i II= I DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE PACIFIC ISLANDS OF THE UNITED STATES BUOY LIST HAWAIIAN AND SAMOAN ISLANDS NINETEENTH LIGHTHOUSE DISTRICT 1923 (CORRECTED TO NOVEMBER 1) PRICE, 20 CENTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 I 1* INTRODUCTION AND EXPLANATION OF TABLES. This List describes all aids to navigation maintained by or under the authority of the United States Department of Commerce in the waters of the Hawaiianj Midway, Guam, and the American Samoan Islands. Arrangement of List.-The aids are arranged as nearly as practicable in the order in which they are used, commencing on the northeast coast of the island of Hawaii, following clockwise around the island, then, in a similar manner, around the next island to westward, etc. The aids of each harbor are arranged in regular order, beginning at the sea. Names of aids are printed in this List as follows: PRIMARY SEACOAST LIGHTS. Secondary Lights. RIVER, HARBOR, AND OTHER LIGHTS. LIGHTED BUOYS. Uulighted fixed aids. Unlighted buoys. Other publications.-The Department of Commerce publishes annually a Light List for the Pacific coast, which includes all lighted aids and fog signals. The department also publishes annually for each lighthouse district a Buoy List similar to this. As far as the location of buoys and other aids to navigation is concerned, the charts are a preferable source of information. Buoy and light lists of the Department of Commerce are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., and by the sales agencies. Charts, Coast Pilots, and Tide Tables of the waters covered by this List are published by the Department of Commerce and are for sale by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey; they are also for sale by the sales agencies. Correction of Light and Buoy Lists.-The lists are corrected to the date of publication as printed on the title page. The mariner is cautioned that the latest List must be used. It is not practicable for the department to correct individual copies, but "Notice to Mariners" is published weekly, announcing all changes in aids to navigation. The navigator should keep his Lists, as well as his charts, corrected from these Notices, and should consult all Notices issued after the date of publication of the List. The weekly Notice to Mariners will be mailed regularly, free of charge, to any mariner who will apply to the Department of Commerce, through the Division of Publications, Washington, D. C. Defects in aids to navigation.-Mariners are requested to report direct to the Superintendent of Lighthouses, Honolulu, Hawaii, by radio or other prompt means, defects in aids to navigation. Recommendations as to aids to navigation, or their improvement, or reports of aids no longer needed, should be mailed to the above address, or to the Department of Commerce, through the Commissioner of Lighthouses, at Washington, D. C. Information respecting dangers, changes in shoals and channels, and other facts of interest affecting charts and coast pilots should be sent to the Department of Commerce, through the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Laws for the protection of aids to navigation.-Whoever shows any false light with intent to bring any vessel into danger or shipwreck shall be imprisoned not less than 10 years, and may be imprisoned for life. (1) 2 It is unlawful for any person to interfere with any aid to navigation, or to anchor any vessel in navigable waters of the United States so as to obstruct range lights; and. any person so doing may be fined $500 for each offense, and each day during which such violation continues shall be considered a new offense. It is unlawful for any person, corporation, or municipality to establish or maintain in the navigable waters of the United States any aid to navigation similar to those maintained by the Department of Commerce without first obtaining permission from the Department of Commerce, through the Commissioner of Lighthouses; and any person so doing may be fined $100 for each offense. (Regulations governing the establishment of private aids to navigation are given in Department of Commerce Circular No. 213, third edition, Sept. 24, 1918.) Collisions of vessels with lightships, buoys, and other aids to navigation.-The licensed officer in command of a vessel colliding with any aid to navigation must report the collision promptly to the Department of Commerce through thenearest board of local inspectors of steamboats. Bearings are in degrees true, reading clockwise from 0~ at N. to 360C; bearings, relating to visibility of lights are given as observed from a vessel. Distances are in nautical miles unless otherwise stated. Heights are referred to mean high water. Depths are referred to mean low water. Unwatched lights.-"IU" after the name of a light indicates. that the light is: unwatched; gas buoys are also unwatched. These unwatched lights may become irregular or extinguished, although a high degree of reliability has been attained with such apparatus. Reliance must not be placed on lighted buoys maintaining their exact positions; in cases of uncertainty it is safer to navigate by bearings or angles to fixed objects on shore and by soundings. Character of lights.-To avoid confusion between lights, they are given distinct, characteristics; these are indicated by abbreviations, as follows: (2) Lights which do, change color (show. (1) Lights which do not.cae l. (1) Lights which do not Characteristic phases. ing alternately white change color. and red in various, combinations). F.= Fixed.................... A continuous steady light.......A........... lt.= Alternating. Fl.- Flashing................. (a) Showing a single flash at regular intervals... Alt. Fl.=Alternating(b) A steady light with total eclipses. flashing. F. F1.= Fixed and flashing.... A fixed light varied at regular intervals by one Alt. F. F1.= Alternator more flashes, usually of greater brilliancy. ing fixed and flashA flash is preceded and followed by a dimi- ing. nution of light or an eclipse. Gp. F1.= Group flashing....... Showing at regular intervals groups of flashes... Alt. Gp. Fl.= Alternating group flashing. Occ.= Occulting.............. A steady light suddenly and totally eclipsed at Alt. Occ.= Alternating: regular intervals. occulting, Gp. Occ.- Group occulting.... A steady light suddenly and totally eclipsed by a group of two or more eclipses. W.=White; R.=Rod; G.= Green. A flash is usually shorter than the duration of an eclipse. An occultation is shorter than or equal to the duration of light. Lights are characterized as flashing or occulting according to the relative durations. of light and darkness. In approaching a light of varying intensity, such as fixed varied by flashes, or alternating white and red, due allowance must be made for the inferior brightness of the 3 less powerful part of the light. The first-named light may, on account of distance or haze, show flashes only, and the true characteristic will not develop until the observer comes within range of the fixed light; similarly, the second named ma3 show as occulting white until the observer comes within range of the red light. Also where there are two fixed lights, one white and one red, the latter may be obscured and the station may appear to show only a fixed white light. At short distances and in clear weather flashing lights may show a faint continuous light. Period of a flashing or occulting light is the time required to go through the full set of changes, and is given in the column "Name, etc.-Character and period of light," and the details are stated in the column "Remarks-Fog signal." The durations of light and darkness are computed and may vary slightly. Visibility of lights.-The distances at which lights may be seen in clear weather are computed in nautical miles for a height of the observer's eye of 15 feet above the water level. These distances may at times be increased by abnormal atmospheric:refraction, and of course may be greatly lessened by unfavorable weather conditions, due to fog, rain, haze, or smoke. Weak lights and colored lights are easily obscured by such conditions. Under certain atmospheric conditions, especially with the more powerful lights, the glare of the light may be visible beyond the computed geographic range. When approaching a light it evidently may be seen earlier from aloft. Candlepowers of lights are stated approximately in English candles. When the power of a light varies, as in the case of a white light with a red sector, or a fixed light varied by flashes, the candlepower of both white and red, or fixed light and flash, is given. Light sectors.-In some conditions of the atmosphere, white lights may have a reddish hue; the mariner therefore should not trust solely to color where there are sectors, but should verify the position by taking a bearing of the light. On either side of the line of demarcation between white and red there is always a small sector of uncertain color, as the edges of a sector of visibility can not be cut off sharply. When a light is cut off by adjoining land, and the arc of visibility is given, the bearing on which the light disappears may vary with the distance of the vessel from which observed. When the light is cut off by a sloping point of land or hill, the light may be seen over a wider arc by a ship far off than by one close-to. Whistling and bell buoys are operated by the action of the sea; therefore, they sound irregularly, and in calm weather are less effective or may not be heard. Caution regarding buoys.-Buoys are liable to be carried away, shifted, capsized, sunk, etc., lighted buoys may be extinguished, or whistling or bell buoys may not sound, as the result of storm, or other natural causes, or collision, or other accidents. Buoys colors, numbers, and shapes.-The following order is observed in coloring and numbering buoys: In approaching the channel, etc., from seaward, RED BUOYS, with EVEN NUMBERS, are on the STARBOARD side, and BLACK BUOYS, with ODD NUMBERS, on the PORT side, BuoYs with RED and BLACK HORIZONTAL STRIPES are on OBSTRUCTIONS, with channelways on either side of, them, and may be left on either hand in passing in. BuoYs with WHITE and BLACK PERPENDICULAR STRIPES are in MID-CHANNEL and must be passed close-to. Nun buoys, properly colored and numbered, are usually placed on the starboard side, and can buoys on the port side, of channels. Day beacons are constructed and distinguished with special reference to each locality, and particularly with regard to the background upon which they are projected. Beacons on the sides of channels, when practicable, are colored to conform to the coloring of buoys, subject to the above condition as to background. Lighthouse tenders when working on buoys in channels or other frequented waters may display a red flag (international signal-code letter "B") and a black ball at the fore as a warning to vessels to slow down in passing. Passing vessels will facilitate the work of the Department of Commerce by observing these signals. Abbreviations designating the order or internal diameter of illuminating apparatus and kind of illuminants, etc.: 1=lst order. 2=2d order. 3=3d order. 31=31 order. 4=4th order. 5=5th order. 6=6th order. Ll==lens lantern. Pl=post lantern. Rf=reflector. Rg=range lens. mm= millimeter. iov=incandescent oil vapor. o=oil in regular service lamp. g=gas. pg=oil gas. a=acetylene gas, compressed. ac=acetylene gas, carbide to water. ei=electric incandescent. pc=primary cell. m= mantle. cw=clockwork. h=hand. EXAMPLES: (4 iov)=4th-order lens with incandescent oil-vapor lamp; (200 mm pg m)-200-millimeter lens with oil gas and mantle. DESCRIPTION OF BUOYS. Diameter Heigh Least Type and class. Shape. at water above Draft de in line water which to line. moor. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Tallnun, 1st class.......... Conical........................ 5 13 17 28 Tall nun, 2d class.......... Conical........................ 4 11 15 22 Tall nun, 3d class-......... Conical...................... 3 8 11 18 Nun, 1st class........ ---. Conical.......................... 6 8 5 15 Nun, 2d class.............. Conical........................-. 4 2~ 5 11 Nun, 3d class............. Conical3..................... 3 2 4 8 Tallcan, 1st class......... Cylindrical.................... 5 9- 17 25 Tall can, 2d class....... Cylindrical......................... 4 7 15 22 Tall can, 3d class —........ Cylindrical...-.......3......... 3 5 11 15 Can, 1st class......-.... Approximately cylindrical........ 6 5 6 14 Can, 2d class............... Approximately cylindrical......... 4 4 4~ 12; Can, 3d class......... Approximately cylindrical......... 3 2 4 & Iron spar, 1st class...... Spar shaped..... -.......... 21 15 37 34 Iron spar, 2d class...-...... Spar shaped................... 2 11 30 27 Iron spar, 3d class.......... Spar shaped................ 2 8 23 20 Wooden spar, 1st class..... Spar shaped................-..... 18 30 32 Wooden spar, 2d class...... Spar shaped................. Ii. 12 27 24 Wooden spar, 3d class...... Spar shaped.....2.......... 11 8 20 18 Wooden spar, 4th class..... Spar shaped................... i 7 14 12 Bell buoy.................. Has a flat deck nearly awash, with 8 8 6 16 pyramidal skeleton superstructure supporting a bell. Whistling buoy....... Conical, with whistle at top....... 8 11 20 27 Lighted buoys have cylindrical or conical bodies, which contain the gas, surmounted by superstructure with lantern, and in cases of combination buoys have bell or whistle, as the case may be. 5 rAW AII ISLAND0. Name; mark on aid. Description. Deptk mean Remarks —Fog signal. Character and period of lghten (Established, last l ow rebul) wafer. NORTHEAST COAST. LAUPAHOEHOE POINT, LIGHT. U. El. W., 10 see. IPEPEEKEO POINT LIGHT..Gp. Fl. W., 7.5 sec. U. 2 flashes. PAUKAA POINT LIGHT...... Ml. W., 3 sec. U. White, pyramidal Itower. (1890) (300 mm a) (1915 White; pyramidal skeleton tower. (1907) (375 mm a) (1917) White house and elevated platform. (1907) (200 mm a) (1923) Feet. - I Flash 1 sec. duration. On point", 46 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. About 0.4 mile south of Alia Point; 141 feet high; 390 cp., visible 11 mailes. 1st flash... i sec. Eclipse... I sec. 2d flash... l ~Isec. Eclipse.._. 4.5 sec. Period.. 7.5 sec. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On point, north of Hilo Bay; 145 feet high; 130Ocp., visible 9 miles. Cocoanut Point Beacon.... IWhite; pyramidal tower. ------- WAIAKRA LiGHT....... F.R. U. BLONDE REEF GAS AND BELL B UO Y, I BR. Fl. W., 7.5 sec. Blonde Reef Southwest End Buoy, S1. Kuinio BAY.v (KXso BAY FRONT LiGHT g F. R. U. Ku1IsO BAY REAR LIGHT. 2 F.W. U. E ntrance B uoy, 3. --- —COCOA NUT ISLAND REEF GAS BUOY, 2. El. R., 6 sec. 0 White pole....... Black; conical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) Black; 2d-cl. tall can. White skeleton tower, and white stripe osi roof. (1915) (LI 01) (1920) White square pyramidal skeleton tower. (LI ei) (1916) (1920) Black; 2d-cl.can.. Red; cylindrical; skeleton super- structure. (200 mm a) Black; 2d-cl. can.. Black; 2d-cl. can-.. Red; 2d-cl. nun... Black; 2d-cl. can.. Red; 2d-cl. nun... Black; 2d-cl. can.. 46 60 I I I I On Government wharf. Southwest of shoal. Channel Buoy, 7........ Channel Buoy, 9........ Channel Buoy, 4........ Channel Buoy, 11....... Channel Buoy, 6........ Channel Buoy, 13....... SOUTH COAST. KALAZ LIGHT........ F. W. On old territorial wharf, southeast side of hay; 47 feet high; 110 cp., visible 9 miles. Flash 2.5sec.duration; 12feethigh; 130cp., visible 8 miles. Bell sounded by ac. tion of sea. 42 19 36 133 16 132 16 16 On ridge of roof of Kuhio 'wharf; 54 feet high; I100cp. Obscured north of 1110. Lights 3 yards apart horizontally. 517 yards 97?1-,' from preceding; 92 feet high; 1,400 op. Obscured north of 110~. Flash 1 sec. duration. At entrance to Kuhio Bay. 10 feet high; 40 cp., visible 6 miles. On Kalae, south point of 181andf- 63 feet high; 160 op., visible 9 miles. White mast and house; br ow n roof. (LI o) (1906) I 6 HAWAII ISLAND. Name; mar on aid. Description.,Depth, mean Remarks-Fog signal. Character and period of light. (Established, last low rebuilt.) water. WEST COAST. HOOPULOA LIGHT........ F. R. U. HOOKENA LIGHT......... F. R. U. Lantern on unpainted pole. (1907) (L o) Lantern op unpainted pole. (1907) (L o) I NAP~opoo LANDING LIGHT..-..Lantern on tree. -- F. R. U,. (1907) (HI 0) I I NAPOOPOO LIGHT.... F]. W., 7.5. sec. U. IKAILuA LIGHT. Fl. W., 3 sec. U. KEAHOLE POINT LIGHT... GP. Fl. W., 6 sec. U. 2 flashes. LCAWAsIIAHE LIGHT........ FL.W., 5sec. U. M(AHUKONA LIGHT..... Fl. W., 1.5 sec. U. Mahukona Beacon........ rMAHUKONA FR.ONT LIGHT.... P.R. U. MAHUXONA REAP. LIGHT... F.R. U. Makaohule Beacon........ MAHUKONA LANDING LIGHT.... F.R. ~~~U. NORTHEAST COAST. HKAUHOLA POINT LIGHT STATION. Fl. W., 6 sec. X:UKUIHA3ELE LIGHT.... Fl. W., 4 sec. U. White,pyramidal, concrete tower. (1908) (300 mm a) (1922) White~pyramiclal, concrete towcr. (1909) (300 mm a) (1922) White, pyramidal tower. (1906) (100 mm a) (1915) White, pyramidal tower. (1906) (100 mm a) (1915) White, pyramidal tower. (1907) (300 mm a) (1915) White; conical; stone. Lantern on pole.. (1922) (L ei) Lantern on pole... (1922) (L ei) White; conical, stone. *White post. (1917) (L ei) White, pyramidal tower. (4 iov) (1912) (1917) White; pyramidal. skeleton tower. (1911) (300 mm a) I I Feet. On wharf; 25 feet' high, 5 cp. Marks approach to anchorage. Exhibited on regular On north shore of steamer nights and Kauhako Bay; 25. when requested. f eet high, 5 cp. Maintained by InterMarks approach Island Steam Navito anchorage. gation Co. (Ltd.). South shore of Kealake'kua Bay; 25 feet high, 3 cp. Flash 1 sec. duration. On Cook Point, northwest point of Kealakekua Bay; 25 feet high; 190 cp., visible 10 miles. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On Kukailimokus Point, -north of entrance to Kallna Bay; 32 feet high; 190 cp., visible 10 miles. On westernmost point of island; 43 feet hi;170 op., visible 10 miles, Eclipse. 0. 9 sec. 2d flash... 0. 3 sec. Eclipse. 4. 5 sec. Period. 6 sec. Flash 1 sec. duration. About 0.2 mile northwest from viliage, Kawaihae Bay; 59 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. Flash 0.5 sec. duration. On south side of anchorage; 64 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles.....Marks anchorage off railroad dock. Onkpoiant in Mahuskona Harbor. 20 feet high, 15 cp. 550 yards 764' from preceding. 35 feet high, 15 cp. With preceding forms range for approaching anMarks anchorage off railroad dock. On point, north side of Mahukonsa Harbor. 10 feet high, 15 cp. Shownonsteamer nights only. Maintained by Inter. Island Steam Navi.. gation Co. (Ltd.). On point, about 2 miles northwestward of Eleokeo Harbor; 66 feet high; 67,000 cp., visible 14 miles. Flash.. 0. 3 sec. Eclipse... 5.7 sec. Flash 0.5 sec. duration; 159 feet high; 170 op., visible 10 miles. I 7 MAUI ISLAND. Name; mark on aid. Description. Depth Character and period of light. (Establiedlast ogsignal.,ishd, l EAST COAST. EKAUIKI HEAD LIGHT.-.Fl. W., 2 sec. U. WEST COAST. HANAMANIOA LIGHT........ C Gp. Fl. W., 10 sec. U. 2 flashes. 0 MOLOKINI LIGHT............. Fl. W., 3 sec. U. McGregor Point Beacon....... LAHAINA LIGHT........... Fl. R., 3 sec. U. G Lahaina Anchorage Buoy. MALA GAS BUO Y, 2. Fl. R., 5 sec. HAWEA POINT LIGHT........... Fl. W., 5 sec., NORTH COAST. NAKALELE HEAD LIGHT STATION. U. Fl. W., 2 sec. WAIHEE REEF GAS B UO Y, 2. Fl. W., 5 sec. K. fAHULUI HARBOR FRONT | LIGHT. U. I F. R. ^ MKAHULUI HARBOR REAR LIGHT. U. F. G. KAHULUI BREAKWATER LIGHT. U. Fl. W., 7.5 sec. Spartan Reef Buoy, 1........ PAUWELA POINT LIGHT STATION. U. Gp. Fl. W., 10 sec. 2 flashes. Feet. Light gray, pyramidal tower. (1908) (300 mm a) (1914) White, pyramidal concrete tower. (1918) (300 mm a) White; pyramidal, skeleton tower. (1911) (300 mm a) White; pyramidal tower. White; pyramidal tower. (300 mm a) (1905) (1916) White; 1st-cl. tall can. Red; cylindrical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) White, pyramidal, skeleton tower. (1911) (300 mm a) White house and elevated platform. (300mma) (1908) (1910) Red; cylindrical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) White and red; house on trestle. (1922) (S1 ei) White; house on trestle. (Sl ei) (1922) Black; pyramidal, skeleton tower. (1910) (300 mm a) (1915) Black; 1st-cl. tall can. White; pyramidal skeleton tower. (1910) (300 mm a) (1922) 54 42 I Flash 0.5 sec. duration. On Puu Kii, easternmost point of island, entrance to Pueokahi Bay; 85 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. On Cape Hanamanioa southeast of Keoneoio Bay; 73 feet high; 190 cp., visible 10 miles. 1st flash-... 1 sec. Eclipse.... 2 sec. 2d flash..-. 1 sec. Eclipse.... 6 sec. Period.. 10sec. Obscured from 122~~ to 282~~. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On Molokini Island, about 2.5 miles off Maui Island; 173 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. On point, northwest side of Maalaea Bay. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. In harbor, northwest part of island; 44 feet high; 50 cp., visible 7 miles. Obscured east of 142~ and 333~. Flash 1 sec. duration. At west end of reef off Puunoa Point; 12 feet high; 40 cp., visible 6 miles. Flash 1 sec. duration. On northwest point of island; 75 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. Flash 0.5 sec. duration. On Nakalele Point, northernmost point of island; 173 feet high; 190 cp., visible 9 miles. Flash 0.5 sec. duration. On west side of approach to harbor; 12 feet high; 130 cp., visible 8 miles. 22 feet high, 30 cp........1 Maintained by 1 Kahului Railroad Co. About 650 yards 162i~ fromJ preceding; 34 feet high, 30 cp. Flash 1.5 sec. duration. On breakwater, 25 yards from outer end, east side of entrance to harbor; 39 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. East side of approach to harbor. On point, east side of approach to Kahului Harbor; 135 feet high; 190 cp., visible 10 miles. 1st flash.... 1 sec. Eclipse... 2 sec. 2d flash..... sec. Eclipse.... 6 sec. Period.. 10 sec. 106 72 1 8 KOLOKAI ISLAND..' ~'~';:..:.............; ':..:..:. _ _z_: _:.. Name; mark on aid. Description. Depth, mean Remarks-Fog signal. (Established, last low Character and period of light. rebult'.) wate. rbit) water. SOUTH COAST.. PXTOO FRONT LIGHT...-. — 1F. R. U. M (PUKoo REAR LIGHT —..... F.W. U. KA MIALO POINT REEF GAS BUO Y, 1, "KAMALO." Fl. W., 10 sec. KAUNAKAKAI FRONT LIGHT. U. Fl. W., 2 sec. 0 M ~ x KAUNAKAKAI REAR LIGHT. Occ. W., 4 sec. U. Entrance Buoy, 1I......... Entrance Buoy, 2............. Entrance Buoy, 3............. WEST END. LAAIT POINT LIGHT........ Gp. Fl. W., 10 sec. U. 2 flashes. NORTH COAST. Lantern on white pole. (L o) (1907) Lantern on white pole. (L o) (1907) Black; cylindrical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) White; pyramidal, skeleton tower on house; triangular daymark, apex up. (1907) (300 mm a) (1912) White; pyramidal, skeleton tower; triangular daymark, apex down. (1905) (300 mm a) (1912) Black; 2d-cl. can.. Red; 2d-cl. nun... Black; 2d-cl. can.. White; pyramidal, skeleton tower. (1882) (375 mm a) (1912) Feet....... Front light, 25 feet high, 5 cp.; rear, 30 feet high, 20 cp. Exhibited once a week and when required. Maintained by InterIsland Steam Navigation Co. (Ltd.). Flash 1 sec. duration. On point of reef; 10 feet high; 130 cp., visible 8 miles. 40....... Flash 0.5 sec. duration. In village; 27 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. 200 yards 35~ from preceding; 40 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles. Light...... 2 sec. Eclipse... 2 sec. 32 30 28 On bluff near point southwest end of island; 151 feet high; 390 cp., visible 11 miles. 1st flash-.... Isec. Eclipse... 2 sec. 2d flash..... see. Eclipse-.. 6 sec. Period.. 10 sec. Obscured from 189~ to 286~. Marks approach to anchorage, south part of west shore of peninsula of Makanalua; 10 feet high, 5 cp. Exhibited once a week, and when required. Maintained by Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. (Ltd.). On Kalawao, north part of Makanalua Peninsula; 213 feet high; 620,000 cp., visible 21 miles. Flash...... 0.3 sec. Eclipse.... 9.7 sec. KALAUPAPA LIGHT............. Lantern on front....... F. R. U. of red building. (L o) MOLOKAI LIGHT STATION. Fl. W., 10 sec. ( ) (1923) White, octagonal, pyramidal tower. (2 iov) (1909) OAHU ISLAND. EAST COAST. MAKAPPUT POINT LIGHT STATION. Occ. W., 9 sec. White, cylindrical tower. (Hr iov) (1909) On Makapuu Head, southeast point of island; 420 feet high; 29,000 cp., visible 28 miles. Light- -.. 7.5 sec. Eclipse.... 1.5 sec. Obscured west of 11~ and may be obscured from 161~ to 171~ by Manana Island, from points northward of that island. 9 OAHU ISLAit. Name; mark on aid. Description. Depth, omean UBeiRemarks —Fog Signal. Character and period of light Estb las t later'I1 -'-'',,. I SOUTH COAST. DIAMOND HEAD LIGHT STATION. t. Gp. Occ. W., 10 sec. I. sector. 2 eclipses. HONOLULU HARBOR LIGHT STATION. Gee. W., 6 sec. HONOLULU CHANNEL FRONT LIGHT. U. F. R. HONOLULU CHANNEL REAR LIGHT. U. F. R. OUTSIDE ENTRANCE GAS BUO Y, 2. Fl. R., 5 sec. I Entrance Buoy, 2............ E NTRA C E GAS m BUOY, 1. Fl. W., 5 sec. I LIGHT NO. 4............. F.R. UT. LIGHT NO. 3............ F.W. 'U. x CHANNEL GAS BUO Y, 5. Fl. W., 3 sec. I White; pyramidal concrete tower. (1899) (3 ei) (1917) Gray; square tower, on dwelling. (1870) (4 o) (1910) White pyramidal wooden frame tower and broad white stripe, on roof. (L1 ei) (1918) (1920) White; rectangular slatted daymark on skeleton tower, on roof. (1918) (LI ei) (1920) Red; cylindrical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) Red; Ist-cl. tall nun. Black; cylindrical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) Red; 3-pile concrete structure. (1906) (LI o) (1918) Black; 3-pile concrete structure. (1906) (LI o) (1913) Black; cylindrical; skeleton superstructure. (200 mm a) White pole.... (1919) (ei) White, conical tower. (4 iov) (1890) (1912) White; pyramidal tower. (1920) (300 mm a) I '~ Feet...... On southwest side of head; 147 feet high,. visible 18 miles; W., 25,000 cp.; R., 7,500; cp. 1st eclipse. 1.5 sec. Light.... 2.0 sec. 2d eclipse.. 1.5 sec. Light.... 5.0 sec. Period, 10 sec. Obscured northward of 110~ and 272~; red from 99~ to 110~. On east side of Sand Island; 44 feet high;: 490 cp., visible 12 miles. Light.-. —. 4 sec. Eclipse- -. 2 sec. On roof of Pier No. 7; 62 feet high; 850 cp., visible 13 miles. On McCandless Building, about 620 yards 29~~ from preceding; 112 feet high; 1,400 cp., visible 15 miles. 90 Flash 1 sec. duration; 10 feet high; 40 cp., visible 6 miles. 69 33 Flash 1 sec. duration; 10 feet high; 130 cp.,, visible 8 miles. 13 Oneast side of channel; 15 feet high; 50 cp.. 14 36 I kHONOLULU FORT LIGHT. F. G. BARBERS POINT STATION. Gp. Fl. W., 5 sec. 2 flashes. STREET U. LIGHT II l i On west side of channel; 15 feet high; 160' cp. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On west side of channel; 10 feet high; 130 cp. On pier 9, near angle at foot of Fort Street; 40 feet high; 15 cp. On southwest point of island; 43 feet high; 44 000 cp, visible 12 miles. 1st fash.- 0.1 sec. Eclipse. 1. 1 sec. 2d flash.. 0.1 sec. Eclipse. 3.7 sec. Period. 5 sec. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On extreme westerly end of Oahu Island; 65 feet high; 190 cp., visible 10 miles. Obscured from 243~ to 333~. _ -,,.... KAENA POINT LIGHT.......... Fl. W., 3 sec. U, I... ~c"e _ - -,,. ~~~~~~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 KAUAI ISLAND. Name; mark on aid. Description. Depth, aer n(Establi shed last nmeanl Remarks-Fog signal. Character and period of light. (Established last lowater. rebuilt. water. I NORTH COAST. KILAUEA POINT LIGHT STATION. Gp. Fl. W., 10 sec. 2 flashes. EAST COAST. ANAHOLA BAY. KAHALA POINT LIGHT..,.._ Fl. W., 3 sec. U.. Anahola Front Beacon...... I /; Anahola Rear Beacon...... HANAMAULU BAY. AHUKINI LIGHT............... F.R. U. Hanamaulu Bay Buoy, 1......... Hanamaulu Bay Buoy, 3........ Hanamaulu Bay Buoy, 2........ A hukini Harbor Buoy, 4......... Ahukini Harbor Buoy, 6.......... NAWILIWILI BAY. NAWILIWILI HARBOR LIGHT..... F. W. KUKII POINT LIGHT.......... Fl. W., 2.5 sec. U. SOUTH COAST. MXAAHUENA POINT LIGHT STATION. U. Fl. W., 6 sec. Lanipuao Rock Buoy, 2.......... HANAPEPE BAY (PORT ALLEN). ELEELE HARBOR LIGHT......... F.R. U. HANAPEPE LIGHT........ Occ. W., 2 sec. R. sector. U. WAIMEA LIGHT........... F.R. U. White conical tower. (2 iov) (1913) White; pyramidal, skeleton tower. (1908) (300 mm a) (1912) White; horizontal cross board, on pole. White; circular daymark, on pole. Small unpainted wooden tower. (1922) (L ei) Black; 2d-cl. can.. Black; 2d-cl. can.. Red; 2d-cl. nun... Red; 2d-cl. nun... Red; 2d-cl. nun... White mast and house; brown roof. (LI o) (1906) White; pyramidal tower. (1916) (200 mm a) White; pyramidal concrete tower. (1908) (300 mm a) (1922) Red; 2d-cl. tall nun. Red lantern on white pole. (1910) (L ei) White; pyramidal, skeleton tower. (1912) (300 mm a) Lantern on white pole. (L o) (1907) Feet.,,.... On northernmost point of island; 216 feet high, visible 21 miles; 240,000 cp. 1st flash.. 0.2 sec. Eclipse.. 2.3 sec. 2d flash.. 0.2 sec. Eclipse.. 7.3 sec. Period. 10 sec....F.. Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On point, south side of entrance to Anahola Bay; 40 feet high; 170 cp., visible 10 miles....... 165 yards 217~ from preceding. 54 36 42 25 25 On southeast point of bay; 40 feet high, 15 cp. Maintained by Tnter-Island Steam Navigation Co. (Ltd.). At channel entrance. } To be established........ On Ninini Point, north side of entrance to bay; 65 feet high; 160 cp., visible 9 miles. Flash 0.5 sec. duration. On point on north side of, and in Nawiliwili Bay; 47 feet high; 70 cp. Flash 1 sec. duration. On southernmost point of island; 80 feet high; 190 cp., visible 10 miles. 45....... 48 feet high, 5 cp. Maintained by Kauai Island Ry. Co. On Puolo Point, west side of entrance to Hanapepe Bay; 30 feet high; W. 170 cp., visible 10 miles; R. 50 cp. Red from 261 to 282~, covers Lanipuoa Rock. Light....... sec. Eclipse..... 1 sec. Exhibited whenrequired. Marks approach to anchorage for Waimea Landing, northwest part of Waimea Bay; 40 feet high 5 cp. Maintained by Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. (Ltd.). 11 KAUAI ISLAND. Name; mark on aid. Description. Depth, mean Remarks-Fog sigilal. Character and period of light. (Established last low rebuilt.) water. SOUTH COAST. Feet. Makaweli Reef Buoy........... Red; 1st-cl. nun... 60 IOKOLE LIGHT....-....... White; pyramidal,....... Flash 0.3 sec. duration. On Kokole Point, Fl. W., 3 sec. U. skeleton tower, southwest point of island; 34 feet high;, (1908) (300 mm a) 170 cp., visible 10 miles. (1912) MIDWAY ISLANDS. SAND ISLAND. MIDWAY I S L A NDS White mast and...... On Observation Spot, north end of Sand LIGHT. U. house. (Llo) Island; 73 feet high; 160 cp., visible 9 Seward Roads Front Day Black, ci rcular...... On sand dune on west side of south part of' Beacon. slatted day Sand Island. [yS ~ mark; white cross onface,and Mb$~ SJt~ ~ pole with cross[S p piece on top. M Seward Roads Rear Day Black; pole sup-.... On sand dune on south part of Sand Island, ] Beacon. orting two X 141~~ from preceding. boards.. fWelles Harbor Front Day White; wooden....... Onsand dune on south edge of group of five; E> I Beacon. triangle, apex dunes, northwest point of Sand Island. [~ Welles Harbor Rear Day White mast and....... 1141~ from preceding. Beacon. (Midway Is- house. lands Light structure.) The Hook Buoy............... Black and white; 38 On line marked by Welles Harbor Range 2d-cl. can. Day Beacons. GUAM ISLAND. PORT APRA. a Port Apra Entrance Front i Beacon. PM Port Apra Entrance Rear Beacon. Entrance Buoy, 1................ Cable Front Beacon........ Cable Rear Beacon.......... Middle Ground Buoy, 6.......... Channel Buoy, 4............... Inner Reef Buoy, 6............... White; wooden triangle, apex up. White; wooden triangle, apex up. Black; Ist-cl. iron spar. Black and white; white diamondshaped latticework daymark at top of iron spar. Black and white; white diamondshaped latticework daymark at top of iron spar. Black; Ist-cl.can.. Red; Ist-cl. tall nun. Red; Ist-cl. tall nun. 122 About 450 yards off Soumaye Point. On Fort Santa Cruz, northern end, 1,130 yards 105~ from preceding. Marks southwest end of Calalan Bank and Spanish Rocks. On reef, 875 yards 323~ from Fort Santa Cruz. On reef, 670 yards 98~ from precedng. Vessels should not anchor south of range.. On south end of shoal. Marks 22-foot spot on right of entrance range. Marks west end of reef north of Soumaye. 60 22 84 12 GUAM ISLAND. Name mark on aid Description. Depth, Name; mark on aid, m(Established, last n Remarks-Fog signal. Character, and period eight. (Established, last low rebuilt.)..... PORT APRA. Feet. Middle Reef Buoy, 8............. Red; nun........ 18 Marks northwest point of shoal north of Soumaye..Reef Buoy, 10.-................ Red; 2d-cl. nun- -. 84 Marks north end of reef. Mooring Buoy, A............ Red; cylindrical... 132 Transport buoy. Mooring Buoy, C................ Red; cylindrical.. 120 Schooner buoy. Mooring Buoy, B................ Red; cylindrical.. 120 Station ship buoy. Mooring Buoy........... Red; 3d-cl. nun.. 35 Lighter buoy; in Pocket or Hole in the Wall, near Cabras Island. Mooring Buoy, D................ Red; cylindrical.. 58 Typhoon mooring. BSoumaye Channel Beacons (2).. Outboard red, in- 6 Mark channel through reefs between Cabras board bla ck; and Soumaye. steel tube.;Soumaye Boat Channel Beacons. Starb o a r d r e d,....... Mark entrance to channel to Soumaye. (2) port white; steel tube. HOLE IN THE WALL LIGHT..... Skeleton tower, 3 On east side of cut through reef. 27 feet F. W. U. on cylind r i c al high; 140 cp. tank, on square concrete block. (1913) (HI o) (1923) Piti Boat Channel Beacons (20). Starboard r e d,....... Mark channel to Piti; 10 on port side; 10 port black; steel on starboard side. tube. SAMOAN ISLANDS. TUTUILA ISLAND..AJUNlUU ISLAND LIGHT..... White; square.u..a.. On northeast point of island; 250 feet high; F. R. U. pyramida 150 cp., visible 9 miles. structure. (4 o) BREAKER POINT LIGHT. White; sq u a r e.. On east side of entrance to harbor; 188 feet F. W. U. p y r a m i d a i high; 490 cp., visible 12 miles. Visible structure. (4 o) from channel between Tutuila and Aunuu Islands around into inner harbor of Pago Pago.. PAGO PAGO HARBOR White; square... On north shore of harbor; 75 feet high; I FRONT LIGHT. U. pyra mid a. 150 cp., visible 9 miles. ~ z F. R. structure. (4 o) " P PAGO PAGO HARBOR White; square 100 yards 343~ from preceding; 150 feet REAR LIGHT. U. p y r a m i d a high; 150 cp., visible 9 miles. F. R. structure. (4 o) P Whale Rock Buoy, 1.. Black; Ist-cl. can.. 150 G Grampus Rock Buoy, 2........ Red; Ist-cl. nun..- 8 -Pi Goat Island Beacon, 1........ Column on square.... On edge of reef east of island. base. Goat Island Beacon, 2........ Column on trian-... On edge of reef north of island. gular base. Fagatoga Reef Beacon, 3...... Column on square....... On edge of reef north of Fagatoga. pyramidal base. INDEX....., I Introduction and explanation of tables...... Arrangement of List................ Abbreviations.......................... Bearings............................... Bell and whistling buoys.............. Buoy colors, numbers, and shapes....... Candlepowers of lights.................. Caution regarding buoys................ Character of lights abbreviations, etc.... Collisions of vessels with aids to navigation................................. Correction of Light and Buoy Lists...... Day beacons..................... Defects in aids to navigation, reports of.. Depths........................... Description of buoys.................... Distances............................. Heights.......................... Laws for the protection of aids to navigation.................................. Lighthouse tenders...................... Names of aids................... Period.................... Publications other..................... Sectors in lights....................... UTnwatched lights...................... Visibility of lights table of distances....... Whistling and bell buoys...................Ahukini Buoys, and Light, Hanamaulu Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii..................... Analakeiki Channel, Maui Island, Hawaii.... Anahola Bay, Kauai Island Hawaii........ Anahola Range Beacons, Kauai Island, Hawaii..................................... Aunuu Island Light, Tutuila Island, Samoan Islands.................................... Barbers Point Light Station, Oahu Island, Hawaii.................................... Blonde Reef Gas and Bell Buoy, and Southwest End Buoy, Hilo Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii........................ Breaker Point Light, Pago Pago Harbor, Tutuila Island, Samoan Islands.......... Cable Range Beacons, Port Apra, Guam Island.................................... Cocoanut Island Reef Gas Buoy, Hilo Bay, Hawaii Island. Hawaii Island.............................,Cocoanut Point Beacon, Hilo Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii..................... Diamond Head Light Station, Oahu Island, Hawaii.................................... Eleele Harbor Light, Hanapepe Bay (Port Allen), Kauai Island, Hawaii............. Entrance Buoys, Hilo Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.................................. Entrance Buoys, Kaunakakai Harbor, Molokai Island, Hawaii........................ Entrance Buoy, Port Apra, Guam Island.... Fagatoga Reef Beacon, Pago Pago Harbor, Samoa.................................. 'age. 1 1 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 10 7 10 10 12 9 5 12 11 5 5 9 10 5 8 11 12 Page. Hanamanioa Light, Maui Island, Hawaii.... 7 Hanamaulu Bay Buoys, Kauai Island, Hawaii....................................... 10 Hanapepe Bay (Port Allen), Kauai Island, Hawai................................. 10 Hanapepe Light, Kauai Island, Hawaii...... 10 Iawaii Island............................... 5, 6 Hawea Point Light, Maui Island, Hawaii... 7 Hilo Bay Channel Buoys, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.................................. 5 Hole in the Wall Light, Port Apra, Guam Island.................................. 12 Honolulu Harbor Lights, Gas Buoys, and Buoys, Oahu Island Hawaii............. 9 Hook Buoy (The), Welles Harbor, Midway Islands.................................. 11 Hookena Light, Hawaii Island Hawaii...... 6 Hoopuloa Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii,.... 6 Inner Reef Buoy, Port Apra, Guam Island.. 11 Kaena Point Light, Oahu Island Hawaii... 9 Kahala Point Light, Anahola Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii............................ 10 Kahului Harbor Range Lights, and Breakwater Light, Maui Island, Hawaii....... 7 Kailua Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii...... 6 Kalae Light Hawaii Island Hawaii......... 5 Kalaupapa Light, Molokai Island Hawaii.. 8 Kamalo Point Reef Gas Buoy, iolokai Island, Hawaii.............................. 8 Kauai Island, Hawaii..................... 10,11 Kauhola Point Light Station, Hawaii Island, Hawaii............................... 6 Kauiki Head Light, Maui Island, Hawaii.... 7 Kaunakakai Harbor Molokai Island, Hawaii. 8 Kaunakakai Range Lights, and Buoys, Molokai Island, Hawaii......................... 8 Kawaihae Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.... 6 Keahole Point Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. 6 Kilauea Point Light Station, Kauai Island, Hawaii.................................... 10 Kokole Light, Kauai Island, Hawaii....... 11 Kuhio Bay Buoys, and Range Lights, Hilo Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii........... 5 Kukii. Point Light, Nawiliwili Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii............................ 10 Kukuihaele Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii... 6 Laau Point Light, Molokai Island, Hawaii.. 8 Lahaina Anchorage Buoy, and Light, Maui Island, Hawaii............................ 7 Lanipuao Rock Buoy, Kauai Island, Hawaii. 10 Laupahoehoe Point Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.................................... 5 Maalaea Bay, Maui Island, Hawaii......... 7 McGregor Point Beacon, Maalaea Bay, Maui Island, Hawaii............................ 7 Mala Gas Buoy, Lahaina Anchorage, Maui Island, Hawaii............................ 7 Mahukona Lights Range Lights, and Beacon, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.................... 6 Makahuena Point Light Station, Kauai Island, Hawaii......................... 10 Makaohule Beacon, Mahukona Harbor, HawaiiIsland, Hawaii....................... 6 Makapuu Point Light Station, Oahu Island, Hawaii.............................. 8 Makaweli Reef Buoy, Kauai Island, Hawaii.. 11 Maui Island, Hawaii................... 7 Middle Ground Buoy, Port Apra, Guam Island..................................... 11 Middle Reef Buoy, Port Apra, Guam Island.................................... 12 Midway Islands Light....................... 11 Molokai Island, Hawaii................... 8 Goat Island Beacons, Pago Pago Harbor, Samoa..................................... 12 Grampus Rock Buoy, Pago Pago Harbor, Tutuila Island, Samoan Islands............ 12 Guam Island, Pacific Islands................ 11,12 (13) 14 Page. Molokai Light Station, Molokai Island, Hawaii....................................... 8 Molokini Light, Maui Island Hawaii........ 7 Mooring Buoys, Port Apra, Guam Island.... 12 Nakalele Head Light Station, Maui Island, Hawaii.................................... 7 Napoopoo Lights Hawaii Island, Hawaii... 6 Nawiliwili Bay, auai Island, Hawaii....... 10 Nawiliwili Harbor Light, Kauai Island, Hawaii................................... 10 Oahu Island, Hawaii................. 8,9 Outside Entrance Gas Buoy, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu Island, Hawaii................. 9 Pago Pago Harbor Range Lights, Tutuila Island Samoan Islands.................... 12 Paukaa Point Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. 5 Pauwela Point Light Station, Maui Island, H awaii................................... 7 Peepeekeo Point Light, Hawaii Island, Hawaii....................................... 5 Piti Channel Light, and Boat Channel Beacons, Port Apra, Guam Island............. 12 Port Allen (Hanapepe Bay), Kaui Island, Hawaii.................................... 10 Port Apra, Guam Island.................. 11,12 Page. Port Apra Entrance Range Beacons, Guam Island...................................... 11 Pukoo Range Lights, Molokai Island, Hawaii. 8 Beef Buoy, Port Apra, Guam Island........ 12 Samoan Islands-............................ 12 Sand Island, Midway Islands................ 11 Seward Roads Range Day Beacons, Sand Island, Midway Islands................... 11 Spartan Reef Buoy, Kahului Harbor, Maui Island, Hawaii............................ 7 Soumaye Channel Beacons, Port Apra, Guam Island................................... 12 The Hook Buoy, Welles Harbor, Midway Islands................................... 11 Tutuila Island, Samoan Islands............. 12 Waiakea Light, Hilo Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii.................................... 5 Waihee Reef Whistling Buoy, Kahului Harbor, Maui Island, Hawaii.................. 7 Waimea Light, Kauai Island, Hawaii....... 10 Welles Harbor Range Day Beacons, Sand Island, Midway Islands..................... 11 Whale Rock Buoy, Pago Pago Harbor, Tutuila Island, Samoan Islands........... 12 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON D. C. AT 20 CENTS PER COPY. PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.-PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 V I I x.~ k gn 1 I I I