighley ij car., et in Skipton ij bov.; dominus Henricus de Hertlington tenet de eo in Rilleston j car.; Robertus filius Mathei tenet de eo in Bracewell ij bov. terrae; et iij car. sunt in manu dictiJ regis ratione custodiae. Summa vj car. et vj bov. RILLESTON ET SCOTHORP. Haeresk Elise de Rilleston, qui est in custodia domini regis, tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iiij car. et di. terrae in Rilleston et in Scothorp; et totum [est] in manu domini regis ratione custodiae. COLLING. Johannes de Boyvill tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iiijl car., unde, ut supra; quarum Willelmus de Cestrunt tenet de eo in Coiling di. car.; Adam filius Radulphi tenet de eodem, in eadem, di. car.; Matilda de Culcotesm' tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Paulinus Bothecolloke tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Alcoke de Holenyesn tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Johannes filius Agnetis tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; et ix bov. sunt in manu sua propria. Summa iiij car. et di. ESSHETON ET GAREGRAVE. Thomas de Mounceus tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iii car., unde, ut supra; quarum Abbas de Furnas tenet de eo [in]~ Essheton ij bov.; Willelmus de Malghom tenet de eo, in eadem, vj bov.; et ij car. sunt in manu sua propria in Garegrave. Summa iij car. SKIPTON, BRADLEY ET GAREGRAVE. Johanna de Strinsallp tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iij car. terre et di., unde, ut supra; quarum Henricus Vlfq tenet in Skipton de ea ij bov.; Rogerus Bulloke tenet de eadem ij bov.: Thomas filius Nicholai tenet de eadem in Bradelay ij bov.; Adam filius Nob'r tenet de eadem, in eadem, ij bov.; Galfridus filius Nob'r tenet de eadem, in eadem, j bov.; Willelmus filius Battay tenet de eadem, in eadem, j bov.; etj car. et ij bov. sunt [in]s manu sua propria in Bradley et Garegrave. Summa iij car. et di. BROGHTON ET STRETTON. Everardus Fauvell tenet in capite tudine diei et anni nativitatis pradicte recolere per hoc, quod die Exaltationis Sanctne Crucis proximo post nativitatem praedicti Johannis natus fuit sibi quidam filius, Patricius nomine, qui fuit aetatis viginti et unius annorum ad dictum festum Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis proximo praeteritum" (Cal. Gen., ii., 675). j domini, R. k The proof of age of Emma, wife of Richard Fauvell, and daughter and heiress of Elias de Rilleston, was taken on Wednesday, 11th March, 32nd Edward I., when " Johannes de Kigheleye, aetatis quinquaginta annorum, juratus et separatim examinatus,-dicit quod dicta Emma nata fuit apud Flasceby die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Petri in Cathedra ultimo prseteritum fuerunt quindecim anni elapsi, et in baptisterio ecclesise Sancti Andreee Apostoli de Geyregrave baptizata" (Cal. Gen., ii., 676).' iij car., F. tres car., R. m An error, perhaps, for Oulecotes. " Alcock de Holines, F. o in, F. P Strensall, F q Volf, F. r Nobilis, F. t in, F. 0 194 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. de domino dicti Castri iij car. et di., unde, ut supra; quarum Constantinus Fauvell tenet in Broghton j car. terr'e: Ricardus Fauvell tenet de eodem in Stretton di. car.; Adam Fauvell tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Willelmus de Cest(e) runt tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Nicholaus Taybanke tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Prior de Boulton tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; Ricardus det Goldring tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; et vj bov. sunt in manu sua propria in Stretton. Summa iiij" car. et di. SKIPTON ET BRADELAY. Willelmus de Cest(e)runt tenet in capite de domino dicti Castrij car., unde, ut supra; cujus Henricus Cest(e) runt tenet de eodem in Skipton ij bov.: Willelmus Carpentarius tenet de eodem in Bradelay ij bov.; Robertus Buke tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; Robertus filius Galfridi tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; Johannes le Botiler et quidam alius tenent de eodem, in eadem, ij bov. Summa j car. BROGHTON, BRADELAY ET SKIPTON. Henricus de Aula tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iij car., unde, ut supra; quarum Thomas Ryvell tenet de eodem in Broghton ij bov.; Henricus de Skeleslay tenet de eodem in Bradelay ij bov.; dominus Henricus de Kighley tenet de eodem in Skipton ij bov.; et vj bov. sunt in manu sua propria in" Skipton. Summa iij car. ELSLAKE. Elias de Stretton tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car., unde, ut supra; cujus dominus Johannes Gilliot tenet de eodem in Elslake j bov.; Godefridus de Alta Ripa tenet de eodem, in eadem, ij bov.; et j bov. est in manu sua propria. Summa di. car. [ ] Haeres Roberti de Scothorp tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car., unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in mann sua propria. Summa di. car. STRETTON. Adam Fauvell tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iij bov. in Stretton, unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria. Summa iij bov. STRETTON ET BROGHTON. Ricardus filius Hugonis tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri iij bov. in Stretton et Broghton, unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria. Summa iij bov. DRAGHTON ET BROGHTON. Ricardus de Fauvelthorp tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri j car., unde, ut supra; unde Johannes filius Roberti tenet de eodem in Draghtonw ij bov.; Willelmus filius Elise tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; et v bov. sunt in mann sua propria in Broghton.$ Summa j car. F. omits de. " iij car. et di., F. R. v F. omits in Skipton. l Broughton, F. ~P. omits in Broghton. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 195 SKIPTON ET BRADELAY. Adam del Bank tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri j car., unde, ut supra; unde Adam Thorbrande tenet de eodem in Skipton j bov.; Robertus filius Alfen' tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; Rogerus Bullokey tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; Robertus le Mercere tenet de eodem, in eadem, j bov.; Willelmus filius Nob'z et Willelmus Carpentarius tenent de eodem in Bradelay ij bov.; et ij bov. sunt in manu sua propria in Skipton. Summa una car. BRADELAY. Robertus Buke tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri [di. car. terrae, unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria in Bradelay. Summa di. car. terrve.]a [Elias Buk tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri]b ij bov., unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria in Bradelay. Summa ij bov. Robertus le Mason tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri ij bov., unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria in Bradelay.c Summa ij bov. Robertus filius Galfridi tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car. in Bradelay, unde, ut supra; unde [Ricardus]d filius Walteri tenet de eo in Bradelay ij bov.; et ij bov. sunt in manu sua propria. Summa di. car. Ricardus filius Walteri tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car. in Bradlay, unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria. Summa di. car. SKIPTON. Willelmus de Brigham tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car. in Skipton, unde, ut supra; unde Agnes [de] Farnhill tenet de eo ij bov. in Skipton; et ij bov. sunt in manu sua propria. Summa di. car. Constantinus Fauvell tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car. in Skipton, unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria. Summa di. car. Willelmus de Meitgrenef tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri ij bov. terrae in Skipton, ut supra; et totum [est] in mann sua propria. Thomas deg Groper et Henricus le Wileshire tenent in capite de domino dicti Castri ij bov. in Skipton, ut supra; et totum [est] in manibus suis propriis. APPLETREWIK. Adam de Wodhouse et Willelmus Giremeu' y Buck, F. ~ Nobil', F. a di. car. terrae, unde, ut supra; et totum [est] in manu sua propria in Bradelay, Sumwma di. car. terrse, R. b Elias Buk tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri, R. c R. omits in Bradelay. d Ricardus, F. R. e de, R. f Mowgrene, F. Macegrene, R, g le Groper, F. R. o02 196 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. tenent in capite de domino dicti Castri ij bov. in Appletrewik, ut supra; et totum [est] in manibus suis propriis. BROGHTON. Haeres Willelmi Proudefote tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri di. car. in Broghton, ut supra; unde Constantinus Fauvell tenet j bov., Willelmus de Brus tenet j bov., et Willelmus Legett tenet ij bov. Summa di. car, APPLETREWIK. Dominus Rannulphus de Nevill tenet in capite de domino dicti Castri j car. in Appletrewik, unde, ut supra, quam Prior de Marton tenet de eo integraliter. SKIPTON, STRETTON, THORLEBY, SIGHELESDEN ET SKIBDEN. Dominus Castri tenet in dominico in Skipton vj car. in manu sua propria; et in Stretton et Thorleby tenet in dominico iiijor car. Item habet [in] Sighelesden ix car., quas nativi sui tenent. Item habet in Skibden iij car., quas nativi sui tenent. Summa xxij car. Summa xij feoda iij car. et j bov., de quibus dominus Rex tenet in dominico j feod. et di. et j car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod.; et sic restant x feoda et di., et j car. et v bov., unde denarii levari poterunt. FEODUM DOMINI ROGERI DE MOUBRAY IN WAP. DE STAINCLIFF. NEUTON/ ET ELSLAKE. Dominus Philippus de Kimbej tenet in capite de haer' de Moubray vj (sic) car., unde xxviij car. faciunt feod. unius milit.; quarum Alanus de Catherton tenet de dicto Philippo vj car. et di. in Neuton et in Elslake. Johannes de Catherton tenet in eisdem, de eodem, di. car., unde, ut supra. Summa vij car. THORP. Prior de Boulton tenet in capite de dicto hberede de Moubray j car. in Thorp; et haer' Henrici de Hedlingham ten' dictam car. de [proedicto]k Priore. Summa j car. FLASCEBY ET WINTERBURN. Willelmus Greyndorgl tenet in capite, etc., vj car. in Flasceby et Winterburn, unde, ut supra. HERTLINGTON. Dominus Ranulphus de Nevill tenet in capite, etc., ij car. in Hertlington; et dominus Henricus de Hartlington tenet dietas ij car. de dicto domino Ranulpho. APPLETREWICK. Willelmus Desert tenet in capite, etc., di. car. in Appletrewick; unde Henricus filius Ricardi de Kighley h in, F. R. i Bank Newton, in the parish of Gargrave. i Grandson of "old Philip de Kyme," who is mentioned at p. 199, postea (Plac. de Quo Warr., 397). Sir Philip de Kyme had summons to Parliament in the 23rd Edward I., and died in the 16th Edward II. (Dugd. Bar., i., 620). k pradicto, F. R.' The brass matrix of the personal seal of William Graindehorge, date, 13th century, was found at Flasby in 1843 (Archeol. Journal, ii., 399). WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 197 tenet de dicto Willelmo j bov.; et iij bov. [sunt]m in manu sua propria. HEBDEN. Abbas de Fontibus tenet in capite, etc., ij car. in Hebden; et Willelmus de Hebdenn tenet eas de dicto Abbate de Fontibus. Summa~ xxP car. et di., qum faciunt di. feod., viijvam partem et xiiijmnm partem j feodi. Summa iij quart. j feodi, et j car., unde xxviij car. faciunt feod. FEODA DOMINI HENRICI DE LASCY IN DICTO WAP. DE STANECLIFF. SCLATEBURN. Dicunt quod sunt in Sclateburn iij car., quas Comes Lincolniae tenet in dominico de rege in capite, sed nihil redd. ad finem wap. ESINGTON. Dicunt quod in Esington est j car., quam hser' Adae de Wannervill ten' de Comite Lincolniae, et Comes de rege in capite, et nihil redd. ad finem praedictum. NEUTON.Y Dicunt quod in Neuton sunt ij car., unde Elias de Thorneley tenet iiij bov. de Comite, et Comes de rege; Alanus de Neuton [tenet]r ij bov. de Comite, et Comes, ut supra; et Comes tenet j car. et ij bov. de rege in capite, et nihil redd. ad finem wap. BRADEFORD. In Bradeford sunt iij car., quas Comes tenet in dominico de rege, et nihil redd., ut supra. HAMERTON. In Hamerton est j car., quam Stephanus de Hamerton tenet de Comite, et Comes de rege, et nihil redd., etc. GRENEDELINGTON.S In Grenedelington sunt iij car., quas Comes tenet in dominico de rege in capite, et nihil redd., [ut supra.] t MITTON. In Mitton sunt iij car. terrie, undeu haer' domini Radulphi de Mitton ten' de Comite, et Comes de rege in capite, et redd. fines wap., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit.v WADDINGTON. In Waddington est j car. et iij bov., quas haer' Ricardi Tempest ten' de Comite, et Comes de rege in capite, et redd., ut supra. Summa xx car., unde xiiij faciunt feod., et iiijtam partem j m sunt, R. Son and heir of Sir William de Ebor., alias de Hebden. His mother Cecilia re-married, before 1294, Amandus de Surdeval (Reg. Romanus, 26 a). Some account of this family has been given at page 20. o Summa xviij car. et di., quae faciunt di. feod. milit., viijva partem et unamn car., unde xxviij, etc., F. P xix car. et di., R. q Newton-on-Hodder. r tenet, F. R.' Grinlington, F. Now called Grindleton. ut supra, R. " quas, F. F. omits unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit. 198 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. feodi. Summa j feod. et di., proeter j car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod., vijm ampartem et xxviij partem j feodi. FEODA DOMINI HENRICI DE PERCY IN DICTO WAP. DE STANECLIFF. HORTON. In Horton sunt vij car.; unde Nicholaus de Horton tenet ij car. et vj bov. de Johanne de Caily, et Johannes de Henrico de Percy, [et Percy]w de domino rege in capite, et nihil redd. ad wap.; et Willelmus [de] Irby tenet in eadem x bov., scilicet iiij del Percy, et ille de rege in capite, et vj de Nigello de Setill, et Nigellus de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite, et redd. ad finemr wap. vjd.; et Johannes Steling tenet ij bov. de Hospitali Sancti Leonardi Ebor.; et Robertus de Boulton tenet vj bov. de eodem Hospitali; et Abbas de Salley tenet ij bov. de haerede de Monte Alto, et ille de Percy; et Johannes BoultonY tenet vj bov. in eodem modo, et redd. ad finem wap., etc. Summa vj car. PATHENALL. In Pathenall sunt vj car.; unde Alanus de Mertonz tenet ij car. de hser' domini Ricardi de Brus, et Brus de Percy, et ille de rege in capite; et Simon de Pathenall tenet v bov. de Percy, ut supra; et haeres Ricardi de Goldesburgh tenet v bov. de Percy, ut supra; et idem haeres tenet viij bov. de Hospitali Sancti Leonardi. Johannes Boulton tenet iij bov. de eodem Hospitali, et Willelmus Prude tenet j bov. de eodem Hospitali. Ricardus del Mor' tenet iij bov. del Percy, ut supra; et Robertus filius Roberti [tenet] (blank)b bov. del Percy, ut supra; et hweres dicti Ricardi tenet iij bov. de domino Johanne Giliot: et redd. ad finem wap., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod., et sic de singulis illius feodi. Summa vj car. NEUSOM ET NAPPAY. In Newsom et Nappay sunt iiij car.; unde Willelmus de Greynedorg tenet v bov. del Percy, et ille, ut supra; et Stephanus de Neusom tenet ij bov. de dicto Willelmo Greynedorg, et ille de Percy, ut supra. Thomas de Pathenail tenet j bov. de dicto Willelmo Greynedorge, et Willelmus de Percy, ut supra, etc. Johannes de Garegrave tenet j car. de dicto Willelmo, et Willelmus, ut supra. Et omnes istae bov. redd. [ad] finem wap. Et domus Hospitalis Sancti Leonardi tenet in puram elemosinam ij car. et vijc bov., et nihil redd. Summa iiij car. BOULTON. In Boulton sunt ij car. terrse, unde rector ecclesire tenet di. car. terrae de qua ecclesia dotata est; summaque patet. Summa ij car. "' et Percy, F. " de, R, Y Coulton, F. * Morton, F. Horton, R. a tenet, R. iiijor bov., F. unam bov., R. sex bov., R. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 199 GISBURNE CUM WESTBY. In Gisburn cum hameletto de Westby sunt iiij car.; quarum Abbas de Salley tenet j car. del Percy, et clamat habere in elemosina et nulla haereditate, et Percy de rege in baronia; et Walterus de Rimington tenet j car. de Monialibus de Appilton, et Moniales de Percy, ut supra, et nihil redd. in Uaronia; et Persona ecclesie de Gisburn tenet in eadem j car. unde ecclesia dotata est, et nihil redd. Willelmus de Ribstan et Godith uxor ejus tenent in Westby j car. in dominico et servitio del Percy, et Percy, ut supra, etc.; et dat ad finem wap. iiijd. Summa iiij car. MIDEHOP. In Midehop est j car.; unde Robertus [de]d Rimington et Agnes uxor ejus tenent in dominico et servitio, et totum del Percy, et Percy, ut supra; et dat ad finem wap., etc., [xijd.] Summa j car. REMINGTON. In Remington sunt ix car.; quarum Willelmus de Roucestre tenet totum in dominico et servitio de Alano de Catherton, et Alanus de Percy, et Percy, ut supra; et redd. ad finem wap. vjs. Summa patet. THORNTON. In Thornton sunt xij car.; quarum ecclesia dotata est de iiij bov., et dataf sunt per veterem Philippum de Kimbe;g et Johannes King tenet j bov. de Hospitali Sancti Johannis in elemosinam, et fuit elemosinata a tempore quo non extat memoria; et dominus Walterus de Monnayh tenet totum residuum in dominico et servitio del Percy, ut supra, et redd. ad finem wap. vs. vjd. Summa xij car. ROUTHEMELL. In Routhemell sunt ij car.; quarum le Percy tenet di. car. de Willelmo le Fleming, et Willelmus del Percy, [et Percy],i ut supra, in baronia; et Thomas de Alta Ripa tenet ij bov. de Willelmo Fleming, et Willelmus, ut supra; et Willelmus le Fleming tenet j car. de Percy, et Percy, ut supra, et redd. ad finem wap. xijd.; et Abbas de Salley tenet ij bov. de Willelmo Fleming, et Willelmus, ut supra; et facit forinsecum servitium, et habuit ingressum in tempore regis Henrici patris Edwardi. Summa ij car. WIKELSWORTH. In Wikelsworth sunt iiij car.; quarum Adam de Wikelsworth tenet ij car. in dominico de Abbate de Fontibus, et Abbas de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de Comit' de Claroj (sic) et Percy, ut supra, in capite; et Adam filius Adae d de, F. e xijd., F. f dotata, R. F. omits et data sunt. g Philip de Kyme was the son and heir of Simon de Kyme, and died in the 26th Henry III. (Dugd. Bar., i., 620). See page 196, antea. h Mouncy, R. In the 28th Edward I. Walter de Muncey had a grant of free warren in Thornton juxta Skipton in Craven, and in the hamlets of Everby and Kelbroke (Cal. Rot. Chart., 130). * et Percy, F. i Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hereford, married Joan of Acres, 200 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. de eadem tenet vj bov. de Abbate de Fontibus, et Abbas, ut supra; et Rainerus de Knoll tenet di.k car. de Abbate de Fontibus, et Abbas, ut supra; et Magister Militiae Templi tenet ij bov. de Ada filius Ade, et Adam de Ada de Werwike,l et Adam de Abbate de Fontibus, ut supra; et redd. ad finem wap. [ijs.]m Summa iiij car. SWINDON. In Swindon sunt vj car. et di.; quarum Robertus de Brakenbergh tenet. totum in dominico et servitio de Radulpho" [de]~ Nevill, et Radulphus de Percy, et Percy de rege; et redd. ad finem wap. ijs. Summa patet. LANGCLIFF. In Langcliff sunt ij car.; quarum Abbas de Salley tenet totum in dominico de Percy, et Percy de rege; et clamat habere libertatem de tempore Henrici patris Edwardi, et redd., in antiquo tempore, ad finem wap. [xviijd.],p et modo est in eodem...... et contradicunt. Summa patet. SETTILL. In Settill sunt iiij car.; quarum Robertus filius Albredae tenet di. car. de Percy; et Willelmus de Wayte tenet di. car., et Wag' de Settill tenet ij bov., et Willelmus filius Petri tenet j bov., et Nigellus de Pathenall tenet ij bov.; et tenentur de Percy, et Percy de rege; et dominus Henricus de Percy tenet in dominico ij car. et j bov. de rege in capite; et Willelmus filius Radulphi tenet ij bov. de Hospitali [Sancti Johannis].q Summa iiij car. GIGELESWIKE ET STOCHOUSES. In Gigeleswike sunt iiij car. cum hameletto; quarum Henricus de Percy tenet ij car. de rege in baronia; et ecclesia dotata est de di. car.; et Stephanus Scotte tenet di. car. de Percy, et Percy de rege; et Abbas de Furnic' tenet j car. in Stochouses, in elemosinam, de Percy, et Percy, ut supra; et confirmata est a carta Ricardi regis. Summa iiij car. MALGHUM. In Malghum sunt iiij car.; quarum Abbas de Fontibus tenet iij car. de Percy, et dat ad finem wap. xijd.; et daughter of King Edward the First, and left at his decease in 1295, a son and heir, Gilbert, then aged five years (Dugd. Bar., i., 215). It appears from an extent of the manor of Preston in Craven, which was taken in the 33rd Edw. I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 697), that the aforesaid earl held four carucates of land in Wykelesworth (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 202). Many lands scattered in different parts of England were held of "the Honor of Clare," which belonged to the earls of Clare, as they were often styled, until they became earls of Gloucester; but, as it has been said, not after that period. This point is, however, not settled to my satisfaction, and this earl may have been called so, popularly, after the death of his father, Gilbert, 7th earl of Hereford, and before he was summoned to Parliament in the 1st Edward II. Still, as he had not paid his relief, the land could not legally be said to be held of him.-J. R. W. k unam car., F.' He is called Berwyk in Kirkby's Inquest. m ijs., F. " Ranulpho, R. o de,F. P xviijd., et modo contradicunt, F. g Snacti Johannis, F. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 201 Thomas de Malghum tenet di.r car. de Priore de Boulton, et Prior de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite; et Elias de Otterburn tenet ijs bov. de Abbate de Fontibus, et Abbas de Percy, ut supra, in capite. Summa iiij car. et di.t KIRKEBY. In Kirkebv sunt iij car.; quarum Abbas de Derham tenet ij bov. unde ecclesia fuitu dotata; et idem Abbas tenet xij bov. de domina Alicia de Bukeden; et Robertus de Stainford tenet j bov., et Adam filius Aliciae de Bukeden tenet ij bov., et Johannes filius Pyme de Malghum tenet j bov., et Ricardus de Rither tenet j bov., et Alicia de Bukeden tenet iiijv bov. [Et] omnes isti tenent de Alicia de Bukeden, et Alicia de Percy in dringagio,x et Percy de rege in capite. Summa iij car. CARLETON. In Carleton sunt vj car.; de quibus Rector ecclesiae tenet di. car. in elemosinam. Item Godefridus de Alta Ripa tenet di. car. de domino Thoma de Alta Ripa in capite. Item Robertus filius Willelmi tenet di. car. in eadem villa de eodem Thoma; et totum residuum tenet praedictus Thomas, de Percy, in capite, reddendo ei j librum cimini. Summa vj car. PRESTON. In Preston sunt vj car.; quarum Franciscus (?) Perfect de Preston et Alicia uxor ejus tenent j car., tam in dominico quam in servitio, de Percy. Item Persona dictae ecclesiae de Preston tenet j car. unde ecclesia dotata est. Item Elias de Gloc'Y tenet iiijz bov. de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de Percy. Item Ricardus de Brus tenet iija bov., tam in dominico quam in servitio, deb quibus Abbas de Salley tenet ijc bov. Abbas de Fontibus tenet iijd bov., et Persona ecclesie ejusdem villae tenet j bov. in puram elemosinam; et Abbas de Fontibus tenet easdem [bov.]e de Abbate de Salley, et Abbas de Salley de Ricardo de Brus, et Ricardus de Percy. Summa vj car.'GAYRGRAVE. In Gayrgrave sunt vij car. et di. de feodo de Percy, quas dominus Johannes de Eivill tenet de domino [Henrico]f de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite. [Summa vij car. et di.]s STANEFORD. In Staneford sunt iij car.; unde Abbas de Salley tenet j car. et vj bov., tam in dominico quam in servitio, de Henrico de Percy; et dicunt quod, tempore Henrici regis, " unam car., F.' iiijr bov., F. t R. omits et di. " est, F. v quinque bov., F. w Et, F. * The people who held by this peculiar tenure were called " drenges," and, according to Sir Edward Coke, were " free tenants of a manor," which is not an exact definition.-J. R. W. (Vide Introduction to Domesday Book by Sir Henry Ellis, and Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 70.) The F. MS. has "burgagio" erroneously. Y Glocester, F. * iiij bov.-struck out-ij car. et vj bov., F. a iiijor bov., R. b Et Abbas, F.' iij bov., F. d ij bov., F. e bov., F. f Henrico, R. g Summa vij car. et di., F. R. 202 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. dederunt ad finem wap. viijd., et modo nihil. Item Constantinus Fauvell et Alicia uxor ejus tenent x bov., tam in dominico quam in servitio, et tenent de Willelmo Malleverer, et Willelmus de Radulpho de Normanvill, et Radulphus de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite. Item Robertus de Staneford tenet di. car. de Radulpho de Normanvill, et Radulphus, ut supra. Abbas de Derham tenet j bov. in puram elemosinam, ut dicitur. Summa iij car. CONYSTON. In Conyston sunt iij car. de feodo de Percy; quarum haer' Ricardi de Normanvill ten' ij car. et vj bov. de Philippo de Kyme, et Philippus de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite. Ricardus filius Roberti de Conyston tenet ij bov. de eodem Philippo, in eodem modo. Summa iij car. HELGHFELDE. In Helghfelde sunt ij car. de feodo de Percy; et Hospitale Sancti Johannis tenet dictas ij car. de domino Ranulpho de Nevill, et dominus Ranulphus de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite. Summa patet. PATHORN. In Pathorn sunt iij car., quas dominus Ranulphus de Nevill tenet de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite. Summa patet. WEST HALGHTON. In West Halghton sunt iij car., quas dominus Ranulphus de Nevill tenet de Percy, et Percy de rege in capite. Summa iij car. Memorandum quod viij villae sunt in dicto wapentagio de Stanecliff, de feodo de Percy, de quibus predictis viij [villis]^ non possunt scire aliquam veritatem de car. terrarum quae sunt in praedictis villis, quia dictse villse nolunt venire coram praedictis xij ad ipsos certificandum de feodis, scilicet, in Bukeden, Kettelwell, Litton, Arncliff, Gersington, Linton, Thresfeld et Styveton et qumedam villa vocata Newtoni sub Crakemor [cum] j Arneford,k de quibus adhuc nullam certitudinem possunt habere, nec cujus feod. Arnford sit. Summa feodorum Henrici de Percy, vij feoda et di. [et] ij car., unde xliijl car. faciunt feod., quae faciunt vij feoda et vijmam partem unius feodi. Summa feodorum wap. de Stanecliffe supradicti, xxj feoda et di., iiijta pars, viij pars et xiiij pars unius feodi. * villis, F.' Little Newton, near Long Preston. cum, F. k Arnford, in the parish of Long Preston.' xliiij car., R. FEODA MILITUM [IN] WAPENTAGIO DE CLARHOWE.a BETHEMESLEY. De ijbus feodis: de feodo de Percy vj bov. terrme, unde octo bov. faciunt carucatam, [et] xxiiijb car. faciunt feodum: de feodo de Skipton xiiij bov. terrae, unde, ut supra. NESCEFELD. De feodo de Percy iij car. terrme, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit. MIDLETON. De feodo de Percy iij car. terrae, unde xvj car. faciunt feod. milit. ASKEWITH. De ijbus feodis: de feodo de Percy iiij car. terrae, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit.: de feodo de Vescy ij car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. LETHELEY. De feodo de Percy ijc car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. CASTELEY. De feodo de Percy j car. terrae, unde, ut supra. KYRKBY ORBLAUERS. De feodo de Percy, cum hameletto de Walton, iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. SYKELYNGHALL. De feodo de Percy iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. LYNTON. De feodo de Percy ij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra. SPOFFORD. De feodo de Percy ij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra. FOLYFAYT ET AKETON.d De duobus feodis: de feodo de Percy j car. et di., unde, ut supra: de feodo de Ros xij bov. terrae, unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. PLUMPTON. De ijbus feodis: de feodo de Percy ij car. terrEe, unde xiiij car. faciunt feodum: de feodo de Vescy ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. PARVA RYBSTON. De feodo de Percy ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. COLTHORP. De feodo de Percy iij car. terrme, unde, ut supra. WYTHERBY. De feodo de Percy j car. terree, de feodo de a The remaining Knights' Fees in the West Riding are taken from the book marked B., i., 11, in the Public Record Office, which has previously been referred to in these notes by the letter A. b xiiij car., B. F. c iij car., B. F. d Aketon, a farm in the township of Follifoot, and parish of Spofforth. 204 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Moubray j car. terrae, de feodo de Brus j car. terre, de feodo de Teforde j car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod., quas Templarii tenent in elemosinam, et habent breve./ ASMUNDERBY. De feodo de Percy iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. PARVA STODELEY.g De feodo de Percy j car. terrse, unde, ut supra. HUNGERY STODELEY.h De feodo de Percy j car. terrae, unde, ut supra. KEREBY. De feodo de Percy iij car. terrse, unde, ut supra. DENTON. De feodo de Archiepiscopo iiij car. terrae, unde xij car. terrme faciunt feod. PARVA TYMBLE. De feodo Archiepiscopi j car. terrae, unde, ut supra. NEUHALL. De feodo Archiepiscopi iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. FARNELAY. De feodo Archiepiscopi iiiji car. terre, undei xvj car. faciunt feod. LYNDELAY. De feodo Archiepiscopi j car. terrme, unde, ut supra. WESTON. De feodo de Bygott ix bov. terrae, unde viij bov. terrme faciunt carucatam, et xij car. faciunt feod. ALDEFELD. De feodo de Moubray ij car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt feod. WYKERSLEY.k De feodo de Moubray j car. terrae, unde xiiijI car. faciunt feod. [ ]. De feodo de Moubray j car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod.m e9th Edward II.-" Ad petitionem Aliciae, quae fuit uxor domini Philippi de Tefurth, suggerentis regi quod cum Magister Templariorum in Anglia certa tenementa in Wetherby de dicto Philippo, viro suo, per servitium lxs. per annum tenuerit, de quibus servitiis dicta Alicia de xxs. dotata extiterit et seisita, donec terrae et tenementa Templariorum in manum domini regis devenerint: unde supplicat pro Deo quod super hoc inquiratur, et remedium sibi fiat, etc. Responsum est sic: Mandetur escaetori regis ultra Trentam quod inquirat super contentis in petitione, et certificet thesaurarium et barones de Scaccario, ut ipsi ulterius faciant quod de jure fuerit faciendum" (Rot..Parl., i., 344). f Breve. That is to say that the Templars held the king's writ or mandate, declaring them to be exonerated from the payment of Aids, etc., in respect of their tenure in frank-almoigne. According to Madox (Hist. Exchequer, i., 599), an "Aid pur faire Fitz Chivaler, or pur fille marrier, was not demandable from lands which were held either in Frankalmoigne or Socage." g The position of " Parva Stodeley " (at this time) cannot now be defined.J. R. W. h Hungery Studley, alias North Studley (Percy MS.), the site of which is now included within the township of Studley Roger.-J. R. W. iiij car., B. J ut supra, F. h A mistake for Wynkesley. xij car., B. F. m F. omits this entry. WAPENTAKE OF CLARO, W. R. 205 KYRKBY [MALSERD].n De feodo de Moubray xij car. terrae, et faciunt feod. milit., cujus quarta pars datur in elemosinam Abbati de Fontibus, et habet breve. ASERLEY CUM MEMBRIS. De feodo de Moubray v car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. milit. GROUELTHORP. De feodo de Moubray iiij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. milit.; quarum Abbas de Fontibus tenet ij car., et Templarii iijo car., et habent breve. HERLETHORP.P De feodo de Moubray ij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. RIPPELEY. De feodo de Ros ij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra. BERGHBY.q De feodo de Ros ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. NORTH DIGHTON. De feodo de Ros iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. SOUTH DIGHTON. De feodo de Ros iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. INGMANTHORP. De feodo de Ros iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. PARVA CATTELL.r De feodo de Ros j car. terrae, unde, ut supra. BRAME. De feodo de Ros j car. terrm, unde, ut supra. MAGNA RYBSTAN. De feodo de Ros iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, quas Templarii tenent in elemosinam, et habent breve. HUNSINGORE. De feodo de Ros iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. MAGNA CATHEL. De feodo de Ros iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. COPPEGRAVE. De feodo de Ros iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Hospitalarii tenent, et habent breve. HERKENDEN.S De feodo de Ros ij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra. Prior de Kydeshallt tenet, et habet breve. STAYNBURN. De feodo Baldewini de Insula iiij car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt feod. Abbas de Fontibus tenet, et habet breve.' Kyrkby Malserd, B. F. 0 ij car., F. P Probably some forgotten place in the parish or honor of Kirkby Malzeard. There is another Herlethorp, also belonging to the Moubray fee, in Harthill wapentake. See p. 80, antea. q Barrowby, a hamlet in the township of Kearby-cum-Netherby, and parish of Kirkby Overblow. Little Cattal is a hamlet in a detached portion of the parish of Whixley. * Now called Arkendale, a village three miles and a half N.E. of Knaresborough. t Kideshill, B. Kedeshil, F. An error for "Lilleshull," in Shropshire. About the year 1210 Hillaria de Trussebut granted to God and the Blessed Mary of Lilleshull, "et ejusdem loci conventui ibidem Deo serviqitibus, pro animabus patris et matris meae, et pro anima Roberti de Budlers, quondam viri mei, et pro salute animn meae, et hseredum meorum, totam terram meam de Arkendene, tan in villenagio, quam in libero servitio, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis infra villam et extra " (Mon. Angl., vi., 263). 206 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. RIGGETON. De duobus feodis: de feodo Baldwini de Insula ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra; quarum Abbas de Fontibus tenet ij car. terrae, et habet breve: de feodo de Moubray ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. KESEWYK. De feodo Baldwini de Insula ij car. terrae et di., unde x car. faciunt feod. WITHETON.U De feodo Baldwini de Insula iiij car., unde xij car. faciunt feod. GOLDESBURGH. De feodo de Vescy iiij car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. HOPERTON. De feodo de Brus ij car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt feod. ALLERTON. De feodo de Brus ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. CLARTON. De feodo de Brus ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. PARVA USEBURN. De feodo de Brus ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. QUYXLEY. De feodo de Brus vj car. terre et di., unde, ut supra. KIRK IAMERTON. De feodo de Brus ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Priorissa de Monketon tenet, et habet breve. GRENE HAMERTON. De feodo de Brus iijv car. terra, unde, ut supra. NUN MONKETON. De feodo de Brus iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra; quarum Priorissa de Monketon tenet j car. terrae, et habet breve. DUNSFORD [ET] W BRANTON.X De feodo de Brus iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. FLASCEBY. De feodo de GreleyY ij car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt feod., ut supra. u Weeton, in the parish of Harewood. v ij car., B. " et, B. F. * Branton Green, near Upper Dunsforth. y Probably the Lincolnshire family of that name. FEODA MILITUM [IN] WAPENTAGIO DE SKYRAKE. Nomina juratorum ad inquirendum de feodis ipsius wapentagii, videlicet, Laurentius de Arthyngton, Willelmus Patefyne, Nicholaus de Ilketon, Ricardus deWygdon, Robertus de Carleton, Willelmus de Berghby, Alfredus de Manston, Thomas de Horsford, Rogerus de Ledes, Willelmus de Hillum, Walterus de Meddylton et Thomas de Ulleskelfe, [qui dicunt quod,]a MORTON. Hler'b de Morton ten' in Morton ij car. terrae et di., unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. ILKELEY. In Ylkeley sunt iij car. terrae, unde xiiij faciunt feod.; de quibus Robertus de Percy tenet j et di., Abbas de Fontibus de Abbate de Salley di., Rector ecclesiae ejusdem ville di., Abbas de Salley tenet di. car., etc habet breve. Abbas de [Fontibus] tenet di. car., et habet breve. YEDON. Haeredes de Yedon tenent in Yedon j car. terrae et di., unde xvj car. faciunt feod. ROUDON. In Roudon sunt iij car. terrae, unde xvj car. faciunt feod.; de quibus Prior de Bolton tenet j, Thomas de Horsford tenet j, et Michael de Roudon tenet j. Prior de Boulton tenetj car., et habet breve. HORSFORD. In Horsford sunt iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra; de quibus Abbas de Kyrkstall tenet ij, et Thomas de Horsford unam. Abbas de Kyrkstall tenet ij car., et habet breve. CARLETON. Haeredes de Carleton tenent ibidem ij car. terre, unde, ut supra. [Rex.]d HEDDINGLEY. Willelmus de Patefyn de Heddingley pro di. feodo. POTTER NEUTON. Willelmus de Wynteword tenet Potter Neuton pro di. feodo. a qui dicunt quod, R. b H-eredes, B. F. " et habent breve, rest omitted, F. d Rex, F. The addition of the word "Rex" to some of these entries implies that the estates were then in the king's hands. 208 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. ALVERTON GLEDHOW. In Alverton Gledhow est j car. terrEe, unde xvj car. faciunt feod.; de qua haer' Willelmi de Alverton ten' di., et Abbas de Kirkestall di. car., et habet breve. GYPTON. Alexander de Ledes tenet in Gipton j car. terre, unde xvj car. faciunt feod. SWYNLINGTON. Hugo de Swynlyngton tenet in eadem di. feod.; et idem Hugo tenet ij car. terrae et di. in eadem, unde x faciunt feod. ALVERTON JUXTA AQUAM. Breve. Comes Lincolniae tenet in Alverton ij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. PRESTON. Adam de Preston tenet in Preston di. feod. MANSTON. Alfredus de Manston tenet in Manston ij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. OUSTHORP. Har'e Willelmi de Lincoln' ten'f in Ousthorp j car. terrae et di., unde x car. faciunt feod.; et hrer' Ricardi de Lound ten' ibidem v bov., unde x car. faciunt feod. GEREFORD. Breve. Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet in Gereford vj car. terrae, Adam de Preston ij car. terrae, haer' Simonis de Rupe j car., et Willelmus le Westrays j car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. In eadem villa Abbas Beatce Mariae Ebor. habet breve. SECROFT. Breve. Comes Lincolniae tenet in Secroft vj car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod.; de quibus Magister Militiae Templi tenet ij [car.], et Magister Hospitalish tenet j [car.]; et Willelmus le Waitt tenet j in Kidall. BEKEHAITH. Haeredesi (sic) Andreae de Gramary tenent Bekhayth cum pertinentiis pro tertia parte j feodi. THORNORE. Willelmus de Hameltoni tenet in Thornor quartam partem j feodi. SKARTHECROFT. Willelmus de Ryther tenet in Skarthecroft ij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. SHADEWELL. Heredes de Shadewell tenent in Shadewell di. feod. ARTHINGTON. Laurentius de Arthyngton tenet in Arthington di. feod. ADLEKYRK (sic). Abbas de Kyrkstall tenet in Adle di. feod. Abbas de Kyrkstall habet breve.' Heredes, B. F. f tenent, F. 8 car., P. h The Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. The heir of Andrew le Gramary was his son John ( Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 136). Richard le Gramary, father of Andrew, had a charter of free warren in " Bechaye et Bykerton" in 1243-4 (Cal. Rot. Chart., 59), and of a market and fair within his manor of Aberford in 1248-9 (Ibid., 67). j William de Hamelton, dean of York. See pp. 5, 39, antea. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 209 WYVERESDESLEY.k Haer'" de Wyveresdesley ten'" in eadem j car. terrse, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. Rex. ALDWALDLEY. Hrer' Willelmi de Aldewaldeley ten' in eadem ij car. terrae, et haer' Willelmi de Brandon" j car., unde xvj faciunt feod. WYGDON. Prior de Boulton tenet in Wygdon iiij car. terrse, unde xvj car. faciunt feod. Prior de Boulton habet breve. EST KESWYK. Hler' de Est Kesywyk ten' ibidem di. feod. Rex. HAREWOOD. Haer' de Harewood ten' ibidem xj car. terrae et j bov., unde xvj car. faciunt feod. Rex. LEDES. Comes Lyncolnise tenet in Ledes quartam partem unius feodi. Rogerus de Ledys tenet ibidem viijvam partem unius feodi. LEDESTON. Prior de Pontefracto tenet in Ledeston ij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. Prior de Pontefracto habet breve. WODHOUSE.~ Haer' de Berley ten' in Woodhouse j car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. COLYNGHAM, WYK ET BARDESEY. Abbas de Kirkstall tenet in Bardesay, Colyngham et Wyk viij car. terrae, unde xiiij faciunt feod., ad feodi-firmam de domino rege, reddendo per annum iiijx et x li. Abbas de Kirkstall habet breve. BYNGELEY. Johannes de HerecourtP tenet Byngeley cum pertinentiis pro di. feodo. GYSELEY, HAUKESWOORD ET BAYLDON. Simon Ward tenet in Gyseley, Haukeswoord et Bayldon xvij car. terrme, unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod. POUELL. Ricardus de Goldesburgh tenet in Pouell iiijtam partem j feodi. OTTELEY. Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet in Otteley di. feod. BURLEY [ET MENSINGTON].1 Ricardus de Babyngton tenet in Burley et Mensington di. feod. k Weardley, in the parish of Harewood. 1 Hleredes, F. The Inq. p. m. of Thomas de Weston, who held one carucate in Weardley at the date of Kirkby's Inquest (page 41, antea), was taken in the 28th Edward I. The jurors say that " dictus Thomas et Christiana, que fuit uxor ejus, adhuc superstes, conjunctim fuerunt seisiti de terris et tenementis subscriptis cum pertinentiis in Wirdeley infra manerium de Harewode-tenendis eisdem Thomnse et Christiane et haeredibus et assignatis ejusdem Thomae.Johannes filius Ricardi de Weston, fratris pradicti Thome de Weston, est lheres praedicti Thomse, et est aetatis triginta annorum et amplius " (Cal. Gen., ii., 587).'" tenent, F. n Brandon stood about two miles east of Alwoodley. o Wothersome, in the parish of Bardsey. See page 38, antea. P In the 19th Edward II. " Willelmus filius Johannis de Harecourt finem fecit per decem marcas pro pardonatione, etc., adquir', etc., manerium de Byngeleye in cor. Ebor., et illud, etc." (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 293).' et Mensington, F. P 210 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. PARLINGTON [ET] HILLUM.r Hugo Dispensators tenet in Parlington et Hillum iiij car. et vij bov., unde x car. faciunt feed. Hugo de Spencer habet breve. BERWYK [ET] KYPAX. Comes Lincolnire tenet in Barwyk iij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. Item tenet in Kypax iij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. NEUSUM, HALGHTON, COLTON ET SKELTON. Magister Militise Templi tenet in Neusum, Halghton, Colton et Skelton cum pertinentiis pro feodo integro. Habet breve. THORP STAPELTON. Her't de Thorp Stapelton ten' ij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod. j milit. Templarii tenent j car., et habent breve. r Hillam Hill, a farm in the parish of Aberford. Hugh Despenser, senior, the royal favorite. In the 35th Edw. I. he had a charter for a weekly market at Aberford, and for a fair on the feast of St. Dennis, and on the day before and after (Rot. Parl., i., 203).' Henricus, B. F. R. FEODA MILITUM DE LIBERTATE DE KNARESBURGH ET VETERI BURGH. Anno regni regis Edwardi xxxm~ primo, facta fuit Inquisitio, apud Knaresburgh, de feodis militum de Libertate de Knaresburgh et Veteri Burgh, per Nicholaum Birom, Robertum de Stanley, Henricum del Hill, Adam Cocum, Robertum Clericum de Knaresburgh, Ricardumn Ward, Radulphum Ward, Robertum de Ledes, Willelmum Attegrene, Thomam Lofthouse, Johannem de My(l)deby et Robertum de Minskip: qui juratores dicunt super sacramentum suum quod, STAVELEY ET FAR(N)HAM. Henricus filius Hugonis tenet in Staveley et Far(n)ham j feod. et iiijtam partem j feodi; unde Johannes de Walkyngham tenet de eodem Henrico in Far(n)ham quartam partem j feodi, unde xij car. faciunt feod. OUSBURN.a Breve. Henricus de Boscob tenet in Ousburn j feod., unde xij car. faciunt feod. BURTON LEONARDE. Petrus Becardc tenet in Burton Leonard v car. terrse, unde xij car. faciunt feod. CATHALL.d Willelmus Fossard tenet in Cathall j car. terrae et di., unde xij car. faciunt feod. TIMBLE. Dominus Rex tenet Tymble Percy pro viijva parte et xvma parte j feodi. LOFTHOUSE/ BURTON ET KELYNGHALL. Lofthouse, Kyllynghall et Burton tenentur communiter pro di. feodo et iiijta parte unius feodi et viijva parte et xvjma parte et xxxijda parte j feodi; de quibus Petrus Becard tenet in Burton j car. terrae; Johannes de Walkyngham tenet in Lofthouse j car. terrae de domino Rege ad valorem; et totum residuum in manu domini Regis; unde xg car. faciunt feod. Great Ouseburn. The Inq. p. m. of Henry de Boys was taken in the 16th Edw. II. (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 302). He was the son and heir of Richard de Boys.-J. R. W. Peter Becard had a charter of free warren in Burton Leonard in the 9th Edw. I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 111). d Probably Cattal Magna. e Great Timble, in the parish of Fewston. f Lofthouse Hill, in the parish of Staveley. r xij car., F. r2 DE FEODIS MILITUM DE LIBERTATE RIPON'. Inquisitio capta de feodis militum de libertate Ripon', anno regni regis E. xxxjmo, per Willelmum de Clotheroum, Nicholaum Huberd, Johannerm Frere, Johannem de Ebor., Johannem de Monketon, Nicholaum de Staneley, Robertum Wyndelouis,a Johannem de Byscopton, Rogerum Aldelin de Gyvildale, Thomam le Juven' de Skelton et Simonem filium Johannis de Sharowe, qui dicunt quod, NIDD, WESTWIK ET NEUTON.^ Comes Albem' tenuit feod. j milit. in Nidde, Westwyk et Neuton, et est in manu regis. MOUWATHC ET SLENYNGFORD. Rogerus de Moubray tenuit iiijtam partem unius feodi in Mouwath et Slenyngford, cujus hleres est in custodia regis. NONEWYK ET NONEWYCTHORNES.d Willelmus de Wyville tenet di. feod. j milit. in Nonewyk et Nonewycthornes. GYVENDALLE. Simon Wardf tenet in Gyvendalle di. feod. unius milit. HEYWYK.9 Galfridus de Heywyk tenet in Heywyk xxmanm partem unius feodi. NEUBY SUPER YORE. Simonh filius Simonis Ward tenet in Neuby super Yore iiijtampartem j feodi. MARKENTON. Johannes filius Willelmi de Ripon tenet in Markenton iiijtam partem j feodi milit. HEYWYK.i Johannes de Marmyon tenet in Heywyk xijmam partem unius feodi milit. INGRITHORP. Thomas de Burtoni tenet in Ingrithorp xmam partem j feodi milit. a Byndlosse, F. b Newton, near Ripley, where the Vavasours held.' Mulwath, F. Mulwith is the name of a farm in the township of Newbywith-Mulwith, and parish of Ripon. d Nunwick Thornes is adjacent to Nunwick, but the name is not used now.J. R. W. e Son and heir of John de Wyvill of Slingsby, whose Inq. p. m. was taken in the 29th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 605). f For an interesting account of the Wards of Givendale and Guiseley, see Memorials of Fountains Abbey (ed. Surt. Soc., i., 196). g Hewick super Pontem, now called Bridge Hewick. h Simon Ward, junior, had a charter of free warren in Newby super Yore in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). Copped Hewick, commonly called Copt Hewick. J Sir Thomas de Burton, knt., was one of the witnesses to a charter, made about 1293 (Mem. of Fountains Abbey, i., 315), by which Thomas Schayf, of Ingerthorpe, granted to God, "et Beatse Mariae et janitori de Fontibus, ad sustentationem pauperum ibidem ad portam convenientium, annuum redditum duorum denariorum de quadam roda terrae quam vendidi Reynero de Merkington" (Ex cart. orig.). FEODA MILITUM DE WAPENTAGIO DE BARKSTON. Inquisitio [de feodis] militum in wap. de Barkston facta per Johannem de Lascy, Rogerum de Ryvill, Johannem de Mylford, Ricardum de Ledesham, Adam de Mikelfeld, Walterum Basset, Willelmum de Camera, Willelmum de ultra Aquam, Thomam de Bretton, Willelmum filium Julianae, Willelmum de Hornington et Nicholaum de Poternu',a qui dicunt per sacramentum suum quod, SHIRBURN. Dominus Archiepiscopus tenet Shirburn pro v feod. milit. et di. et xiijma parte j feodi, de quibus sunt tenentes, MIKELFELD. Dominus Osbertus de Spaldington et Johannes de la Lande tenent j feod. milit., unde viij car. faciunt feod. LUTE (RI) NGTON. Johannes de Nevill et sui participes tenent j feod. milit., unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. STIVETON, ETC. Johannes de Raygate tenet j feod. milit., unde viij car. faciunt feod. milit., in Stiveton et Thorp Wyleby, tertiam partem de Mikelfeld cum v. bov. terrze in West Hathelsay, de eodem feodo, et Albeholm.^ HUDLESTON. Dominus Johannes de Melsay tenet j feod. milit., unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. GAYTEFORD. Johannes de Burstall tenet di. feod. milit. in Gayteford. BRETTONC [ET GAYTEFORD]. Johannes de Lascy tenet iiijtam partem j feodi milit. in Bretton et Gayteford, unde viij car. faciunt feod. LUMBY. Johannes de Rygate et Hugo presbiter de Feryd tenent iiijtam partem feodi, unde, ut supra. a Potters Neuton, F. Potterton, R. ^ In the 13th Edward I. William de Hamelton, who afterwards became dean of York and lord chancellor of England, obtained a charter of free warren in Albeholme (Cal. Rot. Chart., 115). The site of Albeholme is probably indicated by Albeholme Dike, a small stream running into Hambleton Dike, about one mile west of the village of Hambleton. c Braiton, F. Burton Salmon. d Ferrybridge, in the parish of Ferry Frystone. On the 7th id. March, 1306-7, archbishop Greenfield collated Thomas de Foxholes, priest, to the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary at "Fery juxta pontem, per mortem domini Hugonis, nuper Divina pro anima bonse memoriae Walteri de Grey, olim Ebor. archiepiscopi, 214 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. BIRNE. Haerese domini Johannis de Bella Aqua tenet di. feod. unius milit., unde, ut supra. BARKESTON. Dominus Archiepiscopus tenet iiijtam partem j feodi, unde, ut supra. TADCASTRE. Dominus Henricus de Percy tenet iiij~r car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. HESELWOOD. Dominus Willelmus le Vavesour tenet iij car. terra, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. RYTHER [ET] LEDE. Dominus Willelmus de Rither tenet ibidem et in Lede j feod. milit., unde x car. faciunt feod. milit. BRAMHAM. Haer'g domini P. de Malo Lacu ten' iiijtm partem j feodi, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. CLYFFORD. Johannes Burdon, Willelmus de Ingewalydby,h Marmaducus de Clifford et Ankini Salvayn tenent ij car. terrae et di., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit. OKELESTHORP. Johannes de Okelesthorp tenet di. car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. milit. SUTTON. Johannes de Rotheresfeld tenet ij car. terrEe, unde, ut supra. FARBURN. Hveresj domini Roberti de Everingham tenet in Farburn cum membris di. feod. milit. NEWTON WALAYS. Dominus Ricardus le Walays tenet ibidem j car. terrae, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. HATHELSAY. Dominus Milo de Stapeltonk tenet ibidem, cum j car. terrae in Braton quam Walterus Basset tenet, et cum j car. terrae in Barneby,l quartam partem feodi unius milit., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. praedecessoris nostri, celebrantis in ipsam, vacantem" (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 60 a), "et juxta ordinationem testamenti [ejusdem] Walteri de Grey, fundatoris, constructoris et dotatoris ipsius capellae, ad nostram ordinationem, dispositionem et collationem spectantem" (Ibid., 62 b). Foxholes was succeeded on the 7th kal. June, 1307, by "Thomas, filius Johannis Forestarii de Cawod, presbiter" (Ibid.). On the 12th kal. Dec., 1309, "Ricardus dictus Gaugy, presbiter," was inducted to this chapel (Ibid., 79), and, as " Ricardus, capellanus de Feribrigs," was certified joint lord of Huddleston and Lumby in 1316. e In 1309 Isabella de Bella Aqua granted to William, son and heir of Sir John de Bella Aqua, her son, his own marriage which she had bought of Sir William le Vavasour for 200 marks (Fasti Ebor., i., 395). This grant will be given in the Appendix. f The archbishop's fee ends here. g Haeredes, B. F. h Ingoldby F. He is called Inwardby in the Aid. i Aketinus, F. In the 3rd Edward II. Anketinus Salvayne obtained a charter of free warren in Thorp Salvayne, Multhorp and Clifford (Cal. Rot. Chart., 142). i The heir of Sir Robert de Everingham was his son Adam. See page 49, antea. k Miles de Stapleton had a grant of free warren in West Hathelsey in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 135). This place is called Beghby in the Aid. I am unable to identify it. WAPENTAKE OF BARKSTON-ASH, W. R. 215 CARLETON. Aucerus'n tenet medietatem villa de Carleton, in qua villa sunt iij car. terrse, unde viij car. faciunt feod.; et altera medietas est in manu domini regis propter minorem wetatem Nicholai" de Stapelton. KYRKBY. Domina Margareta de Nevill tenet ibidem [et]~ in Grimston ij car. terrwe, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. NORTH MILFORD. Johannes filius Roberti de North Milford tenet j car. terrie, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. GRIMSTON. Adam de Mikelfeld tenet di. car. terrec, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. HIRST COURTENAY. Johannes de Foxoles et sui participes tenent ibidem ij car. terrie, unde, ut supra. DRAX. In Drax sunt iij car. terrue, unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod.; et sunt in manu domini regis propter minorem aetatem haeredis Philippi Paynell.p SAXTON. Domina Alicia de Lascy tenet in Saxton cum membris iij car. terrme, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod.; de quibus Magister et Fratres Hospitalis Sancti Leonardi tenent j car. terrve et di., et Magister Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerosolimae tenet iiij bov. terrae. [TOUETON.] Dominus Willelmus de Stophamq tenet ij car. terrae, unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. " Sir Aucher Fitz Henry, son and heir of Sir Henry Aucher, alias Henry Fitz Aucher (Cal. Gen., ii., 663), married Joan, daughter and co-heiress of Sir John de Bella Aqua, by Laderana, sister and co-heiress of Peter de Brus (Ibid., ii., 608), and died in 1339, leaving Henry, his son and heir, then aged forty years (Esch. 13 Edw. III., No. 18). n See p. 219, postea. o et, F. P The Inq. p. m. of Philip Paynel was taken in the 27th Edward I., his son John, then about two years old, being his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii. 571). q Sir William de Stopham was dead in the 11th Edward II. (Cal. Inq. p. n., i., 287). FEODA MILITUM IN WAPENTAGIO DE AYNSTY. Nomina juratorum ad inquirendum de feodis militum de Aynsty: Robertus de Pontefracto, Alanns de Folyfayt, Adam de Thorp, Henricus de Cruce, Willelmus de Tokwyth, Willelmus le Cerff, Robertus de Aula, Elyas de Ferywathe, Willelmus de Hornington, Willelmus filius Radulphi de Tokewith, Ricardus de Holderness et Johannes Fayrfax, qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod, THORP BUSTARD. In Bustard Thorp sunt iij car. terrae de feodo Galfridi Luterell, et tenentur per feod. milit., unde x car. faciunt feod. milit.; de quibus Ricardus Bustard tenet di. bov. terrae, Priorissa Sancti Clementis tenet j bov. terrae, Johannes de Grey tenet j car. terrae et quinque bov. et di., et Robertus Bustarda tenet j car. terrae de David le Lardener. Summa iij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod. Et est iijtia pars [j feodi, iijtia pars] j car. terrae [minus].b THORP ATUN.C In Thorp Atun sunt iiijor car. terrae et ij bov.; de quibus xix bov. sunt de feodo de Moubray, et vj bov. terrae de feodo Abbatis de Whitby, et ix bov. terrae sunt de honore [de Eya]d de feodo Ricardi de Malebis, unde xv car. a Son and heir of Thomas Bustard, and grandson of Robert son of Osbert de Torp. By Inq. p. m., 30th Edward I., Robert Bustard died seised of the manor of Bustardthorpe, and of one carucate of land there (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 173), John Bustard being his son and heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 617). Sir Thomas Widdrington, in his MS. History of York, says, "I fynd a Deede of Davyd Lardiner wthout date by wch he granted to Osbert de Thorpe and his heirs a carucate of land in Thorpe, being his fee, to wch Deede there are many witnesses. And it appeareth that ye title of y" said land was tryed by duell in ye Court of ye sd David betweene Peter ye sonne of Wimund and Robert Bustard, before Godfrey de Lucy and Josceline, archdecon of Chechester, and Wm Vavasour, AO 33 H. 2" (York Corporation Papers, ii., 839). "Osbertus de Torp, pater Roberti Bustard," gave land in Littelgate, York, to the canons of Malton (Cott. MS. Claud. D. xi., 198). b minus, F. " Otherwise Thorp super Usam, or Thorp Malteby, and now Middlethorpe. Between 1214 and 1221 Alexander, abbat of Selby, and the convent of the same place, granted "Willelmo de Malteby, filio Roberti de Malteby, duas carucatas terrse et tres bovatas in territorio de Thorp super Usam, scilicet illas quas Gilbertus de Aton, pater Willelmi de Aton, recepit de nobis in escambium pro terris de Hamelton, et quas idem Gilbertus de nobis tenuit" (Dodsworth MS., xciv., fo. 42 a). d The text has "Eliae" corruptly. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 217 terrae faciunt j feod.; de quibus Abbas de Bella Landa tenet xiij bov. terrae, Elena de Sutton tenet ij bov. terrae, Adam de Thorp tenet v bov. terrae et di., Robertus Bustard tenet iiij bov. terrse, Priorissa Sancti Clementis tenet iij bov. terrae et di., Johannes de Grey tenet vj bov. terrae de feodo de Eya, unde ij bov. sunt in cultura de Toteflate.e Summa iiij car. et ij bov. terrae, unde xv car. faciunt feod. Et [est]f iiijta pars j feodi et di. car. terrae. THORP ANDREA. Per serjantiam de rege. In Thorp Andreae sunt iiijor car. terre, de quibus Robertus Bustard tenet xv bov., et j bov. quae fuit antedicti Roberti. Thomas9 archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet de domino rege in capite, reddendo per annum domino regi iiijor marcas pro omnibus. Thomas archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet x bov. terrae, unde vj sunt de feodo [de] Luterell, et iiijor sunt de feodo [de] Malebis de Eya. Item Prior Sancti Andreae et plures alii tenent in eadem vj bov. terrae de feodo de Malebis de Eya, et faciunt forinsecum, unde xv car. faciunt feod. unius milit. Summa iiij car. terrae, unde xv car. faciunt feod., ut supra. Et est tertia pars feodi et di. car. ACASTRE MALEBIS. In Acastre Malebis sunt iiijor car. terrae de honore de Eya, unde Ricardus de Malebish tenet de rege in capite de honore de Eya, unde xv car. terrae faciunt feod. Summa iiijor car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Et est iiijta pars j feodi et ij bov. COLTON. Breve. In Colton sunt iiijor car. terrae et di.; de quibus Johannesi [filius] Galfridii Shaumund tenet xx bov. terrae, dominus Robertus Ughtred tenet viij bov., Henricus filius Ricardi tenet iiij bov., Henricus de Scoteney tenet j bov., Ricardus Ayr tenet j bov., et Johannes filius Ducae tenet j bov. de feodo de Brus, et faciunt forinsecum, unde viij car. et ij bov. faciunt feod. de feodo de Brus. Summa iiijor car. et di., unde viij car. et ij bov. faciunt feod., at supra. Et est di. feod. et iijk bov. terrae. APELTON. Breve. In Apelton sunt xiiijl car.; de quibus Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet iiijor car. terrae cum pertincnTofteflatt, B. F. f est, F. g Thomas de Corbridge, archbishop of York from 1300 to 1304. h Sir Richard Malbis, eldest son of Sir William Malbis and Emma de Percy, died about 1312, and was succeeded by his son, Sir John Malbis, who was high sheriff of Yorkshire in 1314, and died in 1316. Son and heir of Gaceus de Calvo Monte, alias Chaumond, who, in 1251, had a grant from the king of all the land in Colton "quam Eudericus camerarius reginae Franciae habuit ad vitam" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 76), and held the office of mayor of York in 1256. Margaret, widow of John Chaumond of Colton, took the vow of chastity on the 18th kal. Jan., 1316 (Reg. sede vacante, 86). J An error for Gacei. * ij bov., F.'xiij car., B. F. 218 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. tiis in elemosinam; Priorissa de Apelton tenet iij car. terra cum pertinentiis in elemosinam; Thomas de Mounceus tenet ij car. cum pertinentiis; Johannes Samsonm tenet ij car. terrae cum pertinentiis; et Johannes Faucounbergh tenet ij car. terra cum pertinentiis. Summa xiiij" car. terrae; unde xij car. terrm faciunt feod. Et est j feod. et j bov. [STIVETON.O Breve. In Stiveton sunt vj car. terra et di.; de qulbus Robertus Ughtred et Isabella uxor ejus tenent iiij car. terrae et di., unde viij car. faciunt feod., unde Abbas Beata Mariae Ebor. tenet iiij bov.] Et Henricus de Percy tenet in eadem j car. terrae cum pertinentiis, et Thomas SerfP tenet di. car., unde x faciunt feod. [Summa vj car. et di., unde viij car. faciunt feod. Et sunt iij partes unius feodi et di. car.]q BOULTON. In Boulton sunt viij car. terra cum pertinentiis; et domina de Vescyr tenet illas, unde xiiij faciunt feod. " Sir John Sampson, knight, mayor of York in 1279, 1281-83, 1285, 1299 and 1300, and knight of the shire in 1298, was the son of Alan Sampson, alias "Alanus filius Sampsonis," who was bailiff of York in 1253-4. By an undated charter, witnessed by Sir Simon de Kime, Sir Richard Waleys, Sir Robert Ughtred, Sir Mauger le Vavasur, and John, son of Sir Richard Malebis, Richard, son of Philip de Fauconbergh, granted to Sir John Sampson of York, knight, and to Mary, his wife, "totum manerium meum de Southwod in Apelton in Aynsty" (Dodsworth MS., clix., fo. 204). On the 6th id. Sept., 1309, Sir John Sampson had licence to have an oratory within his manor of Appleton (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 74 b). He died not long after, having had issue four sons, John, Henry, Thomas, and William, and, I believe, a daughter Constance, who married Sir John Sutton, of Sutton in Holderness. Of the sons, John appears to have died s. p. during the lifetime of his father; Thomas became a canon of York, and was much employed in state affairs (Fasti Ebor., i., 430); William was living in 1348 (Reg. Zouch); and Henry, the eldest surviving son, was certified joint lord of Appleton, with Walter de Fauconbergh, in 1316, and was living in 1338 (Rot. Scot., i., 528). "Johannes Sampson, filius et hveres Henrici Sampson," by will dated "apud Appelton, in manerio meo," August 29th, 1369 [pr. Oct. 31st, 1369], desires to be buried within the conventual church of St. John the Evangelist at Nun Appleton. He left a son Robert, and a widow Emmeria (Reg. Thoresby, 88 b). Probably Maurice, son of Alan Sampson, who was instituted to the rectory of Edlington in 1252 (S. Yorks., i. 94), and Matthew Sampson, bailiff of York in 1288-9, were brothers of the above Sir John Sampson. " xiij car., B. F. ~ STIVETON. Breve. In Stiveton sunt vj car. terra et di.; de quibus Robertus Ughtred et Isabella uxor ejus tenent iiij car. terrse et di., unde viij car. faciunt feod., unde Abbas Beatse Mariae Ebor. tenet iiij bov., B. F. P Son of Adam le Cerf, alderman of York. His sister Matilda married John de Clarevaux, of York and Croft, who made his will at Steeton in 1283 (Longstaffe's Darlington, lxiii.). S Summa vj car. et di., unde viij car. faciunt feod. Et sunt iij partes unius feodi et di. car., B. r Isabella de Beaumont, widow of John de Vesci of Alnwick (Dugd. Bar., ii., 52), held the manor of Bolton Percy for life. Her Inq. p. m. was taken in the 8th Edward III., when Eustachia, daughter of Peter de Percy, was found to be next heir to the said manor, and of the age of twenty-two years and more (Percy MS.). WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 219 HORNINGTON. In Hornyngton sunt iij car. terrae quas Willelmus de Rither, Simon de Kyme et Willelmus de Hornyngton tenent de feodo de Percy; de quibus Willelmus de Ryther tenet xviij bov., Simon de Kyme iij bov., Willelmus de Hornington iij bov. Summa iij car., unde x car. faciunt feod. Et est iiijta pars unius feodi et di. car. OXTON. In Oxton sunt iiijor car. terrae de feodo de Percy quas plures liberi tenent, unde x car. faciunt feod. Et est iiijta pars feodi et di. car. BILBURGH. In Bilburgh sunt vj' car. terra- et di. de feodo [de] Paynell et de feodo [de] Chauncy, unde xv car. et di. faciunt feod.; de quibus Johannes de Reygate tenet j car. terrae cum pertinentiis, et Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet unam car. et di. Rogerus Basyt tenet iiij car. et ij bov. cum pertinentiis; Prior Sanctae Trinitatis Ebor. tenet iiijor bov. terrae; Ricardus filius Geraldi tenet iij bov. terre. Summa vju car. et di. et j bov., unde xv car. et di. faciunt feod. Et est di. feod., exceptis ij' bov. deficientibus. ASCAM WEST.W In Ascam West sunt vj car. terrae et ij bov. de feodo de Moubray, unde x car. faciunt feod.; de quibus Prior de Parco tenet j car. et di. et ij bov., et Prior de Bridlington tenet iiij car. et di., unde x car. faciunt feod. Summa vj car. et ij bov., unde x, etc. Et est di. feod. et j car. et di. THORP ARCHES. In Thorp Arches sunt iij car. terrae cum pertinentiis quas ij haeredes Laderanae de Brusx tenent, unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt, etc.' vij car., F.' Roger, son of Walter Basy, was bailiff of York in 1272-3 and 1282-3, mayor in 1290 and 1292, and M.P. in 1295. On March 10th, 1301, Sir Philip Chauncy confirmed to Roger Basy, senior, citizen of York, one moietv of the manor of Bilburgh which the said Roger had of the gift of Sir Simon de Chauncy ( York Corporation Papers, ii., 918). In the 32nd Edward I. he had a charter warren in Bilburgh and Sandwath (Cal. Rot. Chart., 135), and in 1310 founded a chantry in his parish church of St. Mary Bishophill Senior, York. By Alice, his wife, Roger Basy left issue two sons, Roger, lord of Bilbrough in 1316, and Richard. * vij car., B. F. v una bov., F. W Now called Askham Richard. * Laderana, sister and co-heiress of Peter de Brus, married Sir John de Bella Aqua, and in an Inquisition taken Nov. 8th, 1301, it is recorded that "Nicholaus filius Sibillse, filioe antenate dictorum Johannis de Bella Aqua et Laderane, quondam uxoris Milonis de Stapelton, qui fuit aetatis quindecim annorum die Sanctse Margaretse Virginis proximo praeterito, et Johanna, altera filiarum ipsorum Johannis et Laderanne postnate, uxor Aucheri filii Henrici, aetatis viginti quatuor annorum et amplius, sunt haeredes participes ipsorum Johannis et Laderanoe propinquiores" (Cal. Gen., ii., 608). Nicholas de Stapelton and Aucher Fitz Henry were certified joint lords of Thorparch in 1316. 220 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. WALTON. In Walton sunt iij car. terrse; de quibus Johannes de Fayrfaxy [et] Henricus de Cameraa tenent j car., Elyas de Farwath,b Willelmus Scott [et]z Willelmus Martell tenent j car. terrae; et Prior de Parco et Priorissa de Monketon et Priorissa de Synythwat tenent j car. cum pertinentiis in elemosinam. Summa iij car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. Et est quinta pars j feodi. BIKERTON. In Bikerton sunt vij car. [et di.; et Johannes filius et haeres Andreae de Gramarye tenet eas, unde xx car. faciunt, etc. Summa vij car. et di., unde, ut supra. Et est iijtia pars unius feodi et di. car.] [BILTON. In Bilton sunt viij car.]d terrwe; de quibus Willelmus de Vavesour tenet ij [car.], et idem Willelmus tenet in elemosinam de Priore de Parco ij car., et Ricardus de Walays tenet ij [car.],e et Priorissa de Synyngthwaytt tenet j car. terrae et di. in puram et perpetuam elemosinam; et ecclesia dotata est [de] j car. terrae. Summa viij car. et di., unde xiiij et di. faciunt feod. Et est di. feod. et ij bov. KNAPTON. In Knapton sunt quinque car. terrse; de quibus Johannes de Grahamf tenet iij car. de feodo [de ]Luterell, et Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet ij car. in libertatem. Summa quinque car., unde xij car. faciunt feod. Et est tertia pars unius feodi. FOLYFAYT. In Folyfayt sunt iij car. terrse; de quibus Alanus de Folyfayt tenet j car. et di., et haer' Willelmi filii Thomae y Son of Thomas Fairfax of York, who was dead in 1261, by Agnes, daughter and heiress of Henry de Sezevaux, mayor of York temp. Henry III. (Sir Thomas Widdrington's MS., fo. 101). By his wife Clare, daughter and heiress of William Scott, by Constance, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Roger Brus of Walton (Thoresby's Ducat. Leod.), John Fairfax had -a son and heir, Thomas Fairfax (York Corporation Papers, ii., 934), to whom, on the 8th kal. March, 1322, archbishop Melton granted, "ad instanciam domini Willelmi de Malebis," licence for divine service to be celebrated " in capella sua de Walton juxta Thorparches" (Reg. Melton, 156b). z et, F. a Probably a son of John de Camera, bailiff of York temp. Henry III. (Cott. MSS., Nero D. iii., 147), who died in 1283, by Agnes, daughter and heiress of Henry de Sezevaux, and widow of the above-mentioned Thomas Fairfax (Sir Thomas JWiddrington's MS., fo. 101). b Elias de Fairwath, senior, Elias, his son, William Martell, and John Scott were witnesses to a charter, dated at Walton, Aug. 20th, 1336, by which Roger del Hill de Walton granted land there to Thomas, son of John Fairfax (York Corporation Papers, ii., 939). Elias Farwath, Gilbert Scot, and William Martel were certified joint lords of Walton in 1316. ~ et di.; et Johannes filius et hoeres Andreae de Gramarye tenet eas, unde xx car. faciunt, etc. Summa vij car. et di., unde, ut supra. Et est iijtia pars unius feodi et di. car., B. Similar in F. d BILTON. In Bilton sunt viij car., B. F. e car., F. f He is called Grantham in the Aid of the 31st Edward I. John de Grantham was bailiff of York in 1288-9; and John de Graham was elected M.P. for that city 30th May, 1306. Perhaps Graham is an error for Grantham. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 221 ten' j [car. terrwe]g et di. Summa iij car., unde xij car. faciunt feod. Et est quarta pars j feodi. CATHERTON. In Catherton sunt iij car. terrae; de quibus Henricus de Cruceh et Emma uxor ejus tenent j car. et j bov., [et]i Willelmus SarfJ tenet de prsedictis Henrico et Emma iij bov., et Prior de Parco tenet j car., unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt feod. [Hmeres Roberti Proudfot tenet di. car. terrae in eadem, unde x faciunt feod.]k Summa iij car. terrve, unde x1 et di. faciunt, etc. Et est iiij tapars feodi, exceptis ij bov. MERSTON. In Merston sunt xij car. terrae et di.; de quibus haer' Willelmi filii Thomae ten' vj car. cum pertinentiis, [et] Willelmus de Buggethorp tenet ij car. et di., unde xiij car. faciunt feod. Summa xij car., unde xiij car. faciunt feod. Et est feod., excepta j car. deficiente. Breve. Abbas de Fontibus tenet ij car. terrae et di., unde x et di. faciunt feod.; et haer' Willelmi filii Henrici et Hugo Proudhom tenent j car. terrae et di., unde x et di. faciunt feod. RUGHFORD. In Rughford sunt iiijor car. terrae. Willelmus de Buggethorp et Alicia uxor ejus tenent eas, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. MUNKETON. In Munketon sunt ixm car. terrae; de quibus 1oabertus Ughtred tenet iij car. terrae et di., Abbas de Fontibus tenet j car., et Prior Sanctae Trinitatis Ebor. tenet j car., et ecclesia dotata est de di. car. terrae, et Willelmus le Waylays" tenet ij car., et Abbas Beatme Mariae Ebor. tenet j car. Summa ix car. terre, unde xxvij car. faciunt feod. Et est iijtia pars unius feodi. WYVELTHORP. In Wyvelthorp sunt iij car. terrae. Robertus de Pontefracto tenet ij car. et di., unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt feod. Et Priorissa de Munketon tenet di. car. Summa iij car., unde, ut supra. Et est quinta pars feodi, excepta j bov. deficiente. g car. terrae, F. A About 1315, archbishop Greenfield granted "Henrico ad Crucem de Catherton, pro sustentatione puerorum suorum, xvs. et vd. de bonis Willelmi de Walton, dudum servientis predicti Henrici, abintestati defuncti, in manibus praefati Henrici existentes" (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 87 b). et, F. j William le Cerf was probably a son of Adam le Cerf, alderman of York. In 1283 he occurs as an executor under the will of John de Clarevaux, of York and Croft, who married Matilda, daughter of the above-named Adam le Cerf (Longstaffe's Darlington). In the 28th Edward I. he was " setatis quadraginta annorum, et manens apud Catherton " (Cal. Gen., ii., 597). * Hleres Roberti Proudfot tenet di. car. terrae in eadem, unde x faciunt feod., B. F.' xiiij car. et di., B. F. n x car., B. In 1360 Maud, daughter and heiress of John Walays, son of William Walays of Monkton, quit-claimed to the monks of Fountains all her right in a messuage and eight oxgangs of land in Monkton (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 187). 222 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. TOKEWYTH. In Tokewyth sunt viij car. terrae; de quibus Johannes de Kerkbyo tenet j car. et j bov., et Willelmus de Buggethorp tenet di. car.; Prior de Parco tenet ij car. et di. et j bov. in elemosinam; et hkeredes HameriP et Thomas Turpyn tenent j car., et Robertus de Pontefracto tenet j car., et Priorissa de Senygtwhayt tenet j car. et di. in elemosinam, de feodo de Thrusseburg (Trusbut). Summa viij car. terrae, unde xiiij et di. faciunt feod. Et est di. feod. et ij bov. ASKAM BRIAN. In Askam Brian sunt viij car. terrze quas Brianus filius Alaniq tenet de honore de Richmund, unde xv car. faciunt feod. SKAKELTHORP. In Skakelthorp sunt iij car. terrae de feodo de Moubray, unde viij car. et di. faciunt feod.; et Robertus Ughtred tenet eas. Summa iij car., unde viij car. et di. faciunt feod. Et est iijtia pars unius feodi. WYGHALE. In Wyghalle sunt vj car. terrae de feodo de Moubray; de quibus Ranulphusr filius et haeres Reginaldi de Albo Monasterio tenet v car., et Prior de Parco tenet j car. Summa vj car. terrae, unde xx faciunt feod. Et est iiijta pars feodi et j car. HELAGH. In Helagh sunt vj* car. terrae; et Willelmus le Vavesour et Ricardus le Waylys tenent eas, unde xx car. faciunt feod. Et est iijtia pars unius feodi et di. car. HOTON. In Hoton sunt vj car. terra; de quibus Johannes de Creppyng tenet ij car. terrae, et Robertus Fox tenet j car., Robertus Clarvauxt tenet ij car., Prior de Parco tenet j car. Summa vj car., unde xiiij faciunt feod. Et est di. feod., j car. minus. PADDOCTHORP. In Paddocthorp sunt iij car. terre quas dominus Simon de Kyme tenet de feodo de Percy, unde x car. faciunt feod. Summa iij car., unde x faciunt feod. Et tenentur pro di. feodo. WULSYNGTON. In Wulsyngton sunt iij car. terrae, unde x car. faciunt feod., quas Maugerus le Vavesour tenet de domino Simone de Kyme. HAGANBY. In Haganby sunt iij car. terrae, unde x faciunt feod., quas Prior de Parco tenet de feodo de Percy in elemosinam. Et est iijtia pars feodi, praeter ij. ~ The Inq. p. m. of John de Kyrkeby was taken in the 33rd Edward I., Andrew de Kyrkeby, then aged thirty years, being his son and heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 677). P Amery, B. F. Q The Inq. p. m. of Sir Brian Fitz-Alan, "qui tenuit de haerede Johannis Ducis Britanniae," was taken in the 30th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 619). r Sir Ranulph de Albo Monasterio died in 1348 (Reg. Zouche, 328 o).' vij car., B. F. See the Aid, postea. * Probably a son of Robert de Clarevaux of York. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 223 HESSAY. In Hessay sunt ij car. terrve; de quibus Prior Sanctae Trinitatis tenet j car. et di., et Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet di. car., unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt feod. Et est vij"a pars j feodi. ACASTRE SELEBY. Breve. In Acastre Seleby sunt v car. terrae; de quibus Abbas de Seleby tenet iij car., Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. tenet j car., et Priorissa de Apelton tenet j car. de honore de Eya, unde xv car. faciunt, etc. Et est iijtia pars unius feodi. COUPMANTHORP. In Coupmanthorp sunt v car. terrae et di.; de quibus Ricardus de Malebys tenet iij car. terrae de Petro de Brus, et Templarii tenent ij car. terrae et di. de feodo de Trussebute. Summa v car. et di., unde xij car. faciunt feod. Et est di. feod., excepta di. car. FEODA MILITUM IN WAPENTAGIO DE MORLEY.a FARNELEY. Margareta de Nevill tenet in Farneley tres car. terrte, unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. HETON CLACK.b Eadem Margareta tenet in Heton Clack tres car. terrae, unde, ut supra. ARMELAY. Eadem Margareta tenet in Armelay iiijor bov. terrae, unde viij bov. faciunt car., et xviiij car. faciunt feod., ut supra. SHEPELEY.C Nicholaus de Maraysd tenet in Shepeley unam car. terrae in capite de domino rege, unde xv car. faciunt feod. IDLE. Robertus de Plompton tenet in Idle tres car. terrae, unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit. ELAND. Hugo de Elande tenet in Eland unam car. terrae et sex bov., unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit. KERLYNGHOWE ET BATELEY. Idem Hugo tenet in Kerlinghowe et in Bateley duas bov. terrae, unde, ut supra. OUREM.f Idem Hugo de Elande tenet in Ourem unam car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Et Johannes de Lascy tenet in eadem unam car. terrae, unde, ut supra. BRAMLEY. Abbas de Kirkestall tenet in Bramley duas car. terrae, unde, ut supra. WIRKELEY.9 Willelmus de Wirkeley tenet in eadem unam car. terrae, et Rogerus de Northallh tenet in eadem unam car. terrae, unde xviij car. faciunt feod. HEKMUNDWYKE. Johannes Tylly tenet in Hekmundwyke unam car. et iiijor bov. terrae, unde Johannes de Hekmundwyk tenet de eodem Johanne Tylly sex bov. terrae, unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. a This heading and the first sixteen entries are taken from the Rawlinson MS., 450 B., 76 b. They are omitted in the A. text, and also in MSS. B. and F. ^ Cleckheaton. " Shipley, near Bradford. d Nicholas de Marisco obtained a charter of tree warren in Shepley in the 9th Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 148). ~ Hugh de Eland had a grant of free warren in Eland and Tankersley in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 134). f South Owram, in the parish of Halifax. North Owram was in the Warren fee.-J. R. W. r Wortley, near Leeds. h Roger de North Hall in Leeds. See page 38, antea. WAPENTAKE OF MORLEY, W. R. 225 GOMERSALL. Idem Johannes Tylly tenet in Gomersall sex car. terrae, unde, ut supra; de quibus Willelmus le Vavasour tenet in eadem duas bov. terre. TONG. Ricardus de Tong/ tenet in eadem tres car. terroe, unde xvij car. faciunt feod.; de quibus Johannes de Thornhilli tenet de eodem Ricardo in Hundesworth unam car. terrae, unde, ut supra. NORTH BYRILL.k Willelmus de Swynlingtonz tenet in North Byrill duas car. terrae, unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. unius milit. MIDDELTON. Simon de Crepping tenet in Middelton tres car. terrae; de quibus Willelmus de Alta Ripa tenet in eadem, de eodem Simone, unam car. terrae, domina Alicia de Lascv tenet in eadem tres bov. terrae, Radulphus de Weston tenet in eadem, de dicto Simone, iiijor bov., unde xviij car. faciunt feod. milit. BATELAY. Adam de Oxenhopp tenet in Batelaym duas car. et di. terre, et Johannes filius Willelmi in eadem, de Cecilia Hayrom, iiijor bov. terrae, unde xviij, etc. ERDE(S) LAW." Johannes de Heton tenet in Herdelawo ij car. terrae et di., unde xv car. faciunt feod. LYVERSEGE. Robertus de Liversege et Willelmus de LiversegeP tenent in eader ijC car. terrae, unde xviij car. faciunt feod. milit. MIRFELD. Johannes de Heton, Adam de Pontefracto, Johannes,r rector ecclesiae de Mirfeld, [et] Adam de [Everyngham tenent in]s Mirfeld ij car. terrat et vj bov. Adam de Hopton tenet in eadem [blank] t bov. terrae de Thoma de Burgo. Adam i Richard de Tong died about 1321, leaving Richard, his son and heir, then a minor (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 267. Cal. Inq. p.m., i., 302). J John de Thornhill was dead in the 15th Edward II., and Brian de Thornhill was his son and heir (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 267). k North Bierley, in the parish of Bradford. I In the 4th Edward II. William de Swillington obtained a charter of free warren in "Rodes, Birle, and Wilbesey" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 143). Royds (Hall) and Wibsey are in the township of North Bierley. Ot The family who enjoyed this manor " are remarkable for having borne, not successively, but at the same time, according to their occasional changes of abode, the surname de Batteley, de Copley, and de Oxenhope" (Loidis and Elmete, 236). " The A. text is here resumed, and the remainder of this wapentake collated with MSS. B. F. and R. ~ Ardeslaw, R. P F. and R. omit Willelmus de Liversege. q iij car., B. F. R. On the 14th kal. Jan., 1293, John de Heton, sub-deacon, was instituted to the rectory of Mirfield on the presentation " nobilis mulieris dominae Alesise de Lasy, ratione custodise heredis et terrarum domini Thomae de Burgo" (Reg. Romanus, 26a).' Everyngham tenent in, F. R. t duas bov., R. o 226 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. de Helay tenet in eadem j car. terrae de [eodem]" Ada de Everingham,-unde xviij car. faciunt feod. LOFTHOUSE. Thomas de Lofthouse tenet in eadem de Abbate de Kirkstall j car. terrae, unde xij car. faciunt feod. HUNSLETT. Willelmus de Laytymer tenet in Hunslett iij car. terrse, unde xxiiijv faciunt feod.; de quibus Willelmus de Alta Ripa tenet v bov., Willelmus del Hay [tenet v bov., Isolda del Hay w et Robertus de Alta Ripa tenent v bov., et Willelmus de Wodhouse tenet iiij bov. CALVERLEY. Johannes Scott tenet in Calverley j car. terrae, unde xxiiijv car. faciunt feod. FERSLEY. Johannes Scott tenet in Fersley xj bov. terrae, unde dominus [rex] seisitus est; de quibus Henricus de Tiresail et Ricardus de Tong tenent in Teresally v bov., et Johannes de Podesey, clericus, tenet j bov.,-unde [blank]z car. faciunt feod. PODESEY. Hugo del Woodhall tenet in Podesey de Johanne Scott de Calverley ij car. terrae, unde xxiiij car. faciunt, etc.; de quibus [Johannes]a filius Simonis tenet j bov., Robertus, frater ejus, j bov., Johannesb de Camera j bov., Johannes le [Tounesleuerd]c j bov., Johannes ded Fonte j bov.,... fil. Jordani, Simon filius Roberti j bov., Willelmus le Wayt et Magot' de Bramley j bov., Ricardus de Bercroft et Margareta, uxore ejus, j bov., Petrus de Selleby, Simon filius Thomae de Culcotes et Willelmus filius Rogeri j bov., Johannes filius Alanif j bov., Willelmus filius Rogeri j bov., Johannes filius Elyae j bov., Robertus le Cowper j bov., Jordanus de Berillk j bov., Willelmus filius Melkeoush j bov., uxor Johannis de Bradford j bov., [et] Johannes de Culecotes unam bov. ALLERTON. Thomas de Thornton tenet in Allerton iiij car. terrae, unde xx car. faciunt feod.; de quibus Abbas de Bella Landa tenet vjj bov. terrae et di., et Prior de Pontefracto tenet j bov. THORNTON. Thomas de Thornton tenet in eadem ij car. terrae, unde xx car. faciunt feod. BOLLYNG. Willelmus de Bolling tenet in eadem iij car. terrae, unde xx car. faciunt feod., de quibus Abbas de Kirkstall tenet iijk bov. u eodem, R. " xiiij car., R. tenet v bov., Isolda del Hay, B. F. R. * rex, R. Y Tyersall, a hamlet in the township of Pudsey. ~ xxiiij, R. " Johannes, R. b Robertus, R. c Tounesleuerd, R. d ad Fontem, R. e mater ejus, B. F. R. f Adxe, R. g Birrill, F. Bierley (?). h Malkeous, F. Mallemouse, R. iet, R. j quinque, R. k ij bov., F. iiijor bov., R. WAPENTAKE OF MORLEY, W. R. 227 HoRTON. Willelmus de Lewynthorp tenet in Horton et in Clayton iij car. terrse, unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod., de quibus Jordanus de Birill tenet in Clayton iiijor bov. terrve. HETON.I Ricardus"' de Ledes tenet in Heton ij car. terrse, unde xx car. faciunt feod. BOLTON." Willelmus de Skyrgill et Ribalduso le Boteler tenent in Bolton ij car. terrae, unde xx car; faciunt feod. HAWORTH. Galfridus de Hayworth, Rogerus de Maynyngham [et] Alicia de Bercroft tenent in Hayword iiijor bov. terrse, unde xxiiij car. terrse faciunt feod. OXENHOP. Willelmus de Heton tenet in Oxenhop iiij bov. terrae, et Willelmus de Clayton tenet in eadem iiij bov. terrae, unde xxiiij [car.]p faciunt feod. CLAYTON. Willelmus de Clayton tenet in Clayton viij bov. terrae: Jordanus de Birill tenet in Claiton x bov. terrae,-unde xx [car.] q faciunt feod. HORTON. Radulphus de Rachedale tenet in Horton ij bov. terr.e: Elyas de Horton tenet in eadem ij bov. terre, —unde xx car. faciunt feod. MAYNYNGHAM. Margareta de Manyngham et Alicia de Tothill tenent in Manyngham iiij bov. terrse, de quibus istis car. praecedentibus viij bov. faciunt car., et sunt de feodo Comitis Lincolniae castrir de Pontefracto, excepta villa de Shepelay,s que tenetur de domino rege. MORLEY [ET] DRIGHLINGTON. Domina Albredat tenet in Morley xv car. terrae de castro Pontefracti, de quibus dominus Simon Ward tenet in Drighlington vj car. terrae. BESTON [ET MORLEY]. Dominus Willelmus [de] Beston tenet in Beston et in Morlay iij car. terrae, unde viij bov. faciunt car., et xviij car. faciunt feod. [AUSTHORP.] Dicta domina [Albreda]v tenet in Austhorp ij car. terrae. Ballivi Comitis Warenni non permittunt nos intrare libertatem Comitis, unde praejudicate vos. I Heaton, in the parish of Bradford. * Rogerus, R. Roger de Ledes was certified lord of Heton in 1316. Bolton, a small township in the parish of Calverley. ~ Roaldus, B. F. R. P xxti car., R. q car., F. de castro, R.' Shippelay, B. See page 224, antea. t Albreda de Rotherfeld. u de, F. R. v Albreda, R. Q2 FEODA MILITUM [IN] WAPENTAGIO DE AGGEBRIGE. Nomina juratorum wapp. de Aggebrig de feodis milit.:Thomas de Whyteley, Willelmus Clericus de Ayketon, Germanus Filcottes de Wakefeld, Willelmus de Methelay de Thornhill, Willelmus filius Elyse de Aketon, Willelmus Auslouerdb de Snytall, Ernisiusc de Snytall, Adam de Lepton, Matheus de Goulethorp,d Johannes de Bretton, Galfridus del Falles et Robertus de Neusome, qui dicunt [quod] e SNYTALL. Breve. Comes Lincolniae habet in manus (sic) tenentium de Snytall iij car. terrEe, unde xijs faciunt feod. AKETON. Breve.f Idem Comes tenet in Aketon per tenentes iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. CROFTON. Ricardus le Waylysh tenet in Crofton j car. terrae, et Robertus de Pontefracto tenet in eadem j car. terrse, unde, ut supra. SHITELINGTON. Adam de Everingham tenet in Shitelington j car. terrse, unde, ut supra. Johannes de Horlyi tenet in eadem di. car. terrae, unde, ut supra. [FLOKETON.]j Adam de Everingham tenet in Folketon (sic) di. car. terre, unde, ut supra. DENEBY. Abbas de Bella Landa tenet in Deneby j car. terrae, unde, ut supra. HETON.k Abbas de Fontibus tenet in Heton iiij bov. terrae, et Templarii tenent in eadem iiij bov. terrme, unde xviij [car.] faciunt, etc. Adam de Hopton tenet in eadem ij bov. terrae, et Willelmus de Heton tenet in eadem ij bov. terrae, unde, ut supra: et viij bov. faciunt car. LEPTON. Adam de Everingham tenet in Lepton di. car. terrme, et Johannes de Heton tenet in eadem per tenentes di. car., unde, ut supra. a Collated with MSS. B. and F. This wapentake does not occur in Kirkby's Inquest. b Halflenerd, B. Halfleonard, F. " Gervisius, F. d Goukethorp, B. F. e quod, F. f F. omits Breve. R x car., B. F. h Waleis, F. i Herly, B. F. The text has "Shitelington," and B. and F. "Folketon," erroneously. k Kirk-Heaton. WAPENTAKE OF AGBRIGG, W. R. 229 FERNELEY.' Franco Tyas?" tenet in Ferneley ij car. terrse, unde, ut supra. [THORNHILL.] Johannes [de] Thornhill,Willelmus de Metheley et Thomas de Langfeld tenent [in]n Thornhill ij car., unde xij car. faciunt feod. WHYTELAY. Breve. Comes Lincolniie tenet in Whytelay per tenentes j car. terroe, unde xviij car. faciunt feod. SHARNESTON. Maugerus le Vavesour tenet in Sharneston ij car. terrme, unde xij car. faciunt feod. 1 Farnley-Tyas. m The family of Tyas, or Teutonici as they sometimes called themselves, had large possessions at Farnley, Woodhouse and Lede, where they had a grant of free warren in the 51st Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 94). Franco Tyas is buried in the chapel of Lede, where there is a monumental inscription to his memory (Loidis and Elmete, 157)., in, F. FEODA MILITUM IN WAPENTAGIO DE STRAFFORD.a Inquisitio facta per xij de Strafford, juratos, de feodis milit. geldabilibus. RODERHAM. Breve. Abbas de Rugford tenet medietatem j feodi in Roderham de domino Petro de Malo Lacu. BRINSFORD, TRYBERGE, DALTON ET BOULTON. Adam de Normanvill tenet j feod. milit. in Brinsford, Tryberge, Dalton et Boulton de domino Johanne de Heton,b [et] dominus Johannes de Henrico de Percy. WATH, BRAMPTON, WAMWELL, DERFELD ET WRELEY.C Dominus Willelmus le Flemyng tenet j feod. milit. in Wath, Brampton, Wamwell, Derfeld et Wreley de feodo castri de Skipton. TRETON ET ULLAY. Dominus Edmundus Wastenays tenet j feod. milit. in Treton et Ullay de Thoma Furnyvall, et T. de G. Luterell. TOTEWYK.d Idem Edmundus tenet j feod. milit. in Totewyk de Thoma le" Furnyvall, [et Thomas de Galfrido]f de Luterell. ASTON. Dominus Willelmus de Cantilupo tenet j feod. milit. in Aston de Furnyvall, et ipse, ut supra. EDELINGTON. Dominus Warinus filius Fulconis et Henricus de Scrop tenent in eademg (sic) medietatem unius feodi in Edelington de domino Willelmo le Vavesour, et idem Willelmus de Henrico de Percy. HANDESWORTH. Dominus Thomas de Furnyvall tenet de Galfrido Luterell j feod. in Westam'^ (sic) Handesworth. a Collated with MSS. B. and F. de Hoton. See pp. 6, 10. Wortley, in the parish of Tankersley, and wapentake ~f Staincross, of which manor William le Fleming died seised by Inq. p. m. taken in the 35th Edward I. (S. Yorks., ii., 65, 307. Cal. Inq. p. in., i., 215). d See page 6, note p. Mr. Hunter appears to have considered these Knights' Fees part of Kirkby's Inquest (S. Yorks., ii., 158). e de, F. f et Thomas de Galfrido, F. g F. omits in eadem. h A copy of Statham's Abridgment of the Law, printed at Rouen circa 1495, which at one time belonged to Sir John Hewley, knight, counsellor-at-law, and M.P. for the city of York 1677-85, contains some MS. notes, copied during the first half of the sixteenth century, from a list of Knights' Fees in the wapentake WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W. R. 231 MAGNA HALGHTON. Willelmus de Hamelton tenet medietatem unius feodi in Magna Halghton de G. Luterell. MORHOUSE ET CLAYTON. Willelmus le Latymer tenet di. feod. milit. in Morhouse et Clayton de G. Luterell. HOTON PAYNILL. Galfridus Luterell tenet medietatem j feodi in Hoton Paynill de domino rege.: BILLAM. Thomas de Bervill tenet in Billam medietatem unius feodi de Georgioj (sic) Luterell. THIRNESCOWE. Magister Robertus de Berneby tenet in Thirnescow de G. Luterell iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. FRYKELEY. Willelmus le Vavesour tenet in Frykeley de Comite Lincolnise di. quartam partem nnius feodi milit. Johannes Haryngell tenet in eadem di. iiijtam partem j feodi milit. de Ricardo le Waleys, et ille de Comite Lincolnive. HYKILTON ET CATEBY. Willelmus le" Danyell, Egidius de Hykylton, Thomas de Hasshebury et Walterus de Apperley tenent j feod. milit. in Hykylton et Cateby de domino Johanne de Britannia. CANTELEY. Breve. Prior de Wirsop, Abbas de Kirkstall, Prior Hospitalis Sancte Katherinae Lineolnise et Priorissa de Hampoll tenent di. feod. milit. in Canteley de Ada de Everingham. LOVERSALL. Johannes de Rypers1 tenet iiijtam partem j feodi in Loversall de domino Petro de Malo Lacu. LANGEWATH ET BRAMLEY. Willelmus de Langewath [tenet in Langewath] et Bramley iiijtam partem j feodi de domino Petro de Malo Lacu. ARNETHORP. Breve. Abbas de Rupe tenet in Arnethorp de Rogero de Moubray di. feod. milit. HOTON LYVET ET PYKEBURN. Jacobus Lyvet tenet in Hoton Lyvet et Pykburn di. feod. milit. [de Petro de Malo Lacu.] ^ ROUTHEMERS ET WAMBEWELL. Dominus Johannes de Anesley, Stephanus de Bella Aqua et Willelmus de Apelforth tenent j feod. milit. in Routhemers et Wombewell de domino Edmundo Danecourttes. Item juratores dicunt quod tenentes Comitis Warenni [neque in]" Halomshire nec )onecastre, cum socagio, coram nobis noluerunt respondere nec venire, ideo de eis nihil possumus respondere. of Strafforth (temp. Edward II.). It is there stated that " Galfridus Lutterall tenet baroniam de Hoton Panell, de qua dominus Thomas Furnivall tenet j feodum in Wistowe, Holdesworth et Treton; et medietas unius feodi est in manu domini regis." The places here indicated are Whiston, Handsworth and Treeton. i See the previous note. j Galfrido. k B. and F. omit le. t Ripariis, F.'" de Petro de Malo Lacu, F. " in, F. FEODA MILITUM INFRA LIBERTATEM DE TYKHILL. Inquisitio capta de Libertate de Tykhill per Robertum Gilby,a Johannem le Boteler, Johannem de Camera, Robertum de Reyneberge,b Johannemc de Marisco, Ingelramum Felosaunt, Robertumn filium Petri de Waith, Ricardum de Pykburn, Johannem de Barneby, Robertum de Benteley et Robertum Clericum de Brodesworth, qui dicunt per sacramentum suum quod, BENTLEY. Paganus de Tybetoft tenet in Benteley unum feod, milit. ADWYKd ET BARNEBY. Alicia de Lande tenet in Adewyk et Barneby di. feod. milit. WILTHORP.f Haer's domini Johannis de Bella Aqua ten' in Wilthorp di. feod. milit. PARVA HALGHTON ET ARKESEY. Johannes de Annesley tenet in Parva Halghton et Arkesay di. feod. milit. WYKERSLEY. Jacobus Lyvet tenet in Wykersley di. feod. milit. BOULTON ET SWYNTON. Thomas de Mountnay et Stephanus de Bella Aqua tenent in Bolton et Swynton di. feod. milit. SPROTEBURGH. Dominus Willelmus filius Willelmi tenet de Comite Lincolnise iijh feod. milit. [in Sprotburgh.]i MALTEBY. Breve. Dominus Robertus de Clifford tenet in Malteby feod. milit. de dominok de Tykhill. SCAUCEBY.1 Alexander de Scauceby tenet de dicto domino Roberto j feod. milit., et ille de dominok de Tykhill. a Bilby, B. b Rainberg, F. c Robertum, F. d Adwick-le-Street. e Lond, B. F. Alice, wife of Peter de Lund, and daughter of Thomas de Chauncy. Her Inq. p. m. will be given afterwards. f A lost vill. It is not named in Kirkby's Inquest, or in the Nomina Villarum. Wildthorpe Cliffs, however, are well known to the sportsmen in this neighbourhood; and on that high and exposed point between Melton and Cadeby there is a tradition that a village once stood, and that it was blown away; a violent storm sweeping down into the valley all the houses, to which some who relate the tradition add, and the church" (S. Yorks., i., 370). 9 See page 214, antea. / unum feod., F. In the Aid he is returned as holding two knights' fees. in Sprotburgh, F. i F. omits Breve. k castro, F. Scawsby, a small township in the parish of Brodsworth. LIBERTY OF TICKHILL, W. R. 233 BRODESWORTH. Willelmus de Hamelton tenet in Brodesworth j feod. de domino Johanne de Crumbewell. KYMBERWORTH. [Breve.] n Dominus Johannes de Crumbewell tenet in Kymberworth di. feod. milit. de domino de Tykhill. GRESEBROKE. Thomas Barbot tenet in Gresebroke di. feod. milit. de eodem domino de Tykhill. MELTON. Willelmus de Gressey" tenet in Melton di. feod. de eodem domino. HOTON ROBERT, STANSALL [ET WYLSYK]. Robertus de Hoton [tenet]~ in Hoton Robertus, Stansale et Wylsyk j feod. de eodem domino. [SHELTON.]P Walterus de Tynneslawe et Johannes de Shelton tenent di. feod. milit. de eodem domino. STAINTON ET HELGHBY.q Johannes de Boteler tenet in Stainton et Helghby j feod. de eodem feodo. SALVAYN ET NETHERTHORP.r [Breve.]m Antoniuss Salvayn tenet in Salvayn et Netherthorp j feod. milit. de eodem domino. WADDEWORTH. Adam de Everingham tenet in Waddeworth j feod. milit. de eodem domino. Chewoordt [tenet]" et habet breve. Summa xvij feoda. "1 Breve, B. F. n Cressy, F. o tenet, F. P See the Aid, postea. I am unable to identify Shelton. q Hellaby, a hamlet in a detached portion of the parish of Stainton. Netherthorpe, a hamlet near Thorpe Salvin. " Aketinus, F. See page 214, antea. t There is something omitted here. In Kirkby's Inquest (page 2) Thomas de Chaworth is returned as holding the third part of a knight's fee in Wadworth. 1 tenet, F. WAPENTACHIUM DE LANGBERGH. [Inquisitio facta, apud Giseburn, coram domino Alexandro de Cave et domino Galfrido de Hothom, die Veneris proximo ante festum Sancti Hillarii, anno regni regis Eddewardi xxxj, per hos xij juratores, scilicet, Johannem de Redmarcyll, Adam de Tochotes, Johannem de Mersk, Willelmum Gouer, Johannem de Midelton, Willelmum de Ebor., Johannem de Laisingby, Willelmum de Hoton, Johannem de Fenitres (?), Matheum de Semer, Simonem de la Despencer et Robertum del Howe, qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod,]b DE FEODO WALTERI DE FAUCONBERG. SKELTON. Walterus de Faucunberg tenet j feod. milit. in eadem, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. MERSK. Walterus de Fauconberg tenet j} feod. in eadem, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. Henricus de Percy tenet viij car. terrae, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. milit. ENGELBY JUXTA ERNECLYF. Robertus de Colevill tenet in eadem di. feod., unde xij, ut supra. MALTEBY. Johannes de Malteby tenet in eadem vj car., unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. ENGELBY LORENGE. Stephanus Gower tenet in eadem vj car., unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. LOFTHUS. Walterus de Fauconberg tenet in eadem viij car., unde xij, ut supra. a The Knights' Fees in the wapentakes of Langbargh, Pickering, Howdenshire, Holderness, Dickering, Harthill, and Buckrose are printed from the original Subsidy Rolls which are kept among the Miscellaneous Records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. The rolls for Yorkshire are as yet unarranged, and consequently inaccessible to the general enquirer, but through the kind offices of Mr. Walbran of Ripon, who was the first to point them out as useful for this work, I obtained permission to transcribe these valuable documents, as well as others which will be found at a subsequent page. I have not given the particular references to these rolls, as the present class-marks are only provisional. The Inquisitions for the above-mentioned wapentakes form a roll of eight membranes. b The portions of the text within brackets are taken from a duplicate roll of one membrane, comprising the wapentakes of Langbargh and Pickering only. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 235 BOLLEBY CUM GLAPPHOWE. Galfridus Maucovenauntc tenet in eadem di. feod., unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. HILTON. Robertus de Pothow tenet in eadem quartam partem feodi, unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. DE FEODO DE LATYMER. DANEBY. Willelmus Latymer tenet in eadem j feod. milit., unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. JARUM CUM BROTTON. Willelmus Latymer tenet in eisdem xiiij car. terrae, unde x car., ut supra. KILDALE. Arnaldus de Percy tenet in eadem iij car. terrae, unde xij car., ut supra. CRATHORN. Arnaldus de Percy tenet in eadem vj car. terrxe, unde xij car., etc. LASINGBY. Arnaldus de Percy tenet in eadem ij car. terrve, unde xij car., etc. DE FEODO ARNALDI DE PERCY. BEREWYK JUXTA TESIAM. Hugo filius Henrici tenet in eadem iij car. terrae, unde xij car., etc. UPPESALE, NUNTHORP (ET) ARSUM. Arnaldus de Percy tenet in eisdem j feod., unde xij car., etc. ORMESBY CUM KALDECOTHES.d Arnaldus de Percy tenet in eisdem di. feod., unde xij car., etc. ACKELOM, LEVYNGTHORP, THORNETON, MARTON, TOLLESBY ET ROUCEBY. Ingelramus de Bovyngton tenet in eisdem tres partes unius feodi, unde x car., etc. TAMPTON. Johannes de Meignille tenet in eadem quartam partem unius feodi, unde xij car., etc. " 4 id. July, 1308. Licence to Sir Geoffrey Maucovenant, knight, to have an oratory within his manor of Esington (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 86 b). In 1316 he was certified joint lord of that town. On May 26th, 1319, the archbishop grants time to dame Margaret, relict of Sir Geoffrey Maucovenant, to enable her to rebuild the chancel of the church of Esington, in " Wytbistrande" (Fasti Ebor., i., 415). d Now called Cargo Fleet, or Cleveland Port, about two miles north of Ormesby (J. R. W.). William Malebisse, who was living in 1258, by a charter without date, gave to God and the church of St. Hilda at Midlesburc, and the monks serving God there, "totas terras et pasturas de feudo meo de Brachanhoc, quas Hugo Malebisse, pater meus, et Hugo frater meus Malebisse, praedictse ecclesiae, et monachis concesserunt. Scilicet, hiis metis. Sicut forera Radulfi Longi vadit in fietum de Caldecotes, et inde per medium fletum, usque in fletum molendini versus Felebrige, usque proximam metam terrae Thomae de Marton, et inde sursum usque foreram pr1edicti Radulfi Longi.-H. T. Ricardo Malebisse, Hugone fratre suo, Gaufrido de Thornton, Alano Malekake " (Mon. Angl., iii., 632). e John de Menyll had a charter of free warren in Tamton, Castel Levington, Neuby and Kildale in the 5th Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 144). 236 KNIGHTS) FEES IN YORKSHIRE. LYVERTON. Henricus filius Conani tenet in eadem vj car. terrae, unde x car., etc. NEUTON SUBTUS OTHENESBERGH, (ET) ASELBY CUM THORNTON. Willelmus de Roseles tenet tres partes unius feodi in eisdem, unde x car., etc. PYKETON. Haeres de Pyketon tenet in eadem quartam partem unius feodi, unde xij car., etc. SETON CUM SKELTON. Haeres de Seton tenet in eisdem iiij car. et di./ unde x car., etc. THOCOTES CUM MERSK. Haeres Johannis de Thocotes tenet in eisdem ij car., etc.: et dictus hveres est in custodia regis. STAYNESBY. Walterus de Staynesby tenet in eadem iiij car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. HEMELYNGTON. Domina de Wake tenet in eadem v car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. COLLEBY. Johannes de Colleby tenet in eadem di. car. Moniales de Basedale tenent in eadem di. car.,-unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. PYNCHUNTHORP. Adam de Thorp tenet in eadem ij car., unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. THOCOTES. Adam de Thocotes tenet in eadem j car. de feodo de Menill, unde xiiij car., etc. KIRKE LEVYNGTON. Henricus de Percy tenet in eadem iiij car., unde x car. faciunt feod. HOTON CUM PYNCHUNTHORP. Johannes de Hoton tenet in eisdem vj car., unde xij car., etc. NORMANBY. Adam de Levyngthorp tenet in eadem vj car., unde xij car., etc. JARUM. Stephanus Kelette tenet in eadem ij bov. Adam de Stanelay tenet in eadem ij bov., —unde xij car., etc. NEUTON SUBTUS OTHENESBERGH. Haeresh Gilberti de Luda tenet in eadem ij car., unde xij car., etc. THORMOTEBY, LEVYNGTHORP, STAYNTON, LAYSINGBY ET GouTON. Prior de Gyseburn tenet in eisdem j feod., unde x car., etc. DE FEODO MARMEDUCI DE THWENG EX DONO MARGARETE DE ROS. FAYCEBY CUM SEXHOW, WIRKESALE CUM STAYNDALERIGGE, MARTON, ACCLOM ET PARVA BUSKEBY CUM TAMPTON. Dominus R. de Gower, Willelmus Sturmy et Ricardus de Scotherskelf tenent in eisdem ij feoda, unde x car., etc. f The half carucate was in Skelton. g Of these, four carucates were in Hoton, and two in Pynchunthorp. h The heir of Gilbert de Luda was his son Nicholas. See page 65, antea. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 237 THOCOTES, LYTHUM CUM MORDALEi (ET) KIRKE LEVYNGTON. Adam de Tocotes tenet in eisdem di. feod., unde x car., etc. ESYNGTON. Ambrosius de Camera tenet in eadem di. feod., unde xij car. faciunt feod. DE FEODO DE BALLIOLO. STOKESLEY, BATHERSBY, INGELBY JUXTA GRENHOW, PARVA BROUTHON, KIRKBY, DROMUNDEBY, MAGNA BUSKEBY, PARVA BUSKEBY (ET) SCOTHERSKELF CUM NEUBY. Johannes Deuer tenet in eisdem iij feoda, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod. DE FEODO PETRI DE MALO LACU. GOLDESBURGH-iij car., HOTON JUXTA MULGREF-iij car., EGGETON-ij car., [et] WESTINGBY-ij car. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet in eisdem j feod., unde x car., etc. MAGNA ATON, MAGNA BROUTHON ET TONSTALL. Nicholaus de Meignill tenet in eisdem j feod., unde x car., etc. WILTON, LACKENBY, LAYSINGBY, WEST COTOM, ELREDBY ET THORP JUXTA KILTON. Ranulphus de Nevill tenet in eisdem j feod., unde x car. faciunt, etc. BERUBY.k Hveres de Beruby tenet in eadem iiij car., unde x car., etc. NEUTON JUXTA ELLEREDEBY. Ricardus de Tweng [et] Robertus de Ackelom tenent in eadem iiij car., unde x car., etc. BARNEBY. Willelmus de Wardehow, hweres Mathei Sturmy, [et] Alicia Breton tenent in eadem iiij car., unde x car., etc. LYTH. Liberi tenentes de Lyth tenent in eadem ij car., unde x car., etc. EGGETON. Liberi tenentes de Eggeton tenent in eadem ij (?) car., unde x car., etc. MIKELBY. Liberi tenentes de Mykelby tenent in eadem iiij car., unde x car., etc. DE FEODO DE PERCY. WTILLTON CUM WEST COTOM. HWeredes J. de Bulmer tenent in eisdem di. feod., unde x car., etc. CASTEL LEVYNGTON. Cristiana de Meignill tenet in eadem di. feod., unde x car. faciunt feod. i Mordale is not named in Kirkby's Inquest or the Nomina Villarum. I am unable to identify it. j Membrane i., in dorso. k Borrowby, in the parish of Lythe. 238 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. MARTON. Haeredes J. de Blaby tenent in eadem iij car. Item Ricardus Marton tenet j car., —unde xij car. faciunt feod. TOLLESBY. Haeredes J. de Blaby tenent iij car. terrze in eadem. Item Ricardus de Marton tenet di. car.,-unde xij car. faciunt feod. NEWEHAM. Cristiana de Camera tenet in eadem iiij bov. Hzer' J. de Scalton ten' in eadem ij bov., —unde xij car. faciunt feod. LYTHUM CUM KILTON. Marmeducus de Tweng tenet in Lythum vj car. Item in Kilton v car., —unde xj car., etc. STAYNTON CUM THORNTON. Robertus Gretheued tenet in eisdem iiij car., unde x car., etc. MORTON. Willelmus de Morton tenet in eadem iiij car., unde xij car., etc. HILDERWELLE. Liberi tenentes de eadem tenent iiij car., unde xij car. faciunt feod. SOUTH LOFTHUS. Liberi tenentes de eadem tenent iiij car., unde xij car. faciunt feod. BERNALDEBY. Prior de Giseburn tenet in eadem ij car., unde x car., etc. Summa feodorum istius wapentachii, xxxij feoda di., vta pars j feodi, et j bov. terrae. Probatur. [Summa denariorum, lxv li. viijs. vjd. ob.]1 Item [dicunt quod omnes terrve Nicholai] de Menill sunt de libertate ecclesiae Cantuar., [quare dictae terrae non sunt] geldabiles, ut intelligunt. I A general memorandum which the jurors were competent to add, as they knew that neither more or less than 40s. could be levied on each knight's fee, the number of which they had previously found in detail. FEODA MILITARIA WAPENTACHII DE PYKERING.a DE FEODO ROGERI BYGOT. SYNELYNGTON ET MARTON. Willelmus de Latymerb tenet de proedicto Rogero, in eisdem villis, ix car. terrse pro medietate et quarta parte j feodi. LEVESHAM, LOKETON [ET] PYK[ERING.] Rogerus Bygot tenet in eisdem vj car. et iiij bov. pro quarta parte j feodi. NEUTON. Ranulphus de Nevill tenet de eodem Rogero, in eadem, j car. terrae pro duodecima parte j feodi. ROUCESBY. Edmundus de Hastynges tenet de eodem Rogero, in eadem, xiij bov. terrse pro octava parte j feodi. WILTON. Johannes Lovel tenet de eodem Rogero, in eadem, xij car. terrae pro j feodo. SNAYNTON, WESTHORP [ET] BRUMPTON. Willelmus de Vescy tenet in eisdem viij car. pro j feodo milit. THORNETON, PRESTON, NEUTON, ATON,BRINISTON, LEBRESTON, OSGOTEBY [ET] CAYTON. Comes Albemarlise quondam tenuit de praedicto Rogero in Thorneton, Neuton, Preston, Bryniston, Aton, Kayton, Lebreston et Osgoteby xxviij car. et vj bov. terrae pro duobus feod. et tertia parte j feodi, que feoda Johannes de Eston tenuit, per cartam domini regis, pro medietate et duodecima parte et sexagesima parte unius feodi; unde Hugo de Luther tenet in Thorneton x bov. terrae; Henricus de Eston, in eadem, j bov. Willelmus de Ormesby in Thorneton, Neuton, Preston, Aton (et) Briniston xviij car. iij bov. Haeredes Willelmi Hatcriste tenent in Osgoteby et Cayton iiij car. et iij bov. Willelmus Barde tenet in Kayton, Osgoteby et Lebreston v car. et iiij bov.,-pro medietate et duodecima parte et sexagesima parte feodi unius milit. DE FEODO JOHANNISC DE WAKE. CROPTON, MIDELTON [ET] ASLAKEBY. Johanna Wake tenet " Membrane ii. b In the 32nd Edward I. William de Latimer, junior, had a charter for a market, fair and free warren at Synelinton (Cal. Rot. Chart., 135). e John, lord Wake, died in the 28th Edward I., leaving a widow Joan, and a son and heir, Thomas Wake, then aged two years (Cal. Gen., ii., 587, 605, 616). 240 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. in Cropton, Midelton et Aslakeby ix car. et j bov. terrae pro medietate et septima parte feodi unius milit. WRELTON. Haeredes Walteri Boy tenent in Wrelleton, de eadem Johanna, ij car. terrae pro septima parte feodi unius milit. CALTHORN. Willelmus de Nevill tenet de eadem Johanna, in Calthorn, ij car. terroe pro septima parte j feodi. ASLAKEBY. Haeredes Arnaldi de Aslakeby tenent de eadem vij bov. terrae in Aslakeby pro quarta-decima parte j feodi. DE FEODO ROGERI DE MOUBRAY. THORNETON. Willelmus de Wyvile tenet in Thorneton, de Rogero de Moubray, iij car. terrae pro quarta parte j feodi. BRUMPTON. Willelmus de Vescy tenet de praedicto Rogero, in Brumpton, xij car. terrae pro j feodo milit. DE FEODO DE BRUS. THORNETON. Willelmusd de Kildale tenet de Petro de Bruys, in Thorneton, iij car. terrae pro quarta parte j feodi. DE FEODO DE PERCY. SEMER, BURTONDALE [ET] THORPFELD. Henricus de Percy tenet in dominico in Semer, Burtondale et Thorpfeld x car. terrae, et est membrum de Topclive, pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. KILWARDEBY. Simon de Kilwardeby tenet in eadem, de praedicto Henrico, ij car. terre pro quartae parte feodi j milit. IRTON. Willelmus de Irton, Thomas filius ejus, Johannes Russel (et) Sibilla de Haya tenent de eodem, in Irton, iiij car. terrae pro medietate feodi unius milit. ATONf Alanus filius Ricardi, Alexander de Percy, et alii tenentes tenent de eodem Henrico, in Aton, ij car. terrae pro quarta parte feodi unius milit. THURSTANBY. Willelmus de Morers tenet in Thurstanby, de eodem Henrico, ij car. terrae pro quarta parte j feodi. SNAYNTON. Johannes Tateman tenet in Snaynton, de praedicto Henrico, j car. et iiij bov. terrae pro octava parte et sextadecima parte feodi unius milit. Summa istius wapentachii, ix feoda di. x" pars et xxxna pars j feodi milit. Summa denariorum, xix li. iiijs. iijd. q. Probatur. d William Percy of Kildale. " "octava" is superscribed, apparently in the same hand, but "quarta" is not marked for deletion. See Kirkby's Inquest, page 146. f East Ayton. See page 138, antea. HOUDENSHIRE." Henricus de Percy tenet in Howmb vj car. terrae, in Gerthum ij car; terrae, et faciunt feod. unius milit.; unde Moniales de Appeltonc tenent in eadem vj car., et faciunt forinsecum. Johannes de Hothum tenet ij car. terrae, et facit forinsecum. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet in villa de Hothum iij car., in Lokyngton j car., in Ak di. car.; et faciunt tres partes j feodi. Alexander de Percy tenet in Gerthum et Neuton vj car. terrae; et faciunt di. feod. Johannes filius Gervasii de Ripplyngham tenet ij car. terrae; et faciunt quintam partem feodi. In villa de Ellerker est una car. terrae; unde Johannes Flambard tenet iiij bov. terrse, haeredes Dyonis' de Ellerker j bov., Johannes de Walkyngton j bov., Johannes de Ripplingham j bov., Robertus de Kokefeld j bov.; et faciunt decimam partem feodi. Ricardus d'Averenged tenet in Skipwyth ij car. terrie, in Bolthorp iiij car., in Burtone j car.; et faciunt di. feod. a The wapentake of Howdenshire is not co-extensive with the liberty, and of the twenty places hereinafter mentioned only two-Ellerker (a detached member) and Belasis-are within the former. The account here given should be compared with the " Libertas de Houeden" of the Nomina Villarum, which will be found at a subsequent page, and also with Kirkby's Inquest for the wapentakes of Howdenshire and Ouse and Derwent. b Holme-on-Spalding-Moor. c Robert de Percy, parson of Gisburgh, son of Henry de Percy, gave half a carucate of land in Holm to the nuns of Appleton; and Sibilla de Percy, with her corpse, gave them thirteen oxgangs of land here, which was confirmed by Henry III. in 1240 (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 277). d Richard de Averinges had a charter of free warren in Skipwith and Bolthorpe in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 135). e Probably this is North Burton, commonly called Cherry Burton, in the wapentake of Harthill. For this suggestion I am indebted to Mr. Burton of Turnham Hall, near Selby, who has also obligingly favoured me with an extract from a fine, attributed to the 1st of King John, from which it appears that Philip, bishop of Durham, granted to Richard de Averinges " ij car. in Scippwic, iiij car. in Bolethorp, [et] j car. in Norb'ton," to be held by military service as half a knight's fee.-The following entry in Domesday Book (ed. 1862, p. 19) no doubt relates to this place:-" In Burton est soca de Welletone de j carucata ad geldum. Nigellus tenuit, sed modo dimittit." Welton belonged to the bishops of Durham. it 242 KNIGHTS) FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet medietatem manerii de Clifff et facit di. feod. Hleress Gilberti de Aton tenet in villis de Bardelby, Menthorp et Neuton juxta Gerthumh di. feod. Robertus de Osgotebyi tenet in Osgoteby quartam partem feodi j milit. Antonius de Alta Ripa tenet iiij car. terrse in South Duffeld pro quinta parte feodi j milit. Nicholaus de Stapeltonj tenet in eadem iiij car. terrae pro quinta parte j feodi. Henricus Camerarius tenet in North Duffeld vij car. terrse, in Hothum iij car. terrse; et faciunt j feod. Radulphus de Babethorp tenet in eadem viij bov. terrae, in Brakenholmk xj bov., in Risceby' x bov., pro quarta parte j feodi. Hugo de Marra tenet in Belasis cc et iij acras; et facit servitium quartie partis j feodi. Willelmus de Wyvill tenet in Cornesandesm ixxxvij acras et di. de feoffamento domini R.," episcopi Dunelm., secundi; et faciunt xmam partem j feodi. Summa istius wapentachii, vj feoda, iiijta pars et xxxviijv [pars] j feodi. Summa denariorum, xij li. xjs. jd. Probatur. f Commonly called Long Cliff, in the parish of Hemingbrough. g Gilbert de Aton had a grant of free warren in Bardelby, Holme juxta Seleby, Wellome and Knapton in the 2nd Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 141). h Neuton and Gerthum have been previously mentioned. Gerthum stood about one mile S.W. of the present village of Gardham, which doubtless occupies the site of the " New Town near Gerthum." i Son of Adam de Osgoteby (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 109). In the 30th Edward I. Robert de Osgoteby had a charter of free warren and licence to hold a market and fair within his manor of Osgodby (Cal. Rot. Chart., 133). Sir Adam de Osgodby, Keeper of the Rolls of Chancery, was probably his son. i In the 32nd Edward I., his son, Miles de Stapleton, the first baron, had a charter of free warren in South Duffield, of which town his grandson, Nicholas de Stapleton, was certified joint lord, with the bishop of Durham, in 1316. k Ralph, son of Ralph de Babthorpe, gave land in Brakenholm and Babthorpe to the canons of Drax, which Robert, son and heir of Ralph de Babthorpe, confirmed in 1313 (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 100). i Ralph, son of Ralph de Babthorpe, when his brother Martin took the habit and became a canon at Drax, gave to that priory an annual rent of 4s. 4d. payable out of his land at Risceby; and afterwards gave 10s. per annum more out of ten oxgangs of land in the same territory (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 110). m Probably some forgotten place near the river. Cornesandes is not mentioned in Kirkby's Inquest or the Nomina Villarum. n Robert de Insuia, bishop of Durham 1274-83. FEODA MILITARIA WAPENTACHII DE HEUDERNESSE. Dominus Willelmus de Ros tenet in dominico et servitio de domino rege, tanquam de haereditate Cor' Albemarliae, xlvj car. terrae et di.^ per servitium militare, unde xlviij car. faciunt feod., et quaelibet car. continet viij boy. terrae. Item dominus Walterus de Faucunberg tenet ibidemc de eodem, per idem servitium, in dominico et servitio, xxxix car. terree [et] j bov.d Idem Walterus tenet ibideme de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, de feodo de Bruys, xvij car. terrze et vij bov., unde, ut supra. Robertus le Conestable tenet in dominico et servitio ibidem, de eodem, per idem servitium, xxviij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra. Haeres Petri de Gousillf tenet ibidemg de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iiij car., unde, ut supra. Et sunt in custodia domini regis. Idem haeres tenet in Parva Coldon de eodem, per idem servitium, iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Et sunt in custodia domini regis, et solebant esse de feodo Roberti Skurs. a Membrane ii., in dorso. b According to Kirkby's Inquest, Robert de Ros held "xlvj car. terree et di." in Roos, Atwick, Arnold, Grimston, Aldbrough, Thorp, Fosham, Ulrome, Ryhill and Marfleet. c The word "ibidem" here, as well as in the succeeding entries, refers to the wapentake of Holderness generally. Whenever the necessary information could be ascertained from Kirkby's Inquest, I have, for facility of reference, given the exact localities in the foot-notes. d Walter de Fauconbergh held 29 carucates and one bovate in Rise, Withernwick, Catfoss, Bewholme, Ulrome, Catwick, Arnold, North Skirlaugh, Rowton, Marton, South Frodingham, and East Hatfield. e Probably in Dringhoe, where there were nine carucates belonging to the fee of Brus, and in Bilton, West Halsham, Ritton (Reighton?) and Wyton. f Ralph de Goushill, son and heir of Peter de Goushill, by Ela, daughter of Ralph de Cameys (Cal. Gen., i., 434), married Hawisia, daughter of Fulk Fitz Warin (Ibid., ii., 506), and died under age in the 22nd Edward I., leaving Margaret his daughter and heir, then about six months old (Ibid.). Margaret de Goushill married, first, Philip Despenser, who died about 1313 (Cal. Inq. p. n., i., 255); and, secondly, John, son of William de Roos, who, in right of his wife, was certified joint lord of " Colden cum membris " in 1316. s Beeford. R 2 244 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Johannes de Melsa tenet ibidemh de eodem, per idem servitium, in dominico et servitio, iiij car., unde, ut supra. Robertusi de Hildeyarde tenet ibidemJ de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, xiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Thomas de Mounceausk tenet ibidem' de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, xxix car. terrse, unde, ut supra. Walterus Whitike tenet ibidem' de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, x car. terroe, unde, ut supra. Johannes de Lasceles" tenet ibidemo de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, x car., unde, ut supra. Johannes de SuttonP tenet ibidemq de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, xj car., unde, ut supra. Johannes de Rossr tenet ibidems de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, xij car., unde, ut supra. Willelmus Gobaudt tenet ibidem" de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij car., unde, ut supra. Johannes de Carletonv tenet ibidemw de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ix car., unde, ut supra. A Bewick and Walelinton. i Robert, son and heir of Robert and Joan de Hi]ldeyard, was aged twentythree years and upwards in the 24th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 517). i See page 75, antea. k 25th Edward I.-" Rex cepit fidelitatem Thomae de Munceus, fratris et haeredis Johannis de Munceus, defuncti, de omnibus terris et tenementis quae fuerunt Tngelrami de Munceus, patris ipsius Johannis defuncti" (Cal. Gen., ii., 539). t Barmston, Lisset, Winkton, Boynton, Caythorpe and Reighton. " Catwick, Nun-Keeling and Carlton. The Inq. p. m. of William de Lasceles of Ottringham was taken in the 24th Edward I., his son John, then aged upwards of thirty-one years, being his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 500). o Ottringham, Frodingham, Coniston and Seaton. P John, son and heir of Sayer de Sutton, was of full age in the 19th Edw. I. (Cal. Gen., i., 435). q Sutton and Ganstead. r The Inq. p. m. of John de Ros, of Ringburgh, was taken in the 12th Edward II. (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 290). * Ringburgh, Garton and Routh. The Inq. p. m. of William Gumbaud, alias Gobaude, was taken in the 33rd Edward I. The jurors say that "Lora, uxor David de Fletwyth, Margareta, uxor Laurentii de Hollebek, Johanna Gumbaud, que est monialis apud Swyne in comitatu Ebor., et Christiana Gumbaud, quve est monialis apud Stykeswald in comitatu Lincoln., sunt sorores praedicti Willelmi defuncti, et haeredes ejus propinquiores, et omnes sunt plenae atatis " (Cal. Gen., ii., 604). Lora de Fletewik re-married Thomas de Newmarch (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 494), who was certified joint lord of "Thorngombaud," with Laurence de Holbek and Edmund Wasteneys, in 1316. U Thorngumbald. John de Carleton died Dec. 23rd, 1304, his next heir being Avicia, daughter of his son John, then the wife of Richard de Hothum, and about twenty-five years old (Cal. Gen., ii., 705). " See page 76, antea. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, E. R. 245 Johannes Passemer tenet ibidemy de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, j car., unde, ut supra. Johannes de Ulram et Willelmus de Bucketon tenent ibidemz de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iij car., unde, ut supra. Radulphus de Lelle tenet ibidem" de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, vj car., unde, ut supra. Willelmus Berchautes tenet ibidemb de eodem in dominico' et servitio, per idem servitium, vj car. [et] vj bov., ut supra. Et sunt in custodia domini regis quia idem Willelmusc idiota est. Idem Willelmus, unius haeredum Johannis de Danthorp,d tenet ibideme in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, j car. et vij bov., unde, ut supra. Et sunt in custodia domini regis antedicti, ut supra. Johanna Glede, altera heredum Johannis de Danthorp, tenet ibideme in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, j car. et vij bov., unde, ut supra. Haeres Johannis Ughtriddf tenet ibidemg de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iiij car., unde, ut supra. " " Praedictus Johannes Passemer obiit die Jovis proxima ante festum Conversionis Sancti Pauli anno supradicto [31 Edw. I.]-Idem Johannes tenuit in Ulram de haeredibus Johannis de Frismerays, in liberum maritagium cum Clementia uxore sua, redditum 13s. 4d.-Isabella uxor Willelmi Sturmy, Margareta uxor Hugonis Sturmy, et Beatrix uxor Henrici Tayllour, sunt filiae et propinquiores haeredes ipsius Johannis; et praedicta Isabella est aetatis viginti octo annorum, Margareta est setatis viginti sex annorum, et Beatrix est aetatis viginti annorum et amplius" (Cal. Gen., ii., 641). Y Preston. " Ulram. a Goxhill. Out Newton and Little Hatfield. In the 30th Edward I. inquisitions "de statu Willelmi Berchaude, et de terris suis," were taken in the counties of York and Cumberland. The Yorkshire jurors say that " Willelmus Berchaunde est idiota continue a nativitate sua, nec compos mentis suae, nec sufficiens est ad regimen terrarum suarum." To this the men of Cumberland add, "super sacramentum suum, quod Johannes de Danethorp, qui fuit idiota a tempore nativitatis suse, fuit avunculus praedicti Willelmi, cujus Johannis idem Willelmus filius Aliciae, unius sororum praedicti Johannis, et Johanna filia Margaretae, alterius sororum dicti Johannis, quae est plenae atatis et discreta, sunt propinquiores haeredes " (Cal. Gen., ii., 636). d 21st Edward I. " Extenta terrce in mann regis existentis ratione fatuitatis Johannis de Danthorpp: et de parentela et gente dicti Johannis.-Dictus Johannes de Danthorpp fuit filius et hueres domini Johannis de Danthorpp, militis, et idem Johannes fuit filius domini Alani de Danthorpp, militis. Et mater dicti Johannis fuit filia domini Roberti de Carlaton, militis" (Cal. Gen., ii., 477). The Inq. p. m. of John de Danthorp was taken in the 30th Edward I. (Ibid., ii., 621). e Danthorpe and Pundagh. f John Ughtred, nephew of Robert Ughtred of Scarborough, dean of York, married Isabella, daughter of Sir John de Melsa. His Inq. p. m. was taken in the 26th Edward T., his daughter Joan, then aged five years, being his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 554). Isabella Ughtred, his widow, re-married Brian de Burdon about the 30th Edward I. (Ibid., i., xxvi). g Probably in Owstwick and Mappleton. 246 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Robertus Tyliol tenet ibidemh de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iij car., unde, ut supra. Robertus de Bobyi tenet ibidemi de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iij car., unde, ut supra. Prior de Bridelyngton tenet ibidemk de eodem, per idem servitium, in dominico et servitio, v car., unde, ut supra. Johannes de Preston1 tenet ibidemm de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, xj car. [et] v bov., unde, ut supra. Willelmus de Walcotes tenet de feodo Cesterunt," ad terminum vitae, in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, x car. et iij bov., unde, ut supra. Johannes de Mapelton tenet ibidemo de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, vj car., unde, ut supra. Henricus de WyuetonP tenet ibidemq de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, v car. [et] di., unde, ut supra. Johannes filius Ingelrami de Risom tenet ibidemr de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij car., unde, ut supra. Johannes Aldelotes tenet ibidems de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Johannes de Nutallt tenet ibidemu de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra. h By Inq. p. m., 14th Edward II., Robert Tilliol died seised of lands in West Hatfield (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 297). i Robert de Boby married, about 1282, Juliana, daughter and heiress of John and Beatrix de Camerton (Cal. Gen., i. 391). i Camerton. k Skirlington and Erghum or Arram. t " Johannes filius Roberti de Preston, nepos et hweres Henrici de Preston, defuncti, qui de domino rege tenuit in capite, ut de honore de Albemarle, maritatus fuit Emmne, filise Radulphi de Wellewyk, die Omnium Sanctorum, anno regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Henrici, octavo, per Henricum de Preston, cui maritagium pertinebat ratione sex bovatarum terrae cum pertinentiis in Waxham, quas Robertus de Preston, pater predicti Johannis, cujus haeres ipse est, tenuit de prsedicto Henrico per servitium militare" (Cal. Gen., ii., 465). The above John de Preston was baptized in the church of All Saints, Preston, and was twenty-one years of age on Tuesday, Sept. 8th, 1293 (Ibid., 472). " Preston, Rowlston, Mappleton, Tunstall and Waxholme. l Holmpton, Pensthorpe, Little Kelke, Little Hatfield and Preston. o Hornsea Burton. P The Inq. p. m. of Henry de Wyueton, or Wyveton (Wyton), was taken Sept. 22nd, 33rd Edward I., his son John, then aged nineteen years, being his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 676). q Wyton. Ravenser, one of the lost towns on the Humber. John Aldelot died seised of lands in Newsham, near Frodingham, by Inq. p. m. 3rd Edward II. ( Cal. Inq. p. n., i., 235), his son John being his next heir (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., 170). t Son and heir of Peter, son and heir of John de Nuttle. He was aged twenty-three years in the 29th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., i., 222; ii., 602). " Nuttle. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, E. R. 247 Philippus de Means tenet ibidemv de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iij car. terrsa, unde, ut supra. Haeres Petri de Gousill, Robertus le Conestabel et Stephanus de Pagula tenent ibidem de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij bov. terrme in Holm,w unde, ut supra, et unde tertia pars in custodia domini regis, ratione minoris aetatis haeredisx P. de Gousill. Haeres Roberti Sotwayn tenet ibidemY de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iij car., unde, ut supra. Ricardus de Grymeston tenet ibidem de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij car., unde, ut supra. Tenentes feodi Thomae de Souththorp tenent ibidemz de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, di. car. terrae, unde, ut supra. Nicholaus Haukyn tenet ibidema de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, vj bov. terrae, unde, ut supra. Warinerus Roysb de Preston tenet ibidem de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, j bov., ut supra. Nicholaus de Thoren tenet ibidemc de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, di. car., unde, ut supra. Willelmus de Crochow tenet ibidemd de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij bov., unde, ut supra. Tenentes feodi de Blasceles tenent ibidem de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij car. [et] vj bov.,e unde, ut supra. Michael Aumenerf tenet ibidem de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij bov., unde, ut supra. " Owthorne. w Paull Holme. * See page 243, antea. Y Rowlston.' This entry probably refers to Sunthorp, where Thomas de Sunthorp held one carucate of land at the time of Kirkby's Inquest. In a note on the 76th page, I have supposed this place to have been identical with Southorpe, which stood on the south side of Hornsea Mere (Poulson's Holderness, i., 340. Ord. Swrvey, 6 inch scale, sheet 197). Sunthorp, however, appears to have been one of the lost towns on the Humber, and its site is very clearly indicated in the following extract from the Meaux chartulary:-" De situ ergo dictse villae de Ravenser Odd, vestigium minime reperitur, quae quidem villa de parochia ecclesia de Esington existens quasi 4 milliaria distabat, inter quas villas de Esington et Odd villa de Kilnesey, villaque de Sunthorp, et manerium de Ald Ravenser in parochia ecclesiae de Kilnsea, medie jacere dignoscuntur" (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 529). a Preston. b Robert Ros held one bovate in Preston in the 13th Edward I. c Thorngumbald. d Tunstall. e According to Kirkby's Inquest, Hugh Blassell held six bovates in Coniston. f Michael le Aumener died seised of one messuage and one bovate of land in Bond Brustwyk in the 14th Edward II. (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 294). 248 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Robertus de Skeftelyngg tenet ibidemh de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, iij bov., unde, ut supra. Tenentes terrarum Stephani de Monte tenent ibidemi de eodem, per idem servitium, ij bov., unde, ut supra. Willelmus de Holm tenet ibidemj de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij bov., ut supra. Willelmus Brokur tenet ibidemk de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, ij bov., unde, ut supra. Hveres' domini Herberti de Sancto Quintino tenet in dominico et servitio, de domino regi, tanquam de haereditate Com' Albemarliae, per servitium militare, xxxix car.m terrae et vj bov., unde lij car. terrae faciunt feod. j milit., et viij bov. faciunt unam car. Et sunt in custodia domini regis, ratione minoris atatis haeredis praedicti domini Herberti. Dicunt etiam juratores quod Robertus le Conestable tenet in dominico et servitio de domino rege, tanquam de haereditate Com' Albemarliae, per servitium militare, in Burton Conestabel et Tharlesthorp, viij car. terrae, quae faciunt feod. j milit., unde quaelibet car. terrze continet viij bov. Idem Robertus tenet in West Halsham in dominico et servitio de eodem, per idem servitium, iiij car. terrae, quae faciunt di. feod. j milit., et quaelibet car. continet... bov. Hugo de Beautre tenet ibidem de eodem in dominico et servitio, per idem servitium, in Est Halsham iiij car. terrae, quze faciunt di. feod. j milit., et quaelibet car. continet xij bov. terrse. Summa istius wapentachii, ix feoda, di., ma, vijma, et viijva pars j feodi. Summa denariorum, xix li. iiijs. iiijd. g Robert, son of Nicholas de Skeffling, in consideration of a sum of money given to him in his great need, granted to William, the abbat, and convent of Albemarle, a messuage and two bovates of land in Skeffling, late belonging to Sir Hugh Scheffling, and also a toft late the property of Peter del Hill (Poulson's lolderness, ii., 497). a Skeffling. * Tunstall. i Paull Holme. * Newsham, near Frodingham. The Inq. p. m. of Herbert de Sancto Quintino was taken May 8th, 31st Edward I. The jurors say that " Herbertus, nepos praedicti Herberti, defuncti, filius Herberti filii praedicti Herberti defuncti, est haeres propinquior praedicti Herberti, et fuit aetatis decem et octo annorum die Purificationis Beatse Mariae proximo praeterito" (Cal. Gen., ii., 642). * See page 74, antea. DIKERING. Dominus R.,b Cantuar. Archiepiscopus, tenet in Bucketon, Bempton et Neusum xj car. de rege, in Siwardeby Marton ij car. terrse, in Bridelyngton iiij car., in Bovington iij car., in Thorp ij car., in Brigham ij car., in Louthorp iij car., in Album j car., in Fraisthorp iiij car. Summa carucatarum, xxxij, unde xvj faciunt feod. Summa feodorum, ij feod. FEODUM DE TATESALE. In Galmeton iij car. terrae, in Flixton ij car., in Willardeby iij car., in Staxton ij car., in Fyuele ij car., in Folketon ij car., in Hundmanby iiij car., in Flotemanby ij car., in Neweton ij car., in Muston iij car., in Barkedale Erghom j car., in Fordon iij car., in Grendale ij car., in Righton ij car., in Bucketon ij car., in Eston j car., in Marton ij car., in Foxhole ij car. Summa car. xl, unde xvj faciunt feod. Summa feod. ij feod. et di. FEODUM DE BRUYS. In Foxhole iij car. terrae, in Boithorp vj car., in Rudstane v car., in Tweng vj car., in Harpham vj car., in Burton Annais vj car., in Hasthorp v car., in Bempton v car. Summa car. xlij, unde xxj faciunt feod. Summa feod. ij feod. FEODUM DE PERCI. In Pokethorp vj car. terrae, in Nafferton xiiij, in Wandesfordc ij car., in Foston v car., in ljernetby xij car., in Album j car., in Roston ij car. Summa car. xlij, unde xxj faciunt feod. Summa feod. ij feod. FEODUM DE MAULAI. In Bovyngton vj car. terrae, in Butterwik vj car., in Ocketon viij car. Summa car. xx, unde xx faciunt feod. Summa j feod. HONOR CESTRIVE. In Flaynburgh xvj car. terrae, in Siwardeby Marton j car., in Bucketon ij car. Summa car. xix, unde xliij faciunt feod. Summa quarta pars j feodi vjta pars feodi et xxxvta pars unius feodi. FEODUM COMIT' ALBEMARLIE. In Righton v car. terrae, in Bovington v car., in Carethorp iiij car., in Willesthorp ij car. a Membrane iii. b Robert Winchelsey, archbishop of Canterbury 1293-1313. c Henry de Percy had a charter for a market and fair at Wandsford in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). 250 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Summa car. xvj, unde xlviij faciunt feod. Summa tertia pars unius feodi. FEODUM DE CHANCI. In Swathorp v car. terrae, in Killum ij car. et di. Summa car. vij et di., unde xv faciunt feod. Summa di. feod. FEODUM DE ROOS. In Garton xvij car. terree. Summa j feod. FEODUM MONTIS ACUTI. In Garton vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc. Summa di. feod. FEODUM DE MOUBRAI. In Garton vj car. terrae, unde xij, etc. Summa di. feod. FEODUM DE LUTERELL. In Ruddestan viij car. terrae, unde xvj, etc. Summa di. feod. FEODUM DE CRAISTOK. In Flixton viij car. terrwe, unde xxxij, etc. Summa quarta pars unius feodi. Summa feodorum istius wapentachii, xiij feoda, di. et xxxvta pars j feodi. Summa denariorum, xxvij li. xiijd. ob. q. HERTHILL.a NEWESUM CUM BREND. De feodo de Mortuo Marib iij car. terrae. Johannes Maresc' tenet ij bov. terrae, Johannes Leuai j bov., Dominieo de Vesci tenent residuum, nomine dotis,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. LOFTHOUSUM. De feodo de Moubrai ij car. et vj bov. Walterus de Heukeswrth tenet j car., Gilbertus de Cokerington j car., Adam Freman ij bov., Hugo Piscator ij bov., Johannes Maresc' ij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. WRESELL. De feodo de Moubray iiij car. terrae et ij bov. Ricardus filius Radulphi tenet iiij bov., Robertus de la Grene iiij bov., Walterus de Grendale tenet residuum,-unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Mortuo Mari j car. terrae vj bov. Walterus de Grendale tenet j car. terrae, Clementia de Vescy vj bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. BRIGHTON. De feodo de Mortuo Mari iiij car. terrae. Walterus de Grendale tenet j car. terrae, Robertus de Roosd tenet residuum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. " Membrane iv. b Edmund, son and heir of Roger de Mortimer, married Margaret, daughter of William de Fendles, a Spaniard (Dugd. Bar., i., 138). His Inq. p. m. was taken in the 32nd Edward I., his son Roger, then about 18 years old, being his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 668. Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 191). c Probably Isabella de Beaumont, widow of John de Vescy, and Isabella, daughter and co-heiress of Adam de Perinton, and widow of William de Vescy, brother and heir of the above John (Cal. Gen., i., 402; ii., 558). d Robert de Roos of Hamelak had a charter of free warren in Brighton in the 31st Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., i., 133). 252 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. WYLGHTOFT. De feodo de Mortuo Mari j car. terrae. Osbertus de Spaldington tenet v bov., Willelmus Warde j bov., Petrus filius Margaretae j bov.,-Emma Maresc' j bov.,unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacu ij car. terrae. Isabella de Besingby tenet di. car., Robertus Bataill di. car., Willelmus de Harum di. car., Osbertus de Spaldington ij bov., Margareta relicta Willelmi Fabri j bov., Eva filia Walteri j bov., -unde xiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. SPALDINGTON. De feodo de Moubrai iiij car. terre vij bov. di. Osbertus de Spaldington tenet j car. ij bov. di., Custancia de la Haie iiij bov., Philippus de la Haie di. car., Petrus de la Haie residuum,-unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Mortuo Mari iij car. terrEe j bov. Rogeruse de Spaldington tenet ij car. di. j bov., Osbertus de Spaldington di. car.,-unde xvj faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacu ij car. et vj bov. Petrus de la Haie tenet di. car., Osbertus de Spaldington di. car., Johannes Malurer v bov., Johannes filius Thomse vj bov., haeredes Walteri le Bacheler iiij bov.,-unde xvj faciunt feod. GRIPTHORP. De feodo de Moubrai iiij car. terrze. Clementiaf de Vesci tenet totum,-unde xvj faciunt feod. FOLKERTHORP. De feodo de Roos j car. terrae et di. Galfridus de Cokerington tenet totum,-unde xvj faciunt feod. De feodo de Mortuo Mari j car. terrae. Rogerus de Spaldington tenet totum,-unde xvj faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacu j car. terrae di. Alicia de Pothow tenet j car. ij bov., Robertus Northiby ij bov.,-unde xiiij faciunt feod. e 6 id. April, 1310. Licence to Roger de Spaldington to have an oratory for five years within his manor of Spaldington (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 120 a). f Clementia, widow of John de Vescy, junior, only son of William and Isabella de Vescy, who died s. p. during his father's lifetime (Dugd. Bar., i., 89). WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 253 LATHUM. De feodo de Malo Lacu ij car. terrae. Jacobus de Milington tenet j car. j bov. et di., Robertus de Fenton iiij bov., Dyonis de Lynton ij bov., Hugo de Lynton di. bov., —unde xvj faciunt feod. AGHTON. De feodo de Malo Lacu v car. terrse. Ricardus filius Jurdani tenet vj (?) bov., Henricus filius Ricardi ij bov., Walterus de Bubbewith ij bov., Walterus Clericus ij bov., Robertus White j bov., Laysing' filius Pagani j bov., Henricus filius Laising' j bov., Galfridus Piscator j bov., Thomas Jose j bov., Ricardus le Ken j bov., Margareta Redewode di. bov., Rogerus de la Haie tenet residuum, —unde xvj car. faciunt feod. ELLERTON. De feodo de Craistok j car. terrme. Thomas de Pyk's tenet di. car., Isabella de Lasceles di. car.,unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Gaunt iij bov. terrae. Isabella de Lasceles j bov., Thomas filius Simonis j bov., Alanus Forman j bov., —unde xvj car. terrse faciunt feod. SETON. De feodo de Roos iij car. terrae ij bov. Ricardus de Benteley tenet ij car. iij bov., Willelmus de Roos vij bov.,-unde xvj faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacuh iij car. terrae. Johannes Wastenai ij car., Ricardus de Bentele di. car., Willelmus Faber ij bov., Johannes Freman ij bov.,-unde xiiij faciunt feod. MECHELBUBN [ET] STORWHAIT.i De feodo de Mortuo Mari vij car. terrae. Robertus de Roos tenet vj bov., Hugo de Lynton ij bov., Willelmus de Roos tenet residuum, —unde xviij faciunt feod. g The Prior of Ellerton and Thomas de Pykering were joint lords of Ellerton in 1316. h Edmond de Malo Lacu had a grant of free warren in Seton in the 34th Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 137). i Melbourn and Storthwaite, in the parish of Thornton. 254 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. THORNETON. De feodo de Mortuo Mari iiij car. terrse. Clementia de Vesci tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terrse faciunt feod. EVERINGHAM. De feodo Archiepiscopi vj car. terrae. Dominaj de Everingham tenet totum,-unde xij(?) faciunt. feod. SUTTON SUPER DERWENT. De feodo de Percy iij car. terrse. Robertus de Percyk tenet totum,-unde xviij (?) faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacu iij car. terrme. Robertus de Perci tenet ij car. et di., Petrus Aguillon di. car., -unde xvj faciunt feod. CATTON CUM SOKA. De honore Cestriae xvij car. terrse. Thomas Burdon tenet vj bov. terrae, Walterus filius Laurentii ij bov., Andreas filius Gocelini ij bov., Johannes filius Hugonis ij bov., Andreas de Woddemore ij bov., Hugo de Mechelburn j bov., Gilbertus de Wilberfosse vij bov., Robertus de Appelby j bov., Johannes filius Willelmi v bov., Willelmus de Wapplington iij bov., Thomas Burdon iij car., Johannes de Graham vj bov., Robertus filius Hugonis j bov., Thomas le Serjant j bov., Galfridus de Graynesby ij bov., Jacobus Puntifes iij bov., Willelmus filius Willelmi iiij bov., Thomas filius Humfridi iij bov., Robertus de Hugate iiij bov., Petrus Aguillon j bov., Petrus Morers j bov., Thomas Qwinild ij bov., Robertus filius Beatricis ij bov., Willelmus Faber et Robertus de Hugate ij bov., Hugo Brune iiij bov., Adam Faber j bov., Beatrix Burdon j bov., Willelmusl de Alta Ripa ij car. ij bov., Willelmus de Thorntoft"' vj bov., Henricus filius Walteri iiij bov., Willelmus filius Henrici v bov., Robertus de Midelton ij bov., Willelmus de Heseby iiij bov., Thomas Torny iiij bov., Thomas Molendinarius ij bov., Johannes Michel j bov.,-unde xxiij car. terrae faciunt feod. J Probably Alicia de la Hyde, widow of Robert de Everingham. ^ Robert de Percy had a licence to crenellate his residences at Sutton and Bolton Percy in the 21st Edward I. (Fasti Ebor., i., 385). I Membrane iv., in dorso. * William de Thorntoft, who also held 7 bovates in North Cave, had a charter of free warren in Thorntoft in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 135). In 1307 he occurs as keeper of the Hanaper in the Court of Chancery (Memn. of Fountains Abbey, i., 188), and in 1316 he was certified lord of "Dic, Sandholme cum Hithe "-Gilberdike, Sandholme and Hive-in Howdenshire. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 255 GOTHEMUNDHAM. De feodo de Perci ij car. terrae ij bov. Rogerus de Grymston tenet vij bov., Hugo de Colevill v bov., Thomas de Stodeley vj bov., Stephanus de Colevill j bov.,unde xij car. terra faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacu iij car. terrs j bov. Rogerus de Grymston tenet j car. ij bov., Robertus Roulond iiij bov., Walterus de Helperbi ij bov., Willelmus Lestabler ij bov., Stephanus filius Beatricis iiij bov., Rogerus Coyne j bov., Nicholaus de Grymston ij bov.,-unde xvj car. terra faciunt feod. LONNESBURGH CUM TOLTHORP. De feodo Archiepiscopi viij car. terrae. Willelmus Sturmy tenet ij car., Johannes 1'Esquier j car., Johannes filius Reginaldi" residuum,-unde xxxij faciunt feod. BRUNEBY. De feodo Archiepiscopi iij car. vj bov. Gerardus Salvayn tenet j car. vj bov., Johannes de Fancortes vj bov., Thomas de Hundgate ij bov., Nicholaus Marese' ij bov., Robertus Humfr' et parcenarii sui ij bov., Johannes de Clevyng j bov., Elias de Fancortes j bov., Willelmus filius Adae j bov., Johannes de Narsburgh j bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Moubrai j car. terrae j bov. Ricardus de Brunneby v bov., Jacobus de Milington j bov., Robertus filius Matilda j bov., Gerardus Salvayn j bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. WILTON. De feodo Archiepiscopi x car. terra. Brianus Burdon tenet ij bov., Johannes de Ayton j bov., Willelmus de Newerk j bov., Archiepiscopus tenet residuum,unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. MIDELTON. De feodo de Malo Lacu iij car. terra vj bov. Willelmus Gamel tenet di. car., Johannes Warde di. car., Robertus de Kercroft iij bov., Thomas filius Serlonis ij bov., Jacobus Tothe ij bov., Avicia de Anleghby iij bov., Ricardus Torny ij bov., Ricardus de Everingham ij bov., Johannes de Merkynfeldo iiij bov., Thomas de Covenham j bov., Johannes de n Son and heir of Reginald Fitz Peter. He was summoned to Parliament from the 25th Edward 1. to the 1st Edward II. (Dugd. Bar., i., 624). o John de Markenfield, afterwards a canon of York and Ripon, and chancellor of the Exchequer (Fasti Ebor., i., 393), was certified joint lord of Middleton 256 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. Cave j bov., Avicia Eucletes (?) j bov., Thomas filius Roberti j bov.,-unde viij car. terra faciunt' feod. De feodo de Roos ij car. terrae. Thomas Tushet tenet ij bov., Johannes de Cave xiij bov., Johannes de Merkyngfeld iij bov., Galfridus Maresc' j bov., Thomas de Baynton j bov.,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo Archiepiscopi Cantuar. ij car. terrae j bov. Johannes Torny tenet x bov., Willelmus Bati ij bov., Thomas de Baynton j bov., Robertus Blundel j bov., Johannes Grent' j bov., Willelmus Rotour ij bov.,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. NORTH DALTON. De feodo DaubeneyP vj car. terra iij bov. Willelmus de Bryninghirst tenet ij car., Willelmus Bernak ij car., Hugo Hasting ij car., Willelmus de Hamelton iij bov.,unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Bruys vj bov. terrae. Willelmus de Hamelton tenet v bov., Willelmus Crispyng j bov.,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. BRUNHOM.q De feodo de Graistok v car. terrae. Gilbertus de Lasceles tenet j car., Robertus de Esington iij bov., Henricus de Derwentwater vj bov., Thomas filius Galfridi j bov., dominus de Graistok tenet residuum,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. WARTRE. De feodo de Trusbut vij car. terrae. Ricardus de Bentele tenet j car., Johannes de Garton di. car., Thomas de Howeton et mater ejus ij car., Willelmus de Roos iij car. di., —unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. MILINGTON. De feodo de Graistok iiijr car. terrae.... tenet j car. di.,.... j car. di.,... de Milington di. car.,.... di. car.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. in 1316. He was related to William de Hamelton, dean of York (Mem. of Fountains Abbey, i., 188), who occurs in the next entry as holding eight bovates in North Dalton. P William, son of Odenel de Aubeny of North Dalton, confirmed half a carucate of land in North Dalton to the nuns of Watton (Burton's Mon Ebor., 412). q Nunburnholme. According to Kirkby's Inquest, there were seven carucates in Millington belonging to the fee of Graystock. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 257 [BAYNTON?]" De feodo de Malo Lacu ix car. terrae vj bov. LEKENFELD." Henricus de Percyv tenet ij car. terrae de domino rege in capite, unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. RAVENTHORP.W De feodo de Malo Lacu j car. ij bov. Johannes de Breton tenet vj bov., Robertus de Melton ij bov., Willelmus de la Dale ij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. BRACKEN. De feodo de Roos vj car. terrae. Henricus Theaysx tenet totum,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. KILLINGWIK JUXTA WATTON. De feodo de Malo Lacu v car. terrae. Thomas de Killingwik tenet ij car. v bov., Johannes de Malo Lacu ij car. iij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. YAPUM. De feodo Archiepiscopi ij car. di. Thomas filius Roberti de BoultonY tenet iiij bov., Johannes de Gray xiiij bov., Ricardus de Howeton ij bov.,-unde xij car. terra faciunt feod. * See page 82, antea. t The roll is here much injured by damp, and five or six entries are illegible.! Membrane v. v In 1308 Henry de Percy obtained a licence to fortify his castle at Leckonfield (Oliver's Beverley, 473). w The vill of Raventhorp'has disappeared. It stood about one mile south of Leckonfield. ~ Sir Henry Theys, or Tyes, was lord of the manor of Chilton, co. Wilts (Parl. Writs, i., 865). The writ of " diem clausit" taken upon his death bears date 8th Oct., 1st Edward II. His son and heir, Henry Tyes, who was aged 22, or thereabouts, at his father's death (Ibid., ii., 1509), died seised of the manor of Bracken in the 1st Edward III. (Cal. Inq. p. m., ii., 3). Y Of this family, which sprung from the village of Bolton, near Yapham, a few particulars have already been given (pp. 109, 112). Robert de Bolton was certified lord of Bolton, and also of Appleton in Ryedale, in 1316. Thomas de Bolton, son of Robert, brother and heir of John de Bolton, held the manor of Hutton-upon-Derwent in 1300 and 1316, and also possessed property at Sandburn and Carlton in the vicinity of York. It is not improbable that he was the ancestor of a family which attained an influential position in that city before the s 258 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. GOUTHORP. De feodo Archiepiscopi iij car. terrwe. Brianus Burdon tenet j car. v bov., Ricardus Bustard vij bov., Hugo de Selby ij bov., Thomas de Galmethorp j bov., Alicia filia Walteri j bov.,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. HUGATE. De feodo de Malo Lacu iij car. terrEe. Thomas de Howeton tenet ij bov., filius Willelmi de Harum iij bov., Thomas Walleran ij bov., Robertus Capellanus j bov., Thomas de Tanstern j bov., Elias de Freres ij bov., Atto de Flixton vj bov., Nicholaus filius Ricardi iij bov., Willelmus Capellanus ij bov., Johannes filius Willelmi ad Marr' j bov., Willelmus de Lathum j bov.,-unde xvj car. terrme faciunt feod. ETTON. De feodo de Stotevill ij car. terrse et di. Adam de Boleton tenet di. car., Laurentius de Etton j car. di., Oliverus de Messinghamz di. car.,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Malo Lacu iiij car. terrse. Jacobus de Frivill tenet iij car. ij bov., Rogerus Ughtred vj bov.,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. KILLINGWIK PERCI. De feodo de Brus vj car. terrae. Petrus de Fenton tenet j car., Ricardus de Fenton j car., heres Rogeri di. car., Robertus Daniel ij bov., haeres Willelmi del Haie ij bov., Robertus filius Ivonis ij bov., Robertus Ughtred tenet residuum,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. close of the fourteenth century. John de Bolton, senior, merchant, chamberlain in 1380, died in 1395, and was buried in the conventual church of the Friars Minors in York. John de Bolton, junior, who lived in the parish of St. Saviour in the Marsh, was chamberlain in 1384, bailiff in 1386-7, M.P. in 1399 and 1406, and lord mayor in 1410. William de Bolton, merchant, by will dated 7th May, 1428, desired to be buried "in ecclesia Sancti Salvatoris in Ebor., subtus lapidem marmoreum patris mei in choro Sancti Johannis Evangelistae ibidem." Another John de Bolton, merchant, was chamberlain in 1417, sheriff in 1419-20, M.P. in 1427-8, and lord mayor in 1431. He died in August, 1445, and was buried in the church of St. Saviour. By Alice, his wife, daughter of Nicholas Blackburn, senior, alderman of York, John de Bolton had, with other issue, a daughter Margaret, who married Henry Gascoigne, esq., of Harswell, and died about 1471. Oliver de Messingham and Isabel his wife, living in Etton, gave four acres of land in Traneby to the priory of Watton (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 416). WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 259 NESSINGWIK. De feodo de Malo Lacu vij car. terrae. Petrus de Malo Lacu tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terra faciunt feod. BOULTON. De feodo Archiepiscopi iiij car. terrae. Johannes de Grai tenet j car., Robertus de Boletona j car., Radulphus Dowai di. car., Adam de Esthorp di. car., Radulphus de Mikelfeld di. car., Walterus Dowai iij bov., Petrus de Fenton j bov.,-unde xij car. terra faciunt feod. De feodo de Moubrai j car. terrae. Isabella de Haule tenet vj bov., Robertus de Boulton tenet ij bov.,-unde xiiij car. terra faciunt feod. CRAUNCEWIK. De feodo de Malo Lacu v car. terrae. Galfridus de Hothumb tenet j car., Ricardus filius ejus di. car., Avicia de Roston ij bov., Johannes de Crauncewik ij bov., Stephanus Arnald di. car., Thomas Walleran ij bov., Johannes de Hothum tenet resi, —unde xiiij car. terre faciunt feod. BESEWIK. De feodo de Malo Lacu [blank].c Margeria Graunsard [et] Galfridus Aguillond tenent [blank], Willelmus Daniel tenet residuum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. a Robert de Bolton was elected knight of the shire for the county of York in the 34th Edward I. (Parl. Writs., i., 169). See page 257, note y. b Geoffrey de Hotham is not mentioned by Dugdale or in any pedigree of the family. In the 30th Edward I. he was appointed one of the collectors, in Yorkshire, of the Aid for marrying the king's eldest daughter (Parl. Writs, i., 133). On March 30th, 1304, he had a licence to have an oratory for life within his manor of Cranswick (Fasti Ebor., i., 360). In the 4th Edward TI. he obtained a charter for a market and fair at Crauncewyk, and a grant of free warren in Hoton, Laxinton, Bordelby and Foul Sutton (Cal. Rot. Chart., 143). Geoffrey de Hotham was returned lord of Hoton cum Crauncewyk, Scorborough, Herleysey, Bordeby, and Luterington in 1316, and in 1330 he founded a house of Austin Friars at Hull (Cal. Top. et Gen., iv., 132). c According to Kirkby's Inquest there were three carucates in Beswick belonging to the fee of Mauley. d In the 28th Edward I. Geoffrey Aguillon gave to the nuns of Watton a rent charge of 20s. out of half a carucate of land in Beswick (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 412). s2 260 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. MOLSCROFT. De feodo Archiepiscopi ij-car. terrae. Johannes de Cave tenet vj bov., Rogerus de Skotree vj bov., Rogerus de Wodhall ij bov., Robertus Schalman ij bov.,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. SOUTH CLIFF. De feodo de Malo Lacu j car. terrae. Willelmus de Everingham tenet iiij bov., Petrus Aguillon ij bov., Let' Bruning ij bov., unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. NORTH CLIFF. De feodo de Vesci j car. terrae. Nicholas de Clifff tenet totum,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. HOWETON. De feodo de Vesci di. car. terrae. Thomas de Howeton tenet totum,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. HOLM CUM BU(R)SAI. De feodo de Moubrai vj car. terrae. Willelmus Const',/ junior, tenet di. car., Johannes de Graynesby ij bov., Radulphus Beauver j bov., Simon de la More j bov., Willelmus Sturmy j bov., Thomas de Metham iiij bov., Johannes de Cayvill ij bov., Alicia de Hothum ij bov., Gerardus Salwayn j car., Johannes de Colevill j bov., Henricus filius Roberti j bov., -unde xviij car. terrae faciunt feod. THORP HERSEWELL. De feodo de Roos j car. terrae. Robertus filius Willelmi de Thorp tenet ij bov., Gerardus Salvayn tenet residuum,-unde xvj car. terrse faciunt feod. e By Inq. p. m., 5th Edward II., Roger de Scotre died seised of lands in Molscroft, Scrubbes and Walkington (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 247). He left a widow, Agnes (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 188), and a daughter and heiress, Elizabeth, whose Inq. p. m. was taken in the 8th Edward II. (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 257). Roger de Scotre was constituted a baron of the Exchequer, 17th July, 1310 (Foss's Judges, iii., 300). f In 1307 Nicholas de Clyff obtained a charter of free warren in Clyffe and Southcliffe (Cal. Rot. Chart., 140). g William le Constable and Gerard Salvayn were joint lords of Holm cum Bursey in 1316. On April 26th, 1319, Sir William le Constable was allowed to have an oratory in his manors of Holm and Flayneburgh during the archbishop's pleasure (_Fasti Ebor., i., 415). WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 261 WIGHTONh CUM MEMBRIS. De feodo Regis xvj car. terrEe. Willelmus de Harum tenet v bov., Godefridus Frankelyn iij bov., Adam le Ken iij bov., Nicholaus Clericus ij bov., Thomas at Stanes ij bov., Simon de la Grene j bov., Gerardus Salvayn iiij bov., Robertus le Veyll ij bov. et ij partes j bov., Willelmus Sturmy j bov. et tertiam partem j bov., Robertus de Haiton ij bov., Adam Francais iij bov., Adam de Wighton iij bov., Willelmus de Harthill j bov., Ricardus le Ken ij bov., haeres Thomae Hulkel ij bov., Willelmus le Stabler iij bov., Thomas de Stodelai di. car., Walterus de Grendale j car., Ricardus de Santon ij bov., Ricardus de Bridmore iiij bov., Thomas de Howeton j car., Walterus Faber ij bov., Johannes Clericus ij bov., Johannes de Holm iiij bov., Cassaner' j bov., Willelmus filius Jurdani j bov., Thomas Darayns ij bov., Johanna de Vivoniai et Paganus de Tibtofti tenent residuum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. KIBLINGCOTES.k De feodo de Perci di. car. terrae. Adam de Everingham et mater ejusl tenent totum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. SKULCOTES. De feodo Archiepiscopi ij car. Johannes de Grei tenet totum,-unde x car. terrae faciunt feod. MITON. De feodo de Vesci j car. terrae. Gilbertus de Aton tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terrwe faciunt feod. h Market Weighton. i Joan, eldest daughter and co-heiress of William de Fortibus, brother of Hugh de Vivonia (Cal. Gen., i., 89, 205), and widow of Reginald Fitz Peter, had lands in Wighton as part of her dowry (Dugd. Bar., i., 624). In the 27th Edward I., being then 50 years old, she was found to be one of the heirs of her mother, Matilda de Kyme (Cal. Gen., ii., 567). i Payn de Tibetot, son and heir of Robert de Tibetot, by Eva, daughter and heiress of Payne de Chaworth (S. Yorks., i., 325), was about 18 years old in the 26th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 556). In the 5th Edward II. he obtained a charter for a market and fair at Wighton, near Beverley (Cal. Rot. Chart., 145), and died about 1315 (Parl. Writs, ii., 1508). His widow, Agnes Tibetot, held " Wichton cum Schupton," in 1316, jointly with Herbert Fitz John, grandson of the above-mentioned Joan de Vivonia. k Membrane v., in dorso. Adam de Everingham and Alice, his mother. 262 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. WILLARDEBY. De feodo de Stotevill iiij car. terrze. Willelmus Stele tenet vj bov., Robertus de Willardeby ij bov., Johannes de Melsa tenet residuum,-unde viij car. terrze faciunt feod. De feodo de Vesci iiij car. terrse. Johannes de Melsa tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. HESELL. De feodo de Stotevill iij car. terrme. Jacobus le Harper tenet j car., haeres Saieri de Bilton j car., Johannes le Moigne di. car., David de Cawod di. car.,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. ANLAGHBY. De feodo de Malo Lacu di. car. Thomas de Portington tenet totum,-unde xx car. terra faciunt feod. COTTINGHAM. De feodo de Stotevill vij car. terrae. Robertus de Stotevill tenet j car., Domina' de Wake tenet residuum, —unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. WLFERTON. De feodo de Stotevill j car. terrae. Robertus de Stotevill tenet totum,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. WITHETON.n De feodo de Stotevill vj car. terrae. Willelmus Hardy tenet di. car., Robertus Daniel vj bov., Willelmus Spark j bov., Ricardus Russell ij bov., Ricardus de Cardvill ij bov., Domina de Wake tenet residuum,-unde viij car. terrae faciunt feod. BENTELEY. De feodo de Roos j car. terrae. Willelmus Pratte tenet ij bov., Ricardus de Bentelei residuum, -unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. " Joan, widow of John Wake, who died in the 28th Edward I., leaving a son and heir, Thomas, then aged two years (Cal. Gen., ii., 587, 616). " Little Weighton, near Cottingham. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 263 ELVELE. De feodo de Vesci v car. terrse. Gilbertus de Aton tenet j car., Ricardus de Anlaghby j car., Johannes Fancort j car., Henricus de Siwardeby j car., Willelmus Const'o j car., —unde xvj car. terra faciunt feod. SKITEBY. De feodo Archiepiscopi v car. terrae. Archiepiscopus tenet totum,-unde viij car. terrse faciunt feod. ELGHETON. De feodo Archiepiscopi vj car. terrae. Archiepiscopus tenet totum,-unde viij car. terrze faciunt feod. SWANESLUND, FERIBY CUM BRAITHWAIT.P De feodo de Vesci viij car. terrwe di. Robertus de Roos tenet j car., Ricardus de Anlaghby j car., Alanus de Coupeland vj bov., Petrus Deyvill di. car., Willelmus Smalman iij bov., Robertus Maresc' ij bov., Nicholaus at Westhous iij bov., haeres de Captoft di. car., haeres [de] Brisbang' ij bov., Loretta de Furnivaleq residuum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. SOUTH BURTON.r De feodo Archiepiscopi x car. terre. Robertus de Coigners tenet ij car. v bov., Johannes de Stavelay vj bov., Willelmus de Burton vj bov., Willelmus de la Dale ij bov., Rosa de Esingwold ij bov., Galfridus Cheseandbredes j bov., Galfridus Pacok j bov., Archiepiscopus tenet residuum,unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. BRANTINGHAM. De feodo de Stotevill j car. et di. Johannes de Colby tenet totum,-unde x car. terrze faciunt feod. o According to Kirkby's Inquest (page 80), William le Constable held something in Elvele (Kirk Ella) of John de Vescy, and he of the heir of Moubray. P Braithwait does not occur in the Nomina Villarum, and I am unable to identify it. q Lora, daughter and co-heiress of Gerard Furnival, and widow of John de Usflete. In 1316 Lora de Usflet held "Swanlond cum Feriby" jointly with the Prior of Ferriby. r Commonly called Bishop Burton. " Geoffrey Cheese-and-bread. This singular name will probably be new even to Mr. Lower. 264 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. De feodo de Faucomberg ij car. terrae. Thomas filius Johannis [tenet] ij bov., Radulphus Halleman iiij bov., Petrus de Holm ij bov., Rogerus le Joven' ij bov., Robertus filius Reginaldi ij bov., Rogerus Carp' ij bov., Willelmus Halmen ij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. WALDEBY. De feodo Archiepiscopi iiij car. terrae. Robertus Freman tenet ij bov., Petrus de Trehous iiij bov., Johannes Alman j bov., Simon du Lund iiij bov., Johannes filius Roberti vj bov., heres Henrici de Santon vj bov., Alexander de Hornsee ij bov., Archiepiscopus, nomine dotis, residuum,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Vesci di. car. Reynerus de Vesci tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. RIPPLINGHAM. De feodo de Malo Lacu iij car. terrae. Thomas de Howeton tenet j car., Radulphus de Ripplingham j car., Alexander de Cavet iij bov., Willelmus Vavasur iij bov., Stephanus de Ripplingham ij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Stotevill x bov. Radulphus de Ripplingham tenet iiij bov., Willelmus de Coppegrave vj bov.,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. DREUTON. De feodo de Vescy ij car. terrae. Simon de Dreuton tenet vj bov., Johannes filius ejus iiij bov., Johannes de Metham ij bov., Nicholaus de Cave iiij bov.,unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. t On Nov. 7th, 30th Edward I., Alexander de Cave was appointed one of the collectors, in Yorkshire, of the Aid for marrying the king's eldest daughter (Parl. Writs, i., 133). In the 2nd Edward II. he obtained a charter of free warren in South Cave, Ripplingham, Holm and Kiplingcotes (Cal. Rot. Chart., 141). In 1311 he was one of the keepers of the lands and tenements which had belonged to the Templars in the county of York (Fasti Ebor., i., 376). On Sept. 24th, 1314, bishop Kellawe, of Durham, granted an indulgence of forty days in behalf of the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the church of South Cave, for the good estate of Alexander de Cave and Joan, his wife, and for the souls of Peter and Ellen de Cave, his parents, who are buried in the church of All Saints at South Cave (Ibid., 413). In 1316 Alexander de Cave was returned joint lord of South Cave, North Cliff and South Cliff. He occurs as a commissioner of array for the wapentake of Harthill in 1318, and was elected knight of the shire for the county of York in the same year (Parl. Writs, ii., 651). WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 265 IVERTHORP. De feodo de Malo Lacu iiij car. terrae. Johannes Benet tenet iij bov., Thomas de Lynton ij bov., Johannes le Boteler j bov., Ricardus Biset j bov., hseres Simonis Bourge j bov., haeres Godefridi Haye residuum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. NORTH CAVE. De feodo de Malo Lacu ij car. vj bov. Johannes de Metham tenet j car., Johannes Tothe j car., Ricardus Prestman ij bov., Ricardus de Morgvill ij bov., Willelmus de Danethorp ij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Percy de Kildale ij car. terrae. Haeres Elyae de Flanvyle iiij bov., Willelmus Sturmy, junior, xij bov.,-unde xx faciunt feod. De feodo de Stuteville ij car. terrse et di. Stephanus Taloun j car., Alanus de Coupeland v bov., Willelmus de Thornetoft vij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Faucunberge iij car. Willelmus filius Petri xj bov. et di., Nicholaus de Hothum j bov., Johannes de Metham j bov. et di., Symon de Ellerker iiij bov., Johannes de Chiefnies j bov., haeres Roberti Cock j bov., Alicia Stelez j bov., Johannes Pay ij bov., Walterus Faucunberge, junior, j bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. HOTHUM. De feodo de Malo Lacu xj bov. Alicia de Hothum tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. Summa feodorum istius wapentachii, xxvj feoda di. et vjt pars unius feodi. Summa denariorum, liij li. vjs. viijd. Membrane vi. WAPENTACHIUM DE BUCK[ROSE.] SHIREBURNE. De feodo de Moubray xiiij car. terroe. Adam de Everingham tenet ix car. et ij bov., Willelmus de Shireburne xiiij bov., Willelmus de Meaus x bov., Willelmus de Erghom vj bov., Willelmus, capellanus de Yiphele, ij bov., Henricus Scot ij bov., Willelmus Fulor iij bov., Ricardus, capellanus de Grymeston, j bov., —unde xxiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo Archiepiscopi iij car. Nicholaus de Hastyng tenet vij bov., Willelmus de Erghom vj bov., Willelmus de Shireburne v bov., Nicholaus de Hugate j bov., Thomas Flayghgaft j bov., Thomas atte Strete j bov., Petrus de Ledemer (Sledmere) j bov., Thomas Frount' ij bov.,unde xxj faciunt feod. EST HE (S) LARDTON. De feodo de Moubray ij car. terrae. Robertus de Colevill tenet iij bov., Adam Bernard ij bov., Willelmus de Buskeby ij bov., Willelmus Meignill di. car., Johannes Louny j bov.,-unde xxiiij faciunt feod. De feodo de Bruys vj car. et iij bov. Robertus de Colvill tenet vj car. et j bov., Robertus Serle ij bov., —unde xxij car. et di. faciunt feod. De feodo de Ros ij car. et di. Willelmus de Rillyngton tenet vij bov. et di., Johannes de Rillyngton vij bov. et di., Willelmus de Shireburne iij bov., Rogerus de Den j bov.,-unde xx car. faciunt feod. YEDINGHAM. De feodo Walteri de Faucunberge j car. Priorissa de Yedingham tenet totum,-unde xxij car. et di. faciunt feod. De feodo Nicholai de Meignill v bov. Willelmus le Colevill tenet j bov., Alicia Frybois j bov., Rogerus de Holond j bov., Thomas Le-nedy-man j bov., Robertus Warde j bov.,-unde xxij car. et di. faciunt feod. WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE, E. R. 267 KNAPTON a De feodo de Vescy v car. terrae. Gilbertus de Atonb tenet xv bov., Willelmus le Colevill xv bov., Nicholaus de Snayington vj bov., Johannes Script' iij bov., Henricus de Malton j bov.,-unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod. SCAMESTON. De feodo de Moubray vij car. terrse. Willelmus de Latymer tenet totum,-unde xxviij car. terrze faciunt feod. WYNTRINGHAM. De feodo de Mortymer viij car. Willelmus de Vescy tenet totum,-unde xvj car. terroe faciunt feod. NEWETON. De feodo de Luterell x car. vj bov. Thomas Playcec tenet ij car., Willelmus Curcy xij bov., Petrus Bekard ij car., Johannes de Heselarton j car., Isabella Playce iij bov., Petrus de Garton iij bov., Robertus Dreng vj bov., Robertus Playce vj bov., Hawysia Mangevylain ij bov., Johannes Gower xiij bov., Walterus Marescall j bov., —unde xviij car. faciunt feod. SCAKELTHORP. De feodo de Bygot vj car. terrme. Radulphus filius Willelmi xxij bov., Thomas de Wollay xiij bov., Jacobus de Milyngton xiij bov.,-unde xxviij car. terra faciunt feod. De feodo de Ros j car. terrae. Prior de Kirkeham tenet vj bov., haeredes Willelmi filii Willelmi de Neuton ij bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. NORTON. De feodo de Moubray vj car. terrae. Haeres Mathei de Louefusd xiij bov., hares de Aton j car., Priorissa de Thycheued iij bov., Hamon Surdeval j car.,-unde xviij car. faciunt feod. a Membrane vi., in dorso. b Gilbert de Aton had a grant of free warren in Knapton in the 2nd Edw. II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 141). c By Inq. p. m., 10th Edward II., Thomas Playce died seised of 2 carucates in Neuton, 1 carucate in Dugelby, 12 bovates in Multhorp, and 13 bovates in Kirkeby in Grendale (Cal. Inq. p. mn., i., 279). William Playce was his son and heir (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 233). d The heir of Matthew de Louvaine was his son Thomas, who was aged twelve years, or thereabouts, in the 30th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 624). 268 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. WELLOM. De feodo de Moubray iij car. terrae. Haerese Willelmi de Aton tenet totum, —unde xviij car. terrwe faciunt feod. MENYTHORP. De feodo Johannis Bygot iiij car. terrse et di. Mar' de Nevill iij car. et v bov., Alicia de Hamby vij bov.,unde xvij car. terrme faciunt feod. EDILTHORP. De feodo de Brus iiij car. terrue. Radulphus de Frytheby tenet totum,-unde xxij car. terrae et di. faciunt feod. FRYTHEBY.f De feodo de Latymer ij car. terrve. Radulphus de Frytheby tenet totum,-unde xxviij car. terrae faciunt feod. HOUSOM. De feodo de Ros xij car. terrxe. Willelmus de Ros tenet xj car., Walterus de Bardon iiij bov., Walterus Marescall ij bov., Willelmus de Friston ij bov.,-unde xxiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. SCRAYNGHAM. De feodo de Wake vj car. vj bov. Walterus de Langetons vj car., Willelmus filius Rocelyni ij bov., Johannes Berard iiij bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. LEPYNGTON. De feodo de Ros iij car. vj bov. Godefridus de Melsa iij car., Willelmus de Husom ij bov., Johannes de Lepyngton iiij bov.,-unde xxiiij car. terrae et di. faciunt feod. e Gilbert de Aton obtained a charter of free warren in Wellom in the 2nd Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 141). f Firby, in the parish of Westow. g The well-known bishop of Lichfield and Coventry and a great statesman. He was a canon of York and master of St. Leonard's Hospital (Fasti Ebor., i., 302, 331). On the 13th kal. Dec., 1301, John de Chaggeley, priest, was instituted to the rectory of Scrayngham " ad proesentationem dilectorum in Christo filiorum domini Johannis de Drokenesford et magistri Thomae de Eadburbyri, canonicorum Ebor., a venerabili patre domino Waltero de Langeton, Coventr' et Lich' episcopo, ad hoc plenam potestatem habentium" (Reg. Corbridge, 35 a). WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE, E. R. 269 De feodo de Dayvill iij car. vj bov. Godefridus de Melsa tenet totum,-unde xxiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. BARKETHORP.h De feodo de Ros v car. et j bov. Radnlphus de Barkethorp vij bov., Galfridus Stull iiij bov., Willelmus de Shireburne j car., Emma filia ejus x bov., Willelmus Crokes v bov., Isabella Crokes j bov., Avicia Crokes j bov., Willelmus Molend' j bov., Petrus de Sutton ij bov., Johannes de Brantyngham j bov., Willelmus Palmer j bov.,-unde xxiiij car. terrae et di. faciunt feod. BUGGETHORP. De feodo de Chancy iij car. et vij bov. Godefridus Dautriue xiiij bov., Alicia de Lundi vij bov., Domina de Gray ij bov., Ricardus le Vernoun j car.,-unde xvj faciunt feod. Summa xj li. xiijs. iiijd. q. LEVENYNG.j De feodo de Ros xij car. terrae. Willelmus de Ros tenet xij bov., Rogerus Trussebut ij car. di., Johannes Bernevill vj car. vj bov., Willelmus filius Thomse vj bov., Robertus de Grymeston iiij bov., —unde xxiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. h The hamlet of Barthorpe, or Barthorpe Bottoms, about two miles east of Scrayingham, is in the parish of Acklam, and not in that of Scrayingham, as I have inadvertently stated, antea, page 71. i The Inq. p. m. of Alice de Lund was taken April 22nd, 32nd Edward I."Dicunt [jurati] super sacramentum suum quod qusdam Agnes de Athewyk fuit aliquando in seisina unius messuagii et septem bovatarum terra cum pertinentiis in Bugthorp quae ipsa Agnes habuit ex dono et concessione Walteri de Grey.-Et dicunt quod Petrus de Lund desponsavit dictam Agnetem in seisina dictorum tenementorum existentem, et seisinam suam una cum prmdicta Agnete de praedictis tenementis continuavit usque ad diem obitus dictae Agnetis; et statim post mortem dictae Agnetis dominus Thomas de Chaunci, modo Baro de Skyrpenbek, posuit clamium suum in dictis tenementis, nitens praefatum Petrum inde ejicere; qui Petrus viribus praedicti Thome resistens seisinam suam de dictis tenementis continuavit; ita quod praedictus Petrus in seisinam dictorum tenementorum existens desponsavit praedictam Aliciam, filiam predicti Thomae de Chaunci, et praedictis Petro et Alicia in seisina dictorum tenementorum existentibus praefatus Thomas propter securitatem dictae Aliciae filiae sue concessit praedictis Petro et Aliciae quod ipsi et haeredes sui de corporibus ipsorum procreati tenerent dicta tenementa cum pertinentiis de ipso Thoma et haeredibus suis.Dicunt etiam quod Margareta, filia praedictae Alicie, est ejus hberes propinquior, et fuit aetatis quatuor annorum ad festum Annunciationis Beata Mariae proximo praeteritum" (Cal. Gen., ii., 661). j Membrane vii. 270 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. ACCLOM. De feodo de Ros vj car. et vj bov. terrae. Hugo Broune tenet xij bov., Thomas Cornewaleys xij bov., Willelmus Crokes xj bov., Rogerus Trussebut ix bov., Hugo Gaugy ij bov., Margareta Crokes iij bov., Petrus Faber j bov., Alicia Clok ij bov., Agnes de Vescy ij bov.,-unde xxiiij car. terrae faciunt feod. GERWARDEBY.k De feodo Marmeduci de Thwenge v car. terrae. Avicia de Gerwardeby x bov., Thomas de Cayton iiij bov., Adam Arundel x bov., Avicia filia ejus iiij bov., Adam Verdenell xiiij bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. B ERGHTHORP.m De feodo de Bruys ij car. et di. Walterus Uppiby iiij bov., Robertus Blaunch' iij bov., Ricardus Everard ij bov., Radulphus de Frytheby vij bov., Ricardus Stule j bov., Stephanus de Kenerthorp j bov., Henricus de Hou j bov., Robertus de Dalton j bov.,-unde xxij car. et di. faciunt feod. THURGENTHORP.n De feodo de Bruys xiij bov. Margeria uxor Ricardi iiij bov., Thomas de Midelton iiij bov., Willelmus West j bov., Johannes Belle j bov., Johanna Grymet j bov., Thomas Lovel j bov., Willelmus Boneface j bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. LANGTON. De feodo de Wake xij car. Willelmus de Langeton tenet x bov., Thomas Lovel di. car., Radulphus de Marinse ij bov., Isabella de Vescy x car.,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. k Garrowby, in the parish of Kirby-Underdale. I Adam Verdenel was bailiff of York in 1287-8. He was the son of Robert Verdenel " de Marisco, Ebor.," bailiff in 1253-4, who founded a chantry at the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the church of St. Saviour, and left a widow, Mariote, who was living in 1281 (Reg. Wickwaine, 10). John Verdenel, brother of Robert, was bailiff temp. Henry III., John de Selby then being mayor (Cott. MSS., Nero D. iii., 134). Another John Verdenel was chamberlain in 1290. Vincent Verdenel was chamberlain in 1295, and bailiff in 1304-5. Robert, son of the above-mentioned Adam Verdenel, was living in 1304, and his son, Thomas Verdenel, of York, died about 1333. " Burythorpe. " The vill of Thurgenthorp, or Thornthorpe, has disappeared. It stood about half a mile west of Langton. WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE) E. R. 271 BRIDDESSALE. De feodo Archiepiscopi iiij car. terrae. Adam de Briddessale vj bov., Gilbertus de Briddessale ij car., Thomas Wacelyn di. car., Willelmus Wacelyn vj bov., —unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo Petri de Malo Lacu xj car. et di. Adam de Briddessale tenet ij bov., Thomas Wacelyn iiij bov., Willelmus Wacelyn j car., Johannes de Bucketon di. car., Beatrix de Berghthorp iij bov., Matilda uxor Willelmi vj bov., Petrus de Malo Lacu viij car. j bov.,-unde xiiij car. terre faciunt feod. EST WHARRUM.0 De feodo Petri de Malo Lacu ij car. vj bov. Radulphus de Barkethorp tenet j car., Willelmus de Thoraldeby v bov., Robertus de Dugelby j bov., Rogerus Warde ij bov., Willelmus SlechteP ij bov., Alexander de Walkyngton ij bov., Johannes de Buttercrambe ij bov.,-unde xiiij car. terrse faciunt feod. SUTH WHARRUM. De feodo de Percy vj car. Robertus de Percyq tenet totum,-unde xxiiij car. terrme faciunt feod. BRIDDALE.r De feodo de Moubray iij car. terrse et di. Willelmus le Latymer tenet xij bov., Robertus Ughtridd j car., Robertus de Creppyng j car.,-unde xxiiij car. terrme faciunt feod. RAISTHORP. De feodo de Bruys ij car. terrae et di. Thomas de Gunays tenet j car., Johannes Grymet j car., Gilbertus de Raisthorp di. car.,-unde xxij car. et di. faciunt feod. TOUTHORP. De feodo de Moubray ij car. et di. Robertus Ughtridd tenet totum,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. o Now called Wharram-le-street. P William Slechte was bailiff of York in 1279-80, 1284-5 and 1287-8. His son, Alan Slechte, held the same office in 1314-5. q In the 5th Edward II., Peter, son of Robert de Percy, paid a fine of 20 marks for licence " acquirendi sibi et hoeredibus suis manerium de Wharrum cum pertinentiis, et advocationem ecclesie, etc., de Roberto de Percy" (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., 191). r Burdale, in the parish of Wharram Percy. S Membrane vii., in dorso. 272 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. De feodo de Ros ij car. ij bov. Hamon Gruscy tenet j car., Robertus Cissor ij bov., Robertus de Fosse iiij bov., Willelmus Boby iiij bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. WETEWANGE. De feodo Archiepiscopi xij car. terr.e. Dominus Archiepiscopus tenet x car. et j bov., Ricardus Aunsell tenet vij bov. et di., Johannes Aunsell ij bov., Willelmus filius Adae ij bov., Alicia Odard et Alicia de Hugate ij bov. et di., Laurentius atte Mar' et Matilda Brune j bov.,-unde xij car. terrae faciunt feod. COLLOM. De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi xij car. terrae. Rogerus de Grymestont tenet vj car., Ricardus de Berley vj car., -unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. SLEDEMER. De feodo de Ros v car. vj bov. Gerardus Salvayn tenet iiij car. et di., Robertus filius Galfridi ij bov., Willelmus Fraunceys iij bov., Henricus de Lutton iij bov., Walterus Palmer ij bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Moubray xj car. vj bov. Alicia de Wyvill tenet v car. di., Ricardus Layri ij bov., Jollanus de Briddale ij bov., Martinus atte Mar' ij bov., Thomas de Wyvill iiij bov., Walterus de Dalton iiij bov., Johannes Puterel iij bov., Robertus filius Galfridi ij bov., Ricardus de Cessewaus j bov., Thomas Fraunceys j bov., Willelmus Cocus j bov., Gerardus Salvayn iij car.,-unde xxiiij car. faciunt feod. WYVERTHORP. De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi xv car. terrse. Johannes filius Reginaldi tenet xiij car., Robertus filius Nigelli j car. et di., Willelmus de Erghom di. car.,-unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. HELPERTHORP. De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi ix car. ij bov. Ricardus de Benyngton tenet vj bov., Adam Bruys j car., Cecilia de Monte iiij bov., Thomas de Cayton j car., Adam de Helperthorp iij bov., Matheus de Collom j bov., Willelmus de Catton ij bov., Thomas Drury ij bov., Beatrix de Bilton" v car.,-unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. t On the 5th kal. June, 1308, Sir Roger de Grymeston and Julian, his wife, presented Martin de Grymeston, priest, to the rectory of Collum (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 110 a). " Probably "domina Beatrix de Bilton, quondam uxor domini Martini de Otringham" (Reg. Melton, 298. Poulson's Holderness, ii., 425). WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE, E. R. 273 EST LUTTON. De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi v car. Johannes Bard tenet xiij bov., Johannes de Irton iij bov., Robertus filius Nigelli j car., Johannes de Heselarton ij bov., Johannes de Menyngthorp ij bov., Robertus de Colevill j car., Beatricia Playce ij bov., Domina de Turkelby ij bov.,-unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. WEST LUTTON. De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi vj car. terroe. Willelmus Bard tenet ix bov., Nicholaus de Langetonv xij bov., Willelmus Sturmy j car., Robertus de Beverley j car., Johannes Squier ij bov. Willelmus de Lutton iij bov., Robertus Dreng ij bov., Stephanus filius Elenae j bov., Thomas de Cotom j bov. et di., Thomas del How di. bov., Robertus de Catton di. bov., Robertus filius Anabillae di. bov.,-unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. THURKELBY. De feodo de Moubray iiij car. terrse. Letitia de Nouers tenet ij car. terrae, Beatrix de Bilton ij car. terrae,-unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Meignill iiij car. terrae. Letitia de Nouers tenet ij car., Beatrix de Bilton ij car.,-unde xxj car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi j car. terrae. Letitia de Nouers tenet di. car., Beatrix de Bilton di. car.,unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. DUGELBY. De feodo de Vescy vj car. vj bov. di. Robertus de Bucketon tenet xiij bov., Thomas Plaice vij bov. di., Johannes de Meningthorp j car., Willelmus Lovel vj bov., Robertus du Celer iij bov., Willelmus de Vesci iiij bov., Adam Maresc' iiij bov., tenentes Adae de Dugelby iiij bov., Gilbertus Tixtor ij bov., Isabella uxor Walteri ij bov., Thomas de Birkyn j bov.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. " Nicholas de Langton was bailiff of York in 1286-7, and mayor in 1297 and 1306. His eldest son, Nicholas, was certified lord of Heworth, near York, in 1316, and in 1322 was appointed keeper of the archbishop's palace and prison in York (Reg. Melton, 157). He held the office of mayor from 1322 to 1333, and again from 1338 to 1341. In 1342 John de Langton, son of the last-mentioned Nicholas, did homage to archbishop Zouche for lands in Huddleston (Reg. Zouche, 300 a). He was bailiff in 1346-7, and mayor from 1352 to 1363. In 1373 the wardship and marriage of John, his son and heir, was granted by archbishop Thoresby to William Gray, citizen of York, and Robert de Wyclif, rector of St. Crux (Fasti Ebor., i., 464). This John married Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Neville, of Hornby, and was father of Sir John Langton, of Farnley, near Leeds, who was high sheriff of Yorkshire in 1425, and died in 1459. T :274 KNIGHTS' FEES IN YORKSHIRE. MULTHORP.W De feodo Johannis filii Reginaldi iij car. terrve et di. Thomas de Alberbirg tenet ij car., Thomas Plaice j car. et di., -unde xxj faciunt feod. SKIRKENBECK. De feodo de Chancy vij car. terrae vj bov. Elias de Burton tenet iij bov., Rogerus Bati iiij bov., Walterus Gruncewall iij bov., Alexander le Serjant ij bov., Robertus Rathebon iiij bov., Robertus Beverig j bov., Thomas filius Adae ij bov., Petrus Thurkill j car., Johannes Burdon j car., Thomas de Irton j car., Thomas Chanci in Thoraldebyx xiij bov., Willelmus de Thoraldeby iiij bov., Willelmus Freman ij bov.,unde xvj car. terrse faciunt feod. THORP ELYS.Y De feodo de Roos x bov. Robertus Paa tenet totum,-unde xx car. terrne faciunt feod. De feodo Comit' Albemarliae ij car. ij bov. Henricus de Pokethorp tenet j car., Emma de Pokethorp ij bov., Radulphusz filius Willelmi di. car., Matheus de Boithorp ij bov., Robertus de Meltenby j bov., Willelmus de Scraihingham j bov.,-unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. FRIDAITHORP. De feodo de Roos j car. terrae. Rogerus Ughtred tenet di. car., Willelmus filius Adae de Fymmer di. car.,-unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. De feodo de Cantirbury v bov. Rogerus Palmer tenet totum, —unde xx car. terrae faciunt feod. CROHUM. De feodo Archiepiscopi x car. terrae j bov. Robertus de Crome tenet j car., Petrus de Haulay j car., Rogerus de Grymston j car., Ricardus de Berley di. car., Johannes de Cayton di. car., Johannes de Cessevause j bov., Ricardus filius Simonis j bov., Stephanus West j bov., Alicia uxor Roberti j bov., Willelmus Palmer j bov., Stephanus de Thorp ij bov., Gerardus Salvayn v car. j bov., Isabella de Cotum j bov.,-unde xxx car. terrse faciunt feod. Mowthorpe, in the parish of Kirby Grindalythe. * Thoralby Hall is about a mile and a half N.E. of Skirpenbeck. Y See page 72, note a.. Ralph Fitz William was certified lord of Thorpe Basset in 1316. a John de Sezevaux (Thixendale) was M.P. for the city of York in 1300, 1305, 1307, 1311, 1315 and 1318. Nicholas de Sezevaux was M.P. in 1313 and 1327. WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE, E. R. 275 GRYMESTON. De feodo de Bruys iij car. terrse. Johannes Grymet tenet j car., Radulphus de Fritheby xiij bov., Milo de Stapelton iij bov.,-unde xxij car. et di. faciunt feod. Deb feodo de Moubray j car. terrse et di. Johannes de Menithorp tenet di. car., Johannes Grymet j car., -unde xvj car. terrae faciunt feod. RILLINGTON. De feodo Comit' Albemarlise vj car. terrse. Henricus de Pokethorp tenet x bov. di., Emma de Pokethorp iij bov., Willelmus le Latimer iij bov., Gilbertus de Briddessale v boy., haeres Willelmi de Aton j bov., Willelmus Heyelick j bov., Willelmus de Rillington ix bov., Emma uxor Gilberti iiij bov., Robertus de Rillington ij bov., Jul' Turnild [et] Robertus Turnild di. bov., Johannes Tregenaus et Hospit' j bov., Emma filia Idonis, Willelmus filius Gilberti, Johannes de Langthwait, Thomas Faber [et] Prior de Malton ij bov., Thomas de Katton ij bov., Radulphus Hervy ij bov., Ricardus Vernoun ij bov.,unde xvj car. terrse faciunt feod. De feodo de Roos xx bov. terrae. Ricardus le Vernoun tenet xv bov., Willelmus le Latimer j bov., Robertus Paa j bov., Willelmus filius Thomae et tenent' iij bov.,-unde xx car. terrse faciunt feod. SETRINGTON. De feodo Johannis Bygot xij car. terrae. Johannes Bygotc tenet viij car., Robertus de Bucketon vij bov., Galfridus Stull vij bov., Thomas ad Molendinum ij bov., Willelmus de la Botelrie ij bov., haeres Galfridi de Sutton ij bov., Robertus Kotes j bov., Galfridus Capellanus j bov. di., Radulphus Chamberlayn j bov. et di., Clemens' de la Grene ij bov., Hugo Palmer ij bov., Willelmus Chamberlayn j bov., Walterus Russell j bov., Galfridus de Helperby j bov., Robertus filius Walteri j bov.,-unde xvij car. terrae faciunt feod. Summa istius wapentachii, xvij feoda et iiijta pars unius feodi milit. Summa denariorum, xxxv li. xs. * Membrane viii., in dorso. c In the 31st Edward I., Sir John Bygod, of Stockton, obtained a charter from the king confirming the manor of Settrington to him and the heirs of his body (Cal. Rot. Chart., 134). It appears from his Inq. p. m., which was taken in the 33rd Edward I., that he held " manerium de Seteryngton cum pertinentiis de domino rege in capite, quod manerium Rogerus le Bygod, Comes Norfolc' et Mareschallus Anglioe, dedit per chartam suam praefato Johanni le Bygod de Stoketon et Isabelle uxori sume." His son Ralph, then aged upwards of twenty years, was his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 690). T 2 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD I. [TRANSCRIP]TUMa SUMMARUM DE [AUXI]LIOb REGI CONCESSO AD PRIMOGENITAM FILIAM SUAM MARITANDAM, ANNO XXXI. STAINCLIF. Summa xxxij li. xj. viijd. a From the original Subsidy Roll preserved among the records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. This is one of the documents kindly pointed out by Mr. Walbran, as mentioned at page 234. The roll consists of three membranes, and contains the returns for a portion of the West Riding only. Imperfect transcripts of this aid may be found in MSS. Dodsworth (vol. xxvii.) and Rawlinson (450 B.) Dodsworth's copy was taken from a roll "in custodia honorabilis domini Roberti comitis de Kingston super Hull, 10 May, 1632." b In the 2nd volume of the Memorials of Fountains Abbey (p. 35), Mr. Walbran gives the following account of this Aid:-" On the 1st June, 18th Edward I., 1290, the Parliament granted an aid of 40s. from each knight's fee in the kingdom for the marriage of the king's eldest daughter. When his sister was married to the king of Scotland, her father had received only 2 marks from each fee, but on this occasion it was conceded'quod dominus rex percipiat et habeat de quolibet feodo militari quadraginta solidos, hac vice, plenarie et integre: ita tamen quod alias non cedat eis in praejudicium vel consuetudinem' (Rotul. Parl., i., 25. Parl. Writs, i., 20). The aid was not, however, collected until the king by letters patent, dated 7th November, 30th Edward I., after reciting the grant, and that the collection had been hitherto graciously suspended for the greater ease of the commonalty, empowered the sheriffs and others to collect the same (Rotul. Parl., i., 266)." One moiety of this aid was to be paid into the Exchequer on the octaves of the Purification, and the other moiety on the morrow of the Ascension (Parl. Writs, i., 132). By the above-mentioned letters patent, the sheriff, Alexander de Cave and Geoffrey de Hotham were appointed collectors in the county of York (Ibid., 133). Of the two last-named persons some notices have already been given (pp. 259, 264). c That portion of the roll which comprises the wapentake of Staincliffe is so much injured by damp that I did not attempt to transcribe it. And this was the less necessary, as the " Inquisitio de feodis militum," printed at page 189, is of the same date, and contains similar information. YOUCROSSE.' THORNETON.A De Roseac de Moubray pro quinque car. terrse in Thorneton, unde xiiij car., etc., xiiijs. iiijd. ob. De Ingramo de Gynesd pro duabus car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vs. ixd. De Gregorio de Thorneton pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. xd. CLAPHAM. De Willelmo filio Johannis de Clapeham pro tricesima parte unius feodi milit. in Clapham, xvjd. DENT. De Hugone filio Henricie pro una car. terrse in Dent, unde xiiij car., etc., ijs. xd. ob. SADBERGH. De eodem Hugone pro una car. terrae in Sadbergh, unde, ut supra, ijs. ixd. ob. INGLETON. De Johanne filio Hugonisf pro tribus car. terrue in Ingleton, unde xviij car., etc., vjs. viijd. q. BENTHAM. De eodem Johanne pro tribus car. terrae in Bentham, unde, ut supra, vjs. viijd. q. AUSTWIK. De Johanne de Harington pro sex car. terrae in Austwik, unde, ut supra, xiijs. iiijd. oh. Summa lvjs. xd. a The wapentake of Ewcross does not occur in Kirkby's Inquest or in the Feoda Militum. b Thornton in Lonsdale. " Roesia, widow of Roger de Mowbray, and sister to Gilbert, earl of Clare (Dugd. Bar., i., 126). d C" Cristiana, quae fuit uxor Ingelrami de Gynes," was living in the 19th Edward II. (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., 293). " Hugh Fitz Henry died in the 33rd Edward I., and was succeeded by his son Henry (Cal. Gen., ii., 697). f The Inq. p. m. of John Fitz Hugh, who married Isabella, daughter and heiress of Michael de Ryhill, was taken 13th January, 34th Edward I. The iurors say that " Henricus filius Johannis filii Hugonis est propinquior hseres ejus, et fuit atatis trium annorum ad festum Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martyris proximo praeteritum" (Cal. Gen., ii., 679). Est etiam nova inquisitio ad inquirendum quis sit dominus de Burton in Lonesdale, de quo manerium de Ingelton tenetur in capite:-" Johannes filius Rogeri le Moubray est dominus de Burton, qui infra aetatem est et in custodia domini regis. Et Roysia, quae fuit uxor Rogeri le Moubray, dotata est per ipsum dominum regem de praedicto manerio de Burton" (Ibid.). MORLAY. FARNELAY. De Margaretaa de Nevill pro iij car. terrae in Farnelay, unde xviij car. faciunt feod., vjs. viijd. HETON. De eadem Margareta pro iij car. terrme in Heton Flattesb (sic), unde, ut supra, vjs. viijd. ARMELAY. De eadem Margareta pro iiij bov. terrae in Armelay, unde, ut supra, xiiijd. IDEL. De Roberto de Plumptonc pro iij car. terrae in Idel, unde xiiij car. faciunt feod., viijs. vijd. ob. ELAND. De Hugone de Eland pro una car. et sex bov. terrae in Eland, unde xvj car., etc., iiijs. iiijd. ob. CARLINGHOU. De Hugone de Eland pro ij bov. terrae in Carlinghou et Batelay, unde, ut supra, vijd. ob. OURUM.d De Jobanne de Lascy pro una car. terrae in Ourum, unde, ut supra, ijs. vjd. WIRKELAY.e De Willelmo de Wirkelay pro una car. terrae in Wirkelay, unde xviij car., etc., ijs. ijd. ob. q. De Rogero de Northalle pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. ijd. ob. q. HECMUNDWIK. De Johanne Tilly pro una car. terrae et iiij bov. in Hecmundwik, unde xx car. terrae, etc., iijs. GOMERSALE. De eodem Johanne pro sex car. terrae in Gomersale, unde, ut supra, xijs. TONG. De Ricardo de Tong pro iij car. terrae in Tong, unde xviij car., etc., vjs. viijd. q. NORTH BIREL. De Willelmo de Swinlington pro ij car. terrae in Swinlingtonf (sic), unde, ut supra, iiijs. vd. ob. a Margaret, daughter and heiress of Sir John Longvillers, of Hornby, and widow of Sir Geoffrey de Neville (Thoresby's Ducat. Leod., ed. 1816, 184). By Inq. p. m. taken in the 12th Edward II., Margaret de Neville died seised, inter alia, of the manor of Farnley, which she held of the honour of Pontefract, and of lands in Heton (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 290). b An error for Heton Clack, now called Cleckheaton. " Son and heir of Sir Robert de Plumpton, by Isabella, daughter of Serlo de Westwick (Dugd. Visit. of Yorks., ed. Surt. Soc., 190). His grandfather, Nigel de Plumpton, held Idell of the earl of Lincoln in the 29th Henry III. (Plumpton Corr., ed. Camden Soc., xvii, xx). d South Owram, in the parish of Halifax.' Wortley, near Leeds. f See page 225, antea. 280 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD I. MIDELTON. De Simone de Crepping pro iij car. terrae in Midelton, unde, ut supra, di. marc. BATELAY. De Ada de Oxenhope et Johanne filio Willelmi pro iij car. terrae in Batelay, unde, ut supra, di. marc. ERDESLAWE. De Johanne de Heton pro ij car. et di. terrae in Erdeslawe, unde xv car., etc., di. marc. LYVERSEGE. De Roberto de Lyversege et Willelmo de Lyversege pro iij car. terrae in Lyversege, unde xviij car., etc., di. marc. MIRFELD. De Johanne de Heton et Ada de Pontefracto et Johanne, rectore ecclesise de Mirfeld, et Ada de Everingham pro ij car. terrae et sex bov. in Mirfeld, unde, ut supra, vjs. ijd. De Ada de Hop'omg pro ij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vijd. De Ada de Helagh pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. ijd. ob. q. LOFTHoUS. De Thoma de Lofthous pro una car. terrae in Lofthous, unde xij car., etc., xld. HUNSLET. De Willelmo le Latimer pro iij car. terrae in Hunslet, unde xxiiij car., etc., vs. CALVERLAY. De Johanne Scott pro una car. terrae in Calverlay, unde, ut supra, xxd. FERSLAY. De eodem Johanne pro xj bov. terrae in Ferselay, unde, ut supra, ijs. iijd. ob. PUDESAY. De Hugone de Wodhall pro ij car. terra in Pudesay, unde, ut supra, xld. MORLAY (sic).h De Simone Warde pro vj car. in Drittlington, unde xviij car. terrae, etc., j marc. [BIESTON ET MORLAY.] De Willelmo de Bieston pro iij car. terrae in Bieston et Morlay, unde, ut supra, di. marc. Summa vij li. xs. xd. g He is called Hopton at page 225. h See page 227, antea. STRAFFORD. BRINSFORD, ETC. De Ada de Normanvile pro uno feodo milit. in Brinsford, Tribergh et Dalton,a xls. WATH, B(R)AMPTON,b [ETC.] De Willelmo le Flemmingc pro j feodo in Wath, B(r)ampton, Wambewell, Derfeld et Wrtlay,d xls. TRETON [ET] ULLAY. De Edmundo Wastenais pro uno feodo in Treton et Ullay-pars de xls.-xxvijs. xd. ASTON. De Willelmo de Cantolupoe pro uno feodo in Aston, xls. EDLINGTON. De Warino filio Fulconis pro medietate unius feodi in Edlington, xxs. MAGNA HALTON. De Willelmo de Hamelton pro medietate unius feodi in Magna Halton, xxs. MOREHOUS. De Willelmo le Latimer pro medietate unius feodi in Morehous et Clayton, xxs. a In the Feoda Militum (p. 230) Adam de Normanvill is returned as holding one knight's fee in " Brinsford, Tryberge, Dalton et Boulton." b Brampton Byerlaw, in the parish of Wath-upon-Dearne. " Son of Reiner le Fleming. In the 21st Edward I. he was called to shew by what right he claimed to have gallows and infangtheof at Wath, when he pleaded that all his ancestors had enjoyed that privilege (S. Yorks., ii., 65. Plac. de Quo War., 203). William le Fleming died in 1307, leaving Reiner, or Reginald, his son and heir, then between thirty and forty years of age (Cal. Gen., ii., 735). d Wortley, in the parish of Tankersley (S. Yorks., ii., 307). e In the 21st Edward I. William de Cantilupe and Emma, his wife, were summoned to shew by what right they claimed to have free warren in all their demesne lands in "Aston, Kereby, Ravenesthorp, Bolteby and Trilleby," and infangtheof and gallows in the same towns (Plac. de Quo War., 225). William de Cantilupe died about the 2nd Edward II. (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 161), and shortly afterwards the lands of Aston were claimed by T. de Outhenby, or de Aunby, and William de Ergham, as the representatives, the one of Christian, the other of Joan, sisters of Osbert de Arches, while Edmund Mansel claimed a third part, as son and heir of Alice, another sister. He brought his action, and the cause came to a hearing in the 5th Edward II., when the jury found that Alice was a bastard, and the plaintiff in mercy (S. Yorks., ii., 161). In the Knights' Fees in the wapentake of Strafforth (temp. Edw. II.), mentioned at page 230, note h, it is stated that " Wiilelmus de Ergham et Thomas Anesley (sic) ten' unum feodum de (sic) Aston de feodo [de Luterell]." In the Nomina Villarum, however, Thomas de Aunby is returned sole lord of Aston in 1316, and, as Thomas de Outhenby, he occurs as patron of that rectory in 1321 (Reg. Melton, 150 b). 282 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD I. HoTON PAYNEL. De Galfrido Luterelf pro medietate unius feodi in Hoton Paynel, xxs. BILHAM. De Thoma de Barvile pro di. feodo milit. in Bilham, xxs. THIRNESCHOCH. De Magistro Roberto de Barneby pro quarta parte unius feodi in Thirneschoch, xs. FRICKELAY. De Willelmo le Vavasour pro octava parte unius feodi in Frickelay, vs. De Johanne Haringels pro octava parte unius feodi in eadem, vs. HIKELTON, ETC. De Willelmo Daniel/, Egidio de Hikelton,i Thoma de Asshebur' et Waltero de Apperley pro uno feodo in Hikelton et Cateby, xls. CANTELAY. De Priore de Wirkesop, Abbate de Kirkestall, Priore Hospitalis Sanctme Katerinae Lyncoln' et Priorissa de Hanepol pro di. feodo milit. in Cantlay, xxs. LOVERSALE. De Johanne de Ripariis pro iiijta parte unius feodi in Loversale, xs. LANGETWAIT.J De Willelmo de Langtwait pro iiijta parte unius feodi milit. in Langtwait et aliisk villis, xs. ROUTHEMARAYS. De Johanne de Aneslay, S(tephano) de Bella Aqua et Willelmo de Appelford pro j feodo milit. in Routhmarays et Wambewell, xvs. HOTON LYVET ET PICKEBURN. De Jacobo Lyvet pro uno feodo milit. in Hoton Lyvet et Pickeburn, xls. Summa xxj li. vijs. xd. f Sir Geoffrey Luterell, son and heir of Sir Robert, was 21 years old on the 1st of June, 25th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 536). He married Agnes, daughter of Sir Richard Sutton, of Sutton, co. Notts., and died in 1345 (Stapleton's Trinity Priory, 160). g In 1314 John de Haringel was a commissioner of Array in the wapentake of Strafforth (Parl. Writs, ii., 974). h He is called Danyell at page 231. Peter de Rotherfield, who held the vill of Hickleton at the date of Kirkby's Inquest (p. 4), had a son William, who left four daughters his co-heirs, of whom one married William d'Eyvile, who is said by Dodsworth to have held Hickleton (S. Yorks., ii., 133). i " Egidius, filius personae de Hekelton," married another of the daughters and co-heirs of William de Rotherfield (S. Yorks., ii., 133). i Langthwaite is the name of a farm about three miles N.W. of Doncaster. k According to the Feoda Militum (p. 231, antea), William de Langwath held the fourth part of a knight's fee in Langwath and Bramley. But in the abovementioned Knights' Fees in this wapentake (temp. Edw. II.), it is stated that " her' Willelmi de Langhtwayt [ten'] iiijtam partem unius feodi in Langhtwayt, et iiijtam partem unius feodi in Waddesworth." TIKEHILL. BENTLEY. De Pagano de Tibtoft pro uno feodo milit. in Bentley, xls. ATHEWIK, ETC. De Alicia du Lounda pro di. feodo milit. in Athewik et Barneby, xxs. WILTHORP. De haer' Johannis de Bella Aqua pro di. feodo milit. in Wilthorp, xxs. PARVA HALGHTON. De Johanne de Anneslay pro di. feodo milit. in Parva Halghton,b xxs. WIKERLEY. De (Jaco)bo Lyvet pro di. feodo milit. in Wikerley, xxs. BOULTON ET SWYNTON. De Thoma de Mounteney ct Stephano de Bella Aqua pro di. feodo milit. in Boulton et Swynton, XXS.C SPROTEBURGH, ETC. De Willelmo filio Willelmi pro ij feod. milit. in Sprotteburgh cum membris, iiij li. DENINGBY, ETC. De Willelmo le Vavasour de Deningby pro uno feodo milit. in Deningby et Neuhalle,d xls. GRESSEBROK. De Thoma Barbot pro di. feodo milit. in Gresebrok, xxs. MELTON. De Willelmo de Sancto Georgio pro di. feodo in Melton, xxs. De Willelmo le Crescy pro di. feodo milit. in Melton, xxs. HOTON ROBERT, ETC. De Roberto de Hoton pro uno feodo milit. in Hoton Robert, Stansale et Wilsik, xls. SHELTON. De Waltero de Tyneslawe et Johanne de Shelton pro uno feodo milit. in Shelton-pars de xls.-xxs. STAYNTON, ETC. De Johanne Le Boteler pro uno feodo milit. in Staynton et Helghby, xls. WADWORTH. De Adam de Everingham pro uno feodo milit. in Wadworth, xls. Summa xxiij li. a See page 269, note i. b " Johannes de Annesley tenet in Parva Halghton et Arkesay di. feod. milit." (p. 232, antea). c The above six entries are bracketted together in the margin of the roll, with the description "Honor de Bentley" annexed. d Deningby and Neuhalle are not mentioned in the Feoda Militum. BARKESTON. MIKELFELD. De Osberto de Spaldington et Johanne de la Launde pro uno feodo milit. in Mikelfeld-pars de xls.-xs. LUTRINGTON. De Johanne de Nevill et suis participibus pro uno feodo milit. in Lutrington, xls. STYVETON. De Johanne de Raygate pro uno feodo milit. in Styveton, Thorp Wilughby, etc.,a xls. HODELSTON. De Johanne de Melsa pro uno feodo milit. in Hodeleston, xls. GAYTEFORD. De Johanne de Burstall pro di. feodo milit. in Gaytford, xxs. BRETTON. De Johanne de Lascy pro iiijta parte unius feodi milit. in Bretton,b xs. LUMBY. De Johanne de [Raygate]c et Hugone, presbitero,d pro iiijta parte unius feodi milit. in [Lumby], xs. BIRNE. De Johanne de Bellae (sic) pro di. feodo milit. in Birne, xxs. SOUTH MILFORD. De Willelmo de Camera pro tertia decima parte unius feodi milit. in South Milford, iijs. ob. q. BARKES [TON]. De Archiepiscopo Ebor. pro quarta parte unius feodi milit. in Barkes [ton], xs. TADCASTRE. De Henrico de Percy pro iiij car. terrse in Tadcastre, unde x car. faciunt feod.,-pars de xvjs.-vs. viijd. HESELWOD. De Willelmo le Vavasour pro iij car. terrse in Heselwod, unde xiiij car., etc., viijs. vijd. ob. RITHRE [ET] LEEDE. De Willelmo de Rithre pro uno feodo milit. in Rithre et Leede, xls. BRAMHAM. De haer' Petri d.e Malo Lacu pro quarta parte unius feodi milit. in Bramham, xs. CLIFFORD. De Johanne Burdon, Willelmo Inwardby, Marmeduco de Clifford et Angertino Salwayn pro duabus car. terrae et di. in Clifford, unde xiiij car., etc., vijs. ijd. q. a See page 213, antea. b According to the Feoda Militum (p. 213), John de Lascy held the fourth part of a knight's fee in Bretton and Gayteford. c This roll, as I have previously stated, is much injured by damp, and the writing is in many instances completely effaced. The bracketted portions of the text are supplied, as far as practicable, from the Feoda Militum. d Hugh, the priest of " Fery juxta Pontem " (p. 213, antea).'" Hseres domini Johannis de Bella Aqua" (p. 214, antea). WAPENTAKE OF BARKSTON-ASH, W. R. 285 [OCLESTHORP.] De Johanne de Oclesthorp pro di. car. terrae in Oclesthorp, unde, ut supra, - pars de xvijd. q.viijd. ob. [SUTTON.] De Johanne de Rothirfeld pro ij car. terrse in Sutton, unde, ut supra, vs. ixd. [FARBURN.] De hzer' Roberti de Everingham pro di. feodo milit. in Farburn, xxs. [HATHELSAY, ETC.] De [Milone] de Stapelton pro [quarta] parte unius feodi in Hathelsay, Brayton et Beghby,f xs. [CARLETON. iij] car. terrse in Carleton, unde viij car., etc., xvs. [KYRKBY ET GRIMESTON. De Margare]tah de Nevill pro [ij] car. terrae in [Kyrkby et Grimes]ton, unde xiiij car., etc., vs. ixd. [NORTH MILFORD.] De [haered'] Roberti de North Milford pro una [car. terrae] in North Milford, unde, ut supra, ijs. xd. ob. GRIMSTON. De [Ada] de Mikelfeld pro di. car. terrae in Grimston, unde, ut supra, xvijd. q. HIRST COURTENAY. De [Johanne] de Foxholes et suis participibus pro ij car. terre in Hirst Courtenay, unde, ut supra, [vs.] ixd. SAXTON. De Alesia de Lascy pro iij car. terrse in Saxton cum membris, unde xiiij car., etc.,-pars de viijs. vijd. ob.xvijd. q. TOUTETON. De Willelmo de Stopham pro ij car. terrse in Toueton, unde xiiij car., etc., vs. ixd. Summa xvij li. ixs. f This place is called Barneby in the Feoda Militum. I am not able to identify it.' Probably " De Auchero filio Henrici." See p. 215, antea. * Margaret de Neville died seised of lands in Kirkby and Grimston by Inq. p. m., 12th Edward II. (Cal. Inq. p. n., i., 290). SKIR[AKE.] MORTON. De haer' de Morton pro ij car. et di. terrae in Morton, unde xiiij, etc.-pars de vijs. ijd. q.-iijs. vjd. q. Vicecomes recepit residuum.a ILKELAY. De villata de Ilkelay pro ij car., unde, ut supra, -pars de vs. ixd.-ijs. xd. Vicecomes recepit residuum. YEDON. De hker' de Yedon pro una car. et di., unde xvj car., etc., iijs. ixd. ROUDON. De Priore de Boulton pro una car. terrae in Roudon, unde, ut supra; de Thoma de Horsford pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra-pars de vijs. vjd.-iijs. Vic rec. resid. HORSFORD. )e Thoma de Horsford pro una car. terrwe in Horsford, unde, ut supra,-pars de ijs. vjd.-xvd. Vic. rec. resid. CARLETON. De her' de Carleton pro ij car. terrae in Carleton, unde, ut supra, vs. HEDDINGLEY. De Willelmo Paytefin pro di. feodo milit. in Heddingley, xxs. POTTER NEUTON. De Willelmo de Wentworth pro di. feodo in Potter Neuton, xxs. ALLIRTON GLEDHOU. De haer' Willelmi de Allirton pro di. car. terre in Allirton Gledhou, unde xvj car., etc., xvd. GIPTON. De Alexandro de Ledesb pro una car. terrae in Gipton, unde, ut supra, ijs. vjd. SWILINGTON. De Hugone de Swinlington pro ij car. et di. terrae in Swinlington, unde, ut supra,c xs. De eodem Hugone pro di. feodo milit. in eadem, xxs. ALIRTON JUXTA AQUAM. De Comite Lincolniae pro ij car. terrme in Allirton juxta Aquam, unde x car., etc., viijs. a These words in their contracted form, Vic. rec. res., or Vic. r. r., are added in another hand. They shew what the collectors did not and what the sheriff did receive. By the Letters Patent mentioned at page 277, both parties were empowered to collect, and what the sheriff got will be accounted for on the Pipe Roll, probably with the addition of some facts not mentioned here. b Alexander de Ledes had a grant of free warren in Gipton in the 33rd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). c That ten carucates, and not sixteen, made one knight's fee in Swillington is proved by the amount which Hugh de Swillington paid for the two and a half carucates held by him, and also by the entry in the Feoda Militum. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK, W. R. 287 PRESTON. De Ada de Preston pro di. feodo milit. in Preston, xxs. OUSTHORP. De haer' Willelmi de Lincoln pro una car. et di. terrae in Ousthorp, unde x car., etc., vjs. De her' Ricardi Lourd' pro v bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. vjd. GERFORD. De Ada de Preston pro ij car. terrae in Gerford, unde, ut supra, viijs. De haer' Simonis de Rupe pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, iiijs. SECROFT. De Comite Lincolniae pro una car. terrae in Secroft, unde, ut supra,-pars de iiijs.-xld. De Willelmo Le Wayte pro una car. terrae in eadem,d unde, ut supra,-pars de iiijs.-xld. BECHAGH, [ETC.] De haer' Andreae Grammary pro tertia parte unius feodi in Abirford, Bechagh et Cusseford,e j marc. THORNOURE. De Willelmo de Hamelton pro iiijta parte unius feodi milit. in Thornoure, xs. SCARTHCROFT. De Willelmo de Rithre pro ij car. terrae in Scarthecroft, unde x car., etc.,-pars de viijs.-iiijs. Vic. rec. resid. SCHADEWELL. De haer' de Schadewelle pro di. feodo milit. in Schadewelle, xxs. ARTHINGTON. De Laurentio de Arthington pro di. feodo in Arthington,-pars de xxs.-xs. Vic. rec. resid. ALWALDLEY. De haer' Willelmi de Alwaldley pro ij car. terrae, unde xvj car., etc.,-pars de vs.-ijs. vjd. Vic. rec. resid. De Rogero de Withetonf de Alwaldley pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. vjd. EST KESEWIK. De haer' de Est Kesewik pro di. feodo,pars de xxs.-xs. Vic. rec. resid. HARWOD. De haer' de Harwod pro xj car. et una bov. terrae, unde xvj, etc.,-pars de xxvijs. ixd. oh. q.-xiiijs. iijd. oh. q. Vic. rec. resid. LEDES. De Comite Lincolniae pro iiijta parte unius feodi in Ledes, xs. De Rogero de Ledes pro octava parte unius feodi in eadem, vs. WODHUSOM. De haer' de Berley pro una car. terrae, unde xiiij car., etc.,-pars de ijs. xd. ob.-xvjd. ob. Vic. rec. resid. BINGLEY. De haer' de Bingeley pro di. feodo,-pars de xxs. -xs. Vic. rec. resid. GISELAY. De Simone Ward pro xvijg car. terrae, unde xxiiij d This carucate was in Kidall. See page 208, antea. " Most likely Cusseford is some place near the river now forgotten, or remembered only as a farm. f Perhaps Roger de Witheton (Weeton) was the heir of William de Brandon. See p. 209, antea. g These xvij carucates were in Guiseley, Hawkesworth and Baildon. See page 209, antea. 288 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD I. car. terrae, etc.,-pars de xxviijs. iiijd.-viijs. iiijd. Vic. rec. resid. POUEL. De Ricardo de Goldesburgh pro iiijta parte unius feodi in Pouel,-pars de xs.-vs. Vic. rec. resid. BURGHLAY. De Ricardo de Babyngton pro di. feodo in Burlay et Mensington,-pars de xxs.-xs. Vic. rec. resid. OTTELEY. De Archiepiscopo Ebor. pro di. feodo in Ottelay, pars de xxs.-xs. Vic. rec. resid. BERWIK. De Comite Lincolniae pro iij car. terrse in Berwik, unde x car., etc., xijs. THORP STAPELTON. De hber' de Thorp Stapelton pro ij car. terrse, unde, ut supra,-pars de viijs.-vjs. PARLINGTON. De Hugone Dispensator pro iiij car. terrse et septem bov. in Parlington,^ unde x car., etc.,-pars de xixs. vjd.-ixs. ixd. Summa xvj li. ijs. iijd. ob. h In Parlington and Hillum (p. 210, antea). AYNSTY. THORP BUSTARD. De Johanne de Gray pro una car. et v bov. et di. terrae in Thorp Bustard, unde x car., etc., vjs. ixd. De Roberto Bustard pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra,-pars de iiijs.-ijs. THoRP ACOM.a De Elena de Sutton pro ij bov. terrae in Thorp Acorn, unde xv car., etc.,-pars de viijd.-iiijd. De Ada de Thorp pro v bov. et di. in eadem, unde, ut supra, xxd. De Johanne de Gray pro sex bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. WTL(S) THORP.b De Roberto de Pontefracto pro ij car. et di. terrae, unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt feod., vjs. xjd. ACASTRE MALBYS. De Ricardo de Malebys pro iiij car. terrae in Acastre Malbys, unde xv car., etc., xs. viijd. COLTON. De haer' Gacei Chaumon pro xx bov. terrae in Colton, unde viij car. et ij bov. faciunt feod., xijs. jd. ob. De Roberto Ughtred pro viij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, iiijs. xd. q. De Henrico filio Ricardi pro iiij bov. terrze in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. vd. De Henrico de Scotenay pro ij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, xiiijd. ob. De Ricardo Ayr pro una bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vijd. q. De Johanne filio Dousme pro una bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vijd. q. APPELTON. De Thoma de Mounceaux pro ij car. terrme in Appelton, unde xij car. terrae, etc., vjs. viijd. De Johanne Sampson pro ij car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vjs. viijd. De Johanne Faucomberge pro ij car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vjs. viijd. STYVETON. De Roberto Ughtred et Isabella uxore ejus pro iiij car. et di. terrae in Styveton, unde viij car., etc., xxijs. vjd. De Thoma Cerfe pro di. car. terrae in eadem, unde x car., etc., ijs. BOULTON. De domina de Vescy pro viij car. terrae in Boulton, unde xiiij car., etc., xxijs. xd. ob. HORNINGTON. De Willelmo de Rithre pro xviij bov. terrae in Hornington, unde x car. terrae, etc., ixs. De Willelmo de Hornington pro iij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, xviijd. a A clerical error for Thorp Aton, now called Middlethorp. See page 290, postea. U 290 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD I. OXTON. De pluribus libere tenentibus de Oxton pro iiij car. terrae in Oxton, unde, ut supra,-pars de xvjs-vjs. ixd. BILBURGH. De Johanne de Raygate pro j car. terrse, unde xv car. et di. faciunt feod., ijs. vijd. De Rogero Basy pro iiij car. terrae et ij bov. in eadem, unde, ut supra, xjs. De Priore Sanctae Trinitatis pro iiij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, xvjd. De Ricardo filio Gerardi pro iij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, xijd. ASKHAM WEST. De Priore de Briddelington pro iiij car. et di. terrae in Bridd. (sic), unde x car. terrae, etc., xviijs. THORPARCHES. De haer' Laderenae pro iij car. terrae, unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt feod., viijs. iijd. ob. q. WALTON. De Johanne Fairfax et Henrico de Camera pro una car. terrae in Walton, unde xiiij car., etc., ijs. xd. ob. De Elya de Farwath, Willelmo Scott et Willelmo Martel pro j car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. xd. ob. BILTON. De Willelmo le Vavasour pro ij car. terrae in Bilton, unde xiiij car. et di. faciunt feod., vs. vjd. ob. De eodem Willelmo pro ij car. terrae quas tenet de Priore de Parco in eadem, unde, ut supra, vs. vjd. ob. De Ricardo le Walais pro ij car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vs. vjd. ob. KNAPTON. De Johanne de Grantham pro iij car. terrae in Knapton, unde xij car., etc., xs. FOLIFAIT. De Alano de Folifait pro j car. terrae et di. in Folifait, unde, ut supra, vs. De haer' Willelmi filii Thomae pro una car. et di. in eadem, unde, ut supra, vs. CATHIRTON. De Henrico de Cruce et Emma uxore ejus pro una car. et j bov. terrae, unde xiiij car. et di., etc., iijs. jd. ob. De Willelmo le Cerf pro iij bov. terrae, unde, ut supra, xiijd. ob. De haer' Roberti Proudfote pro di. car. terrae in eadem, unde x car., etc., ijs. MERSTON. De haer' Willelmi filii Henrici et Hugone Prodom pro j car. et di. terrae, unde x car. et di., etc.,-pars de vs. ixd. -ijs. vjd. RUGHFORD. De Willelmo de Bugthorp et Alicia uxore ejus pro iiij car. terrae in Rughford, unde xiijc car. terrae, etc., xijs. iiijd. WIL (S) THORP. De Priorissa de Munketon pro di. car. terrae, unde xiiij car. et di., etc.,-pars de xvjd. ob. q.-viijd. ob. q. TOKEWITH. De Johanne de Kirkeby pro j car. terrae et ij bov., unde, ut supra, iijs. vd. ob. q. De haer' Amory et Thoma Turpyn pro j car. in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. ixd. q. De " According to the Feoda Militum, 14 carucates made a knight's fee in Rufforth. WAPENTAKE OF THE AINSTY, W. R. 291 Roberto de Pontefracto pro una car. terrve in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. ixd. q. SKAKILTHORP. De Roberto Ughtred et Isabella uxore ejus pro iij car. terrae in Skakilthorp, unde viij car. et di., etc., xiiijs. jd. ob. WIGHALE. De hwer' Reginaldi de Albo Monasterio pro v car. terrae in Wighale, unde xxti car., etc., xs. HELAGH. De [Ricardo] le Walais pro iij car. et di. terrae in Helagh, unde, ut supra, vijs. De [Willelmo le Va]vasour pro iij car. et di. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra,-pars de vijs. -iijs. vjd. HOTON. De [Johanne] de Creppinges pro ij car. terrae in Hoton, unde xiiij car., etc., vs. ixd. De Roberto Fox pro una car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, ijs. xd. ob. De Roberto Clerevaux pro ij car. terrme in eadem, unde, ut supra, vs. ixd. WLSINGTON. De [Mauge]ro le Vavasour pro iij car. terra in Wlsington, unde x car., etc., xijs. ACASTRE SELBY. De Abbate de Selby pro iij car. terrae in [Acastre] Selby, unde xv car., etc.,-pars de viijs.-iiijs. COUPMANTHORP. De Ricardo Malebys pro iij car. terrse in Coupmanthorp, unde xij car., etc., xs. Summa xvj li. vijs. ijd. ob. u 2 AGGEBRIGG. CROFTON. De Roberto de Pontefracto pro una car. terrs in Crofton, unde xij car., etc., xld. SCHITTELINGTON. De Johanne He[rly, cor]onatore, pro di. car. terrse in Schittelington, unde, ut supra, xxd. SNYTHALE. De Comite Lincolniae pro iij car. terrve in Snythale, unde xij car., etc., xs. [AYKETON.] De eodem Comite pro iij car. terrae in Ayketon, unde, ut supra, xs. CROFTON. De Ricardo le Walays pro una car. terra in Crofton, unde, ut supra, xld. FLOKETON. De Ada de Everingham pro di. car. terrae in Folketon (sic), unde, ut supra, xxd. [HETON.] De Ada de Hopton pro ij bov. terrae in Heton, unde xviij car. terra, etc., vjd. ob. q. De Willelmo [de He]ton pro ij bov. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, vjd. ob. q. LEPTON. De Ada de Everingham pro di. car. terrae in Lepton, unde xviij car., etc., xiijd. ob. De [Johanne de] Heton pro di. car. terrae in eadem, unde, ut supra, xiijd. ob. FARNELAY. De [Franc] one Tyas pro ij car. terrae in Farnelay, unde, ut supra, iiijs. vd. ob. THORNHILL. De Johanne de Thornhill, Willelmo de Methelay et Thoma de Langfeld pro ij car. terrae, unde xij car., etc., dih marc. WHITTELEY. De Comite Lincolniae pro una car. terrae, unde xviij car., etc., ijs. [ijd.] ob. q. SHARNESTON. De Maugero le Vavasour pro ij car. terrae, unde xij car., etc., di. marc. Summa Is. iiijd. ob. q. This wapentake does not occur in Kirkby's Inquest. CLARHOU. BETHEMESLAI. De vill. [de Bethemeslai pro] vj bov. terrae, unde xiiij car., etc., faciunt.... De eadem [vill. pro..] car. terrse, unde, ut supra,-pars de vs. ob. q.-...... Vic. rec. resid. NESSEFELD. De vill. [de Nessefeld] pro iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra,-pars de viijs. vijd. ob.-iiijs. jd. ob. Vie. rec. resid. MIDELTON. De vill. [de Midelton] pro iij car. terrae, unde xvj car., etc.,-pars de vijs. vjd.-ijs. ixd. ob. q. Vic. rec. resid. ASKEWITH. De vill. [de Aske]with pro iiij car. terrae, unde xij car., etc.,-pars de j marc.-di. marc. Vic. rec. resid. De [eadem vill. pro] ij car. terrae, unde xiiij car., etc., vs. ixd. LETHELAY. De vill. [de Le]thelay pro ij car. terrse, unde, ut supra, vs. ixd. CASTELAY. De [vill. de] Castelay pro una car. terrae, unde, ut supra, [ijs.] xd. ob. KIRKEBY ORBLAUERS. De [vill. de Kirke]by Orblauers cum hameletto de Walton pro iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, [xjs.] vjd. SICKLINGHALE. De [vill.] de Sicklinghale pro iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, xjs. vjd. LYNTON. De vill. de Lynton pro ij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra, vijs. ijd. q. SPOFFORD. De vill. de Spofford pro ij car. terrae et di., unde, ut supra,-pars de vijs. ijd. q.-vs. xjd. ob. q. FoLIFAIT, ETC. De vill. de Folifait et Haketon pro j car. et di. terrae, unde, ut supra, iiijs. iijd. ob. q. De eadem vill. pro xij bov. terrae, unde x car., etc., faciunt feod., vjs. [PLUMPTON.] De villata de Plumpton pro ij car. terrae, unde xiiij car., etc., vs. ixd. De [eadem vill.] pro ij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, vs. ixd. [RIBSTAN PARVA. De vill. de] Ribstan Parva pro ij car. terrae, unde xiiij car., etc., vs. ixd. [COLTHORP. De vill. de] Colthorp pro iij car. terra, unde, ut supra, viijs. vijd. ob. " See note c, page 284. 294 AID GRANTED TO KING EDWARD 1. [WEDERBY. De vill. de We]derby, unde, ut supra, pro iij car. terrse, viijs. vijd. ob. [PARVA STODELAY. De vill. de Parva Stodelay] pro una car. terrae, unde, ut supra, ijs. xd. ob. [ASMUNDERBY. De vill. de Asmun] derby pro [iij] car. terrae, unde, ut supra, viijs. vijd. ob. [DENTON. De vill. de Denton] pro ij car. terree, unde xij car., etc.,-[pars de j marc.] —di. marc. Vic. rec. resid. [PARVA TYMBEL. De vill. de Parva] Tymbel pro una car. terrae, unde, [ut supra,-pars de....] -xxd. Vic. rec. resid. [NEUHALE. De vill. de] Neuhale pro tribus car. terre, unde, [ut supra], xs. [FARNELAY. De vill. de Far]nelay pro.... car. terrae, unde xvj, etc.,-pars de.... vs. Vic. rec. resid. [LINDELAY. De vill. de] Lindelay pro [una] car. terrae, unde, ut supra, [ijs.] vjd. [WESTON. De vill. de Weston pro ix] bov. terrae, unde xij car., etc.,-pars de iiijs. ixd.^-xxijd. ob. Vic. rec. resid. [ALDEFELD.] De vill. de [Aldfeld pro..] car. terrae, unde, ut supra, di. marc. W[YNKESLE] Y. De vill. de W[ynkesley] pro una car. terrae, unde xiiij car., etc., ijs. xd. ob. KIRKEBY MALSARD. De vill. de Kirkeby Malsard cum membris pro uno feodo,-pars de xls.-xxxs. AZERLAY. De vill. de Azerlay pro [v] car. terrae, unde x car., etc., xxs. RIPPELAY. De vill. de Rippelay pro [ij] car. et di. terrae, unde x car., etc., xs. BERGHBY. De vill. de Berghby pro ij car. terrie, unde, ut supra, viijs. NORTH AYKETONC (sic). De vill. de North Ayketon pro iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, xijs. SOUTH AYKETONd (sic). De [vill.] de South Ayketon pro iiij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, xvjs. INGMANTHORP. De vill. de Ingmanthorp pro iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra, xijs. PARVA CATHALE. De vill. de Parva Cathale pro una car. terrae, unde, ut supra, iiijs. BRAME. De vill. de Brame pro [una] car. terrae, unde, ut supra, iiijs. RIGTON. De vill. de Rigton pro. car. terrae, unde xij car., etc., di. marc. b If the number of bovates be correct, this amount should be iijs. ixd. e A clerical error for North Dighton. d A clerical error for South Dighton. WAPENTAKE OF CLARO, W. R. 295 [KESEWIK.] De vill. de Kesewik pro.. car. terrae, unde x car., etc.,-pars de xs.-vs. W [ITHETON.] De vill. de [Witheton] pro [. car.] terrae, unde xij car., etc.,-pars de j [marc.] —vs. viijd. Vic. rec. resid. GOLDESBURGH. [De vill. de] Goldesbu[rgh pro.. car. terrwe, unde], ut supra, j marc. HOPERTON. [De vill. de] Hoperton pro [.. car. terrae, unde, ut supra], di. marc. ALLIRTON. [De vill. de Allir]ton pro [. car. terrae, unde], ut supra, di. marc. CLARETON. De vill. [de] Clareton pro.. car. terrse, unde, ut supra, di. marc. QUIXLAY. [De vill.] de Quixlay pro [vj] car. et di. terrae, unde, ut supra, xxjs. viijd. GRENE HAMERTON. [De vill. de Gr]ene Hamerton pro iij car. terrae, unde xij car., etc., xs. NUN[E MUNKETON. De vill. de N]une Munketon pro iij car. terrae, unde, ut supra,-pars de xs.-di. marc. D[UNSFORD ET BRANTON. De vill. de Du]nsford et B[ran]ton pro iij car. terre, unde, ut supra,-pars de xs.-xld. [FLASCEBY. De vill. de Flasceby pro.. car.] terrae, unde, ut supra, xid. Summa xviij li. xixs. vjd. RIPON. NIDD ETa CATTEHALL. De Willelmo [Foss]ard pro una.... vs. BURTON. De Petro Bekard pro una car... xld. Summa Summa summarum,.. ij li. vjs. ijd. ob. q. About twelve entries relating to places within the liberties of Ripon, Knaresburgh, and Aldburgh are illegible. THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. 9TH EDWARD II. THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. 9TH EDWARD II. THE Nomina Villarum have already been printed with the Parliamentary Writs (vol. ii., div., iii.), edited by Sir Francis Palgrave, and published by the Record Commissioners in 1834. I have explained in the Preface why it was considered advisable to reprint in the present volume that portion of the document which relates to the county of York. The following account of the record itself is derived from Sir Francis Palgrave's valuable work. The "Nomina Villarum " is a document consisting of the returns made to writs tested at Clipston, 5th March, 9th Edward II., severally addressed to all the sheriffs throughout England, stating that the king wished to be certified how many and what hundreds and wapentakes there were in the sheriff's bailiwick; and how many and what cities, boroughs, and townships there were in each such hundred or wapentake, and who were the lords thereof; and the sheriff was therefore commanded diligently to inform himself of the premises, so that, at his next proffer at the Exchequer, he might give full information to the treasurer and barons thereupon; and the sheriff, for this reason, was to appear in person at the proffer, unless he should have licence to be absent: these returns being required in relation to the military levies granted in the Parliament at Lincoln, in the quinzaine of St. Hilary, 9th Edward II., when it was directed that one man-at-arms should be raised from every township. It will be observed that the writs require the sheriff to attend in person to give information; and it is therefore possible that, when the sheriffs appeared before the barons, the returns were drawn up from the materials which they had obtained. Being of considerable length, the returns assumed the shape of 300 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. rolls, as appears from such of the originals as are yet extant, which consist of the writs and returns for the counties of Devon, Middlesex, Salop and Stafford, and Southampton, preserved amongst the records on the side of the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer. In the 1st Henry VII. it was noticed that these rolls or returns, in consequence of the very frequent searches made upon them, being, as the record says, in daily use, had become so blind and frayed that they could be scarcely read or understood: by which it was apprehended that great detriment would ensue to the king and the crown. Upon inspection accordingly of the rolls, by the barons, it was ordered that the same should be transcribed in quires, and made up and engrossed in a book, to remain for ever in the Exchequer. For this purpose John Snede, writer, was appointed, and admitted by the barons of the Exchequer, and he was to receive three shillings and fourpence per quire for his labour. When completed, the book contained twenty quires and one half, for which he was paid at the stipulated rate. This book was deposited with the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, but it has long ago disappeared. Transcripts, more or less imperfect and corrupt exist, however, in different repositories. To this account of the "Nomina Villarum" Sir Francis Palgrave adds the following extract from a communication received from Mr. Hunter, the historian of South Yorkshire, respecting the application of the document:-" The value to topography of the Nomina Villarum lies chiefly in this, that we find in it direct evidence of the persons who held the smaller subdivisions of the great tenancies at a particular period. Without its assistance, I know not how this information is to be arrived at, in any direct manner, where the correlative record called Kirkby's Inquest (which belongs to the preceding reign) is not to be found, and where no information of the place is to be gathered from the Testa de Nevil or the Hundred Rolls. One fixed period of this kind is of great importance, inasmuch as a single name is an indication of the line in which the lordship is passing, and may very often be the means of guiding an inquirer to a series of lords before and after the date of the record itself; and the determining in whom the possession lay is one of the chief points in the history of the rural parishes of England." THE NOIINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. 301 THE KING'S WRIT TO THE SHERIFF. EDWARDUS,a Dei gratia, Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, et Dux Aquitaniae, Vicecomiti Ebor., salutem. Quia quibusdam certis de causis certiorari volumus quse et quot Hundreda sive Wapentachia sunt in balliva tua, et quorum sunt, et qume et quot Civitates, Burgi et Villke sunt in quolibet Hundredorum sive Wapentachiorum illorum, et qui sunt Domini eorumdem. Tibi praecipimus firmiter injungentes quod modis et viis omnibus quibus plenius et diligentius poteris te informes de preemissis. Ita quod, super proximum profrum tuum ad Scaccarium nostrum, Thesaurarium et Barones nostros de eodem Scaccario possis inde plenius informare: et tu ipse in propria persona tua sis ad dictum Scaccarium super proximum profrum tuum ex hac causa, nisi tune licentiam a nobis habueris absens esse; et tune per illum quem super dictum profrum tuum pro te mittes ad Scaccarium praedictum Thesaurarium et Barones praedictos de praemissis facere plenius informari. Ita quod in te vel in ipso quem pro te ad dictum Scaccarium sic mittes defectus aliquis non inveniatur per quod ad te graviter capiamus. Et habeas ibi hoc breve. Teste me ipso, apud Clipston, quinto die Martii, anno regni nostri nono. THE SHERIFF'S RETURN. MITTO vobis nomina Hundredorum, Wapentachiorum, Civitatum, Burgorum et aliarum Villarum in balliva mea per totum comitatum praedictum, et habeo diem ad respondendum die Lunae in septimana Paschae quoad certificandum Thesaurario et Baronibus domini Regis de Scaccario quae et quot Hundreda sive Wapentachia sunt in balliva mea, et quorum sunt diversa Hundreda, quem com. Ebor. appellantur Wapentachia, fuerint in balliva mea, quorum nomina, simul cum omnibus eorum quorum sunt, patent in istis rotulis subsequentibus: quoad certificandum in forma praedicta quae et quot Civitates sunt in eadem balliva mea, et quorum sunt, non est nisi una civitas quae appellatur civitas Ebor., cujus quidem civitatis dominus Rex est dominus: quoad certificandum in forma praedicta quae et quot Burgi et Villae sunt in quolibet Hundredorum sive Wapentachiorum illorum, et qui sunt domini eorumdem, et nomina Burgorum, Villarum, et dominorum eorumdem, patent in eisdem rotulis subsequentibus, secundum tenorem brevis domini regis mihi inde directi. a This and the succeeding document are taken from the book marked B., i., 11, in the Treasury of Receipt of the Exchequer Department of the Public Record Office, hitherto cited in these notes by the letter A. They do not occur in the Harleian MS. 6281, whence the text of the Nomina Villarum is derived. THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. NOMINAa BURGORUM, VILLARUM ET EORUM DOMINORUM DE COM. EBOR., ANNO REGNI REGIS EDWARDI, FILII REGIS EDWARDI, NONO. [HOLDERNESSE.] Holdernesseb est Libertas Comitissee Cornubiae, in qua sunt burg' et villre, videlicet, HEDON est burgus Comitissa Cornubiae [est] domina. BERNESTON cum membris Thomas de Mounceaux. LESSET CUM PARVA KELKd Hugo de Mora. ULRAM Johannes de Ulram et Willelmus de Wyvill. a This title is also taken from the A. MS. The heading in Harleian MS. 6281 is simply " Comitatus Ebor." b Except where otherwise stated, this text is derived from the Harleian MS. 6281, in the British Museum, which is thus described in the catalogue (vol. iii., 352):-" A Folio, containing the Cities, Boroughs, Villages and Hundreds, their Names, and who were the Lords of every Manor throughout all the Counties of England from the Year of our Lord 1316 to 1559, entitled' A transcript of the book called Nomina Villarum kept in the Office of the Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer." This transcript appears to have been made in the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It is supposed to be the best text of the Nomina Villarum that is now known to exist. Judging, however, by the returns for the county of York, its nomenclature is very corrupt, and it also contains several errors and omissions. Save in the occasional permutation of the letters n, u, and v, the text, now for the first time printed in extenso, is a faithful transcript of this MS., so far, at least, as I was able to decipher the handwriting, which is extremely perplexing. The Harleian text has been collated with MSS. A. and F. (see pp. 1, 124, antea), but the more important variations only are recorded in the notes, where will also be found such matter corrective of the text as I have been able to collect from Kirkby's Inquest, the Feoda Militum, and other sources. The modern names of nearly all the places mentioned in the Nomina Villarum are given in the Table incorporated with the Index Locorum. e Margaret, sister and co-heir of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, and widow of Piers de Gaveston, earl of Cornwall, to whom Edward II. granted the Seigniory of Holderness. d See page 76, note i. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, E. R. 303 SKIPSE CUM NEUHITHEe Comitissa Cornubive. DR1NGHOWE Walterus de Faucounberge et Radulphus filius Willelmi. BEFORD Magister Hospitalis S. Johannis et Ricardus de Cotes. NORTH FROTINGHAM Abbas de Thorneton. BRANDESBURTON cum membris Johannes de Sancto Quintino. BONEWYK cum membris Johannes filius Willelmi de Roos et Alex' de Carleton. KILLYNG Priorissa de Killyng. BEYOMf cum membris Walterus filius Johannis de Fauconberge, Johannes de Mora et Prior de Bridlington. ATTYNGWYKg Johanna uxor Johannis de Barton, Stephanus de Thorp, Simon de Goushull, Ricardus de Thorp et Alicia de Busheby.h SETON cum membris Walterus de Whityng,i Ricardus de Marlesthorpi et Robertus de Waxand. HORNSE BURTON cum membris Johannes de Mappelton et Abbas de Melsa. ROLLESTON Herbertus de Sancto Quintino. MAPELTON Robertus de Cotum. COLDON cum membris Archiepiscopus Ebor. et Johannes filius Willelmi de Roos. WITHERNWYK Johannes de Fauconberg et Anastasia de Fauconberg. EST HAITFLETk cum membris Walterus de Fauconberge et Walterus de Haityfeld. GOULSHULL' Juliana relicta Radulphi de Lelle. RISSE Walterus de Fauconberge. ARNALE cum membris Walterus de Fauconberge, Nicholaus de Reddinges, Ricardus de Thorp et Abbas de Thornton. New Hithe, in the parish of Skipsea, has long since been washed away by the sea. Old Hithe had probably shared the same fate. f Bewholme, in the parish of Nunkeeling. g Atwick. h Alicia de Buskeby, A. F. Walter de Whitike, Withyk, or Wytik. i Probably Tharlesthorp, one of the lost towns on the Humber. k Great Hatfield.' Goxhill. 304 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. RESTON cum membris Thomas de Hildeyerd. CATWIK cum membris HenricusdeFauconberge, Walterus de Wytik et Walterus filius Johannis de Fauconberge. SUTTON cum membris Archiepiscopus Ebor. ESK Amandus de Surtevaln et Johannes de Staveley. WAXANn Johannes de Preston. TUNSTALL Willelmus de Ros de Hamelak. ROSSE Willelmus de RosdeHelmesley. RUTHE cum membris Johannes de Ros de Gedd (ney) et Willelmus de la Mare. OUSTWYK cum membris Abbas de Melsa, Willelmus de la Twyer, Amandus de Ruda et Thomas de la Ryvere. PYDESE BURTON Comitissa Cornubiee. FITTELYNG Prior Hospitalis Sancti Johannis et Amandus de Fitling. ESTANWIKO cum membris Simon de Pateshull, Robertus de Hedon et Comitissa Cornubice. HUMBLETON cum membris Abbas de Thorneton et HerbertusP de Flinton. GARTON cum membris Idem Abbas et Rogerus de Grymeston. ALDEBURGH cum membris Willelmus de Ros de Hamelac et Johannes de Ros [de] Gede(ney). MARTON cum membris Robertus le Conestable, Walterus de Fauconberge, Willelmus Hautayn, Amandus de Ruda et Walterus Wyting.q BURTON CONESTABLE Robertus le Conestable. SPRETLEGH Comitissa Cornubiae. WYUETON Johannes de Wyueton et Willelmus de la Twyere.' Amandus de Surdeval married Cecilia, widow of Sir William de Hebden (Reg. Romaine, 26 a), whose ancestor, Sir Nicholas de Ebor., had a grant of the manor of Esk from his brother, William de Ebor., provost of Beverley(Poulson's Holderness, i., 476). n Waxholme, in the parish of Owthorne. o The Asteneuuic of Domesday Book. It is now called Elsternwick. P Robertus de Flinton, A. q See page 303, note i. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, E. R. 305 ELWARDEBY Herbertus de Sancto Quintino. SWYN cum membris Robertus Tyliol et Abbas de Thorneton. BENYNGHOLM cum membris Amandus de Ruda, Johannes de Surdeval, Priorissa de Swyn et Abbas de Thornton. PRISTON cum membris Comitissa Cornubiae. MERFLET Willelmus de Ros de Hamelak. WAXANr Abbas de Melsa. PAWEL cum membris Comitissa Cornubiae. THORGOMBAUD Laurentius de Helbek,s Thomas de Neumarch et Edmundus Wasteneys. RIHULL cum membris Robertus de Bothebv. BRUSTEWYK cum membris Earum domina Comitissa CorKAYNGHAM cum membris f nubiae. OKINGHAMt Gerardus Salvayn et Abbas de Melsa. WINESTED Robertus de Hilton. PATRINGTON Archiepiscopus Ebor. THARLTHORPu Robertus le Conestable et Walterus Fauconberg. FRISMERSKV' Earum dominus (Archi)episTHORPw cum membris J copus Ebor. AKEFLINGX" ~AKEFLING~. { Earum domina Comitissa CorERSINGTONY cum membris n Inubiee. LULNESCEZ cum membris EUSTEUTONa In manu domini Regis. HOLYNGTONb Prior de Boulton. HOLAYM Henricus de Sancto Martino. WHITHORNSE cum membris Comitissa Cornubiae et Abbas de Thornton. OUTHORN Eadem Comitissa, Philippus de Melsa et Willelmus de Walcotes. Wassand, in the parish of Sigglesthorne. By Inq. p. m., 14th Edward II., Lawrence de Holebech died seised of the manor of Holbeche, co. Linc., and of lands in Thorengumbaud, Otringham and Holme, co. York (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 296). He married Margaret, one of the sisters and co-heirs of William Gumbaud. t Oteryngham, A. U See page 77, note w. v One of the lost towns on the Humber. Its site may be placed about two miles south of Patrington. Probably Welwick Thorpe. t Skeffling. Y Easington. " A mistake for Kilnesce (Kilnsea). "Oustenston, A. Custenston, F. An error for Out Newton, near Holmpton. Holmptoln. x 306 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. RYMESWELL Herbertus de Sancto Quintino. N EUSOMc cum Imembris Petrus de Frothingham et Johannes Aldelot. EST HALSHAM Robertus le Conestable et Willelmus de Bautre. LIBERTAS DE RAVENSER RAVENSER-ODD, BURGUS Qom Rex est dominus. LIBERTAS ET BURGUS DE KYNGESTON-SUPER-HULL ~ See page 76, note e. WAPENTAGIUM DE HERTHILL. DUFFELDa cum membris Johannes de Britannia. SKYRNEb cum membris Abbas de Melsa. HOTON CUM CRAUNCEWYK Galfridus de Hothom. ESTBURNE Walterus [de] Fauconberg. WESTBURNC Luciad de Everingham. SUTHBRUN Johannes de Twenge et Nicholaus de Tapelton. TYBBETHORP Henricus filius Hugonis et Aucherus filius Henrici. NORTH DALTON Willelmus Bernak et Hugo Hastinges. BAYNTON Gilbertus de Stapelton et P. de Malo Lacu. NESSINGWYK Petrus de Malo Lacu. MIDDELTON Johannes de Merkyngfeld, Nicholaus de Cave et J.f Ward. BRAKEN Johannes Vyvan'.s KILLYNGWYKh Johannes de Killyngwik. WATTON Prior de Whatton. BESEWYK Robertus Daniel. a Driffeld, A. F. John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, had a grant of the manor of Driffield from the king in 1299. See page 92, note b. * A. and F. omit this entry. c Now called Kirkburn. d Lucy, daughter and heiress of Robert (son of Marmaduke) de Twenge, and grand-daughter of Lucy, sister and co-heiress of Peter de Brus. The proof of age of "Lucia, filia et haeres Roberti de Twenge, et consanguinea et haeres Marmaduci de Twenge, defunctorum," was taken March 17th, 1294-5. The jurors say that " prsedicta Lucya nata fuit apud Kylton in Clyveland die Veneris proxima ante Dominicam Palmarum, anno regni regis Edwardi septimo, et die Dominica proxima sequente baptizata in capella Sancti Petri ejusdem villse per Alanum, capellanum Marmaduci de Twenge, militis, praesentibus domino Ricardo de Twenge, Petro Mariscallo, Ricardo Le Estyvor, Lucya, uxore Marmaduci de Twenge, et Marjoria de Brus" (Cal. Gen., ii., 513). Lucy de Twenge married, first, Sir William le Latimer, junior, from whom she was divorced about 1312 (Dugd. Bar., ii., 37), secondly, Robert de Everingham, and, lastly, Sir Bartholomew de Fanacourt. Some curious particulars relating to this lady, who died in 1346 (Reg. Zouche, 310 b), are given in the Fasti Eboracenses (vol. i., 377). e Nicholas, son and heir of Miles de Stapelton, and grandson of Laderina de Brus, who had lands in Southburn on the partition of the estates of her brother Peter. See page 90, note u. f Johannes, A. John Ward held half a carucate in Midelton in the 31st Edward I. g Vyvon', A. F. Probably Joan de Vivonia. h Kilnwick. x 2 308 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. LOKYNGTON Petrus de Malo Lacu. (S)COREBURGH Johannes de Hothom. LEKYNGFELD Alienora de Percy. ETTON Laurentius de Etton et Petrus de Malo Lacu. MOLECROFT Rogerus de Ingelberd. SUTH BURTON Archiepiscopus Ebor. BENTELE Robertus de Bentele. RAVENESTHORPE Robertus de Ravenesthorp. SKITEBY Archiepiscopus Ebor. COTYNGHAM Thomas Wake. SCULCOTES Johannes Grey et Robertus de Morley.i WYLARDEBYj CUM NEUTON.k Thomas de Wake. ULFRETON Radulphus de Newykl et Thomas de Lincoln. ANLAGHBY Petrus de Anlaghby et Prior de Feriby. HESEL Willelmus de Kyme. SWANLOND CUM FERIBY Prior de Feriby et Lora de Usflet. ESTWELL CUM WESTWELLm Ricardus de Anlaghby et Hugo de Picworthe. WYTHETONn Thomas de Wake. RIPPLINGHAM Willelmus Cruel. ERGHESO Willelmus de Percy et Adam de Somervill. HUNDESLEGH Prior Dunolm. WALDEBY ELGH ETON Archiepiscopus Ebor. HELGHETONP J i An error for Moreby. In 1318 Robert de Moreby, lord of Stillingfleet, "maritus dominae Margaretse, relictse domini Johannis de Gray, militis, defuncti," did homage to the archbishop for lands held of him in Sculcotes (Reg. Melton, 593 a). Margaret, relict of Sir John Gray, of Rotherfield, who died in the 5th Edward II., leaving John his son and heir, was the youngest daughter of William de Odingsells, of Marstock, co. Warwick, and one of the four coheiresses of her brother Edmund. She was 18 years old in the 23rd Edward I. (Cal. Gen., ii., 511). 3 Willerby, in the parish of Kirk Ella. k Newton stood a short distance south of Cottingham. About 1322, Thomas, lord Wake, of Lyddel, began to build a religious house on his manor of Cottingham, which he furnished with canons of the order of St. Augustine. But because a perpetual title could not be made to this site (Mon. Angl., vi., 519), the pope granted a licence, which was confirmed by archbishop Melton on the 3rd March, 1325-6, to translate the monastery "quod vocatur Hautenprise de Cotingham ad alium locum " (Reg. Melton, 568 a). This other place was Newton, which thereupon changed its name to that of Hawtemprice (Mon. Angl., vi., 520).' Probably Radulphus de Newyll. n East (Kirk) Ella and West Ella. "Little Weighton, near Cottingham. Arras, in the parish of Market Weighton.' Elloughton. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, E. R. 309 BRANTYNGHAM Walterus de Fauconberge. SUTH CAVE Petrus de Eyvill et Alexander de Cave. DREUTON Thomas Dareyns. EVERTHORP Ricardus del Haye. NORTH CAVE Decanus et capitulum ecclesiae Beati Petri Elbor. HOTHOM Johannesde Hothom, miles.q NEUSOM CUM BRUND Dominar de Vescy. WRESELL CUM LOFTHOUSUM Willelmus de Percy. BRIGHTON Willelmus de Ros. SPALDINGTON Petrus de Hay et Jacobus de Bosevill. WILGHETOFT cum membris Clemencia de Vescy. FOLKERTHORP CUM LATHUM Prior de Ellerton et Jacobus de Milieton.s BUBWITH CUM HERLETHORPE Walterus de Bubwith etCancellarius ecclesia Beati Petri Ebor. AGHTON Rogerus del Haye. ELLERTON Prior de Ellerton et Thomas de Pyckering. MELBURN CUM SCOTTWHAITt Willelmus de Ros de Helmesle. SUTTON SUPER DERWENT Robertus de Percy. THORNTON Clemencia de Vescy. WAPPLINGTON CUM AVERTHORPU Prior de Brayv et Johannes de Moubray. SETON Willelmus de Ros et Willelmus Wasteneys. EVERINGHAM Alicia de Everingham. HOLMEW CUM BURSEY Willelmus le Constable et G." Salvayn. SUTH CLIFF CUM NORTH CLIFF Petrus de Eyvill, Alexander de Cave et Johannes filius Johannis de Cave. q The word "miles" does not again occur in the Nomina Villarum. It is probably used here to distinguish this John de Hotham from his illustrious namesake and kinsman, the lord chancellor of England. r See page 251, note c. * An error for Millington. t Storthwaite, near Melbourne. " Allerthorpe-with-Wapplington, in the parish of Thornton. v The Prior of Drax (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 111). i Holme-on-Spalding-Moor. " Gerard Salvayn held here in the 31st Edward I. 310 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. STAUNTONY CUM HEUTON Prior de Watton et Thomas de Heuton.z WYTHETON CUM SHUPTONa Agnes Tybetoft et Herbertus filius Johannis. THORP CUM HERSEWELL Gerardus Salvayn. HAYTON Johannes de Ruddestan. GUDHMUrDHAM Rogerus de Grymeston. ESTHORP Johanna Sturmy et Robertusb de Barthelby. LONNESBURGH Herbertus filius Johannis. BRUNNEBY Edmundus de Eyncurt. BRUNOMC Radulphus filius Willelmi. WARTRE CUM GILDESDALEd Prior de Wartre. HUGATE Prior de Watton. MILYNGTON Gerardus Salvayn. KILLINGWIK PERCY Thomas Uctrede. NORTH GEVELDALE Dominus Rex. WILTON Archiepiscopus Ebor. YAPOM Johannes de Creppyng. BOULTON Robertus de Boulton. GOUTHORP Brianus Burdon. POKELINGTON [ET] BELEBY Alienora de Percy. FANGFOSSE Radulphus filius Willelmi et Alienora de Percy. YOLTHORP ] MELTYNBY ULLESTHORPe Eadem Alienora de Percy. CATTON NEUTONf PONS BELLI J WILBERFOSS Philippus de Kyme et Alienora de Percy. [HUNDBERTONh Brianus Burdon et Alianora de Percy.]i FOULE SUTTON Johannes Sautrej etAlienora de Percy. y Sancton-and-HIoughton, a township in the parish of Sancton. Thomas de Howeton held Howeton in the 31st Edward I. " Shipton, near Market Weighton. b " Bartholomeus" is struck out, and " Robertus" superscribed. c Nunburnholme. d See page 91, note k. e Ousthorpe. f Newton-upon-Derwent. g Stamford Bridge (East). h North, or Cherry, Burton. In Kirkby's Inquest this place is called Burton only. i This entry is taken from MSS. A. and F. It is omitted in the Harleian text. i An error for Dautre. According to Kirkby's Inquest, William de Alta Ripa held 36 bovates in Foule Sutton of the heir of Percy. [WAPENTAGIUM DE DIKERING.] Rex dominus [est] Dykering' wapentagii, in quo sunt villke de KILLUM Episcopus Rotomag'. BRIDLINGTON Prior de Bridlington. GARTON Willelmus de Ros. HUNDMANDBY Simon Kailly et Johanna de Cireby.a BURTON SPLENYNGb Prior de Bridlington. FYUELEE Dominus Rex. MUSTON Walterus de Burtonc et dominus Rex. BUTTERWIK Radulphus filius Willelmi. BOYTHORP Walterus de Fauconberge et Radulphus filius Willelmi. TWENGE Marmaducus de Twenge. OCTON ET SWATHORP Idem Marmaducus. RUDDESTAN Abbas Beatae Marise Ebor., Ricardus Torny et Willelmus de Ruddestan. BOYNTON Nicholaus de Meynhull. ESTON Johannes de Ulram, Walterus de Bucton et Prior de Bridlington. THORP Robertus de Thorp. CARTHORP Johannes de Carthorp. GRENDALE Rogerns de Somervill. ERGHOM ET BARKEDALEd Willelmus de Erghom. a Joan de Driby, daughter of Robert de Tattersall, by Joan, daughter and co-heiress of Ralph Fitz Ranulph, of Middleham. Her sister Emma married Adam de Cailly, and Isabella, another sister, became the wife of John de Orreby (Dugd. Bar., i., 440). By an Inq. p. m., taken in the 34th Edward I., Thomas, son of Adam de Caylly, Joan de Dryby, and Isabella, wife of John de Orreby, were found to be next heirs to Robert, son and heir of Robert de Tattersall, who had died under age (Cal. Gen., ii., 717). b Burton Flemming, or North Burton. e An error for Bucton. See page 52, antea. d See page 54, note v. 312 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. BESINGBY Prior de Bridlington. KERNETTEBYe Robertus de Percy. HASTHORP Johannes de Hasthorp et Johannes de Creppyng. FRAISTHORP Johannes de Creppyng et Nicholaus de Meynhull. THIRNOM [ET] BURTON AGNES Rogerus de Somervill. WANDESFORD POKETHORP Alienora de Percy. NAFFERTON-Villis iij separalibus, J BRIGHAM Theobaldus de Brigham et Johannes de Graas. FOSTON Johannes de Graas. GRAUNCEMOR Galfridus de Sancto QuinHARPHAM-villis ij, J tino. LOUTHORP Johannes de Heselarton. HILDERTONf ~ WETTp -ITHILDERTONf- J } Prior de Bridlington. WILKESTHORP-VilliS ij, J ALBURN Idem Prior, Gerardus Salvayn et Johannes de Heselarton. FORDON Walranus de Rocheford. NEUTON Idem Walranus et Johannes de Heselardton. FOXOLES Robertus de Aclom. BRUMPTON Johannes Bret. GALMETON Robertus de Aclom et Nicholaus de Cossale.h BENYNGTON Willelmus de Bergh. WYLLARDEBY Prior de Bridlington et Willelmus de Bergh. STAXTON Alienora de Percy. FLIXTON Eadem Alienora et Willelmus de Brigham. FOLKETON Radulphus filius Willelmi. FLOTMANBY Idem Radulphus et Prior de Bridlington. RIGHTON Gerardus Salvayn. SPETON Idem Gerardus et Johannes de Heselarton. e Carnaby. f An error for Hilderthorp. g Willesthorp, or Wilsthorpe. h Nicholas de Bossale. See page 51, note c. WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING, E. R. 313 BUCTON 1 Willelmus de Bucton domiCOMPTON'-villis ij, J nus eorum. SYWARDEBY CUM MARTON Robertus de Sywardeby.j FLAYNBURGH. Willelmus le Conestable. Libertas de SCARDEBURGH et ejus- Dominus Rex. dem Burgus J i A mistake for Bempton. J Robert de Sywardby obtained a charter of free warren in Sywardby and Brigham in the 8th Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 147). [WAPENTAGIUM DE BUCCEROS.] Rex dominus [est] hundredi de Buccecros, in quo sunt villse SHIRBURN Alicia de Everingham. EST HESELARTON Robertus de Colvill. WEST HESELARTON Idem Robertus et Johannes de Heselarton. YEDINGHAM Johannes de Heselarton. KNAPTON Idem Johannes et Robertus de Colvill. WIRKINGHAMa In manu Regis. NEUTON Dominus Rex, Thomas Plaiz et Johannes Gower. TAMESTONb ET. Willelmus le Latymer. RILLINGTON-vi llls i, THORP BASSET ET T Radulphus filius Willelmi. SCAKELTHORP-Ville ij, J SETRINGTON Johannes Bygot et Dominac de Marshall. WELLUM CUM SUTTON Johannes de Barton, Willelmus de (H)ebden et G. de Aton. NORTON Idem Johannes de Barton. HoUsoM Willelmus de Roos. WYUESTOU Robertus de Bucton. MORITHORPd Robertus de Sutton et Ivo de Clotheram. EBDESLTOR ET i Robertus de Rellington. BRIDDESDAL-Ville ij, J BRIDDESALE ET K-NERTHOaR —Vil lm ij,'. }Petrus de Malo Lacu. KENERTHORP-Ville IJ, J LANGETON ET T Dominus Rex. TKOUTHORPe-ij ville, a Wintringham. b Scampston. " Alice, widow of Roger Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshall of England. d Probably Menethorpe, in the parish of Westow. e An error, I believe, for Thornthorp, near Langton, now depopulated. WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE, E. R. 315 CYRKENBEf 1 THORALDEBY ET Willelmus Chancy. EUGTHORPs-iij villJe, TRAMGHAMV Walterus de Langeton.i LEPINGTON ET or Johannis de Melsa. BARKETHORP-v111m ij, r J s d AICLOM Willelmus de Ros. LEVENYNG Idem Willelmus et Johannes de Bernevill. WYVERTHORP CUM Herbertus filius Johannis et WilIIELPERTHORP lelmus de Bilton. EST LUTTON [E] Robertus de Colvill, et Willelmus EST LUT-TON i [ET Bard dominus cum eo in West WEST LUTTON-ville J Lutton. THURKELBY ET' Johannes de Thurkelby et GilKIRKEBYj-ij villae, bertus Haunsard. MULTHORPk Prior de Kirkham. DUGGELBY Dominus Rex. EST WHARROM' ET Abbas de Melsa et Robertus de SUTH WHARROMm-villse ij, Percy. COLLUM Rogerus de Grymeston et Ricardus de Berley. CROM Gerardus Salvayn. SLEDDEMERE Willelmus de Wyvill. WETEWANG In manu Regis. TOUTHORP ET Radulphus de Nevill et Willelmus BRIDDALE —ij villae, le Latymer. SIXENDALE ET* 1. Gerardus Salvayn. RAYTHORP-ville ij, J FR (ID) AYT HORP FYMMERE GRYMESTONO ET Abbas Beatze Marire dominus PAYNTHORP earum. HUNKELBY ET KIRKEBY —illae vj, f Skirpenbeck. g Bugthorpe. h Scrayingham. i See page 268, note g. 3 Kirkby-Grindalythe. k Mowthorpe. Wharram-le-Street. n Wharram Percy. n Burdale, or Birdall, is the name of a farm about two miles west of Towthorpe. ~ Hanging Grimston, Painsthorpe and Uncleby, in the parish of KirkbyUnderdale. [LIBERTAS DE HOUEDEN.] Episcopus Dunolm. dominus [est] libertatis de Houeden, in qua sunt burg' et villue HOUEDEN, burgus Episcopus Dunolm. KILPYNG CUM THORP ET BELEBY-una villa, SKELTON SALTMARSH AKNEDELINH Idem Episcopus. KNEDELINGTON ASKELBY BARNEBY ET ESTRINGTON —villae separales vij, COTENESS Thomas de Houk. YUCFLETa Prior de Fyncale. BLAKETOFT Willelmus de Hoton.6 METHAM In manu Regis. LAXTON Nicholaus de Metham et Henricus de Southall.c BALKHOLM Haeresd Roberti de la Bataille. LYNTON Gocelinus de Evvill. NEULAND ET ^NEULAND ETA l.. Episcopus Dunolm. GRENHAIK-Villle 1iJ, J BELASSIS Magister Johannes de Snaynton. BENETLAND Priorissa de Thikheued. DIK [ET] SANDHOLM CUM Willelmus de Thorntoft.e HITHE J OUSTHORP Ricardus de Ousthorp. PORTYNGTON Nicholaus de Portyngton. BIRLAND Petrus de Eyvill. RICKALLf ET CLIFF-ij villae, Episcopus Dunolm. " Yokefleet. b Heaton, F. Sothull, A. Swathull, F. d HIeredes, A. F. e 5 id. Jan., 1303-4. Licentia concessa domino Willelmo de Thorntoft, clerico, ad erigendum capellam sive oratorium in villa de Yucflet, in parochia ecclesiae de Brantingham (Reg. Corbridge, 105 b). See page 254, note m. f Riccall and the eleven succeeding vills are in Ouse and Derwent wapentake. LIBERTY OF HOWDEN, E. R. 317 BARTHELBY Gilbertus de Aton. OSGOTEBY Robertus de Osgoteby. H(E)MINGBURGH ET Dnm. [BRAKENHOLM]-ij vilae, Episcopus Dunolm. WODEHALL Walterus de Paxton.1 BOLTHORP cum iijtia parte de Wilelmus de Avere SKItWITH j Willelmus de Avereyngs. SKIPWITH NORTH DUFFELD cum iijia parte Gerars Sala de MENTHORP j Gerardus Salvayn. SUTH DUFFELD Episcopus Dunolm. et Nicholaus de Stapilton. HENHOMi Priores de Ellerton et Watton. LOKYNGTON Petrus de Malo Lacu. GERTHUMj Alexander de Percy. SCOUREBURGH Galfridus de Hothom. HOTHOM Johannes de Hothom. WALKYNGTON CUM IRISEBY Episcopus Dunolm. WELLETON BRANTYNGTONk Idem Episcopus earum doELLERKER ET minus. MELTON —villke iiij, J g Hemingburgh et Brakenholm, A. F. The text has Hiningburgh et Cliff erroneously. h An error, I believe, for Laxton. i Henholme, A. F. Probably Houhom, or Howm, now called Holme-on-theWolds, about two miles W.S.W. of Lockington. 3 See page 242, note h. k An error for Brantyngham. The birthplace of William de Melton, archbishop of York (Fasti Ebor., i., 397). [LIBERTAS DE BEVERLACO.J Archiepiscopus Ebor. dominus [est] libertatis Beverlaci, in qua [sunt] burg' et villke BURGUS BEVERLACI Archiepiscopus Ebor. NORTH CAVE Johannes Cocus [et] Johannes [de] Driffeld. ETTON Adam de Schupton. SWANLOND Robertus filius Petri. NEUTONa Simon Russel. ANLAGHEBY Willelmus de Midelton. WLFRETON Johannes Carpentarius. ELVELEYb Rogerus de Fyningley. FOSTOIT0 Robertus atte Milnes. BARTONd Petrus le Ferour. WYLARDEBY Robertus Aylsye. a See page 308, note kc. b Kirk Ella. Roston (Ruston Parva), in Dickering wapentake. See page 59, antea. d Garton, A. F. Garton-on-the-Wolds. See page 57, antea. [WAPENTAGIUM INTER USAM ET DEREWENT.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii inter Usam et Derewent, in quo [sunt] ville NABURN Willelmus Paumes. STYVELYNGFLET Robertus de Morby. KELKEFELD Henricus filius Henrici filii Conani. SKIPWITH ET MENETHORP Johannes de Thorp. YERGAMBYb Ranulphus de Mauneby. QUELDRYK Abbas de Fontibus. COTTINGWITH cum membris Prior de Ellerton. ELVYNGTON [Petrus] de Murrers. KEXEBY Brianus Burdoun. PONS BELLId CUM SCORESBY Domina de Vescy. HENELSEYe Johannes de Henelsey.6 a Several places in this wapentake are included in the Liberty of Howden. ^ Thorganby. c Petrus, A. F. The text has " Prior" erroneously. d Stamford Bridge (West). eHemelsey, A. F. Gate Helmsley, in the wapentake of Bulmer. NORTH RIDING. [WAPENTAGIUM DE RIDALE.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Ridale, in quo sunt villee, videlicet, MALTON Isabella Comyn. HELMESLEGH ET SSELM EGi ET } Willelmus de Ros de Hamelake. SPESKELEGHa-ij villle, KIRKEBY MORESHEUb cum Tho d Wake membris J m Thomas de Wake. SCALETON In manu Regis. BILDESDALE Prior de Kirkham. SPROXTON Willelmus de Sproxton. HAY (RUM) Willelmus de Haye (rum). NONYNGTON [ET] STAYNGRIFE CUM Walterus de Taye. RYCAL NALTON CUM BODELUM Abbas de Ryvals. WYMBELTON Nicholaus de Stapilton et Prior de Novo Burgo. EDESTON Prior de Kirkhamc et Walterus de Holm. THORNTON SUB (R)YSBERGH Radulphus de Bullemere. MAGNA BERGH ET Prior de Hexelsham, Bernardus de PARVA BERGH —ville ij, Bergh et PriorissadeKeldholm. MAGNA ET PARVA Robertus de Bartone et Prior de ALBETON — ij villae, Ellerton. RITON Johanna de Percehaye. BUTERWYK Willelmus le Conestable. a Pockley, near Helmsley, is the place intended. b In the 29th Edward I. Joan Wake held in the vills of Kirkeby Moorsheued, Gillingemore and Fadmore, ten knights' fees, worth ~100 per annum (Grainge's Vale of Moubray, 361).' According to Kirkby's Inquest, the Prior of Hexham held certain lands in Edston, but it does not appear that the Prior of Kirkham had any interest there. This entry should probably read, " EDESTON. Prior de Hexham et Walterus le Romayn." See p. 121, antea. d Great and Little Habton. e Robertus de Garton, A. F. WAPENTAKE OF RYEDALE, N. R. 321 NEUSOM Idem Willelmus et Johannes Bordesden. SWYNTON Prior de Malton, Thomas de Houk, Henricus Mansell et Willelmus Bret. AYMUNDERBY Prior de Malton et Johannes de Bordesdon. APPELTON Robertus de Goulton.f BARTON Nicholaus de Grey et Radulphus filius Willelmi. SLYNGESBY Idem Radulphus et Willelmus de Wevill. COLTON Willelmus de Wevill. FRYTON Johannes de Barton. HOVINGHAM Johannes de Moubray. CALVETON Reginaldus de Glaunt...... et Johannes Cru.g (G) ILLINGh Thomas de Etton et Abbas Beatpe Mariae Ebor. OSWALDKIRK Walterus de Ros et Rienusi (sic) de Pikering. AMPELFORD Ricardus de Pykering. NESSEj Haeredes Nicholai de Luda. SOUTH HOLM Thomas [de] Etton et Willelmus de Ros de Yolton. MUSCOTES Nicholaus de Stapelton. f An error for Boulton. See pp. 112, 115, antea. g Reginaldus de Blauncmusters et Johannes Cruer. See page 119, antea. Ranulph de Blankmonstre, alias de Albo Monasterio, lord of Wighill in the Ainsty, held Calveton (Cawton) in the 32nd Edward I. h The text has " Silling" corruptly. Ricardus, A. F. i East Ness. Y [WAPENTAGIUM DE BRUDEFORD.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Brudeford, cujus burg' et villwe sunt, BURGUS DE THRESK Johannes de Moubray. WETHERGH ET SALK'a Radulphus filius Willelmi et Thomas Talbot. HERLEYSEYb ET BORDEBYC Galfridus de Hothum. OVER SYLTON Galfridus de Uppessale. NETHER SILTON Johannes de Hilton et Thomas de Allerton. KEPPEWYK Ingelramus Knout. COUSEBY Amphorus de Veir. KIRKEBY KNOL Elizabethad de Lasceles. UPPESSALE, THORNBERG ET SUTH KELLEVYNGTON-iij vill Gaidus de Uppessale. BOLTBY et e BOLTBY et q }Eva de Cantilupo.e THIRLEBY-vilke ij, J. BAGGEBY Abbas de Bella Landa et Johannes de Labyr/ THURKELBY Willelmus de Buscy, haeres Rogeri de Burton, Robertus de Foxoles et Prior de Novo Burgo. KEREBYg In manu domini Regis. DALE Robertus de Colvill. HALNEBY Dominus Rex et heres Johannis de Mallus.h a Welbergh, now called Welbury, and Salkok (Sawcock). b East Harlsey. c See page 99, note e. d Elizabeth, alias Isabella, widow of Sir Roger de Lascelles. Her Inq. p. m. was taken in the 16th Edward II. (Stapleton's Trinity Priory, York, 196). " See page 281, note e. f Laver, A. Laber, F. g Probably Bereby, now called Borrowby, in the parish of Leake. h An error for Malbis. The heir of Sir John Malbis, of Acaster Malbis, who died in 1316, was his son William, then a minor. In 1362 Sir William Malbis granted the manor of Halmeby, and lands in Sutton-sub-Whitestaneclyf, to his son Walter (York Corporation Papers, ii., 990). WAPENTAKE OF BIRDFORTH, N. R. 323 KILBURNE [ET] sabella de Vesy. THORNTON-villme ij, J a de BRUDFORD Johannes de Waxand, Johannes de la Mor et Johannes Maunsel. [DALTON] TOPPECLIF CUM GRISETWAYT Haeres domini Henrici de CRACHALE CUM ELMETEMEREk Percy. CATTON CUM SKIPTON-iij villae, CARLETON/ CUM ISE(L)BECK Walterus de Karleton. ET HOTON —iJ villae, J SOUREBY Johannes de Lasceles. THORNTON IN MORA Radulphus filius Willelmi. BRAKENBERGH Johannes de Barton. NEUSOM Magister Alanus de Neusom. COKEWALD Thomas de Collevill. EUERSLEGHn Idem Thomas. ULLESTONO Prior de Novo Burgo. Thornton-on-the-Hill. j Dalton, A. F. k By deed dated at Crakhale, 21st October, 1338, Sir William Darell, knight, lord of Sessay, founded a chantry in the chapel of St. Giles at Eluedmere, which he endowed with lands in Crakehale and Eluedmere (Reg. Melton, 264 b). Elmirewith-Crakehill are hamlets in the parish of Topcliffe. Carlton-Miniot. "' Sand Hutton, near Thirsk. Yearsley. Oulston. Y 2 [WAPENTAGIUM DE BULMER.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Bulmer, in quo sunt villae de THORMOTBYa ETRanulp dNev RASKELF-ij villis, Ranulphus de Nevill. BRAFERTON Johannes Hidewyn. THORALDETHORPb CUM Willelmus de Ros de Yolton, FLATWATH Rogerus Damoryc et Willelmus de Barneby. ALDEWARK Nicholaus de Meynhull. LYNTON CUM YOLTON Willelmus de Ros, junior, et Willelmus de Ros de Yolton. SUTTON Ranulphus de Nevill. HOTON-VISCOUNT-villiS iJ, FLYNTON CUM CLYNGd Ricardus Byron et Johannes de Farlyngton. CORNEBURGH Johannes de Twenge, Prior de Marton et Thomas de Alwarthorp.e QUENEBYf Elena Hageti. STOUESBYg Johannes de Thornton. BRANDESBY CUM STERESBY Thomas de la Ryvere. TYVERINGTON Willelmus le Latymer et Nicholaus de Stapelton. MULTHORP CUM WYGENTHORP Anketinus Salvayn. GMELTHOR vilis } Radulphus filius Willelmi. CONYNGESTHORP Prior Sanctoe Trinitatis Ebor. HOTON SUPER DERWENT Thomas de Boulton.j WELBURN Simon Warde. BULMERE Idem Simon et Radulphus de Bulmere. WHITEWELL Prior de Kir(k)ham. CRAMBHOM Idem Prior et Walterus de Percehaie. a Thormanby. b Tholthorpe and Flawith. I Dautary, A. d Farlington and (West) Lilling. e Thomas de Alwarthorpe was elected M.P. for the city of York, Nov. 12th, 1311, and held the office of bailiff in 1316-7. f Whenby. g Skewsby. h Ganthorpe. Castle Howard now occupies the site of Hinderskelfe. i See pp. 108, 257, antea. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, N. R. 325 BARTON Magister Robertus de Pykering.k BARNEBY CUM COSSALE/ Willelmus de Cossale.1 BUTTERCRAMP Walterus de Langton,m Episcopus. SAND HOTON Johannes de Barton, Prior Sancti Andreaen et Willelmus Gra.~ HOLTEBY Prior Dunolm. et Johannes de Grantham.P HUNTINGTON Prior Hospitalis.q STYTENOM Magister Johannes Gower., HEWORTHE Nicholaus de Langeton.s FLAXTON Edmundus Darell. THORNTON Robertus de Thornton. STOKETON Johannes Chamon. MARTON Prior de Marton. k Robert de Pickering, dean of York from 1312 to 1332. t An error for Bossale. m" See page 268, note g. n The Gilbertine priory of St. Andrew, York. o The Grays were a wealthy and distinguished family in York. On Sept. 14th, 1308, "Willelmus Gra et Johannes Gra de Ebor., qui in obsequium regis in comitiva Johannis filii Marmaduci profecturi sunt ad partes Scotiae," had letters of protection which were to remain in force until the following Easter (Rotuli Scotie, i., 57). John le Graa was elected M.P. for York 8th Aug., 1311. In 1333 Thomas, son of William Gra, of Skelton, near York, granted to Robert, son of Hamo de Harum, and Alice his wife, for their joint lives, certain tenements in Marketskire, York, which he had of the gift of Mr. Thomas de Gra (Original Charter at Merchants' Hall). William Graa was bailiff in 1345-6, mayor in 1367, and eleven times M.P. between 1347 and 1372. Before 1403, John, son of Richard Graa, of York, founded a chantry in the church of St. Mary, Castlegate, for the soul of William Graa, of which Sir John Gra, knight, of Ingleby in the diocese of Lincoln, was patron in 1426 (Reg. Kemp, 307). Thomas Graa, son of the above-mentioned William, was mayor in 1375, lord mayor in 1398, and eight times M.P. between 1376 and 1399. He died in 1405, leaving three sons, John, Robert, and Thomas, of whom Robert was chamberlain in 1431, sheriff in 1437-8, and died in office June 22nd. Thomas Gray, goldsmith, master of the archiepiscopal mint " wtin ye Palace Garth," was chamberlain in 1482, sheriff in 1488-9, M.P. in 1495, and lord mayor in 1497. In 1514, having fallen into decay, he resigned his gown, and the Council granted him a yearly relief. P See page 220, notef. q The Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Probably Mr. John Gower, S.T.P., rector of Wheldrake, who died in 1338 (Reg. Melton, 264 b). On Jan. 14th, 1315, he had a commission to preach at Northallerton on Monday, the feast of S.S. Fabian and Sebastian, before the army on its way to Scotland (Fasti Ebor., i., 385). Walter Gower, chamberlain of York in 1305, and bailiff in 1306-7, and Simon Gower, chamberlain in 1324, and bailiff in 1325-6, were, I believe, members of the Stittenham family.' Some account of the Langtons has been given at page 273. t Sir John Chaumond, of Colton in the Ainsty. See page 217, note i. VILLAE IN LIBERTATE DE PYKERING. PYKERYNG Thomas Comes Lancastri.e. CYNELYNGTONa CUM MARTON Willelmus le Latymer. CROPTON CUM HARETOFT Thomas Wak. WHERLTONc CUM ASLACBY ET 1 MIDDELTON } Idem Thomas. NEUTON Thomas Comes Lancastriae. LEVISHAM Godefridus de Melsa. LOCTON Comes Lancastriae et idem Godefridus. KYNTHORP Petronilla de Kynthorp.c THORNTON Willelmus le Latymer. FARMANBY CUM ELLERTONd H-eredesNicholai deHastinges. WILTON Johannes de Heselardton. ALISTANe Nicholaus de Hastynges. EBERSTON Thomas Comes Lancastriae. MAYTONf Gilbertus de Aton. SNAYNTON Dominus Rex et dictus Comes Lancastriae. BROMPTON ET 1 BROMPTON ET Comes Lancastriae. HoToN-1ij vilkle, ROSTON CUM WYKHAM Priorissa de Wycham. ATON Gilbertus de Aton. SEMARE CUM HIRTON Haeres H. de Percy. KAYNTONh CUM OSGOTEBY Willelmus le Latymer et Willelmus Bard.i KILWARDEBY Haeres H. de Percy. a Sinnington. b An error for Wrelton. " By an Inq. p. m., taken in the 3rd Edward I., Petronilla, daughter of Geoffrey, son of Alan de Kinthorp, was found to be next heir to the said Alan, and of the age of eight years (Cal. Gen., i., 221). d Farmanby and Ellerburn. These places are not named in Kirkby's Inquest or in the Feoda Militum. e Allerston. f An error for Ayton. A and F. omit this entry. g Hutton Bushel. h Cayton. i 3rd July, 1308. Licence to John Bard to have an oratory within his manor of Osgodby (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 112 a), LIBERTY OF WHITBY, N. R. 327 LEBERSTON Robertus de Wyern' et Prior de Bridlington. GRISPTHORP CUM NEUBIGGING Idem Robertus et Prior. SCALLEBY cum membrisomes Lancastri. ESINGWALD ET HOBYk VILLE IN LIBERTATE DE WHITEBY.a [WHITEBY] SLEYTES CUM RISWARP HAUGESGARGH CUM STAYNSEEKERC FIGHLING Abbas de Whiteby. HAKENESSE EVERLEE ET BROKESEY CUM SILFOU SNETON Alexander de Percy. UGILBARDBYd Willelmus de Everle. DENSLEEe Baldwinus de Twyng. J See page 140, note s. k Easingwold and Huby are in the wapentake of Bulmer. It is recorded in the Hundred Rolls, 4th Edward I., that "dominus Edmundus, frater domini regis nunc, habuit manerium de Esingwald et tertiam partem de Huby ex dono Henrici regis ultimi, post bellum de Evesham" (Rot. Hundr., i., 117). Edmund Plantagenet, earl of Lancaster, died in 1296, and was succeeded by his son Thomas. " Now called the Liberty of Whitby Strand. b Whiteby, A. F. c Hawsker and Stainsacre. d Ugglebarnby. " Dunsley. [WAPENTAGIUM DE LANGBERGH.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Langbergh, in quo [sunt] villae SKELTON ET MERSK-villae ij, Walterus deFawcombergh. PYKETON, JARUM ET Lucia de Everingham.a BROGHTON-I1IJ ville J WHERLETON SEMER ESTON CARLETON Nicholaus de Meynill eaMIDELTON rum dominus. HOTON JUXTA RUDDEBY NEUBY ET MAGNA BROGHTON —ville separales, STOKESLEY INGELBYb ESEBY Johannes de Eure. BATHERESBY ET KIRKBY-V villse, LYTHUMC HILDERWELL Marmaducus de Twenge. KILTON CUM THORP —ville iij, WILTON LAYSINGBY Radulphus de Morers. LAKKENBY-iij villae, EGGETON HOTON JUXTA MULGRAVE LITHE BARNEBY BARNEBY -Petrus de Malo Lacu. MIKELBY ELREDDEBYd BERKBYe NEUTONf-viij separales villae, a See page 307, note d. b Ingleby Greenhow. Kirkleatham. d Ellerby.' Borrowby. f Newton Mulgrave. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBARGH, N. R. 329 UPPESALE \ ORMESBY-villM 1 ij, INGELBY CUMg ERNECLIF Robertus de Colvill. ESYNGTON Galfridus Maucovenan (t) et Ambrosius de Camera. AToNh } Henricus de Apelby. HEMELINGTON-1ij vill}e, ACCLUM LEVINGTHORP Ingelramus de Doyngton.J ROUCEBY-villae iij, DANEBY LYVERTON.Willelmus le Latymere. OTHORN —ville iij, CASTEL LEVYNGTON Johannes de Meynill. KIRK LEVYNGTON Alienora de Percy. RUNGETON Simon de Meynill. WIRKESALL Johannes Gower, Willelmus FAYCEBY Sturmy et Ricardus de SCOTHERSKELF-iij villae, Stocheg'.k POTHOWE Rogerus de Heselarton. HILTON Thomas Salcokl et Adam de Skelton. KILDALE Johannes de Percy. NEUTON SUBTUS ONESBERGHm Galfridus Casel.n NUNETHORP Robertus Gre. HOTON~ JUXTA GISBURN Johannes de Horton.P GISBURN THERMERBYq ~THERME RBqPrior de Gisburn. LOFTHOWSE UGGETHORP-iiij villae, NORMANBY [blank.]r g Ingelby sub Arneclif, A. F. h Great Ayton. i An error for Bovyngton, or Boynton. i Crathorn is the place intended. k Ricardus de Scotherskelf. See page 236, antea. I The F. MS. has the following marginal note in another hand:-" ut habens custodiam terrae et haeredis Johannis de Meynell de Hilton, ex dono et concessione Nicholai domini Meynell de Whorelton, cujus servus et armiger ipse erat praedictus Thomas Salcocke." The heir of John de Meynill was his son Nicholas, who married Cecilia, daughter and heiress of Thomas Salcock, of South Salcock, co. York (Graves' Hist. of Cleveland, 71). " See page 128, note e. An error for Roseles. Galfrid de Roseles confirmed to the Prior and Convent of Gisburn the tithe of six acres of meadow in Newton, given to them by his father, Sir William de Roseles (Burton's Mon. Ebor., 350). " Hutton Lowcross. P Johannes de Hoton. See page 129, note m. Thornaby. Perhaps the Prior of Gisburn. 330 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. HORNTONS Robertus (blank).t MALTEBY Willelmus de Malteby. STAYNESBY Haer' de Staynesby. MARTON Haer' Johannis de Blaby [et] Ricardus de Marton. ASELBY Willelmus de Rosas." TOUCYTES Johannes de Stoucotes et Adam de (blank)." PYNCHENTHORP Ranulphus de Nevill. WESTERDALE In custodia Regis.w PARVA BROGHTON Prior de Hexhelscam. INGELBY CUM BEREWYK Henricus filius Hugonis, Johannes Gower, Willelmus de Paytebyr et Willelmus Rotrux.Y, Thornton, near Stainton. t Robert Gretheued held four carucates in "Staynton cum Thornton" in the 31st Edward I. (page 238, antea). u Willelmus de Roseles. See page 236, antea. v Johannes de Toucotes et Adam de Toucotes. See page 236, antea. w Westerdale had belonged to the Templars. * Probably an error for Fayceby. Y Rotour, A. F. [LIBERTAS DE RYPON.]a Archiepiscopus dominus [est] libertatis de Rypon, cujus villae sunt BURGUS RYPON Archiepiscopus Ebor. OTHo RPb. Idem Archiepiscopus. THoRNToN —vllh 1j, J CALLAYd GRANTELY I _GRANTELY Johannes Gras.f EYVESTON J STODELEYe —iiij villEe, HEWYK AD PONTEM Canonici ecclesiae de Rypon. GEVILDALE Simon Warde. WESTWIKE Willelmus de Stopham. NIDDE Radulphus filius Willelmi. MARKENTON Johannes de Markingfeld. INGERTHORP Nicholaus de Burton. STANELEYg Archiepiscopus Ebor. NIDDERSDALE In manu Regis. CLOTHEROM Rogerus de Clotherom.h MUNKETONi1. Archiepiscopus Ebor. SCHARHOW~-Vllle 1J, J NUNNEWYK Rogerus de Nunnewyk. SKE(L) TON Canonici ecclesiae de Rypon. NEUBY Simon Warde. ~ The liberty of Ripon is in the West Riding. b Commonly called Littlethorpe. c Bishop Thornton. d Sawley. e Studley Magna, afterwards called Studley Royal. f Sir John le Gras, of Studley, was high sheriff of Yorkshire in 1309. His only child, Isabella, married Sir Richard Tempest ( Walbran's Lords of Studley). g North Stainley. ^ In the 5th Edward II. Roger de Clotherum obtained a charter of free warren in Clotherum, Kerkestan (Kirk Stainley), and North Studeley (Cal, Rot. Chart., 145). Bishop Monkton. [LIBERTAS DE BELLA LANDA.] Abbas de Bella Landa dominus [est] libertatis dc Bella Landa, cujus villsea [sunt] OTRINGTONb LAISTHORP FALDINGTON KEPEWYK1 BAGGEBY SCAKENDENEV Abbas de Bella Landa. S UTTONd THORMOTBYe FELICE KIRKf MATHERBY ET AMPELFORD — separales villse, a This account should be compared with that given in Kirkby's Inquest (pp. 105, 106). b South Ottrington. c Scackleton. d Sutton-under-Whitestone Cliff. Thornaby, in Langbargh wapentake. f Feliskirk is not named in Kirkby's Inquest.. Eleven vills are here enumerated. [LIBERTAS DE RICHEMUND.] Johannes de Britannia, Comes Richemondiae, dominus [est] libertatis de Richemund., in qua sunt burg' et villke [WAPENTAGIUM DE GILLING WEST.] RICHMOND, burgus Johannes de Britannia, Comes Richmondiae. MIKELTON Henricus filius Hugonis. CUTHERSTON Radulphus filius Willelmi. HUNDERTHWAIT Matilda de Bedall. LYRTINGTON Umfridus le Spring. BOGHES BRIGGENHALE-iij villae, STRETFORDb Abbas de Egleston et Willelmus filius Stephani. ROKESBY HEer' Briani filii Alani. SCARGILL Warinus de Scargill. BERNINGHAM Ricardus de Berningham et Ricardus filius Johannis de eadem. NEUSOM Brianus Pygot et Willelmus de Middelton. DALTONC IN BROGHTON LITH Johannes de Stapelton et Rogerus de Ask. WASSINGTON ET RAVENESWORTH Henricus filius Hugonis. GILLING ET HEREFORDd Johannes de Britannia et Johannes de Her (t) ford. MELSHAMBY Johannes de Stapelton. Thomas de Laton, Henricus EST LATON CUM J de Laton, Johannes filius WEST LATON Alexandri et Willelmus de L la Mare. HOTON LONGVILERS Margareta de Nevill. a Boldron. b Stretford (Startforth) is not mentioned in Kirkby's Inquest. See page 166, note d. d Hartforth. 334 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. THORP MORHAMC Maria de Nevill et Robertus de Wycliff. BERFORD Robertus de Hastanges.f WYCLIFF CUM ULMYNGTONS Haer' Briani filii Alani et Robertus de Wycliff. APELBY SUPER TESE Thomas de Mauneby. CLIF Edwardus Charles. ALDEBURGH ET CARLETON Johannes de Britannia et Ranulphus Pygot. STAYNWEGGES Johannes Marmyon et Thomas de Richemond. FORSET Johannes de Britannia. ESEBY Abbas de Sancta Agatha. SKITEBY ET ASK Abbas de Sancta Agatha, Abbas de Egleston et Rogerus de Ask. (Petrus de Malo Lacu, RoRITH, HEL(A)GH ET J gerus de Gertheston, JuFREMYNGTON liana de Gaunt et Henricus L filius Hugonis. MARRYNGh Rogerus de Ask. SMARSKi ET SKELTON Harsculphus de Cleseby et haer' Alnaci. [WAPENTAGIUM DE GILLING EST.] KIRKBY WYSK Robertus le Conestable. [NEUBYk Willelmus de Holteby.]l [MAUNEBY Robertus le Conestable.] SELBORGHm Thomas de Mauneby. WARLAGHBY Nicholaus de Hewyke et Galfridus de Scrop. AYNDERBY WYTH STEPIL Johannes de Furnels. MORTON" Radulphus filius Willelmi. THIRNTOFT Robertus le Conestable et~ Radulphus filius Willelmi. PARVA LANGETON Johannes Marmion. e Thorp et Mortham. See page 167, antea. f In the 8th Edward II. Robert de Hastings had a charter of free warren in "Clesby, Cloubeck, Bereford-super-Tese, Thorpe-Understane, Tanefeld and Couton" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 147). g Ulvyngton (Ovington), near Wycliffe (Cal. Inq. p. in., i., 281). h Marrick. i Marsk. Alnaci de Hanlathby (Hanlaby). See page 173, antea. k Newby Wiske. This and the succeeding entry are taken from the A. and F. MSS.' See page 176, note q. " Morton-upon-Swale. " A. and F. omit et Radulphus filius Willelmi. LIBERTY OF RICHMOND, N. R. 335 MAGNA LANGETONi Thomas de Richmond et Henricus filius Hugonis. RIPPLINGHAMq Abbas de Sancta Agatha. ELLERTON/ BOLTON' ET Abbas Beatse Marise Ebor. et WHITEWELL Johannes de Lasceles. BRUMPTON SUPER SWALE Abbas de Sancta Agatha, Johannes de Lasceles et Johannes Gretheuid. SCORTON ET UCKERBY Henricus filius Hugonis, haeredes Briani filii Alani, haeredes Gilberti de Wauton et Adam de Uckerby. MULTON JohannesdeBritannia,Comes. MIDDELTON ET KNETON Ingelramus de Gynes, Matheus de Middelton et Galfridus de Melshamby. JAFFORD Willelmus de Brettevill et Ricardus de Danby. DANEBY Johannes de Britannia. SUTH COUTONt ET ATELOUu Edwardus Charles et Robertus Lescales.v TEMPLE COUTONW Johannes de Fyton. NORTH COUTON Abbas de Fontibus et Thomas de Laton. ERYHOM Johannes de Markynfeld et Johannes de Mosteres. CROFT, WALMIRE [ET] Henricus le Scrop et WilJOLEBY J lelmus de Claris Vallibus. STAPELTON Nicholaus de Stapelton et Abbas de Sancta Agatha. HALNAGHBY Haeres Alnaci.z NEUTON MORELL Thomas de Mauneby. BARTON ET BRETANBY Abbas de Sancta Agatha, haeredes Grimbaldi Franceys, hweredes Johannis de Hudleston et Thomas de Apelgarth. CLESEBY Amabilla de Cleseby. p Otherwise Langton-upon-Swale. q An error for Kippling (Kiplin). See page 175, antea. r Ellerton-on-Swale. This place is not mentioned in Kirkby's Inquest. S Bolton-upon-Swale. t See page 165, notej. " Atley Hill. v Lasceles, A. F. Otherwise East or Long Cowton. Ileres Alnaci de Halnaghby. 336 THE NOM1NA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. MAUNFELD Johannes Marmion, haeredes Henrici filii Conani et eadem Amabilla. [WAPENTAGIUM DE HANG.] SCORUETON Andreas de Markynfeld. FENCOTE Thomas de Colvill et Henricus le Scrop. KIRKEBY CUM FLETHAM Henricus le Scrop et Nicholaus de Stapilton. BURGH Johannes Marmion et Thomas de Richemond. TUNSTAL Johannes de Waleby,Y Abbas de Jervals et Abbas de Sancta Agatha. HIPPESWELL Alanus de Kackery.z COLBURN Thomas de Mauneby. SCOTTON Willelmus le Latymer. HODDESWELL Abbas de Sancta Agatha et Abbas Beatae Marite. ELLERTON CUM STAUNTONa Prior de Ellerton et haeredes Thomae de Herford. WALBURN Johannes de Cleseby. GRYNTON Prior de Bridlington et Robertus Swakk. LEMYNG CUM DISCOGHb Henricus filius Hugonis et Henricus le Scrop. BEDALE CUM FRITHEBYC Haeredes Briani filii Alani. THORP PIRROMd [ET] SNAPP Maria de Middelham etAdam de Swillington. WELL ET NOSTERFELD Maria de Neville. MASHAM Hugo de Hopham. BURTON SUPER YORE Rogerus Oysell. SWYNTON Radulphus de Normanvill. ILKETON Johannes Waxand, Abbas de Fontibus et Magister Hospitalis [Sanctae Mariae] Magdalenae.e HELAGH CUM SUTTONf Hugo deHepham et Johannes de Henton.s Y Waldeby, A. F. 2 Kirkeby, A. a Ellerton (Abbey) and Stainton. b Aiscogh, A. F. Aiskew, near Bedale. c Firby, near Bedale. d Thorp Perrow. e The hospital of St. Mary Magdalene at Ripon. f Healey and High Sutton. g Probably John de Hunton. LIBERTY OF RICHMOND, N. R. 337 FEGHERBYh Reginaldus de Clyfton et Johannes Alward. ELINGTON ET ELINGSTRING Abbas de Jervals et haeredes Ricardi Oysell. THIRN Reginaldus de Clifton. THORNTON ET WATLOUS Simon de Stuttevill et Hugo de Thoresby. THORNTONi COLLYNG [ET] Heredes i BURELL } Hmredes Briani filui Alani. BURELL J CRACHALL Maria de Middelham. NEUTONj Robertus de Heppale. BURTONk PATRIK Rogerus de Lines et Henricus filius Hugonis. FYNGAL ET HOTON HANG A s de ET HASELDEN-iij ville, Abbs de Jeals. HAWKESWELL Simon de Stotevill et Robertus de Egliscliff. BELLERBY Haeredes Thomre de Hertford et Henricus le Scrope. HUNTON [ET] 1 Thomas de Burgh et JoHERGHETHORP1 cum membris J hannes de Hunton. ANDERBYm ET HOLTEBY Thomas de Colvill et Johannes de Aynderby. HACFORD ET APELTON Thomas de Burgh et Thomas de Hertford." HORNEBY Thomas de Horneby. LANGETHORNE Abbas Beatme Mariae Ebor. THORNTON STYWARD Johannes del Hull. DANEBY SUPER YORE Haeredes Petri de Killum et Johannes Wichard. ELUESHOUO Johannes Wychard. WENDESLEY Galfridus LuterellP et Jacobus de Wendesley. RIDEMER Nicholaus de Holteby. LAYBURN Domina de Layburn. PRESTON Gilbertus Haunsard. BOULTON IN WENDESDALE Henricus les Scropp. THORESBY Hugo de Thoresby. h Fearby. i See page 162, note k. i Newton-le-Willows. k An error for Brompton. i Probably Erethorne is the place intended. See page 161, antea. Ainderby Myers.' Thomas de Hacford, A. F. I Ulveshow. This place has disappeared. See page 158, note h. P Sir Geoffrey Luterel held here as guardian of John, son and heir of Peter de Wensley (Stapleton's Trinity Priory, York, 160). z 338 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. KEPPERBYq Johannes de Wauton.r WODEHALLE ET NAPPAYs Ranulphus filius Radulphi et Johannes del Hull. ASKRIGG Stephanus de Thornton. BAYNBRIGG Johannes de Britannia. THORNTON RUST Ranulphus filius Radulphi et Stephanus de Thornton. AYKSCHARCH Maria de Nevill. BURTON [IN] BISCOPDALE ET Thomas de Burg. WALDoNt^^mro ET }Thomas de Burgh. WEST WHITTON ET J d C. S (w) YNYTHWAIT j. Johannes de Cyreby.u S (W) YNYTHWAIT J MIDDELHAM Maria de Nevill. CARLETON IN COVERDALE ET Galfridus de Scrop et ReyCALDEBERGH J nerus Stiget. BURTON CONESTABLE Thomas de Richemond. EST WOTTONv Abbas de [blank.]w SPONITHORN ET HERNEBYX —ij vill e,gin ldus i Radulphi. COVERHAM ET SCROFTONY Galfridus de Scrop et Abbas de Coverham. KATERIK Johannes de Britannia. MELMORBYZ Ranulphusa Pygot. [WAPENTAGIUM DE HALIKELD.] DISCEFORDb Abbas de Fontibus. RANINGTON ET NEUBYC Idem Abbas. ESCANBYd Domina de Percy, Prior de Novo Burgo et Robertus de Wandesworth. MELMORBYe Abbas de Fontibus. MIDDELTON Thomas de Nevill. t Carperby.' John de Wanton, or Wauton, was bailiff of the Liberty of Knaresbrough in 1327 (Rot. Scot., i., 216).' Wood Hall and Nappa, in the parish of Aysgarth, are not named in Kirkby's Inquest. t Walden, a hamlet in the township of Burton-with-Walden. " An error for "Johanna de Dryby," daughter of Robert de Tattersall. See pp. 155, 311, antea. v East Witton. w Abbas de Jorevalle. See page 155, antea. Spennithorne and Harnby. y Probably West Scrafton. * Melmerby, in the parish of Coverham. a Reginaldus, A. ^ The text has " Halikeld " in the margin, evidently to indicate that Disceford and the succeeding vills are in that wapentake. MSS. A. and F. have "Halikeld et Disceford" erroneously. c Newby-super-Swale. d Asenby. e Melmerby, in the parish of Wath. LIBERTY OF RICHMOND, N. R. 339 TORTONf Johannes de Cleseby. WATH Johannes Marmyon. WEST (T)ANFELD, WYNTON ET Ide Johannes M. NOSTERFELD J KIRTLINGTON CUM Willelmus de Musters et GalMARNEWYKh fridus les Scrop. PICHALE Jollanus de Nevill. AYNDERBYi Abbas de Fontibus. SURDERBYj Johannes Marmyon et Robertus de Musters. SWAYNLE CUM 1 Radulphus filius Radulphi et ARTHETHORPk Johannes de Lasceles. GAYTANBY Rogerus de Aske. ESKELBY, NEUTON1 ET 1Joh nes r -LEMING } Johannes Marmyon. LEMING J " THOXTONN' Willelmus de Murrers et Abbas de Coverham. KIRKEBY CUM LANGETHORN' Prior de Novo Burgo et Alexander de Ledys.~ HUDBARTONP ET MILDEBY Johannes Pachesq et heredes" (sic) Philippi Bryton. THORNTON, GINDALE ET Johannes LE CCEBYS. i Johannes Sayvill EST (T)ANFELD ET Johannes Marmion et RoberCARETHORP-ij ville, tus de Hastanges. f An error for Norton, commonly called Norton-le-Clay. s " Wynton," which is in the parish of Sigston, and wapentake of Allertonshire, is, perhaps, an error for "Sutton" juxta Hougrave. Sutton Howgrave, as it is now called, is about two miles and a half from. West Tanfield and Nosterfield. At the time of Kirkby's Inquest Sutton and Hougrave were held by Ralph de Rugemond (page 186, antea). Possibly Marmion held Sutton under Rugemond. h Yarnewyk (Yarnwick), near Kirklington, now depopulated. Ainderby-Quernhowe. i Sinderby. Swainby-with-Allerthorpe. See page 182, note o. Scabbed Newton, alias Newton Picot. n Theakston. n Kirkby-on-the-Moor, commonly called Kirkby Hill, and Langthorpe. o In the 33rd Edward I., Alexander de Leedes obtained a charter of free warren in "Kirkeby super Moram et Gipton " (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). P Hundburton, now called Humberton. q 25th Edward I. Inq. de terris Philippi le Lou et Margerice uxoris ejus in manum regis captis. " Quidam Willielmus de Arderne terras tenuit in Hundeburton de Rogero de Moubray, qui tempore mortis dicti Willielmi fuit infra setatem; ratione cujus minoris retatis Rex seisivit terras dicti Willielmi in manuni suam, quia Ricardus de Arderne, frater et haeres ejus, metatis triginta annorun, nunc defunctus, idiota fuit: et postea liberavit terras illas proefato Philippo et Margeriae uxori ejus, Johanni Peeche, et Johanni le Lou et Amicise uxori ejus, tanquam propinquioribus hseredibus dictorum Willielmi et Ricardi" (Cal. Gen., ii., 544). r The heir of Sir Philip le Breton was his son John (Longstajfe's Darlington).' Thornton Bridge, Cundall and Leckby. Johannes Dayvill, A. z 2 [LIBERTAS DE ALVERTON.] Episcopus Dunolm. dominus [est] libertatis de Alverton, in qua sunt burg' et villae de ALVERTON, burgo THORNTON CUM VINASa ROMONDBY BERGEBYb KNAMYNGTON CUM BRACWHARTHC - Episcopus Dunolm. BRUMPTON OSMUNDERLEY SUREBY ET HERTELECLIFd- ix separalibus villis, HOTON COIGNERS NORTON CONIERS HOLMe Robertus de Coigners. HOUGRAVEf ET DUTTENSALES —illis V, HOTON ET CESSAY-ij villis, Willelmus Darel. THORNTON IN STRATA Johannes Waxand et Johannes de la Mare. OTRINGTONh Robertus de Horneby. NORTH KULVINGTON Abbas de Eggleston. LYANDMET/ Rogerus Maudoust et Thomas de Belson.j KEPEWIK Rector ecclesiae de Leek. WIRSALk Gilbertus de Thorneby. HORNEBY CUM THORP PARVAI Gilbertus a Thornton-in-Vivar,' A. F. Thornton-le-Beans, in the parish of North Ottrington. b Borrowby, in the parish of Leake. " Knayton-with-Brawith. The latter place is not mentioned in Kirkby's Inquest. d Sureby sub Koteclyf (page 101, antea). Sowerby-under-Cotcliff, in the parish of Sigston. e Holme, in the parish of Pickhill. f Howgrave, now called Sutton Howgrave, in the parish of Kirklington. g Over Dinsdale, in the parish of Sockburn. h North Ottrington. i Landmoth. i Thomas de Belsome, A. F. k High Worsall. 1 Thorp Parva is not named in Kirkby's Inquest, and has now disappeared. Its site is indicated by Thorp Row House, a farm about one mile S.W. of Hornby, in the parish of Great Smeaton. "' See page 100, note 1. LIBERTY OF ALLERTONSHIRE, N. R. 341 BRETTEBY CUM BRETTEBY CUSMI) O I} Johannes de Insula. PARVA SM(I)THETON HOTON BONEVILL Johannes de Speton. DIGHTON Gocelinus Deyvill et Ricardus de Kirkebride. WEST HERLESEY Johannes de Burton. ELLERBEK Robertus de Brumpton. THIMELBY, FOXTON ET THIMELBYS, FXTONn E Robertus de Colvill. S IGGLESTON J LOUNDO Marmaducus de Thwengep et Robertus de la More.q " Sigston. ~ This entry is misplaced. It refers to Lund on the Wolds, in the East Riding, where the bishop of Durham held 18 carucates at the date of the Domesday Survey. P In the 21st Edward I., Marmaduke de Thwenge obtained a charter of free warren, market and fair in his manors of "Cotum, Lunte and Tweng" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 124). Sir William de Tweng, son and heir of the above Marmaduke, founded a chantry in the church of Lund in 1339 (Torre's MSS., 1315). i Robert de More had a grant of free warren in Lund and La More in the 3rd Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 142). WEST RID[ING]. [WAPENTAGIUM DE AYNSTY.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Aynsty, in quo sunt villse de THORP D'ARCH' Nicholaus de Stapelton et Aucherus filius Henrici. WALTON Elias Farwath, Gilbertus Scot et Willelmus Martel. BYKERTON Willelmus Gramary. ToCWITH Willelmus de Ros et Andreas de Kirkeby. WYLESTHORP Thomas de Pontefracto. SKAKELTHORP Willelmus de Ros. MUNKETON Thomas de Uctrede. HESSEY Abbas Beatae Mariae Ebor. KNAPTON Episcopus Cestriensis.a RUGHFORD Alicia uxor Willelmi de Bugthorp. MERESTON Johannes de Belkethorpb et Abbas de Fontibus. HOTONC Johannes de Crepling.d BILTON ET ijJohannes Waleys et Nicholaa le HELAGH-villis ij, | Vavasur. a The bishops of Lichfield and Coventry were occasionally styled Episcopi Cestrienses. Walter de Langton, who is elsewhere mentioned, was appointed to that see in 1296, and died seised of the manor of Knapton in 1322 (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 300). b John de Belkethorp was probably the son and heir of William, son of Thomas de Marston, who held the manors of Berghthorp and Marston in 1278 (pp. 28, 221, antea). About 1240, the father of this Thomas de Marston, Sir William, son of Thomas de Belkerthorpe, knight, gave lands in Gouthorpe to the church of St. Peter of York (Mon. Angl., vi., 1189). Belthorpe House, where there are some remains of a moat, is one mile east of Gouthorpe, and in the parish of Bishop Wilton. c Hoton juxta Marston, alias Hoton Wandesley. d Sir John de Creppinge, son and heir of Sir Robert de Creppinge (Cal. Gen., i., 294), was high sheriff of Yorkshire in 1307-8. e Ricardus Waleys, F. Sir Richard Waleys, of Burgh Waleys, and his sister Nicholaa, widow of Sir William Vavasour, of Haslewood. See pp. 220, WAPENTAKE OP THE AINSTY, W. R. 343 WHIHALE, ESTAK ET FOLITWAIT Alanus de Fol(i)thwait et Johannes FOLITWAIT Alanus de Fol (i)thwait et Johannes de Belkethorp. HOXTON Simon de Kyme. BOLTON CUM HARNYNGTON Dominah de Vescy. APPELTON Walterus de Fauconberg et Henricus Sampson. ACASTRE MALBYS Willelmus de Malbis.j ACASTRE SELBY Abbas de Selby. BISCHOPTHORP Archiepiscopus Ebor. MIDDELTHORP Abbas de Bella Landa. STIVETON Gilbertus de Ros. COLTON Willelmus de Ros. COUPEMANTHORP Willelmus de Malbis. BILBURGH Rogerus Basy. CATHERTHORN Prior de Parco et Henricus de Cruce. WEST ASKHAM Prior de Bridlington. ASKHAM BRIAN Gilbertus de Stapeltonk et Johannes Grey DRYNGHOUSES Johannes Grey.l 222, antea. In the 16th Edward II., Henry, brother and heir of Robert, son of William le Vavasor, granted the manor of Bilton to Thomas Davyll and Isabella, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten (Cott. MS., Fesp. A., iv., 169 a). f Whihale and Estak are Wighill and Esedike. " Hemelak," which has not been previously mentioned, is probably an error for Hagenby, now depopulated (page 26, antea, note z). In the 4th Edward II., the Prior of Healaugh had a grant of free warren in "Wighale, Hagenby and Esdyke" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 143). g Ranulph de Blankmonstre, alias de Albo Monasterio, held Wighale and Calveton in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). See page 119, antea. h Isabella de Beaumont, widow of John de Vescy. Some account of this family has been given at page 218. J Sir William Malbis died about 1365, and was succeeded by his younger son, Sir Walter Malbis (York Corporation Papers, ii., 988). The eldest son, Sir Thomas Malbis, died about 1360, leaving a daughter and heiress, Elizabeth, who became the wife of Adam de Bekwith (Ibid., 996). k Sir Gilbert Stapleton, second son of Sir Miles Stapleton, of Carleton, married Agnes (or Maud), eldest daughter and co-heir of Sir Brian Fitz Alan of Bedale. Catherine, the younger daughter, married Sir John Gray of Rotherfield, who died seised of a moiety of the manor of Askham Brian in 1359 (Cal. Inq. p. m., ii., 213). I Before 1244, Walter Gray, archbishop of York, granted lands in " Drenghuses" to his brother Robert (Drake's Eborac., append., lxiv), whose grandson, Robert de Gray, held here at the date of Kirkby's Inquest. Sir John Gray, of Rotherfield, grandson of Robert, had a charter of free warren in Dringhouse in the 4th Edward III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 163), and died seised of that manor in 1359 (Cal. Inq. p. m., ii., 213). 344 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. LIBERTAS SANCTI LEONARDI EBOR., in qua [sunt] villke ij, NEUTON SUPER USAMm ET } Magister Hospitalis Sancti LeoBRAMPHOP" nardi Ebor. WAPENTAGIUM DE BARKESTON. Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Barkeston, in quo [sunt] ville de SELBY HILLUM HILLUM Abbas de Selby. HAMELTON a e Selby. FRISTON —iiij villis, J CARLETON EST [HATHELSAY] ET Nicholaus de Stapelton. WEST HATHELSAY-iij villis, HURST KURTENAY Heresa Johannis de Metham. TEMPLEHURST Willelmus de Holand.6 DRAX cum membris Johannes Paynel. BERLEYC Ricardus de Berley.d BRAITON Abbas de Selby. BIRKYN Adam de Everingham de Birkyn. SUTTON Willelmus Clarell. BYRROM Robertus de Sancto Paulo. m Newton-upon-Ouse, in the wapentake of Bulmer. Bramhope, in Skyrack wapentake. See page 37, antea. a The heir of John de Metham, who died about the 5th Edward II. (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 245), was his son Thomas. b March 11th, 1315. A commission to the parish priest of Birkin to hear the confession which a parishioner of his, Sir William de Holand, knight, is most anxious to make (Fasti Ebor., i., 385). B" arlow, in the parish of Brayton. This place has not been previously mentioned. d Sir Richard de Berley died about 1323 (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., 276), leaving William his son and heir (Reg. Melton, 594 b). WAPENTAKE OF BARKSTON-ASH, W. R. 345 BRETTON 1.BRETTON} Johannes de Lascy. GATEFORD-villis ij, BIRNE Dominag de Bella Aqua. KIRKEBYf-ij VilliS, BROTHERTON Archiepiscopus Ebor. et Johannes de Markyngfeld. FARBURN Alicia de Everingham et Robertus de Reygate. NEUTON WALEYSh Ricardus Waleys. LEDESHAM Prior de Pontefracto. MIKELFELD Jacobus de Boyvill.i LUTERINGTON cum membris Galfridus de Hothomj et Hugo Paynel. HESELWOOD cum membris Nicholaak la Vavazour. SUTTONI Eadem Nicholaa et Prior de Watton. BRAMHAM cum membris Prior de Sancto Oswaldo, Petrus de Malo Lacu et Johannes de Ocklesthorp. ULLESTONm' Simon de Kyme et Prior de Parco. NEUTON KYME Idem Simon. SHIRBURN SUTH MILFORD WISTOO Archiepiscopus Ebor. CAWOOD —iiij villis, J GRYMESTON Haeres Thoma filii Henrici" de Grymeston et Margareta de Nevill. NORTH MILLEFORD Johannes filius Roberti de North Milleford et Johannes filius Johannis de eadem. Bretton juxta Brotherton, now called Burton Salmon. f Kirkby Wharfe. g Isabella, widow of Sir John de Bella Aqua, of Kirtlington, co. Notts (Reg. Corbridge, 92 b, 102 a). a Now called Newton-in-the-Willows. i Sir James Bosvile, son of John, and grandson of Sir John Bosvile, of Newhall in Darfield (S. Yorks., ii., 110). i On Jan. 31st, 1310-11, Sir Geoffrey de Hotham did homage to archbishop Greenfield for the third part of a knight's fee in Lutrington which he claimed to hold of him " nomine dotis uxoris sue " (Reg. Gereenfield, pars ii., 223 b). k Nicholaa, widow of Sir William Vavasour, and daughter of Sir Stephen Waleys of Burgh Waleys. Stutton, near Tadcaster. m Toulston, in the parish of Newton Kyme. " Henry de Grimston was the son and heir of Thomas de Grimston, by Sarra, daughter of Sir Anketin Malory (Cal. Gen., i., 389). 346 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. RITHER Robertus de Rither. TADDECASTRE Henricus de Percy. FENTON cum membris Henricus de Camera et Johannes filius Ricardi de eadem. SOUETONO Willelmus de Stopham. SAXTON Rogerus de Ledys. LEDE Ricardus Tyes. BARKESTON Archiepiscopus Ebor., JohannesP filius Walteri et Johannes de Selby.q HODLESTON ET LUMBY Hseredesr Godefridi de Melsa et Ricardus, capellanus de Feribrigs. o Towton, in the parish of Saxton. P John, son of Walter, son of Thomas de Barkston. His son William had succeeded to Barkston in 1329 (Reg. Melton, 594 b). q Probably John de Selby, eldest son of Nicholas de Selby, alderman of York, who was chamberlain in 1317, and bailiff in 1321-2. He was living in 1334. An error for " heres." On Feb. 2nd, 1310-11, Robert de Grenefeld and William, his son, were made guardians of the lands of Godfrey de Melsa at Hodeleston on account of the minority of John, his son and heir (Fasti Ebor., i., 379. Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 52 a).' " Ricardus dictus Gaugy, presbiter," was collated to the chapel of St. Mary at Fery juxta Pontem on the 12th kal. Dec., 1309 (Reg. Greenfield, pars i., 79). See page 214, note d. [WAPENTAGIUM DE SKYRAK.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Skyrayk, in quo [sunt] villke de MORTON Priora de Martheby et Radulphus de Ilketon. BYNGELEY Johannes de Harcourt. BAYLDON Johannes de Napelton,b Willelmus de Stopham et Johannes Byroun. HAUKESWORTHE Walterus de Haukesworth. GISELEY Simon Warde. YHEDON Simon de Braham, Johannes de Clehayc et dominad de Langetoft. RAUDON Prior de Bolton, Michael de Roudon et Willelmus de Craven. ILKELEY Dominae de Percy et Abbas de Salley. BURLEY Haer'f Ricardi de Baby (n) gton in custodia Archiepiscopi Ebor. MENSINGTON Alexander de Mensington etWalterus de Hau(ke)sworth. OTTELEY Archiepiscopus Ebor. POUILL Ricardus de Goldesburgh. ARTHINGTON Laurentius de Arthington. HARWODE Robertus de Ide.s a An error for Petrus de Marthely. The heirs of Simon de Monte Alto held two carucates and a half in Morton in the 13th Edward I. (p. 31, antea). Alice, eldest daughter and co-heir of the above Simon, married John de Martheley, and Matilda, another daughter, married Nicholas de Ilketon (Plac. de Quo Warr., 225). b Johannes de Stapelton. c Probably an error for Clay or Ilklay. d I am unable to identify "the lady of Langtoft." e On Jan. 22nd, 1324, Dame Beatrix, widow of Sir Robert de Percy, took the vow of chastity before the archbishop at Cawood (Fasti Ebor., i., 418). f On Sept. 12th, 1312, archbishop Greenfield granted to Lucy, widow of Richard de Babington, who held of him the manor of Burghley by knight's service, the marriage of Hugh, son and heir of the said Richard (Fasti Ebor., i., 312. Reg. Greenfield, pars ii., 37 b). g Robert de Insula, or de Lisle, son and heir of Warine, lord Lisle of Rougemonte. He was summoned to Parliament in 1316, and died in 1344 (Hist. Harewood, 69). 348 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. EST KESEWYK Willelmus de Ilkeley, Brianus de Thornhull, Parsona ecclesiae de Bedale et Petrus de Martheley. THORENOUR Simon de la Roche, WALTERUS DE HEDDYNGLEYh (sic), Thomas Peytevyn.i NEUTONJ Thomas de la Chambre. AUSTHORP Ricardus Walleys et Willelmus le Watter. SWILLYNGTON Adam de Swillington. PRESTON Adam de Preston. ALLERTON JUXTA AQUAM Radulphus de Beston. LEDESTON Prior de Pontefracto. WIGHDON Prior de Bolton. PARLYNGTON Hugo le Spenser. LEDYS cum membris KEPAX BERNEVILLk cum membris S (H) ADWELL SECROFT Thomas Comes Lancastriae. ABERFORD NEUSOM HALTON BELTON —ix villis, COLINGHAM RIGGETON YK de Kirkestall. ALDEWIKK AKERTONn CHAPEL cum membris-v villis, HORSEFORD Johannes Mauleverer. h The A. and F. MSS. read:-" Thorenour. Simon de la Roche, Walterus de Heddyngley et Thomas Peytevyn." This statement is evidently erroneous. The Poitevins were lords of ieadingley, where William de Patefyn held half a knight's fee in the 31st Edward I. (p. 207, antea), but they do not appear to have had any interest in Thornor. In the 4th Edward II. Simon de la Roche obtained a charter for a market and fair at Thornor (Cal. Rot. Chart., 142). The text should probably stand thus:THORENOUR Simon de la Roche. HEDDYNGLEY Walterus de Heddyngley et Thomas Peytevyn. i Elizabeth Paytfin, daughter of Sir John de Calverley (Loidis and Elmete, 217), and widow of Thomas Paytfin, lord of Headingley, by will dated 23rd August, 1341, gave her body to be buried in the priory of Esholt (Hist. Esholt Priory, 20). i Potter Newton. k An error for Beruewike or Berwike (Barwick-in-Elmete).' Probably Colton, near Halton, is the place intended. " Addle. This place is called Adlekyrk in the Feoda Militumn. An error for Allerton. [WAPENTAGIUM DE CLARHOU.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Clarhou, cujus villae sunt BETHEMESLEI Prior de Boulton, Willelmus Mauleverer et Johannes Mauleverer. NESSEFELD Petrus de Middelton. DENTON Maugerus le Vavasour. MIDDELTON Adam de Middelton. ASKWITH Idem Adam et Isabella de Marton. WESTON Willelmus de Stopham. NEUHALLE Yvl Archiepiscopus Ebor. LETHELEY Haer' Henrici de Percy in custodia Regis. CASTELLAY Willelmus de Castellay. STAYNEBURN Abbas de Fontibus. RIGGETON Idem Abbas et Ricardus de Furneux. KESREBYj Robertus del Hill. KEREBY —1J ville, KIRKEBY FERESC Haer' Henrici de Percy in custodia Regis. SIGGLINGHALL Elena, quae fuit uxor Walteri le Vavasour. LYNTON WETHERBY.Hler' Henrici de Percy. SPOFFORD-iij ville, J FOLYFAITd Prior de Novo Burgo. PLUMPTON Robertus de Plumpton et Henricus Beaufiz. BRAHAM Henricus de Hertlington. PARVA DIGHTON" ET Willelmus de Ros de In(g)manthorp. PARVA DIGHTON/ COLLETHORP Johannes de Walkingham. PARVA RIBSTAN Henricus Beaufiz. MAGNA RIBSTAN Willelmus de Ros de Hamelak. " Dunkeswick. b Robert del Isle, de Lisle, or de Insula, lord of Harewood. See pp. 206, 347, antea. c Otherwise called Kirkeby Oreblawers, and now Kirkby Overblow. d Follifoot, in the parish of Spofforth.' Kirk Deighton. f North Deighton. 350 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. GOLDESBURGH Ricardus de Goldesburgh. ALVERTON PARVA USEBURN ET Johannes Mauleverer. FLASSEBY — iij ville, J QUIXLEY-villae ij, J melsey. DUFFELDi Ricardus Waleys. GREN HAMERTON Henricus de Hamerton. KIRK HAMERTON Priori d MUNKETON —i Vill J g Allerton-Mauleverer. h Flaxby. i Driffield, A. F. Duffeld, alias Driffeld, MS. Dodsworth, vol. xxvii., 174. An error for Dunsford. In the 11th Edward I. Stephen le Waleis obtained a charter of free warren in "Burgh Waleis, Neuton Waleis, Hauley (Healaugh), Cotingeley and Dunnesford" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 112), and his grandson Stephen, son of Richard de Waleis, had a similar grant in the 5th Edward III. (Ibid., 166). [WAPENTAGIUM DE AGGEBRIGG.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Aggebrigg, in quo sunt villke de HODERFELD (HOLM —ij villis-struck Comes Lancastrive. out) CROSSELAND Willelmus Dobernount. MULETHAM. MULETHAM Comes Lancastrie. ALMANBURY-ij villis, TAGHEWHAITa Johannes Tyes. LINGARTHYS LEPTON Comes Lancastriae. HOLM-iij villis, HONLAY Ricardus de Waleys. FARNELEYb Ricardus Tyes. DALTON Johannes Flemyng et Thomas de Hoton. HOTONC Abbas de (hlank)d et Willelmus de Hoton.e BIRTONf Willelmus filius Thomae de Birton. CHELUELEYg Henricus de Shelueley. SHEPLEY Johannes de Shepley. THIRWISTANDLANDh Comes Warrenni. CUMBREWODE FLOKETON QUIK OSSET HOSSET - Idem Comes Warrenni. HORUBURY TANELEYi NORMANTON ALCOTES —viij villis, a Slaghewhait, A. F. Slaithwaite, in the parish of Huddersfield. b Farnley Tyas. C Heton, A. F. Kirk Heaton. d The F. MS. has "Fontibus" in a later hand. See page 228, antea. Willelmus de Heton (page 228, antea). f Kirkburton. g Shelley, in the parish of Kirkburton. h Thurstonland. An error for Staneley, Stanley, near Wakefield. Altoftes, A. Altofts, in the parish of Normanton. 352 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. WHITELEY Willelmus filius Willelmi. DENEBY Abbas de Bella Landa. THORNHULL Johannes de Thornhull. WEST BRETTONk Prior de Bretton. CHYLINGTONI Adam de Everingham. EMELEY Willelmus filius Willelmi. SADELWORTH Warinus de Scargill. METHELEY WARNEFELD FOKEBY| DFOKE~BY~ Comes Lancastria. DYKETONn SNYTALL WHITEWOOD —villis vj, WALTON Thomas de Gortz.~ SANDALE CRIGHELESTON Comes Warrenni. WAKEFELD —villis iij J SHARNESTON Willelmus filius Augeri. CROFFETON Prior de Sancto Oswaldo. k The township of West Bretton is partly in Staincross wapentake. See page 363, postea. Shitlington, in the parish of Thornhill. m Probably Foulby, a small hamlet in the parish of Wragby. " An error for Ayketon. Ackton, in the parish of Featherstone, is about one mile E.N.E. of Snydale. ~ Gorty, F. An error for Burgo. In the 33rd Edward I., Thomas, son of Philip de Burgo, obtained a charter of free warren in Hacford and Walton (Cal. Rot. Chart., 137). [LIBERTAS DE KNARESBURGH.] Dominus Rex dominus est libertatis de Knaresburgh, in qua [sunt] ij burgi et villme de KNARESBtJRGH PONS BURGI-ij burgis, THORESCROSSE CLYNT Dominus Rex eorum dominus. TYMBLE KILINGHALE SCREVYN-V villis, BRIKENDENa 1 [CONYNGESTHORP] LOFTHOUSESC Dominus Rex. FERINGESBY ET HOPERTON-villa una, ALDEBURGH MANSKIP ROUTHECLIFF R Rex dominus eorum. KIRKEBYd ET CATHALE BURTON ET MILDEBYe — v villis, STRETTONf Dominus Rex et haeredesg H. de Percy. BRERETON Johannes de Brereton. KIRKE STANLEE SUTH STANLEEi ET Johannes de Walkyngham. FARNHAM-iij villis, J BURDON LEONARD Johannes Becard. USEBURNEj Henricus de Bosco. STAVELEY Henricus filius Hugonis. a Erkenden, A. F. Arkendale, in the parish of Knaresborough. b Conyngesthorp, A. F. Coneythorpe, three miles E.N.E. of.Knaresborough. " Lofthouse Hill, a hamlet in the parish of Staveley. d Kirkby Hall, in the parish of Little Ouseburn. e Humberton and Milby. f Scotton, A. F. g hser', A. The heir of Henry de Percy was his son Henry. h " Kirke Stanlee " is now called South Stainley. i The site of " Suth Stanlee" is probably indicated by Stainley, a farm about half a mile south of the present village of South Stainley. J Great Ouseburn. A A WAPENTAGIUM DE STAYNCLIF. Comes Lancastrie dominus [est] wapentagii de Staynclif, cujus ville sunt CLAXTEBURNa 1 GRYNLYNGTON Thomas Comes Lancastriae. BRADEFORD-Ville iij, J BAKESCOLFb Johannes Talbot. WADDYNGTON Johannes Tempest. MITTON Thomas le Southern et haeredes domini H. de Biry.c NEUTONd Ricardus de Bathersby. ESINGTON Adam de Wannervill. HAMERTON Stephanus de Hamerton. BOULTONe Johannes de Boulton et Abbas de Selby.f RYMYNGTON Henricus de Rymyngton, Nicholaus de Boulton, Willelmus de Rymyngton, Willelmus de Roucestre, Matheus Baudewyn [et] Ricardus de Midhop. MIDHOP Robertus de Midhop, Robertus le Harpour et Johannes de Boulton. GISBURN Abbas de Selby,g Henricus de Rymyngton et Rector ecclesike de Gisburn. PATHORN Henricus le Scrop. NEUSOM Thomas del Grene et Magister Sancti Leonardi.h NAPPAY Magister Sancti Leonardi.h ~ An error for Slayteburn (Slaidburn). b Bashall, in the parish of Mitton. " hser' domini Henrici de Percy, A. F. d Newton in Bowland, otherwise called Newton-on-Hodder. Bolton by Bowland. f An error for Salley. g Abbas de Salley (pages 18, 199, antea). The Master of St. Leonard's Hospital, York (pages 18, 198, antea). WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 355 PATHENALLi Adam de Horton, Adam de Goldesburgh et Johannes filius Thomse. HOTONj Edmundus Mansaile, Willelmus de Irby, Magister Sancti Leonardih et Magister de Hospitali. SWYNDON Stephanus de Eure. HALTON Hugo de Halton. WYKELESWORTH Adam de Wykelesworth et Johannes de Wykelesworth. PRESTON Johannes Darcy. ROUTHEMELL Johannes Flemyng. BUKLESWYK/ ET Abbas de Furneaux et haer' SETELL Henrici de Percy. LANGECLIF Abbas de Sallay. STAYNFORD Idem Abbas et Johannes de Famelthorp.m LYTTON Abbas de Fontibus. ARNECLIFF Willelmus de Haukeswyk. BUCKEDEN Henricus de Percy in custodia Regis. KETELWELL Abbas de Coverham, Johannes de Gisburn et hzer'n domini Johannis Gray. MALGHUM Abbas de Fontibus. KYRKEBYO Willelmus de Haukeswyk. THORNETON Johannes de Ros. STYVETON Johannes de Styveton. GLUSBURN Johannes del Laye et Petrus Gillyot. CARLETON Thomas de Alta Ripa. GERSINGTON Isabella,P quae fuit uxor Roberti de Plumpton, et dominaq de Kyghley. LYNTON Johannes le Graas. THRESCHEFELD Elias de Threschefeld. Painley, in the parish of Gisburn. i Horton, in the parish of Gisburn. k The Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. An error for Gickleswyk. n Fauvelthorp. Constantine Fauvell and Alice, his wife, held lands in Staynford in the 31st Edward I. The heir of John, lord Gray, of Rotherfield, who died in the 5th Edw. II., was his son John. o Kirkby in Malhamdale. P Isabella, daughter of Serlo de Westwick. * Probably the widow of one of the Kyghleys of Kyghley. A A2 356 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. SKYPTON SKIYPDN Her'r Roberti de Clyfford in,SK.IGGLE5DON ~ ~custodia Regis. SIGGLESDON-Vill11 iij, STRETTONS Hser' praedicti Roberti, Ricardus Fauvel et Adam Fauvell. GAYRGRAVE Nicholaus de Bolynbrok, domina Margareta de Nevill et Nigellus de Staynford. OTERBURN Radulphus de Oterburn et hrer' Johannis filii Eliae. CONYSTONt Radulphus de Normanvill, Willelmus de Malghum et Johannes de Seyneton.u HELGFELD Magister de Hospitali, Robertus de Wylghby et Johannes de Harrecourt. AYRETON Henricus filius Hugonis. SCOTHORP Abbas de Dereham et Thomas de Scothorp. HAGHENLITHv Henricus de Hertlington et Johannes Otterburn. CALTON Willelmus de Malghum et Willelmus de Skipton. ESTON Johannes de Eston, Willelmus de Malghum et Abbas de Fourneaux.w MARTON Willelmus de Marton et Petrus Giliot. BROGHTON Idem Petrus, Willelmus de Eston, Henricus de Marton, Godfridus de Alta Ripa et Willelmus de Skipton. BRAICEWELL Johannes Tempest. HETON Ricardus Fauvell et Abbas de Fourneaux. RILLESTON Henricus de Hertlington et Ricardus Fauvell. The heir of Robert de Clifford, the first baron of the honour of Skipton, who was killed at the battle of Bannockburn in 1314, was his son Roger. * Stirton, in the parish of Skipton. t Cold Coniston, in the parish of Gargrave. " Gilbert de Singleton held two bovates in Coniston in the 31st Edward I. (page 189, antea). I Hanlith, in the parish of Kirkby Malhamdale. v MSS. A. and F. have " Abbas de Fontibus " erroneously. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE, W. R. 357 CRAKHOWE Idem Ricardus, Prior de Boulton et Prior de Malton.x BRYNSALL Willelmus de Hebbeden et Petrus Giliot. APELTREWYK HALTON CUM EMMESEI Prior de Boulton. KILDEWIK-iij villue, CONIGESTON IN COTELWOLDALEY Willelmus de Helbeden.T HELBEDONz-iiJ Ville, (sic) HAUKESWYK Willelmus de Haukeswyk, Rogerus de eadem et Johannes de Paryes.a ADINGHAM Dominab le Vavasour. DRAGHTON Adam deMidelton et Henricus le Vavasour. BRADELEY Willelmus de Skipton, Johannes de Farnhill, Robertus filius Ricardi de Bradelei et Robertus Buck. KYGHELEY Ricardus de Kigheley, Johannes del Thwaites, Ricardus de Utteley et Johannes Douaux.c COLLING Domina Margareta de Nevill. FARNHILL Prior de Boulton et Robertus de Farnhill. HOTTLINGTONd Henricus de Hertlington. FLASCEBY Johannes de Greyndorge. NEUTONe Johannes de Cathorp.f r An error for Marton (in Galtres). See page 189, antea. Y Coniston in Kettlewelldale. Hebbeden (Hebden). a Pereis, A. F. b Probably Nicholaa, widow of Sir William Vavasour. "Denaux, A. Deueaux, F. Johannes de Vaux. d Hertlington. e Bank Newton. f An error, I believe, for Catherton. In the 31st Edward I. John de Catherton held half a carucate in Neuton and Elslake (page 196, artea). WAPENTAGIUM DE STRAFFORD. Rex dominus est wapentagii de Stratford, in quo sunt villae de (Blankj) Petrus de Maule. LOVERSHALL Johannes de (Crumwell-struck out) Rypars. GAUEREt Johannes de Crumwell. ARNETHORP Abbas de Rupe. ALKELEY Walterus Touk. RODERHAM Abbas de Rufford. ASTON Thomas de Auneby. TRETON } Thomas de Furnivale. WHISTAN-villis iJ, J ULLAY Prior de Wyrsop. WATH Johannes Flemyng et Johannes del Wodhall. WAMBEWELL Robertus de Wambewell, Johannes Creppyng et Johannes Cresaker. DERFELD Thomas de Bosevill et Robertus de Bosevil. ROUTHEMERCH Stephanus de Bella Aqua et Thomas de Ridwale. TREBEl GH i Adam de Normanvill. BRAYNESFORD-~ij villis, J ECCLESFELD SHEFFELD Thomas de Furnyvall. HANDESWORTH ET BRADEFELD-iiij Villis, EDELYNGTON Henricus le Scrop et Johannes de Gloucestre.d a In MSS. A. and F. the first three entries stand thus:GAUERE Petrus de Mauley et Johannes de Crumwell. LOVERSHALL Johannes de Ripars. ARNETHORP Abbas de Rupe. b Gauere is an error for Bautre (Bawtry). " Brineford, F. Brinsworth, in the parish of Rotherham. d John de Gloucestre. Mr. Hunter could not explain his connection with Edlington (S. Yorks., i., 91). WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH, W. R. 359 BARNEBY SUPER DONE Magister Robertus de Barneby et Willelmus filius Willelmi. THIRNESCOGH Abbas de Rupe. HOTON PAINELL Galfridus Luterel. HIKELTON Robertus Haringell, Thomas de Ascheburyet Egidius de Hikelton. SCULBIESe Dominaf le Vavasour. SCAUCEBY Ingelramus de Scauceby et Walterus de Harum./ CONYNGESBURG WERMESWORTH HERTHILL DALTON HAYTEFELD SANDALE Comes Warrenni. STAYNFORD CLYFTON BRAMLAY BRAYTHEWELL-Villis X, BOULTON Stephanus de Bella Aqua et Alexander de Ledes. BRAMPTON IN MORTHYNG Edmundus Wasteneys et Jacobus Lyvet. TOTEWYK Idem Edmundus et Abbas de Rupe. CLAITON Galfridus Luterell. SUTH KIRKBY Prior de Sancto Oswaldo. FRIKLEY Dominaf le Vavasour. PICKBURN ETH Jacobus Lyvet et Willelmus Darell. BRODESWORTH J RISINGTONh Robertus de Maulay. CATEBY Willelmus filius Willelmi et Walterus de Harum. HALGHTONi In manu domini Regis. Stubbus, A. Probably Hampole-Stubbs. f See page 345, note k. g 3 kal. Jan., 1303. Licence to Walter de Harum to have an oratory within his manor of Scouceby, in the parish of Broddesword (Reg. Corbridge, 19 b). h Rossington. i Great Houghton. [WAPENTAGIUM DE MORLEY.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Morley, cujus villme sunt ROUELLa Comes Lancastrie. MORLEY Johannes de Derford.b MIDDELTON Simon de Creppinge. HUNSEFLETC Willelmus Latymer. BESTON Willelmus de Beston. WYRKELEYd Simon de la Roche. BRAMLAY Abbas de Kirkstall. FARNELEY Margareta de Nevill. CALVERLAY [ET] PUDDESAY Johannes de Calverlay. FERSLAI Ricardus Wade. IDELE Robertus de Plumpton. SCHEPLEIe Nicholaus del Marays. NORTH BYRELLf Adam de Swylington. TONGE Ricardus de Tong. LIVERSSEGE Edmundus de Nevill. BRIGHTELINGTONS Simon Warde. GATELEY" Adam de Hopp'.i HUNDESWORTH } DBYRLEY-vill ~ Johannes de Thirhill!. BYRLEY~villme ij, J a " Rothwell " is added in a later hand. b Derfeld, F. The text has "de Rotherfield " in the margin, in a later hand. See page 227, antea. " Hunslet. d Wortley, near Leeds. e Shipley, near Bradford. f North Bierley. g Drighlington. ^ Bateley, A. F. i Dr. Whittaker says that "in the Nomina Villarum, 9th Edward II., 1316, Adam de Copley is returned as Lord of Batley. This Adam founded a chantry in the south choir of Batley church" (Loidis and Elmete, 236). I believe, however, that " Hopp'" is an error for "Oxenhoppe." By charter dated at Batley, 18th October, 1334, and witnessed by Sir John de Eland, Sir Brian de Thornhill, Adam de Hoperton, John de Calverley, and others, "Adam de Oxenhoppe, dominus de Bateley," having erected " sumptibus suis " an oratory in honour of the Virgin Mary, "navi ecclesiae de Bateley contiguo," founded therein a chantry " ro anima mea et anima Marjorime, uxoris mene, et pro animabus Roberti patris et Matildis matris mee, Willelni de Coppeley, Johannis, Willelni, Thomne fratrum, et animabus domini Johannis de Thornhill, Briani filii ejus, Thomse de Thornton et Elene, uxoris ejus, Johannis de Manyngham, et animabus fratrum, sororum, parentum, et omnium benefactorum meorum" (Reg. Melton, 201). See pages 225, 280, antea. i Perhaps East Bierley. k Johannes de Thornhill. WAPENTAKE OF MORLEY, W. R. 361 GMERSALL } Johannes Tylly. HEKMONDEWYK-1J Villve) MYRFELD Thomas de HIeton. HETON CLECK Margareta de Nevill. ELAND ET OURUM' Johannes de Eland. ERDESLOWE"n Adam de Everingham. BRADFORD Nicholaus de Daudeley." BOLLYNG Willelmus [de] Bollyng. HORTON} ThomasP de Leuwyngthorp.q CLAISTONo- Vill1e iJ, THORNTON i l} Thomas de Thornton. ALLERTON-ij vilae, M/AYNYNGHAM ET Nicholaus d'Audeley. HAWORT-villke iJ, J BOULTON Willelmus de Thoxton.r WYLSEDEN Abbas de Bella Landa. HETON Rogerus de Ledes. HALIFAX Prior de Leuevich. SCHE (L) F Johannes de Schorell.t ELESTONU Johannes Flemyng et Willelmus DEUUESBURY-villae ij, f de Deuuesbiri. OVESDENV Johannes de Thornhill. MIGGELEY WADDEWORTH SCHEFFELDw LONGEFELD SKIRKOTES RISSE WORTH RISSEWORTH Comes Warrenni. HOURUMx FEKESBY H EPTONSTALL HYPY'Y SOUREBY WARLOWBYZ —Ville xij, South Owram. m Ardsley, near Wakefield. "Nicholas, lord Audley, of Heleigh, co. Stafford. He married Joan, widow of Henry, earl of Lincoln, who had Bradford as part of her dower, and died in 1319. o Clayton, near Great Horton. P Hugo de Leuwyngthorp, A. F. q Leventhorpe Hall is about one mile east of Thornton. Qucere Thexton (Theakston )? The Prior of Lewes, co. Sussex. * Probably Johannes de Thornhill. The manor of Shelf belongs to the Saviles at present, and they claimed it temp. Eliz., when Henry Savile shewed it had been held by his ancestors the Thornhills.-J. R. W. " An error for Clefton (Clifton). v Ovenden, near Halifax. A mistake for Stansfeld.' North Owranm. Y Hipperholme, near Halifax, is the place intended. T Warley. 362 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. ECCLESHILL Thomas de Scheffeld.a HERTHEUED Ricardus de Radeclive. HETONb Thomas de Heton. [WAPENTAGIUM DE YOUCROSS.] Rex dominus [est] wapentagii de Youcr(oss), cujus ville [sunt] BURTON IN LONESDALE Johannes Moubrai.c DENTONd vi } Henricus filius Hugonis. INGELTONV-ij1 ville, CLAPHAM Willelmus de Clapham. OUSTEWYK Johannes de Hamertone et Nicholaus de Stapeltonf HORTONg Abbas de Jorevall. SADBURGH 1 SADBURGH vi* } Henricus filus Hugonis. THORNTON Gregorius de Thornton.h a Thomas de Sheffeld had a charter of free warren in Eccleshill in the 4th Edward II. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 44). b Earls Heaton, in the parish of Dewsbury. c In the 35th Edward I. John de Moubray obtained a charter for a market and fair within his manor of Burton in Lonesdale (Cal. Rot. Chart., 138). d Benton, A. F. A mistake for Bentham. e John de Harington held six carucates in Austwick in the 31st Edward I. (page 278, antea). f In the 32nd Edward I. Miles and Nicholas de Stapelton obtained a charter of free warren in Oustwyk (Cal. Rot. Chart., 136). g Horton-in-Ribblesdale. h On May 22nd, 1322, archbishop Melton ordered 20 marks to be given to Gregory de Thornton, knight, " in part payment of 100 marks due to him for our service to be rendered in Scotland to the king, which he is to do " (Fasti Ebor., i., 427). A farther sum of ~60 was paid to him on July 4th, 1322 (Ibid., 427 n). [LIBERTASa DE OSGOTCROSSE.] Thomas Comes Lancastrise dominus [est] libertatis de Osgotcrosse. Pontestonb Himmelsworthk Adthelingflet Chatton' Haldanby Havercroft Whitegift Wynterset Houk Notton Pokelingtonc Derton Hek Carleton Whitley Cutheworth Rushalled Wyrkesburghrn Beghhalle Tankeresley Knottingley Silkeston Queldale Ospring Castelford Lanside Prestonf Thurkerland Badesworth Dodeworth Elmesall Bergh" Wrankewrokg Salthorn~ Burghh West BiretonP Ouston Skelmanthorp Thorni (Blank) Camesall Snayth Stubbesj Fol'q Stapelton Estoft Parva Smytheton Rednesse a The liberty of Osgoldcross includes the wapentake of Staincross. b An error for Pontefract. c Pollington. d Rowall. e Beal. f Purston Jaglin. g Wrangbrook. h Burgh Wallis. Perhaps Thornhurst, a farm about one mile and a half S.E. of Owston. i Stubbs Walden, in the parish of Womersley. k Hemsworth.' Probably Chafton (Shafton). "' Worsbrough. " Bargh or Barugh. ~ Calthorn (Cawthorne). P Westburton, A. West Bretton. See page 352, antea. q I am unable to say what place is intended. 364 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. Rouclyff Brerelay Hundaler IndelayY Hethensalle Ryhill Eggeburgh Chevet Kelington Wolfelayz Credeling Roston Fryston Brettona Hoghtons Herdeslai6 Fetherstan Wortelai Acworth Hunclyfc Uppeton Holanswayne Thorpt Peniston Skekbroku Thurleston Skelalev Staynneburgh Brampwythw Berneslai Fyshlak Keseburgh Norton Helandd Wymersleyx Claitone Darthyngton Deneby Magna Smytheton Artheworthf Omnium istarum villarum idem Comes est dominus. Hundale may perhaps be Houndhill, in the parish of Ackworth. There is, however, a place called Gowdall between Snaith and Hensall.' Glass Houghton. t Thorp Audlin. u Skelbrok, A. F. " Skellow. w Kirk Bramwith. - Womersley. - Heindley. z Wolley. " Monk Bretton. b Ardsley, in the parish of Darfield. c Hunshelf. d High Hoyland. e West Clayton. f An error for Bircheworth. [LIBERTAS DE TYKHILL.] Rex dominus [est] libertatis de Tykhill, in qua [sunt] ville de TYKHILL Dominus Rex. WADDEWORTH Adam de Everingham. STANSALL Robertus de Hoton. STAYNTON Johannes Botiller. M/ALTEBY Johannes le (sic) Crumbewell. LAGHTON IN MORTHYNG Hugoa de Morghawe. WYKERSLAY Jordanus de Ilde, Thomas de Wykereslai et Ricardus de Dred.b HOTON SUB HAIAC Robertus de Hoton. RAVENFELD Comes Warrenni, Hugo de Darcy et Robertus de Sywardeby.d WALES Prior de Bradenstok. THORP SALVAYN Anketinus Salvayn et Thomas Chaumberleyn. TYNNESLAWE Henricus de Tynneslawe. KYMBERWORTH Johannes de Crumwell. WYNTEWORTH Willelmus subtus viam et Thomas de Westhall. GRESEBROK Comes Warreni et Thomas Barbot. SWYNTON Isabellae de Beleaue. MEKESBURGH Prior de Bretton. DENYNGBY Willelmus le Vavasour. ADDEWYKf Galfridus Luterell. BARNEBURGH Stephanus de Bella Aqua et Johannes de Cresaker. MELTON Willelmus Cressy et Robertus Harringell. a By Inq. p. m., 10th Edward II., Drogo de Merlawe died seised of the manor of Laghton (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 288). b Ered, F. Mr. Hunter (S. Yorks., i., 277) thinks this should read "Ricardus de eod." c Otherwise called Hoton Robert. d Probably an error for Saundeby (pages 3, 11, antea). e Isabella, widow of Sir John de Bella Aqua. f Adwick-upon-Dearn. 366 THE NOMINA VILLARUM FOR YORKSHIRE. SPROTBURGH Willelmus filius Willelmi. BENTELEY Willelmus Sampson. SCAUSEBY CUM I Johannes de Crumbwell et Agnes de LANGETHWAYT J Langthwayt. ATHEWYKg Johannesh de Tours et Johannes de Tybbetoft. MARRE Robertus de Styveton. SKYPNESSi Johannes de Tybetoft. BILLINGLEY Prior de Blida. PARVA HALTON Henricus filius Henrici [filii] Conani. BRAMPTON JUXTA WATH Johannes Flemyng et Prior de Bretton. HOLANDj Comes Warrenni, Johannes de Rokle et Rogerus Perre. g Adwick-le-Street. h Stephen de Evers or Eure (S. Yorks., i., 352). See page 11, note 1. J Hoyland, in the parish of Wath. [LIBERTAS BEATi MARI1 EBOR.] Abbas dominus [est] libertatis Beatse Marise Ebor. OVERTON APELTONk MITONa NORMANTON1 FOSTONb KIRKEBY MYSPERTON HARTON HELMESWELLm SCHUPTONC HORNNESE cum hamelet' CLAXTON COTYNGWYKn GRYNYSTONd AYREMYN APELTONe SUPER QUERFE REDNESSE GRYMESTONf cum membris FULFORD [KYRKEBY cum membris]9 DYGHTONO SCAPTONh POPLETON SUPERIOR LAISINGHAMi POPLETON INFERIOR HOTONj Harum omnium villarum idem Abbas [est] dominus. Myton-upon-Swale. b Foston, in the wapentake of Bulmer. e Shipton, in the parish of Overton. d Bryneston, F. Burneston, in the wapentake of Hallikeld (page 186, antea). e Nun Appleton, in the Ainsty. f North Grimston, in the wapentake of Buckrose. g KYEKEBY cum membris, A. F. Kirkby-Underdale. h Spanton (Spaunton), in the parish of Lastingham, is probably the place intended (page 123, antea). i Lastingham. j Hoton Underheg (page 123, antea), now called Hutton-in-the-Hole, in the parish of Lastingham. k Appleton, in the parish of Catterick.' An error for Normanby, in Ryedale (page 123, antea). 1 Emswell, in the parish of Great Driffield. East Cottingwith, in the parish of Aughton, and wapentake of Harthill (Drake's Eborac., 624). ~ Deighton, in the parish of Escrick. IN LIBERTATE SANCTI PETRI EBOR. COTUM" Johannes de Cotum et Stephanus de Cothum. LANGETOFT HUSCTHWAYT NEUBALD CARLETONf BARNEBYb TOLLERTON DONYNGTONC ALENS MORETONd ACUM OSBALDEWYK ULSKELF STRENSALL SALETON HAXEBY BARNEBYh STYVELYNGTONe DALTON SUPER TESE* Ac istarum villarum Decanus et Capitulum ecclesiae Beati Petri Ebor. [sunt domini]. a Cottam, a small township in the parish of Langtoft. b Barmby-on-the-Moor. * Dunnington, near York. d Murton, in the parish of Osbaldwick. " Stillington. f Carlton-Husthwaite. g Alne. h An error for Braueby (Brawby), in the parish of Salton (page 123, antea). To the places here enumerated the F. MS. adds, in a later hand, Towthorpe and Helperby. APPENDIX. B B APPENDIX. FEODAa DE HOLDERNESSE.b BALLIVA THOMIE DUNSELL.C BEWYK. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae de dominico G(alfridi) de Melsa. PARVA COLDON. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae quas Egidius de Gousell tenet de Roberto Strusd (Scurs). MAPELTON. Sunt ibidem xij car. terrwe: de quibus ecclesia tenet unam car. terrae, et [Abbas de] Thornton tenet unam car. terrae, et H (erbertus) de Sancto Quintino tenet viij vel ix (sic) car. terrae, et Stephanus de Austwicke duas car. terrae. ROLSTON. Sunt ibidem una car. et di. terrae de feodo Yvonis Scotewayne, et una car. et di. terrae de feodo Willelmi de Pikerynge. GOUSILL. Sunt ibidem sex car. terrae de feodo Roberti Gousill. PARVA HATFELD. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae de feodo Barnardi de Braynes./ a From a Feodary's Book (temp. Eliz.) in the possession of J. R. Walbran, Esq., of Ripon. b This account of the Knights' Fees in Holderness appears from internal evidence to have been compiled during the latter part of the reign of Henry III. It contains particulars relating to several places not named in Kirkby's Inquest. ~ Mr. Poulson, in his History of Holderness (vol. i., p. 153), says, "The wapentake is divided into four parts, or districts, according to the titles of the bailiffs, viz., that of Moijs, Tunstall, Helpston, and Dunsley. It has been generally supposed that the bailiffs take their titles from the names of places, but from ancient entries in the books of the Court it seems probable that these titles are taken from the names of four bailiffs, who served in these offices, called Peter Moijs, Richard Tunstall, Richard Helpston, and Thomas Duncely." d 24th June, 1280. Sir Robert de Scures, knight, grants to Robert Hildyard and his heirs the homage and services which Peter de Gousle did for his manor of Little Colden (Poulson's Holderness, i., 369). Robert Hildyard married Joan, daughter and heiress of Sir Robert de Scures, of Long Riston (Ibid., i., 341). e Bernard de Araynes. His son, Thomas Dareins, held here at the date of Kirkby's Inquest (page 75, antea). B B 2 372 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. MAaNA HAYTFELD. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae de feodo Galfridi Berchaudf et de feodo W. de Fauconberge iij car. terrce, et de feodo Johannis de Freboys iij car. terrse. WETHORNWIK. Sunt ibidem ix car. terrae de feodo W. de Fauconberge. RYSE. Sunt ibidem quinque car. terrse et di. de eodem feodo. CATFOSE. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae de eodem feodo. BEGHUM.g Sunt ibidem vj car. terrse; de quibus Priorissa de Kyllyng tenet tres car., et Willelmus de Fauconberge tres car. terrae. ERGHUM. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo Radulphi de Sherblurne. SKIRLINGTON. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae, quarum xiiij bov. aunt in elemosina de Bridlyngton.h ATTINGWIK. Sunt ibidem xij car. terrae de feodo Willelmi de Ros. CATWIK. Sunt ibidem duae ear. terrae de feodo W. de Faukonberge, et tres car. terrae de feodo Simonis Wytik.i ARNALL. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo W. de Ros, et duae car. terrae de feodo W. de Fauconberge. NORTH SKIRLAGH. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo Willelmi de Fauconberge. RISTON. Sunt ibidem sex car. terrae de feodo R. de Strus (Scurs). BONNEWIK. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae de feodo Thomae filii [ ] de Merston; de quibus juxta Hedonk j bov., et Killyng j bov. terrae. DRINGHOU. Sunt ibidem novem car. terrae de feodo de Brus. ULRAM. Sunt ibidem iiijor car. terrae; quarum tres car. sunt de feodo Roberti de Ulram, et una car. de feodo W. de Fauconberge. RITTON.1 Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo W. de Fauconberge. f The Inq. p. m. of Geoffrey Berchaud was taken in the 4th Edward I. (Cal. Gen., i., 234). g Bewholme, in the parish of Nunkeeling. h According to Kirkby's Inquest (p. 75), the Prior of Bridlington held five carucates in Skyrlington and Erghum. Sir Simon Wittic, of Catwick, was living in 1275. i Perhaps Thomas, son of William de Belkethorp, lord of Marston in the Ainsty, who was living in 1265. k Probably an error for Hythe, now lost, which stood about one mile and a half N.E. of Bonwick. Nun-Keeling is about the same distance towards the south-west. A mistake for Ruton (Rowton), in the parish of Swine. KNIGHTS' FEES IN HOLDERNESS. 373 KYLLYNG. Sunt ibidem tres car. terrae de feodo Simonis Vycy.m BRANDESBURTON. Sunt ibidem vij car. terrae de feodo Herberti de Sancto Quintino, BRYSTHILL MORA. Est ibidem una car. terrae de eodem feodo. LESET. Est ibidem una car. terrae de eodem feodo. BERNESTON. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae de feodo de Munceals. WYNCTON." Sunt ibidem vij car. terrm de eodem feodo. BEFORDE. Sunt ibidem vj car. terrae de eodem feodo. SETON. Sunt ibidem iiijor car. terrwe de feodo Egidii de Gousele. WATHSAND. Sunt ibidem vj car. et vij bov. terrae de eodem feodo. HORNSE BURTON. Sunt ibidem dume car. terrae de eodem feodo. Summa car. viijjxiij, et iij bov. terrae. DE BALLIVA RICARDI DE HELPESTON. SUTTON. Sayerus de Sutton tenet ibidem vij car. terrae. MERFLET. Sunt ibidem iij car. terrae de feodo Willelmi de Ros. BILTON.O Est ibidem una car. et di. terrae de feodo W. de Fauconberge. WYUTONP [et] Skyrlagh. Sunt ibidem v car. et di. terrae de feodo W. de Wyueton, et de feodo Willelmi de Fauconberge una car. et di. bov. terrae. WAGHEN.q Sunt ibidem duse bov. terre de feodo J. de Ros. RUDA. Sunt ibidem iiijor car. et una bov. terrae de feodo J. de Ros. BENYGHOME. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo de Butteler. THURKYLBY, ELWARDBY, DOUUETHORPEr [ET] LAMBTHORPE. Sunt ibidem xj car. terrae de feodo de Sancto Quintino. ULBURGH.S Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo de Butteler. CONINGETON. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo J. de Lassels, et v bov. terrae de feodo Willelmi de Lassels, et xj bov. terrae de feodo Willelmi (sic) de Lassels. " Simon Wytyk, or Wittic. " See page 77, note s. o Bilton does not occur in Kirkby's Inquest, or in the Nomina Villarum. P Wyton, in the parish of Swine. 9 Waghen, or Wawne, has not been previously mentioned. This entry proves that the place erroneously called Austhorp in Kirkby's Inquest (page 74), and which I was unable to identify, is Dowthorp, now a small hamlet, or farm, in the township of Ellerby. * Oubrough, in the parish of Swine. 374 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. SPROTLE. Sunt ibidem vj car. terr.e. NUTLE. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae. [PRESTON]. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo de H.t de Preston, et una car. et di. terrae de feodo S. de Preston, et una car. et di. terrse de feodo de Frybois, et iiijor car. terrae de feodo de Haukyn, et una car. terrae de feodo de Passemere, et ij bov. terrae de feodo de Thurston, et una bov. terrae de feodo de Ros. Summa car. lvj et iiijor bov." BALLIVA RICARDI DE TUNSTALL. WAXHAM. Sunt ibidem v car. duae bov. et di. terrae; unde de feodo S. de Preston iiijor car. et una bov. [terrae]: Abbas de Thornton et Prior de Bristall residuum. TUNSTALL. Sunt ibidem lxiiij bov. terrae: de quibus de feodo R. de Strus (Scurs) xxxij bov. terra, et de feodo H. de Preston ij car. terrae, et de feodo Hugonis Servientis iiijor bov. terrae, et de feodo ecclesiae iiijor bov. terrae, et de feodo de Thorneton v bov., et de feodo W. de Crochowe una bov. terrae, et Stephanus de Monte tenet duas bov. terrae. Ross. Sunt ibidem iiijxxxvj bov. terrae: de quibus W. de Ros tenet in capite lxiiij bov. terrae, et [H.] de Sancto Quintino xxxij bov. terrae. HILDERSTON.W Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae de feodo de Butteler. GRYMSTON. Sunt ibidem xlviij bov. terrae; unde Willelmus de Ros tenet xxxij bov. terrae, et de feodo Archiepiscopi xvj bov. terrae. GARTON. Sunt ibidem xlviij bov. terrae; unde Abbas de Thornton tenet vj bov. terrae, et W. de Stotevill et W. de Elderwykex tenent xlij bov. terrae. RYNGBURGH. Sunt ibidem xxxij bov. terra de feodo de Stotevill. NEUTONY JUXTA ALDEBURGHE. Sunt ibidem xvj et viijz (sic) bov. terrae de feodo de Butteler. t Henry, son of Simon de Preston, occurs as a benefactor to the Hospital of St. Sepulchre, near Preston, temp. Henry III. U This amount does not agree with the sum total of the separate entries. The text has " tres " erroneously. " Hilston. S In the 4th Edward II. Thomas, son and heir of Thomas de Etherdwick, gave two oxgangs of land in Garton to Nicholas, son of Robert de Lelley (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 51). Y Otherwise called East Newton, Ringbrough Newton, and Aldbrough Newton.' According to Kirkby's Inquest (page 76), Thomas de Neuton held two carucates in Neuton. In the 15th Edward I. Thomas de Neuton held in Aidburgh Neuton four bovates in demesne and twelve bovates in service (Poulson's KNIGHTS' FEES IN HOLDERNESS. 375 THORPE.a Sunt ibidem xlviij bov. terrae de feodo de Ros. CARLETON. Sunt ibidem xxiij bov. terrae de feodo S. Whytyke. FOSSHAM. Sunt ibidem xxiiij bov. terrae de feodo de Ros. BURTON CONSTABLE ET NEWTON.6 Sunt ibidem xlviij bov. terrae de feodo Constabularii. MARTON. Sunt ibidem xxxij bov. terrae; unde xvj bov. terrae [sunt] de feodo Constabularii, et xvj bov. terrae de feodo Willelmi de Fauconberg. FLYNTON. Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae de feodo Roberti de Strus (Scurs). OWSTWYK. Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae geld., et xxiij de feodo [de] Sancto Quintino; unde.... et vj car. de feodo de Butteler, et de feodo Stephani de Owstwyk iij car. terrae. FLYNGTON.C Sunt ibidem xlviij bov. terrae; unde xxij [sunt] de feodo Hospitalariorum, et xxiij de feodo de Strus (Scurs). EDERDWYK. Sunt ibidem xxxv bov. terrae de feodo de Butteler. TANSTERN. Sunt ibidem iiijor car. et di. terrae. DANTHORPE. Sunt ibidem xxij bov. terre de feodo Johannis de Danthorpe. ELSTANWYK.d Sunt ibidem xx bov. terrae de feodo Johannis de Patteshell, et xij bov. terrae de feodo Egidii de Gousill, et ij (?) bov. terrae quas Walterus de Ederdwyke, libere firmarius, tenet. Summa car. iiijXXxiij et ij bov. terrae et di.e BALLIVA PETRI DE MOYS./ RAVENSER. Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae. SUNTHORP. Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae. Holderness, ii., 32). The Inq. p. m. of the above-mentioned Thomas de Newton was taken in the 16th Edward I. The jurors say that he held "in servitio in eadem villa [de Aldburgh Neuton] duodecim bovatas terree per idem servitium [militare]; unde Gundreda, Beatrix, et Thomas filius Walteri de Flinton tenent quatuor bovatas terrme cum uno tofto, et Ricardus, frater proedicti Thomne, tenet unam bovatam cum uno tofto, et Willelmus Neve tenet unam bovatam cum uno tofto, et Sicilia, soror praedicti Thomae, tenet unam bovatam cum uno tofto. Beatrix, uxor Roberti Dercy de Willardby, propinquior ejus haeres est. Et est plenarie aetatis, quia aetatis triginta annorum et amplius" (Cal. Gen., i., 387). a Thorp (Garth), near Aldbrough. b West Newton, alias Newton Constable. " Fitling is the place intended. See page 304, antea. d This place is not mentioned in Kirkby's Inquest. Mr. Poulson says (Hist. Holderness, ii., 72), "There are 32 oxgangs [in Elsternwick], thus described in 1766: —10 oxgangs of copyhold, held of the manor of Burstwick; 20 copyhold, held of the manor of Elsternwick, of which Charles Anderson Pelham, Esq., is lord; and 2 freehold; total 32. The oxgangs contain about 28 acres each upon an average." e See page 374, note u. f By an Inq. dated 18th Edward III., Rosa, wife of Peter Mois, held Bond 376 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. SKEFTLYNG. Sunt xxxij bov. terrse; unde Rex [tenet] in dominico xvj bov. terrae, Prior de Bristalls viij bov., et Johannes de Danthorpe viij bov. OUTNEUTON. Sunt ibidem xxx bov. terrue. HOLAYM.a Sunt xlviij bov. terrae; unde Adam de Sancto Martinoi [tenet] xxx bov., Prior de Bristall ij bov., J. de Danthorpe viij bov. terrae, Symon West et J. de Holaym viij bov. terrze. HOLMETON. Sunt xliiij bov. preeter ecclesiam quae tenet ij car. et di. THORPE ET PENYTHORPE.j Sunt ibidem xx bov. terrae. ULTHORNE. Sunt ibidem xxviij bov. terrae:k haered' Rogeri de Thorne iiijor bov. RIMESWEIL. Sunt lxxij bov. terrae de feodo Sancti Quintini. RYSUM. Sunt ibidem viij bov. terrae. PAR (sic) THORN.' Sunt ibidem xxxij bov. terrae. EST HALSAM. Sunt ibidem xxxij bov. terrae. WEST HALSAM. Sunt ibidem xxvy bov.; unde xv [sunt] de feodo de Fauconberg, xvj de feodo de Lascels, et iiijor de feodo Simonis Thorpe. FORTHINGHAM. (Blank.) NEUSAM." Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae. OTERYNGHAM. Sunt ibidem xxxij bov. terrae. CATTERINGTON.~ Sunt ibidem xxiiij bov. terrae. RYHILL. Sunt ibidem xxiiij bov. terrae de feodo de Ros. THORNE.P Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae. BOND BURSTWYK.q Sunt ibidem iij bov. terrae de feodo W. Carpentarii. HOLME.r Sunt ij bov. terrae de feodo R. de Camera, et xiiij bov. terrae de feodo de Stotevill. Burstwick. Peter Mois, of Bond-Burstwick, held that manor in 1367 (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 355). s The alien priory of Birstal, or Burstal, near Skeffling. a Holaym (Hollym) does not occur in Kirkby's Inquest. i Sir Adam de St. Martin was one of the executors under the will of William de Fortibus, earl of Albemarle, who died in 1260 (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 393). i Welwick Thorpe and Pensthorpe. See page 76, note h. k Perhaps unde is here omitted. I am unable to say what place is intended. " Apparently an error for xxxv. Newsham juxta Frothingham has disappeared. See page 76, note e. " This entry refers to Camerton. According to Kirkby's Inquest (page 75), Thomas de Coverington held three carucates in Coverington. Camerton and Ryhill form one township. P Thorne juxta Hedon, now called Thorngumbald. 9 Bond Burstwick has not been previously mentioned. It appears to have been one of the "appendages of the great Lordship of Brustwycke" (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 355), r Paull Holme. KNIGHTS' FEES IN HOLDERNESS. 377 PAGULA. Sunt ibidem xxiij bov. terrae. THARLESTHORPE.S Sunt ibidem xvj bov. terrae de feodo Constabularii. BOYNTON. Sunt ibidem iiijor bov. et di. terrae. CARETHORPE. Sunt ibidem iiijor car. terrse. RYGHTON. Sunt ibidem quinque car. terrae de feodo Moncellis. KYLK. Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo de Fryboys. WYVELTHORPE.u Sunt ibidem ij car. terrae de feodo Comitis. SEUERDBY.V Est ibidem una car. terrae de feodo de Lascells. Summa car. terrae xviij.w Summa summarum, ccclv car. et di. bov. terrae, inter quas sunt cciiijxx car. et di. bov. terrae de quibus xlviij car. faciunt feodum milit., et lij faciunt feodum milit., et lij faciunt feodum (sic) et xxiij faciunt ij feoda. Summa feodorum, ix et di. et quarta pars et viijva pars. See page 77, note w. t Boynton, Caythorpe, Reighton, Kelk, Wilsthorpe, and Sewerby are in Dickering wapentake. " See page 59, antea. v See page 55, antea. " An evident error. The bailiwick of Peter de Moys contains, apparently, about 86 carucates. [FEODA MILITUM IN WAPENTAGIO DE BULMER.] Inquisitioa capta, apud Ebor., die Mercurii proximo post festum [Sancti] Mathei Apostolis, [anno] regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Edwardi, ixo, de feodis militum quae tenentur de rege in capite, per Walterum Russell, Willelmum Lovell et alios, qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod isti subscripti fuerunt tenentes de domino rege in capite ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptistre, anno regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Henrici, xxviij, et ad festum Penthecostes anno regni, etc., xxxj.b BULMER. Dicunt quod Radulphus de Bulmer tenet sex car. terrae de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde decem car. faciunt feodum militis. [*WELBURNE.C Idem Radulphusd tenet quatuor car. terrae in Welbourne de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege, unde x car. faciunt feod., etc.]" FARLINGTON. Dicunt quod Ricardusf Byrom tenet in Ferlington v car. terrae de Ranulpho de Nevill, et ipse de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde xij car. faciunt feod. milit. WEST LILLINGE. Johannes9 de Ferlington et Nicholaus Flemyngsh tenent ij car. terrae in West Lillinge de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde xij car., etc. a This Inquisition is taken from the Feodary's Book in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York, mentioned at page 124, antea. There is another copy of this document in Addit. MS., Brit. Mus., 26,729, which supplies some additional matter. It is cited in the succeeding notes by the letter S. b The S. MS. omits this paragraph. " The places to which an asterisk is prefixed are not named in Kirkby's Inquest. d In the 4th Edward II. Ralph de Bulmer obtained a charter of free warren in Wilton, Bulmer, and Welburne (Cal. Rot. Chart., 143). * This entry is taken from the S. MS. f Robertus, S. See page 324, antea. a Egidius, S. 15th Edward II. Relaxatio Egidii, filii domini Johannis de Ferlington, facta Elense, quse fuit uxor Nicholai le Fleming, et haredibus suis, de toto jure suo in villa de West Lilling in wapentagio de Bulmere (Abbrev. Placit., 339). See page 324, antea. h Nicholas, son of James le Fleming, was mayor of York from 1311 to 1316, and again in 1319. He was killed at the battle of Myton, Sept. 12th, 1319, and KNIGHTS' FEES IN BULMER WAPENTAKE. 379 BRAFFERTON. Thomas de Ripariis tenet in Brafferton ij car. terrve de J. de Moubray, et ipse de rege in capite, unde sex car., etc. STERISBY. Idem Thomas tenet in Sterisby j car. terrve de feodoi de Moubray, et ipse de rege in capite, unde vj car., etc. BRANDSBY. Idem Thomasi tenet ixk car. terrae in Bransby de haeredibusi de Moubray, unde xijl car., etc. SHERIF HOTON. Ranulphus de Nevill tenet in Sherif Hoton xv car. terrse de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde xv car., etc. *FLAXTON. Idem Ranulphus tenet iij car. in Flaxton de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde xij, etc. *OVER HEMYLSEY. Idem Ranulphus tenetm in eadem de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde, ut supra. *ETHEIRWIKE.f Bartrianuso Bacon tenet unam car. terrae et ij bov. in eadem de P. de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde, ut supra. *TYRRINGTON. Willelmus Lytimer (Latimer) tenet iiij car. terrae in eadem de Radulpho de Nevill, et ipse de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, [unde xii car., etc.]P *WVHENBYE. Elenaq Haggett tenet v car. terrae in eadem de Radulpho de Nevill, et ipse de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite, unde, ut supra. CORNBURGH. Johannes de Thweng tenet vr car. terrae in eadem de Petro de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege, unde xij car., etc. HOTON BARDOLFES CUM *HINDERSKELF. [Blank]t Kirkeham tenet iiij~r car. terrae et unam bov. terrae in Hoton Bardolfe, et Radulphus filius Willelmiu ij car. terrae et di. in Hinderskelf de Comite Mareschallo de feodo [de] Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege; et faciunt iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. *HONTINGDON ET *TOWTHROPPE. (H)ospitalarii tenent iiijor was buried at St. Wilfrid's, York, in which church he appears to have founded a chantry in the first year of his mayoralty (Cal. Inq. ad quod damn., 230). On Sunday, Oct. 21st, 1319, his widow, Ellen, took the vow of chastity before the archbishop in his chapel at Bishopthorpe (Reg. Melton, 136). James le Fleming, father of Nicholas, was mayor of York in 1298. George le Fleming was bailiff in 1299-1300, and Walter le Fleming filled the same office in 1306-7. i Johanne, S. i Thomas de la Ryvere had a charter of free warren in Brandesby in the 32nd Edward I. (Cal. Rot. Chart, 134). * iij car., S. vj car., S. m xviij bov. terrae in Over Hemelsey, S. " Earswick, near Huntington. 0 Beran (blank), S. P unde xij car., etc., S. Hq elias, S. r x car., S. * Probably High Hutton. t Alanus de Kirkeham, S. The Prior of Kirkham also held in Hoton Bardolf. See page 108, antea.! Ralph Fitz William, baron Graystock. 380 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. car. terrme in eadem,v et Walterus de Towthropp tenet ij car. terrse in Towthrope de feodo de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege; et faciunt iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. *HILDINGLEY ET *CRAMBOUM. Johannaw de Perc(e)haye tenet ij car. terrse in eademx et iiijy car. terrme in Cramboum de feodo [de] Lutterell, et ipse de rege in capite; et faciunt di. feod. *MOLTHROPP, *WIGINTHROPPE ET *TERRINGTON. A(n)ketinus de Salvinz, (blank)a Braban et Stephanus de Tirrington tenent duas car. terrse in Molthropp, et [in] Wiginthroppe unam car. terrse et di., et in Terrington unam car. terrae et di. de feodo [de] Lutterrell, et ipse de rege; et faciunt di. feod. HEWORTHE. Andreas de Bolingbrikesb et Hamo de Gruscy tenent unam car. in Heworthe de Briano filio Alani, et ipse de rege; et faciunt (blank)J partem unius feodi milit. *STOCTON. Haeredes (blank)d et alii tenent ij car. terrae in eadem de feodo de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege; et faciunt sextam partem unius feodi milit. [*SAND HUTTON.e Willelmus Wrayef et Matheus de Huntington, S. w Johannes, S. * Hildingley, S. Y iij car., S. In the 3rd Edward II. Anketin Salvayn obtained a charter of free warren in Thorp Salvayne, Multhorp, and Clifford (Cal. Rot. Chart., 142). a Egidius, S. Giles de Brabant was admitted to the freedom of the city of York in 1297, and filled the office of bailiff in 1308-9. b Bolingbrooke, S. Andrew de Bolingbroke was M.P. for York in 1301, bailiff in 1303-4, and mayor in 1305 and 1309. About 1312 he founded a chantry in the church of All Saints, Ousegate. Probably he did not long survive the date of his will, which runs as follows:-In Dei nomine, Amen. Ego Andreas de Bolingbroke de Ebor., condo testamentum meum die Veneris in festo Decollationis Sancti Johannis Baptistae, anno Domini millesimo ccc"T quinto decimo, in hunc modum. In primis do et lego animam meam Deo et Beatse Marise et Omnibus Sanctis, et corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum in Usegate, coram altare Beatse Marise, et meliorem robam meam cum tabardo nomine mortuarii mei. Item do et lego Rogero filio meo et Elizabethse filiae mese domos meos in Brettegat, in parochia Sancti Petri Parvi, tenendum et habendum illis et haeredibus suis imperpetuum. Et si contingat dictos Rogerum et Elizabetham decedere sine hleredibus de corporibus suis legitime procreatis, volo quod revertantur hleredi meo propinquiori. Executores autem hujus testamenti mei facio et ordino et constituo, videlicet, Agnetem, uxorem meam, et dominum Johannem de Munketon, capellanum (York Corporation Records, B.y., 14 b). Roger de Bolynbrok, citizen of York, son of the above-named Andrew, by will dated 24th November, 1361, desires to be buried near his mother Agnes, in the conventual church of the Friars Minors. He left a widow, Emma, and an only child, Marion (Ibid., 15 a). Thomas de Bulinbrok was bailiff of York in the early part of the reign of Henry III., Hugh de Selby then being mayor (Reg. Magn. Alb.). Adam de Bolingbrok, bailiff in 1276-7, was living in 1290 (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., i., 68). C decimam, S. d de Chamount, S. John Chamont was certified lord of Stockton in 1316. See page 325, antea.' This entry is taken from the S. MS. f An error for Graye. Some account of this family is given at page 325, note o. KNIGHTS' FEES IN BULMER WAPENTAKE. 381 Lovayns9 tenent ij car. terrwe in Sand Hutton de feodo de Moubray, et ipse de rege; et faciunt quartam partem unius feodi.] LINTON, YOLTON ET BARTON. Willelmus- de Ros de Helmsley tenet iij car. terrae in eadem,h Willelmus de Ros de Yolton tenet unam car. in Yolton, Robertus de Pickeringe tenet iiijor car. terrwe in Barton; unde dicti Willelmus de Yolton et Robertus de Pickeringe tenent de feodo de Ros, et ipse de rege; et faciunt ijas partes unius feodi milit. Item dicunt quod de escaetis in manu sua existentibus nihil inveniunt; de habentibus haeredum nihil inveniunt; de dignitatibus vacantibus tam de archiepiscopatu, episcopatu, abbatia, prioratu, et allis dignitatibus quibuscumque, nihil inveniunt.i *THORNTONj [ET] *YALMTHROPE.k Laurentius de Etton tenet in Thornton tres car. terrve, et Radulphus filius Willelmi tenet in Yalmthrope tres car. de Petro de Malo Lacu, unde xijt car., etc. *RASKELL. Radulphusm de Nevill tenet in eadem iiijor car. terrae et vj bov. de rege in capite, unden etc. *SUTTON. Idem Radulphusm tenet in eadem vj car. terrae de rege in capite, unde xij, etc. *THoRMOTBYE. Idem Radulphus"' tenet in eadem ij car. de rege in capite, unde, ut supra. xSKELTON. Uxor domini Johannis de Lythorneo (?) tenet de Radulphom de Nevill unam car. terrae in ealem, et idem Radulphus de rege in capite; et faciunt iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. *SCEWYSBYE. Johannes de Thornton tenet in eadem iiij~r car. terrae de feodo de (blank),p et ipse de rege in capite; et faciunt iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. *BUTTERCRAME, *BARNBYE/q *BOSSALL, THORALDTHROPP, [ET] *FLAWYTHE. Walterus de Langthorner tenet in Buttercrame iiijor car. terrae et di., in Barnbye iij car. terrae, in Bossall ij car. terrae, in Thoraldthrope ij car. terrae, et in Flawith unam car. terrae de feodo Thome Waike, et ipse de rege in capite, unde xij, etc. *STYTNAM. Johannes Gower tenet vj car. tcrrae et di. in g Matthew de Louvaine has been previously mentioned. See pages 72, 113, antea. h Lynton, S. The S. MS. omits this paragraph. j Thornton-le-Clay. k Ganthorpe, in the parish of Bulmer.' vj car., S. i" Ranulphus, S. unde xiij car., etc., S. " Johannis de (blank), S. P Moubray, S. q Barnby House is the name of a farm about half a mile east of Bossall. An error for Langton. "Walterus de Langton, episcopus," was certified lord of Buttercrambe in 1316. See pages 268, 325, antea. 382 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. eadem de feodo de Malo Lacu, et ipse de rege in capite; et faciunt ij partes unius feodi milit. HUTON SUPER DERWENT.S Thomas de Boltont tenet in eadem iiij~r car. terrae et di. de rege in capite, et faciunt iiijtam partem unius feodi, cum land" de *Sandbornev et *Carleton.w Prior de Malton tenet unam car. in eadem. HUTON MUIRHTUN (?).X Arnardus [de] Perchehaye tenet in eadem ij car. terrae et sex bov. de feodo de Brus; et faciunt iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. ~ Called Hoton Coleswayn in Kirkby's Inquest, and now Low Hutton. In the 32nd Edward I. Thomas de Boulton had a charter of free warren in "Houton Colswyn" (Cal. Rot. Chart., 135). His uncle, John de Boulton, died seised of "Coleswanhoton maner', Sandeburne et Carleton lande," in the 8th Edward I. (Cal. Inq. p. n., i., 69). Land or Launde, " a wild untilled shrubbie or bushy plaine " (Promptorum Parvulorum, ed. Camden Soc., i., 291). Launde also signifies a plain among trees, a park, a hunting place (Ibid.). v The Sanbura of Domesday Book. Sandburn Wood and Carlton Farm are in the parish of Stockton on the Forest. " 2 id. June, 1276. " De decimis provenientibus de landis de Karleton et de Sandeburn assignatis capellae de Stoketon pertinenti ad praebendam de Bugthorpe" (Reg. Giffard, 127 a). * I am unable to identify this place. FEODAa MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR., IN COMITATIBUS EBOR., NOTINGHAM., LINCOLN., LEYCESTRE ET GLOUCESTRE. SCHIREBURN.b Constabularius Cestriae debet respondere pro feodo duorum militum in Sutton, Byrum et Poles. Robertus de Wilheby debet respondere pro feodo unius militis in Stiveton et Thorp.c Ricardus de Hudelston debet respondere pro feodo duorum militum in Hudelston. Ricardus de Luterington debet respondere pro feodo unius militis in Luterington. a This document, which is undated, is taken from the register of Walter Giffard (fo. 7 b), who was archbishop of York from 1266 to 1279. It appears, however, from internal evidence (page 396), to have been drawn up before he was promoted to the see of York. Several homages rendered to archbishop Romanus are added in a later hand, either as interlineations or marginal notes. With one or two exceptions, these are transferred to the " Homagia et Fidelitates," printed at a subsequent page. b In 1229, archbishop Walter de Gray granted the following charter of liberties to the burgesses of Sherburn:-Omnibus, etc. Noveritis nos concessisse et dedisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse, omnibus burgensibus nostris de Sireburn, has libertates et liberas consuetudines subscriptas, scilicet, quilibet qui de nobis tenet burgagium ibidem habet mansuram suam in latitudine lx pedum, in longitudine quater-viginti pedum; reddendo inde annuatim nobis et successoribus nostris vjd., medietatem ad Pentecosten et medietatem ad festum Sancti Martini, pro omni servitio. Nolumus autem quod aliquis burgensium in burgo nostro de Sireburn habeat furnum, tinctum vel fullonium, sed omnes veniant ad furnum, tinctum et fullonium nostrum super forisfacturam nostram per has consuetudines. Qui ad furnum nostrum venerit et suo ligno furnum calefecerit det nobis xxxmu. panem; qui vero de nostro ligno furnum calefecerit det nobis vicesimum panem. Et qui tinctum nostrum tenuerit habeat qualibet septimana unam caretatam ligni mortui de bosco nostro de Sireburn. Concessimus etiam pradictis burgensibus nostris de Sireburn ut habeant ibi omnes leges et consuetudines, praeter praedictas, quas habent burgenses de Pontefracto, et juste utuntur in burgo suo. Et ut huec, etc. Data apud Torp, xvij kalendas Februarii, anno xiij (-Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 29). c Thorp Willoughby. 384 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Robertus de la Lande debet respondere pro feodo unius militis in Mikelfeld. Serlo de Bretton debet respondere pro quarta parte unius militis in Bretton.d Radulfus de Neuby tenet quartam partem feodi unius militis in Bretton. Serlo in Wyleby debet respondere pro quarta parte unius militis in Lumby. Galfridus de Muscham et hleres Henrici de Hekering debent respondere pro quarta parte unius militis in Lumby. Terra Laneridi quam Ricardus de Camerae tenet in Milefordf debet respondere pro tertia decima parte unius militis in Levenaton.g Henricus Bilegley: nescitur quis ille sit; sed Robertus de Burstall tenet sextam partem unius militis pro quarta parte unius militis in Gaitford. Robertus de Barkeston debet respondere pro quarta parte unius militis in Barkeston. d Otherwise called Bretton juxta Brotherton, and now Burton Salmon. e On March 20th, 1228-9, archbishop Gray grants " Willelmo de Camera de Mileford, et hneredibus suis, dimidiam bovatam terrae, cum pertinentiis, quam Willelmus Paris tenuit in Mileford, et octo acras et di. de dominico nostro in Mileford, scilicet, in campo australi duas acras et di. qu&e jacent ad capud de Chapelcroft versus austrum, et in campo boriali tres acras qua jacent in Quernemilneflat, et in campo occidentali iij acras quae jacent ad Crenacres (?), in escambium pro una bovata terre quam idem Willelmus tenuit in bona villa de feodo Leveret, et octo... terrae et di. quas idem Willelmus tenuit in Abholm cum omnibus pertinentiis (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 34). f South Milford. See page 48, antea. g Lennerton, in the parish of Sherburn. The following charter of archbishop Gray relates to this place:-Omnibus, etc. Sciatis nos confirmasse Ricardo filio Willelmo de Levenacton ij bovatas terrae in villa de Levenachton quas bonae memoriae Thurstinus, archiepiscopus, praedecessor noster, dedit Ricardo Coco, avo ejusdem Ricardi, excepto uno tofto quod Ricardus Molendinarius aliquando tenuit, quod quidem praedictus Ricardus dedit Rogero filio Nicholai pro finali pace habenda de placito quodam moto ab eodem Rogero in curia nostra de Sireburn per breve de recto de quatuor bovatis terrae, et excepto homagio Roberti de Grenewey, cum servitio redditus sexdecim denariorum. Habendas et tenendas de nobis et successoribus nostris sibi et haredibus suis imperpetuum; reddendo inde annuatim nobis et successoribus nostris duos solidos. Pro hac autem concessione et confirmatione dedit nobis, vel cui assignare voluerimus, praedictus Ricardus filius Willelmi unam bovatam terrre cum pertinentiis in Sireburn quam de nobis tenuit. Data apud Sireburn, iij kalendas Januarii, anno duodecimo (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 22). h By charter, dated at Otley, Feb. 12th, 1228-9, archbishop Gray grants to Robert de Barkston "unam bovatam terrae quam Nicholaus de Fonte tenet in Barkeston, cum tofto et omnibus pertinentiis suis, et cum praedicto Nicholao, in escambium pro tofto quod idem Robertus de Barkeston habuit in Sireburn (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 30). FEODA MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 385 COMITATUS LEYCESTRI:E. Feoda domini Ebor. archiepiscopi in eodem comitatu. Heres Radulfi Trusseli..... pro feodo j militis; (ubi ingressus est Abbas de Valle Dei, et est inquirendum de modo ingressus-in margine). Thomas Palefrai in eodem comitatu debet respondere pro dimidio fcodo unius militis in Eston juxta Graham./ Johannes Mansel debet respondere pro feodo unius militis (in Tyveringtonk alias Tyrlingtonl-in manu recentiori). Willelmus Baudm debet respondere pro duabus partibus i Homagium domini Petri de Wolwardington pro ten. in Lobenham in corn. Leycestre.-.... Trussel, miles, teneret de archiepiscopo Ebor. j feod. milit. in lobenham in cor. Leyc', per servitium militare, qui habuit tres filias.... Walterus Baud qui modo tenet propartem suam, et de media venit dominus Petrus de Wolwardington, miles, qui viij idus Februarii, anno gratiae [1298-9, praesentibus] magistro W. de Blida, sub-decano Ebor., dominis Roberto de Levesham et Roberto de Notingham, J. de Pikersham, tune ballivo Suwell, fecit..... archiepiscopo..., salvo jure suo, et alterius cujuslibet, et recognovit per fidelitatem suam quod tenet de archiepiscopo Ebor. in dicta villa de Lobenham x li. terrse per servitium militare: sed pro quota.... filia quae vocabatur domina Florencia dedit de proparte sua.... Priorissse et Conventui de Cateby ij virgatas terra et di., et duobus capellanis imperpetuum.... nobis intelligi. Et inquirendum est qualiter tenent, et quantum, et pro quo servitio (Reg. Newark, 18 a). i Eston juxta Graham (Easton, near Grantham), is in the county of Lincoln. See page 391, postea. k Tirlangton, alias Tur Langton, in the parish of East Langton. Et fecit homagium inde domino J., Ebor. archiepiscopo, in aula de Totenhale, praesentibus Ricardo de Eyvesby et aliis, anno gratise nonagesimo tertio (1293), a die Paschme in iij sept.-in margine.-John Maunsel did homage " pro ten. in Tyrlington" in 1303 (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b), "Isabella, domina de Tirlington, quondam uxor domini Johannis Maunsel," in 1308 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 222 a), and " Elias de Renede, qui duxit dominam Isabellam, quondam uxorem domini Johannis de Maunsell, in uxorem," in 1311 (Ibid.). In February, 1308, archbishop Greenfield granted to Isabella, "quae fuit uxor Johannis Maunsel de Tirlington, maritagium Johannis, filii et haeredis praedicti Johannis Maunsel, quod ad nos pertinet ratione minoris aetatis ejusdem Johannis filii Johannis, eo quod praedictus Johannes, pater dicti Johannis, manerium de Tirlington cum pertinentiis de nobis tenuit per servitium militare. Salva nobis custodia omnium terrarum et tenementorum quae dictus Johannes, pater dicti Johannis, de nobis tenuit per servitium predictum, una cum custodia tertiae partis manerii praedicti de Tirlington, quam Cristiana, uxor Ranulphi de Rye, tenet in dotem, cum accidert" (Reg. Greenfield, i., 166 b). On May 5th, 1310, the archbishop acknowledged the receipt of 20 marks " a domina Isabella, relicta quondam domini Johannis Maunsel de Tirlington in com. Leycestre, in partem solutionis sexaginta marcarum in quibus dicta domina Isabella pro maritagio Johannis Maunsel, filii sui, nobis tenebatur" (Ibid., i., 179 a). " The following document relates, perhaps, to this individual. De emptione VWillelmi le Baud. Omnibus, etc. Noveritis nos emisse et recepisse a magistro Thoma de Storteford, wardam terre et haeredum Nicholai le Baud, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, salvo Laurencia, relictae dicti N. le Baud, manerio de Haldham, si coadvixerit, in dotem assignato. Ita quidem quod si dicta Laurencia infra septem annos a festo Sancti Michaelis proximo post presentis cartae confectioner C C 386 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. feodi unius militis (pro tenementis in Levenham —in manu recentiori). Florentiao debet respondere pro tertia parte feodi unius militis (pro tenementis in Levenham-in manu recentiori). Hugo Pepyn debet respondere pro sexta parte feodi unius militis. Willelmus de la Haye debet respondere pro sexta parte feodi unius militis. Willelmus dictus Dominus debet respondere pro sexta parte feodi unius militis.p SUWELL IN COMITATU NOTINGHAM. Hugo filius Ranulphi in Muschamq debet respondere pro feodo unius militis.r Robertus de Everinghams in Letherton debet respondere pro feodo unius militis. numerandos obierit, omnes fructus terrarum propriis sumptibus cultarum autumpni obitum suum proximo sequentis integre et quiete percipiat. Sciendum etiam quod in dictse warde venditione, cum pertinentiis, reservavit sibi dictus Thomas specialiter staurum suum, videlicet, oves, porcos, vaccas, stottos et boves, cum blado autumpni cartse hujus confectionem proximo sequentis ut de eis tanquam de propriis pro voluntate sua disponat. In cujus rei, etc. Data anno, viij kalendas Julii (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 76). In 1299, Sir Walter Baud, knight, did homage " pro j car. terrme in Lobenham in corn. Leycestre, et recognovit se respondere debere pro duabus partibus feodi unius milit. " (Reg. Newark, 18 b), and again in 1301 (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b), and 1307 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a). In 1327, William le Baude had a grant of two markets and a fair in Lobenham (Cal. Rot. Chart., 158). " Lubbenham, near Market Harborough. ~ Florentia de Lobenho is mentioned in the Hundred Rolls (vol. i., p. 237) as having held three virgates in Lobenho. About 1301, Sir Walter Baud and Sir Peter de Wulwardington, knights, occur as " heredes domine Florenciae, quondam de Lobenham" (Reg. Corbridge, 103-4). Sir Peter de Wolwardington did homage for lands in Lobenham in 1303 (Ibid., 103 b), and again in 1307 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221a). P Perhaps part of this fee was in Caythorpe. In the 26th Edward I. William de Sanston rendered homage "pro ten. in Caythorp in corn. Leycestre" (Reg. Newark, 17 b), and again in 1307 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a). In 1309 " domina Margeria, relicta domini Willelmi de Sanston, militis, defuncti, fecit homagium pro iij virgatis terrae in Kaythorp" (Ibid.). v South Muskham, near Newark. r The following homage is here inserted in another hand:-" Pro quo feodo Willelmus filius domini Willelmi de Ros fecit homagium apud Beverlacum, die Beati Johannis in festo Natalis Domini, pontificatus Johannis archiepiscopi anno tertio" (1288). Sir William de Ros, junior, of Ingmanthorpe, did homage for the manor of South Muskham in 1298 (Reg. Newark, 17 b), in 1300 (Reg. Corbridge, 104 a), and again in 1306 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 222 a). * Adam de Everyngham rendered homage " pro ten. in Letherton " (North Leverton) in 1302 (Reg. Corbridge, 103 6), in 1306 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 222 a), and in 1307 (Ibid.). FEODA MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 387 Adam de Bella Aqua in Normanton debet respondere pro feodo unius militis, et pro decima parte unius militis. Johannes de Byrstallt in Blesebyu debet respondere pro tertia parte feodi unius militis. (Summa ix li. xiijs. iiijd.-in manu recentiori). COMITATUS LINCOLNIE. Hugo filius Ranulphi in comitatu Lincolniae debet respondere pro feodo unius militis.v EXILESHAM. Terra de Swethorpw respondet in Thorkerinton pro decima parte unius militis de perquisitu Walteri le Grei, cum advocatione ecclesie. RYPON. Comes Albemarliae respondet pro feodo unius militis in Nyd, Westwyk et Neuton. Feodum quod Nigellus de Mobray tenuit in Mulwat et Sleningford respondet pro quarta parte feodi j militis. Willelmus de Wyvill, miles, tenet in Nunewyk et NunewykThornes, et respondet pro dimidio feodo unius militis. Quinque carucatpe terrse sunt in Gyveldale, unde duodecim John de Burstal did homage "pro ten. in Blesby juxta Suwell, videlicet tertiam partem unius feodi," in 1299 (Reg. Newark, 18a), in 1300 (Reg. Corbridge, 104 a), and in 1306 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a). u Gibsmere and Morton, near Bleasby, Upton and Rolleston, near Southwell, and South Wheatley, near Retford, also belonged to the see of York. Sir John de Andesley, or Annesley, knight, did homage "pro ten. in Gippesmere et Morton " in 1299 (Reg. Newark, 18 a), in 1300 (Reg. Corbridge, 104 a), and in 1307 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 222 a). In the 26th Edward I., "Johannes de Upton, capellanus, fecit homagium pro tertia parte.... in Upton" (Reg. Newark, 17 b). In 1307 the archbishop received the homage of Roger de Wyles for the tenth part of a knight's fee in Upton (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 222 a); and in 1343 John de Bray did homage " pro terris et ten. in Upton et Rolleston in balliva Suwell" (Reg. Zouche, 300 a). Sir Laurence Paneley, knight, rendered homage "pro terris et ten. in South Weteley" in 1329 (Reg. Melton, 592 b). Other fees in the county of Lincoln are given afterwards. By charter dated at Hlexham, May 30th, 1231, archbishop Gray grants "dilecto filio et militi nostro, Petro de Vallibus, vel cuicumque assignare voluerit, custodiam terrae et haredum Willelmi de Suethop usque ad legitimam aetatem ipsorum hweredum, et eorumdem heredum maritagium. In cujus rei," etc. (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 53). In 1303, William de Swethorp did homage "pro Swethop, quam tenet pro quarta parte unius feodi milit.; et debet sectam apud Socryngton (Tockerington) de tribus septimanis in tres septimanas" (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 224 a). C c 2 388 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. carucata faciunt feodum unius militis, quas Willelmus Ward tenuit. Galfridus de Heywyk tenet in Heywyk,x unde debet respondere pro vicesima parte feodi unius militis. Radulfus de Neweby tenety quod pertinet ad Rypon, et in Grimeston quod pertinet ad Scireburn, et debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. (Dicitur quod iste R. tenet in uno loco quartam partem, et in alio loco quartam-in margine.) Henricus de Merkington debet respondere in Merkington pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Thomas de Burton tenet in Inglethorp,z et debet respondere pro decima parte feodi unius militis. BURTON. Galfridus Hardy debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Willelmus de Katerthorp in Burtona debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Walterus de Grayb in Sutton et Sculcotes, Dripol et Hull, et debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Radulfus de Lund in Molescrofte [et] Wetewange debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Rogerus de la Wodehall in Molescroft et Akec debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Nigellus de Waldebyd debet respondere pro feodo unius militis. 2' Bridge Hewick. y Probably "in Neuby" is here omitted. —Johannes Warde tenet iiijtan partem feodi unius milit., scilicet, villatam de Neuby, quam Radulphus de Newby tenuit, faciendo sectam curiae de Shireburn (Ex libro, B. iv., 24, fo. 136 b). See p. 212, antea. Z Ingerthorpe. a South Burton, otherwise called Bishop Burton. Son of Sir Robert de Gray, and nephew of.Walter de Gray, archbishop of York. Sir Walter de Gray married Isabella, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Wiiliam de Duston (Cal. Gen., i., 148), and died in the 52nd Henry III. " Aike, four miles north of Beverley. Mr. Poulson, in his History of Holderness, has erroneously assumed this entry to refer to Eske, which also belonged to the see of York. He says (vol. i., p. 477), "By an Inquisition of knights' fees, taken in the reign of Edward I., it is found that Roger de Woodhall held in Asche and Molescroft the fourth part of a knight's fee of the archbishop of York."-According to Domesday Book the archbishop held two carucates in Asch (Eske), and six bovates in Ach (Aike). In Kirkby's Inquest (p. 79), Roger de la Wudhall is returned as holding six bovates in Ayk. In 1343, Simon de Heslarton did homage to the archbishop for the manor of Wodehalle, and for six bovates in Ake, which he held " de haereditate Johannse, filise et haeredis Willelmi de Wodehalle, uxoris sue " (Reg. Zouche, 300 a). d What Nigel de Waldeby held was probably in Wauldby. See page 79, antea. FEODA MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 389 Robertus de Everingham in Eske et in Burton debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Godefridus de Melsa tenet in Sutton pro octava parte feodi j militis. Domina Johanna Wake in Cotingham debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius rilitis. Willelmus de Staflegh in Burton tenet viij bovatas terrse per servitium militare. Et est inquirendum pro quota, parte feodi tenet dictam terram. OTTELEYE. Nicholaus Ward in Gyseley debet respondere pro feodo unius militis. Feodum in Burlay debet respondere pro dimidio feodo unius militis. Feodum de Polef debet respondere pro dimidio feodo militis, prveterea duas carucatas terrse quae sunt in manu domini. Feodum apud Denton debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi unius militis. Falcasius de Lyndeley tenet in Lyndeley duas carucatas terrae, et facit sectam, et solvit per annum xviijs. et ijd. PATERINGTON IN HOLDERNESSE. Comes Albemarliae tenet feoda Willelmi Constabularii, et debet respondere pro duobus feodis militum in Tarlesthorp et Halsam.g Robertus de Hilton et Nicholaus de Piseley debent respondere pro feodo unius militis in Swynel et Withestede.i Robertus Cokerel respondebat pro feodo unius militis in Couldon, quod feodum archiepiscopus habet in manu sua, ut dicitur; et est inquirendum. Reginaldus filius Petrij debet respondere pro feodo trium militum in Leoneburgh et Winterthorp.k e In 1298, John de Staveley rendered homage for the twelfth part of a knight's fee in " Suth Burton" (page 401, postea). f Poole, near Otley. g See Kirkby's Inquest, page 77. h Memorandum quod, sub data apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, ix Aug., 1344, pontificatus domini W. la Zouche tertio, dominus Robertus de Hilton, miles, solvit dicto domino archiepiscopo iiij li. xijs. ijd. q. pro relevio suo pro manerio de Swyna quod tenet de domino archiepiscopo per servitium militare. Et inde habuit literam acquietancise consuetam (Reg. Zouche, 300 a). Winstead. J See page 79, note k. k An error for Wiverthorp. In 1298, John Fitz Reginald did homage " pro ten. in Lounesburg, Wyverthorp," and other places (Reg. Newark, 17 a). 390 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Gerardus de Fanecurt debet respondere pro feodo unius militis in Brunesby.l Adam de Everingham debet respondere pro feodo unius militis in Everingham et Flathwath.'" Walterus" de Gray tenet feodum quod fuit Hugonis de Boulton, et debet respondere pro feodo unius militis in Boulton et Yapumo et Golthorp.P Johannes de Meus tenet feodum quod fuit Ricardi de Hode(l)ston in Wetewange, et Galthorp, et Yolthorp, et debet respondere pro feodo unius militis. (Summa xxxviij li. xvs. vjd.-in manu recentiori). WYLTON. Memorandum quod Walterus de Grey, archiepiscopus Ebor., dedit homagium Walteri de Mikelfeud Waltero de Grey, militi, I Burnby, near Pocklington. m I am unable to identify Flathwath. Memorandum de balliva de Wilton infra-in margine. " October 23rd, 1230. Walterus, Ebor. archiepiscopus, dimisit et concessit Roberto filio Jacoby de Melteneby, sex bovatas terrae, cum uno mesuagio, quas dictus R. aliquando tenuit de Petro de Wiveretorp, ad terminum, quas dictus P. eidem archiepiscopo vendidit, in villa de Yapum, cum omnibus pertinentiis libertatibus et aysiamentis ad dictam terranm pertinentibus infra villam et extra, usque ad quinque annos completos (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 58). P Archbishop Gray granted lands in Gowthorpe and Youlthorpe to his brother Robert by the following charter:-Omnibus, etc. Noveritis nos concessisse dedisse, et preesenti carta nostra confirmasse, dilecto fratri nostro, domino Roberto de Gray, unam carucatam terrae cum omnibus pertinentiis suis in villa de Gouthorp, quam habuimus de dono Alexandri filii Willelmi, personge de Fangefosse, quietam a solutione redditus xx solidorum quos idem Alexander solvere consuevit Julianoe de Neuton, quem quidem redditum xx solid. dicta Juliana nobis concessit et quietum clamavit. Homagium etiam Gilleberti de Hoperton et Amabilis, uxoris suGe, cum ipsorum et haeredum suorum servitio, videlicet quinque solid. per annum, quorum homagium et servitium habuimus de dono de Juliana de Neutona. Praeterea unum toftum in Goutorp quod Robertus Lanoc quondam tenuit, et duas acras terre culm pertinentiis in eadern villa, quam terram cum tofto habuimus de dono Erneburgoe de Fangefosse, similiter unam bovatane terre et di. cum pertinentiis in Gouthorp, quam habuimus de dono Nicholai de Hugate et Aselinse, uxoris sue. Insuper etiam unam bovatam terrwe cum pertinentiis suis in Yolthorp, quam habuimus de dono et concessione Adse filii Alani et Alicie, filime et hveredis Willelmi de Ergum, secundum quod in cartis omniumn praedictorum super [hoc] nobis confectis plenius continetur; et praterea omnes terras quas in eisdem villis de Yolthorp et Gouthorp de emptione habuimus vel adquisitione cum omnibus pertinentiis suis. Tenend. et habend. eidem Roberto de Gray et hneredibus suis libere, quiete, et integre, et licite, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis et libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad predictas terras pertinentibus; faciendo inde forinsecum servitium capitalibus dominis quantum pertinet ad terras predictas pro omni servitio. Et ut hnec nostra concessio, etc. Test., etc. Data apud Suwell, quinto decimo kalendas Octobris, anno Domini quinto (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 83). FEODA MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 391 nepoti suo, qui quidem Walterus de Mikelfeud debuit tenere de domino archiepiscopo in capite feodum unius militis, quod fuit Andrese de Helpelthorp, unde consilium est apponendum. KESTEVENE IN COMITATU LINCOLNI.E. In Wythamq duse carucatae terrse. In Twifordr quatuor bovatse terrae. In Skillington quatuor carucatae et ij bovatae terrae. In Wolesthorps tres carucatze terrae. In Lepingthorpt una carucata terrse. In Levington" quatuor carucatae terrae. In Estonv tres carucatDe terrae. In Wyma duae carucatae terrae, quas Rogerus de Sausemer tenet. In Billinghey et Walecotew vigintix carucatae terrse. In Metheringham duae bovatae terrae. In (hundreda de-struck out) RusebyY tres carucatae terrae, et sex bovatse. In Swanethonz hundreda novem carucatae terrae, et duae bovatae. In Pikewortha dua carucatae et duae bovatae. In Daulebyb una carucata. In hundreda de Killingburghc quinque carucata quas Burnellus tenet in Neuton.d Trikingham, Wrestebye et Stowef quatuor carucatme et sex bovatae. (Summa xli. xixs. viijd.-in manu recentiori). 9 North Witham, in the wapentake of Beltisloe.-Willelmus de Mortymer et Willelmus de Poynton et Abbas de Billingey tenent di. feod. milit. in Northwyme et Lopinthorp et in West' de archiepiscopo, et archiepiscopus de domino rege in capite (Testa de Nevill, 327 b). In 1307, William de Mortimer did homage "pro quarta parte unius feodi in Lopinthorp, et pro duabus partibus unius feodi in Wollesthorp et Witheme " (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a). 1 Twyford, a hamlet in the parish of Colsterworth. In 1298 the archbishop received the homage of William de Mortimer, of Dunneslyver, "pro iiij bov. terrse in Twyford, j car. terrse in Lepinthorp et ij car. terrse in Wolesthorp" (Reg. Newark, 16 a). 5 Woolsthorpe (the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton), a hamlet about half a mile west of Colsterworth. t Lebthorpe, or Lobthorpe, a hamlet in the parish of North Witham. " Lavington, alias Lenton, four miles S.W. of Folkingham. v Otherwise called "Eston juxta Graham" (page 385, antea). Easton, a hamlet in the parish of Stoke Rocheford, is about six miles south of Grantham. Thomas Palfrey held lands in Eston and Stoke in 1443 (Marrat's Lincolnshire, iii., 360). w "Waleton" is struck out, and "Walecote" superscribed. Walcott is about two miles N.W. of Billinghay. r Twelve of these carucates were in Billinghay, and eight in Walcott (Domesday Book, ed. 1783, page 340). y Probably an error for Duseby (Dowsby). See page 395, postea.' Swaton, five miles N.E. of Folkingham. a Pickworth is two miles west of Folkingham. b Perhaps this is Dembleby, near Folkingham. Billingborough, three miles east of Folkingham. d Newton is about two miles and a half west of Threckingham. eI am unable to identify Wresteby. f Stow, in the parish of Threckingham. 392 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. WESTRIDING IN COMITATU LINCOLNIIE. In Herpeswell v bovatse et dimidia. In Hakesthornf una carucata terrme et iiij bovatae. Gregorius quidam tenuit in eadem villa unam carucatam terre et septem bovatas et dimidiam, quas quidam Hugo tenet. (Summa xiiijs. viijd.-in nanu recentiori.) NORTRIDINGH IN COMITATU LINCOLNIE. Alanus de Motel tenet unam carucatam terrae in Cokewaud.h In Hicklingi et in Glej sunt [ ]" bovatae terrae, de quibus quidam Radulfus tenet iiij bovatas. Ricardus de Werreby tenet in Swawelll vj bovatas, in Staliburgrn vj bovatas, in Kelebyn iiij bovatas et dimidiam, in Riggeby~ iij carucatas et vj bovatas. In BenigworthP sunt duae carucatae et iiij bovatte quas Ricardus de Linc' tenet. In Panton et Barkworthq sunt duae carucatae et vj bovatae terrae quas Gilbertus de Tycye tenet. In Lisigtonr sunt septem carucatae quas Herbertuss filius Aubricii tenet. In g Hackthorne is about five miles E.S.E. of Harpswell, and eight miles north of Lincoln.-Galfridus filius Willelmi tenet [de archiepiscopo Ebor.] unum feod. in Hakelthorn de veteri feoffamento (Testa de Nevill, 306 b). h Cuxwold, or Cokeswold, near Caistor. Healing, six miles west of Grimsby. i Clee, near Grimsby. k Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet in Hekeling et Cle v bov. et in Stalingburg vj bov. quas Gilbertus de Righesby tenet per servitium di. milit., et Hugo de Verli in Swalve, de illo archiepiscopo, vj bov. per servitium xxvjte partis unius milit. Et Robertus de Munceaus, de illo archiepiscopo, in Cukewaud unam car. per servitium xxx"' partis unius milit., et Hugo de Verli in Bilebi vj bov. per servitium xxvjte partis unius milit. (Testa de Nevill, 347 b). I Probably Swallow, near Cuxwold. " Stallingborough, seven miles N.W. of Grimsby.-Galfridus de Castellund tenet [de archiepiscopo Ebor.] quartam partem unius feodi in Stalingburg (Testa de Nevill, 306 b). n Keelby, six miles west of Grimsby. " Rigsby, in Calceworth hundred, about two miles west of Alford.-Calswath. Thomas de Riggesby tenet in Riggesby, Allesby (Ailby), Toutheby (Tothby), Aufford (Alford), Welle et Sutton feodum unius milit. de honore archiepiscopi Ebor. (Testa de Nevill, 331 a). P Benniworth, in Wraggoe wapentake, six miles N.E. of Wragby.-Willelmus filius Radulphi tenet in Beningwurth xiij""a partem feodi unius milit. de dicto archiepiscopo (Testa de Nevill, 332 a). q Panton and West Barkwith, near Wragby.-Willelmus de Panton tenet in Panton et Barcwurth feod. unius milit. de archiepiscopo Ebor. (Testa de Nevill, 832 a). Lissington, four miles N.N.W. of Wragby.-Thomas de Riggesby tenet in Lissington feod. unius milit. de dicto archiepiscopo (Testa de Nevill, 332 a).' Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenuit in capite de domino rege iiijor car. terrae in Lissington, et illas dedit Herberto filio Aubri pro servitio unius milit., ct hcredes Herberti eas tenent (Testa de Nevill, 338 a). FEODA MILITUM ARCIIIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 393 Wolingehamt sunt dume carucatse [et] una bovata et dimidia quas Ricardus de Werby tenet. In Heytonu una carucata et iiij bovatse quas idem Ricardus tenet. In Gryselaiv (sic) et Burgow sunt duwe carucatae et duwe bovatae quas idem Ricardus tenet. In Barkeworthx sunt vj bovatse quas idem Ricardus tenet. In Schelford Hornebyy sunt iij carucatae terra et vij bovatse. In Welfrikebyz sunt dupe carucatse et duse bovatse quas Archidiaconus tenet. (Summa cviijs. iiijd.-in manu recentiori.) FEODA INFRA LINDESIE IN COMITATU LINCOLNIE. Haeres Hugonis de Werly tenet in Burthe,a Greseby, Wolingham, Barkeworth, Hayton et Hackethorn feodum duorum militum et dimidium. Gilbertus de Riggebyb tenet in Riggeby,c Walle, Lissington et Stalingburg feodum unius militis. t South Willingham, five miles N.E. of Wragby.-Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenuit in capite de domino rege in Grisebi unam car. terrae et di., in Willingham ij car. et j bov. et di., in Barcwarth iiij bov., et illas dedit Willelmo de Verli pro servitio di. milit. (Testa de Nevill, 337 b). " Hainton, near South Willingham. " Grisby, a hamlet in the parish of Burgh upon Bain, three miles N.E. of Hainton. w Robertus de Brettevill et Amabil de Verly tenent in Burgo, Griseby, Walingham, IHeynton et Barcwurth feod. unius milit. et di. de archiepiscopo Ebor., et idem de domino rege in capite (Testa de Nevill, 332 a). v Probably East Barkwith. y The places intended are Tetford and South Ormesby, in Hill hundred. At the date of the Domesday Survey the archbishop held three carucates in Tesforde, and half a carucate in Ormesbi (Domesday Book, ed. 1783, page 139). —ylle wap. Gilbertus filius Roberti tenet in Tefford Hornesby unum feod. de archiepiscopo Ebor. (Testa de Nevill, 332 b). " Perhaps this is Worlaby, an extra-parochial hamlet about one mile north of Tetford. The archbishop held two carucates and two bovates in " Wlvricesbi " (Domesday Book, ed. 1783, page 139).-Hille wap. Willelmus de Perci tenuit ij car. terrse et ij bov. in Wlfrikeby, quas dedit Capitulo Beati Petri Ebor. in puram elemosinam, et canonici illas tenent (Testa de Nevill, 336 a). In 1301, Robert de Hauley did homage "pro ten. in villis de Gryseby, Burgh, Heynton, Skelford (Tetford?), Wolingham, Barkeword, Herdeby (Ormesby?) et Wylfritheby " (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b), in 1309 " pro duobus feod. et di. in Burgh, Gryseby, Wolingham, Haynton, Barkworth, Hakthorn et Herpeswell" (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a), and in 1323 "pro ij feod. et di. in Gryseby, Burgh, Heynton, Shelford (Tetford?), Wylyngham, Barkeword, Herdeby (Ormesby?) et Wylfritheby" (Reg. Melton, 595 b). b The following documents probably relate to this family.-Dominus Walterus de Ludham habet custodiam terrarum que fuerunt Thomae de Riggeby usque ad legitimam aetatem haeredum. Data apud Kawod, iiij kalendas Maii, anno tricesimo (Ex Rot. Minore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 22). Dominus Willelmus de Wydinton habet maritagium heredum dicti Thomae de Riggeby ad neptem suam, filiam Simonis de Gringetorp. Ita quod si ipsa maritata ante aetatem viri sui decedat revertatur maritagium ad archiepiscopum. Data apud Kawod, Ut supra (Ibid., No. 23). " On the 19th November, 1298, "apud Broyerton, post prandium," the 394 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Willelmus de Pantond tenet in Pantone feodum unius militis. Robertus de Heself tenet in Schelfordg feodum unius militis, quod Rlobertus filius Gilberti de eo tenet. archbishop received the homage of Sir Thomas de Ryggesby, knight, " pro ten. in Ryggesby, Lissyngton, Stalynburg, Swaby, Welle, Hoytou (Huttoft?), Alworth (Alford?), Stouyeby (Toutheby), Sutton et Aleby," which were held "per servitium feodi unius milit. " (Reg. Newark, 17 b). In 1300, Sir Thomas de Riggesby did homage "pro ten. in Riggesby, Lissington, Stalingburgh, et alibi" (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b), and again in 1318 (Reg. Melton, 595 b). In 1326, "Radulphus de Riggesby, filius et hueres domini Thomne de Riggesby," did homage "pro feodo et di. unius milit. in Riggesby et Lissington, cum suis membris Bleby (Aleby?), Walle, Houtou, Aleford, Toutheby, Sutton, Swaby, Amby, Sauthorp (Sausthorpe), et Roldeston juxta Suwell" (Ibid.). In 1332, "Thomas de Ryggesby, filius et hberes Radulphi de Ryggesby," rendered homage "pro terris et ten. que tenet pro feodo unius milit. in Ryggesby et Lissington, cum suis membris, videlicet Bleby, Wvelle, Houtou, Aldeford, Thoutheby, Sutton, Swaby, Amby et Sauthorph" (Ibid.). d Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenuit in capite de domino rege in Panton et Barcwarth ij car. et iij bov. Et idem archiepiscopus dedit illas Osberto de Panton pro servitio unius milit., et haeredes ejus adhuc tenent (Testa de Nevill, 337 b). In 1299, "Johannes filius Hugonis de Paunton fecit homagium pro ten. de Paunton, juxta Wrageby, et West Barkeworth, et respondet pro feodo j milit." (Reg. Newark, 18 a). In 1301, the archbishop received the homage of John de Paunton " pro ten. in Paunton et Weste Barkeword" (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b). The Inq. p. m. of John de Paunton, " qui tenuit de rege, archiepiscopatu Ebor. vacante,' was taken in the 33rd Edward I., William de Paunton, "frater praedicti Johannis," being his next heir (Cal. Gen., ii., 680). "Willelmus, filius (sic) Johannis de Paunton," did homage for the same lands in 1306 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a), and, as "dominus Willelmus de Paunton, miles," in 1318 (Reg. Melton, 594 b). In 1334, "Willelmus filius Willelmi de Paunton, juxta Wraggeby," rendered homage " pro terris et ten. in Paunton et Barkworth et alibi in com. Line. " (Ibid., 595 b), and in 1337 "Robertus de Paunton, frater et heres Willelmi de Paunton," did homage "pro maneriis de Paunton et Barkesworth in Lyndesay" (Ibid.). In 1344, the archbishop received the homage of Hugh de Cressy " pro iijtia parte j feodi in Paunton et West Barkworth in com. Line." (Reg. Zouche, 300 a). f Hille wap. Robertus de Hesela tenet in Teford feodum unius milit. de feodo archiepiscopi Ebor., quod Hugo de Nevill tenet de eo, et archiepiscopus de domino rege in capite (Testa de Nevill, 336 b). See page 393, note y. g An error for Teford, now called Tetford.-In 1298, "dominus Philippus de Teford fecit homagium pro ten. in Teford et Ormesby" (Reg. Newark, 16 b), and in 1301 "pro ten. in Theford et Hornesby," which he held "per feod. j milit. " (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b). On August 4th, 1303, " venit dominus Thomas de Brayboef, miles, ostendens se paratum facere homagium domino Thome, Ebor. archiepiscopo, pro proparte sua tenementorum quve fuerunt domini Philippi de Teford in Teford " (Ibid.). The Templars held certain tenements in Wetherby of Sir Philip de Tefurth (antea, page 204, note e). The archbishop received the homage of William de Ouneby "pro ten. in Teford et Ormesby" in 1303 (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b), and that of Thomas de Ouneby, or Ounesby, for one knight's fee in " Tetford et Ormesby in com. Line.," in 1318 (Reg. Jlelton, 595 b). Perhaps he was the same person as Thomas de Outhenby, or Aunby, who held Aston in 1316 (antea, pages 281 n, 358). In 1332, "donlinus Thomas, rector ecclesim de Thetford, Lync. dioc.," did homage " pro j mesuagio et j bov. in villa de Thetford" (Reg. Melton, 595 b). In 1351, the archbishop received the homage of Sir William de Totheby, knight, "pro terris et ten. in villis de Tetford et Riggesby in cor. Line. " (Reg. Zouche, 300 b). FEODA MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 395 Robertus de Hakeredebyh et Margareta tenent in Benigworthi decimam partem feodi unius militis. (Summa xij li. vs. —in manu recentiori). FEODA IN KESTEVEN. Willelmus filius Petri de Billigvere, Waleton,i Likethorpk tenent (sic) feodum unius militis. Hugo filius Radulfi cum hweredibus suis de Griseley tenet in Rusebyl feodum urnius militis. Idem IHugo' tenet in Laventon de Petro filio Herberti, de eodem feodo, feodum unius militis. Oliverus de Ayncurt, per Rogerum Jollanum, tenet in Hoieburgh" feodum unius militis. Walterus de Escurs tenet in Schillingeton feodumo unius militis. Thomas Palefrai tenet in Eston, et in comitatu Leycestre, feodump unius militis, sed dicit quod non debet respondere nisi pro dimidio feodo. h Archiepiscopus Ebor. tenuit in capite de domino rege ij car. terrae et di. in Benigwarth, et Robertus de Adredeby et Margareta de Benigwarth tenent de eodem feodo unam car. terrae per servitium x-M partis unius milit. (Testa de Nevill, 338 a). In 1307, Thomas de Benigworth did homage " pro j mesuagio et iij bov. in Beningworth," which he held " pro xxma parte feodi,-reddendo per annum ixs. " (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 222 a). In 1319, "Willelmus filius Thomre de Benyngworth" rendered homage " pro xxma parte feodi j milit. in Benyngworth " (Reg. Mlelton, 595 b). i This entry is evidently corrupt. —Willelmus filius Petri tenet [de archiepiscopo Ebor.] unum feod. milit. in Billingey et Walecote de veteri feoffamento (Testa de Nevill, 306 b). Archiepiscopus Ebor. habet in Billingeie et Walecote servitium unius milit. quod Petrus de Bilingeie tenet (Ibid., 340 a).-Tn 1307, Sir John de Meaux did homage for one knight's fee in " Billingeye et Walecote" (Reg. Greenfeld, ii., 222 a), and again in 1318 (Reg. Melton, 595 a). k I am unable to identify Likethorp. Probably an error for Duseby (Dowsby).-Hugo filius Radulphi tenet [de archiepiscopo Ebor.] feodum unius milit. in Douseby de veteri feoffamento (Testa de Nevill, 306 b).-Archiepiscopus Ebor. habet in Duseby servitium di. milit. quod Matilda de Gynai tenet in dote (Ibid., 341 a). Sir Thomas de Ros, brother of Sir William de Ros, junior, of Ingmanthorpe, did homage for the manor of Dousby in 1298 (Reg. Newark, 17 b), in 1300 (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b), in 1309 (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 221 a), and again in 1318 (Reg. Melton, 595 a).' Hugo filius Radulfi tenet in Lavinton feodum unius milit. de Herberto filio Petri, et idem H. de archiepiscopo Ebor., et idem archiepiscopus de domino rege in capite (Testa de Nevill, 326 b). An error, I believe, for Hanewurth (Potter Hanworth, in Lango wapentake)..-Heres Oliveri Leyncurt (Deyncurt) habet feodum unius militis in Hanewurth, quod Willelmus Deyncurt tenet (Testa de Nevill, 340 a). o Walterus de Scuris tenet di. feodum milit. in Scilington [de archiepiscopo Ebor.], et ipse de domino rege in capite (Testa de Nevill, 327 b). P Thomas Palefrey tenet tres partes unius feodi in Eston de archiepisco Ebor. (Testa de Nevill, 306 b, 327 b). 396 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Willelmus de Benigworth tenet in Lepingthorp, in capite, quartam partem unius militis. Jordanus de la Land tenet in Lepingthorp,q Claipol et Wyne feodum unius militis. (Summa xiiij li. xs.-in manu recentiori). FEODA APUD CHERCHEDONr IN COM. GLOUCESTRE. Gilbertus Morins de Cundos debet respondere pro feodo unius militis et dimidio. Reginaldus de Periton debet respondere pro dimidio feodo unius militis. Thurstanus dispensator pro terra de Bristhamtont et Cumpton" respondebit pro dimidio feodo unius militis. Galfridus de Longo Campo pro terra de Bristhamton et Elesbriggv respondet pro tertia parte unius militis. Walterus de Muscegrosw pro Lassandonw respondet pro tertia parte unius militis. Petrus filius Herberti pro Hyda, Glouc', respondet pro quinta parte unius militis. (Summa cxjs. viijd.-in manu recentiori). q Archiepiscopus habet in Lopinthorp et in Wime et in Wlthorp feod. di. milit. quod Johannes de la Laund tenet (Testa de Nevill, 342 a).-In 1300, Sir Thomas de Sancto Lando did homage "pro terris de Skillington et Wollesthorp (Reg. Corbridge, 103 b). r Churchdown, near Gloucester., Baronia de Chirchedon.-1309, May 26. Apud Chirchedon, Robertus Moryn de Swyndon, filius et haeres Simonis Moryn, fecit homagium domino Ebor. archiepiscopo, in manerio suo ibidem, pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo, et recognovit se tenere in Swyndon, Wydeford, et Salford in comitatu Oxon. unum feod. milit. et di. per servitium militare (Reg. Greenfield, ii., 224 b). Swindon is near Cheltenham; Widford, near Burford, is in a detached portion of Gloucestershire, within the county of Oxford; and Salford is about two miles west of Chipping Norton. t Brighthampton, or Brickhampton, a hamlet in the chapelry of Churchdown. u Compton Abdale, seven miles S.E. of Cheltenham. In the 19th Edward I., the archbishop had licence to embattle his house here (Fosbrooke's Gloucestershire, ii., 431). v Elmbridge, a hamlet in the chapelry of Churchdown. " The Inq. p. m. of Walter de Muscegros, who died seised of the manor of Lassendon (Cal. Inq. p. mn., i., 27), was taken in the 49th Henry III. (1264-5). The jurors say that "Walterus de Muchegros, avus praedicti Walteri defuncti, habuit novem filias, scilicet, Petronillam primogenitam, ex qua nascitur Walterus de Huntel, miles, Margeriam Mabaunck, sororem Petronille, qune mortua est et habuit tres filias, Luciam, Aliciam et Juetman (alias Jotam), et Julianam, Agnetam, Aliciam, Johannam, Matildam, Elizabetham et Amabiliam, sorores prnedicte Petronillae; et sunt propinquiores haeredes proedicti Walteri defuncti de maneriis de Lessendon et de Bulleye, et sunt plense aotatis" (Cal. Gen., i., 114). " Lassington is about two miles N.W. of Gloucester. FEODA MILITUM ARCHIEPISCOPATUS EBOR. 397 Summa feodorum militum totius archiepiscopatus, lij et ij partes feodi unius militis, praeter bovatas et carucatas de Kesteven, Westriding et Northstriding. Ecclesia de Kynewaldeston,Y quam habet archiepiscopus in proprios usus, et que consuevit poni ad firmam pro xl marcis antequam magister H. de Corebrig,z officialis, fecisset ibi vicarium, nunc ponitur pro xxxij marcis. Y Kinoulton, in the county of Nottingham. See Fasti Ebor., vol. i., 353 n. HOMAGIAa ET FIDELITATES. 1287, Dec. 26. Memorandum,b quod dominus Hugo de Babington, miles, fecit homagium domino Johanni,c Dei gratia, Ebor. archiepiscopo, Angliae primati, in manerio suo de Scroby, die Sancti Stephani in crastino Natalis Domini, anno gratiwe M.CC. octogesimo septimo, et pontificatus sui secundo, pro manerio de Burley in balliva de Otteley. Salvo jure cujuslibet. Ita, videlicet, quod prsedictus pater, aut successores sui, non teneantur ad warrantizationem. Prsesentibus ibidem dominis Willelmo de Vescy, Thoma de Normanvile, et aliis pluribus, sicut continetur in scripto super hoc confecto. 1290-1, Jan. 30. Johannes de Wake fecit homagium apud Burton, die Lunae proxima ante festum Purificationis Beatae Virginis, pontificatus domini J., Ebor. archiepiscopi anno quinto, pro quarta parte feodi unius militis in Cotingham. 1294, Aug. 20. Memorandum, quod xiij kalendas Septembris, anno gratie M.CC. nonagesimo quarto, in manerio de Schireburn, prwesentibus dominis Johanne Sampson et Johanne de Melsa, militibus, et aliis, Johannes de Reygate, junior, fecit homagium domino J., Ebor. archiepiscopo, pro terra sua in Stiveton, Mikelfeld, Lumby et Mileford, et juravit sibi fidelitatem. 1295, Aug. 26. Memorandum, quod Johannes, filius domini Roberti de Grey, fecit homagium et fidelitatem domino J., archiepiscopo, pontificatus sui anno x~, pro tenementis quwe clamat tenere de ipso. 1295, Sept. 27. Memorandum, quod Willelmus de Wikeley fecit homagium J., Ebor. archiepiscopo, in manerio de Otteley, " The "Feoda militum archiepiscopatus Ebor." may be appropriately succeeded by a list of all the homages rendered to the archbishops for lands in Yorkshire held of the see. They are arranged chronologically, commencing about the date of Kirkby's Inquest, and extendingt over a period of nearly one hundred years..Brief extracts of other homages which the archbishops received from their tenants in the counties of Gloucester, Leicester, Lincoln, Northumberland and Nottinghlam, have been given in the notes to the preceding document. b The first seven homages, rendered to archbishop Romanus, are taken from Giffard's register, where they occur as marginal notes or interlineations on the " Feoda Militum." c John Rlomanus, archbishop from 1286 to 1296. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 399 pro terra in Denton quam tenet de domino; et intelligunt aliqui quod est feodum unius militis. 1296, March 26. Johannes, filius domini R.d de Grey, fecit fidelitatem et homagium J., archiepiscopo, vij kalendas Aprilis, pontificatus xO, [pro feodo unius militis in Boulton et Yapun et Golthorp.] —, Feb. 23. Memorandum, quod dominus Johannes Marmyon, miles, fecit homagium domino Johanni, Ebor. archiepiscopo, in manerio suo Rypon, vij kalendas Martii, prEesentibus Johanne de Lythegreyns et aliis, pro tenementis in Rypon. 1297, Nov. 21. Dominus J. Wak, apud Wylton, fecit homagium domino pro tenementis in Codingham, et recognovit servitium pro quarta parte feodi j militis. Rey. Newark, 16 a. 1297-8, Jan. 18. Apud Cawod, dominus J. de Bella Aqua fecit homagium domino pro tenementis in Kertelington et Normanton in balliva Suwell, et recognovit.... militis. Item pro tenemento in Byrn, quod respondet pro dimidio feodo j militis, ut dicitur, in balliva de Schireburn. Ibid. 1297-8, Jan. 18. Apud Cawod,.... de Mileforde fecit hom. domino pro ten. in Levanachton,s Schireburn et Mileford, et respondet pro.... militis. Reddendo per annum viijs. viijd., et nihilominus faciendo sectam curias de Schireburn de tribus [septimanis ad tres septimanas.] Ibid. 1297-8, Jan. 18. Apud Cawod, Thomas de Ulckelf fecit hom. pro ten. in Ulskelf, videlicet, ij bovatis terrse et ij acris, etiam in Grimestonh ij mesuagiis et ij croftis.... mag', et per servitium iijs., et faciendo sectam ad curiam de Schireburn de tribus septimanis ad iij septimanas. Et nescitur pro quota parte feodi j militis tenet. Ibid. 1297-8, Jan. 18. Memorandum, quod Johannes filius Ricardi Forestarii de Wystowe tenet in Wystowe ij tofta et lxvj acras terrse arabiles et viij acras prati, reddendo per anlnum xs. pro omnibus servitiis, nescitur tamen pro quota parte feodi, et fecit hom. domino apud Cawod. Ibid. 1297-8, Jan. 18. Apud Cawod, Thomas de Marston fecit hom. domino pro ten. in Levenaghton, videlicet, pro j mesuagio et pro iiijXX acris terrae, tam in dominico quam in servitio, et viij acris prati, reddendo per annum iijs. xjd., faciendo sectam d Robert, son and heir of Walter de Gray, who held one knight's fee in Bolton, Yapham and Gowthorpe, as mentioned at page 390, antea. e Probably William de Camera of South Milford. f Contractions of such words as homagium, fidelitas, septimana, tenementutm, etc., will be henceforth used. g Lennerton, near Sherburn. h Grimston, in the parish of Kirkby Wharfe. 400 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. ad curiam de Schireburn de iij sept. ad tres sept. Et debet respondere de vta parte quarte partis feodi j militis. Ibid. 1297-8, Feb. 13. Apud Munckton juxta Rypon, Ricardus de Babington recognovit se tenere in capite de archiepiscopo Ebor. manerium de Burley per horn. et fid. et sectam ad curiam de Otteley de tribus sept. ad tres sept., et wardum et relevium quando accidit. Et respondet pro di. feodo j milit. in scutagio et relevio, pro quo tanturn, dictis die et loco, fecit horn. Henrico, Ebor. electo. Ibid., 16 b. 1297-8, Feb. 27. Johannes de Reygate, in presentia domini Johannis de Lithegreyns, dominorum Lamberti de Trikingham et Roberti de Levesham, et aliorum plurium, in camera sub oriolo de Cawod, fecit domino electo horn. et fid. suam pro terris et ten. suis in Stiveton, Mikelfeld, Mileford et Lumby. Et recognovit quod tenet per feodum j milit., et petiit diem usque Pascha de majori servitio ab eo exacto, ut interim consulat et deliberet super illo. Ibid. 1298, June 12. Dominus Johannes de Grey, miles, fecit hom. domino apud Thorp, prmesentibus domino Johanne de Lit....; et quia non fuit certus de quantitate ten. suorum quse de domino tenuit, nec de servitio per quod tenet easdem, dominus dedit sibi diem ad respondendum..... sua apud Ebor., super quibus dominum tune promisit reddere certiorem. Ibid. 1298, June 16. Memorandum, quod dominus Ricardus de Goldeburgh, senior, Ricardus filius ejus, Stephanus de Thorp,i et dominus Symon Ward, fecerunt hom. sua domino H., Ebor. archiepiscopo, in crastino consecrationis suae, apud Ebor., videlicet xvj kalendas Julii, anno gratiae M.CC. nonagesimo octavo, et juraverunt sibi fidelitates. Et Symon recognovit se tenere in Giseley, GevildaleJ et Kirkeby super Werf per servitium j feodi militis, et in Neubyk per servitium quartme partis feodi j militis. De aliis restat inquirendum quantum quilibet tenet, et per quae servitia, et ubi tenementa illa consistant. Ricardus, senior, tenet de archiepiscopo in Pole' et Farnley pro dimidio feodo unius militis, ut creditur. Inquiratur. Ibid., 17 a. 1298, June 17. Item Johannes filius Reginaldi, die Martis post consecrationem praedictam, videlicet, xvjm- (sic) kalendas Julii, fecit homagium domino, apud Ebor., in capella sua, pro i Probably Stephen de Thorpe, of Thorpe Welwick, in Holderness. i Givendale, near Ripon. k Newby-super-Yore. See page 212, antea. I Poole and Farnley, near Otley.'n A manifest error for xv. Archbishop Newark was consecrated in York Minster on Sunday, the 15th of June, 1298 (Fasti Ebor., i., 352). The following Tuesday would therefore be the 15th kalends of July. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 401 tenementis in Lounesburg, Wyverthorp, Helpirthorp, Lutton,? altera Lutton, Collum, Crohom, Schireburn, Briddesale, Tirkalby, Langetoft, qua tenet per servitia trium feodorum militum. Ibid. 1298, June 20. Johannes de Staveley, apud Thorp, fecit horn. et fid. domino archiepiscopo, pro ix bov. terrae quas tenet in dominico et servitio [in] Suth Burton, per horn. et servitium ixs. iiijd. per ann., et scutagium quantum pertinet ad xijmam partem feodi j milit., et plus, quantum spectat ad j bov. terrse. Et tenet [etiam] in villa del Wel~ j mesuagium [et] iij bov. terrse per servitium xlvd. pro omni servitio. De secta curise, et aliis, inquiratur. Ibid. 1298, June 22. Dominus J. de Melsa, miles, apud Cawod, fecit horn. domino archiepiscopo pro ten. que tenet de ipso in Hodeliston et Wetewang, et juravit fid. [Et quia non] fuit certus de quantitate ten., nec de quantitate servit', injunctum est ei quod super hoc certificet dominum distincte intra xv dies. Ibid. 1298, -. Apud Cawod, dominus admisit hom. domini Roberti de Furneus, militis, salvo jure cujuslibet, pro ten. quce tenet in Lotrington, videlicet, pro tertia parte manerii...... Et recognovit etiam...iijam partem feodi j milit. se tenere, et per wardum cum accidit, et per sectam curike de tribus sept. ad tres sept. Ibid. 1298, Sept. 15. Memorandum, quod apud Beverlacum, in praesentia W. de Kelk, tune ballivi, Henricus de Witherton, pro iij bov. terrae, Galfridus del Hill pro j bov. terrne, Johannes Cokerel pro j bov. terrae, et Ivo Cokerel pro j bov. terrae, quas tenent in Coldon, fecerunt domino hom. et fid., per quam recognoverunt se tenere per servitium ad sectam curiae de Coldon in placitis emergentibus inter partes de eadem villa, cum ad hoc per octo dies ante fuerint summoniti, per compositionem inter J., archiepiscopum, et illos de Coldon, factam. Ibid., 17 b. 1298, -. Memorandum, quod dominus Johannes Marmyon, miles, fecit hom. et fid. domino archiepiscopo, pontificatus sui anno primo, apud Thorp, pro ten. que tenet in Rypon; et, facta fidelitate, injunctum est ei, in virtute praestiti juramenti, quod faciat constare domino citra Natale Domini, de quantitate feodi milit., et per que servitia, quod promisit. Et postea recognovit se tenere per servitia........ hi annexa....... n East and West Lutton, in the wapentake of Buckrose. o The village of Weel is about one mile east of Beverley. P Son and heir of.William de Marmion, by Loretta, daughter and co-heiress of Roesia de Dover. Sir John Marmion died April 5th, 1322, and was succeeded by his son John, who died April 30th, 1335. D D 402 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. A sonn trecher seygnur Henre, par la grace Dieu ercevesque de Everwik, le soen Johan Marmyoun saluz, honurs et reverences cor a sonn seignur. Sachet sire ke teing en la vile de Rypoun de vous vij placees de queus jeo receyue xijs. de rente par an, pur la quele rente jeo vous face homage, feaute, et suyte de treys semayns en treys semaynes a vostre curte de Rypon. Et ceste lettre si le vous plest vous maunk pur ceo ke vous me hargastes quant jeo vous fis le homage. Cher sire, si reu voillet ke fere puysse maundet corn a celuy ke volunters ke volunters (sic) freyt chose ke vous probist. Saluz a Deu ke vous gard a tous jours. Ibid. 1298, Oct. 24. Apud Otteley, dominus Maugerus le Vavasour fecit hom. et fid. domino pro ten. in Denton juxta Otteley, et recognovit se tenere pro quarta parte feodi unius milit., cum accidit, et facere sectam ad curiam domini de tribus sept. ad tres sept. Ibid. 1298, Nov. 1. Robertus Timbil, apud Otteley, fecit hom. domino H., archiepiscopo, et fid., pro ten. in Timbild:q per quam fidelitatem..... tenere ten. illa per homagium et servitium, faciendo sectam ad curiam de Otteley de tribus sept. ad tres sept., et xxvjs. viijd. ad duos anni terminos....... hoc plus non fuerit recognitum, restat plenius inquirendum. Ibid. 1298, Nov. 6. Memorandum, quod Johannes de Wyvill fecit hom. Henrico, archiepiscopo Ebor., in manerio suo Rypon', [pro ten.] qune tenet de eo in Nunewyk et Nunewyk-Thornes, et quod debet respondere pro di. feodo j milit., faciendo sectam ad curiam Rypon' de..... Ibid. 1298, Dec. 2. Memorandum, quod, presenti L. de Trikingham, seniori, dominus H., archiepiscopus, in capella sua de Thorp, salvo jure cujuslibet, recepit horn. Johannis Tinctoris de Rypon pro ij bov. terrwe et ten. in Markinton, qune recognovit se de ipso tenere per sectam ad curiam Rypon' de tribus sept. ad tres sept. faciendam, et per forinsecum servitium pro quarta parte feodi j milit. Ibid., 18 a. 1299, March 25. Radulphus de Mickelfeld de Bolton juxta Wylton fecit horn. et fid..... ytheton, tune ballivi Beverlaci, pro ten. quae tenet in Bolton; et recognovit se tenere de eo in Bolton duas car. terrae in..... no wardum, relevium et excaetam, cum evenerit, pro dicta terra, et faciet sectam ad curiam de Wylton de tribus sept. in tres sept., et......, et unam carucam in vere, vel pro qualibet caruca iiijd. Ibid. 1299,. Apud Lanum, dominus Edmundus de q The archbishop held one carucate in Parva Tymble (page 204, antea). * This homage was probably made in the presence of Henry de Wytheton, bailiff of Beverley. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 403 Eyncourts miles, fecit horn. domino H., Ebor. archiepiscopo,.....Sed de recognitione..... non fecit mentionem quod sciam, quia factum fuit homagium me absente. Ibid. 1300, July 18. Dominus Johannes de Bella Aqua fecit horn. et fid. domino, in palatiot Ebor., praesentibus dominis Lamberto de Trikingham, Waltero de Harum et multis aliis, pro ten. in Byrn, quod respondet pro di. feodo j milit., et pro ten. in Kurtelington et Normanton in balliva Suwell; et recognovit feodum j milit. Reg. Corbridge, 102 a. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., Johannes de Lascy fecit horn. domino pro ten. in Brettonu et Gayteford, et defendit di. feod. milit., et recognovit se tenere per servitium militare, faciendo sectam ad curiam de Schirbourn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Quod homagium dominus admisit, cujuslibet jure salvo, proesentibus domino Lamberto de Trikingham,; domini regis justiciario, et dominis Edmundo de Eyncourt et J. de Bella Aqua, militibus, et aliis. Ibid. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., dominus Robertus de Berley, miles, fecit domino fid. tantum pro ten. in Burton" juxta Birne, et Gayteford, et recognovit se tenere ten. de Burton per sectam curiae apud Schirburn de tribus sept. in tres sept., et ten. de Gayteford per medium. Ibid. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., Johannes de Reygate, praesentibus supradictis, fecit hom. et fid. domino pro terris et ten. in Stiveton, Mikelfeld, Milford et Lumby, et recognovit se tenere per feodum unius milit.; sed per quve servitia faeiet domino constare per sacramentum suum. (Memorandum quod inquiratur-in margine.) Ibid. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., Thomas de Merston fecit hom. et fid. domino pro ten. in Levenaghton, sicut in registro Henricix continetur, reddendo iijs. xjd. per ann., et faciendo sectam ad curiam de Schirbourn de tribus sept. in tres sept., et recognovit quod debet respondere pro quinta parte quartze partis feodi unius milit.: praesentibus omnibus supradictis. Ibid. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., dominus Johannes de ~ In July, 1300, Sir Edmund de Eyncourt did homage " pro ten. in Bruneby." t Some remains of the archiepiscopal palace may yet be seen in the Deanery gardens, on the north side of the Minster. u Burton Salmon. " Lambert de Trikingham was one of the justices of the Common Pleas 13001316, a judge of the King's Bench 1317-1320, and a baron of the Exchequer in 1321 (Foss's Judges, iii., 533). He was an executor under the will of archbishop Corbridge (Fasti Ebor., i., 361). Burton Hall, a farm about one mile W.N.W. of Burn, in the parish of Brayton. See page 399, antea. D) D2 404 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Melsa fecit horn. et fid. domino pro ten. que tenet in Hodeleston et Wetewange: per quoe servitia inquiratur, quia non interfui. Ibid. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., dominus Osebertus de Spaldington fecit fid. domino sub deliberatione homagii per dominum admittendi, et per eundem oblati; et deliberavit idem OsebertusY per quwe servitia tenet usque ad proximam curiam post festum Sancti Michaelis. Ibid. 1300, July 18. Dominus Edmundus de Eyncourt, miles, fecit horn. et fid. domino, in palatio domini Ebor., priesentibus domino Lamberto de Trikingham, Waltero de Harum, et multis aliis, pro ten. in Bruneby; per quae servitia inquiratur, quia tune non fuit certus. Ibid., 102 b. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., dominus Johannes filius Reginaldi fecit horn. et fid. domino pro ten. in Lonnesbourgh, Wyverthorp, Helperthorp, Lutton, altera Lutton, Collum, Crohum, Schirborn, Brideshale, Thurkelby et Langetoft quwe tenet per servitium iij feod. militum. Ibid. 1300, July 18. Dominus Johannes Marmion, miles, fecit horn. et fid. domino in palatio Ebor., praesentibns domino Lamberto de Trikingham, Waltero de Harum et multis aliis, pro ten. quae tenet de ipso in Rypon, et recognovit se tenere eadem, faciendo sectam ad curiam Rypon' de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 103 a. 1300, July 18. In palatio Ebor., dominus Simon Ward, senior, fecit horn. et fid. domino pro ten. in Gyseley, Geveldale et Kirkeby super Wherf, et recognovit se tenere per servitium unius feodi milit., et in Neuweby per servitium quartae partis feodi unius milit. Ibid. Falkasius de Lyndeley fecit fidelitatem tanturn pro tenementis in Lyndeley quna tenet, faciendo sectam, et solvendo per ann. xviijs. et ijd. Ibid. 1300, Aug. 21. Apud Wylton, dominus Johannes de Grey, miles, optulit domino horn. suum pro ten. quae clamat tenere de ipso; sed quia dominus non fuit certus de quantitate ten., nec per qua servitia, ideo distulit illud admittere illa vice, diem sibi ad id faciendum usque ad festum Natalis Beatae Virginis assignando. Ibid., 102 b. y Sir Osbert de Spaldington held in Micklefield. " Memorandum, quod antecessores domini Johannis de Grey tenuerunt aliquo tempore de archiepiscopo Ebor. in Sculcotes xij bov. terrse, et nunc tenet idem J. iiij bov. terrse in eadem de Godefrido de Meus, et ille Godefridus de archiepiscopo, ut creditur. In Sutton iij bov. terra praeter cotag' quwe antecessores sui aliquando tenuerunt de archiepiscopo. In Hull xxx acras prati, vel circiter, solebant, etc. In Dripol quantum tenet in eadem solebat, ut supra, sed nescit quantum (Reg. Corbridge, inter f., 102, 103). HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 405 1300, Oct. 14. Ricardus de Babington fecit fid. et horn. domino Thomre, Dei gratia Ebor. archiepiscopo, in manerio suo de Cawod, pro manerio de Burley quod de ipso clamat; et recognovit se tenere in capite de eodem archiepiscopo per horn., fid., et sectam curiae de Otteley de tribus sept. ad tres sept., et wardum et relevium quando accidit. Et respondet pro di. feodo j milit. in scutagio et relevio. Ibid., 103 a. 1300, Oct. 30. Dominus Ricardus de Goldesburg, senior, miles, fecit horn. et fid. domino Thomae, archiepiscopo, apud Sanctum Robertum,a pro ten. in Pole et Farneley; et respondet pro di. feod. j milit. Ibid. 1300, Dec. 13. Willelmus de Camera de Mileford fecit horn. et fid. Thomse, archiepiscopo, apud Schireburn, pro ten. in Levenanton, Schireburn et Mileford; et respondet pro xiijma parte feodi j milit., et recognovit sectam ad curiam de Schireburn, sicut continetur in registro H.,b archiepiscopi. Ibid., 102 a. 1300-1, Jan. 27. Apud Lanum, praesentibus dominis R. de Notingham et W. de Suthill, Gocelino de Eyvile et multis aliis, Johannes de Wyvile fecit hom. et fid. domino T., Ebor. archiepiscopo, pro ten. quve clamat tenere de eo in Nunnewik et Nunnewyk-Thornes, et que debent respondere pro di. feodo j milit., faciendo sectam ad curiam Rypon' de tribus sept. in tres sept.; et recognovit relevium Is. quando currit. Ibid., 103 a. 1301, March 25. Apud Burton, Johannes de Staveley fecit hom. et fid. domino Thomae, Dei gratia Ebor. archiepiscopo, etc., pro octo bov. terrae, de quibus sex tenet in dominico et dulas bov. in servitio, in Suth Burton, que tenentur per medium de ipso per W. de la Dale, per hom. et servitium ixs. iiijd. per ann., et scutagium quantum pertinet ad xijmam partem feodi unius milit., et plus, quantum spectat ad unam bov. terra. Et tenet similiter in villa del Wel' unum mesuagium [et] tres bov. terre per servitium xlvd. pro omni servitio. De secta curiae recognovit se debere sectam curia de Burton de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid. 102 b. 1301, March 30. Dominus Simon Warde, junior, miles, fecit domino Thomae, archiepiscopo Ebor., in camera sua de Beverlaco, hom. et fid. pro ten. in Neuweby; et recognovit se tenere per servitium quartae partis feodi unius milit.; sed alia servitia ignorat, de quibus est inquirendum. Ibid., 103 a. " Considerable remains of the Trinitarian Priory of St. Robert of Knaresborough were discovered in April, 1862 (Grainge's Hist. of Knaresborough, 139), near the Abbey House, on the left bank of the Nidd, a short distance above St. Robert's Cave. A most interesting account of St. Robert of Knaresborough is given by Mr. Walbran in the Memorials of Fountains Abbey (ed. Seprt. Soc., vol. i., pp. 166-171). b See page 399, antea. 406 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 1302, April 4. Apud Burton, Adam de Everyngham fecit horn. et fid. domino Thomae, Dei gratia, etc., pro ten. qume clamat tenere de eo in Everyngham et Flathwath. Et quia tune ignorabat per que servitia, dominus assignavit sibi diem quod ipse certificaret eum citra festum Ascensionis proximo futurum; quem diem admisit. Ibid. 1302, May 16. Johannes de Nevillc filius et hveres Gilberti et Cecilise de Nevill, fecit horn. et fid. domino Thomae, archiepiscopo, apud Ottelay, pro ten. quae clamat tenere de ipso in Lutrington, que dominus admisit, salvo jure cujuslibet, praesentibus magistro Willelmo de Beverlaco et domino Willelmo de Sothill, et pluribus aliis. Et requisitus in virtute juramenti praestiti per quae servitia et pro quota parte feodi tenet,..... per Hugonem de Stowe, qui secum venit, dicit quod credit se debere respondere pro di. feodo j milit. et plus, sed non pro duabus partibus. Sed dominus Robertus de Furneus, miles, debet, ut credit, respondere pro residuo feodi j milit., quia habet di. partem manerii et terrae ad illud pertinentis, sed non redditus. Recognovit etiam se tenere per sectam curiae de tribus sept. in tres sept., et per forinsecum servitium. Et inquirat ballivus utrum teneat in dominico vel in servitio, et qualiter, et per quod servitium, et pro quota parte feodi, et pro quota teneat dictus dominus Robertus, qui nondum fecit horn. suum, et certificet super hoc dominus per ballivum. Ibid., 102 a. 1306, Aug. 1. In camera domini W. de Grenefeld, Dei gratia, etc., apud Otteley, praesentibus dominis Roberto de Blundeston, Roberto de Notingham, Ricardo de Babyngton, et multis aliis, dictus dominus W., archiepiscopus, salvo jure cujuslibet, admisit hom. et fid. domini Symonis le Ward, militis, pro ten. que clamat tenere de eo in Giseley, Gevildale et Kirkeby super Wherf, et Bailledon ac Haukeswod. Et respondebit pro feodo j milit. Et recognovit se debere sectam ad curias de Rypon et de Otteley de tribus sept. in tres sept., etc. Reg. Greenfield, ii., 223 a. 1306, Aug. 1. Ricardus de Babyngton fecit hom. domino W. de G., etc., in camera sua apud Otteley, pro ten. quze clamat tenere de eo in Burley et Mensington in capite per horn. et fid. Et recognovit se debere facere sectam curiae de Otteley de tribus sept. in tres sept., et wardum et relevium quando accidunt. Et respondebit pro di. feodo unius milit. in scutagio et relevio. Ibid. 1306, Sept. 19. In palatio Ebor., dominus, salvo jure cujuslibet, admisit horn. et fid. domini Johannis Marmyon pro ten, " See page 48, note d. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 407 quae clamat tenere de eo in Rypon, videlicet, septem placeis in Ripon, reddentibus sibi xijs. per ann. Et recognovit hom. et fid., et sectam ad curiam Ripon' de iij sept. in iij sept. pro eisdem terris. Ibid. 130(6), Sept. 19. Dominus, salvo jure cujuslibet, recepit hom. et fid. Johannis de Staveley pro ten. qune clamat tenere de eo, videlicet, pro viij bov. terrve quas clamat tenere de eo in dominico in Suth Burton, et duas bov. terrae quas tenet in servitio in eadem villa, qum tenentur de eo per medium per W. de [la] Dale. Et recognovit se debere solvere annuatim ixs. iiijd. pro omni servitio, et scutagium quantum pertinet ad xijmam partem feodi unius milit., et plus, quantum spectat ad unam bov. terrae. Et tenet similiter in villa del Wel unum mesuagium [et] tres bov. terrae per servitium xlvd. De secta curire recognovit se debere sectam ad curiam de Burton de iij sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 223 b. 1306, Sept. 19. In palatio Ebor., dominus, salvo jure cujuslibet, admisit hom. et fid. domini Adae de Everingham, militis, pro ten. qume tenet de ipso in Everingham et Flathewath. Et debet respondere pro feodo j milit. Ibid. 1306, Nov. 21. In abbatia Beatae Marine Ebor., dominus W. de G., etc., salvo jure cujuslibet, admisit horn. et fid. domini Symonis le Warde, junioris, militis, filii domini S le Ward, defuncti, pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Gyseley, Gevingdale et Kirkeby super Wherfe, et Bailledon ac Haukesword. Et respondet pro feodo j milit. Et recognovit se debere sectam ad curias de Ripon et de Otteley de iij sept. in tres sept. Acta fuerunt haec, praesentibus magistris W.d et R. de Pikering, Petro de Den',, W. de Beverlaco, R. de Not', et aliis. Ibid., 223 a. 1307, May 14. Nicholaus de Hewyk fecit hom. et fid. domino W., etc., apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, pro ten. quae tenet de eo in Hewykf et Ripon. Et debet respondere pro xxmi parte unius feodi milit., et debet sectam ad curiam Ripon' de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid. 1307, May 17. Willelmus de la Wodehall, apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, fecit hom. dicto archiepiscopo pro ten. que clamat tenere de ipso in Molescroft et Ake. Et debet respondere pro quarta parte feodi j milit. Nec fecit fid. tune sibi quia alias fecit ballivo. Et recognovit scutagium, wardum, relevium, et sectam curiae de tribus sept. ad tres sept. Ibid., 223 b. d William and Robert de Pickering, two distinguished brothers, both of them afterwards deans of York. Peter de Dene, afterwards a canon of York. In 1322 he took the cowl in the monastery of St. Augustine, at Canterbury (Fasti Ebor., i., 393 n). f Bridge Hewick. 408 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 1307, July 13. Apud Eklesfeld, dominus Maugerus le Vavasour, miles, fecit nobis W., etc., horn. et fid. pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de nobis, et nos horn. illud recepimus, salvo jure cujuslibet. Et quia dixit se non deliberasse ad plenum de nominando et specificando tam terras et ten. prsedicta quam servitia nobis debita pro eisdem, injunctum fuit ei quod quanto citius commode posset scire nobis faceret per suas literas omnia supradicta. Memorandum, quod scriptum est ballivo Ripon' quod relaxet districtionem si quam ea occasione fecerit, etc. Ibid., 223 a. 1307, Sept. 10. In castro de Knaresburgh, Ricardus de Goldesburgh fecit horn. domino W., etc., pro ten. quae tenet de eo, et fid. similiter fecit ibidem. Et dicit quod recognovit ten. et servitia pro dictis ten. debita ballivo Ripon', qui novit certificare dominum de eisdem. Ibid. 1307, Sept. 10. Apud Knaresburgh, in castro ejusdem villae, dominus Godefridus de Melsa, miles, fecit horn. praedicto domino archiepiscopo pro ten. quae tenet et clamat tenere de eo. Nec fecit fid. tune eidem quia alias illam fid. fecit ballivo Beverlaci, ut dixit, cui recognovit ten. et servitia inde debita et consueta. Et idem dominus archiepiscopus illud hom. recepit, salvo jure cujuslibet, etc. Ibid., 223 b. 1307-8, March 5. Apud Westmonasterium, in refectorio monachorum, dominus archiepiscopus, salvo jure cujuslibet, admisit horn. et fid. domini Johannis de Moubray pro ten.g quae clamat tenere de eo infra ballivam de Rypon; servitia tamen non recognovit, ideo ballivus se intromittat ut sciat servitia praedicta. Ibid., 223 a. 1307-8, March 19. Dominus admisit horn. et fid. Johannis, filii et haeredis Ceciliae de Nevill, apud Grantham, praesentibus Johanne de Burton, Johanne de Sutton et J. de Sandwyco, et aliis, pro ten. quae clamat tenere de ipso in Lutrington. Et recognovit in virtute juramenti praestiti quod tenet in eadem di. feod. milit. et amplius, sed non duas partes integre. Et dominus Robertus de Furneaux, miles, debet respondere pro altera medietate illius feodi milit., quia habet di. partem manerii, et terrae ad illud pertinentis, sed non redditus. Et recognovit se teneri ad sectam curiae de Shirburn de iij sept. in tres sept., et faciendo forinsecum servitium cum accidit. Ibid., 223 b. 1308-9, March 18. In capella manerii domini W., etc., apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, Willelmus de Mickelfeld fecit horn. dicto domino archiepiscopo pro ten. quae tenet de eo in Boulton; et recognovit ten. et servitia pro quarta parte feodi g Sir John de Moubray held in Mulwith, Sleningford, Skelden and Grantley. h Bolton, in the parish of Bishop Wilton. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 409 unius milit. Tamen inquiratur de eo quod plus tenet pro eo quod invenitur in quibusdam libris quod deberet tenere et respondere pro feodo unius milit. Ibid. 1308-9, March 18. In capella manerii domini W., etc., apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, Willelmus filius Isabellae de Coldon, fecit hom. dicto patri pro ten. que tenet de eo in Coldon; et recognovit se tenere duas bov. terrae de feodo unius milit. in Coldon per horn. et servitium, et scutagium quando currit. Ibid. 1308-9, March 18. In capella manerii domini W., etc., apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, Johannes Cokerel de Coldon fecit hom. dicto patri pro una bov. terrae de feodo unius milit. in Coldon, quam de eo tenet in Coldon, et recognovit se tenere per horn. et servitium, et scutagium quando currit. Ibid. 1309, Sept. 7. Apud Cawode, Willelmus de Bella Aqua, filius et hleres domini Johannis de Bella Aqua, militis, defuncti, fecit. horn. et fid. suam domino archiepiscopo Ebor. pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo per servitium militare. Et quia praefatus Willelmus de Bella Aqua non fuerat tune certus quae ten. et in quibus locisi tenuit, dominus archiepiscopus praedictus injunxit ei quod ten. et servitia et per quae servitia tenet in scriptis fideliter redigere faciat, et praefato domino destinari in virtute juramenti sui super hoc praestiti. Et eadem die dominus archiepiscopus supradictus destinavit literas suas ballivis suis de Shirburn et de Suwell in hac forma. Willelmus, etc., dilectis filiis ballivis nostris de Suwell et de Shirburn, salutem, etc. Quia Willelmus, filius et haeres domini Johannis de Bella Aqua, militis, defuncti, horn. et fid. suam nobis debita pro ten. suis quae de nobis tenet per servitium militare hac die Dominica in vigilia Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis, apud Cawod, nobis fecit, vobis mandamus quatinus praedictum W. ad haec facienda decaetero nullatenus distringatis; districtionem, si quam ei ea occasione feceritis, penitus relaxando. Valete. Data apud Cawod, vij idus Septembris, pontificatus nostri anno quarto. Ibid., 222 b. 1309, Dec. 29. Willelmus, etc., dilecto filio ballivo nostro Beverlaci, salutem, etc. Volumus et mandamus quatinus districtionem quam facis contra dominum Johannem de Grey, militem, ratione sectae ad curiam nostram de Burton pro manerio suo de Sculcotes debitae ab eodem, usque ad festum Paschae proximo sequentis omnino relaxes de gratia nostra speciali. Vale. Data apud Cawod (ut supra). Ibid. 1310, May 3. Dominus Edmundus de Eyncourt, apud See page 403, antea. 410 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Thorp juxta Ebor., fecit horn. suum domino W., etc., pro ten. quwe tenet de eo in Bruneby; et servitia quae debet eidem, dicit quod pro quanto, vel pro dimidio feodo milit., vel feodo, ignorat, et ideo vult deliberare et scrutari pro quanto tenet, et dictum dominum super hoc certiorare; et dicit quod tenet per feodum loricwe, et debet sectam ad curiam dicti domini archiepiscopi de Wylton a tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 223 b. 1310, Sept. 9. Dominus Herbertus filius Johannis filii Reginaldi, in camera domini anteriori in manerio suo apud Beverlacum, fecit eidem domino hom. et fid. suam pro ten. quwe clamat tenere de eo, de quibus tune non erat plene informatus, unde petiit diem ad deliberandum quse ten. tenet de eodem, et per qune servitia, usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis proximo futurum; quem diem dominus sibi concessit ad certificandum eum, vel ballivum suum, de gratia sua speciali. Praesentibus tune ibidem domino Lamberto de Trikingham, magistris Ricardo de Cestria, Willelmo de Beverlaco, Nicholao de Oxonia, et aliis in multitudine copiosa. Ibid. 1310-11, Jan. 31. Apud Cawod, dominus Galfridus de Hothum fecit hom. et fid. suam domino W., etc., pro tertia parte feodi unius milit. in Lutrington quam clamat tenere de eo, nomine dotis uxoris sume. Praesentibus magistris W. de Beverlaco, Nicholao de Calveton, domino Roberto de Blundesdon, et aliis. Ibid. 1312, Sept. 21. Apud Escryk, domina Margareta, quae fuit uxor domini Johannis de Gray, militis, fecit fid. domino Willelmo, etc., pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo, et juravit fid. et facere servitia pro dictis ten. debita et consueta. Ibid., 222 b. 1313, Oct. 7. Apud Laughton in Morthing, Amabilla, quae fuit uxor Johannis de Dynington, fecit. fid. domino archiepiscopo, et recognovit se tenere de dicto domino archiepiscopo in villa Rypon unum mesuagium et xxij acras terrae cum pertinentiis in Rypon, et quod faciet per ann. sectam ad curiam suam de Rypon de tribus sept. in tres sept., et solvet per ann. sex solidos et octo denarios ad terminos Pentecostes et Sancti Martini in hyeme per equales portiones. Ibid., 223 a. 1314, June 30. Apud Cawod, Robertus de Raygate fecit hom. et fid. suam venerabili patri domino Willelmo, etc., pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Styveton, Thorpej et Mickelfeld per servitium militare, et faciet sectam ad curiam dicti domini de Shirburn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 222 b. 1315, Sept. 21. Apud Ottele: recepimus horn. Johannis de Tymble, salvo jure cujuslibet, pro una car. terrae in eadem villak J Thorpe Willoughby. k Little Timble. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 411 quam tenet per horn. et feoditatem et servitium militare, et sectam curiae nostrae de Otteley de tribus sept. in tres sept.; reddendo per ann., nobis xxvjs. viijd., etc. Et habebimus wardum et relevium, etc. Ibid., 223 a.. Dominus Maugerus le Vavasur tenet manerium suum de Denton de domino archiepiscopo Ebor. per horn. et servitium, et faciet sectam curire apud Ottelaie a tribus sept. in tres sept.; et nihil aliud facit, nisi quod tenentes sui de Denton qui habent carucas arabunt per j diem per ann., et metebunt per j diem in autumpno. Ibid., inter if., 222, 223. 1317, Dec. 18. Apud Beverlacum, dominus Johannes de Gras, miles, fecit hom. suum venerabili patri domino Willelmo de Melton, Dei gratia Ebor. archiepiscopo, etc., pro ten. quna clamat tenere de eo in balliva Ripon'. Et eisdem die et loco scriptum fuit ballivo Ripon' ad relaxandum districtionem, si quam fecerat, praefato domino Johanni occasione praedicta. Reg. Melton, 594 a. 1317-8, Jan. 31. Apud Wylton, dominus Simon Ward, miles, fecit prwefato domino archiepiscopo hom. suum pro ten. qume clamat tenere de eo in balliva Ripon. Ibid. 1317-8, Feb. 6. Apud Brotherton, dominus Robertus de Raygate, miles, fecit hom. suum et fid. domino Willelmo de Melton, etc., pro terris et ten. suis quwe clamat tenere de eo in Stiveton, Mikelfeld et Thorp per servitium militare; et faciet sectam ad curiam dicti domini archiepiscopi de Shirbourn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 594 b. 1317-8, Feb. 6. Johannes le Lascy juravit dicto domino archiepiscopo fidelitatem in bosco de Cawode, in reditu domini de Pontefracto, pro ten. quae tenet de eo. Ibid. 1317-8, Feb. 28. Dominus Adam de Everyngham, miles, fecit praefato domino archiepiscopo hom. et juravit fid. pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo; et habet diem ad certificandum dictum dominum per qume servitia tenet. Et hanc fecit in palatio archiepiscopi Ebor. Ibid. 1317-8, March 1. Apud Cawode, dominus Maugerus le Vavasour, miles, fecit domino Willelmo de Melton, etc., hom. et fid. suam pro ten. qune clamat tenere de eo; et recognovit per sacramentum suum quod tenet quartam partem feodi unius milit. in manerio suo de Denton per scutagium quando currit, et wardum et maritagium, et faciet sectam ad curiam dicti domini archiepiscopi apud Otteley de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 594 a. 1318, March 26. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., Robertus de Moreby, maritus dominae Margaretae, relictae domini Johannis de Gray, militis, defuncti, domini de Styvelingflet, fecit domino 412 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Willelmo, Dei gratia, etc., fid. suam pro ten. quwe clamat tenere de eo; et habet diem ad certificandum proefatum dominum archiepiscopum citra festum Paschae proximo futurum quve ten. tenet de eo, in quibus locis, et per quwe servitia. Et postmodum venit idem Robertus et recognovit se tenere de eo sex car. terrae in Bolton, Yapum, Gouthorp et Molthorpt per servitium militare, et faciet sectam ad curiam ejusdem domini archiepiscopi apud Wylton de tribus sept. in tres sept. Item tenet di. car. terrae in Sculcotes per servitium militare, et aliam di. car. terrae de haeredibus domini Godefridi de Meaux, et haeredes ipsius Godefridi tenent de eodem archiepiscopo. Item idem Robertus tenet in Sutton in Holderness, de dicto domino archiepiscopo, quinque bov. terrae per servitium militare, et in Burton' tenet tres bov. terrae de eodem per servitium unius denarii annuatim. Ibid., 593 a. 1318, April 18. Apud Cawode, Johannes de Bella Aqua fecit hom. suum praedicto domino archiepiscopo Ebor. pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo; et recognovit se tenere de eo manerium de Birne in com. Ebor. per servitiu-m medietatis feodi unius milit. et scutagium quando currit, et faciet sectam ad curiam ejusdem apud Shirburn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Et recognovit se tenere de eo manerium de Kyrtlyngton in corn. Nott. per servitium quartae partis feodi unius milit., horn. et scutagium quando currit, et faciet sectam ad curiam suam de Suwell de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 594 b. 1318, June 14. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., dominus Ricardus de Berley, miles, fecit fid. suam domino Ebor. archiepiscopo pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo, et quod faciet servitia inde debita et consueta. Ibid. 1318, June 15. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., dominus Jacobus de Bosevill, miles, fecit praedicto domino archiepiscopo hom. et fid. pro ten. que clamat tenere de eo; et fatebatur se tenere de eo duas partes feodi unius milit. in Mikelfeld per hom. et fid. et scutagium quando currit, ac per wardum, maritagium et relevium; et faciet sectam ad curiam domini apud Shirbourn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid. 1318, July 12. Apud Burton prope Beverlacum, dominus Nicholaus de Hewyk, miles, fecit praefato domino Ebor. archiepiscopo hom. et fid. suam pro ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Hewyk et Ripon; et debet respondere pro XXma parte feodi unius milit., et debet sectam ad curiam dicti domini archiepiscopi apud Ripon de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 594 a. I An error, I believe, for "Yolthorp," near Gowthorpe. See page 390, note p. S1 South or Bishop Burton. See page 79, antea. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 413 1318, Nov. 24. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., Faucus de Lyndelay fecit praefato domino archiepiscopo horn. et fid. suam pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Lyndelay; et debet respondere pro xvjma parte feodi unius milit., et solvet annuatim praedicto domino xviijs., et faciet sectam ad curiam ejusdem domini apud Ripon de tribus sept. in tres sept., et recognovit scutagium quando currit. Ibid. 1318, Dec. 2. Apud Thorpe prope Ebor., Mauricius de Marisco de Cawode fecit horn. proedicto domino Ebor. archiepiscopo pro ten. quse clamat tenere de eo; et recognovit se tenere in Cawode duas bov. terrae, et solvet annuatim eidem domino archiepiscopo viijs. Ibid., 594 b. 1320, Sept. 4. Apud Bewyk, Stephanus Hautayn de Coldon fecit praefato domino Ebor. archiepiscopo horn. et fid. suam pro quinque bov. terrae quas per sacramentum suum recognovit se tenere de eo in Magna Coldon pro xvd., et debet annuatim solvend. Ibid., 593 a. 1320, Sept. 4. Apud Bewyk, Rogerus de Gloucestre fecit praefato domino Ebor. archiepiscopo hom. et fid. suam pro sex bov. terrae quas per sacramentum suum recognovit se tenere de eo in Magna Coldon. Ibid. 1320, Sept. 4. Apud Bewyk, Willelmus le Taillour fecit praefato domino Ebor. archiepiscopo hom. et fid. pro duabus bov. terrae quas per sacramentum suum recognovit se tenere de eo in villa de Coldon. Ibid. 1320, Sept. 4. Apud Bewyk, dominus Simon, capellanus de Mapelton, fecit praefato domino Ebor. archiepiscopo hom. pro quinque acris terrae quas clamat tenere de eo, et faciet sectam ad curiam dicti domini pro libito ejusdem domini in villa de Coldon, et pro wardo et relevio. Ibid. 1320, Sept. 4. Apud Bewyk, Johannes Cokerel de Coldon fecit domino Ebor. archiepiscopo praedicto hom. pro di. bov. terrae quam clamat tenere de eo in Coldon, et faciet sectam ad curiam domini in eadem, et pro wardo et relevio. Ibid. 1320, Sept. 4. Apud Bewyk, Willelmus Carpentarius de Coldon fecit praefato domino archiepiscopo Ebor. hom. pro una bov. terrae quam recognovit se tenere de eo, et pro wardo et relevio, et faciet sectam ad curiam ejusdem domini in villa de Coldon. Ibid. 1321, June 19. In capella domini Willelmi, Ebor. archiepiscopi, infra palatium suum de Ebor., dominus Willelmus Wyvill, miles, fecit praefato domino archiepiscopo hom. et fid. pro terris et ten. suis quae clamat tenere de eo in Nunwyk et Nunwyk-Thornes, et faciet sectam ad curiam ejusdem domini apud Ripon de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid., 594 a. 414 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 1321, Dec. 8. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., Johannes filius magistri Rogeri dicti le Scolemaister de Shirbourne, fecit horn. praedicto domino Willelmo, etc., pro terris et ten. quve clamat tenere de eo in Shirbourne et Levenaton, pro quibus reddit annuatim dicto archiepiscopo xxjs. Ibid., 594 b. 1322, July 14. Apud Ebor., videlicet, infra portam aqune Fratrum Minorum" Ebor., dominus Johannes Marmyon, miles, fecit domino Willelmo, etc., hom. suum pro terris quas clamat tenere de eo. Praesentibus magistro Ada de Heselbech, ac dominis Thoma de Barneby et Ricardo de Otringham et aliis. Ibid., 594 a. 1322, Oct. 10. Apud Munketon prope Rypon, Matheus filius Herbertio fecit domino Willelmo, etc., horn. suum pro terris et ten. quve clamat tenere de eo, et juravit sibi fid. pro eisdem in forma consueta; et recognovit se tenere de eo feoda trium milit. et di. in Lounesburgh et Wyverthorp, et faciet sectam ad curiam suam de Wylton de tribus sept. in tres sept. Proesentibus magistris Ada de Heselbech, Thoma de Burton, dominis Ricardo de Otringham et Ricardo de Melton. Ibid., 593 a. 1323, July 2. Apud Thorpe prope Ebor., nobilis vir dominus Thomas de Wak, dominus de Lydel, fecit dicto domino archiepiscopo hon. suum et juravit sibi fid. pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo. Praesentibus domninis Johanne de Sutton et Johanne de Heselarton, dicti domini Thomae militibus, ac multis aliis. Et habet diem ad certificandum dictum dominum archiepiscopum citra festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli proximo futurum quas terras et que ten., et ubi, tenet de eo, et per quae servitia. Praemissa hom. et fid. fecit per verba quae sequuntur:Hie sunt verba per quae idem Thomas fecit horn. et fid. praedictam, quae ore suo proprio legit:-Jeo devyeng votre homme pour les tenementz que jeo cleyme tenir de vous, et foi vous porteray countre totes gentz sauve la foi que jeo dey a nostre seignour le roi et a-ses heirs. Item jeo vous foi porteray de eel jour en avant pour les tenementz que jeo cleymes tenir de vous, et loialment vous feray et consisteray les services et les custumes que les ditz tenementz deyvent as termes assignez auxi moi aide Dieu et ses seintz. n The monastery of the Friars Minors, or Franciscan Friars, occupied a considerable extent of ground on the left bank of the Ouse, a short distance below Ouse Bridge. A portion of the boundary wall next to the river, " supported by mighty strong buttresses, where there was an old gateway walled up" (Drake's Eborac., 284), yet remains, and is called the Friars Walls. o Sir Herbert fitz John did homage in September, 1310. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 415 Hic sunt quaedam terrae et ten. que idem dominus Thomas tenet de archiepiscopo antedicto. Dominus Thomas le Wak tenet de domino archiepiscopo Ebor. partem orientalem pomerii manerii sui de Cotyngham, cum pertinentiis suis, videlicet, omnes culturas quas praedictus Thomas tenet in communi campo de Cotyngham, et omnes culturas quas Henricus Pigot tenet in eodem campo, de pruedicto domino Thoma le Wak, qume se extendunt ad duas car. terrae et duas placeas prati in loco qui vocatur Yghelmar', videlicet, le Esthaldale et le Westhaldaile, quae continent lviij acras prati; de quibus tenet praedictus Henricus Pigot de praedicto Thoma ad vitam suam xiij acras in Estdaile. Quae omnia tenet dictus dominus le Wak de praedicto domino archiepiscopo per servitia forinseca et servitium militare; et debet sectam curiae dicti domini archiepiscopi ad manerium suum de Burton de tribus sept. in tres sept.: quae servitia domina Johanna la Wak, mater dicti domini Thomae, fecit domino Thomae de Corbrigge, dudum Ebor. archiepiscopo. Item dominus Johannes de Pate(sh)ull,P miles, tenet de domino le Wak duas partes villke de Elstanwyk in Holdernesse, quam dictus dominus Thomas le Wak tenet de domino archiepiscopo per servitium militare, unde dominus Willelmus de Ros clamat dictum servitium in defectum prosecutionis dicti domini archiepiscopi. Item haeredes Johannis de Colby tenent in Brantyngham de dicto domino Thoma le Wak unum mesuagium et xvj bov. terrae, cum pertinentiis, per servitium militare, et debent sectam curiae dicti domini le Wak in Cotyngham; et idem dominus le Wak tenet praedicta ten. de dicto domino archiepiscopo per eadem servitia, ratione manerii sui de Burton. Ibid. 1323, July 30. Willelmus de Berley, filius et haeres domini Ricardi de Berley, militis, apud Cawode, fecit dicto domino archiepiscopo hom. pro terris et ten. que clamat tenere de eo in Burtonq et Gaytford; et faciet sectam ad curiam dicti domini archiepiscopi apud Shirburn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Et fecit et juravit ballivo de Shirburn fid. super hic. Ibid., 594 b. 1323, Oct. 18. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., Willelmus, filius et haeres Johannis de Merkyngton, fecit domino Willelmo, etc., hom. et juravit fid. suam pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Merkyngton prope Ripon, et faciet sectam ad curiam Ripon' de tribus sept. in tres sept. Et quia tune ignoravit an P Simon de Pateshull was certified joint lord of "Estanwik" in 1316 (page 304, antea). John de Pateshull died about the 24th Edward III., leaving William his son and heir (Abbrev. Rot. Orig., ii., 210). q Burton, near Burn. See page 403, antea. 416 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. debuit ad feodum aut servitium, promisit per juramentum suum quod de hoc certificabit dominum. Et eisdcm die et loco habuit dictus Willelmus literam ballivo Ripon' ad relaxandum districtionem, si quam sibi fecerit, occasione praemissa. Ibid., 594 a. 1324, Sept. 9. Apud Burton prope Beverlacum, Ricardus filius Willelmi Sturmy fecit domino Willelmo, etc., fid. suam pro terris et ten. suis quoe tenet de eo in villis de Coldon et Frismareysr in Holdernesse. Ibid., 593 a. 1325, Aug. 29. In manerio domini apud Burton prope Beverlacum, domina Matilda Tyliol fecit domino Willelmo, etc., horn. et juravit sibi fid. pro terris et ten. quoe clamat tenere de eo in Swyna; et habet diem ad certificandum dictum dominum quve ten. et terras tenet de eo, et per quse servitia, citra festum Sancti Michaelis proximo futurum. Ibid. 1326, Sept. 14. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., Johannes de Calverley fecit domino Willelmo, etc., horn. et sibi juravit fid. pro maner', terris et ten. que tenet de eo in Burley et Menston in Wherdale juxta Otteley; et recognovit per sacramentum suum quod tenet de eo per servitium di. feodi unius milit., relevium, wardum et scutagium quando currit; et faciet sectam ad curiam domini de Otteley de tribus sept. in tres sept., praeter alia servitia servorum suorum juxta modum manerii de Otteley. Ibid., 594 a. 1326-7, Feb. 11. Apud Totenhale prope London, Willelmus Dayncourt,s nepos et hleres domini Edmundi Dayncourt, defuncti, fecit domino Willelmo, etc., hom. et fid. pro terris et ten. quae de eo clamat tenere in Brunneby; et faciet sectam ad curiam suam de Burton de tribus sept. in tres sept. Et promisit in virtute juramenti sui praestiti quod certificabit dictum dominum infra mensem Pasche proximo futuram, per que servitia et qualiter premissa tenet de eo. Memorandum, quod eisdem die et loco scriptum fuit ballivo Beverlaci ne ipsum occasione praedicta decaetero distringat, et districtionem, si quam sibi fecerat, statim relaxet, et quod r One of the lost towns on the Humber. By charter dated at Patrington, 17th kal. October, 1231, archbishop Gray grants to Peter Hog " tres bovatas terrse cum omnibus pertinentiis suis in Frismarisco, videlicet, unam bovatam terre quam Willelmus Norun tenuit, et duas bovatas terrae quas Stephanus Algar tenuit, et duo clausa in eadem villa, unum, scilicet, quod vocatur Coltoft, et aliud quod jacet in Middeltrithing, pro homagio et servitio suo. Habendas et tenendas sibi et hoeredibus suis, de nobis et successoribus nostris imperpetuum, libere, quiete et integre. Reddendo inde annuatim nobis et successoribus nostris xl solidos argenti" (Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 56). 5 William Deincourt was the son of John, brother of Edmund, baron Deincourt (Nicholas's Synopsis, ed. 1857, p. 147). He had summons to Parliament from 1332 to 1363, and died in 1364 (Dugd. Bar., i., 388). HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 417 admittat attornatum dicti Willelmi ad faciendum dictas sectas, nomine suo, cum venerit ibi cum literis suis patentibus inde confectis; et habet diem terminum post Pascham ad faciendum relevium suum occasione preemissa, quod recognovit se facere debere. Ibid., 577 b. 1328, June 12. Dominus Johannes de Moubray,t miles, fecit eidem domino archiepiscopo horn. et fid. in manerio suo de Scroby pro terris et ten. qune clamat tenere de eo in Riponshire, videlicet, Skeldon,' quse quondam vocabatur Knarford,v Sle(n)yngford et Granteley; et habet diem usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis proximo futurum ad certificandum praedictum dominum archiepiscopum per qune servitia tenet proemissa, sed creditur quod debet servitium pro ij et di. feod. milit. Ibid., 593 b. 1329, June 11. Noverint universi quod nos Willelmus, etc., recepimus, die confectionis prxesentium, per manus Willelmi de Feriby, clerici nostri a sacris, de domino Ada de Everingham de Laxton, centum solidos sterling. pro relevio suo de uno feodo milit. quod clamat tenere de nobis in capite; de quibus Cs. dictum dominum Adam acquietamus per praesentes, sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Data apud Lanum, (ut supra.) Ibid., 594 b. 1331, June 3. Apud Thorp prope Ebor., Willelmus de Salford fecit eidem (domino Willelmo, etc.), fid. pro terris quas clamat tenere de eo in South Milford et Lumby, pro quibus faciet domino servitia inde debita et consueta. Ibid. 1334-5, Feb. 2. Apud Cawode, in camera domini ibidem, t Carta Rogeri de Moubray faciens mentionern de servitio quartce parti.s unius militis debito archiepiscopo Ebor. Rogerus de Moubray, dapiferis suis, et omnibus hominibus suis et amicis, Francis et Anglis, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse et prsesentis cartte mene testimonio confirmasse Hugoni de Cramanvilla et hoeredibus suis imperpetuum villas de Slenyngford et Grantelay et Cnarresford et totum feodum quod Nigellus, pater meus, tenuit de archiepiscopo Ebor., et quod ego de eo teneo in feodum et hoereditatem, de me et hIeredibus meis tenend. cum omni eo quod ad illud feodum pertinet in bosco et piano, in pratis et pascuis et aquis et molendinis et stagnis et omnibus aliis aysiamentis, tam ipsi quam hominibus suis, cum socca et sacca et tol et them et infangenthef et omnibus aliis liberis consuetudinibus pro servitio dimidii militis. Ita quidem quod nihil exigam ab eo aliquando nisi quando archiepiscopus Ebor. exiget a me servitium quartse partis unius militis, et tunc non exigam amplius nisi quantum ad servitium dimidii militis pertinebit secundum quod pro quarta parte unius militis a me exigetur. Hiis testibus, Adek (Aelredo?) abbate Rievall', Johanne thesaurario Ebor., Osberto Arundell, Rogero de Cunde, Willelmo de Arches, etc. (Reg. Melton, 593 b).' Skelden, a small township on the north bank of the river Skell, about six miles W. by S. of Ripon. v According to Domesday Book (ed. 1862, pp. 12 b, 83 a), the archbishop held "j car. et dim. in Kenaresforde." E E 418 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Johannes de Wyvill, filius et hseres domini Willelmi de Wyvill,'~ patris sui, defuncti, fecit domino Willelmo, etc., horn. et fid. pro terris et ten. suis qume clamat tenere de eo in Nunwik et Nunwik-Thornes, et faciet sectam ad curiam ejusdem domini apud Ripon de tribus sept. in tres sept. Et quia tune ignoravit an debuit aliud feod. aut servitium domino, promisit per juramentum suum quod de hoc certificabit dominum citra festum Paschae proximo tam futurum. Ibid., 594 a. 1335-6, Jan. 15. Memorandum, quod domina Johanna, relicta domini Johannis de Nevill, die Dominica proximo post festum Sancti Hillarii, anno Domini 1335, et pontificatus domini W. de Melton, Ebor. archiepiscopi decimo nono, in domo Fratrum ordinis Carmelitarum apud Stanford, magistris Willelmo de Barneby, canonico ecclesiwe Beatae Mariae Suwell, et Thoma de la Mare, sacrista capelle Beatwe Mariae et Sanctorum Anglorum Ebor., commissariis in hac parte specialiter deputatis, posita manu sua dextra super librum, fecit fidelitatem suam sub hac formna: Jeo serray foiale et leale a mon seignour sire William, par la grace de Dieu ercevesque d'Euverwik, primate l'Engleterre, pour les terres et tenementes queaux jeo cleyme tenir de lui par joynt feoffement a tote ma vie, et lealment reconustrai et ferai les services par queles jeo clayme tenir les dites terres et tenementz de mon dit seignour auxi Dieu moi aide et les seynz. Et, osculato libro, recognovit se tenere de dicto domino Willelmo, Ebor. archiepiscopo, omnes terras et tenementa, liberos homines et nativos, et omnia alia qume habet in Luteryngton et Abirford, per sectam curiae apud Shireburn de tribus sept. in tres sept. Nec scivit distinguere particulas, sed distinctze sunt, ut asserit, in registro. Ibid., 594 b. 1335-6, March 20. Apud Cawode, dominus Johannes de Gray, miles, fecit domino Willelmo, etc., hom. et juravit sibi fid. pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Sculcotes. Ibid., 593 a. 1338-9, March 17. Apud Thorp, Nicholaus filius Nicholai de Burton fecit domino hom. pro manerio de Ingrithorp; et habuit literas ballivo ad supersedendum districtioni in hac parte factre. Ibid., 594 a. 1339, Nov. 7. Apud Cawode, Rogerus filius domini Nicholai de Hewyk fecit hom. et juravit fid. domino Willelmo, etc., in capella sua de Cawode, pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo. Et recognovit quod tenet de eo decimam partem " See page 413, antea. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 419 unius feodi milit. in Bondegate, Ripon, et apud Hewyk-attebrige. Et scriptum ballivo Ripon pro eodem. Ibid. 1339-40, Feb. 6. Apud Cawode, Willelmus filius Johannis filii Walteri de Barkeston fecit dicto domino Willelmo, etc., horn. et fid. pro terris et ten. quae tenet de dicto domino Willelmo in Barkeston. Et recognovit se tenere de dicto domino archiepiscopo in eadem villa anum mesuagium et iiijtam partem feodi unius milit. Reddendo dicto domino archiepiscopo per ann. xvjs. xd., et sectam curias de tribus sept. in tres. Ibid., 594 b. 1342-3, Jan. 30. Johannes filius Nicholai de Langeton fecit hor. domino Willelmo la Zouche, Dei gratia, etc., apud Cawode, pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Hodleston. Et recognovit se tenere de domino ibidem iiijtam partem feodi j milit., et facere sectam ad curiam domini apud Schireburne de tribus sept. in tres sept. Reg. Zouche, 300 a. 1342-3, Feb. 20. In manerio de Suth Burton archiepiscopi, Simon de Hesellarton fecit hom. et juravit fid. domino W. la Zouche, etc., pro terris et ten. que clamat tenere de eo de haereditate Johannae, filiwe et haeredis Willelmi de Wodehalle, uxoris sua. Et recognovit se de eo tenere manerium de Wodehalle, videlicet, j mesuagium, xlv acras terrae, xxxvj acras prati, xlv solid. redditus, cum molendino ventritico, et cum xxx solid. redditus annuatim in Beverlaco, Wodehalle et Molescroft, et vj bov. terrae cum pertinentiis in Ake, pro servitio quartae partis j feodi milit., et forinsecum servitium cum acciderit, et sectam curiae domini archiepiscopi apud Burton de tribus sept. in tres sept. Ibid. 1343, April 5. Apud Thornton in Spaldyngmore, dominus Thomas de Bourn, miles, fecit horn. domino W. la Zouche, Dei gratia, etc., pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in comitatu Ebor. Ibid. 1343, Sept. 29. Apud Cawode, Willelmus de Bar(k)ston fecit domino hom. et fid. pro terris et ten. quae tenet de eo in Bar(k)ston. Et recognovit se tenere de eo iijtiam partem unius feodi milit., et solvit domino xvjs. per ann., et sectam curiae de Schireburne de tribus sept. in tres. Ibid. 1345, Sept. 19. In manerio Rypon', Maugerus Vavasour fecit hor. et juravit fid. venerabili patri domino Willelmo la Zouche, etc., pro manerio de Denton, cum pertinentiis, quod tenet de eodem venerabili patre infra dominium suum de Otteley. Et habet respectum ad recognoscendum per qume servitia tenet manerium supradictum usque ad diem Veneris proximam post festum Sancti Mathei Apostoli, anno supradicto. Ibid., 300 b. E E2 420 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 1357, March 26. Memorandum, quod Johannes Hauteynz et Thomas filius IvonisY Cokerell, apud Burton juxta Beverlacum, fecerunt hom. venerabili patri domino J., Dei gratia Ebor. archiepiscopo, in forma cohsueta, pro ten. qune tenent de dicto venerabili patre in North Coldon. Reg. Thoresby, 309 b. 1369, May 31. Memorandum, quod Robertus Copyn fecit hom. eidem patri domino Johanni, etc., in camera principali manerii sui de Thorp juxta Ebor., pro terris quas tenet de domino in capite in campo de Coldon. Reg. Thoresby. Item, eisdem die et anno, Petrus Whyt fecit eidem patri consimile hom. pro terris quas tenet in campo de Coldon. Ibid. Stephanus Milner fecit consimile hom., eisdem die, loco et anno, praefato reverendissimo patri, pro terris quas tenet in campo de Coldon. Ibid. Item, eisdem die, loco et anno, Johannes Wryght et Robertus del Dyk fecerunt reverendissimo patri consimile hom. pro terris quas uterque eorundem tenet in praefato campo de Coldon. Ibid. 1369, Oct. 17. Memorandum, quod Johanna de Holm, relicta Roberti de Holm de Lincoln, comparuit personaliter apud Thorp, et fecit hom. domino pro terris et ten. quae tenet de eo in Burton et Wele juxta Beverlacum; et dominus reservavit juramentum fidelitatis ejusdem quousque fuerit plenius informatus. Ibid. 1369, Dec. 2. Memorandum, quod Thomas de Dynlay comparuit personaliter apud Thorp juxta Ebor., et fecit hom. domino pro terris et ten. quae tenet de eo in villa de Mikelfeld. Ibid. 1369, Dec. 2. Item Walterus de Calverleyz fecit consimile hom. domino eisdem die et loco pro terris et ten. quae tenet de eo in villa de Burlay in Wherledall. Ibid. 1369-70, March 15. Memorandum, quod dominus Edmundus de Everyngham, miles, comparuit personaliter apud Thorp juxta Ebor., et fecit hom. domino pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in villa et campis de Everyngham; presentibus dominis Henrico de Barton et Thoma de Midelton ac aliis. Ibid. 1371, July 30. Apud Thorp, Walterus filius Johannis del Wode fecit hom. suum domino pro terris et ten. que clamat tenere de eo de manerio de Otteley in Tymble. Ibid. In 1320, the archbishop received the homage of Stephen Hautayn for five bovates of land in Magna Coldon. y Ivo Cokerel did homage for one bovate of land in Coldon in 1298. z His father, John de Calverley, rendered homage "pro maner', terris et ten. in Burley et Menston" in 1326. HOMAGIA ET FIDELITATES. 421 1372, Nov. 30. Apud Thorp juxta Ebor., Willelmus de Kelk fecit hom. domino archiepiscopo pro terris et ten. quse tenet de eo in villa de Frismersk. Ibid. 1375, April 18. Apud Cawode, Hugo de Anneslay fecit horn. domino pro terris et ten. qnau tenet de eo apud Kirtelyngton in com. Nott. et Birn in com. Ebor., cum suis pertinentiis, qune quidem terras et ten. habuit de dono et feoffamento Johannis de Bella Aqua. Reg. Alex. Neville, i., 111 a. 1375-6, Jan. 9. Apud Cawode, Stephanus de Thorpa fecit horn. domino pro terris et ten. qune idem Stephanus clamat tenere de dicto domino in villa de Thorpe Wellewyk. Ibid. a Son and heir of Sir Stephen de Thorp, by Agnes, daughter of Sir Alexander St. Quintin (Poulson's Holderness, ii., 513). WARDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES. A GRANTa OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF JOHN, SON AND HEIR OF RICHARD DE FRISMARISCO. [Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 57.] Omnibus, etc. Noveritis nos concessisse, dedisse dilectue filiae Dionisiae de Frismarisco, quse fuit uxor Ricardi filii Henrici, maritagium Johannisb filii et haeredis sui et ejusdem custodiam usque ad legitimam sui aetatem habendam, et ultra, si idem voluerit, et quamdiu voluerit. Si autem de ipso Johanne humanitus contigerit, haerede corporis sui non suscepto, praedicta Dionisia Ysabellam filiam suam de consilio et assensu nostro maritabit. In cujus rei, etc. Data apud Paterinton, xvj kalendas Octobris, anno xv [1231]. A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF TIlE HEIR OF JOHN LE ALEMAN. [Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 66.] Omnibus, etc. Noveritis nos concessisse, dedisse, et presenti carta nostra confirmasse dilecto fratri nostro domino R. de Gray, custodiam terrae et haeredis Johannis le Aleman,c cum ipsius haeredis maritagio; similiter autem custodiam terrwe quam dictus Johannes tenuit de feodo Nigelli de Mubray in Grantele, quam quidem a Roberto Camerario, cui dictus Nigellus custodiam memoratam dederat, emimus cum omnibus pertinentiis suis sine aliquo retenemento, sicut carta ipsius R. nobis super hoc confecta, quam eidem Roberto reddidimus, plenius continetur. Tenendum et habendum eidem Roberto et haeredibus suis libere et quiete et integre cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad praedictas terras pertinentibus, usque ad legitimam ejusdem haeredis aetatem. Testibus, etc. Data apud Cawod, v idus Octobris, anno xvii. [1233.] a The archiepiscopal registers contain other grants of wardship and marriage, but those only are printed which relate to Yorkshire. b Probably the "Johannes de Frismerays " who is mentioned at page 245, antea. Mr. Walbran gives some account of this family in his Lords of Studley. WARDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES. 423 A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF WILLIAM, SON AND HEIR OF WILLIAM DE CHAERTHORP. [Ex Rot. Majore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 81.] Omnibus, etc. Noveritis quod cum custodia terrae Willelmi de Chaerthorp in Beverlaco et Suth Burton, et Willelmid heredis ejusdem, post obitum ipsius ad manum nostram devenisset, nos eundem haeredem dominae Aliciae de Sproxton, matri suae, commisimus nutriendum, et, quamdiu nobis placuerit, retinendum. Ita tamen quod dicta domina ipsum heredem maritare nec elongare non poterit, nec aliquid facere quominus nos vel assignati nostri dictum heredem libere possimus maritare, firmiterque concedimus quod cum ipsum haeredem maritare voluerimus de conscientia matris suae, et dominorum IRogeri et Willelmi, avunculorum ejus, ipsum maritabimus in loco competenti, ita quod non disparagetur, videlicet, uni de consanguineis domini J. de Bello Campo. Eidem vero dominae dictam terram nomine dotis sure reddidimus, salvo tamen Johanni de Augre, servienti nostro, cui ejusdem terrae custodiam commiseramus, semine quod in eadem terra seminavit secundum arbitritum bonorum virorum. Si autem contingat ipsam dominam super praedicta terra in aliquo fatigari, ipsam defendemus. [1236.] A GRANT OF THE MARRIAGE OF WILLIAM, SON AND HEIR OF WILLIAM DE LINDELE. [Ex Rot. Minore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 9.] Omnibus, etc. Sciatis nos dedisse dilecto servienti nostro Falconi de Wakefeld maritagium Willelmi de Lindele, filii et haeredis Willelmi de Lindele, ita quod idem Willelmus mariteture Aliciae filiae ejusdem Falconis, et si decedat infra retatem antequam eidem Alicire maritetur, concessimus dicto Falconi quod alterum filium prrefati Willelmi qui hlereditarie succedet, possit dictre Alicire maritare. Si vero prrefata Alicia decedat, ipso qui eam desponsare deberet, secundum formam premissam, infra retatem legitimam constituto, tune liceat eidem Falconi eundem ubi voluerit maritare, ita tamen quod non disparagetur. In cujus rei, etc. Data apud Scroby, iij nonas Junii, pontificatus nostri anno xxiiij [1240]. d A William de Carthorp held 21 bovates of land in South Burton at the time of Kirkby's Inquest (page 79, antea). e This marriage probably took place. Falcasius de Lindley did homage for lands in Lindley in 1300 and 1318. 424 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP OF THOMAS DE BURGO, ETC. [Ex Rot. Minore archiep. Gray. In dorso, No. 24.] Walterus de Gray, nepos domini archiepiscopi, habet custodiam Thomae de Burgo, qui sororem ipsius Walteri duxit in uxorem, cum omnibus terris suis et cunctis ad eas pertinentibus, usque ad legitimam zetatem ipsius Thomae. Preterea habet idem Walterus custodiam terrae quwe fuit Alexandri de Hyltona, de feodo archiepiscopi, in Wynestod,f post decessum ipsius archiepiscopi, usque ad legitimam aetatemn heredumg dicti Alexandri. Data apud Kawod, iiij kalendas Maii, [1246.] A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF WILLIAM, SON AND HEIR OF JOHN DE BELLEW. [Reg. archiep. Corbridge, fol. 92 b.] Thomas, par la grace Deu ercevesque d'Everwik, primat d'Engleterre, a touz iceuz qui cest escrist orronnt ou verront, saluz en Deu. Sachez nous avoir graunte, baille et lesse a sire Willame le Vavasour la garde de totes les terres et tenementes qui furent a sire Johanh de Belewe e notre fee, ensemblement ove le mariage Willame fiz et heir 1'avantdit sire Johan, et ove le mariage des heires madles et femeles meisme cely Johan de meisme la ventre donne William est, a aver et a tenir al avantdit sire Willame, et a ces assignez, les avantdis gardes, terres, tenementz et mariages iesques a tannt que un heir madle ou la puisne soer femele de meisme la ventree soit de pleyn age, ensemblement ove totes les escheites, terres, rentes, douwers, et touz autres aportenannces et profitz qui a nous per ascune resonn purreint escheier si les avantdiz gardes, terres, feussent en nos meyns. Et nous avantdit Thomas, et nos heirs, et nos executours, les avantdiz gardes, terres, tenementes et mariages, ove totes les escheites, aportenannces et profitz, corn plus pleinement est avantdit, saunz nule diminucion al avandit sire William, et a ces assignez, waranteroms iesqes a pleyn age le dit heir, et les ditz heirs en la fourme avantdite contre tote gens, sauve a nous nosblees semeez en les terres le dit heir a Kirtelington,i ensemblement ove totes les fermes et les apruemenz f Winestead, in Holderness. g The heir of Alexander de Hilton was his son Robert (Surtees' Durham, ii., 26), who had a charter of free warren in " Swyne and Wynested" in the 41st Henry III. (Cal. Rot. Chart., 85). h His widow, Isabella, afterwards bought this marriage of Sir William Vavasour for 200 marks, and granted the same to her son William. i On Nov. 17th, 1302, the archbishop granted letters of attorney to deliver seisin of the manor of Kirtlington to Isabella, relict of Sir John de Bella Aqua, "nomine dotis " (Reg. Corbridge, 93 b). WARDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES. 425 iesqes al jour de la confeccion de cest escrit. En testmoigne de totes les surdites choses, a cest escrit avoms fet meare notre seal. A iceus tesmoignes, sire Pieres Malore, sire Lambert de Trikyngham, sire Willame de Sothill, Thomas de Fissheburn, Thomas de Stodley, Gocelyn de Eywill,j Wauter de Harum, et Nichole de Merlowe, et autres. Donne a Cawod, le Dimeigne prochein apres la fest Seint Andreu le apostle, l'an del regne le roi Edward, fitz le roi Henry, trentisme. A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF JOHN, SON OF RICHARD, SON OF ROBERT DE LA SALE DE TYMBEL. [Reg. archiep. Corbridge, fol. 94 a.] Per hoc scriptum cirograffatum pateat universis quod venerabilis pater, dominus Thomas, Dei gratia Ebor. archiepiscopus, etc., concessit et dimisit, et eodem scripto confirmavit, Willelmo le Serjaunt de Bloberhous,k custodiam et maritagium Johannis, filii Ricardi filii Roberti de la Sale de Tymbel, cujus custodia ad ipsum patrem pertinet, ut ad legitimam aetatem dicti Johannis, pro quadam summa pecunise eidem patri prae manibus persoluta. Ita quod dictus Willelmus dictum Johannem, quocunque loco sibi viderit expedire, dum tamen sine disparagatione, valeat maritare. In cujus rei testimonium praesenti scripto indentato partes hinc inde sua apposuerunt sigilla. Hiis testibus, Roberto Clerico de Otteley, Henrico Bonenfaunt de eadem, Colino filio Edons' de eadem, Willelmo filio Paulini, Paulino Ketil de eadem, et multis aliis. Datum apud Cawod, iiij nonas Februarii, anno gratiae M.CCC. secundo. A GRANT OF ISABELLA DE BELLA AQUA TO HER SON, WILLIAM DE BELLA AQUA, OF HIS OWN MARRIAGE. [Reg. archiep. Greenfield, pars ii., inter ff. 221, 222.] Anno gratiae M.~CCC.~ nono. Ita convenit, die Dominica in crastino Omnium Sanctorum, inter dominam Isabellam de Bella Aqua, ex una parte, et Willelmum, filium et hzeredem domini Johannis de Bella Aqua, ex altera; videlicet, quod dicta domina i Goceline d'Eyvile occurs as "vallettum Thomae, archiepiscopi Ebor.," in 1301 (Reg. Corbridge, 91 a). k Blubberhouses, a scattered village in the parish of Fewston, and wapentake of Claro. In 1315, John de Tymble rendered homage to the archbishop for certain tenements in Tymble. 426 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Isabella concessit et relaxavit praedicto Willelmo maritagium ipsius Willelmi quod praedicta domina Isabella emebat de domino Willelmo le Vavasurm pro ducentis marcis sterlingorum. Ita quod praedictus Willelmus poterit se maritare prout sibi et amicis suis viderit expedire, absque calumpnia vel contradictione dictae dominae Isabellae. Pro qua quidem concessione et relaxatione idem Willelmus concessit, dimisit, relaxavit, et omnino quietum clamavit praedictae dominae Isabelle omne jus et clameum quod habuit vel habere poterit in omnibus terris et tenementis, redditibus et servitiis, quae sibi descendebant jure haereditario post decessum domini Johannis de Bella Aqua, patris sui, in Kyrtlington, Hokerton,n Rohagh, Midelthorp et Herleshag in comitatu Notinghamiae, et in Swynton,o Routhemers' et Wylthorp in comitatu Ebor., cum omnibus suis pertinentiis. Tenendum et habendum praedictae dominae Isabellae ad totam vitam suam de praedicto Willelmo et heredibus suis, faciendo dominis feodi pro pradicto Willelmo et haeredibus suis, servitia inde debita et consueta. Et praedicta domina Isabella concessit se teneri in tota vita sua praefato Willelmo in rationabilibus estoveriis suis, videlicet, in victu honorabili et vestitu duarum robarum per annum, pretii robae viginti solidorum, et in sufficienti sustentatione duorum equorum et duorum garcionum, et in quadraginta solidis annuis pro robis garcionum suorum, et pro aliis necessariis sibi emendis. Et predictus Willelmus obligat se et haeredes suos ad warantizandum omnia praedicta tenementa, ut praedictum est, ad totam vitam predictae dominae Isabellae. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus scriptis indentatis tam sigillum dictae dominae Isabellke quam sigillum praefati Willelmi alternatim sunt appensa. Hiis testibus, etc. Memorandum, quod xvij die Julii, anno gratiae MCCCmo x~, et pontificatus nostri, W. de Grenefeld, archiepiscopi Ebor., quinto, constituta personaliter coram nobis domina Isabella, uxor quondam domini Johannis de Bella Aqua, militis, in manerio nostro apud Suwell, fecit nobis fidelitatem pro terris et tenementis in dicto scripto contentis, praesentibus tune ibidem magistro Willelmo de Pykering, archidiacono Notingham, priore de Thurgarton, domino Johanne de Ludham, milite, Ricardo de Babington, Thoma de Verdoun, magistris Ricardo de Cestria, tune cancellario nostro, W. de Beverlaco et Nicholao de Calveton, "' William le Vavasour had a grant of this marriage from the archbishop in 1301. n Hockerton, Middlethorpe and Earlshaw are a few miles to the east of Kirklington. ~ In the 31st Edward I. Stephen de Bella Aqua held in Swinton and Rawmarsh, and the heir of John de Bella Aqua in Wildthorpe. WARDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES. 427 clericis, ac Ricardo de Whatton, tune ballivo apud Suwell, et pluribus aliis in multitudine copiosa. A GRANT OF THE MARRIAGE OF RICHARD, SON AND HEIR OF SIR ROBERT DE FURNEAUX, KNIGHT. [Reg. archiep. Greenfield, pars i., fol. 171 a.] Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos prsesentes litere pervenerint, Willelmus, etc., salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos dedisse et concessisse dominue Cristianve de Menyl, relictae quondam domini Nicholai de Menyl, maritagium Ricardi, filii et haeredis domini RobertiP de Furneaux, militis, defuncti, quod ad nos ratione terrae quam dictus Robertus de nobis et ecclesia nostra Ebor. tenebat in villa de Luterington per servitium militare, una cum omnibus proficuis quve ratione praedicti maritagii ad nos possent quomodolibet pertinere. Ita tamen quod dictus Ricardus juxta tenorem magnae cartae domini Henrici, quondam regis Angliae, nullatenus disparagetur. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum praesentibus est appensum. Data apud Thorp, xiij die Maii, anno gratiae M~CCCTm decimo, et pontificatus nostri quinto. A GRANT OF THE CUSTODY OF THE LANDS OF GODFREY DE MELSA, AT HODELSTON, TO ROBERT DE GRENEFELD AND WILLIAM, HIS SON. [Reg. archiep. Greenfield, pars i., fol. 52 a.] Universis pateat per praesentes quod nos Willelmus, permissione, etc., concessimus et donavimus dilectis nobis in Christo, Robertoq de Grenefeld et Willelmo filio ejusdem custodiam omnium terrarum et tenementorum quae Godefridusr de Melsa de nobis tenuit in villa de Hodelston juxta Shirburne per servitium militare, quarum custodia post mortem ejusdem Godefridi, ratione junioris aetatis Johannis, filii et haeredis ejusdem, ad manus nostras devenit. Habendum et tenendum dictis Roberto et Willelmo et eorum haeredibus et assignatis omnia praedicta terras et tenementa, cum pratis, pasturis, redditibus, servitiis, P Robert de Fourneux held "Aynderby Fourneux," now called AinderbySteeple, at the date of Kirkby's Inquest (page 176, antea). In 1298 he did homage for lands in Luterington (Lotherton), and he appears to have held one half of that manor in 1308. Richard, his son and heir, died before Dec. 29th, 1331, leaving three sons, Richard, Robert and William. q Probably Robert de Greenfield, the archbishop's brother. r His father, John de Melsa, held one knight's fee in Huddleston in the 31st Edward I. By Inq. p. m., 4th Edward II., Godfrey de Melsa died seised (inter alia) of the manors of Huddleston and Fenton, and of lands in Birkin and Fairburn (Cal. Inqp. 1. m., i., 241). 428 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. tam liberorum quam bondorum, wardis, releviis, et eschettis, et omnibus aliis pertinentiis suis et appruamentis, una cum reversione dotis, si acciderit, libere, quiete, bene, et in pace, usque ad plenam et legitimam aetatem Johannis filii et hveredis dicti Godefridi, per qequales portiones, ad totam vitam ipsius Roberti inter se dividendas. Ita, videlicet, quod post mortem dicti Roberti tota prsedicta custodia terrarum praedictarum integre remaneat prsefato Willelmo, haeredibus et assignatis ejusdem. Et si contingat dictum Johannem, filium et heredem dicti Godefridi, antequam et legitimam aetatem pervenerit, decedere, habeant dicti Robertus et Willelmus custodiam praedictam, ut praedictum est, usque ad legitimam retatem propinquioris heredis dictam haereditatem expectantis, et sic de haerede in haeredem, quousque aliquis haeredum dictam haereditatem expectantium ad plenam et legitimam pervenerit aetatem. Quam quidem custodiam terrarum praedictarum, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis et appruamentis, ut supradictum est, praedictis Roberto et Willelmo, et eorum heredibus seu assignatis, ut supradictum est, per aequales portiones ad totam vitam ipsius Roberti inter se dividendas, usque ad plenam aetatem alicujus haeredum dicti Godefridi warantizabimus contra omnes gentes. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum praesentibus est appensum. Data apud Cawode, die Martis in festo Purificationis Beatae Mariae, anno domini M~CCC~ decimo, et pontificatus nostri sexto. A GRANT OF THE MARRIAGE OF HUGH, SON AND HEIR OF RICHARD DE BABINGTON. [Reg. archiep. Greenfield, pars ii., fol. 37 b.] Noverint universi praesentes literas inspecturi quod nos Willelmus, permissione divina, etc., dimisimus et concessimus Luciae, uxori quondam Ricardi de Babinton, qui de nobis et ecclesia nostra Ebor. tenuit manerium de Burghle per servitium militare, maritagium Hugonis,s filii et haeredis praedicti Ricardi, infra legitimam aetatem tempore dimissionis et concessionis hujusmodi existentis, de cujus corpore seisiti fuimus, pro certa pecuniae quantitate de qua plene reputamus nos pacatos. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Data apud Munketon prope Ripon, ij idus Septembris, anno gratiae MCCCmo xij~, et pontificatus nostri septimo.' In 1316 he was certified lord of the manor of Burley, being then "in custodia archiepiscopi Ebor." (page 347, antea). WARDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES. 429 A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF AGNES, DAUGHTER AND HEIRESS OF JOHN MALEBRANK, OF FARNLEY. [Reg. archiep. Melton, fol. 419 b.] Pateat universis per prmesentes quod nos Willelmus de Melton, permissione divina, etc., concessimus et tradidimus domino Johanni de Brantingham, perpetuo vicario de Otteley, custodiam et maritagium Agnetis, filise et heredis Johannis Malebrank de Farnelay, defuncti, cum omnibus terris, redditibus et tenementis in villa et territorio de Farnelay ad eandem Agnetem pertinentibus, habend. et tenend. eidem domino Johanni, haeredibus et assignatis suis de nobis et successoribus nostris quousque eadern Agnes ad plenam pervenerit aetatem. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum praesentibus est appensun. Data apud Thorp prope Ebor., xiij kal. Octobris, anno gratise millesimo ccc"'~ vicesimo sexto, et pontificatus nostri nono. A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF RICHARD, SON AND HEIR OF RICHARD DE FOURNEUX. [Reg. archiep. Melton, fol. 32 b.] Pateat universis, etc., quod nos Willelmus, etc., concessimus et dimisimus magistro R." de Bridelyngton custodiam terrarum et tenementorum Ricardi, filii et hzeredis Ricardi de Forneus, in villa de Luteryngton, una cum maritagio ejusdem quousque ad legitimam aetatem pervenerit: tenendum et habendum eidem magistro R., haeredibus et assignatis suis, in forma proedicta, absque disparagatione ejusdem Ricardi, filii et haeredis praedicti Ricardi de Fourneux. Et si contingat quod idem Ricardus, filius et haeres antedicti Ricardi de Fourneaux, antequam ad legitimam awtatem pervenerit, decedat, quod absit, concessimus et dimisimus eidem magistro Roberto custodiam terrarum et tenementorum proedictorum, una cum maritagio Roberti, fratris et haeredis ejusdem Ricardi, filii et haeredis Ricardi de Fourneux praedicti, si supervixerit: tenendum et habendum, in forma praedicta, absque disparagatione ejusdem Roberti, usque ad legitimam setatem antedicti Ricardi, filii, etc. Et si contingat quod idem Robertus, frater et haeres praedicti Ricardi, filii, etc., antequam ad legitimam aetatem pervenerit, decedat, quod absit, concessimus et dimisimus dicto magistro Roberto custodiam terrarum et tenementorum pradictorum, una cum maritagio Willelmi, t John de Brantingham was instituted to the vicarage of Otley on the 4th id. Dec., 1319 (Reg. Melton, 136 b), and died in 1349. " Mr. Robert de Bridlington, private chaplain of archbishop Melton, and a canon of Ripon, Southwell and York. He died in 1332 (Fasti Ebor., i., 431). 430 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. fratris et hveredis dicti Roberti, ut supra notatur: tenendum et habendum antedicto magistro Roberto in forma proedicta, ut supradictum est, usque ad legitimam setatem prefati Ricardi, filii et heredis prefati Ricardi de Forneux. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum praesentibus duximus apponendum. Data apud Cawod, iiijto kalendas Januarii, anno gratiae, etc., xxxjo, et pontificatus nostri quintodecimo. A COMMISSION TO SEIZE JOHN, SON AND HEIR OF JOHN DE LANGTON, OF YORK. [Reg. archiep. Thoresby, fol. 314 a.] A touz ceux qui cestes presentes lettres verronnt ou orronnt Johan, par la soeffraunce de Dieu ercevesque d'Euerwyk, saluz en Dieu. Sachez nous avoir assigne et depute noz chers et bien amez William de Meryngton, Johan Pouger et Robert de Hakthorp, ou un de eaux, de seser en notre nom le corps Johan, fitz et heir Johanv de Langeton d'Euerwyk, notre gard qui a nous apertient par cause que le dit Johan de Langton certeins terres de nous tien jour q'il morust par service de chivaler. En testmoigne de quelle chose, etc. Escript a Thorp pres de Euerwyk, le quarte jour de Novembre, lan de notre seignour Jhesu Crist M.CCC. septantisme tiers, et de notre translacion vintisme secound. A GRANT OF THE WARDSHIP AND MARRIAGE OF JOHN, SON AND HEIR OF JOHN DE LANGTON, OF YORK. [Reg. archiep. Thoresby, fol. 314 a.] A touz ceux qui ceste lettre verront ou orront Johan, par le soeffrance de Dieu ercevesque d'Euerwyk, primat d'Engleterre et legat de la courte de Rome, saluz en Dieu. Sachez nous avoir done et graunte a William Graa,w citein d'Euerwyk et sire Robert de Wycliff parsone del eglis de la seinte Croux en Euerwyk, la garde du corps od le mariage de Johan, filtz et heir Johan de Langeton d'Euerwyk, en notre garde esteant, ensemblement od la garde de totes les terres et tenements de " John de Langton, mayor of York from 1352 to 1363, has been previously mentioned. w William Gray was mayor of York in 1367. For some notices of this family, see page 325, antea. r Of Robert de Wycliffe, who was a man of wealth and influence, and very probably a near relation of the Reformer, an interesting account is given by Canon Raine in the Fasti Eboracenses (vol. i., 465). WARDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES. 431 Frismersk,y HudelestonZ et Fenton et aliours en la counte d'Euerwyk, les queux Johan, piere l'avandit Johan filtz Johan, tient de nous par service de chivaler, et quelx a nous appertient par reson del noun age le dit Johan filtz Johan, a avoir et tenir a les avanditz William et Robert et lour heires et assignes tanque al plein age le dit Johan filtz Johan. En testmoignance de quelle chose a ceste notre lettre avons mis notre seal. Escript a Thorp pres de Euerwyk, le quint jour de Novembre, lan de notre Seignour Jhesu Crist mille trecentisme septantisme tierce, et de notre translacion vintisme second. y One of the lost towns on the lumber. Huddleston and Fenton, in the wapentake of Barkston-Ash. The Langtons were the owners of extensive quarries at Huddleston, and gave large quantities of stone to the fabric of York Minster (Fabric Rolls, ed. Surt. Soc., 64 n). NOMINAa EORUM QUI TENENT XX LIBRATAS TERRE DE REGE IN CAPITE VEL DE ILLIS QUI SUNT INFRA IETATEM QUI EX MANDATO REGIS DISTRINGEBANTUR PER VICECOMIT' AD TRANSFRETANDUM AD REGEM HENRICUM TERTIUM IN VASCONIA CONTRA REGEM CASTELL2E, QUI TERRAM VASCONIE HOSTILITER INGRESSURUS ERAT, PUGNATURI, ANNO REGNI REGIS HENRICI TERTII XXXVIII, SALUTIS HUMANE A CHRISTO 1253. [Cott. MSS., Claudius C. ii., fol. 15.] EBOR. Nomina eorum qui tenent viginti libratas terrae de domino rege in capite in corn. Ebor. W. de Horseden,b vicecomes Ebor. Dominus Eadwardus filius domini regis. Robertus de Veteri Ponte. Willelmus de Cressy. Adam de Novo Mercato. Thomas filius Willelmi. Johannes de Steynton. Eymes de Methelton. Comes Albimarliae. Willelmus de Ros. Robertus de Nevill. Rogerus de Mubray. Episcopus Dunholm. Gilebertus de Gaunt. Johannes de Warenna. Willelmus de Feugeres.~ Robertus de Creystok. Hugo Bigot. Petrus de Brus. Henricus de Percy. Petrus de Mauley. Willelmus de Stotevill. Andreas Luterel. Eadmundus de Lascy. Abbas Sanctve Marie de Ebor. Petrus de Percy. Johannes filius Willelmi de Vescy, qui est infra vetatem in custodia regis. Gerardus de Furnivall. Robertus Constabalarius. Margeria de Vescy. Adam de Everingham. Willelmus de Lasceles. Patrik de Westwik. Baldewinus de Insula, qui est infra aetatem in custodia regis. Willelmus filius Willelmi Paynel, qui est infra etatem, et Willelmus de a I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Walbran for transcripts of this and the succeeding document. Many of the persons named therein are mentioned in the notes to Kirkby's Inquest and the Feoda Militum. b Of William de Horseden, sheriff of Yorkshire in 1253-4, and bailiff of tlle High Peak, little is known. Amongst the Inquisitions post mortem in the Public Record Office is an undated document "de transgressionibus dummodo Willelmus de Horseden fuit vicecomes comitatus Ebor. " (Cal. Gen., i., 184). By Inq. p. m., 9th Edward I., William de Feugers died seised of lands in Castle-Levington (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 71), Andrew de Feugers, then aged 50 years, being his son and heir (Cal. Gen., i., 306). d Baldwin de Insula, or de Redvers, earl of Devon and lord of Harewood, died seised of that manor, and of the vill of Lofthouse, in 1262 (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 23). He was succeeded by his sister, Isabella de Fortibus, widow of William, earl of Albemarle. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 433 Valencia habet custodiam de eo, de dono domini regis. Simon de Steyngrif. Prior de Drax. Thomas filius Roberti de Chauncy, qui est infra aetatem, et Robertus de Crepinges habet custodiam de eo, ex dono regis. NOMINA ILLORUM QUI HABENT XV LIBRATAS TERRIE ET TENENT PER SERVITIUM MILITARE ET MILITES NON SUNT, ANNO XL REGNI REGIS HENRICI TERTII. [Cott. MSS., Claudius C. ii., fol. 25.] H., rex Anglise, dominus Hibernioe, dux Normanniae, Aquitania, et comes Andegaviae, vicecomiti Bedeford et Buck., salutem. Cum pluries tibi preceperimus quod omnes illos de balliva tua qui habent quindecim libratas terrae et tenent per servitium militare et milites non sunt, de quibuscunque teneant, distringeres ad se milites faciend., vel ad finem nobiscum faciendum pro respectu habenda de militia sua, et quod diligenter inquireres qui de balliva tua habent quindecim libratas terrae in eadem balliva, vel alibi in regno nostro, et tenent per servitium militare, et quae nomina omnium illorum, et quantum terra cujuslibet eorum in balliva tua valet per annum, nobis distincte et aperte scire faceres. Miramur quam plurimum et ultra modum movemur, quod mandata nostra in hac parte non es executus. Quod manifeste perpendimus eo quod pauci de balliva tua ad nos venerunt pro hujusmodi respectu habendo. Et ideo tibi, in fide qua nobis teneris, et sicut te ipsum et omnia tua diligis, distincte praecipimus, quod dicta mandata nostra sine ulla dilatione, sicut praedictum est, exequaris; Ita quod nomina omnium illorum de balliva tua qui habent quindecim libratas terrze et amplius et tenent per servitium militare, unacum valore terrarum suarum in eadem balliva in scriptis habeamus citra instans festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae. Et ita te habeas in hoc mandato nostro exequendo quod pro defectu tui, te et tua graviter capere non debeamus, sciturus indubitanter, quod si secus egeris, nos de contemptu et omissione tua talem vindictam capiemus, quod ultra modum te senties inde gravatum. Teste me ipso apud Bristoll, xv die Julii, anno regni nostri quadragesimo. Consimiles literae diriguntur vicecomitibus aliorum comitatuum per totam Angliam. EBOR. (Multorum hic nomina detrita et penitus deleta in originali non poterant discerni.) IN WAPPENTAGIO DE AYNSTY. Maugerus le Vavasur, 20 li. F F 434 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Rogerus de Mortimer,e 20 li. Robertus de Creppinges, 20 li. Robertus de Pontefracto de Wyvelisthorp, 20 li. terrae. Magister Alanus de Rugford/ 20 li. Johannes Sampson manens in Ebor., est civis et burgensis Ebor., habet 20 li. IN LIBERTATE DE KNARISBURG. Alanus de Walkingham, 20 li. Ricardus de Brereton, 20 li. Thomas de Burton, 20 li. Johannes de Walkyngham,h 20 li. Ricardus de Bosco,i 20 li. IN WAPPENTAGIO DE OSGOTECROS. Thomas de Drounfeld, 20 li. Petrus de Maynill, 20 li. Thomas Folechaumbe/ 20 li. IN WAPPENTAGIO DE RIDALE. NORTH RYDINGE. Willelmus Lovel, 20 li. Ivo de Etton, 20 li. Walterus de Perscehay, 20 li. Willelmus de Harum, 20 li. IN WAPPENTAGIO DE BULMERE. Johannes de Ferlyngton, 20 li. Willelmus Chambard, 20 li. Paulinus de Lillyng, 20 li. Gaceus de Chaumund, 20 li., est civis et burgensis de Ebor. Simon Euer, 20 li. IN LIBERTATE RICHEMUND'. Andreas de Neyvill, 20 li. Robertus de Musters, 20 li. Robertus de Hakeford, 20 li. Hervicus de Watlus, 20 li. Gilbertus de Clyfton, 20 li. Nicholaus de Gertheston, 20 li. Johannes de Staveley, 20 li. (Multi hic quoque desunt.) Et quia summa 20 librat. terrae hic per totum recensetur et ulterius quoniam unusquisque istorum invenit quatuor plegios, videtur quod haec ultima scedula Ebor. pertinet ad alium bundellum, et non ad istud bundellum de nominibus illorum qui xv libratas terrae haberent, sed potius ad alios hic in initio istius libri recitatos, qui de hujusmodi valore xx libratas terrae tenentes de rege distringebantur ad transfretandum in Wasconiam cum equis et armis contra regem Castelle, inimicum regis H. III., pugnaturi. e Roger de Mortimer is not named in Kirkby's Inquest for the Ainsty. f Doubtless the same person as Mr. Alan le Breton, who held Rufforth in the 13th Edward I. (page 26, antea). g Alan de Walkingham, a justice itinerant in 1280 (Foss's Judges, iii., 169), married Eva, daughter of Adam de Bolteby, and was succeeded in the 12th Edward I. by his eldest son, Adam de Walkingham (Cal. Gen., i., 347), who is returned in Kirkby's Inquest as holding the vill of Cowthorpe for the fourth part of a knight's fee. h His father, John de Walkingham, by Inq. p. m., 35th Henry III., died seised of the manor of Walkingham (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 9). The jurors say that "Johannes de Walkingham, filius praedicti Johannis, defuncti, propinquior haeres ejus est, et est fere de setate octodecim annorum completorum, et est in custodia domini comitis Ricardi. Domina dotata est" (Cal. Gen., i., 39). i His son and heir, Henry de Bosco, held one knight's fee in Great Ouseburn in the 31st Edward I. i Sir Thomas Foljambe, the first of the name who is known (S. Yorks., ii., 57), was bailiff of the hundred of High Peak in 1272 (Coll. Top. et Gen., i., 91). He died January 17th, 1282-3, leaving a son and heir, Thomas, then about seventeen years old (Cal. Gen., i., 330). ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 435 REDDITUSk ET SERVITIA LIBERORUM FORINSECORUM APUD RIPON. [From a Feodary's Book in the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of York.] STODLAY ET HEWICK, BUSHOPTON ET BONDGATE. Est ibidem de redditibus liberorum forinsecorum, scilicet, de Johanne Gras, qui tenet per homagium et forinsecum servitium tenementa sua in Stodleyl et Hewick,m et per annum xxviijs., faciendo sectam curiae communem de iijbus septimanis in iij septimanas; et de una car. et duabus bov. terrae in Bushopton et Bondgate," per ann. xlvjs. viijd., et sectam curiae. CLOTHEROM. Et [de] Johanne de Clotheromo pro ij car. terrae in Clotherom, et pro arruris et messionibus suis in autumpno, ijs. vjd., et sectam curiae, et pro iijbus acris ibidem, iijs., et sectam curiae. INGARTHORP. Et de Nicholao Burton,P qui tenet per homagium iiijtam partem unius feodi milit. in Ingarthorp cont. ijas car., et redd. per ann. xijd., et pro ijbus arruris per ann., vjd., et pro xvj operibus autumpnalibus metent., xvjd. MARKINTON. Et de Willelmo Markintonq pro ijbus car. in Markinton quas tenet per homagium et sectam curiae, et pro iiijta parte feodi unius milit., faciendo ijas arruras, pretii vjd., et xvj opera autumpnalia, pretii xvjd. NUNWICK ET NUNWICK-THORNES. Et Willelmus Wivillr k An account of the rents and services due to the archbishops from their tenants within the liberty of Ripon. This document, which is without date, occurs in the York MS., and also in the book marked B. iv., 24 (fol. 136 b), in the Public Record Office, immediately after the "Feoda militum libertatis de Ripon," of the 31st Edward I., and is followed by Kirkby's Inquest for the wapentake of Staincliffe, taken in the 13th Edward I.' Studley Royal. n" Probably Copt Hewick. The township of Aismunderby-with-Bondgate adjoins Ripon on the south. o A John de Clotherham was living in the 23rd Edward I. (J. R. W.) Roger de Clotherom held Clotherom in 1316, and another John de Clotherum occurs in 1328 (Reg. Melton, 427 a). P Thomas de Burton held Ingerthorpe in the 31st Edward I., and Nicholas de Burton in the 9th Edward II. Nicholas, son of Nicholas de Burton, did homage for this manor in 1339. q In the 31st Edward I., John, son of William de Ripon, held Markington for the fourth part of a knight's fee (page 212, antea). In 1323, William, son and heir of John de Merkyngton, rendered homage "pro terris et tenementis in Merkyngton prope Ripon." " William de Wyvill, of Slingsby, was living in the 13th Edward I. In 1298, John de Wyvill did homage for lands in " Nunewyk et Nunewyk-Thornes." By Inq. p. m., 29th Edward I., he died seised (inter alia) of the manor of Slingsby, and of lands in Nunwick-Thornes (Cal. Inq. p. m., i., 167), being succeeded by his son, William de Wyvill, who, in 1321, being then a knight, rendered homage "pro terris et ten. in Nunwyk et Nunwyk-Thornes," as did also his son and heir, John de Wyvill, in 1335. F F 2 436 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. tenet di. feod. milit. in Nunwick et Nunwick-Thornes,s faciendo sectam curise, arando per ijOS dies, vel dabit vjd., et metet per vijtem dies, vel dabit vijd. EVESTON. Et tenentes de Eveston invenient xx homines metentes in autumpno, vel dabunt xxjd. Abbas de Fontibus tenet quvedam tenementa in Eveston spectantia ad janitoremt suum, metentem per iij dies. NID, WESTWICK, KILLINGHALL ET NEWTON. Comes" Albemarlire tenet de domino feod. unius milit. in Nid, Westwick, Killinghall et Newton per homagium et forinsecum servitium, faciendo sectam curise communem. MULWATH ET SLENINGFORD. Dominus Johannes Moubray" tenet iiijtam partem feodi milit. in Mulwath et Slenyngford per homagium et forinsecum servitium, faciendo sectam, ut supra. GIVENDAL. Dominus Johannes Warde tenet quinque car. terrwe in Givendal per homagium et forinsecum servitium, faciendo sectam, ut supra. HEWICK. Nicholaus Hewickw tenet xxnan partem feodi unius milit. in Hewick per homagium et forinsecum servitium, et sectam curie, ut supra. RYPON. Dominao de Marmion pro teneimentis suis in Ripon, faciendo sectam, ut supra. NEWBY. Johannes WardeY tenet iiijtam partem feodi unius milit., scilicet, villatam de Newby, quam Radulphus de Newbyz 8 On the 6th kal. Jan., 1327, the archbishop demised to Robert de Nonnewykthornes " unam placeam terrse in Ripon, que vocatur Bisshopholm, jacentem inter aquam de Yore et campum de Nonnewykthornes" (Reg. Melton, 423 a). t See Burton's Monasticon Eboracense, page 164. The Inq. p. m. of William de Fortibus, earl of Albemarle, was taken in the 44th Henry III., his next heir being his son Thomas, then seven years old (Cal. Gen., i., 89), who was the last earl, and died s. p. before the 21st Edward I. (Nicholas's Synopsis, ed. 1857, page 20). The widow of the above William de Fortibus, Isabella, "comitissa Albemarlia et Devon', ac domina Insulae," died November 10th, 1293 (Ibid., 158 n), having survived all her children. v Roger de Moubray, who died in the 26th Edward I., left a son and heir, John, then about twelve years old (Cal. Gen., ii., 555). On March 5th, 1307-8, at Westminster, the archbishop received the homage of Sir John de Moubray " pro ten. quwe clamat tenere de eo infra ballivam de Rypon." w Geoffrey de Hewick held Hewick in the 31st Edward I. (page 212, antea). He died, probably, in the same year, leaving a son and heir, Nicholas, afterwards a knight, who did homage for lands in Hewick and Ripon in 1307 and 1318, and was living in 1328 (Reg. Melton, 427 a). In 1339, "Rogerus, filius domini Nicholai de Hewyk," rendered homage for lands in "Bondegate, Ripon, et apud Hewyk-atte-brige." " Avice, widow of Robert de Marmion, who died in the Holy Land about 1240, was living at the date of Kirkby's Inquest. Their grandson, Sir John de Marmion, did homage "pro ten. in Rypon" in 1298. y Simon, son of Simon Warde, held Newby super Yore in the 31st Edward I., and the 9th Edward II. z See page 384, antea. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 437 tenuit, faciendo sectam curiae domini de Shirburne, pro qua reddit domino ad finem per ann. iijs. BREVE AD INQUIRENDUM DE DUOBUS FEODIS ARCHIEPISCOPI INJUSTE OCCUPATIS PER COMITISSAM ALBEMARLIE, IN HOLDERNESSE, CUJUS TERRAE EXISTUNT NUNC IN MANIBUS REGIS. [Reg. archiep. Greenfield, pars. i., fol. 35 a.] Rex dilecto et fideli suo Ricardo Gysel, escaetori suo citra Trentam, salutem. Supplicavit nobis venerabilis pater W., archiepiscopus Ebor., quod cum Avelina de Fortibus, quondam comitissa Albemarlime, defuncta, quse de nobis tenuit in capite, et ejus antecessores tenuissent de praedecessoribus predicti archiepiscopi duo feodaa militum, unum, videlicet, in Burton Conestable, Neuton Constable et Tharlesthorp, in partibus de Holderness, et unum aliud feodum in West Halsham in comitatu Ebor., prvedecessoresque prwedicti archiepiscopi custodiam terrarum et tenementorum qute de eis, ratione feodorum praedictorum, tenebant, cum accidebat, ac alia inde diversa proficua habuissent quousque feoda illa, simul cum terris et tenementis quue fuerunt praedictae Aveline per mortem ejusdem ad manus nostras devenerunt, et quae in manu nostra existunt, quominus dictus archiepiscopus et successores sui, ratione feodorum pradictorum, hujus custodiam et proficua percipere possint et habere, velimus ipsius archiepiscopi et ecclesise sume Ebor. exhmereditationis periculo et ipsorum indempnitati prospicere in hac parte eidem archiepiscopo debitam inde recompensationem aliunde facere, vel ipsum de feodis que de nobis tenet pro rata portionis exonerare. Nos volentes super praemissis plenius certiorari et ulterius fieri quod de consilio nostro fore viderimus faciendum; vobis mandamus quod per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum in balliva vestra, per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit diligenter inquiratis si prefata comitissa tenuisset feoda illa vel alia de predecessoribus praedicti archiepiscopi, sicut praedictum est, necne; et, si sit, tune quae feoda, et ubi, et quantum feoda illa valeant per annum in omnibus exitibus, ut in dominicis, homagiis, servitiis, redditibus, villenagiis et aliis, et si servitia aliqua de dictis feodis a According to Kirkby's Inquest, a portion of these two knights' fees was in East Halsham, which is not here mentioned:-"Avelina, quondam Comitissa Albemarlie, tenuit de praedicto Archiepiscopo in Burton Constable, Neuton Conestable, West Halsam, Est Halsam et Therlesthorp ij feoda militum; que quidem feoda nunc sunt in manu domini regis, tanquam dominicum suum, per mortem ejusdem Avelinse" (page 77, antea). 438 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. debebantur aliis quam praefatis archiepiscopis necne; et, si sit, tune quve et quibus personis. Et inquisitionem inde distincte et aperte factam nobis sub sigillo vestro et sigillis eorum per quos facta fuerit, sine dilatione mittatis et hoc breve. Teste meipso apud Lanercost, vij die Februarii, anno regni nostri XXXVt~ xxxvt. INQUISITIO DE ARTICULIS TANGENTIBUS ESCAETERIAM INFRA WAPENTAGIUM DE BARKESTON. [Reg. archiep. Greenfield, pars i., inter ff. 48, 49.] Inquisitio capta coram Johanne de Hothum, escaetore domini regis ultra Trentam, apud Schirburn, die Martis proximo ante festum Sanctme Margaretse Virginis, anno regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Edwardi, quarto, de articulis tangentibus escaeteriam infra wapentagium de Barkeston, per Johannem de Lascy, Johannem de Milford, Johannem de Birne, Johannem de Hamelton, Willelmum de Fenton, Willelmum filium Julianae, Johannem Scot, Willelmum ultra aquam, Thomam ad portam de Schirburn, Thomam Belle, Adam Clericum de Fenton et Johannem Marescallum de Wistowe, juratores, qui dicunt super sacramentum suum, quod dominus archiepiscopus Ebor. tenet baroniam de Schirburn de domino rege in capite per servitium baronize, de qua baronia venduntur post statutum nativis abbatis de Selby de Friston et Hillum apud Lumby ix acrae et dimidia roda terrae, et acra valet per annum vjd. Item de eadem baronia apud Fenton sunt xxvij tofta, vjXXv acre terrae arabilis et prati, et solebant esse de predicta baronia geldabiles domino regi, et modo peremptores et venditores excommunicati sunt ad libertatem Sancti Petri post statutum, etc. Item dicunt quod Milo de Stapelton et Aucherus filius Henrici tenent villam de Carleton de domino rege in capite per servitium unius exp.... per annum. Item dicunt quod haeres domini Philipi Paynel est infra aetatem, et in custodia domini regis, quae data est domino Adae de Osgodby per dominum regem, et tenet villam de Drax in sokenarie de domino rege in capite. Item dicunt quod David de Cawod [tenet] totum quod habet in eademb in serjantiam de domino rege in capite, per quod servitium ignorant. De qua serjentia idem David vendidit dimidium toftum cuidam nativo b David de Cawood held a third part of the town of Cawood " de domino rege in capite, per serjantiam custodiendi forestam suam inter aquas de Ouse et Derewente" (Reg. Corbridge, 101 a). The Cawoods had been hereditary custodians of this forest from the time of king John (Rot. Lit. Claus., i., 417). A pedigree of the family is printed in the History of Sherburn and Cawood by Mr. Wheater. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 439 domini archiepiscopi in eadem, et unum toftum domino Thomae, capellano, in eadem, et unum toftum Johanni filio Galfridi de Stokbrigg. Item dicunt quod dominus Petrus de Malo Lacu hoc quod habet in villa de Bramham tenet de domino rege in capite, et idem dominus Petrus dedit totur quod habet ibidem domino Edmundo, fratri suo, ad terminum vitwe sue, tenendum et respondendum domino regi in capite, per quod servitium ignoratur. Item dicunt quod Willelmus de Langtwayt tenuit in eadem villa unum toftum et iiij bovatas terrse de domino rege in capite, et totum vendidit priori et conventui de Sancto Oswaldo post statutum. Item dicunt quod dominus Milo Stapelton tenet duas partes villate de West Hathelsay de domino rege in capite, et reddit per annum ad scaccariam domini regis quadraginta solidos. De cseteris articulis nichil sciunt. In cujus rei testimonium sigilla juratorum huic inquisitioni sunt appensa. Data apud Schirburn, die et anno supradictis. Nomina....... qui mutaverunt....... tenementorum suorum..... alibi feodo ac libertate Beati Petri Ebor., de baronia de Shirburn infra villam de Fenton, in praejudicium et exhaereditatem domini regis Angliae et domini archiepiscopi Ebor. FENTON. Johannes filius Thomae tenet de hljusmodi xxij acras terree. Constantius Furmin tenet unum toftum. Robertus Jolif j toftum et iiijor acras terrae. Henricus Diker j toftum et ij acras terrae. Rogerus Stain j toftum et iiij acras. Johannes de Lumby j toftum et viij acras terrae. Johannes Batman j toftum et iij acras terrze. Ricardus de Hadhelingflet j toftum et iij acras terrae. Willelmus filius Hugonis de Chater j toftum et viij acras terrae. Henricus de Houck j toftum et xxxiij acras terrae. Thomas Chapelain j toftum et j acram terrae. Johannes de Birne j toftum et j acram terrae. Margeria de Panely j toftum. Johannes filius Henrici j toftum et xvj acras terrae. Rogerus filius Willelmi j toftum et xxx acras terrae. Willelmus filius Galfridi j toftum et j acram terrae. Robertus filius Wilkoc j toftum et j acram terrae. Galfridus del Meiten j toftum et j acram terrae. Jacke j toftum et vj acras terrae. Ricardus Totty j toftum et iij acras terrae. Willelmus filius Germani j toftum et ij acras terrae. Johannes filius Gilberti j toftum et vj acras terrae. Johannes filius Alani j toftum et iij acras terrae. Walterus Brette j toftum. Adam Fox j toftum. Ricardus filius Humfridi j toftum. Alicia le Wilde j toftum. Thomas Sutor j toftum. Thomas Alli j toftum et j acram terrae. 440 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. A LETTER" FROM ROBERT DE HILTON TO ARCHBISHOP MELTON CONCERNING THE MANOR OF SWINE. [Reg. archiep. Melton, inter ff. 566, 567.] [A son tres honourable seigneur et piere en Dieu] sire William de Melton, par la grace Dieux erceveske d'Everwyk, prymat d'Engletere, seon bacheler Robert de Hilton honurs et dues reverences. Moult vous merci, chier seignur, de les honurs que vous moi avez fait et de la suffraunce que vous avez fait a ma dame ma mered a ma requeste; et endreit de ceo que vous moi chargeastes que ieo vous certefaite comment et par queux services ele tient de vous le maner de Swyne, sachez, sire, qele tient et cleyme tenyr le dyt maner ove les aportenannces de vous en demeigne et en service pur un fee de chyvaler, fors pris vij bovees de tere et demye en mesme le maner par homage, feaute et par escuage, cest a saver qannt lescu a xl sontz, xxxvj sontz xd. et ob., et a plus, plus, et a meyns, meyns, pur toutz services; et sonnt en mesme le maner iiijxx et viij boves de tere et demye qele tient de vous, et chescune bovee de terre durra a lescu qannt il curt a xl sontz, vd., et a plus, plus, et a meyns, meyns; et de ceo fee xij bovees de tere fount une carue de tere, et viij carues de tere fonnt le fee de un chyvaler. Seignur si rien voillez que ieo faire peusse si agree vous viegne moi manndez cume a celuy qui prest serra a vos comanndementz. Sire, bone vie et lunge vous otrie Dieux. QUIETA CLAMANCIA QUAM DOMINUS ARCHIEPISCOPUS FECIT ROBERTO DE ANNESLEY ET ALIIS SUPER JURE ET CLAMEUM QUXE HABET IN MANERIIS DE BIRNE ET KIRTELINGTON, UT PATET INFRA. [Reg. archiep. Thoresby, fol. 325 b.] Omnibus Christi fidelibus hoc proesens scriptum visuris vel audituris, Johannes, permissione, etc., salutem in Domino. Noveritis nos remisisse, relaxasse et omnino quietum clamasse Roberto de Annesley, persone ecclesiae de Rotyngton, Hugoni de Novomercato, militi, Johanni de Annesley, militi, Willelmo de Wakebrugg et Hugonie de Annesley totum jus nostrum et c A copy of this letter is entered in Melton's Register (fol. 566 b) among documents dated in December, 1325. d Matilda, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Roger de Lascelles, and widow of Sir William de Hilton and Sir Robert de Tiliol (Poulson's Tolderness, ii., 197). On Aug. 29th, 1325, Matilda Tyliol did homage to archbishop Melton "pro terris et ten. quae clamat tenere de eo in Swyna" (page 416, antea). e On April 18th, 1375, Hugh de Annesley did homage for lands and tenements in Kirtlington and Burn, "quse habuit de dono et feoffamento Johannis de Bella Aqua" (page 421, antea). ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 441 clameum juris quod habemus, habuimus, seu aliquo modo habere poterimus, in manerio de Birne in comitatu Ebor., et in manerio de Kirtlyngton in comitatu Notynghamiae, ratione custodise minoris aetatis Thomae filii Hugonis de Novo Mercato, consanguinei et hveredis Johannis Belewe, jam defuncti, quwe quidem maneria praedicti Robertus, Johannes, Willelmus et Hugo de Anneslay de nobis tenent per servitium militare, ita quod in eisdem maneriis ratione custodiae et minoris aetatis predicti Thomae, consanguinei et haeredis praedicti Johannis de Belewe, aliquid de caetero exigere poterimus vel vendicare, sed ab omni actione et clameo custodiae ejusdem Thomae penitus sumus exclusi per praesentes. In cujus rei testimonium huic praesenti scripto sigillum nostrum apposuimus. Datum apud Thorp juxta Ebor., die Mercurii proximo ante festum Natalis Domini, anno regni regis Edwardi tertii post Conquestum xliijo, et anno Domini Mccclxix. TABLESa OF LAND MEASURE, ETC. [From the Percy MS. in the possession of Joseph Munby, esq., of York.] I. FEODA MILITUM.b Decem acroe terrae faciunt secundum antiquam consuetudinem unam ferdellam (x acras), et iiijor ferdellae faciunt unam virgatam (xl acras) terrae, et iiijor virgatze terrae faciunt unum hidon (clx acras) terrae, et iiijor hidon faciunt unum integrum feodum militis (Dcxl acras), unde relevium est Cs. Item xvj virgatme terrae faciunt integrum feodum militis, et quelibet virgata taxata ad vjs. iijd.; faciunt summam Cs. Carucata terrae. Carucata terrae dicitur quantum aratrum arare poterit in seisionali tempore. a These tables are taken from a Rental of Henry, earl of Northumberland, which appears to have been compiled about the latter part of the sixteenth century. They shew, amongst other things, the quantity of land contained in each bovate and carucate, according to the relative number of carucates in a knight's fee, and of bovates in a carucate. The knight's fee was fixed at 640 acres, at five score to the hundred, or 540 acres at six score to the hundred. The other quantities were influenced by the nature of the soil, and varied considerably, even within a limited distance. For instance, at Hartlington, in Craven, the knight's fee in one part of the township was estimated at fourteen carucates (page 191, antea), while in the other it contained twenty-eight (page 196, antea). Dr. Whitaker says, that "the proportion of the oxgang to the carucate was invariably that of 1 to 8" (Hist. Craven, page 8). That there were exceptions to this rule is proved by the tables now printed, by the entry in the Feoda Militum relating to East Halsham, where four carucates made " di. feod. j milit., et qualibet car. cont. xij bov. terre " (page 248, antea), and also by the letter from Robert de Hilton to archbishop Melton concerning the manor of Swine (page 440, antea), wherein it is stated that " de ceo fee xij bovees de tere fonnt une carue de tere, et viij carues de tere fonnt le fee de un chyvaler." b Copia extra scaccariam domini regis apud Westmonasterium —marginal note. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 443 II. THE RELEIFE OF A KNIGHT'S FEE FROM AN ACRE OF LAND TO IIIJOR HIDES OF LAND.C 1 acre. First iiijor ferlinges make one acre of land, whereof the releife for a knighte's service ys-jd. ob. q. =Dcxlta pars feodi militis. 10 acres. Item x acres make one ferdell of land, whereof the releife for a knighte's service ys-xviijd. ob. q. =lxiiijor pars feodi. 40 acres. Item iiijor ferdells make one yarde of land, whereof the releife for a knighte's service ys-vjs. iijd. =xvjma pars feodi. 160 acres. Item iiijor yerdes make one hide of land, whereof the releife for a knighte's service ys-xxvs. =iiijta pars feodi. 640 acres. Item iiijor hides of land make one knighte's fee at vXX to the Cth, whereof ye releife for a knighte's service ys-Cs. Note that where ye yarde of lande conteyneth but xxxtie acres, there ye releife for everie acre is-ijd. ob. Extra scaccariam dominae regine —marginal note. III. A rate of ane Ayde for the mariage of an Erles dawghter, or ye makinge of his sonn a knight, granted by statute Westm., i., 3. E. I., 35, viz. everie whole knighte's fee xls., and everie xx li. land in socage xxs., and so after yt rate more or lesse for both aydes, viz., ix carucates 1iiijs. vd. q. vjd. ob. q. x car. iiijs. vjd. J iijs. vijd. ob. di. q. vd. q. di. t X1J car. knighte's fee, iiJS. iiijd. and everie vd. jwhere i car. nthee eee s. xd. q. oxgange, iiid. q. di. where there everie viz., XVJ car. eth is. vjd. the car., iijd. ob. q. xviiJ car. s.. is q. iijd. ii di. q. z xxiiij car. xxd. ijd. ob. xxviij car. xvd. ob. q. di. ijd. Memorandum, everie knighte's fee conteyneth in acres xxxijx, wCh is DXLt" acres at vj" to the cth, rated at jd. ob. q. di. the acre amounteth to xls. for a knighte's fee. IV. vj carucates v" vj acr. di. d. r.e a, vij carucates iiijxxj acr. di. vjcxlte acres, viij carucates iiijxx acr. or thereig ix carucates Then everie lxxj acr. j rod. veri aboutes, w h Evere knighte's x carucates such car. xiiijr acr. e multy- is a knight's 4 fen onteyninge xj carucates conteyneth lviij acr. j rod. plied hs fee at vXX in itselfe xij carucates in yt liij acr. j rod. aro make acres to ye xiiij carucates xliiij acr. iij rod. hundreth, ut xvj carucates xl acr. antea patet. xxiij carucates J xxvij acr. iij rod. a Memorandum, where viij acres make an oxgange, there 8 oxganges make one carucate, and x carucates a knighte's fee. A> Ox1 V. A RREIFE DIVISION OF CARUCATES WT" THERE OXEGANGES AND ACRES, AS FOLLOWETH. That is to saye, And everyThere rhere a And every carucate e a Ad e e There everie bovate And everie car. conteyneth conteyning conteineth knighte's fee carucate conteineth itself conteyneth conteynethn vj bovat. xvij acr. iij ro. vj car. viij bov. xiij acr. j r. di. vxvj acr. di. vij bovat. xiiij acr. di. vij car. viij bov. xj acr. j r. di. iiijxj acr. di. viij bovat. x acr. viij car. viij bov. x acr. iiij" acr. ix bovat. vij acr. iijr. di. ix car. viij bov. ix acr. lxxj acr. j r. x bovat. vj acr. j r. di. x car. viij bov. viij acr. lxiiij acr. xj bovat. v acr. j r. di. xj car. viij bov. vij acr. j r. di. lviij acr. j r. t xij bovat. iiij acr. di. xij car. viij bov. vj acr. ij r. di. liij acr. j r. xiij bovat. iij acr. iij r. di. xiij car. viij bov. vj acr. di. r. xlix acr. j r. xiiij bovat. iij acr. j r. xiiij car. viij bov. v acr. ij r. di. xliiij acr. iij r. xvj bovat. ij acr. di. xvj car. viij bov. v acr. xltie acr. xxiij bovat. jacr. j r. xxiij car. viij bov. iij acr. xxvij acr. iij r. N.B. This table is explained at page 447. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 447 Memorandum.d Everie knighte's fee conteyninge viij carucates, and everie car. viij bov., then everie bovate conteyneth x acres, and everie car. iiijxx acres. Everie knighte's fee cont. vj car., and everie car. vj bov., then everie bovate cont. xvij acr. iij r., and everie car. vxxvj acr. di. Everie knight's fee cont. vij car., and everie car. vij bov., then everie bov. cont. xiiij acr. di., and everie car. iiijxx xj acr. di. And so furth, ut supra patet. Item where vj car. make a knighte's fee, and viij bov. make one car., there everie bovate cont. xiij acr. j r., and everie car. vXXvj acr. di., ut supra. Item where vij car. make a knight's fee, and viij bov. make one car., there everie bovate cont. xj acr. j r. di., and everie car. iiijxxxj acr. di., ut supra. Item where viij car. make a knight's fee, and viij bovates make one car., there everie bov. cont. x acr., and everie car. iiijx acr. And so forth, ut supra patet. d An explanation of Table No. V. INDEX NOMINUM. (The names mentioned in the Preface are not included in this Index.) A Aldfield, Aldfeld, Sir Alan de, 46 n.; Egidia de, 46 n.; Nigel de, 46 n.; Acaster Malbis, rector of, Will. de Will. de, 46. Harum, 116 n. Aldwaldley, Aldewaldeley, Alwadlay, Ackelom, Acklum, Aclom, Aclum, Rob. Alwaldlay, Alwaldley, Will. de, 31, de, 51, 53, 129, 237, 312. 41; hber. Will. de, 209, 287. Acres, Joan of, 199 n. Aleman, haer. Joh. le, 422. Adamswyf, Alicia, 172. Algar, Steph., 416 n. Adell, rector ecclesise de, 41. Allerstane, hler. Joh. de, 142. Adredeby, Rob. de, 395 n. Allerton, Allirton, Tho. de, 322; Will. Aguillon, Aguyllun, Aglum, Galfr. de, de, 34; hser. Will. de, 209, 286. 83, 135n., 136n., 259; Petr., 254, Alverton (Northallerton), magister 260. Hospitalis de, 101. Aike, Aake, Ake, Dak, Hugo, 192; Alli, Tho., 439. Joh. de, 83 n. Alman, Joh., 264. Alanus, capellanus, 307 n. Alta Ripa, Dautre, Dautriue, Anton. Albemarle, Albem', Albemarlia, Albe- de, 242; Eliz. de, 99 n.; Godefr. de, marill', Albemaryll', Albimarill', ab- 194, 201, 269, 356; Joh. de, 99 n., bat of, Will., 248 n. 310; Rob. de, 226; Tho. de, 201, -, corn', 274, 275. 355; Will. de, 86, 225, 226, 254, -, comes, 2, 13, 144, 212, 310n. 239, 243, 248, 249, 377, 387, 389, Alward, Joh., 337. 432, 436; Tho. de Fortibus, 436 n.; Alwarthorp, Alwardthorp, AlwardeWill. de Fortibus, 32 n., 376 n., 432 n., thorp, Joh. de, 62; Tho. de, 324. 436 n. Amcotes, Ric. de, 68., comitissa, 32, 33, 41, 42, Amory, Hameri, har., 290. 44, 45, 118, 121, 437; Avelina de Anlaby, Anlaeby, Anlaghby, Anleghby, Fortibus, 74, 77, 437; Isab. de For- Anloby, Anlonby, Anerloby, Avicia tibus v. de Redvers, 32 n., 432 n., de, 255; Joh. fil. Tho. de, 139; Petr. 436 n. de, 308; Ric. de, 81, 263, 308; Tho. Alberbirg, Tho. de, 274. de, 139; Will. fil. Petri de, 80. Albini, Nigel de, 97 n. Annesley, Anneslay, Anesley, Aneslay, Albo Monasterio, Ran. de, 26 n, 222, Andesly, Hugo de, 420, 440, 441; 321 n., 343 n.; Regin. de, 26, 222; Joh. de, 4, 6, 8, 9, 231, 232, 282, haer. Regin. de, 291;-see Blaunc- 283, 440, 441; Sir John de, 387 n.; musters. Rob. de, 440, 441; Tho. de, 281 n. Aldburgh, Joh. de, 158. Anselin, Matilda, the heiress of, 50 n. Aldeford, Steph. de, 83. Ape, Matilda, 172. Aldelin, Rog., 212. Appelby, Apelby, Hen. de, 329; Rob. Aldelot, Aldelotes, Joh., 246, 306. de, 254. INDEX NOMINUM. 449 Appelforth, Appelford, Apelforth, Will. Aula, Hen. de, 191, 194; Rob. de, 216; de, 4 n., 231, 282. -see Haule. Apelgarth, Appilgarth, Rob. de, 172, Aumener, Mich. le, 76, 247. 179 n.; Tho. de, 179, 335. Aunby, Auneby, Outhenby, Tho. de, Appelton, Appilton, Appylton, Apelton, 281., 358, 394 n.; Will. de, 394 n. Apilton, Apylton, moniales de, 18, Aunsell, Joh., 272; Ric., 272. 86, 199, 241. Auslouerd, Will., 228., priorissa de, 23, 24, 56, 218, Austwick,-see Oustwick. 223. Averenches, Averange, Avereyngs, Apperley, Walt. de, 231, 282. Averinges, Averoyns, d'Averenge, Araynes, —see Darayns. Joh. de, 66, 67; Ric. de, 241; Will. Arches, Archis, Arcubus, Alice de, de, 317. 281 n.; Christian de, 281 n.; hser. Ayketon, Will. fil. Elise de, 228. de, 19; Joan de, 281 n.; Osbert. de, Aylsye, Rob., 318. 9 n., 19, 281 n.; Petr. de, 34, 40; Aynderby, Job. de, 337; Rob. de, 149. Tho. de, 184; Will. de, 417 n. Ayr, Ric., 217, 289. Archidiaconus, 393. Arderne, Ric. de, 339 n.; Will de, 339 n. B Argenton, Argent', Agn. de, 130 n.; Julian de, 130 n.; Rog. de, 130.; Babington, Babinton, Babynaton, Will. de, 130 n., 131; haer. Will., Hugo de, 347 n., 398, 428; Sir Hugh 130. de, 37 n.; Lucia de, 347 n., 428; Ric. Arnald, Steph., 259. de, 37., 209, 288, 347 n., 400, 405, Arthington, Arthyngton, Laur. de, 406, 426, 428; haer. Ric. de, 347. 207, 208, 287, 347; Petr. de, 40; Rob. Babthorp, Babbethorpe, Babethorp, de, 31, 40. Martin de, 242 n.; Rad. de, 67, 88 n., ~,-~- -, prioress of, Kath. Wils- 242; Rob. de, 242 n. thorp, 27 n. Bacheler, Bathell, Bothell, Walt., 83 n. Arundale, Arundall, Arundell, Adam heir. Walt. le, 252. de, 46, 71, 131, 270; Avicia fil. Adae, Bacon, Bartrian., 379. 270; Osbert., 417 n. Bagotte, Petr., 124. Arusum, Baldric de, 131 n.; Ric. de, Balliol, Ball', Balyol, Ada de, 133 n.; 131 n. Devorgilla v. Dorvegull' de, 58; doAschebury, Asshebur', Hasshebury, mina de, 92; fam. of, 4 n.; Hugo de, Tho. de, 231, 282, 359. 133 n.; Joh. de, 133; Sir John de, Ask, Aske, Adam de, 172; Hugo de, 58 n.; Lora de, 53 n. 167, 171, 172; Job. de, 167, 180; Banastre, Will., 149. Rog. de, 166 n., 333, 334, 339. Banewell, Joh. de, 25. Aslacby, Aslakeby, haer. Arnaldi de, Bank, Adam del, 195. 142, 240; Guido de, 143. Barbot, Tho., 3, 11, 233, 283, 365. Atewyk, Athewyk, Adam de, 5, 8; Bard, Barde, Job., 139, 140, 145, 146, Agn. de, 269 n. 273, 326 n.; Ric. le, 36; Will., 239, Aton, Ayton, Gilb. de, 216 n., 242 n., 273,315,326. 261, 263, 267, 316, 326; G. de, 314; Bardolf, Hugh, 108.; hear. Iugonis, hair. Gilb. de, 242; haeres de, 267; 108. Job. de, 255; Will. de, 67, 68, 71, Bardon, Walt. de, 268. 138, 216 n.; hmr. Will. de, 268, 275. Baren', Alan., 137; Joh., 137. Attebec de Hampelford, Will., 110. Barevill, Barvile, Bervill, Rob. de, 4, 8; Attebek, Galfr., 106. Tho. de, 231, 282. Attegrene, Will., 211. Barffbet, Bargot, Tho., 3 n. Atte Milnes, Rob., 318. Barker, Rog. de, 189. Attewell, Job., 177. Barkethorp, Rad. de, 269, 271;-see Aucher, alias Fitz Aucher, Sir Hen., Berkethorp. 215;-see fil. Aucheri. Barkston, Barkeston, Alicia de, 48 n.; Auckland, dean of, Tho. Hebden, 20 n. Job. de, 346 n.; Rob. de, 384; Tho. Audley, Daudeley, Joan de, 361 n.; de, 48, 364 n.; Walt. de, 48 n., 346 n.; Nic. de, 361; Nic., lord, 361 n. Will. de, 346., 419; Will. fil. Job. Augre, Joh. de, 423. fil. Walt. de, 419. G G 450 INDEX NOMINUM. Barmby, Rob., 137. Bella Aqua, Bellew, Beleaue, Belewe, Barnack,-see Bernak. Adam de, 387; domina de, 345; Isab. Barneby, Berneby, Joh. de, 232; Rob. de, 214 n., 245 n., 365, 424 n., 425, de, 129; Mr. Rob. de, 231, 282, 359; 426; Joan de, 215 n., 219 n.; Job. Tho. de, 414; Will. de, 5, 8, 10, 143, de, 25, 48, 90 n., 93, 99, 214 n., 215 n., 324, 418. 219 n., 232, 284, 399, 403, 409, 412, Barott, Alex., 165 n. 421, 424, 425, 426, 440 n., 441; Sir Barteram, Rob., 87. John de, 345 n., 365 n., 424 n.; hser. Barthelby, Rob. de, 310. Joh. de, 214, 283, 284 n., 426 n.; Barton, Hen. de, 420; Johanna de, Laderina de, 90 n., 215 n., 219 n.; 303; Johannes de, 113, 115, 314, Sibilla de, 219 n.; Steph. de, 4, 8, 321, 323, 325; Nic. de, 110, 112, 231, 232, 282, 283, 358, 359, 365, 114, 115, 116 n.; Ric. de, 148; Rob. 426 n.; Will. de, 10, 214 n., 409, de, 320. 424, 425, 426. Barvile,-see Barevill. Bella Landa, Bell', Bilanda, Byland, Basedale, moniales de, 236. abbas de, 23, 86, 105, 106, 107, 114, Basset, feod. de, 112; Walt., 213, 214. 139, 217, 226, 228, 322, 332, 343, Bassingburn, Humph. de, 47; Mary 352, 361. de, 47 n., abbas et conv. de, 125. Basy, Alice, 219 n.; Ric., 219 n.; Rog., -, monks of, 106 n., 131 n., 219, 290, 343; Walt., 219 n. 139 n. Bataill, Bataille, Rob., 252; hber. Rob. Belle, Job., 273; Tho., 438. de la, 316. Bellerby, Joh. de, 174; Tho. de, 174. Bath and Wells, bp. of, Rob. Burnell, Belligvere, Will. fil. Petri de, 395. 175, 176. Bello Campo, Job. de, 88; J. de, 423. Bathell, Walt., 83;-see Bacheler. Belsome, Belson, Tho. de, 340. Bathersby, Rad. de, 124; Ric. de, 354. Beltoft, Egidia de, 46; Hugo de, 46. Bathon, Falco de, 5. Benet, Joh., 265. Bati, Rog., 274; Will., 256. Benington, Benyngton, Ric. de, 272; Batman, Job., 439. Will. de, 18 n. Batteley fam., 225 n. Benniworth, Benigworth, Benigwarth, Baucrom, Tho., 176 n. Benyngworth, Marg. de, 395; Tho. Baud, Laurencia le, 385 n.; Nic. le, de, 395 n.; Will. de, 395 n., 396. 385 n.; Walt., 385.; Sir Walt., Bentley, Bentele, Bentelei, Benteley, 386 n.; Will., 385, 386 n. her. de, 91; Job., 91 n.; lords of, Baudewyn, Math., 354; Tho., 174, 177. 6 n.; Ric. de, 91 n., 253, 256, 261; Baundmusters,-see Blauncmusters. Rob. de, 232, 308. Bautre, Will. de, 306;-see Beautre. Benyngfeld, hEer. Math. de, 142. Bayn, Johanna, 129. Berard, Joh., 268. Baynton, Tho. de, 256. Berchaud, Berchaude, Berchaunde, Beauchefe, abbas de, 3. Berchautes, Galfr., 75 n., 372; haer. Beaufiz, Hen., 349. Galfr., 75; Joh. fil. Galfr. de, 75 n.; Beaumont, Isab. de, 218 n., 251 n., Will., 245. 343 n.,-see Vescy. Bercroft, Alicia de, 227; Marg. de, Beautre, Hugo de, 248;- see Bautre. 226; Ric. de, 226. Beauver, Job. de, 81; Rad., 260; Tho. Berdene, Berd', Walt. de, 160. de, 80. Berdsey, Hugo de, 177 n. Becard, Bekard, Joh., 353; Petr., 211, Berelaund, Berilande, Hen. de, 73 n. 267, 295. Berford, Emma de, 169. Bedale, Bedall, Matilda de, 333; par- Berg, Bergh, Bernard de, 110, 122, sona ecclesiae de, 348. 123, 320; Will. de, 312. Bedeford, vicecomes, 433. Berghby, Will. de, 207. Beke, Antonius de, 61; Joh., 191. Berkethorp, Rad. fil. Will. de, 71; Bekwith, Adam de, 343 n.; Eliz., 343 n. Walt. de, 71;-see Barkethorp. Belkethorp, Belkerthorp, Job. de, 342, Bereheby, Berheby, Beruby (Bor343; Rad. de, 88; Tho. de, 342 n., rowby), hbr. de, 237; Mich. de, 100, 372 n.; Tho. fil. Will. de, 28 n.; Will. 160; Nic. de, 100 n. de, 372 n.; Sir Will. de, 342 n.;-see Bernak, Barnack, Ric. de, 6, 9; Sir Marston. Ric. de, 6 n.; Will., 256, 307. INDEX NOMINUM. 451 Bernard, Adam, 266. Birne, Joh. de, 438, 439. Berlay, Berley, haer. de, 209, 287; Ric. Birom, Byrom, Nic. 211; Rio., 378; de, 272, 274, 315, 344, 412, 415; Sir Rob., 378 n.;-see Byron. Ric. de, 344 n.; Rob. de, 38, 39, Birstal, Bristall, Burstal, prior de, 374, 403; Will. de, 344 n., 415. 376. Berneby,-see Barneby. Birton, Will. fil. Tho. de, 351. Bernevill, Joh. de, 269, 315; Ric. de, Biset, Ric., 265. 21, 72; Rob. de, 72 n. Biskin, Alicia de, 73. Berningham, Bernyngham, Joh. de, Blaby, Alice de, 99 n., 130 n.; Cecilia 167, 333; Mich. de, 167; Petr. de, de, 99 n.; Christian de, 99 n.; Eliz. 170; Ric. de, 333; Will. de, 166, de, 99 n.; Eustachia de, 99 n.; Joan 171. de, 99 n.; Job. de, 99, 130 n., 131; Berry, Will., 167. haer. Joh. de, 238, 330. Bert, Galfr., 137; Simon, 131, 137. Blackburn, Alice, 258 n.; Nic., 258 n. Bertham, Bretham, Rog. de, 172. Blakman, Rog., 169. Bertram, haer. Reneri, 142; haer. Ric., Blandan, Joh., 81 n. 142 n. Blasceles, Blassell, feod. de, 124; Hugo, Bervill,-see Barevill. 76, 247 n. Berwint, Adam de, 89 n. Blaunch', Rob., 270. Berwyk, Berwyke, Adam de, 21, 200. Blauncmusters, Blankmonstre, BlaundBesengers, Will., 140 n. musters, Baundmusters, Glaunt', Besingby, Besyngby, Isab. de, 252; Ran. de, 343; Regin. de, 321; Rog. Joh. de, 110, 119. de, 116, 119;-see Albo Monasterio. Beston, Bieston, Rad. de, 348; Will. Blida, prior de, 366; Will. de, subde, 227, 280, 360. decanus Ebor., 385 n. Beswente, Adam de, 89 n. Blundell, Rob., 256. Beverig, Rob., 274. Blundesdon, Blundeston, Rob. de, 406, Beverley, Beverlay, Beverlaco, Rob. de, 410. 273; Will. de, 109, 406, 407, 410, 426. Boby, Botheby, Juliana de, 246; Rob. precentor of, Hamilton, de, 246, 305; Will., 272. Will. de, 5 n. Boithorp, Math. de, 274., provost of, Will. de Ebor., Boketon,-see Buckton. 20 n., 72 n. Bolbek, hair. Will. de, 143. Beverlaci, S. Johannes, 80, 82, 83, 84, Bolingbrooke, Bolingbroke, Boling85, 88, 92. brikes, Bolyngbrok, Bulingbrok, Bierley, Berill, Birill, Birrill, Jord. de, Adam de, 380 n.; Agn. de, 380 n.; 226, 227. Andreas de, 380; Eliz. de, 380 n.; Bieston,-see Beston. Emma de, 380 n.; Marion de, 380 n.; Bigot, Bygod, Bygot, Bygott, Alice, Nic. de, 356; Rog. de, 380 n.; Tho. 314.; feod. de, 204, 267; Hugo, de, 380 n. 107., 143, 432; Isab., 275; Joan, Bolling, Bollyng, Will. de, 226, 361. 107n.; Joh., 151, 268, 275, 314; Bolron, Tho. de, 164. Ralph, 275 n.; Rog., comes Norf', v. Boltby, Bolteby, Adam de, 434 n.; Sir comes Marescallus, 71, 72, 107, 108, Adam de, 152 n.; Avora de, 97; Eva 118, 121, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, de, 152 n., 434 n. 143, 144, 239, 275 n., 314 n., 379. Bolton, Boleton, Bouelton, Boulton, Bilby, Rob., 232 n. Bouuelton, Bovelton, Bowelton, Bilegley, Hen., 384. Adam de, 258; Alice, 258 n.; Elena Billiburgh, Hugo de, 91 n. de, 150; Hugo de, 390; Job. de, Billingey, Bilingei, abbas de, 391 n.; 17, 82, 108 n., 112 a., 198, 257 n., Petr. de, 395 n. 258 n., 354, 382 n.; Marg., 258 n.; Bilton, Beatrix de, 272, 273; haer. Nic. de, 354; Rad. de, 174; Rob. de, Saieri de, 262; Will. de, 315. 17, 108, 112, 115, 198, 257, 259, 310, Bingley, Bingeley, Byngley, haer. de, 321 n.; Tho. de, 108 a.,112,257, 324, 287; Jordan. de, 41. 382; haer. Tho. de, 78; Will. de, Birkin, Birkyn, Adam dom. de, 38 n.; 258 n. Adam, son of Peter de, 50n.; Isab., prior de, 13, 14, 18, 32, 42, de, 49n.; Matilda de, 50n.; Peter 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 201, de, 38 n.; Tho. de, 38 n., 49 n., 273. 207, 209, 286, 305, 347, 348, 349, 357. G G 2 452 INDEX NOMINUM. Bolton, rector ecclesise de, 198. Bray,-see Drax. Bonde, Walt., 175. Bray, Joh. de, 387 n. Boneface, Will., 270. Brayboef, Tho. de, 394 n. Bonenfaunt, Hen., 425. Braynes,-see Dareins. Bonevill, haer. Will. de, 102. Brehuse, Bronhue, Ric. de, 118, 121. Bordesden, Bordesdon, Joh. de, 321. Brereton, Joh. de, 353; Ric. de, 434. Bosco,-see Boys. Bressenay, Brossenay, Agn. de, 19. Bossale, Bocehall, Cossale, Joh. de, Bretby, Breteby, Burteby (Birkby), 51 n.; her. Joh. de, 51; Nic. de, Joh. de, 98 n.; Rog., 180. 51 n., 312; Will. de, 325. Bretegate, Brettegate, Elena de, 65 n.; Bosvile, Bosvill, Bosevill, Bosvyll, Jeremy de Luda de, 65 n.; Nic. de, Boyvill, Jac. de, 309, 345, 412; Sir 65 a. James, 345 n.; Sir John, 345 a.; Bretham, Bertham, Rog. de, 172. Petr. de, 4; Rob. de, 358; Tho. de, Breton, Bryton, magister Alan. le, 26, 358. 434 n.; —see Bufford; Alicia, 237; Botheby,-see Boby. Galfr., 177; Joh. de, v. le, 156, 169, Bothecolloke, Paulin., 193. 176, 178, 185, 256,339 n.; Sir Philip Bothell, Walt., 83 n.;-see Bacheler. le, 178 n., 339 n.; heer. Phil. de, 339; Bothis, Hen. de, 150. -see Bretton. Boteler, Botiler, Botiller, Buteler, Brett, Brette, Brid, Joh., 312; Ric., Butiller, Butteler, Daniel le, 4; feod. 111; Walt. le, 4, 439; Will., 321. de, v. le, 156, 373, 374, 375; Joh. le, Bretton, Mr. Alan. de, 26 n.; Joh. de, 3, 11, 194, 232, 233, 265, 283, 365; 228; Serlo de, 384; Tho. de, 213;Ribald. le, 227; Roald. le, 227 n. see Breton. Botelrie, Will. de la, 275. ~, prior de, 7, 352, 365, 366. Botte, Tho., 19. Bretvill, Brettevill, Bawdewin., 176; Bouisaunt, Hen. de,.31. Ric., 176; Rob. de, 393 n.; Will. de, Bourge, haer. Simon., 265. 335. Bourn, Tho. de, 419. Bribaund, Hen. de, 73. Bovington,-see Boynton. Brid,-see Brett. Bower, Mr., 5 n. Briddale, Jollan. de, 272. Bowes, Steph. de, 168, 170. Briddesalle, Briddessale, Adam de, 72, Boy, hrer. Walt., 142, 240. 271; Gilb. de, 271, 275; Joh. de, Boynton, Bouyngton, Bovington, Bo- 72. vyngton, Doyngton, Ingelr. de, 235, Bridlington, Briddelington, Bride329; Will. de, 56, 127. lyngton, Bridlyngton, Brydlington, Boys, Bosco, Hen. de, 143, 211, 353, Brydlyngton, Mr. Rob. de, 429, 430. 434..; Ric. de, 211 n., 434. -, canons of, 140 n., 141 n. Boyvill, Joh. de, 191, 193; Phil., 177; -, monks of, 52 n., 53 n., Will. de, 179, 191 n.;-see Bosvile. 177 n. Brabant, Giles de, 380 n. -, prior de, 51, 53, 54, 55, Bradelei, Rob. fil. Ric. de, 357. 56, 58, 59, 75, 140, 145, 146, 158, Bradenstoke, Bradenstok, Bradelestok, 177, 219, 246, 290, 303, 311, 312, canons of, 5 n.; prior de, 5, 365. 327, 336, 343, 372 n. Bradford, Joh. de, 226., prior and convent of, 140 n. Brafferton, rector of, Hen. Wilsthorp, Bridmore, Ric. de, 261. 27 n. Brigham, Theobald. de, 312; Will. de, Braham, Brame, Mich. de, 31; Simon 195, 312. de, 347. Brisbang', hoeres de, 263. Brakanbergh, Brakenberg, Braken- Bristall,-see Birstal. bergh, haer. de, 20; Rob. de, 200. Britannia, Joh. de, comes Richmund., Bramley, Major' de, 226. 92 n., 104n., 148, 149, 150, 162, Brandan, Joh., 81. 222 n., 231, 307, 333, 334, 335, 338; Brandon, Will. de, 42, 287 n.; her. -see Richmond. Will. de, 209. Brocas, Bernard, 25 n.; Sir Bernard, Braneau, Joh., 81 n. 25 n.; Johanna, 25 n. Brantyng, Rad. de, 161. Brocur, Brokur, Will. de, 77, 248. Brantingham, Brantyngham, Joh. de, Brodecruste, Amicia de, 80 n. 269, 429. Broghton, Joh. de, 35. INDEX NOMINUM. 453 Broune, Browne, Brom', Hugo, 145, Bulur, Bulure, her. Will. le, 151. 270; Job., 190;-see Brun. Burdon, Burdun, Alex., 87; Alicia, 87; Brudecroft, Amicia de, 80. Beatrix, 254; Brian., 245 n., 255,258, Brumeby,-see Burnby. 310, 319; Custancia, 87; Isab. de, Brumpton, Rob. de, 341; Tho. fil. Rad. 245 n.; Joh., 214, 274, 284; Letia, de, 101. 87; Tho., 61, 86, 87, 254; Will. de, Brun, Brune, Hugo, 254; Matilda, 120. 272; Steph., 72. Burgh, Burgo, Gortz, Edm. de, 5; Phil. Bruneby, Brunneby,-see Burnby. de, 352 n.; Tho. de, 150, 151, 175, Brunham,-see Nunburnholme. 225, 337, 338, 352, 424; huer. Tho. Bruning, Let', 260. de, 149, 151, 160; Mr. Will. de, 174. Brus, Bruys, Adam, 143, 272; Agn. Burgrave, Edm. de, 5 n. de, 90 n.; Constance, 220 n.; Lade- Burnby, Brumeby, Bruneby, Brunneby, rina de, 90 n., 215 n., 219, 307 n.; Ric. de, 81, 255; Will. de, 86. Lucy de, 90 n., 131 n., 307 n.; Marg. Burnell, Hugh, 175 n.; Philip, 175 n.; de, 131 n.; Marjoria de, 307 n.; Petr. Rob., bp. of Bath and Wells, 175, de, 32, 46, 90n., 109, 127, 131., 176. 144, 215 n., 219 n., 223, 240, 307 n., Burnellus, 391. 432; haer. Petri de, 33, 40, 105; Sir Burstal, Burstall, Brystall, Joh. de, 213, Peter de, 28n.; Ric. de, 21, 141, 284, 387; Rob. de, 384; Will de, 48; 142, 147, 199, 201; hser. Ric. de, see Birstal. 198; Rob. de, 90 n., 136 n., 137 n.; Burteby, Joh. de, 98;-see Bretby. haer. Rog. de, 25; Sir Roger, 220 n.; Burton, Dr., 80n., 106 n.; Elias de, Will. de, 142, 143, 144, 147, 196. 274; Joh. de, 341, 408; Mr., 241 n.; -, feod. de, 55, 56, 58, 59, 90, 106, Nic. de, 331, 435; Nic. fil. Nic. de, 112, 119, 122, 204, 206, 217, 249, 418, 435 n.; Ric. de, 153; Roald. de, 256, 258, 266, 268, 270, 275, 372, 150 n.,-see fil. Roaldi; Rog. de, 382. 322; Tho. de, 87, 212, 388, 414, 434, -, hber. de, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 435 n.; Will. de, 263. 46, 49, 90, 117, 118, 132. Buscy, Bussey, feod. de, 72; Oliver de, Bryninghurst, Will. de, 256. 95, 98, 106; Will. de, 322. Brynyston, Alex. de, 179. Busheby, Alicia de, 303. Bryton,-see Breton. Buskeby, Will. de, 266. Bubwith, Bubbewith, Bubwyth, Walt. Bussell, Joh., 146;-see Russell. de, 53, 253, 309. Busshell, Rob., 127. Buck, Buk, Buke, Elias, 195; Rob., Bustard, Joh., 216 n.; Osbert. de Torp, 194, 195, 357; Rog., 195n. pater Roberti, 216n.; Ric., 216, Buck', vicecomes, 433. 258; Rob., 23, 24, 216, 217, 289; Buckeden, Bukeden, Adam fil. Aliciae Tho., 216 n. de, 201; Alicia de, 20, 22, 201; Elias Buttercrambe, Joh. de, 271. de, 19. Butterwyck, Butterwyk, Buterwik, Buckton,Boketon,Buckeden,Bucketon, Buterwyk, Ric. de, 120, 180, 186; Bucton, Bukden, Buketon, Rob. de, huer. Rog. de, 111, 112. 273, 275, 314; Walt. de, 52, 57, 311; Bykerton, Tho. de, 64. Will. de, 55, 71, 73, 245, 313. Byland,-see Bella Landa. Budde, Nic., 111. Byndlosse, Rob., 212. Budlers, Rob. de, 205 n. Byron, Byroun, Byrom, Job., 347; Bugthorp, Buggethorp, Alicia de, 221, Ric., 324, 378; Rob., 378 n. 290,342; Will. de, 221,222,290,342. Byscopton, Job. de, 212. Buldford, Bulford, Bolford, Joh. de, 117, 120, 121. Bull, Rob., 189. C Bulloke, Rog., 193, 195. Bulmer, Bulemer, Bullemer, Job. de, Caber, Kabergh, Alan. de, 161. 108, 122, 123, 129, 130, 135; her. Cailly, Caily, Kailly, Adam de, 311 n.; J. de, 237; Rad. de, 129 n., 320, 378; Emma de, 311n.; Job. de, 198; haer. Will. de, 151 n. Simon, 311., rector of, Simon de Clare- Calton, Steph. de, 190. vaux, 99 n. Calvehird, Warin. le, 65. 454 INDEX NOMINUM. Calverley, Calverlay, Eliz. de, 348 n.; Catherton, Kaderton, Alan. de, 16, 19, Joh. de, 33n., 360, 416; Sir John 29, 189, 196, 199; Job. de, 196, de, 348 n.; Walt. de, 420;-see Scott. 357 n. Calveton, Nic. de, 410, 426. Cathorp, Joh. de, 357. Calvo Monte,-see Chaumond. Catterick, vicar of, Mr. Hen. Wilsthorp, Camera, Agn. de, 220 n.; Ambrosius 27 n. de, 237, 329; Cristiana de, 238; Catton, Katton, Rob. de, 273; Tho. Gilb. de, 124, 133; Hen. de, 220, de, 275; her. Walt. de, 86; Will. 290, 346; Joh. de, 220 n., 226, 232; de, 272. Ric. de, 384; Rob. de, 226 n.; R. de, Caulz, Matilda, the heiress of, 50 n. 376; Will. de, 48 n., 213, 284,384 n., Cave, Alex. de, 234, 264, 277 n., 309; 405. Ellen de, 264 n.; Hen. de, 86; Joan Camerarius, Hen., 242; Rob., 422;- de, 264 n.; Joh. de, 256, 260; Joh. see Chamberlayn. fil. Joh. de, 309; Nic. de, 264, 307; Camerton, Coverington, Beatrix de, Petr. de, 264 n.; Rob. de, 91 n.; 246 n.; Job. de, 246 n.; Tho de, 75, Will. fil. Petri de, 90. 376. Cawood, Cawod, David de, 63, 262, Cameys, Ela de, 243 n.; Ralph de, 243n. 438; fam. of, 438 n. Cantilupe, Cantelupo, Cantilupo, Can- Cayton, Kayton, Hen. de, 139; Joh. tolupo, Cantelo, Cantelue, Caun- de, 72, 274; Tho. de, 270, 272. telou, Emma de, 281 n.; Eva de, Cayvill, Job. de, 260. 322; Geo. de, 16 n.; haer. de, 22; Celer, Rob. du, 273. Milisenta de, 16, 43 n.; Will. de, 6, Cerf, Cerfe, Cerff, Sarf, Serf, Adam le, 9, 16, 22,42n.,43, 45, 230, 281. 178 n., 218n., 221 n.; Joh. le, 86; Cantuar., archiep., 92; Rob., 249. Matilda, 178 n., 218 n., 221 n.; Tho.,, —- feod. archiep., 54, 55, 56, 218, 289; Will. le, 64n., 216, 221, 57, 58, 59, 92, 256, 274. 290. Capellanus, Alan., 145; Galfr., 275; Cessevaus,-see Sezevaux. Rob., 142, 170, 258; Tho., 439; Cestria, Cestre, Costr', Hugo de, 184; Will., 166, 258;-see Chapelain. Job. de, 145 n.; Petr. de, 12, 40; Capon, Capoun, Cutbert., 131; Wibert., Mr. Ric. de, 410, 426; Will. de, 95; Will., 137. 184 n.;-see Chester. Capsy, Copsy, Hen., 63 n. Cestrise, comes, 86, 87; constabularius, Captoft, hEer. de, 263. 383;-see Chester. Cardvill, Ric. de, 262. Cestriensis, episcopus, 342;-see LangCarlaton, Rob. de, 245 n. ton. Carlisle, earls of, 143 a. Chaerthorp,-see Carthorp. Carlton, Carleton, Karleton, Alex. de, Chaggeley, Job. de, 268 n. 303; Avicia de, 244 n.; Eudo de, Chamber, Chambre, Chaumber, Chaum170; Hen. de, 98; Joh. de, 76, 98, bre, Ric. de la, 160; Tho. de la, 348; 244; rector ecclesine de, 201; Rob. Will. de la, 78, 85. de, 207; Steph. de, 190 n.; Walt. de, Chamberd, Chambard, Chambare, 323. Chaumbard, Chaumberd, Kambard,, hser. de, 207, 286. Joh., 113, 115, 177; Rob., 111, 122, Carp', Rog., 264. 123; Will., 177 n., 434. Carpentarius, Carpenter, Charpenter, Chamberlayn, Chamblayn, Chambleyn, Galfr. le, 89; Hen, 111 n.; Joh., Chaumberlayn, Chaumberleyn, Ca318; Laur., 111; Will., 172, 194, merarius, Elena, 20 n.; beer. Henr. 195, 413; W., 376. de, 66; Rad., 275; Rob., 20 n.; Tho., Carthorp, Chaerthorp, Joh. de, 311; 365; Walt. le, 11; Will., 275. Rog. de (?), 423; Will. de, 79, 423., heer. de, 60, 61. Carvile, John, 138 n. Chanci, Chancy, Chaunci, Chauncy, Casel,-see Roseles. Alicia de, 232 n., 269 n.; Marg., Cassaner', 261. 217 n.; Sir Philip, 219 n.; Sir Simon Castelle, rex, 432, 434. de, 219 n.; Tho. de, 71, 232 n., Castelley, Castellay, Will. de, 45, 349. 269 n., 274; Tho. fil. Rob. de, 433; Castellund, Galfr. de, 392 n. Will., 315. Castri Bernardi, dominus, 4, 7. -, feod. de, 57, 58, 219, 250, 269, Cateby, priorissa et conv. de, 385 n. 274. INDEX NOMINUM. 455 Chapelain, Chapelyn, Ivole, 86; Tho., Harsculph. de, 334; Joh. de, 336, 439;-see Capellanus. 339; Rob. de, 179, 182. Charkenull, Charkevill,-see Jarken- Cleveland, archdeacon of, Steph. de ville. Mauley, 134 n. Charles, Edw., 164, 165, 168, 334, 335; Clevyng, Job. de, 255. haer. Will., 164 n. Cliff, Clyff, Nic. de, 90, 260. Charron, Charroun, Ric. de, 159; Ric. Clifford, Clyfford, Henry, lord, 13 n.; fil. Wychardi de, 167; Wichard. de, Isab. de, 2 n.; Marm. de, 214, 284; 158, 159, 173. Rob. de, 232; Robert, lord, 356.; Chater, Will. fil. Hug. de, 439. haer. Rob. de, 356; Rog. de, 2 n., Chaumond, Chaumont, Chamont, Shau- 356 n. mund,CalvoMonte,Gaceusde,217., Clifton, Clyfton, Gilb. de, 153, 154, 434; haer. Gacei de, 289; Joan, 20 n.; 434; Regin. de, 337. Joh. de, 20 n., 217, 325, 380 n.; Sir Cliva, Durand de, 139 n.; Will. de, John, 325 n. 139 n. Chauncefeld, Joh. de, 115. Clok, Alicia, 270. Chaworth, Chewoord, Cheworth, Eva Clotheram, Clotherom, Clotheroum, de, 3 n., 261 n.; Payne de, 3 n., Clotherum, Ivo de, 314; Joh. de, 261 n.; Tho. de, 2, 233. 435; Rog. de, 331, 435 n.; Will. de, Cheseandbrede, Cheese - and - bread, 212. Galfr., 263. Cock, haeres Rob., 265. Chester, earls of, 12 n.; Rannulph, earl Cocus, Adam, 211; Alan., 165; Joh., of, 42 n.;-see Cestria. 318; Ric., 384 n.; Will., 272. Chesterunt, Chestrunt, Cesterunt, Hen., Codenouere, Tho. de, 112 n. 194; Will. de, 76, 189, 192, 193, 194. Coke, Sir Edw., 201 n. Chichester, archdeacon of, Josceline, Cokefeld, Kokefeld, Rob. de, 241. 216 n. Cckerel, Ivo, 401; Job., 401, 409, 413; Chiefnies, Joh. de, 265. Rob., 389; Tho. fil. Ivon., 420. Cireby, Cyreby,-see Driby. Cokerington, Galfr. de, 252; Gilb. de, Cissor, Rob., 272. 251. Clapham, Clapeham, Joh. de, 278; Coketon, Joh. de, 83;-see Oketon. Will. de, 278, 362. Colbain, Colbam, Joh., 122, 123. Clare, Claro, corn. de, 199; earls of, Colby, Colleby, Joh. de, 180, 236, 263; 200 n.; Gilb. de, earl of Glouc., hber. Joh. de, 415; Rob., 124. 199n., 200 n., 278 n., 302 n.; Joan Coldon, Will. fil. Isab. de, 409. de, 199 n.; Marg. de, 302 n.; Roesia Coleswayn, 108 n. de, 278 n. Collom, Collum, Colom, Colum, Hugo Clarell, Will., 344. de, 67; Math. de, 272; Will., 73. Clarevaux, Clarvaus, Clerevall, Clere-, rector of, Martin de Grymevaux, Clervaus, Claris Vallibus, Eva ston, 272 n. de, 99 n., 178 n.; Joh. de, 178, 218 n., Colman, bp. of Lindisfarne, 137 n. 221 n.; Kath. de, 178 n,; Matilda, Joh., 150; Rob. 175.; de, 178 n., 218 n., 221 n.; Nic. de, Stacius, 169. 99 a.; Peter de, 178 n.; Rob. de, Colton, Colt', Walt. de, 110 n., 118. 99 n., 165 n., 178 n., 222, 291; Mr. Colvill, Colevill, Colevyle, Collevill, Simon de, 98 n., 99, 100, 178 n.; Colvell, Kokevill, Kolevill, Hugo de, Tho. de, 98, 178; Sir Tho. de, 178 n.; 255; Job. de, 260; Phil. de, 98 a.; Will. de, 178 n., 335. Rob. de, 234, 266, 273, 314, 315, Clay, Joh. de, 347 n. 322, 328, 341; Steph. de, 255; Tho. Clayton, Will. de, 139 n., 227. de, 94, 323, 336, 337; Will. de, 73, Clebek, Glebek, Tho. de, 179 n. 98, 102, 103, 126, 266, 267. Clehay, Joh. de, 247. Colyngham, Cullingham, Rob., 175. Clericus, Clere', Clerk, Adam, 438; Comyn, Isab., 320. Bertram., 86; Galfr., 169; Joh., 261; Conani, Hen. fil.,-see fil. Conani. haer. Martini, 111; Nic., 261; Rad., Coniston, Conyston, Job. de, 189; Ric. 79; Rob., 172, 211, 232, 425; Walt., de, 202; Rob. de, 202. 253; Will., 228. Conoysklef, Conskylff, Rob. de, 141, Cleseby, Alex. de, 179; haer. Alex. 145. de, 179 n.; Amabilla de, 335, 336; Constable, Conestable, Constabularius, 456 INDEX NOMINUM. Const', Rob. le, 175, 243, 247, 248, Crepping, Creppinge, Creppinges, Crep304, 305, 306, 334, 432; Simon le, pyng, Crepinges, Crepingge, Crepe74, 77; Will. le, 55 n., 80, 81, 260, lingge, Crepling, Joh. de, 28, 222, 263, 309, 313, 320, 321, 389. 291, 310,312, 342, 358; Sir John de, Constable, feod. de, 375, 377. 342 n.; Rob. de, 271, 433, 434; hoer. Conyers, Coigners, Coniers, Conniers, Rob. de, 99; Sir Rob. de, 342 n.; Joh. de, 100; Petronilla de, 102; Simon de, 225, 280, 360. Rob. de, 100, 102, 263, 340. Cresacre, Cresaker, Cresakres, Cressacre, Conyngfeld, Math. de, 142 n. Joh. de, 5, 10, 358, 365; Symon de, Copley, Coppelay, Adam de, 360n.; 140; hber. Will. de, 111. fam. of, 225 n.; Job. de, 360 n.; Tho. Cressy, Cressi, Crescy, Gressey, Hugh de, 360 n.; Will. de, 360. de, 394 n.; Will. de v. le, 3, 9, 233, Coppegrave, Will. de, 264. 283, 365, 432. Copsy, Rob., 174. Crispyng, Will., 256. Copyn, Rob., 420. Crochow, Crochowe, Crokehou, CrokCorbridge, Corebrig, H. de, 397; Tho., hoton, Will. de, 76, 247; W. de, -see Ebor. archiep. 374. Corff, Joh. de, 86 n. Crock, Will., 72. Cornehowe, Will. de, 179. Croft, Joh. de, 178; Rog. de, 178. Cornewaleys, Cornewalyse, Tho. le, 82, Crokebayn, Galfr., 64; Henr., 64. 270. Crokedayke, Mich., 186. Cornlay, Elias de, 16;-see Thorneley. Crokes, Avicia, 269; Isab., 269; Marg., Cornubiae, Cornubienses, comes, 63; 270; Will., 269, 270. Edm., 93, 94, 95, 96. Crome, Rob. de, 274., comitissa, 302, 303, 304, Cromwell, Crumwell, Crumbwell, 305. Crumbewell, Idonea de, 2 n.; Job. Cornwall, earl of, Piers de Gaveston, de, 2 n., 233, 358, 365, 366. 302 n. Cruce, Crucem, Emma de, 220, 290; Cort, Job., 169. Hen. de, 216, 220, 290, 343; Will. Coscalt, Rob. de, 81. ad, 174. Cossale,-see Bossall. Cruel, Will., 308. Costr', Hugo de, 184. Cruer, Cru', Job., 116, 119, 321. Cotes, Kotes, Ric. de, 303; Rob., 275. Culcotes, Joh. de, 226; Matilda de, Cotingham, hweres de, 87, 88, 89. 193; Simon de, 226; Tho. de, 226. Cottam, Cothum, Cotom, Coton, Cotum, Cunde, Rog. de, 417 n. Isab. de, 274; Job. de, 54, 368; Curcy, Cuny, Will., 73, 267. Rob. de, 54, 303; Steph. de, 368; Cyner, Cynere, her. Aiani, 141, 146. Tho. de, 273. Cyncy, Will., 73 n. Coulton, Job., 198 n. Coupeland, Alan. de, 263. Couton, Hugo de, 177; Job. de, 168, D 177; Tho. de, 177. Covenham, Tho. de, 255. Dak, Job. de, 83;-see Aike. Coventr' et Lich' epise., Walt. de Dale, Will. de la, 256, 263, 405, 407. Langton, 268 n. Dalton, Rob. de, 270; Steph. de, 184; Coverham, abbas de, 19, 154, 155, 157, Walt. de, 272. 181, 338, 339, 355. Damory, Rog., 324. - -,, 154, 155, 176. Danby, Job. de, 163; Ric. de, 335. Coverington,-see Camerton. Danecourttes,-see Deincourt. Cowhird, Alan., 175. Daniel, Danyell, Rob., 258, 262, 307; Cowper, Rob. le, 226. Will. (le), 231, 259, 282. Coyne, Rog., 255. Danthorp, Danethorp, Danthorpp, Craicottes,-see Draycotes. Alan. de, 245 n.; Alicia de, 245 n.; Crakall, Crakhall, Petr. de, 148, 160. Job. de, 75, 245, 375, 376; Marg. Cramanvilla, Hugo de, 417 n. de, 245 n.; Will. de, 265. Crasy, Job., 168. Dapifer, Wymar., 165 n. Crauncewik, Crauncewyk, Joh. de, 169, Darayns, Daraynes, Dareins, Dareyns, 259; Steph. de, 91. Araynes, Braynes, Bernard. de, 371; Craven, Will. de, 347. Tho., 75, 92, 261, 309, 371 n. INDEX NOMINUM. 45 7 Darcy, Dercy, Beatrix, 375 n.; Hugo Dobernount, Will., 351. de, 365; Joh., 355; Rob., 375 n. Dodde, Nic., 111 n. Darel, Darell, Edm., 325; Marm., 9, Dodsworth, ~, 41 n., 277, 282 n. 95, 103, 183 n.; Tho., 183 n.; Will. Dominus, Will. dictus, 386. 340, 359; Sir Will., 323 n.; —see Donington, Walt. de, 18. Disceford. Douaux,-see Vaux. Daubeney, Aubeny, feod. de, 256; Dover, Loretta de, 182 n., 401 n.; Odinel de, 256 n.; Will. de, 256. Roesia de, 182 n., 401 n. Daudeley, —see Audley. Dowai, Rad., 259; Walt., 259. Dautary, Rog., 324 n. Drax, Bray, prior de, 111, 309, 433. Dautre, Dautriue,-see Alta Ripa. Draycotes, Craicottes, Treycotes, Isab. Davyll, Dayvill,-see D'Eyvill. de, 19 n.; Joh. de, 19. Daynecourte,-see Deincourt. Dred, Ric. de, 365. De Busli, 10 n. Dreng, Rob., 267, 273. Deincourt, Deyncurt, Danecourttes, Dreuton, Job. de, 264; Simon de, 264. Dayncourt, Daynecourte, Ayncurt, Driby, Dryby, Cireby, Cyreby, Johanna Eyncort, Eyncourt, Eyncurt, Leyn- de, 311, 338. curt, Edm. de, 4, 8, 78, 231, 310, Driffeld, Joh. de, 318. 402, 403, 404, 409, 416; Joh., 416 n.; Drinkhale, Will., 172. Oliver. de, 395; haer. Oliveri, 395 n.; Drokenesford, Joh. de, 268 n. Will., 395 n., 416, 417. Drounfeld, Tho. de, 434. Den, Den', Dene, Petr. de, 407; Rog. Drungou, Job. de, 76. de, 266. Drury, Tho., 272. Dereham, Derham, abbas de, 22, 201, Dryng, Rog., 143. 202, 356. Dugelby, Dugylby, Deukelby, Adam Derfeld, Job. de, 360 n. de, 73, 140, 273; Rob. de, 271. Derford, Joh. de, 360. Duncely, Tho., 371 n. Derwentwater, Derwent', Adam de, Dunelm., Dunolm., Dunholm., epis89; Hen. de, 89 n., 256. copus, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 93, 95, 97, Desengers, Will., 140. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 316, 317, Desert, Will., 191, 196, 197. 340, 432; Insula, Rob. de, 242; KelDespencer, Dispensator, le Spencer, lawe, R., 264 n.; Philip., 241 n.; Rob., Hugo, 38, 210, 288, 348; Marg., 66 n. 243n.; Phil., 243 n.; Rog. le, 53;, prior de, 67, 88, 308, 325. Simon de la, 234., prior et conv. de, 67. Deueaux, Denaux,-see Vaux. Durham, dean and chapter of, 60 n. Deukelby,-see Dugelby. Dunyby, Galfr., 90. Deur,-see Eure. Duston, Isab. de, 388 n.; Will. de, Deuuesbiri, Will. de, 361. 388 n. Devon', comitissa, Isab., 436 n. Dyk, Rob. del, 420. -, earl of, Baldwin de Insula v. Dynington, Amabilla de, 410; Joh. de, Redvers, 32 n., 432 n. 410. D'Eyvill, Davyll, Dayvill, d'Eyvile, Dynlay, Tho. de, 420. Deyvill, Dyvill, Eyevill, Eyvile, Eyvill, Eyville, Eyvyle, Eyvylle, Gocelin. de, 316, 341, 405, 425; Isab., E 343 n.; Job. de, 16, 86, 94, 102, 104, 117, 118, 120, 121, 185, 201, 339 n.; Eadburbyri, Tho. de, 268 n. Petr. de, 263, 309, 316; Tho., 343 n.; Ebor., Elena de, 20 n.; Job. de, 212; Will., 40, 282 n. Nic. de, 20 n.; Sir Nich. de, 20n.,, feod. de, 343 n. 72 n., 304 n.; Will. de, 20 n., 64 n., Diker, Henr., 439. 72, 155, 234, 304 n.; Will. de, bishop Dilkoskin, Dilloskin, Will. de, 18. of Salisbury, 20 n., 72 n.; Will. fil. Disceford, Disford, Dysford, Baldwin Nic. de, dom. de Hebden, 20 n., 151; de, 183 n.; Job. de, 183, 184; Marm. Will. fil. Will. de, 20;-see Hebden. Darel, son of Ralph, son of Baldwin -, archiepiscopus, 24, 36, 37, 44, 48, de, 183n.; Ralph de, 183 n.; Tho. 57, 77, 78, 79, 92, 209, 213, 214, de, 183, 184. 264, 272, 284, 288, 303, 304, 305, Diton, Joh. de, 90. 308, 310, 318, 331, 343, 345, 346, 458 INDEX NOMINUM. 347, 349, 385 n., 388 n., 391 n., 392 n., Ebor., S. Trinitatis, prior, 29, 109, 219, 393 n., 394 n., 395 n., 396 n. 221, 223, 290, 324. Ebor., archiep., Corbridge, Tho. de, 217, -, vicecomes, 49, 147, 301. 394 n., 405, 406, 415, 424, 425; Fitz Ebor.,-see York. Herbert, Will., 79 n.; Giffard, Walt., Ederdwyke,-see Etherdwick. 37 n., 283 n.; Gray, Walt., 23 n., Edlington, rector of, Maurice Sampson, 49 n., 213 n., 214 n., 343 n., 383 n., 218 n. 384 n., 387 n., 388 n., 390, 391, Edmund, bro. to king Henry III., 6 n. 416 n.; Greenfield, Will. de, 221 n., Edmund, bro. to king Edward I., 327 n. 345 n., 347 n., 385 n., 406, 407, 408, Edward I., king, 65 n., 86, 134, 144 n., 409, 410, 426, 427, 428, 437; Melton, 145, 147, 199, 200 n. Will. de, 220 n., 308 n., 317 n., 362 n., Edward II., king, 104 n., 301, 302 n. 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, Edward, prince, 2 n., 432. 418, 419, 429, 440; Newark, Hen. Egglescliffe, Eggeliscliff, Eggesclyf, de, 400, 402, 403; Romanus, Joh., Egliscliff, Eglisclyff, Emma de, 37 n., 383 n., 385 n., 398, 399; 156 n.; Rob. de, 156 n., 337; Walt. Thoresby, Job., 273 n., 420, 430, de, 152, 156, 159; Will. de, 156 n. 440; Thurstan, 384 n.; Zouche, Will. Egleston, Eggleston, Eggelyston, abbas la, 273 n., 389 n., 419. de, 103, 165, 170, 171, 180, 333, 334, -, feod. archiepiscopi, 204, 254, 255, 340. 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, Eland, Hugo de, 224, 279; Job. de, 266, 271, 272, 274, 374. 361; Sir John de, 360 n. —, Beatse v. Sanctse Marise, abbas, Elderwyk, —see Etherdwick. 23, 24, 27, 29, 39, 62, 66, 80, 142, Elizabeth, queen, 302 n. 149, 156, 157, 163, 169, 170, 172, Ellerker, her. Dyonis' de, 241; Simon 174, 177, 178, 180, 186, 208, 217, de, 265. 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 311, 315, Ellerton, prior de, 62, 68, 82, 84, 91, 321, 335, 336, 337, 342, 367, 432. 92, 122, 142, 253, 309, 317, 319, 320,,abbas et convent., 108, 336. 110., priorissa de, 157. -,, ballivi, 110; feod., 81. Ellis, Sir Hen., 201 n. capellse B. Mariae et SS. An- Ely, bishop of, Will. de Luda, 65 n. gelorum, sacrista, Mare, Tho. de la, Engayn, Walt., 83. 418. Engram, Job., 98 n. -, Beati v. Sancti Petri, cancellarius Ergham, Erghom, Erghum, Ergum, eccl., 309. Alicia de, 390 n.; Will. de, 54, 266, ~, e, capitulum, 393n.' 272, 281 n., 311, 390 n..-, ~, decanus eccl., 142, Ernui, 10 n. 147. Escrigg, Hugo, 180. - ~,,decanus et capit., 23 n., Escurs,-see Scurs. 48, 62, 63, 79, 124 n., 189 n., 309, 368. Esington, Rob. de, 256. ~ —, ~-, decanus, Hamelton, Esingwold, Rosa de, 263. Will. de, 39 n., 208, 213 n., 231, 233, Eskelby, Alan. de, 181; Hen. de, 181 n.; 256; Pykering, Rob. de, 325 n., 407; Rob. de, 181. Will. de, 407; Scardburgh v. Ugh- Esquier, Joh. le, 255. tred, Rob. de, 73, 245 n. Essheton, Job. de, 192;-see Eston. ~,, feod., 92; prsebend., Esthorp, Adam de, 259. 54. Eston, Eshton, Hen. de, 145, 239; ~, -, thesaurarius, Joh., Joh. de, 51, 144, 145, 146, 147, 239, 417. 356; Joh. fil. Rob. de, 145 n.; Sir -, S. Andreae, prior, 24, 28, 84, 217, John de, 145 n.; Will. de, 356. 325. Estwalton, Oswalton, Will. de, 17 n. -, S. Clementis, priorissa, 29, 216, Estyvor, Ric. le, 307 n. 217. Etherdwick, Ederdwyke, Elderwyk, —, S. Leonardi, magister Hospitalis, Elderwyke, Tho. de, 374 n.; Walt. 18, 28 n., 44, 63, 150, 156, 164, 181, de, 375; W. de, 374. 183, 184, 215, 344, 354, 355. Etton, Ettun, Ecton, Aton, Ivo de, -—, ~, feod., 65, 85; fratres 110, 112, 116, 118,434; Job. de, 88, Hlospit., 38. 90 n.; Laur. de, 88, 258, 308, 381; INDEX NOMINUM. 459 Tho. de, 88 n., 116 n., 321; Will. de, Farlington,Ferlington,Egid. de,378n.; 88 n. Joh. de, 99, 100, 107, 324, 378, 434. Eucletes, Avicia, 256. Farnhill, Fernhill, Agn. de, 195; Joh. Eudericus, camerarius regina Francine, de, 357; Rob. de, 190, 357. 217 n. Farwath, Fairwath, Ferywathe, Elias Eure, Euer, Eury, Evers, Deur, Ada de, 216, 220, 290, 342. de, 133 n.; Hugo de, 133, 135; Job. Fateben, Will., 85. de, 237, 328; John Fitz Robert de, Fauconberg, Fauconbergh, Faucoun133 n.; Rob. fil. Rog., 133; Rog. de, bergh, Faucunberg, Faucomberg, 133 n.; Simon, 434; Steph. de, 355, Faucomberge, Faucumberg, Fauken366 n. berg, Faconberge, Faconbridge, FaEverard, Ric., 270. conbrig, Fawcomberg, Agn. de, 90 n.; Everingham, Everyngham, Adam de, Anastasia de, 303; Hen. de, 304; 49, 73 n., 78, 80, 81, 122, 214 n., 225, Joh. de, 218, 289, 303; Phil. de, 226, 228, 231, 233, 261, 266, 280, 218n.; Ric. de, 218n.; Walt. de, 283, 292, 344, 352, 361, 365, 386 n., 24, 27, 29, 54, 74, 90, 94, 125, 126, 390, 406, 407, 411, 417; Alicia de, 127, 134, 234, 243, 265, 266, 303, 254 n., 261n., 309, 314, 345; Alicia 304, 305, 307, 309, 311, 328, 343; de la Hyde, uxor Rob. de, 73 n., Walt. fil. Joh. de, 303, 304; Will. de, 254n.; domina de, 254; Edm. de, 99, 372, 373, 375; W. de, 372, 373. 420; Isab. de, 49 n.; Job. de, 49 n.;, feod. de, 128, 264, 265, Lucia de, 307, 328; Ric. de, 255; 376. Rob. de, 5, 8, 32, 33, 38, 42, 43, 49, Fauvell, Adam de, 192, 194, 356; Alicia, 50, 51, 73, 254 n., 307 n., 386, 389; 22, 202, 355 n.; Constantin., 22, 194, heer. Rob. de, 214, 285; Sir Rob. de, 195, 196, 202, 355 n.; Emma, 193 n.; 49 n., 73 n.; Will. de, 260. Everard., 194; Ric., 193 n., 194, 356, Everley, Everle, Will. de, 109 n., 144, 357. 145, 327. Fauvelthorp, Famelthorp, Joh. de, 355; Eveston, tenentes de, 436. Ric. de, 194. Eyevill, Eyvill, Eyville, Eyvyle, Ey- Fayceby, Will. de, 330 n. vylle, —see D'Eyvill. Fearby, Fereby, Fetherby, Elias de, Eyncort, Eyncourt, Eyncurt, —see 153, 160. Deincourt. Felaund, Felouid, Job. de, 110 n. Eyvesby, Ric. de, 385 n. Felosaunt, Ingelram., 232. Fendles, Marg. de, 251n.; Will. de, 251 n. ^~~~F ~ Fenitres, Joh. de, 234. -"~~F ~ Fenton, Joh. fil. Ric. de, 346; Petr. de, 258, 259; Ric. de, 258; Rob. de, Faber, Adam, 254; Marg., 252; Petr., 84, 253; Will. de, 438. 270; Tho., 275; Walt., 261; Will., Fernhill,-see Farnhill. 85, 252, 253, 254. Ferour, Petr. le, 318. Faceben, Fateben, Will., 85 n. Ferriby, Feriby, Feryby, prior de, 81, Fademore, Rob. de, 101. 85, 88, 263 n., 308. Fairfax, Fayrfax, Agn., 220 n.; Clare,, Will. de, 91 n., 417. 220 n.; Eleanor, 27 n.; Eva, 99 n., Ferrybridge, Feribrigs, Fery, capel178 n.; Sir Guy, 27n.; Joh., 216, lanus de, Ric., 214 n., 346. 220. 290; Tho., 220n.; Will., 99 n., -, presbiter de, Hugo, 213, 178 n. 284; Ric. dictus Gaugy,214 n., 346 n.; Fairwath,-see Farwath. Tho. fil. Joh. Forestarii de Cawod, Falles, Galfr. del, 228. 214 n.; Tho. de Foxholes, 213 n., Famelthorp,-see Fauvelthorp. 214 n. Fanacourt, Fancort, Fancortes, Fane- Fetherby,-see Fearby. curt, Sir Barth. de, 307 n.; Elias, Feugers, Feugeres, Andr. de, 432 n.; 255; Gerard. de, 390; Joh., 255,263; Will. de, 432. Lucy de, 307 n. Feyser, Feuser, Job. de, 22; haer. Joh. Fangefosse, Alex. fil. Will., persona de, de, 190. 390 n.; Erneburga de, 390n.; Rad. Fikede, Hen., 73. de, 53. Filcottes, German., 228. 460 INDEX NOMINUM. fil. Abell', Will., 83. Ran., 167; Ric., 422; Rob., 86 n.; fil. Abrahe, Walt., 157. Walt., 86; Will., 221, 254; her. fil. Ade, Adam, 21, 199, 200; Gocelin., Will., 290;-see Fitz Henry. 143; Joh., 226 n..; Rad., 85, 143 n.; fil. Herberti, Job., 172 n.; Math., 414; Ric., 84; Roald., 143; Tho., 274; Petr., 395, 396. Will., 255, 272. fil. Hugonis, Hen., 149 n., 169, 190 n., fil. Agatha, Tho., 72. 211, 278, 307, 330, 333, 334, 335, fil. Agnetis, Job., 193; Will., 172. 336, 337, 353, 356, 362; Hen. fil. fil. Alani, Adam, 390 n.; Brianus, 26, Job., 278; Job,, 254, 278; Petr., 82, 108, 154,155, 156,160, 161, 162, 151; Rio., 194; Rob., 254;-see 165, 166, 170, 175, 176, 177, 179, Fitz Hugh. 182, 222, 380; her. Briani, 333, fil. Humfridi, Ric., 439; Tho., 254. 334, 335, 336, 337; Job., 226, 439; fil. Idonis, Emma, 275. Rob., 177; Steph., 145; Walt., 156; fil. Ivetta, Hen., 181 n. see Fitz Alan. fil. Ivonis, Rob., 258. fil. Albredge, Rob., 200. fil. Johannis, Alan., 145; Brian., 99, fil. Alexandri, Job., 333. 102; Eustac', 83; Hen., 167; Herb., fil. Alfen', Rob., 195. 310, 315, 410; Ric., 139; Rob., 177, fil. Alicine, Will., 245 n. 190; Steph., 172; Tho., 65, 264;fil. Anabillen, Rob., 273. -see Fitz John. fil. Aubri v. Aubricii, Herbert., 392. fil. Jordani, Ric., 253; Rob., 53; Will., fil. Aucheri, Hen., 215 n.;-see fil. 261; --, 226. Henrici, Fitz Aucher, and Fitz fil. Juliane, Will., 213, 438. Henry. fil. Laising, Hen., 253. fil. Augeri, Will., 352. fil. Laurentii, Rob., 87 n.; Walt., 87, fil. Austini, Tho., 101. 254; Will., 87 n. fil. Bartholomei, Galfr., 143. fil. Malkeous v. Mallemouse, Will., fil. Battay, Will., 193. 226 n. fil. Beatricis, Steph., 255; Tho., 254; fil. Margaretae, Johanna, 245 n.; Petr., Walt., 78; Will., 78 n. 252. fil. Briani, Brianus, 151, 166.; Job., fil. Marmaduci, Job., 325 n. 172. fil. Mathei, Rob., 159, 193; Tho., 90. fil. Conani, Hen., 63, 64, 65, 128, 150, fil. Matilda, Rob., 255. 157, 169, 236, 319, 366; Ric., 172; fil. Melkeous, Will., 226. -see Fitz Conan, and Kelkefeld. fil. Nicholai, Rob., 76; Rog., 384 n.; fil. Custantie, huer. Henrici, 336; Will., Tho., 193. 175. fil. Nigelli, Rob., 272, 273. fil. Douse v. Duce, Job., 217, 289. fil. Nobilis, Nob', Adam, 193; Galfr., fil. Edons', Colin., 425. 193; Will., 195. fil. Elense, Steph., 273; Will., 57. fil. Pagani, Laising', 253. fil. Elise, Job., 226; her. Joh., 356; fil. Paulini, Will., 425. Will., 194. fil. Petri, Herb., 395 n.; Reginald., 57, fil. Elienorn, Job., 108 n. 79, 255 n., 261 n., 389; Rob., 318; fil. Fulconis, WVarin., 230, 281. Will., 80, 84, 200, 265, 395 n.;-see fil. Galfridi, Adam, 151; Rob., 194, Fitz Peter. 195, 272; Tho., 82, 256; Will., 172, fil. Radllphi, Adam, 193; Hugo, 53, 439. 395; Rad., 162n., 339; Ran., 179, fil. Gamelli, Will., 139 n. 338; Reginald., 338; Ric., 251; Tho., fil. Geraldi v. Gerardi, Ric., 219, 290. 143; Will., 96, 200, 392 n. fil. Germani, Will., 439. fil. Ranulphi, Hugo, 386, 387; Jofil. Gilberti, Job., 439; Rad., 111; Rob., hanna, 162 n.; Rad., 162 n.; Ran., 394; Will., 275. 149, 150, 152, 155, 159, 182; Will., fil. Gocelini, Andr., 254; Gocelin., 87. 21, 88, 96;-see Fitz Ranulph. fil. Hawisie, Gilb., 162. fil. Reginaldi, Joh., 255, 272, 273, 274, fil. Henrici, Aucher., 219 n., 285 n., 400, 404, 410; Rob., 264;-see Fitz 307, 342, 438; Hugo, 135, 149, 151, Reginald. 152, 157, 159, 160, 161, 165, 166, fil. Reyneri, Will., 139. 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, fil. Ricardi, Alan., 138, 240; Hen., 189, 190, 235, 278; Joh., 172, 439; 217, 253, 289; Nic., 258; Will., 172. INDEX NOMINUM. 461 fil. Roaldi, Roaldus, 150, 154, 155, 156, Fitz Ranulph, Joan, 150n., 311n.; 160, 161, 162; Tho., 168 n. Ralph, 150n., 311 n. fil. Roberti, Gilb., 393 n.; Hen., 260; Fitz Reginald, John, 79 n., 389 n. Job., 194, 264; Rob., 198; Rog., Fitz Robert, John, 133 n.,-see Eure. 155; Tho., 256; Simon, 226; Steph., Fitz Warin, Fulk, 243 n.; Hawisia, 181 n. 243 n. fil. Rocelyni, Will., 268. Fitz William, Ralph, baron Graystock, fil. Rogeri, Joh., 86; Rob., 133; Rog., 54 n., 89 n., 96 n., 379 n.; Tho., 4 n.; 166, 167 n.; Will., 143, 226. Sir Will., 4 n. fil. Sampsonis, Alan., 218 n. Flambard, Joh., 241. fil. Serlonis, Tho., 255. Flanvyle, Flaumvill, Elias de, 90 n.; fil. Sibilloe, Nic., 219 n. hueres Eliae de, 265; tenentes de, 90. fil. Simonis, Job., 226; Ric., 274; Rob., Flasby, Job. de, 190. 226; Tho., 253. Flayghgaft, Tho., 266. fil. Stephani, Will., 166, 333. Flaynburgh, Rob. de, 116 n.; Will de, fil. Thomoe, Adam, 168; Hen., 64; 55; Will. le Constable de, 55 n. Job., 252, 355, 439; Nic., 179; Fleming, Flemming, Flemmyng, FleSteph., 171; Tho., 159; Will., 4, 6, myng, Flemynges, Elena, 378 n., 12, 28, 89 n., 269, 275; hger. Will., 369 n.; Geo. le, 379n.; James le, 220, 221, 290. 378 n., 379n.; Job., 351, 355, 358, fil. Walteri, Alicia, 258; Eva, 252; 361, 366; Nic. le, 378, 379 n.; Regin. Hen., 254; Joh., 346; Ric., 195; le, 281 n.; Reiner le, 281 n.; Walt. Rob., 275; Will., 155. le, 379n.; Will. le, 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, fil. Warini, Job., 172;-see Fitz 199, 230, 281. Warin. Fletewik, Fletwyk, David de, 244n.; fil. Wilkoc, Rob., 439. Lora de, 244 n. fil. Willelmi, Adam, 191; Alex., 390 n.; Flinton, Herb. de, 304; Rob. de, 304 n.; Galfr., 392 n.; Harsculph., 179; Job., Tho. de, 375 n.; Walt. de, 375 n. 225, 254, 280; Rad., 54, 89, 96, 106, Flixton, Ato v. Atto de, 81, 84, 89, 258. 267, 274, 303, 310, 311, 312, 314, Foliot, Foliott, Folyot, Beatrice, 64 n.; 321, 322, 323, 324, 331, 333, 334, Jordan., 64 n., 66, 96,117, 120; Ric., 379, 381,-see Graystock; Rob., 8. 190 n., 201; Rog., 439; Tho., 4n., Folithwait, Folifait, Folifayt, Folyfait, 432; Will., 113, 115, 168, 232, Folyfayt, Alan. de, 25, 216, 220, 290, 254, 283, 352, 359, 366,-see Fitz 343. William. Foljambe, Folechaumbe, Tho., 434; Sir fil. Ygerii, Emma, uxor Petri, 87. Tho., 434 n. Filling, Fyling, Ric., 95. Fonte, Joh. de, 226; Nic. de, 384 n. Filming, Ric., 95 n. Fontibus, abbas de, 18, 19, 20, 21, 45, Fissheburn, Fyshburn, Tho. de, 425; 61, 95, 175, 176, 182, 183, 184, 185, Will. de, 138, 145. 186, 190, 192,197, 199, 200, 201, 205, Fiskgate,. Rob. de, 65. 206, 207,221, 228,319, 335, 336, 338, Fitling, Fytling, Amand. de, 304; Joan, 339, 342, 349, 350, 351, 355, 436. 21 n.; John, 21 n., Ravenesword, Adam, Fitz Alan, Agn., 343 n.; Sir Brian, 20 n.; Walt., 20 n.;-see Fountains. 343 n.; Cath., 343 n.; Maud, 343 n. Forestarius, Ric., 87. Fitz Aucher, Hen., 251 n. Forestarii de Cawod, Tho. fil. Job., Fitz Conan, Hen., 150 n.; Sir Hen., 214 n. 63 n. Forestarii de Wystowe, Joh. fil. Ric., Fitz Henry, Aucher, 215 n.; Hen., 399. 215 n.; Hugh, 149 n., 278 n. Forethby, Rob. de, 71. Fitz Herbert, Herb., 79 n.; Will., 79 n.; Forman, Alan., 253. -see Ebor. archiep. Fortibus, Avelina de, com. Albemarliae, Fitz Hugh, Hen., 278 n.; Isab., 278 n.; 74, 145 n.; Joan de, 261 n.; Will. de, John, 278 n. com. Albemarline, 32 n., 145 n.; Will. Fitz John, Herb., 261 n.; Sir Herb., de, 261 n. 414n. Fossard, feod. de, 6, 9; Will., 211, 295, Fitz Peter, Reginald, 79 n., 255 n.; Fosse, Rob. de, 272. Tho., 38 n. Foster, Fuster, Tho., 5 n., 8. 462 INDEX NOMINUM. Fountains, abbat and convent of, 185 n.; Fytling,-see Fitling. monks of, 183., 184 n.;-see Fonti- Fyton, Edm., 148, 159, 177; Joh. de, bus. 177 n, 335. Fourneux,-see Furneaux. Fox, Adam, 439; Rob., 222, 291. Foxholes, Joh. de, 215, 285; Rob. de, G 322; Tho. de, presb. de Fery, 213 a., 214 n. Gale, -, 148 n., 159 n., 163 n., 165 i., Foxton, Rob. de, 102. 166 n., 167 n., 176 n., 177 n. Francais, Adam, 261;-see Fraunceys. Galfridus, 64. Frank, Frans, Tho., 5, 8. Galloway, earl of, Alan, 58 n. Frankelyn, Godefr., 261. Galmethorp, Tho. de, 258. Frankes, Frankyshe, Job., 167. Gamel, Will., 255. Franstre, Tho., 5 n. Gant, Gaunt, Gilb. de, 51, 52, 53 n., Fraunceys,Franceys, Alanle, 157; bhr. 57, 89, 158, 172, 432; Juliana de, Grimbaldi, 335; Tho., 272; Will., 334; Maurice de, 42 n.; Walt. de, 272. 54 n. Freman, Adam, 251; Galfr., 171; Hen., -, feod. de, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 89, 175; Job., 66, 253; Rob., 264; Will., 253. 274. -, hberes de, 89. Frere, Job., 212. Garegrave, Gergrave, Job. de, 198; Freres, Elias del, 258. Will. de, 165. Friboys, Freboys, Frybois, Alicia, 266; Garet, Alex., 165. feod. de, 374, 377; Joh. de, 73, 372. Garriston, Gerdiston, Gertheston, Nic. Frismarisco, Frismerays, Dionisia de, de, 151, 160, 434; Rob. de, 151 n.; 422; haer. Job. de, 245 n.; John, son Rog. de, 334. of Rich. de, 422; Ysab., fil. Dionisie Garton, Job. de, 256; Petr. de, 267; de, 422. Rob. de, 320 n. Friston, Will. de, 268. Gascoigne, Hen., 258 n.; Marg., 258 n. Fritheby, Frytheby, Rad. de, 268, 270, Gaugy, Hugo, 270; Ric. dictus, presb. 275. de Fery, 214 n., 346 n. Frivill, Frevill, Furnull, Jac. de, 84 n., Gaunt,-see Gant. 258. Gauton,-see Gouton. Froissart, 25 n. Gaveston, Marg. de, 302 n.; Piers de, Frothingham, Petr. de, 306. 302 n. Frount, Tho., 266. Gayne, Job., 179. Fulor, Will., 266. Gerdiston, Gertheston,-see Garriston. Furmin, Constant., 439. Gerwardeby (Garrowby),Avicia de, 270. Furneaux, Furneux, Forneus, Four- Giffard, Godfr., Wygorn. episc., 37 n.; neus, Fourneux, Furnels, Furneus, Walt., 37n.,-see Ebor., archiep.; Furneys, Joh. de, 176 a., 334; Ric. Will., 150. de, 349, 427, 429, 430; Rob. de, 45, Gilberti, Emma uxor, 275. 158, 175, 176, 401, 406, 408, 427, Gilby, Rob., 232. 429, 430; Will. de, 427 n, 429. Giliot, Gilliot, Gillyot, Gylliot, Joh. Furness, Furnais, Furnas, Furnase, 189, 191, 192, 194, 198; Petr., 355, Furneaux, Furnic', Furn', abbas de, 356, 357. 21, 190, 193, 200, 355, 356. Gill, Gille, Job., 174, 179; Walt., 158., Adam de, 190. Gillyngg, vicarius de, 180. Furnival, Furnivale, Furnivall, Furny- Giremeu', Will., 195. vall, Gerard. de, 80, 81, 89, 263 n., Girlington, Girlyngton, Tho. de, 167, 432; Lora v. Loretta de, 263; Tho. 169. de, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 230, 231 n., Gisburn (in Craven), Job. de, 355; 358. persona v. rector eccl. de, 199, 354. Furnull, Jac. de, 84,-see Frivill. Gisburne, Giseburgh,-see Guisbrough. Fymmer, Will. fil. Ade de, 274. Glaphowe, Math. de, 133. Fyncale, prior de, 316. Glaunt',-see Blauncmusters. Fyningley, Rog. de, 318. Glede, Johanna, 245. Fynmer, Will., 180. Glover, --, 28 n. Fyshburn,-see Fissheburn. Gloucester, Gloucestre, Gloc', earls of, INDEX NOMINUM. 463 200 n.; Gilb. de Clare, earl of, 199, 261, 289, 308, 325 n., 343, 398, 399, 200 n.; Elias de, 201; Job. de, 358; 400, 404, 409, 410, 411, 418; hoer. Rog. de, 413. Job., 355; John, lord, 355 n.; Sir Gobaud,-see Gumbaud. John, 308 n., 325 n., 343 n.; Marg. Goldesburgh, Goldesburg, Goldeburgh, de, 308 n., 410, 411; Nic. de, 321; Godileburgh, Adam de, 355; Hen. Ric., 325 n.; Rob. de v. le, 19, 20, 23, de, 37; Ric. de, 37, 45, 46, 209, 288, 29, 63, 65, 78, 79, 325 n., 329, 343 n., 347, 350, 400, 405, 408; hoer. Ric. 390 n., 398, 399, 422; Sir Rob. de, de, 198; haer. Rob. de, 17. 388 n.; Tho., 325 n.; Walt. de v. le, Goldingham, Tho. de, 67. 71 n., 269 n., 387, 388, 390, 399 n., Goldring, Ric., 194. 424;-see Ebor. archiep.; Sir Walt. Goram, 186. de, 388 n.; Will. de, 71, 273, 325, Gormier, Tho. de, 175. 380 n., 430, 431. Gornay, Gorny, Adam, 117, 119; Joh., Graynesby, Galfr. de, 254; Joh. de, 81. 260. Gortz,-see Burgh. Graystock, Graistok, Greystock, GreyGorun, Ric. de, 58. stok, Craistok, Creystok, baro de, 52, Goukethorp, Math. de, 228 n. 89, 94, 96; dominus de, 256; Rad. Goulethorp, Math. de, 228. fil. Will. de, 54, 89, 96, 106, 167; Goulton, Rob. de, 321. Ralph Fitz William, baron, 54 n., Goushill, Goushull, Gousele, Gousell, 379 n.; Rob. de, 432; Tho. de, 52, Gousill, Gousle, (Goxhill), Egidius 89, 90, 165; Will. de, 52, 85, 89, 96, de, 74 n., 371, 373, 375; Ela de, 165n. 243 n.; Hawisia de, 243 n.; Marg. de,, feod. de, 250, 253, 256. 243 n.; Petr. de, 74, 77, 243 n.; hler. Greenfield, Grenefeld, Rob. de, 346 n., Petri de, 243, 247; Ralph de, 74 n., 427, 428; Will. de, 346 n., 427, 428; 243 n.; Rob. de, 75, 371; Simon de, -see Ebor. archiep. 303. Gregorius, 392. Gouton, Gauton, Joh. de, 132. Greley, feod. de, 206. Gower, Gouer, Gouerton, Cecilia, 99 n.; Grendale, Grendall, Walt. de, 54, 251, Joh., 267, 314, 329, 330, 381; Mr. 261; Will. de, 54 n. Joh., 325; Lucia, 127; Math., 144; Grene, Clemens' de la, 275; Rob. de la, Rob., 99n., 132, 133; R. de, 236; 251; Rog., 72; Simonde la,261; Tho. Simon, 73, 325 n.; Steph., 127, 234; del, 354. Tho., 124; Walt., 325 n.; Will., 234. Grenewey, Rob. de, 384 n. Gra, Graa,-see Gray. Grent', Job., 256. Graham, Joh. de, 220, 254. Gressenay, Agn. de, 19 n. Graindehorge, Grandorge, Granordei, Gretehede, Gretheued, Gretheuid, Joh., Granohordei, Greindorge, Greyndorg, 335; Petr., 168, 174; Rob., 238, Greyndorge, Greynedorge, Joh. de, 330 n.; Tho., 165. 357; Will., 14, 196, 198. Grimeston, Grymeston, Hen. de, 345 n.; Gramary, Gramare, Gramarie, Gra- Julian de, 272 n.; Martin de, 272 n.; mery, Grammary, Andreas de v. le, Nic. de, 255; Ric. de, 247; Rob. de, 25, 36, 220; haer. Andrese de, 208, 269; Rog. de, 255, 272, 274, 304, 287; Eliz., 36n.; Joh. de, 208n., 310,315; Sarra de, 345n.; Tho. de, 220; Ric. de v. le, 36 n., 208n.; 345 n.; hoer. Tho. fil. Hen. de, 345; Will., 342. Mr. Tho. de, 82. Grantham, Joh. de, 220 n., 290, 325. -, capellanus de, Ric., 266. Gras, Graas, Isab. le, 331 n.; Joh. le v. Gringetorp, Simon de, 393 n. de, 312, 331, 355, 411, 435; Will. Gromont, prior et fratres de, 129. le, 5. Groper, Tho. le, 195. Graunsard, Marg., 259. Grossetest, Petr., 149. Graunt, Simon le, 73. Grumbald, Joh., 179 n. Graves, Mr., 124 n., 137 n. Gruncewall, Walt., 274. Gray, Gra, Graa, Grai, Graye, Gre, Grunet, Rog., 117, 120. Grei, Grey, Cath., 343n.; domina Gruscy, Hamon, 272, 330. de, 269; Hen. de, 112, 115; Isab. Grymbald, Joh., 179. de, 388 n.; Johanna de, 112 n.; Joh. Grymesby, prior de, 91. de v. le, 112 n., 216, 217, 257, 259, Grymet, Johanna, 270; Joh., 271, 275. 464 INDEX NOMINUM. Guisbrough, Gisburgh, Giseburgh, Gis- 334, 335; Tho. de, 179;-see Halburn, Gisburne, Gysburn, Gyseburn, naghby. canons of, 126 n., 127 n., 130 n., 136 n., Hansard, Haunsard, Gilb., 100, 103, 137 n. 117, 120, 315, 337, 340; Job., 103; -, prior de, 82, 90, 97, 126, Will. de, 100 n. 127, 132, 136, 166, 236, 238, 329. Harcla, Mich. de, 151. * ~, prior and convent of, 129 n. Harcourt, Harecourt, Harrecourt, Gumbaud, Gobaud, Goubaude, Chris- Herecourt, Joh. de, 209, 347, 356; tiana, 244 n.; Galfr., 75; Johanna, Will. fil. Job. de, 209 n. 244 n.; Lora, 244 n.; Marg., 244 n., Harcy, Gocelin. de, 23. 305 n.; Will., 244, 305 n. Harderne, Will. de, 185. Gunays, Tho. de, 271. Hardy, Galfr., 388; Will., 262. Gynai, Matilda de, 395 n. Hardyng, Rob., 67. Gynes, Cristiana de, 278 n.; Ingelr. de, Harewood, Harwod, hber. de, 209, 287. 278, 335. Haringel, Harringel, Haryngell, Job., Gysel, Ric., 437. 231, 282; Rob., 359, 365. Harington, Joh. de, 278, 362 n. Harper, Harpour, Jac. le, 262; Rob. le, H 354. Harpham, Anceline de, 56 n.; John de, Habbeton, Habeton, Walt. de, 122, 56 n.; Will. de, 53; Will. fil. Anse123; Will. de, 110, 118, 122. lini de, 56. Hacford, Hakford, Hakeford, Rob. de, Harthill, Will. de, 261. 149, 434; Tho. de, 337 n. Hartlington, Hertlington, Hen. de, 191, Hadhelingflet, Ric. de, 439. 193, 196, 349, 356, 357; Sir Hen. de, Haget, Hageti, Haggett, Bertr., 97 n.; 191 n.; Will. de, 45, 191 n. Elena, 324, 379. Harum, Hayerum, Hayrom, Alice de, Hagroby, Will., 82. 325 n.; Cecilia de, 225; Hamo de, Haiton, Rob. de, 261. 116 n., 325 n.; John de, 115 n.; Rob. Hakeredeby, Adredeby, Rob. de, 395. de, 115 n., 116 n., 325 r.; Walt. de, Haket, Rob., 107. -359, 403, 404, 425; Will. de, 114, Hakthorp, Hakethorp, Rob. de, 67, 115, 116 n., 252, 258, 261, 320, 434. 430. Haseby, Joh. de, 156. Halflarde, Hen., 169. Hasshebury, Asshebur', Tho. de, 231, Halflenerd, Halfleonard, Will., 228;- 282. see Auslouerd. Hasthorp, Hassethorp, Job. de, 312; Halghton, Hugo de, 189. Will. de, 59. Hallebek, Hellebeck, Tho. de, 101. Hasting, Hastings, Hastinges, Hastyng, Halleman, Rad., 264. Hastynges, Hastyngs, Hastanges, Halnaghby, Halnathby, Rog. de, 168, Hesting, Adam de, 133 n.; Edm. de, 169;-see Hanlaby. 144, 239; Hugo de, 147, 256, 307; Halmen, Will., 264. Joh. de, 88; Nic. de, 266, 326; har. Halton, dominus de, 17; Hugo de, Nic. de, 326; Rob. de, 133, 334, 339; 355; Job. de, 6; Ric. de, 17; Rob. Will. de, 133 n. de, 17; Will. de, 143. Hatcrist, Hatcryst', Hatecrist, HateHamby, Alicia de, 268. criste, hxr. Will., 140, 145, 146, 239. Hamelton, Hamilton, Joh. de, 438; Hatfield, Haityfeld, Walt. de, 303. Will. de, dec. Ebor., 5, 39 n., 208, Haukeswell, persona de, 159. 213 n., 231,233, 256, 281, 287. Haukeswik, Haukeswyk, Isab. de, 192; Hameri, Amory, heredes, 222, 290. Rog. de, 357; Will. de, 191, 355, Hamerton, Amerton, Hen. de, 20, 350; 357. Job. de, 46, 362; Rad. de, 17; Ric. Haukyn, food. de, 374; Nic., 76, 247. de, 17 n.; Stcph. de, 197, 354. Haulay, Hauley, IIaweley, Petr. de, Hampole, Hampoll, Hanepol, priorissa 274; Rad. de, 91; Rob. de, 393 n. de, 4, 231, 282. Haule, Isab. de, 259,-see Aula. Hanant, Gilb. de, 98. Hautayn, Hauteyn, Job., 420; Steph., Hanby, Galfr. de, 176. 413; Will., 304. Hanlaby, Hanlathby, Hanlacus de, Havering, Ric. de, 145 n. 169, 173, 178, 179; hler. Alnaci de, IHaweley,-see Hawlay. INDEX NOMINUM. 465 Hawkesworth, Haukesworth, Heukes- Heppale,'Rob. de, 337. wrth, Walt. de, 31, 251, 347. Herby, Mich. de, 98. Hawys, Alan., 159. Hereford, earl of, Gilb., 199 n., 200n. Hay, Haya, Haye, Haie, Custancia de Herlsey, Hugo de, 177. la, 252; German. le, 62, 83, 84, 85; Herly, Horly, Joh., 228, 292. haer. Godfr. de, 265; Isolda del, 226; Herneby, Cecilia de, 150. haer. Job. del, 83; Petr. del, 252, Hersewell, domina de, 83. 309; haer. Petri del, 66; Phil. de la, Hertford, Herford, Joh. de, 171, 333; 252; Rad. de, 78; Ric. del, 309; Rob. de, 157, 158; haer. Tho. de, Rog. de la v. del, 253, 309; Sibilla 336, 337. de v. del, 139, 146, 240; Will. del v. Hervy, Rad., 275. de la, 226, 258, 386. Heseby, Will. de, 254. Hayworth, Galfr. de, 227. Hesel, Hesela, Rob. de, 394. Healaugh, Helage, Helagh, Helaghe, Heselbech, Adam de, 414. Helay, Helagh Park, Adam de, 226, Hesilton, Elias de, 160. 280; canons of, 8 n., 26 n.; dominus Heslerton, Heslarton, Heselarton, de, 26; prior of, 343 n.; prior and Heselardton, Hesellarton, Johanna convent of, 26 n.;-see Parco. de, 388 n.; Joh. de, 267, 273, 312, Heaton, Will. de, 316 n. 314, 326, 414; Rob. de, 73; Rog. de, Hebden, Hebbeden, Helbeden, Cecilia 329; Simon de, 388 n., 419; Tho. de, 197 n., 304 n.; Elena fil. Will. de, de, 329. 20 n.; Isabella de, 20 n.; Joan de, Heton, Gilb. de, 190 n.; Job. de, 225, 21 n.; John de, 20 n.; Petronilla de, 228, 280, 292; Marm. de, 95; Oliver. 20 n.; Ric. de, 20 n.; Sir Ric. de, de, 95; Tho. de, 361, 362; Will. de, 20 n.; Tho. de, 20 n.; Will. de, 20 n., 227, 228, 292, 351;-see Hoton. 189, 192, 197, 314, 357; Will. fil. Heukeswrth, Walt. de, 251. Nic. de Ebor., dom. de, 20 n.; Will. Heuton,-see Howeton. fil. Simon. de, 20 n.; Sir Will. de, Hewick, Hewik, Hewyk, Hewyke, 304 n.;-see Ebor. Heywyk, Galfr. de, 176, 212, 388, Heddyngley, Walt. de, 348. 436 n.; Nic. de, 334, 407, 412, 436; Hedlingham, haer. Hen. de, 196. Rog. fil. Nic. de, 418, 436 n. Hedon, Rob. de, 304. Hewley, Sir John, 230 n. Hegh, Joh. del, 169. Hexham, Hexam, Hexelsham, HexelHekering, haer. Hen. de, 384. scam, Hextildesham, prior de, 120, Hekmundwyke, Joh. de, 224, 121, 133, 320, 330. Heland, Hen. de, 73. Heyelick, Will., 275. Helay,-see Healaugh. Heyer, Rob. de, 172. Helden, Heldeis, Rog., 144. Hickleton, Hikelton, Hekelton, HyHelbeck, Helbek, Hellebeck, Joh., kylton, Egid. de, 231, 282, 359; 174; Tho. de, 101 n., 102, 179;-see Egid. fil. personae de, 282 n. Holbeach. Hidewyn, Job., 324. Helmsley Castle, constable of, Rob. de Hildyard, Hildeyarde, Hildeyerd, Flaynburgh, 116 n. Hyldierd, Joan de, 244 n., 371 n.; Helpelthorp, Andr. de, 391. Rob., 75, 244, 371n.; Tho. de, Helperbi, Galfr. de, 275; Walt. de, 255. 304. Helperthorp, Adam de, 272. Hill, Hull, Alicia del, 192; Galfr. del, Helpeston, Helpston, Ric. de, 371n., 401; Hen. del, 211; Joh. del, 171, 373. 337, 338; Petr. de, 248 n.; Rob. del, Hemelsay, Hemelsey, Henelsey, Joh. -see Lisle; Rog. del, 220 n.; Will. de, 319, 350; Walt. de, 60. del, 87, 192. Henry I., king, 51 n., 136 n. Hillum, Will. de, 207. Henry III., king, 6 n., 38, 43, 58 n., Hilton, Hylton, Alex. de, 424; Job. 63, 68, 86, 125, 134, 135, 136, 137, de, 322; Matilda de, 440n.; Rob. 143, 147, 149, 199, 200, 201, 327 n., de, 305, 389, 424 n., 440; Sir Will. 432, 433, 434. de, 440 n. Henry IV., king, 25 n. Hoby, Jac. de, 110. Henton, Joh. de, 336. Hodelston,-see Hudleston. Hepham, Hopham, Hugo de, 152 n., Hog, Peter, 416 n. 336; Johanna de, 152 n. Hokrell, Rog. de, 142. H H 466 INDEX NOMINUM. Holand, Will. de, 344; Sir Will. de, 234, 259, 277 n., 307, 317, 322, 345, 344 n. 410; Sir Geoffrey de, 345 n.; Joh. Holaym, J. de, 376. de, 85, 241, 259, 307, 309, 438; Sir Holbeach, Holbek, Holebech, Hollebek, John, 21 n.; Matilda, 21 n.; Nic. de, Helbek, Laur. de, 244, 305; Marg. 265; Ric. de, 244 n., 259. de, 244 n., 305 n. Hoton, Felicia de, 168; feod. de, 4, 8; Holdbire, Holdbride, Joh. de, 5;-see Gilb. de, 190; Hugo de, 129; Joh. Horbire. de, 6 n., 10, 129 n., 230, 236, 329 n.; Holdebert, Rob., 24. Rob. de, 233, 283, 365; Rob. fil. Holderness, Holdernesse, Ric. de, 216. Will. de, 3, 9; Tho. de, 351; Will., feod. de, 54, 55, 56, 59. de, 171, 234, 316, 351. Holenyes, Holines, Alcoke de, 193. Hoton (Shiref), vicarius de, 107. Holford, Nic., 180. Houghton, Agn. de, 4n.; Swain de, Holland,-see Surrey. 4 n.; Will. de, 179;-see Howeton. Holm, Holne, Hulmo, Jac. de, 110 n., Houk, Houck, Hen. de, 439; Tho. de, 117, 120; Johanna, 420; Johannes 316, 321. de, 261; Petr. de, 264; Rob. de, 24, Housome, Husom, Rob., 180; Will. de, 91, 420; Sir Rob. de, 24n.; Walt. 268. de, 320; Will. de, 31, 77, 248. How, Howe, Hou, Galfr. de, 184; Hen. Holond, Rog. de, 266. de, 270; John, son of Geoffrey de, Holtby, Holteby, Hen. de, 176 n.; Joh., 184 n.; Rob. de v. del, 184 n., 234; 176; Matilda de, 176 n.; Nic. de, Tho. del, 273. 337; Tho. de, 176n.; Will. de, 149, Howeton, Heuton, Ric. de, 257; Tho. 157, 176 n., 183, 334. de, 256, 258, 260, 261, 310;- see Holthorp, Job. de, 113, 115. Houghton. Homet, Humet, Eudo, 126 n.; Tho., Huberd, Nic., 212. 126 n.; Will., 126, 127. Hudleston, Hodelston, Hodilston, haer. Hooton Roberts, Lucy de, 2 n.; Sir Joh. de, 335; Ric. de, 179, 383, 390; Rob. de, 2 n.;-see Hoton. Rog. de, 179 n. Hoperton, Adam de, 360n.; Amabil. Hugate, Alicia de, 272; Aselina de, de, 390 n.; Gilb. de, 390 n. 390 n.; Nic. de, 266, 390 n.; Rob. Hopham,-see Hepham. de, 254. Hop'om, Adam de, 280. Hugo, 392. Hopp', Adam de, 360;-see Oxenhope. Hugo, presbiter,-see Ferrybridge. Hopton, Adam de, 225, 228, 280n., Hulkel, haer. Tho., 261. 292. Hull, Job. del, 337, 338; Will. del, 87; Horbire, Horebire, Job. de, 5 n., 6, 9; -see Hill. Sir John de, 6 n. Hulmo,-see Holm. Horly, Herly, Joh. de, 228, 292. Humfr', Rob., 255. Hornby, Horneby, hber. de, 159; Hen. Hundgate, Tho. de, 255. de, 177; Rob. de, 340; Tho. de, 86, Huntel, Walt. de, 396 n. 337. Hunter, Mr., 3 n., 4 n., 6 n., 7 n., 10 n., Hornington, Hornyngton, Will. de, 230 n., 300, 358 n., 365 n. 24 n., 213, 216, 219, 289. Hunton, Job. de, 161, 174, 336 n., Hornsee, Alex. de, 264. 337; Tho. de, 175. Horreworth, Adam de, 99 n.; Joan de, Hupsale,-see Upsale. 99 n. Hurwath, Walt. de, 124. Horseden, Will. de, 432. Husom, Will. de, 268;-see Housome. Horsford, Horseford, Nigel. de, 32, 33; Hutton Wansley, rector of, Rob. de Tho. de, 207, 286. Wiverestorp, 27 n. Horton, Adam de, 189, 355; Alan. de, Hyde, Alicia de la,-see Everinghain. 198 n.; Elias de, 227; Nic. de, 198. Hykylton,-see Hickleton. Hospitalarii, Hospitalarii Jerosolimne, Hyldierd,-see Hildyard. Hospital', Hospit. S. Johannis, 78, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 141 n., 147, 199, 200, 202, 205, 208, 275, I 375, 379. Hotham, Hothum, Alicia de, 260, 265; Ide, Rob. de, 347;-see Lisle. Avicia de, 244 n.; Galfr. de, 99 n., Ilde, Jord. de, 365. INDEX NOMINUM. 467 Ilkeley, Ilklay, Job. de, 347 n.; Will. Karleton,-see Carlton. de, 348. Katerthorp, Will. de, 388. k-, rector ecclesise de, 207. Katton,-see Catton. Ilketon, Matilda de, 347 n.; Nic. de, Kayton,-see Cayton. 207, 347 n.; Rad. de, 347; Will. de, Keighley, Kighley, Kigheley, Kighe192. leye, Kyghley, domina de, 355; doIllington, Ilkington, Rob. de, 72. minus de, 16; Hen. de, 191, 192, Ingelberd, Rog. de, 308. 193, 194; Hen. fil. Ric. de, 196; Ingelram, Walt., 136 n. Joh. de, 189, 193 n.; Ric. de, 16., Ingoldby, Ingoldeby, Ingewaldeby, 357. Inwardby, Rog. de, 183; Will. de, Keldholm, moniales de, 121; priorissa 214, 284. de, 121, 122, 123, 320. Insula, Isle, Baldw. de, 205, 206, 432; Kelk, Will. de, 401, 420. Job. de, 341; Rob. de, 347 n.;-see Kelkefeld, Hen. de, 64; Hen. fitz Conan Lisle. de, 63 n., 64 n.;-see Fitz Conan. Insulhe, Isab., domina, 436 n. Kellawe, Alice, 100 n.; Ric., bp. of Irby, Will. de, 198, 355. Durham, 264 n. Irton, Joh. de, 273; Tho. de, 139, 240, Kellet, Kelette, hber. Steph., 129, 236. 274; T. fil. Will. de, 146; Will. de, Ken, Adam le, 261; Ric. le, 253, 261. 138, 139, 145, 146, 240. Kenerthorp, Steph. de, 270; Will. de, Islebek, Isilbek, Gilb. de, 98; Walt. de, 72. 98 n. Kercroft, Rob. de, 255. Isle,-see Insula. Kerkan, Math. de, 168, 170; Regin. Issell, Eudo, 84 n. de, 168. Kerperby, Elena, domina de, 154. Kesewik, Kesywyk (Est), haer. de, 209, 287. Ketil, Paulin., 425. ~Jacke~,,]439.. Kildale, domina de, 53; Will. de,-see Jacke, 439. Percy. Jarkenville, Jarkenvile, Jarkenwild, Killyng, Kyllyng priorissa de 303 Jarkenwyle, Jerkenville, Jerkenwyld, 372 Charkenull, Charkevill, Job. de, 106, Killingwik, Killyngwik, Kyllyngwyk, 114Ja, 11ll.,. Brian. de, 86; Joh. de, 307; Tho. de, Jarrur', Will., 143. 257. Jerosolima,Hospitalarii Beverlacide, 81. ilwardeby, Kylwardby, Simon de, 146, Jerosolimse, Hospitalarii, 85, —see Hos- 240. pitalarii. Killom, Killum, Edm. de, 159; haer. John, king, 4, 16, 18, 109 n., 134, 135, Petri d, 337. 137, 139, 162, 438. King, Kynge, Kyngge, Hen., 98n.; Jolby, RHen. d, 178. Joh., 199; Will., 19. Jolaf, Rob., 439. Kingston-super-Hull, comes de, Rob., Jollanus, Rog., 395. 277. Jordan, Jac., 138. Jordan, Jac~, 138. IKinthorp, Kynthorp, Alan de, 326 n.; Jorevall, Jorevalle, Jervals, abbas de, Kinthorp, Kynthorp, Alan do, 326 a.; 149, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, Geo y d, 326.; Petronilla d 160, 162, 170, 173, 175, 183, 336, kb, Kerkeb Kirkby, Kirkeby, Kerkby, Kerkeby, 337, 338 n., Kyrkby, Kyrkeby, Adam, 180; Alan. Jose, Tho., 253. de, 336.; Andr. de, 222 n., 342; Jussell, Eudo, 84. Hugo de, 151; Joh. de, thesaurarius, Juven', Joven', Joh. le, 212; Rog. le, 1, 2 n., 28., 31 n., 60 n., 124, 138 n., 264. 148, 180; Joh. de, 124, 133, 222, 290; Will. de, le Romayn, 121 n. K, rector ecclesiae de, 180. Kirkebride, Ric., 341. Kabergh, Alan. de, 161 a. Kirkham, Kirkeham, Kyrkham, KyrkeKackery, Alan. de, 336. ham, Alan. de, 108, 379 n. Kaderton,-see Catherton., canons of, 73 n., 108 n., 113, Kambard,-see Chambard. 131 n. H 2 468 INDEX NOMINUM. Kirkham, prior de, 91, 108, 109, 118, de, 191, 273n., 430, 431; Johan fitz 121, 267, 315, 320, 324, 379 n. Johan de, 430, 431; Job. fil. Nic. Kirkstall, Kirkestall, Kyrkstall, Kyrke- de, 419; Sir John de, 273 n.; Nic. stall, abbas de, 16, 32, 33, 34, 38, de, 273, 325; Walt. de, Coventr' et 39, 40, 41, 207, 208, 209, 224, 226, Lich' v. Cestriensis episc., 268, 315, 231, 282, 348, 360. 325, 342 n., 381; Will. de, 270., monks of, 25 n., 33 n. Lanoc, Rob., 390 n. Kirkton, Will. de, 168. Lardiner, Lardener, David le, 23, 216. Knaresbrough, bailiff of the Liberty of, Lascelles, Lacels, Lacelles, Lasceles, Joh. de Wanton, 338 n. Lascell, Lascels, Lascelys, Lassels, Kneton, Alex. de, 170. Lescales, Edm. de, 99; Eliz., 89 n., Knoll, Elias de, 19, 20, 21; Sir Elias 322; Gilb. de, 256; Isab. de, 253, de, 46 n.; Rainer. de, 200. 322 n.; Joh. de, 244, 279, 323, 335, Knout, Knoute, Eva, 97; Ingelr., 322; 339; J. de, 373; Matilda de, 440 n.; Ric., 97. Rad. de, 89; Rob. de, 89 n., 148, 160, Knyth, Rog., 177 n. 163, 165 n., 174, 335; Rog. de, 89, Kokefeld,-see Cokefeld. 96, 154, 157, 175, 176; Sir Rog. de, Kokevill,-see Colville. 322 n., 440 n.; R. de, 89; Will. de, Kotes,-see Cotes. 75, 177, 244 n., 373, 432. Kyllyngholm, Joh. de, 54. ~, feod. de, 376, 377. Kylvington, Joh. de, 101. Lasingby, Laisingby, Joh. de, 234; Kyme, Kymbe, Kimbe, Kime, feod. de, Rob. de, 137. 55; Joh. de, 19 n.; Matilda de, Lathum, Will. de, 258. 261 n.; Phil. de, 16, 19, 25, 29, 31, Latimer, Latymer, Latymere, Lay49, 50, 87, 196, 199, 202, 310; Simon tymer, Lytimer, dominus de, 163; de, 199 n., 218 n., 219, 222, 343, 345; Lucy le, 307 n.; Will. de v. le, 72, Will. de, 308. 111, 115, 226, 231, 235, 239, 267, 271, 275, 280, 281, 314, 315, 324, 326, 329, 336, 360, 379; Sir Will. le, 307 n. L, feod. de, 268. Laton, Hen. de, 333; Joh. de, 164 n., Laber, Labyr, Laver, Joh. de, 322. 168, 169, 177; Mich. de, 168; Nic. Lacy, Lascy, Lasy, Alesia v. Alicia de, de, 168, 174; Rob. de, 168; Tho. 215, 225, 285; dominus de, 52; de, 164, 333, 335. Eadm. de, 432; Hen. de, comes Linc., Latryn', Walt. le, 153. 30; Joh. de, 48, 213, 224, 284, 345, Launde, Land, Lande, Alicia de, 232; 403, 411, 438; Ric. de, 52n. Joh. de la, 213, 284, 396n.; Jord. Laderenee, haer., 290;-see Brus. de la, 396; Nic. de la, 101; Rob. de Lambard, Walt. le, 153 n. la, 384; Walt. le, 153 n.; Will. de Lancastriee, comes, Edm., 138, 139, la, 48;-see S. Lando. 141, 147, 327n.; Tho., 326, 327, Lavander, Will., 87. 348, 351, 352, 354, 360, 363. Laver, Joh. de, 322 n. Land,-see Launde. Laxton, Walt. de, 317 n. Laneridus, 384. Layburn,-see Leyburn. Lange, Adam le, 63; Rob. le, 64, 65; Laye, Joh. del, 355. -see Long. Layri, Ric., 272. Langfeld, Tho. de, 229, 292. Leathley, Lelay, Lethell, hwar. de, 33; Langrig, Adam de, 169. Rob. de, 26 n.; Will. de, 33 n. Langthorne,-see Langton. Leck,-see Leek. Langthwait,Langethwayt,Langthwayt, Leeds, Leedes, Ledes, Ledys, Alex. de, Langhtwayt, Langtwait, Langewath, 34, 35, 185, 208, 286, 339, 359; Ric. Langwath, Adam de, 72; Agn. de, de, 227; Rob. de, 211; Rog. de, 33, 366; Joh. de, 275; Will. de, 6, 231, 38, 207, 209, 224, 227, 287, 346; 282, 439; haer. Will. de, 282 n. Tho. fitz Peter de, 38 n. Langtoft, Langetoft, domina de, 347; Ledemer,-see Sledmere. Tho. de, 118. Ledesham, Ric. de, 213. Langton, Langeton, Langthorne, Hugo Leek, Leck, Rad. de, 98; rector ecclede, 175, 176; Joan de, 273n.; Joh. sie de, 348. INDEX NOMINUM. 469 Leget, Legett, Will., 192, 196. Lines, Lyns, Regin. de, 150; Ric. de, Lelley, Lelle, Juliana de, 303; Nic. 159, 160; Rog. de, 337. de, 374 n.; Rad. de, 245, 303; Rob. Linton, rector of, Rob. de Swynlington, de, 374 n. 19 n. Le-nedy-man, Tho., 266. Lisle, del Isle, de Ide, de Insula, del Lennerton, Levenacton, Ric. fil. Will. Hill, Euphemia de, 4 n.; Rob. de v. de, 384 n. del, 347 n., 349; Warine, lord, 347 n.; Lepton, Adam de, 228. Will. de, 4 n. Lepyngton, Job. de, 268. Lithegrenes, Lithegreyns, Lythegreyns, Lesiniaco, haer. Galfr. de, 2,-see Lu- Lytelgreyns, Alice de, 103 n.; Joh. signan. de, 103, 399, 400; Sir John de, L'Esquier, Job., 255,-see Squier. 103 n. Lestabler,-see Stabler. Liversege, Lyversege, Rob. de, 225, Leuai, Joh., 251. 280; Will. de, 225, 280. Levenes, Agn. de, 171. Lobenho (Lubbenham), Florencia de, Levening, Hartin. de, 72. 385 n., 386. Leventhorpe, Leuwyngthorp, Lewyn- Lofte, Rog. de, 129. thorp, Hugo de, 361 n.; Tho. de, Lofthouse, Lofthous, Hen. de, 34; 361; Will. de, 227. Tho. de, 211, 226, 280. Leveret, feod., 384 n. Lond, Lound,-see Lund. Levesham, Rob. de, 385n., 400; Tho. London, bp. of, 33 n.; Petr. de, 71 n.; de, 98. Walt. de, 106. Levet, Lyvet, Lyveth, Jac., 231, 232, Long, Rad., 235 n.;-see Lange. 282, 283, 359; Nic., 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. Longo Campo, Galfr. de, 396. Levyngthorp (Linthorp), Adam de, Longvillers, Sir John, 279 n.; Marg., 236. 279 n. Levyngton, Will. de, 132. Lord, Galfr. le, 152 n. Lewes, Leuevich, prior de, 361. Lorengis, Will., 127 n. Ley, Job. de, 190. Lou, Amicia le, 339 n.; Job. le, 339 n.; Leyburn, Leyburne, Layburn, Agn. Marg. le, 339 n.; Phil. le, 339 n. de, 158; Alicia de, 158; Cecilia de, Louny, Job., 266. 158; domina de, 3, 10, 157, 337,- Lourd', her. Ric., 287. see Vipont; Galfr. de, 169; Idonea Louth, Luda, Lue, Lutha, Agn. de, de, 2 n.; Isab. de, 158; hber. Ric. de, 65 n.; Ellen de, 65 n.; fam. of, 65 n.; 156, 157; Rog. de, 2n., 3n.; Will. Gilb. de, 65, 117, 120, 236n.; Sir de, 158. Gilb. de, 65 n., 117 n.; haer. Gilb. de, Lichfield and Coventry, bp. of, Langton, 236; Jeremy de, 65 n.; John de, Walt. de, 268 n., 342 n. 65 n.; Nic. de, 65 n., 236 n.; beer. Ligulf, 10n. Nic. de, 321; Ric. de, 65n.; Rob. Lilleshull, Kedeshil, Kideshill, Kydes- de, 65 n.; Will. de, 65 n.; Will. de, hall, prior de, 205. bp. of Ely, 65 n. Lillyng, Paulin. de, 180, 434. Louvaine, Louvaynes, Lovayns, LoLincoln', Lyncoln', Line', comes, 4, 5, wains, Luvains, Louefus, duke of, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15 n., 16, 17, 30, 33, 34, 72 n.; Godfr. de, 72 n.; Math. de, 72, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 55, 197, 113, 115, 267 n., 381; her. Math. de, 208, 209, 210, 227, 228, 229, 231, 267; Tho. de, 72., 267 n. 232, 279 n., 286, 287, 288, 292. Lovel, Lovell, Job., 239; Tho., 270;,countess of, Joan, 361 n. Will. de, 111, 115, 273, 378, 434., earl of, Hen., 361 n.; Ran- Lower, Mr., 263 n. nulph, 42 n. Lucy, Godfr. de, 216 n.; Tho. de, 145 n., Ric. de, 392; Tho. de, 308; Luda, Lue, Lutha,-see Louth. Will. de, 36; hoer. Will. de, 208, Ludham, Job. de, 426; Walt. de, 393 n. 287. Lumby, Job. de, 439. Lindesey, Lyndesey, Lyndesy, Will. Lund, Lond, Lound, Alicia de v. du, de, 170, 179. 232,269,283; Agn. de, 269 n.; Marg. Lindisfarne, bp. of, Colman, 137 n. fil. Aliciae de, 269 n.; Petr. de, 71, Lindley, Lindele, Lyndeley, Falcasius 232, 269 n.; Rad. de, 388; hbr. Ric. de, v. Faucus de, 389, 404, 413, 423; 208; Simon du, 264;-see Laund. Will. de, 423. Lung, Lungus, Alicia, soror Henrici, 470 INDEX NOMINUM. 98; Cecilia, soror Henrici, 98; Hen., Maliverer,Malleverer,-seeMauleverer. 98. Malo Lacu, Mauley, Maulai, Maulay, Lungespie, Lyngespyd, Joh., 101. Maule, Edm. de, 253 n., 439; Joh. de, Lusignan, Lesiniaco, Geoffrey de, 2 n. 257; Petr. de, 5, 6, 8, 50, 62, 66, 68, Luterell, Luterell, Lutterall, Luttrel, 71, 72, 82, 83, 84, 85, 107, 108, 125, Agn., 282 n.; Andreas, 40, 111, 112, 126, 129, 130, 134, 230, 231, 237, 432; haer. Andres, 41; baro de, 23; 241, 242, 259, 271, 307, 308, 314, Galfr., 6 n., 20 n., 216, 230, 231, 282, 317, 328, 334, 345, 358, 378, 379, 337, 359, 365; Sir Geoffrey, 282 n., 381, 432, 439; haer. Petri de, 214, 337 n.; Geo., 231; G., 230, 231; Rob. 284; Rob. de, 359; Steph. de, 134. de, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 40, 41, 98,, feod. de, 51, 54, 57, 249, 252, 109, 115, 118, 123; Sir Rob., 282n. 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260,, feod. de, 24, 27, 29, 56, 111, 262, 265, 380, 382. 112, 122, 217, 220, 250, 267, 281 n., Malory, Malore, Anketin., 82; Sir An380. ketin, 345 n.; Sire Pieres, 425; SarLuterington, Ric. de, 383. ra, 345 n. Luther, Hugo de, 239. Maltby, Malteby, Joh. de, 126, 234; Lutton, Hen. de, 272; Tho. de, 73, 79; Rob. de, 216 n.; Will. de, 216 n., Will., 273. 330. Lyard, Rog., 175., feod. de, 9. Lygard, Joh., 80. Malton, Hen. de, 267. Lyndesey,-see Lindesey., canonici de, 109 n., 111, 113, Lyns,-see Lines. 118, 119, 216 n. Lynton, Dionis' de, 84, 253; Hugo de,, prior de, 109, 111, 122, 141, 253; Rog. de, 82, 84; Tho. de, 265. 142, 143, 275, 321, 357, 382. Lythorne, Joh. de, 381., prior et conv. de, 112 n. Lyvet, Lyveth,-see Levet. Malurer, Joh., 252. Mangevylain, Maungevileyne, Hawysia, 267; hwer. Rob., 144. M Mansel, Mansaile, Maunsel, Maunsell, Alice, 281 n.; Edm., 62, 94, 189, Macegrene, Will. de, 195 n. 281 n., 355; Hen., 94, 102, 321; Isab. Madd, Hamo, 172. de, domina de Tirlington, 385 n.; Madox, -, 204 n. Joh. de, 94, 95, 323, 385; Ric., 95; Magneby, —see Maunby. Steph., 102; Tho. de, 95, 111, 167. Maille, Hamond., 172 n. Manston, Alfred. de, 207, 208; Joh. de, Malbis, Malbys, Malebis, Malebisse, 35. Malebys, Malebyse, Mallus, Eliz., Manyngham, Joh. de, 360 n.; Marg. de, 343 n.; Emma, 97 n., 217 n.; Hugo, 227; Rog. de, 227. 97 n., 106, 235 n.; her. Joh. de, 322; Mapelton, Mappelton, har. Gilb. de, Sir John, 217n., 218 n., 322 n.; Rad. 75; Joh. de, 246, 303. de, 135; Ric., 23, 24, 52 n., 53, 61, —, capellanus de, Simon, 413. 63, 94, 95, 97, 98, 105 n., 122, 123, Marays,-see Marisco. 135 n., 216, 217, 218 n., 223, 289, Mare, Mar', Marr', Marra, Hugo de la, 291; Sir Rich., 135 n.; Rog. de, 105; 176, 242; Job. de la, 139, 340; Job. Sir Tho., 343 n.; Walt., 322 n.; Sir fil. Will. ad, 258; Laur. atte, 272; Walt., 343 n.; Will., 97 n., 343; Sir Martin. atte, 272; Tho. de la, 418; Will., 97 n., 98 n., 116 n., 217 n., Will. de la, 304, 333. 220 n., 235 n., 322 n., 343 n. Maresc', Adam, 273; Emma, 252;,feod. de, 55, 217. Galfr., 256; Joh., 251; Nic., 255;, Malebrank, Agn. fil. Joh., Rob., 263. 429. Marescallus,-see Marshall. Malger, 10 n. Marinse, Rad. de, 270. Malghom, Malghum, Job. fil. Pyme Marisco, Marays, Joh. de, 232; Maur. de, 201; Tho. de, 201; Will. de, 189, de, 413; Nic. de v. del, 224, 360; 193, 356. Rob. de, 232n.; Will. fil. Will. de, Malekake, Malkac, Malkak, Malkake, 28 n. Melkay, Alan, 235 n.; Tho., 86; Will., Markenfeld, Markingfeld, Markynfeld, 122, 143. Merkynfeld, Andreas de, 336; Joh. INDEX NOMINUM. 471 de, 178 n., 255, 256, 307, 331, 335, Maundewyll, Galfr. de, 89. 345. Maungevileyne,-see Mangevylain. Markington, Markinton, Merkington, Maunsel,-see Mansel. Merkyngton, Hen. de, 388; Joh. de, Maverhermer, Will., 144. 415, 435 n.; Reyner. de, 212 n.; Will. Meaux,-see Melsa. de, 161, 415, 416, 435. Mechelburn, Hugo de, 254. Marlesthorp,-see Tharlesthorp. Meinill, Manull, Maynill, Meignell, Marmion, Marmyon, Marmyoun, Mer- Menell, Menill, Mennell, Menyl, myun, Avicia, 153, 154, 160, 161, Meynhull, Meynill, Cecilia de, 329 n.; 162, 172, 175, 181, 182, 183, 184, Cristiana de, 237, 427; dominus de, 436 n.; domina de, 436; Joh., 212, 126; Hen. de, 98 n.; Joh. de, 235, 334, 336, 339, 399, 401, 402, 404, 329; Nic. de, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 406, 414; Sir John, 401 n., 436 n.; 134,137,237,238, 266, 311,312, 324, Loretta de, 182 n., 401 n.; Rob. de, 328, 329 n., 427; Petr. de, 434; Ran. 182 n., 436n.; Will. de, 182 n.,401 n. de, 128; Rob. de, 137; Simon de, -, feod. de, 108. 329; Steph. de, 126; haer. Walt. de, Marrick, Marrig, moniales de, 151 n., 106; Will. de, 266. 172., feod. de, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,,priorissa de, 150, 160, 165, 59, 273. 177. Meiten, Galfr. del, 439. Marshall, Marschal, Marescallus, Ma- Meitgrene, Will. de, 195. riscallus, comes,-see Bigot; domina Melsa, Melsay, Means, Meaux, Meus, de, 314; Joh., 438; Petr., 307 n.; Beatrice de, 185 n.; Galfr. v. Godefr. Ric. le, 178; Walt., 267, 268; Will., de, 268, 269, 326, 371, 389, 404 n., 24. 408, 427; hwer. Godefr. de, 346, 412; Marston, Merston, Laderana de, 28 n.; Isab. de, 245 n.; Joh. de, 71, 75, 78, Tho. de, 399, 403; Tho. fil. Will. de, 81, 85, 88, 213, 244, 245 n., 262, 284, 28 n.; Tho. fil. de, 272; Will. 303, 315, 346 n., 390, 398, 401, 404, fl. Tho. de, 28 n., 63, 342 n. 427 n.; Joh. fil. Godfr. de, 427, 428; Martel, Martell, Marthell, Joh. de, 31; Sir John de, 395 n.; uxor Joh. de, Will., 220, 290, 342. 315; Petr. de, 77, 185 n.; Phil. de, Martley, Martheley, Marthely, Marty- 247, 305; Will. de, 266. lay, Alice de, 43 n., 347 n.; Joh. de,, abbas de, 81, 83, 88, 91, 304, 42, 43, 347 n.; Petr. de, 347 n., 348. 305, 307, 315. Marton, Hen. de, 190, 356; Isab. de, Melsamby, Melshamby, Galfr. de, 335; 349; Patric. de, 193 n.; Ric. de, 238, Simon de, 169, 170; Walt. de, 170; 330; R. de, 124; Tho. de, 235 n.; Will. de, 170. Will. de, 192, 193 n., 356. Meltenby, Melteneby, Jac. de, 390 n.;, prior de, 97, 107, 108, 189, Rob. de, 274, 390 n. 196, 324, 325, 357 n. Melton, Ric. de, 414; Rob. de, 257; Mason, Rob. le, 195. Will. de, 85;-see Ebor. archiep. Matham,-see Mortham. Menithorp, Meningthorp, MenyngMatilda, comitissa, 18,-see Warwick. thorp, Joh. de, 273, 275. Maubaunck, Alicia, 396 n.; Juetman v. Mensington, Alex. de, 347. Jotam, 396 n.; Lucia, 396 n.; Marg., Menthorp, Rob. de, 66, 67. 396 n. Mercere, Rob. le, 195. Maucovenant, Maucovenande, Mauco- Merlawe, Drogo de, 365 n. venaunt, Galfr. de, 133, 235, 329; Merley, feod. de, 55, 56, 58, 59. Sir Geoffrey de, 132 n.; Marg., 235 n. Merlowe, Nic. de, 425. Maudoust, Rog., 340. Mersk, Hen. de, 172; Joh. de, 234; Mauleverer, Maliverer, Malleverer, Rob. de, 172. Amicia, 71; Avicia, 71 n.; Job., 32, Merston,-see Marston. 33, 44, 348, 349, 350; Joh. fil. Joh., Merton, Alan. de, 198. 46; hner. Joh., 32, 33; Rog., 131; Meryngton, Will. de, 430. Will., 18, 22, 44, 191, 202, 349. Messingham, Isab. de, 258 n.; Oliver. Mauley, Maulay,-see Malo Lacu. de, 258. Maunby, Mauneby, Magneby, Ran. de, Metham, Joh. de, 264, 265,344 n.; hser. 319; Tho. de, 176, 179 n., 334, 335, Joh. de, 344; Nic. de, 316; Tho. de, 336. 260, 344 n. 472 INDEX NOMINUM. Methelton, Eymes de, 432. Mounceaux, Mounceus, Munceals, Methlay, Methelay, Hugo de, 63; Will. Munceus, Ingelr. de, 54, 77, 244 n.; de, 228, 229, 292. Sir Ingram de, 54 n.; Joh. de, 54 n., Michel, Joh., 254. 56, 244n.; Petr. de, 54; Rob. de, Mickelfeld,Mikelfeld, Mikelfeud,Adam 392 n.; Tho. de, 193, 218, 244, 289, de, 213, 215, 285; Rad. de, 78, 259, 302; Will. de, 83. 402; Walt. de, 390, 391; Will. de,, feod. de, 373, 377. 408. Monhaut,-see Monte Alto. Midenhall, feod. de, 11. Monketon, Munketon, Joh. de, 212, Midlesburg, monks of, 131 n. 380 n.; Phil. fil. Rad. de, 27. Middleham, Midelham, Maria de, (Nun), priorissa de, 46, 206, 150 n., 167, 168, 181, 182, 183, 336, 220, 221, 290, 350. 337;-see Neville. -, Marg. de Wilsthorp, prioress, feod. de, 186. of, 27 n. Middleton, Middelton, Midelton, Monnay,-see Muncey. Midilton, Meddilton, Meddylton, Monte, Steph. de, 248; her. Steph. de, Medilton, Adam de, 191, 349, 357; 77. Elias de, 166 n., 167; Hen. de, 99, Monte Acuto, feod. de, 57, 250. 170, 171, 180; Joh. de, 234; Math. Monte Alto, Mohoud, Monhaud, Monde, 335; Petr. de, 44, 349; haer. haut, Alice de, 43n., 347n.; Galfr. Rad. de, 181; haer. Ran. de, 181 n., de, 44; John de, 16 n., 43 n.; Matilda 183; Rob. de, 86, 254; Tho. de, de, 347n.; Milisenta de, 16n., 42, 270, 420; Walt. de, 31, 207; Will. 43; Simon de, 43 n., 347 n.; hoer. de, 80, 155, 166 n., 318, 333. Simon. de, 31, 42, 190, 347 n.; Tho., juxta Kneton, parsona de, de, 73. 171., hner. de, 17, 198. Midhop, Ric. de, 354; Rob. de, 354. Monte Canisio, Cecilia de, 272; Dion' Mikelton, Elias de, 166; Will., 166. de, 73; Steph. de, 374. Mildby, Myldeby, Job. de, 211. Monteney,-see Mountney. Milford, Milleford, Mulforth, Mylford, Mora, More, Mor', Hugh de, 76 n., Joh. de, 213, 438; Job. fil. Job. de 302; Jac. de, 145; Joh. de v. de la, North, 345; Joh. fil. Rob. de North, 303, 323; Ric. del, 198; Rob. de la, 215, 345; haer. Rob. de North, 285; 341; Simon de la, 260; Tho. de la, Will. de South, 48; Will. de Camera 86. de, 384 n., 399 n. Morant, Moraunt, har. Rog., 140, 144, Millington, Milington, Milyngton, Mi- 145. lieton, Jac. de, 180, 253, 255, 267, Moreby, Morby, Morley, Rob. de, 308, 309; de, 256. 319, 411, 412; Will. de, 63. Militiae Templi,-see Templarii. Morers, Morors, Murers, Murrers, Milner, Hugo, 165; Steph., 420;-see Petr. de, 254, 319; Rad. de, 328; Molendinarius. Ric. de, 61; Will. de, 61 n., 140 n., Milnes, Rob. atte, 318. 146, 240, 339. Miniot, Mynyot, Rog. de, 170, 171. Morgan, Joh., 102. Minskip, Rob. de, 211. Morghawe, Hugo de, 365. Mireth, Will. de, 140. Morgvill, Ric. de, 265. Mirfeld, rector eccl. de, Joh. de Heton, Morin, Moryn, Gilb., 396; Rob., 396 n.; 225, 280. Simon, 396 n. Mitton, Rad. de, 17; haer. Rad. de, Morley, Rob. de,-see Moreby. 197. Morning, Joh. de, 7. Mohoud,-see Monte Alto. Morpath, Rob. de, 140 n.; Rog. de, 140; Moigne, Joh. le, 262. Will. de, 140 n. Mois,-see Moys. Mortham, Matham, Job. de, 167; Rob. Moland, Molant, Ric., 192; Will., fil. Rog. de, 167; Will. de, 167. 192 n. Mortimer,-see Mortuo Mari. Molbrai,-see Moubray. Morton, Moreton, Alan. de, 198 n.; Molendinarius, Molend', Ric., 384 n.; Will. de, 131, 238. Tho., 254; Will., 269;-see Milner., hner. de, 207, 286. Molendinum, Tho. ad, 275. Mortuo Mari, Mortimer, Mortymer, Monceaux, Monceax, Mounceaus, Edm. de, 251 n.; Marg. de, 251 n.; INDEX NOMINUM. 473, 251n., 434; Will. de, 107, 183, 184, 186, 339, 434; Will. de, 391 n. 339. Mortuo Mari, feod. de, 82 n., 251, 252, Mycoll, Job., 95 n. 253,254,267. Mosteres,-see Musters. Motel, Alan., 392. N Moubray, Mobray, Molbrai, Molbray, Mowebery, Mubray, Joh. de, 104 n., Nairford, Adam de, 170. 278 n., 309, 321, 322, 362, 408, 417, Nanhop, Joh., 99. 436; Sir John de, 408 n., 436 n.; Napelton,-see Stapleton. J. de, 379; Nigel. de, 97 n., 387, Narsburgh, Job. de, 255. 417 n., 422; Rob. de, 97 n.; Rog. de, Nebo, Rob., 88 n. 16, 21, 25, 26, 45, 46, 93, 94, 95, 96, Nerff', Jac. de, 185. 97, 98, 99, 104, 105, 106, 108, 111, Neuby,-see Newby. 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, Neusham, Neusom,-see Newsom. 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 135 n., 144, Neuton,-see Newton. 152, 153, 166, 168, 185, 212, 231, Neve, Will., 375 n. 240, 278 n., 339 n., 417 n., 432, 436 n.; Nevill, Nevell, Nevyle, Nevyll, Newyll, Rosea v. Roysia de, 278; Tho. de, Neyvill, Andr. de, 175, 182, 434; 179; Will. de, 133. Bernard. de, 177; Cecilia de, 406, - ~, baro de, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 408; Edm. de, 360; Galfr. de, 185; 29. Sir Geoffrey de, 279 n.; Gilb. de, 48,, feod. de, 23, 26, 29, 57, 59, 406; Hugo de, 394 n.; Johanna de, 81, 82, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 273n., 418; Johannesde, 48n., 213, 204, 205, 206, 216, 219, 222, 250, 284, 406, 408, 418; Jollan. de, 339; 251, 252, 255, 259, 260, 266, 267, Mar' de, 268; Marg. de, 168, 189, 268, 271, 272, 273, 274, 379, 381. 190, 215, 224, 279, 285, 333, 345,, haer. de, 24, 63, 79, 80, 82, 356, 357, 360, 361; Maria de, dom. 196, 263 n., 379. de Midelham, 150, 152, 153, 154, Mouncey,-see Muncey. 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, Mountford, Munford, Hen. de,.135 n.; 162, 334, 336, 338; Petr. de, 142; Rog. de, 173. Rad. de, 189, 200, 308, 315,379, 381; Mountney, Mountnay, Mounteney, Ran. de, 17, 47, 63, 94, 97, 99, 107, Monteney, Munteny, Tho. de, 7, 11, 108, 128 n., 129, 196, 200, 202, 237, 232, 283. 239,324, 330, 378, 379, 381 n.; Reyn. Mowgrene, Will. de, 195 n. de, 143; Rob. de, 17, 150 n., 273 n., Moys, Mois, Moijs, Petr., 371 n., 375, 432; Tho. de, 338; Will. de, 143, 376 n., 377 n.; Rosa, 375 n. 240. Mruthaue (?), feod. de, 82. --—, feod. de, 51, 120, 122. Multhorp, Will. de, 73., haer. de, 117, 118, 122, 123. Multon, Matilda de, 62; Symon de, New, Rob., 88. 180; Tho. de, 145 n. Newark, Newerk, Hen. de,-see Ebor. Munby, Joseph, esq., 138n., 442. archiep.; Will. de, 255. Muncaster, lord, 91 n. Newby, Neweby, Neuby, Job. de, 184; Muncey, Mouncey, Monnay, Walt. de, Rad. de, 384, 388, 436. 199. Newland, Adam de, 190. Mundevill, Will. de, 104. Newmarch, Neumarch, Nymarch, Munford,-see Mountford. Novo-Mercato, Adam de, 5, 7, 10, Munketon,-see Monketon. 11, 432; Sir Adam de, 5 n.; Hugo Muscegros, Muchegros, Agn. de, 396n.; de, 440, 441; Lora de, 244 n.; Tho. Aliciade, 396 n.; Amabilia de, 396n.; de, 244 n., 305; Tho. fil. Hugon. de, Eliz. de, 396 n.; Johanna de, 396n.; 441. Juliana de, 396 n.; Marg. de, 396n.; Newsom, Neusham, Neusom, Neusum, Matilda de, 396n.; Petronilla de, Agn. de, 178 n.; Mr. Alan. de, 323; 396 n.; Walt. de, 396. Joan, 21n.; Joh., 76; Marg. de, Muscell, Muschell, Tho., 40, 41. 166, 167; Matilda, 20 n.; Nic. de, Muscham, Galfr. de, 384. 178 n.; hber. Nic. de, 118, 122; Rob. Musters, Mosteres, Mousters, Job. de, de, 228; Will., 20 n., 21 n. 178 n., 335; Rob. de, 162, 181, 182, Newton, Neuton, Alan. de, 16, 197; 474 INDEX NOMINUM. Sir Isaac, 391 n.; Juliana de, 390 n.; Orreby, Isab. de, 311n.; John de, Picot de, 181n.; Ric. de, 375n.; 311 n. Sicilia de, 375 n.; Tho. de, 76, 181, Osgotby, Osgoteby, Osgodby, Adam 374 n., 375 n.; Will. fil. Will. de, 267. de, 242 n., 438; Rob. de, 68, 242, Neylford, Adam de, 37. 317. Nigellus, 241 n., capellanus de, 139. Nonnewykthornes, Rob. de, 436 n. Osulf, 10 n. Norff', Jac. de, 185 n. Oswalton, Will. de, 17. Norfolk', comes, Rog.,-see Bigot. Otley, Otteley, Colin. fil. Edons' de, Normanvill, Normanville, Adam de, 425. 6, 10, 230, 281, 358; haer. Ric. de, —, vicar of, John deBrantingham, 202; Rad. de, 4, 6, 8, 9, 22, 152, 202, 429 n. 336, 356; Tho. de, 398. Otringham, Beatrix de, 272 n.; Martin Norreis, Norreys, Noreys, Agn., 178; de, 272 n.; Ric. de, 414. Alan., 101; Galfr. le, 169; Joh., 167; Otrington, Oterington, Hoterington, Will., 167 n. Tho. de, 101; Tho. fil. Tho. de, 148. Northall, Northalle (in Ledes), Rog. Otterburn, Oterburn, Elias de, 201; de, 38, 224, 279,-see Leeds. Joh., 356; Rad. de, 356. Northmanby, Northmaneby, Adam de, Oulecotes, Culcotes, Matilda de, 193. 129. Ouneby, Ounesby, Outhenby, Tho. de, Northiby, Northyby, Rob., 252; Will., 281 n.,-see Aunby. 82. Ousthorp, Ric. de, 316. Northwod, Rog. de, 5. Oustwyk, Owstwyk, Austwicke, Steph. Northumberland, earl of, Hen., 138 n., de, 75, 371, 375. 442 n. Overswale, Will., 172. Norton, Joh. de, 116 n. Oxenhope, Oxenhopp, Oxenhoppe, Norun, Will., 416 n. Hopp', Adam de, 225, 280, 360 n.; Notingham, Not', Rob. de, 385 n., 406; Joh. de, 360 n.; Marj. de, 360 n.; R. de, 405, 407. Matilda de, 360 n.; Rob. de, 360 n.; -, archid., Will. de Pyker- Tho. de, 360 n.; Will. de, 360 n. ing, 426. Oxonia, Nic. de, 410. Nouers, Letitia de, 273. Oysell, Ric., 190 n.; hier. Ric., 337; Novoburgo, canonici de, 119. Rog., 150, 151, 162, 336., prior de, 94, 96, 98, 104, 174, 184, 185, 320, 322, 323, 338, 339, 349. P Novo Mercato,-see Newmarch. Nunburnholme, Brunham, moniales Pa, Paa, Pay, Joh., 265; Rob., 72, de, 89. 274, 275. Nucell, Job., 95 n. Pache,-see Peeche. Nunnewyk, Rog. de, 331. Pacok, Galfr., 263. Nutol, Joh., 95. Pagula, Paglam (Paull), Steph. de, 77, Nuttle, Nuttell, Nutall, Joh. de, 246; 247. Petr. de, 76, 246 n. Palfrey, Palfrai, Tho., 385, 391 n., 395. Palgrave, Sir Francis, 299, 300. Palmer, Paumer, Hugo, 275; Rog., O 274; Tho. le, 65., 178n.; Walt., 272; Will., 269, 274. Paneley, Panely, Sir Laur., 387 n.; Ocketon, Oketon, Joh. de, 57, 83 n. Marg. de, 439; Rob. de, 49. Ocklesthorp, Oclesthorp, Okelesthorp, Panton, Paunton, Hugo de, 394n.; Joh. de, 214, 285, 345. John de, 394 n.; Osbert. de, 394 n.; Odard, Alicia, 272. Rob. de, 394 n.; Will. de, 392 n., Odingsells, Edm. de, 308 n.; Marg. de, 394; Will. fil. Will. de, 394 n. 308 n.; Will. de, 308 n. Parco, Parcho, Helagh Park, canon. Oliver, Ric., 95. de, 26 n. Ord, Mr., 137 n. -, prior de, 26, 29, 82, 99, 219, 220, Ormesby, Will. de, 239. 221, 222, 290, 343, 345;-see HeaOrre, Alan., 178. laugh. INDEX NOMINUM. 475 Paris, Paryes, Joh. de, 357; Will., 139, 203, 204, 219, 222, 249, 254, 384 n. 255, 261, 271. Pasmer, Passemer, Passemere, Beatrix, Percy, hoer. de, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 245 n.; Clementia, 245 n.; Isab., 25, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 53, 59, 60, 61, 245 n.; Joh., 76, 245; Marg., 245 n. 86, 87, 146, 184, 186, 310 n. -, feod. de, 374. - de Kildale, feod. de, 56, 90n., Patefin, Patefyn, Patefyne,-see Poi- 265. tevin. Pereis, Joh. de, 357 n. Pateshill, Pateshull, Patteshell, haer. Perfect, Alicia, 201; Franc., 201. de, 35; Isab. de, 64 n.; Joh. de, 375, Perinton, Adam de, 251 n.; Isab. de, 415; Simon de, 64n., 304, 415n.; 251n. Will. de, 415 n. Periton, Regin. de, 396. Pathenall, Paytenall, Joh. de, 189; Perre, Rog., 366. Nigel. de, 200; Simon de, 198. Perte, Eustach. de, 142. Paumes, her. Nic. de, 62; Will., 319. Pertriur, Ric. le, 86. Paxton, Walt. de, 317. Pescour, Will. le, 86. Payne, Paen, Joh., 139; Jurdan., 137. Peston, Will. le, 86 n. Paynel, Paynell, Paynil, Paynill, Pai- Petowe,-see Pothow. nill, Hugo de, 112, 345; Joh., 111, Peverell', feod., 56; Will., 56 n. 112, 115, 116, 117, 215n., 344; Pickering, Pickeringe, Pikerynge, Philip., 215; heer. Philip., 438; Pyckering, Pykering, Pykeryng, Will., 111; Will. fil. Will., 432. Pyk', ballivus de, 147; Ric. de, -, feod. de, 26, 27, 29, 111, 112, 321 n.; Rienus de, 321; Rob. de, 119, 120, 219. 381; Mr. Rob. de, 325, 407,-see Payteby, Will. de, 330. Ebor. decanus; Tho. de, 253, 309; Peeche, Pache, Joh., 339. Will. de, 371; Mr. Will. de, 407, Pelham, Chas. A., 375 n. 426,-see Ebor. decanus. Pepyn, Hugo, 386. Pickton, Pyketon, Adam de, 104; Percehay,Percehaye,Percehaie,Perche- Galfr. de, 128; haeres de, 236. haye, Perscehay, Arnard. de, 382; Picworthe, Hugo de, 308. Johanna de, 320, 380; Walt. de, Pighell, Pikhall, Rob. de, 192 n. 118, 122, 324, 434. Pigot, Pygot, Brian., 333; Cassandra, Percy, Perci, Alex. de, 138, 240, 241, 166; Galfr., 170; Hen., 166, 415; 317, 327, 329; Alienora de, 308, 310, Ran., 334, 338; Regin., 338 n. 312, 329; Arnald. de, 72, 127 n., Pikersham, J. de, 385 n. 235; Beatrix de, 347 n.; domina de, Pinchardun,-see Puncharduno. 338, 347; Emma de, 97 n., 217 n.; Pirle, Eudo de, 170. Eustachia de, 218 n.; Hen. de, 31, Pirrowe, Helwisia de, 161. 32, 33, 132, 138, 139, 140, 141, 147, Piscator, Galfr., 253; Hugo, 251. 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 214, 230, Piseley, Nic. de, 389. 234, 236, 240, 241, 249 n., 257, 284, Pistor, Siward., 139 n. 346, 355, 432; haer. Hen. de, 24, 31, Place, Plaice, Plaiz, Playce, Plays, 32, 33, 44, 61, 146, 183, 323, 326, Alicia, 159; Beatricia, 273; haer. de, 349, 353, 354, 355; Joh. de, 5, 9, 93, 62; Isab., 267; Rob., 140, 267; 94, 95, 103, 139, 329; Matilda de, Tho., 267, 273, 274, 314; Will., countess of Warwick, 18 n.; Nic. de, 62 n., 64, 72, 267 n.; hber. W., 64. 83; Petr. de, 218 n., 271 n., 432; Plompton,-see Plumpton. Rob. de, 24, 31, 44, 49, 61, 62, 71, Plumlund, Ric. de, 190. 73, 80, 82, 86, 140, 207, 241 n., 254, Plumpton, Plumton, Plompton, Isab. 271, 309, 312, 315; Sir Rob. de, de, 279n., 355; Nigel de, 279 n.; 347 n.; Sibilla de, 241n.; Will. de, Rob. de, 19, 24, 44, 45, 224, 279, 10n., 18 n., 26, 86, 90, 308, 309, 349, 355, 360; Sir Rob. de, 279 n.; 393 n.; Sir Will. de, 26 n.; Will. fil. hoer. Will. de, 45. Arnaldi de, 135 n. Podesey, Joh. de, 226. -, de Kildale, Will. de, 56, 90, 109, Poitevin, Patefin, Patefyn, Patefyne, 127, 133 n., 135, 136 n., 140, 144. Paytfin, Petevin, Pevtevyn, Eliz.,, de Sowethe Loftos, Will., 131. 348n.; fam. of, 348n.; Tho. le,, de Topcliffe, Joh., 130. 33 n., 348; Will., 33, 207, 286, -, feod. de, 16, 22, 24, 52, 57, 86, 348 n. 476 INDEX NOMINUM. Pokelington, Pokylington, Remigius Radulphus, 392. de, 84, 85; Tho. de, 85 n. Ragill, Ric. de, 165. Pokethorp, Emma de, 274, 275; Hen. Rainberg, Reyneberge, Rob. de, 232. de, 274, 275; her. Tho. de, 72. Raine, Rev. canon, 20 n., 53 n., 60 n., Pontefracto, Adam de, 225, 280; Rob. 430 n. de, 4, 7, 28, 216, 221, 222, 228, 289, Raisthorp, Gilb. de, 271. 291, 292, 434; Tho. de, 28 n., 342; Rand, Rande,- Raunt, Runt, Rob. de, Tho. fil. Ric. de, 28 n. 151 n., 159, 162., burgenses de, 383 n. Ramyt, Rob. de, 151., prior de, 16, 209, 226, 345, Ranuphar', Rumphar', haer. Joh., 111. 348. Rathbone, Rob., 274. Pontem, Simon ad, 62. Raudon, Raudun, Roudon, Mich. de, Portington, Nic. de, 316; Tho. de, 85, 32, 207, 347; Nic., 143 n. 262. Raven, Nic., 143. Pothow, Pothowe, Potthou, Pottoue, Ravenesthorp, Raventhorp, haer. de, Pottow, Pottowe, Petowe, Alicia de, 100; Rob. de, 83, 308. 99 n., 130 n., 252; Joh. de, 130, 131; Ravenesword, Adam, abbas de Font., Sir John de, 65 n.; Rob. de, 99 n., 20 n. 130, 131,235; Mr. Will. de, 127,130. Raygate, —see Reygate. Potter Neuton, Poternu', Potterton, Raynevill, Tho., 176. Nic. de, 213. Reddinges, Nic. de, 303. Pouger, Job., 430. Redenesse, Angerin., 180. Poulson, Mr., 76 n., 371 n., 375 n., Redewode, Marg., 253. 388 n. Redhode, Rob., 82. Poynton, Will. de, 391 n. Redmarcyll, Redmershall, Job. de, 124, Pratte, Will., 262. 234. Prestman, Ric., 265. Redvers, Baldwin de, 432 n.; Isab. de, Preston, Adam de, 35, 36, 39, 208, 287, cor. Albemarlie, 32 n. 348; Emma de, 246 n.; Hen. de, 76, Relaund, Job. de, 110. 246 n., 374 n.; H. de, 374; Job. de, Renede, Elias de, 385 n. 76, 246, 304; Rob. de, 246 n.; Simon Repingale, Repyngdale, Walt. de, 142, de, 374 n.; S. de, 374; Tho. de, 151; 143. Will. de, 150, 151. Reygate, Raygate, Rygate, Job. de, 48,, ecclesie de, persona, 201. 135 n., 213, 219, 284, 290, 398, 400, Proudfot, Proudefote, Gilb., 190; hber. 403; Sir John de, 48 n.; Rob. de, Rob., 221, 290; haer. Will., 196. 345, 410, 411. Proudhom, Prodhom, Hugo, 221, 290. Reymundeby, —see Romondby. Prude, Prute, Will., 18, 198. Ribstan, Ribbeston, Godith de, 18 n., Puncharduno, Pinchardun, haer. le, 199; Will. de, 18 n., 199. 63; Johanna de, 97; Nic. de, 97. Ricardi, Marg. uxor, 270. Puntifes, Jac., 254. Ricardus, comes, 434 n. Puterel, Joh., 272. Richard I., king, 2, 18, 137, 200. Pychsall, Rob., 192. Richmond, Richemond, Richlmund, Pye, Alan., 144. Richemund, Richm', Eudo de, 170; Pygot,-see Pigot. Isab. de, 156n.; Rad. de, 186n.; Pyk', —see Pickering. Roald. de, 156 n., 166, 168, 169, 170, Pykburn, Ric. de, 232. 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184; Tho. de, 156 n., 334, 335,336,338. Q, comes de, 63, 64, 65, 149, 157, 158, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, Qwinild, Tho., 254. 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 1.77, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186; JoR hannes, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 161;-see Britannia. Rabot, Rabott, le, 82; Rog., 110, 119., feod. de, 63. Rachedale, Rad. de, 227. Ridell, Alicia, 97. Radclive, Tho. de, 362. Rider, Asketell., 91 n. INDEX NOMINUM. 477 Ridmer, hoer. Will. de, 150. Rogeri, haeres, 258. Ridwale, Tho. de, 358. Rohelot, Rob., 80. Rievaux, Rievalle, Riewall, Rivall, Rokeby, Alex. de, 165, 167. Ryvals, Revalibus, abbas de, 54, 114, Rokle, Job. de, 366. 115, 136, 139, 140, 146,320; Adek Romayn, Walt. le, 121,320 n.; Will. de (Aelredo?), 417 n.; Sylvan, 137 n. Kirkeby le, 121 n., monks of, 137 n. Romondby, Romundby, Reymundeby, Riggesby, Riggeby, Righesby, Gilb. de, Nic. de, 178; Ric. de, 101, 102,178 n.; 392 n., 393; Rad. de, 394n.; Tho. Sir Rich. de, 101 n. de, 392 n., 393 n., 394 n.; Sir Tho. Ros, Roos, Rose, Ross, Roys, Gilb. de, de, 394 n. 343; Job. de, 75, 243 n., 244, 355; Righton, Rob. de, 139. Joh. fil. Will. de, 303; J. de, 373; Rillington, Rillyngton, Ryllington, Magister de, 27; Marg. de, 27 n.; Rellington, Gilb. de, 72; Job. de, Margareta de, 131, 132, 133, 236, 266; Rob. de, 72 n., 275, 314; Will. 243 n.; Rad. de, 47 n.; Ric. de v. le, de, 266, 275. 81, 88; Rob. de, 24, 29, 45, 46, 47, Rilston, Rilleston, Cecilia de, 190n.; 57, 62, 65, 66, 71, 72, 74, 76, 83, 91, Elias de, 193 n.; her. Elise de, 190, 106,113,114,115,116,117,118,119, 193; Emma de, 190 n., 193 n.; haer. 120, 121, 131., 243., 274 n., 251, de, 189. 253, 263; Sir Tho. de, 395 n.; Walt. Rimington, Rymyngton, Agn. de, 18, de, 321; Warin. de, 247; Will. de, 199; Hen. de, 354; Rob. de, 18, 29, 45, 47, 243, 253, 256, 268, 269, 199; Rog. de, 18 n.; Walt. de, 18 n.; 309, 311, 314, 315,324, 342, 343, 372, Will. de, 354. 373, 374, 415, 432. Ripariis, Ripars, Rypars, Rypar', Ry-, de Gedney, Job. de, 304. pers, Joh. de, 231, 282, 358; Nic. de,, de Hamelak v. Helmesley, Will. 108; Tho. de, 379;-see Ryver. de, 304, 305, 309, 349, 381. Ripon, Rypon, Hen. de, 149, 161, 169;, de Ingmanthorp, Will. de, 349, Joh. fl. Will. de, 212, 435 n. 386 n.; Sir Will. de, 395 n., canon. de, 331; Bridlington, —, de Yolton, Will. de, 321, 324, 381. Rob. de, 429 n.; Markenfield, Joh. de,, feod. de, 81, 91, 113,114,119,121, 255 n. 203, 205, 250, 252, 253, 256,257,260, Ripplingham, Ripplyngham, Rippyll- 262,266, 268,269, 270, 272, 274, 275, ingham, Joh. de, 241; Joh. fil. Ger- 375, 376. vasii de, 241; Rad. de, 79,264; Steph. Rosedale, Rossedale, Rossedaill, nuns of, de, 264. 139 n.; priorissa de, 143. Risum, hoer. Ingerami de, 75; Joh. fil. Roseles, Roselle, Rossells, Rosas, Casel, Ingelr. de, 246. dominus de, 124; Galfr. de, 329 n.; Riswik, Tho. de, 158. Will. de, 128, 236, 330; Sir Will. de, Rither, Rithre, Ryther, Ric. de, 201; 329 n. Rob. de, 346; Will. de, 40, 49, 208, Roston, Avicia de, 259. 214, 219, 284, 287, 289. Rotherfield, Rotherfeld, Rotheresfeld, Riton, Joh. de, 122. Rotherfeud, Rothirfeld, Rorefeld, AlRyppeleye, Will. de, 47. breda de, 227; Euphemia de, 4 n.; Ryver, Ryvere, Rypar', Nic. de la, 108, Joh. de, 214, 285, 360 n.; Sir Nic. de, 185; Tho. de la, 304, 324, 372 n.;- 4 n.; Petr. de, 4, 7, 36, 49, 87, 282 n.; see Ripariis. Sir Peter de, 4 n.; Will. de, 282 n. Roald, Alan., 63. Rotomag', (Rouen), archiep. et capit. Robelett, Robolot, Rob., 80 n. de, 51, 58; episcopus, 311. Roberti, Alicia uxor, 274. Rotour, Rotrux, Will., 256, 330. Robertus, Dunolm. episc., 66 n. Rotyngton, persona de, Annesley, Rob. Robt', Walt. de, 110. de, 440. Roche, Rupe, Simon de v. de la, 39, Rouceby, hber. Alex. de, 144; Hen. de, 348, 360; her. Simon de, 208, 287; 57. -see Rupe. Roucestre, Will. de, 199, 354. Rocheford, Walran. de, 53, 312; Sir Roudon,-see Raudon. Walran de, 53 n. Roulond, Rob., 255. Rodes, Petr. de, 7. Roys, Warin., 247. Roffes, Will. de, 19 n. Rozeline, 10 n. 478 INDEX NOMINUM. Ruda, Amand. de, 304, 305. S. Hilda, 53. Rudston, Rudestan, Rudestayn, Ruddes- S. Katherina, Lincoln., prior Hospit. tan, Joh. de, 310; Will. de, 81, 311; de, 231, 282. hzer. Will. de, 56. S. Johannes, Beverlaci, 82., rector of, John de Sneinton, S. Johannis, magister Hospit., 183, 199, 146 n. 208, 215, 303, 355, 356;-see HospiRufford, Rugford, abbas de, 230, 358. talarii. B, Mr. Alan. de, 434,-see -, prior Hospit., 304, 325. Breton. S. Lando, Sir Tho. de, 396 n.,-see Ruffus, Ruse, Ric., 131 n.; Will., 131. Laund. Rugemund, Rad. de, 186, 339 n. S. Leonardi, magister Hospit., -see Rupe, Simon de, 39,-see Roche. Ebor. -, abbas de, 2, 6, 10, 231, 358, 359. S. Maria, Alicia de, 4, 8; Jord. de, 8 n. Rus, Ric. le, 88 n. S. Mariae Magdalense Ripon., magister Russel, Russell, Joh. de, 139, 146, 240; Hospit., 336. Ric., 262; Rog., 92; Simon, 318; S. Martino, Adam de, 376; Sir Adam Walt., 108, 275, 378; -, 83. de, 376 n.; Hen. de, 305; Tho. de, Rybof, hber. Rio. de, 156, 158. 180. Rye, Cristiana de, 385 n.; Ran. de, S. Nicholai, fratres Hospit., 143; ma385 n. gister, 172. Ryhill, Ryhell, Ryell, Isab. de, 278 n.; S. Oswaldo, prior de, 5, 11,53, 345, 352, Mich. de, 102, 166, 278 n.; Tho. de, 359. 175., prior et conv. de, 439. Rythe, Joh. de, 172 n.; Rob. de, 172. S. Paulo, Rob. de, 344; Tho. de, 49. Ryvell, Ryvill, Rog. de, 213; Tho., 194. S. Quintino, Agn., 421 n.; Sir Alex., 421 n.; Galfr. de, 312; Herb. de, 58, 74, 303, 305, 306. 371, 373, 374; S Herb. fil. Herb. de, 248 n.; haer. Herb. de, 248; Job. de, 303. Sadbergh, Cecilia de, 172., feod. de, 375, 376. Salcock, Salcok, Salcote, Cecilia de, S. Rumaldi, parsona ecclesiae de, 165. 329 n.; Tho. de, 99, 329. Sandwyco, J. de, 408. Salford, Will. de, 417. Sanston, Marg. de, 386 n.; Will. de, Salisbury, bp. of, Will. de Ebor., 20 n. 386 n. Sallay, Salley, abbas de, 18, 21, 22, 198, Santon, Alex. de, 80; hser. Hen. de, 199, 200, 201, 207, 347, 354 n., 355. 264; Joh. de, 81; Ric. de, 81, 261; Sallicibus, Tho. in, 62. Will. de, 80 n. Salvayn, Salvain, Salvan, Salvayne, Sal- Saperton, Joh. de, 156. vin, Adam, 11; Angertin. v. Anketin., Sarterino, Joh. de, 180. 214, 233, 284, 324, 365, 380; Anton., Saundeby, Rob. de, 3, 11, 365 n. 233; Gerard., 255,260, 261, 272, 274, Sausemer, Rog. de, 391. 305, 309 n., 310, 312, 315, 317; G., Sautre,-see Alta Ripa. 309; Rad., 3, 11 n.; Rob., 66, 73. Savile, Savill, Sayvill, fam. of, 361 n.; Sampson, Samson, Agn., 41 n.; Alan., Hen., 361 n.; Joh., 339; Will. de, 40. 36 n., 218 n.; Constance, 218 n.; Em- Sayngreve, Sayngner, haer. de, 64,-see meria, 218 n.; Hen., 218 n.,343; Job., Staingreve. 31, 36 n., 41, 65., 218,289,398,434; Scalton, haer. J. de, 238. Sir John, 65., 218 n.; Math., 218 n.; Scard', Mr. Rog. de, 143. Maurice, 218 n.; Rob., 218 n.; Tho., Scardeburgh, Americ. de, 139.; Ma218 n.; Will., 218 n., 366. tilda de, 139 n.; Mr. Rob. de, 73,S. Agatha, abbas de, 162, 171, 172, 174, see Ebor. decanus. 175, 179, 334, 335, 336. Scargill, Skargill, Skyrgill, Joh. de, 166, S. Albano, abbas de, 111, 185. 171; Rog. de, 166, 172; Warin. de, S. Andrea, Rog. de, 64. 333, 352; Will. de, 166,171,174,227. S. Andrese, prior,-see Ebor. Scauceby, Alex. de, 232; Ingelr. de, S. Clementis, priorissa,-see Ebor. 359. S. Egidii, magister, 174. Schalman, Rob., 260. S. Elena, Nic. de, 7 n. Schayf, Tho., 212 n. S. Georgio, Will. de, 3, 10, 283. Shorell, Joh. de, 361. INDEX NOMINUM. 479 Schupton, Adam de, 318; Steph., Hen. de, 220 n.; Job. de, 274; Nic. 180. de, 274 n.; Ric. de, 272. Scolemaister, Joh. fil. Mr. Rog. le, Shadewell, Schadewelle, heer. de, 208, 414. 287. Scorton, Hugo de, 174 n.; Joh. de, 174; Sharowe, Simon fil. Joh. de, 212. Tho. de, 174. Sheffeld, Scheffeld, Tho. de, 362. Scoteney, hoer. de, 24; Hen. de, 217, Shelley, Shelueley, Hen. de, 351. 289. Shelton, Joh. de, 233, 283. Scothorp, Skothorp, haer. Rob. de, 191, Shepley, Joh. de, 351. 194; Tho. de, 356. Sherburne, Shireburn, Schirburn, SireScotland, Galfr. de, 180; Sibilla de, 177. burn, Emma fil. Will. de, 269; Rad., king of, 277 n.; John de de, 372; Tho. ad portam de, 438; Balliol, 133 n. Will. de, 266, 269. Scotre, Skotre, Agn. de, 260 n.; Eliz., burgenses de, 383 n. de, 260 n.; Rog. de, 260. Shiref Hoton, vicarius de, 107. Scott, Scotte, Scot, Constance, 220 n.; Singleton, Seyneton, Gilb. de, 189, Galfr. de, 151, 171; Gilb., 220 n.,342; 356.; Joh. de, 356. Hen., 266; Joh., 220 n., 438; Joh., de Siwardeby, Sywardeby, Hen. de, 263; Calverley, 33, 226, 280; Mich., 177; Rob. de, 313, 365. Ric., 142; Steph., 21; Will., 220, Skargill,-see Scargill. 290. Skeffling, Skeftelyng, Scheffling, Sir Scotterscelf, Scoterscelf, Scoterskelf, Hugh, 248 n.; Nic. de, 248.; Rob. Scotherskelf, Stocheg', Ric. de, 124, de, 248. 236, 329..; Rob. de, 132, 133. Skeleslay, Hen. de, 194. Scottewayn, Scotewayne, Sotwayn, haer. Skipton, Skypton, Baldwin. de, 95; Rob., 76, 247; Yvo, 371. Joh. de, 95; Will. de, 356, 357. Scrayingham, Scrayngham, Scraihing- Skireswith, Gerv. de, 166. ham, Roscelin., 180; Will. de, 274. Skyrak, Skyrake, ballivus de, 31, 32, rector of, John de 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42. Chaggeley, 268 n. Skyryng, Rad., 143. Script', Joh., 267. Slechte, Alan, 271 n.; Will., 271. Scrop, Scrope, Galfr. de v. le, 334, 338, Sledmere, Ledemer, Petr. de, 266. 339; Hen. de v. le, 230, 335, 336, 337, Sley, Sleys, Ran. de, 185. 354, 358; Hen., lord, 156 n.; Will. de Slingsby, Sir Chas., 27 n. v. le, 150, 152, 176. Smalman, Rob., 263. Scruton, Scurueton, Nic. de, 176; Pigot Smiton, Smythton, Joh. de, 102, 177; de, 169; Tho. de, 175. Tho. de, 102; Will. de, 102. Scurs, Skurs, Strus, Escurs, Joan de, Smyth, Rog., 177. 371 n.; Rob., 243, 371, 372, 375; Sir Snainton, Snaynton, Sneinton, SneigRob. de, 371 n.; R. de, 374; Walt. ton, Christiana de, 99 n.; Mr. Joh. de, 395. de, 146 n., 316; Ric. de, 141 n.; Selby, Seleby, Selleby, Hugo de, 258, Thora de, 141 n.; Will. de, 99 n. 380 n.; Joh. de, 270 n., 346; Nic. de, Snayington, Nic. de, 267. 346 n.; Petr. de, 226. Snede, John, 300. —, abbas de, 23, 64, 65, 80, 105, Snytall, Ernisius de, 228; Gerv. de, 223, 291, 343, 344,438; Alex., 216 n. 228 n. Semer, Math. de, 234. Somervill, Adam de, 308; Rog. de, 311, Sempryngham, canon. ord. de, 147. 312. Serf,-see Cerfe. Sothill, Sothull, Suthill, Hen. de, Serjant, Serjaunt, Alex. le, 274; Tho. 316.; Will. de, 405, 406, 425. le, 254; Will. le, 425. Sotwayn, hser. Rob., 247, —see ScotteSerle, Rob., 266. wain. Serlson, Steph., 179. Southall, Hen. de, 316. Servientis, feod. Hugonis, 374. Southern, Tho. le, 354. Setill, Nigel. de, 198; Wag. de, 200. Southorp, Soutthorp, Tho. de, 247,Seton, Adam de, 128; haer. de, 236; see Sunthorp. haer. Rob. de, 131. Southwell, Suwell, canon. de, Barneby, Seyneton,-see Singleton. Will. de, 418; Bridlington, Rob. de, Sezevaux, Cessevaus, Agn. de, 220 n.; 429 n. 480 INDEX NOMINUM. Sowerby, Suleby, Will. de, 101. Job. de, 263, 304, 401, 405, 407, Spaldirgton, Osbert. de, 48, 213, 252, 434; Will. de, 79, 389. 284, 404; Rog. de, 252; Sarr' de, Staynwigges, Hen. de, 170. 91. Stele, Will., 262. Spark, Will., 262. Stelez, Alicia, 265. Sparnore, Rog., 176. Stelford, Adam de, 37. Spencer, Hugo de v. le, 38,-see De- Steling', Joh., 17, 198. spencer. Stephen, king, 79 n. Spenythorne, Tho. fil. Job. de, 159. Stiget, Reyner., 338. Speton, Job. de, 341; Tho. de, 54. Stirk, Strik, Hugo, 101. Spring, Springe, Spryng, Hen., 165, Stiveton, Stiverton, Styveton, Joh. de, 174; Umfrid. le, 333. 355; haer. Ric. de, 24, 27; Rob. de, Sproxton, Alicia de, 423; Matilda de, 366; haer. Rob. de, 92. 114 n.; Rob. de, 110, 114, 116 n., Stochale, haer. Tho. de, 158. 320; Will. de, 114 n. Stodley, Stodeley,-see Studleye. Squier, l'Esquier, Joh., 255, 273. Stokbrigg, Joh. fil. Galfr. de, 439. Stabler, Lestabler, Will. le, 255, 261. Stokes, Walter de, 65 n. Stain, Rog., 439. Stopham, Rob. de, 44 n.; Will. de, 37, Stainford, Stainforde, Stainfort, Stane- 44, 215, 285, 331, 346, 347, 349. ford, Staynford, Nigel. de, 189, 356; Stormy,-see Sturmy. Rob. de, 22, 201,202. Storteford, Tho. de, 385 n., 386 n. Staingreve, Staingrif, Staingriff, Stain- Storthes, Tho. del, 192. grive, Stayngreve, Steingreve, Stein- Stotevill,-see Stutevill. grive, Steyngreve, Steyngrif, Sayn- Stowe, Hugo de, 406. greve, Sayngner, Beatrice de, 64 n.; Strensall, Strinsall, Strynsall, Johanna hner. de, 62; Isab. de, 64 n.; Joh. de, 190, 193. de, 64, 106, 116, 117, 119, 120, 163, Strete, Tho. atte, 266. 177; Matilda de, 106 n.; Simon de, Stretton, Elias de, 189; Hen. de, 189, 64 n., 106 n., 116 n., 433. 194. Staineley, Stanelay, Staneley, Staynlay, Strus,-see Scurs. Steynley, Adam de, 131, 236; Hen. Stubbes, Stubhouse, Adam de, 41. de, 175; Job., 186; Nic. de, 212; Studleye, Stodley, Stodelai, Stodeley, Ric. de, 154. Joh. de, 46; Tho. de, 255, 261, 425. Stainesby, Staynesby, hser. de, 330; Stule, Stull, Galfr., 269, 275; Ric., 270. Walt. de, 128, 236. Sturmy, Stormy, Hugo, 245 n.; Isab., Stainton, Staynton, Steynton, Joh. de, 245 n.; Johanna, 310; Marg., 245n.; 3 a., 432; Marg. de, 3 n.; Will. de, haer. Math., 237; Ric., 416; Rog., 158. 132; Will., 79, 90 n., 133, 236, 245n., Stanes, Alan., 139; Tho. at, 261. 255, 260, 261, 265, 273, 329, 416. Stanley, Rob. de, 211. Stutevill, Stuttevill, Stotevill, domina Stapleton, Stapelton, Stapilton, Sta- de, 79; haer. de, 89, 105; Joan de, pylton, Napelton, Tapelton, Agn., 87 n., 107 n.; Nic. de, 87 n., 107 n.; 343 n.; Galfr. de, 178; Gilb. de, 307, Rob. de, 11, 262; Simon de, 337; 343; Sir Gilb., 343 n.; Isab. de, Will. de, 374, 432. 156 n.; Joh. de, 166 n., 333, 347 n.;, feod. de, 258, 262, 264, 265, Maud, 343n.; Mr., 26 n.; Milo v. 374,376. Miles de, 214, 219 n., 242n., 275, Subtus viam, Will., 365. 285, 307n., 362n., 438, 439; Sir Sudenhall, feod. de, 11n. Miles, 343 n.; Nic. de, 68, 76, 116, Suleby, Will. de, 101,-see Sowerby. 117, 119, 120, 121, 149, 156 n., 178, Sunthorp, Southorp, Tho. de, 76, 247 n. 215, 219 n., 242, 307, 317, 320, 321, Suply, Hen., 63. 324, 335, 336, 342, 344, 362; Nic. Surdeval, Surdevale, Surdewall, Surtefil. Sibille de, 219 n.; haer. Rob. de, val, Amand. de, 116 n., 197 n., 304; 34, 35; Rog. de, 178; Sibilla de, Cecilia de, 197 n., 304n.; Hamon, 219 n. 267; Joh. de, 113, 115, 305. Stauell,-see Staveley. Surrey, duke of, Tho. de Holland, Staunton, haer. Rob. de, 92. 99 n. Staveley, Stavelay, Staflegh, Stauell, Suth Muleforth, Will. de, 48, —see Agn. de, 152n.; Alan de, 152n.; Milford. INDEX NOMINUM. 481 Suthill, —see Sothill. Templi, Magister Militiae, 21, 151, 153, Sutor, Tho., 439. 157, 161, 164, 168, 170, 175, 177, Sutton, Agn. de, 282 n.; Elena de, 217, 178, 180, 183, 200, 204 n., 208, 210. 289; Galfr. de, 275; Joh. de, 244, Templo, Fratres Hospitalis de, 38. 408, 414; Sir John, 218 n.; Petr. Templeman, Ric., 95. de, 269; Sir Rich., 282 n.; Rob. de, Tetford, Thetford, Teford, Tefurth, 314; Sayer. de, 75, 244 n., 373; Will. Alicia de, 204 n.; feod. de, 204; de, 189. Phil. de, 204 n., 394 n.; Sir Phil. de, Suwell,-see Southwell. 394 n. Swakk, Rob., 336., ecclesioe de, Tho., rector, Swathull, Hen. de, 316 n. 394 n. Swethorp, Suethop, Will. de, 387 n. Teynturell, Tho. le, 171. Swillington, Swillyngton, Swylington, Tharlesthorp, Ric. de, 303. Swinlington, Swynlington, Swyn- Theakston, Thexton, Will. de, 361 n. lyngton, Adam de, 336, 348, 360; Theays, Theys, Tyes, Hen., 257. Hugo de, 35, 39, 208, 286; Rob. de, Thernef,-see Thorneve. 19 n.; Will. de, 225, 279. Thikheued, Thycheued, priorissa de, Swinden, her. de, 17. 62, 267, 316. Swyn, Swyne, priorissa de, 91, 305. Thirhill,-see Thornhill. Syningthwayt, Synyngthwait, Synyng- Thocht, Tocht, Joh., 91. thwaytt, Synythwat, Senygtwhayt, Thoraldeby, Will. de, 271, 274. moniales de, 39. Thorbrand, Adam, 195. - ~-, priorissa de, 29, 220, Thoresby, Hugo de, 151, 337; Joh. de, 221. -see Ebor. archiep.; Petr. de, 151, Syvill, Joh. de, 104. 154; Petr. fil. Hug. de, 154. Thorgandby, dominus de, 62. Thorne, Thoren, Nic. de, 76, 247; Ric. T de, 124; haer. Rog. de, 376. Thorneby, Gilb. de, 340. Taillour, Tayllour, Beatrix, 245; Hen., Thorneley, Cornlay, Elias de, 16., 245; Will. le, 413. 197. Takel, Joh., 81. Thorneve, Thornoue, Thernef, ThurTalbot, Job., 354; Tho., 322. neff, Isab., 146.; Will., 141, 146. Taloun, Steph., 265. Thornhill, Thornhull, Thirhill, Brian Tanfield, Avice de, 182 n.; Hugh de, de, 225 n., 348; Sir Brian de, 360 n.; 182 n.; Jernegande, 182n. Joh. de, 225, 229, 292, 352, 360n., Tanstern, Tanesterne, Tho. de, 89, 258. 361. Tapelton,-see Stapleton. Thorntoft, Thornetoft, Will. de, 254, Tarteturteys, Will., 86. 265, 316. Tateman, Job., 240. Thornton, Thorneton, Elena de, 360 n.; Tattersall, Tatersale, Tatesall, Tates- feod. de, 374; Gaufr. de, 235 n.; hale, Emma de, 311 n.; feod. de, Gregor. de, 278, 362; Sir Gregory 249; Isab. de, 311 n.; Joan de, 150 n., de, 362 n.; Joh. de, 324, 381; Mary 162n., 311n., 338n.; Rob. de, 150, de, 47n.; Math. de, 47n., 167; 151, 153, 154, 155, 159, 160, 161, Mich. de, 167 n.; Ric. de, 103; Rob. 162, 182, 183, 311 n., 338 n. de, 325; Steph. de, 338; Tho. de, Taybanke, Nic., 194. 149, 226, 360 n., 361. Taye, Walt. de, 320., abbas de, 303, 304, 305, 371, Teford, Tefurth,-see Tetford. 374. Tempersnape, Tho., 150. Thorneton-Stiward, haer. de, 148, 151, Tempest, Isab., 331 n.; Joh., 192, 354, 152, 153, 157, 158, 160; Sibilla de, 356; haer. Ric., 192, 197; Sir Rich., 149, 150, 156. 331 n.; Rog., 17. Thorny, Thornay, Adam, 119; Ric. de, Templarii, Templars, 24, 51, 79, 81, 56, 91, 255;-see Torny. 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 99, Thorp, Thorpe, Torp, Adam de, 216, 143, 146, 204, 205, 210, 223, 228, 217, 236, 289; Agn. de, 421n.; Job. 330 n., 394 n. de, 66, 67, 91 n., 319; Mich. de, 168; Templi, Fratres Militiae, 113, 125, 141, Osbert de, 216 n.,-see Bustard; 143, 147. Rad. de, 63; Ric. de, 303; Rob. de, I 1 482 INDEX NOMINUM. 169, 311; Rob. fil. Tho. de, 171; 236, 237, 330; Joh. de, 128, 330; Rob. fil. Will. de, 260; Simon, 376; hoer. Joh. de, 236; Regin. de, 99. Steph. de, 274, 400, 421; Sir Steph. Todde, Will., 190. de, 421 n.; Walt. de, 124; Will. de, Todehowe, Nic. de, 99. 115 n., 260. Tofte, Johanna, 132. Thorp Stapelton, hoer. de, 210, 288; Toke,-see Touke. Hen. de, 210 n. Tokewith, Tokwyth, Rad. de, 216; Thoxton, Will. de, 361,-see Theakston. Will. de, 216. Thresfeld, Threschefeld, Elias de, 20, Tong, Ric. de, 225, 226, 279, 360. 355. Torny, Thorny, Adam, 119; Joh., 80, Throkht, Job., 91n. 81n., 256; Ric. de, 91, 255, 311; Thurgarton, prior de, 426. Tho., 86 n., 254;-see Thorny. Thurkelby, Thurkilby, Turkilby, do- Torre,, 1 n. mina de, 273; Ellen de, 65 n.; Joh. Tortemayns, Rob., 160. de, 315; Tho. de, 65 n. Tothe, Jac., 255; Joh., 265. Thurkill, Petr., 274; Will., 172. Totheby, Sir Will. de, 394 n. Thurneff, —see Thorneve. Totty, Ric., 439; Tho., 151. Thurstan,-see Ebor. archiep. Touke, Toke, Alice, 7 n.; Walt., 7 n., Thurstanus, dispensator, 396. 358; Will., 149. Thurston, feod. de, 374. Touneslewerd, Joh. le, 226. Thwaites, Joh. del, 357. Tours, Job. de, 366. Thweng, Thewenge, Thwenge, Thwing, Towthropp, Walt. de, 380. Thwinge, Tweng, Twenge, Twinge, Traneby, Adam de, 81. Twyng, Baldw. de, 327; Job. de, Travers, fam. of, 166 n.; Rob. de, 307, 324, 379; Lucy de, 90 n., 129 n., 166 n.; Warin. de, 166 n. 131 n., 307n.; Marm. de, 51, 90 n., Treeton, rector of, Ric. de Tidolfside, 107, 125, 130, 131, 132, 134, 236, 6n. 238, 270, 307n., 311, 328, 341; Tregenaus, Job., 275. Marm. fil. Marm. de, 56, 57; hwer. Trehampton, Rad. de, 184. Marm. de, 127, 130, 134; Rad. de, Trehous, Petr. de, 264. 129; Ric. de, 237, 307.; Rob. de, Treycotes,-see Draycotes. 129 n., 307 n.; Sir Will. de, 341 n. Trikingham, Trikyngham, Lamb. de, Tibetot, Tibbethofte, Tibbethorpe, Ti- 400, 402, 403, 404, 410, 425. bitot, Tibtoft, Tebethorp, Tebitot, Trusbut, Trussebut, Trussebutt, TrusseTybetoft, Agn. de, 261 n., 310; Eva butte, Thrusseburg, hber. de, 91; Hilde, 3 n., 261 n.; Job. de, 12 n., 366; laria de, 205 n.; her. Rob. de, 65; Pagan. de, 232, 261, 283; Rob. de, Rog. de, 269, 270. 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 261 n.; Sir Rob. I, feod. de, 24, 29, 45, 222, de, 3 n. 256. Tidolfside, Ric. de, 6 n. Trussel, har. Rad., 385. Tiersall, Hen. de, 226. Tuler, Tyler, Steph. le, 64. Tiliol, Tilliol, Tyliol, Matilda, 416, Tunbridge, Adelidis de, 18 n. 440 n.; Rob., 246, 305; Sir Rob. de, Tunstall, Hugo de, 129; Ric. de, 371 n., 440n. 374; Rog. de, 174. Tilly, Tylly, Job., 224, 225, 279, 361. Turchil, 10 n. Timbil, Tymble, Job. de, 410, 425 n.; Turet, Barthol., 26 n.; Lucia, 26 n. Job. fil. Ric. fil. Rob. de la Sale de, Turkilby,-see Thurkelby. 425; Rob. de, 402. Turnild, Jul', 275; Rob., 275. Tinctor, de Rypon, Job., 402. Turpyn, Tho., 222, 290. Tinsley, Tenneslowe, Tunneslowe, Tushet, Tho., 256. Tyneslawe, Tynneslawe, Hen. de, 2, Tweng,-see Thweng. 4, 9, 365; Sir Hen. de, 2.n.; Lucy Twyer, Twyere, Will. de la, 304. de, 2 n.; Walt. de, 233, 283. Tyas, Tyes, Franco, 229, 292; Joh., 351; Tinsy, Will., 73 n. Ric., 346. Tirrington, Steph. de, 380. Tycye, Gilb. de, 392. Tixtor, Gilb., 273. Tyes,-see Theays. Tocht, Job., 91 n. Tykhill, dominus de, 232, 233. Tocotes, Tocottes, Tochotes, Toucotes, Tylly,-see Tilly. Stoucotes, Adam de, 128, 133, 234, INDEX NOMINUM. 483 U Verdoun, Tho. de, 426. Vere, Ver', Veir, Amphorus de, 322; Uckerby, Ukkerby, Hukerby, Adam de, domina de, 73; Simon de, 77. 335; Elias de, 174; Galfr. de, 174; Veric, Vert, Ric. fil. Ric. del, 88. Hugo de, 175; Tho. de, 174. Verli, Werly, Amabil de, 393 n.; Hugo Ughtred, Uctrede, Ughtridd, fam. of, de, 392 n.; Will. de, 393 n. 27n.; Isab., 218, 245 z., 289, 291; Vernoil,Verneoles,Verieles, Vernoele, Joan de, 245 n.; hber. Joh., 245; Rob., Vernoyle,Vernyll,Agn. de, 4 n.; Joh. 217,218,221,222,258,271,289, 291; de, 8; Hen. de, 4, 7, 11; Sir Hen. de, Rob., de Scardeburgh, 73 n., 245 n.,- 4 n.; Phil. de, 5, 8 n. see Ebor. decanus; Rog., 258, 274; Vernoun, Ric. le, 269, 275. Symon, 138, 145; Tho., 310, 342. Vesci, Vescy, Agn. de, 111, 138, 144, Ulf, Volf, Hen., 193;-see Ulphus. 270; Clementia de,251,252, 254, 309; Ulleskelfe, Ulskelfe, Ulckelf, Tho. de, domina de, 218, 289, 309, 319, 343; 31,207, 399. dominse de, 251; dominus de, 111; Ulphus, Ulf, Ulfe, Ullf, Wlf, son of Isab. de, 218 n., 251 n., 252 n., 270, Thorald, 62, 63, 66, 68, 92. 323, 343 n.; Joh. de, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, Ulram, Adam de, 55, 76; Joh. de, 245, 44, 45, 46, 62, 64, 67, 80, 114, 115, 302, 311; Rob. de, 372. 120, 141, 144,147,182, 218 n., 251 n., Ultra aqua, Will. de, 213, 438. 252 n., 263 n., 343 n.; Joh. fil. Will. Ulveshowe, Alan. de, 170; Steph. de, de, 432; Marg. de, 432; Reyner. de, 164. 264; Will. de, 81, 239, 240, 251 n., Uppiby, Walt., 270. 252 n., 267, 273, 398. Upsale, Uppessale, Hupsale, Huppe-, feod. de, 59, 81, 89, 111, 203, shall, Galfr. de, 322; Hugo de, 96, 206,260,261,262,263,264,267,273. 97, 98, 99; Sir Mich. de, 98 n. Veyley, Veyly, Veylly, Velle, Ville, Upton, Joh. de, 387 n. Dulcia de, 39 n.; Humphr. de v. le, Usflete, Usflet, Joh. de, 263 n.; Lora 34, 39, 40; Sir Humph. de, 39 n.; de, 263 n., 308. Rob. de, 39 n. Utteley, Ric. de, 357. Veyll, Rob. le, 261. Villan, Rob., 31. Vipont, Veteri Ponte, Idonea de, 2, V 3 n., 8; Isab. de, 2, 8; Rob. de, 2 n., 182 n., 432. Valencene, Joh. de, 41 n.; Milisente de, Vivonia, Vyvan', Hugh de, 261 n.; 41 n. Johanna de, 261, 307 n.; Johannes Valencia, Will. de, 433. de, 307. Valle Dei, abbas de, 385. Volf, Ulf, Hen., 193. Varry, Will., 167 n. Vycy,-see Wittic. Vaux,Vall',Vallibus, Deueaux, Douaux, Joh. de, 53 n., 89 n., 357 n.; Matilda de, 64; Petr. de, 387 n. W5 Vavasour, Vavasor, Vavasur, Vavasure, Vavazour, Vavesour, Alicia le, 25, Wacelyn, Tho., 72, 271; Will., 274. 45; domina le, 357, 359; Elena le, Wade, Ric., 360. 349; Hen. le, 343 n., 357; Joh. le, Waddeworth, Petr. de, 9. 2, 12, 45; Jordan. le, 5, 8; Malger. Waith, Rob. fil. Petri de, 232. v. Mauger. le, 44, 95, 218 n., 222, Waitt, Wayt, Wayte, Will. le, 200,208, 229, 291, 292, 349, 402, 408, 411, 226, 287. 419, 433; hser. Malg. le, 25; Nicho- Wake, Wak, Baldwin., 66, 87 n., 107, laa le, 342, 345, 357 n.; Rob. le, 142; haer. Baldwini, 50, 65, 66, 67, 343 n.; Walt. le, 349; Will. le, 5, 6, 96, 97, 98, 105, 134; domina de, 236, 8, 9, 32, 40, 49, 191, 214, 216 n., 220, 262; Hugh, 107 n.; Johanna de v. la, 222, 225, 230, 231, 264, 282, 283, 87 n., 107 n., 239, 240, 262 n., 320 n., 284, 290, 291, 343 n., 365, 424, 426; 389, 415; Johannes de, 87 n., 122, Sir Will., 342 n., 357 n. 142, 143, 147, 239n., 262 n., 398, 399; Verdenel, Adam, 270; Joh., 270 n.; Nic. de, 118, 121, 142, 143; Tho. de Mariote, 270 n.; Rob., 270 n.; Tho., v. le, 239, 262 n., 308, 320, 326, 381, 270 n.; Vincent, 270 n. 414, 415; Tho., lord, 308 n. I 2 484 INDEX NOMINUM. Wake, feod. de, 51, 268, 270. Warwick, countess of, Matilda, 18 n. -, haer. de, 113, 114, 115, 116, Wasteneys, Wastenes, Wastenai, Was117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123. tenais, Wastenays, Edm., 6 n., 230, Wakebrugg, Will. de, 440, 441. 244 n., 281, 305, 359; Joh., 253; Wakefeld, Alicia fil. Falcon. de, 423; Will., 309. Falco de, 423. Wateby, Joan de, 20 n.; Ric. de, 20 n. Walbran, J. R., esq., 185n., 234 n., Watervyle, Regin. de, 62. 277 n., 371 n., 405 n., 422 n., 432 n. Watlous, Watlus, Herv. de, 154, 157, Walburn, Wymer. de, 157. 434. Walcotes, Will. de, 246, 305. Watter, Will. le, 348. Waldby, Waldeby, Joh. de, 336 n.; haer. Watton, Whatton, Ric. de, 427. Nigel. de, 79, 388. -, nuns of, 256 n., 259 n. Walding, Nic., 87. -, prior de, 59, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, Waleby, Job. de, 336. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 307, 310, 317, 345. Waleys,Walais,Walays, Waleis, Wales, Wauton, Wawton, Wanton, Elena de, Walleys, Waylays, Waylys, Wileys, 174 n.; Elias de, 174; her. Gilb. de, Joh. le, 27,221 n., 342; Maud, 221 n.; 335; Johanna de, 152 n.; Johannes Nicholaa, 342 n., 345 n. Ric. de v. de, 152, 153, 338; Sir John de, 152 n. le, 50 n., 72 n., 214, 218 n., 220, 222, Waxand, Job. de, 323, 336, 340; Ric., 228, 231, 290, 291, 292, 342 n., 345, 103; Rob. de, 303. 348, 350, 351; Sir Rich., 50 n., 342 n.; Waxander, Tho., 124, 132. Steph. de v. le, 25, 35,36, 42, 50, 350; Waylome, Waylond, Woland, Ric. de, Sir Steph. le, 25 n., 50 n., 345 n.; 105. Will. le, 221. Weardley,Wyveresdesley, hber. de,209. Walkingham, Walkyngham, Adam fil. Wellewyk, Emma fil. Rad. de, 246 n.; Alani de, 45 n., 152 n., 434 n.; Agn. Rad. de, 246 n. de, 152 n.; Alan de, 45 n., 434; hber. Welton, rector of, Hebden, Tho. de, Alanide, 152; Eva de, 152n., 434 n.; 20 n. Job. de, 211, 349, 353, 434; Sir John Wendesley, Jac. de, 337; John de, de, 152 n.; Jolan. de, 45. 337 n.; Nic. de, 158; Peter de, 337 n. Walkyngton, Alex. de, 271; Joh. de, Wentworth, Wenteworth, Wynteword, 241. Wynteworth, Will. de, 34, 207, 286. Walleran, Tho., 258, 259. Werby, Werreby, Ric. de, 392, 393. Walteri, Isab. uxor, 273. Were, Matilda, 168. Walterus, abbas de Fontibus, 20 n. Werkesop, Wirkesop, Wirsop, Wyrsop, Walton, Will. de, 221 n. prior de, 5, 8, 231, 282, 358. Wambewell, Job. de, 7, 10; Rob. de, Werly, hber. Hug. de, 393;-see Verli. 358. Werry, Will., 167 n. Wandesford, Joan, 21 n.; Ric., 21 n. Werwike,-see Berwyk. Wandesworth, Rob. de, 338. West, Petr., 73; Simon, 376; Steph., Wannervill, Adam de, 16, 354; haer. 274; Will., 73, 270. Adae de, 197. Westhall, Tho. de, 365. Wanton,-see Wauton. Westhous, Nic. at, 263. Wapplington, Will. de, 254. Weston, Christiana de, 209 n.; Job. fil. Wlard, Warde, Joh., 62, 175, 255, 307, Ric. de, 209 n.; Rad. de, 225; Tho. 388 n., 436; Nic., 389; Rad., 211; de, 41, 185, 209 n. Ric., 211; Rob., 266; Rog., 271; Westrais, Westrays, Westr', Will. le, Simon, 36, 37, 209, 212, 227, 280, 39, 208. 287, 324, 331, 347, 360, 400, 404, Westwick, Westwik, Westwyk, Isab. 405, 406,407, 411; Simon fil. Simon., de, 279 n., 355 n.; Patric. de, 44, 432; 212, 436 n.; Will., 252, 388. Serlo de, 279 n., 355 n. Wardehow, Will. de, 237. Westyby, Laur., 87. Warrenni, Warenni, comes, 351, 352, Vheater, Mr., 438 n. 359, 361,365, 366; Job., 3, 7, 227, Wheldrake, rector of, John Gower, 231, 432. 325 n. Warry, Werry, Will., 167 n. Whitaker, Dr., 144 n., 156 n., 360 n., Wartre, prior de, 81, 84, 85, 87, 89, 91, 442 n. 92, 310; Feryby, Will. de, 91 n.; Whitby, Whiteby, Whyteby, Witby, Thorpe, Job. de, 91 n. abbas de, 23, 53, 125, 140, 216, 327. INDEX NOMINUM. 485 White, Whitte, Whyt, Petr., 420; Witherton, Wytherton, Hen. de, 401, Rob., 253; Will., frater Nic. de Ebor., 402 n. 20 a. Witheton, Wytheton (Weeton), Rog. Whitike, Whityng, Whytyke,-see Wit- de, 287. tic. Wittic, Whitike, Whityng, Whytyke, Whitwell, haer. Tho. de, 175. Withyk, Wytik, Wythyk, Wyting, Whyteley, Tho. de, 228. Vycy, Simon, 372, 373, 375; Sir Wichard, Wychard, Joh., 337. Simon, 372 n.; Walt. de, 244, 303, Wiclesworth, Wicklesworth, Wikles- 304; Will. de, 75. worth,Wykelesworth,Wickeld',Adam Wiveretorp, Petr. de, 390 n. de, 21, 199, 355; Adam fil. Adae de, Woddemore, Andreas de, 254. 21; Joh. de, 355. Wode, Walt. fil. Job. del, 420. Widdrington, Sir Tho., 216 n. Wodehall,-see Woodhall. Wighton, Adam de, 261. Wodhouse, Adam de, 195; Will. de, 226. Wikeley, Will. de, 398. Wodyngton, Ric. de, 158. Wikerslegh, Wikerle, Wykerle, Wyker- Woland, Ric. de, 105 n. legh,Wykereslai, Ric. de,'365 n.; Rob. Wolfes, Will. de, 19. de, 10; heer. Rob. de, 6, 10 n.; Tho. Wollay, Tho. de, 267. de, 365. Wolwardington, Wulwardington, Petr. Wilberfos, Wilberfose, Wylberfos, Wyl — de, 385 n.; Sir Peter de, 386 n. berfose, Gilb. de, 254; Joh. fil. Letise Woodhall, Wodehall, Wodehalle, Wodde, 87; Letia de, 87; Rob. fil. Simon hall, Wudhall, Hen. de la, 149; de, 87. Hugo de v. del, 226, 280; Johanna,moniales de, 86. de, 388 n., 419; Johannes del, 358;,priorissa de, 87. Rog. de la, 79, 260, 388; Will. de, Wilde, Alicia le, 439. 388 n., 407, 419. Wildeker, Walt. de, 73. Wotte, Steph., 144. Wildford, Wilford, Joh. de, 183 n. Wraye, Will., 380;-see Gray. Wileshire, Hen. le, 195, Wrightson, Mr., 5 n. Wileys, Ric., 72,-see Waleys. Wryght, Joh., 420. Wilheby, Wyleby,-see Willoughby. Wychard,-see Wichard. Willardeby, Rob. de, 262. Wycliffe, Wycliff, Wyclif, Rob. de, Willelmus le Conquerour, 68. 167, 168, 273 a., 334,430, 431. Willoughby, Wilheby, Wyleby, Marg., Wydinton, Will. de, 393 n. 5 n.; Rob. de, 5 n., 383; Sir Rob. de, Wyern, Wyerne, Wyerum, Rob. de, 5 n.; Serlo in, 384. 140, 327. Wilmyn, Ric., 95. Wygdon, Ric. de, 31, 207. Wilson, Mr., 7 n. Wygorn' episc., Godfr., 37;-see GifWilstrop, Wilstrope, Wilsthorpe, Willes- fard. thorp, Wiuelestorp, Wiuelstrop, Wi- Wygornine, comes, 64 n. veresthorp, Wiverestorp, Wyveles- Wygot, Rob., 95. thorp, Chas., 28 n.; Eleanor, 27 n., Wykeham, Wycham, nuns of, 141 n. 28 n.; Eliz., 28 n.; Francis, 28 n.;, priorissa de, 141, 326. Guy, 27 n.; Mr. Hen., 27 n.; John, Wyleby, Wylghby, Rob. de, 356; Serlo 27 n.; Kath., prioress of Arthington, in, 384;-see Willoughby. 27 n.; Marg. de, prioress of Nun Wyles, Rog. de, 387 n. Monkton, 27 n.; Sir Miles, 27 n.; Wyncestre, comes, 64. Sir Oswald, 28 n..; Ric. de, 27 n.; Wyndelous, Rob., 212. haer. Ric. de, 28; Sir Rich. de, 27 n.; Wyndhill,-see Winderhyll. Rob. de, 27 n. Wythington, Will., 10. Wilton, Alan de, 135 n. Wyton, Wiueton, Wyueton, Wyveton, Wimpton, Wympton, Joh. de, 4, 8. Hen. de, 75, 246; Joh. de, 246 n., Wimund, Peter ye sonne of, 216 n. 304; W. de, 373. Winderhyll, Wynderhill,Wyndhill, Elias Wyveresdesley,-see Weardley. de, 160, 176. Wyvill, Wyvile, Wyvell, Wywile, WyWirkeley, Wirkelay (Wortley), Will. de, wyle, Wywyll, Wevill, Wivill, Wi224, 279. wvle, Alicia de, 272; Joh. de, 212 n., Wirsop, Wyrsop,-see Werkesop. 402, 405, 418, 435 n.; Tho. de, 272; Wiston, Tho. de, 185 n. Will. de, 73, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 486 INDEX NOMINU3M. 144, 212, 240, 242, 302, 315, 321, 325n.; Louth, John de, 65.; Ric. 387,413, 418, 435. de, 65 n.; Selby, John de, 346n.; Wyvill, feod. de, 81. Verdinel, Vincent, 270 n. York, Confraternity and Guild of the Blessed Trinity, 116 n. Y, custos of, Romundby, Sir Ric. de, 101 n. Yedingham, Yedyngham, priorissa de,, dean and chapter of, 1 n., 124 n., 142, 266; Pretia, 141. 189 n., 378 n., 435. Yedon, haer. de, 207, 286; Hen. de,, mayor v. lord mayor of, Basy, 32; Job. de, 33; her. Joh. de, 32, Rog., 218 n.; Bolingbroke, Andr. de, 33. 380 n.; Bolton, John de, 258 n.; Yeland, Isab. fil. Will. de, 20 n.; Will. Calvo Monte, Chaumond, Gaceus de, de, 20 n. 217 n.; Cerf, Adam le, 178 n.; Yiphele, capellanus de, Will., 266. Fleming, Jas. le, 379 n.; Nic. le, Ygef, Ylger, hger. Joh., 86. 378 n.; Graa, Gray, Tho., 325 n.; Yolton, Will. de, 381;-see Ros. Will., 325 n., 430 n.; Langton, John York, archdeacon of, Burnell, Rob. de, de, 273 n., 430 n.; Nic. de, 273 n.; 175 n. Luda, Sir Gilb. de, 65 n.; Palmer,, archiepiscopal Mint, master of Tho., 178 n.; Sampson, Sir John, the, Gray, Tho., 325 n. 218 n.; Selby, Hugh de, 380 n.;, bailiff of, Alwarthorpe, Tho. de, John de, 270 n.; Sezevaux, Hen. de, 324 n.; Basy, Rog., 219 n.; Boling- 220 n.; Stokes, Walt. de, 65 n.; broke, Bulinbrok, Adam de, 380 n.; Wateby, Ric. de, 20 n. Andr. de, 380n.; Tho. de, 380 n.;', M.P. for, Alwarthorpe, Tho. de, Bolton, John de, 258 n.; Brabant, 324 n.; Bolingbroke, Andr. de, Giles de, 380 n.; Bretegate, Brette- 380 n.; Bolton, John de, 258 n.; gate, Jeremy de, 65 n.; Nic. de, Clarevaux, Nic. de, 99 n.; Graa, 65 n.; Camera, John de, 220 n.; John le, 325 n.; Tho., 325 n.; Will., Fairfax, Will., 99 n.; Fleming, Geo. 325 n.; Graham, John de, 220 n.; le, 379 n.; Walt. le, 379 n.; Gower, Hewley, Sir John, 230 n.; Louth, Simon, 325 n.; Walt., 325 n.; Graa, John de, 65 n.; Ric. de, 65 n.; PonteWill., 325 n.; Grantham, John de, fracto, Tho. de, 28 n.; Sezevaux, 220 n.; Harum, Rob. de, 116 n.; John de, 274 n.; Nic. de, 274 n. Langton, John de, 273 n.; Nic. de, -, recorder of, Fairfax, Sir Guy, 273 n.; Louth, Lutha, Luda, Gilb. 27 n. de, 65 n.; Jeremy de, 65n.; John -, St. Crux, rector of, Wyclif, Rob. de, 65 n.; Rob. de, 65 n.; Palmer, de, 273 n., 430. Tho., 65 n.; Sampson, Alan, 218 n.; —, St. Leonard's Hospital, master of, Math., 218 n.; Selby, John de, Langton, Walt. de, 268 n. 346 n.; Slechte, Alan, 271 n.; Will., -, seneschal of St. Peter of, Ponte271 n.; Tuler, Tyler, Steph. le, 64 n.; fract, Rob. de, 28 n. Verdinel,,Adam, 270n.; John, 270.;, sheriff of, Bolton, John de, Rob., 270 n.; Vincent, 270 n.; Wate- 258 n.; Gray, Rob., 325 n.; Tho., by, Ric. de, 20 n. 325 n.; Louth, John de, 65 n.; Ric. -, canon of, Bridlington, Rob. de, de, 65 n. 429 n.; Dene, Peter de, 407 n.; York,-see Ebor. Drokenesford, Joh. de, 268 n.; Eadburbyri, Tho. de, 268 n.; Langton, Walt. de, 268 n.; Luda, Will. de, Z 65 n.; Markenfield, John de, 255 n.; Mauley, Steph. de, 134 n.; Sampson, Zouche, Zuche, Zusche, Elienora de v. Tho., 218n. la, 42, 43; Eudo la, 16n., 43 n.; --, chamberlain of, Bolton, John de, Milisent la, 43 n.; Will. la, 16 n.;258 n.; Gower, Simon, 325 n.; Walt., see Ebor. archiep. 325 n.; Gray, Rob., 325 n.; Tho., INDEX LOCORUM. I. N.B.-This Index contains the names of such Yorkshire vills only as are mentioned in the text. The names of places in other counties, and also of those in Yorkshire not given here, will be found in Index II. The places to which an asterisk is prefixed are not surveyed in Kirkby's Inquest. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. *Aberford, Abberford, Abirford, Aberford, 204. 36 n., 208 n., 210 n., 287, 348, 418. Acastra, Acastre, 47, 79 b, Acastre Malebis, Malbys, Malebys, Acaster Malbis, 191. 82 b. 23, 116 n., 135 n., 217, 289, 343. Acastra, Acastre, 31, 47, 62, Acastre Selby, Seleby, 23, 223, 291, Acaster Selby, 206. 68, 82 b. 343. Aclun, 19 b, 68, 87. Acclom, Ackelom, Aiclom, Akelom, Acklam (E.R.), 142. 72, 269 n., 20, 315. Achelum, Aclum, Aclun, Acclom, Acclum, Ackelom, Aclam, Acklam (.R.), 16. Laclum, 5 b, 15, 46 b, 70 b, 124, 127, 132, 235, 236, 329. 71,84. Aitone, 39 b, 82. *Ayketon, Dyketon, 228, 292, 352. Ackton, 249. Aceuurde, 37 b, 82. *Acworth, 364. Ackworth, 249. Achum, Acum, Acun, 12, *Acum, 368. Acomb, 174. 66 b, 82 b. Odingehem, Odingehen, Adingham, 13, 191, 357. Addingham, 168. (Edidham, 8?,) 8 b, 83 b. Adele, 20, 81. Adell, Adle, Adlekyrk, Aldewik, 40, Addle, 203. 41, 208, 348. Adelingesfluet, 57, 82. *Adthelingflet, 363. Adlingfleet, 253. Adeuuic, Hadeuuic, 43 b, *Addewyk, 365. Adwick-upon-Dearne, 283, 81 b. 284. Adeuuic, Adeuuinc, Hade- *Adwyk, Athewik, Athewyk, 232, Adwick-le-Street, 276. uuic, 21 b, 45, 78 b, 81 b. 283,366. Aculestorp, 28, 85 b. Akelthorpe, 155. Agglethorpe, 68, 84. Ach, 10 b, 18 b, 86 b. Ak, Ake, Ayk, 79, 83 n., 241, 388, Aike, 196. 407, 419. Endrebi, 26, 85 b. Anderby, Aynderby, 149, 337. Ainderby Myers, 69. Aiendrebi, Andrebi, 31, 85 b. Aynderby, 183, 339. Ainderby Qwernhowe, 86. Andrebi, Eindrebi, 3, 25, Aynderby Fourneux, Aynderby- Ainderby Steeple, 70. 85 b. wyth-Stepil, 176, 334, 427 n. Ermenia, Ermenie, 56 b, 81 b. *Ayremyn, 367. Airmyn, or Armin, 237. Arsum, 124, 127, 131, 136, 235. Airsholme, or Ayresome, 6. Airtone, 69. Ayerton, Ayreton, Ayrton, 15, 189, Airton, 150. 190, 356. Echescol, 29 b, 85 b. Ayscough, Discogh, 161, 356. Aiskew, 70. 488 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Asuluebi, Asuluesby, 15 b, Aselby, Asilaby,Asillaby, 128, 236, Aislaby (par. Whithy), 32. 84. 330. Aslachebi, Aslachesbi, 5 b, Aslacby, Aslakeby, Ayeslaby, 142, Aislaby (. Middleton), 91. 84 b. 239, 240, 326. Asmundrebi, Hashundebi, Asmunderby, 47, 204, 294, 435 n. Aismunderby, 119. 12 b, 49, 83. *Aketon, Haketon, 203, 293. Aketon, 171. *Albeholm, Abholm, 213, 384 n. Albeholme (site of), 220. Burc, Burg, 4 b, 8, 58 b, 62, *Aldeburgh, Vetus Burgh, 211, Aldborough (W. R.), 138. 64, 83. 353. Aldenburg, 53, 87 b. Aldeburgh, Audeburgh, 74, 243 n., Aldbrough (E.R.), 213. 304. Aldeburne, 24, 85 b. Aldeburgh, 169, 334. Aldbrough (N.R.), 25. Aldefeld, Aldefelt, 8, 12 b, Aldfeld, Aldefeld, 46, 204, 294. Aldfield, 118. 65 b, 83. Alderais, Aldergee, Alderghes, Aldereyes, Halderghes, 80. Adeuuerca, Aldeuuerc, 17 b, *Aldewark, 324. Aldwark, 139. 85. Alurestain,Alurestan, Alues- Allerstane, Alistan, 147, 326. Allerston, 92. tune, 3 b, 5 b, 84 b. Erleuestorp, Herleuestorp, *Arthethorp, 339. Allerthorpe (N.R.), 86. 31, 85 b. Aluuarestorp, 4, 86 b. *Averthorp, 309. Allerthorpe (E.R.), 193. Alretone, Alretune, 41, 41 b, Allerton, 226, 361. Allerton (p. Bradford), 216. 82b. Alretune, 35, 81. Alirton, Allerton, Alverton, juxta Allerton Bywater, 234. aquam, 35, 208, 286, 348. *Akerton Chapel, 348. Allerton (Chapel), 203. Alretun 35b 81 J Allerton, Allerton Gledhowe, Al- Allerton Gledhow, 203. Airen ^ 3S I.lirton Gledhou, Gledhawe Allerton, 34, 208, 286. Aluretone, Alvertone, 8, 65, Allirton, Alverton, 33, 46, 206, Allerton Mauleverer, 155. 66 b, 83. 295, 350. Almaneberie, 40, 82. *Almanbury, 351. Almondbury, 260. Alne, 11 b, 85. *Alen, Alne, 107 n., 368. Alne, 139. Altoftes, Alcotes, 33, 351. Altofts, 234. Aluuoldebi, Aluuoldelei, 7 b, Alwadlay, Alwaldley, Alwaldeley, Alwoodley, 203. 81. 41,209,287. Aimundrebi, Edmundrebia, Aymunderby, Eymunderby, 110, Amotherby, 123, 124. 60 b, 70b. 112, 115, 321. Ambreforde, Ampreforde, Ampelford, Ampilford, 106, 110, Ampleforth, 105. 11 b, 59 b, 84 b. 114, 115, 123, 321, 332. Unlouebi, Umlouebi, 7,17 b, Anlageby, Anlaghby, Anlagheby, Anlaby, 239. 55 b, 58, 66 b, 86. Anerloby, Anlonby, 80, 262, 308, 318. West Appilgarth, 172. Applegarth (West), 38. Apelton, Magna Appilton, 149,337, Appleton (East), 54. Apelton, Apleton, 26 b, 367. 70 b, 85 b. Apelton, Parva Appilton, 149, 337, Appleton (West), 54.. 367. Apeltun, 84 b. Appiltun, 123. Appleton-le-Moor, 74. Apeltun, Apletun, 6, 84 b. Apelton, Apilton, Appelton, Appil- Appleton-le-Street, 123. ton, Appylton, 110,111,112, 115, 257 n., 321. *Apelton super Querfe, 218 n., Appleton (Nun), 205. 367. INDEX LOCORUM I. 489 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Apletone, 63, 79, 82 b. Apelton, Appelton, Appylton, 29, Appleton Roebuck, 190. 217, 289, 343. Apletrewic, 68 b. Appletrewick, Appletrewik, Apel- Appletreewick, 151. trewyk, Appiltrewik, 15, 145 n., 191, 195, 196, 357. Erdeslau, Erdeslauue, 40b, Ardeslawe, Erdeslawe, Erdeslowe, Ardsley (East or West), 82 b. Herdelaw, 30, 225, 280, 361. 232, 233. *Herdeslai, 364. Ardsley (p. Darfield), 275. Archedene, Arghendene, 8, *Erkenden, Herkenden, Brikenden, Arkendale, 138, 155. 62, 83. 205, 353. Archesei, Archeseia, 44 b, Arkesey, Arksesay, 6, 9, 232, 283 n. Arksey, 277. 82. Ermelai, 40 b, 82 b. Armelay, Est Armelay, 38, 224, Armley, 217, 218. 279. Einuluestorp, Ernulfestorp, Arenthorp, Arnethorp, 2, 231, 358. Armthorpe, 277. 66, 81 b. Arneclif, 69b. Arncliff, Arnecliff, Arneclyfe, 20, Arncliffe (W.R.), 115. 202, 355. Ernecliue, Gerneclif, Lerne- Arnecliff, Erenclive, 136. Arneliffe (N.R.), 41. cliff, 6 b, 70 b, 85. Erneforde, 69. *Arneford, 202. Arnford, 149. Arnestorp, 52 b, 87 b. Arnale, Arnall, Arnhall, 74, 243 n., Arnold, 211. 303, 372. Arnald-Byging, 19. Arnolds Biggin, 166. Argun, 54, 87 b. Erghum, 75, 246 n., 372. Arram, 180. *Erghes, Herghes, 80 n., 308. Arras, 209. Erethorne, Herghethorp, 161, 337. Arrathorne, 54. Ardinton, Hardinctone, 20, Arthington, Arthyngton, 40, 41, Arthington, 187, 188. 81. 208, 287, 347. Estanesbi, 51 b. Ayscenby, Escanby, 184, 338. Asenby, 103. Hase, Hasse, 26, 85 b. Ask, 171, 334. Aske, 39. Ascam, 31, 79 b, 82 b. Ascam Bryan, Askam, Askham, Askham Brian, 173. Brian, 26, 218 n., 222, 343. Ascam, 63 b, 79, 82 b. West Ascam, Askam, Askham, 26, Askham Richard, 190. 219, 290, 343. Ascric, 27, 85 b. Askrigg, Askerigg, 149, 338. Askrigg, 66. Ascuid, 34, 49, 65 b, 83. Ascwyth, Askwith, Askewith, 44, Askwith, 169. 203, 293, 349. Aschilebi, 14, 86. Askelby, 70, 316. Asselby, 237. Estone, 21 b, 47 b, 81 b. Aston, 6, 9, 230, 281, 358, 394 n. Aston, 295. *Atelou, Atlowe-Couton, 165n.,335. Atley Hill (?), 40. Attigwyk, Attingwik, Attyngwyk, Atwick, 180. 74, 75 n., 243 n., 303, 372. Eleburne, 7, 86 b. Album, Alburne, 59, 249, 312. Auburn, 146. Alchelie, Alcheslei, 20 b, *Alkley, Alkeley, 7 n., 358. Auckley, 285. 81 b. Actun, 18, 18 b, 77 b, 86. Acton, Aghton, 84, 253, 309. Aughton, 207. Ossetorp, 35, 81. Austhorp, Hausthorp, Ousthorp, 36, Austhorpe, 219. 208, 227, 287, 348. Ousteuuic, 8 b. *Austwik, Oustewyk, 278, 362. Austwick, 113. Echescard, 27 b, 85 b. Aykescarth, Aykscharch, 150, 338. Aysgarth, 67. Atun, Atune, 33 b, 51, 84 b. Aton, 138, 144, 145, 146, 239, 240, Ayton (East), 93. 326. Atune, alia Atune, 3, 84 b. Aton, 138, 146, 326. Ayton (West), 93. Atun, 5, 16, 46, 84. Ayton, Magna Aton, Ayton, 126, Ayton (Great), 29. 129, 134, 136 n., 237, 329. alia Atun, 5 b, 46, 84. Parva Aton, Ayton, 124, 126, 135. Ayton (Little), 29. 490 INDEX LOCORUM 1. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Aserla, Asserle, Haserlai, 65, Aserley, Azerlawe, Azerlay, 46, 205, Azerley, 101. 66 b, 70, 83. 294. Babetorp, 14, 86. Babthorp, Babethorp, 60, 67, 242. Babthorpe, 222. Badesuurde, Badesuuorde, *Badesworth, 363. Badsworth, 263. 37, 82. Bagebi, Baghebi, 59 b. Bageby, Baggeby, 93, 99, 322, 332. Bagby, 88, 104. Bagotby, Baggotby, 91. Baggaby Bottom, 177. Beldone, Beldune, 12, 62, Baildon, Bailledon, Bayldon, 37, Baildon, 201. 81. 44 n., 209, 287 n., 347, 406, 407. Baynbrigg, Baynebrig, 148, 338. Bainbridge, 66. Bagenton, Bagentone, 19, Baynton, 82, 256, 307. Bainton, 178. 61, 86b. Baldrebi, 31, 85 b. Balderby, 183 n., 185, 186. Baldersby, 102. Balkholm, 70, 316. Balkholm, 238. Bernedan, 28 b, 85 b. Berdene, 159. Barden, 53. Berdese, Bereleseie, 7 b, 81. Bardesay, Bardesey, Berdesay, Bardsey, 188. Berdesey, Berdsay, 31 n., 38 n., 39, 41, 209. Bereford, 23, 85 b. Berford, Berforth super Tese, 168, Barforth, 13. 334. Berg, 38 b, 82. *Bergh, 363. Bargh, or Barugh, 274. Barchestun, 36, 81 b. Barkeston, 48, 214, 284, 346, 384, Barkston, 205. 419. Bardulbi, 14, 56 b, 86. Bardelby, Barthelby, Barthilby, 60, Barlby, 221. 68, 242, 316. Berlai, 56 b, 81 b. *Berley, 50 n., 344. Barlow, 236. Barnebi, 14, 86. Barneby, 70, 316. Barmby-on-the-Marsh, 237. Barnebi, Bernebi, 4, 10b, Barmeby, Barneby, 92, 368. Barmby-on-the-Moor, 176. 86b. Benestone, Benestun, 53 b, Berneston, 77, 244 n., 302, 373. Barmston, 163. 87b. Bernodebi, 16, 84. Barnalby, Barnaldeby, Bernaldby, Barnaby, 17. 132, 136, 238. Barneburg, Berneborc, Barneburg, Barneburgh, 3, 365. Barnbrough, 276, 284. Berneburg, 43 b, 47 b, 78 b, 81 b. *Barneby, Beghby, 214, 285. Barnebi, 84. Barneby, Barntby, 125, 237, 328. Barnby (East and West), 31 Barnebi, 60 b. *Barnbye, Barneby, 325, 381. Barnby (House, p. Bossall) 158. Barnebi, 20 b, 38, 44 b, 48, Barneby, Barneby super Don, 5, 8, Barnby-upon-Don, 265, 277 81 b. 10 n., 232, 283, 359. Berningham, 23, 85 b. Berningham,Bernyngham, 166,333. Barningham, 24. Berneslai, 39, 82. *Berneslai, 364. Barnsley, 274. Berghebi, 49, 62 b, 83. *Berghby, 205, 294. Barrowby, 188. Barchetorp, Barchertorp,19, Barkethorp, 71, 269, 315. Barthorpe, or Barthorpe Bot. 64 b, 87. toms, 159. Barkedale, Berkildale, 54, 249, 311. Bartindale (Farm), 127. Barton, 23, 85 b. Barton, 179, 335. Barton, 25. Bartone, Bartun, 16 b, 84 b. Barton, 110, 112, 115, 321. Barton-le-Street, 106, 123. Bartun, 17 b, 85. *Barton, 325, 381. Barton-le-Willows, 141. Berg, 6, 11, 84 b. Magna Berg, Bergh, 111, 122, 123, Barugh (Great), 106, 107. 320. alia Berg, 6, 11, 84 b. Parva Berg, Bergh, 111, 122, 123, Barugh (Little), 107. 320. Bereuuit, Bereuuith, 35, 81. Barwyk, Berwik, Berwyk, Berne- Barwick-in-Elmet, 204. vill, 31 n., 38, 210, 288, 348. INDEX LOCORUM I. 491 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Bereuuic, 15, 84. Barwick, Berewyk, Berwyck juxta Barwick-on-Tees, or Barwick Tees, 124, 127, 135, 235, 330. Ingleby, 15. Baschelf, 69 b. Bacsolve, Bakescolf, 17, 354. Bashall, 182. Bateleia, Bathelie, 41 b, 82 b. Batelay, Bateley, Gateley, 30, 224, Batley, 232. 225, 279, 280, 360. Badresbi, 5 b, 84. Badersby, Batherby, Batheresby, Battersby, 29. Bathersby, 124, 133, 237, 328. Badresbi, 696b. Batersby, 16. Battrix, 164. *Bautre, Gauere, 358. Bawtry, 291. Bachesbi, Baschebi, Basches- Baxseby, 93, 94. Baxby, 104. bi, 11, 59 b, 85. Bodlun, 17, 84 b. Bodelum,Bodlum,Boldlum,Bolum, Beadlam, 89, 90. Botholom, 110, 113, 115, 116n.., 320. Begale, 37 b, 82. *Beghall, 363. Beal, 235. Bedmeslei, Bedmesleia, Be- Bethemeslai, Bethemeslei, Bethe- Beamsley, 169. meslai, Bomeslai, 8, 8 b, mesley, Bethernsley, 44, 203, 58 b, 62 b, 83, 83 b. 293, 349. Bechaye, Beckhawe, Bekehagh, Becca (Hall), 204. Bekehaith, Bekhagh, 36,208, 287, Bedale, 29 b, 85 b. Bedale, 154, 161 n., 162, 336. Bedale, 69, 70. Biuuorde, 53 b, 87 b. Beford, Beforde, 74,243 n., 303, 373. Beeford, 179. Bestone, 41, 82 b. Beston, Bestone, Bieston, 30, 227, Beeston, 218. 280, 360. Belebi, 4, 86 b. *Beleby, 310. Beilby, 193. Ballebi, Bellebi, 7, 14, 77, Belby, Beleby, 70, 316. Belby, 238. 77 b, 86. Belasis, Belasys, Belassis, 70, 241 n., Bellasize, 238. 242, 316. Belgebi, 28 b, 85 b. *Bellerby, 337. Bellerby, 53, 68. Bentone, 19, 86 b. Bempton, Bemton, Compton, 54, Bempton, 128. 249, 313. Berneheld, Bernehelt (?), 14, Benetland, 70, 316. Bennetland, 238. 86. Benicol, Benincol, 53, 87 b. Belingholm, Benyghome, Benyng- Benningholme, 211. holm, 74, 116 n., 305, 373. Benetain, 8 b. *Bentham, Benton, Dentor, 278, Bentham, 112. 362. 3enedleia, Beneslaie, Benes- Bentley, Bentelay, Benteley, 3, 12, Bentley (W.R.), 276, 277. lei, 21 b, 45, 82. 232, 283, 366. Benedlage, 13 b, 15 b, 86. *Benteley, Bentele, 91 n., 262, 308. Bentley (E.R.), 225. Berewic, 13. Berwick (E. and W.), 168. Basingebi, Basinghebi, 4, Besingby, Besyngby, 59, 312. Bessingby, 146. 86b. Baseuuic, Basewic, 4, 18 b, Besewik, Besewyk, Bessewyke, 83, Beswick, 195. 86 b. 259, 307. Beureli, 13, 13 b, 77, 77 b. *Beverlacum, 318, 386 n., 401, 405, Beverley, 210, 211. 410, 411, 416, 419, 423, —see Index II. Begun, 54, 87 b. Beghum, Beyom, 74, 243 n., 303, Bewholme, 180. 372. 3iuinch, Biuuich, 53, 87 b. Bewyk, 75, 244 n., 371, 413. Bewick, 212. Bichretone, 65 b, 82 b. Bikerton, Bykerton, Bykyrton, 25, Bickerton, 172. 208 n., 220, 342. *Byrley, 360. Bierley (East), 217. Birle, 41, 82 b. North Birel, Nortlibirle, Nort Vile, Biercey (North), 216, 217. North Byrill, 30, 225, 279, 360. 492 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Mileburg, 59, 82 b. Bilburgh, Byleburgh, 26, 219, 290, Bilbrough, 190. 343. Bilam, Bileham,Bilham,20b. Bilham, Billam, Billeham, Bylle- Bilham, 276. 43 b, 47 b, 81 b. ham, 4, 8, 231, 282. Bilingelei, Bilingeleia, Bi- Bilingley, Billingley, 4, 366. Billingley, 275. lingelie, 44, 66, 87 b. Bildesdale, Billesdale, Byldesdale, Bilsdale, 73. 111, 118, 121, 131 n., 320. Biletone, 63, 82 b. Bilton, 25, 29n., 220, 290, 342, Bilton (Ainsty), 173. 343 n. Bileton, Biletone, Billetone, *Bilton, 243 n., 373. Bilton (E.R.), 227. 13 b, 54 b, 87 b. Bingelei, Bingheleia, 62, 81. Bingley, Bingeley, Byngley, Bynge- Bingley, 201. ley, 42, 43, 209, 287, 347. Bigneton, Binneton, 19, 87. Beniton, Benyngton, 51, 312. Binnington, 109. Berceuuorde, 39, 82. *Bircheworth, Artheworth, 364. Birchworth (Ing?), 273. Brudford, Brudeford, 93, 94, 323. Birdforth, 104. Briteshala, Briteshale, 11,19, Briddesale, Briddesalle, Briddessale, Birdsall, 142. 67, 87. Briddesdale, Brideshale, Bryddeshalle, 71, 72, 271, 314, 401, 404. Bretebi, 3, 85. Bertby, Breteby, Bretteby, 99, 341. Birkby, 40. Birkhou, Birkou, 183 n., 185. Berchige, Berchine, Berch- Birkyn, Byrkyn, 49, 50, 344, 427 n. Birkin, 235. inge, 36, 78, 81 b. Torp, 47, 59, 82 b. Thorp, Thorp Andrewe, Thorpjuxta Bishopthorpe, 191. v. prope Ebor., Bischopthorp, 23, 217, 343, 400, 401, 402, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415,416,417, 418, 420, 421, 427, 429, 430, 441. *Bushopton, 435. Bishopton, 119. Blaketoft, 70, 316. Blacktoft, 238. *Bloberhous, 425. Blubberhouses, 152. Bolron, Belerom, 164, 333. Boldron, 12. Boltebi, 60. Boltby, Bolteby, 93, 97, 281 n., Boltby, 88. 322. Bodeltone, 41, 82 b. *Bolton, Boulton, 227, 361. Bolton (par. Bradford), 201 Bodelton, 10 b, 66 b, 86 b. Boulton, Bolton juxta Wylton, 78, Bolton (E.R.), 176. 257 n., 259, 310, 390, 399, 402, 408, 412. Bodeltone, 49 b. Boulton, 198, 354. Bolton-by-Bowland, 165. Bodeltone, Bodetone, 44, 48, Bolton, Boulton, 6, 10, 230, 232, Bolton-upon-Dearne, 283. 81 b. 281 n., 283, 359. Badetone, Bodeltune, Bode- Bolton, Boulton, 10n., 24, 25., Bolton Percy, 205. tone, 48 b, 79, 79 b, 82 b. 218, 254 n., 289, 343. Parva Bolton, 150. Bolton (Castle), 67. Bodelton, 27 b, 85 b. Est Bolton, 152. Bolton (Low), 67. alia Bodelton, 27 b, 85 b. West Bolton, 170. Bolton (West), 67. Boulton in Wendesdale, 337. Boletone, 24 b, 85 b. Bolton, 174, 180, 335. Bolton-upon-Swale, 54. *Bondgate, Bondegate, 419, 435, Bondgate, 119. 436 n. Bonewyk, Bonnewik, Bonniwyk, Bonwick, 180. 76, 303, 372. Bordalebi, Bordelbia, Bord- Bordeby, Bordelby prope Cleave- Site of Mount Grace priory. lebi, 6 b, 70 b, 85. land, Borelby, Beresby, Derelby, 56. Torowby, 99, 259 n., 322. *Pons Burgi, 353. Boroughbridge, 138. INDEX LOCORUM T. 493 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Bergebi, 3, 85. Bergeby, Bereby, Bereheby, Ber- Borrowby (par. Leake), 71. heby, Kereby (?), 93, 97, 100, 160 n., 322, 340. Bergebi, Bergesbi, 15 b, 84. *Berkby, Berubi, 237, 328. Borrowby (par. Lythe), 19. Boscele, Bosciale, 60 b, 85. *Bossale, Bossall, Cossale, 325, 381. Bossall, 158. Bolebi, Bollebi, 5, 15, 84. Bolby, Bolbye, Boleby, Bolleby, 125, Boulby, 19. 127, 128, 132 n., 235. Bowes, Boghes, 164, 180 n., 333. Bowes, 12. Bollinc, 41, 82 b. Bolling, Bollyng, 30, 226, 361. Bowling, 216, 217. Boletorp, 86. Bolthorp, Bolethorp, 60, 67, 241, Bowthorpe, 222. 317. Bouinton,Bouintone,Bouin- Bouyngton, Bovington, Bovyngton, Boynton, 127, 145, 146. torp, 4, 7, 19, 86 b. Boynton, 55, 77, 244 n., 249, 311, 377. Buitorp, 4 b, 87. Boythorp, Boithorp, 53, 249, 311. Boythorpe, 126. Braisuelle, 69. Bracewell, Braicewell, Braycewell, Bracewell, 166. 15, 192, 193, 356. Brachen, 86 b. *Bracken, Braken, 257, 307. Bracken, 178. Bracheneholm, 86. Brakanholm, Brakenholm, 60, 67, Brackenholme, 222. 242, 317. Bradefeld, Brudfeld, 3, 358. Bradfield, 287. Bradeford, 41, 82 b. *Bradford, 30 n., 361. Bradford, 216, 217. Bradeforde, 69 b. Bradford, Bradeford, 17, 354. Bradford (West), 182. Bradelei, 8. Bradeley, Bradeley cum altero Bradleys (Both), 168. Bradeley, 14, 193, 194, 195, 357. Bradfortune, Bratfortone, Braferton, Brafferton, 108, 324, 379. Brafferton, 120. Bratfortune, 6 b, 17 b,65 b, 85. Litelbram, Litelbran, 62 b, 83. 83.ichelbram, Michebran, Braham Brame 45, 205 294 349. Braham 171. Michelbram, Michelbran, 49 b, 59, 62 b, 83. J *Braithwait (Feriby cum), 263. Bradeuuelle, 47 b, 48, 81 b. *Braythewell, 359. Braithwell, 290. Braham, Brameham, Bram- Bramham, 50, 214, 284, 345, 439. Bramham, 189. ham, 20, 78, 81. Brahop, Bramhop, 58 b, 81. Bramhop, Bramphop, 31 n., 37, 344. Bramhope, 187. Brameieia, 41, 82 b. Bramlay, Bramley, Bramelay, 30, Bramley, 202, 217. 224, 360. Bramelei, 47 b. *Bramlay, Bramley, 231,282 n., 359. Bramley (Chapel), 290. Brantone, 66, 81 b. Brampton juxta Wath, 7, 230, 281, Brampton Byerlaw, 283. 366. Brantone, 21 b, 81 b. Brampton, Brampton in Morthyng, Brampton -en -le-Morthing, 6, 9, 359. 296. Branuuet, Branuuat, 44 b, *Brampwyth, 364. Bramwith (Kirk), 265. 81 b. Brantisburtone, Brantisbur- Brandesburton, 74, 303, 373. Bransburton, 196. tune, Branzbortune, 13 b, 79 b, 87 b. Branzbi, 60 b. Brandsby, Brandesby, 108, 324, 379. Bransby, 122. Bredingham, Brendingham, Brantingham, Brantyngham, Bran- Brantingham, 224, 238 A. Brentingham, Breting- tyngton, Brentingham, 88, 263, ham, 14, 18, 70, 77, 86. 309, 317, 415. Brantona, Brantone, Bran- Brampton, Branton, 45, 46, 206, Branton Green, 138. tune, Branstone, 8, 22, 70, 295. 83b. Bragebi, 11, 84 b. Braueby, Barneby, Bayby, 123,368. Brawby, 106. 494 INDEX LOCORUM 1. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. *Bracwharth, 340. Brawith, 71. Brathwaith, Braithewaithe, 130. Braworth (Farm), 28. Breitan, Bretone, 36, 81 b. *Braiton, Braton, Brayton, 50 n., Brayton, 221. 214, 285, 344, 403 n. Baretone, Braretone, 5, 83. *Brereton, 353. Brearton, 137. Bracheberc, 17 b, 85. Brakenbergh, Brakinberg, 93, 323. Brechenbrough, 87. Bricstune, Briston, Bristun, *Brighton, 82 n., 251, 309. Breighton, 222. 55 b, 58, 86. Brentuth (?), 82. Bretanby, 179, 335. Brettanby, 25. *Bretton, 364. Bretton (Monk), 274. Bretone, Brettone, 4 b, 39 b, West Bireton, Bretton, Burton, 352, Bretton (West), 262. 82, 82 b. 363. Bretlinton, 4, 7, 19, 86 b. Bridlington, Bridelyngton, 55, 249, Bridlington, 146. 311. Breselai, Breselie, 38, 82. *Brerelay, 364. Brierley, 263. Bringeham, 19, 87. Brigham, Brygham, 57, 58 n., 249, Brigham, 179. 312, 313 n. Bringhale, Bringhenale, 23, Brigenale, Briggenhale, 164, 333. Brignall, 12, 13. 85 b. *Brend, Brund, 82 n., 251, 309. Brind, 222. Brinesford, 43 b, 48, 81 b. Brineford, Brinford, Brinsford, Brinsworth, 295. Braynesford, 6, 230, 281, 358. Brochesuuorde,Brodesuurde, Broddesword, Brodesworth, 9,232n., Brodsworth, 276. Brodesworde, 21, 44 b, 45, 233, 359. 81 b. Bruntone, Bruntune, 14 b, Brumpton, 101, 340. Brompton (Allertonsh.), 56. 85. Bruntun, Bruntune, 3 b, 5 b, Brompton, Brumpton, 141, 144, Brompton (PickceringLythe), 33 b, 84 b. 146 n., 147, 239, 240, 326. 92, 93. Bruntone, 30, 85 b. Patrik Brompton, Burton Patrik, Brompton (Patrick), 69. 159, 337. Bruneton, Brunetone, 4b, 87. Brumpton, Poterbrurnton, 51, 312. Brompton (Potter), 109. Brompton-brigg, Brumpton super Brompton-upon-Swale, 39. Swale, 174, 335. *Brotherton, Broyerton, 50 n., 345, Brotherton, 235. 393 n., 411. Broctune, Brotune, 16, 84. Brotton, Broghton, 125, 134, 235, Brotton, 8. 328. Borc, Burg, 26 b, 85 b. Burgh, 162, 336. Brough (N.R.), 54. Broctune, 69. Broghton, Broython, 15, 16, 191, Broughton (W.R.), 167. 194, 196, 356. Broctun, Broctune, Brostone, Brocton, 110, 111, 112, 115. Broughton (Ryedale), 124. 6, 33 b, 60 b, 84 b. Broctun, Magna Broctun, Magna Broughton, Broghton, Broughton (Great), 28, 42. alia Broctun, 5 b, 16 b, 84. Browchton, Broxton, 124, 126, 129, 137, 237, 328. Broctun, Broctune, 67 b, 84. Parva Broughton, Brocton, Brogh- Broughton (Little), 42. ton, Browghton, Broxton, 124, 133, 136, 137 n., 237, 330. Brecca, Breche, 15, 84. *Brokesey, 327. Broxa, 77. Bubuid, 58, 86. Bubwith, Bubwyth, 80, 309. Bubwith, 207. Buckeden, Bukeden, 19, 202, 355. Buckden, 98. Bocheton, Bochetone, 4, 19, Bucketon, Bucton, Buketon, 54, Buckton, 128. 34, 61 b, 87. 249, 313. Buchetorp,Bugetorp, Bughe- Bugthorp, Buggethorp, 71, 134 n., Buigthorpe, 159. torp, 11, 64 b, 87. 269, 315. INDEX LOCORUM I. 495 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Bulford, Bulforth, Balford, 110, 120. Bolemere, Boleber, 17, 84 b. Bulmer, Bulemer, 99 n., 108, 129 n., Bulmer, 141. 324, 378. Bredale, Breddale, Bredhalle, *Briddale, 271, 315. Burdale, 143. 7, 61 b, 87. Burg, 36 b, 82. *Burgh, Burgh Waleis, 25 n., 50 n., Burgh Waleys, or Burgh342 n., 345 n., 350 n., 363. wallis, 264. Birland, 77 b, 86. Birland, 70, 316. Burland, 223. Burgelei, Burghelai, 12, 81. Burgelay, Burghley, Burghle, Bur- Burley, 186. lay, Burley in Wherledall, 37, 209, 288, 347, 389, 398, 400, 405, 406, 416, 420, 428. Birn, Burne, Byrn, 48, 214, 284, Burn, 236. 345, 399, 403, 412, 421, 440, 441. Brunebi, 4, 9 b, 46, 50, 86 b. Brumeby, Bruneby, Brunneby, Burnby, 193. Brunesby, 78, 81, 255, 310, 390, 403 n., 404, 410, 416. Brennigston, 31, 85 b. Brynyston, Grynyston, 181 n., 186, Burneston, 86. 367. Brinitun, Brinnistun, 3b, 84. Breniston, Briniston, Bryniston, Burniston, 77. 140, 144, 145, 146, 239. Brineshale, Brinshale, 64, Brinsall, Brynsall, 13, 189, 357. Burnsall, 134. 68 b. Borel, 29 b, 85 b. Borell, Burell, 162, 337. Burrill, 69. *Bursai, Bursey, 260, 309. Bursea, 223. Bristhyll la More, Brysthill Mora, Burshill, 196. 74, 373. Brocstewic, Brostewic, 52, Brustewyk, Brustwyk, 76, 247 n., Burstwick, 241. 87 b. 305. Bond Burstwyk, 376. Burtone, Burtun, 36, 81 b. *Burton juxta Birne, 50n., 403, Burton (Hall), 221. 415. Burton, Burtone, 4 b, 87. Burton Agnes, Annais, 58,249, 312. Burton Agnes, 145. Burton, Burtone, 13, 86 b. Burton, South Burton, Sudburtop, Burton (Bishop, or South), Burton juxta Beverlacum, 79, 210. 263, 308, 388, 389, 398, 401, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 412, 415, 416, 419, 420, 423. Burton, Burtone, 13, 19, 77, Burton, Hundberton, 86, 241, 310. Burton (Cherry, or North), 86 b. 210. Santriburtone, 13 b, 87 b. Burton Conestable, 77, 248, 304, Burton Constable, 212. 375, 437. Bertone, Bortone, 28 b, 85 b. Burton Constable, 156, 338. Burton (Constable), 68. Burton, Burtone, 7, 87. Burton Flemyng, Splenyng, 53, Burton Flemming, 127. 54 n., 311. Burton, Burtone, 29, 85 b. Burton super Yore, 153, 336. Burton (High), 85. Parva Burton, 153. Burton (Low), 85. Burton, Burtone, 4 b, 83. *Burton, Burdon Leonard, 211,295, Burton Leonard, 137. 353. Boretune (?), 8 b. *Burton in Lonesdale, 278 n., 362. Burton-in-Lonsdale, 112. Bortun, Bortune, 52, 87 b. *Pydese Burton, 304. Burton Pidsea, 228. Bretton, Braiton, Bretton juxta Burton Salmon, 235. Brotherton, 48, 213, 284, 345, 384, 403. Burton, 27 b, 85 b. Burton in Bischopdale, 151, 338. Burton (West), 67. Bertune, Bortun, 3, 84 b. Burton, Burton Dale, 139, 146, 147, Burton Dale, 93. 240. 496 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modem Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Bergetorp, Berguetorp, 7 b, *Berghthorp, 28 n. (?), 270. Burythorpe, 142. 34, 70, 87. Buschebi, 5 b, 46 b, 67 b, 70 b, Magna Buskeby, 124, 133, 237. Busby (Great), 42. 84. Buschebi, 67 b, 70 b, 84. Parva Buskeby, 124, 132, 133, 236, Busby (Little), 42. 237. Badetorpes (?-see Middle- Bustard Thorp, Thorp Bustard, 23, Bustardthorpe (site of), 174. thorpe). 27., 216, 289. Butecram, Butecrame, 60 b. *Buttercrame, Buttercramp, 325, Buttercrambe, 158. 381. Butruid, 87. Boturwyk, Butterwik, 54, 249, 311. Butterwick (E.R.), 126. Butruic, 60 b. Buterwyk, Butterwyk, 111, 118, Butterwick (N.R.), 106. 121, 320. Begeland, 46 b, 85. Bellaund, 106. Byland (Old), 88. Bylipton, Belipton, 56. Byrom, Byrum, 49, 50, 344, 383. Byram, 235. Catebi, 44, 64 b, 81 b. *Cateby, 231, 232 n., 282, 359. Cadeby, 284. Caldeber, 28, 85 b. Caldebergh, Caudeberg, 155, 338. Caldbergh, 84. Caldewelle, 24, 85 b. Caldewelle, 168. Caldwell, 13. Caltun, 69. Calton, 22, 190, 356. Calton, 150. Calverleia, Cauerlei, 41, 82 b. Calverlay, Calverley, 30, 33, 226, Calverley, 202. 280, 360. Camerinton, 52, 87 b. Catterington, Coverington, 75, Camerton, 241. 246 n., 376. Cansale, 36 b, 82. *Camesall, 363. Campsall, 264. Canteleia, Cantelie, 57, 81 b. Cantelay, Canteley, 5, 8, 231, 282. Cantley, 285. *Kaldecothes, 235. Cargo-Fleet, or Cleveland Port, 6. Cartun, Cartune, 23, 85 b. Kerkan, 168. Carkin, 25. *Carlinghou, Kerlinghowe, 224,279. Carlinghow, 232. Carletun, 66, 81 b. *Carleton, 50 n., 156 n., 215, 285, Carlton (par. Snaith), 236. 343 n., 344, 438. Carletun, Carletune, 46 b, 81. Carleton, 33, 42, 207, 286. Carlton (par. Guiseley), 187. Carlentone, 69. Carleton, 15, 201, 355. Carlton in Craven, 167. Carlentone, Carleton,38 b,82. *(arleton, 363. Carlton (par. Royston), 262. Carlentun, Carletun, 55,87 b. Carleton, 75, 244 n., 375. Carlton (Holderness), 212. Carleton, Carletun, 11 b, 85. *Carleton, 368. Carlton Husthwaite, 104. Carleton, 59 b. Carleton, Karlton, 93, 97 n., 98,323. Carlton Miniot, 87. Careltone, Careltun, 11 b, 85. *Carlton, Carleton, Karleton, 257 n., Carlton (Farm, par. Stock382. ton-on-the-Forest), 158. Cartun, 24, 85 b. Carleton, 169, 334. Carlton (par. Stanwiick), 25. Carletun, 16 b, 84. Carleton, Kerleton, 124, 126, 130, Carlton (Langbargh), 42. 131,137, 328. Carleton, 28, 85 b. Carleton, Carleton in Coverdale, Carlton in Coverdale, 83. 154, 338. Cherendebi, 67 b, 87. Kerneby, Kernetteby, 59, 249, 312. Carnaby, 146. Chirprebi, 27 b, 85 b. Kerperby, Kepperby, 154, 338. Carperby, 67. Caretorp, 30b, 85 b. Carethorp, Karethorp, 159 a., 181, Carthorpe, 86. 339. *Castelford, 363. Castleford, 234. Castelai, 8, 83. Castelay, Casteley, Castellay, 45, Castley, 187. 203, 293, 349. Catefos, Catefoss, 54, 79b, Catfose, Catefoss, 74, 243 n., 372. Catfoss, 197. 87 b. Cathwayte, 141, 142. Catala, Catale, 64, 83. Cathalle, Cathale, Magna Cathel, Cattal Magna, 172. 45, 205, 211, 295, 353. INDEX LOCORUM I. 497 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Catala, Cathale, 62, 83. *Cathale, Parva Cattell, 205, 294. Cattal (Little), 155. Catrice, 26, 85 b. Caterik, Catrik, Katerik, 148, 163, Catterick, 54. 338. Cadretone, 63, 78 b, 82 b. Catherton, Cathirton, Catherthorn, Catterton, 190. 26 n., 29, 64 n., 221, 290, 343. Catune, 51 b, 85. Catton, 93, 95, 323. Catton (N.R.), 103. Caton, Cattune, 15, 86 b. Catton, 86, 254, 310. Catton (E.R.), 175. Catingeuuic, Catinuuic, 13b, Catewyk, Cattewyk, Catwik, 74, 75, Catwick, 196. 54, 79 b, 87 b. 244 n., 304, 372. Caue, 46, 86. North Cave, 85, 88, 90, 92 n., 254 n., Cave (North), 224. 265,309,318. alia Caue, 10, 17 b, 46, 61, *Suth Cave, 264 n., 309. Cave (South), 224. 86. Cheuede, 14, 86. Caywyll, 70. Caville, 223. *Cawood, Cawod, Cawode, Kawod, Cawood, 206. 50 n., 345, 347 n., 393 n., 399, 400, 401, 405, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 424, 425, 428, 430, 438. Caltorn, Caltorne, 38 b, 82. *Calthorn, Salthorn, 363. Cawthorne (W.R.), 274. Caltorn, Caltorne, 5 b, 70 b, Calthorn, Calthorne, 143, 240. Cawthorne (N.R.), 75. 84 b. Caluetun, 16 b, 84 b. Calveton, 110, 116, 119, 321, 343 n. Cawton, 105. Caretorp, 7, 11, 87. Carethorp, Carthorp, 56, 77, 244 n., Caythorpe, 127, 145. 249, 311, 377. Caitun, Caitune, 5 b, 84 b. Cayton, Kayton, Kaynton, 139, Cayton, 94. 140, 144, 145, 146, 239, 326. Ceuet, 39, 82. *Chevet, 364..Chevet, 262. Clapeham, 8 b. *Clapham, 278, 362. Clapham, 113. Claretone, 4 b, 65, 83. Clarton, Clareton, Carlton, 46, 206, Clareton, 155. 295. Claxtorp, 6, 17, 85. *Claxton, 367. Claxton, 158. Claitone, 41, 82 b. *Clayton, Claiston, 227, 361. Clayton (p. Bradford), 216. Claitone, 21, 81 b. Clayton, Claiton, 4, 231, 281, 359. Clayton-in-the-Clay, 275. Claitone, Clactone, 38 b, *Claiton, 364. Clayton (West), 261. 39 b, 82. Clesbi, 24, 85 b. Cleseby, Clesby, 179, 334 n., 335. Cleasby, 14. Hetone, Hetun, 41 b,82 b(?). Claketon, Heton Clack, Heton Cleckheaton, 232. Flattes, 30, 224, 279, 361. Cliue, 23, 85 b. Clif, Cliffe super Tese, 164, 334. Cliff, 14. Clive, 18, 77 b, 86. Cliff, Clyff, 60, 68, 242, 316. Cliff (Long), 222. Cliue, 3, 18, 77, 86. { North Cliff, Clyffe, 260,264 n., 309. Cliff (North), 209. Suth Cliff, Clyff, 85, 90, 260, 264 n., Cliff (South), 209. 309. Cliford, 20, 81. Clifford, Clyfford, 50,214, 284, 380n. Clifford, 189. Cliftone, 41 h, 82 b. *Clefton, Eleston, 361. Clifton (p. Dewsbury), 231. Clifton, Cliftune, 47 b, 78 b. *Clyfton, 359. Clifton (par. Conisbro'), 290. Clifton, 29, 85 b. Clyfton, 153. Clifton-upon-Ure, 85. *Clynt, 353. Clint. 153. Cludun, 49, 83. *Clotherom, 331, 435. Clotherholme, 119. Cloctone, Cloctune, 3 b, 16 b, Clocton, Cloghton, 140, 141 n. Cloughton, 62. 51, 84. Cloubeck, Cloubek, 179, 334 n. Clowbeck, 25. West Cothum, Cotom, Cotum, Cot- Coatham (West), 7. tom, Cottum, 124, 129, 130, 134, 135, 136, 237. Corburne, 26 b, 85 b. Colburne, 161, 336. Colburn, 54. K K 498 INDEX LOCORUM, I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Coledun, 13 b, 87 b. Coldon, Couldon, Magna Coldon, Colden (Great), 212, 213. North Coldon, 77, 303, 389, 401, 409, 413, 416, 420. Coldun, 52 b, 87 b. Parva Coldon, 75, 243, 371. Colden Parva, 212, 213. Colingham, Collyngham, Colyng- Collinghamn, 189. ham, 31 n., 39, 41, 209, 348. Coletone, 63, 78 b, 82 b. Colton, 20 n., 24, 217, 289, 325 u., Colton (par. Bolton Percy), 343. 190. Coletun, Colletun, 35, 35 b, *Colton (Belton?), 210, 348. Colton (p. Whitlcirk), 218. 81. Coletun, Coltun, 6, 9 b, 17, Colton, 110, 113n., 116, 118, 119, Colton (N.R.), 105, 122. 60 b, 84 b. 321. *Conyngesthorp, 353. Coneythorpe, 155. Coningestorp, Coungestorp, Conysthorp, Conyngesthorp, 109, Coneysthorpe, 123. 17, 85. 324. Coningesbore, Coninges- Conyngesburg, Cunynggesburgh, 3, Conisborough, 284. burgh, Cuningesburg,47 b, 359. 78 b, 81 b. Coningesbi, 52 b, 87 b. Conigeston, Coningeton, Connyges- Coniston (par. Sioine), 227. ton, 75, 76, 244 n., 247 n. Coneghestone, Cuninges- Conyston, Coniston in Cravene, 16, Coniston (Cold), 155. tone, 8 b, 49 b, 69. 189, 202, 356. Cunestune, 68 b. Conyngston, Conigeston in Cotel- Coniston in Kettlewelldale, woldale, Conyston in Kettelwell- 116. dale, 14, 192, 357. Cutnelai, 8. Condeley, Coningley, 13, 189, 190. Cononley, 185. Copegraue, 62, 83. *Coppegrave, 205. Copgrove, 137. Copeman Torp, 62, 82 b. Coupmanthorp, 24, 223, 291, 343. Copmanthorpe, 191. Corlebroc, 17, 85. Cornburgh, Corneburgh, 107, 324, Cornbrough, 140. 379. *Cornesandes, 242. Codreston, Codrestune, 25 b, *Cutherston, 333. Cotherstone, 5. 85b. Cotes (?), 14, 86. Coteness, Coutenesse, 70, 316. Cotness, 238. Cottun, 11, 87 b. Cotum, 59, 341 n., 368. Cottain 144. Cotingham, 2, 61, 86. Cotingham, Cottingham, Cotyng- Cottingham, 225, 226. ham, 79, 87, 88, 262, 308, 389, 398, 399, 415. Cotinuui, Coteuuid, 56 b, OCotyngwyk, 367. Cottingwith (East), 192. 62 b, 86. Coteuuid, 18, 86. Cottingwith, Cottingwyth, 60, 61, Cottingwith(West), 192,207. 68, 319. Colebi, 15, 84. Colby, Colleby, 128, 236. Coulby, 16. Covreham, 28, 85 b. Coverham, 154, 338. Coverham, 68, 84. Cahosbi, 60. Couseby, Chouseby, 93, 96, 322. Cowesby, 72. Colnun, 7 b, 11, 34, 87 b. Collom, Collum, Cullum, 71, 272, Cowlanm, 144. 315, 401, 404. Torneton, 29 b, 85 b. Thornton Collynge, South Thorne- Cowling, 69. ton, 162, 337. Collingle, 69. Coiling, Collynge, 14, 191 n., 193, Cowling Hill, 184. 357. Coletorp, 48 b, 49 b, 83. Colthorp, 45, 203, 293, 349, 434 n. Cowthorpe, 172. Couton Magna, Mikel Couton, Tem- Cowton (East, or Long), 40. dun, 23, 85 b pie Couton, 165 n., 177, 335. Ctun Cdt, 23 856. North Couton, 177, 335. Cowton (North), 40. iCud'un, 2, 8. South Couton, 165 n., 177, 335. Cowton (South), 40. Atlowe-Couton, Athowcowton, 165. Atley Hill (?), 40. INDEX LOCORUM 1. 499 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Snrver. Cucvalt, 2, 59 b. Cokewald, Cukewald, 93, 94, 323. Coxwold, 104. Crackhou, Crakehowe, 15, 189, 357. Cracoe, 150. r Crachall, Magna Crakehall, 162, Crakehall (Great) 69. Crachele, 30, 85 b. { 337. Crachall, Parva Crakehall, 162, 337. Crakehall (Little), 69. Crecala, 51 b. *Crachale, Crakhale, 323. Crakehill, 103, 120. Crambom, Crambun, Cran- Crambham, Crambhom, Cramboum, Crambe, 141. bone, 6, 17 b, 70 b, 85. Crambum, 146, 324, 380. Cransuuic, Cranzvic, 4, 19, *Crauncewik, Crauncewyk, 259, Cranswick 178. 61, 86 b. 307. Cratorn, Cratorne, 5b, 16 b, Crathorne, Othorn, 124, 127, 135, Crathorne, 27. 70 b, 84. 136, 235, 329. *Credeling, 364. Cridling Stubbs, 250. Crigeston, Crigestone, 4b, *Crigheleston, 352. Crigglestone, 248. 82 b. Croft, Crofst, 24, 85 b. Croft, 178, 180, 218 n., 221 n., 335. Croft, 26. Scroftune, Scrotone, 39 b, *Crofton, Croffeton, 228, 292, 352. Crofton, 249. 82. Cogrun, Crogrum, Crogun, Croholm, Crohom, Crohum, Crom, Croom, 143. b, 11, 34, 77, 87 b. 73, 274, 315, 401, 404. Croptun, Croptune, 5 b, 84 b. Cropton, 142, 147, 239, 240, 326. Cropton, 75. Croisland, Crosland, 4 b, 40b, *Crosseland, 351. Crosland, 260. 82b. Crosthwayte, Crosthayte in Tesdal, Crosthwaite, 2. 165. Cuckewalde, 134. *Cutheworth, 363. Cudworth, 275. Cumbreuuorde, 4 b, 39 b, *Cumbrewode, 351. Cumberworth, 273. 82b. Cundel, 22, 83 b. Cundale, Gindale, 184, 339. Cundall, 120. Cudford, Cuford, 35, 81. *Cusseford, 287. Dal, 7, 46 b, 85. Dale, 93, 97 n., 98, 322. Dale Town, 72. Daltone, 40 b, 82. *Dalton, 351. Dalton (p. Kirk featon),246. Daltone, 47 b, 48 b, 81 b. Dalton, 6, 10 w., 230, 281, 359. Dalton (p. Rotherham), 289. Dalton, Daltone, 19, 33, *North Dalton, 256, 307. Dalton (North), 177. 66 b, 77, 86 b. Deltune, 51 b. Dalton, 93, 95, 323. Dalton (p. TopclPffe), 103. F Dalton Michell, 166. Dalton, Daltun, 25 b, 85 b. Dalton Norreys, 166 n., 167, 180 alia Dalton, Daltun, 25 b, Dalton Travers, 166. worth), 24. 85 b. I Dalton in Broghton Lithe, 166 n.,. 167 n., 333. J *Dalton super Tese, 368. Dalton-upon-Tees, 26. Danebi, 28 b, 85b. Danby, Daneby super Yore, 159, Danby (par. Thornton163, 337. Steward), 68. Danebi, Danebia, 60, 61 b, Danby, Daneby, 125, 235, 329. Danby (Langbargh), 30, 44. 71, 84. Danebi, 25, 85 b. Daneby, Danby super Wysk, 177, Danby Wiske, 55. 335. Danetorp, 13 b, 52, 87 b. Danthorp, 75, 245 n., 375. Danthorpe, 228. Dereuueld, Dereuuelle, 66, Derfeld, 4, 6 n., 230, 281, 358. Darfield, 275. 81b. Darnintone, Darnitone, 37 b, *Darthyngton, 364. Darrington, 250. 82. Dertone, Dertune, 7 b, 38 b, *Derton, 363. Darton, 262. 39, 82. Depedale, 3, 84 b. Depedale, 139. Deepdale, 94. K K 2 500 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Dictune, 14 b, 85. Dighton, Dycton, 102, 341. Deighton (Allertonsh.), 41. Diston, Distone, 31 b, 86 b. Dighton, Dyghton, 60, 66, 367. Deighton (p. Escrick), 191. Distone, 57, 83. Magna Dighton, Suth Dithon, 45, Deighton (Kirk), 172. 205, 294, 349. Distone, 62 b, 83. Parva Dighton, North Dithon, 45, Deighton (North), 172. 205, 294, 349. Denegebi, Degenebi, 43 b, Denigby, Deningby, Denyngby, 2, Denaby, 284. 81 b. 12, 283, 365. Denebi, 40, 82. *Deneby, 228, 352. Denby(p.KirkHfeaton),247 Denebi, 39, 82. *Deneby, 364. Denby (p. Peniston), 273. *Dent, 278, 362. Dent, 64. Dentun, Dentune, 12, 81. Denton, 44, 204, 294, 349, 389, 399, Denton, 169. 402, 411, 419. Deusberia, 4 b, 82 b. *Deuuesbury, 361. Dewsbury, 247. Dirdeston, Dirdreston, 25 b, Didreston-graunge, 170. Didderston Grange, 25. 85 b. Digneshale, Dineshale, Dir- Dedensall, Duttensale, 100, 340. Dinsdale (Over), 26. neshala, 3, 23 b, 85. Disforde, 49 b. Disceford, Disforde, 183, 338. Dishforth, 120. Dodesuuorde, Dodesuurde, *Dodeworth, 363. Dodworth, 274. 38 b, 82. Donecastre, 20 b, 21 b, 48, *Donecastre, 231. Doncaster, 277, 285. 81 b. Duuetorp, 53, 87 b. Douuethorpe, Austhorp, 74, 373. Dowthorpe, 212. Dractone, 8 b, 83 b. Draghton, Draython, 13, 191, 194, Draughton, 168. 357. Drac, 56 b, 81 b. *Drax, 50 n., 156 n., 215, 344, 438. Drax, 237. Drouueton, Drouuetone, 46, Dreuton, 88, 264, 309. Drewton, 224. 86. Drifeld, Drifelt, 4, 18 b, 77, Driffeld, Driffeud, Dryffeld, Duf- Driffeld (Great), 161. 86 b. feld, 30 n., 58, 90 n., 92, 307. Dreslington, Dreslintone, 41, Drighlington, Drithlington, Dritt- Drighlington, 217. 82 b. lington, Brightelington, 30, 227, 280, 360. Dringolme, 52 b. Dringhou, Dringhowe, Drungou, Dringhoe, 180. 76, 243 n., 303, 372. Dringgenhus, Drynghouses, 23 n., Dringhouses, 174. 29, 343. Dragmalebi, 67 b, 84. Dromondby,Dromundeby, 124,133, Dromonby, 42. 237. Dridpol, Dripold, Dritpol, *Dripol, 388, 404 n. Drypool, 226, 240. 13 b, 55, 87 b. Dueld, 123. Dufeld, Nort Dufelt, 18, 58, North Duffeld, 60, 61 n., 66, 116 n., Duffield (North), 207. 77 b, 86. 242, 317. Suddufel, Suddufelt, 18,18 b, South Duffeld, 60, 68, 242, 317. Duffield (South), 222. 77 b, 86. Difgelibi, Dighelibi, 3 b, 34, Deukelby, Deukylby, Dugelby, Duggleby, 143. 87. Duggelby, 71, 73, 267 n., 274, 315. Domniton, Donniton, 10b, Donyngton, 60, 66, 368. Dunnington, 175. 50, 77 b, 86 b. Doneforde, Dunesford, 62, Dunnesford, Dunsford, Duffeld, 45, Dunsforth, 138. 68, 70, 82 b. 46, 206, 295, 350. Dunesla, Dunesle, 5, 84. *Denslee, 327. Dunsley, 32. Eurebi, 69. Everby, 19, 199 n. Earby, 184. Edresuuic, Edrezuic, 12, 85. *Etheirwike, 379. Earswick, 157. INDEX LOCORUM I. 501 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Asebi, 24, 85 b. Eseby, 172, 334. Easby (Gillirng West), 39. Esebi, 5 b, 84. Esby, Eseby, 124, 328. Easby (p. Stokesley), 29. Esintone, Hesinton, 52 b, 53, *Esington, Ersington, 247 n., 305. Easington (E.R.), 257. 87 b. Esingeton, Esingetun, 15, Esington, Esyngton, 125, 133, Easington (N.R.), 18, 19. 84. 235 n., 237, 329. Esintune, 69 b. Esington, Esyngton, 16, 197, 354. Easington (WT.R.), 165. Eisinceuuald, Eisicewalt, 3, *Esingwald, 327. Easingwold, 121. 85. Esebrune, Estbrune, 8, 59. Estburn, 15. Eastburn (W. R.), 185. Augustburne, Austburne, 4, *Estburne, 90 n., 307. Eastburn (E. R.), 161. 86b. Esby, Esteby, 14, 191. Eastby, 151. Estorp, Esttorp, 18, 50, 86 b. Esthorp, 82, 310. Easthorpe (E.R.), 194. Yaresthorp, Yarpesthorp, Yarp- Easthorpe? (N.R.), 123. thorp, Yarthorp, 110, 112, 115. *Estoft, 363. Eastoft, 253, 267. Eston, Estone, 4, 7, 86 b. Eston, 55, 249, 311. Easton, 146. Estrincton, Estrinton, 14, 86. Estrington, 70, 316. Eastrington, 223. Euestone, 12 b, 83. *Eveston, Eyveston, 331, 436. Eavestone, 118. Edbriztun, Edbriztune, 3 b, *Eberston, 326. Ebberston, 92. 84 b. Eclesfeld, Eclesfelt, 43 b, 81 b. Ecclesfeld, Eklesfeld, 3, 358, 408. Ecclesfield, 288. Egleshill, 82 b. *Eccleshill, 362. Eccleshill, 202. Eduardestorp, Geduuales- *Edelthorp, Edilthorp, 268, 314. Eddlethorpe, 142. torp, Guduualestorp (?), 7 b, 70, 87. Eilintone, Ellintone,48, 81 b. Edelington, Edelyngton, 5, 9, 10 n., Edlington, 284. 218 n., 230, 281, 358. Michel Edestun, 33 b, 84 b. Edeston, Ediston, 111, 118, 121, Edston, 90. 144, 320. Parva Edestun, 33 b, 84 b. Parva Edston, 141, 142. Edston (Little), 90. Acheburg, Eburg, Egeburg, *Eggeburgh, 364. Egbrough, 251. 38, 82. Egetune, 15 b, 84. Egton, Eggeton, 125, 130, 237, 328. Ecton, 45. Aluengi, 18b, 55 b,58,61,86. Elvele, Elveley, 80, 81, 263, 318. Ella (Kirk), 225, 239. *Estwell, 308. Ella (South?), 239. *Westwell, 308. Ella (West), 239. Elant, 41 b, 82 b. Eland, 30, 224, 279, 361. Elland, 246. Alrebec, Elrebec, 6 b, 60, 85. Ellerbek, Hellerbeck, 101, 341. Ellerbeck, 56. Elreburne, Elrebrune, 3 b, *Ellerton, 326. Ellerburn, 91. 5 b, 84b. Aluuardebi, Alverdebi, 54 b, Elwardeby, Elwardby, 74, 305, 373. Ellerby (E.R.), 212. 79 b, 87 b. Aluuardebi, Elwordebi, 15 b, Elerby, Elerdby, Elleredeby, El- Ellerby (N.R.), 19. 84. redby, Elreddeby, 125, 129, 237, 328. Alrecher, 14. *Ellerker, 241, 317. Ellerker, 224, 238 A. Alreton, 25, 85 b. *Ellerton, 335. Ellerton-on-Swale, 54. Elreton, 27, 85 b. *Ellerton, 336. Ellerton (Abbey), 53. Elreton, Elretone, 18 b, 77, Ellerton, Hellerton, 89, 253, 309. Ellerton (E.R.), 207. 86. Elingstring, Elynstrynge, 153, 337. Ellingstring, 85. Ellintone, 28 b, 85 b. Elington, Elyngton, 153, 337. Ellington, 85. Adelingestorp, 5, 83 b. Edelyngthorpe, 186. Ellinthorpe, 138. Elgendon, 10, 86. Elgeton, Elgheton, Helgheton, 79, Elloughton, 238 A. 263, 308. 502 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. *Elmetemere, Eluedmere, 323. Elmire, 103. Ermeshala, Ermeshale, 38, *Elmesall, 363. Elmsall (North), 264. 82. Ermeshale, 36 b, 82. South Elmishall, 5. Elmsall (South), 264. Eleslac, 69. Elslake, Esslake, Estlac, 15, 190, Elslack, 167. 194, 196, 357 n. Asteneuuic, 52, 87 b. *Estanwik, Elstanwyk, 304, 375, Elsternwick, 227. 415. Eltofts, 31 n., 39. Eltofts, 203. Aluuinton, Aluuintone, 50 b, Elvington, Elvyngton, 60, 61, 319. Elvington, 192. 78, 86 b. Embesie, 8 b, 83 b. Emmesay, Emmesei, 14, 357. Embsay, 168. Amelai, Ameleie, 4 b, 82. *Emeley, 352. Emley, 261. Elmesuuelle, Helmeswelle,4, *Helmeswell, 367. Emswell, 161. 67, 86 b. Aplebi, 23, 85 b. Apelby, Appilby, super Tese, 169, Eppleby, 14. 334. Ergone, 7, 87. Arhum, Erghom, Erghum, 54, 249, Erghum (site of), 127. 311. Argun (?), 23, 85 b. Eryom, Eryhom, 178, 335. Eryholme, 26. Ascri, 31 b, 86 b. Escryk, Eskerike, Eskeryk, 60, 66, Escrick, 191. 410. Asebi, 31, 85 b. Eseby, Esseby, 183 n., 185 n., 186. Esedic, Esdyke, Estak, 26, 343. Esedike, 190. Estune, 69. Essheton, Eston, Heston, 14, 190, Eshton, 150. 192, 193, 356. Asch, 13 b, 87 b. *Esk, Eske, 304, 388 n., 389. Eske, 196. Eschedala, 71. Eskedalle, 129. Eske Dale, 30, 31, 32, 45. Astun, Astune, 16, 84. Eston, 124, 126, 130, 328. Eston, 16. Ederdwyk, Etherwik, Herdwyk, 74, Etherdwick, 212. 375. Eton, Etton, Ettone, 13, Etton, 83, 84, 88, 258, 308, 318. Etton, 195. 18 b, 61, 86 b. Euringham, 10 b, 86 b. Everingham, Everyngham, 78, 254, Everingham, 193, 208. 309, 390, 406, 407, 420. Eurelai, Eurelag, 51, 84 b. *Everlee, 327. Everley, 77. Euertorp, 86. Everthorp, Iverthorp, 84, 265, 309. Everthorpe, 224. Aschilebi, 31, 85 b. Eskelby, Estkilby, 181, 339. Exelby, 70. Feizbi, Fezbi, Foitesbi, 5 b, Faceby, Fayceby, 124,132, 236, 329. Faceby, 42. 70 b, 84. Fademora, Fademore, 16 b, Fadmore, 111, 117, 121, 320 n. Fadmoor, 74. 84b. Fagherwalde, Fatherwald, 159. Fareburne, 36, 81 b. Farburn, 49, 50, 214, 285, 345, Fairburn, 235. 427n. Frangefos, 4, 86 b. Fangfosse, Fangefosse, 71, 310. Fangfoss, 176. Farlintun, Ferlintun, 17, 85. Farlington, Ferlington, Flynton, Farlington, 122, 140. 107,324,378. Farmanesbi, 3 b, 84 b. *Farmanby, 326. Farmanby, 91. Farneham, 5, 65, 83. *Farnham, 211,353. Farnham, 154. Fernehil, 8. Farnhill, 189, 190, 357. Farnhill, 185. Fernelei, 82 b. Farnelay, Farneley, 30, 224, 273 n., Farnley (Morley), 217. 279,360. Fernelai, Fernelie, 12, 81. *Farnelay, Farneley, 204, 294, 349, Farnley (Claro), 170, 187. 400,405,429. Fereleia, Ferlei, 40, 82. *Farnelay, Ferneley, 229, 292, 351. Farnley Tyas, 260. Ferselleia, 41, 82 b. Ferselay, Ferslai, 30, 226, 280, 360. Farslev, 202. INDEX LOCORUM I. 503 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Faldingden, Faldington, 105,106 n., Fawdington, 120. 332. Federbi, 29, 85 b. Fegherby, 153, 337. Fearby, 85. Ferestane, Fredestan, 37 b, Fetherstan, 364. Featherston, 249. 82. Feldom, 172 n., 173. Feldom, 38. Fridebi (?), 60. *Felice Kirk, 332. Felixkirk, 88. due! Fencotes, 26, 85 b aencote, Magna Fencotes, 157, 336. Fencote (Great), 55. e e l Fencote, Parva Fencotes, 157, 336. Fencote (Little), 55. Fentun, 36, 81 b. *Fenton, 48 n., 50 n., 346, 427 n., Fenton (Church), 205. 431, 438, 439. Feresbi, 5, 83. *Feringesby, 353. Ferrensby, 155. Ferebi, 17 b, 55 b, 86. Feriby, Feryby, 85, 263, 308. Ferriby (North), 239. Fiuelac, 3, 84. Fyuele, Fyuelee, Fyueley, 52, 249, Filey, 110. 311. *Fymmere, 315. Fimber, 160. Finegal, Finegala, 29 b, 85 b. Fyngal, Fynkall, 156, 337. Fingall, 69. Friebia, 70. Frytheby, 146, 268. Firby (E.R.), 141. Fredebi, 29 b, 85 b. Frethby, Fritheby, 154, 336. Firby (N.R.), 86. Fiscelac, Fixcale, 47, 47 b, *Fyshlak, 364. Fishlake, 265. 78 b. Fidlinge, Fitlinge, 52, 87 b. Fittelyng, Flyngton, Fyterlyng, 75, Fitling, 228. 304, 375. Fechesbi, 82 b. *Fekesby, 361. Fixby, 246. Flaneburc, Flaneburg, 15, Flaynburgh, 55, 249, 260 n., 313. Flamborough, 128. 66 b, 86 b. Flatebi, 69. Flasceby, 14, 193 n., 196, 357. Flasby, 150. *Flathwath, Flathewath, 390, 406, 407. *Flawythe, Flatwath, 324, 381. Flawith, 139. Flatesbi, 62, 83. *Flasceby, Flasseby, 206, 295, 350. Flaxby, 155. Flastun, Flaxtune, 6 b, 11 b, *Flaxton, 325, 379. Flaxton, 141. 31 b, 60 b, 85. Fleteham, 24 b, 26, 85 b. Fleteham, Fletham, 149,150 n., 336. Fleetham (Kirkby), 55. Flentun, Flintone, 13 b, 52, Flynton, 75, 375. Flinton, 227. 87 b. Fleustone, 4, 7, 87. Flixton, 52, 249, 250, 312. Flixton, 109, 110. Flochetone, 40, 82. *Floketon, Folketon, 228, 292, 351. Flockton, 261. Flotemanebi, 13, 57 b, 87. Flotemanby, 52, 249, 312. Flotmanby, 110. Fulcartorp, 18, 55 b, 58, 86. *Folkerthorp, 252, 309. Foggathorpe, 207, 208. *Fol', 363. Fulcheton, 7, 87. Folketon, 52, 249, 312. Folkton, 110. Folifait, Folishait, Folyfait, Foly- Follifoot, 171. fayt, 45, 203, 293, 349. Folifait, Folifayt, Folitwait, Foly- Follithwaite (site of), 189. fayt, 25, 220, 290, 343. Fordun, 7, 87. Fordon, 53, 249, 312. Fordon, 110. Forsed, Forset, 23, 85 b. Forset, Forsett, 169, 180, 334. Forset, 14. Fosham, Fossham, 53, 87 b. Fosseym, Fossham, 74, 243 n., 375. Fosham, 212. Fostun, 31 b, 85. *Foston, 367. Foston (Bulmer), 141. Fodstone, 50 b, 87. Foston, 57, 249, 312. Foston-on-the-Wolds, 162, 179. Foukebrigg, Fukbrigg, 141. Foulbridge, 108. *Fokeby, 352. Foulby, 249. Foxhole, Foxohole, Foxole, Foxhole, Foxoles, 53, 249, 312. Foxholes, 126. 4, 70, 87. Fostune, Foustune, 14 b, 85. *Foxton, 341. Foxton (par. Sigston), 56. 504 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Fostun, Foxtun, 16 b, 70 b, Foxton, 124. Foxton (par. Crathorne), 28. 84. Frestintorp, 19,61 b, 67, 86 b. Fraisthorp, 59, 249, 312. Fraisthorpe, 163. Fremington, Freminton, 27, Fremyngton, 172, 334. Fremington, 37, 52. 85 b. Fricelei, Friceleia, Friche- Frickelay,Frikelay, Frikley,Fryke- Frickley, 275, 276. hale, Frichelie, 36 b, 44 b, lay, 4, 8, 231, 282, 359. 81 b, 82. Fridagstorp, Fridarstorp, Fridaithorp, Fridaythorp, Fryday- Fridaythorpe, 160. Fridastorp, 7 b, 10 b, 64 b, thorp, 71, 73, 274, 315. 87. *Frismareys, Frismariscus, Fris- Frismarsk (a lost town on the mersk, 305, 416, 421, 431. Humber). Frideton, Fritun, 17, 60b, Friton, Fryton, 110, 113, 115, 321. Friton, 106. 84 b. Fotingham, Frotingham, North Frotingham, Frothyngham, Frodingham (North), 179. 53 b, 87 b. 75, 244 n., 303. Forthingham, South Frothingham, Frodingham (South), 242. 74, 243 n., 376. Fristone, 37 b, 82. *Fryston, 50 n., 364. Fryston (Ferry), 235. *Friston, 50 n., 344, (438?) Fryston (Monk), 220. Foleforde, Fuleforde, 1 b, 31, Fulford, Fulforth, 60, 66, 367. Fulford (Gate), 174. 31 b, 81. Water Fulforth, 60, 66. Fulford (Water), 174, 191. Figelinge, Figlinge, 15, 50 b, *Fighling, 327. Fylingdale, 47. 77, 84. Gagenestad, 54 b, 87 b. Gadhensted, Gaggested, Garhen- Ganstead, 227. sted, 74, 75, 244 n. Gameltorp, 6, 17, 85. *Gamelthorp,Yalmthrope, 324, 381. Ganthorpe, 123. Galmeton, 4, 70 6, 87. Galmeton, 51, 249, 312. Ganton, 109. Gerdene, 14, 86 b. *Gerthum, Gherghton, 80n., 241, Gardham (site of), 209. 317. Neuton, Neutone, 14, 77 b, *Neuton juxta Gerthum, 241, 242. Gardham (?), 210. 86 b. Gereford, 35, 81. Gereford, Gerford, Gerforde, 39, Garforth (Church), 219. 208, 287. Geregraue, Gheregraue, 8 b, Gargrave, Gayrgrave, Gergrave, Gargrave, 150, 167. 69, 83b. Geyrgrave, 15., 16, 190, 193, 196 n., 201, 356. Gerdeston, Gerdestone, 28 b, Gertheston, 161. Garriston, 68. 85b. Geruezbi, Gheruenzbi, 67, Germandeby, Garmanby, 71, 270. Garrowby, 159. 70, 87. Garton, Gartune, 13 b, 15 b, Garton, Barton, 57, 250, 311, 318. Garton-on-the-Wolds, 161. 19, 87. Garton, Gartun, 53, 87 b. Garton, 75, 244 n., 304, 374. Garton (Holderness), 228. Gaitford, Gateford, Gayteford, 48, Gateforth, 220. 213, 284, 345, 384, 403, 415. Chenetesbi, Ghetenesbi, 31, Gaytanby, Gaytenby, 182, 339. Gatenby, 70. 85 b. Gacegill, 19. Gazegill, 183. Ghigeleswic, 69. Gicleswik, Gigeleswike, Bukleswyk, Giggleswick, 132. 21, 200, 355. Gildesdale, Gildusdale, Gildhous- Millhouse Dale (?), 177. dale, Gyldhusdall, 91, 310. Die, Dik, Dyke, 70, 254 n., 316. Gilberdike, 223, 238. Gedlingesmore, 60. Gillingmore, 111, 117, 121, 320 n. Gillamoor, 74. INDEX LOCORUM I. 505 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Gellinges, Ghellinghes, 23, Gilling, 170, 333. Gilling (Gilling W.), 39. 23 b, 85 b. Gellinge, Ghellinge, 56, 60 b, Gilling, Gylling, 110, 116, 118, 123, Gilling (Ryedale), 105. 84 b. 321. Gilmanby, 180. Chipertun, Cipetun, 35,35 b, Gipton, Gypton, 34, 39, 208, 286. Gipton, 203. 81. Gerlinton, 23, 85 b. Girlington, 167. Girlington, 13. Grenerig, 125. Girrick, 18, 30. Grisebi, 14 b, 85. Gryseby, 100. Girsby, 26. Ghiseburne, 49 b, 69. Gisburn, Gisilburn, 18, 199, 354. Gisburn, 166. Gherindale, 12 b, 83 b. *Geveldale, Gevildale, Gevingdale, Givendale (W.R.), 119. Givendal, Gyvendalle, 212, 331, 387, 400, 404, 406, 407, 436. Geuedale, Ghiuedale, 4, 86 b. *North Geveldale, 310. Givendale (Great), 176. alia Geuedale, 86 b. Geveldale, 92. Givendale (Little), 176. Glusbrun, 49 b, 59. Glusburn, Gliseburn, 22, 355. Glusburn, 185. Godenesburg, Godesburg, Goldesburgh, 46, 206, 295, 350. Goldsborough (W.R.), 155. 56b, 83. Golborg, Goldeburg, 15 b, 84. *Goldesburgh, 237. Goldsborough (N.R.), 19. Godetorp, Goldetorp, Gulde- Goldthorpe, 3. Goldthorpe, 275. torp, 7b, 44b, 81b. Gomershale, 41, 82 b. Gomersale, Gomersalle, 30, 225, Gomersall, 232. 279, 361. Gudmundham, 3 b, 10 b, 18, Gudmundham, Guthimundham, Goodmanham, 194. 50, 86. Gothemundham, 82, 92, 255, 310. Goltona, Gotun, Goutun, Gouton, Gowton, Goweton, 126, Goulton, 42. 5 b, 16b, 70b, 84. 130, 132, 236. Geutorp, Gheuetorp, 10b, Golthorp, Goutorp, Gouthorp, 78, Gowthorpe, 176. 86 b. 258, 310, 342 n., 390, 399, 412. Golse, 52 b. Goilshull, Gousill, Gousle, 75,245., Goxhill, 197. 303, 371. Grentesmore, Grenzmore, Grauncemore, 58, 312. Gransmoor, 162. 4 b, 67, 70, 71, 87. Grentelai, Grentelaia, 12b, *Grantelay, Grantele, Granteley, Grantley, 118. 83. Grantely, 331, 408 n., 417, 422. Chersintone, Ghersintone, 8, Gersington, 19, 202, 355. Grassington, 134. 59. Gersebroc, Greseburg, Gresebrok, Gressebrok, Grissebrok, Greasbrough, 289. Gresseburg, 43b,47b, 81b. Grysebrok, 3, 11, 233, 283, 365. Grenebergh-graunge, 174, 175. Greenberry Grange, 40. Grenehowe, Greneowe, 124, 126, Greenhow, 43. 130. *Grenhaik, 316. Greenoak, 238. Torp, 65, 83. *Grouelthorp, 205. Grewelthorpe, 101. Gripetorp, 55 b, 58, 86. Gripthorp, Grippethorp, 80, 252. Gribthorpe, 223. Grimeston, Grimestun, 36, *Grimeston, Grymeston, 50n., 215, Grimston (par. Kirkby 81 b. 285, 345, 388, 399. Wharfe), 205. Grimeston, 60 b. Grimeston, 110, 120, 123. Grimston (p. Gilling), 122. Grimeston, Grimestone, Gremeston, Grymston, 74, 243 n., Grimston Garth, 228. Grimestun, 13 b, 52, 87 b. 374. Grimeston, 64 b, 67, 87. *Grymeston, 315. Grimston (Hanging), 159. Grimeston, Grimestone, Grymeston, 146, 275, 367. Grimston (North), 142. Grimeton, 7 b, 11, 61b, b 70, 87. Grimestone, 19, 50, 86 b. Grimeston, 60, 63. Grimston (p. Dunnington), 174. 506 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Gerendele, Grendele, 4, 10 b, Grendrenle, Grenedale, 54, 249, 311. Grindale, 127. 86 b. Gretlintone, 69 b. Grenedelington, Grunlington, Grindleton, 182. Grynlyngton, 17, 197, 354. Grinton, 27, 85 b. Grynton, 158, 336. Grinton, 52. Grisetorp, 3, 84. Grispthorp, Grysthorp, 140, 327. Gristhorpe, 94. *Grisetwayt, 323. Gristhwaite, 103. Chigesburg, Ghigesborg, Gisburn, Gisburne, Giseburn, 124, Guisbrough, 17. Ghigesburg, Gighesborc, 129., 132., 136, 137., 234, Giseborne, 5, 15, 16, 46, 329. 70 b, 84. Gisele, 12, 81. Giselay, Giseley, Gyslay, Gyseley, Guiseley, 187. 36, 37, 209, 287, 347, 389, 400, 404, 406, 407. Abetun,Abbetune, Habetun, Habbeton, Magna Albeton, 111, Habton (Great), 107. 5 b, 16 b, 84 b. 118,122, 320. KParva Albeton, 320. Habton (Little), 106. Acheford, Acheforde, 26 b, Hacford, Hakford, 149, 337, 352 s. Hackforth, 54. 85 b. Hagenesse, 51, 84 b. EHakenesse, 327. - ackness, 77. Hathelsay, Est Hathelsay, 50, 344. Haddlesey (Chapel), 236. *Hathelsay, West HEathelsay, 213, Haddlesey (West), 235, 236. 214, 285, 344, 439. IEagedebi, Hagendebi, Hag- Haganby, iHagenby, Hagganby, hedenebi, 48 b, 79, 79 b, Haggandeby, (Hemelak?), 26, 82 b. 222,343. Achetorp, 86. Hakethorp, lHakelthorp, 60, 67. Hagthorpe, 222. Ascheltorp, Aschiltorp, Hassethorp, Hasthorp, 58, 249,312. Haisthorpe, 145. Hasehetorp, 4b, 13 b, 70,87. *Haldanby, 363. Haldenby, 253. *lHalifax, 30 n., 361. Halifax, 231. Halikeld, 101, 102. Hallikeld, 56. C Est Halsam, Halsham, 77, 248,306, Halsham (East), 242. Halsam, ialsem, Hals-J 376, 437 n., 442 n. ham, 9 b, 53, 87 b. West Halsam, Halsham, 77, 243 s., Halsham (West), 242. 248, 376, 389, 437. Halletune, 35 b, 81. *Halghton, Halton, 210, 348. Halton (par. Leeds), 218. Altone, Haltone, 8 b, 83 b. Halton, 14, 191, 192, 357. Halton (East), 168. Halton, West Halghton, 17, 202, Halton (West), 149. 355. Hameltun, 36, 81 b. *Hamelton, 50n., 213n., 216n., 344. Hambleton, 220. Hamereton, 69 b. Amerton, Hamerton, 17, 197, 354. Hammerton, 148, 165. Ambretone, Hanbretone, 64, Grene Hamerton, 46, 206, 295, 350. Hanmmerton (Green), 155. 83. alia Ambretone, Hanbre- Kirk, Kyrke, Hamerton, 27 n., 28n., H., ammerton (Kirk), 155, tone, 64, 83. 46, 206, 350. 156. Hampoll-Luterell, 11. Handesuuorde, Handeswrde, Handesworth, 3, 9, 230, 231 n., 358. Handsworth, 295. 21, 81 b. Halnaghby, Hanlathby, 179, 335. Hanlaby, 25, 26. Anele, Hangelif, 8 b, 69, 83 b. Iaghenlith, Hahrnlith, Hevenlyth,' Hanlith, 133. 15, 191, 356. Hareuuode, 7b, 81. Harwod, Harwode, 32 n., 33, 41, Harewood, 188. 42, 209, 287, 347, 349 n., 432 n. Erleseie, Ierelsaie, Herle- Erlissey, Harlyshay, Herleysey, Harlsey (East), 41. sege, Herlesia, 3, 6 b, 70 b, Herlishay, 93, 99, 259 n., 322. 85. INDEX LOCORUM I. 507 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Erleseie, Herelsaie, Herle- Erlyshay, West Herlesey, 102, 341. Harlsey (West), 56. sege, 3, 6 b, 85. Herlethorp, 80, 205 n., 309. Harlthorpe, 207. *Ierlethorpe, 205. Ernebi, Hernebi, 28, 85 b. Herneby, 158, 338. Harmby, or Harnby, 68. Harem, Harum, Harun, 6, Harum, Hayrum, 110, 114, 115, Harome, 89. 16 b, 34, 60, 84 b. 116 n., 117 n., 320. Arpen, Harpein, 4 b, 67, 70, Harpam, Harpham, 58, 249, 312. Harpham, 162. 71, 87. Erseuuelle, 3 b, 86 b. *Herswell, Thorp Hersewell, Thorp Harswell, 208. Torp, Torpi, 3 b, 86 b. cum Hersewell, 258 n., 260, 310. Herford, Herfort, 23, 85 b. Hereford, Hertforde, 171, 333. Hartforth, 25. Hertil, 47 b. *Herthill, 359. Harthill, 300. Herlintone, Herlintun, 68 b. Hertlington, Hottlington, 13, 191, Hartlington, 134. 196, 357, 442 n. *Haretoft, 326. Hartoft, 60, 75. Heretun, Heretune, 6, 85. *Harton, 367. Harton, 141. Horteseue, Hortesheue, 41b, *Hertheued, 362. Hartshead, 232. 82b. Eseleuuode, Haseleuuode, Heselwod, Heselwode, Heselwood, Haslewood, 204. Heseleuuode, 48, 78, 81. 49, 214, 284, 342 n., 345. Hedfeld, 47 b. Haitfeld, Haytefeld, 3, 359. Hatfield (W.R.), 277, 278. Haiefelt, Haifeld, Haifelt, Est Haitfeld, Haitflet,Magna Hayt- Hatfield (Great), 197, 212. 52 b, 54 b, 87 b. feld, 74, 75, 76, 243 n., 303, 372. Heiefeld, Heifeld, 54 b, 87 b. Parva Haitfeld, 75, 245 n., 246 n., Hatfield (Little), 197. 371. Havocswelle, Hauoches- Hawkeswell, Est Haukeswell, 156, Hauxwell, 53, 54. uuelle, 28 b, 85 b. 161 n., 337. *Havercroft, 363. Havercroft, 263. Hochesuuic, 69 b. Haukeswyk, 14, 357. Hawkswick, 115. Hauoceforde, Henoches- Haukeswod, Haukesword, Hawkes- Hawksworth, 186. uurde, 12, 81. worth, 37, 209, 287 n., 347, 406, 407. Halmbi, Halmebi, 7, 46 b, Halmeby, Halneby, Haunneby, 93, Hawnby, 72. 85. 97, 106 n., 322. Hageneuuorde, 62 b. *Hawort, Haworth, 227, 361. Haworth, 202. *Haugesgargh, 327. Hawsker, 32. Haxebi, 11 b, 85. *Haxeby, 368. Haxby, 157. Haiton, Haitone, 4, 50, 86 b. Hayton, Heyton, 81, 310. Hayton, 193. Hedingeleia, 35, 81. Heddingley, Heddyngley, Hedyng- Headingley, 203. ley, 33, 207, 286, 348 n. Hailaga, Helage, 48 b, 57, Hauley, Helage, Helagh, 25, 222, Healaugh (t.R.), 190. 79, 79 b, 82 b. 291, 342, 350 n. Hale, 85 b (?) Helagh, 172, 334. Healaugh (N.R.), 37, 52. Helagh, Helhe, 152, 336. Healey, 85. *Heton, 227, 361. Heaton (p. Bradford), 201. Etun, 82 b (?) *Heton, 362. Heaton (Earls), 247. Etone, Ettone, 4 b, 82 b. *Heton, Hoton, 228, 292, 351. Heaton (Kirk), 246, 247. Hebedene, 64. Hebden, Hebbeden, Helbedon, 20, Hebden, 134. 72 a., 197, 357. *Hek, 363. Heck, 251. Hecmundwik, Hekmondewyk, Hek- Heckmondwike, 232. mundwyke, 30, 224, 279, 361. Hedon, 75, 302. Hedon, 241. *Hedon, 372. (Hythe, p. Skipsea?-Lost). Hindelei, Hindeleia,39,82.1 *Inde 364. Heindley (Cold), 263. Indelie, Hindeleia, 38, 82. n y,. Heindley (South), 263. 508 INDEX LOCORUM T. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Elgebi, Helgebi, 43, 81 b. *Helghby, 233, 283. Hellaby, 290. Hielgefeld, Helgefeld, Hel- Helefeud, Helgfeld, Helghfelde, 15, Hellifield, 149. gefelt, 8 b, 69, 83 b. 191, 202, 356. Elmeslac, 6, 17, 84 b. Hammelac, iaumelec, Helmeslegh, Helmsley, 89. 110, 113, 115, 320. Hamelsec, alia Hamelsech, Hemelsay, Henelsay, 60, 61 n., 319. Helmsley (Gate), 158. 11 b, 85. Hamelsec, Hamelsech,17,85. *Over Hemylsey, 379. Helmsley (Over), 158. Elpetorp, 11, 87 b. Helperthorp, 73, 272, 315, 401,404. Helperthorpe, 126. Hamiburg, 3 b, 86. Hemingburgh, Hemmyngburgh, Hemingbrough, 222. 60, 67, 242 n., 317. Himeligetun, Himelintun, Hemelington, Hemelyngton, Hem- Hemlington, 16. 15, 84. lington, 124, 128, 236, 329. Hamelesuurde, Hilmeuuord, *Hiimmelsworth, 363. Hemsworth, 263. 38, 82. Edeshale, 68, 82. *Hethensalle, 364. Heisall, 236. *Heptonstall, 361. Heptonstall, 230. Eslerton, Esrelton, Haselin- Est Heslerton, Heselarton, Hes- Heslerton (East), 108. ton, Heslertone, 34, 61 b, lardton, 73, 266, 314. 67, 70, 87 b. alia Eslerton, Heslertone, West Heslerton, Heselarton, 73, Heslerton (West), 108. Haselinton, 67, 70, 87 b. 314. Eslinton, Haslinton, 60 b, Heselington, Hesselington, 60, 63. Heslington, 174. 86 b. Esdesai, Hesdesai, 59, 63 b, Hessay, Hessey, 29, 223, 342. Hessay, 173. 82 b. Eslinton, Heslintone, 30, Haselden, Hesilton, 160, 337. Hesselton, 69. 85 b. Hase, 55 b, 58, 86. Hesel, Hessell, 89, 262, 308. Hessle, 239. Heselscoth, Helesco, 80. Hessleskew, 209. Hetune, 69. Heton, 15, 189, 190, 356. Hetton, 150. Hauuic, Havvinc, 12 b, 83 b. *Hewick, Hewyk,Heywyk, Hewyk- Hewick (Bridge), 119. atte-brige, Hewyk ad pontem, 212, 331, 388, 407, 412, 419, 436. Hadewic, 12 b, 83 b. *Hewick, Heywyk, 212, 435. Hewick (Copt), 119. Heuuarde, Heuuorde, 1 b, Heworthe, 107, 273 s., 325, 380. Heworth, 174. 61 b, 65 b, 81. Icheltone, Chicheltone, 64 b, Hikelton, Hikylton, Hykelton, Hy- Hickleton, 276. 81 b. kylton, 4, 7, 231, 282, 359. Hildingeslei, Ildingeslei, 6, *Hildingley, 177 n., 380. Hildenley, 123. 85. Hilgertorp, Hilgretorp, 4, Hilderthorp, Hilderton, 59, 312. Hilderthorpe, 146. 67, 86 b. *Hillum, 50 n., 344, 438. Hillam, 220, 235. *Hillum, 210, 288 n. I4llam Hill, 204. Heldeuueston, Heldoueston, Hilderston, Hildeston, 74, 374. Hilston, 228. 52, 87 b. Hiltun, Hilton, 5b, 16b, Hilton, 124, 126, 127, 130, 235, Hilton, 28. 70 b, 84. 329. Hildreschelf, Ilderschelf, Hilderkelf, Hinderskelf, Hirdir- Hinderskelfe (Site of), 123. 33 b, 84 b. skelk, 143, 324, 379. Hildreuuelle,Ildreuuelle, 15, Hilderwell, 125, 131, 238, 328. Hinderwell, 19. 50 b, 84. Huperun, 82 b. *Hypy', 361. Hipperholme, 231. Hiplewelle, 26 b, 85 b. Hippeswelle, 161, 336. Hipswell, 54. Hidon, Hidun, 14, 86. Hithe, Hythe, 70, 254 n., 316. Hive, 223. Holne, 4 b, 82 b. *Holm, 351. Holme (p. Amondbury),272 INDEX LOCORUM I. 509 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Hulme, 14 b, 83 b. Holm, Holme, 100, 340. Holme (p. Pickhill), 86. Holm, 56 b, 84 b. Northolm, 110, 117, 120. Holme (North), 90. Holme, Hom, 6, 33 b, 84 b. South Holm, Sutholm, 110, 112, Holme (South), 106. 116, 321. Holm in Rydaill, 144. Holme (N. or S.), 90, 106. *Holm, Houhom, Howm, Henham, Holme-on-the-Wolds, 195. 241, 264 n., 317. Holme, 58 b, 86. Holm, Holme, 80, 260, 309. Holme - on-Spalding -Moor, 208. Holm, Holme, 52, 87 b. Holm, Hulmo, 77, 247, 248 n., 376. Holme (Paull), 241. Holam, Holun, 52, 87 b. *Holaym, 305, 376. Hollym, 243. Holmetone, Holmetune, Holmeton, Holmgton, Holyngton, Holmpton, 257. Ulmetun, 53 b, 79 b, 87 b. 76, 246 n., 305, 376. Holtebi, Boltebi, 6 b, 85. *Holteby, 325. Holtby, 175. Eltebi, Heltebi, 26 b, 85 b. Holtby, Holteby, 149, 337. Holtby (Little), 70. Hanelei, Haneleia, 40, 82. *Honlay, 351. Honley, 260. *Houk, 363. Hook, 238. Hotone, 20 b, 81 b. Hoton Lyveth, 6 n., 7, 11, 231, 282. Hooton Levet, 290. Hotone, Hotun, 20 b, 81 b. Hoton Painel, Panell, Paynel, Pay- Hooton Paynel, 276. nill, Paynell-Hoton, 1, 4, 7, 8 n., 11 n., 40, 41, 231, 282, 359. Hotun, 43 b, 81 b. Hoton, Hoton Robert, Hoton sub Hooton Roberts, 284. Haia, v. subtus Hey, 2, 3, 9, 233, 283, 365. Homptone, Homtone, Ho- Hoperton, 46, 206, 295, 350, 353. Hopperton, 155. pretone, 8, 62, 64, 66 b, 70, 83. Horberie, Orberie, 4 b, 82 b. *Horubury, 351. Horbury, 248. Horebodebi, Horenbodebi, Horneby, 100, 340. Hornby (Allertonshire), 41. 14 b, 46 b, 85. Hornebi, 26 b, 85 b. Horneby, 148, 337. Hornby (Hang East), 54. Horne, 82 (?) Horninctune, Hornitone, Hornyngton, Harnyngton, 24, 219, Hornington, 205. 48 b, 63, 79, 82 b. 289, 343. Hornesse, Hornessei, 52 b, *Hornnese, 367. Hornsea, 197. 87 b. Bortun, Burtune, 52 b, 87 b. Hornse Burton, Hossebarton, 75, Hornsea Burton (site of), 246 n., 303, 373. 197. Horseforde, Hoseforde, 7 b, Horseford, Horsford, 32, 33 n., 207, Horsforth, 202. 70 b, 81. 286, 348. Hortone, Hortun, 49 b, 69. Horton, Hoton, 17, 198, 355. Horton (p. Gisburn), 166. *Horton, 362. Horton-in -Ribblesdale, 114. *Horton, 227, 361. Horton (p. Bradford), 216. Hode, Hodhum, Holde, 3 b, Hothom, Hothum, 85, 88, 90, 241, Hotham, 224. 7, 14, 18, 46, 70, 86. 242, 265, 309, 317. Houeton,Houetone, Oveton, *Howeton, Heuton, 260, 310. Houghton (p. Sancton), 209. 3 b, 46, 58 b, 86. Hoctun, 37 b, 82. *Hoghton, 364. Houghton (Glass), 234. Haltun, Haltune, 21, 78 b, Magna Hailgton, Halghton,Halton, Houghton (Great), 275. 81 b. Haulgton, 4, 7, 11, 231, 281, 359. Haltone, 44, 81 b. Halton Minor, Parva Hailton, Houghton (Little), 275. Halghton, Halton, Holgton, 6, 9, 232,283,366. Hograve, Hogram, Hogrem, Hougrave, 186, 340. Hougrave (Sutton), 102. 12 b, 14 b,30 b, 83 b,85 b. Hovingham, 60b. Hovingham, Howyngham, 105 n., Hovingham, 106. 110, 116, 119, 321. 510 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Houeden, Houedene, 14, 18, *Houeden, 69, 316. Howden, 237. 18 b, 86. Hou, 31, 85 b. Howe, 184. Howe, 102. Holgill, 19. Howgill, 183. Husun, 19 b, 87. Housom, Husum, 71, 268, 314. Howsham, 141. Holtorp, 60 b. Holthorp, 110, 113, 115. Howthorpe, 123. Holand, Hoiland, 44, 81 b. Holand (Anstin?), 8, 366. Hoyland (p. Wath), 282. Holand, Holant, 38 b, 82. *Heland, 364. Hoyland (High), 261. Holan, Holande, 39 b, 82. *Holanswayne, 364. Hoyland Swaine, 273. Hobi, 3, 67 b, 85. *Hoby, 327. Huby, 140. Oderesfelt, Odresfeld, 40, *Hoderfeld, 351. Huddersfield, 246. 82b. Hunchilhuse, Hunchilhuses, *Hodeleston, Hodeliston, Hodels- Huddleston, 220. 36, 81 b (?). ton, Hudelston, Hudleston, 50n., 213, 214 n., 273 n., 284, 346, 383, 401, 404, 419, 427, 431. Hudreswelle, Udresuuelle, Hoddeswell, Huddeswell, 163, 336. Hudswell, 38. 27, 85 b. Hughete, 7, 66 b, 86 b. Heugate, Hugate, 84, 89, 258, 310. Huggate, 160, 177. Burton, Burtone, 65 b, 83 b. Burton, Hudbarton, Hundburton, Humberton, 120. 185, 339, 353. Humeltone, Umeltun, 52, *Humbleton, 304. Humbleton, 227. 87 b. *Hundale, 364. Houndhill (?), 249. Hundredestoit, 25 b, 85 b. Hunderthwait, Hundrethwaite, 165, Hunderthwaite, 5. 333. Hundemanebi, 57 b, 87. Hundemanby, 52, 53 n., 249, 311. Hunmanby, 110. Hunescelf, 39, 82. *Hunclyf, 364. Hunshelf, 281, 282. Holsingoure, Hulsingoure, *Hunsingore, 205. Hunsingore, 172. Ulsigouere, 22, 62, 62 b, 83. Hunslet, 41, 82 b. Hunslett, Hunseflet, 30, 226, 280, Hunslet, 218. 360. Hundeslege, Hundreslege, Hundeslegh, Hundesley, 88, 308. Hunsley, 224, 225. 14, 61, 86. Hundesworth, 30, 225, 360. Hunsworth, 232. Huntindune, 6 b, 17 b, 31 b, *Hontingdon, Huntington, 325, Huntington, 157. 85. 379. Hunton, Huntone, 30, 85 b. Hunton, 151 n., 161, 337. Hunton, 69. *Hirst Courteney, Hurst Kurte- Hurst Courtney, 236. nay, 50 n., 215, 285, 344. *Templehurst, 50 n., 344. Hurst (Temple), 236. *Huscthwayt, 368. Husthwaite, 104. Hotune, 6 b, 85. Hoton Benevill, Bonevill, 103, 341. Hutton Bonville, 40, Hotun, Hotune, 3, 84 b. Hoton, 138, 326. Hutton Bushel, 93. Hotone, 14 b, 83 b. *Hoton Coigners, 340. Hutton Conyers, 119. Hotone, Hottune, Hotune, Hoton, Hoton juxta Watton, 83, Hutton Cranswick, 178. 19, 61, 86 b. 90 n., 259 n., 307. Hotun, Hotune, 29 b, 85 b. Hoton Hang, 155, 337. Hutton Hang, 69. Hotun 33 b, 84 b. Hoton Bardolfe, Baldolf, 108, 109n., Hutton (High), 124. 144, 379. r HotunColeswayn,HoutonColswyn, Hutton-upon -Derwent, or Coleswain-Hoton, Hoton super Low Hutton, 142. Hotun,6 84 b. Derwent, Huton, etc., 108, 109., Hotun, 6,84 5. ^ 257 n., 324, 382. Hoton-Mainvevilain, Hoton-Muirthon, Huton-Muirhtun, 109,382. INDEX LOCORUM T. 511 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Hottun, Hotune, 23, 85 b. Hoton Longvillers, 168, 333. Hutton (Great), 13. Hoton Parva, 171. Hutton (Little), 13. Hoton, Hoton Underheg, 123, 367. Hutton-in-the-Hole, 74. Hotun, 16, 84. Hoton, Hoton juxta Gisburn, 124, Hutton Lowcross, 17. 129, 236, 329. Hotone, Hotune, 15 b, 84. *Hoton juxta Mulgrave, Mulgref, Hutton Mulgrave, 31. 237, 328. Hotun, 16 b, 84. Hoton, Hoton juxta Rudby, 124, Hutton Rudby, 28. 126, 130, 328. Hoton, 93, 96, 323. Hutton(Sand,p. Thirsk),87. Hotun, Hotune, 6 b, 85. *Sand Hoton, 325, 380, 381. Hutton (Sand, p. Bossall), 158. Hoton, Heton, Eton, 93, 95, 340. Hutton Sessay, 104. Wandeslage, Waneslage, Hoton, Hotonjuxta Marston, Hoton Hutton Wandesley, 173. 63 b, 82 b. Wandesley, 28, 222, 291, 342. Idel, Idele, Idell, 30, 224, 279, 360. Idle, 201, 202. Ilecliue, Illecliue, 12, 81. Ilkeley, Ylkelay, 31, 207, 286, 347. Ilkley, 186. Hilcheton, Ilcheton, 29, 85b. Ilketon, 152, 336. Ilton, 101. *Ingarthorp, Ingerthorp, Ingle- Ingerthorpe, 137. thorp, Ingrithorp, 212, 331, 388, 418, 435. Englebi, 6 b, 70 b, 85. Engilby juxta Arnecliff, Engelby Ingleby Arncliffe, 41. juxta Erneclyf, Ingelby cum Erneclif, Ingelby sub Arneclif, 124, 126, 234, 329. Englebi, 15, 84. Engelby Lorenge, Ingelby Loringe, Cold Ingleby, or Ingleby Ingelby cum Berewyk, 124, 127, Hill, 15. 234, 330. Englebi, 67 b, 84. Engilby, Ingelby, Ingleby, juxta Ingleby Greenhow, 29. Grenehowe, 124, 130 n., 133, 137 n., 237, 328. Inglestune, 8 b. *Ingelton, Ingleton, 278, 362. Ingleton, 96. Gemunstorp, Germundstorp, Ingmanthorp, 45, 205, 294, 386 n., Ingmanthorpe, 172. 22, 62 b, 83. 395 n. Iretone, Iretune, 51, 84 b. Irton, Hirton, 138, 146, 240, 326. Irton, 93. Iselbec, 59 b. Iselbeck, Iselbek, Isilbek, 93, 98, Islebeck, 103. 323. Jolby, Joleby, 178, 335. Jolby, 25. Chichelai, 8. Kighley, Kygheley, 16, 43, 192, Keighley, 200. 193, 357. Chelbroc, Cheuebroc, 49 b, Kelbrok, 19, 199n. Kelbrook, 184. 69. Chelchefeld, Chelchefelt, Kelfeld, Kelkefeld, 60, 63, 150n., Kelfield, 206. Kelchefeld, 31 b, 61, 86 b. 319. Chelche, alia Chelch, 7, 87. Parva Kelke, Kylk, 76, 246 n., 302, Kelk (Little), 162. 377. Chelinctone, Chelintune, *Kelington, 364. Kellington, 235. Chellinctone, Ghelintune, 37 b, 38, 82. Camisedale, 5 b, 60, 61 b, 84. Kemesdayll juxta Greneowe, 137. Cheretorp, 61 b, 87. Kenerthorp, 72, 314. Kennythorpe, 142. Capuic, Chipuic, 7, 59b, 85. Kepewik, Kepewyk, Keppewyk, Kepwick, 72. 93, 97, 322, 332, 340. Cherebi, 49, 83. Kereby, 45, 204, 281 n., 349. Kereby, 188. Chesuic, Chesvic, 68, 83. *Kesewik, Kesewyk, 206, 295, 349. Keswick (Dun), 188. Chesing, Chesuic, 7 b, 81. Est Kesewik, Kesewyk, Kessewik, Keswick (East), 188. Kesywyk, 42, 209, 287, 348. 512 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Chetelestorp, 55 b. Ketolthorp, 92. Kettlethorpe, 224. Cheteleuuelle, 69. Ketelwell, 19, 202, 355. Kettlewell, 115. Cezeburg, Chizeburg, 38 b, Keseburgh, 364. Kexbrough, 262. 82. Kexby, Kexeby, 60, 61, 319. Kexby, 175. Caingeham, Chaingeham, *Kayngham, 305. Keyingham, 242. 53, 79 b, 87 b. Chidal, 35, 81. *Kidall, 208, 287n. Kiddal, 204. Chileburne, 59 b. Kilburne, Kylburn, 51 n., 104, 323. Kilburn, 104. Childale, 67 b, 70 b, 84. Kildale, Kildaill, Killdayll, Kyldall, Kildale, 29. 124, 127, 135, 136, 144, 235, 329. Childeuuic, 8. Kildewik, Kyldewyk, 14, 357. Kildwick, 185. Chelingewic, Chileuuic, Kyllinwyk, Killingwik Perci, Kyl- Kildwick Percy, 176. Chilleuuinc, 4, 70, 86 b. lingwik Percy, 90, 258, 310. Chillon, Chillun, 4, 7, 64 b, Killom, Killurm, Kyllum, 51, 58, Kilham, 145. 67, 87. 250, 311. Chilvertebi, Chiluertesbi, 51, Kilwardeby, Kylwardby, 140, 146, Killerby, 94. 84 b. 240, 326. Chenehalle, Chenihalle, *Kelynghall, Kilinghale, Killing- Killinghall, 154. Chilingale, Kilingala, 5, hall, Kyllynghall, 211, 353, 436. 12 b, 83. Chilnesse, 52, 87 b. *Kilnesey, Lulnesce, 247 n., 305. Kilnsea, 269. Chileuuid, Chileuuit, 4, 18 b, Killyngwyk, Kyllingwyk, Killing- Kilnwick, 178. 86 b. wik juxta Watton, 83, 257, 307. Chelpin, 14, 86. Kilpyn, Kylpyn, 70, 316. Kilpin, 238. Chiltun, 5, 16, 84. Kilton, Kylton, 125, 238, 307 n., Kilton, 18. 328. Torp, 5, 16, 84. Thorp, Thorp juxta Kilton, 129, Kilton Thorpe, 18. 132, 237, 328. Cheluintun,Chelvinctune, 3, North Kylvington, Kulvington, Kilvington (North), 87. 17 b, 85. 103, 340. Cheluintun, Chelvinctune, South Kellevyngton, Kyllvington, Kilvington (South), 87. 17 b, 85. Kylvington, 93, 96, 322. Chibereworde, 44 b, 81 b. Kimberworth, 3, 10, 233, 365. Kimberworth, 289. Hnull, Kyngeston-super-Hull, 21 n., Kingston-upon-Hull, 240. 306, 388, 404 n. Chinetorp, 3b, 84 b. *Kynthorp, 326. Kinthorpe, 91. Chipeling, 24 b, 85 b. Kypplyng, Ripplingham, 175, 335. Kiplin, 55. Climbicote, linbicote, 13, Kibline, tes, Kyblingcotes, 83,261, Kipling-Cotes, 194. 18, 50, 86 b. 264 n. Chipesch, 35, 81. Kepax, Kypas, Kypax, 31 n., 38, Kippax, 219. 210, 348. Westburne, 4, 86, Burnous, Brunnas, Burnnus, Burnus, Kyrke- Kirkburn, 178. 70. burne, Westburn, 90, 307. Bertone, 4 b, 82 b. *Birton, 351. Kirkburton, 261. Chirchebi, 64, 82 b. *Kirkeby, 353. Kirkby (par. Little Ouseburn), 138, 155. Cherchebi, 67 b, 84. Kyrkeby, 133, 136, 137, 237, 328. Kirkby (in Cleveland), 42. Cherchebi, Chirchebi, 26, Kirkeby, 116 i., 149, 336. Kirkby Fleetham, 55. 85 b. Chirchebi, 7 b, 19 b, 87 b. Kirkeby, Kyrkeby in Grenedalle, Kirkby Grindalythe, 143. 73, 267 n., 274 n., 315. Chirchebi, 65, 83 b. Kirkeby, Kirkby in Mora, Kirkeby Kirkby Hill, 120. super Moram, 185, 186, 339. Chirchebi, 59 b. Kirkeby Knol, Kyrkeby sub Knol, Kirkby Knowle, 72. 93, 96, 322. Chirchebi, 69. Kirkeby, Kyrkeby, 22, 201, 355. Kirkby Malhamdale, 133. INDEX LOCORUM I. 513 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Chirchebi, 65, 83. Kirkeby Malsard, Kyrkby Malsart, Kirkby Malzeard, 101. Malserd, 46, 205, 294. Cherchebi, Chirchebi, 33, Kirkeby Mysperton, Kyrkeby My- Kirkby Misperton, 107. 84 b (Mispeton, 60). perton, 123, 367. alia Cherchebi, Chirchebi, Kyrkeby, Kirkeby Moresheud, 11], Kirkby Moorside, 90. 33, 84 b. 118, 120 a., 121, 320. Cherchebi, 49, 83. Kyrkeby Orblauers, Orblawere, Kirkby Overblow, 171. Kirkeby Feres, 45, 175 n., 203, 293, 349. Kirkeby, 167, 180. Kirkby Ravensworth, 24. Cherchebi, Chirchebi, 36 b, South Kyrkeby, Suth Kirkby, 4 n., Kirkby (South), 263. 82. 5, 359. Cherchebi, Chirchebi, 7 b, Kirkeby, Kyrkby, 71, 270 n., 315, Kirkby Underdale, 159. 67, 87. 367. Chirchebi, 36, 81 b. *Kirkeby, Kyrkby, Kirkeby super Kirkby Wharfe, 205. Werf, 50n., 215, 285, 345, 400, 404, 406, 407. Chirchebi, 24 b, 85 b. Kirkby Wysk, Kirkby super Wysk, Kirkby Wiske, 87. 176, 334. Aluengi, 18 b, 55 b, 58, 61, Elvele, Elveley, 80, 81, 263, 318. Kirk Ella, 225, 239. 86. Etone, Ettone, 4 b, 82 b. Heton, Hoton, 228, 292, 351. Kirk Heaton, 246, 247. Westlid, Westlide, West- Lethum, Lithum, Lythum, Lyum, Kirkleatham, 7. lidun, 5, 15, 16, 50 b, 84. Kirklethum, 131, 136, 238, 328. Cherdinton, 30, 85 b. Kirtlington, Kyrtelyngton, 183, Kirklington, 86. 339. Creskell, 31 n., 40, 41. Kirskill, 187. Cnapetone, 59, 63 b, 82 b. Knapton, 27, 220, 290, 342. Knapton (W.R.), 174. Cnapeton, Cnapetone, 56, Knapton, 71, 267, 314. Knapton (E.R.), 108. 87 b. Chenaresburg, 5,8, 62, 62b, *Knaresburgh, 205 n., 211, 353, Knaresborough, 154. 83. 408. Cheneuetone, Cheniuetune, Knamyngton, Knayueton, 100, 340. Knayton, 71. Chennieton, 3, 14 b, 85. Cledinton, 14, 86. Knedelington, 70, 316. Knedlington, 237. Naton, 23 b, 85 b. Kneton, 170, 335. Kneeton, 25. Notingelai, Notingeleia, *Knottingley, 363. Knottingley, 235. 37, 82. Lachebi, Lachenebi, 15, 16, Lackenby, Lacnebi, Lakinby, Lak- Lackenby, 7. 84. kenby, 124, 129, 134, 135, 237, 328. Lanclif, 69. Lancliff, Langeclif, 21, 200, 355. Lancliffe, 132. Landemot, 3, 85. Landemote, Lyandmet, 99 n., 100, Landmoth, 71. 340. *Lanside, 363. Langsett, 281. Langthorne, 163, 337. Langthorne, 69. Langetorp, 26 b, 85 b. Langthorp, Langethorn, 185, 339. Langthorpe (N.R.), 120,138. Lambetorp, Lanbetorp, 54 b, Lambethorp, 74, 373. Langthorpe (E.R.), 212. 79 b, 87 b. Langetouet, Langetouft, *Langethwayt, Langetwait, Lange- Langthwaite, 276. 21 b, 81 b. wath, 231, 282, 366. Langetou, Langhetou, 4 b, Langetoft, 57, 368, 401, 404. Langtoft, 144. 7, 11, 87. Lanton, 61 b, 87. *Langton, Langeton, 270, 314. Langton (E.R.), 42. Parva Langton, 175, 334. Langton (Little), 55. Langeton, 23 b, 85 b. Magna Langton, 175, 335. Langton-upon-Swale, 55. Lertinton, 25 b, 85 b. Lyrtyngton, 165, 333. Lartin ton, 12. LL 514 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Lestingeham, 33, 84 b. Laystyngham,Laisingham, 123,367. Lastingham, 74. Lastone, 43, 81 b. Laghton, Laughton, Laython, in Laughton-en-le-Morthen, Morthyng, 2, 365, 410. 296. Laxinton, 14, 86. Laxinton, Laxton, 70, 259 n., 316. Laxton, 238. Lacoc, 8. Lackac, 16. Laycock, 200. Lechestorp, 60 b. Laisthorp, 105, 110, 114, 332. Laysthorpe, 105. Ladon, Ladone, 18, 58, 86. Lathom, Lathum, 80, 82, 84, 253, Laytham, 207. 309. Latone Latto,. 23 b, 85 b. FEst Laton, 164, 168, 333. Layton (East), 24. Latone, Lattn, West Laton, 168, 333. Layton (West), 24. Leisenobi, Leisingbi, 3, 85. Laysingby, 103. Lazenby (Allertonsh.), 55. Laisinbia, Leisingebi, Le- Laisingebi, Lasingby, Lesingby, Lazenby (Langbargh), 7. sighebi, Lesingebi, 5, 15, 64 n., 124, 127, 129, 131, 132, 67b, 70 b, 84. 134, 135, 235, 236, 237, 328. Led, Lede, Lied, 35 b, 78, *Led, Lede, Leede, 50., 214, 284, Lead, 204. 81 b. 346. Lelun, 60, 61 b, 84. Slethollme (?), 125. Lealholme, 31. Ledelai, 8, 49, 58 b, 70 b, 83. Leley, Lethelay, Letheley, 44, 203, Leathley, 187. 293, 349. Ledlinge, Ledlinghe (?), 68, Levening, Levenyng, 71, 72, 269, Leavening, 142. 87. 315. Ledbestun, Ledbeztun, 3,84. Leberston, Lebreston, 140, 144, 145, Lebberston, 94. 146, 239, 327. Ledebi, 22, 83 b. *Lecceby, 185 n., 339. Leckby, 103, 120. Lachinfeld, Lachinfelt, 18 b, *Lekenfeld, Lekyngfeld, 257, 308. Leckonfield, 195. 50, 86 b. Ledesham, 36, 81 b. *Ledesham, 50 n., 345. Ledsham, 219. Ledestune, 35, 81. *Ledeston, 209, 348. Ledstone, 219, 234. Ledes, 35, 81. Ledes, Ledys, 30 n., 33 n., 38, 42 n., Leeds, 218. 209, 287, 348. Leming, Lemynge, 181, 339. Leeming, 70. Lemyng, Lemynge, 161, 336. Leeming (Little), 70. *Levanachton, Levenaghton, Leve- Lennerton, 220. naton, 50 n., 384, 399, 403, 405, 414. Lepinton, 87. Lepington, Lepyngton, 71, 268,315. Leppington, 159. Leptone, 40, 82. *Lepton, 228, 292, 351. Lepton, 247, 261. Lentune, Leuton, 6 b, 70 b, Castel Leventon, Levington, Le- Levington (Castle), 27, 28. 85. vyngton, 124, 130, 235 n., 237, 329, 432 n. Lentune, Leuton, 6 b, 70 b, Kirke Levyngton, 124, 132, 236, Levington (Kirk), 27. 85. 237, 329. Leuecen, Leuuecen, 3 b, 84b. Levesham, Levisham, 143, 239, 326. Levisham, 75. Leborne, 28, 85 b. Layburne, 158, 337. Leyburn, 68. Lilinga, Lilinge, 6, 17, 85. West Lilling, Clyng, 107, 324, 378. Lilling (West), 140. *Lindelay, Lyndelay, Lyndeley, Lindley, 170. 204, 294, 389, 404, 413. *Lingarthys, 351. Lingards, 259. Levingthorpe, Levyngthorp, 124, Linthorpe, 16. 127, 131, 132, 235, 236, 329. Lintone, 49 b, 83. *Lynton, 203, 293, 349. Linton (Claro), 189. Lipton, 59. Linton, Lynton, 19, 202, 355. Linton (Staincliffe), 134. Linton, Lynton, 70, 316. Linton (E.R.), 238. *Linton, Lynton, 324, 381. Linton-on-Ouse, 156. Lessete, 53 b, 87 b. Leset, Lesset, 76 n., 77, 244 n., 302, Lisset, 163. 373. Torp, 12 b, 83. *Thorp, 331. Littlethorpe, 119. INDEX LOCORUM 1. 515 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Litone, 69. Litton, Lytton, 19, 202, 355. Litton, 98. Liuresech, Livresec, 41 b, Leversege, Liverssege, Lyversege, Liversedge, 232. 82 b. 30, 225, 280, 360. Liuretun, 15, 84. Leverton, Lyverton, 64 n., 125, 128, Liverton, 18. 150 n., 236, 329. Lecheton, Locheton, 13,18b, Lokyngton, 83, 241, 308, 317. Lockington, 195. 86b. Lochetun, 5 b, 84 b. Locton, Loketon, Lokton, 143, 239, Lockton, 75, 76. 326. Locthuse, Loftose, 40 b, 82 b. *Lofthous, Lofthouse, 226, 280. Lofthouse (Morley), 233. Locthusun, Lofthuse, 7 b, 81. Lofthouse, 31 ns., 34, 432 n. Lofthouse(Farm,par. Harewood), 188. Locthusun, Lotes, Lothuse, *Lofthouse, Lofthouses, 211, 353. Lofthouse Hill, 138. 62, 66 b, 83. Loctehusum, Loctushum, Loftehouse, Lofthous, Lofthus, Lofthouse (North), 18. 15, 84. Loftous, 125, 126, 127, 234, 329. Loctehusum, Loctusum, 5, Lofthowse, South Lofthus,Sowethe Lofthouse (South), 18. 84. Loftos, 131, 238, 329. Lofthousum, Lofthusum, 80, 251, Loftsome, 222. 309. Lodenesburg, 10 b, 86 b. Leoneburgh, Lonesburgh, Lonnes- Londesbrough, 194. bourgh, Lonnesburgh, Lounesburgh, 79, 255, 310, 389, 401, 404, 414. Langefelt, 4 b. *Longefeld, 361. Longfield, 229. Lonsdayll, Lounesdaill, 136. Lonsdale, 29. Lontone, Lontune, 25, 85 b. Lonton, 165. Lonton, 2, 4. Lodresdene, 69. Lotheresden, Lothereston, 15. Lothersdale, 184. Lotrington, Lutrington, Luteryng- Lotherton, 204. ton, 48, 213, 259., 284, 345, 383, 401, 406, 408, 410, 418, 427, 429. Geureshale, Loureshale, Loversale, Loversalle, Lovershall, Loversall, 285. Luureshale,20b, 78b, 81b. 5, 8, 231, 282, 358. Langetorpe, Logetorp, Louthorp, Lowthorp, 58, 249, 312. Lowthorpe, 162. Loghetorp, 7, 13 b, 67, 78, 87. Lumby, 48, 213, 214 n., 284, 346, Lumby, 220. 384, 398, 400, 403, 417, 438. Lont, 14, 55 b, 58, 77, 86. *Lound, Lund, Lunte, 341. Lund-on-the-Wolds, 195. Ludton 11,87. Est Lutton, 73, 273, 315, 401, 404. Lutton (East), 125. u ton,18. WestLutton, 73, 273,315,401, 404. Lutton (West), 152. Lid, 15 b, 84. Lieth, Lithe, Lyth, Lythe, 125, 129, Lythe, 20, 32. 237, 328. Malgon, Malgun, 8 b, 49 b, Malgham, Malghum, Malhum, 18, Malham, 133. 83 b. 191, 200, 355. Maltebi, 43, 81 b. Malteby, 2, 8, 232, 365. Maltby (W.R.), 290. Maltebi, 15, 84. Malteby, 124, 126 n., 136, 234, 330. Maltby (N.R.), 16. Maltun, Maltune, 6, 11, Malton, Vetus Malton, 110, 111, Malton (Old), 124. 16b, 84b. 114, 320. *Maunfeld, 336. Manfield, 14. *Maynyngham, 227, 361. Manningham, 216. Mainestune, Manestun, 35, Manston, 35, 208. Manston, 218, 219. 81. Mapletone, 52 b, 87 b. Mapelton, Mapilton, 74, 75, 76, Mappleton, 197. 245 s., 303, 371, 413. Martrebi, 59 b. Martherby, 105, 332. Marderby, 88. L L 2 516 INDEX LOCORUIM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Mereflet, 52 b, 87 b. Marflete, Merflet, 74, 243 n., 305, Marfleet, 240, 241. 373. Merchinton, Merchintone, *Markenton, Markinton, Merking- Markington, 137. 12 b, 83. ton, 212, 331, 388, 402, 415, 435. Marra, 20 b, 44, 81 b. Mare, Marre, 5, 366. Marr, 276. Mange, 27, 85 b. Marrigg, Marryng, 172, 334. Marrick, 53. Merske, Smarsk, 172, 334. Marske (Gilling W.), 38. Mersc, Mersch, Mersche, 15, Marske, Mersk, 124, 125, 128, 130, Marske (Langbargh), 7. 16, 50 b, 84. 234,236,328. Merstone, Mersetone, 63, Merston, Mereston, 28, 221, 290, Marston (Long), 173. 82 b. 342, 372 n. 69rtun, 69. f Marton, Morton, 14, 192, 356. Marton (East), 167. Martun, 9. 1 Marton, West Morton, 14, 192, 356. Marton (West), 167. Marton, Martone, 4, 11 b, Marton, 55, 249, 313. Marton (D)ickering), 128. 19, 87. Meretone, 53, 55, 87 b. Marton, 74, 243 n., 304, 375. Marton (Holderness), 212. Marton, Martun, Martune, Marton, 124, 127, 128, 131, 132, Marton (Langbargh), 16. 5 b, 46, 67 b, 70 b, 84. 235, 236, 238, 330. Martun, 3, 5 b, 84 b. Marton, 138, 141, 142, 239, 326. Marton (Pickering L.), 90. Martun, 17, 85. Marton, 97 n., 108, 325. Marton-in-the-Forest, 122. Massan, 29, 85 b. Masham, 152 n., 153, 336. Masham, 85. Mannebi, 24 b, 85 b. Mauneby, Mawnby, 176, 334. Maunby, 86. Middelburne, Midelborne, *Mechelburn, Melburn, 253, 309. Melbourne, 192, 123. 55 b, 86. Malmerbi, 30 b, 85 6. Melmorby, 184, 338. Melmerby (p. IWath), 102. Melmerbi, 28, 85 b. Melmorby, 155, 338. Melmerby (Hang W.), 84. Malsenebi, 25 6, 85 b. Melsamby, Melshamby, 170, 333. Melsonby, 25. Meltham, 40, 82. *Muletham, 351. Meltham, 260. *Melton, 317. Melton (E.R.), 239. Medeltone, Middeltun, Mi- Melton, Melton-le-Heyg, 3, 9, 10, Melton-on-the-Hill, 284. deltone, 44, 66, 81 b. 232 n., 233, 283, 365. Metelbi, 4, 86 b. *Meltynby, 310. Meltonby, 176. Mennistorp, 7 b, 19 b, 34, 87. Menythorp, Meynthorp, Morithorp Menethorpe, 142. (?), 71,268, 314. Mersintone, Mersitone, 12, Mensington, Mensyngton, Menston Menston, 186. 81. in Wherdale, 37, 209, 347, 406, 416, 420 n. Menethorp, Menthorp, 60, 66, 242, Menthorpe, 222. 317, 319. *Metham, 316. Metham, 238. Medelai, 39 b, 82. *Metheley, 352. Methley, 234. Mechesburg, 43 b, 81 b. Mekesburg, 2, 12, 365. Mexborough, 284. Michelbi, 15 b, 84. Mikelby, Mykelby, Mykilby, 125, Mickleby, 19, 31. 130,237,328. Mickelfeld, Mikelfeld, Mikelfeude, Micklefield, 219. 48, 213, 284, 345, 384, 398, 400, 403, 404 n., 410, 411, 412, 420. Micleton, 25, 85 b. Mikelton, 165, 333. Mickleton, 4, 5. Medelai, 28, 85 b. Middelham, Midelham, 150 n., 154, Middleham, 68. 158 n., 186, 311 n., 338. Medellesburghe, Middylburch, 124, Middlesbrough, 6. 125, 235 n. Badetorpes (? —including Thorp Atun, Thorp Malteby, Thorp Middlethorpe, 174. Bustardthorpe), 8, 61 b, juxtaEbor.,Middelthorp, 23,105, 66 b, 68, 82 b. 216 a., 289, 343. Mildentone, Mildetone, 40 b. Middelton, Midelton, Midylton, 30, Middleton (Morley), 233. 82 b. 225, 280,360. INDEX LOCORUM I. 517 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Middeltune, Mideltun, 12, Meddilton, Middelton, Midelton, Middleton (Claro), 169. 81. Midleton, 44, 203, 293, 349. Middeltun, Mideltun, 3 b, Middelton, Middleton, Midelton, Middleton(PickeringLythe), 84 b. 143, 239, 240, 326. 91. Middelton,Middeltone, Mid- Middelton, Mto n, idelton, Myddelton, Middleton (Langbargh), 28. deltun, 16, 16 b, 84. 124, 126, 130, 328. Middeltun, Mideltune, 30 b. Middelton, Middilton, 183, 338. Middleton Qwernhowe, 102. 85 b. Middeltun, Midelton, 23 b, Middelton, Midelton, Midelton jux- Middleton Tyas, 25, 39. 85 b. ta Kneton, 170, 171 n., 179, 335. Middeltun, Midelton, 13, 18, Middelton, Middilton, Midelton, 83, Middleton-on-the-Wolds, 18 b, 77, 86 b. 91, 92, 255, 307. 177, 178. Mithope, 49 b. Midehop, Midhopp, 18, 199, 354. Middop, 183. Micleie, 4 b. *Miggeley, 361. Midgley, 230. Mildebi, 5, 83 b. Mildeby, 185, 339, 353. Milby, 120. Mileford, 36 b, 78, 81 b. *North Milford, Milleford, 50 n., Milford (North), 220. 215, 285, 345. Mileford,South Milford,Suth Mule- Milford (South), 220. forth, 48, 284, 345, 384, 398, 399, 400, 403, 405, 417. Mileton, Milleton, 4, 10 b, Milington, Millington, Milyngton, Millington, 176. 70, 86 b. 89, 92, 256, 310. Minescip, 8, 83. *Manskip, 353. Minskip, 138. Mirefelt, 41 b, 82 b. Mirfeld, Myrfeld, 30, 225, 280, 361. Mirfield, 247. Mitune, 69 b. Mitton, 17, 197, 354. Mitton (Great), 198. Molecroft, Molescroft, 13, *Molecroft, Molescroft, 260, 308, Molscroft, 210. 86 b. 388,407,419. Monuchetone, 12 b, 83. *Munketon, Munckton juxta Ry- Monkton (Bishop), 137. pon, 331, 400, 414, 428. Monechetune, 59, 82 b. Monkton, Munketon, 27, 221, 342. Monkton (Moor), 156. Monechetone, Monuchetone, Monketon, Munketon, Nune Monkton (Nun), 156. 63 b, 79, 82 b. Munketon, 46, 206, 295, 350. Monte, 72. Mount Ferrant (Siteof), 142. *Mordale, 237. Morhous, Morehous, 8, 231,281. Moorhouse, 264. Morehusum, 5, 16, 84. Moresum, Morsum, 124, 125, 132. Moorsholme (Great), 18. Morebi, 31 b, 61 b, 86 b. Morby, Moreby, 60, 63. Moreby, 191. Moreleia, 40 b, 82 b. Morlay, Morley, 30, 227, 280, 360. Morley, 232. Mortham, 23, 85 b. Mortham, Morham, 167, 334. Mortham, 13. Morning, 7. Morthen, 296. Morton, Mortun, 5, 70 b, Moreton, Morton, Murton, 124,131, Morton (Langbargh), 17. 84. 238. Mortun,-7 b, 81. Morton, 31, 207, 286, 347. Morton (E. and W.), 186. Mortun, Mortune, 24 b, 85 b. Morton, 175, 334. Morton-upon-Swale, 70. Mortune, 6 b, 85. Morton, 97 n., 106. Morton, or Murton, 72. Moltun, 23, 85 b. Multon, 180, 335. Moulton, 39. Meletorp, Muletorp, 11,19 b, Multhorp, 73, 267 n., 274, 315. Mowthorpe (E.R.), 125, 13. 87 b. Muletorp, 85. *Molthropp, Multhorp, 214 n., 324, Mowthorpe (N.R.), 123. 380. Grif, 15 b, 84. Mulgrave, 129. Mulgrave, 32. *Mouwath, Mulwath, 212, 387, Mulwith, 137. 208 n., 436. Mortun, Mortune, 1 b, 81. *Moreton, 368. Murton (Bl7mer), 174. Mortune, 6 b, 85. Morton, 97 n., 106. Murton (Birdforth), 72. Muscotes, 110, 117, 120, 321. Muscoates, 106. Muston, Mustone, 7, 57 b, 87. Musedon, Muston, 52, 249, 311. Muston, 110. 518 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Mitune, 6 b, 11 b, 85. *Miton, 367, 378 n. Myton-upon-Swale, 138. Mitun, Mitune, 55 b, 86. *Miton, 261. (Myton, near Hull. Lost.) Naborne, 7, 33, 77, 86 b. Naburn, 60, 62, 319. Naburn, 191. Nadfartone, 7, 50 b, 87. Nafferton, Naffreton, 57, 249, 312. Nafferton, 162. *Nappay, 338. Nappa (N.R.), 66. Napars, 49 b. Nappa, Nappay, 18, 198, 354. Nappa (W.R.), 166. Nageltone, Nageltune, Nalton, Nawelton, Nawilton, 110, Nawton, 90. Naghelton, 11, 34, 60, 117, 120, 123, 320. 84 b. Nacefeld, 49, 83. Nescefeld, Nesefeld, Nessefeld, 44, Nesfield, 169. 203, 293, 349. Neisse, Nesse, 56 b, 60b, Est Nesse, 65 n., 110, 117, 120, Ness (East), 106. 84. 321. West Nesse, 110, 116n., 117, 119. Ness (West), 106. Nesseuuic, Nesvinc, 19, 86 b. Nessingwik, Nessingwyk, 85, 259, Neswick, 178. 307. *Netherthorp, 233. Netherthorpe, 300. Niuuebold, Niwebolt, 10 b, Neubald, Newebald, 92, 368. Newbald (North?), 209. 86. Neubigging, Newbiggyng, 140,327. Newbigging, 94. Neuby, Newby, Neuweby, Neuby Newby (par. Ripon), 119. super Yore, 212, 331, 388 n., 400, 404, 405, 436. Neuby, 19. Newby (p. Gisturn), 183. Neuby, Newby, Neweby, 124, 126, Newby (p. Stokesley), 28. 130, 133, 235 n., 237, 328. Neuby, Newby, 184, 185 n., 338. Newby-super-Swale, 103. Neuby, Neuby super Wysk, 176, Newby Wiske, 71. 334. *Neuhale, Neuhall, 204, 294, 349. Newhall (p. Otley), 187. Neuhalle, Niwehalla, 43 b, Neuhalle, Newhall, 2, 12, 283. Newhall (p. Wath), 283. 81 b. Neuueham,Niueham,Niwe- Newham, Neweham, 124, 125, 238. Newham, 16. ham, 5 b, 46 b, 70 b, 84. *Neuhithe, 303. (New Hithe, par. Skipsea. Lost.) Neuland, 70, 316. Newland, 238. Neuhusum, 35 b, 81. Neusom, Neusum, 31 n., 38, 210, Newsam (Temple), 218. 348. Neuhuson, 25 b, 85 b. Neusom, 166, 167 n., 333. Newsham (Gilling W.), 24. Neuhuse, 6 b, 85. Neusom, Neusum, 93, 95, 323. Newsham (p. Kirkby Wiske), 87. Neuhuse, Neuuehusum, Neusom, Neusum, 111, 118, 122, Newsham (par. Appleton-leNiehusum, 5 b, 60 b, 70 b, 178 n., 321. Street), 107. 84 b. Neuhuse, 8. Neusom, Neusum, 16, 189, 190. Newsholme (p. Keighley), 200. Neuhusa, Nesse, 55 b, 86. *Newesum, 251, 309. Newsholme (p. WVressell), 222. Neusom, 54, 249. Newsholme (Site of), 128. Neuhuse, 49 b, 69. Neusom, 18, 198, 354. Newsome (p. Gisburn), 166. Neuhuson, Niuuehusum, Neusam, Neusom, Neusum, New- Newsome (Great and Little. 53, 87 b. sham juxta Frothingham, 76, 77, Farms, par. Owthorne), 246 n., 248 n., 306, 376. 242. Neutone, 69. Neuton, 15, 196, 357. Newton (Bank), 167. Neutone, 69. Neuton, Newton sub Crakemoor, Newton (Little), 149. 15, 202. INDEX LOCORUM 1. 519 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Neutone, 69 b. Neuton, Neuton in Bogheland, 16, Newton-on-Hodder, 165. 197, 354. *Neuton, Newton, 212, 387, 436. Newton (par. Ripley), 136. Neuton, Neuueton, Niuue- Neuton Kymbe, Kyme, 49, 345. Newton Kyme, 189, 190. ton, 20 b, 64, 81, 81 b. Niuueton, 36, 78 (?), 81 b. Neuton Walays, Newton Waleys, Newton-in-the-Willows, or 50, 214, 345, 350 n. Newton Abberth, 234. Neuton, Neuuetone, 56 b, Neuton, Neweton, 73, 267, 314. Newton (p. Wintringham), 87 b. 125. Niuueton, Niuuetone, 53 b, Outneuton, Utneuton, Eusteuton, Newton (Out), 257. 87 b. 75, 245 n., 305, 376. *Neuton, 308, 318. Site of Hawtemprice priory, 225. Neuton, Neutone, 14, 77 b, *Neuton juxta Gerthum, 241, 242. Gardham (?), 210. 86 b. *Neuton, 310. Newton-upon-Derwent, 175. Niuuetone, 53, 87 b. Neuton, Neuton juxta Aldeburgh, Newton (East), 213. 76, 374. Neutone, 13 b, 87 b. Newton, Neuton Conestable, 77, Newton (West), 212. 375, 437. Neuton, 7, 57 b, 87. Neuton, Neweton, 53, 249, 312. Newton (Wold), 127. Neutone, Neuuetune, 15b, Neuton, Newton, Neuton juxta Newton Mulgrave, 19. 84. Elleredeby, Neweton juxta Mulgrave, 125, 129, 237, 328. Neuuetun, 5, 84. Neweton, Newton-Othenbruche, Newton (Langbarglh), 17. Newton-subtus-Othenesbergh v. Onesbergh, Newton - Theurbrugh, 124, 128, 131, 236, 329. Neuton, Neuuetun, 3, 33b, Neuton, Newton, 138, 143, 144, Newton (p. Pickering), 75. 84 b. 145, 146, 239, 326. Neutone, 24, 85 b. Neuton Morell, 179, 335. Newton Morell, 25. *Neuton, Newton, 181 n., 339. Newton Picot, 70. Neutune,Neuueton,Neuue- Neuton, West Neuton, 110, 114, Newton (West), 105. tune, 6, 11, 84 b. 115, 123. Neuton, 30, 85 b. Neuton, 160, 337. Newton-le-Willows, 69. Neuuetone, 56 b, 85. *Neuton super Usam, 344. Newton-upon-Ouse, 156. Nit, Nith, 12 b, 83. *Nid, Nidd, Nidde, Nyd, 212, 295, Nidd, 136, 154. 331, 387, 436. *Niddersdale, 331. Nidderdale. Normanebi, 5, 16,46, 51, 84. Normanby, Normandeby, North- Normanby (Langbargh), 16. manby, 124, 127, 129, 136 n., 236, 329. Normanebi, 6, 60, 84 b. Northmanby, Normanton, 123, Normanby (Ryedale), 90. 367. Normantone, Normatune, *Normanton, 351. Normanton, 234. Normetune, 4 b, 7 b, 82. Aluerton, Alvertune, 3, 23 b, *Alverton, 325 n., 340. Northallerton, 56. 85. Nortone, 36 b, 82. *Norton, 364. Norton (p. Campsall), 264. Norton, Nortone, 7, 55 b, Norton, 71, 72, 267, 314. Norton (Buckrose), 124. 61 b, 87. Nortone, 22, 83 b. Norton, Torton, 185, 339. Norton-le-Clay, 102. Norton, Nortone, 14 b, 83 b. Norton, Norton Coniers, 102, 340. Norton Conyers, 102. Nosterfeld, 159, 336, 339. Nosterfield, 86. Notone, Nortone, 39, 82. *Notton, 363. Notton, 262. Brunham, 3 b, 4, 66 b, 86 b. Brunham, Brunhom, Brunom, 89, Nunburnholme, 193, 194. 256, 310. 520 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Chelinge, Chilinge, Chil- Killing, Killyng, Kyllyng, 74 n., Nunkeeling, 180. inghe, 53 b, 54, 87 b. 75, 244 n., 303, 372, 373. Noningtune, Nonninctune, Nonyngton, Nunington, Nunning- Nunnington, 106. Nunnigetune, 6, 16 b, ton, 110, 116 n., 117, 119, 320. 56 b, 84 b. Torp, 5, 84. Nunthorp, Nunethorp, Mythorpe, Nunthorpe, 16. 124, 127, 235, 329. Nonnewic, 12 b, 83 b. *Nonewyk, Nunewyk, Nunnewik, Nunwick, 102. Nunwik, Nunwyk, 212, 331,387, 402, 405, 413, 418, 435, 436. *Nonewycthornes, Nunewyk, Nun- Nunwick-Thorns (Site of), wyk, Thornes, 212, 387, 402, 405, 119. 413, 418, 435,436. Notele, Nothele, 52, 87 b. Nutle, Nuttell, 76, 246 n., 374. Nuttles, 227. Acurde, 8, 59. Aekeworth, Hakewrith, 16,189,190. Oakworth, 200. Ocheton, 7, 87. Ocketon, Octon, Oketon, 57, 249, Octon, 126. 311. Ocelestorp, Oglestorp, 20, Oclesthorp, Okelesthorp, 50, 214, Oglethorpe, 189. 64, 78, 81, 81 b. 285. Ormesbi, 67 b, 70 b, 84. Ormesby, 124, 125, 127, 135, 136, Ormesby, 16. 235, 329. Osboldewic, 1 b, 12, 81. *Osbaldewyk, 368. Osbaldwick, 174. Ansgotebi, Ansgotesbi, 18, Osgoteby, Hosgoteby, 60, 68, 242, Osgodby (p. Riccall), 221. 77 b, 86. 317. Ansgotebi, 59 b. Osegoteby, 106. Osgodby (p. Thirkleby), 88, 104. Asgozbi, 3, 84. Osgoteby, 106 n., 139,144, 146, 239, Osgodby, (p. Seamer), 94. 326. Asmundrelac, 6 b, 85. Osmundeby, Osmunderley, 104, Osmotherley, 56. 175 n., 340. Osleset, 4 b, 82 b. *Osset, 351. Ossett, 248. Oswaldescherca, 16 b, 33 b, Oswaldkirk, Oswaldkyrke, 114, 115, Oswaldkirk, 105. 84 b. 321. Otelai, Othelai, 12, 81. Ottelaie, Ottelay, Otteley, 37, 209, Otley, 187. 288, 347, 389, 398, 400, 402, 405. 406, 407, 410, 411,419, 420, 425. Otreburne, 8 b, 69, 83 b. Oterburn, Otterburn, 15, 191, 356. Otterburn, 149, 150. Ostrinctune, Otrinctun, 3, Otrington, North Oterington, 101, Otterington (North), 71. 6 b, 85. 340. Oterington, Otrington, 105, 332. Otterington (South), 71. Otrengham, Otringeham, Oteryngham, Otringham, Oking- Ottringham, 242. 13 b, 53, 87 b. ham, 75, 244 n., 305, 376. Uleburg, Ulenburg, 54 b, Ulburgh, 74, 373. Oubrough, 212. 87 b. Oulecotes, 14. Uluestun, 6 b, 85. Ulleston, Uluiston, Wlueston, 93, Oulston, 104. 94, 323. Useburne, 8, 82 b. *Useburn, 211, 353, 434 n. Ouseburn (Great), 138. Useburne, 8, 66 b, 70, 82 b. Parva Useburn, 46, 206, 350. Ouseburn (Little), 155. Duuestorp, 14, 86. Ousthorp, Hausthorp, 70, 316. Ousethorpe, 223. Ulsitone, Wlsintone, 48 b, Wlsington, Wlsyngton, Wulsyng- Ouston, 190. 79 b, 82 b. ton, 25, 222, 291. *Ovesden, 361. Ovenden, 230, 231. Ouertun, Ovretun, 2, 31, *Overton, 367. Overton, 156. 81. Ulfeton, 23, 85 b. *Ulmyngton, Ulvyngton, 334. Ovington, 13. *Hourun, 224 n., 361. Owrai (North), 231. INDEX LOCORUM 1. 521 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modemr Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Oure, Ouere, 41 b, 82 b. Ourem, Ourum, Southouerton, 30, Owram (South), 231. 224, 279, 361. Lanulfestorp, 50, 77 b, 86 b. Ullesthorp, Ulvesthorp, 92, 310. Owsthorpe, 176. Austhun, Austun, 36 b, 82. *Ouston, 39 n., 363. Owston, 264. Osteuuic, Hosteuuic, 52, Oustwyk, Owstwyk, 74, 75, 116 n., Owstwick, 228. 87 b. 245 n., 304, 375. Thorne, Torne, 52, 87 b. Outhorn, Ulthorne, Uttethorne, Owthorne, 243. 76 n., 77, 247 n., 305, 376. *Oxenhop, 227. Oxenhop, 200, 215. Osprinc, Ospring, 39 b, 82. *Ospring, 363. Oxspring, 273. Ossetone, Oxetone, 63, 79, Oxton, Hoxton, 24, 219, 290, 343. Oxton, 190. 82b. Padehale, Paghenale, 49 b, Patenall, Pathenall, 17, 198, 355. Painley, 166. 69. West Patenall, 17. I Thorf, Torfe, 7 b, 67, 87. *Paynthorp, 315. Painsthorpe, 159. Torp, 22, 48 b, 63, 79, 82 b. Paddocthorp, 25, 222. Pallethorpe, 190. Parlintun, Perlinctune, 35, Parlyngton, Perlyngton, 38, 210, Parlington, 204. 81. 288, 348. Patrictone, 9 b, 87 b. *Paterinton, Patrington, 77 n., 305, Patrington, 256. 389,422. Pagele, Paghel, 52, 87 b. Paghell, Pagula, Pawel, 75 n., 77, Paull, or Paghill, 241. 305, 377. *Par Thorn (?), 376. Pathorne, Pathorp, 49 b, Pathorn, 17, 202, 354. Paythorne, 166. 69. Pangeston, Pengestone, 7 b, *Peniston, 364. Peniston, 273. 38 b, 82. Penigthorp, Penythorpe, 76, 246 n., Pensthorpe (Site of), 256. 376. Picheburne, 21, 81 b. Pickburn, Pickeburn, Pikeburne, Pickburn, 276. Pykeburn, 6, 9, 231, 282, 359. Picheringa, 3 b, 84 b. Pekeryng, Pykeryng, 122, 140, 143, Pickering, 91. 147, 239, 326. Picala, Picale, 31, 85 b. Pichale, Pykehale, 182, 183 n., 339. Pickhill, 86. Pickton, Pyketon, 125, 128, 236, Pickton, 27. 328. Torp, 5, 46, 84. Pinchingthorp, Pynchenthorp, Pinchingthorpe, 17. Pynchunthorp, 124, 128, 129, 236, 330. Plontone, 49, 59, 83. Plumton, Plumpton, 45, 203, 293, Plumpton, 171. 349. Pochelac, Pochelaf, 11 b, Pockele, Poklee, Speskelegh, 110, Pockley, 89. 16 b, 84 b. 113, 115, 320. Poclinton, 4, 46, 58 b, 66 b, *Pokelington, Pokylington, 91 n., Pocklington, 176. 77 b, 86 b. 92, 310. Pochetorp, 50 b, 87. Pokethorp, 57, 249, 312. Pockthorpe, 144. *Pokelington, 363. Pollington, 251. *Pontefract, Ponteston, 5, 363, Pontefract, 234, 249. 383 n., 411. Poles, Polys, 49, 383. Poole (p. Brotherton), 235. Pouele, 12, 81. Pole, Pouel, Pouell, Pouill, 37, 40 2., Poole (par. Otley), 187. 209, 288, 347, 389, 400, 405. Popleton, Popletune, 12, Popilton, Popleton Superior, 27 n., Poppleton (Upper), 173. 63 b, 79, 82 b. 29, 367. altera Popletone, 63 b, 79, altera Popilton, Popleton Inferior, Poplpleton (N-etler),156,157. 82 b. 29, 367. Portinton, Portiton, 14, 86. PortinPor tnin ton, Potnto70, 316. Portington, 223. 522 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Neuton, Potters Neuton, Potter Potter Newton, 203. Newton, 34, 207, 286, 348. Pothowe, Pottou, 124,126, 130,329. Potto, 42. Prestune, 35, 81. Preston, 35, 208, 287, 348. Preston (par. Kippax), 219 Prestone, Prestune, 52, 55, Preston, Priston, 76,-245 n., 246 n., Preston (Holderness), 227. 79 b, 87 b. 247 n., 305, 374. Presteton, Prestetune, 3, Preston, 138, 144, 145, 146, 239. Preston (Pickering Lythe, 84 b. Lost). Prestune, 69. Preston, 15 n., 21,200 n., 201, 202 n., Preston (Long), 149. 355. Preston, Prestun, 27 b, 85 b. Preston, 151, 337. Preston-under-Scar, 67. Podechesaie, 40 b, 82 b. Podesey, Poduscey, Pudesay, Pud- Pudsey, 217. desay, 30, 226, 280, 360. Pundagh, 75, 245 n. Preston, Prestone, 37 b, 82. *Preston, 363. Purston Jaglin, 249. Thoac, Tohac, 4 b, 82 b. *Quik, 351. Quick, 270. Rainincton, Reineton, 31, Ranington, Ranyngton, 184,185 n., Rainton, 103. 51 b, 85 b. 338. Redrestorp, 7 b, 61 b, 64 b, Raisthorp, Raythorp, Raysthorp, Raisthorpe, 143. 87. 72, 271, 315. Rande, 162. Rands Grange, 69. Raschel, 6 b, 85. *Raskelf, Raskell, 324, 381. Raskelfe, 121. Rodemele, 69. Routhemell, 199, 355. Rathmell, 149. Rauenesfeld, 47 b. Rafnefeld, Ravenfeld, 3, 11, 365. Ravenfield, 290. Ravenser, Aid Ravenser, 75, 246 n., 247 n., 306, 375. 5 Lost towns on the Humber. *Ravenser-Odd, 247 n., 306. J Rauenestorp, 3, 60, 85. Ravensthorp, 93, 97, 281 n. Ravensthorpe (N.R. Site of), 88. Rageneltorp, Ragheneltorp, *Raventhorp, Ravenesthorp, 257, Raventhorpe (E.R. Site 13, 18 b, 86 b. 308. of), 195, 210. Ravenesuuet, 25 b, 85 b. Ravenswath, Ravenesworth, 149 a., Ravensworth, 24. 167, 333. Roudeclife, 7 b. *Rouclyff, 364. Rawcliffe, 237. Roudun, 7 b, 81. Raudon, Roudon, 32, 33, 207, 286, Rawden, 202. 347. Rodemesc, 57 b, 81 b. Romareis, Romeys, Routhemarays, Rawmarsh, 289. Routhemers, Routhemerch, 4, 8, 231, 282, 358, 426. Redham, Redeham, 177. Redholme, 40. Ridemare, 27 b, 85 b. Ridmer, Ridemer, 152, 337. Redmire, 67. *Rednesse, 363, 367. Reedness, 238. Rie, 27, 85 b. Rith, Rithe, 172, 334. Reeth, 37. Rictone, 7, 13, 86 b. Righton, Ritton, Ryghton, 54, 77, Reighton, 110. 243 n., 244 n., 249, 312, 377. Ripestan, Ripestain, 8, 56 b, *Magna Ribstan, Rybstan, 205,349. Ribston (Great), 172. 83. Ripesten, Ripestain, 49, 62, *Parva Ribstan, Rybston, 203, 293, Ribston (Little), 172. 83. 349. Ricalf, 6, 84 b. Riclof, Riclose, Ricolff, Rycal, 110, Riccal (Site of), 90, 106. 116 n., 117, 120, 320. Richale, 10 b, 14, 86. Rickall, Rychall, Rykall, 60, 68, Riccall, 206. 316. *Richmond, 150 n., 162 n., 333. Richmond, 38, 39. Riston, Ritun, 78 b, 81. Riggeton, Grigton, 31 n., 39, 348. Rigton (p. Bardsey), 189. Ristone, Ritone, 58 b, 66 b, Rigton, Riggeton, Righton, Rygh- Rigton (par. Kirkby Over. 83. ton, 45, 206, 294, 349. blow), 171. INDEX LOCORUM I. 523 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Rikenildthorp,-see Thorpe Salvin. Redlinton, Redlintone, Ren- Relington, Rillington, Ryllyngton, Rillington, 108, 125. liton, 7 b, 19 b, 87. 71, 72, 144, 275, 314. Rilestun, Rilistune, 68 b. Rilleston, Rilston, 14,192, 193, 356. Rilstone, 150. Renitone, 49 b. Remington, Rimington, Rymyng- Rimington, 183. ton, 19, 199, 354. Rimeswelle, 53 b, 87 b. Rimeswell, Rymeswell, 74, 306, 376. Rimswell, 242. Rigeborch, Righeborg, Ringeburg, Ryngburgh, 75, 244 n., Ringburgh, 213. Ringheborg, Ringheburg, 374. 52, 53, 87 b. Rintr', Binetr' (?), 71. Ripeleia, Ripelie, 57, 83. Rippelay, Rippeley, Ryppeleye, 47, Ripley, 154. 205, 294. Ripum, Ripun, 12 b, 83. *Ripon, Rypon, 331, 387, 388, 399, Ripon, 119. 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417 n., 418, 419, 435, 436. Ripingham, 55 b, 86. Ripplingham, Ripplyngham, 79,85, Riplingham, 225. 88, 264, 308. Risbi, 13, 78, 86. *Risceby, Riseby, 242, 317. Risby, 225. Rison, Risun, 13 b, 54 b, Risse, Ryse, 74, 243 n., 303, 372. Rise, 212. 79b, 87b. *Risseworth, 361. Rishworth, 245. Riston, 17. Ristun, Ristune, 52 b, 54, Reston,Riston, 75, 304, 371 n., 372. Riston (Long), 196, 211. 87 b. Ruhale, 38, 82. *Rushalle, 363. Roall, 236. *Routhecliff, 353. Roecliffe, 138. Rochebi, 25 b, 85 b. Rokeby, Rokesby, 165, 333. Rokeby, 13. Rumoldescherce, 25, 85 b. Rumbaldekirk, 165. Romaldkirk, 5. Romundebi, Romundrebi, 3, Remundeby, Romondby, 101, 340. Romanby, 55, 56. 6 b, 85. Rosse, 52, 55, 87 b. Ross, Rosse, 74, 243 n., 304, 374. Roos, 228, 242. *Risington, 359. Rossington, 285. Rodreham, 20 b, 81 b. *Roderham, 230, 358. Rotherham, 289. Rodewelle, 40 b, 63, 82 b. *Rouell, 360. Rothwell, 233. Rotesse, 86 b. Rotesse, Rottesse, 90. Rotsea, 179. Rantune, Routun, 5 b, 84. Rongton, Rungeton, Runghton, Rounton (East), 41. Rymekton, 124, 126, 130, 329. Runtune, 3, 85. Rungeton, 99 n., 104. Rounton (West), 41. Roscebi, Rozebi, 5, 15 b, 84. Rouceby, Rouesby, Rouseby, 125, Rousby, 19. 127, 128, 235, 329. Rute, Rutha, 13b, 52 b, Ruda, Rue, Ruthe, 75, 244 n., 304, Routh, 196, 211. 87b. 373. Roluestun, Roolfestone, 52b, Rolleston, Rolston, 76, 246 n., Rowlston, 197. 87 b. 247 n., 303, 371. Rugeton, Rugheton,53, 87 b. Ruton, 74, 243, 372. Rowton, 211. Rokesby, 182. Roxby (p. Pickhill), 86. Rozebi, 3 b, 84 b. Roucesby, Rowcesby, 144, 239. Roxby (Site of), 91. Rorestone, 38 b, 82. *Roston, 364. Royston, 262. Rodebi, 16 b. Rudby, 125, 130. Rudby, 28. Rodestain, Rodestan, Rode- Ruddestan, Rudestane, Rudstane, Rudston, 145. stein, 19, 56 b, 67, 70, 87. 56, 249, 250, 311. Ruforde, Rufort, 63 b, 79 b, Rufford, Rughford, 26, 221, 290, Rufforth, 173. 82 b. 342, 434 n. Rostun, Rostune, 3, 84 b. *Roston, 326. Ruston, 93. Roreston, 7, 13 b, 87. Roston, Fostoit, 59, 249, 318. Ruston Parva, 145, 162. 524 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. *Riswarp, 327. Ruswarp, 32. Riseuuic, 30, 85 b. Rysewik, 160. Ruswick, 69. Rihella, Rihelle, 39 b, 82. *Ryhill, 364. Ryhill (TV.R.), 263. Rihull, Rihyll, Ryhill, 74, 2433., Ryhill (E.R.), 241. 305, 376. Rison, Utrisun, 53 b, 79 b, Risum, Rysum, 74, 376. Rysome Garth, 257. 87 b. Ridre, Rie, 36,-78, 81 b. Rither, Rithre, Ryther, 49, 214, Ryther, 205. 284, 346. Ritone, Ritun, 5 b, 60, 84 b. Riton, 111, 118, 122, 320. Ryton, 107. *Sadelworth, 352. Saddleworth, 271. Saltemersc, 14, 86. Saltmersk, Saltmarsh, 70, 316. Saltmarsh, 238. Saletun, 11, 84 b. Saleton, Salton, 123, 368. Salton, 106. Santun, Santune, 46, 58 b, Saunton, Staunton, 80, 310. Sancton, 209. 77 b, 86. Sandala, 4 b, 82. *Sandale, 352. Sandal Magna, 248. Sandela, 47 b, 78 b. Parva Sandhale, 3, 359. Sandal (Little), 277. Sanbura, Sanbure, 1 b, 81. *Sandborne, 257 n., 382. Sandburn (Site of), 158. Sandholm, 70, 254 n., 316. Sandholme, 223. Salcok, Salecock, Salk', 93, 99, 322. Sawcock (East), 41. Salden, 144. Sawdon, 92, 93. Sallai, Sallaia, 12 b, 83. *Callay, 331. Sawley, 118. Saxtun, 35, 81 b. *Saxton, 50 n., 215, 285, 346. Saxton, 205. Eschalchedene, Scachelden, Scakendene, Skacolden, 105, 332. Scackleton, 122. Scacheldene, 6, 16 b, 60 b, 84 b. Scachetorp, 19 b, 87. Scakelthorp, Schakylthorp, 71, 267, Scagglethorpe (E.R.), 124. 314. Scachertorp, Scarchetorp, Scakelthorp, Skakelthorp, Shakil- Scagglethorpe (TV.R.), 156. 63 b, 79, 82 b. thorp, 27, 222, 291, 342. Scalebi, Scallebi, 3 b, 84. *Scaleby, Scalleby, 140, 327. Scalby, 77. Scaling, 125. Scaling, 18. Scameston, 7, 56, 70, 87. Scameston, Tameston, 72, 267, 314. Scampston, 108. *Scardeburgh, Scartheburg, 138 n., Scarborough, 78. 139 2., 313. Scarecroft, Scarthcroft, Skarthe- Scarcroft, 203, 204. crofte, 40, 208, 287. Scracreghil, 23, 85 b. Scargill, Scargyll, 166, 333. Scargill, 23. Scalchebi, 45, 82. *Scauceby, Scauseby, 232, 359, 366. Scawsby, 276. Scaltun, 16 b, 46 b, 84 b. Scalton, 122, 123, 320. Scawton, 88. Scogerbud, 14, 86 b. *Scoreburgh, Scoureburgh, 21 n., Scorbrough, 195. 259 n., 308, 317. Scornesbi, 50, 77 b, 86 b. Scorreby, Scoresby, 60, 61, 319. Scoreby, 175. Scortone, 25 b, 85 b. Scorton, 174, 335. Scorton, 39. Scotorp, 8 b, 69, 83 b. Scothorp, 15, 191, 193, 356. Scosthrop, 150. Scotone, 58 b, 66 b, 70, 83. *Scotton, Stretton, 353. Scotton (W-VR.), 151. Scottune, Scotune, 26b, 85 b. Scotton, 163, 336. Scotton (N.]R.), 54. Scalftun, Scrafton, 28, Parva Scrafton, 155. Srafton (East), 84. 85 b. West Scrafton, Scrofton, 155, 338. Scrafton (West), 83, 84. Escraingham, Escringaham, Scrayngham, Tranigham, 71 n., Scrayinglamn, 158. Screngham, 60 b, 61 b, 87. 268, 269 n., 315. Scrauinge, Scrauinghe, 5, *Screvyn, 353. Scriven, 154. 83. Scurueton, Scuruetone, 266, Scorueton, Scurueton, 157, 163, Scruton, 70. 85 b. 336. Sotecote, Sotecotes, 13 b, 55, Sculcotes, Sku!cotes, 79, 261, 308, Sculcoates, 226, 210. 79 b,.87.' 388, 404 n., 409, 412, 418. INDEX LOCORUM I. 525 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Codreschef, Codreschelf, 5b, Scotherskelf, Scothrikelff, Scuter- Scutterskelfe, 28. 16 b, 67 b. skelfe, 126, 130, 133, 237, 329. Sacroft, Sacrofft, 35 b, 81. Secroft, 36, 208, 287, 348. Seacroft, 203. Semer, Semers, 16 b, 84. Semer, Semor, Seymor, 124, 126, Seamer (Langbargj), 28. 130, 328. Semwer, Semer, 51, 84 b. Semare, Semarr, Semer, 86, 139, Seamer (Pickering Lythe), 146, 147, 240, 326. 93. Settun, 54, 87 b. Seton, 75, 244 n., 303, 373. Seaton (Holderness), 197. Scetun, Scetune, 15 b, 84. Ceton, Seton, 125, 128, 236. Seaton (Langbargh. Lost). Seton, Settone, 3 b, 17 b, 86. Seton, Setton, 85, 91, 253, 309. Seaton Ross, 208. Sedberge, 8 b. *Sadbergh, Sadburgh, 278, 362. Sedbergh, 48, 63. Nether Sadbergh, 171. Sedbury, 39. Over Sadbergh, 171. Sedbury Park, 39. *Selby, 50 n., 344. Selby, 221. Sezai, 14 b, 85. Cessay, 93 n., 103, 340. Sessay, 103, 104. Setel, 69. Setell, Setill, Settill, 21, 200, 355. Settle, 132. Sendriton, 34, 87. Seterington, Seteryngton, Setring- Settrington, 124. ton, 71, 72, 275, 314. Siuuarbi, Siuuardbi,Siward- Seuerdby, Siwardeby, Sywardby, Sewerby, 128. hi, 15, 19, 67 b, 86 b. 55, 249, 313, 377. Sexhowe, 124, 132, 236. Sexhow, 28. Scadeuuelle, 7 b, 81. Schadwell, Shadewell, Shadwell, 40, Shadwell, 203. 208, 287, 348. Sceptone, 38 b, 82. *Chafton, Chatton, 363. Shafton, 263. *Sharneston, 229, 292, 352. Sharleston, 249. *Scharhow, 331. Sharow, 119. Escafeld, Scafeld, 45, 82. Sheffeld, 3, 358. Sheffield, 294. Scelf, 82 b. *Schelf, 361. Shelf, 216. Scelneleie, Sciuelei, 4 b, 82. *Chelueley, 351. Shelley, 261. *Shelton, 233, 283. Scipelei, Seppeleie, 4 b, 82. *Shepley, 351. Shepley, 261. Scireburne, 10, 81. Schirburn, Scireburn, Sherburn, Sherburn (W.R.), 220. Shirbourn, Sireburn, 37, 48, 213, 345, 383, 384 n. 38388, 398, 399, 400, 403, 405, 408, 410, 411, 412, 414, 415, 418, 419, 427, 437, 438, 439. Schirebur', Schiresburne, Schirborn, Schireburn, Shirburn, Sherburn (E.R.), 109. Sciresburne, 11, 61 b, 87 b. 73, 266, 314, 401, 404. Hotone, Hotun, Hotune, 8, ShirefHoton, Hoton-Viscount, 107, Sheriff-Hutton, 140, 141. 17, 84 b. 324, 379. Scipeleia, 41, 82 b. Scheplei, Shepeley, 30, 224, 360. Shipley, 201*. Sceptone, 21. Schipenes, Skypness, 11, 366. Shippenes, 276. Epton (?), 3 b, 86. *Shupton, 310. Shipton (E.R.), 194. Hipton (?), 85. Schupton, 367. Shipton (N.R.), 156. Scellintone, Schelintone, 4 b, *Chylington, Schittelington, Shite- Shitlington, 247, 248. 82 b. lington, 228, 292, 352. Sidingale, 8, 83. Siclinghalle, Sigglinghall, Sykelyng- Sicklinghall, 171. hall, 45, 203, 293, 349. Sibil, Sibill, 93, 99. Siddle, 41. Sigestun, Sighestun, 3, 85. Siggleston, Syggeston, 101 n., 102, Sigston, 56. 341. Silchestone, Silcston, 38, *Silkeston, 363. Silkeston, 274. 38 b, 82. *Silfou, 327. Silpho, 77. Siglesdene, 64. Sigglesdon, Sighelesden, Siglesdon, Silsden, 185. 13, 196, 356. 526 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Silftune, Siluetune, 6 b, 85. Hover Silton, Over Sylton, 93, Silton (Over), 56. 97 n., 98, 322. Silton Paynill, Nether Silton, 98, Silton (Nether), 71. 322. Senerebi, 31, 85 b. Synderby, Surderby, 182, 339. Sinderby, 86. Sevenictun, Siuenintun, Si- Cynelyngton, Sevelyngton, Syne- Sinnington, 90. uerinctun, Siuerintune, lyngton, Syvelyngton, 141, 142, 33 b, 34, 84 b. 147, 239, 326. Schirebi, 24, 85 b. Skitheby, Skiteby, 171, 334. Skeeby, 39. Skeftelyng, Akefling, 76, 248 n., Skeffling, 257. 305, 376. Scalebre, Scalebro, 37, 82. *Skelbrok, 364. Skelbrook, 264. Chenaresford, Kenaresforde, *Sheldon, Cnarresford, Knarford, Skelden, 118. Neresforde, 12 b, 65 b, 83. 408 n., 417. Skelderschuthe, 136. Skelderskew, 30. Scanhalla, 36 b, 82. *Skelale, 364. Skellow, 264. Scelmertorp, Scemeltorp, 39, *Skelmanthorp, 363. Skelmanthorpe, 261. 82. Scheldone, Scheltone, 12 b, *Skelton, 331. Skelton (p. Ripon), 119. 83b. Sceltun, Sceltune, 35, 81. *Skelton, 210. Skelton (p. Leeds), 218. Schilton, Scilton, 14, 86. Sckelton, Skelton, 70, 316. Skelton (p. Howden), 238. Sceltun, Scheltun, 2, 31, 81. *Skelton, 325 n., 381. Skelton (Bulmer), 157. Skelton, 172 n., 173, 334. Skelton (p. Marsk), 38. Scheltun, Sceltun, 16, 84. Skelton, 124, 125, 126, 128, 132 n., Skelton ({Langbargh), 8, 18. 134, 234, 236, 328. Schirne, 4, 61, 86 b. *Skyrne, 307. Skerne, 162, 179. Scoxebi, 17, 85. *Scewysbye, Stouesby, 324, 381. Skewsby, 122. Schibeden, Scipedene, 8 b, Skibden, Skybdon, 13, 196, 356. Skibeden, 168. 83 b. Schitebi, 13, 86. Skiteby, Skyteby, 79, 263, 308. Skidby, 225. Skyningrave, 124. Skiningrove, 8. Scinestorp, 21 b, 81 b. Skynthorp, 5, 8. Skinthorpe (Site of), 276, 284. *Skipse, 303. Skipsea, 180. Sciptone, 8 b, 83 b. Skipton, Skypton, 13, 145 n., 189, Skipton, 168. 190 n., 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 356,-see Index IT. Schipetune, 51 b. Skipton, Skypton, 93, 95, 323. Skipton-on-Swale, 103. Schipeuuic, Schipewic, 61, Skipwith, Skipwyth, 60, 66, 67, Skipwith, 206, 207. 86. 241, 317, 319. *Skirkotes, 361. Skircoat, 231. Schirelai, Schirle, Schireslai, North Skirlagh, Skyrlaghe, 74, Skirlaugh (North), 212. Scirlai, 52 b, 53, 87 b. 243 n., 372. Schereltune, 52 b, 87 b. Skyrlington, 75, 246 n., 372. Skirlington, 180. Scarpenbec, Scarpinberg, Cyrkenbek, Schyrpenbek, Skirken- Skirpenbeck, 158. 64 b, 78, 87. beck, 71, 274, 315. Slateborne, 69 b. Sclateburn, Slaitburn, Slayteburn, Slaidburn, 165. Claxteburn, 15, 16 n., 197, 354. Slaghewhait, Taghewhait, 351. Slaithwaite, 259, 260. Slidemare, 20, 65 b, 87 b. Sleddemere, Sledemer, 73, 113n., Sledmere, 143. 272, 315. *Sleytes, 327. Sleights, 32. Scleneforde, Sclenneford, *Slenyngford, 212, 387, 408 i., 417, Sleningford, 102. 12 b, 83. 436. Eslingesbi, Selingesbi, Se- Slengesby, Slyngesby, 110, 113, Slingsby, 106. lungesbi, 16 b, 60 b, 84 b. 115, 321, 435 n. INDEX LOCORUM I. 527 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Smeton, Smetton, 23 b, 85 b. Smethton, 177, 180. Smeaton (Great), 40. Smidetune, Smitune, 3, 6 b, Smiton, Smitheton, Parva, 102, Smeaton (Little), 40. 85. 341. Smedetone, 37, 82. *Magna Smytheton, 364. Smeaton (Kirk), 250. Smedetone, 37. *Parva Smytheton, 363. Smneaton (Little), 250. Snechintone, Snechintune, Snaynton, 141, 144, 146, 239, 240, Snainton, 92. 3 b, 33 b, 51, 65 b, 84 b. 326. Esneid, Esnoid, Esnoit, 36, *Snayth, 363. Snaith, 251. 66, 68. Snape, Snapp, 161, 336. Snape, 85, 86. Sneton, Snetune, 15, 84. *Sneton, 327. Sneaton, 32. Snitehala, 39 b, 82. *Snythale, Snytall, 228, 292, 352. Snydale, 249. Sudburne, 4, 86 b. *Suthbrun, 90 n., 307. Southburn, 178. Solberge, 24 b, 85 b. Selborgh, Solbergh, 176, 334. Sowber Hill (?), 70. Sorebi, 4 b. *Soureby, 361. Sowerby (p. Halifax), 230. Sorebi, 3, 6 b, 85. Soureby, 93, 323. Sowerby (p. Thirsk), 87. Sourebi, 7, 85. Suleby sub Koteclyf, Sureby et Sowerby-under-Cotcliff, 56, Herteleclif, 101, 340. 71. Spellinton, 18, 55 b, 58, 86. Spaldington, 83, 252, 309. Spaldington, 223. Spantun, Spantune, 33, 84 b. Spanton, Scapton, 123, 367. Spaunton, 74. Specton, Spretone, 4, 19, 87. Speton, 54, 312. Speeton, 128. Speningetorp, 28 b, 85 b. Spenythorne, Sponithorn, 159, 338. Spennithorne, 68. Spoford, 49 b, 83. Spoford, Spofford, 45, 49, 203, 293, Spofforth, 171. 349. Sprotelai,Sprotele, Sprotelie, Spretlegh, Sprotele, Sprotle, 77, Sproatley, 227. 52, 55, 79 b, 87 b. 364, 374. Sproteburg, 7 b, 44, 81 b. Sprotburgh, Sproteburg, Sprotte- Sprotborough, 284. burgh, 6, 12, 232, 283, 366. Sprostune, 6, 84 b. Sproxton, 110, 114, 320. Sproxton, 89. Stacuse, 69. Stachus, Stochouses, 21, 200. Stack House, 132. Stainburg, Stanburg, 39, 82. *Staynneburgh, 364. Stainbrough, 274. Stainburne, Stanburne, 8,83. Staynburn, Steinburn, 45, 205, 349. Stainburn, 170. Standal-Brig, Stayndalerigge, 124, Staindale Hill (?), 27. 132, 236. Steinford, Stenforde, 47,78b. Stainford, Staynford, 3, 359. Stainforth, 265. Stainforde, 69. 3Stainforth, Staneford, Staynford, Stainforth (Great), 114. 22, 201; 355. Stainforth (Little), 114. Stanlei, Nordstanlai, 5, 12 b, *Staneley, 331. Stainley (North), 102. 83. Estanlai, Stanlai, 5, 83, 83 b. *Kirk Stanlee, Kerkestan', 331 n., Stainley (South), 137. 353. *Suth Stanlee, 353. Stainley (Farm?), 137. *Staynseeker, 327. Stainsacre, 32. Steinesbi, 15, 84. Stainsby, Staynesby, 124, 128, 236, Stainsby, 16. 330. Staintone, Stantone, 43, 81b. Stainton, Staynton, 3, 11, 233, 283, Stainton (Strafforth), 290. 365. Esteinton, Steintun, 5, 15, Stainton, Stayneton, 105 n., 124, Stainton (Langbaxrgh), 16. 15 b, 46 b, 70 b, 84. 125 n., 127 n., 131, 132, 236, 238. Staunton, Staynton, 158, 336. Staintou (Hang W.), 53. Pons Belli, Ponte Belli, 86, 310. Stamford Bridge (E.), 158. Pons Belli, Pontebell, 60, 61, 319. Stamford Bridge (W.), 158. Steineshale, 78 b. *Stansale, Stansall, 233, 283, 365. Stancill, 291. Stayneowe, 124. Stanghow, 18. Staynhowe, 175. Stanhowe, 55. Stanlei, 4 b, 82 b. *Staneley, Taneley, 351. Stanley, 233. Stanesfelt, 4 b. *Stansfeld, Scheffeld, 361. Stansfield, 229. 528 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Steinueges, Stenuueghes, Staynwegges, Staynwigges, 170, Stanwick, 25. Stenwege, 23, 23 b, 85 b. 334. Staplendun, 23, 85 b. Stapelton, Stapilton, 116 n., 178, Stapleton, 26. 335. Stapletone, 37, 82. *Stapelton, 363. Stapleton (Park), 250. Stamphotne, 69. Stauerbot, 19. Starbotton, 98. Stradford, 24, 85 b. *Stretford, 333. Startforth, 12. Stanlei, Stanleia, 65, 83. *Staveley, 211, 353. Staveley, 137, 138. Stactone, Stacstone, Staxtun, Staxton, 52, 249, 312. Staxton, 109. 4, 7, 87. Estiresbi, Stirsbi, 60 b, 85. Steresby, Sterisby, 108, 324, 379. Stearsby, 122. Stiuetune, 59. Stiveton, Styveton, 15, 355. Steeton (p. Kildwick), 185. Stiuetone, Stiuetune, 63, Stiveton, Styveton, 24, 27 n., 178 n., Steeton (p. Bolton Percy), 78 b, 79, 82 b. 218, 289, 343. 190. Stiveton, Styveton, 48, 213, 284, Steeton (p. Sherburn), 220. 383, 398, 400, 403, 410, 411. Steflingefled, Steflinflet,Stef- Stivelingflete, Styvelyngflet, 60, 64, Stillingfleet, 206. lingefeld, 7, 31, 61, 62 b, 65., 308., 319, 411. 86 b. Stivelinctun, 11 b, 85. *Styvelyngton, 368. Stillington, 122, 140. Stretton, 13, 192, 194, 196, 356. Stirton, 167. Stidnun, 17, 84 b. *Stytenom, Stytnam, 325, 381. Stittenham, 141. Stoche, 69. Stok, 15. Stock, 166. Stochetun, Stocthun, 1 b, 31, *Stocton, Stoketon, 325, 380, 382 n. Stockton-on-the-Forest, 157, 81. 158. Stocheslage, 67 b, 84. Stokeslay, Stokesley, 133, 135, 237, Stokesley, 28. 328. Stanegrif, Steinegrif, 11 b, Staingrive, Staingryfe, Stayngrife, Stonegrave, 106. 56 b, 84 b. 110, 116, 119, 320. *Storwhait, Scottwhait, 253, 309. Storthwaite, 192. Stodfald, Stofald, Stotfalde, Stodfold, 11. Stotfold, 276. 21, 44 b, 81 b. Strenshale, 12, 85. *Strensall, 368. Strensall, 157. Eistop, Istop, 37, 82. Stubbes-Lacy, Stubbus, Sculbies, Stubbs (Hampole?), 264. 4, 7, 359. Stubbes, 363. Stubbs (Walden?), 250. Stubushum, Stubusun, 7 b, Stubbes, 31 n., 41. Stub House, 188. 81. ( Studleye, 46. Studler Roger, 119. ali Estollaa, Stollai ungerj Stodeley, North Studley, alia Estollaia, Stollai, 204. 6tollei, Stolleia, 12 b 49 Stodlay, Stodeley, Studley Magna, Studley Royal, 119. 65, 68, 83. 31 435. L *Parva Stodeley, 204, 294. Stutone, Stutune, 48, 64, *Stutton, Sutton, 50 n., 345. Stutton, 205. 81 b. Sunthorp, Southorp, 76, 247 n., Sunthorpe (a lost townr on 375. the Humber). Sutton, 49, 214, 285, 344, 383. Sutton (p. Brotherton), 235. Suton, 8. Sutton, 14, 191. Sutton (p. Kildwick), 185. Sudton, Sudtone, Suton, 7, *Sutton, 314. Sutton (p. NXorton), 124. 11, 55 b, 87. Sudton, Sudtone, 19, 86 b. Sutton super Derwent, 82, 254, Sutton-upon-Derwent, 192. 309. Sudton, Sudtone, 50, 86 b. Foule, Ful, Sutton, 86, 259 n., 310. Sutton (Full), 158. Sudtone, Sutone, 13 b, 54 b, Sutton, 75, 218 n., 244 ne., 304, 373, Sutton (Holderisess), 226. 87 b. 388, 389,.404 n.,412. INDEX LOCORUM 1. 529 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Sutton, 105, 322 n., 332. Sutton - under-WhitestoneCliff, 88. Sudtune, Suton, 6 b, 85. *Sutton, 324, 381. Sutton-on-the-Forest, 140. Sudtone, Sutone, 14 b, 30 b, Sutton Hougrave (Wynton?), 186, Sutton Hougrave, 102. 83 b, 85 b. 339. Sudtone, Sutone, 29, 85 b. Sutton, 152, 336. Sutton (High), 85. Suanebi, 31, 85 b. Swaneby, Swaynle, 182, 339. Swainby, 86. Swanlond, Swaneslund, 89, 263, Swanland, 239. 308, 318. Suauetorp, 64 b, 87. Swathorp, 57, 250, 311. Swaythorpe (Site of), 126. Suillictun, Suillintun, 35,81. Swilington, Swillyngton, Swinling- Swillington, 219. ton, Swynlyngton, 35, 208, 286, 348. Suindene, 49 b. Swindon, Swynden, 17, 200, 355. Swinden, 149. Suine, Swine, 9 b, 87 b. Swyn, Swyne, 74 n., 75 n., 77, Swine, 226. 244n., 305, 372 n., 389, 416, 424 n., 440. Swynythwaite, 155, 338. Swinethwaite, 67. Suintone, Swintone, 44,81. Swinton, Swynton, 4, 7, 11, 232, Swinton (Straforth), 283. 283, 365, 426. Suinton, 29, 85 b. Swynton, 152, 336. Swinton (Hang E.), 101. Suintun, Suintune, 6, 84 b. Swinton, Swynton, 110, 111, 112 n., Swinton (Ryedale), 124. 115, 321. Tatecastre, 48, 78, 78 b, 81 b. Tadcastre, Taddecastre, 25 n., 26 n., Tadcaster, 190. 48, 214, 284, 346. Tanefeld, 30, 85 b. Est Tanfelde, 181, 334 n., 339. Tanfield (East), 102. alia Tanefeld, 30 b, 85 b. West Tanfelde, 153 n., 182, 339. Tanfield (West), 102. Tancresleia, 22, 82, *Tankeresley, 224 n., 363. Tankersley, 282. Tansterne, 52, 87 b. Tanston, Tanstern, 74, 375. Tansterne, 212. Tameton, Tametun, 5 b, Tampton, Tanton, 124, 128, 235, Tanton, 28. 16 b, 67 b, 70 b, 84. 236. Teurinctune, Teurinton, *Terrington,Tyrrington, Tyvering- Terrington, 123. Teurintune, 17, 31 b, 33 b, ton, 324, 379, 380. 84 b. Toruelestorp, 9 b, 87 b. Tarlesthorp, Tharlthorp, Tharles- Tharlesthorpe, (a lost town thorp, 77, 248, 303 n., 305, 377, on the Humbeir). 389, 437. Eston (?), 31, 85 b. Thekeston, Thoxton, 181, 339. Theakston, 86. Timbelbi, Timbelli, 3, 85. Thimelby, Tymelby, 103, 341. Thimbleby, 56. Turgilebi, Turgislebi, 11, Thurkelby, Tirkalby, Trurkeby, Thirkleby (E.R.), 125, 19 b, 56, 87 b. Turkeby, 71,73,273,315,401,404. Turchilebi, 59 b. Thurkelby, Thurkilby, Turkylby, Thirkleby (N.R.), 104. 93, 94, 95, 106 n., 322. Thirleby, Trilleby, Trylleby, 93, Thirlby, 88. 97, 281 n., 322. Thirne, 29 b, 85 b. Thirn, Thirne, 154, 337. Thirn, 85. Tirnetoste, Tirnetofte, 24 b, Thirnetoft, Thirntoft, 175, 334. Thirntoft, 55, 70. 85 b. Tresc, Tresch, Tresche, 6 b, *Thresk, 93 n., 104 n., 106 n., 322. Thirsk, 87. 59 b, 85. Torchilebi, 52 b, 87 b. Thorkelby, Thurkylby, 74, 373. Thirtleby, 227. Sixtedale, Sixtendale, Xis- Sexendale, Sixendale, 73, 315. Thixendale, 159. tendale, 19 b, 64 b, 87. ruroluestorp, Turulfestorp, Thoraldethorp, Thoraldthropp, 107, Tholthorpe, 139. 11 b, 85. 324, 381.?uraltbi, Turalzbi, Turodebi, Thoraldeby, 71, 274, 315. Thoralby (E.R.), 159. 3 b, 67, 87. M M 530 INDEX LOCORUM 1. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Turodesbi, Turoldesbi, 27 b, Thoraldeby, 162. Thoralby (N.R.), 67. 85 b. Toroldesbi, Turoldesbi, 5 b, Thoralby, Thoraldby, 126, 130, 133. Thoraldby, 28. 67 b, 84. Toresbi, 27 b, 85 b. Thoresby, 151, 337. Thoresby, 67. Turgisbi, 56 b, 86. Thorgandeby, Yergamby, 60, 64, Thorganby, 207. 319. Toredderebi, 8 6, 83 b. Thorleby, Torleby, 13, 196. Thorlby, 167. *Thormotby, Thormotbye, 324, 381. Thormanby, 104. Tormozbi, Turmozbi, 5 b, 15, Thermerby, Thormanby, Thor- Thornaby, 15. 46 b, 70 b, 84. monby, Thormotheby, Thormotby, 105, 124, 125, 127, 131, 132, 236, 329, 332. Thornberg, Thornbergh, Thorne- Thornbrough (Birdforth), berg, Thornebergh, 93, 96, 97, 87. 322. Thornebergh, 181. Thornbrough (HSaliAkeld), 102. *Thorn, 363. Thornhurst (?), 264, 276. Torneure, Tornoure, 35 b, Thorenour, Thornor, Thornoure, Thorner, 204. 78, 81. 39, 40, 208, 287, 348. Torn, Tome, 52, 87 b. Thorne, Thornejuxta Hedon, Thor- Thorngumbald, 241. gombaud, 75, 76, 244 n., 247., 305, 376. Torni, Tornil, 40 b, 82. *Thornhill, Thornhull, 229, 292, Thornhill, 247. 352. Thirnon, Tirnum, 4 b, 70, Thirnom, Thirnum, 58, 312. Thornholme, 145. 87. Torgrimestorp (?), 70. Thurgenthorp, Turgerinthorp Thornthorpe (Site of), 142. (Tkouthorp?), 72, 270, 314. Torentone, Torentune, 41, 8Thornton, 226, 361. Thornton (Morley), 216. 82 b. Torentun, Torentune, 49 b, Thorneton, 19, 199, 355. Thornton (Staincliffe), 167. 69. Tornetun, Tortetun, 55 b, *Thorneton, Thornton in Spaldyng- Thornton (Hcarthill), 193. 86. more, 253 n., 254, 309, 419. Torentun, Tornetun, 5, 15, Thorneton, Hornton, 124, 126 e.2 Thornton (Langibargh), 16. 46 b, 84. 127, 128, 235, 236, 238, 330. Torentone, Torentune, 12 6, *Thornton, 331. Thornton (Bishop), 136. 83. Torenton, Torentone, 65 b, Thornton, Thorneton Cundale, 184, Thornton Bridge, 120. 83 b. 339. 1Thornornton, Thorneton, 278, 362. Thornton-in-Lonsdale, 95, 96. Thornton Collynge,-see Cowling. Gristorentun, Gritorentun Thorneton in Vivar', Thornton Thornton-le-Beans, 71. (?), 3, 85. cumn Vinas, 101, 340. Torentun, 17, 31 b, 85. *Thornton, 325, 381. Thornton-le-Clay, 141. Thorneton, Thornton in Mora, 94, Thornton-le-Moor, 71. 96, 323. Torentone, Torentun, 3, 46b, Thorneton in Strata, 103, 340. Thornton-le-Street, 87. 85. Thorneton, Thorneton super Mon- Thornton-on-the-Hill, 104. tern, 93, 94, 323. Torentun, Torentune, 3 b, Thornton, Thorneton prope Pyker- Thornton Dale, 91. 5 b, 33 b, 84 b. inge, 144, 145, 146, 147, 239, 240, 326. INDEX LOCORUM I. 531 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. ornenton, Tornitun, 5 b, Thorneton in Risberg, Thornton Thornton Riseborough, 90, 84 b. sub Rysbergh, 111, 122,123,321. 91. oreton, Torenton, 27b,85 b. Thorleton Rust, 150, 338. Thornton Rust, 66. ornentone, 28 b, 85 b. Thorneton Stiward, 156, 162 n., Thornton Steward, 69. 337. oorreton, Torretun, 29 b, Thornetun, 153 n., 154, 162 n., 337. Thornton Watlas, 85. 85 b.'orp, 63, 82 b. Thorpe Arche, Arches, D'Arch', 25, Thorparch, 189. 219, 220 n., 290, 342.!orp, 23, 85 b. Thorp, 167, 168, 334. Thorpe (p. Wycliffe), 13. Thorpe (Myddelton cum), 124. Thorp, Sarp, 70, 316. Thorpe (p. Sowsden), 223.'orp, 87. Thorp, 56, 249, 311. Thorpe (p. Riudston), 145.'orp, 5, 16, 84. Thorp juxta Kilton, 129, 132, 237, Thorpe (Kilton), 18. 328. Thorp (juxta Thresk), 106. Thorpefield (?), 103.'adetorpes (?) Thorp Atun, Thorp Malteby,-see Middlethorpe.!orp, 37, 82. *Thorp, 364. Thorpe Audlin, 250, 264. *Thorp Basset, 274 n., 314. Thorpe Basset, 125. Thorp Eleys, Elys, 72, 144, 274. )otele (?), 53, 87 b. Thorp, 74, 243 n., 375. Thorpe Garth, 213.?orp, 29 b, 85 b. Thorp Pirrowe, Pirrom, 161, 336. Thorpe Perrow, 85. *Thorp Parva, 340. On the Site of Thorpe Row House, 41. 2orp, 43, 81 b. Thorp Salvayne, Rikenildthorp, 3, Thorpe Salvin, 300. 11, 214 n., 233, 365, 380 n.?orp, 35 b, 81. Thorp Stapelton, Thorp sub Roth- Thorpe Stapleton, 218. well Hawght, 34, 210, 288.?orp, 68 b. Thorp, 13, 196. Thorpe-sub-Montem, 134. *Thorp, Thorpe Wellwyk, 305, 376, Thorpe (Welwick), 256. 421.:orp, 36, 81 b. *Thorpe, Thorp Wilughby,Wyleby, Thorpe Willoughby, 221 50 n., 213, 284,383,400,410,411.'orp, 51, 84 b. Thorpfeld, Torpfeld, 139, 146, 240. ireschefelt, 8, 59. Threschefeld, Thresfeld, 20, 202, Threshfield, 134. 355. [riberga, Triberge,48b, 81b. Trebergh, Triberg, Tribergh, Try- Thribergh,289. berg, 6, 10, 230, 281, 358. Thurstanby, Thurustanby, 140, 146, Throxenby, 77. 240. *Thorescrosse, 353. Thruscross, 152. Lurgesland, 39, 82. *Thurkerland, 363. Thurgoland, 282. )urolueston, Turulfestune, *Thurleston, 364. Thurlstone, 273. 39, 82.?ernusc, Ternusche, 21, 48, Thirneschoch, Thirnescogh,Thirne- Thurnscoe, 275. 81 b. scowe, Tyrinsco, 10, 231, 282, 359.'ostenland, 82 b. *Thurwistandland, 351. Thurstanland, 260. uenc, Tuuenc, 4 b, 7, 70, Tweng, Twenge, 56, 249, 311,341 n. Thwing, 127. 87. ibetorp, Tipetorp, 4, 7, 66 b, Tibthorp, Tybbethorp, 90, 307. Tibthorpe, 16i. 70, 86 b. )adesleia, 43, 81b. *Tykhill, 365-see Index II. Tickhill, 291. imble, 5, 83. *Tymble, Tymble Percy, 211, 353. Timble (Great), 170.'imbe, Timble, 5, 12, 81. *Timbild, Tymble, Parva Tymble, Timble (Little), 170. 204, 294, 402, 410 n., 420, 425.'ineslauue, Tirneslauue, Tinneslawe, Tynneslawe, 4, 365. Tinsley, 289. 43b 81 b. 1 Al 2 532 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Tocstune, Toscotun, 16, 84. Thocotes, Tocottes, Toucytes, 124, Tocketts, 17. 128, 132, 133, 236, 237, 330. Tocvi, 63 b. Tocwith, Tokewith, Tokewyth, Tod- Tockwith, 173. wyk, 29, 222, 290, 342. Tateuuic, 21, 81 b. Totewyk, Tottewyk, 6, 9, 49 n., 230, Todwick, 296. 359. Tofthouse, Thouhouse, Tonehouse, Near Harewood. Lost. 40, 41. Tolesbi, Tollesbi, 5 b, 46 b, Tolisby, Tollesby, Tolsby, 124, 127, Tolesby, 16. 67 b, 70 b, 84. 128, 136, 235, 238. Tolentun,Tolletune, 1b,85. *Tollerton, 368. Tollerton, 139. Toletorp, 10 b, 86 b. Tolthorp, 79, 255. Tolthorpe (Site of), 194. Tuinc, 41, 82 b. Tong, Tonge, 30, 225, 279, 360. Tong, 217. Topcliue, Topeclive, 51 b, 85. Toppeclif, Toppeclive, 94, 323. Topcliffe, 103. Togelestun, Togleston, To- Tolleston, Ulleston, 50, 345. Toulston, 189. glestun, 20, 64, 78, 81, 81 b. Touetorp, 7, 19 b, 87. Thouthorp, Touthorp, 73, 271, 315. Towthorpe (E.R.), 143. *Towthroppe, 368 n., 379, 380. Towthorpe (N.R.), 157. Touetun, 81 b. *Toueton, Toutetcn, Soueton, 44 n., Towton, 205. 50 n., 215, 285, 346. Traneby, 80, 81, 258 n. Tranby, 239. Trectone, Tretone, 21, 81 b. Treton, Tretthon, 6, 9, 230, 281, Treeton, 295. 358. Tranehollme, 124, 126, 130. Trenholme, 41. Tunestal, Tunestale, 52, 87 b. Tunstall, 75, 76, 77, 246 n., 247 n., Tunstall (E.R.), 228. 248 n., 304, 374. Tunestale, 26, 85 b. *Tunstal, 336. Tunstall (Hang E.), 54. Tonestale, Tonnestale, 5 b, Tonesdaill, Tonstall, Tunstall, 124, Tunstall (Langbargh), 28. 84. 126, 129, 237. *Teresall, 226. Tyersall, 217. Uckerby, Ukkerby, 174, 335. Uckerby, 39. Ugleberdesbi, 15, 84. *Ugilbardby, 327. Ugglebarnby, 32. Ughetorp, 5, 84. Uggethorp, Ugthorpe, 136, 329. Ugthorpe, 31. Oleschel, Oleslec, 12 b, 81. *Ulskelf, 50 n., 368, 399. Ulleskelfe, 205. Ollei, Olleie, 21 b, 81 b. Ullay, Ulley, 6, 9, 230, 281, 358. Ulley, 295. Ulfram, Ulreham, 54, 87 b. Ulram, 74, 76, 243 n., 245 n., 302, Ulrome, 163. 372. Ulveshowe, Elueshou, 158, 337. Near Ulshaw Bridge? Lost Unchelfsbi, Unchelsbi, Un- *Hunkelby, 315. Uncleby, 159, glesbi, 7 b, 34, 87. Upelider, 15, 84. Uplethum, Uplethym, Lethum, Upleatham, 7. Lithum, Lythum, Lythym, 124, 125, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 237. Upsale, 17 b, 85. Uppeshall, Uppessale, Huppessale, Upsall (Birdforth), 71. 93, 97, 322. Upesale, Upeshale, 5, 67 b, Uppesale, Upsall, 124, 127, 235, Upsall (Langbargh), 16, 17 70 b, 84. 329. Opsala, Upsale, 30 b, 85 b. Uppeslunde, 183. Upsland, 102. Ultone, Uptone, 37, 82. *Uppeton, 364. Upton, 264. Utelai, 8. Utteley, 16. Utley, 185. Widitun, 69 b. Waddington, Wadington, 17, 197, Waddington, 182. 354. Wadesuurde, 4 b. *Waddeworth, 361. Wadsworth, 230. Wadeuorde, Wadeuurde, Waddeworth, Waddesworth, Wad- Wadworth, 284, 285, Wadewrde, 43, 78 b, 81 b. worth, 2, 9, 233, 282 n., 283, 365. INDEX LOCORUM I. 533 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. 7agene, Waghene, 13 b, 53, *Waghen, 373. Waghen, 211. 87 b. 7achefeld, Wachefelt, 4 b, *Wakefeld, 228, 352. Wakefield, 248. 82b. Walburne, 157, 336. Walburn, 53. *Waldon, 338. Walden, 83. Walelinton, Watterlington, 75, 244 n. Vales, Walise, 21 b, 43, 81 b. Wales, Weles, 5, 365. Wales, 300. Valcheton, Walchinton, *Walkyngton, 260 n., 317. Walkington, 210. Walchintone, 10, 14, 67, 78, 86. Walmire, Walmyre, 178, 335. Walmire, 26, 40. Valetone, Waletune, 63, 79, Walton, Walton juxta Thorparches, Walton (Ainsty), 189. 79 b, 82 b. 25, 220, 290, 342. Valeton, 82. *Walton, 352. Walton (Agbrigg), 248. Valtone, 49, 83. *Walton, 203. Walton-Head, 171. Wandesford, 57, 249, 312. Wansforth, 162. Vaplinton, 4, 86 b. Wapplington, 89, 309. Waplington, 193. Varlauesbi, Werlegesbi, 3, Warlaghby, 176, 334. Warlaby, 70. 25, 85 b. Verla, 4 b. *Warlowby, 361. Warley, 230. Varnesfeld, 12, 82. *Warnefeld, 352. Warmfield, 249. Vemesforde, Wermesford, *Wermesworth, 359. Warmsworth, 284. 20 b, 47 b, 81 b. Varte, Wartre, 3 b, 18 b, 50, Wartre, 91, 256, 310. Warter, 117. 86 b. Vadsande, 54 b, 87 b. Wassand, Wathsand, Waxan, 74, Wassand (Great), 197. 305, 373. Vat, 30 b, 85 b. Wath, 182, 183 n., 339. Wath (lacllikeld), 102. Vad, 60 b. Wath, 110, 116, 119. Wath (Ryedale), 106. Vade, Wat, Wate, 44, 66, Wath, 1, 7, 8 n., 230, 281, 358. Wath-upon-Dearne, 283. 81 b. Vadles, 29 b, 85 b. Watlous, 154, 337. Watlas (Thornton), 85. Watterlington,-see Walelinton. Vaton, Wattune, 18 b, 67, *Watton, 307. Watton, 178. 86b. Valbi, 10, 55 b, 86. Waldeby, 79, 264, 308, 388 n. Wauldby, 239. Glaphowe, Wapillhowe, 125, 132, Waupley, 18. 235. Vasham, Wassham, Was- Waxan, Waxham, 76, 246 n., 304, Waxholme, 242. sum, Waxham, 52, 53, 374. 53 b, 79 b, 87 6. Vardam, Wartle, 65 6, 78 b, Wardelay, Wyberdelay, Wyveres- Weardley, 188. 81. desley, 41, 42, 209. Vifretorp, 11, 87 b. *Wyverthorp, 272, 315, 389, 401, Weaverthorpe, 126. 404, 414.?ela, Wela, 13 b, 87 b. *Wel, Wele, 401, 405, 407, 420. Weel, 211. Videtone, Widetun, Wide- *Witheton, 206, 295. Weeton, 188. tune, 8, 65 b, 66 b, 82 6, 83. NVicstun, 3 b, 46, 86. *Wighton, Wytheton, 261, 310. Weighton (Market), 209. Wideton, 61, 86. Witheton, Wychton, Wytheton, Weighton (Little), 225. 88, 262, 308. Wellebrune, 6, 17, 34, 84 b. *Welburn, 120 n., 129 n., 324, 378. Welburn, 123. Welberg, Welleberge, 6, Welh,Weerch,Wellebergh,Wethergh, Welbury,41. 70 b, 85. 94, 99, 102 n., 322. 534 INDEX LOCORUM 1. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Wellon, Wellun, 55 b, 61 b, Wellom, Wellum, 71, 268, 314. Welham, 124. 87. Welle, 29, 85 b. Well, Welle, 159, 162 n., 336. Well, 86. Welleton, 14, 14 b, 18, 18 b, XWelleton, 241 n., 317. Welton, 239. 19, 46, 77, 77 b, 78, 86. *Thorp, Thorpe Wellwyk, 305, 376, Welwick Thorpe, 256. 421. XWendreslaga, 28, 85 b. Wendesley, 150 n., 158, 337. WVensley, 68. Winteuuord, Winteuuorde, Wyntworth, Wynteworth, 7, 10, Wentworth, 283. Wintreuuorde, 44, 81 b. 365. Westburne, 4, 86 b. Westburn,-see Kirkburn. Westby, 18, 199. Westby, 166. Westerdaill, Westerdale, 125, 330. Westerdale, 44. Westhorpe, 141, 144. Westone, 34, 83. Weston, 44, 204, 294, 349. Weston, 187. Westingby, Worstingby, 125, 237. Wiuestou, Wyuestou, 71, 314. Westow, 142. Westuic, Westuuic, 12 b, *Westwick, Westwik, Westwyk, Westwick, 137. 83. 44 s., 212, 331, 387, 436. Wedrebi, 49 b, 62 b, 83. *Wederby, Wetherby, Wytherby, Wetherby, 172, 189. 203, 204 n., 294, 349, 394 n. Wetwangham, 10 b, 86 b. *Wetewange, 272, 315, 388, 390, Wetwang, 160. 401, 404. Walsay, 80. Whalsea, or Woolsey, 233. Warran, Warron, 7 b, 67, Suth Warhom, Warrom, Wharrom, Wharram Percy, 143. 87. Wharrum, 71, 73, 271, 315. Warham, Warran, 19 b, 87. Est Warhom, Wharrom, Whar- Wharram-le-Street, 143. rum, 71, 271, 315. Qwassyngton, Wassington, 167, Whashton, 24. 333. Queldale, Weldale, 37 b, 82. *Queldale, 363. Wheldale, 234. Coldrid, 50 b, 78, 86 b. Queldryk, 60, 61, 319, 325 n. Wheldrake, 192. Quennebi, 85. *Queneby, Whenbye, 324, 379. Whenby, 122. Widestan, Widestham, Westam', Whistan, Wystan, Wyt- Whiston, 295. Witestan, 21, 47 b, 81 b. stan, 6, 12, 230, 231 n., 358. Witebi, 15, 77, 84. *Whiteby, 327. Whitby, 32. *Whitegift, 363. Whitgift, 238, 253. Witelaia, Witelei, 40 b, 82. *Whiteley, Whytelay, 229, 292, Whitley (Agbrigg), 247. 352. Witelai, Witelaie, 66,82. *Whitley, 363. Whitley (Osgoldcross), 25 Whitewell, Whitwelle, Magna Whitwell, 55. Wytewell, 175, 335. Witeuella, Witeuuelle, 17 b, *Whitewell, 324. Whitwell-on-the-Hill, 141 85. Witeuude, 40, 82. *Whitewood, 352. Whitwood, 234. Crucheslaga, Cucheslage, Quixley, Quyxley, 46, 205., 206, Whixley, 155. Cuselade, 48 b, 49 b, 64, 296, 350. 83. Wirueltune, 16 b, 84. Quereleton, Warleton, Weolton, Whorlton, 42. Wherleton, 124, 126, 130, 134, 328, 329 n. Wicresleia, Wincreslei, 43, Wikerley, Wykerslegh, Wykerslay, Wickersley, 290. 81 b. Wykersley, 6, 10, 232, 283, 365. Wichingastorp, 6, 17, 33b, *Wiginthroppe, Wygenthorp, 324, Wiganthorpe, 123. 84 b. 380. Wiclesforde, Wincheles- Wikelsworth, Wiklesworth, Wy- Wiggleswortl, 149. uurde, 69. kelesworth, 21, 199, 200 n., 355. INDEX LOCORUM I. 535 Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. tce Wicheles, 57, 82 b. Whihale, Wighale, Wychall, Wyg- Wighill, 190. hale, 25., 26, 222, 291, 321 n., 343. Wighdon, Wikdon, Wygdon, Wigton, 203. Wygeton, 42, 209, 348. Vic, Wich, 7 b, 81. Wyk, Wyke, 31 n., 39, 209, 348. Wike, 188. Wilberfose, 87, 310. Wilberfoss, 175. Viduntorp, 44, 81 b. *Wilthorp, Wylthorp, 232, 283, Wildthorpe (Site of), 284. 426. Wilhardby, Wyllardeby, 51, 249, Willerby (Dickering), 109. 312. Vilgardi, 86. Willardby, Wylardeby, Wyllardby, Willerby (Hull-shire), 225. 80, 81, 88, 262, 308, 318. Wilgetot, 18, 55 b, 58, 86. *Wilghetoft, Wylghtoft, 252, 309. Willitoft, 222. Yilsedene, 8. *Wylseden, 361. Wilsden, 201. Wilseuuice, Wiseleuuinc, *Wilsik, Wylsyck, 233, 283. Wilsick, 290. 47 b, 78 b. Wiflestorp, Wiulestorp, 4, Wilkesthorp, Willesthorp, Wyvel- Wilsthorpe, 146. 55, 86 b. thorp, 59, 249, 312, 377. Wilestorp, Wiulestorp, 63 b, Wilsthorp, Wylesthorp, Wyveles- Wilstrop, 156. 82 b. thorp, Wyvelthorp, 27, 28 n., 221, 289, 290, 342. Widtune, Wiltune, 16, 67 b, Wilton, 129, 130, 134, 135, 237, Wilton (Langbargh), 7. 84. 328. Wiltune, 3 b, 84 b. Wilton, 142, 147, 239, 326. Wilton (Pickering L.), 92. Wilton, Wiltone, 10 b, 86 b. Wilton, Wylton, 78, 92, 255, 310, Wilton (Bishop), 159, 176. 342 n., 390, 399, 402, 404, 408 n., 410, 411, 412, 414. Wichingeslei, Wincheslaie, *Wykersley, Wynkesley, 204, 294. Winksley, 118. 65, 83. Winchetone, 53 b, 87 b. Wyncton, Wynketon, 77, 244., Winkton (Site of), 163. 373. Wifestad, Wistede, Wiue- Winested, Withestede, Wynested, Winstead, 242. stad, 9 b, 52, 87 b. 77, 305, 389, 424. Witreburne, 69. Winterburn, 196. Winterburn, 150. *Wynterset, 363. Winterset, 263. Winetun, Winetune, 14 b, Wilton, Wylton, 101, 102. Winton, 56. 85. Wentrigenam, Wentrigham, *Wirkingham, Wyntringham, 267, Wintringham, 125. 55 b, 87. 314. *Wistowe,Wystowe, 345, 399, 438. Wistow, 206, 211. Widfornessei, Witfornes, 52, *Whithornse, 305. Withernsea, 243. 87b. Widforneuuic, Witforne- Wethornwik, Withernwyk, Wy- Withernwick, 212. uuinc, Withforneuuinc, thornewyk, 74, 243 n., 303, 372. 13 b, 52 b, 54 b, 87 b. Wythekill, 17. Withgill, 182. Witun, 28, 85 b. Est Witton, Wotton, 155, 338. Witton (East), 84. Witun, Witune, 27 b, 28 b, West Whitton, Witton, 155, 338. Witton (West), 67. 85 b. Ulfardun, Uluardune, 55 b, *Ulfreton, Wlferton, Wlfreton, 262, Wolfreton, 239. 86. 308, 318. *Wolfelay, 364. Wolley, 262. Wilbetun, Winbeltun, 11, Wymbelton, Wymbilton, Wymbyl- Wombleton, 90. 84. ton, 110, 117, 121, 123, 320. Wanbella, Wanbuelle, 44, Wambewell, Wamwell, Wombewell, Wombbwell, 275, 283. 57 b, 66, 81 b. 7, 8, 10, 230, 231, 281, 282, 358. 536 INDEX LOCORUM I. Domesday Book. Kirkby's Inquest, Knights' Fees, Modern Names, Facsimile Edit., 1862. Nomina Villarum, etc. 6-in. Ordnance Survey. Wilmereslege, Wlmeresleia, *Wymersley, 364. Womersley, 250. 37, 82. Wodehall, Wodhall, 60, 67, 317. Woodhall (E.R.), 222. *Wodehalle, 388 s., 419. Near Beverley. Lost. *Wodehalle, 338. Wood Hall (p.Aysgarthl),6, Wodhall apud Tresk, 104. Woodhall, 87. Wodehous, 15. Woodhouse, 134. Wercesel, Wirceshel, 6 b, 85. Werkeshall, Wirsall, 103, 340. Worsall (High), 27. alio Wercesel, Wirceshel, Wirkesale, Wirkesall, Wirkesdaill, Worsall (Low), 27. Wercheshal, 6 b, 70 b, 85. 124, 132, 236, 329. Wircesburg, 39, 82. *Wyrkesburgh, 363. Worsbrough, 282. Wirkelay, Wirkeley, Wyrkeley, 30, Wortley (p. Leeds), 217 224, 279, 360. 218. Wirlei, Wirtleie, Wrleia, 22, *Wortelai, Wreley, Wrtlay, 230, Wortley (p. Tankersley) 68, 82. 281, 364. 282. Wodehuse, Wodehusum, 7b, Wodhouse, Wodhusom, Wooddes- Wothersome, 189. 81. horn, 31 n., 38, 39, 209, 287. *Wrankewrok, 363. Wrangbrook, 264. Wereltun, 5 b, 84 b. Wherlton,Wrelleton,Wrelton, 142, Wrelton, 91. 240, 326. - Weresa, 55 b, 58, 86. Wressell, 80, 251, 309. Wressel, 222. Wriglay (?), 31 n., 39. Witcliue, 23, 85 b. Wycliff, 167, 334. Wycliffe, 13. Wicam, Wicham, 3, 71, 84 b. *Wykham, 326. Wykeham, 93. Wideton, Widetun, Wide- Wiueton, Wyueton, Wyuton, 75, Wyton, 227. tune, 13 b, 52 b, 87 b. 243 n., 246 n., 304, 373. Eiford, Jaforde, 3, 25, 85 b. Jafford, Yafforde, 176, 335. Yafforth, 55. Lapun, 7, 86 b. Yapom, Yapum, Yapun, 78, 257, Yapham, 176. 310, 390, 399, 412. Larun, 6 b, 85. Jarom, Jarum, Yarom, 124, 127, Yarm, 15. 128, 235, 236, 328. Gernuic, 30 b, 85 b. Yarnewik, Marnewyk, 183, 339. Yarnwick (Site of), 85. Ladon, Ladun, 7 b, 78, 81. Yedon, Yhedon, 32, 207, 286, 347. Yeadon, 202. Euerslage, 59 b. Euerslegh, Euerysley, Hoverheslay, Yearsley, 105. 93, 94, 323. *Yedingham, 266, 314. Yedingham, 108. Yedingham, 141, 142. Yedingham (Abbey), 108. Lucufled, Lugufled, 14, 46, Yucflet, Suthkefleit, 70, 316. Yokefleet, 238. 86. Aiulftorp, Aiultorp, 10 b, Yolthorp, 78, 310, 390, 412 n. Youlthorpe, 159. 64b, 86b. Loletun, Loletune, 11 b, 85. *Yolton, 324, 381. Youlton, 139. INDEX LOCORUM II. N.B.-This Index contains the names of all places not included in Index I. Except where otherwise stated, the places mentioned are in Yorkshire. A Beverley, liberty of St. John of, 54, 57, 58, 59, 80. Abingdon, co. Berks, 47 n. Bilibi, co. Line., 392 n. Ailby, Aleby, Allesby, co. Line., 392 n., Billingborough, Killingburgh, co.Linc., 394 n. 391. Albeholme Dike, 213 a. Billinghay, Billinghey, Billingeie, BilAlford,Aldeford,Aleford,Alworth,Auf- lingeye, co. Line., 391, 395 n. ford, co. Line., 392 n., 394 n. Bisshopholm (in Ripon), 436 n. Amby, co. Linc., 394 n. Bleby (Aleby?), co. Line., 394 n. Angram (par. Marston), 26 n. Bleseby, co. Notts, 387. Ashby, co. Leic., 16 n. Boscar, Balschagh, Grange, 106 n. Atley Hill, 165 n. Bowforth, 120 n. Aynsty, wap. de, 433. Bradenstoke, co. Wilts, 5 n. Brakanhill (Fern Hill), 33 n. Brandon, 209 n. B Brickhampton, Brighthampton, Bristhamton, co. Glouc., 396. Baggaby Bottom, 91 n. Broghton, Broghton Lithe, 167 n. Bake-stain-bench, 185 n. Broomhead Hall, 7 n. Bardney abbey, co. Line., 54 n. Bulleye, co. Glouc., 396 n. Barkeston, wap. de, 438. Bulmere, wap. de, 434. Barkwith (East), Barcwarth, Barke- Burgh upon Bain, Burgo, Burthe, co. word, Barkeworth, Barkworth, co. Line., 393. Line., 393. Barkwith (West), Barcwurth, Barkeword, Barkeworth, Barkworth, co. C Line., 392, 394 n. Barnard Castle, co. Durh., 4 n. Cantuar., libertas ecclesiae de, 238. Battle Bridge, or Stanford Bridge, 61 n. Cartoft Farm, 141 n. Belthorpe House, 342 n.,-see Bergh- Cataractonium, 161 n. thorp. Caythorpe, Kaythorp, co. Leic., 386 n. Benniworth, Benigwarth, Benigworth, Chapelcroft (in Mileford), 384 a. Beningworth,Beningwurth,Benyng- Chilton, co. Wilts, 257 n. worth, co. Line., 392, 395. Chipping Norton, co. Oxon., 396 n. Berghthorp (Belthorpe?), 28 n., 342 n. Christall (Kirkstall) Ings, 25 n. Berwick-on-Tweed, 175 n. Churchdown, Cherchedon, co. Glouc., Beverley, hosp. of St. Giles at, 79, 81, 396. 85, 91, 92. Claipol, co. Line., 396. 538 INDEX LOCORUM II. Clee, Cle, Gle, co. Line., 392. Gibsmere, Gippesmere, co. Notts, 387 n. Cock, river, 26 n. Gowdall, 364 n. Cokermewe, co. Cumb., 145 n. Grimsby, co. Line., 65 n., 392 n. Cokeswold, Cokewaud, Cukewaud, Cux- Grisby, Greseby, Grisebi, Gryselai, co. wold, co. Line., 392. Line., 393. Colsterworth, co. Line., 391 n. Coltoft (in Frismarsk), 416 n. H Commondale, Colmandale, 136 n., 137 n. Compton Abdale, Cumpton, co. Glouc., Hackenby, 26 n. 396. Hackenby Dike, 26 n. Cotingeley, 350 n. Hackthorne, Hackethorn, Hakelthorn, Crenacres (in Mileford), 384 n. Hakesthorn, Hakthorn, co. Line., Cumberland, 245 n. 392, 393. Cundos, co. Glouc. (?), 396. Hainton, Haynton, Heynton, Hayton, Cusworth, 5 n. Heyton, co. Linc., 393. Haldham, co. Leic., 385 n. D Halomshire, 231. Hambleton Dike, 213 n. Dembleby, Dauleby, co. Line., 391. Hanworth (Potter), Hanewurth, HoieDerwent, river, 61 n. burgh, co. Line., 395. Devonshire, 300. Harborough (Market), co. Leic., 386 n. Dover, co. Kent, 56 n. Harpswell, Herpeswell, co. Line., 392, Dowsby, Douseby, Duseby, Ruseby, co. 393 n. Line., 391, 395. Harwod Parke, 41 n. Dunbar, Dumbar, Scotland, 48 n. Hautenprise, Hawtemprice, 308 n. Healing, Hekeling, Hickling, co. Line., 392. E Helperby, 368n. Herdeby,-see Ormesby. Earlshaw, Herleshag, co. Notts, 426. Hexham, Exilesham, co. Northumb., Easton, Eston, Eston juxta Graham, 387. co. Line., 385, 391, 395. Hickling, —see Healing. Ebor.,-see York. High Peak, co. Derb., 432 n., 434 n. Elmbridge, Elesbrigg, co. Glouc., 396. Hithe (Old), 303 n. Esholt priory, 348 n. Hockerton, Hokerton, co. Notts, 426. Estdaile, Esthaldale (near Cottingham), Hodge Beck, 120 n. 415. Holbeche, co. Line., 305 n. Evesham, co. Wore., 327 n. Holme, 305 n. Eya, honor de, 23, 24, 94, 95, 216, 217. Holme juxta Seleby, 242 n. Hornby, co. Lane., 273 n., 279 n. Horneby, Hornesby,-see Ormesby. F Hornsea Mere, 76 n., 247 n. Humber, river, 75n., 76., 77 n., Fairwood Fields, 159 n. 246 n., 247 n., 305 a. Felebrige, 235 n. Hungerhill, 80 n. Fern Hill,-see Brakanhill. Huttoft, Houtou, Hoytou, co. Line., Ferrybridge, Feribrigs, Fery, Fery jux- 394 n. ta Pontem, 213, 214 n., 284 n., 346 n. Hyda, Glouc', 396. Finnilgley, 7 n. Folkingham, co. Line., 391. I Fontibus, ecclesia de, 18. Foss, river, 25 n., 26 n. Ingelby, co. Line., 325 n. Isurium, 161 n. G K Gailes, Gayles, 166 n. Kaythorp,-see Caythorpe. Gaiterig, Gayteryk, 131 ^. Keelby, Keleby, co. Line., 392. Gherghton (Gerthum?), 80,. Keldholme, 123 n. INDEX LOCORUM II. 539 Kesteven, Kestevene, co. Linc., 391, Middlesex, 300. 395, 397. Midelthorp, co. Notts, 426. Kinoulton, Kynewaldeston, co. Notts, Millhouse Dale (near Warter), 91 n. 397. More, La, 341 n. Kirtlington, Kertelington, Kirtelyng- Morton, co. Notts, 387 n. ton, Kyrtlington, Kyrtlyngton, co. Mount Ferrant House, 72 n. Notts, 399, 412, 421, 424, 426, 440, Mount Grace priory, 99 n. 441. Muskham (South), Muscham, co. Knaresborough, Knaresburgh, Knaris- Notts, 386. burgh, castrum de, 408; libertas de, 434. N,Abbey House, 405 n., St. Robert's priory, Newark, co. Notts, 386 n. 405 n.; St. Robert's cave, 405 n. Newton (near Ripley?), 44 n. Knasemyer, 23 n. Newton (par. Sprotborough), 5 n. Newton, Neuton (near Threckingham), co. Line., 391. L Nidd, river, 405 n. Normandy, 145 n. Laneham, Lanum, co. Notts, 402, 405, Normanton, co. Notts, 387. 417. North Hall,-see Leeds. Lanercost, co. Cumb., 438. Northstriding, Nortridingh, co. Line., Langton (East), co. Leic., 385 n. 392, 397. Langton (Tur), Tirlangton, Tirlington, Tyrlington, Tyverington, co. Leic., 0 385. Lassington, Lassandon, Lessendon, co. Old Cote Moor, 14 n. Glouc., 396. Oliver's Mount, 139 n. Lavington, Laventon, Lavinton, Len- Ormesby (South), Herdeby, Horneby, ton, Levington, co. Line., 391, 395. Hornesby, co. Line., 393, 394 n. Laxton, co. Notts, 417. Osgotecros, wap. de, 434. Lealholme Bridge, 125 n.; Hall, 125 n. Ouse, Use, river, 23 n., 414 n. Lebthorpe, Lepingthorp, Lobthorp, Lopingthorp, co. Line., 391, 396. Leeds, North Hall in, 38 n. P Leeming Beck, 161 n. Lemingford (Little Leeming), 161 n. Packman's Lane, or The Street, 3 n. Lenton,-see Lavington. Panton, Paunton juxta Wraggeby, co. Levenham,-see Lubbenham. Line., 392, 394. Leverton (North), Letherton, co. Notts, Patrington haven, 77 n. 386. Petithorp, Petty-Thorpe, juxta Thresk, Likethorp (?), co. Line., 395. 106 n. Lilleshull priory, co. Salop, 205 n. Pickworth, Pikeworth, co. Line., 391. Lincoln, 299. Pykenham Wade, co. Norf., 152 n. Lindesie, co. Line., 393. Lissington, Lisigton, Lissyngton, co. Line., 392, 393, 394 n. Q London, 4; Flete strete, 115 n. Lopingthorp,-see Lebthorpe. Quernemilneflat (in Mileford), 384 n. Lubbenham, Levenham, Lobenham, Lobenho, co. Leic., 385 n., 386. R Ramesdale (near Scarborough), 139 n. M Ravensthorpe mill, 97 n. Retford, co. Notts, 387 n. Marley, Mardelei, 43 n. Riccal Moor (Ryedale), 117 n. Marstock, co. Warw., 308 n. Riccal, river, 117 n. Metheringham, co. Line., 391. Richmund', castrum, 26; libertas de, Middeltrithing (in Frismarsk), 416 n. 434. 540 INDEX LOCORUM II. Rigsby, Riggeby, Riggesby, Ryggesby, T co. Linc., 392, 393, 394 n. Riponshire, 417. Tadcaster (East), 26 n. Roddeston, co. Northants, 145 n. Temple House (near East Cowton), Rodes, Royds, 225 n. 177 n. Rohagh, co. Notts, 426. Tetford, Tefford, Teford, Tesforde, TheRolleston, Roldeston juxta Suwell, co. ford, Thetford, Schelford, Skelford, Notts, 387 n., 394 n. co. Line., 393, 394. Rothwell Hague, 34 n. Thornton, 47 n. Rouen, 230 n. Thorpe (near Ampleforth), 106 n. Rougemont, 347 n. Thorp Understane, 334 n. Rowley, 88 n. Threckingham, Trikingham, co. Linc., Ruseby,-see Dowsby. 391. Ryedale, Ridale, wap. de, 434. Tickhill, Tikehull, Tykehull, Tykhill, Rykneld Street, 3 n. honor v. castrum de, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Tirlangton,-see Langton. S Tockerington, Thorkerinton, co. Northumb., 387. Salcock (South), 329 n. Tofteflatt, Toteflate (in Thorp Atun), Salford, co. Oxon, 396 n. 217. Salop, 300. Tonehouse (in Harwod Parke), 41 n. Sandwath, 2i9 n. Totenhale prope London, 385 n., 416. Sausthorpe, Sauthorp, Sauthorph, co. Tothby, Thoutheby, Toutheby, co. Line., 394 n. Line., 392 n., 394 n. Scheffeld, co. Kent, 91 n. Turnham Hall, 241 n. Schelford, Skelford,-see Tetford. Twyford, Twiford, co. Line., 391. Scroby, co. Notts, 398, 417, 423. Scrubbes, 260 n. Skell, river, 417 n. U Skillington, Schillingeton, Scilington, co. Line., 391, 395. Ulshaw Bridge, 158 n. Skipton, honor v. castrum de, 2, 7, 8, Upton, co. Notts, 387 n. 10, 16, 31, 44. Sober Pasture, 176 n. Southampton, 300. W Southorpe, 76 n., 347 i. Southwell, Suwell, co. Notts, 386, Walcott, Walcote, Waleton, co. Line., 387 n., 390 n., 399,409, 412,426, 427. 391, 395. Southwod in Apelton (Ainsty), 218 n. Walkingham, 434 n. Staffordshire, 300. Waterholme, 116 n. Stallingborough, Staliburg, Staling- Weapon-ness, 139 n. burg, Stalynburg, co. Line., 392, 393. Welfrikeby,-see Worlaby. Standford Bridge, or Battlebridge, 61 n. Welle, Walle, co. Line., 392 n., 393, Stanford, co. Line., 418. 394 n. Staxton, hosp. St. Mariae de, 52. Welwick, 76 n. Stoke Rocheford, co. Line., 391 n. Westbeck Bridge, 91 n. Stowe, co. Line., 391. Westbek, 91 n. Stykeswald, co. Line., 244 n. Westhaldaile (in Cottingham), 415. Sutton, co. Notts, 282 n. Westminster, Westmonasteriuml, 408, Sutton, co. Line., 392 n., 396 n. 436 n., 442 n. Swaby, co. Line., 394 n. Westres, 91 n. Swale, river, 185 n. Westriding, co. Line., 392, 397. Swallow, Swalve, Swawell, co. Line., Wharfe, Quarfe, river, 25 n., 26 n. 392. Wheatley (South), Weteley, co. Line., Swaton, Swanethon, co. Line., 391. 387 n. Swethorp, Swethop, co. Northumb., Wibsey, Wilbesey, 225 7. 387. Widford, Wydeford, co. Glouc., 396 n. Swyndon, co. Glouc., 396 n. Wildthorpe Cliffs, 232 n. INDEX LOCORUM II. 541 Willingham (South), Wolingham, Littelgate, 216n.; Marketskire(PaveWolingeham, Wylyngham, co. Linc., ment), 116 n., 325 n.; Palace Garth, 393. 325 n. Witham (North), Witheme, Wytham, York, archiepiscopal mint, 325 n.; North-wyme, co. Linc., 391. palace, 273 n.,403, 404, 406, 407, Woodhouse, 229 n. 413; prison, 273 n. Woolsthorpe, Wlthorp, Wolesthorp, - castle, 108 n. Wollesthorp, co. Linc., 391, 396 n. churches: All Saints, Ousegate, Worlabi, Welfrikeby, Wlfrikeby, 178 n., 380 n.; St. John Evang., Wlvricesbi, Wylfritheby, co. Line., 20 n., 21 n.; St. Mary Bishophill, 393. Senior, 219 n.; St. Mary, Walmgate. Wormeleye, molendinum de, 4. 65 n., 178 n.; St. Peter the Little, Worsall (Low) Moor, 132 n. 380 n.; St. Saviour, 258 n., 270 n.; Wresteby (?), co. Linc., 391. St. Wilfrid, 379 n. Wyma, Wime, Wyne, co. Linc., 391, -, Minster, 134 n., 400 n., 403 n., 396. 431 n. -, St. Mary's abbey, 407., St. Leonard's hospital, 17, 19, Y 184 n., 198. priories: Franciscan Friars, or Yghelmar' (in Cottingham), 415. Friars Minors, 258 n., 380 n., 414; Yore, river, 436 n. Friars Preachers, 65 n. York, Ebor., 23 n., 36 n., 56 n., 64 n., -, liberty of St. Mary, 56, 57, 66, 65 n., 115 n., 148, 178 n., 301, 378. 118, 119, 121, 123, 180. -,Bretegate, 65n.; Brettegate (Jub- -, liberty of St. Peter, 55, 56, 57, bergate), 380 n.; Deanery Gardens, 59, 66, 68, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 403 n.; the Friars' Walls, 414 n.; 123, 438. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. page 2, note c, line 13. For viii, read vii. page 20, note e, line 13. For Willelmus, read Willelmo. Line 14. For successi, read successit. page 23, bottom line. Prefix the reference letter k to the last note. page 27, note k, line 6. For 1470-1, read 1469-70. Line 11. For Wiverestop, read Wiverestorp. page 47, note t. For Aid, read Feoda Militum. page 53, line 11. For Brydlygnton, read Brydlyngton. page 62, line 24. For Johnnes, read Johannes. page 70, line 7. For unam, read una. page 74, line 19. Austhorp, so written in all the copies of the Inquest, is an error for Dowthorp. See Appendix, page 373. page 76, note e. The site of the lost vill of Neusom, which Mr. Poulson (Hist. Holderness, ii., 413) erroneously supposes to have been washed away by the sea, is, I think, pretty accurately indicated by the farms called Great Newsome and Little Newsome, which lie from a quarter to half a mile N.W. of South Frodingham, about one mile from East Halsham and Rimswell, respectively, and upwards of two miles from the German Ocean. In Domesday Survey Niuuehusum is placed between Halsem and Rimeswelle. The Inq. p. m. of John Aldelot de Neusom juxta Frodingham, who is certified in the Nomina Villarumn as joint lord of " Neusom cum membris," was taken at Patrington, 3rd June, 18th Edward II. The jurors say that John Aldelot, junior, held at Neusorn juxta Frothingham, the day he died, a capital messuage and certain lands of which each oxgang contained 12 acres. His next heir was his brother William, then 24 years old. page 79, notej. For Towthorpe, read Tolthorpe. page 82, line 2. For Beverlaciper, read Beverlaci per. page 88, line 20. For Dunelmi, read Dunelm.; so also at page 93, line 21. page 92, note t. For Great Givendale, read Little Givendale. page 100, line 28. Strike out the period after pro. page 108, note q, line 5. For Serjantiam, read Serjanti.a. page 110, note k. For Calueton, read Calveton. page 146, line 24, and note x. Bussell is probably an error for Russell. See page 240. page 200, note q. For Snacti, read Sancti. (In a few copies.) page 201, note x. Drengage. For a valuable description of this peculiar tenure, see Bolden Buke, ed. Surt. Soc., append., lviii. page 214, note d, line 5. For ipsam, read ipsa. page 230, line 24. Westam' should probably be read Westain (Whiston). page 241, line 1. HowRm appears from the Percy MS. to be " Holme-suiper-leWold," and not Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, as stated in note b. page 251, line 8. Walterus de Heulceswrth. In the reign of queen Elizabeth, "Willelmus Haukesworth, armiger, de Haukesworth juxta Oteley," held the sixth part of a knight's fee in Loftsome (Percy i1S.). page 283, line 29. For Adan, read Ada. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. 543 page 308, note m. For Kirk, read South. See Elveley, page 318. page 310, note e. For Ousthorpe, read Owsthorpe. page 356, line 13. AMagister de Hospitali. The Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. page 360, note i. For Whittaker, read Whitaker. page 388, line 15. Katerthorp is probably an error for Kaerthorp. See pages 79, 423. page 418, line 16. For Anglorum, read Angelorum. page 419, line 21. Manerium de Wodehalle. About 1376, Simon de Heslerton did homage in the provost's court for the Woodhall juxta Beverley, and lands in Molescroft.-The probable site of Wobdhall is a square piece of ground adjoining Pighill-lane, which is now (1829) moated and used as a garden (Oliver's Beverley, 511). page 440, line 26. For clameum, read claineo. page 527, col. 1, line 31. For Stanlei, Nordstanlai, 5, 12 b, 83, read Nordstanlai, 12 b, 83. Line 33. For Estanlei, Stanlai, 5, 83 b, read Stanlai, Stanlei, Stanleie, 5, 12 b, 83, 83 b. TIlE EN). Mitchell and H1lghcs, Printers, 24 Wardour Street, L.,adon, W'. THE SURTEES SOCIETY. REPORT FOR THE YEAR MD.CCC.LXVI. [Read at the General Meeting on the 5th of June.] The Council have much pleasure in announcing to the members that during the past year there has been nothing to detract in any way from the prosperity of the Surtees Society. The number of associates is full, and candidates are waiting for admission. The popularity of the publications is unabated; the sale of them to non-members is regularly good; and the position of the Society in every respect is so satisfactory that it seems in middle age to have all the freshness and buoyancy of youth. During the past year there have been eight vacancies on the list of members by death, and only two by resignation. In Sir William Lawson the Society has lost not merely one of its original members, of whom, elected thirty-two years ago, there are now but eleven surviving, but it misses a Vice-President, and a zealous and intelligent co-operator in antiquarian research. It is with pain also that it sees the names of the late Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Joseph Francis Tempest, Esq., disappear from its roll of members, on which they have been standing for the last thirty years. Since our last Anniversary three volumes have been placed in the hands of the members; and, within a few days, a fourth, the concluding portion of the Lindisfarne Gospels, will also be distributed. The Society may congratulate itself on the completion of a work which no other literary association, perhaps, would have ventured to take up. It cannot but be satisfactory to the members to know that, by the publication of this most valuable work, they have earned the thanks of Anglo-Saxon and Biblical scholars, not only in England, but in all parts of Europe. Through the kindness of the Editor, Mr. Waring, a glossary of Northumbro-Saxon words will be published by the Society, which will be a key not merely to those which occur in the Lindisfarne 2 Gospels, but to all that are to be found in the rest of our publications. With respect to the future, there are several works in progress. One of these is the second part of the Memorials of Fountains Abbey, containing the Regal charters of privilege and the Papal bulls, with a vast mass of illustrative matter. Through the most kind munificence of Colonel Akroyd, M.P., a large sum of money has been placed at the disposal of the Society to ensure the perfecting and ornamenting of this volume. The Abbey itself may well awake the ardent zeal of a Yorkshireman, and the members of the Society will see with pleasure how this spirit animates, not only the editor of the volume, but the kind-hearted friend who enables them to resuscitate, in so satisfactory a manner, persons and things that seemed to be irretrievably lost. Another valuable contribution to Yorkshire history will be the Survey of the various fees and manors throughout the County, which was made by John de Kirkby in the early part of the reign of Edward I. From its compiler it is usually known by the name of Kirkby's Quest. In value and importance it is second only to Domesday Book; and the only portion of it which is in print is the part devoted to Richmondshire. This Roger Gale has printed in his Registrum Honoris de Richmond. To Kirkby's Quest it has been thought desirable to add some lists of knights' fees which were made in the reign of Edward I., and the Nomina Villarum which were compiled shortly afterwards. The last mentioned document has been somewhat inaccurately printed by Sir Francis Palgrave. As the errors can easily be corrected, and as another MS. has been found, the members of the Society will welcome the appearance of a document of so much interest and value. In the Domesday Book, and in this volume, the future historians of Yorkshire will find the real foundations of the topography of that County. A third work that the Society has in hand is a selection from the correspondence of John Cosin, the well known Bishop of Durham. The sufferings, the piety, and the learning of this celebrated prelate, give an especial interest to everything that proceeded from his pen; and scholars far and wide are eager at the present day to know the workings of his mind, and the details of the story of his life. Here, in Durham, the name of Cosin has never been forgotten, and the Surtees Society gladly takes upon itself the charge of meeting a generally-expressed wish, by adding to what is already known of the history of one of the greatest of the old princebishops of Durham. 3 THE SURTEES SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1834. In honour of the late Robert Surtees, of Mainsforth, Esquire, the Author of the History of the County Palatine of Durham, and in accordance with his pursuits and plans; having for its object the publication of inedited Manuscripts, illustrative of the intellectual, the moral, the religious, and the social condition of those parts of England and Scotland, included on the east between the Humber and the Frith of Forth, and on the west between the Mersey and the Clyde, a region which constituted the ancient Kingdom of Northumberland. NEW RULES AGREED UPON IN I849; REVISED 1863. I.-The Society shall consist of not more than three hundred and fifty members. II.-There shall be a patron of the Society, who shall be President. III.-There shall be twenty-four Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and two Treasurers. IV.-The Patron, the Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, and the Treasurers, shall form the Council; any five of whom, including the Secretary and a Treasurer, shall be a quorum competent to transact the business of the Society. V.-The twenty-four Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, and the Treasurers, shall be elected at a general meeting, to continue in office for three years, and be capable of re-election. VI. —Any vacancies in the offices of Secretary or Treasurers shall be provisionally filled up by the Council, subject to the approbation of the next general meeting. VII.-Three meetings of the Council shall be held in every year, on the first Tuesday in the months of March, June, and December; and the place and hour of meeting shall be fixed by the Council, and communicated by the Secretary to the members of the Council. VIII.-The meeting in June shall be the anniversary, to which all the members of the Society shall be convened by the Secretary. IX.-The Secretary shall convene extraordinary meetings of the council, on a requisition to that effect, signed by not less than five members of the Council, being presented to him. X.-Members may be elected by ballot at any of the ordinary meetings, according to priority of application, upon being 4 proposed in writing by three existing members. One black ball in ten shall exclude. XI.-Each member shall pay in advance to the Treasurer the annual sum of one guinea. If any member's subscription shall be in arrear for two years, and he shall neglect to pay his subscription after having been reminded by the Treasurer, he shall be regarded as having ceased to be a member of the Society. XII.-The money raised by the Society shall be expended in publishing such compositions, in their original language, or in a translated form, as come within the scope of this Society, without limitation of time with reference to the period of their respective authors. All editorial and other expenses to be defrayed by the Society. XIII.-One volume, at least, in a closely printed octavo form, shall be supplied to each member of the Society every year, free of expense. XIV.-If the funds of the Society in any year will permit, the Council shall be at liberty to print and furnish to the members, free of expense, any other volume or volumes of the same character, in the same or a different form. XV.-The number of copies of each publication, and the selection of a printer and publisher, shall be left to the Council, who shall also fix the price at which the copies not furnished to members shall be sold to the public. XVI.-The armorial bearings of Mr. Surtees and some other characteristic decoration connecting the Society with his name, shall be used in each publication. XVII.-A list of the officers and members, together with an account of the receipts and expenses of the Society, shall be made up every year to the time of the annual meeting, and shall be submitted to the Society to be printed and published with the next succeeding volume. XVIII.-No alteration shall be made in these rules except at an annual meeting. Notice of any such alteration shall be given at least as early as the ordinary meeting of the Council immediately preceding, to be communicated to each member of the Society. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SURTEES SOCIETY, WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE SALE PRICES. N.B.-Of several of these volumes the number of copies on hand is very small; some will not be sold except to members of the Society under certain conditions, and all applications for them must be made to the Secretary. 1. Reginaldi Monachi Dunelmensis Libellus de Admirandis Beati Cuthberti Virtutibus. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 2. Wills and Inventories, illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Northern Counties of England, from the Eleventh Century downwards. (Chiefly from the Registry at Durham.) Vol. I. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine, (Only sold in a set.) 3. The Towneley Mysteries; or, Miracle Plays. 15s. Edited by James Gordon, Esq. The Preface by Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. 4. Testamenta Eboracensia; Wills illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Province of York, from 1300 downwards. Vol. I. 30s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 5. Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense; or, Registers of the Sanctuaries of Durham and Beverley. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. The Preface by the Rev. T. Chevailier. 6. The Charters of Endowment, Inventories, and Account Rolls of the Priory of Finchale, in the County of Durham. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 7. Catalogi Veteres Librorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. Catalogues of the Library of Durham Cathedral at various periods, from the Conquest to the Dissolution; including Catalogues of the Library of the Abbey of Hulne, and of the MSS. preserved in the Library of Bishop Cosin at Durham. 10s. Edited by Dr. Raine. The Preface by Beriah Botfield, Esq. 8. Miscellanea Biographica; a Life of Oswin, King of Northumberland; Two Lives of Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne; and a Life of Eata, Bishop of Hexham. ]Os. Edited by Dr. Raine. 9. Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres. Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Greystanes, et Willelmus de Chambre, with the omissions and mistakes in Wharton's Edition supplied and corrected, and an Appendix of 665 original Documents, in illustration of the Text. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 10. Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis; a Latin Ritual of the Ninth Century, with an interlinear Northumbro-Saxon Translation. 15s. Edited by the Rev. J. Stevenson. 11. Jordan Fantosme's Anglo-Norman Chronicle of the War between the English and the Scots, in 1173 and 1174. Edited, with a Translation, Notes, &c., by Francisque Michel, F.S.A. 15s. 12. The Correspondence, Inventories, Account Rolls and Law Proceedings of the Priory of Coldingham. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 13. Liber Vitae Ecclesise Dunelmensis: necnon Obituaria duo ejusdem Ecclesia. 10s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 14. The Correspondence of Robert Bowes, of Aske, Esq., Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth to the Court of Scotland. 15s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 15. A Description or Briefe Declaration of all the Ancient Monuments, Rites, and Customs belonging to, or being within, the Monastical Church of Durham, before the Suppression. Written in 1593. 10s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 16. Anglo-Saxon and Early-English Psalter, now first published from MSS. in the British Museum. Vol. I. 15s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 17. The Correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York. With a selection from the Letters of Sir Timothy Hutton, Knt., his Son, and Matthew Hutton, Esq., his Grandson. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 18. The Durham Household Book; or, the Accounts of the Bursar of the Monastery of Durham from 1530 to 1534. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 19. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter. Vol. II. 15s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 20. Libellus de Vita et Miraculis S. Godrici, Heremitae de Finchale, auctore Reginaldo, Monacho Dunelmensi. 15s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 21. Depositions respecting the-Rebellion of 1569,- Witchcraft, and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings, from the Court of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth. 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine.* 22. The Injunctions and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings of Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham (1577-87.) 15s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 28. The Anglo-Saxon Hymnarium, from MSS. of the Eleventh Century, in Durham, the British Museum, &c. 16s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 24. The Memoir of Mr. Surtees, by the late George Taylor, Esq. Reprinted from the Fourth Vol. of the History of Durham, with additional Notes and Illustrations, together with an Appendix, comprising some of Mr. Surtees' Correspondence, Poetry, &c. Edited by Dr. Raine. (Only sold in a set and to a Member.) 25. The Boldon Book, or Survey of Durham in 1183. 10s. 6d. Edited by Rev. W. Greenwell. 26. Wills and Inventories, illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Counties of York, Westmerland, and Lancaster, from the Fourteenth Century downwards. From the Registry at Richmond. 14s. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. 27. The Pontifical of Egbert, Archbishop of York (731-67), from a MS. of the Ninth or Tenth Century in the Imperial Library in Paris. 11s. Edited by Rev. William Greenwell. 28. The Gospel of St. Matthew, from the Northumbrian Interlinear Gloss to the Gospels, contained in the MS. Nero D. lv., among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum. commonly known as the Lindisfarne Gospels, collated with the Rushworth MS. 14s. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 29. Tbe Inventories and Account Rolls of the Monasteries of Jarrow and Mlonkwearmouth, from their commencement in 1303, till the Dissolution. 12s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 80. Testamenta Eboracensia, or Wills illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Province of York, from 1429 to 1467. Vol. II. 25s. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. 81. The BedeRoll of John Burnaby, Prior of Durham (1456-64.) With illustrative documents. 12s. Edited by Dr. Raine. 32. The Survey of the Palatinate of Durham, compiled during the Episcopate of Thomas Hatfield (1345-1382.) 15s. Edited by Rev. W. Greenwell. 33. The Farming Book of Henry Best, of Elmswell, E.R.Y. 12s. Editedby Rev. C. B. Robinson. 34. The Proceedings of the High Court of Commission for Durham and Northumberland. 14s. Edited by W. H. D. Longstaffe, Esq. 35. The Fabric Rolls of York Minster. 25s. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. 36. The Heraldic Visitation of Yorkshire, by Sir William Dugdale, in 1665.'Edited by Robert Davies, Esq. (Only sold ina set and to a member.) 87. A Volume of Miscellanea, comprising the Letters of Dean Granville, the Account of the Siege of Pontefract by Nathan Drake, and Extracts from the Rokeby Correspondence. Edited by Rev. George Ornsby, W. H. D. Longstaffe, Esq., and Rev. J. Raine. (Only sold in a set and to a member.) 38. A Volume of Wills from the Registry at Durham; a continuation of No. 2. Edited by Rev. W. Greenwell. (Only sold in a set and to a member.) 39. The Gospel of St. Mark, from the Northumbrian Interlinear Gloss to the Gospels contained in the MS. Nero D. IV., among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum, commonly known as the Lindisfarne Gospels, collated with the Rushworth MS.; a continuation of No. 28. 10s. Edited by George Waring, Esq. 40. A Selection from the Depositions in Criminal Cases taken before the Northern Magistrates, from the originals preserved in York Castle. Ssec. XVII. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. (Only sold in a set and to a member.) 41. The Heraldic Visitation of the North of England, made in 1530, by Thomas Tonge, with an Appendix of Genealogical MSS. Edited by W. H. D. Longstaffe, Esq. (Only sold in a set and to a member.) 42. Memorials of Fountains Abbey. Vol. I. Comprising the Chronicle relating to the Foundation of the House, written by Hugh de Kirkstall; the Chronicle of Abbats, &c., and an historical description of the Abbey, with illustrations. Edited by J. R. Walbran, Esq. (Only sold in a set and to a member.) 43. The Gospel of St. Luke, from the Northumbrian Interlinear Gloss to the Gospels contained in the MS. Nero D. IV., among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum, commonly known as the Lindisfarne Gospels, collated with the Rushworth MS.; a continuation of Nos. 28 and 29. 14s. Edited by George Waring, Esq. * Members have the privilege of purchasiug the first twenty-one volumes, or any of them, except To. 2, at half-price. 44. The Priory of Hexham, its Chronicles, Endowments, and Annals. Vol. I. Containing the Chronicles, &c., of John and Richard, Priors of Hexham, and Aelred Abbat of Rievaux, with an Appendix of documents, and a Preface illustrated with engravings, pp. 604. ~2 2s. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. 45. Testamenta Eboracensia, or Wills illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Province of York, from 1467 to 1485. Vol. III. 25s. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. 46. The Priory of Hexham. Vol. II. Containing the Liber Niger, with Charters and other Documents, and a Preface illustrated with engravings. 16s. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. 47. The Letters, &c., of Dennis Granville, D.D., Dean of Durham, from the originals recently discovered in the Bodleian Library. Part II. 16s. Edited by Rev. George Ornsby. 48. The Gospel of St. John, from the Northumbrian Interlinear Gloss to the Gospels in the MS. Nero D. Iv. (A continuation of Nos. 28, 39, and 43.) 14s. With Preface and Prolegomena. Edited by George Waring, Esq. The Council propose to select their future volumes out of the following manuscripts or materials, or from others of a similar description. 1. The Life of Ambrose Barnes, an Alderman of Newcastle in the seventeenth century, and a leader of the Presbyterians in the North. From the Original in the Library of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Now being prepared by W. H. D. Longstaffe, Esq., for 1866. 2. The Survey of the Fees in the County of York, compiled in the reign of Edward I. by John de Kirkby; together with some Lists of Knights' Fees, the Nomina Villarum, and various illustrative documents. Now being prepared by Robert Skaife, Esq., for 1866. 8. Simeon of Durham. A new edition of his Chronicle; together with the Historia S. Cuthberti, and several minor pieces. To which are added the Historia de Translationibus S, Cuthberti, and the Life of S. Margaret Queen of Scotland, by Turgot, Prior of Durham. Now being prepared by John Hodgson Hinde, Esq., for 1867. 4. The Memorials of Fountains Abbey. Vol. II. To contain the Papal Bulls, the Royal Charters of Privilege, and a portion of the Title Deeds of the Monastery relating to its property in the North of England. With engravings of seals, etc. Now being prepared by J. R. Walbran, Esq., for 1867. 5. The correspondence of John Cosin, Bishop of Durham. Gathered together for the first time from the original MSS. at London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Durham. Now being prepared by the Rev. George Ornsby, for 1868. 6. The Articles and Injunctions issued by the Bishops and Archdeacons within the Province of York, from the earliest period to 1662. Now being prepared for 1868 by the Hon. and Rev. Stephen Lawley. 7. The Lords of the Soil of the County of Durham from the earliest period to the Reformation, comprising the descent of the estates and various other particulars, genealogical and heraldic, relating to their owners, largely illustrated with engravings of seals, etc. To be prepared by W. H. D. Longstaffe, Esq., and the Rev. William Greenwell. 8. The Letters, Despatches, Extracts from the Household Books, and other works and papers of Lord William Howard of Naworth, from the originals at Castle-Howard, Naworth Castle, and London. To be prepared by Robert Davies, Esq. 9. The Lives of S. Wilfrid by Eddi, Eadmer, and Fridegodus, with other Biographical and Historical Documents relating to the Church of York and its rulers. To be prepared by Rev. William Stubbs, M.A. 10. A Volume of Early Rituals, supplementary to those already published by the Society, to contain as many of the unpublished Pontificals as the Society can obtain access to, including that of St. Dunstan in the Imperial Library at Paris. To be prepared by Rev. Dr, Henderson. 11. A Volume of Documents relating to the Ancient Guilds in the City of York; to contain especially, the Register of the Guild of the Corpus Christi, which is preserved in the British Museum. To be prepared by Robert Skaife, Esq. 12. The Inquisitions Post Mortem for the North of England, from the originals at London and Durham. 13. A Volume of Extracts from the Depositions preserved in the Ecclesiastical Court of York, from the fourteenth century downwards. 14. The Visitation of the County of York in 1584, by William Flower. 8 15. A Volume of Wills relating to the Counties of Cumberland and Westmerland, principally from the Registry at Carlisle. 16. A Collection of Letters and papers relating to the.Dissolution of the Northern Monasteries, the proceedings of the Visitors, and the opposition of the Monks. 17. The Annals of the Pilgrimage of Grace, derived from unpublished documents of the greatest interest and curiosity in the State Paper Office and the British Museum. 18. A Volume of Extracts from the Proceedings of the Court of Chancery at Durham, relating to cases in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland in the sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries. 19. A Concluding Volume of Extracts from the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Court of Durham, 20. A Continuation of the Testamenta Eboracensia. 21. Cardinal Langley's Survey of the Palatinate of Durham, together with Extracts from the contemporaneous Bailiff's Rolls. 22. Memorials of Kirkstall Abbey; The history of its foundation; the Chronicle of Kirkstall; and Extracts from the Charter Books of that ancient house. 23. Selections from the yearly Rolls of the Bursar of the Monastery of Durham, beginning in 1270. 24. The Charters and Account Rolls of the Cells of Lytham and Stamford, and the Compoti of Durham College, Oxford. 25. The Chartularies of Holm Cultram, and other documents relating to that Monastery. 26. The Chartulary of Whitby Abbey, and the Chronicle of that house. 27. St. Mary's Abbey, York, its Annals, by Abbat Simon de Warwick; with Extracts from the Chartularies. 28. The Charter Book of St. Leonsrd's Hospital at York, with several of the early Account Rolls, Wills of Benefactors, etc. 29. The Evidences of the ancient Family of Calverley, from the originals in the possession of Sir Walter Calverley Trevelyan, Bart. 30. Letters, hitherto inedited, relating to the Outrages, Feuds, etc., on the borders of England and Scotland. 81. The Autobiography of Anne Countess of Pembroke, Dorset and Montgomery, with other Documents relating to the house of Clifford. 32. The Correspondence of Thomas Baker (the "Coll. Jo. socius ejectus") with the Literary Men of his day. 33. The Correspondence of Dr. George Hickes and Hilkiah Bedford, the celebrated Non-jurors and Antiquaries. 34. The Correspondence of Adam Baines, the first M.P. for Leeds. 86. A Glossary of Ancient North Country Words to illustrate and explain, especially, the Works already published by this Society. List of Officers and Members, June, i 866. PATRON AND PRESIDENT. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., etc. VICE PRESIDENTS. Edward Akroyd, M.P., Bank Field, Halifax. Robert Henry Allan, F.S.A., Blackwell Grange, Darlington. John Booth, jun., Durham. Rev. Canon Chevallier, B.D., Durham. Rev. John Dixon Clarke, M.A., Belford Hall. James Crossley, F.S.A., President of the Chetham Society, Manchester. Rev. John Cundill, B.D., Durham. Robert Davies, F.S.A., York. John F. Elliot, Elvet Hill, Durham. John Fawcett, Durham. Rev. William Greenwell, M.A., Durham. Edwin Guest, LL.D., Master of Caius College, Cambridge. Thomas Duffus Hardy, Her Majesty's Deputy-keeper of Records, London. William Henderson, Durham. John Hodgson Hinde, Stelling Hall, Gateshead. W. H. D. Longstaffe, F.S.A., Gateshead. Richard Lawrence Pemberton, The Barnes, Sunderland. Rev. Daniel Rock, D.D., F.S.A., 17, Essex Villas, Kensington, London. Sir Walter Calverley Trevelyan, Bart., F.S.A., Wallington, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Very Rev. George Waddington, D.D., Dean of Durham. John Richard Walbran, F.S.A., Fallcroft, Ripon. Albert Way, F.S.A., Wonham Manor, Reigate. Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A., Bedlington, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Sir C. G. Young, F.S.A., Garter King at Arms. SECRETARY. Rev. James Raine, M.A., York. TREASURERS. John Gough Nichols, F.S.A., 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. Samuel Rowlandson, Durham. MEMBERS, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR ADMISSION.* Richard Abbay, Great Ouseburn, Boroughbridge. 13th December, 1861. Sir John Dalberg Acton, Bart., Aldenham Park, Bridgenorth. 17th June, 1861. George E. Adams, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, Heralds' College, London. 13th December, 1862. Rev. E. H. Adamson, M.A., St. Alban's Parsonage, Gateshead. 14th December, 1860. The Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. 13th March, 1851. Edward Akroyd, M.P., F.S.A., Bank Field, Halifax. 15th December, 1859. (Vice-President, 1866.) William Aldam, Frickley Hall, Doncaster. 13th December, 1862. Robert Henry Allan, F.S.A., Blackwell Grange, Darlington. (Treasurer, 18341844. Vice-President, 1844-1866.)t * The number of three hundred and fifty members, to which the Society is limited, is now full. Judging from past experience, there will be ten or twelve vacancies every year, and these will be regularly filled up. New members will be elected by the Council according to priority of application, unless the son orthe representative of a deceased member wishes to be chosen in his plaoe. 10 William Anderson, Stonegate, York. 13th December; 1861. The Society of Antiquaries, London. 1st March, 1864. The Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 24th September, 1853. John Reed Appleton, F.S.A.. Western Hills, Durham. 15th December, 1859. The Library of the Athenaum Club, Waterloo Place, London. 13th December, 1861. J. H. Aveling, M.D., Sheffield. 14th December, 1860. John Harrison Aylmer, Walworth Castle, Darlington. 12th July, 1836. J. H. Backhouse, Darlington. 5th June, 1866.* Rev. William Baird, Vicar of Dymoke, Gloucestershire. Dec. 6th, 1864. Charles Baker, F.S.A., 11, Sackville Street, London. 13th December, 1861. E. B. Wheatley Balme, Cote Walls, Mirfield, Normanton. 8th December, 1863, J. W. Barnes, Durham. 7th March, 1865. Thomas H. Bates, Wolsingham. 7th June, 1864. Rev. Thomas Bayly, B.A., Sub-chantor of York Minster, and Treasurer of the Yorkshire Architectural Society. 14th December, 1860. William Beamont, Warrington. 28th September, 1843. Wentworth B. Beaumont, M.P.. Bretton Hall, Wakefield. 14th March, 1862. George S. Beecroft, M.P., Abbey Lodge, Kirkstall, Leeds. 8th December, 1863. Alfred Bell, 49, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 31st March, 1849. George Bell, 186, Fleet Street, London. 1st March, 1864. The Royal Library at Berlin. 14th March, 1863. Rev. Dr. Besley, Long Benton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 16th March, 1861. Sir Edward Blackett, Bart., Matfen, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 15th December, 1859. William Henry Blaauw, F.S.A., Treasurer of the Camden Society, Beechfield, Uckfield. ]5th December, 1852. Robert Willis Blencowe, Secretary of the Sussex Archaeological Society, The Hooke, Lewes. 13th March, 1851. John Booth, jun., Durham. 18th June, 1862. (Vice-President and Local Secretary, 1864-6.) Rev. Joseph Bosworth, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford, Water-Stratford, Bucks. 14th December, 1861. E. C. Boville, Willington, Burton-on-Trent. 15th March, 1860. John Bowes, Streatlam Castle, Durham.t Richard Bowser, Bishop Auckland. 14th March, 1863. Rev. Canon Boyd, M.A., Rector of Arncliffe, Skipton-in-Craven. 7th March, 1865. William Boyne, F.S.A., 4, Lindsay Row, Chelsea, London. 13th Dec., 1862. The Lord Brancepeth, Brancepeth Castle, Durham. 15th December, 1852. Rev. J. S. Brewer, M A., Reader at the Rolls, and Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. 13th December, 1862. William Henry Brockett, Gateshead. 15th December, 1852. Thomas Brooke, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. 14th December, 1860. Douglas Brown, 15, Hertford Street, Mayfair, London. 11th March, 1858. James Brown, M.P., Rossington Hall, Bawtry. 13th December, 1862. Alfred Hall Browne, 5, West Hills, Highgate, London. 13th December, 1861. Rev. John Collingwood Bruce, LL.D., F.S.A., &c., Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 6th June, 1856. The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., &c., Dalkeith. (The first President of the Society, 1834-1837. President, 1865-6.)t Rev. W. E. Buckley, M.A., Middleton Cheney, Banbury. 13th March, 1851. Robert Anthony Burrell, Durham. 17th June, 1861. Thomas Burton, Turnham Hall, Selby. December, 1857. t Those gentlemen to whose names a cross is appended have been members of the Society since its foundation in 1834. * Those gentlemen to whose name an asterisk is attached have become members during the past year. Rev. William Bury, Chapel-house, Kilnsey, Skipton-in-Craven. 14th December, 1860. Rev. Thomas Calvert, B.A., Dinnington, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 13th December, 1862. The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. 13th March, 1857. Ralph Carr, Hedgeley, Alnwick. 26th September, 1844. Rev. T. W. Carr, Barming Rectory, Maidstone. 13th December, 1861. William Carr, Little Gomersal, Leeds. 5th December, 1865.* Edward Cayley, Wydale, Scarborough. 13th December, 1861, Rev. Reginald Arthur Cayley, Rector of Scampton, Lincoln. 13th December, 1861. William Chadwick, Arksey, Doncaster. 5th December, 1865.* John Barff Charlesworth, Hatfeild Hall, Wakefield. 14th March, 1862. Edward Charlton, M.D., Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-onTyne. 6th June, 1856. Rev. James Allen Charlton, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 8th December, 1853. William Henry Charlton, Hesleyside, Hexham. 31st May, 1849. Joseph Chester, 14, St. George's Terrace, Blue Anchor Road, Bermondsey, London. 5th December. 1865.* The Chetham Library, Manchester. December, 1857. Rev. Temple Chevallier, B.D., Canon of Durham, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in the University of Durham. 12th July, 1836. (Vice-Pre-ident, 1836-1866.) The Library of Christ's College, Cambridge. 13th December, 1862. Rev. John Dixon Clarke, Belford Hall. 1st June, 1853. (Vice-President, 1855-1866.) Rev. John Haldenby Clarke, M.A., Hilgay, Downham, Norfolk. 5th December, 1865.* J. W. Clarke. M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. December, 1857. (Local Secretary, 1858-1866.) Thomas K. Clarke, jun., John William Street, Huddersfield, 8th December, 1863. (Local Secretary, 1864-1866.) Edward Clayton, New Walk Terrace, York. 7th June, 1864. John Clayton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 8th December, 1853. The Duke of Cleveland, Raby Castle, Staindrop. September, 1841. Alexander Cockburn, 12, Walker Street, Edinburgh. 6th June, 1854. Rev. William Collins, M.A., St. Mary's, Ramsey, Huntingdon. 15th December, 1859. John Cookson, Meldon Park, Morpeth. 15th December, 1852. The Royal Library at Copenhagen. 14th March, 1863. Sir Joseph William Copley, Bart., Sprotborough. Doncaster. 13th December, 1862. Rev. G. E. Corrie, D.D., Master of Jesus College, Cambridge. 28th December, 1837. Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Stand, Manchester. 28th September, 1837. Christopher Croft, Richmond, Yorkshire. 8th December, 1853. James Crosby, F.S.A., 3, Church Court, Old Jewry, London. 31st May, 1849. R. Cross, Bottoms Lodge, Tintwistle, Manchester. 6th December, 1864. James Crossley, F.S.A., President of the Chetham Society, Booth Street, Manchester. 11th March, 1858. (Vice-President, 1861-1866.) Matthew T. Culley, Horton, Belford. 13th December, 1861. Rev. John Cundill, B.D., Perpetual Curate of St. Margaret's, Durham. 31st May, 1849. (Vice-President, 1849-1866.) Rev. Robert Daniel, Head Master of Archbishop Holgate's School, York. 18th June, 1862. Rev. J. W. Darnbrough, M.A., Rector of South Otterington, Thirsk. 6th Dec., 1864. 112 Robert Darnell, jun., Mount Villas, York. 16th March, 1861, Rev. William Darnell, Bambro', Belford. 5th December, 1865.* The Lord Bishop of St. David's, Abergwili Palace, Caermarthen. 13th March, 1851. Robert Davies, F.S.A., The Mount, York. 13th March, 1851. (Vice-President, 1861-1866.) Rev. Thomas Dean, M.A., Warton, Lancaster. 16th March, 1861. Robert Richardson Dees, Wallsend, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 15th December, 1859. Rev. Stephen Poyntz Denning, M.A., St. Andrew's College, Bradfield, Reading. 14th March, 1850. Rev. Williamn Denton, M.A., 48, Finsbury Circus, London. 17th June, 1861. (Local Secretary, 1862-1866.) William Dickson, F.S.A., Alnwick. 12th July, 1836. Rev. James F. Dimock, Barnburgh Rectory, Doncaster. 8th December, 1863. George Dodsworth, Clifton, York. 13th December, 1862. Rev. W. W. Douglas, M.A., Rector of Salwarpe, Worcester. 7th Nov., 1865. The Hon. and Very Rev. Augustus Duncombe, D.D., Dean of York. 15th December, 1859. The Right Hon. Sir David Dundas, M.P., Inner Temple, London. 30th December, 1858. The Lord Bishop of Durham, Auckland Castle. 13th December, 1861. The Library of the University of Durham. 16th June, 1858. Rev. John Edleston, D.C.L., Vicar of Gainford, Darlington. 8th Dec, 1863. Rev. J. H. Eld, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, Fyfield., Berks. 14th March, 1863. John F. Elliot, Elvet Hill, Durham. 12th July, 1836. (Vice-President, 18491866.) Edmund Viner Ellis, Gloucester. 17th June, 1861. William Viner Ellis, Gloucester. 30th December, 1858. Charles Elsley, Mill Mount, York. 5th December, 1865.* Rev. Richard Elwyn, M.A., Head Master of St. Peter's School, York. 5th December, 1865.* Rev. Dr. English, Warley House, Brentwood. 14th March, 1862. John Errington, High Warden, Hexham. 14th March, 1862. The Lord Bishop of Exeter. 5th December, 1853. The Very Rev. Monsignor Eyre, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 11th December, 1856. Rev. W. K. Farmery, Trimdon, Durham. 7th March, 1865. James Farrer, Inglebro', Lancaster. 31st May, 1849. Miss ffarrington, Worden Hall. Preston. 14th December, 1860. G. W. J. Farsyde, Fylingdales, Whitby. 8th December, 1863. John Fawcett, Durham. 29th September, 1842. (Vice-President, 1843-1866.) John Fenwick, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 12th December, 1851. The Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, Helmsley. 24th June, 1859, John Fisher, Masham. 14th March, 1862. Matthew Ford, 8, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 5th December, 1865.* Charles Forrest, Lofthouse, Wakefield. 1st March, 1864. The Viscount Galway, M.P., Serlby Hall, Bawtry. 15th December, 1859. Henry H. Gibbs, St, Dunstan's, Regent's Park, London. 15th December, 1859. William Sidney Gibson, F.S.A., Tynemouth. 26th September, 1844. The University of Gdettingen. 8th December, 1863. Nicholas Charles Gold, Whitefriars-street, Fleet-street, London. 8th December, 1863. The Very Rev. William Goode, D.D., F.S.A., Dean of Ripon. 8th Dec., 1863. John Edward Thorley Graham, Scarbro'. 5th December, 1865.* Willliam Grainge, Harrogate. 25th February, 1859. William Gray, York. 15th March, 1860. Rev. William Greenwell, M.A., Librarian of the Dean and Chapter of Durham. 28th September, 1843. (Treasurer, 1843-1849. Vce-President, 1849-1866.) 13 John Beswicke Greenwood, Dewsbury Moor House, Dewsbury. 14th December, 1860. The Earl de Grey and Ripon, Studley Royal, Ripon. 15th December, 1859. Edwin Guest, LL.D., F.S.A., &c., Master of Caius College, Cambridge. (VicePresident, 1856-1866.)t Edward Hailstone, F.S.A., Horton Hall, Bradford. May, 1846. The Ven. W. Hale Hale, M.A., Archdeacon of London, Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, and Master of the Charter House. 26th September, 1839. The University of Halle. 8th December, 1863. John Hammond, East Burton, Bedale. 7th June, 1864. Rev. William Vernon Harcourt, M.A., Canon of York, Nuneham Park, Abingdon. 14th March, 1862. Philip Charles Hardwick, F.S.A., 21, Cavendish Square, London. 14th March, 1850. Thomas Duffus Hardy, H,M. Deputy Keeper of Records, The Rolls, London. 13th December, 1862. (Vice-President, 1865-1866.) John Harland, F.S.A., 13, Union Terrace, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. 17th June, 1861. William Harrison, Ripon. 30th December, 1858. (Local Secretary, 1864-1866.) William Harrison, F.S.A., &c., Galligreaves Hall, Blackburn. 17th June, 1861. Rev. W. Estcourt Harrison, M.A., Clifton, York. 13th December, 1861. The Right Hon. T. E. Headlam, M.P., Chancellor of the Dioceses of Durham and Ripon, 20, Ashley Place, Victoria Street, London. 13th December, 1855. Henry Healey, Smallbridge, Rochdale. 14th December, 1860. William Henderson, Durham, 27th May, 1847. (Treasurer, 1847-1858. VicePresident, 1858-1866.) Rev. W. G. Henderson, D.C.L., Head Master of Leeds Grammar School. 31st May, 1849. (Secretary, 1849-1852.) The Lord Herries, Everingham Park, Hayton, Yorkshire. 15th December, 1859. Rev. William Hey, M.A., Canon Residentiary of York. 14th March, 1862. Rev. William Hildyard, M.A., Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. 14th March, 1862. John Hodgson Hinde, F.S.A., &c., Stelling Hall, Gateshead.t (Vice-President, 1843-1866.) Rev. James F. Hodgson, Staindrop, Darlington. 6th December, 1864. Richard Wellington Hodgson, North Dene, Gateshead. 11th December, 1856. Rev. Henry Holden, D.D., Head Master of Durham Grammar School. 16th June, 1858. The Very Rev. W. F. Hook, D.D., F.R.S., &c., Dean of Chichester. 14th March, 1862. A. J. Beresford Hope, M.P., F.S.A., &c., Connaught Place, Hyde Park, London. 15th December, 1859. The Lord Houghton, Fryston Hall, Ferrybridge. 30th December, 1858. Fretwell W. Hoyle, F.G.H.S., Eastwood Lodge, Rotherham. 14th December, 1860. Henry Arthur Hudson, Bootham, York. 7th March, 1865. William Hughes, 24, Wardour Street, London. 7th March, 1865. Rev. Thomas Hugo, M.A., F.S.A., The Chestnuts, Clapton, London. 14th March, 1862. The Hull Subscription Library. 14th March, 1862. Rev. Henry Humble, M.A., Canon of St. Ninian's, Perth. 31st May, 1849. William D. Husband, York. 13th December, 1862. Richard Charles Hussey, F.S.A., 16, King William Street, Strand, London. 12th July, 1836. Joseph Hutchinson, Durham. 6th December, 1864. Rev. Dr. Hymers, Brandesburton, Beverley. 30th December, 1858. Rev. H. D. Ingilby, M.A., Ripley Castle, Ripley. 15th December, 1859. Robert Henry Ingham, M.P., Westoe, South Shields.t C. J. D. Ingledew, M.A., Ph.D., F.G.H.S., Tyddyn-y-Sais, Carnarvon. I3th December, 1855. Henry Ingledew, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1st March, 1864. Charles Jackson, Doncaster. 14th December, 1860. (Local Secretary, 18631866.) Henry Jackson, St. James' Row, Sheffield. 15th December, 1859. William Jackson, Fleatham House, St. Bees, Whitehaven. 7th March, 1865. Sir Walter James, Bart., Betteshanger, Sandwich. 5th December, 1865.* Rev. Joseph Jameson, B.D., Precentor of Ripon Minster, Ripon. 8th December, 1863. Rev. Henry Jenkyns, D.D., Canon of Durham. September, 1838. Rev. J. F. Johnson, Gateshead Fell, Durham. 11th December, 1856. Rev. J. W. Kemp, M.A., New Elvet, Durham, 8th December, 1853. Rev. John Kenrick, F.S.A., York. 15th December, 1859. John Henry Le Keux, Durham. 13th December, 1861. W. W. King, 28, Queen's Square, Cannon Street, London. 8th December, 1863. Rev. Francis Kirsopp, Hexham. 7th March, 1865. Rev. William Knight, Hartlepool, Durham. 13th December, 1862. John Bailey Langhorne, Wakefield. 31st May, 1849. (Local Secretary, 18581866.) The Hon. and Rev. Stephen Willoughby Lawley, M.A., Rector of Escrick, York. 8th December, 1863. George Lawton, Nunthorpe, York. 12th July, 1836. The Leeds Library. 11th December, 1856. Octavius Leefe, 61, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 13th December, 1861. Joseph Lees, Clarksfield Lees, Manchester. 17th June, 1861. Rev. H. G. Liddell, M.A., Charlton King's, Cheltenham. 26th September, 1837. The Library of Lincoln's Inn, London. 13th March, 1851. William Linskiil, Ellenbank, Blairgowrie, N.B. 13th December, 1855. The Liverpool Athenaeum. 6th June, 1855. William Hugh Logan, Berwick-on-Tweed. 18th June, 1862. The London Library, 12, St. James' Square, London. 13th March, 1851. William Hylton Dyer Longstaffe, F.S.A., Gateshead. 17th March, 1855. (VicePresident, 1859-1866. Local Secretary, 1858-1866.) Rev. J. L. Low, M.A., The Forest, Midleton-in-Teesdale, Durham. 16th June, 1858. Rev. Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Registry of the University of Cambridge. 24th June, 1859. John James Lundy, F.G.S., Assembly Street, Leith. 16th March, 1861. David Macbeath, 48, Mark Lane, London. 15th March, 1860. Rev. E. M. Macfarlane, M.A., Dorchester, Wallingford. 7th June, 1864. John Whitefoord Mackenzie, W.S., Vice-President S.A. Scotland, and M.R.S.N.A. Cop., 16, Royal Circus, Edinburgh. 14th July, 1835. Messrs. Macmillan and Co., 16, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London. 7th March, 1865. The Library of Magdalen College, Oxford. 18th June, 1862. The Lord Bishop of Manchester, F.R.S., &c., Mauldeth Hall, Manchester. 11th December, 1856. Rev. George Mason, M.A., Copt Hewick, Ripon. 17th June, 1861. James Meek, Middlethorpe Lodge, York. Lord Mayor of York, 1866. 6th December, 1864. Walter Charles Metcalfe, Epping, Essex. 13th December, 1862. Robert Mills, F.S.A., Shawclough, Rochdale. 16th March, 1861. John Mitchell, 24, Wardour Street, London. 24th'June, 1859. E. J, Monk, Mus. Doc., York. 6th December, 1864. C. T. J. Moore, Frampton Hall, Boston. 25th February, 1859. Maurice P. Moore, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. 14th March, 1863. M. T. Morrall, Balmoral House, Matlock Bank, DerbyShire. 16th March, 1861. 15 Walter Morrison, M.P., Malham Tarn, Skipton-in-Craven. 1st March, 1864. George Gill Mounsey, Castletown, Carlisle. 17th March, 1855. (Local Secretary, 1858-1866.) The Royal Library at Munich. 14th March, 1863. Charles Scott Murray, F.S.A., Danesfield Park, Great Marlow. 15th December, 1859. The Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 17th March, 1855. Edward Hotham Newton, Scarbro'. 13th December, 1862. John Gough Nichols, F.S.A., 25, Parliament Street, Westminster.t (Treaturer from the Foundation of the Society.) Thomas S. Noble, York. 5th December, 1865.* Rev. Charles Best Norcliffe, M.A., York. 12th March, 1852. The Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle. 6th June, 1865. Mrs. Nutt, 270, Strand, London. 13th December, 1862. John Openshaw, Bur House, Bakewell. 15th June, 1863. John R. Ord, Darlington. 30th December, 1858, Rev. George Ornsby, Fishlake, Doncaster. 24th June, 1859. Rev. Sir F. G. Ouseley, Bart., M.A., Precentor of Hereford, and Professor of Music in the University of Oxford, St. Michael's, Tenbury, Worcestershire. 11th December, 1856. The Right Hon. Sir Roundell Palmer, M.P., 6, Portland Place, London. 8th December, 1863. Thomas William Parker, Northfield House, Rotherham. 6th June, 1865. Edward Peacock, F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Brigg. 10th June, 1857. Joseph Pease, Darlington. 19th December, 1854. George Peile, jun., Greenwood, Shotley Bridge. 7th March, 1865. Richard Lawrence Pemberton, The Barnes, Sunderland. 13th December, 1855. ( Vice-President, 1857-1866.) Hugh Penfold, Library Chambers, Middle Temple London. 14th March, 1862. James Stovin Pennyman, Ormesby Hall, Middlesbro'. 8th December, 1853. The Earl Percy, Alnwick Castle. 6th June, 1865. The Imperial Library at St. Petersburgh. 14th March, 1863. Rev. Gilbert H. Phillips, M.A., Dringhouses, York. 30th December, 1858. Rev. Ralph Platt, Durham. 30th December, 1858. Francis S. Powell, M.P., Old Horton Hall, Bradford. 7th June, 1864. The Ven. Archdeacon Prest, Rector of Gateshead, The College, Durham. 7th June, 1864. James Pulleine, Clifton Castle, Bedale. 14th December, 1860. Bernard Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly, London. 24th September, 1853. Rev. James Raine, M.A., Canon of York, York. 12th March, 1852. (Secretary, 1854-1866.) Rev. John Raine, M.A., Blyth Vicarage, Worksop. 18th June, 1862. Rev. Canon Raines, M.A., F.S.A., the Vice-President of the Chetham Society, Milnrow, Rochdale. 14th December, 1860. J. R. Raines, Burton Pidsea, Hull. 14th December, 1860. Stephen Ram, Ramsfort, Goree, Ireland. 6th June, 1856. Sir John William Ramsden, Bart., Byram Hall, South Milford, Yorkshire, 14th March, 1862. The Lord Ravensworth, President of the Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-onTyne. 6th June, 1856. W. F. Rawdon, Bootham, York. 14th December, 1860. Arnold W. Reinold, 4, Kingston Square, Hull. 8th December, 1863. Godfrey Rhodes, Rawdon Hill, Otley. 1st March, 1864. Charles H. Rickards, Manchester. 13th March, 1851. The Proprietors of the Ripon Public Rooms. 14th December, 1860. William Rivington, Hampstead Heath, London. 15th December, 1859. Joseph Robertson, 23, Buccleugh Place, Edinburgh. 13th March, 1851. T. W. U. Robinson, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham. 14th December, 1860. 16 The Very Rev. Daniel Rock, D.D., 17, Essex Villas, Kensington. 14th March, 1850. (Vice.Presidenf, 1851-1866. Local Secretary, 1858-1866.) Rev. H. R. Rokeby, Arthingworth Manor, Northants. 14th March, 1862. John Roper, Clifton Croft, York. 13th December, 1862. Rev. George Rowe, M.A., Principal of the Training College, York. 7th June, 1864. Samuel Rowlandson, Durham. September, 1841. (Treasurer, 1858-1866.) J. B. Rudd, Tollesby Hall, Guisbrough. 13th March, 1857. John Sampson, York. December, 1857. Simon Thomas Scrope, jun., Danby Hall, Bedale. 16th June, 1858. The Trustees of Dr. Shepherd's Library, Preston. 6th December, 1864. Thomas Shields, Scarborough. 8th December, 1863. Rev. E. H. Shipperdson, M.A., The Hermitage, Chester-le-Street. 6th June, 1856. The Signet Library, Edinburgh. 6th December, 1864. Henry Silvertop, Minsteracres, Gateshead. 21st May, 1849. The Library of Sion College, London. December, 1857. R. H. Skaife, The Mount, York. 6th December, 1864. Rev. Richard Skipsey, M.A., Bishopwearmouth.t Rev. Alfred Fowler Smith, M.A., Rector of St. Mary's, Thetford. 6th December, 1864. John Smith, Her Majesty's Keeper of Records, Doctors' Commons. London. 13th December, 1861. John George Smythe, Heath Hall, Wakefield. 13th December, 1862. George Smurthwaite, Richmond, Yorkshire. 8th December, 1863. The Statistical Society, 12, St. James' Square, London. 30th December, 1858. George Stephens, Professor of English Literature in the University of Copenhagen. 24th September, 1853. The Royal Library at Stockholm. 14th March, 1863. John Storey, 71, Albion Street, Leeds. 6th June, 1865. John Stuart, New Mills, Currie, Edinburgh, Secretary of the Spalding Club, and of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. 24th February, 1853. (Local Secretary, 1862-1866.) Rev. William Stubbs, M.A., Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford, Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury. 13th March, 1851. (Local Secretary, 1862-1866.) Charles Freville Surtees, M.P., Army and Navy Club, St. James' Square, London. 15th December, 1859. Henry Edward Surtees, M.P., Dane End, Ware, Herts. 10th June, 1857. Sir S. Villiers Surtees, Chief Justice of the Island of Mauritius, Silkmore House, Stafford. 8th December, 1853. Rev. Scott F. Surtees, M.A., Sprotborough Rectory, Doncaster. 14th December, 1860. William Edward Surtees, M.A., Seaton Carew, Durham, High Sheriff of Durham, 1866. 15th March, 1860. Sir John Swinburne, Bart., Capheaton, Morpeth. 5th June, 1866.* G. E. Swithinbank, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 14th December. 1860. Christopher Sykes, M.P., Brantingham Thorpe, Hull. 15th December, 1859. John Sykes, M.D., Doncaster. 24th June, 1859. Rev. Francis Tate, M.A., Prebendary of Exeter, and Vicar of Axminster. 6th December, 1864. Henry Taylor, the Colonial Office, London. 6th June, 1852. Thomas Greenwood Teale, Leeds. 8th December, 1853. (Local Secretary, 1862-1866.) Christopher Temple, Q.C., Temporal Chancellor of Durham, 15, Upper Bedford Place, London. 6th June, 1856. Rev. Francis Thompson, Durham. 7th March, 1865. Leonard Thompson, Sheriffhutton Park, York. 13th December, 1862. 17 Sir Nicholas William Throckmorton, Bart., Coughton Court, Bromsgrove. 13th December, 1862. William Thwaites, Ripon. 7th June, 1864. John Tiplady, Durham, 6th June, 1865. Sir Walter Calverley Trevelyan, Bart., F.S.A., &c., Wallington, Newcastle-onTyne.t (Vice-President from the foundation of the Society.) The Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. June 5th, 1866.* Charles Tucker, F.S.A., Secretary of the Archeological Institute, Marlands, Heavitree, Exeter. 15th December, 1852. E. P. Turnbull, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 7th June, 1864. Henry Turner, Low Heaton Haugh, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 12th July, 1836. Rev. James Francis Turner, North Tidworth, Marlborough. 14th March, 1850. Edmund H. Turton, Kilvington Hall, Thirsk. 13th December, 1861. George Markham Tweddell, West Villas, Stokesley. 6th December, 1864. The President of St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Durham. September, 1838. The Earl Vane, Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire, N.W. 17th March. 1855. The Library at the Vatican. 14th March, 1863. Rev. C. J. Vaughan, D.D., Vicar of Doncaster, Chancellor of York, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. 13th December, 1862. Rev. Philip Vavasour, Ripon. 8th December, 1862. The Imperial Library at Vienna. 14th March, 1863. The Very Rev. George Waddington, D.D., &c., Dean of Durham. September, 1841. (Vice-President, 1843-1866.) Rev. George Wade, Eastoft, Goole. 18th June, 1862. John Richard Walbran, F.S.A., Fallcroft, Ripon. 15th December, 1859. (VicePresident, 1860-1866.) Rev. William Walbran, B.A., Radcliffe, Manchester. 6th December, 1864. John Hope Wallace, Featherstone Castle, Haltwhistle. 14th March, 1863. The Library of St. Edmund's College, Old Hall Green, Ware. 8th December, 1863. George Waring, M.A., 2, Park Terrace, The Parks, Oxford. 14th Dec., 1860. Edmund Waterton, F.S.A., Walton Hall. Wakefield. 10th March, 1856. Albert Way, F.S.A., &c., Secretary of the Archaeological Institute, Wonham Manor, Reigate. 15th December, 1852. (Vice-President, 1859-1866.) Christopher M. Webster, Pallion, Bishopwearmouth. 15th December, 1859. His Excellency M. Van de Weyer, the Belgian Ambassador, 50, Portland Place, London. September, 1841. W. W. Whitaker, 32, St. Ann's Street, Manchester. 16th March, 1861. Robert White, Claremont Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 12th December, 1851. Rev. C. T. Whitley, M.A.. Vicar of Bedlington, Newcastle-on-Tyne.t (VicePresident, 1836-1866.) John Whitwell, Kendall. 1st March, 1864. Rev. W. A. Wightman, Vicar-Choral of York Minster, St. Mary's, York. 6th December, 1864. Joseph Wilkinson, Town Clerk, York. 14th March, 1862. John Wilson, Bootham, York. 14th December, 1860. William Winkley, jun., F.S.A., Flambards, Harrow, Middlesex. 14th March, 1863. Basil Thomas Woodd, M.P., Conyngham Hall, Knaresbro'. 8th December, 1863. William Woodman, Town Clerk, Morpeth. 31st May, 1849. The Lord Archbishop of York. 15th June, 1863. The Library of the Dean add Chapter of York. 13th March, 1857. The York Subscription Library. 16th March, 1861. Sir Charles George Young, F.S.A., &c., Garter King at Arms, Heralds' College, London.t (Vice-President, 1836-1866.) The Earl of Zetland, K.T., Aske Hall, Richmond. 13th March, 1851. AN ACCOUNT OF SAMUEL ROWLANDSON, ESQ., AS TREASURER OF THE SURTEES SOCIETY. From 1st January, 1863, to 31st December, 1864. 1863. ~ S. D. FOUNTAINS VOLUME, VOL. I.:- ~ S. D. ~. S. P. Jan. 1. To Balance in hands of Treasurer on last accoftit 0 B paid Mr. 16 0Harrison, for printing 183 2 5 -r^~~~~~~~1864. ~By paid Messrs. Jewitt and Utting, for woodcuts.. 22 15 9 "864. By paid J. R. Walbran, Esq., for editing..... 70 12 8 Dec. 31. To amount of Subscriptions received by Samuel Row- By paid J. R. Walbran, Esq., balance of expenses in London.. 11 0 3 landson, Esq., and J. G. Nichols, Esq., from 1st By paid Leighton, Son, and Hodge, for binding....13 11 6 301 2 7 January, 1863, to 31st December, 1864.. 616 9 0 HERALDIC VOLUME:Feb. 27. To amount received by Messrs. Andrews and Co., for By paid Leighton, Son, and Hodge, for binding...13 3 7 balance of sale of books (after deducting expenses) for1863 40 12 4 LINDISFARNE VOLUME:By paid Oxford University Press, for printing.. 61 15 10 Dec. 7. To received of Edward Akroyd, Esq., M.P., donation By paid George Waring, Esq., for editing.. 40 19 0 towards the illustrations of the Memorials of By paid Leighton, Son, and Hodge, for binding.... 13 2 2 115 17 0 Fountains Abbey, vol. II. 500 0 VOLUME I..HEXHAM, VOLUME I.:To received of W. B. Beaumont, Esq., donation to- By paid London Publishing Society, for three engravings. 10 9 3 wards the illustrations of the Memorials of Hex- By paid R. B. Utting, for engraving illustrations for vols. i. and ii. 31 6 6 ham Priory.... 50 00 By paid J. H. Le Keux, for ditto ditto ditto. 32 15 0 To amount received of Messrs. Andrews and Co., for By paid Rev. James Raine, for editing 8Q 17 0 balance of sale of books (after deducting expenses) By paid Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes, for printing.... 159 14 6 for 1864..37 11 3 By paid Leighton, Son, and Hodge, for binding... 15 18 10 331 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS:By paid Rev. James Raine, allowance for expenses, 1863 and 1864.. 60 0 0 By paid Durham Advertiser, for printing circulars..... 2 8 6 By paid for postage stamps, for Treasurer, 1863 and 1864. 4 0 0 By paid Assistant Treasurer, two years' salary..4 4 0 By paid Messrs. Nichols and Son, for printing Reports for 1863... 7 2 6 838 19 8 Balance in hand'of Treasurer on this account....116 9 4 ~955 8 7 ~955 8. We, the Auditors, appointed to credit the Accounts of the Surtees Society, report to the Society that the Treasurers have exhibited to us their Accounts from the 1st day of January, 1863, to the 31st December, 1864, and that we have examined the said Accounts and find the same to be correct, and we further report that the above is an accurate Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Society during the period to which we have referred. As witness our hands this 29th day of June, 1865. RALPH PLATT. JOS. HUTCHINSON.